HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 33 (5/3/1982 - 5/23/1983) AMENDED COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT z ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS i� JOHN W REED RANDALL ROCKHILL f ' R E N r O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.STREDICKE a Oi99T^ ^��liP THOMAS W TRIMM „D .'EPSE REGULAR MEETING P►' :S19ING MAY 3 , 1982 CITY CLERK L. BA::A Y SHIN?OCH, Monday , 8 : 00 P . M , DELORES A.MEAD ;IAYOR 1 . 'I..EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. /a.'PROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 1982 '�. P:JBLIC HEARING: Annual Adoption of Updated Zoning Map of the City Pursuant to Ordinance No. 3598 7. S 'ECIAL PRESENTATION: METRO Water Quality by Bob Hirsch JDIENCE COMMENT this time any member of the audience may address the City Council to scuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda , :em or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to teat item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, :, lease walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Flease limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. C)NSENT AGENDA Tie following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may D-2 removed for further discussion or information if requested by a i,Duncil Member. a. Public Works Department recommends final payment, acceptance of project, Cascade Septic Inc. , LID #321 sewers in vicinity of NE Sunset and Duvall Ave. NE. Also commence 30 day period for release of retainage if proof of payment of tax liabilities filed and no liens or claims. Council concur. 1 . Mayor Shinpoch Proclamation "National Recognition Day for Nurses" 5/6. C. Board of Public Works finds no objection to King County Boundary Review Board Notice of Intent for consolidation K.C. Water Districts #69, #77 and #88. (Council referral of 4/26/82. ) Acting Finance Director requests acceptance of contract with Wang Indus- tries for new computer. Refer to Ways and Means Committee and City Attor- ney for review and recommendation. Finance and Public Works Departments request ordinance to implement new solid waste disposal rates. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim for Damages filed by Kaiser Stevens; approx. $200; broken wind- shield allegedly caused by rocks falling from City truck. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s decision 4/12/82 filed by Port Quendall Development re preliminary planned unit development consisting of mixed retail , office and hotel use for area on west side of Lake Washington Blvd North between Barbee Mill and Misty Cove Condominiums. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 9. OLD BUSINESS :0. CRDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AJDIENCE COMMENT 14, )JOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 3 , 1982 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER -Claims for Damages filed by Kaiser Stevens Collection of garbage collection fees from Renton Waterfront Corp. (determination) Street Vacation Ordinance Wang Laboratories, Inc. computer financing contract COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Letter from Lon Hurd re proposed changes in undergrounding ordinance CITIZENS COMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Request of Alano Club for liquor Rehab funds MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign agreement w/Eden Systems PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal by Port Quendall PPUD 059-Fl TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Request for traffic revision S 3rd at Holmes Bldg. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Bonds for Park and Shops - Resolutions adopted 5/3/82 R-3 and R-4 Ordinance Wang Laboratories computer financing contract Garbage Collection Rates - Ordinance on first reading 5/3 Street Vacation Ordinance I RENTON v i i L,uuwi, i L Regular Meeting May 3 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. COUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. MOVED BY REED, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE MOVED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, APPROVAL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE WARREN', City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; W. E. BENNETT, Acting Finance Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Adoption of and published as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Zoning Map Public Hearing to consider adoption of the City of Renton zoning map pursuant to Ordinance No. 3598. Policy Development Director Clemens reported from his letter of 5/3 that the Policy Develop- ment Department and the Building and Zoning Department evaluated more than 700 ordinances adopted over the last 28 years since the passage of the City' s zoning regulations and found a few cases of incorrect legal descriptions, etc. , and one case of an ordinance reversion. Clemens displayed wall maps showing current zoning and 28 parcels with discrepancies. Clemens read from Ordinance No. 3598 re upzoned property subject to reversionary clause and the ministerial action of downzoning that property on the City' s zoning maps not formally taken, that the last formal Council action taken by ordinance was ratified for adoption as official zoning. Further, that those instances of property subject to automatic reversion and ministerial action taken to change zoning maps, that zoning map adopted and ratified as the current and correct zoning map. Further, the zoning map shall be updated and presented to Council and on a yearly basis there- after for adoption by the Council as the formal and legal zoning classification for properties within the City limits. Council Members made inquiries for clarification. Continued Audience Comment: Ralph Evans , 3306 NE 11th Place, inquired whether or not the zoning was indicated on map for property located near l2th and Monroe NE, -recalling investigation started from that discrepancy, the Policy Development Director noted zoning not indicated as parcel in question is in litigation. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren advised continuing public hearing for further public input and review of maps. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, PUBLIC HEARINC BE CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS. City Attorney Warren noted proper procedures for handling, sug- Hearing Continued gesting notification of effected property owners. MOTION to 5/17/82 CARRIED. City Shop and MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND MATHEWS, COUNCIL DEFER ORDER OF BUSINESS Coulon Park TO PRESENT LETTER REGARDING BOND SALE. CARRIED. G.O. Bonds Letter from Acting Finance Director Bennett reported 5/3/82 bid opening for $1 ,825,000 Unlimited General Obligation Bonds for Coulon Park and $2,300,000 City Shop Bond Issue; three bids received on Park issue and two on Shop issue; interest rate on $1 ,825,000 Park Bonds: First Interstate Bank of CA 12. 1475%; John Nuveen ✓; Co. , Inc. 12.36380; Seattle Northwest Securitites 11 .9874%. Bids on$2,300,000 City Shop Bonds: John Nuveen & Co. , Inc. 12.6950% and Seattle Northwest Securities 12.2752%. The letter recommended acceptance of low bid of Seattle Northwest Securities. Upon inquiry by Councilman Rockhill , Richard Kennedy Renton City Council 5/3/82 Page 2 G.O. Bond of Seattle Northwest Securities reported the estimated rate of Coulon Park 1 . 3375% in January is today 11 .987% which represents a savings City Shops of $373,753 on Park Bonds. Mayor Shinpoch noted the City received an A-1 rating by Moody. Kennedy explained the difference between interest rates and the Unlimited and Limited bonds, the Park Bonds being voter approved excess levy and the Limited Bonds for City Shops are Council authorized and funded from property tax revenue. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE ACTING FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See following resolutions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, SUSPEND ORDER OF BUSINESS AND PRESENT BOND RESOLUTIONS . CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recommending read- ing and adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2450 A resolution was read accepting the bid of Seattle Northwest Accepting Bid Securities Corporation for $1 ,825,000 par value of "Unlimited Park Bonds Tax General Obligation Park Bonds, 1982", fixing interest rate $1 ,825,000 and providing for printing and sale. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2451 A resolution was read accepting the bid of Seattle Northwest Accepting Bid Securities Corp. for $2,300,000 par value "Limited Tax General City Shop Bonds Obligation Bonds, 1982" for City Shop, fixing interest rate, $2,300,000 and providing for printing, delivery, sale. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, METRO, Representative PRESENTATION Mike Mulcahy, used charts and explained history and problems maintaining water quality within the Metro service area. The METRO proposed financial alternatives were discussed, such as tunnel Water Quality for sewage to Three Tree Point; enlarging Renton Treatment Plant, Sewer Plants and using other treatment plants to capacity rather than phasing out. City Clerk Mead reported Metro 1983 Budget on file in the Clerk' s Office. Councilman Rockhill requested $1 ,000 Metro Bonds available to consumers. Acting Finance Director noted bonds available in $5,000. Councilman Stredicke inquired of Metro plans for trunkline in City' s Northeast Quadrant moratorium area, being advised Metro has none. The Mayor thanked Mr.Mulcahy. AUDIENCE COMMENT Walt Evans, 102 56th Ave. S, Seattle, requested Aviation Committee report be read. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE, Aviation Committee SUSPEND ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE REPORT. CARRIED. Sunbird Restaurant Aviation Committee Chairman Trimm submitted committee r(,port Renton Airport stated review of proposed Sublease Agreement between Renton "Billy the Kid" Waterfront Restaurant Corp. and the Partnership of Thomas W. Singleton and Walter A. Evans for operation of the Sunf.i ;•d Restaurant. The committee also reviewed financial statements, etc. and proposal to promote "Southwestern" motif "Billy the Kid" family-style steakhouse with Senior discount during after- noon and live entertainment eveningE. The committee recommended: (1 ) Original "ground lease" clause continue in effect, i .e. , requiring the monthly payment to the City, a specified minimun monthly rental fee,plus 2% above Lessee' s monthly gross receipts exceeding minimum monthly rent to be paid as specified; (2) City Attorney determine if proper for Renton Waterfront Corp. to pay delinquent garbage collection/container billing of $2,525.3' as condition of City' s approval of new Sublease. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE.* Councilman Stredicke requested for the record whether the basic leasing party, Renton Waterfront Corp. , is current and not delinquent in rental payments or phone, other than garbage. Committee Chairman Trimm replied no phone at the site, that garbage collection only known bill . Stredicke inquired regarding liquor license. being advised by Walt Evans of availability. MOTION CARRIED.:; Renton City Council 5/3/82 Page 3 Audience Comment - Continued Alano Lounge James L. Nelson, 19635 Military Road S, Seattle, spoke on behalf of the South End Alano Lounge, 601 Rainier Ave. S, a facility for social/therapeutic atmosphere for recovering alcoholics and families, operating since 3/15/81 . Nelson noted the economic downturn has not provided paying memberships as anticipated, however, many referrals from Cedar Hills and other treatment centers. Nelson requested funds from the revenue received from the State Liquor Control Boarl,having been advised $9,000 available. Acting Finance Director Bennett reported the City' s share for rehabilitation is paid to King County for the Cedar Hills Treatment Center. Nelson noted increase in unemployed participants and cost of services. Councilwoman Mathews inquired re salaries and was advised Manager paid $300 per month, all others are volunteers. MOVED BY REED, SECOND TRIMM, REFER SUBJECT MATTER TO THE CITIZEN' S COMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT (for report to the Community Services Committee) . CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by one motion which follows the items included therein: Final Payment Letter from the Public Works Department recommended final payment LID #321 and accept project 5/3/82 for LID #321 sanitary sewers installed Cascade Septic by Cascade Septic Inc. in the vicinity of NE Sunset and Duvall Ave. NE. Also recommended that 30-day lien period be commenced for release of retained amount if proper documentation for pay- ment of tax liabilities filed and no liens or claims; retainage in amount of $6,737.45. Council concur. Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch declared May 6, as National Recognition Day for Nurses. King County Letter from the Board of Public Works reported no objection Water Districts to King County Boundary Review Board Notice of Intent for con- ,�, Consoiidate solidation of King County Water Districts #69, #77 and #88. (Response to Council Referral of 4/26/82. ) Computer Financing Letter from Acting Finance Director Bennett requested acceptance of contract with Wang Industries for new computer. Letter from Wang Laboratories, Inc. , Seattle, listed conditions for the VS-80. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee and City Attorney for review and recommendation. Garbage Rates Letter from Finance and Public Works Departments requested Reduced an ordinance be drafted to implement the new solid waste disposal rates. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Damages Claim Claims for Damages was filed by Kaiser Stevens in amount of (approx. ) $200 for broken windshield allegedly caused by rocks falling from City truck in the vicinity of Rainier exit from FAI 405. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Port Quendall Appeal has been filed by Port Quendall Development Company of PPUD 059-81 the Land Use Hearing Examiner' s decision of 4/12/82 regarding Appeal a preliminary planned unit development consisting of a mixed retail , office and hotel use. Location is planned for the west side of Lake Washington Blvd. N between Barbee Mill and Misty Cove Condominiums in the general vicinity of NE 44th St. exit of 1-405. Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND MATHEWS, ACCEPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Kathy Keolker, President of Renton Hill Community Association, 532 Cedar Ave.S, expressed support of the current proposal to rehabilitate the Holmes Building for a Multi-Service Center; however, noted project proponents indicate parking in the area will not be a problem; residents were assured if impact is greater than anticipated, the management of the building will work to solve the problems. The letter requested the City Renton City Council 5/3/82 Page 4 Correspondence - Continued Holmes Building consider change in direction of traffic from current one-way Multi-Service going east to one-way west for that section of Third Ave. in Center front of the Holmes Building in order to ease congestion at the intersection. The letter stated the project is an improvement to the downtown core area , gave support and encouraged other groups to do the same. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND MATHEWS, REFER THE REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN TRAFFIC DIRECTION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented Development committee report re R-3 and R-4 Zoning Ordinances together Committee with definitions as prepared by the Planning Commission. The R-3 and R-4 committee reviewed and amended the ordinances, recommending Ordinances the referral to the Ways and Means Committee for drafting in acceptable form for referral to the City Council . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Chairman Rockhill explained housekeeping nature of amendments to the zoning code which do not pertain to any matter that is before the Planning Commission, nor take into consideration the matter of professional offices in R-3 and R-4 zones. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report which recommended renewal of the one-year option on the Banking Option Peoples Bank contract. The committee further recommended Authorized the increase of non- interest bearing certificate of deposit by $22,628 to total of $107,270 in order to cover the cost of services on the account. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Software Agreement The committee report recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement with Eden Systems for computer software. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Residency The committee recommended granting waiver of City of Renton Requirement residence requirement for William F. Anderson, Board of Adjust- Waived ment Member. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE REPORT. Stredicke noted for the record Anderson' s business located inside city limits and has moved residency just outside city limits due to closure of mobile home park. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Reed submitted comittee Committee report re 1982 Community Facility Fund projects reprioritization Community Facility and reported during budget deliberations, Council identified Projects construction of Well #9 ($135,000) as top priority project for Reprioritized Community Facility Funds. The Administration requested the No. 2 Project: Construction - of Renton High ballfield ($100,000) be moved to the top of priority list because: (1 ) The School Dis- trict is prepared to begin construction of the ballfield; fund- ing andconstruction can be accomplished incrementally, but some city funds are needed now to assure that job is done properly. (2) Construction of Well #9 will not be achieved for approximately two years. (3) Alternative revenue sources (Referendum #38) may be available for funding utility projects. (4) Community Facility charges are allowed under new state legislation for utility projects; however, departments supported by tax funds must rely on general revenues or future implementation of the 1/4 of to increase in the real estate transfer tax for construc- tion of future capital improvements. The committee recommended: the No. 1 and No. 2 priority projects earmarked for Community Facility Funding be listed in reverse order. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke requested the record indicate amount of fund and if that fulfills commitment to the project. - Acting Finance Director Bennett advised $21 ,000 now available. Mayor Shinpoch advised this does not fulfill entire commitment and does not commit the Council to another $79,000; but does commit the $21 ,000 now available to the No. 1 -Project. MOTION CARRIED reversing order of projects. Renton City Council 5/3/82 Page 5 Old Business - Continued Community Services The committee report noted review of the policy for street Committee vacations, submitted draft ordinance, recommending referral Street Vacation to the City Attorney and Ways and Means Committee for approval Policy and adoption. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second Committee and final readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance #3627 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Carner Rezone property located in the vicinity of 4508 NE 4th Street from General Classification G to Business District B-1 ; known as the Carrier Rezone R-005-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3628 An ordinance was read adopting the Standard Specifications for Public Works Municipal Public Works Construction 1981 Edition by Reference. Construction MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3629 An ordinance was read relating to land use and zoning for Adult adult entertainment to promote the City' s interest in protect- Entertainment ing and preserving the quality of its neighborhoods, commercial districts and quality of urban life through effective land use planning. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2452 A resolution was read setting public hearing 6/7/82 to consider Proposed Vacation vacation of a portion of NW 4th St. as petition by Grohs, NW 4th St.-Grohs et al . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION VAC 04-82 Revised AS READ. Committee Chairman Stredicke reported the resolution may not be needed due to past law which is being investigated by the City Attorney; however, the resolution can be cancelled by the Administration if not needed. CARRIED. Rt ,olution #2453 A resolution was read declaring the City' s 1957 Wisconsin Surplus Equipment screening plant as surplus equipment and authorizing Purchasing Screening Plant Agent to dispose of the equipment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. First Reading The committee recommended first reading of an ordinance revising Solid Waste the garbage/refuse collection rates. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Port Quendall Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding appeal of Port Quendall Appeal Development Co. regarding Hearing Examiner' s decision (See the earlier Consent Agenda) and was advised by the City Attorney that Port Quendall representatives have indicated the appeal is of the Examiner' s decision as required by law, that modifications of the preliminary planned unit development are in the nature of Comprehensive Plan concessions to provide as they desire. Stredicke inquired also re Comprehensive Plan for central area and was advised by Plan- ning Commission Member Joan Walker that the public hearing has been closed, the matter will be considered by the Commission; they are receiving correspondence on the matter. Undergrounding MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER THE LETTER FROM TV CON- of TV Cable SULTANT, LON HURD, REGARDING PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE UNDERGROUND- ING ORDINANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill noted receipt of revenue report and requested one page digest. Renton City Council 5/3/82 Page 6 ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch report she was a representative to CETA (Compre- REPORT hensive Employment Training Act) along with three other Valley Mayors and City of Seattle representatives. Funding cuts have resulted in a very hard decision to cut stipends from $109 per week to $50 in order to serve more clients. Mayor Shinpoch discussed new legislation encouraging early retirement of government employees, noting recent retirement of James Williams of the General Services Division. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:00 P.M. Delores A. Mead, C.M. . City Clerk I ( CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 3, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 5/13 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Fire Codes for Churches Marine Patrol Revenue Report AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/04 Cancelled REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/06 Cancelled ROCKHILL Tues. 5/18 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers Port Quendall Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS AYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/10 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS PUBLIC MEETING Tues. 5/04 8:00 p.m. Senior Center Pro Parks Bond Issue RENTON SENIORS lay 6, 7 & 8 7:30 p.m. Carco Theater IREMEN' S PENSION BOARD Wed. 5/12 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room LEOFF BOARD Wed. 5/05 7:30 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room 10 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY 3, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8870 $ 1,479.00 McDonald Ainsworth 2401 NE 27th Street Reroof 8871 2,019.00 Harold Hoffmans 1119 Shelton Avenue NE Reroof 8872 5,850.00 Robert Cooper 87 Williams Avenue South New deck 8873 1,840. 00 Denton R. Lee 3701 Park Avenue North Reroof 8874 750. 00 Louisa Berei 2312 Main Avenue South Asphalt coat roof 8875 775.00 Ivan Kufek 759 Kirkland Avenue NE Reroof 8876 21,200. 00 Renton Housing Authority 970 Harrington Avenue NE Reroof six buildings 8877 700. 00 Pasco Realty 2102 NE Seventh Reroof 2 garage 8878 55,000.00 G&L Builders 3008 Smithers Court South Single-family residence 8879 8,000. 00 Tom Weilgos 2811 Mountain View Ave. N Repair existing bulkhead 8880 8,000. 00 Betty J. Dimmitt 903 NE Olympic Addition to residence 8881 650. 00 Bruce Cass 333 Rainier Avenue South Retaining wall 8882 17,500. 00 David G. Woodcock 123 Pelly Avenue North Parking lot addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10392 $ 4,500. 00 Brad Cunningham 4060 Lind Avenue SW Relocate circuits/outlets 10393 4,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Connect new equipment 10394 100.00 Bob Highland 228 Main Avenue South Add service/replace fixtures 10395 100. 00 G&L Builders 3008 Smithers Court South Temporary service 10396 1,017.00 Leonard Builders 4113 SE Fourth Place Wire single-family residence 10397 900.00 James S. McKinley 820 Index Court NE Remodel Add 200 Amp service 10398 1,500.00 CF/CHG 603 Stevens Avenue SW Lawn sprinkler system 10399 950.00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Corrections per inspection 10400 135.00 S. Daly 3702 Park Avenue North Wire dishwasher and disposal 10401 200. 00 Superstructure 2800 NE Fourth Street Two temporary services 10402 100.00 Northwest Acceptance 1980 East Valley Road Temporary service 10403 1,238. 00 Hillis Homes 2814 NE 23rd Place Wire single-family residence 10404 907.00 Schneider Homes 2305 Camas Avenue NE Wire single-family residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 9267 $ 1,000. 00 Michael Hammond 755 Dayton Avenue NE Install gas furnace 9268 4,000.00 James Jazbec & Kossert 5025 Ripley Lane North Install heat pump 9269 1,000. 00 Patrick J. Wilson 1057 Shelton Avenue NE Wood burning stove 9270 1,047.00 Thomas J. Loftus 2125 NE 28th Street Repair septic system 9271 -0- Voided 9272 500.00 Caldwell Banker 4060 Lind Avenue South Install one shower 9273 400. 00 James S. McKinley 820 Index Court NE Plumbing/fixtures 9274 1,000.00 Clean Bee Partnership 1314 Union Avenue NE Install boiler 9275 15,000. 00 CF/CHG 603 Stevens Avenue SW Lawn sprinkler system 9276 790. 00 Friends of Youth 2500 Lake Washington Blvd. Gas conversion burner 9277 575.00 Friends of Youth 2500 Lake Washington Blvd. Gas conversion burner-office 9278 1,846.00 Wick Homes 234 Bremerton Avenue SE Plumbing/fixtures 9279 195. 00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Reconnect extinguisher systen CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 3045 George M. Ludwig 2324 NE 22nd Street Side sewer 3046 Hillis Homes 2814 NE 23rd Place Side sewer 3047 R. W. Wiehoff 2328 NE 22nd Street Side sewer OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, ti �B 0 COUNCIL PRESIDENT Z ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L MATHEWS Z JOHN W.REED p 9 RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE SEPI-1-ole W TRIMM REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING M a y 10 , 1 9 8 2 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : 0 0 P , M DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2, CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 3, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARING: PRO Parks Bond Issue for Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes, 6, CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member, a, Acting Finance Director requests amendment of City Code dealing with reporting/payment of horse race admission charges. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b, Housing and Community Development Coordinator requests appropriation of $73,200 for Senior Housing Assistance Program, Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance, also authorizing Mayor/City Clerk to execute contract. C. Fire Chief presents contract for fire protection services of State owned facilities within the City. Refer to Public Safety Committee. d. Public Works Director requests analysis of current residential water meter charges. Refer to Utilities Committee. ' e. Mayor Shinpoch proclaims 5/24/82 as Leukemia Cure-A-Thon Day. Mayor Shinpoch proclaims 5/14/82 as Renton Health Fair 82 Days, Mayor Shinpoch proclaims 5/9-15/82 as Municipal Clerks Week. Concur. f, City Clerk reports 4/27/82 bid opening for improvement to East Valley Road, LID #314. Refer to Public Works Department and Transportation Committee, (Seven bids received. ) g. Claims for Damages filed by: Durwood Blood in amount of $122,798 claim- ing zoning error. James Murphy in amount of $150.89 tire/muffler damage alleging rocks in access road, T.P. Kennedy $95,70 alleqinq tire damaqe from hole on 180th/SW4_7rd. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. h. Court Case filed by Mt. Olivet Cemetery alleging rezone of property adjacent to cemetery in 1977 by Ordinance 3113 .to be null and void and reverted to prior zoning. Refer to City Attorney. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13, ADJOURNMENT 12 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 10 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER *Claims for Damages: Durwood Blood James Murphy T. P. Kennedy Court Case Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Inc. re Ordinance 3113 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Wang Computer agreement PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LID #314 subject and ids PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from D. Bennett re R-3 an R-4 zone revision PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire protection of State facilities TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE LID #314 subject and bids UTILITIES COMMITTEE Water meter charges analysis WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Revision of horse race tax ordinance Senior Housing appropriation $73,200 1� RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 10 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM; NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS; JOHN W. REED; RICHARD M. STREDICKE; RANDALL ROCKHILL; ROBERT J. HUGHES. MINUTE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APPROVAL MAY 3, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; DANIEL IN ATTENDANCE KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PROCLAMATION Mayor Shinpoch proclaimed Municipal Clerk' s Week 5/9-15/82 Municipal Clerk' s noting that the Municipal Clerk is the oldest of public servants Week 5/9-15/82 dating back to Biblical times and is the hub for efficient and responsive local government. Mayor Shinpoch presented City Clerk Delores Mead with the Proclamation in honor of her service, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted King County and published as may be required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened Bond Issue the public hearing to consider King County proposed bond issue. PRO Parks Information was distributed explaining park projects identified in the City' s Six Year Capital Improvement Program as submitted to the PRO PARKS Committee for possible inclusion in the proposed county-wide bond issue. The final report submitted by the com- mittee to the King County Council recommends an allocation of $3, 138,200 to the City of Renton for local projects. The pre- liminary recommendation by the City was a Community Recreation Center, other projects were submitted to the Renton City Council : (1 ) Cedar River Park Community Recreation Center $3, 138,200; Park Acquisition and Development of the following Neighborhood areas: (2) Heather Downs (8-10 acres) $650,000; (3) Sierra Heights- Glencoe (8-10 acres)$650,000; (4) Talbot Hill/Springbrook (8-10 acres) $650,000; (5) East Kennydale (7-10 acres) $650,000; (6) Sports Park Complex (20-20 acres) $1 ,000,000; (7) Tiffany Park- Benson Hill (8-10 ac. ) $650,000; (8) Kennydale Lions (2 acres) $100,000; (9) Wetlands (40-80 ac. ) $800,000. Potential Regional Projects: (1 ) Cedar River Trail Natural Zone Development ( Included in final recommendation by Pro-Parks Committee) $630,000; (2) Maplewood Golf Course Acquisition (A golf course acquisition for South King County included in final Pro-Parks Com. recommendation) ; (3) Riparian Forest Acquisition (75 acres) ( Included in Renton Wetlands Study) . Continued Letter from Thomas Teasdale, Chairman, Renton Park Board, in response to King County Council regarding local projects for the proposed PRO Parks Bond Issue recommended the City submit Cedar River Park Community Recreation Center as the proposed project. The letter notes consideration of the City' s omprehensive Park and Recreation Plan and Six-Year Capital Improvement Program and input from the public. Letter from Diana Ledbury, 511 Stevens Court NW, supported building of community center as providing positive outlets for everyone on the community and worth the money. Continued Persons present: Charles Delaurenti , 505 S 18th St. , represented the Renton Park Board and Member of Pro Parks Committee. De-laurenti explained the paring down of the county-wide project and develop- ment of phases, this being Phase I ; county wide interest in the Cedar River Trail System. Parks Director Webley explained the Cedar River Park Community Recreation Center decision and the $3, 138,200 proposed allocation to the City by Pro Parks Committee_ Renton City Council 5/10/82 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued PRO PARKS Sylvia Langdon, 312 SW Langston Road, urged acquisition of the Continued Riparian Forest and recommendation to the King County Council . Henry Hart, 13743 SE 172nd, Renton Fairwood, supported acquisi- tion of park land in South King County. Discussion ensued regarding proposed golf course, Parks Director Webley explained the possible acquisition of Maplewood Golf Course and noted the Wilderness Golf Course had been recently purchased by private party. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND STREDICKE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL GO No. 1 Item ON RECORD ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD FOR No. 1 Cedar River Park ITEM CEDAR RIVER PARK COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER AND THAT ALL Community Center THREE REGIONAL PROJECTS BE RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Gary Merlino, public works contractor/developer and property LID #314 owner within L. I .D. #314, East Valley Highway area development, East Valley Hwy. expressed the belief that serious errors and omissions exist in Improvement bids received by the City. Merlino explained building 34th and Bids and Project 39th Streets in same plat for Burlington Northern, was aware of engineering costs and complained of excess costs of engineering work for the LID, also noting possible errors. Merlino asked that Council investigate. Councilman Stredicke reported the Ways and Means Committee is recommending $107,63x•33 payment to Jones & Assoc. , LID engineers, be withheld pending review of pro- gress. Also noted: Consent Agenda Item 6. f. LID #314 bids refer- red to the Public Works Department and Transportation Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.f. CARRIED. City Clerk reported 4/27/82 bid opening for improvement to East Valley Road, LID #314 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM, REFER THE SUBJECT OF LID #314 AND THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE AND TO HEAR FROM INTERESTED CITIZENS. CARRIEDT Councilman Stredicke discussed withholding payment to engineering firm, noting prior Council action and request to hold payment pending review. Merlino objected to $800,000 engineering fees as out of proportion and noted possible law suit. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Horse Race Letter from Acting Finance Director Bennett requested amendment Admission Charge of City Code dealing with the reporting and payment of horse Ordinance race admission charges; Code Section Title 5, Chapter 2. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Senior Housing Housing and Community Development Coordinator requested appropri - Assistance ation of $73,200 for Senior Housing Assistance Program. Refer Program to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents also requested. Program under contract CE 1290-81 , includes four elements: home repair loans up to $4,000; no cost minor home repairs; an emergency repair program to correct immediate problems and a yard clean-up and exterior painting program during the summer months. Letter explained these are recaptured funds and program can be initiated before the usual 7/1 starting date. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Fire Protection Letter from Fire Chief Geissler presented contract for fire Sate Facilities protection services of State owned facilities within the City. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Water Meter Letter from Public Works Director Houghton requested an analysis Charges Analysis of current residential water meter charges in all water utility service areas because current fees do not cover actual costs; therefore, City ratepayers are subsidizing new utility customers. Refer to Utilities Committee. Proclamations Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch declared 5/24/82 as Leukemia Cure-A-Thou Day and explained KIRO Newsradio will present a 16-hour fund raising broadcast with monies pledged to research, patient care and public education in Washington State. Renton City Council 5/10/82 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Proclamations Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch declared Renton Health Fair Renton Health '82 Days to take place on the MiniMall at the Renton Shopping Fair 82 Days Center and provide screening tests, education exhibits, as well as 5/14/82 being community effort to improve health and health awareness. Damages Claims Claims for Damages were filed by: Durwood Blood (1 ) Durwood Blood, 1201 N 37th St. , in amount of $122,798 claim- James Murphy ing zoning error in failure to amend zoning map resulting in King T. P. Kennedy County Superior Court permanently enjoining City from issuing a building permit for other than R-1 single residence . Blood claimed City' s liability also arises in false representations that parcel was zoned R-2. (2) James Murphy, 709 SW Sunset Blvd. , in amount of $150.89 tire/muffler damage alleging rocks in access road running east and west off SW Stevens in the Earlington area. (3) T. P. Kennedy, 13005 SE 204th Pl , in amount of $95.70 alleging tire damage from hole on 180th/SW 43rd St. Refer Claims to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Court Case Superior Court Case was filed by Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Inc. vs #82-2-06075-5 City concerning Ordinance 3113 changing the zoning classifica- Mt. Olivet tion of property located east of SR 169 (Maple Valley Hwy. ) Cemetery, Inc. south of Monterey Terrace and Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of Bonneville Power right of way,alleging rezone of property adjacent to cemetery in 1977 to be null and void and reverted to prior zoning. Refer to City Attorney. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. (Several items considered removed by motion and considered earlier. ) CORRESPONDENCE Letter from James Benishek, 22731 SE 184th, Maple Valley, Special Olympics requested the Cabaret License Fee be waived for a benefit to Benefit raise money in support of the Washington State Special Olympics. Fees Waived The benefit is planned to be held at Jimmy Barei ' s Tavern on Sunday, 5/23/82 12:00 noon until 6:00 p.m. ; last year' s benefit resulted in $3,500 donation to Special Olympics. Local musicians will donate time and talents for entertainment. MOVED BY REED, SECOND TRIMM, WAIVE CABARET FEES AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Proposed Changes Letter from Del Bennett, 18004 SE 147th; James Magstadt, Dean to Zoning Code Bitney, James Dalpay, Alex Cugini , Charles Owen and James da Silva, re R-3 and R-4 submitted comments regarding proposed changes in the R-3 and R-4 Zones zones. The letter noted the proposed ordinance will not permit professional offices in the R-3 and R-4 zones, even by special permit and expressed disapproval . The letter submitted City of Bellevue Zoning Code pertaining to Multifamily Residential Dis- tricts, noting inclusion of offices in both office and multiple family zones. The letter also noted Renton' s proposed development of office use zone and questioned division of land between the multiple family zones and new office zone, claiming both appropriate. The letter requested reevaluation of proposed changes and retention of professional offices in the R-3 and R-4 zones, that before any change, the City consult with property owners affected. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER LETTER TO PLANNING AND DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Rockhill noted the subject of R-3 and R-4 revisions was referred to the Ways and Means Committee and requested the matter be held pending further study of the matter. OLD BUSINESS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Ways and Means report recommending authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk Committee to sign agreement with Wang Industries, including conditions set Wang Computer forth in their letter of 4/23/82, for the purchase of a Wang VS 80 computer. Authorization subject to contract approval by City Attorney. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/10/82 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended Approval withholding payment of Voucher #39660 in amount of $107,636.33 to Jones Associates, Inc. , Consulting Engineers for LID #314. The committee recommended payment of Vouchers 29558 through #39820 in the amount of $869,547.90 excluding Voucher #39660 in amount of $107,636.33 (Revised total $761 ,911 .57) . Approval included for the following Revenue Warrants: LID #314, #R-16 in amount of $175,743.05; LID #317, R-9 $80.00; LID #322 R-14 in amount of $145,877.38; R-1 $45.96. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN REPORT AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS NO. 39558 THROUGH 39820 EXCLUDING NO. 39660. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, Stredicke requested review by City Attorney and Staff re previous Council freeze on payment pending investigation. Annual Senior Councilman Stredicke commended Senior Center and Park Department Stage Show for outstanding professional performance Senior Follies at the Carco Theatre 5/6-8/82. Chamber of �)poh inquiry by Councilman Rockhill regarding release of infor- Commerce Meeting mation to the newspaper, Mayor Shinpoch reported specific finan- cial information will be presented to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting 5/13. Mayor Shinpoch also noted information reported at the Chamber of Commerce meeting was of a general and philosophic nature. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee recommendation for second and final reading of an ordinance Ordinance #3630 amending the City' s refuse collection rate and hours of pick- Reduced Rates up; reducing rates . Reed objected to rate reduction when dump fee Refuse Collection increase anticipated. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5-AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 2-N0: TRIMM AND REED. r Stredicke noted provision of new contract that rates effective for 18 months with exception of raising of King County dump fees . Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews noted garbage contract specifies City approval for contractor dump site. MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported successful Metro bond issue; 11 .9% REPORT interest cost; 13.5% interest had been anticipated; savings of $25,000,000 over 30 years or cost of 590,000 for interest rather than $115,000,000. Sale of bonds will be in $5,000 increments for the $35,000,000 issue. Renton Handicap Mayor Shinpoch noted 5/16 Longacres Race, being one of the oldest Sunday handicap stakes races on the Pacific Coast. Mayor Shinpoch will be Honorary Steward for the 42nd running of the Renton Handicap. AUDIENCE COMMENT Police Rep. Persson announced a new protection alarm system has been installed throughout City Hall , the old system inoperative. Park and City Clerk Mead reported bond delivery will be made on 5/19 and City Shops Bonds closing on 5/20 for both the Park and City Shops $4, 125,000 issues. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND TRIMM, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9.32 P.M. 1 Delores A. Mead, C.M C. City Clerk EXPill 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 5/10/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 39553 - 39557 CURRENT $1430759. 38 ARKS $640389. 73 NoWITERIAL STREETS •361860.47 STREETS $190195.43 LIBRARY !111117. 47 STREET FORWARD THRUST $1360688.86 0 COULON BCH PK CONSTR $160786.60 WATERWORKS UTIO TY $930451 .52 AIRPORT $80634 .27 EOUIPIENT RENTAL $110499.40 FIREMEN 'S PENSION $125.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPt $50269.21 LID CONTROL $3210770.56 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $8690547.90 "" OE0 THE UNDERSIGNED ME4BLKS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILO HAVING RELEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDO DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU• 39558 THROUGH NO* 39820 IN THE AMOUNT OF $8690547.90 THIS 10tH DAY OF MAY 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • - • • • • MEMBER t = • L.I.D.#314 % °tom ... REVENUE WARRANT N0.#R-16 $175,743.05 MEMBER �• ♦ `�• • • • • • • L.I.D.#317 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-9 $ 80.00 L.I.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-14 $145,877.38 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-1 $ 45.96 "no CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER 1--► Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 10 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 5/13 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Fire Codes for Churches Marine Patrol Revenue Report AVIATION Tues. 5/18 Cancelled TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/11 Cancelled REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/13 Cancelled ROCKHILL Tues. 5/18 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers Port Quendall Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 5/26 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Protection Service on State- owned Facilities Neighborhood Justice Centers TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Thurs. 5/13 7:00 p.m. TRIMM th Floor Conference Room LID 314 UTILITIES Wed. 5/19 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Request for Analysis of Residential Water Meter Charges WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/17 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 5th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS FIREMEN' S PENSION BOARD Wed. 5/12 4:00 p.m. 5th Floor Conference Room ar Fire Station SOUTH KING COUNTY ROADS Tues. 5/11 4:30 p.m. reen River Community College - Meet w/State Highway Department OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY 10, 1982 -BUILDING PERMITS 8883 $ 1,933.00 Koll Business Centers 251 SW 41st Street Tenant improvement 8884 2,000.00 Edward Yaguchi 609 Union Avenue NE Roof over existing roof 8885 54,500.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 207 Vashon Avenue SE New single-family residence 250,000. 00 Dennis Smart 3123 NE Fourth Street New commercial building 800. 00 Kenneth Sterlington 2215 NE Tenth Place Reroof 2,000. 00 Peter W. Frigard 717 Sunset Blvd. NE Carport w/attached tool shed 11,000.00 First Baptist Church 255 Hardie Avenue SW Replace roofing 86:_ 4,000.00 E. A. Beers 1210 Queen Avenue NE Home addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10405 $ 250.00 Mike Creegan 531 Smithers Avenue South Install 200 amp service 10406 175.00 Chester Haines 3121 SE Sixth Street Move meter box 10407 372.00 Boeing 800 SW 43rd Street Install outside light 10408 3,695. 00 Boeing 800 SW 43rd Street Additional service 10409 13,000. 00 Boeing 600 SW 43rd Street Install panel & receptacles 10410 100. 00 The Koll Company 4208 Lind Avenue South Temporary service 10411 100.00 Dennis Smart 3123 NE Fourth Street Temporary service 10412 12,000.00 Boeing Renton Field Ground and power outlet 10413 350.00 Scott Johnson 4324 NE Tenth Place Wire addition 10414 400. 00 Renton Aviation, Inc. 840 W. Perimeter Road Wire sewage lift pump 10415 2,900.00 Renton Aviation, Inc. 840 W. Perimeter Road Wire two offices & bathrooms 10416 1,200. 00 Wick Homes 234 Bremerton Avenue SE Wire new residence 10417 1,200.00 Wick Homes 216 Bremerton Avenue SE Wire new residence 10418 1,200. 00 Wick Homes 210 Bremerton Avenue SE Wire new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 92FC $ 1,200.00 Schneider Homes, Inc. 2304 Aberdeen Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 92>_ 1,472. 00 Schneider Homes, Inc. 2305 Camas Avenue NE Gas furnace and water heater 92r 700.00 John Glenn, Jr. 3609 Jones Avenue NE Install wood stove 92L— 1, 141.00 Wick Homes 216 Bremerton Avenue SE Furnace and water heater 9284 1,326.00 Schneider Homes, Inc. 2309 Camas Avenue NE Furnace and water heater 19285 2,017.00 Hillis Homes 2805 NE 23rd Place Plumbing and fixtures 9286 4,000.00 Renton Aviation 850 W. Perimeter Road Four unit heaters & gas piping 9287 1,800. 00 V. Swanson/B. Cass 333 Rainier Avenue South Lawn irrigation system 9288 41,000.00 Sebco 1000 Index Avenue NE Install HVAC 9289 4,945.00 West Coast Glass 903 Thomas Avenue SW Fire sprinklers in racks 9290 5,690. 00 Boeing Renton Field Extend water to new position 9291 440. 00 Scott Johnson 4324 NE Tenth Place Plumbing and fixtures 9292 700. 00 Scott Johnson 4324 NE Tenth Place Free-standing fireplace SIGN PERMIT 11007 $ 60.00 John G. Budvan 100 SW Seventh Street Install 32 square foot sign Z.A10. 9/4 CASCADE SEPT/C GARY MERL/NO FRANK COLUCGI 7Rl-57'ATE a.R-ALIA {R.L.ALIA LAND CON57RUC7/04 DYAD CONANUC7/ ENG/NEERS SERVICE /QVC. CON5TRUC7'IoN CO. CON5TRUCTION CO. CONSTRUCTION, INC. CNIPANY COMPANI INC. E5 7111 TE SCHEDULE "A" /,/c'0, 803./0 1, 154,200.82 11070,884- 37 /12 3 3, Y85.81 /, 202, 968.08 /, 315, 677. /l /, 480,/50. 73 /, 6381, 704 6Z SCHEDULE "8" P,930,498.29 3,056,4/9 .26 3, 143, 399.60 3,083,772.1-0 3,450,062. 87 3, 516, 177. 7Z 3, 673,0/2.72 4,104, /73 .0/ SCHEDULE "8" 3, 09 8,99/.05 3,162,285.24 3,238,019. 85 3,192, /'moi .00 3, 60*,279.03 3, 67/, 387.97 3, 859,151.72 4, 354,0/4. Z/ AL7ERNATE SCHEDULE MC• 6,000.00 /,000 .00 5,000.00 3, 300- 00 3, 000.00 7, 000-00 /0,000.00 8, 9Z5. 00 70/'AL A +BV+C� , .q)036,58139 4, 21/, 620.08 4,221, 283. 99 V,,3ZO, 998.y/ 4,656,030. 95 4,838,854.83 5, 165,163. 45 5, 751, 799.63 TorAl- A'+g (AL7.) 4,205,o741./3- 4, 317,486.06 4, 315,904. 24 y4129.,3741.81 4, 810, 247. 11 4,994, 265.08 5,3 5I, 3OZ_45 6, 00/, 640.83 +G' WITH ENGINEER' S CORRECTIONS APRIL 27, 1982 BID OPENING CITY CLERK' S OFFICE 1 OF R�^, COUNCIL MEMBERS „ AGENDA EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT V CI ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W.REED �O /, RANDALL ROCKHILI �o CO R E N T O N CITY �r^ O V N C 1 L RICHARD M STREDICKE 0 �lQ' THOMAS W TRIMM qTF� SEP11r-o REGULAR MEET I NG PRESIDING MAY 1 7 , 1982 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : 0 0 P . M DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 10, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (1 ) Annual Adoption of the City's Zoning Map Continued from 5/3/82 (2) L. I .D. #321 , Sanitary Sewers - Final Assessment Roll Area of NE Sunset Blvd, and Duvall Ave. NE (3) Vacation of Mary Ryan Short Plat 159-78 and Release of Letter of Credit. Area: Woody Glen Addn. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for -- study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch 5/21-22 declared Buddy Poppies Days for annual sale of Buddy Poppies by VFW to finance needy and disabled veterans. b. Park and Finance Departments request resolution for transfer of $500 to Park Facilities for Parker property legal fees. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Park Department requests fund transfer $23,000 for development of Renton High School Athletic Complex from Community Facilities charges to Park Capital Outlay Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Parks Department requests final payment, acceptance of project completion Liberty Park Community Center Renovation and release of retained amount of $7, 133,81 be paid the contractor, Robert Kincaid Construction, Inc. , in 30 days upon filing of proper documents. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 22 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 17 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Fire Codes for Churches WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Ordinances on first reading 5/17: Amendment to filing of tax on horse race Funds appropriation Senior Housing Assistance LID #314 for Resolution setting public hearing 6/14 ( If required) Fund Transfer for Parker Property (Resolution adopted) . Fund transfer $23,000 Renton High School Athletic Complex (Community Facilities) Mary Ryan Short Plat for Resolution Zoning Map for Ordinance LID #321 for Final Ordinance PUBLIC HEARING 6/14/82 LID #314 Revised Preliminary Roll RENTON ' CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 17 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM: NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS: JOHN W. REED: RICHARD M. STREDICKE: RANDALL ROCKHILL AND ROBERT J. HUGHES. MINUTE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APPROVAL MAY 10, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; DANIEL IN ATTENDANCE KELLOGG , Asst. City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordi - nator; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch was read declaring the month American Legion of May 1982 as Poppy Month and May 21st and 22nd as Poppy Poppy Month Days in Renton. The American Legion Auxiliary pays tribute May 1982 to the dead and aids the living veterans and their families by the sale of the poppies. The Proclamation was awarded to Loma Taylor, American Legion Auxiliary. _ . Buddy Poppie Days Proclamation of Mayor Shinpoch was read declaring the 21st VFW - 5/21-22 and 22nd of May, 1982 as Buddy Poppies Days for sale of poppies and benefit of disabled and needy veterans, widows and orphans of deceased veterans by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Proclamation was awarded to Veteran of Foreign Wars Representatives Jackie Brazier and Bill Robbins. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date and proper notices having been posted, Annual Adoption published and mailed as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch convened of City Zoning the public hearing continued from 5/3/82 to consider the adop- Map per tion of the City of Renton zoning map pursuant to Ordinance Ordinance #3598 No. 3598. A letter was read from Carroll and Robert L. Hurd, favoring recommendation of the Policy Development Director re their property Lots 19 and 20, Blk 6, Renton Highlands Addn. Letter from Puget Power, Dick Causer, Manager Land Planning, stated agreement with elimination of discrepancies in zoning map concerning two pieces of their property: Portion of the Shuffleton Steam Plant currently zoned G-1 to existing use H-1 ; Transmission right of way crossing Cemetery Road from R-4 to G-1 single family large lot, not affecting utilization of right of way. Letter from Tri-belt , Inc. , 6840 112th SE, re property located at 4108 Jones NE, urged approval of the recommended rezone to B-1 being existing use. Letter from Bulchis and Garrison, Airport Plaza Bldg. , Seattle, noted Council has advised Ralph Evans that designation has been omit- ted from property Evans is concerned with,due to litigation. Bulchis and Garrison requested similar treatment for the ERADCO- Mt Olivet Cemetery parcel as law suit has been filed. Asst. City Attorney Kellogg advised distinction between the two parcels: Evans matter based on zoning ordinance; ERADCO matter based on covenants running with the land, prohibiting certain uses and not involving zoning. The Asst. City Attorney advised against elimination of zoning designation for ERADCO parcel . 24 Renton City Council 5/17/82 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Zoning Map Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens noted 5/3 Adoption presentation to Council of entire zoning map for review and adoption; identified the 28 errors and gave recommended Council action from the Policy Development, Building and Zoning Depart- ments. Clemens displayed maps and advised that all property owners of record were notified, that all those he had talked with had favored the rezone, that he had not talked to owners of property that reverted from B-1 to G-1 (area deep ravine not suited to business) . Continued Persons present: Ralph Evans , 3306 NE 11th Pl , requested status of property in which he is interested (area of 12th and Monroe Ave. NE) . Policy Development Director Clemens noted the stated property has been given no zoning designation until such time as litigation settled. Councilman Stredicke questioned change in designation recommended by Hearing Examiner and was advised by the Asst. City Attorney of the nature of the area wide rezone to correct preexisting zoningerrors to give certainty to the City' s zoning map. Clemens explained examples of intent to rezone, property used for that purpose, but legal description did not include the stated property. Clemens also explained reversionary clause rezone, tracing zoning from 1958. Continued James Colt , P.O. Box 547, made further inquiries requesting further explanation of difference between handling of properties under litigation re Ralph Evans and ERADCO, explaining ERADCO matter subject to Ordinance #3113 , inquiring re effect on the Hearing Examiner action. Asst. City Attorney explained the underlying ordinance on Evans matter and covenants on ERADCO, noting Council action would not divest Examiner. Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Ave. S, inquired re Highlands Village and recalled information to Council of area mine shaft overlay suggesting P.U.D. for area rather than R-4 for better design control for protection of residents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Councilman Reed suggested referral to Hearing Examiner MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ZONING MAP AS PRESENTED WITH ACTION RECOMMENDED BY THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENTS ON THE 28 DISCREPANCIES. CARRIED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE ORDINANCES. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, LID #321 published and mailed as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch opened Sanitary Sewers the public hearing to consider the Final Assessment Roll of LID NE Sunset Blvd . 321 , sanitary sewer main, laterals and side sewers, in the area and Duvall NE of NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. NE. Assessment Roll in the amount of $73,018.37. Letter from Public Works Director Houghton reported that as of 5:00 P.M. no written protests to the LID have been received. Public Works Director Houghton used wall maps and explained the Improvement area, noting a portion outside the City Limits; residents will not be allowed to connect without annexation or a health hazard and payment of costs. Houghton explained costs 23% over estimate, due to increase in construction costs. MOVED BY REED, SECOND CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED, ADOPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Mary Ryan published and mailed according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened Short Plat 159-78 the public hearing to consider vacation of the Mary Ryan Short Exception 160-78 Plat and release of letter of credit as petitioned by Mary Pat Vacated Ryan, 645 Shattuck Ave. S, and Glen Ahrens, 4409 S 150, Seattle. The plat is located in the northeast corner of Taylor Place NW and 6th Street, known as the Woody Glen Addition Lot 1 , Block 2. The petition stated the vacation would return the area to original configuration prior to the recording of the plat due to economic effects of appreciation of development Renton City Council 5/17/82 Page 3 Public Hearing - Continued Mary Ryan costs, slow market and necessity to underground utilities Short Plat not included in the original estimate; therefore, the project SP-159-78 is unprofitable. Letter from Public Works Director Houghton reported no objection to the vacation of the plat and no problems with public safety, health and welfare. Houghton noted the vacation of a plat has not come before the City previously; also noted the financial situation for housing development has taken a down turn and lots did not sell . Houghton explained the plat requirements for installation of improvements such as, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, etc. , must be be met in accordance with time limit set by ordinance; and that although bond was posted construction costs have increased. Asst. City Attorney Kellogg explained Council has full authority regarding vacation and assessment of damages and/or benefits. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. ' Councilman Stredicke inquired re costs, being advised costs have been paid through filing fees. Councilman Reed inquired re previous approval for the vacation and was advised King County requires a resolution from the City authorizing the vacation. MOTION CARRIED.* MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR VACATION OF THE MARY RYAN SHORT PLAT AMD REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by one motion of the Council which follows the items included: Legal Fees Letter from the Parks and Recreation Department and the Finance Parker Property Department requested a fund transfer in the amount of 5500 to the Parks Facilities for the Parker property legal fees. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee • (Resolution 92452 adopted. ) Renton High Letter from Parks and Recreation Supt. Ron Heiret requested School a fund transfer in the amount of $23,000 for development of Athletic Fields the Renton High School Athletic Complex from Community Facility charges to Park Capital Outlay Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for legislation. -;.. Final Payment Letter from the Parks and Recreation Department requested Robert Kincaid Council authorization for final payment, acceptance of completed Construction, lnc. project for the Liberty Park Community Center Renovation. The CAG 044-81 letter also requested that if after 30 days proof of tax liabili - ties is received and all liens or claims have been dismissed, the retained amount of $7, 133.81 be paid the contractor. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SHOWN (PROCLAMATIONS - PAGE 1 ) . Councilman Reed inquired re amount of fund transfer from Community Facilities Fund and was advised those Community Facilities Fees still outstanding will be collected and transferred to Priority No. 1 (Athletic Complex) not to exceed $100,000.** CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole report presented by Council President Fire Code for Clymer recommended the item Fire Codes for Churches be referred Churches to the Administration and that no Council action is required. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF TF'E WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Revenue Report The Committee of the Whole recommended authorizing the Adminis- tration to prepare legislation which would allow the City to charge a one-quarter percent real estate excise tax, as authorized by the Legislature, to replace the Community Facilities fees which have been outlawed by the Legislature. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that the proposed tax is a replacement of a tax which has been discontinued by the Legislature and not new taxation as reported by the newspaper. Renton City Council 5/17/82 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm submitted report Committee recalling agreement made with property owners involved in LID LID #314 #314 to reevaluate the assessments after construction bids were East Valley Rd. received. The report recommended that the property owners be notified of their revised assessments and a public hearing be Public Hearing set for 6/14/82 to review these assessments. The report further 6/14/82 stated that if the Council agrees at the 6/14/82 hearing to proceed with the construction, the committee recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Cascade Septic Service, Inc. of Tacoma, in the amount of $4,036,581 .39. The report further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to sign the documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION IF NEEDED. CARRIED. PSCOG Report Councilman Hughes reported on recent Puget Sound Council of Government meeting for presentation of alternate traffic plans to Metro. Hughes informed PSCOG of the heavy traffic congestion on 1-405 at Renton and need for more lanes not only HOV proposed. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report recommending first reading and referral back to committee for the following ordinances: Ordinance An ordinance was read amending the filing of statements and First Reading payments of tax on horse race admissions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read appropriating funds in amount of $73,200 for the Senior Housing Assistance Program. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Street Vacation Committee Chairman Stredicke announced the Street Vacation Policy Ordinance Policy Ordinance is available for study and will be presented next week. Resolution #2452 A resolution was read for the transfer of $500 from Cumulative Fund Transfer Reserve Fund 1689 to Parker Property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Parker Property SECOND BY CLYMER . ADOPT THF RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch introduced Housing and Community Development REPORT Coordinator Ed Hayduk who announced King County Clean Up Day 5/22 and used charts/maps to explain the routes and areas King County planned for cleanup by community orqanizations: Renton Assembly Clean Up Day of God Church Youth, Boy Sout Troup, Garden Clubs.Two locations 5/22/82 named as Focus Areas: Devil ' s Elbow and Pipeline R/W between Puget Drive and Phillip Arnold Park which had been dumping areas. Hayduk explained the Housing and Community Development Pick up area for the low and moderate income neighborhoods and noted King County to supply free dumping at the refuse collection site. Mayor Shinpoch outlined schedule for the beautification of Metro Park and Ride lot, final plantings to be accomplished .. in September by the Bothell firm under contract. Mayor Shinpoch announced many employees will be retiring at the end of May and June due to change in retirement laws by the State Legislature, explaining that not all positions will be filled. ADJOURNMENT _MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED . 9:35 P.M. Delores A. Mead , C.M. C. , City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEL ING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 17, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION Tues. 5/18 Cancelled TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/25 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Letter from Lon Hurd re Cable TV Ordinance Revision PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Tues. 5/18 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL Council Chambers Port Quendall Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 5/26 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Protection Service on State- owned Facilities Neighborhood Justice Centers TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES 4ed. 5/19 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Residential Water Meter Charges WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/24 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS MAY 17, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS B891 $ -0- Gary Merlino 2600 East Valley Road Annual fill license 8892 1,445.00 Cathy McCarthy 427 Windsor Way NE Reroof 8893 70,000.00 TNT Construction 1220 North Fifth Street Concrete building addition 8894 11,600. 00 Boeing Renton Plant Rearrangement of lab space B895 9,310.00 Boeing Renton Plant Flatten grade of loading dock 8896 500,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Building upgrade 8897 35,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4313 SE Fourth Street New single-family residence 8898 65,000.00 Samuel Wallick III 4009 NE Tenth Street New single-family resider 8899 6,000.00 Pace Industrial Group 2233 East Valley Road Hallway 8900 400.00 Washington Mutual Bank 512 South 31st Street Stairs and deck 8901 750,000.00 Southcenter East Inv. 1107 SW Grady Way Two story office building 8902 1,000.00 Virgil Tuntland 225 Main Street South Paneling on hallway walls 8903 2,000. 00 William Hodgson 620 Renton Avenue South Detached garage 8904 2,500. 00 Rufus Commodore 520 Taylor Place NW Garage 8905 30,000.00 James Johnson 3129 Talbot Avenue South Move house onto Renton lot 8906 450.00 Ernest Bozeman 2232 NE 24th Street Construct cabana 8907 9,500.00 Dennis Elbert 390 Taylor Avenue NW Reroof apartments 18908 300.00 G&M Investments 3803 NE Fourth Office improvement 8909 130,000.00 Earlington Associates 498-500 SW Seventh Street Partition computer room ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10419 $ 26,930. 00 Boeing Renton Plant New service to transformer 10420 65,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Lights , receptacles , circuits 10421 1,500.00 Boeing Renton Plant Additional service 10422 907. 00 Schneider Homes 2309 Camas Avenue NE Wire single-family residence 10423 Voided 10424 Voided 10425 200.00 Ray Moravec 3430 NE Sixth Place Wire garage 10426 400.00 LeRoy Hayes 1818 Shattuck Avenue South Service change 10427 100. 00 Schneider Homes 2304 Aberdeen Avenue NE Temporary service 10428 750.00 Municipality of Seattle 1200 Monster Road Extend feeder 10429 500. 00 Municipality of Seattle 1200 Monster Road Temporary service 10430 750.00 Koll Company 251 SW 41st Street Plugs, lights and BB hea 10431 400.00 M. Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street 20-20 amp duplex outlets 10432 50,000.00 Earlington Associates 498-500 SW Seventh Street New service and rewiring 10433 30.00 Norman R. Lau 3706 NE Seventh Street Exhaust fan for green house VECHANICAL PERMIT 9293 $ 1,400.00 Schneider Homes 2309 Camas Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 9294 1,228. 00 SORCO 4004 NE Tenth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9295 879. 00 Leonard Builders 4218 SE Fourth Street Gas furnace 9296 793.00 Leonard Builders 4113 SE Fourth Place Gas furnace 9297 150.00 Michael Martinson 1300 Pearce Place NE Gas piping only for hot tub 9298 30,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Ductwork revision 9299 8,800. 00 Boeing Renton Plant Plumbing/fixtures/drains 9300 130,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Two air handling units 9301 8, 100. 00 Boeing Renton Plant Additions/alterations 9302 1,050.00 Darrell Liskey 1726 Shattuck Avenue South Plumbing and fixtures 9303 300. 00 Vincent Becker 30 Logan Avenue South Plumbing and fixtures 9304 1,000.00 Dana Casseday 2216 Dayton Avenue NE Gas furnace 9305 155. 00 Mel Pederson 407 Taylor Avenue NW Gas piping system SIGN PERMIT 1008 $ 2,000. 00 First Western 1314 Union Avenue NE #4 One wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5201 Jack Stewart 4608 Sunset Blvd. NE Side sewer 5202 Jack Stewart 4620 Sunset Blvd. NE Side sewer 5203 SEBCO 1000 Index Avenue NE Side sewer/storm sewer 5204 Arthur D. Swanson 4512 Talbot Road South Side sewer 5205 Schneider Homes 2309 Camas Avenue NE Side sewer 5206 Schneider Homes 2305 Camas Avenue NE Side sewer 5207 Schneider Homes 2304 Aberdeen NE Side sewer 5208 David Woodcock 615 Pelly Avenue North Storm sewer 5209 Wick Homes 216 Bremerton Avenue SE Side sewer 5210 Wick Homes 234 Bremerton Avenue SE Side sewer REVOCABLE PERMIT 0057 Washington Jockey Club - Longacres Temporary access for season RENTON CITY COUNCIL A D D E N D U M May 17 , 1982 Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . PUBLIC HEARING Page 2, Paragraph 3, following: Annual Adoption MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE of City Zoning ZONING MAP AS PRESENTED WITH ACTION RECOMMENDED BY THE Map per POLICY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENTS Ordinance #3598 ON THE 28 DISCREPANCIES: Add: ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 3-N0: MATHEWS, REED AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Delores A. Mead, ('&..M. C. City Clerk OF R4 COUNCIL MEMBERS ti AGENDA EARL CLYMER, O COUNCIL PRESIDENT V `�RNANCY Z ROBERT HUGHES L.MATHEWS n o JOHN W REED RANDALL ROCKHILL R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M RIMM CKE v9 �P THOMAS W TRIMM 0NgT D SEPI-C-0� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MAY 24 , 1 9 8 2 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : 0 0 P .M . DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Richard Hart to the Library Board to complete the term of James Gepford who has resigned; effective to 6/1 /84. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Joan Moffatt to the Park Board for four-year term effective to 6/1/86. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Land Use Hearing Examiner reports of 2/24/82 and 4/29/82 First City Develop- ment Corp. ; Victoria Hills, Phase II , located between Benson Rd. S and the proposed SR-515 south of Washington Natural Gas plant, Preliminary Planned Unit Development PPUD 102-81 V-103-81 , multiple family complex 196 units; Variance requested to density calculation procedure in R-4 zoned portion. Public hearing reopened by Examiner due to new evidence received from Building Official re mine shafts in area. Approval with conditions recommended by Hearing Examiner. Council concur. 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS a. Filipino Community of Renton, Inc. - Requests Waiver to Cabaret Ordinance. b, Superstructure, Bellevue - Community Development Fee Waiver Requested. c. Townsend-Chastain & Assoc. , Inc. - Requests Exception to Sewer Policy. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Y 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 24 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Councilman Stredicke requested report re construction in R/W at Union and NE 7th HEARING EXAMINER Request for waiver of Community Facility fee by Daniel L. Hutsell/Superstructure WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Ordinances on first reading 5/24/82: Excise Tax (Hold until notified) LID 321 approval Adopting Zoning Map Street Vacation Policy Fees for Street Vacation Ordinance Appointment: Richard Hart to Library Board Reappointment: Joan Moffatt to Park Board Water Meter fees for Ordinance RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 24 , 1982 Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Municipal Building Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM; NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS; JOHN W. REED; RICHARD M. STREDICKE; RANDALL ROCKHILL and ROBERT J. HUGHES. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1982 WITH ADDENDUM. CARRIED CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Jerry House, Assistant Principal of McKnight Middle School , addressed the Council to thank them and the City of Renton, in particular, Mike Parness, Nancy Mathews and Sgt. Saude, for their assistance in making the Renton Romp of 5/23/82 a huge success. Over 100 volunteers and 510 runners participated in the run, with many compliments re the course and the City. Another ''fun run'' is planned for next year with an estimated 1 ,000 runners anticipated. ORDINANCE MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee Street Vacation report recommending first reading of an ordinance providing for Policy and vacation of streets and alleys, establishing a procedure and Procedure processing fee and requiring payment of compensation to the City Ordinance by abutting owners. Councilman Stredicke requested Public Works Director Houghton explain the proposed procedure. Public Works Director Houghton thanked the Community Services Committee for their help in pre- paring the ordinance and explained the following classifications developed to alleviate the problem of consistency in charges for streets or alleys vacated: CLASS A: Street right-of way for which public funds have been expended for the purchase or maintenance of the street. Up to one-half of appraised value may be charged. CLASS B: Right-of-way acquired by or dedicated to the City for which no public funds have been expended for acquisi- tion, improvement or maintenance. No charge would be made for vacation of right-of-way. CLASS C: Same conditions as Class B, but with possibility of substantial monetary gain to abutting property owners from acquisition of right-of-way. Flexibility to Council regarding fee or alteration of class. Appraisal by MAI or other approved appraiser, if required, to be at the expense of petitioner. Two-thirds of all abutting property owners of proposed street or partial street vacation must sign petition. Payment of processing fee explained. Following reading of the ordinance, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, QUESTION OF FEE SCHEDULE OF THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND UPDATE. CARRIED. Renton City Council May 24, 1982 - Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Library Board Letter from Mayor Shinpoch appointed Richard Hart, 1214 North Appointment 32nd Street, Renton, to the Library Board to complete the term of James Gepford who has resigned. Mr. Hart' s term is effective to 6/01/84. Other Board members include Leatha Allison, James Hurner, Kathy Keolker and Lillian Poff. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Park Board Letter from Mayor Shinpoch announced reappointment of Joan Moffatt, Appointment 3709 Meadow Avenue North, Renton, to the Park Board for a four-year term effective to 6/01/86. Other Park Board members include Charles J. Delaurenti , Ronald J. Regis, Tom Teasdale and Nathaniel W. Weathers, Jr. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Victoria Hills Approval with conditions recommended by Hearing Examiner in reports Phase II , of 2/24/82 and 4/29/82 First City Development Corporation; Victoria PPUD 102-81 Hills, Phase II . Property is located between Benson Road South and V- 103-81 the proposed SR-515, south of Washington Natural Gas plant. Pre- liminary Planned Unit Development PPUD 102-81 V-103-81 , multiple family complex 196 units, variance was requested to PUD density calculation procedure in R-4 zoned portion. Public hearing was reopened by the Examiner due to new evidence received from Building Official re coal mine shafts in area. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES., APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Filipino Letter from Antonio P. Cube, President, Filipino Community of Community Cabaret Renton, 17711 - 160th Avenue SE, Renton, requested the Cabaret Fee Waived License Fee be waived for a dinner-dance in celebration of Philippine Independence Day to be held 6/12/82 at the Food Circus Restaurant. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY MATHEWS, REFER MATTER TO ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION. Mayor Shinpoch recommended the fee be waived. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ADMINISTRATION AND WAIVE FEE AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Proposed Waiver Letter from Daniel L. Hutsell , President , Superstructure, 5616 of Community 118th Avenue SE, Bellevue, requested waiver of Community Facility Facility Fee - Fee on the Renton Housing Authority Project. Mr. Hutsell addressed Superstructure the Council emphasizing that this fee had been adopted after his firm' s fixed fee bid had been accepted by the Housing Authority and fee has now been removed by the State Legislature. After notifi- cation by City Attorney Warren that this matter must be referred to the Hearing Examiner, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, TO REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from Robin Ordonez, P. E. , Townsend-Chastain & Associates, Exception to Inc. , 409 South Third Avenue, Kent, requested exception to the Sanitary Sewer current policy to provide sanitary service to properties only and Resolution within the City of Renton. Followinq a report by David Clemens, 2162 Policy Development Director, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, ISECOND BY REED, TO DENY REQUEST FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE CITY OF RENTON, ADVISE PETITIONER TO SEEK ANNEXATION AND WAIVE THE FEE FOR THIS ANNEXATION. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, TO AMEND MOTION TO EXCLUDE WAIVER OF ANNEXATION FEE, CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Hazen High School Letter from William B. Hutchinson, M.C. , President, Fred Hutchinson Commendation Cancer Research Center, 1124 Columbia Street, Seattle, commended students of Hazen High School for their generous actions and con- tributions to the center. Council concurred in praise of these students, noting that Councilman Stredicke' s daughter is Senior Class President at Hazen High School and helped organize this effort. 34 Renton City Council May 24, 1982 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews submitted a committee report Committee recommending the increase of fee for a 3/4'' water meter installa- Water Meter tion to $400, up from $398 in 1981 , plus the cost for permits and Charge Analysis inspection fees. A $100 deposit will be collected at time of meter application to cover these costs. Any monies not expended will be returned and any permit or inspection fees over the $100 deposit will be billed to the applicant. Report also recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND BY TRIMM, TO APPROVE THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration relative to the construction in the public right-of-way at Union Avenue and Northeast Seventh which has been in rough finish for several weeks. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second Committee and final readings of the following ordinances : Ordinance #3631 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 1628 relating to filing Horse Race of statements and payment of the tax on horse race admissions. Admission Tax/ MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Statement Filing READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3632 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Senior Housing funds in the amount of $73,200 to the Renton Senior Housing Assis- Appropriation tance Program. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance An ordinance was read imposing an excise tax on the sale of all First Reading real estate, providing for the collection, limiting the use of the proceeds and fixing penalties for violation; tax replaces Community Facilities Fee. This reading for introduction purposes only. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO BE HELD IN COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments First Reading and assessment roll of LID 321 for the construction of sanitary sewer main, laterals and side sewers in the vicinity of Northeast Sunset Boulevard and Duvall Avenue Northeast as created by Ordinance 3519. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance An ordinance was read adopting the zoning map as official desig- First Reading nation for zoning classifications and changing the zoning classi- fication of certain properties within the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren assured that this ordinance meets all requirements and recommended that the map be updated annually. Resolution #2455 A resolution was read providing for transfer of funds in the amount Fund Transfer of $23,000 from the Cumulative Reserve Fund to Renton High School Athletic Complex. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2456 A resolution was read approving vacation of the Mary Ryan Short Mary Ryan Short Plat located at the corner of Taylor Place Northwest and Northwest Plat Vacation Sixth Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Payment Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended approval of Vouchers 39826 through 40056 for payment in the amount of $921 ,297. 12 and also Voucher 39660 in the amount of $107,636.33 payable to Jones and Associates (previously held) receiving attorney approval . Approval included the following Revenue Warrants: LID 317, #R-10, $29728.93; LID 321 , #R-6, $5,479. 16; LID 322, #R-159 $104. 47; LID 323, #R-2, $104.47. Machine voids: 39821-39825• Renton City Council May 24, 1982 - Page 4 Voucher Payment Vouchers received departmental certification that merchandise (Continued) and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY MATHEWS, VOUCHERS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Honey Dew Councilman Stredicke commented on complaints he had received Elementary School concerning a speeding problem in the vicinity of Honey Dew Elementary School on Union Avenue Northeast and recommended placement of radar or additional patrol cars to curtail the problem. Police Lt. Persson acknowledged complaint. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced the naming of Joan Walker as State REPORT Citizen of the Year by the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. State Citizen This award is based on public service as a volunteer within the of the Year community, and is the second year in a row that a Renton citizen has received this honor, Ernie Tonda having been named last year. Retirement of Mayor Shinpoch announced with regret the retirement of Delores Delores Mead, Mead, City Clerk, after 23 years of service to the City. Mrs. City Clerk Mead will be retiring on June 30, 1982, and will be sorely missed as a valued long-time employee. Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk, will assume Mrs. Mead' s duties on an acting basis until after the selection of Finance Director scheduled for mid-June. At that time, reorganization of the first floor will be discussed to insure maximum efficiency and productivity as well as appropriate reporting relationship. Mrs. Mead was scheduled to participate in this process and has agreed to return to help in this reorganization. Suburban Mayors Mayor Shinpoch reported on her meeting with the King County Execu- Meeting with tive, Randy Revelle, at the Suburban Mayors Meeting in North Bend. King County Mr. Revelle indicated support for the Newcastle Community Plan Executive with Cougar Mountain Park. He is going to New York City with Mayor Royer to encourage holding the Super Bowl in Seattle which could bring approximately $75 million in business to Seattle and King County. The Seattle/King County Health Service contract was discussed in depth at this meeting, with a major understanding being reached through the formula that cost is not predicated on service. All incorporated cities in King County get 170 of the service at .08% of the cost. Renton pays 533,000 annually for $317,000 in services. Mr. Revelle has pledged that we will continue with the contract through 1983 when it will be revised. This should not be confused with a Public Health District. Seattle-King County Health Service provides all statistical information regarding births, deaths , communicable diseases, etc. , performs environmental assess- ments for air and water, personal health services with a main focus on maternal care, child care and high-risk pregnancy. Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch presented the proposal from King County for the Marine Patrol services for the 1982 boating season showing Renton' s share to be $11 ,250 of the $90,000+ total cost. The proposed service would provide marine patrol to eight lakeside cities with a two-man boat for ten hours per day. After lengthy discussion regarding service available, possible future need, true justification of expenditure of funds , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, REJECT THE MARINE PATROL PROPOSAL. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch noted that she will meet with other mayors and may return with another proposal . Renton Handicap Mayor Shinpoch announced that "Moon Lately" won the 42nd running of the Renton Handicap on May 16, one of the oldest handicap stakes races on the Pacific Coast. King County Mayor Shinpoch praised the results of the King County Clean-up Day Spring Clean-Up on May 22. Over 153 bags of litter and two tons of garbage were Day collected and disposed of by volunteers and community organizations. Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, organized this effort and provided Mayor Shinpoch with a pictorial report of the excellent results. The main focus areas of this drive were Devil 's Elbow and Pipeline Road R/W between Puget Drive and Phillip Arnold Park. Renton City Council May 24, 1982 - Page 5 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED 9:45 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk EXP111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 5/24/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 39821 - 39825 CURRENT $1431728. 54 PARKS $78x934.39 STREETS $72, 497 . 09 LIBRARY $21333. 42 ONE PERCENT FOR ART $568. 33 STREET FORWARD THRUST $813.96 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR $416A396. 88 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5142. 734 . 00 AIRPORT $2, 110. 61 1975 W b S CONSTRUCTION $2b. 692. 88 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $111109 . 16 FIREMEN ' S PENSION $151960 . 83 LID CONTROL $8,* 417 . 03 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $921j297 . 12 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBLK5 OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCI�♦ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BtEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU* 3! b26 THROUGH NO• 40056 IN THE AMOUNT OF $921P297. 12 THIS 24TH DAY OF MAY 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN �• • • • -EMBER :/ �� �"�J• • • L.I.D.N 317 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-10 $2,728.93 MEMBER w + L.I.D.# 321 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R- 6 $5,479.16 L.I.D.# 322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-15 $ 104.47 L.I.D.## 323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R- 2 $ 104.47 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEL rLtrING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk **REVISED** COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 24, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/25 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Letter from Lon Hurd re CaEle TV Ordinance Revision PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/27 : 00 p.m. ROCKHILL Fire Station Port Quendall Appeal - continued PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 5/26 : 30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Protection Service on State- owned Facilities Neighborhood Justice Centers TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 6/07 :00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF 4ed. 6/02 : 30 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room CIO 38 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS MAY 24, 1982 3UILDING PERMITS 3910 $ 10,000.00 Vanessa Goetzke 573 Bronson Place NE Addition to home 3911 3,000.00 Elaine Powers 1314 Union Avenue NE Remodel for retail space 3912 100,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Construct press room 3913 --- Kent Olson 964 Edmonds Avenue NE Home addition (extend B-8318) 3914 1,300.00 Gerald Mullin 1626 Pierce Avenue SE Construct deck 3915 5,500.00 Gary Brugger 2419 NE 24th Street Home addition and remodel 3916 2,500.00 Renton Aviation 850 West Perimeter Road Partitions, drywall , cei.Ngs 3917 Void 3918 200.00 Rudy Starkovich 801 South Third Street Install entrance door 3919 7,800.00 James Wiley 205 Logan Avenue South Reroof masonry building 3920 18,000. 00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Glass block wall addition 3921 900.00 Gene Maxon 1220 North 29th Street Reroof 3922 800.00 Debra Anderson 2217 Williams Avenue South Reroof 3923 925.00 Raymond Jernigan 812 High Avenue South Install siding to residence 3924 520. 00 Joseph Perea 217 South 15th Street Construct deck & re-side home :LECTRICAL PERMITS 10434 $ 1,115. 00 Leonard Builders 4218 SE Fourth Street Wire new residence 10435 250.00 Shawn Daly 3702 Park Avenue North Service change 10436 245. 00 Renton Elks Lodge 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive Add circuit/outlet/switches 10437 20,000. 00 Boeing Benaroya Warehouses Blanket permit 10438 4,010.00 Boeing 700 SW 41st Street Miscellaneous electrical 0439 1,800.00 Elaine Powers 1314 Union Avenue NE Wire tenant area/add circuits 0440 260.00 Pace Industrial Group 2233 East Valley Highway Lights in hallway 0441 800.00 Sorco Construction 4004 NE Tenth Street Wire new residence 0442 6,595.00 Pacific NW Bell 300 SW Seventh Lighting control 0443 1,800. 00 Sam' s Tire Company 707 Rainier Avenue South Wire for sign 0444 300. 00 Eunice Goebel 2209 Talbot Road South Added microwave circuit 10445 100.00 Robert R. Zirk 1617 NE 28th Street Install temporary power 0446 100. 00 Edgar A. Beers 1210 Queen Avenue NE Outlet boxes and lights MECHANICAL PERMITS 9306 $ 250.00 Vincent Becker 30 South Logan Avenue Gas line for ovens 9307 725. 00 Sorco Construction 4004 NE Tenth Street Electric furnace 9308 778.00 Wick Homes 234 Bremerton Avenue SE Furnace and water heater 9309 2,000.00 Renton Elks Lodge 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive Install furnace 9310 2,000.00 Joseph Upshaw 2416 Edmonds Avenue NE Install septic tank 9311 500. 00 Gary Brugger 2419 NE 24th Street Plumbing and fixtures 9312 4,250.00 Dennis & Doug Smart 3123 NE Fourth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9313 9,250.00 Custom Cabinets, Inc. 1220 North Fifth Street Fire sprinkler system 9314 1,246.00 Hillis Homes 2814 NE 23rd Place Gas furnace and water heater SIGN PERMIT 1009 $ 2,000.00 Michael Mastro 3811 NE Fourth Pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5211 Public Storage, Inc. Rainier Avenue @ Hawthorne Watermain/hydrants/valves 5212 Alex Cugini , Jr. South Second & Williams Replace sidewalk 3213 City of Seattle (Water) NE Fourth/East of Union Hole for metering waterline 5214 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4218 SE Fourth Street Side sewer 5215 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4113 SE Fourth Place Side sewer 5216 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4218 SE Fourth Street Driveway approach 5217 Leonard Builders 4113 SE Fourth Place Driveway approach C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF MAY, 1982 T;, DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL �," /82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $ 80,638.06 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION rans. for H&CD tele.cals $ 46.87 5/10/82 CURRENT FUND $143,759.38 PARKS & RECREATION 64,389.73 ARTERIAL STREETS 36,860.47 CITY STREETS 19,195.43 LIBRARY 11,117.47 STREET FORWARD THRUST 136,688.86 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR 16,786.60 WATERWORKS UTILITY 93,451.52 AIRPORT 8,634.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11,499.40 FIREMEN'S PENSION 125.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP. 5,269.21 L.I.D. CONTROL 321,770.56 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $869,547.90 5/15/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $ 79,320.05 5/15/82 CURRENT FUND $163,551.77 PARKS & RECREATION 51,723.97 CITY STREETS 32,159.36 LIBRARY 13,134.48 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 29,564.44 AIRPORT 2,356.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,264.25 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $295,754.59 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancel warrant no.38985 $ 15.52 STREET FWD. THRUST PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2432 $ 53,000.00 301/138.00.00 01/210.00.00 MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR C I T Y O F k E N T O N TRANSFERS MONTH OF MAY, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; TE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 24/82 CURRENT FUND $143,728.54 PARKS & RECREATION 78,934.39 CITY STREETS 72,497.09 LIBRARY 2,333.4. ONE PERCENT FOR ART 568.3:: STREET FWD.THRUST 813.96 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR 416,396.88 WATERWORKS UTILITY 142,734.00 AIRPORT 2,110.61 1975 W & S CONSTR. 25,692.88 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11,109.16 FIREMEN'S PENSION 15,960.83 L.I.D. CONTROL 8,417.03 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $921,297.12 CUMULATIVE RES.#3278 CUMULATIVE RES.#3278 To correct March 8, 1982 $ 36,188.87 111/271.00.00 111/242.00.00 transfer CUMULATIVE RES.#1689 PARK FUND Per Resolution #2452 $ 500.00 110/ 101/ CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancel warrant #39934 $ 27.50 '9/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND rransfers for mo. of MAY $ 77,456.54 '.8/82 1974 REFUNDING LIMITED CURRENT FUND rransfer balance of remaini g$ 1,854.03 GO BOND FUND in Bond Redemption Fund 205/271.00.00 000/369.30.01 '.8/82 CONTINGENCY FUND PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2433 $69,000.00 107/242.00.00 101/369.30.01 CONTINGENCY FUND STREET FUND Per Resolution No. 2433 $35,000.00 107/242.00.00 103/369.30.01 CONTINGENCY FUND LIBRARY FUND ler Resolution No. 2433 $24,896.00 107/242.00.00 106/369.30.01 CUMULATIVE RES. FUND3547 PARK FUND er Resolution No. 2455 $23,000.0" CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND ancel warrant No. 39842 $ 100.0. 31/82 URRENT FUND $174, 360.13 PARKS & RECREATION 69,064.24 CITY STREETS 32,193.19 LIBRARY 13,292.41 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 54,689.31 AIRPORT 2,356.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,470.50 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of MAY $349,426.10 G av OF RF 4 �>1 COUNCIL MEMBER O AGENDA EARL CLYMER, c" `% �� z COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES NANCY MATHEWS n rn IOHN W REED RANDALL ROCKHILL O�% (01 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE �94r�D A THOMAS W TRIMM sEP REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 7 , 1982 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday, 8: 00 P . M . DELORES A MEAD MAYOR I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 24, 1982. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Street Vacation of Portion of NW Fourth Street - VAC 04-82 - H. C. Grohs, et al . Letter from Public Works Director, Richard C. Houghton. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Policy Development reports conflict between the Uniform Fire Code and Subdivision Ordinance. Refer to Public Safety Committee. b. Finance Department requests resolution for temporary transfer loans from Street Forward Thrust Fund to Current, Park and Street Funds, pending receipt of tax monies. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Public Works Department, Traffic Engineering Division, presents City of Renton Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Up-date 1983-1988. Refer to Transportation Committee and set Public Hearing for 6/28/82. d. Final Assessment Roll , LID 317, Waterline installation in South 132nd Street between 80th Avenue South and 84th Avenue South. Set Final Hearing for 7/12/82. e. File No. PPUD-022-82, Ventura Partnership, One Valley Place, Preliminary Planned Unit Development for 325 multiple-family dwelling units located on the west side of Talbot Road South approximately 1200 feet south of SW 43rd Street. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS a. Renton Merchants Association - Renton Western Days and Sidewalk Sale b. Policv Development Department - Newcastle Community Plan c. Rolling Hills Homeowners' Association - Appraisal of SE 18th Street Vacation. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 7 , 1982 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION SE 18th Street Vacation Appraisal Renton Merchants Assoc. Western Days Sidewalk Sale/Street Dance Kiwanis Foot Race TV Cable Undergrounding Ordinance COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Newcastle Community an MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign contract for fire protection of State facilities PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Uniform Fire Code and Subdivision Conflicts TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Update UTILITIES COMMITTEE Area charges WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Street Vacation portion NW 4th H.C. Grohs - Ordinance Forward Thrust Loan - Resolution adopted 6/7 Ordinances on first reading 6/7: Water meter installation charge Land use and zoning re adult entertainment PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/28/82 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 7/12/82 Final Assessment Roll LID !#317 APPOINTMENTS Joan Moffatt to the Park Board, 4-year term effective to 6/1/86 Richard Hart to the Library Board completing term of James Gepford, effective to 6/1/84 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 7 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : OOP.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk, RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Street Vacation published and mailed according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Portion NW 4th public hearing to consider vacation of a portion of NW Fourth VAC 04-82 Street as petitioned by H. C. Grohs, Florence Yeager, Edward H. C. Grohs, Donohue and Timothy Schlitzer, abutting property owners. Letter et al from Public Works Director Richard Houghton recommended street vacation be granted at no fee, that a utility easement be required over the entire 60 feet. The letter noted street was platted in 1890, has never been opened to travel nor have any funds been expended for maintenance. Public Works Director Houghton explained petition had been filed previously with one signature and has been recirculated, signatures obtained 100% abutting property owners. Houghton further explained the street right-of-way subject to 1890 Street Vacation Laws. City Attorney Warren explained the law which was repealed in 1909, holding that if street was dedicated and was not opened within five years, the property reverted to abutting owners. Warren further noted the public hearing is proceeding in order to remove any ambiguity and keep records in order. Warren also explained adverse possession and also as concerns utility easements. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, VACATE THE PORTION OF NW 4th STREET AT NO COST, CITY RETAIN UTILITY EASEMENTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill Grimm, 1725 SE 16th St. , requested reading of his letter Street Vacation listed as Agenda Correspondence item. MOVED BY REED, SECOND HUGHES, Portion SE 18th SUSPEND ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 7.c. CARRIED. VAC 05-81 Letter from Rolling Hills Homeowners' Assoc, President Wm. Grimm, Rolling Hills submitted an MAI appraisal for portion of SE 18th Street for proposed vacation in amount of S3,047.85 (6,773 SF X 10.45/SF) . Council had concurred in Committee of the Whole recommendation 2/22/82 recom- mending MAI appraisal be obtained by the Rolling Hills Homeowner Association. Association President Grimm recalled City appraisal of $4.20 per square foot or over $26,000, noting easements and that lot is not buildable. Inquiry by Kent Johnson re 5,13,000 fee, led to explanation that Council could charge up to 1/2 appraised value. Grimm requested Council accept the appraisal and complete the street vacation. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND MATHEWS, REFER MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. CARRIED. Zoning James Colt, P.O. Box 547, Renton, inquired regarding an ordinance adopting the zoning map and changing zoning classification of certain property which had been on first reading 5/24/82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADVANCE ORDER OF AGENDA TO DISCUSS ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Colt inquired re Ordinance #3113 regarding Eradco property zoning. City Attorney Warren cautioned Council that Colt has instituted suit against the City. Colt noted suit filed in King County Superior Court. 44 Renton City Council 6/7/82 Page 2 Audience Comment - Continued Zoning - Colt requested the Eradco property be eliminated from the proposed Continued ordinance due to litigation in manner similar to Evans litigation matter. Colt requested the record indicate his request that Council avail itself to examining the last official action (Eradco matter) which is Ordinance #3113. Upon request Policy Development Director explained difference between the Evans and Eradco matters. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by the City Council in one motion which follows the items included: Subdivision and Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens reported conflict Uniform Fire between the Uniform Fire Code and the Subdivision Ordinance regard- Code Conflicts ing cul-de-sacs. Refer matter to the Public Safety Committee. Forward Thrust Letter from the Acting Finance Director requested resolution for Loan temporary transfer loans from Street Forward Thrust Fund at 80 per annum in amount of 5700,000 to the Current, Park and Street Funds pending receipt of tax monies. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Six-Year Letter from the Public Works Director Houghton and Traffic Engineer Transportation Gary Norris presented the City' s Six-Year Transportation Improve- Improvement Plan ment Program Up-date 1983-1988. Refer to the Transportation Com- mittee and set Public Hearing 6/28/82. Final Letter from Public Works Director Houghton presented final assess- Assessment Roll ment roll for LID #317 in amount of $40,692.20, waterline installa- LID #317 tion in South 132nd Street between 80th Ave. S and 84th Ave. S. Set Public Hearing on the Final Roll 7/12/82. Council concurred. One Valley Place Land Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman recommends approval with PPUD 022-82 conditions for Preliminary Planned Unit Development PPUD 022-82 Ventura Partnership, One Valley Place. Development for 325 multiple family dwelling units located on the west side of Talbot Road S approximately 1200 feet south of SW 43rd Street. Council concurred. now Utility Area Letter from Public Works Department noted recent State legislation Charges which prohibited Systems Development Charges and authorized Area Charges to be implemented by Cities for Capital Utility Projects. Refer to Utilities Committee to consider. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED AND INCLUDE ADDED ITEM. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Renton Merchants Association, Toni Nelson, President, Western Days announced annual Renton Western Days , Sidewalk Sale and Street Sidewalk Sale Fair 7/30-31/82 and requested permission to close off South 3rd Street Dance Street for parade and bed race 7/31/82 at 1 :30 p.m. The letter 7/30-31/82 also requested blocking off Wells Ave. S. between South 2nd and South 3rd Streets on Saturday 7/31 from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. for street market and entertainment, as well as street dance. The Association suggested Williams Ave. South if Wells Ave. not avail- able. The letter noted insurance through Dan B. Hauff & Associates under SAFECO Policy and stated intent to work closely with the Police Department. City officials were invited to attend. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN WESTERN DAYS EVENT AND FIRST CHOICE STREET CLOSURE AS MAY BE POSSIBLE, WITH REFERRAL TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR IMPLEMENTATING PROCEDURES AS NECESSARY. Mayor Shinpoch requested Police information. Newcastle Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens reported King Community Plan County has scheduled hearings on the Newcastle Community Plan commencing 9:30 a.m. 6/8, and that as the City has recently adopted the Northeast Renton Comprehensive Plan which includes objectives for the area, a draft response to King County was included for Council review. The letter requested authorization for the Mayor or Council President to sign the response to King County. Clemens explained potential impact on the City . MOVED ROCKHILL, SECOND TRIMM, APPROVE LETTER RE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY PLAN AND AUTHORIZE EITHER THE MAYOR OR COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO SIGN. CARRIED. 45 Renton City Council 6/7/82 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Newcastle MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, SUBJECT MATTER OF NEWCASTLE Community Plan COMMUNITY PLAN BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Council Continued President Clymer scheduled presentation for 6/10 meeting. CARRIED. Kiwanis Race Letter from Robert Conner, Kiwanis Club of Southcenter, Tukwila, reported annual 10 kilometer foot race to raise money for charities planned for 6/13/82 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The letter noted change in plans requiring use of City streets and provided map noting arrangements made for control of intersections with Police and Administrative supervision. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND REED, ACCOMMODATE USE OF STREETS FOR KIWANIS RACE SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY AND ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee report Public Safety recommended the City enter into a contractual agreement with the Committee State of Washington to provide fire protection services of State- Fire Protection owned facilities in the City. The Committee report further recom- State Facilities mended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Justice Centers Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes reported the committee met concerning neighborhood justice centers; that the City Attorney recommended against this matter. The Committee took no action. Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor' s appointment of Richard Library Board Hart to the Library Board to complete the term of James Gepford Appointment who has resigned. Appointment effective to 6/1/84. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Park Board The Ways and Means Committee recommended concurrence in the Mayor' s Appointment reappointment of Joan Moffatt to the Park Board for a four-year term effective to 6/1/86. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES , CONCUR IN WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMEND CONCUR- RENCE IN REAPPOINTMENT OF JOAN MOFFATT. CARRIED. Boards and Upon inquiry by Council Member, the subject of prior referral to Commissions Committee of the Whole of boards , commissions and committees , including advisory boards. Councilman Clymer scheduled the subject for study at the August meeting in determining expansion, elimina- tion or initiation. Mayor Shinpoch noted all Chairmen would be notified. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented the following Services committee report for public and Council information: Committee Of the 146 miles of serviceable streets in the City, 94 miles of Cable TV cable bring pay TV to 4,900 customers out of 12,788 potential , representing 64% completion of the entire system. Work in progress is shown as follows: In addition the cable company is upgrading overhead lines to accommodate FAA regulations: Title Estimated Start Date Monterey Terrace & Tiffany Park *In Progress Victoria Hills In Progress Glenco from NE 25th to NE l7th Late ' 82 Cedar Avenue S 2/1/83 Monterey NE, north of NE 24th Blaine NE & Camas, north of NE 16th 7/1/83 Dayton Ct NE, south of NE 16th Newport Ct NE, north of NE 10th Talbot Crest 9/83 NE 20th, NE 19th, NE 18th, NE 16th East of Edmonds Avenue NE Early '84 Rofling Hills Early '84 Park Wood Early '84 Aloha Ranch #2 including Ferndale NE, NE 25th Mid '84 `Chairman reported Completion 6/11/82. 46 Renton City Council 6/7/82 Page 4 Old Business - Community Services Committee Report - Continued TV Cable The committee reviewed letter from Lon Hurd re proposed changes Undergrounding in undergrounding ordinance, also ordinances pertaining to the Ordinances undergrounding of power, phone and cable TV and discussed problems. The Committee recommended the Administration investigate the sub- ject and report back to the Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended second and final readings Committee of the following ordinances (first readings 5/24/82) : Ordinance #3633 An ordinance was read approving and confirming assessments and Confirming the assessment roll of LID #321 , sanitary sewer main, laterals LID #321 Sewers and side sewers in the vicinity of NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. Duvall Ave. NE NE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES , ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3634 An ordinance was read adopting the zoning map as the official Zoning Map and designation for zoning classifications and changing the zoning Classifications classification of certain properties within the City. MOVED BY Adopted ROCKHILL, SECOND TRIMM, ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: CLYMER, HUGHES , ROCKHILL, MATHEWS, TRIMM; 2-N0: STREDICKE AND REED. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3635 An ordinance was read establishing a procedure and providing Street Alley for the vacation of streets and alleys , fixing processing fee Vacation and payment of compensation to the City by abutting owners. Procedures MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND REED, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended first readings for the following ordinances : First Reading An ordinance was read amending the water meter installation charge. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read relating to land use and zoning for adult entertainment theaters, amending Ordinance No. 3526 and No. 3629 by deleting emergency clause and re-enacting the remainder. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolution #2457 The Ways and Means Committee recommended readinq and adoption Loan from Street of the following resolution: (See Consent Agenda for referral ) Forward Thrust A resolution was read providing for borrowing of 5700,000 from Street Forward Thrust Fund, bearing interest at 8% per annum, to be allocated to Current Fund, Park Fund and Street Fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer inquired regarding overflow parking at Grady Way office building. Police Lt. Persson advised additional parking at Oaksdale for that building and that he will investigate further. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported letters had been received from each of the REPORT City's labor groups: Police, Fire, Management and 21R, requesting arrangements be made for pros and cons of withdrawal from Social Social Security Security, with representatives from both Social Security and a private investment firm, with no charge. Mayor Shinpoch noted City Attorney advice that the employees cannot withdraw without City Council permission. Council President Clymer stated that no City time could be used. Scholarships Mayor Shinpoch reported the Renton Management Association is accepting applications from City Employees' children for one or more $500 colleae scholarships. Renton City Council 6/7/82 Page 5 Administrative Report - Continued Metro Mayor Shinpoch reported the Metro Council approved their budaPt 6/3/82 without discussion; sewer rates increased to S5.80 from $4.95. Mayor Shinpoch explained how a larger increase saves money in the long run. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S, recalled his prior complaints with cable TV and reported prompt response when complaint made in the proper manner, noting Golden View Apt. had been hooked up and acceptable configuration on second building. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE Session SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS AND PERSONNEL MATTER. CARRIED. 9: 35 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened in regular session. All Council Members were present at Roll Call . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, MEETING 10:20 p.m. ADJOURN. CARRIED. elores A. Mead, C. .C. City Clerk CITY C-IUNCIL COMMITTEE METING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 7 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 6/10 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers P-1 Channel Update and Newcastle Community Plan AVIATION Tues. 6/15 11:00 a.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/08 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference kuom Cable TV Undergrounding Ordinance Houghton and Norris invited PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 6/10 4:45 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Professional Offices/R-3 R-4 Zone Thurs. 6/17 4:00 p.m. Fire Station Port Quendall Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 6/16 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Uniform Fire Code/Subdivision Ordinance Conflict TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 6/09 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Area Charges - Ordinance Review WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 6/14 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 00FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD Tues. 6/08 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room 49 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS JUNE 7, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8925 $400,000. Jack B. Curran 560 Hardie Avenue SW Construct lumber store 8926 480,000. King County 3407 NE Second Street Construct district court 8927 1,120. Steve Williams 2218 NE Seventh Street Re-roof residence 8928 500. Ray Bergh 2209 NE Eighth Street Construct sun deck 8929 70,000. Eda Peozzobon 1615 Lake Avenue South New single-family residence 8930 112,000. Kenneth/Donald Hubbart 4445 Talbot Road South Interior remodeling - clinic 8931 4,500. Genevieve Labeau 3624 Jones Avenue NE Construct garage 8932 75,000. Clarkrich, Inc. 215 Meadow Avenue North Construct duplex 8933 20,ODO. Robert Bunker 567 Pierce Avenue SE Addition to home 8934 1,000. Ian Rivers 2326 NE Tenth Place Re-roof residence 8935 300. Dan Moilanen 214 Stevens Avenue SW Construct wood storage area 8936 Void 8937 1,985. Charles Jennings 2404 Edmonds Avenue NE Re-roof 8938 1,000. Chad Jensen 627 SW 12th Street Replace siding on residence 8939 160,000. McDonalds Corporation 73 Rainier Avenue South Construct restaurant 8940 800. Ida Lee 2304 NE Ninth Street Re-roof residence 8941 2,500. Robert/Leo Zirk 1617 NE 28th Street New siding and insulation 8942 5,000. Mike Passmore Renton Shopping Center Tenant improvement 8943 10,000. Dr. Frank Trunkey 222 Williams Avenue South Remodel existing offices 8944 4,000. Gerald Leathley 561 Bronson Place NE Enclose deck 8945 1,500. Elmer Penney 1625 Jones Avenue NE Re-roof residence 8946 400. E. A. Beers 1210 Queen Avenue NE Patio roof ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10447 $ 450. Renton Shopping Center Grady Way Hook up trash compactor 10448 2,100. Pacific Northwest Bell 3DO SW Seventh Street Relocate circuits 10449 75. Richard Pittman 4100 NE Tenth Street Wire garage extension 10450 22,250. Dennis Smart 3123 NE Fourth Street Wire AAMCO Transmission shop 10451 45. John/Jerry Williamson 2100 Lake Washington North Underground conversion 10452 5,750. Boeing Renton Plant Chiller installation 10453 9,800. Boeing Renton Plant Rearrangement of tube shop 10454 300. John Ivanich 2907 Park Avenue North Wire garage 10455 2,000. Roy Dimmitt 903 Olympia Avenue NE Service change/wire addition 10456 50. Leonard Builders 4301 SE Fourth Street Temporary Service 10457 2,904. Command Center Renton Shopping Center Wire remodeled area 10458 950. Dale Wagner 319 Renton Avenue South New service relocation 10459 518. City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South New outlets and circuits 10460 100. King County District Court 3407 NE Second Street Temporary power 10461 1,500. Dr. Frank Trunkey 222 Williams Avenue South Wire new offices 10462 1,300. Hillis Homes, Inc. 2820 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 9315 $ 300. E. A. Beers 1210 Queen Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 9316 1,869. Wick Homes 210 Bremerton Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 9317 4,000. Washington Horse Breeders Longacres Plumbing and fixtures 9318 7,207. City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Additional fire alarm horns 9319 850. Gerald Mullin 1626 Pierce Avenue SE Free-standing fireplace 9320 5,861. Horse Breeders Association Longacres Install heat pump 9321 1,472. Schneider Homes 2304 Aberdeen Avenue NE Gas furnace and water heater 9322 Void 9323 1,270. Hillis Homes 2820 NE 23rd Place Gas furnace and water heater 9324 6,000. Gene Horbach 498 SW Seventh Street Two air conditioner units 9325 900. Ted Servello 1608 Harrington Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 9326 4,000. OW Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Plumbing and fixtures SIGN PERMITS 1010 $ 80. Clarkrich, Inc. 500 Union NE Install banner 1011 40. G&M Investments 3803 NE Fourth Street Business identification sign 1012 500. Ross D. Mathewson 271 Rainier Avenue North One-way sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5218 Seattle Eye Building 1000 Index Avenue NE Curb, gutter, sidewalk 5219 Clifford McGerry 400 SW Fourth Place Side sewer 5220 Clifford McGerry 412 SW Fourth Place Side sewer 5221 City of Seattle 523rd b Shattuck South Demand recorder station - 5222 Kohl Excavating, Inc. 11200 Rainier Avenue South Storm drain 5223 David Woodcock 123 Pelly Avenue North Commercial driveway 5224 Olga Konsevage 343 Stevens Avenue SW Side sewer 5225 George Oberholtzer 4004 NE Tenth Street Side sewer 5226 Nalley 2209 Talbot Road South Side sewer 5227 Automotive Repair Complex 3123 NE Fourth Street Side sewer 5228 Farmers Insurance 4208 Lind Avenue SW Side sewer/storm sewer 5229 Automotive Repair Complex 3123 NE Fourth Street Right-of-Way O COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA EARL CLYMER, U „ Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS c JOHN W.REED CO RANDALLROCKHILL 9 �' R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL '�*H'20" ""'DICKE ,0 �P THOMAS W TRIMM 091 2 6 0 SEPIREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 1 4 , 1982 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY , 8 : 00 P . M . DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Local Improvement District #314, Improvements East Valley Highway and SW 16th Street from SR 167 Ramp to Lind Avenue SW Revised Preliminary Assessment Roll - $6,236,538.56 Correspondence 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants for Thomas R. Dahlby Rezone R033-82 R-1 to L-1 , future construction of office and storage facility at 1412 Maple Ave. SW. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Housing and Community Development requests ordinance to appropriate grant funds ($85, 141 ) toward Thomas property for Cedar River Trail (52 acres $149,500) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Fire Department presents Mutual Aid Agreement with Port of Seattle for Sea Tac Airport. Refer to Public Safety Committee and City Attorney. d. Finance Department reports Bartell Drug Utility Bill Collection Station request for fee increase. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Policy Development recommends G-1 Zone Ordinance language update. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. f. Superior Court Summons and Complaint #822 00573 5, State Employees Federa- tion Council 28, AFSCME v. State v: State Council County and City Employees Council 2 v. Thurston County, et al, regarding pension benefits. Refer to City Attorney. g. Claims for Damages . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 1 . Washington Natural Gas $95.80 for broken service at 8241 S 127th. 2. Allstate Insurance Co./Laverne Taylor $2,817. 16+ auto accident alleging malfunction of traffic light. 3. Betty J. Stauch $150,000 auto accident alleging raised manhole cover one block north of Z7th Place and Talbot Road. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 51 RENTON r, I T,' ": Regular Meeting June 14 , 1982 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Councilman Stredicke requested a report regarding pending street vacations. CITY ATTORNEY Port of Seattle Mutual Aid Agreement Summons and Complaint - #82-2-00573-5, Washington Federation of State Employees, et al vs. State of Washington, et al Claim for Damages - Washington Natural Gas Claim for Damages - Allstate Insurance/Laverne Taylor Claim for Damages - Betty J. Stauch COUNCIL PRESIDENT Authorized to sign letter regarding Newcastle Community Plan INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Washington Natural Gas Claim for Damages - Allstate Insurance/Laverne Taylor Claim for Damages - Betty J. Stauch MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign contract on LID 314 accepting low bid of Cascade Septic Service. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE G-1 Zone Ordinance Language Update PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Port of Seattle Mutual Aid Agreement Silent Witness Program 1979 Fire Code Enforcement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Thomas R. Dahlby Rezone R-033-82 Cedar River Trail Appropriation Request Utility Bill Collection Station Fee APPOINTMENT Michael Mulcahy as Finance Director, effective June 22, 1982. JG RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 14 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- LID 314 - East lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Valley Highway hearing to consider LID 314 assessments according to agreement made, Improvements with property owners involved to re-evaluate the assessments after the bids had been received. LID 314 includes installation and con- struction of sanitary sewers , water main , fire hydrants, curbs, gutters , sidewalks, street lighting and all necessary appurtenances in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and Southwest 16th Street. Public Works Director Houghton outlined the history of LID 314, emphasizing the benefits of having the project completed under one construction bid and noting this meeting for discussion of assessments. Audience Comment Those speaking against LID 314 : Woodrow L. Taylor, 200 SW 34th Street , attorney representing Garfield and Associates; Harry C. Wilson, Wilson and Reardon, Attorneys at Law, representing approximately 95% of the property owners on the east side of East Valley Highway; Emilio Pierotti , 3412 East Valley Road; Gary Merlino, 9125 Tenth Avenue South; and Del Bennett 18004 SE 147th. Protests concerned alleged excessive LID and consulting engineering costs, several parties noting prior Public Works Director' s indication that the project was to be bid in two separate construction contracts. Debra Mets, 13016 SE 236th Place , Kent, pre- sented a petition asking re-evaluation of environmental impact on wild- life habitat and breeding gound. Those speaking for LID 314: Bob Grafer , Austin Company, and Don Bodmer, representing Glacier Park. Letters of protest were announced. Continued Public Works Director Houghton explained that Administrative costs include right-of-way purchase, bond counsel , City Clerk' s costs, interest on interim financing, construction engineering, and various costs other than design engineering. Discussion ensued as to feasibility of splitting the construction into two projects without losing the present bid. City Attorney Warren advised that when construction is completed and the Council sits as a Board of Equalization , all input from property owners will be taken into consideration. Councilman Stredicke noted that the present bid is far too reasonable to risk losing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY TRIMM, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CONTRACT, ACCEPTING THE LOW BID OF CASCADE SEPTIC SERVICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,036,581 . 39 FOR LID 314. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY TRIMM, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Recessed at 9: 10. Council reconvened at 9:20. All Council Members were present at roll call . 53 Renton City Council June 14, 1982 Page 2 APPOINTMENT OF Mayor Shinpoch varied from the agenda to introduce Michael Mulcahy, FINANCE DIRECTOR her choice to fill the position of Finance Director for the City. Effective 6/22/82 Mr. Mulcahy is presently Manager of the Budget Division for Metro, has had experience as Systems and Programming Officer for the City of Tacoma and as manager of Metro' s Computer Services Division. He has a BA Degree in mathematics from Washington State University and is a Certified Data Processor. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. UDIENCE COMMENT Bill Grimm, 1725 SE 16th Place, requested the Council vary from the Street Vacation agenda and advance to SE 18th Street Vacation and the assessment of Portion SE 18th the property. MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE VAC 05-81 RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING SE 18TH STREET Rolling Hills VACATION. CARRIED. Letter from Public Works Director Houghton was read recommending a cost of 5.75 per square foot versus the appraisal recommendation of $.45 per square foot. Mr. Houghton noted that the Administration recommended against this street vacation. James Lawrence, 2203 Jones Place, spoke against the street vacation to facilitate emergency vehicle access and additional entrance to Rolling Hills. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY TRIMM, TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REGARDING THE COST OF THE STREET VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, ROCKHILL. NOS: REED, STREDICKE, HUGHES. Councilman Stredicke noted an alternative to the $5,079.86 street vacation cost would be to apply for a Street Use Permit. Policy Development Director Clemens advised the street can only be vacated to abutting property owners and Rolling Hills Homeowners Association required to replat the entire Rolling Hills plat to acquire the land. Tukwila Council Councilman Hughes introduced May Harris, Council Member from Tukwila , Woman Visitor from the audience. The Mayor welcomed the Council Member. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by the City Council in one motion which follows the items included: Rezone R-033-82 Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive cove- Thomas R. Dahlby nants for Thomas R. Dahlby Rezone, R-033-82, R-1 to L-1 , future con- struction of office and storage facility at 1412 Maple Avenue SW. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cedar River Trail Housing and Community Development requested ordinance to appropriate Appropriation unanticipated grants from IAC ($74,750) and King County Forward Thrust Request Program ($10,391 ) for purchase of 52-acre Thomas Property ($149,500) for Cedar River Trail . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Port of Seattle Fire Department presented Mutual Aid-Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement Mutual Aid with the Port of Seattle-Sea Tac International Airport for fire, aid Agreement and hazardous materials responses to Sea Tac by the Renton Fire Depart- ment. Refer to Public Safety Committee and City Attorney. Utility Bill Finance Department report relaying request by Bartell Drugs for an Collection increase in utility bill collection fee from $. 13 per item to $.25 Station Fee per item. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. G-1 Zone Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens recommended G-1 Zone Ordinance Ordinance language update. Refer to the Planning and Development anguage Update Committee. Summons and Superior Court Complaint #82-2-00573-5, Washington Federation of State Complaint Employees, AFL-CIO, Council 28, AFSCME, et al , vs State of Washington, et al , v. Washington State Council of County and City Employees, AFSCME Council 2, AFL-CIO, et al , vs Thurston County, et al , regarding inclusion of accrued vacation time in computing retirement benefits was presented. Refer to City Attorney. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $95.80 from Washington Natural Gas Damages Company for an alleged broken service tee at 8241 South 127th. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 54 Renton City Council June 14, 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA (Continued) Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $2,817. 16+ from Allstate Insurance Damages - Company and Laverne Taylor for injury and property damage due to an Corner NE Sunset automobile accident allegedly caused by traffic light malfunction. and Duvall Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $150,000 from Betty J. Stauch for Damages - 27th physical injury due to automobile accident allegedly caused by raised Place & Talbot manhole cover. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Devil ' s Elbow Letter from Pete and Diana Caple, 9628 - 123rd Avenue SE, Renton, Clean-up - thanked Ed Hayduk for his efforts in cleaning out Devil ' s Elbow, Signing Proposed wooded area east of Kennydale. Ed' s crew and approximately 15 community volunteers spent many hours in beautifying this area used by many for hi�_ing, fishing and nature walks. ''Run for the Letter from Dennis Robertson, Chairman, Southcenter Kiwanis Race Roses'' Committee, Tukwila, thanked Council for its assistance in making the annual 10 kilometer ''Run for the Roses'' foot race a success. The race, held June 13, had more than 700 registered entrants. Profits from the race will be used for local charity work by the Kiwanis Club. Eastside Water- Letter from David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director, requested a Shed Project public meeting be held June 21 , 1982, to obtain public comment on recommendations to the Basin Executive Committee for the Eastside Watershed Project as concerns possible City withdrawal from the SCS/P-1 project and development of City' s potential flood storage regulations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER OF P-1 CHANNEL OR EASTSIDE WATERSHED PROJECT BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA FOR MONDAY, JUNE 21 , AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill recommended inviting representatives of the Drainage District to attend this meeting. Newcastle Policy Development Director Clemens submitted a letter to King County Community Plan Executive Revelle and Members of the King County Council for Renton City Council President Clymer ' s signature making the following recom- mendations regarding the Newcastle Community Plan: The King County Council reject the recommendation of the designation of one-half acre single family residential as a reserve on the East Renton Plateau and the use of on-site sanitary sewage disposal as a permanent solution in the East Renton Plateau; the May Creek Basin Plan specifically require the extension of sanitary sewers; the King County Council provide for additional convenience retail uses on the East Renton Plateau; and the King County Council not only designate but provide methods of funding active recreational space in the Newcastle Community Plan. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, TO AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT TO SIGN THE LETTER. CARRIED. Silent Witness Letter from Reg Bruce, Executive Director, Citizens Council Against Program Crime, 1101 Dexter Horton Building, Seattle, announced the operation of an expanded Silent Witness Program in King County. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER MATTER TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. .. CARRIED, Silent Witness information available through Police Dept. Marine Patrol Letter from Roy A. Ferguson, Mayor, City of Bellevue, requested City' s Services cooperation in securing an agreement for marine patrol services for 1982. Although no facts or figures were given, Mayor Ferguson stated a solution had been obtained that, he believed, would place a minimal financial burden on each agency involved. Mayor Shinpoch noted she would have more information next week regarding other cities' actions on the marine patrol proposal . 55 Renton City Council June 14, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report recommending second and final readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance #3636 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 1628 relating to water meter charges. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3637 An ordinance was read relating to land use and zoning for adult entertainment theaters, amending Ordinances 3526 and 3629 by deleting emergency clause and re-enacting the remainder. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Voucher Payment Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended approval of Vouchers 40062 through 40374 in the amount of $1 ,499,422.62. Approval included the following Revenue Warrants: LID 321 , #R-7, $5,532.31 ; LID 322, #R-16, $123,405. 11 ; LID 323, #R-3, $178.93. Machine voids: 40057-40061 . Councilman Stredicke reported speci - fically on certain larger expenditures. Vouchers received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received and/or rendered. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS 1979 Fire Code Councilman Clymer inquired regarding fire inspection findings in Enforcement the enforcement of the 1979 fire code. Discussion ensued. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY CLYMER, SUBJECT MATTER OF ENFORCEMENT OF THE 1979 CODE WITH REGARD TO FIRE AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. Pending Street Councilman Stredicke requested a report on the time element involved Vacations in street vacations and regarding the status of pending vacation requests. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch, with sadness, announced the death of Darrell Zepper, REPORT Animal Control Officer, for the City for almost ten years. Lt. Persson stated that funeral arrangements are still pending. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:48 P.M. a. C Delores A, fa , ty ClerTc 56 EXR111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 6/14/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#40057-#40061 CURRENT $121*567 - 17 PARKS $64) 390967 ARTERIAL STREETS $35) 710.31 STREETS 1181148.63 LIBRARY $14* 423978 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $144) 158- 11 STREET FORWARU THRUST $78) 592- 73 U COULON 6CH PK CUN5TR $694) 741 . 21 WATERWORKS UTILITY $139, 500. 49 AIRPORT $51590.89 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0341575- 37 FIREMEN ' S PENSION $15) 906.95 I L10 CDNTRUL $129) 116-35 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1* 499* 422.66 .r WE* THE UNDERSIUNCD MEMBtRS Ur THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RELE1VLU ULPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANU/UR SERVICES HAvE bLLN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HEREBY APPROVE FUR PAYMENT VUJLHER5 NU - *UUb2 THRUUGH NO- 40374 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1 * 499* 422.66 THI5 14TH DAY OF JUNE 1982- CUMMITTEE LHAIRMAN MEMBER �. • • ! • r • t L.I.D.#321 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R- 7 $ 5,532.31 MEMBER • • ` • ` LII.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R-16 $ 123,405.11 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.# R- 3 $ 178.93 ,.r I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MLEtING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 14 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION Tues. 6/15 11 :00 a.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Rm. COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/22 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Rm. Cable TV Undergrounding OriA nance PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 6/17 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL Fire Station Port Quendall Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 6/16 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Uniform Fire Code/Subdivis on Ordinance Conflict - Mutua Aid Agreement w/Port of Seattl ! TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 6/16 7:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Area Changes - Ordinance Review- R. Houghton invited AYS AND MEANS Mon. 6/21 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS June 14, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8947 $ 800.00 Emil Nelson 1827 Duvall Av NE Reroof Residence 8948 10,000.00 Boeing 700 SW 41st St Vanguard Partitions 8949 30,000.00 Boeing Bldg. 7-82 Ceiling System 8950 18,000.00 Boeing Bldg. 7-82 Grid System 8951 80,000.00 Boeing Bldg. 7-82 Ceiling System 8952 15,000.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th St. Foundation 8953 2,862.00 First Church of Christ 220 Whitworth Av S Paving Overlay 8954 -- Anna McMahon 2700 block of NE 3rd St. Fill License 8955 500.00 Thomas R. Dahlby 1412 Maple Av SW Demolition of Bldg. 8956 5,000.00 North American Refractories 1500 Houser Way S Temp. Office Trailer 8957 1 ,000.00 Renton Aviation 850 W Perimeter Rd. Stud Wall ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10463 1 , 114.00 Schneider Homes Inc. 2304 Aberdeen Av NE Single Residence 10464 500,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Misc. Electrical 10465 61 ,900.00 O.W. Properties 919 S.W. Grady Way Office Bldg. 10466 400.00 Thomas Craig 3405 NE 10th St. Service Entrance 10467 100.00 Renton School District 400 S 2nd Street Irrigation System 10468 72,825.00 Metropolitan of Seattle 3407 NE 2nd St District Court 10469 450.00 Servello, Ted 1608 Harrington Av SE Addition 10470 300.00 Washington Natural Gas 1900 Williams Av S Relocate Service 10471 200.00 Skyway Towing 531 Garden Av N Propane Tank 10472 100. 00 Posoboon Tresa 1607 Lk Av S Temporary Power MECHANICAL PERMITS 9327 1500.00 Pargas of Seattle 531 Garden Av N Propane Tank 9328 1 ,200.00 Wick Homes 210 Bremerton Av SE Gas Furnace 9329 1 ,520.00 Leonard Builders 4313 SE 4th St Plumbing/Fixtur, 9330 36,000.00 Boeing Bldg. 4-81 Water Cooled Ch 9331 25,000.00 Renton Schoold District 400 S 2nd Street Sprinkler System 9332 700. 00 Betty J. Dimmitt 903 Olympia Av NE Plumbing/Fixtures 9333 900.00 Mrs. Hankinson 2013 Dayton Av NE Septic Tank CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5230 Hillis Homes 2820 NE 23rd Place Sanitary Side Sewer 5231 Valley Office & Industrial Pk S of SW 16th Curb & Gutter 5232 Wick Homes Inc. 210 Bremerton Av SE Sanitary Side Sewer 5233 McLendons Hardware 710 S 2nd St Sanitary Sewer 5234 0 & W Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Sanitary Side Sewer SIGN PERMITS 1013 4,500.00 AAMCO Transmission Repair 3123 NE 4th Street Pole Sign 1014 25.00 Virginia Hawkins 1321 N 30th St Pole Sign 1015 1 ,500.00 Renton Shopping Center Renton Shopping Center Wall Sign 1016 3,000.00 U Haul Company 453 Rainier Av N Pole Sign 1017 100.00 Evergreen Hotels Inc. 800 Rainier Av S Banners 1018 600.00 Renton Flower Shop 410 S 3rd Street Marquee Sign 1019 1 ,500.00 Frank Mathewson 271 Rainier Av N Pole Sign OF RF -1 �) COUNCIL MEMBER r AGENDA EARL CLYMER, ~ 46J COUNCIL PRESIDENT �� L ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED C� RANDALL ROCKHILL °% iK c rV ► UN CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE 0 ��Q THOMAS W TRIMM gTEp SEP1�O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 2 1 , 1 9 8 2 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1982. 4, AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Parks and Recreation Department requests resolution to transfer funds ($64,859) from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1689 (Park Property) to Parks Facilities for City' s match for purchase of Thomas Property (52 acres , Cedar River Trail ) Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Housing and Community Development requests ordinance to appropriate 1982 Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $351 ,534. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Public Works Department recommends refund of fees on street vacations VAC 3-81 (portion of South 121st) and VAC 4-81 (portion of Rainier Avenue North) - invalid request due to ownership problems. Concur d. Claims for damages. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 1 . Jon Potter $172. 53 for wheel and tire damage in Victoria Park. 2. Burlington Northern Railroad $15,000 for contribution to injuries sustained by Richard C. Roscow on 1/15/82. 3. James Frey $97.50 for cut thumb at Mothers Park. 4. Sally Jo Humphreys $50,000+ for illegal strip search and automobile impoundment 2/25/82. 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 60 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk June 21, 1982 R E F E R R A L S AVIATION COMMITTEE Ultra-light Aircraft Traffic CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Jonathan D. Potter Claim for Damages - Burlington Northern Claim for Damages - James L. Frey Claim for Damages - Sally Jo Humphreys COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE City Budget and Financial Matters MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign the Mutual Aid Fire Fighting Agreement with Port of Seattle. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter rom R. P. Charley regarding sign ordinance and placement. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Marine Patrol Agreement Housing and Community Development Block Grants Subdivision Ordinance Amendment Offices in R-3 and R-4 Zoning Utility Facility Connection Charges hlby Rezone R-033-82 Ordinances on first reading 6/28: Thomas R. 4 Zoning R-3 and R-4 Zoning and Definitions Grohs NW Fourth Street Vacation VAC 04-82 SPECIAL MEETING COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE City Budget and Financial Matters 7/01/82 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7712—/'92 - Final Assessment Roll , LID 317 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 21 , 1982 Municipal Building Council Chambers Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . M I N U T E S BALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. _LL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J . HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ,.JUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS KATHY REINER, Seattle Times; GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Doug Schmitz, Assistant City Manager, City of Bellevue, indicated Marine Patrol new pro-rata share of costs for Marine Patrol Services, and offered his assistance to answer any questions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY REED, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO THAT ORDER OF BUSINESS REGARDING THE MARINE PATROL. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch discussed a letter from Bellevue Mayor Ferguson reducing the cost of the marine patrol from $11 ,500 initially proposed to $7,500 Renton share, noting that the County would assume all liability for the lake. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN MARINE PATROL CONTRACT IN AMOUNT OF $7,500. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ultra-Light Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, voiced his concern re Aircraft Traffic small one-man aircraft powered by modified chain saw engines flying in the traffic pattern of larger aircraft, posing a hazard to other aircraft as well as those on the ground. Mr. Stremick requested action by the Council to control SECOND BY MATHEWS, SUBJECT MATTER tBYSaircraft. Y REFERRED TO AVIATIONCOMMITTEEE, STREDIS SEC FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Port Quendall Dr. Charles Divelbiss, 10396 Rainier Avenue South, spoke in favor of the Port Quendall Project, noting improvementof diving conditions both economically and aesthetically, and 30-year full City control . Policy MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE Development TO THE ORDER OF BUSINESS OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Committee CARRIED. Due to the lengthy committee report, time needed for Port Quendall review, and questions raised, it was suggested the meeting be con- tinued. Councilman Stredicke requested questions and responses be reflected in minutes : 1 . Inquiry to attorney - Upon appeal of Hearing Examiner decision, is it normal that the committee report deal with specific items of an appeal or is the entire matter brought before the Council ? Response: Varies from case to case. 2. Are records kept during Planning and Development hearings? Response: Records are kept in that Committee makes its findings and conclusions; no trans- scripts or tapes are required. 3. Which of the items on the Committee report deal with specific things on the developer' s appeal? Response: Records filed with the Hearing Examiner and with the City Clerk' s records, but original not in attorney' s office. 4. Under the Master Shoreline Plan, what did the Planning Commission consider just last week? Response: Considered amendments to the Shoreline Master Pro- gram. Those recommendations now under review by one of the committees of the commission. Mayor Shinpoch questioned if Councilman Stredicke' s concern was possibly the committee exceeded what he felt the ordinance Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 2 Port Quendall authorized. Affirmatively acknowledged. Councilman Rockhill expressed opinion that the Committee had met conditions of the ordinance. With three pages of conditions and city permission necessary for action, the Committee met the various criteria. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, THIS MATTER BE DELAYED TO MEETING OF 7/12/82. CARRIED. The City Clerk's Office will have additional copies of the Planning and Development Committee Report available to the public. Port Quendall City Clerk Delores Mead read letters of protest from citizens' Letters of group Concerned About Port Quendall requesting the matter of high- Protest rise/high-density construction be referred to Planning Commission; and from Andrew T. Stefan, 10620 SE 27th Place, Beaux Arts Village, WA, urging Council to consider negative impact of Port Quendall to East Channel residents and that copies of the Environmental Impact Statement be sent to towns of Beaux Arts Village, Hunts Point and Medina for comment. Port Quendall Gary Pipkin, 1120 North 38th Street, addressed the Council with Audience Comment °heections 300 roomohotel ,Quendall supportedbuildings the over rest ofseven thestories roject. to Eileen Messer, 5021 Ripley Lane North #104, representing residents of the Misty Cove Condominiums, spoke in favor of Port Quendall citing: environmental Improvement, community security , quality of design, increased property values and view benefits. Concerns of additional traffic impact can be solved with adequate time available before development. Ms. Messer expressed a concern about political delays. William Tozer, 905 North 36th Street, repeated the request he had made in a letter also signed by eight other citized involved in Concerned About Port Quendall to refer the matter of high-rise/ high-density development in Port Quendall to the Planning Commission for a three-month study. City Attorney Warren explained that the appeal is to the Council and referral to Planning Commission, not definitely required, would be time consuming. Wilburt Olsen, 1207 North 34th Street, spoke in favor of the Port Quendall Project, but against high-rises . He suggested if high- rise office space and condominiums are needed, they should be con- structed in the heart of Renton to revitalize the city proper. If they are not required there, they certainly wouldn' t be required in Port Quendall in a private residential area. Applause. Gene Bolin, 201 - 17th Avenue East, Seattle, attorney and member of the Board of Directors of the Washington Environmental Council , voiced the following main concerns regarding Port Quendall : Increase in traffic on 405 S-curves and arterials; increase of traffic on Lake Washington; lack of planning for public services and utilites in the area; planned high-rise construction; possibility of setting a pre- cedent in Renton which allows high-rise construction on Lake Washington causing future mass development; and developer control through vested interest. Washington Environmental Council supports Hearing Examiner decision. Ben Aliment, 6603 Ripley Lane, asked the Council to thoroughly con- sider the parking requirements generated by Port Quendall - hotel , office space, restaurant, residences , recreation, etc. , appear to require upwards of 5,000 parking spaces. Robert Orr, 6010 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, although not directly affected by Council action, felt Mercer Island would indirectly feel an impact due to decreased water safety, view obstruction, access restrictions to Lake Washington, additional lake congestion, water and noise pollution, and general lack of public benefit from the development. v� Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 3 Port Quendall Benella Caminiti , 2919 Mayfair Avenue North, Seattle, member of Audience Comment the Coast and Shoreline Committee of the Washington Environmental Continued Council , inquired regarding distribution of the Environmental Impact Statement for Port Quendall and it was determined the Washington Environmental Council was on the mailing list. Ms. Caminiti warned regarding developer intentions not fulfilled. John DuBois, 2907 Mountain View Avenue North, encouraged the Council to take its time to thoroughly consider the future impact of Port Quendall on the City, its citizens and the environment. Bill McLaughlin, 10630 SE 176th, spoke definitely in favor of the Port Quendall Project. John Phillips, 403 Columbia Street, representing the Port Quendall Development Company, introduced Jim Schuler, president of the company, John Anthony, Planning Department of CH2M Hill , Inc. , and El Baylis, architect. Mr. Phillips wished to clarify certain points : 1. The Findings of Fact are the same as the Hearing Examiner' s with minor changes. 2. The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed every issue presented. This is a three phase development over 30 years with the first ten-year phase in residential development with ample opportunity for comment/supervision. 3. High rises will not be on the shoreline, but back 200 feet. Bud Worley, 4100 Lake Washington Boulevard North, vice president of the Eastport Shores Condominium Owners Association, indicated the majority of the association favored Port Quendall Development due to positive impact on Renton, public access to Lake Washington, additional boat moorage, and additional employment opportunities at the commercial and retail outlets. Pierre Thiry, 6619 Ripley Lane North, in favor of Port Quendall Development, expressed concerns regarding possible property tax increases; where responsibility would lie if future impact of the development is greater than anticipated; problems caused by the proposed marina: Marine patrol workload, East Channel congestion, water and noise pollution; and whether these problems were being addressed by the developer. Roger Leed, 144 Fourth Avenue, Suite 520, Seattle, Attorney repre- senting citizens group, Concerned About Port Quendall , expressed his clients' concerns regarding the appeal procedure and whether the Planning and Development Committee considered the record made before the Hearing Examiner, lack of citizen participation in the committee meetings, no transcript of committee meetings, using a judgmental rather than appellate approach, police and fire protec- tion, schools and roads. Mr. Leed felt the present agreement to be an enhancement of property values rather than a development. Special Councilman Stredicke introduced Councilman Ed Bauch, City of Tukwila, Introductions Kathy Reiner, Seattle Times , and Greg Anderson, Renton Record Chronicle, from the audience. