HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 26 (5/6/1974 - 7/7/1975) ., 1. C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF MAY 6, 1974 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: .TE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL `)-74 CURRENT b 61 ,221 .54 PARKS & RECREATION 11 , 120.99 ARTERIAL STREET 28.43 CITY STREET 40937.47 LIBRARY 835.87 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME T (PEI) 405. 19 WORK INCENTIVE FUN (WIN) 278.70 NEW CAREERS 93,04 REG & STREET FWD TIIRUST 20,210.38 URBAN ARTERIAL 460389,44 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 550.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 270679.27 AIRPORT 5,275.07 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 310409. 19 CENTRAL STORES 332.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1118.43 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MAY b2I1 ,885.01 -T13-74 CURRENT $ 22,295.60 PARKS & RECREATION 8,942. 31 ARTERIAL STREET 4,531.89 CITY STREET 4,490.92 LIBRARY 10,235.78 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN FUND (PEP) 483-.27, tr.. WORK INCENTIVE FUND (WIN) 208.87 NEW CAREERS 96. 17 REG & STREET FWD TH UST 38,271.00 URBAN ARTERIAL 19,657.46 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTIO 4 FUND 1,082. 34 WATERWORKS UTILITY 42, 192.42 AIRPORT 418. 34 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9,022. 16 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MAY $161,928. 53 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENr CURRENT Payroll O.T. correction $794.30 (PEP) for April. AIRPORT FUND AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND Error of 1973 interest $8,322.76 S-±5-74 CURRENT $104,053.27 PARKS & RECREATION 18,514.06 CITY STREET 18,186.71 LIBRARY 7,117.77. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) 2,893.70 #a.r WORK INCENTIVE WIN) 1,549.37 NEW CAREERS 699.53 REG & STREET FWD TH UST 185.91 URBAN ARTERIAL 10673,20 WATERWORKS UTILITIE3 13,628.86 AIRPORT 19338.14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,789.75 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of MAY 172 730.27 /1+74 CURRENT $ 9,958.44 PARKS & RECREATION 51210.77 ARTERIAL STREET 94.77 CITY STREET 11,772.26 REG & STREET FWD TI UST 64,959.43 URBAN ARTERIAL 64,094.74 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT104 FUND 81,290.32 WATERWORKS UTILITY 62853.35 AIRPORT 11,525.59 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,141.48 FIREMEN'S PENSION 7,175.89 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MAY $254,077.04 I CUMULATIVE RESERVE PARK FUND Resolution No-#1900 $ 1,99 . 3 FUND #2194 CUMULATIVE !RESERVE PARK FUND Resolution No.#1905 $ 8,665.26 FUND #2104 CUMULATIVE RESERVE LIBRARY FUND Resolution No.#1909 $ 750.00 FUND 01894 - 27-74 CURRENT $ 46,509.11 PARKS & RECREATION 4,110.58 ARTERIAL STREET 330.00 CITY STREET 9,494.11 LIBRARY 112.67 FEDERAL SHARED REV FUND 4151)384.10 REG & STREET FWD MUST 112635.81 URBAN ARTERIAL 7,291.30 1965 W & S CONSTR. FUND 4,000.00 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 49.85 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5,238.88 AIRPORT 38.88 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 567.02 S014,-7(0a-3I CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MAY $ LIBRARY PAYROLL FUND Adjust Payroll 4-30-74 $ 712.94 REG & STR®FWD THRU T PAYROLL FUND Adjust Payroll 4-30-74 103.31 URBAN ARTERIAL PAYROLL FUND Adjust Payroll 4-30-74 929.81 PARKS PAYROLL FUND Adjust Payroll 5-15-74 53.03 PAYROLL STREETS FUND Adjust Payroll 5-15-74 207.06 PAYROLL PARKS FUND Adjust Payroll 5-15-74 5.51 STREET PAYROLL FUND Adjust Payroll 5-15-74 43.09 CMMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancel warrant #3705 19.95 )-74 CURRENT $101 ,764.95 PARKS & RECREATION 20,364.57 CITY STREET 130002.00 LIBRARY7, 15 1 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) „1,59 3.7© WORK INCENTIVE r, 2 So.47 m NEW CAREERS 5 204.70 Rv(; & STREET FWD TI RUST URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,1 .24 WATERWORKS UTILITI S 13,3'900.14 1 ,3 AIRPORT _-'I8. 14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2, .75 00 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND for month of MAY . $172,039. 10 MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR �1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 3 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY 'ATTORNEY Agreement with Olympic Pipeline and Franchise Amendment COUNCIL PRESIDENT Councilman Designee for Liaison with Renton Bicentennial Steering Comrr,ittee FINANCE COMMITTEE Ball Field Lighting Funding LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rezone Washington Jockey Club & Washington Horse Breeders Association Surplus Vehicles Agreement with Olympic Pipeline and Franchise Amendment Method of Changing Speed Limits APPOINTMENTS Mrs. Lilly Kodama, Human Rights and Affairs Commission Mr. Todd Osborne, Human Rights and Affairs Commission 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 3 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attor... IN ATTENDANCE ney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; KEN WHITE, Personnel Direc- tor; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON EFT,CE;SEN, Plarninq Director and CAPT. ERNEST TONDA, Fire Dept. Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MINUTES OF MAY 27, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. C0pRP, ,0.NDF +°:E Letter fro- Public Works Director Gonnason requested acceptance of " Y SP. _�� ^ 'c-r Avp. iiortt+ 'nd South �roJ act 3s of 613/��r a-nd final t of $14,145.29 to Bellevue Bulldozing, contractor. The Firal Payment letter requested that if after thirty days, no liens or claims are Bellevue filed against this project and proof of payment of tax .liabilities Bulldozing is received, it is recommended payment of retained amount of CAG-2070-72 $32,842.20 be made to the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED Rainier Ave. N&S BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIREC- TOR. CARRIED. Rezone R-773-74 Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Washington Jockey recommendation that Washington Jockey Club and Washinqton Horse Club & Wash. Breeders Association, Inc. Application R-773-74 rezone from G to MP Horse Breeders be approved for 1 .8 acres located southeast of Longacres Race Track Association at the east end of the Track's southerly parking area. The letter stated existing use as grass parking area with proposed use as horse auction facility and permanent general offices and library. --� MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant took no part in this matter. Surplus Vehicles Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested permission to dispose of 13 vehicles within the Equipment Rental Fund which have been re- placed during the past few months; vehicles consist of four Ford & four Dodge sedans, station wagon and four Chevrolet pick up trucks. MOVED v ' CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Reception An invitation was extended by the Community of St. Anthony Church Honoring to Mass and Reception in honor of Father Thomas Lane for 25 years Father Lane service as Pastor; Mass will begin 12:00 noon 6/9/74 at St. Anthony Church, So. 4th and Morris Ave. So. with the reception in the Parish Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. George R. Lee, 711 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , complained of a horse being tied in the neighborhood for over two weeks , that calls to the various departments and visits by the Animal Control Officer and the Building Dept. officials were of no avail . Planning Director Erickser advised that this appears to be zoning ordinance violation. Public Works Director Gonnason reported they will proceed with any needed No enforcement. Mayor Garrett noted the matter would be investigated. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Community Services representatives of the Olympic Pipeline Co. and the City Planning Committee Department staff along with Councilman Delaurenti on 5/29/74 to fur- Olympic Pipeline ther specify conditions the City has set concerning the additional 1 Renton City Council Meeting of 6/3/74 - Page 2 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Olympic Pipeline 20" line requested 5/7/73. Councilman Grant reported agreement Request for as follows: (1 ) The donation for park purposes of land through Franchise which pipeline will be routed from Lake Ave. S. to the marshy Amendment land below. (2) Easement for trail purposes along route of pipe- line contained in Puget Power's rights-of-way that are fee-owned by Puget Power. (3) Agreement by Olympic Pipeline Co. to properly revegetate areas disturbed by construction. (4) Agreement by Olympic to add trees as per City recommendation along portion of pipeline adjacent to SR-167. (5) At such time as Lind Ave. is extended to the Pipeline Station in the Valley, the existing access road will be made available to the City by easement or purchase, whichever ,200 Olympic desires. (6) A letter and/or restrictive covenants stat- ing that Olympic and Mobil 's easterly 30 feet will be left in its natural state or revegetated suitable for screening to the City's satisfaction if the need arises, the easterly 10 feet of this 30 feet will be donated to the City for trail purposes. (7) $3.00 per lineal foot franchise fee, plus an annual fee, and possibly an inspection fee. Coun::ilman Grant submitted letter addressed to the Mayor and Council which stated these conditions agreed to by Mr. Max Farr, Olympic Pipeline Right-of-Way Agent. The letter also stated Mr. Farr would prepare Letter of Agreement on these items not added to the franchise agreement. The letter further stated Councilman Grant felt a negative declaration on the project could be provided. Councilman Grant explained the environmental impact statement requested by Council 8/20/73 had been reviewed by the Planning Dept. and Community Services Committee; that the shut-off valves requested by Planning Dept. have been included. Mr. Max Farr of the Olympic Pipeline Co. reported the franchise fee mentioned in Item (7) would amount to $13,719 with annual fee of $830. Mr. Farr reported easements had been obtained for 100% of right-of-way through private property. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER COUNCILMAN GRANT SUBMITTED.OUTLINING THE SEVEN CON- DITIONS BE MADE PART OF RECORD OF THIS MEETING AND ALONG WITH THE FRANCHISE AMENDMENT BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED ... BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY OF RENTON DECLARE THAT OLYMPIC PIPELINE HAS DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND GO ON RECORD THAT NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IMPACT IS RECORDED. Discussions ensued wherein the City Attorney advised that no public hearing is required under either Federal or State laws r e environmental impact state- ments. Councilman Grant noted that Olympic Pipeline has committed in the range of $30,000 to the City in property donations and fran- chise fees; that the company is desirous that construction be accomp- lished during this summer. ROLL CALL: AYE-CLYMER, DELAURENTI , BRUCE. NO-PERRY STREDICKE AND GRANT. MAYOR GARRETT CAST AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. In further discussions the City Attorney noted that the franchise matter involving terms , conditions and fees was legislative matter to be determined by the Council ; that the physical work involving public property and requiring permit and the aspect of the environ- mental impact statement relationship is an administrative matter and the responsibility of the public official issuing the permit. MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IMPACT. MOTION CARRIED. Ball Field Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported that monies Lighting received for Little League ball field lighting are deposited into Park Fund Acct. No. 101/362. 10, Rents and Royalites (Energy) which is used for all park lighting. Moved by Perry, Seconded by Bruce that the remainder of funds needed to meet added increase to ball park lights, be authorized and the matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Councilman Grant noted $3,750 was added to ball field lighting, $305 having been raised with more promised. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO FINANCE COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO THE MATTER OF FUNDING BALL FIELD LIGHTING. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 6/3/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued 6-Year Street Transportation Committee Chairman Perry noted 6-yr street plan under Plan study, report forthcoming next week; notices had been mailed out to determine if Renton Hill L. I .D. favorable, response awaited. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee report presented by committee Personnel Report Member Stredicke concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Todd Osborne to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. MOVED BY Appoints STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Human Rights & RECOMMENDATION CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Affairs Mr. Todd Osborne Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the appointment Mrs. Lilly Kodama of Mrs. Lilly Kodama to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Insurance Councilman Stredicke noted the Finance and Personnel Committee was reviewing bids received for City's insurance; that 60 to 90 day extension received on present policy from William F. Davis Agency; no recommendation at this time. Traffic Speed MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MATTER OF THE METHOD Limits OF CHANGING SPEED LIMITS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDED CHANGE IN THE TRAFFIC CODE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Perry inquired re environmental impact statement for Environmental Shell Oil Co. and was advised by Planning Director Ericksen that Impact Remarks the Planning Dept. had requested, with public hearings called by the Planning Commission. City Attorney Shellan noted the environmental impact statement is requested by the responsible E. I.S. gathers Public official , who is someone within the executive or administra- facts for tive portion of the City who issues permits; that the legislative determination body has right to request or make recommendations but in the final on issuance of analysis that particular department or official will be the respon- permit. sible public official ; it is administrative function , not legisla- tive. Shellan noted under the law it is the City who is to prepare the evnironmental impact statement and not the applicant. Upon further inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Attorney Shellan noted Now the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine issued by the Supreme Court that when an issue is coming before Councilman he is restrained from discussing merits of the case privately whether he is for or against the matter. Being in protest and adhering to the belief that the members of the legislative body can request environmental impact statements , Councilman Grant left the meeting. Council President Clymer reviewed E. I .S. matters and expressed belief that the environmental impact statement could be requested by anyone even citizen, however issuance is with responsible authority, that requiring an environmental impact statement is requesting the City to prepare, not the applicant. Clymer also urged Councilmen to be informed on matters but to remain neutral . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee recommendation presented for #4030-4037 Void payment of vouchers # 4038 through 4144 in the amount of $166,064.79 #4038-4144 O.K. 'd having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT VOUCHERS #4038 through #4144 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. L. I .D. 284 Councilman Stredicke noted Ordinance for L. I .D. 284 placed on first Jones Ave. N.E. reading 5/27/74 would be held for another week pending Public Works Committee report. ORDINANCES AND .�. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented three ordinances which had been placed on first reading 5/27/74, recommending second Ordinance 2855 and final readings: Terms of Members Human Rights & An ordinance amending City Code Boards and Commissions setting 4-yr Affairs terms of members of the Commission on Human Rights and Affairs was Commission placed on second and final readings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. I 7 Renton City Council Meeting of 6/3/74 - Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2856 An ordinance amending City Code, Boards and Commissions, setting Terms of Members term of office of members as four years for the Planning Commission, Planning was placed on second and final readings. Following readings , it was Commission MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.. CARRIED. Ordinance 2857 An ordinance amending City Code, Boards and Commissions for terms Terms of Members of members of the Park Commission for 4 years from the date of appoint- Park Commission ment, was placed on second and final readings. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1911 Resolution presented which recognized Bicentennial Steering Committee Bicentinnial & as official entity to coordinate plans and undertakings for the Diamond Jubilee City's "Diamond Jubiled' celebration for the City's 75th anniversary Anniversary in 1976 in conjunction with the U.S. Bicentennial Anniversary. The resolution concurred in the designation of Mrs. Margaret Anderson Celebration and Mr. Stewart Pope as Co-chairman of the Steering Committee. MOTION Culminates Week BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. Prior to CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF COUNCIL Labor Day 1976 DESIGNEE TO ACT AS LIAISON, BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT. Resolution 1912 A resolution was presented which adopted the Shoreline Master Program Shoreline aster dated June 1974, meeting requirements of RCW 90.58.080 and the Program Shoreline Master Program; upon final approval by the Dept. of Ecology the provisions of the Master Program constitute regulations for various affected shorelines located within the City. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stredicke reviewed various public hearings and revisions incorporated into document. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 10:03 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk V 4ARRANT UISTRIBUTIU4 DATE 6/03/74 BEUIN ENDING TOTAL OARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUr!aa DESCRIPTIOA NUj1dER NUMBER WARRANTS J�/� CURRENT 4038 4069 $204749062 PARKS AND RECREATION 4070 4084 VP 350@86 CITY STREET 4085 4093 $21665948 LIBRARY 4094 4097 $771434 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 4098 4101 $299063 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 4192 4104 $27dt70 CA ELRQ 4105 4107 $93,04 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 4108 4109 $14) l52l55 URBAN ARTERIAL 4113 4110 $65134 j WATERiORKS UTILITY 4111 4122 $951642115 AIRPORT 4123 4129 $4# 911 #38 EWJIPMENT RENTAL 41jU 4142 $18o023j3O FIREMEN PENSION 4143 4144 SIA061 # 40 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CUUNCILj HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCnANOISE AIDC/CR SERVICES HAVE 6EEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED] DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUWCHERS NO , 4038 THROUGH NUo 4144 IN THE ANOUINT OF 5166jQb4s7y THIS OJ OF JUNE 74 fffff FI ANCE COMM EE lllLc�- t C'!l�ll rr rrr...rr- rr..r.r rr.rr COMMIT EE MEM9Ek rw-. r r•rrrl(1. .w.-ii-rrs •••r COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER CITY CaMIL CCMMITTEE MEETING CALRM Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCNMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COMIL MEETING OF June 3. 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CO1MdITTEE Tues. , 6/11 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd floor Lunchroan 001K LAITY SERVICES Thurs. , 6/6 6:45 P.M. GRANT ity Hall Ar. Ericksen invited FINANCE AND PERSCNNEL SCHELLERT LEGGISLATICN & INTER- Mon. , 6/10 7:00 P.M. STREDICEE GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 6/10 :15 P.M. DLL,AURENTI irman's Office Mr. Darby and Mr. Shellan invited at 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC WOKS Thurs. , 6/6 :00 P.M. BRUCE rd Flr, Conf. Roca, Mr. Gonnason and Mr. Shellan invited TRANSPCR.TATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATICN CCbITTEE Wed. , 6/4 4:00 P.M. CLYMER Ith Flr, Co if. Rcx= Review architect's figures. Del Bennett and John Morse ro be present SENICR CITIZENS FACILITY domw= COUNCIL MEETING Thurs. , 6/6 8:00 P.M. until Chambers Public Hearing - Sign Code Revisions STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. Tues. , 6/11 7;30 P.M. Carso Theatre 6-Year Street Program 10 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 6, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF P/W DEPT. BUILDING PERMITS NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3733 $150,000 Dr. Oscar Schmuland 300 Pelly Ave. No. New Dental Clinic MECHANICAL PERMITS M3916 250 Virgil L. Warren 4301 N.E. 11th St. Inst. 80,000 BTU Gas Furnace 3917 300 Virgil L. Warren 4301 N.E. 11th St. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3918 500 Scott McBee 2609 Edmonds Ave. NE - Inst. 100,000 BTU gas furnace 3919 3,000 Valley General Hosp. 400 S. 43rd St. Inst. plumbing and fixtures M3920 9,000 Vaughn-Reetz Co. 913 Thomas S.W. 5 Gas htrs, air cond. & exh. hood 3921 7,163 Vaughn-Reetz Co. 913 Thomas S.W. Inst. Plumbing & fixtures 3922 2,400 Dr. Sullivan 119 N. Pelley Inst. 3-ton air cond. unit ELECIRICAL PERMITS E4669 1,259 Bob Edwards 150 S.W. 7th St. Wire new Marina Bldg. 4670 325 Jack Heric 1900 Aberdeen NE Inst. serv. panel, dryer & range outlet, meter socker 4671 100 James Kent 2109 N.E. 6th Pl. Wire addition 4672 500 J.C. Penney Co. 700 S. 3rd St. Attach 4 circ, to cash stands 4673 35 R. A. Fowler 315 N. Wells Rewire per min. housing req'ts. 4674 50 Dr. Oscar Schmuland 300 Pelley N. Install temporary service SIGN PERMIT S365 325 Grtr. Renton Shop. Ctr. 2826 Sunset Lane NE Install wall sign 11 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 6 , 1974 Municipal Building Thursday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT. It was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; WARREN GONINASON, DiMbl is Werk: Director; rc1Cti RD sµF`SS; E4 Acting Fire Chief; JAMES HANSEN, BLDG.' DIV. ; MIKE SMITH, Planning Dept. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Proposed and posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on the pro- Revisions to posed revisions to the existing Sign Code. City Clerk Mead read Existing Sign letter from Sound Ford Co. President Gene Harris, requesting con- Code sideration of a change to Section 4-1914 - D. allowing banners and Letter from streamers , if properly maintained, for a $5.00 annual permit. Mr. Sound Ford Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, called on Mr. James Hansen, Buildinc Division of the Public Works Department, to explain the proposed revisions by both the Ad Hoc Committee of the Community Services Committee and the Legislation Committee. Section 4-1901-2. Purpose - was added by both committees; Section 4-1903-1 .B.- Revocable P-emits - was deleted by both committees; Section 4-1903-4 - Permit Fe-s - u._. Ad Hc-- Committee recommended $5.00 permit fee, Legislation Committee ro w -_, a25., ^ s-:-,Id be $r_.DO for busi- nn. "i r o;1:111 itee recommended i••� f��` v"V �v+i+�jQj ary cloth Siyns over PUb i i c rights-of-way be VIM reduced to $5.00; Section 4-1903-6 - Inspections - A. the Ad Hoc Committee recommended yearly re-inspection and t!ie Legislation Committee recommended periodic re-inspection; Section 4-1904-2 - Construction, C. Restrictions on Combustible Maerials, the Ad Hoc Committee made some slight changes; Section 4-1904-3 - Clearance - both committees recommended deletion of E. "Projection over Alleys" ; Section 4-1908 - Roof Signs - Ad Hoc Committee recommended deletion of the whole section, Legislation Committee recommended deletion of Paragraph 3.A only; Section 4-1910-1 , both committees recommended deletion of Tables No. 10-A and 10-B, Section 4-1910-3.A. , both committees recommended change in legal setback and Paragraph B. deleted entirely; Ad Hoc Committee recommended deletion of Section 4-1911 - Combination Signs, Legislation Conbnittee recommended change to 4-1911-3 that combination signs may not project over public property, both committees recommended additions to 4-1914 - Prohibited Signs and Devices , Ad Hoc Committee adding H. Roof Signs , i . Projecting Signs over public right-of-way, J. Combination Signs, Legislation Committee adding H. Projecting Signs over public right-of-way, Section 4-1914-3, A. was revised by the Ad Hoc Committee to add a table for years to comply, Legislation Committee revised this also with a different table. The Ad Hoc Committee added a Sign Design Review Board to this section, with application to Board of Adjustment for variance, Legislation Committee added application for variance to Board of Adjustment; Section 4-1914-4, Ad Hoc Committee added pro- vision for change of ownership for beginning of amortization period. Both committees revised Section 4-1918-3, B, the Ad Hoc Committee �. deleting roof and combination signs; Section 4-1918-3, C, added pro- visions for Motor Vehicle Dealership over 1 Acre provisions by both committees; both committees revised Section 4-1918-6, D to include approval by the Sign Design Review Board. Renton City Council Minutes of 6/6/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Sign Design The Ad Hoc Committee recommended that the Sign Design Review Board Review Board be made up of an architect, landscape architect, urban planner, another from a design-related profession, three laymen, one from the Central Business District and two from other business or shopping centers. They would meet at least once a month to review all applica- tions for recommended quality of design, square footage, artistic value, lighting, etc. The Legislation Committee recommended review by a Sign Design Review Board consisting of City staff members ; Publi Works Department Design Division Supervisor, Building Division Plan Examiner, Legislative Assistant to the Council , Mnd the Landtcap,­ Planner. There was some discussion of the delays that miga;t ^­ caused by a Board meeting once a month, or even twice a month, and the availability of City Staff members every day. AUDIENCE Mr. William J. Fritz, 216 First Ave. S. , Seattle, representing the COMMENT Business Advertising Council of Washington, spoke on hnw important it was to make definitions very clear and succinct, may arise. They would like to recommend the addition of one facet added to Section 4-1901-2 - Purpose - to provide visual identifica- tion for business. Mention was also made of the definition of Sec- tion 4-1902-19, Off-Premise Signs , of signs that were leased and not owned by business , just compensation for property that still had monetary value after the amortization period. Also, that it might be discriminatory to exempt theatres and auto dealers from certain provisions and to allow big business with expensive signs to amortize over a long period, while small businesses with signs valued at $500 or less would only have five years to amortize their investment and the amortization schedule should date from the effec- tive date of the ordinance, and not the installation date. Councilman Delaurenti asked Mr. Fritz asked if they could get his comments in writing for the Legislation Committee and Mr. Fritz agreed that he would give the report to the Committee. V Mr. Rog4;- Rutan, 1015 Eastlake Ave. E. , Seattle, representing Obie-Pacific Outdoor Advertising and Foster and Kleiser, spoke on Section 4-1918-3.F. Off-Premise Signs, indicating that they should be allowed to be double-faced. Ms. Vera Peat, 110 Rainier Ave. S. , West Wind Motel operator, expressed her views to coincide with the Ad Hoc Committee, and that business men and women should be allowed to participate in the Sign Design Review Board. Mr. Mike Lotto, 7812 So. Sunnycrest Road, representing the Greater Renton Highlands Shopping Center, questioned Section 4-1908-3, A - Projection of roof signs , asking effect on sign at A & H Drugs in the Shopping Center, also questioning the signs for the Mayfair Market. Mr. John L. Powers , Seattle Lumber Co. , remarked that he was in favor of relying on the City Staff as a Sign Design Review Board. Mr. Robert Hendrickson, 11541 76th Ave. S. , of A & H Drugs , inquired if the sign on his store in the Highlands Shopping Center was legal . Mr. Hansen replied that under the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation, it would not be allowed to erect a new roof sign, but the sign would fall under the amortization schedule, giving you up to 18 years, or applying for variance to keep the sign longer. Councilman Stredicke reported that under the Legislation Committee's recommendation, the sign would be a complying sign. If there was still some value in the sign after the amortization period, you could get variance for another five years, and that could also be extended. Mr. Fritz remarked that advertising value cannot be compensated for under an amortization schedule. 13 Renton City Council Minutes of 6/6/74 - Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) AUDIENCE Mr. Dan Van Eaton, 2152 N. E. 78th, representing the Renton Village COMMENT Co. , questioned the double face or single face. Shopping Center businesses were all removed from the road and the businesses depending on the sign at the entrance for advertising their businesses. Double faced sign would be limited to 150 square feet per side. Councilman Stredicke said that both the Renton Village Shopping Center and the Highlands Shopping Center, that were represented tonight, were under one ownership, but what about the businesses on the other side of Sunset Blvd. , all under different owners, and how could they insure equal treatment. Mr. Lotto remarked that the Shopping Center only owned one big sign, but that the super-market there should be allowed a reader board. Councilman Grant stated that was exactly what the Ad Hoc Committee recommended for a Sign Design Review Board, with business men participating so that each individual sign could be reviewed as to its economic importance. Correspondence The City Clerk read letter from a member of the Ad Hoc Committee, Mr. Milton Cable, of White House Realty, to the effect that he felt the community would be best served with a Sign Design Review Board made up of cross-section of the membership, as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinney, 3613 N.E. 12th St. , was also read, stating they opposed any extension of the ordinance on sign control . The Clerk read a letter from Mr. William K. Longwell , Jr. , 402 Index Place N.E. , expressing his approval of the new city Sign Code ordinance. Councilman Grant remarked there were about 400 non-conforming signs in the City, and that they were trying to beautify the city, but that there must also be consideration of the economics involved. Mr. Fritz stated if it was the Council ' s desire to take the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Sign Design Review Board, that he would recommend that they add a fourth lay member who has advertising exper- low ience. Mr. Rudy Nicolich, 19845 East Valley Highway, Kent, commented that he operates an ARCO station at that location, and had a sign con- structed advertising his automatic transmission repair service, which cost him $1 ,800. Has been thinking of moving his business to Renton, to a location on Rainier Ave. S. , but that under the pro- visions of the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation, the sign would not be legal . City Attorney Shellan gave his opinion that Section 4-1901-3 , D. Alternate Provisions - gives pretty much discretion to approve signs , which might apply for small businesses , and unless the Sign Board should reject it within thirty days , it could be handled by a Building Official . Councilman Stredicke brought up the letter from Sound Ford regarding banners and streamers. Considerable discussion ensued regarding Section 4-1914-1 ,D, Prohibited Signs and Devices, which prohibits pennants, banners , streamers, etc. It was pointed out that used car businesses had pleaded that these were necessary, and that they would be changed frequently. Mr. Ralph Osgood, 1307 N. 28th St. , representing Renton Village Cinema I and II, stated that the reader board along FAI 405 was a public service and very necessary to the business. Public Hearing It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE HEARING Closed BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Hearing was closed. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. The meeting reconvened at 10:16 P.M. with all Councilmen present as previously reported. d . Renton City Council Minutes of 6/6/74 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk Mead reported receipt of a check for $15.00 from Porcello Jewelers as a contribution for ball field lighting. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Delaurenti reported receipt of a letter from Stephen Joubert, 1035 Lynnwood Ave. N.E. , complaining of the City ordinance governing the type of gas containers that could be filled, and had discussed the matter with the Acting Fire Chief, and suggested that the Fire Prevent . ' Officer contact the gentleman and explain that this is the Federal and State Code, and the City adopted the ordinance to conform. Citizen Councilman Stredicke inquired of Public Works Director Gonnason if Complaint he had any report on the horse tied up in a residential district that Mr. George R. Lee, 711 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , had cGmplained of. Mr. Gonnason reported that he couldn 't report as yet that the horse had been removed, but that the department was working on the problem. Adjournment It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 P.M. Delores A. Mead, 'City Clerk it RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 10 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE RIBCO request LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance LID 275 - Final Assessment Transfer re Community Fellows Program Speed Regulations Ordinance (First Reading 6/10/74) Rezone Ordinance (First Reading 6/10/74) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Parking Petition PUBLIC HEARINGS LID 275 Final Assessment - July 8, 1974 [ 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 10, 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . M I N U T E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN GEORGE J. PERRY AND WILLIAM J . GRANT EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANC; Director; JOHN K. PAIN, JR. , Asst. City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; DICK GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; DON STARK, Admini- strative Asstistant; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 3, 6/3/74 1974 MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. MOVED 6/6/74 BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MINUTES OF JUNE 6, 1974 COUNCIL MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mr. Ed Davis , representing the Renton Downtown Merchants Association, PRESENTATION Downtown Liaison Committee, extended appreciation and recognition "Spirit of of the leadership in the restoration of the core area of the City, Cooperation" thanking the Mayor, Council and Staff for a job well done, hoping to continue to work together for the future betterment of the community. Mayor Garrett acknowledged the presentation on behalf of the City Officials and pledged continuted progress for the City to be achieved by working together toward established future goals, making Renton a better place to live and work. CORRESPONDENCE & Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted final costs CURRENT BUSINESS for the Rainier Ave. Underground Utility Improvements Project, L. I .D. L. I . D. 275 No. 275, with final costs in the amount of $37,089.75. The letter Rainier Ave from recommended the date of July 8, 1974 for public hearing on the final S. Grady Way to assessment roll . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR N. City Limits IN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION, SETTING DATE OF 7/8/74 AS PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. RIBCO Letter from Jean DeSpain, Chairman of the River Basin Coordinating River Basin Committee, noted basin-wide plans for water quality, water resources , Plans urban drainage and solid waste management are nearing completion with final hearings in the fall after which the Metro Council will take action on the pian recommendations. The RIBCO letter enclosed summaries of the recommendations, asking for comments and that the City Council arrange a presentation on one or all of the RIBCO plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER RIBCO PLANS AND REQUEST TU THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. Community Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested transfer from the Fellows Program General Fund into Salaries of $2,860 and referral to the Legislation Committee in order to continue the Community Fellows Program which the Planning Department has been participating in under a H.U.D. 701 Grant which funds graduate planning students to work in Planning Departments under an intern program. The letter noted the City is required to pay the salaries and H.U.D. reimburses 81% during interim periods. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR WITH REQUEST OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE low LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Petition for A 14 page petition bearing 611 signatures which had been filed with Parking in with City Clerk, was presented. The petition started with the name South Part of Agnes G. Comer, ending with Mary Briet and stated the proprietors and City. patrons of business establishments in the south part of Renton request a meeting with a view to solving the parking problems they felt existed in that part of the City, fearing businesses may have to close if situation not corrected . Councilman Stredicke noted Renton City Council 17 Meeting of 6/10/74 - Page 2 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Core Area these petitions had been on the counters in various businesses that Parking are removed from the newly installed parKing on Burnett Ave. S. (Continued) Stredicke inquired re installation of directional signs for parking and was advised by Public Works Director that the signs had been installed. Motion by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert, refer petition to the Transportation Committee to meet with people. Asst. Planning Director Magstadt noted petitioners were not the same citizens he had been meeting with regarding parking. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO MEET WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE SUBMITTED THIS PETITION. CARRIED. Six-Year Street Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason suggested the date of Ww Construction Monday, June 24, 1974 for required public hearing on the annual Program revision to the City's Six-Year Street Construction Program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR AND SET DATE OF 6/24/74 AS PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted the Transportation Committee has been working with the Public Works Department on this plan. Revision of Councilman Bruce asked for progress report on the revision to Parking & the Parking and Loading Ordinance for the downtown area, and was Loading advised by Councilman Schellert that the matter is being studied Ordinance by committee of the Planning Commission, recommendation forth- coming within two months. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was presented, proclaiming Flaa Day, Honor America June 14, through Independence Day, July 4, 1974, as Honor America Days Days and called upon all citizens and organizations to recognize 6-14 through these days with appropriate programs and ceremonies. MOVED BY 7-4-1974 CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer noted attending 25th Anniversary for Father Thomas Lane of St. Anthony's and suggested special City award for Special Award 25 Years of service in the church and civic community. Mayor Suggested Garrett concurred. ` w Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Report noting the June 6, meeting with Mr. and Mrs . Robert Fawcett regard- ing their concerns with Local Improvement District 284, sanitary L. I.D. 284, sewers in the vicinity of Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and Sanitary Sewers N.E. 44th St. The report recommended that the ordinance ordering Jones Ave. N.E. construction of the L. I.D. be placed on second and final reading between N.E. 40 and adopted. Mr. Robert Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. N. , asked that and N.E. 44th project be delayed until he could make further investigation of alternatives. Upon further inquiry from Fawcett, Public Works Director Gonnason noted application for federal funds had been sub- mitted 6 months ago, a total of two years could expire before actual receipt of money; noting plans had been developed in conjunction with the Newport Sewer District taking into account the May Creek interceptor scheduled for 1975 or later. Councilman Schellert ex- plained the final hearing on any L. I.D. where Council sits as the Board of Equalization, that any property can only be assessed pro- portionately to the amount of benefit from the project. Mr. Fawcett asked what other alternatives he had and was advised by Schellert and Stredicke to join with other neighbors or injunction by courts; both Councilmen expressing belief situation had been thoroughly reviewed by the Public Works Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS AND ADOPTED. CARRIED. (See later Ordinances and Resolutions. ) rr CBD Progress Upon request by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason reported progress on downtown Renton redevelopment, noting completion of pole removal is unknown element, that the benches would not be accepted until problems corrected. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Schellert noted his attendance at Finance Officers conven- tion June 2, through June 6, that data processing and program budget- Finance Officers ing were discussed; report to Councilmen forthcoming. Convention 18 Renton City Council Meeting of 6/10/74 - Page 3 Councilman Stredicke asked for evaluation of possible joint ownership Parking -- of alleys behind buildings which could be opened up to parking of Street Sweeping customers. Stredicke inquired re street sweeping of downtown area and suggested the five nights a week sweeping as done, be shifted so that Monday morning the streets have been cleaned. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended #4145-4156 Void payment of Vouchers #4157 through 4225 which have received depart- #4157-4225 O.K. mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been #4215 Voided received or rendered, in the amount of $21 ,815.07, plus L. I.D. 276 Plus LID-276/PhII Phase II Cash Warrant $916.89 and Revenue Warrant $916.89. MOVED Warrants BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT VOUCHERS #4157 THROUGH #4225 INCLUDING LID PAYMENTS. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Roll call : All present as previously stated. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for RESOLUTIONS first reading relating to speed regulations. City Clerk Mead read First Reading the ordinance adopting State Speed Laws and such speed regulations Speed Regulations issued by the Public Works Department and concurred by the City Council . MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Rezone R-773-74 first reading changing classification of property from General to Manufacturing Park for 1 .8 acres located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of the Track's southerly parking area. Following reading of the rezone ordinance (Washington Jockey Club & Washington Horse Breeders Association) , MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDIPANCLE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2858 Legislation Committee presented ordinance for second and final L. I .D. 284 Sewers reading which had been placed on first reading 5/27/74 (see earlier; Jones Ave. N.E. approval Page 2) ordering construction and installation of sanitary lines in the vicinity of Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and N.E. 44th St. Following readingsit was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1913 Legislation Committee presented resolution recommending adoption Surplus Vehicles which declared 13 vehicles surplus and authorized the Purchasing Agent to advertise for sealed bids to dispose of the items. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECION D By SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. PILDJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MEETING ADJOURN. Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. A4!:tt_� �,- "-ec De ores A. Mead, City Clerk 19 4ARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE, 6/10/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT W4RRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTIOv NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 4157 4186 37, 350999 PARKS AND RECREATION 4187 4208 $4♦ 40506 TERIAL STREET 4209 4209 963. 17 CITY STREET 4210 4213 $218+ 82 PE' s,. AND STREET FWD THPUSTVaib44d,�:_ Sa7oo 4214 4216 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4217 4223 $8, 784985 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4224 4225 3479168 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS i WE, THE UNpEPSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FI" ANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTrENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEF RECEIVED OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOJCHERS NO. 4157 THROUGH NO* 4225 IN THE AMOUNT OF ^'� ^' T-IIS 10 OF JUNE fffffff FINANCE COMM TTE L.I.D.276—Phase II,—RETAINAGE C M ITTEE ^IEM R R-5 $916.89 GL C-5 $916.89 - - -a+.�wni►�Fp1 ....»........... COM`1ITTEE MEMBER i w w•i tel...ii,r....i.s�A�..A w�1 w COMMITTEE MEMBER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Q Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS S�UL£1) AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 10, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN UICATION REMARKS AVIATION OOWITPEE Tues. , 6/11 7:30 P.M. S MEDICKE 2nd Floor COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AMID PERSONNEL SC HE .r FRT LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 6/1.7 7:00 P.M. SZ'REDICKE 6th Flr.. GOVERNMENTAL Wed. , 6/19 7:30 P.M. 6th Flr.. PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 6/17 7:15 P.M. D1 AURENT l PUBLIC WOKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION COMMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Tues. , 6/11 7:30 P.M. CAROO Theatre 6-Year Street Program 21 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 13, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF P/W DEPT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUN'' ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3734 $1 ,500.00 The Living Memorial. 2424 N.E. 27th St. Const. Closet&Storage Room Kennydale Suspend ceiling 35 262.500.00 Vaughn Reetz 913 Thomas SW Const Off. Warehouse NW36 1.800.00 Floyd Chase 205 Williams N New Gutters & Siding 3737 2.500.00 Howard Enterprises 925 Houser N Const. Storage Shed 3738 3.000.00 A & H Drugs 301 S. 3rd Const. Bearing Partitions 3739 3.000.00 James E. Banker 405 S. 7th Const. Foundation For Off. 3740 6.480.00 Dale Chatham 2403 NE 23rd Const. Two Story Add. 3741 32. 500.00 Louie B. Breezee 126 Pelly N Const. New Duplex 3742 900.00 Torero Corporation till S. 3rd Remove Wall - Install Door 3743 1.200.00 Lawrence Bauer 2417 NE 27th Const.for storage 3744 3.000.00 Marion A. Coulter 554 Pierce SE Const.. Addition 3745 800.00 Damian Kunz 3509 NE 17th Pl Sm. Addition To House MECHANICAL PERMITS M 3923 1.176.00 McKinney Const. 1725 Lincoln SE Install Furnace ?924 1.600.00 Hillis Homes 2907 Morris S Install Plumb & Fix 3925 30.000.00 Central Puget 550 SW 7th St Install Air Units 3926 4.800.00 Dura Development 1150 Union NE Install Plumb & Fix 3927 7.200.00 Dura Development 1150 Union NE Install Plumb & Fix 3928 6.400.00 Dara Development 1150 Union NE Install Plumb & Fix 3929 4.800.00 Dura D3velopment 1150 Union NE Install Plumb & Fix 3930 2.000.00 Donald Dana 521.9 Pipley Ln. Installed Utilitys 3931 50.00 Dale Chatham 2403 NE 23rd Install Sink 3932 300.00 Roy Woodbury 3509 NE 10th Install Gas Conv Burner 3933 250.00 Austins Pharmacy 220 Wells S. Install Water Htr. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E. 4675 200.00 Roy Johnson 334 Williams N Three Elect. Htrs. 14676 250.00 Carl Cook 201 S. 3rd U/G Conversion 4677 500.00 LDS Social Services 200 S. 3rd U/G Conversion 4678 500.00 Bob Edwards Renton Center Lighting Panel 4679 975.00 Dr. Ochs 200 S. 3rd U.G. Conversion 4680 V.A. 1536 Vashon NE Install Circuits 4681 100.00 Dale Chatham 2403 NE 23rd Wire Addition 4682 2.600.00 Boeing Monotractors 22 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 17 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Lease Agreement between City and School District #403 - Sartori School LEGISLATION COMMy?-'FEE Public Hearing of Final Assessment Roll - L. I .D. 276 Ordinance Establishing Position of Airport Director Resolution Transferring Funds from the Contingency Fund for Demolition Costs for Mill Ave. S. property Rezone Ordinance for Nesheim, Bitney & Grouws property COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Service Station Limitation in City PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Cascade Sewer District Agreement L. I .D. 284 - Problems Raised by Mr. R. A. Fawcett PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR L. I .D. 284 - Problems Raised by Mr. R. A. Fawcett TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Stop Sign at Intersection of Index Ave. N.E. and N.E. 9th Street APPOINTMENTS Mayor' s Appointment of Russell A. Olson as Patrolman, Renton Police Dept. Six month probationary beginning July 1 , 1974 Ied v RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Municipal Building June 17, 1974 Monday, 8:00 P.M. M I N U T E S Council Chambers BALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMEk, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, IN ATTENDANCE Deputy City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DON SHARP, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; JAMES MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director; and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent, representing the Finance Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 10, JUNE 10, 1974 1974 MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and PROPOSED posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Meeting on the proposed annexa- ANNEXATION tion of the Shady Lane area to the City. Letter from the Planning Depart- SHADY LANE ment was read defining the area of the proposed annexation, which con- sists of 3.8 acres contiguous to the City, located along Sunset Boulevard and 138th Avenue S.E. (Duval Avenue) . The 1974 assessed valuation for the area is $77,000 and land uses include a retail nursery, an auto parts store, a lumber yard, a single-family dwelling, and an undeveloped parcel . The Public Works Department has reviewed the signatures on the Letter of Intent and found that the petition is valid, and it was recom- mended by the Planning Department that the City Council accept the pro- posed annexation because it would be a logical addition to the City and a negative declaration of impact as the annexation appears to have neither a major norsignificant impact on the environment. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt displayed a map of the area recommended to be annexed and also the single-family area to the north, lying between the recent Eastwood Park Annexation and the proposed annexation. This area should have been included in the annexation to create a more logical boundary, however, the owners in this area have opposed annexation at this time. AUDIENCE Mr. James Dalpay, P.O. Box 2436, Renton, stated that development of COMMENT any portion of that area cannot be achieved without sewers, so the annexation was needed for that reason. Mr. Jack Stewart, 926 Kirkland Avenue N.E. , representing the land owners , and upon inquiry, answered affirmatively concerning acceptance of the City's Comprehensive Land Plan, zoning and assumption of pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL, BEING AMENABLE TO THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, ACCEPT THE LETTER OF INTENT, REQUIRE ADOPTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND PLAN, ASSUMPTION OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, IF ANY, AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 75% PETITION. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Public Hearing Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommending approval of and Final Costs the final costs of $179,965.08 to be charged against L. I .D. 276, L. I .D. 276 Kennydale Industrial Sanitary Sewers, and the date of July 15, 1974 be set for the Public Hearing on the Final Assessment Roll . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE DATE OF JULY 15, 1974 BE SET FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FINAL ASSESSMENT AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes of 6/17/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Continued) Rezone - GS-1 to Clerk read letter from the Planning Department conveying the recommenda- L-1 , Nesheim, tion of the Planninq Commission that the City Council hold a Public Hearing 3itney & Grouws on the request for rezone of the property located on S.W. 16th Street Appl . R-764-74 between Oakdale Avenue S.W. and Pacific Avenue S.W. The Planning Commission had previously approved the rezone subject to applicants filing the Declara- See Later tion of Restrictive Covenants relative to setbacks and landscaping. Appli- Action cants , however, have not signed these covenants and requested a rehearing from the Planning Commission which was denied. It was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 8, 1974 ON THE REZON After considerable discussion regarding the need for the City Council to hold a public hearing on a rezone and that the signing of Restrictive Covenants was strictly voluntary by the owners, the MOTION CARRIED. Cascade Sewer A letter was read from John F. Robinson, 10625 S.E. 176th St. , Renton, District Attorney for the Cascade Sewer District, regarding a proposed agreement Agreement between Cascade and the City of Renton on a U.L.I .D 11 , in the vicinity of Valley General Hospital , there being some confusion as to which properties should be served by the City and which should be served by Cascade Sewer District. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett was read requesting concurrence in the appoint- ment of Russell Arthur Olson to the position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, replacing Carl E. Trent, who resigned effective June 1 , 1974. The appointment will be effective as of July 1 , 1974, subject to the six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer gave a brief report on his attendance at the Association of Association of Washington Cities ' convention, being especially impressed Washington with the seminar on the Energy Crisis in cities , and the need for cities to take the lead in conservation of energy. He reported that the Associa Cities Conven- tion of Washington Cities now has a 100% membership of the cities in the tion State of Washington. Legislative Mr. Clymer also reported receipt of a communication from the Personnel Aide Position Director who had interviewed all the applicants for the position of Legislative Aide and had recommended four of them who had the highest qualifications for the Council to select one. Donation for Councilman Grant presented a check from the Greater Renton Pony League Ball Field in the amount of $75.00 as a donation for ball field lighting. Lighting Councilman Grant reported that Mr. and Mrs . Robert A. Fawcett had con- L. I.D. 284, tacted him regarding the Public Hearing on L. I .D. 284, and asked some Sanitary Sewers questions regarding the Engineering on the L. I .D. as they were being Public Hearing assessed over $17 ,000, and they felt they had not had an adequate Public Hearing. Councilman Delaurenti remarked that he concurred with Council President Clymer' commendation onthe Association of Washington Cities ' Convention and he had written a two-page report and urged all the Council members to read it. Two Lease Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the committee's recommenda- Agreements tion of an extension of five years of an existing lease with Renton Renton Aviation,Aviation, Inc. for $880.96 per month and a one-year lease on the Stanke Inc. Hangar and City Hangar No. X-5 at a monthly rental of $263.71 . The Committee recommended approval of both leases subject to City Attorney's ... approval as to form. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes of 6/17/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Appointment of The Aviation Committee recommended that the Airport Director assume Airport Director the additional duties as Deputy Public Works Director, funding for As Deputy his salary at 75% Airport/25% Current Fund and that the Airport Director of secretary would also serve the dual role as Secretary to both the Public Works Deputy Director of Public Works/Airport Director and the Public Works Director with funding for her salary at 70% Airport/30% Current Fund. Airport Director The Committee also recommended that the position of Airport Director Position to be be established by City ordinance with appointment by the Mayor and Established by confirmation by the City Council , in order to guarantee a continued Ordinance aggressive management program for Renton Municipal Airport. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE -. RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. MOTION CARRIED. Lease of Sartori The Legislation Committee report concurred in the proposed lease agree- School for Us( ment between the Renton School District and the City of Renton for a of Senior portion of the Sartori School building for senior citizel activities , Citizens and recommended the City Attorney draw up a final draft of the lease agreement to be presented to the School Board on Thursday, June 20, 1974. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Limit Number of Councilman Stredicke said that a year ago, the newspapers carried a Service Stations front page story asking the City to limit the number of service sta- tions in the City. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Street Signs Councilman Stredicke remarked that there were still no street signs in the vicinity of S. 2nd Street and Logan Avenue and it was causing confusion. Mr. Gonnason said the signs were delayed because of the Puget Power strike and it wasn 't practical to put back the old signs as it would be a duplication of effort. Punch Boards and Councilman Stredicke inquired what the City was doing about regulating Pull Tabs punch boards and pull tabs. Mayor Garrett said the City does not have jurisdiction until July 24th and Councilman Delaurenti said there would be a proposed ordinance within two weeks. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer requested the Council to approve Council- International man Delaurenti 's attendance at the International Fire Chiefs Convention. Fire Chiefs MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT MR. DELAURENTI BE AUTHORIZED Convention TO ATTEND THE CONVENTION. MOTION CARRIED. Stop Sign at Councilman Bruce inquired of the status of the stop sign requested at Index Ave. N. E. the intersection of Index Ave. N.E. and N.E. 9th Street. Some discussion & N. E. 9th followed, Mr. Gonnason remarked that the City did not put stop signs at all intersecting streets , less than 25% were so marked. Streets inter- secting with arterials have stop signs. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke, that the subject stop sign be installed. Councilman Schellert asked the City Attorney for an opinion on the question. Mr. Shellan replied that the Council had the right to overrule any depart- ment head , but that the Council was a legislative body. Councilman Clymer remarked that he did not think the Council was just a legisla- tive body, it was also for the citizens to voice their opinions and wishes. Councilman Grant remarked that this was a citizen complaint, Mr. Gary Hoffman asked for the sign. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Funds Transfer Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported that there was a recommenda- Demolition of tion from the Mayor' s Office for a transfer of funds from the contingency Buildings at fund for the demolition of the City-owned buildings at 211-215 Mill Ave. S. 211-215 Mill S. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE QUESTION OF FUNDING FOR THE DEMOLITION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. t s Renton City Council Minutes of 6/17/74 - Pa e 4 NEW BUSINESS (Continuedq VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment #4226-4236 Void of Vouchers #4237 through #4472 which have received departmental certi- #4237-4472 O.K. fication that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered, #4319 Voided in the amount of $197,440.17, plus L. I .D. 281 Revenue Warrant #3, $21 .00 Plus L. I .D. 281 and L. I .C. 281 Cash Warrent, $21 .00. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Warrants DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #4237 THROUGH #4472, INCLUDING LID PAYMENTS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for second RESOLUTIONS reading relating to speed regulations. Deputy City Clerk Motor read Ordinance 2859 the ordinance adopting State Speed Laws and such speed regulations Speed Regulations issued by the Public Works Department and concurred by the City Council . First reading MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED 6/10/74 AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Grdinance 2860 Legislation Committee presented ordinance for second and final reading Rezone G to M-P reading which had been placed on first reading 6/10/74 changing the zoning classification of property from General to Manufacturing Park for 1 .8 acres located southeast of Longacres Race Track at the east end of th{ Track's southerly parking area. Following reading of the rezone ordinance (Washington Jockey Club and Washington Horse Breeders Association) , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Councilman Grant was absent from the chambers for the voting. Resolution 1914 Legislation Committee presented resolution recommending adoption trans- Funds Transfer f erring $2,860 from General Fund unto Salaries Account for salaries paid two graduate planning students working in a Community Fellows Program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dean Bitney, 1082 Anacortes Ave. N.E. , representing Nesheim, Bitney & Grouws , Application for Rezone R-764-74, from GS-1 to L-1 , property located on S.W. 16th between Oakdale and Pacific Aves. S.W. , asked for consideration of rezone reported during Correspondence this date. Recess MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Roll Call : All present as Ind previously shown. Nesheim, Bitney After various motions to change the date of the hearing on this matter, & Grouws Rezone it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO HAVE THE HEARING ON THE REZONE THAT EVENING. After considerable discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor called on Mr. Magstadt, Ass 't. Planning Director, who had set up a map of the area to be rezoned , to explain the points of disagree- ment. The Planning Commission asked a setback of 60 feet from F.A. I . 405, but the property owners objected as the Rivily property in that area had been allowed a 20 foot setback. Applicants were willing to sign the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants on all other boundaries , but requested 30 foot setback from F.A. I . 405. Mr. Charles Grouws , 3201 S. 115th, Seattle, one of the partners in the enterprise, remarked that the property was 30 feet below and not visible from the freeway. After some more discussion, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Clymer, that the Council grant the rezone with the restrictive covenants agreed to except the 60 foot setback from F.A. I 405 would be reduced to 30 feet. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AGREED TO BY THE APPLICANTS BE ACCEPTED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDI- NANCE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Robert A. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. North, having been granted Protest Against permission by the Council to present his wife's and his protest against L. I .D. 284 L. I .D. 284, Sanitary Sewers in andnear Jones Ave. N. E. between N.E. 40th and N. E . 44th Streets , made a presentation with a map furnished by the Public Works Department. He suggested alternate plans for the engineer- 27 Renton City Council Minutes of 6/17/74 - Page AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued` Protest Against ing on the project. Mr. Fawcett claimed that the land is undeveloped , L. I .D. 284 with no future plans for development, however, the land had been zoned B-1 for about 14 years . He questioned exclusion of a portion of Mrs. Fawcett's property, and questioned exclusion and inclusion of other property. He noted his agreement for easement through his property with Metro for the trunk line, which allows him the right to hook-up with approval of the local jurisdiction. Mr. and Mrs . Vernon Schei , 4108 Jones Ave. N.E. , questioned the exclusion of sone of the property owned by the Munson Investment Co. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Mr. Gonnason noted that the planning of the L. I .D. had been done by the City's Utilities Engineering Division, in conjunction with Metro and New- port Hills Water District. Councilman Stredicke asked if a defer- ment of payment could be applied for in cases of hardship. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, City Attorney Shellan noted that any change in the L. I.D. boundaries would necessitate forming a new L. I .D. Moved by Grant, seconded by Perry, to instruct the Public Works Department to delay any work on this L. I .D. and refer to the Community Services Committee. Dis- cussion ensued, Mr. Fawcett requesting that the L. I .D. be terminated. Amended motion by Grant, to refer to the Public Works Committee instead of the Community Services Committee failed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ON THE PROBLEMS RAISED BY MR. FAWCETT. CARRIED. Councilman Delaurenti remarked that he was going up to the site with Mr. Gonnason and invited the rest of the Councilmen to go with them. Kiwanis Air Councilman Stredicke announced the Kiwanis Air Fair to be held August Fair 8/17-18 17th and 18th at the Airport. The Aviation Committee will be working with the Club. Also, the Cessna 170 Club will hold its national meet- ing here in Renton July 20 through July 24. Sixty to ninety Cessna 170's will be at the airport with about 250 participants . Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. The Council Meeting adjourned at 11 :17 P.M. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/17/74 BEGIN ENUNG TOTAL' WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTIONNUMBER NUMBER WARRANTt CURRENT 4237 4190 *32#525045 PARKS AND RECREATION 4291 4312 *7# 667083 ARTERIAL, STREET 4313 4313 *3006000 zo, .73 CITY 6TREETVo#,ogl/3f9 4314 4333 LIBRARY 4334 4375 *7#532026 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 4376 4377 *381084 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 4378 4378 *196069 NEW CAREERS 4379 4379 *97007 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 4380 4388 *58#363003 U"'3AN ARTERIAL 4389 6392 *80400049 W419PERWORKS UTILITY 4393 6411 *470425002 AIRPORT 4412 4417 *487003 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4418 4444 *30245093 FIREMEN PENSION 4445 6472 *6#967030 TOTAL OF AL4 WARRANTS MEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON ... CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED# DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 4237 THROUGH NO* !0 97 yya, 07 4472 IN THE AMOUNT OF riHa THIS 17 OR JUNE iiiiiii PINAI COMMITTEE L,I.D,281, Revenue Warrant #3, $21.00 L.I.D.281, Cash Warrant #3, $21.00 •• • • IT EE MBER women"•.. ••• ••-----•--a••.w.,�, COMMITTEE MEMB • ••s •qe•.a mama Mona" 0 r_. CITY CCUL, JOWITTEE MEETING CA 1MAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDL 12) AT CITY CXNNCIL MEETING OF Jun, 17, 197L CONMI= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION OCIUITTEE Wed, 6/19 7:00 PM SIREDICKE Requested City Attorney to meet with Airport Director & Mr. 1undberg re: Airport Restaurant COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL, SCAT LF7GISLATION & INTER- Wed. 6/19 7:30 PM STREDICKE 6th Floor GOVERNMENTAL Mon. 6/24 7:00 PM 6th Floor Conf. Room PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 6/24 7:30 PM DELAURE TTI Chairman's Office PUBLIC WC KS Thurs. 6/20 7:30 PM EFUCE 4th Floor Conf. Room TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTIM MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CCMff= CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY i <�0 v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 20, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING .DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3746 $750.00 N.A. Magnuson 3400 East Valley Rd. Const. Restroom Building 3747 Mike Lotto 3210-3218 Sunset Blvd. Level I-ots 3748 4.500.00 Robert Edwards Renton Center Replace Store Front 3749 44,550.00 Norm Ihlenfeldt 1805 Lincoln SE Const. Fam. Res. 3750 6.000.00 Wash. Jockey Club Longa.cres Const. Tote Board EI,EC'IRICAL PERMITS E4683 900.00 Clara Hoff 360 Bronson NE Install Electric Heat 4684 5.382.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire Building 4685 10.764.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg. 4686 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 6 Unit Apartment Bldg 4687 5.382.00 Dura Compnay 1150 Union NE Wire 6 Unit Apartment Bldg 4688 7.176.00 Dura, Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Unit Apartment Bldg 4689 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Unit Apartment Bldg 4690 10.765.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg 4691 10.764.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg 4692 10.764.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg 4693 7.176.00 Dura ComMany 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Apartment Bldg 4694 8.970.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 10 Apartment Bldg 4695 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Apartment Bldg 4696 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Apartment Bldg 4697 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Apartment Bldg 4698 7.176.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 8 Apartment Bldg 4699 10.764.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg 4700 10.764.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 12 Apartment Bldg 4702 5.382.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire 6 Apartment Bldg 4702 897.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Wire Recreation Bldg 4703 2.500.00 Black Angus 95 Airport Way Install 5 Light Poles 4704 150.00 N.A. Magnuson 3400 East Valley Rd. Install Li,ght,Heat,Fan 4705 200.00 William Schreven 1324 Monroe NE Add Two Circuits 4706 50.00 Ruby J. Swanson 3419 NE 8th St. Wire Electrical Panel 4707 650.00 Kelso Const. 1808 Aberdeen SE Wire Single Fam. Res. ..r MECHANICAL PERMITS M3934 1.000.00 Robert J. Phelps 3821 Lk. Wa. Blvd N Install Plumb & Fix 3935 150.00 N.A. Magnuson 3400 East Valley Rd. Install Sink & Closet 3936 9.000.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Inst. PlLu b & Fix 3937 9.000.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Inst. Plumb & Fix 3938 6.000.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Inst. Plumb & Fix 3939 6.000.00 Dura Company 1150 Union NE Inst. Plumb & Fix 3940 650.00 Kelso Const. 1808 Aberdeen SE Install Air Heating SIGN PERMITS 5366 150.00 Golf West 301 S. 3rd St. Install Wall Sign 367 VOID 368 14.500.00 Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory N Install Pole Sign 369 300.00 Renton Center Renton Center Install Wall Sign 370 600.00 Rainier Village 534 Rainier S Install Pole Sign SEWER PERMITS 2037 James Bragfield 4016 NE 7th St Connect side sewer 2038 Bob Edwards 150 SW 7th St Connect side sewer 2039 150 SW 7th St Connect storm sewer VW 2040 Harris Watson 1319 Kennewick NE Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 24 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Candace Kittleson Summons and Complaint of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Law and Justice Agreement MAYOR'S OFFICE AND CITY'S REP TO METRO COUNCIL Investigate possibility of re-routing Metro bus from Winsor Way to Sunset Blvd. NE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Response to R.A. Fawcett letter PURCHASING AGENT Authorized to negotiate for sale of surplus vehicles and accept high bids LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Subject of Children unattended in parked cars Six-Year Street Construction Program TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE A ocl ation for Grant Ave. Extension RENTON CITY COUNCIL Reqular Meeting June 24 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . M I N D T E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. COUNCIL PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, and KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCILMEN HENRY E. SCHELLERT AND WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; DICK GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DAVE HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer and JULEE LaCOUNT, Human Resources Coordinator and WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1974 COUN- CIL MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Garrett presented awards to members of the Citizen' s PRESENTATIONS Shoreline Advisory Committee expressing appreciation and thanks Citizen's Shoreline for fine job of preparation of the Shoreline Master Program. Advisory Committee Those members present to receive awards were: Mr. Bob McBeth, Chairman; Mr. William Goddard, Mrs. Dorothy Herbert, Mr. Don Humble, Mrs. Sharon Neglay, and Mr. Art Scholes , Vice Chairman. Members: Mr. Robert Bignold, Mr. Robert J. Phelps , Mr. Robert Schalkle, Mr. W. Stewart Pope and Mr.Alex Cuqini , Jr. , were unable to be present. Mr. Bob McBeth thanked the City Council and Staff for support to members of the committee and noted the committee had met weekly from July, 1973 through May, 1974. Special Award Mayor Garrett presented Father Thomas Lane of St. Anthony Church Father Lane with Special Award in appreciation of 25-years service to the church and community. Father Lane noted the many changes in the City especially in the last two or three years with the beautifi- cation and new lighting, noting the City is sound and prosperous and will continue to grow for the next 25 years, enriching the community. Councilman Delaurenti presented Father Lane with humorous gift as he has been the family's pastor for many years . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published 6-Yr. Street Plan and posted , Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the Six-Year Street Program for the City for 1975-1980. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented maps of the arterial system within the City. Gonnason noted City is required by State statute to furnish to the State, our Six-Year Street Program each year, explaining the three different items making up the Program: Proposed changes to the Arterial Street Plan, the Six-Year Construction Program and the Urban Area Six Year Construction Program. Traffic Engineer Hamlin pointed out the arterials on display map as Public Works Director Gonnason noted proposed changes to the Arterial Street Plan noting deletions, additions and reclassifications and the Construction Plan. Those persons present registering objection to Grant Ave. S. Exten- sion (Collector Arterial from S. 7th St. to S. Puget Drive) : Mrs. Marilyn Conway, 903 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. Bruce Goldmann, 807 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. John Gallagher, 812 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. W. R. Taylor, 1316 10th S. ; Mr. John Julian, 1400 S. 7th; Mr. Oliver Gotti ,810 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. Wayne Pinkley, 811 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. J. C. Box, 712 Grant Ave. S. ; Mrs. Pat Fowler, 806 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. Vic LaFrenchy, 801 Grant Ave. S. ; Mr. Pat Ross , 912 Grant Ave. S.a►.... Mr. Gerald Hanger, 905 Jones Ave. S. Mr. Mario Gotti , 1005 High Ave. S. asked for alternate route off the hill , suggesting dog leg on pipeline near park. Others making comment: ilr. George Elliott, Maple Valley Hwy, Mrs. Nadine Musga, 808 Grant Ave. S. , Mrs. Pat Seymour, Planning Commission Member, inquired regarding public involvement in the Six-Year Street Construction planning process and was advised by Councilmen of purpose of public hearing, and that the Grant Ave. S. Extension plan was submitted by a Renton Hill Citizens Committee. Mrs . Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor Pl . N.E., inquired re left hand turn lane on N. E. 3rd at the Monterey light, being advised by the Traffic Engineer that no turn light planned. Mrs. Clymer asked for signals on N. 3rd railroad crossing, being advised that funds would be available soon. c) Renton City Council Meeting 30 Minutes of 6/24/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued 6-Yr. Street Plan Public Works Director Gonnason noted only budgeted projects were the S.W. 43rd St. from E. Valley to W. Valley and the Grant Ave. Extension, in addition to the 1/2t gas tax fund. Gonnason explained proposed L. I .D. for improvement of streets in the Renton Hill area and for the improvement of Grant Ave. from S.7th to S. 10th as separate local improvement district with funding at 75% city funds , then the area of S.10th to S.18th anticipated 25% city funding and 75% Transamerica Development Co. Councilman Clymer favored L. I .D. for street improvement of Cedar Ave. S. , S.4th & S. 7th. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE GRANT AVE. SOUTH SECTION OF THE PROPOSED SIX-YEAR STREET ,.� PROGRAM BE STRICKEN. CARRIED. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Delaurenti , money budgeted for Renton Hill be used for improve- ment of other streets on Renton Hill . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, QUESTION OF MONEY ALLOCATED FOR GRANT AVE. S. BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS AMENDED, INCLUDING UAB PORTION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason inquired of Council whether or not retention of the classification "collector arterial " was desired. on the Grant Ave. Extension, being advised "no." Council President Clymer inquired if the changing of classification would affect the $100,000 designated, being advised "no." AUDIENCE COMMENT Upon invitation by Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Georqe Elliott intro- duced Mr. Phil Weston from Melbourne, Australia, who is in Renton purchasing Boeing 747's and 727's for the Australian Air Lines. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10: 15 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE AND City Clerk Mead reported the June 21 , 1974 bid opening of surplus CURRENT BUSINESS vehicle equipment (see attached) . Letter from Purchasing Agent Church recommended and reported Public Works Director Gonnason Surplus Equipment recommendation to award vehicles to the high bidders and that Vehicles the Purchasing Agent be permitted to negotiate the sale of the Bid Opening four vehicles receiving no bids . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT ACCEPTING HIGH BIDS AND AUTHORIZING PURCHASING AGENT TO NEGOTIATE SALE OF OTHERS NOT RECEIVING BID. Purchasing Agent reported all high bids were at appraisal or above. MOTION CARRIED. Law and Justice, Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrencein the signing Washington State of the Interlocal Agreement for Regional Law and Justice Plan- Committee ing which was presented, in order to assure portion of the 1975 Agreement for regional LEAA allocation being made available to Renton. The 1975 Law Enforcement letter noted regional allocations would be made direct to local Assistance Funds jurisdictions , the formation of planning committee for county, agreement being prepared by King County with input from local jurisdictions with populations of 10,000 and above, exclusive of Seattle. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST, AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK_ TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed with the City Clerk by attorney for C. Kittleson Candace J. Kittleson, 1004 SW 116th , Seattle, was read, in amount of $10,065 alleging bodily injury and emotional distress. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. -- Court Case against Summons and Comnplaint No. 78201;5 of Superior Court, King County, LID 281 Contractor Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. , Plaintiff vs. B&C Contractors , for Materials Inc. , American Fidelity Fire Insurance Co. , and the City of Renton , $5,204.89 Plus was presented. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUMMONS AND Interest & Costs COMPLAINT BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. L. I .D. 284/Sewers Letter from Robert A. and Clarissa M. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. Jones Ave. N. E. North, requested sixty day extension to the usual thirty day appeal period on L. I .D. 284, sanitary sewers in Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and 44th Streets. (Ordinance ordering construc- tion was adopted 6/10/74 and appeal period will end 7/9/74. ) The letter asked extension as 30 day period needed to develop alternate plans and time needed for Public Works Director to study problems, asking that L. I .D. 284 be "killed" and alternate plans Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 6/24/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Robert A. Fawcett be developed. The letter further requested that in the event the Re: L. I.D. 284 request was denied by Council that the Mayor be instructed by the Council to reply to the Fawcetts in writing, explaining Council 's position or action. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported this matter was being reviewed by that committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, FAWCETT LETTER BE REFERRED T THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Robert A. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow N. , was optimistic that a solution could be reached, on L. I .D. 284, noting meeting with Pub- Mr. R. A. Fawcett lic Works Director on Thursday. Mrs. M. Clymer Mrs. Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor P1 . N.E. , asked re-routing for Metro Transit buses from Windsor Hills to the former route, Sun- set Blvd. N. E. Mrs. Clymer cited dangerously marrow stroe ts, steep hills and large number of children; also noting the bus schedule conveniences those working in Seattle rather than Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AND THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE METRO COUNCIL, INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF RE-ROUTING BUS. CARRIED. Letter of Letter from Allied Arts of Renton President, Peggy Bardarson , Congratulations extended appreciation and commendation for the beautification "Unique Lighting" of Renton's downtown business district, noting cooperative efforts between city government and private business. Children in Letter from Mrs. Rose M. Kay, 1231 169th Ave. N.E. , Bellevue, Parked Cars, submitted City of Bellevue ordinance for consideration as an Unattended ordinance of the City of Renton making the leaving of children under eight years old unattended in parked cars , unlawful , "Mrs. Kay hopes except where another responsible person over twelves years of for State law" age is physically present in the vehicle. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. Street Light Councilman Stredicke inquired about street light remaining lighted N. E. 4th east night and day, and was informed by Public Works Director Gonn3sor, of Methodist Church that due to Puget Power strike the .repair of the switch is delay- ed; however, Puget problem, City does not pay are,; add itiG.,?1 power costs. NEW BUSINESS Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted the airpurt tower personnel have scheduled landscaping work party at the control tower on Friday, extending the invitation to Councilmen. Special tour of improved Airport can be arranged for the Council at their request. Residents Concerned Councilman Stredicke noted receiving phone calls from residents re Safety adjacent to the Honeydew Apartment Project, Union Ave. N.E. , Honeydew Apartments and asked Public Works , Building Department inspection with unannounced State inspection. VOUCHERS FOR Finance Committee Member Stredicke presented committee recommend,. APPROVAL tion for payment of Vouchers 4481 through No. 4586 in the amount #4473-4480 Voided of $178,441 .86, having received departmental certification that #4481-4586 O. K. 'd merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. The Plus L. I. D. 285 vouchers #4473-4480 were machine voided. Committee report Warrants recommended payment of LID 285, Revenue Warrant #1-$473.75, Cash Warrant #1-$78.75, #2-$10.00, #3-$385.00. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance RESOLUTIONS replacing Resolution #1914, appropriating $2,860 from Current Fund, Excess Revenue, HUD 701 Grant, unto Planning Budget for Ordinance No. 2861 the purpose of salaries in the Planning Departmer+ under the Appropriation of Community Fellows Program. Stredicke first, second Funds - Community and final readings. Following fist reading by the Clerk, it was Fellows Program MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALI AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. 1915 Legislation Chairman Stredicke rt::o,nmended approval of resolution Demolition Houses transferring $3 ,293 for demolition of two houses on Mill Ave. S. 211 « 215 Mill S. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , S:FCONDED BY BRUCE, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED DELAURENTI , MEETING AL '1URN. CARRIED. f�� Q. City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/24/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 4481 4527 $35# 117966 'ARKS AND RECREATION 4528 4549 $2i85406 '"tITY STREET 4550 4556 $993042 LIBRARY 4557 4558 $67#83 REQy AND STREET FWD THRUST 4559 4659 $168*75 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 4560 4562 $121#528t82 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4563 6573 $16i662o20 AIRPORT 4574 4576 61508 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4577 4586 •1, 03374 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS •178P441m86 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO9 4481 THROUGH NOo 4586 IN THE AMOUNT OF $178. 441 .86 THIS 24 OF JUNE tlifttl F)NANCE CO MITTEE LID 285 Revenue Warrant #1 $473,7 ,�;,,� LiD 285 Cash Warrant #1 $ 78. 5 lo LID 285 Cash Warrant #2 $ 10. 0 y........w.. ....ww•wwwwwsssa0 LID 285 Cash Warrant #3 $385.00 COMMITTEE MEMBER,---,7 w..�w A*wwwwwwwwwwwwrY.ww COMMITTEE MEMBER , wwwwwwww.ww.wwwwwswwwwwwwwwsw� COMMITTEE MEMBER Page r Office of the City Clerk June 24, 1974 BID OPENING - JUNE 21 , 1974 SURPLUS VEHICLE EQUIPMENT * Apparent High Bidder Name and Address of Bidder A-67 A-81 A-125 A-126 B-15 C-33 C-36 C-37 C-38 A-116, 117 , 124 & A-129 # Allan B. Martin $401 .50 NO BIDS 18225 1st Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98166 A-67 - 1967 Ford 4-door Sedan A-81 - 1968 Ford 4-door Sedan Donald L. Savoy $177.00 $285.00 $155.00 A-125 1973 Dodge 4-door Sedan 3015 Mtn. View Ave. N. A-126 1973 Dodge 4-door Sedan Renton, WA 98055 B-15 - 1967 Ford Station Wagon ! C-33 - 1967 Chev 1/2 ton P/U 3 Gloria M. Minnick $380.00 C-37 - 1967 Chev 3/4 ton P/U 11215 S.E. 74th St. C-36 - 1967 Chev 3/4 ton P/U ! Renton, WA 98055 C-38 - 1967 Chev 3/4 ton P/U # A-116 1972 Ford 4-door Sedan E Gene Coulon $502.60* $677.75 A-117 1972 Ford 4-door Sedan P.O. Box 97 A-124 1973 Dodge 4-door Sedan Renton, WA 98055 A-129 1973 Dodge 4-door Sedan John Iwasaki $350.00 $475.00 $376.00 614 N.W. 3rd St. Renton, WA 98055 Vincent Hansen $559.00 $291 .00 8722 S. 113th Seattle, WA 98178 Louie Gebenini $499.00 $392.00 $565.00 $545.00 $585.00 45 Logan Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 David J. Lord $801 .00 6051 - 28th Ave. N.E. $910.00* Seattle, WA 98115 Calvin A. Roberts $550.00 14600 - 157th P1 . S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Roy Wadhams $1 ,300.00* 22444 S.E. 216th Plaf Maple Valley, WA 980.5u ray.- c Office of the City CIL � � June 24, 1974 BID OPENING - JUNE 21 , 1974 SURPLUS VEHICLE EQUIPMENT *Apparent High Bidder Name and Address of Bidder A-67 A-81 A-125 A-126 B-15 C-33 C-36 C-37 C-38 A-116, 117 , 124, & A-129 Duane R. Boltz $1 ,356.00* NO BIDS 15729 - 121st S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Kenneth J. White $226.00 $476.00 12756 S.E. 191st P1 . Renton, WA 98055 Renton Auto & Marine $325.00 $600.00* $550.00 $600.00 $600.00* 100 S.W. 7th St. Renton, WA 98055 John Ralston $365.00 12717 S. E. 167th Renton, WA 98055 James Hanson $401 .00* 13243 - 138th S. E. Renton, WA 98055 R. E. Christensen, Jr. $500.00 16110 - 120th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Stephen Brooks $555.00 1829 Harrington Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Douglas V. Meek $510.00 1909 N.E. 14th Renton, WA 98055 Lovena Benedick $638.82* $602.12 28649 - 153rd Place. S.E. Kent, WA 98055 E. A. Holcomb $677.78* .1 4400 N.E. Sunset Blvd. t-nntnn L11i QP(%:;F C* CITY CO[MIL COMMITTEE MEETING CAL iDAR 00 Office of the City Clerk - COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCIIIDULED AT CITY COUNCIL METING OF June 24, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Thurs. , 6/27 4:45 P.M SIEIDICKE 6th Floor Conf. Room Re: Restaurant Facilities at Airport COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SSE' LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 7/1 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Flr. Conf. Room GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 7/1 7:15 P.M. DELAURENTI Chairman's Office Gambling Ordinance. Bruce and Grant asked to attend. PUBLIC WOKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION Tues. , 6/25 4:30 P.M. PERRY Field Trip. Meet on D. Hamlin and W. Gonnason to arrange for car. Front Steps OTHER MEETINGS ARID EVENTS FIRE STATION COMMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZRZ FACILITY OASUTTEE i � � C T V 0 !F R N T ON MONTH OF JUNK, 1974. TO THE C I TY TR FASURER ATE FROM TO 'rOTAL -1 �3-74 CURRENT $ 20,749.6` PARKS $ REC�r_VI.ON 7,350,,5( CITY STREC=7 2,665,4� LIBRARY 771 ,3 EMERGENCY rMD0YMEN (PEP) 299,6` WORK INCEN-"VE FUND (WIN) 275 7( NEW CAREE._S 93.0 REG & STPIE7 WD THRUST 14, 152,5! URBAN ARTft AL- 65,3� WATERWORKS ',JT;' L I;TY 95,,642. 1! AIRPORT ,91 1 .3E EQUIPMENT RENTAL 15$023.3( FIREMEN'S PENSION 1 ,061 .4( CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of JUNE a 66 064,7 p 99, 6 -10-74 CURRENT PARKS & REC:R.r:.ATION 4"40 m9� ARTERIAL S.T RRZ.;oT 6S 1 CITY STREET` 213.82 REG & STREET FWD UST ` �,60 41 F1 WATERWORKS �:T7LITY S.,�78 EQUIPMENT 'I DENTAL 479.685, °�9°6 CLAIMS FUND Transfe v for month of JUNE 2� CLAIMS CURRENT FUND Carce,11 W'azrrant#0125, issued $6� 'mi in -lnrorrect amount CLAIMS FAIN' CURRENT FUND Cancel! `Wlarrant#0648, stale date $258,69 CURRENT FVT" ' PUBLIC EMPLOYEES FUND Tc correct Paya.ol2 COrtrection $11,598.60 wde in may PAYROLA., rR.))TSTREET FUND To addjusst Pa"yroll, 5-81-74 $48.09 PARK FUND PAYROLL FUND 'A°® ;lust Payroll 6®31-74 o A --17-74 URRENT $ 32 525.45 .ARKS & RECRr_�'aT I ON 7,657.83 RTERIAL STREET 3,306.00 ITY STREET 20,544,23 LIBRARY 7.532.26 EMERGENCY EMIPL: vMIEN FUND 351 .54 WORK INCENTIVE 'UND 96,69 NEW CAREERS 97,07 REG d STREET FWD TH UST 58,363o,!3 URBAN ARTERIAL 5,400.49 WATERWORKS UTJL1TY 47,,0,2502 AIRPORT 45-03 EQUIPMENT R;NTAL 3,24593 FIREMEN°S QTNSION 6,96.7.30 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of JUNE $I97,44�I77 SSB DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 6/15/74 CURRENT $ 990096.73 PARKS 8 RECREATION 250569.OZ CITY STREET 18,289.5} LIBRARY 8,222.75 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) 20287.94 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 , 195.4.3 NEW CAREERS 525.00 REG $ STREET FWD T RUST 136.64 URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,2 76 WATERWORKS UTILITIES AIRPORT 4+2. cac5 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2 18� 7S • FIREMENIS PENSION 100.0( PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of June $1730509. 19 6/24/74 CURRENT $ 35, 117.66 PARKS AND RECREAT! N 2,854.06 CITY STREET 0993.42 LIBRARY 67.83 REG $ STREET FWD TI-RUST 168©75 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI( N 1210528.82 WATERWORKS UTILITY 160662.20 AIRPORT 15038 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1033.74 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of June $1780441 .86 �-,-19-74 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancelled Warrant # 4372 $11.00 6-30/74 CURRENT cn,pC)g „C)O-, < , PARKS CITY STREET L I lif:ARY Co 6, i 9 .78 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PL11) 20380.68 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 , 194.39 NLW CAREERS 705.00 SIPLLI FORWARD THR ST 136.64 URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,229.76 WATERWORKS 13,691 .90 A I R! OR 1 ,338. 14 LQUHIMENT RENTAL 2,789.75 f-I ld-MLN°S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for Month of June $181 ,761 .47 24/74 CLAIMS FUND PARK FUND Cancelled warrants #4536, #4547 $ 403.93 24/74 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancelled Warrant #4519 $ 30,603.62 '24/74 AIRPOPT CONSTRUCT. URBAN ARILRIAL Coded incorrectly .$121 ,528.82 24/74 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Resolution #1915 3)Zg3.00 8/74 CURRENT FUND $ 250133.00 PARK FUND 230812.00 STREET FUND 32p844.00 CONTINGENCY FUND Resolution #1901 810 / 15/74 CURRENT FUND AIRPORT FUND To Adjust Payroll Breakdown $ 896. 14 POR FINANCE DIRECTOR C FFIC E OF THE CITY CSR JUNE 24, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3751 $ VOIDED "`2 80,000 Washington Horse Breeders Longacres Race Track Construct horse sales pay. 3 29,000 Q-M Enterprises 2320 Talbot Crest Dr.S.Single family residence ;.4 6,000 Jack A. Benaroya 1040 Thomas Ave. S.W. Impr. office space in whse. B3755 -- H.Williams & J. Swanson 1011 N. 1st St. Demolish. residence 3756 3,500 E. J. Bartells Co. 700 Powell Ave. S.W. Add. to PAD Shop 3757 3,000 HUD - Seattle Area Office 582 Windsor Pl. N.E. Windows, reroof, repairs 3758 3,000 HUD - Seattle Area Office 2017 Harrington Ct. NE Reroof, gutters, repairs 3759 3,000 HUD - Seattle Area Office 3620 S.E. 5th St. Repairs roof, porch, gutters B3760 2,000 HUD - Seattle Area Office 3108 S.E. 6th St. New carport roof, reroof, etc. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3941 4,500 Car Wash Ent. 621 Rainier Ave. S. 4,000 gal. gas- tank & disp. 3942 2,800 Benaroy Co. 1040 Thomas Ave. SW Heating/air Gond. unit 3943 250 Edward Shemel 525 Smithers Ave. S. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3944 1,450 Nelso Const. Co. 2029 Aberdeen Ave. SE Inst. plumbing & fixtures M3945 2,500 +iendell Hedges 211 Shattuck Ave. S. Inst. gas-oil burner 3946 1,275 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 29th Court Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3947 1,200 Robert Irwin 1720 N.E. 16th St. Inst. 120,000 BTU furnace 3948 1,700 Robert Irwin 1720 N.E. 16th St. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3919 9,000 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. - Bldg I - Inst. plumbing & fixtures M3950 6,000 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. - Bldg J - Inst. Plumbing & fixtures 3951 7,500 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. - Bldg. K-Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3952 6,000 Dura Development Co, 1150 Union N.E. - Bldg. L-Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3953 2,625 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. - Bldg. S-Inst. plumbing & fixtures 4 2,023 McKinney Construction 1725:-.Lincoln Circ. SE Inst. Plumbing & fixtures I.,.CMICAL PERMITS E4708 200 i. A. Coulter 554 Pierce Ave. S.E. Install lights & plugs 4709 300 Edward Shemel 525 Smithers Ave. S. Rewire residence 4710 1,000 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Pwr. & comm. to new tote bd. 4711 3,000 V.F.W. 416 Burnett Ave. S. Wire New serv.& 3-ton gas/c-lec. 4712 23,000 Central Puget 550 S.W. 7th St. Wire office building 4713 1,600 Jack A. Benaroya 1040 Thomas Ave. S.W. Wire office - air conditioner 4714 250 William Schreven 1324 Monroe Ave. N.E. Rewire service entrance E4715 1,100 Robert Irwin 1720 N.E. 16th St. Wire new residence 4716 125 Q-M Enterprises 2307 Talbot Crest S. Inst. temp. serv.-const. shack SEWER PERMITS 2041 Mr. Bower 3303 Talbot Rd. S. Connect side sewer 2042 Rigby Construction 3116 Morris Ave. S. Connect side sewer 2043 Dr. Oscar Schmwland 300 Pelly Ave. N. Connect side sewer 2044 Dr. Oscar Schmuland 300 Pelly Ave. N. Connect storm sewer 2045 E. J. Martinson 2400 N.E. 27th St. Connect side sewer 2046 Q-M Enterprises 2307 Talbot Crest Dr. S. Connect side sewer 40 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 1 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Letter of F. Kinney opposing gambling Proposed Gambling Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance (First reading 7/1/74) Deputy Public Works Director Ordinance (First reading 7/1/74) Airport Director Ordinance (First reading 7/1/74) COMMUNITY SERVICES TelePrompTer increase in rates request FINANCE AND PERSONNEL AND LEGISLATION COMMITTE"S EAA Grant Offer Resolution No. 1917 adopted MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Sartori Lease PURCHASING AGENT Simpson letter re bricks PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Group ealth request for use of public property L. T.D. 286, to report back 7/15 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 'equest of Frank Upjohn re median ?UBLIC HEARINGS July-T-5, Gambling Ordinance July 15, Continued Public Hearing on L. I.D. 286 August 19, Whitman Court N.E. L. I .D. 288 r APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department, Thomas M. Lopez, Permanent Position of Patrolman 7/1/74 -41 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 1 , 1974 Municipal Building , Monday 8: 00 P .M , Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Department Rep. ; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , GENE COULON, Park Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director and TED BENNETT, Accounting and Invest;;=nt Supervisor. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I.D. 286 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the proposed Sanitary Sewers L. I .D. 286, sewers in and near Park Ave. N. , Meadow Ave. N. and FAI Kennydale Area #405 between N. 40th and N. 28th St. with a total preliminary assess- ment roll in the amount of $242,017.34. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Mr. Charles N. McCord, 2802 Park Ave. N. ; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Schaefer, 1412 N. 40th St. ; Jean D. Veldwyk, Executive Investors; Brian L. and Wanetta F. Halbert, Streamwood , Illinois; Mr. Wayne C. Shreve, 3032 Meadow Ave. N. ; Harold L. and Ruth W. Walker, Marysville, Washington; Petition bearing signatures represent- ing 47 parcels of property within the proposed L. I .D. beginning with Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. N. and a letter from Robert A. and Clarissa M. Fawcett requesting study of alternate plans. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported protests received constitute 48.701% of the total cost. Color-coded display °-- maps of the area were used by the Public Works Director to show place- ment of lines , other L. I . D. districts , those persons favoring and protesting sewers. Mr. Gonnason noted history of area in development of sewers , citing letter from Seattle King County Health Department, Supervising Sanitarian Suttle advising that dry-weather survey showed approximately 1/4 of septic tanks and drainfields are not operating and advised the City that sewers are needed in this area. Those persons present registering protest to L. I .D. 286: Mr. Leonard Fortune, 3215 Meadow Ave. N. ; Mr. Leonard Oppie, 1421 N. 32nd; Mr. Fred Ault, 1315 N. 30th; Mr. Matt Fry, 1304 N. 34th; Mr. Eugene Robel , 3606 Meadow N. ; Mr. Frank Razem, 1422 N. 28th; Mr. Paul Erickson, 1414 N. 32nd; Mr. Frank Jones , 1424 N. 40th; Mr. Henry Hanks , 1409 N. 32nd; Mr. Thomas Carrolli , 3903 Meadow N. and Mr. Eugene Sartore, 1403 N. 36nd. Those persons present favoring the L. I .D. : Mrs. Eugene Hicks , 1407 N. 36th; Mrs. Lois Savage, 3704 Meadow Ave. N. , Mrs.Nancy Clasen, 3705 Meadow Ave. N. , Mr. Eldon Lusher, 1425 N. 36th; Mrs. Adolph Brown, 1319 N. 28th. Those present asking alternate plans be developed: Mr. R. A. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. N. and Mr. Ernest Coleman, 1100 N. 36th. In order to determine additional percentages for additional protest, MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED AND CARRIED THAT COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. Council reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilman present as previously except Grant who arrived momentarily. '—` Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Matthew Fry property was not included in previous protest, all other protests had been recorded, so that protests reflect 49.27% of the total cost (60% protest would end project by state law) . Councilman Schellert explained procedure. Gonnason explained method by which property assessed and alternate plan difficulties due to land ridge. Motion made by Schellert, seconded by Clymer, that the Public Hearing on L. I .D. 286 be continued to July 15. and the matter be referred to the Public Works Director and Public Works Committee. A substitute motion by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/1/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING L. I .D. 286 - Continued Public Hearing discontinue the L. I .D. , was ruled out of order by Mayor Garrett upon L. I. D. 286 legal opinion of City Attorney Shellan. A motion by Grant, seconded Continued to by Bruce, that the Public Hearing on L. I .D. 286 be closed, Carried. A July 15, 1974 motion by Stredicke, seconded by Grant to instruct the Public Works Director to discontinue the L. I .D. , was superseded by a MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE PUB- LIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK ON JULY 15. ROLL CALL: AYE-4 Clymer, Bauce, Delaurenti and Schellert. NO: 3-Grant, Stredicke and Perry. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I .D. 286 BE CONTINUED TO JULY 15. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & Letter from Frank Upjohn, Bellevue, requested a traffic median be cut CURRENT BUSINESS to provide access from the property located at 3209 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , allowing left turn by southerly moving traffic. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Median Request SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTA- NE Sunset Blvd TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Group Health Letter from George Bolotin, Architects , requested that the City permit Requests Use Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound to develop auxiliary parking of Public on the site adjacent to the water tower on Bronson Way, in order to fur- Property nish parking required for completion of unfinished space at the clinic. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , !HIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Gambling Letter from Mr. F. H. Kinney, 3613 N.E. 12th St. , opposed the legaliza- Opposition tion of gambling within the City as gambling is one of the mainstays of organized crime and fosters corruption, also suggesting contact of the law enforcement establishment for opinion prior to Council action. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Thomas M. Lopez to the permanent Police Patrolman rank of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department effective July 1 , T. M. Lopez 1974, Lopez having successfully completed his six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer inquired re sale of used street bricks requested Mr. G. Simpson by Gordon E. Simpson, 7022 S. 129th PI ., Seattle, in letter June 20. Request for Purchasing Agent Church reported about seven years ago some bricks had Used Bricks been given away which were from 3rd and 4th Ave. N. Discussion ensued of a "hold" beinq put on used brick and Park Director,Coulon noted some of the brick from the old City Shop building had .been used for park purposes and the remainder was being held for future park use. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MR. SIMPSON'S LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PURCHASING AGENT FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report concur- Committee Rpt. ring in request of Cascade Sewer District to connect 12 lots to the Cascade Sewer Renton sewer noting that at such time the area annexes to the City District the system will become the property of the City at no cost. The Agreement report recommended City Attorney check agreement and Council concur. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee. Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report Committee Rpt. which recommended to the legislation Committee that the proposed gambling ordinance be adopted allowing (a) Operation of bingo games , Gambling raffles and amusement games at tax rate of 10/ of gross revenue received Ordinance therefrom, less the actual net amount paid for prizes; (b) Operation of punchboards or pulltabs , tax rate of 5% of gross receipts from same; (c) Operation of social card games, tax rate of $100 per year; and the section allowing taxing of any fishing derby be removed. The report also recommended that the Legislation Committee hold a public hearing on July 15, 1974 in regards to the gambling ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ACTION. Councilman Clymer expressed objection to operation of punchboard and pulltabs and noted opposition Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/1/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public Hearing by the Ministerial Association, urging further investigation. Council- Re Gambling man Delaurenti noted proposed ordinance was suggestion, ,City has right July 15, 1974 to decide what they want, gambling not illegal and no previous problems with punchboards and pulltabs. Following further discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report which Committee Rpt. recommended installation of stop sign at the intersection of Index Ave. N. E. and N.E. 9th St. -having investigated Council referral of 6/17/74. Stop Sign MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aviation Rpt. Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee recommendation Aeronautics for passage of resolution authorizing acceptance of Washington State Grant Offer Aeronautics Commission Grant Offer in the amount of $50,000 to aid in airport improvements. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE FINANCE AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEES.(See Later. ) NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer submitted letter from Seattle attorneys of TelePrompTer TelePrompTer Corporation of Seattle, cable television service provided Requests pursuant to franchise issued by the City Council , which letter reported TV r hle increase of monthly �.us, mer• service charge to $7,95 plus $2.00 for :ate Increase each additional outlet. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Municipal Finance Committee Chairman Scheilert submitted req;;. :rt of Finance Government Director Marshall , bearing Finance Committee concurrence, that author- Intern for ity be granted to hire a Municipal Government Intern for Program Program Budgeting, July through September at a pay rate of $700 per month. Budgeting The Intern's duties were listed as : 1 ) Define program structure objectives and measurement criteria for all departments , 2) Determine specific projects and goals for 1975 within programs, 3) Include program structure and the projects for 1975 in a comparison document to the Budget for use by Mayor and Council . Finance Director proposed funding by transfer of $2,223 from Contingency Fund and referral to the Legislative Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL Aide CONCUR. Following discussion of Council 's Legislative Aide position, MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance Committee Chairman Schellert ,reported committee recommendation APPROVAL for payment of Vouchers 4599 through 4723 in the amount of $106,603.47 15i;7•41`(.t Voided having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise plus #4692 and/or services. Vouchers No. 4587 through 4598 were machine voided. 4599-4723 O.K. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced three ordinances Platting and recommending first reading and referral back to committee. City Subdivision Clerk Mead read updating ordinance concerning subdivision and plats. Ordinance MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. First Reading Following first reading of an ordinance relating to the Department Ordinance - of Public Works providing for the appointment of a Deputy Director of Deputy Public Public Works, prescribing duties and qualifications , it was MOVED BY Works Director DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading City Clerk Mead read ordinance relating to the Department of Public Ordinance Works, providing for appointment of Airport Director, specifying duties Appointment and providing for the establishment of an Airport Division within the of Airport Department of Public Works. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT Director ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1916 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented three resolutions 6-Yr.Street Plan recommending reading and adoption. City Clerk Mead read resolution adopting the City's "Six Year Arterial Construction Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" public hearing having been held June 24, 1974. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. 4..; Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/1/74 - Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1918 Resolution declaring the City's intent to construct and install the Whitman Crt. N.E.street, street lighting and improvements thereto in Whitman Court N.E. Street L. I.D. and to create a Local Improvement District to assess cost against properties benefiting, was read. Resolution set date of August 19, 1974 as public hearing for proposed L. I.D. 288, in connection with Honeydew Apartments. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1917 Resolution authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement with EAA Grant Washington State Economic Assistance Authority for $50,000 grant for Approval for improvement of Renton Municipal Airport (See earlier approval ) . Airport MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Sartori Lease Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended Mayor and City Agreement Clerk be authorized to execute lease agreement between Renton School District and the City for joint use of Sartori School . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CAPPIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:48 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Cle k WARRANT RISTRIAUTIQN DATE ?/OtI74 8101N END:N® TOTA61 j WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT Of FWN';3' DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS 17Z*eN1Auc vnin -10 7- 'fS9�' CURRENT 4599 4404 $541366116 i PARKS AND RECREATION 4435, 4649 •I214Q0124 CITY STREET 4619 4659 020747042 LIBRARY 11660 4663 $786166 EMERGENCY EMP60YMENT FUND 4666 4667 $243$33 WORK INCKNTIVE FUND 4468 4470 $196190 NEW CAREERS 404 4471 093106 RE4t AND STREET FWD TMRWST 4676 4610 $f189T17s URBAN ARTERIA6 , J 448% 4484 $82149 .fig.383,3J WATERWORKS' UT161TY l��a ���9� �k^,9r 4643 4490 AIRPORT 4499 4701 4409$6104 EQUIPMENT RENTA6. 4191 •TRS �21a471:t FIREMEN PENSION 4722 4181 •10075140 r�org�o-3,�y TOM OF ALL+ WARRANT s WE/ TME UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS QF' 7W9 F:NANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNC160 NAVIN$ RECEIVER DERARTMENTA6 CERTIFICATION THAT MERi-OWANDIBE AND/OR SERVICES WAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENO$RE00 OO HERESY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NQ1 4599 TWROWSH NOt A/64" 641.-,�'7 4728 IN THE AMOUNT OF, W60664191 TN;S 04 QP JW6Y 44444+11 FINANCE CO TTEE a .o w mesa CO TTEE BER as A wows • w*wawmmsw".wwasw COM [E MEMBER Aw• o asow• isw wwwmeawww COMMITT ER CITY COUNCIL 03WITTEE 14MING CALENDAR � Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JuZy Z, 1974 COWITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN IDCATIO N REMARKS AVIATION COWITTEE Tuesday 7/9 7:00 PM STREDICICE 2nd Floor COMMUNITY SERVIM; Tuesday 7/2 7:00 PM GRANT 6th Floor Conf. Room 5oiZ Conservation Proposed legislation. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tuesday 7/2 4:30 PM S HELI ERT 6th Floor Conf. Room ayor's recommendation re insurance. LEGISLATION & INTER- Tuesday 7/2 4:00 PM STREDIQCE 6th Floor Conf. Room GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Tuesday 7/2 6:30 PM DELAUR.ENTI 6th Floor Conf. Room PUBLIC WCRKS BRUCE TRANSPCRTATICN PERRY OTHER MEETINGS ARID EVFf n FIRE STATION COMMITTEE C LYMER 3INIOR CITIZENS FACIL' .N"I Caw= 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 1 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 61 $ 700 . 00 George Walmer 2702 Jones Ave . N .E . REROOF GARAGE i62 60 , 000. 00 Pan Abode , Inc . 4330 Lk .Wa . Blvd . CONST.WAREHOUSE 3763 2 , 500 . 00 Leslie J. Schneider 1108 Vashon Court N .E . ADD ROOM 3764 6 , 980. 00 James E . Banker 405 South 7th St . CONST . SHOP/OFF . 3765 35 , 000 . 00 Q-M Enterprises , Inc . 2331 Talbot Crest Dr . S . CONST. RESIDENCE 3766 20 , 000 . 00 M-Z Enterprises , Inc . 2815 N. E . Sunset Blvd. INST . BAR, CEILING MECHANICAL PERMITS M3955 1 , 361 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 914 S . 29th Ct. INST .PLB . & FIXTURES 3956 1 , 300. 00 Hebb & Narodick 912 S . 29th Ct . INST.PLB . & FIXTURES 3957 1 , 261 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 1021 S . 30th Ct . INST. PLB . & FIXTURES 3958 400 . 00 Gene Bonomi 1732 Aberdeen N. E . INST.TANK/DRAINFLD 3959 2 , 000. 00 Hillis Homes 1019 S . 31st Ct . INST . PLB . & FIXTURES 3960 2 , 000. 00 Hillis Homes 393 S . 29th Ct . INST . PLB . & FIXTURES 3961 200. 00 John Everson 667 Jefferson N . E . INST. GAS W. HEATER 3962 1 , 260. 00 Hebb & Narodick 906 S . 29th Ct . INST. PLB . & FIXTURES ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4717 36 , 000, 00 Paccar 1400 N . 4th St . #12 INST. FEEDERS 4718 200. 00 Charles A. Gramps 2919 N . E . 8th P1 . INCR. SERV. TO 200AMP 4719 250. 00 Jerald L. Slatter 5032 Lk. Wa . Blvd NE INST . 200 AMP SRV 4720 4 , 800 . 00 Boeing Company Boeing Renton-Bdg 4-76 INST AIR COND. '21 50 , 000. 00 Boeing Company Boeing Renton Plant MISC . ELECT . WORK 22 250. 00 Mr. Rossman 533 Grant Ave . S . WIRE GARAGE SIGN PERMIT 5371 150 . 00 4 Wheel Dr. Service Main Ave . S . & Grdy Wy . INST . 2. WALL SIGNS SEWER PERMITS 2047 Q-M Enterprises 1704 Glenwood Av. SE CONNECT SIDE SEWER 2048 Q-M Enterprises 1710 Glenwood Av. S .E . CONNECT SIDE SEWER 2049 Q-M Enterprises 2707 S . E . 16th St . CONNECT SIDE SEWER 2050 Dr. Patchen 17722 Talbot Rd S . CONNECT SIDE SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 8 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Reply to Mr. R. Edward's Letter - Re: L. I .D. 275 protest COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Agreement on Soil Conservation Service P-1 Channel Project FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appropriation of Funds for Sartori School Senior Citizen Center LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Scarsella Bros. , Inc. Rezone Ordinance Laviolette/Lotto Rezone Ordinance Platting an,.' Subdivision Ordinance MAYOR'S OFFICE Petition Letter to Utilities & Transportation Commission - Re: Power Rates for Senior Citizens TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from Mrs. R. Putnam - Re: Offer of Lease of Property for Off-Street Parking APPOINTMENTS Renton Fire Department, William J. Henry, Jr. , Captain; James Matthew, Lieutenant, for Six-Month Probationary Period 49 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 8, 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; DON .STARK, Administrative Assistant to Mayor; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; and GENE COULON, Parks & Recreation Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1 , 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L_ I .D. 275 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the Final Assess- Underground ment on L. I .D. 275, Underground Facilities on Rainier Avenue South and Utilities Rainier Avenue North. A letter was read from Robert L. Edwards, Renton Rainier Ave. S. Shopping Center, protesting the assessment on Parcel 37A in the amount & Rainier Ave. N.of $150.00, alleging that the frontage had been confiscated for city purposes and Seattle City Light power transmission right-of-way precluded further construction or improvements on the property, and requesting removal of the assessment as there was no benefit. A letter from Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, was also read recommending approval of the final assessment roll , total cost $37 ,089. 75. Mayor Garrett invited audience comment. There being none, Public Works Director Gonnason stated �— that the property of Mr. Edwards , 50 foot frontage on Rainier Ave. S. immediately south of the railroad underpass, was limited by the easement of City Light, but that it was benefited by the L. I .D. and should be included in the L. I .D. Councilman Schellert remarked that the cost of the improvement was projected at $3.00 per front foot and inquired of Public Works Director Gonnason what the actual cost of the project was . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Councilman Stredicke also requested that the Public Works Department furnish the exact cost of the undergrounding of utilities. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THIS MATTER BE TABLED UNTIL A REPORT OF THE COSTS COULD BE FURNISHED BY THE PUBLIC 1,40RKS DEPARTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. After the information was received, Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason announced that the actual cost of the improvement was $42,082. 91 . MOTION TO CLOSE HEARING WAS CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE L. I .D. 275 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schellert inquired how Mr. Edward 's letter was to be answered, the Mayor replied that it would be handled by the City Clerk's Office. CORRESPONDENCE & Letter from Mayor Garrett was read stating that the Lease Agreement for CURRENT BUSINESS use of a portion of Sartori School for Senior Citizen activities had been signed and requesting the Council to take action to provide for )artori School the appropriation of funds to provide the services . List of estimated Lease Agreement costs of maintenance and operation for the remainder of 1974 was attached, the services of a PEP-funded custodian to begin August 1 , 1974 has been arranged. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Fire- Letter from Bill Henry, Jr. , Chairman, Renton Fire Fighters Local 864, Fighters Local was read requesting a meeting with the Council or its responsible 864 negotiating team for the purpose of commencing negotiations with regard to contract openers. The Mayor's response was also read recommending Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/8/74 - Page 2 " CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued that negotiations commence with the City's Personnel Director. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDA- TION. MOTION CARRIED. Soil Conservation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the Council Service P-1 adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Channel Project Soil Conservation Service on the suggested environmental considerations Agreement in connection with the Green River Watershed work plans. It was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Schellert inquired if there was a time limit for signing this agreement, Public: Wor!.c 0irwyour Gonnason replied that the S.C.S. Environmental Impact Statement pc�,riY�g the signing. The Renton Chamber of Commerce recommended similar environ- mental considerations which had been previously referred to the Community Services Committee. Mr. Kay Johnson, Manager of the Chamber, reported that the P-17 Pump Plant in Tukwila would be replaced following signing of the agreement. MOTION CARRIED. Of-'�_nr of Lease Letter from Mrs. Regina H. Putnam, 4422 - 42nd Ave. S.W. , Seattle, was r ' Agreement with read offering a short term lease for property on the S.E. corner of City for Off- Second St. and Morris Ave. S. to the City for off-street parking. The Street Parking property has 88 feet on Second St. and a 90 feet depth on Morris Ave. S. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS OFFER OF PROPERTY BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Official Popula- Letter from Mr. John R. Walker, Chief, Population Studies Division, tion of Renton Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management, State of Washington, April 1 , 1974 was read giving the population of all the cities in Washington as of April 1 , 1974. The population of Renton was given as 27300, an increase of 1 ,050 over 1973, an increase of 1 ,422 over the 1970 figure, a 5.5% increase. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that the Public Works Department change all the population sign figures on the City Limit signs. Public Works Director Gonnason said this was a function of the State Highway Department, but that the department would see that it was done. Scarsella Bros. , Letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen gave the Planning Inc. Rezone - Commission' s recommendation that the Scarsella Bros. , Inc. application G to M-P for rezone from G to M-P, property located approximately 1 ,200 feet No. R-759-74 north of S.W. 43rd St. on West Valley Highway be approved by Council . Rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Laviolette/Lotto Letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen also gave the Planning Rezone - G to Commission's recommendation for approval of the People's National Bank L_-1 or M-P as Trustee for estate of D. J. Laviolette and co-owner M. W. Lotto's No. R-774-74 application for rezone from G to L-1 or M-P, property located West , Valley Highway between north of S.W. 43rd and S. of Hill-Raleigh Proper- ties. Request for rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Lh Use Plan. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired if a permit had been issued to either y of these applicants for land fill . Planning Director Ericksen replied that Scarsella Bros. had submitted a request for a land fill permit, but no permit has been requested for the Laviolette/Lotto property. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed William J. Henry, Jr. to the position Fire Department of Captain in the Renton Fire Department, replacing Robert Connell who Captain has retired. Mr. Henry has been certified by the Fire Civil Service W. J. Henry, Jr. Commission, the appointment to be effective July 16, 1974, subject to ... (See Later the customary six-month probationary period. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Action) SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 51 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/8/74 - Page 3 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Fire Department Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed James Matthew to the position of Lieutenant Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, replacing William J. Henry James Matthew who has been promoted to the position of Captain. Mr. Matthew has been certified by the Fire Civil Service Commission, the appointment to be effective July 16, 1974, subject to the customary six-month pro- bationary period. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND HEAR THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE'S REPORT AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. The Finance and Personnel Committee report was read concurring in the request of Acting Fire Chief Geissler to appoint a Captain, a Lieutenant and two Firefighters to fill existing vacancies in the Fire Department. MOVED BY PT_RRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMM€NDAiION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. HENRY AS CAPTAIN IN THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINT- MENT OF MR. MATTHEW AS LIEUTENANT IN THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Schellert said that the subject of the City's insurance cover- age had been in the Finance Committee for several months for review of City,s Insurance bids received from the various brokers. The Clerk read the Finance Coverage Bid and Personnel Committee report which recommended the award of insurance Award - William coverage to the low bidder, William F. Davis Insurance Agency, that Davis Ins. Agency William F. Davis Insurance Agency be designated the City's "Broker of Bid Opening Record" and that the City add an Errors and Omission Policy with the 5/15/74 same coverage as our Comprehensive Liability Coverage. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Councilman Schellert introduced Mr. Roger Davis, a representative of Wil ?iam F. Davis Insurance Agency, and asked if he had any comments to make. Mr. Davis explained that the Errors and Omissions policy would indemnify the City for all wrongful acts or omissions by any employee of the City. MOTION CARRIED. Parking Signs in Councilman Perry noted a previous recommendation from the Trans- Downtown Area portation Committee regarding the parking signs in the downtown area that the Planning Department draft a letter to the TOPICS people and describe the downtown project and the kind of sign the City wanted to + put in that area. The Planning Denartmpnt had drafted a letter to Mr. Norbert Tiemann, Federal Highway k'Administration, fbt, Councilman Perry's signature and enclosed a photograph ;t the Kind of S,gnS the City wanted for the area. The Clerk read the letter asking For the is approval of the sign proposal . Ic , slation Lcaislatiun Committee report was read giving the status of various Coi;anittee referrals; ordinances regarding parking and loading in downtown Renton Report and animal control and control of kennels in residential areas are awaiting a report from the Planning Department; rezone request of Nesheim, Bitney and Grouws is being held pending filing of completed covenants; subject of children unattended in parked cars is awaiting report from the Police Department on their experience and position on enforcement; Sign Code ordinance will be ready for first reading on Aviation July 15, 1974. The report also recommended that creation of an Aviation Commission committee similar to the Planning Commission be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Tabled SECONDED BY PERRY THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND CHANGE THE WORD "COMMITTEE" TO "COMMISSION" . MOTION TO APPROVE COMMITTEE REPORT CARRIED. MOTION TO AMEND ALSO CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE REMAINDER OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RtW BUSINESS Councilman Schellert reported that the Utilities and Transportation Petition for Commission will hold a hearing on August 15, 1974 on rate adjustments .` Special Rates for Puget Sound Power and Light Co. He suggested that the City petition for Power for the Commission for rate adjustments for senior citizens. MOVED BY PERRY, Senior Citizens SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CITY PETITION THE UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMISSION TO DEVELOP AND GRANT SPECIAL RATES FOR SENIOR CITI- ZENS ON THE RATIO OF THE CITY'S ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE .MAYOR'S OFFICE TO PREPARE THE PETITION. MOTION CARRIED. S z Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/8/74 - Page 4 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Downtown Merchants Councilman Stredicke reported the coming sidewalk sale of the. Downtown Sidewalk Sale Merchants July 11 through July 13, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED 7/ l - 7/13 BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE USE OF THE SIDEWALKS FOR THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS FOR THE DAYS OF THE SALE. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance Committee Chairman Scheliert reported committee recommendation APPROVAL for payment of Vouchers 4732 through 4827 in the amount of $96,062.10, 4724-4731 Voided having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise plus #4810 and/or services. Vouchers No. 4724 through 4731 were machine voided. 4732-4827 O.K. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. ORD!NANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance for second and final RESOLUTIONS reading which had been placed on first reading 7/1/74 relating to the Department of Public Works, providing for the appointment of a Deputy Ordinance 2862 Director of Public Works, prescribing duties and qualifications. MOVED Deputy Public BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS Works Director READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2863 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance relating to Dept. of Airport Director Public Works , providing for appointment of Airport Director, specify- Appointment ing duties and providing for the establishment of an Airport Division within the Department of Public Works for second and final reading, first reading on July 1 , 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance on Following second reading of an ordinance relating to changes concerning Platting and recording of short plats; contents of legal notices; dedication of land Subdivision for open space; time limit for bonds; and review period for preliminary 1st Reading plats, it waq MnVED BY SCH LLEPT> SECONDED BY DE1_A'.IRENTI , ORDINANCE BE July 1 , 1974 REFERRED BACK TO THELEE.;: '_A� IO"� -_—_ =___ MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2864 Following first reading of an ordinanco rPlatir, �" and Approving L. I.D. approval of the assessments and final assessment roll on L.1 .D. ?E`., 275 Final Assess- Undergrounding Power and Utility Lines , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, ment Roll SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE MOVED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. After the second and final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1919 Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution transferring $2,223 Funds Transfer from the Contingency Fund to Salaries account for the purpose of payment Municipal Govern- of salary of Municipal Government Intern for July, August and September, ment Intern 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. !920 Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution adopting Arterial Street J,x-Year Urban Proqram toqether with a certain Six Year urban arterial Construction Arterial Construc- Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE RESOLU- tion Program TION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 P.M. t;ax r- E. !" tnr. uepu y City Clerk it WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 7/08/74 - I BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER ' , NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 4732 4784 $50844, 11 °ARKS AND RECREATION 4785 4800 !1. 72893 LITY STREET 4801 4806 SIP009157 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 4807 4808 =246113 TURBAN ARTERIAL 4809 4809 69105 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND ✓oln *N9i0-d7636so48jO 4811 e4 p &lpq&g- A13,.��•�. t I , WATERWORKS UTILITY 4812 4821 4311j432#94 I AIRPORT 4822 48113 •26093 , EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4824 48117 $50443421 T07AL OF ALL i,,ARRANTS • 9L,-, i WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TME FINANCE COMMITTEE CF THE RENTDN CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VO�JCHERS N0* 4732 THROUGH NO• 4827 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 08 OR JULY ififflt � 4 FINAZ.ZCM.TTEE . w wwrA C MITTEE MEMBER J a waw wawa a . a COMMI BE; aw a aawwa A "awawa www• COMMEE -MEMBER CITY COLMIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCWIITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF j,lly 8, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CON [ITIEE Tuesday 7/9 7 : 30 PM SINMICKE 2nd Floor Chambers 00NdUNITP SERVICES Tuesday 7/9 7 : 00 PM GRANT 3rd Floor Conf . Rm Soil Conservation Proposed Legislation FINAL AND PERSKNNEL SQ ,T Goals and Capital Im- Tuesday 7/9 7 : 30 PM 3rd Floor Conf . Rm Presentation by Asst . Planning Direc- provement Committee - tor, Magstadt . LDGISLATICN & ITTIER- Monday 7/15 7 : 00 PM STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conf . Rm OOVERNMETI'AL PUBLIC SAFE'T'Y DELAURE TI PUBLIC WFUM Thursday 7/1 7 : 30 PM BRUCE 4th Floor Conf . Rm TRAiSPCHTATICN Thursday 7/1 4 : 30 PM PERRY 3rd Floor Conf . Rm C ium MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1 FIRE STATION C01WTTEE CLYMER SENICR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE ✓ b' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 9, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS I AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK BM67 $ 2,900 Ray Wells 1301 Aberdeen Ave. NE Install Swim. Pool 3768 Fred Sharp 430 Mill Ave. S. Demolish residence 3769 Frank Tonkin 11209 Des Moines Way S. Demolish residence 3770 20,000 Kelso Const. 2019 Aberdeen P1. SE Single family residence 3771 Robert Kaufmann 2820 Burnett N. Storage Blds. 3772 30,000 Hillis Homes, INC 1019 S. 31st Single family residence 377:; 35,000 Hillis Homes, INC 939 S. 29th Single family residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3963 400 M-Z Enterprises 2815 Sunset B1vd.NE Install plumb & fixtures 3964 600 Gary Munn 667 Shelton NE Install gas furnace 3965 400 V.C. Morine 110 Williams S. Install gas burner 3966 370 HUD-Seattle Office 582 Windsor NE Install plumb & fixtures 3967 365 HUD-Seattle Office 2017 Harrington NE Install plumb & fixtures 3968 750 HUD-Seattle Office 3620 SE 5th Install plumb & fixtures 3969 65,000 Puget Power & Light 620 S. Grady Install plumb & fixtures ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4723 700 Harry Haight 230 S. Tobin St. Install 8 outlets 4724 150 Gerald C. Davis 111 Wells Ave. N Increase service 7.5 150 R.M. Wells 1301 Aberdeen NE Wire for pool '6 50 Lewis H. Purcell 1524 S. 3rd St. Install temp. service ,...;7 50 European Spa 327 S. 3rd Install temp. service 4728 50 David R.T. Long 408 Shattuck S. U/G Conversion SEWER PERMITS 2051 Hillis Homes 826 S. Boardway Connect side sewer vw .. i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 15, 1974 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - F.V. Swanson +� LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I.D. 286 L. I .D. 276 Olympic Pipe Line Co. Agreement Request for Transfer of Funds from St.Forward Thrust & UAB to Salaries Soil Conservation Service Green River Matter Renton Hill Street Improvement Scarcella Rezone Laviolette/Lotto Rezone Sign Code FINANCE COMMITTEE UMBRELLA LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE CITY AMBULANCE SERVICE BUDGETED FUNDS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Protest to L. I.Q. 284 by Wiechmann Obtain Up-date on Health Dept. rating of septic tank & drainfield failures area of L. I.D. 286, Kennydale. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Protest to L. I.D. 284 by Wiechmann Matter of Water lines and fire hydrants in Kennydale area RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 15 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . M I N U T E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; GENE COULON, Parks and Recreation Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , APPROVE JULY 8, MINUTES AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I. D. 286 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the proposed Kennydale Area L. I.D. 286, sanitary sewers in and near Park Ave. N. , Meadow Ave. Sanitary N. and FAI 405 between N. 40th and N. 28th Streets, which hearing Sewers had been continued from July 1 , 1974. Total amount of the preliminary assessment roll is $242,017.34. City Clerk Mead read letters of Continued protest from Genevieve Gannon, 3930 Marine Drive, Bellingham; Robert From 7/1/74 and Afton Langhurst, 12702 219th E. , Sumner; and additional protest petition signatures of Mary Wood and I . D. Bellinger. City Clerk Mead read letter of Russel Carlson, 1409 N. 40th,favoring sewer instal- lation. Upon inquiry of Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan noted any change in boundaries of thIc L. i.D. would necessitate the start of new 'improvement district. Those persons present favoring the sewer installation: Kurt Agren, 4005 Park N. ; Joan Moffatt, 3709 Meadow N. ; Eldon Lusher, 1425 N. 36th; Mrs. Adolph Brown, 1319 N. 28th; Gary Deal, SeaFirst Trust, Ethel Hall on N.30th; Jon Bergman, 3813 Meadow N. Those persons present protesting L. I .D. 286: Leonard Fortune, 3215 Meadow N. ; Thomas Carrolli , 3903 Meadow N. ; Dora Robel , 3606 Meadow N. ; Mary Wood, 1312 N. 34th; Wayne Shreve, 3932 Meadow N. ; Frank Razem, 1422 N. 28th; James Page, 3221 Meadow N. ; Fred Ault, 1530 N. 30th; Paul Erickson, 1414 N. 32nd. Those persons present making comments: Robert Fawcett, 4008 Meadow N. ; George Sidebotham, 1404 N. 30th; Martin Ryan, 1109 N. 28th Pl . ; and Eugene Sartore, 1403 N. 36th. Public Works Director Gonnason explained the proposed L. I.D. and alternatives, explaining Seattle King County Health Department dry- weather survey of a year ago showed 24 septic tank and drainfield failures out of 94 surveyed in area. As those persons favoring and protesting the proposed L. I .D. reported their position, a percentage of protest was reported by the Public Works Department, with a total of 47.487%. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported committee recommendation the presently proposed L. I .D. be terminated and a new L. I.D. be formulated with revised boundaries. A motion by Schellert, seconded by Stredicke, to concur in recommendation of the Public Works Committee, was later withdrawn in a motion by Schellert with second by Bruce. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL PROCEED WITH THE L. I .D. AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT, 3-N0: GRANT, STREDICKE and PERRY. CAKKIED. MOVED STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, HEARING BE CLOSED, CARRIED. MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS, CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present, however, Clymer, Bruce and Schellert arrived shortly thereafter. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I .D. 276 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the Final Assess- Final Roll ment Roll on L. I.D. 276, sanitary sewers in the vicinity of May Creek Sewers and the North City Limits, Kennydale Industrial Area, total assessment Kennydale in the amount of $179,965.08. Letter from Public Works Director Industrial Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 7/15/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING L. I .D. 276 - Continued Final Roll recommended approval of the final assessment on Phase I and II of Approved the L. I .D. in the amount of $179,965.08; total project cost is L. I .D. 276 $273,365.08 less HUD and EAA Grant of $93,400. Gonnason' noted two phase construction, having met with property owners regarding costs with consensus to proceed despite increased costs. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONFIRM FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Gambling published, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the proposed ordinance relating to gambling and gambling activities. Letter from Ervin Gerlitz, Pastor of the Sierra Heights Baptist Church opposed adoption of ordinance legalizing gambling.' Letter from John G. Schaeffer, Rector, Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, urged defeat of the proposed ordinance. Letter from Police Chief Darby urged the provi- sion allowing punchboards , pull tabls and social card games be deleted from the ordinance because of customer fraud and obstacles to good enforcement regardless of the number of personnel available. Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that punchboards, pull-tabs and social card games be prohibited in our City, this being in concurrence with other local law enforcement agencies , including the Renton Police Chief, because of danger of victimization of citizens of Renton and enforcement problems; giving concurrence to remainder of ordinance. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reviewed ordinance provisions Os recommended by the committee on 7/1 and referred to the Legislation Committee for hearing) : Proposed ordinance be adopted allowing (a) Opera- tion of bingo games , raffles and amusement games at tax rate of 10% of gross revenue received therefrom, less the actual net amount paid for prizes; (b) Operation of punchboards or pulltabs , ti), rate of 5% of gross receipts from same; (c) Operation of social card games , tax rate of $100 per year; and the section allowing taxing of any fishing derby be removed. Councilman Delaurenti further noted on 11/7/72 the ,r„ Renton voters approved S.J.R. #5 by 6,142 for and 3 ,030 against. City Attorney Shelian noted S.J.R. #5 amended the State Constitution removing clause prohibiting lotteries , the State Legislature then allowing cer- tain forms of gambling and allowing cities over certain Size to deter- mine whether or not these gambling activities or taxinq of same, is desired; also noting anything not prohibited by the City may be licensed by the State Gambling Commission. Those persons present favoring the gambling ordinance: Pat Dorn, Ren- ton Eagles; Charles Shane, Sahara Tavern; James Lawrence, 2416 19th S. E. ; Arnold Bell , Renton Eagles ; Louie Barei , 614 S. 18th; Bruce McKay, 241 Factory N. ; Tom Teasdale, 506 S. 15th; John Williams, Secre- tary Renton Eagles ; Byron Abbott, 803 Dayton N. E. Those persons present opposing the ordinance: Sam Harvey, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church; Arnold Anderson, Pastor of Cross & Crown Lutheran Church; Kenneth Underwood, Pastor of First. Methodist Church; Larry Moynihan, 12720 S.E. 168th; William Jensen; Pastor of Renton Seventh Da Advent- ist Church; and Bob Hughes , 1013 N. 33rd Pl ., opposed punchboards and pulltabs; while Laura Robel , 3606 Meadow N. asked as to consciences. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, PROPOSED ORDINANCE RELATING TO GAMBLING ACTIVITIES BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading by the City Clerk, MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND THE ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT PUNCHBOARDS AND PULLTAB . Punchboards FROM THE CJTY. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: CLYMER, GRANT and PERRY; 4-N0: r.• Prohibited BRUCE, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT PUNCH- BOARDS IN THE CITY. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY and SCHELLERT; 3-N0: GRANT, BRUCE and DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. Council reconvened at 10:48 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUSPEND RULES, AMENDED ORDINANCE Ordinance #2865 BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading Gamblina & by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Gambling COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: UNANIMOUS APPROVAL. �'.rt:ivities ) �1 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 7/15/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Olympic Pipe Letter from Olympic Pipe Line Co. presented supplementary agreement Line Co. to the existing franchise which specifies conditions agreed upon for the laying of the new 20" pipeline, also noting payment of $13,720 in franchise fees specified in the agreement. Council President Clymer urged completion of necessary legislation in order that Olympic Pipe Line Co. could proceed with construction. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Transit Usage Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted for consideration Study an application for Federal Funding for a "Transit Usage Study" to determine means to improve transit service. Letter stated application must be submitted to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference by July 31 , 1974 in order to qualify for $20,000 allocated by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for this study; total estimated cost to perform study is $30,000 of which the City must contribute $10,000 and the intent would be to meet this committment, to a large extent, with Public Works Dept. , Planning Dept. , Human Resources Coordinator and Data Processing Personnel , which is possible under Federal matching programs. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, Council authorize the Public Works Director to make application to Puget Sound Governmental Conference. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION AND REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later report. ) i_. I. D. 284 Letter fr,.;ii Walt Wiechmann protested L. I .D. 284, sanitary sewers,area Protest of Jones Ave. N. E. between N.E. 40th and 44th Streets. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Informational letter from Renton Municipal Arts Commission expressed Appreciation appreciation for additional $150 included in the 1974 budget which was used to provide 50% matching funds for programs would would not have been available to the community otherwise; programs included applehead doll making, magician, folksinger and puppet shows . Request for Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested resolution Transfer of to accomplish intra-account transfers from Street Forward Thrust Funds and Urban Arterial Board Fund to Salaries and Wages, being necessary as the salary amounts for temporary UAB employees were estimated for ' 74 Budget on the basis of several projects being completed by the end of 1973, however, have extended. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages by Mrs. Florence V. Swanson, 115 Wells Ave. S. , Damages was read, alleging broken sewer lines due to installation of under- V. Swanson ground wiring. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted request to attend the 1974 Public 1974 American Public Works Congress and Equipment Show in Toronto, Works Congress Ontario, from September 14-19, 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE REQUEST. CARRIED. Cormnunity Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Services Rpt. recommending preparation of resolution to meet requirements of the fol- lowing five points as outlined by the Soil Conservation Service: (1 ) Green River Maintain 110 acres wetland habitat; (2) Development permits with Green P-1 Channel River Flood Control Zone District, require landscape plan, 2% of land Project by involved be industry managed to produce wildlife habitat and that land U.S. Soil riot used be managed as wildlife open-space until developed; (3) Pre- Conservation serve or replace wildlife habitat along affected channels with SCS Service assistance; (4) Provide fish passage through structural measures with SCS assistance; (5) Adopt and enforce land use plan consistent with policy of Puget Sound Governmental Conference or Regional Planning Authority having jurisdiction before Public Law 566 funds are expended for independent system. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Co Renton City Council Meeting of 7/15/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Goals & Capital Goals and Capital Improvement Committee Chairman Grant reported having Improvement met and requested the Mayor' s Administrative Assistant to contact the School District Levy Committee prior to recommendation. Finance Com. Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported concurrence Report in request for temporary help in the Planning Department and also requested` dieeting with Mayor's Staff regarding the matter of filling vacancy of Data Processing Manager. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt recommending the City decline offer of Mrs. Regina Putman to lease property for parking purposes on the S.E. corner of S. 2nd and Morris Parking Offer Ave. S. , recommending Downtown Renton Merchants Association be advised Mrs. Putman of offer. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Median Cut The Transportation Comnittee Report recommended that Mr. Frank Upjohn Request by be advised of the feasibility of his request for left-turn access Frank Upjohn to his property at 3209 N.E. Sunset Blvd. by shortening the existing left-turn lane and that permission for Mr. Upjohn to accomplish this work at his own expense,shall be granted until December 31 , 1974. MOVED BY :'ELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. The Transportation Committee Report recommended budgeted funds for Renton Hill Grant Ave. S. Extension be allocated for the improvement of streets Street on Renton Hill and that the Legislation Committee prepare legislation Improvement to create local improvement district on Cedar Ave. S. from S. 3rd St. to S. 9th St. , S. 4th St. from Mill Ave. S. to Cedar Ave. S. , and portions of S. 5th St. and S. 6th St. and connecting alley. Upon Council inquiry as to amount of funds , Public Works Director noted $50,000 from 1/2� gas tax and $30,000 from Forward Thrust, totaling $80,000. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. ^ v Transit Usage Transportation Committee Report recommended that the Legislation Now Study Committee be requested to prepare resolution authorizing Mayor to sign application for Transit Usage Study funds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. (See earlier communication) Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report which Committee Rpt. recommended renewal of the Airport's $1 ,000,000 liability insurance Insurance policy through Dan B. Hauff & Associates and the Airport's fire insurance coverage through William F. Davis Insurance Agency which covers buildings X-33, X-4 X-12 X-13 and X-16; policy cost is $1 ,856.87 for fire and $1 ,315 for liability insurance. The Committee Report also recommended the matter of a $5,000,000 umbrella liability cover- age for the City be referred to the Finance Committee for reconsidera- tion of the extent of liability necessary for the City's overall policy. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE PAYMENT OF AIRPORT INSURANCE POLICIES AND REFERRAL OF THE MATTER OF UMBRELLA LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L. I .D. 286 MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BE REQUESTED TO OBTAIN UP-DATE ON HEALTH DEPARTMENT RATING OF SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD FAILURES IN THE KENNYDALE AREA OF L. I .D. 286. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported notification by the Finance Department that expenditures to date total $1 ,944 out of Abmulance $2,400 for ambulance service, in the 1974 Budget; balance of $456 Service may be sufficient for August and September payments. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Councilman Perry asked opinion whether or not Council approved, legal agreement existed between City and ambulance company for payments on City initiated calls. City Clerk asked to research and forward material to City Attorney. CARRIED. Water Skiing Councilman Schellert asked Park Director re citizen's complaint on & Other Sheriff prohibiting water skiing in traditional ski areas. Councilman Stredicke inquired re citizen's complaint of meter at Highland' s tennis courts , and noted street light burning continuously on N.4th Extension. i Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/ 15/74 - Page 5 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Water Lines MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITIZEN COMPLAINT HEARD Kennydale DURING L. I.D. HEARING REGARDING LACK OF WATER LINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS IN KENNYDALE AREA BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parade in Councilman Stredicke encouraged participation in July 20, parade Renton through Renton and the Creative Arts Festival . VOUCHER Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval of Vouchers APPROVAL 4838 through 5098 having received departmental certification as to 4828-4837 Void receipt of merchandise and/or services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED 4838-5098 O. K. BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. Councilman Schellert noted reimbursement included for medical premiums paid during December, 1973, for certain employees as determined by Labor Management Committee. