HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 35 (7/23/1984 - 7/22/1985) AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT J. HUGHES, '.' COUNCIL PRESIDENT i EARL CLYMER tj� y p KATHY KEOLKER NANCY L. MATHEWS JOHN W. REED R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM 0 REGULAR MEETING 4PREtt"rVJULY 23, 1984 CITY CLERK 1t;'aa A Y. F,1='N 'OCH, MONDAY, 8: 00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR R'AYOR PI. EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Now <,: LL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. Af,PROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1984 . AUDIENCE COt:0MENT A1. this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to ;?4j,;cuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pendinq agenda item 3or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item J interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk f; the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your a: t name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. +NSENT AGENDA City Clerk reports bid opening 7/16/84 for West Hill Pipeline project; five bids received; Engineer's estimate: $220, 985. 00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Finance/Licensing Department requests review of deletion of police background investigations for business license special endorsements. Refer to Community Services Committee. :. Public Works Department requests review of One-Call Notification System for location of utility lines by contractors. Refer to Utilities Committee. d public Works Department submits CAG-051-83, City Shops Project; and ~�~ requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $111,084.40 to contractor, Baugh Construction Company, if all taxes have been paid and no liens have been filed. Council concur. ;a,, Public Works/Utilities Engineering Department submits request for utility easement vacation by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc, for Washington Technical Center. Refer to Utilities Committee. C: RRESPONDENCE O .D BUSINESS (Includes Committee Reports) Z,7DINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS .. ti£W BUSINESS z:t MINISTRATIVE REPORT DIENCE COMMENT A ``JOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 23, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Horst Cunaus Request for Pen Pal Yard/Garage Sale Policy Parked Cars on Highlands Residential Streets Sanford Webb Complaint regarding Drainage on Renton Hill COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Business License Special Endorsements LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Hold Public Hearing Regarding Hiqhlands Tavern Liquor License MAYOR AND CITY CLERK 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program Contract Springbrook Watershed Fencing, Phase 1 Contract Consolidated Airport Ground Lease with Aero-Dyne Corp. (LAG-003-84) New Airport Ground Lease with Plane Space Investments, Inc. (LAG-006-84) UTILITIES COMMITTEE Utility Easement Vacation Request by Washington Technical Center Nater Flouridation Program West Hill Pipeline Bid Award One-Call Notification System for Utilities WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Optional Boat Tax Ordinance Ist reading 7/23/84 ) Water Supply Protection Ordinance ( 1st reading 7/23/84) Municipal Court Ordinance ( 1st reading 7/23/84) PUBLIC HEARINGS 8/6/84 - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1985-1990 8/13/84 - LID 323 Final Assessment Roll (S. 43rd Street between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting JULY 23, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Members M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. ::OUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. ; ITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Patricia Lavery, Chairperson of Renton Citizens for Better Water Flouridation Dental Health, 1100 N. 38th Street, requested review of Program a water flouridation program for the 1985 budget , noting the proposal has received strong support and numerous endorsements from residents as well as civic leaders and business and professional representatives of the community. She added that the program is long-overdue in Renton, and if approved, will greatly improve the health of all residents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Highlands Tavern Dave Azose, 16942 NE 142nd Street, representing Morris Piha Liquor License Company, owner of the Highlands building proposed for conversion to a tavern, requested that Council address the matter of issuance of liquor license for the establishment. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO NEW BUSINESS. CARRIED. Advance to New MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER OF LIQUOR LICENSE Business FOR PROPOSED TAVERN LOCATED AT 2810 SUNSET BOULEVARD BE REFERRED Highlands Tavern TO THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND Liquor License RECOMMENDATION.;; Mayor Shinpoch provided background on the proposal , noting application for liquor license for "Slick Willy' s" tavern, in building formerly occupied by Waterbed Warehouse , had been approved by her on 7/3/84 following report from Police Department. Protests were then filed with the City and the Liquor Board along with a petition initiated by Mrs. Morrie Eskenazi , 951 Lynnwood Avenue NE, bearing signatures of 87 adjacent residerts protesting issuance of the license. Further correspondence from the Liquor Board indicated that the local jurisdiction may consider input from a variety of sources, including citizen input at a public hearing, before making a recommendation back to the Board. The Land Use Hearing Examiner could hold a fact-finding hearing and report his conclusions to the Council . Continued Discussion addressed the fact that since this is the first protest of this nature filed with the City, guidelines have not been developed to aid the Examiner in his review; and any party dissatisfied with the Examiner ' s recommendation would have the opportunity to appeal to the City Council . Continued Randy Adams, Adams Enterprises, tavern proprietor, 14404 NE 36th, Bellevue, requested future opportunity to correct information contained on petitions being circulated and provide accurate specifics regarding the proposed use. Councilman Stredicke preferred that the City Council conduct the public hearing on the matter. Councilman Clymer recalled disposition of similar matters by the Administration in the past. City Attorney Warren explained the role of the Hearing Examiner as an independent fact-finder in conducting a public hearing, noting policies are neither available to the City Council or the Examiner upon which to base a recommendation. Renton City Council 7/23/84 Page two Audience Comment continued Highlands Tavern Following further discussion, MOTION CARRIED.