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Recessed at 9:45. Council reconvened at 10:00 P.M. All Council Members were present at roll call . AUDIENCE COMMENT Drew Miller, Burlington Northern Representative, requested discussion Continued regarding the Eastside Watershed Project. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE ORDER OF BUSINESS AND BRING THE MATTER OF THE EASTSIDE WATERSHED PROJECT TO THE COUNCIL FLOOR. CARRIED. Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 4 Audience Comment Mr. Miller expressed Burlington Northern' s concerns regarding Continued looking for viable alternatives within the Eastside Watershed Eastside Project, urging review of the issues and options, studies and/or Watershed surveys as necessary to solve the potential flood threat in the Project lower reaches of the Green River. Burlington Northern wishes to be active in solving the problem. Mayor Shinpoch noted that three commissioners of Drainage District #1 had been invited to the meeting, but had left due to the late hour, and that Council action tonight would be carried to the Basin Executive Committee meeting for the Eastside Watershed Project on July 1 . Letter from Policy Development and Public Works Departments (delayed from Council meeting of 6/14/82) , listing six-point recommendation on possible City withdrawal from the SCS/P-1 Project, was discussed. Council Members Mathews and Clymer have been invited to attend the July l meeting in Kent, and Mayor Shinpoch urged other Council Members to attend if possible. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY CLYMER, THAT THE CORRESPONDENCE (Policy Development/Public Works letter) BE THE POSITION TAKEN BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION FOR THE 7/01/82 MEETING OF THE BASIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Continued Kay Johnson, 300 Rainier Avenue North, cautioned against withdrawal from the Eastside Watershed Project. Mr. Johnson requested consid- eration of redoing the Environmental Impact Statement, acquisition of land, design of channel and donated land reverting back to owners before withdrawing from the project. Councilman Rockhill noted that the letter considers withdrawal , does not withdraw. Mayor Shinpoch assured Mr. Johnson' s concerns would be discussed with David Clemens , Policy Development Director. Councilman Hughes recommended staff study of the 100-year storm. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by the City Council in one motion which follows the items included : Cedar River Parks and Recreation Department requests resolution to transfer Trail Fund funds ($64,859) from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1689 (Park Property) Transfer to Parks Facilities for City's match for purchase of 52-acre Thomas Property (Cedar River Trail ) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Housing/Community Housing and Community Development requests ordinance to appropriate Development 1982 Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount Block Grants of $351 ,534• Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Street Vacation Public Works Department recommends fees on street vacations VAC 3-81 VAC 3-81 & 4-81 (portion of South 121st Street) and VAC 4-81 (portion of Rainier Fee Refund Avenue North) be refunded - invalid request due to ownership prob- lems. Concur. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $172.53 from Jonathan D. Potter Damages for tire and wheel damages allegedly incurred from loose street CL 34-82 monument at Morris Avenue South and South 27th Street in Victoria Park. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $15,000 from Burlington Northern Damages Railroad for contribution to injuries sustained by Richard C. Roscow CL 35-82 on 1/15/81 at Valley Parkway deadend. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $97.50 by James L. Frey for thumb Damages cut on alleged protruding screw while playing basketball at Mother ' s CL 36-82 Park. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages in the amount of $50,000+ by Sally Jo Humphreys Damages for illegal strip search and automobile impoundment on 2/25/82• CL 37-82 Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 65 Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE Sign Ordinance Letter from R. P. Charley, 207 Main South, requested review of Question Building Department Regulation, Sec. 4-1914(1 ) and judgment as to placement of sign at his place of business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee report Public Safety recommending change in Subdivision Ordinance to read, "Residential Committee cul-de-sacs shall not have a right-of-way radius less than 55 feet Subdivision and shall provide a minimum street radius of 45 feet". Committee Ordinance/Uniform also recommends referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper Fire Code form. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS Conflict OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR AMENDING ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Mutual Aid Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted committee report Agreement recommending City enter into a mutual aid fire fighting assistance agreement with Port of Seattle and that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN REC- OMMENDATIONS OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted Development committee report recommending the City Council add professional Committee offices as a conditional use in the R-3 and R-4 Zoning if they 0 i ce—n R-3 are in a free-standing building and have access to an arterial and R-4 Zoning street. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY REED, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding two pieces of property as to development/occupancy. Mayor Shinpoch informed him that Sun Point had been admonished in the past to satisfy nine specific requirements prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Since that time, property has changed hands and new project manager is working with the City to meet all requirements. The second property ques- tioned (a motel operation on Sunset East near Third) is in the process of condemnation proceedings. City Attorney Warren stated that an appeal has been filed, with a hearing date of 7/09/82; after appeal rights have been exhausted, Council may be approached for funds to demolish the buildings. Cable Television Councilman Reed explained being approached by a firm offering to Antenna install an antenna which would enable him to receive Showtime Cable Solicitation on his television for a $50 sale price plus monthly fee, and asked if it were possible to distribute the cable installation schedule to prevent unnecessary antenna purchases by citizens. City Attorney Warren stated the City is aware of this firm, not associated with Showtime, and has been in contact with them regarding licensing and business practices. Councilman Stredicke suggested contacting the newspapers regarding any complaints. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews submitted committee report Committee recommending adoption of utility facility connection charges in Facility replacement of the Community Facilities Development Charge re- Connection pealed by state law. Following discussion, MOVED BY MATHEWS, Charges SECOND BY STREDICKE, CONCUR :N RECOMMENDATIONS OF UTILITIES COM- MITTEE AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee Committee report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: 66 Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 6 First Reading An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) , Dahlby Rezone R-033-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton'' relating to R-3 and R-4 zoning and definitions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW Fourth Street, Grohs Vacation VAC 04-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First and An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Final Readings of funds re purchase of Thomas property (Cedar River Trail ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS MATTER TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3638 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Fund Transfer of funds re purchase of Thomas property (Cedar River Trail ) . IAC Grant MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First and An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Jefferson Avenue NE, Final Readings Andrew L. Polich Vacation VAC 02-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES , SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS MATTER TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3639 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Jefferson Avenue NE VAC 02-82 Andrew L. Polich Vacation VAC 02-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Andrew L. Polich HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 2458 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolution (see Consent Agenda for referral ) : Fund Transfer A resolution was read providing for a fund transfer from Cumulative Thomas Property Reserve Fund ($64,859) to Park Fund Facilities for purchase of the Thomas Property (Cedar River Trail ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Cedar River Councilman Clymer inquired regarding the purchase of the Thomas Trail property and City Attorney Warren responded that this is the last piece of property required to connect the Cedar River Trail Project. Coulon Park Councilman Stredicke inquired as to the number of people present at Use Coulon Park last weekend. Mayor Shinpoch responded that over 24,000 people had used the park over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Council - man Stredicke commented on the parking overflow onto Lake Washington Blvd. Mayor Shinpoch stated that the Boeing Company had been approach^d regarding use of their parking lot for additional parking and that th question will be discussed with staff. Farewell Councilman Stredicke reported attending the farewell party given by Parties Metro for Mike Mulcahy, new City of Renton Finance Director, and announced the retirment party to be given for long-time King County employee, Wanda Thompson, on Thursday, 6/24/82, at Longacres. Renton City Council June 21 , 1982 Page 7 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Committee of Mayor Shinpoch requested that her letter to Council Members the Whole Meeting regarding City financial difficulties be a topic for a Committee City Financial of the Whole meeting, noting that if Council Members will notify Difficulties her of special concerns , appropriate staff and/or information will be available at that meeting to address those concerns. Councilman Stredicke voiced concerns regarding the airport and was assured proper documentation would be presented at the meeting to answer his questions. There being adequate time to notify the public of this and possible continued meetings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. , Thursday, 7/01/82. Elks Citizen Mayor Shinpoch acknowledged Joan Walker, Benevolent Protective of the Year Order of Elks Citizen of the Year for the State of Washington. This is the second time in a row that a Renton citizen has been chosen for this honor. Mrs. Walker was applauded. Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch thanked the council for expediting the Marine Patrol matter, noting that next year she hoped there would be a more easily acceptable proposal . Chief Wallis Mayor 5hinpoch acknowledged presence of recently appointed Police Chief Wallis. City Attorney Mayor Shinpoch announced the addition of Zanetta Fontes as a new Staff Addition associate in the office of City Attorney Warren. Ms. Fontes has received praise from judges and police she has worked with and is welcomed to the city staff. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 :05 P.M. DELORES A. MEAD, C.M.C. City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 21 , 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 7101 7:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Budget/Financial Matters Special Meeting AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/22 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Rm. Cable TV Undergrounding Ordinance R. Houghton/G. Norris invited PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROCKHILL PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 6/23 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Rm. Fire Code Enforcement TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 6/28 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Rm. OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS Wanda Thompson retirement Thurs 6/24 6:30 p.m. Longacres party 69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS June 22, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8958 $ 10,000.00 Gary & Ann Hawkinson 2013 Dayton Ave. N. E. Addition P"r9 400. 00 Boeing Bldg. 7-81 .2 Partition 40,000. 00 Boeing 1012 SW 41st St. Walls/window 1 , 197. 00 Tim Alvig 2814 Burnett Av N Reroof 6,000. 00 Phyllis Thompson 955 Ferndale Circle NE Remodel House 3 850. 00 Marian Hamilton 313 S 19th St. Reroof residence 8964 1 ,008, 127.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Five-plex 8965 VOID 8966 VOID 8967 VOID 8968 VOID 8969 VOID 8970 VOID 8971 VOID 8972 1 ,200. 00 Mr. C. P. Miller 2109 NE 8th St. Reroof residence 8973 7, 100. 00 Bill Reister 2186 NE 9th Place Addition 8974 12, 100.00 Pizzamat, Inc. 2825 Sunset Blvd. NE Mod. Building 8975 2,000.00 Harold Hansen 2000 Camas Av NE Reroof residence 8976 100,000.00 Emma Cugini 2880 3rd Street N. E. Fill License 8977 100,000.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 701 Powell Avenue SW Fill License 8)78 7,400.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Vestibule 8979 5,000. 0` Renton Assembly of God 221 Hardie Av NW Office Partitions 8980 700-OL Michael Conner 1103 N 31st Street Carport ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10473 12,000.00 Municipality of Seattle 1200 Monster Rd SW Sludge Pump 74 4,500.00 Maverick Restaurant 108 Lake Av S Tenant Improvement 4/5 5,000.00 Wash. Horsebreeders Assn. Longacres Addition 76 650. 00 Loretta Slough 251 Wells Av N Increase Service 0477 300. 00 School Dist. #403 400 South 2nd St Breaker Box 10478 450. 00 Derry & Lorna Lott 907 High Av S Addition MECHANICAL PERMITS 9334 3,000.00 Renton Shopping Center Hair Design Plumbing/Fixtures 9335 600.00 Nancy L. Schmidt 3630 NE 9th St Wood Burning Stove 9336 1 ,200.00 Phyllis Thompson 955 Ferndale Circle NE Plumbing/Fixtures 9337 4,500.00 Steffes Construction 4445 Talbot Rd S Plumbing/Fixtures 9338 1 ,000.00 Renton Assembly of God 221 Hardie Av NW Air Conditioning Unit 9339 11 ,650. 00 Lothrop Business Forms 720 Lind Av SW Air Conditioner 9340 650.00 Gary L. Pernaa 1216 N 31st Street Wood Stove 9341 3,400.00 Jack Curran 560 Hardie Av SW Plumbing/Fixtures 9342 3,000. 00 G & L Builders 3008 Smithers Ct Heat Pump 9343 70,000. 00 Metro of Seattle 3407 NE 2nd Street Plumbing/Fixtures CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5235 Tino Cugini NE 4th Street Watermain OF � 7� R �'' AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT U �� Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS Z o JOHN W REED RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE 0 �P THOMAS W TRIMM N7-tO SEP150O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 2 8 , 1982 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : O 0 P . M DELORES A MEAD MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE _ 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 21 , 1982. 4. PROCLAMATION - East Valley YWCA 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1983-1988 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member, a. Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division recommends acceptance of signal improvements at NE Sunset Blvd. at Harrington Avenue NE/NE Tenth Street/NE 12th Street - HES-OOOS(28) ; CAG 005-82 and approval of first and final payment of $31 ,080.60 and release retained amount of $3,453. 40 subject to required clearances. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Utilities Engineering Department requests approval for final payment for W-599, CAG 019-81 ) Talbot Hills Pipelines - Renton Construction Company - in the amount of $31 ,564.02. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Policy Development Department recommends matter of code definitions of parking lot and storage yard be referred to Planning and Development Committee for r report and recommendation. !t d. Administration requests consideration of a proposed credit union lease agreement and authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign lease agreement. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. City Clerk' s Office submits report of bid opening LID 325, street improvements and appurtenances, South of South 43rd, East of SR 167. Refer to Public Works Department and Transportation Committee. f. Claim for Damages in the amount of $254.22 by Lon R. Ledvina for windshield damage caused by rock allegedly thrown by street sweeper at Puget Sound Drive South. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. g. Appeal by Donald E. McWilliams of Hearing Examiner's Decision of 6/20/82, McWilliams R-030-82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. h. Appeal by Donald E. McWilliams of Hearing Examiner 's Decision of 6/15/82, McWilliams PP-031 -82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. i . Appeal filed by James L. Colt for Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, Inc. , of Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 4/21/82 Olivet Ceme*ery, Inc. SP-012-82• Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - a. Letter from CHG Associates - Earlington Woods Street Vacation VAC 1 -79 9. OLD BUSINESS b. Letter from CHG Associates - Earlington Woods PPUD -0050-81 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS c. Letter from Group W Cable TV, Notice of rate increase 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of June 28 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim tor Damages - Lon Ledvina COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 1983 Joint Funds H&CD Block Grants PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Subject of definitions for parking lot and storage yards for Parking and Loading Appeal by James Colt, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, of SP 012-82 T&E Investment Appeal by Donald E. McWilliams of Rezone R 030-82 Appeal by Donald E. McWilliams of PP 031-82 Off Site Improvements of SW Maple Ave. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT and TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bid opening LID #325 One Valley 7ace PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Smoke detectors for day care centers for children UTILITIES COMMITTEE Insurance from consultants and all doing business with the City. UTILITIES DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Provide undergrounding Renton Ave. S 3rd to S 7th St. (Item #16 Six Year Transp. ) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Ordinances on first reading 6/28/82: 1982 H&CD Appropriation and transfer Street Width and r/w radii and width Service connection fees re utilities Six Year Transportation Improvement - for resolution Credit Union Lease 72 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; DELORES IN ATTENDANCE A. MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engi- neer; LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Dept. ; RON NELSON, Building Official . PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 21 , 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of July 12-18, YWCA Week 1982 as Y.W. C.A. Week, especially paying tribute to the South King County Young Womens Christian Association serving the area since 1965. City Clerk Del Mead, City Clerk, was honored with flowers, plants and a gift Honored for 22-I' years faithful service; retiring 6/30/82. Mayor Shinpoch recalled Del started with the city 1/60, progressed through ranks and appointed City Clerk 10/1/72, this being her 391st Council meeting. Mayor Shinpoch further noted that Del (City's only woman department head) would be greatly missed; and anticipated her par- No' ticipating in the City Hall Mortgage Burning Ceremony this fall to be sponsored by the Soroptomists. Mrs. Mead expressed thanks and noted accomplishments while in office, her joy in working for the City, anticipation of retirement. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six Year published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Transportation to consider the City ' s Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Improvement for 1983 to 1988. Copies of the program were distributed and Public Program Works Director Houghton explained the projects. Houghton noted item 1983-1988 #2 Renton Area Transportation Study had been #15 last year, noting due to budget constraints the matter will be held in abeyance. Item #1 Grady Way Bridge replacement, was discussed, noting Tukwila' s recent support received. Continued Audience Comment : Robin Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW, called attention to #26 Taylor Ave/Place NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW, asking the item not be moved higher on the priority list, Little recalled prior meeting re Ryan Short Plat, fearing corridor to Rainier Ave. would impact Taylor Ave. Houghton explained the plat vacation. Continued Councilman Stredicke called attention to need for improvement of Monroe Ave. in area of recent claims, widening of Grady Way. Trimm noted Renton Ave. Reed inquired re raised manholes and Lind Ave. overpass widening. Rockhill inquired re Wells Ave. bridge and was advised environmental assessment should be completed within 60 days, could possibly be ready for construction in 1983. Reed asked further information, Houghton acknowledged based on receipt of clarification from State. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ITEM #10 SW GRADY WAY, LIND AVE. SW TO LONGACRES DR. SW, BE MOVED TO ITEM #5 THEREBY CHANGING DESIGNATION OF FOLLOWING ITEMS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND MATHEWS, ITEM #14, MONROE AVE. NE, NE 6th ST. TO NE 12th ST, BE MOVED TO NEW ITEM #11 (PLACE FORMERLY HELD BY SW GRADY WAY) . Renton City Council 6/28/82 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Six Year MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ITEM #18 LIND AVE. SW, SW 16th Transportation ST. TO SW GRADY WAY ( INCLUDING BRIDGE OVER 1-405) BE ADDED TO THE Improvement THIRD YEAR PROJECTS NEW ITEM #15 (FROM #18) . CARRIED. MOVED BY Program - Cont. CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ADD NEW ITEM TO THIRD YEAR PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNATED #16 RENTON AVE. , S 3rd to S 7th ST. AND THE UTILITIES DIVISION BE NOTIFIED TO PROVIDE FOR UNDERGROUNDING. CAKKIED. MOVED BY REED, SECOND STREDICKE, ITEM #17 NORTH FIRST ST. , PARK AVE. N TO BURNETT AVE. N, BE INCLUDED IN MISCELLANEOUS STREET IMPROVE- MENTS OVERLAY ITEM #3. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ACCEPT THE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS AMENDED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mike Shaw, 625 SW 4th Pl . , asked Agenda Correspondence letters Earlington Woods from CHG be discussed. Michael Shaw voiced his anger at two years Street Vacation of mud, dirt and unsafe conditions. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS , and Planned Unit SUSPEND RULES AND BRING THE MATTER BEFORE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Development Letter from CHG International , Inc. , Randall Potter, Director of VAC-01 -79 Planning and Design, recalled 5/7/79 Council approval of street PPUD-50-81 vacations for Earlington Woods subject to nine conditions. The letter requested Council approval of the conditions and the vaca- tions. The area is located south of SW Sunset Blvd, north of the railroad right-of-way, west of SW Maple St. and east of S 140th St. The letter listed the nine conditions and present status, not- ing need for paving in several areas. Continued Second letter from CHG International , Inc. , Randall Potter, Federal Way, requested clarification of an item in Appeal of PPUD 050-81 by CF/CHG Associates claiming the wording was erroneously changed dur- ing appeal to require that Maple Ave. be improved not only within project boundary, but all the way to Sunset Blvd. The letter noted their understanding that Maple Ave. was to be extended through their site to provide access and serve as a buffer; that confusion has resulted; claiming not discussed at meeting or hearing and is a mistake in wording; further claiming intent was to maintain Maple Ave. access from their project to SW Sunset Blvd. , as done. Further discussion ensued. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to authority for occupying units without approved access and occupancy permit. Randall Potter apologized for company misunder- standing in allowing occupancy. Councilman Rockhill inquired whether CHG had met the nine conditions for the street vacation. Public Works Director Houghton advised the conditions were not met and further explained Board of Public Works meeting 6/23/82 when 30 and 90 day deferrals granted for signals and lighting upon proof of order- ing equipment. Mr. Potter explained asphalt paving could not be done because of rain. Mayor Shinpoch recalled area residents requested their interests be protected prior to start of project three years ago, noting inclusion of those items in the stipulations. Continued Area resident Mike Shaw distributed photographs of area showing problems; noting driveway has just been installed which does not allow fire truck turnaround; also noting access problems. Upon Council inquiry, Building Official Nelson reported continuous inspec- tion of the buildings; learning of occupancy at 3:00 p.m. 6/28/82; posting remaining building against occupancy. Councilman Rockhill inquired of corrective active, wanting the work finished rather than court action. Discussion ensued regarding work to date; 51 ,900,000 performance bond, possible penalties, possible repeal of deferment. Subject Continued MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE, CONTINUE THIS SUBJECT TO THRUSDAY to Thursday Night NIGHT, FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS. CARRIED. Audience Comment John D. O'Hara, 583 Pierce Ave. , asked that the City closely monitor Continued actions by developers. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL RECESS Ffl R TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. 10:05 P.M. Council reconvened at 10: 15 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present. 74 Renton City Council 6/28/82 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Final Payment Letter from Public Works Department, Traffic Engineering Division, Signal Gary Norris Traffic Engineer, recommended acceptance of signal Improvements improvement project CAG 005-82 located at NE Sunset Blvd. at Harrington Ave. NE, NE 10th St. and NE 12th St. File No. HES OOOS(28) . The letter requested approval of first and final payment of $31 ,080.60 and release of retained amount of 53,453.40 subject to required clearances and no liens or claims have been filed against project. Council concur. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Dept. , Utilities Engineering Division Talbot Hill requested approval of project W-599 CAG 019-81 Talbot Hill Pipeline, Pipeline Renton Construction Co. Also recommended release of retainaqe in the amount of $31 ,564.02 after 30 days if all taxes have been paid and no liens or claims filed. Council concur. Parking and Letter from Policy Development Director Clemens recommended referral Loading to the Planning and Development Committee the subject of code Ordinance definitions of parking lot and storage yards, as well as development regulations for inclusion in the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Council concur. Credit Union Letter from the Executive Department requested consideration of oro- Lease Agreement posed City of Renton Credit Union lease agreement and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the document. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead Submitted report of 6/16/82 bid opening for One LID #325 Valley Place LID #325; seven bids received. See attached tabulation. Refer to the Public Works Department and the Transportation Committee. (LID 325: street improvements and appurtenances located south o S 43rd St. , east of SR 167) Damages Claim Claim for Damages was filed by Lon R. Ledvina, 12008 SE 157th Pl . , Ledvina in the amount of $254.22 for windshield damage allegedly caused by rock thrown by street sweeper at Puget Sound Dr. S. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Appeal by An appeal was filed by James L. Colt, President , Mt. Olivet Cemetery Mt. Olivet Company of the Land Use Hearing Examiner 's decision on Special Permit Cemetery of No. SP 012-82 for filling of site south of NE 4th St. and south- Special Permit easterly of NE 3rd St. , in the amount of 150,000 C.Y. over a five Ema Cugini dba to ten year period and excavation of approximately 30,000 cu.yds . T & E Investment Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Appeal of Appeal was filed by Donald E. McWilliams of the Land Use Hearing McWilliams Examiner's decision of 6/20/82 regarding McWilliams Rezone R 030-82 Rezone R 030-82 located on the east side of Union Ave. NE between NE 4th St. and NE 6th St. extended. Examiner recommended denial . Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. Appeal of Appeal has been filed by Donald E. McWilliams of Hearing Examiner's McWilliams decision of 6/15/82 regarding the McWilliams Preliminary Plat PP- Preliminary Plat 031-82. Area located on the east side of Union Ave. NE between NE 4th St. and NE 6th St. extended. Refer to Planning and Develop- ment Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Group W Cable Letter from Group W Cable, Subsidiary of Westinghouse Broadcasting Rate Increase and Cable Inc. , James R. Robinow, General Manager, declared intent Request to raise its basic service rates, effective 10/1/82, from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes. The letter noted basic rate has been in effect almost seven years without increase. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, DISPENSE WITH READING OF LETTER (COPIES DISTRIBUTED) AND SET DATE OF 8/9/82 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON RATE INCREASE .AS REQUESTED BY GROUP W. CARRIED. 75 J Renton City Council 6/28/82 Page 4 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Professional Letter from City Attorney Warren suggested referral of the follow- and Public ing question to the Utilities Committee: Should the City require Liability professional liability and public liability insurance from all Insurance parties conducting business with the City, such as consultants? MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF PROFESSIONAL/PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. H&CD Letter from King County Housing and Community Development Division 1983 Joint Funds reported King County is preparing Block Grant applications for 1983 Joint funds and will be submitting requests to continue the Affordable Monthly Payment Loan (AMPL) program; also to initiate a program to rehabilitate one to four unit rental properties for low income tenants. The letter requested motion or resolution passed by the City Council and submitted to the County by 7/20/82 in order to cosponsor the AMPL and rental rehab programs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER ITEM TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report recommending second and final readings on the following ordinances : Ordinance #3640 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from Dahlby Rezone R-1 to Light Industrial District L-1 for the Dahlby property R-003-82 located at 1412 Maple Ave. SW; known as the Dahlby Rezone R 033-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3641 An ordinance was read amending Title IV Building Regulation, Chapter Amending R-3 and 7, relating to R-3 and R-4 Zoning and definitions, including Sum- R-4 Zoning mary ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDI- NANCE AS READ INCLUDING SUMMARY. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3642 An ordinance was read vacation a portion of NW 4th Street as peti - Street Vacation tioned by V. Grohs , et al , and approved by City Council 6/7/82. Portion NW 4th MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. VAC-04-82 ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The (Jays and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances : H&CD 1982 Grants An ordinance was read appropriating and transferring funds in the total amount of $351 ,534 and establishing 1982 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Divisions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Street Width An ordinance was read amending Section IX Public Ways and Property Chapter 11 , of the City Code relating to rights-of-way widths and radii and street radii ( including cul-de-sacs) for residential and industrial areas. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Utilities An ordinance was read amending the City Code Section VIII Health Service and Sanitation, Title IV Building Regulations and Title V Business Connection Fee relating to imposing fees for special connection charges for water, r sewer and storm drainage facilities and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, REFER MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. (Accompanying Resolution will be presented 7/12. ) VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers No. 40388 through 40588 in the amount of $421 ,803.92 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Approval included for LID #314 Revenue Warrant R-17 in amount of $585; LID #323 Revenue Warrant R-4 in the amount of $329.22. Vouchers No. 40375 through 40387 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/28/82 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS Smoke Detectors MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER THE SUBJECT OF SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR DAY CARE CENTERS FOR CHILDREN TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Park Crew Councilwoman Mathews complimented Park Department crews for the Complimented maintenance and care of baseball fields during the recent soft- ball tournament (32 team womens slow pitch) . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4th of July Mayor Shinpoch announced the Senior Sluggers have challenged the Baseball Game Mayor/Council/Administrative Staff to a softball game at the annual 4th of July celebration at Liberty Park. Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch reported the Lakeside Cities have sent their appreci- ation that Renton has agreed to the Marine Patrol contract on Lake Washington. E. R.A. Mayor Shinpoch wore a black arm band in mourning for the death of the ERA Equal Rights Amendment noting lack of constitutional rights . The Mayor also called attention to City' s policy of moratorium on travel to non-ratified states, as being no longer viable. Need for resolution noted by City Attorney. AUDIENCE COMMENT Del Mead, City Clerk, said farewell and distributed "Survival Kits" to Council and Staff members present. MEETING CONTINUED MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, CONTINUE COUNCIL MEETING TO TO 7/1/82 THURSDAY 7/l/82 7:00 P.M. ANTICIPATING STAFF REPORT ON C .H.G. STREET VACATION AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. (Prior to scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting. ) MOTION CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting Continued from June 28 , 1982 July 1 , 1982 Municipal Building Thursday , 7 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY REED, COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke arrived at 7:08 p.m. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; RON NELSON, Building Official . PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle CURRENT BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch noted that this meeting was continued from Council Earlington Woods meeting of 6/28/82 for the specific purpose of discussing Earlington Street Vacation Woods, now know as Sunpointe. Public Works Director Richard Houghton VAC 01-79 and and Building Official Ron Nelson gave favorable reports as to progress Planned Unit of the developer to meet specifications of the street vacation, noting Development all requirements of the ordinance had been met or would be met in the PPUD 50-81 near future, recommending placement of the street vacation ordinance on (See page 6) the agenda for 7/12/82 which would allow issuance of temporary occupancy permits. Questions were raised regarding violations by the developer Renton City Council July 1, 1982 Page 6 Earlington Woods of occupancy permit requirements. Councilman Reed inquired re- continued garding time frame for improvement of Sunset Boulevard. Public Works Director Houghton responded construction is in progress; problem being six-month delivery time for signal/lighting equip- ment. Intersection is not to be used until equipment arrival and it has been barricaded and safety precautions taken. continued Mayor Shinpoch questioned Mike Shaw, 625 SW Fourth Place, for his opinion as an area resident as to paving progress. Mr. Shaw responded that some work had been done and paving had been promised for tomorrow, but promises had been made before. The subject of difference in request for vacated streets (7.72 acres) versus acreage of streets to be dedicated (4.52) was explained by Randall Potter, Director of Planning and Design, CHG Associates, One CHG Plaza, Federal Way, as being a difference of 7.72 acres in undevel- oped streets for 4.52 acres of streets improved by the developer to city standards. Councilman Stredicke expressed dissatisfaction with developer' s practice of advertising units for sale or rent when no occupancy permits have been issued by the city. continued Councilman Hughes spoke against acceptance of Public Works and Building Departments recommendations, citing developer violation of occupancy permit process and paving not yet accomplished. Councilman Stredicke agreed, noting the developer had two years to complete requirements, and Council should require finalization before consideration. He urged Council to be firm to guard against future problems in this same regard. continued Policy Development Director David Clemens noted an apparent discrep- ancy between Planning and Development Committee intent and Council action regarding developer obligation in improvement of Maple Avenue. Mr. Clemens stated Council minutes show that Maple will be improved from Southwest Fifth to Sunset while his interpretation of the intent was for a vehicular connection between Maple Avenue within the pro- ject and Maple Avenue as it previously existed, that the development would impact Maple Avenue but the vehicular connection was all that was required. Councilman Clymer disagreed and stated it was the Planning and Development Committee' s intent to require construction and improvement of Maple Avenue from Southwest Fifth to Sunset. Moved by Clymer, second by Rockhill , concur in recommendations of Building and Public Works Directors to grant street vacation with the specific proviso to withhold granting occupancy permit until paving requirements are satisfied and off-side improvements on Maple Avenue are completed. Motion failed. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO COUNCIL AT NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested Administration supply maps, pictures, etc. , to clarify improvements, locations, conditions within the development. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY CLYMER, SUBJECT MATTER OF MAPLE AVENUE EXTENSION BE REFERRED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Maple Avenue extension within Earlington Woods to be discussed in Planning and Development Committee meeting of 7/12/82. Councilman Reed requested notification of other residents of Maple Avenue so they may attend to voice opinions of improvements. RESOLUTION Resolution 2459 A resolution was read authorizing the signature of Michael J. Mulcahy, Finance Director Finance Director, for city f'nancial instruments. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, Signature at SECOND BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Banks ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED 8:00 P.M. �...-ems . �%�G� MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City C el- rbc 78 PRO J EC T • ONE VALLEY PLACE - LID 325 - DATE • June 16, 1982 Bid Opening - City Clerk's Office BIDDER- Gary IDDERGary Merlino Construction h Ave5. BE FFO MAE AA F 24 qnR nn CAI rAC 18 nc r n P.D. so. L Des Moinesmo;nes u A 7C 711 CIA AR FFM MAF AA r I I Ann An R T"o t-et( 49%,Sall 31-- R.L. ;R.L. AI i a Cowany it se.ttle Wa 98118 r 0A 77C 7r) 5B EEO MBE A F R 27A nn TAt,I U7 AM A7 Kohl Excavatinn _A U? 4 0 E Valley Rd. A 41 RAi nn RentAn AS F 17 RLS An Land Cnnstr,rtinn 11 An ry 14 17 n22 An BB EEO MBE AA Total 574.6L9 45 Valley Cement Schedule A. 376,630.00 P.O. Box 838 B. 36,730.00 Auburn WA 98002 C. 83,578.01 D. 25,931-15 88 EEO MBE AA E. 10,000.00 F. 25,302.00 Total 558,171.16 Engineer's Estimate Schedule A. 11 187. 0 B. 28,207.50 C. 99 51.84 D. 22,966.7 E. 10 000.00 F. 24 80.00 Total 497,70 7 e 79 EXP111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 6/28/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.# 40375 - #40387 V RRENT 695) 884 .06 PARKS 6350948.93 ARTERIAL STREETS 636)353. 17 STREETS 650) 633.89 LIBRARY 62) 144.69 STREET FORWARD THRUST •406.50 L WASH. BCH. FWD THRUST 62) 110.63 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR 610) 911 .49 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHUNS ) $200.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY $131) 016.03 AIRPORT 62) 1D4. 30 1975 W 6 5 CONSTRUCTION $29) 135. 75 A PMENT RENTAL $23. 189.86 i FIREMEN ' S PENSION 6820. 40 LID CONINUL $914. 22 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $421) 803.92 WE) THE UNDERSIUNED MLMBLK5 Uh THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL) HAVIND REI-EIVLU DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE bLLN RECEIVED OR RENDERED) DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUULHERS NU• 4U3BH THROUGH N0. 40588 IN THE AMOUNT OF $421i803. 92 THIS 88rH DAY UP JUNE 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN �'`- .� wz�� '' ; MEM 13 ER • �` • L.I.D. #314 r � v r'''' • • • REVENUE WARRANT OR-17 $585.00 MEMBER L.I.D. #323 REVENUE WARRANT #R• 4 $329.22 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 28, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 7/01 7:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Budget/Financial Matters SPECIAL MEETING AND Earlington Woods CONTINUED CITY COUNCIL MEETIN AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/06 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Meet with Ed Hayduk re Block Grants PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/01 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room G-1 Zone and Appeal by Mr. Colt,Mt.O ivet Thurs. 7/08 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Two Appeals by McWilliams Thurs. 7/15 Cancelled PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 7/07 4:45 p.m. HUGHES th Floor Conference Room Fire and Smoke Alarm System TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 7/14 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Liability Insurance WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 7/12 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS EASTSIDE WATERSHED PROJECT Meekers Landing, Kent FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Sun. 7/04 HORIZON CLUB Liberty Park Senior Sluggers DEL MEAD'S RETIREME1 IT Wed. 6/30 2:30-5:30 p.m. Liberty Park Community Building i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS June 28, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8981 $ 15,000.00 Boeing Building 7-91.4 Receiving dock remodeling 8982 20,000.00 King County/District Court 3407 NE Second Street Holding cell addition 8983 88,000.00 Boeing Building 10-50 Concrete pipe chase 89011 22,000.00 William Collins 420 Cedar Avenue South Remodel porch/family room 8S 2,500.00 Ron Wiertella 1907 Camas Court SE Reroof 89 42,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 201 Vashon Avenue SE New residence 89c7 2,352.00 Marvin Evarts 1111 North 34th Street Reroof 8988 60,000.00 Olga Konsevage 507 SW Third Street New residence 8989 4,000.00 Edwin Goebel 3924 NE 12th Street Detached garage 8990 500.00 Wallace D. Conn 441 Renton Center Way Tenant improvement 8991 225,000.00 Greater Renton Shopping Center 28442 Sunset Blvd. NE New retail sales/offices ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10479 200.00 Renton Assembly of God 221 Hardie Avenue NW Outlets/overhead lighting 10480 66,625.00 Boeing Building 7-81.4 A/C Unit compressor 10481 20,056.00 Boeing Building 7.81.2 Fixtures/receptacles 10482 13,500.00 Boeing Renton plant Alternate feeder 10483 80,000.00 Fifth & Park Company 500 Park Avenue North Rewire 10484 60,000.00 Earlington Associates 498-500 SW Seventh Rewire 10485 14,000.00 Valley Orthopedic 4445 Talbot Road South Remodel lower level 10486 200.00 Ian Rivers 2326 NE Tenth Place Replace existing service 10487 500.00 Mr. Willardson 409 South 36th Street Baseboard heat circuits 10488 750.00 P. Thompson & G. Giesick 955 Ferndale Circle NE Rewire 10489 300.00 Surae Petet 2002 Duvall Avenue NE Wire garage 10490 215.00 James Johnson 3129 Talbot Road South Change and correction 10491 2,000.00 Gary C. Pipkin 1120 North 38th Street Landscape/patio lighting MFr'"ANICAL PERMITS 9 495.00 James S. McKinley 820 Index Court NE Rework and new ducting 9 0- 500.00 Boeing Building 7-81.4 Funnel drain 9346 66,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Supply/return water pipes 9347 3,000.00 Derry Loft 907 High Avenue South Plumbing/fixtures 9348 550.00 Don Warrensford 230 Union Avenue NW Repair drainfield 9349 42,000.00 Fifth & Park Company 500 Park Avenue North Air Conditioner units 9350 2,500.00 Herbert Adams 201 Union Avenue SE Sprinkler system 9351 750.00 James Johnson 3129 South Talbot Road Water heater/furnace 9352 250.00 James Johnson 3129 South Talbot Road Re-hook water/drain pipes 9353 11,844.00 Maverick Restaurant 74 Rainier Avenue South Condensing units 9354 930.00 Leonard Builders 4313 SE Fourth Street Gas Furnace SIGN PERMITS 1020 50.00 Kirkman 115 Park Avenue North Marquee sign 1021 1,200.00 M. R. Mastro 3311 NE Fourth Street Wall signs 1022 2,500.00 Renton Village Company 800 Rainier Avenue South Small airplane sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5236 King County 3407 NE Second Side sewer 5237 Superstructure Index Avenue NE Watermain/sanitary sewer 5238 Mr. Gould 4413 SE Fourth Place Side sewer C) C I T Y O F h E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF JUNE, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: ATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /11/82 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Transfers for H&CD tele.ca s $ 45: 45,G CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2433 $ 117,423.00 107/242.00.00 000/369.30.01 CONTINGENCY FUND PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2433 32,507.00 107/242.00.00 101/369.30.01 CONTINGENCY FUND STREET FUND Per Resolution No. 2433 $ 32,570.00 107/242.00.00 103/369.30.01 CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 $ 375,000.00 000/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 $ 6,452.78 000/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 72/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND ransfers for mo. of JUNE $ 78,695.29 i '14/82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CURRENT FUND djustment for cost of $ 6,805.59 olice Traffic vehicle ['arrant no.#39640;5/10/82 /14/82 CURRENT FUND 121,567.17 PARKS & RECREATION 64,390.67 ARTERIAL STREETS 35,710.31 CITY STREETS 18,148.63 LIBRARY 14,423.78 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 144,158.11 STREET FWD. THRUST 78,592.73 G.COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 694,741.21 WATERWORKS UTILITY 139,500.49 �9 AIRPORT 8,590.E EQUIPMENT RENTAL 34,575.37 FIREMEN'S PENSION 15,906.95 L.I.D. CONTROL 129,116.35 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE 1,499,422.66 MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR t 83 C I TY OF i� ENT0N TRANSFERS MONTH OF JUNE , 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 6/15/82 CURRENT FUND $163,801.01 PARKS & RECREATION 53,318.70 CITY STREETS 32,831.36 LIBRARY 13,909.56 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 29,934.10 AIRPORT 2,605.09 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo, of JUNE $299,915.82 6/18/82 L.I.GUARANTY FUND L.I.D.CONTROL FUND263 Transfer for final payment $ 3,441.77 602/271.00.00 701/369.30.01 on L.I.D.#263 6/1§82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE $ 79,680.54 a� 6/28/82 CURRENT FUND $ 95,884.06 PARKS & RECREATION 35,948.93 ARTERIAL STREETS 36,383.17 CITY STREETS 50,633.89 LIBRARY 2,144.69 STREET FWD. THRUST 406.50 LK.WN.BCH.FWD. THRUST 2,110.63 G. COULON BCH PK. CONST] . 10,911.49 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOP) 200.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 131,016.03 AIRPORT 2,104.30 1975 W & S CONSTR. 29,135.75 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 23,189.86 FIREMEN'S PENSION 820.40 L.I.D. CONTROL 914.22 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JUNE $421,803.92 V►.�l4�4yku-4 ck MAYOR FINANCE (RECTOR 84 t C I T Y O F h E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF JUNE , 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: )ATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /30/82 CURRENT FUND 182,161.13 PARKS & RECREATION 67,554.11 CITY STREETS 35,654.75 LIBRARY 14,455.93 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 35,132.84 AIRPORT 3,026.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,768.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of JU 341,753.16 /30/82 PARKS & RECREATION STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 110,000.00 101/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 PARKS & RECREATION STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 1,830.27 101/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 CITY STREETS STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 57,000.00 103/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 CITY STREETS STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2432 1,029.17 103/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 MAYOR F OANCE DIRECTOR OF ***REVISED 7/09/82*** _41R� � � COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA I, O EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT U % Z ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED 00RANDALL ROCKHILL 9.0 �0 Q E N r O N CITY �r^ O U N C'L RICHARD M.STREDICKE 0,9 0�P THOMAS W TRIMM NT D SEPI REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING J U LY 12 1982 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, DELORES A.MEAD MAYOR Monday , 8 : 00 P . M 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 28, 1982. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Final Assessment Roll , LID 317, Waterline installation in South 132nd Street between 80th Avenue South and 84th Avenue South. Final Assessment Roll - $40,692.20 Correspondence 5• AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for futher discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Personnel Department requests reclassification of Engineering Supervisor and Public Works Field Superintendent positions to salary range 17 and Parks Maintenance Supervisor to Grade 11 . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Finance Department notification of Utility Plant value as of 12/31/81 in the amount of $24,469,316.21 . Refer to Mayor and Committee of the Whole for 1983 budget purposes. C. Personnel Department requests city participation in Renton School District work experience/employment program for developmentally disabled students; authorization for Mayor' s staff to conclude agreement with school district. Concur. d. Parks and Recreation Department requests transfer of funds from CR 1894 (Municipal Buildings) to Park Department General Services for roof replacement and repairs at Carco Theatre and Mothers Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Airport Division presents Addendum 3 to Fancher Flyways, Inc. , lease LAG 06-76, extending start and completion dates for a tie down area on west side from March, 1982 and September 1982 to March 1984 and September 1984. Council concur in two- year lease extension as recommended by Aviation Committee. f. Public Works Department requests transfer of $20,000 from Honey Creek, May Creek Sewers Cumulative Reserve Fund #3421 , to Current Water Works Utility Fund #401 to obtain professional land surveying services. Refer to Utilities Committee. g. Policy Development Department requests public meeting be set for July 1q, 1982, regarding 10% Notice of Intent Petition - Jackson Annexation, a portion of proposed Cypress Point multiple-family development northeasterly of Spring Glen Elementary. Council concur. h. Policy Development Department requests public hearing be set for July 26, 1982, regarding West Hill Pump Station Annexation located between Renton Avenue and Renton Avenue Extension, adjacent to city boundary. Council concur. i . Policy Development Department submits 19 projects for the 1983-89 Capital Improve- ment Program. Recommends referral of three airport-related projects to Airport Committee and six Water Utility and ten Sewer Utility projects to Utility Committee for recommendation on priority order. Council concur. J . Misty Cove Condominium Association, Ripley Lane, requests approval of Port Quendall and record to so indicate. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. k. State Department of Transportation presents certification of State Highway Routes within City limits as of 7/1/82. Refer to Public Works Department. 1 . City Clerk presents bid opening 7/08/82 for surplus 1957 Wisconsin Screening Plant. Six bids received, high bid of $7,600 from Dulin Construction, Centralia, WA. Accept high bid. ♦ (�C `}✓( M. Court Case - Sanford E. Webb - contesting Hearing Examiner' s decision regarding construction of staircase on Mill Avenue South public right-of-way median. Refer to City Attorney. n. Claim for Damages - Jeffrey Bell - in the amount of $477 for alleged loss of rent, lost wages, and maintenance costs due to damaged rental home alleging city sewer drainage back-up. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. o• Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions of Final Plat 096-81 located west of Powell Avenue Southwest, north of the extension of Southwest Tenth Avenue, east of the proposed P-1 Channel , and south of the Milwaukee Railroad property; Holvick deRegt Koering. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. P• Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Decision R-026-82, May 24, 1982, E&B Developers, Inc. , as filed by attorney Robert L. Anderson. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS a. Public Works Director - Cascade Sewer District Proposed ULID #62. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9• ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of July 12 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Earlington Woods Street Vacation VAC 01-79 AIRPORT COMMITTEE 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program - three airport-related projects BUILDING DEPARTMENT Earlington Woods PPUD 50-81 Occupancy Permits CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Sanford E. Webb Court Case Claim for Damages - Jeffrey Bell COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Utility Plant Value as of 12/31/82 for budget consideration COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE South Third Street Business Area Revitalization Plan - Mr. Cordero MAYOR - AND CITY CLERK-,',- Utility LERK-;Utility Plant Value as of 12/31/82 for budget consideration Disabled Student Employment Agreement Credit Union Lease Agreement-,,- LID greement;;LID 325 Bid Award* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Misty Cove Board of Directors Letter Supporting Port Quendall (information only) Appeal of E&B Developers Rezone R 026-82 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT State Highway Route Certification UTILITIES COMMITTEE Honey Creek Sanitary Sewers Land Surveying 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program - six water-related projects ten sewer-related projects ULID 62 Cascade Sewer District Letter Utilities Service Connection Fee - revised ordinance WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID 317 Final Assessment Roll Position Reclassifications Parks Fund Transfer Holvick deRegt Koering Final Plat FP 96-81 Interim Financing - LID 325 G-1 Zoning Ordinance G-1 Zoning - first reading 7/12/82 Special Connection Charge Ordinance - first reading 7/12/82 (revised) PUBLIC MEETING 7/19/ 2 - Budget Revisions and Finances Jackson Annexation PUBLIC HEARING 7/26792 West Hill Pump Station Annexation 88 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 12 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG and DAVID DEAN, Assistant IN ATTENDANCE City Attorneys; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ROBERT BERGSTROM, Engineer Supervisor; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator; JAMES HANSON, Building Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle; Herb Belanger, Seattle Times MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 28, 1982 AS PRESENTED ( INCLUDES PORTION OF MEETING CONTINUED TO 7/01/82) . CARRIED. PRESENTATION - Councilman Stredicke announced, in conjunction with Italy winning the "Renton Cup" World Cup in soccer, the winning of the "Renton Cup" by the City Council softball players, and he presented an unreasonable facsimile of a trophy to Council President Clymer. Mayor Shinpoch noted that the score of the softball game between Council and the Renton Senior Sluggers was 7-6 and she presented the real trophy to Councilwoman Mathews and Councilman Reed - major contributors to the win. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- LID 317 Final lished according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Assessment consider the final assessment roll of LID 317, waterline installation Roll in South 132nd Street between 80th Avenue South and 84th Avenue South; Final Assessment Roll of $40,692.20. Acting City Clerk Motor read the one letter of protest from John M. Stewart, 10625 Dixon Drive South, Seattle, regarding lack of sewer line to his property. Public Works Director Houghton gave a brief history of LID 317 and explained that Mr. Stewart ' s property is outside the city limits and city policy dictates the city shall not provide sewer service to properties outside city limits without annexation. Audience Comment Wayne Werle, 8211 South 132nd, Seattle, inquired regarding water meter LID 317 cost. Public Works Director Houghton explained the $300 charge would include installation with the citizen being responsible for connection from the back of the meter to the residence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS SUBMITTED AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Il AUDIENCE COMMENT Councilman Stredicke requested that audience comment be restricted from the subject of Port Quendall so that other matters could be discussed prior to a lengthy discussion on that development. Earlington Woods Mike Shaw, 625 SW Fourth Place, addressed the Council regarding garage Street Vacation access problems since CHG paving of alleyway adjacent to his property and and Planned Unit need for a turn-around. Randy Potter, CHG International , Inc. , stated Development his firm would install the turn-around. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY VAC 01-79 HUGHES, ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT WITH REGARD PPUD 50-81 TO CHG. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee report was read recommending paving or re-paving of Maple Avenue from the property line of CHG to Sunset to the same width or approximately the same width at Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 2 Earlington Woods which the prior street was constructed to insure adequate accessibility continued for fire and police vehicles and to taper in the re-paving with existing improvements on Maple Avenue on CHG property. Councilman Rockhill requested reading of report from Public Works Director stating specifics as to how road will be improved. Following this reading, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY REED, TO ACCEPT THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING MAPLE AVENUE DEVELOPMENT. Councilman Rockhill reported this meeting had been attended by Maple Avenue residents, city staff and CHG representatives and all had agreed on this type of solution. Council- man Stredicke inquired regarding number of illegal occupants (without occupancy permit issued) in the development and number of completed units. Building Department representative Hanson responded that 50 of the 64 constructed units are occupied, noting that CHG has now met all require- ments to obtain legal occupancy permit. CARRIED. continued Councilman Stredicke questioned the amount of the fine involved for violation of occupancy permit regulations and whether such a fine will be levied in this case. Assistant City Attorney Kellogg announced that Council would be meeting in executive session to discuss this matter. Public Works Director Houghton provided visual overlays to show street improvements by CHG, noting that they had met all nine conditions set forth by the Council and recommended vacation of the streets. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED, AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH VACATION OF THE STREETS AND ALLEYWAYS AS LISTED, ACCEPT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS IMPROVED, THE MATTER OF TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PERMITS BE REFERRED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR ISSUANCE. MOTION AMENDED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY REED - TO INCLUDE THE TURN-AROUND BE PROVIDED ON THE ALLEY OFF FOURTH AS DESCRIBED BY MR. SHAW. Councilman Trimm inquired as to length of time CHG has to complete requirements. Mr. Houghton replied all work must be complete within 90 days with the exception of lighting equipment on Sunset which will take longer due to order/arrival time; the city holds a bond in the amount of $1 ,800,000+ to insure completion. MOTION CARRIED. audience Comment Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, addressed the Council regarding on :ontinued abandoned car on Mill Avenue South and water meter reading problems at Golden View Apartments. Planning and Peggy DuBois, 2907 Mountain View Avenue North, requested that Council Development advance to the matter of Port Quendall . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY Committee REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Port Quendall THAT DEALS WITH PORT QUENDALL. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill submitted Appeal of Planning and Development Committee Majority Report of 6/21/82 along with PPUD 059-81 Minority Report of 7/09/82. The Majority Report, signed by Committee Members Rockhill and Hughes, found error in Hearing Examiner Findings 9, 12, 27, 30, 31 and 34; provided new Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and recommended approval with conditions of the PPUD. The report also noted voluntary height restriction from 20-30 stories to 15-20 stories. Port Quendall is a three-phase development over thirty years. The Minority Report, signed by Committee Member Reed, recommended the appeal be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner or, if appeal is to be heard, Council consider new findings and conclusions of Minority Report, or affirm the Hearing Examiner' s decision without further action. Those present speaking against the Port Quendall development: Mrs. DuBois; William Tozer, 905 North 36th; Lou Bergan, 5029 Ripley Lane; Becky Little- man, 3805 Lake Washington Blvd. North; Sherwood Martin, 2728 Park Avenue North; Gloria Minnick, 11215 SE 74th Street; Robert Orr, 6010 East Mercer Way; Brendt Rowe, 7626 East Mercer Way; John Karpinski , Law Offices of Roger M. Leed, 1411 Fourth Avenue, Seattle: Benella Caminiti , 2919 Mayfair Avenue North, Seattle; Curtis Martin, 3728 Park Avenue North; Walter Derlacki , 7716 - 89th Place SE. Those speaking in favor of Port Quendall : Ralph Luke, The Austin Company, B00 SW 16th Street; John Anthony, CH2M Hill , Bellevue; Alex Cugini , 611 Renton Avenue South; Al Baxter, J. H. Baxter and Company, 1700 South El Camino Real , San Mateo, CA; Greg Pian- tanida, 2457 - 60th, Mercer Island; Eugene Mushkin, 4262 East Mercer Way; Tom Nichols, 1401 Aberdeen Avenue NE; Bob Raphael , 1111 East John, Seattle; James Schuler, Developer of Port Quendall , 4100 Lake Washington Boulevard North; Harry Haight, 61 Shattuck Avenue South; Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South; Mrs. Bob Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Avenue North; Dean Brokaw, 7687 - 85th Place SE. Those speaking regarding Port Quendall : Matthew Jeffrey, 1208 North 38th Street; Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue South, Wilburt Olsen, 1207 North 34th Street; Tom Tivnan , Mercer Island. Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 3 Port Quendall There being no futher audience comment and all sides having had equal continued speaking time, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO ACCEPT THE PORT QUENDALL PROJECT:, Councilman Rockhill outlined committee procedure, adherence to Council instructions. Councilman Hughes spoke in favor of the motion weighing negative impact against positive impact. Councilman Stredicke questioned differences in the Port Quendall master plan approved by the Planning and Development Committee from that plan submitted to the Hearing Examiner. Councilman Clymer questioned city jurisdiction over inner and outer harbor areas, possible conflict between the city, Port of Seattle and the state; soil studies to support high-rise construction; and site water pollution problems. Councilwoman Mathews stated she could not fully support the majority report of the Planning and Development Committee. Councilman Stredicke offered a substitute motion which Mayor Shinpoch ruled inappropriate. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY TRIMM, OVER- RULE THE CHAIR' S DECISION WITH REGARD TO ACCEPTING A SUBSTITUTE MOTION. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE: 3 NOS, CLYMER, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY TRIMM, to remand subject matter back to the Hearing Examiner. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES, TRIMM, MATHEWS, STREDICKE; 4 NOS, CLYMER, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. MOTION FAILED. Assistant City Attorney Kellogg noted need to provide policy for guidance to the Hearing Examiner in the event subject is remanded. ORIGINAL MOTION: *MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO ACCEPT THE PORT QUENDALL PROJECT. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES, CLYMER, TRIMM, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 3 NOS, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. 12: 12 a.m. Council reconvened at 12:20 a.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL MOVE TO ITEM SIX ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Position Letter from Personnel Department recommended reclassification of the Reclassifications Engineering Supervisor and Field Superintendent of the Public Works Department to salary range 17 due to increase in designated responsi - bilities and of the Parks Maintenance Supervisor to Grade 11 to align with other position of comparable responsibility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Utility Plant Letter from Finance Department notified Council of Utility Plant value Value as of 12/31/82 in the amount of $24,469,316.21 for consideration during 1983 budget preparation. Refer to Mayor and Committee of the Whole for budget purposes. Disabled Student Letter from Personnel Department recommended Mayor' s staff be authorised Employment to conclude agreement with Renton School District for city participation Agreement in work experience/employment program for developmentally disabled students. Council concur. Park Department Parks and Recreation Department requested transfer of funds from CR 1894 Fund Transfer (Municipal Buildings) to Park Department General Services for roof re- placement and repairs at Carco Theatre and Mothers Park in the amount of $15,041 .00. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Lease Extension Letter from Airport Division requested approval of two-year lease extension LAG 06-76 to Fancher Flyways, Inc. (Addendum 3 to LAG 06-76) extending start and completion dates for a tie down area from March 1982 and September 1982 to March 1984 and September 1984. Council concur. Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 4 Consent Agenda continued Honey Creek Letter from Public Works Department requested transfer of $20,000 from Sanitary Sewers Honey Creek/May Creek Sewers Cumulative Reserve Fund #3421 to Current Land Surveying Water Works Utility Fund #401 in the amount of $20,000 to obtain pro- fessional land surveying services for Honey Creek Sewer interceptor to begin preliminary work for Honey Creek Santiary Sewers. Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Meeting Letter from Policy Development Department requested public meeting be Jackson set for July 19, 1982 regarding 10% Notice of Intent Petition - Jackson Annexation Annexation, a portion of proposed Cypress Point multiple-family develop- ment northeasterly of Spring Glen Elementary. Council concur. Public Hearing Letter from Policy Development Department requested public hearing be West Hill Pump set for July 26, 1982 regarding West Hill Pump Station Annexation Station located between Renton Avenue and Renton Avenue Extension, adjacent to city boundary. Council concur. 1983-1989 Letter from Policy Development Department submitted 19 projects for the Capital 1983-1989 Capital Improvement Program. Three projects are related to Improvement Airport, six to Water Utility and ten to Sewer Utility. Refer three Program airport projects to Airport Committee and six water utility and ten sewer utility to Utility Committee for recommendation on priority order. Port Quendall Misty Cove Condominium Association Board of Directors requested Council Approval Request record to indicate their support for approval of the Port Quendall project. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for information only. tate Highway Letter from State of Washington, Department of Transportation, presented oute certification of state highway routes within the city limits as of "certification July 1 , 1982. Refer to Public Works Department. Bid Opening - Letter from City Clerk' s Office presented summary of bid opening of Wisconsin July 8, 1982 for sale of surplus 1957 Wisconsin Screening Plant. Six Screening Plant bids received, high bid of $7,600 from Dulin Construction, Centralia, Sale Washington. Accept high bid. Sanford Webb Court case was filed by Sanford E. Webb contesting the Hearing Examiner' s Court Case decision to uphold Public Works Department recommendation to deny his application for permit to construct a staircase on Mill Avenue South public right-of-way median (File #AAD 034-82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages was filed by Jeffrey Bell for damages caused to rental Damages home in the amount of $477 due to alleged city sewer drainage back-up. CL 39-82 Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Holvick deRegt Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions of Final Koering Final Plat 096-81 located west of Powell Avenue Southwest, north of the exten- Plat FP 96-81 sion of Southwest Tenth Avenue, east of the proposed P-1 Channel , and south of the Milwaukee Railroad property; Holvick deRegt Koering. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. i>eal of E&B Appeal has been filed by Robert L. Anderson, attorney for E&B Developers, velopers Inc. , of Hearing Examiner' s decision of May 24, 1982, regarding rezone K ezone by E&B Developers of south side of SW Grady Way and north side of SW R 026-82 12th Street between Seneca Avenue SW and Raymond Avenue SW. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. 'Approved CARRIED. 92 Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Cascade Sewer Letter from Richard Houghton, Public Works Director, advised that District Cascade Sewer District proposes sanitary sewer ULID for the area south Proposed ULID of Rolling Hills and lying east of Benson Road, part of which extends No. 62 sewer service and assesses properties within the City of Renton. The letter suggests review of formation of ULID 62 and suggested course of action in the event the ULID is approved. MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Interim Letter from the Finance Department requested acceptance of bid to Financing provide interim financing on LID 325 in the amount of $600,000 for LID 325 street improvements and sanitary sewers in the area south of South 43rd Street and east of SR167 and west of Talbot Road South. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. South Third Letter from Pat H. Cordero, 404 Whitworth Avenue South, presented plan Revitalization for revitalization of South Third Street business area by closure of Plan South Third Street to vehicular traffic to create a pedestrial mall with added retail and service areas. MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY MATHEWS, CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Cascade Sewer Letter from Cascade Sewer District, Water District 58, in reply to letter District from Public Works Department advised city' s interest in taking over certain Water Service water service system. The letter requested copy of directive authorizing System action of city staff noting King County Boundary Review Board approval necessary. Letter noted Cascade Sewer District has served the area in question since 1962 and was provided full approval of City Council . MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND BY REED, REFER CORRESPONDENCE TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Staff Meeting Mayor Shinpoch announced that the staff meeting of Tuesday, July 13, Cancelled would be cancelled. Committee of Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer presented committee report the Whole requesting a public meeting be set for Monday, July 19, 1982, to 7/19/82 Public consider budget revisions and needed finances for city government. Meeting MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Councilman Clymer announced the city' s consideration of the 1% sales tax option and requested newspaper coverage of that possibility to insure citizen knowledge and participation. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented committee report Committee recommending acceptance of the recommendation of Public Works Department LID 325 Bid to accept low bid of R. W. Scott Construction Company in the amount of Award $488,533.81 for LID 325 - One Valley Place. Committee also recommended Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Chairman Reed presented committee report recommending Services adoption of the 1983 Funding Guidelines for Housing and Community Devel - Committee opment Block Grant Program as proposed. MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY MATHEWS, H&CD Block COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED..., Grant Program Marine Patrol Councilman Stredicke called attention to a letter from Mayor Shinpoch Two-Year advising the contract for marine patrol services between King County and Contract the lake cities is for a two-year period and increases by $750 the second year. Mayor Shinpoch noted prior authorization by Council for signing. Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 6 Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee Development report recommending matter of the amendment of the G-1 Zoning Ordinance Committee to provide for zone classification of property being annexed to the city, G-1 Zoning be referred to Ways and Means Committee for drafting of proper legisla- ,inance Change tion. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMEN- DATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. al by Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee McWilliams report recommending City Council reversal of Hearing Examiner' s decision R 03-82 of June 20, 1982 and grant the rezone of approximately 500 Union Avenue PP 031-82 NE from "G" to "R-3". MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY REED, Council concur in recommendation of Planning and Development Committee. Councilman Stredicke spoke against the motion noting this type of action places the city in the position of spot zoning. Councilwoman Mathews spoke against the motion noting need for additional time for review of the issue. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY MATHEWS, MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Appeal by Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill announced that he Mt. Olivet had received a request that the matter of the appeal by Mt. Olivet Cemetery Cemetery of the Emma Cugini Special Permit Application (SP 012-82) be delayed for SP 012-82 one week because Mrs. Cugini and/or her representatives would be unable to attend tonight' s meeting to respond. James L. Colt, President , Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, addressed the Council saying he would have no objection to a one-week delay, agreeing with the Committee report as written with the exception of inserting the word "all" to precede the word "precipitation" in paragraph five (center) as stated in paragraph three of the Conclusions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY MATHEWS, MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch requested Assistant City Attorney Kellogg notify Mrs. Cugini ' s attorneys. _;blic Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes gave an informal committee report Committee stating the committee had met with the Fire Marshall regarding fire code Fire Code enforcement and smoke detector systems in daycare centers. The Fire Enforcement/ Marshall had explained fire code enforcement inspections, common infrac- Smoke Detector tions and procedures. No formal committee action had been taken on this Requirements matter. The Fire Marshall also explained the Washington Code contains provision for newly licensed day care centers to have smoke detectors on premises. The requirement for existing day care centers is being investigated further, along with fireworks control legislation. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and final Committee readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance #3643 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of funds H&CD Block to the 1982 Housing and Community Development (HbCD) Block Grant Program Grants in the amount of $351 ,534. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3644 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 9-1108 of Title IX Rights-of-Way (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance 1628 relating to rights-of-way Widths & Radii/ widths and radii and street radii . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, c*reet Radii ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. rst Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances: Zoning An ordinance was read amending Section 4-704 of Title IV (Building Classification Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to zone classifications (G-1 ) . G-1 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Utilities Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke requested this ordinance Service be placed on first reading a second time since it had been revised since Connection Fee the first reading of June 28, 1982 meeting. Councilman Stredicke also - Revised requested those people of record inquiring regarding this ordinance be notified of final reading of July 19• 94 Renton City Council July 12, 1982 Page 7 First Readings continued Utilities An ordinance was read amending Section 3-241 of Title III (Departments) , Service Section 8-717 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) , Chapter 29 of Connection Fee Title IV (Building Regulations) and Chapter 34 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to imposing fees for special connection charges for water, sewer and storm drainage facilities and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK AND SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2460 A resolution was read accepting amendment of city' s Six-Year Transportation Six-Year Street Program and Arterial Street Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, Program ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2461 A resolution was read rescinding the resolution on no travel to non ERA No Travel to ratified states. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESO- Non ERA States LUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Credit Union Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of proposed lease agree- Lease ment with City of Renton Credit Union for approximately 136 square feet Agreement of the former first floor conference room and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign lease agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 40598 through 40839 in the amount of $1 ,324,757.03 having received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Approval included $607,000 payment to Frank Coluccio Company on park construction and $208,000 payment to Tri State Construc- tion for Southwest 43rd. Vouchers 40589 through 40597 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR Session THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING POTENTIAL LITIGATION. CARRIED. 1 : 15 a.m. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; all 1 :33 a.m. Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk ar`!o' XPill 35 CITY OF RENTON ATE 7/12/82 "ARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS3 40589 - 40597 RRENT •l7SjZ43.83 ?KS $62#591 .26 ARTERIAL STREETS $1, 161 . 76 STREETS $20) 383048 LIBRARY 011# 690. 14 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 640) 000.00 STREET FORWARD THRUST $183# 962.98 G COULON BCH PK CON51H 6613p751 .08 WATERWORKS UTILITY f126$ 307. 72 AIRPORT •10p454.28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 035PU27 . 68 LID CONTROL s40P382.82 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS ,1. 324# 757.03 rm WEp THE UNDERSIUNtU MEMBLK5 OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL,, HAVING REI.EIVLU UEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAvE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOULHLRS NV. 4UJ9K THROUGH NO, 40539 IN THE AMOUNT OF $103241757 .03 THIS leTH DAT OF JULY 1982• CUMnITTEE CHAIRMAN • • • • MEMBER AL • G • L.I.D.4314 MEMBER • REVENUE WARRANT N0.4R-18 $ 229.87 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT NO. 4R- 5 $ 40,152.95 r. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 12 , 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/13 4 :30 p.m. REED 3rd Fir. Conference Rm. Underground Ordinance, invite Attorn y H & CD Joint Project PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/15 Cancelled ROCKHILL Thurs. 7/22 Cancelled Thurs. 7/29 4 :00 p.m. 6th Fir. Conference Rm. Appeal by T & E Developers PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Mon. 7/19 7:30 P•m• TRIMM 4th Fir. Conference Rm. UTILITIES Wed. 7/14 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Rm. Liability Insurance & Special Connection Charges WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 7/19 7 :00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Rm. OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 97 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED By THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS July 12, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 8992 S 17,300.00 Sunset Square Associates 1306 Union Avenue N.E. Foundation 8993 1,400.00 Gary L. Jordanger 2301 N.E. 28th Street Carport 8994 8,000.00 Washington Jockey Club 212 Wells Av S Longacres 9995 1,300.00 Duane Thomas 235 Factory Av N Carport 8996 13,000.00 Arthur B. Dahlberg 2604 Edmonds Ct. SE Addition 8997 1,500.00 Good Chevrolet, Inc. 617 S 3rd Street Repair Roof 8998 25,000.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 2725 NE Sunset Boulevard Remodel 8999 VOID 9000 55,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 129 Bremerton Av SE New Residence 9001 VOID 9002 3,000.00 Ethyl Swanson 1308 N 38th Street Repair Porch 9003 60,000,00 Benchmark Construction 250 Powell Ave. S.W. Move Residence 9004 60,000.00 Benchmark Construction 256 Powell Ave. S.W. Move Residence 9005 3,083.18 Roy Dismakes 4506 S.E. 3rd Place Reroof Residence 9006 2,200.00 Ron Niemic 4321 S.E. 3rd Street Reroof Residence 9007 50,000.00 Sheraton Inn 800 Rainier Ave. S Reroof Hotel 9008 1,075.00 Diane Glenn 2712 N.E. 5th Place Reroof Residence 9009 -- Jerry E. Cullers 2506 Meadown Av N Detached Garage 9010 250.00 Renton Shopping Center 441 Renton Center Way SW Tenant Improvement 9011 8,000.00 U Haul Co, of Washington 453 Rainier Av N Mini Storage 9012 6,091.00 Raman Barajas 811 3rd Street South Remodel Building 9013 11500.00 Claude F. Brown 692 Redmond Av N.E. Carport 9014 600.00 Norman R. Lau 3706 WE 7th Street Garage Roof 9015 1,200.00 Theodor T. Bell 3806 WE 8th Ct Carport 9016 800.00 Servello 1608 SE Harrington Av Deck 9017 VOID 9018 40,000.00 Tri-Power Industries 474 Ferndale Av WE New Residence 9019 4,000.00 Time Food Service Inc. 106 B Lake Av S Tenant Improvement 9020 5,000.00 St. Matthew Luthern Church 1700 Edmonds Av NE Re-roof 9021 500.00 Russell Love 620 S 25th Street Green House 9022 35,000.00 Multivest Ltd. 504 Edmonds Av NE New Residence 9023 112,700.00 Sunset Square Associates 1306 Union Ave. N.E. New Building 9024 16,800.00 George L Donna Crump 500 Williams Ave. S. Addition 9025 750.00 Richard Disiack 1917 NE 16th Street Swimming Pool 9026 1,000.00 Don Gouge 505 S 3rd Street Remodel Office ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10492 1,878.00 Timberland Homes 507 SW 3rd Street New Residence 10493 100.00 Timberland Homes 507 SW 3rd Street Temporary Power 10494 100.00 Wick Homes 102 Vashon Av SE Temporary Service 104g5 100.00 Wick Homes 201 Vashon Av SE Temporary Service 10496 100.00 Sunset Square Associates 1306 Union Av WE Temporary Service 10497 4,600.00 U Haul Co. of Western Wash. 453 Rainier Av N Remodel 10498 1,300.00 Don Conn 441 Renton Center Way SW Tenant Area 10499 100.00 Benchmark Construction 250 Powell Ave SW Temporary Power 10500 1,039.00 Leonard Builders 4313 SE 4th Street New Residence 10501 420.00 Gary Spoor 3210 Park Av N Not Tub 10502 200.00 Ian F. Rivers 2326 NE 10th Place Garage 10503 70,000.00 Jack Curran 560 Hardie SW Store 10504 1,785.00 G G L Builders 3008 Smithers Ct S New Residence 10505 50.00 Gerald L. Leathley 561 Bronson P1 NE Plugs/Switches 10506 200.00 Gary Hankinson 2013 Dayton Av WE Install Circuits 10507 2,500.00 Renton Aviation 840 Perimeter Rd. Hangars/Offices 10508 650.00 Tony Dalsanto 271 Hardie Av W Dryer Circuit 10509 350.00 B.H. MacGraw 4004 SE Ilth Street Kitchen Outlets 10510 228.00 Arthur B. Dahlberg 2604 Edmonds SE Lights/Receptacles 10511 1,000.00 Dick Poitras 3807 WE 4th Street Tenant Improvement 10512 100.00 McDonald's Corp. 73 Rainier Av S Temporary Power 10513 60.00 McNeil Construction 2806 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Temp. Power 10514 50.00 Peter W. Frigard 717 Sunset Boulevard WE Outlets/Lights 10515 50.00 S.L. Mallick, 111 4009 WE 10th Street Tamp. Service 10516 50.00 Multivest Ltd. 504 Edmonds Av WE Temp. Power CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5239 James E. Johnson 3129 Talbot Rd. S. Sanitary Sewer 5240 Wick Homes 102 Vashon Av SE Extend Driveways 5241 Tri Power Industries 474 Ferndale Av NE Side Sewer MECHANICAL PERMITS 9355 5,400.00 Maverick Restaurant 108 Lake Av S Plumbing/Fixtures 9356 2,770.00 G b L Builders 3008 Smithers Ct S Plumbing/Fixtures 9357 VOID 9358 1,050.00 U Haul of Western Washington 453 Rainier Av N Plumbing/Fixtures 9359 5,500.00 Dennis 6 Doug Smart 3023 WE 4th Av Meat Pump 9360 3,000.00 Superstructure 2811 WE 4th St. Plumbing/Fixtures 9361 1,500.00 Superstructure 2811 WE 4th St. Plumbing/Fixtures 9362 3,300.00 Dick Poitras 3807 NE 4th St. Boiler 6 Pipe 9363 600.00 Mrs. G. Lewis Allen 2005 Harrington Circle WE Wood Stove 9364 VOID 9365 250.00 Dahlberg, Arthur B. 2604 SE Edmonds Ct. Extend Ductwork 9366 2,399,99 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Sink 9367 1,889.00 Wick Homes 129 Bremerton Av SE Plumbing/Fixtures 9368 340.00 Robert Ogden 3409 SE 7th Street Repair Drainfield 9369 3,400.00 Olga Konsevage 507 SW 3rd Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9370 7,700.00 D. Martino Dental Lab 345 Burnett Av N Heat Pump 9371 285.00 Wallace D. Conn 441 Renton Ctr. Way Gas Water Heater SIGN PERMITS 1023 500.00 Ken King 350 Sunset Blvd. Roof Sign 1024 50.00 John G. Buduan Edwards Way b NW 7th St Pole Sign 1025 1,000.00 Bruce Cass 333 Rainier Av N Pole 1026 10.00 W.G. Taylor WE Corner SE 19th St Directional 1027 5,000.00 Walter Cook 200 SW 16th Street Wall Sign 1028 75.00 Gary Smith 102 South 3rd Street Wall Sign REVOCABLE PERMIT 0059 Mr 4 Mrs. G.R. Bird 108 Logan Ave. S. Picket Fence 98 OF R COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, O AGENDA COUNCIL PRESIDENT (� �"0 2 ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS Z p JOHN W REED O :;7 °) ^ T /� RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N C I 1 I�/ �r O U N C I RICHARD M STREDICKE �Q THOMAS W TRIMM 09gTED SEP15.0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, July 1 9, 1982 DELORES A MEAD MAYOR Monday, 8:00 P.M. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1982 4. A. PUBLIC MEETING: 10% Letter of Intent to Annex 3.34 acres located in area East of Nelson Jr. High School & N. of S. E. 162nd - Jackson Annexation. B. PUBLIC MEETING: 1983 Budget Financing including option of 1/2% local sales tax. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for furth6 -4 discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Claim for Damages filed by Robert Stoutenberg in amount of $10.60; vent cover of motorhome knocked off; alleging overhanging tree limbs at Taylor and Stevens N.W. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. b. City Clerk reports 6/29/82 bid opening - Asphalt Resurfacing. Three bids received. Refer to Transportation Committee. C. City Clerk reports 6/13/82 bid opening - N. E. 12th Street Improvements - Edmonds Avenue N. E. to Kirkland Ave. N. E. Seven bids received. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 19, 1982 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS r.. ADMINISTRATION 1/2 percent local option sales tax Parking ticket MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Water line crossing agreement 1982 asphalt resurfacing contract NE 12th St. improvements contract Renton School District Work Experience employment program contract TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 1982 Asphalt Resurfacing Bid Opening (see report 7/19/82) NE 12th St. Improvements (see report 7/19/82) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mt. Olivet Cemetery Appeal WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Street and Alley Vacation Earlington Woods - Ordinance Assessment Roll LID #317 - Ordinance CITY ATTORNEY Insurance Claim - Stoutenberg �r INSURANCE CARRIER Insurance Claim - Stoutenberg PUBLIC WORKS 1982 Asphalt Resurfacing Contract (see report 7/19/82) NE 12th St. Improvements (see report 7/19/82) PUBLIC HEARING 8/16/82 Jackson Annexation - 75% petiton r.. 100 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 19, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers P�IINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER RANDALL ROCKHILL (ON VACATION) . CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND ROBERT J. HUGHES, WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CONTINUING. CARRIED. STREDICKE AND HUGHES arrived 8:11 P.M. MINUTE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APPROVAL JULY 12, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilwoman Mathews requested staff designate common title re; Utilities Service Connection Fee. (see Page 6) . Mayor acknowledged request. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Adminis- trative Assistant, LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; JOHN MCFARLAND, Personnel Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator; DIANE BATES, Civil Servic Secretary. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle Introduction Mayor Shinpoch introduced 11th District Representative Avery Garrett. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, 10% Letter of published and mailed as required by law, Mayor Shinpoch convened Intent to Annex the public meeting to consider the acceptance of the letter of Jackson Annex- intent to annex property to Renton, area located East of Fred ation Nelson Middle School , North of SE 162nd. St. , known as Jackson Annexation. Policy Development Director Clemens pointed out area on map explaining that the area was adjacent to property owned by Jackson within the City limits; zoned R-3, multiple family. Annexed area is to be used for recreational purposes Spokesman: for proposed adjacent multi-family housing. Mr. Jackson requested Donald Jackson annexation for sewer purposes. Councilman Stredicke inquired P.O. Box 98683 if Mr. Jackson was willing to assume the Pre-existing Bonded Seattle 98188 Indebtedness, the Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance of the City. Mr. Jackson agreed. Councilman Stredicke inquired re; fee. Clemens stated $200 fee paid on 10% letter, $300 fee on 75% petition. Councilan Reed inquired if 75% petition nec- essary as Mr. Jackson is sole petitioner. Clemens responded that it was. Others may want to join or object. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECOND REED COUNCIL ACCEPT 10% LETTER OF INTENT TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF 75% PETITION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED COUNCIL SET AUGUST 16, 1982 PUBLIC HEARING RE: 75% PETITION. CARRIED PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Budget Revisions and published Mayor Shinpoch convened the public meeting as re- quested by the Committee of the Whole Committee Report of July 12, 1982, to consider Budget revisions and needed finances for the City, including 1/2% additional local option sales tax. Renton City Council 7/19/82 Page 2 Public Meeting - Cont. Budget Revisions Mayor Shinpoch' s State of the Budget address stated that in Cont. order to accommodate decreased revenue receipts , meet our obligations to a growing population and provide sufficient ending fund balances in the four major tax funds to carry the City into 1983, it is necessary to reduce expenses and to seek a tax increase. Personnel has been reduced by not filling needed positions allowed in the budget and not replacing on a one-for- one basis employees who have retired. The work force is cut by 13 1/2 positions. The proposed budget cuts total $467,180. The Mayor asked Council to approve a 1/2 cent sales tax effect- ive October 1 , 1982, explaining sufficient time must be allowed for public input, 30-day roll-back time period, and 60 days ' notice to Department of Revenue. Persons speaking: John O' Hare, 583 Pierce Ave. SE said no one likes taxes, consumer is at end of chain and that some personnel cuts should be made at the top, that the clerks could do what the supervisors do. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S. commented on use of City Funds objecting to the refurnishing of the Mayor' s Office and 6th Floor Conference Room and the agreement with Renton School District for construction of the ballfield. Council discussed Initiative 435 (to remove sales tax from food) , cost of city services, removal of tax next year, gut in service-no growth, waiting for Cities and County to approve the 1/2 per cent sales tax, possible avenues for more revenue; withholding employees ' negotiated 791 cost of living and step increases; mandatory days off; B & 0 tax; and the 1/4 of one percent real estate transfer tax. Upon inquiry of Legilative action re; the event of removal of tax from food by Initiative 435, Avery Garrett reponded it would take 2/3 vote of both houses to override the Initiative. Mary Ellen Hamlin, 13205 138th Ave. SE, contended developer fees not outlawed by the Legislature. Kay Johnson, Chamber of Commerce, spoke of no growth. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND MATHEWS, CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND REED COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO IMPLEMENT PROPER LEGISLATION FOR 1/2 PERCENT LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED THE SUBJECT OF 1/4 OF ONE PERCENT REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE COUNCIL NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Donald E. McWilliams, 2820 Lake Washington Blvd. N. requested Planning and Development Committee Report be read. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND STREDICKE SUSPEND RULES AND BRING THE MATTER APPEAL McWilliams BEFORE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Rezone 030-82 Member Hughes presented report reversing the Hearing Examiner' s Decision and granting McWilliams Rezone R 030-82 located on the east side of Union Ave. NE between NE 4th St. and NE 6th St. extended. The Committee was in disagreement with Finding of Fact No. 10 and No. 8 and stated the development of the property for R-3 uses would be compatible with the surrounding neighbor- hood and would create a buffer as anticipated. MOVED BY HUGHES SECOND REED COUNCIL CONCURR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mill Ave. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S. complained of parking on Mill Ave. Parking S. CONSENT AGENDA The following business matters are adopted by one motion of the Council which follows the items included; Claim for Damages Claim for Damages was filed by Robert A. Stoutenberg, 8904 S. Robt. Stoutenberg 121st Street, Seattle in the amount of $10.60 for refrigerator vent cover on motor home damaged by overhanging tree limbs, vicinity of Taylor Ave. and Stevens. Referred to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. (Councilman Stredicke requested City Crews report overhanging tree limbs for removal ) . 102 Renton City Council 7/19/82 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Bid Opening Acting City Clerk Motor submitted report re; 6/29/82 bid open- 1982 Asphalt ing for asphalt resurfacing; three bids received. See attached Resurfacing tabulation. Refer to the Public Works Department and Trans- portation Committee. (See Transportation Committee Report Bid Opening Acting City Clerk Motor submitted report re; 6/13/82 bid open- NE 12th St. ing for NE. 12 Street Improvements, Edmonds Ave. NE to Kirkland Improvements Ave. NE, ; seven bids received. See attached tabulation. Refer to Public Works Department and Transportation Committee (See Transportation Committee Report Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER SECOND TRIMM CONSENT AGENDA BE ADOPTED AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Water Line Letter from Public Works Director Richard Houghton requested Crossing authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement re; Agreement widening of SW 43rd St. The agreement between the Cities of Renton and Kent, Puget Power and Union Pacific Railroad allows Puget Power to punch a large conduit beneath the tracks. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Parking Ticket Letter from Margaret Fay, 11508 SE 76th protested parking ticket and 2 hour parking limitation on downtown streets. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND STREDICKE REFER MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm recommended Council 1982 Asphalt accept the low bid of M. A. Segale, Inc. in the amount of Resurfacing $84,202. 50. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and Contract City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract document. Award MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED COUNIL CONCUR AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN CONTRACT DOCUMENT. CARRIED NE 12th St. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm recommended Council Improvements accept the low bid of West Coast Construction Co. in the amount Contract of $237,505.05 for NE 12th Street Improvements, Edmonds Ave. Award NE to Kirkland Ave. NE. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract docu- ments. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED, COUNCIL CONCUR AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN CONTRACT DOCUMENT. CARRIED. Councilman Trimm noted this would eliminate any future flooding at Tony Go' s Restaurant. Renton Area Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented report of Multi-Service their review of the Renton Area Multi-Service Center project. Center Members of the Board of Directors presented an update on the project. A private, non-profit corporation was formed receiving tax exempt status. Purchase agreement was signed to acquire Snoqualmie Falls Substation building with $5,930 in private funds raised and $92,00 in applications pending. Structural reports and cost estimates are completed. An application was filed for 1983 Block Grant Joint Monies in the amount of $132, 485 requesting the City, along with King County, endorse the project to be used for Phase 2A (exterior restoration and struct„ ural repairs) . Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, explained the use of City Block Grant money and upon inquiry, advised proposed total project cost is $400,000 or $56 per square foot. The report noted Phase 1 Project re- ceived $100,814 to acquire historic structure. The Committee recommends endorsement of Renton Area Multi-Service Center, Phase 2A, as a 1983 Joint Project. MOVED BY REED, SECOND MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED 103 Renton City Council 7/19/82 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Renton Area Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect only 3% of Multi-Service total amount of private funds has been raised, that $163,286 Center needed to make project viable. Free Trees The Mayor thanked Ed Hayduk and Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor, for acquiring 500 trees from the National Forest Service which were planted along the Cedar River Trail . Renton School Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended Council District authorize the Mayor' s staff to conclude agreement with Renton Work experience School District re work experience/employment program for Employment developmentally disabled students. Committee also recommended Program Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED Councilman Clymer inquired re; cost, Mayor explained none to City. Councilman Trimm left the chambers. Appeal Mt. Planning and Development Committee Member Hughes recalled Olivet Cemetery the appeal by Mt. Olivet Cemetery of Special Permit 012-82 SP 012-82 on 7/12/82 had been tabled for one week and the matter needs to be continued one week. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND STREDICKE THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE, CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND REED THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilman Trimm returned to chambers. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee report recommending second and final readings on the following ordinance. Ordinance #3645 An ordinance was read adding a new subsection of the Building Zoning Class- Regulations amending Zoning Classification for G-1 General . ification MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances; Earlington Woods An ordinance was read vacating a portion of streets and alleys CF/CHG, Int. in an area south of SW Sunset Blvd. and North of Milwaukee Sunpointe Railroad Line within Earlington Addition including portions VAC 1-79 of Maple Avenue SW, SW 5th Streets & Stevens Ave. SW (VAC 1-79) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED Assessment An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments Roll LID and assessment roll of Locat Improvement District No. 317 for #317 the construction and installation of an 8" water line in the vicinity of S. 132nd Street and S. Langston Road. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Interim An ordinance was read to provide funds for interim financing Financing of LID No. 325, located South of S. 43rd, East of SR 167. One LID #325 Valley Place. Upon Council discussion concerning interest rates it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER, ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following read'ing it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. 104 Renton City Council 7/19/82 Page 5 Ordinances and Resolutions - cont. Ordinance =3646 ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, HUGHES. 2 NOS REED, STREDICK. CARRIED Resolution 02462 A resolution was read accepting the final plat of Washington Earlington Park Technical Center, formerly Earlington Park, owned by Holvick Final Plat 069-81 deRegt Koering, property located SW 7th and Powell Ave. SW. FP 069-31 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2463 A resolution was read transferring $15,041 from Cumulative Fund Transfer Reserve Fund #1894 to Park Department, General Services for the replacement and repair of roof at Carco Theatre and Mothers Park. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES ADOPT RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported the County is presenting a two-year REPORT Marine Patrol Contract. Council President Clymer Confirmed Marine Patrol Council authorized a one-year contract. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:34 P.M. axine E. Motor, Acting City Cler BID TABULAT lON SHEET P R O J EC T • Asphalt Resurfacing DAT E June 29, 1982 BIDDER BI Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. $29.59 unit price P. O. Box 68279 $91,433.10 Seattle, WA 98188 BB/EEO/AA/MF-7 Lakeside Industries $31.20 unit price P. 0. Box 1379 $96,408.00 Belle•:ue, WA 96009 BB/EEO/AA/MBE M. A. Se ale, Inc. $27.25 unit price P. 0. Box 88050 $84,202.50 Tukwila, WA 98188 BB/EEO/AA/MBE Engineer's Estimate $86,850.00 July 13, 1982 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID TABULATION N.E. 12TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS - EDMONDS AVENUE N.E. TO KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. ENGINEER' S BIDDER MBE/EEO/BB/AA TOTAL TABULATION Cascade Septic Service XXXX $331 ,551 .50 P.O. Box 44009 Tacoma Wa 98444 Gary Merlino Construction XXXX $249,841 .00 9125 10th Avenue South Seattle Wa 98108 Rental Marts Construction No $272,711 .05 $285,603.00 29805 Pacific Highway South Federal Way Wa 98003 R.W. Scott Construction XXXX $268,771 .90 $26$,951 .90 9840 Carr Road Renton Wa 98055 fir.. Tri -State Construction XXXX $251 ,472.50 $255,472. 50 959 108th Avenue N. E. Bellevue Wa 98004 Valley Cement Construction XXXX $293,968. 10 $292,818. 10 P.O. Box 838 Auburn Wa 98002 West Coast Construction XXXX $237,505.05 P.O. Box 419 Woodinville WA 98072 Engineer's Estimate $296,027.00 rnn CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 19, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION Tues. 7/20 11 :00 a.m. TRIMM 4th Flr. Conf, Room COMMUNITY SERVICES Cancelled REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/22 Cancelled ROCKHILL Thurs. 7/29 4:00 p.m. 6th Flr. Conf. Room. Appeal by T & E Developers PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES No Meeting TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Mon. 7/19 7:30 pm TRIMM 4th Flr. Conf. Room UTILITIES Wed. 7/21 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4Th Flr. Conf. Room Review Annex. Cascade Sewer,Honey Creek, ULID 62, Cascade Sewer Dist. Update, Land Surveying Funding, 1983- 89 Capital Improvement (Water & Se r) WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 7/26 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Flr. Conf. Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS July 19, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9027 $ 2,248.00 Lou Traverso 331 Cedar Avenue S Re-roof residence 9028 ---- Renton Fire Department 1717 Maple Valley Hiway Demolish Drill Tower 9e Raymond C. Leahy 431 ,433 Burnett Av S Remodel Duplex 9C`: 969.00 Freddie W. Schillinger 2417 Edmonds Av NE Re-roof residence 9clow 8,500.00 Boeing Bldg. 10-65 Sprinkler Heads 90; 100,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Minor Construction 9033 ---- Edward Baker 663 Shelton Av NE Addition 9034 15,000.00 San Lwai Blue Mtn. Assoc. 3915 Talbot Rd S Tenant Improvement 9035 1 ,500.00 Renton Shopping Center 441 Renton Cntr. Wy SW Tenant Improvement 9036 1 ,250.00 Al Colman 201 Union Avenue SE Storage Shed 9037 350.00 William R. Bryant 129 Meadow Av N Re-roof 9038 10,830.00 Dick Olin 235 Airport Way Paint Booth 9039 VOID 9040 500.00 City of Renton 800 Edmonds Av NE Doors 9041 95,000.00 Sound Ford 750 Rainier Av S Sales Office Bldg. 9042 200.00 Sam Emery 430 Perry Av N Garage 9043 6,000.00 Gerald Barlett 512 Wells Av N Garage 9044 500.00 Beatrice Hunt 3916 Lk Wash. Blvd N Deck/Extend Permit 9045 50,000.00 Wick Homes Inc. 235 Bremerton Av SE New Residence 9046 4,600.00 Renton School Distric #403 3000 NE 4th St. Lath Shade Structure 9047 4,500.00 Renton Luthern Church 200 Whitworth Av S Entrance/Exit ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10517 500.00 Di Marino Lab 343 Burnett Av N Heating System 10518 200.00 Fashion West 441 Renton Center Wy SW Tenant Area 10519 11 ,000.00 Boeing Bldg. 10-50 Relocate Electrical 101 300.00 McDeely 806 N 1st St Relocate Meter 1C 800.00 Mrs. Nassie Whitman 619 Index Av NE New Service 200.00 Pats Enterprises 345 Pelly St N Replace Wiring 1054'5 600.00 Wilber Reeves 2186 NE 9th Place Kitchen 10524 28,968.00 McDonalds Restaurant 73 Rainier Av S Wiring 10525 2,000.00 Crump 500 Williams Av S New Residence 10526 999.00 Harmanson Corporation 760 Thomas Av SW Circuit for Welder 10527 225.00 Vanessa Gaetcke 573 Bronson P1 NE Kitchen Addition 10528 150.00 Gerald G. Mullin 1626 Pierce Av SE Hot Tub MECHANICAL PERMITS 9372 5,038.75 Lorie Lott 907 High Av S Heat Pump 9373 400.00 Gary & Ann Hanskinson 2013 Dayton Av NE Rework plumbing 9374 2,912.00 Hovke Construction 1306 Union Av NE Plumbing/Fixtures 9375 4,000.00 E. Horbach 500 Park Av N Plumbing/Fixtures 9376 1 ,200.00 Gary Riffle 106 Lake St. S Plumbing/Fixtures 9377 12,000.00 MacDonalds Restaurant 73 Rainier Av S Plumbing/Fixtures 9378 1 ,500.00 Dennis & Doug Smart 3023 NE 4th St. Gasoline Tank 9379 8,500.00 Koll Company 4208 Lind Av SW Plumbing/Fixtures 9380 300.00 Merrill C. David 201 Union Av SE Sprinkler System 9381 280.00 Wilber Reeves 2186 NE 9th Place Plumbing/Fixtures 9382 125.00 Vanessa Goetcke 573 Bronson P1 NE Plumbing/Fixtures 9383 2,500.00 Gerald G. Mullin 1626 Pierce Av SE Hot Tub CC UCTION PERMITS 52*- G & L Builders 3008 Smithers Ct. S. Side Sewer 5242 G & L Builders It if 5243 Bob Alburg Near 2825 Sunset Blvd NE Side Sewer 5244 Dennis & Doug Smart 3023 NE 4th Av Storm Sewer 5245 City of Renton-P.W. NE 2nd St Watermain/Accessories 5246 Wick Homes, Inc. Fernwood East Repair Concrete SIGN PERMITS 1029 200.00 Plumbing Joint 3929 NE 4th St. Wall Sign i08 OF R f V� AGENDA COUNCIL CMEMBERS MER O COUNCIL PRESIDENT V `t� �.� Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS o IOHN W REED 0 '� RANDALL ROCKHILL P R E N T O N CITY C O U N C I 00 RICHARD M STREDICKE �P THOMAS W TRIMM Oq���D SEP' REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, J u l2 6 1 9 8 2 DELORES A MEAD MAYOR y Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1982 4, PUBLIC HEARING: West Hill Pump Station Annex - Approximately 12,000 square feet at the junction of Renton Avenue and Renton Avenue Extension. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Final Payment for W-600 (CAG 017-81 ) , South Talbot Hill Pump Station - Teem Ventures , Inc. Utilities Engineering recommends project and final pay estimate be approved and retainage of $18,433.85 be released after 30 days if all taxes have been paid and no liens have been filed. Council concur, b. Policy Development Department submits a preliminary analysis of cost of processing zoning and subdivision applications recommending revisions to the fee structure commensurate with the city ' s actual cost of providing the service. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. Proclamation from Mayor Shinpoch declares period of August 5-7, 1982, as ''Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Michael G. Porter, Planning Commission Chairman, requesting Council approval to proceed with the Planning Association of Washington 1983 Fall Conference sponsorship by the City of Renton Planning Commission. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of July 26 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION g Park Water District 58 service transfer - Rollin Hills/Tiffany PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Zoning and Subdivision fees POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT West Hill Pump Station Annexation WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Honey Creek surveying fund transfer McWilliams Rezone 030-82 PUBLIC HEARING F/-0-9-/-8-2-- Group W Cable TV Rate Increase 8/16/82 - Jackson Annexation PUBLIC MEETING S-/-2-3/-F2-----l-9-F3-89 Capital Improvement Program 110 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 26 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Addition by Mayor Shinpoch to page 4, item 3: No additional cost to City on Work Experience Employment Program, minimum wage for two to three hours weekly previously budgeted in Parks. Council President Clymer inquired regarding omission of New Business (there was none) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY MATHEWS, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- West Hill lished according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Pump Station consider annexation of approximately 12,000 square feet of contiguous Annexation city-owned property including street right-of-way located at the junction of Renton Avenue and Renton Avenue Extension for location of future pump station site. Policy Development Director Clemens outlined the proposed annexation, noting the building may be several years in the future, de- pending on finances available for extending the system. Mr. Clemens described unsuccessful attempt to include two other parcels. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY REED, AUTHORIZE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH ANNEXATION AND FILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Wyman K. Dobson, P. 0. Box 59, Renton, attorney representing Emma Cugini , Appeal by requested the matter of the appeal by Mt. Olivet Cemetery be advanced. Mt. Olivet MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS Cemetery AND DISCUSS THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT THAT WAS TABLED SP 012-82 ON 7/19/82. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee report of 7/07/82 was read. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY REED, THE MATTER OF THE APPEAL OF MT. OLIVET CEMETERY BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. Following the discovery of a discrepancy in report copies received, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, SUBJECT MATTER BE TABLED FOR A FEW MINUTES UNTIL PARTIES HAVE REVIEWED DISCREPANCIES IN THE MATERIAL. CARRIED. One-Half John Ellis, 13445 SE 141st, Renton, operations manager at Sears in the Percent Renton Shopping Center, addressed the Council regarding one-half percent Optional sales tax. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, SUSPEND THE RULES Sales Tax AND ADVANCE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING THE ONE-HALF PERCENT SALES TAX. CARRIED. Mr. Ellis, repre- senting larger merchants belonging to the Chamber of Commerce, spoke against Renton being the first (and/or possibly the only) community in the vicinity to impose this tax, stressing that the Christmas shopping season was approaching and this would drive consumers to other areas not collecting this one-half percent tax. Mr. Ellis sympathized with the city' s financial difficulties, but urged Council to thoroughly consider the impact of this action. He suggested postponing imposing the tax until after the Christmas season or until actions of surrounding cities could be determined. 111 Renton City Council July 26, 1982 Page 2 Audience Comment continued One-Half Dave Oxley, manager of J. C. Penney Company, Renton Shopping Center, Percent also spoke against imposition of the tax, stating that a high percentage Optional of his customers come from areas surrounding Renton and these people Sales Tax would, he felt, go elsewhere to shop to save the extra tax. Mr. Oxley also urged Council to consider possible loss of jobs due to decrease in sales as well as less city revenue from less tax collected. King Parker, 4608 NE Sunset Blvd. , Renton, representing smaller and independent businesses, suggested Council seek other alternatives to the half-percent sales tax, possibly a Business and Occupation Tax on merchants. Mr. Parker agreed that consumers would avoid Renton in order to save the half-percent tax. Mayor Shinpoch stressed that this proposal was thoroughly considered before being proposed and was thought to be the best alternative. All aspects had been considered and reconsidered, but the urgency of the city' s problems had dictated action. Revenue requirements demand an immediate action with allowances being made for public input and affirmation. Mayor Shinpoch explained there was not time to determine King County/ other cities' decisions and delaying imposition of this one-half percent tax until January would mean revenue would not be received by the city until April . With options so limited, Mayor Shinpoch welcomed any suggestions without cutting health, safety and welfare provisions to the public. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, this subject be tabled. Motion failed. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND BY TRIMM, recommend implementation of this ordinance (one-half percent sales tax) for first reading and further request suspension of the rules and advance to second and final readings. Councilwoman Mathews noted this is a motion and not the Ways and Means Committee recommendation. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS AND STREDICKE; 4 NOS: CLYMER, REED, ROCKHILL AND HUGHES. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY STREDICKE, PERTAINING TO SECTION 9, THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT 10/01/82 AND EXPIRE 12/31/83• ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL; 2 NOS: CLYMER, HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Council was reminded that, should King County adopt the tax prior to Renton, Renton citizens would pay the tax to First Reading King County. King County implementation is not anticipated until after One-Half Percent fall elections. Ordinance was read as amended. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND Optional Sales BY MATHEWS, SUSPEND THE RULES AND PLACE THIS ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND Tax FINAL READING. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE; Ordinance 3647 3 NOS: CLYMER, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED, EFFECTIVE 10/01/82 AND EXPIRING 12/81/83• Councilman Stredicke stated that if no adjacent jurisdiction has adopted the one-half percent sales tax within 30 days, he reserves the right to call for reconsidera- tion and review of the tax. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE; 3 NOS: CLYMER, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. Appeal by James L. Colt, President, Mt. Olivet Cemetery Company, stated he had Mt. Olivet reviewed the differences in the Planning and Development Committee Cemetery reports and all parties reached agreement concerning any discrepancies SP 012-82 in report. The Planning and Development Committee report found the Hearing Examiner in error in three instances and recommended modifi- cation of Conclusions 3, 5, 7 and 8. Mr. Dobson spoke against the appeal , citing no evidence of error in law, fact or judgment in the Hearing Examiner's decision. Councilman Reed explained the intent of the committee report was to protect all downstream owners' water rights. Councilman Rockhill noted that he was in minority (not approving) Planning and Development Committee report. Mr. Colt stated that no restriction on development of the Cugini 's property was implied, but control of run-off from parking lot or building. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY REED, Council concur in recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee Report with regard to the Renton City Council July 26, 1982 Page 3 Appeal by Mt. Olivet Cemetery Appeal . ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: TRIMM, REED HUGHES; 4 NOS: CLYMER, MATHEWS, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL. MOTION FAILED. SUBSTITUTE Mt. Olivet Refer the matter back to the Hearing Cemetery MOTION BY REED, SECOND BY HUGHES, Examiner for review of the Colt Appeal in light of the Segale'`•decision. SP 012-82 AYES: TRIMM, REED, HUGHES; 4 NOS: CLYMER, MATHEWS, continued ROLL CALL: 3 STREDICKE, ROCKHILL. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO DENY THE APPEAL AND UPHOLD THE HEARING EXAMINER' S DECISION. Mr. Colt called attention to Councilman Clymer's statement that all ances would be in force and eNfforced. ROLL CALL: applicable city ordin 4 AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS,*SegaC leDecissionH(SP� 3032-82) HUGHES. MOTION CARRIED. *Seg ale Comment continued Marian Jordan, 13265 - 89th Avenue South, addressed the Council to oppose the West Hill Pump Station Annexation explaining priorunsuccess- West Hillence. Pump Station ful attempt to annex rto�dontact thePublic e ngCounth yBoundareclosed, yReviewBoard Annexation Jordan was instructed Opposition for further information. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: South Talbot Utilities Engineering recommended project and final pay estimate be approved and retainage of $18,433.85 be released after 30 days if all Hill Pump been paid and nolensTeemeVentures,eln�n WCo0u0ncilAconcur81 SStation Final taxes have Payment South Talbot Hill pump Station Zoningand Policy Development Department submitted a preliminary analysis of cost applications recommending revisions Subdivision of processing zoning and subdivision to the fee structure commensurate with the city' s actual cost of pro- Fees viding the service. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. DAV "Forget Proclamation from Mayor Shinpoch delcared period of August 5-7, 1982, Me Not" Days as "Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days". Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Approved CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS from Planning Commission Chairman Michael G. Porter (by David Planning Letter approval to proceed with sponsorship of the Association Clemens) requested Council app 1983 Fall 1983 Fall Conference of the Planning Association of Washington. MOVED Conference BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS tee report Utilities utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented commitCreek/Kennydale Committee approving the transfer of $20,000 from May Creek/Honey Honey Creek Sanitary Sewer Reserve Account to current working funds to obtain Surveying professional land surveying services for the Honey Creek Sanitary Sewers. Committee also recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED COMMMATEEWS ,CSECOIED ND BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF UTILITIES 1983_89 Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented committee report approving the proposed Capital Improvement Programs and recommended Capital Public comments. MOVED BY MATHEWS, Improvement a public meeting be held to accept p Program SECOND BY CLYMER, CONCURDATEOF THEPUBLICMEETING RIN TLCE REPORTANDSET AUGUST 23, 1982, AS TH Cascade Sewer Utilities Commnts�ea�haonrwomeC�endationthews presented providemoversitereport city District - approving Adm ULID 62 residents and property owners affected by this ULID, to review assess- Renton City Council July 26, 1982 Page 4 Utilities Committee continued Cascade Sewer ments and LID formation, and, if approved, to issue right-of-way District construction permits and develop an interagency agreement to provide ULID 62 for transfer of the completed sewers within Renton. MOVED BY MATHEWS, continued SECOND BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ter Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented committee report istrict 58 recommending directing the Administration to investigate transfer of water service from Water District 58 to Renton in the vicinity of Rolling Hills/Tiffany Park neighborhoods by negotiation with Water District 58. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECOND BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CHG Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding citations and/or fines issued Citations in connection with the CHG/Sunpointe operation. City Attorney Warren responded that the paperwork is being processed and will be filed with the court with a possibility of 40 citations including fines of up to $500 per citation. Mr. Stredicke noted this developer is having similar problems in other developments near Renton and urged close developer supervision in the future. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTION Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and final Committee readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance 3648 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments and LID 317 assessment roll of Local Improvement District 317 for the construction Assessment Roll and installation of an eight-inch water line and appurtenances in the vicinity of South 132nd Street and South Langston Road. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ordinance 3649 An ordinance was read imposing an excise tax on sale of real estate, Real Estate providing for the collection thereof, limiting the use of the proceeds Transfer Tax therefrom and fixing penalties for violation of. Tax to be one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinance: McWilliams An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone properties within the City of Renton from General Classification (G) 030-82 to Residence District (R-3) . MOVED BY REED, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 40845 through 41100 in the amount of $582,183. 13 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 40840 through 40844 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. =W BUSINESS --'olitical Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the city sign code as it con- Signs cerns political advertising. City Attorney Warren responded that political signs are classified as temporary and have a duration of 60 days, but must be removed ten days after the election unless it was a primary election. Mayor Shinpoch reported that policing of political signs would hold a priority directly relative to city staff and time available. 11� Renton City Council July 26, 1982 Page 5 New Business continued Lake Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the dedication date of Lake Washington Washington Park. Mayor Shinpoch announced the date has been postponed Park to either September 25 or 26. When a firm date has been set, Council Dedication will be notified. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch noted merchants' request for consideration to the parking REPORT public during Western Days, July 30-31 . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 :20 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk 1 . i I EXPIII 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 7/26/52 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FIND TOTAL WARRANTS MACE= VOIDS 40640 410644 CURRENT 6156,990953 PARKS $410677.90 ' ARTERIAL STREETS 65,336.94 STREETS 641,137.04 LIBRARY 67,956.79 1 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 066,320.54 STREET FORWARD THRUST 91,236670 S COULON BCH PK CONSTR 690514044 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61650251.78 AIRPORT 912,666.20 1975 W 6 6 CONSTRUCTION 610575655 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9100460.74 I FIREMEN'S PENSION 618,256.60 LID CONTROL 641,076.45 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTO 6552,163917 WE, THE UNDERSIUNLD MEMSLR* OP TME WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTDN CITY COUNCI60 MAVINO RELEIVEO DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVEO OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU. •un45 THROUSH NO• 41100 IN THE AMOUNT OF 6652,1#3.17 THIS 26TH DAY OP JULY 1959. <41 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN �.•�Y`. . REMBER(W L.I.D.5314 MEMBER • • • xrn= ISIAf&n no.9R-1! $42,675.93 L.I.D.#322 L.I.D 3120 127EIIOS 101AAAn BOJR-17 i 161.00 Izvzm t VARRMU V0.#R- 2 $ 20.55 Ln r--4 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 26 . 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/27 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conf. Room 1983 Housing Programs H&CD with Ed Hayduk PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/29 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conf. Room Appeal by E & B Developers UBLIC SAFETY Wed. 8/04 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conf. Room Silent Witness Program, collection of delinquent parking fines. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/02 7;00 STREDICKE � p,m. 6th Floor Conf. Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS 116 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS July 26, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9048 $ 500.00 William A. Gebenini 1609 Edmonds Av NE Retar Roof 9049 --------- Mobil Oil Corp. 2423 Lind Av SW Fill License 9050 8,000.00 John Murf 123 Boylston Av E Insulation 9051 6,800.00 John Wearmouth 3512 SE 6th Street Repair Porch 9052 1 ,000.00 Thomas G. Banasky 1211 N 32nd Street Deck Addition 9053 41 ,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4307 SE 4th Street New Residence 9054 37,500.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4301 SE 4th Street New Residence 9055 3,000.00 Orris H. Speten 3204 SE 6th Street Addition 9056 1 ,100.00 R.J. Morris 2110 SE 22nd Place Storage Shed 9057 1 ,800.00 Seattle Eye Bldg. 1000 Index Ave. NE Chain Link Fence 9058 600.00 Paul Hardy 632 Edmonds Av NE Work Shed 9059 1 ,500.00 Bruce Pound 1606 Glennwood Av SE Reroof Residence 9060 1 ,000.00 Gary U. Reidt 611 S Cedar Ave New Foundation 9061 6,000.00 Frank E. Donofrio 2508 Jones Av NE Addition 9062 8,000.00 Frits Bastianne 2007 SE 22nd Place Addition 9063 19,300.00 Nelson Plastering 2600 NE 12th Street Stucco 9064 3,000.00 Denis Keolker 532 Cedar Av S Garage 9065 500.00 J.R. Hill 1309 Queen Av NE Addition 9066 650.00 Beatrice Hunt 3916 Lake Wash. Blvd. N Reroof 9067 250.00 Chuck Christenson 1700 Monterey Av NE Chimney 9068 7,000.00 Lynn Matteson 164 Monterey P1 NE Swimming Pool CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5247 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4313 SE 4th Street Driveway Approach 5248 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4313 SE 4th Street Side Sewer 5249 Tri-Power Industries 474 Ferndale Av NE Sanitary Side Sewer 5250 0 & W Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Watermain 5251 Wohlhuter, E.G. 1127 Aberdeen Av NE Sanitary Side Sewe• ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10529 125.00 R.J. Morris 2110 SE 22nd Place Storage Shed 10530 20.00 Paul Hardy 632 Edmonds Av NE Switches, etc. 10531 240.00 Chester C. Hawes 3121 SE 6th Street Circuits/Lights 10532 1 ,200.00 John G. Du Bois 2907 Mt. View Av N Replace Wiring 10533 500.00 C.J. McGerry 412 SW 4th Place Baseboard Heaters 10534 500.00 Lynn Matteson 164 Monterey Pl NE Swimming Pool MECHANICAL PERMITS 9384 7,500.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9385 4,500.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9386 6,000.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9387 6,000.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9388 7,500.00 Superstructure 2811 NE 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9389 7,500.00 Superstructure 2811 N.E. 4th Street Plumbing/Fixtures 9390 1 ,985.00 Hillis Homes 2809 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/Fixtures 9391 150.00 Floyd W. Crawford 4521 SE 3rd Pl Plumbing Reversal 9392 1 ,000.00 John G. DuBois 2907 Mt. View Av N Plumbing/Fixtures 9393 2,600.00 Tri-Power Industries 474 Ferndale Av NE Plumbing/Fixtures 9394 1 ,100.00 G.J. McGerry 412 SW 4th Pl Plumbing/Fixtures 9395 500.00 Lynn Matteson 164 Monterey Pl NE Swimming Pool Htr. A SIGN PERMIT 1030 400.00 The Koll Company 200 - 296 SW 43rd St. Wall Sign � / f C I T Y O F M E N T O N TRANSFERS MONTH OF JULY , 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 7/ 2 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #1689 PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2458 $ 45,138.00 110/242.00.00 101/369.30.01 STREET FWD. THRUST PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 70,000.00 301/138.00.00 101/210.00.00 7/10/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JULY $ 78,632.41 7/12/82 CURRENT FUND $ 178,243.83 PARKS & RECREATION 62,891.26 ARTERIAL STREETS 1,161.76 CITY STREETS 20,883.48 LIBRARY 11,690.14 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 40,000.00 STREET FWD. THRUST 183,962.98 G.COULON BCH. PK. CONSTR. 613,751.08 WATERWORKS UTILITY 126,307.72 AIRPORT 10,454.28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 35,027.68 L.I.D. CONTROL 40, 382.82 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JULY $1,324,757.03 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Transfer for H&CD tele.call $ 46.11 STREET FWD. THRUST PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 60,000.00 301/138.00.00 01/210.00.00 7/14/82 WATERWORKS UTILITIES CITY STREETS To adjust 6/30/82 payroll $ 756.00 CLAIMS FUND CITY STREETS Cancel warrant no. 40677 $ 770.14 CLAIMS FUND IRPORT FUND Cancel warrant no. 40677 $ 2,096.59 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancel warrant no. 40707 $ 36.00 MAYOR INANCE DIRECTOR .. OF 40 NTHOF JULY, 1982 C I TY OF k E N T 0 N 0 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: TRANSFERS CE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL '15/82 CURRENT FUND $168,222.05 PARKS & RECREATION 70,009.21 CITY STREETS 34,678.21 LIBRARY 12,961.85 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 26,955.91 AIRPORT 3,042.42 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,912.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JULY $319.781.65 '20/82 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #168S PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2458 $ 19,721.00 110/242.00.00 101/369.30.01 20/82 STREET FWD. THRUST PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 48,000.00 301/138.00.00 101/210.00.00 71,)�,gd 6/82 CURRENT FUND $ 156,880.53 PARKS & RECREATION 41,577.90 ARTERIAL STREETS 8,336.94 CITY STREETS 41,137.04 LIBRARY 3,856.79 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 66,320.54 STREET FWD. THRUST 3,236.70 G. COULON BCH. PK. CONSI . 9,514.44 WATERWORKS UTILITY 165,251.78 AIRPORT 12,668.20 1975 W. & S. CONSTRUCTI 1,578.85 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10,460.34 FIREMEN'S PENSION 18,286.60 L.I.D. CONTROL 43,076.48 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of JULY $ 582,183.13 7/2V*a 4/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND rransfers for mo. of JULY $ 78,037.19 z/a7/S 7/82 CUMULATIVE RES.# 1894 PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2463 $ 15,041.00 7f-2-7 7/82 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND ancel warrant no. 40928 $ 39.66 CLAIMS FUND PARKS & RECREATION ancel warrant no. 40987 $ 281.04 30/82 STREET FWD. THRUST PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 5,000.00 30/82 CURRENT FUND $ 167,552.98 PARKS & RECREATION 71,476.86 CITY STREETS 34,898.78 LIBRARY 12,385.80 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 27,267.47 AIRPORT 2,164.92 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,840.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JULY $ 319,586.81 ....,,,., _ -- --------- O F 1?,6, 119 � 41 AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS ZJOHN W REED RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL ��r O U N C'L RICHARD M.STREDICKE 0,9 THOMAS W TRIMM qTF� SEPI�� PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING BARBARA Y SHINMAYOR August 2 , 1982 Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 26, 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 6/25/82, Monterey Terrace/ ERADCO, PPUD 021-80/AAD 037-82, as filed by Richard U. Chapin, Attorney. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Petition signed by 52 residents of Hillcrest Terrace requesting speed limit reduction to 15 mph on one block of Hillcrest Lane NE, bordered by Harrington Avenue NE and Kirkland Avenue NE. Refer to Traffic Engineering Department for recommendation. c. Court Case - Gary/Judy Torgerson - seeking reversal of the denial by Board of Adjustment of their appeal regarding construction of a deck and hot tub at their home, 1320 Lake Youngs Way SE. Refer to City Attorney. d. Claim for Damages - Mark C. Brewer - in the amount of $989.73 for injuries sustained in diving accident at Gene Coulon Park 5/31/82. Alleges no life- guards, no warning signs, no supervision. Refer to City Attorney and insur- ance carrier. e. Claim for Damages - Rhonda Whitten - in the amount of $20 for loosened tooth sustained while playing ball at Tiffany Softball Field (7/13/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Claim for Damages - Cecil Evoy - in the amount of $286.54 for water damage to basement ceiling (7/14/82) alleging water pressure surge caused by Renton Water Works crew. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from John Rabe] , President, Star Machinery, 241 South Lander Street, Seattle, commending attitudes of Planning and Engineering Departments. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 1.20 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of August 2 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY *AND INSURANCE CARRIER Torgerson Court Case Claim for Damages - Brewer* Claim for Damages - Whitten- Claim for Damages - Evoy* COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Hearing Examiner Appeal Process MAYOR Position reclassifications Marine Patrol contract PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monterey Terrace/ERADCO Appeal - PPUD 021-80/AAD 037-82 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hillcrest Terrace petition TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Hillcrest Terrace petition PUBLIC HEARING /09/82 - Group W Cable TV Rate Increase 8/16/82 - Jackson Annexation PUBLIC MEETING /23/82 - 198-3-89 Capital Improvement Program j I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 2 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S kLL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED AND THOMAS M. TRIMM. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCILWOMAN MATHEWS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 26, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Alain Bourdoiseau, 1915 NE 27th, addressed the Council regarding signing confusion at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Mr. Bourdoiseau praised the beauty of the park, but questioned what he felt to be complicated sign/parking systems. Parks and Recreation Director Webley explained that a bid opening for new park signs would take place 8/03/82 which will replace present signs with a more desirable sign system, needed to control parking and prevent possible ticketing and/or towing of illegally parked vehicles. Parking at the boat launch area of Coulon Park was ex- plained: In stalls 1-100, any vehicle/boat trailer may park by paying the $2 fee or by displaying a City of Renton Resident sticker. Stalls 101-122 are reserved for City of Renton Resident sticker holders only. Parks Director Webley stated that this system was devised to provide citi - zens of Renton, paying taxes for this park, additional access to parking. To obtain a Resident Sticker, citizens of Renton pay an annual fee of $5 ($3 for senior citizens) . Mr. Bourdoiseau was invited to attend the next meeting of the Park Board and to meet with Parks Director Webley regarding his ideas for the park. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Appeal - An appeal has been filed by Richard U. Chapin, Attorney at Law, for Monterey Terrace/ Monterey Terrace/ERADCO of the Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 6/25/82 ERADCO for approval of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of 425 single- PPUD 021-80 family attached and multiple-family housing units east and north of AAD 037-82 SR 169, south of Monterey Terrace and Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of the Bonneville Power right of way (PPUD 021-80/AAD 037-82) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Hillcrest Housing Authority of the City of Renton submitted a petition signed by Terrace 52 residents of Hillcrest Terrace requesting speed limit reduction to Petition 15 mph on one block of Hillcrest Lane NE, bordered by Harrington Avenue NE and Kirkland Avenue NE. Refer to Traffic Engineering Department and Transportation Committee (as requested by Councilman Stredicke) . ,ourt Case - A court case has been filed by Gary and Judy Torgerson seeking reversal Gary and of the denial by the Board of Adjustment of their appeal regarding con- Judy Torgerson struction of a deck and hot tub at their home at 1320 Lake Youngs Way SE. Refer to City Attorney. 1 1)0 Renton City Council August 2, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda continued Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $989. 73 filed by Mark C. Brewer Damages for injuries sustained in a diving accident at Coulon Park 5/31/82 CL 41-82 alleging no warning signs, supervision or lifeguards. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $20 filed by Rhonda M. Whitten for Damages loosened tooth sustained while playing ball at Tiffany Softball Field CL 43-82 7/13/82. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $286.54 filed by Cecil H. Evoy for Damages water damage to basement ceiling on 7/14/82 alleging water pressure CL 42-82 surge caused by Renton Water Works crew. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Planning/ Letter from John B. Rabe] , President, Star Machinery Company, 241 South Engineering Lander Street, Seattle, commended the attitudes of the Planning and Commendation Engineering Departments of the City of Renton. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee Development report finding the Hearing Examiner in error in Conclusion 4 in his Committee decision of 5/24/82 with his reliance upon the standards of the Green E&B Developers River Valley Comprehensive Plan rather than the provisions of the Zoning R 026-82 Code regarding landscaped setbacks. Committee report (unsigned by Coun- Appeal cilman Reed) recommended Council modify conditions imposed upon the re- classification to provide for a landscaped five-foot setback from Grady Way and all of the property lines except for Southwest 12th Street which should be a landscaped ten-foot setback by stipulation of the appellant. Committee further recommended that , upon recording of Restrictive Covenant setting forth the setbacks, the Restrictive Covenants previously recorded in relation to Parcel B be removed. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilmen Reed and Stredicke questioned variance from the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Rockhill explained that this property was zoned single-family originally, but the five-foot setback would now conform to almost every other property in this area on Grady Way. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and final Committee readings of the following ordinances: Ordinance 3650 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of streets and alleys in an Earlington Woods area south of Southwest Sunset Boulevard and north of Milwaukie Railroad Street Vacation line within Earlington Addition including portions of Maple Avenue SW, VAC 1-79 Southwest Fifth Street and Stevens Avenue SW (VAC 1-79) . MOVED BY CF/CHG, Int' l . STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Sunpointe ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 3651 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain McWilliams properties within the City of Renton from General Classification (G) to Rezone Residence District (R-3) (McWilliams Rezone R 030-82) . MOVED BY HUGHES, R 030-82 SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, TRIMM; 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Stredicke opposed extension of multiple-family on Union Avenue, claiming single-family area. 123 Renton City Council August 2, 1982 Page 3 Old Business continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee authorizing the Mayor to proceed with the three reclassifications Position requested by the Personnel Department for Engineering Supervisor and Reclassifications Public Works Field Superintendent positions to salary range 17 and Parks Maintenance Supervisor to Grade 11 . Committee further recommended the effective date of the increases be 7/01/82 for the Parks Maintenance Supervisor and Engineering Supervisor, and 4/01/82 for the Public Works Field Superintendent. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE WITH REGARD TO RECLASSIFICATIONS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Appeal Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the City Attorney' s review of Process his memorandum concerning the Hearing Examiner Appeal Process. City Review Attorney Warren responded that he had reviewed the memo but there had been a request for additional staff input and an answer would be avail- able by 8/09. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, SUBJECT MATTER BE MOVED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF 8/12/82. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that she has been respectfully disagreeing with REPORT objections received from citizens regarding parking at Coulon Park, Coulon Park citing a minimal annual fee to Renton residents and use of fees collected Parking for additional park maintenance personnel . Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch announced that Council had authorized her to sign the Contract Marine Patrol Contract with the proviso that Council may review parti - cipation the second year. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE MARINE PATROL CONTRACT FOR 1982. CARRIED. ^DJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 37 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk F—+ CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 2, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 8/12 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Appeal process Hearing Examiner Decisions AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/05 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Zoning and Subdivision Fees Parking and Loading Ordinance PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 8/04 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Silent Witness Proqram Collection of Delinquent Parking Fines TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Mon. 8/09 7:30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Petition re speed limit Hillcrest Lane. Traffic Engineer invited. UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Ion. 8/09 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS August 2, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9069 $ 6,250.00 Don Morrison & Associates 1020 Bronson Way South Reroof building 907- 9,000.00 Chester Hawes 3121 SE Sixth Street Enclose patio area 90. VOID 90. -- Jerry Hardebeck 412 SW 16th Street Demolition of residence 90AP0 1 ,500.00 Jim Gray 1703 Whitman Avenue NE Reroof residence 9074 5,100.00 Dennis Aman 2215 Lincoln Place SE Addition to home 9075 2,000.00 Martha Mirro 1923 Harrington Circle Reroof residence 9076 18,500.00 Service Linen 903 South Fourth Street Parking lot and fence 9077 1,500.00 Richardo Beltran 2108 Blaine Avenue SE Convert garage 9078 150,000.00 Boeing Renton Field Upgrade and install tanks 9079 10,000.00 Warren Chinn 240 North Pelly Avenue Repair fire damage 9080 1,572.00 Mr. Garbarino 176 Hardie Avenue SW Reroof residence CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5252 Sam Wallick 4009 NE Tenth Street Side sewer ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10535 583.00 D. W. Custer 222 Williams Avenue South Install duct coil 10536 350.00 Barry's Refrigeration 3812 NE Fourth Street Install 100 amp service 10537 480.00 F. M. Welland 253 Taylor Avenue NW Update service 10538 250.00 Renton Karate School 505 Third Street South Rewire remodel 10539 7,758.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #8 Wire five-plex 10540 7,758.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #1 Wire five-plex 10541 4,655.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #2 Wire tri-plex 10542 3,103.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #3 Wire duplex 10r, 1,551.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #4 Wire laundry room 10 6,206.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #5 Wire four-plex 10 6,206.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #6 Wire four-plex 1045 7,758.00 Superstructure 2811 NE Fourth Street #7 Wire five-plex 10547 500.00 John Dinius 317 NW Seventh Street Install service panel 10548 100.00 State of Washington South 23rd & SR 515 Install temporary power 10549 VOID 10550 200.00 Warren Chinn 240 North Pelly Avenue Repair fire damaged wires 10551 14,880.00 Boeing Renton Plant Extend emergency power 10552 500,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Miscellaneous work 10553 100.00 Warren Chinn 240 North Pelly Avenue Install temporary power MECHANICAL PERMITS 9396 8,303.00 D. W. Custer 222 Williams Avenue North One-duct heater 9397 1,600.00 Multi Vest, Ltd. 504 Edmonds Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 9398 90,000.00 0 W Properties 1107 SW Grady Way 32 heat pumps 9399 1,200.00 F. M. Welland 253 Taylor Avenue NW Plumbing and fixtures 9400 1 ,682.00 The Brass Ring 218 SW 43rd Street Refrigeration 9401 41,710.00 Mobile Oil 2423 Lind Avenue SW Sprinkler system 9402 2,000.00 Robert Bunker 567 Pierce Avenue SE Electric furnace 9403 2,290.00 Leonard Builders 4307 SE Fourth Street Rough in/finish plumbing 9404 935.00 Multi Vest, Ltd. 504 Edmonds Avenue NE Electric furnace SIGN PERMIT 10 1,300.00 Lincoln Property Co. NC Eagle Ridge & Benson Road Subdivision ID sign OF R�+ COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA EARL CLYMER, ff COUNCIL PRESIDENT IJ `� �: O AHUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS JOHN W REED _ RANDALL ROCKHILL 0 RA E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE Q THOMAS W TRIMM 0,91 TED SEPI-_-0 PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MAYOR August 9 , 1982 Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Group W Cable, Subsidiary of Westinghouse Broadcasting and Cable, Inc. , requests increase of basic service rates from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes. 5, AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Proposed community opinion survey. Refer to Committee of the Whole 8/12/82 meeting. b. Reappointment of Francis A. Holman to the Board of Adjustment for a four-year term. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. City Clerk reports bid opening of 8/03/82 for signage contract for Coulon Beach Park. Park Board recommends rejection of all bids and rebidding of project. Council concur. d. Public Works Director requests authorization for signing of Puget Power Underground Easement (LID 314) . Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign subject easement. e. Inclusion of "Garbage Collection Information" with monthly utility billing. Council concur in recommendation of Public Works Director. f. Request to close off Dayton Court NE cul-de-sac on 8/21/82 for block party. Refer to Police Department and Transportation Committee. g. Additional appropriation for Municipal Court. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Appeal filed by Holvick deRegt Koering of Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/16/82, SA 095-81 . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. i . Appeal filed by Holvick deRegt Koering of Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/15/82, SA 094-81 . Refer to Planning and Development Committee, j . Land Use Hearing Examiner's report of Final Plat FP 093-81 , Mike Mastro (R.W. Poitras) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. k. Finance Department recommends acceptance of low bid for interim financing on LID 314 from Peoples Bank. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS —. Letter from Lawrence S. Braund, P,E. , JohnsonBraund Design Group P.S. , Inc. , requesting review of existing use of City of Seattle pipeline right- of-way between 304 Main Avenue South and Houser Way easterly to Mill Avenue South. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT 127 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of August 9 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Community Opinion Survey MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Puget Power Underground Easement - LID 314 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Holvick, deRegt Koering Appeal - SA 094-81 Holvick, deRegt Koering Appeal - SA 095-81 POLICE DEPARTMENT Dayton Court NE cul-de-sac block party PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Second hand firearms licensing TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way usage review - WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Board of Adjustment reappointment , Francis A. Holman Municipal Court appropriation Mike Mastro (R.W. Poitras) Final Plat FP 093-81 LID 314 Interim Financing Changes to zoning and other development codes regarding storage areas E&B Developers Rezone Ordinance - R 026-82 PUBLIC HEARING 8/16/82 Jackson Annexation 9/13/82 - Group W Cable Rate Increase (continued from 8/09/82) PUBLIC MEETING 8/23/82 - 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program 8/23/82 - Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fee Change 128 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 9 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney ; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; GARY NORRIS, Traffic Engineer; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Deeann Glamser, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Group W Cable lished according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Rate Increase consider an increase of Group W Cable Television rates from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes. Lewis Belcher, Jr. , Group W Community Communications Manager, 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, introduced Marshal Nelson, Group W Counsel ; Steven Braun, Plant Manager; Mark Kartes, Special Projects Coordinator; and Ella Hermes, System Office Manager. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, this hearing be closed. Motion failed. Additional financial information was requested from Group W by Council on 7/07/82. Because this information was not received by Council until 8/09/82 and is vital to the rate increa evaluation, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED UNTIL 9/13/82 to enable Council to study the material provided. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Proposed Report from Administrative Assistant Mike Parness regarding a proposed Community community opinion survey. Refer to Committee of the Whole meeting of Opinion Survey 8/12/82. Board of Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mr. Francis A. Holman, 1624 Ferndale Avenue Adjustment SE, to position #3 (practicing professional engineer) on the Board of Reappointment Adjustment for a four-year term effective to 9/06/86. Mr. Holman is willing to continue to serve and has been a valued member of the Board since 1971 . Other members of the Board of Adjustment are: Position #1 Felix Campanella; Position #2 - David M. Young; Position #4 - Rhonda Younker; Position #5 - William F. Anderson; Position #6 - Kenneth Swanigan; Position #7 - Barbara Lally. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Coulon Park City Clerk reported bid opening of 8/03/82 for signage contract for Gene Signage Contract Coulon Park. Park Board recommended rejection of the one bid received Rebidding (which exceeded estimated cost by $5,000) and rebidding of entire project. Council concur. (See attached tabulation. ) LID 314 - Puget Public Works Director requested authorization for signing of Puget Power Power Underground Underground Easement for LID 314 - (R-1663) installation of underground Easement power along SW 19th Street. Council authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign subject easement. Renton City Council August 9, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda continued Garbage Request from Rainier Disposal to include a garbage collection information Collection sheet in the next monthly utility billing. This information sheet complies Information with ordinances and has the concurrence of the Public Works Director. Sheet Council concur. B Party Request from residents of Dayton Court NE cul-de-sac to close off cul-de- Re st sac on 8/21/82 from approximately 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a block party. Refer to Police Department and Transportation Committee.***See item 3, page 3: Council approve this block party subject to the approval of the Police Department. Municipal Report from Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant, noted Municipal Court Court revenues for 1982 are anticipated to exceed budget estimate by approxi- Appropriation mately $80,000. Due to increased workload, an additional $11 ,500 has been requested to provide for overtime and operational costs for remainder of 1982. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for recommendation. Appeal - Appeal has been filed by Loren Davis of Holvick deRegt Koering of the Holvick Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/16/82 for approval with conditions of deRegt Koering site plan approval for construction of five one-story buildings to be SA 095-81 used as a business park or light warehousing; also requested a variance to permit joint access driveways on common property lines. SA 095-81/ V 014-82 (North side of Powell Avenue SW at SW Seventh Street) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Appeal - Appeal has been filed by Loren Davis of Holvick deRegt Koering of the Holvick Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/15/82 for approval with conditions of deRegt Koering site plan approval for construction of four one-story buildings to be SA 094-81 used as business park or light warehousing; also requested a variance to permit joint access driveways on common proeprty lines. SA 094-81/ V 014-82 (Southwest corner of Powell Avenue SW and SW Seventh Street) . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Mike Mastro Report from Land Use Hearing Examiner regarding Mike Mastro (R.W. Poitras) (R.W. Poitras) Final Plat, File FP-093-81 , stating appeal period for this recommendation Final Plat expired on 7/28/82 and the matter is now forwarded to Council for review. FP 093-81 Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. LID 314 Finance Department recommended acceptance of low bid for interim financing Interim of LID 314 (street improvements, sanitary sewers, water mains, fire hy- Financing drants and all associated improvements in the vicinity of SW 16th Street from Lind Avenue SW to East Valley Road and East Valley Road from SW 16th Street to SW 41st Street) in the amount of $4,886,538.56 from Peoples National Bank. Council concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Executive Council President Clymer announced that Council would meet in executive Session session following this meeting to discuss pending legal matters. eline Letter from Lawrence S. Braund, P.E. , JohnsonBraund Design Group P.S. , ;t-of-Way Inc. , requested review of existing use of City of Seattle pipeline right- �e Review of-way between 304 Main Avenue South and Houser Way easterly to Mill Avenue South. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH A REMINDER OF THE CITY' S FISCAL SITUATION. CARRIED. 130 Renton City Council August 9, 1982 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business continued Second-hand Letter from Doug and Helen Beth Betts, Doug' s Shooter' s Supplies, Firearms 217 Wells Avenue South, and Holger Ingoldby, H&J Leather S Firearms, Licensing 224 Wells Avenue South, requested reconsideration of ordinance requiring two business licenses for second-hand firearms dealers and lack of en- forcement for other second-hand dealers. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a committee report recommend- Committee ing Council approve the following priority order for Airport Capital 1983-88 Airport Improvement Projects (1983-88) : 1 . Water main - upgrading of southwest Capital Improve- corner. 2. Water main - completion of loop system. 3. Instrument ment Projects Landing System ( ILS) . MOVED BY M RECOMMENDATION OF THEAVIATIONDCOMMITTEE.ED BY CARRIED CONCURINTHECOUNCIL Block Party Councilman Stredicke questioned whether the matter of the Dayton Court Approval NE cul-de-sac block party could be considered by the Transportation Committee and reported back to Council by the 8/21/82 party date. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ITEM 6f ON THE CONSENT AGENDA BE RE- WORDED THAT COUNCIL APPROVES THIS BLOCK PARTY SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented committee Development report recommending the proposed revisions and amendments to the Zoning Committee and Other Land Development Codes regarding storage areas as submitted by Storage Area the Building, Zoning and Policy Development Departments be referred toion. Recommended revisions r Changes r the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislat e' uses, creating a Zoning/Other Land include clarifying the definition of ' bulk storagats Development nition for 'outside storage' , providing screen and surfacing requirements Codes for 'outside storage' , correcting procedural discrepancies in the Bulk Storage Ordinance, amending the definition of ' parking lot' under Parking and Loading Ordinance, adopting a definition for ' storage lot' in the Parking and Loading Ordinance, and establishing screening and surfacing requirements in the Parking and Loading Ordinance for ' storage lots' . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Zoning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill requested a public Subdivision meeting be set for 8/23/82 to obtain public input regarding revisions Filing Fee to the zoning and subdivision filing fees to more adequately reflect the Change City' s true cost for providing this service. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SET PUBLIC MEETING ON 8/23/82 FOR PUBLIC INPUT ON THE MATTER OF INCREASED FEES. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill noted that copies of the proposed fee changes would be available. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes gave an informal committee report Committee stating that the matter of collecting delinquent parking fines had been Delinquent discussed with Chief of Police Wallis. Chief Wallis reported he has been Parking Fines using volunteers from the police college and the program has been pro- gressing well . He is also considering using officers on disability to help in this problem. Silent Witness Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes also noted that the Silent Witness Program Program had been discussed with Chief Wallis. This program was started in 1972 as the Citizens' Council Against Crime and offers cash rewards to citizens providing information leading to the arrest of people involved in violent crime. Councilman Hughes explained that no Council action was required; this is informational only. Renton City Council August 9, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended first reading Committee of the following ordinance: Re-ane An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Oi nance - properties within the city of Renton from General Classification (G-1 ) E£ Developers and Light Industrial District (L-1) to Business District (B-1 ) . MOVED (R-X26-82) BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolution #2464 A resolution was read directing the transfer of $20,000 from Cumulative Honey Creek Reserve Fund #3421 to Water Works Utility Fund to begin preliminary Fund Transfer work for the Honey Creek Sanitary Sewers. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Utility Bill The Ways and Means Committee reviewed the request from Bartell Drug �.ullection Fee Company to raise their utility bill collection fee from 13C to 25C and th Bartell . The staff has negotiated Increase requested staff to negotiate wi for a 20C per item collection fee and the Committee recommends the contract with Bartell Drug Company be amended to reflect the fee change from 13C to 20C effective September 1 , 1982. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT THE 20C RENEGOTIATED FEE WITH BARTELL DRUG COMPANY. CARRIED. Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41106 Approval through 41333 in the amount of $1 ,077,211 .69 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 41101 through 41105 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. h BUSINESS Committee of Mayor Shinpoch inquired as to the agenda order for the 8/12/82 Committee the Whole of the Whole meeting. Council President Clymer responded the order would Agenda be: Hearing Examiner Appeal Process; Boards and Commissions; Community Opinion Survey. Mayor Shinpoch distributed Boards and Commissions infor- mation and noted members were invited to attend. Firearms from Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the presentation to the Renton Port of Seattle Police Department of automatic firearms from the Port of Seattle. Mayor (SeaTac Airport) Shinpoch responded that an automatic rifle was received on a five-year loan program. Lt. Persson, Renton Police Department, stated the firearm was part of the Mutual Aid Agreement with the Port of Seattle and would be used in the event of terrorist or similar emergency situations. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that the city will pursue policing of political REPORT signs on public right-of-way, that letters will be sent to candidates Political signs advising them of our laws. Although this is not a high priority item on Public Right- due to the city' s financial position, placement of political signs will of-Way be monitored. Visitor from Mayor Shinpoch announced the visit of a charming young man from Nishiwaki , Japan Japan, Renton' s Sister-City. Yoshiuki Hashimoto, an exchange visitor staying with a family in Renton, presented the Mayor with a beautiful vase and silk wallet. Renton Mayor Shinpoch noted that the Puget Sound Council of Government had Projected Growth projected growth for the City of Renton to reach 33,137 by the year` 1990. Renton' s population reached that figure last year. Engineering Mayor Shinpoch reported that the effective date for reclassification of Supervisor the Engineering Supervisor position had been changed from 7/01/82 to Reclassification 7/16/82 because the probationary period had not been completed. nton City Council ugust 9, 1982 age 5 ►UDIENCE COMMENT Delores Newlands, 1668 Lake Youngs Way, complimented Mayor Shinpoch on her governing of the City of Renton, urged Council to utilize the city' s department heads more to be well-informed on Council issues, and spoke in favor of the one-half percent sales tax. . :XECUTIVE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION TO DISCUSS DISPOSITION OF LEGAL MATTERS PENDING BEFORE THE CITY. CARRIED. 9:25 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; all 9:45 P.M. Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MA I E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk BIC, TABULATION ION SHEET PRO J ECT • Installation of Signage System - coulon Park DATF_ ' August 3. 1982 BIDDER dID Gary Merlin Construction 8B $27,176.00 AA 9125 Tenth Avenue South EEO ME Seattle, WA 98108 messemqep rrnicypd 1 / Engineer's Estimate 122,000,00 000 ;XP111 35 CITY OF RENTON )ATE 8109182 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS FOR 8/9/82' NUMBERS 41101 thru 41105 CURRENT 0100♦ 432. 14 F KS 072♦ 592.90 ARTERIAL 5TREETS O41# 074.42 STREETS 036456. 74 LIBRARY $20, 441 . 70 STREET FORWARD THRUST f1040392.55 U COULON 5CH PK CONSTR 6419, 232. 74 MUNICIPAL FACIL ( SHUT°5 ) 62b0.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 090♦ 683. 45 AIRPORT 021 # 934 .27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL `�0big71 .36 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP, 04# 578.49 LID CONTROL 6158oU70.94 T AL OF ALL WARRANTS fipU77r211 •69 .w.. WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBtRS OF THE WAYS ANU MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE I "ENTUN CITY CUUNCIL, HAVING REc.E1VLO UEFARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE bttN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HERLBY APPROVE FUR PAYMENT VUULHLRS Nu. 4411Ub THRUUGH NO* 41333 IN THE AMOUNT OF f10 77# 211 . 69 THlb 91H DAY OF AUUU5T 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • • • • • w • • • • • MEMBER • • • lk w ' 'a L.I.D.#314 MEMBER • • -• • • • REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-22 $ 262.16 L.I.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-18 $157,808.78 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ter-- - - - CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 9, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 8/12 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Hearing Examiner Decision appeal process Boards and Commissions Community Opinion Survey AVIATION Tuesday 8/17 Cancelled TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/12 Cancelled ROCKHILL Thurs. 8/19 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Monterey Terrace/ERADCO Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES *'Wed. 8/18 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room **See below Wed. 8/25 4:45 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Utility Connection Fees AYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/16 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E ,�VENTS **Wed. 8/18 **Informational meeting w/Public Works Department - West Hills Water Distri t FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD ITues. 8/10 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS August 9, 1982 _DING PERMITS 1 1,5 .00 Dale Peterson 3705 NE Ninth Court Reroof residence 2209 NE 36th Street New residence ? 61,000.00 Arthur Kenton 3 1,500.00 Lorenzo Talens 4309 NE 22nd Court Construct gazebo 1717 Maple Valley Highway Reroof building 3 9,341.80 City of Renton/Carco 3000 NE 16th Street Reroof building 5 11,548.00 City of Renton 513 Cedar Avenue South New residence 5 65,000.00 Mike Shane 659 Edmonds Avenue NE Replace windows 7 1,000.00 Robert Simonson 635 North Park Avenue Reroof maintenance shop. 8 4,720.00 Hord Roofing 9 1,200.00 Richard Wardack 1125 North 32nd Street Reroof residence 500 Park Avenue NorthTenant 0 80,000.00 Fifth & Park Company Construct pstorage tshed Tom Er 1 1,100.00 To . Miller 810 Queen Avenue NE 2 6,000.00 E. Kusam980 Edmonds Avenue NE Reroof apartment bldg. 3 _0_ Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way South Building go demolition 4 82,433.00 Mobil Oil Corporation 2423 Lind Avenue SE Tank covers 15 2,500.00 Thomas L. Stauffer 818 North 30th Street Remodel residence 16 25,000.00 Centennial Villa 80 SW Second Street Construct pitched roof i7 2,250.00 Renton School District 1800 Index Avenue NE Relocate portable room )8 1,883.00 Jerry Nichols 1118 Olympia Avenue NE Reroof residence )9 7,000.00 Roy E. Fournier 4700 Talbot Road South Construct garage :CTRICAL PERMITS 55 1, .00 Multivest 504 Edmonds Avenue SW Wire new residence 555 1,000.00 Ethyl Swanson 1308 North 38th Street Alter service/bb heat 556 895.00 Koll Center, Boeing 800 SW 43rd Street Fire warning wiring 557 150.00 Gerald C. Bartlett 510 Wells North Wire garage 558 250.00 Lorenz N. Rankin 2710 Meadow North Wire workshop 559 160.00 Joe Slentz 4308 NE Sunset Blvd. Increase service 560 200.00 Lake Shore Home Sales 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. Hook up mobil home 561 500.00 Thomas L. Stauffer 818 North 30th Street Wire remodeled area 562 135.00 Beatrice Hunt 3916 Lake Washington Blvd. Wire remodeled area CHANICAL PERMITS Replace chimney 05 35.00 Dale Peterson 3705 NE Ninth Court p 102 Vashon Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 06 1 ,600.00 Wick Homes 07 250.00 Thomas L. Stauffer 818 North 30th Street Plumbing and fixtures 08 50.00 Beatrice Hunt 3916 Lake Washington Blvd. Extend drains/piping :GN PERMITS )32 157.00 McDonalds 73 Rainier Avenue South Menu board sign )33 1,000.00 Mike Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street Pole sign )NSTRUCTION PERMITS _53 Mike Shane 513 Cedar Avenue South Side sewer X54 Multivest 504 Edmonds Avenue NE Side sewer ?55 Multivest 504 Edmonds Avenue NE Driveway ?56 Mobil Oil 2423 Lind Avenue SW 10" water line 136 OF R 4�v COUNCIL MEMBERS A RL CLYMER, 1 „ o AGENDA COUNCIL PRESIDENT ` ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS o JOHN W REED O T RANDALL ROCKHIIL 90 R E N T O N CITY 1 Y COONC'L RICHARD M STREDICKE �P THOMAS W TRIMM N;q 0tD SEPIEo REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, August 1 6 , 1982 MAYOR Monday , 8 ; 00 P . M . 1 , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL md I 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 9, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARING; 75% petition - Annexation of a portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple Family Development in an area east of Fred Nelson Middle School and north of SE 162nd 1 Street (approximately 3.34 acres) - Jackson Annexation A-01-82 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes, 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Park Department requests an ordinance to appropriate excess revenue into the Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund (unappropriated fund balance and 1982 investment interest in the amount of $2 ,314.30) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Public Works Department/Airport submits a proposed sublease agreement between Renton Aviation, Inc. , and Renton Partnership (Supplement 4-82 to Lease LAG 08-79) . Refer to Aviation Committee for approval . C. Public Works Department submits letter from Brady International Hardwoods requesting a Latecomer Agreement requiring properties to the north to share in the cost of Lind Avenue water line. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Policy Development Department submits a draft agreement to prepare/fund river management committee. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Claim for damages by Burke W. Bleecker in the amount of $4,453+ for injuries and damages incurred by a railroad crossing gate blowing into the roadway, alleging the gate was not locked in place (3/09/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Claim for damages by Clifford C. Nutter in the amount of $136.23 for wheel and tire damages due to alleged chuckhole at 116th and SE 76th (4/12/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. g. Appeal filed by Michael Smith, President, Pacific Land Research, of Hearing Examiner' s Decision of 7/21/82 - Bennett-Multivest, et al , Rezone 024-82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. h. City Clerk reports bid opening of 8/11/82 on 84th Avenue Co-op Water System; 11 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Mayor Shinpoch regarding consolidation of Commuter Pool Program and Metro Transit Program. 8. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of August 16 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION/MAYOR Airport Sublease - Supplement 4 to LAG 08-79 Board of Ethics draft proposal Fire/Police Civil Service Commission membership reduction Human Rights and Affairs Commission Community Opinion Survey CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Bleecker Claim for Damages - Nutter PARK BOARD Lions Park Management Agreement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Bennett Multivest Rezone Appeal - R-024-82 UTILITIES COMMITTEE Brady International latecomer agreement request Green River Management Committee draft proposal Bid opening - Phase I of 84th Avenue Co-op Water System WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Lake Washington Beach appropriation Professional and Public Liability Insurance Hearing Examiner appeal process Municipal Arts Commission ordinance Outside storage facilities ordinance LID 314 interim financing Municipal Court appropriation REAPPOINTMENT Francis A. Holman to the Board of Adjustment (position 3) for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1986. PUBLIC HEARING 8/23/82 - Jackson Annexation (Continued from 8/16/82) 9/13/82 - Group W Cable Rate Increase (Continued from 8/09/82) PUBLIC MEETING 8/23/82 - 19-93--89 Capital Improvement Program 8/23/82 - Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fee Change 138 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 16 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro-tem Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES , RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Deeann Glamser, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Correction by Councilman Trimm to page 3, item 2: 1 . Water main - up- grading of southeast corner. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 9, 1982 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Jackson according to law, Mayor Pro-tem Clymer opened the public hearing to Annexation consider annexation of a portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple Family A-01-82 Development, an area of approximately 3.34 acres east of Fred Nelson Middle School and north of Southeast 162nd Street (Jackson Annexation File #A-01-82) . Policy Development Director Clemens reported that meetings had been held with the property owner regarding possible zoning problems after annexation and requested, on behalf of the applicant, this public hearing be continued for Public Hearing one week. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REC- continued to OMMENDATION OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING 8/23/82 FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Lake Washington Park Department requested an ordinance to appropriate excess revenue into Beach Park the Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund (unappropriated fund balance Appropriation and 1982 investment interest in the amount of $2,314.30) from Excess Revenue/ Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton Public Works Department/Airport submitted a proposed sublease agreement Aviation between Renton Aviation, Inc. , and Renton Partnership as the financing entity Sublease for the major new hangar building recently constructed. Bank documentation requires a formal sublease. There is no change in the lease payment arrange- ment. (Supplement 4-82 to Lease LAG 08-79) . Refer to Aviation Committee. Latecomer Public Works Department submitted a letter from Brady International Hard- Agreement woods requesting a Latecomer Agreement requiring properties to the north Request of the new Lind Avenue water line to share in the cost of the line. Refer to Utilities Committee. Green River Policy Development submitted draft agreement to prepare and fund preparation Management of management agreement for Green River by King County, Auburn, Kent, Tukwila Committee and Renton. Agreement to clarify relationships between river flows , interior drainage systems, flood protection needs and flood plain management require— ments. Kefer to Utilities Committee. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Burke W. Bleecker in the amount of $4,453+ for Damages injuries and damages sustained when a railroad crossing gate blew loose CL 45-82 and into the path of his pickup, alleging the gate was not locked in place. Gate located at 41st Street, 300-400 feet east of East Valley Parkway (3/09/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Clifford Nutter in the amount of $136.23 for Damages wheel and tire damage due to alleged chuckhole at 116th and SE 76th (4/12/82) . CL 44-82 Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Renton City Council August 16, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda continued Appeal - Appeal has been filed by Michael Smith, President of Pacific Land Research, Bennett/ 1140 - 140th Avenue NE, Bellevue, of the Hearing Examiner' s Decision of Multivest 7/21/82 for approval with restrictive covenants of a rezone of the north one side of NE Fourth Street approximately 950 feet east of Union Avenue NE 124-82 from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for development of a proposed community shopping center, Bennett/Multivest, et al , Rezone #R-024-82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 8/11/82 for 84th Avenue Co-op Water System; Water System 11 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. (See attached tabulation.) Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CONSENT AGENDA BE ADOPTED AS PRE- Approved SENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Metro Transit/ Letter from Mayor Shinpoch reported the possible consolidation of the Commuter Pool Metro Transit Program and Commuter Pool Program with Metro assuming the Program administrative responsibility for the Commuter Pool Program. The Admin- Merger istration recommended Council go on record as endorsing this proposal provided that: (a) Federal Aid Urban System funds be phased out within three years to be made available to other projects, and (b) a transportation committee be formed to oversee the commuter pool operation under Metro. This merger is to be considered by the King Subregional Council at the Puget Sound Council of Governments on 8/27/82. Mayor Shinpoch is on the Metro Council and Councilman Stredicke is on the King Subregional Council Committee as well as being employed as a consultant for Metro. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS SUPPORTING THE ADMIN- ISTRATION' S RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. )ns Park Letter from the Renton Lions Club, Lyle A. Dull , Park Manager, and Hal Kloes , Shared President, P. 0. Box 554, Renton , requested discussion regarding a possible Management shared management agreement for Lions Park between the Renton Parks Depart- Proposal ment and Renton Lions Club. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE FORWARDED TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee report recom- Comm— i- tr tee mending the following regarding professional and public liability insurance: Professional/ 1 . As a requirement before any consultant contract will be let on any Public public works project including architecture, engineering, construction Liability management or other consulting work not directly covered by the public bid Insurance laws for which there is already an insurance requirement and bonding require- ments , the city will require the following levels of insurance: a. Public Liability - $100,000 per person and $250,000 per occurrence. b. Professional Liability - $250,000 if the contract is less than $100,000 and $1 ,000,000 if the contract is over $100,000. 2. It shall be city policy not to agree to any limitation of liability as part of any city consulting contracts, either public liability or professional liability. Committee report was signed by Committee Members Mathews and Trimm. It was MOVED BY MATHEWS. SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ation Aviation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a committee report recommending �.&-Imittee the Mayor and Acting City Clerk be authorized to sign Supplement 4 to Lease Supplement 4 Agreement LAG 0 -79, a sublease of ground under the new Renton Aviation Hangar to Airport to support the financing arrangements for the newly constructed hangar. The Lease LAG 08-79 terms of the original Lease LAG 08-79 remain unchanged. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 24Hton City Council August 16, 1982 Page 3 Old Business continued Committee of Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer presented a committee report The Whole recommending the proposed ordinance clarifying the Hearing Examiner Hearing appeal process be referred to the Ways and Means Committee and that Examiner Appeal the Hearing Examiner specifically identify the authority of the Council Process when all reports are issued. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boards and Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer presented a committee report Commissions recommending the following for each Board or Commission: Board of Board of Adjustment: No change; Library Board : No change; Planning Adjustment; Commission: Membership shall remain at nine. Council will extend an Library Board; invitation to Planning Commission to meet with Planning and Development Planning Committee. Committee of the Whole will meet with the Planning Commission Commission annually or semi-annually. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Park Board Park Board: Concur with the Mayor' s recommendation: 1 . The Mayor will have appointment authority when a Park Director is selected. 2. Council confirmation is required when the Director is appointed. 3. The new ordinance should be reviewed by the Park Board prior to Council consid- eration. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT REGARDING THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Board of Board of Ethics : Refer to the Administration with direction to draft a Ethics formal proposal showing how the current ordinance and code should be revised to reflect needs specified by the Mayor. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Municipal Municipal Arts Commission : An ordinance should be drafted and presented Arts to the Municipal Arts Commission which would: 1 . Leave 12 members on Commission the Commission; no less than six shall reside in the city. 2. Delete consulting role regarding private property owners. 3. Delete Commission authority for contract negotiations and arrangements. 4. Transfer respon- sibility for maintenance and rotation of art to Facilities Supervisor. Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer noted that another point had been discussed but not voted on and asked Council 's direction regarding one percent for art. Councilman Reed explained the ordinance would be drafted and presented to the Commission prior to Council consideration. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT, AS IS LEAVING THE ONE PERCENT FOR ART ORDINANCE, AS IS, AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Mathews spoke against the motion, objecting to use of utility construction funds for art. MOTION CARRIED. Fire Civil Fire/Police Civil Service Commission : Concur in recommendation to combine Service/ the Commissions into a single unit. The Administration should submit a Police Civil plan for accomplishing the reduction from six members to five. MOVED BY Service HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE Commissions COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilwoman Mathews encouraged the Administration to coordinate the efforts to reduce membership with respective departments and labor unions and to include the five members in the initial consolidation of the commissions. Councilwoman Mathews suggested an orientation or pre- sentation for commission members to better inform them of the problems within each department. MOTION CARRIED. Human Rights Human Rights and Affairs Commission: Refer to the Administration for prepa- and Affairs ration of an ordinance and further discussion with the Commission. 1 . All Commission authority for investigative and/or quasi-judicial activities should be deleted from enabling ordinance. 2. A Commission with seven members will be retained in an advisory capacity to hold hearings and report on issues referred to the Commission by the City Council . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council August 16, 1982 Page 4 Old Business continued (Committee of the Whole Report) Community Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer presented a committee report Opinion recommending the Administration be authorized to proceed with the design Survey phase of the Community Opinion Survey in lieu of the "1983 City Report". Cost of the survey shall not exceed $2,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and final Committee reading of the following ordinance: Ordinance #3652 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain E&B Developers properties within the City of Renton from General Classification (G-1 ) Rezone and Light Industrial District (L-1 ) to Business District (B-1 ) . MOVED (R-026-82) BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, MATHEWS , TRIMM; ONE NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinance: Outside An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 and Chapter 22, Storage Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Facilities Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to outside storage facilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Rr-­lution #2465 A resolution was read approving the final plat of property located on the M Mastro south side of NE Fourth Street approximately 600 feet west of Union Avenue 0 Now R. Poitras) NE known as Mike Mastro (W. R. Poitras) Final Plat #FP 093-81 , MOVED BY Fingal Plat STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. #FP 093-81 CARRIED. Board of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a committee report Adjustment recommending concurrence in the Mayor' s reappointment of Francis A. Holman, Reappointment to position #3 (practicing professional engineer) on the Board of Adjustment for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1986. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MR. HOLMAN TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. CARRIED. LID 314 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a committee report Interim recommending concurrence in the Finance Director' s recommendation to accept Financing the low bid of Peoples National Bank to provide interim financing for LID 314 in the amount of $4,886. 538.56. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Municipal Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a committee report Court recommending approval of the Administrative request for additional funding Appropriation of $11 ,500 for Municipal Court to provide for overtime and operational costs for the remainder of 1982. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. C, Street Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a committee report V ,—,tion recommending extending the time period for completion of the Cooks Street VAC 05-82 Vacation (VAC 05-82) located at the intersection of SW Sunset Blvd. and Hardie Avenue SW for an additional 60 days. Councilman Stredicke noted that the applicant is in the process of working on the legal descriptions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION. CARRIED. 14? Renton City Council August 16, 1982 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS HOV Lanes and Councilman Hughes reported that the target date for completion of 1 -405 Ramp Metering HOV (High Occupancy Vehicles) lanes from Southcenter to Bellevue is 1985 Devices on according to a report given at Puget Sound Council of Governments meeting. 1-405 Councilman Hughes stressed the need for close coordination between the state and the City of Renton due to the possibility of ramp metering device ' usage on on-ramps within the city limits , noting need for city input on use of metering devices and traffic corridor selection. Councilman Trimm stated the Transportation Committee had gone on record as being against ramp metering devices and the Washington State Department of Transportation had been so notified. Chamber of Councilman Stredicke reported that six Council Members and the Mayor had Commerce attended a workshop session with the Renton Chamber of Commerce on 8/11/82. Workshop Stredicke commended the Chamber on its very beneficial presentation, noting he looked forward to similar future sessions . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 8:47 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT = 64t Ay nap, OZ-oo Wo+zr S m DAT E 81 ppEF. BID S e AA CD A x'I o AA aa 85 38. 1-701ci NE la8f A-A James 4, _ Is AA Pudi r DI 4 i n+h AV�W EEn A BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J EC T = Avey,,r Cz.op G� 214sfwL -- DAT E = uz BIDDER. BID 33 + VQllflA E 155 E 4b Place, Ef=D r .lid � � 101 � P.b. Mx S-T7 tI -fs -Lvic. -roo cl�825 AA Eo i u I Oq,1587-71 p.b. AA r � s fi7m + `N' A 61Q iYl22ir S ES+iW1a{� 15,OQp.00 F—+ CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER tP Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 16 , 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION ruesday 8/17 Cancelled TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tuesday 8/1" 4 : 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conf , Room Bikeways - Bob Bergstrom & Ed Hayduk invited PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT hurs. 8/19 4 : 00 p.m. ROCKH I LL 6th Floor Conf . Room Monterey Terrace/ERADCO Appeal Thurs. 8/26 4 : 00 p .m. 6th Floor Conf . Room Holvic deRegt Koering Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) donday 8/23 7 : 30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conf . Room UTILITIES **Ned. 8/18 4 : 45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conf . Room **See below Ned. 8/25 4: 45 p.m. 4th Floor Conf . Room Utility Connection Fees AYS AND MEANS Mon. 8/23 7: 00 p .m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conf . Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS *Wed. 8/18 *Informational meeting w/Publi Works Dept -- West Hill Water Di t t . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of August 23 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION/MAYOR May Creek Interchange Letter of Understanding North Eighth and Park Avenue North Signal Improvement Agreement Xerox Fun Run 84th Avenue Co-op Water System Bid Award CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Daniel J. Loucks Court Case - Betty J. and Richard J. Stauch CITY CLERK May Creek Interchange Letter of Understanding North Eighth and Park Avenue North Signal Improvement Agreement 84th Avenue Co-op Water System Bid Award HEARING EXAMINER Donald McWilliams Preliminary Plat (PP 031-82) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fees " WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Surplus Equipment and Police Evidence Auction 18th Street Vacation - VAC 5-81 - Ordinance Hearing Examiner Appeal Process Ordinance PUBLIC HEARING 9/1372- - Group W Cable Rate Increase (continued from 8/09/82) 9/13/82 - Surplus Equipment and Police Evidence Auction 148 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 23 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J . HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant ; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator. PRESS Deeann Glamser , Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1982 BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONTINUED This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and PUBLIC HEARING published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Jackson to consider annexation of a portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple Annexation Family Development, an area of approximately 3.34 acres east of Fred A-01 -82 Nelson Middle School and north of Southeast 162nd Street (Jackson Annexation File 0-01 -82) . Policy Development Director Clemens re- quested, on behalf of the applicant, the public hearing be closed at this time and the application be held for re-advertising at a future date. Applicant to pay city 's actual cost for re-advertising and re-opening this public hearing. There being no audience comment on this hearing, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1983-89 Capital published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public meeting Improvement to consider the 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program. Policy Develop- Program ment Director Clemens reviewed the program. MAYOR' S RECOMMENDATION - 3983-89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Priority Project Description and Location 1 Maintenance Shop Facilities Adjacent to County Shops) 2 Heather Downs Park Acquisition 3 Renton High School Field Reconstruction 4 Main Public Library Addition and Renovation 5 Cedar River Park Community Center 6 North Third Street and Sunset Boulevard Intersection Improvements 7 South Seventh Street and Rainier Avenue South Inter- section Improvements 8 Construct Fire Station #14 in Kennydale 9 Old Shop Site Redevelopment 10 Entry Point Street Enhancement 11 Street Lighting Modification in the CBD 12 Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor 13 Signal Controller Modernizations 14 Relocation of Fire Station x/12 in Highlands 15 Sierra Heights/Glencoe Park Acquisition Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 2 Public Meeting continued 1983-89 Capital Mayor Shinpoch noted that no sources of income for these projects Improvement exist at the present time (except for current funding on Shop) ; Program and should funds become available, no project will progress without first being reviewed by Council . Audience Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue South, questioned the use of "CBD" Comment (Central Business District) in connection with sewer replacements n for North and South Renton residential areas. Policy Development Director Clemens explained the report was prepared using CBD in terms of the original Renton area rather than meaning specifically the commercial area. Mrs. Vaupel made inquiries regarding replace- ment of sewer/water lines in the Central Business District and funding for these projects, noting that improvements should be paid for as they are used and those benefiting from such improvements should be liable for payment. continued Councilman Reed questioned the cost listed for construction of Fire Station 14 in Kennydale of $550,000 versus the million dollar figure discussed during the Port Quendall hearings. Policy Development Director Clemens explained the $550,000 represented ground and facility only and, should the facility become a reality, it would be decided what percentage of the additional cost of trucks and/or building would become the responsibility of Port Quendall developers. Councilman Reed noted the Supporting Factors of this project listed 3500 existing resi - dents would be served and 2000 new residents were anticipated in the Port Quendall project, and this should be considered when costs for this project are discussed. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Council advance to the next order of business. Motion failed. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS PRESENTED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE DESIGNATION OF CBD WILL BE CHANGED TO THE COMMERCIAL AREA. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Fee Schedule published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public meeting Revision - to consider revision of the fee schedule regarding increase of zoning Increase in and subdivision filing fees. Policy Development Director Clemens gave Zoning/Sub- a brief basis for the request for filing fee increases , noting building division Fees permit fees remain unchanged. Clemens compared Renton fees to adjacent jurisdictions and urged review of filing fees for appeals and variance applications. Audience Del Bennett, 18004 SE 147th, requested Council have a staff survey of Comment individual zoning and subdivision application requests (rezones, re- plats - industrial and residential , etc. ) to determine actual costs involved and increase fees on a type of application basis rather than an across-the-board increase. Mr. Bennett also encouraged Council to study King County' s fee schedule and processing procedure. Steve Eastman, 317 Powell Avenue SW, stated all fees required to make a change of any kind should be charged to the person making that change. Delores Newlands, 1668 Lake Youngs Way, inquired regarding the fee schedule for vacation applications. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUBJECT MATTER OF ZONING AND SUBDIVISION FILING FEES BE RETURNED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Clymer recommended that developers assume more responsibility for adherence to ordinance requirements. Councilman Rockhill requested Council notify the Planning and Development Committee of their views regarding how much, if any, the general public should defray the cost of applica- tion fees. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE Sanford E. Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, objected to any change to the COMMENT Board of Ethics in either its composition or function. Mayor Shinpoch Board of Ethics explained that her recommendation to the Committee of the Whole on 8/12/82 has been reviewed and a meeting has been scheduled in the near future with the Board of Ethics. 150 Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Surplus Finance Department, Purchasing, requested public hearing be set Equipment for 9/13/82 regarding auction sale of surplus property and police Auction evidence items on 9/25/82 at 10:00 a.m. at the City Shops, First Avenue North and North Williams Avenue. All items have been sur- plused and are no longer in use. Council concur in public hearing date and refer to Ways and Means Committee. May Creek Public Works Department submitted right-of-way relinquishment agree- Interchange ment Letter of Understanding from the Department of Transportation regarding vicinity of May Creek Interchange and turning back right- of-way. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign letter of understanding. Signal Public Works Department, Traffic Engineering, submitted agreement be- Improvement - tween City of Renton and Boeing Commercial Airplane Company regarding North Eighth improvement of existing signal system at North Eighth Street and Park and Park Avenue North. City of Renton to provide design, plans and specifica- Avenue North tions, and construction inspection; Boeing will provide $46,000 for cost of materials and labor. Council approve project and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $7,000+ filed by Daniel J. Loucks Damages - for injury/damages caused by alleged malfunctioning traffic light CL 46-82 at intersection of NE Sunset and Duval NE (4/28/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court Case Court case filed by Betty J. and Richard J. Stauch, Jr. , versus Betty J./ Valley Cement Construction and the City of Renton in the amount of Richard J. $150,000 for injury/damages sustained in auto accident allegedly Stauch caused by raised manhole cover one block north of 27th Place and Talbot Road (10/21/79) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Fourth Annual Letter from Steve Orton, Xerox Corporation Community Involvement Xerox Fun Program, 6400 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, requested use of SW Run 34th Street from Longacres, left onto Lind Avenue and left again on SW 16th Street back to Longacres on 9/18/82. This will be the date of the Fourth Annual Three-Mile Fun Run and 10K Run to benefit special children - gifted, retarded and handicapped, MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR ACTION. CARRIED. Fire Mayor Shinpoch paraphrased a letter from a local family who had lost Department and their infant recently to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This family Aid Crew had written commending the fire department and aid crew for the Commended excellent response (physically and emotionally) to their crisis. Those firemen involved: Lt. Chuck Ankeny, David Thorson, Robert Deines, Tom Parmelee and Henry Dykes. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee report Committee recommending acceptance of the recommendation of the Public Works Bid Award - Department to accept the low bid of Grant Construction in the amount 84th Avenue of $85,238.88 for Phase I of 84th Avenue Co-op Water System. Commit- Co-op Water tee also recommends Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute System contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT AND AWARD CONTRACT. CARRIED. Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a committee Services report recommending authorization to proceed with submittal of a Committee request to King County for use of remaining Block Grant funds for Rainier Avenue completion of Phase 2 of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. If Corridor successful in obtaining funding, Committee recommended implementa- Bikeway tion of Phase 2 including: 1 . Providing street route signage from Rainier Avenue South to Hardie Avenue SW, to SW Seventh Street to Lind Avenue SW, to SW 16th Street for sidewalk walking or on-street bicycle route to Fort Dent and the Interurban Trail . 2. Providing a paved pedestrian and bicycle route on the surface under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant into Fort Dent west from Monster Road. 3. If funds remain, providing miscellaneous shoulder widening on SW 16th Street. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Develop- ment Coordinator, explained the area under the railroad tracks at the Black River Pump Plant is on an existing maintenance road at the back of Fort Dent Park in Tukwila; the park was built by King County and is maintained by Seattle. MOTION CARRIED. One-Half Councilman Stredicke chose not to excercise option to call for Percent reconsideration by Council of the one-half percent sales tax. Optional The hugh deficit that would result from withdrawal of this tax Sales Tax and the possibility of non-passage of another form of taxation to decrease that deficit prompted Stredicke' s action. Councilman w Stredicke stressed his feelings had not changed regarding the negative aspects of imposing this tax on Renton (while neighboring communities remained unchanged) and the manner in which this optional tax program had been set up that King County could impose and collect the tax on the city if the city does not adopt the tax first. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development committee report recommending the Donald E. McWilliams Preliminary McWilliams Plat (File PP-031-82) matter be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner Preliminary for his report and recommendation. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY Plat Appeal HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND PP-031-82 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second and Committee final reading of the following ordinance: Ordinance 3653 An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 and Chapter 22, Outside Storage Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of Facilities General Ordinances" relating to outside storage facilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ AND SUMMARY. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances: SE 18th Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of SE 18th Street (VAC 5-81 - Vacation Rolling Hills Village Homes Association, Inc. ) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, VAC 5-81 SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR THREE WEEKS. CARRIED. (_Vacation fee paid to city. ) Municipal An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Court Fund funds from Excess Revenue/Current Fund to Current Fund/Municipal Appropriation Court in the amount of $11 ,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. 152 Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance 3654 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Municipal funds from Excess Revenue/Current Fund to Current Fund/Municipal Court Fund Court in the amount of $11 ,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance and sale of interest LID 314 bearing revenue warrants to be drawn on LID 314 to provide funds Interim for interim financing of construction of certain improvements to be Financing acquired in Local Improvement District 314. Interest rate based upon 70.6% of the bank' s prime rate adjusted every ninety days. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3655 An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance and sale of interest LID 314 bearing revenue warrants to be drawn on LID 314 to provide funds Interim for interim financing of construction of certain improvements to be Financing acquired in Local Improvement District 314. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3016 of Title IV of Ordinance Hearing 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances" relating to appeals from Examiner Hearing Examiner' s decisions or recommendations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Appeal SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR THREE Process WEEKS. CARRIED. First Reading An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Lake Washington funds from Excess Revenue/Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund Beach Fund to Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund in the amount of $2,314. 30 Transfer MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance 3656 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Lake Washington funds from Excess Revenue/Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund Beach Fund to Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust Fund in the amount of $2,314. 30. Transfer MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41339 Approval through 41516 in the amount of $535,891 . 30 having received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 31334 through 41338 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Next Council Council President Clymer announced there would be no Council meeting Meeting next Monday, 8/30/82 (fifth Monday in August) , nor the following Monday, 9/13/82 9/06/82 (Labor Day holiday) . Group W Councilman Reed inquired as to Group W Cable' s progress on their Cable installation schedule and an estimated completion date of that project. Municipal Councilman Stredicke announced he would be participating Thursday Forum for night, 8/26/82, at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Forum for Cable TV in Cable TV Tacoma with the Mayor of Auburn, Bob Roegner; King County Executive' s Deputy, Larry Phillips; and Joe Tovar, Director of Community Development , City of Kirkland. Councilman Stredicke invited Council Members to attend this forum and requested the Administration investigate the Renton City Council August 23, 1982 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS continued feasibility of remodeling the Carco Theatre to accommodate City Council meetings for possible televising. This would free present council chambers for other purposes and provide facilities for Council meetings and other community functions. Councilman Stredicke also requested the Administration contact Lon Hurd of 3H Management regarding Housing and Community Development programs in the city for televising of Public Service Announcements regarding community pro- grams, health/fire/police department announcements, etc. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported the dedication ceremony today for the fountain REPORT statue of Chief Seattle. The fountain now rests in front of the Renton Chief Seattle Historical Society Museum on a bed of bricks from original Renton Fountain streets. Mayor Shinpoch commended the citizens involved in creating Dedication the small park for "Iron Mike", especially Jerry Edlund of the Renton Rotary Club. One-half Mayor Shinpoch explained that the ordinance as adopted 7/26/82 re- Percent garding imposition of the one-half percent sales tax will become Optional effective as adopted, and noted the city 's budget will still need Sales Tax to be reduced by $1 ,350,000. AUDIENCE Del Bennett , 18004 SE 147th, agreed with Councilman Stredicke re- COMMENT garding use of Carco Theatre for Council meetings and urged Council to study and encourage industrial development in Renton to off-set increased taxes and fees. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:08 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk 154 :XP111 35 CITY OF RENTON )ATE 8/23/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 43334 - 41338 CURRENT $110P420.44 PARKS *301597.61 ARTERIAL STREETS 023.40 STREETS 679P862.95 LIBRARY *2♦ 144.69 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE s56p376v78 STREET FORWARD THRUST 6165.61 G COULON bCH PK CDN5TK 66, 616.59 MUNICIPAL FACIL ( SHOPS ) 661 , 450.37 WATERWORKS UTILITY *139P798. 01 AIRPORT *7, 472.24 EQUIPMENT RENTAL *221356.83 FIREMEN ' S PENSION *1812 79.72 LID CONTROL *126.06 TUTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *53b# 891 .30 WEp THE UNDEKSIGNLD MEMBtKS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTUN CITY COUNCILp HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE 5LLN RECEIVED OR RENUEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHERS NU. 41339 THROUGH N0, 41516 IN THE AMOUNT , OF *535P891 .30 THIS 43RD DAY OF AUGUST 19921, COMMITTEE CHAIRMA -- "—V'��4S` M5 ER • , • L.I.D.#314 MEM13ER . • • . • • • • • REVENUE WARRANT NO.R-23 $ 48.18 L.I.D.#k322 REVENUE WARRANT N04-19 $ 12.50 L.I.D.# 323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.R- 6 $ 65.38 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS August 16, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 0 $ 4,000.00 N. Colombana 1717 Edmonds Avenue NE Residence addition 9101 13,700.00 W. L. Dunbar 557 Bronson Place NE Residence addition/deck 9102 3,960.00 City of Renton 635 Park Avenue North Reroof at Mothers Park 9103 1,500.00 Frederick F. Zielie 2514 Whitworth Court South Detached deck °9104 2,078.00 Chester Biggins 2611 NE Sunset Blvd. Reroof 91' 22,195.00 First United Methodist 2201 NE Fourth Street Replace shake roof 91 1 ,490.00 Roger Matthai 532 Whitworth Avenue South Reroof 9' � 1 ,000.00 Mrs. A. E. Smith 315 SW Sunset Blvd. Install wall 9 500.00 Bill Rivily 501 Airport Way Repair fire damage 9109 300.00 Lloyd Misenar 2190 NE Ninth Place Patio roof 9110 5,164.00 Richard Corkum 3619 NE Tenth Court Install siding 9111 -0- R. E. Hepworth 3708 NE 11th Street Extend permit B-8010 9112 12,000.00 Barbara A. Schellert 1013 North 28th Place Remodel 9113 5,000.00 Ethyl Swanson 1308 North 38th Street Remodel utility porch 9114 3,000.00 Robert Black 323 South Third Street Tenant improvement 9115 477,544.00 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Building addition 9116 2,200.00 W. Renane/D. C. Temple 2320 Blaine Avenue NE Construct rockery ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10563 22,00 .00 Farmers Insurance 4208 Linde Avenue SW Wire office building 10564 2,000.00 Schumsky 917 South Third New service and rewire 10565 1,200.00 Tri Power 474 Ferndale Avenue NE Wire new residence 10566 100.00 Nat Colombana 1717 Edmonds Avenue NE Wire addition 10567 700.00 John Wearmouth 3512 SE Sixth Street Rewire laundry room 10568 200.00 R. E. Hepworth 3708 NE 11th Street New panel box/outlets MECHANICAL PERMITS ,9409 4,500.00 Com Struc 28442 Sunset Blvd, NE Plumbing/fixtures 9410 3,600.00 Tri Power 474 Ferndale Avenue NE Install heat pump 9411 285,99 William Alfano 1232 Aberdeen Avenue NE Gas burner/fuel line 943x" 1,200.00 Samuel Wallick 4009 NE Tenth Street Plumbing/fixtures 94" 1,000.00 Arthur Kenton 2209 NE 36th Street Plumbing/fixtures 943x.. 550.00 Philip J. Hoy 210 Bremerton Avenue SE Wood burning stove 19415 3,800.00 Mr. Pozzobon 1609 Lake Avenue South Plumbing/fixtures 9416 1,500.00 John Adkins 1609 Ferndale Avenue SE Wood burning stove 9417 850.00 Craig Edholm 1610 Olympia Avenue SE Wood burning stove 9418 700.00 Tony Torkelson 2617 NE 22nd Street Gas wall furnace 9419 250.00 John Wearmouth 3512 SE Sixth Street New piping/water heater 9420 16,000.00 Sunset Square 1314 Union Avenue NE Install four heat pumps 19421 1,350.00 Renton School District 1220 North Fourth Street Gas connections 9422 350.00 Rodger Company 1308 North 38th Street Plumbing/fixtures 9423 1,500.00 McDonald's Restaurant 73 Rainier Avenue South Gas piping/outlets 9424 60.00 Nat Colombana 1717 Edmonds Avenue NE Drainfield repair 9425 1,800.00 McDonald's Corporation 73 Rainier Avenue South Install four heat pumps SIGN PERMITS 1034 250.00 Union Oil 3933 NE Fourth Street Directional sign 1035 350.00 Union Oil 320 Rainier Avenue South Two pole signs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 57 McDonald's Corporation 73 Rainier Avenue South Offsite improvements 5258 Wick Homes, Inc. 235 Bremerton Avenue SE Side sewer 5259 Wick Homes, Inc. 129 Bremerton Avenue SE Side sewer 5260 Wick Homes, Inc. 102 Vashon Avenue SE Side sewer 52171 Wick Homes, Inc. 201 Vashon Avenue SE Side sewer 52. Eda/Teresa Peozzobon 1615 Lake Avenue South Inspection/connection REt` "+BLE PERMIT 0060 Gordon Miller SW Langston & Stevens SW Lower six-foot fence 146 of R4 V� A G E N D A COUNCIL MEMBERS I'llEARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT C-) ROBERT HUGHES REVISED - 8/23/82 NANCY I MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED C XRANDALL ROCKHILL 9RICHARD M STRED I CKE0 P ROCryCOUNCIL THOMAS W TRIMM09grFDo0 SEPI REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, August 23 , 1 9 8 2 MAYOR Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 75% petition - Annexation of a portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple Family Development in an area east of Fred Nelson Middle School and north of SE 162nd Street (approximately 3. 34 acres) - Jackson Annexation A-01-82. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM 8/16/82. 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS: a. 1983-89 Capital Improvement Program b. Revision of Fee Schedule - Increase in Zoning and Subdivision Filing Fees 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Finance Department/Purchasing reports public auction of surplus property to be held 9/25/82, 10:00 a.m. , at City Shops , First Avenue North and North Williams Avenue, and requests public hearing be set for 9/13/82. Council concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Public Works Department submits Right-of-Way Relinquishment Agreement Letter of UNDERSTANDING from Department of Transportation (Kennydale North) . Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign letter of understanding. C. Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering submits agreement between the City of Renton and Boeing Commercial Airplane Company re improvement of the existing signal system at North Eighth Street and Park Avenue North. Approve project and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $7,000+ filed by Daniel J. Loucks for injury/damages caused by alleged malfunctioning traffic light at inter- section of NE Sunset and Duval NE (4/28/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. e. Court case filed by Betty J. and Richard J. Stauch, Jr. , vs. Valley Cement Construction and the City of Renton for injury/damages sustained in auto accident allegedly caused by raised manhole cover one block north of 27th Place and Talbot Road (10/21/79) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 8. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Xerox Corporation re Fourth Annual Three-Mile Fun Run and 10K Run, Saturday, 9/18/82. 9. OLD BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13• AUDIENCE COMMENT 11 . NEW BUSINESS 14. ADJOURNMENT CITY COUNCIL COMMITI!L -- ::TING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 23, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/26 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Holvick deRegt Koering Appeals 9/02 and 9/09 Cancelled Thurs. 9/16 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room ERADCO Appeal Thurs. 9/23 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Bennett/Multivest Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 9/15 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Second Hand Firearms Licensing - Attorney and Police Chief invited TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 8/25 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Utility Connection Fees Wed. 9/08 4:45 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Green River Draft Management Agreem nt Brady International Latecomer Agree ent AYS AND MEANS Mon. 9/13 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS LEOFF Board Wed. 9/01 7:30 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room A t� 156 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS August 23, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9117 $ 21,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Parking paving/basins 9118 2,020.00 Boeing Renton Plant Concrete slabs 9119 9,120.00 Boeing 1801 Lind Avenue SW Office partitioning 9120 777,000.00 Earlington Park Limited 723 SW Tenth Street Build office building 9121 3,000.00 Dan Franco 913 Olympia Avenue NE Hot tub and fence 9122 500.00 J. C. Scheuerman 3834 NE Sixth Street Reroof residence 9123 850.00 Mr. Denton 943 Ferndale Avenue NE Reroof residence 9124 3,300.00 Charles Ruud 801 Houser Way South Remodel tenant ares 9125 9,000.00 Rolling Hills Association 1613 Puget Drive Replace shake roof 9126 3,500.00 Dick Mastny 1316 Aberdeen Avenue NE Reroof residence 9127 900.00 Gary Good 2116 NE 16th Street Reroof 9128 1,100.00 Audry Allpress 2019 Edmonds Drive SE Reroof residence 9129 8,181.00 American Legion 55 Williams Avenue South Install parking lot 9130 6,000.00 Wick Homes 210 Bremerton Avenue SE Finish basement 9131 2,500.00 Renton Lutheran Church 205 Morris Avenue South Reroof house/garage 9132 1 ,900.00 Mrs. Laing 435 Renton Avenue South Reroof residence 9133 588.00 Koll Business Center 218 SW 43rd Street Storage platform 9134 2,000.00 Walter Woolcott 1913 Duvall Avenue NE Patio and carport ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10569 Void 10570 150.00 Dan Franco 913 Olympia Avenue NE Wire hot tub 10571 40.00 Dennis Aman 2215 Lincoln Place SE Relocate wiring 10572 3,800.00 Construction Design 1306 Union Avenue NE Wire retail store 10573 1,200.00 Gary Engleson 2610 NE Fifth Court Rough-in and finish 10574 300.00 John Reiners 2503 Talbot Crest Drive S Wire hot tub 10575 700.00 M. L. Shane 2205 Maple Valley Highway Raise service masts 10576 150.00 Robert Block 323 South Third Street Add/reinstall service 10577 50.00 Cascade Septic Service SW 19th Street & Lind SW Temporary power pole MECHANICAL PERMITS 26 1 ,327.00 Wick Homes 129 Bremerton Avenue SE Furnace/water heat 9427 1 ,327.00 Wick Homes 102 Vashon Avenue SE Furnace/water heat 9428 1,771.00 Wick Homes 235 Bremerton Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 9429 1 ,869.00 Wick Homes 201 Vashon Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 9430 450.00 Bob Frederrickson 1909 Shelton Avenue NE Repair drainfield 9431 800.00 Burt Custer 714 Cedar Avenue South Plumbing and fixtures 9432 327.00 Gary Faull 600 Cedar Avenue South Conversion burner 9433 100.00 Dennis Aman 2215 Lincoln Place SE Move a sink 9434 Void 9435 1 ,285.00 Sound Ford 750 Rainier Avenue South Plumbing and fixtures 9436 400.00 Bill Rivoli 501 Airport Way Plumbing and fixtures 9437 40.00 Dawn Fletcher 218 SW 43rd Street Install double sink 9438 2,745.00 Red Carpet Travel 208 SW 43rd Street Condensate pump/unit 9439 2,500.00 B. D. Thanedar 1707 NE 14th Street Above-ground pool SIGN PERMIT 1036 3,000.00 Steve Walter 1314 Union Avenue NE Plastic S/F sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5263 Glen Berglin 337 Park Avenue North Install driveway 5264 City of Renton NW Third Street 8" water main CITY OF k E N T 0 N � 6A TRANSFERS MONTH OF AUGUST, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 8/9/82 CURRENT FUND $ 100,432.14 PARKS & RECREATION 72,892.90 ARTERIALS STREETS 41,074.42 CITY STREETS 36,456.74 LIBRARY 20,441.70 STREET FWD. THRUST 104,392.55 G. COULON BCH PK. CONSTR 419,232.74 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOPS) 250.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 90,683.45 AIRPORT 21,934.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,771.36 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP. 4,578.48 L.I.D. CONTROL 158,070.94 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of AUG. $1,077,211.69 STREET FWD. THRUST PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 65,000.00 301/138.00.00 101/210.00.00 B/7/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of AUG. $ 80,365.36 8/15/82 CURRENT FUND $ 165,536.72 PARKS & RECREATION 66,749.04 CITY STREETS 35,232.94 LIBRARY 13,438.52 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 28,405.59 AIRPORT 2,111.82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,711.75 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of AUG. $ 315,186.38 8/19/82 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Transf.for H&CD tele.calls $ 50.63 PARKS & RECREATION CURRENT FUND Adj. for Med.&Dental chgs. $ 228.10 between Parks & H&CD CLAIMS FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Cancel warrant no.# 41093 $ 1,928.72 CLAIMS FUND WATER UTILITIES Cancel warrant no.# 41093 $ 18,199.00 CLAIMS FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Cancel warrant no.# 41037 $ 94.04 MAYOR F ANCE DIRECTOR C I T Y O F I: E N T 0 N ------ TRANSFERS MONTH OF AUGUST, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; )ATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /20/82 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #3421 WATERWORKS UTILITIES Per Resolution No. 2464 $ 20,000.00 STREET FWD. THRUST PARKS & RECREATION Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 97,300.00 301/138.00.00 101/210.00.00 STREET FWD. THRUST CITY STREETS Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 73,000.00 301/138.00.00 103/210.00.00 3/23/82 CURRENT FUND $110,420.44 PARKS & RECREATION 30,597.61 ARTERIAL STREETS 23.40 CITY STREETS 79,862.95 LIBRARY 2,144.69 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 56,376.78 STREET FWD. THRUST 165.61 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 6,816.59 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOPS) 61,450.37 WATERWORKS UTILITY 139,798.01 AIRPORT 7,472.24 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22,356.83 FIREMEN'S PENSION 18,279.72 L.I.D. CONTROL 126.06 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of AUG. $535,891.30 /24/82 CLAIMS FUND PARKS & RECREATION Cancel warrant no. 41410 $ 48.92 1/21/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of AUG. $ 79,974.09 3/31/82 CURRENT FUND $165,863.97 PARKS & RECREATION 59,717.67 CITY STREETS 33,708.94 LIBRARY 13,655.53 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 28,331.38 AIRPORT 2,360.59 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,984.00 i PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of AUGUST $307,622.08 MAYOR �41DIRECTOR OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, COU ROBERT NHUGHES CIL PRESIDENT NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED 00 RANDALL ROCKHILL 9.0 R E N T O N CITY C O U N C I L RICHARD M STREDICKE O l�Q THOMAS W TRIMM N?rFO SEPIEoO REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, September 1 3 , 1 9 8 2 MAYOR Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1982 4. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Group W Cable, Subsidiary of Westinghouse Broadcasting and Cable, Inc. , requests increase of basic service rates from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes. Continued from August 9, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING: Public auction of surplus equipment on September 25, 1982. Auction to be held at the City Shops, First Street North and North Williams, 10:00 a.m. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Finance Department requests issuance of short-term Tax Anticipation Notes as authorized by Senate Bill 4728, adopted by the 1982 State Legislature, to meet the city cash flow requirements while awaiting the receipt of property taxes. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Parks and Recreation/Housing and Community Development requests Public Hearing be set for 9/20/82 to solicit public input on the 1983 Block Grand Program for housing and community development needs. Council concur. c. Finance Department requests enactment of a series of rate reductions which will reduce telephone utility tax from 7. 75% to 6% over a five-year period. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance and recommendation. d. Fire Department submits Hold Harmless Agreement which will allow testing of a 1950 Kenworth pumper owned by the City of Seattle for 60 days with the option to purchase. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement. e. Finance Department requests amendment of Resolution 2457 to incorporate prevailing rate of interest for monies borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Fund for Current, Park and Street Funds and to provide for a total of $700,000 which may be borrowed as necessary for these three funds. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. f. Fire Department requests the Fire Department be designated as Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the City of Renton in accordance with RCW 4.24. Refer to City Attorney, Public Safety Committee and Ways and Means Committee. g. Public Works Director recommends appointment of Robert Bergstrom and Donald Monaghan (alternate) to the Metro Sewer Technical Advisory Committee. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. h. Public Works Department submits documents for sewer easement along westerly boundary of Valley General Hospital property in conjunction with LID 325• Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute documents. i . Public Works Department/Airport requests adjustment of Capital Outlay Appropriations in 1982 budget to suit added project requirements and actual project costs. Refer to Aviation Committee for approval of projects and Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 158 CONSENT AGENDA (Continued) j . Public Works Department submits request from Group W Cable for a variance from existing undergrounding ordinance which would allow them to rebuild existing overhead system throughout a major portion of their service area rather than underground the system. Refer to Community Services Committee. k. Public Works Department submits agreement between the City of Renton and King County relating to construction of access roads to Renton District Court, Renton Public Works facility and Department of Public Works consolidated facility (Monroe NE and NE Second Street) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution approving agreement and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. 1 . Parks Department recommends award of bid for Coulon Beach Park Signage to Gary Merlino Construction Company, Seattle, in the amount of $22,795. Council concur in Park Board recommendation. M. Executive and Finance Departments request ordinance to establish Cumula- tive Reserve Fund to account for Real Estate Excise Tax (moo) money. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance to include direction on use of said revenue. n. Executive Department requests Resolution 1958 be redrafted in the form of an ordinance so it may be codified. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. o. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Request for Rezone File R-019-82, G. M. Associates . Restrictive cove- nants required as a condition of approval have been executed and filed with King County. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. p. Claim for Damages in the amount of $100,000 filed by Gloria and John Wise for injury/damages sustained in auto accieent allegedly caused by drop-off from pavement to shoulder on Grady Way (6/21/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier . q . Court case filed by Josephine Wehmeyer requesting Land Use Hearing Examiner Decision of 8/04/82 regarding classification of 225 Sunset Blvd North as a dangerous building be modified and/or reversed and the city be enjoined from carrying out terms of the order of Board of Public Works . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. r. Court case filed as Third Party Complaint alleging City of Renton flagman directed Tita Cruz Widmer into the path of Valerie Haffner Adnerson at the intersection of NE Fourth and Monroe (3/04/80) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS a. Letter from L. H. Taylor regarding mandatory garbage pickup and billing . b. Letter from Finance and Policy Development Departments regarding lease/ purchase of two-station work processing system. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS ll . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of September 13 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION/MAYOR Mandatory Leash Law enforcement Fire Department Hold Harmless Agreement LID 325 sewer easement Monroe Avenue NE and NE Second Street Cooperative Agreement AVIATION COMMITTEE Airport Capital Outlay adjustments CITY ATTORNEY (AND INSURANCE CARRIER**) Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the city (Fire Department) Claim for Damages - Gloria and John Wise** Court case - Josephine Wehmeyer** Court case - Anderson and Widmer** CITY CLERK Fire Department Hold Harmless Agreement LID 325 sewer easement Monroe Avenue NE and NE Second Street Cooperative Agreement COMMUNITY SERVICES Undergrounding Ordinance variance request from Group W PUBLIC SAFETY Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the city (Fire Department) TRAFFIC ENGINEER Councilman request re parking space marking in downtown area UTILITIES COMMITTEE Increased dump fees and Regional Garbage Disposal/Solid Waste Program WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Public auction of surplus equipment (Resolution #2466 adopted) Telephone utility tax reductions Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the city (Fire Department) Metro Sewer Technical Advisory Committee appointments Airport Capital Outlay adjustments Monroe NE and NE Second Street access road agreement (Resolution #2467 adopted) Real estate excise tax Cumulative Reserve Fund Resolution #1958 redrafting Tax Anticipation Notes Amendment to Resolution #2457 Green River Surface Water Management Agreement PUBLIC HEARING 9/20/82 - 1983 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program 160 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 13 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Correction to page 5, item 9: Councilman Reed inquired as to Group W Cable' s progress on their installation schedule and an estimated completion date of all projects on that schedule. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY KHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1982 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CONTINUED This being the date set and proper notices having been posted PUBLIC HEARING and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Group W Cable hearing to consider an increase of basic cable service rates by Rate Increase Group W Cable Television from $8.95 to $9.95 per month plus city taxes, effective October 1 , 1982. This public hearing continued from August 9, 1982. A letter was read from Lon A. Hurd, Director, 3-H Management & Consultants, Inc. , 4517 California Avenue SW, Suite B, Seattle, submitting a report and recommendation for denial of the increase from an independent accountant. The accountant ' s report averaged a fair rate of return on investment ranging from loo to 22% and listed Group W' s rate of return on investment to be 15% at the present time. Mr. Hurd recommended approval of the rate increase with the condition that service to all residential areas of the city be completed within the next 18 months or by March 31 , 1984. Mr. Hurd noted that no construction was done in 1981 thus showing a higher rate of return. A letter was read from Peggy Cummins, 330 Vuemont Place NE, Renton, suggesting a rebate of $1 per day or more when cable service is not working. James Robinow, General Manager of Group W Cable, Seattle, stated the rate increase was requested due to accelerated construction programs and the present low rate of return. He questioned the accountant's statement of a Group W rate of return of 15%. Mr. Robinow stated that the remaining 18 miles of service to residential areas of Renton would be completed by early 1984 and, regarding Ms. Cummins ' letter, Group W did have a policy to consider adjust- ment to subscribers whose service is off for several days to a week This adjustment must be requested by the subscriber. Councilman Stredicke asked the following questions for the record: 1 . How r many channels at the present time? Answer: 21 2. How many channels are anticipated? Answer: 35 3• What will the new channels include? Answer: The following options are being con- sidered, but final decisions have not been made: Nickelodeon (children) , USA Network (sports) , health channel , the Disney channel , along with others. These would be additions to the existing service with no plans for exchanging or deleting present programming. I Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Group W Cable 4. How many customers do you have in Renton? Answer: Approxi- Rate Increase mately 5,000. Councilman Stredicke questioned the refund of monies collected due to an over-billing in tax rate. Mr. Robinow responded that the error had been corrected, was inadvertent, and a method of refund was now being considered. Marshal Nelson, Group W counsel , questioned the inclusion of pay television figures in the arrival at 15% rate of return, noting that city regulation f applies only to basic service. Glen Rogge, independent accountant advising 3-H Management & Consultants (consultants to the city on cable television) , responded that pay television figures had been included to arrive at what he felt to be a realistic conclusion. Counsel Nelson noted that utilizing only basic service information, the rate of return would be reduced to 1 .6%. Following discussion regarding adding or including taxes, senior citizen discounts and comparison of rates/services to other area systems, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN BASIC RATES FROM GROUP W CABLE FROM $9.31 TO THE REQUESTED $9.95 AND THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS TO INCREASE THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETE CITY CABLE WITHIN 18 MONTHS BE APPROVED.* Following questions regarding city tax, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, amend the motion to include "plus tax" after "$9.95". Councilman Stredicke spoke against the amendment. Motion failed. **MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Public Auction published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public of Surplus hearing to consider the public auction of surplus equipment. Mayor Equipment Shinpoch announced the auction would be held Saturday, 9/25/82, 10:00 a.m. , at the City Shops, First Street North and North Williams and would include surplus city equipment along with police evidence items for which the owners could not be located. Minimum bid amounts have been established for specific items. This hearing to comply with newly revised RCW 39. 33.020 (See later, Resolution 2466 adopted) . There being no audience comment regarding this matter, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue NE, representing the League of League of Women Voters of King County South, described for Council a study Women Voters being done by the two Renton units of the League. This two-year Governmental project will acquaint League members with the structure of city Study government, work done by each department, relationships among the departments and their relationships with the community. League members will be attending Council , committee, board and commission meetings. Ms. Walker outlined the goals of the League of Women Voters, encouraged new membership and reminded everyone to vote in tomorrow' s Primary Election. Mayor Shinpoch recalled being a long- time League of Women Voters member and the valuable information gained. Mandatory L. H. Taylor, 426 Chelan Avenue SE, requested discussion of manda- Garbage tory garbage service. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO Service CHANGE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO AGENDA ITEM 7a UNDER CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. Ms. Taylor' s letter was read objecting to the mandatory garbage pickup ordinance. Due to recycling, the small size of her family and the use of the local dump, Ms. Taylor has no use for residential garbage pickup and objects to being charged for service she does not require. The letter also requested more stringent enforcement of the leash law. Council President Clymer' s letter of response to Ms. Taylor, dated 9/03/82, was read quoting Ordinance 2393 which states garbage collection is "compulsory and universal" with no provision for waiver. His letter also urged Ms. Taylor to continue to report violations of the leash law and every effort would be made by the city' s one animal control officer to correct the problem. 162 Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Mandatory Ms. Taylor addressed the Council and reiterated her complaints Garbage Service as stated in her letter. Mayor Shinpoch explained that every continued bidder on the city' s garbage contract submitted their estimates based on all residences in the city and, in order to provide service to the citizens, all citizens must be included. M. L. Gibson, 1215 North 28th Place, agreed with Ms. Taylor' s objections to mandatory garbage service and suggested unified demands by cities would require companies to submit ''per residence'' bids. Mayor Shinpoch explained reduced garbage rates and the addition of a one-can rate for those needing limited service. Holvick deRegt Loren Davis, Holvick deRegt Koering, requested that the Planning Koering Appeal and Development Committee report be advanced. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SA 094-81 SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS SA 095-81 AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. V 114-82 CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a committee report recommending Council affirm the Hearing Examiner decisions of July 15 and 16, 1982, regarding installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way, and Hardy and SW Seventh Street as a condition of the site plan approval . The Committee also recommended that no new evidence be considered by the Council since all evidence could have been available at the hearing before the Hearing Examiner upon timely request by the appellant. The Committee did recommend that Condition 2 of both site plan approval decisions regarding require- ment for installation of traffic signals prior to issuance of the building permit be modified as follows: No. 2 Executions of contracts for installation of signals and issuance of a bond (in an amount and form approved by the City) to complete any uncompleted portion of such contracts for instal- lation of traffic signals at the intersection of Powell and Grady Way and Hardie and SW Seventh Street pursuant to specifications established by the Public Works Department. MOVED BY ROCKIIILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT.** Councilman Reed questioned the lack of time restriction on actual installation of traffic lights. Following discussion, it was MOVED -BY BOCKHILL, SECONDED_BY_ REED, TO ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT OFFERED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY TO WIT: FOLLOWING "NO. 2'' - THE DEFERRAL OF IMPROVEMENTS WITH APPROPRIATE BONDING OR THE INSTALLATION OF SIGNALS WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT. CARRIED. -,-Original motion as amended: CARRIED. Garbage Pickup Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, commended the present garbage Commendation/ collection firm for its fees, neatness, quietness and observation Mandatory Leash of traffic flow on Mill Avenue South. Mr. Webb also criticized Law Enforcement the enforcement of the mandatory leash law and suggested repeal of the leash law if it is not to be enforced. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect that there had been a death of the animal control officer, and recommended strengthening the manpower to more than the current one animal control officer for next year' s budget. Mayor Shinpoch left Council Chambers at 10:00 p.m. and did not return for remainder of meeting. Mandatory Leash Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Court NW, agreed with all comments re- Law Enforcement garding lack of enforcement of the mandatory leash law and suggested additions to the animal control office to supply personnel for more than eight hours a day, weekdays only. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT BACK BY BUDGET TIME. CARRIED. Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REMOVE ITEMS a, e AND o FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED (See action following Consent Agenda. ) Public Hearing Parks and Recreation/Housing and Community Development requested 1983 Housing and Public Hearing be set for 9/20/82 to solicit public input on the Community 1983 Block Grant Program for housing and community development Development Block needs. Input received will be studied by the 1983 Block Grant Grant Program Citizens Advisory Committee who will draft a recommendation on the 1983 Block Grant Program. The recommended program will then be presented to the Community Services Committee for study and recommendation to Council . Council concur and set public hearing date for 9/20/82. Telephone Finance Department requested enactment of a series of rate reduc- Utility Tax tions which will reduce telephone utility tax from 7.75% to 6% over a five-year period. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance and recommendation. Hold Harmless Fire Department submitted a Hold Harmless Agreement which would Agreement - allow testing of a 1950 Kenworth pumper owned by the City of Fire Department Seattle for 60 days with the option to purchase. Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement. Hazardous Fire Department requested that the Fire Department be designated Materials as Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency for the City of Agency Renton in accordance with RCW 4.24. Refer to City Attorney, Public Safety Committee and Ways and Means Committee. Metro Sewer Public Works Director recommended appointment of Robert Bergstrom, Technical Engineering Supervisor, as city representative and Donald Monaghan , Advisory Design Engineer, as alternate to the Metro Sewer Technical Advisory Committee Committee. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. LID 325 Public Works Department submitted documents for sewer easement Sewer Easement along westerly boundary of Valley General Hospital property in conjunction with LID 325. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute documents. Airport Capital Public Works Department/Airport requested adjustment of Capital Outlay Adjustments Outlay appropriations in 1982 budget to suit added project require- ments and actual project costs. Refer to Aviation Committee for approval of projects and Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Group W Cable Public Works Department submitted request from Group W Cable for Request for variance from existing undergrounding ordinance to allow them to Variance to rebuild existing overhead system throughout a major portion of Undergrounding their service area rather than underground the system. Refer to Ordinance Community Services Committee. Monroe NE and Public Works Department submitted agreement between City of Renton NE Second Access and King County relating to construction of access roads to Renton Road Agreement District Court, Renton Public Works facility and Department of Public Works consolidated facility (Monroe NE and NE Second Street) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution approving agreement and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Coulon Beach Parks Department recommended award of bid for Coulon Beach Park Park Signage Signage Contract to Gary Merlino Construction Company, Seattle, Bid Award for low bid in the amount of $22,795. Council concur in Park Board recommendation. 164 Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 5 CONSENT AGENDA continued Real Estate Executive/Finance Departments requested ordinance to establish Excise Tax Cumulative Reserve Fund for 1% Real Estate Excise Tax monies, Cumulative to include Council direction on use of said funds. Refer to Reserve Fund Ways and Means Committee. Resolution #1958 Executive Department requested Resolution #1958 be redrafted in Redrafting the form of an ordinance so it may be codified. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim for Claim for Damages filed by Gloria and John Wise in the amount Damages of $100,000 for injury/damages sustained in auto accident alleg- CL 47-82 edly caused by drop-off from pavement to shoulder on Grady Way (6/21/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court Case - Court case filed by Josephine Wehmeyer requesting Land Use Hearing Wehmeyer Examiner Decision of 8/04/82 regarding classification of 225 Sunset Blvd. North as a dangerous building be modified and/or reversed and the city be enjoined from carrying out terms of the order of Board of Public Works. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court Case - Court case filed as Third Party Complaint alleging City of Renton Third Party flagman directed Tita Cruz Widmer into the path of Valerie Haffner Complaint Anderson at the intersection of NE Fourth and Monroe (3/04/80) • Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Items a and e, The following Consent Agenda items were questioned by Councilman Consent Agenda Rockhill as to interest payments within the city versus payments to other parties: Tax Anticipation Finance Department requested authorization for issuance of short- Financing term Tax Anticipation Notes as authorized by Senate Bill 4728, adopted by the 1982 State Legislature, to meet city cash flow requirements while awaiting receipt of property taxes. These notes will be sold to the investor community at tax exempt interest rates. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Forward Thrust Finance Department requested amendment of Resolution 2457 to in- Fund Borrowing, corporate prevailing rate of interest for monies borrowed from Pending Receipt the Street Forward Thrust Fund for Current, Park and Street Funds of Taxes and to provide for a total of $700,000 which may be borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Fund for these three funds. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Items a and e Following clarifications by Finance Director Mulcahy, it was MOVED Approved BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, ADOPT ITEMS a AND e OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Item o was not considered (see page 7, item 7) . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Word Processing Letter from Finance/Policy Development Departments recommended Equipment Lease municipal lease/purchase agreement for acquisition of WANG word Agreement processing hardware as opposed to the original plan of outright purchase, requiring minimized cash outlay. Councilman Reed ques- tioned the requirement for such an extensive system. Finance Director Mulcahy and Policy Development Director Clemens explained the city' s need for these computer services and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE ADMINISTRATION' S REQUEST. CARRIED. This two-station word processing system to to be utilized by the Policy Development, Building and Zoning De- partments on the third floor. Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 6 OLD BUSINESS Increase in Mayor Pro Tem Clymer called attention to a newspaper article Dump Fees reporting a recommendation by King County Executive Revelle Proposal to increase dump fees from $18. 50 to approximately $28.50 and the effect this may have on future garbage collection contract increases. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, SUBJECT MATTER OF INCREASED DUMP FEES AND REGIONAL GARBAGE DISPOSAL/ SOLID WASTE PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee Committee report recommending the following formulas for utility connection Utility charges: Connection Charges a. Flat rate charge for both water and sewer of 4� per utility per square foot. b. Residential construction - the charge would be based on a 7,500 square foot lot for a charge of $300 each for water and sewer connection. c. Apartments and similar construction - charge would be based on 4,360 square feet per unit for a charge of $175 per unit. All figures recommended are based upon recovery of historical costs. The Committee retained the topic of a charge for storm water drainage utility for a future report. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke noted that the charges of 4� per square foot for water and 4� per square foot for sewer are identi - cal to those before the Council six months ago. CARRIED. Green River Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee Surface Water report recommending adoption of an agreement between Renton, Management Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County for management of surface Agreement water drainage in the Green River Valley. Each of the five agencies would contract for, and equally share funding of, consulting assis- tance to prepare the agreement. If adopted, the agreement provides for a maximum expenditure of $4,000 for each agency ($20,000 total ) and for King County to contract for consulting service with con- currence of the other jurisdictions. The agreement provides for a duration of one year for preparation of the River Management Agreement which would be submitted to all five public agencies for ratification. Committee recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee and that the $4,000 required be considered as part of the 1983 budget. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Rockhill questioned the lack of cooperation of the Corps of Engineers with the valley cities. Policy Development Director Clemens responded that solutions to problems are being considered by the Technical Advisory Committee. CARRIED. Brady Inter- Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a committee national Hardwood report recommending approval of the Brady International Hardwood Latecomer Latecomer Agreement request to bind the neighboring industrial Agreement zoned parcel to the north of an 8'' watermain and fire hydrant at SW 30th Street just east of Lind Avenue SW to share in the costs of this water utility extension. Committee recommended the agree- ment for a period of not more than 15 years. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended second Committee and final reading of the following ordinances: 1 Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 7 Ordinance 3657 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of SE 18th Street SE 18th Street (VAC 5-81 - Rolling Hills Village Homes Association, Inc. ) . Vacation MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDI- VAC 5-81 NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES (Councilman Trimm having left the chambers. ) CARRIED. Ordinance 3658 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3016 of Title IV of Hearing Examiner Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances" relating Appeal Process to appeals from Hearing Examiner' s decisions or recommendations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution 2466 A resolution was read authorizing disposition of surplus city Surplus Equipment equipment and police evidence items. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Public Auction BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution 2467 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Monroe Avenue NE/ Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with King County to develop NE Second Street Monroe Avenue NE and NE Second Street and appurtenant road improve- Cooperative ments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Agreement RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Councilman Reed inquired regarding any funding commitment for this project. City Attorney Warren responded that it will be a negotiated arrangement to share costs. CARRIED. E&B Developers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke reported that the Rezone ordinance for the E&B Developers, Inc. , Rezone (R-026-82) from R-026-82 G-1 to L-1 and B-1 requires the developer to provide restrictive covenants to the City of Renton. The matter is being held in Committee pending receipt of those restrictive covenants. GM Associates Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke also reported that Rezone item o of the Consent Agenda, Request for Rezone File R-019-82 R-019-82 (GM Associates) had been withdrawn from the agenda because the required covenants for the rezone request had been signed by someone other than the registered applicant. Until proof of authorization to sign has been provided to the city, this matter will be held from recommendation. Voucher Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41523 Approval through 41804 in the amount of $2,224,736.93 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 41517 through 41522 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted that this is the largest voucher approval to date. NEW BUSINESS "Government Councilman Stredicke announced that a "Government Speaks" program Speaks" Program will be taped in the Tacoma City Council Chambers on Wednesday, 9/22/82, at 7:00 p.m. , and invited all interested Council Members to participate. Councilman Stredicke suggested Lake Washington Beach Park as a topic for the program. The initial program, held last month, will be aired Tuesday, 9/28/82, at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 18 on cable. Opposition to Councilman Stredicke voiced his opposition to Senate Bill 2172 Senate Bill 2172 which severely limits a city' s ability to regulate cable tele- vision. Stredicke stated that, at a time when the federal govern- ment is talking about eliminating federal controls and returning control to local government, this bill appears to do the opposite. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THAT THE CITY OF RENTON GO ON RECORD AS BEING OPPOSED TO SENATE BILL 2172 AND THAT THE SENATE DELEGATION FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND OTHER APPROPRIATE SENATORS BE NOTIFIED OF THAT ACTION. CARRIED. Renton City Council September 13, 1982 Page 8 NEW BUSINESS continued Salvation Army Councilman Hughes announced construction beginning on the new Salvation Army building. Hughes noted the substantial increase of citizens using the food bank and other Salvation Army facilities and stressed that all contributions are greatly needed and would be gratefully accepted. Parking Space Councilman Hughes requested that the traffic engineer study the Marking possiblity of extending the markings of the parking slots in the Extensions downtown area to the top of the curbing on the left-hand side of the street to facilitate ease of parking. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Political Signs Mayor Pro tem Clymer reported that the city street crews had picked up over 400 illegally placed political signs. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lt. Donald Persson, Renton City Police, announced that a two- Renton month old infant had been kidnapped earlier this evening, but Kidnapping had been recovered and was safe at home. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 : 15 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk EXF111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 9/13/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 41517 - 41522 CURRENT $129j738.00 PARKS $90j137.89 ARTERIAL STREETS 67x822.88 STREETS 615j052.66 LIBRARY `10J 139. 18 OTREET FORWARD THRUST $264j428.61 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR $295♦ 022. 10 MUNICIPAL FACIL ( SHOPS ) $301738. 10 WATERWORKS UTILITY $109, 767.50 4IRRORT $131155.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $130932.51 FIREMENIS PENSION $68.76 WD CONTROL $1i244j733.42 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $2A224p736.93 WEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBLRS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNC16i HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU• 41523 THROUGH N0. 41804 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2j224j736.93 THIS 13TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • MEMBER • • . . . • . . . . . L.I.D.#314 REVENUE WARRANT R-24 $297,213.38 MEMBER • • • • • • • • • • a • REVENUE WARRANT R-25 $883,647.12 L.I.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT R-20 $ 28,757,24 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT R- 7 $ 2,852.35 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT R- 1 $ 32,263.33 W CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 13, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 9/23 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Utility Rates for the Budget Reorganization of the Finance Dept. AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/21 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable Undergrounding PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/16 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room ERADCO Appeal Thurs. 9/23 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Bennett/Multivest Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 9/15 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Second Hand Firearms Licensing - ttorney and Police Chief invited TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 9/22 - C ncelled MATHEWS Utility rate increase - to be incorporated with Committee of the Whole meeting of 9/23/82 WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 9/20 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Firemens Pension Board Tues. 9/14 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Open House Sun. 9/19 1:00-2:00 p.m Valley General Hospital Em rgency Wing Dedication Ceremony 170 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS September 13, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9135 88,000.00 Pat Younker 1330 Aberdeen Avenue NE New residence 9136 1,500.00 Frank Nalcanishi 3315 Talbot Road South Two-car carport 9137 -0- Gene Horback 533 Main Avenue South Demolish building 9138 555.45 Kenneth Taylor 801 Kirkland Avenue NE Stairway and railing 9139 5,500.00 George Barbar 1306 Union Avenue NE Restroom additions 9140 57,000.00 G&L Builders, Inc. 2820 Whitworth Avenue South New residence 9141 240.00 Billy Baker 1108 South Fourth Street Reroof residence - 9142 43,000.00 Renton Housing Authority 970 Harrington Avenue NE Reroof apartments 9143 7,000.00 Dyna Tech, Inc. 800 North Sixth Street Tenant improvement 9144 325.00 Ronald Bergman 2208 NE 12th Street Construct wood shed 9145 72,866.00 Brian McGee 344 Renton Avenue South New residence 9146 8,000.00 Jerry Orlander 4405 SE Third Place Repair fire damage 9147 2,189.00 Tony Tang 505 Rainier Avenue North Reroof restaurant 9148 3,962.00 James Stephens 1932 SE 19th Court Reroof residence 9149 -0- Daniel Nomura 901 SW Langston Road Annual fill license 9150 2,500.00 R. E. Deitrich 1301 North 26th Street Deck, carport, stairway 9151 1,760.00 Ken Harkey 3901 NE Fourth Fence 9152 90.00 Yoshiro Yoshida 2303 NE Seventh Street Porch roof 9153 20,000.00 Mobil Oil Corporation 2423 Lind Avenue SW Metal building 9154 60,000.00 Orin Dilley 3709 NE Fourth Street Pre-fab steel building 9155 600.00 G. Sather 432 Williams Avenue North Reroof residence 9156 2,000.00 Norm Abrahamson 3408 NE 17th Street Reroof, siding, insulate 9157 500.00 George Kritsonis 1168 Shelton Avenue NE Install three skylights 9158 4,000.00 Ray Barilleaux 154 Blaine Avenue NE Hot tub, deck, cover 9159 10,000.00 Barbar/Kloppenbury/Olds 1306 Union Avenue NE Tenant improvement 9160 2,500.00 Robert Krauss 2708 NE 24th Street Solar collector 9161 50,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant New freezer base 9162 2,700.00 Robert Minkler 111 Airport Way Roof maintenance 9163 15,000.00 John Edwards Renton Shopping Center Roof maintenance 9164 -0- Brian McGee 340 Renton Avenue South Annual fill license 9165 300.00 Harry Moscatel 920 South Third Wall demolition, interior 9166 2,800.00 Robert Corwin 1717 Monterey Court NE Reroof residence 9167 8,000.00 John Weeks 2019 NE 12th Street Construct solarium 9168 1,000.00 Nicholas Fox 228 Pelly Avenue North New foundation 9169 10,000.00 Shell Oil Company 54 Rainier Avenue South Demolish existing station 9170 5,000.00 Thunder Hill Condos 1201 Eithier Road #4 Remove beams, reside 9171 1,500.00 Richard A. Jahn 528 Cedar Avenue South Patio/retaining wall ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10578 120.00 Stanely Ruppert 1725 Edmonds Avenue NE Wire garage 10579 1,100.00 Wick Homes 235 Bremerton Avenue SE Wire new residence 10580 1,100.00 Wick Homes 129 Bremerton Avenue SE Wire new residence 10581 1,000.00 Wick Homes 102 Vashon Avenue SE Wire new residence 10582 1,100.00 Wick Homes 201 Vashon Avenue SE Wire new residence 10583 10.00 G&L Builders, Inc. 2820 Whitworth Avenue South Temporary power 10584 900.00 Bill Rivili 501 Airport Way Install new meter 10585 250.00 Orris H. Speten 3204 SE Sixth Street Wire for addition 10586 50.00 Shelton Fisher 770 Monroe Avenue NE Wire fireplace fan 10587 400.00 W. L. Dunbar 557 Bronson Place NE Relocate service entrance 10588 986.00 John Murphy 529 Cedar Avenue South Wire family room/garage 10589 250.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Wire for sump pump 10590 8,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Grandstand relighting 10591 5,500.00 Sound Ford 72 Rainier Avenue South New electrical wiring 10592 250.00 Roy Fournier 4700 Talbot Road South Wire garage 10593 34,000.00 Mobil Oil Corporation 3423 Lind Avenue SW Wire for fire alarms 10594 100.00 Brian McGee 344 Renton Avenue South Temporary power 10595 185.00 Jerry Alferone 2510 Meadow Avenue North Wire furnace/heat pu 10596 1,000.00 John Lorge 6437 Ripley Lane North Increase service 10597 900.00 Pizzamat 2825 Sunset Blvd. NE Portable building service 10598 1,885.00 Eda/Teresa Peozzobon 1616 Lake Avenue South Wire new residence 10599 120.00 Jerry Olander 4405 SE Third Place Repair fire damage 10600 50.00 Sorco 4016 NE Tenth Street Temporary service 10601 500.00 Dyna Tech, Inc. 800 North Sixth Motor/lighting circuit 10602 8,025.00 Boeing Renton Plant Revise utilities 10603 750.00 Jack's Barber Club 3416 SE Sixth Avenue New service and connect 10604 800.00 U-Haul 453 Rainier Avenue North New gasoline dispenser 10605 2,719.00 Arthur Kenyon 2209 NE 36th Street Wire new residence 10606 483.06 Koll Business Park 240 SW 43rd Street Install receptacles MECHANICAL PERMITS 9440 400.00 Brad Mendenhall 3113 Talbot Road South Plumbing and fixtures 9441 3 ,000.00 Sound Ford 750 Rainier Avenue South Heating system 9442 600.00 J. Nelson Construction 500 Williams Avenue South Plumbing and fixtures 9443 50,000.00 King County Court House 3407 NE Second Street Six heat pumps 9444 100.00 Ed Yoshttoime 2003 SE 18th Court Gas log piping 9445 500.00 Orris Speten 3204 SE Sixth Street Wood burning stove 9446 1,500.00 Les Dean 250 Powell SW Plumbing and fixtures 9447 1,500.00 Les Dean 256 Powell SW Plumbing and fixtures 9448 3,400.00 Eda/Teresa Peozzobon 1615 Lake Avenue South Electric furnace 9449 250.00 James Johnson 3129 Talbot Road South Plumbing and fixtures 9450 3,500.00 Olga Konsevage 507 SW Third Street Furnace and heat pump 9451 3,000.00 Gary Spoor 3210 Park Avenue North Install and plumb spa 9-2 600.00 Chad Jensen 407 Granley Way NE Convert to gas heat 9 950.00 Clement Novinski 612 SW Sunset Blvd. Gas furnace C 1,200.00 Wick Homes 201 Vashon Avenue SE Gas furnace/water heater 9� .w,w., 15,000.00 U-Haul 453 Rainier Avenue North Two underground tanks 945b 2,900.00 Jon Reiners 2503 Talbot Crest Drive S. Hot tub, LP gas heater 9457 75.00 Pizzamat 2825 Sunset Blvd. NE Water and sewer 9458 2,500.00 Barber/Kloppenburg/Olds 1306 Union Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 9459 4,657.00 Jerry Alfarone 2510 Meadow Avenue North Heat pump 9460 2,200.00 Leonard Builders 4301 SE Fourth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9461 2,575.00 McDonalds 73 Rainier Avenue South Refrigeration equipment 9462 20,000.00 Renton Shopping Center 28442 Sunset Blvd. NE Heat pump 9463 300.00 Kathy Lindsey 4004 NE Seventh Street Gas furnace 9464 Void 9465 900.00 Paul Werner 2013 Rolling Hills SE Gas wall furnace SIGN PERMITS 1037 150.00 Payless Drug 750 Rainier Avenue South Temporary banner 1038 150.00 Clarkrich, Inc. 500 Union Avenue NE Install banner 1039 200.00 Don Schumsky 919 South Third Street One wall sign 1040 1,000.00 BKM Partnership 914-24 Bronson Way Five wall signs 1041 2,000.00 Pre Cut International 600 SW 13th Street Pole sign 1042 3,000.00 Community Bank 3005 Sunset Blvd. Pole sign C TRUCTION PERMITS American Legion 55 Williams Avenue South Storm sewer 5266 Renton Village Company Talbot Road & Renton Village Storm drain 5267 Henry Bacon Lumber 560 Hardie Avenue SW Fire protection system 5268 Earlington Park Ltd. 723 SW Tenth Street Sidewalks/driveways 5269 Les Dean 250 Powell Avenue SW Side sewer 5270 Les Dean 256 Powell Avenue SW Side sewer 5271 City of Renton 84th Avenue Co-op, Phase I Water main/apparatus 5272 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/8-E Side sewer 5273 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/1-A Side sewer 5274 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/1-B Side sewer 5275 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/1-C Side sewer 5276 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/1-D Side sewer 5277 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/1-E Side sewer 5278 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/2-A Side sewer 5279 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/2-B Side sewer 5280 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/2-C Side sewer 5281 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/3-A Side sewer 5282 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/3-B Side sewer 5283 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/4 Side sewer 5284 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/5-A Side sewer 5285 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/5-B Side sewer 5286 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/5-C Side sewer 5'� Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/5-D Side sewer 5, Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/6-A Side sewer 5''' ,. Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/6-B Side sewer 5[�"u Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/6-C Side sewer 5291 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/6-D Side sewer 5292 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/7-A Side sewer 5293 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/7-B Side sewer 5294 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/7-C Side sewer 5295 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/7-D Side sewer 5296 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/7-E Side sewer 5297 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/8-B Side sewer 5298 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/8-A Side sewer 5299 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/8-C Side sewer 5300 Superstructures 2811 NE Fourth Street/8-D Side sewer 5301 Shannon O'Neil Company 1702 Duvall Avenue NE Catch basin and drywell 1`I2 OF R � COUNCIL MEMBERS Al /� AGENDA EARL CLYMER, 411 `� COUNCIL PRESIDENT L �% Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED �O RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE O THOMAS W TRIMM N/60 SEPt��g REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, September 2 0 , 1982 DELORES A MEA:. MAYOR Monday , 8: 00 P . M . I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: By Sylva Coppock, Municipal Arts Commission, re: acceptance of Fire Station 13 art piece. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: 1983 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for futher discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening of 9/15/82 on Monroe Avenue and NE Second Street improvements. Eight bids received. Refer to Transportation Committee. b. Finance Department requests update of disclosure sections of various city ordinances to be consistent with state law. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Proclamation by Mayor Barbara Shinpoch for the week of October 3-9, 1982 as Fire Prevention Week. Council concur. d. Public Works Department submits Interagency Agreement between King County Water District 14 and City of Renton concerning water service to Public Storage, Inc. , site on Rainier Avenue. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Public Works Department requests resolution authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to sign all necessary documents relating to the request for federal funds for North Third Street and Sunset Blvd. intersection improvements and controller modernization (NE Sunset Blvd. signal interconnect) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 8. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Susan Ringwood regarding review of the Ethics Ordinance 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of September 20 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation Bond Issue Green River Interlocal Cooperative Agreement FAUS Funding - North Third Street and Sunset Blvd./NE Sunset Blvd. Hold Harmless Agreement (1950 Kenworth Pumper Fire Truck) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Density standards Century-21 real estate signs correspondence TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Monroe Avenue and NE Second Street improvements bid opening UTILITIES COMMITTEE Water District 14 Interagency Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Public disclosure portion of ordinances update North Third and Sunset/NE Sunset Blvd. improvements (Resolution #2472 adopted) Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation Bond Issue Ordinances : Special Utility Connection Charges Revocable Permits Real Estate Tax Cumulative Reserve Fund Telephone Utilities Tax Group W Cable Basic Rate Increase 174 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 20 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. COUNCIL MEMBERS MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Ronald Ringwood, Municipal Arts Commission, reported to Cnuncil PRESENTATION that the wood crafted art piece in the manner of a turn-of-the- Fire Station 13 century fire chief had been accepted by the Municipal Arts Commission, Art Piece and installed at Fire Station 13. Mr. Ringwood presented pictures of the art piece and noted the Commission's pleasure in the quality of the work. Mr. Ringwood also announced that the art piece for Coulon Park had been completed by the artist and would be viewed this week to be sure it meets contract language; that he was certain Council would share the Commission' s excitement when they also see this art work. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1983 Housing and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Community to consider the 1983 Block Grant Program for housing and community Development development needs. Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Block Grant Coordinator for the Block Grant Program, introduced the 1983 Citizens Program Advisory Committee: Vesta Bolstad, Katie Gilligan, A. J. Ladner, Dixon Long, Anthony Pellegrino, and Margaret Proctor (Member not present: Connie Tajon) . Advisory Committee meetings will be held on Thursday over the next few weeks where they will consider commu- nity input for the Block Grant Program. Committee recommendations will then be presented to the Community Services Committee for re- view and presentation to Council . Mr. Hayduk explained the objectives of the Block Grant Program and listed the eight requirements for qualification under the federal program. Amy South, Housing Assis- tance Specialist working part-time at the Renton Senior Center and with the Housing and Community Development office was introduced. continued Correspondence: Letter from Floyd W. Shaff, Chairman, Housing Authority of the City of Renton, P. 0. Box 2316, Renton, supported continuation of the development for additional senior housing along the Cedar river. Letter from Carl Osaki , District Administrator, Southeast District Health Center, Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, 400 Yesler Way, Seattle, indicated their intent to request Block Grant funds for continuation of health services to the elderly and low income citizens of Renton. Letter from June Leonard, Executive Director, Renton Area Youth Services , 918 South Third, Renton, submitted their request for $15,000 to support partial cost of building rent and for services subsidy including Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Correspondence addition of a group for Sexual Assault Incest Victims. Letter continued from Ann Oxrieder, Director, ANEW (Apprenticeship and Nontradi- tional Employment for Women) , 315 Garden North, Renton, submitted a proposal to help them continue preparing low-income Renton residents for higher-paying blue-collar jobs which have been nontraditional for women. Audience Comment Betty Holt, Branch Director, YWCA, 920 South Third Avenue, Renton, read the letter she had addressed to Mr. Hayduk requesting appli- cation for $6,000 in Block Grant funds to supply an emergency housing counselor to the YWCA on a part-time basis to provide support services to emergency housing clients. Ms. Holt also reported that a proposal spearheaded by Ed Hayduk, in a joint effort of the King County Housing Authority, the City of Renton Housing Authority and the Renton Planning Department, had been accepted by the King County Council on 9/07/82. This proposal provides $108,000 for purchase of up to four one and two-bedroom emergency housing units to be managed by the YWCA. Ms. Holt urged Council ' s continu- ing support of the emergency housing program. James E. Denzer, Chairman, Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, read a letter urging continued support of senior services through the Block Grant Program and submitted a petition bearing 199 signatures of senior citizens who visit the Renton Senior Center. The petition was read supporting the following senior services : Health Care Program, Transportation Program, housing repair and clean-up services, proposed additional parking lot and pea-patch next to the Senior Center, and the City' s efforts to provide additional senior housing units in the downtown area with walkway. Lena McClure, 51 Burnett, Cedar River Terrace, read a letter signed by 59 residents of Cedar River Terrace supporting plans for the new senior housing development, park and walkway. Continued Mayor Shinpoch commended Ed Hayduk on his preparedness and thorough knowledge in representing the city in the Block Grant Program systems. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Fall Clean-up Mayor Shinpoch announced that the H&CD Fall Clean-up Program is Program underway. The Talbot Hill area has been completed , Earlington Hill was done on 9/18-19 with 51 households serviced, and North and South Renton are scheduled over the next three weeks. Introductions Mayor Shinpoch introduced Margaret Proctor, former Councilwoman, Bruce McKay, former Councilman, and Representative Avery Garrett, former Councilman and Mayor. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dick Chapin, 900 Old National Bank Plaza, Seattle, attorney for ERADCO/Monterey ERADCO/Monterey Terrace, addressed Council regarding the Planning Terrace Appeal and Development Committee report to be presented pertaining to PPUD 021-80/ the ERADCO/Monterey Terrace appeal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED AAD 37-82 BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mr. Chapin requested that the appeal be referred back to the Hearing Examiner or re- tained in committee for further consideration. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report con- sidering the ERADCO/Monterey Terrace appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision of 6/25/82 for approval of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of 425 single-family attached and multiple-family housing units east and north of SR 169, south of Monterey Terrace and Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of the Bonneville Power right of way (PPUD 021-30/AAD 037-82) . The committee report found no error in fact or law sufficient to reverse or modify the Hearing Examiner' s position and recommended the Hearing Examiner's position be affirmed in all respects. Mr. Chapin stated that confusion exists regarding j Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued continued the access road from the project to Northeast Third Street : ERADCO/Monterey which route this road is to take and to what standard street Terrace Appeal improvements are to be made. Committee Chairman Rockhill ex- plained that the Planning and Development Committee, in hearing an appeal , may consider only items contained in the Hearing Examiner' s written report, and Mr. Chapin' s comments did not fall within these guidelines. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO AFFIRM THE HEARING EXAMINER' S OPINION IN ALL RESPECTS. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch stated that Mr. Chapin and his client were free to submit their evidence and pursue administrative clarification. Group W Cable Ella Patterson, representative of Group W Cable, Inc. , Seattle, Over-charge addressed Council with a proposed solution to the over-charge of Refund tax to Group W subscribers. Group W proposes a refund to all active subscribers on 11/01/82; the estimated 70-80< per sub- scriber to be deducted from the monthly billing. (See later motion, page 4, item 4, regarding letter from Group W and ordi- nance on first reading, page 6, item 8. ) Leash Law Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, questioned whether anything " Enforcement had been done this week regarding lack of enforcement of the mandatory leash law. Capt. Bourasa announced that the one animal control officer is now working a fluctuating schedule to handle complaints as need demands. Mayor Shinpoch acknowledged Council ' s message of animal control requiring a high priority in the 1983 budget. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. WHO Street City Clerk reported bid opening of 9/15/82 on Monroe Avenue and Improvements Northeast Second Street improvements. Eight bids received. Refer Bid Opening to Transportation Committee. Public Disclosure Finance Department requested review and update of public disclosure Update sections of various city ordinances to conform with state law. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Fire Prevention Proclamation by Mayor Barbara Shinpoch proclaimed the week of Week October 3-9, 1982, as Fire Prevention Week and urged all depart- October 3-9, 1982 ments and agencies of the City Government to actively participate in a campaign for improved fire safety. Council concur. Water District Public Works Department submitted a proposed Interagency Agreement #14 Interagency between King County Water District #14 and the city providing for Agreement city watermains to be extended north along Rainier Avenue into Water District 14, to the new Public Storage, Inc. , site on Rainier Avenue. Refer to Utilities Committee. North Third and Public Works Department requested resolution authorizing the Mayor Sunset/NE Sunset and City Clerk to sign all necessary documents relating to request Improvements for federal funds for North Third Street and Sunset Blvd. inter- section improvements and controller modernization (NE Sunset Blvd. signal interconnect) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Ethics Letter from Susan Ringwood, 16841 - 124th Avenue SE, Renton, Ordinance recommended the following for consideration in the City Council review of the Ethics Ordinance: 1 ) That all city decision makers continue to be covered by all provisions of the current Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE continued Ethics ordinance; 2) That the City Clerk be named specifically as Ordinance the officer with whom candidate expense forms must be filed continued to insure ready public access; 3) That the Board of Ethics exercise the Code' s provision to prepare additional rules and regulations to provide for written procedures for hearings and investigations, acceptance of the State of Washington Public Disclosure forms as reporting documents to be filed by candidates under the provisions of Section 3 of the ordinance, and an annual published meeting schedule to include an early-in-the-year organi - zation and orientation meeting; and 4) That the Board of Ethics publish a concise pamphlet outlining the provisions of the Code of Ethics. Mayor Shinpoch' s letter of response to Ms. Ringwood (dated 9/17/82) was read reporting that the matter of ethical conduct of department heads being the direct responsibility of the Mayor had been reconsidered and the revised ordinance will be submitted to the Ethics Board for comment and to the City Council for final determination. City intention is to strengthen and formalize the in-house system to deal with inquiries into questionable conduct and to incorporate members chosen by the Ethics Board into that review process. continued Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the candidate filing procedure. Councilwoman Mathews responded that candidates are currently required to file with the State, County and City. Ms. Ringwood addressed the Council and emphasized her concerns regarding inclusion of city employees under the Board of Ethics review process in the ordinance. Mayor Shinpoch commended Ms. Ringwood for her concern and active participation in her city. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm submitted a report con- Committee curring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to Monroe Avenue accept the low bid of Gary Merlino Construction Company in the Shop Site amount of $355,552.70 for street improvements to Monroe Avenue Improvements NE - NE Fourth Street to NE Second Street - Monroe Avenue NE to City Shop Site. The report also recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Trimm noted that the Engineer' s Estimate on this project was $405,000. Group W Cable Due to pending Ways and Means Committee report, Councilman Stredicke Rate Increase requested the added agenda item from Group W Cable be read. Letter Request for from James H. Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, 15241 Pacific Reconsideration Highway South, Seattle, requested reconsideration of Council action of 9/13/82 which granted a rate increase of $9.95 including city taxes. The letter also requested (1 ) Council direction with regard to refund of the inadvertent tax overcharge and (2) clarification of the matter of secondary and installation rates, included in the rate increase request. Group W offered to defer implementation of the rate increase until 11/01/82 to provide time for Council consideration of the referenced problems. Regarding item (1 ) : it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RE- FUNDING PROCEDURE OFFERED BY THE SPOKESMAN OF GROUP W (see page 3, item 2) AS REGARDS THE INADVERTENT OVERCHARGE. CARRIED. No further action was taken, Group W information was retained for consideration and possible discussion at the 9/27/82 Council meeting.as requested by Group W. (See page 6, item 8) Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted a report Committee stating that designation of a Hazardous Materials Incident Hazardous Command Agency, as required by House Bill 883, need not be done Materials by ordinance or resolution, but can be done by a letter to the Incident Command Director of the State Department of Emergency Services. Committee Agency recommended no action on its part and that Council await the Public 178 Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS continued Safety Committee report. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Lind Avenue Councilman Stredicke reported that the stop sign located at the and 41st Street intersection of Lind Avenue and 41st is not easily visible from Intersection the travel lane and should possibly be relocated. Mayor Shinpoch stated this will be called to the attention of the Public Works Department. National League Council President Clymer announced that Councilman Stredicke has of Cities requested to attend the National League of Cities conference in Conference Los Angeles 11/27-12/01/82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN STREDICKE TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CITIES MEETING IN LOS ANGELES. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted a report Committee recommending the City advance into the tax anticipation note Tax Anticipation concept and that a resolution be brought out for reading and Notes adoption. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH REGARD TO TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2468 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to proceed Tax Anticipation and utilize short term obligations in anticipation of tax revenues Notes as authorized by Senate Bill 4728 of the 1982 State Legislature. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESO- LUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Bond Issue - Letter from Richard T. Kennedy, Vice President , Seattle North- LID 315, 317 west Securities Corporation, Seafirst Fifth Avenue Plaza, Suite and 321 3700, Seattle, was read offering to pay $100 for each $100 par value of bonds plus accrued interest to date of delivery. Bonds are to mature on or before 10/01/94 and are to bear interest payable annually at the rate of 12.25%. Said bonds in the amount of $106,389.72 for Local Improvement Districts 315, 317, 321 : Approximately $6,000 on Burnett Avenue improvements, $37,000 water system on the West Hill , $73,000 for sewer in the Highlands. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN WITH THE PROVISO OF LEGAL CLEARANCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND BOND COUNSEL. CARRIED. Resolution #2469 A resolution was read establishing facts supporting special Special Utility utility connection charges for water and sewer facilities. Connection MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Charges RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2470 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to transfer Airport Capital $20,000 from Rainier Avenue Water System to Taxi Guidance Signs Outlay (Airport - $5,000) and Dredging - Seaplane Ramp (Airport - $15,000)..: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2471 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Green River enter into an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with the cities Interlocal of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County for consulting services Cooperative provided the expenditure not exceed $4,000, that the expense be Agreement from the 1983 budget, and that the cities of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County enter into the agreement for study of the Green Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Green River River flooding problem. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Interlocal HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED:` Council- Cooperative man Stredicke noted that the City of Auburn had rejected the Agreement proposed agreement. Councilman Clymer questioned the expendi- continued ture of $4,000 to repeat past studies. Councilwoman Mathews explained that this interagency agreement would regulate the amount of water each city would release into the river to pre- vent flooding at one end. Kay Johnson, 300 Rainier Avenue North, one proposal of the agreement is to construct a two to three-foot dike along the river, with most of the diking in this area. **MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2472 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to FAUS Funding execute any and all documents relating to the allocation and expenditure of Federal Aid Urban System (FAUS) funding for North Third Street and Sunset Blvd. North intersection improve- ments and controller modernization (NE Sunset Blvd. Signal Inter- connect) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2473 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to 1950 Kenworth enter into a Hold Harmless Agreement with the City of Seattle Pumper Fire for use by the City of Renton of the 1950 Kenworth Pumper Fire Truck Hold Truck; such agreement to cover a 60-day period for testing with Harmless option to purchase the truck. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Agreement HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Special Utility An ordinance was read amending Ordinance #1628 relating to imposing Connection fees for special utility connection charges for water and sewer Charges facilities and directing payment of funds received into designated funds and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Revocable An ordinance was read granting unto the Board of Public Works Permits the duty of managing and granting revocable permits for the use of public right of way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Real Estate An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as ''Cumulative Tax Cumulative Reserve Fund'' and providing for the appropriation and transfer of Reserve Fund funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER BE RE- FERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Telephone An ordinance was read amending the utility tax rate as it applies Utility Tax the privilege of conducting a telphone business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Reed questioned whether the reduction in telephone utility tax would be reflected on residential telephone bills. City Attorney Warren indicated that, if the telephone company requires 60 days for implementation, the bills of 1/01/83 should reflect the reduction. MOTION CARRIED. Group W Cable An ordinance was read approving an increase in the basic service Rate Increase charge for cable television services for Group W Cable, Inc. , to 59.95 per month including tax. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Gene Coulon Councilman Stredicke recommended reading the article on Gene Memorial Beach Coulon Memorial Beach Park in the current Seattle Daily Journal Park of Commerce. 180 Renton City Council September 20, 1982 Page 7 NEW BUSINESS continued Density Councilman Rockhill referred to a letter to Council from Land Standards Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman regarding density standards. R-3 and R-4 MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED Zones TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOM- MENDATION. CARRIED. Solid Waste Councilman Hughes reviewed the Puget Sound Council of Governments Management schedule for study of the Solid Waste Management Plan, with final Plan adoption by King County proposed for 3/01-4/15/83. A presentation on this subject will be given at the Suburban Mayors meeting in Kirkland on 10/06/82. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported on the problems being encountered by REPORT Metro Council in placement of a Metro bus base in North Seattle Metro Bus Base noting opposition by North end residents; also noting opposition by Seattle South end residents to Metro trunk sewer tunnel . Multi-Service Mayor Shinpoch announced that the Multi-Service Center has received Center Grant a $50,000 grant from the Boeing Employees Good Neighbor Fund and they have another $42,000 in applications pending. Fire Training Mayor Shinpoch announced today began a four-day training session Supervision at the Renton Sheraton for second level supervision of fire service. Session Renton is host for the third year for this program with an enroll- ment of approximately 105 personnel in this session. Health Contract Mayor Shinpoch noted that she has asked Council President Clymer Negotiating to serve on the negotiating committee for the County Health Committee Contract. Coulon Park Mayor Shinpoch reported the dedication ceremony of Gene Coulon Dedication Memorial Beach Park will be Saturday, 9/25/82, at 11 :00 a.m. Suburban Mayors Mayor Shinpoch noted the Suburban Mayors Council will meet in Meeting Kirkland on Wednesday, 10/06/82. Real Estate Councilman Stredicke questioned the status of a letter from Signs Smith/Ring, Inc. , Century-21 Realtors regarding real estate signs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY HUGHES, THE CE14TURY-21 CORRESPONDENCE BY REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, expressed his concern for Ethics Ordinance a free and independent board of equity and effective and strong ordinance, stressing the inclusion of city directors and staff. Mr. Webb also recommended unethical conduct of any kind (not just for personal financial gain) be included in the ordinance. Ethics Ordinance Mary Mattson, 7273 South 128th Street, member of the Board of Ethics, emphasized the need for a Board of Ethics and noted her pleasure that any revisions to the Ethics Ordinance will be pre- sented to the Board of Ethics before adoption. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:45 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT : Monroe Avenue and NE Second Street Improvements DATEGO September 15, 1982 t3roDER gip L. ALIA COMPANY EEO -703- . 00-� Empire Way South -74,qq dQ -g � Seattle WA 98118 QQ -01 .40 LAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ESD O 8.85- A ® 1 . oo - General. Deliver Clearview Route Stn . 4,&•9Fj- h Snohomish . WA 98290 5542. DO -C_ 10 GALY MERLINO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LEO 6 O -A 0,000- 00 -D AA 9125 Tenth Avenue South (:: j 0 '$ wattle WA 98108 I. DO -C 55 5�. OCA PP,I,TARDI TRUCKING COMPANY INC . EEODD PA 4 .18 - 51st Avenue South :euttl'e WA 98178 -C En lb LID R. W. SCOTT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 8 `' rJ. -{� 500D. oU -D 9840 Carr Road � (D c Rpntnn . WA 98055 a_37Do- C TRI-STATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. i � - 959 - 108th Avenue NE a.DO- Bellevue , WA 98004 - �j-7, 1 H 0D VALLEY CEMENT CONSTRUCTION INC . 3 4 5. (� -A 000.00 -� A� - 26th NE P. 0. Box 838MRF- tALIL)urn . WA 98002 WFST COAST CTION COMPANY INC. 3 ac I & 100. 00 8B P. 0. Box 419 IQ 13. 05 4 Woodinville WA 98072aa;.Q7 -C � 1 r^ 00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 20 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Utility Rates for the Budget COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 9/23 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Reorganization of the Finance Dept. Traffic Situation near Valley General Hospital AVIATION Tues. 9/21 11:00 a.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/21 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Variance Request by Group W PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/23 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Bennett/Multivest Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 9/22 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Hazardous Materials Incident Agency Punch Boards (with Police Chief) TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Wed.- 9/22 - ancelled MATHEWS Utility rate increase - to be incorporated with Committee of the Whole Meeting of 9/23/82. WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 9/27 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Coulon Beach Park Dedication Sat. 9/25 11:00 a.m. Suburban Mayors Meeting Wed. 10/06 Kirkland WA I I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS September 20, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9172 $ 100.00 Merrill Fisher 238 Meadow Avenue North Re-grouting of walls 9173 3,000.00 Salvation Army 65 Williams Avenue South Demolish house/garage 9174 -0- Virginia Forte 124 Park Avenue North Demolish residence 9' - " 740.00 Hub Insurance Agency 1102 Bronson Way Tenant improvement 9 17, 164.00 Renton School District 1800 Index Avenue NE Reroof building 9 1 ,200.00 Michael Eixenberger 443 Index Avenue NE Reroof 9:-* " 1 ,250.00 Hillman Gwinnett 805 Kirkland Avenue NE Reroof residence/carport 9179 13, 152.00 Jim McDonald 801-807 South Second Street Reroof 9180 40,000.00 George Oberholtzer 4016 NE Tenth Street Single-family residence 9181 2,500.00 Edwin Swenson 2108 NE Sixth Place Home addition 9182 41 ,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4212 SE Fourth Place Single-family residence 9183 2,291 .00 Koll Business Centers 281 SW 41st Tenant improvement 9184 35,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 4314 SE Second Place Single-family residence 9185 40,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 114 Vashon Avenue SE Single-family residence 9186 975.00 Judy Kalmbagh 4509 SE Fourth Place Reroof 9187 1 ,225.00 Elvin Lindsley 4500 SE Fourth Place Reroof 9188 200.00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Replace window with door 9189 2,340.00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Remodel restaurant 9190 1 ,665.00 Marjorie Jay 147 Capri Avenue NE Remodel carport to garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10607 250.00 Leslie Dean 256 Powell Avenue SW Replace service, repair 10608 250.00 Leslie Dean 250 Powell Avenue SW Replace service, repair 10609 250.00 William Kerns 201 Union Avenue SE Hook up heat pump 10610 500.00 Valley Villa 4430 Talbot Road South Repair dryer wiring 10611 50.00 Johnson - Lieber 723 SW Tenth Street Temporary service 10612 300.00 Sunset Square Associates 1306 Union Avenue NE Wire outlets 10613 245.00 Lewis Peretti 1102 Bronson Way South Altering circuits 1C " 50.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4302 SE Fourth Place Temporary power 1C ", 600.00 Dennis Brandow 867 Queen Avenue NE Replace existing service 1C 200.00 Gordon Jacobson 703 South 17th Street Wire garage 1Gol 1 ,060. 00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4301 SE Fourth Street Wire residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 9466 Henry Bacon 560 Hardie Avenue SW Plumbing and fixtures 9467 1 ,368.00 Wick Homes 235 Bremerton Avenue SE Furnace/water heater 9468 4,261 .00 William Kerns 201 Union Avenue SE Install heat pump 9469 500.00 City of Renton 720 Jones Avenue NE Install irrigation syster 9470 100. 00 Barbara Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9471 3,700.00 Dick Poitras 3809 NE Fourth Street Install hood and fan 9472 1 ,000.00 Sunset Square Association 1306 Union Avenue NE Install walk-in cooler 9473 4,200.00 McDonald ' s Restaurant 73 Rainier Avenue South Install sprinkler system 9474 5,900.00 Gary Trus 3619 NE Seventh Place Solar hot water heater 9475 1 , 140.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4301 SE Fourth Street Gas furnace 9476 8,877.00 Farmers Insurance Group 4208 Lind Avenue SW Gas piping system 9477 300.00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Extend heat supply 9478 1 ,000.00 C. Michael Halberg 4403 SE Fourth Street Wood burning stove SIGN PERMITS 1OT3 2.5 million San Lwai/Blue Mountain 3915 Talbot Road South Three wall signs 1044 940.00 Steve Harer 3901 NE Fourth Street Wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Tri-Delt, Inc. 4108 Jones Avenue NE Sanitary sewer 5 Virginia Forte 124 Park Avenue North Capping old side sewer 5r Henry Bacon Lumber 560 Hardie Avenue SW Sanitary sewer connect 5305 Henry Bacon Lumber 560 Hardie Avenue SW Storm sewer connect 5306 Johnson-Lieber 723 SW Tenth Street Sanitary/storm sewer " OF R� COUNCIL MEMBERS 41 AGENDA EARL CLYMER. " oCOUNCIL PRESIDENT `� �.�. ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS p JOHN W.REED 0M ? RANDALL ROCKHILL O90 R E N T O N CITY �r O U N C 1 L RICHARD M STREDICKE �P THOMAS W TRIMM 0N9q D SEP' PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, DELORES A MEAD MAYOR September 27 , 1982 Monday , 8: 00 P . M . 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1982 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Award to Versie Vauple in Appreciation of Service - Planning Commission - 11/79-9/82 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Public Works Department submits a recommendation of street projects to be submitted to the South King County Task Force. Refer to Transportation Committee b. Appeal filed by Dewey and Lois Rancourt of Hearing Examiner Decision of 8/30/82 - D. A. Rancourt and L. A. Rancourt Short Plat Application, File SP-055-82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. Claim for Damages in the amount of $95,94 by David E. Rudd for alleged loss of boots by the Renton Police Department (9/13/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier, d. Executive Department submits Renton Police Department appointments of Donald R. Persson to the position of Captain; Michael Magula to the position of Lieutenant; and Garry Anderson to the position of Sergeant. Each position to be effective 10/03/82 and is subject to a one-year probationary period. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS -10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT too 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of September 27 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION -AND CITY CLERK Undergrounding ordinance consolidation Hazardous Materials Incident Command Agency- CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - David E. Rudd PLANNING COMMISSION Buffer strips, sight-obscuring fences and landscaping recommendations PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Rancourt Appeal - SP-055-82 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Increase in Fire Department permit fees TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Road improvements to South King County Task Force UTILITIES COMMITTEE Utility rate options WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Finance Department reorganization Fireworks control legislation Business licenses - public disclosure - ordinance PUBLIC MEETING 10/1 / 2-- In conjunction with the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole - to consider the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 27 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCILMAN TRIMM BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ALAN WALLIS, Chief of Police; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Barbara Shinpoch presented an award of special recognition PRESENTATION for Versie Vaupel in appreciation of her service to the Planning Commission. Mrs. Vaupel has been a member of the Commission for three years, 1979-82. The award was accepted by Warren Vaupel , Versie' s husband. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Added item MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ADD TO THE CONSENT AGENDA REFERRAL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT FEES REFERRING THEM TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See item, this page) South King Public Works Department submitted a list of needed road improve- County Roads ments for submission to the newly-formed South King County Task Task Force Force, formed to gain support for road improvements. Refer to Transportation Committee. D. A. Rancourt Appeal filed by Dewey and Lois Rancourt of Hearing Examiner Short Plat Decision of 8/30/82 which denied the requested four-lot short Appeal - plat and variances to permit a private street thirty feet wide File SP-055-82 and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in lieu of the 85 foot requirement at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $95.94 filed by David E. Rudd Damages for boots allegedly lost by the Renton Police Department on CL-48-82 9/13/82. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Police Executive Department submitted Mayor Shinpoch' s appointment of Department Donald R. Persson to position of Police Captain; Michael J. Appointments Magula to position of Lieutenant; and Garry C. Anderson to the position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective 10/03/82. Each appointment is subject to a one-year probation period. Council concur. Fire Department Fire Department submitted recommended permit fee increases to Permit Fee provide additional revenue for Fire Department services. Also Increases submitted was a comparison chart for fire service fees in sur- rounding cities. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 2 Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA WITH ITEM E ADDED. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch congratulated the police officers receiving pro- motion, noting that these positions were achieved via the Assess- ment Center process. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CORRESPONDENCE OF GROUP W CABLE BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Group W Cable Letter dated 9/20/82 from James Robinow, General Manaqer, Group Rate Increase W. Cable, Inc. , 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, was read. Letter requested reconsideration of Council action of 9/13/82 which granted a basic rate increase of $9.95 including city taxes. The letter also requested (1 ) Council direction regarding refund of the inadvertent tax overcharge by Group W, and (2) clarification of the matter of secondary and installation fees which had been included in the basic rate increase request. continued James Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, Seattle, addressed the Council , agreed that the matter of the tax overcharge had been settled by Council action of 9/13, but requested reconsideration of the basic rate increase and clarification of secondary and installa- tion charges. Marshal Nelson, Attorney for Group W Cable, 4200 Seattle-First National Bank Building, Seattle, stated these requests were being made on the grounds of accounting and legal matters; the rate of return used in Council ' s consideration was calculated including premium service revenues and Group W had not received all materials used in arriving at Council ' s decision of 9/13/82. Mr. Nelson defined secondary and installation fees as charges for connection of more than one cable outlet for basic service only. Councilman Stredicke noted that an ordinance pertaining to this matter was scheduled for second and final reading later in this meeting and requested that portion pertaining to charges be read by the Clerk for clarification. It was questioned whether this section should mention secondary outlet and installation fees, and whether the wording regarding ''pass through'' was enforcing Council ' s decision that tax not be charged over and above the $9.95 rate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUS- PEND THE RULES AND BRING THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AND THE ORDINANCE BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. An ordinance was read approving an increase in the basic service charge for cable TV services for Group W Cable, Inc. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE FOR CLARIFI- CATION BY CHANGING SECTION I TO READ: ''THE RATE FOR BASIC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF RENTON IS HEREBY APPROVED AT THE RATE OF $9.95 PER MONTH INCLUDING ANY PASS THROUGH OF FRANCHISE OR UTILITY TAX TO THE CUSTOMERS''. Group W Attorney Nelson protested Council ' s action on this ordinance predicated on his contention that Group W had not received all correspondence from the City' s tele- vision consultant, 3H Management. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SECTION III BE ADDED TO THE ORDINANCE: RATES AS PROPOSED BY GROUP W FOR CONNECTIONS, INSTALLATIONS AND OTHER FEES RELATIVE TO BASIC SERVICES SHALL HEREBY BE APPROVED. A list of these rates, as submitted by Group W, was read. MOTION CARRIED. In regard to Mr. Nelson' s protest, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL TABLE THIS MATTER FOR ONE WEEK AND PROVIDE GROUP W WITH ALL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Council - man Reed requested the consultant' s recommendations be provided for the 10/04/82 Council meeting regarding connection charges and the Council ' s recourse if Group W does not meet the 18-month construc- tion deadline. Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Group W Cable MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES Rate Increase AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT WHICH continued PERTAINS TO CABLE TELEVISION. CARRIED. Community Services Community Committee Chairman Reed submitted a report recommending the Services establishment of a policy guide when dealing with television Committee cable repairs replacement. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT.** Councilman Rockhill questioned whether this would allow utilities to choose over- head wiring rather than installing the preferred undergrounding. Policy Development Director Clemens explained that the Community Services Committee was providing a recommendation to be considered by the Board of Public Works at the time of a variance request. Undergrounding MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT Policy AND SUBSTITUTE THE WORD ''MAY'' FOR THE WORD ''WILL'' IN THE LAST SENTENCE OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. To read as follows: "In areas where any other utility, telephone or power, is underground, then the television cable must be installed under- ground. If the existing system, telephone or power, is overhead, then we may allow the television cable to be installed, replaced or maintained overhead''. **MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE AMENDED COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. Committee of Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- the Whole ding the various utility rate options be referred to the Utilities Utility Rates Committee for review and recommendation with direction that the ''Full Funding Capital Program'' not be given further consideration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- Department ding the subject of the reorganization of the Finance Department be Reorganization referred to the Ways and Means Committee for further study and recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Valley General Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer submitted a report recommen- Hospital Traffic ding a Public Meeting be scheduled for the 10/14/82 Committee of Situation the Whole meeting and that all property owners affected by the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital be notified. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Undergrounding Councilman Reed noted that during consideration of cable television Ordinances undergrounding, it was found that there are a number of ordinances pertaining to undergrounding and requested that the Administration investigate the possibility of consolidating these ordinances. Coulon Park Councilman Stredicke commended the Park Board and Park Department Dedication for a job well done in the completion of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. ''Government Councilman Stredicke announced that the first in a series of pro- Speaks'' grams entitled ''Government Speaks'' will be aired 9/28/82 at 7:30 p.m. on Channel E or 18 on cable featuring the Auburn Mayor, the assistant to the County Executive, a representative from the Kirk- land Planning Department and Mr. Stredicke. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a Development report recommending the Council uphold the decision of the Hearing Committee Examiner regarding the Bennett-Multi Vest Rezone (File ##R-024-82) Bennett-Multi for approval with restrictive covenants of a rezone of the north Vest Rezone side of NE Fourth Street approximately 950 feet east of Union Appeal R-024-82 Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and Avenue NE from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for development of a proposed Development community shopping center with modifications. The Committee Committee recommended Conclusion 10 be modified to eliminate the two-year continued restriction upon the applicant obtaining a valid building permit; that the Conclusion be modified to read that the building permit Bennet-Multi is to be granted subject to there being a building permit issued Vest Rezone for the Safeway Company for the adjoining parcel of property and Appeal providing that restrictive covenants have been filed showing that R-024-82 there is a consistent building setback line that would tend to make future development that of a shopping center. The Committee also recommended modification of the recommendation for a 20-foot landscape buffer on the north and east property lines to require a ten-foot landscape buffer and sight-obscuring fence on the north property line and a ten-foot landscape barrier on the east property line. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See motion, page 6) Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- Committee mending the Fire Department be designated as Hazardous Materials Hazardous Incident Command Agency for the City of Renton and that the Mayor Materials and City Clerk be authorized to file such designation with the Incident Agency Director of the State Department of Emergency Services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Punchboards Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- mending no change to the present ordinance which prohibits the operation of punchboards in the City of Renton. The report noted no formal requests have been received from local merchants to operate punchboards. Lottery Public Safety Committee report announced that the Washington State Lottery will begin November, 1982. Fireworks Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted a report recom- Control mending that the Renton City Council adopt a resolution and so Legislation notify state legislators of their concern for stricter fireworks control legislation: The Renton City Council recommends the State of Washington return to the former safe and sane fireworks code and/or more restrictive measures which regulate the sale of fireworks and that the sale of fireworks on Indian reservations and elsewhere be limited to these types permitted by our state code. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Coulon Park Councilman Hughes added his praise to that of other councilmen regarding Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park noting that speakers at the dedication had thanked the citizens of the City of Renton for making this park possible through the bond issue. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee and summary ordinances for second and final reading : Ordinance #3659 An ordinance was read amending Section 3-241 of Title III (Depart- Special Utility ments) and portions of Section 8-717 of Title VIII (Health and Connection Sanitation) and portion of Chapter 34 of Title V (Business Regu- Charges lations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to imposing fees for special utility connection charges for water and sewer facilities and directing payment of funds received into designated funds, and related matters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3660 An ordinance was read granting unto the Board of Public Works Revocable the duty of managing and granting Revocable Permits for the Permits use of public right-of-way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3661 An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as ''Cumula- Real Estate Tax tive Reserve Fund No. 3661'' and providing for the appropriation Cumulative and transfer of funds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Reserve Fund COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3662 An ordinance was read amending the telephone utility tax rate, Telephone reducing from 7.75% to 6% over a five-year period. MOVED BY Utility Tax STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Bond Sale An ordinance was read amending Ordinances Nos. 3394 and 3532 LID' s 315, 317 pertaining to Local Improvement District 315; establishing con- and 321 solidated Local Improvement District 315 et al and consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 315 et al ; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of the consolidated Local Improvement District No. 315 et al bonds; rati - fying and confirming the sale and providing for the delivery thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation, Seattle, and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District assessment install - ments in Local Improvement Districts 317 and 321 . MOVED BY STREDIC SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND MOVE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3663 An ordinance was read amending Ordinances Nos. 3394 and 3532 Bond Sale pertaining to Local Improvement District 315; establishing con- LID' s 315, 317 solidated Local Improvement District 315 et al and consolidated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 315 et al ; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of the consolidated Local Improvement District No. 315 et al bonds; ratifying and confirming the sale and providing for the delivery thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securties Corporation, Seattle, and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District assessment installments in Local Improvement Districts 317 and 321 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NO: CLYMER. CARRIED. (See page 6, item 5) First Reading An ordinance was read amending Section 5-112 and 5-209 of Title Business V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to applica- Licenses - tions and returns. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS Public Disclosure MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2474 A resolution was read amending Section I of Resolution 2457 to Street Forward read: The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed Thrust Fund to borrow the sum, not to exceed $700,000 from the Street Forward Borrowing Thrust Fund, bearing the prevailing rate of interest received by other City investments at the time of such borrowing and such sum to be allocated unto the Current Fund, Park Fund and Street Fund as required. Said loan from the afore-mentioned fund shall be repaid in any event not later than December 31 , 1982• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 191 Renton City Council September 27, 1982 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Resolution #2475 A resolution was read designating Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Metropolitan Supervisor, as representative or Don Monaghan, Office Engineer, Water Pollution as alternate to serve on the Metropolitan Water Pollution Abate- Abatement ment Advisory Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Advisory Reps COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 41810 Approval through 41999 in the amount of $836,770.73 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 41805 through 41809 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Cable Councilman Stredicke announced that the cable office has indicated Programming Randy Ravelle is scheduled for the next program and should have the County budget available. If any Council Members are interested in participating in this program, they should notify Mr. Hurd or Mr. Stredicke. Buffer Strips, Councilman Stredicke noted various ordinance deficiencies; there- Sight-obscuring fore, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE SUBJECT Fences and MATTER OF BUFFER STRIPS, SIGHT-OBSCURING FENCES AND LANDSCAPING Landscaping BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LID Bonding Council President Clymer inquired regarding the responsibility of the Council in the event of default on LID bonds. Mayor Shinpoch responded that the Finance Director will be available to give a comprehensive presentation on various bonding options. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch stated her pride at being a part of the City at REPORT the Coulon Park Dedication on Saturday; that it is going to be Coulon Park the most special park in King County. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:40 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk 192 t :XP111 35 CITY OF RENTON ►ATE 9/27/82 *ARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS FOR THE RUN 41805 THROUGH 413og PURRENT *288+ 815.09 PARKS *24383.76 ARTERIAL STREETS 671588.38 STREETS *52j623.24 LIBRARY •2482944 ONE PERCENT FOR ART *11136.67 STREET FORWARD TMRU5T *152379.85 U COULON BCH PK CONSTR *51843.68 MUNICIPAL FACIL ISHUPSI *7x791 . 16 WATERWORKS UTILITY *1461978.22 AIRPORT *90 427.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL *81482.29 FIREMEN ' S PENSION 017ie03992 LID CONTROL *47x634 .63 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *836770. 73 WEA THE UNDENSIUNtD MEMBtRS Ur THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL., HAYING REI.LlVtD DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANO/UR SERVICES HAVE OLLN RECEIVED OR RENUEREDO 00 HERLBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT YOUCHERS NU. 41510 THRUUGH N0. 41999 IN THE AMOUNT OF *8361770. 73 THIS e7TH DAT OF SEPTEMBER 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN <44+ j ', yZCf—MEMBER •�'ir��. . �. • LID #314 M E M B E R ,�I C' � f� S.L4-4& • REVENUE WARRANT R-26 $1,065.63 LID #322 REVENUE WARRANT R-21 $35,163.72 LID #323 REVENUE WARRANT R-8 $11,405.28 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTL� NG CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 27, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/28 CANCELLED REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/30 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Sign code questions Zoning and Subdivision fees Thurs. 10/07 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Rancourt Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 9/29 5:00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Department permit fees (following Utilities Committee meetin( ) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 9/29 4:45 p.m. MATHEWS 6th Floor Conference Room Water District 14 WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 10/04 6:30 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room Finance Department reorganization 10/04 7: 30 p.m. Ordinances and Resolutions OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS C� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS September 27, 1982 LDING PERMITS T 3,000.00 Puget Power 1501 Marion North Demolish building 2 2,000.00 Randy Rutledge 406 Langston Road SW Construct carport 13 80,000.00 Jerry Hardebeck 316 SW 16th Shop building foundation - 14 80,000.00 Jerry Hardebeck 316 SW 16th Remodel existing building �5 5,000.00 Judy Langdon 465 Bronson Way NE Home addition 16 3,500.00 Mr. Vachon 2025 Jones Circle SE Reroof residence 7 2,000.00 Kay Traverso 337 Cedar Avenue South Residential roof/gutters 8 500,000.00 Salvation Army 720 South Tobin Street Construct community cent 9 2,500.00 Anna Malesis 351 Rainier Avenue South Reroof office 0 44,000.00 D. Sabey/H. Wong 919 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement 11 800.00 Harry Thacher 454 Lind Avenue Reroof residence 2 10,000.00 Bill Hiser 921 Monroe NE Add utility room 3 1,200.00 Dana Sarvek 1819-21 Harrington NE Reroof duplex 4 300.00 S. A. Dooly 2003 NE 16th Street Construct wood shed 5 100.00 Barbara Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street Tenant improvements 6 6,000.00 Centennial Villas, Inc. 71 SW Victoria Street Construct retaining wall 830,00 William Bergman 2132 NE 28th Street Reconstruct garage CTRICAL PERMITS 18 VOID 19 150.00 J. V. Alfarone 2510 Meadow Avenue North Fixtures/receptacles 20 8,000.00 TNT Construction 1220 North Fifth Additional service 21 200.00 Centennial Villas SW Hardie & SW Second Temporary service 22 8,542.00 Boeing 919 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement 23 500.00 Drury-Pickering 411 Union Avenue NE Change lighting 4 2,500.00 Leisure Estates 201 Union Avenue SE Four post lights 25 1,880,00 Ramac 2205 Maple Valley Highway Raise service masts HANICAL PERMITS 9 700.00 John Young 614 South 17th Street Wood stove 0 110.00 J. V. Algarone 2510 Meadow Avenue North Wood stove 1 1,100.00 Benchmark Construction 250 Powell Avenue SW Gas furnace/duct work 2 1 ,100.00 Benchmark Construction 256 Powell Avenue SW Gas furnace/duct work 3 800,00 Dale Palm 4332 NE 11th Fireplace insert 4 1 ,000.00 Rainier Disposal 408 SW 16th Street Plumbing/fixtures 5 17,000.00 Farmers Insurance 4208 Lind Avenue SW Heating units/fans 6 1,925.00 George Oberholtser 4016 NE Tenth Plumbing/fixtures 7 VOID 8 600.00 Richard Rathvon 4308 SE Second Place Wood stove 9 172.50 Bill Smith 2080 Rolling Hills Avenue Gas piping to heater N PERMITS 5 700.00 Peoples National Bank 1200 Bronson Way North Pole sign 5 25.00 AAMCO Transmission 3123 NE Fourth Street Two wall sings STRUCTION PERMITS 7 Star Machinery 4202 West Valley Road Commercial building sewer 3 Steve Harer 3901 NE Fourth Watermain/fire hydrant 3 Jack Curan 560 Hardie Avenue SW Remove/install driveway C I T Y O F k E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 9 32 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $ 82,164.15 9/13/82 CURRENT FUND $ 129,738.00 PARKS & RECREATION 90,137.89 ARTERIAL STREETS 7,822.88 CITY STREETS 15,052.66 LIBRARY 10,139.18 STREET FWD. THRUST 264,428.61 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 295,022.10 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOPS) 30,738.10 WATERWORKS UTILITY 109,767.50 AIRPORT 13,155.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 13,932.51 FIREMEN'S PENSION 68.76 wr. L.I.D. CONTROL 1,244,733.42 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $2,224,736.93 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Transf. for H&CD tele.call $ 45.79 9/15/82 CURRENT FUND $164,753.42 PARKS & RECREATION 53,065.68 CITY STREETS 32,498.94 LIBRARY 13,654.74 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 26,283.82 AIRPORT 2,372.85 1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,768.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $296,397.45 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancel warrant no. 39808 $ 12.00 1 1 - �ctix��cJ S 2vt�t�c o� 1 MAYOR F NANCE DIRECTOR r 196 C I TY OF i� ENT0N TRANSFERS ONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1982 IO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: E FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 18/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $ 81,231.41 27/82 CURRENT FUND $288,815.09 PARKS AND RECREATION 24,383.76 ARTERIAL STREETS 71,588.38 STREETS 52,623.24 LIBRARY 2,482.44 ONE PERCENT FOR ART 1,136.67 STREET FORWARD THRUST 152,379.85 G. GOULON BCH PK CONSTR. 5,843.68 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 7,791.16 WATERWORKS UTILITY 146,978.22 AIRPORT 9,427.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8,482.29 FIREMEN'S PENSION 17,203.92 LID CONTROL 47,634.6' CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $836,770.7 30/82 STREET FWD. THRUST CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2474 $ 330,000.00 0/82 PARKS & RECREATION CUM.RESERVE NO.1689 Adj. per receipt no. 24578 $ 56.33 I 30/82 CURRENT FUND $ 165,640.88 PARKS & RECREATION 50,279.49 CITY STREETS 32,430.50 LIBRARY 13,792.96 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 27,104.93 AIRPORT 2,113.02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00— PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of SEPT. $ 294,877.78 JJ MAY(1R I NAN(:F n I RFCTnR OF R4 v� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CIYMER, I► COUNCIL PRESIDENT Cj �� ate- Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS o JOHN W.REED C7 Q' RANDALL ROCKHILL 0 90R E N T O N CITY C O U N C 1 RICHARD M.STREDICKE �Q THOMAS W TRIMM 0N760 SEP15.0 PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, DELORES A.MEAD MAYOR October 4 , 1982 Monday , 8: 00 P . M . 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Finance Department submits recommendation to provide interim financing for LID #320 from the Waterworks Utility Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Public Works/Utility Engineering submits request to transfer $75,000 in Latecomer Agreement fees into Education, Professional Services, Repairs and Maintenance Supply - Water, Hospital Pump Station, and Water System Improvements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Finance Department requests an ordinance to establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund for special Utility Connection Charges for the Water and Sewer Utility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Policy Development Department requests Public Hearing be held 10/25/82 to discuss Shoreline Master Program update. Council concur e. Policy Development Department requests review of City policy on sewer service to unincorporated territory. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. City Clerk/Finance Department requests repeal of Ordinance 3383 (Excludable Sick Leave Payment) due to change in Federal law. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Proclamation by Mayor Barbara Shinpoch declaring the month of October, 1982, as Disabled American Veterans Handicapped Parking Awareness Month. Concur. h. Legal Department requests ordinance to establish requirement of filing a claim against the city prior to filing suit. Refer to !Jays and Means Committee. i . Holvick deRegt Koering requests Latecomers Agreement for construction of a traffic signal at SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Transpor- tation Committee. j. Holvick deRegt Koering requests Latecomers Agreement for construction of a traffic signal at Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way. Refer to Transporta- tion Committee. k. Holvick deRegt Koering requests code revision to allow common curb cuts. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 1 . Holvick deRegt Koering requests construction funding agreement for construc- tion of the traffic signal at SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Planning and Development Committee and City Attorney. m. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report on J. Clifford Gray Request for Rezone, File #R-051-82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. n. Reappointment by Mayor Shinpoch of Virginia Houser to Planning Commission for three-year term, effective to 6/30/85. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. o. Appeal filed by Dean W. Bitney of Hearing Examiner Decision of 9/14/82 - D.W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminary Mobile Home Park Applications; Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, V-041-82, V-042-82, V-043-83, V-044-82. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. p. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report on Donald E. McWilliams Preliminary Plat #PP-031-82 located east side of Union Avenue NE. Hearing Examiner recommendation: Approval with conditions. Council concur. 1C CONSENT AGENDA continued q. Finance Department requests resolution to authorize borrowing up to an additional $500,000 from Street Forward Thurst Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Bernard L. Wiemann and Waldemar F. Wiemann regarding extension of Rezone Ordinance 3370 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT i �I I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of October 4 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Holvick deRegt Koering Construction Funding Agreement - SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street MAYOR AND CITY CLERK King County Water District 14 Interagency Agreement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Common curb cuts - Holvick deRegt Koering Holvick deRegt Koering Construction Funding Agreement - SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street Bitney Appeal Wiemann Rezone extension request Hearing Examiner letter regarding common driveways TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Holvick deRegt Koering Latecomers Agreement - SW Seventh Street and Edwards Holvick deRegt Koering Latecomers Agreement - Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way UTILITIES COMMITTEE Sewer service to unincorporated areas WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Interim financing for LID 320 Cumulative Reserve Fund for Special Utility Connection Charges Repeal of Ordinance 3383 Ordinance requiring Claim for Damages be filed prior to suit Planning Commission reappointment of Virginia Houser J. Clifford Gray Rezone Street Forward Thrust Fund Borrowing PUBLIC MEETING 10/1 +/$/ -2 - In conjunction with the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole - to consider the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital . PUBLIC HEARING 10/25/ 2 - Shoreline Master Program update 200 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 4 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President Pro tem, ROBERT J . HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL IN ATTENDANCE PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Deleted item Mayor Shinpoch announced that item 5b had been withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. LID 320 Interim Finance Department recommended interim financinq be provided from Financing the Waterworks Utility Fund for LID 320, water main extension on NE 27th Street just east of Edmonds Avenue NE (Devils Elbow Road) . Interest rate to be established at the prevailing rate at the time of the initial draw down; financing shall be repaid from Bond pro- ceeds after project completion. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Cumulative Finance Department requested an ordinance to establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund - Reserve Fund for deposit of Special Utility Connection Charges. Specitl Utility Monies received to be used for support and/or betterment of the Charges Water and Sewer Utility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Shoreline Master Policy Development Department requested Public Hearing be set for Program Update October 25, 1982 to consider the Shoreline Master Program update. This program, originally adopted in 1976, is to provide specific development regulations for areas within 200 feet of Lake Washington, the Cedar and Green Rivers and portions of Springbrook and May Creeks. Council concur. Unincorporated Policy Development Department requested review of City policy re- Territory Sewer garding sewer service to unincorporated territories within the city, Service specifically the ''Liberty View'' project. Refer to Utilities Committee. Repeal of Finance Department/City Clerk requested repeal of Ordinance #3383. Ordinance #3383 Change in Federal law to Social Security reporting requirements removes present exemption of sick pay. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Handicapped Proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of October, 1982, Parking Awareness as DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month, sponsored by Disabled Month American Veterans. Council concur. Claim before Legal Department requested ordinance be established requiring a Suit Ordinance Claim for Damages be filed prior to suit against the City. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomers intersection of SW Seventh Street and Edwards Street, pursuant Agreement to Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-094-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Holvick deRegt Holvick deRegt Koering requested a Latecomers Agreement be Koering established for the construction of the traffic signal at the Latecomers intersection of Powell Avenue SW and SW Grady Way, pursuant to Agreement Hearing Examiner Report and Decision for site plan approval , SA-o94-81 , SA-095-81 and Ordinance 3622. Refer to Transportation Committee. Common Holvick deRegt Koering requested review by Council committee of Curb Cuts requirements for common curb cuts as they apply to industrial Requirements and commercial sites. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Construction Holvick deRegt Koering requested a construction funding agreement Funding be established for the construction of the traffic signal at SW Agreement Seventh Street and Edwards Street. Refer to Planning and Develop- ment Committee and City Attorney. J. Clifford Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the J. Clifford Gray Gray Rezone Request for Rezone #R-051-82 of the north side of SW 12th Street R-051-82 between Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW. Applicant seeks rezone from R-1 to L-1 to construct a warehouse. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch announced reappointment of Virginia Houser to the Commission Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, Reappointment 1985• Mrs. Houser has served on the Commission since 1980. Other members of the Planning Commission include: Frank Jacobs, Eugene Ledbury, Michael Porter, Barbara Schellert, Joan Walker and Anita Warren. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. D. W. Bitney Appeal filed by Dean Bitney regarding Hearing Examiner Decision Rezone Appeal of 9/14/82 - D. W. Bitney Rezone, Variance and Preliminary Mobile R-023-82 Home Park Applications (Files No. R-023-82, PMH-029-82, v-041-82, PMH-029-82 V-o42-82, V-o43-82, V-044-82) . Applications requested rezoning V-041-82 of the west side of Union Avenue SE and adjacent to the southerly V-o42-82 boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from v-o43-82 G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home park approval to con- v-o44-82 struct a 203-lot mobile home park. Four variances from design criteria were sought. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Donald E. Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report on the Donald E. Mc McWilliams Williams Preliminary Plat (File #PP-031-82) for approval of a Preliminary nine-lot subdivision to allow construction of 18 dwelling units on Plat 1 .88 acres located on the east side of Union Avenue NE between NE PP-031-82 Fourth Street and NE Sixth Street (extended) . Hearing Examiner recommendation: Approval with conditions. Council concur. Street Forward Finance Department requested resolution authorizing up to an Thrust Fund additional $500,000 being borrowed from the Street Forward Thrust Borrowing Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Letter from Waldemar F. Wiemann and Bernard L. Wiemann, Rezone 14720 SE 224th Street, Kent, requested an extension of Rezone Ordinance Ordinance 3370 which authorized the rezone of Lot 13, Block 2, Extension Renton Farm Plat (110 Pelly North) from R-2 to R-3 to build an office/residence building. City Attorney Warren advised that Wiemann Council is not legally entitled to grant a rezone extension. Rezone MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE R-364-79 REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Wang Word Letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy recommended the Processing award of installment purchase financing to People' s National System Bank for their low bid of 75% of prime adjusted quarterly. Installment Mulcahy requested Council concurrence and authorization to Purchase execute necessary political subdivision financing agreement to Financing acquire a Wang Word Processing System. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews submitted a report recom- Committee mending the City enter into the King County Water District #14/ King County City of Renton Interagency Agreement allowing the City to own and Water District 14 operate a 16'' watermain along Rainier Avenue within Water District Interagency #14. Committee requested an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Agreement City Clerk to sign the agreement. Properties receiving fireflow protection from the city system have signed annexation covenants Annexation to agree to annex in the future. The Utilities Committee recom- Policy mended that the City encourage annexation of these parcels. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Group W Cable MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE MATTER OF THE ORDINANCE Rate Increase TABLED AT THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. Request Marshal Nelson, Attorney for Group W, 4200 Seattle-First National Bank Building, Seattle, and Lewis Belcher, Jr. , Group W Community Communications Manager, 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, addressed Council regarding the rate of return to be realized on both a rate increase of $9.95 (including city tax) and $10.55 ($9.95 plus 6% city tax) , the methods of computing that rate of return (including and not including premium services income) , and completion dates of the construction schedule. Questions were raised regarding Renton cable rates being comparable to surrounding areas and whether a rate increase for Renton would bring a rate increase for those communities. Following discussion, an ordinance was read approving an increase in the basic service charge for cable TV services for Group W Cable, Inc. , at the rate of $9.95 per month, including any pass through of franchise or utility tax to the customers. A list of connection, installation, and additional service rates was read and incorporated into the ordinance by amendment of 9/27/82• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRE- SENTED. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: STREDICKE, REED, MATHEWS. 3 NOS: HUGHES, ROCKHILL, TRIMM. Ordinance not adopted; failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, SUBJECT MATTER BE LAID ON THE TABLE. CARRIED. Board of Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the Administration' s actior Adjustment on a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Dale Frank, 475 Kirkland Appeal Inquiry Avenue NE, Renton, concerning application to the Board of Adjust- ment for variance (File #V-453-82) . Councilman Stredicke asked whether the Frank' s had been advised of appeal procedures. Mayor Shinpoch reported that the letter was being handled by the Building Department at the present time, and there would be a report back at the next Council meeting, noting that Mr. and Mrs. Frank would be well-advised of their alternatives. Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Sign Councilman Rockhill reported that the Planning and Development Ordinance/ Committee had discussed the sign ordinance and fee schedule, but Fee Schedule would have no committee report this evening. Both topics are being investigated further by staff and would be discussed again at the Planning and Development Committee meeting of 10/14/82. Parking Space Councilman Hughes commended the job done on extending the stripes Extensions that designate parking spaces in the downtown area to the top of the curb. He reported he has heard many favorable comments as to ease of parking now on the left-hand side of the street. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance Committee for second and final reading: Ordinance #3664 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 1628 relating to Applications Business Licenses and Returns - Public Reacord. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, Public Disclosure COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance for first reading: Cumulative An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as "Cumulative Reserve Fund Reserve Fund No. " for the purpose of segregating monies re- ceived from the Special Utilities Connection Charges as authorized by Ordinance 3659• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READ- ING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3665 An ordinance was read creating a special fund known as "Cumulative Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 3665" for the purpose of segregating monies re- Reserve Fund ceived from the Special Utilities Connection Charges as authorized by Ordinance 3659• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2476 A resolution was read recommending that the Legislature of the Stricter State of Washington repeal provisions of legislation adopted by Fireworks the 47th State Legislature liberalizing fireworks control within Control the State and re-enact "safe and sane" fireworks regulations. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. E&B Developers Councilman Stredicke announced the restrictive covenants for the Rezone E&B Developers Rezone on SW Grady Way and SW 12th Street have been R-026-82 signed and the ordinance is ready for publication. NEW BUSINESS South King County Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm invited Council input for Task Force the newly-formed South King County Task Force. The Task Force was formed to gain support for road improvements. Councilman Councilman Trimm said thank-you for the "happy retirement" cards Trimm he received tonight. Mayor Shinpoch announced that Councilman Retirement Trimm was retiring from Puget Power Company after 36 years of service, wished him well and called attention to refreshments provided by Council Secretary Billie Dunphy and Councilwoman Mathews which would be served following the meeting. Councilman Trimm will remain active with the City Council . Renton City Council October 4, 1982 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS continued Common Councilman Rockhill asked if all Council Members had received Driveways a letter from Land Use Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman regarding common driveways. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. KAUFMAN REGARDING COMMON DRIVEWAYS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch commended City Attorney Warren on his successful REPORT defense in the city' s position of the Lakeview Towers case, noting this will reduce the liability of the City. Government Mayor Shinpoch announced that she had watched the "Government Speaks Speaks" program on cable television and, while she believed the format could be improved, did appreciate Councilman Stredicke' s contribution to the program. Police Mayor Shinpoch reported that she had received a letter thanking Department the City for providing such competent and qualified police officers. Commendation The letter came from a family (name not given) whose child had been molested and it sent thanks and gratitude to Renton Police Detective Sheldon Ferguson for his sensitivity, professionalism and valued assistance during this ordeal . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9: 15 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk i I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 4, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 10/14 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers To include Public Meeting regarding f traffic situation near Valley ` General Hospital AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/12 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Cedar River Terrace Pedestrian Corridor Tues. 10/19 4:30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Citizens Advisory Committee on the Block Grant Program PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/07 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Rancourt Appeal Thurs. 10/14 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Sign code and fee schedule Thurs. 10/21 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Bitney Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY pled. 10/06 4:45 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Department permit fees ed. 10/13 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Second-hand firearm licensing TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Wed, 10/06 4:00 p.m, MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Sewer service to unincorporated area Wed. 10/20 4:00 p,m. 4th Floor Conference Room King County Solid Waste charges Proposed 1983 utility rate increases WAYS AND MEANS Ion. 10/11 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF Board Wed. 10/06 7:30 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Suburban Mayors ed. 10/06 Flame Restaurant, Kirkland, Washington OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS October 4, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9208 2,000.00 James Gepford 615 Morris Avenue South Carport/house siding 9209 1,300.00 Joe Puhich 1402 Kennewick Avenue NE Construct garage 9210 2,982.00 Val Bain 451 SW Tenth Street Reroof 9211 11 ,300.00 Centennial Villas 71 SW Victoria Street Install sprinkler system 9212 1,300.00 Jerry Hope 3102 NE 15th Reroof apartment build,- 9213 uild 9213 100,000.00 H. Moscatel 920 South Third Street Remodel second floor 9214 5,193.00 Tom Cook 620 South Seventh Street Reroof office building 9215 1,950.00 Steve Black 1916 Camas Court SE Reroof residence 9216 300.00 Robert Bunker 550 Pierce Avenue SE Remodel roof/windows 9217 75,000.00 Star Machinery 4202 West Valley Road Two mobile office trailers 9218 2,099.00 David Brinley 2509 Ferndale Avenue NE Reroof residence 9219 500.00 Ross Sherlock 815 Dayton Avenue NE Reroof garage 9220 2,500.00 Lewis Boutwell 1203 North 33rd Place Garage addition 9221 2,777.50 Ted Meldrum 405 Lind NW Reroof and roof repair MECHANICAL PERMITS 9490 170.00 Charles Franklin 866 Queen Avenue NE Wood burning stove 9491 2,500.00 Berkley Structures 1107 SW Grady Way Sprinkler/Irrigation system 9492 850.00 Wesley Busch 312 Busch Place South Wood burning stove 9493 2,600.00 Pat Yonker 1330 Aberdeen Avenue NE Plumbing/fixtures 9494 958.00 Jim Johnson 3129 Talbot Road South Furnace and water heater 9495 400.00 Tom Anderson 312 Williams Avenue North Water service line 9496 15,000.00 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Plumbing/fixtures 9497 17,200.00 Johnson & Lieber 723 SW Tenth Street Plumbing/fixtures 9498 500.00 Michael Kielgass 4325 NE Tenth Place New furnace 9499 1,250.00 Shana Jarrett 669 Pierce Court NE Wood burning stove 9500 1,100.00 Robert Glascock 1837 Harrington Avenue NE Wood burning stove 9501 2,290.00 Leonard Builders 4212 SE Fourth Place Plumbing/fixtures 9502 1,200.00 Paul A. Thompson 2029 Aberdeen Avenue SE Plumbing/fixtures 9503 500.00 Louis Traverso 1401 Seventh Avenue South Gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10626 600.00 Free Methodist Church 2201 Edmonds Avenue SE Fire alarm system wiring 10627 18,569.00 Renton Shopping Center 28442 Sunset Blvd. NE Wire office building 10628 500.00 C. L. Greeson 2321 NE Ninth Place Rewire and wire for heating 10629 100.00 Salvation Army 720 South Tobin Street Temporary service 10630 550.00 Jerry Alphronie 2510 Meadow Avenue North Service change to 200A 10631 400.00 Coluccio Construction 600 Renton Village Drive Temporary service 10632 300.00 Coluccio Construction 805 Talbot Road South Temporary service 10633 2,500.00 Star Machinery 4020 West Valley Road Service to office trailers 10634 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 114 Vashon Avenue SE Temporary power 10635 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 4314 SE Second Place Temporary power 10636 340.00 John Weers 2019 NE 12th Street Additional service 110637 200.00 Wigwam Store 2824 NE Sunset Blvd. Correct underground service 10638 50.00 Barbara Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street Install four conduits 10639 500.00 Louis Traverso 1315 South Seventh Street Convert overhead service 10640 200.00 Mr. O'Neal 2716 Meadow Avenue North Wire heat pump 10641 900.00 Bill Rivoli 908 North 29th Street New service and repairs 10642 150.00 Michael Kielgass 4325 NE Tenth Place Extend wiring to addition 10643 250.00 Sternco Industrials 1608 SW 43rd Street Change to underground 10644 250.00 Sternco Industrials 1516 SW 43rd Street Change to underground 10645 4,800.00 Star Machinery 4202 West Valley Road Amp feeder/sub feeder CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5310 Leonard Builders 4301 SE Fourth Place Side sewer 5311 Leonard Builders 4301 SE Fourth Street Driveway approach 5312 Leonard Builders 4307 SE Fourth Street Driveway approach 5313 Leonard Builders 4212 SE Fourth Place Driveway approach OF R4^, � 'V� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS „ EARL CLYMER, O COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED 00RANDALL ROCKHILL 9A r40' R E N T O N CITY �r/� O U N C'L RICHARD M.STREDICKE 0,9 ��P THOMAS W TRIMM qTFD SEP'So PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MAYOR October 11 , 1982 Monday , 8: 00 P . M . 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Executive Department submits Renton Fire Department promotional appoint- ments of Glen G. Gordon and John J . McLaughlin to the position of Captain; and Greg A. Bergquist, Steve A. Baima and Talmon H. Hall to the position of Lieutenant. Each position to be effective 10/01/82 and is subject to a six-month probationary period. Information. b. Letter from Mij Miller, Secretary, 131st Street Traffic Light Committee, invites Council to attend dedication ceremonies of the traffic light at 131st Street and Maple Valley Highway, Saturday, 10/16/82, 11:00 a.m. Refer to Council Secretary to advise Committee as to Council Members attending. c. Claim for damages filed by Washington Natural Gas Company in the amount of $284.60 for alleged placement of a 3/4" water service over a two-inch gas main causing it to lose cathodic protection - 2533 NE 29th (3/29/82). Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. d. Claim for damages filed by Louis D. Brees in the amount of $71.89 for sewer back-up into basement allegedly caused by clogged City line (9/28/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. e. Court case filed 7/20/82 by Durwood and Delores Blood alleging City zoning error of property located at NE 14th Street and Edmonds NE (March, 1979 - September, 1980). Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Court case filed 9/03/82 by Sally Jo Humphreys alleging unconstitutional strip search by Renton Police Department (2/25/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. g. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report and recommendation regarding File #R-019-82, G.M. Associates Request for Rezone. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. -- 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 2`8 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of October 11 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION AND CITY CLERK-- Portland, Oregon, ballot issue requiring city employees to live within city limits Water District 14 Interlocal Cooperative Agreement-;; CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER** Water District 107 letter - re: William Clarke Claim for Damages - Washington Natural Gas Company** Claim for Damages - Louis Brees`* Durwood Blood Court Case* Sally Jo Humphreys Court Case' ;; COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Finance Department Reorganization COUNCIL SECRETARY 1315t Street Traffic Light Dedication Ceremonies PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Correspondence from City Attorney re: Bennett-Multivest Rezone Appeal WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE GM Associates Rezone #R-019-82 Fire Department Permit Fees J. Clifford Gray Rezone Ordinance Repeal of Ordinance #3383 Ordinance PUBLIC MEETING 10/14/82 - In conjunction with the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole to consider the traffic situation near Valley General Hospital . PUBLIC HEARING 10/15/82 - Shoreline Master Program Update RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 11 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to ,order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY. STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; JOHN MCFARLAND, Personnel Director; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; JAMES MATTHEW, Fire Marshal ; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department ; ROBERT BERGSTROM, Engineering Supervisor. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT William Clarke, 11112 SE 73rd Place, addressed Council regarding slippage of soil from the bank in front of his house onto the City street causing movement of his water meter and damage to landscaping. Mr. Clarke felt this was due to rain erosion of the bank following installation of a water meter and removal of the lateral and sub- adjacent supports by Water District 107 sub-contractor two years ago. Although Mr. Clarke' s residence lies in the County, the mud slides were affecting City streets. Because of this mutual concern for future damage, it was agreed the City Attorney Warren would con- tact Water District 107 and/or their sub-contractor for possible resolution to the problem. D. A. Rancourt Dewey Rancourt, 1116 North 38th, requested the Planning and Devel - Short Plat opment Committee report regarding appeal of Hearing Examiner decision File SP-055-82 of 8/30/82 be brought before Council . Short Plat application was V-056-82 for four-lot short plat and variances to permit a private street V-057-82 thirty feet wide and 357 feet long and a lot depth of 77.6 feet in Planning and lieu of the 85-foot requirement at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. Development MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR Committee ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMIT- TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report recommending this matter be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Department Mayor Shinpoch noted the first item on the Consent Agenda announced Promotions commissioned officer promotions in the Fire Department. The Mayor introduced newly-promoted Captain Glen Gordon, Captain John McLaughlin, Lieutenant Greg Bergquist, Lieutenant Steve Baima, and Lieutenant Talmon Hall and congratulated them. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Fire Department Executive Department submitted Renton Fire Department promotional Commissioned appointments of Glen G. Gordon and John J. McLaughlin to Captain; Officer and Greg A. Bergquist, Steve A. Baima and Talmon H. Hall to the Promotions position of Lieutenant. These officers have been certified by the Fire Civil Service Commission and are at the top of the eligibility list. Promotions to be effective October 1 , 1982, subject to six- month probationary period. Information. Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Traffic Letter from Mij Miller, Secretary, 131st Street Traffic Light Light Committee, 3909 SE 11th, invited Council to dedication ceremonies Dedication for the new traffic light at the corner of Maple Valley Highway and 131st Street on Saturday, 10/16/82, at 11 :00 a.m. Refer to Council Secretary to advise Committee as to Council Members attending. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $284.60 filed by Washington Damages Natural Gas Company for alleged placement of a 3/4'' water service CL-50-82 over a two-inch gas main causing it to lose cathodic protection at 2533 NE 29th (3/29/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $71 .89 filed by Louis D. Brees Damages for sewer back-up into his basement allegedly caused by clogged CL-49-82 City line (9/28/82) • Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Durwood Blood Court case filed by Durwood and Delores Blood alleging City zoning Court Case error of property located at NE 14th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE (March, 1979 - September, 1980) . Refer to City Attorney and insur- ance carrier. S. J. Humphreys Court case filed by Sally Jo Humphreys alleging unconstitutional Court Case strip search and illegal vehicle impoundment by Renton Police Department (2/25/82) • Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. GM Associates Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of Rezone approval with restrictive covenants for GM Associates request for R-019-82 rezone of the NE corner of Duvall Avenue NE and NE Fourth Street from G-1 to B-1 for a community shopping center. Matter had been removed from the agenda of 9/13/82 because of a technicality in the restrictive covenants. Corrected covenants have now been received. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 131st Street Councilman Stredicke commended the efforts of the 131st Street Traffic Light Traffic Light Committee and urged Council to attend the dedication Dedication ceremonies. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Surplus Letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy reported net proceeds Equipment/ of the Surplus Equipment and Police Evidence Auction to be Police Evidence $23,751 . 15. The auction was held 9/15/82. This was the first Auction time the two auctions had been combined, done in an effort to conserve advertising and auctioneer costs. OLD BUSINESS Executive Council President Clymer announced Council would meet in Executive Session Session following item 11 (Audience Comment) on the agenda to Scheduled discuss the Police Guild contract. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report reviewing_, Committee Fire Department permit fees and recommending the following: Fire Department Permit Fees 1 . Uniform Fire Code - no change 2. Fireworks Stand Permits - increase fee from $10 to $50. 3. Burning Permits - no fee be charged. 4. Fire Safety Inspections - no change Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Public Safety 5• Re-inspection Follow-up Fees - Assess fee of $50 to building Committee owner, operator or occupant after initial fire inspection, continued proper notification of infraction (s) and failure to comply prior to the 30-day re-inspection. An exception to the fee Fire Department assessment to be considered if the building owner, operator Permit Fees or occupant, by contact and agreement with the Fire Depart- ment, establishes a definite date for compliance. 6. Building Plans Review - no change 7. Plans Review (Preliminary) - no change 8. Automatic Fire Protection System Permit and Plans Review Fee - Institute a fee and permit system similar to that required by ordinance for electrical permits. 9. Fire Flow Analysis (Preliminary) - No change. It was felt a change here and in item 7 at this time would discourage future building development. 10. Miscellaneous Charge for Fire Services - fees appropriate as listed: Incident Reports - $ 1 .00 Inspection Reports - 1 .00 Investigation Reports - 3.00 Photographs - B&W - 6.00 Color - 7.00 Additional copies - $2.50 and $3.50 Continued Summary: In reviewing the Fire Department ' s request , the Public Safety Committee recommended items 2, 5, 8 and 10 receive favorable consideration and further recommended they be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper form. Councilman Hughes noted he felt the fee for fireworks stands should be increased to $100 as provided for by State law. Councilman Rockhill questioned the proposed fee structure of item 8. Council - woman Mathews reported that a system cost of less than $50 would have a permit charge of $10; $50-$250 - charge of $15; $250-$1 ,000 - charge of $15 + 2%; $1 ,000-$5,000 - $25 + 1%; over $5,000 - $60 + 2%. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER IT TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER FORM.*** Questions were raised regarding fining of the building owner or occupant/operator, dual notification of infractions, and structural default versus operational default. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ITEM 5 OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT BE AMENDED TO REQUIRE THAT NOTIFICATION TO THE BUILDING OWNER AND TO THE OCCUPANT BE MADE IN THE CASE OF STRUCTURAL DEFICIENCIES AND NOTIFICATION TO THE OCCUPANT BE MADE IF THE DEFICIENCY IS OPERATIONALLY-CAUSED. CARRIED. **ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Group W Cable MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER OF CABLE TELEVISION Rate Increase BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Letter from Request James H. Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, was read requesting the matter of Group W' s rate increase request remain tabled to facilitate resolution of essential concerns , agreeing to suspend the "120-day rule" effective 10/05/82 and for not more than 60 days thereafter. Councilman Stredicke noted that a memo had been drafted and was now prepared by Council President Clymer for Group W signature, agreeing to hold in abeyance all action on the formal notice of change in basic service rates for cable television, and, pursuant to Group W request of 10/05 (see above) , establishes 1/15/83 as the date of the end of the "120 day rule". If the Council does not act on the rate increase request by that date, such rates as proposed by Group W shall be deemed approved. As a condition of Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Group W Cable agreement, the City Council shall not modify, reject or approve Rate Increase the rate request before 12/15/82. Councilman Stredicke noted Request this memo had been discussed with the City' s cable television continued consultant and cable television representative. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LETTER SIGNED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER AND TO HOLD IN ABEYANCE ACTION ON THE FORMAL NOTICE OF CHANGE IN BASIC SERVICE RATES BY GROUP W. Councilman Reed questioned whether the construction deadline was included in this letter. Mayor Shinpoch noted the construction deadline could be established when the matter comes back before the Council . MOTION CARRIED. Employee Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration Residency regarding a ballot measure in Portland, Oregon, requiring city Requirement employees to live within the city limits. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairwoman Mathews presented a report recom- Committee mending no action be taken to change the current city policy which Sewer Service does not allow sanitary sewer extensions to unincorporated territory. to Unincorporated MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Territory UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report con- Committee curring in the list provided by the Public Works Department for South King needed road improvements and recommended submittal of the list to County Roads the South King County Roads Task Force with the addition of one Task Force City project: Study anticipated impact of SR 515 on City streets and suggest improvements which could be made to lessen those impacts when the route is opened to travel . Those projects submitted by the Public Works Department : State Highway Projects T. Improve capacity of 405 between 1-90 and 1-5 over and above HOV lanes and improve "S" curves on 405 without ramp metering. 2. SW 43rd Street and SR 167 interchange improvements 3. Improve South Renton Interchange 4. Widen Third and Sunset and NE Third Street undercrossing 5. Extend Maple Valley (SR 169) widening to Jones Road City-County City-State City-City 1 . Widen overcrossing of 1-405 at Lind Avenue SW (City-State) 2. Connection from Cemetery Hill to Maple Valley between Sunset and 156th SE 3. Undercrossing on SW 43rd (at railroad tracks) Orillia Kent/Renton 4. Extend Valley Parkway - SW 16th to Empire Way 5. Improve Talbot Road South, South 15th to South 176th Street City T. Extend SW 27th Valley Parkway to West Valley Road j 2. Extend Valley Parkway SW 41st to SW 16th Street 3. Widen Grady Way from Lind SW to Longacres Drive 4. Widen Puget Drive, Jones Place SE to Edmonds Avenue SE 5. Widen NE Fourth Street , Monroe Avenue NE, to East City limits 6. Study anticipated impact of SR 515 on City streets and suggest improvements which could be made to lessen those impacts when the route is opened to travel (added by Committee) . Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS continued Transportation MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Committee RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman continued Stredicke spoke against the recommendation urging further study for east-west corridors, additional access onto SR 167 and pro- viding sufficient access from Talbot Hill to freeways without entering Renton. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM; 1 NO: STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee for first reading: J. Clifford Gray An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone property located on the north side of SW 12th Street between R-051-82 Maple Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW from Residence District (R-1 ) to Light Industry District (L-1 ) , J. Clifford Gray Rezone, File #R-051-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Repeal of An ordinance was read repealing Ordinance 3383 regarding non- Ordinance #3383 payment to FICA for illness or disability wages. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2477 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to borrow LID 320 $22,825.01 from the Waterworks Utility Fund for interim financing Interim for LID 320• Interest rate to be established at the prevailing Financing rate at time of borrowing; to be repaid in full , with interest , upon receipt of funds from sale of LID 320 bonds. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2478 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Interlocal execute an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Water District Cooperative 14 for extension of Renton' s water service into a portion of the Agreement - district normally served by Water District 14. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Water SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. District 14 CARRIED. Planning Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted a report Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor' s reappointment of Virginia Reappointment Houser to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, 1985. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT OF VIRGINIA HOUSER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Finance Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted a report Department recommending approval of the proposed Finance Department reorgani- Reorganization zation which will result in a savings of $48,000 between the 1982 budget and proposed 1983 budget. Committee further recommended the request for reclassification of three positions be approved effective 1/01/83. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Council concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Finance Director Mulcahy outlined the proposed savings, noting salary dollars as the main source. Following discussion regarding possible savings by year-end, a SUBSTITUTE MOTION was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AS IS BUT SUBSTITUTE THE DATE OF 11/01/82. Councilman Rockhill questioned the need for immediate imposition of the reorganization. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: CLYMER, STREDICKE, REED, MATHEWS; 3 NOS: HUGHES, ROCKHILL, TRIMM. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION. CARRIED. 214 Renton City Council October 11 , 1982 Page 6 Finance MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND THE RECOMMENDATION Department TO CHANGE THE IMPOSITION DATE FROM 1/01/83 TO 11/01/82. CARRIED. Reorganization Original motion as amended: Council concur in the recommendation continued of the Ways and Means Committee with a reorganization date of 11/01/82. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: CLYMER, STREDICKE, MATHEWS; 4 NOS: HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, TRIMM. Motion failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, SUBJECT OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATIO BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 42005 Approval through 42268 in the amount of $1 ,994,316.49 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42000-42004 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Rockhill inquired if all Council Members had received Bennett- a copy of a letter from City Attorney Warren regarding the Bennett- Multivest Multivest Rezone (R-024-82) Appeal . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED Rezone Appeal BY HUGHES, CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING BENNETT- Correspondence MULTIVEST BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced that Talbot Road will be blocked between REPORT 15th and 19th Streets through 11/01/82 beginning 10/11/82 for the Street state to install curbs, gutters and sidewalks. A detour will be Closure posted to Shattuck. Court Case Mayor Shinpoch announced that a court suit brought against the Dismissal city by a former city police officer had been dismissed. LID Bond Mayor Shinpoch reported that Finance Director Mulcahy had pro- Information vided a response to questions regarding LID bonds and that infor- mation would be distributed to Council Members. North End Mayor Shinpoch reported the North End Bus Base was defeated at Bus Base Metro Council on 10/07/82 by a vote of 13-20. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION OF THE POLICE GUILD CONTRACT CARRIED. 10:05 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called ; 10:40 P.M. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk EXP111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 10/11/82 "ARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO.# 42000 - 42004 CURRENT $12801411 . 22 ARKS $700973008 vow STREETS $180380. 11 LIBRARY $80722.99 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE •860751 .32 STREET FORWARU THRUST $440969.67 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR $6570956.53 MUNICIPAL FACIL ISHUHS ) $10152.04 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61650991 .96 AIRPORT $90421 .31 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $130836.94 LID CONTROL $7$70749.32 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $109940316049 WE0 THE UNUERSIGNkU MEMBtRS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE w.. RENTON CITY COUNCILO HAVING; RELLIVLO DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANU/UR SLRV1CLS HAVE t5LLN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDO DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUULHERS Nut 42005 THROUGH NO* 42266 IN TME AMOUNT OF $109940316. 49 TH15 11TH DAT OF OC:TUBER 1982. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN L '• • `� • . . • MEMBER • • L.Z.D.#314 -„ REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-27 $643,575.54 �' . . _• �"r�; /,ice. . . • • LII.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT N0.#R-22 $ 50.00 L.I.D.#323 REVENUE WARRANT NNO.#R- 9 $ 19,097.39 L.Z.D.#325 REVENUE WARRATN NO.#R- 2 $125,026.39 r N CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Q� Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 11, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 10/14 3:00 P.M. CLYMER Council chambers To include Public Meeting regarding traffic situation near Valley General Hospital AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/12 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Cedar River Terrace Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Tues. 10/19 4:30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Citizens Advisory-Block Grant Progra PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/14 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 5th Floor Conference Room Sign code - City Attorney invited Thurs. 10/21 4:00 p.m. 5th Floor Conference Room Bitney Appeal Thurs. 10/28 4:00 p.m. 5th Floor Conference Room Wiemann Rezone Extension Request PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 10/13 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 5th Floor Conference Room Second-hand Firearms Licensing - Police Chief, Fire Chief and City Attorney invited. TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 10/18 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 5th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS FIREMEN' S PENSION BOARD Tues. 10/12 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room TRAFFIC LIGHT DEDICATION Sat. 10/16 11 :00 a.m. 131st Street and Maple Valley Highway OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS October 11, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9222 8,000,000.00 U.S. Home Corporation 2307 NE Fourth Street 280-Unit Condominium Complex 9223 2,000.00 Sheila Campbell 1708-10 Kirkland Avenue Reroof duplex 9224 20,000.00 Centennial Villas 71 SW Victoria Retirement center foundation 9225 1,000.00 Bruce Lenser 758 Queen Avenue NE Reroof residence 92 500.00 Duane/Nancy Oyler 307 Cedar Avenue South Reroof part of residence 92 42,500.00 Church of Christ 2527 NE 12th Street Building addition 92 18,500.00 Valley General Hospital 400 South 43rd Street 45x8 trailer installation 92Z7 9,500.00 Mr. Polley 1058 Kirkland NE Construct green house 9230 1,200.00 Dana Sarver 1527-29 Jefferson NE Reroof apartments 9231 2,880.00 Penny Slaker 3004 NE 15th Reroof duplex 9232 3,700.00 Dennis Skinner 4419 NE 24th Street Addition to residence 9233 1,900.00 Paul Thompson 2029 Aberdeen Avenue SE Finish residence basement MECHANICAL PERMITS 9504 2,400.00 Arthur Kenyon 2209 NE 36th Street Install septic tank 9505 500.00 Henry Bacon (Jack Curran)560 Hardie Avenue SW Install gas piping 9506 1 ,200.00 'John Murphy 529 Cedar Avenue South Wood stove 9507 1,000.00 Clark Burdick 4703 NE 23rd Street Gas burner/water heater 9508 1,350.00 Ira Reel 929 Edmonds Avenue NE Wood stove 9509 250.00 Robert Maxwell 410 Renton Avenue South Fireplace insert 9510 510.00 Robert Zirk 1617 NE 28th Street Zero clearance fireplace 9511 500.00 Leisure Estates 201 Union Avenue SE Install water line 9512 300.00 Henry Dykes 3932 NE 11th Place Wood stove 9513 50.00 Claudia Reynolds 751 Redmond NE Wood stove ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10646 500.00 S. Wallick 4009 NE Tenth Street Wire new residence 10647 125.00 Paul Thompson 2029 Aberdeen Avenue SE Wire unfinished basement 10648 2,000.00 Harry Moscatel 920 South Third Street Wire remodeled area 1 `^ 800.00 Bill Frost 1924 NE 27th Street Change service to 200 amp 1 300.00 M. J. Pringle 117 Logan Avenue South Hood fan and attic fan 1 50.00 Bert Swift 1801 Jones Avenue NE Wire heat pump (altered) 10 2 50.00 Renton School District 1800 Index Avenue NE Portable classroom hook-up 10653 500.00 Renton Aviation 840 West Perimeter Road New service wire 10654 700.00 Dennis Hotchkin 679 Camas Avenue NE Alter service to 100 amp 10655 1,500.00 Community Bank 3005 Sunset Blvd. NE Floodlight/sign wiring 10656 25,045.00 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Install service feeders SIGN PERMIT 1047 50.00 Renton Eagles -11722 316 South Third Street Banner CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5315 F. M. Welland 253 Taylor NW Repair sanitary sewer 5316 Grady Way Associates 607 SW Grady Way Storm, sanitary, water, etc. 5317 Washington State DOT Grady Way & South Seventh at Shattuck Double check valve & vault 5318 Terry Suzaka 370 Earlington Avenue SW Repair sanitary sewer 5319 Holvick deRegt Koering SW Seventh & Powell SW Improvements per plan 5320 Salvation Army 720 South Tobin Commercial side sewer, etc. 5321 Mobil Oil 2433 Lind Avenue SW Right-of-way 5322 Mobil Oil 2433 Lind Avenue SW Sanitary sewer rr.. OF COUNCIL MEMBERS EA A G E N D A RL CLYMER,COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS JOHN W REED C) RANDALL ROCKHILL 09 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE �P THOMAS W TRIMM 0,9gTED SEP"'o PRESIDING REGULAR MEETING BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MAYOR October 18 , 1982 Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 11 , 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for futher discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Mayor Shinpoch sets 10/25/82 as the date of Public Hearing to consider the City' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Money for 1983. Information. b. Police Department submits Inter-Departmental Mutual Aid Agreement for Police Services between Auburn, Des Moines, Kent, Normandy Park, Tukwila, the Port of Seattle and Renton. Refer to Public Safety Committee. c. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report and recommendation regarding Jerry Amon Request for Rezone, File R-047-82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. City Clerk submits R. L. Christopherson application for street vacation of a portion of Hardie Avenue NW (VAC 06-82) . Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting Public Hearing for 11/22/82. 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from the Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches (REACH) requesting Council consideration of endorsing the proposed mutual nuclear weapons freeze. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of October 18 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Sunpointe Traffic Light Requirement BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Christopherson Street Vacation #V-06-82 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Police Mutual Aid Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REACH proposal regarding nuclear freeze Sign Ordinance change regarding real estate signs Proposed LID near Valley General Hospital Amon Rezone #R-047-82 Christopherson Street Vacation #V-06-82 Fee Schedule increase GM Associates Rezone Ordinance PUBLIC HEARING 10/25/82 - Shoreline Master Program Update Federal Revenue Sharing 220 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 18 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 11 , 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Richard Jackson, 6523 - 117th Avenue SE, asked the correspondence COMMENT listed as item 6 on the agenda be brought before Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND AD- Renton VANCE TO ITEM 6, CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. A letter signed by Ecumenical Reverend James C. Heer, President, Renton Ecumenical Association Association of of Churches (REACH) , Jacqueline A. Reid, Vice President of REACH, Churches and ten REACH members was read requesting that Council endorse (REACH) the proposed mutual nuclear weapons freeze. A draft resolution Nuclear Arms was also read supporting immediate strategic arms control objectives Freeze and future pursuance of major, mutual and verifiable reductions in nuclear weapon systems. Mr. Jackson outlined the proposal . Reverend James Heer, 1030 North 36th Street, and Reverend Maynard Atik, 14517 SE 198th, spoke in favor of the freeze. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF REACH. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Lawrence Bommarito, 14253 - 143rd SE, requested the matter of the Ordinance placement of real estate signs be brought before Council . MOVED Planning and BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE ORDER OF BUSINESS Development AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Committee Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted a committee report recommending the Sign Ordinance be amended to allow real estate "open house" signs provided the advertising be limited to one sign on the premises for sale and three off-premises signs with a further limit of a total of four off-premises signs if a Realtor has more than one "open house" in a single development or subdivision. Such signs to be permitted only during daylight hours and only when the real estate company representative, seller or agent is present at the property for sale. Signs shall not exceed four square feet in surface area on each side of the sign and shall be placed only along the periphery of public right-of-way so as not to obstruct vision or pathway of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke questioned whether this ordinance would apply to all signs by all industries. Councilman Rockhill explained that the real estate industry depended on this type of advertising to a much larger degree and noted that no other businesses were represented at any committee meeting. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. I Renton City Council October 18, 1982 Page 2 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Proposed Dr. Mack Richey, 17930 Talbot Road South, requested the matter LID near of the proposed Local Improvement District on South 43rd Street Valley be brought before Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY General MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE ITEM OF Hospital THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee of the Committee of Whole Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the staff The Whole proceed with formation of preliminary LID boundaries and guide- lines for the area near Valley General Hospital . The Committee further recommended this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper resolution. Dr. Richey reported he is a partner in a plastic surgery clinic at the northeast corner of Talbot Road and South 43rd Street which would be severely impacted by the proposed widening of South 43rd Street, bringing road noise and vibration within feet of an area of the clinic where surgery is performed. Dr. Richey requested Council consideration of his objections. Councilman Stredicke noted that Council action would only authorize formation of the LID; that proposals within the LID were not definite and there would be opportunity for discussion. Mayor Shinpoch stated the matter would be forwarded to the Public Works Department and discussed at the staff meeting of 10/19/82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Federal Shared Administration requested Public Hearing be set for 10/25/82 to Revenue Public consider the City' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Money Hearing for 1983. Information. Police Mutual Police Department submitted an Inter-Departmental Mutual Aid Aid Agreement Agreement for police services in potential civil disturbances or riots between Auburn, Des Moines, Kent , Normandy Park, Tukwila , the Port of Seattle and Renton. Refer to Public Safety Committee. J. Amon Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of R-047-82 approval with restrictive covenants for Jerry Amon request for rezone of the north side of NE Fourth Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue NE from G-1 to B-1 to permit construction of a one-story building to house a hair styling salon and rental space. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Christopherson City Clerk submitted application by R. L. Christopherson for vacation Street Vacation of a portion of Hardie Avenue NW south of NW Fifth Street. Refer to V-06-82 Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting Public Hearing for 11/22/E2—. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report recommending the City Council require restrictive covenants Planning and to be recorded in form satisfactory to the City Attorney prior to Development final approval of the rezone for Bennett-Multivest (#R-24-82) . Committee Rezone was requested for the north side of NE Fourth Street approxi- Bennett-Multivest mately 950 feet east of Union Avenue NE from G-1 and R-3 to B-1 for Rezone Appeal development of a proposed community shopping center. Appeal filed R-24-002 8/05/82. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council October 18, 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted Development a report recommending approval of the increases in the Fee Committee Schedule Ordinance, Title I , Chapter 41 , Code of General Ordinances. continued Policy Development Director Clemens outlined the scheduled fee increases, noting Renton will be comparable to cities of Tukwila, Fee Schedule Bellevue and Kent. With the increases, the City of Renton will be Ordinance recovering approximately 60% of the cost for staff review and evalu- ation of any application. Committee Chairman Rockhill commented on the lack of interest at the Public Hearing for this fee increase, reporting that the last increase took place in 1976. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIED. Street Councilman Stredicke questioned if the Consent Agenda item for the Vacations proposed street vacation was a logical vacation (being a half-block vacation request) or if others in the area, at a later date, will request inclusion, noting similar problem with prior street vacation. Mayor Shinpoch reported that this matter would be discussed at staff meeting. CHG/Sunpointe Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding a report that Development the CHG/Sunpointe development had been denied by the State in their Requirements attempt to install a traffic signal on Sunset Blvd. SW (a City-imposed requirement on the developer) . Stredicke questioned how often this situation occurred. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Reed, subject matter of the Sunpointe multi-family development regarding on and off site improvements be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Due to the time delay before the next Committee of the Whole meeting and possible extension of a temporary occupancy permit for Sunpointe, SUBSTITUTE MOTION: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. CARRIED. Finance MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBJECT MATTER OF REORGANI- Department ZATION OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT BE PULLED FROM THE COMMITTEE OF Reorganization THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT OF 10/11/82 APPROVING THE REORGANIZATION AND SETTING THE IMPLEMENTATION DATE OF 1/01/83. Councilman Reed objected to the reorganization' s high number of supervisors over few personnel , claiming reorganization is built around people rather the workload. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee for second and final reading: Ordinance #3666 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain J. Clifford Gray property located on the north side of SW 12th Street between Maple Rezone Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW from Residence District (R-1 ) to Light R-051-82 Industry District (L-1 ) , J. Clifford Gray Rezone, File #R-051-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3667 An ordinance was read repealing Ordinance 3383 regarding non-payment lity . MOVED BY Repeal of to FICA for 8 BY HUGHES, COUNCILS ADOPor T'TTHE IORDINANCE SSTREDICKE, AS PRESENTED. ROLLCALL: ALL Ordinance 33 3 AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance for first reading: GM Associates An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone property located at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE and R-019-82 NE Fourth Street from General Classification (G) to Business Renton City Council October 18, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued GM Associates District (B-1) , GM Associates Rezone, File #R-019-82. MOVED BY Rezone STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK continued TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolution for reading and adoption. Resolution #2479 A resolution was read authorizing the Finance Director to borrow Street Forward a sum, not to exceed $500,000, from the Street Forward Thresallo- Thrust Fund Fund. Such sum to bear the prevailing rate of interest; b Borrowing cated to the Current Fund, Park Fund and Street Fund as required; andhan SECONDED BY et BYHUGHES, COUNCILADOPT2THE/RESOLUT 82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECION AS PRESENTED. SEC CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Hughes congratulated the "131st Street Traffic Light 131st Street Committee"on0 '�/82elfoPltheetraffioYlbghtdead' theloornereofnMapled Traffic Light Saturday, 1 / Dedication Valley Highway and 131st Street. Mayor Shinpoch agreed, noting this was the result of positive, enthusiastic community action. Group W Cable Councilman Stredicke announced that Group W Cable had oresponf the detter to Council ' s request and had signed and filed a copy agreeing to withholding of any action on the cable basic rate increase for the present time. County Councilman Stredicke noted receipt of a copy of the County Executive' s Budget budget which would be the topic of discussion at the next cable "Government Speaks" program to be filmed 10/27/82. He invited any Council Member with questions or comment to participate. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch repeated her praise for the 131st Street Traffic REPORT Light Committee for an excellent community program. Employee Mayor Shinpoch thanked Maxine Motor, Acting City Clerk, for the Residency speedy and thorough report on the Portland, Oregon, Ballot Issue Requirement regarding required residency for city employees. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE 4 P.M. Session SESSION TO DISCUSS THE POLICE GUILD NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. 9:3 l was ADJOURNMENT Council MejbMembersowereepresent. MOVEDsession. CLYMER11called; SECONDED 9 :55 P.M. all Count STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 18, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION Tues. 10/19 11:00 a.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/19 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Citizens Advisory Committee - Block Grant Program PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/21 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Bitney Appeal Thurs. 10/28 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Wiemann Rezone Extension Request Thurs. 11/04 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Hearing Examiner letter, HDK, etc. UBLIC SAFETY Wed. 10/27 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Police Mutual Aid Agreement Smoke Detectors in Day Care Centers TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM TILITIES Wed. 10/20 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room King County Dump Fees and Utility Rate Options WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 10/25 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS October 18, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 92_34___$_ 300.00 H. A. Brimson 308 SW Langston Reroof residence 9235 38,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 250 Vashon Avenue SE New single-family residence 9236 40,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 220 Vashon Avenue SE New single-family residence 9237 40,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 214 Vashon Avenue SE New single-family residence 94, 40,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 207 Vashon Avenue SE New single-family residence 91, 900.00 Jack Powell 2203 NE Tenth Street Reroof residence 91 2,500.00 Boulevard Cafe, Inc. 423 Airport Way South Foundation only 9�_ 1,900.00 Linda (No last name) 821 SW Langston Road Reroof residence 9242 400.00 Fred Johnson 1528-30 Index Avenue NE Reroof carport 9243 2,560.00 City of Renton 100 Mill Avenue South Repair library roof 9244 100.00 Donald Griffin 420 South Tobin Rebuild porch/add wood stove 9245 43,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2704 NE 23rd Place New single-family residence 9246 49,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2614 NE 23rd Place New single-family residence 9247 1,600.00 M. J. Pringle 117 Logan Avenue South Repair foundation 9248 2,737.00 Lelon Wittsoe 659 Jefferson Avenue SE Reroof part of residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 110657 100.00 Michael Shane 513 Cedar Avenue South Temporary power 10658 2,893.00 Dixon Long 2801 NE 12th Street Underground service feeder 10659 32,000.00 Johnson Leiber 723 SW Tenth Street Wire per plans 10660 200.00 Thunderhill Apartments 1099 Ethier Drive Temporary power 10661 1,100.00 C. J. Delaurente 89 Monterey Place NE New service receptacles 10662 1,155.00 Leonard Builders 4307 SE Fourth Street Wire new residence 10663 7,052.00 Harry Moscatel 920 South Third Street Wire remodeled space 10664 900.00 Dick Gardner 129 Tobin Avenue South New 200 amp service 10665 375.00 Larry Polley 1058 Kirkland Avenue NE Move electrical meter 10666 221,400.00 Centennial Villas 101 SW Victoria Street Wire retirement facility 10667 1,800.00 Pat Younker 1330 Aberdeen Avenue NE Wire new residence 10668 13,770.00 Boeing Building 7.81-4 Install transformer 10 125.00 Debbie Huet 1810 NE 27th Street Wire heat pump 10 1 5,000.00 Boeing Building 4-21 .3 Relocate tool design area louft 5,800.00 Boeing Building 4-75 Install duplex switch MECHANICAL PERMITS 9514 500.00 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Main line extension 9515 888.00 Albert Buechler 1001 SW Third Place Fireplace insert 9516 1,750.00 Roger Burke 1609 Olympia Avenue SE Wood stove 9517 800.00 James McCarl 1830 Whitman Court NE Fireplace insert 9518 1,000.00 Donald O'Brien 3327 NE 12th Street Wood stove 9519 5,200.00 Boeing Building 10-58 Two funnel drains 9520 3,000.00 Tom Lambro 1810 NE 27th Street Add heat pump 9521 2,556.00 Hillis Homes 2808 NE 23rd Place Plumbing and fixtures 9522 835.00 Constance Sholdra 1823 Morris Avenue South Fireplace insert 9523 1,150.00 Robert Doerschel 1113 North 29th Street Wood stove 9524 750.00 John Trautman 2601 Talbot Crest Drive Wood stove and chimney 9525 3,953.00 Harry Moscatel 920 South Third Street Plumbing and fixtures 9526 950.00 Sorco Construction 4016 NE Tenth Street Electric furnace 9527 75.00 Ty Golier 346 Smithers Avenue South Gas fireplace piping 9528 Void 9529 575.00 Bill Hiser 921 Monroe Avenue NE Plumbing and fixtures 9530 2,000.00 U Haul Company 453 Rainier Avenue North Propane dispenser tank 9531 150,000.00 Centennial Villas 101 South Victoria Plumbing and fixtures 9532 2,080.00 Boeing Building 781-4 Connect air conditioner 95 700.00 Bill Frost 1924 NE 27th Street Install electric furnace 95: 600.00 Lucien Lemon 1801 Jones Avenue NE Install electric furnace SIS`''- PERMITS 1048 100.00 Harrington Condominium 1175 Harrington Place NE Install banner 1049 7,500.00 Henry Bacon Building 560 Hardie Avenue SW Install pole sign 1050 6,000.00 Mike Mastro 3803 NE Fourth Street Install pole sign 1051 Winton & Associates 900 North Sixth Two subdivision ID signs OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA EARL CLYMER, O COUNCIL PRESIDENT V 40,R Z NOHUGHES � �� ANCY L.M THEWS o JOHN W REED 0 T RANDALL ROCKHILL 09p R E N T O N CITY 1 Iy C O U N C'L RICHARD M CKE O �P THOMAS W TRIMM RIMM 9�rF0 SEPT__-0O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING October 25 , 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday , 8 : 00 P .M . MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Shoreline Master Program - update of document, originally adopted in 1976, to provide specific development regulations for areas within 200 feet of Lake Washington, the Cedar and Green Rivers, and portions of Springbrook and May Creeks. b. City's proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Money for the year 1983 - Total funds available for the year: $1,085,922. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering requests ordinance to appropriate unanticipated revenue from the Boeing Company in the amount of $46,000 for contract construction to upgrade traffic signal system and channelization on North Eighth Street at Park Avenue North. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening of 10/15/82 for LID 320, NE 27th Street water- main extension (Water Project W-614) ; four bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. Policy Development Department submits subject of dissolution of Water District #78. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Public Works Department/Airport submits Supplement 2 to Lease LAG 08-81 (Cedar River Hangar General Partnership) and related Aviation Committee report recom- mending 10-year current lease plus 10-year renewal option for a total of 20 years. Council approve proposed Supplement 2 to Lease LAG 08-81 as recommended by Aviation Committee and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign documents. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $61 ,622.76 filed by Jack C. Belcher for damages and injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident allegedly caused by City of Renton police vehicle (9/16/80) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Claim for damages in the amount of $1,360.04 filed by Anthony Roller for damage to ceiling and carpet due to alleged pressure surge caused by City Water Depart- ment causing pipe to break (9/14/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carr g. Parks Department/Building Superintendent submits consultant contract for tele- communications study; expenditure of $7,500. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. OLD BUSINESS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13. ADJOURNMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of October 25 , 1982 City Clerk ' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION -AND CITY CLERK Block Grant Program slide presentation to Kiwanis and Cable Television Supplement 2 to Airport Lease LAG 08-81* BUDGET COMMITTEE Federal Revenue Sharing money proposal CITY ATTORNEY -SAND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Jack Belcher* Claim for Damages - Anthony Roller- COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Downtown Christmas lighting PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Shoreline Master Program update Mobile Home Park Ordinance modifications UTILITIES COMMITTEE LID 320 bid opening Dissolution of Water District 78 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE North Eighth Street and Park Avenue North traffic signal (Boeing) Telecommunications study Amon Rezone ordinance Residential open house signs ordinance Fee Schedule ordinance Fire Department permit fees ordinance Claim for damages procedure ordinance PUBLIC HEARING 11/22/82 - Christopherson Street Vacation #V-06-82 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 25 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro-tem Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative IN ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department ; JOHN WEBLEY, Park Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke noted error in spelling of C. J. Delaurenti on Permits Issued attachment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Councilman Reed noted he had spoken before the Planning Commission regarding the definition portion of the Shoreline Master Program and to avoid possible claims of pre-judgment or possible future litigation, he disqualified himself from the following public hearing and left Council Chambers. Shoreline Master This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Program Update published according to law, Mayor Pro-tem Clymer opened the public hearing to consider update of the Shoreline Master Program. This program, originally adopted in 1976, was created to provide specific development regulations for areas within 200 feet of Lake Washington, the Cedar and Green Rivers, and portions of Springbrook and May Creeks. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, outlined the program changes, noting the five main areas of revision : 1 ) Fees; 2) High rises ; 3) State establishment of our separate shorelines: Natural , Con- servancy, Rural and Urban; 4) Marinas; and 5) Public Access. Blaylock reported the Planning Commission Public Hearing had been held 6/09/82 and all Shoreline Committee meetings had been open to the public with extensive periods of discussion held. Councilman Stredicke noted he would have preferred more detailed comparison of the proposed changes as they relate to the initial Shoreline Plan. Correspondence A letter was read from Richard C. Houghton, 3716 Lake Washington Blvd. SE, Bellevue, requesting reconsideration of existing regula- tions regarding landfill of shoreline lots as they apply to pre- existing platted lots. Audience Comment Jocelyn Jones, 1424 North 40th Street , requested the southeast shore of May Creek from 405 to Lake Washington Boulevard be included in the Conservancy designation. Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue South, reported that the request contained in the letter from Mr. Houghton had also been submitted to the Shoreline Committee (while Mrs. Vaupel was a member) . The request was voted against there and not acted on at all by the Planning Commission. Mrs. Vaupel noted the Department of Ecology had indicated their disfavor with this type of proposal . Mrs. Vaupel also indicated she had been present at the Planning Commission meeting referred to by Mr. Reed prior to this public hearing and felt his disqualification unnecessary. Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Audience Comment Peggy DuBois , 2907 Mountain View Avenue North, questioned the continued inclusion of view windows under ''water-related'' items. She also questioned a statement made at the Planning Commission meeting that, unless major alterations were being made to the Shoreline Program, only one public hearing may be required. Mrs. DuBois strongly supported public hearings being held before both the Planning Commission and City Council , this being the only oppor- tunity for public input. (See paragraph 5 below*. ) Councilman Stredicke requested clarification from Policy Development Director Clemens as to why the May Creek area mentioned by Mrs. Jones had not been designated as Conservancy or why part of May Creek had not been designated Natural . Policy Development Director Clemens responded that the Planning Commission and the Special Studies Committee had concluded the westerly side of 1-405 would be more extensively developed; thus, the Urban designation. continued Jim Hanker, 1300 Seattle Tower, Seattle, attorney for Barbee Mill Company, submitted a letter from David C. Crosby, 500 Maynard Building, Seattle, attorney for Pan Abode, Inc. (and requested addition to record) . This letter, dated 9/13/82, was addressed to Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, and requested the desig- nation presently assigned to May Creek west of 1-405 remain Urban. Mr. Harken complimented the Planning Commission and staff on the proposed Shoreline Master Program update presently before Council and encouraged adoption. Peggy DuBois, 2907 Mountain View Avenue North, asked Council to consider a compromise regarding the May Creek area: To designate the Pan Abode/Barbee Mill side as Urban and the other side as Conservancy. Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue South, noted that land- fill is not a new problem; it had been considered by the original Shoreline Committee. Councilmen Rockhill and Stredicke questioned the building of single- family residences on pre-platted waterfront lots. Policy Develop- ment Director Clemens indicated that, after allowing for front and back yard setbacks, not enough land remained for building and that any variance to the shoreline area would be granted by the State, not the City of Renton. -Director Clemens also explained that the Planning Commission had recommended that the requirement for two public hearings on Shoreline Master Program changes be reduced to one (to be held before the Planning Commission) . Councilman Stredicke spoke against this revision and it was found that the change had not been incorporated into the proposal before Council . There being no further audience comment, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill invited all Council input regarding this matter and asked Council President Clymer to meet with the Committee in place of Councilman Reed who had disqualified himself. Council President Clymer agreed. Council- man Reed returned to chambers at 8:53 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Federal Revenue published according to law, Mayor Pro-tem Clymer opened the public Sharing hearing to consider the City' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing monies for the year 1983 and proposed (1 ) Re-appropriation of $98,030 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds committed in 1982 for Municipal Lease Payments for computer replacement, word processing equipment, backhoe, sewer inductor, aerial ladder truck; and (2) Re-appropriation of $243,404 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds committed in 1982 which will not be spent for the following: Police Capital 230 Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING continued Federal Revenue Outlay, Fire Capital Outlay, Parks/Highlands Administration Sharing Building Repairs, Parks Capital Outlay, Traffic Engineering/ continued Transportation Study, Traffic Engineering/Fire Station 13 Signal , Traffic Engineering/Burnett Avenue South Signal , and Library Capital Outlay. City Clerk Motor read the notice of Total Estimated Federal Revenue Sharing Available for 1983: $1 ,085,922 and the Mayor' s proposed salary expenditures: Security of Persons and Property/Public Safety - $235,922 (Police Patrol and Fire Suppression) , Physical Environment - $300,000 (Park Facilities and Park General Services, Transportation - $300,000 (Street Maintenance) , Intellec- tual Environment/Libraries - $250,000 (Library Administration and Library Services) . Audience Comment Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, spoke against the use of Federal Revenue Sharing money for salaries rather than community projects. Following Council discussion and objection to use of these Federal funds for salaries, Administrative Assistant Parness explained an attempt had been made to streamline accounting procedures to conserve Finance employee manhours and that salaries can be combined with Capital Outlay. City Clerk Motor announced a second public hearing for the Federal Revenue Sharing will be held in conjunction with the hearing on the 1983 budget . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Mathews, Council accept the Mayor' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing money with the exception that a substantial portion be shown for Capital and Maintenance expenditures rather than Salaries. Motion failed. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES CARRIED. 9: 18 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:28 p.m. Roll Call : Al Council Members present. Community MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND Services ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ed Committee Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, introduced 19 3 Housing four members of the 1983 Citizens Advisory Committee : Vesta Bolstad, and Community Katie Gilligan, Dixon Long and Margaret Proctor (Members not present: Development A. J. Ladner and Anthony Pellegrino) . A slide presentation outlining Block Grant the Block Grant Program, showing past accomplishments and proposed Program projects, was presented by Amy South, Housing Assistant Specialist , and Bonnie Rerecich, Parks Department. Ed Hayduk ''briefly'' outlined the 1983 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program pro- posal ; introduced Lynn Rothlisberger, Housing Repair and Youth Pro- ject Supervisor; thanked the community, staff and John Webley, Parks and Recreation Director, for their support. continued Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report recom- mending concurrence in the Citizens Advisory Committee' s recommenda- tions and adoption of the 1983 Program Proposal which includes the Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor 1 ,500) , Housing Assistance Programs ($77,500) , Old Shop Site Redevelopment ($16,400) , Community Services Programs ($27,000) and Planning and Management Program ($42,873) . MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration contact Jerry Smith, Renton Kiwanis Club, for their possible use of the Block Grant Program slide presentation. Councilman Reed requested the Administration investigate the possibility of this slide presentation being shown on the cable channel . Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, supported public officials' rights to speak on specific subjects without censorship or re- quired disqualification such as he felt was being recommended by Renton' s City Attorney' s Office. Mayor Pro-tem Clymer reminded Mr. Webb that the City Attorney' s Office is required to advise Council on all legal matters; the final decision as to disqualifi- cation is up to the Councilperson. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. North Eighth Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested ordinance Street at Park to appropriate unanticipated revenue from the Boeing Company in Avenue Traffic the amount of $46,000 for contract construction to upgrade traffic Signal signal system and channelization on North Eighth Street at Park Avenue North. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. LID 320 City Clerk reported bid opening of 10/15/82 for LID 320, NE 27th Bid Opening Street Watermain Extension (Water Project W-614) ; four bids re- ceived. Refer to Utilities Committee. (Tabulation attached. ) Dissolution of Policy Development Department reported dissolution of Water District Water District #78, as resulted when the City took responsibilities for water supply #78 to the area within the Talbot Hill Island annexation in 1979, cannot be completed without an election or Superior Court order per King County notification. Refer to Utilities Committee. Airport Lease Public Works/Airport Department submitted Supplement 2 to Lease LAG 08-81 LAG 08-81 (Cedar River Hangar General Partnership) and related Supplement Aviation Committee report recommending five-year extension with added option to renew for another ten years; also that additional area of 5,616 square feet be included to use as taxi-way (or by specific authorization as temporary tie-down facility) . Recommenda- tion provides ten years current lease plus ten-year renewal option. w Council approve lease supplement as recommended and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign, Claim for Claim for damages filed by Jack Belcher in the amount of $61 ,622.76 Damages for damages and injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident allegedly CL 52-82 caused by City of Renton Police vehicle (9/16/80) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Claim for Claim for damaqes filed by Anthony Roller in the amount of $1 ,360.04 Damages for damage to living room ceiling and carpet due to alleged pressure CL 51-82 surge claiminq City Water Department caused pipe to break (9/14/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Tele- Parks and Recreation Department/Building Superintendent submitted communications a consultant contract for telecommunications study for a total Study evaluation of the present City telephone system and recommendation of modification or acquisition of new system; expenditure of $7,500. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending the Hearing Examiner' s decision be affirmed Committee on the D.W. Bitney Rezone Appeal and the change of zone classifica- D.W. Bitney tion and preliminary mobile home park application, as modified by Rezone Appeal removal of four variance applications, be approved. By stipulation R-023-82 of the applicant, four variance requests have been withdrawn. The PMH-029-82 applicant had requested rezoning of the west side of Union Avenue SE v-041-82 and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates V-042-82 Mobile Home Park from G-1 to T along with preliminary mobile home V-043-82 v-o44-82 232 Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and park approval to construct a 203-lot mobile home park. Committee Development further recommended the matter of modifications to the mobile home Committee park ordinance be referred to the Planning and Development Committee continued for study. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CHG/Sunpointe Council discussed a report submitted by the Public Works Department On and Off-site detailing progress by CHG/Sunpointe development on Sunset Blvd. and Improvement Stevens Avenue as to required on and off-site improvements. The Progress report indicated progress was satisfactory. Councilman Stredicke objected to the fact that no representative of the Public Works Department was present to answer questions and requested a report at the next meeting regarding the status of Fourth and Union (the inconsistencies involved there) and the status of SW 43rd Street project. Councilman Stredicke requested a representative of the Public Works Department be present to give the presentation. Downtown Councilman Reed inquired whether street lights would be used for Christmas downtown Christmas lighting decoration. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED Lighting BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance Committee for second and final reading: Ordinance #3668 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain GM Associates property located at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE and Rezone NE Fourth Street from General Classification (G) to Business District R-019-82 (B-1 ) , GM Associates Rezone, File #R-019-82. Committee Chairman Stredicke noted covenants have been filed and recorded on this matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Amon Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain R-047-82 property located on the north side of NE Fourth Street approximately 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue NE from General Classification (G) to Business District (B-1 ) , Amon Rezone, File #R-047-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Residential An ordinance was read amending portions of Ordinance 1628 relating Open House to residential open house signs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Real Estate ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Signs Councilman Stredicke spoke against the revision of the sign code, noting violations by two major Realtors of provisions not yet even in effect and the inequity of this applying to one industry only. MOTION CARRIED. Fee Schedule An ordinance was read amending Chapter 41 of Title I (Administrative; of Ordinance 1628 relating to Land Use Regulation fees. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTi-1 FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fire Department An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9 and Title V, Chapter 30 Permit Fees (Business Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 relating to fees under the Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council October 25, 1982 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Claim for An ordinance was read establishing a procedure for filing claims Damages for damages against the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Procedure SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2480 A resolution was read setting the public hearing for 11/22/82 to Christopherson consider vacating a portion of Hardie Avenue NW, south of NW Fifth Street Vacation Street (Christopherson Street Vacation, File #V-06-82) . MOVED BY VAC-06-82 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL. COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2481 A resolution was read endorsing the proposed mutual nuclear weapons Nuclear Weapons freeze between the United States and the Soviet Union. MOVED BY Freeze STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRE- SENTED. Councilman Rockhill spoke against this resolution and requested his ''NO'' vote be recorded. MOTION CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 42274 Approval through 42519 in the amount of $447,448.70 having received depart- mental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42269 through 42273 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:45 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk I I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 25, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 11/4 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Budget Presentation and Tour City Hall , view proposed improvements 11/9 Building,Zoning,Policy Dev. , Finance and Personnel 11/10 Parks, Library 11/16 Public Works 11/17 Police and Fire 11/18 Review and Summary of Budget COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/02 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Downtown Christmas lighting (Renton Merchants invited) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/28 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Wiemann Rezone Extension Request Thurs. 11/04 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Hearing Examiner letter, HDK, etc. PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 10/27 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Police Mutual Aid Agreement Smoke detectors in day care centers TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 10/27 5: 15 P.M. MATHEWS 6th Floor Conference Room LID 320 bid Thurs. 10/28 10:00 a.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Continued from 10/20 - Utility rate increases (Mulcahy/Houghton invit d) Wed. 11/03 4:30 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Dissolution of Water District 78 WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 11/01 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS IRZ�' rr GV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS October 25, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9249 22,000.00 Estate of W. Davis 1000 South Second Street Office building addition 9250 880.00 Boeing Building 4-17.2 Install movable partitions 9251 25,000.00 Boeing Building 7-82.4.2 Install movable partitions 9252 1,400,000.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 4110 NE Fourth Street Construct supermarket 9253 23,100.00 Boeing Building 10-80 Suspended ceiling system 9254 150.00 Maria Penavanda 243 Vashon Avenue SE Fiberglass patio cover 92F'" 41,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4126 SE Fourth Street New single-family residence 92 1,730.00 Koll Business Center 244 SW 43rd Street Tenant improvement 92 4,200.00 Koll Business Park 216 SW 43rd Street Tenant improvement 92 .•,*— 4,500.00 Scott Allen 315 Williams Avenue North Reroof residence 92bi7 325.00 Ann Belmando 1221 Edmonds Avenue NE Construct carport ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10672 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 207 Vashon Avenue SE Temporary power 10673 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 220 Vashon Avenue SE Temporary power 110674 900.00 Bert Custer 714 Cedar Avenue South Wire new residence 10675 5,905.00 Boeing Building 10-80 New recessed fixtures 10676 1,500.00 Sorco Construction 4016 NE Tenth Street Wire new residence .'10677 1,585.00 Sandra Sellers 1208 North 37th Street Change service/electric heat 10678 50.00 Coy Jackson 1059 Aberdeen Avenue NE Temporary service 10679 524.43 Renton School District 3000 NE Fourth Street Wire display greenhouse 10680 250.00 Koll Business Park 240 SW 43rd Street Wire tenant area 10681 50.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4114 SE Fourth Street Temporary power MECHANICAL PERMITS ,9535 1,000.00 Leonard Builders 4307 SE Fourth Street Gas furnace 9536 2,020.00 Leonard Builders 4126 SE Fourth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9537 700.00 David Plowman 4509 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9538 1 ,000.00 Richard Nelson 4515 NE 23rd Street Gas burner/water heater 9539 550.00 M. Maxine Grubesic 924 Ferndale Circle NE Wood stove 9540 7,000.00 Boeing Building 10-80 New HVAC heating system 95P ° 1,500.00 Pat Younker 1330 Aberdeen Avenue NE Forced air electric furnace 95 1 ,889.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 114 Vashon Avenue SE Plumbing and fixtures 95 1 ,869.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 4314 SE Second Place Plumbing and fixtures . 954"," 1,000.00 Andrea Ecob 4300 NE Sunset Blvd. Wood stove 9545 1 ,018.44 Renton School District 3000 NE Fourth Street Gas heater/exhaust fan 9546 1,200.00 Boris Nagatkin 3901 NE 11th Place Wood stove 9547 19,800.00 Henry Bacon 560 Hardie Avenue SW Heat pump/4 electric furnaces 9548 1,300.00 Steven Cheesebrew 4229 SE Third Street Wood stove 9549 700.00 Eddie Gross 4613 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9550 700.00 Barry Thompson 4612 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9551 1,960.00 G&L Builders 2820 Whitworth Avenue S. Gas furnace/water heater 9552 500.00 Gerald Yamismoto 405 Seneca Court NW Fireplace insert 9553 420.00 Denise Hill 2821 NE Seventh Wood burning stove 9554 1,000.00 Marie Madson 3712 NE Sixth Place Wood burning stove 9555 2,017.00 Hillis Homes 2614 NE 23rd Place Plumbing and fixtures 9556 1,955.00 Hillis Homes 2704 NE 23rd Place Plumbing and fixtures SIGN PERMIT 1052 1,000.00 Holvick deRegt Koering Powell Avenue SW Install two pole signs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5323 King County 3407 NE Second Street Storm sewer 5324 Wick Homes 114 Vashon Avenue SE Sanitary building sewer 5325 Wick Homes 4314 SE Second Place Sanitary building sewer 5326 Seattle Opera 1555 North Fourth Street Replace fire hydrant 53 " Leonard Builders 4307 SE Fourth Street Side sewer 53', Ziggie Ulrich 1258 NE 12th Street Sanitary sewer r L. BID • SHEET PRO J ECT ' LID 320 - Water Project #W-614 DAT C. : October 15, 1982 1510DF.RL 8tC7 J. R. GOOCH TRUCKING & EXCAVATING MBE 20209 Broadway Snohomish GRANT CONSTRUCTION �145,-3E J 17019 SE 128th Renton 98055 H. L. JACOBSON , JR. , CONSTRUCTION E;eC, M BE. 13547 SE 27th A . Bellevue 98005 i RENTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. M 10601 Rustic Road South AIN, Seattle 98178 i 3 •.,.;.r.cVp.. ,_.-.:w.•{HRre.e!A�P.ye+arwaw*v M..w •.a.n.+ Y' •tY..ei _ XPl1i 33 CITY OF RENTON ATE 10/25/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO.# 42269 - 42273 ClIPRENT $99, 643. 10 Pkt S •46, 827.91 ARTERIAL STREETS $47.04 STREETS $34. 207. 4A LIBRARY $2061 .52 STREET FORWARD THRUST $924746.59 Q COULON BCH PK CONSTR •2, 071 . 14 MUNICIPAL FACIL ISHOPSI $80150.52 WATERWORKS UTILITY 9131, 595.36 AIRPORT $2. 097. 13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL •10. 113. 11 FIRCMENIS PENSION $17. 323. 74 LID CONTROL $264. 16 T SAL OF ALL WARRANTS 9447, 448.70 um WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, WAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANU/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDp DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0, 42274 THROUGH NO• 42519 IN THE AMOUNT OR $447i449.70 THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1982, COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN }• . A. MEMBER �:�. L.I.D.#314 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-28 $ 71.38 M E.M B E R = G�/ w rte w . • • L.I.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-23 $121.39 L.I.D.#323 T -11UE WARRANT NO.#R-10 $ 71.39 1r.� 233 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1982 r' 170 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; fE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 2/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $ 78,829.26 '5/82 CUM.RESERVE NO. 1689 PARKS & RECREATION Correct transfer of 9/30/82 $ 56.33 110/242.00.00 101/242.00.00 111/82 CURRENT FUND $128,411.22 PARKS & RECREATION 70,973.08 CITY STREETS 18,380.11 LIBRARY 8,722.99 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 86,751.32 STREET FWD. THRUST 44,969.67 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 657,956.53 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOPS) 1,152.04 WATERWORKS UTILITY 165,991.96 AIRPORT 9,421.31 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 13,836.94 L.I.D. CONTROL 787,749.32 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. ,994,316.49 CLAIMS FUND PARKS & RECREATION Cancel warrant no. 37621 $ 25.00 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancel warrant no. 42111 $ 1,057.50 1.5/82 CURRENT FUND $ 165,184.61 PARKS & RECREATION 49,088.80 CITY STREETS 32,689.81 LIBRARY 13,531.11 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 25,636.11 AIRPORT 2,121.12 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $ 291,767.56 !6/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $ 79,516.69 20/82 STREET FWD. THRUST CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2479 $ 250,000.00 301/138.00.00 000/210.00.00 MAYOR FINANCE D�*CTOR C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 10/25/82 CURRENT FUND $ 99,643.10 PARKS & RECREATION 46,827.81 ARTERIAL STREETS 47.04 CITY STREETS 34,207.48 LIBRARY 2,361.52 STREET FWD. THRUST 92,746.59 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 2,071.14 MUNICIPAL FACIL. (SHOPS) 8,150.52 WATERWORKS UTILITY 131,595.36 AIRPORT 2,097.13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10,113.11 FIREMEN'S PENSION 17,323.74 L.I.D. CONTROL 264.16 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $447,448.70 ],-30/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $ 76,972.91 10/31/82 CURRENT FUND $163,655.89 PARKS & RECREATION 49,589.34 CITY STREETS 32,829.32 LIBRARY 13,360.74 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 27,295.43 AIRPORT 2,128.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 ' PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of OCT. $292,375.04 10/31/82 STREET FWD. THRUST L.I.D. CONTROL Adj.incorrect charge on $ 12.50 warrant no. 42507 .,... WATERWORKS UTILITIES CITY STREETS Adj.incorrect charge on $ 549.55 warrant no. 41187 EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATERWORKS UTILITIES Adj.incorrect charge on $ 16.98 warrant no. 40147 MAYOR Y,NANCE DIRECTOR OF AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, # O COUNCIL PRESIDENT �� z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS Z o JOHN W.REED CO ; Q' RANDALL ROCKHILL 90R E N T O N CITY COUNC1L RICHARD M.STREDICKE P THOMAS W TRIMM 0N;TED SEP11r-o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING November 1 , 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, Monday, 8: 00 P . M . MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1982 I 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Certificate of Award presented to Walt Dragin honoring his service on the Fire Civil Service Commission from March, 1977, to September, 1982. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report and recommendation for Ramac, Inc. , Request for Rezone (File R-017-82) of northeast corner of intersection of Maple Valley Highway and northbound on-ramp of I-405. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Planning Commission submits 1981-82 Annual Report. For Council information. c. Mayor submits appointment of Robert Patterson to the Planning Commission to complete the term of Versie Vauple who has resigned. Term effective through 1/31/85. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Grady Way Associates requests Latecomer Agreement for watermain being in- stalled in Southwest Gray Way right-of-way. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Claim for damages filed by John E. Bergstrom in the amount of $36.97 for damage to mailbox and post allegedly caused by Street Department crew (9/82). Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Land Use Hearing Examiner submits report and recommendation for Jerry Hardebeck Request for Rezone (File R-062-82) of 412 SW 16th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from William M. Kline along with petition signed by 13 owners/lessees of property on Smithers Avenue South regarding parking problem. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of November 1 , 1982 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by John E. Bergstrom TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE William Kline request to review parking restrictions on Smithers Avenue S. UTILITIES COMMITTEE Latecomer Agreement for Grady Way Associates Dale Nichols request for review of water bill WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE Ramac, Inc. Rezone Appointment of Robert Patterson to Planning Commission Hardebeck Rezone Municipal Arts Commission Ordinance Ordinance for Traffic Signal Appropriation, N. 8th St. & Park Avenue N. PUBLIC HEARING 11/22/82 - Christopherson Street Vacation #V-06-82 242 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 1 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tempore Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES. CITY STAFF LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative IN ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Certificate of Award was presented to Walt Dragin honoring his PRESENTATION service on the Fire Civil Service Commission from March, 1977, Walt Dragin to September, 1982. Mr. Dragin expressed pleasure in serving the commission until business and personal reasons forced his resignation, noting desire to donate his time in another capacity at a future date. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sam Roberson, Monitor, Seattle-King County Board of Realtors, Residential Open 710 Cherry Street, Seattle, addressed the Council regarding proposed House Real Estate residential open house signs. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Si4_ns COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT AND ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Roberson supported approval of the ordinance to aid an ailing industry. Correspondence Letters were read from Herbert Chaffey, Wick Homes, Inc. , supporting approval of the Sign Code amendment and assuring preparedness to follow the rules governing an amended sign ordinance; and from Joseph E. Wilson, Seattle-King County Board of Realtors, indicating awareness that use of open house signs is a privilege, and pledging self-policing and education of members to follow rules if the amendment is approved. Continued Delores Newlands, 1668 Lake Youngs Way S. E. , referencing previous testimony regarding past guilt or innocence of realtors in obeying current Sign Code, noted duty of City Council to assure that city functions are properly handled and each citizen is allowed due process. Ways & Means An ordinance was read amending portions of Section 4-1903 and Committee Section 4-1915 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance Residential Open No. 1628 relating to residential open house signs. MOVED BY House Signs ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Ordinance #3669 RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROVAL OF THE ORDINANCE. Noting concern regarding potential violation of the ordinance by realtors and dispensing special favors to one specific industry, Councilman Stredicke spoke against the legislation. His suggestion for imposition of a six to nine month time limit was supported by Councilwoman Mathews. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ordinance be amended to include nine month probation period and requirement of immediate Council action if a violation occurs during probation. ROLL CALL: 3 AYES: MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE. 4 NAYS: CLYMER, TRIMM, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. MOTION FAILED. 243 Renton City Council November 1 , 1982 Page 2 AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Ways & Means ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION: AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, REED, ROCKHILL, Committee HUGHES. NAYS: MATHEWS, STREDICKE. CARRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. continued - Smithers Avenue William Kline, 321 Smithers Avenue S. , requested discussion of his Parking letter of correspondence. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, SUSPEND THE ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. Letter from Mr. Kline along with petition signed by 13 owners/lessees of property on Smithers Avenue S. was read which reported issuance of citations recently on Smithers Avenue S. , parking restrictions not being previously enforced. The letter requested removal of the two hour parking restriction to allow use of the space during business hours. It was noted by Council that removal of the parking restriction may legalize parking of fleet vehicles owned by local car dealership. Responding to Mr. Kline' s concern, Captain Don Persson, Renton Police Department, stated that the citations recently issued were in response to a citizen complaint. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT REVIEW OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON SMITHERS AVENUE S. BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utility Department Dale Nichols, 609 S.W. 3rd Place, complained of overcharge on the Billing water bill for his rental , noting estimate made of useage for six months since meter reader claimed he could not read the meter because of parked vehicles. As a result, a toilet leak had not been discovered or repaired, and Mr. Nichols felt a refund was in order and the ordinance should be reviewed to require city responsibility for notifying property owners of leaks. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER OF JTILITY BILLING BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Ramac, Inc. Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of Rezone, R-017-82 approval with restrictive covenants for Ramac, Inc. request for rezone on the northeast corner of the intersection of the Maple Valley Highway and the northbound ramp of 1-405 interchange from R-1 to B-1 for future commercial uses. Refer to Ways & Means Committee. Planning As required by Ordinance No. 3076, Planning Commission submitted Commission 1981-1982 Annual Report containing a 1980 census overview, Annual Report information regarding Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Renton Zoning Ordinance revisions, and a tabular summary of Commission activities for the year. Information only. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch submitted appointment of Robert Patterson to the Planning to Plannino Commission to complete the term of Versie Vaupel who has resigned. Commission Term effective through January 31 , 1985. Refer to Ways & Means Committee. Latecomer Grady Way Associates requested Latecomer Agreement for watermain Agreement , Grady being installed in Southwest Grady Way right-of-way. Refer to Way Associates Utilities Committee. Claim for Claim for damages was filed by John E. Bergstrom in the amount of Damages $36.97 for damage to mailbox and post allegedly caused by Street CL-53-82 Department crew in September, 1982. Location of incident was southwest corner of 130th Street and 84th Avenue S. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Hardebeck Rezone, Land Use Hearing Examiner submitted report and recommendation of R-062-82 approval with restrictive covenants for Jerry Hardebeck request 244 Renton City Council November 1 , 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA continued Hardebeck Rezone for rezone for property located in the vicinity of 412 S.W. continued 16th Street from R-1 to L-1 for purposes of employee parking. Refer to Ways S Means Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Status Report on As requested by Council , Richard Houghton, Public Works Director, S.W. 43rd Street presented a status report on the S.W. 43rd Street project, Project and N.E. outlining construction progress and noting that completion ahead 4th & Union of schedule is anticipated in the spring of 1983. Status of the Project N.E. 4th and Union Avenue N. E. project was reviewed by Mr. Houghton, who advised violations cited by the Washington State Department of Transportation have been resolved to date. Responding to further Council inquiry, Mr. Houghton indicated that the impending joint Renton and Tukwila federal funds Grady Way bridge project will be awarded by the state, and a state engineer will be assigned to oversee its progress. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Committee that the entire Council study and determine the policy decision of Utility rate utility rate options since increases are associated with budget options recommendations by the Administration. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. LID 320 Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending concurrence in t!le reco, iendation of the Public Works Department tha all bids be rejected without prejudice on LID 320 - Water Project #W-614 Bid Openinq, and the project scope be reduced and rebid as a Small Works Project. Further, it was requested that the committee be kept advised as to the progress of the LID. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Shoreline Master Councilman Reed advised receipt of a transcript of his testimony Program at a Planning Commission meeting set to review the Shoreline Master Program as well as a letter from the City Attorney regarding a possible violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, and he is of the opinion following review that a violation has not occurred and his future participation on the subject matter would be allowed. CHG/Sunpointe Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s request for a status report On and Off-site regarding off-site improvements and occupancy permit for the Improvement Sunpointe development, City Attorney Warren explained the city' s Progress ability to exert pressure upon the developer to complete improvements by calling the bond, and to date, approximately $2500.00 in fines have been paid for occupancy violations. Dunlap Canyon Councilman Stredicke noted receipt of a complaint regarding Improvements crosswalk modifications in Dunlap Canyon area which preclude access across the roadway from the Earlington area. Public Works Director Houghton explained specifics of the improvement project which resulted in restricted access due to undergrounding of power lines. He noted that corrections will be made. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending that the Ways and Means Committee prepare Committee appropriate legislation reverting Ordinance No. 3370 from R-3 to Wiemann Rezone R-2 zoning since the Planning and Development Committee finds that Extension R-364-79 i I Renton City Council November 1 , 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Wiemann Rezone the city is without power to extend Rezone R-364-79 as requested. continued The report also suggested that the applicant submit a new rezone application when development is imminent on the subject property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending that no policy changes be made in existing Smoke Detector regulations governing smoke detector systems for day care Systems centers although new provisions of the Washington Administrative Code require installation of automatic smoke alarm systems in all new licensed day care centers. The provision does not apply to existing centers which require manual pull-type fire alarm systems. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Councilman Reed questioned applicability of battery operated smoke detectors to the new requirements. Councilman Hughes explained views of Fire Marshal that such devices offer false sense of security and are not easily monitored. MOTION CARRIED. Police Mutual Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Aid Agreement recommending authorization of the city to enter into the Police Mutual Aid Agreement subject to approval of the City Attorney. Agreement to voluntarily aid cities of Auburn, Des Moines , Kent, Normandy Park, Renton, Tukwila and Port of Seattle based upon urgency of the incident and availability of personnel and facilities. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC -SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Committee/second and final reading: Ordinance #3670 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Amon Rezone property located on the north side of N. E. 4th Street approximately R-047-82 200 feet west of Duvall Avenue N. E. from General classification (G-1 ) to Business District (B-1 ) , Jerry, Amon, File No. R-047-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3671 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 41 of Title I (Administrative) Fee Schedule of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Land Use Regulation Fees. MOVED BY Ordinance ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 2 NAYS: CLYMER, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3672 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9 and Title V, Chapter 30 Fire Department (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to fees under Permit Fees the Uniform Fire Code. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 2 NAYS: CLYMER, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Chamber of Councilman Stredicke hoped the Administration would accept the Commerce invitation from the Chamber of Commerce to respond in the Chamber Newsletter Newsletter with an explanation of the fee increases. Ordinance #3674 An ordinance was read establishing a procedure for filing claims Claim for Damages and damages against the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Procedure BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Readings The Ways b Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: 24� Renton City Council November 1 , 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS continued Bitney Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain R-023-82 property located on the west side of Union Avenue S.E. and adjacent to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from General Classification (G-1 ) to Trailer Park (T) for Dean W. Bitney, File No. R-023-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. Justification for advancement was provided by Councilman Stredicke who noted that application for several variances accompanying the preliminary mobile home park application had caused delay of the rezone approval , and the developer requested expeditious action regarding the matter. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3673 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Bitney Rezone property located on the west side of Union Avenue S. E. and adjacent R-023-82 to the southerly boundary of the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park from General Classification (G-1 ) to Trailer Park (T) for Dean W. Bitney, File No. R-023-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Municipal Arts An ordinance was read repealing Section 1-3504 of Title I (Administra- Commission tive) and adding a new chapter to Title II (Commissions and Boards) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to a Municipal Arts Commission and its powers and duties. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke suggested copies of the ordinance be reviewed by interested Council members prior to adoption. Traffic Signal An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer N. 8th Street/ of funds of unanticipated revenue to be reimbursed to the city Park Avenue N. by The Boeing Company, per agreement (CAG #049-82, 9/3/82) ; for contract construction of upgrading the traffic signal system and channelization on N. 8th Street and Park Avenue N. , in an amount not to exceed $46,000.00. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Cooks Street Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Vacation recommending that the Cooks street vacation be held until VAC 05-82 December 31 , 1982, and if the matter has not been consummated by that date, the prior action will be terminated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Telecommunications Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Study recommending authorization to enter into an agreement with Compass Consulting Group to complete a total evaluation of the present phone system and make an informed recommendation on modifications to the existing system or acquisition of a new one. Further, the report recommends authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement with a maximum expenditure of $7,500.00. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Pro tem Clymer welcomed Marilyn Petersen, newly appointed REPORT Deputy City Clerk. Mayor Shinpoch' s 1983 Preliminary Budget, having been filed 11-1-82 with the City Clerk according to law, was presented to the City Council by the Clerk. Mayor Shinpoch' s budget letter reflected that the budget is balanced at a total of $35,675,000.00, an amount 5.4% less than the 1982 adjusted budget. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:35 p•m• MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF November 1 , 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 11/4 CANCELLED CLYMER Tues. 11/9 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers Budget Presentation and Tour City Hall , view proposed improvements 11/10 Building b Zoning, Policy Develop. , AVIATION TRIMM Finance and Personnel (cont.-) 11/16 Parks, Library 11/17 Public Works 11/18 Police S Fire 11/23 Review and Summary of Budget COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/2 CANCELLED REED Tues. 11/9 4:30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Downtown Christmas Lighting (Renton Merchants invited) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11/4 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Common curb cuts (Holvick deRegt Koering) ; Agreement on SW 7th & Edwards (HDK) ; b Hearing Examiner letter regarding common driveways Thurs. 11/18 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Mobile Home Park Ordinance modifications PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Weds. 11/3 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Dissolution of Water District No. 78 Update of Utility Projects WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 11/8 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room -Legislative, Executive, Hearing Examiner, Legal , Municipal Court, OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Misc. Funds, Boards & Commissions LEOFF BOARD MEETING Wed. 11/3 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room t 248 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS November 1, 1982 UILDING PERMITS 260___�_ 41,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4114 SE Fourth Street New single-family residence 261 400.00 Hobby Hut 25 South Grady Way Temporary platform 262 4,550.00 Thunder Hill Apartments 1113 Thunder Hills Lane Reroof apartments 263 20,000.00 Sandra Sellers 1208 North 37th Street Repair and remodel 64 Void 265 300.00 Lloyd S. Peterson 710 North 31st Street Boat port 266 50,000.00 Y. Wong 2815 NE Sunset Blvd. Restaurant addition 267 184 ,000.00 Pacific Plaza Properties 1099 Ethier Road Repair fire damage 268 Void 269 85,000.00 Cascade Pacific 700 South 31st Street New single-family residen 3 LECTRICAL PERMITS 0682 100.00 Edwin Swenson 2108 NE Sixth Place Relocate/add wiring 0683 350.00 Bill Hiser 921 Monroe Avenue NE Wire room addition 0684 1 ,500.00 Koll Business Park 216 SW 43rd Rough-in receptacles/lights 0685 50.00 William Collins 420 Cedar Avenue South Reroute circuit 0686 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 250 Vashon Avenue SE Temporary power 0687 500,000.00 Boeing Renton Plant Blanket electrical permit 0688 5,000.00 Boeing Building 10-72 Lights and outlets .0689 40.00 Marjorie Jay 147 Capri Avenue NE Outdoor/garage wiring X0690 50.00 Sprout Group 607 SW Grady Way Temporary power 10691 120.00 Ytte Langdon 456 Bronson Way NE Wire addition 1ECHANICAL PERMITS 3557 2,300.00 G&L Builders 2820 Whitworth Avenue S. Plumbing and fixtures 3558 4,000.00 John DuBois 2907 Mt. View Avenue N. Replace heat pump/ductwork 3559 900.00 Eugene Casper 1208 North 29th Street Wood stove 3560 100.00 Edwin Swenson 2108 NE Sixth Place Relocate washing machine 3561 3,476.00 Rainier Credit 1006 North 34th Street Install heat pump 3562 400.00 Sandra Sellers 1208 North 37th Street Plumbing and fixtures 9563 425.00 Emil Nelson 3607 Meadow Avenue North Wood stove 9564 700.00 Bill Korrell 4619 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9565 700.00 Douglas Bolten 4607 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9566 700.00 Gary Loucks 4709 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9567 700.00 Donald Moerer 4520 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9568 700.00 John Ladwig 4514 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9569 700.00 Charles Grames 82 Williams Avenue South Gas conversion burner 570 700.00 June Young 4503 NE 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9571 200.00 C. Larence Jones 2625 NE 27th Street Wood stove 9572 7,000.00 Longacres 1621 SW 16th Street 4" water main service 9573 1,150.00 Pat Younker 1330 Aberdeen Avenue NE Septic tank/drainfield 9574 450.00 Larry Peltier 1709 Glenwood Avenue SE Fireplace insert SIGN PERMITS 1053 2,600.00 Renton Shopping Center 458 Hardie Avenue SW Two wall signs 1054 2,200.00 Sunset Plaza 3186 NE Sunset Blvd. One wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5329 George Oberholtzer 1016 NE Tenth Street Sanitary building sewer 5330 G&L Builders 2820 Whitworth Avenue S. Sanitary building sewer 5331 Leonard Builders 4214 SE Fourth Place Side sewer 5332 Leonard Builders 4114 SE Fourth Street Side sewer 5333 Renton Shopping Center 2806 Sunset Lane NE 6" water line/check valve 5334 Wick Homes 207 Vashon Avenue SE Sanitary building sewer 5335 Wick Homes 220 Vashon Avenue SE Sanitary building sewer 5336 Wick Homes 214 Vashon Avenue SE Sanitary building sewer 5337 Wick Homes 250 Vashon Avenue SE Sanitary building sewer 5338 Brian McGee 344 Renton Avenue South Sanitary side sewer 5339 Edward Matthai 701 SW Sunset Blvd. Sanitary building sewer OF R4�,t, � ,v� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT (� �% �'� Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS JOHN W.REED n RANDALL ROCKHILL 090 R E N T O N CITY Iy COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE O lP THOMAS W TRIMM Nor D SEPIV-_0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 8, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1 , 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Bobby Halsen requests street vacation for a portion of South 17th Place (VAC 08-82) . Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing December 13, 1982. b. Frank G. Cheever requests street vacation for a portion of County Road #34 (VAC 07-82) . Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing December 13, 1982. C. Revise 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for signal modifications at N. E. Sunset Boulevard location. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing November 22, 1982 . d. Letter from Ann Grinolds and petition containing 22 signatures regarding obstruction of views by trees on Renton Hill . Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Policy Development submits West Hill Pump Station proposed annexation. Boundary Review Board approval received. Refer to Ways & Means Committee. f. Letter from South End Alano Lounge requesting portion of liquor excise tax for alcoholism rehabilitation. Refer to Budget Committee. g. Personnel submits 1982/1983 Labor Agreement between the City of Renton and the Renton Police Officers ' Guild representing non-commissioned employees. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Fire Department submits amendment to Uniform Fire Code, Article 25, Places of Assembly. Refer to Public Safety Committee. i . Fire Department submits amendment to Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding fire lanes. Refer to Public Safety Committee. j . Engineering Department requests approval of 1982 asphalt resurfacing final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period. Council concur. k. Design Division of Public Works Department requests approval of final payment for 1982 sanitary sewer repair and pump station, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period. Council concur. 1 . Claim for damages by Charles T. Spence in the amount of $136.22 for tire and wheel damage caused by alleged raised manhole cover and assembly in front of 919 S.W. Grady Way. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. OLD BUSINESS 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. ADJOURNMENT 9. NEW BUSINESS 25 ) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of November 8, 1982 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/ INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Charles T. Spence BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Halsen Street Vacation, VAC 08-82 Cheever Street Vacation, VAC 07-82 BUDGET COMMITTEE Liquor Excise Tax COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Letter from Ann Grinolds regarding tall trees on Renton Hill PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Code Amendment Parking and Loading Ordinance Amendment WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Halsen Street Vacation, VAC 08-82 Cheever Street Vacation, VAC 07-82 West Hill Pump Station Proposed Annexation 1982-1983 Labor Agreement Renton Police Officers ' Guild Non-commissioned Employees Ramac, Inc. Rezone, R-017-82 Hardebeck Rezone, R-062-82 PUBLIC HEARING 11/22/82 - 19 3-1986 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Revision 12/13/82 - Halsen Street Vacation 12/13/82 - Cheever Street Vacation I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 8, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tempore Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President , ROBERT J . HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF IN LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director. PRESS Jan Hinman , Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1 , 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED . Mayor Pro tempore Clymer advised correction requested by Versie Vaupel of her testimony regarding the Shoreline Master Plan in minutes of October 25, 1982, which should indicate matter of landfill being previously considered by the original Shoreline Committee. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , spoke against adoption of Legislation for legislation which is not in the public interest nor relates to Nuclear Freeze, the operation of the city, such as recent Council action regarding Sign Code; and adoption of nuclear freeze resolution and Sign Code amendments to Forbes Court allow residential real estate signs. Also addressed were Case expenditures incurred by the city from the Forbes court case, and need for additional public meeting to address recent Zoning Ordinance changes involving that matter. Forbes Court Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , representing Citizens for a Case Quality Community, addressed the recent Forbes lawsuit decision, noted increased community spirit to continue the fight against location of adult movie theatres in downtown Renton and commended city staff and attorneys for a thorough job in representing the oommunity. She submitted petitions containing 1 ,346 signatures in support of the city' s Zoning Ordinance prohibiting location of adult theatres in downtown Renton and 71 resolutions of support from business establishments in the city. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Halsen Street Bobby Halsen requested street vacation for a portion of South Vacation 17th Place located west of SR-515 and east of Talbot Road S. (VAC VAC 08-82 08-82) . Public Works Department has certified that signatures shown in the petition are valid and represent 100% of property owners abutting said street. Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing on December 13, 1982. Cheever Street Frank G. Cheever requested street vacation for a portion of Coynty Vacation Road #34 (VAC 07-82) . Public Works Department has certified that UAC 07-82 signatures shown in the petition are valid and represent 100% of property owners abutting said street. Refer to Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Reans Committee for resolution setting public hearing on December , Renton City Council November 8, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Revise 1983- Traffic Engineer requested revision of 1983-1986 Six Year 1986 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program to replace No. 8 controller Transportation modernization with N.E. Sunset Boulevard signal controller Improvement modernization and interconnection with funds allocated by Program Federal Aid Urban Systems (FAUS) Funds to replace obsolete traffic signal controllers and interconnect signals on Sunset to the city's new computer. Set public hearing date for November 22, 1982. Tall Trees on Letter from Ann Grinolds and petition containing 22 signatures Renton Hill objected to tall trees adjacent to 1-405 near the intersection of S. 3rd Street and Cedar Avenue S. on Renton Hill which obstruct views and cause maintenance problems from falling leaves. Refer to Community Services Committee. West Hill Pump Policy Development Department submitted West Hill Pump Station Station Proposed proposed annexation approved by the King County Boundary Review Annexation Board on October 7, 1982 following execution of Waiver of Review. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Liquor Excise Letter from South End Alano Lounge requested portion of liquor Tax excise tax for purposes of alcohol rehabilitation to support the facility in providing social life and location for AA meetings and other groups striving for alcohol and drug-free life. Refer to Budget Committee. 1982-1983 Personnel Department submitted 1982-1983 Labor Aqreement between Labor Agreement the City of Renton and the Renton Police Officers' Guild Renton Police representing non-commissioned employees. Requested was Officers ' Guild ratification by Council of the terms of the contract and Non-commissioned authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement which will Employees direct retroactive payment of 1982 wage increases to the members of the bargaining unit and non-represented members of the department. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for review and authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract. Fire Code Fire Department submitted amendment to Uniform Fire Code, Article Amendment 25, Places of Assembly, to clarify the purpose of the section. Refer to Public Safety Committee for ordinance consideration. Parking and Fire Department submitted amendment to Parking and Loading Loading Amendment Ordinance to provide conformance to specifications of Fire Code to Conform to regarding fire lanes. Refer to Public Safety Committee for Fire Code ordinance amendment . 