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented for first reading, RESOLUTIONS an ordinance rezoning the Scarcella. Bros. Inc. property north of First Reading S.W. 43rd St. on West Valley Hwy. from G to M-P. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Ordinance SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION Rezone/Orillia COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented for first reading, Ordinance an ordinance rezoning property from G to M-P located on West Valley Rezone/Orillia Hwy. north of S.W. 43rd, under ownership of People's National Bank as Trustee for estate of D. J. Laviolette and co-owner M. W. Lotto. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2866 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance relating Platting and to changes concerning recording of short plats , contents of legal Subdivision notices, dedication of land for open space and review of preliminary •— plats , for final reading (first and second readings 7/1 and 7/8). Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2867 Legislation Committee Chairman presented an ordinance approving and LID 276 - Final confirming assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement Assessment District No. 276 for sanitary sewers in the vicinity of May Creek Kennydale and the North City Limits (see earlier Public Hearing). Following Industrial reading, MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AS ORDINANCE RELATING Sewer TO FINANCING OF PROJECT, ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended first reading of Sign Code and revised sign code with referral back to committee, asking the Clerk to Sign Design distribute copies, noting changes. Following first reading, it was Review Board MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCES BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. 11 :50 P.M. CARRIED. l� e Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT 9I474190iaN DATE 7/IS/74 MIN ENDING TOTAL, WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT of FUND DE9CKiRYION NUnOtR NUMSCR WARRANTS /yIAC'f//.✓.F -x137 CURRENT 4S14 M010 oto/pipits PARK@ ANI RECREATION 41491 MART O7/030161 CITY STM9E7 Mf 4061 $M$#714& 61GRARY Maui $000 060011#77 EMER§9NCV EMP69YM90 FUND 4001 4000 111t4101 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 099) $001 •II41ls NEW CAR99RI 0906 4004 OA014$ REQ, AND STREET FWD YNRUST 4007 M& 040 17110 UROAN ♦RTERIAk 4941 4011 441ISi1J0 4POP W AND R C90YR4 FUND SO$ q0« MM 6IORARY CONSTRUMON FUND 0910 S0t4 SIR1711 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND lot$ 4946 R►04100 WATERWORKS U*:61TY Soil loll 04+ 040110 A 1 RP9RT N941 11010 0474111 E900ME0 RENTAL 5066 0074 040173170 CENVRA6 STORES 69T4 507$ $SIIl# F'IRkMEN F9N9IOM 5074 0010 40/001110 TOTAU OF ALL WARRANVO $710606111 WE# TWE UNDERSIGNED MEM59RI OF THE FINANCE COMMITTER OF TME RENTON CITY COUNCIUj NAVIN9 RECEIVED DEPARTMRNTAk CERT:PICATION TWAY MERCWAN9189 ANP/OR NERViCE9 MAVE AEEN RECEIVED OR RENDCRED# 00 OER40Y APPROVE F04 PAYMENT VQUCNERS NO1 4834 TwROU@N N01 5994 IN TNS AMOUNY OF •11/4511 !1 T418 1a OF 4UtY 74 19191 F (N SCO -IT F I NANC9 COMMI TT99 or�m tee Member `• � ►;' • Irww� •wS��wSw• w� • www• CommiTtee Member �vMnstTR� M CITY COUNCIL 03WITTEE MEETING CAIEMDAR 1 I - 1 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COWITTEE N!EE T'TINCS SCHEDULED AT CITY f'W4CIL I�4 1111G OF Ju l zu 15 , 1974 C CNKI= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE SfPEDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSO EL SCHELLERT LDGISLATICN & INTER- Wed. , 7/17 4 : 30 P.M. S TUHDICKE 6-1h Floor Olympic Pipe Line Agreement, Soil Con- GOVERNMENTAL Mon. , 7/22 7 :00 P.M. 6th. Floor servation Resolution, Sign Code Change PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WCM ERUCE TRANSPORTATION Tues. , 7116 4 : 30 P.M. PERRY 3rd Floor OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATIC K C OWITTEE C LYMER S CR CITIZEN'S FACILITY C�IITTEE RENTON CREATIVE ARTS at. , 7/20 .12. 00 Noo Parade - Ewntwn Rer, on FESTIVAL : 00 P.M. CARCO Theatre 64 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC JULY 16 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAM ADDRESS TYPE QF WORK B3774 $3 , 800 Mr . &Mrs Hendricks 1164 Camas NE Const . bathroom 3775 1 , 000 Franklin Farrow 1716 Jones NE Const. patio 3776 1 , 200 Ralph Ghent Jr . 505 Kirkland NE Const . patio 3777 B. N . 7. R. 2402& 2502 W. Valley Rd Demolish residence 3778 3 , 000 W. E . Rossman 533 Grant S . Const. garage 3779 2 , 000 Frank R. Jones 1424 N . 40th Const . dining room 378 % 36 , 865 Valley General 400 S . 43rd Const . parking lot 3781 1 . 200 J .W. Broman 901 S .W. 3rd Install roof 3782 500 Orbin M. Wright 3313 S .E. 5th Const . porch .MECHANICAL PERMITS M3970 11000 Ralph Flaten 108 Factory N Install plumb & fix 3971 2 , 751 Pacific Bell 549 Garden N Install plumb & fix 3972 Michael Smith 3402 NE 7th New Addition 3973 6 , 000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & Pix 3974 6 , 000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & fix 3975 6 , 000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & fix 3976 9 , 000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & fix 3977 91000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & fix 3978 4 , 000 Dura INC 1150 Union NE Install plumb & fix 3979 1 , 680 Walter M. Shock 2501 Meadow N Install plumb & fix 3980 3 , 500 Wash . Horse ASSN . Longacres Install plumb & fix 3981 1 , 500 Bill Arrogoni 907 N . 34th Install plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4729 300 McCaughy 1931 Aberdeen SE Wire pool 4730 200 Richard L . Roller 401 SW 13th Rewire residence 4731 250 Michael Smith 3402 NE 7th Wire addition 4732 750 Jack Columbi 1015 N 31st Wire new residence 4733 2 , 000 Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory N Install meters & panel 4734 245 FHA Seattle Office 3108 SE 6th Ground receptacles 4735 660 FHA Seattle Office 3620 SE 5th Correct wiring 4736 935 FHA 582 Windsor NE Install 150 AMP 4737 839 FHA 2017 Harrington NE Add ciruits 4738 700 William Arrigonir 907 N . 34th Wire residence 4739 1 , 000 Sound Ford 750Rainier S 70A Sub-Feed SIGN PERMITS 5372 200 Benaroya Co . 710 Thomas SW Install 2 wall signs 373 500 Robert L. Edwards 150 SW 7th Install wall sign 374 350 Dr . Robert Evoy 229-B S 4th Install roof sign EWER PERMITS 2052 Harry Stranard 2215 NE 10th Connect side sewer 2053 Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory N Connect side sewer 2054 Joe Breezee 126 Pelly N Connect side sewer 2055 Joe Breezee 126 Pelly N Connect storm sewer'" 65 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 22 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE Utility Plant value AVIATION COMMITTEE Air Control Tower letter COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Disposition of Lake Front Lots Financial impact of tree car-- The Loop LFaTSIATION COMMITTEE Water N S?wer Bonds - "cyuest for transfer of funds JwimirIng program for disadvantaged youth U.S. Soil Conservation Agreement - Res. 1923 adopted 7/22/74 Transfer of funds - Sartori School agreement for custodian FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Police Library Appointments : Airport Director Jay S. Ford - Library Board Planning Commission - Anthone Mola Don Humble Bylund Wik PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Punchboards PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE City Nursery TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter of certification of State Highway Routes Metro Council re Park & Ride and Flyer stop Public Hearing 8/15 SPECIAL EVENTS 8/15/74 Public Hearing Seattle re Metro Park & Ride & Flyer stops 8/1/74 Thursday, 8:00 p.m. , Renton City Council Meeting 00 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 22 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CAL!_ TO ORDFP Mayo- Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; GENE COULON, Parks Director; TED BENNETT, Finance Department Rep; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Clymer asked for corrections or additions to the 7/15/74 Council Minutes of 7/15/74. Councilman Schellert inquired re per- centage of protest for L. I .D. 286, being advised by City Clerk Mead and Public Works Director Gonnason the 47.487% was corrected figure and YP1irn;rnted total prtl:2Ct to the project. MOVED BY CLs°MCq AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1974 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested a resolution aui-hooiz-- Transfer of Funds ing transfer of funds of $5,084.45 cash balance in the redemption of Water & Sewer 1959 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds unto Waterworks Utility. Letter Bonds also noted money in the 1959 Water and Sewer Reserve Fund" will be transferred tinto the reserve account of the "1965 Water and Sewer Refunding Bond Fund" in accordance with Ordinance 2195. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Air Control Tower Letter from the Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Control Landscaping Tower located at the Renton Airport expressed appreciation for the spirit of cooperation demonstrated by the City for the landscaping project around the east side of the control tower which was accomplished by the Renton Tower controllers in coordinantion with the ADAP plans for the west side. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE AVIATION Ce MMT TTEE. CARRIED. Utility Plant Letter from Accounting Supervisor Bennett rade notification in Value accordance with Resolution 1666 that the ,Utility plant value as of December 31 , 1973 was $10,722,347.92 in order to establish the service charge rate for 1975. Upon inquiry, Utility Department Bennett noted Utility plant value at approximately $1 ,000,000 less for previous year. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Dispos4tion of Letter from Mavor Garrett reported citizen interest in the purchase City Owned of City-owned property, Lots 38 and 39 of Lake Washington Garden of Lake Front Lots Eden Dvn #1 and Second Class Shorelands , located on Mt. View Drive N. (Old Kennydale south of Kennydale Beach Park. The letter reported the Board of Ferry Landing) Public Works reviewed valu^ !?f t►;c .. �:t,.y.,, ^,bl?c access to the waterfront and because of parking and access pry c , proximity of Kennydale and Lake Washington Beach Parks (considei-c�! ;n review by the Parks and Recreation Director and the Park Board) , it was the recommendation of the Board of Public Works that the property be declared ur,pl un o;^d dig; ose ! of by means of public sale; Mayor Garrett being in ayr'eement with Lhiis recommendation. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this property had been included in L. I.D. 276 and had been used for ferry and dock purposes at one time. A motion by Schellert, seconded by Grant to refer the matter to the Finance and Personnel Committee, failed. MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE, CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes Meeting - 7/22/75 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Veto of Gambling Letter from Mayor Garrett vetoed Ordinance No. 2865 relating to Ordinance gambling and gambling activities, requesting the City Council heed advice of our Police Chief and Mayor's previous recommendation Punchboards to delete pulltabs and social card games ,along with the punchboards Remain deleted last week. The letter noted low percentage return to the Prohibited customer with possibility of victimization of both the operator and patron on both punchboards and pulltabs and explained danger of defraud to citizens on card games and the difficulty of enforcement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY COUNCIL OVERRIDE THE VETO OF MAYOR GARRETT AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Those persons present opposed to gambling and complimenting the Mayor for his action: John M. Tappero, Pastor, Renton Assembly of God; Robert Weigel , Pastor, Renton First Baptist Church; Jack Hulse, 12622 148th S.E. Those persons present speaking in favor of gambling activities: Charles Lesnick, Evergreen Premium Wholesalers, Inc. , Seattle; James Lawrence, 2416 S.E. 19th; Arnold Bell and John Williams of the Renton Eagles. Comments made by Robert Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. N. Ordinance 2865 ROLL CALL: 6-AYE: GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI and Gambling & SCHELLERT. 1-N0: CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED OVERRIDING MAYOR'S VETO Activities AND ADOPTING GAMBLING ORDINANCE. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES, CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present as previously shown. Punchboards MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER THE SUBJECT-OF PUNCHBOARDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Swimming Program Letter of Mayor Garrett asked concurrence in appropriation of excess for Disadvantaged funds to be reimbursed to the City on a monthly basis by the King- Youtb Snohomish Manpower Consortium for the City providing opportunity to disadvantaged youth between ages of 6 and 14 from Sunset Terrace and Royal Hills Apartments for free transportation and free admission to the Liberty Park swimming pool three days per week through August 1974, being in conjunction with the summer NYC ,0w program. The letter noted total cost of program is $3,150 and requires the City enter into a contract with the Consortium. Discussion ensued re bus transportation via Gray Line Co. Council- man Schellert asked Council consider setting policy urging maximum use of Metro transit, also asking that administrative costs of City be added. Park Director and Administrative Aid were asked by the Mayor to check. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER MATTER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE.CARRIED. State Routes Letter from Washington State Highway Commission, G. H. Andrews, through Renton Highway Director, certified as to limited access routes and other than limited access routes within the City limits of Renton as of July 1 , 1974, this being statuatory requirement. Upon inquiry of Councilman Schellert, City Clerk noted there were no transferred routes listed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Hearing Letter from Clerk of the Metro Council forwarded Performance Criteria & Park & Ride Design Standards for Park and Ride Lots and Flyer Stops, and notified the City of August 15, 1974 Hearing at 1 :00 p.m. in the King County Administration Building, Seattle, for review of final drafts for construction of Park and Ride and Metro Flyer stop facilities. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry requested the Clerk to obtain more copies of documents. Park Department Letter from Wyman Dobson, League Commissioner of the Renton Mustang Commended Baseball Program extended thanks to the Renton Park Department for support for their program, special thanks given to John Webley, also noting excellent condition of park fields. Police Library Letter from Renton Police'Library Committee Chairman Stoddard (Funds Set Aside) presented list of books chosen by the committee to initiate the Police Library and asked consideration and authorization. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER TO FINAN`_:E COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 7/22/74 - Paae 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT Visitors Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. Lowell Smith with Scout Troup 493 of the Hillcrest School . Mr. Smith introduced each scout and noted troop working toward Community Service badges. APPOINTMENTS Letter of Mayor Garrett appointed Del Bennett to the position of Airport Director for the City effective July 17, 1974. Moved by Airport Director Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, Council concur in appointment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning Letter of Mayor Garrett announced the following reappointments to the Commission Planning Commission; recent ordinance reduced terms of members from 61 years to 4 years: Anthone R. Mola, 516 S. 15th, member since 1/68, term expiring 1/1/78. Don Humble, 360 Stevens, member since 1/70, term expiring 1/1/78. Bylund V. Wik, 2616 N.E. 18th St. , member since 11/72, term expiring 1/1/77. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, OUNCIL REFER APPOINTMENTS TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, Mayor Garrett noted that the terms of Planning Commission Members P. Seyclour and C . Teegarden expire the end of this year. Library Board Letter of Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Jay S. Ford to the Library Board for a 5-year term expiring 6/1/79, replacing Ken Zehm whose appointment expired 6/1/74. Mr. Ford lives at 679 Union N.E. is employed by The Boeing Co. as buyer and is recently received his master's degree at Seattle University. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Mayor Garrett noted the 5-year term was statuatory requirement for the Board. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS The Loop Councilman Clymer noted Channel 4 coverage of the "Loop" resulted in crowd on Saturday night. Discussion ensued on history of "buzzing the Barrel ," alternate activities and traffic computer as means of control . MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT MATTER OF THE "LOOP" BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO INVEST GATE RECREATIONAL_ ALTERNATIVES AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Councilman Grant Councilman Grant noted first reading 10/1/73 of an ordinance regarding Renton Planned Unit Development and requested joint mn,^tino ,-oifh Legislation Committee and Attorney for review of ordinance. man Grant asked for review by the Public Works Department of traffi.; signals, especially between the Highlands and downtown, including the Maple Valley Y; also suggesting the Transportation Committee review control of signals on State highways within the City. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Gonnason to check. Gonnason reported the computer operation on signal systems is partially in operation now. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Coiimiittee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Sartori School report concurring in the Finance Director's recommendation for Senior Citizens transfer of funds from unused Building Dept. salary unto Park & herrcz^*_20an Program Senior Citizens ' Recreational Services providingcustodian and oporat- ing costs for Sartori School . Amount of transfer recommended is , $7,433. The report recommended referral to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report. Committee Rpt. recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Olympic Pipe Line Company agreement, subject to approval by the City Olympic Pipe Line Attorney. The report recommended a revision be made, adding the Co, Agreement term "finish grade" to the section on "Trails. " MOVED BY PERRY, IM SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Councilmen Schellert noted donation by Olympic Right of Way Agent, Max Farr, of property valued in excess of $10,000 which gives access to the marshland. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant excused himself from the Council Chambers and took no part in this matter. MOVED by SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUSPEND RULES AND PRESENT RESOLUTION GRANTING ADDITIONAL PIPE LINE INSTALLATIONS TO THE OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement, it was MOVED BY DELAUR Resolution 1921 DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED, Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/22/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued U.S. Soil Legislation Committee report noted committee review of the Community Conservation Services Committee recomendations on the Soil Conservation P-1 Service - Green Channel Project Agreement and recommends that a resolution be adopted. River Valley MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI' ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. Councilman Schellert noted the City Council is in support of terms of the agreement with the exception that no financial obligation shall be entered into without the City Council giving authorization, and requested the record so indicate. MOTION CARRIED. (See later action) C.B.D. Project At Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason noted °-- downtown redevelopment project would be completed in three months with all poles removed and final clean up by October 22, 1974, and that Frank King is being retained as Project Manager because of his knowledge and background. NEW BUSINESS Budget Council President Clymer asked Councilmen to sumbit any suggestions Preparation Time or anticipated expenses for the 1975 legislation budget prior to mid August. Trees Obstruct Councilman Bruce asked that drooping tree limbs be cut to improve Vision visibility at intersections in the Highlands area. MOVED BY CLYMLR, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MATTER OF FINANCIAL IMPACT OF CARE OF Future Maintenance TREES BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. Clymer noted it may be better to be forwarned as to cost in older cities for removal of leaves, unclogging sewers and other preventive maintenance of trees. CARRIED. Gambling Ordinance Upon Council inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised the gambling ordinance would become effective five days after publication, or July 31 , that the ordinance was subject to terms of initiative and referendum clause for 30 days from the date of Passage of the ordi- nance as pertains to prohibiting activities. Shellan further noted the State would be furnished copy of the ordinance and would be advised of the City's action invoking local option and banning punch hoards. L. I.D. 287 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, BEFORE THE PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 5. 1974, FOR SEWER L. I .D. 287 IN THE KENNYDALE AREA, REFER THE-SUB- JECT MATTER. OF THE L. I .D. TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF COST AND ALTERNATIVES. CARRIED. City Landscaping MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE QUESTION OF ESTABLISHING Nursery A CITY NURSERY BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke explained any damaged plants should be replaced with those of same age and character. Schellert noted this is policy decision. CARRIED. Creative Arts Councilman Stredicke noted over 5,000 people attended Creative Arts Festival Festival and Art Show at Renton Center last week end and suggested one member from each organization be appointed to the Bi-Centennial Committee. Mayor Garrett acknowledged suggestion. VOUCHERS APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council authorize #5112-5256 O. K. payment of Vouchers 5112 through 5256 in the amount of $129,660.07 #5099-5111 Voided (#5099 - 5111 voided) , having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Member Schellert presented an ordinance for first reading approved by minority of the committee, which orders construction and installation of sanitary sewers in the vicinity of Ordinance No. 2868 Park Ave. N. , Meadow Ave. N. & FAI 405 between N. 40th and N. 28th L. I.D. 286 Sewers Streets in Kennydale. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE Kennydale e ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. Public hearing was held 7/15. Ordering MOTION CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Construction SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Upon inquiry, City Clerk Mead noted the L. I .D. was extended over 10 year period for repayment. MOTIQNCARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT. SECONDED BY Witt COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: CLYMER,SCHELLERT BRUCE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI; 2-NO: GRANT AND STREDICKE. CARRIED. S -Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 7/22/74 - Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Odinance No. 2869 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Rezone G to MP second and final readings which rezoned property owned by Scarsella Scarsella Bros. Bros. , Inc. , located just north of S.W. 43rd on West Valley Highway. Orillia Following reading, MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 2870 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance for Rezone G to MP second and final readings which rezoned property under ownership of Laviolette/Lotto Peoples National Bank as Trustee for estate of D. J. Laviolette and Orillia co-owner M. W. Lotto located on West Valley Highway north of S.W. 43rd St. , which had been on first reading 7/15/74. Following reading:.: MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution No. 1922 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution trans- Transfer of Funds ferring funds for the purpose of providing salary and fringe benefit payments from Street Forward Thrust Fund and Urban Arterial Board Fund in the amounts of $1 ,700 and $15,300. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ, CARRIED. '^''1 lrgislat.ion Committee Chairman. Stredicke presented resolution author- , r to , a.nrcemAnt with i z i ng the Mayor and C i tv . 1 Clerk to execute�r s, ..i4 y�^ ,, Soo Service for !"!itn the U. S. Department UfvligricUlt�re, Soil Conservation JerV' .�� Soil Conservation the purpose of evaluating environmental setting within the Green Service River area. Stredicke called attention to Section II stating no City funds shall be expended for the acquisition of property or commitments made without prior approval of the City and subject to applicable budget laws. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution No.1924 Legislation Committee Chairman presented a resolution authorizing Renton Transit the Mayor to execute and file an application on behalf of the City Usage Study with the U. S. Department of Transportation to aid in the financing of a Renton Transit Usage Study. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. r •11i 3903 Meadow Ave. N., object.ed to neighbor huild- AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Thomas Car t, , Thomas Carroill i ng barn and keeping ^^arts: ask i ny what could be don to s4,,,,-,r the b lding of such a large tarn. Planning D rTctor Erir..ksen not'-4 the area was apparently zoned G illowing one cow. Public works D4, z� .i?Y Gonnaswn nnrpri i.r,k= j{ va:- ..,M Mann un�cir conslf�er ti 0n .�,: ,. _ and report will be made. Frank Cenkovich Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. , recomnic—nded shelters be placed at bus stops. Gonnason noted some funds available for highest prior- ity shelters and that Metro's plan for Park and Ride and Flyer stops included some shelters. Executive Session Councilman Perry asked that Council hold executive session to discuss personnel matter asking Personnel Director, City Attorney and Mayor attend. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Council went into executive session at 11 :45 p.m. and returned to the Council Chambers at 12:08 a.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. _ E,'e I :�cs A. ,read, 71 WARRANT DISTRISWTION DATE 7122174 BEGIN ENDINQ IOTA` WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND�� DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /V IOCN."i/E Yo lb �p 9 9 — 6S/0/ URRENT 511P 5140 l68� 2T2198 "?ARK• ANO RECREATION $150 5170 �115r1A6/56 CITY !STREET 5176 5190 6171140183 LIBRARY 5191 5194 $2. 751166 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 5193 5196 6300121 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 5197 5198 $337161 NEW CAREER$ 5199 5200 l263e56 R931 AND STREET FWD TWRUST 520% 5105 $11005167 URBAN ARTERIA!.. 5206 5209 $20416#70 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION PUMP 5210 0211 $1165305 Wg"RRWQRKS UTILITY 521E 15226 $18e33901 AIRPORT 5227 5135 $20246101 `NUIPMENT RENTAL 5236 51154 $2* 516106 „M,ENTRAL STQRES 9255 5156 61/ 148166 TOTA6 OF ALL WARRANTS $1291660107 WE# TWt UNDERSI5M9D MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANDJOR SERVICES WAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo DO WEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT YOUCHERS NOe 6112 THROUGH NOs 5256 IN THE AMOUNT OF 01@91660107 THIS 22 OF JULY 4 iffiff FINANCE COMMITTEE ! I�wQw• • • +++• .rww ClMM TTEK EMBER ���•• •rrrr+l�w rr®aP•• COMMITTEE MEMBER WNW w ; O;;� woo � �w CITY CQJNCIL CCWITTEE MIMING CALE 10M Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCWITTEE MEETINGS Sl-Iffil :'.' CI'�'�' C1QR�IL l�'TINC7 (�' July 22, 1974 C'chmi= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN IWATICN REMARKS AVIATION CJMITI= SIRIDICKF% Sal: . , 7/27 8:00 a.m. GRANT '3­d. Floor Meet with Teleprarpter COMMUNITY SERVICES Sat.. , 7/27 9:00 a.m. GRANT 3 -d Floor Re: Loop. Invite Police Chief, King County Sheriff and Lake Hills Dance Pavilion Operator Mor.. , 7/29 7:30 P.M. FINANCE AND PERSCNNEL scHELLERT LBGISLATICN & LTIER- Mon. , 8/5 7:00 P.M. SIPH)ICEE 6th Floor GOVERNMENTAL PUSLIC SAFETY Tues. , 7/30 5:00 P.M. DEJALMENTI 6th Floor Punch Board Demonstration l PUBLIC WCR{►S BRUCE I?ANSPCRTATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATICN COWHITIEE W:!r'.. , 7/24 10:00 a.m. CLQ Chamber of Commerce First presentation to Public of new station. SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY Q7YQT'TEE METRO Tl,.as. , 8/15 1:00 P.M. METRO :�.C. Administration ark and Ride and Flyer Stop Facilities Building 7J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 23 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED B`\' THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3783 7 , 300 Harry J. Wyrwitzke 1605 Talbot S . Const , addition -784 600Marion Bulzoni 3303 Park. N. Const . deck 785 VOIDED 6W786 26, 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 1031 S . 31st Const . res . 3787 29, 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 1031 S . 31st Const. res . 3788 26,000 Hillis Homes , INC 933 S . 29th Const. res . 3789 30, 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 930 S . 29th Const . res . 3790 30 , 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 1025 S. 31st Const . res. 3791 12 , 000 Renton Elks Lodge 1600 Eagle Ridge SE Const. addition 3792 1, 000 St. Anython' s 406 S . 4th Convert garage 3793 6 , 669 HUD-Seattle Area 510 Windsor N.E. Repair res. 3794 300 Albert A. Ames 1609 Jones N.E. Const . shed 3795 6 , 498 HUD 1837 Harrington, NE Rehab housing code 3796 5 , 869 HUD 2641 N.E. 20th Rehab housing code 3797 1, 000 Gerald D. Gorton 670 Camas N.E. Install windows 3798 31, 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 805 S. 29th Const , res 3799 29,000 Hillis Homes ,INC 936 S . 29th Const . res. 3800 26 , 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 927 S . 29th Const . res. 3801 35 , 000 Q-M Enterprises 2402 Talbot S . Const. res. 3802 4 , 000 Pacific N.W. Bell 549 Garden N. Remodel restroom 3803 5 , 000 Renton Housing Auth. 2630 Sunset N.E. Repair fire damage 3804 8, 000 Calvin Erikson 810 N. 31st Repair fire damage IECHANICAL PERMITS *1982 200 Marion R. Coulter 554 Pierce N. E. Inst. Plumb. & Fix 3983 900 W. Arrigonni 907 N. 34th Inst. furnace 3984 1, 000 Linton Hoff 551 Index N. E. Inst . furnace 3985 300 Jacqueline Teller 634 Harrington N. E. Inst. Conv. burner 3986 850 FHA-Seattle Area 582 Windsor N. E. Inst. gas furnace 3987 550 Kelso Const . 2029 Aberdeen S.E. Inst . gas furnace 3988 700 Boeing Co. 613 E. Perimeter Rd. Inst. heaters 3989 1, 535 Jack Columbi 1015 N. 31st Inst . plumb & fix 3990 600 Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory N. Inst. heater 3991 750 Raymond Wells 1301 Aberdeen N.E. Inst. boiler 3992 520 Tim Downs 2301 Jones N. E. Inst, septic tank 3993 650 FHA-Seattle Area 2641 N. E. 20th Inst . plumb & fix 3994 5 , 000 Carl Cook 205 Langston S.W. Inst. storage tank ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4740 400 Harry J. Wyrwitzke 1605 Talbot S . Wire res . 4741 50 David E. Traxel 418 Shattuck S . Underground Conv. 4742 VOIDED __4743 4, 000 Wa. Horse Breeders Longacres Inst . lighting 744 650 Kelso Const. 2029 Aberdeen S.Ei. Wire res. `745 15 , 000 Vaughn-Reetz 813 Thomas S.W. Wire warehouse 4746 VOIDED 4747 VOIDED 4748 VOIDED 4749 VOIDED 4750 50 Rigby Development 3116 Morris S . Inst. temporary Sex PUT 14 PERMITS ISSUED (cont .) ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E4751 50 Norm Ihlenfeldt 1805 Lincoln S.E. Inst . temp. serv. 4752 50 Robert Irwin 1720 N.E. 16th Inst . temp. serv. 4753 500 Gerald D. Gorton 670 Camas NE Inst . heater 4754 50 Renton Assm.of,'God'221 Hardie N.W. Inst. temp. se 4755 1 , 000 Tim Downs 2301 Jones N. E. Wire res . SEWER PERMITS 2056 Halverson Const. 605 S . Riverside Connect storm sewer 2057 Donald C . Dana 5219 Ripley Ln. N. Connect side sewer 2058 William Arrigonir 907 N. 34th Connect san. sewer 2059 Elling Halvorson 550 S.W. 7th Connect san. sewer 2060 Lisa Foley 406 S.W. 16th Connect side sewer 7-r t. I I Y 0 I r i N 1 ) N TO THC CITY TI I7MUkLR a FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL CURRENT 10010- 51 ,364086 PARKS 8 RECREATI0 / ° 12,400024 CITY STREET /O 3 2o747. 12 LIBRARY /0` 786.46 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMI NT (PEP) //'7 24333 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) /s`/' 19630 NEW CAREERS /a 93m04 REG & STREET FWD - HRUST 1 ,897078 URBAN ARTERIAL 82019 WATERWORKS UTILITN 28,,383039 A I R''ORT boa 4.-986.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 15-01 2,347.28 FIREMEN'S PENSION 6 c i 1 ,075.40 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month July $106,603,47 n $ 5,844, I CURRENT 1 ,728,93 .PARKS ANC R ! 0009057 CITY STREET 246, ;3 REG b STREET FWD TIIRL!ST 9,05 URBAN ARTERIAL 43,321023 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N 38,432,94 WATERWORKS UTILITY` M 25,93 AIRPORT 5,443p2 EQ°U;PMENT RENTAL CLAIMS FUND J Transfers for ^nor t° of J u l Y $961 062, 10 No 9'Q $ 2,2a F0 Curren" rUn� Resolution o Contingency Fund �,58 $18 CURRENT 7,033.6.1 11,38f L 'ARKS & RECREATION J CIT`! STRELT 6,085: r 29 LIBRARY EyERGENCY EMPLOYMET FUND .?_5" WORK INCENTIVE FUN 8� A Fa NEW CARE'S RS �G & -71R72ET AWP ni-,, 5.,. URBAN A RTERLAi; � ,�, 1965 W & S Cane �r -5 'j0 LIBRARY CONSr.RUCT` FUND 6.34Z ,30 30 AIRPORT CONSTR.UCTI N FUND171,,g2 WATERWORKS UTILITY ._'7 t 78 AIRPORT 6 3�rt38+ EQuIp-MLNT tENTAI, 6 961.30 CENTRAL STORES FIREMEN'S PENSION 4 u'1AI�? FUND Transfers for ant of JI)I.Y 71 69he .3 t s ° I A JE ® Rr—CCTOR L r�: 4^ 7A C 1 '1 Y 01 R1: NT0N .TM OF : THE CITY TREASURER: FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL �-/S-9Y CONTINGENCY (107) EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT(PEP) Coded wrong on original $2,223.00 Transfer dated 7-8-74 CLAIMS FUND 11BRARY Keypunched wrong on 6-19-74 22.00 Cancellation of Warrant#4372 for $11.00 ]URRENT (242) CURRE'NT(271) Coded wrong on original 50.00 Transfer sheet of 6-10-74 (wrong; Balance sheet acct.no.#) 2URRENT (242) CURRENT (271) Coded wrong on original 288.69 Transfer sheet of 6-10-74 (wrong Balance sheet acct.no.#) 104,373. 18 CURRENT 34,419. 12 PARKS & RECREATION 19,083.30 CITY STREET 6,404.03 LIBRARY 463.64 NEW CAREERS 150.30 REG & STREET FWD 7' R'U'ST 1 ,352.74 URBAN ARTERIAL 13,905.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1 ,338. 14 AIRPORT 2,789.75 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 100.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of JULY $184,379.20 71 $ 58,272.98 CURRENT 15, 146.56 PARKS & RECREATION 17, 140.83 CITY STREET 2,751 .66 LIBRARY 300.21 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME T FUND (PEP) 557.61 WORK INCENTIVE FIJN : 263.56 � NEW CAREERS 10005.67 REG & STREET FWD T RUST 80416.70 URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,553,75 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT N FUND 18,339.71 WAIERWORKS UTE' -ry 2,246.21 AIRPORT 20516.06 EQUIPMENT RENTA`_ 11148.56 CENTRAL STORES 660.Oi CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of JULY $129. Adjust incorrect PAYROLL tcansf r $1 ,792.2 I q; RF)ORT CURRENT 6-15-74 and 6-30-74. l ,y409 st G.O.Bonds redeemed from $ 270.00 u20' , 1965 G.',: . , W & S ilevenue Ad j u_� W&S I:evenue Bonds, May 1968 f=und I 3ond Fund #408, 1959 W& #407, '965 Adv. W & S Ordinance #2195 $28, 160.61 Reserve Fund Refunding Bonds FINANCE DIRT TOR YOR r a i 71 C Y *1 Y 0F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF JUT,Y, 1974 TRlWSFFRS TO THE CITY TREASURER: FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL T CURRENT $102,302.04 PARKS & RECREATION 36,842.71 CITY STREETS 19,371.51 LIBRARY 6,802.18 r.. WORK INCENTIVE 325.25 NEW CAREERS 860.17 REG & STREET FWD.TIRUST 163.96 URBAN ARTERIAL 1,475.72 WATERWORKS UTILITI S 13,950.20 AIRPORT 1,338.14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,789.75 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of JULY $186,321.63 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT Cancelled Warrant# 4779 $ 4,00 #408, 1959 W & S #411, 1965 Adv. W & S Ordinance #2195 $20,000.00 Reserve Fund Ref. Bonds c YOR FINANCE DIRECTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 1 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Pacific N. W. Bell COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Creative Arts Festival - Waiver of rental charges CARCO Theatre - Meet with Park Board Shell Oil Co. Notice of Appeal - Special Permit No. SP-734-73 Fawcett letter re City Property on Lake Washington Directory or Map Signs in CBD with Public Works Department FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Hiring of Legislative Aiee (Assistant) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I .D. 281 - Final PARK BOARD Creative Arts Festival - Waiver of rental charges CARCO Theatre - Meet with Community Services Committee Administration of Senior Citizens Center at Sartori School PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Directory or Map Signs in CBD with Community Services Committee PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Leber and Ordinance re Gambling from King County Prosecuting Attorney Bayley APPOINTMENTS - Six months probationary period Mr. Kenneth F. Pillon and Mr. Bruce Gustafson, Jr. as Firefighters , Renton Fire Dept. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED Shell Oil Appeal for Special Use Permit - August 26, 1974 ... Final Assessment Roll - L. I .D. 281 - August 26, 1974 Preliminary - L. I .D. 289 (Proposed) - September 5, 1974 (Resolution No. 1928) Renton Hill Street Improvement - L. I .D. 290 (Proposed) - September 16, 1974 (Resolution No. 1927) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 1 , 1974 Municipal Building Thursday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES J. -- COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. Council President Clymer announced that Councilman Bruce had out-of-town relatives visiting and was unable to attend and that Councilman Grant would be late. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City ATTENDANCE Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to Mayor; GENE COULON, Parks Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; and CAPTAIN JOHN BUFF, repre- senting the Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES OF 7/22/74 JULY 22, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND A report was read from King County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher CURRENT BUSINESS Bayley on the new amendments to the State Gambling laws which per- mits cities of 20,000 population or over to determine their own Gambling taxing rates and what gambling activities shall be allowed. A Activities copy of a model ordinance was also enclosed. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Creative Letter from Renton Creative Arts President Lew Innocenti thanked Arts Festival the Mayor and the Council for their efforts in behalf of the -" Festival , which was a great success, and requested the Mayor and Council to consider waiving the rental charges on the Carco Theatre, starting with next year's Festival . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE PARK BOARD WITH A REQUEST TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke remarked that the Park Board estab- lishes list of fees to be charged and also makes changes to fees'for the Theatre, but it has been the Council that waives the fees and not the Park Board and that a Committee of the Council should meet with the Park Board. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO AMEND THE MOTION AND ALSO REFER IT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Question was raised as to whether the public was charged a fee for entrance to the Festival . Gene Coulon, Parks Director, said there was no fee charged to the public, but a $10.00 fee was charged to the invitational artists who had booths, and they sold the articles in their booths to the public and he understood that the Creative Arts Commission received a 10% commission. Councilman Stredicke said that the Festival brought a lot of people into Renton, that the City should encourage everything they can to bring people into the City. MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. L. I.D. 284 Report from Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, was read Percentage of regarding the addition of Mr. Walt Wiechmann's protest letter Protest on L. I .D. 284, which represented a 3.84% addition, the total protest for L. I.D. 284 now standing at 36.69%, which does not require the Council to change its action approving the L. I .D. and adopting ordinanc( Notice of Appeal Notice of Appeal from Mr. A. Wesley Hodge, Attorney, Shell Oil Shell Oil Co. Co. , on the July 24, 1974 Planning Commission denial of Shell 's Special Permit Special Use Permit for a Distribution Plant was read. Letter also No. SP-734-73 requested Notice of Public Hearing date when set. Question was raised as to specifically what the hearing was to cover, the Clerk read- ing from the file, indicated requested permit was "to construct 80 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes - 8/1/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Continued) PUBLIC HEARING a marketing plant in H-1 zone one-half mile west of East Valley Shell Oil Co. Highway, vicinity of Longacres Racetrack" . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Appeal Set for SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY August 26, 1974 SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE DATE OF AUGUST 26, 1974 BE SET FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages for alleged damage to buried cable was read by Pacific N.W. Bell the Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. ,r MOTION CARRIED. Final Costs for Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, presented the final costs L. I.D. 281 - on L. I .D. 281 , N.W. 2nd, S. 132nd between Taylor and Stevens Ave- N.W. 2nd St. nues N.W. and recommended approval of the Final Assessment costs. Watermain Costs for inside City, $5,468.50, outside City, $6,931 .97, for a total L. I .D. cost of $12,400.47. August 26, 1974 was recommended PUBLIC HEARING for the Public Hearing date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY August 26, 1974 DELAURENTI , SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION AND THAT AUGUST 26, 1974 BE SET FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed L. I .D. 289 A communication from the Public Works Department was read stating Aloha Ranch that petitions had been received for the creation of a Sanitary Additions - N.E. Sewer L. I .D. for Aloha Ranch Additions, N. E. 24th Street east 24th St.-Edmonds' of Edmonds Ave. N.E. Preliminary figures show 13 of 34 parcel Avenue N.E. owners have signed, percentage based on parcels is 38%. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. Councilman Perry remarked that he was a participant in this L.I .D. and asked the City Attorney to confirm his right of participation in the action to be taken on the matter. City Attorney Shellan responded that Councilman Perry was one of the owners within the proposed district; that no prefer- ence will be shown, costs to be assessed the same as all other people in the L. I .D. and that there is no conflict of interests and participation was therefore proper and allowed. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared the days of August 5 through August 10, 1974 as Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days Disabled American and urged all citizens to support this campaign • All funds con- Veterans - Chapter tributed will be utilized for disabled veterans in this community. No. 12 - For-Get- MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S Me-Not Days PROCLAMATION. MOTION CARRIED. 8/5 - 8/10/74 Letter of Mayor Garrett announced appointments to the Renton Fire APPOINTMENTS Department of Mr. Kenneth F. Pillon and Mr. Bruce Gustafson, Jr. to the position of Firefighter to fill existing vacancies. The appointments will be effective August 16, 1974, subject to the customary six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS BY THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. i,�_D BUSINESS Council President Clymer reported interview, for Legislative Aide, of the two men with the best qualifications and recommended hiring Mr. Legislative Robert Hughes. He remarked that both men had top qualifications, but Assistant the other applicant was a resident of Seattle, and Mr. Hughes Position was a local resident and had lived in Renton all of his life. Moved by Perry, Seconded by Stredicke, that the City Council concur in the Council President' s recommendation. After some discussion as to whether the question of hiring the Legislative Assistant be handled in this manner, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Data Processing Council President Clymer noted visiting PACCAR, along with Council- Manager man Schellert, to investigate Data Processing Center where they Renton City Council Meeting Minutes -- 8/1/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) gained some new insight and knowledge. Mr. Schellert stated desire to discuss before appointment of the Data Processing Manager and as regards the City' s Data Processing operation; Mayor' s appointment of in-staff person to the position in the meantime noted. Mayor Garrett noted termination of City DP Manager effective yesterday ' requiring immediate action, and invited any information the Council- men may wish to convey. Question was raised as to advisability of Special Bonding provisions for Data Processing Manager, it being noted Special Bonds are provided as required by law, all other employees covered under blanket bond. City Property on Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. No. , Lake Washington dated July 25, 1974, expressing concern for the City disposing of a vacant lot fronting on Lake Washington,had been previously dis- tributed to the Councilmen. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE LETTER FROM THE FAWCETTS, DATED JULY 25, 1974, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Meeting with State Councilman Delaurenti mentioned that he had attended a meeting, Gambling Commission along with other members of the City's staff, with Mr. Bjork, Representative representing the State Gambling Commission. He said the question of legalizing punchboards is still under study and the City Attorney had requested opinion of the Attorney General . Maple Valley Y Councilman Stredicke questioned Public Works Director Gonnason Intersection about the pavement at the Maple Valley Highway Y. Public Works Director Gonnason answered that the condition in the center of that intersection is the responsibility of the State, but that the City was sending out a crew to put in a patch of hot asphalt temporarily. Senior Citizen Councilman Stredicke mentioned that since the Resolution had been Center at Sartori passed to transfer funds for the Senior Citizen Center at Sartori School , responsibility for administering this Center had not been assigned to a City Department. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE PARK BOARD HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ADMINISTER- ING THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AT SARTORI SCHOOL. MOTION CARRIED. Upon query from Councilman Stredicke as to whether there had been any arrangements made with the School Administration to move into the facility, Park Director Coulon replied that they had not taken definite steps, but had acquired some needed kitchen equipment from the School District, but until funds were made available to hire a Maintenance man for clean up, they could not use the facility. The Park Board has approved moving the dances held at the Liberty Park facility to Sartori School when possible. Parking Signs in Councilman Perry presented letter to be read from Mr. Norbert T. Central Business Tiemann, Federal Highway Administrator, letter was in response District to Councilman Perry's letter of July 2, 1974 requesting approval of parking signs designed for the CBD Project. Because the signs are not standard, the request was turned down. Directory Signs in Council President Clymer mentioned that he had seen directory CBD signs in the Central Business District while visiting in Eugene, Oregon, that specified the businesses in that particular area and thought the idea might be useful in Renton and perhaps the Staff working with the people in the Community could come up with some ideas. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE SUGGESTION OF MAP SIGNS IN THE CBD BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Resolution trans- Resolution No. 1925 ferring $5,084.45 from City of Renton Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds, Transfer of Funds 1959, to Waterworks Utility. Following reading of the Resolution, Water & Sewer it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE RESOLU- Revenue Bonds TION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. 82 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes - 8/1/74 - Page 4 RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution No. 1926 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Resolution Building General for reading transferring $7,433.00 from Building General Services Services Div. Division unto Parks & Recreation - Senior Citizens Recreational Services for the purpose of operating and maintaining lease of Sartori School for Senior Citizens' use. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE RESOLUTION BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. 1927 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Resolution Street Improvement declaring intention to construct and install certain street Renton Hill Area improvements and appurtenances thereto in the Renton Hill Area, Proposed L. I.D. proposed L. I.D. 290. After reading of the resolution, it was 290 MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RENTON HILL L. I .D. AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF SEPTEM- September 16, 1974 BER 16, 1974. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. 1928 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Resolution Sanitary Sewers declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer Aloha Ranch Addition lines and appurtenances thereto in Aloha Ranch Additions, east East of Edmonds of Edmonds Ave. N.E. and N.E. 24th Street and to create a local Ave. N.E. and N.E. improvement district. After reading of the resolution, it was 24th Street MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE RESOLUTION Proposed L. I .D. 289 BE ADOPTED AS READ AND A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 PUBLIC HEARING BE SET. MOTION CARRIED. September 5, 1974 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. q1 Delores A. Mead, Citly Clerk JT 83 ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 5 , 1974 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R E F E R R A L S City Clerk Notify Newspaper to withhold publication of Resolution 1928 Authorized to Sign Agreement with King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium Community Services Committee Request of Mr. Job Berga;an Recommendation asked re sewer service for all plats Finance and Personnel Committee Letter of request from Renton Nutrition Program Site Council City Hall Lunchroom Question C.E.T.A. Program Legislation Committee Final Plat. - Wiehoff Public Works Department Check of :signatures on Street Vacation Request Transportation Committee_ H. VanAusdal letter Appointments Confirmed Del Bennett, Airport Director Anthone Mola, Planning Commission, 4-Yr. term expiring 1/1/78 Don Humble, Planning Commission, 4-Yr. term expiring 1/1/78 Bylund Wik, Planning Commission, 4-Yr. term expiring 1/1/77 (Existing term expired 73) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 5 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. M I N U T E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed L. I.D. 287 Sewers and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to con- 3)etween N.E. 20th sider the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $176,669.97 and N.E. 27th, for L. I.D. 287 , sanitary sewers in Dayton Ave. N.E. between N.E. 20th Dayton Ave. N.E. and N.E. 27th St. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Charles M. Elliott, Carol Eades, Robert M. Gerke, James E. Tosch, L. E. Pearson, Raymond A. Robinson, Armand Pelletier and a petition bearing 54 signatures starting with Dennis J. Pederson and ending with Paul L. Babcock. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason listed the total protest -for L. I .D. 287 as 67.51% based on the total cost of the L. I .D. Public Works Director Gonnason explained protests in excess of 60% of the proposed assessment preclude the Council from taking any further action unless the Health Department finds sewers to be a necessity due to health hazard. Councilman Perry noted July 22, Council referral to the Public Works Committee for study of cost and alternatives to L. I .D. 287. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to show proposed sewer system, outlining boundaries and lines. Gonnason explained the $90,000 grant received from H.U.D. for funding and also proposed sale of revenue bonds by the Sewer Utility in amount of $26,000 which could be used for trunk placement and would be repaid to Utilities with late-comers agreement when adjacent 'unsewered areas joined onto the trunk line. This would give reduction of $300 for average lot, reducing assessment to approximately $1 ,700. Gonnason explained pay- ment over 10 year period with interest and possibility of adding side sewer charges to those yearly payments. Those persons present asking questions and giving comments: Dale Jenks, 2325 N.E. 24th; Dennis Wagenman, 2417 Edmonds N.E. ; Jim Tosch, 2417 N.E. 23rd; Mrs. George Douglas, 2209 Edmonds N.E. ; Neil Anderson, 2509 Edmonds N.E. ; Mrs. Donald Ravert, 2410 N.E. 24th; R. Wiehoff, 2328 22nd N.E. ; Dennis Peterson, 2521 Edmonds N.E. Those persons present speaking against formation of the local improvement district: Joseph Gatten, 2425 Dayton N.E. ; Henry A. Lingat, 2225 Dayton N.E. and Dale Chatham, 2403 N.E. 23rd. Those persons present favoring the L. I .D. : Dwight P. Potter, 2104 Dayton N.E. ; I . F. Fitting, 2004 Dayton N.E. ; Dave W. Catton, 2217 Edmonds N.E. and Bill Lightfoot, 2117 Edmonds N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason noted existing health hazard, Aealth Officer's report not reflecting need for condemnation at this time. Gonnason discussed alternate plans and provisions for receipt of the $90,000 grant. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC L. I.D. 287 HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, Terminated L. I .D. 287 BE TERMINATED. CARRIED. Following discussion, Councilman Stredicke suggested that Public Works Department representatives meet with property owners during planning stages of local improvement districts as had been done some years ago. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Recess Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previously shown. L. I.D. 289 Sewers MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED Aloha Ranch area TO NOTIFY NEWSPAPER TO WITHHOLD PUBLICATION7F RESOLUTION NO. 1928, CAI DED289 , SANITARY SEWERS IN ALOHA RANCH ADDITION EAST OF EDMONDS NE. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/5/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Petition for Vacation of Street was filed by Howard L. Speck, Howard Street Vacation T. Garner, C. T. Craiq, and George and Thelma Rogers , abutting Newport Ave. N.E. property owners adjacent to portion of Newport Ave. N.E; sought Vicinity N.E. 10th to be vacated for utilization as Highlands Church of Christ facility. and Monroe Ave NE Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Delaurenti , refer Vacation to the ($100 Filing Fee Legislation Committee for resolution setting date of Public Hearing. Received) SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AND CARRIED, THAT THE REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CHECK OF SIGNATURES. „ Renton Nutrition Letter from Renton Site Council signed by J. J. Fink, Chairman; ETien Program for Delaurenti , Outreach; Catherine Mooney, Site Manager and seven other Elderly Site Council Members of the Renton Nutrition Program for the Elderly requested a meeting with Mayor Garrett and City Council Members to discuss the City funding extra meals should the demand require same. The letter noted appreciation of City funding for the renovation of Sartori School and anticipated increased participation; when expanded facilities open by September; that the Office on Aging, HEW, has budgeted for 65 meals per day, however, 100 meals per day are antici- pated; the lunch program being supported by Title VII HEW funding and 50� donation of participants. The letter further noted the desire to offer the Nutrition program to additional elderly citizens of Renton, believing the program has demonstrated the need for meals to Renton"s retired persons, particularly those on low incomes and/or living alone and that socialization and other services as transportation and soon-to-be-offered Nurse' s clinic are important. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE LETTER OF REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Mr. Fink, Mrs. Mooney and Mrs. Delaurenti no relation to Councilman) and others were present to explain aspects of the program. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert invited attendance at August 13, meeting to discuss the Nutrition Program. Shady Lane Letter from City Clerk Mead reported the filing of 75% petition for Annexation annexation (signed by 100% of property owners) of the Shady Lane area located in the northwest corner of the Renton-Issaquah Rd./Sunset Highway and 138th Ave. S.E. The letter suggested the date of August 19, 1974 for public hearing to consider the annexation. MOVED BY 'ublic Hearing DELAURENTTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SET THE DATE OF AUGUST 8/19/74 19, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION PETITION. CARRIED. Final Plat Planning Commission recommendation was presented in letter from Ronald Wiehoff Planning Director Ericksen for approval of the Ronald Wiehoff Applica- FP-770-74 tion No. FP 770-74 request for final plat approval for property Cresent View Addn. located at Kennewick Ave. N.E. and N. E. 16th St. for single family residences on 3. 36 acres of undeveloped property, with all improve- ments, including sewers,in accordance with City ordinance requirements. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. C. E.T.A. Letter from Mayor Garrett announced the City may participate in a Employment Program new Public Employment Program (PEP) as a sub-agent under the King County Public Employment Program beginning in August, 1974 to be financed through funds allocated for Title II of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973 (CETA) . The letter states that the program is aimed at the chronically unemployed and disadvantaged; preliminary planning by department heads brought recommendation that seven positions be authorized: Clerk-Dispatcher (Police Depart- ment) , Building Inspector (Public 'Works Department) , Maintenance Custodian (Parks Department) , Assistant Printing Clerk (Finance Department) , Supervisory Page (Library) , Clerk-Typist (Fire Depart- ment) , Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) Liaison (Mayor's Office) . Letter further noted $63,000 is tentative allocation for federal fiscal year of 1975 and that separate legislation will be requested when administrative details are finalized with King County. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 86 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/5/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Noise Pollution Letter from Homer A. Van Ausdal , 2422 Meadow Ave. N. , complained of noise from freeway built adjacent to his backyard and asked that the Council investigate the possibility of a noise barrier being built in his area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Jon Bergman, 911 N. 31st St. , noted his neighbor's complaint to the City Council 7/22 (following LID Hearing) re his two cows Jon Bergman and building a barn. Bergman felt he was being discriminated against and reporled that he has been informed of violation of zoning ordinance that he must dispose of cows and tear down barn by ll/1 . Mr. Bergman asked reconsideration. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MR. BERGMAN'S REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon request by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnas7n reported letter had been sent to Mr. Bergman on 8/1 noting his violation of zoning ordinance. Mr. Bergman was advised of his right of appeal to the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Bergman submitted petition signed by twenty neighoring property owners agreeing to the construc- tion of barn on the Bergman property. Mr. and Mrs. Bergman noted they had cows when area annexed into the City and have had cows continuously. Following further discussion, MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Appointments committee report recommending concurrence with Mayor Garrett's Del Bennett appointment of Del Bennett as Airport Director, also noting the Airport Director concurrence to the appointment by the Airport Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE AND PERSON- NEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Reappointments Planning Commission Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted com- Anthone Mola mittee report recommending Council concurrence in the Mayor` s Don Humble reappointment of Mr. Anthone Mola, Mr. Don Humble and Mr. Bylund Bylund Wik Wik to the Renton Planning Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sewers .in MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF SEWER SERVICE ON New Developments ALL PLATS FILED WITH THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION FOR LEGISLATION. Stredicke noted all subdivisions within the City should be required to provide sewers in anticipation of hook up. MOTION CARRIED. City Hall MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CITY HALL LUNCHROOM Lunchroom QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GONNASON. CARRIED. At inquiry of Councilman Stredicke, .Public Works Director noted three alterna- tives with the notification by Alvina Popke for termination of lease: New lunchroom tenant, Machines only or Hire City Employee to operate lunchroom. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted com- 5257-5264 Void mittee report for approval of payment of vouchers 5265 through 5428 5265-5428-O.K. in the amount of $135,139.40 having received department certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers 5257 through 5264 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended that completely Nesheim, Bitney & executed restrictive covenants be filed with the City Clerk's Office Grouws Rezone supporting the Nesheim, Bitney & Grouws Rezone R-765-74 by August 15, Appl .R-764-74 1974, otherwise the Legislation Committee will place the rezone ..� Council Approved ordinance before the City Council with a recommendation that rezone 6/17/74 be denied. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Swimming Program Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for for Disadvantaged first reading which appropriated excess revenue for the purpose of Youth - NYC aiding disadvantaged youth in certain recreational programs (Repayment- (Continued) King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium) in amount of $3,150 from Park Fund Excess Revenueto Parks & Recreation Facilities. t Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/5/74 - Page 4 ORDINANCES - Continued Ordinance 2871 Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY Appropriation SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. King-Snohom;sh CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Manpower SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Consortium All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. Swimming Program MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CAG-028-74 CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH KING-SNOHOMISH MANPOWER CONSORTIUM FOR SUMMER RECREATION AND TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting Adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. Delores A. Mead , City Vlerk 'W... 88 WARRANT UISTHIUWTION DATE 8/05/14 bEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMDER WARRANTS CURRENT 5265 5311 670/ 656100 PARKS AND RECREATION 5312 0362 �.-'t 386108 CITY STREET 5343 b357 i6t725169 LIBRARY 5358 5361 •763145 NEW CAREERS b362 536* $71 #44 REGI AND STREET FWD THR45T 5365 5367 $40899159 URBAN ARTERIAL 5365 5369 s7a006182 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5370 5370 s3j279159 WATERWORKS UTILITY b371 5388 $23t662120 AIRPORT 5389 5; 99 �Rbo452146 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5400 5425 04# 170190 FIREMEN PENSION 5426 b*28 $10468124 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS s136t139140 WE0 THE UNDERSIUNED MEM5ERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CQWNCILt HAVINQ RECEIYEP DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN HECEIVED OR RLNDEREDo RU HEREBY APPRDVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHERS NO ! 5265 THROUGH NOt 5428 IN TogE AMOUNT OF *135j139 ,40 THIS Cb OF AUGUST 974 xt FINANCE CUM11ITTEE 0—Ir w • a � w r s • Arw C M ITT E MEMBER ' w w w� w wwiwN+wr•wwwwwwwws� CO MITTEE MEMB • •rr rw�rrwr w�••wa •sr _• COMMITTEE MEMBER CITY C UNCIL CCNNITTEE NEYTING CALEM)AR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCMdII;`I !. MF TINGS SQEDLZM AT CITY COUNCI" b1EErING OF August 5 , 1974 COMMI= DATE TVIE CHAIRMAN UXATION REMARKS AVIATION C011MITI Tues. , 8/13 7:20 P.M. SI'UDIC E 2nd Floor COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. , 8/6 7:30 P.M. GNANZ 4th Floor Police Dept. and Park Dept. representatives invited FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. , 8/13 4:30 P.M. SCIMI'`-Hr 6th Floor Conf. Roan LEGISLATION & INTER- n. , 8/12 7:00 P.M. SMI)ICK11 GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY D112AL'R.E'W I PUBLIC WORKS rhurs. , 8/8 7:30 P.M. BRUT 4th Floor Conf. Roar, TRANSPOR'T'ATION rues. , 8/6 4:30 P.M. PETRY 3rd Floor Conf. Room kscuss Metro Park & Ride Shelters 0111M M1=INGS AND EVEN'T'S FIRE STATION CCMMITTU rLi1:9 i SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY ODMu1IT I Fri. , 8/9 k)-nton Airport lesion of ADAP - Reception following Sat. . 8/17 and Sun. , 8/18 neon Airport Air Ride of Renton for Chamber & Council Avia- Sat. , 8J10 10.00 A.M. Renton Ai lrr. ion Cann. Mayor & Mayor's Cc C^ 90 OFFICE OF THE CITY CIUK AUGUST 6,1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPAR'IMWr. BUILDING PERMITS NO. NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK Ps? B3805 $500 Renton School Dist. 315 Garden N. Const. partitions 3806 250 Gerald J. Paulus 872 Monroe N.E. Replace windows 3807 75,000 U.S. Industries 127 S. 3rd Repair fire damage 3808 Reinhard Dist. Co. 632 Rainier S. Remove gas tanks 3809 7,800 Glen L. Guy 1404 S.W. Grady Remodel foundation 3810 City of Renton. 211-215 Mill S. Demolish res. 3811 12,000 Dobi Corp 511 S.W. 12th Foundation for res. 3812 700 Connie Sloan 455 Bronson N.E. Const. patio cover. 3813 25,000 Marlene Reich 3825 Lk. Wa. Blvd. Const. res. 3814 26,000 R.W. Wiehoff 1606 Kennwick N.E. Const. single fam,,: res. 3815 868 Mary Klepach 515 Morris S. Inst. gutters 3816 30,000 Hillis Hames INC. 817 S. 28th Const. res. 3817 3,000 Albert L. Culp 3411 Talbot S. Const. wood deck 3818 285,682 Renton Assembly of God 221 Hardie N.W. Const. addition to church 3819 7,000 Towner A. Jayne 304 Powell S.W. Const. additon to res. 3820 26,000 Kelso Const. Co. 2004 Aberdeen S.E. Const. single fam; res. 3821 John Davis 2308 N. 28th Demolish res. 3822 5,000 Katherine Kis 1024 N. 36th Const. res. 3823 400 Robert Wonid 3629 N.E. 6th Const. floor & arch way MECHANICAL PERMITS M3995 325 Fred Hendricks 1164 Camas N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 3996 VOID 3997 ' VOID 3998 2,000 Hillis Hanes 817 S. 28th Inst. plumb & fix 3999 2,000 Hillis Hanes 1025 S. 31st Inst. plumb & fix 4000 2,000 Hillis Hanes 1031 S. 31st Inst. plumb & fix 4001 2,000 - Hillis Hanes 1013 S. 31st Inst. plumb & fix 4002 2,000 Hillis Hanes 936 S. 29th Inst. plumb & fix 4003 2,000 Hillis Hanes 930 S. 29th Inst. plumb & fix 4004 2,000 Hillis Hanes 933 S. 29th Inst. plumb & fix 4005 2,000 Hillis Hanes 927 S. 29th Inst. plumb & fix 4006 2,000 Hillis Hanes 805 S. 28th Inst. plumb & fix 4007 2,000 Hillis Hanes 1028 S. 31st Inst. plumb & fix 4008 1,800 L.B. Breezee 126 Pelly N. Inst. plumb & fix 4009 8,000 Ola Gossett 300 Pelly N. Inst. gas packs 4010 1,500 Noma Ihlenfeldt 1805 Lincoln S.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4011 635 Hebb & Narodick 1021 S. 30th Inst. gas furnace 4012 688 Hebb & Narodick 912 S. 29th Inst. gas furnace 4013 714 Hebb & Narodick 914 S. 29th Inst. gas furnace 4014 635 Hebb & Narodick 906 S. 29th Inst. gas furnace 4015 97 T.W. Head 1908 N.E. 16th Inst. water heater 4016 450 Pizza Haven INC. 739 Rainier S. Inst. sprinkler system 4017 628 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 29th Inst. gas furnace 4018 500 Downs 2301 Jones N.E. Install plumb & fix 4019 329.50 J. Paul Duncap 3324 11th N.E. Inst. gas water htr. 4020 650 Hud 1837 Harrington N.E.Inst. plumb & fix 4021 550 Hillis Hanes 2907 Morris S. Inst. gas furnace 4022 550 Hillis Hanes 1019 S. 31st Inst. gas furnace 4023 600 Hillis Hanes 939 S. 29th Inst. gas furnace 4024 Q.M. Const. 2320 Talbot S. Inst. plumb & fix EIFCIRICAL PERMITS X4756 VOID 4757 300 N.W. Bonded Escrow 3328 S.E. 6th Rewire housing 4758 275 Hendricks 1164 Camas N.E. wire addition 4759 1,000 Renton School Dist. 315 Garden N. Inst. elect heat 4760 518 H.U.D. 510 Windsor N.E. Inst. circuits 4761 250 Dean Dietrich 702 N. 5th Inst. new service 4762 650 Hebb & Narodick 906 S. 49th Wire new res. 4763 500 Dennis Henning 804 Newport N.E. Inst. new service 4764 200 Cooks Texaco 150 S.W. Sunset Inst. pump & wire 4765 568 Stoneway Conc. 1915 Maple Valley Inst. R.L.M. fix. 4766 3,500 Donald C. Dana 5219 Ripley N. Inst. elec. furnace 4767 500 H.U.D. 2641 20th N.E. Add circuits a� 101-3 UN ITS ;; ;111-3) (okAIt. 1':11X'11 a CAL Pf-NM YN N0. AMOUW NAME ADDRESS "INW OF WORK FA 76 $750 McKinney Const. 1725 Lincoln S.E. Wire single fam. 'nes. 476J 6w Hebb & Na ud- ick 918 S. 290 Wire res. 4770 650 Hebb & Neandick 1021 S. 31st Wire res. 071 650 l ler,L 4 Nanudlck 914 S. 29th Wire res. ,1'172 t;50 I leub & Nux^odick 912 S. 29th Wire res. 4773 175 IVA)ert S. Stlgen- 3241 N.E. Slu set Inst,. new service 4774 A,673 Olyiiq)ia Pipeline 2929 E. valley Rd. Ranodel pumping ,177F- 700 Hi 1 l is l lcxrbes 939 S.• 29Lh Wire new res. ,17 maffc{o 411 S. 9th Convert service r<77 3141 l' 11 U. 2;(. ltedouad N. Add circuits •;7 7 tiUO 1 menton I low idl !�u a�. :2630 S1uLSe t N E. I��vi re f ire dam : 9.79 50 Robert Wonid 3629 N.9, 6th Move receptacle Sa-6'ent 'lyee Co N.l ,, _4th St Inst 9 .tmrp. servi ^ d S7wFR POWITS 2061 Progressive INV 1216 S.W. 157th Comect side serer '-1(kj2 Joseph G. Archeleta 2315 N.E. 10th a.Cpnneet side sewr 'LO63 Nom lhlenfeldt 13606 Bear lido Connect side sewer phlllip it. Luther 2303 N.L. 10th connect aide sewr kh;bb & Narodick 3004 Morris Ave Connect side sever '2066 Wash. Horse Ike Lon gaca't:s Connect side sewer SIGN Pk1MMITS 375 300 Rainier vili ' 534 Rainier S. Inst. wall sign 376 410 Earl Richards 325 inset Blvd. N. Inst. wall sign 377 12,850 'Maury Aliuudee=f.. Longueres Inst. pole sign d i RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 12 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Mary Lynn McCorkle Cl !'Y CLERK Public Notice re Committee of the Whole Meetings Authorized to sign agreement with State re WIN FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Rain Gear for Park Maintenance employees Board of Adjustment reappointments , Positions 3 & 4 Data Processing Department ordinance matter Water Front Lots Lake Washington LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appropriation of funds for alley SW Grady Way area - Ord. 2872 adopted Data Processing Ordinance Planned Unit Development Ordinance FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Investigate Multi-services Agency in combination with new fire station MAYOR'S OFFICE Authorized to sign agreement with State re WIN Convening of Board of Ethics for determination Request State Highway Dept. to review noise pollution on FAI 405 through City and further request sound barriers in residential areas CITY OF RENTON'S REPRESENTATIVE TO METRO Advise Metro of City' s concern re Metro Shelters PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Proceed with L. I . D. 284 DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Information bulletin for LID's PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Negotiate lease with Group Health for use of public property Request for LID petition (water mains) SPECIAL EVLNTIS September 5, 1974 Special movie and slide presentation on Planned Unit Development 9� RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 1 "2 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. wow BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; .GORDON ERICKSEN, Planninq Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; DON STARK, Admini- strative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 1 , AND AUGUST 5, 1974, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Park Director Coulon reported that the Park Board had instructed him to write and inform the Council that the Board Rain Gear for recommends that eighteen rain suits, totalling approximately $300, Park Maintenance be purchased for Park Maintenance employees , providing that the funds be taken from a source other than Park funds. Also noting that future funding would be included as a part of the Park Depart- ment budget. The letter related history of discussion between Local 21R, Labor-Management Committee and subsequently the Park Board regarding the rain gear. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Councilman Schellert noted this matter was never discussed in negotiations with 21R, the 21R position being that all members of the union would receive the same benefits , the Street Department and Water Department receiving rain gear. CARRIED. Work Incentive Letter from Mayor Garrett requested Council authorize the Mayor Program (WIN) and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the State of Washing- ton Work Incentive Program (WIN) for the filling of one Maintenance Custodian position in the Parks Department. The letter explained the WIN program designed to provide work for individuals receiving public assistance, the State providing reimbursement of wages and benefits until 6/30/75, that individuals are to be absorbed at the end of the contract, contingent on available funds; present WIN account will cover the position for several months without appropri- ation at this time. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. Councilman Stredicke inquired re C.E.T.A. program (See 8/5/74 Council Minutes) notinq total of 8 positions not budgeted, asking report re extra persons hired. CARRIEU. Request for L. I . D. Letter from City Clerk Mead presented petition bearing 22 signatures Water mains in for creation of a local improvement district for installation of Kennydale, water mains , hydrants and appurtenances in the vicinity of Kennydale, Lake Washington, Lake Washington and May Creek, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY May Creek CLYMER, PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO CHECK SIGNATURES AND REPORT BACK AS TO VALIDITY OF PETITION. CARRIED. Kiwanis Air Fair Letter from Mr. Robert L. Anderson, Chairman of the Sign Committee Signs for Kiwanis Renton Air Fair apoloqized for any ordinance violation in the installation of banner near the intersection of Rainier Ave. South and South Third St. and the placement of small signs through- out the City and on public rights-of-way advertising the Kiwanis Air Fair at the Renton Airport on August 17 and 18, asking that the City Council permit the retention of the banner and signs as they will be removed on August 19 and 20. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the banner has been removed by Puget Power because of pole removal and request now for installation on Third. A motion by Delaurenti and seconded by Grant to give permission for placing of signs on public rights-of-way,except planter boxes, and for installing sign over street, was withdrawn. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/12/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Continued BY GRANT, PERMISSION BE GRANTED TO KIWANIS TO PLACE AIR FAIR Kiwanis Air Fair BANNER OVER STREET. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND Signs MOTION TO WAIVE FEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED, MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Discussion of sign code enforcement ensued. Henry Hanks vs City City Clerk Mead presented Notice of Appeal from Confirmation of L. I .D. 286, Sewers Assessment Roll of LID No. 286 filed by Henry L. Hanks and Ruby Vicinity Park N. Hanks, alleging assessment in excess of benefit and inequitable. & Meadow N. , #4)5 Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised the appellant' s attorney, ..r bet. North 40th Mr. H. Donald uouge, that only preliminary assessment notice has been North 28th received by claimant, that Ordinance 2868 orders construction and does not confirm assessment roll , that either dismissed or held in abeyance until L.I .D. has been completed and confirmed. (No Council action needed at this time. ) Claim for Damages City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by Mary Lynn M. L. McCorkle McCorkle, 2024 Rolling Hills S.E. for damage to auto windshield alleging City power mower threw rock. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Request for Letter from Mayor Garrett requested establishment of an ordinance Data Processing creating the Data Processing Department, providing for the appoint- Department ment of a Director and defining his duties, responsibilities and Ordinance qualifications, submitting a draft ordinance for review and action. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMI"TTEE ALSO. CARRIED. CARRIED. Appropriation of Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested appropriation Funds requested of funds in amount of $6,500 from excess revenue to build an alley for Alley between from S.W. 12th St. to Maple Ave. S.W. in accordance with agree- SW 12th and Maple ment CAG 027-74 between the City and State, which is in accordance with settlement of a suit for injunctive relief relating to this alley. The letter noted the State agrees to reimburse the City for the actual cost of construction materials used, less a stipulated amount of $150. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason noted court settlement of the Vomenici case, denial of access to property claimed, case settled in April agreeing to improvement of alley. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced the following reappointments to Board of Adjustment the Renton Board of Adjustment, appointments being of 4 year Position 3 duration, expiring on September 6, 1978: Position No. 3 (practicing Position 4 professional engineer) Francis A. Holman , 1624 Ferndale Ave. S.E. , member of the Board of Adjustment since September 1971 . Position No. 4 (retail business manager or owner) Gary E. Smith, 15617 SE 168 St. , owner of business located 104 S. Third St. , member since September 1971 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED, referred to committee. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer noted Mr. Stewart Pope was present and re- called Pope' s letter at 4/15/74 Council requesting the Comprehensive Plan be changed to designate property located at 3713 Talbot Rd.S. as P-1 zoning, and that the matter be considered by the Planning Commission without six-months delay as suggested by the Commission; that on 4/15 Council had requested the Planning Commission to take action before summer vacation. Discussion ensued. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen reported the request was referred to the Commission and then to the Comprehensive Plan Committee, noting their heavy schedule and need for public hearings, reviewing of the comprehensive land use plan for Orillia area and that the Planning Commission made recommendation that it is not in agreement at_ the present time as proposed use not in agreement with comprehen— sive plan. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/12/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Board of Ethics Council President Clymer asked that the Board of Ethics review and Clarification clarify those activities or functions -,in which Councilmen may partici- Requested pate without breach of the Code of Ethics, without being placed in untenable position of being considered a "snob" for not attending or accused of accepting a gratuity for attending. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER'S REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR CONVENING OF THE BOARD OF ETHICS FOR DETERMINATION. Councilman Perry asked that the Board also determine whether or not Councilmen could belong to Employees Club or other organization and make decisions for the budget. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that the original plan and boundaries be maintained for L. I.D. 284 sanitary sewers in Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and N.E.44th, Proceeds L. I .D. 284, and that the Public Works Director be directed to pro- ceed with the preparation' ofinal plans- and call for bids for the construction substantially as originally intended. The report noted meeting with the property owners and the Public Works Director presented two alternate plans. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Mr. Robert Fawcett presented a letter for the record from his attorney, Mr. Douglas R. Hartwich addressed to Public Works Director Gonnason, dated 7/3/74, stating that the Fawcetts do not wish their property included in L. I.D. 284, however other property owners do desire sewer service, the Fawcett property having access to Metro sewer line with no present plans for development. The letter further stated that they understand alternate location is being recommended which will exclude the Fawcett property; that if any L. I .D. includes the Fawcett property they fully intend to object to the assessment of their property on the basis that such property has not been specially benefitted because if may be served by the Metro line running through that property; recom- mending alternate plan which excludes the Fawcett property. Public Works Director Gonnason reported meeting with property owners regarding alternate routes which mct with protest from other owners. MOTION CARRIED. Group Health Public Works Committee report recommended that the Public Works Parking Lot Department be authorized and directed to negotiate a lease on terms favorable to the City providing for additional parking space requirements for expansion of the Group Health Medical Center on City owned property adjacent to the Mt. Olivet water reservoir. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the purpose of the request was to meet City' s requirements of off-street parking in order to expand clinic. Councilman Delaurenti, being concerned about water tank, was advised by Gonnason that fencing will be required. MOTION CARRIED. Lake Washington Community Services Committee report was presented by Committee Water Front Lots Chairman Grant recommending that an appraiser be hired for appraisal Disposition of of Lots 38 and 39 of Lake Washington Garden of Eden Dvn. #1 and City Property Second Class Shorelands owned by the City and offer of purchase having been received. The report also recommended referral of the Community Services matter to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY BRUCE, Committee SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Chairman Grant reported meeting with inter- ested parties, members of the Park Board advised they have no future plans for use of said property, that committee only wants to determine value, noting the lots narrow and half under water, not suitable for boat launch as too steep and no parking place. ROLL CALL: 5 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , BRUCE AND GRANT. 2 NO: PERRY AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. City Attorney Shellan asked that the record be checked prior to any call for appraisal to determine whether or not the city can dispose of these lots, as if obtained from another agency, disposition may be restricted. The Loop Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting on down- town circulation plan , commending Police Department for work in handling problems created by news media and new lights, noting Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/12/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued The Loop request to Parks Director Coulon to make contact with King County Parks Department to determine activities in South King County. Grant noted Councilman Delaurenti pointed out this is not a Renton problem as far as people who attend but because it is here. Grant felt private organizations besides the Park Department could come forward with plans for activities, that recreation programs for those 18 to 21 yrs. should be developed. Councilman Stredicke presented bumper sticker to Public Works Director regarding Renton' s traffic lights U0 Multi-Service MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COMBINING OF A Center per MULTI-SERVICE CENTER AGENCY WITH THE PROPOSED NEW FIRE STATION Referendum 29 BE REFERRED TO THE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE TO CHECK INTO THE POSSI- (Clymer Suggestion)BILITIES AND CONTACT REQUIREMENTS. CARRIED. Planned Unit MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Development ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance & MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SLIDE AND FILM PRESENTA- Presentation TION ON PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON SEPTEMBER 5, 1974. CARRIED. Shell Oil Matter Councilman Grant asked Council direction on the ShE: l Oil appeal for Special Permit denied by the Planning Commission and referred to the Community Services Committee with Public Hearing scheduled for August 26, 1974. Councilman Stredicke asked that committee review process and reason for denial , that council committee be informed. Councilmen in agreement that no recommendation be made by committee, but background information assembled. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt. noted review of the Performance Criteria and Design Standards for Metro Flyer Stops and Park and Ride Lots and has no objections to Metro Flyer Stops the proposed performance criteria and encourages Metro to proceed Park & Ride Lots with the program. The report stated the committee reserves the right to review some of the early installations and make comments and suggestions if appropriate at that time. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Metro Shelters Transportation Committee report noted review of environmental assessment of the Metro passenger shelter program and is concerned about the luck of landscaping and screening in the preliminary draft, recommending that the City administration advise Metro of this concern and also the lack of early programmed shelter facilities for the Renton area. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY OF RENTON'S REPRESENTATIVE TO METRO. CARRIED. Noise Pollution Transportation Committee report noted review of Mr. H.A. VanAusdal ' s FAI 405 request regarding the problem of noise on FAI 405 in the Kennydale area and recommended that the City Administration request the State Highway Department to review the matter of noise pollution on FAI 405 through the City and further request that sound barriers be installed in residential areas especially where there are sub- stantial grades and heavy noise pollution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RR X' ing Councilman Stredicke asked that additional coverage be placed on L. I. D. Bulletin railroad crossings. Councilman Stredicke discussed informational material for local improvement districts which could be distributed to involved and interested citizens. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, QUESTION OF INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN FOR L. I .D. 's BE REFERRED TO THE DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer discussed the need for study sessions by Council Study the Council , Committee of the Whole meetings having been discontinued Sessions per Open Meeting Act and with the addition of Specil Council Meeting on first Thursday of the month, except January, July and November. City attorney Shellan advised no change in ordinance would be necessary, only change in procedure for the Thursday night meet- ing, the Council President to prepare the agenda and preside, no Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/12/74 - Page 5 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Council Study public hearings or public testimony or participation, however, open Sessions - Cont. to the public, that minutes are needed with any participation by the public. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SCHEDULED FIRST THURSDAY MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS COM- MITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETINGS, COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO PRESIDE AND NO PUBLIC TESTIMONY TO BE TAKEN. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE A NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CONCERNING COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETINGS FOR PUBLISHING AND POSTING. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended -- APPROVAL approval be given for payment of Vouchers 5437 through 5568 in the 5429-5436 Void amount of $107,868.33 having received departmental certification 5437-5568 O.K. as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for adoption which appropriated $6,500 from excess revenue to build an alley from S.W. 12th St. to Maple Ave. S.W. in accordance with Ordinance 2872 agreement between City and State, baving received Council concur- Appropriation for rence earlier this meeting. Following first reading , MOVED BY Alley Construction STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE Vicinity SW Grady TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following readings, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for adoption approving the final plat of Ronald Wiehoff for Cresent Resolution 1929 View Addition located at Kennewick Ave. N.E. and N.E. 16th St. Cresent View Addn. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Final Plat COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert Fawcett suggested change in L. I .D. procedure to provide information to the public. Councilman Perry advised the Public Robert Fawcett Works Department would be following the practice of meetings 4008 Meadow Ave. N. prior to public hearings of the Council . Thomas Carrolli objected to the November time limit on removal of neighbor's barn and cow, being advised by Mayor Garrett that this had Thomas Carrolli been determined a reasonable length of time to accomplish work. 3903 Meadow N. Councilman Perry noted the Board of Adjustment was governing authority in this case. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Mr. Bergman had not as yet applied for variance from the Board, eight days left during time limit in which to apply. Ethel Swanson Ethel Swanson, 505 Wells Ave. S. , reported owning property in 505 Wells Ave. S. Kennydale adjacent to Mr. Bergman and objected to his cow and barn having read of the matter in the newspaper and being afraid of property depreciation. Councilman Stredicke asked all those persons interested in the Bergman cow matter, leave their names with the Public Works Director. Mayor Garrett noted that if the matter is appealed, public hearing would be held and those persons interested could be notified. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING 10:47 P.M. ADJOURN. CARRIED. yrs,. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/12/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNS DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 5437 56114 $2812461411 PARKS AND RECREATION 5499 5019 $61793145 ARTERIAL, STREET 5520 5020 $341100 CITY STREET 5521 5530 $41954184 LIBRARY 5531 5531 •814142 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 5532 5832 •22160 NEW CAREERS 551133 5533 0611104 REGv AND STREET FWD THRUST 5534 5548 8181562147 URBAN ARTERIAL, 5539 5560 $4, 917166 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5541 5541 $283152 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5562 5550 `40e01O165 AIRPORT 5551 5553 $37913R EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5554 5567 $21074137 CENTRAL, STORES 5568 6068 0395169 TOTAL OR ALL WARRANTS $1071864133 WE,# THE UNDERSIONED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RE,NTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DERARTMESTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOJCHERS NO # 5437 THROUGH Not 5568 IN THE AMOUNT OF 4147, 868 +33 THIS 12 OF AUGUST 76 tflff FINANCE COMMI/TfiTEfr., i w ��r(w"wi�*w 44444• •www CQ I f TEE MEMBER 4444444 M wwwwwswwwAwwww• COMMITTEE MEMBER 1 �_ r r r CITY COUNCIL 03WTTEE NEErING CALEWM Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL 00MM0I11 EE AGZTMW SCRFI M AT CITY 0MVI G MEETING OF AsIgUa 120 71074 0OMM[ITTEE DATE TIVk CRAIRMM IDCAT10i EDMM AVIATION OONMI'l Tues. , 8/13 7:30 P.Y. STRFDIfKE 2nd Floor (buncil attembnee urged COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. , 8/13 9:00 P.Y. GWW 4th Floor Cbof_. Room Planning Director to invite Cbo missicners or anyone involved with Shell Oil matter Sat. 8/17 10:00 A.Y. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. , 8/13 4:30 P.Y. XMILOU 16th Flr. Conf. Roam Senior Cities Nutrzttonal Pr eras and #inure agenda LEGISLATION & INTER- Tues. , 8/13 4:15 P.Y. S'IRDICKE 6th Fir. Conf. Roam Review Sign (lode GOVERNMENTAL Yon. , 8/19 7:00 P.Y. of 6th Flr. Conf. Room PUBLIC SAFETY DELAI;REVI1 PUBLIC WORKS �L( TRANS'PORT'ATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION OCMTIEE Wed. , 8/14 3:30 P.Y. CLYMER 6th FIr. Conf. &-)m Progre's--s Report SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE - SPDCIAL CEREMONY Fri. , 8/16 7:00 P.Y. North Entrance Airport RENTON AIR FAIR Sat. & Sunday 8/17 and 8 18 hmtr ='r� it-)+._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUGUST 13 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3824 $6, 000 HUD-Seattle Area 668 Redmond N.E. Repair res. 3825 2 ,000 Junior Achievement 1025 Houser S . Inst . partitions 3826 Gary Merlino 3000 E. Valley Rd. Fill dirt 3827 16, 000 Leo Murphy 2320 N.E. 27th Const . fam. res. 3828 3 , 000 Renton Village 15 S . Grady Inst . partitions 3829 2 ,000 Marion D. Bunch 2320 N. E. 9th Const . garage 3830 20 ,000 W & .G Jones 1220 N. 32nd Const . fam. res. 3831 31 , 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 1028 S . 31st Const. fam. res. 3832 29, 000 Hillis Homes ,INC 1022 S . 31st Const . fam. res . 3833 H.W. Hill Const . 3616 W. Valley Rd. Fill 6,000 cubic yards 3834 24 , 000 Banner Corporation 815 Houser N. Warehouse to office MECHANICAL PERMITS M4025 600 Hillis Homes 1025 S . 31st Inst . gas furnace 4026 600 Hillis Homes 1031 S . 31st Inst . gas furnace 4027 600 Hillis Homes 1013 S . 31st Inst . gas furnace 4028 600 Hillis Homes 936 S . 29th Inst . gas furnace 4029 600 Hillis Homes 930 S . 29th Inst. gas furnace 4030 600 Hillis Homes 933 S . 29th Inst . gas furnace 4031 600 Hillis Homes 927 S . 29th Inst . gas furnace 4032 600 Hillis Homes 817 S . 28th Inst . gas furnace 4033 600 Hillis Homes 805 S . 28th Inst. gas furnace 4034 600 Hillis Homes 1028 S . 31st Inst . gas furnace 4035 650 Hillis Homes 400 S . 3rd Inst . preventer ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4781 41, 000 Puget Power 620 S . Grady Wire office 4782 7 , 000 Valley Hospital 400 S . 43rd Inst . lighting 4783 31, 063 Boeing Company Renton plant Balcony to office 4784 3 , 000 Banner Corporation 819 Houser S . Inst . panels 4785 50 Leo Murphy 2320 N.E. 27th Inst . temp. service 4786 615 HUD-Seattle Area 1837 Harrington NE Add new service 4748 Virginia Barei 308 Wells S . Wire 3 motor 25 HP 4788 885 Joseph Bolf 504 Williams S. Add electric heat SEWER PERMITS 2067 Jack Columbi 1015 N. 31st Connect side sewer 2068 Sternoff Metal 1600 S.W. 43rd Connect side sewer 2069 Sternoff Metal 1600 S.W. 43rd Connect side sewer 2070 Hillis Homes 936 S . 29th Connect side sewer 2071 Hillis Homes 933 S . 29th Connect side sewer 2072 Hillis Homes 805 S . 28th Connect side sewer 2073 VOID 2074 Hillis Homes 817 S . 28th Connect side sewer 2075 Hillis Homes 1028 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2076 Hillis Homes 927 S . 29th Connect side sewer 2077 Hillis Homes 1019 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2078 Hillis Homes 939 S . 29th Connect side sewer 2079 Hillis Homes 1025 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2080 Hillis Homes 1013 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2081 Hillis Homes 1031 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2082 Hillis Homes 930 S . 29th Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 19, 19741 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Complaint on Police Action of August 17, 1974 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Ordinance on Planned Unit Development COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE Equipment Rental Rate Schedule LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance Ordering Construction - L. I.D. 288 Resolution for Street Vacation - S.E. 13th Place (Tiffany Park) Sign Code Ordinance Sign Design Review Board Ordinance MAYOR'S OFFICE Draft Agreement with Area Agency on Aging on Expanded Senior CitizensNutrition Prram Recommendation on Planning Commission's Work Load PLANNING DEPARTMENT Notice of Intention to Annex Shady Lane - King County Boundary Review Board PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Petition from Glencoe II property owners to ban motor vehicles PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid Opening - Highlands Bypass Sanitary Sewer - Phase II Request for Street Vacation - S.E. 13th Place (Tiffany Park) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Complaint - Bergman Property Cow Barn TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Mr. Sherwood B. Martin s Letter Re: Paving of Private Easement Road PUBLIC HEARINGS Street Vacation -"M" Place No. (Highlands Church of Christ) - September 23, 1974 ..m RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 19 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE, AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assis- tant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1974, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINt^: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed L. I.D. 288 and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to con- Preliminary sider the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $101 ,128.49 Assessment -for L. I .D. 288, Street, Street Lighting and Improvements in the vicinity Street, Street of Whitman Court N.E. City Clerk Mead read letter from Mr. S. C. Lighting and Iffert, 820 Lakeside Avenue S. , Seattle, WA 98144, protesting the pro- Improvements posed L. I .D. and requesting time at the Hearing to present the facts Vicinity of relating to his property. Public Works Director Gonnason reported Whitman that this L. I .D. was formed to provide access to the properties that Court N.E. would have been served by Whitman Court N.E. and also provide access to land-locked property. The percentage of protest was 18.72% at the time the Hearing began. Mayor Garrett asked for comment from the audience. Mr. James Dalpay, P. 0. Box 246, Renton, protested the assessment on his property and was opposed to the L. I .D. Councilman Delaurenti said that Mr. Iffert, in his letter, had asked for the opportunity to speak on his protest. Mr. Iffert questioned the reason for the improvement. Public Works Director Gonnason said the purpose for construction of the street was to provide access for the Honeydew Apartment complex, as well as the Honeydew Estates, part of the land would be land-locked if street not constructed. Mr. Iffert maintained that the improvement would not benefit his property, but would damage the value of the property as he was planning a small shopping center in the area and the right-of-way would segregate a small strip on the east side of the property. Public Works Director Gonnason stated the road would provide frontage on the street and additional road frontage for development of the property. Mr. Iffert felt the Council action was arbitrary and capricious, Councilman Delaurenti taking issue with the remark, stating the purpose of the Public Hearing would pre- clude any arbitrary and capricious action, Mr. Iffert apologizing for the offense. In further discussion, assessment credit on 200' back from Sunset Blvd. was noted where benefit was not derived. Mr. Iffert proposed work stoppage and redesign of the project, restrictive cove- nants on adjacent properties not of concern as regards his property. He inquired concerning setback if the building faces the west and was advised of required 20' setback if facing Sunset only. Mr. Iffert proposed alternatives of abandoning the L. I .D. , opening up Whitman Court N.E. to let the traffic through, or relocating the right-of-way Flut on to Union Ave. N.E. and possibly City funding may be necessary o remedy the problem. Mr. Dalpay suggested extending N.E. 12th St. r,1IN U-iES of Lai 7_ sight through to 138th Ave. S.E. After further inquiries and dis- cussion, it was noted benefit could be established by condemnation proceedings , the Iffert and Dalpay protests totalling 31 .93%. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT THE L. I .D. 288 PRELIMINARY ROLL AS A LOGICAL EXTENSION OF THE STREET SYSTEM AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Councilman Schellert inquired concerning adjustment or design amendment, City Attorney Shellan advising the ordinance will specify that the City reserves the right to change the design, however, if moved to the east, and additional property is bene- fitted, a new L. I .D. is required. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/19/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING Shady Lane This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed Annexation and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing on the 138th Ave. S.E./ annexation of Shady Lane, 138th Ave. S.E. There were no written coirnuni- Renton-Issaquah cations and Planning Director Ericksen reviewed the area and procedure Road to date. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL, BEING AMENABLE TO THE ANNEXA- TION, AUTHORIZE THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE NOTICE OF INTENTION, FORWARDING SAME TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. •.� MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Mead read petition from property owners in Glencoe II & CURRENT requesting that owners of property in that area upon which no dwelling BUSINESS has been erected post said property as private, prohibiting trespass Petition - thereon; that specifically prohibited be the operation of all motorcycles, Glencoe II Area motor bikes, trail bikes, motorscooters and any other motor driven Prohibition of vehicle, either licensed or unlicensed; and that the City of Renton Motor Vehicles Police Department be impowered to enforce the rule of no trespass. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Request for Pave- Letter from Mr. Sherwood B. Martin, 3728 Park Avenue North, requested ment of Private assistance from the City in paving a private easement road. The ease- Easement Road rent connects Meadow and Park Avenues and is consistently used as a pablic road, causing problems in noise and dust pollution, speeding, etc. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Equipment Rental Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason and Accounting & Investing Rate Schedule Supervisor Bennett submitted revised Equipment Rental rate schedule for 1975 to become effective January 1 , 1975 and recommended adoption of the rates and referral to Council Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS LETTER AND SCHEDULE BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. low Bid Opening City Clerk i,11-ad announced the results of the Bid Opening on August 14, Highlands 1974 for the Highlands Bypass Sanitary Sewer, Phase II . MOVED BY Sanitary Sewer SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE RESULTS OF THE BID OPENING BE Phase II REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Tabulation attached) Proposed Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason verified that the signatures "M" Place No. of 8/12 petition comprise 100% of the total property owners abutting Highlands Church the proposed vacation, noting that verification of the legal descrip- of Christ tion was required. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS (See Later BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION AND Action) SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. Request for Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason verified a petition sub- Street Vacation mitted by Mrs. Norma Jeane Wallace, 1324 Lake Youngs Way S. E. , S.E. 13th Place requesting vacation of S.E. 13th Place for $1 ,Tiffany Park area, Tiffany Park as comprising 100% of the record owners or the abutting property. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION TO SET A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. ($100 Filing Fee posted with the City Clerk) AUDIENCE Mr. Brad Hutton, 2549 S.E. 16th St. , Renton, complained about police COMMENT action of August 17, 1974, wherein he alleged police brutality and Complaint on harassment as concerns the Richardson family. Mayor Garrett acknow- .�. Police Action ledged receipt of report on the incident, the matter is presently under investigation. Police Chief Darby noted citations issued when police were called to the residence by neighbors due to noise and liquor, court action pending on the matter. Other people present in connection with the complaint were Mr. Stephen Richardson, 11109 S.E. 162nd St. , Renton; Yvonne Richardson, 3507 N.E. 6th Place, Renton; Sally Whorchak, 9720 Rainier Ave. S. , Seattle and Ben Malberck, 9720 Rainier Ave. S. , Seattle. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Substitute motion by Councilman Stredicke to refer to the Public Safety Committee failed. ORIGINAL. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant, Chairman of the Community Services Committee, recalled committee work with young people as regards the Loop problem, advising he would meet with this group to further discuss possible solutions to lack of recreational facilities. 104 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/19/74 - Page 3 PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett proclaimed the week of September 15-22, Learning/ 1974, as Learning/Language Disabilities Week and urged all citizens Language to recognize the Washington Association for Children with Learning/ Disabilities Language Disabilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Week THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Clymer reported progress of the Fire Station Committee and plans for a Fall election regarding a new Fire Station Facility. Discussion ensued as concerns a multi-purpose center. Mr. Stark .... outlined investigation of a South End Complex, funding and City of Kent experience on a like project. Combining of such a facility with our new Fire Station was deemed incompatible due to fire training exercises. The Chamber of Commerce also working with the City on the matter. Shell Oil Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported committee Permit meeting held with Shel°1 Oil Company representatives, Planning Commission and members of the Victoria Home Owners ' Association regarding proposed Petroleum Marketing (Distribution) Plant in H-1 zone in vicinity of Longacres . Legal aspects had not been discussed with the City Attorney, and Councilman Grant inquired whether the Council wished the Committee to pursue this area prior to the Public Hearing scheduled for August 26, 1974. Councilman Delaurenti stated desire to meet with the City Attorney for such discussion. (Meeting scheduled later. ) Bergman Property Councilman Grant reported that the Community Services Committee Cow Barn has determined that the problems regarding barn construction and keeping of cows on the Bergman property is an administrative matter rather than Legislative and that the Council should not be adjudicating the issues. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE BERGMAN COMPLAINT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. It was noted the appeal by Mr. Bergman and any variance request should be submitted to the Board of Adjustment as provided by law. MOTION CARRIED. Senior Citizens Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported meeting with the Nutrition Site Council on Aging regarding expansion of the Senior Citizens ' Program Nutrition Program. The Finance Committee asked the Administration to prepare a draft agreement with the Area Agency on Aging, out- lining the City's participation on the expanded program so the Council will be able to evaluate its proposed action, which document also might be submitted to the State Auditor to deter- mine whether this action would meet legal requirements within restrictions of the State Constitution. City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, stated that the Federal Revenue Sharing Act states that the distribution of funds is subject to State Laws and the State Constitution. State Constitution states that no city or county may give any property to any private persons or agencies. The City may give public funds to another public agency for the help of the poor and infirm, but could not be limited to senior citizens, or any specific age bracket. It may be possible for the City to use public funds for the very limited purpose of - aiding the poor and infirm if they can reac;i an agreement. Councilman Stredicke remarked that the City now has special utility rates, pays for ambulance service, and has a swim pro- gram for disadvantaged children paid for out of City funds. Library Councilman Stredicke inquired as to referral on Library heating, Heating and asked for the report on it. Public Works Director Gonnason said it was in the Public Works Committee and it has requested the consultant to review and correct the deficiencies of the heating system and to provide information at budget time so that the amount needed to correct the problem can be budgeted. Kiwanis Air Councilman Stredicke announced that the Air Fair had been a great Fair success and wanted to congratulate the Kiwanis Club. More than 6,000 people had attended the Fair and it was a great opportunity to show off the Airport and improvements, hoped the Fair could be expanded next year. las Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/19/74 - Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Mayor Garrett announced that he had received a telephone call from Representative Brock Adams that Renton had officially been designated a Bi-Centennial City. Data Processing Council President Clymer inquired concerning the City computer opera- tion and financial impact in event of water or fire damage. Security measures involving back-up tapes, one solution proposed. Meeting to be held with EDP Manager =d Torkelson for further discussion of the subject. Fire Civil Council President Clymer requested the Mayor's Office to ask the Fire Service Comm. Civil Service Commission to make their findings on new Fire Chief at Fire Chief a City Council Meeting, Oral Boards held last Saturday, in order that Appointment everyone would have the results at the same time. Planning Councilman Schellert remarked on the increased work load of the Commission Planning Commission, total of 38 applications pending, Requested Work Load the Mayor's Office to make a recommendation on this situation. Disaster Plan Council President Clymer observed the Disaster Training Program while in Wenatchee several months ago and remarked that this program must have undoubtedly aided the city when they recently had a real disaster in their city. He inquired if the City had a Disaster Plan. Mayor Garrett replied that the Acting Fire Chief was coordinating the plan. Acting Chief Geissler said that the Fire Department already had a well- formulated plan and the Disaster Plan for the whole City will be ready in another month. Budgeting, Councilman Schellert advised the Council that the Association of Washinc Accounting & ton Cities was holding seminars on the Budgeting, Accounting & Reportinc_ Reporting System (BARS) and Finance Director Marshall had urged the Finance and System (BARS) Personnel Committee to attend these seminars. He announced the local Seminars schedule: Seattle, Municipal Building, August 22; Kent, City Hall , ,.., September 5; and Bellevue, City Hall , September 12. Fire Drills at Upon inquiry from Councilman Stredicke as to participation by the Fire Boeing Co. Department at the Fire Drills held at Boeing , Acting Fire Chief Geissler replied that all of the crews, both front line and back-up, have partici pated in the drills. Municipal Bldg. Councilman Stredicke inquired of the Administration when something was Tiles going to be done about replacing the tiles at the front of the Municipa- Building. Public Works Director Gonnason replied that the tiles would be replaced, as soon as Staff time permitted, with concrete aggregate. Tiles will be entirely replaced, can be replaced with tile also. Councilman Delaurenti remarked that he hoped it would be accomplished before winter. Group Health Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant regarding the status of the new Group Facility in Health Facility in the Earlington Flats area, Planning Director Ericksei Earlington said that they were presently working with the officials of the Group Health Cooperative, property is located southwesterly of the Austin Building on S.W. 16th St. and is zoned H-1 , the building will be an Administrative Referral Headquarters and employ 400-450 people, half of which will be relocated out of their Seattle facility. The con- struction should begin no later than early 1975. Committee of Councilman Clymer announced the new officers of the Planning Commission the Whole Mr. Norman L. Ross , Chairman; Mrs. Patricia Seymour, Vice-Chairman; and Meeting Mr. Larry Gibson, Secretary. The Commission suggested a meeting with Planning the Council to discuss some of the concerns of the City, Mr. Ross to Commission call the members for a meeting with the Committee of the Whole on 9/5/74 September 5, 1974. Planned Unit Development will be discussed with a film presentation by Planning Director Ericksen. Downtown Councilman Stredicke remarked that the Downtown Merchants were dissatis Parking fied with downtown parking and were ready to acquire property and do something about it. Municipal Upon inquiry from Councilman Stredicke regarding the status of the Lunchroom Municipal Building lunchroom, Public Works Director Gonnason stated that the lunchroom operation would be resumed next week. /D4 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/19/74 - Page 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee report for 5569-577' Void approval of payment of vouchers #5578 through #5732 in the amount of 5578-5732 O.K. $132,683.39 having received department certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers #5569 through #5777 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the Sign Code Sign Code Ordinance for first reading and explained some of the revisions. "Ordinance After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Perry presented his minority report of the Legislation Committee recommending that the following paragraph be added to the Sign Code, 'section 4-1918-6. P-1 (Public Use) District: "no approval shall be necessary by the Sign Design Committee of any design or logo as to any church, school district or identifying signs of any other municipal or quasi-municipal entity". MOVED_BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS AMENDMENT BE INCLUDED IN THE PRO- POSED ORDINANCE. Discussion ensued concerning regulations, emblems or functions not prohibited, but general control felt to be necessary. ROLL CALL VOTE: 2 AYES, 5 NOS. AMENDMENT FAILED. ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED. Sign Design Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the Sign Design Review Board Review Board ordinance for first reading. After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2873 Legislation Committee Chairman announced receipt of the Restrictive Rezone GS-1 to Covenants from Nesheim, Bitney and Grouws for the rezone of their L-1 property from GS-1 to L-1 and presented the ordinance for first read- ing. After reading, the ordinance was advanced for second and final readings. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution for adoption Resolution 1930 setting date of September 23, 1974 for Public Hearing on petition Public Hearing for street vacation of "M" Place No. (Highlands Church of Christ) . 9/23/74, Street MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Vacation, M P1 .N, AS READ AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1973 BE SET. CARRIED. Planned Unit MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT Development DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (PUD) BE REFERRED FROM THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. After some discussion, MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :08 P.M. Delores A. Mead, City C1 rk it 107 WARRANT UIVTRINUTIUN DATE N/19/74 tiEQIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMUER NUMMIER WARRANTB I rl0,41A;t I�c i o S�'64 - 15- 777 CURRENT 5578 61616 •390674174 PARKS AND RECREATION 5617 5627 •40699126 err CITY STREET 5628 5638 $120108156 LIBRARY 5639 6680 $70314135 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 5681 5682 $3*071083 URBAN ARTERIAL, 5683 5683 •220946140 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5684 5684 •500100 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5685 5692 6100026028 AIRPORT 5693 3694 •121100 E©UIPMEN'T RENTAL 5695 5304 61Q.-587o15 CENTRAL 1)TORES 5705 9705 •54211* FIREMEN PENSION 5706 5731-2 4?I! 095096 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS •I32# 683139 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TILE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUN?Lj HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT Mr-kL-±ANUISE AND/OR n-E9VICES HAVE BEEN FkMEAvCO OR RENDERED] DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NQq 5578 THROUGH NO• 5732 IN THE AMOUNT OF 61321683#39 THIS 19 OF AUGUST ili4fFtl FINANCE COMMITTEE I,.I.D. #285 Revenue Warrant##R-2 $125,039.74 0� • won •w�www� Cash Warrant##C-4 $125,039.74 C MITTEE MEMBER MITTEE MEMBER' ���. •4wp1�Oq�leAw��p�w��O�w COMMITTEE MEMBER Office of the City Clerk August 19, 1974 ~ c 00 BID OPENING HIGHLANDS BYPASS SANITARY SEWER PHASE II August 14, 1974 Contractor BB AA EEO Bid Tax Total Campbell ' s Construction X X $187,511. 80 $ 9, 938 . 13 $197,449. 93 2702 - 50th Avenue X Tacoma, WA 98422 Frank Coluccio Construction X X $200,868. 00 $10, 646 . 00 $211 , 514. 00 9600 Empire Way So. X Seattle, WA 98422 DiOrio Construction Co. , Inc. X X $245,075. 00 $12, 988. 98 $258, 063 .98 7265 - 2nd Avenue So. X Seattle, WA 98134 Lundberg Construction Co. , Inc.X X $251 , 875. 50 $13 , 349. 40 $265 ,224. 90 3420 - 13th Ave. S.W. X Seattle, WA 98134 Select Contractor, Inc. X X $171 , 556. 50 $ 9, 092 .49 $180, 648. 99 3652 Hillcrest Ave. S.W. X Seattle, WA 98116 L. R. Stanley Const. , Inc. X X $194,655. 00 $10, 316 . 72 $204 ,971 . 62 P. 0. Box GG X $199,451 . 72# Issaquah, WA 98027 $189, 135. 00 $10, 024. 16 $199, 159. 16* # Contractor' s Correction * Engineering Correction CITY COUNCIL CCWITIEE MELTING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COIvMI= k1Fj=- INa9 SCH17U.'D AT CITY COUNCIL INE ETING OF August 19, 1974 OONIIuIIT7 DATE ;'TME QiAIR6IAN LOCATION REARKS AVIATION OOOIMI'I= Tues. , 9/17 7:30 P.M. 1-31 .DICKE Council Chambers COMIUNITY SLRVICES Tues. , 8/20 7:00 P.M. 4th Floor Conference Rm. Sat. , 8/24 9:00 A.M. Council Chambers FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. , 8/20 4:30 P.M. SC-I=LRT 6th Floor Conference Rm. LEGISLATION & INTER- Ion. , 8/26 7:00 P.M. SIS CEE GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 8/26 7:00 P.M. DELAUR.EIGI Chairman' s Office PUBLIC WORKS BRt TRANSPORTATIChi PERRY OTHER h42,TINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION OCNMITTEE Thurs. , 8/22 3:30 P.M. CLYh,IER 6th Floor Conference Rm. SENIOR ` -':ZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 9/5 8:00 P.M. CLYMi= Council Chambers Planned Unit Development presentation by Planning Director. Meet with Planning Commission. Ilo OFFICE OF THF. AUGUST 20, 1974 PERMIT'S ISSUED BY 1'HE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N:-). AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3835 $ 8,000 Interpace Corp. 1500 Houser S. Const. foundation .3836 3,725 William Howard 1316 S.W. 16th Const. addition to home 3837 1,000 J.C. Kirkman 1002 N. 35th Const. garage 3838 355 Sound Ford Co. 750 Rainier S. Const. foundation for of e 3839 40,000 Q-M Enterprises 2408 Talbot S. Const. single fam. res. 3840 40,000 Q-M Enterprises 2319 Talbot S. Const. single fam. res. -1x141 1,000 Kenso Koura 1909 N.E. 27th Const. carport 2.42 VOID F843 3,000 C.E. English 408 Earlington S.W. Const. garage :?c744 363 L.C. Mayes 1056 Olympia N.E. Const. patio cover 3845 300 Dean Dietrich 702 N. 5th Const. porch 3846 66,500 Erickson Co. 4020 E. Valley Rd. Const. warehouse & office 3847 General N.W. Ind. 358 Union N.E. 9,921 cubic yards fill 3848 7,500 Jim McKinley 820 Index N.E. Const. additon MECHANICAL PERMITS M4036 28,000 Interpace Corp. 1500 Houser S. Inst. oil tank 4037 680 HUD-Seattle Area 668 Redmond N.E. Inst. gas furnace 4038 550 Kelso Const. Co. 2019 Aberdeen S.E. Inst. gas furnace 4039 1,150 Kelso Const. 2019 Aberdeen S.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4040 8,500 Dr. Schmuland 300 Pelly N. Inst. plumb & fix 4041 1,800 Marsearch, INC. 77 Rainier S. Inst. gas tank 4042 2,000 Hillis Homes 1022 S. 31st Inst. plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4789 800 Hillis Homes 1019 S. 31st Wire new res. 4790 825 Hillis Homes 1025 S. 31st Wire new res. 4791 1,100 Helen F. Shook 2501 Meadow N. Wire new res. 4792 400 Renton Aviation 915 W. Perimeter Rd. Underground service 4793 300 Renton Aviation 915 W. Perimeter Rd. Sub-Feed 4794 249 Renton Aviation 915 W. Perimeter Rd. Underground T hangar 4795 380' Renton :'aviation 915 W. Perimeter Rd. Underground large hangar 4796 500 Dominion Aircraft 1005 W. Perimeter Rd. Underground service 4797 355 Pacific N.W. Bell 5459 Garden N. Two fix. in restroom 4798 50 Robert Fritzvold 1007 N. 30th Replace wooden weatherhead 4799 8,500 Dr. Schmuland 300 Pelly N. Wire dental center 4800 800 Harris Watson 1319 Kennewick N.E. Wire new res. 4801 25 Leo L. Lazetti 428 Shattuck S. Inst. underground service 4802 950 Norm Ihlenfeldt 1805 Lincoln S.E. Wire single fam. res. 4803 17,050 Boeing Co. Boeing Plant Reactivating hardstand SEWER PERMITS 2083 Bill Kelso 2019 Aberdeen S.E. Connect side sewer 2084 Bill Kelso 2029 Aberdeen S.E. Connect side sewer 2085 P.A. Pimeau 1524 Kennewick N.E. Connect side sewer SIGN PERMITS 378 Schuck's Auto 936 Harrington N.E. Inst. roof sign RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 26, 1974 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance for L. I.D. 281 Final Assessment Roll Interlocal Agreement - King County-Renton, Law & Justice, Mayor's Letter Requesting Approval and Authorization to Apply for Funding Proposed Fire Facilities Bond Issue FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Parking Checker Position Change and Transfer to Traffic Engineering Division per Request of Mayor Garrett Letter from W. M. Magda Requesting Removal of School Levy Taxes on Senior Citizens MAYOR'S OFFICE Opinion from State Auditor on Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Recommendation to City Council Regarding Funds for Senior Citizens Nutrition Program POLICE CHIEF Petition for Controlling Speeding on N.E. 16th St. between Edmonds Ave. N.E. & Aberdeen N.E. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Petition for Controlling Speeding on N.E. 16th St. between Edmonds Ave. N.E. & Aberdeen N.E. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter and Petition from Mrs. J. Frank, Requesting Rerouting of Bus on Kirkland Ave. N.E. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 26 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE, AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT ABSENT COUNCILMAN SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park & Recreation Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent, CAPTAIN JOHN BUFF, representing Police Department; and VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Clymer asked if there were any additions or correc- 8/19/74 tions to the Minutes of August 19, 1974. Councilman Stredicke requested the minutes be changed to reflect 138th Ave. S.E. instead of 138th Ave. N.E. at the bottom of Page 1 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed L. I .D. 281 and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider Final Assess- the final assessment roll in the amount of $12,400.47; $5,468.50 inside ment - Water- the City Limits; and $6,931 .97 outside the City Limits. Public Works main - N.W. 2nd Director Gonnason recommended that the City Council approve the final between Taylor assessment roll of L.I.D. 281 -There being no comment from the audience, & Stevens Aves. it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. S. 132nd St. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed Shell Oil Co. and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider Appeal of the appeal of Shell Oil Co. from the Planning Commission' s denial of Planning Special Permit to build a petroleum product distribution plant in the Commission Green River Valley in the vicinity of Longacres Race Track. The Mayor Denial of asked the Clerk to read the correspondence received. Letter from Mr. Special William B. Rogers, Plant Operations Manager - West, Shell Oil Co. was Permit read presenting the company' s reasons why they should be granted the Special Permit, citing fact that the land was purchased in December, 1969 from the Olympic Pipeline Co, it was zoned H-1 and both the Olympic Pipeline Co and Mobil Oil Co. had operating facilities on H-1 zoned land adjacent to Shell ; permit had been granted by the City's Building Department for a land fill permit and accordingly, the property had been filled. It was noted that the contention of the Planning Commission that there would be considerable noise and air pollution from the facility was not considered valid, and that there was nothing in the E. I.S. or local land use ordinances that would prohibit the granting of the Special Use Permit to Shell . Attached to the letter was documentation on the effects of Air and Noise Pollution. Letter from Frank H. Kinney, 3613 N.E. 12th St. requested the Council to respect and follow the decision of the Planning Commission' s 8 to 1 vote denying the Special Permit. Clerk read a petition presented by Mr. Douglas Spencer with 351 signa- tures asking the City Council to deny the Special Permit as it was felt this type of facility in the valley was not in the best interests of the community. Letter from Mr. A. Kyle Johnson, Brown & Johnson, Attorneys at Law, 3822 Seattle First-National Bank Bldg. , Seattle, written on behalf of the Washington Horse Breeders Association and its 1 ,107 members, reviewed its position as neighbors of the proposed Shell Oil facility at Longacres Race Track, and presented its opposition to the construction and operation of the proposed petroleum products marketing plant. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/26/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) Shell Oil Co. Letter from Mr. A. Wesley Hodge, Attorney, 309 Norton Building, Seattle, Appeal written in support of and to clarify the legal issues involved in Shell 's request for the marketing-distribution plant in a heavy industry zone, claimed that Shell ' s application met all environmental tests and zoning requirements of the City and should be granted. `o Mayor Garrett called on the Shell Oil Co. representatives for any presenta- tion they wished to make. Mr. William Rogers, 272 Bellingrath Circle, Couroe, Texas, Plant Operations Manager - West, said he felt that his letter brought out very well the Company's position and added that Shell Oil was negotiating with the Planning Department during the time the Planning Commission was making their report in which they were denying the permit, and had felt they were doing very well and making progress with the Planning Department. They had agreed to meet the City's require- ments on storm water runoff, air pollution and landscaping, and were willing to go along with whatever the Council required, as the Company greatly needed the site, there being no other sites available close to Olympic Pipe Line, and this site is pretty much in the center of the distribution of its stations in the area. The proximity to highways also an important factor. He gave the opinion that local groups that had spoken against the facility were a small part of the total popula- tion and that when the land was purchased in 1969, it was zoned H-1 , and was purchased with the facility in mind, and that the use is con- sidered improper today is not appropriate. They considered that the Shell Plant would be of benefit to the City and environmentally in con- cert with the Green River Valley and other industries, as well as resi- dents, most of the noise of the operation would be blocked out by the highways. Mr. A. Wesley Hodge, Attorney for Shell Oil Co. , remarked that this matter had been in the Planning Commission for eighteen months. Port of Seattle is acquiring part of the Shell Oil site on Harbor Island, this facility to replace the tanks that were on Harbor Island. The new facility will have bottom loading of the trucks to keep emissions down and floating roofs to eliminate or alleviate some of the odors, there are no noise levels that will violate any ordinance. Mr. Hodge claimed granting of permit wouldn't establish precedent for other facilities of this type, as Shell Oil is the only company with vested interests. Councilman Stredicke inquired if all the tanks have float- ing roofs and Mr. Hodge replied that the tanks that have gas in them do have floating roofs. Some discussion ensued between Councilman Perry and Mr. Hodge regarding the zoning ordinance and the reason for the request for the Special Use Permit. Upon inquiry from Mayor Garrett, Planning Director Ericksen explained that all available material had been given to all of the Councilmen so they could make their own evalua- tion. The initial applici,tion was filed on the 5th of June, 1973. There are 25 acres in the total Shell site, approximately half of the site to be used for the facility. It involves the ingress and egress of 160 trucks per day to the site plus the additional traffic generated by the employees. The initial document summary final impact statement was submitted to the Planning Commission in July of 1974. All the items were discussed by City Staff with official representatives of the Shell Oil Co. At this point, Planning Director Ericksen showed a series of slides of the site showing proximity to Longacres and to the Mobil facility, which was well-screened by natural vegetation, the Shell site being completely barren. Discussion ensued between Councilman Stredicke and Public Works Director Ericksen regarding the access road, which is low a private road, Shell Oil has agreed to widen to 24 feet all the way to the East Valley Highway. Councilman Perry inquired of Acting Fire Chief Geissler if this facility would affect the fire rating status of the City and was informed that if the roadways were brought up to code, it would not 'affect our fire rate. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant as to whether any other properties in the area were owned by oil companies, Planning Director Ericksen replied that the property to the northeast was owned by Gulf Oil and Union Oil now has an interest in it, zoned as M-P. Considerable discussion ensued between the various Councilmen, the Planning Director and Mr. Hodge, regarding different aspects of the matter. The Mayor called on the audience for their comments. Renton City Council Meeti rig Minutes of 8/26/74 - Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Rains, 2000 I .B.M. Building, Seattle, Attorney for the Shell Oil Co. Washington Jockey Club, spoke on the inadequacy of the E. I .S. that Appeal Shell had filed, the effects on Longacres and requested the Council Audience to uphold the Planning Commission's decision. Mr. Kyle Johnson, Comment 3822 Seattle First National Bank Building, Seattle, Attorney for Washington Horse Breeders Association, spoke of the close proximity of the proposed facility to the new pavilion and that they were plan- ning to move their office personnel to this building and objected to the noise, air pollution, etc. Mrs. Donna Fetch, 618 N.W. 3rd St. spoke against the facility. Mr. Larry Moe, Secretary, Northwest Steelheaders Council , stated the danger of contamination in the Green River for the fish, State Fisheries and State Game Department releasing fish into the Green River. Mr. James M. Baker, 311 Seneca Place N.W. reported that the Shell E. I .S. statement did not take into account the pollution from the Sea-Tac Airport and read statistics on the amount of air pollution emanating from the airport. MOVED Recess BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. The Council reconvened at 11 :00 P.M. Roll call vote showed all Council- men present as previously reported. Mr. Clarence Sanger, representing the Audubon Society, emphasized the importance of the Green River Valley as a very important flyway for wild life, the marshes furnishing food and nesting grounds, the Society asked the Council to deny the permit. Mr. Kevin Bannon , 4637 S. 168th St. , i Seattle, objected to granting permit on the grounds of environmental changes for wild life.-, Ms. Jane Shafer, 11230 Rainier Ave. So. , Seattle, represent- ing the League of Women Voters, spoke of the effect on the environment, expressed belief that local government should be able to set more stringent standards and there was need for review of the Comprehensive Plan; Mr. Robert Thorpe, Planning Department, Mercer Island, gave his views in objec- tion to the facility; Mrs. Tauno Mattson , 7373 S. 128th St. , Seattle, com- mended the Planning Commission for their stand in denying the permit; Mr. Douglas Spencer, 814 S. 27th St. , representing "Green for Tomorrow" urged full support of the Planning Commission. It was Moved by Stredicke, Seconde by Grant, the hearing be closed. Council President Clymer expressed the opinion that the hearing should be left open to allow Shell Oil Co. to answer some of the questions raised by the audience. Roll Call Vote: Aye, Delaurenti , Stredicke, Grant; No, Clymer, Perry, Bruce. Mayor voted No to break the tie. Motion failed. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether Shell Oil Co. had the burden of proof, City Attorney Shellan replied the basic point that had been overlooked, Mr. Ericksen had eleven points that would have to be complied with, some of them Shell Oil has now agreed to. Mr. Joseph Javelli , 1805 Davis Ave. S. , said he was against the Shell Oil permit. Mr. George Madden, 410 Langston Road, spoke about the Valley, and said the City should consider the income and tax base the facility would bring to the City and urged the Council to grant the permit. Con- siderable discussion ensued about air pollution and wild life. Mr. Hodge, Attorney for Shell Oil Co. brought out some of the points in question; they would widen the access road to 24 feet out to the East Valley Highway; provide adequate dyke wall , separator for oil-water for storm water; storage tanks 60 feet back; screening security fence; trees and shrubs around storage tanks; thought 10' to 25' adequate amount of landscaping; complete vapor recovery not feasible; camouflage tanks; 40 feet from P-1 channel ; and sanitary sewer agreeable. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant regarding the vapor recovery system, Mr. Hodge replied that will not completely eliminate emissions, but will reduce them. Council President Clymer called on Planning Director Ericksen about the 11 points of difference, Planning Director Ericksen quoted from staff report dated July 24, 1974; the points stem from discussions with Shell Oil Co. in regard to the impact statement. The technical aspects of the changes could be made to build them into acceptable range, earthquake damage; damage to wild life; danger of oil spill ; noise pollution; access of fire equipment, and landscaping. Shell has now agreed with some of these points. Mrs. Patricia Seymour, 2534 Burnett Court South, a member of the Planning Commission and Mr. Arthur Scholes, 1708 Ferndale Avenue S.E. , also a member of the Planning Commission, spoke in defense of the Commission' s 8 to 1 decision to deny the permit. Mr. Sherwood P. Martin, 3728 Park Avenue North, asked if the City Council was only interested in legalities or were going to consider what the public thought about the matter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECO14DED BY CLYMER, Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/26/74 - Page 4 PUBLIC HEARING - (Continued) THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND DENY THE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR SHELL OIL CO. ROLL CALL VOTE, 5 AYES, CLYMER, DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE AND GRANT. 1 NO, BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. . Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL TAKE A SHORT RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 12:50 a.m. Roll Call vote showed all Councilmen present as previously shown. VOUCHER APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE 5744-5885 O.K. AGENDA TO ITEMS 11 AND 12. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke submitted L. I. D. 281 - O.K. Finance Committee report with recommendation for payment of Vouchers 1:733-5744 & 5757 #5744 through 5885 in the amount of $190,053.65 and L. I .D. 281 Revenue Machine Voided Fund, $27,66, Cash Fund C-11 , $27.66, amended L. I .D. 281 Breakdown accepted by Council 5/6/74, includes retainage; Revenue Fund R-2, $6,546.11 , Cash Fund (Misc. Cash Warrants No. C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5) $6,546.11 ; Revenue Fund R-4, $3,854.34, (Misc. Cash Warrants, $3,854.34, Nos. C-7, C-8, C-9 and C-10) , having received department certification as to receipt of mer- chandise acid/or services. Vouchers #5733 - 5744 and 5757 were machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Lunch Room in Councilman Stredicke submitted Finance Committee report recommending approval Municipal Bldg. of Public Works Director Gonnason's recommendation that the City contract with Royal Services, Inc. for installation of vending machines in the Municipal Building Lunch Room. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended that the ordinances r be held uptil the next Council Meeting. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett requested repeal of Ordinance 2128 and formmi a- & CURRENT tion of a Resolution changing the title of Parking Checker to Parking Con- BUSINESS troller and transfer of position to Traffic Engineering Division. It was Parking Checker MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THIS LETTER TO THE FINANCE Position Change AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Special School Letter from William M. Magda, Sr. , 3901 N.E. llth Ct. requested removal Levy Taxes for' of special school levy taxes for senior citizens. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Senior Citizens BY BRUCE, TO REFER THIS LETTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Petition requested controls on speeding and negligent driving on N.E. 16th Control of between Edmonds Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Speeding on BY PERRY, THAT THE PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND N.E. 16th St. THE POLICE CHIEF. CARRIED, Metro Transit Letter from Mrs. Joan Frar,,k, 475 Kirkland Ave. N,E„ also signed by six- Bus Routing teen other residents, requested rerouting of bus on Kirkland Ave. N.E. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THIS PETITION TO THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Interlocal Letter from Mayor Garrett requested approval of a Planning Committee Agreement - King with representatives from County agencies , large suburban cities, and County-Renton two from smaller cities; submissions of project proposals; review and 'Law & Justice preparation of project summaries by the King County Law and Justice Planning Office Staff; consideration and recommendations by the Planning Committee on King County agency and large suburban city projects, and decisions on inclusion in the Plan of small city project proposals; and authorization to apply for funding as the projects are approved by the OLD BUSINESS State Law and Justice Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THIS LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed Fire Fire Station Committee report submitted by Chairman Clymer recommended Facilities Bond a general obligation bond issue be placed on the November 5th ballot Issue which would include the following: a new Fire Station #1 to include the administrative offices of the Renton Fire Department, $1 ,150,000; property acquisition for Fire Station #l , $300,000; 'a new Fire Station #3 to be located in South Renton, $300,000; new equipment, aerial ladder 116 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/26/74 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Proposed Fire truck, $110,000; two pumpers , $140,000; Aid Unit, $20,000, for a total Facilities Bond amount of bond issue of $2,020,000, the report further recommended referral Issue to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FIRE STAT COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Glencoe II Councilman Delaurenti reported that signs had been put up on the property Petition at Glencoe II prohibiting motorcycles , motorbikes, etc. and that he would meet and talk with the residents. Senior Citizens MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AN OPINION FROM THE STATE AUDITOR Nutrition BE SOUGHT BY THE MAYOR'S OFFICE, THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO MAKE RECOMMENDATION Program TO THE COUNCIL REGARDING FUNDS FOR THE SENIOR CITIZEN'S NUTRITION PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. Board of Ethics MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE CODE OF ETHICS ORDIt, NANCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. The Council Meeting adjourned at 1 :15 A.M. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk it WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/'26/ 74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANT$ 1I4CMI'le V,-.,,o-A 3733-- CURRENT ✓oil S7s7. io,1 5744 9784 — ,,... PARKS AND RECREATION 5785 5808 *7, 119112 CITY STREET 5809 5818 •11o779s87 LIBRARY 5819 5823 •818029 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 5824 5826 •91 , 16 NEW CAREERS 5827 5829 $71 #44 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 5830 5834 024A21100 URBAN ARTERIAL 5835 5837 s3P24009 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5838 5840 $52#672t00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5841 5855 029* 921 *83 AIRPORT 5856 5867 •66438 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5868 $882 s1P175#88 FIREMEN PENSION 5883 5885 •1j468o24 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS i90, 06.3. dS' r WE♦ THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOt 5744 THROUGH N0o 5885 IN THE AMOUNT OF -- THIS 26 OF AUGUST 974 fftf L. I .D.#281 FINANCE COMMITTEE REVENUE FUND R-5 $27.66 CASH FUND C71 27.66 ws......s...��..............�w �` C MITTEE MEMBER AMENDED L. I .D.#281 Breakdown excepted by Council 5-6-74. includes retainage, REVENUE FUND R-2 $6,546. 11 MMITTEE MEMBER CASH FUND ei (Misc.Cash Warrants$6 546. 11 -No.#C-2,C-3,C-4,C-5) ="am . ....`.. ••COEE MEMBER 61/ REVENUE FUND R-4 $3,854.34 (Misc.CashWarrants $3,854.34 No.#C-7,C-8,C-9,C-10) CITY COUNCIL DONMITTEE STING CALENW Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCW'I= STINGS SCHEDLUD AT CITY OOUNCIL NMETING OF 8/26/74 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIR11AN U"TION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 9/5 8: 00 PM STRFDICKL Council Chambers Seminar on P . U. D. ' s/with Planning Commission OON [INITY SERVICES Sat. 8/31 9: 00 AM GRANT Meet re young people ' s complaint Police Chief asked to attend FINAL AND PERSONNEL, SC'HELLERT LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. 9/9 7 : 00 P Y S TMICKE 6th Floor C OVgiNNENTAL PUBLIC SAF ET`Y Sat. 8/31 9 : 00 AM DELALPJWT I PUBLIC WORKS Thurs . 8/29 7 : 30 PM ERUCT; 4th F1 . Conference Room TRANSPOR.'TATION PERRY 01HER MEETINGS AND EVENM FIRE STATION OCNMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY OObIQTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUGUST 26, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3849 $2,000 Gerald Severance 3616 S.E. 5th Const. utility room 3850 3,000 Dr. Thomas Maxwell 1920 S. Puget Dr. Const. parking lot 3851 3,000 Renton Village Co. 15 S. Grady Const. partitions 3852 2,000 Wilbur Reeves 2921 Talbot S. Const. carport & garage 6" 3853 2,100 Dorothy I. Hart 1609 N.E. 28th Inst. roof & rafters 3854 VOID 3855 24,000 Kelso Const. Co. 2021 Aberdeen S.E. Const. single fam. res. 3856 25,000 Lewis H. Purcell 1524 Monterey N.E. Const. single fam. res. 3857 4,000 Roger Farrar 1412 N. 28th Enclose carport 3858 900 Floyd Gabriel 4140 N.E. lith Add patio 3859 20,000 David Burkebile 2539 Burnstt S. Bedroom & bathroom to res. MECHANICAL PERMITS M4043 970 Katherine Kis 1024 N. 36th Inst. plumb & fix 4044 150 George Hormel Co. 600 S.W. 7th Inst. gas tank 4045 800 Dennis HershelZ 2121 N.E. 6th Inst. gas floor furnace 4046 22,760 Vaught-Reetz 813 Thomas S.W. Inst. fire protection system 4047 467 C.B. Weer 444 Windsor N.E. Inst. gas furnace 4048 1,360 Helen Shock 2501 Meadow N. Inst. oil furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4804 1,000 Mr. Erickson 810 N. 31st Repair fire damage 4805 20,000 European Health Spa 327 S. 3rd Repair fire damage 4806 200 Katherine Kis 1024 N. 36th Wire addition 4807 30,510 Assembly of God 221 Hardie N.W. Wire garage 4808 870 Hillis Homes INC 933 S. 29th Wire single fam. res. 4809 850 Hillis Homes INC. 927 S. 29th Wire single fam. res. 4810 825 Hillis Homes INC. 1031 S. 31st Wire single fam. res. 4811 800 Hillis Homes INC. 936 S. 29th Wire single fam. res. 4812 825 Hillis Homes INC. 930 S. 29th Wire single fam. res. 4813 650 Kelso Const. Co. 2019 Aberdeen S.E. Wire single fam. res. 4814 500 H.U.D. 2321 N.E. 10th Inst. circuits 4815 1,000 H.U.D. 1171 Aberdeen N.E. Inst. electric fence 4816 8,000 QuendaZl Terminals 4503 Lk. Wa. Blvd. Modification of facilities 4817 250 Brown Bear Car Wash 621 Rainier Ave. S. Wire gas pump & controls 4818 250 Leslie Schnieder 1108 Vashon N.E. Wire addition 4819 460 Dr. He fZen 405 S. 4th U/G conversion 4820 750 Hillis Homes INC. 2907 Morris S. Wire single fam. res. 4821 240 St. Anthony's 406 S. 4th Rewire office 4822 600 Queen's Closet Renton Center Relocate lights 4823 50 Q & M Enterprises 2331 Talbot S. Inst. temp. service 4824 50 Hillis Homes INC. 817 S. 28th Inst. temp. service SEWER PERMITS 2086 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2087 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2088 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side server 2089 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2090 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2091 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2092 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2093 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2094 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2095 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2096 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2097 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2098 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2099 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2100 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2101 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2102 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2103 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2104 Dura Development Co. 1150 Union N.E. Connect side sewer 2105 William F. Collins 5301 Ripley N. Connect side sewer 2106 McKinney Const. 1725 Lincoln S.E. Connect side sewer 120 CITY OF RENTON MONTH OF AUGUST. 1974 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: ATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL $-.5-74 CURRENT 70,656.00 PARKS & RECREATION 7,985.02 CITY STREET 5,725.69 LIBRARY 763.45 NEW CAREERS 71.44 REG & STREET FWD TIRUST 4,899.59 URBAN ARTERIAL 7,004.82 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 3,279.59 WATERWORKS UTILITY 23,662.20 AIRPORT i 5,452.46 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,170.90 FIREMEN'S PENS ION 1,468.24 CIA IMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST $135,139.40 f-12-74 CURRENT $ 28,246.44 PARKS 8 RECREATION 6,793.45 ARTERIAL STREET 348.00 CITY STREET 4,954.88 LIBRARY 814.42 WORK INCENTIVE FUNC 22.60 NEW CAREERS 65.06 REG 8 STREET FWD TH UST 18,562.47 URBAN ARTERIAL 4,917.66 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTICA FUND 283.52 WATERWORKS UTILITY 408010.65 AIRPORT 379.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,074,37 CENTRAL STORES 395.49 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST $107 868.33 CURRENT FUND PARKS $ RECR Resolution No.# 1926 $7,433000 $-' 5-74 CURRENT $102,272.60 PARKS 8 RECREATION 34,054.27 CITY STREET 19, 160.07 LIBRARY 6,747. 18 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN 325.25 NEW CAREERS 436.34 REG 8 STREET FWD Tfi UST 150.30 URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,352.74 WATERWORKS UTI iE 13,988.35 AIRPORT 1 ,338. 14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2)1794.75 FIREMEN'S "ENSIGN 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month AUGUST $182,719.99 4�,4,q -4 &1 .4 A d7)4� MAY R FINANCE DIRECTOR g- L� C I T Y OF Rf_ NT ON MONTH OF TRANSFF(ZG TO THE CITY TREASURER: kTE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL R-9-74 CURRENT PARKS 8 RECREATION $ 390671 .78 CITY STREET 4,699.26 f LIBRARY 12, 108.56• REG $ STREET FWD THRUST 7,314.35 URBAN ARTERIAL 3,071 .83 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTIO FUND 22,946.40 WATERWORKS UTILITY 500.00 AIRPORT 10,024.28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL . 121 .00 CENTRAL STORES 100587. 15 FIREMEN'S PENSION 542.84 21 ,095.94 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month AUGUST $1320683.39 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancelled Warrant #5497 $ 5.00 407-W$S Rev.Bonds 401-Waterworks Resolution No.# 1925 $ 5,084.45 #1959 Utility g 26-74 CURRENT $ 56,819.45 PARKS $ RECREATION ' 7, 119. 12 CITY STREET 11 ,779.87 LIBRARY 818.29 WORK INCENTIVE FUN 91 . 16 NEW CAREERS 71 .44 REG 8 STREET FWD T RUST 240211 ,00 URBAN ARTERIAL 3,240.99 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 52,672.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 29,921 .83 AIRPORT 664.38 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1 , 175.88 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1 ,468.24 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST $190,053.65 • ti / AL MAMR FINANCE DIRECTOR 122, C I T Y O F R E N T O N MONTH OFr AUGUST 91974 TRANSFE^.S TO THE CITY TREASURER: ATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL L 9-31-74 CURRENT 0020067. 