- Mayor Shinpoch Liquor License explained that following public hearing, a recommendation will continued be forwarded to the City Council , time being of utmost importance. CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk reported bid opening 7/16/84 for West hill Pipeline Bid Opening - Project; five bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: $220,985.00. West Hill Pipeline Refer to Utilities Committee. Business License Finance/Licensing Department requested review of deletion of Special police background investigations for business license special Endorsements endorsements, i .e. , locksmiths, security patrolmen, private detectives, pawnbrokers, and secondhand dealers. Refer to Community Services Committee. One-Call Public Works Department requested review of One-Call Notification Notification System for the benefit of contractors and jurisdictions as System for required by Substitute House Bill 857 recently adopted by State Utilities Legislature. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG-051 -83 Public Works Department submitted CAG-051-83, City Shops City Shops Project; and requested approval of the project, authorization Project Final for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, Payment and release of retained amount of $111 ,084.40 to contractor, Baugh Construction Company, if all releases have been received and all liens have been cleared during that period. Council concur. Utility Easement Public Works/Utilities Department submitted request for utility Vacation Request - easement vacation by Bush, Roed & Hitchings, Inc. for Washington Washington Technical Technical Center, property located near Powell Avenue SW and Center SW Tenth Street. Refer to Utilities Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Adopted AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Horst Cunaus, 4270 Hettstedt , German Democratic Pen Pal Requested Republic, was read expressing interest in corresponding with an American family. Mr. Cunaus is a 45 year old mining engineer, married, and father of two daughters. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Utilities concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Committee to accept the low bid of Watson Asphalt Paving Company in the Bid Award for amount of $98,752.40 for the 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program, 1984 Asphalt Phase I . The Committee also recommends that the Mayor and Resurfacing City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. Program MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Award for Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Springbrook concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Watershed to accept the low bid of Bull Fence Company in the amount of Fencing, Phase 1 $15,992.05 (corrected figure) for Phase I of the Springbrook Watershed Fencing Project. The Committee further recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .W. Transportation Transportation Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a Committee report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Consolidated Airport Department that a new consolidated ground lease LAG 003-84 Ground Lease with be prepared to cover the Aero-Dyne Leasing Corporation lease Aero-Dyne Corp. of ground space (reduced by the area transferred to the Plane LAG 003-84 Space Investments, Inc. - LAG 006-84) . The Committee further concurs in the recommended revised rate structure as shown below to be effective September 1 , 1984 for a three-year term: a. Ground lease rate of $0. 14 per square foot per year ( increased from $0. 12) . b. Rental rate for City-owned Old Vocational School Building #5-01 to be $250.00 per month. (New charge) Renton City Council 7/23/84 Page three Old Business continued Transportation NOTE: Leasehold tax will apply to all lease rates listed Committee above. Lease format to be approved by City Attorney. continued The Committee also recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk LAG 003-84 be authorized to sign lease LAG 003-84• MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Responding to concerns by Chairman Trimm regarding Committee action during his absence the past three weeks, substitute motion was made: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See action on page 5.) ranspertation Transportation Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke presented a :ommittee report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works "dew Airport Ground Department that the airport ground space relating to the sub- Lease #LAGO06-84 leased BENAIR Aviation Aircraft Maintenance Operation be with Plane Space removed from the Aero-Dyne lease and transferred to a new InvestTents, Inc. lease. The new lease LAG 006-84 will be with Plane Space Investments, Inc. , the corporation which is providing the financial backing for the purchase of Aero-Dyne ' s maintenance hangar. The lease term and rate shall be the same as Aero- Dyne Leasing Corporation ' s lease LAG-003-84; and the lease form shall be approved by the City Attorney. Also recommended was authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the lease document, effective date to be September 1 , 1984. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See action on page 5. ) Six-Year Transportation Committee Vice-Chairman Stredicke advised that Transportation after reviewing the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program, 1985-1990, scheduled for public hearing on 8/6/84, Program the Committee has decided not to mFke a recommendation on the matter prior to the hearing. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS W, Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3824 An ordinance was read relating to City park and recreational Maplewood Golf facilities; providing for acquiring, reconditioning and Course Bond Issue improving Maplewood Golf Course; declaring the estimated $4.2 Million cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of funds , and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property tax levies; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds and levying such excess taxes to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held therein on September 18, 1984, in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3825 An ordinance was read relating to City park and recreational Community Center facilities; and providing for constructing and equipping a Bond Issue Community Center on land presently owned by the City; $4. 1 Million declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; and providing for the borrowing of a total of 4. 1 million dollars, and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property tax ,�.. levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds and levying such excess taxes to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held therein on September 18, 1984, in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Park Director John Webley described the proposed facility, which will include gymnasiums, racquetball courts, weight-fitness rooms, dance studios, game rooms, social rooms, arts and crafts spaces, a concessionaire, and accessory locker rooms. The center will be similar to the City of Kent ' s ''Kent Commons'' with the exception that Renton ' s facility will be dedicated to the arts instead of social services. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that the proposed Renton City Council 7/23/84 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued Community Center Community Center had been included in the Parks Department Bond Issue Comprehensive Plan, reviewed through earlier public hearings. continued It was noted that the new facility will eventually replace the ''Mother' s Park'' center, deteriorating from age. Bond issue for Gene Coulon Park extension was approved in the amount of $7.825 million in September of 1979. Ordinance #3826 An ordinance was read repealing existing Chapter 17, Title X Vehicle Impound (Traffic) of City Code relating to Vehicle Impound Ordinance Regulations and creating a new Chapter 17 relating to vehicle impound regulations. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading & Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Advance to Final recommending the following ordinance for first reading and Reading advancement to second and final reading: LID 328 Bonds An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District (Garden Avenue N. ) No. 328, amending Ordinance No. 3744, and authorizing the issuance and sale of local improvement district bond anticipation notes in Local Improvement District No. 328 pending the receipt of the proceeds of the local improvement district bonds authorized to be issued by Ordinance No. 3744; and providing for the sale of such notes to Ehrlich- Bober and Company, New York, New York. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3827 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned LID 328 Bonds ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, (Garden Avenue N. ) COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Optional Boat Tax An ordinance was read instituting the Optional Boat Tax and providing for violation penalties. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Water Supply An ordinance was read designating a restricted area adjacent Protection to its water reservoir as being within jurisdiction of the City for protection of its water supply from pollution, declaring certain acts to be a nuisance, proscribing acts constituting offenses against the purity of such water supply, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED.„ Municipal Court An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 22, Title I (Administrative) regarding court hours, and amending Chapter 3, Title I (Administrative) regarding general penalties of the City Code. MOVED BY CLYMER. SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Resolutions Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending adoption of the following resolutions: Resolution #2553 A resolution was read adopting a Well Field Protection Study. Well Field MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Protection Study RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stredicke questioned need for proper notice and hearing to King County property owners near City' s water supply that restrictions are being imposed.-, City Attorney Warren explained that Well Field Study is a policy only, and State law provides local jurisdictions with authority to protect its water supplies from pollution. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2554 A resolution was read requiring reimbursement to commercial Cable TV Re and cutomers by Group W Cable for over-charges. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council 7/23/84 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Vouchers Approved Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 1381 through 1629 in the amount of $693,980.00, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 1377 through 1380 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. "EW BUSINESS Councilman Trimm presented a letter from Public Works Director ;I .hero-Dyne Richard C. Houghton regarding Aero-Dyne Consolidated Lease, Consolidated LAG #003-84, and Place Space (BENAIR Aviation) New Lease, Lease, LAG #003-84/ LAG #006-84 (See Transportation Committee Reports, Pages 2 Plane Space (BENAIR and 3) . The letter recommended Council approval of the proposed Aviation) New Lease new ground lease arrangement by which the ground space directly LAG #006-84 related to the BENAIR Aviation Maintenance Operation will be transferred from Aero-Dyne' s lease to a new and separate Plane Space Investment Lease. Approval should be subject to satisfactory rate negotiations and review of the proposed lease agreements with the City Attorney. The letter also noted that the effective date for the leases should be revised to September 1 , 1984; and Aero-Dyne Leasing Corp. has agreed to accept a three-year term for the consolidated lease (LAG #003-84) at $0. 14 per square foot, instead of a five year term. The same term and rate will apply to the new Plane Space Investment Lease (LAG #006-84) . Based upon Transportation the information contained in this letter, it was MOVED BY Committee Reports TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE TRANSPORTATION Adopted (Page 3) COMMITTEE REPORTS PREVIOUSLY PRESENTED, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS. CARRIED. Local Improvement Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration prepare a Project Policies report to Council denoting improvements required by the City of developers on either side of S. 43rd Street or Talbot Road now included in proposed LID in the area of Valley General Hospital . He also requested that the City Attorney provide a written response indicating the required number of participants in an LID before the City will lend its credit to fund the project. Yard/Garage Sales Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mayor Shinpoch indicated and Inoperable that a complaint regarding on-going yard sale in Renton Highlands Vehicles on City had been investigated by the Building Department ; however, it Residential Streets appears there is no legislation governing that specific activity. Coucnilman Stredicke requested investigation in the area of 11th Court NE, NE 11th Street, and Union Avenue NE for illegal parking of inoperable vehicles at curb-side in a residential area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THESE MATTERS BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Renton Hill Councilman Stredicke referenced a letter from Sanford Webb, Drainage dated July 19, 1984, withdrawing request of June 4, 1984 to pave the alley between Mill Avenue S. and Cedar Avenue S. on Renton Hill and substituting instead a request for review of modification of the storm drainage system in the area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, LETTER FROM MR. WEBB BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced that former Mayor Charlie Delaurenti REPORT had his first hole- in-one at Maplewood Golf Course recently. Sewage Pump Referencing Council question regarding Well Field Protection Stations Upgraded Study (page 3, Council minutes of 7/16/84) relating to need to modify Cottonwood and Falcon Ridge (Cedar Ridge) sewage pump stations , Mayor Shinpoch reported that the Cottonwood station needs improvement due to age, and telemetering equipment will be installed at the Falcon Ridge station at developer expense to accommodate various revisions to the development plans over past several years. Senior Girls Mayor Shinpoch announced that the Senior Girls Little League Little League Ball Club Tournament began this date in Renton with eight Tournament teams of girls, 14 to 16 years of age, participating from all over the State. Renton City Council 7/23/84 Page six Administrative Report continued Sylva Coppock Sylva Coppock, former member of the Municipal Arts Commission, Welcomed was welcomed by Mayor Shinpoch. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Land Acquisition EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 9:21 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all Time: 9:46 p.m. members present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 07/Z0/84 MARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL kAPRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.11377 - #1380 CURRENT 5184,176.25 PARKS 555tt01 . SC ARTERIAL STREETS $21 ,631 . 61 STREETS $691873. 79 LIBRARY 116, 590.80 STREET FORWARD THRUST $4,040. 72 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR (2,763.75 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 573, 596. 95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNC 530, 956. 99 WATERWORKS LTILITY 5186,443.4E AIRPORT 53,450. 34 WATER 8 SEWER .CONSTRUCTION $15,849.91 ECU:PMENT RENTAL 56, 582.09 FIREMEN ' S PENSION $16,678. 54 LI: CONTROL 53, 542 .98 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $693,980.00 WE, THE UNDERSIGNEC MEPBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE CF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION TmAT and MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 1381 THRCL'GH AC. 1629 IN THE AMOUNT OF S693198O.CC THiS- 23RD DAY OF JLLY 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN �- '-1-�`—�'—�Y� +L�— MEMBE MEMBER CITY COUNCIL ,.i(vMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 23, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/24 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable (continued) - Lon Hurd S City Attorney invited Tues. 8/7 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Massage Parlor Ordinance; Business License Special Endorsements; (continued below*) PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/26 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Planning Commission Recommendation Thurs. 8/2 7: 30 p.m. " " regarding Valley Comprehensive Plan Thurs. 8/9 7: 30 p.m. (Discussed at all three meetings) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 7/26 4: 15 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room West Hill Pipeline Bid Opening; One-Call Notification System for utility lines; Vacation of Utility Easement Request by Washington Technical Center WAYS & MEANS Mon. 8/6 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF Board Meeting Weds. 8/1 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room *Historical Society Expansion - Mr. Parness and City Attorney invited N ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 07/20/84 BUILDING d ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCING JULY 20. 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10460 70. 000 CASCADE PACIFIC DEV 3003 CEDAR AV S CONST SINGLE FAMILY RES 889870109002 10461 21500 DUNN LUMBER CO 12C FACTORY AV N REFACE .MANSARD ROOF 10462 3,000 MONTEREY DEV. CO. INC. 1901 NE 3RC ST REROOF APARTMENT BLDG. 559210017005 10463 18,265 7TH AVENUE CORP. 705 RAINIER AV 5 REROOF COMMERCIAL BUILDING 192305902905 10464 18,265 7TH AVENUE CORPCRATION 705 RAINIER AV S REROOF COMMERCIAL BUILDINS 192305902905 10466 500,000 PUGET SCUND POWER 8 LIG 2360 LIND AV SW FILL 8 GRADE — 85000 CU YOS 1 467 4,000 ROBERT RAYMOND ZIRK 1617 NE 28TH ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE ON FIREPLACE 229650000800 15468 21340 ANGELO CALABRESE 1209 KIRKLAND AV NE REROOF RESTAURANT SAME 10470 2,500 VICKY SEEGMILLER 2016 NE 24TH ST RERCOF RESIDENCE 3343902002 10471 60,000 ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 405 PARK AV N CONVERT SERVICE STATION TO MINI MARKET 10472 97,000 RENTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DI 1101 HOCUTAM AV NE REROOF SCHOOL 10473 2,224 CUGINI 353 VUEMONT PL NE REROCF RESIDENCE 172305911205 10474 40,000 PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL 300 SW 7TH ST CONSTRUCT PARKING LOT 1823C5925303 10475 65,200 RENTON PUBLIC SCHOCL DI 2727 NE 9TH ST REROOF SCHOOL 10476 100,000 JAMES 0 BLOOD 3713 PARK AV N CONSTRUCT NEW S/F RESIDENCE 10477 275 NICKLAS A. HOLBROOK 44C6 NE 24TH ST COVER DECK 273773001005 10478 10,C00 GARY E MILLER 2432 EDMONDS AV NE REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 042305921902 10479 100,C00 90EING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80C PARK AV N MISC. BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11896 800 ANDERSON/MINIETTA 1123 MAPLE AV SW INST WIRING 11897 21 COO MURPHY INDUSTRIES 1030 THOMAS AV SW INCREASE EXISTING PANEL ETC 11898 100 PORTAL WEST CORP 330 SW 43RD ST CMST 200 AMP TEMPORARY 11118909 250 WAYNE AKERS 201 UNICN AV SE #42 HOCK UP MOBILE 11901 1 000 JAMESS H. JACQUES TRO 4010 NENIOTH ST SW INST 200IAMPFOSERVICEGE PUMP 11902 200 GREG ANDERSCN 19C9 BLAINE AV NE WIRE ADDITION 11903 15,700 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80C PARK AV N MIRE FOR POWER STATIONS JOB #375807 11904 100 JIM MATTHEW 2138 WHITMAN AV NE ADDITIONAL OUTLETS 3 LIGHTING 11905 950 TOM GORDON 140 RAINIER AV S WIRE HEAT PUMP 11906 50 CENTRON 4600 DAVIS AV S INSTALL TWC TEMPORARY POWER POLE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10675 900 JIM JACCUES 4021 NE 1CTH ST INSTALL ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEM 10676 2,150 RICHES HOME CENTER 461 RAINIER AV S THREE WOOD BURNING STOVES 10677 1,886 G 8 L BUILDERS 2607 CECAR AV S INST FURNACE & WATER HEATER UNDER 100000 BTU'S 10678 50,C80 CONVOY CO 3801 OAKESCALE AV SW INST TANKS 10679 5,C 0 TOM GORDEN (MGR) 140 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 1-5 TON HP/AC 10680 1,100 CASCADE PACIFIC DEV 3000 SMITHERS CT S INST FURNACE UNDER 100000 BTU'S 10681 600 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 3817 TALBOT RD S REMOVE HEATING UNITS/INST NEW PLUMBING PERMITS 062 2,700 CAMLIMLIM 27C1 MILL AV S INST (11) PLBG FIXTURES 0631,C00 EAGLE PT APTS 1650 S EAGLE RIDGE DR INST (8) WASHERS 864 3,508 MILLER 3623 LINCCLN AV NE INST 16 PLBG FIXTURES 65 1,600 PINKERTCN 4407 NE 10TH ST INSTALL TWO FIXTURES 066 300 DENNYS RESTAURANT 4750 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NREROUTE DRAIN LINE S GN PERMITS 269 30 RENT A CENTER INC. 723 RAINIER AV S GRAND OPENING SIGN 1270 75 PG-E ELECTRIC 4110 WEST VALLEY RD CLOTH BANNER SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5783 Bud Piggatt 2604 NE Fifth Court Install sanitary building sewer 5784 Bud Pigqatt 2703 NE Fifth Place Install sanitary building sewer 5785 Bud Piggatt 419 Ferndale Avenue NE Install sanitary building sewer 5786 Bud Piggatt 470 Ferndale Avenue NE Install sanitary building sewer 5787 Bud Piggatt 2605 NE Fifth Court Install sanitary building sewer 5788 Bud Piggatt 2608 NE Fifth Place Install sanitary building sewer 5789 Bud Pigqatt 2614 NE Fifth Place Install sanitary building sewer 5790 K. C. Water District #58 South 55th St. (S. 192nd) Install 200 LF of 8" ductile iron watermain 5792 Joel Gregory 806 High Avenue S. Side sewer repair � 4 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF June, 1984 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: JU!" DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL /29/84 Claims Fund LID #326 Void Peoples Warrant 801/ 701/326.15.541. 