1982 Asphalt Engineering Department requested acceptance of 1982 asphalt Resurfacing resurfacing project (CAG 041-82) , approval of final pay estimates Project in the amount of $98,928. 13, and commencement of 30-day lien CAG 041 -82 period. If, after expiration of 30 days, no liens or claims have been filed against the project, the retainage amount of $4,946.41 shall be paid to the contractor, M. A. Segale, Inc. Council concur. 1982 Sanitary Engineering Department requested acceptance of 1982 sanitary Sewer Repair sewer repair and pump station (CAG 015-82) , final pay estimate and Pump be approved , and commencement of 30-day lien period. If, after Station expiration of the 30 days, no liens or claims have been filed CAG 015-82 against the project and all taxes paid, the retainage amount of $6,965.04 shall be paid to the contractor, Ford Construction Co. Council concur. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Charles T. Spence in the amount of Damages $136.22 for tire and wheel damage caused by alleged raised CL 54-82 manhole cover and assembly in front of 919 S.W. Grady Way. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. -53 Renton City Council November 8, 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED . CARRIED. Street Vacation Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s inquiry regarding additional Information material for street vacation consent agenda items, City Clerk advised that maps and legal descriptions for all Council members will be furnished with the resolution upon transmittal to the Ways and Means Committee on November 15, 1982. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee recommending_ authorization for the City Attorney to proceed with dissolution of Water District #78 within the Talbot Hill Island Dissolution annexation as requested by King County. MOVED BY MATHEWS, of Water District SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION #78 OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. William Clarke Councilman Stredicke advised receipt of a communication from Complaint Water District #107 to the City Attorney indicating that the re Water district is not responsible nor liable for the William Clarke Runoff storm runoff matter brought to the attention of the Council two weeks ago. He requested a report from the Administration of the status of the matter. It was reported that the referenced letter had been forwarded to Mr. Clarke and a meeting proposed to discuss the issue. Councilman Stredicke indicated concern that existing underground water jeopardizes maintenance of the roadway and the city may wish to mitigate the problem before serious damage occurs. CHG/Sunpointe Citing a newspaper article regarding failure of CHG/Sunpointe Status Report Development to meet conditions of approval , Councilman Stredicke requested an updated status report on the project. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness reported steps have been taken to call the bond to assure conformance to additional requirements. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending authorization by the City Council for the Committee Administration to proceed with the negotiation and execution of Holvick deRegt an agreement providing for the funding of the construction of the Koering traffic signal at the intersection of S.W. 7th Street and Edwards Construction Street. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR Funding IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Agreement City Attorney Warren and Chairman Rockhill clarified specifics of S.W. 7th/ the project which will require state bidding procedures, contribution Edwards from more than one source for funding, and be under city jurisdiction for signalization. CARRIED. Joint Use Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented Driveways a report recommending that the use of joint use driveways be approved for adjoining uses fronting on a street where combining access would reduce the total number of driveways onto the street. Except for such joint use driveways, it was recommended that parking as required by city code be provided upon property in the same ownership as the property on which the building or use requiring the specified parking is located. Referral to the Ways and Means Committee for drafting of appropriate legislation was also recommended. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee for second and final reading: 254 Renton City Council November 8, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Appropriation and An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Transfer of Funds of funds of unanticipated revenue to be reimbursed to the city 8th St./Park Ave. by The Boeing Company, per agreement (CAG 049-82, 9/3/82) ; for Traffic Signal contract construction of upgrading the traffic signal system and Ordinance #3675 channelization on N. 8th Street and Park Avenue N. , in an amount not to exceed $46,000.00. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Ramac, Inc. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1 ) R-017-82 to Business District (B-1 ) for Ramac, Inc. , File No. R-017-82, property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Maple Valley Highway (SR-169) and the northbound ramp of 1-405. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Hardebeck An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence R-062-82 District (R-1 ) to Light Industry District (L-1 ) for Jerry Hardebeck, File No. R-062-82, property located in the vicinity of 412 S.W. 16th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Planning Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Robert Appointment Patterson to the Planning Commission to complete the term of Versi Vaupel who has resigned. Term to be effective through January 31 , 1985. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of Vouchers 42525 through 42736 in the amount of $890,464.89 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42520 through 42524 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested an explanation of types of Topics for subject matters which can be discussed in public meetings and Discussion in which require discussion in executive session. City Attorney Executive Warren described criteria used to determine whether a matter is Session/ public or confidential , noting that certain discussion regarding court Magistrate' s case, Playtime v. Renton, Case Nos. C82-59M & C82-263M, would be Recommendation, allowed at an open meeting. Warren reiterated recommendation of Forbes Court Judge Philip K. Sweigert, U.S. Magistrate, to prevent the city Case from enforcement of its Zoning Ordinance No. 3637 against the plaintiffs, Playtime, and denying the city' s motion for summary judgment and renewed motion to dismiss based primarily upon protection of First Amendment rights of free speech of the plaintiff. The recommendation also alleged that through its Zoning Ordinance the city had forced location of the plaintiff' s business in an undesirable and unattractive area of the city. Warren noted that a right of hearing remains open to the city if the Council wishes to pursue that option. The recommendation of the magistrate may either be accepted or rejected by the judge, and the right of hearing still remains open to the city. Renton City Council November 8, 1982 Page 5 ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Pro tempore Clymer read a report from Fire Chief Richard REPORT Geissler regarding the fire drill held at the Municipal Building on Friday, November 5, 1982. Numerous objectives established for the drill were met, and cooperation by all affected departments and general public was very encouraging. Grady Way Bridge Councilman Stredicke requested a status report regarding the Grady Way Bridge project. Administrative Assistant Parness advised that funding has been approved, the bid process will be conducted by the state, but the project will be overseen by the city. Drop Box for Councilman Stredicke requested that the possibility of installing Utility Payments a drop box in front of City Hall for convenience of customers paying utility bills during hours City Hall is closed be referred to the Administration. Administration concurred in the request for review. Councilman Hughes noted for information that payments may be made in the Police Department, lower level of City Hall , 24 hours a day. AUDIENCE Ray Griffin, 14306 144th S.E. , reported current problems with COMMENT storm water runoff in the area of the proposed Northward rezone near Duvall Avenue N.E. , noted his opposition to the rezone, and Northward requested information regarding proper procedure to voice his Rezone Area concerns. Following explanation of the public hearing procedure Drainage of the Land Use Hearing Examiner, Mr. Griffin expressed additional Problems concern regarding the drainage basin, noted his familiarity with the Hearing Examiner system, and expressed disfavor with past Council action in appeal decisions. Cedar Hills Michael O'Rourke, 419 S. Wells; Chris Bogh, 209 Thomas Avenue S.W. ; Alcohol and Gary Thomas, 2516 20th N.E. , expressed opposition to the Treatment request of the South End Alano Lounge of a portion of the liquor Center excise tax for alcoholism rehabilitation , claiming facility is not licensed, provides an atmosphere not conducive to recovery, and the excise tax would better serve the state licensed Cedar Hills Alcohol Treatment Center in Renton. An invitation to attend the budget hearing of the City Council on Tuesday, November 9, 1982 was extended to those interested in discussion of disbursement of the liquor tax. Council Intent Chuck Slothower, 517 S. 17th, requested an announcement be made on Forbes Court to the public following executive session by the City Council of Case intent in pursuing the preliminary recommendation of the magistrate to Judge McGovern in the Playtime v. Renton court case. Agreement was made that the City Attorney would make an announcement following executive session. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THAT THE COUNCIL GO INTO Session EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE LITIGATION TO COME BACK WITH REPORT FROM ATTORNEY. CARRIED. 9:20 p.m. Announcement Following executive session, City Attorney Warren announced of Intent on direction of City Council to continue efforts at highest level Forbes Court by the City of Renton to proceed with the court case against Case Playtime in objecting to the magistrate 's recommendation to the judge. He advised that if Judge McGovern's decision is ultimately unfavorable to the city, a reassessment of the matter by the City Council shall occur at that time. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; 10:00 P.M. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. e.2 Maxine E. Motor, Acting City Clerk 256 :XPili 35 CITY OF RENTON )ATE 11/08/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO.42520 - 42524 CURRENT *106A097.94 PARKS *391876.36 ARTERIAL STREETS *94j647. 14 STREETS *31J843.51 LIBRARY *10j964.36 STREET FORWARD THRUST *9j802.75 6 COULON BCH PK CONSTR *Sj044.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY :1561139.32 AIRPORT *17j036. 19 EQUIPMENT RENTAL *14&690.63 FIREMENIS PENSION *9.28 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPt •5,039.92 LID CONTROL *396.272.96 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6890j464 .89 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0, 42525 THROUGH N0. 42736 IN THE AMOUNT OF $890* 464 . 89 THIS 9TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN . a w MEMBER 4- IN m a GO L.I.D. #314 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-29 $191 ,756.09 U' MEMBf{ 1• .( . . L.I .D. #323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-11 $ 38 ,468. 36 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R- 3 $166,048.51 CITY COUNCIL COMMITIL .,.-...TING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF November COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues. 11/9 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Budget Presentation and tour of Wed. 11/10 8:00 p.m. City Hall ; view proposed improve- ments; review departmental budgets : Building & Zoning, Policy Develop. , AVIATION TRIMM Finance, Personnel , Legislative, Executive, Hearing Examiner , Legal , Municipal Court , Misc. Funds & Boards and Commissions COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/9 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Downtown Christmas Lighting (downtown merchants invited) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11/18 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Density Standards in R-3 & R-4 zone (Referral from Hearing Examiner) Modification of Mobile Home Park Orc . Thurs. 12/2 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Shoreline Master Program PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 11/10 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Amendment to Uniform Fire Code ; Amendment to Parking & Loading Ord . TRANSPORTATION TRIMM UTILITIES Weds. 11/17 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Rooff Grady Way Associates Latecomer Agreement; Utilities billing complaint of Dale Nichols WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 11/15 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Roo OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Firemens' Pension Board Tues. 11/9 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Roo Kirkland City Hall Grand Opening Sat. 11/13 12:00 noon Kirkland City Hall OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS November 8, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9270 52,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2802 NE 23rd Place New single-family residence 9271 45,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2501 NE 23rd Place New single-family residence 9272 -O- Emma Cugini 2880 Third Street NE Annual fill license 9273 600.00 Ralph Storey 1012 North Riverside Reroof residence 9274 75,000.00 Billy McHales, Inc. 241 SW Seventh Avenue Restaurant additions 9275 1 ,000.00 S. Bruce Cass 333 Rainier Avenue North Tenant improvement 9276 750.00 Gerald Keehn 3601 NE Seventh Street Add new entrance 9277 20,000.00 Washington Concessions Longacres New office framing 9278 50.00 Drury Pickering 421 Union Avenue NE Pass-through in existing all 9279 1,360.00 Timothy Johnson 3701 NE 11th Street Reroof residence 9280 7,000.00 Boeing Building 10-85.1 Office partitions 9281 4,000.00 Boeing Building 4-21 Partitions/double doors 9282 1,091.00 Renton Village 35 South Grady Way Tenant improvement 9283 500.00 E. L. Bennett 3241 NE Sunset Blvd. Building demolition 9284 800.00 Renton School District 315 Garden Avenue North Tenant improvements 9285 100.00 Richard Roller 401 SW 13th Street Porch roof 9286 1,200.00 Tony Chin Shing Sung 104 Rainier Avenue South Tenant improvement 9287 5,200.00 Forest Brook Condo Assoc. 1555 Union Avenue NE Enclose deck ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10692 100.00 Church of the Nazarene 850 Union Avenue NE Alter 100 amp service 10693 50.00 Gerald Keehn 3601 NE Seventh Street Install lights/outlets 10694 50.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2704 NE 23rd Place Temporary power 10695 650.00 Rainier Credit 1006 North 34th Street Wire furnace and heat pump 10696 900.00 Boeing Building 10-85.1 Electrical for relocation 10697 8,900.00 Boeing Building 10-65 Rework Comcor area 10698 5,000.00 Boeing Building 4-21 Electrical for relocation 10699 2,000.00 Boeing Building 401 Two pump motors/sump pump 10700 1 ,800.00 Boeing Building 5-50 Circuit/connect pump motor 10701 20,000.00 Thunderhill Apartments 1099 South Ethier Road Rewire fire damage 10702 1,155.00 Leonard Builders 4212 SE Fourth Place Wire new residence 10703 1,800.00 Renton Village 35 South Grady Way Alter service to 100 amp 10704 770.00 Renton Village 35 South Grady Way New 60 amp service 10705 700.00 Union Pacific Railroad 1800 Block of SW 43rd Underground conversion 10706 2,010.00 Mr. Duncan 761 Vashon Place NE Rewire fire damage 10707 20,438.00 Boeing Building 5-50 Install control wiring 10708 Safeway Stores, Inc. 4110 NE Fourth Street Temporary service 10709 1,673.00 G&L Builders 530 South 28th Place Wire new residence 10710 50.00 Cascade Pacific 700 South 31st Street Temporary service MECHANICAL PERMITS 9575 5,000.00 Bill Smith 2108 Rolling Hills Install spa/build deck 9576 2,500.00 Kenneth Strickland 1742 Olympia Avenue SE Wood stove 9577 100,000.00 Weston Main 723 SW Tenth Install HVAC system 9578 17,900.00 Salvation Army 720 South Tobin Avenue Plumbing and fixtures 9579 350.00 Garna Brooks 3407 NE Eighth Street Wood stove 9580 1,000.00 Rainier Credit 1006 North 34th Street Install gas furnace 9581 17,875.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way South Plumbing and fixtures 9582 2,100.00 Boeing Building 10-85.1 Relocate fan coil units 9583 10,000.00 Boeing Building 10-65 Room air conditioner 9584 3,300.00 Boeing Building 4-21 Air conditioning system 9585 1,000.00 Boeing Building 4-21 Cold water/condensate lines 9586 750.00 Mark Divelbiss 225 Factory Avenue North Wood stove 9587 800.00 David Johnson 2508 NE Seventh Wood stove 9588 400.00 W. L. Dunbar 557 Bronson Place NE Install dishwasher 9589 2,000.00 Samuel Wallick 4009 NE Tenth Street Wood stoves/heat exchanger 9590 4,500.00 Thunderhiil Apartments 1099 South Ethier Road Plumbing and fixtures 9591 300.00 A&K Investments 4400 NE Sunset Blvd. Replace two water heaters 9592 986.00 Cascade Pacific 700 South 31st Street Install gas furnace 9593 2,020.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4114 SE Fourth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9594 Void 9595 700.00 David Buck 904 North Riverside Drive Gas conversion burner 9596 1,200.00 Cascade Development 700 South 31st Plumbing and fixtures 9597 3,750.00 Vince's Enterprises 2815 NE Sunset Blvd. Plumbing and fixtures 9598 1 ,500.00 Henry Bacon Company 560 Hardie Avenue SW Install LPG Dispenser 9599 900.00 K&D Enterprises Renton Village/Suite 23 Plumbing and fixtures CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5340 Larry Munter 100 South Third Street Commercial building sewer 5341 Calvary Baptist Chruch 1032 Edmonds Avenue Water/storm/sanitary systems 5342 Gary Lott 910 High Avenue South Install sidewalk 5343 Hillis Homes 2704 NE 23rd Place Sanitary building sewer 5344 Hillis Homes 2614 NE 23rd Place Sanitary building sewer 5345 Vince' s Pizza 2815 NE Sunset Blvd. Commercial sanitary sewer 5346 Safeway Stores Fourth and Union Storm sewer OF R4�v COUNCIL MEMBERS „ o AGENDA EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED �O RANDALL ROCKHILL 9% "1 % (01 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE 0,9 0r, THOMAS W TRIMM gTEp SEPTET REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 15, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MAYOR MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1982 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council Committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Letter from Boundary Review Board sets public hearing date of December 9, 1982 for public hearing for proposed annexation of Cascade Sewer District (File No. 1082, P-263RR; Reso. 1612) . Refer to Board of Public Works for report back to Council . b. Personnel Department requests authorization by the Council of observance of the New Year's Day holiday 1983 on Monday, January 3, 1983 to limit the number of 1982 holidays to 12. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for appropriate legislation. c. Parks S Recreation Department requests appropriation of $800,000 into the 1982 Construction Budget for Coulon Beach Park to finish contracts ##2 and #J3• Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. d. City Clerk reports receipt of 55th Examination - Office of the State Auditor - January 1 , 1981 through December 31 , 1981 . Information only. e. Claim for damages by Leanne L. Conn in the amount of $44.98 for alleged improper confiscation of vehicle license plates (11/06/82) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Claim for damages by Earl Bierman in the amount of $183.26 for sewage backup into his basement (11/02/82) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. g. Public Works Department/Airport requests approval of lease agreement, Renton Aviation, for new float unit storage space. Refer to Aviation Committee. h. Policy Development Department requests public hearing be set for December 13, 1982 to review proposed Thomas Property Annexation, property recently acquired by the Parks and Recreation Department targeted for future development as an extension of the Cedar River Trail . 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 260 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of November 15, 1982 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S MAYOR &*CITY CLERK Implementation o matter of Christmas tree lighting, downtown Renton `Authorized to sign 1982-1983 Labor Agreement with Police Officers ' Guild Non- commissioned employees BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Cascade Sewer District Annexation CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Leanne L. Conn, CL 56-82 Claim filed by Earl Bierman, CL 55-82 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Legislation for New Year' s Day Holiday Coulon Beach Park Appropriation Amendment to Parking and Loading Ordinance Wiemann Rezone, R-364-79 West Hill Pump Station Annexation PUBLIC HEARING 12/13/82 - Thomas Property Annexation 12/13/82 - Halsen Street Vacation 12/13/82 - Cheever Street Vacation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 15, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES. CITY STAFF LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative IN ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue South, presented a letter Hearing Examiner objecting to relocation of Hearing Examiner Department to the Relocation 3rd floor due to proximity to Policy Development and Building & Zoning Departments and creation of potential violation of appearance of fairness doctrine. Mayor Shinpoch requested copy of the letter. Evans Ralph Evans, 3306 N.E. 11th Place, outlined history of lawsuit filed Administrative against the city and himself by owners of property located at the Appeal Decision intersection of Monroe Avenue N. E. and N.E. 12th Street for which the zoning designation is disputed. He inquired of City Attorney 's position of defense in Superior Court hearing December 28, 1982, noting Hearing Examiner had overturned Planning Department administrative decision and upheld Mr. Evans in prior city action. City Attorney Lawrence Warren advised his intent to defend the administrative determination of the Planning Department rather than the decision of the Hearing Examiner, explaining quasi -judicial role of Hearing Examiner in reviewing appeals, and advising that the judge' s decision is not normally defended in court. Further, he indicated that the city has maintained an adversary position in accordance with Council policy throughout the appeal process, and, therefore, the case is not anomalous. Continued John O'Hare, 583 Pierce Avenue S. E. , questioned representation of the people in instances where the City Attorney defends views of the Administration which may be contrary to those of the Hearing Examiner. Warren clarified that the matter under discussion has no legislative jurisdiction, is strictly an administrative matter, and the City Attorney is enforcing implementation of Council policy in representing the city in Superior Court. Continued Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , raised the issue of further percussions incurred by Mr. Evans if decision of the judge favors the property owner. Warren declined to speculate on the matter. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Cascade Sewer City Clerk submitted notice of hearing by the King County Boundary District Review Board for the Cascade Sewer District proposed annexation, Annexation File No. 1082, December 9, 1982 in King County Courthouse. Refer to Board of Public Works for report back to Council . New Year's Personnel Director requested authorization by the City Council Day through appropriate legislation of observance of New Year ' s Day Holiday 262 Renton City Council November 15, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued 1983, on Monday, January 3, 1983 which would equalize the number of holidays to 12 for both 1982 and 1983, thereby meeting intent of ordinance and labor agreements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for appropriate legislation. Coulon Beach Parks and Recreation Department requested appropriation of $800,000 Park into the 1982 Construction Budget for Coulon Beach Park to finish Appropriation contracts #2 and #3 • Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. 1981 State City Clerk reported receipt of Fifty-fifth Examination for the Audit City of Renton by the Office of the State Auditor for the period January 1 , 1981 through December 31 , 1981 . For information only. Claim for Claim for damages was filed by Leanne L. Conn in the amount of Damages $44.98 for alleged improper confiscation of vehicle license plates CL 56-82 in November, 1982. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Claim for damages was filed by Earl Bierman in the amount of $183.26 Damages for sewage backup into his basement in November, 1982. Refer to CL 55-82 City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Renton Aviation Public Works/Airport Departments requested approval of new lease Lease Agreement agreement for Renton Aviation to provide storage for aircraft float units removed from aircraft during winter months. Refer to Aviation Committee. (See later Council action, Aviation Committee report. Thomas Property Policy Development Department requested public hearing be set for Annexation December 13, 1982 to review proposed Thomas Property Annexation , property recently acquired by the Parks and Recreation Department targeted for future development as an extension of the Cedar River Trail . Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Referencing consent agenda item 5.a. , letter Councilman from Boundary Review Board regarding public hearing for Cascade Stredicke' s Sewer District annexation, Councilman Stredicke indicated concern Comments regarding irregularity of southern city boundary and necessity for policy statement to ensure continued sewer service to property on both sides of Talbot Road South. Citing item 5.9. , Public Works/ Aviation Departments request approval of lease agreement for Renton Aviation, Councilman Stredicke objected to basing lease amounts at the airport on an item basis rather than on the basis of square footage. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending revisions to the Parking and Loading Ordinance to Amendment to comply with existing Uniform Fire Code regulations (Section Parking and 4-2204-15; Fire Lanes) . Also recommended was referral to the Loading Ways and Means Committee for preparation of ordinance amendments . Ordinance MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Code Councilman Stredicke spoke against Sign Code Ordinance revisions Violations adopted on November 1 , 1982, noted recent receipt of complaints of real estate sign violations, and advised intent to provide Council members with photographs of signs in violation of the ordinance as well as ongoing status reports. Mayor Shinpoch stated that complaints may be filed with a real estate industry representative, name and telephone number on file in Mayor' s office. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed recommended concurrence Services in the Renton Merchants ' Association request to operate a limited Committee Renton City Council November 15, 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Downtown number of downtown street lights, primarily on South 2nd and South Christmas 3rd, during the Christmas season. Also recommended was referral Lighting to the Administration for implementation of the matter. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Mayor Shinpoch advised expenditure of $3,000.00 last year for purposes of Christmas lighting, with anticipation of increased amount this season. MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Trimm recommended approval of a new Committee temporary lease agreement for float unit storage space for Renton Lease Agreement Aviation. The report stated need will be temporary, two to three Renton Aviation winter seasons with variable quantities of floats; use will be normally inactive during summer months; 220 square feet of space is average space requirement; and flat rate of $3.00 per month is recommended with Renton Aviation certifying with each payment the number of stored floats used in calculating the lump sum due. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE AVIATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke objected to the method of calculation of the monthly rate since it creates need for accounting which is difficult in airport operations. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his NO vote be recorded. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee for second and final reading. Ramac, Inc. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1 ) R-017-82 to Business District (B-1 ) for Ramac, Inc. , File No. R-017-82, Ordinance #3676 property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Maple Valley Highway (SR-169) and the northbound ramp of FAI-405. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Hardebeck An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District R-062-82 (R-1 ) to Light Industry District (L-1 ) for Jerry Hardebeck, File No. Ordinance #3677 R-062-82, property located in the vicinity of 412 S.W. 16th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Municipal Arts An ordinance was read repealing Section 1-3504 of Title I Commission (Administrative) and adding a new chapter to Title II (Commissions Ordinance #3678 and Boards) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to a Municipal Arts Commission and its powers and duties. Councilman Stredicke advised although a minor revision had been made since first reading on November lst, placement of the ordinance back on first reading would not be required. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NAY: MATHEWS. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Wiemann An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-3) R-364-79 to Residence District (R-2) for Wiemann, File No. R-364-79, property located in the vicinity of 110 Pelly Avenue North. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. West Hill Pump An ordinance was read annexing certain property to the City of Station Renton, said property located at junction of Renton Avenue and Annexation Renton Avenue extension (approximately 12,000 square feet) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. 2s;A Renton City Council November 15, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Cheever Street A resolution was read setting the public hearing for December 13 , Vacation 1982 for consideration of vacating a portion of County Road #34, Resolution #2482 lying north of FAI-405, and south of vacated S.E. 72nd Street for Frank Cheever, VAC 07-82. Responding to Councilman Stredicke 's request for street vacation maps, City Clerk indicated that a map will be furnished. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Halsen Street A resolution was read setting the public hearing for December 13 , Vacation 1982 for consideration of a street vacation for a portion of South Resolution #2483 l7th Place located west of SR-515 and east of Talbot Road S. for Bobby Halsen, VAC 08-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1982-1983 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Labor Agreement recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Renton Police the 1982-1903 Labor Agreement with the Renton Police Officers ' Officers ' Guild Guild Non-commissioned employees. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY Non-commissioned HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS employees COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke expressed concern regarding uniform allowance for secretaries in Police and Fire Departments. MOTION CARRIED. Utility Payment Councilman Stredicke expressed disappointment that the matter of Drop Box provision of a drop box for utility payments in front of City Hall had been considered financially unfeasible by the Administration. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness reported his findings upon review of the matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch indicated pleasure in returning to her duties following REPORT a medical absence, and expressed thanks to all concerned who sent cards and letters. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans clarified previous discussion relative to history of legislative action on property in litigation, specifying duration of ordinances adopted in 1958 for rezone and reversionary purposes. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSION OF FORBES LAWSUIT. CARRIED. 9: 13 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; 9:20 p.m. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Maxine E. Motor, Acting City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OFNovember 15, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues. 11/16 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Budget - Parks , Library Weds. 11/17 8:00 p.m. " " - Public Works Thurs. 11/18 8:00 p.m. " " " - Police & Fire Tues. 11/23 8:00 p.m. " " " - Review & Summary AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/23 4:30 P.M. REED 3rd Floor Conference Rooff Grinolds letter regarding tall trees on Renton Hill PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11/18 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Rooff Density standards in R-2 & R-3 zone Mobile Home Park Ordinance revision PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 11/24 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Code regarding public assembly and inspection permits RANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES Wed. 11/17 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Latecomers ' Agreement for Grady Way Associates, representative of Public Works Department requested; Dale Nichols' complaint re. billing AYS AND MEANS Mon. 11/22 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 266 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS November 15, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 92 20,000.00 Dr. San Lwai 3915 Talbot Road S. Tenant improvements 9289 10,000.00 Peter R. Adams 523 Kirkland Ave. N. E. Addition to residence 9290 1 ,200.00 Mrs. Sanders 2009 Talbot Road S. Reroof residence 9291 1 ,300.00 Frederick F. Fisher 819 3rd Street Tenant improvement - 9292 327,500.00 Boulevard Cafe, Inc. 423 Airport Way S. Restore present building 9293 6,250.00 Margaret Kirkman 107 Park Avenue N. Reroof commercial buildin 9294 1 ,000.00 Centennial Villas, Inc. 71 S.W. Victoria Construct retirement fa 9295 20,000.00 Thomas R. Dahlby 1412 Maple Avenue S.W. Construct storage build 9296 18,000.00 Mr. Duncan 761 Vashon Place N.E. Repair existing structu 9297 350.00 Wolk Brother Oil Co. 632 Rainier Avenue S. Remodel building 9298 900.00 Mary Postishek 626 Renton Avenue S. Reroof residence 9299 1 , 100.00 J. Elwood Haizlip 1100 Tacoma Avenue N.E. Reroof residence 9300 3,000.00 Eric Backman 3205 N.E. 4th Street Construct batting cage 9301 -- R. V. Redmond 116 South Tobin Avenue Demolish residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10711 7,000.00 Chin Hills Building 3915 Talbot Road S. Install lights/wire Pharm. 10712 400.00 Bill Smith 2018 Rolling Hills S.E. Wire spa 10713 1 ,665.00 Donald Custer 222 Williams Ave. S. Wire heater in unit 10714 4,725.00 Boeing CAG Renton Plant/10.50 Bldg. Install crane way bussing 10715 2,500.00 Bruce Cass 333 Rainier Ave. N. Rewire heat system 10716 1 ,700.00 Wick Homes 250 Vashon Avenue S. E. Wire residence 10717 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 4314 S.E. 2nd Place Wire residence 10718 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 114 Vashon Avenue S. E. Wire residence 10719 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 214 Vashon Avenue S.E. Wire residence 10720 750.00 Kenneth King 350 Sunset Blvd. N. Add add ' 1 outlets 10721 50.00 Mastro/Poitras 3809 N.E. 4th Street Wire outlets MECHANICAL PERMITS 9600 1 , 1 0.00 Steven A. Millett 1602 Olympia Avenue S.E. Install wood stove 9601 525.00 Koll Business Park 216 S.W. 43rd Street Plumbing & fixtures 9602 350.00 Chuck Christenson 1700 Monterey Ave. N. E. Wood stove 9603 625.00 Bob Bardon 324 Sunset Blvd. N. Fire suppression systeml 9604 450.00 Ghassan Aroujaoude 3809 N.E. 4th Street Install sink 9605 2,250.00 Longacres Concessions 1621 S.W. 16th Street Plumbing & fixtures 9606 250.00 Claudia J. Allwine 674 Dayton Avenue N.E. Wood stove 9607 375.00 Jerry Creager 905 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Wood stove 9608 1 ,771 .00 Wick Homes, Inc. 250 Vashon Ave. S.E. Plumbing & fixtures 9609 2,000.00 Mike Shane 513 Cedar Avenue S. Plumbing & fixtures CONSTRUCTION PERMITS (none) OF R"�' +� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CIYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT U �� - Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS Z 0 JOHN W.REED 0 RANDALL ROCKHIII 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL 0RICHARD M.STREDICKE �Q THOMAS TRIMM ,9gTFD W.SEPTEoO REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 22, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MAYOR MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Street Vacation, R. L. Christopherson (VAC 06-82) for a portion of Hardie Avenue N.W. , south of N.W. 5th Street. b. Revised 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. City Clerk reports 11/12 bid opening, heating and ventilation system for Renton Senior Center; one bid received. Refer to Park Board. b. Park Department submits Park Board recommendation for acceptance of bid from American Heating Company, Tacoma, in amount of $16,800 for HVAC system modifications. Council concur in recommendation and award contract. c. City Clerk submits Boundary Review Board Notice of Intention of proposed sewer extension (Lakeridge Park Estates) . Refer to Board of Public Works for appropriate action and report back. d. Design Engineering Department requests approval of LID 322 final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period for S. Puget Drive and Benson Road S. roadway widening and signalization project, R. W. Scott, contractor. Council concur. e. Park Department requests resolution for transfer of funds from CR 2104 (A-112) to Park Fund 101/000/20/533/50/64 for purchase of two mowers. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. f. City Clerk submits Report of Examination from Washington State Auditor, Water District No. 78, January 1 , 1979 through September 17, 1979. On file with City Clerk. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Margaret Odo commending City Council for approving installation of traffic signal at N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. and providing other useful city services. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 268 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of November 22, 1982 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Dale Nichols' Request for Water Bill Review BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Sewer extension, Lakeridge Park Estates TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Access roadways to serve sewage plant WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Christopherson Street Vacation Revised 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Transfer of funds - Park Department Mobile Home Park Ordinance Parking and Loading Ordinance regarding common curb cuts New Year's Day Holiday PUBLIC HEARINGS 12/13/82 - Thomas Property Annexation 12/13/82 - Halsen Street Vacation 12/13/82 - Cheever Street Vacation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 22, 1982 Municipal Building �anday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY STAFF IN DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Christopherson published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public Street Vacation hearing to consider a proposed vacation of a portion of Hardie VAC 06-82 Avenue N.W. as petitioned by R. L. Christopherson. A letter was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton reporting recommendation of Board of Public Works to grant the street vacation at no cost to the petitioner. The letter further reported acquisition of the right-of-way by the county and subsequently the city via the platting process in 1909, required retention of an easement for sanitary sewer, and noted that the petitioner has given an access easement to a neighbor for property which lies on both sides of the proposed street vacation. Should the vacation be granted, an additional easement should be granted to assure access to that neighbor. Continued Referring to a vicinity map posted in the Chambers, Public Works Director Houghton designated the location of the proposal on Hardie Avenue N.W. lying south of N.W. 5th Street, denoted other street vacations granted on Hardie Avenue N.W. in the past, and advised the easement being requested for purposes of access for the neighbor has been discussed with the petitioner. Although the easement has been utilized for access for a period of 30 years, thereby giving the city rights of adverse possession, dedication of the easement will meet all legal requirements. Mr. Houghton concluded by stating since no monies have been expended on either maintenance or any other purpose, the action falls into a Class B category, and the petitioner will not be assessed for the street vacation. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO GRANT THE REQUESTED STREET VACATION, REQUIRE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT, AND REQUIRE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. jBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Revised 1983- published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing 1988 Six Year to consider the revised 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Transportation Program to replace No. 8 controller modernization with N.E. Sunset Improvement Boulevard signal controller modernization and interconnection with Program funds allocated by the Federal Aid Urban Systems (FADS) Funds to replace obsolete traffic signal controllers and interconnect signals on Sunset Boulevard N.E. to the city's computer. Public Works Director Richard Houghton described the revision which will provide interconnection to the city's computer of newly installed traffic signals at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard N.E. and Harrington 20 Renton City Council November 22, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Revised 1983-1988 Avenue N.E. , N.E. 10th Street, and N.E. 12th Street using available Six Year Federal funds. Application for the funds is possible only after Transportation adopting a revision to the Transportation Program, and recent Improvement notification indicates that approval of the request is anticipated Program shortly. Responding to Council inquiry, Houghton advised that the revision was not included in the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program adopted in July of 1982, and traffic progression problems created from Edmonds Avenue N.E. to N.E. 12th Street along Sunset as a result of signal modification has demonstrated the need for the computer interconnection to improve the flow of traffic. Further, he noted the 1983 budget submitted following adoption of the Transportation Program contains matching funds for the Federal appropriation. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO REVISE THE 1983-1988 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TO PROVIDE N.E. SUNSET BOULEVARD SIGNAL INTERCONNECTION, AND REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included. Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening on November 12, 1982 for heating HVAC System and ventilation system for Renton Senior Center; one bid received Senior Center (American Heating Company) . Refer to Park Board. Bid Award Park Department submitted Park Board recommendation for acceptance HVAC System of bid from American Heating Company, Tacoma, in the amount of Senior Center $16,800 for improvements to the heating and ventilation system at the Renton Senior Citizen Center, funding authorized in 1982 budget. Council concur in recommendation and award contract. Sewer Extension City Clerk submitted Boundary Review Board Notice of Intention of Lakeridge Park proposed sewer extension for Lakeridge Park Estates, Ord. 97016. Estates Refer to Board of Public Works for appropriate action and report back. LID 322 approval Design Engineering Department requested approval of LID 322, S. Puget Drive/ S. Puget Drive and Benson Road S. roadway widening and signalization Benson Road S. project for final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period on November 22, 1982. If, after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project, it is recommended the retained amount of $37,215.57 be paid to the contractor. Total cost of project: $645,040.90; contractor, R. W. Scott. Council concur. Transfer of Funds Park Department requested resolution of funds from Cumulative Reserve Park Department Account #2104 (A-112) to Park Fund 101/000/20/533/50/64 for purchase of two mowers in the amount of $12,258. 15. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. State Audit City Clerk submitted Report of Examination from Washington State Water District Auditor for Water District No. 78 for the period from January 1 , 1979 No. 78 through September 17, 1979. Fourteenth and final report. On file with City Clerk. rrd Councilman MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Inquiry AS PRESENTED. Councilman Reed questioned timeliness of the purchase of two mowers as denoted in Item 6.e. , Park Department request, during winter months. It was noted that an interoffice memorandum contained in Council information packets describes the departmental request. MOTION CARRIED. J Renton City Council November 22, 1982 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Margaret Odo, 4606 S.E. 4th Place, commending City Council the City Council for approving the installation of traffic signal Commendation modifications at the intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. Also praised were quick city responses from other departments. Mayor Shinpoch requested copies of the letter to distribute to department heads. mD BUSINESS Louncil Budget Council President Clymer presented a report of a motion passed at the Committee november 17, 1982 Budget Meeting to refer to the Transportation Committee Access Roadways the matter of access roadways to serve the sewage plant. The report to Serve Sewage also noted intent to keep the committee informed on the subject. Plant MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO REFER THE MATTER OF ACCESS ROADWAYS TO SERVE THE SEWAGE PLANT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning C Planning & Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending referral to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation Committee of legislation amending the Mobile Home Park Ordinance as follows: Mobile Home Park Lot Coverage (Section 4-2006. 1 . 1 ) - To meet standards applicable in Ordinance other jurisdictions similar to single family residential zoning classifications or approximately 30 to 50% for enclosed structures, a reduction to 40% of any lot is recommended for coverage by a mobile home and enclosed accessory structures. Accessory structures such as carport canopies or patio covers having less than 50% perimeter wall enclosure shall not exceed 20% coverage of any lot. Laundry Facilities (Section 4-2006. 1 .0 - Elimination of the requirement for laundry facilities is recommended since they are considered optional and will either be provided within each individual unit or requested of the park owner. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Densities in Chairman Rockhill advised that the matter of densities in R-3 and R-3 and R-4 R-4 zones is still under study by the committee and the recommendation Zones will be delayed. Stop Sign Councilman Stredicke called the Administration's attention to a N. E. 17th St./ stop sign which has been down at the intersection of N.E. 17th Union Ave. N.E. Street and Union Avenue N.E. since the previous weekend. Captain Don Persson advised that a portable sign will be located at the subject corner until such time as a permanent replacement can be installed. Dale Nichols ' Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Request for that the request for review of water bill by Dale Nichols be referred Review of Water to the Administration for further investigation and staff Bill recommendation. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances e:ommittee for second and final reading: Wiemann Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain - P-364-79 properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-3) Ordinance #3679 to Residence District (R-2) for Wiemann, File No. R-364-79, property located in the vicinity of 110 Pelly Avenue North. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. West Hill Pump An ordinance was read annexing certain property to the City of Station Annexation Renton, said property located at junction of Renton Avenue and Renton Ordinance #3680 Avenue extension (approximately 12,000 square feet) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 272 Renton City Council November 22, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Parking s Loading An ordinance was read amending portions of Section 4-2204 of the Ordinance re Common Parking and Loading Ordinance, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Curb Cuts Ordinance No. 1628 relating to parking areas, joint use driveways, and common curb cuts in commercial , not residential zones. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Coulon Beach An ordinance was read for appropriation and transfer of $800,000 Construction from Unanticipated Revenue Account unto Coulon Beach Construction Fund Transfer Fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ITEM TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. Chairman Stredicke advised advancement necessary since next regular meeting will not be held until December 6, 1982, November 29, 1982 being a fifth Monday and Council meeting not scheduled. MOTION CARRIED. Coulon Beach An ordinance was read for appropriation and transfer of $800,000 Construction from Unanticipated Revenue Account unto Coulon Beach Construction Fund Transfer Fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT Ordinance #3681 ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. New Year 's An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-801 of Title I Day Holiday (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Legal Holidays to recognize Monday, January 3, 1983 as New Year 's Day holiday. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended approval of Vouchers 42742 through 42959 in the amount of $813 ,338.27 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42737 through 42741 machine voided. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. Chairman Stredicke advised that the total amount does not include appropriation and transfer of $800,000 in funds for Gene Coulon Park construction, but does include purchase of Renton Area Multi-services Building, payment to Coluccio Construction in connection with Coulon Beach Park construction, and payment to an attorney other than the City Attorney for services rendered. Legal Fees Addressing the latter payment, Councilman Stredicke questioned the legal fee. Mayor Shinpoch explained that another attorney was retained to represent the city in a suit filed by a former Renton police officer who had been represented by the City Attorney in the past. Due to objection by the officer 's attorney in the current lawsuit, the City Attorney's office had disqualified itself from the case and another attorney was retained. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer announced that Monday, November 29, 1982 Fifth Monday is the fifth Monday of the month, and no City Council meeting will be held. Councilman Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration provide the followi Request for information for the budget hearing on November 23, 1982: expenditures Information for legal services; impact of reducing cost of living increases to non-represented employees to 4.6%; review of amusement tax for assessment of video games and music machines, and survey of other cities' tax of these items; and cost estimates for replacement of carpeting in Main Library. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced a Mortgage Burning Ceremony to retire the REPORT Municipal Building debt will be held on Wednesday, December 1 , 1982 73 Renton City Hall November 22, 1982 Page 5 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued Mortgage Burning on the front steps of City Hall . Refreshments for the ceremony, 'eremony sponsored by Soroptimist Club, will follow at the Liberty Park Community Center until 2:00 p.m. Mayor Shinpoch concluded her report by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. w.:JOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 8:52 a.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT : Senior Center HVAC System DATE. • November 12, 1982 AA BI��ER B1� American Heating Company :] $16,800 2014 Sixth Avenue MBE Tacoma, WA 98403 Engineer' s Estimate $16,000 - $17,000 1 275 1 35 CITY OF RENTON 11/22/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION _ JND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO. 42737 - 42741 RE' $228,517.58 (S 6aeiless 67 ERIA6 STREETS $1086810111 E1 EETS •37,495.74 RARY 62,259.91 1 ERAL SHARED REVENUE 6172,864.87 7-ET FORWARD TWRUST 67,872.70 f )ULON BCH PK CONSTR $148, 498.50 CIPAL FACIL ( SHOPS ) $5,821 .80 :RWORKS UTILITY $1P4*068.51 ORT $14468022 [PMENT RENTAL •1,995.22 EMEN #S PENSION •16, 662.59 CO ROL 623, 175.75 AL ..P. ALL WARRANTS s813,338•27 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE )N CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT 4ANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY 3VE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 42742 THROUGH NO, 42959 IN TME AMOUNT 6813, 338.27 THIS 22NO DAY OF NOVEMBER 1982. ITTEE CHAIR4N ',1�7��'�' ite�EMaER w D.i314 NUE iOARRAIIT MO.iR-30 a 2 669.74 MEMBER D.i322 0T r RaDTT NO. iR-24 $17,071.51 D.i.. • NUE WARRANT 110.iR-12 $ 3,422.00 I 1 I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (BUDGET Tues. 11/23 8:00 p.m. CLYMER Council Chambers Review 6 Summary of 1983 Budget COMMITTEE) VIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/23 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Grinolds letter regarding tall trees on Renton Hill ; Mayor's Administrative Assistant requested to attend PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 12/2 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Shoreline Master Program Update PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 11/24 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Code b Inspection Permits TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM luTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 12/6 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS LEOFF Board Meeting Weds. 12/1 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Mortgage Burning Ceremony Weds. 12/1 10:00 a.m. City Hall Front Steps (Renton Citv Hall ) C--- I NO COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 1 182 (FIFTH MON AY) Cq f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS November 22, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9302 1 ,000.00 Tradewell Stores 7890 S. 188th Non-bearing walls 9303 -0- J. J. Quintinskie 426 Burnett Ave. S. Demolish existing building 9304 1 ,200.00 Ken King 350 Sunset Blvd. N. Remodel Lighthouse shop 931":' 50,000.00 Grady Way Associates 607 S.W. Grady Way Construct foundation 93, 28,200.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Upgrade computer area 93 19,630.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Upgrade computer area 93,*0- 15,000.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Add & demolish walls 9305 51 ,749.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Install new offices 9310 49,000.00 Charles Henderson Const. 617 S. 30th Place Construct new residence 9311 49,000.00 Charles Henderson Const. 622 S. 30th Place Construct new residence 9312 51 ,000.00 Charles Henderson Const. 616 S. 30th Place Construct new residence ` 9313 57,000.00 Charles Henderson Const. ' 2908 Whitworth Ave. S. Construct new residence 9314 400.00 Coldwell Banker 4060 Lind Ave. S.W. Tenant improvement ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10722 5, .00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Rearrange air conditioning 10723 4, 145.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Air cond./ light fixtures 10724 2,250.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Rewire and recircuit 10725 9,400.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Convenience outlets 10726 7,600.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 NCC rearrangement 10727 250.00 Mary Seannell 2607 N.E. 12th St. Change conduit for meters 10728 200.00 Beverly Stuth (Lair) 1829 Harrington Ave. NE Install breaker box & meter 10729 100.00 Keith Reichow 1822 Morris Ave. S. Install outlets for pool 10730 1 ,000.00 City of Renton Philip Arnold Park Sprinkler system installa. 10731 1 ,000.00 Thunderhill Apartments 1099 Ethier Road Replace feeders to bldg. 10732 10,000.00 Billy McHale's 241 S.W. 7th Ave. Outlets, switches, misc. 10733 3,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Wire catering offices 10734 820.00 Cascade Pacific 700 South 31st Street Wire new residence 10^ 1 ,800.00 Vince's Restaurant 2815 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Wiring in new addition 10 Void MEi'! N I CAL PERMITS 9610 1 ,000.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Install air conditioning 9611 500.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Install floor drain 9612 2, 100.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Reroute water piping 9613 100.00 Boeing CAG Boeing Renton, 10.80 Install domestic cold water 9614 700.00 Geraldine Cooper 4508 N.E. 23rd Street Gas conversion burner 9615 1 ,000.00 J. Keith Fleurnt 3014 Smithers Ave. S. Install wood stove 9616 5,900.00 Billy McHale 241 S.W. 7th Street Install plumbing & fixtures 9617 4,000.00 Leonard Builders 4212 S.E. 4th Place Install heat pump , 9618 1 ,300.00 Wick Homes 4314 S.E. 2nd Place Install furnace, wtr. htr. 9619 300.00 Chin Hills, Aldrich Assoc.3915 Talbot Road S. Install plumbing & fixtures 9620 1 ,771 .00 Wick Homes 220 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install plumbing s fixtures 9621 1 ,846.00 Wick Homes 214 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install plumbing & fixtures 9622 1 ,354.00 Wick Homes 207 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install plumbing & fixtures 9623 290.00 Wyman Dobson 821 North 1st Street Gas logs and piping 9624 1 ,353.00 Hillis Homes 2704 N.E. 23rd Place Install gas furn. b wtr. htr 9625 1 ,396.00 Hillis Homes 2614 N.E. 23rd Place Install gas furn. & wtr. htr ` 9626 10,000.00 Peter Adams - 523 Kirkland Ave. N.E. Install swimming pool 9627 950.00 Keith Reichow 1822 Morris Ave. S. Install swimming pool 9628 700.00 Nathan Welch 4600 N.E. 23rd St. Gas conversion burner 9629 1 ,300.00 Wick Homes 250 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install gas furn. s wtr. htr 9630 1 ,300.00 Wick Homes 114 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install gas furn. & wtr. htr SI( --'ERMIT S 20.00 Louie Barei 304 Wells Ave. S. Install wall sign REVOCABLE PERMIT R 00 1 10.00 U.S.A. Today Renton, WA Use of public right of way for vending machines 278 C I T Y O F h E N T 0 N TRANSFERS IONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1982 '0 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: E FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /5/82 PARKS & RECREATION STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $123,000.00 101/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 PARKS & RECREATION STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 5,922.18 101/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Trans.for H&CD Tele.calls $ 47.48 CLAIMS FUND FIREMENS PENSION Cancel warrant No. 42446 $ 119.28 i/82 CURRENT FUND $ 106,097.94 PARKS & RECREATION 39,876.36 ARTERIAL STREETS 94,647.14 CITY STREETS 31,843.51 LIBRARY 10,964.36 STREET FWD. THRUST 9,802.75 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 8,044.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY 156,139.32 AIRPORT 17,036.19 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 14,690.63 FIREMEN'S PENSION 9.28 UNEMPLOYMENT CCMP. 5,039.92 L.I.D. CONTROL 396,272.96 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of NOV. $ 890,464.89 /82 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY FUND Cancel warrant no.42075 $ 1.47 St/82 CLAIMS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION Cancel warrant no. 41030 $ 70.53 CLAIMS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION Cancel warrant no. 41474 54.48 CLAIMS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION Cancel warrant no. 41961 54.48 CLAIMS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION Cancel warrant no. 42469 54.48 MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF k E N T 0 N 279 TRANSFERS G MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 11/12/82 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Per Resolution NO. 2433 $50,619.00 107/242/00.00 000/369.30.01 11/13/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transers for mo. of Nov. $120,800.59 Police 11/13/82 11/22/82 CURRENT FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Adj. incorrect charge on $ 13.10 warrant no. 40108 a.M 11/22/82 CURRENT FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Adj. incorrect charge on $ 21.23 warrant no. 41138 11/22/82 CURRENT FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Adj. incorrect charge on $ 18.50 warrant no. 42040 11/15/82 CURRENT FUND $164,372.73 PARKS AND RECREATION 49,744.98 CITY STREETS 33,004.50 LIBRARY 13,846.82 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 28,091.81 AIRPORT 2,231.26 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of Nov. $294,810.10 Regular 11/15/82 11/22/82 CURRENT FUND $228,517.58 PARKS & RECREATION 32,155.67 ARTERIAL STREETS 10,481.21 CITY STREETS 37,495.74 LIBRARY 2,259.91 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 172,864.87 STREET FORWARD THRUST 7,672.70 G. COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 148,498.50 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 5,821.80 WATERWORKS UTILITY 124,068.51 AIRPORT 1,468.22 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,995.22 FIREMEN'S PENSION 16,662.59 L.Z.D. CONTROL 23,175.75 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of NOV. $813,338.27 11/27/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of Nov. $83,258.25 Police 11/27/82 11/30/82 CURRENT FUND $171,793.10 PARKS & RECREATION 49,562.55 ..+. CITY STREETS 32,906.50 LIBRARY 13,089.65 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 29,748.61 AIRPORT 2,209.35 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of Nov. $302,825.76 Regular 11/30/82 MAYOR FmAkE DIRECTOR 280 fR � A G E N D A COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, 0 COUNCIL PRESIDENT (� 4 % - Z ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L.MATHEWS o JOHN W.REED n 90 ANDALL ROCKHILL0RICHARD M.STRED I CKERENTON � 1Ty COUNCIL 0THOMAS WTRIMMN7EDSEPIC-0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 6, 1982 BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 22, 1982 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. 1983 Budget for City of Renton b. City of Renton, Planned Use of General Revenue Sharing Money 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion or information if requested by a Council Member. a. Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation, 11-15-82, filed by Michael L. Smith on behalf of rezone applicants Sparks and Shegrud, File No. R-063-82, for property located on the east side of Talbot Road S. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Claim for damages filed by Joseph P. DeGrace for damage allegedly caused by ^lugged sewer on 9-29-82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. C. Court case filed by Alex J . Cordas for injuries sustained in a fall at Liberty Park 3-25-82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. d. Finance Department reports appropriation of 1982 unanticipated revenue in the amount of $6,200, equal to Street Fund 1981 work in process carried forward, to comply with recommendation of State Auditor' s Office. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. e. Claim for damages filed by Janet Stanley and Government Employees Insurance Company for automobile damages incurred due to alleged malfunctioning traffic siqnal on 8-20-82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Rev. Donald Hammond to the Board of Ethics to complete term of Rev. Robert Lester, effective to December 31 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Finance Department requests ordinance establishing 1983 tax levy. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS goo 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of December 6, 1982 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages, DeGrace, CL 58-82 Claim for Damages, Stanley, CL 57-82 Court Case, Alex Cordas PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation, File No. R-063-82, Sparks/Shegrud Rezone PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Ceremonial Candles WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Unanticipated Revenue for 1981 Street Fund Work in Process Appointment of Rev. Donald Hammond to Board of Ethics Places of Assembly Inspection Permit Density Standards in R-3 and R-4 Zones Mobile Home Park Ordinance Z ) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 6, 1982 Municipal Building Council Chambers Monday, 8:00 p.m. M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. NCY L. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED,CRICHARDouncil PM. STREDICKE, RANDALLresident; THOMAS W. RROCKH,ILT EARL CLYMER, L, ROBERT J . HUGHES. COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY STAFF IN LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE MOTOR, Acting City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director. MINUTE APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER MOVED Y22R1982AS SECONDED BY COUCI APPROVE THE MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1983 Budget published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider the City's 1903 Budget as filed with City Clerk Mayor on November 1 , 1982 in a balanced amount of $35,675,000-00- Shinpoch reviewed factors considered in formulatinq the budqet which is 5.4% less than 1982: implementation of one-half cent sales tax approved by Council in July; use of federal revenue sharing monies; and reduction in expenditures in maintenance and operation-- the result being the city's best effort to meet legal responsibilities to provide for the public health, safety and welfare. ached budget amendments .) A petition was read containing 189 signatures protesting proposed increase of sales tax and utility rates to Renton residents , many of whom are unemployed; cited unwise methods of cutting budget items such as fire services, suggesting instead deletion of 7% cost of living increase for management personnel ; and requested removal of sales tax recently imposed, lowering utility rates, and not jeopardizing fire protection. A letter was read from Harry B. Sanders, 2833 Morris Avenue S. , which- alleged excessive salaries in Renton compared to surrounding communities and noted increased taxes and provision of services which are no better in Renton than in other jurisdictions. John O' Hare, 583 Pierce Avenue S.E. , initiator of the petition, clarified he did not intend to imply that city employees are not currently earning their salaries, merely that taxpayers cannot afford them if additional taxation is required. He suggested that careful consideration be qiven to reneqotiation of union contracts, and recommended cuts not be directed in the wrong place, toward positions of clerks. Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor Place N.E. , felt city officials could wait for salary increases as do senior citizens living on fixed incomes. Bob Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Court, cited lack of clarity in budget handouts and suggested a capsulated report be provided to the public either by city staff or contracted out to a consulting firm for publication. Clancy Byron, 10317 126th S.E. , discussed limited income to elderly from social security payments and need to economize by cutting city salaries by 10%. John Van Eyk, 230 S. 15th, retired VJ Pacific Car and Foundary Company employee, stated that strikes have been eliminated since payment of higher wages by that company; however, fewer employees can be hired due to those increased wages. Mary Ellen Hamblin, 13015 138th Avenue S.E. , advised concern regarding funding policy for capital projects through utility rate increases and requested consideration of other methods such as latecomers fees. Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , objected to utility rate increases and questioned Renton City Council December 6, 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued 1983 Budget West Hill Pump Station. Responding to Mrs. Hamblin's comment, Councilman Stredicke advised that the city's systems development fee has been replaced with an alternative assessment method based upon square footage and number of bedrooms contained in structures. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT 1983 BALANCED BUDGET APPROVED AT BUDGET SESSIONS AS AMENDED. Responding to audience comments, Councilman Reed promised a big change in employee labor contracts in the next year. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his "no" vote be recorded. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Planned Use of published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Federal Revenue to consider the Mayor' s proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds Sharing Money for the year 1983 and introduced Michael Mulcahy, Finance Director, who summarized proposed uses for the funds in the amount of $1 ,085,922.00 including $755,210 for salaries and $330,712 for capital outlay and other services, with emphasis placed on directing monies to non-recurring items. Continued Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , expressed previous objections to utilizing federal monies for operating salaries. Bob Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Court, questioned review of the matter following adoption of 1983 budget. Mayor Shinpoch explained that changes would not affect departmental totals. John O'Hare, 583 Pierce Avenue S. E. , inquired regarding source of funds if revenue sharing program ends in the future. Council President Clymer explained Council ' s past practice in cuttingpersonnel or programs depending upon funding availability. Councilman Stredicke objected to allocation of Federal revenue sharing monies for salary purposes. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT MAYOR'S PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR 1983 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his "no" vote be recorded. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF 1983 BUDGET BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke complimented Mr. O'Hare and other audience participants on their interest in the budget process, noting importance that citizens realize they can be heard by their elected officials. (See later action. ) AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , questioned the total budget amount since conflicting figures of 41 million and 35 million are denoted on 1983 Budget budget handouts. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that ending fund balances from sale of Gene Coulon Park bonds have been separated out of both 1982 and 1983 budget totals to avoid inflation of figures from year to year, and the 1983 actual total is 35 million. Also addressed by Mr. Webb were his reasons for lack of public input at public hearings, alleged excesses in Finance Department budget, and expenditures for employee lounge equipment on the fifth floor of City Hall when vacated by District Court. Bob Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Court, objected to adoption of the budget without response to citizens expressing concerns and suggestions to the Council . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: :parks/Shegrud Appeal filed by Michael L. Smith representing Jack Sparks and Grover Rezone, R-063-82 Shegrud of Hearing Examiner Recommendation of denial on 11-15-82 for Appeal of rezone, R-063-82, of property located on the east side of Talbot Hearing Examiner Road S. from G-1 to P-1 for future development of a medical/dental Recommendation clinic. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Joseph P. DeGrace, 509 Index Avenue N. E. , Damages, for damage allegedly caused to his garage by blocked sewer on 9-29-82• DeGrace Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. CL 58-82 284 Renton City Council December 6, 1982 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA continued Cordas Court Court case filed by Alex J. Cordas for injuries allegedly sustained Case in a fall at Liberty Park 3-25-82• Claim for damages filed with the city 4-14-82 in the amount of $25,000. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Unanticipated Finance Department reported appropriation of 1982 unanticipated Revenue for 1981 revenue in the amount of $6,200 which is equal to Street Fund 1981 Street Fund Work Work in Process carried forward. Appropriation is result of change in Process in accounting procedure to comply with State Auditor's recommendation to appropriate unanticipated revenue in an amount great enough to cover estimated funds for work in process. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Claim for Claim for damages filed by Janet Stanley and Government Employees Damages, Insurance Company for automobile damages incurred in an accident Stanley at Benson Road S. and S. Puget Drive intersection allegedly caused and CL 57-82 by malfunctioning traffic signal . Refer to City Attorney Insurance Carrier. Appointment to Mayor Shinpoch appointed Rev. Donald Hammond, pastor of United Board of Ethics Christian Church, to Board of Ethics to complete the term of Rev. Robert Lester who has left the area, effective to December 31 , 1963. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Tax Levy Finance Department requested ordinance fixing the amount of tax Ordinance levies necessary for 1983 as required by RCW 84.52.020. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. (See later action. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a letter from Pastor Wilson, Mortgage Burning Highlands Community Church, congratulating the City of Renton on Ceremony its successful Mortgage Burning Ceremony on December 1 , 1982• Mayor Shinpoch complimented Del Mead, former City Clerk and member of Soroptimist Club, sponsor of the event. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending Committee approval of revised name of the inspection permit required for places Places of of assembly from "Place of Assembly Permit" to "Inspection Permit", Assembly and referral of the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for Inspection amendment of the ordinance. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Permit COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR AMENDMENT OF THE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Ceremonial Following announcement that all interested parties had been invited Candles to the committee meeting for review of the matter, Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending referral of the matter of regulation of ceremonial candles under the Uniform Fire Code to the Public Safety Committee for study and recommendation. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO REFER THE MATTER TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending referral to Ways and Means Committee for Committee preparation of legislation establishing maximum population density Density in of fifty (50) persons per acre in the R-3 district and seventy (70) R-3 and R-4 persons per acre in the R-4 district for boarding and lodging houses, Zones convalescent/nursing homes, group homes and retirement homes. The report further explained review of non-traditional residential uses in which living areas are scattered throughout the building with sleeping occurring in separate rooms, and eating and living areas commonly shared by all residents, making establishment of density 1 i Renton City Council December 6, 1982 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS continued Density Standards standards difficult. The report also recommended that non-traditional in R-3 and R-4 multiple family population density not exceed twice the allowable Zones unit density of two persons per household. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Area Councilman Stredicke reported block grant and private funding progress Multi-service in acquisition, restoration and remodeling of the historic Snoqualmie Center Falls Substation (Holmes Building) for use by the Renton Area Multi- service Center. Wells Avenue Councilman Stredicke advised receipt of Wells Avenue bridge status Bridge report from Public Works Director Richard Houghton, which recommended a public meeting be held by the City Council to discuss results of environmental assessment review process and permissible optional actions available. Councilman Stredicke further stated his understanding that the bridge project has been denied in its present configuration by the Federal government and two other alternatives are currently being reviewed prior to setting a public meeting to discuss the matter. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances Committee for second and final reading : Parking & Loading An ordinance was read amending portions of Section 4-2204 of the Frdinance re Parking and Loading Ordinance, Title IV (Building Regulations) of ommon Curb Ordinance No. 1628 relating to parking areas, joint use driveways, -uts and common curb cuts in commercial , not residential zones. MOVED Ordinance #3682 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. New Year 's Day An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-801 of Title I Holiday (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Legal Holidays Ordinance #3683 to recognize Monday, January 3, 1983 as New Year 's Day Holiday. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke announced that the City Attorney will review legislative procedures for modifying ordinances such as these to preclude lengthy and expensive process necessary for ordinance adoption. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for first reading. Mobile Home An ordinance was read amending Subsection I of Section 4-2006( 1 ) of Park Ordinance TITLE IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to mobile home park standards regarding lot coverage and accessory structures. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and suspension of rules, advancement to second and final reading for the following ordinances: 1983 Budget An ordinance was read adopting an annual budget for the City of Renton Ordinance #3684 for the year 1983 in the total amount of $35,675,000.00: MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance was read. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NO: STREDICKE . CARRIED. ��$35 ,831 , 113.00 Estimated '83 expenditures as adopted _5,856, 132.00 Estimated ending fund balances $41 ,687,245.00 Total Budget as adopted per Ordinance No. 3684 2C Renton City Council December 6, 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Tax Levy An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies Ordinance necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the Ordinance #3685 year 1983 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located with the City of Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING . Ordinance was read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Fund Transfer A resolution was read transferring funds from Cumulative Reserve for Purchase Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) unto Park Fund/Facilities Division for of Mowers purposes of purchasing two mowers. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Resolution #2484 HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Revise Six Year A resolution was read amending the Six Year Transportation Improvement Transportation Program for purchase of traffic signal controllers and installation of Improvement traffic signal interconnect cable to tie into the signal computer at Program N.E. Sunset Boulevard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Resolution #2485 COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke objected to revision of the improvement program since such revisions should be predicted at the time of adoption of the program. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced recent visit by city employee, Gloria Minnick, REPORT to Sister City Nishiwaki was a great success due to gracious hospitality by hosts. The Mayor also indicated that the Federally funded CETA Program has been replaced by JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) . For information, Mayor Sninpoch announced the death of Floyd Lawrence, former Fire Chief, funeral to be held Thursday, December 9, 1982 at 2:00 p.m. at Stokes Mortuary. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:37 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, Acting City Clerk i Amendments to the 1983 City of Renton Budget - Cont. December 6, 1982 EXPENDITURES REVENUES 4) 1983 WATER & SEWER RATE INCREASES Council Committee of the Whole approved Peat Marwick Recommendations for 11% Water rate increase and --- --- 6.7% Sewer rate increase in 1983, as included in the 1983 Mayor's Recommended Budget. 5) CURRENT FUND/LAND USE ADMINISTRATION (Pgs. 202C/203C) Delete Position #2, Hearing Assistant (Grade 5E) Salaries and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,657 - CURRENT FUND/POLICY DEVELOPMENT (pgs. 93C/94C) Replace Hearing Assistant position with Word Processing Secretary (Grade 3A) ; Add as follows: (Grade 3A/1471 mo. ) a/c 11 .00 - Salaries . . . . . $17,652 a/c 13.01 - Retirement . . . 1 ,158 a/c 13.02 - FICA . . . . . . . . . 1 ,183 a/c 13.03 - Medical . . . . . . 2,680 a/c 13.05 - Ind. Ins. . . . . 60 a/c 13.06 - Life Ins. . . . . 106 a/c 13.09 - Dental . . . . . . . 746 ADD TOTAL OF . . . . . . . $23,585 23,585 + (Savings - $6,072) 6) CURRENT FUND/EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION (Pgs. 19C/20C) Adjust Administrative Assistant's 1983 salary. Add $214/month to salary in 1983 Budget ($2,991/month) , to arrive at 1983 adjusted salary ($3,205/month). A. Transfer Mayor's 1983 increase (5% annual ) to Administrative Assistant Position . . . . . . . $2,232 B. Add balance needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 336 + Equals 12 months @ $214/month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,568 (Total Salary Adjustment) 7) CONTINGENCY FUND (Pg. 429C) A. Increase Revenue a/c 107/313.10 by estimated amount to be received from Sales Tax onfood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 + B. Increase Expenditure Budget a/c 53.00 by equalamount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 + 8) CONTINGENCY FUND (Pg. 4290 A. Reduce Property Taxes a/c 107/311 .10 per information received from King County Assessor . . 14,361 - B. Reduce Expenditure Budget a/c 53.00 by equal amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,361 - 9) CONTINGENCY FUND (Pg. 429C) Add balance to the good to Contingency Fund 2 424 + a/c 53.00 (Expenditures). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL AMENDMENTS #1 THROUGH #9 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185,639 + 185,639 + TOTAL 1983 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED BUDGET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ,501 ,606 41 ,501 ,606 TOTAL 1983 CITY OF RENTON BUDGET AS AMENDED ... . . . . . . .. . . 41 ,687,245 41 ,687,245 -2- 288 Amendments to the 1983 City of Renton Budget December 6, 1982 EXPENDITURES REVENUES 1 ) FIRE FIGHTERS' MEDICAL PAYMENTS Pay from Current Fund rather than Firemen's Pension Fund; medical insurance premiums for retired LEOFF I Fire Fighters and medical payments for active and retired Fire Fighters, other than those bills covered by medical insurance, as approved by Fire LEOFF and Firemen's Pension Boards. AMEND BUDGET AS FOLLOWS: (CURRENT & CONTINGENCY FUNDS) A. FIRE ADMINISTRATION (Page 158C) Establish a/c 13.13 (Retired Fire Medical Insurance Premiums) Add $14,400 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 14,400 + a/c 13.04 (Uniform Medical ) Add $14,000 . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 + B. Reduce Property Tax Allocation in Contingency Fund, Revenue a/c 107/311 .10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,400 C. Reduce Contingency Fund Expenditure Budget Pg. 429C, a/c 53.00 (Interfund Distributions) . . . . . 28,400 D. Current Fund Revenue - Increase Property Tax Allocation Revenue a/c 000/311 .10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,400 + 2) CURRENT FUND POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Pg. 93C - 94C) - Cut Overtime for Planning Commission Meetings; Policy Development Director to handle minutes of meetings: Cut a/c 12.00 Overtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600 Cut a/c 13.01 Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Cut a/c 13.02 FICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Cut a/c 13.05 Industrial Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TOTAL CUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $688 688 - 3) CURRENT FUND PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION (Pg. 223C) Establish a/c 31 .98 Water Drainage/Green River Valley) Add $4,000; Agreement between Renton, Tukwila, Kent, Auburn and King County for management of surface water drainage in the Green River Valley, to contract for and equally share funding of, consulting assistance to prepare agreement. (Referred to Ways & Means Committee 9/13/82, to be considered as part of the 1983 Budget. ) (Resolution #2471 9/82) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 + -1- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 6, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 12/9 CANCELLED CLYMER Council Chambers AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 12/7 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Trees on Renton Hill PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 12/9 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Continued review of Shoreline Master Program Update PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 12/13 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS t EVENTS 290 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS DECEMBER 6, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9315 72,000.00 C. Jackson 1059 Aberdeen N.E. New single family residence 9316 10,000.00 Dr. Burkebile 3721 Talbot Road S. Addition to clinic building 9317 27,300.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 S.W. 16th Street Addition to Terrace Pavilion 9318 37,500.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4201 S.E. 4th Street New single family residence 9319 37,500.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4120 S.E. 4th Street New single family residence 9320 1,633.50 Mrs. Brown 2605 N.E. 6th Place New roof 9321 9,200.00 Mr. t Mrs. Frank Beck 3618 N.E. 6th Place New garage 9322 7,000.00 Cr. Frank Trunkey 222 Williams Ave. S. Remodel office area 9323 2,502.75 Thunder Hills Apts. 1115 Thunder Hills Lane Remove shingles 9324 35,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 232 Vashon Avenue S.E. New single family residence 9325 750.00 Norman B. Owley 1612 Blaine Ave. N.E. Reroof residence 9326 1,200.00 Clark Rich, Inc. 1100 Harrington Ave. N.E. 30-unit condominium 9327 - 15,000.00 Steven R. Freemire 4103 N.E. 8th Street Addition to residence 9328 44,000.00 Charles Henderson Co. 3000 Witworth Ave. S. New single family residence 9329 58,000.00 Wash. Horse Breeders 1621 S.W. 16th St. Addition of offices 9330 5,050.00 John Quintinskie 426 Burnett Ave. S. Rebuild garage 9331 12,000.00 Renton Aviation Inc. 840 W. Perimeter Road Install mobil office unit ELECTRICAL PERMITS 0737 1,500.00 Hillis Homes 2704 N.E. 23rd Place Wire new residence 10738 1,500.00 Hillis Homes 2614 N.E. 23rd Place Wire new residence 10739 249.00 Denis Keolker 532 Cedar Avenue S. Install service to garage 10740 55,060.00 Salvation Army 720 S. Tobin Street Wire new building complex 10741 100.00 Donna's Trees gwer 10742 100.00 Donna's Trees 7th E Edwards Install temporary power 4251 Sunset Boulevard NE Install temporary power 10743 100.00 Richard Olson 585 Rainier Ave. S. Install temporary p y power 10744 500.00 Scott T. Kehl 96 Wells Ave. N, Route new wiring 10745 500.00 William F. Davis 1000 S. 2nd St. Install circuits, It., recep. 10746 1,017.00 Leonard Builders 4114 S.E. 4th St. Wire single family residence 10747 400.00 Mark Yormark 1414 N. 32nd St. Wire solar addition 10748 1,000.00 Dr. Frank Trunkey 222 Williams Ave. S. Relocate switch 6 wiring 10749 30.00 Larry Polley 1058 Kirkland Ave. NE Change porch light 10750 800.00 Steven R. Freemire 4103 N.E. 8th St. Install new service panel 10751 50.00 Wick Homes 232 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install ten orar 10752 100.00 Ray Van Hollebeke p y power 10753 1,500.00 Scott Kehl 7th 6 Hardie Install temporary power 10754 50.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4201 S.E.A4th St. Change duplex service 10755 800.00 Miken, Inc. tall 2 power 1412 16th St. S.W. Install 200 amp service 10756 200.00 Frank Brennan 3405 Lake Wash. Blvd. N. Replace breaker box 10757 31,500.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way S. Rewire building MECHANICAL PERMITS 31 1,02 .00 Leonard Builders 4114 S.E. 4th Street Install gas furnace 9632 800.00 Allen H. Nance, Jr. 505 Stevens Avenue N.W. Install wood stove 9633 965.00 Narendra b Brenda Mehta 455 Edmonds Court N.E. Install wood stove 9634 10,900.00 Tradewell Stores, Inc. 343 Union Avenue N.E. Install plumbing b fixtures 9635 4,500.00 Tradewell Stores, Inc. 343 Union Avenue N.E. Install heaters, mist. 9636 150.00 Philip Philio 3324 M.E. 17th St. Install wood stove 9637 895.00 John B. Weers 2019 N.E. 12th St. Install wood stove 9638 155.00 Edward Gion 408 Whitworth Ave. S. Gas water heater conversion 9639 376.00 Edward Gion 408 Whitworth Ave. S. Gas burner conversion 9640 1,300.00 Wick Homes 214 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install gas furnace b heater 9641 1,350.00 Wick Homes 220 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install gas furnace b heater 9642 1,350.00 Wick Homes 207 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install gas furnace b heater 9643 3,597.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Road Install fire sprinkler 9644 450.00 A Better Eating Place 721 Rainier Ave. S. Install fire su g system 9645 650.00 Steven Freemire 4103 N.E. 8th St. Install plumbing b fixtures 9646 550.00 Joseph F. Henry 1414 N. 34th St. Install wood stove 9647 550.00 Joseph F. Henry 1420 N. 34th St. Install wood stove 9648 975.00 Henry Ellingson 300 N.M. 6th St. Install fireplace insert SIGN PERMITS 1056 2,500.00 Property Management Sys. 4060 Lind Ave. S.W. Install pole sign t wall sign 1057 216.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Highway Install wall sign 1058 563.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Highway Install pole sign 1059 474.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Highway Install pole sign 1060 900.00 Hayden Island, Inc. 333 Rainier Ave. N. Install wall sign 1061 -0- Sea Galley, Inc. 3750 E. Valley Rd. Install wall sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 7 Renton School Dist. 403 N. 4th t Logan Ave. N. Install new driveway 5348 Cascade Pac. Devel. Corp. 700 S. 31st Street Install sanitary sewer 5349 Guy Lambiasu 2820 Whitworth Ave. S. Remove driveway 5350 Puget Western S.W. Grady Way Install storm drain 5351 Weston Main 723-S.W. 10th Com. Fac. Charge 5352 Grady Way Associates 607-S.W. Grady Way Install detector meter 5353 Rainier Disposal 316 S.W. 16th St. Install storm sewer system 5354 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4114 S.E. 4th St. Driveway approach OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS „ OEARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT V �40 ri Z ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W.REED 0 /+ / RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 R E N T O N CITY C O U N ` 1 L RICHARD M.STREDICKE 0,9 �4.P THOMAS W.TRIMM TED SEP' � REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 13, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1982. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Certificate of Award presented to Peggy Cummins honoring her service on the Municipal Arts Commission from January, 1970, to November, 1982. 5. SWEARING- IN CEREMONY: Maxine E. Motor - City Clerk 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Petition for street vacation by Frank G. Cheever, VAC 07-82, portion of County Road #34, lying north of FAI-405, lying south of vacated S.E. 72nd Street. b. Petition for street vacation by Bobby Halsen, VAC 08-82, portion of South l7th Place located west of SR-515 and east of Talbot Road S. c. Thomas property annexation, property owned by City of Renton, 52.28 acres lying contiguous to the southeast boundary of the city limits and to the Cedar River and across the river from the Maplewood Addition. 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes . 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council Member. a. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval of rezone, File No. R-129-80, Alterra Corporation from G-1 (General ) to MP (Manufacturing Park) for property located on the north side of S.W. 7th Street, east of the proposed P-1 Channel , south of old Chicago Milwaukee Railroad, and west of Thomas Avenue S.W. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. b. Planning Commission submits recommendations for zoning issues concerning Public District (P-1 ) , proposed Office Park District (OP) , and proposed Landscaping Ordinance; and amendment to Office Park Policy language. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for report and recommendation. C. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Municipal Court Judges pro tem for 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Mayor Shinpoch concurs with Fire Chief Geissler 's recommendation to purchase 1950 Kenworth 1500 GM fire truck from Seattle Fire Department. Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and recommendation. e. Finance Department submits ordinance authorizing issuance of $2,925,000 of Tax Anticipation Notes to satisfy cash flow needs of the city to be repaid at year's end from property taxes and other revenues of the city. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. f. Finance Department submits Ordinance No. 3594 for amendment to adjust water rates effective 1/01/83; and Ordinance No. 3595 for amendment to adjust sewer rates effective 1/01/83. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Finance Department submits Ordinance No. 3630 for amendment to reflect 1983 garbage rate increase effective 1/01/83. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 292 8. CONSENT AGENDA continued h. Finance Department submits Ordinance No. 3596 for amendment to reflect 1983 Equipment Rental Rates effective 1/01/83. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. i . Design Engineering Department requests approval of final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day lien period for N.E. 12th Street Improvement Project, CAG-040-82, West Coast Construction, contractor. Council concur. j . Public Works Department submits Park Avenue North Signal Interconnect Project for traffic signal interconnect and coordination from N. 6th Street to FAI-405. Total funding from FAUS (Federal Aid Urban System) Funds. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. k. Public Works Department submits agreement for renewal of CATV Contract for Services (3-H Management & Consultants , Inc. , and the City of Renton) for 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 1 . Personnel Department recommends consolidation of Police and Fire Civil Service Commissions to standardize Civil Service rules for uniformed employees. Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and report. M. Claim for damages filed by Peggy Rollins for unnecessary impoundment of automobile on 12/01/82, CL-59-82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. n. Claim for damages filed by Marion Russell for damage to automobile hood and fender by tree falling from workman 's hands on 11/30-82, CL-60-82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 9. CORRESPONDENCE a. Mayor Shinpoch requests Council concurrence in administrative recommendation for long term funding solution for Marine Patrol services. b. Planning Commission recommendation for adoption of Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment which may be adopted, modified or rejected by the Council . 10. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 14. AUDIENCE COMMENT 15. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of December 13, 1982 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/ INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages, Rollins, CL 59-82 Claim for Damages, Russell , CL 60-82 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign C.ATV Contract for 1983 Authorized to execute Grady Way Associates Latecomers Agreement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Central Area POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Thomas Property Annexation presentation to Boundary Review Board) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Truck Purchase Consolidation of Fire and Police Civil Service Commissions WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Halsen Street Vacation Alterra Rezone, R-129-80 Revisions to Zoning Code Tax Anticipation Notes Water, Sewer and Garbage Rates Equipmental Rental Rates Park Avenue N. Signal Project Inspection Permits for Places of Assembly R-3 and R-4 District Density Standards Marine Patrol Funding PUBLIC HEARINGS 1-10-83 - Cheever Street Vacation (continued) 1-24-83 - Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment 294 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 13, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES . CITY STAFF IN LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative ATTENDANCE Assistant; MAXINE MOTOR, City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Certificate of Award was presented to Peggy Cummins honoring her PRESENTATION service on the Municipal Arts Commission from January, 1970, to Peggy Cummins November, 1982. Accepting her award , Mrs. Cummins expressed appreciation to the City Council and Administration for their continued support of arts programs in the community. SWEARING IN Mayor Barbara Shinpoch administered oath of office appointing Maxine CEREMONY Motor to the office of City Clerk. Mrs. Motor, Acting City Clerk City Clerk since July 1 , 1982, expressed her sincere pleasure and honor to be appointed the 16th City Clerk for the city in serving a Mayor and City Council who really care about the citizens of Renton . A local resident for many years, Mrs. Motor was employed by the city in 1968, appointed as recording secretary to the Council in 1972, and Deputy City Clerk in 1975. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Thomas Property published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Annexation to consider annexation of the Thomas property, consisting of 52.28 acres owned by the City of Renton, lying contiguous to the southeast boundary of the city limits and to the Cedar River and across the river from the Maplewood Addition. David Clemens , Policy Development Director, described the location of the property, noted surrounding uses , and reviewed history of acquisition by the Parks and Recreation Department for purposes of extension of the Cedar River Trail system. Councilman Stredicke questioned whether residents of Halls Maplewood Addition, a logical extension of property lying contiguous to the proposed annexation, had been encouraged to join the annexation . Mr. Clemens advised that due to lengthy process involved in acquiring signature percentages, the city had decided to proceed under less restrictive municipal annexation procedures. Continued Speaking in opposition to the proposal , Leonard Alan Kidd, 13221 S.E. 151st , resident of Maplewood Addition adjacent to the annexation, felt development would increase boating and fishing activity on the Cedar River, further erode the river bank, contribute to slippage of the hillside above, and decrease his property value. Mr. Clemens explained city has only schematic plans to develop the property for greenbelt purposes, the prior owner could have developed it at his discretion , and comments and objections to development should appropriately be expressed at subsequent public hearings for purposes of development review. Continued Martin Lewis Kidd, 13221 S.E. 151st, supported annexation of Maplewood Addition subdivision to give residents a voice in future development of the subject property. Mr. Clemens encouraged residents interested in annexing to contact him to obtain necessary information to proceed . Council President Clymer clarified that concern for wildlife habitat preservation was one of the city' s major reasons for acquiring the property which was proposed for development by the former owner. Councilwoman Mathews suggested citizens contact the Park Director to express concerns regarding greenbelt preservation plans. Renton City Council December 13 , 1982 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING continued Thomas Property MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED . Annexation MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MOVE AHEAD IN THE MATTER OF ANNEXATION OF THE THOMAS PROPERTY. Speaking in support of the motion, Councilman Stredicke encouraged residents of Maplewood Addition to consider annexation to the city to better serve their interests. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, REFER THE MATTER TO POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, SUBJECT OF DEVELOPMENT OF EXTENSION OF CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE RESIDENTS OF BOTH THE CITY AND COUNTY PORTION OF MAPLEWOOD PRIOR TO FINALIZATION OF ANY PLANS. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Cheever Street published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public Vacation hearing to consider petition for vacation of portion of County Road VAC 07-82 #34, lying north of FAI-405, lying south of vacated S . E. 72nd Street. Correspondence was read from Board of Public Works Chairman Houghton denoting class "C" designation of street vacation due to development potential requiring payment for property. Mr. Houghton explained location of the property, and described surrounding uses , zoning , and Comprehensive Plan designation. Responding in support of the proposal , Frank Cheever, 9821 15th N.E. , Seattle, explained purpose of street vacation to provide access to property to the west landlocked during construction of FAI-405. Expiration of temporary access extensions issued by the state is imminent, he advised, and there is no intention to develop property subsequent to approval of the vacation. Alternatives were discussed of either withdrawing the request and providing access to the westerly property via private agreement or reclassifying the property to a "B" category with a restriction that no additional building be allowed. Mr. Clemens explained Board of Public Works action in determining the classification of "C", noting development potential and increase of property size if street vacation is approved. City Attorney Lawrence Warren advised time limit should be imposed on any development restrictions. Continued Priscilla Larson, 5101 Lake Washington Boulevard N. E. , owner of landlocked property to the west, reported swampy condition of land and existence of springs which cause slippage prevent future development of vacated property by either herself or Mr. Cheever. Dr. William Fisher, 611 E. Lake Sammamish Road, Redmond, one of the owners of the subject property, stated his understanding that approval of a street vacation is a prerequisite to provision of access. Mr. Houghton advised a street vacation is unnecessary if the applicant ' s only intent is to provide access to Mrs. Larson ' s property across an existing street, and the matter can be resolved by the Public Works Hearing continued Department. Responding to Mr. Cheever' s request to be allowed time for to 1-10-83 discussion with his family, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JANUARY 10, 1983• CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Halsen Street published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Vacation to consider petition for street vacation submitted by Bobby Halsen VAC 08-82 for a portion of South 17th Place located west of SR-515 and east of Talbot Road S. Correspondence was read from Board of Public Works Chairman Houghton reportinq annexation of property in 1956 and recommending no assessment be made to the abutting property owners since the street has never been opened, no monies have been expended for maintenance, and no easements required. Location of the property was designated on a vicinity map, and Mr. Houghton reviewed the proposal , reporting minimal amount of property will be apportioned to each abutting property owner if vacation is approved . Councilman Reed questioned whether benefit to property owners was considered in classifying the subject street vacation as was considered in the Cheever matter. Since there were no further comments, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES , CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL RECESS FOR RECEPTION HONORING NEWLY APPOINTED CITY CLERK. CARRIED. Time: 9:05 p.m. 296 Renton City Council December 13, 1982 Page 3 Meeting Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. All Council Members were present Reconvened at roll call . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Alterra Rezone, Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of rezone, File No. R-129-80 R-129-80, Alterra Corporation from G-1 (General ) to M-P (Manufacturing Park) for property located on the north side of S.W. 7th Street , east of the proposed P-1 Channel , south of old Chicago Milwaukee Railroad , and west of Thomas Avenue S.W. Also included were letters from the Hearing Examiner and Policy Development Director requesting Council deliberation of specific use of greenbelt property. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Revisions to Planning Commission submitted recommendations for zoning issues Zoning Code concerning Public District (P-1 ) , proposed Office Park District (OP) , and proposed Landscaping Ordinance; and amendment to Office Park Comprehensive Plan Policy. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for report and recommendation. Fire Truck Mayor Shinpoch concurred in Fire Chief Geissler's recommendation to Purchase purchase 1950 Kenworth 1500 GM fire truck with 400 Hall Scott engine from Seattle Fire Department . Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and recommendation. Tax Anticipation Finance Department requested ordinance authorizing issuance of Notes Ordinance $2,925,000.00 of tax anticipation notes to provide for short term cash flow requirements of the city; repayment of notes at year' s end from property taxes and other revenue sources. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Water and Sewer Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3594 to adjust Rates 1983 water rates effective January 1 , 1983; and Ordinance No. 3595 to adjust sewer rates effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Garbage Rates Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3630 to 1983 reflect 1983 garbage rate increases effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Equipment Rental Finance Department requested amendment to Ordinance No. 3596 to reflect Rates 1983 1983 Equipment Rental rates effective January 1 , 1983. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. N. E. 12th Street Design Engineering Department requested acceptance of N. E. 12th Street Project Improvement Project (CAG 040-82) , approval of final pay estimate, and CAG-040-82 commencement of 30-day lien period on December 13, 1982. If , after expiration of the lien period, no liens or claims have been filed against the project and all taxes paid, the retainage amount of $14,403.95 shall be paid to the contractor, West Coast Construction. Council concur. Park Ave. N. Public Works Department requested authorization to proceed with Park Signal Project Avenue N. Signal Interconnect Project, 100% funded through Federal Aid Urban Systems Funds (FAUS) , from N. 6th Street to FAI-405 northbound on/off ramps (North Renton Interchange) , for replacement of traffic controllers on Park Avenue, installation of new vehicle detection system, interconnection to new traffic signal computer, and development of operational programs for input to computer. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Consolidation Personnel Department recommended consolidation of Police and Fire of Fire & Police Civil Service Commissions to gain standardization in administration Civil Service of rules; proposal has been reviewed and approved by members of both Commissions existing commissions. Refer to Public Safety Committee for review and report. Claim for Damages Claim for damages filed by Peggy Rollins in the amount of $52.97 for Rollins, CL-59-82 alleged unnecessary impoundment of automobile on 12-1 -82 near her residence, 628 Shattuck S. Refer to City Attorney & Insurance Carrier. Renton City Council December 13, 1982 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA continued Claim for Damages Claim for damages was filed by Marion Russell in the amount of 5374.50 Russell , CL 60-82 for damage to automobile hood and fender by tree which allegedly slipped from hands of city workman on 11-30-82 on Airport Way. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS AMENDED. CARRIED. The following items were removed from the Consent Aqenda for separate consideration . Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Municipal Court Judges Pro tempore for of Municipal 1983 as follows: Gary Faull , Peter Banks, Richard Jackson , Deborah Court Judges Fleck, Robert Anderson, David Tracy and Kameron Kayce. MOVED BY Pro tempore HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONFIRM APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Renewal of Public Works Department requested renewal of CATV contract for CATV Contract services, 1983, for 3-H Management and Consultants , Inc. at an 1983 annual increase of $845.25 which includes added activities of public service programs and monitor of Senate bills affecting local governmental control of telecommunication regulation. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Trimm, Council approve CATV contract without referral to Ways and Means Committee. Councilman Stredicke indicated the motion should include authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE 1983 CATV CONTRACT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Shinpoch requested Council concurrence in the Marine Patrol recommendation to secure support and assistance from the Association Funding of Washington Cities in efforts to draft and implement legislation providing a long-term funding solution for marine patrol services for the eight lakeside cities . Expiration of the current contract with King County will occur after the 1983 boating season, and levels of service may be expanded only upon imposition of some form of boat tax or registration fee which State Legislature must authorize. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Responding to Councilman Rockhill ' s query regarding inclusion of the entire state or just the eight lakeside cities for potential registration fees, Administrative Assistant Michael Parness advised that although a specific proposal has not been formulated, inclusion of study of either a state-wide or regional approach to marine patrol funding will be requested in the AWC legislative package. MOTION CARRIED. Central Area Planning Commission submitted the Central Area Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Amendment recommending adoption by the City Council , and noting Plan Amendment a public hearing, although not required, may be held. The letter requested consideration of whether or not to hold a public hearing or meeting, and whether to send the matter to Planning and Development Committee for a report or to Ways and Means Committee to prepare an ordinance. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THE CENTRAL AREA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION." MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUIREMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 24, 1983. CARRIED. Discussion was held regarding possible violation of Appearance of Fairness Doctrine if the committee presents a recommendation prior to holding a public hearing. City Attorney Warren explained matter could be studied in committee prior to public hearing as long as Council Members did not express predetermined opinions at the hearing. Further discussion indicated that the motion as amended does not prevent the Planning and Development Committee from reporting a recommendation as long as it follows the public hearing. `ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department for Grady Way approval of the Grady Way Associates Latecomer Agreement for Water Associates Main improvements, and further recommends that the City Council Latecomers authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement. MOVED Agreement BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. C Renton City Council December 13, 1982 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Mobile Home An ordinance was read amending Subsection I of Section 4-2006 of the Park Ordinance City Code relating to mobile home park standards regarding lot coverage Ordinance #3686 and accessory structures. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Inspection An ordinance was read amending the Uniform Fire Code, Article 25, Permits for Chapter 9, of the City Code relating to inspection permits for places Places of of assembly. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE Assembly REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. R-3 and R-4 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Sections 4-709A and B District of the City Code relating to conditional uses and R-3 and R-4 Density District density standards. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, Standards THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Tax Anticipation An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance of tax anticipation Notes notes for the purpose of paying city expenses pending receipt of general city taxes; creating an anticipation note fund and an operating cash requirements fund; and providing for sale of those notes to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Water Rates An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III of the City 1983 Code relating to metered water services. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Sewer Rates An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 8-715 of Title 1983 VIII of the City Code relating to sewer charges. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Garbage Rates An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3 of Title VIII of the City 1983 Code relating to revised garbage collection rates. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Rate Increases Councilman Stredicke pointed out that the water, sewer and garbage ordinances will effectuate rate increases to residents and businesses as reflected in the 1983 budget recently adopted. Equipment Rental An ordinance was read establishing and adopting equipment rental rates . Rates MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Appointment to Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Board of Ethics recommending concurrence in the Mayor 's appointment of Rev. Donald Hammond, paster of the United Christian Church, to the Board of Ethics to complete the term of Rev. Robert Lester who has moved out of the area, effective to December 31 , 1983. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. SII Cooks Street Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Vacation requesting the Administration notify Mr. Cook that the extension granted for consummation of the Cooks Street Vacation expires on December 31 , 1982, prior action being terminated on that date. Councilman Stredicke advised his understanding that the matter is underway with appropriate data submitted to committee by December 20, 1982. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended approval of Approval Vouchers 42965 through 43223 in the amount of $622,251 .51 having 299 Renton City Council December 13, 1982 Page 6 Voucher Approval received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 42960 through 42964 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $153,556. 10; LID 322: $760.07; LID 323: $59,256.26; and LID 325: $58,237. 12. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Mathews announced successful party held by school district Election of employees at the Senior Citizen Center this date in the afternoon with Council good attendance even though the function was planned at last minute. President & It was then MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ELECT THOMAS Pro tempore TRIMM AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT FOR 1983. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren advised the motion was proper since Council sets its own rules. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ELECT ROBERT HUGHES AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE FOR Committee on 1983 . CARRIED. Council President Elect Trimm appointed Councilmen Committees Hughes, Mathews, and Clymer to serve on the Committee on Committees with him to determine committee membership for 1983. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced that Ted Bennett is making rapid recovery REPORT following heart bypass surgery on Friday, December 10, 1982 with release from hospital anticipated by December 17th. AUDIENCE Don Persson advised that Renton Police Department is making more arrests COMMENT of drunk drivers than other cities on east side, noting word is circulating among drivers to be careful in Renton. Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSON FOR DISCUSSION OF POLICE NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. 10: 15 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session . Roll was called: 10:30 P.M. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. KAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 300 EXP111 35 - CITY OF RENTON DATE: 12/13/82 �' WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS !+MACHINE VOIDS: N0.42960 - No. 42964 CURRENT 6109PD30.04 PARKS $41, 862. 72 ARTERIAL STREETS •3. 882. 27 STREETS $36. 320.22 LIBRARY $8, 866. 78 STREET FORWARD TWRUST $69.234 . 91 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR $1J118.00 MUNICIPAL FACIL ( SHOPS ) $250.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY $52, 791 .60 AIRPORT $6960. 13 EUUIPMENT RENTAL $20. 125.29 LID CONTROL •271 . 809.55 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS •622, 251 .51 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOJCHERS NO• 42965 THROUGH NO* 43223 IN THE AMOUNT OF $622P251 .51 THIS TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1982• S7� /(Ar— COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN • . . . . . . . . . MEMBER : • . . . . L.Z.D.IY314 / ��4 - REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-31 $153,556.10 MEMBER `� •�• L • •(/r. • LII.D.#322 REVENUE WARRANT NO.AR-25 $ 760.07 L.I.D.$323 REVENUE WARRANT NO.0-13 $ 59,256.26 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#'R- 4 $ 58,237.12 1 ' t 1 �. CITY COUNCIL COMMITlt . i ETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 13 , 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER AVIATION CANCELLED TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 12/21 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Update status of city shops PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 12/16 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Shoreline Management Program (cont) PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 12/15 4: 15 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Purchase of fire truck from City of Seattle; consolidation of Fire s Police Civil Service Commissions; Second Hand Dealers Ordinance. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS i i WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 12/20 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS W O 302 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS December 13, 1982 BUILDING PERMITS 9332 $700,000.00 Grady Way Association 607 S.W. Grady Way 4-story office building 9333 40,000.00 George Oberholtzer 4022 N.E. 10th Street New single family residence 9334 500.00 Alex Cugini & McLendon 710 S. 2nd Street Plant display 9335 56,000.00 Tri Power Industries 2609 N. E. 5th Ct. New single family residence 9336 53 ,000.00 Tri Power Industries 2706 N. E. 5th Ct. New single family residence 9337 57,000.00 Charles Henderson, Inc. 704 S. 31st St . New single family reside--e 9338 49,000.00 Charles Henderson, Inc. 2831 Whitworth Ave. S. New single family resid _ 9339 313,880.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1000 S.W. 7th St . Tilt-up building 9340 165,533. 00 Holvick deRegt Koering g 711 Powell Avenue S.W. Tilt-up building 9341 247,240.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1119 S.W. 7th St. Tilt-up building 9342 186,462.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 725 Powell Ave. S.W. Tilt-up building 9343 20,000.00 Emil Vill ' s Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Foundation for restaurant 9344 --- Dean W. Bitney 300 Union Avenue S. E . Annual license for fill 9345 12,000.00 Larry Howe 5103 Ripley Lane N. Remodel single family res. ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10758 26,000.00 Star Machinery 4202 West Valley Highway Alter service 10759 650.00 Mr. Weitzel 1908 S .W. 43rd St. Underground conversion 10760 50.00 Tri Power Industries 2609 N. E. 5th Ct. Install temp. power pole 10761 20,325.00 Safeway 2725 N. E. Sunset Blvd. Misc. branch circuit remodel 10762 55,300.00 Sprout Const. Group 607 S.W. Grady Way Wire office building 10763 150.00 David G. Campbell 1508 S.W. 43rd St. Underground conversion 10764 3 ,500.00 Service Linen 903 S. 4th Street Parking lot lighting 10765 360.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. New circuits/word processor 10766 100.00 John L. Smith 3611 N. E. 6th St. Add two switches b outlets 10767 5,000.00 Tradewell Stores, Inc. 343 Union Ave. N. E. Wiring meat market 10768 350.00 Darius F. Richards 3605 Lake Wash. Blvd. N. 200 AMP service entrance MECHANICAL PERMITS 9649 3,200.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Highway Plumbing & fixtures 9650 2,500.00 Union Oil Co. 320 Rainier Ave. S. Replace gas lines 9651 700.00 Christine Holmes 219 Meadow Ave. N. Install gas conveys. bu 9652 3,576.00 William F. Davis 1000 S. 2nd St. Install heat pump 9653 2,500.00 Cascade Pharmacy 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Install boxes , diffusers, etc 9654 1 ,500.00 Roger Stevens 2501 N. E. 9th Street Install gas furnace SIGN PERMITS 1062 200.00 St. Matthews Luth. Church 1700 Edmonds Avenue N.E. Identification sign 1063 200.00 Renton Village 35 S. Grady Way Wall sign 1064 1 ,400.00 Monty Caul 1200 Union Avenue N. E. Pole sign 1065 300.00 Pipco Electric 4100 W. Valley Highway Install temporary banners 1066 --- Mike Mastro 3809 N.E. 4th Street Grand opening signs 1067 1 ,400.00 Farmers Ins. Group 4202 Lind Ave. S.W. Pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5355 Henry Sornsen 2800 N. E. 12th Sanitary sewer repair 5356 Chas. Henderson 2831 Whitworth Ave. S. Install sanitary sewer 5357 Chas. Henderson 622 S. 30th Place Install sanitary sewer 5358 Chas. Henderson 2908 Whitworth Ave. S. Install sanitary sewer 5359 Chas. Henderson 616 S. 30th Place Install sanitary sewer 5360 Chas. Henderson 617 S. 30th Place Install sanitary sewer 5361 Chas. Henderson 709 S. 30th St. Install sanitary sewer 5362 Chas. Henderson 3000 Whitworth Ave. S. Install sanitary sewer 5363 John Hoehl 241 S.W. 7th St. Sanitary sewer connection 5364 Wick Homes Lot 49, Fernwood Div. Sanitary sewer OF R� j AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES _ NANCY L.MATHEWS Z JOHN W REED �O RANDALL ROCKHILL 90 � R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE 0 �l�P THOMAS W TRIMM vTFo SEPSREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 20, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P .M. MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1982. 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes . 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council Member . a. Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Recommendation filed by Daryl Connell , Managing Partner, One Valley Place Properties, applicant, File No. FPUD-061 -82, Final Planned Unit Development for property located in the southwest quadrant of S.W. 43rd Street and Talbot Road South. Appeal filed on 12-8-82 accompanied by $75.00 fee. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Tri-State Construction, Inc. requests Latecomers' Agreement for Water Project W-535 located east of East Valley Road from S.W. 19th to S.W. 23rd to require benefiting property owners to share total cost of $41 ,743.62 for the waterline. Refer to Utilities Committee. C. Mayor Shinpoch and Park Board requests amendments to Sections 2-104 and 2-106 of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the City Code relating to Parks Commission, its Powers and Duties, Appointments and Duties of a Park Director. Proposed changes approved by Committee of the Whole in August , 1982. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Public Works Department files final assessment roll with City Clerk for LID 322, roadway widening, signalization, illumination and channelization project located on South Puget Drive and Benson Road South; and requests a public hearing be set on final assessment roll on January 24, 1982. Council concur. e. City Clerk presents bid opening 12-13-82, Park Avenue N. and N. 8th Street signalization, lighting and channelization project; five bids received. Refer to Public Works Department and Transportation Committee. f. Executive Department submits reappointments to Municipal Arts Commission for 3-year terms effective to December 31 , 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ._. 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 304 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of December 20, 1982 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Shoreline Management Master Program Park Director/Park Commission Changes MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Contract with Breaker Construction, Inc. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE One Valley Place Appeal UTILITIES COMMITTEE Latecomer Agreement - Tri -State Construction WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission reappointments Police and Fire Civil Service Commission consolidation Ordinances : Cooks Street Vacation (VAC 05-82) Halsen Street Vacation (VAC 08-82) FINANCE DIRECTOR Six-month evaluation - Tax Anticipation Notes PUBLIC HEARINGS 1-10-82 - Cheever Street Vacation (continued) 1-24-82 - Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment Final Assessment Roll - LID 322 I 1 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 20, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, addressed the Council regarding COMMENT a malfunctioning traffic signal at Park Avenue North and North Traffic Signal Eighth Street, noting pedestrian/vehicle accident which injured Malfunction Richard Kalk at this location. Mr. Webb questioned City procedure Procedure regarding repair and/or provision of traffic officer at locations of malfunctioning traffic signals. Mayor Shinpoch assured Mr. Webb that a report would be obtained regarding this matter. Council Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, asked whether a Council meeting Meeting was scheduled for Monday, December 27, 1982. Mayor Shinpoch 12/27/82 responded that a regular meeting would be held on that date. Tax Richard T. Kennedy, Vice President, Seattle Northwest Securities Anticipation Corporation, Seafirst Fifth Avenue Plaza, Suite 3700, Seattle, Notes presented a purchase offer for the City' s 1983 Tax Anticipation Notes in the amount of $2,925,000. The letter of proposal was read offering $100 for each $100 par value of notes plus accrued interest to the date of delivery to Seattle Northwest Securities. Notes are to mature January 31 , 1984, and are to bear interest, payable at maturity, at the rate of 6.8750. Mr. Kennedy outlined the proposal in detail . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE OFFER OF SEATTLE NORTHWEST SECURITIES WITH REGARD TO THE TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE ORDINANCE REGARDING TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES (ON FIRST READING LAST WEEK) . CARRIED . Continued An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance of tax anticipation Ordinance #3687 notes for the purpose of paying City expenses pending receipt of Tax Ancitipation general city taxes; creating an anticipation note fund and operating Notes cash requirements fund; and providing for the sale of those notes to Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Rockhill requested a progress report from the Administration after six months to evaluate the system. Finance Director Mulcahy agreed to present such a report at the end of six months. Financial Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue South, requested that financial Consultation matters such as the Tax Anticipation Notes be placed on the agenda Bid Procedure and questioned City procedure regarding putting such items out for bid. It was explained that Seattle Northwest Securities, as the City' s broker, did obtain bids on such matters and that the Finance Director did obtain informal bids for financial consultation services. 306 Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: One Valley Appeal filed by Daryl Connell , Managing Partner, One Valley Place Place Properties, applicant, of Hearing Examiner 's Recommendation of Appeal November 15, 1982 (File #FPUD-061-82) . Final Planned Unit Develop- FPUD 061-82 ment located in the southwest quadrant of SW 43rd Street and Talbot Road South. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Latecomer Tri-State Construction, Inc. , requested Latecomer Agreement for Agreement Water Project W-535 located east of East Valley Road from SW 19th Tri-State to SW 23rd to require benefiting property owners to share total Construction cost of $41 ,743.62 for waterline. Refer to Utilities Committee. Park Commission Mayor Shinpoch and Park Board requested amendments to Sections Park Director 2-104 and 2-106 of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the City Code Changes Code relating to Parks Commission, its powers and duties, appoint- ments and duties of a Park Director. Proposed changes approved by Committee of the Whole in August, 1982. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action . ) Final Public Works Department filed Final Assessment Roll with the City Assessment Clerk for LID 322, roadway widening, signalization, illumination Roll - LID 322 and channelization project located on South Puget Drive and Benson Road South; and requested public hearing be set for Final Assessment Roll on January 24, 1982. Council concur. Bid Opening - City Clerk presented bid opening of December 13, 1982 for Park Avenue Park Avenue North and North Eighth Street signalization, lighting and channeli- North and North zation project . Five bids received. Refer to Public Works Depart- Eighth Street ment and Transportation Committee. (See Committee Report below) P" Municipal Arts Mayor Shinpoch submitted the following reappointments to the Municipi Commission Arts Commission for three-year terms effective to December 31 , 1986: -'" Gerald Edlund, 15005 SE 171st Street, Renton; Ronald Ringwood, 16841 124th Avenue SE, Renton; and Mrs. Connie Tajon, 2033 Harrington Place NE, Renton. Other members of the Commission include Charmaine Baker, Sylva Coppock, Karen Lunder, Clark Teegarden, Joan Yoshitomi , and Peggy Ziebarth. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer announced that Council would meet in Executive executive session following tonight 's meeting to discuss pending Session litigation against the City. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report recom- Committee mending acceptance of the low bid by Breaker Construction, Inc. , Bid Award - in the amount of $40,541 .25 for signalization, lighting and channeli - Park Avenue N./ zation of Park Avenue North and North Eighth Street. Committee also N. Eighth recommended Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Improvements MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Earlington Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding the status of the Earlington Woods/Sunpointe Woods/Sunpointe apartment complex regarding compliance with off-site Development improvement requirements deferred on October 29, 1982. He referred to a letter from City Attorney Warren to CHG International (developers) in which a demand was made for final compliance with City requirements. City Attorney Warren reported that a meeting had been scheduled to review improvement progress and to establish a definite time deadline. A report will be forthcoming. 307 Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS continued Group W Cable Councilman Stredicke reported that, according to prior agreement Rate Increase with Group W Cable, a rate increase request had been withheld Request from Council consideration until after December 15, 1982; but, as stated in that same agreement, the increase must be acted upon before January 1 , 1983. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE RATE INCREASE REQUEST WITH REGARD TO GROUP W CABLE BE SET AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR NEXT MONDAY' S COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Proposed As requested by Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill , Shoreline it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO HAVE AN INFORMA- Management TIONAL MEETING AT THE JANUARY COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING WITH Master Program REGARD TO THE PROPOSED SHORELINE MANAGEMENT MASTER PROGRAM. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommend- Committee ing Council concur in the Administration' s request to consolidate Police and Fire the Police and Fire Civil Service Commissions into one five-person Civil Service commission to provide more flexibility resulting in consistent Commission policy direction and increased efficiency. This proposal has been Consolidation accepted by both current commissions and representatives of the uniformed departments. Committee also recommended this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch announced she has asked former Council Member Louie Barei to consider serving on this revised commission. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recom- Committee mending concurrence in the Administration 's recommendation to 1950 Kenworth purchase a 1950 Kenworth 1500 gallon per minute fire pumper truck Pumper Truck from the Seattle Fire Department . The truck has been on loan from Purchase Seattle for the past two+ months for testing. Cost, including an additional ladder, is $4,000. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REGARDING PURCHASE OF THE 1950 KENWORTH PUMPER TRUCK. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means At the request of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke, it Committee was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF Park Director/ THE PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK COMMISSION WITH REGARD TO THEIR AUTONOMY Park Commission AND THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ORDINANCE BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE Changes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN JANUARY. CARRIED. Ordinance #00 A mock ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Ted Bennett of funds from the Ted Bennett Personal Welfare and Golf Fund to Welfare the Dr. C. U. Well , Providence Hospital , Retirement Fund (Unantici - Appropriation pated Revenue) . Mr. Bennett, Deputy Finance Director, recently underwent heart by-pass surgery. The mock ordinance was signed, with well-wishes, by the Mayor, City Council Members, City Attorney' s office and the City Clerk. Mayor Shinpoch joined Council Members (and the entire City staff) in wishing Mr. Bennett a speedy recovery. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Cooks Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Government Lot 11 , Vacation legal description received and 1/2 assessed valuation ($11 ,347.56) VAC 05-82 paid by James Cook. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Halsen Street An ordinance was read vacating a portion of South 17th Place, Renton , Vacation King County, Washington; Halsen Street Vacation (VAC 08-82) . MOVED VAC 08-82 BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. 308 Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading : Ordinance #3688 An ordinance was read amending the Uniform Fire Code, Article 25, Inspection Chapter 9, of the City Code relating to inspection permits for Permits for places of assembly. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Places of COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Assembly CARRIED. Ordinance #3689 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Sections 4-709A and B R-3 and R- of the City Code relating to conditional uses and R-3 and R-4 Density District density standards. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Standards/ ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: Conditional Use ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3690 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III of the City 1983 Water Code relating to metered water services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED Rates BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 2 NOS: TRIMM, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3691 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 8-715 of Title 1983 Sewer VIII of the City Code relating to sewer charges. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, Rates SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: CLYMER, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 2 NOS: TRIMM, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3692 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3 of Title VIII of the City 1983 Garbage Code relating to revised garbage collection rates. MOVED BY MATHEWS, Rates SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES; 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3693 An ordinance was read establishing and adopting equipment rental Equipment Rental rental rates. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL Rates 1983 ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2486 A resolution was read authorizing the appropriate City officials FAUS Funding to execute and deliver any documents necessary for federal funding Park Avenue N. for traffic signal interconnect and coordination on Park Avenue North from North Sixth Street to FAI-405 northbound on/off ramps. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Marine Patrol Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Funding recommending no action is required by the Committee at this time as the Administration is seeking support and assistance from the Association of Washington Cities in an effort to draft and implement legislation allowing a long-term funding solution for marine patrol services. Mayor Shinpoch reported she had received a copy of a 14- point program drafted by the King County Council in conjunction with the King County Executive which will be presented to the legislature, one point being a funding source for marine patrol services. Mayor Shinpoch will keep Council informed as to progress in this matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported a presentation from Metro Staff which REPORT indicated Metro ridership down 2.4 million trips in 1982 from Metro what was projected. This decrease is thought to be due purely Ridership to economics : Unemployment, increased fares, more ride sharing, lower gasoline prices. Possible decrease in service or route changes may result from lack of ridership. 309 Renton City Council December 20, 1982 Page 5 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued "Place the Bus Mayor Shinpoch also reported that the Metro "Place the Bus Base Base Contest" Contest" had received 162 entries (including an entire University Metro Council engineering class) for location selection for a new Metro bus base. Criteria for locations included: Cost , acreage, and accessibility to major highway routes; and the top three locations were: 1 ) A tie between Fircrest School and the original site chosen by the Metro staff (North Seattle location near Ingram School ) ; 2) The site originally chosen by Metro staff; and 3) a site in Snohomish County. Mayor Shinpoch will keep Council informed as to outcome. Robert ' s Rules Mayor Shinpoch announced that Clark Petersen, Library Director, had of Order obtained Council ' s new copies of Robert 's Rules of Order and extended thanks for his courtesy. Appreciation Mayor Shinpoch extended her appreciation to Council President Earl to Council Clymer for his expertise, cooperation, sense of humor and assuming President responsibilities during her absenses in his term as Council President Clymer for 1982. Season' s Mayor Shinpoch also extended wishes for a Merry Christmas to all . Greetings Executive MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. 9: 17 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; 9:30 P.M. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TAB' JLATION SHEET PROJ ECT • PARK AVENUE NORTH G NORTH BTH STREET SIGNALIZATION, DAT E • DECEMBER LIGHTING AND CMANNELIZATION 13, 1982 B►DDEFt 151 M8E BREAKER CONSTRUCTION, INC. .2-, 1613 177th AVENUE H.E. BELLEVUE, WA .2. MBE 5 It.p &NEM SYSTEMS, INC. LW 12815 N.E. 124th ST., SUITE L KIRKLAND, WA 98033 1. 00 � A DUNDAS CONSTRUCTION EEA 5C I.Ob =I 2100 ELEC. AVE. b BELLINGHAM. WA 98226 Sda.o Mee SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC. CSO '4-5 .5O 9012 SO. 208th STREET .5D KENT, WA 98031 ,b-5 M86 U.D.L., INC. r'&oE 440,57 .00 12020 S.E. 32nd ST. 1 9-10.00 BELLEVUE WA 98005 4 8 �O ,5� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 20, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 1/13 7:30 p•m. TRIMM Council Chambers Finance Director items Shoreline Master Program Park Director/Park Commission AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 12/21 4 :30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Update status of city shops PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 12/30 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Zoning issues and amendment to the Office Park policy language Shoreline Management policy Thurs. 1/06 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Sparks/Shegrud Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 12/29 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Code in relation to ceremonial candles Second-hand dealers TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 12/27 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS 311 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Permits Issued By the Building/Engineering Departments BUILDING PERMITS 9346 $6,400.00 Jim Clark 1025 South 31st St. Lower Level into Rec Rm. 9347 500.00 Arnold & Estlund, INC. 367 Rainier Ave S Construct wood storage she, 9348 800.00 John L. Smith 36.11 NE 6th pl. Relocate Wall 9349 3,500.00 Paul Mcvicar & Terry & Bard Stoser 803 North 33rd St. bdrm framing, move stairs e; VOID 50,000.00 Star Machinery 4202 W. Valley Rd. Tenant Improvement 9: �'1 45,000.00 Wick Homes, INC. 226 Vashon Ave. SE New Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10769 150.00 Harry N. Moscatel 235 S. Main St. Install Panel 10770 85.00 Charles Henderson Co. 709 S. 31st St. Temporary Power 10771 85.00 Charles Henderson Co. 709 S. 31st St. Temporary Power 10772 85.00 Charles Henderson Co. 2908 Whitworth Av S Temporary Power 10773 85.00 Charles Henderson Co. 2831 Whitworth Av S Temporary Power 10774 200.00 Mr. Clark 1025 S 34th St Outlets/Switches/Light 10775 15,000.00 Rainier Disposal Co. 316 SW 16th St Garage 10776 900.00 Boeing Bldg. 10-72 Electrical Service 10777 50.00 Poe Construction Powell Av & SW 7th Temporary Service 10778 50.00 Hillis Homes Inc. 2501 NE 23rd Place Temporary Power 10779 1,100.00 Wick Homes 220 Vashon Av SE New Residence 10780 1,000.00 Wick Homes 207 Vashon Av SE New Residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 9655 400.00 Scott Kehl 96 Wells Av N Plumbing Fixtures 9656 10,000.00 Sprout Group 607 SW Grady Way Plumbing/Fixtures 9657 30,000.00 Washington Horse Breeders 2600 Oaksdale SW Sprinkler System 965E 300.00 Sylvia Alfonso 1115 4th St Gas conv. burner 9 1,000.00 Vinces Pizza 2815 NE Sunset Blvd. Plumbing/Fixtures 9 1,550.00 Henry Schellort 1013 N 28th P1 Plumbing/Fixtures 96 300.00 U Haul 453 Rainier Av N Vents 9662 7,687.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way S Refer. System 9663 2,185.45 Hillis Homes 2802 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/Fixtures 9664 15,000.00 Billy McHale Corp. 241 SW 7th St. Heat Pumps 9665 89,000.00 Tradewell Stores, Inc. 343 Union Av NE Refrig. Equipment 9666 1,875.00 Hillis Homes 2501 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/Fixtures 9667 2,790.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 2725 NE Sunset Blvd. Plumbing/Fixtures 9668 900.00 LeRoy Hayes 1818 Shattuck Av S Wood Stove 9669 800.00 Wayne Campbell 2853 NE 4th Ct. Wood Stove SIGN PERMIT 1068 VOID 1069 900.00 Ted Sowers 505 Park Av N Pole Sign 1070 500.00 Autobahn VW 3560 NE 4th Grand Opening Sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5365 Prairie Market Tax Lot 98 Sewer 5366 Centennial Villa, Inc. Hardie Av SW Watermain 5367 Custer, Bert H. 714 Cedar Av S Sewer too 312 OF 1?4� COUNCIL MEMBERS �C' AGENDA EARL CLVMER, Q COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT V UGHES g NANCY L. T HEW S JOHN W.REED RANDALL ROCKHILL RICHARD M C KE% RENON CITY � O � fiL THOMAS W TRIMMo9gr"D e SEP REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 27, 1982 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MAYOR MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1982. 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5• CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council Member. a. Policy Development Department requests public hearing be set for January 17, 1983, for the purpose of re-adoption of the City zoning map, incorporating all zoning ordinance revisions since January, 1982. Council concur. b. Policy Development Department requests authority for the Board of Public Works to specify conditions of the permits for use of excess City right- of-way and, where appropriate, authority to deny the permit outright. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Executive Department submits appointment of Mr. John Simpson to the Library Board to succeed Mr. James E. Hurner. Appointment for a five- year term effective to June 1 , 1987. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening of 12/20/82, Taylor Place water main replacement (#W-704) ; six bids received. Refer to Public Works Department and Utilities Committee. e. City Clerk reports bid opening of 12/17/82, LID 320 water main extension (Water Project W-614) ; nine bids received. Refer to Public Works Depart- ment and Utilities Committee. f. Park Department requests transfer of funds for construction of backstops at Renton High School : $5,000 from Unanticipated Revenue (Rotary Club donation) and $14,616.24 from Community Facilities to Park Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Appeal of Hearing Examiner Decision of 12/06/82 filed by Charles Dietsch for D.A. and L.A. Rancourt; Short Plat #SP-055-82 and Variances #V-056-82 and V-071-82 at 3720 Lake Washington Blvd. North. Refer to Planning and Development Committee h. Claim for damages in the amount of $306.72 filed by Richard R. Obermeit, 24825 Marine View Drive South, Kent, for sewage back-up damage to rental home located at 918 Glennwood Avenue NE allegedly caused by blocked City sewer pipes (10/30-11/01/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. i . Court case filed by Ida M. Shelton for injuries sustained in fall on sidewalk between South Second and South Third on Williams Avenue South (1/29/81 ) . Claim for damages in the amount of $10,000+ filed 4/01/81 . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Marshall J. Nelson, attorney for Group W Cable, regarding pending rate increase. 7. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of December 27, 1982 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for damages - Obermeit Shelton Court Case COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Group W Cable rate increase MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Alterra Rezone agreement with JAG Renton Associates and Renton Property Associates PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Rancourt Appeal PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Taylor Place watermain replacement bid opening LID 320 watermain extension bid opening UTILITIES COMMITTEE Taylor Place watermain replacement bid opening LID 320 watermain extension bid opening WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Board of Public Works authority - use permits for excess city right-of-way Library Board appointment PUBLIC HEARINGS 1-10-83 - Cheever Street Vacation (continued) 1-17-83 - Re-adoption of the City Zoning Map 1-24-83 - Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Final Assessment Roll - LID 322 314 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 27, 1982 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President ; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED �BY ROCKHILL, THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MAXINE MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record Chronicle I Councilman Trimm entered chambers at 8:03 p.m. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1982 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, questioned a conflict of terms Zoning Terms between zoning Ordinance 3634 and the Code of General Ordinances Conflict zoning information regarding jurisdiction in the event of conflict, adopted zoning map or ordinance text. Policy Development Director Clemens explained that the ordinance shown in the Code of General Ordinances had, in fact, been repealed by Ordinance 3634 • City Attorney Warren reported that the codification update is in process. 3 Taxi Licensing Richard Pierce, 10433 Kent-Kangley Road, Kent, owner of Renton OK Cab, addressed the Council regarding operation within the City limits by cab companies not licensed by the City of Renton and requested increased policing of this problem. Mayor Shinpoch assured Mr. Pierce that an investigation into the problem would be conducted and he would receive a report. Continued Mrs. Richard Pierce, 10433 Kent-Kangley Road, Kent, inquired re- garding police procedures of stopping licensed cabs while apparently ignoring non-licensed cab operation. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Annual Adoption Policy Development Department requested public hearing be set for of Zoning Map January 17, 1983 for the purpose of re-adoption of the City Zoning Map, incorporating all zoning ordinance revisions since January, 1982. Council concur. Use Permit Policy Development Department requested authority for the Board Authority to of Public Works to specify conditions of the permits for use of Board of excess City right-of-way and, where appropriate, authority to deny Public Works the permit outright. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Library Board Mayor Shinpoch submitted appointment of John Simpson, P. 0. Box 34, Appointment Renton (Talbot Hill resident) , to the Library Board to succeed James E. Hurner. Appointment to be for a five-year term effective to June 1 , 1987. Other members of the Library Board include: Leatha Allison, Richard Hart, Kathy Koelker and Lillian Poff. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council December 27, 1982 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA continued Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening of December 20, 1982 for Taylor Taylor Place Place watermain replacement (Water Project #W-704) . Six bids Watermain received. Refer to Public Works Department and Utilities Replacement Committee. Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening of December 17, 1982 for LID 320 LID 320 watermain extension on NE 27th Street east of Edmonds Avenue NE Watermain (Water Project #W-614) . Nine bids received. Refer to Public Extension Works Department and Utilities Committee. Park Department Park Department requested transfer of funds in the amount of $5,000 Fund Transfer from Unanticipated Revenue (Rotary Club donation) and $14,616.24 from Community Facilities for completion of improvements to Renton High School 's west field, designated for co-use by the City and Renton School District. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action - Ordinance #3695. ) Rancourt Appeal Appeal filed by Charles Dietsch re: D.A. and L.A. Racourt of Hearing SP-055-82 Examiner Recommendation of December 6, 1982 for Short Plat (SP-055-82) V-055-82/056-82 and Variances (V-055-82, V-056-82, V-057-82, V-071-82) at 3720 Lake V-057-82/071-82 Washington Blvd. North. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $306.72 filed by Richard R. Damages Obermeit, 24825 Marine View Drive South, Kent, for sewage back-up CL 61-82 damage to rental home located at 918 Glennwood Avenue NE allegedly caused by blocked City sewer pipes (10/30-11/01/82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Court Case - Court case filed by Ida M. Shelton for injuries alleged in a Ida Shelton fall on sidewalk between South Second and South Third on Williams Avenue South on January 29, 1981 . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Marshall J . Nelson, Davis, Wright, Todd, Riese & Jones, Group W Cable 4200 Seattle-First National Bank Building, Seattle, attorney for Pending Rate Group W Cable, requested the matter of the pending Group W Cable Increase rate increase request be placed on tonight's agenda. The letter also forwarded a copy of the City of Seattle Hearing Examiner ' s decision agreeing to Group W' s rate increase proposal to Seattle (identical to the Renton proposal ) . The City of Seattle Hearing Examiner also addressed the three main unresolved issues of the Renton proposal : (1 ) Treatment of revenues from basic services versus "pay" services - that basic service rates should not be reduced simply to offset large profit earnings on "pay" services ; that the basic rate provide for a fair return; that the proposed basic rate be regarded as 'fair ' . (2) Installation charges - need not be adjusted in light of the fact that the overall return was fair. (3) Rate of $9.95 (as opposed to the $10.55 rate requested) - that the lower rate to match other charges would appear to result in less than a fair return and could not be required. continued Letter from A. J. Ladner, Executive Director, City of Renton Housing Authority, P. 0. Box 2316, Renton , requested discount viewing prices for cable television at the following low-income senior housing projects: Evergreen Terrace, 3017 NE 15th Street; Hillcrest Terrace, 1442 Hillcrest Lane NE; Sunset Terrace, 970 Harrington Avenue NE; and Cedar River Terrace, 51 Burnett Avenue South. Total residents: 202. Councilman Stredicke noted that if the proposed rate increase is not acted upon prior to January 15, 1983, the pending increase is approved by non-action according to the agreement with Group W. Councilman Stredicke also voiced concern over the non-responsiveness 316 Renton City Council December 27, 1982 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE continued Group W Cable of the franchise holder regarding service to the Housing Authority, Pending Rate Carco Theatre, Tiffany Park area, as well as communication with Increase the City' s cable television consultant. In view of receipt of the continued Seattle Hearing Examiner report and request from the Renton Housing Authority, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS ISSUE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch reminded Council that action must be taken by January 15 or the pending proposed rate will be approved. continued James Robinow, General Manager of Group W Cable, explained that what appeared to be a lack of cooperation was due partly to a change in personnel at Group W causing him to fall behind in his correspondence. He stated Group W would be prepared to answer all questions at the Community Services Committee meeting. Community Services Committee Chairman Reed announced the Committee would meet to discuss the Group W rate increase on Tuesday, December 28, at 4:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building. (See later Audience Comment. ) OLD BUSINESS Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report out- Services lining progress on the new City shop facility which is planned to Committee go to bid in the spring of 1983. The Committee reviewed building ew ity plans and layout program as well as plans for the interior roadway Shop Facility system and parking lot, landscaping and utilities. Onsite roadways , Update parking lots and utility work will be advertised for bid in the near future. Access roads to the site, Monroe NE and NE Second Street, are under construction as a joint project with King County. This report for Council information, no action required. I ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS M% Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first readings: Alterra Corp. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone property located north of SW Seventh Street east of the proposed R-129-80 P-1 Channel , south of the old Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul Railroad and right-of-way, and west of the extension of Thomas Avenue SW from Easement General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park (MP) ; Agreement Alterra Corporation Rezone #R-129-80. This ordinance was accompanied by an agreement between the City and JAG-Renton Associates and Renton Property Associates providing for easements for greenbelt, open-space, wildlife habitat, flood control and utilities in relationship to the Alterra Rezone. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND JAG-RENTON ASSOCIATES AND RENTON PROPERTY ASSOCIATES AS PROPOSED AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3694 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Alterra Corp. property located north of SW Seventh Street east of the proposed Rezone P-1 Channel , south of the old Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul Railroad R-129-80 right-of-way, and west of the extension of Thomas Avenue SW from General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park (MP) ; Alterra Corporation Rezone #R-129-80. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Park Department An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Fund Transfer funds in the amount of $19,616.24 from Unanticipated Revenue ($5,000 Rotary Club donation) and Community Facilities Fund ($14,616.24) unto Park Fund/Facilities for improvement of Renton High School ' s west field. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COULCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. 1 Renton City Council December 27, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3695 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Park Department of funds in the amount of $19,616.24 from Unanticipated Revenue Fund Transfer ($5,000 Rotary Club donation) and Community Facilities Fund ($14,616.24) unto Park Fund/Facilities for improvement of Renton High School ' s west field. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings : Ordinance #3696 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Government Lot 11 , Cooks Street legal description received and one-half assessed valuation Vacation ($11 ,347.56) paid by James Cook. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED VAC 05-82 BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED~" (Located near SW Sunset and Hardie SW. ) Ordinance #3697 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of South 17th Place, Halsen Street Renton; Halsen Street Vacation (VAC 08-82) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Vacation SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. VAC 08-82 ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor 's reappointments of Gerald Reappointments Edlund, Ronald Ringwood and Connie Tajon to the Municipal Arts Commission for three-year terms effective to December 31 , 1986. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 43232 through 43423 in the amount of $726,499.35 having received departmental certification that mer- chandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 43224 through 43231 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $245 and LID 325: $6,831 .20. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS National Councilman Reed reported the National Association of Cities Con- Association of ference would be held in Washington, D.C. , on March 5-8, 1983 , Cities and requested authorization for he and Councilwoman Mathews to attend. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCILMAN REED AND COUNCILWOMAN MATHEWS EACH BE AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO AND ATTENDANCE AT THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CITIES CONFERENCE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Police Mayor Shinpoch congratulated the Renton Police Department on Department their high score received in a recent Police Commission inspec- Inspection tion, noting a rating of 213 out of 217 possible. Cole Manor Mayor Shinpoch reported that the new low-cost housing being Housing constructed on NE Fourth Street is to be named Cole Manor in honor of Tillie Cole, long-time director of the Renton Housing Authority. Council Mayor Shinpoch extended her appreciation to the City Council and Appreciation thanked them for their cooperation, effort and enthusiasm during the past year. The Mayor noted her appreciation deepened when she heard of other local cities where such cooperation did not exist. 318 Renton City Council December 27, 1982 Page 5 AUDIENCE COMMENT NW Access and Lewis Belcher, Jr. , Group W Cable Community Communications Production Manager, 15241 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, issued an invi- Center tation to Mayor and Council to attend the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony of their new Northwest Access and Production Center located at 98th and Aurora, Seattle, on Monday, January 10. Local community productions will be aired from the center and will reach Snohomish County, Federal Way, Issaquah - all surrounding communities. Mr. Belcher urged Council and the City staff to utilize the center, a community resource. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 9:05 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J EC T • LID 320 WATER MAIN EXTENSION (Water Project W-614) DATE • December 17, 1982 Page 1 of 2 MODEM BB EMBE/AA B I D FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY X $20,062-50 including sales tax 9600 Empire Way South Seattle, WA 98118 JOE GOOCH TRUCKING 6 EXCAVATING, INC. $17.863.6S Including sales tax 20209 Broadway Snohomish, WA 98290 GRANT CONSTRUCTION X $17,939.76 including sales tax 17019 S.E. 128th Renton WA 98055 NG CONSTRUCTION X* $20,264.62 including sales tax ISS11 S.E. 3o4th Place *Minimum Wage and Non-Collusion unsigned Kent WA 98031 RENTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. X $15,702.07 Including sales tax 10601 Rustic Road S. Seattle, WA 98178 J. SMALL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY X, $11,331-30 Includin2 sales tax 22854 S.E. 215th Maple Valley, WA 98058 319 BID TABULATION ' SHEET ET PRO J EC T • TAYLOR PLACE N.W. - WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT M-704 DAT E DECEMBER 20, 1982 MODEM dI D 1 Frank Coluccio Construction EEO MBE AA BB m ire Wa S Wa 98118 Total: $29,693.57 Construction EEO MBE AA BB 1 Total: $22,250.65 rant ConetructionEEO MBE AA BB Total: $24,084.70 A__ PitArdi Truckinq Co. EEO MBE AA BB Wa 98178 Total: $26,833.12 9; SmA 1 ConStr. Co. EEO MBE AA BB 77R';4 SE h Wa 98038 Total: $24,242.19 BID TABULATION ' SHEET P RO J EC T • TAYLOR PLACE N.W. - WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT W-704 DAT E DECEMBER 20, 1982 MODEM 151D Trucking, Inc. EEO MBE AA BB Parkey Wa n Wa 98273 Total: $26,366.03 Construction NO BID Q9f)6 NF 204th Pl. Anthpll Wa 14 320 EXPiii 35 CITY OF RENTDN DATE 12/27/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION > , FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.43224 - 43231 CURRENT •62�7di •76 PARKS BAZ� �11�3•7f ARTERIAL STREETS $205.30 STREETS •391815193 STREET FORWARD TWRUST •lM�403.95 6 COULON BCH PK CONSTR •2��12.08 �= 'f MUNICIPAL FACIL 18HOPS ► •5j9i1 •26 WATERNORKS UTILITY $199.864•35 AIRPORT •9& 495.43 1975 W b S CONSTRUCTION •320i000•00J EQUIPMENT RENTAL •6661 .83 FIREMENIS PENSION •16&515.52 LID CONTROL _ •7.076•PO TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6726j499•35 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILp HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TWAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0, 43232 THROUGH NO, 43423 IN TWE AMOUNT OF 6726.499.95 THIS 27TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1982• COMMITTEE CHAIRMA sC�L4 :� EMBER • ii' . . . . L.I.D.#324 - ��- MEMS w/000 /� REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-32 $ 245.00 L.I.D.f325 REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-5 $ 6,831.20 CITY COUNCIL COMMIT - ! ING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 27, 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 1/13 7:30 P.m• TRIMM Council Chambers Finance Director items Shoreline Master Program Park Director/Park Commission AVIATION TRIMM COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 12/28 4:00 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable rate increase request PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 12/30 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Zoning issues and amendment to the Office Park/policy language Thurs. 1/06 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Sparks/Shegrud Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 12/29 4:30 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Fire Code relating to ceremonial candles Second-hand dealers `Fire, Police and City Attorney TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TRIMM representatives invited. UTILITIES Thurs. 12/30 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Jp-date on Cascade Sewer District ri-State Latecomer Bid Opening ID 320 Bid Opening Public Works representative invited. WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 1/10 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Permits Issued by the Building/Engineering Departments BUILDING PERMITS 9353 3,100.00 Gerald S. Johnson 1933 SE 17th Court Reroof 9354 3,624.00 Mrs. Christman 1916 Camas Avenue NE Garage alterations 9355 10,000.00 Chin Hills 3915 Talbot Road Rework lobby 9356 6,250.00 Emilio Perrotti 330 Sunset Blvd. North Install office trailer/deck ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10781 1 ,381 -00 D. W. Custer 222 Williams Avenue South Electric duct heater 10782 140.00 Helen Sorenson 2802 NE 12th Street Underground wiring 10783 200.00 EVB Corporation 54 Rainier Avenue South Temporary service 10784 1 ,017.00 Leonard Builders 4126 SE Fourth Street Wire new residence 10785 980.00 Bruce McKay 241 Factory Avenue North Baseboard heat/200 amp serv. ' 10786 3,500.00 U-Haul Company 453 Rainier Avenue North Security lights and poles MECHANICAL PERMITS 9670 VOID 9671 80.00+ Edward Brown 1917 Blaine Avenue NE Free-standing fireplace installed five years ago 9672 1 ,000.00 Leonard Builders 4126 SE Fourth Street Install gas furnace 9673 1 ,000.00 Billy McHales 241 SW Seventh Street Water heater installation 9674 1 ,850.00 Sorco Construction 4022 NE Tenth Street Plumbing and fixtures 9675 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 2831 Whitworth South Plumbing and fixtures 9676 400.00 H. Dahlby Company 1412 Maple Avenue SW Plumbing and fixtures 9677 550.00 Gordon Duncan 761 Vashon Place NE Plumbing repair/replacement CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 53 5 Prairie Market 342 Union Avenue NE Additional sewer line into existing side sewer 323 k C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N / TRANSFERS MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1982 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 12/10/82 CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2479 $ 250,000.00 000/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 repayment of loan CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2479 $ 4,072.92 000/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 payment of interest for loan CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per'Resolution No. 2457 $ 330,000.00 000/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 repayment of loan CURRENT FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 7,484.59 000/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 payment of interest for loan 12/11/82 ( CURRENT FUND I PAYROLL FUND (Transfers for mo. of DEC. $ 83,072.46 12/13/82 CURRENT FUND 109,030.04 PARKS & RECREATION 41,862.72 ARTERIAL STREETS 3,682.27 CITY STREETS 36,320.22 LIBRARY 8,866.78 STREET FWD. THRUST 69,234.91 G.COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 1,118.00 MUNICIPAL FACIL.(SHOPS) 250.00 WATERWORKS UTILITYS 52,791.60 AIRPORT 6,960.13 EOUIPMENT RENTAL 20,125.29 L.Z.D. CONTROL 271,809.55 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $ 622,251.51 CUMULATIVE RES.NO.2104 PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2484 $ 12,258.15 112/ 101/ to purchase mowers 12/15/82 CURRENT FUND $164,725.53 PARKS & RECREATION 48,060.46 CITY STREETS 32,946.00 LIBRARY 13,668.87 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 29,757.43 AIRPORT 1,986.15 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $294,660.44 12/15/82 CLAIMS FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Cancel warrant no. 43141 $ 937.42 CLAIMS FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Cancel warrant no. 43147 $ 138.61 12/25/82 CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $ 83,018.17 12/31/82 COMMUNITY FACILITIES FUN1 PARK FUND Per Ordinance No. 3695 $ 14,616.24 12/31/82 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION ransf.for H&CD Tele.calls $ 93.56 MAYOR INANCE DIRECTOR 32`*NTH OF DECEMBER, 1982 C I T Y O F k E N T 0 N TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; TRANSFERS DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 12/27/82 CURRENT FUND $ 62,701.76 PARKS $ RECREATION 42,445.74 ARTERIAL STREETS 205.30 CITY STREETS 39,815.93 STREET FWD. THRUST 14,403.95 G.000LON BCH PK CONSTR. 2,412.08 MUNICIPAL FACIL.(SHOPS) 5,911.26 WATERWORKS UTILITY 199,864.35 AIRPORT 8,495.43 1975 W $ S CONSTRUCTION 320,000.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,651.83 FIREMEN'S PENSION 16,515.52 L.I.D. CONTROL 7,076.20 LAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $726,499.35 12/28/82 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancel warrant no. 43234 $ 275.00 12/31/82 CURRENT FUND $164,973.83 PARKS $ RECREATION 49,368.59 CITY STREETS 44,422.38 LIBRARY 16,017.77 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 29,719.36 AIRPORT 1,840.32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,516.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $309,858.25 12/31/82 PARK FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 217,300.00 101/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 PARK FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 12,778.46 101/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 STREET FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 73,000.00 103/210.00.00 301/138.00.00 STREET FUND STREET FWD. THRUST Per Resolution No. 2457 $ 3,775.72 103/242.00.00 301/361.10.00 12/31/82 CURRENT FUND $185,745.19 PANICS & RECREATION 71,473.16 ARTERIAL STREETS 248,995.99 STREETS 70,152.47 LIBRARY 21,334.23 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 103,000.00 STREET FWD. THRUST 24,307.35 G.COULON BCH PK CONSTR. 10,247.36 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 15,247.50 WATERWORKS UTILITY 44,614.05 AIRPORT 4,703.20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22,749.39 FIREMEN'S PENSION 837.20 L.I.D. CONTROL 155,395.05 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for mo. of DEC. $978,802.14 OF R� COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA THOMAS W TRIMM, CPRESIDENT EARLLYMER _ ROBERT HUGHES Z NANCY L MATHEWS 0 JOHN W.REED °9.0 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHIII ° �P RICHARD M STREDICKE 9�TFO SEPSE�� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING CITY CLERK JANUARY 10, 1983 BARBARA Y SHICH,NYOR MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E MOTOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 27, 1983 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Petition for street vacation by Frank G. Cheever, VAC 07-82, portion of County Road #34, lying north of FAI-405, lying south of vacated S. E. 72nd Street (continued from December 13, 1982) 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council Member. a. Police Department submits agreement with City of Des Moines for their use of Renton jail facilities as a back up facility to Kent jail . Refer to Public Safety Committee. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Fred J. Kaufman to position of Land Use Hearing Examiner in accordance with provisions of Title IV, Chapter 30, Section 3004, of the Code of General Ordinances. Council confirm. c. Finance Department submits amendments to Ordinance No. 3647 imposing Local Option Sales Tax. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval of rezone, File No. R-068-82, Daniel E. Holms, applicant, for reclassification from G-1 to P-1 for property located at the southeast corner of Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 4th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 326 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of January 10, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S MAYOR/CITY CLERK Authorized to sign documents for Taylor Place N.W. Watermain project Authorized to sign documents for LID 320 Waterline Extension PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Jail Agreement with City of Des Moines Taxicab Ordinance Valley Communications Center WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Sales Tax Ordinance Holms Rezone, R-068-82 Group W Cable Rate Increase Sparks-Shegrud Rezone Appeal Committee of the Whole Time Change Christopher Street Vacation VAC 06-82 Revocable Permits '1 327 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 10, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, RICHARD M. STREDICKE (arrived at 8:02 p.m. ) . CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; FRED J. KAUFMAN, Land Use Hearing Examiner; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 27, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL An award was presented to outgoing Council President Earl Clymer PRESENTATION by Mayor Shinpoch honoring his outstanding service to the community as president during 1982 as well as in 1973, 1974 and 1978, an unprecedented number of years served in that capacity. Mayor Shinpoch also extended birthday congratulations to Council Member Nancy Mathews. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Cheever Street published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the continued Vacation public hearing to consider petition for vacation of portion of continued from County Road #34, lying north of FAI-405, lying south of vacated 12-13-82 S. E. 72nd Street. Hearing continued from December 13, 1982 to allow further discussion between the applicant and his family as to disposition of the matter. Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard Houghton describing two alternatives available to the applicant, either provision of an access easement across the street right-of-way to the neighboring property, or vacation of the street which requires payment of necessary processing fees and one-half appraised value of the property. Mr. Houghton reiterated contents of the letter, noting that he has not been contacted by the applicant of his decision. Frank Cheever, 9821-15th N. E. , Seattle, advised decision of the family to proceed with the street vacation with the appropriate assessment if the Council so determines it is necessary. Since no further comments were offered, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO GRANT THE STREET VACATION WITH APPROPRIATE FEE OF ONE-HALF OF APPRAISED VALUE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Glen Garrett, 1006 S. 30th Court, representing Victoria Park Homeowners ' Group W Cable Association, outlined requests of residents regarding cable operation : provision of cable access to areas with underground utilities; repair of streets , driveways and landscaping disrupted during cable installation; assurance of expansion capability at time of installation; and posting of a bond by the franchise holder to be forefeited if requirements are not met. City Attorney Warren confirmed that common ditches are utilized for all utilities, and restoration of all landscaped areas, streets, driveways, etc. would be required following cable installation. Mr. Houghton cited provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance relating to underground utilities, noting requirement of a bond. James Robinow, General Manager of Group W Cable, stated company obligation to restore all property to its former condition following installation, and advising capacity of cable to accommodate up to 52 channels. (See later action regarding Group W rate increase and discount rate for senior citizens, Community Services Committee report. ) 328 Renton City Council January 10, 1983 Page Two AUDIENCE COMMENT Richard Pierce, 10433 Kent-Kangley Road, Kent, requested a response Taxicab to an earlier complaint relating to unlicensed taxi cab operations in Ordinance the City of Renton. Mayor Shinpoch reported allegations were confirmed upon investigation and offending firms will be notified of city requirements. Further, since citations may be issued solely on witnessed violations or filing a formal complaint, making enforcement of ordinance difficult, referral to the Public Safety Committee for review of the ordinance is recommended. Mr. Pierce suggested that licensing fees be reduced since existing fees exceed those of other jurisdictions and encourage violations. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ORDINANCE GOVERNING TAXI OPERATIONS IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Seaport Dozing Ralph Evans, 3306 N. E. 11th Place, requested the following information v City of Renton for appeal to higher court if he decides to proceed: 1 ) date of and Ralph Evans approval by Environmental Review Committee of Fir One Condominium Lawsuit re proposal ; 2) date of issuance by the city of the building permit to Zoning Seaport Dozing for the Fir One Condominium development; and 3) date and results of various inspections conducted by the city on that proposal . City Attorney Warren approved the request for information , noting it was made at an open public meeting. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Jail Facility Police Department submitted agreement with the City of Des Moines Agreement with for their use of City of Renton jail as a backup to City of Kent Des Moines jail facilities. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Fred J . Kaufman to position of Land Use of Hearing Hearing Examiner in accordance with provisions of Title IV, Chapter 30, Examiner Section 3004, of the Code of General Ordinances for a two year term. Council confirm. Sales Tax Finance Department submitted amendments to Ordinance No. 3647 imposing Ordinance Local Option Sales Tax in response to recent opinions from Wash. State Attorney General and communications from Department of Revenue requiring certain amendments to language used in the enacting ordinance imposing the one-half cent sales tax. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Holms Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Daniel E. Holms R-068-82 rezone, File No. R-068-82, for reclassification from G-1 to P-1 for property located at the southeast corner of Monroe Avenue N.E. and N. E. 4th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Trimm presented a Committee on Committees report Committee on recommending chairmanships and member assignments of Council committees Committees for 1983 as follows: 1983 Committee Ways and Means: Earl Clymer, Chairman; Richard Stredicke, Vice- Assignments Chairman; Robert Hughes, Member. Community Services: John Reed, Chairman; Earl Clymer, Vice-Chairman; Nancy Mathews, Member. Planning and Development: Randy Rockhill , Chairman; John Reed, Vice- Chairman; Richard Stredicke, Member. Public Safety: Robert Hughes, Chairman; Randy Rockhill , Vice- Chairman; John Reed, Member. Transportation (Aviation) : Richard Stredicke, Chairman; Nancy Mathews, Vice-Chairman; Randy Rockhill , Member. Utilities: Nancy Mathews, Chairman: Robert Hughes, Vice-Chairman; Earl Clymer, Member. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Committee concurrence with the recommendation of the Public Works Department to Bid Award approve the bid award for LID 320 waterline extension to J. Small LID 320 Construction in the low bid amount of $11 ,331 .30, including sales tax. Nine bids received for the project located on N.E. 27th Street. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 10, 1983 Page Three OLD BUSINESS continued Utilities MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED Committee TO SIGN CONTRACT. CARRIED continued Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Bid Award concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department , and, Taylor Place NW in turn, recommending that the Council approve the bid award for the Watermain Taylor Place N.W. Watermain Replacement Project (W-704) to Ford Project Construction Co. in the low amount of $22,250.65, including sales tax. Six bids were received at bid opening held 12-20-82. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACT. CARRIED Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services recommending rewording of the draft ordinance approving the Group Committee W Rate increase as follows: "Section I : The rate for basic service Group W Cable within the city limits of the City of Renton is hereby approved at Rate Increase the rate of $10.35 per month. This amount includes taxes." The report also recommended approval of additional outlet rates and connector charges as proposed in the schedule and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for amendment of the ordinance. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Cable Discount Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report of Rate for Eligible an agreement by Group W Cable to provide a $2.00 discount on basic Senior Citizens services per month to residents of Evergreen Terrace, Hillcrest , and Cedar River Terrace pending confirmation of eligibility by Renton Housing Authority. Group W will work with residents of Sunset Terrace on an individual basis to confirm eligibility. Noting citizen complaints of cable rate increases already reflected in recent billings, Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding effective date of increase. City Attorney Warren advised effective date five days after publication of ordinance. (See later discussion. ) Valley Com Councilman Stredicke requested the following information regarding Center Valley Communications Center: number of employees, salaries of employees, and number of calls recorded each year since inception. He noted necessity of elected officials to be aware and involved in salary negotiations which could directly affect labor negotiations in all valley cities. Mayor Shinpoch advised that mayors of the four participating cities comprise the executive board and fire and police chiefs of each city serve on the operations board of Valley Com. Labor negotiations were completed recently, and center employees will receive a 5.3% salary increase in 1983 and 4.0% in 1984 depending on certain factors, placing salaries at a mid-point in comparing salaries of other com centers . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THE MATTER OF VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER AND ITS OPERATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending the Council overturn the recommendation of the Committee Land Use Hearing Examiner for denial of the Sparks/Shegrud Rezone, Sparks Shegrud File No. R-063-82. The following errors were found by the committee Rezone Appeal in the Examiner' s report: 1 ) traffic impacts will be mitigated either R-063-82 by formation of an LID or restriction by covenant of development - standards; 2) reliance upon "vacancy factor" of other developments is inappropriate in consideration of timing for the rezone application; 3) Conclusion No. 1 is in error since the applicant has demonstrated the proposal is in the public interest and will not impair the public health, safety and welfare, that the application is in harmony with the purposes and effect of the Comprehensive Plan, and traffic mitigation measures are satisfactory; and 4) Conclusions No. 3 through 7 are erroneous in their reliance upon the "vacancy factor" in analysis of the timing of this proposal . Based upon the foregoing errors, the report recommended approval of the requested rezone from G-1 to P-1 subject to the condition that covenants running with the land be recorded prohibiting application for a building permit for any use under the P-1 classification unless the 32) Renton City Council January 10, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and proposed LID has been formed and the proposed traffic improvements Development at the intersection of S.W. 43rd and Talbot Road S. have been Committee completed in such a fashion as to mitigate the traffic impacts of Sparks/Shegrud the proposed use of the site, or in the alternative, that the Rezone Appeal developer has completed the installation of traffic improvements as continued required by the Environmental Review Committee to mitigate the traffic impacts of the proposed development of the subject property. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke addressed the matter of vacancy rates to Chairman Rockhill , and inquired if the committee is stating the Hearing Examiner does not have the authority to deny a rezone on the basis of prematurity. City Attorney Warren clarified that prematurity of development is a consideration of the Hearing Examiner in review; however, the term ''premature'' has not been defined for purposes of discussion. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed City Delays in progress of proposed City Shop facility approved for Shop Facility construction some time ago were questioned by Councilman Rockhill , who encouraged expedition of the project to take advantage of lower construction costs at this time. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending Committee no action be taken on the matter of hand-held candles used in connection Fire Code re with religious or ritualistic ceremonies. The Uniform Fire Code as Ceremonial adopted by the state, Section 25. 117(B)4, states: ''Candles held in Candles persons' hands are especially dangerous and shall not be permitted.'' However , the committee recognizes the time-honored religious tradition of hand-held candles being used in certain worship services, and therefore requests the Fire Marshal annually notify those concerned religious institutions of the dangers of using hand-held candles and the necessity for strict fire safety considerations. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. City Attorney Warren advised recent finding by his office of conflicting state statute which permits use of hand-held candles in religious services, and he indicated any further legislation passed on the matter should be directed towards specific dangers, such as use by young children or use of candles without guards. Further discussion was held regarding conflict between codes and first amendment rights of citizens to worship in a manner of their choosing, and clarification provided that the city ' s code is no more restrictive than the state code. MOTION CARRIED. Committee of Responding to Council President Trimm's announcement of a change in the Whole time for Committee of the Whole on January 13, 1983 to 7:30 p.m. , Meetinq Councilman Clymer advised that if Council wishes to officially change Time Change commencement time of Committee of the Whole meetings, the ordinance should be revised. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, REFER MATTER OF TIME CHANGE OF COMMITTEE OF WHOLE MEETINGS TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR REVISION OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Christopher An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Hardie Avenue N.W. Street south of N.W. 5th Street (Christopherson - VAC 06-82) . MOVED BY Vacation STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO VAC 06-82 COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Police and An ordinance was read creating a Police and Fire Civil Service Fire Civil Commission, establishing eligibility for, and creating terms of Service office, defining powers and duties and creating a method for Commission filling vacancies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 10, 1983 Page Five ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3698 An ordinance was read creating a Police and Fire Civil Service Police & Fire Commission, establishing eligibility for, and creating terms of Civil Service office, defining powers and duties and creating a method for Commission filling vacancies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED . Appropriation An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of and Transfer funds from Excess Revenue 1975 Water & Sewer Construction Fund in of Funds the amount of $33,737.47 unto 1975 Water and Sewer Construction Fund Expenditure Budget; and from Unanticipated Revenue Arterial Street Fund in the amount of $79,667.40 unto Arterial Street Fund Expenditure Budget (S.W. Grady Way Bridge project) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3699 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of Appropriation funds from Excess Revenue 1975 Water b Sewer Construction Fund in and Transfer the amount of $33,737.47 unto 1975 Water and Sewer Construction Fund of Funds - Expenditure Budget ; and from Unanticipated Revenue Arterial Street Emergency Fund in the amount of $79,667.40 unto Arterial Street Fund Housekeeping Expenditure Budget (S.W. Grady Way Bridge project) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Revocable An ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 3660 concerning Permits revocable permits and use of the public right of way and granting Board of Public Works right to deny such permit. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2487 A resolution was read transferring funds from Cumulative Reserve Purchase 1950 Fund #1698 (Fire Equipment) in the amount of $4,280.00 unto Kenworth Fire Current Fund/Fire Suppression (Capital Outlay) to purchase 1950 Pumper Kenworth 1500 gallon per minute Fire Pumper, additional ladder and sales tax on same, from the Seattle Fire Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THIS RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 43429 through 43673 in the amount of $978,802. 14 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 43424 through 43428 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $82,824.25, LID 323: $24, 177.36, and LID 325: $48,393 .44. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE At Mayor Shinpoch' s request, City Attorney Warren reported recent REPORT settlements in the city's favor in lawsuits filed by Seaport Dozing Lawsuits regarding zoning issue; White regarding two Renton police officers; and Settled Torgerson in Board of Adjustment action, the latter deciding to default. AUDIENCE James Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, clarified earlier COMMENT comments regarding implementation of rate increases, advising that Group W Cable citizen complaints may be initiated by King County residents whose Rate Increase rates have already been increased. If this is not the case, he requested to be notified. Following Council discussion, it was suggested that the ordinance enacting the rate increase be placed on first, second and final reading and adopted on January 17, 1983 to make rate increase effective by February 1st. Purchase of Bob Patterson, 310 Bronson Way N. E. , expressed concern and objection 1950 Kenworth to purchase by the city of a 1950 Kenworth Fire Pumper due to age Fire Pumper and scarcity of replacement parts. Council discussion indicated the vehicle would be used only as a backup to other fire equipment, and budgetary constraints prevent purchase of a new unit at $150,000. 332 Renton City Council January 10, 1983 Page Six AUDIENCE COMMENT continued Hearing Ralph Evans, 3306 N.E. 11th Place, commended the Council in its Examiner decision to reappoint Mr. Fred Kaufman to the position of Land Commended Use Hearing Examiner, noting Mr. Kaufman's excellent performance of his duties. However, he objected to lack of support for the Examiner's decisions by the city. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 9.32 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk EXP111 35 CITY OF RENTON DATE 12/31/82 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID WARRANTS 12/31/82 No. 43424 through No. 43428 CURRENT 6185,745.19 PARKS 971,47316 ARTERIAL STREETS 6248,995.99 STREETS 67D,152-47 LIBRARY 621,334.23 FEDERAL SNARED REVENUE $1030000.00 STREET FORWARD THRUST $24,307.35 G COULON BCH PK CONSTR 6101247.36 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 615x247.50 WATERWORKS UTILITY $44,614•05 AIRPORT $4,703.20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $22,749.39 FIREMENIS PENSION 6837.20 LID CONTROL $155,395.05 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *978,802,14 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CUUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 43429 THROUGH NO- 43673 IN THE AMOUNT OF 8978,802.14 THIS 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER 1982. COMMITTEE CHAIRMA i i :�. :' ��. MEMBER L.I.D.11314, REVENUE FUNDE NO. R-33 $82,824.25 MEMBER-t • L.I.D.1323, REVENUE FUND —XU—. R-14 24.177.36 L.I.D.#325, REVENUE FUND — O. R-6 48,393.44 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE i•'.e_t.TING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 10, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 1/13 7:30 p.m• TRIMM Council Chambers Finance Director Items; Shoreline Master Program; Park Director/Park Commission AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1/13 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room One Valley Place Appeal Thurs. 1/20 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Rancourt Appeal Thurs. 1/27 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 1/12 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Secondhand Dealers Ordinance Jail Agreement with Des Moines TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 1/17 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS C� C� 334 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 9357 $ 2,200.00 Dick Hormack 221 S.W. Langston Road Reroof residence 9358 57,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 705 S. 31st St. New residence 9359 44,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 629 S. 30th P1 . New residence 9360 49,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 715 S. 31st St. New residence 9361 1 ,685.00 A. L. Vaughn 3013 N.E. 8th St. Reroof residence 9362 49,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 623 S. 30th Pl . New residence 9363 49,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 3006 Whitworth Ave. S. New residence 9364 51 ,000.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 3012 Whitworth Ave. S. New residence 9365 19,500.00 Boeing CAG 4.21 Bldg. , Col . A-23 Construct platform 9366 -- Nat Weathers 3905 N.E. 6th St. Annual fill license 9367 100.00 Autobahn Volkswagen 3560 N. E. 4th St. Install 3 partitions 9368 1 ,500.00 Mike Tibbits 932 Lynnwood Ave. N. E. Reroof residence 9369 See below under Sign Permits 9370 20,000.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 S.W. 16th St. Add office space 9371 500.00 Renton Shopping Center 2806 Sunset Blvd. N. E. Units B & C improved 9372 700.00 James M. Sinon 418 Wells Ave. N. Construct wood deck 9373 1 ,500.00 Avery Garrett 602 S.W. Langston Ave. Insulated windows 9374 300.00 Francisco Cruz 2308 S.E. 21st St. Install sundeck 9375 71 ,000.00 Toxada Corp. 459 Ferndale Ave. N. E. New residence 9376 25,000.00 Ervin E. Yoder 1633 So. Eagle Ridge Dr. Interior partition walls 9377 -- Albert L. Culp 3411 Talbot Road S. Annual fill license ELECTRICAL PERMIT 107 7 250.00 H. A. Jorgensen 1321 S. 7th St. Wire spa 10788 50.00 Ronald C. Goss 2601 -2603 N. E. 12th St. Underground conversion 10789 100. 00 John Quintinskie 426 Burnett Ave. S. Wire garage 10790 600.00 Johnson Lieber 723 S.W. 10th Street Install disconnects-roof 10791 50.00 Dean W. Bitney 201 Union Ave. S.E. New power line 10792 50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Howe 500 Mill Ave. S. New wiring and conduit 10793 200.00 Woody Blood 3618 N. E. 6th Wire garage 10794 36,000.00 EUB Company 52 Rainier Ave. S. Wire restaurant 10795 350.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 S .W. 16th St. Install exit signs 10796 400.00 Helen G. Parkin 325 Pelly Ave. N. Install new service MECHANICAL PERMIT 4 9676 13,800.00 Star Machinery 4207 W. Valley Highway Install HVAC system 9679 1 ,500.00 Walfrid Kero 332 Pelly Ave. N. Install gas furnace 9680 210.00 Pete Adams 532 Kirkland Ave. N. E. Boiler piping and vent 9681 1 ,500.00 Orin Dilley 3707 N. E. 4th St. Plumbing & fixtures 9682 1 ,200.00 Geoffrey Morphen 3312 S . E. 17th St. Install wood stove 9683 500.00 George & Crystal Zook 2323 N.E. 27th St. Install wood stove 9684 1 ,420.00 Hillis Homes 2802 N. E. 23rd Pl . Install gas furnace 9685 2,020.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4201 S.E. 4th St. Install plumbing & fixtures 9686 350.00 Dean W. Bitney 3533 N.E. 10th St. Install gas conversion 9687 2,650.00 Tri Power Industries 2609 N. E. 5th Ct. Install plumbing & fixtures 9688 63,000.00 Centennial Villa 71 S.W. Victoria Install furnaces 9689 30,000.00 Boeing CAG Bldg. 4.21 , Col . A-23 Exhaust fan and ductwork 9690 814.00 Tri Power Industries 2609 N. E. 5th Ct. Furnace & gas piping 9691 1 ,846.00 Charles Henderson 2908 Whitworth Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9692 1 ,373.00 Hillis Homes 2817 N.E. 23rd Pl . Gas furnace & wat. htr. 9693 50,000.00 Emil Villa Hickory Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9694 1 ,511 .00 Wick Homes 232 Vashon Ave. S.E. Plumbing & fixtures 9695 1 ,200.00 Jeff Sandman 2100 Lake Wash. Blvd. Free standing stove 9696 -- Meridian Valley Country Club VOID 9697 16,800.00 City of Renton 211 Burnett Ave. N. Alter air cond. unit 9698 1 ,350.00 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 2831 Whitworth Ave. S. Gas furnace & water heater 9699 200.00 U-Haul Co. of Wash. 453 Rainier Ave. N. Install exhaust fans SIGN PERMITS 1071 2,500.00 Seasons Restaurant 610 Rainier Ave. S. Install pole sign 1072 1 ,500.00 Wendy 's International 230 Rainier Ave. S. Install reader board - 9369 1 ,400.00 Arnold Olin 30 S.W. Harris Pl . Install sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5366 Centennial Villa, Inc. Hardie Ave. S.W. Install watermain 5367 Bert H. Custer 714 Cedar Ave. S. Install sewer 5368 Service Linen 903 S. 4th St. Construct driveways 5369 Wick Homes 276 Vashon Ave. S.E. Install side sewer 5370 Orin Dilley 3700 Block N.E. 4th St. Install storm line 5371 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 623 S. 30th Pl . Side sewer 5372 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 629 S. 30th P1 . Side sewer 5373 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 715 S. 31st St. Side sewer 5374 C. Henderson Co. , Inc. 705 S. 31st St. Side sewer 5375 Hillis Homes 2802 N.E. 23rd Pl . Building sewer 5376 Hillis Homes 2501 N.E. 23rd Pl . Building sewer rl77 W; 1 1 i s Wmmac 7Q17 W P 11rA P1 Ru 1 1,41 nn cn­nr f I I of R� 335 AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS A „ O THOMAS W TRIMM, COUNCIL CLYMERRESIDENT EARL _ ROBERT HUGHES Z NANCY L.MATHEWS 00 JOHN W.REED 90 R E IN T O IN CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHILL O Q RICHARD M STREDICKE ON SEPT"-o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JANUARY 17, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHIN OYHOR MONDAY, 8:00 p.m. MAXINE E MOTOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1983 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Annual Adoption of Zoning Map for City of Renton to incorporate Zoning Ordinance revisions which have occurred since January, 1982. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council Member. a. Executive Department submits reappointment of Mrs. Mary Mattson to the Board of Ethics for a four-year term effective to December 31 , 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Executive Department submits reappointments of the following persons to the Fire/Police Civil Service Commission: Donald Holm for a two-year term effective to December 31 , 1984; B. J. Richardson for a two-year term effective to December 31 , 1984; Barbara Little for a four-year term ` effective to December 31 , 1986; Norma Jean Cugini for a four-year term effective to December 31 , 1986. Executive Department submits appointment of Mr. Louis Barei to the Fire/ Police Civil Service Commission for a six-year term effective to December 31 , 1988. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Executive Department submits appointment of Mrs. Margaret Rose Anderson to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term effective to December 31 , 1985. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Executive Department submits agreement between cities of Renton and Tukwila for animal control services 2/1/83 through 12/31/83. Concur and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $12,000 filed by Eugene Joiner, 3024 South Warsaw Place #102, Seattle, alleging diamond missing from ring setting when returned by Renton Police Department booking desk following incarceration 12/20/82 - 12/22/82 . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Claim for damages in the amount of $1 ,062.03 filed by Helen C. Alexander, 12672 S.E. 162nd, Renton, for drainage water back-up damage to rental located at 679 Edmonds Avenue N. E. , alleging plugged city storm drain (1/05/83) • Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. g. Claim for damages in the amount of $251 .70 filed by R. W. and June Floth, 12652 S. E. 158th, for sewage back-up damage to rental located at 900 Glenwood Avenue N. E. , Apartment #4, alleging blocked city sewer line. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. OLD BUSINESS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13. ADJOURNMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS 336 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of January 17, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Joiner Claim for Damages Alexander Claim for Damages Floth Claim for Damages MAYOR/CITY CLERK Animal Control Agreement with City of Tukwila Jail Facilities Agreement with City of Des Moines PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Shoreline Management Program One Valley Place Appeal (remanded) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Annual Adoption of Zoning Map Park Board Ordinance Secondhand Dealer Ordinance Time of Meeting of Committee of Whole Holms Rezone Sales Tax Ordinance i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 17, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J . HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor ; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Annual Adoption published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing of Zoning Map to consider the annual adoption of the Zoning Map for the City of Renton incorporating all Zoning Ordinance revisions from January 1 , 1982 through January 1 , 1983. David Clemens, Policy Development Director , read correspondence advising conformance of every rezone illustrated on the map to an ordinance related to each subject property, both text and map being identical . Recommended were adoption of the Zoning Map as presented , and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of appropriate legislation. Responding to Council inquiry regarding parcels excluded from the map, City Attorney Warren advised that the parcel known as the Evans Parcel (owned by Seaport Dozing Company) has been excluded pending final decision on litigation; and verbal confirmation of zoning on that site to inquiring citizens will be required of staff until adoption of the 1984 Zoning Map which will properly designate official zoning of that site. Ralph Evans, 3306 N. E. 11th Place, pointed out that Superior Court decision on the aforementioned lawsuit is still open to appeal . Continued Councilman Stredicke questioned R-1 , G and G-1 zoning designations of certain public properties which do not reflect existing uses of the sites and constitute errors of omission on Zoning Map. Mr. Clemens explained conditional use permit process for development of schools , parks , cemeteries, and municipal and county buildings as an alternative approval process to rezone action. Continued Responding to further questioning by Mr. Evans of zoning status of certain properties and notification to owners of changes in that status as a result of recent Superior Court decision that the city' s reversionary ordinance is not valid, Mr. Warren clarified that the scope of the lawsuit had been confined to a specific piece of property owned by Seaport Dozing Company and the decision that the reversionary ordinance is invalid would not extend to other properties in the city. Further, the Zoning Map controls over individual zoning ordinances except when it is contradicted by lanquaqe of the Zoning Code itself. Discussion was held regarding possible methods of notifying Council members of zoning changes, and it was suggested that a letter-sized notification be transmitted to Council members each time a rezone approval occurs. Since there were no further comments, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO ADOPT THE ZONING MAP AS PRESENTED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Seaport Dozing Referencing his request for information regarding the Fir One Company Lawsuit Condominium development at last Council meeting, Mr. Evans advised purpose of request due to arguments during Superior Court litigation by plaintiff, Seaport Dozing Company, that property was purchased in 1981 when zoning reflected in city records was R-3; Planning Director and 33g Renton City Council January 17, 1983 Page Two Lawsuit staff were unaware of reversionary ordinance; construction of apartment continued house was commenced on site at that time; and the partially constructed project was interrupted when lawsuit was filed, resulting in loss of considerable funds. Mr. Evans reported the following information had been provided by Mr. Clemens : 1 ) Environmental Review Committee decision had been issued on 8-13-81 ; 2) no building permit has ever been issued for the Fir One Condominium project ; and 3) Public Works Permit was issued for water, storm drainage and sanitary sewers, which were installed; however, there are no records of any inspections made under Public Works Permit No. P-2722. Garbage Can Lewis Kwan , 22814 N.E. 61st, Redmond WA 98052, duplex owner in City Rates of Renton, objected to monthly garbage can rates which are double for two duplex units than two single family residences. Since there had been no ordinance change after similar complaint two and one-half years ago, he requested that notification of any resolution of the matter, revision of the ordinance, or additional information be transmitted to him in writing. Forbes Lawsuit Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community, advised Council of picketing activities which may deter theatre business by 250 Renton citizens protesting adult film fare at two downtown theatres owned by Roger Forbes. She requested that any complaints regarding picketing activities be directed to her personally and inquired if an update of the Forbes matter would be provided to interested citizens following executive session by the Council this evening. For the record, Councilman Stredicke requested provision of a status report to Council by City Attorney regarding the lawsuit. City Attorney Warren reported that as a result of last week ' s decision by Judge McGovern, the city is prohibited from denying Mr. Forbes the right to show adult film fare until further hearing on the matter. Mrs. Keolker advised concern regarding attendance at theatres by young teenagers, requested the matter be investigated and laws revised for enforcement, and announced a citizen presentation scheduled for the next Council meeting regarding the matter would be covered by news media. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Animal Control Executive Department submitted agreement between cities of Renton and Agreement with Tukwila for provision of animal control services by the City of Renton Tukwila to the City of Tukwila from February 1 , 1983 through December 31 , 1983. Concur and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement . Joiner Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $12,000 filed by Eugene Joiner, for Damages 3024 South Warsaw Place #102, Seattle, alleging diamond missing from CL 62-82 ring setting when returned by Renton Police Department booking desk following incarceration 12/20/82. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Alexander Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $1 ,062.03 filed by Helen C. for Damages Alexander, 12672 S.E. 162nd, Renton, for drainage water back-up CL 02-82 damage to rental located at 679 Edmonds Avenue N. E. , alleging plugged city storm drain (1/05/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier . Floth Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $251 .70 filed by R. W. and June for Damages Floth, 12652 S.E. 158th, for sewage back-up damage to rental located CL 01-83 at 900 Glenwood Avenue N. E. , Apartment #4, alleging blocked city sewer line. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS AMENDED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Appointment to Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mrs. Mary Mattson, 7273 South 128th Street , Board of Ethics Seattle 98178 to the Board of Ethics for a four-year term effective to December 31 , 1986. Mrs. Mattson serves as the representative from the League of Women Voters of King County South. The other members of the Board are: Rev. Donald Hammond (representative from Renton area 339 Renton City Council January 17, 1983 Page Three Reappointment clergy) ; Donald 0. Jacobson (representative from King County Labor to Board of Council ) ; June Leonard (representative from Renton School Board) ; and Ethics Ray Peretti (representative from Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce. continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT OF MRS. MARY MATTSON TO THE BOARD OF ETHICS. CARRIED. Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following persons to the Fire/Police to Fire/Police Civil Service Commission: Donald Holm for a two-year term effective Civil Service to December 31 , 1984; B. J. Richardson for a two-year term effective Commission to December 31 , 1984; Barbara Little for a four-year term effective to December 31 , 1986; and Norma Jean Cugini for a four-year term effective to December 31 , 1986. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Louis Barei , 614 South 18th Street, to Fire/Police Renton, to the Fire/Police Civil Service Commission for a six-year Civil Service term effective to December 31 , 1988. Mr. Barei is a life-long Commission resident of Renton, former City Council member, teacher, and works for Highline Public Schools. These reappointments and appointment constitute the entire roster of the Commission. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT OF MR. HOLM, MR. RICHARDSON, MRS. LITTLE AND MRS. CUGINI , AND THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. BAREI TO THE FIRE/POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. CARRIED. Appointment to Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mrs. Margaret Rose Anderson , 6827 Ripley Municipal Arts Lane North, Renton, to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three- Commission year term effective to December 31 , 1985. Mrs. Anderson will succeed Dr. Hal Kloes, who has resigned. Mrs . Anderson is the Fine Arts Specialist for the Renton School District and previously served on the Commission from 1971 through 1979• Other members of the Commission are: Charmaine Baker, Sylva Coppock, Gerald Edlund, Karen Lunder, Ronald Ringwood, Connie Tajon, Clark Teegarden, Joan Yoshitomi and Peggy Ziebarth. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT OF MRS. MARGARET ROSE ANDERSON TO THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Trimm presented Committee of the Whole report Committee of recommending approval of the Park Board Ordinance as revised by Mayor The Whole Shinpoch and referral to Ways and Means Committee for amendment. Park Board MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION Ordinance OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Feasibility Council President Trimm presented Committee of the Whole report Study for recommending that the Administration begin a study investigating the Self- Insurance feasibility of self insurance. Funds to hire a consultant shall be drawn from self insurance reserve fund, and the results of the study along with recommendations shall be presented before Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND THE MOTION TO REQUIRE REPORT BACK WITHIN SIX MONTHS. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Shoreline Council President Trimm presented Committee of the Whole report Management recommending remand of the Shoreline Management Program to the Program Planning and Development Committee for further discussion and recommendation. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO REMAt]D SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Productive Mayor Shinpoch commended Council members for a most productive C/W Meeting Committee of the Whole meeting on January 13, 1983• Registration At the request of Councilman Clymer who will be attending National Fee at N.L.C . League of Cities conference in Washington, D.C. this year at his Conference his own expense, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $190.00 REGISTRATION FEE FOR COUNCILMAN CLYMER' S ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending Committee that the City of Renton enter into an agreement with the City of Des Moines Des Moines for the housing of their prisoners and the City Council Jail Agreement authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 17, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS continued Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report advising Committee transmittal of information related to number of employees , salary of Valley Com employees and number of calls recorded for each jurisdiction at the Center Valley Communications Center operation to each Councilmember. No Council action is required--for information purposes only. Secondhand Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending Dealers that only a single business license be required for each place of business for secondhand dealers. Also recommended were amendments pertaining to high theft risk items and identification of sellers and purchasers of these items, and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for amendment of the ordinance and preparation of a summary ordinance. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED . Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending the Hearing Examiner 's Recommendation on the Committee One Valley Place Properties appeal (FPUD-061 -82) be adopted with One Valley Place the amendment of Condition No. 1 to read as follows: Properties Appeal 1 . The applicant provides proof to the satisfaction of the FPUD-061-82 Environmental Review Committee that a mechanism, whether city initiated LID or otherwise, will provide that the roads in the area are improved to accommodate the projected traffic of Phase I of the subject development prior to the issuance of a building permit . Moved by Rockhill , seconded by Reed , Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee. Joel Haggard, Suite 1700, 720 Olive Way, Seattle, legal counsel for the appellant , apprised the Council of an additional matter of appeal relating to disallowance of a 10% parking space credit to compromise the developer for required increase in parking stall size to city standards , not previously required in preliminary PUD approval Also discussed were possibility of implementing joint use parking for employees with different work schedules, conflict between state and city laws governing expiration of preliminary plats, and the ultimate necessity to reduce square footage of proposed buildings if the parking requirement recommended by the Examiner is imposed. Following Council discussion regarding need for additional review by committee due to new information, a substitute motion was made: MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THE ONE VALLEY PLACE APPEAL BACK TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECONSIDERATION. CARRIED . Evening Council Councilman Stredicke requested committee meetings be scheduled during Committee evening hours for benefit of those Council members unavailable during Meetings the day, noting attendance by staff at night meetings during past years. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading : Ordinance #3700 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Hardie Avenue N.W. south Christopherson of N.W. 5th Street (Christopherson - VAC 06-82) . MOVED BY CLYMER, Street Vacation SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL VAC 06-82 CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3701 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 3660 concerning revocable Use of Public permits and use of the public right-of-way, and granting the Board of Right of Way Public Works right to deny such permit. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Group W Cable An ordinance was read approving an increase to $10.351mo. in basic Rate Increase service charge for cable TV service for Group W Cable. Inc. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3702 An ordinance was read approving an increase to $10.35/mo. in basic Group W Cable service charge for cable TV services for Group W Cable, Inc. MOVED BY Rate Increase CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 17, 1983 Page Five ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Time of Meeting/ An ordinance was read amending Section 1-503 of Title I of Ordinance Committee of No. 1628 relating to time of meeting of the Committee of the Whole the Whole of the Renton City Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Holms Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property R-068-82 located at the southeast corner of Monroe Avenue N. E. and N.E. 4th Street from General classification district (G-1 ) to Public Use district (P-1 ) (Holms, Inc. R-068-82) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s concern that only a portion of the entire cemetery site is included in the rezone, Mr. Clemens advised rezone requested instead of conditional use permit for purposes of mausoleum construction on one acre, existing use is legally non-conforming, and the entire site was not rezoned to P-1 by choice of the applicant who would then be required to provide all improvements on N.E. 4th Street in future project along frontage of applicant ' s property. Sales Tax An ordinance was read amending Section VI of Ordinance No. 3647 which established an additional one-half percent sales or use tax within the City of Renton by changing and extending the language of the special initiative and referendum section of that ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Parks Commission/ An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-104 and 2-1-6 of Title II Director of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Parks Commission, its powers and duties, appointments and duties of a park director. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Secondhand An ordinance and accompanying summary were read amending Chapter 15 Dealers of Title V of Ordinance No. 1628 regarding secondhand dealers. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm announced that an Executive Session would Executive be held following audience comment to discuss results of police Session arbitration and receive update on Forbes lawsuit. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch updated a previous report regarding Metro ridership REPORT decrease, noting ridership in Renton has not declined as in surrounding Metro Ridership areas. Fire Training Attention was called by Mayor Shinpoch to three day fire training Session session at Carco Park hosted for third year by Renton Fire Department and attended by 100 firemen from all jurisdictions. The department was commended for quick response time in aid call to a downtown restaurant in recent incident. Health Mayor Shinpoch reported that negotiations regarding the Seattle-King Contract County Department of Public Health contract are completed for execution of the contract. Council President Clymer, representative on the negotiation committee, indicated he was not notified of the -- meeting by King County. Senior Center Mayor Shinpoch announced she officiated at swearing-in ceremony this date for new officers of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. Compliments were extended by the committee to members of Council for their support of senior center activities and programs. It was noted that Sarah Johnson, faithful participant at the center, recently celebrated her 90th birthday. Councilman Reed was notified of resolution of parking problem at the senior center, arrangements having been made with representatives of Carpenters ' Hall for use of parking space. 34? Renton City Council January 17, 1983 Page Six ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued Mayor Shinpoch announced that Downtown Merchants ' Association will be reminded that Christmas decorations must be removed . Responding to Councilman Mathews ' inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch advised inclusion in Council material of copy of the contract agreement with the City of Tukwila for animal control services, in which costs and services are outlined. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OF POLICE ARBITRATION AND FORBES LAWSUIT. CARRIED. 9:56 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council Members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; 11 :35 p.m. all Council Members were present. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMM I TTE`- , --f I NG CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 17, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1/20 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Rancourt Appeal One Valley Place Appeal Remand Thurs. 1/27 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Central Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 1/19 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Taxicab Ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 1/24 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS PSCOG Annual Assembly Thurs. 1/27 11 :00 a .m. Red Lion Inn, Bellevue C� 344 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS January 17, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 937 $ 200.00 James E. Loso 3803 A NE 4th St. Display wall 9379 -- Valley Office Park, Inc. SW 16th Annual fill license 9380 Void 9381 1 ,600.00 Harry Steel 211 Shattuck Ave. S. Reroof residence 9382 10,000.00 Boeing CAG SE corner Renton Airport Construct storage sheds 9383 150.00 G.P. Lalasountas 936 Harrington Ave. NE Construct storage area 9384 60,000.00 Cascade Pacific 1207 S. 26th St. Construct residence 9385 17,000.00 Mark Kirchner 2010 NE 12th St. Construct addition 9386 7,500.00 Loberg Oldsmobile 233 Burnett Ave. S. New footings, insulatio 9387 67,500.00 Home & Bus. Service Corp. 1325 Shattuck Ave. S. Single family residence 9388 54,900.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2303 Harrington Pl . NE Single family residence 9389 55,000.00 Stephen J. Stillwell 1703 Glenwood Ave. S . E. Move restored home on lot 9390 8,250.00 Charles Brown 228 Main Ave. S. Remodel structure 9391 41 ,000.00 A. John Leonard 4307 SE 4th Place Single family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10797 1 ,600.00 Chin Hills Building 3915 Talbot Road S. Install lights 10798 999.00 Leonard Builders 4201 SE 4th Wire new residence 10799 Void 10800 3,000.00 Ervin Yoder 1633 S. Eagle Ridge Dr. Wire units , add meters 10801 50.00 A. John Leonard 4307 SE 4th Place Install temporary power 10802 50.00 Terry Salmans 2810-2812 NE 12th St. Underground service 10803 1 ,223.00 Center Hillis 2817 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence 10804 1 ,200.00 Center Hillis 2802 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence 10805 125.00 Kenneth Taylor 2331 Talbot Crest Wire heat pump 10806 980.00 Charles Henderson 2831 Whitworth Ave. S. Wire new residence 10807 Void 10808 200.00 Dorothy M. Herman 2108 SW 43rd St. Underground conversion 10809 50.00 Cascade Pacific 1207 S. 27th St. Install temporary service 10810 1 ,440.00 Hillis Homes 2501 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS 9700 11 ,500.00 Jim Sherman 700 S. 50th Install swimming pool 9701 300.00 A. B. James 231 Williams Road N. Gas conversion burner 9702 300.00 Ernest Tonda 1530 N. Marion St. Gas conversion burner 9703 1 ,500.00 Ervin Yoder 1633 S. Eagle Ridge Dr. Plumbing & fixtures 9704 2,350.00 Jack Curran, Henry Bacon 560 Hardie Ave. SW Lawn sprinkler system 9705 7,300.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 711 Powell Ave. SW Install rainleaders 9706 7,300.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1000 SW 7th St. Install rainleaders 9707 7,300.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 725 Powell SW Install rainleaders 9708 7,300.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1119 SW 7th St. Install rainleaders 9709 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 617 S. 30th Pl . Install plumbing & fixtures 9710 4,540.00 Kenneth Taylor 2331 Talbot Crest Install heat pump 9711 1 ,825.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 711 Powell Ave. SW Install waste drain 9712 1 ,825.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1119 SW 7th St. Install waste drain 9713 1 ,825.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 725 Powell SW Install waste drain 9714 1 ,825.00 Holvick deRegt Koering 1000 SW 7th St. Install waste drain 9715 -- Charles Brown 228 Main Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9716 2,200.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4120 SE 4th St. Plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS 1073 500.00 Dick Olin 235 Airport Way S. Install wall signs 1074 495.00 Dr. Evoy 229 A S. 4th Pl . Install wall sign 1075 1 ,500.00 Vince' s Pizzaria 2815 Sunset Blvd. NE Pole sign 1076 1 ,500.00 Cascade Pharmacy 3915 Talbot Road S. Pole sign 1077 650.00 Emil Villa 54 Rainier Ave. S. Temporary project signs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5378 Leonard Builders , Inc. 4120 SE 4th St. Side sewer 5379 Leonard Builders , Inc. 4307 SE 4th P1 . Side sewer 5380 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4126 SE 4th St. Side sewer 5381 Leonard Builders , Inc. 4201 SE 4th St. Side sewer 5382 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4120 SE 4th St. Driveway approach 5383 A. John Leonard 4307 SE 4th Pl . Driveway approach 5384 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4126 SE 4th St. Driveway approach 5385 A. John Leonard 4201 SE 4th St. Driveway approach 5386 Holvick deRegt Koering 1000 SW 7th Install water and sewer 5387 Robert Zirk 1617 NE 28th St. Sanitary sewer 5388 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way Install hydrant line 5390 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds NE Install off-site improvement, ADDENDUM TO MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 17, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers OLD BUSINESS Committee of Council President Trimm presented Committee of the Whole report the Whole recommending referral of the matter of financial consideration for Financial LIDS to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of a formal Consideration policy. The Committee further recommends that a public hearing of LIDs be held on this issue prior to Council approval . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF A FORMAL POLICY. CARRIED . MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk OF R� � �� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, G COUNCIL PRESIDENT U 4/ Z EARL CLYMER 40 ROBERT HUGHES Z o NANCY L MATHEWS _ rn °9% R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHIII �P RICHARD M STREDICKE °9gT�D SEPI"-oO REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JANUARY 24, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1983 4. PROCLAMATION - Free Enterprise Month 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Service award to Albert Talley, Human Rights and Affairs Commission Member from April , 1977 to October, 1982 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Final Assessment Roll in the amount of $580,055. 12 for LID 322, for street improvements on Puget Drive S.E. from Benson Road to Rolling Hills Avenue S. E. and Benson Road widening b. Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record , spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council Members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. mom a. Executive Department submits reappointment of Michael Porter to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to January 31 , 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. _Public Works Department submits letter of protest to closure of southbound intersection leg of Lind Avenue' s intersection with Sunset Boulevard S .W. Refer to Transportation Committee. C. Building and Zoning Department requests reversion of Ordinance No. 3113, Stoneway Concrete, Inc. (ERADCO) rezone, property located on N. E. 4th Street, in accordance with provisions of restrictive covenants filed on February 22, 1977• No public hearing necessary. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Public Works Department submits city-held Latecomer Agreement S-319 for LID 322, South Puget Drive Sanitary Sewer installation for four benefitted properties. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. City Clerk reports bid opening, 1/17/83, S.W. 7th Street and Hardie Avenue S.W. Signalization and Lighting Project; eight bids received. Refer to Traffic Engineering Department and Transportation Committee. f . Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Gateway PUD (Ventura Partnership) , File No. FPUD-054-82, for property located on the west side of Talbot Road South, approximately 1200 feet south of S.W. 43rd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 9. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Laurence W. Ashley requests sewer hook-up of King County property. 10. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. NE14 BUSINESS 13. HUMIIvISTRATIVt REPORT 14. AUDIENCE COMMFNT 15. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of January 24 , 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment Platting Laws TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE/ ','TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LID 322 Letter of protest to closure of Lind Avenue (CHG Project) 'Bid Opening - S.W. 7th and Hardie Avenue S .W. Traffic Improvements UTILITIES COMMITTEE Lawrence Ashley letter regarding sewer connection WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE/,cCITY ATTORNEY Reversion of Ordinance No. 3113 ERADCO Gateway PUD (FPUD-054-82) for resolution Taxicab Ordinance for necessary action Zoning Map for second and final readings PUBLIC HEARING 2-114--3 - L I D Policy 348 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 24, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director ; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES AND ADDENDUM OF JANUARY 17, 1983. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of February, 1983 , Free Enterprise as Free Enterprise Month, supported and promoted within the City of Month Renton by Renton High School 's Marketing and Distributive Education Program to encourage competition and provide best foods and services for best prices. Students of Renton High School were present to accept the proclamation. SPECIAL An award was presented to Albert Talley by Mayor Shinpoch in grateful PRESENTATION recognition of his outstanding service as chairman and member of the Al Talley Human Rights and Affairs Commission for the City of Renton from April , 1977 through October, 1982, when he resigned. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and LID 322 Final published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Assessment to consider the Final Assessment Roll of LID 322 in the amount of Roll $580,055. 12 for street improvements on Puget Drive S.E. from Benson Road to Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. and widening of Benson Road . Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard Houghton , outlining final costs of the LID totaling $787,687.91 less $192,768.59 F.A.U .S. Project Funds and less sewer utility participation in the amount of $14,864.20 for an adjusted total of $580,055. 12. As of 5:00 p.m. this date, protests were received in the amount of $19,311 . 11 or 3.33% of the total assessment roll . Letters of Four additional letters of protest received after 5 :00 p.m. were read : Protest Kae Lea June Hartman, #F-101 ; Steven L. Prout , #J-102; and Merle D. Hanson, #G-202, all Rolling Hills Condominium owners at 2020 Grant Avenue S. , objected to lack of notice for LID formation, inequitable allocation of assessments, and method of determining assessment through square footage of properties. Dick Causey, Manager, Puget Power & Light Company, Bellevue, objected to assessment, claiming no benefit to encumbered Puget Power property by LID. continued Other letters of protest were read from the following Rolling Hills Condominium owners : Joe Liburdi , #L-301 ; Janelle Sharp, #B-206; Nancy M. Desmond, #L-202; Jay Gallinatti , #L-302; John Kager, #M-201 ; P. Gallagher, #L-303; Richard N. Palmer, #M-202; Mr. & Mrs. Leo Zanga, #C-204; Helen W. McFarland, #D- 103; Leslie L. Shaeffer, #H-101 ; Sue Campbell , #A- 106; Ida Shelton, #A-103; Ted and Janet Cooper, #M-304; Theresa A. Copeland , #M-205. Also protesting the LID were Willard L. Stutzman, 1425 S. Puget Drive, #E-2; Thomas Lee Wilson , owner of Unit 114, 1425 Puget Drive (Benson Condominiums) ; Kenneth Moore, owner of E-35, Sunset Ridge Condominiums; and Richard M. Conrad, 300 Evergreen Building, representing Joseph W. Thiel , owner of Lot 1 , Renton Short Plat No. 275-79• Objections included lack of benefit to participants in LID by improvement of an arterial , and, instead, benefit accrued to residents to the east and outside city limits who depend on roadway for access and should share in the expense of improvements; participation agreed to by developer by execution of restrictive Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING continued LID 322 Final Assessment covenant prior to purchase of units , such information withheld from Roll buyers; increased erosion on slope of northeast corner of intersection as result of project; unfair assessment to Rolling Hills Condominium Protest Letters owners for parking stall areas , common areas, and unsold units , which continued should be burden of developer; ambiguous wording of assessment requirement on title reports of residents; alleged poor design of project at excessive cost; unnecessary improvement to the street which currently functions efficiently; inability to pay assessment due to limited income; assessment excessive in view of minimal use by assessed residents; and incompatibility with existing character of neighborhood of four-lane arterial . Mr. Houghton reported that computation of the four additional letters of protest raises the protest assessment to $59,523.08, or 10.26% of the total assessment roll . Board of At Mayor Shinpoch 's request , City Attorney Warren explained the City Equalization Council 's function to sit as a board of equalization to determine whether the benefit accrued to each property is fairly reflected in assessment amounts. However, questions of whether an LID should be formed or failure to notify property owners by developer or previous owners are not matters for concern nor discussion by the City Council at this time. Mr. Houghton described the three alternatives available for payment of assessments which can be extended over a ten year period, noting special provisions for deferral available to low income, elderly or handicapped residents. Referring to a display map, Houghton explained the scope of the project and methods of assessment per unit using front footage and square footage of properties, with consideration being given for existence of rockeries , curbs, gutters and any side hill excavation. Audience Dick Conrad, representing Joseph Thiel , 1506 Puget Drive S. , objected Comment to proposed assessment of $9,000 to R-1 zoned, single fanily residential property since no showing of real or special benefit has been proven, -- and, in fact, detrimental effects are claimed due to intrusion of four- lane highway which will increase traffic, noise and pollution . continued Merle Hanson, 20210 S. E. 127th, Issaquah, owner of #G-202, Rolling Hills Condominiums, objected to method of assessment which does not consider improvements along sides, but rather square footage which is not equitable; objected to assessment to residents of property owned by Puget Power; and supported creation of a general road fund for the LID. Paul Illian, 1425 Puget Drive S. #C-5, felt that traffic generated from 900 households would not warrant improvement of a four-lane arterial . Joyce Coryell , 2020 Grant Avenue, #D-104, questioned whether obligation to participate in the LID required by restrictive covenants would be fulfilled upon completion of the project or would homeowners be responsible for any corrective action necessary after completion of the project. Assurance was given that the obligation would be fulfilled by payment of the assessment. Albert Hintz, 2020 Grant Avenue, #G-103, inquired why Thunder Hills Apartment complex was not included in LID assessment. Mr. Houghton advised that developers of that project had funded construction of Ethier Road for primary access. Andy Padvorac, Puget Power Building, Bellevue, stated that property owned by Puget Power has been assessed for a higher amount than benefit accrued, and requested further review of the matter by staff. Rose Boyce, 2020 Grant Avenue, discussed oil , water and mineral rights on Puget Power property which increase its value. City Attorney Warren clarified assessment must be equal to current , not speculative benefit. Floyd Hillman, 2020 Grant Avenue, #D-306, advised landscaping removed and pit run gravel placed in eight-foot width between fence and LID- installed sidewalk. Football-sized samples of the "gravel " were displayed by Mr. Hillman, who inquired if replacement of landscaping would be the responsibility of the city. Mr. Houghton indicated the matter would be researched. Following discussion regarding need for additional review of new information presented at the hearing and possible adjustment of assessments, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1983 AT 8:00 P.M. AND REFER THE MATTER OF LID 322 TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STAFF AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Houghton cautioned any delay may raise costs due to interim financing. 3,90 Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Three MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. Recess CARRIED. Time: 9:20 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. Roll call : All present. Picketers Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , Coordinator of Citizens for a Against Quality Community, advised committee support of Council action to Porno use tax dollars to fight adult film fare at two downtown Renton theatres. Following introduction, approximately 150 sign-carrying members of the community group filed through the Chambers. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Central Renton published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Comprehensive to consider the Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment. David Plan Amendment Clemens, Policy Development Director, described the boundaries of the plan, reviewed history of Planning Commission review and recommendations, and discussed consistency of zoning and land use with Comprehensive Plan designations denoted on the plan. The four map elements of the plan were discussed: Land Use Element, Community Facilities Element, Circulation Element, and Utilities Element; and implementing policies which support and clarify the intent of the map elements reviewed including City-Wide Policies, Planning Policies for Central Area Plan , and Sub-Area Policies. The final Comprehensive Plan, distributed in booklet form to members of the audience, is the end result of extensive public comment and consultation between staff and Planning Commission members. Responding to Councilman Rockhill 's query regarding downzoned areas, Mr. Clemens advised that no zoning changes whatsoever are proposed on the plat, but three areas are not the same as designated on the previous plan. Minor changes in areas of south Renton, east of Park Avenue in north Renton, and an area near the Cedar River were discussed and designated on the map. Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s query regarding office/office park designation of commercially zoned property at corner of Benson Road and Grady Way S. , Mr . Clemens advised that due to abundancy of commercially zoned property in other areas and proximity of the site to a congested intersection, after considerable deliberation, the Commission had designated the site as denoted. Audience Chester Wildman, 8415 S. 123rd Place, Seattle, expressed concern about Comment water bill increases. Since there was uncertainty regarding which water district serves the property, Mayor Shinpoch agreed to research the matter and notify Mr. Wildman of findings. Ethel Klepach, 8916 S. 121st St. , Seattle, requested information regarding annexation procedures. Mr . Clemens outlined the process requiring petition signed by 750 of the population in the area; however, due to community opinion, annexation is highly unlikely. Mrs. Klepach asked why residents in her area pay taxes for Renton School District, but are precluded from voting in that district. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that King County Elections Bureau would be contacted for clarification of the matter. Enri Quepleta, 800 S.W. 3rd Place, inquired if adoption of the plan by the City Council gives assurance to Earlington Hill residents that no further land use changes will occur. Councilman Clymer advised rezones in the area are still feasible, zoning being a separate process than comprehensive planning, and constant vigilance is required by citizens for apprisal of land use activity in their neighborhood. Mr. Quepleta requested separation of Earlington Hill area from downtown area on the map, noting no commonality with CBD. Mr. Clemens advised awareness by Planning Commission of low density character of Earlington area, and inclusion with CBD is a matter of convenience due to its proximity and small size. Rose Boyce, 2020 Grant Avenue, inquired of designation of three lots located at northwest corner of 2nd Street and Factory Avenue N. Mr. Clemens indicated those lots and adjoining property are designated commercial land use. Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , inquired regarding extent of notice of public hearing. City Clerk advised legal posting in 30 places in the city with list of locations available for review. Mrs. Vaupel , former Planning Commission member, requested deletion of her name from the list of commissioners denoted on the cover of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment since her membership terminated prior to adoption. Since there were no further comments , it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, THE SUBJECT OF THE CENTRAL RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Four AUDIENCE Joel Haggard, 720 Olive Way, Seattle, requested the recommendation of COMMENT the Planning and Development Committee be read regarding the One Valley Place PUD appeal . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending adoption by the City Council of the Examiner' s report with Committee the following amendments: 1 ) Condition No. 1 to read as follows: The One Valley applicant provides proof to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Place PUD Committee that a mechanism, whether city initiated LID or otherwise, Appeal will provide that the roads in the area are improved to accommodate the FPUD-061-82 projected traffic of Phase I of such development prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2) Delete the second sentence of Conclusion No. 9. 3) Delete the last 14 words in the first sentence of Finding No. 9 and delete the second sentence in Finding No. 9. 4) Delete the first sentence in Conclusion No. 6 and substitute in its place, "Increasing stall width to nine feet and aisle width to 22 feet while providing a 10% reduction in the required number of parking stalls is appropriate. Applicant has voluntarily agreed to modify Section 4.03 of the CCR' s (Exhibit #6 of Files PPUD-032-81 and PP-044-81 ) to conform with the above." 5) Delete the second paragraph of Conclusion No. 7. 6) Delete wording on Recommendation No. 2 and substitute in its place, "The CCR's shall be revised in conformance with Conclusion No. 6." MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Following discussion regarding parking configuration, MOTION CARRIED. Audience Lois Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th Street, requested Planning and Comment Development Committee report be read regarding Dietch appeal of continued Rancourt Short Plat 055-82• MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending affirmation of the Hearing Examiner ' s report with the Committee exception that the Examiner was in error by not requiring that access Rancourt to and from the lots be by a dedicated public street . The committee Short Plat recommended that access requirement be changed to require a one-half Appeal public street with the exact length and terminus to be determined by Sh. Pl . 055-82 the Public Works Department after considering grades on the property. If no grade problems , the public streets should be extended the entire length of the property to serve later potential development in the area . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Upon request, letter from Dewey Rancourt was read. The letter requested concurrence in the Examiner 's recommendation for approval of a private road and denial of the appeal . CARRIED. Request for Rhonda Bryant, 1518 S. 28th, requested letter from Lawrence W. Ashley Sewer Connection be read. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. Letter was read requesting Council permission to connect Cascade Vista residential lot outside city limits to Renton sewer system for purposes of sale. Following Council discussion regarding disposition of the matter, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REFER LETTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Clymer requested display in the Chambers of a map designating sewer lines for Council reference. MOTION CARRIED. Consent Agenda James Colt, P.O. Box 547, requested Item 8.c. of the Consent Agenda Item 8.c. be read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND Reversion of ADVANCE TO CONSENT AGENDA, ITEM 8.c. CARRIED. Building and Zoning Ordinance #3113 Department requested reversion of Ordinance No. 3113, rezone from G-1 (ERADCO) to variety of multiple family zones on February 22, 1977, approved with restrictive covenants to enforce reversion of zoning on property owned by Stoneway Concrete, Inc. (ERADCO) if construction not commenced in accordance with time schedule. New ordinance to correct zoning map required for subject property to designate reverted G-1 zoning. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, MATTER OF REVERSION OF ORDINANCE NO. 3113 BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Five CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THE FOLLOWING ITEM BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Michael Porter to the Planning Commission to Planning for a three-year term effective to January 31 , 1986. Mr. Porter Commission, resides at 1610 Rolling Hills Avenue S. E. , and has served on the Michael Commission since 1978. Other members of the Commission are: Virginia Porter Houser, Frank Jacobs, Eugene Ledbury, Barbara Schellert, Robert Patterson, Joan Walker and Anita Warren. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT BY MAYOR SHINPOCH OF MICHAEL PORTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Consent Agenda The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items continued included: Protest to Public Works Department submitted letter of protest from Rudolph Closure of Zaputil , 420 Lind Avenue S.W. , and Jim Purcell , 423 Lind Avenue S.W. , Lind for lack of notice of closure of the southbound intersection leg of the intersection of Lind Avenue and Sunset Boulevard S.W. as part of C.H.G. Sunpointe development during summer of 1982. In lieu of damages sustained to residents from street closure, vacation of the street is requested. Refer to Transportation Committee. Latecomer Public Works Department submitted city-held Latecomer Agreement 5-319 Agreement for LID 322, South Puget Drive Sanitary Sewer installation to serve LID 322 four properties along Puget Drive, west of Jones Place N. E. , to assure reimbursement to the city should any of the four properties connect in the future. Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening on 1/17/83 of S.W. 7th Street and SW 7th & Hardie Avenue S.W. signalization and lighting project; eight bids Hardie Project received. Refer to Traffic Engineering Department and Transportation Committee. Gateway PUD Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive FPUD-054-82 covenants of Gateway PUD (Ventura Partnership) , File No. FPUD-054-82 , for property located on the west side of Talbot Road South, approximately 1200 feet south of S.W. 43rd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Approved AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recommending Public Safety repeal of the Taxicab Ordinance. The Public Safety Committee report also Committee indicated concurrence of the Police Department and the City Attorney Taxicab in the recommendation that taxicabs be permitted to engage in business Ordinance in the City of Renton, providing each vehicle and driver meet the licensing and qualifications required per King County ordinance and business license requirement in Renton. Referral to City Attorney and Ways and Means Committee for necessary action was recommended and pro- rated license fee refund be given upon repeal of ordinance. Moved by Hughes, seconded by Rockhill , Council concur in the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee and refer the matter to the City Attorney and Ways and Means Committee. Following discussion regarding whether taxi zones would be retained, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, AMEND THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT TO RECOMMEND REPEAL OF A PORTION OF THE TAXICAB ORDINANCE AND CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AS AMENDED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Platting Councilman Stredicke discussed platting laws adopted during the last Laws Washington lecislative session which create conflict with city code. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THE MATTER OF PLATTING ORDINANCES AND LAWS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Six ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3703 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-503 of Title I of Ordinance Committee of No. 1628 relating to time of meeting of the Committee of the Whole the Whole of the Renton City Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Time COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, 7:30 p.m. CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, MATHEWS. 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3704 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Holms Rezone located at the southeast corner of Monroe Avenue N.E . and N.E. 4th R-068-82 Street from General classification district (G-1 ) to Public Use district (P-1 ) (Holms, Inc. R-068-82) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3705 An ordinance was read amending Section VI of Ordinance No. 3647 which Sales Tax established an additional one-half percent sales or use tax within the City of Renton by changing and extending the language of the special initiative and referendum section of that ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3706 An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-104 and 2-106 of Title 11 Parks Commission/ of Ordinance No. 1628 relating to Parks Commission, its powers and Director duties, appointments and duties of a park director. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED, MATHEWS. 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3707 An ordinance and summary were read amending Chapter 15 of Title V Secondhand of Ordinance No. 1628 regarding secondhand dealers. MOVED BY CLYMER, Dealers SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Zoning Map An ordinance was read adopting the Zoning Map as official designation for zoning classifications in City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Concern was expressed by Council that large size of Zoning Map makes reference to it difficult , and Council members do not have zoning information readily available to them during meetings. Library Board Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Appointment recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of John Simpson, John Simpson P.O. Box 34, Talbot Hill resident, to the Library Board to succeed Mr. James E. Hurner, effective to June 1 , 1987 (five year term) . Mr. Simpson has served as school board member in Missouri , has been politically active in Alaskan politics as one-time advisor to the governor for that state, and, being Sioux Indian, as an Indian interpreter for U.S. Government officials. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF MR. JOHN SIMPSON TO THE LIBRARY BOARD FOR A FIVE YEAR TERM. CARRIED. LID Policy Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Public a public hearing be set for February 14, 1983 to review the resolution Hearing and policy concerning Local Improvement Districts (LIDs) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND SET FEBRUARY 14, 1983 AS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Approval approval of Vouchers 48883 through 49177 in the amount of $449,303 .39 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 43674 through 48800 machine voided for use on NCR, new style vouchers 48801 through 48862 machine voided for testing purposes , and vouchers 48863 through 48882 machine voided . Warrants included LID 314: $1 ,381 .87; and LID 325: $5,693.60. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES , COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. 254 Renton City Council January 24, 1983 Page Seven NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm inquired regarding benefits accrued to part- Benefits to time employees in view of recent decision to pay benefits retroactively Part-time to City of Seattle part-time employees. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to Employees review the city 's policy regarding the matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced an application has been received regarding sale REPORT of Clearview TV Cable company to Group W Cable; Lon Hurd, the city ' s Cable Sale cable communications coordinator, will review and report his findings to Council . AUDIENCE Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue N.E. , advised members of the audience COMMENT had difficulties in hearing the proceedings, and suggested participants speak up and use microphones . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY ROCKHILL , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 11 :23 p.m. MAX NE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CrEKREGP CITY CF RENTON CATE 01/20/13 WARRANT CISTRI8UTION FUN,- TOTAL WARRANTS VOID pO�ldd warrants foruse on NCR- No.43674 - 48800 VOID MACHII�81'VO SFS liD.i`68b�r W 9Purposes io.48801-48862 CURR $123.269.C3 PARKS $41.-814.44 STREETS $7$354.74 RAf� STREET FORWARD THRUST $50.490.Sc G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR S27C.00 WATERWORKS LTILITY $188.269.73 AIRPORT $5196.83 ECLIPMENT RENTAL S8.814.10 FIREMEN''S PENSION $16.747.79 LIC CONTROL $7PC75.47 TOTAL CF ALL WARRANTS S449.3C3.39 WE. THE UNOERSIGNEC MEMBERS OF THE MAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CCUNCILe HAVING RECEIVED OEOARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHAN:ISE AND/CR SERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVED CR RENCEPED. CC HEREBY APPRCVE FOR PAYPENT VCUCHERS NO. 48813 THRCUGH NO. 49177 IN THE AMOUNT OF S449,3C3.39 THIS 24TH CAT CF JANUARY 1983. rte. COMMITTEE ChAIRMANEMBER - - PEMeER L.t.D 0314 REMME VAFJU ff NO.0R-34 $1,381.87 L.I.D.0325 RSVMME IOIRIUINT *O.OR- 7 05,693.60 CITY COUNCIL COMMIT..-L ,SETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 24 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 1/25 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Park Director to discuss street trees PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1/27 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Public Mon. 1/31 7:30 p.m. STREDICKE 4th Floor Conference Room LID 322; matter of connection of Works & Traffic Engineering to Lind Avenue to Sunset Boulevard SW; attend and bid opening of SW 7th & Hardie UTILITIES Weds. 2/2 4:30 p.m. MATHEWS 3rd Floor Conference Room Ashley request for sewer hook-up of King County property AYS AND MEANS Mon. 2/7 7 :00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room Reversion of Ordinance No. 3113 (Stoneway/ERADCO rezone) OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS FIFTH MONDAY JANUARY 31 , 1983- NO COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED C� CJS Qq 356 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS January 24, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9392 $ 1 ,500.00 Jayne Baker 1522 N. Brooks Street Residential addition 9393 450.00 Ian F. Rivers 2326 N.E. 10th Pl . Accessory storage bldg. 9394 19,000.00 Firestone Tire & Rubber 351 Rainier S. Install doors and walls ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10811 250.00 Dennis Shimmel 4224 S. E. 3rd P1 . Wire addition 1081.2 250.00 R. W. Scott Davis Ave. S. & S. 45th Underground wiring 10813 8,000.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 S.W. 16th St. Wire unit heaters 10814 500.00 Greater Renton Shp. Ctr. 2806 Sunset Blvd. NE Tenant improvement 10815 150.00 Louis Kwan 611 Smithers Ave. S. Replace meter base MECHANICAL PERMITS 9717 800.00 Darryl Smith 1633 Jones Avenue NE Install wood stove 9718 1 ,400.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 S.W. 16th St. Plumbing & fixtures 9719 250.00 Dennis Shimmel 4224 S. E. 3rd Place Extend heat ducts 9720 65,000.00 Safeway 4110 N. E. 4th St. Install HVAC System 9721 1 , 100.00 Leonard Builders 4201 S. E. 4th St. Install gas furnace 9722 150.00 Richard Norasaki 622 N.W. 3rd St. Install water service 9723 1 ,856.00 Charles Henderson 616 S. 30th P1 . Plumbing & fixtures 9724 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 622 S. 30th Pl . Plumbing & fixtures 9725 1 ,800.00 Charles Henderson 3000 Whitworth Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9726 1 ,800.00 Charles Henderson 629 S. 30th Pl . Plumbing & fixtures 9727 1 ,956.00 Charles Henderson 709 S. 31st Pl . Plumbing & fixtures 9728 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 3006 Whitworth Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9729 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 715 S. 31st St. Plumbing & fixtures 9730 1 ,846.00 Charles Henderson 705 S. 31st St. Plumbing & fixtures 9731 1 ,856.00 Charles Henderson 3012 Whitworth Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 9732 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 623 S. 30th Pl . Plumbing & fixtures 9733 800.00 Stephen B. Pettibone 810 Pierce Ave. N. E. Install wood stove 9734 25.00 Dennis Shimmel 4224 S.E. 3rd Pl . Move water spigot 9735 200.00 Larry A. Dill 560 Index Place N. E. Install franklin stove SIGN PERMITS 107-3,000.00 Burlington Northern RR Hardie SW, south of 5th Install pole sign 11079 3,000.00 Burlington Northern RR Rainier S. & S. 4th Pl . Install pole sign 1080 200.00 Gary Moritz 326 Union Ave. NE Install wall sign 1081 1 ,000.00 Mike Proszek 330 Sunset Blvd . N. Install roof sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 53 9 Abraham Penticostal Church 246 N. Wells Repair drain 5391 U.G.N. Building 305-S. 43rd St. Install sewer ' C1 TY OF 1% ENT0N TRANSFERS MONTH OF a=ARY. 1983 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /8/— CURRENT FUND PAYROLL FUND rransfers for mo. of JAN. $ 85,594.45 1/15/83 CURRENT FUND $181,693.04 PARKS & RECREATION 51,976. 31 CITY STREETS 33,228. 74 LIBRARY 12,581. 32 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 32,017.02 AIRPORT 2,268. 32 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,743.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for mo. of JAN. $318,507. 75 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #1698 CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2487 $ 4,280.00 1/20/83 CURRENT FUND PARKS & RECREATION Transf.for H&CD Tele.calls $ 48. 37 1/27/83 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND ancel warrant no. 43485 $ 10.00 dated 12/31/82 R MAYOR INANCE DIRECTOR 358 of R� , AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, COUNCIL PRESIDENT (� 490 EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES o NANCY L.MATHEWS n ° JOHN W REED CO, R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHILL ° �P RICHARD M STREDICKE ggT�D SEPI�0� REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1983 PRESIDING MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1983 4. PROCLAMATION - Future Business Leaders of America Week 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Service Award to James E. Hurner, member Library Board from April , 1974 through 1982 6. PUBLIC HEARING: Final Assessment Roll in the amount of $580,055. 12 for (CONTINUED) LID 322, for street improvements on Puget Drive S.E. from Benson Road to Rolling Hills Avenue S.E. and Benson Road widening (continued from 1-24-83) . 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Executive Department submits appointment of Mr. Gregory E. Parsons to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Peggy Cummins , who has arlf resigned, effective to 12/31/84. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening, 1/28/83, installation of hooded backstop with winged fencing at Renton High School ; four bids received. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid of P.K. Enterprises of Kent, WA in the amount of $12,341 .00 base bid plus 6.8% tax. Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. C. Park Department requests transfer of funds from Park Equipment Amortization Fund (A-112) CR2104 to Park Account 101/000/20/575/10/64 for purchase of equipment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Finance Department requests authorization to borrow from Tax Anticipation Note Fund. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. e. Summons and complaint filed for personal injuries by John N. and Gloria Wise versus City of Renton incurred in accident on 6/21/82 allegedly caused by drop-off on edge of roadway on Grady Way. Refer to City Attorney. f. Policy Development Department requests public hearing be set for February 28, 1983 to consider 75% petition for proposed Jackson annexation, hearings previously held on August 16 and 23, 1983, for property containing 3.34 acres located on S.E. 167th Street south of Parkwood, east of Nelson Middle School . Council concur and set public hearing for February 28, 1983. g. Public Works Department requests amendment of 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for improvement of Park Avenue N. from N. 6th Street to Sunset Boulevard N. E. and revision of 1983 Street Overlay list to receive a grant in the amount of $91 ,300 to be matched with city funds totaling $18,700. Public hearing to be set for March 7, 1983• Council concur. 9. CORRESPONDENCE Presentation by Police Chief Alan L. Wallis regarding Community Anti-DWI Program. 10. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 14. AUDIENCE COMMENT 15• ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of February 7, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Summons and Complaint, Wise MAYOR/CITY CLERK Latecomer Agreement for LID 322 Sanitary Sewer Bid Award for S.W. 7th/Hardie Signal Project Response to Probation Office re Council Parking Policy WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID 322 Sparks-Shegrud Rezone (lst reading 2-7-83) Municipal Arts Commission Appointment Park Department Fund Transfer (Resolution adopted) Tax Anticipation Note Fund Borrowing (Resolution adopted) Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment Stoneway Concrete Reversionary Ordinance (15t reading 2-7-83) Taxicab Ordinance (1st reading 2-7-83) PUBLIC HEARINGS 2-2T-T3 - Jackson Annexation 3-7-83 - 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 360 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 7, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; ALAN L . WALLIS, Police Chief ; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; ROBERT E. BERGSTROM, Engineering Supervisor. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of February 6 Future Business through 12 as Future Business Leaders of America Week supported and Leaders of promoted within the City of Renton by FBLA Chapters of Renton area America Week high schools in recognition of the importance of the business community and development of new leaders among the city' s youth. Accepting the proclamation were Julie Gronowich, Lindbergh High School ; Kristi Luedke, Hazen High School ; and Maria Kennard, Renton High School . SPECIAL AWARD An award was presented to James E. Hurner by Mayor Shinpoch in grateful James E. Hurner recognition of his service to the community as a member and chairman of the Library board during the period from April . 1974 to his resignation in 1982. Mr. Hurner credited Clark Petersen, Library Director, for making service on the board a pleasurable experience. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Continued published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch reopened the public hearing LID 322 Final continued from January 24, 1983 to consider the Final Assessment Roll Assessment of LID 322 in the amount of $580,055. 12 for street improvements on Roll Puget Drive S. E. from Benson Road to Rolling Hills Avenue S. E. and widening of Benson Road. A petition containing 63 signatures of Rolling Hills Condominium owners was read requesting reassessment and reduction of the assessment amounts by the City of Renton. Richard Houghton, Public Works Director, advised with addition of 60 of the 63 signatures, protests equal 15.30 of the total assessment. The additional three protests will be calculated and forwarded to officials. Continued Rose Boyce, 2020 Grant Avenue, cited error in recent newspaper article which indicated most protests were as result of lack of notice of assessment instead of the amount of the assessment which most residents feel should be reduced. Letter from City Attorney and Public Works Director to Transportation Committee was read advising lack of benefit by second traffic lane to Thiel property, and suggesting subtraction for that amenity in the amount of $1 ,230.00 from the original $3,243.00, for a final amount of $8,013.00. No change was recommended to the Puget Power assessment since the property, althouqh encumbered, does have value from potential land use. Transportation Committee concurrence in the recommendation was reported. Continued Andy Padvorac, Puget Power, Puget Power Building, Bellevue, reiterated objections to the amount assessed for property encumbered by four utility easements and requested reduction to original assessment of $26,000.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ATTORNEY TO REVISE THIEL ASSESSMENT, AND ADOPT THE FINAL ROLL IN REVISED AMOUNT OF $578,825. 12. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER OF LID 322 BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. It was noted that the assessment amount deleted from the Thiel property will not be distributed among LID participants, but will be absorbed by the city. Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Two AUDIENCE COMMENT Michael L. Smith, 1234 S. 3rd Street, requested advancement to Item 11 Sparks-Shegrud of the agenda, Ordinances and Resolutions, to allow discussion of Rezone language of restrictive covenants for Sparks-Shegrud Rezone, R-063-82. R-o63-82 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 11 , ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren explained specifics of appeal and subsequent recommendation of Planning and Development Committee to approve the rezone subject to execution of restrictive covenants requiring participation by the property owner in an LID or construction of street improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. Mr. Smith presented his arguments for delaying improvements or LID particiation until issuance of an occupancy permit since financial institutions will not loan funds for roadway improvements without a building permit . Following discussion relating to requirements imposed on other developments in the immediate vicinity and protection of the city in the matter, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ALLOW REVISION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS TO PREDICATE PROVISION OF TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS EITHER BY LID OR THROUGH DEVELOPER CONSTRUCTION ON ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT RATHER THAN BUILDING PERMIT. CARRIED. First Reading MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, PLACE REZONE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located on the east side of Talbot Road S. approximately 625 feet south of S. 43rd Street from G-1 (General ) to P-1 (Public Use) District, Sparks-Shegrud Rezone, R-063-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE UNTIL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Appointment to Mayor Shinpoch appointed Gregory E. Parsons, 420 Wells Avenue North, Municipal Arts to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Peggy Cummins , Commission who has resigned. Appointment will be effective to 12/31/84. Mr. Parsons is an architect with the firm of Hewitt/Daly in Seattle and designer of Renton' s Bicentennial Monument, the Icosahedron in Kiwanis Air Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Award for City Clerk reported bid opening held 1/28/83 for installation of hooded Hooded Backstop backstop with winged fencing at Renton High School ; four bids received. at Renton High Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid of School P. K. Enterprises of Kent , Washington in the amount of $12,341 .00 plus 6.8% tax, base bid. Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. Fund Transfer Park Department requested transfer of funds from Park Equipment to Purchase Amortization Fund (A-112) CR2104 to Park Account 101/000/20/575/10/64 Park Equipment in the amount of $26,268.79 for park equipment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See page 4) Borrow from Finance Department requested authorization to borrow from Tax Tax Anticipation Anticipation Note Fund to finance city cash flow shortages as allowed Note Fund by Resolution No. 2468 and Ordinance No. 3687 on an as-needed basis throughout the year 1983 in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1 ,525,000.00. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for appropriate resolution. (See page 4) Summons and Summons and Complaint filed by John N. and Gloria Wise versus City Complaint - of Renton for personal injuries incurred in accident on 6/21/82 John & Gloria allegedly caused by drop-off on edge of roadway on Grady Way. Refer Wise to City Attorney. Jackson Policy Development Department requested public hearing be set for Annexation February 28, 1983 to consider 750 petition for proposed Jackson Public annexation, for property containing 3 .34 acres located on S.E. Hearing 167th Street south of Parkwood, east of Nelson Middle School . Hearings previously held on August 16 and 23, 1983. Council concur and set public hearing for February 28, 1983. 1983-1988 Six Public Works Department requested amendment of 1983-1988 Six Year Year Transporta- Transportation Improvement Program for improvement of Park Avenue N. tion Program from N. 6th Street to Sunset Boulevard N.E. and revision of 1983 Street Amendment Overlay list to receive a grant in the amount of $91 ,300 to be matched 362 Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Three with city funds totaling $18,700. Public hearing to be set for March 7, 1983. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from James H. Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, Inc. Group W Cable advised rate increases for Renton residents effective February 1 , rate increase 1983 as follows : Basic Cable: $10.35; Additional Outlet: $3.00. and billing The letter also indicated that a tax was inadvertently not removed error resulting in a 20G error on February bills; and this amount will be credited to each account on the March, 1983 billing statement. All Renton customers will receive a letter reflecting this correction. Anti-DWI Police Chief Alan L. Wallis addressed the Council regarding national Program problem with drunk drivers, noting 25,000 people killed per year in alcohol-related accidents. A recent study estimates that unless the problem is checked, there is a 100% chance that 500,000 people will die in alcohol-related accidents within the next 20 years. Although the volume of deaths is not high in the City of Renton from this cause, there is a high rate of injuries sustained . However, a heavy enforcement effort has resulted in 1 ,655 arrests during the past two years which is two and one-half times greater than accepted by National Highway Safety Administration. Efforts are now underway to organize community groups, elected officials , business leaders, school district administrators, judges in a consolidated endeavor to convince Renton citizenry that driving while drinking is unacceptable and enforcement will be exercised. Sgt. Gerald Ritchie was introduced and his contribution to the anti-driving campaign noted. Mayor Shinpoch and Council members were invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, February 9, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizens Center to discuss Renton' s Anti-DWI Program and offer their support. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Utilities denial of the request of Laurence Ashley regarding sewer connection Committee in accordance with Resolution No. 2162, Section 1A3, which prohibits Laurence Ashley connection for new construction. The report further recommended that Request for Policy Development Department staff review possible annexation of the Sewer Connection property with Mr. Lawrence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED . Latecomer Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Agreement concurrence by the City Council in the request by Public Works LID 322 Department for latecomer agreement on the sanitary sewer installation Sanitary in Puget Drive South financed by the Utility Department. MOVED BY Sewer MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE DOCUMENT. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services for information only recommending that the city take no action on Committee the Ann Grinolds petition to remove three trees from the state Grinolds right-of-way adjacent to FAI-405 on Cedar Avenue South. Further Petition to action can be considered when details of proposed expansion of FAI-405 Remove Tall transit lanes are available. Trees Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending that Mr. Zaputil and Mr. Purcell submit a petition to Lind Avenue S.W, the City Clerk along with a filing fee to request vacation of Lind Closure Protest Avenue S.W. in response to letter of protest to closure of that street . Once the application is initiated, determination will be made regardinc, 4 whether a charge will be assessed for the right-of-way. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Award - Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report SW 7th b Hardie recommendation acceptance of the low bid submitted by Breaker Signalization Construction, Inc. for the S.W. 7th Street and Hardie Avenue S.W. and Lighting Signalization and Lighting Project, and award said contract Project - accordingly. The report further recommended authorization for the Breaker Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract upon receipt of the Construction necessary funds and approval of the latecomers agreement from Holvick deRegt Koering. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS Continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending that the Council accept the Central Renton Committee Comprehensive Plan Amendment as examined, studied and discussed by Central Renton the committee and recommended by the Planning Commission; and refer Comprehensive the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for suitable action . Plan Amendment MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Adopted RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Block Watch Councilman Hughes advised attending a Block Watch meeting on February 1 , 1983, sponsored by the Renton Police Department Crime Prevention Bureau and attended by approximately 50 citizens . Captain Don Persson, Chief Alan Wallis, and Ron Arnsberg, volunteer in the program, were commended for convincing each participant of his/her worth and value as a resource to the police department in ensuring a successful program. Councilman Following announcement by Councilman Clymer of Councilman Rockhill 's Rockhill ' s birthday, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL RECESS Birthday/Recess FOR FIVE MINUTES TO HONOR THE OCCASION. CARRIED. Time: 9:42 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:48 p.m. Roll call : All present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Committee the following ordinance for second and final readings : Ordinance #3708 An ordinance was read adopting the Zoning Map as official designation Zoning Map for zoning classifications in the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren indicated that the zoning map prevails over individual zoning ordinances . MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending -� the following ordinances for first reading : Stoneway An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Concrete located east of Maple Valley Highway, south of Monterey Terrace and Reversionary Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of Bonneville Powerline right-of-way Ordinance from Residence District (R-1 , R-2, R-3 and R-4) to General Classification District (G-1 ) for Stoneway Concrete Co. , R-891 -76. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. For the record, Councilman Stredicke requested an explanation of action initiated by ordinance adoption and whether property owners have been notified. City Attorney Warren explained reversionary clause in restrictive covenants executed upon approval of original rezone requiring commencement of construction within certain time constraints . Since time limits were not met, a new ordinance must be adopted reverting property designation to its original zoning. Property owners have been notified of the city 's action, and as evidence, have initiated a new rezone on the subject site. MOTION CARRIED. Taxicab An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 19 of Title V Ordinance (Business Regulations) of City Code relating to taxicabs. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2488 A resolution was read authorizing interlocal cooperative agreement with Animal Control the City of Tukwila for animal control services. MOVED BY CLYMER, Services/Tukwila SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2489 A resolution was read authorizing borrowing of funds from Tax Tax Anticipation Anticipation Notes operating cash requirements fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, Notes - Borrowing SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2490 A resolution was read providing for transfer of funds from Cumulative Fund Transfer Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) unto Park Fund, Facilities Division, for park Acct. No. 101/000/20.575. 10.64.00 in the amount of $26,268.79 for equipment purchase of park equipment. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, purchase COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 364 Renton City Council February 7, 1983 Page Five NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm announced an executive session scheduled Executive at the end of the meeting to discuss labor negotiations . Session Councilman Stredicke requested review and recommendation by Policy SR-515 Development and Public Works Directors regarding original agreement Project between City of Renton and State of Washington for installation of improvements, including traffic signal funding, along alignment for SR-515 to Grady Way South, particularly, those improvements abutting Victoria Park subdivision. Planning and Councilman Rockhill invited Council comments regarding time preference Development for Planning and Development Committee meetings. Following poll of Committee Council members, a new meeting time of 7:00 p.m. was agreed upon to Meeting Time accommodate work schedules of all committee members. 7:00 p.m. At Councilman Hughes ' request, a letter was read from Marian Elliott, Council Policy Probation Counselor, King County Department of Youth Services , requesting Regarding special on-street parking privileges for staff at their downtown Renton On-street office. Councilman Hughes advised normal procedure to refer the matter Parking to the Transportation Committee for study and recommendation; however , Privileges in view of Council policy regarding free parking, the request should be denied. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO REPORT THE COUNCIL' S POLICY TO MS. ELLIOTT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced attendance with Councilman Hughes at a Metro REPORT Route Schedule Change meeting recently at the Highlands Library which Metro Route resulted in elimination of one route in the schedule due to lack of Cut patronage and extension of another route to accommodate passengers. Response from citizens was very favorable and supportive of the change. Emergency Mayor Shinpoch reported her appointment by King County Executive to Medical serve as the city ' s representative on the Emergency Medical Services Services Committee, noting meeting held last week in Bellevue was very Committee exciting and informative regarding CPR training. She encouraged anyone interested to register for classes given by the Renton Fire Department when scheduled. Councilman Hughes recalled his knowledge of CPR: If the face is red, raise the head. If the face is pale, raise the tail . Council members were promised notification of next training sessions. Sales Tax Mayor Shinpoch informed the Council that of the 27 cities in Kinq County, 21 have imposed a portion of the added sales tax with 17 imposing the full . 5 increase, demonstrating the City of Renton is not out of line in comparison with actions of other cities. A.W.C. Addressing a logistics problem in providing immediate response to Bulletins A.W. C. Legislative Bulletins for the next two weeks during the Legislative Session, the Mayor requested direction from Council . It was agreed that an administrative response would be transmitted, with opportunity for legislative input if so desired by Council . Legislation Councilman Hughes inquired regarding the jail situation , and reiterated Regarding his comments following attendance at A.W.C. Conference in June, 1981 , Jails regarding housing of inmates, jail regulations, rights of prisoners, and setting punishment to fit crime. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide Councilman Hughes with a form recently received for comments regarding current legislation and jail commission for submission of his personal comments to legislators. Executive MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Session CARRIED. Time: 10:28 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 10:35 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMIT,tt nETING CALENDER I Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thwrs 2110 7930 P.m- TRIIMM c-,i I C h;irphp r,; CANCELLED AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 2/10 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Amendment to Office Park Policy language PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 2/14 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room THER MEETINGS & EVENTS ANTI-DWI MEETING Weds. 2/9 7:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Center W CJi 366 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 9395 $ 3,000.00 Gary Torgerson 1320 Lake Youngs Way S. E. Construct deck for hot tub 9396 2,000.00 Crown Commun. Corp. 1800 Grant Ave. S. Install cement platform 9397 40,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 208 Vashon Ave. SE New single family residence 9398 38,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 219 Vashon Ave. SE New single family residence 399 57,000.00 Chas. Henderson Co. , Inc. 820 S. 31st St. New single family residence 9400 Void 9401 8,020.00 Chuck Driscoll 3550 NE 4th St. Parking lot and drainage 9402 15,000.00 Kam Cayce 405 S. 4th St. Tenant improvement 9403 450.00 Joseph E. Horner 1070 Lynnwood Ave. NE Remodel garage 9404 41 ,000.00 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4302 SE 4th Pl . Single family residence 9405 3,243,000.00 Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive (11 ) wood frame condos. 9406 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #11 9407 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #10 408 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #9 9409 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #8 9410 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #7 9411 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #6 9412 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominiun #5 9413 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #4 9414 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #3 9415 -- Donald W. Jackson 1455 S. Puget Drive Construct condominium #2 9416 500,000.00 Emil Villa ' s Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Construct restaurant 417 2,359.00 Koll Business Centers 219 SW 41st Move interior wall 9418 200,000.00 Bemp Associates 1901 Lind Ave. SW Fill 90,000 cubic yards 9419 49,000.00 Chas. Henderson Co. , Inc. 802 S. 31st St. New single family residence 9420 49,000.00 Chas. Henderson Co. , Inc. 826 S. 31st St . New single family residence 9421 44,000.00 Chas. Henderson Co. , Inc. 814 S. 31st St. New single family residence 9422 57,000.00 Chas. Henderson Co. , Inc. 808 S. 31st St. New single family residence 9423 200.00 Dale Wehmeyer 225 Sunset Blvd. N. Demolish two apartments 9424 2,200.00 Bethlehem Church 1024 Monroe Ave. NE Reroof deck area 9425 3 ,600.00 Alice Lim 3215 Burnett Ave. N. Reroof 9426 47,000.00 G & L Builders, Inc. 2909 Whitworth Ave. S. New single family residence 9427 15,000.00 Skippers, Inc. 530 Rainier S. Remodel restaurant 9428 3,800.00 George Compton 1814 Edmonds Ave. SE Construct garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS 'r 10816 250.00 Gary Torgerson 1320 Lake Youngs Way SE Wire hot tub 10817 500.00 Renton Clinic 3721 Talbot Road S. Wire plugs and lights 10818 4,900.00 Police Athletic Assoc. 228 Main Ave. S. Revamp service, install fixt 10819 500.00 Eric Backman 3205 NE 4th St. Underground service 10820 298.38 City of Renton 101 Houser Way N. Wire concession stand 110821 100.00 H. M. Sorenson 2800-2802 NE 12th St. Revise meter service/outlets 10822 50.00 Stephen J. Stillwell 1703 Glenwood Ave. SE Install temporary service 10823 1 ,000.00 Wick Homes 232 Vashon Ave. SE Wire new residence 10824 35.00 Doug Jones 459 Ferndale Ave. NE Install temporary service 10825 250.00 Lee Bennett 3241 NE Sunset Blvd. Install temporary power 10826 Void 10827 50.00 Dan Maletta 2613-2615 NE l2th St . Underground duplex service 10828 50.00 Joseph E. Horner 1070 Irynnwood Ave. NE Wire garage 10829 120,500.00 Safeway Stores Inc. 4110 NE 4th St. Install service 10830 2,000.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 SW 16th Wire addition for print sho,- 10831 950.00 Tri Power Ind. 2609 NE 5th Ct. Wire new residence 10832 850.00 Charles Henderson 2908 Whitworth Ave. S. Wire new residence 10833 65.00 Charles Henderson 3000 Whitworth Ave. S. Install temporary service 10834 30.00 James Osborne 4111 Sunset Blvd. NE Replace light 10835 50.00 Charles Henderson Co. 3012 Whitworth Ave. S. Temporary power 10836 50.00 Charles Hendreson Co. 622 S. 30th Pl . Temporary power 10837 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 208 Vashon SE Temporary power 10838 300.00 J. McKinnis 201 Union Ave. SE Install mobile home sere 10839 1 ,020.00 Leonard Builders 4120 SE 4th Wire residence 10840 1 ,450.00 Antonia Brenner 832 Sunset NE Add branch circuits ' 10841 1 ,500.00 Sorco Construction 4022 NE 10th St. Wire residence 10842 450.00 Koll Co. 219 SW 43rd St. Install service 10843 50.00 Tri Power Industries 427 Ferndale Ave. NE Temporary power pole 10844 250.00 Winchell ' s Donut House 3116 NE Sunset Blvd. Install freezer circuit 10845 60.00 G. & L Builders, Inc. 2909 Whitworth Ave. S. Install temporary power 10846 230.00 Max Downing 907 N. 35th St. Wire fire damaged areas MECHANICAL PERMITS 973T- 1 ,000.00 Gary Torgerson 1320 Lake Youngs Way SE Install hot tub/heater 9737 40,000.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way S. Install ten heat pump 9738 2,200.00 Leonard Builders 4307 SE 4th Pl . Install fixtures 9739 625.00 Steve Chesdanukul 151 Sunset Blvd. N. Install fire supp. system 9740 1 ,000.00 D. W. Doerflinger 1224 N. 32nd St. Install wood stove 9741 300.00 Leslie P. Dean 256 Powell Ave. SW Install wood stove 9742 300.00 Leslie P. Dean 250 Powell Ave. SW Install wood stove 9743 1 ,400.00 Wick Homes 232 Vashon Ave. SE Install gas furnace/wtr htr 3744 490.00 Dean W. Bitney 813 Newport Ct. NE Gas conversion 9745 300.00 Kam Cayce 405 S. 4th St. Relocation of fixtures 9746 1 , 100.00 Leonard Builders 4120 SE 4th St. Install gas furnace 9747 130.00 James Osborne 4111 Sunset Blvd. NE Replace vent fare, light 9748 180.00 Michael Dolleman 422 Windsor Way NE Pipe alteration 9749 450.00 James Albeit 231 Williams Ave. N. Install gas furnace 975r 2,020.00 Leonard Builders 4302 SE 4th Pl . Install fixtures 97S 1 ,400.00 David Heye 5017 Talbot Road S. Install wood stove 37r7l 2,000.00 Cascade Pacific Dev. Co. 1207 S. 26th St. Install fixtures/plumbing 97; : 3,000.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way Install gas equip. 9754 1 ,500.00 Robert Kingen 3014 Lake Wash. Blvd. N. Install solar water heaters 9755 1 ,846.00 Wick Homes 226 Vashon Ave. SE Install fixtures/plumbing 9756 1 ,500.00 Charles Henderson Co. 2908 Whitworth Ave. S. Install gas furnace/heater 9757 1 ,000.00 Sorco 4022 NE 10th St. Install electric furnace SIGN PERMITS ,1082 12,200.00 Emil Villa 's Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier S. Install wall sign 1083 3,200.00 Emil Villa ' s Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier S. Install pylon sign 1084 2,380.00 Dian & Chuck Driskell 3560 NE 4th St. Install free standing sign ..1085 3,000.00 Burlington Norther RR S. 3rd & Houser Way Install off premise sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5392 Safeway Stores, Inc. 4110 NE 4th St . Install water and sewer line 5393 King County 3407 NE 2nd Install irr. sys. & landsca. 5394 Wick Homes 219 Vashon Ave. SE Install sanitary sewer 5395 Wick Homes 208 Vashon Ave. SE Install sanitary sewer 5396 Jackson Development Co. 1455 S. Puget Drive Install all improvements 5397 Charles Henderson Co. 623 S. 30th Pl . Install bldg . sewer 5398 Charles Henderson Co. 3006 Whitworth Ave. S. Install bldg. sewer 5399 Charles Henderson Co. 3012 Whitworth Ave. S. Install bldg. sewer 5400 Charles Henderson Co. 820 S. 31st St. Install bldg. sewer 540' Charles Henderson Co. 826 S. 31st St. Install bldg. sewer 54C Charles Henderson Co. 802 S. 31st St. Install bldg . sewer 54C George Oberhaltzer 4022 NE 10th Install side sewer OF R4 � �'� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL V `% � z ROBE TLYMER HUGHES o NANCY L.MATHEWS _ m 09p R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL R NDALL REOCKHILL 0 �P RICHARD M STREDICKE ,9q'fD SEPI"' MEETING PRESIDING FEBRUARY 14, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E.MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL. OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1983 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of a General Policy Concerning Local Improvement Districts (LIDS) and Financial Consideration in Forming Such Districts. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT i At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building and Zoning Department submits proposed revisions to City Sign Code for purposes of clarification and increase in fee structure. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for report and recommendation. b. Board of Public Works advises no conflict with K.C. Boundary Review Board Notice of Intention of proposed sewer extension for Lakeridge Park Estates as proposed extension is outside city boundaries and has no detrimental effect. Information only. C. Public Works Department submits notification of grant offer for West Hill Reservoir and Well #9 Water System Improvement Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Public Works Department submits Interlocal Agreement with City of Kent for sanitary sewer LID on S.W. 43rd Street in Orillia area (LID 311 ) . Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Claim for damages in an unspecified amount filed for Richard W. Kalk, 515 130th Avenue NE, Bellevue, by agent Michael M. Fleming for injuries sustained in an automobile/pedestrian accident allegedly caused by a malfunctioning traffic signal at Park Avenue North and North 8th Street on 12/20/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Public Works Department submits request to borrow monies from Street Forward Thrust Fund for Arterial Street Fund pending receipt of reimbursements from outside agencies in the amount of $209,000.00 to finance payments for traffic computer project at Monroe Avenue NE and NE 2nd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of February 14, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/ INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Kalk CL-03-82 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Sign Code UTILITIES COMMITTEE Grant Offer for West Hill Reservoir & Well Project Interlocal Agreement with City of Kent for LID 311 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID Policy Resolution Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment (1st reading 2/14/83) PUBLIC HEARINGS 2/28/83 - Clearview TV Cable Franchise Transfer to Group W Cable 2/28/83 - Jackson Annexation 3/7/83 - 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Amendment 370 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 14, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN DON PEPSSON, Police Department; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of February 21 National through 27, 1983 as National Patriotism Week, and in commemoration of Patriotism the event, urged all citizens to express gratitude for the privilege Week of American citizenship with appropriate celebrations and observances . 2-21 - 2-27 Accepting the proclamation on behalf of its general membership, Clarence Teall , Lodge Chairman of Renton Elks Club, expressed his appreciation. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and LID Policy published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider the matter of establishment of financial criteria for proposed LID formations, presentation havinq been made at Committee of Whole meeting, 1/13/83. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon request of Councilman Stredicke for a brief presentation on the matter, Finance Director Michael Mulcahy provided M the following synopsis of salient points of the proposed policy, formulated to protect the city against loss in case of default on large LIDs involving undeveloped properties . The city ' s guarantee fund contains $250,000, an amount sufficient to provide guarantee against foreclosure, but inadequate to cover large developer LIDs. Because the city does not wish to increase the amount of the fund, monies collected from general taxpayers, the new policy would allow the guarantee fund to provide the first $50,000 uniformly on all LIDs equivalent to improvements in the amount of $125 ,000, the threshold amount. An amount in excess of $50,000 per year would require the participant to submit a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of the difference to assure that sufficient funds exist to pay the outstanding balance in case of a default while foreclosed property is sold at auction, proceeds received, and bonds retired. Continued_ The proposed policy would also devise a method to provide some indication to the city that sufficient proceeds from the sale will be received to retire assessments on the property if foreclosure occurs. Therefore, the policy suggests that the maximum amount of LID improvements to be financed by the city would be equal to one- half the value of the appraised property at the time of LID formation ; and a letter of credit or cash escrow required for the amount of LID assessment over one-half the appraised value. When criteria are met at any time, cash deposits or letters of credit would be released. This policy would have no effect on smaller LIDS, but would serve to ensure assumption of risk by developers on larger LIDS. Continued Responding to Council inquiries, Mr. Mulcahy advised that the LID lien would be based upon unencumbered assessment value, that lien having priority behind only a homestead lien; that although bonds are allegedly hard to sell , they are backed with city credit, are tax free, and not defaultable, thereby not considered a risk; and letters of Renton City Council February 14, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING continued LID Policy credit are only accepted from reputable, local banks, guaranteeing a certain amount of money based on liquid assets of the property owner, and while details should be carefully analyzed, letters are generally regarded as risk-free. Also discussed were the Council 's role in reviewing proposed LIDS to assure that financial tests are met by a majority of participants in the LID, and the purpose of the LID policy to protect the city in the eventuality of LID default. Michael L. Smith, 1234 S. 3rd, asked how the proposed policy compares to policies adopted by other cities. Mr. Mulcahy indicated that comparisons are difficult because policies are determined by amount of undeveloped property remaining in each city, size of the city, and whether developer LIDs are encouraged. Following restatement of the motion, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Sign Code Building and Zoning Department submitted proposed revisions to City Sign Code for purposes of clarification and increase in fee structure. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for report and recommendation . keridge Park Board of Public Works advised no conflict with King County Boundary : Mates Sewer Review Board Notice of Intention of proposed sewer extension for Ixtension Lakeridge Park Estates as proposed extension is outside city boundaries and has no detrimental effect. Information only. Grant Offer for Public Works Department submitted notification of grant offer in the West Hill amount of $517,691 from the Department of Social and Health Services Reservoir for construction of the West Hill Reservoir Pump Station, Transmission and Well Project Mains and Well #9, jointly with Water District No. 63. Refer to Utilities Committee. Interlocal Public Works Department submitted Interlocal Agreement with City of Agreement with Kent for sanitary sewer LID along S.W. 43rd Street in the Orillia Kent for LID area, LID 311 , for service to five lots on the south side of the 311 street from the Renton owned and built sanitary sewer. Refer to Utilities Committee. Kalk Claim Claim for damages in an unspecified amount filed for Richard W. Kalk, for Damages 515 130th Avenue NE, Bellevue, by agent Michael M. Fleming for injuries CL-03-83 sustained in an automobile/pedestrian accident allegedly caused by a malfunctioning traffic signal at Park Avenue North and North 8th Street on 12/20/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Borrow Monies Public Works Department submitted request to borrow monies from Street from Street Forward Thrust Fund for Arterial Street Fund pending receipt of Forward Thrust reimbursements from outside agencies in the amount of $209,000.00 to Fund finance payments for traffic computer project at Monroe Avenue NE and NE 2nd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. (Page 4) Continued Referencing the last consent acenda item, reauest to borrow monies from Street Forward Thrust Fund, Councilman Stredicke inquired why that fund was not included in the tax anticipation funding already approved by the city. Mr. Mulcahy indicated that due to unanticipated problems with cash flow to the Arterial Street Fund, borrowing is necessary to meet current requirements; matter will be rectified next year. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke inquired about Ted Bennett, Deputy Finance Director, Ted Bennett who recently underwent heart surgery. Finance Director Mulcahy Back to Work reported Mr. Bennett 's rapid recovery allowed him to return to work Renton City Council February 14, 1983 Page Three on a part-time basis February 1st, and full-time employment effective this date. SR-515 Mayor Shinpoch reported status of SR-515 project in response to request by Councilman Stredicke 2/7/83 . A field trip to the Victoria Hills plat disclosed the following conditions which were cited to the State Department of Transportation as unsatisfactory. 1 ) lack of acoustical fencing on east side of SR-515 from S. 23rd (city desires extension northerly to same point as fencing on opposite side) ; 2) lack of street lights on Talbot Road connection and responsibility of state for costs; 3) damaged asphalt overlay on bypass routes ; 4) impact to drainage facilities downstream towards Talbot Hill from construction and increase in impervious surfaces; 5) cost responsibility for traffic signal at S. 21st and SR-515; 6) safety measures needed at Talbot Road connection including reflectors , lane markers and guard rails; 7) state has funded installation of curbs, gutters and laid work for sidewalk along state route with exception of city portion; and 8) installation of street lights. Councilman Stredicke raised additional concerns regarding responsibility for installation of a berm similar to the one installed by the state in Victoria Park; and responsibility for maintenance of Victoria Hills internal roadway since a question exists regarding whether it will be dedicated to the city or retained by the homeowners association when formed. Sales Tax Councilman Rockhill inquired regarding sales tax projections and the city' s standing to date. Finance Director Mulcahy advised that sales tax receipts are fairly close to anticipated revenue. Mr. Rockhill also inquired regarding assessed valuation statistics contained in the 1983 Budget Summary. Mr. Mulcahy explained that the new construction roll was approximately 67 million dollars, and the remainder of the 344 million dollar assessed valuation attributed to inflation; and reviewed levy lid laws which limit increases from one year to the next . Further discussion was held regarding the possibility of an increase in sales tax by King County; and hope expressed that sales tax issues will be resolved by July, 1983, resulting in uniform sales tax rate for all cities. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Committee the following ordinances for second and final readings: Ordinance #3709 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Stoneway located east of Maple Valley Highway, south of Monterey Terrace and Concrete Mt. Olivet Cemetery and west of Bonneville Powerline right-of-way from Reversionary Residence District (R-1 , R-2, R-3 and R-4) to General Classification Ordinance District (G-1 ) for Stoneway Concrete Co. , R-891-76. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED . ROLL CALL ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3710 An ordinance was read amendinq a portion of Chapter 19 of Title V Taxicab of the City Code relating to taxicabs (deregulation) . MOVED BY Ordinance CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE . CARRIED. Ordinance #3711 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Sparks-Shegrud located on the east side of Talbot Road S. approximately 625 feet south Rezone of S. 43rd Street from G-1 (General ) to P-1 (Public Use) District, R-063-82 Sparks-Shegrud Rezone, R-063-82. Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s request for a comparison of all developments in_the area of the subject rezone to assure consistency of land use, Assistant Com_ Attorney Dan Kellogg reviewed previous applications, notinq while they differ slightly, the ultimate effect is the same. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Renton City Council February 14, 1983 Page Four ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending -the following ordinances for first reading: Central Renton 'An-.ordinance was read amending the city's Comprehensive Plan and Maps Comprehensive and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain properties located Plan Amendment within the central area of the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2491 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development Gateway Planned for Ventura Partnership (Gateway) on property located on the west side Unit Development of Talbot Road S. approximately 1200 feet south of SW 43rd St, File No. FPUD-054-82 FPUD-054-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution 12492 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development One Valley FPUD-061-82 for One Valley Place Properties for property located at the Place Properties southwest quadrant of S. 43rd Street and Talbot Road S. MOVED BY CLYMER, FPUD-061-82 SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #2493 A resolution was read authorizing borrowing of funds in the amount of Interfund $209,000 from Street Forward Thrust Fund unto the Arterial Street Fund Borrowing pending receipt of outside reimbursements due the city. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Appointment of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Gregory Parsons concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Gregory E. Parsons to the to Municipal Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Peggy Cummins, who .rts Commission has resigned. Appointment effective to 12/31/84. Mr. Parsons is an architect with the firm of Hewitt/Daly in Seattle, is the designer of Renton's Bicentennial Monument, the Icosahedron in Kiwanis Air Park, and resides at 420 Wells Avenue N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Approval approval of Vouchers 49184 through 49580 in the amount of $1 ,113,057.47 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 49178 through 49183 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $12,265. 