11 . II PARKS & RECREATION 290367.26 .26 CITY STREET 180955.97 097 LIBRARY 6,0902.60 .60 WORK INCENTIVE (WIl' ) 310.45 NEW CAREERS 392.71 , REG.B STREET FWD TI-RUST 150.30 .` URBAN ARTERIAL . 1 ,352.74 ,74 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 14,009.86 86 AIRPORT 1 ,338. 14 14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 20794.75 75 FIREMENIS PENSION 100.00 00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of $177,741.89 89 , 409- 1965 W/S Rev. 401- Waterworks Adjust error in MAY, 1971 $630.00 Bond Fund Utility 409- 1965 W/S Rev. 405- 1954 W/S Adjust error in SEPTEMBER, 1970 $900.00 Bond Fund Revenue Bond Fund 407-1959 W/S Rev 07- 1959 W/S TO correct coding error 8-19-74 $50084.45 Bond Fund Revenue Bond Resolution No0# 3925 401- Waterworks 401- Waterworks Tocorrect coding error 8-19-74 $5,084.45 Utility Utility Resolution No.# 1925 71" YOR G FINANCE DIRECTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 9, 1974 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS .. CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for Damages filed by Robert J. Donlin Summons and Complaint - Florence McWilliams COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Senior Citizens Questionnaire Summary Report Port of Seattle request to meet COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Shoreline Master Program Review by Department of Ecology Subject of Medic One Question of Opening Sartori School as raised by Mr. Cenkovich in order to Meet with Board Ordinance covering Disturbing-the-Peace FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Raingear or Park Department Reported 9/9) Appointment to Board of Adjustment, Position #2 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE LID 275 & 276 Bond Matter Ordinance on Board of Adjustment Referendum 27 Agreement covering Grant for Springbrook Water Facilities (Resolution 1932) Raingear for Park Department employees Matter of Parking Checker Street Excavation Ordinance (1st Reading 9/9) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Childer in parked cars PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Petition for sewers N.E. 23rd St. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Shoreline Master Program Review by Dept. of Ecology MAYOR AND PERSONNEL DIRECTO' Fire Fighters contract for netgotiation MAYOR AND CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE: Seattle Northwest Securities Corp. agreement on Bonds for LID 275 & 276 Agreement with Metro for Joint Use Interceptor Agreement with Dept. of Social & Health Services re Springbrook Water facility improvement Comprehensive Employment Training Act TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Resurfacing Taylor Ave. NW. , Taylor P1 . N.W. and Hardie Ave. S.W. SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing Street Vacation S.E. 13th P1 . Police Auction 9/28/74 124 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 9 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park & Rec- reation Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROV.-�.: MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 26, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CJRRESPONDENCE Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented the Summary Report & CURRENT of the Renton Senior Citizen Questionnaire which was to be a 10% sampling BUSINESS of the areas senior citizen population of 2,500; however 115 question- naires were received and determined to be unbiased and representative Senior Citizen of tie entire senior citizen population. The letter noted the primary Questionnaire purpose of the survey was the gathering of information on the needs of Summary Report Senior Citizens of Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Letter from Public Works Department Acting Office Engineer Touma submitted a petition representing 12 properties for installation of sanitary sewer in N.E. 23rd St. between 138th S.E. and Anacortes Ave. N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason explained the area recently annexed in the northeast portion of the City with intent to sewer. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Pension A Public Pension Commission Resolution from Public Pension Research Commission Director, Jack A. Cameron, recommended that any action by local govern- Reports mental entities to terminate Federal Social Security coverage for employ- Possible ees should be held in abeyance until the Legislature has resolved the Changes in present retirement problems, a study having been directed by Engrossed Retirement Senate Resolution #151 which also directed study of modification of the Program retirement program to include Federal Social Security benefits as part of the retirement package and includes state, local government , law enforcement employees and fire fighters and others. Police Auction Letter from Police Chief Darby announced disposition of unclaimed prop- 9/28/74 erty by the Police Department by public auction at 10:00 a.m. Saturday September 28, articles to be viewed 9/27. The letter attached state- ment for publication in the local newspaper and local news media will be asked to carry announcement as a public service. Raingear for Letter from Washington State Council of County & City Employees Rep- Park Employees resentative Malgarini appealed to the City Council for funding for raingear for the City Park Department employees, estimated at $350, .stat- ing raingear had been under discussion at labor management meetings, (See later approved but not funded, the Park Department being unable to provide. comments The letter also noted all other City employees working outside have rain- gear provided to them. MOVED BY` CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER OF FUNDING FOR RAINGEAR BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE _COMMITTEE. At Council- man Grant' s inquiry, Park Director Coulon noted the Park Board did not budget for the raingear as 21R shop steward was advised this was a negotiable item prior to 21R contract negotiations. MOTION CARRIED. L. I.D. 289 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested that the Resolution Sanitary Sewers of Intention to Create L. I.D. 289 be repealed and the action thereon Aloha Ranch rescinded, terminating the L. I .D. in its entirety, and further suggesting Area Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/9/74 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued L.I .D. 289 that the City Clerk advise the signers of the petition for sewers Sanitary Sewers of the termination of action. MOVLD BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, Aloha Ranch COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND RESCIND RESOLUTION NO. 1928 TERMINATING L. I .D. 289. City Attorney Shellan confirmed Council ' s procedure and the MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk was asked to check with newspaper re withheld publication ordered by Council 8/5/74. —� L. I.D. 275 and Letter from Seattle Northwest Securities Corp. , Mr. Richard Kennedy, L. I. D. 276 Vice President, offered to pay $100 for each $100 par value of bonds Bond Sale plus accrued interest to date of delivery (dated 10/1/74) for L. I .Q. No. 275 in amount of $17,961 .46 and L. I .D. 276 in amount of $178,597.24 totalling $196,558.70, maturing on or before 10/1/86 and bearing interest, payable annually, at 84%. Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended acceptance of the Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation proposal on the bond sale for L.I .D. 275 and 276, as the least expensive route for the City, and further recommended referral to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ACCEPT BOND SALE PROPOSAL OF SEATTLE NORTHWEST SECURITIES, AUTHORIZE MAYOR & CLERK TO EXE- CUTE LETTER AGREEMENT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Joint Use Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented agreement between Agreement with Metro (Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle) and the City for the joint Metro for use of the South Renton and Tukwila Interceptor upon payment of a late- South Renton comers fee by the City to Metro and sets up the charges and methods of & Tukwila assessment. The letter noted this agreement was similar to other agree- Interceptor ments with Metro on trunk lines within the City limits and recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement on behalf of the City. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. CARRIED. summons and Summons and Complaint of Superior Court was filed by Florence McWilliams Complaint against the City and Westcoast Electric Co. of Washington, Inc. for Florence personal injury in fall allegedly due to construction on Wells Ave. S. McWilliams with half of street repaved leaving 4 drop in crosswalk between S. 3rd and S. 2nd. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY °SCHELLERT, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. City Attorney Shellan advised this matter has been turned over to the contractor. Shoreline Master Letter from the State Department of Ecology noted completion of the Program Review official review of the Renton Shoreline Master Program, commended the by Department staff and citizen committee for well written report, and reported of Ecology three areas of the program inconsistent with the Act and Guidelines: (1 ) Regulations on . landfill which authorized fill to project 50 feet beyond ordinary high-water mark and fill an area of 3,500 sq.ft. for residential purposes. This being in conflict with WAC 173-16-060(14)(d) , landfills not to be permitted below ordinary high-water mark except in specific intensely developed areas , suggesting variance in hardship case. (2) Regulations on piers and docks permit 150 feet in length, which is considered excessive and should be based on specific needs, suggesting other communities restrict to 70 or 80 feet. (3) Authorization for the Planning Commission to vary the application of Regulations and recommended the use of variance or conditional use permit instead as established in the Act and Guidelines which would then be forwarded to the Department of Ecology for approval or denial . The letter noted ninety days given to local government after receipt of recommendations from the department to make modifications designed to eliminate inconsistencies and to resub- mit the program to the department for approval , which would take effect upon approval . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY REVIEW OF THE SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Fighters Letter from the Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 asked the Renton City Request Council to open the contract to negotiate wage increases beyond the 6% Contract scheduled for 1975 because of inflation rate exceeding wage increase Negotiations rate and causing financial burden. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR AND PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FOR RECOMMENDA- TION. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/9/74 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS AWC Regional Letter from Association of Washington Cities asked early registration Meetings for the 1974 Regional Meetings. Bellevue and Auburn meetings noted on Meeting Schedule. Meetings include issues to be considered by legisla- ture in 1975. Port of Seattle Letter from the Port of Seattle, Director of Community Affairs, requested a meeting with the Mayor and City Council in order to become better acquainted with our community. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. mow Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported September 4, bid opening for asphaltic concrete overlay of Taylor Place N.W. , Taylor Ave. N.W. and Hardie Ave. S.W. Asphalt Paving with one bid received from Associated Sand and Gravel Co. Inc. (See Taylor N.W. attached). Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee Hardie S.W. on report recommending contr�jct for resurfacing be awarded to the low and Earlington Hill only bidder, Associated Sand and Gravel in the amount of $19,815.00. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended funds be trans- ferred from various supplies, rental and summer help accounts in the amount of $19,815 into Capital Outlay covering the overlay and referral be made to the Legislation Committee for the Resolution. It was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, Council concur in the committee recom- mendation and award the contract to the low bidder. Upon inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was a limited maintenance improvement with no curbs or gutters. Following discussion of priorities for street improvement and scheduling in various sections of the City, it was noted the Renton Hill L. I.D. 290 includes waterline, drainage, curbs and gutters. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF RESURFACING BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Claim for City Clerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Robert J. Dunlin, Damages 16057 N.E. 8th, Bellevue, for damage to auto windshield allegedly caused R. J. Donlin by flying rock from back of dump truck. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT 21R Representative Terry Bartley questioned Finance 'Chairman Schellert re funding for Park Department raingear, noting the forthcoming rainy Raingear season and 9 months of negotiations. Schellert noted intent to meet Tues. Facilities for Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. S. , asked for opening of the Sartori Senior Citizens School facilities which were scheduled for July 1 . Park Director Coulon noted implementation of the nutrition program, that contractor is working as rapidly as possible on the appliances in the school , that dances are planned when custodian is authorized and hired. (See later re custodian) Medic One Mr. Charles Shane, 3005 Mountain View Ave. N. , commended the City's medical aid unit and asked that Medid-One-be established by the City. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE SUBJECT OF MEDIC ONE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW ALONG WITH THE QUESTIONOF THE OPENING OF SARTORI AS RAISED BY MR. CENKOVICH IN ORDER TO MEET WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Municipal Court Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended four attorneys from the community Pro tem Judges to serve as Municipal Court pro tem judges in accordance with State law: Morton Hardwick, Roger Lewis, Robert Anderson, Richard Conrad; appoint- ments not to exceed March 1 , 1975. Council concurrence asked. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF PRO TEM JUDGES. CARRIED. Board of Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. John Qualls of Q-M Enterprises, Adjustment Inc. , a Renton home construction company, to position No. 2 on the Position #2 Board of Adjustment fulfilling the unexpired term of William M. Conner recently resigned. The letter asked residency requirement be waived as Mr. Qualls lives outside the City limits at 17804-98th S. , and also asked membership in the Seattle Master Builders Association be waived in this case, as the Board was unable to locate a residential builder living in the City and a member of the association who was willing to serve on the board. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF ORDINANCE CREATING THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/9/74 Page 4 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Housing Certificate of Appointment to Housing Authority was read wherein Authority Mayor Garrett named Mrs. Barbara Shinpoch, 361 Maple Ave. N.W. , as Appointment a commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Renton until the 10th day of September 1979, filling the vacancy created upon expiration of term of Mr. Thomas W. Trimm. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett announced Union Label Week 9/1-7/74 as Union Label Week a tribute to organized labor which symbolizes improved working condi- tions, better wages and increased security brought to workers through the processes of collective bargaining. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE PROCLAMATION RETROACTIVELY. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS P.U.D. Ordinance MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Trees Obstruct Councilman Clymer asked that trees inter ering with visibility of traffic Visibility lights at S.3rd. St. and Logan Ave. S. be checked. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report concur- Committee ring with the Public Works Department and Mayor' s Office and recommends Report the City Council accept the Referendum 27 grant offer in the amount of $41 ,780 for the Springbrook Restoration/Well and Well House. The report Referendum 27 states the project is part of the Capital Improvements Program; the Springbrook grant amounts to 40% of the improvement and the remaining 60% will be Restoration/ paid bond sale, with interim financing from the Utilities Division. Well , Well MOVED BY PERRY. SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE House RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT GRANT OFFER, AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK TO (See later) EXECUTE GRANT ACCEPTANCE AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Highlands Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report recom- By Pass mending acceptance of the low bid of Select Contractors, Inc. , Seattle, Sewer in the amount of $180,648.99 on the Highlands By Pass Sanitary Sewer Project, bid opening 8/14/74. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BID. CARRIED. Gas Station Councilman Grant inquired re removal of the Time Gas Station at Monroe Removal Ave. N.E. and N.E. 4th St. (Cemetery Rd. ). Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Gonnason to check into this matter. Upon inquiry by Matter of Councilman Grant regarding appeal of the Bergmans to the Board of Bergman's Cows Adjustment concerning order to remove cows and barn, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter was scheduled for the Board's meet- ing 9/17/74 at 8:00 p.m. Recess Councilman Schellert requested Council recess in order to review items before the Finance Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. and all Councilmen present at roll call . Finance Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Finance Corn0 ttee recommenda- Committee Rpt. tion that necessary funds for Park Department raingear be transferred from Park Department Salary Account unto the proper account, not to Park Department exceed $350, and Purchasing Director be authorized to purchase raingear . Employees and issue to Park Department. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, Raingear COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR PURCHASE OF RAINGEAR. TRANSFER OF FUNDS & REFER TO LEGISLATION COM. CARRIED. Parking Checker Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported that the Committee recommened concurrence in Mayor's request 8/26 to repeal Ordinance No. 2128 and formu- late a Resolution which changes the title of Parking Checker to Parking Controller and transfer the position to Traffic Engineering Division. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Council- man Grant questioned action. MOTION CARRIE . Comprehensive Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported committee recommendation Employment for approval of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act authorizing Training Act seven new positions, which would include maintenance custodian at Sartori , asking delay in filling of the Fire Uepartment position pending new management in that department. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION APPROVING C.E.T.A. AND AUTHOR- IZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. Personnel Director 128 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/9/74 Page 5 Old Business - Continued C.E.T.A. Cont. White explained the C.E.T.A. program covers new Dositions, that attrition absorbs 50% and a new regulation allows 50% absorptioninto private indus- try; also, that the City is down 12 full time positions, that 9 positions are open that have not been refilled. White named the seven new positions: Building Inspector, Maintenance Custodian, Printing Aida RAYS Liaison, Clerk-typist in Fire Dept. , Library Supervisory Page, and Clerk Dispatcher. Administrative Assistant Stark explained the 18 month program funded by the federal government. MOTION CARRIED. Lake Washington Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Public Works Director Gonnason --r Property explained that no written communication has been received, however, verbally informed that title of ownership to property on Lake Washington at Kennydale does not vest with the City, but is still with the County. The City has received purchase offer for this property which was former Lake Washington ferry landing. Gonnason explained when area annexed to City, King County had indicated this property would belong to the City, noting this was not a dedicated street and that when title is transferred and report received, Public Works Department will notify interested parties. NEW BUSINESS Disturbing Peace MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE QUESTION OF ORDINANCE COVERING & DISTURBING-THE-PEACE AND NOISE CONTROL BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERV- Noise Control ICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, & MATTER OF CHILDREN IN AUTOMOBILES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY Children in Cars COMMITTEE. CARRIED. City Attorney Shellan noted amendment to the Penal Code covering disorderly conduct, Section 6-163. Overtime Pay Upon request by Councilman Schellert, Mayor Garrett asked Personnel Regulations Director White report covering impact on the City of new Federal Fair Labor Standards regulation relating to payment of overtime. Councilman Ambulance Schellert inquired re new legislation on ambulance and medical aid Legislation service, and was advised by City Attorney Shellan this would take effect in 1975, relates to equipment and will supersede City's if in conflict. Scuba Gear Councilman Stredicke inquired of City's diving equipment and was advised the City rents equipment but has qualified people and that the Park Department has requested equipment in the 1975 budget to be kept at the Beach Park. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported committee recommendation for approval of Vouchers 9 through 153 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered (Vouchers #5886-6000 and 0001 through 0008 Machine Voided) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 9 THROUGH 153 IN AMOUNT OF $386,103.38. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordin ,nce for first Ordinance 2874 reading which ordered the construction and installation of street and L. I. D. 288 lighting and improvements thereto in the vicinity of Whitman Court N.E. Street including acquisition of necessary rights of way in accordance with Construction Resolution 1918, establishing L. I .D. No. 288 providing method of assess- Whitman Court ments upon the property. Following reading by the City Clerk, it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Grant Ordinance be referred back to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBSTI- TUTE MOTION, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Council- man Stredicke noted 31% protest. ROLL CALL: 4 NO: CLYMER, GRANT, STREDICKE, SCHELLERT;3 AYE: BRUCE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI . Motion Failed. Following discussion, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECON- ..... SIDER. PREVIOUS ACTION. CARRIED. ROLL CALL ON MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINA110E SHOWED:5 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT. 2 NO: GRANT AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2875 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first L. I .D. 28T reading which approved and confirmed assessments and final assessment Final roll for L. I.D. 281 watermains in the vicinity of Taylor and Stevens Assessment Aves. N.W. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ APPROVING FINAL ASSESSMENTS L. I .D. 281 . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/9/74 Page 6 Ordinances - Continued Street Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first Excavation reading covering rules and regulations for excavating streets, alleys , Ordinance curbs and sidewalks. City Clerk Mead read ordinance transferring curb First Reading break permits from the City Clerk's Office to the Public Works Department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2876 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance providing 11/5/74 Ba lot for the acquisition of property and construction and equipping of new Issue for New Fire Station #1 to include administrative offices of the Fire Department Fire Stations and the construction and equipping of a new Fire Station #3 to be located WMW No. 1 & No. 3 in South Renton on property to be ar_1:1uired by the City and the acquisi- Plus Equipment tion of new fire fighting equipment, providing for borrowing total of & GO Bond Issue $2,020,000 and issuing and selling general obligation bonds to pay the cost to be paid by annual tax levies . and to be presented to the voters at a Special Election November 5, 1974 in conjunction with the State General Election. The Committee recommended Ordinance be adopted and certified to the Department of Election by the City Clerk. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead asked to certify and forward ordinance to County Election Department. Ordinance 287 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Sign Code Ordinance Sign Code for second and final readings (first reading 8/19/74) , recommending revisions be adopted. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SIGN CODE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, Ordinance be adopted as amended by Chairman. SUBSTITUTE MOTION MOVED BY GRANT. SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , INCLUDE REVISED PAGE ON SIGN DESIGN COMMITTEE ADVISED BY AD HOC COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 2 AYE: GRANT, DELAURENTI , 5 NO: CLYMER, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND ORDINANCE EXEMPTING THEATER SIGNS. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE, DELAURENTI , 3 NO: STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE AMEND ORDINANCE AND ELIMINATE SECTION 4-1908, ROOF SIGNS, PROJECTING SIGNS AND COMBINATION SIGNS. ROLL CALL: 3AYE: CLYMER, GRANT, DELAURENTI; 4 NO: BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, SIGN ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY; 2 NO: GRANT AND DELAURENTI . MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2878 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance establishing Sign Design a Sign Design Review Board defining its purposes, membership and duties Review Board which had been placed on first reading 8/19/74. Following second and final readings by the Clerk of ordinance establishing citizens committee adopting general guidelines for the Sign Design Committee to follow in sign review. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, SCHELLERT; 2 NO: GRANT AND DELAURENTI . CARRIED. Resolution 1931 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for adoption Street Vacation which set October 21 , 1974 as public hearing for street vacation on Portion of portion of S.E. 13th Place lying easerly of Lake Youngs Way S.E. City S. E. 13th Pl . Clerk Mead read resolution and it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Public Hearing BRUCE, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1932 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for adoption Accepting Grant which agrees to accept grant offer of $41 ,780 from the Department of Springbrook Social and Health Services, representing 40% of total costs on improve- Water Facility ment of water quality, control and storage on Springbrook Water System (See Page 4) facilities (Waterworks Utility funds for remainder of project in amount of $62,670) . City Clerk Mead read resolution of grant under Referendum No. 27. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ, AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT, CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. a. Delores A. Mead, City Cler 13� WARRANT UISTHIbs TION DATE 9/09/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL dARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESgRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS C U R R E N T Vo i.D'"'fS- /3�•a•�L 9 64 79 �3P.— PARKS AND RECREATION 65 91 $10097136, CITY STREET 92 102 $9A033127 REG# AND STREET FWD THRUST 103 112 •260P894t83 "NOW URBAN ARTER;AI 113 113 •32j753j68 WATERWORKS UTILITY 114 128 642A18705 AIRPORT 129 133 674812= EQUIPMENT RENTAL 134 152 •21542199 FIREMEN PENSION 153 153 666161 TOTAL OF AL1, WARRANTS �r WEo THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NQ, 9 THROUGH NO* 153 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 09 OF SEPTEMBER iiiiiii Fl:: C C MMITTE q � • MMM w• MMI TEE MEMBER A w www��w.• • .•www.ww� MMITTEE ER t� wwwwww man wwwwwwwwyee**•"" COMMITTEE MEMBER City Clerk' s Office CALL FOR BIDS September 9, 1974 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OVERLAY TAYLOR PLACE N.W. , TAYLOR AVE. N.W. AND HARDIE AVE . S .W. Bid Opening 9/4/74 Contractor Schedule I Schedule II Total Bid Associated Sand & Gravel Co . , Inc. AA/EEO $11 ,664. 00 $ 5, 832 . 00 $17,496. 00 P. 0. Box 88870 Bid Bond Tukwila, WA 98188 132 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLQ SEVIEMEER 10, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARA04T BUILDING PERMITS NO. ANOLMk" NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3860 $36,000 Hillis Homes,INC. 1001 S. 31st Const. single fam. res. 3861 4,000 HUD-Seattle Area 2321 N.E. 10th Repair res. per. specs. 3862 4,000 HUD-Seattle Area 1171 Aberdeen N.E. Repair res. per. specs. 3863 4,000 HUD-Seattle Area 257 Taylor N.W. Repair res. per. specs. 3864 250 Ralph H, Wisher Jr. 1429 N. 36th Replace garage door 3865 300,000 CenuniCy Church 3031 N.E. 10th Const. recreational wing 3866 6,000 Zales Jewelers Renton Center Remodel store interior 3867 25,000 Citizens Loan Assn. 2825 Sunset Blvd. NE Remodel gas station to bank 3868 800 Orlando Bill Santi 221 Wells S. Replace windows 3869 26,000 L. Alice Hanbey 822 Monroe N.E. Const. single fam. res. 3870 1,348 Barbee Mill Co. 4100 Lk. Wa. Blvd. N. Repair boathouse 3871 200 Ruth Simpson 303 Garden N. 9x9 storage (metal) 3872 Billy D. Breon 3004 Burnett N. Demolish garage 3873 4,000 Junior Jssacson 3530 N.E. 7th Addition to res. MECHANICAL PERMITS M4049 500 Lutheran Church 1024 Monroe N.E. Inst. sprinklers 4050 250 HUD-Seattle Area 2321 N.E. 10th Alter vent piping 4051 2,400 Q&M Enterprises 2331 Talbot S. Inst. plumb. & fix. 4052 2,400 Q&M Enterprises 2332 Talbot S. Inst. plumb & fix 4053 1,000 Kelso Const. 2004 Aberdeen S.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4054 155 Larry Gibson 3312 N.E. 11th Inst. gas BBQ 4055 431 Aune Ferong 4309 N.E. 11th Inst. gas furance 4056 200 David Burkebile 2539 Burnett S. Inst. plumb & fix 4057 900 Armstrong Hanes 1220 N. 32nd Inst. plumb k fly 4058 3,163 Harris Watson 1319 N.E. Kennewick Inst. LennoX heat pump 1059 20,000 Assembly of God 221 Hardie N.W. Inst. plumb & fix 4060 6500 Norman IhJ_enfeldt 1805 Lincoln S.E. Inst. furnace 4061 750 HUD-Seattle Area 510 Wiidsor N.E. Inst. gas furnace 4062 400 James McKinney 820 Index N.E. Replace sewer piping 4063 2,975 Queen's Closet Renton Center Inst. BTU heating 4064 841 James Eliason 1901 Talbot S. Inst. gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4825 50 FHA-Seattle Area 1002 N. 31st Inst. sump pump 4826 382 City of Renton 400 Shattuck S. Underground sewage 4827 1,285 Gerald Bartlett 512 Wells. N. Replace furnace 4828 650 Kelso Const. 2004 Aberdeen S.E. Wire single fam. res. 482() 90,000 Boeing Co. Boeing Plant Renton Remodel shop area 4830 200 David Burkebile 2529 Burnett S. Wire additon 4831 800 John Zirckle 3825 Lk. Wa. N. Wire single faro res. 4832 240 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Inst. floor outlets 4833 250 Ralph Wisher 1429 N. 36th Wire garage 4834 13,350 Boeing Co. Boeing Plant Renton Remodel shop area 4835 400 Ann Sculati 2912 Lk. Wa. N. New service 4836 50 Frank Jones 1424 N. 40th Add circuits 4837 965 William Jones 1220 N. 32nd Wire single fam. res. 4838 85 John Mann 1501 Jones N. Move meter 4839 340 David Johnson 1109 N. 32nd Replace breaker box 4840 300 Otis Park 543 Morris S. Inst. new service ,Now 4841 1,150 Q&M Enterprises 2320 Talbot S. Wire new res. 4842 800 Lorraine Amman 2505 N.E. 9th Rewire res. 4843 500 Seattle 1st Natl. Bank715 S. 3rd U/G service 4844 50 Ralph Bradley 1840 Edmonds S.E. Rewire hot water HTR 4845 1,150 Q&M Enterprises 2331 Talbot S. Wire new res. SIGN PERMITS 379 225 Sound Ford 750 Rainier S. Wall sign SEWER PERMITS 2107 HUD 2321 N.E. 10th Connect side sewer 2108 HUD 1171 Aberdeen N.E. Connect side sewer lr7o F"AlFili'ING CXL�XW Off -o of the City Clerk COUNCIL (XXiMI1= �111TINGS &�11D AT CITY COUNCIL *!!TING OF 9/9/74 O(MII'MIE DNITE TIME CHAIRMAN Lk)CATION RIX411KS AVIATION flMIMY Tues. 9/11 7:30 PM b1IRMT(XL Cafeteria COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues, 9/10 7:00 PM CLYMER 6th Fl -Conference Room Meet with Fire Chief Williams of Yakima CUMNITY SERVICES Wed, 9/11 7:30 PM C;ILwr 6th FIX onference Room First half meeting : Meet with Police Chief Second: Review guide lines for Evnironmental Impact Statements , Planning Dept, to provide FINANCE A0,J) PERSCIOXI, SCHEIJI-T- T Staff LECTISI,ATION & INTER— Mon. 9/16 7:00 PM SrREDICTE 6th Floor GOVEPIQUMAL PUBLIC SAFELY DFU-AURF—''TTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION Wed, 9/11 5:00 PM PERRY Meet in Lobby View streets and alleys for paving participatim Public Works to provide City car. OTHER =INGS AND EVEM7S FIRE STATION CX=I'1`EE SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE Thurs . k1,' 1!i 7:00 to Bellevue City Hall The State Auditor's Office explains planning an 9:00 PM Administration Bldg. programming under BARS for Councilmen and Mayor [_Association of WA Cities Wed. 10/23 1.00 PM concord Inn, Auburn Regional Meeting wea, I U/ In JL) rjy� Inunuerbiru RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 16 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S * CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER *C aim or Damages - B. J. Curtis Letter from I. D.Inv estments re Ordinance 2874 COMMUNITY SERVICE: COMMITTEE Clearview TV Cable rate increase CITY CLERK Letter from Iffert & Dalpay protesting Vacation of Whitman Crt. N.E. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Resolution re HUD Grant (Resolution 1934 adopted) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE First Amendatory Contract re HUD Grant Lake Washington Beach' Law and Justice application for funding PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Disturbing the Peace Ordinance Noise Control Ordinance METRO REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Frank letter requesting rerouting of bus APPOINTMENTS - Fire Chief George H. Williams, effective 10/1/74 PUBLIC HEARING L. I . D. 290, Renton Hill , continued to 10/21/74 PUBLIC MEETING Kohl Annexation 10/7/74 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 16 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor pro tem Earl Clymer, presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT ABSENT" COUNCILMAN CHARLES DELAURENTI BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DEL. BENNETT, Deputy Director of Public Works; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director and BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department Rep. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES MINUTES OF 9/9/74 BE. POSTPONED UNTIL 9/23/74. CARRIED. Councilman Scheilert requested clarification on 1st paragraph Pg. 5, "that through attri- tion the goal of 50% absorption can be met and a new regulation allows up to 50% absorption into private industry;' Councilman Grant corrected third paragraph Page 5 referring ordinance covering Disturbing-the-Peace and Noise Control to the Public Safety Committee. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- L. I .D. 290 lished and mailed, the Public Hearing was declared open and City Clerk Street Mead noted letters of protest which had been received from: Winford Improvement K. & Geraldine Moore, 539 Cedar Ave. S. ; 0. Madison; Flora R. Renton Hill Monaghan, 324 Cedar Ave. S. ; Anita Mae Thelander; Charles A. Thelander; Mrs. Alfred P. Mergner, 418 Mill S. ; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Hansen, 336 Mill Ave. S. ; Mrs. A. M. Hansen, 336 Mill S. ; Ed Walske, 111'-2 3rd; Lyman E. Riley, Palos Verdes Pen.., Calif; A. M. Hansen; S.M. and Martha G. Wiberg, 12015. 3rd; Maxine and E.J. Walt; Ann and Manly Grinolds, 308 Cedar S. ; August Riffero, 806 Cedar S. ; Janette L. Taylor, 111 4th So. ; Ardith Anderson, 316 Cedar S. ; Executrix for John Trottman Estate, 400 Mill Ave: S. ; Mrs. Charles DuBois, 538 Mill Ave. S. ; Margie Crossan, 535 Cedar S. Letter from Deputy Director of Public Works Bennett noted the 9/12 informational meeting with the property owners by the Public Works Department with presentation of proposed improvements which include street paving, alley paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks where needed and underground wiring and street lighting, also sanitary sewer system would be included with the cost- borne by the utility if replacement needed. "The letter stated the property owners in the , L. I. D. 290 area were concerned with undergrounding proposal unless the high tension lines were also undergrounded or relocated; with alley improvements, with parking after street widening completed and with discrepancies in the individual assessment notices. The letter requested the public hearing be continued to October 21 , 1974 in order to prepare a more detailed plan and revised notices. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett gave recap of the 9/12 meeting and explained that as of 5:00 p.m. today 10 letters of protest had been received which amounted to 11 .30% protest of the project, the 11 letters received at the meeting not having been tabulated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO OCTOBER 21 . Those persons present at the meeting protesting and asking questions: Roy Anderson, 316 Cedar S. ; Martha Wiberg, 1201 S. 3rd; Lou Traverso, 519 Cedar S. ; W. Moore, 539 Cedar S. ; Janet Taylor, 1111 S. 4th; Ray Hansen, 336 Mill Ave. S. ; D. Mitchell , 1107 S. 4th; Teresa Mergner, 418 Mill Ave. S. ; 0. Madison, 1108 S.4th; Dennis Keolker, 532 Cedar Ave. S. ; Manly Grinolds , 308 Cedar Ave. S. Public Hearing Public Works Deputy Director Bennett noted total cost of project Continued to will be $276,000 of which $206,000 City funds and $70,000 contri- October 21 , 1974 buted by the L. I.D. Bennett noted corner lots would be assessed on one side only. MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING, CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/16/74 Page 2 Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:53 p.m. with all Councilmen present at roll call as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from City Clerk Mead presented petition for annexation which AND CURRENT represented owners of more than 10% of the property involved, having BUSINESS been certified by the Planning Officials as to validity. The letter recommended the date of October 7, 1974 for public meeting to deter- 10% Letter of mine whether Council will accept letter of intent, require the Intent to adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and pre- Annex existing bonded indebtedness of the City, after which Council may Now Kohl , et al authorize circulation of the 75% annexation petition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF CLERK AND SET DATE OF OCTOBER 7, AS PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS. This area lies contiguous to the western boundary of the City along SW Sunset Blvd/Empire Way between 80th and 81st Avenues S. MOTION CARRIED. Unfair Labor Letter from Renton Police Officer's Guild forwarded copy of the unfair Practices .Filed labor practices which the Guild has charged against the City with Re Parking the Department of Labor and Industry concerning Barbara Heap, Parking Checker Checker, and claimed discrimination against one of its members because of her sex. Discussion ensued concerning proposed repeal of Ord.#2128 Parkine Meter Checker, because of change of duties, also the matter of change of title of position and transfer to Traffic Engineering. Claim for Claim for Damages filed by Barbara J. Curtis, 15010 135th Ave. S.E. , Damages was presented by the City Clerk, noting amount of $63.18 for auto B.J. Curtis damage caused by backing into fire hydrant at Bill & John Grocery on Maple Valley Highway,alleging poor hydrant placement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Rate Increase Letter from Clearview TV Cable President William L. Monson announced Clearview a TV cable monthly service charge increase from $6.00 a month to TV Cable $6.95 a month with additional outlets increased from $1 .00 to $1 .50 ..■ a month due to increased costs in providing service, letter offering to meet and explain in detail . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED, EY PERRY, M'rTER 6E REFERRED TO THE UNITY SERVICES MMITTEE. CARRIED, Councilman Grant announced meeting (see Schedule) . H.U. D. Contract Letter from Park and Recreation Director Coulon transmitted docu- Lake WA Beach Pk. ments concerning contract with H.U.D. for reimbursement of $10,000 Scott-Pacific for the relocation award made to Scott-Pacific concerning property Property on Lake Washington adjacent to the Beach Park. Letter enclosed proposed resolution approving and providing for the execution of the First Amendatory Contract for Grant to Acquire and/or Develop Land for Open-Space Purposes which amends contract of August 27, 1970. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. See Later action. Letter of Protest Letter from S. C. Iffert and James W. Dalpay protested any attempt Vacation of by the City Council to vacate Whitman Court N.E. to the north of Wb4*_man C`.. N.E. Honeydew Estates. Upon discussion with City Attorney, it was MOVED BY PERKY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION PROTESTING VACATION BE PUT ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PENDING PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Ordinance #2874 Letter from I.D. Investments, S. C. Iffert and James W. Dalpay, re L. I.D. 288 objected to passage of Ordinance 2874, which establishes L.I.D. 288 Protested street and improvements in the vicinity of Whitman Court N.E. , now alleging an attempt to illegally and unconstitutionally take private property, located south of Renton-Issa4uah Hw,y_.Ia t 4301 N.E. Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PROTEST BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSIDER AND ADVISE COUNCIL. CARRIED. EXPO '74 Letter from Mayor Garrett noted invitation to participate in EXPO '74 in Spokane and Tuesday, October 1 , has been designated as Renton's "Festival Day," which requires 45 minutes of entertainment by a representative qroup. The letter stated Dr. Kohlwes is interested. in 8"n Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/16/74 Page 3 Correspondence & Current Business - Continued Renton's the request for Hazen High School 's 70-piece concert band will be Festival Day presented to the School Board 9/16 and if approved will require EXPO ' 74 $950 for transportation, plus lodging. The letter noted service clubs are being contacted for help and a legal opinion on the ability of the City to expend funds for this purpose, has been re- quested. Mayor Pro tem Clymer noted letter for information. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared September 28, 1974 as National Hunting and Fishing Day and urged all citizens to join National Hunting with outdoor sportsmen in the wise use of our natural resources & Fishing Day and their proper management. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY 9/28/74 BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed George H. Williams to the Fire Chief position of Fire Chief of the Renton Fire Department effective 10/1/74 Effective 10/1 having been certified by the Renton Fire Civil Service Commission. MOVED 'Y BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINT- MENT OF FIRE CHIEF BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant noted meting with Planning Department on the City's procedure for implementation of Community Service the State Environmental Act, compiled document to be distributed. Committee Rpt. The Planning Department has received 106 completed er:,!ironmental work sheets from applicants coming into Renton and has required only E. I.S. and `our environmental impact statements. Mayor Pro tem Clymer asked Plantings and Deputy Public Works Director Bernet, to c ;_c,- 4-to t'he planting Discrimination of parking strip in front of .the Highlands Safeway StOrt W; c'' was questioned by Councilman Grant. Councilman Grant noted filing of discrimination charges because of sex with the State Human Rights Commission, that background information has been compiled and made available to the Human Resources Coordinator re Parking Checker. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt. concerning. request of Sherwood B. Martin, 3728. Park Ave. N. , for paving of private alley connecting Meadow Ave. & Park Ave. N. Citizen Request situated between N. 36th and N. 38th Streets, determined that the for Paving of alley can be repaired and overlayed by the abutting property owners Private' at their own cost without involvement of the City. The committee Easement Road report also gave alternate method to form an L. I .D. if the property owners abutting the alley are willing to deed the right-nf-way to construct an alley to the specifications and standards of the City. MOVED GY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Asphalt Overlay Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Taylor N.W. concurring in Public Works Department recommendation to accept Hardie S.W. the (only) bid and to award the asphaltic concrete overlay contract Bid Award on Hardie Ave. S.W./Taylor Ave. N.W. to the low bidder, Associated Sandand Gravel in the amount of $17,496. MOVED BY SHCELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE AND AWARD CONTRACT. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT; 2 NO: GRANT AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Request for Transportation Committee Report recommended that the letter and peti- Rerouting Bus tion from Mrs. J. Frank requesting rerouting of Metro buses on on Kirkland NE Kirkland Ave. N.E. be referred to the City' s Metro representative for presentation before the Metro Board. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Y.E. 4th St. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented letter from Crossing Public Works Director Gonnason for informational purposes, that Restoration the contractor, N.E. City Concrete Products has been advised of his obligation to repair the crossing of N.E. 4th St. in the vicinity of the Animal Clinic, which should be completed with a few days. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Community Services Committee Chair- man Grant reported meetings with the Public Works and Police Depart- ments regarding "The Loop" with recommendations having been made The Loop which do not require legislation. 138 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/16/74 Page 4 New Business - Continued Fire Hydrants Councilman Stredicke noted concern over recent incident where fire hydrant was out-of-service and undetected because of failure in swit&*ng device at. the Highlands reservoir and the Fire Department not notified. Stredicke felt Fire Districts 25 and 40 should be told cf hydrant failures in their districts and asked the Administra- tion to check. VOUCHER APPROVAL Voucher approval scheduled for next meeting. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance which RESOLUTIONS was placed on first reading last week providing rules and regulation..., `or excavating streets, alleys, curbs and sidewalks. Following OrdinA-ce 2879 readingsof the ordinance which transfers issuing of curb break excavation of permits from the City Clerk's Office to the Public Works Department, Streets, Curbs it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Sidewalks ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: UNAN MOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL. ORDINANCE CARRIED. Shady Lane Councilman Stredicke noted ordinance for the Shady Lane Annexation Annexation was pending Boundary Review Board notification waiving jurisdiction- Sunset Hwy/138 SE Ordinance will be presented upon receipt of the notice. Resolution 1933 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution Transfer of Funds transferring $350 from Parks & Recreation Salaries (Facilities) Park Dept. unto Purchasing Services for the purchase of rain gear. Following Rain Gear reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1934 Resolution was presented approving and providing for execution H.U. D. Contract of the First Amendatory Contract for $10,000 Grant to acquire Scott-Pacific and/or develop land for open-space purposes No. WASH-OSA-99(G) Lake WA Beach between the City and the federal government. (See earlier H.U.D. contract for relocation Scott-Pacific) Following reading, it was MOVED BY, PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1935 Resolution was vresented approving the agreement for Law and Justice Now Liar « Justice Planning and the distribution of certain Law Enforcement Assistance Grant Funds entered into with King County as outlined by the Kinq County (CAG 020-74) Law and Justice Planning Office staff re Youth Bureau Service System. Following reading of resolution approving agreement and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary application for funding and to take such steps as are requiredby law to carry out its purposes. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Des A. M eYd, Ci Clerk 139 HAROLD S.SHE/[LMAN LAW UP PICC.1 r MwueEnla usRu lura VICTOR O.LAWRENCE JAM['J N.WETEH 1,9//-IY5YI JAMES OAY Ro®ERTS, SHEFELMAN, LAWRENCE, GAY b1 MOCH 110RLHT O.MOCH ""IS C.HARPCR le.l9 IFJM BUILDING (,[URGE M.MAGE 1111IANL.COMSTOCA rIM01 Hy R.CLVfORO SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 JAMES S.TURNER L.tE R.vOORHECS,JR. TEL.12061 622-1818 WILLIAM N.ARP[L DAVID S.SWEE70NAINEY N September 17, 19 74 M O. WILII A SALLY PALETTE HU bERT H.CAMPISELL ROBERT G.MULLENOORE N. .J Ms. Delores Mead a City Clerk E... Municipal Bui ldinq 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 05 Re: Consolidated Local Improvement District No. 275/276 Dear Del: Pursuant to information furnished me by Dick Kennedy of Seattle- Northwest Securities Corproation and Gwen Marshall , I have prepared and arr !nclosing an original and three copies of ordinance consolidating Local -Improvement Districts Nos . 275 and 276 and providing for the issuance and sale of $196 ,558. 70 of bonds of the consolidated local improvement district. If this ordinance meets with the approval of your City Council and it is passed at your next regular Council meeting, I should appreciate your returning to me one certified copy, together with certified e?�.-rp-s from the minutes of the Council meeting showing the passage of the ordinance and an affidavit of publication of the ordinance after it has been published. To complete my transcript on the two local improvement districts , I shoulJ 7,ppreciate your sending me the following documents: V ocal Improvement District No. 275 1. Copy of petition for establishment of local improvement district 2. Affidavit of mailing to property owners of notices of public hearing for June 5 , 1972 3. Affidavit of publication of notice of hearing for June 5, 1972 4 . Affidavit of publication of Ordinance No. 2715 5. Certified excerpts from Minutes of June 12 , 1972, Council meeting showing passage of Ordinance No. 2715. 6 . Affidavit of mailing of notices to property owners of hearing on final assessment roll 7. Affidavit of publication of notice of hearing on final assessment roll 8. Certified copy of Ordinance No. 2864 approving and confirming assessment roll 9 . Affidavit of publication of Ordinance No. 2864 10 . Certified excerpts from Minutes of July 8, 1974 , Council meeting showing passage of Ordinance No. 2864 11. Affidavit of publication of notice of collection of assessment roll 12 . Affidavit of mailing to property owners of notices of collection of assessment roll Local Improvement District No. 276 1. Affidavit of mailing of notices to property owners of hearing on final assessment roll 2. Affidavit of publication of notice of hearing on final assessment roll 3. Affidavit of publication of Ordinance No. 2733 4 . Certified copy of Ordinance No. 2867 approving and confirming the final assessment roll 5. Affidavit of publication of Ordinance No. 2867 6 . Certified excerpts from Minutes of July 15, 1974 , Council meeting showing passage of Ordinance No. 2867 1. Affidavit of publication of notice of collection of assessment roll 8. Affidavit of mailing to property owners of notices of collection of assessment roll Sincerely, ROBERTS, SHEFE LMAN, LAWRENCE, GAY & MOCH l� �u /f�.GL r.vLs/ Ey James Gay JG/dea Enc. cc: Mr. Gerard M. Shellan Mr. Richard T. Kennedy Ms. Gwen Marshall !41 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 9/09/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS ✓11�i)ve V01b'`s,-?W -7-2 y, o 1 ,�C U R R E N T W®l'D'ij1S- /:�a�.a.,L 9 6 4 «, w s P? th n PEA.';ON 65 91 s 10o 097#36 CITY STREET 92 102 s91033#27 REG# AND STREET FWD THRUST 103 112 4260* 89403 URBAN ARTER;AU 113 113 $32o753163 WATERWORKS UTILITY 114 128 $421187135 AIRPORT 129 133 $748021 EQUIPMENT RENTA6 134 !sR s2i542j99 r'Oc-MEN P9NRION illi 153 066,61 l0Mkw 07 +++L�! ;WARRANTS Oo WEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMMS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNC160 HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTA410ERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDIS[. AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS Npt - 9 THROUGH N0* gym" ioj 153 SN THE AMOUNT OF' THIS 09 OF' SEPTEMSER ttAEiif FINANC C MMITTE w w MMI TEE MEMBER A • •••mow••• • ••.••••e+w MMITTEE ER ecor •�.ww. wi•w s.•w.•••�••w.•111w COMMITTEE MEMBER ''+"ViWS SCIUDL1,M AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 16_ 1974___ , (1IAIWAN LOCATION RUWIKS A� , 10N M7TT- T ucs. , 9; 17 r 30 P,N1. STREDICKE Cafeteria ITY. aMVI('T:S + 91-1': 7.:�C, P ki. GRANT 6th Flr.. Conf. . Room Re: Cable T.V. flikANM AND PERSONrEL T:_ies. , 9/1'1 4:00 P.M. S( w'li LERT Council President presiding LFUISI,ATION & P111R.- "1' n 9/13 7:00 P,M. STREDICKE 6th Flr. GOVFktNMENTAL PUBLIC_.SAFEW DEI ALTUMI PUBLIC WOWS BRLCE IWNS 'OIT'I'ATIQN PERRY OTHER WTrINGS AND EVENT'S FTRE STA'1'ICN OM MITI '111ur°5. , 9/19 4:00 P.M. 6th Flr.. Conf.. Roam SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COKMITTEE PO t43 µ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 17 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3874 $30 , 000 Olympic Pipe Co-- 2929 E . Valley Rd. Const . exter.si^n 3875 3 , 900 Dura Co . 1150 Union N . E. Inst. swimming pool 3876 2 , 000 Dr. Divelbiss 230 Wells S . Replace windows ?87? 20, 000 Willis Homes 2544 Burnett S . Const. single fam aes 3878 500 P . S . Thompson 2213 N .E . 9th Const. patio cover 3879 11000 R.L. Hunt 3908 Lk. Wa . N . Const . garage 3880 Seattle Lumber 1500 Lind S .W. 500 cubic fill MECHANICAL PERMITS M4065 1, 500 Erickson Co . 4020 E . Valley Inst . plumb & fix 4066 2 , 000 Hillis Homes 1001 S . 31st Inst, plumb & fix 4067 2 , 000 Hillis Homes 2544 Burnett S . Inst. plumb & fix 4068 2 , 000 Renton Village 35 S . Grady Inst. plumb & fix 4069 2 ,400 Q. M. Enterprises 2402 Talbot S . Inst. plumb & fix 4070 2, 400 Q. M. Enterprises 2319 Talbot S . Inst. plumb & fix 4071 2 ,400 Q. M. Enterprises 2408 Talbot Inst. plumb & fix 4072 300 Lily B . Litfin 2220 N .E . 9th Inst. plumb & fix 4073 1, 500 Marlene Reich 3827 Lk. Wa. N. Inst. plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E434G 400 Childrens Shoes Renton Center Relocation of elec. 4847 600 Queen ' s Closet Renton Center Store remodel 4848 382 City of Renton 41612 Shattuck S . U/G sewer station 4849 1 , 500 Renton Village 35 S . Grady Wire offices 4850 600 City of Renton 315 Garden N . Connect equipment 4851 650 Carrie Galoiran 703 S .W. 12th Inst . elec. heat 4852 2 , 367 Maremont Corp. 1040 Thomas S .W. Revise lighting SIGN PERMITS 380 600 Renton Village 35 S . Grady Inst. wall sign SEWER PERMITS 2109 Hillis Homes 1022 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2110 Hillis Homes 1001 S . 31st Connect side sewer 2111 Renton Village 15 S . Grady Connect side sewer Ilk RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 23 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages filed by LeRoy W. Anderson COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Salary Increase for Non-Represented Employees .r LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Street Vacation Portion of Newport Ave. N.E. Hazen Annexation Review of Ordinance establishing special water & sewer rates PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Eastwood Park L. I .D. - sewers Lake Washington & May Creek L. I .D. - Water mains PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Represent the City to State Board of Health advising re Fluoridation TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Safety protection at the Monster Rd. Rwy. Crossing APPOINTMENTS Francis A. Holman to Position 3 on Board of Adjustment, 4-yr term expiring 9/6J78 Gary E. Smith to Position 4 on the Board of AdjuslWent, 4-yr term expiring 916178 Jay S. Ford to Library Board, 5-yr term expiring 6/l/79 SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Meeting Residents Hazen Annexation 10/21/74 �a 145 R.ENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 23 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY , CHARLES DELAURENTI , HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY bw CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J . GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIPLS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, BE WITHHELD UNTIL NEXT WEEK, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, AS PREPARED AND MAILED (Corrections of Councilmen Grant and Schellert included as noted 9/16) . CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Garrett extended congratulations as he presented Certificate of Merit to Finance Director, Gwen Marshall , from the Washington Finance Director Finance Officers Association, which certifies that the Annual 1973 Marshall Financial Report of the City is the most outstanding in the State. Finance Director Marshall reported the hard work of Joan Pringle and Ted Bennett made the award possible. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published as required by law, Mayor Garrett declared the public r, inn of hearing open to consider vacation of a portion of Newport Ave. N.E. Newport Ave. NE (M Place North) , undeveloped street in Mapes Addition near N. E. 10th Street and Monroe Ave. N.E. City Clerk Mead read letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett noting the Board' s review of the proposed vacation on 9/4/74 with no objections to the matter as proposed and also that no utility easements are required. Public Works Director Gonnason outlined area on map and recommended the vaca- tion be approved and sent to the Public Works Department for appraisal and report back to Council . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Moved by Delaurenti , Seconded by Clymer, this subject be referred back to the public Works Depart- ment for appraisal and report back to Council . Mr. Lynn Speck, Minister of the Highlands Church of Christ, asked that Council waive payment of 1/2 appraised value which would otherwise be required. Mr. Speck described future development of the 3.2 acres as church site with proposed day care center and park with natural setting to be benefit to City residents. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, zoning was determined as single family residential with churches permitted. Stredicke also noted large number of churches in the area. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST TO VACATE THE STREET, WAIVE THE FEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE.* Public Works Director Gonnason noted no need for the undeveloped street in the circulation scheme. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead outlined costs of processing which included publication,posting notification to signatoriesnoting the $100 filing fee paid. Stredicke spoke against the motion in favor of using the money for the poor- and infirm. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT Letter from Public Works Director, Gonnason recommended final payment BUSINESS to Robertson Landscaping for Street Beautification on Rainier Ave. , N.E. Sunset Blvd. and So. 4th St. in amount of $4,392.00 and recom- Final Payment mended Council accept completion of the project as of 9/23/74. Robertson The letter also recommended that if after thirty days no liens or Landscaping claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax C.A.G. 008-74 liabilities is received, the retained amount of $5,909.69 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 146 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/23/74 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended final payment Signal Electric to Signal Electric, Inc. in amount of $16,075.58 for traffic signals installed in Talbot Road, Phase II , C.A.G. 062-73 completed 9/20 and accepted by the Public Works Department 9/23/74. The letter recom- mended Council accept the project as of 9/23/74 and if after 30 days no liens or claims received, the retained amount of $6,221 .59 be paid to the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Gonnason noted the project was financed by 90% U.A.B. funds and 10% City Forward Thrust funds. Further discussion ensued and Councilman Schellert explained the rule of dual indication per approach.*MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by LeRoy W. Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. , Damages in the amount of $100,000 for damages due to collision with the Anderson Milwaukee Main Line at intersection of Monster Rd. S.W. 5/24/74 alleging improper markings at the intersection. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. C',RRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE,-BONDED UT- Monster Zd. BRUCE, THE SUBuECTOF SAFETY PROTECTION '.AT THE MONSTER ROAD RWY. CROSS- RR XXX ING BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. . Public Works Director Gonnason noted the subject previously referred to the Transportation Committee was Burlington Northern's request to elimi- nate and find alternate routes for the Monster Rd. crossing. 'Grady Way possible alternate, but being sub-standard and need for outside fund- ing to reinforce structure explained by Councilman Bruce. L.I.D. 291 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported petition for Water mains local improvement district for construction of water mains in the Lake Washington Lake Washington and May Creek areas was checked and signatures represent 83.69% of the area, 75.05% of the front footage and 71 .02 of the assessed valuation. Councilman Schellert inquired and was advised by Gonnason that this is the same area that sanitary sewers are being installed, that the work and resurfacing can be coordinated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REPORT BACK. C RRYED. Fluoridation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason announced receipt by the of Water Utilities Division of draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Fluoridation Regulations of Public Water Supplies wherein the State Department of Health and Social Services is proposing to require fluoridation of all water systems serving over 500 people at the City' s expense,which is estimated as high as $250,000 with anticipated annual expense of' $40,000, as well as needed manpower. The letter noted the State Board of Health will be meeting concern- ing the mandatory fluoridation (R.C.W. 43.20.050) in Olympia 10/2/74 with comments and position of the Council requested in order to meet the 9/27/74 date for consideration. Councilman Delaurenti noted local option should be allowed as voters had turned down fluoridation of the City's water (3/11/69) . Councilman Clymer suggested Associ- ation of Washington Cities help lessen financial impact. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GONNASON REPRESENT THE CITY TO THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ADVISING THAT THE VOTERS HAVE REJECTED FLUORIDATION OF THE WATER SUPPLY AND THAT THE COST WOULD BE AN IMPOSSIBLE BURDEN AND IT SHOULD BE REFERRED AGAIN TO THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. CARRIED. EXPO ' 74 Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended transfer of $250 from the Execu- --� Renton Day tive budget to the Miscellaneous account toward housing and transporting 10/1/74 the 70-piece Hazen High School Concert Band at EXPO ' 74 in Spokane for Renton Day on Tuesday, October 1 , the school having accepted the invitation to provide musical entertainment as a representative City high school group to promote tourism and attract visitors to our City, the school bus also containing appropriate signs to promote the City. The Mayor's letter invited the Council members to help represent the City. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST.* Upon inquiry by Council President 147 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/23/74 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued EXPO '74 Clymer, City Attorney Shellan advised State law allows cities to advertise for promotion of industrial development and make facts known about the City. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Perry, Council table this request. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9: 15 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at roll call . Councilman Clymer withdrew motion to table. ROLL CALL ON MOTION TO CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE CAST NO VOTE. *CARRIED. Proposed L. I.D. 292 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported on petition Eastwood Park for sanitary sewers in the recently annexed Eastwood Park area Sanitary Sewers that percentages based on the signatures contained on the petition for L. I .D. represent 63.3% front footage and 63.1% of the area. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PROPOSED L. I .D. BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Hazen City Clerk Mead presented Letter of Intent to Annex for the Hazen Annexation High School area. The petition was reviewed by the Planning Depart- ment and verification made that the signatures represent 43.7% of tax paying assessed valuation, that the area contains tax exempt property which is not considered in the annexation process;however, of the 90 acres in the proposed annexation, 47 are tax paying property, 35 are tax exempt and 8 are public right-of-way. It was also noted the annexation is located on the eastern boundary of the City and includes the intersection of 138th Ave. S.E. (Duval Ave. N.E. ) and N.E. Sunset Boulevard, that an island of unincorporated King County would be created along S.E. 107th Place and 138th Ave. S.E. between Eastwood Park and Shady Lane Annexations, however inclusion of Hazen High School is hoped to be a satisfactory tradeoff (that the City could minimize problems) . City Clerk Mead noted date of public meeting should be set within 60 days to accept the Letter of Intent, to determine adoption of the City' s Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinance, bonded indebted- ness and to authorize circulation of the 90% annexation petition. Public Meeting MOVED B" SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, SET DATE OF OCTOBER 21 , 1974 10121/74 TO MEET WITH PROPERTY OWNERS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF RESOLUTION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr, Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Road So. , invited the Administration, Council and interested persons to attend the Seattle-King County Area on Aging meeting 10/4 at Sartori School . PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared October 6 through 12, 1974 Fire Prevention as Fire Prevention Week calling upon all departments and agencies Week 10/6 -12 and citizens of the community to take part in coordinated effort for improved fire safety making our City a safer place in which to live and work. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce noted hardship cases in regard to reduced water and sewer charges given by the City when those persons do not meet the Special Water qualifications of being over 62, residing in Renton in own home with & Sewer Rates total combined income for married couples of $5,100 or $425 monthlv. for Retired Bruce cited case of handicapped person with spouse under 62 unable to obtain outside employment because of need for care; Perry cited cases of retired person with spouse under 62 who have never been employed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF REVIEW OF WATER AND SEWER RATE ORDINANCE FOR UPDATING BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee Personnel report concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Jay S. Ford to Committee the Renton Library Board for a five-year term to expire June 1 , 1979 Jay S. Ford replacing Mr. Ken Zehm whose appointment expired 6/1/74. MOVED BY 679 Union N.E. PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Library Board Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor' s recom- mendation to reappoint Mr. Francis A. Holman, 1624 Ferndale Ave. S.E. Board of to Position No. 3 on the Board of Adjustment and Mr. Gary E. Smith, Adjustment 15617 S.E. 168th, owner of retail business located at 104 S. 3rd St. , 148 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/23/74 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued F.A. Holman to Position No. 4 on the Board of Adjustment; both appointments G.E. Smith being 4-year terms expiring 9/6/78. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL WAIVE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR GARY SMITH AS HE LIVES WITHIN A FEW BLOCKS OF THE CITY LIMITS. CARRIED. CARRIED. Perry requested record indicate waiver on residency allowed because of close proximity to city limits. Finance Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended that Mr. Robert Committee Hughes be appointed as Legislative Aide to the Renton City Council . Legislative Councilman Schellert noted his opposition to the recommendation, Aide suggesting the position remain unfilled and cut from the budget. Council President Clymer recalled unanimous decision of the Council that position be filled and noted filling of other potions by the Finance and Personnel Committee. Stredicke noted that as Council positions are part time, most all Councilmen have other positions, that the Aide could act as Ombudsman to public, nine months wages now saved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPOINTMENT OF LEGISLA- TIVE AIDE BE TABLED.* Roll Cali : 3 AYE: Bruce, Delaurenti and Schellert; 3 NO: Clymer, Stredicke and Perry. Mayor Garrett broke the tie and Voted AYE. Upon inquiry by Councilmen, City Attorney Shellan quoted state law (RCW 35A.12. 100) Mayor shall have vote in case of tie at regular Council meeting. Councilman Stredicke and Councilman Perry requested their votes be changed to AYE and Mayor Garrett requested Clerk to show the Ayes and*MOTION CARRIED. Upon an inquiry by Bruce, City Attorney Shellan noted the matter can be removed from the table by Councilman at regular meetira of the same body that acted on the motion. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report that Committee Rpt. recommended approval of a supplemental lease agreement to LAG-0273, Volco, Inc. for unimproved property located directly behind the old State Patrol building on the southeast corner of parcel adjacent to Perimeter Road. The report stated that Aero-Paint Systems sub- leases property included in l_AG-0273 and has received complaints of Volco, Inc. overspray onto Boeing employees parked vehicles on property in ques- Lease tion and the Department of Ecology has expressed concern about lack Supplement of holding tank for that company for aircraft stripping operations; 1_'',,G-0273 both problems could be solved in leasing of additional property. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE APPROVING SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Lande Feed Store Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke of building damaged by fire Fire at Lande Feed Co. , 95 Williams Ave. S. , City Attorney Shellan advised the City' s Zoning Code allows restoration of any nonconforming build- ing damaged by fire if the expense of such work does not exceed 50% of the value of the building or structure at the time such damage occurred, otherwise restoration or reconstruction must conform to zoning regulations. Gonnason noted report forthcoming. Senior Citizens Finance Committee Chairman Schellert noted the matter of City funds Nutrition being used for Senior Citizens Nutrition Program pending in committee Program Funding awaiting confirmation by State Auditor of agreement with food service people that City funds can be used, federal revenue sharing allowing funds for poor and infirm , but State Constitution not. City Attor- ney Shellan noted the Auditor`s Office doesn't give legal opinions, that Attorney General Opinion takes 30 to 120 days. Mayor Garrett noted a preliminary opinion would be requested by phone. Personnel Director White noted custodian has been hired for Sartori School �. (Park Department budget) . NEW BUSINESS Councilman Clymer asked that brick work missing from sidewalk on Wells Case of the Ave. S. in front of Fletcher's Paint Store, be checked; Public Works Missing Bricks Director reported the matter would be checked. Case of the Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert noted referral of a Vanishing long time ago on salaries of non-represented employees , noting 4% Paycheck salary increase for 1974 with cast-of-living increase of 9.41% from May 1973 to May 1974. Councilman Stredicke reported need to meet with non-represented employees and it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Delaurenti , this matter of salary increase for non-rep employees be Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/23/74 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Salaries-Cont. tabled to Committee of the Whole meeting on October 3, 1974. Discus- sion ensued including Fire Fighters Local request for cost-of-living increase and motion restated MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY MATTER OF SALARY INCREASE FOR NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES BE TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 3, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. CARRIED. Councilman Perry r_eq_uested that the Police Guild, Fire Fighters Local , Local 21R and all persons applying to Management Union be notified of the October 3, Committee of the Whole meeting for disucssion of salaries. Councilman Bruce noted Council President determined the agenda for Committee of the Whole meetings. Moved Dy Perry, seconded by Stredicke, when Council President has set meeting of Committee of the Whole discussing wages that all the labor groups of the City be notified. Motion Failed. Councilman Stredicke noted there is no public comment at Committee of the Whole meetings , Councilman Perry acknowledged but intent was to listen. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended first, second and final readings of an ordinance establishing Consolidated Local Ordinance 2880 Improvement District No. 275/276 and"Consolidated Local Improvement L. I .D. 275/276 Fund, District No. 275/276" , fixing the amount, form, date, inter- Bond Sale 'o est and denominations of bonds and directing the sale. City Clerk Seattle-NW Mead read the ordinance authorizing issuance of bonds in the total Securities amount of $196,558. 70, bonds to be dated 10/1/74 payable 10/1/86, Corporation bearing interest at the rate of 8;1/0 per annum. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1936 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution trans- Transfer of ferring $19,815 from various Public Works Department Supply Accounts Funds for unto Captial Outlay for paving of Taylor Ave. N.W. , Taylor Place N.W. Paving of and Hardie Ave. S.W. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Taylor and SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: Hardie NW ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE VOTED NO. CARRIED. Parking Checker Councilman Stredicke asked the City Clerk to distribute copies of the Ordinance ordinance on the parking checker, noting action had been filed against the City by Police Guild. Stredicke wanted all Councilmen aware of ordinance. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment 163-459 O.K. 'd of Vouchers 163 through 459 in the amount of $191 ,084.83 having re- 0154-0162 Void ceived departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or 325-328 Void services rendered, Vouchers 325, 326, 327 and 328 along with 0154 through 0162 were voided due to "machine error. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, MEETING ADJOURN. The Renton City Council meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City lerk 150 4ARRANT DjS" RIBUTION DATE 9/2.'/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID# .0154-0162 CJRRENT 163 831 $41# 629#98 PARKS AND RECREATION 232 165 8150571 /76 ARTERIAL STREET 266 966 •443#34 CITY STREET 267 tag 82515o4#75 LIBRARY �lo�u� af s390 .nlcu.>�ys1 dab- s yrs - ty�3y 290 326 850 276# 1 •1st WORK INCENTIVE FUNDVoiri" a - 1pr4� -Sz..,.,:n)c� +�b,�327 330 8226150 3.2 - 4-qo - „ - uS9 6.40) NEW CAREERS 331 334 815609 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 335 344 *181936169 URBAN ARTERIAL, 345 35C *13A310#33 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 351 351 869125 WATERWORKS UT16ITY 352 379 f41rC39#36 : TRPORT 380 394 85o466163 F'QUlPhcX7 RENTAL' 395 430 115, 174125 FIREMEN PENSION 431 455 $So258129 NOW TOTAL OF ALL WARRANT 8191sO84183 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES 'SAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 163 THROUGH NO. 4,"1 5 IN TWE AMOUNT OF' $191,PQ84#83 THIS 23 OF SEPTEMBER fffffff FINANCE COMM TTEE w iwwwa w� a awu � CE MEMB 4- www wwwJwwwwawwwwww mama COMMITTEE MEMBER NOW a «iw •+wwwwa+s-wwwwwwww�wwaawa I I i CITY COUNCIL MNITTEE ML'ETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk (1k14CIL CO&WTTEE MEETINGS SCHH)GI.ED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 23, 1.974 CommITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIA'T'ION OCZIMITTEE STREDICKE COWIITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 10/3 8:00 P.M. - CLYMER Council Chambers CONEMITY SMVICES Wed. , 9/25 7:30 P.M. 6th Flr. Conf. Ream FINANCT AND PER30NNEL LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 10/7 7:00 P.M. ST O)ICKE 6th Floor GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 10/3 7:00 P.M. BRLiC1 4th Flr. Conf. Roan TRANS1-XT,.`TATI0N PERRY (1= MEETINGS AND E'VENM FIRE STt?TION COMMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZMS FACILITY SEATTLE-KING COUNTY AREA Fri. , 10/4 2:00 P.M. Sartori School All interested persons invited COUNCIL ON AGING RE1ffQr' DAY AT EXPO '74 Tues. , 10/1 Spokane 152 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 23 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3881 $2 , 000 Jack Curran 601 Rainier Ave . S . Const. foundati -n 3882 1, 500 Carolina Tonda 1308 Beacon S . Const. garden : �d 3883 McLendon Hardware 96 Burnett S . Demolish res . 3884 200 Bruce Harker 915 Monroe N .E . Convert garage 3885 1 , 500 Robert Kurasta 208 Meadow N. Remodel res . 3886 115 , 000 Robert Edwards 160 S .W. 7th Const. steel buildi MECHANICAL PERMITS M40?4 605 Hillis Homes 1001 S . 31st Inst. gas furnace 4075 605 Hillis Homes 2544 Burnett S . Inst. gas furnace 4076 600 Dr. Schmuland 300 Pelly N. Inst . gas piping 4077 2 , 000 Bob Edwards 160 S .W. 7th Inst. plumb & fix 4078 1 , 375 Kelso Const. Co. 2041 Aberdeen S .E . Inst, plumb & fix 4079 300 Junior Isaacson 3530 N.E . 7th Inst, plumb & fix EL 'CTRICAL PERMITS E4853 2 , 200 Joe Breezee Const. 126 Pelly N. Wire new duplex 4854 200 Gerald Severance 3616 S .E . 5th Wire utility room 4855 700 Lily Litfin 2220 N.E . 8th Inst. new outlets 4856 250 Robert Kurasta 208 Meadow N . Inst. lighting fix. 4857 400 Robert Rifiloi 401 Rianier Ave .N. Replace fixtures 4858 200 James Denzer 300 Garden N. Repair fire damage 4859 850 Hillis Homes 1013 S . 31st Wire new res . 4860 850 Hillis Homes 1022 S . 31st Wire new res . 4361 860 Hillis Homes 1028 S . 31st Wire new res . 4862 900 Cit. Savings&Loans2833 Sunset Blvd. N .E .Electrical Alte_iti SEWER PERMITS 2112 Q&M Enterprises 2320 Talbot S . Connect side sewer '1 , 3 Q&M Enterprises 2319 Talbot S . Connect side sewer 21.F4 Q&M Enterprises 2332 Talbot S . Connect side sewer 2115 Q&M Enterprises 2402 Talbot S . Connect side sewer 2116 Joe Welch 1161 Camas N . E. Connect san. sewer 2117 Vaughn-Reeth 813 Thomas S .W. Connect san . sewer 2118 Vaughn-Beeth 813 Thomas S .W. Connect storm sewer 2119 Erickson Co . 4000 E . Valley Rd. Connect san. sewer SIGN PERMITS 381 Tallman Piano 715 S . 3rd Inst. projecting s C I T Y O F R E N T O N MONTH OF SFPTFMBFR, 1974 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 9-9-74 CURRENT $ 27 779.0E PARKS & RECREATION Ip,097.3E CITY STREET 90033.21 REG 8 STREET FWD THtUST 2600894.82 URBAN ARTERIAL 32,753.6E WATERWORKS UTILITY 42, 187.35 AIRPORT 748.21 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,542.9 FIREMEN'S PENSION 66.61 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of SEPTEMQE $386, 103.38 9.15-74 CURRENT $1070023.90 PARKS & RECREATION 18,564.og CITY STREET 20,753. b% LIBRARY 6,815.x,'9 WORK INCENTIVE 717. 1q NEW CAREERS 456. O C REG 8 STREET FWD TIRUST 136. (04 URBAN ARTERIAL ,229,-7 WATERWORKS UTILITI S j 14,232.01 AIRPORT C 1 ,345. 7.9 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ,j 2,794. -7s FIREMEN'S PENSION 100. 0C PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of SEPTEMBEM 169 i69.C-C (3•23-74 CURRENT S 41 ,629.Q g PARKS 8 RECREATION 15,571 . •70 ARTERIAL STREET 443.54 CITY STREET 25,504. 15 LIBRARY 5,276. 91 WORK INCENTIVE FUN 22.6.5 NEW CAREERS 156.79 REG $ STREET FWD T RUST 18,936.69 URBAN ARTERIAL 13,330.35 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 69.25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 41 ,039.3 AIRPORT 5,466.6 3 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 15, 174.2.5 FIREMEN'S PENSION 8,258.29 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of SEPTEMBE $191 ,084.8 3 9 -23-74 CURRENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL To correct claims expenditure $ 63.3(o Ck#3194,see blue sheet 8/23/74 AIRPORT CURRENT To charge overtime to Airport 33.60 Fund,see blue sheet 8/16/74 PARKS $ RECREATIO CURRENT Resolution No.N 1933 350.0 O q-30-74 CURRENT $104,950.28 PARKS & RECREATION 18,804.71 CITY STREET 17,494.06 LIBRARY 60721 .28 WORK INCENTIVE 737. 10 NEW CAREERS 480.00 CETA 303.94 REG 8 STREET FWD TIRUST 150.30 URBAN ARTERIAL 1 ,352.74 WATERWORKS UTILITY 13,948.25 AIRPORT � 1 ,338. 14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 20794.75 FIPEMEN PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of SFPTEMBEI $169 175.55 C� pxAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR FCTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 7 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S I CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - M.A. and Gloria Me cher Claim for Damages - Mrs. Ruth Field COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE City of Tukwila roposed nnexation (Allentown/Duwamish) �•r• FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Advance Refund ng Bonds for two 1972 Limited Bond Issues , meeting with representatives of Seattle-Northwest Securities LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Payment of Judges Pro-Tem in Municipal Court Authorized Signatures Change and Change in List of Recognized Depositories Parking Meter Checker Ordinance - Vacation of Newport Avenue N.E. Appropriation of Funds from Excess Revenue to Capital Outlay for the purpose of oversizing the Sunset Lift Station due to Latecomer Sewer Fees from Dura Development Co. PLANNING DEPARTMENT City of Tukwila Proposed Annexation (Allentown/Duwamish) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Ca a .V - e eprompter Corp. and Clearview T.V. Cable RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 7 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, -3UNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. Councilman Bruce announced that Councilman Schellert was in his office and would be ."� there presently. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCILMAN SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert came in at 8:05 P.M. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; JACK PAIN, Assistant City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; WARREN GONNASON, Director of Public Works; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director and Deputy Director of Public Works; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GENE COULON, Park & Recreation Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; and CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, representing the Police Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested the Minutes be changed Page 2, Paragraph 4, SEPTEMBER 23, Lines 13 and 14 to read "Councilman Clymer suggested State Department of 1974 Health and Social Services help lessen financial impact". MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE MINUTES BE CORRECTED AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS Mayor Garrett presented plaque from American Automobile Association in AAA SAFETY recognition of no pedestrian deaths in the City of Renton during 1973. AWARD He remarked that it would be placed in an appropriate place in the Municipal Building. unir Touma Mayor Garrett presented Mr. Touma, Public Works Department, with a Certi- rofessional ficate from the State of Washington Division of Professional Engineers Engineer Licensing certifying him to practice as a Professional Engineer. Award to Mayor Garrett presented award to Mr. William M. Conner in recognition of William M. outstanding service to the community as a member of the Board of Adjustment. Conner Mr. Conner was not present to receive the award in person. Award to Mayor Garrett presented award to Mr. Thomas W. Trimm in recognition of out- Thomas W. standing service to the Community as a member of the Renton Housing Authority. Trimm Mr. Trimm was not present to receive the award in person. Expo ' 74 Mayor Garrett displayed the plaque received from Spokane Expo '74 commemorat- Renton Day ing Renton Festival Day at Expo ' 74 and remarked that Councilman Delaurenti October 1st and he had journeyed to Spokane for the event and in representing Renton, the Hazen High School band had performed very well . PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and posted, PROPOSED KOHL Mayor Garrett opened the Public Meeting on the proposed annexation of the Kohl ANNEXATION property. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen was read outlining pro- cedures and confirming 10% valid petition. Presentation exhibiting maps and film slides of the subject property indicated location on the westerly periphery of the City, north of Sunset Blvd. West (Empire Way South) and between 80th Ave. S. and 81st Ave. S. comprising 1 .4 acres. Acceptance was recommended by the Planning Department. Mrs. Dolores Kohl , representing «-- the property owners, was present and indicated acceptance of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness , if any, and the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CIRCULATION OF THE 75% PETITION FOR ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Renton Police Officer's Guild requested that the Agreement & CURRENT between the City of Renton and the Guild be re-opened for the purpose of BUSINESS re-negotiating wages retroactive from September 1 , 1974. Police Officer' s Letter from Washington State Council of County and City Employees requested Guild - the City to re-open their existing contract for wage negotiations only, due Local 21R - to the tremendous increase in the cost of living over the past 12 months, Request tofar more than anticipated at the time of negotiation of the existing contract. Re-open Con- tracts Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 10/7/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Continued) Salary Increase Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that non-represented employees be Non-Represented given a salary adjustment to bring their earnings to a point comparable Employees with employees represented by the three bargaining units. It was recommended also that none of the contracts be re-opened, but if the Council decided to re-open them, it should not be for wages only. Some discussion ensued regarding recommendation from the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on the previous Thursday. Moved by Perry, Seconded by Grant, that all three unions be granted a 6% increase effective September 1 , 1974 and that all three contracts be re-opened. Question was raised as to how much it would cost to grant an increase to the three unions for the balance of 1974. Finance Director Marshall said the cost for 1975 would be $181 ,000. Administrative Assistant Stark said for the four months of 1974, the cost would be $50,364. Councilman Delaurenti questioned where the City was going to be able to acquire the money. Councilman Stredicke felt that the motion was premature and should be stricken, that the primary request was that of the non-represented employees. Councilman Schellert said that if the contracts were reopened for wages, the whole contract should be re-opened. Councilman Grant thought the Council was putting too much emphasis on the 6% figure, considering the present rate of inflation, and that the matter of wage increases should be negotiated after the con- tracts were opened. Councilman Stredicke moved to table the motion. Motion failed for lack of a second. Councilman Bruce said Councilman Perry should withdraw his motion. Councilman Grant withdrew his second to the motion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PETITION TO RE-OPEN THE THREE LABOR CONTRACTS. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE MOTION, THAT THE COUNCIL PETITION TO RE-OPEN THE CONTRACTS ON THE BASIS OF ALL ITEMS. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ROLL CALL: AYES - DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE, BRUCE AND GRANT. NOS - CLYMER, BRUCE. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE' COUNCIL AUTHORIZE A 6% SALARY RAISE FOR THE NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1 , 1974. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN GRANT ABSTAINED. Shady Lane City Clerk read memo from the Planning Department informing the Council Annexation that the Notice of Intention has been submitted to the King County Board for the Shady Lane Annexation. The sixty day review period will expire on November 24, 1974 and after approval , the City can adopt an Ordinance annexing the area. Preliminary Plat Letter from Planning Director Ericksen recommended approval of the Application - Preliminary Plat Application - Hi-lands First Addition, Appl . No. PP-786-74, Lighlands First Dick Colosurdo as proposed, it having been approved by the Planning Addition - Dice Commission. After inquiry by several of the Councilman, Planning Director Colosurdo Ericksen showed a map of the area which is to be divided into twelve lots, N.E. 8th St. which the Planning Commission feels to be acceptable, with a pipestem access to the area. The area, at present, is completely undeveloped. Slides were shown of the area, with Planning Director explaining the development proposed, either single family or duplexes acceptable. It was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. Amendment to Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented the Planning Commission's Land Use Plan recommendation to deny the request for amendment to the Comprehensive Land W. Stewart Pope Use Plan by W. Stewart Pope for property located at 3713 Talbot Road S. , Appeal southeast corner of intersection of Talbot Road S. and S. 37th St, from single family residential to quasi-public use and explained the reasons for the denial . Letter from W. Stewart Pope appealed to the City Council to grant this change to the Comprehensive Plan. Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended that the date of October 21 , 1974 be set for the Hearing on the Appeal . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WOULD HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPEAL OF MR. W. STEWART POPE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL ON OCTOBER 21 , 1974. MOTION CARRIED. Advance Refunding Letter from Finance Director Marshall stated that it appeared the net Bonds for two result of Advance Refunding Bonds would result in a savings to the City 1972 Limited of approximately $55,000 over the next ten years. The Finance Department Bond Issues recommended that this matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee and that a meeting be scheduled with representatives of Seattle Northwest Securities as soon as possible. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL_COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 10/7/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Continued) Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the City Orillia Sanitary Council accept completion of the Orillia Sanitary Sewer Project, L.I .D. Sewer - L. I . D. 285, as of October 7, 1974. If after thirty days , no liens or claims 285 are filed against this project, and proof of tax liabilities is received, it is recommended the retained amount of $15,467.94 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. ayment of Judges Letter from Mayor Garrett requested referral to appropriate Council Pro-Tem in Committee for review and determination of a request from Judge Paul ..,,,,,.Municipal Court Houser for a change in the ordinance to provide an increase in payment of judges pro-tem from $25.00 per day to $50.00 and $75.00 per day. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. City of Tukwila Letter from King County Boundary Review Board notified City of Hearing Proposed Annexa-. to be held by the King County Boundary Review Board on the proposed tion (Duwamish/ annexation by the City of Tukwila (Allentown/Duwamish) and requested Allentown; Res. each governmental unit so affected to submit a written statement within No. 442) twenty days of the date of mailing of such request as to its position relative to the Notice of Intention. Letter was dated September 23, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PLANNING DEPART- MENT. MOTION CARRIED. Veteran' s Day Letter from Mayor Stanley P. Kersey, City of Auburn, extended invitation Auburn to Mayor Garrett and all the Councilman and wives to attend the annual Observance observance of Veteran' s Day. There will be a parade and a luncheon at November 9, 1974 the Auburn Elks Club. The Honorable President Gerald Ford has been invited to speak at the luncheon or to designate a substitute if unable to appear personally. The event is being held under the sponsorship of the Purple Heart Association. aim For Claim for Damages was filed for Marvin A. and Gloria K. Melcher by their ,.Damages attorney in the amount of $971 .65 for alleged damage to their basement at M.A. and Gloria 1805 Lake Ave. S. due to sewer line problem in the vicinity. MOVED BY Melcher STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY 1124 22nd Ave. ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Longview, WA Claim for Damages was filed by Mrs. Ruth E. Field, R.D. #1 , Box 315, Mrs. Ruth Field Mineral Point, PA for alleged injury in an indeterminate amount for a fall due to piece of sidewalk missing at 1020 Bronson Way S. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Authorized Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested amendment to Resolution Signatures and No. 1811 to delete the signature of May Duncalf, who is retiring October 31 , Depositories 1974 and add William E. Bennett, Accounting and Investment Supervisor, Change as the alternate signature. The letter also requested the List of Recog- nized Depositories be revised. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Visit from Letter to Mayor Garrett from Mayor Shinji Takasi of Nishiwaki , Japan Mayor Takase announced arrival and visit to Renton October 21st through October 23rd, Sister City 1974. Mayor Takasi enclosed his itinerary and names of the members who Nishiwaki , are going to accompany him. Japan owntown Improve- Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the City Council `""'ment Project accept completion of the project as of October 7, 1974 and if after thirty Phase III days, no liens or claims are filed against this project, and proof of Westerra, Inc. payment of tax liabilities is received, it is recommended the retained Final Payment amount of $5.592.00 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIREC- Downtown Light- TOR. Councilman Bruce inquired if the trees and shrubs that had died had ing Fixtures been replaced. Public Works Director Gonnason replied that all plantings were covered by a one-year guarantee, 10/7/74 through 10/7/75, covered by bond. Discussion was held between Councilmen Stredicke and Schellert with Public Works Director Gonnason regarding maintenance of the luminaires and the rates the City was paying Puget Power. Public Works Director Gonnason said he would report on the status of the lighting downtown on the basis of the rate we pay Puget Power for the service. MOTION CARRIED. 158 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 10/7/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Missing Brick Councilman Clymer inquired of Public Works Director Gonnason about the Work missing bricks in front of Fletcher' s Paint Store. Public Works Director Gonnason replied that all of the electrical and undergrounding is to be completed by October 15th. The Contractor is not going to bring all the workmen back in until all the underground work is done and will complete the rest of the work. Councilman Clymer inquired who was liable for each accident that takes place and Public Works Director Gonnason replied that Downtown Lighting the contractor and his insurance carrier would be responsible. Discussion was held on the lighting in the downtown area. Proposed East- Public Works Committee reported review of petitions and proposal to pro- wood Park vide sanitary sewers for the Eastwood Park area and .based on the favorable Sanitary Sewer response from the property owners, recommended that the Department of L. I.D. 292 Public Works proceed with forming a Local Improvement District for the above area. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke inquired Fall of the area was within the City. Public Works Director Gonnason replied it included some potential area outside the City, possibility of including it. Councilman Perry asked what percentage of the people inside the City have signed for the L.I .D. Public Works Director Gonnason said that 66% had signed. MOTION CARRIED. N. E. 4th St. Councilman Bruce commended the City on a job well done, the Traffic Engi- Channelization neer, Street Department and Public Works Department, for the channelization on N. E. 4th St. Cable T.V. Community Services Committee report recommended that the matter of fran- Teleprompter Corp.chising and regulating cable television be referred to the Board of Public Clearview T.V. Works. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE Cable REPORT AND REFER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Councilman Bruce said he would like to have the Board suggest expansion to services in other areas in the City. Councilman Delaurenti inquired if the Board of Public Works allows public input and would like to attend and notify the Councilmen when they were going to discuss this. MOTION CARRIED. Trip to Salt Councilman Delaurenti said he had filed a report a week ago on his trip Lake City to Salt Lake City and would like every Councilman to read it. He reported on the Mayor and his trip to Expo '74 for Renton Festival Day and remarked Trip to Expo ' 74 they had received very V. I .P treatment, with a guided tour of the grounds, and that Mayor Garrett had made a very good speech from the podium. Glencoe II Area Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented a letter from Chief Trespassing of Police Darby on the Petition prohibiting trespassing in the Glencoe II area. Chief Darby' s letter was read advising that the signs prohibiting trespass had been removed by parties unknown, one of the residents sa.t7 they would post them again. The Patrol Division has been advised to pay close attention to the area to discourage any future riding of trail bikes that disturb the area. Speeding - Area Public Safety Committee reported that it had received information from of N.E. 16th St. ,the Police Chief that the department had issued several traffic citations Edmonds & Aber- for speeding violations in the area, and the Patrol Division had been deen Aves. instructed to continue patroling to curtail the problem. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Clymer reported that the Chamber of Commerce is supporting the new Fire Facilities Bond Issue and Mr. Ray Peretti in getting the New Fire Facili- vote out for the issue. They have an office in the Dobson Building for ties Bond Issue campaign headquarters. Complaints Councilman Grant requested the Administration to check on these three items (1 ) Vacant lot in the 500 block of Pelly Ave. N. - noxious weeds; (2) Street Department check into the entries at the Sartori School , com- plaints on the driver areas in the rear of the building; (3) area in back of the old school Administration Bldg. on N. 3rd St. Mayor Garrett requested Public Works Director Gonnason to take note and check into them. Fire Control Act Councilman Schellert said he understood the President was signing a Fire Control Act and that this legislation will provide funds to the City for fire prevention problems. 159 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 10/7/74 - Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Airport Councilman Perry remarked that he had noticed a number of bare strips at Beautification the Airport, where nothing at all had been planted and questioned if the Airport Director and the Airport Committee could do something about this. Legislative Aide MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER OF THE LEGISLATIVE AIDE BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. After considerable discussion, it was ruled that the motion was in order. Roll Call : AYES - CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. NOS - BRUCE, GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. The motion before the Council, to confirm appointment of Mr. Robert Hughes as Legislative Aide to the Council, was debated, issue of funding the -"— position, need for the position, and oualifications incluHpd. in the dis- cussion. Question was called for and the MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of 408-656 O.K. 1d Vouchers 468 through 656 in the amount of $289,793.23, having received L. I . D. 285 departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services Revenue Warrant rendered, Vouchers 460 through 467 were machine voided. L. I .G. 285 Cash Warrant Revenue Warrant #R-3, $68,841.27 and Cash Warrant #C-5, $68,851 .27 were also recommended for approval . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended first reading of Parking Meter an ordinance relating to the position of Parking Meter Checker. MOVED Checker BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2881 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance fixing the Adopts 1975 Tax estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the L=evies estimated expenditures for the year 1975 as required by State law; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such Budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton. The estimated amount to be raised by taxation is the sum of $2,248,153 on a total assessed valuation of $624,487,027. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. Following b"' reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS [ZEAD. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval . Finance Director Marshall said the figures in the ordinance are incorrect and a paragraph had been added to the ordinance to reserve the right to amend the figures when the correct figures come from the Assessor' s Office, the levy adopted at this time, however, to meet statutory requirements. Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance vacating a Vacation of portion of Newport Ave. N.E. , a public street, for first reading. After Newport Ave. NE reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first Appropriation of reading authorizing transfer of $4,583.60 from Excess Revenue unto Funds from Capital Outlay Account for the purpose of oversizing the Sunset Lift Station Excess Revenue due to Latecomer Sewer Fees collected from Dura DevelnDMent, the developer of Honeydew Apartments. After reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. The Renton City Council meeting adjourned at 11 :00 P.M. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk jft 160 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/07/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS )'144y1,ve Vo iD: -60 — �46 7 CURRENT 468 546 $51x529. 35 PARKS AND RECREATION 547 573 $5, 497x74 CITY STREET 574 589 *2501915 FEDERAL SHARED REV . FUND 590 590 3111AS09100 R,EG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 591 595 317, 313066 JRBAN ARTERIAL 596 996 $126000 `AKE WASH• BEACH FWD THRUS' 597 597 *1Qp000l00 1965 W AND S CONSTR• FUND 598 598 9756x46 WATERWORKS UTILITY 593 624 968P26508 AIRPORT 625 632 $8. 010063 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 633 656 *31983#66 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 9289P793t23 WE,# THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RrNTON CITY COUNCIL♦ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL. CERTIFICATION THAT •-•p MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO , 468 THROUGH NO. 656 IN THE AMOUNT OF *289. 793 . 23 THIS 07 OF OCTOBER ffffffff L. I.D. #285 FINAN CO MI TEE Revenue Warrant # R-3 $68,841.27 _ Cash Warrant # C-5 $68,851.27 wwwlw! �i w!!w!lw..! wlww! CO MITTEE MEMBER w ! ! •qw l�iwwww�..l� C MMITTEE MEMBER C MITTEE MEMBER I 1 I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR. Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL C)OMM[I'I= ir=INGS SCHATH) AT CITY COUNCIL ACTING OF October 7, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN L13CATION REMARKS AVIATION COMSIITTEE Tues. , 10%15 7:30 P.M. STREDIm Cafeteria CIOMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE ADM PSL SCHFLLERT 9 LEGISLATION & INTER- STREDICKE GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DETAUR.ENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRLK7E TRANSPORTATION PIRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CCMMI= Tues. , 10/10 CLYMER 6th Flr. Conf. Room Update on Committee's Activities SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY 000dITTEE 162 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 7, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/ W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3887 $ Puget Sound Co. 2500 W. Valley Fill 2 , 410 Cubic Yds . 3888 500 Henry L. Downs 4107 N. E. 11th Const. carport 3889 9 , 900 Wa,' Jackey Club Longacers Replace windows 3890 William Nemeth 2818 Bensen S . Demolish res . 3891 1, 000 Azelio Grassi 422 Cedar S . Reroof res . 3892 G. J. Kersting 641 Wells . N. Const. shed 3,<93 3 , 400 Thomas Stanlick 127 Park Ave . N . Remodel front of t 9 3894 750 Jon Oweas 2416 N. E. 23rd Erect greenhouse 3895 5 , 980 Carl Kokko 221 Factory N. Reside windows ,vents 3896 15 , 000 Charles Switzler 3616 Lk . Wa. N. Const. single fam. res 3897 44 , O00 Q. M. Enterprises 2414 Talbot S . Const. single fam. re: 3898 44 , ,' 70 Q. M. Enterprises 2420 Talbot S . Const. single fam. re: 3899 850 Delbert Bethers 333 Wells N . Reroof res . MECHANICAL PERMITS M401-t0 2S5 Fred Price 103 Burnett S . Inst. water heater 4031 172 W. Dixon Long 641 Index N. E . Inst. gas heater 4082 500 Damian Kunz 3509 N. E . 17th Inst. fireplace 4083 300 Jon Owens 2416 N. E . 23rd Inst. furnace 4G84 675 Leo Murphy 2320 N.E . 27th Inst. plumb & fix 4085 300 Arnold Green 520 Mill Ave . S . Inst, wall furnace 4086 525 George Pritchard 100 Blaine N .E . Inst. septic tank 4097 264 Stanley Douglas 225 Williams N. Inst. gas burner 4088 490 Scott McBee 2609 Redmond N.E . Inst, septic tank 4089 400 Jack Curran 601 Rainier S . Build drain extension ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4863 100 Burlington N. Inc. 625 S . 4th Convert undergrd. r 4864 50 Q . M. Enterprises 2332 Talbot Dr': Inst. temp. servi 4265 450 City of Renton Maple Valley Hwy. U/G services 4866 250 Mrs . Seritie 618 S . 1.9th Chan4e Panel 4867 850 Hillis Homes 805 S . 28th Wire single . fam. .ceb 4868 860 Hillis Homes 817 S . 28th Wire single fam. res 4869 2 , 000 Zales Jewelers Renton Center Remodel lighting 4870 731 Leo Murphy 2320 N. E . 27th Wire new res . 4871 11000 Metro 1200 Monster Rd. U/G feed to pump 4472 200 James McKinley 820 Index N. E . Wire new addition 4373 850 Hillis Homes 1001 S . 31st Wire new res . 4874 240 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells N. Inst . 200 AMP SIGN PERMITS 382 800 Citizens Fed. Say. 2833 Sunset Blvd. Inst. pole sign SEWER PERMITS 2120 Armstrong Const. 1220 N. 32nd Connect side sewer 2121 Reeves 2921 Talbot S . Connect side sewer 2122 J. McIlvaine 205 N .W. 6th Connect side sewer 2123 Leo Murphy 2320 N .E .' 27th Connect side sewer 2124 James Bradfield 4016 N. E . 7th Connect side sewer 2125 Hillis Homes 2544 Burnett S . Connect side sewer 2126 Kelso Const. 2041 Aberdeen S . E. Connect side sewe 2127 Kelso Const . 2004 Aberdeen S . E . Connect side sewe 2128 Walter Shook 2501 Meadow N. Connect side sews 2129 John Parks 5227 Ripley N . Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 21 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER Shell Oil Co. Suit *Claim for Damages - Rose M. Custer ,.r. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Animals in newly annexed areas and ordinance covering Letter of Complaint re Senior Citizens food program and dances LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Street Vacation for portion of S.E. 13th P1 . timendment to the Comprenensive Plan - Pope Bond Refunding by Seattle Northwest rund Transfer for PEP Program - passed 11/21/74 Appropriating and Transfer for CETA - gassed 11/21/74 Appropriation Phase II Airport -- passed 11 /?1/74 FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Investigation of City Janitorial Services PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Determination of value City' s interest in Vacation 13th P1 . SE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Revision to Garbage Contract TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Budgeted Funds allocated for Improvement of Renton Hill Matter of Park and Ride Lots - Meeting 11/19/74 APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department. - Marc D. Puhich, Patrolman 6th Month Probation Period 11/1 PUBLIC HEARINGS OR MEETINGS State Highway Dept. re Park & Ride Lots 11/19/74 Kohl Annexation - 11/4/74 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 21 , 1974 Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Municipal Building Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL. TO 01"t0E-'R Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE J.PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, WILLIAM J.GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND DELAURENTI , ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; WARREN GONNASON, Director of Public Works; TED BENNETT, Finance Department Rep. ; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director and Deputy Director of Public Works; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Department Rep. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recre- ation Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MI NUTF APPRUVNI. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 7, 1974 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to consider the proposed Portion of street vacation of undeveloped portion of S.E. 13th Place in Tiffany S.E. 13th P1 . Park Division No. 2, as petitioned by Mrs. Norma Jeane Wallace, 1324 Lake Youngs Wy SE; petition reprosents 100% of the owners of record of the abutting property. Public Works Director Gonnason used dis- play map showing proposed vacation was stub end of street which would not be needed in the future. Letter from B.oard of Publilc Works Chair- man, Del Bennett noted Board review and found no objections to the vacation as proposed, providing continuous curb, gutter and sidewalk installed by petitioners. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE VACATION OF S.E. 13th PLACE SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT'S PAYING THE 1/2 APPRAISED VALUE AS DETERMINED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.* Councilman Schellert explained that 1/2 appraised vale was of the City's interest not fee title appraisal of property. Following further discussion the*MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I. D. 290 Street published, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing continued from September 16, Improvement 1974. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported protests Renton Hill against the project amounted to: (1 ) 15% protest on basic project which includes street widening, curbs, gutters, storm drains and sidewalks, (2) 34% protest against undergrounding utilities and installing orna- mental street lighting, (3) 53% of those properties abutting on the alley protest the alley improvements. City Clerk noted petitions of protest have been received from 17 owners of property located on Cedar Ave. S. and S. 4th St. asking that the entire project be dropped; from six property owners protesting the underground wiring; and petition bearing 35 signatures from property owners on S. 4th St. between, Cedar Ave. S. and Mill Ave. S. asking to be deleted from the proposed L.I.Q. Clerk noted letter received from 0. Madison protesting L. I.D. as affects property at 1108 S. 4th. Letter from Martha G. Wiberg was read with- ... drawing previous protest so that a badly needed project would not be held up. Letter from Mrs. Prudence Romiti ,433 Cedar Avo. S. reported she would not be able to participate in the L. I.D. Public Works Director Gonnason noted series of meeting have been held with property owners , that the project was originally conceived as curbs, gutters and streets, then being expanded to include undergrounding and alley. Pres- entation of slides showing project was made. Mr. Ray Hanson, 336 Mill Ave. S. questioned size of sewer line. Janette Taylor, 1111 4th S., asked that the money budgeted for improve- ment of Renton Hill be used for that purpose even though the L.I .D. may Renton Cit, Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued L. I.D. 290 be voted down. Public Works Director Gonnason noted that if project Renton Hill was turned down, alternate which was discussed at information meeting, depending on Council approval , was that streets would be repaired between the existing gutter lines, but no recommendation would be made to widen streets.: Mary Ann Mitchell , 1107 S. 4th, asked the street improvement be accomplished before the end of the year so that budgeted funds could be used. Upon inquiry by Grant, Gonnason noted Langston Road project was accomplished by Forward Thrust and Arterial gas tax funds as this is --r arterial street, whereas Renton Hill is local access only and therefore not eligible for arterial funds and the L. I.D. method used. Upon inquiry by Ray Hansen, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the final determination on whether or not sidewalks need replacement, rests with the City Engineer, the abutting property owner maintains, but it is City responsibility to notify if sidewalk in dangerous condition. Mr. Manly Grinold, 308 Cedar Ave. S. , extended appreciation for Mrs. Wiberg' s letter and asked the work be done. Mr. Lou Traverso, 519 Cedar S. , asked the improvements be made. Mrs.Edna Costner, 438 Cedar S. , asked for underground wiring from 4th to the end of street. Mr. Melvin White, 400 Cedar S. , favored project progression including underground- ing. Dcrothy Cook, 415 Cedar S. , asked that project be kept within pocketbook. Mr. Mitchell , 1107 S. 4th, asked entire project on 4th be deleted. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, PUBLIC HEARING BE L. I.D. Dropped CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, L. I .D. 290 AS PRESENTED, BE DROPPED. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY., SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ALL FUNDS IN BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RENTON HILL BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sister City Mayor Garratt announced arrival of delegation from Nishiwaki . Renton's Nishiwaki Sister City in Japan. A banquet will be held at Fairwood Golf and Country Club on the 22nd for the 23 member delegation which include Nishiwaki Mayor and four Assemblymen, for which Administrative Asst. Stark has tickets for anyone who could attend. Recess MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDLO BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council Recessed at 9:37 and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. Roll call : Six Councilmen present as previously shown. . PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set, proper notices having been posted and published, Hazen Annexation Mayor Barrett opened the public meeting to consider whether the City Proposed will accept the Letter of Intent to annex which represented 43.7% of the tax paying portion of the assessed valuation of the area, which petition had been presented to the City Council on September 23. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted the area includes 90 acres of which 47 are tax paying property and 43 acres are tax exempt as publi(:: right of way, a church, Hazen High School and State property, noting the tax exempt assessed valuation is not considered in the annexation process. The letter noted area is located on the eastern boundary of the City and includes the intersection of 138th Ave. S.E. (Duval N.E. ) and N.E. Sunset Blvd. (Rentun-Issaquah Rd. ) ; and that the annexation will create an island of unincorporated King County along S.E. 107th P1 . and 138th S.E. between Eastwood Park and Shady Lane Annexations which will be carefully reviewed by the Kin County Boundary Review Board.The letter asked the Council to consider (1� Acceptance of the Letter of Intent, (2) Require adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordi- nance and bonded indebtedness,(3) Authorize ciruclation of Annexation Petition. Planning Director Ericksen used display map to point out t area. Questioning by Stredicke, Planning Director noted the possible island area consisted of single family residences, about 10 acres; that the proposed annexation area was public, single-family residential , multiple family and commercial . Questioning by Schellert, Planning Director noted that sewers was most requested item of annexation.and Police service for Hazen High. Mr. Alec Book, 10604 138th S.E. , spokes- man for annexation area, agreed to the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the pre-Existing bonded indebtedness, (Councilman Schellert explaining as of 1975 there will be no indebtedness unless the Fire Bond issue passes) . MOVED BY SCHELLEx,'1', SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ACCEPT LETTER OF INTENT AND AUTHORIZE CIRUCLATION OF PETITION FOR SIGNATURES REPRESENTING 75% OF TAXABLE ASSESSFO VALUATION.* 1 �F Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 3 Public Meeting - Continued Hazen Annexation Mrs. Perry Ridgley, 138th S.E. & 116th, inquired re sewers and the keeping of animals. Mr. Shannon O'Neil , owner of commercial lots at 138th S.E. and Sunset spoke in favor of annexation. Mr. Book noted the Ridgley property was included because of geographic proximity, not at owner's request. *CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF ANIMALS IN NEWLY ANNEXED AREAS AND THE ORDINANCE COVERING BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (10:20 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made W. S. Pope by the City according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to 3713 Talbot �' J-S.consider Appeal filed by W. Stewart Pope because of denied request for Appeal of change in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for 8.28 acres located at Planning the southwest corner of intersection of Talbot Rd. and S. 37th to Commission be changed from single family residential to quasi-public use for Denial medical-dental building. Letter was read reporting Planning Commission denial of the Pope request for Amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the following reasons: (1 ) The Commission sees no need for change in the land use plan, given projected growth of the Hospital and supportive facilities and available land for medical-dental and apartment uses, (2) The ravine between the Pope property and the Orothodontic Clinic should serve as natural buffer between medical- dental and single-family residential uses, (3) Single-family residen- tial still seems to be best use of property north of ravine. The letter further reported the Comprehensive Plan Committee of the Plan- ning Commission studied area and concluded that property best suited for a Planned Unit Development which would serve as a buffer between the medically oriented properties and single-family residential uses. Mr. Pope gave rebuttal to the reasons for Planning Commission denial : (1 ) Land available for medical facilitiesis located outside the City, that the number of doctors needed for hospital expansion has been underestimated by the Commission, and (3)"Single-family residential seeming to be best use of property north of ravine,"is no reason for denial of request. Mr. Pope stated there is a definite need for additional land here for use in accommodating clinics and his property is adjacent to six acres which is zoned P-1 , the designation being -* sought; also noting the medical buildings will increase City' s tax base. Pope noted letters submitted to Commission from adjacent property owners and neighbors showed no objection to the requested change. Mr. Pope noted two doctors moving to Southcenter after unsuccessful search for office space near the hospital . Planning Director Ericksen reported background information, noting his letter to the Mayor and Council of 10/18/74. Ericksen recalled Kleinsasser Annexation and noted several doctors favored annexation. Planning Director Ericksen noted the ravine serves as a natural bar- rier and that the Commission had studied the total hospital area; Ericksen used slides to show significant development in the vicinity. Councilman Clymer took exception to letter dated 9/3/74 addressed to the Comprehensive Plan Committee whichwas included in 10/18 letter to Mayor and Council from Ericksen, Clymer felt the anticipated qrowth in number of doctors using the hospital for the next five years was underestimated. Clymer also took exception to the projected building rate figure of ten doctors to one acre, as being overcrowded; and excep- tion also to the assumption re hospital bond issue. Mr. Don Galiager, 19225 Springbrook Rd. , had attended Planning Commission meetings and urged the entire minutes be read before voting, Mr. Pope noted discrep- ancy between Mr. Ericksen's and his interpretation of hospital growth stated by Mr. William E. Murray, Valley General Administrator. Mrs. Pope noted surrounding owners favored the property being developed_ ... as medical-dental as it would be closed at night and the trees would be preserved; also noting inequity in expecting the Pope's to maintain and support a green belt. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, CITY COUNCIL Field Trip CONCUR IN MR. POPE'S REQUEST TO OVERRULE ACTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION to Site AND GRANT THE APPEAL.* Councilman Scheller desired change in Comprehen- by Councilmen sive Land Plan to stop encroachment of single family residences into hospital area. Councilman Clymer noted growth of the hospital has been underestimated, ravine should enhance the area and single family resi- dences should not encroach further upon hospital . Both Councilmen Grant and Stredicke noted the ravine was special and should be treated Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 4 Public Hearing - Continued Pope Appeal as such, Grant being apprehensive of planned unit development. Grant Granted also noted need for restrictive covenants. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. (11 :30 p.m. ) Finance Coitmittee MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES FOR AGENDA Report ORDER AND COMMITTEE REPORT BE READ. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert presented committee report concurring in the recommendation of the 1972 Bond Finance Director and accepting the proposal of Seattle Northwest Securi- 4efunding ties Corp. to refinance the 1972 Limited G.O. Bond Issues using the C.A.G. 035-74 "advance refunding technique. " MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE.* Councilman Schellert introduced Mr. Don Morken, President of Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , who explained in 1972 the City issued Councilmatic (Limited Tax) General Obligation Bonds to finance development of rec- reational facilites and a new branch library. Mr. Morken further explained that by using "advance refunding technique," the City can refinance these issues and decrease the debt service burden in the City's budget; and submitted three alternative refunding plans and an offer to implement the plan for the City. Finance Representative Ted Bennett noted Alternative No. 3 had been recommended by the Finance Director because of immediate savin(,es. *MOTION CARRIED, accepting Alt. #3 refunding issue of Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Collective Letter from Mayor Garrett noted he had been preparing letters to the Bargaining bargaining units as requested by Council 10/7/74, however upon receipt of letter from the City Attorney providing additional information re- garding the opening of collective bargaining agreements, Mayor Garrett recommended that City Attorney Shellan's advice be heeded wow to seek an Attorney General 's opinion as to the legality of the action. The 10/15/74 letter of City Attorney Shellan which was also included quoted the State Constitution that"the State Legislature shall not grant any extra compensation to any public officer, agent or employee after the services have been rendered or the contract enter- ed into. " The Attorney's letter noted re-opening of a collective bar- gaining agreement for the sole purpose of providing extra compensation by means of an increase in salaries would be in violation of this constitutional provision. The letter quoted RCW 35A.33.105 for grant- ing of additional benefits, prospectively, to the non-representative employees as long as funds are available to cover, and retroactive only by prior agreement. The letter noted a different situation with employ- ees covered by collective bargaining agreement which does not expire until next year, that as long as the existing contract remains in force, extra compensation would not be permissible, and if a new con- tract is negotiated, for good reason, and is of mutual benefit to all parties, then the policy decision would be made by the City Council as to whether the re-negotiation of existing contracts is in the best interest of the City, suggesting an Attorney General 's Opinion be obtained. Motion by Schellert, second by Clymer, Council concur in Mayor's recommendation, was later withdrawn by Councilman Schellert. Upon Council inquiry for Union representatives present, Jim Matthews representing Firefighters Local noted no letter had been received concerning contract openers. Following discussion Shellan further noted contract could be opened by mutual consent to renegotiate with equal benefits to both parties. Councilman Schellert noted Attorney General 's Opinion would not be required until contract openers were determined. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE MEET AND PREPARE PROPOSAL FOR PRESENTATION TO THE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COM- MITTEE ON CONTRACT OPENER NEGOTIATIONS FOR EACH OF THE THREE BARGAINING UNITS. CARRIED. Fund Transfer Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested Cash Transfer of remain- PEP Program ing funds in Emergency Employment Fund (PEP) in amount of $14,338 unto the Contingency Fund-closing out the PEP Fund as it is now completed. The letter asked resolution be prepared to accomplish the transfer MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF (See Later) FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - CONTINUED CETA Fund Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested the Council adopt Established an ordinance establishing the Comprehensive Employment Training Fund & (CETA) which is a continuation of the PEP Program and requires a new Appropriation fund for accounting purposes. The letter further requested interim financing in the amount of $5,000 to be appropriated by the same ordi (See later nance from the Contingency Fund to the CETA Fund, until the City re- Ordinances & ceives reimbursenEnt from the CETA Prograrn($18.357) , with the balance Resolutions) to be transferred back to the Contingency Fund at the end of the pro- gram. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- TEE. CARRIED. Claim for Damage Claim for Damages filed by Rose M. Custer in amount of $198.60 for Rose M. Custer damage to water line by shock or excessive amount of pressure caused 1209 S. 7th St. by allegedly faulty hydrant. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Shell Oil Co. Writ of Certiorari and Summons No. 786059 of Superior Court filed on Suit Filed re the City cif Renton by Shell Oil Company, Inc. , along with Petition Special Use for Dec"s ratory Judgment, Writ of Review, Writ of Certiorari , Writ Permit Denied of Mandamus No. 786059, ordering the defendants to return to the by Council on Court by October 23, 1974 entire file on the Shell request for a August 26, 1974 special use permit with all writings and records thereto, along with verbatum typewritten transcripts of all public hearings relating to this ria tter, along with all recommendations and findings of the Planning Department and Planning Commission, and certified copies of the Renton Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, with all records to be certified. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Attorney Shellan noted the matter would be reviewed by the Court to determine if the City Council and the Planning Commission were in order. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Public Servic Letter from City Attorney Shellan forwarded copy of Memorandum now Employees Decision 0-1573 - 74/4/7-12 of October 4, issued by the Director of Local 674 Department of Labor and Industries as regards Public Service Employees Disallowed Local No. 674 vs City of Renton. City Attorney Shellan noted the Hearing and Examiner accepted the contentions that there are certain exceptions from the definition of "public employee" as contained in RCW 41 . 56.030 (2.c)that would apply to employees considered managerial and who enjoy a confidential relationship with the Mayor and Council . The letter further noted that the formation of an exclusive bargain- ing unit may result in dual or conflicting allegiance by the personnel affected, which matter was brought out at the September 4, 1974 hearing. Letter was read for informational purposes and no action required. Park & Ride Lots Letter from the State Highway Commission District Engineer, E. I . Meeting 11/19 Roberts , announced a groups meeting for interested citizens and public officials to discuss the Dept. of Highways planning for Park and Ride Lots in the Renton area, scheduled for November 19, '1974 at 7:30 P.M. at the Renton High School , 400 S. 2nd St. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. City Janitorial Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested authorization Services to proceed with investigation and securing of proposals for the per- formance of City janitorial work by contract, noting any program would require that the successful contractor utilize the present City personnel as a part of their work force with satisfactory assurances of continued employment. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS r... LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE.* Chairman of the Finance Committee Schellert noted this was a policy decision and asked that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Council President Clymer noted the employees concerned were under collective bargaining agreement and asked that the department be authorized to proceed in determining costs and making recommendation. Councilman Schellert noted policy decision may be affected by cost benefit. *MOTION CARRIED. ' Senior Citizens Letter from Garet and Esther Hasper, 405 Pelly Ave. N. , protested the use of property tax money to feed about 40 more people at Sartori School Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 6 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Senior Citizens and the cancellation of day time dances for Senior Citizens which Continued had been held twice a month at Liberty Park Center. The letter claimed people eating at Sartori School had above average income and the major- ity were not Renton citizens, and that the cancelling of the dances had been reported to them as due to the food program. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Garbage Contract Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted amendment to the Revision present contract with General Disposal Company, C.A.G. 016-73, which reflected newly negotiated category for Boeing and Pac-Car as not enough refuse was being generated by these companies to fall within the proper industrial category. The letter noted a savings would result for Pac-Car; Boeing rate would remain the same. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONTRACT AMENDMENT BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. andidate Night Announcement from the League of Women Voters in sponsorship with the American University Women's Association announced a candidates night at the Carco Theatre Wed. Oct. 23, at 8:00 p.m. to discuss November 5, ballot issues , noting King County Prosecutor candidates to be present. 'ohl Annexation Letter from City Clerk Mead noted petition representing 75% of owner- Southwest ship of the assessed valuation for proposed Kohl Annexation was filed Portion of City October 18, 1974. that the Planning Department reported the petition valid, represented 100% ownership. Property located on the westerly Public Hearing periphery of the City north of Sunset B1vd.W. (Empire Way S. ) between 11/4/74 80th Ave. S. and 81 Ave. S. and comprises 1 .4 acres. The letter recommended the date of November 4, be set for Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. MOVED BY DELAIJ'RENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL C31ACUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CLERK. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment by Mayor Garrett was read regarding Marc David Puhich Marc D. Puhicir� to the position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department replac- Police Department ing Sidney Journey who has resigned. The appointment was made effective November 1 , 1974 subject to the customary six-months pro- bation period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Member Schellert presented committee report Public Works for Chairman Bruce which concurred with the Public Works Department Committee Report recommendation to acquire a consultant for the May Creek,'Lake Washing- May Creek/Lake ton Local Improvement District and also with the Department request Washington LID to hold an informal public hearing with those property owners affected prior to the preliminary L. I .D. hearings . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDFO BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC WORK COMMITTEE REPORT.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director noted seven engineer type personnel in the department. *MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Report was presented by Committee Charman Stredicke Committee Report requested appropriation of excess revenue in the amount of $92,000 to the Airport Construction Fund (#309) to allow finalization of the Air- Appropriation port Phase II Development Project which was funded by grants from FAA Requested for (Airport Development Aid Program Funds) and the Washington State Aero- Phase II nautics Commission, plus Airport Revenue Bonds. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Development at SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER Airport TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. WAM Proposed Duwamish Councilman Stredicke inquired re Duwamish Annexation proposed by Tukwila Annexation and was advised by Mayor Garrett that in view of deadline, letter prepared by Planning Department was reviewed by Community Services Committee Chairman Grant, and that if further input wanted by the Council , it could be sent as amendment. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council APPROVAL authorize payment of Vouchers No. 661 through 881 in amount of $97 ,262.35 (#657-660 machine voided during processing) , having received depart- mental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR. Councilman Grant left the Council Meeting. Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 7 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2882 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance which had been on Parking Meter first reading October 7,repealling Chapter 27 of Title I regarding Checker the position of "Parking Meter Checker" due to change in duties with removal of the City's parking meters from the public right-of- ways. Following reading of the ordinance by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ.* Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer regarding Human Rights Commission charge, Councilman Stredicke reported ,the ordinance will not affect that position. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. *CARRIED. Ordinance 2883 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke resented ordinance vacating Street VaCatlon a portion of Newport Ave. N.E. (M Place N� as petitioned by the Church Portion of of Christ with Public Hearing September 23, 1974, recommending Newport Ave. NE adoption of the ordinance, first reading 10/7/74. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2884 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance author- App� r p at-on of izing appropriation of funds in amount of $4,583.60 for the purpose of Funds - Sewer oversizing the Sunset Lift Station due to Latecomer Sower fees Lift Station collected from Dura Development for Honeydew Apartments, and requested transfer in said amount to Capital Outlay Account. First reading being on 10/7/74, following second reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2885 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an C-impensat o n of ordinance regarding compensation for Judges Pro tem, that $75 shall Judges Pro tem be received for handling the calendar on any regular or special Court day and $50 for handling a portion of the trial calendar on a particu- lar case whenever the regular Municipal Court Judge is unavailable. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following second reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Crdinance 2886 7 propriation for Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an Salaries and ordinance regarding appropriation of funds for salaries and wages for Wages for City's certain non-represented employees which had been granted by Council Non-Represented October 7, 1974, and the withdrawal and transfer of such funds from Employees - the Contingency Fund unto the City's Current, Park, Street and Library October thru Funds in amount of $15,539. The ordinance covered the period com- December 1974 mencing October 1 , 1974 and terminating on the last day of December, 1974, with no retroactive payments preceding the October 1-15 payroll period. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether or not top uniform administrative personnel not belonging to bargaining unit were included in the ordinance, Finance Department Rep. Bennett, reported that no uniform personnel was included. Following second reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2887 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an ensection I ordinance amending Ordinance 2881 fixing the estimated amount of tax Ordinance #2881 levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for WMV Adopted 10/7/74 the year 1975 with Total Assessed Valuation $649,812,006, with 1974 Tax Levies General levy as $3.60 per $1 ,000 of true value and no Special Levy. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2888 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an �CETA Fund ordinance creating and establishing a "City of Renton Comprehensive Employment Training Fund (CETA)" as authorized earlier during Correspon- dence as requested by the Finance Director. Following reading of the 171 Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 8 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued CETA Cont. Ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND READING BE AUTHORIZED. CARRIED. Following second and final readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2889 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an Appropriation ordinance appropriating fundsin the amount of $92,000 from Excess of Funds for Revenues and transferring same to Airport Construction Fund for the Completion o' purpose of completing Phase II Development Project as authorized Phase II earlier under Old Business. Following reading of the ordinance, it Airport was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1937 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a .ransfer of PEP resolution transferring funds in the amount of $14,338 into the grogram Funds Contingency Fund for the reason that the former PEP program has been completed and terminated, see earlier approval under Correspondence. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1938 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a transfer of CETA resolution transferring funds in the amount of $5,000 and $18,357 Funds as authorized earlier under Correspondence, for the purpose of providing interim financing for a new employment program known as Comprehensiv : '=mployment Training Act. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1939 Legislation Comnittee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Depositories & resolution naming depositories for funds belonging to, or under Signees Listed the control of, the City and naming Director of Finance, Mayor and Accounting and Investment Supervisor as signees at the named banks and savings and loan associations. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Planning Commission Member Larry Gibson noted earlier Public Hearing Larry Gibson by the Council re Appeal of Planning Commission denial on Amendment 2842 Sunset NE to Comprehensive Land Use Plan, wherein the Council overruled the Commission and granted the Appeal . Mr. Gibson noted he didn't belong to the Comprehensive Land Use Committee but did attend meetings and visted the property and noted disappointment at the Council 's action. During discussion, Councilmen noted their impartialness and expressed the opinion that the best use of the land around the hospital was the development of medical-dental clinics and centers. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDLED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m. &�t a2 12 _ l Delores A. Mead, City Clerk X72 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/21/74 BEGIN ENDINQ TOTAU WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANT$ MACH/NE V lb *6S7_ CURRENT 661 748 PARKS AND RECREATION 749 773 011o289o23 CITY STREET 774 788 $110621099 LIBRARY 789 814 $4, 178451 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 815 816 $137+ 71 NEW CAREERS 817 818 $82488 CCNCENTRAYED EMPL ( CETA ) 819 A2Q $23196 REGe AND STREET FWD THRUST 821 $30 •8 325# 95 URBAN ARFERIAL 831 835 $111456151 WATERWORKS UTILITY 836 856 $141868�OQ AIRPORT 857 863 $556e04 EQUIPMENT RENTAL. 864 881 $2j710t02 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $971262$35 w WE1 TME UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED# DO HEREBY A*PROVE FOR PAYMENT YOUCHER8 N0i 661 THROUGH N0o $81 IN THE AMOUNT 09 $97, 262tat THIS 21 OF OCTOBER 111974 1 IFINANCE COMMITTEE .'r r*rr r a w rrrr <:7— C TTEE MEMBER onamprr wrwr� srwrrrrwrrsr• COMMITTEE MEMBER tf/ ON 1r�� rsrr�; COMMITTEE ONO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE 1 NG CALMAR Of f ice of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDU D AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 10-21-74 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COU'MITTEE bTRF:DICKL COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCILELL ERT LEGISLATION & INTER- SgIdDICKE GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 10-23 5:00p.m. DELAURENTIChairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS BRLKI: ZRANSPORD':'TOw.' To be determired PEMY Chairman will notify me ers i OTHER A4TTINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CQUMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS Fn+'t:-._.ITY COMMI= Negotiating Committee Fri . 10-25 4:00 p.m. 6th floor Conf. Rm. Meet with Mr. White League of Women Voters Wed. 10-23 8:00 p.m. Carco Theatre Candidate Night for Nov.?5 election t - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTObE.k 22, 19/4 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3900 $ 1,500 Mrs. James Price 1012 S.W. 4th Const. garage & woodshed 3901 Citizens Fed. Say. 209 Williams S. Demolish restaurant 3902 3,000 James Akers 300 Garden N. Repair fire damage 3903 16,000 Banner Corp. 815 Houser N. Const. ramps 3904 I50 Jesse Cline 807 Jefferson N.E. Const. tool shed 3905 1G„s:,"0 Jack Curran 601 Rainier S. Relocated front to b 3906 29,!100 Herb & Narodick Const.2826 Morris S. Const. single fam. res. :3907 21,000 Wash. Horse Asso. Longacres Enclose building 3908 1,200 R. Parhaniemi 1008 N. 35th Const. addition to garage 3909 2,700 James Bradfield 4016 N.E. 7th Const. garage 3910 16,000 Powell Const. Co. 1622 Blaine N.E. Const, single fam. res. 3911 16,000 Powell Const. Co. 1700 Blaine N.E. Const. single fam. res. 3912 4,000 Ba(,ner Corp. 815 Houser N. Revise existing over door MECHANICAL PERMITS M4090 250 John A. Powerville 1822 Aberdeen N.E. Inst. gas water heater 4091 950 Craig Taylor Co. 3100 E. Valley Rd. Inst. gas plumbing lines 4092 725 Steve Barlow 411 S. 19th Inst. gas furance 4093 1,600 Rudy Zaputil 822 Monroe N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4094 800 Sheila Campbell 1708 Kirkland N.E. Inst. gas water heater 4095 950 Rudy Zaputil 822 Monroe N.E. Inst. elec. air system, 4096 790 R. Bower 3303 Talbot S. Inst. plumb & fix 4097 675 Kelso Const. Co. 2041 Aberdeen S.E. Inst. air heating system 4098 VOID 4099 1,460 Ccr Wiehoff 1606 Kennewick N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4100 250 HUD--Seattle Area 510 Windsor N.E. Miscellaneous repairs 4101 1,x:31 Herb&Norodick Const. 2826 Morris Ave. S. Inst. plumb & fix 4102 177 C.M. Brewer 321 Morris S. Inst. gas water heat ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4875 QUO James Banker 405 S. 7th Inst. plugs & 4876 650 Kelso Const. Co. 2041 Aberdeen S.E. Wire single fam, res. 4877 i00 Obie Pacific Ad S. 3rd. St. & Rainier ' U/G Service 4878 1,150 Q.M. Enterprises 2332 Talbot S. Wire single fam. res. 4879 1,150 Q.M. Enterprises 2326 Talbot S. Wire new res. 4880 1 .150 Q.M. Enterprises 2408 Talbot S. Wire S/F res. 4881 1,150 Q.M. Enterprises 2402 Talbot S. Wire S/F res . 4882 1,200 Gustofson 2601 N.E. 22nd Inst. furnace 4883 30,000 Banner Corp. 815 Houser N. Inst. new service 4884 200 Mt. Olivet Cemetery 100 Blaine N.E. Wire meter to office 4885 .'00 Stanley L. Douglas 225 Williams N. Rewire res. 4886 825 Hillis Homes 2544 Burnett S. Wire single fam. res. 4887 10 Baxter Motel 134 Rainier S. General repairs 4888 200 Don Hanson 663 Redmond N.E. Inst. new service 4889 450 HUD 257 Taylor N.W. Inst. new service 4890 1,200 Fletcher Oil Co. 404 Sunset Blvd Inst. 6 dispensors 4891 250 Carl H. Kokko 221 Factory N. Inst. 200 AMP Service 4892 50 Ryerson & Son, INC. 730 S.W. 10th Inst. temp. service 4893 483 Wanda Thompson 2213 N.E. 9th Inst. electric heat SEWER PERMITS 2130 John Zirckel 3827 Lk. Wa. Blvd. N. Connect side sewer 2131 Rudolph Zaputil 822 Monroe N.E. Connect side sewer 2132 Q.M. Enterprises 2319 Talbot S. Connect side sewer 2133 Q.M. Enterprises 2408 Talbot S. Connect side sewer 2134 Herb&Norodick 2826 Morris S. Connect side sewer 2135 Hugh Carney 230 Rainier S. Co-nect side sewer 2136 Renton School Dist. 1601 Lk. Youngs S.E. Connect storm sewer 2137 J.H. Smith 5221 Ripley N. Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Monday October 28 , 1974 Office of {.he City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Mosman BI-CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Request for Parade by VFW COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Clearview TV Petition LEGISLATIGN COMMITTEE Res— o ution for Sister City and Renton Lions Club Ordinance regulating per diem PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Cascade Sewer District agreement Waste Receptor bid opening PLANNING COMMISSION Review modifications to Mercer Island floating bridge per Mayor's letter TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Review mo ifications to Mercer Island floating bridge per Mayor's letter SPECIAL EVENTS November 5, 1974 - State General Election and City Holiday November 11 , 1974 - VeterarYs Day and City Holiday RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 28 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE 13. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. r CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21 , 1974 BE HELD FOR APPROVAL UNTIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974— CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Garrett called attention to ancient Japanese war helmet presented PRESENTATION to the City by Mayor and 22 Delegates visiting from Renton' s Sister City, Nishiwaki . Mayor Garrett also called attention to woven cloth Japanese Sister picture which had been presented by the delegation and hung in the City Chambers; Nishiwaki flag was also presented and on display in the Chambers _wring meeting, the flag representing 'where two rivers come together at Nishiwaki . " Discussion ensued regarding the visit. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , LEGISLATION COMMITTEE PREPARE RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE FOR PRESENTATION TO SISTER CITY. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION ALSO BE PREPARED THANKING THE RENTON LIONS CLUB FOR "JOB WELL DONE" CORRESPONDENCE AND AS PERTAINS TO NISHIWAKI DELEGATION VISIT LAST WEEK. CARRIED. CURRENT BUSINESS Petition for Special Temporary Authority before the Federal Communica- tions Commission for authorization to operate its CATV systems by Clearview TV Clearview Cable TV of Enumclaw, Inc. was read. The petition requested Petition filed up to 90 day period to implement agreements with KIRO-TV and KOMO-TV with FCC to allow Clearview to serve the systems indicated with the signal of CBUT-TV, Channel 2, Vancouver, B.C. , which will be supplied to most of Clearview's systems via CARS. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Cascade Sewer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted for Council District approval, an agreement between the City and Cascade Sewer District for Agreement serving the Scotts Terrace and Talbot Road vicinity with sanitary sewers. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TC 'HE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR POLICY REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public 'works Director Gonnasor noted this was a new agreement covering approximately 25 properties. *MOTION CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council accept- CBD - Phase II ance as of October 21 , 1974 on the Phase II Downtown improvement pro- ject which was completed by West Coast Electric Co. of Washington on September 18, 1974 and accepted by the Public Works Department. The letter further requested that if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against this project, and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount of $9,344 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.