20. #56841 dated 3/26/84 per 00. 00 attached. Will be reissued upon request and paid from Rainier account. $15, 705.00 /29/84 Claims Fund Current Fund Void Peoples Warrant 801/201 .00.00.00 000/369.90. 00. 18 #38449 and 38734 dated 3/22/82 to Cascade Vista Athletic Club. Unable to locate anyone so we could reissue. $ 30. 00 /29/84 Claims Fund Current Fund Void Peoples Warrant 801/201. 00. 00.00 000/369.90.00. 18 #49908 dated 3/14/83 to Scott Malone. Unable to locate so we could reissue. $ 21. 00 s )/29/84 Claims Fund Current Fund Void Peoples Warrant 801/201.00. 00. 00 000/ #52438 dated 8/08/83 5o Hinshaw, Inc. Treasurers check issued on 6/29/84 to replace it after receivin affidavit of loss. $ 408.62 I KAn.>r trczp H OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: )ATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 7-5-S� re vQxsp— Arclr+rS °f (o-Za 240.103.06•00.00 Owl 04-514.15-10-cc Linda Dixon 540.00 Qo m.to3.00.m.00 000104• sitzs.lo4o V�;ke. Kotcak4 4 t 330.00 %01 oo,2o1.oo.oo .00 /0Z.5lz.5o.lo.00 DQ.661 Q (ban e;z 5 zo.oo so). 00.20e.00.000.o0 1/ 15-W1.57. IC600 00n c CkCO -L 100- co Z Co.Zo3. 0o-00.00 /04.514.24 to-cc Marna. hlo�or 300.00 02100.to3.00•oo.e o lol/2.D.si4-sb-10-c0 Warn a v Cr u c'\ (c 50.00 momI 7/6/84 SPECIAL DEPOSIT C.I.P. FUND PER ORD. # 3821 $17,200.00 604/ 317/039.318.90.00.01 ERC FEES C I T Y O F k E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF J 1 fU THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: Jul ,TE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL -U✓ y��I �S.SOI.`i1.�G .oQ 80a0C C.a-oI.0C.00. Pte. 1- '10/84 CLAIMS FUND Uq Tq CUR/Nr FUND VOID PEOPLES WARRANT $11.42 # 42406 DATED 10/25/82 01/ 0 SS40,-00.18 TO MESSERS TV & APPL. rG FIRM. WENT OF OF BUSINESS y 7 - 13 Ocopo. S38.Go- C-CC) 6CQ)0aao3.00.00 Aa Ja�eo- Choc k I �.DO Q M lo,m 7- 1� �I Io- 538.�. lo. oo Bo2loo•Zo3.oo.ov. ad•�anc �. c.�c�. 18/84 LID 324 STREET FORWARD THRUS Repayment of interim 701/ 301/ financing LID 324 $156,486.51 LID 324 701/324.15.541.30.00.0 $ 7,272.44 701/324.15.541.40.00.0 5,605.84 701/324.15.541.60.00.0 2,272.63 STREET FORWARD THRUST 301/366.10.00.00 $ 15,150.91 $ 15,150.91 (new account number) oi Egr1� Ghe.�s 802�oo.an3.00.00.oc� 4o1S•Slit �41. iD. 00 cash��na��t��rSu�ton� 833. 19 go�oo.ao3Oo.oo. o0 000 Io.S�.fcO•ic ad�anc�f�1.�►��inm EVa�S $ � I O .00 �0�100. X03.00. op. 00 ooe/ ID. 535.I�o.lo.Uo gcWgncQsl)wnc, .koS k 4go .L� C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF JULY, 1984 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 7/23/84 LID 324 701/324.15.541.30.00.00 $ 16,090.21 701/324.15.541.40.00.00 12,402.87 701/324.15.541.60.00.00 5,028.19 CURRENT FUND 000/374/00.tl In-house costs -for LID 324 Enginnering, Administratio Finance & City Clerk $ 33,521.27 LID 324 701/324.15.541.30.00.00 $ 137.17 701/324.15.541.40.00.00 105.73 %Ai/ 1 iso ;Y/, r c,6C, 6O 42.87 WATER FUND 401/343.79.00.00 In-house costs for LID 324 Utility Division $ 285.77 LID 324 WATER FUND 701/324.15.534.30.00.00 401/343.79.00.14 LID 324 - Utility Latecomer Assessment $ 33,802.78 7/23/84 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD PEOPLES NOTE #037848 $2,377.85 501/000.15.597.00.00.00 215/397.00.00.01 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 1984 LIMITED GO BONDS $3,900.85 501/000.15.597.00.00.00 215/397.00.00.01 123/84 LID 324 701/324.15.541.30.00.00 $ 16,090.21 701/324.15.541.40.00.00 12,402.87 701/324.15.541.60.00.00 5,028.19 CURRENT FUND 000/374/0001 In-house costs -for LID 324 Enginnering, Administratio Finance & City Clerk $ 33,521.2-1 LID 324 701/324.15.541.30.00.00 $ 137.17 701/324.15.541.40.00.00 105.73 rpl/ aa'l, 15, 42.87 WATER FUND 401/343.79.00.00 In-house costs for LID 324 Utility Division $ 285.77 LID 324 WATER FUND 701/324.15.534.30.00.00 401/343.79.00.14 LID 324 - Utility Latecomer Assessment $ 33,802.78 � 4 CITY OF RENTON TRANSFERS ' NTH OF July JUL 26 1984 TO THE F I NANCE DIRECTOR: DATA pRC(,E SSI 4TE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL '/25/84 Claims Water To void Warrant #56282, 801/ 401/000.15.501.37. dated 2/27/84, to J. Small 63.15 Construction Company. New check will be issued from �► Rainier Bank account at a later date. $1,533.83 '/25/84 Claims Water To void Warrant #57116, 801/ 401/000.15.501.37. dated 4/09/84, to WA State 41.00 Dept. of Social and Health Services. New check will be issued from Rainier Bank account at a later date. $1,000.00 '/25/84 Park Current Per attached $ 33.60 101/000.20.574.10.44.10 000/000.10.538.60. 44.08 ;fh '11 � �o?�ec. �o3.Co•ce. 00 car-f IO.s��-C.�C••ICCc ��c�ti�Uc�c�.JWi1�i41hEV��IS `� � 10 .00 �o3.co. co. Oc coo/ 10. ackucaoc121)(�(�(1C'���LSt�'rY1r 4D0) -W MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR .�rr OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT I. HUGHES. U �OR Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER 0 rn NANCY L. MATHEWS 90 N W. REED ro RENTON CITY COUNCIL RIICCHA DM S REDICKE ON �P THOMAS W. TRIMM NTEO SEPI� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING AUGUST 6, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 23, 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1990 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. City Clerk reports bid opening 7/31/84 for Well No. 9 Pump Station; five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $190,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $173.53 filed by Ray E. Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, for replacement of washing machine water pump allegedly destroyed when washer was used during water shut-off by the City (7/12/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. C. Claim for damages in the amount of $600 filed by Lonzo H. Nolan, 12111 SE 319th Place, Auburn, for replacement of personal items, alleging loss by City jailer (7/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $5,000 filed by Douglas A. Crowder, attorney for Rickie L. Armstrong, 1425 S. Puget Drive, for alleged injuries from City street light covering (6/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney & Insurance Service. e. Court case filed by Richard J. Padden, attorney for Pamela V. Small of Small Construction Co. alleging breach of contract by the City in Water Project #725 (Stevens Avenue NW to Seneca Avenue NW) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. f. Finance Department presents City Financial Policies regarding grant revenues, establishment of separate account as cushion for economic downturns, employee compensation consideration for labor contracts, and old Firemen ' s Pension System. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Mr. Patrick Texeira, 1013 SW Third Place, to the Planning Commission to complete Michacl Porter ' s term, effective through January 31 , 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Executive Department recommends referral of Cable TV Leasehold Excise Tax for review of the use of funds generated by fee. Refer to Community Services Committee. i . Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Don Schumsky Rezone, File No. R-051-84, from B-1 and R-4 to B-1 for 1 .26 acre site located in the 1300 block of Lake Washington Boulevard N. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. j . Planning Commissoin submits recommendation for Honey Creek, Small Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Mayor Shinpoch regarding determination by State Public Disclosure Commission on permissible extent of participation in up-coming ballot issues by City employees and officials. b. Letter from William D. Allingham requesting consideration of his request to purchase City property proposed for pedestrian corridor development for use as parking space for The Sub Shop, 30 Logan Avenue. 8. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 6, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Gervais, Nolan and Armstrong Claims for Damages Small Construction Company Court Case METRO Appeal of Special Connection Charge COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Cable TV Leasehold Excise Tax MAYOR & CITY CLERK Authorized to Execute Washington Technical Center Vacation of Easement Authorized to Execute Contract for Watermain Project W-716 (West Hill) PARK DEPARTMENT /POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Allingham Request to Purchase Property Near 30 Logan Avenue PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Honey Creek Small Area Comprehensive Plan UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid Opening for Well No. 9 Pump Station METRO Appeal of Special Connection Charge WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Resolution No. 2558 adopted) Financial Policies (Resolutions 2559, 2560, 2561 and 2562 adopted) Planning Commission Appointment, Patrick Texeira Schumsky Rezone, R-051-84 Book Sale Profit Fund Transfer Utility Permits and Fees for Work in Public Right-of-Way (Ist reading 8/6/84) PUBLIC HEARING 8/13/84 - LID 323 Final Assessment Roll - S. 43rd Street between East Valley and West Valley Highway) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 6, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. OUNCIL MEMBERS STREDICKE: JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTAS, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAX►NE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 23, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION A resolution was read honoring former Mayor Charles J. Resolution #2555 Delaurenti for singular achievement in the game of golf, Charles J. a long-sought-after "hole- in-one" at Maplewood Golf Course. Delaurenti Golf Mr. Delaurenti expressed appreciation for the honor, noting Award new golfing goal is to "shoot his age." MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED UNANIMOUSLY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Six Year and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Transportation public hearing to consider the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program, 1985 - 1990. Public Works Director Program Richard C. Houghton apprised Council members of status of 1985-1990 priority projects denoted in the 1984 Program and sources of funding. With the exception of #8, N. lst Street , Park Ave. N. to Burnett Ave. N. , which will be carried over to 1985, and #10, Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th Street to NE 12th Street , which is awaiting joint funding by Renton School District in early 1985, all projects are proceeding in accordance with approved schedule for funding and/or construction. Within the next few weeks, a funding proposal for redesign of the Wells Street Bridge in accordance with the environmental assessment will be submitted to the Federal Highway Department, and this project is listed as priority #1 on the 1985-1990 listing. Continued Mr. Houghton displayed a City map designating street overlay projects by year from 1980 to 1985, and apprised Council of progress or completion. He discussed 1985 - 1990 priorities, explained potential funding sources, and requested addition of Park Avenue N. improvement northerly from Bronson Way to N. Fourth Street. Councilwoman Mathews inquired if Priority #10 from the 1984 list, Monroe Avenue NE, NE 6th Street to NE 12th Street, should be added to the 1985 list. Mr. Houghton indicated that engineering drawings are underway; however, funds from Renton School District to improve the western side rf Monroe Avenue NE from NE 4th to NE 7th Street will not be available until 1985 to allow commencement of the joint City- school district project. Schneider Homes, developer of the area east of Monroe Avenue NE, will fund improvements on the east side to NE 6th Street. Councilman Stredicke felt that improvement of Monroe from NE 6th to NE 12th should commence since the street serves as a major north-south arterial in the Highlands. Upon further inquiry, Mr. Houghton advised that improvement of Union Avenue NE south of NE 4th Street will be completed in 1984. Continued Audience comment was invited. Since there was none, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TWO PROJECTS BE ADDED TO THE 1985-1990 PRIORITY LIST: #17 - PARK AVENUE N. FROM BRONSON WAY TO N. 4TH STREET; Renton City Council 8/6/84 Page two Public Hearing Six Year AND #18 - MONROE AVENUE NE FROM NE 6TH STREET TO NE 12th Transportation STREET, AND SUBSEQUENT NUMBERING ON THE PLAN BE ADJUSTED. Improvement CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL Program ADOPT THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS continued AMENDED AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. (See Ordinances and Resolutions AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill Allingham, 12131 25th Avenue SW, Seattle, addressed the Request to Council regarding purchase of property proposed for pedestrian Purchase Property corridor development by the City for use as parking space for on Logan Avenue The Sub Shop, 30 Logan Avenue. Correspondence Item 7.b. advanced for discussion. Mr. Allingham, owner of the property, explained request to purchase approximately 3,658 square feet of City property located north of the existing building currently being used for parking by the lessee and designated for inclusion in the Pedestrian Corridor project. Without such parking area, it would be difficult for the business to continue, he stated, and a sandwich shop provides a useful service for users of the park. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PARK DEPARTMENT AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATION BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 7/31/84 for Well No. 9 Pump Well No. 9 Station; five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $190,000.00. Pump Station Refer to Utilities Committee. Gervais Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $173.53 filed by Ray E. for Damages Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, for replacement of washing CL 20-84 machine water pump allegedly destroyed when washer was used during water shut-off by the City, claiming no prior notification of shut-off (7/12/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. Nolan Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $600 filed by Lonzo H. for Damages Nolan, 12111 SE 319th Place, Auburn , for replacement of personal CL 21-84 items, alleging loss by City jailer (7/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service . Armstrong Claim for damages in the amount of $5,000 filed by Douglas A. Claim for Crowder, attorney for Rickie L. Armstrong, 1425 South Puget Damages Drive, x/108, Renton, for alleged injuries sustained when a CL 19-84 glass street light covering fell on him (6/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service . Small Construction Court case filed by Richard J. Padden, attorney for Pamela V. Company Court Case Small of Small Construction Company, alleging breach of contract by the City in Water Project #725 (Watermain Inter- Tie between Stevens Avenue NW to Seneca Avenue NW) , seeking $14,929. 