12; LID 323: $8,270. 16; and LID 325: $33,390.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Reed presented a letter from Lon Hurd, 3-H Management and Clearview TV Consultants, Inc. , cable communications consultants for the city, regarding Cable Franchise proposed franchise transfer from Clearview TV Cable to Group W Cable, Transfer to and requirement for a public hearing to receive input from the public Group W Cable regarding the transfer. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, A PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR FEBRUARY 28, 1982 TO REVIEW CLEARVIEW TV CABLE FRANCHISE TRANSFER TO GROUP W CABLE. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Stredicke's questions, James Robinow, General Manager, Group W Cable, clarified that there is no charge to governmental or educational institutes for use of the new broadcasting facility in North Seattle; and the cost of providing incoming cable service to Carco Theatre, since transmission from that location is infeasible, would be approximately $6,500.00. AUDIENCE Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue N.E. , thanked Mayor and Council for COMMENT Valentine, and presented Mayor Shinpoch and Council members a copy of New Directory the new political directory for King County citizens for 1983, prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Seattle and King County South. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 9:24 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk f 374 CHEKREGR CITY CF RENTON DATE 02/10/63 WARRANT CISTRIBUTICN FUNC TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#49178 - #49183 CURRENT $197.,731 .C7 PARKS 197164. 11 ARTERIAL STREETS 5110.725.16 STREETS 537,665.81 I LIBRARY S7o944.42 i FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE S189o40C.0C STREET FORWARD THRLST $71x123. 11 G CCULCN ECH PFK CCNSTR $177550.02 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) S1 .'991 . 00 WATERWCRKS LTILITY S106o341 . 16 AI;PCRT 113.411 . 47 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $19458.43 FIREMEN'S PENSION 117,607.34 LNEMPLCYMENT CCMP $5.53C. 84 TAN/CDR CASH RECUIREME=NTS $5x488. 25 LIG CCNTRCL 553.925 . 28 TOTAL CF ALL WARRANTS S1 ,113.C57.47 WE. THE UNCERSIGNEC MEMBERS CF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTCn CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATICN THAT MERCHANCISE AND/CR SERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVEC CR RENDERED CC HEREBY APPRCVE FCR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC . 49184 THRCLGH NO. 49580 IN THE AMOUNT OF S1. 113fC57.47 THIS 14TH CAY CF FEBRLARY 1983 . COMMITTEE ChAIRMAN `- MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - L.I.D.#314 - MEMBER - - - - - - REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-35 $12,265.12 L.I.D.#323 g - RITZNUE WARRANT NO.#R-15 $ 8,270.16 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT N0.#R-8 $33,390.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 14, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM EXECUTIVE SESSION Thurs. 2/24 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Police Labor Negotiations AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 2/17 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Amendment to Office Park Policy; Moratorium in North Renton; Platting Laws PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES Weds. 2/16 4:00 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room West Hill Reservoir grant offer; Agreement with Kent for 43rd St. LID - Public Works staff attendance requested AYS AND MEANS Mon. 2/28 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS 376 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 9429 $ 5,530.00 Ricardo Q. Beltran 2108 Blaine Ave. SE Garage construction 9430 44,300.00 Boeing CAG 10.80 Bldg. Renton Construct 1/0 Svc. Ctr. 9431 42,275.00 Boeing CAG 10.80 Bldg. Renton Install suspended ceiling 9432 52,500.00 Tri Power Industries 402 Ferndale Ave. NE New single family residence 9433 4,000.00 Max Downing 907 North 35th St. Repair fire damage 9434 38,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 241 Bremerton Ave. SE New single family residence 9435 7,000.00 Joel Gregory 806 High Ave. S. Rebuild garage 9436 2, 100.00 Anne Spiering 411 Renton Ave. S. Reroof 9437 5,000.00 Anne Spiering 411 Renton Ave. S. Reside exterior 9438 77,000.00 Robert S. MacGregor 1520 Taylor Ave. SW Build office ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10847 900.00 Dorothy Pilling 1200 Harrington Ave. NE Underground hookup 10848 Void 10849 45.00 Max L. Gransberry 858 Lind Ave. SW Remove transformer 10850 50.00 Charles Henderson Co. 2715 Whitworth Ave. S. Install temporary power 10851 250.00 Skipper 's Fish 'n Chips 530 Rainier Ave. S. Remodeling and rewiring 10852 4,500.00 Boeing CAG 1801 Lind Ave. SW Install Halon System 10853 1 , 190.00 Ralph Robberstad 671 Redmond Ave. NE Install 200 amp service 10854 750.00 Firestone Store 351 Rainier Ave. S. Add outlets 10855 600.00 Chuck Roberts 840 W. Perimeter Rd. Install 200 amp service 10856 4,020.00 0. W. Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement MECHANICAL PERMITS 975T- 750.00 Joel Gregory 806 High Ave. S. Install fixtures/garage 9759 1 ,780.00 Texada Corp. (Clarkrich) 459 Ferndale Ave. NE Install plumbing/fixtures 9760 1 ,927.30 Hillis 2303 Harrington Pl . NE Install plumbing/fixtures 9761 75.00 Renton Lutheran Church 205 Morris Ave. S. Install stove and flue 19762 65,000.00 Emil Villa Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Install heating/air cond. 9763 45,000.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. Union Ave. NE & NE 4th Install plumbing/fixtures 9764 500.00 Thomas R. Hiester 102 Anacortes Ave. SE Install wood stove 9765 900.00 Arthur P. Moore 4207 SE 3rd St. Install fireplace insert 9766 750.00 Bill Arrigoni 515 Wells Ave. S. Install gas conv. burner SIGN PERMIT 1087 75.00 Roll Co. 218 SW 43rd St. Temporary sandwich board ,CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5 03 Bevier 1819 S. Davis Ave. Repair san. bldg. sewer 5405 Washington Horsebreeders 2600 Oaks Ave. SW Install water main, lines Op R� 77 COUNCIL MEMBERS O AGENDA TN MAS PRESIDENT `f U �y 47 Z EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES MAL p NANCY L MATHEWS C1 ° JOHN W.REED 09.0 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RROCKHI �P RICHARD M STREDICKE 09gTED SEPI"" REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING FEBRUARY 28, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1983 4. PROCLAMATION - Girl Scout Week 5. PUBLIC HEARING: (a) Jackson Annexation, portion of proposed Cypress Point Multiple Family Development Recreational Area; 75% petition for property located east of Nelson Middle School and north of SE 162nd Street, 3.34 acres. (b) Clearview TV Cable Franchise Transfer to Group W Cable. 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening, 2/16/83, Henry Moses Swimming Pool Sanitary Sewer Project at Liberty Park; four bids received. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid of Kohl Excavating of Renton in the amount of $12,733.00. Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. b. Housing and Community Development Division of Park Department requests appropriation of $10,000 additional Block Grant monies to complete Phase II of the Rainier Avenue CorridorBikeway System. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance appropriating funds . c. Finance Department requests issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes to extend the interim financing for LID 325 in the amount of $600,000. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. d. Public Works Department requests adjustment of 1983 Estimated Revenue and Appropriations in 102, 103 and 104 Funds for miscellaneous improvement projects. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. e. Public Works Department Irequests authorization to remove traffic and pedestrian signals at specified locations for purposes of energy conservation, safety and efficiency. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval of rezone, File No. R-072-82, Holvick deRegt Koering (First City Equities) for Washington Technical Center, from G-1 to M-P for property located on the western 200 feet of the plat near S.W. 7th Street and Powell Avenue S.W. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Claim for damages in the amount of $107. 15 filed by Washington Natural Gas Company for a broken 2-inch PE main at 19200-96th Ave. S. , allegedly damaged while City of Renton was installing storm drain on 11/3/83 (CL-04-83) • Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Request from Renton Merchants Association to close certain streets in downtown area during annual Renton Western Days celebration, July 29 and 30, 1983. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT 378 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of February 28, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Washington Natural Gas CL-04-83 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Cable Franchise Transfer MAYOR- & CITY CLERK -Letter from Renton Merchants Association West Hill Grant Offer/Agreement West Hill Joint Use Water Agreement/Water District 63 Joint Use Agreement for Sewer Service with Kent PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Council Policy regarding Parking Requirements POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Jackson Annexation TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Removal of Traffic and Pedestrian Signals WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Rainier Bikeway System Financing on LID 325 Adjustment of 1983 Street Funds Holvick deRegt Koering Rezone, R-072-82 Office Park Policy Language/Zoning Issues Fund Transfer for Traffic Improvement Projects (first reading 2/28-83) LID 322 (first reading 2-28-83) PUBLIC HEARING 3/7/83 - 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Amendment i I. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 28, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and � called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. I ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD W. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of March 6 through Girl Scout 12, 1983 as Girl Scout Week, commemorated the 71st anniversary of its Week founding in 1912, and noted Girl Scouting has opened new worlds of thought and action to more than 45 million members. The proclamation was accepted by representatives of two Renton troops. Kathy Robinson , Association Chairman for Girl Scouts of Renton, outlined activity schedule for the celebration which includes extending welcome to Queen of England, and thanked city officials for their continued support of the program. Samples of cookies going on sale March 4th were passed to officials and members of audience. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and ,r.Jackson published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public Annexation hearing to consider 75% petition for Jackson Annexation, a 3.34 acre portion of proposed Cypress Point multiple family development recreational area located east of Nelson Middle School and north of SE 162nd Street. Correspondence from City Clerk was read advising certification of valid petition as reported at previous public hearing on 8/16/82 at which time the applicant had agreed to accept the city's zoning , comprehensive plan and assumption of any pre-existing bonded indebtedness; and requested continuance of the matter until improvement of economic climate. David Clemens, Policy Development Director, reviewed history of the proposal , referred to a wall map designating the location of the subject site, and recommended approval of the proposal with referral to the Policy Development Department to proceed with transmittal to the King County Boundary Review Board. Dennis Amon, 2215 Lincoln Place SE, questioned whether multiple family housing on site would be purchased or rented by occupants following development. Mr. Clemens advised eventual disposition of the units is unknown, that information being unnecessary in meeting annexation requirements. Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding the zoning designation on the site after annexation. Mr. Clemens advised G-1 zoning would be applied; however, development of recreational amenities under existing King County building permit for the site will be completed prior to finalization of annexation by the city. Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding inclusion of the subject site in LID 322 assessments. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter would be researched and information transmitted to Council . Fritz Bastiannet, 2007 SE 22nd Place, inquired regarding proposed access to the site and whether traffic would cross an existing easement. Clemens explained proposed access to the northwest, no access from the site to SR-167 except for emergency vehicles, and no access to the east or to single family homes to the north. Since no further public testimony was offered, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR 330 Renton City Council February 28, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING IN THE RECOMMENDATION OTHE FORPOLICY TRANSMDTTALOTOETHEDKINGCOUNTY TREFER BOUNDARY continued MATTER TO THAT DEPARTMENT Jackson REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Annexation This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and PUBLIC HEARING published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to Clearview TV consider proposed transfer of franchise from Clearview TV Cable to Cable Franchise Group W Cable. Correspondence was read from the city's cable consultant Transfer to Lon Hurd, 3-H Management and Consultants, Inc. , and James F. Fischer, Group W Cable General Manager of Clearview TV Cable. Mr. Hurd explained desire to meet with Council committee to discuss public input, if any, following closure of the hearing to determine if transfer is in the public' s best interest; his recommendation regarding the matter to follow. Continued Adeline Miller, Clearview TV Cable, advised basic Clearview rate of $9.95 per month for 12 available channels. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Rockhill , seconded by Hughes, Council forego committee meeting and act predicated on public input at hearing. (See later action.) Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s inquiries regarding impact to existing Group W Cable construction schedule and assumption of liability through the transfer, Paul Stager, District Engineer for Group W Cable gave assurance that existing schedule would not be affected since Clearview subscription area in Renton is fully constructed; and until Clearview area is rebuilt, service & rates will remain as now provided from Auburn office. Following further discussion and additional questions by Council members, the motion was restated. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. SPECIAL John Webley, Parks Director, announced that the City of Renton is recent PRESENTATION recipient of an award presented by the American Institute of Architects AIA Award for park buildings designed by Jones & Jones, Architects , located at Gene Coulon Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park extension. Tom Teasdale, Park Board Park Buildings Chairman, was introduced, and congratulations extended by Mayor Shinpoch to Mr. Webley, Mr. Teasdale and other members of the Board. AUDIENCE Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , expressed opinion that the city' s cable COMMENT consultant should have presented a recommendation regarding franchise Cable Franchise transfer during the public hearing. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that Mr. Hurd had been cautioned not to express an opinion on the matter prior to receiving public testimony. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening, 2/16/83, for Henry Moses Swimming Pool Liberty Park Sanitary Sewer project at Liberty Park; four bids received. Refer to Sanitary Sewer Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid of Kohl Project Excavating Company in the amount of $12,733.00 (Engineer' s estimate: $13,649.25) • Council concur in Park Board recommendation to accept low bid. Rainier Bikeway Housing and Community Development Division of Park Department requested System appropriation of 510,000 additional King County Block Grant monies to allow completion of Phase II of the Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway system. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance appropriating funds. Financing on Finance Department requested issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes to LID 325 extend interim financing on LID 325 in the amount of $600,000 for revenue warrants to be redeemed no later than February 28, 1983• Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Adjust 1983 Public Works Department requested adjustment of 1983 estimated revenue Street Funds and appropriations in Funds 102, 103 and 104 in the amount of $490,000 for miscellaneous traffic improvement projects. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. CSee page 4.) Renton City Council February 28, 1983 Page Three CONSENT AGENDA Public Works Department requested authorization to remove certain continued traffic and pedestrian signals at the following locations to reduce Removal of energy consumption, promote safety and develop a more efficient traffic Traffic and system: signals at S. 2nd & Whitworth Ave. S. , S. 2nd & Morris Ave. S. , Pedestrian and S. 2nd & Mill Ave. S. ; pedestrian signals & crosswalk - east leg of Signals N. 3rd & Williams, N. 3rd & Park, N. 3rd & Garden, N. 3rd & Factory; west leg of N. 4th & Garden, N. 4th & Park and N. 4th & Williams. Refer to Transportation Committee. Holvick deRegt Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of request for rezone, Koering Rezone R-072-82, Holvick deRegt Koering (First City Equities) for Washington R-072-82 Technical Center, from G-1 to M-P for property located on the western 200 feet of the plat near S.W. 7th Street and Powell Avenue S.W. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim for Claim for damages in the amount of $107. 15 filed by Washington Natural Damages - Gas Company for a broken 2-inch PE main at 19200-96th Avenue S. , allegedly Washington damaged while City of Renton was installing storm drain on 11/3/82 Natural Gas (CL-04-83) • Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Chuck Minietta, President, Renton Merchant Association, Renton Western requested permission to close certain streets in downtown area during Days Celebration annual Renton Western Days Celebration, July 29 and 30, 1983• MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR HANDLING. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Utilities acceptance of the West Hill grant offer and agreement in the amount of ,Committee $517,691 .00 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the West Hill Grant agreement. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Offer/Agreement RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. West Hill Joint Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Use Water Agree- approval of the Joint Use Agreement between the City of Renton and ment/ Water Water District No. 63 for water service on West Hill , and recommended District 63 further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Joint Use Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Agreement for acceptance of the Joint Use Agreement for sewer service between the Sewer Service - City of Renton and the City of Kent on S.W. 43rd Street to six lots, Renton/Kent and recommended further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized LID 311 to sign said agreement. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. For the record, Councilman Stredicke reported past inequities in water agreement with City of Kent with Kent customers receivinq lower rates than Renton customers because bulk, industrial rates given to Kent are lower than Renton residential rates. He questioned whether sewer matter has been properly addressed. Chairman Mathews outlined proposed charges of one and one-half times City of Renton rates. MOTION CARRIED. LID 325 - Councilman Stredicke reiterated concerns regarding proposed LID 325 in Valley General the vicinity of Valley General Hospital , noting participation for traffic - Hospital Area improvements required of several large developments in the area. He felt immediate solutions to foreseen problems are needed so the city is prepared to begin the project. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending amendment to the Office Park Policy language as follows: Committee 1 ) Section 4-718 - Public Zone P-1 ; 2) Section 4-720 - Office Park Zone Office Park (OP) ; and 3) Section 4-744 - Landscaping and Enforcement. The report Policy Language/ further recommended approval by the City Council and referral to the Zoning Issues Ways and Means Committee for final action. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 382 Renton City Council February 28, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development for information only that as a result of adoption of the Central Area Committee Comprehensive Plan amendment by the City Council , the subject of a N. Renton moratorium in North Renton has become moot. Moratorium Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Intent of for information only that the subject matter of platting laws will be Platting Laws held in committee until staff and the City Attorney clarify the intent of the Washington State Legislature when legislation regarding that matter was passed. Council Policy Letter from Mayor Shinpoch addressing parking requirements associated regarding with issuance of building permits and need for establishment of Council Parking policy for benefit of Building Department staff was discussed. MOVED BY Requirements STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Committee the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance #3712 An ordinance was read amending the city's Comprehensive Plan and maps Central Renton and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain properties located Comprehensive within the central area of the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Plan Amendment BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: 0 Fund Transfer An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of for Traffic funds in the amount of $490,000 for certain traffic improvement Improvement projects including Funds 102, 103 and 104. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Projects BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Attendance at Ways and Means Committee to discuss the ordinance was requested of Traffic Engineer or his representative. LID 322 - An ordinance was read modifying, approving and confirming the Puget Drive S./ assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District 322, Benson Road for improvement of Puget Drive South and Benson Road as provided by Ordinance No. 3487, and levying and assessing a part of the cost and expense thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on the roll . City Clerk explained interest rate will be set upon sale of bonds, loo denoted in ordinance being maximum; and requested expeditious approval of ordinance since interest currently being paid on interim financing. Discussion indicated desire of Council to review ordinance with Finance Director at next committee meeting. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke restated his question regarding assessment to Jackson property, noting response still requested. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2494 A resolution was read adopting financial considerations in forming LID Policy city Local Improvement Districts (LIDs) in the form of a policy. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending Approval approval of Vouchers 49585 through 49772 in the amount of $945,045.84 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 49581 through 49584 machine voided. Warrants include LID 314: $387,382.74. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. i Renton City Council February 28, 1983 Page Five NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm asked Council 's preference for numbering of Numbering of open Council positions in fall election in response to request from Council King County Records and Elections Department. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, Positions SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL POSITIONS REMAIN AS PREVIOUSLY NUMBERED for Fall IN PAST ELECTION. CARRIED. City Clerk will provide that information. Election Salary increases for four Council positions open in next election from u, $400 to $550 was discussed, that amount now being received by three Council members elected in last election. Councilman Stredicke supported Salary Increase roll back of Council salaries to $400. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, MATTER OF SALARY INCREASES BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Wells Street Councilman Reed requested Wells Street Bridge status report in next Bridge two weeks. He also inquired about progress of LID 314, notinq bad condition of SW 16th, and asked if project will be completed prior to opening of Longacres Race Track. Mayor Shinpoch reported slow progress LID 314 of LID due to inclement weather with completion scheduled for mid-July. Traffic Councilman Stredicke noted problems with signing and tracking of mud Hazard - by developer of Edmonds Avenue NE extension project on N. 3rd Street; N. 3rd traffic hazards created. Captain Don Persson advised appropriate city staff have been notified, and developer has posted cash bond for purposes of street cleaning which will be used if necessary by the city. SR-515 Councilman Stredicke requested an update of SR-515 progress, noting correction of inequities to residents along this route preferred now rather than later. Mayor Shinpoch advised State Department of Transportation has committed $35,000 to the project with possibility of installing jersey barrier or acoustical fencing to protect homes in Victoria Hills subdivision. Stredicke reported concerns by citizens that the project is being held up, and he clarified that is not the case. Committee of Mayor Shinpoch relayed request of Finance Director Mulcahy to attend Whole next Committee of Whole Meeting to apprise Council of financial matters , including sales tax and revenue source information. Forbes Lawsuit Mayor Shinpoch congratulated City Attorney, Council members, and members of staff for their commendable contributions towards the outcome of the Forbes lawsuit, noting financial expenditures were not as high as originally anticipated. Block Grant Mayor Shinpoch announced 1983 Housing and Community Development Block Funds Grant funds in the amount of $411 ,534 have been secured by Ed Heyduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator, and John Webley, Park Director, as result of sterling presentation to Joint Policy Committee. Joint Meeting Councilman Hughes advised dinner meeting has been tentatively planned w/K.C. Council for King County Council and Renton City Council to discuss budgetary items. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 9:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; all 10:05 p.m. Council members were present.. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk i (i 1 :HEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 02/24/83 WARRANT OISTRISUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#49581 - #49584 CURRENT $128,369.63 $40.977.69 PARKS ARTERIAL STREETS $128,811 .11 $45,628.25 STREETS $2,287. 57 LIBRARY STREET FORWARD THRUST $17,973.96 G COULON BCH PFK CCNSTR $20,903.99 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $141698 . 20 WATERWORKS UTILITY $135,757. 82 $2,576. 51 AIRPORT EQUIPMENT RENTAL $5,113. 37 TAN/OPR CASH RECUIREMENTS $14,625.00 LID CONTROL $387,382. 74 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $945,045. 84 � WE, THE UNDER GNEC MEMBERS CF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE SIS RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC . 495E5 THROUGH NO. 49772 IN THE AMOUNT OF $945,045.84 THIS 287H DAY OF FEBRUARY 1983. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - - - MEMBER COMMI - - - - - - L.I.D.#314 MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - REVENUE, WARRANT NO.#R-36 $387,382.74 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk f COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/1 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Street trees PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/3 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Platting laws PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE ITILITIES MATHEWS AYS AND MEANS Mon. 3/7 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS 6 EVENTS LEOFF Board Meeting Weds. 3/2 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room 386 I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 9439 19.00 7th Day Adventist Church 1031 Monroe Ave. NE Reroof building 9440 Void 9441 1,800.00 Joseph P. DeGrace 509 Index Ave. NE Refoof residence 9442 1,039.00 Charles Schmolke 1902 Duvall Ave. NE Reroof residence 9443 1,200.00 Wick Homes 226 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9444 1,200.00 Leonard Builders 4302 SE 4th P1. Install furnace 9445 41,500.00 Charles Henderson Co. 2715 Whitworth Ave. S. New s/f residence 9446 2,000.00 King County Parks 3005 NE 4th New office 9447 12,600.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Enclose stair #2 9448 -- O.W. Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement 9449 12,000.00 Frank Schmidt 1717 Edmonds Way SE Install swimming pool 9450 158,000.00 Pizza Haven, Inc. 739 Rainier Ave. S. Remodel existing restaurant ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10857 850.00F Van H. Myers 2613 NE 7th St. Install service 10858 20.00 Walt's Radiator 64 Logan Ave. S. Wire exhaust fan 10859 -- Dr. Daniel O'Brien 3713 Talbot Rd. S. Install temporary power 10860 240.00 State Farm Agency 415 S. 3rd St. Install circuit-outlet 10861 1,039.00 Leonard Builders 4302 SE 4th P1. Wire residence 10862 3,473.00 Boeing CAG 1012 SW 41st St. Install generator 10863 700.00 Melody Bullock 3621 SE 5th Pl. Install panel and meter 10864 1,050.00 Cascade Pacific Dev. 1207 S. 26th St. Wire residence 10865 120.00 Union Avenue Company 300 Union Avenue SE Install temporary power 10866 35.00 Clark-rich Realty, Inc. 600 Union Ave. NE Install temporary service 10867 1,800.00 Doug Jones 459 Ferndale Ave. NE Wire residence 10868 3,000.00 Demo Corp. 3709 NE 4th St. Wire new building 10869 1,100.00 Wick Homes 226 Vashon Ave. SE Wire residence 10870 850.00 Charles Henderson 623 S. 30th Pl. Wire residence 10871 850.00 Charles Henderson 3006 Whitworth Ave. S. Wire residence 10872 -- Hillis Homes 2303 Harrington Pl. NE Wire residence 10873 6,300.00 Chin Hills 3915 Talbot Road S. Wire electric heaters 10874 550.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 SW 16th St. Add stairwell emerg. lights 10875 50.00 Charles Henderson Co. 802 S. 31st St. Install temporary power 10876 50.00 Charles Henderson Co. 826 S. 31st St. Install temporary power 10877 50.00 Tri Power Industries 402 Ferndale Ave. NE Install temporary power pole MECHANICAL PERMITS 9767 1,071 .00 David Mathews 4106 NE lith St. Install fireplace insert 9768 1,250.00 Boulevard Cafe 423 Airport Way Install fire supp. system 9769 5,000.00 Pizza Haven Inc. 739 Rainier Ave. S. Install plumbing/fixtures 9770 3,700.00 Snappy Tavern 321 Williams Ave. S. Install range hood 9771 4,675.00 Karmon Holmes 105 Capri Ave. NE Install heat pump 9772 50.00 Walt's Radiator 64 Logan Ave. S. Install exhaust fan 9773 900.00 Robert Zirk 1617 NE 28th St. Install electric furnace 9774 550.00 Service Linen 903 S. 4th St. Install irrigation system 9775 700.00 Longacres 1621 SW 16th Install plumbing/fixtures 9776 2,500.00 Centennial Villa 71 SW Victoria St. Install furnaces/wtr. htrs. 9777 1,000.00 Brian McGee 344 Renton Ave. S. Install plumbing/fixtures 9778 1,070.00 Doug Jones 459 Ferndale Ave. NE Install furnace/ductwork 9779 28,000.00 Salvation Army 720 S. Tobin St. Install duct work 9780 950.00 Catherine Romerez 304 Wells S. Install hood/duct supp. 9781 1,200.00 George Abelhanz 509 Lind Ave. NW Install wood stove 9782 1,200.00 Cascade Pacific 1207 S. 26th St. Install gas furnace 9783 1,350.00 Charles Henderson Co. 623 S. 30th Pl. Install furnace/water htr. 9784 1,350.00 Charles Henderson Co. 3006 Whitworth Ave. S. Install furnace/water htr. 9785 295.00 Thomas Hoskin 3623 Talbot Road S. Install conversion burner 9786 1,771.00 Wick Homes 241 Bremerton Ave. SE Install plumbing/fixtures 9787 1,388.00 Hillis Homes 2826 NE 23rd Pl. Install furnace/heater 9788 1,373.00 Hillis Homes 2303 Harrington Pl. NE Install furnace/heater 9789 1,379.00 Hillis Homes 2813 NE 23rd Pl. Install furnace/heater 9790 1,400.00 Wick Homes 208 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9791 1,400.00 Wick Homes 219 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. SIGN PERMITS 1088 375.00 Charles Brown 228 Main Ave. S. Install marquee 1089 2,600.00 Star Machinery 4200 W. Valley Rd. S. Install two wall signs 1090 Void I CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5317 Randall Weitzel 1908 SW 43rd Install side sewer 5406 Hillis Homes 2303 Harrington P1. NE Install building sewer 5407 Renton Aviation 840 W. Perimeter Rd. Storm water connection 5408 Charles Henderson Co. 2715 Whitworth Ave. S. Install building sewer 5410 Hick'ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Install water line C I TY OF 1tENT0N TRANSFERS MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1983 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 2/13 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIRE 1978 LIM GO BONDS Per Resolution #2489 $ 790.00 r 609/131 .30.00.00 207/207. 30.00.00 MAYOR INANCE DIRECTOR 388 C I T Y O F k E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF FFRRI IARY _ 1 ARS TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 6 /18/83 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIRE PARK FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 43,500. 609/131 .30.00.00 101/ TAN/OPR CASH REQUIRE CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 110,000.00 609/131 .30.00.00 000/ i MAYOR YINANCE DIRECTOR r OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ;� TOUNCAS,IL PRESIDENT V �/ Z EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES Z NANCY L.MATHEWS 0 MHN W.REED 09.0 `O R E w 1T O N CITY �r/'� O U N C 1 L RANDALL ROCKHILL �P RICHARD M STREDICKE 09gT�D SEPIEo� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 7, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28, 1983 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for Installation of Traffic Signal Interconnect from North 6th Street to Sunset Boulevard N.E. along Park Avenue North; and Revise Street Overlay List for 1983. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Summons and Complaint filed by Local Union No. 46 I .B.E.W. Health and Welfare Trust Fund v Wilskey Electric, Inc. , City of Renton, and SAFECO Insurance Co. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $259.76 filed by John T. Liedtke, 16640 51st Avenue S. , Seattle, for tire and wheel damage allegedly caused by chuck hole on S. 180th between railroad tracks and the Boeing plant on 2/23/83• Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. C. Public Works Department requests fund transfer in the amount of $45,000 from Community Facilities Fund to construct 18-inch storm drain line in Union Ave. NE from NE 17th Street to Honey Creek. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Personnel Department requests authorization to retain Cabot Dow Associates to assist in contract analysis and preparation of options for negotiations on four labor contracts due to expire on December 31 , 1983. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 390 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of March 7, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY/ INSURANCE CARRIER Summons & Complaint filed by Union No. 46 Liedtke Claim for Damages PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Holvick deRegt Koering Request for Waiver of Community Facilities Charge Other Adult Entertainment Uses WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Fund Transfer to Construct Storm Drain Line in Union Ave. NE Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway (lst reading 3/7/83) Holvick deRegt Koering Rezone, R-072-82 (1st reading 3/7/83) PUBLIC HEARING 3 - Subdivision Ordinance Revisions RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 7, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; ROBERT J. HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ABSENT COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER, JOHN W. REED, AND NANCY L. MATHEWS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Absent Council members are attending National League of Cities Conference in Washington , D.C . CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney, MAXINE E. ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C . HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Hughes corrected page 5 reference to joint dinner meeting with King County Council , noting topic of discussion will be items of general interest rather than budgetary matters as it is a social get-together. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 28, 1983 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch endorsed efforts of Renton Chapter of Anti-Shoplifting DECA (Distributive Education Club) of Renton High School in its '83 Campaign Anti-shoplifting '83 Campaign to make citizens and business community aware that shoplifting is harmful to our economy; and urged consumers , retailers, law enforcement officials, and courts to treat shoplifting as a crime which will not be tolerated. The proclamation was accepted by club members Lynette Buckmier, Mari Shudshift, Joey Hodgson, Mark Carve and Tim Evans. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Amendment to published according to law, Mayor Barbara Shinpoch opened the public 1983-1988 Six hearing to consider an amendment to the 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation Year Improvement Program for installation of traffic interconnect from N. 6th Transportation Street to Sunset Boulevard N.E. along Park Avenue N. Also being Improvement considered were revisions to the 1983 Street Overlay List. Public Works Program Director Richard Houghton explained project previously included in original improvement program under "Controller Modernization' project #8; however, Department of Transportation State Aid has requested separate identification for the project for which a federal grant of $91 ,300 has been received to be matched with city funds totaling $18,700. Continued Discussion then addressed deletions and additions to previously adopted 1983 Street Overlay List as follows: Kennewick Avenue N.E. between N.E. 14th and N. E. 16th deleted since future sewer project will require associated street improvements; N. 1st Street deleted since major improvement required rather than just overlay; Williams Avenue S. between S. 4th and Grady Way added; Jones Avenue N.E. between N.E. 20th Street and 700 feet north of N. E. 24th Street added; and N.E. 22nd Street between Edmonds Avenue N.E. and dead-end street added. Councilman Stredicke raised concern regarding addition of latter item, noting limited number of residences served on a dead-end street. Houghton discussed potential to serve larger area by street improvement; and advised Council that overlay list does not necessarily reflect city' s priorities, but, rather, groups projects by general location for economic reasons. Councilman Stredicke compared condition of Renton streets favorably to state highways between Renton and Olympia. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REVISIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Summons & Summons and Complaint filed by Local Union No. 46 I .B.E.W. Health and Complaint Welfare Trust Fund v Wilskey Electric, Inc. , City of Renton, and SAFECO Union No. 46 Insurance Co. for foreclosure of labor lien against public works contract performance bond and retained percentage. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 39 Renton City Council March 7, 1983 Page Two CONSENT AGENDA Claim for damages in the amount of $259.76 filed by John T. Liedtke, Liedtke Claim 16640-51st Avenue S. , Seattle, for tire and wheel damage allegedly for Damages caused by chuckhole on S. 180th between the railroad tracks and the CL-05-83 Boeing plant on 2/23/83 (CL-05-82) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Fund Transfer Public Works Department requested fund transfer in the amount of to Construct $45,000 from Community Facilities Fund to construct 18-inch storm drain Storm Drain Line line in Union Avenue N.E. from N.E . l7th Street to Honey Creek, project on Union Ave. NE approved in 1982 priority list but not accomplished due to fund shortage Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consultant Personnel Department requested authorization to retain Cabot Dow Service for Associates to assist in contract analysis and preparation of options Preparation for labor negotiations to commence in approximately four months prior of 1984 Labor to expiration of four city labor contracts on December 31 , 1983. Negotiations Council concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Building and Zoning Department recommended denial of request from Request for Holvick deRegt Koering for waiver of Community Facilities Charge for Waiver of Buildings #3, 12, 13 and 14 of the Springbrook Technical Center in Community exchange for dedication to the city of 17 acres for storm water detention Facilities basins (13 of which are zoned Manufacturing Park designation) , for a Charge - HDK market value claimed in excess of $2 million. Moved by Hughes, seconded by Stredicke, Council concur in the recommendation of the Building and Zoning Department. Substitute motion: MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MATTER BE TABLED UNTIL ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE IN ATTENDANCE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. (See later action this page. ) OLD BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch distributed status reports to each Councilman regarding Status Reports Wells Avenue Bridge, LID 314, LID 325, and Joint Use Sanitary Sewer Agreement on S.W. 43rd Street with City of Kent (LID 311 ) as requested at last Council meeting. Holvick deRegt Having received new information regarding the request of Holvick deRegt Koering Request Koering and having voted on the prevailing side, Councilman Stredicke for Waiver felt the matter should be reconsidered. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, TO RECONSIDER THE VOTE ON THE MOTION TO TABLE MATTER OF HDK's REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES CHARGE. CARRIED. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness stated that due to complexity of the matter, referral to a Council committee for discussion would be preferable. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Rockhill reported several week delay before the matter could be scheduled for discussion. MOTION CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report Development recommending the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance be Committee enacted: 1 ) that preliminary plat approval be effective for three years Subdivision with one year extension available; 2) additional notice of subdivision Ordinance applications be provided a) in not less than five locations on or Revisions adjacent to the parcel in question with discretion for requirement of additional postings for larger parcels; and b) delivery of the notice of hearing by ordinary mail to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision with specific requirements for such mailings. The report further recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee for legislation and setting of a public hearing for April 4, 1983 to review the matter. For the record, Chairman Rockhill stated that although the committee report has been signed by two members and read into the record, the official vote on the recommendation should be held until after the public hearing. Therefore, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PORTION OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT WHICH RECOMMENDS SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR APRIL 4, 1983 TO CONSIDER THE MATTER. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings: Renton City Council March 7, 1983 Page Three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3713 An ordinance was read modifying, approving and confirming the assessments LID 322 and assessment roll of Local Improvement District 322, for improvement of Puget Drive S. and Benson Road as provided by Ordinance No. 3487, and levying and assessing a part of the cost and expense thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on the roll . Councilman Stredicke objected to high interest rate for bonds, but noted his intent to vote "yes" due to four vote requirement for passage of ordinance. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3714 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of funds Fund Transfer in the amount of $490, 100 (Funds 102, 103 and 104) for 1982 street for Traffic improvement projects not completed and not rebudgeted in 1983, new street Improvements improvement projects, or adjustments to existing street improvement projects. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke objected to certain projects denoted in the ordinance, but indicated his favorable vote to allow passage of legislation. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Rainier Avenue An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of funds Corridor Bikeway in the amount of $10,000 for construction of Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Holvick deRegt An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Koering Rezone located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center plat R-072-82 bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel , on the south by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) for Holvick deRegt Koering, applicant, File No. R-072-82. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Financing on Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report LID 325 recommending withdrawal of the request for issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes on advice of the bonding attorney and request of the Administration. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, NO ACTION BE TAKEN ON THE MATTER OF LID 325 FINANCING. CARRIED. Council Salaries Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a report stating the current city ordinance does not require revision regarding Council salaries according to the City Attorney. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, NO ACTION BE TAKEN ON THE MATTER OF COUNCIL SALARIES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke called attention to federal and state appropriations Public Works for public works projects available in the near future, and felt city Projects staff should be prepared to apply for funds for any impending projects which would meet federal and state qualifications. Other Adult Referencing a recent letter from City Attorney Warren suggesting Entertainment consideration of zoning and other adult entertainment uses following Uses favorable decision in Playtime Theatre case, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Grant for Mayor Shinpoch reported $180,000 federal grant awarded to city for Airport improvements to Taxiway A and installation of security fencing at Renton Improvements Municipal Airport. Rescind Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a letter from Gardena, California, Legislation reporting that legislation adopted 41 years ago approving relocation to Relocate of Japanese-Americans to internment camps has been rescinded by that Aliens - WWII city; and requesting that all west coast cities follow suit as an act of contrition. Research has indicated that the City of Renton did not adopt legislation to enforce that action. r Renton City Council March 7, 1983 Page Four ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued One Valley Mayor Shinpoch explained request from developers of One Valley Place Place Street to rename Davis Street in that project to Professional Place. Following Name discussion, it was agreed the matter would be reviewed by the Board of Public Works to allow receipt of input from all departments prior to providing a report back to Council . Newspaper Recent newspaper articles were addressed by Mayor Shinpoch, who explained Articles re responses to articles regarding police protection on premises of cocktai Police lounges indicate one opinion that patrol is too intensive and another Department that it is insufficient. The Volvo recently purchased by Police Department, the subject of a second article, will be utilized by three sergeants in the same manner as other vehicles for purposes of comparison. Gas Tax Addressing a proposal under consideration by the Legislature to raise gas tax, Councilman Stredicke felt the city and the A.W.C. should take a position reflecting no objection to a 7t per gallon tax increase on gasoline if a portion is returned to local agencies to reinfuse into Arterial Board Funds. Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, indicated intent of Chamber to notify legislators by mail of request to return portion of gas tax to cities if increase is approved . Mayor Shinpoch also agreed to transmit the city's request to the A.W.C . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9: 14 p.m. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk I I CITY COUNCIL COMMIT, ._ETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 7, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OE' THE WHOLE ti,-,;n'rs . 3/10 -C-ANCELED — AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/15 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Clearview TV Cable Franchise Transfer (No meeting 3/8/83) to Group W Cable PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/17 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Council Policy regarding Parking (No meeting 3/10/83) Requirements ; Sign Code PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 3/14 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS f� _ l 3 C/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 9451 $ 3,075.00 Mr. Latton 1326 Beacon Way S. Reroof residence 9452 82,000.00 E. Lee Bennett 3241 NE Sunset Blvd. Construct pet clinic 9453 1 ,300.00 Gene Meyers 2613 NE 7th Street Hot tar roof 9454 24,850.00 Washington Jockey Club 1621 SW 16th St. Stair addition 9455 1 ,250.00 Anthony Fell 4100 W. Valley Road Dressing rooms 9456 1 ,500.00 Hayes Evans Jr. 2805-2807 NE 8th St. Remodel duplex 9457 11 ,000.00 Dennis Vadney 1710 Monroe NE Swimming pool and spa 9458 1 ,306.00 Richard Wayne Short 4109 NE 2nd Place Reroof residence 9459 44,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2716 NE 23rd Place New single family resid 9460 9,827.00 Koll Business Center 243-245 SW 41st St. Tenant improvement 9461 1 ,950.00 Norm Sundquist 525 NE Union Remodel laundry room 9462 3,000.00 Louis Barei 3041 Wells Ave. S. Install partitions 9463 7, 100.00 Boeing CAG Renton Bldg. 4-20 Construct wall 9464 22,000.00 Renton Aviation 840 W. Perimeter Rd. Install trailer office 9465 80,000.00 Tedoro Rodriquez 617 S. 16th St. Demolish and rebuild house 9466 2,980.00 Fred C. Burkhalter 715 Jones Ave S. Construct garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10878 950.00 King County Parks 3005 NE 4th St. Install panel and lighting 10879 14,000.00 Pizza Haven 739 Rainier Ave. S. Install new fixtures 10880 50.00 George Oberholtzer 3920 NE 10th St. Install temporary power 10881 1 ,266.00 Hillis Homes 2813 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence 10882 1 ,230.00 Hillis Homes 2826 NE 23rd Place Wire new residence 10883 120.00 Ricardo Q. Beltran 2108 Blaine Ave. SE Wire remodeled garag 10884 125.00 Seattle First National 321 S. Williams Upgrade wiring 10885 50.00 Renton First Methodist 2201 NE 4th St. Wire lights for sign 10886 Void 10887 480.00 City of Renton 635 Park Ave. N. Change service to 200 amp 10888 495.00 Larry Howe 5031 Ripley Lane N. Rewire & relocate service 10889 335.24 Renton School District 754 Edmonds Ave. NE Wire classroom 10890 2,850.00 Church of Christ 2527 NE 12th St. Wire new addition 10891 600.00 Mark F. Kirchner 2010 NE 12th St. Wire new addition 10892 100.00 Chuck Roberts 840 W. Perimeter Rd . Install circuits & ligh 10893 1 ,600.00 Rainier Credit 258 SW 43rd St. Tenant improvement MECHANICAL PERMITS 9792 00.00 Gary Riffle 106 Lake Ave. S. Replace water heater 9793 500.00 Snappy 's Tavern 321 Williams Ave. S. Install plumbing/fixtu' 9794 2,000.00 Tri Power Industries 402 Ferndale Ave. NE Install plumbing/fix, 9795 2,000.00 Tri Power Industries 2706 NE 5th Court Install plumbing/fix' 9796 1 ,368.00 Tri Power Industries 402 Ferndale Ave. NE Install furnace/wtr. 9797 400.00 Snappy 's Tavern 321 Williams Ave. S. Install plumbing/fixtu= 9798 500.00 Norman Asher 436 Mill Ave. S. Install wood stove 9799 800.00 Mark Kirchner 2010 NE 12th St. Install plumbing/fixtures 9800 500.00 O.W. Properties 1107 Grady Way SW Connect grills to system 9801 1 ,995.00 Southland Corp. 1308 N. 30th St. Install plumbing/fixtures 9802 1 ,400.00 Charles Henderson Co. 3000 Whitworth Ave. S. Install furnace/wtr. htr . 9803 1 ,400.00 Charles Henderson Co. 705 S. 31st St. Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9804 Void 9805 816.00 Snappy 's Tavern 321 Williams Ave. S. Install fire supe. system 9806 10.00 Larry Howe 5031 Ripley Lane N. Install plumbing/fixtures 9807 3,000.00 R. S. MacGregor 1520 Taylor Ave. SW Install plumbing/fixtures 9808 1 ,700.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 2725 NE Sunset Blvd. Install gas piping 9809 1 ,511 .00 Wick Homes 219 Vashon Ave. SE Install plumbing/fixture SIGN PERMIT 1091 1 ,500.00 Skippers, Inc. 530 Rainier Ave. S. Install two wall signs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5 11 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4302 SE 4th P1 . Side sewer 5412 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4302 SE 4th Pl . Driveway approach 5414 Hillis Homes 2813 NE 23rd Pl . Sanitary building sewer 5415 Hillis Homes 2826 NE 23rd P1 . Sanitary building sewer 5416 City of Renton NE 27th, east of Edmonds Water line S appertenances 5417 Farmer's Insurance Group 4208 Lind Ave. SW Install sidewalk OF R� Al �� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, ~ •' R O EAROCIYMER RESIDENT ROBERT HUGHES Z NANCY L.MATHEWS n JOHN W REED 09� R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHItI C �P RICHARD M STREDICKE 9'1rFD SEPI"-o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 14, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1983 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Renton Fire Department Fire Marshal James Matthew introduces members of the Renton Rotary Club and the newest member of the city' s Fire Prevention Bureau 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval of McWilliams Final Plat, FP-074-82, nine-lot plat, for property located on the east side of Union Avenue N.E. between N. E. 4th Street and N. E. 6th Street (extended) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $62.60 filed by Terence R. McGrory, 16206-190th S. E. , Renton, for alleged improper automobile impoundment by Renton City Police on 2/25/83 (CL-06-83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 393 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of March 14, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S AVIATION COMMITTEE Letter from FAA regarding airport improvement grant CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER McGrory Claim for Damages, CL-06-83 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE McWilliams Final Plat for resolution Union Avenue Storm Drain Line (lst reading 3/14/83) PUBLIC HEARINGS 7478-3 - Subdivision Ordinance Revisions 399 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 14, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J . HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; FIRE CHIEF RICHARD GEISSLER, BATTALION CHIEF JAMES MATTHEW, Fire Department; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Battalion Chief James Matthew introduced the newest member of the PRESENTATION Fire Department, a mechanical fire hydrant operated by remote control , Renton Fire donated by Renton Rotary Club for purposes of fire safety instruction Department in schools, churches and other public and private institutions. Demonstrates Rotary Club officers and members George Lewis, Bryant Parker, Don Fire Prevention Morrison and Bob Mc Beth were introduced, and sincere gratitude was Bureau Robot expressed on behalf of the Fire Department and city for the club' s generosity. The robot, yet unnamed, entertained the audience and officials with the assistance of Camille Radcliffe, Fire Code Inspector, and Ken Walls, Fire Inspector/Investigator, operator of the controls. The robot concluded the presentation by requesting suggestions for an appropriate name be sent to the department. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: McWilliams Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of McWilliams nine- Final Plat lot final plat, File No. FP-074-82, for property located on the FP-074-82 east side of Union Avenue N.E. between N.E. 4th Street and N. E. 6th Street (extended) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. McGrory Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $62.60 filed by Terence R. McGrory, for Damages 16206-190th S.E. , Renton, for alleged improper automobile impoundment CL-o6-83 by Renton City Police on 2/25/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letters and petitions containing 93 signatures (26 Renton citizens) Anti-Porno were presented supporting the city' s action to prohibit showing Support adult filmfare in downtown movie theatres. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Community concurring in the recommendation of the Parks Department to resolve Services street tree problems in the downtown Central Business District. Committee The recommendation includes removing eight trees in planters on CBD Street 3rd Avenue; pruning four trees in sidewalks on 2nd Avenue which Tree Project are blocking traffic lights; and removing London Plane trees from Rainier to Burnett on 3rd Avenue, which are breaking sidewalks, cracking buildings, clogging sewers and growing into lights and signs, and replacing them with a different variety. The report further recommended the Parks Department continue to work closely with the Downtown Merchants Association and the Community Services Committee on the matter. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. John Webley, Parks Director, clarified that trees will be removed or relocated because either they are impeding traffic safety or were inappropriately located for the type of growth anticipated. MOTION CARRIED. 41.00. Renton City Council March 14, 1983 Page Two OLD BUSINESS continued Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services concurring in the recommendation of the Parks Department to replace Committee the quartz lighting system at Gianini Stadium with 1500 watt metal Replacement halide lamps. This energy conservation measure will save of Lighting approximately 63% of the required energy usage per year and will System at be partially funded by a grant from Puget Power which pays for Gianini 71 .8% of such conversions. The city's share will be paid for out Stadium of the Park Department 1983 budget, and payback on the converstion is estimated at less than three years. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Trimm inquired if the project will go out for bids. Parks Director Webley advised receipt by Puget Power of one bid from Holmes Electric in the amount of $31 ,673.30 with the option available to request additional bids following review of those specifications. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings: Ordinance #3715 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of HCD Rainier Avenue funds in the amount of $10,000 for construction of Rainier Avenue Corridor Bikeway Corridor Bikeway. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3716 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Holvick deRegt located on the western 200 feet of the Washington Technical Center Koering Rezone plat bounded on the west by the proposed P-1 Channel , on the south R-072-82 by Grady Way, on the east by Powell Avenue S.W. and on the south and east by S.W. 7th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) for Holvick deRegt Koering, applicant, File No. R-072-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIE First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Union Avenue An ordinance was read appropriating funds for construction of a Storm Drain storm drain line in Union Avenue N. E. from N.E. 17th Street to Line Honey Creek; project approved in 1982 Community Facilities priority list but not accomplished due to insufficient funding. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2495 A resolution was read amending the 1983-1988 Six Year Transportation 1983-1988 Six Improvement Program. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL Year Transporta- ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke tion Program felt the matter should have been referred to Transportation Amendment Committee as standard procedure; and inquired regarding disposition of 1st North Street project deleted from the Overlay List. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 49778 through 50074 in the amount of $596,027.69, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 49773 through 49777 and 50075 machine voided. Warrants include LID 314: $36.00; and LID 325: $21 ,320.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration Letter from advising allocation of $180,000 to the City of Renton for airport FAA improvements was reported by Councilman Stredicke. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, LETTER FROM FAA BE REFERRED TO AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. i Renton City Council March 14, 1983 Page Three NEW BUSINESS continued N. lst Street Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration Improvement regarding scope of work, timing and cost of 1st North Street Project overlay project, recently deleted from 1983 Overlay List. Status Report Councilman Stredicke requested transmittal to Council members of on Volvo name of dealer and cost of the Volvo recently purchased by Police in Police Department as well as periodic maintenance cost reports. Mayor Department Shinpoch indicated a complete report will be forwarded to Council Requested following initial six-month period of ownership comparing maintenance costs with other police vehicles. Salaries of Councilman Stredicke reported sending a letter to Administrative City Employees Assistant Michael Parness and Personnel Director John McFarland this date requesting placement of a lid on salaries of lower/ medium positions at City Hall . He requested a report advising 1 ) total expenditures in salaries and wages in 1981 and 1982, and total additional expenditures for benefits; 2) estimated cost of a wage survey; and 3) whether other cities were used as a basis for comparison in the last wage survey, the names of those cities, and how Renton positions compared with other positions within its own system. Mayor Shinpoch explained procedures during last salary survey, noting comparisons with other cities as well as private industry; however, 8.3% and 7.0% cost of living increases have been granted since that time. Councilman Stredicke supported downgrading lower grade positions two to three steps when vacated to bring salaries of city employees more in line with positions advertised in want ads. Violations of Recalling his opposition to recently approved Sign Code amendments Sign Code to allow real estate signs in city right-of-way, Councilman Ordinance Stredicke reported incidences of Sign Code violations with signs other than real estate being posted on city streets and not removed by city crews. NLC Conference Having recently returned from the National League of Cities Conference Report in Washington, D.C. , attended also by Councilmen Clymer and Reed, Councilman Mathews discussed proposed legislation regarding revenue sharing and block grant funding, noting anticipation of reenactment of general revenue sharing program. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch welcomed Councilmen Clymer, Reed and Mathews back from REPORT the conference, expressing hope that they enjoyed it as much as she Welcome Back did last year. Councilman Reed will provide a written report to to Council Council regarding cable TV regulations, a main item of concern at Members the conference. Elks Club Mayor Shinpoch announced Council President Trimm will represent her Citizen of at the annual Elks Club function to announce the Citizen of the Year Year Award award on March 17, 1983. She will be attending a CPR class with Councilman Hughes at Renton Fire Station at that time. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. 9:05 P.M. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk ICHEKREGP CITY OF RENTON DATE 03/10/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 49773 - 49777, and 50075 CURRENT $226.945.70 PARKS $52.428.50 ARTERIAL STREETS 5790000.00 STREETS S20.076.04 LIBRARY S11 .786.6E GREEN RIVER WILDLIFE S243.59 STREET FORWARD THRUST $17.-533.23 G COULON £CH PRK CCNSTR S4o348.07 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 522.047.30 WATERWORKS UTILITY $94081 .71 AjRPCRT $9.093.04 ECUIPMENT RENTAL S18f932.17 FIREMEN'S PENSION 518155. 18 LID CONTROL $21356.50 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $596iC27.69 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANC/CF SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC . 49778 THROUGH t,O. 50074 IN THE AMOUNT OF 559.6.027.69 TkiIS 14TH CAY OF MARCH 1983 . u c CHAIRMAN R — — — — — — — COM ITT_E CHAIR � EM!ER E� ..E - �l�►2p �l/ �C�.� L.I.D.#314 MEMBER — — — — — — — — — — — — REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-37 $ 36.00 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-9 $ 21,320.50 CITY COUNCIL COMMIT' :TING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 14 , 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/15 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Clearview TV Cable franchise transfer to Group W Cable PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/17 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Council policy regarding parking requirements ; Sign Code PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES MATHEWS AYS AND MEANS Mon. 3/21 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS HAPPY ST. PATRICK' S DAY! O CIO A-04 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS March 14, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9467 $ -- Eugene M. Richards 1420 Raymond Ave. SW Demolish two residences 9468 8,300.00 John Van Eyk 230 S. 15th Add bedroom/enclose carport 9469 5,000.00 Phillip Scott 1402 N. 28th St. Construct garage 9470 2,200.00 Michael Dolleman 422 Windsor Way NE Deck, garage, ret. wall 9471 Void 9472 2,432.47 O.W. Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement 9473 20,000.00 Gill A. Centioli 960 Harrington NE Remodel restaurant 9474 51 ,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2713 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9475 53,000.00 Boeing CAG Renton, 10.65 Bldg. Suspended ceiling/raise n . 9476 1 ,200.00 Al Hopkins 630 Cedar Ave. S. Remodel residence 9477 441 ,000.00 Denny' s, Inc. 4750 Lake Wash. Blvd. NE Construct restaurant 9478 45,000.00 Wick Homes 225 Vashon Ave. SE Single family residence 9479 45,000.00 Wick Homes 238 Vashon Ave. SE Single family residence 9480 45,000.00 Wick Homes 4206 SE 2nd Place Single family residence 9481 45,000.00 Wick Homes 213 Vashon Ave. SE Single family residence 9482 -- Clarkrich, Inc. 215 Meadow Ave. N. Demolish residence 9483 58,000.00 Sanford E. Webb 312 Chelan Ave. SE Single family residence 9484 4,489.00 Koll Business Cntr. 258 SW 43rd St. Tenant improvement 9485 1 ,500.00 Dr. Daniel O' Brien 3713 Talbot Rd. S. Foundation for cupola 9486 500.00 Service Linen 903 S. 4th St. Remove/replace floor 9487 400.00 Arbitare Apts. 1300 S. Puget Drive Temp. covers for decks 9488 300.00 Can Cong Le 2310 Aberdeen Ave. NE Cover over deck ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10894 50.00 Charles Henderson 705 S. 31st St. Wire new residence 10895 850.00 Charles Henderson 3000 Whitworth Ave. S. Wire new residence 10896 850.00 Charles Henderson 629 S. 30th Place Wire new residence 10897 1 ,030.00 Seven Eleven 1308 30th Ave. N. Electrical alteration 10898 50.00 Michael Dolleman 422 Windsor Way NE Wire remodeled area 10899 400.00 Sherwood Brady 1741 Jones Drive SE Reroute circuits 10900 50.00 Terence Lavery 1100 N. 38th St. Wire heat pump 10901 14,000.00 Boeing CAG Renton, 10.65 Bldg . HVAC & lighting system 10902 50.00 Al Hopkins 630 Cedar Ave. S. Wire remodeled area 10903 1 ,053.00 Leonard Builders 4307 SE 4th Pl . Wire new residence 10904 80.00 Hillis Homes 2716 NE 23rd Pl . Install temp. power 10905 250.00 Joe Boehme 304 Wells Ave. S. Additional wiring 10906 1 ,300.00 Brian McGee 344 Renton Ave. S. Wire residence 10907 2,500.00 Texaco U.S.A. 1408 Bronson Way N. New underground conduit 10908 4,800.00 Washington Jockey Cl 1621 SW 16th St. Wire concession stand MECHANICAL PERMITS 9810 1 ,350.00 Charles Hendeson Co. 629 S. 30th Place Gas furnace/water heater 9811 1 ,500.00 Lorenz N. Rankin 2710 Meadow Ave. N. Wood stove 9812 2,900.00 G & L Builders 2909 Whitworth S. Lot 11 Plumbing/fixtures 9813 350.00 William Collins 420 Cedar Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9814 3,000.00 Sherwood Brady 1741 Jones Drive SE Heat pump 9815 30,000.00 Boeing CAG Renton 10.65 Building Air conditioner 9816 1 ,400.00 Wick Homes 241 Bremerton Ave. SE Gas furnace/water heater 9817 500.00 Al Hopkins 630 Cedar Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9818 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 802 S. 31st Plumbing/fixtures 9819 600.00 Nick Dittore 4521 NE 23rd St. Gas conversion/water heater 9820 1 ,354.00 Wick Homes 208 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9821 150.00 0 & W Properties 1107 Grady Way SE Connect grills SIGN PERMITS 1092 500.00 Renton 1st Meth. Ch. 2201 NE 4th St. Install pole sign 1093 -- Renton Shopping Ctr. 351 Hardie Ave. SW Grand opening sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 15419 Centellian Villa Hardie Ave. SW Watermain/appertenances 5418 EVB Co. 54 RAinier Ave. S. Storm line/san. sewer 5413 Cascade Pac. Corp. 1207 S. 26th St. Sanitary building sewer OF R,6, Al AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, 16 COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES Z NANCY L.MATHEWS 00 /� T /� JOHN W.REED 9% R E N T O N fir ' / !y C O O N fir ' 0RANDALL ROCKHILL �Q RICHARD M.STREDICKE ,9gT0� SEPSEoO REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 21 , 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE , CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 1983 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $161 .08 filed by Verl J . Lewis, 1616 Beacon Way S. E. , Renton, for plumbing and water stain damage due to alleged improper waterline repair by the city. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. b. City Clerk reports bid opening for LID 324, East Valley Medical Park Short Plat, 3/16/83, seven bids received. Project includes improvements to Talbot Road S. , S. 38th Ct. , and S. 37th Street, including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage, water lines and illumination. Refer to Transportation Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Mayor Shinpoch outining hiring policy or Fire Dept. and requesting hiring of four replacements on April 16th. b. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Houghton re: One Valley Place letter March 3, 1983, ref. Exception to naming of street 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 4©6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of March 21 , 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Lewis Claim for Damages, CL-07- 3 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Human Rights and Affairs Commission PLANNING COMMISSION Greenbelts on Utility Easements TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bid Opening for LID 32 , East Valley Medical Park Short Plat UTILITIES COMMITTEE Letter from Water District 58 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Parking and Loading Ordinance Amendment - Leased Parking Sign Code Amendments Additional Zoning Classifications, P-1 and 0-P Landscaping Ordinance (1st reading 3/21/83) PUBLIC HEARING 4/4/83 - Subdivision Ordinance Revisions 111 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 21 , 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. "OLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, )UNC IL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. ITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE ATTENDANCE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; BATTALION CHIEF JAMES MATTHEW, Fire Department; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Lewis Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $161 .08 filed by Verl J. Lewis, for Damages 1616 Beacon Way S.E. , Renton, for plumbing and water stain damage due CL-07-83 to alleged improper waterline repair by the city. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening for LID 324, East Valley Medical Park LID 324, Short Plat , on March 16, 1983, seven bids received. Project includes East Valley improvements to Talbot Road S. , S. 38th Ct. , and S. 37th Street, Medical Park including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage, Short Plat water lines and illumination. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Wallace R. Wilson, Ph.D. , Pastor of Highlands Community Commendation Church, was read commending Mayor Shinpoch and members of the Renton for Anti-Porno City Council for the clearly defined position they have taken en the Position issue of pornography on behalf of the citizens of the city. Replacement Letter from Mayor Shinpoch was presented recommending concurrence of Fire in Fire Chief Richard Geissler' s request to hire four replacements Department for retiring members of the department two and one-half months Personnel earlier than the 1983 budget allows. These replacements would be hired on April 16, 1983 to assure their participation in the Fire Training Academy beginning April 18, the sole session scheduled 0 during the year. Also identified were funding sources in Fire Department C z Department budget including disability and training overtime funds Nwhich could be transferred to provide for the early hiring of replacement personnel . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL 0 0 CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. Although he did not object to the motion, Councilman Rockhill felt when funds become available, installation of the emergency power plant for Station 11 in and purchase of breathing apparatus be reprioritized to the top of :0 the list. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that should funds become W G available, Council would be given the opportunity to review priorities for expenditures . Following lengthy discussion concerning alternatives to early replacement, i .e. enrollment of hirees in schools outside the state, MOTION CARRIED. Request to Letter from Richard C. Houghton, Chairman of the Board of Public Change Street Works, was read recommending denial of request of owners of One Name Denied Valley Place development to change the name of Davis Avenue to "Professional Place." The ordinance does not allow for exceptions, and, further, a precedent may be set by approval of the request which could interfere with efficiency of Police and Fire Departments in responding to emergency calls. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO DENY THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Renton City Council March 21 , 1983 Page Two OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report recommending amendment of the Parking and Loading Ordinance Committee to allow parking facilities serving development to be located on Parking and permanently leased property. Permanency of the lease should be Loading Ordinance determined by review of several factors, including but not limited Amendment - to expected lifespan of the building and provision of security by the Leased Parking applicant to assure the use of the land as a parking lot for that lifespan. Leased parking should be located adjacent to the land use it serves, and may be allowed across any street or alley classified as less than an arterial . The report further recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Code Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Amendments report recommending enactment of proposed revisions to the Sign Code as submitted by the Building and Zoning Department with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for appropriate legislation. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Greenbelts Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a on Utility report recommending referral of the matter of greenbelts located Easements on utility easements to the Planning Commission for study and report back to the City Council . Chairman Rockhill explained that because the Comprehensive Plan requires assignment of greenbelt designation to utility easements outside downtown and industrial areas, a clear definition of the scope of the downtown area by the Planning Commission is required. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report advising Services discussion by the committee of three major concerns regarding the Committee Clearview TV Cable franchise transfer to Group W Cable: 1 ) basic rates ; Clearview TV 2) construction schedules ; and 3) insurance bonds. It was agreed that Cable Franchise Clearview customers will continue to pay existing rates; the Clearview Transfer to system will be upgraded within 24 months, at which time Group W may Group W Cable request a rate change; and insurance bonds will be combined and increased an appropriate percentage on the recommendation of the city ' s consultant. The committee finds that the franchise transfer would best serve the public interest, and therefore recommends the transfer be allowed with the above referenced provisions incorporated in the resolution. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Responding to Councilman Stredicke' s request for clarification, City Attorney Warren advised that the area presently served by Clearview will be upgraded sometime in the next 24 months, and following upgrading, Group W can request a rate increase for that area under conditions of assignment of the franchise. MOTION CARRIED. (See later action. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings : Ordinance #3717 An ordinance was read appropriating funds for construction of a Union Avenue NE storm drain line in Union Avenue N.E. from N.E. 17th Street to Storm Drain Honey Creek; project approved in 1983 Community Facilities priority Line list but not accomplished due to insufficient funding. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Renton City Council March 21 , 1983 Page Three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Additional An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Zoning (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding zoning Classifications classifications P-1 , Public, and 0-P, Office Park. Chairman Clymer (P-1 , 0-P) advised receipt of a letter from the Planning Commission Ordinance Development Committee, dated March 3, 1983, concerning retail sales in the Office Park zone as a conditional use, and recommending revision of proposed Section 4-720(B) (3) (F) as follows: 1 ) In two (2) story buildings, retail sales may be located only on the first floor and where they do not, in the aggregate, exceed fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the building; and 2) In multi- story buildings, three (3) stories or more in height, retail sales space may be located on any floor of the structure and where they do not, in the aggregate, exceed fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the building. Continued Councilman Hughes objected to restrictive nature of the provision regarding retail sales in two story buildings. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, explained intent of the ordinance to allow retail sales in upper floors only as a support to the major office function; otherwise, a commercial zoning designation may be more appropriate if retail sales are the major function of the building. Following lengthy discussion, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Reed, Council accept the wording suggested by the Planning Commission as a replacement to proposed Section (3) (F) of the ordinance, with one additional stipulation that retail business in other than ground floor locations be related to office park function. SUBSTITUTE MOTION: MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE WORDING OF PART 2 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION, BUT DELETE THE WORDS "THREE (3) STORIES OR MORE IN HEIGHT" FOR MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO ADD: RETAIL SALES LOCATED ON OTHER THAN FIRST FLOOR BE LIMITED TO THOSE BUSINESSES WHICH WOULD SERVE OFFICE PARK FUNCTION. MOTION ON AMENDMENT CARRIED. SUBSTITUTE MOTION AS AMENDED: COUNCIL ACCEPT THE WORDING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AS FOLLOWS: IN MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS, RETAIL SALES SPACE MAY BE LOCATED ON ANY FLOOR OF THE STRUCTURE, AND WHERE THEY DO NOT, IN THE AGGREGATE, EXCEED FIFTY (50) PERCENT OF THE GROSS FLOOR AREA OF THE BUILDING. RETAIL SALES LOCATED ON OTHER THAN FIRST FLOOR BE LIMITED TO THOSE BUSINESSES WHICH WOULD SERVE OFFICE PARK FUNCTION. SUBSTITUTE MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK TO REDRAFT THE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Landscaping An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Ordinance (Building Regulations) by adding a section relating to landscaping and amending Section 4-2204(8) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2496 A resolution was read approving nine-lot final plat for McWilliams McWilliams Final (Clark-Rich, inc. ) , File No. FP-074-82, for property located on the Flat FP-074-82 east side of Union Avenue N.E. between N.E. 4th Street and N.E. 6th :pion 600 Street, extended. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke Orr requested his "no" vote be recorded. Resolution #2497 A resolution was read granting approval of the transfer of franchise Clearview TV of Clearview TV Cable to Group W Cable. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Cable Franchise REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke Transfer to questioned whether a construction schedule is currently included in Group W Cable Group W Cable franchise. City Attorney Warren confirmed inclusion of the schedule. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm announced an Executive Session following Executive the audience comment portion of the Council agenda to discuss personnel Session matters. 410 Renton City Council March 21 , 1983 Page Four NEW BUSINESS continued Other Adult Councilman Rockhill asked for an approximate date of submittal of Entertainment information regarding other adult entertainment uses from the City Uses Attorney. Mr. Warren advised several ordinances from other jurisdictions will be transmitted to the committee within two to three weeks for review. Agreement Councilman Stredicke asked for status report regarding proposed With Water interlocal agreement with Water District No. 58. Mayor Shinpoch District No. explained alternatives for transferring water system for Ponderosa 58 Estates plat from that water district to City of Renton system, noting discussion with Public Works Department staff and direction from City Council necessary. (See later action.) Signs Posted Responding to Councilman Stredicke 's inquiry regarding enforcement in City of the Sign Code, Mr. Blaylock advised that "for rent" signs posted Right-of-Way in city right-of-way are in violation of the ordinance and will be removed. SB 4196 - Councilman Stredicke discussed Senate Bill 4196, $750 million public Infrastructure works infrastructure bill scheduled for executive action in the Bond Issue Legislature. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CITY OF RENTON GO ON RECORD IN SUPPORT OF SB 4196. Mayor Shinpoch explained short notice given by A.W.C . of legislative action and lack of opportunity to poll Council members regarding the matter . Councilman Rockhill questioned source of funds, noting his preference for the city to sell its own bonds rather than relying on the state for distribution. MOTION CARRIED. HB 235 - Gas Councilman Stredicke also expressed support of House Bill 235, gasoline Tax Package tax package which will include increases in July of 1983 and July of 1984 to be shared by cities on a formula basis. Kay Johnson, Manager , Renton Chamber of Commerce, explained support of the bill by the Chamber only if larger portion proposed for cities having high maintenance costs for heavily traveled state arterials. Councilman Stredicke noted that without the additional gas tax, urban arterial projects will receive no funding at all , and encouraged support of the bill for that reason. It was subsequently moved by Stredicke, seconded by Mathews, that the City of Renton go on record in support of HB 235, and that the Legislature be notified of the city's concern that the formula be increased for local municipalities bisected by state arterial roads receiving full traffic impact. SUBSTITUTE MOTION: MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE CITY OF RENTON GO ON RECORD IN SUPPORT OF HB 235 IF THE FORMULA IS INCREASED FOR LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES WHICH ARE BISECTED BY STATE ARTERIAL ROADS RECEIVING FULL TRAFFIC IMPACTS. CARRIED. Letter from MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, LETTER FROM WATER DISTRICT 58 Water District REGARDING PROPOSED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES 58 COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch assured Council members that the Administration will not REPORT respond to the Legislature on their behalf without first receiving Legislative Input their input. CPR Class Mayor Shinpoch highly recommended the CPR class she recently attended with Councilman Hughes. Human Rights Letter from Mayor Shinpoch to all Council members regarding and Affairs recommended changes for the Human Rights and Affairs Commission was Commission referenced by Councilman Stredicke. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL C014VENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 9:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council members reconvened in regular session. Roll was called; all 9:50 p.m. Council members present. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMI ' TING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 21 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/29 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Unallocated Block Grant Funds - Ed Hayduk to attend PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/31 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Holvick deRegt Koering request for (No meeting 3/24/83) waiver of Community Facilities Fee PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 3/28 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 412 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS March 21 , 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9489 $ 10, 00.00 Kukio Bay Properties 507 S. 3rd Street Remodel entry 9490 10,000.00 L. H. Lammer 524 Mill Ave. S. Construct garage 9491 3,800.00 James Burdulis 2200 N. E. 12th St. Construct garage 9492 3,000.00 David Christenson 410 Burnett Ave. S. Remove & replace roof 9493 1 ,045.00 Mrs. C. Stimson 2133 Edmonds Ave. N. E. Reroof residence 9494 2,000.00 Seattle Trust & Savings 100 S. Grady Way Install cash machine 9495 2,000.00 Ted Rodriquez 811 S. 3rd New ceiling in restaurant 9496 43,000.00 Hillis Homes 2705 N.E. 23rd Place New residence 9497 395.00 Southland Corp. 1308-30th Ave. N.E. Add door in walkway 9498 40,000.00 George Oberholtzer 3920 N.E. lOth St. New residence 9499 3,500.00 Renton Village Co. 15 S. Grady Way Remodel suite/Evergreen dg. 9500 Void 9501 10,000.00 Gary U. Reidt 611 Cedar Avenue S. Add new windows/bath 9502 45,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 244 Vashon Ave. S.E. New residence 9503 45,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 231 Vashon Ave. S.E. New residence 9504 1 ,200.00 Paul Cato 659 Ferndale Court N.E. Reroof residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10909 125.00 Clark-rich Realty, Inc. 215 Meadow Ave. N. Install temporary service 10910 800.00 Loberg Oldsmobile 233 Burnett Ave. S. Wire building 10911 30.00 Rufus Commodore 520 Taylor P1 . N.W. Wire garage 10912 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 238 Vashon Ave. S.E. Temporary power pole 10913 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 213 Vashon Ave. S.E. Temporary power pole 10914 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 231 Vashon Ave. S.E. Temporary power pole 10915 1 ,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 219 Vashon Ave. S.E. Wire residence 10916 1 ,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 208 Vashon Ave. S.E. Wire residence 10917 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 241 Bremerton Ave. S.E. Wire residence 10918 48.00 Norman L. Sundquist 458 Union Avenue N.E. Move meter box/base 10919 500.00 Dick D. Olin 235 Airport Way Wire paint rooms 10920 1 ,000.00 Mike Mastro 3803A N.E. 4th St. Add meter for tenant 10921 400.00 Mary Bowron 800 S.W. 4th Place Electrical service change 10922 600.00 Gary Reidt 611 Cedar Avenue S. Extend circuits/add panel 10923 2,350.00 Koll Business Center 243 & 245 S.W. 41st St. Tenant improvement wir'r 10924 250:00 James H. Lee 683 Shelton Ave. N.E. Wire fire damage 10925 980.00 Renton Village Co. 15 S. Grady Way Suite 312 Alter circuits 10926 500.00 Frank Schmidt 1717 Edmonds Way S.E. Wire swimming pool 10927 50.00 Home & Business Svc. 1325 S. Shattuck S. Temporary power pole 10928 1 ,000.00 Mr. Peterson 607 Harrington Ave. NE Upgrade breaker panel 10929 8,250.00 0. W. Properties 919 S.W. Grady Way Wire tenant improvement 10930 Void MECHANICAL PERMITS 9822 3,000.00 Clark-rich Realty, Inc. 215 Meadow Ave. N. Plumbing & fixtures 9823 979.00 Leonard Builders 4307 S.E. 4th Street Gas furnace 9824 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 820 S. 31st Street Plumbing & fixtures 9825 1 ,936.00 Charles Henderson 826 S. 31st Street Plumbing & fixtures 9826 1 ,000.00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd Street Gas supply to generator 9827 15,211 .00 Hick'ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Install four hoods 9828 450.00 Gary Reidt 611 Cedar Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 0929 1 ,000.00 Gary Reidt 611 Cedar Ave. S. Gas fireplace 9830 1 ,200.00 Peoples Bank 235 Airport Way Four unit heaters 9831 6, 153.00 Koll Company 243 S.W. 41st St. Air conditioning unit 9832 3,489.00 Koll Company 265 S.W. 41st St. Air conditioning unit 9833 3,500.00 Brian McGee 344 Renton Ave. S. Heat pump & ductwork 9834 4,300.00 0. W. Properties 919 Grady Way S.W. Air conditioning system 9835 2,000.00 Dick D. Olin 235 Airport Way Fire sprinkler system SIGN PERMITS 109 1 ,500.00 U-Haul 453 Rainier Ave. N. Install wall signs 1095 3,900.00 Southland Corp. 404 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Install free standing 1096 800.00 Southland Corp. 404 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Install wall sign 1097 175.00 Northwest Acceptance 2980 E. Valley Road Install pole sign 1098 -- Northwest Acceptance 2980 E. Valley Road Install wall sign 1099 3,000.00 Denny's Restaurant 4750 Lake Wash. Blvd. NE Install 3 wall signs 1100 5,000.00 Denny's Restaurant 4750 Lake Wash. Blvd. NE Install pylon sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5 20 Wick Homes 213 Vashon Ave. S.E. Sanitary building sewer 5421 Wick Homes 225 Vashon Ave. S.E. Sanitary building sewer 5422 Wick Homes 231 Vashon Ave. S.E. Sanitary building sewer 5423 Wick Homes 238 Vashon Ave. S.E. Sanitary building sewer 5424 Wick Homes 4206 S.E. 2nd Place Sanitary building sewer 5425 Wick Homes 241 Bremerton Ave. S.E. Sanitary building sewer OF R4vv COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS TRIMM, W do O A G E N D A W.COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER _ ROBERT HUGHES NANCY n JOHN WL REED 09,� R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDALL ROCKHIII �P RICHARD M.STREDICKE 0,9gTED SEPIC" REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 28, 1933 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E.MOTOR MAYOR I . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 21 , 1983 4. PROCLAMATIONS: a) Planning Month b) Western Washington Health Kick '83 Week 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Finance Department requests amendment of Chapter 2, Section 3 (Water Department) to include hydrant availability charge in the amount of $65.00 for customers drawing water from hydrants without a meter on a continuous use basis. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $120.85 (repair estimate) filed by Edward M. Diehl , 9607 S. 213th, Kent, for damage to 1973 Luv pickup allegedly caused by fire truck backing off SR-167 ramp on 3/7/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. c. Personnel Department requests reclassification of Parks Maintenance Custodian position to Parks Maintenance Worker as result of job classification analysis. Refer to Ways and Means Committee . d. Policy Development Department requests public meeting be set on April 11 , 1983 to review proposed Ashley Annexation for one single family lot located at the west end of S.E. 165th Street adjoining the current city limit boundaries. Council concur and set public meeting for April 11 , 1983. e. City Clerk reports bid opening 3/18/83 for recarpeting project on fifth floor of City Hall ; seven bids received. Refer to Park Director. Park Director recommends acceptance of low bid of Rubenstein 's Contract Carpeting in the amount of $6,021 . 17 including tax. Council concur in Park Director's recommendation. f. City Clerk reports bid opening 3/18/83 for renovation of fifth floor of City Hall . Refer to Park Director. Park Director recommends acceptance of low bid of Johnson & Johnson Construction Company in the amount of $17,505.00 including tax. Council concur in the Park Director's recommendation. g. Finance Department requests resolution for transfer of funds for 1982 King County Medical Retroactive Premium Payment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8, OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIOKS . NEW BUSINESS il . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 414 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 28, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, COUNCIL MEMBERS RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director; JOHN WESLEY, Parks Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 21 , 1983 AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke corrected page one (request of Fire Department for early replacement of personnel ) , which should state his opposition to the request, indicate his suggestions for training alternatives, and record his "no" vote on the motion. MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES AS CORRECTED CARRIED. (See later discussion under New Business.) PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared April , 1983, as Planning Planning Month Month, to recognize the National Conference of the American Planning Association being held in Seattle, April 16-20, 1983. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Western A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared April 23 to May 1 , 1983 Washington as Western Washington Health Kick '83 Week to recognize the Health Health Kick Fair, co-sponsored by Seattle-King County Chapter of the American '83 Week Red Cross and KING AM/FM radio and TV, at approximately 40 sites. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Senate Bill - Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Avenue S. , Coordinator of Citizens for a Civil Rights Quality Community, advised Council members that her recent trip to Law Washington, D.C. was successful and productive. She discussed draft Senate Bill pending in Congress which pertains to civil rights laws, specifically those cited in recent Forbes lawsuit against the city. She will be requesting information from other jurisdictions regarding award of attorney's fees and damages from lawsuits filed against local governmental agencies for the purpose of formulating input to Congress before passage of legislation. CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ITEM 6.G. BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Hydrant Finance Department requested amendment of Chapter 2, Section 3 Availability (Water Department) to include hydrant availability charge in the Charge amount of $65.00 for customers drawing water on a continuous use basis from hydrants without a meter. Refer to Utilities Committee. Diehl Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $120.85 (repair estimate) filed for Damages by Edward M. Diehl , 9607 S. 213th, Kent, for damage to 1973 Luv CL-08-83 pickup allegedly caused by fire truck backing off SR-167 ramp on 3/7/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Parks Department Personnel Department requested reclassification of Parks Maintenance Reclassification Custodian position to Parks Maintenance Worker as result of job Request classification analysis. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Ashley Policy Development Department requested public meeting be set on Annexation April 11 , 1983, to review proposed Ashley Annexation for one Public single family lot located at the west end of S.E. 165th Street Meeting adjoining the current city limit boundaries. Council concur. Renton City Council March 28, 1983 Page Two CONSENT AGENDA continued Bid Award - City Clerk reported bid opening 3/18/83 for recarpeting project Fifth Floor on fifth floor of City Hall ; seven bids received (tabulation Recarpeting attached) . Refer to Park Director. Park Director recommended Project acceptance of low bid of Rubenstein's Contract Carpeting in the amount of $6,021 . 17, including tax. Council concur & award contract. Bid Award - City Clerk reported bid opening 3/18/83 for renovation of fifth Fifth Floor floor of City Hall ; three bids received (tabulation attached) . Renovation Refer to Park Director. Park Director recommended acceptance of Project low bid of Johnson & Johnson Construction Co. in the amount of $17,505.00, including tax. Council concur and award contract. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item 6.G. , Finance Department requested resolution for transfer of funds for Removed From 1982 King County Medical Retroactive Premium payment. Finance Consent Agenda: Director Michael Mulcahy explained retroactive program negotiated Fund Transfer by city in 1982 when proposed rate increase of 25.4% was imposed, for 1982 King resulting in 14% premium increase and 10% retroactive premium County Medical increase if losses exceeded premiums. According to actual 1982 Retroactive experience, a net loss of $137,995 was incurred by the city, Premium Payment resulting in city owing King County 10% of premium income or $44,668.00. Since no solutions or alternatives are available to the program, and with proposed increase of 38% for 1983, city has negotiated 22% premium increase and 15% retroactive premium increase for this year. Discussion was held regarding need for employee awareness of high cost of claims funding, possibility of self-insurance, calculations of losses and gains from claims, insurance cycles, and budgeting of proposed rate increases for 1983• MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Richard Houghton was read in Traffic Hazard response to letter from Leon Harris, President, East Renton N.E. 4th Street Plateau Community Council , requesting prohibition of left turns on N.E. 4th Street between Monroe and Union Avenue N.E. to eliminate traffic hazards. Mr. Houghton's letter outlined three alternatives to mitigate problem: 1 ) formation of an LID to widen road and install two-way left turn lane at approximate cost of $150,000; 2) installation of C-curb the full length of N.E. 4th between Monroe and Union at approximate cost of $10,000; or 3) do nothing and continue to incur approximately 10 left turn related accidents per year. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke recalled requesting Council support over past 31 years to require installation of C-curb prior to construction of multi-family complexes along N.E. 4th Street to assure participation in LID by developers to provide access for tenants. Currently, businesses located along N.E. 4th Street oppose an LID because owners would bear the greater share of the cost, assessment being based on front footage. MOTION CARRIED. Funding Request Letter was read from A. J. Ladner, Executive Director of Housing by Housing Authority, City of Renton, notifying city officials of a request Authority for funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development - under the comprehensive improvement assistance program in the total amount of $469,200 for Hillcrest Terrace and Sunset Terrace centers. Mayor Shinpoch advised action not required by Council . RAYS Request Letter was read from June Leonard, Executive Director of Renton for Funding Area Youth Services, discussing budget problems created by reduction of funding by King County, outlining proposed mitigation measures, and requesting additional funding in the amount of $7,500 from the city after June 30, 1983 to continue serving population of Renton. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke reiterated complaints registered at past two Sign Code Council meetings concerning non-enforcement of Sign Code. 415 Renton City Council March 28, 1983 Page Three OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF SIGNALIZATION continued AND LIGHTING PROJECT AT S.W. 7TH STREET AND HARDIE AVENUE S.W. Signal Project (HDK) BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report recommending Committee concurrence with the Public Works Department recommendation to Latecomer approve a latecomer agreement for Tri-State Construction Company's Agreement - water main improvements installed under Water Project W-535. The Tri-State Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be Construction authorized to execute the document. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance 13718 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Landscaping (Building Regulations) by adding a section relating to landscaping Ordinance and amending Section 4-2204(8). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Additional Chairman Clymer reported the ordinance regarding additional zoning Zones classifications, P-1 and 0-P, will be held for one week. Voucher Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Approval recommending approval of Vouchers 50080 through 50298 in the amount of $425,890.22, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 50076 through 50079 machine voided. Warrants included LID 325: $1,355.00. MOVED BY- CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Citing recent article in Record-Chronicle, Councilman Rockhill P-1 Channel requested status report regarding P-1 Channel construction. Mayor Shinpoch explained Administration merely exploring possibilities of constructing the project, noting tentative meeting with King County Councilman Gary Grant to discuss matter. Fire Department Councilman Stredicke reiterated comments expressed at 3/21/83 Replacements Council meeting in opposition to Fire Chief's request for $25,000 expenditure to hire four firefighters earlier than 1983 budget allows to enable their attendance at once-yearly state training academy session. Stredicke suggested new hires be trained by departmental staff or sent out of state to other training facilities rather than transferring $25,000 budgeted for other items. Suburban Mayors Councilman Stredicke reported Suburban Mayors Meeting scheduled Meeting 4/6/83 with representatives of Metro to address the subject of water quality. Mayor Shinpoch advised she has been asked to serve on Suburban Mayors Bylaws Committee, which plans to consider inviting full and part-time Council members to join the organization with full voting privileges. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch encouraged all Council members to attend a seminar REPORT at Valley General Hospital on 4/13/83 to-allow Valley elected VGH Seminar officials to meet new administrator. She advised successful meeting held recently with hospital officials and Building and Fire Department personnel to discuss long-range building plans. Police Mayor Shinpoch announced assemblage of entire Renton Police Department Department staff on 3/21/83 at Carco Theatre to full dress uniform Photo Session for a group photograph. City of Tukwila Police Department was thanked for their police coverage of Renton during brief session. Traffic Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a letter from the Employment Congestion at Security Department in Olympia outlining mitigation measures to Renton Job improve parking and circulation congestion at the Renton Job Center Center located in the Highlands. Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, confirmed that facility currently does highest volume of business in Renton due to high unemployment rate. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:15 p.m. Renton City Council March 28, 1983 Page Four MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk i BID TABULATION • SHEET P RO J EC T • RECARPETING OF FIFTH FLOOR OF CITY HALL DATF • MARCH 18, 1983 a 3:00. P.M. PAGE ONE OF TWO BI0DF-Ft BID 1. HAIGHT CARPET SERVICE (No signed $6,442.00 12602 N.E. 178TH forms incl.) WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 2. DECOR CARPETS AA $9,900.00 723 RAINIER AVENUE S. Bid Check: $500.00 (not certified) RENTON WA 98055 EEO MBE* AMERICAN DRAPERY b CARPET AA $6,300.00 700 S. 3RD Bid Check: $315.00 (not certified) RENTON, WA 98055 4. R. H. JOHNSON FLOOR COVERING AA BB $8,500.00 1905 S. K STREET TACOMA, WA 98405 EEO MBI! 5. Queen City Floor Company AA BB $8,105.00 P.O. Box 9885 SEATTLE, WA 98109 6. K. D. SUPPLY, INC. no signed forms $7,761.68 19110 66TH AVE. S. SUITE 100 Included KENT, WA 98031 Bid Check: $359.67 (cashier's check) — *Unsigned BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J EC T • RECARPETING OF FIFTH FLOOR OF CITY HALL DAT E • MARCH 18, 1983 Q 3:00 P.M. PAGE TWO OF TWO BIU[�ER BIO 7. RUBENSTEIN'S CONTRACT CARPET AA BB $5,570.00 5701 6TH AVE. S. SUITE 221 SEATTLE WA 98108 *Unsi ned ARK DEPARTMENT ESTIMATE: • $10,000.00 418 BID SHEET TABUL TIONA PROJECT : RENOVATION OF FIFTH FLOOR OF CITY HALL DATE • MARCH 18, 1983 @ 2:00. P.M. BIpt�ER gip JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO. , INC. $17,505.00 EEO MBE 15 SOUTH GRADY WAY AA BID CHECK: $875.25 RENTON WA 98055 EEO MBE 2. GEORGE KRIEGER INC. AA BB $24,929.00 221 N.E. 134th KIRKLAND WA 98033 3. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. , INC. AA BB . $21 ,953-00 4080 148th AVENUE N.E. REDMOND, WA 98052 PARK DEPARTMENT ESIMATE: $25,000.00 i CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 03/24/83 WARRANT OISTRIBUTICN FUND TOTAL WARRANTS 'ACHINE VOIDS: NO.50076 - 50079 ENT 5122.183 . 88 PARKS $531767.08 ARTERIAL STREETS $212.70 STREETS 547,060.43 LIBRARY $2i011 .48 STREET FORWARD THRUST 59j-922. 28 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR S15P986. 11 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $13.228. 38 WATERWORKS UTILITY $151 .-246.E2 AIRPORT 52.825.41 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $6.090. 85 i CONTROL 51 .355 .00 --AL OF ALL WARRANTS S425P890. 22 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 50060 THROUGH NO. SC298 IN THE AMOUNT OF $425.890. 22 THIS 26TH OAY OF MARCH 1983. / COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ��� '�'' - It MEMBER - - L.I.D.#325 MEMBER - - - - - - REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-10 $1 .355.00 -. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER G7 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 28, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/29 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Unallocated Block Grant Funds Tues. 4/5 4:30 p.m. " " " " Letter from RAYS - Representative from Finance Department requested PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/31 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Holvick deRegt Koering request for waiver of Community Facilities Fee UBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) Thurs. 3/31 8:00 p.m.* STREDICKE th Floor Conference Room Correspondence re. left turns betwee *Following Planning & Development Monroe S Union Ave. N.E. on NE 4th; Committee meeting HDK signalization project at SW 7th S Hardie SW; LID 324 Bid Award UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 4/4 7:00 p.m. CLYMER Gth Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Suburban Mayors ' Meeting Weds. 4/6 6:00 p.m. Alexander's Restaurant in Bothell/Discuss water quality Valley General Hospital Seminar Weds. 4/13 4-8:00 p.m. VGH Dining Conference Room Introduce new VGH Administrator for Valley elected officials 421 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS i March 28, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9505 2,400.00 Philip & Bridget Teller 656 Redmond Ave. NE Construct garage 9506 180,000.00 Andover Company 2126 S.W. 43rd Street Construct office building 9507 250,000.00 Dr. Daniel O'Brien 3713 Talbot Road S. Remodel building for clinic 9508 3,500.00 Virginia C. Forte 124-128 Park Ave. N. Install chain link fence 9509 1 ,500.00 Patricia Johnson 1508-1510 Kirkland N.E. Reroof duplex 951 " 200.00 Y. Bros. Martial Arts 2828 Sunset Lane NE Temporary wall structures 95i 19,000.00 Mrs. Alder 1829 Aberdeen Ave. NE Basement/first floor add. 95' 87,000.00 Washington Donuts Inc. 330 Rainier Ave. S. Construct restaurant 95 - 10,000.00 0. W. Properties 919 Grady Way SW Computer floor & walls 95; 15,000.00 0. W. Properties 919 Grady Way SW Construct wall ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10931 50.00 Tri Power Industries 2706 N.E. 5th Court Install temporary power 10932 600.00 M. J. Sherman 700 S. 50th Wire swimming pool 10933 100.00 Ted Sowers 505 Park Avenue N. Install wiring to sign 10934 400.00 Daniel E. Holms 336 Burnett Ave. S. Rewire commercial building 10935 2,500.00 Clarkrich Realty, Inc. 215 Meadows Wire duplex 110936 1 ,500.00 Robert S. MacGregor 1520 Taylor Ave. SW Install temporary power 10937 300.00 Karman Holmes 150 Capri Wire furnace SIGN PERMIT 1101 ,-000.00 Winton & Associates 3815 N.E. 4th Street Install pole sign 1102 400.00 Highland National Auto Pt.2838 NE Sunset Blvd. Install wall sign MECHANICAL PERMITS 99-36-- 7,000.00 Thurston Bosley 3713 Talbot Road S. Plumbing/fixtures 9837 2,250.00 0. W. Properties 919 S.W. Grady Way Plumbing/fixtures 9838 150.00 Gary Goodwin 1616 N.E. 30th St. Propane tank 9839 400.00 Sharon R. Myers 2613 N.E. 7th St. Under floor furnace 9840 1 ,250.00 Renton Village Company 15 Grady Way S. Plumbing/fixtures 984 ' 1 ,300.00 Glenn H. Whitten 3819 N.E. 8th Ct. Wood stove 98L 125.00 John Van Eyk 230 S. 15th Plumbing/fixtures 984 16,792,00 Renton School District 3000 N.E. 4th St. Air handling unit 98L 11 ,000.00 Pizza Haven 739 Rainier Ave. S. Air conditioning unit 9845 6, 160.00 Gordon Lawrence 3611 Lake Wash. Blvd. N. Solar water heater 9846 600.00 Mary Ann Krzycki 636 Ferndale Ave. NE Franklin fireplace CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5 09 Wall & Redekop Union NE 6 Whitworth NE Mainline sewer 422 C I T Y O F k E N T 0 N . TRANSFERS MONTH OF MARCH, 1983 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; )ATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /4/83 PARK FUND TAN/OPR CASH REQUI Per Resolution #2489 $ 43,500.00 101/ 609/ 3/11/83 CURRENT FUND PARKS FUND Transf.for H&CD Tele.calls $ 44.33 118/83 TAN/OPR Cash Require CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 34,000.00 609/131 :30.00.00 000/ 1967 Limited GO BONDS CURRENT FUND To transfer balance in Bond 262.2] 202/271 .00.00.00 000/271 .00.00.00 Redemption Fund to Current CURRENT FUND PARKS FUND rransf.for H&CD Tele. calls 47.78 000/000/20.538.90.42.08 101/000/20. 519. 50.42. 32 I wr MAYOR NANCE DIRECTOR C I TY OF f. ENT0N TRANSFERS MONTH OF MARCH, 1983 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 3/2R;'R3 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIRE CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 122,000.00 609/ 000/ CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND To cancel outdated claims $ 1,393.39 601/201.00.00 000/369.90.00.25 warrants PARKS FUND to 1,227.77 101/369.90.00.25 STREET FUND of 181.53 103/369.90.00.25 " LIBRARY FUND it61.00 106/369.90.00.25 " STREET FWD. THRUST 15. 34 301/369.90.00.25 WATERWORKS UTILITY FJND 1,332.74 401/369.90.00.25 " AIRPORT FUND 240.11 402/369.90.00.25 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 43.16 501/369.90.00.25 PAYROLL FUND CURRENT FUND To cancel outdated payroll $ 628.03 802/ 000/369.90.00.25 warrants PARKS FUND it54.67 101/369.90.00.25 3/31/83 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIRE CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 150,000.00 609/ 000/ • MAYOR INANCE DIRECTOR i 424 OF R� REVISED 41 � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, do COUNCIL PRESIDENT (� �% �-� Z EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES Z o NANCY L.MATHEWS O JOHN W REED 9% R E N T O N CITY COUNC1L RROCKHI �P RICH All CHARD M STREDIDICKE 09gr�D SEP"'—o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 4, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1983 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Subdivision Ordinance Revisions 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizens interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record , spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Design Engineering/Public Works Department requests approval of final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, and commencement of 30-day r lien period for Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 2nd Street Improvement Project (CAG-058-82) , Gary Merlino Construction Co. , contractor. Council concur. b. Notice of Appeal filed by Joseph W. Thiel and Susan Thiel v City of Renton 3/25/83 regarding LID 322 assessment amount, Superior Court No. 83-2-04054-0. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. C. Finance Department requests authorization of issuance of $1 .5 million in Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds. Refer to Utilities Committee for status report and Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Executive Department requests admission tax exemption for children (nine and under) at Longacres Race Track. Concur with recommendation of Administration. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of April 4, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER Superior Court Appeal re LID 322 (Thiel ) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Additional Zoning Classifications (0-P, P-1 ) MAYOR & CITY CLERK Sign Installation Agreement for Signal at SW 7th & Hardie SW Execute LID 324 Contract with R.W. Scott Co. UTILITIES COMMITTEE Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Subdivision Ordinance Revisions Sign Code (1st reading 4/4/83) PUBLIC HEARING 4/11/83 - Ashley Annexation 426 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 4, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; RON HEIRET, Parks Superintendent. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Subdivision and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Ordinance hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Subdivision Revisions Ordinance. David Clemens, Policy Development Director, outlined Planning and Development Committee recommendations for ordinance revisions: 1 ) extension of expiration of preliminary plats from one to three years with option for one year extension to comply with state statutes; 2) special notice of the public hearing mailed to property owners within 300 feet as responsibility of applicant; 3) approval period for final plats within 30 days of submission; and 4) 30-day appeal period to Superior Court. Mr. Clemens discussed correspondence from Assistant City Attorney Dan Kellogg and attorney Joel Haggard, and explained concept of binding site plan, noting opposition of the concept by staff and the Council committee because of foreseen difficulties in modifying site plans following recording with county agencies. Continued The Planning and Development Committee Report of March 7, 1983 was read, and deletion of Section 9-1106.2(C) (3) , mailing require- ments of public hearing notice to landowners, was recommended by Rockhill and Clymer due to potential need for increased staff to administer the program, and difficulties in successfully reaching affected property owners. Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of correspondence from A.W.C. regarding substitute Senate Bill 3019, which expands requirements for content of public hearing notice and requires mailing of notice to affected property owners, with action on the bill anticipated by the end of the week. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE WITH EXCEPTION OF SECTION 9-1106.2. (C) (3) REGARDING MAILING REQUIREMENTS, WHICH SHOULD BE HELD FOR ONE MONTH, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Scout Troop 202 Mayor Shinpoch introduced Boy Scout Troop 202 members in attendance to earn a merit badge. 1 AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , opposed approval of request by Longacres Tax Longacres Race Track for admission tax exemption for children, Exemption nine years of age and younger, noting unhealthy environment for young children. (See later action. ) Waiver of Loren Davis, Holvick de Regt Koering, 1818 Westlake N. , Seattle, Community requested advancement to Planning and Development Committee report Facilities regarding request for waiver of Community Facilities Charge. MOVED Charge BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council April 4, 1983 Page Two Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development report regarding request of HDK for review of dedication of 17 Committee acres of property by HDK as part of environmental mitigation HDK Request requirements for the project. However, only 10 acres were actually for Waiver required for purposes of flood and storage capacity for the project of Community with the additional 7 acres being required for the P-1 Channel . Facilities Additionally, application for the building permit was made in Charge June, 1982, at which time a Systems Development Fee assessment of $13,000 was determined; the city subsequently eliminated the Systems Development Fee in July, 1982. If the application had been filed after July, 1982, a Utility Connection Charge of $8,000 would have been assessed instead. Therefore, the committee is recommending that the extra dedication of 7 acres amounts to 41% of the total dedication, and the assessment should be reduced in that amount resulting in a fee comparable to the $8,000 Utility Connection Charge. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ` COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect the fact that he did not sign the committee report. He objected to the recommendation due to considerable time lapse since the city' s action, and reimbursement given to the applicant for dedication previously required. Following explanation of the fee structures and changes in circumstances since requirement of original fees and dedications, MOTION CARRIED. Admission Tax Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , opposed exemption of children Exemption at from admission tax requirement at Longacres, and felt the tax Longacres should be affordable to patrons. (See later action. ) CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Monroe Ave. NE Design Engineering/Public Works Department requested approval of and NE 2nd St. final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, commencement of Project 30-day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of $19,073.82 if no liens or claims are filed against the project located on Monroe Avenue N.E. and N.E. 2nd Street. Gary Merlino Construction Co. , contractor; total cost: $382,473.79. Council concur. Superior Notice of Appeal filed by Joseph W. Thiel and Susan Thiel v City Court Appeal of Renton 3/25/83 regarding LID 322 assessment amount, Superior LID 322 Court No. 83-2-04054-0. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance (Thiel ) Carrier. Water-Sewer Finance Department requested authorization of issuance of $1 .5 Revenue Bonds million in Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds to provide local financing for 1983 projects, including West Hill Joint Facilities Project and replacements, extensions and betterments to water and sewer system. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Administration was read recommending admission tax Longacres Policy exemption for children (nine & under) at Longacres Race Track since Chanqe regarding free admission policy change being considered by Longacres for this Admission Tax age group. The letter reported no admissions tax at other West Coast tracks for children, exemption should encourage more "paying" customers, and the policy should alleviate problem with unattended children being left in parking lots. Discussion indicated if admittance allowed, children will be restricted to spectator areas, and permission is not requested of Council to approve admission of children, but, rather, approval of exemption of admission tax. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION TO EXEMPT CHILDREN FROM ADMISSION TAX AT LONGACRES RACE TRACK. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, ROCKHILL, HUGHES. 3 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE, CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. Signal Change Letter was read from Public Works Director Richard Houghton at Williams N. recommending flashing mode placed on signals at Williams Ave. N. & 3rd & 4th N. at N. 3rd and N. 4th Streets (Wells reference omitted) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION Renton City Council April 4, 1983 Page Three Flashing Mode OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. Responding to Council inquiry, at Williams/ Houghton indicated breaks in traffic progression resulting from stops at N. 3rd & 4th other signalized intersections will allow motorists to cross safely; Continued Police and Traffic Engineering Departments have concurred in the recommendation on a trial basis. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Mathews reported recently attending a meeting in Kirkland H & CD Block with city staff for discussion of Housing and Community Development Grant Funds funds, with interesting model of proposed pedestrian corridor displayed. She also has observed cooperation by visitors at new Coulon Beach Coulon Beach Park extension removing their own garbage until receptacles are Park provided at a later date. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services recommending allocation of $24,662 of Housing and Community Committee Development Block Grant Funds to the old shop site redevelopment H & CD Block project ($17,000) and senior housing and pedestrian corridor Grant Funds ($7,662) . MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Ed Hayduk, H & CD Coordinator, advised opportunity to reapply for funds if unused during one year period beginning July, 1983 . MOTION CARRIED. Storage Bins Councilman Reed asked the Administration to review matter of City Shop Site removal of large storage bins from the old city shop site. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Traffic Signal installation agreement for traffic signal and appurtenances at at S.W. 7th S.W. 7th Street and Hardie Avenue S.W. with Holvick deRegt Koering. and Hardie S.W. Also recommended was approval of the concept of a latecomers agreement and review of final figures by the committee prior to signing latecomers agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Turning Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Movements recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works on N.E. 4th Department to install an 18-inch wide strip down the center of Prohibited N. E. 4th Street from Monroe Avenue N.E. to Union Avenue N. E. and to install signs prohibiting left turns for the next one-half mile at each end of that corridor. Installation of rumble bars is recommended if funds available. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke stressed fact that no turns will be allowed across the yellow line into shopping areas or businesses located along N. E. 4th Street. Councilman Rockhill was hopeful that this temporary action will induce formation of an LID. MOTION CARRIED. i Bid Award - Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report LID 324 concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department R. W. Scott to accept the low bid of R.W. Scott Construction Company in the amount of $132,699.51 , and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents for LID 324, East Valley Medical Park Short Plat. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Book of Maps Councilman Stredicke commended the Administration for providing a book of maps to each Council member for use in Council Chambers. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordiance for first reading: Sign Code An ordinance was read amending Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) relating to the Sign Code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Renton City Council April 4, 1983 Page Four ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Additional An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Zoning (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding zoning Classifications classifications P-1 , Public, and 0-P, Office Park. Councilman (O-P, P-1 ) Clymer advised inclusion in ordinance of revisions discussed at 3/21/83 Council meeting. Following discussion between Council members and staff representatives Blaylock and Clemens of possible alternatives and modifications to allow retail sales in the Office Park zone, and discovery of a conflict between Section (3) (F) and (2) (A) of the ordinance regarding accessory uses, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Rockhill requested copies of the ordinance containing staff recommendations be provided to Council members prior to Committee of the Whole meeting on 4/14/83. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2498 A resolution was read transferring funds in the amount of $43, 181 .79 Fund Transfer for to provide for 1982 King County Medical retroactive premium payments King County in the amount of $44,668. 10. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Medical Payment COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Parks Department Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Reclassification recommending concurrence in the request for reclassification of Parks Maintenance Custodian to Parks Maintenance Worker. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke spoke against the motion and expressed opposition to upgrading vacated positions. Chairman Clymer explained proposal to promote existing employee to reclassified position which requires expanded skills and eliminate lower grade position. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his "no" vote be recorded. Risk Management Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Study Contract recommending concurrence in the Finance Director 's recommendation to execute a contract with ARMTech for a maximum amount of $7,500 to conduct a risk management study for the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Responding to Council inquiry, Administrative Assistant Michael Parness advised anticipated completion of the study by July, 1983 with possible extension necessary; the $5,000 originally allocated for the project was found to be insufficient; and of large number of firms screened for the study, the top three were from out-of-state. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm announced an executive session following Executive Session audience comment portion of agenda to discuss labor negotiations. S.W. 43rd St. Councilman Stredicke requested a status report regarding the S.W. Status Report 43rd Street widening project. Public Works Director Houghton explained progress, noting removal of power poles by City of Kent and modification to signal controls by Burlington Northern Railroad Company remain to be accomplished. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch requested Council consideration prior to next REPORT session of State Legislature of a mechanism through which Council Legislative and the Administration may review A.W.C. bulletins regarding pending Session bills in a timely manner. She advised A.W.C . notification of 40 bills currently pending, and mechanism for receiving Council input not available. Pending is a bill pertaining to a request by Suburban Mayors to disallow binding arbitration for labor contracts; another to eliminate the load limit of garbage trucks on city streets. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED , CITY GO ON RECORD OPPOSING LOAD LIMIT BILL CURRENTLY BEFORE STATE LEGISLATURE REGARDING GARBAGE TRUCKS. CARRIED. District Court Mayor Shinpoch announced recent relocation of King County District Relocation Court from fifth floor of City Hall to its new facility in, the Renton Highlands which should provide welcome relief to City Hall parking problems. 430 Renton City Council April 4, 1983 Page Five ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT continued Jail Mayor Shinpoch reported Renton jail facilities passed 1932 Inspection inspection by Washington State Jail Commission with flying colors and are in full compliance with required standards. AUDIENCE Ed Hayduk, Housing & Community Development Coordinator, announced COMMENT commencement of the city' s annual Spring Cleanup next weekend (4/9/83) Spring Cleanup and following two weekends in the Highlands, and last two weekends in north and south areas of Renton. Block Grant Mr. Hayduk also addressed the Council regarding the jobs bill Funds recently passed by Congress with expectations of receipt by King County of approximately $600,000 additional block grant funds next year based on population and approximately $400,000 based on unemployment figures, for which the City of Renton will apply. Mayor Shinpoch requested Mr. Hayduk direct a memorandum to members of Community Services Committee prior to 4/5/83 meeting reviewing possible allocation of these funds towards Renton Area Youth Services to help mitigate its financial shortages. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 10:31 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 12: 10 a.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 4, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 4/14 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers Ordinance re. Office Park Zone; Human Rights & Affairs Commission AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 4/5 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Letter from RAYS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT NO MEETING ON 4/7/83 ROCKHILL PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES Tues. 4/5 3:30 p•m• MATHEWS 3rd Floor Conference Room Hydrant charge; Water-Sewer Revenue Bonds (Ted Bennett & Bob Bergstrom to attend) AYS AND MEANS Mon. 4/11 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS LEOFF Board Meeting Weds. 4/6 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room ►� CJJ 14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS April 4, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9515 $ 10,000.00 Foodmaker, Inc. 459 Rainier Ave. S. Remodel restaurant 9516 70,000.00 Clark-Rich, Inc. 4206-4208 N.E. 5th St. Construct duplex 9517 70,000.00 Clark-Rich, Inc. 4218-4220 N. E. 5th St. Construct duplex 9518 70,000.00 Clark-Rich, Inc. 4212-4214 N.E. 5th St. Construct duplex 9519 1845.75 Mr. William Bennett 2208 Edmonds N.E. Reroof residence 9520 45,000.00 Peters Construction Co. 246 Main Court S. New single family residence 9521 86,000.00 Charles Henderson Co. 3013 Smithers Court S. New single family reside 9522 855.00 L. J. Janzen 1109 N. 30th Reroof residence 9523 7,500.00 0. W. Properties 919 Grady Way S.W. Shields for solar gain 9524 3,900.00 John R. Robinson 316 Taylor Ave. N.W. Remodel residence 9525 40,000.00 G & L Builders 2410 Main Ct. S. New single family residence 9526 67,000.00 Cascade Pacific Dev. 1128 S. 26th Pl . New single family residence 9527 1 ,000.00 Jose Castillo 234 Garden Ave. N. Remodel residence ' ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10938 100.00 F. Edward Starkey 4342 N.E. 22nd Ct. Relocate meter box 110939 450.00 Stan Witsoe 230 S. 15th St. Wire addition 10940 40.00 G. & L Builders Lot 47, Victoria Hills Install temporary power 10941 700.00 Pete Adams 523 Kirkland Ave. N. E. Install wiring to addition 10942 999.00 Phillip Scott 1402 N. 8th St. Install wiring in garage 10943 500.00 Jack in the Box 439 Rainier Ave. S. Relocate fixtures 10944 800.00 Dan O' Brien 3713 Talbot Road S. Wire sound system 10945 50.00 Clark-Rich, Inc. 1100 Harrington Ave. Install temporary power 10946 200.00 Boeing CAG 1601 Lind Ave. SW Wire tenant area 10947 9,500.00 Boeing CAG 1601 Lind Ave. SW Wire tenant area 10948 37,000.00 Boeing CAG 1601 Lind Ave. SW Wire tenant area 10949 43,000.00 Boeing CAG 1601 Lind Ave. SW Wire floor pedestals 10950 4,590.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 203 S. 2nd Install generator 10951 450.00 McCaw Communications 306 Seneca Place NW Install new service 10952 6,507.00 Safeway Stores , Inc . 2725 NE Sunset Blvd. Install generator 10953 850.00 Charles Henderson 826 S. 31st Wire new residence 10954 850.00 Charles Henderson 802 S. 31st Wire new residence 10955 6,000.00 Tom O' Mera 1314 Union Ave NE #1 Install additional outle 10956 50.00 Washington Donuts, Inc. 330 Rainier Ave. S. Install temporary power MECHANICAL PERMITS 9847 1 ,910.00 George Oberholtzer 3920 NE 10th St. Plumbing/fixtures 9848 4,500.00 Daniel E. Holms 332 Burnett Ave. S. Furnace & heat pump 9849 2,800.00 Longacres 1621 SW 16th St. Install range hood & duct 9850 3,200.00 Renton Retirement Ctr. 71 S.W. Victoria St. Install range hood & duct 9851 500.00 Church of Christ 2527 NE 12th St. Install two heat ducts 9852 600.00 Scott R. Hamilton 3801 NE 7th St. Install fireplace 9853 600.00 Peter Adams 523 Kirkland Ave. NE Plumbing/fixtures 9854 1 ,350.00 Charles Henderson 802 S. 31st St. Furnace & water heater 9855 1 ,350.00 Charles Henderson 826 S. 31st St . Furnace & water heater 9856 400.00 Phillip Scott 1402 N. 28th St. Plumbing/fixtures 9857 1 ,875.00 Hillis Homes 2705 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9858 1 ,547.89 Hillis Homes 2716 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9859 1 ,831 .40 Hillis Homes 2713 NE 23rd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9860 3,000.00 Billy McHale Corp. 241 SW 7th St. Revise kitchen hood 9861 400.00 Our Daily Bread 401 S. 3rd Plumbing/fixtures 9862 6,000.00 Tom O'Mear 1314 Union Ave. NE #1 Plumbing/fixtures 9863 1 ,500.00 Al Hopkins 630 Cedar Ave. S. Furnace 9864 26,859.84 Doctor O' Brien 3713 Talbot Rd. S. Heat pump SIGN PERMIT 1103 1 ,600.00 Fell & Co. 4100 W. Valley Rd. Install pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5T2-6— Virginia C. Forte 124-128 Park Ave. N. Parking lot drainage 5427 Dr. Daniel O' Brien 3713 Talbot Road S. Comm. Sanitary sewer 5428 Oren Dilley 3709 N .E . 4th St. Storm sewer 5429 Charles Henderson Co. 3013 Smithers Ct. S. Sanitary side sewer 5430 Iry Yoder 1633 S. Eagle Ridge Dr. Install 2 driveways I i OF R�+ REV I SED ACOUNCIL MEMBERS o A G E N D A THOMAS W TRIMM, ., COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CYMER ROBERT HUGHES NANCY L MATHEWS RENTON CITY COUNCIL ROHNWR OEED 9,p �� RANDALL ROCKHIII 0,9 0�P RICHARD M STREDICKE �TEO SEP1�o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 1 1 , 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1983 4. PROCLAMATIONS: Professional Secretaries Week Building Safety Week 5• PUBLIC MEETING: Ashley Annexation 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a. Municipal Arts Commission requests approval of Bylaws submitted to City Council for review in accordance with Title 11 , Chapter 12 of the Code of General Ordinances. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Finance Department requests resolution for interim financing from Street Forward Thrust Fund to LID 324 pending receipt of outside reimbursements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Parks and Recreation Department requests approval of final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of $1 , 192 for Gene Coulon Beach Park Signage Contract (CAG-059-82) ; Gary Merlino Construction Co. , contractor. Council concur. d. Washington State Department of Transportation requests Council comments regarding the need or location of a park and ride lot in the Renton Highlands community. Refer to Transportation Committee for report back. e. Police Chief requests Patrol Vehicle A193 declared surplus property and made available for sale to high bidder. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Public Works Director re Renton/1-405/Green River Valley Arterial Program. 9• OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13• AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT I 434 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of April 11 , 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S MAYOR & CITY CLERK Authorized to Execute Agreement with PSCOG for Transportation Study TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Report regarding Park and Ride Lot in Highlands WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission Bylaws Interim Financing for LID 324 Agreement with PSCOG for Transportation Study Leased Parking Ordinance (lst reading 4/11/83) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 11 , 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J . HUGHES, EARL H. CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MICHAEL J . MULCAHY, Finance Director; RICHARD C . HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAVID R. CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS and CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Addition by Councilman Stredicke to page 2, paragraph 6, to refer matter of water-sewer revenue bonds to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1983 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of April 24- Professional 30, 1983 as Professional Secretaries Week, recognizing the Secretaries outstanding professionals in this field, particularly on Week Wednesday, April 27, Professional Secretaries Day. Building A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of April 18- Safety 24, 1983 as Building Safety Week to recognize efforts of state Week and local building officials and members of the construction industry. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Ashley 10% published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Letter of meeting to consider the 100 letter of intent from Laurence W. Intent to Ashley to annex property to Renton. Correspondence from City Annex Clerk was read outlining proper procedures for annexation of a single family lot located on the south side of S.E. 165th Street between 108th Avenue S.E.. and Benson Highway; Policy Development Department report was read recommending the 75% petition application be allowed only on the basis of inclusion of all lots in the Hill Top Heights subdivision in the annexation. Policy Development Director David Clemens designated the location of the site on a map displayed in the Chambers, noted other annexations in the area during past 20 years, and indicated that although annexation of the entire 11-lot plat would provide a logical extension of services to that area, annexation of the single lot requested may split the community. He also advised the purpose of the annexation request to allow connection of the lot, which has failed percolation tests, to the city sewer system for purposes of future development. Continued Discussion indicated that a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) , formed to provide sewers to the general area, does not include the subject site; fees for 10% and 75% petition would be the same regardless of size of the annexation; and provision of emergency services may be costly to serve the single lot due to its location. Mayor Shinpoch asked if the Boundary Review Board would favor annexation of a single lot. Mr. Clemens indicated the possibility that splitting a neighborhood into two separate jurisdictions may conflict with state law. Continued Ronda Bryant , 1518 S. 28th, representing the applicant, clarified that neighbors of the area had been contacted and the majority were opposed to annexation; indicated her residence, which is located in the city limits across the street from the applicant ' s lot, is difficult to find by drivers of emergency vehicles and Renton City Council April 11 , 1983 Page Two PUBLIC MEETING delivery trucks; and described topography of the area , noting when Continued the ULID was formed for the east side of 108th, residents located on S. 28th to S. 29th had not been asked to join due to 20-foot drop in topography. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 10% LETTER OF INTENT TO ANNEX, AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF 75% PETITION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Municipal Arts Commission requested approval of Bylaws submitted Municipal Arts to City Council for review in accordance with Title II , Chapter Commission 12, of the Code of General Ordinances. Refer to Ways and Means Bylaws Committee. Interim Finance Department requested resolution for interim financing Financing for from Street Forward Thrust Fund in the amount of $200,000 to LID 324 LID 324 (street improvements in the vicinity of Talbot Road and S. 37th and S. 38th Streets) pending receipt of outside reimbursements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Coulon Park Parks and Recreation Department requested approval of final pay Signage estimate in the amount of $3,596.69, final acceptance of project, Contract commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retainage in Project the amount of $1 , 192.99 for Gene Coulon Beach Park Signage Contract (CAG-059-82) upon meeting all conditions; Gary Merlino Construction Co. , contractor. Council concur. Park and Ride Washington State Department of Transportation requested Council Lot in Renton comments regarding the need for or location of a park and ride Highlands lot in the Highlands community. Refer to Transportation Committee for report back. Patrol Vehicle Police Chief requested Patrol Vehicle A-193 declared surplus Declared property and made available for sale to high bidder. Council Surplus concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Stredicke questioned adding items to agenda following deadline. Procedures were explained by Mayor Shinpoch. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard Agreement with Houghton discussing agreement reached between the city and PSCOG for Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) for city' s choice of Transportation project to be funded through PSCOG with transportation planning Project funds acquired from federal gas tax increase. It has been determined to use the funds for evaluation of transportation proposals in the 1-405 corridor through Renton (to be named the Renton/1-405/Lower Green River Valley Corridor Analysis) to identify present and expected travel problems and propose growth policies and improvements to transit systems. PSCOG will be lead agency in the study and will provide staff and support services up to the value of $39,331 and the city will provide same up to the value of $7,332 to accomplish the work anticipated for completion no later than July, 1983 • Council members recalled going on record in opposition to ramp metering, and questioned excessive number of studies funded by the city. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS, AND REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested additional information regarding Surplus Police the Police Chief ' s request to surplus a patrol vehicle (Consent Vehicle Agenda) . Chief Wallis explained extensive damage to the vehicle rendered it not worth repairing; projected lifespan of police cars is approximately 60,000 to 70,000 miles or about 18 months; the department has purchased three Dodge Diplomats in Bellevue at a cost of $8,800 apiece and one Volvo purchased in Burien for $13 ,000, with maintenance cost comparisons to be provided to Council following six-month trial period. Renton City Council April 11 , 1983 Page Three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #3719 An ordinance was read amending Chapter ,19 of Title IV (Building Sign Code Regulations) relating to the Sign Code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY AS PRESENTED. Responding to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry regarding enforcement of the Sign Code, Mayor Shinpoch indicated the Administration 's concern regarding the ordinance; however, if approved, staff will provide best effort to enforce. City Attorney Warren explained enforcement is a separate issue from adoption of the Sign Code. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Leased Parking An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 22 of Title IV (Building Regulations) relating to leased parking . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Stredicke noted the ordinance prohibits leased parking across an arterial street from the proposed land use, but does not address whether leased parking is allowed on the other side of railroad tracks located adjacent to a land use. MOTION CARRIED. Water and Sewer An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $1 ,500,000 par Revenue Bonds value of "Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1983" of the City for the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to pay the cost of carrying out the system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City, including the arts; fixing rates, terms and covenants of such bonds; creating a special bond redemption fund to provide for the payment of the bonds; and providing for the sale of such bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Stredicke questioned the value of water and sewer bonds currently being held by the city. Finance Director Mulcahy advised approximately three million dollars of outstanding water-sewer revenue bonds, and reviewed potential effects on general revenue fund by modification of utilities tax. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3720 An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $1 ,500,000 par Water and Sewer value of "Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1983" of the City for the Revenue Bonds purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to pay the cost of carrying out the system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City, including the arts; fixing rates , terms and covenants of such bonds; creating a special bond redemption fund to provide for the payment of the bonds, and providing for the sale of such bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2499 A resolution was read authorizing borrowing of funds not to LID 324 Funds exceed $200,000.00 from the Street Forward Thrust Fund unto Local Improvement District (LID) 324. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Stredicke requested an updated list of Street Forward Thrust Projects, which Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2500 A resolution was read authorizing execution of interlocal agreement King County Jail regarding King County Jail facilities. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Agreement BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Chief Wallis explained booking and daily charges at County jail as well as other specifics of the contract, noting reluctance by the city to enter into agreement due to high costs, but having no other options available. MOTION CARRIED. 433 Renton City Council April 11 , 1983 Page Four ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 50303 through 50526 in the amount of $1 ,090,565.06, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 50299 through 50302 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $240,606.71 ; LID 320: $25.00; LID 323 : $890.26; and LID 325: $45,308.21 . MOVED BY CLYMER, ,SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch advised the 1983 Population Estimation Report , REPORT transmitted to the Office of Financial Management in Olympia 1983 Population 4/8/83 by the Policy Development Department, indicates a Estimate 1983 Census estimate of 33 ,600 effective April 1 , 1983 based on the 1980 Census housing unit counts, revisions to the Census counts, and on number of new housing units completed between 1980 and April , 1983 . The population fiqure will not be official until receipt of confirmation from the state. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:24 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk I r CHEKREvR CITY OF PENTON CATE 04 /C°/E3 WARRANT CISTRI3UTICN FUNS TCTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: 50299 — 50302 CURRENT S2C1 ,5C4.15 !, 'KS 1 $64,061 . 79 TERIAL STREETS $8,362.34 vow STREETS $25,082.90 LIERAPY $4,058. 47 FEDERAL SHAPED REVENUE $298,935. 9C STREET FC;WAR:; THRUST $43,516. 63 G CCULCN BCH PPK CONST; $11 . 988.30 MUnICIDAI FACIL (ShCPS) $259. 86 w'ATEPL. wORKS LTIL?TY $113,488. 24 AlRPCPT $9, 5C7. 99 ECUIPMENT PENTAL $21 ,980.47 FIFEMEN' S PENSICN $967. E4 LID CCNTPCL 5286, 830. 18 TAL CF ALL WARRANTS $1 ,C90,565.C6 WEI THE UNCEPSIGNEC MEPEERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS CCMM,ITTEE OF THE R=NTCN CITY COUNCIL, HAVING ; ECEIVEC DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHAN'-ISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE SEEN RECEIVED C; RENDSRED, CC HEREFY APPRCVE FOR PAYMENT VCUCHERS NO . 50303 THROUGH NC. 50526 IN THE AMCUNT CF $1 ,C9C,565 . 06 T IS 11TH CAY OF APR:L 1983 . COMMITTEE tHAiPNAN - EM? ER L.I.D.#314 REVENUE WARRANT R-38 $240,606.71 L.I.D.#320 L.I.D.# 325 REVENUE WARRANT R— 3 $ 25.00 REVENUE WARRANT R-11 $45,308.21 L.I.D.#323 -VENUE WARRANT R-16 $ 890.26 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER �P O Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 11 , 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 4/14 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers Ordinance re. Office Park Zone; Human Rights & Affairs Commission AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 4/12 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Letter from RAYS PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROCKHILL PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES MATHEWS AYS AND MEANS Mon. 4/18 7:00 P.M. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS 6 EVENTS 441 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS April 11 , 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9528 $ 2,20 .00 Chris Trap 1408 N. 34th St. Reroof residence 9529 6,200.00 William T. Bunch 230 Main Ave. S. Interior remodeling 9530 500.00 Darrell Crosley 657 Queen Ave. NE Construct patio 9531 10,000.00 Michael Woods 3192 Sunset Blvd. NE Remodel walls 9532 1 ,865.00 A & H Drugs 202 S. 3rd St . Remodel storefront door 953? 105,000.00 Professional Assistants 1100 Maple Ave. SW , Construct office building 4, 100.00 C & K Investments 4400 Sunset Blvd. NE Reroof apartment building 5,000.00 Michael D. Julio 416 S. 26th St. Reside residence Void 9537 --- Leroy I . Nass 1516 Raymond Ave. SW Demolish residence 9538 3,890.00 Mike Yamashita 1710 Anacortes Ave. NE Reroof residence 9539 1 ,000.00 Louis Barei 819 Houser Way S. Reroof residence 9540 44,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2607 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9541 25,000.00 Duff Properties 807 S. 3rd St. Remodel doorways 9542 --- Puget Power E. Valley Rd. & SW 23rd Annual fill license MECHANICAL PERMITS 9865 800.00 Mr. Rogers 420 Renton Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9866 34,500.00 Clark-Rich, Inc. 1100 Harrington Ave. NE Plumbing/fixtures 9867 5,000.00 David & Sandra Sabey 919 SW Grady Way Heat pump 9868 1 ,511 .00 Wick Homes 244 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9869 1 ,889.00 Wick Homes 225 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9870 1 ,070.00 Wick Homes 238 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9871 900.00 Sharon R. Myers 2613 NE 7th Install wood stove 9872 600.00 Renton School District 3000 NE 4th-H Building Install boiler 9873 4,000.00 0. W. Properties 919 SW Grady Way Install air conditioning 9874 2,400.00 Renton Vocational 3000 NE 4th St. Install gas piping 9875 2,000.00 Tony Skya 1325 S. Shattuck Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9876 1 ,891 .00 Wick Homes 213 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9877 1 ,896.00 Wick Homes 4206 SE 2nd Pl . Plumbing/fixtures 0 Void 4,500.00 Marilyn Nesbitt 1566 Vashon Ave. NE Install furnace 2,400.00 Lee Smith 200 S. 2nd Ave. Plumbing/fixtures :rr* 760.00 Demo Golf Cart, Inc. 3709 NE 4th St. Install heaters 9882 1 ,869.00 Wick Homes 231 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9883 1 ,550.00 G. & L Builders 2909 Whitworth Ave. S. Electric furnace & ducts 9884 1 ,300.00 Steve Krohn 917 S. 3rd Ave. Hood & Grill system ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10957 5,000.00 Rudy Starkovich 807 S. 3rd Wire remodeled area 10958 300.00 Marilyn Nesbitt 1566 Vashon Ave. NE Install heat pump 10959 300.00 George H. Compton 1814 Edmonds Ave. SE Wire garage 10960 3,000.00 S. End Auto Wrecking 3400 E. Valley Highway Upgrade existing service 10961 20,000.00 Dan O' Brien 3713 Talbot Road S. Wire dental center 10962 1 ,806.00 Dr. O' Brien 3713 Talbot Road S. Install security system 10963 2, 117.58 Renton School District 7th and Monroe Disconnect steam system 10964 1 ,980.