* Public Works Director Gonnason explained the four phases of the Central Business District Redevelopment; Phase I - basic contract for street lighting and sidewalks, Phase II- street construction and overlay, Phase III , beautification and land- scaping (completed) , Phase IV waste receptors (bid opening later in Agenda). Gonnason reported project completion date of November 15, 1974. *MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/28/74 Meeting - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Cont. Loyalty Day Letter from the Renton Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Parade Requested Post 1263, by Warin Gross, requested permission for a Loyalty Day by VFW parade on Saturday April 26, 1974 through one of the City' s main streets. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE VFW. SUBSTITUTE MOTION WAS MADE BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REQUEST FOR PARADE BE REFERRED TO THE BI-CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION.* Councilmen Perry and Bruce: objected. Mayor noted referral to committee would have preference and *MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Letter from Mayor Garrett presented letters from The Boeing Company Modifications and the Quendall Terminals Company protesting the proposed modifica- to Lacy Murrow tion to the Mercer Island Floating Bridge by the Washington State (Mercer Island) Highway Dept. due to the uncertainty of completion of I-90. Mayor Floating Bridge Garrett' s letter noted that straightening out the bulge in the bridge to ease the traffic back up, may cause an economic hardship on the City, because this would limit access to waters south of the bridge to vessels with heights of less than 45 feet, or the clearance of the East Channel Bridge, which would necessitate moving the entire Jetfoil program of The Boeing Company. TLe Mayor's letter recommended that the Transportation Committee and the Planning Commission_ review this matter to determine the specific impacts on Renter- to prepare for future hearings to be held by the Coast Guard. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages was filed with the City Clerk by John L. Mosman John L. Mosman in the amount of $1 ,064.85 for alleged damage to personal effects and 3602 Lake household items when City water main broke on N. 36th St. on 10/12/74. Washington Blvd. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY North ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. _ Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported bid opening on October 25, 1974, Phase IV - Waste Receptors waste receptors for the Downtown Improvement Project. One bid was received by Remcoa in amount of $14,728; Engineer's Estimate was $7,800. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, nL L,I 'DS TC THF PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Attached tabulation) Execut3vc MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL HOLD AN EXECUTIVE Session SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. Council President Clymer asked Mayor, Administrative Assistant, City Attorney, Legislative Aide and Personnel Director to attend. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed for Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:23 p.m. ROLL CALL: ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT AS PREVIOUSLY INDICATED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM UNUSED SALARY ACCOUNT TO PURCHASE DESK, CHAIR AND FILING CABINET F R LEGISILATIVE AIDE !-HUGHES. CARRIED. s a iiear i SIlg Coi.inci l PresidetiiL noted the Mayor's Budget will be presented to the Schedule Councilmen on Friday November 1 , 1974; the bulge' 4—il -' be ws , through November 5, which is State General Election and a Clymer noted November 4, was Regular Council Meeting and November Committee of the Whole Meeting; November 6 and 8, session will be Payor, Council and Finance; Saturday the 9th and 10th session will be Police Department and Data Processing; 11th is holiday; 12th Parks Department will meet on the 5th floor; 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th will be Public Works Department. Clymer noted Committee of the Whole meeting would have presentation from Asst. Planning Director Magstadt on Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 in order to consider low cost housing for senior citizens in the core area during budget considera- tion. Councilman Stredicke asked budget hearings commence with budget review by the Finance Director or Mayor's Office, receiving confirmation by Council President Clymer as Finance Director and Mayor's Office are in attendance at every meeting. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee report Committee Rpt recommending referral to the Legislation Committee of an ordinance "Regulating Cabarets in the City, Prohibiting Certain Conduct and Activities. " The report suggested the Legislation Committee have 178 Renton City Council 10/28/74 Meeting - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Revision to Detectives Faust and Stoddard before them to testify on this Cabaret proposed -ordinance, and that it become effective January 1 , 1975. Ordinance Following discussion, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT COMMITTEE REPORT.* City Attorney Shellan noted basic change in ordinance prepared last January is clause added with misdemeanor charge for manager of establishment allowing topless or exposed manner by female employee, servant or entertainer whether an independent contractor or an employee, and also for soliciting for sale of drinks or dances. Ordinance also requires adequate lighting and space separating entertainers from public ;6 ft. ) . *CARRIED. Expenses Incurred MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE REGULATING PER Traveling on DIEM FOR TRAVEL BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMEN- City Business DATION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Schellert noted National Fire Prevention Association Conference in Seattle November 19 - 21 , 1974, will hold sessions on Fire Rating fire rating of cities. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council authorize payment of Vouchers 896 through 1041 in the amount of $359,037.15 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services; Vouchers No. 0882 through 0895 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY C1,ERK October 28, 1974 DOWNTOWN IMPROVE15NT PROTECT - PHASE IV WASTE RECEPTORS Bid Opening - October 25, 1974 Contractori BB EEO � Item 1 Item 2 Total Rcw-^�, X X $4,018.00 $10,710.00 $14,728.00 P.O. Box 1355 X Lynnwood, WA 98030 Engineer's Estimate - $7,800.00 lamm WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/28/74 UEUIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID#0882-0895 CWRRENT 896 925 $87P846v85 PARKS AND RECREATION 926 941 A14s789t24 CITY STREET 942 950 $18.# 257t-44 LIBRARY 951 957 *3P18202 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 958 961 329Ro63 NEW CAREERS 962 965 $279*87 CONCENTRATED EMPL ( CETA ) 966 970 6270089 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 971 978 959A916#00 URBAN ARTERIAL 979 984 $69* 923t09 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 955 985 $2i000s00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 986 1000 6161332#60 AIRPORT 1001 1010 676# 25109 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1011 1017 $lj.474o56 FIREMEN PENSION 1018 1041 f8i214o17 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 335ga037ti WEj THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILo HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTt'ktrTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NQ. 896 THROUGH NO* 1041 IN THE AMOUNT OF •359jQ37915 THIS 28 OF OCTQBER 974 ffff FINANCE COMM TTEE •w w wwww •* w M•wwwwwwwwwww CUM ITTEE EMBEh w*.�f� w .w�rw� .�_w w►www w� r _ _ n wswwww w ww-wwwvoo •wwwwww7 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCM U I) AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 28, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION MIMITTEE STREIDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 11/7 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers . CO %ffJNL ITY SERVICTE.S GRANT FINANCE AMID PERSONNEL Tues. , 10/29 4:30 P.M. SC HE'LT ERT 6th Floor Conf.. Room LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 11/4 7:00 P.M. STRFI)ICKE GOVERNMENTAL PLB, LIC SAFETY DELAURE1NI PUBLIC WORKS BRLK:E TRANSPORTATION rhurs. , 10/31 4:15 P.M. PERRY Meet on steps of the Gonnason to furnish car. Inspect Monster Road Municipal Building Railroad Crossing OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CCb1MITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY C IOMMITTEE NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION ASSOCIATION FALL CONE= 11/19/-11/21 Seattle Fire Ratings GENERAL ELECTION rues, 11/5 f'v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 28 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TY'P'E OF WORK B3913 $ 1, 500 Donald Fitts 911 N. 31st Replace broken glass 3914 37 , 200 Thomas Alberts 1719 S .E. 18th Const. single fam. res. 3915 9 , 600 Gull Oil Co. 3800 N.E. 4th Inst. canopy 3916 2 , 600 Cascade Methodist 2201 Edmonds S .E . Const. church hall Church 3917 500 Larry McKean 2725 Aberdeen N.E . Const. boat port 3918 2 , 100 William McLaughlin4509 Talbot S . Const . addition to build. 3919 20 , 000 Group Health 200 Broson N . E. Const. parking lot MECHANICAL PERMITS M4103 700 City of Renton 616 W. Perimeter Inst. sink & piping 4104 100 Robert Edwards 150 S .W. 7th Inst. gas piping 4105 300 Charles Mead 1910 Kirkland N.E . Inst . gas water heater 4106 225 Mrs . Hart 1633 Aberdeen N. E . Inst . gas furnace 4107 200 Mary Breda 217 S . 15th Inst. gas heater 4108 688 Herb&Ncrodick 2826 Morris S . Inst. gas furnace 4109 6, 500 Boeing Co. Boeing Renton Plant Installations 4110 3 , 000 Pacific Car 1400 N . 4th '_ Relocate gas heaters 4111 605 Herb&Noridick 3004 Morris S . Inst. gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4894 125 V. P. Homeowners Talbot Rd. S . Inst. 50 AMP Services ,1-5�, Iso L. Alice , .;i, ey 822 Monroe N . E. Wire single fam. res . 4896 250 dome Finders 914 Harrington NE Repair mast 897 250 Edward Brown 1116 N . 32nd Inst. breaker box 898 100 Q.M. Enterprises 2302 Talbot S . Inst. 120 volt service 899 500 Touner A. Jayne 304 Powell S .W. Wire addition 4900 • 50 Kelso Const . Co . 2041 Aberdeen S .E . Inst. temp. service 4901 50 Charles Switzler 3616 Lk. Wa . Blvd N Inst. temp . service 4902 100 William McLaughlin4509 Talbot S . Wire plugs & lights 4903 250 James Herman 711 Jones S . Inst. new service SIGN PERMIT 383 300 Dura Dev. Inc. 1150 Union N . E. Inst. 2 wall & 1 pole signs . 182 C I TY OF RENT0N NTN,, OF UC'I'l)BI:R, 1974 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL IO-7-74 CURRI:NT 1 61.,529.35 PARKS & RL:CREATIO 5 ,497. 74 CITY STREET 2,501.15 FEDERAL SHARED RE .FUND 1119309.00 RI,C & STREET FWD liRUST 179313.1)6 URBAN ARTERIAL ! w1).00 .gam: 6,. LK.WASH BEACH rWD rHRUST 19()S W&S Constr.I JND lopDp,00 f WATERWORKS UTILIT �5Cn.4(O 68,265.58 AIRPORT 8,010.6:1 E(1llIPMLNT RENTAL. 3 983.66 CLAIMS FUND ransfers for month of OCTOBER 289 793.23 No-7-74 AIRPORT CONSTR#30 AIRPORT FUND #402 [To correct transfer error $89322.76 made in May, 1974 to-S-74 WATERWORKS REO & ST. FWD THRUST To correct transfer 'error $ 159.29 made in November, 1973 WATERWORKS URBAN ARTERIAL To correct transfer error $1,433.56 made in November, 1973 10-15-71' CURRENT FUND 1050593. 17 PARKS & RECREATION 200678 03 CITY STREETS 170819030 LIBRARY 70953,,03 WORD INCENTIVE ISIS-83 f 2lll� tJP,,, "AREERS 500-00 R & ST. FWD THP,U. T ®,150. URBAN ARTERIAL fl0352074 WA-_ WORKS JTILITIES 14,,571 ,, 16 `,•;E` T RENrAW 19449,52 .a 20794.75 a ENS I ON' 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of OCTOBER $175,086.48 l0-2.1-7 ?ENT S 320011 .56 `ARK' & RFCREATInN 110289.23 STRFFT { 1 1 ,621 .99 WOWK iNCENTIVE FUN[ 4, 178,51 1 37.71 "JEW CAR:' ERS .CENT2ATF17 EM1sLt ET�:1 82088 .'3095 ST.FWF) THRUS URBAN ART7P 1 AI_ 8,325.95 � tiVATFRWORKI UTI ,-- !TY11 I4®456.51 868.00 AIPPORT s n 556.04 En, 'V1-N- RENTAL � 26710.02 G7,�,la'1..35 P CLAIMS FUNDS Transfers for month of OCTOBER S-97-262.! 1 M IO-2F " R7 rUNE: AIRPORT CONSTPUCTION FUND To adjust incorrect expenditur s $80266.93 70 PURP05F TOT& lo-18-74 CURRENT S 87,846 85 PARKS & RECREATION! 14,789,24 CITY STREET 18,257 44 LIBRARY i, 3, 02,92 WORK INCENTIVE FQ,�' 29823 "1W CAREERS 1 279,87 CONCENTRATED EMPL, CETW 27009 REG & ST. FWD THRU 7 590916001 URBAN ARTE 69,923.09 AIRPORT CT ICY N FUND 2,000000 WATFRWOPKS UTILITYkh 337500 AIRPORT EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIREMEN'S PENSION r3 2y4o ; 7 CLAIMS FUND , Transfers for month of OCTOBER S 34-VALWO j, 10=2574 CLAIMS FUND LlBRARY FUND Cancelled Warrant# 3137 S 20e00 i0lcy74 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancelled Warrart# 4970 S 8408 11),215 -74 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancelled Warrant# 5668 % 7,95 10 20 -14 WERWIVIPLOY A PEP) CONTINGENCY FUNC Resolution #1937 (C)-2A .74 `-MERG,EMP!OYNPFP) CONTINGENCY FUND I Resolution #1937 S 438,0 -k CONTINGENCY FUND , CDAP,FHPL. (CETA) Resolution #1938 S 5,0000- 11rr t! 2,1[ '4,11 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUH0 Ordinance #2886 9,2900, CONTINGENCY FUND PARK FUND Ordinance #2886 07 & CONTINGENCY FUND STREET FUND Ordinance #2886 " X44,0 (-ONTINGENCY FUND ,.,!3RARY FUND Ordinance #2886 3,225,0 W-3170 10YRRENT SAPIKS A RECREATION j1�CITv STREE17 969,T p 70523.4- .I MURK WEN71VE 976. 4 17W CAREERS 500,7 jCnMP.EMPL. (CETA) s 1043 Js 61 ST,FW0.7HRUS-T IWAN ARTERA I 14,26t 7 'WATERWORKS UTILI-My 0IRT I 2,794.-qj' AMFNT RENTAL -01 WMENIS nEOWN p J0 Transfer; 40, -C-51 S- RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 4 , 1974 Office of City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE Proposed Budget for 1975 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Nan-Union Petition' — COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Clearvi-ew TV whdrawai 6 Petition for Special Relief CITY CLERK Reso ution to Nishiwaki and Renton Lions LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance changing Land Use Plan - Pope property - first read-;ng 11/4/74 Kohl Annexation NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE 21R Letter PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Noise Abatement Regulations PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Disaster Relief Official SPECIAL EVENTS Meeting - Governor' s Conference on Consumer Products Safety at Seattle Center 11/13/74 Public Hearing - December 2, 1974 re 1975 Budget RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 4 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the N' edge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , 'OUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; GENE COULON, Park and Recre- ation Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Director. KOHL ANNEXATION This beinq the date set and proper notification having been made accord- ,bIir. r a my +`rig to 'awt. Mayor 0—.t, oDenad the Public Hearing to consider annexa- -t-ion nnexa- 1 on nptition for the proposed Kohl Annexation, area being contiguous Possible to the City on the western boundary located northerly of SW Sunset Blvd. Medical-Dental between 80th Ave. S. and 81st Ave. S. Letter from Assistant Planning Clinic Director Magstadt noted Departmental review of the petition and that signatures represent 100% of the assessed valuation of thy: property within the proposed district, which consists of one parcel, 1 .4 Acres of vacant property with no population, proposed as low density multi-family on the Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The letter reported Planning Department recommendation that the annexation petion be accepted; the Mayor and Staff be authorized to submit a Notice of Intention to the King County Boundary Review Board, and make presentation thereto. Councilman Schellert questioned the necessity of making a presentation to the Boundary Review BoYrd as no people were involved. Magstadt noted the property was a large hole which has now been filed and present- " ly receives City utilities. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. f=iINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21 , BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MINUTES OF OCTOBER 28, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested permission to contact Proposed Water Seattle Northwest Securities and ask them to proceed with the preparation And Sewer Bond of a bond issue supported by the water and sewer rates which were raised Issue (effective 6/1/74) to accomplish certain water and sewer projects which were specified at the time of the rate increase. The letter noted sufficient time has passed so that our bond counsel , Seattle Northwest Securities, could evaluate the City's financial status and determine the size of the proposed bond issue. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. 21R Contract Letter from Washington State Council of County & City Employees, AFL-CIO, Representative, Joh. Malgarini , was in response to letter received from Mayor Garrett regarding contract between the City and Local 21R noting 21R' s previous request for opening of the contract for possible wage increases, the Union contract being multi-year and the high rate of increase in the cost of living having already absorbed any increase negotiated for 1975. Malgarini 's letter took exception to the portion of Washington State Con- stitution (Article II , Prg 25, Amendment 35 which states the City is obligated by law to be reimbursed for opening of existing contract) as not being applicable and cited R.C.W. 41 .56 as applying, being aware that both parties are bound by the contract, but either side may request to reopen the contract at any time and may do so upon mutual agreement. Renton City Council Minutes of 11/4/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Contract Malgarini 's letter noted mutual agreement to open the contract and that Negotiations other points of contention would be resolved at the first meeting. MOVED Continued BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER FROM COUNCIL OF COUNTY & CITY EMPLOYEES REPRESENTATIVE BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Noise Abatement Letter from Mayor Garrett presented letter from Larry Ikenberry, Noise Regulations Consultant to the State Dtpartment of Ecology regarding noise abatement regulations and how that Department can best assist the City in noise regulations. The Mayor's letter recommended this matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee for review and response to the Department of Ecology. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council accept Associated Sand completion of the asphalt overlay project for Hardie Ave. S.W. , Taylor and Gravel Co. Ave. N.W. , Taylor P1 . N.W. as of November 4, 1974, authorizing final CAG-025-74 payment of $11 ,766.94. The letter recommended that if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount of $1 ,307.44 be paid to the Contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Pion-Union Petition bearing 44 signatures of management employees and others not Employees represented by a bargaining unit thanked the Council for the salary increase 6% Salary and expressed appreciation for the communication between Council and Increase for the group, (1sking that the City Council continue to meet at designated 4th Qtr. ' 74 times with he Group representative to discuss mutual community and municipal policies and decisions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Clearview TV Letter from Stambler & Shrinsky, P.C. of Washington, D.C. representing Clearview TV Cable of Enumclaw withdrew a "Petition for Special Relief and for Immediate Grant of CARS Application" which was filed with Federal Communications Commission because agreements were reached with KIRO-TV an KOMO-TV on September 1 , 1974. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COM- MUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1975 Preliminary City Clerk Mead reported Mayor Garrett has filed the City's Preliminary Budget Budget for 1975 with the City Clerk and copies thereof are available to any taxpayer who will call at the Office of the City Clerk. The Public Hearing Clerk also noted the date of December 2, 1974 for Public Hearing by 12/2/74 the Council for the purpose of fixing the Final Budget for 1975 and that the hearing may be continued up to and including December 6, 1974, that any taxpayer of the City may appear before that Council at that time and be heard for or against any part of the Budget. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead reported the 1975 budget proposed by the Mayor totals $15,037,511 which represents an increase of X315,804, or 2. 14%, over the adjusted 1974 budget, with no increase in taxes. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE PROPOSED BUDGET BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer noted Auburn Parade as shown on meeting schedule, Meeting also noting Governor's Conference on Consumer Products Safety at the Products Safety Seattle Center on November 13, 1974, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monster Road Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported review of the Monster RR XXX' ing Road crossing (Council referral ) , and that the Committee found proper stop and railroad signals. NEW BUSINESS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert noted concurrence in request for filling of vacancies of Fire Fighter, secretary in Traffic Vacancies Filled Engineering and an Electronics Engineer, that some of the other vacancies not filled would be reviewed during the budget hearings. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council authorize payment of Vouchers 1051 through 1135 in the amount of $100,927.13 having received department certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 1042 through 1050 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes of 11/4/74 - Page 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2890 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance providing Ref- nding for issuance of $442,000 of "Refunding Limited General Obligation Bonds Limited G•0• 1974" for the purpose of providing funds to pay and redeem its outstand- Bonds ing "Limited General Obligation Bonds, 1972" dated 2/1/72 and its "Limited General Obligation Library Bonds, 1972 dated 211/72, setting te,7.. of such bonds and providing for purchase of certain obligations out of the proceeds of the sale of such refunding bonds and for use of money derived and providing for the payment and redemption of the outstanding bonds and confirming the sale to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation of Seattle. The Committee Chairman recommended adoption (See previous action -- Minutes of 10/21/74).. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY FURY„ SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUSPEND RULES AIC AD'SANCE'ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings byihc- C !2r , MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS REPIC. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Cormttee Chairman Siredi;;::e vrpsented fCr first reading Change in an oru ;^a^ce l,,t'Ii+a;;y .tan :7ty,s comprehensive Land Usp Plan as deter- Comprehensive mined at Public Hearing of the Council on 10/21/74 for 8.28 acres Land Use Plan located north of Valley General Hospital . Following reading by the Pope Property Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DOCUMENT BE RFFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Coilsaster Legislation Committee Chairman requested preparation of a resolution Relief authorizing Public Works Director Gonnason to execute application for Officer purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT PUBLIC LIC WORKS DIRECTOR GONNASQN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR DISASTER RELIEF OFFICIAL. CARRIED. Resolution 1940 City Attorney Shellan presented a resolution written in Japanese for Gratitude to presentation to the Nishiwaki Sister City and the Renton Lions as Sister City directed by the Council on October 28, 1974. An accompanying resolution Nishiwaki , Hygo, in English was also prepared duplicating the message extending gratitude Japan and appreciation to the Mayor of Nishiwaki City and his official family and and the members of the Nishiwaki Lions Club for their visit to our City Renton Lions and with special thanks for the nifts received. The resolution also expressed hope to continue visits to further ;mpcov. ? and cement the cordial relationship between the cities;and also extended y►atitude to the Renton Lions Club for playing an indispensable part in the further- ance of the Sister City program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ (IN ENGLISH) AND THAT THE CITY CLERK FORWARD RESOLUTION TO NISHIWAKI AND THE RENTON LIONS. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City C1 rk rra W39W3W 33111WW00 ■e"ee rwwe�rarr®rar/ err* �-W39W3W 33111WWOO •rwwawwr"""wwenarrererea"ww""• v39W3W 3311 0 rrwaee"r" M r ranee" a '/7 �—''/Qy 3 3111 W 00 N i N I J 401" 77777777 b39W3AtN aC w" t`::,. ' * G6° 012 dC7 1NnOW• 3M1 NI 9tlt $ON HnnONH1 toot $ON 60HOMOA 1N3WA9d b0A 3AObdd9 A2363M 00 f03b30NIN bO 03A1303W N339 3ATm 632IA639 bO/ONV 3SI0NSM3b3W 1YH1 N01111411030 '491N3WINTd3C 03A133]b ONIA/H ?110Nf100 A110 NO1N3b 3H1 !0 3311IWWOO 3ON9NIA 3M1 d0 sb39w3W 03NOIGNICNM 7M1 f3M CI SA261001$ C1NVVb9M )IV A0 19101 6S laos ig• Otis 221t IVINU 1NUW03 *LIL62s Lail L211 imodbiv 291IL2116 gall 0211 A11111M '-,�;*W0AN31VM 00,606 ,82• 6111 $111 11IM21WV N9ebn 09166Et9M9 011 6tlt 49MMH1 CMI 133NIS CNV 8036 lc161Lfvt *111 volt IaUIS A113 OOILwst LOIl Lot % 133V10 IVIN31WV 6112ALi2• 4011 8601 NO1193W'3b ONV SXNVJ 2216C9f*• L601 1601 jN3ab�� 0570/,, ,>� SINVN81M 09wnN 63OWMN NOIIdI85830 CNMJ AC 1NnOW9 1Nt4a9M 1NVb89M 1v101 dNION2 N1b39 *1100/1 % 3190 N011n9Ib1SIO 1NVW8VM F t � r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCZSII'I= MEETINGS SCIMU111) AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF November 4, 1974 COMMITIEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CO61MITTEE S=ICKE 0OWITTEE OF THE WWLE Thurs. , 11/7 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers COME ITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION & INTER- STREDICKE COVEPIZiMAL PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. , 11/6 6:30 P.M. DEIAURENTI 4th Flr. Conf. Room PUBLIC WORKS urs. , 11/7 7:00 P.M. BRtK� 4th Flr. Conf. Roan TRANSPORTATION urs. , 11/7 4:30 P.M. PERRY 4th Flr. Conf. Room Orlin MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CC1MMITTEE CLYMER SENIOR CITIES FACILITY COMMITTEE BUDGET HEARINGS Lat. 11/6 :00 P.M. CLYMER uncil Chambers 11/8 :00 P.M. it " 11 9 :00 A.M. " 1 da meet' lanned AUBURN PARADE 11/9 1:00 A.M. Pancheon - Auburn Elks following parade . (Make reservation OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 7, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B79, 20 $31,000 Hebb & Narodick Co. 1.01.6 S. 11st. Const. single fam. res. ,921 31,000 Hebb & Narodick Co. 1G)7 S. 31st. Const. single faux. res. 3922 31.,000 Hebb & Narodick Co. 1024 S. 30th Const. single fam. res. 3923 32,000• Hebb & Narodick Co. 1015 S. 30th Const. single fam. res. 3924 CMStP&P Railroad Black River Junction Fill 10,00 cubic yards & Monster Rd. 3925 10,000 Adolph C. Brown 1305 N. 30th Const. steel building MECHANICAL PERMITS M4112 1,020 Powell Const. 1.700 Blaine N.E. Inst, plumb & fix 4113 350 Jereome Fau ll 300 S. 3rd Inst. backflow preventer 4114 400 Powell Const. 1700 Blaine N.F. Inst, gas furnace 4115 200 James Banker 405 S. 7th Inst. plumb & fix 4116 75 Jon Owens 2416 N.E. 23rd Inst. water line 1117 198 Wlliam Casebalt 208 Pelly N. Inst. gas heater 1;118 450 Edward Shemel 525 Smithers S. Inst, gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4904 7,000 Pacific Car 1400 N. 4th Wiring blower system 4905 650 Hebb & Narodick Co. IC304 Morris S. Wire single fam. res. 1,906 900 Stoneway Concrete 1915 Maple Valley Underground service :4907 50 Grosso Entersprises 2600 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Reconnect service to ice machin r+908 100 Jon Owens 21.16 N.E. 23rd Inst 20 AMP circuit (;)a,STMICTION PERMITS F-bb & "3*r,,,�s ck ro. luti, 0tn Inst. sanitary sewer :;N « Narodick Co. 1015 S. 30th Sanitary sewer 0003 Hebb e"sr Narodick Co. 1016 S. 31st Inst, side saver 0004 Hebb & Narodick Co. 1007 S. 31st Inst. sani*�- y Q-zver tooIs RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 18 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Act as Liaison re Housing & Community Development Act James Cooks request for Use of Public Right-of-Way as Concerns Sign EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fire Fighters Contract Negotiations Request FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Planning Commission appointment Jerry A. Slough Requests of Non-Union Employees Board of Ethics appointment Rev. Lester LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Purchase of Burlington Northern property at Beach Park Transfer of Funds re Disaster Relief Tukwila/Allentown Annexation matter of opposition Ordinance"banning topless" - first reading 11/18 NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE Fire Fighters Contract Negotiations request MAYOR'S OFFICE Water and Sewer Rates for Disadvantaged under 62 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bis or Lind Ave. S.W. Water and Sewer Rates for Disadvantaged under 62 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR +� James Cooks request for Use of Public Right-of-Way for sign TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Poss b e vacation of portion of street at the southwest corner of Vocation School PUBLIC HEARINGS December f6 X974 Ordinance"Banning Topless" December 16, 1974 L. I.D. 285, Orillia Sewers, Final Assessment d RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 18 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL and RICHARD M. STREDICKE. Council President Clymer noted Councilmen CHARLES DELAURNETI and WILLIAM GRANT were concluding a meeting and soon re- turn. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH BRUCE BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. CARRIED. All three Councilmen arrived shortly after Roll Call . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; JIM MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; GENE COULON, Park Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 1974 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND NEW BUSINESS Lettersfrom Public Works Director Gonnason submitted Final Assessment Roil in the amount of $230,042.65 for LID 285, Sanitary Sewer Project in the L.I.D 285 Orillia area and recommended the date of December 16, 1974 be set for Orillia Sewers hearing on the final roll . The lettersitemized costs and noted that the Final Assessment construction of the sewer trunk to serve the properties which abut Public Hearing the northerly margin of S.W. 43rd St. have been deleted from the local December 16, '74 improvement district because of the proposed widening of S.W. 43rd Street from East to West Valley Roads and these properties are not included in the assessment of the district. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SET DATE OF DECEMBER 16, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESS- MENT ROLL. CARRIED. Lind Ave. S.W. City Clerk Mead reported November 6, 1974 bid opening for Lind Ave. S.W. Watermain watermain project with eight bidders as shown on attached tabulation, Bid Opening noting low bidder, Tri-tate Construction Co. , Inc., Bellevue, in the amount of $567,150. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE BIDS TO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED, Cooks Texaco Sign Letter from Mr. James Cooks, Cooks Texaco, 150 S.W. Sunset Blvd. , re- quested a street-use permit in order to improve signs and lighting on property located at the intersection of S.W. Sunset and Langston Road, The letter also noted removal of signs in compliance with City Staff request and noted plans for improvements. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Renton Fire Letter from the Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 Secretary, Larry Weiss, Fighters offered proposal considered of mutual benefit to the City and Union and Contract noted contract contained four items as openers to negotiate the 1975 Negotiations contract, that as result of an impasse on the two large financial items the Local filed for mediation as of October 20, 1974 with the Department of Labor & Industries. Impasse items: Manning of companies and larger differential percentage between lieutenants and captains. The letter noted dropping of the impasse items for an 8% wage increase effective December 1 , 1974. The letter further listed negotiated items which had been agreed upon: $4.00 premium for aid car personnel when assigned ($1 .60 increase over 174 premium) and $70 premium for training officer per month ($35 increase per mo. over 174 premium). MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER FIRE FIGHTERS REQUEST TO THE COUNCIL'S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL'S NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE_. Upon nquiry`by nuns mars S r cke, CounciTffianPerry- notyied the Executive Committee consisted of all Council Members. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/18/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Acquisition of Letter from Park Director Coulon noted Park Board and Assistant City Burlington Attorney approval for the purchase of 15,390 sq. ft. of property owned Northern in fee and 10,917 sq. ft. for property rights easement owned by Burlington Right of Way Northern Co. and asked Council concurrence for purchase for the total at Beach Park amount of $7,600. The letter noted negotiations for the Petition of' the City to Acquire Certain Lands, Lake Wa Kington Beach Park, K.C. #7145 32, resulted in reduction of the purchase price from $10,2OO to $7 ,600. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST TO PURCHASE SAID PROPERTY AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ACTION. CARRIED. Transfer of Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of funds Disaster Relief , by Resolution from the Disaster Relief Fund to the Current Fund and the Waterworks Utility Fund 'in total amount of $12,000.35, which would close out the Disaster Relief Fund, final payment to the Disaster Ruiief Project having been received. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST FOR TRANSFER AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Housing & Letter from Mayor Garrett noted presentation to the Council or; November Community 7th re the Housing and Community Development Act, 1974, and receipt of Development Ac:: a draft of a letter of intent from King County for joint participation under the Act' s Block Grant Provisions; that the King County Council Joint has adopted Motion No. 1808 indicating its willingness to jointly Participation participate with suburban jurisdictions in the application for block with King County grant funds. The letter noted the joint participation approach as by Suburban the most feasible course for the City as it offers an opportunity to Cities participate for funding in the fiscal year 1975, while preparing for 1976 and 1977. The letter requested Council authorize the Mayor to sign Anticipated Funds the letter of intent in order to meet the deadlines as established 1975 400,000 by the Housing and Community Development Act in order to establish 1976 $800,000 Renton' s eligibility under the joint participation approach. MOVED BY 1977 $1 ,200,060 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CtYMFR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO LEGAL_ FORM.* . Upon request by Councilman 5tredicke for further explanation, Ast. Planning Director Magstadt described the Mousing Act: Title I being Community Development Funds requiring submittal by 1975 of Community Development Program; Title II Housing Assistance Grant requiring target areas with needs for housing to be established. Administrative Assistant Stark explained the H.U.D. Act combined old programs of urban renewal , open space, historic preservation code enforcement assistance. Council President Clymer presented report on the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 7, 1974 on the Housing Community Development Act of 1974 presentation by City and King County staff explaining the emphasis of the Act is on low and moderate income family housing, but that impact on the total community is possible through comprehensive planning and implementation of the block grant approvals. The report reviewed eligible activities: land acquisition, construction, installa- tion of public works, other community facilities , housing for elderly, provision of special facilities as well as programs geared to improving Public services relating to employment, economic development, crime prevention, child care, health drug abuse, education, welfare and recreational needs of an area. The report noted the Administration was formulating a development plan and requested that the subject matter be referred to the Council 's Community Services Committee to serve as liaison in the community pian development phase. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE ACT AS LIAISON ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Protest to Letter from Mr. Jon W. Koloski , 17405 98th Ave. S. , expressed opposition Pope Property to recent reclassification of land parcel owned by Mr. and Mrs. W. Reclassification Stewart Pope of 3717 Talbot Road S. , from R-1 to P-1 . The letter noted Located North potential adverse effects of P-1 uses, urging the ravine bordering the of Valley north edge of the Pope property remain a natural boundary between the General Hospital residential and commercial development. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS LETTER BE PLACED ON FILE PENDING RECEIPT OF REZONE APPLICATION FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. 194 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/18/74 - Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENTS K.C. District #6 Mayor Garrett introduced King County Council President Tom Forsythe, who Representative expressed pleasure for opportunity of attendance. Completion of Public Works Director Gonnason announced the November 15, 1974 date for CBD Project completion of the Downtown Improvement Project had been essentially met except for some trouble shooting on electrical system and repairs to . traffic signals. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett announced November 24, to December 1 , National Bible 1974 as National Bible Week and called upon all citizens to share in Week 11-24/12-1 the nationwide realization of the strength and inspiration of the Bible. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter of appointment by Mayor Garrett of Mr. Jerry A. Slough to the Planning Renton Planning Commission, was read. Mr. Slouqh realaces Mr. B. G. Commission (Bev) Morrison who has resigned from the Commission, the term expiring Jerry A. Slough January 1 , 1977. Sough is construction supervisor with the Boeing 1306 Thomas Lane Company and has previously served on the Board of Adjustment. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Board of Ethics Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Reverend Robert Lester of the Renton Rev. R. Lester Lutheran Church, 2nd and Whitworth, to the Renton Board of Ethics to complete the term of Reverend Kenneth Underwood , deceased; term expir- ing December 31 , 1975. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, APPOINT- MENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report giving Public Works concurrence to the Public Works Department recommendation that the Committee Report agreement between the Cascade Sewer District and the City of Renton be Cascade Sewer adopted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Agreement RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE.* Upon inquiry by Council- man Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason noted that if annexation ...� should occur the utilities would become the property of the City. *MOTION CARRIED. Waste Receptors Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report concur- for CBD ring with the Department of Public Works Department recommendation to reject all bids received for the installation of waste receptors in the CBD area and recommends the City forces perform the work. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason explained procedure planned for installation and that a model would first be prepared. Councilman Schellert noted only one bid had been received, Gonnason noting bid was twice Engineer' s estimate. CARRIED. Garbage Contract Public Works Committee Report concurred in the Public Works Department Amendment recommendation adoption of revision to the Garbage Contract establishing a new category/rate for industrial users with more than 25,000 cubic yards but less than 45,000 cu. yards of industrial waste. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Councilman Schellert noted the City's two heavy industrial users are not disposing of refuse the City had anticipated because of recycling and therefore a new rate scale is being created for Boeing, with new rate and classification for Fac Car. Gonnason noted very little difference in revenue is anticipated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Services Report concurring in the Planning Department recommendation that the southerly portion of the proposed Allentown-Duwami:;h Annexation be considered Tukwila/Allentown for appropriateness for deletion from the annexation as this area is Annexationcontiguous to the City of Renton and is within the Renton School District and an area of logical expansion for the City o Renton. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN .ECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED 'TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PRE- PARE DOCUMENT FOR REGISTERING OPPOSITION TD_A_N=T�R-0F",T1 TT AREA WITH THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/18/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS -Continued Proposed Trail Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee meeting Cedar River minutes of November 14, w th City staff, Olympic Pipeline representatives to SR 167 and Puget Power representative in order to obtain easements for the (Valley Freeway) proposed trail from Cedar River to SR 167 within the Olympic Pipeline route. The minutes noted Olympic Pipeline has granted the City ease- ments along the trail route and has indicated they will assist the City in acquiring easements across that property owned by others(Puget Power and one segment with Sanwick Corp. ) Because of narrow right-of- way and topographic limitations, the trail will be restricted to pedes- trian use, eliminating horses and motorbikes. Field trip is scheduled for 11/23 at 10:00 a.m. Non-Union Councilman Perry reported presentation by non-represented employees ' Employees spokesman at Committee of the Whole meeting on November 7, 1974. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE FOLLOWING REQUESTS OF THE NON- REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL QOMMIJTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE OF PER DIEM, DENTAL BENEFITS, MEDICAL BENE- FITS, LIFE INSURANCE AND WAGES. Roll Call : 4 AYE: DELAURENTI , PERRY, BRUCE AND GRANT; 3 NO: CLYMER, SCHELLERT AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recom- Committee mending approval of renewal of sublease for Air Repair, Inc. from the Boeing Company covering buildings 5-63 and 5-65, for one year, 2/1/75 Air Repair,Inc. to 1/31/76. The report noted Air Repair, Inc. has been an Airport Sublease Renewal tenant since 1972, employing 20-30 people in the component rework business. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke reported the City' s lease with developer of Municipal Airport restaurant Airport depends on termination of existing lease which expires June ' 75 and re- Restaurant lease of three, two-.year options; noinformation has been received as �• concerns intent to renew options. Possible Vacation MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COM- Portion N.E. 4th MITTEE THE QUESTION OF POSSIBLE VACATION OF PORTION OF STREET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL.* Some discussion ensued that the intersection has recently been under construction with temporary barricades. *MOTION CARRIED. 'VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented Vouchers for approval No. 1144 through 1407 in the amount of $181 ,195.36 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services (No. 1136 through 1143 machine void) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance for first First Reading reading^ requlatinq cabarets in the City, prohibiting certain conduct and Ordinance activities , and recommended a public hearing be scheduled on December 16. "Banning Topless" City Clerk Mead read the ordinance which sets lighting standards, disal- lows exposed manner of dress ,or soliciting of drinks or dances, charging Public Hearinq misdemeanor against manaqer of establishment. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 12/16/74 SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, C UNCIL SET THE DATE OF DECEMBER 16, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING 0,"! AMENDMENT TO THE CABARET UkDIN- ANCE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2891 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance for second Amendment to and final readings, having been placed on first reading November 4, amend- Comprehensive ing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for property located north of Valley Land Use Plan General Hospital known as the Pope property. Following first reading, it W. S. Pope was MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2892 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance amending water rates Special Water for economically disadvantaged allowing special reduced water rate to Rates for disabled senior citizen over 62 years of age while the other spouse is Disabled under age 62 with total income of $425 per month or less and $5,100 per year or less. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/18/74 - Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Water Rate BY BRUCE, THIS ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Reduction CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE, for Disabled ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ.* Discussion followed of disadvantaged citizens under 62, destitute and not on Social Security. Roll Call : ALL AYES. *CARRIED. Ordinance 2893 Ordinance giving special reduced sewer rates to disabled citizens Special Sewer over age of 62 years whose spouse in under 62 years of age, was pre- Rates for sented. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Disabled BY BRUCE, THIS ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings of ordinance relating to sewer charges for certain senior citizens economically disadvantaged, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : ALL AYES. CARRIED. Water/Sewer Rates MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MATTER OF REDUCED WATER AND of Disadvantaged SEWER RATES FOR THE DISADVANTAGED UNDER 62 YEARS OF AGE, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason noted water and sewer rates had been raised in June 1974. Mining and Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted the amendment to the Grading mining and grading ordinance would be held for one week for review. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, Session ASK PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AND PARK DIRECTOR TO ATTEND. CARRIED. Council reconvened in Executive Session at 9:55 p.m. and returned to the AF'JOURNMENT Council Chambers at 11 :00 p.m. , adjourning the meeting at that time. Delores A. Mend, City Clerk WARRANT DISTKIBUTIU'v DATE 11/18/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINF VOID: Ck# 113b--#1143 CURRENT 1144 1222 639) 402116 PARKS AND RECREATION 1223 1261 69J801 # 93 ARTERIAL STREET 1262 1262 6203145 CITY STREET 1263 1281 i10o617927 LIBRARY 1282 1324 $101841100 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 1325 1328 $405j21 NEW CAREERS 1329 1332 6168867 CONCENTRATED EMP , ( CETA ) 1333 1337 6499131 REGr AND STREET FWD THRUST 1338 1345 628♦ 928 # 71 URBAN ARTERIAL 1346 1346 649, 00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1347 1373 666190b149 AIRPORT 1374 1383 65. 278871# EWUIPMENT RENTAL 1384 1404 66j569# 50 FIREMEN PENSION 1405 1407 61P524# 92 TOTAL OF ALL W*RRANTS 61811195136 WEP THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TOE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HIVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED♦ 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOI 111#4 THROUGH NOt 1407 IN TOE AMOUNT OF 8181A195 * 36 THIS 18 OF NOVEMBER 74 ififf FINANCE COMMITT"/ -- �w www�w w�i.�r� �i��Rw•(wwww C�MMITTEE MEMBER 00 •�9 rwwww�Swwwwwwswwwwwwrwwww CO ITTEE MEMBER �w 44444 ww�wwwwwwwswwww�www� Lind Ave. S. W. Watermain OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ??ovember 18, 1974 Bid Opening - November 6, 1974 Contractor BB AA ASchedules 1 through 6A EBD Frank Coluccio Construction Co. X X $ 594,132.08 9600 Empire Way So. Seattle, WA 98118 DiOrio Construction Co. X X $ 882,542.47 7265 2nd Ave. So. $ 881,489.47* Seattle, WA 98108 Humphrey Construction Co. , Inc. X X $1,055,041.36 P. 0. Box 18186 Seattle, WA 98118 Bert Robison Construction Co. X X $ 735,023.48 5611 Delridge Way S. W. $ 738,497.74* Seattle, WA 198106 Thomas Sca.lzo Co. X X $ 797,869.68 3211 Airport Way South Seattle, WA Select Contractors, Inc. X X $1,021,349.56 3652 Hillcrest S.W. $1,021,421.69* Seattle, WA 98116 Tri-State Construction Co. , Inc. X X $ 567,150.00 959 - 108 Avenue N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 J. J. Welcome Construction. , Inc. X X $ 636,624.33 16600 - N.E. 77th Redtmnd, WA 98052 * Engineering Corrections Engineer's Estimate l (tarn,000 ' r7- U" C I'IT C M',NC I L 0181I TIEE h1EETING CAL,L:'1DAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL 0CM411 i bILTTINGS SCHEDLZI-D AT CITY COUNCIL N11EETING OF 11/18/74 U0hL�1I'I'I F DATE TINIL MI IM AN LOCATION' R111ARKS AVIATION OCAMIT EE 11/19 Tues. 7:30 PM Sq?Ja)ICKE 2nd Floor Cafeteria Regular Meeting ML%1L�VITY SERVICES GItANNI FINANCE AN) PERSOMNTL 11/25 Mon. 7:30 PM SC]3ELLTRT 6th Floor Conf.. Room IBsISLATION & INTER- 11/25 Mon. 7:00 PM SIT?IDICKE 6th Floor GOVEPU',MWI'AL PUBLIC S.4= DELAURE-VrI PUBLIC WORKS BRLCE TRANSPORTATION 11/21 Thurs. 2:00 PM PERRY 4th Floor Conf. Room OTHER NR-�ETPNCYS AND EVk- FIRE STATICY: CX1h241= CL. 111ER SENIOR CITIaNS FACILITY ClOhS1I7TEE BUDGET COM11ITTEE HEARINGS 11/ 19 Tues. 8:00 PM CLYMER Council Chambers 11/20 Wed. 8:00 PM " 11/21 Thurs. 8:00 PM Tentative 11122 Fri . 8:00 PM Tentative 2 r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 19, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3926 $ 2, 000 Arthur L. Brown 1405 N. 36th Const , garage 3927 29, 000 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th Const , single fam, res. 3928 100 Villa Care, Inc. 4430 Talbot S . Const , wall 7929 400 Mr. & Mrs, Moore 2111 N. E. 7th Const , patio cover 3930 1, 000 Darold Carrell 3525 N. E. 6th Building new garag 3931 1, 000 Craig Taylor Co. 3100 E. Valley Rd. Inst, windows 3932 38, 000 Q.M. Enterprises 2325 Talbot S . Const , single fam, res. 3933 44, 000 Q.M. Enterprises 2504 Talbot S . Const , single fam. res. 3934 7 , 500 Robert Huebner 3530 N. E. 4th Const . 2nd story apt . MECHANICAL PERMITS M4119 2, 000 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th Inst , plumb & fix 4120 185 Michael C. Marks 4309 N. E. 17th Inst, gas furnace 4121 1, 450 Tom Albert 1719 S.E. 18th Inst , plumb & fix 4122 220 James Bradfield 4016 N. E. 7th Inst, plumb & fix 4123 635 Hebb & Narodick 1016 S . 30th Inst, gas furnace 4124 714 Hebb & Narodick 1015 S. 30th Inst , gas furnace 4125 635 Hebb & Narodick 1007 S. 31st 4126 675 R.W. Wiehoff 1606 KenneV7ick NE Inst . gas furnace 4127 350 Garco Western 1300 N. 30th Inst , plumb & fix. 4128 300 Eldon Broyles 3224 N. E. Sunset Repair septic tank 4129 170 St. Anthonizs 337 Whitworth S. Inst , gas burner. 4130 175 Gordon Martinek 3618 N. E. 10th Inst , gas logs 4131 225 Ronald Webb 517 S.W. Langston Inst , gas heater 4132 VOID 4133 1, 500 Robert Huebner 3530 N. E. 4th Inst , plumb & fix 4134 7 , 600 Renton School 4403 2600 N. E. 12th Inst . BTU burner ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4909 50 Tom Tobacco 216 S . Tobin Inst , gas pump 4910 50 McLendon' s 710 S . 2nd Inst , temp. 4911 250 A.W. Merrill 152 Monterey N. E. Increase service 4912 230 Rudolph Parhaniemi 1008 N. 35th. Inst . mast on service 4913 250 U. S. Post Office 306 Williams S . Wire light 4914 245 John Flynn 2800 N. F. 6th Alter service panel 4915 900 George Bryant 318 Stevens S.W. Inst , new service 4916 350 Robert Edwards 160 S.W. 7th Wire space B 4917 50 Thomas Stanlick 127 Park N. Move service strike 4918 Can Wiehoff 1606 Kennewick N. E Wire new res. 4919 650 Hebb & Narodick 2826 Morris S. Wire new res. 4920 650 Powell Const . 1700 Blaine N. E. Wire nev, res. 4921 250 Mr . Pitzel 686 Shelton N. E. Increase service 4922 140 Helen McMahon 578 Windsor N. E. Extend service mast 4923 1, 000 Olympic Pipe Line 2929 E. Valley Rd. Wire addition 4924 1 , 500 Robert Huebner 3530 N. E. 4th Inst , service & wirp 4925 250 Renton School 4403 2600 N. E. 12th Hook up controls 4926 50 Robert Hammond 320 Mill S . Update wiring „m, SIGN PERMITS 384 100 John Durbin & Asso 811 S.W. Grady Inst , pole sign 385 100 Cummins Diesel 811 S.W. Grady Inst , pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5 Hillis Homes 805 S . 28t1i Const: , driveway 6 Hillis Homes 81.7 S . 28th Const , driveway 7 Ryerson Steel 600 S.W. 10th Inst , storm sewer 8 Ryerson Steel 600 S.W. 10th Break street RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 25 , 1874 Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk !—E—F ER R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages: Mrs. Severina Ann Burnett; Betty M. Cooper BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS School Crosswalk NE 28th & Kennewick NE Clearview TV Opposition by KVOS COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Amendm rerel, to Mining and Grading FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Resubmittal of Bond Issue LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of Portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. Shady Lane Annexation Ordinance (Adopted 11/25/74) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Dangerous Buildings located 504 & 518 Cedar Ave. S. APPOINTMENTS Mr. John Qualls to Board of Adjustment Position No. 2 SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing December 2, 1974 - 1975 Budget Public Hearing December 23, 1974 - L. I .D. 292, Sewers in Eastwood Park 202 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 25 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M , Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery arrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCILMEN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; and GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director, APPROVAL OF MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, MINUTES 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & Letter frow City Attorney Shellan advised designation of Mr. Lawrence CURRENT BUSINESS J. Warren of his office as Assistant City Attorney effective 1/1/75, for responsibilities of municipal court prosecutions and related matters. Assistant City Mr. Jack Pain will be designated as Special Assistant Attorney for Attorney -- various routine matters handled heretofore, such as dangerous building Replacement code and prosecution for violation of the zoning ordinance, and will Designated no longer receive salary from the City. This matter reported in com- pliance with Chapter 18 of Title 1 of the City Code; no Council action required. Dangerous Letter from Kennydale Elementary School Principal , Mr. Rolf Dragseth, Crosswalk asked that the sidewalk on N.E. 28th St. be extended from Kennewick N. E. 28th & Ave. N.E. to Jones Ave. N.E. , approximately 150 feet, in order to elimi- Kennewick N. E. nate children crossing N.E. 28th St. at Kennewick, as he feels it is unsafe for both the students and school patrols. This would then perNow - mit crossing N.E. 28th at Jones Ave. N.E. The letter noted several cars losing control at the Kennewick Ave. N.E. crosswalk. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Dangerous Letter from Mrs. Amelia Telban, 508 Cedar Ave. S. , registered complaint Buildings of two vacant houses, both over 70 years old, which are overrun with Located blackberries, deadly nightshade, strays and rodents, which are a Cedar Ave. S. fire hazard. The letter asked that corrective action be taken on the buildings located at 504 and 518 Cedar Ave. So. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COMMU14ICATION BE REFERRED TO THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. Eastwood Park Letter from City Clerk Mead noted on 10/7/74 the City Council authorized Sanitary Sewer the Public Works Department to proceed with formation of L. I.D. 292 L. I .D. 292 sanitary sewers in the Eastwood Park area, that the preliminary Assess- ment Roll has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk in the total amount of $29,954. The Clerk' s letter recommended the date of 12/23 be set for Public Hearing and that the Resolution of intent be adopted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Resolution No. 1945) Clearview TV Letter from KVOS TV Corporation registered opposition to Petition for Cable Matter special temporary authority and request to defer action of the Clearview TV Cable Co. of Enumclaw, Inc. before the Federal Communications Com- mission. The letter requested action on the petition be deferred until 12/6/74, prior notice having come before Council on 10/28/74. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Airport Director Bennett submitted request for final payment Red Samm to Red-Samm Mining Company for Phase II-A of the Airport Development Project FAA (ADAP) in the amount of $8,374.20, recommending Council Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/25/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Final Payment acceptance as of this date. The letter noted the City is in posses- CAG 0033-73 sion of a bond in the amount of $75,422.16, since the retainage was paid earlier in accordance with provisions of State Law RCW 60.28.070. The letter recommended: (1 ) Release of the retainage bond in amount of $75,422.16 and (2) Release of the performance bond (Cashier's Check) in the amount of $3,251 .17, if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received by the Clerk. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Vacation of Letter from Roy Goodwin, Jay Holmes and Eugene M. Richard requested Portion of a time extension of one year regarding the street vacation of a portion Jefferson Ave NE of Jefferson Ave. N. E. which was allowed at a public hearing on 1/7/74 subject to waiting period of up to one year to complete plans,plus the negotiated price. The letter noted that due to unusual monetary situ- ation, plans have not progressed, but are now ready, therefore the time extension was requested. The letter noted both adjacent property owners have agreed to this request. Councilman Perry noted the ordinance has been pending in the Legislation Committee for almost a year. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS LETTER OF REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Station Letter from Fire Fighters Local 864 Secretary, Larry Weiss, requested Bond Issue that the Fire Department Bond Issue be resubmitted to the citizens on a ballot by itself without other bond issue requests. The letter noted the need still exists to improve our fire protection, that the cost of items on the bond issue would be increasing with inflation. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE SPECIAL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK.* Mayor Garrett noted the item would have to be received by the Election Department 45 days prior to the election and would need Council approval by December 12, or 16, 1974 to be eligible for a February 1975 election. Councilman Stredicke reported general consensus that facility and bond issue were too lavish and plush, that there was insufficient time to sell the bond issue to the public and danger of a total negative vote when more than one bond issue was on the ballot. *MOTION CARRIED. Claims for City Clerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Severina Ann Damages Burnett, 3722 N. E. 6th St. , in amount of $56.27 for damage to auto tires Mrs. S. Burnett while traveling on S. 4th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Betty Cooper City Clerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Betty M. CooPer, 601 S.W. 3rd Pl . , in the amount of $25.80 for damage to water meter. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Shady Lane Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of King County Boundary Annexation Review Board Waiver of Review and approval of the Shady Lane area annexation, recommending the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for presentation of the annexation ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Ordinance No. 2894) PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett announced Civil Air Patrol Week Civil Air December 1 - 7, 1974 in celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the Patrol Week founding of the organization which is the official auxiliary of the 12/1-7/74 United States Air Force,participating in search and rescue missions. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer presented Finance and Personnel Committee Appointment report recommending Council waive the residency requirements and con- Board of cur in the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. John Qualls to the Board of Adjustment Adjustment Position No. 2. Clymer noted Mr. Qualls of QM Enterprises resides accross the street from the City limits at 17804 98th Ave. S. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/25/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Cooks Texaco Sign Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted letter from Public Works Director regarding 11/18 request by James Cooks of Cooks Texaco Community Station for street use permit allowing sign at 150 Sunset Blvd. S.W. Services Report Gonnason's letter suggested the matter of granting such a permit or variance be referred to the Board of Adjustment, or that the Zoning Ordinance could be modified to permit signs of this type within that 20-foot setback area along state highways, expressing belief that the 20-foot setback area for signs would be an appropriate interim use. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPLICANT BE NOTIFIED TO FILE APPLICATION WITH THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. CARRIED. Mining and Councilman Grant inquired re amendment to the mininq and grading ordi- Grading nance considering on-site construction. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Ordinance BY GRANT, ORDINANCE ON MINING AND GRADING BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted amendment ordinance deals with clarification of existing ordinance and the delegation of certain responsibilities. Following discussion on"fill " permits for the Valley,*MOTION CARRIED. Motion failed which was made by Perry, seconded by Clymer, sending entire mining and grading ordinance to the Community Services Committee for updating and referral back to Council . Mercer Island Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported 11/21 meeting with Floating Bridge State Highway District 7 Director Roberts regarding bulge in Floating Bridge at Mercer Island, where Mr. Roberts assured the City that before permit is requested for change in the bridge, a study session will be held and the City notified. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report Committee Rpt. recommending adoption of a resolution which would give the Airport Director the authority to execute letters of agreement with the Federal Resolution Aviation Authority solely for the purpose of establishing operational Authorizing procedures on the Airport, this action pursuant to FAA Facilities Airport Director Management Handbook which requires certain agreements to be accompanied r..r to Sign by resolution authorizing signature on behalf of agency involved. Agreements The report noted this would not represent a policy change but would document the procedure followed in the past. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Resolution 1941 ) NEW BUSINESS Councilman Clymer noted Public Hearings on the 1975 Budget commencing Budget Hearings December 2, 1974 which will continue nightly until budget adopted or until Friday 12/6/74. Councilman Grant noted the 1975 Budget includes approximately $168,000 in Human Resourses, as Health Department, Tax Funds for alcoholism treatment, senior citizens, Housing and Community Development, Poor & Infirmed lowered utilities for senior citizens, RAYS, etc. Discussion ensued Constitutional regarding reduced utility rates for the poor, mention being made of Amendment enforcement problem. Councilman Stredicke discussed financing of pro- Requested grams for Senior Citizens at Sartori School . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, LEGISLATION COMMITTEE PREPARE A RESOLUTION FOR PRESENTA- TION TO THE STAT L URE R VESTING CHANGE IN TAX LAWS. CARRIED. Discussion ensued re difference in State & Federal laws on use of taxes. Renton Hill Transportation Committee Chairman Perry asked that the matter of financ- Improvements ing street improvements on Renton Hill be discussed with Committee of the Whole, Council President Clymer agreeing. TOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee member Stredicke recommended approval of ,,.. i Vouchers 1416 through No. 1560 in the amount of $142,034.M having received departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 1408 through 1415 were machine voided. Council- man Stredicke noted Vouchers included final payment to Red Samm Mining Co. , over $5,000 to West Coast on Downtown Improvement, over $8,000 to W. C. Frost and payment to Wilsey and Ham for $5,500 on the design and study of S.W. 43. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PAYMENT BE APPROVED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/25/74 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2894 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented annexation ordinance Shady Lane recommending adoption. Following first reading of the ordinance Annexation annexing Shady Lane, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, NE Area of City COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance stating petitioning owners agreed to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City as pertains to the territory petitioned and to accept that portion of the Comprehen- sive Plan and zoning re the subject territory; also noting the petition received for annexation represented 75% of the assessed valuation of the area annexing; and that the area is contiguous to the City located in the northwest corner of the intersection of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and 138th Ave. S.E. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : Unanimous approval of Councilmen present. MOTION CARRIED. (See earlier letter) Resolution 1941 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Airport Director resolution (see earlier Committee Report) authorizing Del Bennett, Authorization Airport Director of the City, or such alternate designee as may be authorized by the City Council , to execute letters of agreement between the City and the FAA for operational procedures. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1942 Legislation Committee Chairman recommended adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer transferring $12,000.35 from Disaster Relief Fund unto Current Fund. Disaster Relief MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1943 Legislation Committee Chairman recommended adoption of a resolution Opposing Tukwila prepared on Council instruction, expressing opposition to the proposed Annexation of annexation to the City of Tukwila of the Duwamish-Allentown area, re- Duwamish and affirming the City's letter of objection dated 10/17 and 11/15/74. Allentown Areas City Clerk Mead read the resolution urging the King County Boundary Now Review Board to re-study the proposed annexation and delete all terri- tories that are presently included within the boundaries of the Renton School District and such areas that could be more adequately served by the City of Renton. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 19"4 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Referendum No. -27 resolution accepting grant offer in the amount of $40,082 from the Funds for Department of Social and Health Services of the State to use exclusively Water Quality & in the improvement of the City's Springbrook Water System facilities, Control of agreeing to provide the sum of $60,123 from Waterworks Utility for the Facilities project and arrange permanent financing from sale of bonds for the chlorination and treatment of Springbrook Water System. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COM- MITTEE AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1945 Legislation Committee Chairman recommended adoption of a resolution L. I . D. 292 declaring the City's intent to construct and install sanitary sewers Eastwood Park and trunk lines in the Eastwood Park Area located in the northeast Sewers portion of the City, and set the date of December 23, for public hearing to determine creation of local improvement district. MOVED Public Hearing BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. 12/23/74 Best wishes were extended for a Merry Thanksgiving. MOVED BY CLYMER, ADJOURNMENT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Adjournment at 9:30 p.m. Delores A. Mead, ity 1 rk N �'I'1'�- C`O1_'vCIL C��i�IITTF� bit�TTItiG C:�Il'ir��R of the Ci tN, Clerk UC)i.`v IL CX1MI IT:L SCIj1afi, 1:T) AT CITY Cy-,NCIL N'IF=ING OF November 25, 1974 call I T'IZIE I)ATE T I iii: C ELy I R ? ^: LDCAT I CN RE2%1AR i,S AVIATION M11ITT1;E SIRFDIC'1i CCUR'NITY SERVICES GIANT FINANCE AM) PFP.9ON1qEL SCIII:L.I 1RT LEGISLATION L. INTER- Mon. 12/2 7:00 PM ST1-).FDICKE 6th Floor GOVIIaNI NIIIQTAL Plon. 12/2 PUBLIC SAFETY 7:00 PMllt;Z,�l;tii.'\'TI Chairman's Office PtBLIC WORKS BRI ICL MILNSTU?TA TI(Y,i PDr Fly OTHER 'RT—TI NGS A_'C) EVEN'TS FIRE STATION C=1ITTEE Wed. 11/27 2:30 PM CLYlfljt 6th Flr. Conf. Room SE'iVIOR CITIZKNS FACILITY OIXMITTEE BUDGET HEARINGS Sat. 11/30 9:00 AM CLYMER Council Chambers All Day Session Planned OFFICE OF THE CITY C K NOVEMBER 26, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION I3Y THE PLW DEPARTHI' BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMDM NAME ALUESS TYPE OF WORK B3935 $6,000 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Way Inst. partitions NECiANICAL PERMITS A44135 4J0 Ronald Desjardins 1317 N. 34th Inst. plumb & fix 4136 325 Rose Gasparich 619 Burnett S. Inst. gas furnace 4137 1,581 Hebb&Narodick 1024 S. 30th Inst. plumb & fix 4138 75 Dan Dymarkawski 2020 N.E. 24th Inst. gas piping 4139 600 U.S. Post Office 314 Williams S. Oonvett oil boiler togas 4140 1,020 Powell Const. Co. 1622 Blaine N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4141 150 Donald Assand 855 Dayton N.E. Repair drain 4142 600 Dixon Long 516 Pelly N. Inst. ;las furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4927 245 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells N. #27 Service mobile horme SIGN PERMIT 386 200 Valley Building Ass.4303 Talbot S. Inst. pole sign C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1974 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER; .DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TV r AL 11-4-71 CURRENT 4(,-q-"D- S PARKS 8 RECREATION 2,742. 1'. ARTERIAL STREET 547.0( CITY STREET 8,719.31 REG & STREET FWD T RUST 480399.5( URBAN ARTERIAL 280508.0( WATERWORKS UTILITY 10271 .6: AIRPORT 297,7 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5#802.5.' CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of NOVEMBER $100,927. 1 '_ II -IE-74CURRENT $ 39,402. 1E PARKS 8 RECREATION 9,801 .9, ARTERIAL STREET 203.4: CITY STREET 10,617.24 LIBRARY 10,841 .0( WORK INCENTIVE FUND 405.21 NEW CAREERS 168.67 CONCENTRATED EMPL(C TA) 499.31 REG 8 STREET FWD TH UST 280928.71 URBAN ARTERIAL WATERWORKS UTILITY (o bGj05 q9 - aOC AIRPORT EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,a� �'� C � FIREMEN'S PENSION I 52.4.92_ CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of NOVEMBER $181 195.36 11 .15-74 CURRENT $104,702.97 PARKS 8 RECREATION 200796.93 CITY STREET 170911 .46 LIBRARY 70344.75 WORK INCENTIVE 1 ,224.79 NEW CAREERS 478. 16 COMP.EMPL.TRAIN.ACT (CETA) 1;585.36 REG.B ST.FWD.THRUST 158.84 URIAN ARTERIAL 10429.64 WATERWORKS UTILITIE 140161 .05 A I 'PORT 1 ,375.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,794.75 E-IREMEN"S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of NOVEMBER $174,063.97 11-25-• '4 CURRENT S 56,687.54 PARKS 8 RECREATION, ( (00� .`7 3 t6 C 73 ARTERIAL STREET L:gq i TY STREET I, G�►I •60 LIBRARY • 25.93 RIC, 8 STREET FWD TI RUST 12, 170.76 Uki�AN ARTERIAL 100391 .06 AIr4IORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 8,374.20 WiA E-RWORKS UTILITY 14,639.81 '',"()QT 325.82 t '''_ "!"FNT RENTAL 2, 195.62 I F1 M17.rJ'S PENSION 12.,702.83 CLAIMS FUND Trsnsfars for month of NOVEMBER 4142 034.05 209 , D A rE FkOm PURPOSE TOTAL b I -30-711 CU� R(_NT r 105,403.0' PARKS & RECREAT►Otd 4 21 ,742.62 C"TY ST`S'-f£T L I HRARY181077.:15 ' W(`,, 't INCENTIVE(�1N 7,276. 151 ,2?E3.50 1I( iti CAi\1.1 RS 522. 15 COMP.EMP' Y TRNG AC ' !CETA) 2,061 .95 ISE �1 & ST.FWD TIfRUS93,02 UIWAN ARTERIAL 845.28 WATE RWORKS UT I L I T1 S 14 105,25 All<f'OI1 T F(�U I PMI NT RENTAL 21 ,381 .99 1 F 1 IfLM(:N'S PENSION , 194..775 0 PAYROLL FUND Transfers ,for month of NOVEMBER f175 633.45 II -30-74 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancelled warrant #1085 L 4.00 CLAIMS FUND WATERWORKS UTILITIES Cancelled warrant 41507 151 . 13 LIMITED GO PARK REFUNDING LIMITED G.O. REFUNDING ORDINANCE #2890 $3,945.61 BONDS, 1972 BONDS, 1974 LIMITED G.O. LIBRA 'Y REFUNDING LIMITED G.O, REFUNDING ORDINANCE #2890 705.06 E10NDS, 1972 BONDS, 1974 DISASTER RELIEF FU D CURRENT FUND ( RESOLUTION N0.#1942 $10635.23 r.. DISASTER RELIEF FUID WATERWORKS QTI � ITY RESOLUTION NO,11942 $10#365, 12 11 -22/74 Current Equipment Rental To correct check #864 iusued $ 39.42 O� .00v.•t/2.Ao•r«o �oi�lir.s<o. .;w.�,vv.<o.o0 10/21/74 out of the wrong food d YOR FINANCE DIRECTOR, 210 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 2 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Street Vacation of portion of S.E. 13th Place House & property 1511 Lake Ave. S. Council Decorum Ordinance Revision Budget Ordinance (Adopted 12/2/74) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Classification of Traffic Controller FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE U-01 Service Appointment - Roy Loomis RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 2 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Earl Clymer presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 1974 BE APPKOVEU AS PKEPAREU. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- 1975 Budget lished according to law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Hearinq to consider the proposed Budget for the City of Renton for 1975• MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE THE MAYOR'S PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET WITH LIST OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AS DISTRIBUTED. Mayor Pro tem Clymer invited audience participation. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUSPEND RULES OF ORDER AND MOVE PUBLIC HEARING To FOLLOW NEW BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that portion of S.E. 13th Place be vacated subject to the payment to the City of the Appraisal - amount of $357.75 as the fee representing 30% of 1/2 of the appraised Street value. (Public Hearing 10/21/74, Council approval subject to payment; Vacation Spokesperson-Mrs. Norma Jean Wallace, 1324 Lake Youngs Way S. E. ) Gonnason �s S. E.. 13th P1 . letter noted parcel does not meet area requirements of the Zoning Code near and cannot be considered a building site, that Public Works Department S.E. Jones Way appraisal of fair market value was $.50 per square foot. It was MOVED Tiffany Park BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUB!- s:,,—, WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. House & Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett recommended that the Property house at 1511 Lake Ave. S. deeded to City by Max Farr of Olympic Pipe Line Deeded to City be declared surplus and offered for sale and the property revert to the Park Department for future park purposes. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Discussion followed wherein City Attorney Shellan advised that resolution needed to declare house surplus. Use of the surplus building as fire training facility was also discussed with Fire Chief Williams. MOTION CARRIED. Legal Letter from City Clerk Mead requested authorization to advertise for Publication bids for the City' s legal publications for 1975, recommending the Bid Call date of December 19, 1974 for bid opening. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF CITY CLERK. CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett reappointed Mr. Royal Loomis to the Renton 4-- Fire Civil Fire Civil Service Commission for a six-year term to expire on 12/31/80. Service Mr. Loomis,who resides at 153 Capri Ave. N.E., is employed at Pacific Term Covered Car and Foundry and has served on the Commission since 8/71 . MOVED BY by State Law PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report along with copy of completed Noise Abatement Program Community Question- naire from the Department of Ecology which was reviewed and completed by the committee. Chairman Delaurenti noted copy of report on file in the Renton City Council Meeting 12/2/74 Page 2 Old Business Continued City Clerk' s Office. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Upon request of Transportation Committee Chairman Perry, because of many complaints received regarding railroad crossing on North Third Street RR Xing near intersection with Sunset Blvd. N. , Public Works Director Gonnason N. 3rd St. noted this matter was No. 1 status, there are no railroad crossing signals, recommended application to Federal Highway for crossing protec- tion, better visibility needed and Phillips Station would be contacted re safety factors. Council MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE COUNCIL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE Decorum BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS AND REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: EVERY Revision COUNCILMAN, UNLESS DISQUALIFIED BY REASON OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST OR AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW, SHALL CAST HIS VOTE UPON ANY MATTER PUT TO VOTE BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. ANY COUNCILMAN WHO ABSTAINS FROM VOTING WITHOUT A VALID REASON FOR SUCH ABSTENTION SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE CAST HIS VOTE WITH THE MAJORITY ON ANY ISSUE SO VOTED UPON. CARRIED. Traffic Councilman Bruce asked the Public Works Director to look into matter Signals on which complaints have been received regarding blinking of caution Monterey lights at Monterey Terrace on N.E. Third St. , asking that caution signals Terrace are activated only when signals are operating, rather than blinking continuously. PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing to consider the 1975 Budget for the City was re- 1975 Budget opened. SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , AMEND MOTION TO ADOPT THE MAYOR'S PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH LIST OF CHANGES PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED, TO INCLUDE ITEM OF REPAIR TO LIBRARY HEATING SYSTEM Library $4,500 TO BE INCLUDED IN CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR BUILDING REPAIRS AND Heating MAINTENANCE. Public Works Director explained the repairs were a portion of recommendation of study and analysis done by consulting engineers on the heating and air conditioning. In order to expedite project, MOTION CARRIED. Traffic Motion by Grant, Seconded by Bruce,that Traffic Controller position reflect Controller wages listed in signed Police Guild contract for 1975 Steps A-D $809 to $957, Roll call vote: Aye: GRANT, BRUCE, DELAURENTI ; No: CLYMER, PERRY, STREDICKE, .''''HELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOTION MADE BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY GRANT, THE CLASSIFICATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROLLER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AS TO PROPER PAY CLASSIFICA- TION FOR THIS POSITION AND THE AMOUNT OF $4,000 BE PLACED IN THE CONTIN- GENCY FUND TO PROVIDE ANY FUTURE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS. CARRIED. Branch Library Councilman Schellert noted pilot program by Library Director contracting Maintenance private enterprise for custodial services and ground maintenance in & Grounds Branch Library facility, with $3,000 transferred from Park facilities and $2,500 from Building General Services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, INCREASE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - LIBRARY FACILITIES BY $1 ,300, (total of $6,800. ) Stredicke noted $300 increase over preliminary budget. MOTION CARRIED. Further Budget MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, $5,000 TAKEN FROM THE ROADWAY OPERATING Amendments SUPPLIES (Pg. 226E) BE RESTORED. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BRUCE, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS BE CUT BY $250 RATHER THAN $500 PREVIOUSLY RECOMMENDED. (Vancouver, B.C. location of next Planning Conference) CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT COUNCIL ACCEPT FEE SCHEDULE EXCEPT REZONE AND SPECIAL PERMIT FEES BE SET AT $50 EACH. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ... SENIOR CITIZENS' RECREATIONAL SERVICES (Lounge Furniture) BE INCREASED BY $600 MAKING A TOTAL OF $1 ,800. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, REVENUE OF $30,000 TO BE DERIVED FROM PULL TABS, BE PLACED IN CONTIN- GENCY FUND. CARRIED. Motion by Grant, Seconded by Bruce, to budget $500 from Roadway Operating Supplies for improvement of entries behind Sartori School was ruled improper by the Chair as City funds can only be spent on City property. Mr. Stanley Thompson, member of the Mayor' s Advisory Committee and spokesman for Retired Teachers Association, advised that the City has alley entering from 4th Ave. south to the point of this particular driveway, being public access property for the last 30 years, utility poles being placed on property line; noting agreement between Renton City Council 12/2/74 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Further Budget the School District and City for use of property and to identify parking Amendments areas for Senior Citizens. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, $500 BE PLACED IN CONTINGENCY FUND FOR PAVING DRIVEWAY AT SARTORI SCHOOL IF LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. CARRIED. Council Policy Councilman Stredicke inquired re Policy Decision listed as Budget "Keeping Amendment that all reclassifications are to reflect only one step Promotion to increase or the lowest appropriate level ; policy to apply to all reclas- Minimum" sifications in the 1975 Preliminary Budget. Councilman Schellert explain- ed the intent was to acknowledge work done by the staff but keeping in -- line with policy that promotion would only be minimum raise,delaying time employee reaches top of pay grade. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, OVERTIME FOR COUNCIL RECORDING SECRETARY BE REINSTATED, MAINTAINING TOTAL OVERTIME FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BUDGET, $2,500. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BALANCE OF UNALLOCATED FUNDS CREATED BY COUNCIL ACTION AT BUDGET SESSIONS BE ADDED TO THE CONTINGENCY FUND. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke commended Mayor Garrett for the 1975 Budget, also complimenting Finance Director and Budget Supervisor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:45 p.m. and reconvened at 10:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call or shortly thereafter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CHANGE CLASSIFICATION FROM PAY GRADE 21E TO 23E, BEING IN SAME TOTAL PAY GRADE RANGE, FOR THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, LICENSE CLERK BE RECLASSIFIED FROM 6E TO 7D AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Motion by Perry, Seconded by Delaurenti , reclassifi- cation from 22E to 24D with no change in salary for Street Superintendant, failed. MOTION TO ADOPT THE MAYOR'S PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. CARRIED. (See Budgetary Revisions attached. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RE)=ER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PRESENTATION OF THE PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2895 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance adopting Adopting Tnnual an annual budget for the City of Renton for the year 1975, listing total Budget - 1975 budget for expenditures and receipts $15,078,871 . Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance reflecting needs of the community, no new taxes, no B&O tax and maintaining existing levels of service. Councilman Schellert explained some new programs added, including teen age program; and thanked Finance Director Marshall and Budget Supervisor, Joan Pringle, for fine work. Councilman Grant noted letters from Fire Fighters, Police Guild, 21R and Non-Represented previously referred to the Committee of the Whole and Negotiating Commit- tee, being hopeful fair and equitable cost-of-living adjustments could be expedited. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Council meeting adjourned at 10:17 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Y 91 1 December 2, 1974 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET EXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES 1. Policy - All reclassifications are to reflect only one Decision step increase or the lowest appropriate level. Policy to apply to all reclassifications in the 1975 Preliminary Budget. LEGISLATIVE DEPT. 2. Pg. 2-E - Reclassify Secretary II (Grade 10E) to Legislative Secretary (Grade 11.1)), with intent that this is the only secretary position eligible for this grade. Reclassified because of confidential nature of duties. No Change 3. Pg. 3-E - Professional Services, a/c 31 , - Add $2,000 for City Reports +2,000 JUDICIAL DEPT. 4. Pg. 9-E - Change reclassification of Court Administrator 10-E from 15AB to 13C per Council action and to comply with Item #1 Policy Decision -275 5. Pg. 10-E - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01, - Cut $100 (Balance $300) -100 EXECUTIVE DEPT. 6. Pg. 17-E - Professional Services, a/c 31 , Transfer $5,000 for Arbitration to Personnel Dept. , a/c 31. -5,000 (See Item #26 FINANCE - RECORDS SERVICES (City Clerk) Pg. 34-E - Overtime, a/c 12, - Cut $1,000 to eliminate 35-E overtime for Council Recording Secretary. -1,000 (Balance $1,500) . Reconsidered (See Item 71) S. Pg. 33-E - Change title of Council Recording Secretary/ Deputy City Clerk - delete Council Recording Secretary from title, will be known as Deputy City Clerk only. --- 0. Pg,. 36-E - Advertising, a/c 34.01 - Move $2,400 (LID costs) to a/c 42 Miscellaneous and Cut, $1,000 (Zoning Ordinance). (Balance $5,095 in a/c 34) -1,000 FINANCE :1SCELLANE0US PRINTING SERVICES City Clerk) 10. Pg. 59-E - Ambulance Service, a/c 42.02 - Cut $2,000 -2,000 (Balance $2,000) LEGAL DEPT. 11 . Pg. 70-E - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $200 -200 (Balance -0-) PLANNING DEPT. 12. Pg. 75-E - ADMINISTRATION - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01- -500 Cut $500 (Balance $850). Reconsidered (See Item t68 13. Pg. 87-E - RESEARCH - Professional Services, a/c 31 - Cut $2,000 (Balance $5,000) -2,000 1.3A. Pg. 79-E - ZONING - Change reclassification of Assistant 80-E Planner from Grade 18C to 18B per Item #1, Policy Decision - Deduct $678 -678 13B. Pg. 90-E - DEVELOPMENT - Change reclassification of Assistant 91-E Planner from Grade 1.8C to 18B per Item #1, Policy Decision - Deduct $678 -678 -1- December 2, 1974 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET EXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES POLICE DEPT. 14. Pg. 98-E - ADMINISTRATION - Operating Supplies, a/c 22 - Add $400 for Bicycle Identification Tags (Police Guild formerly provided Tags). Show breakdown of account +400 $480 for Books (Police Library) and $400 for Bicycle Identification Tags - Total a/c 22 - $880. tum Pg. 97-E - ADMINISTRATION - Overtime, a/c 12 - Cut $250 98-E (Balance -0-) -250 16. Pg. 102-E - INVESTIGATION - Change title of Policewoman to Police Officer Detective. (Also change other Patrolman Detectives to Police Officer Detectives. ) --- 17. Pg. 114-E ?PATROL - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Add $600 for equipment for backup Car +600 18. Pg. 131-E - ANIMAL CONTROL - Professional Services, a/c 31 - Cut $1,000 (King County Impound Fees) (Balance $2,260) -1,000 FIRE DEPT. 19. Pg. 136-E - ADMINISTRATION - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $150 (Balance $350) -150 21-. Pg. 136-E - ADMINISTRATION - Miscellaneous, a/c 42 - Cut $150 (Balance $250) -150 11g. 11irF; - gJPPRESSION - Disability Replacement, a/c 12.01 - -10,000 �• 144-E Cut $10,000 (Balance $20,000). 22. Revenue CURRENT FUND REVENUE - Cut Contributions from Pg. 6-11 Active Funds, a/c 369.30 - $10,000. (See Item #ja_ Firemen' s Pension Fund) -10,000 23• Pg. 153-E - TRAINING - Eliminate 6% Premium Pay for Training 154-E Officer. Premium Pay remains at $35/mo. until negotiations are settled. -651 24. Pg. 155-E - TRAINING - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $150 (Balance $150) -150 25• Pg. 157-E - FACILITIES - Equipment Rental Fund to provide gasoline tank at Fire Station 2. (See Item { Equipment Rental) PEItSONNEL DEPT. 26. Pg. 165-E - ADMINISTRATION - Establish a/c 31, Professional Services and add $5,000 (Arbitration) from Executive Dept. (See Item #__6._ Executive) +5,000 LW. Pg. 170-E - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION - Professional Services, a/c 31 - Cut. $200 (Balance $600) -200 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ENGINEERING 28. Pg. 175-E - ADMINISTRATION - Miscellaneous, a/c 42 - Cut $50 (Balance $200) -50 29. Pg. 175-E - ADMINISTRATION - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $100 (Balance $400) -100 -2- December 2, 1974 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET EXPENDITtTRE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ENGINEERING - Cont. 30. Pg. 181-E - PLANS & SERVICES - Communication (Postage) , a/c 32 Cut $200 (Balance -0-) -200 31. Pg. 181-E - PLANS & SERVICES - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 Cut $225 (Balance -0-) -225 BUILDING GENERAL SERVICES 32. Pg. 185-E •- Change reclassification of General Services 186-E Supervisor from 20D to 20C per Item #1, Policy Decision. Deduct $725 -725 33• Pg. 186-E - Part Time Help - Cut $2,000 (Balance -0-) -2,000 187-E 34. Pg. 188-E - Repairs & Maintenance, a/c 38 - Cut $2,500 (Balance $12,000) and transfer to Library Facilities, a/c 31 Professional Services, for Highlands Branch Library maintenance. (See Item #56 Library) -2,500 35. Pg. 187-E - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $150 (Balance -0-) -150 BUILDING DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 36. Pg. 192-E - Office Supplies, a/c 21 - Cut $200 (Balance $660) -200 37. Pg. 192-E - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cilt $150 (Balance $50) C T T1 1 U.N T FUND REVENUE jai. Pg. 6-R - Increase revenue in a/c 369.30, Contributions from Active Funds by $600, from Equipment Rental Fund for services. (See Item #±4 Equipment Rental) +600 PARK DEPARTMENT 39. Pg. 196-E - ADMINISTRATION - Fill vacancy of Recreation 197-E Superintendent at lower step. Deduct. $1,303 for salary and benefit difference -1,303 40. Pg. 200-E - RECREATIONAL SERVICES - Fill vacancy of Recreation 201-E Leader II at lower step. Deduct $2,466 for salary and benefit difference -2,466 4.1. Pg. 201-E - RECREATIONAL SERVICES - Miscellaneous, a/c 42 (Teenage Programs) - Add $2,000 to implement more teenage programs to help offset. loop problems +2,000 42. Pg. 206-E - SENIOR CITIZENS' RECREATIONAL, SERVICES Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Add $1,200 for lounge furniture . (See also, Item 74) +1,200 -43. Pg. 209-E - FACILITIES - Branch Library Maintenance - Cut $4,000 and transfer $3,000 to Library Facilities, a/c 31 Professional Services for Branch Library Maintenance. (See Item #__.L6 Library) -4,000 44. Pg. 214-E - FACILITIES - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Cut $900 (Tennis Court and Ball Field Meters -900 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET December 2, 1974 LXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. STREET MAINTENANCE 45, Pg. 224-E - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Overtime, a/c 12 - 234-E Cut $3,000 (Balance $2,000) -3,000 46. Pg. 224-E - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Seasonal Help - Add 234-E $2,000 (Balance $9,000) +2,000 Pg. 226-E - ROADWAY - Operating Supplies, a/c 22 - Cut $5,000 (Balance $40,190). Reconsidered (See Item #12) -5,000 48. Pg. 231-E - SNOW & ICE CONTROL - Operating Supplies, a/c 22 - Cut $500 (Balance $1 ,000) -500 49. Pg. 233-E - LANDSCAPING - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Add $300 for Tree Nursery +300 TILtFFIC ENGINEERING 50,. �Pg. 238-E - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Due to personnel 243-E reorganization, reduce a/c 11 Salaries $2,382; reduce a/c 13.01 Retirement $165; and reduce a/c 13.02 FICA $79 - Total deduction of $2,626 -2,626 51 . Pg. 241-E - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Repair & Maintenance, a/c 23 - Cut $2,000 (Balance $21,000) -2,000 52. Pg. 242-E - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Delete Power Supply and Square Wave Generator and add Soldering Device - Cut $500 and allow $250 for Soldering Device -500 "47P. Pg. 244-E - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 - Cut $100 (Balance $125) -100 LIBRARY DEPT. 54. Pg. 246-E - ADMINISTRATION - Change reclassification of 247-E Secretary II from l0E to IOD per Policy Decision Item #1. Deduct $474 -474 55. Pg. 254-E - SERVICES - Books & Other Library Materials, a/c 66 Cut $3,000 (Balance $47,000) -3,000 56. Pg. 257-E - FACILITIES - Establish a/c 31, Professional Services and Add $3,000 from Parks Facilities and $2,500 from Building General Services for Branch Library maintenance. Add total of $5,500. +5,500 (See Item #Aj_ Parks Facilities and Item #] General Services . (See also Item #76) CETA - COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING 57. Pg. 279-E - CETA I - Change Grade of RAYS Liaison position 280-E from Grade 17AB to 13AB and substitute Police Clerk for Fire Dept.. Clerk Typist. Reduce CETA I Budget - $1,875 Reduce CETA I City generated revenue - $902 58. Pg. 281-E - CETA II - Change five Firefighters from 9 months 282-E to 12 months employment in 1975 and add Police Clerk (Notified that Police Clerk is now available under Ceta II) Increase Ceta II Budget - $27,1307 Increase Ceta II City generated revenue - $4,224 NET EFFECT - Increase reimbursed revenue from CETA - $22,610 Increase City generated revenue - $3,322 - Total Increase +25,932 +22,610 $25,932 -4- December 2, 1974 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET EXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES REVENUE FUNDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. No change in STREET FORWARD THRUST total Budget 59. Pg. 293-E - Project 63.05, Edmonds Avenue N.E. , - delete for below $10,000 (litigation) and transfer to Reserve, listed items. a/c 63.86. Project 63.11, Airport Way - delete $25,000 (litigation) and transfer to Reserve, a/c 63.86 URBAN ARTERIAL 60. Pg. 297-E - Project 63.05, Edmonds Avenue N.E. , - delete $15,000 (litigation) and transfer to Reserve, a/c 63.86 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61. Pg. 308-E - Delete one Crewman position, salary and benefits 310-E and transfer amount to a/c 64 Reserve, Pg. 313-E 62. Pg. 313-E - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Cut cost of calculator $200 (Balance $200). Transfer the $200 to a/c 64 Reserve, Pg. 313-E EQUIPMENT RENTAL 63. Pg. 321-E - Cut Part Time Assistant Serviceman position and 322-E transfer salary and benefits to Reserve, a/c 64.86, Pg. 324-E 64. Pg. 323-E - Miscellaneous, a/c 42 - Increase reimbursement to Current Fund for services by $600 and reduce Reserve a/c 64.86 by $600. (Total reimbursement to Current Fund $1,800). (See Item #J�L ) 65. Pg. 324-E - Provide gasoline tank at Fire Station 2, from reserve. (See Item #2 ) 66. P9. 324-E - Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64 - Delete replacement of Sweeper ($30,000) and transfer amount to Reserve, a/c 64.86 FIREMEN'S PENSION 67. Pg. 328-E - Miscellaneous, a/c 42 - Reduce Fire Disability Replacement reimbursement to the Current Fund $10,000 and leave as reserve NOTE: See following page for additional amendments made by Council at Budget Hearing of December 2, 1974. r j -5- December 2, 1974 ADDITIONAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 1975 PRELIMINARY BUDGET MADE AT BUDGET HEARING OF DECEMBER 2, 1974 EXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES CHANGES CURRENT FUND PLANNING 68. Pg. ?5-E - ADMINISTRATION - Add $250 back to Conferences & Schools, a/c 33.01 (Balance $1,100) (See Item #12) +250 BUILDING GENERAL SERVICES AQ, Pg. 188-E - Add $4,500 to Buildings, a/c 62, for Library heating system +4,500 M%RENT FUND REVENUE 70. Pg. 5-R - Cut $250 from Revenue a/c 341.30 (Rezones) Cut $600 from Revenue a/c 341.90.12 (Special Permits). Total reduction of $850 -850 FINANCE DEPT. - RECORDS SERVICES (City Clerk) 71. Pg. 34-E - Add $1,000 back to Overtime a/c 12, (See Item #7) +1 ,000 35-E 72. Pg. 33-E - Reclassify City Clerk from Grade 21E to Grade 23C No Change 73. Pg. 33-E - Reclassify Clerk Typist from Grade 6E to Grade 7D No Change PARK FUND SENIOR CITIZENS' RECREATIONAL SERVICES 74. Pg. 206-E - Add $600 to Machinery & Equipment, a/c 64, for lounge furniture (Balance $1,800) (See Item #42) +600 (Show item as Revenue Sharing) LEET FUND Pg. 226-E - ROADWAY - Add $5,000 back to Operating Supplies, a/c 22 (See Item 47) +5,000 LIBRARY FUND 76. Pg. 257-E FACILITIES - Add $1,300 to Professional Services, a/c 31, for Library Maintenance (Balance $6,800) +1,300 (See Item 156 CONTINGENCY FUND 77. Pg. 258-E - Add $4,000 for salary adjustment for Traffic Controller and refer matter to the Public Safety Committee V +4,000 78. Pg. 258-E - Add $30,000 estimated revenue from Pull Tabs +30,000 (Revenue) 13-R Add Revenue a/c 318.50 Gambling Taxes, Add $30,000 +30,000 79. Pg. 258-E - Add $500 to pave driveway at Sartori School, if legal requirements are met +500 80. Pg. 258-E - Add balance of unallocated funds +8,429 (Balance in Contingency Fund - $73,108) TOTAL EFFECT OF AMENDMENTS & INCREASE OVER MAYOR'S 1975 BUDGET +42,360 +42,360 sir SUMMARY: Total Mayor' s Recommended Budget -------------------- 15,037,511 15,037,511 Total Change to Current Fund ------------------------ -18,532 Park Fund --------------------------- -4,869 Street Fund ------------------------- -6,426 Library Fund ------------------------ +3,326 CETA Fund --------------------------- +25,932 Contingency Fund -------------------- +42,929 Total Change to Revenue (See Items #22, 38, 57, 58, 70, & 78) ----------------- +42,360 TOTAL 1975 BUDGET AS ADOPTED ---------------------------------- 15,079,871 15,079,871 -6- WARRANT DISTRIAJTION DATE 11/23/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: #1408—#1415 CURRENT 1416 1473 456# 687x54 PARKS AND RECREATION 1474 5482 91) 602j73 ARTERIAL STREET 1483 1483 91/ 941100 CITY STREET 1484 1494 420. 976# 75 LIBRARY 1495 1495 92593 REQ, AND STREET FWD THRUST 1496 1501 412# 170176 URIIAN ARTERIAL 1502 1504 410/ 391006 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 1505 160s 48* 374t20 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1506 1522 4140639081 AIRPORT 1523 1528 4325# 82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1529 1541 92i195s62 FIREMEN PENSION 1542 1560 912p70203 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 41420034905 WEi T�wE UNDERSIONED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIF3CATION CHAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0 # 1416 THROUGH NO• 1560 IN THE AMOUNT OF, 61621034 #05 THIS 25 OF NOVEMBER 74 LLILL FI ANCR COMMITTEE Samoa •• ww rWT -4 ..rrrrr• COMMITTEE MEMBER w w w• rr,Arrwwwrw •rr• �— COMMITTEE MEMBER �wwwrrrwwwwrAAwwwwrrrwwwwrrwr+ COMMITTEE MEMBER I r CITl* COUNCIL a-k IITILT MY17ING CAUMAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CxlltMIg=- N=ENGS SCHFDLIL-D AT CITY CODICIL 12E IING OF December 2, 1974 C AlITTEE DATE TIME CMIRiM, LOCATION RU1ARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 12/5 Thursday 8.00 PM CLYMER Council Chambers Health Department Program - Dr. Bergner CaNSILNUITY SERVICES 12/4 Wednesda 7:30 PM GRANT 4th Floor Conf. Room City Attorney Invited - Mining & Grading Review FINANCE AMID PERSONNEL 12/9 Monday 7:30 PM S(EIIjIIRT Review pending appointments LEGISLATION & INTER- 12/5 Thursday 7:00 PM STREDICKE Review of Planned Unit Development Ordinance GOVERNMENTAL 12/9 Monday 7:00 PM 6th Floor Meet with Petitioners, Jefferson NE Street Vacation PUBLIC SAFETY 12/9 Monday 7:00 PM DF.LAL?=I Chairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS BR.L`CE TRANSPORTATIOPI P'rMRY CAS =NGS AND EVEPTS FIRE STATION OCWITTEE 12/4 Wednesda 4:00 PM CLY?MI 6th Floor Conf. Room SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY OON UTTEE w r � 222 Ai 71 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL,EiK DECEMBER, 3, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTKRU BUIIDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83936 $ 767 Craig Taylor Co. 3100 E. Valley Rd. Inst. awning to cover door 3937 225,000 Andy's Diner 2408 W. Valley Highway Const. restaurant building 3938 4,000 Dr. Shulman 4300 Talbot S. Inst. new walls 3939 100,000 Dean Bitney 1120 S.W. 16th Const. steel warehouse MECHANICAL PERMITS M4143 1,707 Hebb & Narodick 1024 S. 30th Inst. plumb & fix 4144 300 Renton Auto Freight 423 S. 7th Inst. gas piping 4145 500 Olympia Pipeline 2929 E. Valley Rd. Inst. backwater prevention 4146 2,500 Pro-Coat, Inc. 710 N. 6th Inst. gas furnace 4147 1,581 Hebb & Narodick 1007 S. 31st Rough in PLDG & Finish 4147 1,581 Hebb & Narodick 1016 S. 30th Rough in PLBG & Finish ELECIRICAL PERMITS E4928 665 Chester Cullers 2507 Meadow N. Increase service 4929 300 Don Fitts 911 N. 31st Inst. amp service 4930 400 St. Anthony's 337 Whitworth S. Inst. security light in alley 4931 50 Powell Const. Co. 1700 Blaine N.E. Inst. temp. service 4932 50 Hebb & Naxodick 2826 Morris S. Inst. temp. service 4933 500 Renton Village 53 Grady Way. Relocate lights 4934 250 Interpace 1500 Houser S. Wire pump 4935 500 MacDonald Reality 855 Dayton N.E. Run service & pick up circ is RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 9, 1974 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIEx, Claim for Damages - R. Ba lestrasse COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of Civil Service Commissions LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Resolution for Price and Wage Controls Colosurdo Final Plat Fleury & Barton Rezone Ordinance Amending Council Decorum (First Reading 12/9/74) Ordinance Re Extension of Whitman Crt. N.E. (First Reading 12/9/74) Ordinance Vacating Portion S.E. 13th P1 . (First Reading 12/9/74) APPOINTMENT Mr. Jerry A. Slough to the Renton Planning Commission (Term expiring 1/1/77) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 9 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . N U T E S Council Chambers M I ;ALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY and CHARLES DELAURENTI. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENCE OF COUNCILMAN HENRY 'E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, MINUTES OF 12/2/74 BE AMENDED, Page 2 December 2, '74 last paragragh MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, REVENUE OF $30,000 TO BE DERIVED FROM PULL TABS, BE PLACED IN THE CONTINGENCY FUND - adding "THAT THE REVENUE TO BE USED FOR BENEFITS TO BE NEGOTIATED WITH POLICE GUILD, FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL 864, 21R AND NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES." It being determined "Benefits" interchangeable with "wages and benefits," MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE UTES UF 12/2/74 MEETING AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ACHIEVEMENT Mayor Garrett presented an Award of Achievement to City Clerk Mead from AWARD Western Washington College, Department of History, for completion of a Records Management Syposium. Mayor Garrett reported that the College has requested that the City' s new Municipal Filing Sytem be used as an example for seminars during 1975 on Archival and Records Management Techniques. The City Clerk invited the Councilmen and other interested persons to view the new file system. CORRESPONDE14CE Letter from King County Records and Elections Division Manager, Hugh James, certified the November 5, 1974 Special Election in the City for Fire-Fighting the Fire-Fighting Facilities Bonds. The letter reported King County Facility Bonds Canvassing Board of Election Returns with total vote: 5,926 of which there were 3,402 Yes for Bonds and 2,524 No for Bonds, with bond issue defeated (failed to meet 60% validation requirement) . Bremerton Asks Letter from the City of Bremerton reported adoption of a resolution urg- Wage & Price ing the President and/or Congress to impose price and wage controls and Controls -- asked that Renton adopt a similar resolution. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PREPARE LIKE RESOLUTION. Councilman Stredicke suggested corporate profit control be implemented first. Councilman Perry noted the middle and lower income families and the working people suffer most from such controls; curbing exhorbitant interest rates and profits, should be investigated. Council President Clymer agreed, and also noted need for free open market,as concerns wages also. Councilman Grant noted need to register complaint against high interest rates, high food prices and industrial profits. MOTION CARRIED. Green River Letter from King County Councilman of District Nine, Dave Mooney, confirm- Flood Control ed meeting 12/12 re Green River Flood Control Projects with Auburn, Kent, r. Meeting Tukwila and Renton invited. (See schedule) . Dick Colosurdo Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported the Planning Commission Hi-Lands completed review of Application No. FP-798-74, Dick Colosurdo, Hi-Lands First Addition First Addition, 1 .54+/- acres undeveloped, located on NE 8th between Appl FP 798-74 Harrington and Jefferson Ave. N.E. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Plat proposed for subdivision of duplex-type housing, said Plat being in complaince with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Comprehensive Land Use Plan - single family residential . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE Renton City Council Meeting 12/9/74 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued D. Colosurdo PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE FINAL PLAT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE Final Plat LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Planning Director Ericksen used display map to explain the Final Plat. MOTION CARRIED. Fleury & Barton Letter from Pianning Director reported Planning Commission review of Rezone Appl . Fleury & Barton Application R-793-74 for rezone from S-] to SR-1 of No. R-793-74 1 . 1 t/- acres located on corner of N.W. 6th St. and Taylor Place N.W. with existing use, proposed use and the Comprehensive Plan in agreement, single family residential . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, APPROVE REZONE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIITEE.. Following presentation by Planning Director Ericksen explaining the subdivision of parcel to provide four building lots, the MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening :. ty Clerk Mead reported bid opening December 3, for two used electro- Electro- mechanical card files with one bid received from Sound Business (see Mechanical attached tabulation). Letter from Purchasing Agent Church and Police Card File for Chief Darby recommended acceptance of the bid from Sound Business ' Police Dept. 'S;✓stems in the amount of $5,054.40. The letter noted funds for these files have been included in the 1974 Budget and a grant approved by the State Law and Justice Planning Office on 11/8/74. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE BID OF SOUND BUSINESS SYSTEMS. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk reported 12/3 bid opening for Police Department multi-channel Multi-Channel recording system (see attached tabulation) . two bids received. MOVED BY Recording STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY System COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Claim for MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Damages PILED FOLLOWING CLOSURE TIME FOR THE AGENDA. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead R. Ballestrasse reported Claim for Damages filed by Roy Ballestrasse, 201 S.W. 12th Str. , for loss of water pressure allegedly due to large machinery improv- inq the alley between S.W. 12th St. and S.W. Grady Way. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY BRUCE, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE_ CARRIER. Public Works Director Gonnason gave brief review. MOVED P STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Late Items MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ALLOW CORRESPONDENCE TO BE READ 1HICH WAS TOO LATE FOR AGENDA. CARRIED. Dangerous LE!tter from Public Works Director Gonnason advised that both the un- Buildings occupied residences at 504 and 518 Cedar Ave. S. have been inspected Cedar Ave. S. and deemed unsafe for occupancy, that complaints are being filed under the Dangerous Building Code. The letter noted difficulty in determining ownership of one of these properties, being hopeful that owners of 504 Cedar Ave. S. would demolish the building without City intervention. Councilman Clymer noted real estate office having listed this property within past 6 or 8 months, -that ownership may be determined through them. Sidewalk '_atter from Board of Public !corks Chairman Bennett noted investigation N.E. 28th of request by Kennydale Elementary School Principal , R. Dragseth, for (Dangerous sidewalk on N.E. 28th St. between Kennewick Pl . N.E. and Jones Ave. N.E. Crosswalk) for the safety of school children. The Board recommended that the owners of the adjacent property be asked to install sidewalks and if unsuccessful , recommended that the City install a crushed rock walkway ,.ntil such time as a permanent sidewalk can be installed. MOVED BY ,LAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND THE -D!'9L 7C 'WORKS DEPARTMENT PROCEEU ACCUkuIAGLY•. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 7inance and Personnel Committee report recommended Council concurrence Appointment in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Jerry A.' Slough to the Renton Planning Confirmed ..._,mjssion ggDleting the term of B. G. Morrison, who has resigned; term Mr, J. Slough ending 1/I 771'. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN 1306 Thomas Ln. CCMMITTEE R ,COMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mr. Slough was present and intro- duced by Magor Garrett. Prior Service , Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Municipal Credit - JNdge`s request to grant service credit. Committee Chairman Pro-tem i City Judge : lymer noted change by the State Legislature empowered the City to pay Renton City Council Meeting of 12/9/74 _ Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public employer contributions for prior service from July 1949 through Employees January 1965, which was not possible previously because the position Retirement of Police Judge was an elective one. Clymer noted the amount of System of $2,925.80 would be the City' s contribution, with like amount also State of Wash. being employee contribution. Mayor Garrett noted prior credit was (Cont. ) granted to all employees. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO GRANT PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE. CARRIED. Health Dept. Council President Clymer noted Committee of the Whole meeting 12/5 Services discussion with Dr. Bergner, Seattle King County Health Department, concerning health services for Renton and vicinity. Dr. Bergner had noted that because of the price of gas, home visitations would be eliminated. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ASK THE METRO COUNCIL TO MAKE A CHANGE IN BUS ROUTING TO INCLUDE STOP AT THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted that committee is part Committee of a new steering committee that is attempting to select consulting engineers for preparation of updating the master plan at the Municipal Airport. (See meeting schedule) Council Council President Clymer scheduled election of Council officers President for 1975 on December 23, asking serious consideration be given to positions of Council President, Pro tem and the Committee system. VOUCHER Finance Committee report approved payment of Vouchers No. 1569 APPROVAL through No. 1725 in amound of $146,570.34 , plus L. I .D. #285 Warrants R-4 in amount of $15,467.94 and C-6 $15,467.94, having received Departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers .No. 1561 through 1568 were machine voided. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF ACTING CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced an ordinance Ordinance for first reading regarding voting requirements of members of the Amending City Council , amending the Council Procedure Ordinance. Following Council reading by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Decorum GRANT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman introduced an ordinance for first Ordinance Re reading authorizing acquisition of certain property and property Extension of rights by eminent domain, providing for the payment and authorizing Whitman Crt NE preparation of condemnation in Superior Court for the acquisition for extension of Whitman Court N.E. The ordinance was placed on first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2895 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced an ordinanced for Industrial first reading, also recommending second and final readings, of an ordi- Wastes nance creating new division in garbage contract for industrial wastes. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY and DELAURENTI . NO: GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced an ordinance for Street Vacation first reading vacating a portion of S.E. 13th P1 . , Tiffany Park area. Portion Following first reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDI- SE 13th Pl . NANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATIW COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1946 A resolution authorizing disposition of surplus dwellinq located on Property property acquired from the Olympic Pipe Line Co.in agreement of 7/23%74, Deeded to City was presented by the Legislation Committee with recommendation for by Max Farr of adoption. The resolution authorized the Purchasing Agent to call for Olympic Pipe bids for the removal of the building, however, if the bids are excessive Line Co. re the Fire Department is authorized to provide for the removal of the PAG 829-64 dwelling unit. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 12/9/74 - Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Cont. Resolution 1947 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Property resolution releasing property to the Renton Park Board which was Deeded to City acquired from the Olympic Pipe Line Co. in 7/23/74 agreement. MOVED by Max Farr BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Labor Mediation MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE Discussion SESSION. CARRIED. Council members reconvened in Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. and returned to the Council Chambers at 10:00 p.m. , ADJOURNMENT adjourning the meeting at that time. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 12/9/74 Office of the City Clerk Bid Opening December 3, 1974 ELECTROMECHANICAL CARD FILE Sound Business Systems Two Files $4,800.00 2706 Second '.v e. State Tax 254.40 Seattle, Wash. 98121 EEO 5,054.40 Acme Visible Records , Inc. 320 Queen Anne Ave. N. Seattle, Wash. 98109 No Bid 12/9/74 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING 12/3/74 MULTI-CHANNEL RECORDING SYSTEM Dictaphone EEO 120 Old Post Rd. Rye, New York 10580 Not Including Sales Tax $15,341 .60 The Stancil-Hoffman Corp. EEO 921 N. Highland Ave. Hollywood, Calif. 90038 Not Including Sales Tax $15,400.00 Magnasync/Moviola Corp. 5539 Riverton Ave. North Hollywood, Calif. 91601 No Bid WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/09/74 BEGIN ENOZNO TOTAL, FUND DESCRIPTION WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID# 1561 - # 1568 CURRENT 1369 1622 *17®853179 PARKS AND RECREATION 1623 1647 *5j206o05 `11Y STREET yeio•1b41- *Srm7 -2G (moo. 1x48 166w 8109 AND STREET FWD THRUST 1665 1672 $33♦ 138#32 ...r ,iWBAN ARTERIAL 1673 1675 113. 712174 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1676 1696 *6lo543#88 AIRPORT 1697 1702 64, 757117 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1703 1725 $7.o692168 wTAL OF ALL WARRANTS �ST--,v '� wEp THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE REN-TTON -IT ' COUNCIL• HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT ''ERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO wERLBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU, 1569 THROUGH NO* 1725 IN TME AMOUNT OF }f'►} - TWIS 09 OF DECEMBER iiiiiftf L. I .D.#285 FINANCE COMMITTEE Reveoue Warrant R-4 $15,467.94 ■rwwrrw••••rarr•r•mr••A••••r�pw Cash Warrant C-6 $15,467.94 COMMITTEE MEMBER •r•r rr • �A•r�ris.i••wr r• A COMAhj TTEE MEMBER r•w •r ��� srrwrw M COMMITTEE MEMBER I CIT1` COUNCIL OCNMI= MEETING CAI R Office of the City Clerk (7 UINC:I L (XIMI TTS MEETINGS SC1iFX7LE D AT CITY C OL'NC I L 1%EET I NG OF Deckn ber 9. 1974 C CMMI TTEE DATE TIME CHA I FIL4N LDZAT I CkN, REMARKS AVIA"'LON (L4WI'I'rFE Fri. , 12/13 3:00 P.M. S=lm 4th Flr. Conference Rn. Re: Airport Consultant Tues. , 12/17 7:30 P.M. it C13W N3 1TY SEWIC.T'S Thurs. , 12/12 7:15 P.M. Gaw 4th F1r. Conference Rm. Planning Director, re: Shoreline - Dept. of Ecology FINANCE AND PE1132eiEL SCHEL= LEGISLATION & INTTFR- Mon. , 12/10 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Fl-r. Com' I'AL PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 12/16 7:00 P.M. DELAURb''1TI Chairman's Office Re: Parking Checker PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 12/12 7:00 P.M. gRLICE 4th F1r. Conference Rm. TRANSFCRTATION PERRY OT11ER MiEETI%S AND EVENTS FIRE STATION OWE= Wed. , 12/11 :00 P.M. CI-WERHigh-lands Library Camiunity camxents invited SENIOR CITIZEdS FACILITY Cowl= GREEN RIVER FLOW CXN'IROL Thurs. , 12/12 7:30 P.M. unci 1 Chambers N L� co 230 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 11, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED 'BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3940 $ VOID 3941 82 , 500 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Const , office addi n 3942 2 , 000 Harvey Spracklen 1723 Shattuck S . Const, carport 3943 11000 Jack Buttnick 1555 N. 4th Repair roof MACHANICAL PERMITS M4149 450 John Guiliane 340 Sunset N. E. Convert oil boiler 41,50 VOID 4151 635 Hebb & Narodick 1024 S . 30th Inst. gas furnace 4152 1 , 300 Dr. Schmuland 300 Pelly N . Inst. sprinkler 4153 410 Pere Toppano 50 S . W. 7th Inst . gas heater 4154 105 Ervin Luke 1520 Kirkland NE Replace water heater 4155 450 Jeffery Long 904 Ferndale NE Inst, plumb & fix 4156 650 Bill Sheperd 715 High S . Inst . gas furnace 4157 350 HUD-Seattle Area 3600 N .E . 6th Inst . plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4936 150 Roger Nelson 908 N . 35th Change elec . panel 4937 250 Rex Jones 30 Logan S . Wiring up to code 4938 100 Kassler Co. 904 Ferndale NE Correct wiring 4939 650 Hebb & Narodick 1024 S . 30th Wire single fam. res . 4940 650 Hebb & Narodick 1015 S . 30th Wire single fam. res . 4941 900 Ron Desjardins 1317 N . 34th Rewire res . 4942 800 Ed Johnson 317 Main S. Inst . 200 AMP . ser e 4943 245 Elks #1809 1600 Eagle Dr. Inst. lights & out s 4944 600 Pam Abode 4350 Lk. Wa . N. Lights in storage RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 16 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint - Anderson & Holmes Electriv vs. Bickel , et ux, et al FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointments: Mrs. Linda Ritzau to the Board of Ethics Mr. Clark Teegarden to the Planning Commission -- Mrs. Elisabeth Rivily to the Planning Commission Resolution from North Bend re Budget Dates LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Transfer of Funds - WIN Fire Station Bonds - Ordinance adopted 12/16 Fleury & Barton Rezone - First Reading of Ordinance 12/16/74 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Question of continuance of licensing cardrooms , whether, to allow Punchboards and Matter of Tax Rates PUBLICWORKS COMMITTEE. L. I .-D._2f35 Recommendation APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department - Permanent Appointments: Russell Olson, Patrolman Virginia Shinn, Clerk SPECIAL EVENTS Continued Public Hearing - December 23, 1974 - L . I .D. 285 SPECIAL MESSAGE Wishing' you a Very Merry Christmas a,nd Prosperous New Year RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 16 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , with HENRY E. SCHELLERT arriving shortly after ROLL CALL. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON Y. ERTCKSEN, Planning Director; GENE COULON, Park Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. Video Taped Mayor Garrett introduced Scott Hilder, Hazen High Student T.V. Producer for KZEN for the School ' s closed circuit station, KZEN, present to film meeting. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9, 12/9/74 PAGE 2, FIFTH PARAGRAPH, FIRST LINE: "COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LETTER CON- CERNING CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPROVE MINUTES AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Amendment to published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing Cabaret to consider amendment to the ordinance regulating cabaret activities 11;-dinance within the City. This ordinance sets lighting standards for cabarets; prohibits exposed manner of dress for female employee, servant or entertainer; prohibits soliciting of drinks or dances whether on a commission basis or not; and charges misdemeanor against manager of establishment for violation; and requires separation between performers and audience. City Clerk Mead read letter from Maple Valley Christian School , P. 0. Box 452, Maple Valley, Wash. , which asked that topless dancing be prohibited. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. The Clerk was asked to obtain City voting results on the King County topless issue from the 11/5/74 Election. The ordinance which had been placed on first reading 11/18/74 remained in the Legislation Committee. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I . D. 285 published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing Sanitary Sewers to consider the Final Assessment Roll in the amount of $230,042.65 Orillia Area for sanitary sewers and appurtenances in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. and West Valley Highway, L. I .D. 285. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Mrs. Kathryn T. Anderson, Valley Villa Nursing Home; M. W. Lotto and Peoples National Bank, in Trust for Dr. LaViolette. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported protests constitute 19.671% of the total assessment. Mr. Bruce E. Leber, Ralph Leber Co. , Inc. , submitted letter of protest for Relco Investments owners of Lots 21 and 59 at the north end of the L. I.D. 285. tor. Leber objected to (1 )the use of 88,375 sq. ft. for assessment purposes, claiming sub- mittal of surveyor report on the property showing less than 81 ,000 sq.ft. less easement; (2) the use of Zone & Termini assessment because thesewer line comes from South and stops before reaching property, quoting RCW 35.44.030 RCW 35. 55.030. The letter stated as acceptable, Zone and Termini along the south end of their property where a sewer would be of some use and square foot assessment based on the correct usable number of square feet. Public Works Director used display map to answer questions regarding the project and explained assessments based on 50% square footage and 50% Zone and Termini method, based on total cost, with cost of going under railroad tracks assessed against the portion to the West. Public Works Director Gonnason noted that the City has joined with the City of Kent to widen S.W. 43rd and that sewers would have to be relocated and easements along the rear property could not be obtained, therefore property excluded (this would include Katheryn Anderson property) . 0 6 Renton City Council Meeting of 12/16/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L. I.D. 285 Councilman Perry requested record indicate Scarcella property assessed Sewers for full amount, no special consideration being given for proposed wet- Orillia lands for water fowls. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Planning Director Erickson advised there have been three zoning changes from G to Manufacturing Park (Scarcella, Hill and Welch). Mr. Lewis Lever owner of northern most property, registered complaint that assessment is for entire frontage of property when in actuality the line does not extend there. Mr. Mike Lotto, 7812 S.Sunnycrest, Seattle, objected to extra $50,000 assessment against property on the West side of the rail- road tracks. Public Works Director Gonnason advised that crossing of the P-1 Channel and the railroad tracks was geographical situation which would not affect property to the East, that both projects were accomplished at the same time in order to lower cost of both. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE RECESSED UNTIL Hearing Recessed NEXT WEEK (DECEMBER 23, 1974) . CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Change in Letter fr1-ii Park Director Coulon made notification that effective Park Board January, '1975, the regular monthly meeting of the Renton Park Board Meeting Date will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. The change was made at the regular meeting held Thursday, December 12. Transfer of Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of funds Funds - WIN in the amount of $6,813.00 from Excess Revenue-Current Fund into WIN-Work Incentive Fund. The letter noted this is a temporary appropriation and the Current Fund will be reimbursed in mid 1975 for the full amount of this appropriation, also requesting referral to the Legislation Committee for necessary ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Resolution Re Letter from Virginia T.Anderson, Administrative Assistant for the City Date for Budget of North Bend enclosed copies of a Resolution authored by the City ..� Presentation of North Bend and adopted by the State Finance Officers at the 1974 by Finance Convention. The Resolutions were forwarded to Mayor Garrett and Officers Councilman Delaurenti at the request of Mrs. North. The Resolution declared the intention to alter the date or dates that the Preliminary and/or Final Budgets are due to presentation to the Office of the County and State Assessors. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO INVESTI- GATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. , Summons & Summons and Complaint for Damaces was served' on'the Citv Decemher 12. Complaint Plaintiff is Leroy W. Anderson and Holmes Electric Co. vs. Sam A. Bickel L.Anderson & and wife, Union Pacific Railroad Co. , Milwaukee Road, City of Renton, Holmes Electric County of King and State of Washington. Negligence is claimed on VS the part of Bickel , Union Pacific Engineer of train which struck van Sam Bickel, et ux, driven by Leroy Anderson (which was owned by his employer Holmes Electric et al Co. ) while crossing Milwaukee tracks at the Monster Rd. S.W. crossing near S. 153rd St. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Gambling Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that the City Council amend the City' s Ordinance No. 2865 which allows certain gambling activities, to provide for a tax of 10% of gross revenue from the operation of cardrooms. The letter noted the 1975 budget as adopted by the Council contemplates continuance of licensing and taxing some forms of gambling and that the Ordinance provides for a $100 per year fee for each — establishment licensed to operate cardrooms. Also stating there are presently two taverns in the City licensed for card tables and after January a number of other taverns have indicated they intend to apply to the State Gambling Commission for cardroom licenses. Also noting Tacoma and Auburn tax the gross receipts at 20% and 5% respectively, and Tukwila is considering $1 ,000 per year. Further noting, an estimate of $12,000 to $15,000 per year revenue from a 10% tax on gross receipts. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION ON CONTINUANCE OF LICENSING F CARDROOMS. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO Renton City Council Meeting of 12/16/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Gambling Tax REFER QUESTION OF LICENSING OF PUNCHBOARDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY Continued COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE PUNCHBOARDS ALONG WITH REFERRAL OF CARDROOMS, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MOTION BE FURTHER AMENDED TO INCLUDE QUESTION OF TAX RATES ON PUNCHBOARDS AND CARDROOMS ALSO. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED TO OF CONTER OTHE INUANCEUOFILICENSINGCOMMITTEE CARDROOMSFOWHETHOR EROR NOT OTO ALLOWN, THE UPUNCHN OF CO BOARDS AND THE TAX RATES, CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment letter of Mayor Garrett advised that Officer Russell Permanent - Olson has successfully completed his six-month probationary p Russell Olson and been named to the permanent rank of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department YrBRUCE COUNCILvCONCURaIN APPOIMOVED BY STREDICKE, NTMENT BYTHE MAY BOR. CARRIED. SECONDED B Permanent - Appointment letter of Mayor Garrett advised that Police Clerk Virginia Virginia Shinn Shinn has successfully completed her six-month probationary period and been named to the permanent position of Clerk in the Renton Police Department effecvCONCURDecember THE,APPOINTMENTMOVED BYBTHEBRUCE, MAYORSECOARRNDEDIEDY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL "loard of Ethics Letter from Mayor Garrett noted reappointment of Mrs. Linda Ritzau, Mrs. L. Ritzau 2032 Dayton Dr. S.E.to the Renton Board of Ethics for a four year term expiring December 31 , 1978. Mrs. Ritzau represents the League of Women Voters opthe gMENdT TOMOVED FgNANCECLYMER, AND PEROSODNDELBCOMMITTEENTI , COUNCIL REFER PPOIN CARRIED. Planning Letter from Mayor Garrett announced reappointment to the Planning Commission Commission of Mr. Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca Pl . N.W. , to a four- C. Teegarden year term expiring December 31 , 1978. Mr. Teegarden has served on the Commission since June, 1964, having served as Chairman for several terms. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, Appointment be UNCIL R approved. MOVED BYFINANDCECKE,AND SECONDED BCOMMITTEE.Y CLYMER, COCARRIEDEFER APPOINTMENTTO _ Planning Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Mrs. Elisabeth Commission Rivily, 254 Seneca Ave. N.W. to the Renton Planning Commission for a E. Rivily four-year term expiring December 31 , 1978. Mrs. Rivily will replace Mrs. iYiDELAURENTIr,hCOUNCILterm REFERexpires APPOINTMENT TOMOVED FBCLYMER FINANCE SECONDEDDED B AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Fire Station Fire Station Committee Chairman Clymer submitted Committee Report Committee Rpt. recommending that the fire bonds be resubmitted to the voters on Fire Bonds February 4, 1975 for ratification. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY 2/4/5 Ballot CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF SPECIAL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Following lengthy discussion, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER TO MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RFCFSS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COU"R`CIL RECESS V NUTES. l Call : Council recesed at RUCESSTREDICKE45DELAURENTIrpresent; CLYMER,econvened at PERRY I GRANT, B PERRY ANDSCHELLERT arriving shortly thereafter. OLD BUSINESS CONT. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted Committee Report Committee Rpt, concurring in the Public Works Department recommendation that the low Bid Award bid of Tri-States Construction Co. ,Inc. , Bellevue, be accepted and the Lind Ave. SW contract awarded in the amount of $567,150. for the Lind Ave. S.W. (Mobil Oil Co. water main project. Councilman Bruce noted tnere were seven bidders, Water Main) Engineering Estimate was $650,000. Public Works Director Gonnason explained $167,000 of the project will be financed by the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted Committee Report Committee Rpt recommending acceptance of the low bid from the Dictaphone Corp. for Multi-Channel MD-BYaSHELLERT, SECONDEDtem in thamount BY GRANT, COUNCILoCONCUR3 41 .60, plus tax. Recording Sys. MOVED- REECOMMENDATION Bid Award OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 12/16/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Cont. Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee Report Committee Rpt, recommending 90-day extension be granted (to 4/7/75) , on the Holmes - Proposed Strtet Goodwin request for vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. , public Vacation - hearing having been held 11/12/73 and first reading of the vacation Jefferson Ave NE ordinance on 1/7/74. The report recommended that if no payment is Portion received by the City by the end of the 90-day period, the ordinance (1-Yr Extension ' will be dead. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL Requested) CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Lake Washington Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Councilman Schellert noted final Property report forthcoming on property on Lake Washington deeded for park use, which apparently does have covenant restricting use for purposes; that the best purpose may be to allow use by adjoining porperty owners. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 1734 through 1857 in the amount of $97,865.94 having received Departmental certification that merch- andise and/or services have been received. (No. 1726-1733 machine voided). MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced an ordinance RESOLUTIONS for second and final readings , which had been placed on first read- Ordinance #2897 ing 12/9/74, relating to voting requirements by members of the City Council Voting Council . The ordinance requires adherence to the City' s Code of Requirements Ethics which would disqualify a Councilman from voting by reason of a conflict of interest, or as otherwise provided by law, and any Councilman who abstains from voting without a valid reason shall be deemed to have cast his vote with the majority. Following reading by City Clerk Mead of ordinance amending Council Decorum Ordinance, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL. CALL: AYE: GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT. CLYMER ABSTAINED FROM VOTING. MOTION CARRIED. �. Ordinance #2898 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke introduced an ordinance for Acgt_iist oni of second and final readings, which had been placed on first reading Property for 12/9/74, authorizing condemnation proceedings for acquisition of property Extension of for the extension of Whitman Court N.E. This extension is within Whitman Crt NE the limits of L. I . D. ?88 formed for street improvement purposes by Ordinance No. 2874 passed 9/9/74. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, EXCEPT STREDICKE CASTE NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #2899 An ordinance was presented providing for Special Election to be held Fire Bonds - 2/4 for Fire Stations 1 and 3, equipment and acquiring property, Election providing for the borrowing of $2,020,000 and i -,.uing and selling of 2/4/75 G.O. Bonds. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDI- NANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance providing for fire fightinq facilities and eauivment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: COUNCILMEN CAST UNANIMOUS AYE BALLOT. CARRIED. Ordinance First Reading An ordinance was presented for first reading and referral back to Fleury & Barton committee for rezone from S-1 to SR-1 of 1 . 1 acres located at the corner Rezone Appl . of N.W. 6th St. and Taylor Place N.W. for Fleury & Barton Rezone No. R-793-74 Application No. R-793-74. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED .� BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ` , t Reading An ordinance was presented for first reading which conformed dog Amendment to license fees with action taken by the Council at Budget Hearings , Dog License amending existing ordinance for dog license fees to $5.00 for males v� uinance: $3.00 for neutered males. Present ordinance sets fees of $5.00 for females and $3.00 for spayed females with $3.00 for each male dock and Tabled $1 .00 for each cat. Following first reading, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED -' BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE TABLED. Roll Call : AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY; NO: GRANT, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRici-), AMENDMENT TO DOG LICENSE ORDINANCE TABLED. Renton Citw Council Meeting of 2/16/74 - Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Cont. Optional Councilman Perry noted request for copy of Optional Municipal Code, Municipal Code and was advised by. City Attorney Shellan of many proposed changes to RCW 35.A be considered at next Legislature, therefore, advised waiting for revised copy. Resolution #1948 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a resolution for Final Plat adoption approving the final plat of Hi-lands First Addition as appro� Colusurdo by the Planning Commission at its public hearing on 11/27/74 and the City Council on 12/9/74. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #1949 A resolution was presented for adoption which was addressed to the Price, Wage & President of the United States and the U.S. Congress requesting the Profit Controls imposition and regulation of price, wage and profit controls. Follow-- To Be Sent to inq reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION President, BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, House & Senate BREMERTON CITY COUNCIL BE SENT COPY. CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. Session CARRIED. Councilmen commenced executive session to consider mattpr regarding regotiations a_t 10:30 p.m. and returned to the Chambers at 10:50 p.m. COUNCIL ELECTION MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCILMEW ELECT OFFICERS FOR President of THE COMING YEAR. CARRIED. Councilman Grant nominated Councilman Council - Delaurenti for Council President. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY C. Delaurenti BURCE, NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, UNANIMOUS BALLOT BE CAST FOR COUNCILMAN DELAURENTI FOR COUNCIL PRESIDENT. CARRIED. President Pro tem Nominations were opened for Council President Pro-tem, Councilman G. Perry Perry was nominated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, UNANIMOUS BALLOT BE CAST FOR COUNCILMAN PERRY AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT 04 PRO TEM. CARRIED. Committee on Newly elected Council President Delaurenti selected members of the Committees Committee on Committees, naming Councilman Perry as Chairman, with Councilmen Clymer and Grant as members. Perry requested Councilmen note any preference as to committee appointments for the ensuing year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. with MOTION TO CLOSE BY CLYMER SECONDED BY BRUCE, AND CARRIED. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk OARRANT DISTRIOWTION DATE 120'16/74 BEGIN ENQIN4 TOTAL.. WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF, FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMOER WARRANT$ MACHINE VOID:#1726 - N1733 CURRENT 173* 3758 $28# 269119 ARKS AND RECREATION 1759 068 $5. 874402 7 CITY STREET 1769 1777 650679106 LIbKARY 1778 1819 $80296162 WORK 114CENTIYE FUND 1820 $123 $454179 NEW CAREERS 1824 My $168169 CUNLENITRATED EMPL ICETA9 1828 tan $581169 REG . Ah1D STREET FWD THRUST 1533 1034 $53163 URbAN ARTEkIAL lb35 1036 $482167 WATtRNORKS UTILITY 1837 &843 $450214123 AIRNURT 1844 1849 $452150 EOUIPIENT RENTAL 1850 1854 6809193 FIRLriEN PENSION 1855 J857 $10524192 UTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $970865194 r.-L,, THE 0r14DER5IGNED MEMBERS 06 TME FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, MpVING RECEIVED DERARTMENTAI.- CERTIFICATION THAT MEKCHAwDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDO, DO hHEKEbY APPROVE: FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NQt 1734 THROUGH NO• 1857 IN THE AMOUNT OF $97j465@90 THIS 16 OF DECEMBER 74 ifiLi FINAMm.CM.IT_V..TEE • rr rw •r*w -�— MITTEE MEMBER A •� .•mow w •rrwr•r.••.wA CQMMOTEE MEMBER 20;; T MEMBER r.. v W 00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Of f ic:e of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMIT n-' MEETINGS SCHHakl- 9) AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 16, 1974 COM MInEE DATE TIME, C HAIMLAN. LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CO91MITTEE Tues . , 12/11 7 : 30 P.M. Smul)IM Lunchroom Mining & Grading Ordinance amendment w/ Planning & P/W Directors & Shoreline COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs , 12/1 4 : 30 P.M. GRANT 4th Flr. Conf , Room Mgt . Recommendations by State - Magstad re : Housing & Community Development FINANCE AND PEP.9ONNEL on. , 12/23 7 : 30 P.M. SCIDU11R'T 6th Flr. Conf .. Room Proposed Lease - Mr . Porter LEGISLATION & INITR- Fri . , 12/20 4 :00 P.M. SIPMICKE 6th Flr. Conf .. Room P.U,D. Ordinance GOVERNMENI'AL Mon, , 12/23 7; 00 P.M. It 6th Flr. Conf . Room PUBLIC SAFETY rhurs , 12/19 4 ; 30 P.M. DE1AI;RE'WI Parking Checker Information PUBLIC WORKS on. , 12/23 7 : 00 P.M. BRUCE: Chairman 's Office TRANSPOKTAT ICh4 PIMY OTHER MEETINGS AND FVE3V'IS FIRE STATION COMMITTEE CLYMER ` SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 18 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3944 $ 61000 Paul Carman 410 S . 3rd Addition to shop 3945 450, 000 Harold Hill Consto3820 W. Valley Rd. Const . office 3946 50 , 000 Group Health S.W. 16th St® Depsoit per-load 3947 4 , 200 Larry Crampton 4428 N. E. 23rd Const. garage 3948 1 , 000. 000 MECHANICAL PERMITS M4158 400 Powell Const. Co. 1622 Blaine N .E. Inst gas furnace 4159 300 Leona Murdock 3414 N. E. 10th Inst. gas dryer 4160 2 , 309 Dr . Shulman 4300 Talbot S . Iaisto plumb & fix 4161 91 Bernard Bonde 1004 S. 31st Inst. piping 41.62 500 Manuel Kirschner 1855 N. 4th Inst. gas heater 4163 308 iluseland 2803 6th N.E . Inst . gas heater ELECTRICAL, PERMITS E4945 V'_)ID 4946 4 , 680 Dr . Shulman 4300 Talbot S . Remodel equipment 4947 100 George Hormel Co . 600 S . W. 7th Wire propane taitX 4948 833 Thomas Alberts 1719 S . E. 18th Wire new res . 4949 650 Hebb & Narodick 1007 S . 31st Wire new res . 4950 650 Hebb & Narodick 1016 S. 31st Wire new res ., 4951 650 Powell Const . 1622 Blaine N . E. Wire new res . h 4952 800 Browns Lawn Shop 1300 N . 30th Wire new bldg CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 9 Powell Const. 1700 Blaine N. E. Inst . side sewer 10 Powell Const. 1622 Blaine N. E . Inst . side sewer ,.� ,, n. oe RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 23, 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Dimages - Robert E. McBeth, Attorney for Mrs. Marie Forister COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Housing Community Development Program - Block Grant Funds LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance - Preliminary Assessment Roll - L. I .D. 292, Eastwook Park Sanitary Sewer Topless Dancing - Letter from Mrs. Norma Knotts Transfer of Funds - 1972 Limited G.O. Bond Funds to 1974 Advance Refunding Bond Fund Bid Opening - 1975 Legal Publications Ordinance - Final Assessment Roll - L.I .D. 285, Orillia Sanitary Sewers Housing Coni,,unity Development Program - Block Grant Funds Animal Licensing Ordinance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Variance Request - Cooks Texaco Station - Use of Public Right-of-Way for Sign & Lighting L. I .D. 285 - Final Assessment Roll Recommendation SIGN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Variance Request - Cooks Texaco Station - Use of Public Right-of-Way for Sign & Lighting APPOINTMENTS Probationary Appointment - Renton Fire Department - Ronald Lee Pillo Municipal Arts Commission - Miss Ethel Telban, three-year term, expiring 12/31/77 Confirmation of Appointment to Board of Ethics - Mrs. Linda Ritzau, four-year term expiring 12/31/78 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 23 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Aver�1 Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance acid called the meeting of the Renton City Courc.` l to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, CHARLES DELAUR.INTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDIC!,E, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED BECAUSE OF ILLNESS. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIAL:: AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS 12/16/74 MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. MOTION CAPIi:IED. CONTINUED This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and PUBLIC HEARING published as required by law, the continued Public Hearing to con- L. I . D. 285 sider the Final Assessment Roll in the amount of $230,042.65 for Sanitary Sewe •s sanitary sewers and appurtenances i ; the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. Orillia Area and West Valley Highway was convened. (L. I .D. 285) Public Works Director Gonnason reported two protests, M. W. Lotto, et al , and Ralph Leber, Co. for Relco Investments. Methodsused for the roll to provide equitable means of assessment were outlined for properties located on the west side of the railroad tracks , and at close of the review, it was recommended to revise the zoning termini on the Ralph Leber Co. property, along the east end to the south bourdary of the two parcels. (Sewer line terminated at the south end of the Leber property) . Also recommended that the assessment for tax lot 35, McFarland property, be deleted since it abuts the West Valley Highway and is 400 feet from the facility no benefits to be derived. Effect of the changes resulting in redistribution of costs with two proposals presented, for redistribution,or charge to the Utility Dept. AUDIENCE Mike Lotto, 7812 Sunnycrest Road, Seattle, remarked that he couldn' t COMMENT see how the City could assess one group at one rate and another group at another rate. Contractor' s bid on this project was bid on the basis of 100 acres of land as fairly equal on either side of the tracks. If one parcel had to build or put in a sewer they would pay more for one piece than if they were combined. The west side of the tracks went into the L. I .D. and Contractors took this into consideration and it had some effect on the cost of this project and Council should con- sider that the westerly side is paying considerably more than the easterly side, two different kinds of assessments. He questioned whether it was legal for the City to assess on this basis. Public Works Director Gonnason replied that when the preliminary assess- ment hearing was held, the methodology of assessment was discussed. As to whether or not the City had ever spread the costs in this fashion on other L. I .D. ' s , he noted the City did have one L. I .D. where some of the property was assessed on area basis , remaining property on zone termini . He explained that the difference in assessment cost on the east side was due to the fact that the east side did not have the problem of crossing the tracks and the sewer line served property on both sides, therefore their assessment was less. Assessments were equitable for both sides. Mr. Richard Dewey said he was buying property immediately south of the Leber property, questioned mode of assessment. Chairman of the Public Works Committee Bruce submitted report recommend- ing the Utility Department be charged $2,938.07 , adjustment in Leber Renton City Council Meeting of 12/23/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L. I .D. 285 property. Moved by Sche? lert, seconded by Bruce, that the City Council concur in the r t::ommendation of the Committee. ROLL CALL: AYE-2: BRUCE, SCHELLERT; NO - 4: CLYMER, GRANT, STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI . FAILED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING UNTIL LATER IN THE EVENING TO ALLOW DETERMINATION OF COS' OF THE LINE UNDER THE RAILROAD TRACKS. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Eastwood Park published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing ... Sanitary Sewer to consider the Preliminary Assessment Roil in the amount of $29,954.83 L. I .D. 292 for sanitary sewers and appurtenar--cs in Eastwood Park, vicinity of Preliminary Duvall Ave. N. E. (138th Ave.lN.E. ) and N.E. 23rd Street, L. I .D. 292. Assessment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason was read stating that no protests had been received and recommending approval of the pre- liminary assessment roll . AUDIENCE COMMENT George Williams, 4606 N.E. 23rd, questioned the pumping station and problems that would taic,y time to correct. Public Works Director Gonnason said that all the pumping stations had an alarm system on them, were monitored and had an auxiliary generating system. Some discussion ensued regarding the safeguards the pumping stations were equipped with. Mr. Don Harrison, 4502 N.E. 23rd, inquired if there were any plans to fill the drainage ditches alongside of the road. Gonnason replied there were no plans for that and any other improve- ments would require another L. I .D. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE THE L. I . D. AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mrs. Norma Knott, 1733 N. E. 20th Street, requesting the & CURRENT Council to ban topless dancing was read. She stated that in her BUSINESS opinion topless dancing was not in the best interests of the community Topless and led to other evils. MOVED BY Ct.YMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Dancing THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Variance Request City Clerk Mead read letter from Mr. James C. Hanson, Se=cretary, Board Cooks Texaco of Adjustment recommending variance request of James .Cooks for use of Station public right-of-way property at 150 Sunset Blvd. S.W. (for sign and lighting purposes) be granted with certain special conditions since precedent will be established. A motion was proposed to concur in the recommendation of the Board of adjustment. Some discussion ensued concernir!:; authority to grant use of public right-of-way, Planning Director Ericksen noting code provision for approval by ,the legislative body of any request for use of public right-of-way. A substitute motion was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STP.EDICKE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SIGN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Hazen Letter from City Clerk Mead was read stating that the 75% petition for annexation of the Hazen area had been received, same having been author- Annexation ized by the Council on 10`21/74, and rec:ommendiny the date of January 13 Public Hearing be set for the Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. 110' VED BY Set 1/13/75 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY CLERK AND THE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR JANUARY 13. MOTION CARRIED. Transfer of Letter from Finance Director Marshall requesting transfer of $52,955.03 Funds from 1972 Limited G.O. Bond Funds to 1974 Advance Refunding Bond Fund in the amount of $12,955.03 and unto the Current Fund of $40,000 was read. The letter also requested a transfer of $30,179.00 from the Contingency Fund to the Current Fund. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Bid Opening Letter from City Clerk Mead reported bid opening on 12/19/74 for 1975 1975 Legal legal publications with only one bid received from the Record Chronicle. Publications MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO 12/19/74 THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 12/23/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT BUSINESS (Continued) Claim for Letter from Mr. Robert E. McBeth, Attorney-at-Law, filed claim for Damages Mrs. Marie Forister, 1709 Lincoln Court S.E. , for personal injuries Mrs. Marie incurred as a result of a fall , allegedly due to defective sidewalk. Forister MOVED BY Df.LAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence in the reappoint- Municipal Arts ment of Miss Ethel Telban, 508 Cedar Avenue S. to the Municipal Arts w.... Commission for a three-year term, expiring 12/31/77, also noted that Commission Miss Telban had been a member of the Commission since 1965. MOVED BY Ethel Telban DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINT- MENT BY THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. Fire Department Appointment letter of Mayor Garrett advised that Ronald Lee Pillo R. L. Pillo was appointed to the pos41tion of Fire Fighter with the Renton Fire Department replacing Bruce Gustafson who had resigned. The appoint- ment will be effective January 2, 1975, subject to the customary six- month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR TO THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. Upon inquiry as to whether there were any women on the Civil Service eligibility list, it was noted that there were women on the eligibility list for the Police Department, but none for the Fire Department. MOTION CARRIED. Public Employ- Don Stark, Administrative Assistant, gave a brief report on the Emergency ment - New Employment Assistance Act, which Congress has approved, but has not been Jobs for Renton signed by the President. The bill when signed will provide 11 . 1 million dollars to the King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium, of which 3.6 million dollars will be allocated to King County and suburban cities. Indica- tions are that Renton wcald receive approximately $100,000. Also, the bill provides $500,000,000 nation wide for public works p-ojects, and there may be a possibility of receiving some of these funds. The bill provides for extension of unemployment benefits, youth employment and public employment jobs with a maximum salary of $10,000 a year, the national average of $7,800 a year for these jobs. It may provide Renton with from ten to twenty jobs. Parking in Councilman Clymer inquired of other than general public use of downtown Downtown Area parking spaces , some facilities using parking space that should be reserved for the general public. L. I .D. 285 The continued L. I .D. Public Hearing, recessed earlier in the meeting, Public Hearing was reconvened, Public Works Director Gonnason reported total cost of crossing the tracks reflected assessments of $49,683.62 and spreading this in pro-rata shares on the west side of the tracks would result in a 25% reduction in the assessments. Moved by Clymer, Seconded by Grant to refer to the Public Works Committee for report back and continue the Public Hearing to January 6, 1975. Some discussion ensued concern- ing increased utility rates, allocation of that added revenue, and impact on the Utility Fund if participation in L. I .D. is authorized. Motion Recess failed. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE COUNCIL TAKE A FIVE MINUTE RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting was reconvened with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce recommended the City (Waterworks Utility Fund) pick up 50% of the cost of the unassessable property, channel and going over the railroad tracks. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED ... BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT. Reduction was noted to assessments on properties located west of the tracks. MOTION CARRIED. Motion proposed to continue the hearing until January 6th died for lack of second. Upon inquiry by Mr. Sternoff of effect of the committee report, Public Works Director Gonnason advised that the City would pick up the 50% and reduce the assessments on the west side of the tracks, the Sternoff property not to be affected. Motion by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti , to close the hearing was withdrawn after some opposition to closure. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION THAT THE LEBER PROPERTY BE RECOMPUTED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, 77 Renton City Council Meeting of 12/23/74 - Page 4 L. I .D. 285 PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) TO DELETE THE MCFARLAND PROPERTY ASSESSMENT, TAX LOT 35, THE ROLL TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONFIRM THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL, AS ADJUSTED Eby amount of $24,841 .76) AND TO REFER THE L.I .D. TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. (Total revised roll of $205,200.89) . OLD BUSINESS; Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted report recommend- ing that the matter of the agreement for Housing and Community Develop- Housing ment be referred to the Legislation Committee and the Committee of the Community Whole. The Community Services Committee has reviewed the agreement Development for planning execution and the distribution of certain block grant funds. Program Because of the deadline set on these funds, it is imperative that the Council take this matter up concurrently so that it act upon it at the earlier possible date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Shoreline Master Community Services Committee reported meeting with representatives Program Status of the Department of Ecology in regard to Shoreline Master Program, Report City Planning Staff to continue meetings with D.O.E. to formulate possible amendments. Board of Ethics Finance and Personnel Committee Schellert presented report concurring Mrs. Linda with the Mayor' s recommendation to reappoint Mrs. Linda Ritzau to the Ritzau Renton Board of Ethics for a four-year term. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 12/31/78 SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer congratulated the Council on all the work done in the downtown area, and also complimented citizens on up-grading Downtown buildings in the central area, the looks of the downtown area have Improvements really been improved, thanked the Council for their cooperation during his term as Council President which helped in the accomplishments. Happy Holidays Councilman Bruce said he wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mayor Garrett remarked that wish came from all of the Council and Administration. Downtown Street Councilman Stredicke requested that since the Budget included funds for Lighting the downtown lightsthat the lights be turned on earlier for the holiday season. Public Works Director Gonoason agreed, but expressed concern for funds for the lighting later i- the new year. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council #1866 - 20221 OK approval of Vouchers No. 1866 through 2021 , for payment, having received #1858 - 1865 departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been Voided received. (No. 1858 through 1865 machine voided) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AUTHOR- IZING WARRANTS DRAWN TO COVER PAYMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. Animal MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO TAKE FROM THE TABLE THE MATTER Licensing OF SETTING NEW ANIMAL LICENSE FEES .TABLED LAST WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT IT BE REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMI- TEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES & Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke reported that the Planned Unit RESOLUTIONS Development ordinance would be ready for first reading the first or second... week in January. Ordinance 2900 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance for second and final Rezone S-1 to reading for rezone from S-1 to SR-1 of 1 .1 acres located at the corner SR-1 of N.W. 6th St. and Taylor Place N.W. for Fleury & Barton Rezone Applica- tion No. R-793-74, which had been placed on first reading 12/16/74. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. �45 Renton City Council Meeting of 12/23/74 - Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Ordinance 2901 Legislatil-J.-i Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance estab- Equipment Rental lishing and adopting Equipment Rental Rates to be effective as of Rates January 1 , 1975. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following second and final readings, it was MOVED B�r DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Amendment to A proposed ordinance amending dog license fees, taken from the table Dog License earlier in the meeting, was presented by the Legislation Committee. Ordinance MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST, SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. In absence of Councilman Perry, roll call vote was requested. ROLL CALL: NO - 3: CLYMER, BRUCE, DELAURENTI ; AYE- 3: GRANT, STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. THE MAYOR VOTED AYE, BREAKING THE TIE. MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE ORDINANCE BE LAID BACK ON THE TABLE. ROLL CALL: NO-3: GRANT, STREDICKE, SCHELLERT; AYES - 3: CLYMER, BRUCE, DELAURENTI . THE MAYOR VOTED NO, BREAKING THE TIE. MOTION FAILED. The ordinance was placed on second and final readings. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Councilman Bruce felt that Councilman Perry, who had opposed the ordinance, should be present before final action is taken. Councilman Delaurenti concurred in this opinion. Council President Clymer opposed raising taxes at this time, many people owning dogs. Upon inquiry, the City Clerk noted the ordinance had been drawn as a housekeeping measure to bring the existing dog license ordinance into conformance with the 1975 Budget, Council authorizing equalization of male and female fees at that time, the additional revenue to help fund code enforcement service costs, the Animal Control Officer' s salary not fully funded by license fees at present. Also, many citizens with spayed female dogs had indicated like charge should also apply to unneutered male dogs , this otherwise a discriminatory tax, the Animal Control Officer urging the increase, `"'o these male dogs presenting his biggest enforcement problems, and the pill proposed by Councilman Perry imposing further costs to owners of female animals. Many citizens have secured licenses already at the new charge, either leaving town for the holidays, wishing to avoid first-of-the-year rush or to reserve a certain tag number, a part of which would need to be rebated in event previous action was not recon- sidered. Mrs. Mead also noted, upon adoption of the 1975 Budget Ordi- nance, new license and receipt books were printed at a cost of $50.00, which would need to be revised, Council requested to make its determina- tion based upon these factors, it being prudent business that the fees charged cover costs of services rendered. Councilman Clymer questioned whether all services rendered by the City are covered by the fees charged. Question was called for on the pending motion, ROLL CALL VOTE: AYE - 3: GRANT, STREDICKE, SCHELLERT; NO - 3: CLYMER, BRUCE AND DELAURENTI . Upon inquiry for legal ruling , the Attorney noted legislation required four Councilmanic votes to adopt. MOTION FAILED. Councilman Stredicke changed his vote to No, indicating intent to request reconsideration. Ordinance 2902 Legislation Committee presented ordinance appropriating and transferring Appropriation funds from Excess Revenue - Current Fund in the amount of $6,813.00 WIN Program for the Work Incentive Program (WIN) . Following first reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE RULES BE SUSPENDED AND ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :10 P.M. Jt 4&tx4l Q Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 1Z/Z3/74 BEOIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: NO J 1858 - Nod 1865 CURRENT 1866 1917 si1, 753•Z3 PARKS AND RECREATION 1918 1931 a2, 99$ r19 CITY STREET 1932 1944 s12, 5]k• 11 LIBRARY 1945 1949 sb03r57 REG@ AND STREET FWD THRUST 1930 1954 $10, 53Z• 00 URBAN ARTERIAL 1955 16956 is1 , 613+ 25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1957 1975 $lb, Z9'a•Z2 AIRPURT 1976 1983 946Zo42 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1984 1998 s1 , 637.9S FIREMEN PENSION 1999 i021 S6, 711 •b8 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS �bS, ] i8 .b5 WEs THE UNDERSIUNEU MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY COUNCIL$ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/QFC SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RLNDEREC, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHERS NUo 11566 THWOU��H NO• 2021 IN THE AMOUNT OF f65s118. 68 THIS 23 OF DECEMBER 71, f. ffff FINANCE M IT7�_'_ ' 1TTEF mE ly3! ------------- MMITTEE '-1Er113E� •w.www.` w . '.------------------ COMMITTEE MEM1 REP �. y..^^.•' r"�au. � .:..nme�wr.:...m891�b6'Y�wu1Yi w,.ws............... .. —....=.:ki" d!�AY a.—_s ,,iY.,, a.� /;L 3-7 J i THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. 'NASH. 98055 apo AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD CITY CLERK r` ��TED SEPZ��e December 20, 1974 The Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor and Members of the City Council Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re: 1975 Legal Publications Gentlemen: Bids- were opened for 1975 Legal Publications on December 19, 1974 with one bidder only responding, the Record Chronicle, 801 Houser Way South, Rent:,n, rates quoted as follows: 6 point type: $3.72 per column inch for first publication .31 cents per line for first publication $3.12 per column inch for additional publications _ .26 cents per line for additional publications r 8 point type: flr�r $2.88 per column inchor first publication .32 cents per line for first publication $2.43 per column inch for additional publications .27 cents per line for additional publications It is recommended that the bid received for 8 point type style . be accepted, on per column inch basis, $2..88 for first publica- tion, $2.43 per column inch for additional publications. The price quote constitutes an increase over 1974 costs per column inch of $.37 for first publication and $.33 for second and addi- tional publications. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt tow CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Ma-TING CALENDAR Of f ic:e of the City Clerk COUNCIL CONIlu= &MINGS SC1-&1)U11J) AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 23, 1974 C(ASHI= DATE TIME CIi.�IRDtA-N LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CCZSIITTEE bmul)IC1<E COM6I[1NITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCBE-= LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon, 1/6/75 7:00 P.M. STREDICIM Chairman's Office GOVEPUNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DE1AURHVI'I PUBLIC WORKS Mon, 1/6/75 7:00 P.M. BRUCEChairman's Office TRANSPORTATIC N PhRPY OITMM Nff=INGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CCNMITTU: CLYMER SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE 240 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 3949 $ 200.00 James Andeu on 632 Rainiex Ave. So. Move Resthoom doors 3950 10,000-00 John O'DonnePtP 933 Thoma,F, Ave. S.W. ConstAuct Int. 044.ice 3951 3,000.00 Dominion A.iAc a.4t Renton Ai,,lr?ont Modify thusses 3952 3,500.00 Daniet R. Caines 9L4 N. 28th P.L. Comstnuct addition 3953 39,500.00 Wayne D. H.i P.PA 1815 S. E. 1-8th P.P. ComstAuc t nesidenee MECHANICAL PERMITS M 4164 21-200.00 Lewes Puneett 1524 Montvey Ave. NE Instati Ptumb.i.n.g 9 Fix/ 4165 100,000.00 Ot ympie Pipe Line Co. 2929 E. Vattey Hwy. Instati Z0,000 Bbt.A.1?I tank 4166 450.00 J. 0. Spencer 41.11 NE Su►tset Btvd. Instatt unit htA. 4167 40,998.00 AW Hobby 8 Toy 3620 W. VatP.ey Rd. Instatt SpleinkteA system 4168 1.05.00 Pat M,,tihphy 1214 So. 3xd St. Instati Piping 6iAepf.ace 4169 4,404.00 Vanety System , Inc.. 211 WeM Ave. So. Insta.Pt 1-6P000 CPM Unit 4170 300.00 John O'Donnett 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Inst. pbtg. 9 A.cxtakea 4171 975.;'0 Continentat Axctic 601 S.W. 7th St. Inst. 499 gate pxop. tank ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 4953 150.00 Bxuce Andeu on. 443 Windsox NE. Inst. wi i.ng tee. xoom Inst. Dxyex cilccwit 4954 Txi State Const. Longac ens Inst. Temp. Se vice 4955 50,000,00 Boeing A. Co. Boeing Renton Pta.nt Mise/ EZec. wo.kk 4956 50.00 GeAatd R. Evexett 2525 MoAAis Ave. So. Re-Locate poxeh tight 4957 90,000.00 Jos. T. Ryehson 6 Son 600 S. W. 10th St. Wih.e 06jice Watel}p"e 4958 300.00 Jun.io?c Isaacson 3530 NE t7th P.P. Inst. 200 AMP Sexv. Box 8 WiAe. {oh. tights 9 htg. in btdg. addition CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 11 J. H. Baxteh 9 Co. 5015 Lk. Wash. B&d.N. Inst. side seweA 250 C I TY OF R E N T 0 N MONTH OF— nFCFMBFR. 1274 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: p ATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL N2/9/74 CURRENT 170858.73 PARKS & RECREATION 5,206.05 CITY STREET 2,660.77 REG d ST. FWD,THRUsr 33, 138.32 URBAN ARTERIAL 130712.74 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61 ,541.88 AIRPORT x{,'157.17 t EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7, (CRzzS CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBE 146 570.34 12/16/74 CURRENT $ 280269. 19 PARKS & RECREATION 50874.02, CITY STREET 5,679.06, LIBRARY 8,296.62' WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 458.79 NEW CAREERS 168.69 CONCENTRATED EMPL( TA) 581 .69 REG & ST.FWD THRUST 53.63 URBAN ARTERIAL 482.67 WATERWORKS UTILITY 450214.23 AIRPORT 452.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 809.93` FIREMEN'S PENSION 1 ,524.92 CLAIMS FUND rransfers for month of DECEMBER S 97 B65.94 '15/74 CURRENT $103,385.52 PARKS 8 RECREATION 180309.43 CITY STREET I �3o� c 3 2372,- LIBRARY L I BRARY 1,4`37,(o4 �{ WORK INCENTIVE(WIN) 15 ,c�8 9 NEW CAREERS 500.00 COMP.EMPL.TRNG.(CET ) 2, 178.88 REG & ST.FWD.TFIRUST 99.92 ` URBAN ARTERIAL 899.35 WATERWORKS UTILITIE 14,628.77 AIRPORT 1 ,375.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,794.75 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAMLL FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBER $171 26?.44 23-74 CURRENT PARKS A RECREATION 110753.23 CITY STREET 20998. 19 LIBRARY 12,514. 11 REG 8 ST,,FWD THRUS 603.57 URBAN ARTERIAL 100532.00 WATERWORKS UT10 TY 10613.25 AIRPORT 160292.22 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 462.42 F!REMENAS PENSION 1 ,637.98 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBER: 6.7it $ - •31-74 CURRENT PARKS 8; RECR?EAT 1'"N9 1-1 ZTREE 180416.26 ' 7)ARS° 18, 144.53 7,551 .71 a CA 1,0`71.771 SAEMM 500.00 ao= I 2,322.05 a i 116.30 1 ,046.78 14,270.27 1IL441-(Ab 2, ;0h y75 t i tet. 1toF,q9 2--10.7 J L.i i.1�.1 ­u,jJ e�ne4ne� 4e�� .w....�.w -A r%r'nrur%f-n �hTE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL I.2-31-74 CURRENT --- PARKS & RECREATION 44,825.2( CITY STREET 3,717. 1: FEDERAL SHARED REV. LIND 1 ,702. 1c REG.BSTREET FWD TH ST 210, 156.9 WATERWORKS UTILITY 82.8E AIRPORT 14,069.68 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 353.94 945.2.4 CLAIMS FUND ransfers for month of DECEMAER 2.75 853.25 k SPECIAL DEPOSIT AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION Temp held in Sp.Deposit fund c FUND FUND S 11 ,222. 1 , until notified to put into Airport Constr. Fund CURRENT FUND WORK INCENTIVE FUND(WIN) Ordinance No.�Y2902 (Excess Revenue) $ 60813.00 1 E i Ilrr LS[ 1 1 253 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 6 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Exception from Sign Code for Theaters COUNCIL PRESIDENT Contact ot. er�Ci`ties regarding Suburban Councilmei's Association LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Subject of Bus Shelters Proposed LID Renton Hill Roadside Construction Policy Ordinance ordering construction LID 292 (1st reading 1/6/75) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign: Housing and Community Development Act Agreement Porter's Marina Lease NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Fire g tern request for meeting PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE SCAN Agreement ,.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 6 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, President Pro tem, COUNCIL HENRY E. SCHELLERT, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D.BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 23, 12/23/74 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Mead reported January 2, 1975 Bid Opening for sprinkler Sprinkler System materials for Cedar River Park, four bids received. (See tabulation Cedar River Park attached) Letter from Parks and Recreation Director Coulon asked' Bid Awarded Council concurrence in the Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Papsco, Inc. , Seattle, be accepted. Bid was in the amount of $6,227. 12. Upon Council inquiry, Coulon noted $8,000 was estimated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD. MOTION CARRIED and the bid awarded. Fire Fighters Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 requested a meeting on Local 864 January 14, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of commencing negotiations on a new contract. The letter noted Council has expressed its wish that negotiations be completed prior to the filing of candidates for elected positions and that the Local also would like to i�ave a new contract ratified prior to the filing period. The letter• further noted that entering into negotiations at this time would be within the guide- lines of the Public Employees Collective Bargaining Law that specifies the time within which negotiations must commence. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE.* Negotiating Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Mayor Garrett noted that he serves Committee as Chairman, with members : President of the Council , Cha �,-man of the Finance and Personnel Committee, Finance Director and Personnel Director comprising the Negotiating Committee. *CARRIED. SCAN Agreement Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the Council Statewide authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the Telephone State Department of General Administration and the City for use of the Network statewide telephone network (SCAN). The letter noted that through an agreement with the telephone companies, the State has secured in-state long distance services at rates which are below regular telephone rates and is now offering cities this service. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS SCAN AGREEMENT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMIT- TEE. Gonnason noted savings of $50.00 per month were anticipated. CARRIED. VFW Loyalty Day Letter from Chairman Lew Innocenti of the Renton Bicentennial Committee Parade -- reported meeting with V. F.W. representative Warren Gross regarding VFW Annual Event request for annual Loyalty Day Parade on the Saturday before May 1 . The letter noted endorsement of the project and requested Council con- currence in the recommendation that the Loyalty Day Parade be included as a part of our total Bicentennial/Diamond Jubilee observance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bus Shelter Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Victoria Park Victoria Park Community Club has coordinated Nith the City Public Works Department and constructed a bus shelter on Talbot Road South opposite the entrance to Victoria Park. The letter noted the facility has been constructed Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 1/6/75 - Page 2 Correspondence and Current Business Bus Shelter to provide shelter for Victoria Park school children while waiting for Victoria Park the school bus. The letter noted this as a desirable program conducted Continued by a community club and felt that their action should be commended. Letter further noted this as appropriate use of public right-of-way. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to authority for granting use of public right-of-way or if City policy existed, Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was public facility for use by the public. City Clerk Mead noted provision for City Council approval for use of public right- of-way was deleted with the adoption of the sign code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF BUS SHELTERS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRicD. Councilman Delaurenti suggested letter of commendation be sent to the Victoria Park Community Club jointly by the Mayor and President of the Council , Mayor Garrett noting agreement. Meeting Notice Letter from King County Councilman Dave Mooney noted Green River Flood Control Zone District meeting January 9, 1975. See meeting schedule. Boundary Review Letter from the King County Boundary Review Board reported proceedings Board regarding City of Tukwila request to annex in the Allentown/Duwamish File #524 Area, approved the proposed annexation,as modified,in accordance with Tukwila legal description on file in the City Clerk's Office. Notice of Letter from King County Boundary Review Board reported proposed partial Intention K. C. mergers of three parcels by King County Fire Districts #10 to Fire Dis- Boundary Rvw Bd trict #25. Maps of the parcels are on file in the Office of the City KC Fire District Clerk. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee report was presented by Chairman Perry concur- Proposed L. I .D. ring with the Public Works Department to create a new Local Improvement Renton Hill District fcr the Renton Hill , encompassing street widening and under- ground itilities for Cedar Ave. S. without the improvements of S. 4th St. and the alley between S. 4th St. and S. 6th St. The report noted r... assessments to the property owners abutting Cedar Ave. S. : Sidewalks - $3/FF; Curb & Gutters - ?/FF; Storm Sewers $2.50/FF; Underground Utilities between S.4th & S.9th - $3/FF and between S.3rd & S.4th $2/FF. Report recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for resolution to create the L. I.D. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Following discussion, the motion CARRIED. 'roadside Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented letter from Public Construction Works Director Gonnason to City Attorney Shellan establishing City policy Policy with regard to the repair and/or construction of sidewalks, curb and gutter and the installation of underground electrical facilities. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE PROPOSED POLICY STATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. :%fA ttee on Councilman Perry presented Committee on Committees report recommending Cri!nmittees Council committee assignments for 1975 as follows: Report AVIATION PUBLIC SAFETY 1975 Committees Chairman Richard M. Stredicke Chairman William Grant Councilman Earl Clymer Councilman Kenneth Bruce Councilman Charles Delaurenti Councilman George Perry COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS Chairman Earl Clymer Chairman Kenneth Bruce Councilman William Grant Councilman Richard Stredicke Councilman George Perry Councilman Henry Schellert FINANCE & PERSONNEL TRANSPORTATION Chairman Henry Schellert Chairman George Perry Councilman Earl Clymer Councilman Kenneth Bruce Councilman William Grant Councilman Richard Stredicke LEGISLATION Chairman Earl Clymer Councilman George Perry Councilman Genry Schellert Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 1/6/75 - Page 3 Old Business - Continued Committee on The report recommended that the Goals & Capital Improvement Review Committes Committee become a sub-committee of the Community Services Committee Rpt.-Cont. and no change be made in the special Fire Station Committee. The Committee report recommended representatives to the Puget Sound Govern- Fire Station mental Conference: Mayor Avery Garrett and Council President Delaurenti . Committee & Further recommending that represents ive to Metro: Mayor Garrett with 1975 Reps. Council President Delaurenti alternate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION DESIGNATING SPECIAL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE: DELAURENTI , CHAIRMAN, WITH MEMBERS CLYMER AND GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Ordinance #2903 Having voted with prevailing side indicating intent to request recon- Amendment to sideration of the motion to adopt the amendment to the dog license Dog Ordinance ordinance which had been placed on irst, second and final readings 12/23, Sets License STREDICKE MOVED, DELAURENTI SECONDED, COUNCIL RECONSIDER DOG LICENSE Fees ORDINANCE.* Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that according to Roberts Rules, motion to reconsider is debatable. Roll Call : AYE: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , STREDICKE ANC; GRANT; NO: CLYMER, PERRY, BRUCE. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDIN- ANCE BE ADAPTED AS READ.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, City Clerk Mead, notei the ordinance set license fee for dogs at $5.00 and spayed or neutered dogs at $3.00 each. Debate followed. Roll Call : AYE: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , STREDICKE AND GRANT; NO: CLYMER, PERRY AND BRUCE. *MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented Committee keport Committee Report recommending that Cooks' Texaco Sign and Lighting be allowed on a Cooks' Texaco revocable permit for a period not to exceed five years with lighting plan Sign approved by the Building Division prior to installation, and subject to certain conditions. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECO!1MENDATION OF COMMITTEE.* Councilman Bruce noted Public Works Committee report concurs in City' s Sign Design Review Committee and the Board of Adjustment recommendations. *CARRIED. MM Items for Councilman Grant presented three items, requesting investigation: (1 ) Checking: Sign Code, #3.A. (4-1903) Theater signs. Legislative intent was that theater sir;ns be exempted. (2) Paining and Grading Ordinance, 4-2303 Theater Signs Item (2) Regarding any mining, excavation or grading in excess of 500 Mining & Grading cubic yds. Grant suggested Planning Commission had not been contacted Item for review of the Cummins Diesel or Mobil Oil fill requests, which Parking Checker was Legislative intent. (3) Labor contract violation as concerns Park- Salary ing Checker Salary. MOVED GRANT, SECOND SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF EXCEPTION FOR THEATER SIGNS BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance CommitteeFinance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented Committee Report Report recommending that the mor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the proposed lease agreement with Mr. Porter of Porter' s Marina. MOVED Porter' s Marina BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT UPON APPROVAL OF THE AGREEMENT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY.* Legislative Aide Hughes noted lease covered additional Tracks 1 , 2 and 3 along Cedar River Waterway and document has been approved by the City Attorney. *CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT DELAURENTI CONTACT Suburban _.. THE OTHER CITIES WITH THE INTENT OF FORMING A SUBURBAN COUNCILMEN'S Councilmen ASSOCIATION SIMILAR TO THE SUBURBAN MAYOR'S ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. Ch<:i,ne in Bank MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION NO. 1939 BE Depositories AMENDED TO INCLUDE PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON AS A DEPOSITORY FOR TYE CITY. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO IN- CLUDE CHANGE OF NAME OF NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TO RAINIER NATIONAL BANK. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert requested Council approval of payment of Vouchers 2030 through 2108 in the amount of $275,853. 25 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 2022 through 2029 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 1/6/75 - Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Housing and MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY Community CLERK AND MAYOR TO SIGN THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT AGREE Development Act MENT WITH MODIFICATIONS SUGGESTED Y THE CITY ATTORNEY. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION INCLUDING: ALTERNATE MEMBERS ARE ALSO ELECTED OFFICIALS, ONE MEMBER PER JURISDICTION. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Resolution #1950 Legislation Committee Chairman Strec, cke presented resolution for adop- dusting Fund tion, adjusting budgetary accounts to maintain fund balances,necessi- Balances tated upon payment of salary increases and fringe benefits; $30,179 from Contingency Fund to Current Fund. FollowAig reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1951 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for read- Bond Funds ing, transferring $52,955.03 from 1972 Limited G.O. Bond Funds unto 1974 Advance Refunding Bond Fund and Current Fund to facilitate closinc of the 1974 records for the bond Funds. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance order- LID 292 ing the construction and installation of sanitary sewers and trunk Ordinance lines and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of Eastwood Park area. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2904_ Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance approv- e_ f,G. 285 ing and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local S�::vers/Orillia Improvement District No. 285 for the improvement of Orillia Area Confirming in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. and West Valley Highway with sanitary Assessments sewer lines and appurtenances thereto. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Councilman Perry inquired of the $24,000 subsidy from Waterworks Utility Fund and was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that the City has participated in pay- ment of 1/2 the cost of crossing unassessable property. Following readings, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan noted final interest not to exceed 9% and time period not to exceed 20 years , that the Finance Director will call for bids and the property owners will be notified regarding the final interest rate. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. *MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke resented an ordinance amending .�rdi Hance p g Regulating the regulating of cabarets, prohibiting soliciting of refreshments or Cabarets dances, whether on commission basis or not, prohibiting exposure of female torso and setting lighting, space and separation-area requirement More than 45 days having elapsed since first reading November 18, 1974, Stredicke recommended ordinance be placed on first reading again. Following first reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ELIMINAT SECTION C 3ANNING TOPLESS AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Followinq discussion, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. r.r Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk r WARRANT DISTRIOWTION DATE 12/31/74 B IOIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUM/ER WARRANTS r1ACHINE V010: No.#2022 -#2039 CURREWT- 2030 2063 644s1125120 PARKS AND RECREATION 2064 2071 $3* 717113 CITY STREET 2072 2079 SIP 702119 FEDERAL SwARED REV, FUND 2050 2080 $210P156999 REGv AND STREET FWD THRUST 2081 2081 $82188 WATERWORKS UTI6ITY ?092 2097 $14* 069168 AIRPORT 2098 2099 $353194 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2100 2108 $945124 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $275* 953125 WE* THE 'Y^NDERSIUNED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DcPARTMENTA{ CERTIFICATION THAT t!FRCNANDISE 4ND/OP SERVICES 'SAVE BEEN REC,'--xVED OR RENDERED* DO REO,i, APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS Np1 2030 THROUGH NO. ri7 IN TWE AMOUNT �F 82,5* •53125 THIS 31 OF DECEMBER 74 LLfLt FINANCE COMMITTu c� E {. •..... •rrw• ..s.w Wt1oA�ww+lysq rTTEE MEMBER �•.���,IIrL..�Awq.w.�...w.wrwwq COMMITTEE MEMBER/7 A...w�r. .a.w� w... •.w.w., `- COMMITTEE MEMBER Office of the City Clerk James, ; SID QPENT M -YF.INKLER 5"1'S'; -:M MATERIALS FGR "TDAP W7ER PARK January 2, 1975 BB Bidder ERO,/AA Bid Proposal "A" Bid Proposal "B" incljld_u.g Tax including Tax H. D. Fowler Co. , Inc. X X X $4, 109,34 $3,205.28 13440 S.E. 30th St. Bellevue, WA 98004 Papsco, Inc. *X X X $3,6.31.53 $2,595,59 P.O. Box 24152 Seattle, WA 98108 Polson Co. *X X X $3,9:18,16 $2,863,06 625 So. Lander Seattle, WA 98134 Turf & Toro Dist. , Inc. *X X X $4,122.84 $3,005,39 6001 6th Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98108 * Cashier's Check N C CITY CaMIL ODWITTEE WETING (-"UENDAR Office of the City Clerk CDUM'IL CCMIIT1`EE %=NcS SC1T1)L'1 1 AT CITY Ox' XIL ii'=- IIKI OF January 6, 1975 00WITI DATE TIME CIIAIRNLAN 1f)CATION REMARKS AVIATION COl1%ITTEE S=ICKR COWIR NITY SERVICES Wed. , 1/8 7:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conference Rm. Housing & Community Development Program FINANCE AND PIRSCIOEL SCHEIII-M LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 1/13 7:00 P.M. CLYMER Chairman's Office GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. , 1/7 7:30 P.M. GRANT 6th Floor Police Chief, Gu -ld Representative, City Attorney PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 1/9 7:00 P.M. BR.LK.L Chairman's Office TRANSPORTATION pn3RY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMMITTEE GREEN RIVER FLOOD CONTROL Thurs. , 1/9 7:30 P.M. DAVE MOONEY Council Chambers ZONE DISTRICT RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 13 , 1975 Regular Meeting Monday 8 : 00 P . M . R E F E Office of the City Clerk R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Ellen arm FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE —� Recod ifica tion City's Street Lights COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Clearview RV Cable Petitions LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Per Diem Ordinance Fund Transfer - Fire Equipment Cabaret Ordinance (first reading 1/6/75) Petitions re Topless MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign SCAN Agreement TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Parking request of State office APPOINTMENTS Clark Teegarden to the Renton Planning Commission 4-Yr Term expiring 12/31/78 Ethel Telban to the Municipal Arts Commission 3-Yr Term expiring 12/31/77 Sign Design Review Board: 2-Yr Teftft"expiring 1/l/77: John Dittrich Edward Watanabe 3-Yr Terms expiring 1/1/78: LeRoy Charf Mike Farris .�. 4-Yr Terms expiring 1/1/79: Ted Gate Tony Porcello 262.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 13 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Mayor' s Adminis- trative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 6, 1975 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Garrett presented outgoing Council President Earl Clymer with Outstanding Special Service Award as the first Councilman to serve two consecutive Service terms as Council President and in appreciation of outstanding service. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made Hazen Annexation according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider Vicinity - the annexation petition (75%) which has been filed with the City Clerk East of City 12/18/74, circulation having been authorized by the Council 10/21/74. Limits , includes Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported that the signatures intersection of on the petition represent 85.2 percent of the assessed valuation, �... 138th Ave. S. E. that State law requires a minimum of 75 percent of assessed valuation & N.E. Sunset & must favor annexation. Hazen High School Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted the tax exempt property includes Hazen High School , an Assembly of God Church and a small parcel owned by the State of Washington. The tax paying property consists of 16 single family dwelling units, two commercial uses plus vacant parcels. The letter also noted the annexation will create an island of unincorporated King County along S. E. 107th Pl . and 138th S.E. (Duval Ave. N. E. ) between Eastwood Park and Shady Lane Annexation. The letter anticipated careful review of the !natter by the King County Boundary Review Board, but noted hope that the annexation of Hazen High would be a satisfactory tradeoff as the City could minimize problems at the school . The letter noted Council responsibility to determine whether or not to accept annexation petition and if accepted, authorize Mayor and Staff to prepare Notice of Intention for the King County Boundary Review Board. Planning Director Ericksen used display map to explain area. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEX- ATION AND REFER TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD.* Upon Council inquiry whether or not the Boundary Review Board could arbitrarily include the island in the annexation, City Attorney Shellan advised No. Mrs. Barbara Ridgley, 11823 142nd Ave. S.E. , requested to be eliminated from the proposed annexation and inquired re petition signatures. Mr. Alex Book, 10604 138th Ave. S. E. , reported circulating petition and noted several people in the island area were against the annexation, influencing the others. Upon inquiry by Mrs. Ridgley, Mr. Book advised the Ridgley'sonly signature not obtained for the annexation. Mrs. Lanna Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , inquired if Renton Gospel Chapel was in annexation, Ericksen advising Yes. Mrs. Perry Ridgley, 138th S.E. and S. E. 116th, inquired as to City's intent to opening S.E. 116th (N. E. 10th), being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that no plans existed for opening, that if property owners desired, an LID could be arranged. Mrs. Ridgley further inquired as to the reason Renton City Council Meeting of 1/13/75 - Page 2 Hazen Annexation her property is included, being advised by Ericksen that the Boundary Continued Review Board felt it was a logical boundary. Mr. Shannon O'Neil , owner of commercial lots at 138th S.E. and Sunset, spoke in favor of annexation as it would upgrade the area. Ericksen explained circum- stances for animals in the City. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the City May Creek Council authorize the Clerk to execute a three-party agreement with Interceptor King County Water District #107 and the Municipality of Metropolitan Agreement Seattle for the extension of the May Creek Interceptor. The agreement provides that Water District #107 will proceed with the design and Sewer Service construction of the interceptor and be reimbursed by Metro and the for Northwest City; the City' s liability being equal to 10% of the toal construc- Section of City tion costs of the city sewers and not to exceed the maximum amount of $60,006. The letter noted that the Water District has applied to the State under Referendum #26 for loan funds to proceed with the project and requires execution by all parties prior to 1/31/75. MOVED BY FERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Petitions Two petitions opposing public nudity and "topless dancing" bearing Against 55 signatures and 103 signatures were filed with the City Clerk, "Topless which requested proper legislation to protect the rights of all Dancing" people against prostitution and other crime. On 1/6/75 the natter and of revision to the cabaret ordinance had been tabled. MOVED BY "Public Nudity" STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE. addressed CARRIED, which returns to the Council floor a pending motion which to City and was made by Stredicke, seconded by Grant, to eliminate Section C King County banning topless and advance ordinance to second and final readings. Councilman Councilman Clymer spoke against the motion because in eliminating Forsythe Section C from the Ordinance, exposure of female torso was then allowed and Councilman Clymer spoke against this victimizing and stigmatizing of women.. Councilman Stredicke spoke in favor of the motion. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER CABARET ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , �.. AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL OF THE TWO PETITIONS REGARDING TOPLESS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CAkR'<^D. ROLL CALL ON MOTION AS AMENDED: AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, SCHELLERT; NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, BRUCE. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE TIE BY CASTING AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE AND MOTION CARRIED, ordinance and petitions referred to the Legislation Committee. Clearview TV A Petition for Special Temporary Authority and Certificate of Compliance Cable of for Cable Television Systems in the Matter of Applications of Clearview Enumclaw, Inc. TV Cable of Enumclaw, Inc. before the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C. , was read by the City Clerk. The matter involves programming of Canadian stations , agreement with KIRO-T; and KOMO-TV. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THESE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Fund Transfer for Letter from Fire Chief Williams requested transfer of funds not to Fire Equipment exceed $14,100 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698 unto Fire Department Purchase expending Budgetary Acct. 000.09. 522.20.64 Capital Outlay, per Council action in 1975. Letter requested Council concurrence and referral to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FIRE CHIEF AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages was filed with the City Clerk by Miss Ellen K.Karm, Ellen K. Karm 11207 59th S. , Seattle, for damages due to loss of control of auto ~— from hitting puddle of deep water, car striking light pole which fell on car while driving South on Rainier Ave. S. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. -- N.3rd St. Water Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended final payment Main (W-395) in amount of $13,860. 78 to Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Inc. , CAG 007-74 acceptance of completion of the N.3rd Street Water Main as of 1/13/75. F. Coluccio Letter also recommended that the retained amount of $8,951 . 54 be paid Renton City Council Meeting of 1/13/75 - Page CORRESPONDENCE Final Payment to the contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed Cont. against this project and proof of payment of tax liaibility is received. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Parking Request Letter from State of Washington Department of Social and Health State Office Services, State Adult Probation and Parole Office, District Super- visor James Crabb, noted a recent State policy prohibiting staff members from taking vehicles home, that effective 1/20/75 overnight parking will be needed which is near their office in the Tonkin Building, 817 S. 3rd St, Mr. Crabb's letter requested authorization to leave -these three cars on evenings, weekends and holidays in the Municipal Parking Lot at Wells Ave. S. and Houser Way S. Councilman Clymer noted City Hall Parking Lot would be better suited for this parking. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED 10 THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mayor Garrett introduced King County Councilman Tom Forsythe, who asked for copy of petition regarding "topless" which was also addressed to Mr. Forsythe. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett made the following appointments to the Sign Design Sign Design Review Board for two-year terms: John Dittrich, sign Review Board designer, Tube Art Displays , 808 Aloha St. , Seattle; Edward Watanabe, Confirmed landscape architect, 3312 Rainier A,ie. S. , Seattle; terms expiring 1/1/77. Appointted for three-year Leans : LeRoy Charf, 15 S. Grady Way, architect with ORB, Mike Farris, urban planner, Wilsey & Ham 631 Strander Blvd. , Tukwila and Vera Peat, business person from other commercial area, West Wind Motel , 110 Rainier Ave. S. , terms expiring 1/1/78. Appointed for four-year terms: Ted Gatz, business person from other commercial area, Ted Gatz Photographic Center, 200 Park Ave. N. and Tony Porcello, business person from CBD, terms expiring 1/1/79. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SUSPEND NORMAL PROCEDURE OF REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE, AND APPROVE APPOINTMENTS. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke submitted letter recommending that the Council 1975 Legal concur in the City Clerk's recommendation and award the 1975 legal Publications printing contract to the Record-Chronicle, the low and only bidder, at $2.88 per column inch for first insertion and $2.43 per column inch for additional publication in eight point type. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COUNCILMAN STREDICKE. CARRIED. City's Street MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF TURNING ON ALL OF c_ights THE CITY'S STREET LIGHTS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason noted additional $7,000 needed along with the $120,000 budgeted to cover cost of turning on all the lights for the year. MOTION CARRIED. Per Diem for MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CITY COUNCIL REFER TO THE City Officials LEGISLATION COMMITTEE THE MATTER OF REMOVING FROM THE PER DIEM ORDI- NANCE ANY REFERENCE TO TRAVEL OR LODGING. CARRIED. Housing & Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report C,�Izxnunity recommending that the City's Community Development Program be approved Development and submitted to King County to be included in the application to Program H. U. D. for Community Development Funds. The report recommended priorities as follow: I . Comprehensive Housing Assistance Plan, II . �"" Preventive Health Services Project, III . Housing Rehabilitation Program, Community Services IV. Public Works Improvements, V. Senior Citizen Activity Center. Committee Report The report also noted a portion of money for the proposed program will be allocated on basis of population, with the remainder subject to review by King County Policy Committee and allocation based .on specific needs within the community. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Clymer exDlained the initial emphasis would be on planning and documenting the needs of the City. Planning Director Ericksen noted intent to broaden the citizen participation to include other sectors. *MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 1/13/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Cont. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report Committee Report recommending that the Mayor and Cit Cy lerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the State Department of General Administration and the City for use of the statewide telephone network (SCAN) as requested by the Public: Works Department. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted com- Personnel Report mittee report concurring in the Mayor' s recommendation to reappoint .r. Clark Teegarden to the Renton Planning Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Appointments SECONDED yY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE.* Confirmed Upon discussion Schellert noted corfmittee to meet Monday concerning pend- Clark Teegarden ing Planning Commission appointment. Councilman Stredicke requested Planning updated listing of appointments to Boards & Commissions. *CARRIED. Commission Ethel Telban to Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's Municipal Arts recommendation to reappoint Ethel Telban to the Municipal Ar Ls Commis- Commission sion. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COM- MITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke introduced Jackie Johnson covering the news for the Greater Renton News. Stredicke also noted the Aviation Committee' s Airport Consultant Selection Committee will be interviewing on the 16th and Consultants 17th re master plan and work plan for expansion of the airport. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 2125 through 2273 in the amount of $254,563.61 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 2109 through 2124 were machine voided along with No. 2156 in the amount of $144.00. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND .� RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer recommended second and final Ordinance #2905_ readings for an ordinance ordering the construction and installation Ordering of sanitary sewers and trunk lines in the vicinity of Eastwood Park Construction L. I.D. 292 (first rtadina 1/6/75) . Following reading of the ordinance ED L. I.D. 292 by the Clerk, it was MOVBY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , NE Portion of City ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented an ordinance recommend Ordinance ing first reading and referral back to the Legislation Committee, Amending which updates Chapter 6 of the City Code, Committees of the Council . Committees of The ordinance names Goals and Capital Improvement Committee as a the Council sub committee of the Community Services Committee and spells out the Finance and Personnel Committee, eliminating the Personnel and Community Affairs Committee. Following reading, it was DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #1952 Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented a resolution amending Amending Bank Resolution No. 1939 adding Pacific National Bank of Washington to Depositories the list of commercial banks and amending the name of National Bank of City of Commerce to Rainier National Bank. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. LaLbor Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding progress on the City's Negotiations labor negotiations, Mayor Garrett reported a communication has been VAM sent to the Fire Fighters. Recodification Councilman Perry noted recodification of the City' s ordinances had been of City' s discussed at Public Safety Committee meeting. MOVED PERRY, SECOND BRUCE , Code Book THE MATTER OF RECODIFICATION AND THE FINANCING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City i er JAN l s,IRS WARNAN? OISTNIOWTIQN DATE 12/31/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: NO.# 2109 - # 2124 yl p jy zd CURRENT Voio'o a.s p - ,.w•/,v 2125 2&65 v 17 trrw%a r2i PARKS AND RECREATION 2169 2862 •110607018 CITY STREET 2183 2208 042# 87603 LIBRARY 2202 2205 *3# 504013 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 2206 2208 $647045 NEW CAREERS 2209 7211 •26652 CONCENTRATED EMPL ICETA ) 2212 2214 •1♦ 034116 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 2215 2220 175j089054 URBAN ARTERIAL 2221 2224 433p423j25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2225 2263 $36# 069176 AIRPORT 22611 2252 01# 219t23 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2283 2273 f7P789041 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS a207`+h� WEo TWE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL♦ HAVING RECEIYED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT --� &"ERCIiANOISE ANUiU SERVICE$ HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR NENDEREDw DC lEgEGV AP"DVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOt 2125 THROUGH NO* Ir 104E AMOUNT OV 9.;-44 47—+#1 THIS 31 OF DECEMBER 74 ffL14 FINANCE COMMITTEE M(ITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE 'KSMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF .j2nunry 13, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE + TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 1/21 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd Floor i i I COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI I i COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 1/16 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Floor Conference Rml FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. , 1/20 7:30 P.M. SCHELLERT Pending Appointment - Planning Commission I LEGISLATION Mon. , 1/20 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Rm� PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI 1 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Thurs. , 1/16 5:00 P.M. PERRY 4th Floor Conference Rmr Meet with State Social & Health Services and ' Field Trip to Highlands OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS i i 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JANUARY 15 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3954 $ 3 , 000 Louis R. Traverso 519 Cedar S . Const . basement 3955 7 , 235 HUD-Seattle Area 3600 N . E. 6th Repair res per specs 3956 8, 342 HHD-Seattle Area 1523 Morris S . Repair res per specs 3957 Wash. Natural Gas Williams Ave . S . Fill for location 3958 3 , 000 Valley Gen. Hosp _tal 400 S . 43rd Remodel dining roo 3959 6, 000 George Caul 1200 Union Ave . NE Const. auto garage 3960 2 , 000 Monroe Carver 550 Bronson N . E . Const, basement -� 3961 2 , 000 Fred Schneider 1411 Index N . E . Const. res MECHANICAL PERMITS M4172 500 William Brewer 2222 N. E . 20th Repair drainfield 4173 2 , 500 Renton Vocational 3000 N . E . 4th Inst. gas boiler 4174 14 , 000 Strand Inc . 600 S . W. 10th Plumbing for office 4175 680, 000 Wash . Natural Gas Williams Ave . S . Increase propane ser 4176 160 Lynn Schindler 1007 N. 34th Inst . water tank 4177 11000 Renton School Dist. 1220 N. 4th Inst. gasoline tank 4178 662 HUD-Seattle Area 3600 N . E . 6th Inst, gas furnace 4179 878 Folks Barber College 210 Main S . Inst, plumbing 4180 11300 Chuck Switzler 3616 Lk. Wa . N . Inst , plumb & fix 4181 3, 253 Schumsky ' s Restaurantl0 S . Grady Way Inst, plumb 3 Fix 4182 315 George Perry 2613 N . E . 24th Repair drainfield ELECTRICAL PERMITS E'4959 50 Alberts 1711 S . E . 18th Inst, temp. service 490 50 Powell. Const , 1622 Blaine N. E. Inst, temp. service 4961 50 Hebb & Narodick 1007 S . 31st Inst , temp, servic- 4962 50 Hebb & Narodick 1024 S . 30th Inst . temp, servic 4963 50 Hillis Homes 91.1. S . 28th Inst . temp, servic 4964 50 A&M Const. Co. N . 6th St. Inst. temp, service 4965 50 A&M Const, Co . 600 Garden N . Inst , temp, service 4966 2 , 500 John O ' Donnell 9.33 Thomas S . W. Inst, wire & service 4967 `50 Vanely Systems Inc . 212 Wells S . Wire fan on door 4968 150 1st Christian Church 1707 Edmonds S . E. Remove light fixturo- 4969 550 H. U. D. 3600 N. E . 6th Inst, plumb & fix 4970 760 H . U. D. 1523 Morris S . Inst. new service 4971 120 City Of Renton Public Library Inst. 3 outlets 4972 850 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th Wire new res, 4973 300 Toni Starkovich 527 Grant S . Increase service 4974 VOID 4975 400 Valley Gen. Hospital 400 S . 43rd Wire dining room 4976 500 Don Moran 428 Williams S. Inst, main service 4977 50 C. J. Peterson 2312 N . E . 28th Inst, temp. service 4978 115 Renton Rec. Center 720 Rainier S. Add motor SIGN PERMITS 387 380 Carl Erickson 4000 E. Valley Rd. Inst, wall sign .383 3801. Carl Erickson 4000 E. Valley Rd. Inst, wall sign 389 1, 500 Renton Auto Parts 205 Rainier S. Inst , 3 wall signs 390 250 Renton Village Co . 37 S . Grady Way Inst , wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS low 12 Ronald Desjardins 1317 N . 34th Inst. side sewer 13 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th Inst . side sewer 14 P . S . P. & L 620 S , Grady Inst . 2 manholes 15 Lewis Purcell 1524 Monterey N. E. Inst. side sewer 16 Safeway Stores 2725 N . E . Sunset Repair side sewer 17 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th Inst . driveway 18 Joseph Ryerson & Son 740 S . W. 10th Connect sna. sewer 19 R.W. Wiehoff 1606 Kennewick NE. Inst , side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 20 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Harold Hopp COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CETA Program Planning COMMUNITY SERVICES Matter of Priorities of the Planning Commission Agreement with Senior Services and Centers DOWNTOWN RENTON ADVISORY COMMITTEE Directory of Map Signs and City Signing in the CBD LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Renton Hill L. I . D. 293 Letter from Evangelical Ministers Assoc. Agricultural Production Act material PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Develop landscape plan at intersection of NE 4th and Jefferson NE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Letters concerning Planning Commission Appointment PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Towing and Fees PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Dura Development, Inc. letter requesting condemnation action be held in abeyance 84th Water Coop matter Bids for Kennydale sewer, L. I. D. 286 Letter of disposition surplus building 1511 Lake S. and disposition of surplus property 270 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 20 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council 'resident Pro tem; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY ABSENT COUNCILMEN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND CHARLES DELAURENTI, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. It was noted Councilman Delaurenti was in the hospital and Councilman Bruce was ill . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public liborks Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GOROON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director. hINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLER , COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1975 BE ADOPTED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from City Clerk Mead noted filing of the preliminary assessment L. I . D. 293 roll for proposed Local Improvement District No. 293, Cedar Ave. S. Renton Hill on Renton Hill , asphalt paving and overlay, curb and gutter, sidewalks undergrounding and storm sewer. The letter recommended referral to the 2/24/75 Public Legislation Committee for Resolution of Intent to Create the L. I .D. and Hearing Date that February 24, 1975 be set for date of Public Hearing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. %i Ministers Letter from the Renton Evangelical Ministers Association, Chairman W. Oppose Topless Wilson, opposed topless dancing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE WHERE MATTER IS PENDING. CARRIED. Fire Bond Issue Letter from K. F. Johnson, Manager of the Renton Chamber of Commerce 2/4/75 gave Board of Directors endorsement for the Renton Fire Bond Issue Endorsed that will be on the ballot February 4, 1975. Senior Citizens Letter from Mayor Garrett presented Memorandum of Agreement between Sartori School Senior Services and Centers, a non-profit corporation of Seattle and the Program -- City to delineate responsibilites and facilitate coordination between Recreation and the Senior Citizen Nutrition Program and the City' s Park Department at Nutrition Sartori School . The letter asked authorization for execution of the agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed with City Clerk by Harold Hopp, 2152 Park Damages Ave. N. , for ear infection allegedly from use of ear phones at the H. Hopp City' s Library. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Bid Openings City Clerk Mead reported January 16, bid opening for construction of L. I. D. 286 sanitary sewer lines , L. I.D. 286, Kennydale (Meadow Ave. N. & N.36th Sewers St. ), with 13 bids received as shown on the attached tabulation. Kennydale MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Opening Letter from City Clerk Mead reported no bids were received at the January Surplus Building 14, 1975 bid opening for removal of surplus building at 1511 Lake Ave. 1511 Lake S. South, however, letter was received bidding $500. for the house and south portion of the land, leaving the north portion City owned for access. The Clerk' s letter recommended letter of disposition received be referred to the Public Works Committee for determination as to the disposition of the surplus property. Councilman Grant noted the former Renton City Council Meeting of 1/20/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE - CONT. owner paid $12,000 for house and land in question. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CETA Program Letter from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence in filling Planning 17 short-term employment positions (through 12/31/75) for long-term unemployed persons under the newly authorized Emergency Jobs and Unem- ployment Assistance Act of 1974 which creates new funds under Title V I of CETA. The letter attached listing of positions and justification letters from the Parks and Public Works Departments. Administrative Assistant Stark noted funds would be used for salaries rather than materials and explained some of the restrictions , i .e. that funds cannot be used to displace work that private contractors would be doing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, Council refer matter to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Upon fur- ther discussion, Stark noted the positions would have comparable wages to those existing positions, however, City would have to pick up any wages over the $10,000 per year, and that women are eliqible for the positions. MOTION CARRIED TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Bryn Mawr Letter representing twenty-four residents of Bryn Mawr served by the Water Mains Renton Water Department requested to address the Council regarding needed repairs to the water service as reported in a letter to them by 84th Ave. Water the City's Utility Engineer Houghton. The letter representing the Cooperative Bryn Mawr residents was signed by their appointed representatives : H.R. Elliott, 8220 S. 123rd St. ; J. Stewart, 12212 84th Ave. S. ; E. S. Eastburn, 8427 So. 123rd P1 . ; C. W. Johnson 12312 84th Ave. S. ; Howard C. Hayes , 12621A Renton Ave. S. Mr. Eric Eastburg explained the history of the 84th Ave. Cooperative Water District since 1946 with 100 members and the negotiations for annexing the 34th Ave. Water Coop to Renton, agreement signed and effective as of April 1963 that former Coop members would receive water at the same rate as those residing inside the City Limits. Mr. Eastburg noted in October 1963 they were informed by the City Treasurer that ordinance had been passed charging all persons out- side the City at double the rate of those inside, that protest letter was sent to the Mayor and ordinance amended to pro rate the fee schedule and that as of January 1967 that credit used and water rates doubled. Mr. Eastburg explained that of the 100 members, 40 lived outside the City; that the City needed the lines to complete loop on 84th S. to 87th Ave.S. explaining the area the 40 persons outside the City lived. Mr. John Stewart further explained objection to the double rates paid since January 1967 and asked to be reimbursed. Mr. Stewart claimed in the 1963 agreement, the a ty received an operating water syste+n, $11 ,000, 100 water customers, completion of the loop and all assets of the water district; claiming the members received only double water bills and dirty water. Mr. Stewart explained the letter from Utilities Engineer Houghton noted how the City had installed new water mains following acquisition of the 84th Street Cooperative, noting the old mains were almost rusted through and should be replaced, suggesting a local improvement district be formed as the best means of financing the replacement and upgrading of the affected water mains, noting receipt of complaints of low water pressure and dirty water. Mr. Stewart felt this was not in accordance with the existing agreement, mentioning meeting with City Utilities and being advised by City Attorney Shellan of amendment to the water ordin- ance of February 1964 and letter agreeing to double rates signed by Mr. Watson of the 84th Street Water Coop. Mr. Stewart noted the Coop was dissolved and Mr. Watson had no position for a year prior. MOVED BY _.. CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the replacement cost dependent upon increase in size. CARRIED. Agricultural The Emergency Agricultural Production Bill of 1975 prepared by the U.S. Production Act Labor Party for presentation before the United States Congress, was presented to the Council . Mr. Bryan Lantz, 109 39th South, Seattle, of the U. S. Labor Party explained the fear of world starvation and a plan for prevention by increased fertilizer and tractor output along with farm loans for either domestic or foreign at 2% per annum. MOVED Renton City Council Meeting of 1/20/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - CONT. Agricultural BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS MATERIAL BE REFERRED TO THE Production Act LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Dura Development Letter from Dura Development, Inc. recalled the 5/16/74 agreement between Honeydew Apts. the City, themselves, James P. Mueller and wife and Kingdon John Dunham and wife, and also recalled the condemnation action the City has com- menced in order to effectuate the conditions of the agreement. The letter from Dura Development requested the condemnation action be held in abeyance for a reasonable period of time to allow Dura Development to acquire an easement and finalize the cite plans for a 100 unit apartment complex on the Mueller and Dunham property, option having been acquired to purchase the land adjoining the Honeydew Apartments and steps being taken to purchase an easement for ingress and egress onto this adjoining property. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Permanent Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment to the Appointments Fire Department of William Henry to the rank of Captain and the perman- Fire Department ent appointment of James Matthew to the rank of Lieutenant effective William Henry January 16, 1975, both having successfully completed their probation- James Matthew ary periods January 15. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. aJILD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report transportation recommending that the Public Works Department and the Planning Depart- Committee Rpt. ment develop a plan to landscape the portion of the street now unused as a result of a recent traffic improvement at the intersection of Beautification N. E. 4th St. and Jefferson Ave. N. E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Project CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking of Transportation Committee Report noted determination that the City Hall State Vehicles parking lot could be used by the State Adult Probation and Parole Office in Renton for storage of state vehicles during the evening and weekend hours. It was also determined that the employees assigned to use the state vehicles would be allowed to park their own vehicles in City employee's lot across Mill Ave. South on a space-available basis. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH REPORT. CARRIED. Towing of MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF TOWING Vehicles & Fees AND FEES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Services noting the Planning Department has report forthcoming re ordinance Committee Rpt. setting guidelines of Environmental Impact Statements. Also noting the State Legislature is expected to act on this matter during this session. E. I.Statements This being informational report, no action was taken by the Council . (7/9/73 referral ) . Manufacturing The Community Services Report noted the Manufacturing Park Amendment Park Ordinance Ordinance is now with the Planning Commission, and that the Committee wishes to report this item out of Committee until the Planning Commission reports to the Council . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (10/1/73 referral ) Senior Citizens The Community Services Report noted Senior Citizens Building Bond Issue Building Bonds (3/14/74 referral ) was resolved temporarily by agreement with the School District and the Committee wished to report this item out of committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Service Station The Community Services Report noted the subject of service station limita- Limitation tion (6/17/74 referral ) is in the Planning Com mission, report forthcom- ing. The report noted Committee desire to report this out until Planning Commission' s report referred to the Council for action. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Carco Theatre The Community Services Report recommended no change be made in the fee Fee Policy policy at the Carco Theatre, waiver having been requested by the 273 Renton City Council Meeting of 1/20/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Cont. Carco Theatre Creative Arts Festival , Council referral of 8/1/74. Upon inquiry, Park (Cont. and Recreation Director Coulon noted City policy that when event is free and open to the general public,where there is no admission charged, dona- tions received or articles sold, the charge is $10 an hour for the actual event with minimum of two hours or $50 for an 8-hr day, and for events not meeting all those requirements, the fee is double. He explained that the Creative Arts Festival was charged $200 for two days because they conducted concessions and charged the 75 to 80 artists a fee for space an( percentage on sales which the artists were allowed to make. Coulon noted ... Carco fees are lower than any facility in the state. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Stredicke voting NO. CBD Directory of The Community Services Committee report recommended that the subject of Map Signs & directory of map signs and city signing in the CBD be referred to Signing the Downtown Renton Advisory Committee to report back to Council , (8/1/74 referral ). MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Sartori School Community Services Report noted that the subject of opening Sartori School as raised by Mr. Cenkovich on 9-9-74 (referral ) was resolved by the Park Director and opening of Sartori School Senior Citizens Program. (Information - No action required. ) Senior Citizen Community Services Report noted the referral of 10/21/74 which was letter Program of complaint regarding Senior Citizens Food Program and Dance was resolved by the Park Department and City budget. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Rezones Community Services Report noted Council referral 2/5/73 of Rezones , including categories of businesses included in zones, that the matter is being studied by the Planning Commission and a new ordinance forth- coming. The report noted wish to report matter out until the Commission reports to the Council . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL #-- CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert requested more time to consider appointments which have been referred to the committee. NFW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke called attention to large ad endorsing the City's Panning Fire Bond Issue in Renton newspaper 1/19. Councilman Stredicke noted Commission receipt of letters to Council asking reappointment of Patricia Seymore Appointment to the Planning Commission, Councilman Clymer requesting letters be read from Judi Cotner, Community Affairs of the Renton American Associ- ation of University Women; Susan Cleveland, 16025 S.E. 131st, Renton; Mardel R. Anson, 3101 N.E. 15th St. , and Don Page, 1301 N.E. 1504, See later Renton. From Susan Ringwood, 16841 124th Ave. S.E. , Renton. From Discussion Arthur D. Scholes, 1708 Ferndale S.E. ; Don Humble, 360 Stevens S.W. Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca Pl . N.W. ; Bylund Wik, 2616 N.E. 18th; and Larry R. Gibson, 3312 N.E. 11th P1 . and Anthone Mola who was not avail- able for signature. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ALL COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF PRIORITIES OF THE Priorities PLANNING COMMISSION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. It was noted the Planning Commission also has Community Services Committee. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council APPROVAL approve payment of Vouchers 2281 through No. 2402 in the amount of $184,052.00 departmental certification having been received as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 2274 through 2280 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending second and final reading for an ordinance relating to committees of the City Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead the ordinance. Renton City Council Meeting of 1/20/75 - Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Cont. Ordinance 2906 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS Amending Council READ. It was noted this ordinance updates Chapter 6 of the City Code. Committees ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Amendment to The Legislation Committee Report recommended that the cabaret ordinance Cabaret be held for two weeks before being placed on second and final reading. Ordinance The report noted a request was made by members of the National Organi- "topless" zation of Women to delay action until their chapter can act on this ordinance. Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer noted receiving letter February 3, 1975 from Grace VanHorn of N.O.W. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Date for Final PLACE THE CABARET ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS FEBRUARY 3, -- Readings 1975, ALLOW PUBLIC TO SPEAK AT THAT TIME. CARRIED. Carolyn Terry, 516 Pelly Ave. N. , was appalled that the topless matter had become such an issue when there were no more topless establishments operating in town. Resolution 193 The Legislation Committee Report recommended the adoption of three ger Diem while resolutions, which were read by the Clerk. The first resolution fixed Traveling a rate not to exceed $35. per day while traveling on City business, not including cost of travel or lodging and setting rate of 15t per mile for authorized use of private car on City business. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, .SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution 1954 The second resolution transfers $14,100 from Cumulative Reserve Fund Transfer of Funds to Fire Department Capital Outlay for the purpose of purchasing fire Fire Equipment equipment per the 1975 Budget. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1955 The third resolution presented established the City's policy concerning Roadside reconstruction of sidewalks , curbs and gutters , underground electrical Construction power installations and new curbs , gutters and sidewalks by local Policy improvement district procedure. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Clark Teegarden, Planning Commission member, suggested reappointment of Mrs. Pat Seymour to the Planning Commission, further suggesting that the well-qualified appointee, Mrs. Elisabeth Rivily, be appointed to the Commission at a future date. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Mayor Garrett noted the procedure on appointments was Council concurrence or rejection of the appointment by the Mayor, and in the case of rejec- tion, another appointment is then made by the Mayor. Mr. Larry Gibson, 2824 Sunset Blvd. N. E. , noted assistance from Mrs. Seymour while serving on the Planning Commission. Fire Bond Issue Councilman Schellert thanked the Chamber of Commerce for support of the Fire Bond issue, and having inquired, was informed that donations could be addressed to Citizens Committee for Fire Bonds. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk JAN WARRANT DISTHIB4TION DATE 12/31/74 BEGIN EN01NU TOTAL "ARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMDER WARRANTS I'ACH I tiF VOID; ado # 2271V — #2780 CURRENT 2281 2308 $231634185 PARKS AND RECREATION 2309 2336 $21206169 CITY STREET 2315 2321 $10125311' LIBRARY 2322 2362 $71578188 REG , AND STREET FWD THRUST 2363 2365 $461507163 UR6AN ARTERIAL 2366 2364P •04000 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2,167 2379 $921186127 AIRPURT 2380 2385 $443129 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2386 2393 $816156 FIREMEN PENSION 239% 2602 $372166 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1841052100 WEi THE UNOERSIONED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DEOARTMkNTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOWCHERS NO@ 2281 THROUGH NOs �.. 2402 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ig6, p5210U THIS 31 OF DECEMBER iiiiiiii FINANCE—COMMTTEE COmITTEE MEMBER G�\0 MITTEE MEMBER GOMMIT1 MEMBER Office of the City Clerk January 20, 1975 BID OPENING L. I .D. 286 - Sanitary Sewers - Park & Meadow Avenues North Between North 28th and North 40th Streets January 16, 1975 CONTRACTOR BB AAO BID SALES TAX TOTAL R. L. Alia Co. X X $194, 125. 29 $10, 288.64 $204,413 .93 9215 Empire Way S. X Seattle, WA 98118 C. Ed. Bowen Const . Co. X X $229,435. 50 $12 , 160 .08 $241 ,595. 58 26115 Old Lawson Road X Black Diamond, WA 98010 DiOrio Construction Co. X X $175, 543 . 00 $ 9, 303 .78 $184, 846. 78 7265 - 2nd Ave. So. X Seattle, WA 98108 Dyad Construction Inc. X X $158, 888 $ 8,421 . 06 $167,309.06 P. 0. Box 1845 X Bellevue, WA 98009 King Construction Co. , Inc. X X $172 ,402 .41 $ 9, 137. 33 $181, 539. 74 3444 Beach Drive S.W. X Seattle, WA 98116 LDL Land Development Co. X X $198,472. 40 $10, 519. 02 $208, 991.42 1529 W. Valley Highway N. X Auburn, WA 98002 Bert Robison Const . Co. , X X $191 ,849. 90 $10, 168.04 $202, 017. 94 P. 0. Box 5007 X **$207,493 . 54 Kent , WA 98031 Ryker Const . & Eng. X X $195,019. 60 $10, 336 .04 $205, 355.63 29801 - 6th Ave . So. X Federal Way, WA 98002 `' BID OPENING Office of the City Clerk L. I .D. 286 - January 16 , 1975 January 20, 1975 Page Two CONTRACTOR BB EEO BID SALES TAX TOTAL AA Select Contractors , Inc. X X $216 , 748. 25 $11 , 487 .66 $228 , 235. 91 3652 Hillcrest Ave . S .W. X Seattle, WA 98116 Tonneson Bros. Const . Co X X $185, 893 . 00 $ 9, 852 ,33 $195, 745. 33 9021 Waller Road X Tacoma, WA 98446 Tri-State Const . , Inc. X X $190, 078 . 90 $10, 074 . 18 $200, 153 . 08 959 - 108th Ave. N.E . X Bellevue , WA 98004 Utilities Development Inc. X X $189, 346. 95 $10, 035. 39 $199 , 382 . 34 160 N. 35th X Seattle , WA 98103 Universal Utility Contractors X $149, 959 . 50 $ 7, 947 . 85 $157, 907. 5 14414 N.E . 203rd St . X X Woodinville , WA 98072 P. 0. Box 329 * Engineer ' s Estimate - $189 , 537. 31 ** Engineer ' s Correction CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 1/21 1:30 P.M, STREDICKE 2nd Floor COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 1/23 8:00 P.M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers I� l COMMUNITY SERVICES iThurs. , 1/23 3:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conf. Room FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. , 1/27 4:30 P.M. SCHELLERT 6th Flr. Conf. Room j i LEGISLATION Mon. , 1/27 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Flr. Conf. Room r PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs. , 1/23 7:00 P.M. GRANT 6th Flr. Conf. Room Public & Employees invited. Discuss: 1. Drunkenness legislation; 2. Codification with Captain Bourasa; 3. Bonding of Police i PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE Officers with Finance Director and Roger Davis. FIRE STATION COMMITTEE PERRY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS i 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JANUARY 22 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3962 $ 9 , 600 Don Schumsky 10 S . Grad 3963 962 Y Remodel restaurant Bill Breon 3004 Burnett N. Rebuild patio 3964 1 , 000 Public Hosp. #1 400 S . 43rd 3965 3 , 000 Ed Anderson 569 Bronson N.E . Recreationaroomlon 3966 37, 000 Julius Jorgenson 18 . 3 Jones N .E . Const . single fam. res . 3967 25 , 000 Q .M . Enterprises 160 4Lk . Youngs SE Const , single fam. res . . 3968 24 , 500 Q .M. Enterprises 1�4-t Lk . Youngs SE Const . single fam. res . 3969 23 , 000 Q .M. Enterprises 1630 Lk . Youngs SE Const . single fam. res . 3970 23 , 500 Q . M. Enterprises 1622 Lk . Youngs SE Const . sinole fam. res . 3971 25 , 000 Q .M. Enterprises 1626 Lk . Youngs SE Const . single fam. res . 3972 2 , 000 William Welch 338 Renton Ave . S . Const . 2nd story MECHANICAL PERMITS M4183 200 C.V. Meth ;Chnreh :2201 Edmonds S . E. Inst . gas ng 4184 `585 HUD-Seattle Area 1523 Morris S . Inst . plumb s&lfix 4185 650 Hillis Homes 911 S . 28th 4186 550 Robert Kubasta 208 Meadow N . Inst . gas furnace Inst . oil furnace 4187 8 , 970 Renton School 400 S . 2nd , Convert oil to gas 4188 675 Louis Purcell 1524 Monterey N .E . Inst . elec. furnace 3LECTRICAL PERMITS E4979 400 C.V. Meth Church 2201 Edmonds S .E . Inst , sub-panel 4980 200 Renton School 2600 N .E . 12th Replace wiring CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 20 Adolph Brown 1305 N . 30th Connect san . sewer 21 Don Koll 933 Thomas S .W. Connect san . sewer 6� 4.1 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 27 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Steven J. & Kathryn Krebs LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Letter from Berean Assembly of God Resolution re City Policy Excess Public R/W - Hold one Week Human Rights & Affairs Commision request for change in ordinance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Cumins Diesel , Inc. request for Late Comers Agreement APPOINTMENTS Mrs. Elisabeth Rivily to the Renton Planning Commission Mr. Robert Lester to the Renton Board of Ethics PUBLIC HEARING L. I.D. 293, Renton Hill Improvements, February 24, 1975 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Senior Services and Centers Agreement r.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 27 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . M I N '1 T E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President Pro tem; EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. COUNCIL BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Charles Delaurenti was reported still recovering from operation. Councilman Stredicke, being in the building, arrived at 8:07 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assis- tant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GE1 COULON, Park and Recreation Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Directs DEL BENNETT, Airport Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 20, 1975 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett introduced Lt. Steven Owen, the new Officer in Charge of the Salvation Army and noted his work with the needy during Christmas. CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Mead reported a Claim for Damages filed by Steven J. and Claim for Damage Kathryn Krebs, 7450 S. 116th P1 . , Seattle, claiming wrongful arrest. S. J. Krebs MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED et ux TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Opposition to Letter from Pastor Robert C. Stott of the Berean Assembly of God, Topless Dancing 12636 S.E. 89th P1 . , asked that topless dancing be banned believing it promotes immorality and sets a bad example to the younger genera- tion. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Bruce noted this communication is from outside the City Limits. MOTION CARRIED. Cummins Letter from Alfred H. Croonquist & Associates, Architects, Seattle, Northwest requested that Cummins Diesel , Inc. be granted a 10-year Late Comers Diesel , Inc. Agreement for 12 ' water main under construction from S.W. 10th Street to Grady Way and on block south on Raymond Ave. S.W. at an estimated cost of $35,000. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REQUEST FOR LATE COMERS AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CETA Program Letter from Mayor Garrett listed 13 additional positions added to 30 Positions the original request for 17 CETA positions under Title VI funds author- Listed under ized under the Emergency Jobs and Unemployment Assistance Act of 1974, Title VI which provides short-term employment opportunities through 12/31/75 for long-term unemployed persons. The letter attached Planning, Public Works and Library Departments' manpower requirements as requested by the Committee of the Whole at its 1/23/75 meeting. The letter also noted seven CETA positions filled to date and nine positions to be filled 2/1/75 under CETA, Title II. The Mayor's letter noted funding for all Title VI positions may not be available at this time, but needs were being made known. to King County in the event more funds become available. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION AND ACCEPT THESE POSITIONS. Following disucssion of the positions and Council ' s desire for construction of trails along the Olympic Pipe Line and Cedar River from mouth to City Hall , MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Perry, the City Attorney advised motions could be made at Committee of the Whole meetings in order to make recommendations to Council The Committee of the Whole reported the CETA item out of the committee. Human Rights Letter fr,7m the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, Chris Wright, & Affairs Chairman, recommended a change in Ordinance 2775 which established the Commission, to include the physically handicapped in the definition of discrimination. The letter notes this would bring the ordinance Renton City Council Meeting of 1/27/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Human Rights up to date, reflecting State and Federal law. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED & Affairs BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke reported a change of position and is now supporting the Fire Bond Issue, now recognizing that any improvement to the fire Fire Bond Issue system will filter down to every citizen in that City. Stredicke dis- tributed red fire hats to the Mayor and Councilmen which supported the Fire Bond Issue at the 2/4/75 election. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recom- Committee Rpt. mending authorization of an expenditure not to exceed $2,000 to complete repair of five Airport hangar units using steel trusses at $350 each X-16 Hangar as used on X-16 hangar carried out by City crews at a cost of $350. Repair The City' s Building Division and structural engineer consultant had previously determined hangar building X-16 was not structurally sound, and repair using glue-laminated trusses would cost about $1 ,500 each. Mr. Dave Womeldorff, one of the tenants voluntarily prepared a plan utilizing the steel trusses and in accordance with the Aviation Com- mittee' s 12/17/74 meeting, one unit of the X-16 hangar building was repaired using Mr. Womeldorff' s plan. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE AS REQUESTED IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport Master The Aviation Committee report recommended that VTN Washington be Plan retained for the Renton Municipal Airport Master Plan, which will be Consultant accomplished through a Federal Grant by FAA. The report recommended R. Dixon Speas be designated as an alternate. The Consultant Selection Committee made the selection after considerable study. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND VTN WASHINGTON BE SELECTED AS CONSULTANTS FOR THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN. CARRIED. Northwest The Aviation Committee Report recommended that the Council concur in Avionics the request of John Beu, Vice President of Northwest Avionics, Inc. to Leasehold assign the lease of Northwest Avionics, Inc. to Peoples National Bank Assigned of Washington for the purpose of guaranteeing to the mortagee, Peoples National Bank, its interests in the leasehold improvements to Northwest Avionics; subject to the approval of the City Attorney of the legal documents. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Fancher Flyways, The Aviation Committee Report advised that Fancher Flyways, Inc. has B & H Leasing sold all shares of stock to Jean P. Wirz, Dr. Leslie Hoium and John Sold McKeon who will serve as general manager. The report noted Wirz, Hoium and McKeon are also purchasing B & H Leasing Co. The committee report recommended the Council authorize the assignment of the B & H Leasing Co. lease to Wirz, Hoium and McKeon subject to approval of the legal documents by the City Attorney. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Service recommending that the Council concur in the Mayor' s recommendation and sign the agreement with Senior Services and Centers of Seattle for the Sartori Facility. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL. CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Police Committee Department representatives regarding the new drunkeness ordinance, forwarding recommendations to the City Attorney. Grant also noted disucssion on codifications with report forthcoming; that trespassing on private property ordinance will be discussed at next meeting. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee Personnel Rpt. report concurring in the Mayor' s recommendation to appoint Reverend Appointment to Robert Lester to the Renton Board of Ethics to complete the term of Board of Ethics Reverend Kenneth Underwood, recently deceased. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Confirmed SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL. CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 1/27/75 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee Personnel Rpt. report concurring in the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Elisabeth Appointment Rivily to the Renton Planning Commission. Councilman Schellert noted Planning this appointment replaces Patricia Seymour and the Council is required Commission to either confirm or reject the Mayor's appointment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE TABLED. ROLL CALL: AYE: STREDICKE and GRANT; NO: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE and SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION _.. OF THE COMMITTEE CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF MRS. RIVILY. ROLL CALL: AYE: PERRY, CLYMER, BRUCE and SCHELLERT; NO: STREDICKE and GRANT. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert requested Council approval for payment of Vouchers 2421 through 2671 in the amount of $178,518.17, Voucher #2430 in the amount of $188.10 voided, department certification having been given that merchandise and/or service was rendered or received. Vouchers No. 2403 through 2420 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1956 Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- L.I.D. 293 mending adoption of a resolution of intent to create L. I.D. 293, Renton Street Impovemts.Hill street improvement and to establish a date of Public Hearing on Renton Hill , 2/24/75. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Cedar Ave.S. SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ ESTABLISHING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2/24/75. CARRIED. Resolution re Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of a resolution City Policy establishing a policy on excess public right of way and the use thereof Private Use of by revocable permit. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Clymer, resolu- Excess Public tion be adopted as read. Following discussion of the establishment of Right of Way a policy that private use of unneeded or unused public right of way is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works and that all other property which may be subject to rent or lease will remain under the jurisdiction of the Executive Department of the City,subject to approval by the Legislative Body. The resolution also requires approval of the City Council 's Transportation Committee whenever application is made on bus shelter or similar within the core area of the City. Upon inquiry of the Victoria Park bus shelter, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the public use of public right-of-way is handled through the Public Works Department and not covered in this resolution. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED, REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. Labor Party's The Legislation Committee report recommended that no action be taken Request Denied - on the Labor Party's resolution to Congress. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Council Unable SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. Brian to Study all Lantz, 109 30th S. , Seattle, explained the Emergency Food Program. Bills MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. a. 4ad:4 Delores A. Mead, City(-Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 1/27/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS NO J 2403 - X2420 CURRENT FUND nri PA4K FUND 63/536068 s 3 i3 aF STREET FUND t LIBRARY FUND 620673/02 WORK INCENTIVE FUND ( WIN ) $340126 CAREERS $151110 CETA FUND 6436103 STREET FOR«ARD THRUST 870041 WATLR'WOKKS UTILITIY FUND AIRPORT FUND EOJIPMENT RENTAL FIREMEN °ENSION 480546*99 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS sal -#7 oEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT "ERCrMA%DISE ANO/OR SERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED• 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0@ 2421 THROUGH NO* 2671 IN THE AMOUNT / 6-1Y' (Warra�t�►2430 for $188.10 VOIDED) OF THIS 2 TM DAY j WARY 975 OF THjjS 2 TM DAY j W CHAIRMAN • • w M COMlITTEE C OEM •��`� MEMBER • • • Now �.1 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Cleric COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 27, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION I --- REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Sat. , 2/1 9:00 a.m. STREDICKE 2nd Flr. - City ball Work Session ' i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI t COMMUNITY SERVICES Thugs. , 1/30 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd F1r. Conf. Room FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT l LEGISLATION Mon. , 2/3 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Flr. � PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 2/3 7:00 P.M. GRANT iRequest City Attorney, meet re Cardrooms, pundi 1 boards and tax rate PUBLIC WORKS Wed. , 1/29 5:00 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conf. Room i - FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS # Ii i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JANUARY 29, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3973 $34 , 000 Kampe Const. Co . 1726 N . E . 16th Const . single ff r 3974 5 , 108 HUD-Seattle Area 951 Ferndale N . E . Repair res 3975 30 , 000 Hebb & Narodick Co 1018 S . 30th Const . single fam r MECHANICAL PERMITS M4189 1 , 500 James Anderson 632 Rainier S . Inst. gasoline tank 4190 10, 000 Highlands Comm Chu. 3130 N . E . 10th Inst . plumb & fix 4191 11800 Dean Bitney 1120 S . W. 16th Inst . plumb' & fix 4192 340 Jack Curran 601 Rainier S . Inst . gas piping " 4193 150 Joseph Perea 217 S . 15th Relocate gas heated^.. 4194 750 Dr. Newmna 432 Shattuck S . Replace roof ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4981 500 Ed Anderson 569 Bronson N . E . Relocate meter 4982 500 Dan Moilanen 214 Stevens S . W. Inst . Amp. panel 4983 250 Richard Guerrero 501 S . W . Langston Inst . new entrance 4984 1 , 160 Lewis Purcell 1.524 Monterey N . E . Wire single fam res 4985 336 John Gould 806 N . 2nd Inst . Amp. service 4986 C. W. Switzler 3616 Lk . Wa. N . Wire single fam res CONSTRUCTION PERMI'T'S 22 Hebb & Narodick Co 1018 S . 30th Inst. side sewe 23 C. W. Switzler 3616 Lk . Wa . N . Inst . side sewer i Of?00' 7 CITY OF RENTON TRANSFERS MONTH OF JANUARY, 1975 TO THE FINAMCE OIRECTORE .,. FRQK TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /-/5-75 CURRENT S 110®783, 18 PARKS 8 RECREATION 19P506,58 F CITY STREET 89,201 ,25 LIBRARY 70957,32 WORK INCENTIVE(WIN) 10302.25 NEW CAREERS 620.00 COMP.EMPLOYEE TR. (CETA) 20484.47 REG & ST.FWD. THRUST 498,09 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 140791 ,79 AIRPORT 10143.62 EQUIPMENT `?ENTAL 20959.50 PENSION SERVICES I66.66 PAYROLL FUN Transfers for month of JAN S 181014.2` 75 CURRENT FUND 1010195.80 . PARK FUND 30536 68 � STREET FUND 50313.267 LIBRARY FUND 20673.02 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 340.26 CAREERS "51 . 10 CETA 436.03 REG. & ST. FWD. THRUST 70,41 WATFPWORKS UTILITY 530557.08 AIRPORT FUND 333.87 EQUIPMENT !RENTAL 20363.67 FIREMEN'S PENSION 80546.99 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for moo of JANUARY S 178f518. 17 1/75 WATERWORKS UTILITti REG d ST,FWD THRU T Refund for materials $ 30420.80 purchased for Talbot Rd. project 1972 d 1973 r 7/75 WATERWORKS UTILITY U.A.B. Refund for materials S 300787, 19 purchased for Talbot Rd, projsaV 1972 t 1973 I r MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR 0? i CITY OF REI( TON TRANSFER: MONTH OF JANUAPY, IQ75 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTORa FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /°31-75 CUPRFNT FWID $111 ,261 .01' PARKS & PIMEAT I ON 190 1 ')0 `.4 CITY STREETS 1(),001 .71 L I PPARY 8, 1 14.97 wnPK INCCNTIVf (WIN) 1 , iO�'.25 pr COMP.FtAll.TPtJG. ((-FTA) PF(; R STREET FIND THRUST 5'55.20 WATEr,MORKS UTILITIES 14,()9(°.01 AIRPORT 1 ,407.75 EnUIF)flFNT RENTAL 2.450.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.66 PAYPOLL FUND Transfers for mo, of JANUARY $182,')22.4 h MAYOR ✓ FIWCE DYRECTOfd RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 3 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for Damages - L. G. Bretthauer LID 281 Installment Note and Agreement w/Peoples National Bank AIRPORT DIRECTOR Instruct Lundberg Enterprises re restaurant development at Airport ... Notify Boeing re readjustment of re=ntal rates at Airport MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute contract with Universal Utility Contractors, Inc. it 11 Renton Construction Co. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE College Tuition Increase Renton Rape Crisis Line Matter of information COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Renton Rape Crisis Line Subject LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of LID 281 Installment Note and agreement HUD Contract re Lake Washington Beach Property (Resolution 1959 adopted) LID 291 Kennydale (Resolution 1957 Adopted) Kohl Annexation (Ordinance on first reading 2/3/75) V. Vaupel ' s letter re cabaret ordinance Surplus Property 1511 Lake Ave. S. Cabaret Ordinance Section 5-3105 Paragraph C re referendum Amendment to Human Rights & Affairs (Ordinance on first reading 2/3/75) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids LID 292 Sewers ()() RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 3 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM J. COUNCIL GRANT, 9 KENNETH D. BRUCE EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M , SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assis- tant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Pro tem Perry for corrections or additions to the Council Minutes of January 27, 1975, Councilman Stredicke noted the Aviation Committee recommendation on R. Dixon Speas was read and is included in the minutes. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF 1/27/75 ARE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Claim for Damages filed by Lewis George Bretthauer, 14065 33rd Ave. S. , Claim for Damages Seattle, with the City Clerk claimed damage in approximate of $60.00 L. G. Bretthauer allegedly due to plasterboard ceiling falling onto airplane. MOVED Fancher Flyways BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Bid Openings City Clerk Mead reported January 28, 1975 bid opening for construction Eastwood Park of sanitary sewer and lift station for L.I.D. 292, Eastwood Park Seers LID 292 area at N.E. 23rd St. Four bids were reported as shown on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, BID RESULTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. L. I.D. 281 City Clerk Mead reported January 31 , 1975 bid opening for purchase of Installment Note a ten year L.I .D. 281 Installment Note in the amount of $10,166.87, Bid Award reporting t; o bidders as shown on the attached tabulation. Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended acceptance of the low bid of Peoples National Bank of Washington with interest rate of 6.44%, the preparation of the Installment Note and Agreement be referred to the City Attorney and the matter be referred to the Legis- lation Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Preliminary Plat Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission Kennydale Park recommendation for approval of the Preliminary Plat application of Addition Stanford Witsoe for Kennydale Park Addition located on N.E. 27th St. PP-800-75 between Edmonds Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. The letter noted the Irea was proposed as single-family residential , now undeveloped, 1 . 14- acres, with existing zoning of G-7200. Upon inquiry by Council- man Perry, Planning Director Erickson noted plat will be served by City utilities including water and sanitary sewer service. Councilman Stredicke inquired if zoning change requested, being advised No. Upon further inquiry by Perry, Erickson noted blanket zoning would be addressed by the Planning Commission when work load permitted. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING DIRECTOR, APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR KENNYDALE PARK ADDITION. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Special Assistant City Attorney Pain concerning reimburse- Beach Park ment to the City by H.U.D. in the sum of $10,000 representing the (Scott Pacific relocation award made to Scott-Pacific Co., asked passage of a resolu- Property) tion approving and providing for the execution of the Second Amendatory HUD Contract Contract for Grant to Acquire and/or Develop Land for Open-Space Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/3/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Lake Washington Purposes by and between the City of Renton and the U.S. of America Beach Park which amends the Original Grant Contract of August 27, 1970. HUD Contract MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST Continued AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. (See Later Resolution No. 1958) Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the Council Westcoast accept completion of the South 4th Street Improvement by Westcoast Electric Co. Electric Co. of Washington as of 2/3/75, authorizing payment in the S. 4th St. amount of $3,064.24. Also recommef=ding the retained amount of CAG 031-73 $21 ,304.36 be paid the contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. LID 291 Kennydale Letter from City Clerk Mead reported Preliminary Assessment Roll has and May Creek been filed in amount of $386,198, recommending that March 3, 1975 Water Mains be fixed for Public Hearing and that the matter be referred to the Public Hearing Legislation Committee for necessary resolution. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, 3/3/75 SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Kohl Annexation Letter from City Clerk Mead noted the City has received the King SW Sunset Blvd. County Boundary Review Board Waiver of Review and notification of approval of the Kohl Annexation which is located in the vicinity of SW Sunset Blvd./Empire Way between 80th and 81st Avenues South. The letter recommended referral of the matter to the Legislation Committee for preparation of the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Prohibiting of A letter from Versie Vaupel asking the City to prohibit topless danc- Topless Dancing ing in taverns and cabarets had been distributed to the Mayor and Asked Councilmen, consequently Ms. Vaupel noted at the meeting that reading of her letter was superfluous. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, VERSIE VAUPEL'S LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION .� COMMITTEE. CARRIED. N.O.W. concerning Letter from Linda Martinez, President of the Renton Chapter of the Renton Rape National Organization for Women asked that one position be funded Crisis Line for maintenance of its already established Renton Rape Crisis Line, asking that proposal be presented to Council . Ms. Linda Martinez, 412 Scenic Way, Kent, spoke regarding CETA position funding request and the objectives regarding awareness of the problem, contacts to " assist victims immediately and on follow-up basis, to coordinate and document phenomena of unreported rapes, represent and act in behalf of victims and to serve as prime source of information on rape and sources available to victims of rape. Moved by Clymer, Seconded by Bruce, this matter be referred to the Community Services Committee. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Perry, this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion instead of the Community Services Committee. Following further discussion, SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER OF MORE INFORMATION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council President Delaurenti invited Linda Martinez to the Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday to make further presentation. College Tuition Letter from Green River College Frosh Class President, Mark Shideler, Increase asked that an informative presentation could be made to the City Council on the proposed Community College tuition increase by Karen J. Higgens, Associated Student Body President of Green River Community College and Executive Secretary of C.O.R.P. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCILS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR THURSDAY NIGHT. CARRIED. Renton Letter from Renton's American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, Bicentennial Chairman, Lew Innocenti , invited the Mayor and Council to attend an Commission Open Forum on 2/12/75 to make plans and stimulate non-participating organizations into taking part in the Bicentennial year. Councilman Stredicke noted emphasis will be on input from the public and encour- aged attendance. 292 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/3/75 - Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT Cabaret Ordinance Mr. Dennis Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , inquired on status of the cabaret (Topless Dancing) ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT CONCERNING THE CABARET ORDINANCE BE PLACED BEFORE THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending first reading of the entire cabaret ordi- nance and noted deletion of two words "after sunset" from Section 5-3108 requiring certain lighting, space and appearance standards. Following brief history of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING AS RECOMMENDED BY THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance in its entirety, Mayor Garrett invited Audience Comments. .�. Mrs. Lana Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , urged passage of the entire ordi- nance banning topless activities. Mrs. Caroline Terry, 516 Pelly Ave. North, suggested Section C (banning topless) be dropped from the ordi- nance as there were no longer any topless cabarets in Renton and with other requirements of this ordinance, topless dancing is no longer practical , Mrs.s Grace Van Horn 10 1 F P 8 4 orest S.,Seattle, ask City Attorney Shellan whether or not exposure of the male torso is prohibited, being advised No, that in case of ;problems the ordinance would be amended. Mr. Ron Mann, 3307 N.E. 10th P1 . , noted interesting phenome- non with Mrs. Martinez requesting funds for Rape Line and some Council members favoring amending of this ordinance to delete the portion ban- ning topless which would contribute to the rape; Mann asked adoption of the whole ordinance as submitted. Mr. Mann asked the City Attorney to amend this ordinance so that topless activities would be banned in all public establishments not only those serving alcoholic beverages. Shellan noted violation of the Criminal Code by anything lewd or immoral . Mr. Dennis Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , requested adoption of entire cabaret ordinance banning topless. Mrs. Terry felt entire cabaret ordinance should be reviewed to set noise limits. and insula- tion requirements. Mr. Dennis Fife, 912 Redmond Ave. N. , asked that Council take action ant: ordinance be passed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, STRIKE PARAGRAPH C OF SECTION 5-3105 (SECTION BANNING TOPLESS) .* Councilman Stredicke noted it had been ten years since "go-go" started in Renton and four years since topless started, that this ordinance has been drafted since 1973, that with the other now changes in the ordinance, he felt topless would not be a problem. Others in the audience speaking: Mrs. Lu Ann Sparks, 1633 Harrington Ave. N.E. spoke against topless dancing. Mr. Charles Shane, the people voted in November 1974 to allow topless dancing and felt this should be abided by. Mr. Jack Sparks, 1633 Harrington Ave. N.E. , asked that Council approve this issue and ban topless :and bottomless exhibitions. Mrs. Phyllis Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Ct. , inquired of revenue derived from cabarets or topless dancers, being advised by Clerk cabaret license fee $300 per year. Mrs. Alice K. Dobes, 8606 118th Ave. S.E. , felt Renton had developed a beautiful and cultured City and felt this image should not be destroyed with topless dancing. Mr. Bill Dunham, 11812 140th S. E. , opkQsed topless. Mr. Bob Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Ct. , felt cabarets should be charged on cost-factor basis regarding police calls, as he understood topless cabarets required more police time. Upon inquiry, Police Chief Darby reported more police calls on a tavern after it had gone "topless" by 14 to 1 . Mrs. lierre noted opinion that the November election in King County whether or not to allow topless activities was "crooked" as it confused the people that a No vote meant Yes. Mr. Henry Jones , 882 Logan, spoke against "topless'.' Councilman Perry requested election results of the November issue be read into the record. City Clerk Mead noted total Yes vote for Renton was 2,680 and No was 2,859 for adopting an ordinance prohibit- ing topless female employees. *ROLL CALL VOTE on amendment to Cabaret woo Ordinance striking Paragraph C which prohibits topless. Councilman Schellert left the Council Chambers after disqualifying himself because of financial interest on the subject. 3 AYE VOTES: GRANT, BRUCE and STREDICKE; 3 NO VOTES: DELAURENTI , CLYMER and PERRY. Being advised by the City Attorney that in case of tie vote by the Council , he could vote on motions but not on adoption of the ordinance itself, MAYOR GARRETT CAST NO VOTE, breaking the tie vote. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. ROLL CALL: 3 AYE: DELAURENTI, CLYMER and PERRY, 3 NO: GRANT, BRUCE and STREDICKE. MAYOR GARRETT CAST AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance. 2q3 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/3/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT m Continued Ordinance #2907 MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ENTIRE ORDI- a aret r mance NANCE AS READ,,, ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, STREDICKE and Banning Topless PERRY. 2 NO: GRANT and BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED, & Setting Dress, (See later act^on. ) MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Lighting & Stage COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:45 p.m. and recon- Standards yened at 11 :00 p.m . with all Councilmen present at Roll Call . r OLD BUSINESS :aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report Aviation recommending that the sublease agreement between Air Repair, Inco and ommittee Report The Boeing Company be approved. The report noted the the one-year agreement commences 2/1/75, that Air Repair, Inc, has been engaged taw Air Repair, Inc. in the aircraft interior components business on Renton Municipal Sublease Airport since 1/72 under sublease agreements previously approved by the Airport Board. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED, Proposed Airport The Aviation Committee Report recommended the Airport Director be in- Restourant structed to inform the airport restaurant developer, Lundberg Enter- Development prises (selected 11/73") , that 90 days has been allowed to initiate purchase of the leasehold interests of R.W. Dennis & Associates in order to accommodate the proposed restaurant development. The report noted Lundberg Enterprises should be notified that if no action; is taken within the 90 day period, the City will entertain proposals from other interested restaurant developers, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED° Rate Readjustment The Aviation Committee Report recommended the Airport Director notify TBC at Airport The Boeing Company of the City°s intentions to begin negotiations for adjustments in their rental rates on the Airport in accordance with lease agreement which schedules readjustment 6/1/75. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE CARRIED. Santa Claus Councilman Clymer asked the Santa Clauses be removed from the down- town light standards, Public Works Director Gonnason confirming the request would be taken care of. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report Committee Report noted review of Dura Development, Inc. (Honeydew Apts. ) request that condemnation action be held in abeyance regarding L. I .D. 288, L. I.D. 288 Street acquisition and construction of Whitman Court® The Committee Report Whitman Court & recommended that no action be taken to slow the condemnation process Dura Development and the City should proceed in accordance with our present program. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE CARRIED. Bid Award, The Public Works Committee Report recommended acceptance of the low LID 286 Sewers bid of Universal Utility Contractors, Inco of Woodinville in the Kennydale, amount of $157,907.35 for the c:nstruction of sanitary sewers in May Creek the Kennydale area under LID 286. The report noted the Public Works Department investigation indicates satisfactory performance on sim4® lar type projects in Redmond and Kirkland and recommended acceptance of this contractor. The Committee Report reconAiended contract be awarded to Universal Utility Contractors, Inco and that the Mayo and Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. Councilmian Perry noteT_$3f,000 savings over engineer°s estimate„ MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE° CARRIED. Surplus Property The Public Works Committee Report noted that as no responsive bids were received for the removal of the surplus building at 1511 Lake Specs to note Ave, S. which had been deeded to the City by Max Farr of Olympic Building Defects Pipe Line Co. The Committee Report recommended that the underlying property be also declared surplus subject to an easement for trail access along the Olympic Pipe Line and that the entire premises, including the building, be sold by public bid. As a resolution would be needed, referral to the Legislation Committee was recommended° MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED, 24 Renton City Counc-7 Minutes Meeting of 2/3, 75 - "gage 5 0'_,. BUSINESS - Cont` hued Cumins Diesel The Public Works Committee Report recommended that a latecomers agree- Late Comers ment be authorized for a period of 10 years as requested by Cumins Agreement Diesel and should b e based on the total actual cost of the system which abuts other benefited properties. It further recommended that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the late- .. :)mers agreement. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ")UNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 84th Ave. Water the Committee Report noted considerable discussion was held regarding Cooperative in :ne 84th Avenue Water Cooperative request for rebate of water rates Bryn Mawr and the need for facility improvement. The Committee made no recom- mendation as further meetings are required. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce asked that this matter be discussed at the March Committee of the Whole meeting. Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti , the Public Works Director reported the lines were being 'lashed to give temporary relief of the dirty water. Bid Award The Public Works Committee Report recommended the low bid submitted by L. I. D. 292 Renton Construction Co. Inc. be accepted for construction of sanitary Eastwood Park sewers in the Eastwood Park area, L. I.D. 292, and that the contract _ , Sewers be awarded in the amount of $29,887.92, and theM�ayyor and Citi Cl Jerk '. authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY DELAU SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2907 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT SECTION 5-3105 PARAGRAPH C Cabaret Ordinance(BANNING TOPLESS) OF THE CABARET ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY LEGISLATION TO REFER THIS ,ACTION TO THE PEOPLE AS A REFERENDUM. Discussion followed wherein City Attorney Shellan noted an entire ordinance, not a portion, would be subject to the Referendum Ordinance. Shellan n,-ted those 11rdinances not subject to referendum as listed in the City Code `:fiction 1-102. MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Re�,rtPibl i c Safety Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report r ,recommending Ordinance No. 2865 be amended by raising the tax on Gambling :3rd rooms to 15% on gross revenues or $250.00 per table per year, q'�ichever is greater. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, ")UNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman 'rant noted 8 card rooms in the City with another pending. Follow- ing further discussion of revenue derived from raffles, bingo and rill tabs for 4th quarter of 1974 as $10,311 .46, MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPR04` `=i nance Committee Chairman Schel l ert >ecomnended Council concurrence to approval of Vouchers 2679 thro^-gir. No, 2799 in the amount of "731 ,,711 .63, having received departmenta' certification as to receipt Of merchandise and/or, services rendered. Vouchers No. 2672 through 2678 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, CONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES i.e-gislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recoramendi ng first reading for the following ordinances Kon' Annexatic-) ;fin o-d4raance annexing to the City contiguous territory located on Ordinance 5.W. Sunset 63vd./Empire Way and 80th S. was placed on first reading, First Reading `ne Boundary Review Board having waived jurisdiction. Following ading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE 3E REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance An ordinance amending Commission on Human Rights and Affairs including Amenc,ing Humana physically handicapped persons within its jurisdiction was placed on Rights b Affairs first reading. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED =first Reading 3Y SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED RACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Ordinance #2908 An ordinance for appropriation and transfer of excess revenue funds Appropriatior r,n amount of $571 ,675 to water main construction accounts Lind Ave. SW, Transfer of Monster Road and HUD Grant, was placed on first reading. MOVED BY Funds for CHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL Nater Mains READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL_ CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. z�s Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/3/75 - Page Ei RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Report recommended adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #1957 A resolution declaring intent to construct and install water mains L.I.D. 291 Sewers and appurtenances thereto in the Lake Washington-May Creek-Kennydale Kennydale Area Area, was read. The resolution set the date of March 3, 1975 as 3/3/75 Public Hearing for the L. I.D. 291 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Public Hearing 'STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ, CARRIED. Resolution #1958 A resolution was read establishing a City policy for the use and Use of Excess occupancy of unneeded, excess public right-of-way properties by Public Right/Way private users by application to the Board of Public Works for a. revocable permit, except in core area of the City such application must be approved by the City Council 's Transportation Committee. The resolution requires liability insurance, hold-the-City- harmless agreement and sets permit fee of $10 per year. Committee . Chairman Clymer explained committee recommendation to list permits with the Council minutes in the manner of listing of building permits in order that Council could keep informed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS RIEAD. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, CLYMER and PERRY: 3 NO: GRANT, BRUCE and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #1959 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Authorizing an agreement with HUD for reimbursement of funds regarding Lake Second Amendatory Washington Beach Park (see previous letter under Correspondence; . Contract re MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Open Space AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane asked Council to investigate $1 .00 water rates for all retired Senior Citizens, Mrs. Carolyn Terry asked the Legislation Committee to make further investigation of the cabaret ordinance, that decision be made on more than the moral issue. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MEETING ADOOURN. City Council meeting adjourned at 12:07 a.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk zq� WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 2/03/75 FUND TOTAL, WARRANTS tIACHINE VOID tlO.,Y267=' - 42t>7�t CURRENT WUND $30j826106 'ARK FUND $4) 762142 STREET FUND *1699 t 27 CONTINGENCY FUND $30) 179# 00 STR=_ET FURWARD THRUST $382127 URDAN ARTERIAL FUND $2) 827955 4ATER,v')RKS UT IL I T I Y F U N D $46# 794t64 AIRPORT FUND $10) 738826 LDUIPMENT RENTAL $4) 547;64 FIREMEN PENSION *54t52 TOTAI. OF ALL 4ARRANTS $131011 # 63 WE,r THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANQ/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED) UO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHLRS N09 2679 THROUGH NC* 2799 IN THE AMOU OF $1311711 oa3 THjS RD DAY OF F �BHUARY -� 975• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBER ME.M6ER r r r r r r w r r * w VIP*, OFFICE OF THE CITY MERK February 3, 1975 BID CPENING EAS WOOD PARK L.I.D. 292 - SANITARY SEWER & LIFT STATICN N.E. 23rd Street January 28, 1975 CONTRACTOR BB 00 Schedule A Schedule B Total Bid A & M Construction Equip. Co. X X $20,069.65 $16,005.60 $36,075.25 1901 - 23rd Avenue South X Seattle, WA 98144 Renton Construction Co. , Inc. X X $16,182.95 $13,704.79 $29,887.74 14829 S.E. 128th St. X $16,183.13 * $29,887.92 * Renton, WA 98055 Bert Robison Const. Co. , Inc. X X $29,402.92 $10,803.78 $40,206.70 P. 0. Box 5007 X $27,675.50 * $39,946.08 * Kent, WA 98031 Ryker Constr. & Eng. X X $27,270.07 $ 7,002.45 $34,272.52 29801 - 6th Ave. S. X Federal Way, WA 98002 * Engineer's Corrections Engineer's Estimate $25,711.62 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK February 3, 1975 CALL FOR BID PURCHASE OF A TEN YEAR L.I.D. 281 INSTALLMENT NOTE IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,166.87 January 31, 1975 BIDDER AMOUNT INTEREST QUOTED Edward J. Calta $10,166.87 8-1/2$ per annum- 2217- 60th Ave. S.E. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Peoples National Bank $10,166.87 6.44% per annum 858 South Second Street Renton, WA 98055 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY CO?..'-;CIL MEETING OF February 3, 1975 i? COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS 1 AVIATION COMMITTEE ' STREDICKE - s COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 2/6 8:00 P.M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 2/5 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flocr 1 FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. , 2/10 7:00 P.M. CLYMER ! 6th F1r. Conf. Room i PUBLIC SAFETY Wed., 2/5 7:00 P.M. GRANT 6th F1r. Conf. Room Meet with Fire Chief & Members of Fire Fighters Union PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE 1 FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI � II TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY s i i OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS RENTON BI-CENTENNIAL Wed P.M. r ENN ., 2j12 7:C0 .M. IN1vQC..�'TL Renton Higsi School COMMISSION Student Lounge ! i s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 6 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3976 $ Milwaukee R. R. 609 S .W. 4th Demolish res . 3977 3, 640 Mike Saito 277 Thomas S .W. Const . add. to res 3978 William Briere 2221 N.E . 6th Const , add. to Yes .. 3979 5 . 500 Renton School#403 754 Edmonds N.E . Const . work area 3980 1, 500 James McElroy 1160 Aberdeen N .E . Remod6l existing res . 3981 450 Tek Wong 675 Garden N. Const . partition MECHANICAL PERMITS M4195 50 William Briere 2221 N.E . 6th Extend gas piping 4196 7 , 500 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Inst . plumb $ fix 4197 450 HUD-Seattle Area 1523 Morris S. Inst , oil furnace 4198 1 ,022 C.W. Switzler 3616 Lk. Wa. Blvd. Inst . elec. furnace 4199 200 James McElroy 1160 Aberdeen N.E. Inst . plumb $ fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4987 2 ; 400 Don Schumsky 10 S . Grady Inst . lighting & plugs 4988 586 City of Renton Bronson Way. N. Set sub panel 4989 450 Betty Knapp 1201 N .E . 16th Increase service 4990 6, 310 Boeing Air Co . Boeing Renton Power to ventilation 4991 314 Nando Phillips 324 Whitworth S. Inst . new service 4992 10 ,000 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Wire office 4993 240 Michael Wilson 915 S .W. Langston Up-date service 4994 450 Jeffrey Long 904 Ferndale N.E . Inst . breaker panel 4995 450 James McElroy 1160 Aberdeen N.E . Add new service CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 24 G .H. Const 1120 S .W. 16th Conn san. sewer 25 James McElroy 1160 Aberdeen N.E . Connect san. sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 10 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Request for Vacation of portion of Powell Ave. S.W. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Positions requested under Title VI of CETA Program CITY CLERK Distribution of Resolution 1960 to Legislature & Governor COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Water & Sewer Bond Issue and projects proposed LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CETA Funds Ordinances 2911 & 2912 adopted) Programs affecting elderly for resolution Opposition to College Tuition Increase (Resolution 1960 adopted) Amendment Ordinance re card rooms H.B. #66 FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Council representative attandance at National League of Cities Conference ASPO Conference by Councilman Perry MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Author zed to execute Installment Note & Agreement PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Bond Issue � PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for Kennydale Sewer Repair Request for vacation of portion of Powell Ave. S.W. Water & Sewer Bond Issue and proposed projects SPECIAL EVENTS George Washington' s Birthday Holiday - Monday 2/17/75 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 10, 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES LELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, and GEORGE J. PERRY. ... MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY CLYMER, ABSENT COUN4,ILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legis- lative Aide; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. ; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY -DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3, 1975 MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk Mead reported the February 5, bid opening for Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Repair which includes labor, equipment, materials Bid Opening and performance of all work in repairing existing 8" line. Three Kennydale Sewer bids were received as shown on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY Leak Repair SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER THESE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Water & Sewer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Utilities Bond Issue and Division has secured opinion from the City 's financial consultant, Proposed Projects Seattle Northwest Securities, that the City' s Utilities can support a $3,000,000 Water and Sewer Bond Issue. A list of 21 proposed pro- ..rr jects was attached, noting the additional projects and dollars were added because Referendum 27 has made available 40% grant monies , some already secured, and because inflation has reduced buying power and increased project costs. The letter requested Council concurrence in the proposed projects. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason explained Referendum 27 is statewide funding assistance for water projects at a rate of 40% for qualifying projects, and Referen- dum 26 for sewer projects. Gonnason explained the proposed projects and upon inquiry by Councilman Delaurenti , Gonnason noted the Talbot Reservoir tie-in doesn' t provide Renton water rather than Seattle water for Talbot Hill residents. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Gonnason noted joint trunk line project underway in N.E. portion of City and the second phase would be trunk lines from interceptor to unsewered portions of Highlands and Kennydale. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. CETA Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested an ordinance be pre- Titles II & VI pared appropriating funds to cover cost of positions authorized in '75 for Additional Budget under Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA Program) . Employees Appropriations needed for CETA Title II would be $23,793 and for CETA Title VI would be $56,891 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Ordinances) Fire Bond Issue Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that the special Fire Station Committee of the Council re-initiate meetings for review of facility and equipment needs of the Renton Fire Department, that though the Fire Bond Issue failed 2/4/75, the needs still exist. The letter recommended that in addition to those working with the committee (Fire Fighters Local 864 Members, Fire Chief and Del Bennett of City staff) representation be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and the insurance businesses in Renton. Considerable discussion ensued. 3�3 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/10/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Fire Bond Issue Councilman Grant requested a fresh look be taken at issue including Continued those people against. Fire Chief Williams reported the master plan for fire protection for the City would be completed by September. Citizen input was discussed along with possibility of purchasing equipment on councilmanic bonds. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Creditability of the City and possibility of obtaining any outside 4 funds were disucssed. MOTION CARRIED. Senior Citizens Letter from Mayor Garrett noted costs for the elderly are increasing Affected by for less available service and elderly are the most inadequately Program Cuts equipped to deal with these rising costs. The letter noted govern- ment action at the national level may have significant impact and, therefore, recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution opposing these cost increases and program reductions. The letter noted Mayor Garrett will be attending the National League of Cities Congressional-City Conference during the first week in March in Washington, D.C. representing the Washington State Municipal Research Council and would be able to personally deliver such a resolution to our Congressional delegation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.* Councilman Grant requested Public Works Committee to again review referral of a few months ago for reductions to the water and sewer rates to cover the poor people. *CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dean Bitney, 1082 Anacortes N.E. , presented petition for Street Vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. , 60 ft. wide, lying between Street Vacation FAI 405 southerly R/W margin and the northerly R/W margin of S.W. Portion of 16th St. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PETITION FOR Powell Ave. S.W. VACATION BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO VERIFY SIGNA- TURES AS TO OWNERSHIP AND TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chairman Delaurenti presented Committee of Committee of the the Whole Report recommending adoption of a resolution to support Whole Report the position held by Green River Community College students in regards to tuition increases. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, College Tuition COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT AND REFER TO THE Increase Opposed LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CETA Positions The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the matter of positions requested under Title VI of the CETA Program be referred to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF WHOLE. CARRIED Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant noted meeting with Fire Fighter! Committee Report Union and Fire Chief re Fire Bond Issue and other things of interest, such as ambulance service in the City. Discussion ensued regarding ambulance service and first aid and transporting to the hospital . Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted for 1974 $4,800 was paid by the City for ambulance service, with $2,400 being rebated with the possibility of receiving additional rebate as it may be collected by Shepherd Ambulance Co. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ATTENDANCE OF COUNCIL National League REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE IN WASH- of Cities INGTON, D.C. IN MARCH, BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Conference COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED, with Councilman Stredicke requesting his No vote be recorded. Councilman Perry requested permission to attend the ASPO Planning Conference in June. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PERRY'S REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Councilman Stredicke inquired re sign at vacant Time Oil Station on N.E. 4th and Monroe N.E. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director to investigate and report back. Negotiations Councilman Grant asked for update on labor negotiations at the next Council meeting. 30 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/10/75 - Page 3 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council approval in Vouchers No. 2807 through 2882 in the amount of $111 ,998.22 having received Departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 2800 through 2806 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. First ReadingLe Committee Chairman The Legislation g Clymer presented committee Amendment to report recommending first reading for an amending ordinance relating Gambling to gambling, imposing increased tax on card rooms and prescribing Ordinance additional rules and regulations. Ordinance was read by City Clerk Relating to setting tax of 15% of the total gross receipts received of the fees Card Rooms charged persons for the privilege of playing in social card games or $250 per table per annum, whichever is greater, for the conducting or operation of any licensed premises or facility used to play social card games. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. City Clerk Mead was asked to distribute a copy of the proposed ordinance to each licensed card room or those known to be planning to license. Ordinance 2909 The Legislation Committee Report recommended first and second readings Installment Note of the following ordinances: MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, Peoples National COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read LID 281 ordinance fixing installment note and directing sale to Peoples National Bank of Washington pertaining to Local Improvement District No. 281 (unpaid balance $10,166.87) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Perry reported 6.44% interest on the note, the City having called for bids. See Page 4 for authorization •to execute agreements. Ordinance 2910 City Clerk Mead read ordinance amending the Penal Code regarding Amending Penal public drunkeness due to change in law identifying drunkeness as an Code Relating illness. Upon inquiry, Police Capt. Bourasa noted Renton transports to Drunkeness those picked up to Kent for transportation to Seattle Detox Center; Bourasa reported 14 instances since State law took effect 1/1/75. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading of the ordinance con- forming City statutes to change in law, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant reported perusal of Code Book for updating of ordinances. Ordinance 2911 City Clerk Mead read ordinance as recommended by the Legislation Appropriation Committee Report appropriating excess revenue from the Comprehensive Excess Revenue Employment Training Act (CETA) and from Current Fund Excess Revenue for CETA II to provide temporary funding under the CETA II Program in the Salaries amount of $23,793. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2912 City Clerk Mead read ordinance as recommended by the Legislation Appropriation Committee appropriating and transferring excess revenues in the Excess Revenue amount of $56,891 from CETA and Current Fund to provide temporary for CETA VI funding under CETA VI program. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, Salaries ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readingsof the ordinance, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances having been placed on first reading on 2/3/75, the Legislation Committee Report recommended second and final readings: MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCES BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance 2913 City Clerk Mead read ordinance annexing certain territory to the City, Kohl Annexation known as the Kohl annexation, located adjacent to the easterly City limits on Empire Way/S.W. Sunset Blvd. at 80th Ave. S. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/10/75 - Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2914 City Clerk Mead read ordinance amending the Human Rights and Affairs Human Rights & Ordinance including physical handicaps within its jurisdiction. MOVED Affairs Include BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Handicapped ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED The Legislation Committee Report recommended reading and adoption Resolution 1960 of a resolution in support of reduced college tuition fees. MOVED Opposing BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. College Tuition City Clerk Mead read resolution opposing tuition increase for insti- Increase tutions of higher education. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. Councilman Stredicke indicated for the record that the original request was filed with the Council by a Renton student at Green River Community College, that the increase would amount to 60% to 80%. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE PRESENTATION BY THE CITY CLERK TO 11th AND 41st LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES AND APPROPRIATE COMMITTEE CHAIR- MEN AS WELL AS GOVERNOR AND SPEAKERS OF BOTH HOUSES. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. H.B. No. 66, Driving While MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT OF PROPOSED HOUSE BILL Intoxicated - NO. 66 BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR POSSIBLE PREPARA- Procedures TION OF A RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Peoples National At the request of the City Attorney, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Bank SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO Installment Note EXECUTE AGREEMENT AND INSTALLMENT NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH L. I .D. 281 ORDINANCE 2909. (See Page 3, Ordinance) ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. D"eTores A. Mead, City Clerk_ WARRANT DrSTRIBUTIUN 2/10/75 FUVD TOTAL WARRANTS MACH I NF Vn 1 D,H 2300 — rY 2806 CURRENT FUNJ $23i533t85 PARK FJNJ $6# 426#32 STREET FJND $21940169 Mai �,IdKARY FUNJ $985152 WORK INCENTIVE, FUND ( WIN ) •18102 CAREERS $72#04 CETA FUND $403192 5TRCLT FJRWARO THRUST $123114 WATERWORKS JTILITIY FUND 6741670178 AIRPORT FUNJ $2631'47 EOUIPNENT RENTAL $2# 397t47 TOTAL OF ALS WARRANTS $1111998122 mEo TME UNDERSIGNED MEH6ERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF ' a RENTON CITY CGUNCILj HAVING RECEIVED CEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MEWCHANOISE ANO/OH SEKVICL5 MAVE BEEN PEOEIVED OR RENDERED♦ DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHEHS NOt 2x07 THROUGH NOt 2882 IN THE AMOUNT OF $11li998t22 THIS LOTH QAY OF FtUR' Y 1975• M COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN E n 6E R cu. 4 MEMBER w r • w w w � I ! I Office of the City Clerk February 10, 1975 BID OPENING Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Repair February 5, 1975 CONTRACTOR BB EEO AA BID SALES TAX TOTAL A. & M. Construction Co. x x $26,480.00 $1,403.44 $27 , 883 .44 1901 23rd Avenue So. x Seattle, Wa. 98144 Constructors - Pamco x x $59, 600.00 $3 , 158. 80 $62, 758.80 3600 Fremont Avenue No. x Seattle, Wa. 98103 King Construction Co. x x $48, 656.00 $2, 578.77 $51, 234.77 3444 Beach Drive S. W. x Seattle, Wa. 98116 * Engineer ! s Estimate - $23 , 513.49 CA:) O CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR pn Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF February 10, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 2/13 4:30 P.M. CLYMER �horeline Management Ordinance FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. , 2/24 4:30 P.M. SCHELLERT Responsibilities of Finance Committee LEGISLATION CLYMER PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. , 2/18 7:30 P.M. GRANT 6th Floor Conf. Room Police Guild, Police Chief and Administrative Personnel PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI I i TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS Mon. , 2/17 INo Council Meeting - Legal Holiday Holiday SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Tues. , 2/18 Kent RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 24 , 1975 Regular Meeting Office of the .City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages - B. Torkelson; C. Garrett COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Work with the Planning Department on final report Downtown Improvement Project �.. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE LID 293 Street Improvement Renton Hill , for Ordinance Ordinance amending Metro Sewer Rates (first reading 2/24/75) Ordinance adopting Electrical Code (first reading 2/24/75) MAYOR Deliver resolution to National League of Cities , Washington D.C. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute addendum to Police Guild contract PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Update of Uniform Fire Code Ordinance amending gambling tax on card rooms NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE 21R Labor Negotiations Amendment to Fire Fighters contract PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Request for Street Vacation by Robert L. Edwards PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Request for agreement and amendment by Dura Development Co. re Honeydew Complex RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 24 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER and GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, HOSPITALIZED COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE BE EXCUSED FOR ABSENCE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assist- ant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti for additions or correc- tions to the Council Minutes of February 10, 1975, Councilman Perry requested amendment reflecting date of April 12 through 17, for ASPO Planning Conference rather than June as Mr. Perry thought in his request for attendance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MINUTES BE AMENDED TO SHOW APRIL DATE AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 1975 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made L. I. D. 293 according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider Renton Hill the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $43,062.61 for the Improvement of construction and installation of certain street improvements and ap- Cedar Ave. S. purtenances thereto in and near Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill . Letters of protest received prior to the hearing were read: C. T. Ting, 16045 ... 132nd P1 . SE; Lyman E. Riley, 3 Limetree Lane, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Cal . Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted percentage of protest at 5:00 p.m. 2/24 constituted 3.395% of total cost of project. Letters of protest received at the meeting were read: Flora Monoghan, 324 Cedar Ave. S. ; Pete Peiroli , 12025 Renton Ave. S. , Seattle; LeRoy Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. ;Ardith V. Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. Public Works Director Gonnason reported this constituted 8.413% protest to the project. Public Works Director explained the project with asphalt paving or overlay, new curb, gutter and sidewalks, with underground power including new street lighting and storm sewers. Gonnason explained property assessed at 17.90°% of the cost of the project. Persons present at the hearing making inquiries: W. K. Moore, 539 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired re power poles, being advised by Gonnason that pawer poles on Cedar will be removed with riser between under- ground lines and poles. Roy Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired Project to re high voltage power lines, being advised these will remain with two Proceed of the three lines removed to reduce clutter , too costly to move lines to Pipeline Road. Stanley Nelson, 419 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired about street widening and poles, being advised those poles that remain and the street lighting will be placed within the new 6' sidewalks. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PROJECT AS OUT- LINED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Gonnason rioted the alley and S. 4th St., are deleted from the project. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Claim for Damages filed with the City Clerk by Bryce E. Torkelson, BUSINESS 434 Whitworth Ave. S. , reported damaged auto in amount of $10.53 Claims for allegedly due to upturned sewer manhole cover. A second Claim for Damages Damages filed with the City Clerk by Clifford M. Garrett, 3708 Meadow B. Torkelson Ave. N. claimed $50.75 for broken car window allegedly due to rock C. Garrett being thrown by City sweeper. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER CLAIVS BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. 311 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/24/75 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Street Vacation Petition for Street Vacation was filed by Robert L. Edwards of the Renton Shopping Renton Shopping Center, for vacation of a portion of County Road No. Center Area 80 (also known as Third Ave. Extension) lying southerly of S.W. Sunset Blvd. (P.S.H. No. 2) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THE PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CHECK THE SIGNATURES, OWNERSHIP AND PETITION VALIDITY. CARRIED. Opposition to A resolution opposing a County-wide drainage utility as recommended by King County Storm the River Basin Coordinating Committee, was filed with the City by the -- Drainage Utility Newcastle Grange #1100. The resolution noted the property owners would have no voice in the organization and/or financing of the utility and, therefore, the Grange oppossed formation and/or funding. Official Report Letter from King County Records and Elections Superintendent, Bond Issue Vote Ralph Dillon, certified 2/4/75 Special Election on the Fire Bond Issue. The County Canvassing Board reported Total Vote: 4,975. Bonds , Yes: 2,741 and Bond, No: 2,169 Defeated. Update of Letter from Fire Chief Williams requested adoption of the Uniform Uniform Fire Code Fire Code Supplement 1974 as it has a major amount of impact on compressed gases and allows the Fire Department more control over installation and maintenance of Fire Protection, Life Safety Systems and appliances. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Honeydew Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented letter from Apartment Hillis, Schell , Phillips, et al , Attorneys for Dura Development Co. Complex -- which presented Agreement and Amendment to the previous Declaration Dura Development of Restrictive Covenants executed by Dura Development for the Honeydew Company Apartments. The letter stated that the proposed Amendment and Agreement deletes the requirement for a Local Improvement District which was previously agreed to by all parties and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court which is within the Honeydew Estates residential area, and provides for the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to the proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Mr. James A. Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice President of Dura Development Co. used wall map and site plan to review Phase 1 building of 164 unit complex and outlined Honeydew Too. He reviewed that due to complaints from residents to the south, covenants had been drawn up with the City for fence,landscaping and 10-yr storm drain plan. He noted L. I .D. started to prevent land-locked property; that Dura Development Co. has acquired an option on property extending to N.E. Sunset Blvd. which would serve as access , and asked that the L. I .D. be discontinued as there would no longer be land-locked property. Upon inquiry from Councilman Clymer, Mr. Summers noted nothing would be done until Dura had acquired the five-acres and had title to strip for access. Mr. Durwood Roupe, President of Group 4 Consulting Engineers , 1816 N. 180th, Seattle, explained reasons for choosing proposed access to the east of L. I.D. roadway, explained hydraulics study for for storm drain. Councilman Perry noted citizen complaints because of water drainage to adjacent property and into the apartment huildings. Mr. Summers reported that Dura Development Co. was standing behind the project for one year (sold to California firm) and that three of the apartments needed waterproofing at the foundation. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Mr. Summers noted only complaint from abutting property owners was regarding tree,; complaint corrected. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER THIS SUBJECT OF DURA DEVELOPMENT'S REQUEST TO THE PUBIC r.. WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Police Guild Letter from Mayor Garrett provided status of labor negotiations wth Labor the Police Officers Guild and the matter of alleged sex discrimination Negotiations as pertains to position of Parking Checker in the Police Department, noting receipt of letter from Human Rights and Affairs Commission which requested conciliation (with the time being extended on 2/10 for two weeks). The Commission requested notification of conciliation attempt with the Parking Checker at that time. The Mayor' s letter noted the Police Guild would notify the City when they were prepared to begin negotiations for a new contract, that the present contract provides 312 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/24/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Cont. Police Guild, for negotiation of salaries for new positions created within the Addendum to Police Department. The letter furnished addendum to the Police Guild CAG 012-73 contract for salary schedule for Jail & Property Custodian and Assistant Laboratory Technician, asking Council concurrence. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE ADDENDUM TO THE POLICE GUILD AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Police Chief Darby noted that Mrs. Heap, the Parking Checker, had been injured in auto accident and had requested a week' s extension on the conciliation. Fire Fighters Letter from Mayor Garrett reported fact finding panel recommendations Local 864 regarding the four openers in the City' s contract with the Fire Labor Fighters Local 864: (1 ) That the shift differential for aid car Negotiations personnel be increased by 85� to $3.25 per shift; (2) That the differ- ential between lieutenant and captain be increased by 1% to 13%; (3) That the rate of premium pay for training officers be raised $5.00 to $40.00 per month; (4) That a minimum of 12 fire suppression person- nel be assigned to each working shift of the Fire Department. The Mayor' s letter recommended this matter be referred to the Negotiations Committee to meet with the Fire Fighters Local for joint preparation of amendment to the current working agreement regarding these findings . Letter from Fire Fighters Local 864 noted that in accordance with RCW 41 .56.440 the Fact Finding Panel concluded hearings and issued recommendations re specified openers. The Local ' s letter requested that the Council concur in the Fact Finding Panel 's recommendations and that they be made effective January 1 , 1975. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN FACT FINDING REPORT REGARDING CONTRACT OPENERS AND THIS BE EFFECTIVE 1/1/75 AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE TO PREPARE AMENDMENT TO PRESENT WORKING AGREEMENT WITH FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Letter from Lee Pumel , Chairman of the Senior Citizen Planning Committee thanked the Mayor and Council for consideration of elderly residents when adopting the Housing and Community Development proposal •and offered assistance in the planning and organization of the activities. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th Pl . , thanked the Mayor and Council on behalf of the Senior Citizens for making the Senior Citizen Center a success. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett noted March 13, 1975 as "Music in Our "Music in Our Schools" Day to give recognition to the vital place of music in the Schools" Day educational process. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , 3/13/5 COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Permanent Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment to the Appointment Renton Fire Department of Kenneth Pillon effective February 16, 1975, K. Pillon his six-month probationary period having been completed. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHELLLRT, SECONDED BY GRANT', THAT lHE FINAL REPORT ON THE DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES CBD COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. 21R Labor MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MAYOR'S REPORT OF 211R Negotiations NEGOTIATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant requested a chart be prepared to show comparisons when this matter is presented to Council . MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant presented 2/26 meeting agenda Committee Report for information, noting meeting re Emergency Preparedness , Master PI:"n, Meeting Scheduled for Fire Department, Federal Funding for Fire Prevention & Control , With Fire Chief Citizens Input on Fire Station and any subject of interest to Fire & Department Fighters Union. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 2890 through 3067 in the amount of $71 ,795.49 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or service. Vouchers No. 2883 - 2889 machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/24/75 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending that the ordinance amending gambling rates for card rooms be placed on second and final reading and adopted (first reading 2/10) . Ordinance The proposed ordinance having been distributed to affected businesses, Amending audience comment was invited. Fred Steiner, The Hold Tavern, asked Gambling Tax on six month period with no taxing. Dennis Weathers representing Ed Card Rooms Altman of Dino' s asked that in order to allow advertising, the fees are reduced. Gerald Neisenger, It' ll Do, 205 Airport Way, opposed the $250 per table fee. Erwin Miller, Riviera Tavern, 2431 Maple Valley Hwy., opposed $250 per table fee, favoring percentage. Tek Wong, Soft Sams, 675 Garden N. , favored percentage. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE. Following discussion , MOTION CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee Report recommended that an amendatory ordi- Ordinance Amends nance regarding change in Metro rates be placed on first reading. Metro Sewer Rate MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING AND REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance was read. First Reading The Legislation Committee Report recommended that an amendatory ordi- Ordinance nance relating to the adoption of the National Electrical Code, 1975 Electrical Code Edition, be placed on first reading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION, PLACE ORDINANCE: ON FIRST READING AND REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance was read. Resolution #1961 Legislation Committee Report recommended reading and adoption of a Opposing Cuts to resolution to be sumbitted to Respresentatives and Senators of the Services for State and by Moor_ Garrett to the National League of Cities Congressional- Senior Citizens City Conference for its meeting in Washington, D.C. , which opposes any cuts or changes in the presently existing programs affecting ,... Senior Citizens as proposed by the President. The resolution opposes any cut in services to Senior Citizens, any increase in the cost of food stamps and any freeze of the recommended increase and adjustment of social security benefits, and any deterioration or reduction in the present nutrition program. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. A copy of the resolution was handed to Mr. L. Rowen for presentation to the Senior Citizens. Resolution #1962 The Legislation Committee Report recommended reading and adoption of Supporting HB#66 a resolution supporting the principles and provisions contained in House Bill No. 66 and urges the State Legislative bodies to enact such Bill into law at the 44th Regular -Session of the Washington State Legislature. The proposed Legislation would allow police officers to arrest persons for certain crimes committeed as specified in said House Bill based on information received by such officer to support a reasonable belief that such a crime was committed, even though such crime was not committed in the immediate presence of such police officer; and believes this legislation to be helpful in the public interest. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. elore,s A. Mead, Ci v Clerk 314 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS #2883 - #2889 CURRENT FUND $1�►13291w� PARK FUND $5/ 6$Qt2d STRCET FUND $140996105 G.ISRARY FUND *086303 5TREET FORWARD THRU6T $1#965133 wATERoURKS UTILITIY FUND 6130647197 AIRPORT FUND $4/ 371179 ELL IWMENT RENTAL $70673174 FIREMEN PENSION $80301141 TUTAU OF ALL WARRANTS $71079909 WEj THE U14DERSIUNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMIITTEE OF TME CITY OF RENTUN CITY COVNCIw# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCIm!ANLISE AND/UK SERVICES NAVE dEt.N RECEIVED OR RENDER;EDi DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR 0 PAYMENT ME T VOUCHERS NUI 969U THROUGH NQ1 31367 1N THE AMOUNT iwri OF 371095 #49 THIS 2 TM DAY OF FtURWARY 1970# t JL COMM ITTEE CMAIRMAN a �3 M B R MEMBER �. • . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF February 24, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE s t COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI t COMMt7IdITY SERVICES Fhurs. , 2/27 CLYMER 14th F1r. Conf. Room E j FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT t LEGISLATICIN CI-YMER I 0 PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. , 2/26 7:30 P.M. GRANT 6th F1r. Conf. Room r PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 3/6 7:00 P.M. BRUCE 4th F1r.' Conf. Room t FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI t TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 25 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3982 $ 300 Robert Hutchison 618 Smithers S . Const . sun deck 3983 2 ,000 N$J Corp. 231 Main S . Const . 2 walls 3984 17 , 000 Richard Neglay 656 Ling N.W. Const . addition 3985 30 ,000 Lily Backman 321. S . 2nd Convert to clinic 3986 700 Jim Anderson 632 Rainier S . Const . canopy 3987 1 ,000 Lew Carpenter 3504 Meadow N . Inst . sheet rock 3988 5 , 000 Richard Jaslowski 635 Ferndale N .E . Const . single fam res 3989 Ermo Gregori.s 1507 Talbot S . Demolish res . 3990 13, 000 Virgil Warren 4301 N . E . 11th Const . addition 3991 7 , 000 Wa . Jockey Club Longacres Add room 3992 300 Jon Wagar 1501 Aberdeen N . E . Const . shed 3993 35 , 000 Barbie Mill Co . 4101 Lk . Wa. N . Const . sheet pile 3994 16 , 000 Robert Phelps 3821 Lk. Wa . N . Remodel res . 3995 40 , 000 Jon Robison 3815 Lk. Wa . N. Const . single fam res 1996 38 , 000 Walter Thomson 3604 Wells N . Const . single fam res 3997 190 , 000 Dr . Epstein 211 Park N . Const , office MECHANICAL PERMITS M4200 6 , 000 N .W. Hobby & Toy 3620 W. Valley Rd. Inst . plumb & fix 4201 47 , 600 Joseph Ryerson 600 S .W. 10th Inst . fire system 4202 1 , 500 Q. M. Enterprises 1622 Lk . Youngs SE Inst . plumb & fix 4203 1 , 100 Q . M. Enterprises 1630 Lk. Young SE Inst . plumb & fix 4204 50 William Briere 2221 N.E . 6th Move sink 4205 840 Michael O ' Brian 608 S . W. 3rd Inst . gas furnace 4206 3 , 200 Lily Backman 321 S . 2nd Inst . plumb & fix 4207 500 D. A. Simonson 2219 N . E . 7th Inst . gas furnace 4208 690 David Sauve 2413 S . E . 7th Repair pump 4209 400 Mr. Tonkin 817 S . 3rd Repipe hot water 4210 100 George Caul 1200 Union N . E . Inst . plumb & fix 4211 1 , 600 Hebb & Nar.odick 1018 S . 30th Inst . plumb & fix 4212 2 , 657 Bill McLaughlin 4509 Talbot S . Inst . oil furnace 4213 1 , 500 Q. M. 1618 Lk . Youngs SE Inst . plumb & fix 4214 11500 Q . M. 1626 Lk . Youngs SE Inst. plumb & fix 4215 895 A. Rowe 1110 N . 32nd Inst. oil furnace 4216 919 Mildred Padden 904 N . 1st Inst . oil furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4996 3 , 500 Jim Anderson 632 Rainier S . Wire gas pumps 4997 585 Mike Cunningham 4100 N . E . 17th Inst. service panel 4998 200 Robert Hutchison 618 Smithers S . Inst . amp. service 4999 100 V. G. Hospital ' 400 S . 43rd Relocate outlets 5000 50 , 000 Boeing Co. Boeing Electrical work 5001 11000 Jack Buttnick 1855 N. 4th Repair wiring 5002 200 Obie Outdoor 400 Rainier S . Wire sign 5003 1 , 200 Bob Edwards 150 S . W. 7th Wire light fixures 5004 205 Elmer Roy 3312 N. E. 9th Replace fuse box 5005 800 George Caul 1200 Union N. E . Wire repair shop 5006 5 , 000 Dean Bitney 1120 S . W. 16th Wire warehouse rM 5007 6 , 500 Lily Backman 321 S . 2nd Wire medical clini 5008 50 Herb Mull Const . Co1823 Jones N . E . Inst . temp service SIGN PERMITS 391 500 James Cook 206 S. W. Sunset Pole sign 392 1 , 600 Shakey ' s 225 S .W. 7th Wall sign 393 370 Arbuckle Glass Co 251 Rainier N . Wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 26 Tom Alberts 1719 18th S . E. Connect san . sewer 27 Harold Mull Const. 3620 W. Valley Rd . Connect . san. sewer I 3'17 I CITY OF RENTON TRANSFERS MONTH OF FEBRUARY, '1975 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTORS I Nil FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL A--75-75 CURRENT FUND $ 30,826.06 PARKS & RECREATION I 40762.42 CITY STREETS 599.27 CONTINGENCY FUND' 308179.00 Q REG 8 STREET FWD:. THR�ST 382.27 6r URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 20827.55 WATERWORKS UTILITY 460794.64 AIRPORT FUND 100738,26 EQUIPMENT RENTAL'- 40547.64 FIREMEN'S PENSION ;I. 54.52 i ILAlNiS FUND Transfers for mo. of FEBRUAR $1310711 .63 -16-75 CURRENT FUND j $ 230533.85 PARKS d RECREATION ;I 60426.32 STREET FUND 20940.69 LIBRARY FUND 985.52 WORK INCENTIVE FUND(WIN) II 181 .02 CAREERS j 72.04 COMP.EMPL,TRPIG (CETA) 403,92 REG A STREET FWp' TH$2UST 123. 14 WATERWORKS UTILITY 74,670.78 AIRPORT FUND 263.47 EQUIPMENT RENTAL,'- 20397.47 GLAIMIS FUND Transfers for mo,of FEBRUARY $1110998.22 ,I kim i - 515 WATERWORKS UTILITY CURRENT FUND Overehg on Sundry SaleN3698 $ 6.07 July, 1974 (W.O.#2976) i i -iG-7 CURRENT 000,318,50 CiONTINGENCY FUND RECEIPTS PUT INTO CURRENT S 60615.06 107.318,50 FIND :N ERROR -i5:95 CURRENT FUND $ 1110631 .90 PARKS & RECREATION 200335.60 CITY STREET 180820.76 LIBRARY 7,824.31 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) i 1 ,302,25 NEW CAREERS 468.00 COMP.EMPLTRAN.(CETA) 70764.76 REG 8 ST, FWD.' THRUST I 513.00 WATERWORKS UT I L l'T,I.E,$ p 14g744, 17 AIRPORT II 18407.75 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 28959.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.66 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for moo FEBRUARY S 187 938.66 NOR FZIUNCE DIRECTOR 318 C I T Y O F R E N T O N TRANSFERS MONTH OF FEBRUARY 24,! 1974J TO THE FIMNCE DIRECTORa FRW TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL I .1-24/75 CURRENT FUND $14,325.42 PARKS 8 RECREATION 5,650.28 CITY STREETS 140996.05 LIBRARY FUND 40863.53 86 53 REG & ST. FWD.THRUST , 1 ,965.33 WATERWORKS UTILITY ii 12,647.97 AIRPORT FUND 1 ,371 .79 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 70673.71 FIREMEN'S PENSION . 8,301 .41 (,CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of FEBRUARY $71 ,795.49 I a-/9/75 REG 3 ST. FWD THRUST (WATERWORKS UTILITI Money reed from St.Hiway $2, 164.34 Dept. 8/27/74, Receipt#340 ,�/�/7 CURRENT FUND-EXCESS REV COMP.EMPL.TRNG Ordinance No,# 2911 $ 5,696.00 (CETA 11 ) A/A/75 CURRENT FUND-EXCESS REV COMP.EMPL. TRNG. Ordinance No.N 2912 3100344.00 (CETA Vi ) 5 CURRENT FUND 3 111 ,753.47 PARKS 8 RECREATION 200060.76 CITY STREET 18,816.30 LIBRARY 7,761 .43 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 10293;64 NEW CAREERS 520.00 COM.EMP.TRNG. (CETA) 80018.29 REG E ST. FWD. THRUST 513.00 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 140719.97 AIRPORT 10407.75 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,959.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.66 ,PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of FEBRUAR S187,990.77 OlAfOR FINANCE DIRECTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 3 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages by Royal Hills, Inc. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE City s Equal Oppurtunity Officer COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Revision to Zoning Ordinance - L-1/H-1 Districts LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance re Card Room Fees Revised Ordinance re LID 293 (First Reading 3/3/75) Ordinance re Fire Code (First Reading 3/3/75) SW 43rd Street Improvement Project Construction of Additional Restroom Facilities, Funds Addendum to Police Guild Contract re Parking Checker NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Fire Fighters Addendum to Contract PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids re 75 water pipe supply LID 291 Water Mains, Kennydale PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR LID 291 Water Mains, Kennydale PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/10/75 - Continued LID 291 , water mains, Kennydale 4/14/75 - SW 43rd Street Improvement w/Kent 320 RENTON CITY, COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 3., 1975, Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 PM Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Charles Delaurenti presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administra- tive Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 1975, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been given as required L. I.D. 291 by law, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Water Mains the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $386,198 for L. I .D. 291 Lake Washington, for installation and construction of water mains and appurtenances there- Kennydale Area to in the Lake Washington-May Creek-Kennydale area. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from: Algot and Mary L. Nyblom, 8028 110th P1 . S. E. ; Robert A. and Clarissa M. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. N. ; Duane D. Cederberg, P. 0. Box 2294; Robert E. Miller, Seattle Textile Co. , 119 S. Main St. , Seattle; Ivan L. Shaw, 8204 110th Pl . S.E. ; N. J. Coad , 8010 110th S.E. ; Petition bearing eight signatures starting with William C. Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Letter read from D. O. Norman of Quendall Terminals asking for extension of time for study of the pro- posed L. I .D. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported 15 protests from property owners represents 8.30% of the total estimated cost of the project, as of 5:00 p.m. Public Works Director Gonnason introduced Mort Thomas and L. J. Locke of Gardner Engineers, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who noted two meetingswith property owners in January and February. The Gardner Engineers used slides to explain develop- ment of the L. I .D. and that municipal bonds are now 15 years, that interest would be 7% on the bonds; that a combination of front footage & area was charged; that a loop design used and that charges were made accordingly for 12 inch, 8 inch or 6 inch pipe; project completion date of 9/30/75 anticipated with finalizing of the L. I .D. on 11/1/75 as the summer months most advantageous for completion of project. Those persons present making inquiries: Nancy Coad, 8010 110th S. E. , noted her property County zoned R-9600 single family residential , present assessment based upon anticipated higher use, however she was advised that a late-comer' s agreement could be used for that portion of the assess- ment at the time of development of the property. Duane Cederberg, P.O. Box 2294, noted 2/24 Record Chronicle article re Quendall Terminal 's plans for business and office park, residential shopping center and aquatic center; also noting he has adequate water supply. Ed Munson, 809 Monroe N.E. asked assurance that rezone could be obtained as he was assessed at higher use. Leslie Huff, 3601 Lincoln Ave. N.E. reported he has needed water for four years. William Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , noted too much water pressure at the present time, being advised that the present two-inch line would be replaced with six-inch line and increase fire flow. William F. Lynn, 3625 Lake Washington Blvd. protested. Robert Miller asked for follow up on his letter which suggested more direct water line eliminating loop. Mrs. Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor Place N.E. , inquired re existing water system in commercially zoned area, being advised it was developer extension. James Denzer, 3613 Lake Washington Blvd. N.E. , noted adequate water supply. Mike Malaspina, 11421 S.E. 89th Pl . , inquired re adequate pressure at mill . Ed Munson inquired of the City Attorney re protesting and was advised of the right to protest any time within 30 days after adoption of the ordinance. Inquiry by Rudy Hai ; 3601 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/3/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L. I .D. 291 Questions by Councilmen ensued, including question of Councilman Grant Water Mains as to origin of the L. I .D. , being advised of petition requesting the Public Hearing L. I.D. presented to the Council on 8/12/74 which represented 83.69% of Continued to the area and 71 .02% of the assessed valuation. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED 3/10/75 BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING FOR L. I .D. 291 BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REVIEW THE MATTER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION NEXT WEEK—. —TARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS AND GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Council Recessed at 10:04 p.m. and reconvened at CORRESPONDENCE & 10:47 p.m. Roll Call : All present as previously shown. CURRENT BUSINESS Claim for Damages filed by Royal Hills, Inc. by Fred M. Scott, Manager, alleged a City sander threw rock through sliding glass door and asked Damages Claim damages in the amount of $131 .51 . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, %yal Hills COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. SW 43rd Street Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason proposed Monday, April 14, Improvement at 8:00 p.m. be established for Public Hearing as first agenda item Public Hearing at the regular Council Meeting for consideration of joint Renton/Kent 4/14/75 project SW 43rd Street Improvement (East Valley Road to West Valley Road) . The letter noted the Preliminary Design Report and Draft Environmental Impact Assessment have been completed and circulated; all actions being conducted in accordance with Federal-Aid procedures in order to ensure future eligibility for such funding. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE RECOMMENDED DATE OF APRIL 14, AT 8:00 PM BE ESTABLISHED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SW 43RD STREET IMPROVEMENT AND MATTER REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen forwarded to the Council the C mmission Rpt. Planning Commission recommendation for adoption of revisions to existing Revisions to L-1 (Light Industrial ) and H-1 (Heavy Industrial ) Districts of the Zoning Ordinance Zoning Ordinance, the Commission having completed study for update of the City' s industrial zones including uses allowed and the standards of development. The letter noted the proposed revisions would be of an interim nature pending development of a new City-wide zoning ordinance which is considered a No. 1 priority item. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. RRIED. City Shops Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended $3,000 be appropriated from the Restroom Contingency Fund for construction of additional restroom facilities Facilities at the City Shops , this being in concurrence with Public Work Director' s recommendation as discussed at the Labor-Management Committee and request- ed by 21R. The letter noted the City is not in compliance with the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act on this matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Addendum to Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authority to execute addendum to the Police Guild current contract with the Police Guild to reflect the new pay rate and CAG-012-73 re $3,903 be appropriated from the Contingency Fund for retroactive pay Parking Checker and the higher rate of pay for the remainder of this year for Barbara Heap, Traffic Controller (formerly known as parking checker) . Settle- ment established new pay rate and retroactive pay to date of hire, 7/13/73 and is slightly less than Parking Checkers in the City of Seattle. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Grant submitted letter addressed to Human Rights and Affairs Commission Chairman, Chris Wright, withdrawing complaint of discrimination against the Mayor and Personnel Director as the charges filed regarding Mrs. Barbara Heap have been conciliated and agreed to by all parties. *CARRIED. Equal MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER OF THE CITY'S EQUAL Opportunity OPPORTUNITY OFFICER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Officer ---- Letter from City Clerk Mead reported 2/26/75 bid opening for the 1975 Bid Opening supply of water pipe, valves and appurtenances with five bidders respond- Water Pipe ing. The letter noted the Public Works Department would report recommenda- Supply tions upon completion of tabulations. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. A. a Jzz Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/3/75 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS Labgr Council President Delaurenti presented Labor Negotiations Committee Negotiations Report recommending the Council approve addendum to the existing agree- Committee re ment with the Fire Fighters Local #864, dated 2/5/73, to become effec- Fire Fighters tive 1/1/75. The addendum set premium pay for Training Officer and Aid Car Personnel , amended salaries with dollar amount, step plan for Firemen ($949-1107) and stated the Employer shall generally strive to maintain the individual companies at their authorized strength at all times. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS WITH FIREMEN FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with card room ' Committee Rpt. operators and recommended revision to gambling ordinance establishing Card Room Tax $500 per year (payable quarterly) as flat fee for operating card room in the City with up to five tables (number established by State) , and would require filing of the State quarterly reports with the City. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant noted further review planned at the end of the year. First Aide Councilman Stredicke commended Fire Department Aide Car Personnel for excellent demonstration given for YMCA youths. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Member Clymer presented committee recom- mendation for payment of Vouchers No. 3075 through No. 3133 in the amount of $104,849. 69 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 3068 through 3074 were machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Leaislation mending first reading only for an ordinance authorizing construction Committee Report and approval to proceed with L. I . D. 293. Following reading of the First Reading ordinance re street improvement for Cedar Ave. S. on Renton Hill , it was Ordinance re MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LID 293 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. r First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Ordinance re nance adopting the 1974 Supplement to the Uniform Fire Code as recom Fire Code mended by the Fire Chief. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2915 The Legislation Committee Report recommended second and final readings Adopting 1975 of an ordinance adopting the National Electrical Code, 1975 Edition Electrical Code as recommended by the Public Works Director. After readings of the ordi- nance which alsoprovides for fees , it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2916 The Legislation Committee Report recommended second and final readings Increasing Metro of an ordinance relating to Metro sewer charge. City Clerk Mead read Sewer Rates the ordinance raising sewer rates to $5.05 per residence ($1 .50 for City, $3. 55 for Metro) which reflects an 80¢ increase in Metro rates. It was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, BURCE, GRANT; NO: PERRY AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 2. Resolution #1963 The Legislation Committee Report recommended reading and adoption of a Fixing Per Diem resolution superseding one recently adopted regarding per diem, provid- for Traveling ing for approval of the Finance and Personnel Committee for certain on City Business travel authority. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the Resolution, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Councilman Perry asked the City Clerk to distribute copy of this resolu- tion to all those serving on boards or commissions that would be affected. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :39 p.m. n y Delores A. Mead , Citi C l erk wAkRANT DISTRIBUTION 3/03/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS NO.#3068 — #3074 CURRENT FUND + 230800495 PARK Fw4D •3143905 5T4LET FUr�D $20924r11 LI8PARY FUND •10000986 wURK INCENTIVE FUND ( WIN ) 63*0126 CAREERS $151 # 10 CETy FUND $1$ 381 $20 STREET FORoNARD THRUST •2� 2�3189 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 6191134t33 V4ATERWORK5 UTILITIY FUND 6471090$ 49 AIRPURT FUND $174016 EUUIPMENT RLNTAL $1/ 322# 28 FIR0EN PENNON •ii8h6.161 TUTAL DF ALL OvARRANTB •30�+/ 8N9�69 WEA THE UNDER$IQNED MEMBERS QFC THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTot4 CITY COUNCIL, HAVINQ RECEIVED ULPARTMENT46 CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICE6 NAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDs DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOI 3075 THROUOM N01 3133 IN THE AMOUNT OF $104# 849969 THIS 3RD DAY OF MARCH 19751 C01:1ITTE:E CHAIRMAN A w r w w MEMBER MEMQER • Zw i' a r * • w e �. 324 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 5, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3998 $ Dr. Epstein 211 Park Ave. N. Demolish res. - Level lot 3999 600 Carl Roy 353 Sunset Blvd. N. Const, storage shed 4000 2,800 Jack Benaroya Co. 740 Thomas Ave. S.W. Const. partition 4001 3,172 James Anderson 632 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. canopy 4002 8,621 HUD-Seattle Area 921 N. 32nd St. Repair res. per specs 4003 500 Harry Haight 230 S. Tobin St. Enclose breezeway 4004 460 Copple & Dunigan 1105 Sunset N.E. Const, storage MECHANICAL PERMITS M4217 130 Mr. More 3616 N.E. 10th Relocate water closet 4218 232 Robert Huebner 1700 Jones N.E. Inst. gas conversion burner 4219 500 Q.M. Enterprises 1634 Lk. Youngs S.E. Inst. electric furnace 4220 300 Inguald Orthol 351 Thomas S.W. Inst. gas conversion burner ELECIRICAL PERMITS E5009 650 HUD-Seattle Area 921 N. 32nd St. Inst. new service & circuits 5010 700 Q.M. Enterprises 1622 Lk. Youngs S.E. Wire single fam. res. 5011 700 Q.M. Enterprises 1630 Lk. Youngs S.E. Wire single fam. res. 5012 700 Q.M. Enterprises 1618 Lk. Youngs S.E. Wire single fam. res. 5013 700 Q.M. Enterprises 1626 Lk. Youngs S.E. Wire single fam. res. 5014 700 Q.M. Enterprises 1634 Lk. Youngs S.E. Wire single fain. res 5015 150 Milwaukee R.R. Renton Shopping Center Inst. electrical service 5016 150 Milwal.ikee B.R. 3300 S.E. 7th Inst. electrical service 5017 150 Milwaukee R.R. Houser Way & Smithers Inst. electrical service 5018 68 Lily Bachman 321 S. 2nd Wire alarm system 5019 2,500 Renton Vo. Tech 710 Edmonds N.E. Wire lighting under can 5020 650 Hebb & Narodick 1018 S. 30th Wire single fam. res. SIGN PERMITS 394 1,000 Rainier Bank Renton Shopping Center Inst. pole sign 395 200 Robert Reeves 353 Sunset Blvd. N. Inst. 4 pole signs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 28 Janke Shonka 428 Burnett Ave. N. Curb break m I 1 i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 3, 1975 • COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 3/6 8:00 PM DELAURENTI Council Chambers i COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. 3/6 4:30 PM CLYMER Third Floor Conf. Rm. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. 3/10 7:00 DM CLYMER 6th Flr. Conf. Room PUBLIC SAFETY Tues 3/4 7:30 PM GRANT 6th Flr. Conf. Room City Attorney Invited. Police Rep. , Admin.istra ion PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE Thurs. 3/6 7:00 PM FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI ° TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Tues. 3/5 4:30 PM PERRY 4th Flr. Conf. Room Tentative OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS PUBLIC HEARING Mon. 4/14 8:00 PM Council Chambers Preliminary Design & Environmental Studies Proposed Improvement of S.W. 43rd Street RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY*AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages: L. Savage; S. Rau *Ordinance re Police mattersINOW v CITY CLERK Distribute Proclamation to major industries in area COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Green River Valley Watershed Project Development of Lake Washington Beach FINANCE DIRECTOR Determine date of bid opening, Water & Sewer Bond Issue FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Planning request for Commission attendance at Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (Granted 3/10) Appraisal of Fire Training Site Beds for Fire Stations Study of Night Sessions for Municipal Court 21 Items for Water & Sewer Bond Issue LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Request for Street Vacation, portion of 3rd Ext. by Robert L. Edwards Request for Street Vacation, portion of Powell Ave. S.W. by Bitney Green River Watershed Project Water & Sewer Bond Issue matter Proposed ordinances re Police matters Ordinance amending gambling tax (first reading 3/10) ..�, MAYOR' S OFFICE Study of Night Sessions for Municipal Court BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Request for Street Vacation, portion of 3rd Ext. by Robert L. Edwards PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Subject matter of LID 291 (Water mains Lake Washington area) Request for Street Vacations, portion of Logan N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. by Boeing PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Subject matter of LID 291 (Water mains Lake Washington area) Street Vacation portion 3rd Ext. by kobt. L. Edwards, Request PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Citizens Committee on Fire Prevention & Control TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Protest letter re LID 293, Renton Hill Request for Street Vacation, portion 3rd Ave. Est. by R. L. Edwards Request for Street Vacation, portion of Powell Ave. S.W. , by Bitney Request for Street Vacation, portion of Logan N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. , by Boeing Flashing device for "S" Curves PUBLIC HEARING 4/7/75 Honeydew Apartment/Dura Development request for agreement RENTON CITY COUNCIL_ Regular Meeting March 10 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 PM Council Chambers M I N l T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Bruce arrived at 8:20 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; Del Mead , City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH Purchasing Agent; ED T04KELSON, Data Processing Manager; GENE COULON, Park Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1975, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made, L. I.D. 291 Mayor Garrett convened Public Hearing continued from March 3, to Water Mains consider L. I . D. 291 , installation and construction of water mains and Lake Washington, appurtenances in the Lake Washington-May Creek-Kennydale area; Pre- Kennydale Area liminary Assessment Roll having been filed with the Clerk in the (Continued from amount of$386,198. The Public Works Committee report noted review March 3, 1975) of the protests received and recommended that the Council concur in the formation of the L. I .D. as proposed and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for ordinance. The report also recom- mended consideration be given by the Public Works Department staff in the preparation of the final assessment roll for those single family residences assessed on the basis of commercial or multiple uses, and to those property owners on Lake Washington Boulevard N. who feel they have adequate service with existing 2-inch line, in order that the property owners are fairly assessed for the benefits received. Councilman Schellert explained Public Works Committee report that adjustment be made at the time of final assessment and hearing and that the project proceed. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer as to determination of increased property value in order to determine bene- fits received, Public ''orks Director Gonnason advised Real Estate appraisal had been obtained of that property on Lake Washington from N. 36th to N. 40th with 2-inch line and that appraisal will be made after installation of the 8-inch line; that increased value of $20 per front foot was estimated: charges are $15 per front foot. Councilman Schellert noted 30 day protest period following adoption of the ordi- nance. Councilman Stredicke inquired whether or not the property located outside the City limits and on Ripley Lane are essential to the L. I . D. and was advised it was essential to provide service to the south. Gonnason noted those properties protesting assessment of $900 per acre in addition to single family residential charge; that amount could be arranged on late-comer' s agreement when property rezoned to higher density and felt it would be unfair to eliminate sections and assess those costs back onto the remaining properties. Those persons present making inquiries: William Lynn, 3625 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , inquired re fire hydrants. Thomas Carrolli , 3903 Meadow Ave. N. Duane Cederberg, P.O. Box 2294, County resident, noted recent issue of Record Chronicle that industries moving to Arlington. William Goddard , 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. objected to tearing up streets when felt water supply adequate. Mike Malaspina, 11421 S. E. 89th P1 . Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, Windsor Hills. E.L.Munson, 809 Monroe Ave. N.E.asked for assurance that higher zoning at which he was assessed, could be obtained; otherwise, protest to the L. I .D. was registered. Nancy Coad, 80th & 110th S. E. , inquired if individual land owners could defeat. the L. I .D. when greater portion is comprised of large land holders, claiming fou^ major industries represent close to 60% of assessed valuation. Leslie Huff, 3601 Lincoln Ave. N. E. Renton City Council Minutes 3/10/75 Page 2 PUBLIC .GEARING - Continued L. I.D. 291 Public Works Director Gonnason reported protests received including Water Mains Munson property, amount to 10.95%; that the Quendal Terminal , Baxter & Lake Washington Barbee Millproperties constitute 41% of the area of the L. I.D. and 48% Kennydale Area of the assessed valuation. Gonnason also noted the L. I .D. was larger (Continued) area than original petition, that area added was not an afterthought, but a determination at community meeting that easterly property would be specially benefitted. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Fire Chief Williams noted re property to south of the LID along Lake Washington, a better fire rating would be received with installation of hydrants and water mains. The City Attorney noted two types of protests: General idea of improvement - plans and construction; and the amount to be asses- sed which is determined by special benefits received. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE CREATION OF THE LID AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDI- NANCE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION TO EXCLUDE THAT PORTION OF THE LID FROM N. 36th AVE. TO N. 40th AVE. ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised passage of the amendment altering the proposed district would defeat L. I. D. the L. I .D. Following considerable discussion, Roll Call Vote was Terminated requested on the amendment to the motion. Four AYES: DELAURENTI , PERRY; STREDICKE, GRANT; Three NO: CLYMER, BRUCE, SHELLERT. AMENDMENT CARRIED excluding property owners along Lake Washington B1vd.N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, LID 291 BE ENDED AND THE SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS CO_M_- MITTEE. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. Council recessed at 9:50 p.m. and reconvened at 10:00 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. Special Award Mayor Garrett presented Charmaine Baker, 3713 Meadow Ave. N. , with C. Baker Special Award in recognition of outstanding service as a member of the Bicentennial Steering Committee. Due to other commitments, Mrs. Baker will no longer be able to serve on the committee. CORRESPONDENCE Claims for Claims for Damages filed with the City Clerk: Lawrence S. Saviage, Damages 1426 Queen Ave. N.E. , damage to camper/truck in approximate amount of L. Savage $34.22, allegedly struck by City equipment. Steven R. Ray, 1102 5th S. Ray St. S.W. , Puyallup, claim filed for damage to tire in amount of $27.85 allegedly due to hole in road. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FILED BY SAVAGE AND RAY BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Protest Letter Letter from Azelio and Josephine B. Grassi , 422 Cedar Ave. S. , protested L. I. D. 293 installation of underground wiring and new sidewalks on Cedar Ave. S. Renton Hill as specified in L. I .D. 293, Improvements to Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason reported this protest increased percentage of protest on L. I .D. 293 to 9.34%. MOTION CARRIED. (Ordinance ordering construction of LID 293 adopted 3/10) Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported petition filed by Portion 3rd Ext. Robert L. Edwards for Street Vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 Robert L. Edwards (also known as Third Ave. Extension) , represented 100% ownership of the property abutting the proposed vacation. Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for a resolution setting date of April 21 , for Public Hearing and to the Board of Public Works and Public_Works Committee for determination MW regarding appraisal and payment, if any, to be made to the City by abutting property owners and in regard to retention of easement right.. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY CLERK AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett reported review Portion Powell of petition filed by Dean W. Bitney, 1082 Anacortes N.E. , for Street Ave. S.W. Vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between FAI 405 and S.W. 16th St. , reporting signatures on petition represent 100% of abutting properties. After coordinantion with State and King County Renton City Council Minutes of 3/10/75 Meeting - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Powell Ave. SW agencies, the Board of Public Works recommended vacation of two Street Vacatior areas requested with retention of an easement adjacent to FAI 405 for Continued the State Highway Department' s illumination system. The letter fur- ther recommended that the City negotiate the exchange of additional right-of-way required for the P-1 channel as part of the consideration for the vacation, and suggested date of Public Hearing be set. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR COMMENT. Public Works �— Director Gonnason noted this was undeveloped stub-ended street recorded about 1900. MOTION CARPIED. Street Vacation Two petitions for Street Vacations were received from The Boeing Com- Portion Logan N. pany, Director of Facilities and Service, John R. Potter. The vaca- Lake Washington tions requested were for portion of Logan Ave. N. beginning at N. Blvd. N. 6th St. to the street end, an area of 3.43 acres of 149,360. 53 sq.ft. ; the second area portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2A) near North Renton Interchange and Park Ave. N. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER PETITIONS FOR STREET VACATIONS TO THE PUBL..IC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CHECKING AS TO VALIDITY OF PETITIONS AND TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Committee was asked to check for conflict with proposed bike trail and SR515 Extension. "Project 1776" Letter from the Renton Bicentennial Committee Chairman, Lew Innocenti , 3/14/75 at invited attendance at the "Project 1776" workshop at Lindberg High School Lingberg High on Friday, March 14, 9:30 a.m. Yakima High School is sponsoring "Project 1776" , a statewide campaign to encourage citizen and student participation in planning for Bicentennial activities with Lingberg High selected for the Seattle/South King County area host school . Green River Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted 3/6/75 Kent meeting Valley Watershed wherein King County representatives indicated the Soil Conservation Project Service felt it would be feasible to implement the Eastside and West- side Project areas on an individual basis for the Green River Valley Watershed Project. The letter noted the Eastside Project includes Renton, Kent and Tukwila and could be implemented at an early date if desired; further noting request of King County Councilman Mooney that cities reaffirm concurrence in the proposed project, preferably by resolution; and letter request is forthcoming from Councilman Mooney. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ASPO Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested attendance of four Conference Planning Commission delegates to the American Society of Planning Officials joint conference with the Community Planning Association of Canada in Vancouver, B.C. April 12 to 17. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of the Mayor declared March 16, through March 23, 1975 International as International Demolay Week. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, Demolay Week COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Master Councilor Keith 3/16-23/75 Wendorff introduced others from the Local Chapter: Larry Cluphf, Sr. Councilor; Koel Wendorff, 7th Preceptor; Loren Moore, Jr. Deacon; Brad Houk, 1st Preceptor; Scott Henry, Chaplin; James Davis, Almoner; Chuck Youells , Marshal and Dawn Davis , Sr. Princess. "Employ the Older A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared "Employ the Older Worker," Worker Week Week of March 9, through 15, 1975, and urged employers to recognize 3/9-15/75 the merits of hiring those over 40 yrs. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE SENT BY THE CITY CLERK TO MAJOR INDUSTRIES IN THE AREA. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor P1 . , inquired of Record Chronicle newspaper report of Councilman Schellert' s remarks at Committee of the Whole meeting to Port of Seattle representative. Councilman Schellert noted that it was not Council nor Administration policy but his remarks that an outside source could possibly help in development of Lake Washington Beach property and did not pertain to present park. 330 Renton City Council Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman Development Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. ... and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council- men present. Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters Fire Fighters Local #864, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond issue, Bond Issue 1975 sewer and water bond issue projects as presented by Public Works Director. The modified report added new trunk sewers and interceptors along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Person- nel Committee for inclusion in the bond program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer Water & Sewer revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended �. Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director' s recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittingsl2" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves , in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional , in amount of $1 ,103. 10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BIDS. CARRIED. Honeydew Too Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288, street and lightinq instal- lation, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion of Whitman Court N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. The report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance by the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation of Whitman Court or termin4ting the LID, also recommending the committee report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing, of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 Dura' s plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL APRIL 7, AND A PUBLIC HEARING 5/23/75 SET FOR THAT DATE SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AREA CAN BE NOTIFIED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Minutes of 3/10/75 Meeting - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that a CitGzens Committee on Fire Prevention and Control be appointed by the Eiblic Safety Committee and function as an advis- ory committee to the Mayor and City Council . The proposed committee would look into the needs of the community as relates to fire protection. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Fire Training The Public Safety Committee report recommended that a commercial Site Appraisa' appraiser be hired by the City for appraisal of the fire training site in the Orillia flats; and this be referred to the Finance Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. "S" Curve The Public Safety Committee report recommended ;.hat emergency flashing Signals device be installed on the "S" curves of FAI 405 to warn of emergency or accident ahead, and recommended referral to the Transportation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Beds for Stations The Public Safety Committee report recommended that new beds be obtained for both fire stations and this matter be referred to the Finance Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Proposed Public Safety Committee report recommended referral of the following Ordinances re items to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney: (1 ) Disorderly Police Matters conduct ordinance concerning trespassing on private property. (2) & RE Off-street use of motorcycles (proposed ordinance) . (3) Curfew Police Court ordinance. (4) Ordinance regarding body painting in the City. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. The committee report requested a study of possible night sessions for the Municipal Court and recommended that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee and Mayor' s Office. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee report, submitted by Chairman Schellert, 'ersonnel Report concurred in the Mayor' s recommendation to reappoint Royal Loomis Appointment to the Fire Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ASPO Planning The Finance and Personnel Committee concurred in the request for Conference attendance at the 1975 ASPO Planning Conference in Vancouver, B.C. , 4/12-17/75 of four Planning Commission members, authorizing attendance of the four, members and also Councilman Perry. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Spring Planning Council President Delaurenti presented an invitation from the Planning Conference Association of Washington, Board Member, James Denzer, inviting the Mayor and Council to attend the Association' s Spring Conference at Moses Lake on March 13-15, 1975. Mayor Garrett noted the letter would be made available to the Council members. Police and Fire MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT OF RESOLUTION COVERING Officers SALARY SPREADS FOR POLICE AND FIRE OFFICERS, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: (3) AYE: Delaurenti , Perry, Stredicke; (4) NO: Clymer, Bruce, Grant and Schellert. MOTION FAILED. Councilman Stredicke asked the Finance Director to furnish accounting of percent- age of spread between ranks and dollar amounts over last five years. Public Safety Councilman Grant noted minutes had been prepared on 2/26/75 Public Committee Safety Committee meeting which were available through the City Clerk's Office. The meeting involved Fire Department input regarding plans and equipment. ASPO Planning MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT Conference THE ASPO PLANNING CONFERENCE IN VANCOUVER, B.C. FOR COUNCILMAN STREDICKE. CARRIED. (See earlier approvals. ) Renton City Council Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 6 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Schellert recommended Council author- ize payment of Vouchers 3141 through 3244 in the amount of $107,516.05 which have received departmental certification as to receipt of merch- andise and/or services rendered, plus LID 292 Revenue Warrant R-1 in amount of $11 ,656.37 and Cash Warrant C-1 $11 ,656.37. Vouchers No. 3134-3140 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending second and final reading of an ordinance adopting the Ordinance 2917 1974 Supplement to the Uniform Fire Code, which had been placed on Adopt—s 1974 first reading 3/3/75. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY Supplement to SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Uniform Fire Code ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2918 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Ordering for an ordinance to proceed with construction of L. I.D. 293, Improveme- Construction ment of Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill , first reading 3/3. Chairman Clymer LID 293, noted protest period extends 30 days after adoption of the ordinance. Cedar Ave. S. Following readings, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Ordinance Taxing nance relating to gambling, imposing tax on card rooms and prescribing Card Rooms and additional rules and regulations. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance Amending Gambling establishing a $500 annual fee for social card games per facility, Ordinance which may be paid on a quarterly basis. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1964 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Transfer Funds a resolution transferring funds in amount of $3,000 from Contingency City Shops Fund to General Services, Building Facilities to build restroom at Restroom Facility the City Shops. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1965 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Transfer of Funds a resolution transferrir;g $3,903 from Contingency Fund to Current Parking Checker Fund-Police Patrol for salary and conciliation settlement for Traffic Controller. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, MEETING ADJOURN. Council meeting adjourned at 12:27 a.m. f. . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk I I WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 3/10/75 FUND TQTAI WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: #3134 X3140 CURNENT FUND $631123100 PARK FUND $40401473 STREET FUND $12# 373128 LIBRARY FUND $7078t6a WORK INCENTIVE FUND ( WIN ) f18014a CAREERS *68167 CETA FUND $10069# 17 STREET FORWARD THRUST $736145 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND $10894203 WATERWORKS "WT16ITIY FUND •270520;90 AIRPORT FUN) $40125195 EGUIPMENT RlmNTAL $20038177 TOTAL OF ALS. WARRANTS $107151605 WEj THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OV TME FINANCE COMMITTEE OF TME CITY OP RENTON CITY LOUNC16i HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCWANOISE AND/OR 8ERV:CL§ NAVE OLLN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDs DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHER4 N01 3141 THROUGH NO # 3246 IN TOE AMOUNT OF $1070516# 05 THIS 1 TN DAY OF m 1 75 , COMMITTEE CO IRMAN EK . MEMBER . . . . • o L. I .n./' 212 Revenue Warrant #R-1 $11 ,656.37 Yash Warrant #C-I $110656.37 C� C� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR `A Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 10, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS ! AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE I i I ; I COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 3/13 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Floor Conference Rm.j 3! FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. , 3/11 4:30 P.M. SCHELLERT 6th Floor Conference Rm. LEGISLATION Mon. , 3/17 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Rm, i PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS i BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI i TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 3/11 4:30 P.M. PERRY !3rd Floor Conference Rm. Briefing on S.W. 43rd Street Project & other OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS i i i 11F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 12 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4005 $ 200, 000 Olympic Pipe Line Co. 2929 E . Valley Rd. Const. office 4006 500 Hubert Coder 3401 N.E . 7th Enclose carport 4007 3 , 000 Larry Shockley 408 S . 7th Repair fire damage 4008 4 , 500 David Mitchell 304 Wells N . Repair fire damage INW4009 200 Fred Headley 3605 S .E . 6th Const . porch 4010 1 , 200 Lutheran Church 200 Whitworth S . Reinforce arch 4011 40 , 000 Jesse Swanson 1625 Kennewick N. E. Const. single res . 4012 1, 300p600 Dura Development Inc . 4455 Sunset N. E . Const, apartments 4013 VOID 4014 VOID 4015 VOID 4016 VOID 4017 VOID 4018 VOID 4019 VOID 4020 VOID 4021 VOID 4022 VOID 4023 VOID 4024 34 , 000 Q. M. Enterprises 2528 Talbot S . Const. single res . MECHANICAL PERMITS M4221 2 , 850 Jack Benaroya Co . 740 Thomas S . W. Inst. plumb & fix 4222 1 , 500 Q. M. Enterprises 1634 Lk. Youngs SE Inst . plumb & fix 4223 1 , 500 Q. M. Enterprises 2414 Talbot S . Inst. plumb & fix 4224 800 Renton Auto & Marine 150 S .W 7th Inst . gas pump bw ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5021 1 , 200 Bob Edwards 150 S .W. 7th Wire light fixures 5022 725 Paul Danials 408 S . 7th Repair fire damage 5023 150 Loris Crampton 4428 N. E . 23rd Inst . U/G service 5024 250 Charles Guy 1404 S . E . Grady Inst . service 5025 250 Art Treosti 1304 Beacon S . Replace panel 5026 900 Mr . Klein 504 Burnett S . Alter service CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 29 VOID 30 Cummins Diesel S . W. Grady Way Storm sewer 31 David Zerm 4708 N. E . 23rd Connect san . sewer 336 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 17, 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Quendall Terminals letter re LID 291 Fees for use of public right-of-way ;.Metro) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Greer River Water Shed Project (Res. 1970 adopted) Ordinance re Disorderly Conduct (First reading 3/17) Ordinance re Probation Fees (First reading 3/17) ... Boeing Street Vacation Petitions (2) L.I.D. 291, Water mains in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Kennydale, May Creek PUBLIC HEARINGS March 24, 1975 - LID 291, Water mains Lake Washington, Kennydale, May Creek area April 21, 1975 - Street Vacation portion County Rd. #80, requested b Robert L. Edwards 4 y April 21, 1975 - Final Assessment Roll LID 274 CBD APPOINTMENTS George H. Williams to the permanent position of Fire Chief effective 4/1/75 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 17, 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to call the roll. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, COUNCIL HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT CHARLES DELAURENTI BE EXCUSED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS HE ARRIVES AT THE MEETING. CARRIED. (Councilman Delaurenti arrived at the meeting at 9:00 p.m.) Mayor Garrett noted honor by attendance of former Mayor Custer. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE WARREN GONNASGN, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assis- tant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Directo.;:; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt.; VERN CHURCH, ,'urchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL 1.1OVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1975, MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Resolution #1966 LOVED BY CLYMER, SUSPEND RULES THAT RESOLUTIONS HONORING YOUTHS COULD BE Courage & Valor PRESENTED. CARRIED. A Resolution was read by the Clerk expresr,-ing appreci- Mikcc: Zaragoza ation and gratitude to Mike Zaragoza, C-975 Harrington N.E. and Debbie Debbie McCready McCready of 2318 N.E. 10th, for their outstanding and unselfish attempt to save the life of another human being from drowning at Lake Washington Beach Park on January 29, 1975. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett presented copy of the resolution to Mike Zaragoza and Debbie McCready for valiant and courageous service. Resolution #1967 A resolution commended Greg Thompson, 13946 147th Pl. S.E. , for outstand- Courage & Valor ing bravery and unselfish service in the rescue of Doug Farnan at 518 Grey Thompson Burnett S. , on March 4, 1975, by pulling him from the burning building and employing good judgment in smothering the flames that engulfed him. Upon reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett pres- ented Greg Thompson with Resolution 1967 extending congratulations and commendation. COR:'ESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Dave Mooney, King County Council Coordinator for the Green River Flood Control Zone District asked that resolution be provided to Green River King County indicating the Renton City Council 's desire to moved ahead Flood Control with the East Side Green River Flood Control Zone-District Project. Zone District MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY Project SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later report) Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted the Downtown Improvement West Coast Project - Phase I, CAG 3012-72, was substantially completed by West Coast Electric Co. Electric Company of Washington, Inc. on 11/15/74 and accepted by the Downtown Department of Public Works 12/2/74, recommending that the Council accept Improvement completion of the project as of 3/17/75. The letter noted final payment TABLED in amount of $3,549.54 and recommended that retained amount of $74,286 be paid the Contractor if no liens or claims are filed against the project within 30 days and proof of payment of tax liabilities received. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason noted Council has accepted Phases II and III, that Phase IV, trash receptors, is being completed by the City forces; that the project was started in November of 1972. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, Gonnason noted vandalism of trees on S. 4th Project. Gonnason further noted Phase I covered undergrounding, sidewalks, asphalt overlay and ornamental lighting. In order that public could bring any defects in the project to the attention of the Council or Administration, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ACCEPTANCE OF CBD BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. L.I.D. 274 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted final costs for CBD Central Business District L.I.D. 274 in the amount of $744,880.06, noting total allowable assessment to the district as specified in Ordinance 2645 338 Renton City Council 3/17/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Cont. L.I.D. 274 is $10.00 per front foot, which is equivalent to $227,737. Gonnason's Central letter submitted final assessment roll and recommended April 21, 1975 Business as date of Public Hearing. Councilman Perry inquired re balance of funds District and was advised the difference between amount chargeable to the LID and total cost of project was paid by combination of UAB, Topics, State Highway funds and other available City funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted article on Renton, including photos of the CBD and other projects, has been submitted to the Ladie's Home Journal for publication. r Interim Funding Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended acceptance of the .low LIL's 286 & 292 bid of Peoples National Bank for interim financing on LID 286, sanitary sewers in the vicinity of Park Ave. N. , Meadow N. and FAX 405 between N. 40th and N. 28th in the amount of $158,000 at an interest rate of 5.39%. The l:-Yater also recommended acceptance of the low bid of Peoples National Bank of Washington for interim financing of LID 292, sanitary sewers and lift station in the vicinity of Eastwood Park in the amount of $30,000 at an interest rate of 5.39%. Upon Council inquiry Adminis- trative Assistant Stark noted four bids were received with 5.39% lowest and 6% highest interest ratty. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Cast Iron Pipe Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the City's share in Anti-Trust Case settlement of the cast iron pipe anti-trust case brought about by several states and cities nationwide, amounts to $9,938.97, that the total settle- ment for the State of Washington is $179,721.83. Mayor Garrett noted Lhe funds would be deposited into the Utility Fund.Account. Fund Transfer to Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended transfer of $2,318 from the Fire Department Contingency Fund to the Fire Department Budget as a result of modifica- Budget tion of the Fire Fighers working agreement pursuant to the results of the Results of Fact Finding Panel. The addendum to the agreement provides for an in- Fact Finding crease in pay for aid car personnel, training officers and captains in Panel the Fire Department and constitutes'$1,757 for changes for 1975. The letter stated $561 would be included in the transfer to comply with Resolution No. 1828 which provides for certain differential rates for Battalion Chief, Asst. Chief and Chief, since the rate of pay for cap- tains is increased by 1%. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, DELETE $561 FROM THE TRANSFER AMOUNT, AND NOT IMPLEMENT RESOLUTION 1828 (SALARY DIFFERENTIALS) AT THIS TIME.* Recess MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF RESOLUTION 1828. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:42 p.m. and recon- vened at 8:50 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present previously shown. *AMENDING MOTION CARRIED deleting $561 and not implementing salary differen- tials. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED, authorizing transfer of $1,757. L.I.D. 291 Letter from Quendall Terminals, D. O. Norman, reported Barbee Mills Co. , Water Mains Quendall Terminals and J. H. Baxter Co. support and will not protest Lake Washington L.I.D. 291 subject to the following conditions: (1) The designed fire Kennydale Area flow of 6,000 gallons per minute along the 12" run be achieved before any assessments are .levied. (2) Allow late-comer agreement for hook up of properties outside the district, assessing fees to same and reducing assessment balances of those within the proposed district, and in the case of paid assessments, then making cash payments to those same property owners proportionately. (3) Due to extremely fragile soil conditions in the May Creek drainage basin and diverted sub-basin lying within the proposed LID district, that the same protectbn afforded to the County portion by K.C. Ordinance #2281 recognizing the need"to protect property owners adja- cent to developing land from increased run-off rates which could cause erosion of abutting property," be afforded to those property owners within the City. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS G. Williams Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of George H. Williams Fire Chief to the permanent position of Fire Chief effective April 1, 1975, probation- ary period expiring 3/31/75. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3117175 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recon?- Committee Report mending that a resolution be adopted setting the date of May 5, 1975 for Street Vacations public hearing re Boeing Company request for vacation of a portion of Requested by Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. and that the matter be referred &veing to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Bus Following dis, ussion of the placing of a demonstration Metro bus shelter Spm-Iter on Taylor Ave. N.W. near Renton Ave. , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE FEES FOR USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ($10 per yr.) ,, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Banning Councilman Stredicke noted the State Board of Health regulation banning Smoking in smoking in public places and called attention to the need for adoption Public Places of the ruling for the Council meetings as it is enforced for Municipal Court hearings. MOVED BY ,STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF BANNING SMOKf'NG TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: j'3) AYE: DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, CLYMER; (4) NO: PERRY, BRUCE, GRANT and SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. Cohnuni ty Services Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that the Council concur in the Planning Director's request East Side Green and reaffirm the City's participation and non-financial commitment to River Water the East Side Green River Water Shed Project. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Shed Project BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- TEE. CARRIED. (See Resolution #1970 adopted 3117175) L.I.D. 291 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PRIOR ACTION OF 3110 Water Mains ON LID 291, WATER MAINS IN LAKE WASHINGTON, KENNYDALE AND MAY CREEK AREA. Lake Washington ROLL CALL: (5) AYE: DELAURENTI, CLYMER, BRUCE, GRANT, SCHELLERT; (2) NO: Kennydale Area PERRY and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the previous Reconsidered motion from March 10, 1975 which was now before the Council: "MOVED BY _ STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, LID 291 BE ENDED AND THE SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE." MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER AMENDMENT OF MARCH 10, WHICH DELETED SOUTHERN 'PORTION OF LID ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read motion now before the Body: "TO EXCLUDE SOUTHERLY PORTION ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD." MOTION FAILED BY ROLL CALL VOTE: (2) AYE: PERRY and STREDICKE; (5) NO: DELAVRENTI, CLYMER, BRUCE, GRANT and SCHELLERT. MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT Public Hearing THE LID PROPOSAL BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THAT A PUBLIC 3124175 HEARING BE SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY MARCH 24, 1975 WITH ALL PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED. CARRIED. At the time of the Public Hearing 3124175, the motion before the Body: "Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, Council authorise creation of the Z.I.D. and refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for necessary ordinance." Public Works Director Gonnason explained the modified plan of the LID, with deletion of the 8" water main paralleling Lake Washington Blvd. from N. 36th to N. 37th St. and the 12" main from Lincoln Ave. S.E. , 84th St. to S.E. 80th St. The boundaries of the district will remain unchanged and those properties not receiving benefits due to deletion of water mains, will not be assessed. The assessments on all remaining properties within the district will remain in force from the previous preliminary roll. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert requested Council ap- proval of Vouchers No. 3383 through No. 3543 in the amount of $97,392.70 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 3247 through 3382 were machine voided during processing; Voucher 3494 in amount of $888 Voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recommend- Ordinance 2919 Ing second and final reading for an ordinance imposing certain tax on Gambling - card rooms and asked that the Cid Clerk notify Council in November to Establishes Tax review these fees. Following readingsof the ordinance setting $500 yearly on Card Roomer - fee for card rooms, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL Rules & ADOPT CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Regulations ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 340 Renton City Council 3/17/75 - Page 4 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS - Continued First Reading Legislation Committee Report recommended first reading and referral back Ordinance Re to the Legislation Committee of an ordinance relating to disorderly con- Disorderly duct and trespassing. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Conduct SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Ordinance Re back to committee of an ordinance setting a probation fee and- relating Probation Fee to Municipal Court. Fol-laving reading of the ordinance establishing $50 fee, probationary costs for persons not fined or jailed but rehabili- tated, covering cost of processing. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTE. CARRIED. Resolution #1968 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Street Vacation resolution setting date of public hearing on April 21, 1975 for street Public Hearing vacation of a portion of old County Road #80. Following reading of the 4/2.L/75 resolution for street vacation at Renton Shopping Center as requested by R. L. Edwards Robert L. Edwards, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL A BOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1969 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Federal Aid designating the Mayor/City Clerk to sign Federal Aid Grant Projects, i.e. Grant Projects S.W. 43rd St. Project. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1970 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Reaffirming resolution reaffirming the City's prior commitment to the Green River Water Green River Shed Project. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE Water Shed ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. , Participation MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. The ADJOURNMENT meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m. C1 Delores A. Mead, Cit. Clerk r WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 3/13/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID# 3247 - # 3382 $5,902.81 CURRENT FUND VOIDNO.# 3494, $888.00 &60.184"4 PARK FUND 699 3711995 STREET FUND $24556113 ,... STREET FORWARD THRUST $16#566185 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 4568162 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND •534966199 AIRPORT FUND 021222104 Et?UIPMENT RENTAL 95//75053 FIREMEN PENSION 67# 38004 TQTA� OF ALL. WARRANTS *"tl#0-F70 TOTAL: $97,392.70 WE* THE UNDERSIQNED MEMBER$ OF TOE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF 3ENTON CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT 1EWCWANDISE AND/OR SERVICES WAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HERESY ►PPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERI NO, 3363 TNROUQM N0o 3563 IN TO` AMOUNT $97.392.70 _.. )F THIS TO DAY OF j�ARCH 761 l L D- EM.E. s t� .r s sCHAIRMAN MEMBER MEMBER • CITY COUNCIL COMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR co CV Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 17, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE 3/18 Tues. 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd Floor Cafeteria i I COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI ! COMMUNIn SERVICES 3/20 Thurs. 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Floor Conference RmLl I a FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT i i LEGISLATION 3/24 Mon. 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Rr ", i I ' PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT i PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI iI J TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 3/19 Wed. 4:45 P.M. PERRY LOBBY ( FIELD TRIP 3/24 Mon. 6:45 P.M. PERRY CHAIRMAN's OFFICE 3/26 Wed. 5:00 P.M. PERRY LOBBY f� FIELD TRIP I I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 20 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4025 $ 800 William Goddard 3707 Lk. Wa. N. Const. bulkhead 4026 27 , 000 Q. M. Enterprises 1650 Lk. Youngs SE Const. single fam res 4027 26 , 000 Q. M. Enterprises 1651 Kir_}:land S . E . Const. single fam res 4028 26 , 000 Q. M. Enterprises 1652 Kirkland S .E . Const. single fam res 4029 2 , 500 Cary Richardson 837 Index N . E . Const. res 4030 11800 Darrold Kirwan 317 Main Ave. S . Inst . siding 4031 William Favro 504 Cedar S . Demolish res 4032 7 , 000 Jon Bergman 3813 Meadow N. Const . utility buildir 4033 6 , 500 Gill Centioli 604 Rainier S . Const . wall ,:ECHANICAL PERMITS M4225 2 , 000 Richard Negray 656 Ling N . W. Inst . plumb & fix 4226 1, 050 Wayne Hills 1815 S . E . 19th Inst . plumb & fix 4227 645 Hebb & Narodick 1018 S . 30th Inst . gas furnace 4228 8 , 850 Lily Backman 321 S . 2nd Tnst. air units 4229 12 , 350 Wa . Jocky Club Longacres Inst . air units 4230 24 , 800 Joseph Ryerson 600 S . W. 10th Inst . air units 4231 13 , 300 N. W. Hobby & Toy 3620 E . Valley Rd. Inst . air units 4232 2 , 000 Gils Supply 604 Rainier S . Inst . plumb & fix 4233 50 Karl Roy 353 Sunset Blvd . N. Inst . gas piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5027 10 , 000 Stuart Radiator 740 Thomas S . W. Wire building 5028 1, 000 Cedar River Hosp . 3770 N . E . 4th Repair fire damage 5029 950 Cary Richardson 837 Index N . E . Add. lights & heaters 5030 240 Turbo Leasing 4503 Lk. Wa . N. Wire to boiler SIGN PERMITS 396 595 P. J. L. Corp . 534 Rainier S . Wall sign 397 200 Dr . Robert Evoy 203 S . 4th Wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 32 E. Gonder 2327 N. E . 10th Connect side sewer 333 Hebb & Narodick 1024 S . 30th Remove sidewalk 34 Dr. Epstein 211 Park N . Inst. storm sewer 35 Hebb & Narodick 1007 S . 31st Re-pour driveway REVOCABLE PERMITS 1 10 Metropolitan Seattle Bus shelter for Metro 344 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 24, 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages: Charlotte L. Kirk Pacific Paving "o. BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Historical Society request for marker at Mine Site Kiwanis Air Fair 1976 CITY CLERK Invite Mike Darland to Public Hearing Authorized to execute grant application for multi-cultural workshops ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Bauric ter letter COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Historical Society request for marker at Mine Site Sockeye fishing in Lake Washington National Flood Insurance Program CBD Publicity Brochure FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Aviation Committee request for attendances at AAAE Conference in Portland LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. .D. 29 rdinance 2922 adopted) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE National Food Insurance Program (Await Community Services Committee instructions) MAYOR Author ized to execute grant application for multi-cultural workshops PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Subject of permanent improvement to access roadway east of Lake Washington Blvd. N. Special Utility Rates for Senior Citizens (S.S. as Income) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Present Fire Station as Museum Baurichter letter re dogs and motorcycles Sprinklers as fire protection POLICE DEPARTMENT Bauric ter etter re dogs and motorcycles PUBLIC HEARING April28, 1975 Bitney request for street vacation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 24 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON FRICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 1975 APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett welcomed Scout Troup 400 and Scout Master Vern Graham. P03LIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been given, L. Q .D. No. 291 Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on L. I.D. 291 , water mains in k'at'-.er Mains the Lake Washington, Kennydale and May Creek area. Public Hearing had Kennydale Area been held on March 3, and continued to March 10, at which time the Hear- ing was closed and the L. I.D. terminated. On March 17, the Council reconsidere6 the action of March 10, and reinstituted the L.I.D. and the modified plan was explained. City Clerk Mead read correspondence received for the meeting of the 24th: letter from Mrs. Thomas C. Buckingham, 5025 Ripley Lane, inquired re benefits received. A listing was read of the Assessment Deletions from the L. I. D. , noting the owner' s name and property and the assessment method for properties on the roll . which totaled $43,923; Revised total of the Preliminary Assessment Roll : $342,275. It was noted the boundaries of the district will remain un- changed and those properties not receiving benefits due to deletion of portions of water main, will not be assessed. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to show placement of water lines and noted total protest at 9. 5% of construction cost and 9.2.% of area from the original roll ; with modification of the plan , benefits received by 2% of the the protestants. Audience Comment: Mary Nyblom, 8028 110th Pl . S.E. , inquired regarding water service provisions for later date, being advised by the Public Works Director that property owners could petition for line or by devel- opers extension. R. J. Phelps , 3821 Lake Washington Blvd. N. ,was advised water would be available if additional home was built. Nancy Coad, 80th and 110th S.E. , was advised no benefit to nor assessment against her property. George Hauth, 3717 Lake Washington Blvd. N. inquired re widening and improvement of street when mains installed and whether the street would be opened through to the mill , being advised the street to be returned to original condition, that matter would be put under study. Jack Colombi , 1015 N. 31st, favored L. I.D. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. (8:25 p.m. ) CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT OF PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT TO L. I.D. 291 ACCESS ROADWAY EAST OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. , BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Water mains WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The motion now before the Council which is Authorized as reconsideration of March 10, 1975: "MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Modified BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE CREATION OF THE L. I.D. #291 AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. " MOTION CARRIED. (See later, Ordinance No. 2922 adopted. ) CORRESPONDENCE Damage Claims Claim for Damages filed by Charlotte Lorraine Kirk, 3530 Strattford Ct. , C. Kirk Kent,alleged damage to auto by Policeman's flashlight in the amount of $34. 75. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Damage Claim Claim for Damages filed by Pacific Paving Company, 121 South River St. , Pacific Paving Seattle, alleged City employees entered construction area covering Company junction box and causing over $2,000 damage in the vicinity of SR169 half bridge. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Additional Letter from Mayor Garrett concurred in the recommendation of Police Chief Position of Darby, requesting creation of additional Sergeant position in the Police Police Sergeant Department for the purpose of development and coordination of the Police Department training program. During budget hearings with Police this position was discussed for the 1976 budget, however recent developments indicate creation at this time; no additional funding needed as increase in cost is ;light. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE POLICE CHIEF AND MAYOR. CARRIED. Dog and Letter from Mrs. Don M. Baurichter, 1422 S. 7th, complained of dogs in Motorcycle the Renton Hill area which dug up yards, ran in packs, dumped garbage Problem and barked at night, being a nuisance and a danger to small children. The letter further complained of motorcycle traffic on the Pipeline Road although closed off to through traffic,and requested the Police Department check into the matter. The letter noted Edmonds had experi- enced decrease in stray animals with increase in license fee for non- neutered animals, both cats and dogs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council acceptance Highlands By Pass of the Highlands By Pass Sanitary Sewer Phase II, as of 3/24 with final Sewer - Ph II payment in the amount of $10,759. 54. The letter further recommended CAG-034-74 that the retained amount of $13,632.92 be paid the contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of --� payment of tax liabilities is received. Councilman Bruce noted telephone complaints re metal plate used to cover trench on Sunset Blvd. N.E. during construction, and asked that contractor be billed for cold-mix asphalt needed, being advised emergency work is charged to the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. LID 285 Sewers Letter from Finance Director Marshall reported no bids were received Earlington at the March 19, 1975 bid opening for Installment Note on L. I .D. 285 and Industrial Area recommended the City authorize Seattle Northwest Securities proceed Financing with a negotiated bond sale. The letter noted four weeks required for $203,087.87 printing and execution of sale, that the revenue warrants held by the bank are accruing interest at a 5. 19% rate which is an added cost as finalizing of this LID was anticipated the end of February. Funding by Seattle Northwest Securities would be: Serial Bonds in the amount of $148,087.87 @ 7-3/4% interest maturing from 1976 - 1990; Term Bonds in the amount of $55,000 due in 1997 but callable at par after three years. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Historical Letter from the Renton Historical Society requested the use of the Society present fire station as a museum for the Historical Society when the Museum facility becomes available, noting present museum quarters as crowded , being grateful for assistance in the past. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Historical Letter from the Renton Historical Society requested permission for Marker at Mine placement of a bronze marker on the site of the old Renton Coal Mine Site - Operated at the existing foundation of the mine hoist located on Benson Hwy. 1873 - 1920 The letter enclosed photo of the site and design for the bronze marker; completion planned prior to the City's Diamond Jubilee and Bicentennial Celebration. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER COM- MUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AND TO BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued National Flood Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Federal Insurance Insurance Administration has identified three areas within the City which are Program, considered as 'Special Flood Hazard Areas;" which encompass seven resi- Flood Disaster dences (One area-with six residences in the Maplewood Homes area, one Protection Act area across Cedar River from Maplewood and Maplewood Addition with no of 1973 residences and one area on Monster Road with one residence). The letter explained the 1973 Act requires formal application for participation in the insurance program prior to 7/1/75; otherwise, there will be no Federal financial assistance or mortgage loans from federally-insured or regulated banks or savings & loan associations available for buildings within the identified special hazard areas. Gonnason' s letter recommended the City proceed with the application which will require adoption of three resolutions or ordinances relating to procedures for building permits and Zoning control as applied to flood-plai.n management. Councilman Perry suggested any legislation be coordinated with King County Flood Control Plan as presented by K.C. Councilman Mooney, being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that the National Flood Insurance Program does not contain a financial commitment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE HOLD THE MATTER AWAITING INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. "Public Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization for execution of a Education in a grant application to co-sponsor nine multi-cultural workshops in Renton Multi-Cultural presented by the Renton School District; the Center for Research and Society" Services, Seattle University to be co-sponsor. The letter noted the Workshops City will have no financial responsibility for the project, that Staff Open to Public time for any City employee requested for input into planning for the workshops,shall be reimbursed, that the application for funding is in the amount of $3,500. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE GRANT APPLICATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired whether Social Security benefits constituted income pertaining to special water and sewer rates Special Utility for Senior Citizens. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Rates for Renton THE SUBJECT OF SPECIAL UTILTY RATES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS Senior Citizens COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Following discussion wherein Councilman Schellert noted City is limited to subsidizing the poor and infirm. MOTION CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed to Closed Executive Session at 9:02 p.m. and reconvened at 9:37 p.m. Roll was called with all Council- men present as previously shown. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REQUEST FOR FINAL PAYMENT, PHASE I , Final Payment DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WHICH WAS TABLED 4/17/75, BE TAKEN FROM West Coast THE TABLE. CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Councilman Electric Co. Grant had reviewed the downtown project with the Public Works Department Downtown representatives this afternoon and approval given. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Improvement SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S LETTER CAG 3012-72 OF MARCH 14, AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT TO WEST COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY LID 274 ACCEPTING PROJECT AS OF 3/17/75 AND ESTABLISHING START OF 30 DAY LIEN PERIOD FOR REFUND OF RETAINED PERCENTAGE.* (See Minutes 3/17/75 Pg. l . ) Need for Council approval was discussed. Expenses and funding of LID 274, CBD, were discussed, total cost of the LID reported as $690,864.33 with 40.954% being assessed against the property owners. Preliminary of total costs of the downtown improvement - $1 ,905,968. `MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Report Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee report requesting AAAE Conference approval for attendance at the 1975 American Association of Airport Executives Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 8-11 , 1975 by the Air- port Director and Airport Committee members Stredicke and Delaurenti , funds having been budgeted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Kwanis Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report recom- Air Fair mending approval of Council and Airport Staff of the Renton Kiwanis 7/12 & 13 Club plans for the Air Fair July 12 and 13, 1975, profits to be used to fund development of a park in the southwest corner of the Airport on Rainier Ave. The report recommended the Kiwanis matter be referred to the Bicentennial Commission in order to coordinate the event during 1976. MOVEO BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boeing Leasehold The Aviation Committee report noted the Airport Director has been Interests authorized to retain Robert H. Garmo, M.A. I. , to accomplish an appraisal of the Boeing Company's leasehold interests at the Renton Airport which is to be completed by May 1 , 1975, funds budgeted. The Boeing lease is due for renegotiation by June 1 , 1975. Councilman Councilman Stredicke inquired re building permits for Quendall Terminals' Inquiries activities and asked the Public Works Director for report. Stredicke also inquired re Alexander Auction moving, being advised by the Public Works Director re Board of Public Works Hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 9, (open to the public) , that the building has been inspected by the Health, Fire and Building Departments. Councilman Stredicke noted receiving complaint on parking regulations in North Renton at Sartori School and asked that the matter be looked into, Mayor Garrett asking the Police Chief to check. Publicity MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, BROCHURE REPORT OF THE CBD BE Brochure PREPARED FOR PRESENTATION AT THE A.W.C. CONVENTION IN JUNE AND THE [;owntown COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE BE GIVEN AUTHORITY TO PROCEED. It was Improvement noted $2,000 budgeted for City reports. Councilman Clymer urged inclu- sion of Carco Theatre and other capital improvements in the brochure. MOTION CARRIED. School Bond Following short discussion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY Levy $5,400,000 CLYMER, THE CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD APPROVING THE RENTON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 8, 1975, SPECIAL ELECTION. CARRIED. PSGC Concerning Councilman Perry called attention to letter from Michael L. Darland, Vacation of Director of the Transportation Planning Dvn. of the Puget Sound Govern- Portion Logan N. mental Conference addressed to Mr. Robert Morgan of the Boeing Commercial & Lake Washinqton Airplane Co. which recognized the need for a future tie between the Bc)ulevard North completed section of SR 515 and I-405 as depicted on their 1990 Transpor- tation System Plan and provision for transit lane anduse of railroad r/w, noting presentation to Boeing regarding the Logan Ave. abandonment near N. 6th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED TO INVITE MIKE DARLAND OF THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE TO MAKE PRESENTATION TO THE COUNCIL OF THE SAME MATERIAL PRESENTED TO BOEING AT THE STREET VACATION PUBLIC HEARING MAY 5, 1975. Councilman Perry noted being in contact with Mr. Darland three years ago while representative to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, but has made no further con- tact. Following further discussion of requests for vacation of portions of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. by the Boeing Company, and that the resolution setting the public hearing has not yet been adopted, the MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS No Council Councilman Clymer noted no Council meeting would be held March 31 , as Meeting 3/31/75 it is the fifth Monday of the month, Council meetings being held first four Mondays of each month. Sprinkler Councilman Schellert inquired re downtown fire and whether or not sprink- Systems for lers would minimize fire hazard, being advised by Fire Chief Willaims Fire Protection that sprinklers would be helpful . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF SPRINKLERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION IN DOWNTOWN TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sockeye MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF SOCKEYE SALMON Fishing FISHING IN LAKE WASHINGTON BY RENTON CITIZENS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUN- ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke suggested meeting with concerned citizens and Indian Council . CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council approval of Vouchers No. 3551 through No. 3673 in the amount of $230,387.30 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 3544 through 3550 machine voided. Authorization requested repayment of LID #286 Revenue Warrant R-1 in amount of $61 ,429 and Cash Warrants #C-1 , $61 ,054 and #C-2 $375. It was -then MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. -- Legislation The Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending second and final readings of an ordinance relating to dis- Ordinance 2920 orderly conduct and trespass, etc. , first reading 3/17/75. Following Disoraerly readings by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY Conduct STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2921 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Probation Fee of an ordinance setting probation fee in amount of $50 to defray cost. Municipal Court (First readiig 3/17/75) Following readingsof the ordinance relating to Municipal Court, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2922 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final L. I. D. 291 readings of an ordinance ordering construction of water mains Water mains in the vicinity of Lake Washington-May Creek-Kennydale area and Lake Washington establishing LID 291 as amended and providing for assessments and May Creek Area payment of bonds. Following first reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Ordering BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE Construction TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was inquired by Stredicke regarding percentage of protest, Gonnason noting original protest of 9. 5% recorded in ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: (4) AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, BRUCE, SCHELLERT; (2) NO: PERRY and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1971 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Fund Transfer resolution transferring funds from the Contingency Fund to the Fire Fire Department Department Fund as approved in labor negotiations for wage settlement La,)or Settlement in the amount of $1 ,757. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. Resolution 1972 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Public Hearing resolution setting the date of April 28, 1975 for a public hearing 4/28/75 Bitney regarding vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. and vacation of a Request for portion of S.W. 15th St. Following reading of the resolution, it was Street Vacation MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND ADOPT RESOLUTION. Motion CARRIED, unanimously. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED, unani- mously. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 10:40 p.m. elores A. Mead, C i-tjk Clerk �. WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 3/24/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID NO.# 3544 - # 3550 CURRENT FUND 6351815j54 PARK FUND 66/ 467143 STREET FUND i241337s64 LIBRARY FUND 61/ 041159 WORK INCENTIVE FUND IWIN1 6340026 CAREERS 6151 # 10 CETA FUND 61/ 478076 STREET FORWARD THRUST 65i06000 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND 61501855#63 AIRPORT FUND 6549# 78 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 621 +442126 FIREMEN PENSION 61/ 846061 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6230/ 38730 WEA THE UNDERGIONED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED♦ DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0l 3551 THROUGH NO• 3673 IN THE AMOUNT OF $230o387 . 30 THIS ,4TH DAY OF M HCH 5� COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN � , MEMBER • • *' • E. I .D. # 286 Revenue Warrant #R-1 $61 ,429.00 CASH WARRANT #C-I $61 ,054.00 CASH WARRANT #C-2 375.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3- 24- 75 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 4/3 Thurs 8 : 00 DELAURENTI Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES 3/27 Thurs 4 : 30 CLYMER 3rd f lr. conf rm 4/3 Thurs 4 : 30 p .m. 3rd flr . conf rm FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 4/7 Mon 7 : 30 p .m . SCHELLERT 6th flr. conf rm Following Legislation Committee 'Meetin. LEGISLATION 4/7 Mon 7 : 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th f 1 r. conf rm. PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS TRANSPORTATION 3/26 Wed 5 : 00 p .m. Perry Lobby Field trip F, . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 25 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4034 $ 4,000 Arnold Hartvigson 3770 N. E . 4th Repair fire damage 4035 37 ,000 Cliff McGerry 1225 N . 33rd Const . single fam res 4036 2 ,000 Daniel Moilanen 214 Stevens S . W. Const . garage 4037 12 ,000 Church of Christ 220 Whitworth S . Const . entry way 4038 4, 500 Gary Moritz 2525 N. 24th Add rec room MECHANICAL PERMITS 24234 1, 783 ist Banner Corp . 815 Houser N . Inst. fire system . 4235 1 , 300 C. J. McGerry 1225 N . 33rd Inst . plumb 6 fix 4236 640 Wayne Marshall 405 S . 7th Inst . fan 4237 16 ,000 U. S . Post Office 314 Williams S . Inst . air units 4238 1 ,600 7th Day Adv. Ch . 1031 Monroe N . E . Inst . sprinkler system 4239 100 S . T. 6 S . Bank 100 S . Grady Repair 6 add clean-out 4240 36 , 865 Joseph Ryerson 600 S . W. 10th Inst. heating units 4241 2 ,000 Stuart Radiator 740 Thomas S . W. Inst , gas piping 4242 11110 Dr. Craig Brewer 315 Morris S . Inst , gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5031 2 ,561 Gill Centiolli 604 Rainier S . Wire restaurant 5032 600 HUD-Seattle Area 951 Ferndale N . E . Wire res . per specs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0036 Dr. Epstein 211 Park N . Connect san . sewer 0037 C. J . McGerry 1225 N . 33rd Inst . side sewers 0038 Tom Alberts 1719 S . E . 18th Curb break 0039 Carl Roy 353 Sunset N . Inst . storm sewer 0040 Hebb 6 Narodick 1016 S . 31st Remove curb & gutter 0041 Wayne Hills 1815 S . E . 18th Inst . san sewer I I 1 353 CITY O r' !( ENTUN TIUNSI'UL r MONTH OF 'IARCHA 197 TC THE FINANCE DOCTOR: DATE FRQK r0 DESCR11'TION T(YUL /3/75 CUPPENT FUND 236800,,)" PAPKS 3 ? ' PFCPEAT I ON 3 `t icy°4') STPEC ! �-t;`;D 2b()?4. 11 L.I PPAf%Y PJND I WORK rtC't 'J I VE FUND (W 1 1) e1V CAREERS CoMP,EHP. 'W4G(CETA) 6 , 3t3I .20 . PEG & STRFFT FWD THRUST 26?4 5°E3') URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 6 t 5.1.3' WATERWORKS UTILITY FUHF 4 7 r 0`)0°4 e.) A I PPORT FUND ( 14. 10 OU RENTAL IoJ?2e�tl E FIREMEN'S PENSION CLAIhIS FLIHD Tr,iw tors for mo. of MA1 CtI 10.1 H-10,e,:a 10 7 ) CUPPENT FUND a, 11i61 :,3„00' PAPKS 3 RFrWATION t),401 .7 CITY `')TPEETS B ?6 t7Na?fi L 111PAPY F(IrID WOf.K !14rNT! VF (WIN) ItiO.4') CAPES COM P,EMf'L.TPNG. (CETA I Vote). 17. Pt G R ST. f WO. THRUST 7 io 4`) UfOiAN ARTERIAL FUND 1 ,N94 t) ;IAT EPV10PKS UTILITY FUND A I Pf)Oi FUND I0u I PM[-NT RENTAL CLAAW FUME) Ir.)nste:rs for moe rpt ttili�C'!i 1107,`)1()°0`) .' i i i I 5/ 10/7' CONT I hGENCY FUND CURPFNT FUND To ruversc entry on ?/10/75 S tD rQ)1 5 n0fi' 107. 318.`)O 000.318.50 trranster sheet for corruc4io refer to receipt# 4ti41) 115/75 CURP(-NT 17 8.1 PAPKS A PE ;REATION I()9 7?').03 CITY `,TPFf ' I8a112t).BI L I BRAPY tie 01 O.O6 WORK 1NCENfIVE (WIN) 16318°00 NEW CAR EP`a °)?O e 00 COMP.E MP,T=ANG. (CETA) ! 611 1o0b% PE_G ? c1 :T FWD THRUST WATFPwORKc> UTILITIES 146770n17 . .. A I PPOPT 1 640-1 EQUIPMENT `ENTAL 2 r 95ei°'0 F I PE11-9EN°S '''ErdS I ON I 0b.t)t) PAYROLL FUND Transfers for moa of r1APCH d. 194 .480.21) /19/75 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Resolution #1964, to correct S 3,000,00 801/999,000e241e00,00,00 000/999,000,241 .0( error on 3/17/75 �. CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FU14D I<uso l ut i on #1900 to corruct $3,903,00 801/9`)9.000.241 ,00,00.00 000/999.000,24l .0; error on 3/17/7`.) 1 i MAYOR FTJWiCE DIRECTOR e 354 CITY o F Ic tJ TrcArrsF�1 i; MONTH OF tIARCH, 1975 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: FRCiid 1`0 IIE:SCKTTION 'PO`rAL CURRI NT FUND 'ARKS R RECRLAT I OIJ CI-IY STREETS STREET FWD THRUST (i1-'1+A11 APTEPIAL FUND ,NATI.RWORKS UTILITY FUND A 1 RPOI'T FUND 04 I r,U,I I'1.1ENT RE-NTAL `,,H75.-5H I E 7111E N'S PENSION 7 ;r,(1. 74 CLA11l1 S FIRII) i r.,nsturr. for mo, of 'LARCH i,1i7, 30:1.70 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Rut o I ut i on No.#l ')t,4 Se 000.oO 'A CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND kusolution No.#19t,5 $3,903.00 tJ CLAIMS FUND WATERWORKS UT I L I T'c Canca l warrant No.N ?ltiti $ 30.00 ( URRFNT FUND S 35015.54 / PARKS & RECREATION 6,4t,7,4 3 CITY STREETS ?•1, 537,1,1 LIBRARY FUND 10041 .51) WOPK INCENTIVE FUND (WIN 340,2t) CAPEEPS I `i I 10 C(-VP.F1.1PL.TRNG. (CETA) 18478.76 RfG & ST. FWD. THRUST 50060.70 WATFRWORKS UTILITY FUND 150,855.63 AIRPORT FUND 549.78 FOU I PMENT RENTAL 2,442..26 FIREMENS PENSION 1 ,846,61 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo, of MARCH !,?30 387. 30 CLAIMS FUND AIRPORT FUND C'ancuI warrant No.# 3164 5 4.00 S 1 CLAIMS FUND WATERWORKS UTILIT' Cancel 1974 warrant No.#' � 78").75 823770 $tale date e. MANCE DIRECTOR CITY Or' It H T 0 N MONTH OF MARCH$ 1975 TRANSFI C; TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: AEFRGM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL I/7`.) CURRENT FUrJD z.,1 12,87t).71) PARKS A RECREATION 20,233.Ot; CITY STREET I ti,7(�2. 12' L I HPAPY 7,'1/5.')I WOPK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 , 3 :1.25 tJFW CAPFFPS 511 . 13 COMP.FMP.TRN�. (CETA) 70216.34 PFG & ST. FWD. THRUST 'il5.00 WATFRWORKS OTILITIFS 1.1 J,Qt).')') AIPPnRT 1 ,407.7`.) FOU 1 P�-WNT RFNTAL 20 9`)�).50 F I RF"•1FN'S PENSIM PAYROLL FUND Tr.msfors for mo. of HAPCII i 188 t,',?. 10 CLAIMS FUND LIRPARY FUND Cancel Warrant#2964 S 16.00 CnNTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Peso IulIon No. # 1971 1110757.00 Q MAW R v FINANCE DIRECTOR i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 7 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Goss complaint re Building conditions Tiffany Park CITY CLERK History of Cabaret Ordinance Authorized to execute Agreement re Beach Park Property Reimbursement COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE eider Rezone Trails and Wild Life CLYMER, DELAURENTI AND MAYOR GARRETT Authorize ` egates toA.W.C. Convention ;OMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE LABOR MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEES FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Bids Copier Machine LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rezone Robert Kingen Rezone W. Montgomery Fund Transfer Sartori School Site Driveway HUD Agreement re Beach Property (Resolution No. 1973 adopted) Grant offer re Talbot Hill Reservoir Street Vacation Resolutions (Resolutions No. 1974 & 1975 adopted) MAYOR ut orized to execute Agreement re Beach Park Property Reimbursement PARK BOARD Trails and Wild Life PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Hose Bids Elks letter re Gambling tax for Card Rooms Emergency communications and records center PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for Chlorination buildings Grant Offer for Talbot Hill Reservoir Sanitary facilities for Carnival personnel PUBLIC HEARINGS Honeydew Complex - 4/14/75 Street Vacations portion of Logan N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. - May 5, 1975 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 7 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . �. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM J. COUNCIL GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City ATTENDING Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, ASST. FIRE CHIEF; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park Director and ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 24, 1975, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Honeydew Too and distributed, meeting any legal requirements, Mayor Garrett opened Apartments the Public Hearing to consider the further development of Honeydew Apartment Complex and proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I .D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Public Works Director Gonnason explained public hearing was scheduled at the March 10, 1975 Council meeting when the Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them in order to build the Honeydew Apartment Complex. Upo,-i inquiry by Councilman Perry, the Public Works Director advised building permit issued for 10 units and it was withheld for two units awaiting determination of access; that the contractor, Dura Development Co. has elected not to proceed until results of the public hearing made known. Councilman Perry inquired whether proof of easement filed with the City for the alternate access from the northeast corner of complex to N. E. Sunset Blvd. , and was advised by the Public Works Director that Dura indicated they had paid for the easement, and that the proposed agreement is based upon the performance of the contractor in meeting all terms and conditions prior to the City vacating Whitman Court or terminating the proceedings on L. I.D. 288 street development,also advising all items have not been resolved. Councilman Stredicke recalled problems with Kalin Construc- tion Co. at that site. Stredicke inquired whether time limit set to accomplish work before occupancy permitted and suggested easement along entire east side of project to allow turn around for safety equip,nent. Public Works Director Gonnason noted condemnation proceedings scheduled for May 21 , for LID 288 Whitman Court access to NE Sunset Blvd. , with verbal indications protestors would like to see LID terminated in favor of alternate access from northeast corner of property to Sunset. Mr. James W. Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted developments and that on decision of access to be allowed, land transaction would be closed. City Attorney Shellan noted the 40' alternate access roadway should be public not private and restrictive covenants 25 year duration, all conditions reduced to writing and documents executed and released simultaneously. Mr. James Dalpay, 4033 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and Mr. Iffert, owners of I & D Investment Co., favored abandonment of the LID and vacation of Whitman Court prior to court hearing in May. Mrs. Donahue, 1160 N. E. Tacoma Ave. reported petition bearing 95 signatures opposing building 358 Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING of additional units due to noise, traffic and crime problems. Mr. Honeydew Too - Art Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , inquired about responsibility for 124 Units/Ph.2 drainage into Honeydew Creek from easement road, noting there was not Proposed good drainage in the Creek now; and inquired about fencing to be Honeydew Apts. provided, also noting inadequate fencing at the present time. 164 Units Mr. Durwood Roupe, Consulting Engineers, reported drainage plans had Phase I been filed with the Public Works Director. Marlene Bronson, back of house on 12th, complained of traffic noise. Henry Downs , 4107 .. N. E. 11th, inquired re vacation of Whitman Court. Rodger Fix, 1108 Anacortes Ave. N.E. , reported problems at Honeydew School due to transitory residents. Don Luedke, 3916 N.E. 12th St. , complained of heavy, speeding traffic. Ralph Asbury, 1051 Union Ave. N.E. , asked for more police patrol when school dismissed because of traffic. Sharon Donahue, 1160 N. E. Tacoma Ave. , asked that Hearing be continued in order to obtain more 'ignatures opposing the development. Henry Downs noted large number of cars from the Honeydew Apartments parking on Union Ave. Discussion ensued regarding zoning, size of project, attempt of apartment managers to weed out undesirables. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Clymer, Public Hearing be closed. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONTINUE PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR ONE WEEK.* Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti , City Attorney Shellan advised that if the Public Works Director assures that all requirements have been complied with or mitigated for zoning, build- ing, access and environmental impact and the permit issued based on compliance, then minimizing problems of noise pollution, traffic and access would be in order, such as ingress and egress with regard to Public Hearing public safety and adequate internal control . The City Attorney noted Continued to noise control legislation effective July 1 , 1975, with enforcement for 4/14/75 violations of those standards becoming police problem. Following further discussions,*MOTION CARRIED continuing Public Hearing one week. Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , noted problems to builders caused by restrictions. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:45 p.m, with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA TO PLANNING COM- MISSION LETTER. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported the Planning Commission G.S. Schneider recommendation that R-2 zoning be approved for Gerald E. Schneider Appl . R-802-75 property located on Monroe Ave. N.E. between N.E. 6th and N.E, 4th GS-1 to R-2 Streets, 10 acres proposed condominium/townhouse apartment complex being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The present zoning is GS-1 & S-1 . R-3 was initial request and amended to R-2 at Planning Commission public hearing March 26, 1975, it being the intent of applicant to construct apartment complex using the R-2 Special Per- mit process requiring a public hearing before the Planning Commission to establish controls to protect adjacent single family residential areas. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION.* Planning Director Erickson used wall maps and slides to present information regarding the area, noting 150 to 175 units would be allowed for the property. Letter from John L. Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , requested following three persons be given time to speak on the Schneider rezone: Lee Gilliland, Mike Smith and John L. Tilton. Petition opposing the rezoning of the Gerald Schneider property was presented with over 200 signatures. y Permission having been granted to address the Mayor and Council , Mr. John L. Tilton objected toPbnning Commission decision, noting protest of several hundred residents of the area. Letters of protest were presented to the Mayor and Council . Mr. Lee Gilliland, 3508 N.E. 4th, protested proposed development, anticipating noise, pollution, crowded schools and traffic problems. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , asked the rezone be taken under advisement by the Council and raised questions re storm drainage, adequate water and sewer systems, access, green belt, traffic. 3AS-9 Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Schneider Mr. Tilton submitted letter from Walter C, Mioduszewski , 2428 N.E, Rezone 6th St. , Mr. and Mrs. Hunter 3504 6th N.E. and Tilton, requesting Continued that an engineering survey be taken of the area of N. E. 6th St. and Olympia Ave. to determine best storm drainage system, claiming danger of flooding without proper precautions. Mr. John Thompson, 3718 N.E. 10th Lane, objected to overcrowding area. Mr. Roqer Knott, 3805 S. 180, representing the Gerald E. Schneider interest, noted 140 units planned as owner—occupied with Home Owners Assoc. MOVED BYJSTREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. Following further discussion, MOTION C RRI D.*(Motion to com- mittee has preference). Further discussion ensued regarding the devel- opment with individual ownerships and need for platting, and that number of proposed units discussed at Commission meeting was 250. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer scheduled field trip to site on 4/10 with notification when report forthcoming. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Robert Kingen recommendation for approval of R-2 zoning for Robert J. Kingen from Appl . R-803-75 G-6000 to R-2 (amended from R-3) for 6.1 acres of property located between 87th Ave. & Rainier Ave. N. in the vicinity of vacated por- tion of S. 119th St. The undeveloped property is proposed medium density multiple family, being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.* Planning Director Ericksen used wall maps and slides to explain particulars of the area. Mr. Ernest Coleman, 1100 N. 36th, explained proposed apartments. *MOTION CARRIED. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen conveyed Planning Commission W.Montgomery recommenda�ion for approval of rezone from B-P to R-3 for William A ppl . R-806-75 Montgomery, Executor of Estate of Beulah Edwards, Deceased. Property is located on Williams Ave. S. between S. 4th St. and S. 5th St. consist- ing of .26 acre presently undeveloped with proposed use apartments, being in agreement with Comprehensive Land Use Plan which is high density multi-family/commercial . Slides and maps were used by the Planning Director to present detailed information of area. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Clymer disqualified himself because of R o inerest and left the Council Chambers. MOTION CARRIED. � ```-`' `D IRE: R TC1 MINUTES OF %r5, _ AUDIENCE Mrs. Caroline Terry, 516 Pelly Ave. N. , inquired regarding the Cabaret COMMENT Ordinance adopted by the Council 2/3/75; Section 5-3105 Paragraph C (ban- ning topless) was referred to Legislation Committee to prepare legis- Cabaret lation for referendum. Discussion ensued regarding referendum and Ordinance initiative, that referendum refers to an ordinance which has been adopted and petitions filed that ordinance be put to vote of the people; ordinance suspended until date set for vote. Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer noted Committee report on the subject would be presented under Committee reports. Executive MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. Session CARRIED. (12:08 a.m. ) Council reconvened at 12:35 a.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Association of Washington Cities asking for names of the ._ Cities three delegates to the 1975 Annual Convention. MOVED BY Delegates AWC STREDICKE, SECOND DELAURENTI , THAT CLYMER, DELAURENTI AND MAYOR Convention GARRETT BE AUTHORIZED AS VOTING DELEGATES FOR THE CITY AT THE AWC CNNVENTION. CARRIED. Sartori School Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested transfer of funds Site Driveway in the amount of $500 from the Contingency Fund to Street Roadways Fund Transfer to cover cost of materials for the improvement of the driveway, alley and parking lot on Park Ave. N. at the Sartori School site, work being accomplished by City forces. The letter noted rights have been deter- mined for appropriate use of City funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 3(00 Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Bid Openings City Clerk Mead reported March 24, 1975 Bid Opening, Double Jacket Fire Hose Polyester Fire Hose with two bidders as shown on the attached tabula- tion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR CHECKING AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Copier Machine City Clerk Mead reported March 14, Bid Opening for plain paper copier machine with three bids received as shown on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Chlorination City Clerk Mead reported April 2, 1975 Bid Opening for construction of Buildings five concrete block and brick chlorination buildings, six bidders reported as shown on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Gambling Tax Letter from T. W. Donnelly, Manager of the Renton Elks Lodge noted Card Rooms receipt of Ordinance 2919 imposing $500 annual tax for card rooms and noted the State Gambling requirements for the Renton Elks does not allow the charging of fees for the playing of social card games, nor are the facilities open to the public. The letter asked if the ordinance requires the $500 fee from a nonrevenue producing organiza- tion, and if the ordinance can be amended to provide an exclusion. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Complaint of Letter from Carole D. and Ronald C. Goss, 2720 S.E. 16th St. , complained Building of conditions at building sites on Lake Youngs Way S.E. where dirt Conditions and equipment covered the sidewalk causing school children to walk amid moving building equipment and traffic. The letter asked for con- sideration of the health and safety of Renton's children.even thouqh Building permit purchased. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the action already being taken. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Park Director Coulon presented Third Amendatory Contract Beach Park to acquire and/or develop land for open-space purposes between the Property City and the United States thru H.U.D. and a resolution authorizing execution for Lake Washington Beach Park (Scott-Pacific property). Letter from Special Asst. City Attorney Pain recommended passage of the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contract so that HUD will proceed to reimburse the City the sum of $10,000 for the relocation award made to Scott-Pacific. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Talbot Hill Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended referral to Reservoir Public Works and Leqislation Committees of grant offer in the amount of $355,200.00 for the funding of the eligible costs on the proposed Talbot Hill reservoir from the Department of Social and Health Services. The letter noted the reservoir estimated cost $1 ,000,000.00,with the grant offer representing 40% of the eligible construction costs and that the City had listed this project among those to be financed by 1975 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. The letter called attention to contract condition that the Applicant (City) must submit cost analysis within one month from acceptance which documents the basis for a direct retail service surcharge in excess of the 50% above in- city service rates surcharge recommended in Referendum 27 - Municipal and Industrial Water Supply program. The letter noted 100% surcharge is made for out-of-city customers and the continuation would have to be substantiated financially or reduced to 50%. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED, Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported legal descriptions Portions approved for proposed resolutions for street vacations requested by Lake Washington The Boeing Company for portions of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. and Blvd. N. , Boeing owning 100% of the property abutting both vacations. Logan Ave. N. ti.a Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Street Vacation MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO Continued THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of the Mayor designated April 12, 1975 as Hike-Bike for the Retarded Day to recognize and commend our citizens for their Hike-Bike for labors on behalf of the mentally retarded which constitute 3% of the the Retarded population. The proclamation urged citizens to support the program Day - 4/12 and also the King County Chapter of the Washington Association of Retarded i.hildren. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Quality Control Proclamation of Mayor Garrett designated April 6 through 12, 1975 as Week. Renton Quality Week and urged all citizens to join in support of the April 6-12 increasing importance of the quality control professionals of the country. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION FOR QUALITY CONTROL. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Raymond Saude to R. Saude to the position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective Police Sargent April 1 , 1975 subject to customary six-month probationary period, having successfully completed Civil Service examinations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF Trails & TRAILS AND WILD LIFE TO THE PARK BOARD AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- Wild Life MITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole Report Comittee of the recommending that the matter of a status board for the emergency Whole Report communications and records center be referred to the Public Safety 6w Communicatio►s Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Labor MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE STRUCTURE OF Committees THE LABOR MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATING COMMITTEES TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE LEGISSATION COMMITTEE FOR POSSIBLE RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Carnival MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE SUBJECT OF SANITARY Facilities FACILITIES FOR CARNIVAL PERSONNEL BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. VOUCHER Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approvaR APPROVAL for payment of Vouchers No. 3684 through 3849 in the amount of $88,655.76, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 3674 through 3683 were machine voided during processing and Voucher No. 3830 in the amount of $4.00 was voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY ORDINANCES AND CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. RESQLQT�QNS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Rpt. recommending adoption of a resolution approving and providing for the execution of the Thi?°d Amendatory Contract amending the Open Resolution 1973 Space Contract No. WASH-OSA-99(6) between the City and U.S. of A. Amendatory (See Page 4 re Lake Washing Beach Park property) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, b"' Contract for SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ BY THE CITY CLERK. Lake Property CARRIED. Resolution 1974 The Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of two resolu- Public Hearing tions setting the date of May 5, for a public hearing for Street Street Vacation Vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. Portion Logan as requested by The Boeing Company. Following reading of resolution for vacation of portion of Logan N. , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Resolution 1975 GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Following reading Public Nearing of resolution setting hearing re vacation of portion of Lake Washington Street Vacation Blvd. N. , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Portion of Lake AS READ. CARRIED. Washington Blvd. Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2923 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and L. I.D. 285 final readings of an ordinance fixing the amount, form, date, Bonds interest rates, maturities and denominations of Local Improvement District 285 Bonds and directing the issuance and sale to Seattle- Northwest Securities Corp. Following first reading by the Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. All Terrain The Legislation Committee recommended that an ordinance regarding Vehicles All-Terrain Vehicles be placed on first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL HOLD ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Cabaret The Legislation Committee report reported the Cabaret Ordinance Ordinance Section 5-3105, Paragraph C regarding referendum has been reviewed. The committee report recommended that no further action be pursued on this matter due to lack of interest. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, CLYMER, PERRY; 3 NO, GRANT, BRUCE AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the City Clerk to present written report regarding the history of the cabaret ordinance. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 1 :00 p.m. Delores A. Mead, Cityerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION w/07/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS /}l He N,A!,- ✓, �# a� `f - �6 X 3 CLjRRENT FUND ✓c,u 4 .3830 - am PARK FUND •171661125 STREET FUND 6ldRARY FUND 03So30 CCTA FUND •32090 STREET FORWARD THRUST 020629163 QR34N ARTERIAL FUND $7, 933106 WATEHKQRKS UTILITIY FUND 0211461126 AIRPORT FUNQ 67, 308134 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $44064159 F '`SEMEN PENSIUN •25100 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANT$ -ut WEj TME UNDERSIUNEV MEmbERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF TOE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL] NAV1N0 AECEIVEU OERAHTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MEHCMANDISE ANO/OR SERV;CES WAVE SEEN RECEIVED Ok RENDERED] 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUQCNER5 Not 4644 TMROUON N01 3845 IN THE AMOUNT OF 0, TM16 TH OAY , p ItIL d1 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN w� a` .f w'■ t• MEMBER � •'mow` •-a is MLMQER ■ ■ w . w • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 364 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 7, 1975 BID OPENING PLAIN PAPER COPIER MACHINE March 24, 1975 Bidder AA BB/CC Price Tax Total Jack A. Benaroya Co. X CC $3,394.00 $179.88 $3,573.88 (Used) 5950 Sixth Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98108 H & M Business Prod. X CC $3,485.00 $185.24 $3,670.24 (Used) 2301 Second Ave. $184.71* $3,669.71* Seattle, WA 98121 Saxon Business Prod. X BB $3,913.60 (New) 1,160 Saxon Drive $3,913.60 $231 .43** $4,145.03** TL"V;wi 1 a, WA 98188 Corrections *� Saxon' s Bid is computed as follows: $3,913.60 $405.00 rental for 3 months + $48.00 Installation Charge + $231 .43 ST - $372.60 return of rental (92%) = $4,225.43 Total No Charge for Service for first 3 months of rental , 12 full months of Service at No Charge after purchase. BID OPENING DOUBLE JACKET POLYESTER FIRE HOSE - 900' 12" hose, 600' 22" hose, 600' 4" hose March 24, 1975 Bidder AA BB 900' - 12" 600' - 22" 600' - 4" Hbse Hose Hose Total L. N. Curtis & Sons X X $963.00 $996.00 $3,354.00 $5,313.00 1012 First Ave. S. Sales Tax 281 .59 Seattle, WA 98134 Total 5,594.59 Note: For Forged Aluminum Couplings on Item 1 , add $.03 per Ft. ; Item 2, add $.06 per Ft. Sahlberg Safety & X X $1 ,267.20 $1 ,288.80 No Bid $2,556.00 Supply, Inc. Sales Tax 135.68 5950 Fourth Ave. S. Total 2,69 .47 Seattle, WA 98108 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 7, 1975 BID OPENING Construction of Five Concrete Block & Brick Chlorination Buildings W/Reinforced Concrete Roof & Floor Slabs, Inst. of Chlorination Equipment, Booster Pumps, Plumbing and Associated Electrical Equipment in Six Chlorination Bldgs . , includ;og an Existing one & Construction of a Concrete Weir Gauging Station April 2, 1975 Bidder AA Bid Lump Sum Not Lump Sum Deductive Alternate Total With Deductive EEO Bond Including Tax Including Tax Including Tax Alternate Hayes Mechanical , Inc. X X $138,018.00 $145,333.00 $11 ,965.24 $133,367.76 3428 - 25th Ave. W. $145,332.95* $133,367.71* Seattle, WA 98199 REMCOA X X $146,100.00 $153.843.30 $22,639,50 $131 ,203.80 P.O. Box 1355 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Cascade Constructors X X $161 ,000.00 $169,050.00 $19,530.00 $149,520.00 P.O. Box 107 $169,533.00 $19,585.80* $149,947.20* Issaquah, WA 98027 Ostberg Construction Co. X X $188,500,00 $198,490,50 $31 ,590.00 $166,900.50 1132 N. 128th Street $178,500.,00* $187,960,50* $156,370.50* Seattle, WA 98133 K. K. Larsen Const. Co. X X $149,289.00 $157,201 .32 $21 ,189.52 $136,011 .80 20038 - 15th Ave. N.E. Seattle, WA 98155 Washington Mechanical X X $241 ,438.00 $254,234.21 $15,795.00 $238,439.21 Contractors 7510 - 5th Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98108 * Engineering Corrections Engineering Estimate $130,100 $136,995.30 $20,900 w/o tax CAD Q� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 7, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE ed. , 4/9 y 4:30 P.M. STREDICKE ' Meet at City Hall 'Field Trip to Auburn Airport to view Hangar ,Construction 9 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE + DELAURENTI j i COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 4/10 4:30 P,M" CLYMER 13rd Flr. Conference Rm. ':Field Trip to Site of Proposed R-2 7onin� ,Monroe Ave. N.E. � I { FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 4 SCHELLERT I P.M. LEGISLATION 414 7:00 PM / CLYMEP PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 4/10 6:30 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conference Rm. J 1 FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 4/15 5:00 P.M. PERRY 4th Flr. Conference Rm, 1 i OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS PUBLIC HEARING - HONEYDEW TOO APARTMENT COMPLEX Mon. , 4/14 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers ;Hearing Continued OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 8, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMO -v"Z ' NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK -4039 $ 380 Don Moran 425 Wells S. Const, deck .040 2 , 000 Richard Scappini 3725 N. E. 9th Add to na-ire _. 041 2 , 200 McDonald' s Corp. 73 Rainier S. Const. outside freezer 4042 35, 000 Lynn Thrasher 904 Grant S. Const. new res. 4043 20, 000 Stanford Witsoe 2614 Camas N. E. Const. single fam res. 4044 16,000 Standard Ser. Tire 205 Logan S. Const. office add. 4045 6, 500 Harold Sanders 1909 Union N. E. Const. single fam res. 4046 9, 011,100 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Const, roof over patio 4047 6, 000 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Miscellaneous work 4048 John Lamanna 2733 N. E. 27th Demolish res. 4049 9, 500 James Delgianni 1106 Olympia N. E. Const. add, to res . 4050 200 Ronald Fisk 635 Ferndale N. E. Const. storage MECHANICAL PERMITS M4243 100 Edmund Gonder 2327 N. E. 10th Alteration water piping 4244 1, 600 H.U. D. 1705 S . Shattuck Repair per spec 4245 995 Kampe Const. 1726 N. E. 16th Inst. plumb & fix 4246 850 Stuart Radiator 740 Thomas S.W. Inst. 2 compressors 4247 11, 000 Dr. Epstr-in 152 Park N. Inst . air units 4248 580 HUD--Seattle Area 951 Ferndale N. E. Inst. plumb & fix x.249 2, 500 Gill. Centioli 604 Rainier S . Inst. exhaust fans 4250 30; 0 �•_ ;2dr 1400 N. 4th Inst. plumb & fix 251 L, 450 Mull Const . 1823 Jones N. E. Inst . plumb & fix 252 300 Rcbert Kubasta 208 Meadow N. Inst . plumb & fix X253 400 Emmett Kindle 16-125-B Jones N. E. Inst . metal fireplace ELECTRICAL PERMITS F.5033 7 , 826 Dr. Epstein. 211 Park N. Wire clinic 5034 300 D.A. Simonson 2219 N.E. 7th Inst . 200 Amp. service 5035 240 Bob Edwards 150 S.W. 7th Inst , new circuit 5036 950 Group Health 275 Bronson N. E. Wire pole on parking lot 5037 950 HUD-Seattle Area 1705 Shattuck S . Add ciruits 5038 200 Robert Phelps 3821 Lk. Wa. N. Rewire res . 5039 650 Hebb & Narodick 926 S . 28th Wire single fam res . 5040 245 Mrs . Balcom 1316 S.W. 16th Inst . service 5041 18, 000 Joseph Ryerson&Son 600 S.W. 10th Inst . elec. wiring 5042 1 , 000 Julius Jorq��nson 1901 Jones N. E. Wire single fam res. �-T,143 2�0 Gary Moritz 2525 N. E. 24th Wire addition �v44 50 John Lamanna 2733 N. E. 27th Inst . temp. service 5045 245 m- . Robert TTarmmond 1313 N. 26th Change 100 amp to 200 SIGN PERMT_TS 398 VOID Stuart Radiator_ 399 200 Adolph Brown 1305 N. 30t1, TnsF_, l„all sign 400 500 Renton Center Renton Center Inst . wail sign 401 3 , 000 Gill' s Supply Co. 604 Rainier S . Inst, wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 42 Dr . Epstein 152 Park N. Cross unimproved alley 43 Q. M. Enterprises 1634 Lk. Youngs S. E Inst . san. sewer 44 Q.M. Enterprises 1630 Lk. Youngs SE Inst . san sewer 45Q.M. Enterprises 1626 Lk Youngs SE Inst . san sewer 46 Q.M. Enterprises 1622 Lk Young SE Inst . san sewer 47 Q.M. Enterprises 1618 Lk Youngs SE Inst . san sewer 48 Robert Moffatt 3709 Meadow N. Inst, san sewer 49 Gene Harris 731 S. 10th Inst . san sewer 50 Julius Jorgenson 1901 Jones N. E. Inst. san sewer 51 Stanford Witsoe N. E. 27th & Camas Water line inst .' 52 ° anf,J-1-d Wi k-scr_ tjT F. ,:' 'th r. (,amas ('r)ct- . san sewer 368 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS CITY ATTORNEY Approval of 21R Contract Approval of Agreement with Area Agency on Aging - Nutrition Program Jefferson Ave. N.E. Street Vacation Request CITY CLERK Aut— h orize3 to Execute Local 21R Contract Authorized to Execute Agreement with Area Agency on Aging - Nutrition Program COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ta of Hill Reservoir Grant - City of Renton and State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services - Specific Condition S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petitions on Honeydew Too Apartments (proposed) Zoning by Special Permit LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Resolution on proposed L. I.D. (294) Sanitary Sewers on 92nd Ave. So. (East Valley Highway) Vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. - Public Hearing to be set for May 19, 1975 Appropriation of Funds to Finance new agreement with Local 21R Resolution in support of National Municipal Clerks Week Appropriation of Funds to finance Nutrition Program Agreement Financial Resolution for Talbot Hill Reservoir Grant Montgomery - Edwards Rezone from B-P to R-3 Kingen Rezone - G-6000 to R-2 Regulation of use of All-Terrain Vehicles MAYOR uA tTorized to Execute Local 21R Contract Authorized to Execute Agreement with Area on Aging - Nutrition Program NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Renton Firefighters Local 864 Request to Open Negotiations Renton Police Officers Guild Request to Open Negotiations Ordinance No. 2777 Amendment to Remove Restriction on Maximum Sick Leave Accumulation PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - RENTON Proposed greement on Access to Honeydew Too Apartments Review Permits for Construction of Honeydew Too Apartments PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - KENT treet mprovement - S.W. 43rd St./S. 180th St. - Preliminary Design Report TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Street Improvement - S.W. 43rd St./S. 180th St. - Preliminary Design Report PUBLIC HEARINGS o t nue u TMc Hearing - Honeydew Too Apartment Complex - 4/21/75 I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, KENNETH D. -- COUNCIL BRUCE, EARL CL.YMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE G. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE COUNCILMAN GRANT AS HE WAS IN THE BUILDING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant appeared shortly thereafter. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. MOTOR, ATTENDING Deputy City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILL.IAMS, Fire Chief; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; GARY KRUGER, Planning Department; JAMES PHELAN, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1975 BE AMENDED TO ADD "PRIOR TO DIS- CUSSION OR ANY ACTION". MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED BE 1OHD" C . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Continued from posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Continued Public Hearing to consider 4/7/75 the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the Honeydew Too vicinity of 1150 Union Avenue N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Apartments Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Letter from John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. and Michael P. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th Street, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Honeydew Too hearing was read. Mr. Tilton inquired of City Attorney Shellan what legal recourse did the people have to appeal a decision to build the Honeydew Too complex. Mr. Shellan noted that any legal action would have to be taken with the Superior Court and usually that would be done within thirty days of the final action taken. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether the Legislative Body would have the power to overrule after building permits for ten units had already been issued, City Attorney Shellan remarked that no building had been started, the matter has not been finalized. Mr. Tilton spoke against the apartment complex and criticized the zoning policy and the methods used, stating the builder should solicit a petition from a majority of the people affected to get consent. Mr. Michael Smith inquired about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how much public input there was in it. Councilman Delaurenti noted that several Public Hearings were held on the plan and numerous revisions to the plan. Mr. James Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted meeting with affected property owners and noted that a security guard will be hired to patrol the ground of the Honeydew Apartments from 9:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and that several tenants had been evicted. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter before the City Council was pursuant to a request of the developer to substitute alternate access street, 40 ft. wide strip to Sunset Blvd. in lieu of Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset. Vacation of Whitman Court is still before the Council . The portion of property that will be Honeydew Too would be landlocked if Whitman Court was vacated. The alternate access would permit the completion of vacation of Whitman Court N.E. in the residential area. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. 11th Place read petition protesting the building of Honeydew Too Apartments with 250 signatures and pre- sented the petition to the Clerk. Mr. Michael Sands, 4340 N<E. 11th St. complained of the noise pollution and lack of privacy and asked about the restriction of a six-foot fen{:e, it not being adequate to insure Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING privacy for his home. Councilman Delaurenti advised that he could Continued from apply to the Board of Adjustment for variation for a higher fence. 4/7/75 Mr. Norman Luedke, 3408 N.E. 7th St. spoke about the decline in property Honeydew Too values in the area. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. inquired Apartments about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Gary Kruger, representing the Planning Department, displayed maps. Mr. Conrad Majack, 1108 Tacoma N.E. noted opposition to the apartments a year ago and the decrease in value of their homes. Ms. Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. N.E. voiced objec- tions to the development. Mrs. Harriet Pebles, 1026 Shelton Ave. N.E. inquired about the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan. Mrs. Dorothy Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. remarked that they had had problems with that area even before the apartments were built and that people would have to work together to solve the problems and that you could not stop progress. Mr. Gifford W. Visick, 3609 N.E. 14th St. questioned how the City Council got involved. Ms. Marianne Rossnagle, Manager of the Honeydew Apartments, told of her efforts to remedy the situation by installing speed bumps and patrolling the grounds. Patricia Seymour, former Planning Commission member, noted Environmental Impact policy should apply throughout the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT ON ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO MEENDD THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUESTS OF THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APAMENTS. � Councilman Grant requested findings of the 1965 rezone as to Comprehen- Public Hearing sive Plan. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Continued to MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE April 21 , 1975 CONTINUED TO APRIL 21 , 1975. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened at 10:30 P.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett invited the Mayor and Councilmen of Kent to come forward Street Improve- and be seated with the Renton Council and introduced Her Honor, Isabel ment - S.W. Hogan, Mayor; and Council President Robert Kitto, Councilwomen Billie 43rd/S. 180th Johnson and Jeanne Masters; Councilmen Pete Baffaro, Len McCaughan. Joint with Larry Storment, Gary Just; Administrator Joe Street and Public Works ad Kent Director Jerry Ulett. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published and distributed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to review a presentation by Wilsey and Ham, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who have prepared a Preliminary Design Report and a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment covering a variety of possible alternative design treatments for the improvement of jointly owned S.W. 43rd Street/South 180th Street. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled agreement between Renton and Kent in April , 1974 to enter into a contract with the Consulting Engineer- ing firm of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. and introduced Mr. Jack Dovey, Vice President of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Mr. Dovey noted that his firm had been commissioned in August, 1974 by the two cities to conduct a study, includ- ing landscape architecture and environmental study; seven alternative treatments of the railroad crossing improvement and the selection of the most favored alternative. Slides were shown of the area, problems of the railroad crossing, buildings in Orillia and the bridge over Springbrook Creek. Alternative solutions were shown, three lane road, five lane road, overpass and underpass the railroad tracks and alternative access to businesses. Audience Terry Bartley, 19443 140th S. E. , Renton, inquired whether the P-1 channel Comment would remain at the same grade level and Mr. Dovey replied that the bottom elevation will remain the same. Upon inquiry by Councilman Pq Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason responded that funding with ..ri EDA would be $400,000 to $500,000, remaining funding still in doubt with no immediate avenue for of the entire project. Discussion ensued, future funding discussed. determination of no historical buildings in Orillia. Alternatives discussed were: a five lane highway with underpass at the railroad crossing which would accommodate the P-1 Channel and eliminate the Springbrook Creek Bridge at an estimated cost of $4,122,600; a second alternative of a five lane road retaining the at-grade crossing at an estimated cost of $1 ,825,000; and a three lane widening of the existing right-of-way with two lanes over Springbrook Bridge and at-grade railroad crossing at an estimated cost of $471 ,300 which would be Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING an expandable plan later. Mr. Harold Hill , Mercer Island, requested Street Improve- that the area east of the crossing from the Valley Freeway to Norpak ment - S.W. Park be widened. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the department could 43rd/S. 180th analyze the design and report back at a later meeting. MOVED BY STORMENT, Joint w/Kent MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND DULY SECONDED, TO REFER TO JOINT RENTON TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE AND KENT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO STUDY IMPROVEMEN PROJECT AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL RECESS FOR TWO MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 11 :58 P.M. and reconvened at 12:00 midnight with Roll being called. All Councilmen present except Councilman Grant who was excused. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mr. Glen M. Rose, Chairman, Des Moines Bicentennial Committee, Des Moines invited the Mayor and Council and all citizens to attend the observance Invitation for of the 200th anniversary of the ride of Paul Revere on Friday, April 18, Observance of 1975 at 3:00 P.M. at the Des Moines City Hall , 21630 - 11th Avenue So. Paul Revere' s Ride Letter from Mr. Wilks J. Sullivan, 623 S.W. 158th St. , Seattle, requested Street Vaca- reconsideration of a vacation of Gin Seng Avenue (now Jones Ave. N.E. ) .ion of Gin adjoining his property that was originally requested in 1971 . MOVED BY Seng Avenue SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THIS LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Letter from City Clerk reported receipt of a petition requesting forma- Sanitary Sewers tion of an L. I .D. for the purpose of constructing sanitary sewers on 0.2nd Ave. S. 92nd Avenue So. (East Valley Highway) in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. (E. Valley Hwy. )The petition has been checked by the Public Works Department and signa- Vic. of S.W. tures thereon represent ownership of 100% of the front footage proposed 43rd Street for sewers and is a valid petition. Preliminary L. I .D. roll has been filed in sum of $62,574.72 and it is recommended that the matter be -eferred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution and that the date of May 19, 1975 be fixed for Public Hearing on the proposal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Renton Fire- Letter from Mr. Larry Weiss, Secretary of Renton Firefighters Local 864 Fighters Local requested a meeting on April 22, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of 864 Request to opening negotiations on a new contract. Evening meetings were requested Open Negotia- to insure the availability of both negotiating committees. MOVED BY tions SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Police Letter from Mr. John Gibson, President, Renton Police Officers Guild, Officers Guild reported the Guild is prepared to begin negotiations for a new contract Request to Open and requested evening or weekend meetings to allow Council members to Negotiations attend with first meeting scheduled during the week of April 20 through April 26, 1975 to begin the negotiating process. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Local 21R Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authority to execute the new Contract collective bargaining agreement between the City of Renton and Local 21R which supersedes the current agreement and will be effective through December 31 , 1977. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE ._. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE LEGAL APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LOCAL 21R. ROLL CALL: AYE - DELAURENTI , BRUCE, STREDICKE AND PERRY; NO - SCHELLERT, CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. Funding for Letter from Mayor requested that the money be appropriated by ordinance Local 21R from excess cash balances in the amount of $75,298 and the necessary Agreement transfers for funding in the amount of $24,412 be done by resolution to finance the new agreement with Local 21R. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER OF FUNDING TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. MOTION CARRIED. 07? Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Maximum Sick Letter from Mayor Garrett also recommended Ordinance No. 2777 be amended Leave Accumula- to remove the restriction that the maximum sick leave accumulation for tion employees be 120 days as all the collective bargaining agreements provide for exemption of union members from this restriction. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED Letter of Letter from Mrs. Don Baurichter, 1422 S. 7th St. commended the Animal Appreciation Control Officer, Darrel Zepper, for helping solve the stray dog problem on Renton Hill and Sergeant D. Perssons for his help on the motorcycle problem. Municipal Letter from City Clerk Mead requested support and referral to the Clerks Week Legislation Committee for presentation of a Resolution requesting President Ford to proclaim the second week in May of each year as Municipal Clerks Week throughout the nation, the Resolution to be forwarded to Senators Magnuson and Jackson and Congressman Adams asking their support in urging presidential action. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Personnel Letter from Mayor Garrett requested confirmation of his appointment Director of Sharon T. Green as Personnel Director for the City of Renton effec- Appointment tive April 21 , 1975. Ms. Green is exceptionally well qualified for the position, there having been 45 applications for the position, eight of the applicants were interviewed by a panel and Ms. Green was the most qualified person interviewed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ROLL CALL: AYES - 3, BRUCE, STREDICKE AND PERRY; NO - 3, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT AND CLYMER. TIE VOTE. Mayor declined to break tie. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO TABLE THE MOTION UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of the Mayor designated April 17, 1975 as Food Day For Food Day for The City Of Renton to show our solidarity with those in our world who the City of are hungry and to support the nationwide concern being expressed in Renton this way, also suggesting that each of us could abstain from eating April 17, 1975 for at least one meal on Food Day, and contribute the monetary value of that meal to a favorite hunger relief agency. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. National Proclamation of the Mayor designated the week of April 20 - 26, 1975 Secretaries as National Secretaries Week in recognition of secretaries doing Week their jobs diligently and to encourage others to enter this worthy April 20-26, career, it is essential that rightful acknowledgement be given their 1975 talents and ask that all business and industry join in giving due recogni- Secretaries tion to this group paying special attention to Secretaries Day on Day - 4/23/75 April 23, 1975. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. Volunteer Week Proclamation of the Mayor designated the week of April 20 - 26, 1975 '75 as Volunteer Week '75 as volunteering of one's time and resources is an undisputed part of the essence of our country and essential to its vital life and to thank all the dedicated volunteers who give so freely of their time, energy and abilities. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti about the Nutrition Program Agreement, Councilman Schellert replied that it was in the Finance Committee. Councilman Stredicke remarked that the agreement provides funds for meals for Senior Citizens in agreement with the Area Agency on Aging. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Councilman Schellert remarked that the agreement should stay in the Finance Committee as the Nutrition Program had received funding from various service groups, provides funds that are not provided by other means. Councilman Stredicke replied Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 5 O'.D BUSINESS - Continued Recess that the document meets all criteria. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR STUDY. ROLL CALL: Nutrition AYES - 4, SCHELLERT, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY; NO - 2, DELAURENTI , Program BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. The Council recessed at 12:35 A.M. and recon- Agreement vened at 12:50 A.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present except Councilman Bruce, who was excused. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO APPROPRIATE THE NECESSARY FUNDS AND IT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY LEGIS- LATION. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Cabaret Councilman Stredicke presented to the Councilmen a copy of the history Ordinance of the Cabaret Ordinance regarding "Topless Dancing" prepared by the City Clerk as requested at last weeks meeting. Jefferson Ave. Councilman Stredicke inquired about the rezone ordinance on the Street N. E. Street Vacation on Jefferson Ave. N.E. , Holmes - Goodwin, that the Council Vacation granted a 90-day extension on December 16, 1974 and if no fee had been Holmes - paid, the ordinance would be voided and asked the Clerk to investigate. Goodwin Councilman Stredicke mentioned the Department of Health Resolution to "No Smoking?" ban smoking in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Shellan informed him that the Department of Health Resolution did not have any penalties and could not be enforced, but that the City Council could ban smoking in the Council Chambers and enforce it. Complaint of Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke of the complaint filed last week Building by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Goss, 2720 S.E. 16th St. of conditions at Conditions building sites on Lake Youngs Way S.E, Public Works Director Gonnason replied that there was no written report, but would report later. Chlorination Councilman Schellert presented the Public Works Committee report recommend- System Bid ing that the low bid of Hayes Mechanical , Inc. for the construction of Award - Chlorination System in the sum of $145,332.95 be accepted and the Mayor Hayes and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Mechanical , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Inc. MOTION CARRIED. Talbot Hill Public Works Committee report recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk Reservoir Grant be authorized to sign the offer and acceptance agreement between the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services and the City of Renton for the Talbot Hill Reservoir Grant of $355,200.00. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED CLYMER, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE' S RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Works Committee report also recommended that Specific Condition S of this agreement be referred to the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. The report further recommended that the Legis- lation Committee prepare the appropriate Financial Resolution. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke announced that all Councilmen had received invita- tions to the Arts Program that will be presented at Lindbergh High School Arts Program on Saturday, April 19, 1975, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lindbergh High MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE PETITIONS RECEIVED BY Honeydew Too THE CLERK'S OFFICE ON HONEYDEW TOO BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES .... Petitions COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Voucher Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval Approval for payment of Vouchers No. 3859 through 3978 in the amount of $177,749.43, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 3850 through 3858 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. 374 Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 6 ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee report recommended the ordinance changing the RESOLUTIONS zoning classification of property located on Williams Ave. S. between Montgomery - S. 4th St. and S. 5th St. from Business Parking (B-P) to Resident District Edwards Rezone (R-3) be placed on first reading. Committee Chairman Clymer did not sign the Committee's recommendation, disqualified himself and left the Chambers. After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Kingen Rezone Committee Chairman Clymer presented Legislation Committee Report recommend- G-6000 to R-2 ing the ordinance changing the zoning classification of property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. N. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St. from General Classification District (G-6000) to Residence District (R-2) be placed on first reading. After reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. All-Terrain Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of ordinance Vehicles regulating the use of All-Terrain Vehicles. After reading, it was Regulations MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1976 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of resolution to Funds Transfer transfer funds to improve driveway at Sartori School site, $500 from Sartori School Contingency Fund to Street Roadways Account. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1977 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of resolution to Request to request our Congressional representatives to urge President Ford to President of adopt a National Municipal Clerks ' Week to be observed the second week United States in May of each year. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Municipal THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Clerks Week NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF ZONING BY SPECIAL PERMIT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry said the app icant may request a special variance to the R-2 zoning which goes back to the Planning Commission for recommendation or approval and would like to have the Community Services Committee review it and make recommenda- tions. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The Council Meeting adjourned at 1 :15 A.M. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt i r)� r- J o WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 4/14/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS "MACHINE VOID: #3850 - #3858 CURRENT FUND •500 =91149 PARK FUND •13# 141 #02 STREET FUND $110698014 LIBRARY FUND *8t917t81 WORK INCENTIVE FUND ( WIN ) $771 #04 CAREERS •170#07 CETA FUND *20953#63 STREET FORWARD THRUST $3060804 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND 678. 18109 AIRPORT FUND •919# 79 EQUIPMENT RENTAL •7t696#61 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1770749#43 WE• THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT `1ERCWANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOOCHERS NO# 3859 THROUGH N04 3978 IN THE AMOUNT OF $177A749943 THI 14TW 11 aFAPR IL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EMBER w ti•� � �\� w w MEMBER w • • • • • • w • • • w CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 4-14-75 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. 4/11 7:30 p.m. STREDICKE 2nd flr. Council Chamber COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs 4/17 4:30 p.m. CLYMER 3rd flr. conf. Schneider property FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon 4/21 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th flr. PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Wed. 4/16 5:00 p.m. PERRY I3rd flr. conf. rm. i OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing,Honeydew Too Mon 4/21 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers Continued OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 15, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 84051 $ 2,000 Edward Schehl 550 Ferndale N.E. Convert garage to rec. rm. A152 400 H.J. Ness 3725 N.E. 10th Const. garage 63 43,000 Mr. Tim Riley 1318 Kennewick N.E. Const. single fam. res. 154 20,000 Pac. Car. & Foundry 1400 N. 4th Const. foundation M55 829,000 Cummins N.W. Diesel 811 S.W. Grady Const. distribution center 4056 300 Martin Selig 3302 N.E. 9th Remodel service station 4057 20,000 Elem Martinson 2400 N.E. 27th Cosnt. single fam, res. MECHANICAL PERMITS M4254 300 John Ross 520 Taylor N.W. Inst, gas burner 4255 75 Terry Persson 1048 Lynnwood N.E. Inst. wood htr. 4256 10,240 Dr. Epstein 152 Park. N. Inst. plumb & fix 4257 2,500 Walter Thomson 3604 Wells N. Inst. plumb & fix 4258 600 Q.M. Enterprises 2414 Talbot S. Inst. elec. fence 4259 500 Q.M. Enterprises 2528 Talbot S. Inst. elec. fence 4260 500 Q.M. Enterprises 1651 Kirkland S.E. Inst. elec. fence 426: 500 Q.M. Enterprises 1652 Kirkland S.E. Inst. elec. fence 4262 10,240 Dr. Epstein 152 Park N. Inst. Btu heating 4263 2,195 M.L. Thrasher 904 Grant S. Inst. plumb & fix 4264 250 F.E. Weeks 1825 Anacortes N.E. Inst. gas furnace 4265 200 Aldo Zerbato 312 Whitworth S. Inst. elec. boiler ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5046 250 Edward Schehl 550 Ferndale N.E. Inst. 200 Amp. service �47 650 Kampe Const. 1726 N.E. 16th Wire single fam. res. 43 400 Aldo Zerbato 312 Whitworth S. Inst. 3 phase service ,x,;49 185 Renton School Dist. 400 S. 2nd Inst. outlets At 1)50 400 Richard Scappini 3725 N.E. 9th Increase service CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 54 Kampe Const. 1726 N.E. 16th Connect san. sewer 55 Gil `s Supply 604 Rainier S. Repair storm sewer 56 Richard Scappini 3725 N.E. 9th Break curb - 9 feet 57 Ralph Leber Co. 3600 W. Valley Hwy Inst. side sewer 58 Dr. Epstein 152 Park N. Replace curb & gutter 59 Audereen Ritz 3708 Meadow N. San. sewer 60 Jay Ross 3719 Meadow N. Connect san. sewer 378 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages: M. A. Mechler and R. L. Brown AIRPORT DIRECTOR Request for Airport Beacon AVIATION COMMITTEE Request for Airport Beacon COUNCIL PRESIDENT Thank you for Air Car Donation Appointment Rep Community Advisory Committee re Union State Redevelopment CITY CLERK Info re Comprehensive Plan DELEGATES TO AWC Matter of constitution AWC COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Request for 1% for Arts Ordinance CHIEFS - POLICE AND FIRE Fire Lanes LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1% for Arts Ordinance Flood Resolutions -(adopted 4/21/75) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Motion to Deny Building Permits and Agreements - Honeydew Apt. Matter Letters of Protest - LID 274 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Subject of Noise Standards & Equipment & Operation of same PLANNING COMMISSION Land Use Study of Northeast Area of City PLANNING DIRECTOR Comprehensive Plan Information TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Landscaping N. E. Sunset Blvd. Street Vacation County Road #80 PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/28/75 Honeydew Too 4/28/75 LID 274 4/28/75 Street Vacation County Rd. #80 5/19/75 LID 294 - Sewers Area SW 43rd RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke called attention to April 14, 1975, Public Hearing for Honeydew Too Apartments and inquired whether or not Council has the power to withdraw building permits. City Attorney Shellan noted permits cannot be cancelled without valid reason or unless issued in error. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIEb. PUBLIC OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, Ct. IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORG[ WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processinq Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted, Mayor Garrett opened the continued Public Hearing to con- Apartments sider the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments .� Continued from in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. April 7, to Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dis- April 14, to solution of L. I. D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installa- April 21 , to tion for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court April 28, 1975 N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N. E. , noted report which stated compliance of Comprehensive Land Use Plan to zoning; also noting 1970 Board of Public Works recommendation for two points of access onto Sunset. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th Street, thanked Public Works Director Gonnason for sending copy of the proposed agreement with Dura Development Co. , noting City's effort to minimize impact, and expressed thanks that the mandate of the people was heard. Proposed agreements were discussed, along with access. Mike Smith 3402 N. E. 7th, inquired of fire gate between Honeydew One and Too Apts. John Phillips, Attorney for Dura Dev��lop- merit Co. , noted proposed agreement prohibits access; that fire gate could be added if requested; that access to Honeydew Too would be by Sunset Highway only. Mr. Phillips noted extensive agreements which require security guard on premises. Landscaping was discussed. Mike Sands, 4340 N. E. lith, noted his prior request that poplar trees be eliminated from landscaping behind his property, calling attention that they have not been replaced. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Sands , Councilman Schellert explained the Public Works Committee has recom- o.. mended that Whitman Court N.E. in the Honeydew Estates be vacated and this is pending alternate access to Sunset Hwy. Councilman Perry noted need for conditions of agreement for Honeydew Apartments to be met, before any aqreement for building of Honeydew Too. Mrs. Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma noted unmet condition of original agreement for turn around and adequate ingress and egress for fire fighting and safety equipment. The May 16, 1974 Agreement further discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the Public Hearing be Closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke that the building permits be denied until ingress and egress from Sunset Blvd. is provided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BY PERRY 380 Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Too TO DENY PERMITS UNTIL ACCESS IS PROVIDED, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Apartments WORKS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION ALONG WITH AGREEMENTS. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, BRUCE: 3-N0: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE WITH AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: DELAURENTI , GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY; 2-NO: SCHELLERT AND BRUCE.. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING ON HONEYDEW APARTMENTS BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at Roll Call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L. I.D. 274 CBD posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Downtown Hearing to consider the final assessment in the amount of $227,737. re Undergrounding L. I.D. No. 274 for the Central Business District, construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system and improvements incidental thereto. Correspon- dence read: Fred Hancock Post No. 19, 55 Williams Ave. S. , asked exemption of 20 foot portion on Williams Ave. which is used as a street for access to Burnett and Wells Aves. S. Dobson, Houser & Dobson, 229 Williams S. , protested assessment to property located at 66 Willikams S. and 340 Burnett S. Charles L. Custer, 118 Wells Ave. S. , asked that residential property be assessed at a lower rate than property used for business purposes. Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd, filed objections on sidewalk being torn up and damage to building due to settling. Mrs. L. J. Putman, 4422 42nd SW, Seattle, noted her vacant corner property was assessed on two sides and asked that adjustment be made. The Salvation Army, 233 First Ave. W. , Seattle, noted the Renton Corps is operated with outside-the-City funds as a church and welfare cen- ter, and asked review of assessment. Mrs. Mae Burnham, 82 Williams Ave. S. , objected to poor quality grass planted in parking strip and asked that it be replaced. Audience Comment: Mr. Bill Santi , 221 Wells S. , inquired regarding City's share of the improvement costs. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained fundinq for the entire CBD Project in approximate cost of $2.5 Million, being derived from Federal Topics, UAB, 1/2a gas tax, Forward Thrust Funds and City Funds in the amount of $15,357.81 from 1971 . Bennett further explained the Local Improve- ment District consisted only of $227,737 for the undergrounding portion, further explaining the City' s property was assessed equally. Upon inquiry, Purchasing Agent Church reported the Eagles letter of complaint for sidewalk damages was due to a water line incident unrelated to the LID and has been settled. Mr. John Dobson requested averaqing of uneven sides of irregularly shaped lots for which protest filed. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted no interest bearing warrants were outstanding at this time, Street Forward Thrust Funds used. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THE LETTERS OF PROTEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Time: 9:28 pm) TO REPORT BACK LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. See later report PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing King County to consider the proposed street vacation of County Road No. 80 Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Letter from the Board of Public ... Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections to the vacation as proposed and determined that utility easements would not be required. The letter further noted the Board recommended that every effort be made to vacate the entire right-of-way in that area if possible, or as an alternative, the City lease the r/w to the adjacent property owners. Deputy Public Works Director/Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett explained the request for exchange of property in the Shop- Hearing Continued ping Center parking lot near Bank of Commerce. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 4/28/75 SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claims for Claim for Damages was filed with City Clerk by Marchell Ann Mechler, Damages 20009 SE 127th St. , Issaquah, for collision damage with Parks Dept. M. A. Mechler dump truck allegedly due to improper signalling. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. R. L. Brown Claim for Damages was filed with City Clerk Mead by Raymond Lester Brown, 3809 Jones Ave. N.E. for auto damage allegedly due to def- fective tail lights. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, -� COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. 1% for Arts Letter from Mayor Garrett presented draft ordinance and Procedural Guidelines submitted by Municipal Arts Commission to establish a "1% for the Arts" program in Renton similar to those operated in Seattle and Everett, whereby 1% of the total estimated project costs for all public works projects initiated by the City (except where prohibited by funding sources) shall be held in a separate fund for selection, acquisition and installation of works of art to be placed in and about public facilities. The letter noted the Municipal Arts Commission will be responsible for the development of a two-year plan to review proposed public works projects and determine appropriateness for inclusion of art work, which plan will be updated annually. Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the initiation of a "1% for the Arts" program, subsequent to review of the proposed ordinance by the City Attorney. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAUREN I , MED THE MOTION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AS WELL. AMEND- MENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED . Mrs. Mar ret Anderson expressed appreciation for acceptance of 1% for Arts concept and introduced Mr. Jerry Edlund. Airport Beacon Letter from the Renton Chamber of Commerce Manager, K. Johnson, Requested recommended that a non-directional beacon be acquired by the Renton Municipal Airport as it would be helpful to the general aviation and would be the first step in an instrument approach system. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LETTER TO THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR AND THE AVIATION_ COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIIIE`D.. Commendation re Letter from Macy's Bootery owner, Mr. Sam Hoffman, commended the Fire Department Mayor and City for furnishing a Fire Department with high expertise, commending the dedicated men and Fire Chief Williams and Captain Jack Columbi for fire fighting at the Louisa Building earlier this month. In appreciation, Mr. Hoffman donated $100 to "Aid Car Department. " MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT THROUGH COUNCIL SECRETARY SEND LETTER OF APPRECTATMN" . A.W.C. Delegates Letter from City of Lynnwood Mayor, M. J. Hrdlicka, asked review of a proposal to revise the Constitution of the Association of Washington Cities to allow the election of Directors by each district individu- ally rather than election by the total membership. The letter asked. that a similar endorsement be forwarded to the Resolutions Committee of the AWC if Council concurs. MOVED BY SCHELLERT. SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE CITY COUNCIL DELEGATES TO THE AWC TO REPORT TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Union Station Letter from Port of Seattle Director of Community Affairs, Susan Proposed Land Gerrard, presented information on the proposed development of the Transportation Union Station Intermodal Terminal by the Port of Seattle, noting Center of anticipationthat the U.S. Department of Transportation will select King County three cities as demonstration projects for the rehabilitation of old railroad stations as modern transportation terminals. The letter invited suggestions and Council representative to the Community Advisory Committee for this project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT FOR APPOINTMENT. MOVED by PERRY, SECONDED BY GRA AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 382 Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT Fire Lanes Mr. Norm Luedke, 3408 N. E. 7th, expressed pet peeve of cars parked in fire lane at supermarkets and shopping centers, asking for ordi- nance to prohibit, or enforcement of existing ordinance. Mayor Garrett asked the Police and Fire Chiefs to investigate. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS IN ORDER THAT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEET RE LID 274. CARRIED. Meeting reconvened at 10:23 p.m. and all Councilmen were present at Roll Call as previously Recess shown, except Councilman Stredicke who arrived shortly thereafter. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported the Committee met Committee Report during recess and that no decision had been reached on L. I .D. 274 LID 274 Continued (Downtown undergrounding) at this time, the committee to meet on to 4/28/75 Wednesday and Public Hearing continued for report back next week. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read declaring the month of May 1975 as Family Unity Month, urging meaningful activities together Family Unity and urging organizations to focus attention on family solidarity. Month of May MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SLCONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Municipal Clerks Proclamation of Mayor- Garrett declared the second week of May of Week - Second each year as Municipa-i Clerks Week recognizing the efficiency and Week in May loyalty of the 265 Municipal Clerks in the State, despite long hours and great demands. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED.. Older Americans Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared the month of May, 1975 as Month of May Older Americans Month urged the showing of respect in recognition of their past responsibilities and contributions, with special honor to Renton Chapter 414 of the American Association of Retired Persons. MOVED BY SCH_LLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. March of Dimes Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared April 26, 1975 as March of Walkalot Day Dimes Super Walkalot Day in Renton declaring every citizen pledge 4/26/75 contribution for every mile completed by the walker of their choice for support of Salk Instituteand prevention of birth defects. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett reappointed the following persons to Pro tzm Judges serve as pro tem judges in the Renton Municipal Court, the terms expiring 12/31/75: Roger Lewis , 100 S.Second St. , Robert Anderson, 111 Williams S. , Richard Conrad , Everqreen Building. The letter also appointed Robert E. McBeth, 505-B S.3rd, to 12/31/75 replacing Morton Hardwick who indicated one attorney from his office is sufficient for this purpose and prefers Mr. Conrad to serve. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Personnel MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF THE PERSON- Director NEL DIRECTOR BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONFIRM THE MAYOR' S APPOINTMENT OF SHARON GREEN AS PERSONNEL DIRECTOR.* Councilman Perry made the following inquiries of Mrs. Green and requested that the record so indicate: Number of years in the personnel field, in government, with labor unions, with civil service, in negotiating with labor groups. Mrs. Sharon Green replied she had been in the Personnel field just under 5 years, with just under three years as Director, had reported under OSHA, had been with Personnel of three hospitals, no experience in government, labor unions, civil service or negotiating with unions; had assisted hospital administration during unsuccessful union organiz- ing :impaign. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, GRANT, BRUCE, and STREDICKE; 1-N0: PERRY. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONNEL DIRECTOR WHICH ARE NOT MET AS SHOWN IN CHAPTER 32 OF THE CITY CODE. OLD BUSINESS Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Committee Report Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report noti.nq review of the proposed 1975 112 gas tax projects as follows: Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued 1975 Proposed Overlay Only: S.2nd St. (Mill S. to Main S. ) 1/2¢ Gax Tax S. 7th St.—' S.Grady Way to Rainier S. ); Garden N. (N.4th to N.8th) Projects Hayes P1 .SW (Renton Ext. to Rainier S. ); Union NE (NE 19th - vic.Sunset) NE 10th (Monroe to Redmond NE); NE 12th St. (Edmonds NE to Kirkland NE) Renton Hill Streets: S 7th (Cedar S. to Jones) Renton S. (S 3d - S-10th) Grant Ave. S. (Beacon Way S - S. 11th); High S. (S.11th - end of avenue) Jones S. (S. 11th - Beacon Way S. ) ; Beacon Way S. (Jones S. to Grant) S. 9th St. (Renton S. - Jones S. ); S.6th St. (High S. - Jones S. ) Overlay, curb & gutter + storm drainage: Park N. (N. 4th to N. 8th Widening, sidewalk, c & g + st.drain: Mill S. (Bronson Wy to Houser Wy) New Street Construction: Talbot Rd.S. Extension (S.Grady Wy to S.7th) Improvement (Ref LID 293) : Cedar S. (S. 3rd to S. 9th) State Hwy. Participation --Overlay: N. 3rd/NE 3rd Street Amendments The Transportation Committee recommended the following amendments: An LID be formulated for Garden N. (N. 4th to N. 8th) , providing curbs gutters, sidewalks and storm drains in conjunction with improvement. Delete Hayes P1 . SW (Renton Ave. Ext. to Rainier S. ) , which would be maintenance project. Delete Union NE (NE 19th to vicinity of NE Sunset Blvd. ) , reducing to maintenance. Widen S. 7th St. (S.Grady Way to Rainier S. ) providing for undergrounding utilities. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LID 293 The Transportation Committee report recommended filing of an addi- Additional tional protest letter on LID 293 received from Azelio Grassi follow- Protest ing the public hearing and adoption of Ordinance 2918. The protest raised percentage from 9.43 to 9.48; no action required. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer (having arrived at this .... Services Report time) reported the committee had reviewed the flood insurance matter. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE THREE RESOLUTIONS COVERING FLOOD PROVISIONS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Noise Standards MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF NOISE PERFORM- ANCE STANDARDS AND EQUIPMENT, PLUS THE OPERATION, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Landscaping MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF LANDSCAPING ALONG NE SUNSET BLVD. BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Land Use Study MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, STUDY OF LAND USES IN THE NORTH- EAST AREA OF THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO MAKE RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL WHETHER OR NOT CHANGE IN THE COMP- REHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN SHOULD BE REQUESTED. CARRIED. Land Use Map Councilman Schellert inquired reqardinq the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as to history and revisions. Mayor Garrett asked the City Clerk and Planning Director to report. Honeydew Too Councilman Stredicke requested assurance that further buildina would Apartment not proceed until determination by Council as to fulfillment of obli- .� Matter gations by Dura Development Co. for the Honeydew Apartments. Mayor Continued Garrett requested Public Works Engineer Touma and Deputy Public Works Director Bennett and Fire Chief Williams investigate with a report to Councilman Stredicke. Bennett noted report would be issued the next day. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval of Vouchers No. 3986 through No. 4114 in the amount of $88,463.23 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, Vouchers 3979 through 3985 voided during process- ing. Approval also requested for LID #286 Revenue Warrant R-2 in amount of $79,463.78, Cash Fund Warrant C-3, $79,396.28 and C-4 in amount of $67.50. MOVED SCHELLERT, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending first second and final readings of an ordinance approp- riating and transferring excess revenue to provide salary adjust- Ordinance 2924 ments for Local 21R members in accordance with collective bargain- Appropriating ing agreement. Foll,lwing readird of the ordinance appropriating Funds for 21R $75,298, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL Union Agreement ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance and DELAURENTI MOVED AND STREDICKE SECONDED MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2925 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Re—guTating Use an ordinance regulating the use of all-terrain vehicles. The ordi- of All-Terrain nance was placed on second and final readings. Upon inquiry by Vehicles Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan advised the ordinance was patterned after state law, requested by the Police Department (First reading and prohibits use of motor bikes or jeep type vehicles on private 4/14/75) property without the prior written permission of the property owner. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2926 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Kingen Rezone an ordinance placed on first reading 4/14/75, changing the zoning G-6000 to R-2 classification of property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. N. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St. from General Classification District (G-6000 to Residence District (R-2) . Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS REAL. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2927 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Montgomery - an ordinance placed on first reading 4/14/75,changing zoning classi- Estate of Edwards fication of property located on Williams Ave. S. between S. 4th Rezone B-P to R-3 St. and S. 5th St. from Business Parking (B-P) to Resident District (R-3) . Councilman Clymer was excused from the Council Chambers and took no part in any action or discussion, having declared conflict of interest. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, GRANT, BRUCE; 2 NO: STREDICKE AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1978 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a Intent to install resolution declaring intent to construct and install sanitary sewers Sanitary Sewers and trunk lines in and near 92nd Ave. S. in the vicinity of S.W. R Declaring 43rd St. ; and to create a local improvement district to assess cost; Public Hearing and to hold a public hearing on May 19, 1975. Following reading LID 294 5/19/75 it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1979 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $24,462 for the purpose of providing salary 21R Agreement adjustments for members of Local 21-R to fund collective bargaining agreement. Following reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1980 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Acceptance of resolution accepting grant offer of the Department of Social and Grant Offer for Health Services of the State in the sum of $355,200 and the City Talbot Hill agrees to use funds exclusively in the improvement of its Talbot ... Reservoir from Hill Reservoir and to provide $532,800 for the said project. MOVED Referendum 27 BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1981 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Transfer of Funds a resolution transferring $4,500 from Contingency Fund unto Meals for Senior Nutrition Program for the funding of the nutritional program for Citizens "Senior Services and Centers" acting by and through the "Area Agency on Aging" Department of Human Resources, City of Seattle. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 7 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1982 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Protection of three resolutions pertaining to flooding: Against Mudslide Damage A resolution requiring issuance of a permit for any excavation, etc, , requiring review to determine whether the proposed site and improve- ments will be reasonably safe from mudslides. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION ADOPTED AS READ. -- CARRIED. Resolution 1983 A resolution requiring review of all building permit applications Protection for construction or improvements to determine whether proposed build- Against Flood ing sites will be reasonably safe from flooding, setting regulations Damage if flood hazard does exist. Following reading, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1984 A resolution requiring the recognition and evaluation of flood Establishing and/or mudslide hazards relating to land use in the flood plain Eligibility under having special flood or mudslide hazards, qualifying the City for National Flood relief in the form of Federally subsidized flood insurance as Insurance Act authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Ulerk 386 WARRANT UISIR13UTION 4/21/75 FUND TOTAL. NARRASTS MACHINE VOID Nn.0 3979 - 1{3`46') CURRENT FUND $34# 486101 PARK FUND $8# 881173 STREET FUND $16# 940139 LIBRARY FUND $11033116 *Mid WORK INCENTIVE FUND ( NINI $340126 CAREERS $151110 CETA FUND $1# 438147 STREET FORwARD THRUST $1# 849133 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND $58105 WATERWORKS JTILITIY FOND $111551197 AIRPQRT FUN) x680102 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $11931177 FIREMEN PENSION $91121145 TOTAL. OF ALL. WARRANTS 688,# 463@23 v4E1 THE UNDERSIU14EO MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL,$ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATIUN THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES NAVE aEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N01 3986 THROUGH NO• 4114 IN THE AMOUNT OF $881463 #23 THIS '1ST DAY OF AVJ tIL 1975 i1 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • • • ► �-o/ L ME HEii w • • • • • • • w • • • • MEMHE � L. I .D.#286 Revenue Warrant #R-2 $79,463.78 Cash Fund Warrant#C-3 $790396.28 Cash Fund Warrant#C-4 $ 67.50 I I I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 21 , 1975 \\ COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 4/24 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conference Rm. Schneider Rezone FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. 4/28 7:00 P.M. CLYMER PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 4/28 7:00 P.M. GRANT 6th Flr. Conference Rm. PUBLIC WORKS Wed. , 4/23 5:00 P.M. BRUCE Cafeteria i FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Fri . , 4/25 5:00 P.M. PERRY 4th Flr. Conference Rm. OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS 00 3g9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 23 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4058 $ 20, 000 H. H. Thibeau 3124 N . E. Sunset Remodel building 4059 180 , 000 Pacific Car 1400 N. 4th Const. pipe shop 4060 8, 798 HUD 1705 Shattuck S Repair res . 4061 500 Pointer Willamete815 Houser N Inst. spray booth 4062 190 Frieda Boelke 691 Wells N Const. storage shed 4063 400 Jane Storey 346 Pelly N. Replace roof sheathir, 4064 800 Orvil Alyson 3513 N . E . 7th Const. carport 4065 90, 000 Group Health 275 Bronson N . E . Finish portion of f1r . ' 4066 300 Leo Kushner 729 S .W. Langston Enlarge kitchen 4067 32 , 000 Fitts & Nelson 1902 Abu deen S . E . Const. single fam, res 4068 50 , 000 Fitts & Nelson 1716 Jones S . E . Const . single fam. res MECHANICAL PERMITS 4266 1 , 500 Q . M. Enterprises 2528 Talbot S Inst . plumb & fix 4267 900 Julius Jorgenson 1901 Janes N .E . Inst . elec. furnace 4268 650 Kampe Const. 1726 N. E . 16th Inst . gas furnace 4269 150 Dobson 821 N. 1st Inst . gas heater 4270 845 Wayne Hills 1815 S . E . 18th Inst . elec. furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS 5051 150 Max Jenson 651 Dayton N. E. Wire shed 5052 25 , 000 Paccar 1400 N. 4th Wire pipe shed 5053 250 Leo Kushner 729 S. W. Langston Inst . Amp. service 5054 250 Fred Schneider 1411 Index N. E. Wire addition 5055 50 Funtastic Show Renton Center Inst, temp. service 5056 3 , 800 Community Church 3031 N. E . 10th Wire church SIGN PERMIT :: 0402 1 , 800 Bentons Realty 3124 Sunset N . E. Inst. pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0061 Walter Thomson 3604 Wells N. Inst. side sewer 0062 Robert Greer 426 N . 34th Inst . side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages filed by Phillip A. Schmolke and Jacqueline Russo/Schmolke MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Agreement re Funds - Housing & Community Development Act FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Request for Management Association Financing of written standards by Planning Dept. re Court Case w/Shell Oil Proposed alarm systems in Libraries LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Street Vacation, County Road #80 No Smoking in Chambers Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. Ordinance establishing fire lanes (first reading 4/28/75) PLANNING COMMISSION Court Judgments re Shell Oil PLANNING DEPARTMENT Access to Developments Court Judgments re Shell Oil PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Determination for Street Vacation SW 15th and determination re R/W for P-1 Channel E PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Rosenstrom letter re LID 274 PUBLIC HEARINGS 5/5/75 LID 274 5/5/75 Honeydew Too 5/12/5 Schneider Rezone (taken from Community Services Committee) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. M I N U Y E S Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro term Charles Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegi- ance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER,SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT ARE EXCUSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City At'-,+orney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL IN ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Pro tem Perry for corrections or additions to the Minutes of 4/21/75, Councilman Stredicke commended the City Clerk that the Minutes were very well written. MOVED PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVETHE APRIL 21 , 1975 MINUTES AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Street Vacation posted, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Portion of the vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between the Powell Ave. SW southerly R/W of FAI 405 and the northerly R/W of S.W. 16th Street SW 15th Street extended, having a width of 60 feet; and a portion of S.W. 15th Street lying northerly of lots 7 through 10 Block 35 C.D. Hilman' s Earlington Gardens and southerly of FAI 405 R/W. , as requested in petition filed by Dean W. Bitney and Charles H. Grouws. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain area of the proposed street vacation and explained the Board of Public Works 3/7/75 recommendation that City retain easement adjacent to FAI 405 for State illumination system and the City negotiate the exchange of right-of-way required for the P-1 Channel as part of the consideration for the vacation. Transpor- tation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report concurring with the Board of Public Works and recommending the vacation be granted subject to rentention of a 10-foot utility easement on the easterly portion of Powell Ave. S.W. ; that the precise determination of the portion of S.W. 15th St. to be vacated be referred to the Public Works Department for determination of the needs for R/W required or t e P-1 Channel—and that the Public Works Department be authorized to negotiate with the petitioners regarding the right-of-way determina- tion and report back to the Transportation Committee. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry noted the intent of committee report to determine whether petitioners would pay 1/2 appraised value or work out compromise on trading property. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I.D. 274 published as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Undergrounding Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the final assess- Central ment in the amount of $227,737 for L.I.D. 274, construction and instal- Business lation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street District lighting system and other improvements. Letter from Lillian Rosenstrom, 11039 Woodward Ave. S. , Seattle, objected to the inferior grade of grass planted in the parking strip at her property at 95 Williams S. Public Works Director Gonnason reported the matter would be checked. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO PUB- LIC WORKS COMMITTEE.CARRIED. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce Hearin reportedtheL. I.D. matter was before his committee and requested Continued to another week to consider. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC 5/5/75 HEARING ON LID 274 BE CONTINUED ANOTHER WEEK TO 5/5/75. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public County Road #80 Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Transportation Committee Report was presented by Chairman Perry recommending that the vacation be granted as petitioned and that it is not necessary that the proposed additional property be dedicated to the City. The report further recommended that a vacation fee in the amount of $210 be charged and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for drafting of the ordinance, which will be held pending receipt of vacation fee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 8:16 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the continued Apartments Public Hearing to consider the further development of proposed Honey- Continued from dew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; April 7, to continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew April 14, to Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I. D. 288 requirements April 21 , to (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) April 28, to and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apart- May 5, 1975 ment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apart- ments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported Dura Development Co. had not yet met with the committee and requested the hearing be postponed. Public Works Director Gonnason noted $10,000 bond had been posted by Dura Development Co. in order to assure that landscaping would be completed and maintained; that the turn-around for firefighting equip- ment was considered and approved by the former Fire Chief pursuant to the requirements of the agreement; that Dura Development Co. did petition for creation of LID extending Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset Blvd.,thatis now in the jurisdiction of the City; that the petition .�. for vacation of unneeded portions of Whitman Court N.E. could not be consummated until LID completed. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this report had been delivered to the Mayor and Council on 4/23/75 and indicated that Dura Development Co. has met and is in compliance with May 1974 Agreements subject to these comments . Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N. E. 7th, asked the Council to delay building until guidelines have been set forth. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. (Time: 8:25 p.m. ) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claim for Damages filed by Phillip A. Schmolke, 230 Ranier Ave. S. , Claims for in the amount of $37,000 for collision with tractor and trailer alleged Damages by the City failed to install "no parking" signs on the South side of P.A. Schmolke & 3rd Ave. Claim for Damages filed by Jacqueline Marie Russo a/k/a Russo/Schmolke Schmolke, 1709 State Rd. , Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the amount of $154,500 for personal injuries while passenger in alto driven by P.A. Schmolke,alleged accident due to failure to post "no parking" signs. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER CLAIMS TO CITY ATTOR- NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Management Letter from the City of Renton management employees requested sanction Association in the formation of the City of Renton Management Association for the following purposes: To collectively negotiate with the Mayor and City Council on salaries, benefits and working conditions; to raise management standards; encourage spirit of pride, unity and cooperation; to improve the quality of management and to provide participation in -- meaningful projects. The letter also requested authorization for pay- roll deduction for dues, with membership available to all full-time management employees. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED Shell Oil Co. Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported Shell Oil Co. vs City, Court Case King County No. 786059, summarized Judge Hunter' s oral decision given 4/22/75 (verbatim transcript available next week) : The basic issue before the court was whether the City acting through is Planning Commission and Council , had acted arbitrary and capri .iously or not, the Court's personal view on special permit not beir, relevant. r. t, 392 Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Shell Oil Case The letter further summarized: New area of environmental law has been Continued entered with old laws and decisions modified; environmental concerns prior to issuance of any permits are obligation of governmental bodies. Final Aruguments The court felt one of the major reasons for denial of the special per- Heard 4/21 & 22 mit by the Commission and Council was based on allegation that Shell before the had misled the local government by failure to tell of latest type of Honorable Judge emission controls, i .e. , vapor recovery and the court found basis for David Huntc4such feeling; the court further found Shell did not offer any "vapor recovery system until their appearance before the Council and wanted to install a system as cheaply as possible. Although the City offici- als may have had a right to be "mad" at Shell 's failure to advance the latest technology, this did not allow the City to deny a special permit upon such a personal basis, and in so doing, the local officials acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner as the denial was not based upon fixed, written standards. That assuming the City's Zoning Code allows the Commission to impose conditions for a special permit, the court notes that SEPA does not contemplate unbridled discretion on local governmental bodies and some limitation and standards must be set; that except for visual pollution all the matters considered, i .e. , noise pollution spill potential , etc, are to be reduced to written standards by the City so that any applicant would be aware; that the City is entitled to impose standards to determine issuance of special permits; that denial of application for special permits without estab- lished standards is denial of due process and equal protection. The court further found that the issuance of prior permits to oil companies does not prevent denial of permit to Shell if based on reasonable standards. The court pronounced its decision re Shell ' s complaint which requested six judgements: Shell had requested the court to issue a declaratory judgment ghat Shell ' s requested plant is a permitted and lawful use under the City' s laws ; that no special permit required; that Shell ' s rights to the zoning on its property and a building permit pursuant to that zoning have ves--red; that Shell has complied with SEPA and is entitled to construct the plant. These judgments were denied by the court. The judgments granted: Shell's request that if specia7 permit is required, what standards and conditions may be lawfully applied by the City; the acts of the City to be arbitrary and capricious in denying permit to construct the facility and voiding said denial . A Writ of Mandamus was also denied by the court which would have authorized construction and issuance of building permit. The letter concluded that the court remanded the case to the City to allow the City Council and Planning Commission to re-examine the peti- tion and set up and establish reasonable written standards contolling the issuance of special permits so that any applicant would know in advance what conditions would have to be met before being entitled to a permit or permitting the City to deny a permit. The Attorney then noted the need for the Planning staff, with expert help, to prepare standards applicable to certain types of businesses, including tank farms, which would be applicable to all applicants on a non-discrimina- tory basis, that the City has the right to deny issuance of special permits if these reasonable standards cannot be met or the proposed activities would be harmful to the environment at a given location. Councilman Stredicke complimented City Attorney Shellan for handling of the case. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND PLANNING COM- MISSION AND THE MATTER OF THE FINANCING TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry as to time limit with decision, the City Attorney replied negatively. The Attorney called attention that written "findings of fact, conclusions of law and judg- ments" are not yet entered and the case will not be concluded until received and approved by the Judge and the possibility exists of an appeal . MOTION CARRIED. Public Health Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of Washington State Depart- Regulations ment of Public Health Regulation effective 4/12/75 prohibiting smoking of tobacco in certain public places and suggesting the posting of 393 Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Smoking Banned "No Smoking" signs in the appropriate places and the new regulations in Council be posted. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SMOKING BE BANNED Chambers IN THESE CHAMBERS AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Funds under Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted previous approval of Housing & the Agreement for Planning, Distribution of Certain Block Grant Funds Community and Execution under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Development and that it is necessary to amend this agreement in accordance with Act of 1974 request of King County Housing and Community Development Coordinator Chuck Bean, as requested by HUD. The letter further noted the changes do not alter the intent of the agreement and requested the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND C_I_TY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT AS CHANGED. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that funds in Installation of the amount of $3,175 be appropriated for the installation of Alarm System fire detection equipment in the main Library and the Highlands in Libraries Branch Library, due to the recent rash of fires in book depositories. The letter submitted proposal from ADT Security Systems outlining five smoke detectors in the main Library at a cost of $1 ,657 and four smoke detectors at the Highlands Library at a cost of $1 ,518. The letter recommended monies be appropriated from the Contingency Fund to the General Services Division. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti introduced King County Councilman Forsythe. Appreciation of Mr. Larry Gibson, 2842 NE Sunset Blvd. , expressed appreciation for the "No Smoking" banning of smoking in the Council Chambers. Mr. Gibson, Planning --- Commission Member, noted the outstanding job done by City Attorney Shellan on the Shell Oil case. Inquiries Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N. E. 7th, asked the Council reply in writing Regarding within 14 days to the following questions : The policy of the City Land Planning regarding future growth and the basis derived and the extent of community participation. The maximum population density per acre and the intent as to density; the rezone of single family areas to multi-family developments and as to consideration between business and homeowners re rezone. Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti noted the letter would be answered but no time limit could be set. Mr. Stredicke and Mr. Gibson invited Mr. Smith to attend Planning Commission Meet- ings, noting requests for public in put and lack of interest by other than those persons involved. City Attorney Shellan invited Mr. Smith to study the Comprehensive Plan and Map which have been available for 10 years listing the City's aims and goals, Comments Mrs. Caroline Terry, 516 Pelly Ave. N. , commented regarding Honeydew Apartments and asked the Councilmen to be responsive to the needs of the community. Schneider Rezone Mr. John Tilton, 3511 NE 6th St. , representing a group opposing the Gerald Schneider rezone of property on Monroe Ave. N. E. , demanded that an Environmental Impact Study be made for that rezone and that Mr. Schneider bear the cost. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to the determination for an E. I .S. , City Attorney Shellan advised the responsible public official makes the determination, that it is not a legislative matter, that in the case of rezone or special permit it would be the Planning Director or Public Works Director; but that in most cases an assessment is sufficient. Following further discus- sion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL HOLD PUB- LIC HEARING ON THE SCHNEIDER REZONE MATTER ON MAY 12, 1975. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer noted concurrence that this matter be pulled from committee for the hearing. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY Public Hearing BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recon- 5/12/75 vened at 9:45 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previ- ously shown. 394 Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 5 APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment to the Marc D. Puhich Renton Police Department of Marc D. Puhich as Patrolman,effective Patrolman RPD May 1 , 1975, having successfully completed his six-month probation- ary period. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PERMANENT APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE VACATION OF WHITMAN Vacation of COURT N. E. THROUGH HONEYDEW ESTATES RESIDENTIAL AREA, BE PLACED Whitman Crt NE BEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE TO BRING BEFORE COUNCIL NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. Public Access Councilman Stredicke requested establishment of new standards relative from Multiple to public access in multiple developments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Unit Development SECONDED BY PERRY, to concur and THE MATTER OF PUBLIC ACCESS IN DEVELOPMENTS EXCEEDING 40 UNITS BE PROVIDED TO TWO MAJOR ARTERIALS AND/OR ACCESS TO THE SAME ARTERIAL NOT CLOSER THAN 600 FEET, BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR FOR RECOMMENDATION WITHIN REASON- ABLE TIME. CARRIED. APPOINTMENT An April 21 , 1975 referral to Council President for appointment Port of Seattle, of representative to Community Advisory Committee for the develop- Community ment of the Union Station, Seattle, was answered in report submitted Advisory naming Council President Charles J, Delaurenti as the represenative. Committee for MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT DELAURENTI Union Station BE APPOINTED. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Clymer recommended Council approval for payment of Vouchers No. 4122 through No. 4201 in the amount of $377,958.29 having received departmental certification as to the receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 4155 through 4121 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer recommended first reading of Fire Lanes an ordinance establishing fire lanes and the enforcement thereof. Following reading, it WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Q• Delores A. Mead, CiFty Clerk MAkN4 TPiIboTIU /28/7b FUND TGTA6 04ARWANTSi !AAC11 I llk Vr)I P:#4 155 - #4121 CU14RENT FUND 62�/ 176r63 PARK FUND 1+3/ 997100 STREET FU�jD 6121 i0w;tl� low LIBRARY FUND 63718 FEDERAL. SHAHEU REVENUE 620C�i 000100 STREET FCRHARD THRt..6T $2o561 #27 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 6111111 WATERWORKS WT14ITlY FUND 690# 751049 AIRPORT FwND 6171112 EWUIPMENT RENTAL. 6401Zy7101 TOT66 OF AUL, isARRA',Tb 6377/ 951139 "E/ THE UNDERSIGNED mEMbEkS Go T"L FINANCE Cflm",!ITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTpr CITY COWNCIL., HAVI `G RELtlVtL.' 6,LrAgTmENTAL. LLRTIFICATIUN THAT MERCMANUISE AND/OR SCHVICEb ►,AVE dELN RkCtivEU CR RENDERED, DO HENEBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU1 M1e2 TmRUUGM N01 4201 IN TME AMOUNT OF $377# 958439 THIO 29Th GAY UM APP I;. 197b e r _ COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN w • , •� �. MtMbEF2 • Lw mLMBE • +►'' r + w CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE hEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk "jUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 28, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 5/1 8:00 P.M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers pepartment Presentations COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 5/1 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conference Rm. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. , 5/5 7 :00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Flr. Conference Rm. 1 i PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 5/1 7:00 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conference Rm. FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI i TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 1, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4069 $ 1 ,000.00 Henry Pedroza 608 Cedar Ave. S. Const. four domers 4070 5,000.00 H&H Interprises 550 S.W. 7th Const. office partitions 4071 1,500.00 Harley Lenser 758 Queen Ave. N.E. Const. garage 4072 500.00 Robert Heath 2308 N.E. 10th Remodel garage 4073 250.00 Adolph Steinmasel 2518 N.E. 7th Erect steel building 4074 3,000.00 Harold Buoy 872 Redmond N.E. Const. addition MECHANICAL PERMITS M4271 7,920.00 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4272 100.00 G.A. Magnuson 1500 Aberdeen N.E. Repair septic tank 4273 7 ,920.00 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4274 5,280.00 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4275 100.00 Mr. Kuntz 301 N.W. 6th Repair vent piping 4276 500.00 Steve Oliver 433 Bronson N.E. Inst. plumb & fix ELECTRICAL_ PERMITS E5057 50 Walter Thomson 3604 Wells N. Inst. temp. service 5058 50 Q.M. Enterprises 2528 Talbot S. Inst. temp. service 5059 50 Q.M. Enterprises 1651 Kirkland S.E. Inst. temp. service 5060 50 Q.M. Enterprises 1650 Lk. Youngs S.E. Inst. temp. service 5061 50 Clifford McGerry 1225 N. 33rd Inst. temp service 5062 50 Black Angus 95 Airport Way Repair canopy lights 5063 9,421.44 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 12 apartments 5064 6,280.96 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 8 apartments 5065 6,280.96 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 8 apartments 5066 9,421.44 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 12 apartments .....5067 9,421.44 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 12 apartments 5068 9,421.44 Dura Development Co. 4455 Susnet N.E. Wire 12 apartments 5069 6,280.96 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 8 apartments 5070 9,421. 44 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 12 apartments 5071 6,280. 96 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 8 apartments 5072 6,280.96 Durai bvelopment Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire 8 apartments 5073 785.60 Dura Development Co. 4455 Sunset N.E. Wire apartments 5074 1,875.00 U.S. Post Office 1171 Kirkland N.E. Change service 5075 5,700.00 N.W. Hobby & Toys 3600 W. Valley Rd. Wire office & warehouse 5076 1,800.00 Lynn Thrasher 904 Grant S. Wire new res. 5077 4,000.00 Metro 1200 Monster S.W. Extend power 5078 1,450.00 Genesee Corp. 3604 Wells N. Wire res. 5079 438.00 A.H. Drugs 201 S. 3rd Wire four coolers 5080 450.00 Steve Oliver 433 Bronson N. E. Wire 2 story addition SIGN PERMITS 0403 2,000.00 Good-Year 207 S. 3rd Inst. roof sign 0404 100.00 Bazar Inc. 723 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0063 Stan Witsor N. E. 27th & Camas Const. storm sewer 0064 Brian Halbert 1403 N. 32nd Inst. side sewer 0065 E.F. Schaefer 1412 N. 40th Connect side sewer '—'0066 H.L. Hanks 1409 N. 32nd Connect san. sewer 0067 Emil Nelson 3607 Meadow N. Connect san. sewer 0068 Paul Erikson 1414 N. 32nd Inst. side sewer C I T Y O F h N 'P u N TxAx�r�� 4DNTH OF APRIL, 1975 �V THE F7IMANCE DIRECTOR: i i FRCK TO DESCHMION TOTAL 3 F �/- CURRENT FUND $ 170661 .82 1 PARKS & RECREATION 17,661 .25 CITY STREETS 2.,473.1,1 TS I S:'. icy 1 LIBRARY FUND COMP.EMPL.TRNG.(CETA) 206?9.63 j REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 70033.06 FUND URBAN ARTERIAL � 210461 .26 WATERWORKS UTILITY 7 308. 54 AIRPORT FUND 4,Oo EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21).00 FIREMEN'S PENSION i CLAIMS FUND lransfurs for mo. of APRIL $ St3,65`�.7ti CURRENT FUND $ 500291 .49 PARKS & RECREATION 13, 141 .02 CITY STREETS 11 ,608. 14 LIBRARY FUND 802. 17.81 WORK I NCE11T I VE FUND (W I r ) 771 .04 CAREERS 2.70.07 COMP.EMPL.TRNG.(CETA) 2,953.03 REG & ST. FWD. THRUST 3,608.04 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 780181 .79 AIRPORT FUND 919.79 i EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 696.61 CLAIMS FUND Transfurs for mo. of APRIL $1770740.43 If CURRENT $ 113,068.00 PARKS 8 RECREATION 20,800.56 CITY STREETS 200475. 14 LIBRARY 8,0t3 i. d•1 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) I ,5?4.00 NEW CAREERS 535.00 COMP.Eh1P.TRG. (CETA) 7,71)M 8 REG 8 ST. FWD THRUST D530.76 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 150600.8o AIRPORT 1 ,445,00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3, 193.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166,66 PAYROLL FUND Transfors for mea. of APRIL $ 103,??2.60 lijF Cumulative Re$.#1698 Current Fund �esolutlon No.#1954 3 6,023. 16 r I P YbR FINANCE DIRECTOR —^ CITY OF fi E14T0N TRANSF�L 'UNTH OF APRIL, 1975 r*O THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: FROM TO DEvCRUITION TOTAL CURRENT FUND 4 $ 340486,01 PARKS 8 RECREATION 80881 .73 STREET FUND 16,940.39 L I BRARY FUND I ,O.; . I t WOPK INCENTIVE FUND (W I r ) -5.10.22) CAREERS 151 . 10 COMP.EMPL.TRNG. (CETA) I 04323.47 REG 8 ST. FW0. THRUST 1 ,840.35 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND :)8;0`' WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 11 ,551 .47 AIRPORT FUND 680.02. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1 ,9-51 .77 FIREMEN'S PENSION �) I ?I .41 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of APRIL 88 463.23 i CONTINGENCY FUND CITY STREETS Pusnlution tJo.#1976 $ 500.00 i CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Resolution No.# 1981 $40500.00 i CURRENT FUND AIRPORT FUND To correct W.T. adjustment $ 65.20 5 CURRENT FUND 220176.63 `r ; PARKS 8 RECREATION 30997,00 jf CITY STREETS 120104 .84 LIBRARY FUND 37.84 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 2009000.020 REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 2,561 .27 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 811 . 18 WATERWORKS UTILITY 95,751 .49 AIRPORT FUND 271 . 12 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 40 ?47.02 CLAIMS FUND Transfer for mo. of APRIL S 377,958.39 CURRENT FUND PARKS RECREATIOt,I Ordinance No,# 2924 $ 30301000 CURRENT $ 113, 188.06 PARKS b RECREATION 20,590.59 CITY STREETS 20,086.5ci L 113RARY 8,Oo5.38 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) I ,`�51),0(1 NEW CAREERS 635.00 COMP.EMP.TRNG. (CETA) 9,' 71 . 13 REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 655.07 WATERWORKS UTILITIES AIRPORT 15,720.70 1 ,445,00 ; EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3, 193.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 193.50 6666 rAYROL 1_ FUND Transfers for mo. of ArRIL 1 In4,4(;`).c�`, a MAYP R FINANCE DIREC'T'OR • 00 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 5 , 1975 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S i CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER €` Claim for Damages - Courtney BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation of portion of Logan Ave. N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. King County Boundary Review Bd. notice of intent to annex by W.D.#90 ,.. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Fire Marshal position Heating and Air Conditioning Employee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I . D. 274 CBD Undergrounding (First reading 5/5/75) Work-Study Program Rezone Dr. H. Allenbach Rezone Joe Agostino FAA Grant (Resolution adopted 5/5/5) Vacation of County Road #80 (first reading 5/5/5) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Execution of FAA Agreement PLANNING COMMISSION Hold Public Hearing re Rezone of Small portion of property S. of Allenbach rezone TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Logan Ave. N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. HEARING 5/12/75 Street Vacations - Logan Ave. N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. 401 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 5 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Aide; GENE COULON, Park & Recreation Director. Special Mayor Garrett introduced members of the Renton High School Government Recognition class who assumed administrative and legislative positions through the day and during Council meeting: Larry Maust, Assoc. Mayor; Priscilla Student Parrott, Council President; Mark Murakami , Acting Fire Chief; Terry Participation Olson, Acting Park and Recreation Director; Carol Schwendeman, Acting Police Chief; Steven Zemanck, Acting Finance Director; Michelle Pearce, Acting Public Works Director; Planning Director and Assistant, Josette Oliveira from Brazil and Savina Pflug from Germany; Acting Librarian Mauri Kaipainen from Finland; Clyde Shelton, Acting Administrative Asst. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation lished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Hearing to consider Portions of vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. , lying north of N. 6th Street and Logan Ave. N. & a portion of Lake Washington Bld. N. near the intersection with Park Lake Washington Ave. N. and access to I 405 as requested by Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. Blvd. N. Letter from W. Bogart, State District Enq. ,recognized the extension of SR 515, north of its present terminus with SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at I-405, was placed on the Puget Sound Governmental Confer- ence 1990 Transportation Plan, that a need exists for transportation facility in that corridor, however, based on the description of State highway route at SR 515, as established by the Legislature, that plan- ning at this time for an arterial in this corridor must be retained by the City until such time that a subsequent study is conducted establish- ing a specific corridor, and that some responsibility associated with that corridor is given to the State Highway Department by legislative action. Mr. Michael Darland, Director of Transportation Planning Division of Puget Sound Governmental Conference, used slides to present information which was made available to The Boeing Co. ' s Property Manager, R. Morgan. on 3/20/75, noting two potential implications of their 1990 Regional Transportation System Plan: Recognition of the need for future tie be- tween the completed section of SR 515 and I-405; and the provision of exclusive transit way(s) for peak-hour operation between SR 522 in the north and I-5 in the south shared with carpools between SR 522 and NE 12th St. serving the communities of Bothell , Kirkland, Bellevue, Renton and Tukwila. Mr. Darland explained long range transportation plans showing East Lake Washington corridor with widening of I-405 and use of railroad r/w in this corridor for implementation of transit recom- mendations that additional corridor will be required by 1990,that devel- opment of transit within this section could be alternative to providing Boeing Reps. additional auto-vehicle lanes on I-405. Mr. Robert G. Johnston,Director R. Morgan of Civic & Governmental Affairs for Boeing, introduced Boeing representa- H. Blangey tives with Mr. Richard Archer, Planning Engineer, using charts to explain D. Potter the Boeing Airplane Company's proposed use of Loqan Ave. N. and Lake R. Archer Washington Blvd. N. upon vacation of those right -of-waysas petitioned. R. Johnston Mr. Archer explained that company' s desire to unify the plant which is divided by Logan Ave. N. which would reduce number of gates and guard 402 Renton City Council 5/5/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation stations required, and by the positioning of entrance gates at Logan Ave. N. Logan Ave. N. and at Lake Washington Blvd. N. , reduce the amount of Lk.Wash.Blvd N. traffic along Lake Washington Blvd. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan noted two requirements on street vacations: Sufficiency of signatures, finding by legislative body that- no present or 'foreseeable future need exists for the property and no resulting dariage or injury to users of that right-of-way;he inquired about easements on Logan Ave. N. , and noting need to determine whether abutting property owners would be willing to assume cost of 1/2 appraised value. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CON- TINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL DECLARE RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously shown. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I.D. 274 posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the Public Hearing Undergrounding continued from April 21 , & 28,to consider final assessments in the Utilities in amount of $227,737 for L. I.D. 274, construction and installation of Central underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system Business in the downtown area. Letter from U.S. Postal Service, Real Estate District Service, San Bruno, CA, was noted which claimed exemption from local taxes. City Clerk Mead also noted the City Attorney has written to the Post Office suggestinq payment in lieu of assessment because of enhancement of property value to the owner. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report_noting review of methodoloqy of assessments for triangular pieces and of the American Legion request for exemption of a portion of their property located at 55 Williams S. The minority report noted determination that southerly 20 ft. strip is a perpetual easement used as a street access between Williams and Burnett Ave. S. and therefore recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of the American Legion assessment by $200, and that the final assessments are reasonable and equitable and the City Council confirm the final assessment roll , thereby overruling protests. Public Works Committee Member Stredicke submitted minority report recom- mending that the assessment roll for L. I .D. 274 be accepted with the following changes: (a) that assessment be eliminated from 20-ft. roadway on property owned by the American Legion and assessment accepted by the City; (b) that Council find residential areas within the LID did not benefit to the same degree as business community and assessments on those residential properties be reduced by 15% with City assuming the difference. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT SECOND MINORITY REPORT (Stredicke' s report) . Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason anticipated difficulty in determining residential property from business property as entire LID area is zoned business. Gonnason noted protests received: Salvation Army, Mrs. Putman, Dobson-Houser & Dobson, American Legion, and Charles Custer; that only Custer' s protest asked reduction in residential assessment. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO DELETE REFERENCE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ROLL CALL: 3 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, SCHELLERT; 3 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. Tie vote broken with AYE vote cast by MAYOR GARRETT. MOTION CARRIED deleting item (b) from Stredicke's minority report. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED confirmin the assessment roll and eliminating $200 (representing 20 ft. roadway for American Legion property. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY ABSORB THE POST OFFICE ASSESSMENT, UNDER PROTEST. Councilman Perry L. I.D. 274 suggested writing to Congressman if no payment in lieu of taxes received Roll Amended from the Postal Service. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED & Confirmed BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONFIRM ROLL AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ($10 per f.ft. ) CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING ON LID 274 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 9:55 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Hearing Apartments to consider the further development of the proposed Honeydew Too Apart- ment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of LID 288 requirements (street installation for alternate Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Apts. access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within Continued from the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the April 7, to proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. April 14, to Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report,noted April 21 , to review of amendments to Agreement with Dura Development Co. executed April 28, to 5/16/74 which provide for the termination of the LID 288 for Whitman May 5, 1975 Court NE and the substiution of a 40 ft, dedicated public road providing access to Sunset. The report further noted the agreement provides for control of traffic by limiting Honeydew Too traffic to Sunset Blvd. and Honeydew One traffic to Union Ave. N. E. with security gates erected be- tween the complexes to permit passage of emergency vehicles. The minority report recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement and Amendment to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MINORITY REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Mr. John Phillips, repres- enting Dura Development Co. urged approval of the 40 ft. roadway and to discontinue LID. Mr. J. Dalpay, 4033 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , estimated ex- pense of L. I. D. 288 at $180,000 rather than the $110,000 proposed and expressed opposition to the L. I.D. for extension of Whitman Court. Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N. E. 11th, urged the L. I .D. continue as proposed. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N. E. 6th St. , concurred with Mr. Sands. Motion by Bruce, seconded by Schellert to close the Public Hearing was ruled out of order as motion was before Council to concur in minority report. ROLL CALL- 2AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE; 4 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE, SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:40 pm and reconvened at 10:45 pm. All Councilmen were present at Roll Call as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett reported opportunity to participate in the Work-Study University of Washington and Seattle Community College Work-Study pro- Program grams which provide students with employment and reimburse the employer 7/1 to 9/26/75 a portion of the wages paid. The letter noted three departments were $3.00 & $3. 50 interested: Utilities Division to employ three students to complete �... per hour a water valve study and records and draw master maps , with total cost $5,376 of which $3,763.20 would be reimbursed by the University of Wash- ington. Fire Department to employ one student to assist in development of Fire Protection Master Plan at a cost of $1 ,536 with $1 ,075.20 to be reimbursed by the University. Data Processing to employe one stu- dent to do programming for specific projects at a cost of $1 ,536 with $1 ,228.80 being reimbursed by the College. The letter requested Council approval for participation in the program, funds beinq available in excess revenue in the respective funds: Utilities , $1 ,948.71 ; Fire 557.80; Data Processing $404.20 cost to the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE MAYOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Marshal Letter from Mayor Garrett concurred in Fire Chief Williams' recommenda- Position tion that the City create a position of Fire Marshal at the same pay rate attached to the rank of Battalion Chief and that the positions of Captain, Lieutenant and Fire Inspector be made eligible for any future promotional examination for the position. Mayor Garrett's letter requested Council concurrence so that recommendations could be forwarded to the Fire Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REQUEST FOR FIRE MARSHAL POSITION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance by LID 286 Council of completion of L. I .D. 286 sanitary sewers by Universal CAG 008-75 Utility Contractors as of May 5, 1975 and final payment of $32,243.46 Also asking that the retained amount of $13,858. 11 be paid to the contractor after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. King County Letter from King County Boundary Review Board gave notification of the Water Dist. #90 intent of King County Water District #90 to annex area north of Cedar Intent to River and south of S. E. 147th St. and east of 164th S. E. extended, Annex known as Colasurdo et al . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER ANNEXATION NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. 4-04 Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Rezone -------- Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Dr. H.Allenbach recommendation for approval of rezone of 1 .0 acre from G-9600 to L-1 , R-809-75 Light Industry, for the Dr. H. M. Allenbach property located on the G-9600 to L-1 East Valley Highway adjacent to SR-167 and approximately 1/3 mile north of S.W. 43rd St. Proposed use is mini-warehouse and is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVE REZONE.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Planning Director Ericksen noted the P-9 Channel location recommended for the East side of the Freeway by both the County and City; Public Works Director Gonnason noting the technical relocation of the channel to the East side willl proceed upon completion of plans by the Soil Conservation Service. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL INITIATE REZONE ACTION ON THE SMALL PORTION OF PROPERTY LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE ALLENBACH PROP- ERTY AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO HOLD THE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon confirmation from the City Attorney that the City Council does have the right to initiate a rezone, the MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, REFER REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.CARRIED. Rezone ---------Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commiss on Joe Agostino recommendation for approval of rezone of 2.1 acres from G to Manufactur- R-810-75 ing Park for the Joe Agostino property located on East Valley Highway G to M-P between S.W. 21st St. and S.W. 23rd St. Proposed use of the vacant land is office, warehouse and storage yard, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMISSION AND APPROVE REZONE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. U.S.Labor Letter from Brian Lantz, 1350 E. Fir, Seattle, requested permission to Party address the City Council to ask endorsement of the U.S. Labor Party's move to impeach Vice President Rockefeller and implement debt moratorium. Permission being granted for the five minute time period established by ordinance, Mr. Brian Lantz of the U.S. Labor Party outlined the Party's view of nuclear holocast and world destruction.within two weeks and out- lined formation of an International Development Bank. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL TAKE NO ACTION ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED, Mr. Robert Willog, 1350 East Fir St. , Seattle, asked Council to reconsider. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Jacqueline Lea Courtney, 13377 SE 137th Damages Place,for auto damage allegedly due to Park Department truck. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared the week beginning May 111 1975 as National National Transportation Week, and May 16, 1975 as National Defense Trans- Trans portati on portati on Day and urged all to join in observing these events. MOVED BY Week DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR.CARRIED. Salvation Proclamation of the Mayor declared the week of May 12 to 18, 1975 as Army Week Salvation Army Week in honor of the men and women who serve our community faithfully. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. National Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 11 to 17, 1975 as National Hospital Hospital Week to call attention to the need for continuing health care Week programs to maintain a healthy community. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole report recom- Committee of mending that the lights on arterial streets be turned back on as it becomes Whole Report financially feasible. Following discussion it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, Street Lights SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Heating & The Committee of the Whole report recommended that a request for a heating A.C. and air conditioning employee for the General Services Division be refer- Employee red to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER MATTER OF EMPLOYEE TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke compli- mented President of t e CouncTT Delaurenti for review-of-Department-heads meetings from which these recommendations resulted. Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report explain- Committee ing FAA Planning Grant Offer in the amount of $40,000 for the prepara- 'Report tion of an Airport Master Plan for Renton Municipal Airport and the Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base, that the City Council previously Airport authorized the consulting firm of VTN Washington for this study, noting Master Plan - total cost at $60,000. The report explained Washington State Aeronautics 9 Month Commission Grant awarded in the amount of $10,000 and that the remaining Project $10,000 matching share for the City will be in the form of inkind services performed by Airport staff. The Aviation Committee recommended passage of resolution authorizing acceptance of the FAA Planning Grant Offer in the amount of $40,000 and execution of the Grant Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION AND AUTHOR- IZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. VOUCHER. Finance Committee Chairman SCHELLERT MOVED, BRUCE SECONDED, COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVE Vouchers 4209 through 4304 in the amount of $57,868.41 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered: (Vouchers No. 4202 through 4208 were machine voided) L. I. D. 286 Revenue Warrant R-3 in amount of $32, 243.46 and Cash Warrant No. C-5 in amount of $32,243.46. P•iOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Ord. #2928 mending second and final readings for an ordinance creating fire lanes Fire Lanes and the enforcement thereof, which had been placed on first reading 4/28. Following reading of the ordinance prohibiting stopping, standing or parking in specified places, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Committee report recommended first reading for an ordinance vacating Vacation a portion of County Road #80 at the Renton Shopping Center. Following County Rd. #80 reading of the ordinance vacating a portion of 3rd Ave. Extension (#80) as approved at Public Hearing, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ord. #2929 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Grant for readings of an ordinance providing for the acceptance of grant from Talbot Hill the Department of Social and Health Services in the sum of $355,200 Reservoir for 40% of total costs to improve the City's Talbot Hill Storage by construction of a 6,000,000 gallon reservoir, and also authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance regarding the Talbot Hill Water Improvement and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ord. #2930 The Committee report recommended first, second and final readings of Ater &fewer an ordinance providing for the sale of three million dollars worth of Revenue bonds to improve the water and sewer system. Following first reading, Bonds it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, FORWARD ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings providing for issuance of water and sewer bonds, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Councilman Clymer presented an ordinance for first reading which confirmed assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 274 for �. Approving construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, Assessments ornamental street lighting system and other incidentals, in the amount of $223,801 . 80 (reflecting amendments) . Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Res. #1985 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Smoking Ban resolution implementing the Health Department' s ruling on smoking ban. Council Following reading of the resolution banning smokinq in the Council Chambers Chambers and authorizing posting of "No Smokinq" Signs and advisinq the public of the prohibition, it was MOVED BY DELAURLNII , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: DELAURENTI , STREDICKE CLYMER; 3 NO: PERRY, BRUCE, SCHELLERT. TIE VOTE BROKEN BY MAYOR GARAETT CASTING AYE VOTE. CARRTFn_ 406 Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 6 RESOLUTIONS - Continued Res. #1986 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement and accept a Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration to develop a master plan for Renton Airport. Following reading, MOVED COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See earlier Aviation Committee Report) . Whitman Court A Motion Failed, which was Made by Stredicke, seconded by Perry, that Vacation the Ordinance vacating Whitman Court N.E. within Honeydew Estates be placed on first reading as requested at the April 28, 1975 meeting. It was noted the ordinance was drafted in October, 1973. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 5/O5/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID. N0.#4202 -#4208 CURRENT FUND 619i637t27 PARK FJND $31466119 bm STREET FJNr) $116188 STREET FOR"ARD THRUST 0552125 1%ATERWORKS JTILITIY FiN) •23j140#54 AIRPORT Fij'�a $8#578#69 EUQIPMENT RENTAL •2006159 TOTAL OF ALL OARRANTS $571R68,4t 4E, THE UNDERSIUNED '..EMEERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTCN CITY COONCIL, HAvIIga RECEIVED OEPARTME:NTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANU/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHirRS ANO* 42U9 THROUGH NO. 4304 IN TWE AMOUNT OF *59i868o41 TS :HI5TH DAY CF MAY 15 .5• c._ Ir.. � '-t 4 � � � 1L�• �M�i- w C0MIITTEE CHAIR$ AN w w r MEN'HER � r ■ " MEMBER r w • • • w • w r • r w L. I .D.#2.86 Revenue Warrant #P-3 $320243.46 Cash Warrant #C-5 $320243.46 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR O 00 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 5, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 5/20 7 :30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd Floor COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES CLYMER FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 4on. , 5/12 4:00 P.M. SCHELLERT 6th Floor LEGISLATION CLYMER PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE f FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Thurs. , 5/8 6:30 P.M. PERRY 7:15 P.M. Kent City Nall Three Committee members only - S.W. 43rd St. Fri . , 5/9 5:00 P.M. 4th Floor Conference Rm Vacation of Logan N. & Lake Washington Blvd. N. OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS __..i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 5 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4075 $ 2 , 625 Edward Maynich 435 Renton Ave . S . Const, garage 4076 300 Jane Brown 714 Sunset N . E . Repair wall 4077 300 James Ashurst 230 Garden N . Enclose porch 4078 Polymir Industrie 1808 S .W. 16th Move res . 4079 25 , 000 James Tripp 234 S . W. 16th Const . office ,�. 4080 Al Shafner 539 Grady S . Demolish res . 4081 3 , 000 HUD-Seattle Area 516 Grandey Way Repair res . MECHANICAL PERMITS M4277 1, 300 Stanford Witsoe 2614 Camas N . E . Inst , plumb & fix 4278 1 , 680 Charles Wiehoff 1625 Kennewick N. E . Inst . plumb & fix 4279 11890 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N. E. Inst. plumb & fix 4280 7 , 920 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N . E . Inst. plumb & fix 4281 11500 Q . M. Enterprises 1652 Kirkland S . E . Inst . plumb & fix 4282 1 , 500 Q. M. Enterprises 1651 Kirkland S . E . Inst. plumb & fix 4283 195 Robert Boggs 616 Camas N . E . Inst . kidney machir 4284 1 , 042 Charles Wiehoff 1625 Kennewick N . E . Inst . heating syste ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5081 1 , 500 Wayne Hill 1815 S . E . 18th Wire single fam res 5082 250 H . E . Sanders 1909 Union N . E . Wire addition 5083 230 Glenn Pease 654 Camas N. E . Inst . water heater 5084 700 Wa. Jockey Club Longacres Wire addition 5085 100 Cummins Diesel 811 S . W. Grady Inst . temp. service SIGN PERMITS 0405 1 , 500 Kentucky Chicken 601 Rainier S . Inst. pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0069 Vera Johnson 3902 Meadow N . Connect san. sewer 0070 Roy Zimmerman 3701 Meadow N. Connect san. sewer 0071 Jacob Deal 1415 N . 32nd Connect san . sewer 0072 Elsie Pardee 1405 N . 38th Connect sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 12 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint for . Krebs Claim for Damages - Wm. A. Clarke COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mike Smithirs request to halt rezones pending Comp. Plan update End COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petition for Garbage rate for Senior Citizens DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Note f B ding Department re street banners and waiving of fees Ceck and report back re acquisition of 40' access strip Check Porter' s Marina regarding sewer system LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordnance re gost no Rezone G to MP (first reading 5/12) Ordinance re Allenbach Rezone G 9600 to L-1 (first reading 5/12) Ordinance re Data Processing Dept. (first reading 5/12) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Logan N. &--LV—.Washington Blvd. N. St, vacations/negotiate r/w and easements Report to Council re easements on NE 6th St. for possible vacation Check validity of signatures for street vacation request by Martindale PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Ti reworks Stand A—pp—Tications TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Logan N. &___L_k_._WaashTngton Blvd. N. Street vacations/ negotiate r/w and easements r PUBLIC HEARING T9 .a�treet vacation for Whitman Court N.E. within Honeydew Estates RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 12 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOTION CARRIED (Councilman Stredicke requested the Clerk record his dissenting vote) . Councilman Grant arrived at 8:30 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City ?N ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 5, 1975, AS PREPARED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation lished according to law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Public Portions of Hearing to consider vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. lying north of Logan Ave. N. & N. 6th St. and a portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. near the intersec- Lake Washington tion of Park Ave. N. and access to FAI 405, which had been requested by Blvd. N. Boeing Commercial Airplane Company. Report from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett found no objection to the proposed vacations, however, Continued from as a condition, recommended that the North 6th/Park Ave. route be sub- 5/5/75 stituted as the corridor for any future considerations of extension -- of SR 515 and that the Public Works Department and the Transportation Committee be authorized to negotiate an appropriate exchange of right- of-way for the North 6th/Park Ave. North corridor and resolve the matter of utility easements. Upon inquiry, Deputy Public Works Director noted this recommendation coincides with the Public Works Department recommen- dation. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommending: (1 ) That the Council concur in Board of Public Works recommendation to vacate said portions; (2) That the N. 6th/Park Ave. route be substituted as a corridor for future extension of SR 515; (3) That the Public Works Department and Transportation Committee be authorized to negotiate an appropriate exchange of right-of-way for the N.6th/Park Ave. N. corridor and resolve the matter of any utility easements; and recommended that assessment totalinq no more than 50% of the appraised value of the vacation be charged. Councilman Perry noted 30 days would be needed by the Public Works Department for deter- mination regarding easements,and study of Six-Year Street Plan would be commenced in order to coordinate with Transportation Committee report. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REAFFIRM PLAN FOR N.6th/Park R. EXTENSION OF SR515 FROM GRADY WAY TO NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE,DESIGNATING Corridor from THE ROUTE AS OTHER THAN BURLINGTON NORTHERN TRACK RIGHT-OF-WAY._ CARRIED. SR515 to I 405, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD -OF-PUBLIC Easements & R/W WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORTS AND THE COUNCIL REFER THE To Be Arranged. MATTER BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , 'PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (See later comment Page 5. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- G. Schneider lished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to con- Application for sider the Application of Gerald E. Schneider for Rezone from GS-1 to R-2 Rezone of 10 acres located on Monroe Ave. N.E. between N.E. 6th and N.E. 4th Streets proposed as condominium/townhouse apartment complex, being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Letter from Gerald E. Schneider withdrew application for R-2 zoning for property east of Monroe Ave. N.E. for the reason that funds and interest rates previously acceptable for the proposed development are no longer available, claiming delays in processing of application made this action necessary. Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Schneider Letter from C.A.U.S.E. Co-chairman, Michael L. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , Rezone expressed thanks to those listening to views and givinq assistance, be- Request ing disappointed that strenqth of opposition.was not presented. The letter Withdrawn reviewed growth in the area and asked that all rezone proposals be halted until the Comprehensive Land Use Plan has been updated, realizing that the Highlands area is next priority for updating of Plan. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , C.A.U.S.E. Co-chairman, expressed thanks for cooperation and was both pleased and disappointed in the withdrawal of the rezone application. Councilman Delaurenti noted Hearing was schedule because of Council concern for the peoples wishes. Councilman Stredicke called attention to correlation between Gerald Schneider and Dura Develop- ment Co. , developers of Honeydew Apartment Complexes, and took issue with alleged delay in processing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED DELAURENTI , CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Schellert, that no action be taken on the Schneider Rezone request. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT COUNCIL ACCEPT MR. SCHNEIDER'S LETTER FOR WITHDRAWAL OF REZONE REQUEST. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY STAFF TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL RELATIVE TO PUBLIC EASEMENTS ON N.E. 6th STREET FOR POSSIBLE VACATION; COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Stredicke explained a street vacation may be needed to prevent access into residential area from future development,which would be determined upon receipt of report. MOTION CARRIED. (Time: 8:25 p.m. ) (See later Motion Page 5. ) CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Robert D. Martindale, 616 Stevens Ave. N.W. , requested street Street Vacation vacation of a portion of Lake View Boulevard separating his lots 349 and Portion of 350 in C.D. Hillmans Division No. 5, which is unusable for a roadway as Lake View Blvd. it falls off 60 foot cliff. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER STREET VACATION REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CHECK VALIDITY OF SIGNATURES. CARRIED. Senior Citizens A petition bearing 161 signatures asked that relief be granted to Senior It Garbage Rates Citizens in regard to the present mandatory garbage/refuse collection and disposal rates. The petition noted the two-can mandatory fee is Now excessive as Senior Citizens normally have less than one full can; that income is paid out for service not necessary or utilized; that 319 residences of owners with limited incomes now receive special water/ sewer rates and as Senior Citizens incomes cannot keep up with general inflationary increases, relief is petitioned in order to assist them to live. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PETITION AND REFER SAME TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. Summons & A Summons and Complaint for False Arrest and for Damages was filed Complaint against the City by Steven J. Krebs and Kathryn Krebs, claiming Krebs S.J. Krebs was falsely charged with auto theft on 10/4/74 causing damages totaling $10,794.75. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Fireworks Stand City Clerk Mead presented 8 Fireworks Stand. Applications received from: Applications Renton Emblem Club, Renton Hilands Lions, 11th District Demos, St. 6/28 thru 7/5/75 Andrews Presby. Youth, VFW Aux. #1263, Coalfield 5* Club, Ace Fireworks Co. and Affairs Unlimited Softball . The Clerk noted 11 stands could be licensed in accordance with Code provisions, application period ending 4/30 each year. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPLICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from the Board of Public Works noted review of proposed annexa- Annexation tion of property in the vicinity of Maple Valley Hwy. east of Orton Rd. r W.D. 90 and determined that the annexation by Water District #90 does not impact the City and reported no response to the Boundary Review Board will be necessary. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS' RECOMMENDATION AND NO RESPONSE NECESSARY TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. Discussion ensued wherein the Clerk was asked to notify the Boundary Review Board by letter if necessary and the MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Wm. A. Clarke, 5110 Lake Washington Blvd. Damages N. in undetermined amount for injury allegedly due to portion of Lake William A.Clarke Washington Bld. N. caving in when dumping wheel barrow of weeds. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Street Banners MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, PERMISSION BE GRANTED BY COUNCIL TO THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS FOR SALE BANNER ACROSS THIRD & PARK AYES. AS REQUESTED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE BANNER ACROSS PARK AVE. ATTACHED TO SKY BRIDGE AT BOEING. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , FEE INVOLVED IN ALL THREE CASES BE WAIVED. City Attorney Shellan advised .Hold Harmless Agreement would be required. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Garrett requested Deputy Public Works Director notify the Building Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. , inquired when Council would vote on the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. and whether or not this was affected by Council 's decision regarding Whitman Court L.I .D. last week. Councilman Clymer noted need for Public Hearing regarding the vacation, that the action taken on 5/5 was to open the Whitman Court N.E. roadway Honeydew Apts & from the Honeydew Apartments to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , which would not in- Street Vacation volve that portion from the Apartments South to Honeydew Estates. City Whitman Court Attorney Shellan noted one public hearing on the Vacation of Whitman Public Hearing Court N.E. had been held 10/23/73. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY 6/2/75 PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD ON JUNE 2, 1975 FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. WITHIN HONEYDEW ESTATES RESIDENTIAL AREA. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside, asked that Council delay court hearinq sched- uled 5/21 re LID 288, development of Whitman Court N.E. from Honeydew Apartments north to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and also that Council instruct the City Attorney to delay litigation. City Attorney Shellan noted the Council had deemed to proceed with the L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , favored 40 ft. strip access to Honeydew Too. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. 11th Place, asked recap of Council action. During ensuing discussion, Councilman Grant noted third access would eliminate traffic from Union Ave. N.E. Mr. James Dalpay, 4033 Union Ave. N.E. , objected to L.I .D. 288. Mr. Bob Johnston, Boeing Representative, commented re street banner. EXECUTIVE MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. All Councilmen were present at Roll Call . AUDIENCE COMMENT Having voted on the prevailing side and new information having been Honeydew Complex presented regarding the matter of terminating L. I .D. 288, Whitman Court Access N.E. street improvement from Honeydew Apts. north to N. E. Sunset Blvd. , SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS VOTING OF 5/5/75 TO ADOPT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S MINORITY REPORT RECOMMENDING TERMINATION OF THE LID, ACCEPTANCE OF 40 FT. R/W AND SECURITY GATES. Discussion ensued. Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay of ID Investment Co. favored termination of LID. ROLL CALL VOTE: 3 AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, BRUCE; 4 NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, GRANT AND SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. Mayor Garrett asked Deputy Public Works Director to check into the possible acquisition of the 40 ft. access strip and report back. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 23 and 24, 1975 as Renton Poppy Days Poppy Days and urged all citizens to wear this Memorial Flower in memory of the sacrifices in defense of our freedom. Mrs. Eleanor Van Slyke and Mrs. Irene Iverson of the American Legion presented poppies to the Mayor in recognition of the Proclamation of Poppy Days. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report noting Transportation joint meeting with the City of Kent' s Public Works Committee for review Committee Report of the joint SW 43rd St. Improvement Project and for review of recommenda- SW 43rd St. tions of the Penton Public Works Director; reporting the joint recommenda- Improvement tion of the two committees that final design and construction plans and Joint w/Kent specifications proceed for the recommended five-lane underpass project. The report further noted pursuance of EDA funding to be combined with a 414 Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued S.W. 43rd St. local improvement district for construction of Phase I, and that Forward Continued Thrust funds were included in the 1975 Budget for this purpose. MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND PROCEED WITH PLANS FOR THE 5-LANE UNDERPASS PROJECT. CARRIED. Porter's Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding sewer or septic system Marina of Porter's Marina on Cedar River, De uty Public Works Director Bennett noted the matter would be checked; Mayor Garrett confirming reply. Mayor Garrett noted Councilman Bruce was excused from attending remainder' of the Council meeting; Time: 10:30 p.m. Shell Oil Councilman Grant inquired re Shell Oil Co. charge against him for con- Court Case flict of interest, City Attorney advised that Judge Hunter has not made findings as yet, judgment scheduled for May 21 ; that the Judge had not mentioned conflict of interest nor shown interest in prepared arguments as it is not relevant point; that burden of proof is with person making the charge. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported meeting with Personnel Data Processing Manager Torkelson and therefore, made the recommendation Committee Report to concur with the Mayor in the creation of the Data Processing Depart- ment by ordinance and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Data Processing Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aviation Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended concurrence in the Conference request of the Aviation Committee to attend the A.A.A.E. Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 8-11 , 1975. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert noted all three Aviation Committee members were encouraged to attend, Councilmen Perry and Stredicke not being able to attend Planning convention in Vancouver to which attendance had been authorized. Street Lighting Finance and Personnel Committee report noted advice of the Traffic Engineering Department that reactivating the street lighting system per the Council 's request is within the existing budget allocation, and that no additional appropriation would be required. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR AND THE LIGHTS BE TURNED ON. CARRIED. Delaurenti Councilman Delaurenti announced his candidacy for the position of Mayor of throws the City, noting the newspapers will be releasing the story this week. "Hat in the ring" Firemens' Pension Board Secretary, Del Mead, reported the Boards action Firemens' taken at the 5/12/75 meeting establishing 12.2% cost-of-living factor Pension Board for Fire Department retirees and widows not covered by escalator clause or L.E.F.F. , effective 7/1/75. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval for payment of Vouchers 4312 through No. 4407 in the amount of $117,158.44, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 4305 - 4311 were machine voided. Approval also requested for LID #286 Revenue Warrant No. R-4 in amount of $99 and Cash Warrant No. C-6 in amount of $99. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recon ...� mending second and final reading for an ordinance approving the final Ordinance 2931 assessment roll in the sum of $223,801 .80 which deleted the U.S. Postal C—onfirming premises,the American Legion portion dedicated as street right-of-way Assessment Roll and overrules all remaining protests after due consideration. First L. I.D. 274 CBD reading of the ordinance was 5/5/75. Following reading by the Clerk, Undergrounding it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS of Utilities READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT SCHELLERT CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance #2932 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Street Vacation for an ordinance vacating a portion of County Road #80 at the Renton County Road #80 Shopping Center as requested by Robert Edwards, having been placed on first reading on 5/5/75. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. =first Rea_di_ng The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral --Rezone G to MP back to committee on an ordinance rezoning property from General Classifi- (Agostino) cation District G to Manufacturing Park District M-P, located E.Valley Hwy. Following reading,MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading only for Rezone G9600-L-1 an ordinance rezoning property on East Valley Freeway at SW 43rd St. , (Ailenbach) from G-9600 to Light Industry District L-1 . Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2933 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Appropriation readings on an ordinance appropriating funds from Excess Revenue to Fire College Department and Data Processing in the amount of $965 and to Water '.fork-Study Maintenance in the amount of $1 ,950 for college work study students. Programs Following first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented ordinance establishing Establishing and creating a Department of Data Processing" providing for appointment Data Processing of Director, specifying duties and matters relating thereto. Follow- Department ing reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Councilman Grant inquired of the Logan Ave. Street Vacation requested Logan Ave. N. by Boeing Commercial Airplane Company and asked that plans include the trail on either Park Ave. N. or Logan Ave. N. as planned, and hoped that the Boeing Company would participate in funding such a trail . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Marlene Bronson inquired further regarding Honeydew Apt. access, favoring forty-foot roadway. Mr. Mike Smith recalled letter presented earlier during Schneider Rezone (1st Paragraph Page 2) , and asked that rezonesbe halted until update of Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST OF MR. SMITH TO HALT REZONES, TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, MEETING ADJOURN. The regular meeting of the City Council adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. e(4& , a Delores A. Mead, ity Clerk 4.1 6 f wAkNAh T aI5N;UUTIUN FWNL) TOTAL. WARN4NTS CURR01 FUND Void J/3S.a. - PARK FUND i4# 4311t5 md STREET FUND •5# 719.140 4ATERoORKS 4TILlYIY FUND $874605111 AIRPORT FWNI) APE;��39 EGWIPMENT Rt;NTAL, 47� 90b14b TOTAL. UF- AL.L NARR4NT6 7 /s�'. yy *Eo THE UNDEKSIJNEO MFM6tHS Ui THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTUN CITY COWNCILs HAVING RECEIVtO pEWAR?MENTAL. CERTIFIC4TION THAT MERCHA14ISE ANQ/GR SERVICES HAYL OLLN ktCEIVEO OR RENDERED# 00 HEREOY APPRQVE FOR PAYMENT VDUCHi.Rb NOI 4314 TMROUGH N01 4407 IN TME AMOUNT OF 4iaOsiii TH16 �V m RAY OF AV 1y7 - HAIi�MA'r M naER • �'�� -• .�ti COMMITTEE L s nEnaE�+ A ■ w w w . ■ w w i L. I .D. ! 286 Revenue Warrant No.# R-4 $99.00 Cash Warrant No.# C-6 $99.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 12, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 5/20 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd Floor Meet with Mr. Lundberg on 5/13 sues. , 5/13 7:30 P.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 5/15 5:00 P.M. DELAURENTI Chambers Labor-Management negotiations, Referendum 29 (Senior Citizen Funding) and Burning Ordinance COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 5/15 4:30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conference Rm. I I FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT I t LEGISLATION CLYMER I PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs. , 5/15 7 :00 P.M. GRANT iWith Fire Chief and Department re Master Plan / I P !and Status PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE I I FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI ! a TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS I I LONGACRES RACE TRACK Wed. , 5/14 4:15 P.M. POST TIME South Renton ! 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 14 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BY THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4082 $28, 000 Q.M. Enterprises 2515 Talbot S. Const. single fam. res . 4083 26 , 000 Q.M. Enterprises 1606 Lk. Youngs Rd. Const. single fam. re- 4084 6 , 258 Bruce Rudeen 550 Raymond N.W. Const. single fam. re 4085 500 John Lasco 579 Bronson N .E . Const. carport 4086 26 , 000 Q.M. Enterprises 2803 S .E . 16th Const. single fam. rens. 4087 400 Enza Anderson 602 Tacoma N.E. Reroof res . 4088 4, 500 Frances Codiga 1726 N.E. 24th Remodel addition 4089 72, 000 J .C. Kirkman 1430, 1436 , 1442 , Const. 4 plex 1448 Queen N.E. 4090 9 , 148 Alan Claboe 1119 N. 35th Remodel res . 4091 11000 Ervin Metzger 2707 N .E . 7th Const. garage MECHANICAL PERMITS M4285 5 , 280 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E . Inst plumb & fix 4286 5 , 280 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4287 5, 280 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E . Inst. plumb & fix 4288 7 ,992 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E . Inst. plumb & fix 4289 7,992 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N .E . Inst. plumb & fix 4290 5 , 280 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N .E . Inst. plumb & fix 4291 72 , 500 Stan Witsoe 2614 Camas N.E . Inst. furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5086 900 Mr. Lee ' s 807 S. 2nd Wire air unit 5087 1, 000 Standard Service 205 Logan S . Wire addition 5088 100 Andy ' s Diner 2408 W. Valley Rd. Inst. temp. service 5699 464 Max Jensen 651 Dayton N .E . Service alteration 5090 890 L. Radasevech 520 Burnett S . Inst. amp. service 5091 650 Q.M. Enterprises 2414 Talbot S . Wire single fam. res . 5092 650 Q.M. Enterprises 1652 Kirkland S.E. Wire single fam. res . 5093 650 Q.M. Enterprises 1651 Kirkland S .E . Wire single fam. res . 5094 650 Q.M. Enterprises 2528 Talbot S. Wire single fam. res . 5095 650 Q.M. Enterprises 1650 Lk. Youngs SE Wire single fam. res . 5096 VOID 5097 500 Russell Converaer 1054 Sunset N.E . Inst. new service SIGN PERMITS 0406 25 Manid Phillips 205 Airport Way Inst. wall sign 0407 150 Bazaar, Inc 723 Rainier S . Inst. wall sign 0408 City of Renton 500 S . 3rd Inst. canvas sign 0409 City of Renton S. 2nd St. Inst. canvas sign 0410 25 Jim Rosa 214 Williams S . Inst. canvas sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0073 Thomas Carrolli 3909 Meadow N. Inst. side sewer 0074 Thomas Carrolli 3903 Meadow N. Inst. side sewer 0075 Lew Carpenter 3509 Meadow N. Inst. side sewer 0076 M.L. Thrasher 904 Grant S . Inst. san. sewer 0077 Albert Culp 3411 Talbot S . Connect side sewer 0078 John Livengood 1317 N. 40th Inst. side sewer 0079 Stan Witsoe 2614 Camas N.E . Connect san, sewer 0080 Jim Page 3221 Meadow N. Inst. side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 19 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER* Rezone - Robert C. Jackson - Draw up additional covenants Claim for Damages - Frank and Jennie Omaits - Main Sewer Trunk Backup* Claim for Damages - Barbara J. Shepard - Main Sewer Trunk Backup* COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND LEGISLATIVE AIDE* Petition from Senior Citizens re Reduced Rates for Garbage Collection City Report - "Renton on the Move" LEGISLATIOt, COMMITTEE Ordinance Defining Labor Negotiation F,,nd Labor-Management Committees FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Logan Garrison to Planning Commission PLANNING DIRECTOR Rezone - Robert C. Jackson - Draw up additional covenants PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. John Williams, Secretary of Renton Aerie No. 1722 requesting relief from Card Room Tax PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Petition for Sewer L. I . D. in Heather Downs - Application for EDA Funding Sanitary Conditions at Porter' s Marina Meet with Mr. Gary Merli;lo on L. I. D. 294 Boundaries PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Claim for Damages - Frank and Jennie Omaits - Main Sewer Trunk Backup Claim for• Damages - Barbara J . Shepard - Main Sewer Trunk Backup Meet with Mr. Gary Merlino on L. I .D. 294 Boundaries PUBLIC HEARINGS .—• L. I . D. 294 - Sanitary Sewers - East Valley Highway (Continued from 5/19 to 5/26/75) Amendments to Six-Year Street Plan - Public Hearing on 5/26/75 420 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 19 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY , RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the record indicate his NO vote. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G. M. SHELLAN , City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. ; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 12, 1975 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARDS Mayor Garrett presented certificates of award to the three Renton area Recognition of High School Student Body Presidents: Karrie Davis from Hazen High, Fine Job for Jeff Belmondo from Renton High and Randy Johnson of Lindbergh High School . Community & The awards were presented in recognition of fine cooperation durinq the School year in work with the community and for the school ; having been given recommendation by the Police Department Community Relations Officer, Arnie Hubner. The students expressed thanks for the opportunity of working with the City in solving problems , opening channels of co:rmuni tion and doing away with stereotypes regarding Police. PROCLAMATION MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION REGARDING National NATIONAL INSURANCE WOMEN' S WEEK BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett Insurance presented Mrs. Edna Bagnariol with Proclamation declaring May 18, through Women' s Week 24, 1975 as National Insurance Women's Week recognizing the National 5/18 - 5/24 Association of Insurance Women (International ) with 17,000 members. Mrs. Bagnariol accepted the Proclamation and noted the many women in Renton in the insurance field. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I . D. 294 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider the prelimin- Sanitary Sewers ary assessment roll in the amount of $62,574. 72 for L. I .D. 294, sanitary E. Valley Hwy sewers in the vicinity of East Valley Highway north of S.W. 43rd and west (92nd S. ) of SR 167. Public Works Director Gonnason used maps to explain the local improvement district. Mr. Gary Merlino, 8630 Fauntlee Crest S.W. , Seattle, protested exclusion of his property from the L. I .D. , that the property to the north along E. Valley Hwy. also in need of sanitary sewers and expressed the belief that all the the area should be in one L. I .D. Public Works Director Gonnason explained a second L. I . D. is being planned for the area to the north which is beyond the gravity flow portion and that a pump station will be required connecting to the L. I .D. 294 line; this would include the Merlino property; that the front footage for LID 294 would be $17. 98 and for the proposed LID $28. 16 per front foot with an area charge based on square footage served by the pump station. Mr. Merlino protested a square footage charge and told of work he had done attempting to organize sewers for the area. Public Works Engineer, Touma noted LID 294 boundaries established for area that could be served by Hearing gravity flow. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONTINUE Continued to PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK AND COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF THE LID TO 5/26/75 THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO MEET WITH MR. MERLINO. CARRIED. 421 Renton City Council 5/19/75 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Senior Citizens Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason referred to petition received Garbage Rate; requesting special rates for refuse collection for Senior Citizens and Petition reported that a one-can rate had been requested at the time bids were Received 5/12 called for, that all bidders gave the same rate for a single can as they did for two cansas the time involved in travel for the individual collections would be essentially the same. The letter noted rate for one and two can collection is $2. 16 per month, with the City charging $2.20; that emphasis was given by the Council to charge minimum for residential customers; that a reduction in single family rates would require raising of charges for other classes for subsidizing those rates. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER; COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY i SERVICES C014MITTEE. CARRIED. Order of Eagles Letter from Mr. John Williams, Secretary of the Renton Aerie No. 1722, Card Room Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd St. , requested consideration in regards to license for card room, as only Pinochle is played by members only with no money given away as prizes but as a social function only. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTER FROM THE EAGLES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Heather Downs Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted receipt of petition Requests bearing 21 signatures from residents in the Heather Downs area desiring Sewers sewer service, which is outside the City limits but within the City's Service water and �orvice area per agreement with Water District 90. The letter noted attempt to obtain funding in the form of an EPA grant for an interceptor sewer which would serve a substantial area including areas currently within the city limits; that the Dept. of Ecology would grant an interest ;ree loan for engineering, environmental and planning costs. Noting that an additional Federal grant for 90% of the costs is almost assured from the Dept. of Ecology in the spring of 1976 which would repay the interest-free engineering loan. The letter requested authorization to proceed with application for engineering loan, to employ a consulting engineer to develop plans and prepare application for EDA funding for Heather Downs interceptor sewer. The area to be served would be south of Honeydew School , north of Cedar River, west of 142nd S.E. and easterly ..� of Queen N. E. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER THE REQUEST TO PROCEED WITH THE LOAN APPLICATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR PLANS FOR FUNDING FOR HEATHER DOWNS INTER- CEPTOR SEWER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason noted desire to proceed with comprehensive sewer plan in order to determine how to best service the areas regardless of the LID. CARRIED. :rational Flood Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported Federal Insurance insurance Administration acceptance of the City' s application for inclusion in this Program National Flood Insurance Program as of May 13, 1975 and all individual property owners are now eligible to buy flood insurance protection at affordable federally-subsidized rates. The letter noted publication and individual notification to property owners in the designated hazard areas was being arranged. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Robt. C.Jackson recommendation for approval of rezone for Robert C. Jackson from G-7200 Appl . R-305-75 to R-2 of 1 .27 acres located on Union Ave. N. E. between N. E. 15th St. and Glenco Subdivision, subject to the filing of a Declaration of Restric- tive Covenants providing for setback of buildinqs and landscaped buffer zone. The existing use was listed as single-family residential with proposed use of duplex family and single family dwelling and the Compre- hensive Plan allowing medium density multiple family. Planning Director Ericksen explained the Restrictive Covenants provide for maintenance of buffer strip and setback of buildings ; and explained procedure for aoDroval i' of any changes through Special Permit or Short Plat. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED, Council recessed at 9:27 p.m. and reconvened at 9:37 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as prev- iously shown. Slides were shown by the Planninq Director of the Jackson property and area. Councilman Grant reported discussion with Mr. Jackson as to whether he would be willing to limit the number of duplexes placed on this property. Mr. Jackson was agreeable, therefore, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST FOR REZONE BACK TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND CITY ATTORNEY_ TO DRAW UP ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/19/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Claims for Claim for Damages was filed by Frank and Jennie Omaits , 1029 Edmonds Damages Ave. N. E. for damage to household goods and cleaning($263.31 ) allegedly Frank Omaits due to clogging of main sewer trunk causing back Up into home. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. B.J. Shepard Claim for Damages was filed by Barbara Jean Shepard, 1051 Edmonds N.E. , for cleaning and damage to household goods in amount of $788.54 allegedly due to main sewer trunk line clogging and causing sewer water back up into basement. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. No"° 'vacation for City Clerk Mead recommended that the petition filed by Robert B. Martindale Portion of of 616 Stevens Ave. S.W. for vacation of a portion of Lake View Blvd. Lake View Blvd. be referred back to Mr. Martindale for clarification as to fee title ownership, as investigation by the Public Works Department finds Mr. Martindale as owner of only 53% of the property abutting that portion of Lake View Blvd. proposed for vacation. The City Clerk reported the law requires that petition to vacate a street or alley must contain signatures of more than 2/3 of the abutting owners to vali- date the petition. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND RETURN PETITION FOR VACATION TO MR. MARTINDALE FOR CLARIFICATION AS TO OWNERSHIP. Six-Year Public Works Director Gonnason requested a Public Hearing to consider Street Plan amendments to the Six-Year Street and Arterial Comprehensive Program Amendments adopted July, 1974, in order to permit the expenditures of 1/2� Gas Tax Funds for certain street improvements , having been advised '?y the City Attorney hearing is required. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL SET THE DATE OF MAY 26, 1975 FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE 6-YEAR STREET PROGRAM. ROLL CALL : 4 AYES-DELAURENTI , PERRY, CLYMER AND GRANT. 1 NO-STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 23 and 24, 1975 as V. F.W. V. F.W. Buddy Buddy Poppy Days urging fi­� Citizens to support this worthy fund-raising ,appy Days campaign for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans and widows and /23 & 24 orphans of deceased veterans. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MiAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Logan D. Garrison to the Renton Mr. L. Garrison Planning Commission to complete the term of Mr. Don Humble, who has to Planning resigned, term expiring 1/1/78. Mr. Garrison, 75 Monterey Dr. N.E. , Commission is Facilities Operations Manager of the Renton Boeing plant, having been employed by The Boeing Company for 33 years and a Renton resident for 30 years. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole Report Committee of recommending that the Council President contact Puget Sound Air Pollution the Whole Control Agency to determine whether or not any changes have been made in Report outside burning regulations. Talbot Hill The Committee of the Whole Report concurred with the recommendation of Reservoir Grant the Public Works Director in connection with the Talbot Hill water Specific storage grant; also noting the Director indicated that all residents of Condition "S" annexed areas are advised of the City' s 100% surcharge. ReferendlUm #29 The Committee of the Whole Report recommended that the Administration Multi-Purpose make application for funds for a multi-service center without indicating Building location or design. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FOR MULTI-SERVICE CENTER FOR THE PEOPLE OF RENTON. CARRIED. Rezone The Committee of the Whole Report recommended a moratorium on all rezoning Moratorium on pages 6, 7, 10 and 11 of the Zoning Map from single family residences and up. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised a moratorium must declare the period of time and the reason, cannot be directed against any particular persons or property; also noting that rezone is discretionary Renton City Council 5/19/75 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Committee of as there is no right to rezone; and that rezone cannot be determined by Whole Report group of neighbors; and once a moratorium would be declared no exceptions Continued could be made. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS QUESTION ON THE MORATORIUM BE TABLED. ROLL CALL: 1-AYE C.A.U.S. E. DELAURENTI ; 4-NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER AND GRANT. MOTION FAILED. Letter Referral Further discussion ensued wherein it was determined that in the event that a moratorium was declared, any pending applications for rezone would not be affected. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. favored the moratorium until completion of the updating of the Comprehensive Plan for the High- lands area. Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti , Planning Director Ericksen reported the Planning Commission will commence review of the Comprehensive Plan for the Highlands upon completion of the Valley planning; that it would be 6 to 8 months before a recommendation could be made to the Council . Upon request City Clerk Mead again read the Committee of the Whole Report recommending a moratorium on all rezones shown on pages 6, 7, 10 and 11 of the Zoning Map from single family resi- dences and up. Mr. Mike Sands , 4340 N.E. 11th, favored the moratorium noting that recent citizen input would qualify as reason. Mr. John Tilton, 351' N. E. 6th, noted that the Comprehensive Plan based on 1967 figures is out of date, arc! that a moratorium would not be against build- ing on presently zoned property. Labor The Committee of the Whole Report recommended that the matter of member- Nt otiations & ship on the Labor Management and Labor Negotiation Committees b referred LdL'or to the Legis +ation Committee for preparation of ordinance. The report Management also recommended that the Labor Negotiation Committee be comprised of Committees the Mayor or his designee, the Chairman of the Finance & Personnel Com- mittee and the Council President. The Labor Management Committee (as specified in the Local 21-R Contract) is to be comprised of the Mayor or his designee, the Finance & Personnel Committee Chairman and the Personnel Director. The report also recommended that the Council Presi- dent or the Finance & Personnel Committee Chairman appoint an alternate for any legislative members unable to attend. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CO131`1CIL REFER MEMBERSHIPS ON THE LABOR NEGOTIATION AND LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMI''TEES TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. Councilman Perry requested the alternates for the committees be listed. MOTION CARRIED. Forter' s Marina Councilman Stredicke noted response to inquiry of 5/12 re sanitary sewer conditions at Porter' s Marina on Cedar River, that sewage disposal fac- ilities consist of a sani-can and an open pipe around trailer to holding tank, that Metro sewer line crosses east boundary of this property and provisions could be made with Metro for connection. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS REPORT REGARDING SANITARY CONDITIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke asked the "No Smoking" signs in the Council Chambers be attached rather than placed on the counter and the ashtrays removed. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recommending Services that the City Council approve a City report up to 8 pages entitled "Renton Committee Rpt. on the Move," and that the Chairman of the Community Services Committee and the _Legislative Aide be responsible for the report. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. CBD Picture The Community Services Report recommended that a CBD picture display Display be built not to exceed $500. It was further explained that the display would be placed at the Association of Washington Cities Convention with scenes of before and after redevelopment of the downtown, that the display would later be placed in Valley banks for viewing of citizens. -- MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Councilman Clymer noted this picture display was under the direc- tion of the Planning Department. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke noted time limit has been extended by the Aviation Airport Committee for the airport restaurant developer until July 24, 1975, at Restaurant which time all past action will be cancelled unless response has been made by the developer, and new arrangements will be started. 424 Renton City Council 5/19/75 Page 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Clymer recommended approval for payment of Vouchers 4415 through No. 4579 in the amount of $118,506.90 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Voucher No. 4497 in the amount of $524.67 was voided. Vouch- ers No. 4408 through 4414 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Committee Rpt mending first, second and final readings for an ordinance appropriatin- $47,780 in settlement of claim against Kent School District #415 for Ordinance 2934 damage done at the City of Renton Springbrook Watershed in 1972 and Appropriation from a grant pursuant to Referendum 27 for Rehabilitation and Develop- Springbrook ment of the Springbrook Watershed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Watershed ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read Rehabilitation the ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL_ SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Grant was excused from the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2935 Legislation Committee r�,port recommended final reading on an ordinanc,. Creating a Dept. creating a Department of Data Processing, providing for appointment of of Data Process- a Director therefor, specifying his duties , responsibilities and qualifi- ing cations, first reading on 5/12/75. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordinance. Some discussion ensued regarding the educational qualifications requirements in the ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: AYES - DELAURENTI , PERRY, CLYMER AND GRANT. NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2936 Legislation Committee report recommended second and final reading of an Rezone from G) ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties from to (M-P) General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) , ;Agostino Rezone)first reading on 5/12/75. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL : 5 AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2937 Legislation Committee report recommended secrnd and final reading of Rezone from an ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties (G-9600) to from G-9600 to Light Industry District (L-1 ) on East Valley Highway . --1 ) at S.W. 43rd St. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO PLACE (Allenbach THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading Rezone) of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT !st Reading 5/12 THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: AYES - DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE, AND CLYMER. NO: GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING ADJOURN . CARRIED. The regular meeting of the City Council adjourned at 11 :25 P.M. a- Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • • • ■ . W3914314 �r a -Alt IN �. .� .� v, +t. 630W3W . . . . r . . . r NVWWIVMO 33111WWOO 69W AVW AO AVO M161 sIMI Ll" d0 06'90S'811$ 1NnOWv 3Ml NI 6Ls* $ON H©nowHl Sts* ION 9W3H3n0A AN3WAY9 MCI 3ACbddV A9363H 00 f03000b NO 03AI303N N339 3AVM 1301AN36 NO/CNV 39IaNVM0a3W 11H1 NOIIYOIAIIW33 1V1N3W1HVd30 a3AI303b ONIAVH f113003 Alio NC1N3H JO AAI3 3H1 30 33111WWOO 33NVNIA 3H1 10 S838W3W 03NOX683ONn 3H1 03M 06'905 911$ 9ANVNNTA 11v 30 1vA01 OL a!0►6s NO I SN3d N3W3V 1 A 19,660 34 1VIN39 INUW03 202494 ONMA 1009WIV 00101091s ONMA AIII111I1 INNOMNI3AVM 00169s ONMA IVIV31Wv Nvtan LZssits IanWHI CNVMbOA 133ViS L6600014 ONMA VA3O Wools 8933MYO seloc9s "41011 aanJ 3AIIN33NI XVOM 02ALLa►!s dNmJ AWv»9In 00102 919 ONMA 133MIS Wa90 ►tizs Ws Xbvm � ff- L9*VZS! 'LbVV#*ON GIUA QNnJ 1N31WO V'6'9ZI ' IS$ V I VV# - 90VV #01 v)A IN I NOb,: SINVW111TA 1r1Q1 aNnd GL/ Itis NOi1�letalsid 1NVNNVM 5�� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 19, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. , 5/20 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 5th Floor COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES CLYMER FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. , 5/26 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Floor PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 5/26 7:00 P.M. GRANT 6th Floor Fireworks Stands & Cardroom Request of Eagles and Elks Clubs Tues. , 5/27 7:30 P.M. 6th Floor Presentation by Bruce Phillips on Fire Dept. PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE Master Plan FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS y� R OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 19 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4092 $ 450 Russell Cariveau 1054 Sunset N. E . Replace GYP Bd. 4093 35 , 000 Steven Sampson 1310 N. 36th Const . single reg 4094 Martin Selic 3302 N.E. 4th Remove gas tanks 4095 600 Steven Jackson 3328 N.E. 6th Enclose carport 4096 1 , 500 G . B. Investors 1120 S.W. 16th Const . foundation 4007 130 John Scher 223 Meadow N. Replace siding 4098 4 , 000 Stafford Braud 424 W .ndsor N.E . Const , walls 4099 175 Jack Gorright 405 ` . 3rd Inst . GYP Bd. 4100 1 , 600 Leroy Crookston 4010 N. E . 12th Const . building 4101 "16 , 000 Renton Honda 50 S. W. Sunset Enclose marque 4102 33% 200 Willie Quinlivan 438 Williams S . Const . garage 4103 220 , 000 K. Ken & I). Hubbard 4445 Talbot S . Const . office 4104 50 Steven Schindlc: 1302 Aberdeen N.E. Const . porch 4105 700 David Abbott 2825 Morris S. Divide basement 4106 600 Delbert Bethers 333 Wells N. Inst . siding 4107 28 , 000 Q.M. Enterprises 1646 Lk. Youngs S.E. Const . single res 4108 VOID 4109 800 Ray Anderson 603 Tacoma N.E. Reroof res . 4110 30 , 000 ,John Dennis 3028 N. E . 17th Const. single res MLCHANICAL PERMITS 144292 300 Bear;zi.e 4320 N.E . 4th. Repair drainfield 4293 19 , 500 U. S. Post Office 1171 Kirkland N. E. Inst . air unit 4294 1 , 500 Q .M. Enterprises 1650 Lk. Youngs S .E . Inst . plumb & fix 4295 179 , 000 Cummins NW Diesel 811 S.W. Grady Inst . plumb & fix 4296 6 , 500 Boeing Co. Boeing - Renton Plumbing work 4297 5 , 732 Olympic P. L . Co . 2829 E . Valley Rd. Inst . plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMIT'S ES098 150 Greg Alexander 3302 N.E. 4th Clean up service 5099 1 , 035 Charles Wiehoff 1625 Kenniwick N. E . Wire single res . 5100 722 Stan Witsoe 2614 Camas N• E . Wire res . 5101 2 , 800 Benton Realty 3124 N. E. Sunset Extend circuits 5102 73, 854 Cummins N. W. Diesel8ll S.W. Grady Wire res . 5103 125 David Abbott 2825 Morris S. Wire basement 5104 120 Dr. Odani 227 S. 4th Hook up A/C unit SIOS 19 , 980 Olympic P. L . Co . 2929 E . Vallev Rd. Wire office 5106 50 , 000 Boeing Co . Renton plant Electrical work 5107 2 , 900 Valley G . Hospital 400 S. 43rd Set flood pole; 5108 100 Church 2100 Lk . Wa. N . Wire mobil home SIGN PERMITS 0411 2 , 000 Goodyear Service 207 S. 3rd Inst . wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0081 John Angell 1306 N . 32nd Connect side sewer 0082 Eugene Robel 3606 Meadow N. Inst . side sewer 0083 Leonard Fortune 3215 Meadow N. Inst . san. sewer 0084 Willis Quinlivan 438 Williams S. Const , driveway �Irr 428 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 26 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - P .Nolan COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Referendum #29 and Multi-Service Center FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Request for appropriation of funds for Parking Signs mom LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Six-Year Street Plan - Resolution adopted 5/26 Ordinance re Jackson Rezone (1st Redding 5/26) Ordinance re Labor Negotiating Committee (1st Reading 5/26) Ordinance re Labor Management Committee (1st Reading 5/26) Request for Appropriation of Funds for Parking Signs MAYOR'S OFFICE Application for Referendum #29 Funds APPOINTMENT Mr. Edward Torkelson, Director of Data Processing Department, effective 5/28/75 1 i r' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 26 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL EARL CLYMER AND KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ABSENT COUNCILMEN GEORGE J. PERRY, WILLIAM J. GRANT, HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Stredicke requested his dissenting vote be recorded, inquiring of City Attorney Shellan re unexcused absences. The City Attorney advised that if a Councilman is absent three or more times without being excused, then the Council may take sanction against him. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; DAVE HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer and JULEE LaCOUNT, Human Resources Coordinator. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 19, 1975 AS WRITYEN. CARRIED. Special Guests Mayor Garrett introduced Judy Corvi and Sue Larson, representatives to Girl 's State sponsored by the American Legion. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted, pub- L. I .D. 294 lished and distributed, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued hearinq E.Valley Hwy. to consider the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $62,574.72 Terminated for L. I .D. 294 sanitary sewers in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and north of S.W. 43rd Street and west of SR 167. Letter from Continued from Burlington Northern, Property Taxes Manager, W. D. Schoettler sub- 5/19/75 mitted Glacier Park Company protest to proposed L. I .D. 294 as authorized by Resolution #1978 4/21/75. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Glacier Park Co. protest represented 65% of the assessable cost within the boundaries of the District and prohibited the City from proceeding. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CITY COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND TERMINATE THE L. I. D. 294. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted and Amendment to published, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider amend- 6-Year Street ments to the Six-Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Improvement Program Program adoped July, 1974, in order to permit expenditures of 1/2t Gas Tax Funds. Public Works Director Gonnason was aided by Traffic Engineer Hamlin using wall map to point out and explain amendments as attached hereto, also explaining nature of work to be accomplished. Those present making inquiries: Mr. John Julian, 1400 S. 7th, asked re 11th Ave. S. and was advised the street is unimproved and right- of-way only, that overlay will be for existing roadway only. Mr. Mario Gotti , 1005 High Ave. S. , inquired and was advised Cedar Ave.S. is the only street with an L.I . D. Mrs. S. Wiberg, 1201 S. 3rd, in- quired and was advised no other access to Renton Hill is being con- sidered. Mr. E. Keenstle, 1015 Jones Ave. S. made inquiry. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER AMENDMENTS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L. I.D. 274 Mr. Wyman Dobson, 229 Williams Ave. S. , protested the overruling by Protested Council of the request of Mr. John Dobson for averaging of sides on irregular shaped property included in L. I .D. 274, under rounding of utilities in the downtown area which was charged at ?10.00 per front foot. Mr. Dobson asked reconsideration for the two lots involved, 13 C Renton City Council 5/26/75 - Page 2 ADDED ITEM Protest to located at 66 Williams Ave. S. (residence) with 130 ft. frontage and L. I.D. 274 40 ft. at rear, and at 340 Burnett Ave. S. (Coach's Corner Tavern) Undergrounding with 60 ft. frontage and 10 ft. at rear of property. City Attorney of Utilities in Shellan noted protest period extends 10 days from effective date of Central Business ordinance. City Clerk noted confirming ordinance adopted 5/16 and District effective 5/21/75. Shellan noted any reduction in amount of assess- ment at this date would need an amending ordinance and the reduction assumed by the City as the other assessments could not be raised. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERA- TION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE DIRECTING THEM TO MAKE ADJUSTMENT TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 66 WILLIAMS ST. ONLY.* Public Works Director Gonnason noted 20 to 30 trapezoidal parcels are included in the entire project which would be affected with change in mode of assessment, suggesting zone and termini ; also noting that the entire frontage of each of these parcels received project improvements of new curb & gutter, ornamental side- walks and lighting, street overlay, etc. Following further discussion ROLL CALL: 2 AYE: DELAURENTI , STREDICKE; 2 NO: CLYMER, BRUCE. MAYOR GARRETT CAST NO BALLOT AND MOTION *FAILED. Mr. Dobson thanked the Council for allowing presentation of a item not scheduled on the agenda. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett noted review of Referendum 29 funds to Referendum #29 construct a multi-service center as requested by Committee of the Multi-Service Whole 5/15/75. The letter noted need to submit preliminary proposal Center to the Referendum 29 Subcommittee of the Regional Advisory Committee to the Department of Social and Health Services by 6/1/5 including sponsorship, informal committment of agencies providing direct ser- vices to the community, funding proposal , and continuing maintenance and equipment funds as these are not available through Referendum 29. The letter noted the City would be sponsoring agency; that those agencies expressing interest in location include: RAYS, Valley Pulse Clinic, Clothing Bank, Valley Cities Mental Health, and possibly Dept. Social and Health Services (Public Assistance) and Adult Probation and Parole. The letter noted funding proposal of $350,000 for 10,000 square feet ($35 per sq.ft. ) requiring a local match of $87,500 to be derived from $59,450 for 1/2 acre in easterly portion of Cedar River Park and include sewer and water and $28,050 cash or in-kind services; that $262,500 would be requested for Referendum 29 funds. The project sponsor would be required by the State to assume respon- sibility for use of the facility and provision of the prescribed services and the facility maintenance and operation which would not be limited to $13,720; no provision is made for equipment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REQUEST FOR MULTI-SERVICE CENTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MAYOR'S OFFICE MAKE 'APPLICATION FOR FUNDING OF THE MULTI-SERVICE BUILDING UNDER REFERENDUM #29. CARRIED. Parking Signs Letter form Public Works Director Gonnason requested appropriation in Downtown of funds in the amount of $900 to cover five additional public park- Area ing signs, having one installed on a trial basis at Burnett Ave. S. The letter noted proposed locations in the downtown area available for free parking. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION AND REFER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ALSO. MOTION CARRIED, AS AMENDED CARRIED. R.C. Jackson Letter from City Clerk Mead noted that the Jackson property rezone Rezone before the Council as Planning Commission recommendation 12/19 was referred to the Planning Director and City Attorney for additional covenants concerning a limit of the number of new buildings or struc- tures. The letter reported the new covenants signed and ordinance prepared and recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for presentation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE REZONE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/26/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Martindale Letter from City Clerk Mead reported that the Martindale petition Street Vacation for vacation of a portion of Lake View Boulevard contained only of Lake View Bd. 53% of the subject property (rather than the 100% claimed) , Mr. Martindale was contacted for clarification and reported a real estate contract with the fee title owner who resides in Iowa. The letter further noted the petition will be referred back to Mr. Martindale for further action as the City Attorney advises that the additional signature will be required to validate the vacation petition. Damages Claim Claim for Damages was filed by Patrick A. Nolan in the amount of P. Nolan $185. 90 for damages allegedly due to sewer trunk backing up flooding house with raw sewage. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER AND CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Edward R. Torkelson to the Data Processing position of Director of the Data Processing Department effective Director 5/28/75 under provisions of the City Ordinance 2935 establishing E. R. Torkelson the department. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Clymer recommended approval for payment of Vouchers 4587 through 4654 in the amount of $140,385.47 which have received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers #4580 through 4586 were voided. Voucher No. 4623 in the amount of $524.67 was voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOM- MENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recommending Committee Report first reading of an ordinance rezoning property from G-7600 to R-2 known as the Robert C. Jackson rezone. Following reading of the First Reading ordinance rezoning property located on Union Ave. N.E. between Jackson Rezone N.E. 15th and Glenco Subdivision, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED Ordinance BY CLYMER, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE CITY OF RENTON ACCEPT THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AS FILED MAY 26, 1975 AND SIGNED BY THE JACKSON'S. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance re ordinance adding a Labor Negotiating Committee to the City's Council Labor Negotiating Committees. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance establishing the Committee committee consisting of the Mayor or his designee, the Chairman of Finance and Personnel Committee, and the President of the City Council ; that in absence of said Council committee member, alternate shall be appointed by such Council member; said committee would represent the City in any collective bargaining negotiations with certified Union or Association of employees. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, LABOR NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE°LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance re ordinance adding Labor Management Committee to the City's Council Labor Management Committees, which would consist of the Mayor or designee, Chairman Committee of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Personnel Director; which shall be responsible for performing duties specified in exist- ing or future Collective Bargaining Agreements. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. —' Resolution 1987 The Legislation Committee report presented a resolution declaring Surplus —Property surplus and authorizing sale of property acquired from the Olympic Lake Ave. S. Pipe Line Co. , Inc. pursuant to agreement dated 7/23/74, subject to existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record. Follow- ing reading of the resolution re property located on Lake Ave. S. , deeded to the City by Max & Rennell Farr, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED 432 Renton City Council 5/26/75 - Page 4 RESOLUTIONS Resolution 1988 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Amendment to of a resolution amending the Six-Year Street and Arterial Construc- Six-Year Street tion Program for the City, (See Page 1 and attachments) . Following Program reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Executive Followinq conclusion of regular agenda business, it was MOVED BY Session CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR UPDATE ON NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:55 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. with four Councilmen present as previ- ously listed when Roll was called . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. ._ Delores A. Mead, City Jerk MACH I NF VO 1 D! Nki #4 53." 44583 N REVENVit Vic ifAT00, 4, "'lot mw Ar n rk N 14 NNW CiSTQIBUT ION. SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1 of 2 (1) copy: Drstr.ct Enq,neer, Dept or ".9mways Ii) copy UAB —tm Oriq,nal UAB I Form Exhibit A-1 1975 - 1990 (COUNTY) HEAPING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) Renton a - N ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST Ln ITEM LOCAL NAME, OR U L R U LENGTH _ NO. - OF STREET N A B R TYNE OF 'WORK IN ROAD OR STREET NO. C 5 A A MILESTOTAL T 5 N L 1875 1'9'76 1877 19'76'$o MAJOR ARTERIALS 1 . Park Ave. North, North 2201 M X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.5 ! 56,500.00 I 56,500. 00 4th Street to North 8th drainage, and overlay. Street I i I f ! SECONDARY ARTERIALS I 1 . Mill Ave. South, Bronson 5351 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, i 0. 10 ` 14,287.001 14,287. 00 Way South to Houser Hay gutter, sidewalk, drainage and I i South overlay. i 2. South 2nd Street , Mill 5002 S X Overlay 0.05 I 2 ,672.00 j 2,672. 00 Ave. South to Main Ave. South LOCAL ACCESS 1 . Cedar Ave. South, South 5331 LA X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.5 243, 100.00 243,100.00 3rd Street to South 9th gutter, sidewalk, illumination, Street drainage and underground power. 2. South 4th Street , Mill 5332 LA X Overlay 10.05 3,750.00 3,750.00 Ave. South to Cedar Ave. South 3. South 7th Street, Cedar 5342 LA X Overlay 0. 3 10,882 .00 10,882.00 Ave. South to Jones Ave. South —iSTRiD�TION: $IX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ' 2 of 2 (I) C O�str,ct Enq nMr, D�Dt o+ r�,gnways (I) coon UAB w,tn Or,9.n&l UAB I FOrm Exhibit A-1 1975 - 1980 (COUNTY) HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) Renton ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST LOCAL NAME OR U L R U ITEM OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF WORK ILENGTH IN NO. - ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A MILESTOTAL T S N L 1975 1976 1977 1978-80 4. Renton Ave. South, South 5341 LA X Overlay 0.6 12,300. 00 12,300. 00 3rd Street to South 10th Street S. Grant Ave. South, from S441 LA X Overlay 0.3 10,882. 00 I 10,882. 00 Beacon Way South to South 11th Street 6. High Ave. South, South 5451 LA X Overlay 10.4 15,611 .00 15,611 .00 11th Street to end of Avenue 7. Jones Ave. South, South 5541 LA X Overlay 0.2 ( 8,448. 00 8,448.00 11th Street to Beacon ` Way South � 8. Beacon Way South, Jones 5543 LA X Overlay 0.2 ( 7,367.00 7,367.00 Ave. South to Grant Ave. South 9. South 9th Street, Renton 5542 LA X Overlay 0.2 8,207.00 8,207.00 Ave. South to Jones Ave. South 10. South 6th Street, High 5452 LA X Overlay 0.07 3,007.00 3,007.00 Ave. South to Jones Ave. South 11. NE 10th Street, Monroe 3502 LA X Reconstruct roadway with 0. 37 21,658. 00 21 ,658.00 Ave. NE to Redmond Ave. overlay NE 4� (CITY CUUh4'IL 70MiITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 'S E Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 26, 1975 COMMITTEE ! DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION ! REMARKS i AVIATION COMMITTEE i STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE I # DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICESThurs. , 5/29 4.30 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Floor FINANCE AND PERSONNEL � f � SCHELLERT � LEGISLATION Mon. , 6/2 1 .00 F.M. CLYMER 6th Floor PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. , 5/27 7:30 P.M. S GRANT 6th F1r. Conference Rm. PUBLIC WORKS Tues. , 6/3 7:30 P.M. BRUCE Council Chambers Re: Heather Downs Petition `or Sewers E S FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI � a TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS i `� f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 29, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4111 $ 1,200 Iris K. Loyd 803 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Reroof carport 4112 32,000 Hebb & Narodick 1006 S. 30th Const. single fam. res . 4113 33,000 Hebb & Narodick 1012 S. 30th Const. single fam. res. 4114 31 ,000 Hebb & Narodick 905 S. 28th Const. single fam. res. 4115 67,000 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E. Const. apartment 4116 6,000 Ralph Drew 2700 N.E. 6th Const. addition r..� 4117 850 Robert Cooper 87 Williams S. Inst. shakes 4118 28,000 Q.M. Enterprises 1660 Kirkland N.E. Const. single fam. res. 4119 28,000 Q.M. Enterprises 1636 Jefferson S.E. Const. single fam. res. 4120 22,287 Boeing Co. Renton plant Const. building 4121 VOID 4122 22,000 John Vaneyke 230 S. 15th Const. single fam. res. 4123 30,000 G.B. Investors 1120 S.W. 16th Const. addition 4124 900 Comstock Realty 3016 Benson S. Const. storage shed 4125 8,000 Lester Alexander 3209 N.E. 4th Remodel auction house 4126 500 City of Renton Street Department Const. new men 's restroom MECHANICAL PERMITS M4298 1,500 G.B. Investors 1120 S.W. 16th Inst. plumb & fix 4299 200 Ralph Drew 2700 N.E. 6th Inst. plumb & fix 4300 200 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. gas piping 4301 500 G.B. Investors 1120 S.W. 16th Const. floor 4302 2,000 Tim Riley 1318 Kennewick N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4303 11,500 Joseph Ryerson 610 S.W. 10th Inst. landscape 4304 1,400 Wesley Odani 227 S. 4th Inst. gas furnace 4305 6,600 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E. Inst. plumb & fix 4306 2,000 City of Renton 107 Williams N. Inst. plumb & fix ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5109 200 Thomas Carlin 3813 N.E. 8th Inst. service 5110 200 Ralph Drew 2700 N.E. 6th Wire addition 5111 200 John Baker II 432 Burnett N. •Inst. AMP. Service 5112 200 U.S. Post Office 308 Williams S. Hook up hoist 5113 950 Richard Neglay 656 Lind N.W. Inst. new service 5114 11000 Joseph Ryerson 610 S.W. 10th Inst. wiring 5115 590 HUD-Seattle Area 415 Grandey N.E. Increase service 5116 7,851 Dura Development 4455 Sunset N.E. Wiring apartments 5117 430 W. Hutsinpiller 614 Shelton N.E. Service alteration SIGN PERMITS 0412 100 Boeing Co. Renton plant Inst. banner 0413 900 Dial Finance 607 S. Inst. sign 0414 25 Elmco Inc. 2431 Maple Valley Hwy. Inst. wall sign GONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0085 Richard Savage 3704 Meadow N. Connect side sewer 0086 Eugene Hicks 1407 N. 36th Connect side sewer 0087 Hebb & Narodick 1006 S. 30th Connect san. sewer 0088 Hebb & Narodick 1012 S. 30th Connect san. sewer 0089 Hebb & Narodick 905 S. 28th Connect san. sewer 0090 George Caul 1200 Union N.E. Connect san. sewer 0091 S.T. Hanahan 2808 Park N. Inst. side sewer 0092 Donald Culver 2717 Jones N.E. Const. driveway 0093 John Sienda Jr. 3313 Meadow N. Connect side sewer 0094 John DuBois 2907 Mt. View N. Connect san. sewer 0095 C.W. Tarp 1408 N. 34th Connect san. sewer 0096 Dwight Waggoner 1316 N. 34th Connect san, sewer 0097 Earl Hamel 1520 N. 34th Connect san. sewer t G I T F O F R E N T 0 11 MONTH OF MAY, 1975 TO THE FINANCE DIREMRS DATE FROM TO DES01T'TION TOTAL 5-5-75 CURRENT FUND S 19,537.27 PARKS b RECREATION 30460, 19 CITY STREETSIlf REG 8 ST, FWD.. THRUST 552.25 _ WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 23, 140.5} AIRPORT FUND g,578.(tea - � EQUIPMENT RENTAL 21476,59 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY S 57 868.41 S-9-75 CURRENT FUND 51 , 128.94 PARK FUND 11 ,062.74 CITY STREETS 150784.00 LIBRARY FUND 8,277.20 WORK INCENTIVE FUND (Wit ) 630.38 CAREERS 225.47 :COMP.EMPL.TRNG. (CETA) 2,300.57 REG A ST, FWD THRUST 375.27 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 63.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 16, 101 .70 AIRPORT FUND 675.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 20799.61 FIREMEN'S PENSION 91082.70 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for ma, of MAY 5118 t 5060 0 - 5-75 CURRENT FUND $1 1.2"ti4f 85 PARKS 8 RECREATION CITY STREETS yiq•3b � LIBRARY 'I�`a`a5•gU WORK INCENTIVE {WIN) I ®E34i0.`.�0 NEW CAREERS 535.00 COMP.EMPL.TRNG. (CETA) 9,799.57 REG S ST, FWD THRUST 51 :3.00 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 15,654.02. AIRPORT 10445.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3, 193.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.66 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo, of MAY 5195,2ri.4.°71 5-75 CURRENT FUND 1965 UnIim.GO BONX, For Final payment to S 1 ,544.88 1000/999.000.271 .00.00.00 201/999.000.271 .00.00.00 redeem bonds b coupons 1-75 Cumulative Res.#1698 CURRENT FUND Resolution No.#1954 S 7,504.58 .12-75 CURRENT FUND S 11 ,279.53 PARKS & RECREATION 4,431 .55 CITY STREETS 871oQ5.11 5,712.40 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND81 AIRPORT FUND 223.',,1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL `i,4b(v (cnnrl CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $117 158.44 LRRENT FUND WATERWORKS UTILITY To adjust Incorrect payment S 50.54 on warrant X4256, 5/5/75 1 ATERWORKS UTILITY CURRENT FUND To adjust correction made S 51 .75 on 4/15/75 payroll i C I 'TT OF R, ENTO N TRANSFER WINTH OF MAY, 1975 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTORS SATE FROK To DESCRIPTION TOTAL ",•26-75 CURRENT FUND $ 21 , 106. 13 PARKS & RECREATION 1 ,936.24 CITY STREETS 100196.25 LIBRARY FUND 21 .96 FEDERAL SHARED-REVENUE 1000000.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 50940.74 AIRPORT FUND 160.74 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1023.41 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $140103R5.47 5-11/75 CURRENT FUND $1130431 .59 PARKS & RECREATION 22, 146. 11 CITY STREETS 200864.79 LIBRARY 70908.90 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 ,910.59 NEW CAREERS 535.00 COMP.EMP.TRNG (CETA) 90564.26 REG A ST. FWD, THRUST 513.00 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 15,714.34 AIRPORT 1 ,445.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 30193,50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.66 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for ono. of MAY S197,393.74 FINANCE DIRECTOR .r. 440 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 2 , 1975 Office of City Clerk R E F E R R A L S FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Request for funds for House Way Undergrounding Project Senior Citizens Garbage Rate LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Petition for Vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. mum Surplus Equipment (Adopted Resolution 6/2/75) H-1 Heavy Industry Senior Citizens Garbage Rate Zoning Ordinance re L-1 & H-1 (H-1 placed on first reading 6/2/75'& referred back) MAYOR*AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT Delegates to PGC *Delegate to Subregional Committee PLANNING COMMISSION Mike Smith communication PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Sewer LID for Adams Vista HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Appeal Board re Senior Citizens Garbage Rates PUBLIC HEARING: H-1 Heavy Industrial Zone - June 16, 1975 PUBLIC MEETING: Adams Vista Annexation - June 23, 1975 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 2 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 PM Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council Prrsident; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL ". ''MER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. 'w CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G.M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JIM MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; cC RECT .D-REFER ;UORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; TED BENNETT, Supervisor Accounting/Investments. MINUTES of &" ROBERT HUGHES, Administrative Assistant. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 26, 1975 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. BID OPENING Sealed bids were received by the City Clerk for the purchase of Water & Sewer $3,000,000 par value of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds , 1975, which Bonds comprise a lien upon the gross revenues from the combined water and sewer systems of the City. Four bids were received, each including certified cashier' s check showing good faith : NET EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE Foster & Marshall , Inc. , Seattle 7.2646 John Nuveen & Co. , Seattle 7.3225 Pacific National Bank of Washington, Seattle 7.2825 Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , Seattle 7.353328 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Schellert commended City Management as City received A-1 rating by Moody Investors Service re bond sale. MOTION CARRIED. (See later report. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published, Mayor Garrett opened the public hearing to consider the Portion of vacation of a portion of Whitman Court N. E. within the Plat of Honey Whitman Court NE Dew Estates No. 1 northerly of N. E. 11th Street. City Clerk Mead presented correspondence received; letter from Walter Webster of Webster, Kroum, Granberg & Bass, Attorneys for Mr. S.C. Iffert and Mr. Jim Dalpay, took exception to the proposed street vacation requesting that protest become a part of the record. The letter explained Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay are owners of property located to the north of the proposed vacation which is presently in condemnation proceedings in Superior Court for access to N. E. Sunset Blvd. via northerly portion of Whitman Court N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason used charts and aerial map to point out portion of proposed street vacation within Honey Dew Estates , single family residential area, adjacent to multi-family apartment complex. Gonnason noted easements would be retained on the entire portion to be vacated. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, location of the cul-de-sac within Honey Dew Apartment Complex was discussed with the Public Works Director pointing out fire equipment route. Mr. Jim Calpay, 4033 N. E. Sunset Blvd, protested the street vacation. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside Ave. S. , also voiced opposition to L. I .D. 288 and street vacation on behalf of I & D Investments claiming residents within Honey Dew Estates would be denied access to business property he plans to develop to the north. Councilman Perry pointed out that access would be only 800 feet away via Union Ave. N.E. , recalling Transportation Committee meetings of 12 years ago when as Chairman he had met with Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay and Dura Develop- ment Co. attempting to provide access to all properties. I i, z 4 Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 2 ,PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. lith St. , favored the street vacation, recall- Whitman Crt.N.E. ing petition bearing signatures of 90% home owners in Honey Dew Estates Continued requesting the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. within that residential area. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. It was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. WITHIN RESIDENTIAL AREA BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. It was noted first reading of ordinance was November 5, 1973, first public hearing for the vacation having been held at a Special Meeting of the City Council on October 23, Ordinance #2938 1973. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance separating Vacation of single family residences within Honeydew Estates from multi-family Portion of high density area by vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. within Whitman Crt. NE Honey Dew Estates #I . Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce as to disposi- no Within Honey Dew tion of the property and maintenance and payment of fees , Public Works Estates No. 1 Director Gonnason noted the two abutting property owners would each receive 30 feet, that it would be their obligation to maintain as desired. Gonnason noted the City retains water and sewer easements; City's only interest would be to keep the storm drains open. Discussion ensued. . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Water & Sewer Finance Director Marshall presented recommendation of Seattle-Northwest Bonds in Securities, Inc. , City's Financial Consultants, that the City Council amount of accept the low bid of Foster and Marshall , Inc. at the net effective $3,000,000 interest rate of 7.2646%. Finance Director Marshall recommended the 25-Year Bonds Council concur with the Financial Consultants and the good-faith checks of the unsuccessful bidders, be returned. (See Bid Opening Pg-1 ) Mr. Richard Kennedy of Seattle-Northwest Securities, Inc. , having reviewed the bids, noted rise in interest rates. Mr. James Gay, City's Bond Counsel , was introduced. Public Works Director Gonnason antici- pated construction over a five-year period; also noting additional monies will be received under Referendum 26 and 27. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS AND ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF FOSTER & MARSHALL FOR THE WATER AND SEWER BONDS AND RETURN OTHER BID DEPOSITS. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from City Clerk Mead reported Letter of Intent to annex proper- Adams Vista ties was filed for the Adams Vista area which is located on Union Ave. Annexation N.E. , northerly of N.E. 24th St. The letter noted certification has Petition been received from the Planning Department as to validity, 48.3% of assessed valuation represented by signatures. The Clerk recommended Public Meeting that June 23, 1975 be set for meeting with initiating property owners 6/23/75 at which time the Legislative body will determine whether to accept the letter of intent, require adoption of Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, pre-existing bonded indebedness and whether to circulate 75% petition. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND SET DATE OF JUNE 23, FOR PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Petition for Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition from James Vacation of W. Summers, Vice President, Dura Development, also bearing signature Portion of of Century Properties Fund X by Fox & Carskadon Financial Corp. , Whitman Crt.NE for vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying within the Right-of-Way Honey Dew Apartment Complex between portion vacated by Ordinance No. $100 Filing 2938 this date and the cul-de-sac of Whitman Court N.E. Letter from Fee Received Public Works Director Gonnason certified legal description and that signatures represent 100% of the properties abutting that portion of r/w proposed for vacation, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Surplus Letter from Purchasing Agent Church recommended the City declare Equipment surplus numerous traffic control devices and other communication equipment which has been replaced and is stored in the City Shops, some resulting from renovation of the Downtown area. The letter noted the Cities of Auburn and Kirkland and Fire District #20 are Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 3 OCRRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Surplus interested in purchasing some of these items and the sale can be Equipment accomplished through the Interlocal Cooperation Act; that the City Continued has no foreseeable need for these items. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AND DECLARE PROPERTY SURPLUS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. H-1 Heavy Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Industrial Zone review of revisions to the H-1 Heavy Industrial District Section �.. Reviewed by of the Zoning Code and recommended Council approval . MOVED BY PERRY , Planning SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION Commission COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Committee Report. ) L. I . D. Request Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted petition from the: for Adams Vista residents in Adams Vista requesting creation of a sanitary sewer L. I . D. bearing signatures of 78. 30% of the area. See Page 2 for annexation petition by Adams Vista residents. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Houser Way Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported joint effort Undergrounding between the Milwaukee Railroad Company and the City to underground Project the overhead electrical and communication facilities on Houser Way from Mill Ave. S. to Burnett Ave. S. The letter requested funds in amount of $15,000 to acquire materials which will be reimbursed by the Railroad Company, also requesting $2,000 for street lighting to replace that removed with the overhead system; total request for $17,000. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REQUEST FOR FUNDS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Puget Sound Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted information from John Spellman, Governmental President of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, advising of Conference the reorganization of the Conference and Mr. Spellman's request that the Mayor serve as chairman pro tem of the new King County Sub- regional Committee. The letter summarized Mr. Spellman' s requests : 1 ) Appoint our delegate to the King County Subregional Committee, and 2) Reaffirm or reconsider our current two delegates to the full con- ference. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONFIRM THE MAYOR AS DELEGATE TO THE SUBREGIONAL COMMITTEE AND REAFFIRM APPOINT- MENT OF DELEGATES (MAYOR GARRETT AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT DELAURENTI ) TO THE CONFERENCE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N. E. 7th St. , recalled May 19, Council Meeting COMMENT at which time the Committee of the Whole recommended a moratorium on all rezoning on pages 6, 7, 10 and 11 of the Zoning Map from single Zoning Changes family residences and up, no action being taken by the Council . Recommended Mr. Smith asked reconsideration of the moratorium and also proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER MR. SMITH' S COMMUNICATION TO THE PLANNING COMMIS- SION FOR RECOMMENDATION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL . CARRIED. Lard Use Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , discussed Section 4-722B of the City Code, regarding Special Permits that may be detrimental to the Catepillars public welfare, encouraging appropriate use of land; also inquiring about City policy or ordinance re tent catepillars , being advised the City ordinance requiring removal of the catepillars by the prop- erty owner is under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Director. Councilman Perry noted the Community Services Committee had requested review of Special Permits by the Planning Director for report back. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke noted report forthcoming on his recent trip to Boston for Planning Conference. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Services recommended the subject of Referendum 29 funds for multi-service build- Committee Report ing remain in that committee until a plan is required for the facilities Multi-Service and a decision is made as to its proper use. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED Building BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Senior Citizen The Community Services Committee report noted distribution to each Garbage Rates Councilman of material concerning petition for special rates to Senior Citizens on limited incomes for garbage/refuse collection service and asked evaluation. The report recommended that the subject be reported out for Council action. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROPOSAL NO. 3 AND RATES FOUR SENIOR CITIZENS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION BE REDUCED BY $1 .00 PER MONTH AND THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION REGARDING FINANCING. Upon inquiry, LegiTive Aide Hughes reported 325 eligible Senior Citizens that are now receiving special water and sewer rates that would amount to $;1,900 per year at $1 .00 reduction per month on the $2.20 minimum monthly residential rate. MOVEO BY STREDICKE, SECOND- ED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE RENTERS. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE : DELAURENTI, GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE; 3 NO: SCHELLERT, CLYMER AND PERRY. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , FURTHER AMEND- MENT, STRIKE AGE OF 62 AND SUBSTITUTE LEGAL AGE. 2 AYE: SCHELLERT AND GRANT; 5 NO: DELAURENTI , BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE AND PERRY . FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ADDITIONAL AMENDMENT TO SE1 AGE FOR ELIGIBILITY AT 55 YEARS RATHER THAN 62. MOTION TO LOWER AGE, FAILED. Councilman Bruce asked for a procedure whPrPhv those 1,enior Citizens eligible come in and apply supplyinq proof, notinq that public funds can only be given to the poor and intirmed. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE RATE OF $6,000 MAXIMUM INCOME PER MARRIED COUPLE FOR ELIGIBILITY RATHER THAN $5,100. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR BE DESIGNATED AS APPEAL BOARD AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE ALONG WITH REQUEST OF MR. BRUCE. CARRIED. Salmon Fishing The Community Services Committee reported review of Judge Bolt' s Lake Washington decision regarding salmon fishing in Lake Washington, noting the decision under appeal and until final decision made by the Courts , the Committee recommended no action be taken. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Clymer noted item reported out of committee. CARRIED. Zoning The Community Services Committee report recommended the revisions to Ordinance the Zoning Ordinance L-1 , H-1 districts be referred to the Legislation Committee to revise the ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Grant had asked for names of citizens to Committee serve on a committee formulating the City' s master plan as concerns fire protection. The following names were given: Mr. Charles Fire Protection McGarrigle, retired; Mrs. Lena Church, retired; Mr. Ray Peretti , Committee Mr. Roger Davis, Mr. Kay Johnson of Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Ray Pearce, home maker; Mrs. Helga Karinin, Highlands; Bill Snyder, Kennydale. First meeting held May 6, formulating objectives. Councilman Grant invited additional names of those willing to serve on the committee. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert noted review of Personnel request by management employees to have the Council authorize pay- Committee roll deductions for the proposed association in their attempt to organize. Schellert noted that the committee has no objections and Management recommended authorization for the deductions. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED Employees BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND AUTHORIZE PAYROLL DEDUC- Association TIONS. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt explained the purpose of forming professional organi- zation to meet management problems and techniques, membership cons`istinq of those designated by the State Labor Board and not elibible for Union membership. CARRIED. Appropriation Finance & Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended appropri- for Planning ation of $4,200 to the Planning Department budget for amount expended Department for professional services during the Shell Oil Co. court trial . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE APPROP- RIATION OF $4,200 FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 5 NEW BUSINESS City Hall Councilman Schellert commended Fire Chief Williams for recent study Evacuation Drill and program concerning evacuation of City Hall in case of fire; also discussing burning of catepillars. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council authorization for payment of Vouchers No. 4662 through No. 4743 in the amount of $57,448.61 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 4655 - 4661 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS REQUESTED. -- CARRIED. Excused Councilman Grant was excused for the remainder of the meeting due to illness. Legislation Committee Report Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending first reading for an ordinance on H-1 Heavy Industry First Readinc, Zone modification. Following reading of the ordinance amending H-1 Heavy City' s zoning code concerning H-1 Districts , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Industry SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SET DATE OF JUNE 16, 1974 FOR PUBLIC Ordinance HEARING ON H-1 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ZONE AND THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2939 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings Jackson Rezone for an ordinance placed on first reading 5/26/75, changing zoning G-7200 to R-2 from G-7200 to Residence District R-2 for property located on Union Ave. N. E. between N. E. l5th and Glenco Subdivision known as the Jackson Rezone. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Perry noted Restrictive Covenants regarding the Jackson Rezone have been filed. Labor The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings Negotiating for an ordinance placed on first reading 5/26/75 establishing a Committee to labor negotiating committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Represent City SCHELLERT THAT THE CITY' S LABOR NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE CONSIST OF in Negotiations MAYOR OR DESIGNEE, CHAIRMAN OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, w/Labor Unions AND THE PRESIDENT Olt- THE CITY COUNCIL, AND IN THE ABSENCE OF & Associations COMMITTEE MEMBER ALTERNATE BE APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL MEMBER UNLESS OTHERWISE DETERMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. Councilman Stredicke noted occasional need to employee professional negotiator and intent to adopt committee by motion rather than by ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. Labor The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings Management for an ordinance placed on first reading 5/26/75, establishing a Committee labor management committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE CITY ESTABLISH A LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF THE MAYOR OR DESIGNEE, CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR WHICH SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING DUTIES SPECIFIED IN COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS. Councilman Stredicke explained intent to establish committee by motion rather than ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1989 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a Surplus resolution regarding surplus property as recommended by the Purchas- Equipment ing Agent. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ADOPT RESO- LUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See earlier authorization. ) ._ Executive MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION TO DISCUSS CURRENT NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Council went into executive session at 10:45 p.m. and returned to the Chambers at 11 :30 p.m. ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT AT ROLL CALL EXCEPT GRANT WHO HAD BEEN PREVIOUSLY DISMISSED. Firefighters ' MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Local 864 OF THE WHOLE RATIFICATION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND RENTON Contract FIREFIGHTERS' LOCAL 864. Councilman Delaurenti noted salary increase 44 Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 6 Firefighters' of 11% effective June 1 , 1975, 6% effective 6/1/76 and 6% on 6/07 Contract with cost of living, contract effective for 1975 through 12/77. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 :35 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Now WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 6/02/73 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: N0.04655 — ^661 CURRENT FUND $170396485 PARA FUND $40911192 STREET FUND $712.87 STREET FORWARD THRUST $1r475187 URI,iA'q ARTERIAL FUND $346153 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND $22002110 AIRPORT FUND $7# 049118 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $2, 853127 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $570448161 WEe THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCWANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOI 4662 THROUGH NOI 4743 IN THE AMOUNT OF $570448.61 THIS 2 D DAY OF UU�E 197JL5 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • • r (�� i.-.wr r • • • '(q�\gyp ® • r MEMBER meow. r, .. Clag COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 2, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE 6/5 Thurs. 7:00 PM STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 6/5 Thurs. 8:00 PM DELAURENTI Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES 6/5 Thurs. 4:30 PM CLYMER 3rd F1 .Conference Rm. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 6/9 Mon. 7: 30 PM SCHELLERT 6th Floor Meet w/appointee to Planning Commission LEGISLATION 6/9 Mon. 7:00 PM C!,YMER 6th F1 .Conference Rm. PUBLIC SAFETY 6/10 Tues. 7:30 PM GRANT 6th Fl .Conference Rm. Fire Protection Plan PUBLIC WORKS 6/3 Tues. 7:30 PM BRUCE Council Chambers Meet with Heather Downs residents re sewer FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS 448 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 2, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE B#_'ILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS_ TYPE OF WORK 84127 $ 2,700 William McCotter 503 SW 12th Re-roof, repairs 4128 Florence Chase 823 So 27th Patio Cover '•iECHANICAL PERMITS M4307 200 Wm McCotter 503 SW 12th Water closet, tub 4308 Renton Village Co 25 So. Grady Wy Inst 25 gal propane (General Cinema) tank 4309 2,000 Hillis Homes 823 So 28th Ct Install plbg fixtures 4310 2,000 Hillis Homes 811 So 28th Ct Install plbg fixtures 4311 1,500 Fitts & Nelson 1716 Jones Dr SE Install plbg fixtures 4312 1,000 Fitts & Nelson 1902 Aberdeen SE Install plbg fixtures 4313 300 Benton Realty 3124 Sunset Blvd NE Inst basin & water cl 4314 250 Mr. Blando 1017 Bronson Wy S Inst sus. htr. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5118 300 City Of Renton 107 N. Williams Remove & Inst lights 5119 560 Norm Wilcox 916 N 34th St Inst 200 AMP Ser SIGN PERMITS I 0415 50 Tek Wong 675 Garden Ave N Inst sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 0098 Russ Ralph 3307 Meadow Ave N Connect to sewer 0099 W. Montgomery 3315 Meadow Av N Connect to sewer 0100 Phillip M. Scott 1402 N 28th Connect to sewer 0101 E. W. Heindel 1402 No 34th Connect to sewer 0102 Mr. McCalpin 1326 No 34th Connect to sewer 449 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 9 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E_R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Select Contractors, Inc. Summons and Complaint COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Community Facility Review re Comprehensive Plan LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Underwood Rezone Adams Vista LID Funding for Houser Way Project (Resolution adopted 6/9/75) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute RAYS Agreement Authorized to execute Police Guild Contract PUBLIC MEETING: Springbrook Annexation 7/14/75 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Street Vacation Whitman Court NE 7/14/75 L. I . D. 286, Kennydale Sewer, Final Costs 7/21/75 King Co. Water District No 107 - Hearing - Community Facilities Plan For May Creek Drainage Basin APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED Logan D. Garrison - Renton Planning Commission, term expires 1/1/78 45® RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 9 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. N U T E S Council Chambers M I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED, UNANIMOUSLY, Councilman Grant requested his Yes vote be recorded. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1975 AS WRITTEN WITH THE ADDITION OF THE NAME OF ROBERT HUGHES, LEGISLATIVE AIDE,TO LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARDS Mayor Garrett presented Mrs. Nancy Monahan with Special Citizens Library Board Award for outstanding service to the City as member to the Library Member Monahan Board for 62 years. Mrs. Monahan was escorted to the platform by Fulfills Term members of the Library Board: Mr. Donald Jacobson, Mr. Jay Ford, Mr. James Hurner and Mrs. Anne Beckley. Mayor Garrett presented Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Beckley and Mr. Jacobson with plaques of the Highlands Library in appreciation of participation in making the Highlands Library a reality and success. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett presented agreement pursuant to allocation of $5,000 to the Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) in the 1975 City �. RAYS Contract budget and requested Council approval and authorization for execution for Funding of by the Mayor and City Clerk. The letter noted July 1 , 1975 RAYS will Services become a private, non-profit corporation with the Incorporated being added to the title. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Final Costs Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported final costs in L.I. D. 286 the amount of $217,058. 12 for LID 286, Kennydale sanitary sewers, Kennydale Sewer and recommended the date of July 21 , 1975 for public hearing on the final assessment roll . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND SET DATE OF JULY 21_, 1975 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Public Hearing Letter from King County Water District No.107, 119th Ave. S.E. , May Creek Bellevue announced a public hearing Monday, June 30, 1975 at 8:30 p.m. Drainage Basin in the Renton City Hall concerning a Community Facilities Plan for the May Creek Drainage Basin for wastewater treatment works under PL92-500. City Clerk Mead noted no City Council meeting would be held that date, meetings being held the first four Mondays of each month. Summons & Summons , Complaint & Intent, to Arbitrate was filed by Select Contractors , Complaint - Inc. concerning CAG 034-74 Contract referred to as Highlands Bypass Select Sanitary Sewer Trunk - Phase II between Select and the City. The Contractors complaint noted directive by City 11/1/74 limitinq hours of work and r alleged added cost due to darkness. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission Appl . R-819-75 recommendation for rezone from GS-1 to SR-1 of 1 . 1 acres located at Don Underwood 1706 Talbot Road between 17th Pl .So. and 16th P1 .S. under application by Don B. Underwood, being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND GRANT REZONE, REFERRING MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. - �r Renton City Council 6/9/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Springbrook Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of letter of intent to Annexation annex properties in the Springbrook Road area between S.W. 43rd St. (Allenbach and S. 192nd, Springbrook Rd. to the Valley Freeway SR 167. The et al) Planning Department has reviewed the letter and determined it valid bearing 17. 1% of the assessed valuation represented by signatories. The City Clerk's letter recommended July 14, 1975 be set for meeting with initiating property owners at which time the Legisla- Public Meeting tive body will need to determine whether to accept the letter of 7/14/75 intent; require adoption of the zoning ordinance and assumption of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness. If amenable, the Council would �..► then authorize circulation of the 75% Petition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND SET THE DATE OF JULY 14, TO MEET WITH PROPERTY OWNERS. CARRIED. AUDIENCEMr. Mike ST41 , 3402 N.E. 7th St. , recalled submitting request at COMMENT last week's Council meeting for changes in the zoning ordinance, and noted being willing to allow time for study, being aware that Staff and Commission are busy. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Public Works recommending Council concurrence in the creation of an L. I .D. for Committee Rpt. sewer service to the Adams Vista area, noting signatories represent- ing 78% of the area favored the L. I .D. Also noting annexation Adams Vista petition filed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CON- L. I. D. CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT. CARRIED. Heather Downs Public Works Committee Report noted public meeting on June 3, with 46 L. I.D. & Heather Downs residents and recommended Council concurrence in the Sewer Public Works Director's recommendation to proceed with the application Interceptor to the Department of Ecology for the engineering loan, to employ the services of a consultant to develop the facilities plan, and to �.. prepare an application to EPA for the 90 percent grant funding. The report also recommended that petitions be prepared for circulation in the Heather Downs area for the creation of an LID to connect with the proposed interceptor. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE.* Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain the inter- ceptor area: S. of Honeydew School , N. of Cedar River, W. of 142nd SE and E. of Queen Ave. N.E. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, as to financing of Engineering services, he was advised by Gonnason of the 90% loans with 10% to be financed by L. I .D. *MOTION CARRIED. Finance & Personnel Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Committee Rpt. report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Appointment Logan D. Garrison to the Renton Planning Commission, term to expire L. D. Garrison 1/1/78• MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Funding for Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended the Houser Way Houser Way Project for the electrical overhead removal be funded from the Street Utility Forward Thrust Budget; the $15,000 payment from the Railroad to be Undergrounding deposited to that account for reimbursement; recommending that the City's share of $2,000 for the undergrounding and lighting be trans- ferred by Resolution from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2373 (underground wiring) , to Street Forward Thrust; further recommending the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED y,1, BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF T4E COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Rpt. Committee of the Whole report was sumbitted by Council President Delaurenti,which recommended that application be made to the Depart- Senior Citizens ment of Social and Health Services Region #4 Facility Planning Com- Facility mittee for funds for a Senior Citizens Center. Councilman Delaurenti noted Referendum 29 funding had been reviewed at Committee of the Whole meeting 6/5/75. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. A r�? Renton City Council 6/9/75 - Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Policy Re Councilman Grant inquired as to City policy re employees reporting Employee Name their name when information has been requested and given out by phone. Mayor Garrett reported there was no City policy in this regard, that it was discretion of the employee as the Department would be known and also Department Head. Councilman Grant requested the record so indicate. Committee on Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry as to the Citizens Committee for Fire Prevention Fire Protection Master Plan, Councilman Grant noted appointments made with the intent this would be an independent study group of interested citizens and that assistance would be given in establishing Chairman and Vice Chairman; not an ad hoc committee. Community MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF THE COMMUNITY Facilities Plan FACILITY PORTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUN- Review ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR UPDATE REVIEW. Councilman Schellert also noted need to study possible changes to the Arterial Street Facility Plan. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Council authorization for payment of Vouchers No. 4751 through No. 4816 in the amount of $22,510.38 having received departmental certifi- cation as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 4744 through 4750 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Legislation recommending the following resolutions be read and adopted: Committee Rpt. Resolution transferring $4,200 as requested by the Planning Resolution 1990 Department regarding professional services in the Shell Oil court Fund Transfer case, from the Contingency Fund into Planning Department Current Planning Dept. - Fund. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY Shell Oil Case SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1991 Resolution presented transferring $2,000 from Underground wiring Fund Transfer Account to Street Forward Thrust Fund for Houser Way Project, Houser Way utility undergrounding. Following reading, it was MOVED BY Undergrounding DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. Project CARRIED. (See earlier committee report - page 2) Resolution 1992 Resolution was presented declaring July 14, 1975 as public hearing for Public Hearing vacation of a portion of Whitman Court N.E. within Honey Dew Apartment 7/14/75 Re Complex as petitioned by Dura Development, Inc. Following reading, Whitman Court NE it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION Street Vacation AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Session REQUEST OF THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS POLICE CONTRACT. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 9: 17 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previ- ously stated. Police Guild Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole Contract recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute agreement with Renton Police Officers Guild, reporting total cost for 1975 - $59,929; total cost for 1976 - $94,228 and total cost for 1977 - $74,024. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. d 4 Delores A. Mead, Cierk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 6/09/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS fIACN! JF '✓')I N'),#,174.1 — §4i50 CURRENT FOND $60319184 PARK FUND t2f86Ie25 STREET FIND $1#691169 STREET FORWARD THRUST •299975 ..� WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND •278115 AIRPORT FUND •4, 509198 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $6+ 24917] TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $22, 510138 +CEO THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED UEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANP /OR SERVICES HAVE 8LEN RECEIVED OR WENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO ' 4751 THROUGH NO• 4816 IN THE AMOUNT OF $221540938 THIS ) 9TO DAY 975, � COMM w . MEMBER 6 . . w w � COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN j MEMBER + w • w ■ w • CTt pp- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1975 l COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS { AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE I I COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DELAURENTI COMMUNITY SERVICES �Thurs. 6/12 4:30 p.m. CLYMER Third Floor Conference i FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT I LEGISLATION Mon. 6/19 7:00 p.m. CLYMER Sixth Floor PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. 6/10 7:30 p.m. GRANT Sixth Floor i Fire Protection Master Plan j Fire Department Presentation PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI r I TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY �' OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 16 , 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER .. *Claim for Damages - R. D. Wilson Question of Parking Structure COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE H-1 Heavy Industry District Revision Communication re Senior Citizens Center from S. C.Planning Committee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Lincoln Pl . N. E. Smoke Detector Devices - Appropriation Rezone - Talbot Rd - (First reading 6/16/75) Kennydale Interceptor for Resolution Municipal Court Witness Fee Revolving Fund FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Uniform Administrative Benefits and Funding BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation of Portion of Lincoln PI .N. E. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Vacation of Portion of Lincoln PI .N.E. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Supervise Kiwanis Club Banner installation SIGN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Diamond Jubilee Flags as requested by Merchants Association SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS 6/23/75 Public Hearing, 6-Year Street Construction Program 7/7/75 Continued Public Hearing H-1 Heavy Industry Ordinance Revisions 7/7/75 Public Meeting, Annexation, Boeing requested Inner Harbor Line 7/12-13 Kiwanis Air Fair - Renton Airport 7/14/75 Public Hearing Adams Vista Sewer LID 295 45 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 16 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , RICHARD M.STREDICKE, HENRY E.SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, EARL CLYMER, GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director. PRESS Greater Renton News, Mary Wilbert Smith, Editor; Renton Record-Chronicle, IN ATTENDANCE Eric Pryne, News Editor. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 1975 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and H-1 Heavy published according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing Industry to consider proposed amendments to Section 4-714, H-1 Heavy Industry Zoning District, Title IV of the Renton City Code, more specifically Zoning Code Revision, relating to permitted, qualified and prohibited uses in Heavy Industry District, establishing certain findings in conform- ity with the State Environmental Policy Act and to promote the general welfare. Planning Director Ericksen reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation, noting permitted & prohibited uses, Special Permits and incompatible uses. The Planning Director •explained the reasonable standards as set (4-713-B-4) for Petroleum or by-product storage which provided that tiie total hydrocarbon emissions not exceed 33,300 gallons per facility annually and that the spatial density of each facility greater than one acre in size does not exceed 330 gallons of hydrocarbon emissions per acre annually. Discussion ensued. Associate Planner Kruger and Zoning Specialist Feltin of the City's Planning Department assisted with pertinent information, including the matter of measurement of hydrocarbon emissions. Those persons present making inquiries: Mr. Charles Branson, 321 Ever- green Bldg. , Sternco Land Co. Attorney, inquired re Sectton 4-713A1, . Incompatible Uses - "wrecking yards"and also inquired of 4-713A,Permitted Uses, requiring 500' set back from MP District. Mr. Carl Sternoff of Sternoff Metals inquired re changes in the proposed interim zoning ordinance, including set backs. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, Planning Director Ericksen noted the existing operations would not be affected, being non-conforming use, new operation or facility would be required to comply. Mr. Robert Boyd, Asst. Property Manager, Burlington Northern and Glacier Park, commented concerning revisions to H-1 zoning changes, noting set backs required, asking more thought be given to chemical operations which could be compatible; discussing fill required on land holdings. Mr. Thad Alston of Bogle and Gates , Attorney repre- Isenting Olympic Pipe Line Co. , noted attendance at Planning Commission hearings and inquired regarding affect of proposed changes upon future expansion of established business including use of property; and inquired re zoning regulations preceding comprehensive plan. Mr. Issa Kamar, Mgr., Olympic Pipe Line Co. , questioned allowable hydrocarbon emissions and ability to measure. Zoning Specialist Felton outlined procedure where- by industries supply the City with emission information, noting ability to measure hydrocarbons. Mr. Kay Johnson, Renton Chamber of Commerce, asked additional time be granted to study ordinance. Mr. Larry Gibson, 3312 N.E. 11th, spoke regarding standards. Hearing MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC Continued to HEARING ON THE H-1 HEAVY INDUSTRY DISTRICT TO JULY 7, 1975 AND THE 7/7/75 MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:50 p.m. and reconvened at 10:05 p. m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previously stated. Renton City Council 6/16/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Resignation Letter from Mr. Robert E. Cotner conveyed immediate resignation from R. E. Cotner the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission, expressing appreciation for the opportunity of serving on the Commission for the past two years. Inner Harbor Letter from City Clerk Mead reported filing of letter of intent to Line Annexation annex properties to the City by Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. , that Lake Washington letter has been reviewed by the Planning Department and determined Shorelands valid, 100% of assessed valuation represented by signatories. The Boeing Airplane City Clerk's letter recommended July 7, 1975 be set for meeting with Company initiating property owners, at which time the Legislative Body will " need to determine whether to accept the letter of intent; require adoption of the zoning ordinance and assumption of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness, and then authorize circulation of the final Public Meeting petition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN 7/7/75 RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK SETTING DATE OF 7/7/75 FOR PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Vacation of Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition has been filed for Portion of vacation of a portion of Lincoln Place N.E./ S.E. 83rd St. by E.L. Lincoln PI .N.E. Munson (Munson Investment Co. ) and Gwen W. Bodily, has been checked by the Public Works Department and determined valid, signatures thereon representing 100% of the assessed valuation of abutting properties proposed for vacation. The Public Works Department, due to the City's interest in water line right-of-way easement, suggests waiver of the street vacation filing fees normally required. The letter recommended that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee and Board of Public Works for recommendation regarding fees and to the Legisla- tion Committee for Resolution setting hearing date. MOVED BY DELAURENTI SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. Six-Year Street Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested scheduling of Construction Public Hearing June 23, 1975 for the presentation of the annual Program Six-Year Street Construction Program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED Public Hearing BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET DATE OF 6/23/75 6/23/75 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Kiwanis Letter from Kiwanis Club of Renton, Tom Ross , Chairman Sign Committee, Air Fair announced Renton Air Fair scheduled for July 12 and 13 at the Renton 7/12-13/75 Municipal Airport and that funds raised will be used to support Kiwanis youth activities in the Renton area. The letter asked permit be granted for the installation of a banner to advertise the Air Fair and any fees be waived in view of the public service nature of this endeavor. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF KIWANIS CLUB FOR BANNER PERMIT, WAIVING FEES, SUBJECT TO SUPERVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, WITH PROPER HOLD HARM- LESS AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Municipal Court Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested Council concurrence Witness Fee in the establishment of a Municipal Court Witness Fee Revolving Fund Revolving Fund whereby a checking account would be established in the amount of $100 and the Court Clerk would pay witnesses at the time they appear in Court which would reduce labor and material costs in the various Departments with issuing only 10 or 12 warrants rather than 350 - 400. The letter noted the District Courts handle witness fees in this manner as Ifo other cities and recommended referral of the matter to the Legislation Committee for the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLEPT., COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Kennydale Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Kennydale Interceptor Interceptor is a part of the May Creek trunk extension program being accomplished jointly by Water District 107 (sponsoring agent) , Metro and the City, which will be used to sewer the last remaining unsewered portion of Kennydale with 90% State Department of Ecology EPA funding and 10% matching funding provided by the City. The letter recommended creation of an LID by resolution of the City Council to raise the 10% local funding required and that the engineering firm of Moore, Wallace & Kennydale be retained to perform engineering services for the LID as they are presently involved. The letter noted scheduling anticipates call for bids on construction by 1/76 with completion in late 1976. The letter recommended no further building permits be issued utilizing septic tanks, which would constitute a moratorium on issuance of building permits until the sewers would be constructed, Renton City Council c D-REFER TO 6/16/75 - Page 3 �_a ` 7,5— CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS F-s QF Kennydale The letter recommended, upon Council approval , referral to the Interceptor Legislation Committee for resolution establishing date of public Continued hearing, November 24 being suggested with several community meetings prior to the formal hearing date. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY Building DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION TO INITIATE KENNYDALE Moratorium & INTERCEPTOR LID BY RESOLUTION, PLACE MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS Create LID WITH SEPTIC TANKS, RETAIN ENGINEERING FIRM OF MOORE, WALLACE & KENNEDY AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION.0 A9'9/4/) Claim for Claim for Damages in amount of $29.27 was filed with the City Clerk Damages by Doravin and Robert D. Wilson, 17818 98th Ave. S. , for damage to R.D. Wilson hot water tank allegedly due to water being shut off without notifica- tion. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Senior Citizen Letter from Renton Senior Citizen Planning Committee, Mr. Leland Pumel , Center Chairman, submitted input concerning location of a Senior Citizens center in the event funds are received through Referendum 29 or through the Housing and Community Development proposal which the City submitted to HUD. The plansincluded a senior citizen social/recreational facility incorporated in a federally subsidized 100-unit housing complex to be operated by the Renton Housing Authority, and located in the downtown area, which was endorsed by the Renton Senior Citizen Planning Committee. The letter urged careful consideration of a loca- tion for the center, suggesting a site near the downtown business dis- trict with direct Metro Transit access and noted that accessibility to shopping, medical services and transportation are most important considerations. The letter noted if the Renton Housing Authority will be operating a subsidized housing facility in downtown Renton, a senior citizen center should be incorporated in that facility or be located within walking distance. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke whether multi-service center or senior citizens center was intent of Referendum 29 application, Mayor Garrett noted the entire subject was referred to the Community Services Committee at the Committee of the Whole meeting on this subject, that an application had been submitted. Council President Delaurenti reported application submitted in order to establish eligibility in the event funds are available and does not specify type of building. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Diamond Jubilee Letter from Renton Downtown Merchants Association, Toni Nelson, Chair- Flags person for the Bicentennial , requested permission to display Renton Diamond Jubilee flags on buildings throughout the Central Business District area during the Bicentennial celebration year. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE SIGN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Surplus City Clerk Mead reported June 13, Bid Opening for Surplus House and Property Lot at 1511 Lake Ave. S. , with four bids received as shown on the 1511 Lake Ave. attached tabulation. Letter from Purchasing Agent Church reported bids South and concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works Director to accept the high bid of Mr. M.H. Fakharfadeh in the amount of $4,565.50. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant as to restriction for park purposes which had been placed on this property when donated to the City by Mr. and Mrs. Max Farr, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the restric- tions had been removed and easements have been retained by the City hich includesl5 ft. for trail . Upon inquiry by Councilman Delaurenti , ssurance was given that all bidders were informed of the below stan- r� and condition of the house and the necessary repairs . MOVED BY uJ `6TREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. y CARRIED. L AUDIENCE -Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , asked that if a Senior Citizen COMMENT Center is planned for Renton, that ample room be given for various needs and interests, preferring not to be in conjunction with other agencies , etc. OLD BUSINESS --MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF BENEFITS GIVEN TO POLICE ANC Police & Fire FIRE PERSONNEL ALSO BEING GIVEN TO THE POLICE AND FIRE ADMINISTRATIVE Officer OFFICERS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY'S RESOLUTION,AND FUNDINGIBE REFERRED Benefits TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. a Renton City Council 6/16/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Fire Prevention Councilman Grant announced Mr. Ray Peretti has been elected Chairman Committee of the Citizens for Fire Prevention Committee, also noting new members Fran Finch and Janice Field. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report Personnel recommending appropriation of $3,175 from Library Fund Excess Cash Committee Rpt. to Library Operatin Budget for smoke detector devices (5) at the Smoke Detector Main Library and (4? smoke detector devices at the Branch Library. Devices for MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- Library TION FOR FUND APPROPRIATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL SET DATE OF Meeting Change JULY 10, 1975 AS DATE OF JULY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. CARRIED. Fireworks Stand MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE EIGHT APPLI- Approval CATIONS FOR FIREWORKS STANDS. Being Co-chairman of of a soonsorina organization, Councilman Perry left the Council Chambers and took no part in this matter. MOTION CARRIED. Parking MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER TO THE CITY Structure ATTORNEY THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT THE CITY CAN FINANCE AND QPERATE A PARKING STRUCTURE. Councilman Stredicke suggested rental space as well as parking. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL APPROVE THE FOLLOW- APPROVAL ING VOUCHERS AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT: Vouchers 4827 through 4958 in the amount of $89,604.26, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. (Vouchers #4817-4826 machine voided during processing. ) AUTHORIZATION INCLUDES: LID #286 Cash Warrant #C=7 in amount of $13,858.11 .and Revenue Warrant #R-5 in amount of $13,858.11 . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented Legislation Committee First Reading report recommending first reading and referral back to committee of Underwood an ordinance rezoning property located at 1706 Talbot Road from GS-1 Rezone to SR-1 . City Clerk Mead read the ordinance rezoning 1 . 1 acre owned Talbot Road by Don B. Underwood. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Resolution 1993 a resolution declaring intent to construct and install sanitary sewers Adams Vista in Adams Vista area (located on Union Ave. N.E. north of the City Sewer LID 295 limits) and to create L. I .D. No. 295 with Public Hearing July 14, 1975. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meet- ing adjourned at 11 :12 p.m. elores A. Mead, City Clerk X60 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 6/16/75 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID NC. 4817 - #4826 CURRENT FUND PARI! FUNO $100966#66 STREET FUND •90663106 LIBRARY FUND •80199;80 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 10IN ) $678#90 CAREERS •225947 CETA FUND t207005 STREET FORWARD THRUST •165116 URBAN ARTERIAE FUNO $179:49 WATERWORKS UTII.ITIY FUND AIRPORT FUND $603156 EQUIPMENT RENTAL sloSlO 882 FIREMEN PENSION s10871161 TOT4L OF ALL. WARRANTS SM60026 WE# THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* 00 HERESY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU@ 4827 THROUGH N©t 4958 IN THE AMOUNT OF •89# 604926 THIS A6TM DAY CF' J 'NE 1975 (' COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN %"*"w w w MEMBER w L. I .D.# 286 MEMBER w • • +* s • . w REVENUE WARRANT #R-5 $13,858. 11 CASH WARRANT #C-7 $13,858. 11 6-16-75 BID TABULATION SHEET LT HOUSE AND LOT AT 1511 LAKE AVENUE SOUTH, RENTON, WA. t" R® "J EC • DOVISI7, BL#LOCK 7 C. D. HILLMAN'S EARLINGTON GARDENS, ON DAT F— BID OPENING - JUNE 13, 1975 �IDDEF� 81D M. H. FAKHARFADEH 1313 South 9th Street Renton, Wa $ 4,565.50 DANIEL E. & LYNDA L. ANDERSON 1309 Whitworth Avenue South Renton, Wa $ 4,000.00 D. L. HAJNY 1416 North 30th Renton, Wa $ 3,100.00 ALDO ZERBATO 314 Whitworth Avenue South Renton, Wa $ 3,000.00 C13'Y COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR to O,-i lce of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 16 , 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 7/1C 8 P . M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES CLYMER FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. 6/23 4 : 30 SCHELLERT 6th Floor Police & Fire Officer Salaries LEGISLATION Mon. 6/23 7 : 00 P . M. CLYMER 6th Floor PUBLIC SAFETY Mon 6/23 7 : 00 P . M. GRANT 6th Floor Card licensing - Eagles & Elks invite Police Chief and City Clerk invited PUBLIC WORKS Fri . 6/20 4 : 30 P . M. BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY 1 OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS I i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 16, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 34129 500 Renton Sch Dist 403 435 Main Ave So Inst folding gates 4130 32,000 Hillis Homes , Inc 823 So 28th Court Const single family res 4131 34,900 Hillis Homes , Inc 811 So 28th Court Const single family res 4132 12,000 City of Renton 101 Houser Way No Const Chlorination Bldg 4133 12,000 City of Renton 108 Houser Way No Const Chlorination Bldg 4134 12,000 City of Renton 3410 NE 12th St Const Chlorination Bldg 4135 47,000 Hillis Homes 2801 Morris So Const Single Family 4136 45,500 Hillis Homes 2813 Morris So Const Single Family Res 4137 6,500 Dura Dev 4455 Sunset Blvd NE Const Swimming Pool 41.38 5,000 Melvin J. Serpa 1073 Redmond Ave NE Add to Res 4139 69,500 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 North 4th St Const metal Hyd Press Bldg 4140 51000 Melvin A Mellott 2704 SE 16th St Const add to sg fam res 41.41 2,000 Dean Bitney & Ch Grouws 1120 SW 16th St Interior framing in whse 4142 690 Emnon H. Beil 911-915 No 3rd St Re-roof duplex 4143 33,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4112 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4144 31,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4208 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4145 29,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4124 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4146 30,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4218 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4147 30,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4118 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4148 28,000 McGrath Dev Corp 4202 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4149 200 T. Weffer 1502 Beacon Way So Enclosing carport to garage 4150 1,500 Merlin Winch 808 Camas Ave NE Remodel res 41.51 Barry Palmer 5105 Ripley Lane No Demolish res & clear lot 4152 1,500 Lawrence J. Maish 1212 No 33rd St 4153 500 Douglas Farnan 518 Burnett Ave So Repair fire dam to garage 4154 432 Milwaukee Road 607 Stevens Ave SW Demolish res 4155 1,500 H. A. Jorgensen 757-759 Camas NE Home repairs 4156 800 Francisco P. Lim 1200 North 34th St Attach deck to 2nd story 4157 6,250 George McKay 904 Kirkland Ave NE Const swimming pool P-158 8,033 Lloyd Hoshide 833 Kirkland Ave NE Const addition to res 4159 May Perich 224 Rainier Ave So Demolish Tavern - cl debris 1160 5,000 Robert Hinsley 3522 NE 6th St Const addition to res 4161 150,000 Pan Abode, Inc 4350 Lk Wash Blvd Erect rigid frame whse bldg MECHANICAL PERMIT M4315 7,200 Highlands Comm Church 3031 NE 10th St Instl BTU gas fired boiler 4316 11800 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 2515 Talbot Crest Dr So Instl plumbing & fixe 4317 11500 Q & M Enterpris?s, Inc 1606 Lake Youngs Way SE Instl plumbing & fix. 4318 1,500 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 2803 SE 16th St Instl plumbing & fixtures 4319 850 Cliff McGerry 1225 No 33rd St Instl elec furnace 4320 2,000 Hillis Homes, Inc 2801 Morris Ave So Instl plumbing & fixtures 4321 2,000 Hillis Homes , Inc 2813 Morris Ave So Instl plumbing & fixtures 4322 500 Elem J. Martinson 2400 NE 37th St Instl plumbing & fixtures 4323 600 Group Health Cooperative 275 Bronson Way NE Instl plumbing & fixtures 4324 1,604 Hebb & Narodick Cons Co 1012 So 30th Ct Instl plumbing & fixtures 4325 350 Merlin Winch 808 Camas Ave NE Instl plumbing & fixtures 4326 400 Melvin Mellott 2704 SE 16th St Instl fixtures 4327 1,000 Dura Dev Co 4455 Sunset Blvd NE Instl water pipe & gas htr 4328 260 Lawrence J. Msish 1212 No 33rd St 432: 199 J. H. Cole 1073 Harrington Ave NE Instl plbg for kidney mac .� 4330 11900 Steven P. Sampson 1310 No 3th St Instl plbg & fixtures 4331 11000 George McKay 904 Kirkland Ave NE Instl gas htr for pool 4332 43,200 Andy's Diner 2408 W Valley Hwy Instl backflow prev. , gas piping, drain & plbg 4333 700 Codiga 1726 NE 24th Instl plbg fix. L!_E`:vRICAL PERS"'. 2'5120 9,000 Highlands Comm Church 3031 NE 10th St Wire addition 5121 250 James L. Delgianni 1106 Olympia Ave NE Wire addition 5122 50 C & R Construction 505 Rainier Ave No Inst temporary service 5123 4,000 J. H. Baxter Co 5015 Lk Wash Blvd N Instl float switch cont. 5124 800 Washington Excelsior 1555 North 4th St Wire, motors 5125 500 Elem. J. Martinson 2400 NE 27th St Instl service & wiring 5126 950 Cliff McGerry 1225 No 33rd St Wire new fam res ELECTRICAL PERMIT Page 2 NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E5127 13,000 Pac Car 1400 North 4th St Dismantle elec fur Wire new st melting fur 5128 1,800 Joseph T. Ryerson & son 606 SW 10th St Instl burglar alarm 5129 250 Melvin Mellott 2704 SE 16th St Move meter & wire add. 5130 995 Fitts & Nelson 1902 Abrerdeen Ave SE Wire fam res 5131 5,581 Group Health Co Op 275 Bronson Way NE Wire new storage room & Dispensary 5132 400 Merlin Winch 808 Camas Ave NE Instl new ser & circuits 5133 8,000 G & B Investors 1120 SW 16th St Wire bal of whse add. 5134 500 Dr. Hurley 1301 Edmonds Ave NE Instl meters & amp pan. SIGN PERMIT SO41.6 500 N. K. Dewey 3650 W. Valley Rd Instl wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMIT P0103 H. H. Thiebeau 3124 NE Sunset Blvd Instl storm sewgr 0104 City of Renton Cedar River Park - Well Break & repair 0105 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 1652 Kirkland Ct 8E Install side sewer 01.06 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 1651 Kirkland Ct SE Install side sewer 0107 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 1606 Lake Youngs Way SE Install side sewer 0108 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 2528 Talbot Crest Dr So Install side sewer 0109 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 2414 Talbot Crest Dr So Install side sewer 0110 Q & M Enterprises, Inc 1650 Lake Youngs Way SE Install side sewer 0111 Jon Robison 3815 Lk Wash Blvd N Install side sewer 0112 Jon Bergman 2813 Meadow N Install side sewer 01.13 Eldon Lusher 1425 North 36th St Install side sewer 0114 George A. Sidebotham 1404 N orth 30th St Connect sanitary sewer 0115 Gerald J. Paulus 1010 North 29th St Connect sanitary sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 23 , 1975 R E F E R R A L Office of City Clerk S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Mrs. J. Grassi COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Management Employees Salaries & Benefits Fire Station Manning (Firefighters Local #864 Officers & Fire Civil Service to be Victoria Park Home Owners Assoc request re SR-515 invited) WMW BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Street Vacation-- Lake View Blvd. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Michael L. Cramer letter re Talbot Park FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Pay differential among officers in uniform departments - for report to '76 Budget Com. Appointment to Planning Commission of Mrs. Joan Walker LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Social Cardroom Exemptions Powell SW Street Vacation and Lake View Blvd. Street Vacation Law and Justice Planning W. S. Pope Rezone MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Aut orized to execute joint agreement for consulting services West Hill Reservoir Authorized to execute HUD Water & Sewer Amendatory Contract PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT_ Lake View Blvd. Street Vacation PUBLIC HEARING July 14, 1975 Street Vacation Lake View Blvd. 466 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 23 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAUP.ENTI, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH COUNCIL D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN HENRY E.SCHELLERT, AND EARL CLYMER. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Now IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; GENE COULON, Park and Recreation Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , JIM MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; DAVE HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer. 'RESS Mrs. Mary Wilbert Smith, Editor, Greater Renton News; Mr. Eric Pryne, IN ATTENDANCE News Editor, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested addition of CARRIED to first motion Page 3 and noted for clarification of last paragraph Page 3, the entire matter of benefits for uniformed Administrative personnel and the funding, was referred to Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AMEND MINUTES AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 6/23/75 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Adams Vista posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Meeting to Proposed consider the Annexation to Renton of properties in the area of Adams Annexation Vista, in the vicinity of Union Ave. S.E. (132nd Ave. S.E. ) and North of N.E. 24th St. (S.E. 101st St. ) , being 5 acre subdivision easterly of Glenco and Sierra Heights Elementary School . Asst. Planning Director ... Magstadt used area maps to explain area. Calvin and Vera Doss, 9925 134th S.E. , representing owners of property, indicated willingness to accept the City' s pre-existing bonded indebtness , Comprehensive Plan and zoning. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ACCEPT TTL LETTER ui INTENT 1'0 ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF PETITION WITH ACCEPTANCE OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Six-Year Street posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to Construction consider the City's Six-Year Construction Program, 1976-1981 . Public Program Works Director Gonnason noted the changes and proposed program as shown on the 7-page attachment. Traffic Engineer Hamlin used Arterial Street Map and Six-Year Street Program Map to designate each improvement. Mrs. Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells N. , inquired of improvements to Wells Ave. bridge and Garden Ave. N. , being advised of high priority on bridge and hope to obtain funding and that portion of Garden to be improved is with- out curbs and qutter. Following discussion of naming of Strander Blvd. , extending from Tukwilla, and various other improvements , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. M.C' iL, Lit' STREUICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE THE SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM.* Councilman Grant inquired re SR 515 and was advised that scheduling is indefinite due to failure of additional revenue, that it may be 1978. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Highlands Lions Letter from Park and Recreation Director Coulon presented Park Board Park Deed recommendation for acceptance of Quit Claim Deed from the Renton High- lands Lions Club, formerly known as the Kennydale Lions Club, to a parcel of property north of the existing Kennydale Lions Park. The Dir- ector's letter noted the City has been negotiating for some time for the deed to the 1/2 acre. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ACCEPT PROPERTY QUICT CLAIM DEED AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Metro Bus Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported granting Shelters Metro a permit for use of excess public right-of-way to locate four bus passenger shelters at Bronson Way NE & Vuemont Place NE, Mill Ave. S. & S.2nd St. , Kirkland Ave. NE & NE Sunset Blvd. and NE 7th St.& Edmonds Ave NE. The letter reported Metro's request for a waiver of the annual fee for use of public right-of-way, being a non-revenue producing service to the private citizens. The Board's letter concurred in the request and recommended fee be waived. The letter noted Mr. Joe Fernandez, consul- tant coordinator for Metro would be present with shelter model and further information. Mr. Fernandez presented display model and reported two roof styles, flat or hipped; that buildings have 6'X9' roof size and hold 10 people, steel tube frame and plastic sides, cost $2,700 installed on the site and lighting will not be installed as the Renton locations are suf- ficiently lighted; also noting Metro will provide and maintain receptacle; that Renton's shelters would cost $2,200 to $2,300 each. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND WAIVE FEE FOR METRO SHELTERS. CARRIED. Hazen Area Letter from City Clerk Mead noted receipt of Boundary Review Board Annexation waiver of review and approval of the Hazen area annexation, recommending referral to the Legislation Committee for the annexation ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE CITY CLERK AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. Councilman Stredicke noted the Boundary Review Board reservation of County island created by this annexation, however the Board recognized the community needs in regard to Hazen High School and authorized the Hazen Annexation. Stredicke noted objection to inclusion of the total area thereby creating a County island. MOTION CARRIED. Law and Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted Law and Justice projects to be Justice included in the 1976 King County Law and Justice Plan pursuant to the Projects and City' s interlocal planning agreement, projects having been approved by Planning King County Planning Advisory Committee and the King County Council . The letter also attached the County's overall goals and subgoals. Renton's ._.. projects were listed as Police Department crisis intervention training and Police Department record keeping (mechanical file and data station i .e. mini-computer); also Juvenile crime reduction program which will involve greater police use of community based juvenile programs, such as RAYS, and will limit the need for referring as many youth to Juvenile Court. The letter listed the total estimated allocation for Renton's projects as $39,573, with the 5% City matching funds as $2,199. The letter also noted the Public Defender project will not be operated by Bellevue this year and suggested the City may wish to consider a direct contract with the Department of Public Defense and a $2,000 direct budget allocation in the absence of LEAA funds for this program. The City has allotted $2,000 annually to the Bellevue administered project ($1 ,800 LEAA funds; $200 City match) . Law and The Mayor' s fetter listed King County Goals: 1 . Reduce Burglary; Justice 2. Increase the fairness of the King County Criminal Justice System; (Continued) 3. Increase efficiency of the King County Criminal Justice System. The letter requested approval of the City's projects and the County's goals and subgoals, asking authorization to enter into a contract with the State Law and Justice Office for these projects; also noting require- ment for resolution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED By GRANT, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE REQUESTS FOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY'S PROJECTS AND COUNTY GOALS AND AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH STATE, REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. Upon inquiry by Councilmanrant, Police ief Darby reported the files and mini-computer would be new equipment& that new computer would be available 24 hours per day rather Rape Line than only 9 hours. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke asked for Sponsorship additional information re LEAA operation. Mrs. Versie Vaupel representing Asked Renton Rape Line, noted need for additional funding and asked considera- tion for CETA funding or Law ,and Justice Planning funding. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 100% ownership of abutting Lake View Blvd. properties petitioning street vacation of Lake View Boulevard, the City Council having requested additional signature of fee title owner on May 26, when petition originally filed by Mr. Robert B.Martindale. The letter recommended referral to the Le islation Committee for resolution setting date of July 14, for public earing ana to tge—J&lic Department and Board-of-Public Works for recommendation concerning Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 3 CO?RESPONDENCE - Continued Street Vacation retention of any necessary utility easements and as to the appraisal Continued and compensation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CLERK. CARRIED. Mrs. J. Grassi Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Josephine B. Grassi , 422 Cedar Ave. S. , claim for claimed damages in amount of $7,000 as minimum estimated amount for Damages removal of debris from property located at northwest corner of Grady and Williams Ave. S. The claim alleged unauthorized deposit of pieces of sidewalk and concrete curbing from city-owned streets and roadways resulting in trespass and nuisance from 7/72 to present time. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTOR- old NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission W.Stewart Pope recommendation for approval of rezone in view of restrictive covenants , R-816-75 from G-9600 to P-1 as requested by W. Stewart Pope for 8.28 acres located at 3713 Talbot Rd. S. , being in agreement with Comprehensive Land Use Plan as per Amending Ordinance 2891 . The letter noted meetings were held with the Commission, adjacent property owners and developers being in agreement with resultant covenants. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt used map to explain location and proximity to the Valley General Hospital , noting covenant's executed and filed with the City Clerk. Coun- cilman Grant commended Commission and owner for foresight of covenants preserving natural vegetation and landscaping of area. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, CITY ACCEPT COVENANTS AS FILED. CARRIED. Management Letter from City Management Employees Committee requested the subject Employees of 1975-76 salaries and fringe benefits for management employees be Salaries & referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion with management Benefits representatives at the July 10, meeting. The letter noted that on 11/7/74 representatives of the management employees had met with the Committee of the Whole to discuss salaries and fringe benefits, the subject being referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee as had requests of the bargaining units of the City, and that the Council has completed negotiations with 21R, Firefighters Local and Police Guild. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Manning of Letter from Mayor Garrett reported concerning manning of the fire sta- Fire Stations - tions, the contract with Firefighters Local 864 providing for a minimum CETA Positions manning of 12 firefighters for each assigned shift. The letter noted the 1975 budget adopted by the Council contains five additional fire- fighter positions to be funded under Title II of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA) , that the Fire Civil Service Commission has conducted an examination and provided an eligibility list with two qualified CETA positions of those first five eligible. The Civil Service Commission determined that no special exceptions will be made to the rule that certifications are made from the list in the order of applicant score. The letter reported that in order to meet minimum manning requirement the City is hiring firefighters on an over- time basis at an expenditure of $4,200 per month, which would amount to $27,300 for 1975. The letter recommended preferable alternate that certification be made of the first five firefighters on the eligibility list (two of which would be CETA employees paid by the federal govern- ment) at an expenditure of $22,131 for the remainder of 1975. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF MANNING FIRE STATIONS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THAT FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL #864 OFFICERS BE INVITED AS WELL AS FIRE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEMBERS. CARRIED. John LaManna - Letter from Mr. and Mrs. John LaManna, 2733 N.E. 27th, requested permis- Trailer Request sion to place a permanent, stationary double-wide mobile home without wheels on their property within the City limits , which is State and Federally approved, and be connected to septic tank, water and electri- city. The letter notes being advised the City prohibits mobile homes other than in a licensed trailer park. The letter also noted problems involved when their home burned in January and request was made to live on the property in a travel trailer in order to protect property from Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued LaManna Request break in and pilfering; being advised only one person, not the family for use of could reside at the site in travel trailer. The letter complained of Trailer in lack of protection of property and lack of follow through on information Residential given concerning offenders. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Bruce, this District matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee to consider policing (Continued) problem and with the Community Services Committee to review City and County ordinances to determine whether changes necessary. Public Works Director Gonnason noted review of the matter. Upon inquiry, City Attor- ney Shellan advised the City' s ordinance prohibits use of trailer as living quarters in single family residential district but noted allow- ance could be made for emergency. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT SPECIAL PERMIT BE ISSUED,NOT TO EXCEED SIX MONTHS, ALLOWING THE LA MANNA Ff?MILY TO RESIDE IN TRAILER IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT IN ORDER TO PROTECT THEIR PROPERTY WHICH WAS DAMAGED BY FIRE. Councilman Delaurenti noted the family is seeking permanent installation of mobile home in residential district. MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council Recessed at 9:22 and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Roll Call : Councilmen present as previously shown. Diamond Jubilee Letter from the Sign Design Committee, Acting Chairman Hanson, reported Flag Display review of proposal to display Diamond Jubilee Flags through the downtown for CBD business area and agreed with appropriateness of display during the cele- bration year. Noting that flags may project over the public right-of- way and noting that care should be taken in their placement, the Com- mittee made the following recommendations: That the City Council allow the flags to be displayed from private property; that the flags be equal in height and spacing along the street; that the flags be located so as not to interfere with traffic control devices or affect public safety. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPLAY OF DIAMOND JUBILEE FLAGS IN CBD. It was noted installation was under the direction of the Public Works Director. MOTION CARRIED. L. I. D. 286 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted for approval Final Kennydale Area Assessment Roll for L.I .D. No. 286 in the total amount of $217,058.12. Sanitary Sewer The letter noted three additional properties were added to the roll under the Kennydale Elementary Latecomers Agreement, as the property fell within the boundary of the LID as set by Ordinance 2868, which total $2,832.77. The addition of the Latecomers Agreement brings the total roll to $219,890.89. Date of Public Hearing for the Final Roll having been set on 6/9 for 7/21/75, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ACCEPT REVISION TO THE LID ROLL. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Mrs. Pat Seymour requested opportunity for the Victoria Park Home Owners COMMENT Association to furnish input regarding SR-515, though 6-Year Street Plan Hearing closed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER CONCERNING SR-515 TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared Friday July 4, 1975 as Honor Honor America America Day and called upon all citizens to recognize this special Day 7/4/75 day with appropriate programs. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Arts & Crafts Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared July 14 through July 20, 1975 Week as Arts and Crafts Week, and encouraged all citizens to participate. 7/14-20/75 MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Mrs. Joan A. Walker, Mrs. J. Walker 1433 Monterey Ave. N. E. , to the Planning Commission replacing Jerry Planning Slough, recently resigned; term to expire 1/1/77. The letter noted Commission Mrs. Walker has been recommended by the League of Women Voters and has served on the Santa Barbara County, California,Planning Commission Advisory Committee and on the City Planning Committee of Anchorage, Alaska. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City, Council 6/23/75 - Page 5 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Permanent Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment of Ronald Appointment Pillo to the position of Firefighter in the Renton Fire Department R. Pillo effective July 1 , 1975, probationary period having been successfully Firefighter completed that date. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, 000N- CIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS �� 'ransportation Transportation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry, noted -Committee Rpt. review of Public Works Department report regarding vacation of Powell Ave. S.W. , that no additional right-of-way is needed in connection with Powell SW the P-1 channel as Mr. Bitney's property is situated easterly of the Street channel rights-of-way. The reported noted 1/2 appraised value of area Vacation to be vacated has been determined in the amount of $4,436.25. The Transportation Committee recommended that Council concur in the Public Works Director' s report and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Rpt. regarding the Public Works Director's recommendations of proposed joint West Hill water reservoir study program for the West Hill area in conjunction with Reservoir Water Districts 14, 63, 69, 77 and 88, noting Phase 1 study to cost Agreement $7,500 being performed by consulting engineering firm of Harstad & Associates, Inc. The report listed benefits to the City as economy by providing one large reservoir in the West Hill area with cost borne by the joint users; Referendum 27 grant of 40% is almost assured if a joint project is undertaken. The report recommended that the amount of $2,500 be approved as the City' s share in connection with the Phase I study and that the mor and the _City Clerk be authorized to execute the joint agreement of r consulting services along with the participating water districts. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Lramer Letter MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER LETTER OF MICHAEL Talbot Park Use L. CRAMER, 2826 MORRIS S. , TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH HIM REGARDING USE OF THE PARK. CARRIED. Senior Citizen Councilman Stredicke noted the Renton Soroptomist Club ho:ated a Senior Program by Citizen program at the Renton High School which was very successful . Soroptomists MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT SEND LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED SUNDAY. CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Member Grant submitted committee report Personnel recommending the rescinding of Resolution 1828 and recommending that Committee Rpt. higher ranking officers of the two uniformed departments be granted an 11% increase in salaries effective 7/1/15 to be funded from excess Uniform Officer revenue anticipated in the Current Fund. The committee further recom- Salary Increase mended that the subject of pay differential among officers in uniform departments be referred to the Finance Committee for report to the 1976 Resolution 1828 Budget Committee. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR Rescinded IN FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant explained Resolution 1828 adopted 12/72 establishing wage differentials for police and fire department officers not covered by collective bargaining agree- ments; explaining the committee wants to study parity between ranks, also noting the salary increase based upon the resolution. Following further discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report recom- Committee Rpt. mending the exclusion of fraternal , charitable, non-profit organizations from the cardroom fee and recommended referral to the Legislation Committee Ca rd room for proper ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR Exemption IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant noted letter from Renton Eagles and Elks requesting exemption from $500 City license fee, as no revenue derived as with commercial cardrooms; state licensing required. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. AWC Convention Mayor Garrett reported attendance at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Richland during the previous week along with Councilmen Delaurenti and Clymer and Schellert, noting favorable comments re City's photo display of the Central Business District redevelopment project and City's accomplishments. Councilman Perry complimented the Council 's Legis- lative Aide for fine work done on the City Report, also including the Staff. Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 6 NEW BUSINESS Noise Councilman Stredicke asked Administration check loose bricks on Wells Standards Ave. S. and asked for report back to Council regarding the new noise standards, how the City plans to measure and equipment available. Traffic Light Councilman Bruce reported many calls received claiming .confusion with Houser Way traffic light at Houser Way and asked it be investigated. VOUCHER Finance and Personnel Committee Member Grant requested Council approval APPROVAL of Vouchers 4966 through 5123 in the amount of $132,041 .40, having received Departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, and LID No. 292 Revenue Fund Warrant No. R-2 in amount of $9,602.96 and Cash Fund Warrant No. C-2 in amount of $9,602.96. Vouchers No. 4959 through 4965 were machine voided during processing and No. 5084 in amount of $445.82 was voided. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Ordinance #2940 Legislation Committee Member Perry recommended second and final readings Rezone for an ordinance rezoning the Underwood property 1706 Talbot Rd. from Underwood GS-1 to SR-1 , first reading of the ordinance was 6/16/75. Following Talbot Road readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2941 Legislation Committee Member Perry presented street vacation ordinance Street Vacct on for portion of Powell Ave. S.W. and a portion of S.W. 15th Street which Portions of had been approved earlier under Old Business. Following first reading Powell Ave. SW of the ordinance vacating street portions as requested by Mr. D. Bitney SW 15th Street it was moved by Delaurenti , Seconded by Bruce, Council refer ordinance back to the Legislation Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. City Clerk Mead read ordinance vacation portions of Powell Ave. S.W. and S.W. 15th St. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Clerk Mead confirmed that publication would be withheld pending receipt of fees. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2942 Legislation Committee recommendation reported for first, second and Municipal Court final readings of an ordinance creating and establishing a Municipal Revolving Fund Court Witness Fee Revolving Fund, as requested by the Finance Director. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance providing means of disbursing witness fees at the time witness appears in the City's Municipal Court. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2943 Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings for Appropriation an ordinance appropriating funds in amount of $3,175 from Library Fund Library Excess Cash to Library Operating Budget for smoke detectors. Following Smoke Detectors reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND Main & Branch RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1994 Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Water & Sewer approving and providing for the execution of an amendatory contract for Amendatory water and/or sewer facilities by and between the City and United States of Contract - HUD America, Project WS-WASH-129. City Clerk Mead read the resolution which authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk to Amendatory Contract No. H-992-561-14 Amendment No. 1 , authorizing funds in accordance with agreement. AJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk A.72 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 6/83/74 FUND T®TAL WARRANT$ MACHINE VOID; NO.# 4959 — # 4965 19, 130.6$ CURRENT FUND x/01 D X10.#50840 $445.82 M PARK FUND 65® $36#34 ARTERIAL STREET FUND *J60100 ..r STREET FUND 619#413#67 LIBRARY FUNQ p37018 STREET FORWARD THRUSt *9003 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 6193i0I WATERWORKS VTIL.ITIV FUND 6770986048 AIRPORT FUND •727031 EQUIPMENT RENTAL, 610400178 FIREMEN PEN81ON 670376864 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS = 68a-- $132,041 .40 WEo THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVINQ RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TMA? pq .r MERCHANDISE AND/UR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED] DO HEREry APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NUI 4966 THROUGH NQt 5123 IN THE AMOUNT $ 132 041 .40 OF *t-& @ THIS 23RD DAY OF IJNE 1979E .. �. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN lw�r • w • • r r r r MEMBER M "�I r r a wrw w w w r ■ MEMBER r w . ■ ■ ,� • • L. I .D.# 292 Revenue Fund Warrant No.# R-2 $90602.96 Cash Fund Warrant No.# C-2 $90602.96 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 23 , 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE 6/24 7 : 00 p .m. STREDICKE 4th Floor Conf . 8 : 00 P . M. " Council Chambers Airport Development with consultants COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 7/ 10 8 : 00 P. M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES CLYMER FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. 7/7 7 : 00 p . m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conf . PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE PERRY OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS Fire Prevention comm. 6/24 7 : 30 p. m. 6th Floor Conf . Councilman Perry invited C a o sTR op rv. (l1)) copy: Distr.ct Engineer, Deptr� . or ,;n-ays SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (1) Copy. UAB with 009,nal UAB-1 Form "Exhibit A" Page 1 of 7 1976 - 1981 (COUNTY) HEARING DATE 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH NO OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF WORK IN -�--- ROAD OR STREET N0. C S A A MILES 1976 � 1 9 7 7 19711 1979- 81 TOTAL T S N L I STATE ADMINISTERED PROJECT 1. SR 515 Relocation, Puget 5201 M X Construct roadway with curb, 3.0 No estimate availabl Drive to South 196th drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 2. SR 515 Extension, Grady 5351 M X Construct/reconstruct roadway 0.6 No estima e availabl Way South to South 2nd with curb, drainage, sidewalk, Street illumination, landscaping. 3. SR 515 Extension., South 2411 M X Construct/reconstruct roadway 1.5 No estima e availabl 2nd to North 6th Street - with curb, drainage, sidewalk, North 6th to Park Ave. illumination, landscaping. North - Park Ave. North to North Park Drive 4. FAI 405 2541 M X Widening, revision of on and off 6.7 No estimate availabl ramps and elimination of "S" curve. MAJOR ARTERIALS ? . SW 43rd Street, East 4102 M X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1 .2 356,000 713,000 2,889,000 3,958,000 Valley Road to West drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Valley Road (Joint Pro- railroad crossing structure. ject with City of Kent) ) DISTRIBUTION:copy: $IX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (1) TION: Otstrct EnginNr, O nways 1 ;1) Copy: UAR «itn Onq.nal V�m . ' ��� 1976 - 1981 "Exhibit A' Page 2 of 7 (COUNTY) HEARING DATE 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington ROAD i F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH _ ,No OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF 'NORK IN � ROAD OR STREET NO )� S N L ! MILES 1976 19 7 7 ; 197 8 1 9 7?- 81 TOTAL I 2. Sunset Blvd. North, 2104 M ; X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.5 588,600 i t 5£8,600 Bronson Way North to drainage, sidewalk, illumination,I FAI 405 landscaping. 3. Longacres Pkwy. SW, SW 4201 M X Construct new roadway with full ! 1.7 f 43rd Street to SW 16th improvements I Street (Phase I) 4. Longacres Pkwy. SW, SW 4201 M X Construct new roadway with full 1.0 Grady Way to South 140th improvements Street (Phase II) 5. Longacres Pkwy. SW, SW 4201 M X Construct new roadway with full 1 0.1 i I 16th Street to SW Grady improvements i Way (Phase III) !I 6. Longacres Pkwy. SW, 4201 M X Construct new roadway with full 0.6 South 140th Street to improvements SW Sunset Blvd. (Phase iI IV) SECONDARY ARTERIALS I I 1. SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. 4202 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.2 635,500 2,967,500 3,603,000 SW to West City Limits drainage, sidewalk, illumination, new bridge, landscaping 2. South 7th Street, 4802 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.5 192,000 192,000 Rainier Ave. South to drainage, sidewalk, illumination, South Grady Way landscaping r� o SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ji)ccoo Y: tliStr.tt Enginalar. O•Di. of Nighwayt 41) cogy: SiA9 with Original UA8-1 Form 9 7 6 ' 1 9 8 1 "Exhibit A" Page 3 of 7 (COUNTY) TEARING DATE 6 25175 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington 11 .� 9 F ROAD F C U R i ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH TYPE OF WORK NO. ROAD ORFSTREET STREET C S A A 1 MALES ' 3 TOTAL T s N L I 1976 ( 1977 1978 ; 1974- 81 A 3. Lake Washington Blvd. N. , 2501 S X Reconstruct roadway as scenic2.5 263,500 891,000, 971,500 12,126,000 North Park Drive to North route with curb, drainage, side- 44th Street (Parkway walk, illumination, landscaping I Section) i I 4. Sunset Blvd. NE, FAI 405 3203 I S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, { 0.9 i 11,046,400 41,046,400 to NE Park Drive drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping i I S. Benson Road South, South 5303 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.8 ; X33,000 a 733,000 Grady Way to SE 31st i drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Street ladscaping 6. North 30th Street, 2352 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1 0.4 s 150,100 150,000 Burnett Ave. to FAI 405 drainage, .sidewalk, illumination, g .landscaping I s i 7. Garden Ave. North, North 2551 S X Reconstruct raodway with curb, ' 0.5 280,000 280,000 4th Street to North 8th drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Street landscaping 8. Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset 3801 S X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.7 + 355,000 355,000 Blvd. to NE 24th Street drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping 9. Strander Blvd. , West 4402 S X Construct new roadway with full 0.5 Valley Road to Longacres improvements Pkwy. SW DISTRIBUTION: SIX► YEAR CON.STPUCTION PROGRAM ;1) copy: Otstnct Enginoer, Ostpt ' •'•-sways t,1) copy: JAR wrtn Origtna; UA'- s 1976 - 1981 "Exhibit A" mage 4 of 7 � COUNTY) HEARING DATE _ 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO (CITY) King OPaty Renton, *ag Kington ROAD 1 F C t/ R ESTIMATE OF COST � �� 4TEM LOCAL NAME OR L L� R U LENGTH r� NU. OF STREET N AI B R TYPE OF WORK IN , d ROAD OR STREET No. 7 5 N L MILES 19 7+6 t 1977 1978 i T 9 79—81 TOTAL COLLECTOR ARTERIALS 1. INE 12th Street, Edmonds 3552 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.0 tl 425,000 I 425,000 ! Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE � � drainage, sidewalk, illumination, 1 landscaping 2. ITaylor Ave. NW and Taylor 1003 C ; X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.6 300,000 3013,400 NPlace NW from Renton Ave. drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Extension to Stevens Ave. t landscaping NW v [ E S L { 3. Monroe Ave. NE, NE 4th I 3401 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.0 i 507,000 507,Ot30 Street to NE 12th Street ; drainage, sidewalk, illumination, I I landscaping ) 4. IBurnett Ave. North from 2451 C X € Reconstruct roadway with curb0.6 300,,000 300,000 Lake Wash. Blvd. North ' drainage, sidewalk, illumination, (S. Term.) to Lake Wash. ( landscaping Blvd. North (N. Term.) ) t P J. SW 16th Street, Lind Ave. 4902 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 0.9 "25,000 725,000 SW to Monster Road SW drainage, sidewalk, illumination, , landscaping, new bridge 6. Aberdeen Ave. NE, Sunset 3251 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.3 1,340,000 1,340,000 � Blvd. NE to NE 27th drainage, sidewalk, illumination, Street landscaping 1 DISTR)WriO4: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 11) copy: oistr.ct Engin"r. Dept. or M'gnw+ys +II copy: UAB wrtri 0r19tn+4 UA8-1 Fprm 1976 - 1981 "Exhibit A" Page 5 of 7 (COUNTY) HEARING DATE 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, WAshington ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH OF TYPE OF WORK N0. STREET N A B R IN ROAD OR STREET N0. C S A A MILES TOTAL T s N L 1976 1977 1978 � 1979- 81 � t ?7) Talbot Road South, South 5701 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, 1.5 1,141,000 1,141,000 19th Street to South 43rd drainage, sidewalk, illumination, i I Street A landscaping ! i 8. Park Ave. North and North 2491 C X Reconstruct roadway with curb, ! 0.4 I ° 195,000 195,000 40th Street, NE 30th drainage, sidewalk, illumination,p 3 Street to Lake Wash. landscaping Blvd. North N 9. SW,/South 27th Street, 4412 C X Construct new roadway with full � 1.0 � I Longacres Parkway SW to improvements Talbot Road South � � a I � SPOT IMPROVEMENTS k r I 1. Wells Ave. Bridge, Cedar X Construct new .bridge 0.0 420,000 E I 420,000 River i 2. Shattuck Ave. Railroad X Construct new railroad under- 0.0 � 293,000 293,000 Undercrossing crossing r 3. NE 4th Street and Monroe X New signal installation - 20,000 20,000 Ave. NE I ' 4. SW Sunset Blvd. and X New signal controller - 11,000 11,000 Hardie Ave. SW .1 S. Rainier Ave. South and X New signal controller - 13,500 13,500 South Grady Way GtsTateuTtoro: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM +iiil (1! copy: Oisthct £nglnMr, OoRt UP Highways (l) CURY: UAB wit" On9,na! VA� ' • 7� � 1981 9 � � "exhibit A" Page b of 7 (COUNTY) i •�. HEARING DATE 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington - J ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOLAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF WORK IN • NO. ROAD OR STREF T NO. C S A A MILES 1976 S N L 19Th 1977 197 $ 1979- $1 TOTAL 6. SW Grady Way and Lind X New signal controller - 11,000 11,000 Ave. SW 7. South Grady Way and West X New signal controller - 9,200 9,200 Entr. to Shopping Center 8. South Grady Way and East X New signal controller - 9,200 9,200 Entr. to Shopping Center TRANSPORTATION STUDY 1. "Renton Area Transporta- Type of Work: tion Study" (RATS) 1 . Review arterial classifica- - 90,000 90,000 tion 2. Review public Transportation systems. 3. Develop priority rating system for transportation improvements. LOCAL ACCESS STREETS 1 . NE 9th Street, Redmond A Overlay 0.3 Ave. NE to Monroe Ave. NE 2. Olympia Ave. NE, NE 12th A Overlay 0.5 Street to NE 8th Street r.� CtSTa coo N: SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM (111) copy: District En9.n«r, o.pc or Highways , (1) copy: UAB with Original UA B1 Form 1976 - 1981 "Exhibit A" Page 7 of 7 (COUNTY) HEARING DATE 6/23/75 ADOPTION DATE RESOLUTION NO. (CITY) King County - Renton, Washington ROAD F C U R ESTIMATE OF COST ITEM LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH NO. OF STREET N A B R TYPE OF WORK IN j ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A MILES 1976 1977 1978 1979- 81 i TOTAL T S N L 3. NE 11th Place, Olympia A Overlay 0.06 Ave. NE to Pierce Ave. NE I 4. NE 11th Street, Olympia A Overlay 0.06 Ave. NE to Pierce Ave. NE 5. Queen Ave. NE, NE 6th A Overlay 0.2 Street to NE 7th Street 6. NE 7th Street, Monroe Ave. A Overlay 0.5 NE to Union Ave. NE t 7. Shelton Ave. NE, NE 7th A Overlay 0.2 Street to NE 6th Street I 8. NE 6th Street, Union Ave. A Overlay 0.5 NE to Monroe Ave. NE i 9. NE 6th Place, Shelton Ave. A Overlay 0.06 NE to Tacoma AVO. NE 10. Tacoma Ave. NE, NE 6th A Overlay 0.07 Platy to NE 6th Street 11. NE 7th Place, Queen Ave. A Overlay 0.3 NE to Monroe Ave. NE 12. NE 6th Place, Redmond Ave. A Overlay 0.3 NE to Monroe Ave. NE 13. Olym,4ia Ave. NE, NE 6th A Overlay 0.05 -- e to NE 6th Street OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 23, 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 84162 300 Pizza Haven 739 Rainer Ave So Repair fire damage 4163 26,000 Q-M Enterprise,Inc 1641 Jefferson Ct SE Const sg fam res 4164 24,500 Q-M Enterprise, Inc 1637 Jefferson Ct SE Const sg fam res 4165 7,800 Washington Mutual Bank 1425 So Puget Or Remodel apt 4166 260 Sarah Bliss 3708 Meadow Ave N Instl sliding gl dr —' 4167 350 J. Kenneth King 3925 NE 6th Pl Const storage shed 4168 Cummins, NW Diesel , Inc 811 S. W. Drady Way Annual lic. for fill at subject location 4169 32,000 McGrath Dev. Corp. 4214 NE 24th St Const sg fam res 4170 11000 Robert L. Edwards Renton Shopping Ctr Const So. Sep. wall MECHANICAL PERMIT M4334 1,200 M. L. Thrasher 904 Grant Ave So Inst elec fur 4335 1,250 Wash. Mutal Savings Bank 1425 So Puget Drive Instl plbg & fix 4336 1,000 Benton Realty 3124 NE Sunset Blvd Instl air condt. 4337 780 Fitts & Nelson 1902 Aberdeen SE Instl furnace 4338 Cummins NW Diesel , Inc 811 SW Grady Way Instl auto fire sprkl 4339 3,000 Jon C. Robison 3815 Lake Wash. Blvd N Instl htg & air cond. 4340 12,225 Drs. Kay & Hubbard 4445 Talbot Rd So Instl plbg fix. ELECTRICAL PERMIT E5135 400 Ron Buyoy 872 Redmond Ave NE Wire addition 5136 500 Joe Cole 1073 Harrington Ave NE Wire circuit for dialysis machine 5137 4,600 U.S. Post Office 314 Williams Ave S Wire for air cond unit 5138 400 Ron McNaught 700 SW 4th St Increase ser to 200 AMP 5139 175 Wash Mutal Savings Bank 1425 S Puget Dr Wire apt 5140 50 Rudolph Zaputil 1310 N 36th St Instl temp ser 5141 50 Tripp Construction 234 SW 16th St Instl temp ser 5142 50 Hillis Homes 811 S 28th Ct Instl temp ser 5143 1,419 City of Renton 101 Houser Way N Repair damaged ser 5144 1,750 City of Renton 3410 NE 12th St Electrical - Chlor. 5145 1,750 City of Renton 108 Houser Way N Electrical - Chlor. 5146 1,750 City of Renton 101 Houser Way N Electrical - Chlor. 5147 316 Bob Burk 615 Shelton Ave NE Instl 125 AMP Lanel SIGN PERMIT SO417 300 S. Kaczamarek 100 Rainier Ave So Instl roof sign 0418 600 Forentco, Inc 710 Thomas Ave SW Instl wall sign 0419 800 "40" Rentals 1100 Bronson Way Instl pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMIT P0116 Andy's Diner 1408 W Valley Rd Connect sanitary sewer 0117 Lincoln First Federal 4702 NE 23rd Connect Sanitary sewer Savings & Loan 0118 Lincoln First Federal 4520 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer Savings & Loan 0119 Lincoln First FS&L 4508 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0120 Lincoln First FS&L 4601 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0121 Lincoln First FS&L 4607 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer -- 0122 Lincoln First FS&L 4613 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0123 Lincoln First FS&L 4619 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0124 Lincoln First FS&L 4709 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0125 Fitts & Nelson, Inc 1902 Aberdeen Ave SE Connect sanitary sewer 0126 Fitts & Nelson 1716 Jones Or SE Connect sanitary sewer 0127 Tim Riley 1318 Kennewick Ave NE Connect sanitary sewer U 1 x U r' it r, av 'i U ar -*�� �` MDNTH OF JUNE, 1975 TR,ANSFERC) TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: £ , FRCIK TO DESCRIII'TION TO'1'11L 75 CURRENT FUND $170396.85 92 PARKS & RECREATION 4,711 .87 CITY STREETS 775. REG & STREET FWD THRUST 1 ,346..�`5'-)7 7 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 346 . WATERWORKS UTILITY 22,902. 10 AIRPORT FUND , ') 18 2 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2 6r' �'2 �r CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE 557,448.61 .75 CURRENT FUND $ 6'319.84 PARK 8 RECREATION 10:361 .25 CITY STREETS 1 ,691 .69 REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 299.75 • WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 278. 15 AIRPORT FUND 4,800.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6P240.72 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE -"?,L510.38 5-75 CURRENT FUND $121 ,906.49 PARKS & RECREATION 23,331 .24 CITY STREETS 200869. 16 LIBRARY 7,610.90 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 ,848.06 .00 NEW CAREERS COMP. EMP, TRNG. (CETA) 9,226767'91 REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 10794445.00 .00 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 1445 AIRPORT 1 , .0 3, 193.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 166,iib FIREMEN'S PENSION PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE $206,455172 i-75 CURRENT FUND $390681 .09 PARKS 8 RECREATION 100966.66 CITY STREES 90663.06 LIBRARY FUND 8, 199.60 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 678.00 CAREERS 22'1.41 COMP.EMPL.TRNG. (CETA) 2,370.7`) REG $ ST. FWD. THRUST 165. 16 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 179.48 WATERWORKS UTILITY 130417.00 AIRPORT FUND 603.I)o EQUIPMENT RENTAL 110580.82 FIREMEW S PENSION 1 ,871 .61 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE .$891604.26 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Resolution No.# 1990 5 41200.00 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND I REG & ST.FWD THRU T Resolution No.# 1991 5 2620" FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF RENTON TRANSFER VIM OF JUNE, 1975 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTORt ' FROM TO DES01TTION "ILL e23/75 CURRENT FUND $ 19, 130.68 PARKS & RECREATION ARTERIAL STREET FUND 1u0.00 CITY STREETS 19,413.67 LIBRARY FUND 37. 18 REG 8 ST. FWD. THRUST 90.33 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND I8").01 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 770981,.48 AIRPORT FUND 777'31 EOUIPMENT RENTAL 1 ,400.72 FIREMEN'S PENSION 7 t j76 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNF $ 13?p()41 .40 - -30-75 CURRENT FUND 5123,363.98 PARKS 8 RECREATION 360727.95 CITY STREETS 22,572. 19 LIBRARY 70650.68 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1 "850.1,0 NEW CAREERS 535.00 COMP.EMP.TRNG. (CETA) 100112.00 REG R ST. FWD. THRUST 513.00 WATER UTILITIES 15,817. 1 ;9 AIRPORT 1 ,400.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3, 108,',)0 FIREMEN'S PENSION 166.()6 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE S724,006.72 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancel warrant No.#5063 b7.00 CLAIMS FUND 'WATER UTILITIES Cancel Warrant No.82701 ,w lzz"e moo FINANCE DIRECTOR 41 jo r RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1975 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Acquisition of 80 acres Orillia Flats Marshland Information Handout for Garbage Rate Hearing Meeting COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of pay differentials for Uniformed Officers COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE mendment to H-1 Heavy Industry Zoning Ordinance - Meet with people and discuss proposed changes low Comprehensive Plan Revision Green River Valley Planning Area - Review Planning Commission recommendations Review City Policy on Pipe Stem Lots Acquisition of 80 acres Orillia Flats Marshland CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - James A. Nelson for False Arrest FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Disposal of City-Owned Property at 1511 Lake Avenue South LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rezone - C.H.G. International , Inc. - G-7200 to R-2 L. I . D. 274 - Central Business District Bonds Ordinance - Amending gambling (card rooms) as concerns fraternal , charitable and non-profit organizations. Ordinance - Water Rates for Senior Citizens under an income schedule Ordinance - Sewer Rates for Senior Citizens under an income schedule Ordinance - Garbage Rates for Senior Citizens or Qualifying Residents MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Lease Agreement with Airport Specialties Authorized to execute May Creek Interceptor L.C.A.G. with Metro Authorized to execute Law and Justice Plan Documents Authorized to execute Agreement w/Seattle-Northwest Securities for Purchase of L. I .D. 274 Bonds PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Recommendation on Bid for 16-Gauge Corrugated, Galvanized Pipe - Opening - June 25th Recommendation on Bid for Watermain Installation in Kennydale-May Creek Area - Opening July 2nd (L. I . D. 291 ) Recommendation on Bid for Roadway Construction and Culvert Installation of Whitman Ct. N.E. Opening - July 7th PUBLIC HEARINGS .)lily 14, 1975 Garbage Rates for Certain Qualified Senior Citizens July 21 , 1975, Continued from July 7, 1975 on H-1 Zoning Change July 28, 1975, Street Vacation - Lake View Blvd. (Martindale Property) November 24, 1975, Kennydale Interceptor - L. I .D. 296 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 7 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT, and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. Councilmen Clymer and Schellert arrived momentarily follow- ing Roll Call . PRESS IN Mary Wilbert Smith, Editor, Greater Renton News; Sally Temple, Reporter, ATTENDANCE Renton Record-Chronicle. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assis- tant; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; CAPTAIN BUFF, Police Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 6/23/75 23, 1975 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. CORIALCiED-REFER 1O IN TCS C'- ?71,,t)75 Special Award Special Award was made by Mayor GarrMet to tieitlzens__Committee for Public Service Public School Evaluation which had been appointed by the Mayor more than a year ago at the request of the Supt. of Schools of the Renton School District. Present to receive award for public service was Chairman, Jim Wood and Phillip Lindsey. Other committee members not able to be present: Iona Nelson, Dick Williams, Bill Walkama and Sharon Neglay. ro i l PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Annexation posted, Mayor Garrett opened the public meeting to consider the proposed Inner Harbor annexation of Tracts A, B and C of Lake Washington Shore Lands lying Line northerly of the existing City Limits of Renton, the 10% letter of intent having been filed by Boeing Airplane Company. Mr. Robert Morgan, 23436 23th S. , Kent, represented the Boeing Company and confirmed acceptance of the City' s Comprehensive Plan and zoning and the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PETITION TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE FINAL PETITION (also known as 75% Petition) . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Amendment to lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the public hearing H-1 Heavy continued from 6/16/75 to consider zoning code revision, Section 4-713, Industry Zoning H-1 Heavy Industry District. Planning Director Ericksen noted amendment Ordinance to Section 4-7136, sub-section 4, petroleum storage, under review. Robert Boyd, Burlington Northern Property Management Department, sub- mitted a letter reviewing zoning requests and history re property owned by Glacier Park Company in the Orillia Industrial Park area asking rein- statement of 9/15/69 request for H-1 zoninq because of failure to adopt M-P-H zoning. Mr. Boyd noted proposed set back requirements were restric- tive; also, H-1 zoning applied for 250 acres. Mr. Charles Branson, 321 Evergreen Bldg. , Sternco Metal Attorney, restated previous objection to proposed ordinance wherein his client would be non-conforming use; also objecting to set back of 500 ft. from M.P. zone. Mr. Branson asked addition to Section 2, Page 8 of the proposed ordinance that Section 4-713 -- as existing prior to passage of this ordinance shall apply to property zoned H-1 prior to passage. City Attorney Shellan explained 500 ft set back from residential or MP district and 300' to highway applied only to boiler works, rag or paper storage or storage facility for non-operating motor vehicles when unhoused, not to all H-1 uses, also notinq fencing. Mr. Boyd withdrew Burlington Northern objection of 500' set backs, upon explanation. Mr. Wesley Hodge, Bellevue, representing Shell Oil Co. , inquired whether intent of ordinance was retroactive to present use as well as present zoning, noting pending application under 4-7138 ; he was advised Shell property zoned H-1 subject to the performance standards being worked upon by the Planning Commission to be presented to Council . 486 Renton City Council 7/7/75 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued H-1 Heavy Mr. Kay Johnson, 300 Rainier Ave. N. , asked to review final ordinance Industry Zoning prior to adoption. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECON DED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO JULY 21 , AND REFER BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- Hearing MITTEE TO MEET WITH PEOPLE AND DISCUSS PROPOSED CHANGES.* Councilman Continued to Clymer noted adoption date of 7/21 in order to meet Court deadline for July 21 , 1975 performance standards. Planning Director Erickson noted Commission meetings on the standards , that filing with the Council planned for 7/14. ICTION CARRIED. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer announced committee meeting scheduled 7/8, 4:00 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Mead quoted legal requirements for numbering of City Council positions for fall elections, reporting July 28 to August 1 , as filing Mayor and period for positions of Mayor and four Council members, which are the Council positions presently held by Mayor Garrett and Councilmen Grant, Schellert, Positions Stredicke and Perry. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS. Council recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Roll 9/16/75 Primary Call : All Councilmen Present. City Clerk Mead designated the position 11/4/75 General of Mayor and Council positions No. 1 , 2, 3 and 4 separate offices to be Elections filled by Election, Primary September 16, 1975 and General Election November 4, 1975. Councilman Perry announced he would file for Position No. 1 . Councilman Grant announced he would file for City Council Posi- tion No. 2. Bid Openings City Clerk Mead reported three bid openings : (1 ) June 25, 16-Gauge corrugated, galvanized metal pipe with five bidders as shown on attached tabulation; (2) July 2, Watermain installation in the Kennydale May Creek Area, LID 291 , three bidders shown on attached tabulation; (3) July 7, roadway construction and culvert installation of Whitman Court N.E. , six bidders as attached. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Downtown Letter from the Downtown Merchants Association, Steve Sylvia, Secretary- Merchants Treasurer, applied for permission to hold annual Sidewalk Sale July 17, " Banner 18, 19, 1975, placing banner on July 10. The letter noted food concession would be placed on private property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL WAIVE FEES AND BANNER TO BE INSTALLED SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Bid Withdrawn, Letter from M. H. Fakharzadeh withdrew offer to purchase property at Surplus Property 1511 Lake Ave. S. , which had been declared surplus by the City with bids Lake Ave. S. opened 6/13 and reported at the 6/16/75 Council meeting. The letter noted reason for withdrawal was 100% open easement on the property held by Olympic Pipe Line Company and the letter reported refusal to sell ease- ment over the house area by that company. The letter noted that if the Olympic Pipeline policy would change and if the property would still be available, that Mr. Fakharzadeh would expect to be notified first. Letter from Daniel E. and Linda Anderson withdrew bid of $4,000 and submitted bid of $500 for the 1511 Lake Ave. S. property reported at the 6/13 bid opening, because of the easement over total property. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT WITHDRAWALS AND REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AS TO DISPOSAL OF THE PROPERTY.* Councilman Grant noted this property donated to the City by Max Farr and wife and was to contain only 25 to 30 ft. ease- ment that the restriction for park-purposes-only was removed in order for City to dispose of the property. Confirmation was given by Public Works Director Gonnason that records indicated presence of easement which does cover 100% of property granted to Olympic Pipe Line Company prior to don- ation of the lot to the City. Gonnason also confirmed no bid bond or deposit was required with the bid; high bid of Fakharzadeh had been accepted on 6/16 in amount of $4,565.50. *MOTION CARRIED. King County Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported Superior Court Case No. 781336 Fire District Judgement & Dismissal of Counterclaim, along with Findings of Fact and No. 25 - Conclusions of Law in City vs King County Fire District No. 25 regarding Fire Hydrant City inspected and furnished watermains outside the City limits within Agreement Fire District No. 25 per agreement of 2/27/68, which declared the Fire District failed to pay unto City the amounts due under said contract since the year 1972 to present with total principal due in amount of $2834 plus interest and costs. The Attorney's letter noted receipt of intent to appeal decision from Fire District' s Attorney. Renton City Council 7/7/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued May Creek Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented late-comers agreement Interceptor between the City and Metro for joint usage of the May Creek Interceptor, Phase I Phase I . being similar to other joint-use agreements with Metro. The L.C.A.G. letter recommended Council approval and authorization for the Mayor and Clerk to execute said agreement, noting advantage to City by relief of the necessity of constructing duplicating facilities, will be maintained by Metro and allows Metro to recover a portion of their investment. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVING LCAG AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE. CARRIED. State City Clerk Mead reported receipt of official post audit examination Auditor report of the City for the period January 1 , 1975 to December 31 ,1973 Examination by Office of State Auditor, being 47th examination and on file in the City Clerk' s Office. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by James Anderson Nelson, 124 Park Ave. N. , Damages for false arrest, amount $10,000. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY J.A. Nelson DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. �— Preliminary Plat Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission PP-824-75 recommendation for approval of the Preliminary Plat application of L.L. Pickle Lyle L. Pickle covering 3. 79 acres of property located on the north side of N. 38th St. between Lake Washington Blvd. N. and Park Ave. N. The proposed use was listed as 16 lot single-family residential sub- division, being in agreement with City' s Sub-division ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND APPOVE PRELIMINARY PLAT. * Planning Director Erickson used maps and slides to explain area. Discussion ensued regarding use of pipe-stem lots to provide access. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKC, CLYMER, SCHELLERT; 2 NO: BRUCE AND GRANT. *MOTION CARRIED. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission recom- C.N.G. mendation for approval of rezone from G-7200 to R-2 on 11 .63 acres International , located north of N. E. Sunset Blvd. , east of Union Ave. N. E. , with Irc. Restrictive Covenants relative to landscape areas, building setbacks , height limits and density in units per acre. The letter explained C.H.G. International , Inc. has also applied for a special permit to construct a low density apartment complex on this property, which has been approved by the Planning Commission subject to the applicant submitting a revised plot plan in accordance with conditions in agreement with the Commission, adjacent property owners and C.H.G. International , Inc. The letter noted ordinance publication will be withheld pending consummation of special permit. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION TO APPROVE REZONE SUBJECT TO FILING OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND CONSUMATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE MATTER BY COUNCIL WITHIN SIX MONTHS. AMENDMENT CARRIED. Following further explanation by Planning Director Ericksen and discussion with City Attorney Shellan, MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED, Councilman Perry and Councilman Stredicke asking their NO VOTES be recorded. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Comprehensive Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission Plan Revision recommendation for adoption of revision to the City' s Comprehensive Green River Plan as relates to the Green River Planning Area within the City, located --Valley Planning between the Green River on the West and the Valley Freeway and the base Area of Talbot Hill on the East, S.W. 43rd St. (S. 180th St. ) on the South and the Burlington Northern - Milwaukee Road Tracks (North of Earlington Industrial Park) on the North. rhe letter noted unanimous Commission recommendation for approval at its June 25, public h,earing, noting exten- sive study and public hearings. The letter presented the Comprehensive Plan for the Valley area and also the Environmental Impact Statement on the Plan revisions being in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. The letter noted the Commission revisions included further recom- mendation that City. seek the means to set aside in a natural state those areas designated "greenbelt" on the Land Use Element, in order to Renton City Council 7/7/75 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Comprehensive preserve open space, provide for the mitigation of loss of wildlife Plan Revision habitat and to provide recreational opportunities for citizens of com- Continued munity. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER DOCUMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present. . AUDIENCE Mrs. Patricia Seymour, 2534 Burnett Court S. , urged adoption of the P.U.D. COMMENT (Planned Unit Development) Ordinance as it would allow greater efficiency, retention of existing vegetation by developer, as pertains to rezones and preliminary plats such as two earlier agenda items. Mrs. Seymour also urged Council to reconsider action concerning revision of Comprehensive Plan and set public hearing. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th, inquired re drawing of numbers for Council positions and was given copy of applicable State law by the City Clerk. advising filing period commenced July 28. Mr. L. Traverso, 519 Cedar Ave. S. , inquired re action taken on complaint filed against 518 and 504 Cedar Ave. S. properties being overrun with blackberries, weeds, etc. and dilapidated. Public Works Director Gonnason explained processing under Dangerous Building Code, that foreclosure procedure pending on one of the properties, however, assured action being taken. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF CITY POLICY ON PIPE STEM LOTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, history of the P.U.D. ordinance was discussed. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman presented Chairman's report regarding the Committee Report regular 6/24 com�iittee meeting recommending the Council authorize execution by Mayor and Clerk of proposed lease agreement with Airport Eastside Specialties to lease 85,200 feet of property on the east side of Renton Development Municipal Airport, remove three existing dilapidated hangar structures Proposal , for ultimate replacement with 29 units. The proposed lease agreement Airport would provide for 20-yr. term commencing 8/1/75, 10-yr. renewal option, Specialties rental rate of $.08 per sq. ft. per year with five year adjustments, Phase I construction to begin within 150 days from execution date, three year total completion date. The committee further recommended posting of performance bond during each phase, improvement of adjoining taxiways, participation in total cost of providing sanitary sewer facilities to leased premises in the event deemed necessary, and Planning Department review of site plan and setbacks. The report noted approval by consul- tant preparing Airport Master Plan and approval of developer' s financial statements by Finance Director. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF AVIATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report concur- Committee Report ing in the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the low bid submitted by Kaiser Aluminum in amount of $11 ,279.45 be accepted for Corrugated Pipe corrugated metal pipe (bid opening reported earlier, tabulation attached) . Bid Award The report also recommended that the Utilities Division be authorized to order the material for Springbrook Storm Sewer ByPass. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Springbrook SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Public Works Storm Sewer Director Gonnason explained ' 72 Springbrook wash out, agreement being ByPass reached with Kent School District, King County and the City regarding restoration. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Committee Report report recommending the City accept bid of Seattle Northwest Securities, LID LID 274 CBD #274 bond sale in amount of $121 ,344. 19 and 74% interest. The report Bonds recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for ordinance and Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement. Letter agreement from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation, Seattle, offered to pur- chase $121 ,344.19 Local Improvement District No. 274, Bond Issue with bonds dated 8/1/75 maturing on or before 8/1/87 annual interest 7 1/4%. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. CARRIED. qtq Renton City Council 7/7/75 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS Orillia MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER SUBJECT OF ACQUISI- Marshland TION OF 80 ACRES ORILLIA FLATS MARSHLAND TO THE ADMINISTRATION_ AND TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Special Rates Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended that Garbage Pick up the proposed rate change for garbage collection be subject of public Hearing hearing next Monday. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF 7/14/75 SPECIAL RATES FOR QUALIFIED SENIOR CITIZENS REGARDING GARBAGE COLLECTION BE SUBJECT OF HEARING NEXT MONDAY. CARRIED. VOUCHER MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE FOR PAYMENT APPROVAL VOUCHERS NO. 5131 THROUGH NO. 5279 IN AMOUNT OF $80,864.01 HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION AS TO RECEIPT OF MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES. (Warrants No. 5124-5130 Machine Voided) MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman submitted committee report recommending first reading of an ordinance rezoning property from G-9600 to Public Ordinance #2944 Use District P-1 as requested by S. Pope located on Talbot Rd.S. and Pope Rezone S. 37th St. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Following second and final readings , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Ordinance nance amending gambling (card rooms) as concerns fraternal , charitable, Amending non-profit organizations. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Card Rooms SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Clymer noted ordinance removed $500 card room fee for charitable non-profit organizations. Ordinance #2945 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Hazen Annexation readings of an ordinance annexing certain territory to the City, known Including Hazen as the Hazen Annexation. Following first reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, High School SECONDED PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. �oL�( CALL : REAYE�S- I NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. YO MINUTES Cr 1i1YI7s First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Ordinace re regarding water rates for certain qualified senior citizens. ity Clerk Water Rates for Mead read ordinance setting water rate of $1 . 00 and listing ,5Rffeldule Senior Citizens of income to qualify for special rate. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Ordinance re regarding sewer rates for certain qualified senior citizens. City Clerk Sewer Rates Mead read ordinance setting $1 .00 sewer charge and listing income Senior Citizens schedule for qualifying senior citizens. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Ordinance re reducing refuse collection rates by $1 .00 for qualifying residents in Garbage Rates either residential or rental units so charged. City Clerk read the ordi- Senior Citizens nance listing qualifying schedule. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Council- man Grant noted Council approval June 2, to ordinance of right of appeal to Human Resources Coordinator. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE IN ORDINANCE, THE AMENDMENT REGARDING APPEAL PROCEDURE. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. (See earlier motion setting Courtesy Hearing. ) %0 Renton City Council 7/7/75 Page 6 RESOLUTIONS Resolution #1995_ The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Law & Justice a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Law Plan and Justice Plan , adopting the goals and sub-goals as recommended for the 1976 King County Law and Justice Plan. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1996 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Street Vacation resolution establishing date of July 28, as Public Hearing for street Lake View Blvd. vacation of portion of Lake View Blvd. between Lots 349 & 350, CD Hillman Martindale Dvn 5. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI , Request COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1997 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolu- 6-Yr Street tion adopting the Six-Year Street Construction Program consisting of Construction Arterial Six-Year Street Construction Program together with Urban Area Plan Six-Year Construction Program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1998 Legislation Committee recommendation was presented to read and adopt a Repeal of resolution constituting repeal of Resolution 1828 relating to pay differ- Resolution 1828 entials for certain officers of the Police and Fire Departments not Pay Differential covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement and granted to officers Police & Fire designated in said resolution not covered by existing agreements, an Officers increase of basic salary of 11% as of 7/1/75. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE SUBJECT OF PAY DIFFERENTIALS FOR UNIFORMED OFFICERS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Resolution 1999 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Kennydale resolution of intent to create a Kennydale Interceptor, LID 296, setting Interceptor date of Public Hearing November 24, 1975. Following reading, it was LID 296 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTIONS AS Hearing 11/24/5 READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING ADJOURN. Council meeting adjourned at 12:25 a.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • . r r +. r r . r H39W3W Nl9W1W q �., ti + , }. . NVWMIVM3 3311fWW00 t9L6t AW in Avo MIL MIMA 106tv@1016 dp ANMOWV 3M1 Nt 6129 &ON mens of We ION 1VtH2M0A 1N3WAYd W09 3AOWddd A0393H 00 f03a300V 80 d3At333H N136 3AYM 013IAM3S SVONV 3610NVMDNIW AVN1 N01113TAIAM35 1T1NUAbv43d 01A1133V ONIAVN fllt NM05 A112 NOAN3a 90 AA13 INN 40 33111WWOZ IONVNtA 3W1 /0 SM3PW3W 03NOYCN30Nn 3W1 #3M 10,09l8094 g1NINSYM 11v 40 1T10A Otoll## s 1r1N3b 1N3Wd1MMj 9911100pis dNMd 1d0aWYv 610990/414 ONMA AlillllM 2NW8MW3AvM 0*80809ts SLIN(li N01i0f)USNOD SVM 5[61 Y17T>l�ir3131f3�37�33 1Z?331 salsoof4s Almuml OWtMboo A33MIS 001010 ONMA ANVIII`1 Watatts GNMd 433MAI 29199144 ONMA IlavA L6�3t4�ZZs ONMA ANINWM5 ilNvvvvm Inial ONMA �LlLO/t NOlLM9�Wtw�d iN�MWiM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Corrugated Metal Pipe Bids July 7 , 1975 Bid Opening June 25, 1975 Contractor AAF Bid Deposit Basic Bid Alternate Bid EEO KAISER ALUMINUM & CHEMICAL SALES, INC. 2000 COLUMBIA WAY, BLDG #10 VANCOUVER, WA 98633 X Cashier' s Check $11, 720. 45 $11, 279. 45 ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION P. 0. BOX 2195 PORTLAND, OREGON 97202 X Bid Bond $13 , 305. 15 CASCADE CULVERT INC. P. 0. BOX 217 ARLINGTON, WA 98223 X Cashier' s Check $13 , 806. 46 OREGON CULVERT CO P. 0. BOX 406 TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 X Bid Bond $14, 406. 35 $14, 852. 35 SPOKANE CULVERT DIVISION P. O. BOX 238 AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WA 99001 Certified Check $14, 627 . 20 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 7, 1975 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREDICKE COMUTTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 7/10 8:00 P.M. DELAURENTI Council Chambers (1 ) SR 515/6-Year Street Plan (2) Fire Chief requested discussion of CETA manning of Fire Stations (3) Management Employees COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. , 7/8 4:00 P.M. CLYMER 3rd Flr. Conference Rm. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. , 7/14 4:00 P.M. SCHELLERT Meet with City's Insurance Broker LEGISLATION Mon. , 7/14 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Flr. Conference Rm. PUBLIC SAFETY Tues., 7/8 7:30 P.M. GRANT 6th Flr. Fire Chief and Chairman of Fire Protection Committee PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 7/10 7:30 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conference Rm. Review bids FIRE STATION COMMITTEE DELAURENTI TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Wed. , 7/16 7:30 P.M. PERRY 4th Flr. Conference Rm. OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS cfl ►P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L. I .D. 291 July 7, 1975 WATERMAINS - KENNYDALE MAY CREEK AREA Bid Opening - July 2, 1975 Contractor BB AA EEO Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Total Frank Coluccio Const. Co. X X $371 ,469.44 $11 ,409.26 $15,795.00 $398,673.70 ' 9600 Empire Way South X Seattle, WA 98118 j I Di Orio Construction Co. X X $471 ,359.65 $11 ,946.29 $16,537.37 $499,843.31 7265 2nd Ave. So. X j Seattle, WA 98108 Bert Robison Const. Co. X X $378,560.34 $12,239.28 $18,875.02 $409,674.64 I P.O. Box 4007 X Kent, WA 98031 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 7 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B4171 1 , 000 Mrs . Arco 94 Williams Ave So Instl new roof 4172 660 Bobby A. Halsen 1718 Talbot Rd So Sundeck floor, doors 1173 1 , 000 Gladys Arundell 1200 North 3rd St Reroof residence 1174 500 Robert Moreland 801 Jones Ave So Const Patio Cover 175 200 Ronald McDaught 700 SW 4th Divider partion 4176 4 , 000 Carl Howard 216 Powell Ave SW Re-pour driveway 4177 850 R. E . Storwick 107 Williams Ave So Reduce size of window 4178 10 , 000 Wash. Wholesales 705 SW 7th St Const ]. Story Office 4179 26 , 000 Fraser MacDonell 522 Langston Pl Const new res 4180 CMStP&P Railroad Black River Junction Ext of B- 3924 & & Monster Rd Annual Lic for fill 4181 1 , 500 Renton Sch Dist 403 3000 NE 4th St Move Portable on ? oc . 4182 500 Milo Schleifer 2432 Jones AVE NE Re-Shingle res 4183 27 , 000 John LaManna 2733 NE 27th St Instl Mobile Home 4184 3 , 800 Renton Sch Dist 403 1700 NE 28th St Rebuild soffit 4185 5 , 000 John L . Tilton 3511 NE 6th Street Addition to Res . 4186 38 , 400 Volco , Inc 289 East Perimeter Rd Const Paint rprparation 4187 21000 William N. Blakley Jr. 2009 Dayton Dr SE Addition of Hobby Shop 4188 Hillis Homes 401 S 26th St Const family res 4189 42 , 950 Hillis Homes 416 S 26th St Const family res 4190 42 , 950 Hillis Homes 400 S 26th Const family res 4191 29 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4321 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4192 28 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4315 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4193 32 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4302 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4194 31 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4303 NE 24th St Const single fam res 4195 33 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4309 -E 24th St Const single fam res 4196 30 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4 .309 NE 24th St Const single fam res 197 31 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4314 NE 24th St . Const single fam res L198 30 , 000 McGrath Dev Corp 4320 NE 24th St Ccnst single fam res 199 1 , 000 William Hunt 1909 Harrington Cr NE Construct storage shed 4200 763 Mrs . E . McClothlen 2100 Lk Wash Blvd N Awning , deck & skirting Space #36 4201 6, 900 Roy Loewenhagen 3418 NE 7th Pl Add two room to house 4202 1 , 125 Luther Abshere 440 Williams Ave N Inst aluminum siding & aluminum windows 4203 2 , 700 METRO Bronson Way & Vuemont Erect pass . shelter 4204 2 , 700 METRO Mill. Ave S & 2nd Erect pass . shelter 4205 2 , 700 METRO Kirkland Ave & Sunset Erect pass . shelter 4206 2 , 700 METRO NE 7th & Ferndale Ct Erect pass . shelter 4207 2 , 700 METRO S 43 & S . Talbot Rd Erect pass . shelter 4208 20 , 000 Dura Dev Co 4455 Sunset NE Pave acess road 4209 26 , 000 Clyde W. Downing 3500 NE 11th P1 Const single fam res 4210 1 , 500 Glenn Score 1010 N 33rd St Repair Work ELECTRICAL PERMITS E5148 1 , 400 Tim Riley 1318 Kennewick Ave NE Wire new sg fam res 5149 250 Ken Gilbert 100 Rainier Ave So Instl 100 AMP ser 5150 200 James W. Bradfield 4016 NE 7th St Wire new addition 5151 425 Mrs . Frances Codi.ga 1726 NE 24th St Wire addition 5152 250 Charles English 408 Earlington SW Wire garage X153 50 Fraser MacDonnell 522 SW Langston Pl Install temp service 154 9 , 270 Renton Sch Dist 403 405 Logan Ave So Installation for new grand stand 155 200 Roger Farrar 1412 N 28th Wire addition 5156 500 City of Renton NE 23rd & Duvall Hook Up Lift Station 5157 30, 000 Andy' s Diner 2408 W Valley Hwy Wire Restaurant Bldg 5158 125 Ronald R. Walton 450 Burnett Ave N Instl 200 AMP Fuse Box 5159 250 Robert H . Hinesley 3522 NE 6th St Wire Addition 5160 50 Thomas E . Carlin 3813 NE 8th Court Wire for Elec furnace 5161 150 Valley General Hos 400 So 43rd St Wire washer & dryer 5162 200 Aero Paint Systems , 289 E. Perimeter Rd Instl U/G Conduit MECHANICAL PERMITS M4341 627 McGrath Dev Corp 4202 NF 24th St Instl gas furnace 4342 648 mcGrath Dev Corp 4218 NE 24th St Instl gas furnace 4Ar; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 7 , 1975 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE P/W DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL PERMITS Cont ' d M4343 685 McGrath Dev Corp 4112 NE 24th St Instl gas furnace 4344 648 McGrath Dev Corp 4118 NE 24th St Inst gas furnace 4345 627 McGrath Dev Corp 4124 NE 24th St Instl gas furnace 4346 638 McGrath Dev Corp 4214 NE 24th St Instl gas furnace 4347 618 McGrath Dev Corp 4208 NE 24th St Instl gas furnace 4348 500 Roger Farrar 1412 No 28th Instl plbg fix . 4349 1 , 600 Q M Enterprises , Inc 1636 Jefferson Ct SE Instl plbg fix 4350 2 , 485 Jon C. Robison 3815 Lk Wash Blvd N Instl plbg fix 4351 8 , 700 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 N 4th St Extent existing sprinkler system 4352 1 , 200 Fraser MacDonnell 522 SW Langston Pl Instl plbg & fix 4353 100 Robert H. Hinesley 3522 NE 6th' St Instl plbg & fix 4354 3 , 000 Cummins NW Diesel 811 SW Grady Way Instl Heating/Air cont. 4355 350 Thomas E . Carlin 3813 NE 8th Ct Instl elec fur 4356 100 Valley General Hos 400 SW 43rd St Instl washer & paster. 4357 1 , 730 Hebb & Narodick Con ,Co . 1006 S 30th Ct Instl plbg & fix SIGN PERMIT 50420 250 Orlando Bill Santi 210 Wells Ave So Install wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS P0128 John R. Ladwig 4514 NE 23rd Connect sanitary sewer 0129 Jack Thompson 1433 N 36th Connect sanitary sewer 0130 Fitts & Nelson , Inc . 1902 Aberdeen Ave SE Connect storm sewer 0131 Lester Alexander 3209 NE 4th St Inst sanitary sewer REVOCABLE PERMITS for R0002 METRO West side of Bronson Way NE 96. 5 feet south of Vue mont Place NE 0003 METRO East side of Mill Ave So 56 feet south of South 2nd St 0004 METRO North side of N. E . 7th Street 284 feet west of Ferndale Ct NE 0005 METRO West side of Kirkland Ave NE 166. 5 feet south of N.E. Sunset Blvd