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 960 Harrington Ave. NE Install three new circuits 10965 7,800.00 Safeway Store #553 4110 NE 4th St. Install wiring 10966 500,000.00 Boeing CAG Renton Plant Misc. electrical work 10967 100.00 Lester Alexander 3209 NE 4th St. Install wiring for sign SIGN PERMIT 1104 100.00 Lester Alexander 3209 NE 4th St. Install pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Wick Homes 244 Vashon Ave. SE Sanitary building sewer Hillis Homes 2713 NE 23rd Place Sanitary building sewer 5; Hillis Homes 2705 NE 23rd Place Sanitary building sewer 5-J4 Hillis Homes 2716 NE 23rd Place Sanitary building sewer 442 OF R�� COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, O AGENDA COUNCIL PRESIDENT V2%- Z EARL ROBERTHUGHES p NANCY L.MATHEWS (7 �' JOHN W.REED 9 Co' R E N T O N CITY �r O U N C 1 L RANDALL ROCKHILL �Q RICHARD M STREDICKE 09gTED 3EP�E�O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 18, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1983 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $736.02 filed by Richard L. Fugate, 23416-128th Place SE, Kent, for damages to pickup and camper by City of Renton street sweeper which allegedly backed up without the driver looking (3/31/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. b. Parks and Finance Departments request transfer of funds from Coulon Beach Construction Fund No. 315 to 1982 Unlimited GO Bond Fund No. 210 in the amount of $210,000 for interest payment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. c. City Clerk reports bid opening 4/13/83 for repaving portions of Gene Coulon Beach Park; four bids received. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid for the project and award contract to Valley Cement Construction, Inc. of Seattle in the corrected amount of $35,294.95 plus tax. Council concur. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from James F. Benishek requests waiver of Cabaret License Fee for benefit to be held at Barei ' s Tavern 5/22/83 to help raise money in support of Washington State Special Olympics. b. Report from League of Women Voters of consensus resulting from study of Renton city government through interview of elected officials and department heads. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12 . ADJOURNMENT 443 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of April 18, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Special Olympics benefit cabaret license fee waiver Municipal Arts Commission bylaws CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for damages - Richard L. Fugate COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Human Rights and Affairs Commission UTILITIES COMMITTEE Solid Waste Management Plan WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Office Park Zone classification Renton Area Youth Services request for funding Additional zoning classifications ordinance 444 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 18, 1983 Municipal Building Council Chambers Monday, 8:00 p.m. M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS WM.TSTREDICKECouncil RANDALLPresident; ROCKHILLNANCY ROBERTAJHEHUGHEJOHN EARLRHED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 11 , 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dave Zehm, owner of Magic Video, 3560 NE 4th Street, objected to recent prohibition of left turns along NE 4th between Union Ave. NE Prohibition of and Monroe Ave. NE, noting business owners were not consulted prior Left Turns to the traffic revision which has resulted in loss of customers. along NE 4th Also expressing opposition to the prohibition were: Diane erDtriskoll , Street between 3560 NE 4th Street; Daniel Zike, 4004 NE 4th Street; Monroe Ave. NE 3530 NE 4th -Street; Elizabeth Smith, 3514 NE 4th Street; Roger Fix, and Union Ave. owner of veterinary clinic on NE 4th Street; Cecil Ayers, 14901 SE NE 138th Place, representing residents of Highlands Mobile Manor; Bob Vessey, 3800 NE 4th Street; Karen Arango, 3534 NE 4th Street; Kenneth Harkey, 4104 NE 4th Street; Sherry Lucas , 3805 NE 4th Street; Les Yocom, 3803 NE 4th Street; and Dave Tompkins , 3807 NE 4th Street. Other concerns cited by business owners were potential loss in property values due to decrease in business; inconvenience incurred to customers and drivers of large trucks who must find maneuvering space to turn around; increase of existing traffic congestion at the NE 4th and Union Avenue NE intersection caused by vehicles turning around; use of parking lots on Union Avenue N.E. (Picks Restaurant, Prairie Market , and new Safeway store) for turning purposes, thereby causing congestion; and dispute in high incident of accidents along that strip, having not been witnessed by business owners. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , suggested immediate measures be taken to scrub yellow line, place cones and portable left turn lanes during rush hours only, and reduce speed limit to 25 mph. Responding to inquiries regarding specifics of a Local Improvement District, if formed, Councilman Stredicke requested testimony by the Public Works Director. Continued Public Works Director Richard Houghton, indicated previous attempts by property owners in the area to form an LID have been unsuccessful . He explained procedures of LID formation , noting at least 50% of property owners fronting on NE 4th Street must join to initiate the LID, and protests in excess of 60% required to kill it . It was noted the assessment may be paid over a 10-year period as provided in city' s LID policy, available upon request. Continued Councilman Rockhill inquired if sufficient width exists along NE 4th Street to install a temporary left turn lane in the center of the street. Houghton indicated that both intersections have been widened to 60 feet; however, the strip between is 50 feet wide and precludes installing a turn lane. Upon inquiry, he estimated a completion date no earlier than the end of July, 1983 for the LID, if formed, but delays may be incurred through the process of property acquisition. Continued City Attorney Lawrence Warren discussed the city's liability if left turns allowed on a temporary basis until completion of an LID, since restriction of turns was imposed as a result of high accident rate. Following further discussion regarding most expeditious method to proceed with an LID and the extent of required improvements to complete the project, it was suggested a recess be called to allow discussion by property owners and the Public Works Director of potential solutions to the matter. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL RECESS Renton City Council 445 Page Two April 18, 1983 AUDIENCE COMMENT FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:00 p.m. Continued Council reconvened at 9:05 p.m. All Council members were present at roll call . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Fugate Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $736.02 filed by Richard L. for Damages Fugate, 23416-128th Place SE, Kent, for damages to pickup and CL-11-83 camper by City of Renton street sweeper which allegedly backed up without the driver looking (3/31/83) . Refer to Insurance Carrier and City Attorney. Fund Transfer Parks and Finance Departments requested transfer of funds from Coulon Beach Construction Fund No. 315 to 1982 Unlimited General Obligation Bond Fund No. 210 in the amount of $210,000 for interest payment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Award - City Clerk reported bid opening 4/13/83 for repaving portions of Repaving Gene Coulon Beach Park; four bids received. Engineer 's estimate - Portions of $35,000.00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended Coulon Beach acceptance of low bid for the project and award contract to Park Valley Cement Construction, Inc. of Seattle in the corrected amount of $35,294.95 plus tax. Council concur. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from James F. Benishek was read requesting a waiver of Request for Cabaret License Fee for a benefit to be held at Barei ' s Tavern Waiver of Fee on 5/22/83 to help raise money in support of Washington State Special Olympics. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIED. League of Letter was read from Joan Walker, Chairman, League of Women Voters Women Voters Study Committee, reporting completion of consensus of Renton city Consensus government following interview of elected officials and department heads. Mrs. Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue NE, reviewed findings of the League members as they affect City Council procedures, citizen participation in city government, function of boards and commissions, city departments, and responsiveness of city hall staff. OLD BUSINESS Council President Thomas Trimm presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of report recommending amendment of the Office Park Zone (OP) the Whole classification, Section 4-718A of the Additional Zoning Classifi- Office Park cations P-1 and 0-P Ordinance, as follows: Section 4-718A(B) (1 )g Zone (0-P) be moved to Section 4-718A(B) (3)9; Section 4-718A(B) (2)a be deleted. Classification Also recommended was referral of the amended section to Ways and Means Committee for consideration in the Additional Zoning Classifications P-1 and 0-P Ordinance. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Human Rights Council President Thomas Trimm presented a Committee of the Whole and Affairs report recommending referral of the matter of Human Rights and Commission Affairs Commission to Community Services Committee for investigation and report back to Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services regarding Renton Area Youth Services' request for funding in the Committee amount of $7,500.00 to be used to support counseling services for RAYS Request Renton residents only to offset loss of monies previously available for Funding through King County and the Housing & Community Development Program. The Committee recommended approval of the request and referral to Ways and Means Committee for preparation of a resolution to transfer unds from the city' s Contingency Fund. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. 445 Renton City Council Page Three April 18, 1983 OLD BUSINESS continued RAYS Request Councilman Hughes questioned additional contributions to RAYS, for Funding and responsibility for funding by King County. June Leonard, Executive Director of RAYS, explained County contributions for purposes of counseling King County residents only and to fund certain core expenses such as heat, rent, lights as well as certain drug and alcohol abuse counseling . She also indicated funds requested had been allocated in the City of Renton 1983 budget through Housing and Community Development funding and subsequently eliminated by the Federal government. Councilman Rockhill requested an updated financial report prior to authorizing expenditures from the contingency fund. Councilman Clymer indicated concern with lack of services rendered for taxes paid by City of Renton residents to King County, and objected to the city having to assume county obligations. Following discussion regarding availability of funds and reason for federal cuts , substitute motion made by Rockhill , seconded by Hughes, this matter be tabled pending receipt of financial report. MOTION FAILED. Original motion to concur in the recommendation of the Community Services Committee was restated. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect Mr. Clymer' s comments regarding King County taxes paid compared to services rendered, and his own objections to King County's position of not providing . financial assistance to agencies such as the Eastside Bureau, responsible for vital services. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clymer concurred in the request to record his comments, noting need for further review of King County' s position and transmittal of the city' s opinion of the County's new approach. Councilman Stredicke suggested the King County Council be contacted rather than the King County Executive in registering concerns. Solid Waste Councilman Hughes inquired when Council would adopt the Solid Waste Management Management Plan. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS MATTER BE Plan REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch indicated a synopsis of the specifics of the plan will be transmitted to Council members. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance #3721 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 22 of Title Leased Parking IV (Building Regulations) relating to leased parking. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Additional An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Zoning (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding additional Classifications zoning classifications (0-P & P-1 ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2501 A resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds in the amount Fund Transfer of $210,000 from Coulon Beach Construction Fund #315 unto 1982 from Beach Fund Unlimited General Obligation Bond Fund #210 for interest payment. to GO Bond Fund MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the proposed Municipal Arts Commission Bylaws Bylaws upon approval by the Administration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I Renton City Council Page Four April 18, 1983 NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm announced an Executive Session immediately Executive Session following audience comment on the Council agenda. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced Association of Washington Cities Conference REPORT will be held this year in Bellevue, June 14-17, 1983. She advised A.W.C. Conference sighting three deer feeding along the banks of the Cedar River outside City Hall this date, and noted unusually good weather has encouraged Coulon Park high attendance at new Coulon Beach Park' extension. AUDIENCE COMMENT Daniel Zike indicated his participation in an LID for NE 4th Street NE 4th Street widening project would depend upon whether the prohibition of left Corridor turn movements would be removed. Discussion indicated that the city is not in a position to bargain on matters of safety, and Council must consider each item separately. Responding to Council suggestion to reduce speed limit along that corridor to 25 miles per hour and increase police patrol , Captain Don Persson felt the situation created would be difficult to patrol and enforce. Responding to a second suggestion to provide a center left turn lane by reducing lane width to 10 feet, Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, advised extreme safety hazard would be created if lanes were reduced because of high volume of large trucks using the arterial . Executive MOVED 'BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 10:02 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:45 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J EC T • REPAVING PORTIONS OF GENE COULON BEACH PARK DAT E 4/13/83 EEO MBE F31C�[�ER 81� MOSS CONSTRUCTION INC. AA BB $56,906.30 X 98340 DES MOINES, WA 98188 EEO MBE CEMENT CONSTRUCTION, INC. AA BB $35,294.95 x88 AUBURN, WA 98002 EEO MBE UCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO. AA BB $47,624.00 9600 EMPIRE WAY SOUTH wA 8118 CONSTRUCTION AA BB $49,900.50 9125 LOTH AVENUE S. SEATTLE, WA 98108 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $35,000.00 BIDS DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk 00 COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 18, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues . 4/19 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Human Rights & Affairs Commission Tues. 4/26 4:00 p.m. " " " " Plans for new city shop PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ROCKHILL PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 4/25 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Metro Sewer Rate Increase Wed. 4/20 7:30 p.m. Kent City Hall Elected officials of all South Discussion (hosted by Mayor Hoganof Kent) King County cities invited OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS April 18, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9543 1 ,000.00 0. W. Properties 919 SW Grady Way Install wall 9544 1 ,000.00 Larry Birke 955 Edmonds Ave. NE Replace ceilings 9545 -- Puget Power Lind & SW 7th St. Annual fill license 9546 500.00 John B. Marchetti 547 Pelly Ave. N. Reroof garage 9 4`''7 50,000.00 Wick Homes 4410 SE 2nd Pl . Single family residence 50,000.00 Wick Homes 4102 SE 2nd Pl . Single family residence 9 50,000.00 Wick Homes 249 Vashon Ave. SE Single family residence -r) 50,000.00 Wick Homes 4108 SE 2nd P1 . Single family residence y551 40,000.00 The Silbo Corp. 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Tenant improvement 9552 3,313.00 Beatrice Bailey 1207 S. 3rd St. Reroof residence 9553 900.00 George Warren 1009 S. 30th Ct. Construct shop 9554 10,000.00 Donald C. Patten 1632 Aberdeen Ave. NE Construct deck/upper level 9555 6,000.00 Tom O'Mera 1314 Union Ave. NE Tenant improvements 9556 50.00 Vincent A. Becker 401 S. Third Ave. Install interior partition 9557 67,000.00 Cascade Pacific 518 S. 31st St. Single family residence 9558 67,000.00 Cascade Pacific 3001 Smithers Ct. S. Single family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10968 1 ,200.00 G & L Builders 2909 Whitworth Ave. S. Wire single family residenc 10969 850.00 Tripower 402 Ferndale Ave. NE Wire single family residenc 10970 249.00 Mrs. Alber 1829 Aberdeen Ave. NE Wire recreation rooms 10971 45.00 Clark-Rich Realty, Inc. 1175 Harrington Ave. NE Install temporary power 10972 997.00 A & H Drugs 202 S. 3rd Ave. Relocate outlets 10973 50.00 Charles Henderson, Inc. 3013 Smithers Ct. S. Install temporary power 10974 50.00 Charles Henderson, Inc. 715 S. 31st St. Install temporary power 10975 390.00 Renton School District 1101 Hoquiam Ave. NE Install outlets in pool arE 10976 10,060.00 Washington Donuts 330 Rainier Ave. S. Wiring restaurant 10977 1 ,655.00 Hillis Homes 2716 NE 23rd Pl . Wire new residence 10978 1 ,542.00 Hillis Homes 2705 NE 23rd Pl . Wire new residence 10979 1 ,201 .00 Hillis Homes 2713 NE 23rd P1 . Wire new residence 80 1 ,500.00 Far Fars 1314 Union Ave. NE Wire ice cream parlor 1 81 1 ,500.00 Ronald C. Patten 1632 Aberdeen Ave. NE Wire remodeled area 'ww62 500.00 Emilio Pierotti 3412 E. Valley Rd. Underground wiring 10983 29,299.00 City of Renton 1010 S. 2nd Street Wire Liberty Park pole lgts 10984 50.00 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale Ave. NE Install temporary power 10985 50.00 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Install temporary power MECHANICAL PERMITS 9885 1 ,200.00 Sorco 3920 NE 10th St. Install furnace 9886 9,350.00 Dunkin Donuts 330 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9887 2,919.00 Hillis Homes 2713 NE 23rd Pl . Install furnace/compressor 9888 2,400.00 American Legion 55 Williams Ave. S. Install furnace 9889 800.00 Thomas Aumann 524 Mill Ave. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9890 1 ,857.00 G & L Builders 2410 Main Ct. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9891 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Drive Plumbing/fixtures 9892 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Drive Plumbing/fixtures 9893 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Drive Plumbing/fixtures 9894 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Drive Plumbing/fixtures 9895 2,800.00 Dr. Bennett 3241 NE Sunset Blvd. Plumbing/fixtures 9896 Void 9897 23,875.00 Safeway Stores 2725 NE Sunset Blvd . Refrigeration units/compres 9898 200.00 Rudy Starkovich 807 S. Third Ave. Install gas piping 9899 2,300.00 Duff Properties 807 S. Third Ave. Install furnace/vents PERMITS 200.00 CF/CHG Associates Sunset Blvd & Stevens SW Install project ID L. TRUCTION PERMITS 5435 Tri Power Industries 402 Ferndale Ave. NE Side sewer 5436 Tri Power Industries 2706 NE 5th Ct. Side sewer 5438 Bumstead Machine Co. NE 4th & Olympia NE R/W construction/storm sewe 450 OF R4 � ,v� AGENDA W.COUNCIL MEMBERS „ p O THOMAS TRIMM, U CI Z EARIOCIYMER CIL ESIDENT _ ROBERT HUGHES Z � NANCY L.MATHEWS JOHN W.REED 9.0 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RANDAIL RocKHlll D P RICHARD M STREDICKE 46 9�TEo SEPI;.0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 25, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E.MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1983 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Proclamation - Youth Week - May 1-7, 1983 Renton Elks Lodge 1809 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Appeal of Hearing Examiner 's Decision of 4/04/83, Conditional Use Permit for Renton Family Practice Center, File #CU-011-83, as filed by Stanley V. Piha, Morris Piha Company, representing Renton Family Practice Center. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Appeal of Hearing Examiner 's Decision of 4/05/83, GM Associates (Northward Development Company) Rezone of property located north of NE Fourth Street between Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE, File #R-018-82, as filed by George A. Kresovich, attorney for North- ward Development Company. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. Parks Department requests acceptance of completion of backstop construc- tion at Renton High School as of. 4/25/83 and approval of final payment 30 days thereafter. Total project cost: $15,924.21 . Council concur. d. City Clerk reports bid opening of 4/19/83 for improvements to City Shops Site; 12 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. City Clerk submits 75% petition, Ashley Annexation, single family lot located on south side of SE 165th Street between 108th Avenue SE and Benson Highway. Set public hearing for 5/16/83. Council concur. f. Parks/Finance Departments request ordinance to appropriate unappropriated fund balance to Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund in the amount of $734,339.84. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Tom E. Morris, 2327 - 32nd South, Seattle, on behalf of his daughter, Margaret L. , for broken leg sustained while playing on a firemen 's pole with allegedly no base cushion at Burnett Playground (3/14/83) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. h. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions of One Valley Place Properties Final Plat, FP-018-83, for 12-lot plat south of Valley General Hospital and SW of intersection of Talbot Road South and SW 43rd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 10. NEW BUSINESS 8. OLD BUSINESS 11 , ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of April 25, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY*/INSURANCE CARRIER Morris Claim for Damages -Resolution for NE 4th Street LID COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Bid Opening - City Shops Site One Percent (1i) for Arts on Utility Projects PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Northward Rezone Appeal - R-018-82 Renton Family Practice Center Appeal - CU-011-83 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Fund Transfer to Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund One Valley Place Final Plat - FP-018-83 PUBLIC HEARING 5/16/83 - Ashley Annexation 452 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 25, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Council President Thomas Trimm led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL H. CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LIEUTENANT RAY CALDWELL, Police Department . PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week beginning May 1 Youth Week as Youth Week as designated by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks to honor America 's Junior Citizens for their accomplishments and to give fitting recognition of their services to community, state and nation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The award was accepted by Ken Willard, Renton Elks member, 15721 SE 175th Place, with sincere appreciation. AUDIENCE COMMENT Wes Graham, 16907 SE 149th Street, presented Joan Walker, recipient Special of Renton Elks Club Citizen of the Year Award in January, 1982, and Presentation named State Citizen of the Year in June, 1982, with a framed to Joan Walker, photograph taken of her at the January 21 , 1982 awards ceremony. Citizen of Year Mrs. Walker was in attendance to accept her gift. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Renton Family Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s decision of 4/4/83 filed by Stanley Practice Center V. Piha representing Renton Family Practice Center, File No. Appeal CU-011-83, for conditional use permit for the purpose of allowing CU-011 -83 an existing house to be used for office and medical laboratory space, 423 Williams Ave. S. Refer to Planning 6 Development Committee. Northward Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s recommendation of 4/5/83 filed by Appeal George A. Kresovich, attorney for Northward Development Company R-018-82 (G. M. Associates) , File No. R-018-82, for rezone of property located north of NE 4th Street between Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE from G-1 to R-1 (3.5 acres) , R-2 (13.4 acres) , and R-3 (19 acres) for the development of single and multifamily residences . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Final Payment Parks Department requested approval of final pay estimate, final for Backstop acceptance of project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and Construction release of retainage in the amount of $736.55 if no liens or claims are at Renton filed for backstop construction at Renton H.S. to P. K. Enterprises , High School contractor. Total cost of project : $15,924.21 . This project (CAG-009-83) completes immediate improvements cooperatively constructed by City of Renton and Renton School District. Council concur. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/19/83 for improvements to City Shops City Shops site; twelve (12) bids received; Engineer' s estimate, Site (Bids $469,091 .64 including tax. Refer to Community Services Committee. attached Ashley City Clerk submitted 75% petition for Ashley Annexation, one Annexation - single family lot located on the south side of SE 165th Street Public between 108th Avenue SE and Benson Highway, which has been Hearing certified valid with Engineering Department reporting signatures represent 100% of the assessed valuation. Set public hearing for May 16, 1983 . I Renton City Council Page Two April 25, 1983 CONSENT AGENDA continued Fund Transfer Parks and Finance Departments requested ordinance to appropriate to Coulon Park available funds, over the amount estimated in the 1983 Budget Construction as adopted, to the Coulon Beach Park Construction Fund in the Fund amount of $734,339.84. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Morris Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Tom E. for Damages Morris, 2327-32nd South, Seattle, on behalf of his daughter, CL-12-83 Margaret L. , for broken leg sustained while playing on a firemen ' s pole which allegedly lacked a base cushion at Burnett Park on 3/14/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. One Valley Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions Place Final of One Valley Place Properties Final Plat, File No. FP-018-83, Plat of 12-lot plat located south of Valley General Hospital and FP-018-83 southwest of Talbot Road S. and SW 43rd Street intersection. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED ( Item 6.d. ) . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Mathews reported attending a meeting in Kent 4/20/83 Metro Sewer to discuss the Metro sewer rate schedule increase. She commended Rate Increase King County Councilman Bruce Laing for his efforts to involve City of Seattle and outlying areas in formulating a more equitable plan through alternatives such as charging connection fees to new development and requiring funding by City of Seattle for certain methods of treatment. Policy Development Director David Clemens will be providing a report to aid Council in its recommendation to the Metro Rate Committee. Formation of Councilman Stredicke requested a status report regarding progress LID on NE 4th of proposed LID on NE 4th Street between Union and Monroe Avenue Between Union NE. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness indicated meetings and Monroe NE have been held with Public Works Director and property owners in the area, pertinent data has been distributed to interested parties, and petitions are currently being circulated to form a Local Improvement District (LID) to provide left hand turning movements along that corridor. Stredicke supported initiation of the LID by Council to reduce time period for completion of the project if sufficient participation is anticipated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER OF LID FORMATION ON NE 4TH STREET BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION BY NEXT MEETING. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer, City Attorney Warren explained little difference in substance exists between Council initiated LID and one petitioned by property owners except citizens are usually more inclined to protest the former and kill the LID. Stredicke indicated that if sufficient partipation is not evident, the resolution need not be adopted at next week's meeting. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final readings: Ordinance #3722 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 7, Title IV Additional (Building Regulations) relating to zoning by adding additional Zoning Classifi- zoning classifications (0-P and P-1 ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED cations (OP, P-1 ) BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, CLYMER. 1 NAY: HUGHES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2502 A resolution was read authorizing entry by the City of Renton Transportation into contract with Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) Study Agreement for transportation study of FAI-405 Corridor. MOVED BY CLYMER, with PSCOG SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CAKKIED. 454 Renton City Council Page Three April 25, 1983 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Resolution #2503 A resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds in the Transfer of Funds amount of $7,500 from Contingency Fund unto Current Fund for for RAYS Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 50336 through 50789 in the amount of $433,976.79, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 50527 through 50535 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $97.52; LID 320: $9,579. 18; and LID 325: $1 ,624.00. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. Councilman Stredicke noted inclusion of monthly voucher payment of over $100,000 to Metro, and supported reduction of rates due to imposition incurred by location of Metro treatment plant in Renton and possible increase in size of that facility. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Mathews questioned application of 1% for Arts legislation 1% for Arts to certain utility projects for which display of art is infeasible. on Utility MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THE MATTER OF 1% FOR ARTS Projects TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Hughes understood that arts funds can be used to provide art to any facility in the city and are not restricted to the funding project. Councilman Mathews explained problems experienced by separate accounting procedures required for utility projects . Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren explained separate accounting funds required for utility projects and acknowledged the fact that art funds may be used on any project. Councilman Stredicke recalled Glencoe Park was constructed on city- owned property in spite of discouragement for the project due to need for separate utilities accounting. Administrative Assistant Parness noted utilities accounting can be easily accomplished, but policy needed on appropriateness of assessing a percentage from the taxpayers ' waterworks utility fund to be used for the arts rather than utility service. MOTION CARRIED. Water District Councilman Stredicke requested a status report regarding Water No. 58 District 58, Ponderosa Estates . Councilman Mathews anticipated Ponderosa discussion of the matter in Utilities Committee upon receipt of Estates additional information from the District by Public Works Department staff. Board of Ethics Councilman Stredicke questioned status of the Board of Ethics. Administrative Assistant Parness indicated desire to discuss duties of the Board of Ethics and enforcement of the Code of Ethics at the June Committee of the Whole meeting, and provide a recommendation from the Board of Ethics at that time as well . Park and Ride Councilman Stredicke noted due to employment conflicts, he will Lot in Renton be unable to schedule a Transportation Committee meeting to Highlands discuss location of park and ride lot in the Renton Highlands for at least three to four weeks, and asked committee members for their preference in scheduling a meeting in the interim. Members indicated they would wait until the Chairman is available. Spring Clean '83 Council President Trimm reported city participation in Spring County-wide Event Clean '83, a one-day county-wide event dedicated to litter pickup. Participation was announced as follows: Sunshine Blue Birds (8 girls - 8 bags) , Girl Scout Troop #723 (15 girls - 16 bags) , Bluebirds (8 children - 15 baqs) , Blue Angel Bluebirds (12 children - 24 bags) , Girl Scout Troop #737 (16 girls - 16 bags) , and Girl Scout Troop #229 (11 girls - 18 bags) . Northward Councilman Rockhill reported the appeal of the Hearing Examiner' s Appeal recommendation regarding the Northward rezone will be tentatively scheduled at the Planning & Development Committee meeting 5/12/83. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 8:42 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk I �J BID TABULATION SHEET PROJ ECT • Improvements to City Shop Site DATE April 19, 1983 810[7ER 810 Kohn Excavating, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $359,688.79 3330 East Valley Road Tax: 29 134.79 Renton WA 98055 Total Bid: $388,823.58 f Land Construction Company Subtotal All Schedule: $377,466.65 ' Clearview Route Station/General Del. Tax: 30,579.80 Snohomish, WA 98290 Total Bid• $408,041.45 t Hos Brothers Construction, Inc. 'Subtotal All Schedule: $392,157.15 18120 NE 76th Street Tax: 31,764.73 Redmond, WA 98052 Total Bid: $423,921.88 Gary Merlino Construction Company Subtotal All Schedule: $398,062.10 9125 Tenth Avenue South Tdx: 32,243.03 Seattle, WA 98108 Total Bid: $430,305.13 Moss Construction, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $404,961.60 P. 0. Box 98340 Tax: 32,801.89 Des Moines, WA 98188 Total Bid: $437,763.49 Scoccolo Construction, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $415,181.90 2825 South 154th Street Tax: 33,629.73 Seattle, WA 98188 Total Bid: $448,811.63 LLM Contractors Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $418,442.85 3652 Hillcrest Avenue SW Tax: 33,893.87 Seattle WA 98116 Total Bid: $452,336.72 Frank Coluccio Construction, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $422,033.25 9600 Empire Way South Tax: 34,184.69 Seattle, WA 98118 Total Bid: $456,217.94 Klokstad Construction Company Subtotal All Schedule: $424,250.40 20021 A Ballinger Road NE Tax: 34,364.28 Seattle, WA 98155 Total Bid: $458,614.68 Valley Cement Construction, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $441,598.95 303 - 26th NE/P. 0. Box 838 Tax: 35,769.51 Auburn, WA 98002 Total Bid: $477,368.46 Sarenco, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $443,160.88 18250 - 68th Avenue South Tax: 35,896.03 Kent WA 98032 Total Bid: $479,056.91 Tri-State Construction, Inc. Subtotal All Schedule: $456,890.35 959 - 108th Avenue NE Tax: 37,008.12 Bellevue, WA 98004 Total Bid: $493,898.47 CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 04/22/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO. 50527 - 50535 s127,702.43 CURRENT $63,071 .56 PARKS STREETS $38,907.07 S11 ,265. 61 LIBRARY STREET FORWARD THRUST $10. 51 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR $5,760.72 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $155 .36 WATERWCRKS LTILITY $152.491 . 64 AIRPORT $3,761 .63 1975 W & S CONSTRUCTION S200.0C EQUIPMENT RENTAL $3,040.Fl FIREMEN' S PENSION $16,308.75 LID CONTROL $11 ,300.70 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $433,976.79 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC. 50536 THROUGH N0. 50789 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5433,976.79 T IS 25TH DAY F APRIL 1983�EM COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN C- - - -��`-� BER - - - - - L.I.D.#314 MEMBER REVENUE WARRANT NO.R-39 $ 97.52 - - - L.I.D.#320 REVENUE WARRANT NO.$- 4 9,59.18 L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT N0.jL-12 1,624.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF April 25, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 4/26 4:00 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room City shop site (including bid opening tabulation) Tues. 4/26 4:30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Human Rights & Affairs Commission PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Tues. 4/28 7:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Decision on Renton Family Practice Center (CU-011 -83) PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION ANS ORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/2 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Chamber of Commerce Aviation Tues . 4/26 4:00 p.m. Renton Chamber of CommerCE Instrument Landing System at Renton Committee Airport 458 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS April 25, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9559 $ 13,270.00 Glenn W. Score 1010 N. 33rd St. Family room construction 9560 52,500.00 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale Ave. NE Single family residence 9561 52,500.00 Tri Power Industries 414 Ferndale Ave. NE Single family residence 9562 52,500.00 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Single family residence 9563 55,000.00 Tri Power Industries 2711 NE 4th Ct. Single family residence 9564 35,000.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Remodel 5th floor 9565 3,000.00 Duff Properties 807 S. 3rd St. Construct canopy 9566 500.00 G. A. Vandiver, Jr. 406 Pelly Ave. N. Reroof/reside garage 9567 50,000.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 4416 SE 2nd Pl . Single family residence 9568 55,000.00 Andrew Deak 4509 Talbot Road S. Addition to building 9569 31 ,000.00 Morris and Anders 762 S. 35th St. Remodel residence 9570 Void 9571 3,500.00 Kennydale Memorial Hall 2424-27th Ave. NE Reroof building 9572 21 ,480.00 The Gilbo Corporation 3915 Talbot Road S. Tenant improvement 9573 1 ,325.00 Jessie Leendertsen 671 Dayton Ave. NE Reroof residence 9574 8,500.00 D. M. Malone 2806 NE 10th St. Reroof building MECHANICAL PERMITS . 9900 5,000.00 Hick' ry Pit Restaurant 54 Rainier Ave. S. Install 5 compressors 9901 1 ,400.00 Wick Homes 225 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9902 1 ,300.00 Wick Homes 231 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9903 1 ,700.00 Wick Homes 238 Vashon Ave. SE Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9904 6,000.00 Tom O'Mera 1314 Union Ave. NE #1 Plumbing/fixtures 9905 1 ,000.00 Tri Power Industries 2706 NE 5th Ct. Install furnace/wtr. htr. 9906 1 ,700.00 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale Ave. NE Plumbing/fixtures 9907 1 ,700.00 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Plumbing/fixtures 9908 6, 101 .00 Aldrich & Associates 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Plumbing/fixtures 9909 600.00 Betty Alder 1829 Aberdeen Ave. NE Free standing stove 9910 650.00 Our Daily Bread Bakery 401 S. 3rd Ave. Alter exhaust vent ELECTRICAL PERMITS 10986 1 ,500.00 Sorco Construction 3920 NE 10th St. Wire single family resice 10987 1 ,000.00 Wick Homes 238 Vashon Ave. SE Wire single family resi a ce 10988 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 225 Vashon Ave. SE Wire single family residence 10989 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 231 Vashon Ave. SE Wire single family residence 10990 7,000.00 Dr. Shorr-Chin Hills 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Wire tenant area 10991 2,700.00 Chin Hills 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Wire tenant area 10992 50.00 Guy Zeigler 209 Sunset Blvd. N. Wire sign 10993 800.00 George deBruyn 1208 S. 3rd St . Install wiring for pump 10994 550.00 John Schuster 2217 Dayton Ave. NE Wire swimming pool 10995 750.00 Donald Roberts 209 SW 13th Underground service CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5439 Clark-Rich Realty 215 Meadow N. Sanitary building sewer 5440 Dunkin' Donuts 330 Rainier Ave. S. Storm & side sewer 5441 Rax System, Inc. 4114 NE 4th St. Sewer inspection 5442 Oberholtzer, Geo. 3920 NE 10th St. Sanitary building sewer REVOCABLE PERMIT 0063 Raymond E. Browning 12426 84th Ave. S. Use area adjoining lot I I • /' C I TY OF KENT0N / TRANSFERS MONTH OF APRIL, 1983 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 4/27 '-,3 TAN/OPR Cash Require CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 75,000.00 609/ 000/207.30.00,00 4/11/83 CUMULATIVE RES. FD.#2104 PARK FUND Per Resolution No. 2490 $ 26,268.79 112/000/20.597.00.50.00 101/000.00.397.00.00. Dl 4/12/83 CURRENT FUND CLAIMS FUND To reverse transfer dated $ 12. 83 000/369.90.00.25 801/ March 28, 1983. CURRENT FUND PAYROLL To reverse transfer dated $ 108.60 000/369.90.00.25 802/ March 28, 1983. 4/20/83 CURRENT FUND CLAIMS Correct transfer amt. of $ 0.02 000/369.90.00.25 801/ 4/12/83 transfer 411^1183 TAN/UPR Cash Regui e CURRENT FUND $97,000.00 609/131. 30.00.00 000/207. 30.00.00 Pen Raotut on #2489 1/27/83 TAN/OPR Cash Require CURRENT FUND Per Resolution #2489 $ 77,000.00 609/ 000/ 4/29/83 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2503 $ 7,500.00 107/000/22/597/00/50/00 000/000/397/00/00/01 CURRENT FUND TAN/OPR Cash Require Per Resolution No. 2489 $ 110,000.00 000/ 609/131. 30.00.00 4/30/83 CUMULATIVE RES.FUND#3611 CURRENT FUND Per Resolution No. 2498 $ 38,463.21 123/000/04. 597.00. 50 000/000/397.00.00.01 t�anhcu�w .�'` •Sta.�,pocl„ �� � Lug MAYOR NANCE DIRECTOR 460 of � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES Z o NANCY L.MATHEWS ^� JOHN W REED RAll ROCKHILL RENTON CITY ^ OUNC1L RICHARD M STREDI CKE 0,9gT80 SEPI-_-0� REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 1983 PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1983 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: PROCLAMATIONS: (1 ) Public Works Week (2) Municipal Clerks Week 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Planning Commission proposes revision to B-1 , Business Use Zoning District. Refer to Planning and Development Committee for recommendation. b. Park Department requests approval of final pay estimate, acceptance of project, begin 30-day lien period for release of retained percentage on Liberty Park Swimming Pool sanitary sewer project by Kohl Excavating. Council concur. C. Public Works Director presents supplement to Boeing lease re tie-down area on Apron "C", Boeing turn back to City for three year revocable period, and lease of the Apron"C" area to Cedar River Hangar General Partnership. Refer to Aviation Committee. Council approve interim sublease of portion of Apron "C" for month of May 1983 to Cedar River Hangar General Partnership. d. Municipal Arts Commission presents 1% for Art Procedural Guidelines for Council review and approval . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Public Works Director presents Utility Division April Construction and Program Status Report for 1983 Comprehensive Plan Sewer Revisions. Refer to Utility Committee for review and recommendation. f. Police Chief requests subject of staffing level for animal control be referred to Public Safety Committee for discussion. g. City Clerk requests ordinance for annexation of Thomas Property. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Summons and Complaint filed by Richard Kalk vs Jane Vanderlinden and City in Superior Court for injuries alleged in pedestrian accident 12/20/82 Park Avenue North. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. i . Summons and Compaint filed by Nancy Jean Cottle vs. Kimberly Hatch and City in Superior Court for injuries alleged in accident 2/9/83 76th Ave. NE. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS (COMMITTEE REPORTS) 9. CORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12, AUDIENCE COMMENT 13• ADJOURNMENT i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 2, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S AVIATION COMMITTEE Subleases for tie-down area on Apron "C" to Cedar River Hangar Partnership CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Kalk Court Case Cottle Court Case COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 1% for Arts Procedural Guidelines MAYOR AND CITY CLERK City Shops Contract PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Revision to B-1 Zone PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Animal Control Staffing UTILITIES COMMITTEE Construction and Program Status Report for Utility Division & 1983 Comprhensive Plan Sewer Revisions WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Thomas Property Annexation (lst reading 5/2/83) Fund Transfer for Coulon Beach Park (1st reading 5/2/83) Subdivision Ordinance Amendments (1st reading 5/2/83) General Obligation Bonds PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/13/83 - LID 326, NE 4th Street Widening Project 5/23/83 - Wells Avenue Bridge and Environmental Impact Statement RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 2, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL H. CLYMER, ROBERT J . COUNCIL MEMBERS HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C . HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department; MICHAEL MULCAHY, Finance Director. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of May 22-28, National Public 1983, as National Public Works Week, to recognize and honor the Works Week qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments responsible for efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers , streets and highways, public buildings and snow removal . Municipal A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of May 8-14, Clerks Week 1983, as Municipal Clerks Week, in recognition of the outstanding and vital services performed by Municipal Clerks. AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert Anderson, 111 Williams Avenue S. , requested discussion of Planning and Development Committee report regarding Renton Family Practice Center Appeal . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS . CARRIED. Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a Development majority and minority report regarding this matter. The majority Committee report, signed by Councilmen Reed and Stredicke, stated that the Renton Family because the Building and Zoning Department had provided erroneous Practice Center information to the Hearing Examiner concerning the status of Appeal Williams Avenue S. as an arterial road, the Examiner had CU-011-83 incorrectly found and concluded that direct access to an arterial Majority Report street was not available from the subject site. Therefore, the Examiner had not proceeded with his review of the 11 criteria listed in Section 4-748 necessary to approve a conditional use permit. The majority report recommended reversal of the Hearing Examiner due to this error in fact, and remand of the application back to the Hearing Examiner for consideration of the factors listed in Section 4-748. Minority Report The minority report, signed by Chairman Rockhill , recommended the Hearing Examiner be reversed and the permit be granted outright, since information contained in the staff recommendation and the Hearing Examiner reports indicate the 11 criteria in Section 4-748 have been adequately discussed and show an i overwhelming preponderance of evidence to justify this permit . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAJORITY REPORT OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. * � I Continued An addition to the Minority Report was provided by Councilman Rockhill to reflect an error in fact in the Examiner's report in the statement the subject site does not have appropriate access to an arterial street. In support of his report, he cited Section 4-3016(G) of the Hearing Examiner Ordinance, which gives authority to Council on appeal to enter its own decision. He also noted a minor seven-inch shortage in the required 20-foot front yard setback of the site, which he felt should not be a violation. Councilman Stredicke discussed the 463 Renton City Council May 2, 1983 Page Two Planning and intent of the Majority Report to allow completion of review by Development the Hearing Examiner, the person best qualified to discharge Committee that responsibility. Bennett-Multi- Vest Rezone , Mr. Anderson felt the 11 conditional use criteria had been Restrictive properly addressed in the Building & Zoning Departmental staff Covenants report, and advised the applicant had pursued compliance in all (continued) requirements as directed by staff through the review process. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that the Hearing Examiner had not erred, but rather erroneous information had been provided to him. City Attorney Warren discussed duties of the Examiner, indicating that because the Building & Zoning Department report had addressed the criteria, no assumption should be made that the Hearing Examiner had accomplished similar review. Council discussion was then held regarding scope of the Examiner 's review, estimate of time for reconsideration should the matter be remanded, and whether the matter had been properly addressed in the Examiner 's report. Continued Stanley Piha, 300 Elliot Avenue W. , Seattle, representative of the applicant at the prior land use hearing, recalled testimony at the hearing had addressed the issue of the arterial access. Councilman Stredicke requested the record reflect his opinion that he is simply asking for an administrative review of the facts by the Hearing Examiner with a report back to Council since the Hearing Examiner in his report had not given an opinion on whether or not all conditions of the conditional use permit had been met; this request would not interfere with the filed appeal , and time of the appeal should be allowed to run until that report is submitted to Council ; the shortage in the setback is not the issue; and Stredicke is not opposed to the development as proposed, but if an argument were to be made, approval of the conditional use permit circumvents zoning and building codes of the City of Renton, and is expanding a conditional use which is not permissible by law. Motion to concur in the Majority Report of the Planning and Development Committee was restated. ROLL CALL: 2 AYES: REED, MATHEWS. 5 NAYS: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. -MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL FIND THE HEARING EXAMINER WAS IN ERROR AND THE CONDITIONAL USE BE GRANTED AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Michael Smith, 1234 S. 3rd, requested discussion of Planning and Development Committee report regarding Bennett-Multi -Vest Rezone. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill presented Development a report reviewing prior action of the Council on appeal of the Committee Bennett-Multi -Vest Rezone in which restrictive covenants were Bennett-Multi- required imposing certain setbacks and screening as a condition Vest Rezone of approval . Water District 90, owner of Parcel C in the interior R-024-82 of the subject site and not affected by the conditions of the (10-18-82) covenants, refuses at this time to sign the document in spite of the fact that a binding property exchange agreement exists between the district and the applicant; however, the transaction is not anticipated to be consummated for some time. The Committee still feels the rezone is warranted, particularly since the new Safeway store on the corner of Union Avenue N. E. and N.E. 4th Street is developed on the subject site, which has been designated for shopping center development. Report continued Therefore, the Committee recommends that the Council permit the developer to file restrictive covenants without the signature of Water District 90, and approve the rezone ordinance. However, Council should go on record requiring the developer to insure inclusion of Parcel C in covenants concerning traffic circulation once that parcel becomes part of the shopping center. Council should further require the developer to limit access to Parcel C from Parcels A, B and D, if Parcel C is not ultimately included in the shopping center complex but acquired by a third party. 464 Renton City Council May 2, 1983 Page Three Planning and Councilman Stredicke requested his name be stricken from the Development committee report since he felt the Committee had not voted on Committee a course of action, but rather to request discussion and Bennett-Multi - recommendation on the matter on the Council floor. City Attorney Vest Rezone Warren drew the site's configuration on the blackboard, and continued explained the committee recommendation to include Parcel C in traffic circulation patterns once acquired by the developer, but limit access to Parcel C from Parcels A, B and D if not obtained by the developer, but by a third party who may not include the parcel in the shopping center complex. Discussion was held regarding impacts resulting from withdrawal from the rezone by one of the participants . City Attorney Warren discussed available alternatives including filing a new rezone application or following the procedure proposed by the committee. Councilman Stredicke discussed potential problems if the proposal is approved caused by close proximity of Parcel C to the new Safeway structure. Also discussed were proposed left turn lanes, modified circulation patterns, and need for rezone to business/ commercial classification by the owner of Parcel C if shopping center use desired at a later date unless covenants are signed and the property exchanged to the developer. Continued Mr. Smith indicated the requirements contained in covenants, sight-obscuring fence along the northern and eastern property lines and unified frontage required along the main building, would not be impacted by deletion of Parcel C from the covenant requirement. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Finance Director Michael Mulcahy requested advancement to continued the correspondence portion of the agenda to accommodate certain members of the audience in attendance to discuss bond issues. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Mr. Mulcahy reporting bid results Bid Opening - this date for issuance of $1 .5 million in Water/Sewer Revenue Water/Sewer Bonds authorized by Council in early April , 1983. Three bids Revenue Bonds were received from Foster & Marshall/American Express, Inc. ; Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation; and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood; with net interest rates of 8.69560, 8.7139%, and 8.7157%, respectively. The letter recommended acceptance of the low bid of 8.69% by Foster & Marshall/American Express to purchase the bonds. Mr. Mulcahy reported that following approval by Council of issuance of the bonds, an official statement of bid was prepared and referred to Moody 's Investors Services, which gave the issue an A-1 rating due to low water rates in Renton compared to other districts in King County and because of very good financial coverage shown in the past. Approximately $400,000 in savings will be generated during the life of the bonds from lower interest rates or approximately $20,000 per year; 12% interest rates initially estimated. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF 8.69% NET INTEREST RATE. CARRIED. It was noted the last General Obligation Bonds were sold at 12.20% interest rate approximately one year ago. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Revision to Planning Commission proposed adoption of a proposed revision B-1 Zoning to the B-1 , Business Use, Zoning District. Refer to Planning District and Development Committee for recommendation. Liberty Park Parks Department requested approval of final pay estimate in Swimming Pool the amount of $25,061 .72, acceptance of project (Liberty Park Sanitary Sewer Swimming Pool sanitary sewer) , commencement of 30-day lien CAG-013-83 period for release of retained percentage to contractor, Kohl Excavating, in the amount of $1 , 159. 19 if no liens or claims are filed. Council concur. Renton City Council May 2, 1983 Page Four CONSENT AGENDA Public Works Director presented supplement to Boeing Lease Apron "C" for sublease of tie-down area on Apron "C" to be turned over Sublease and to city by Boeing for temporary three year revocable period, Temporary Lease and sublet to Cedar River Hangar Partnership. Refer leases to Aviation Committee Council concur in approval of interim sublease use of portion of Apron "C" for the month of May, 1983• Construction Public Works Director presented Utility Division April Status Report & Construction and Program Status Report and 1983 Comprehensive Sewer Revisions Plan Sewer Revisions. Refer to Utilities Committee for review. Animal Control Police Chief requested review of staffing level for animal Staffing control services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Thomas Property City Clerk requested ordinance for annexation of Thomas Annexation Property, 52.28 acres lying contiguous to southeast boundary of city limits and across the river from Maplewood Addition; Boundary Review Board Report received 4/19/83 citing no request for review and no jurisdiction invoked. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Kalk Court Summons and Complaint filed by Richard Kalk v Jane Vanderlinden Case and City of Renton in Superior Court for injuries alleged in pedestrian accident 12/20/82 on Park Avenue N. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Cottle Court Court case and claim filed by Nancy Jean Cottle v Kimberly Case & Claim Hatch and City of Renton in Superior Court for injuries alleged in accident 2/9/83 on 76th Ave. NE. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ITEM 6.d. BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item 6.d. Municipal Arts Commission presented 1% for Art Procedural Removed from Guidelines for Council review and approval . Councilman Reed Consent Agenda: requested the matter be referred to Community Services l% for Art Committee for discussion instead of Ways and Means Committee Procedural as listed. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, THI` MATTER Guidelines BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Administrative Assistant Parness indicated that the procedure is acceptable to all parties and the matter could have been referred to either committee. Councilman Reed assured Council there is no intent to eliminate 1% for Arts funding. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, HUGHES, REED, MATHEWS. 3 NAYS: CLYMER, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke clarified intent of consent agenda item Sublease of regarding sublease of Apron "C" to approve only the interim Apron "C" at agreement for the month of May, with permanent leases referred Renton Airport to Aviation Committee. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services recommending acceptance of the low bid of $359,688.79 plus tax Committee in the amount of $29, 134.79 for a total of $388,823.58 by City Shops Kohl Excavating, Inc. for the Municipal Shops Project scheduled Project to commence on May 25, 1983. The report also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. Human Rights Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a status and Affairs report regarding proposed changes to the ordinance governing Commission the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The Commission feels Ordinance that a cooperative agreement could be pursued between the city and state Human Rights Commissions in matters of enforcement action and subpoena powers; and the City Attorney was directed to contact the state commission to determine necessary changes Renton City Council May 2, 1983 Page Five OLD BUSINESS continued Human Rights to the city's ordinance to insure the state commission's Commission cooperation. The Committee will retain this topic for further (continued) review and report to the Council . Upon inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch advised that all members of the city' s Human Rights Commission have been requested to continue serving until Council takes action on the matter. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Thomas Property An ordinance was read annexing Thomas Property to the City of Annexation Renton, located contiguous to the southeast boundary of the city limits and to the Cedar River and across the river from Maplewood Addition. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fund Transfer An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer for Coulon of funds in the amount of $734,339.84 from Unappropriated Fund Beach Park Balance Coulon Beach Construction Fund unto Coulon Beach Construction Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Subdivision An ordinance was read amending the Subdivision Ordinance relating Ordinance to application and approvals. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Amendments THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren outlined notification requirements for public hearings, noting conformance with state law. Adminis- trative Assistant Parness advised SB-3019 which would have expanded notification requirements is dead in Legislature. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2504 A resolution was read declaring the intention of the City of LID 326 Renton to construct and install left turn lanes in the vicinity of NE 4th Street between Union Avenue N.E. and Monroe Avenue N.E. and to create a Local Improvement District No. 326 to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specifically benefited thereby; and set a public hearing date. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Public Works Director Richard Houghton advised over 50% of owners of frontage have signed a petition in support of the improvement; explained lengthy procedures to prepare for public hearing; and indicated his cooperation in an earlier hearing date if Council desires. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, LID 326 PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR JUNE 13, 1983. CARRIED. Resolution #2505 A resolution was read approving final plat for One Valley Place One Valley Place Properties (FP-018-83) , located south of Valley General Hospital Final Plat and southwest of the intersection of Talbot Road South and FP-018-83 S.W. 43rd Street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his ''no'' vote be recorded. Cheever Street Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Vacation recommending concurrence in the Public Works Director's VAC-07-82 recommendation to set the value at 18fi per square foot on the Cheever Street Vacation (VAC-07-82) , and the petitioners be notified of the amount owing with payment due 90 days from notice. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Houghton explained compromise reached on appraisals. MOTION CARRIED. General Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Obligation recommending the matter of Limited and Unlimited General Bonds Obligation Bond refunding be referred to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council May 2, 1983 Page Six NEW BUSINESS Birthday congratulations were extended to Councilman Reed. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced Batallion Chief Bruce Phillips, a REPORT finalist in the selection process for Fire Chief, has withdrawn. Fire Chief Announcement of the position replacement is expected by May 6th. Selection Mayor Shinpoch advised a decision has not yet been made on the North End Bus location of Metro' s north end bus base. Due to citizen Base for Metro objections, the base has been reduced in size from 400 to 225 stalls; the school district is opposed to the proposed Aurora site; a site in Lynnwood is under consideration; and the fact that ridership is down does not lessen the need for a base in the north end. Employment Mayor Shinpoch announced one million dollars in federal funds Training for have been apportioned to the Employment Training Consortium Refugees through King County for employment of refugees; funds are not tobe used to teach English as a second language. HUD Funds HUD funds from a Federal Emergency Jobs Bill grant have been received in the amount of $1 ,800,000 for King County and $700,000 to be divided among consortium cities. The Community Services Committee will be meeting with the citizens committee to discuss the matter. Theatre Mayor Shinpoch reported licensing on 3/2/83 of the Roxy Licensing Theatre to Galaxy Theatres and the Renton Theatre to Playtime, Inc. Suburban Mayors Suburban Mayors Meeting will be held at Andy 's Diner at 6:30 p.m. Meeting on May 4, 1983. Museum Open Renton Historical Society has scheduled an open house at the House Mill Street museum on Tuesday, May 3rd, for all third graders in Renton. Playtime, Inc. City Attorney Warren advised receipt of an order from Judge Court Case McGovern denying Playtime, Inc. ' s request to alter or amend the prior judgment in the court case, and denying the request for a stay pending appeal . The next step in the process for Playtime, Inc. would be appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court. AUDIENCE COMMENT John Hargrove, 105 Wells Avenue N. , addressed the Council Wells Avenue regarding the Wells Street Bridge. He advised that none of Bridge over 100 neighbors he personally contacted favor any change to the bridge due to concerns regarding potential increases in traffic volumes and speeds in -the North Renton area. The current configuration of Wells Avenue N. is two-lane, one- way street, and cars presently race each other down Wells to reach the stop sign on N. 3rd Street. He suggested accommodating residential concerns by creating a one-lane, one-way street and maintaining the speed limit at 25 mph, or creating a median to minimize speeds and volumes. He also noted that because of limited front yard setbacks, widening the street is undesirable. Continued Council discussion was held regarding the need for a public hearing on the matter of the Wells Street Bridge, and it was reported that notice has been published giving citizens until May 30th to request a public hearing on the matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, A PUBLIC HEARING BE SET FOR MAY 23 , 1983 TO DISCUSS WELLS AVENUE BRIDGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. CARRIED. A summary hand-out of the proposal was requested to be available for Council members and the public. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Time: 10: 14 p.m. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER 00 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 2, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 5/12 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers Metro Water Quality (Bob Hirsch) 8:00 p.m. " " Finance Director to discuss revenue AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/10 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Municipal Arts Commission matters ; Emergency Federal Funding (Ed Hayduk to attend) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/12 4 :00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Northward Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 5/4 4 :00 p.m. HUGHES 6th Floor Conference Room Animal Control Staffing TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES Thurs. 5/5 4 :00 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Solid Waste Management Plan (staff representative requested) WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/9 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF BOARD Weds. 5/4 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS May 2, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9575 5,000.00 N. G. Wilcox 816 N. 34th Construct workshop 9576 8,000.00 Ron Fisher 118 Monterey Dr. NE Addition to residence 9577 67,000.00 Cascade Pacific 3007 Smithers Ct. S. Single family residence 9578 -- Puget Power 400 block- Garden Ave. Demolition of building 9579 75,000.00 Southland Corp. 404 Sunset Blvd. N. New 7-11 Store EL RICAL PERMITS 10� ,500.00 Kling Kleaning 1520 Taylor Ave. SW Wire office building 10,.,.v Void 10998 8,200.00 Poe Construction 1000 SW 7th St. #3 Wire new construction 10999 7,300.00 Poe Construction 1119 SW 7th St. #12 Wire new construction 11000 5,500:00 Poe Construction 711 Powell Ave. SW #13 Wire new construction 11001 6,400.00 Poe Construction 725 Powell Ave. SW #14 Wire new construction 11002 1 ,050.00 Cascade Pacific Develop. 1128 S. 26th Pl . Wire single fam. res. 11003 1 , 100.00 Cascade Pacific Develop. 3001 Smithers Ct. S. Wire single fam. res. ' 11004 1 ,050..00 Cascade Pacific Develop. 518 S. 31st St. Wire single fam. res. 11005 850.00 Charles Henderson 820 S. 31st Wire single fam. res. 11006 900.00 Tri Power 2706 NE 5th Ct. Wire single fam. res. 11007 250.00 Roy Gustafson 1083 Harrington Ave. NE Wire for baseboard heat 11008 2,000.00 Clark-Rich Realty, Inc. 4218-4220 NE 5th St . Wire duplex 11009 500.00 Paul Smith 1916 Jones Ave. NE Change electrical panel 11010 1 ,000.00 Wick Homes 244 Vashon Ave. SE Wire single family res. 11011 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 4206 SE 2nd Pl . Wire single family res. 11012 400.00 Highlands Center 900-960 Harrington Ave. NE Install parking lot lights 11013 1 ,500.00 Anthony Fell 4100 W. Valley Road Exit sign & office outlets 11014 800.00 Anthony Fell 4100 W. Valley Road Wire outside sign 11015 600.00 Sunset Auto Sales 330 Sunset Blvd . N. New service to trailer MECHANICAL PERMIT 9911 7,500.00 Starting Gate Restaurant 3217 Sunset Blvd. NE Install cooler, hood & ducts 9912 900.00 Aldrich & Associates 3915 Talbot Road S. Plumbing/fixtures 99k Void 99 1 ,450.00 Henderson Construction 820 S. 31st St. Furnace & water heater 99m" 1 ,300.00 Wick Homes 4206 SE 2nd Place Furnace & water heater 9916 1 ,400.00 Wick Homes 244 Vashon Ave. SE Furnace & water heater 9917 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #1 Plumbing/fixtures 9918 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #2 Plumbing/fixtures 9919 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #3 Plumbing/fixtures 9920 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #5 Plumbing/fixtures 9921 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #9 Plumbing/fixtures 9922 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #10 Plumbing/fixtures 9923 10,800.00 Jackson Development 1455 S. Puget Dr. #11 Plumbing/fixtures 9924 1 ,703.00 Roxy Theatre 504 S. 3rd St. Plumbing/fixtures 9925 2,850.00 Clark-Rich 4212-4214 NE 5th St. Plumbing/fixtures 9926 2,850.00 Clark-Rich 4218-4220 NE 5th St. Plumbing/fixtures 9927 2,850.00 Clark-Rich 4206-4208 NE 5th St . Plumbing/fixtures 9928 1 ,547.00 Hillis Homes 2607 NE 23rd Pl . Plumbing/fixtures 9929 750.00 Diamond Lil ' s 321 Rainier Ave. S. Replace water heater 9930 -- Don Ells Cake Craft 458 Hardie Ave. SW Plumbing/fixtures 9931 950.00 Harry Fujioka 2120 Shattuck S. Install wood stove 9932 3,000.00 Earlington Business Pk. 1107 SW Grady Way Install sprinklers 9933 5,800.00 Big Foot Restaurant 105 SW 7th St. Install sprinkler/cool . sys. SIGN PERMIT 1106 60.00 Burger King Corp. 4637 NE Sunset Blvd. Install temporary signs CC -RUCTION PERMITS 5,4000 G & L Builders 2410 Main Ct. S. Sanitary building sewer 541+4 G & L Builders 2909 Whitworth Ave. S. Sanitary building sewer 5445 Hick' ry Pit 54 Rainier Ave. S. Driveway enlarge & repair 470 pF R� � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, COUNCIL PRESIDENT (j ' Z EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES 7N p NANCY L.MATHEWS n ° T r' JOHN W.REED R E N T O N CITY I�/ C O V N C'L RANDALL ROCKHILL 9 �P� RICHARD M STREDICKE O9gT�D SEPS��� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MAY 9, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3 . APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1983• 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record , spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval of Sigi Ullrich Rezone, File No. R-008-83, from G-1 to R-2 for property located at 670 Union Avenue NE. Accompanying short plat and variance applications do not require Council concurrence. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Public Works Department requests latecomers agreement for Holvick deRegt Koering be established for sanitary sewer to Phase II of Washington Technical Center and the Alterra property to the north. Refer to Utilities Committee. C. Public Works Department requests authorization for execution by Mayor and City Clerk of quit claim deed in favor of Greater Renton Shopping Center to correct recording error during vacation of Harrington Pl . NE. Council concur. d . Finance Department requests resolution for funds transfer from Insurance Reserve to Operating Accounts for retrospective insurance payment in the amount of $17,445.00. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Claim for damages filed by Bernard E. Cantil , 364 Maple Avenue NW, for water damage caused by ruptured water line allegedly caused by city increase in water pressure on 4/16/83, amount undetermined. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Claim for damages in the amount of $151 .34 filed by R. W. Scott Construction Company, 9840 Carr Road, Renton, for replacement of curb and gutter at the United Good Neighbor Center on Davis Street, allegedly damaged by city Water Department on 4/11/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS ( INCLUDES COMMITTEE REPORTS) 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. AD"INIST^ATI`dE nEPORT I H .. AuD I EIYCE COM44EIvT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 9, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Cantil Claim for Damages CL 13- 3 R. W. Scott Claim for Damages (CL 14-83) BUILDING & ZONING DIRECTOR Authorized to proceed with removal of dangerous buildings at 225 Sunset Blvd. N. MAYOR Authorized to sign 1984 Labor Contract with IAFF #864 UTILITIES COMMITTEE Holvick deRegt Koering Request for Latecomers Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Ullrich Rezone, R-008-83 Part-time Animal Control Officer Solid Waste Management Plan PUBLIC HEARINGS T/_1_379_3 - LID 326, NE 4th Street Widening Project 6/27/83 - Wells Avenue Bridge Project (rescheduled from 5/23/83) 472 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 9, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL H. CLYMER, ROBERT J . COUNCIL MEMBERS HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, NANCY L. MATHEWS. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ABSENT COUNCILMAN JOHN REED BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; CHIEF ALAN WALLIS AND CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Ullrich Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Sigi Ullrich 1 R-008-83 Rezone, File No. R-008-83, from G-1 to R-2 for property located at 670 Union Avenue NE. Accompanying short plat and variance applications do not require Council concurrence. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Holvick deRegt Public Works Department requested latecomers agreement for Koering Late- Holvick deRegt Koering be established for sanitary sewer to comers Agreement Phase II of Washington Technical Center and the Alterra property since HdK controls only the first phase, or 28.5 acres of Washington Technical Center site. Refer to Utilities Committee. Quit Claim Deed Public Works Department requested authorization for execution for Greater of quit claim deed by Mayor and City Clerk in favor of Greater Renton Shopping Renton Shopping Center to correct recording error during vacation Center of Harrington Place NE in 1970. Council concur. Funds Transfer Finance Department requested resolution for funds transfer from for Insurance Insurance Reserve to Operating Accounts for retrospective Payment insurance payment in the amount of $17,445.00 on general liability, auto liability and physical damage. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action, page 3. ) Cantil Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Bernard E. for Damages Cantil , 364 Maple Avenue NW, for water damage caused by ruptured CL 13-83 water line allegedly caused by increased water pressure on 4/16/83. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. R. W. Scott Claim for damages in the amount of $151 .34 filed by R. W. Scott Claim for Construction Company, 9840 Carr Road, for replacement of curb Damages and gutter at United Good Neighbor Center on Davis Street, CL 14-83 allegedly damaged by city Water Department (4/11/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Public Safety recommending authorization by Council to hire a part-time animal Committee control officer from June 1 through September 30, 1983 at a total Part-time cost of $5,901 .00, to include salary, clothing allowance, FICA Animal Control and Industrial Insurance. Part-time employee will work Monday, Officer Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will substitute for full-time officer during vacations. Funding will be acquired from unanticipated revenue ( Immigration Service) in the amount of $4,325.00, with the remainder acquired from unexpended Police Renton City Council May 9, 1983 Page Two Public Safety Department budget funds. The committee further recommended Committee referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED (continued) BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mayor Part-time Shinpoch explained the position had not been funded in the 1983 Animal Control budget due to reliance on proposed agreement for animal control Officer services with City of Tukwila; however, Council had authorized the Administration to fund the position either from unanticipated revenue or already budgeted funds if execution of the agreement did not ultimately occur. Chief Wallis indicated receipt of monies from Immigration Service owed since 1981 , and noted addition of the part-time position will bring level of service to 1982 level . MOTION CARRIED. Wehmeyer Councilman Rockhill presented a letter from Building & Zoning Dangerous Director Ronald G. Nelson advising issuance of the final order Buildings by Superior Court declaring buildings owned by Josephine Wehmeyer at 225 Sunset Boulevard North as dangerous. The letter noted lack of cooperation by property owners to demolish two remaining buildings and remove debris from the site, and requested authorization to advertise for bid the remainder of the demolition and removal of debris at an estimated cost of from $4,000 to $8,000. Upon inquiry by Councilman Rockhill , Mayor Shinpoch advised that a lien for recovery of project costs would be filed against the property. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH CONDEMNATION AND REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS AT 225 SUNSET BOULEVARD NORTH. Councilman Clymer requested delay of a vote on the matter to allow review of project costs. City Attorney Warren cited legal authority to recover costs since the property poses a public nuisance. MOTION CARRIED. Wells Street Councilman Mathews reported receipt of a letter from John A. Bridge Public Klasell , P. E. , of the State Department of Transportation advising Hearing Federal regulations of the environmental process for public hearing on the Wells Street Bridge project, stipulating publication of the hearing notice 30 to 40 days and again five to 12 days prior to the public hearing on the matter. Therefore, the public hearing set on 5/2/83 for May 23, 1983, is not in compliance with Federal regulations. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, PUBLIC HEARING ON WELLS STREET BRIDGE BE RESCHEDULED TO JUNE 27, 1983 . CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee recommending referral of the Solid Waste Management Plan to the Solid Waste Ways and Means Committee for a resolution . MOVED BY MATHEWS, Management SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE Plan UTILITIES COMMITTEE TO REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR A RESOLUTION. CARRIED. 1983 Sewer Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Comprehensive recommending concurrence in proposed revisions to the 1983 Sewer Plan Revisions Comprehensive Plan by the Public Works Department as follows: Defer: 1 ) Value Village alley due to building delays; 2) Garden Avenue Phase I due to proposed LID. Add: 1 ) Jones Avenue NE, NE 20th to NE 27th Streets; and, Jones Avenue NE, NE 27th to NE 24th Street to coincide with street overlay projects; 2) east of Shattuck and north of railroad - repair necessary: and 3) miscellaneous pump station and telemetry - depending on cash flow. Additional projected costs of $45,000 are anticipated; and proposed funding sources are 1982 sewer fund carryovers and portion of two watermain projects postponed because of delay in associated street improvements. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke cited an error in earlier status listings with Jones Avenue targeted for deferral . Councilman Mathews clarified the project is an addition, contingent upon funding, and it should coincide with the street overlay project; also, LID 301 , sewer improvement in that area, has been delayed to coincide with overlay project. Responding to Councilman Stredicke 's report that residents in that area have expressed concern with proposed projects , Mayor Shinpoch offered to transmit additional information if names of citizens are provided. MOTION CARRIED. 479/4_ Renton City Council May 9, 1983 Page Three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second & final readings: Ordinance #3723 An ordinance was read annexing Thomas Property to the City of to the southeast Thomas Property Renton, located contiguous heast boundary of the city ss the river from Maplewood Annexation limits and to the Cedar River and acro Addition. MOVED PRESENTEDROLLCALL YMEEEALLAYES S.BY HSCOUNCIL CARRIED, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE A Ordinance #3724 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer of unt of $734,339.84 from Unappropriated Fund Coulon Beach funds in the amo Park Fund Balance Coulon Beach Construction Fund unto Coulon Beach Transfer Construction Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES , COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. inance Ordinance #3725 An ordinance was read alng the MOVEDuBY' CLYMER,ivision OSECONDED BYIHUGHES, ng Subdivision to application and app ovas Ordinance COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED . Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 50802 through 51014 in the amount of $479,925.68, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 50790 through 50801 machine voided. Warrants included LID 325: $12.50. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding purchase of city truck from Olympia dealer, Mayor Shinpoch advised state bid used for large purchases, and AM radios are normally standard equipment on vehicles. MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced settlement of 1984 labor contract REPORT between Firefighters Union IAFF #864 and the City of Renton with Firefighters agreement by the city to preserve the 46.6 hour week, increase Union Labor aid car premium pay from $3 .25/shift to $4.80/shift, and pay Contract medical premiums for employees and dependents for 1984• The Union for 1984 has agreed to no salary increase and a reduction in entry level wages. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LABOR CONTRACT FOR 1984 WITH IAFF #89—CARRIED. Representing firefighters, Lt. Greg Bergquist, Union President , advised the settlement indicates recognition of existing economic conditions in Renton and will benefit both the citizens and Union members. He thanked Personnel Director John McFarland and Administrative Assistant Michael Parness for their cooperation during labor contract discussions. Fire Chief Mayor Shinpoch reported selection of Lee Wheeler , currently Deputy Selected Fire Chief for the City of Bellevue, as the city' s new Fire Chief replacing retiring Chief Richard Geissler. Chief Geissler has accepted a part-time teaching position at Bates Vocational School in Tacoma. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED . 8:38 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk A75 CHEKREGP CITY OF RENTON DATE 05 /C6/93 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#50790 - $50801 CURRENT $93f151 . 25 PARKS 571 .124. 96 STREETS $59,, 762. 81 r LIBRARY $3720. 24 STREET FORWARD THRUST $7P535 .39 G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR 587,948 . 42 MUNICIPAL FACIL ( SHOPS) S8f81 €. 92 WATERWCRKS UTILITY $98,695 .31 AIRPORT $12. 160.62 1975 W & S CONSTRUCTION $8,763. 50 1983 W & S CONSTRUCTION $18 .00 ECUIPM_NT RENTAL S28r213.76 LID CONTROL $12. 50 TOTAL CF ALL WARRANTS $479,925.68 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE MAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE 1r�r RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYwENT VCUCHERS NO, 50802 THROUGH NO. 51014 IN THE AMCUNT OF $479,925.68 THIS 9TH CAY OF MAY 1983. CCMMITTFE CHAIRMAN �- �_- � _, �htEM3ER - - - - - - - - - - - - L. I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT N0.0-13 $12.50 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 9, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 50 2 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers Metro Water Quality (Bob Hirsch) 8:00 p.m. " " Finance Director to discuss revenu AVIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/10 3:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Emergency Federal Funding (Ed Hayduk to attend) " 4:30 P.m. " " " 1 % for Arts Procedural Guidelines & Arts on Utility Projects PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/12 4:00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room Northward Rezone Appeal Thurs. 5/19 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room B-1 Business Zoning Category PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES Weds . 5/18 4:00 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Holvick deRegt Koering Request for Latecomers Agreement AYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/16 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS May 9, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9580 $ 400.00 Peggy Nance 505 Stevens Ave. NW Door/sheet rock on garag 9581 1 ,500.00 Robert G. Perelli 140 Park Ave. N. Reroof residence 9582 6,875.00 Mrs. Pettibone 210 Wells St. S. Reroof warehouse 9583 20,000.00 Robert K. Airis 914 N. 33rd St. Garage & rec. room 9584 650,000.00 4 & 5 Associates 4415 Davis Ave. S. Medical office building 9585 3,857,728.00 Ventura Partnership 4600 Davis Ave. S. 188 unit apart. complex '586-9596 & 9599-9606 Void 3597 --- Metro 1200 Monster Road SW Annual fill license _1598 9,000.00 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Butner 3106 SE 18th St. 2 bedroom addition 9607 6,054.50 City of Renton 101 Houser Way N. Reroof grandstand/Lib. F 9608 1 ,085.00 City of Renton 2902 NE 12th St. Reroof library 9609 15,000.00 Wm. McLaughlin, Jr. 3217 NE Sunset Blvd. Remodel for coffee shop 9610 21 ,000.00 Group Health Cooperative 275 Bronson Way NE Add partitions & ceiling 9611 Void v 9612 1 ,000.00 Tash M. Cooper 525 Burnett Ave. S. Reroof residence 9613 1 ,000.00 Schober Enterprises 1800 Monster Road SW Sheetrock/wall/doors 9614 1 ,279.00 Orlando Henderson 2200 SE 19th St. Reroof residence 9615 1 ,200.00 Geraldine Church 807 Camas Ave. NE Reroof residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11016 500.00 Karen Lorberg 910 NE 36th St. Change electrical panel 11017 995.00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 980 Harrington Ave. NE Install sub panel & circ 11018 1 , 100.00 Wick Homes 213 Vashon Ave. SE Wire single family res. 11019 950.00 Roy T. Stricklan 2619 NE 9th Convert fuse box 11020 2,000.00 Clark-Rich Realty, Inc. 4212-4214 NE 5th St. Wire duplex 11021 2,000.00 Clark-Rich Realty, Inc. 4206-4208 NE 5th St. Wire duplex 11022 350.00 Glen Shorr 1010-33rd Ave. Wire addition to residen 11023 1 ,375.00 Service Paper Co. 3324 Lind Ave. SW Wire new circuits 11024 2,000.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Move switches, fixtures, 11025 250.00 Broadacres 212 S. Wells St. Move thermostat, inst. s 11026 1 ,024.00 G & L Construction 2410 Main Ct. S. Wire s/f residence 1027 500.00 Laverne Barnett 230 Main Ave. S. Install flourescent fixt 1028 5,900.00 Misty Cove Condo. 5021 Ripley Lane N. Install new dock circuit ._,. 1029 50.00 Cascade Pacific Develop. 1128 S. 26th P1 . Temporary service 11030 50.00 Cascade Pacific Develop. 3007 Smithers Ct. S. Temporary service 11031 50.00 Wick Homes, Inc. 4416 SE 2nd P1 . Temporary power 11032 4,000. 00 Sunset Pet Clinic 3241 Sunset Blvd. NE Wire new clinic MECHANICAL PERMITS 9934 1 ,700.00 Cascade Pacific 1128 S. 27th Pl . Plumbing/fixtures 9935 650.00 Salvation Army 720 S. Tobin St. Fire extinguisher system 9936 1 ,500.00 Robert McGregor 1520 Taylor Ave. SW Furnace/water heater 9937 1 ,981 . 00 Charles Henderson 3013 Smithers Ct . S. Plumbing/fixtures 9938 1 ,846. 00 Wick Homes 4410 SE 2nd Pl . Plumbing/fixtures 9939 1 ,450.00 Wick Homes 213 Vashon Ave. SE Furnace/water heater 9940 2,700.00 George deBruyn 1208 S. 3rd St. Remove furnace/install h 9941 4,641 .00 Charles B. Seim, Sr. 201 Union Ave. SE Furnace/compressor 9942 858.31 Dan Desmet 16521-119th SE Install wood stove 9943 2,500.00 Chin Hills 3915 Talbot Rd. S. Duct work for tenant are SIGN PERMIT 1107 Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson Way S. Grand opening signs 1108 Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson Way S. Install pole sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ;446 Texada Corp. 459 Ferndale Ave. NE Sanitary building sewer 447 Home & Bus. Serv. Corp. 1325 S. Shattuck Sanitary building sewer 48 Jerry Hardebeck 316-S.W. 16th St. Commercial building sewe 47P OF R,-,IV � COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W TRIMM, O AGENDA COUNCIL PRESIDENT () `� t� z EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES o NANCY L MATHEWS n JOHN W.REED R E N T O N C I T Y C O U N C I L RAll ROCKHILL 09 �. � �Q RICHARD M STREDIDICKE 9qTED SEP� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MAY 16, 1983 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (� 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1983 4. PROCLAMATION: American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Days - 5/20 and 5/21/83 I 5. PUBLIC HEARING : Ashley Annexation - 75% Petition 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Appeal of Hearing Examiner 's Recommendation of denial , filed on behalf of Louis G. Malesis , File No. R-064-82, of request to rezone property located at the east end of N.E. 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue N.E. from R-2 to R-3 for 72-unit development. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/9/83 for Well No. 9 Production and Observation Well Drilling (W-665) ; 2 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. C. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/10/83 for Rainier Avenue 12-inch Pipeline Extension (w-664) ; 5 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/11/83 for Well Level Telemetry Conduit and Cable (W-701 ) ; 7 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Court case filed 5/9/83 in Superior Court by Rentonites v City of Renton; Ronald G. Nelson; David R. Clemens; Richard C. Houghton ; and Fred J. Kaufman, appealing Final Declaration of Non-Significance conditions for site approval request, SA-002-83 (Administrative Appeal File No. AAD-019-83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. f. Claim for damages in the amount of $200 filed by Andrew and Pauline Mayetich, 513 SW 3rd Place, for water damage to basement and yard allegedly caused by broken water meter (4/29/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. g. Public Works Department submits King County Cooperative Agreement for proposed Springbrook Watershed acquisition. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS ( INCLUDES COMMITTEE REPORTS) 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 16, 1983 City Clerk' s Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Authorized to proceed with investigation of channel proposal CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER Rentonites Court Case Mayetich Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Construction of Trades Building (RVTI ) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Malesis Rezone (R-064-82 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Ashley Annexation to Boundary Review Board UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid openings : Well No. 9; Rainier Avenue Pipeline; Well Level Telemetry Conduit and Cable Joint Purchase of property with King County near Springbrook Watershed WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Northward Rezone (R-018-82) Ullrich Rezone (R-008-83) Part-time Animal Control Officer PUBLIC HEARING T/_1_3_/_F3 - LID 326, N.E. 4th Street Widening Project 6/27-83 - Wells Avenue Bridge Project j 480 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 16, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL H. CLYMER, ROBERT J . COUNCIL MEMBERS HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; DAVID R. CLEMENS; Policy Development Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director; ED HAYDU K, Housing Coordinator; LEE WHEELER, Fire Chief; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch welcomed Barney Ruppert, former Building Director, in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of May, 1983, Poppy Month as Poppy Month, and May 20 and 21 as Poppy Days in Renton; poppy being adopted by the American Legion Auxiliary as its memorial flower to pay tribute to all those who gave their lives in patriotic duty for America. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Ashley published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Annexation - hearing to consider the 75% petition for Laurence W. Ashley to 75% Petition annex one single family lot located on the south side of SE 165th between 108th Avenue SE and Benson Highway. Correspondence was read indicating circulation of the petition was authorized at the preliminary meeting held by the City Council 4/11/83, and the owner has signed the petition agreeing to accept the City' s Comprehensive Plan and zoning designation, and assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the city. David Clemens, Policy Development Director, advised the signature of the applicant represents 100% of the assessed valuation; the environmental assessment of the site has been completed; and the final declaration of non- significance issued on 4/2.5/83 has not been appealed within the specified period. Councilman Stredicke requested confirmation that the applicant has accepted the city' s pre-existing bonded indebtedness, Comprehensive Plan and zoning, since those specific questions were not asked at the 4/11/83 meeting. Following discussion, it was noted those conditions were included in the 75% petition, agreed to and signed by the petitioner, Mr. Ashley. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ASHLEY PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONDITIONED UPON AGREEMENT TO ACCEPT THE CITY' S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ZONING, AND PRO-RATA SHARE OF THE PRE-EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY THE PETITIONER; AND, FURTHER, THE MATTER SHOULD BE REFERRED TO THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO PURSUE COMPLETION OF THE ANNEXATION WITH THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD.` Councilman Mathews indicated she is not satisfied all adjoining property owners have been contacted to join in the annexation; and city policies have not been met in allowing a single residential lot to annex. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mary Ellen Hamblin, 13025 138th SE, requested a copy of the Planning & Planning and Development Committee report regarding the Northward Development Appeal to be presented under Old Business. Mayor Shinpoch advised Committee Report/ copies would be run for distribution; other audience comment would Northward Appeal be invited until the report is available. (See later action: motion to suspend rules and advance to Old Business; Planning and and Development Committee report, last paragraph, page 2. ) Renton City Council May 16, 1983 Page Two AUDIENCE COMMENT George Kresovitch, attorney representing owner of Northward site, Northward Rezone 403 Columbia Street, Seattle, requested Council suspend the rules Appeal and advance to the Planning and Development Committee report regarding the Northward Rezone appeal . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Advance Council Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , indicated she had called Committee Reports Council offices earlier to obtain a copy of the Planning and Development Committee report which was not available until late today. She felt the public would be better served if copies of committee reports were provided in advance of Council meetings . Advancement Responding to Mayor Shinpoch's request to discuss management of to Adm. Report the Green River, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, requested COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ( ITEM 12) FOLLOWING CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL ( ITEM 7) . CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing : Malesis Rezone Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Recommendation of denial , filed on Appeal behalf of Louis G. Malesis, File No. R-064-82, of request to rezone R-064-82 property located at the east end of NE 16th Street and east of Kirkland Avenue NE from R-2 to R-3 for 72-unit development. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/9/83 for Well No. 9 Production Well No. 9 and Observation Well Drilling (W-665) ; 2 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. (attached) Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/10/83 for Rainier Avenue 12-inch Rainier Avenue Pipeline Extension (W-664) ; 5 bids received . Refer to Utilities Pipeline Committee. (attached) Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/11/83 for Well Level Telemetry Conduit & Cable Conduit and Cable (W-701 ) ; 7 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. (attached) Rentonites Court case filed 5/9/83 in Superior Court by Rentonites v City of Court Case Renton; Ronald G. Nelson; David R. Clemens; Richard C. Houghton; (L. Peretti ) and Fred J . Kaufman, appealing Final Declaration of Non-Significance conditions for site approval request, SA-002-83 (Administrative Appeal File No. AAD-019-83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Mayetich Claim for damages in the amount of $200 filed by Andrew and Pauline Claim for Mayetich, 513 SW 3rd Place, for water damage to basement and yard Damages allegedly caused by broken water meter (4/29/83) . Refer to City CL 15-83 Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Joint Purchase Public Works Department requested authorization to negotiate with with King County King County a proposed joint site purchase of additional property of property near adjacent to Springbrook Watershed for passive recreational uses Springbrook Water- in the amount of $65,000 from each agency. Refer to Utilities shed Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Planning and Copies of the Planning and Development Committee report regarding Development the Northward Rezone appeal were distributed; Council advanced to Committee Old Business as previously approved. Planning and Development Northward Committee Chairman Rockhill presented a report indicating the Associates Hearing Examiner has erred as a matter of fact and law, and Rezone Appeal recommending approval by the City Council of the requested rezone R-018-82 subject to the following conditions and modifications: Finding (G.M. Associates) #13 : Delete subparagraph 2 and modify subparagraph 4 to read as follows: The traffic impact of this development will be adequately mitigated by the applicant's proposal . Finding No. 17: Should be modified to read as follows: There is currently sufficient water and sewer service to accommodate populations anticipated to live within the city limits although extensions of such services to this property will be necessary. 48? Renton City Council May 16, 1983 Page Three Planning and Conclusion No. 1 : Subparagraph 2 should be modified to read as Development follows: The applicant has met the burden to show that the proposal Committee is in the public interest. The proposal meets criteria B and C of continued Section 4-3010. The subject site is potentially designated on the Northward Comprehensive Plan for the requested zone classification. There Associates have been material and substantial changes in circumstances since Rezone the last rezoning of this property due to changes of zone Appeal classifications in the surrounding area and the development of R-018-82 commercial and residential properties in the general vicinity east (G.M. Associates) of Union Avenue. Conclusions No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 should be deleted. Committee The City Council should approve the requested zone classification Report subject to execution by the owners of record of all of the real continued property encompassed within this proposal of Restrictive Covenants running with the land containing the covenants which are attached to committee report. (Correction to page 2 of the covenants: Item 5, last word changed from "department" to "development.") MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke indicated he would have signed the committee report if he had received a written statement as requested from Public Works Department regarding capacity of drainage and sewer systems in the area to accommodate entire city limits of Renton; and an advance copy of restrictive covenants. He also cited necessary criteria upon which an appeal is based, error in judgment not being accepted; questioned whether the subject appeal was based on the Examiner' s judgment that the development is premature; and referenced a letter from the City Attorney of 8/9/82 outlining requirements for appeal based on error of fact or law. City Attorney Warren reviewed ordinance requirements, noting the City Council cannot substitute its judgment upon appeal ; however, in this case, the committee had found an error in finding of the fact that the development is premature. Continued Mary Merbach, 13732 S.E. 141st Street, representing Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation, expressed ongoing concerns of residents regarding potential erosion to the canyon walls and spring bed in the association ' s primitive park and greenbelt area. Copies of correspondence between city officials and the association and a transcript of testimony by the association ' s registered geologist at a King County Council meeting on 3/6/72 were submitted regarding soil and drainage problems in the area. Councilman Reed referenced mitigating measures required in restrictive covenants which specify the applicant' s participation in a new Heather Downs Creek reserve fund for channel improvements. Mrs. Merbach indicated concern regarding timing of the improvement project, requesting accomplishment prior to the subject development. Continued Mary Ellen Hamblin indicated concern regarding the validity of the appeal due to alleged violations in the process, specifically related to dismissal of the applicant' s arguments in the appeal as insufficient to reverse the Hearing Examiner; and acceptance of an appeal framed by staff. David Clemens, Policy Development Director, noted the Examiner had made an error of omission in that Council 's policy on development near Valley General Hospital re traffic constitutes strong argument in favor of the subject proposal ; and although the applicant' s appeal was insufficient, the matter was open for discussion of the full range of facts related to the project which culminated in a conclusion that the Examiner had committed several errors. City Attorney Warren further clarified the role of staff to assist in review of appeals with the members of the Planning and Development Committee, with final discretion resting with the City Council . Continued Councilman Mathews referenced Finding No. 13 of the committee report which states: 1-405 will be 25% over capacity as a result of predicted growth even after construction of high occupancy vehicle lanes , and questioned the error cited. Mr. Kresovich advised that statement is not in error, but was deleted since it was not germaine to the issue and did not lead to the desired outcome by the committee of approval of the proposal ; and traffic generated by the development will be an insignificant percentage when added to total volumes on 1-405. Renton City Council May 16, 1983 Page Four Planning and Ray Griffin, 14306 144th Avenue SE, discussed his sole concern Development with the covenant condition regarding timing and participation of Committee the applicant in downstream channel improvements. Mr. Clemens continued outlined the intent of the condition to provide a mechanism by Northward which the city or county can take mitigating actions within that Rezone Appeal canyon area with the assistance of the property owner, Maplewood Heights Maintenance Corporation, to provide annual maintenance. Continued Lawrence Vickers, 13419 SE 141st Street, cited past instances during which unstable soil in the area caused damage and flooding, particularly in the area at the end of 138th Street. Continued Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Avenue S. , asked for clarification of Finding No. 17 of the committee report which states that sufficient water and sewer service currently exists to accommodate populations anticipated to live within the city limits, since it may be interpreted to include future annexations. Following discussion regarding the need for clarification in the report, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING REVISION TO FINDING NO. 17 OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT: "THERE IS CURRENTLY SUFFICIENT WATER AND SEWER SERVICE TO ACCOMMODATE POPULATIONS ANTICIPATED TO LIVE WITHIN THE PRESENT CITY LIMITS. . .". Councilman Stredicke restated his request for a written statement of sewer capacity in the area. Mr. Clemens related his understanding that the line to be constructed by the applicant from the subject site to the northeast corner of the Fernwood development will be of sufficient size to accommodate the proposal ; however, additional development will require replacement of undersized lines further south. MOTION CARRIED. Continued Councilman Stredicke indicated construction of existing sewer lines had been funded by residents of the Maplewood Heights, Heather Downs and Fernwood communities; now the applicant is connecting without contribution; and for the record, he stated there was no participation to anyone' s knowledge by any property owner north of Fernwood in construction funding of that sewer line. -Original motion to concur in the Planning and Development Committee report as amended was restated. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. (Examiner overturned. ) Councilman Stredicke requested his ''no" vote be recorded. For the record, Councilman Reed requested the minutes reflect the concerns of residents who testified. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported a meeting was held 5/11/83 with the Green REPORT River Basin Executive Committee and representatives of the Corps Management of Engineers, Soil Conservation Service, and F.E.M.A. to discuss of Green management of the Green River and address the unresolved issue River/ of a channel to protect against flood waters, since plans to Construction construct the P-1 Channel with Federal funds were abandoned in of Drainage July of 1982. Currently, 1 .6 million dollars are available Channel through the Jobs Bill program to complete phase one of the channel Phase I by the City of Renton, with the SCS doing the construction and (Advanced) Renton assuming maintenance of their portion of the channel . Policy Development Director Clemens explained funding, location of proposed channel , and previously approved Council policies for a development permit process which require dedication of property as part of development. He reported because owners of two large parcels in the area desire to develop at this time, acquisition of the necessary right-of-way was possible and greatly reduced costs of the project; most property owners have been contacted regarding the proposal ; and it is hoped other jurisdictions will follow suit with similar projects. Continued Mayor Shinpoch introduced SCS representatives Joe Henry and Bill Cokely who advised commitment to a project necessary by December 31 , 1983 to be eligible for the funding, with eligibility requirements having been met by the city. Responding to inquiries regarding costs of maintenance, Mr. Copley indicated that information is yet unknown but should not exceed $10,000 per year. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THE ADMINISTRATION BE AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE THIS PROPOSAL WITH A PROVISO THAT NO FIRM COMMITMENT WOULD BE MADE WITHOUT COMING BACK TO COUNCIL. Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, indicated that a prior estimate of $200,000 per year for maintenance included all channels and maintenance of the pump station. MOTION CARRIED. 4R4- Renton City Council May 16, 1983 Page Five CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Joanne Primavera, Administrator of Special Construction Projects at Renton Vocational Technical Institute requesting the Trades Building city sponsor a Construction Trades Building for the Economic Jobs RVTI Project. The proposed 35,500 square foot building would provide classroom and office space on one end of a covered area used for building projects, and the shool district would provide the land as a match. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Area Letter was read from James Bauman, President, Renton Area Multi - Multi-Service Service Center, providing a progress report on the center, and Center expressing appreciation to the Council for its support. (RAMSC) Achievents are: 1 ) purchase of the building by RAMSC; 2) placement of building on Washington State Register of Historic Places; 3) 79% of funding has been secured; 4) many grants are pending for the interior work, and fund-raisers and solicitations of donations are planned; and a selection process for an architect is occurring with occupancy anticipated for January 1 , 1984. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested an update regarding the CHG Sunpointe CHG Sunpoint development, having noted recent action in Board of Public Works Project minutes. City Attorney Warren indicated refusal by the developer to install required traffic signal , and options of the city to call the $1 .8 million bond to fund the needed improvement. Stredicke O.W. Properties inquired regarding the O.W. Properties project on Grady Way. City Project Attorney Warren discussed delays by the developer in posting a cash bond and a proposed LID in the area of that site. He advised the city's policy to require a bond or installation of required improvements . David Clemens, member of the Board of Public Works, indicated the board will request immediate enforcement action. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:47 p.m. All members were present at roll call . Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services recommending the order of priority for applications to submit to Committee King County Community Development Block Grant Consortium for funds Supplemental in the amount of $699,298 available to cities on a competition basis. Block Grant Ed Hayduk, Housing Coordinator, ''briefly'' reviewed the priorities Program as follows: 1 ) completion of pedestrian corridor and old shop site Priorities redevelopment ($80,017) ; Renton Area Multi -Service Center - Site Improvements and improvements to adjacent parking lot ($24,908) (renovation of historic Snoqualmie Falls Substation)--photographs and a site plan were circulated to Council members; and Job Placement Program ($13,800) , administered by RAYS and consisting of two components, Jobline and Skills Building Workshop Program. The report also recommended the city go on record supporting an application directly to King County by the Renton Housing Authority for $6,846 of additional funds needed for its Emergency Housing Project to supplement existing housing funds for purchase of a four-plex in the Renton Highlands to be run by the YWCA. Mayor Shinpoch indicated an average stay in emergency housing is about three weeks and staff is also actively involved in finding permanent housing for those needing assistance. She commended Mr. Hayduk for his thorough, imaginative project submissions which meet all funding criteria. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Ullrich Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-008-83 property located at 670 Union Avenue N.E . from General Classification (G-1 ) to Residence District (R-2) for Sigfried Ullrich, File No. R-008-83. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Stredicke spoke against referral back to committee for one week, and asked if approval of the rezone would constitute spot zoning in view of Comprehensive Plan designations and surrounding uses. Policy Renton City Council May 16, 1983 Page Six ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ullrich Rezone Development Director Clemens indicated that may be the case if continued the subject site were located in the center of single family residential development or a zoning category of business or industrial had been requested; however, given its location, the low density multi-family designation seemed appropriate. He agreed that designation should not extend further north than the subject site. Stredicke recalled during discussion of McWilliams rezone it was reported that multiple zoning would not proceed further north on Union Avenue N.E. than the McWilliams property; the subject site being at least 900 feet further north and entirely surrounded by single family zoning of G-1 and R-1 and single family residential uses. Councilman Hughes referenced Comprehensive Plan Finding No. 8 which designates the subject site as suitable for low density multifamily dwellings. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, MATHEWS. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE REED. CARRIED. Part-time An ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of funds for part- Animal Control time animal control officer in the amount of $4,325.00 from Officer Revenue Account unto Expenditure Account. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Trimm announced an executive session would be held immediately following audience comment to discuss Playtime court case. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 10: 15 p.m. Council reconvened at 11 :37 p.m. All members were present at roll call . Resolution #2507 A resolution was read declaring Renton Theatre a public nuisance and Abatement of ordering City Attorney to take all steps necessary to abate same. MOVED Public Nuisance BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ AND THE CITY ATTORNEY BE ORDERED TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO ABATE SAME. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE AMENDED TO REFLECT THAT PORTIONS OF 12 RATHER THAN 16 FILMS WERE VIEWED BY COUNCIL. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE AMENDED MOTION BE AMENDED TO ELIMINATE REFERENCE TO THE NUMBER OF FILMS VIEWED BY COUNCIL. CARRIED. ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 11 :47 p.m. MAXhNE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 486 BID TABULATION ' SHEET PR J EC T • WELL NO. 9 PRODUCTION b OBSERVATION WELL DRILLING (w-665) DATF_ • MAY 9, 1983 81�[�ER BIC) EEO MBE ARMSTRONG DRILLING AA BB SCHEDULE A: $36,440.51 including sales tax 10715 66TH AVE. E. SCHEDULE B: $14,366.49 including sales tax PUYALLUP, WA 98373 HOKKAIDO DRILLING & DEVELOPMENT EEO MBE AA BB SCHEDULE A: $44,629.09 including sales tax P.O. BOX 100 SCHEDULE B: $16,501 .47 including sales tax GRAHAM, WA 98338 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE SCHEDULE A: $33,225.00 SCHEDULE B: $21 ,375.00 BID TABULATION SHEET PROJ EC T • RAINIER AVENUE 12-INCH PIPELINE EXTENSION (w-664) DAT E MAY 10, 1983 81 p[�ER BI� ARCHER CONSTRUCTION, INC. EEO MBE AA BB $67,768.93 including sales tax 18211 EAST VALLEY ROAD KENT, WA 98031 I FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO. EEO MBE AA BB $45.506.86 including sales tax 9600 EMPIRE WAY SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 98118 MADEVCO (MADSEN DEVELOPMENT CO.) EEO MBE $35,578.95 including sales tax 3621 S. STAR LAKE ROAD AUBURN, WA 98002 RENTON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. EEO MBE AA RR $38_931 .6 including sales tax 10601 RUSTIC ROAD S. SEATTLE, WA 98178 EEO MBE KOHL EXCAVATING, INC. AA S32,224.61 including sales tax 3330 EAST VALLEY ROAD Cashier'.s Check $1,620.00 RENTON, WA 98055 (Irregularity in filing procedure - bid filed with Engineering Department) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $33,511.00 including sales tax BID TABULATION ' SHEET PR J EC T • WELL LEVEL TELEMETRY CONDUIT AND CABLE (W-701) DAT E MAY 11, 19$3 alODF-R ego CANEM SYSTEMS, INC. AA BB $20,709.00 SCHEDULE A 1920 ELLIS STREET $36,065.00 SCHEDULE B BELLINGHAM, WA 9$225 KOHL EXCAVATING, INC. EEO MBE AA BB $30 268.00 SCHEDULE A 3330 EAST VALLEY ROAD $37,835.00 SCHEDULE B RENTON, WA 98055 EEO MBE MID-MOUNTAIN CONTRACTORS, INC. AA BB $28,889.73 SCHEDULE A P.O. BOX 577 $41 ,115.84 SCHEDULE B BELLEVUE, WA 98009 EEO MBE O'LEARY ELECTRIC UTILITY AA BB $27,673.60 SCHEDULE A CONSTRUCTION, INC. $37,402.60 SCHEDULE B 9012 SOUTH 208th STREET KENT WA 98031 EEO MBE POTELCO INC. AA BB $18,360.78 SCHEDULE A 14103 8th EAST S 9,610.09 SCHEDULE B SUMNER WA 98390 EEO MBE THREE PHASE ELECTRIC AA BB $21 ,237.33 SCHEDULE A 1067 SOUTH 316TH $36,837.24 SCHEDULE B FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 EEO MBE WAHCO CONSTRUCTION AA BB $19,998.50 SCHEDULE A 6933 191st STREET S.E. $23,890.10 SCHEDULE B SNOHOMISH, WA 98290 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $20,489.27 SCHEDULE A $28,183.83 SCHEDULE B CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER 00 00 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 16, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TRIMM AVIATION Thurs. 5/19 5:00 p.m. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conference Room Cedar River Hangar Lease; Status of Restaurant Specialties lease; Funding of Taxiway A and fencing improvements COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/17 4:30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room RVTI request for city to sponsor Construction Trades Building PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/19 4 :00 p.m. ROCKHILL 6th Floor Conference Room B-1 Business Zoning Category Thurs. 5/26 NO MEETING Thurs. 6/2 4 :00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Malesis Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICKE UTILITIES Weds. 5/18 4:00 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Holvick deRegt Koering Request for Latecomer Agreement; 3 Bid Openings; and proposed Spring- brook Watershed Acquisition AYS AND MEANS Mon. 5/23 7 :00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS May 16, 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9616 $ 1 ,400.00 Pacific NW Communications 306 Seneca Pl . NW Set antenna tower/building 9617 1 ,000.00 Rainier Disposal Co. 316 SW 16th St. Demolish offices/clear lot 9618 8,400.00 Mary Barie 330 Main Ave. S. Remodel showroom 9619 1 ,000.00 Elizabeth M. Sommons 2300 SE 19th St. Reroof residence 9620 31 ,000.00 Whitehall Laboratories 915 Houser Way N. Reroof residence 2,000.00 Gary' s Automotive 541 Park Ave. N. Add office to building 1 ,000.00 Barbara Zobbi 717 S. 15th St. Reroof residence 4,048.00 0. W. Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Tenant improvement 70,000.00 Clark-rich, Inc. 4108-4110 NE 5th St. Duplex condo 9625 70,000.00 Clark-rich, Inc. 4114-4116 NE 5th St. Duplex 9626 70,000.00 Clark-rich, Inc. 4120-4122 NE 5th St. Duplex 9627 70,000.00 Clark-rich, Inc. 4126-4128 NE 5th St. Duplex 9628 70,000.00 Clark-rich, Inc. 4200-4202 NE 5th St. Duplex 9629 48,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2709 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9630 60,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2509 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9631 50,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2513 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9632 825.00 Lona Hepper & Jeff Beach 467 Edmonds Ct. NE Add deck 9633 1 ,360.00 Roy Gustafson 1081-1083 Harrington NE Reroof residence 9634 9,000.00 Nick Gollier 346 Smithers Ave. S. Construct garage 9635 2,200.00 Bobby A. Halsen 1718 Talbot Road S. Install foundation 9636 54,000.00 Tri Power Industries 432 Ferndale Ave. NE Single family residence 9637 950.00 Francis P. Ward 452 Edmonds Ave. NE Construct deck 9638 7,000.00 W. C. Frost 1924 NE 27th St. Enclose patio/add spa ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11033 3,000.00 Sunset Heights Apts. 1150 Sunset Blvd. Repair electrical fire dam 11034 17,200.00 Group Health Coop 275 Bronson Way NE Install wiring 11035 300.00 H. Dahlby Co. 1412 Maple Ave. SW Underground service conduc 11036 300.00 Kohl Excavating 3330 E. Valley Road Underground existing serv . 11037 2,800.00 Mr. Lee Beauty School 200 S. 2nd St. Wire remodeled area `, '"38 600.00 Sound Ford 750 Rainier Ave. S. Connect power to trailer ?9 50.00 Classic Modern Homes 2301 Main Ct. S. Install temporary power O 850.00 Charles Henderson 622 S. 30th Place Wire single family res. 11041 875.00 Charles Henderson 715 S. 31st Place Wire single family res. 11042 50.00 Emilio Pierotti 3412 East Valley Road Underground existing serv. 11043 800.00 Hubert W. Watson 2428 NE 9th Place Change service panel MECHANICAL PERMITS 9944 1 ,511 .00 Wick Homes 4102 SE 2nd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9945 1 ,393.00 Wick Homes 4108 SE 2nd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9946 1 ,891 .00 Wick Homes 249 Vashon Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9947 1 ,869.00 Wick Homes 4416 SE 2nd Place Plumbing/fixtures 9948 2,945.00 Sandy Webb 322 Chelan Ave. SE Plumbing/fixtures 9949 850.00 Bartending Academy 104 S. 3rd St. Plumbing/fixtures 9950 300.00 Sunset Heights Apts. 1150 Sunset Blvd . NE Repair drainage/piping 9951 650.00 Boeing Company 600 SW 43rd St. Plumbing/fixtures 9952 2,000.00 Tri Power Industries 414 Ferndale Ave. NE Plumbing/fixtures 9953 3 ,000.00 Mr. McLaughlin 3217 Sunset Blvd. NE Plumbing/fixtures 9954 1 ,450.00 Charles Henderson Co. 715 S. 31st St. Furnace and water heater 9955 1 ,750.00 G & L Builders 2410 Main Ct. S. Gas furnace/water heater SIGN PERMITS 1109 500.00 R & G Investments 3901 NE 4th St. Pole sign 1110 150,00 Chevron 4020 NE 4th St. Pole sign 400.00 Brown Bear Car Wash 77 Rainier Ave. S. Pole sign 150.00 Marguerite Kirkman 101 Park Ave. N. Roof sign 3 2,200.00 Orin Dilley 3709 NE 4th St. Pole sign -r.4 1 ,000.00 Dan Shane 1700 Maple Valley Hwy. Pole sign 1115 1 ,800.00 Sunset Center 3129 NE Sunset Blvd . Channel sign 1116 1 ,800.00 Specialized Hearing Sys . 715 S. 3rd St. Illum. plex sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS (Public right-of-way) 5449 Clark-rich, Inc. 215 Meadow Ave. N. Storm sewer 5450 Fred L. Holt S. 4th P1 . & Rainier Traffic control devices 5451 Hillis Homes 2607 NE 23rd Pl . Sanitary building sewer 5452 Oren Dilley NE 4th, east of cemetery New driveway A- Q" i OF � COUNCIL MEMBERS AGENDA THOMAS W TRIMM, Q COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT HUGHES o NANCY L.MATHEWS rn JOHN W.REED O RALL RENTON C COUNCIL RICHARD M.STREDI CKE 0,9gTED SEPI-_-0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING198CITY CLERK MAY 23, 3 BARBARA Y SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 19 P.M. MAXINE E MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1983 4. PROCLAMATION: Buddy Poppy Days, May 21 and 22, 1983 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer , please walk to the podium} and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes . 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Executive Department reappoints Leatha Allison to the Library Board for a five-year term effective to June 1 , 1988. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Parks Department requests resolution authorizing grant application to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for development of pedestrian corridor and old shop site. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Park Board requests authorization to negotiate and sign contracts with selected concessionaires for Gene Coulon Beach Park. (Ten minute presentation requested) Council concur and authorize execution of contracts. d . Planning Commission submits revisions to Greenbelt Policies of Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment separating policies for designating greenbelts from those policies relating to development of greenbelt areas. Council adopt proposed revisions to Greenbelt Policies. e. Public Works Department requests resolution to initiate LID 327 by city for street improvements on S. 43rd Street from SR-167 to Talbot Road S. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution and set public hearing date for July 11 , 1983. f. Public Works Department requests resolution to initiate LID 328 by city for street improvements on Garden Avenue N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution and set public hearing date for July 18, 1983. g . City Clerk requests ordinance for Jackson Property Annexation, having been approved by Boundary Review Board. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. City Clerk submits application for street vacation request for a portion of Gensing Avenue south of NE 36th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing and to Board of Public Works. i . Claim for damages in the amount of $735 filed by William A. Gebenini , 1609 Edmonds Avenue NE, for water damage to home and electronic equipment allegedly caused by plugged City of Renton sewer line (4/4/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. j . Superior Court Case filed by William Bulchis on behalf of Mt. Olivet Cemetery following dismissal of Administrative Appeal by Hearing Examiner regarding dedication of roadway easement. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. 8. CORRESPONDENCE - Seattle Northwest Securites, Inc. offers to purchase LID 322 bonds; recommendation from Finance Department. 9. OLD BUSINESS (INCLUDES COMMITTEE REPORTS) 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11 . NEW BUSINESS 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Meeting of May 23, 1983 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Trades Building at RVTI Acquisition of property near Springbrook Watershed Membership in National League of Cities CITY ATTORNEY*AND INSURANCE CARRIER Gebinini Claim for Damages Mt. Olivet Cemetery Court Case Status Report on Specialty Restaurants- MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Bid Awards for Rainier Avenue Pipeline Extension; Well No. 9; and Well No. 9 Telemetry Conduit & Cable PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Greenbelt Policies WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID 322 Bonds General Obligation Bond Refunding Reappointment of Leatha Allison to Library Board Resolution for Grant Application to IAC LID 327 (S. 43rd Street) LID 328 (Garden Avenue N. ) Jackson Annexation Khory Street Vacation PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/13/83 - LID 326 (N. E. 4th Street) 6/27/83 - Wells Avenue Bridge Project 7/11/83 - LID 327 (S. 43rd Street) 7/18/83 - LID 328 (Garden Avenue N. ) 7/11/83 - Khory Street Vacation 492 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 23, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; EARL H. CLYMER, ROBERT J . COUNCIL MEMBERS HUGHES, RANDALL ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; WILLIAM E. BENNETT, Deputy City Clerk; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing Coordinator; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared May 21 and 22, 1983, Buddy Poppy as Buddy Poppy Days, requested by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Days in recognition of the basic purpose of the annual sale of poppies, assembled by disabled veterans, to benefit disabled and needy veterans and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ray Griffin, 14306 144th SE, representing Maplewood Heights Northward Rezone homeowners, reiterated concerns expressed at Council meeting of Drainage May 16, 1983 regarding drainage problems which may occur as a Concerns result of the proposed Northward development, and asked that mitigation measures be assured prior to commencement of the project. Councilman Stredicke requested the following information in writing from the Administration : capacity of drainage in the area of the subject site; whether the city is willing to give assurance that there will not be increase of runoff in the canyon located between Maplewood Heights and Heather Downs areas; even considering the required 5% contribution by developer towards drainage solutions, what problems are anticipated regarding ownership of the land required for control dams ; and whether the sewer system provided by the developer can accommodate the subject site as well as any development of land within the present city limits. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the information will be provided . Advance to MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES Correspondence AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 8, CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Seattle Northwest Securities LID 322 Bonds Corp. , Richard T. Kennedy, Vice President , advising offer of payment of $100 for each $100 par value of bonds plus accrued interest to date of delivery to city for $488,505.58 Local Improvement District No. 322 Bond Issue, subject to conditions as denoted in the letter. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Deputy Finance Director, was read recommending acceptance of the offer from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation to purchase LID 322 bonds (roadway improvements on Puget Drive and Benson Road) at a rate of 10.25%, and referral of the matter to Ways and Ways and Means Means Committee for appropriate legislation. Ways and Means Committee Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending LID 322 Bonds concurrence in the Finance Department 's recommendation that the offer from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation be accepted to purchase LID 322 bonds at a rate of 10.25%. The Committee further recommended referral back to Ways and Means Committee for preparation of appropriate legislation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND REFER THE MATTER BACK TO COMMITTEE.- Renton City Council Page Two May 23, 1983 CORRESPONDENCE Upon inquiry, Mr. Bennett explained parameters of the improvement continued project completed in March, 1983; and advised interest rates are established at one-half of one percent in excess of net interest LID 322 Bonds rate of the bonds when sold, and are assessed to LID participants continued making annual installment payments. Upon inquiry, Assistant City Attorney Kellogg agreed to research whether or not the Thiel court case filed against the city for LID 322 assessment amount would have any bearing on this matter. -MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Finance Department 's recommendation General that approval be granted to prepare the official statement and Obligation appropriate ordinances to complete the refinancing of outstanding Bond Refunding General Obligation Bonds by Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. Two refinancing programs would be involved: 1 ) $2.3 million General Obligation Issue sold to finance construction of the City Shops, and 2) both of the Gene Coulon Beach Park bond issues , sold in 1980 and 1982. The combination of these two refinancings will save the City of Renton over $750,000 in debt service payments over the next twenty years. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND SIGNAL VERBAL AUTHORITY TO PROCEED WITH THE MATTER. Richard Kennedy, Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , explained $300,000 of city funds currently sitting in existing bond redemption fund to be used for refinancing will allow fewer bonds to be issued and will create a net savings of $750,000 over a 20-year period. Information regarding the refinancing process was distributed and explained to Council members. Upon inquiry, Mr. Kennedy advised Alternative B, uniform level savings, of the three refinancing alternatives presented by the Finance Department was the final recommendation over the life of all of the bond issues. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ITEM 6.c. BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND PLACED UNDER CORRESPONDENCE; AND ITEM 6.d. BE REFERRED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Reappointment Executive Department reappointed Leatha Allison to the Library to Library Board Board for a five-year term effective to June 1 , 1988. Mrs. Allison resides at 231 Garden Avenue N. , and has served on the Board since 1982. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Grant Application Parks Department requested resolution authorizing grant application to IAC for Funds to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for development of pedestrian corridor and old shop site. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Greenbelt Planning Commission submitted revisions to Greenbelt Policies of Policies Central Renton Comprehensive Plan Amendment separating policies for designating greenbelts from those policies relating to development of greenbelt areas. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. LID 327 - Public Works Department requested resolution to initiate LID 327 S. 43rd St. by city for street improvements on S. 43rd Street from SR-167 to & Talbot Rd. Talbot Road S. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution and set public hearing date for July 11 , 1983. LID 328 - Public Works Department requested resolution to initiate LID 328 by Garden Ave. N. city for street improvements on Garden Avenue N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution and set public hearing date for July 18, 1983. Jackson City Clerk requested ordinance for Jackson Property Annexation, Annexation having been approved by Boundary Review Board. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 494 Renton City Council May 23, 1983 Page Three CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk submitted application for street vacation request for a continued - Khory portion of Gensing Avenue south of NE 36th Street . Refer to Ways Street Vacation - and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing and to Gensing Avenue Board of Public Works. (Public hearing set for 7/11/83) Gebinini Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $735 filed by William A. Gebinini , for Damages 1609 Edmonds Avenue NE, for water damage to home and electronic CL 17-83 equipment allegedly caused by plugged City of Renton sewer line (4/4/83) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Mt. Olivet Superior Court case filed by William Bulchis on behalf of Mt. Cemetery Olivet Cemetery following dismissal of Administrative Appeal by Court Case Hearing Examiner regarding dedication of roadway easement. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from the Park Board was read requesting authorization Contracts to negotiate and sign contracts with concessionaires for the Awarded for food service to Yegen Seafood, Inc. and boat rental concession to Coulon Park G2, Inc. at Gene Coulon Beach Park selected through an extensive Concessions screening process. Park Director John Webley, assisted by Ed (Consent Agenda Hayduk, described the selection process administered by committees Item 6.c. ) consisting of members of the Park Board , City Council and selected citizenry with many factors evaluated on a proportionate percentage basis, including operational plans , organizational resources, financial arrangements, location and equal opportunity practices. Mr. Webley introduced Robert E. Dennis, President of Yegen Seafood Corporation, who addressed the Council regarding his proposed operation, Sundae' s Seafood and Salad Bar, noting his firm owns and operates 13 Ivar ' s Seafood Bars in the Puget Sound area, and commended the city for its beautiful park. Also introduced was Bruce Granston, President of G2, Inc. , operator of Green Lake WO Boat Rentals and Leschi Sailboat Moorage, who advised plans to open for business on June 4th with 15 paddle boats. Discussion r' was held regarding specifics of contracts, selection process if facilities are sub-let; garbage collection agreements, and ownership of interior furnishings and buildings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS AND REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD THE FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT TO YEGEN SEAFOOD CORPORATION AND THE BOAT RENTAL CONCESSION CONTRACT TO G2 , INC . CARRIED. Ed Hayduk and Clem Edwards of the Park Department were thanked for coordinating the selection process. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Rockhill announced a delay of three to four weeks in B-1 Zoning reporting to Council on the matter of B-1 zoning . Senior Citizens Councilman Stredicke extended congratulations to Park Director for Review successful Senior Citizens Review held recently at Carco Theatre involving over 200 senior citizens. Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee a report recommending approval of a new lease for the Cedar River Airport Hangar Partnership on a portion of Apron "C" for a three year Subleases period with a revocable clause. The space involved on the west side of the airport had been leased by The Boeing Company and is being returned to the city for use by other potential lessees. (Council previously approved a one-month interim lease on this property for May, 1983.) The three year lease is at the rate of 12� per square foot which is the average of .02� less than the prevailing incremental rates for improved areas in Lease #07-75 during the three-year period. The Transportation Committee further recommends that both the supplement to the Boeing Lease LAG #877-65 (turning back certain portions of land to the city) and Lease LAG #001-83 to Cedar River Hangar Partnership be entered into effective June 1 , 1983 to April 30, 1986. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report requesting that an updated status report be obtained from Renton City Council May 23, 1983 Page Four OLD BUSINESS the City Attorney regarding the possible litigation involving continued Specialty Kestaurants. At issue is the delinquency in payment of garbage collection fees plus a late charge incurred due to late Specialty payment of Bryn Mawr Lakeridge Sewer services. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Restaurants SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Services recommending the City Council concur in the request of Renton Committee Vocational Technical Institute for the city to initiate an Trades Building application for a Federally funded project to construct a at RVTI trades building at the RVTI site. The Committee recommends the City Council concur in the request and refer the matter to the Administration for appropriate action. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee recommending Council concurrence in acceptance of the low bid Bid Award - of Kohl Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $32,224.61 for the Rainier Avenue Rainier Avenue pipeline extension project and authorization for Pipeline the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. (Bid opening Extension irregularity waived. ) Funding: Airport Utility Fund/Water Utility Fund/Referendum 38. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Bid Award - Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Well No. 9 recommending Council concurrence in acceptance of the low bid of Armstrong Drilling Co. for the Well No. 9 project in the amount of $36,440.51 (Schedule A) and $14,366.49 (Schedule B) . Funding: West Hill Grant and Utility Bond Issue. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Bid Award - Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Well No. 9 recommending Council concurrence in acceptance of the low bid Telemetry of Potelco, Inc. in the amount of $18,360.78 (Schedule A) for Conduit and the Well No. 9 Telemetry Conduit and Cable project. Funding: Cable Utility Maintenance & Equipment Fund. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Chairman Mathews noted decision of staff to delete Schedule B from consideration. Park Property Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Near Springbrook recommending authorization by the Council for the Administration Watershed to proceed with acquisition negotiations and apply for King County Forward Thrust and Referendum 38 funding for the joint purchase of property with King County near Springbrook Watershed. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED. Park Director Webley reported contact by King County regarding city ' s interest in acquisition of King County property known as Kent #1 located near Springbrook Watershed for development of a neighborhood park. By combining King County's contribution of $70,000 in Forward Thrust monies, city utility funds, and state funds, the 15-20 acre parcel could be purchased and would serve two major functions: 1 ) buffer the watershed with compatible park development; and 2) meet parks and recreation needs of the city as denoted in the Park Comprehensive Plan . Upon inquiry, Mr. Webley advised the County would turn Forward Thrust funds over to the city for purchase of the land to remain in perpetuity as a natural park, and limited potential park sites remain in the city. Public Works Director Houghton explained lay of the land, access to the site, and availability of utilities. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final readings : 496 Renton City Council May 23, 1983 Page Five ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS continued Ordinance #3726 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Ullrich Rezone property located at 670 Union Avenue NE from General Classification R-008-83 (G-1 ) to Residence District (R-2) for Sigfried Ullrich, File No. R-008-83• MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Councilman Stredicke expressed strong objection to the rezone, which would allow low density multifamily development, since the area is not in transition, and approval would extend multiple family zoning further north on Union Avenue NE in violation of Council intent during discussion of the McWilliams rezone on Union Avenue NE. Discussion was then held indicating boundaries of the subject site do not abut the Northward Development rezone site. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, MATHEWS. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE, REED. CARRIED. Referencing discussion just held, City Attorney K.ellogq clarified Council 's prerogative on land use decisions to modify or reverse the Hearing Examiner whether or not an appeal is filed . Ordinance #3727 An ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of funds for part- Part-time Animal time animal control officer in the amount of $4,325.00 from Revenue Control Officer Account unto Expenditure Account. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL 'aI_L : A!_L AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2508 A resolution was read declaring adult filmfare at Renton Theatre Public Nuisance a public nuisance and ordering the City Attorney to take all steps necessary to abate the same. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED AND REQUEST ROLL CALL VOTE: ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, Resolution #2507 SECONDED BY HUGHES, RESOLUTION #2507 REGARDING THE SAME MATTER Rescinded ADOPTED ON MAY 16, 1983 BE RESCINDED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 51025 through 51288 in the amount of $865,035.54, having received departmental certificati ::-) that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 51015 through 50024 machine voided. Warrants included LID 314: $184,009.09; and LID 325: $54,496.20. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER TO THE National League ADMINISTRATION THE MATTER OF MEMBERSHIP BY THE CITY OF RENTON of Cities IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES TO REPORT BACK PRIOR TO 1984 Membership BUDGET HEARINGS. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch relayed report from Building Director that REPORT expenditure of city funds will not be necessary for removal of Wehmeyer Site buildings and debris from Wehmeyer motel site on Sunset Boulevard as the owner has commenced the required project. Suburban Mayors Mayor Shinpoch indicated the Suburban Mayors 3ylaws Committee, on Name Change which she serves, has suggested a name change for the organization to Suburban Elected Officials for the purpose of encouraging Council participation. Green River Mayor Shinpoch advised that at a Metro meeting held last week, a Pollution State Department of Ecology representative speaking for the Federal EPA stated dangerously high levels of pollution in the Green River caused by Metro must be reduced or further connections will be prohibited. Metro Rate Mayor Shinpoch advised she will be voting on the Metro budget Increase early in June, and asked Council members for direction, if they Proposal so desire, regarding proposed rate increase from $5.85 to $7.75 in 1984 with a decision needed regarding whether rate increase should be imposed 'now to create a surplus in the capital improvement fund to enable Metro to take advantage of good economic times to start projects; or impose a rate increase as funding for projects is needed. Councilman Rockhill opposed creation of a surplus since it may encourage overspending. Renton City Council May 23, 1983 Page Six ADMINISTRATIVE Council members noted elimination of May Creek project from Metro' s REPORT list of priorities; suggested reduction of rates in this city to Metro Rate compensate for location of Metro Treatment Plant in Renton; objected Increase to withdrawal of Metro from PSCOG and not paying their fair share; Proposal and questioned whether funds would be used to help construct the continued proposed tunnel to Puget Sound. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that Metro is considering reducing the basic 950 cubic feet down to 700 cubic feet for the basic rate, and the City of Seattle is very much opposed to rate increases. Metro Transit Addressing the matter of Metro transit, Mayor Shinpoch announced ridership is down to 63 million riders in 1983 from 63.5 million riders in 1982 possibly due to reduced gas prices; and Metro pass-holders have been rewarded with reduced rates. Executive MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 10:00 p.m. Administrative Assistant Parness requested discussion of an additional matter prior to beginning the executive session. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: ALL PRESENT. Labor Administrative Assistant Michael Parness presented Council with Negotiation information regarding a four day workshop for staff and Council Workshops members regarding labor negotiations. John Simons, President of Martin and Simons Associates, is a professional facilitator and has agreed to personally conduct the workshops, which are scheduled tentatively for June 15 , 16, 17 and 20th at the Renton Sheraton Inn at a cost of $6,000 including payment to the facilitator, meals and meeting rooms. Council members raised the issue of city policy regarding non-reimbursement for meal expenses within the city limits, and noted workshop schedule conflicts with Association of Washington Cities conference in Bellevue. Mr. Parness indicated the policy would be researched and the workshops rescheduled. °— MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 10: 18 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:55 p.m. eJ , z,z MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 498 V � CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 05/19/83 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 51015 - 50024 CURRENT $125.853.18 PARKS $67,62x:.34 ARTERIAL STREETS $155.36 STREETS $60,15+1.22 LIBRARY 513,226. 29 STREET FORWARD THRUST 5119,066.75 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR $8,65?.0E MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $17,04^.76 WATERWORKS UTILITY $137,76'..46 AIRPORT 518,53: . 26 1983 W 3 S CONSTRUCTION $3, 647.99 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 514,88 .46 FIREMEN' S PENSION $16,27' .11 UNEMPLOYMENT COMI $7,166. 14 LID CONTROL $254,98 '.12 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S565,03!. 54 WE, THE UNDERSIGN_^ MEMBERS OF TH=- WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPAR7MENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 51025 THROUGH NO. 51288 IN THE AMC-NT OF $E65,C35 .54 T S 23RD DAY OF MAY 1983. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - L.I.D.#k314 x REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-14 $184,009.09 MEMBER L.I.D.#325 REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-14 $ 50,000.00 REVENUE WARRANT NO. R-15 4,496.20 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDER Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 23, 1983 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . 6/9 7:30 p.m. TRIMM Council Chambers VIATION STREDICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES REED PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/26 NO MEETING ROCKHILL Thurs. 6/2 4:00 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Malesis Rezone Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY HUGHES TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) STREDICvl TILITIES MATHEWS WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 6/6 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS LEOFF Board Weds. 6/1 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Suburban Mayors Meeting Weds. 6/8 7:50 p.m. (dinner) 8 :00 p.m. (meeti g) - Be there at 2 :30 p.m. for races at Lon acres Race Track 5,00 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS May 23 , 1983 BUILDING PERMITS 9639 $ 1 ,000.00 Centennial Villa 80 SW 2nd Street Repl . sheet-rock/entrance 9640 -- M. A. Segale, Inc. 300 Block of Monroe NE Annual fill/grade license 9641 39,700.00 Barin R. Yoder 3913 NE 10th St. Single family residence 9642 5, 180.00 Morrie Alhadeff 212 Wells Ave. S. Install room div ider/door 9643 98,000.00 Classic American Homes 2301 Main Ct . S. Single family residence 9644 100.00 Dale Weymeyer 225 Sunset Blvd. N. Demolish house/clear to 9645 44,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2505 NE 23rd Place Single family resident~ 9646 44,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2514 NE 23rd Place Single family residence go 9647 45,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2728 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9648 50,000.00 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2701 NE 23rd Place Single family residence 9649 50,000.00 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2611 NE 23rd Place Single family resideme 9650 1 ,000.00 David R. Brombach 2820 Whitworth Ave. S. Retaining wall/basement #loo; 9651 900.00 Della Danielson 3030 NE 12th St. Reroof duplex 9652 1 ,000.00 W. G. Snyder 1209 N. 31st St. Construct Beck 9653 1 ,334.00 Verda Marloney 216 Pelly Ave. N. Reroof resilerige 9654 858.00 Shin Y. Park, M.D. 715 S. 3rd St. Tenant improygment 9655 1 ,850.00 Glen Nordquist 2033 Dayton Dr. SE Reroof residence 9656 1 ,085.00 City of Renton 2902 NE 12th St. Patch library roof 9657 1 ,050.00 Carl Larson 1733 NE 28th St. Reroof residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11044 4, 00.00 Boeing CAG 1o65 Building/Renton Power panel and circuits 11045 240.00 Rick Butler 31o6 SE 18th St. Wire additiph to res. 11046 200.00 Sunset Court 3217 Sunset Blvd. NE New circuity In tenant area 11047 1 ,025.00 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale Ave. NE Wire new residence 11048 1 ,025.00 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Wire new residence 11049 300.00 Jim King 517 Stevens Ct. NW Wire heat p:Rmp 11050 75.00 Hillis Homes 2513 NE 23rd Pl . Install temporary power 11051 680.00 0. W. Properties 1107 SW Grady Way Install circuits/tenan-L area 11052 1 ,985.00 Home & Business Serv. 1325 Shattuck Ave. S. Wire s/f/res. to code 11053 250.00 Ron and Shari Fisher 118 Monterey Dr. NE Wire addition to reside 11054 800.00 L. H. Lammer 524 Mill Ave. S. Wire residential garage 11055 500.00 Norm Abrahamson 3422 Sunset Blvd. NE Replace service entrant 11056 1 , 165.00 Taylor Auto 330 Main S. Install htrs/outlets/lgts 11057 1 ,268.00 Hillis Homes 2607 NE 23rd Place Wire resideice w/gas fern, MECHANICAL PERMITS 955 11 , 100.00 Boeing CAG 4.20 Building/Renton Connect exist�nq pips. 5957 1 ,400.00 Charles Henderson Co. 622 S. 30th Place Install furr-acb,;/wtr htr 9958 1 ,325.00 Hillis Homes 2607 NE 23rd Place Install fur;4jpz/wtr htr 9959 350.00 H. A. Jorgensen 700 Aberdeen Ave. NE Replace water service 9960 500.00 Bill McLaughlin 3217 Sunset Blvd. NE Rework ducts 9961 1 ,450.00 Starting Gate Restaurant 3217 Sunset Blvd . NE Install gas ;!>ihing 9962 9,400.00 Starting Gate Restaurant 3217 Sunset Blvd. NE Install comd�ressor 9963 425.00 Earl Griffin 711 SW 12th St. Install new wltrr lines 9964 7,000.00 Dr. Lee Bennett 3241 NE Sunset Blvd. Install heal pumps and fan 9965 400.00 Ron and Shari Fisher 118 Monterey Dr. NE Install pluntbir►g/fixtueCij 9966 1 ,800.00 Sheraton Renton Inn 800 Grady Way S. Install plumbing/fixtures 9967 4,900.00 Home & Business Service 1325 Shattuck Ave. S. Furnace/comprc4sor/pump 9968 500.00 Renton School District N. 4th and Logan St. N. Plumbing/fiAtVresfpipinq 9969_ 500.00 Renton School District N. 4th and Logan St. N. Install gas dryers 99.70 900.00 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale Ave. NE Furnace and water heated' 5971 900.00 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Furnace and ater heater SIGN PERMIT 1117 17700.00 Yorker Building 3900 E. Valley Road Install wood sign CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ""` 5437 Charles Henderson Co. Victoria Park No. 4 Install dra:"ns/r:�ve driveway 5453 Wick Homes 4410 SE 2nd Place Sanitary building sewer 5454 Wick Homes 4416 SE 2nd Place Sanitary bui,ld.in- sewer 5455 Wick Homes 249 Vashon Ave. SE Sanitary build€ng sewe - 5456 Wick Homes 4108 SE 2nd Place Sanitary bui'ldtng sewe 5457 Wick Homes 4102 SE 2nd Place Sanitary building sewer 5458 Tri Power Industries 2703 NE 4th Ct. Sanitary bu ldinq sewer 5459 Tri Power Industries 426 Ferndale NE Sanitary building}. sewer 5460 Rax System, Inc. -4114 NE 4th St. Install pipe;/fire hydrant 5461 Safeway Stores, Inc. 4110 NE 4th St. Sanitary building Sower 5462 Tony Skya 1325 S. Shattuck Install storva serer 5463 Sheraton Renton Inn 800 Grady Way S. Side sewer/cats$gko. grease trr