55 plus interest and legal costs. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. Financial Finance Department presented City Financial Policies as Policies previously approved by City Council at budget workshop regarding grant revenues, establishment of separate account as cushion for economic downturns, employee compensation consideration for labor contracts, and old Firemen ' s Pension System. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ordinances & Resolutions) --� Planning Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Patrick Texeira, 1013 SW Third Commission Place, to the Planning Commission to complete the term held Appointment by Michael Porter, effective through January 31 , 1986. Mr. Texeira is an electrical engineer with the Boeing Aerospace Company, is active in school district matters and other community affairs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council 19 8/6/84 Page three Consent Agenda continued Cable TV Executive Department recommended that the State' s recent Leasehold determination regarding cable television leasehold excise Excise Tax tax be reviewed and use of funds generated by the City' s franchise fee, subject to a 12.84% leasehold excise tax, be discussed. Refer to Community Services Committee. Schumsky Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive R-051-84 covenants of Don Schumsky Rezone, File No. R-051-84, from B-1 and R-4 to B-1 for 1 .26 acre site located in the 1300 block of Lake Washington Boulevard North. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. oney Creek Planning Commission submitted recommendation for Honey Creek, Small Area Small Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Refer to Planning Comprehensive Plan and Development Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Adopted AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Shinpoch was read advising determination Ballot Issue by State Public Disclosure Commission that while no public Support Policy funds or time will be used in any manner to promote the two bond issues for the September ballot, Maplewood Golf Course acquisition and Community Center construction, all Council members, Park Board members, and employees are privileged to endorse, support monetarily, doorbell , promote, and encourage the passage of these issues on their own time. The only proviso is that a formal resolution proclaiming support must be passed by the Council at an open, regular meeting, thereby giving the public an opportunity to speak against the resolution. (See Ordinances and Resolutions) METRO Appeal Added letter from Richard A. Mattsen, Administrative Legal of Special Counsel for METRO, appealing decision of the Public Works 'connection Director that METRO should be liable for a special connection Charge charge in accordance with Ordinance No. 2849 as amended by Ordinance No. 3056 for the land owned by METRO upon which the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant is located. The fee in the amount of $143,922.24 has already been paid by METRO under protest. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a list of all part-time Part-time City employees, effective July 1 , 1984. He 91so inquired Employees regarding City policy governing on-going yard and garage sales. Mayor Shinpoch advised that the matter was referred On-going Yard to the Administration on 7/23/84 and the Building Department & Garage Sales has it under review. Noting that Friends of the Library book sale held 7/4/84 had netted a profit of $1 ,244.46, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THAT THIS MATTER riends of BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR FUND TRANSFER the Library FROM GENERAL FUND IN THE AFOREMENTIONED AMOUNT UNTO THE LIBRARY FUND. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke also noted Library Library Board request to meet with Council in September Renovation to discuss Library renovation plans. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works ane-Call Department to join the One-Call Notification System. The otification set-up charges and monthly charges, including the teletype ystem system, are to be borne by the Utilities Division. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Chairman Mathews explained that system is required in response to recent legislation adopted by State Legislature to designate location of utility lines for all jurisdictions. Initial cost for the system is approximately $1 ,850.00 with monthly fees of $110.00. MOTION CARRIED. Washirgton Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Technical Center concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Vacation of to grant vacation of a 15-foot utility easement subject to Utility Easement dedication of 15-foot utility easement along the new lot line Renton City Council 8/6/84 Page four Old Business continued Utilities to be recorded with lot line adjustment. Committee Washington The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Technical Center Clerk be authorized to sign the vacation upon completion Vacation of of the above condition. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY Easement continued STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Award - Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Watermain concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Improvement Department to accept the low bid of Del Mar Construction Project W-716 Company in the amount of $201 ,928.59 for Watermain (West Hill 12- inch Improvement Project #W-716 (West Hill 12- inch Transmission Transmission Main) Main) . The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3828 An ordinance was read instituting the Optional Boat Tax and Optional Boat Tax providing for violation penalties. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER. 1 NO: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3829 An ordinance was read designating a restricted area adjacent Water Supply to its water reservoir as being within jurisdiction of the Protection City for protection of its water supply from pollution, declaring certain acts to be a nuisance, proscribing acts constituting offenses against the purity of such water supply, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL : 5 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER. 2 NOs: STREDICKE, REED. CARRIED. Ordinance #3830 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 22, Municipal Court Title I (Administrative) regarding court hours, and amending Chapter 3, Title I (Administrative) regarding general penalties of the City Code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3831 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Boeing Rezone property located south of North Sixth Street and east of the R-048-84 Cedar River and 450 feet west of Logan Avenue North from Public District (P-1 ) to Heavy Industry District (H-1 ) for the Boeing Company, File No. R-048-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Utility Permits/ An ordinance was read establishing right-of-way for utility Fees for Work in permits, permit fees, inspection fees, requiring franchise Public Right of for work done by utilities in public right-of-way, requiring Way such utility to file comprehensive plans and as built plans. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading & adoption: Resolution #2556 A resolution was read endorsing and supporting the bond Maplewood Golf issue for acquiring, reconditioning and improving Maplewood Course Bond Issue Golf Course and urging the support of the voters. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , questioned wording in legal notice of Council adoption of ordinances approving placement of both the golf course and community center on the Primary Election ballot , noting use of the Renton City Council 8/6/84 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Resolution #2556 words "urgency" and "emergency." He also inquired regarding Maplewood Golf cost to voters in the event of increase in bond interest rates. Course Bond Issue Mayor Shinpoch explained urgent need for ordinance adoption continued on 7/23/84 to meet King County deadlines for submission of ballot issues; and Councilman Stredicke defined acquisition of the golf course as an emergency situation since the alternative, commercial or residential development, is irreversible. Also explained were interest rate ceilings and assurance given that the amount of the bond issue approved by voters would not be exceeded. Responding to Mr. Webb' s inquiry regarding potential use of the property for other purposes and whether a portion of .. the golf course property can be used for a highway, clarification was provided that the ordinances specifically define primary uses of both sites, and plans are unknown for the first 7 or 8 feet of State-owned property located along Maple Valley Highway. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2557 A resolution was read endorsing and supporting the bond issue Community Center for constructing and equipping a community center and urging Bond Issue the support of the voters. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2558 A resolution was read updating the City' s Six-Year Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1985 - 1990 as amended. Transportation MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Improvement Program RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2559 A resolution was read establishing a policy for budgeting of Grant Revenue grant revenues for accounting purposes; and to ensure that Policy the annual City budget accurately reflects actual spending plans of City departments rather than reflecting accounts inflated by grant revenues for delayed projects. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2560 A resolution was read establishing a financial policy to Economic Downturn endeavor to include in the annual budget at least eight percent Fund of 8% for (8%) of net operating revenues as unrestricted fund balances Cushion to serve as protection against economic downturns and the resulting reduction in City revenues. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2561 A resolution was read requiring that the total cost of employee Consideration of compensation be considered when negotiating labor contracts Total Cost of with employee bargaining units; whereas, salary adjustments Employee for Renton employees over recent years have been consistent Compensation with inflation, benefit increases have been significantly more than inflation, resulting in overall employee settlements higher than inflation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. resolution #2562 A resolution was read recommending full funding of the City Firemen' s Pension Firemen ' s Pension System. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY System Funding STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a status report on progress Honeydew Sewer Trunk of Honeydew Sewer Trunk; expressed disappointment that a fill and grade permit was recently granted by the Hearing Examiner for Greenwood Cemetery which may impact traffic circulation NE Fourth Street on NE Fourth Street , an already congested street incurring ^�- "raffic problems from left turn restrictions; and indicated concern that City employees are parking closer than 15 stalls from City Hall Parking the building. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9: 30 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PRO JECT : WELL NO. 9 PUMP STATION DATE • JULY 31, 1984 BIDDER BID EEU ZI PUGET CONSTRUCTORS AA BB $197,200.00 1235 E. 4th Avenue without sales tax Olympia, WA 98501 Addendum Acknowledged PUGET SOUND UTILITY SERVICE AA BB $142, 156.00 22918 Bothell Way without sales tax Bothell, WA 98011 Addendum Acknowledged (no) M. D. MOORE CO. INC. LED M137" AA BB $255, 859.00 13652 SE 107th PI. P.O. Box 2603 without sales tax Renton, WA 98056 Addendum Acknowledged IMCO BB $172, 490. 00 4509 Guide Meridian without sales tax Bellingham, WA 98226 Addendum Acknowledged SEABOARD CONSTRUCTION, INC . AA BB $244, 881, 00 2470 Westlake Avenue N . Suite 204 without sales tax Seattle, WA 98109 Addendum Acknowledged ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE : $190, 100. 00 (Ron Olsen) i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 6, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 8/9 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers King County General Development Guide; Executive Session (Contract Negotiations) COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/7 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room *Massage Parlor Ordinance; Business License Special Endorsements; 1985 Block Grant Policies (Atty; Minnick; Hayduk; Police Rep) Tues. 8/14 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable (Atty; Hurd) PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/9 No meeting STREDICKE Thurs. 8/16 7: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Planning Commission recommendation re Valley Comprehensive Plan PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 8/23 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Flouridation Program WAYS & MEANS Mon. 8/13 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS *Historical Society Building Expansion to be t-ld at a later date (was scheduled 8/7) -01"1 ISSUED ITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 07/30/84 BUILOINU d ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JULY 30, 1984 LDING PERMITS - s0 4,COC CHERYL HOPKINS 375 UNICN AV SE 410 SET MOBILE HCME EJ462 120,000 CITY OF RENTON 501 W PERIMETER RD CONSTRUCT PUMP STATICN 10483 2,500 WILLIAM BELLANDC 1017 BRONSON WY S RERCOF COMMERCIAL 8UILOING 72314010403E 10484 450 LUIS GALIMBA 2209 JOKES PL SE CONSTRUCT SUN CECK 6673C50050 10485 1 ,COO PRESTON C. GARDNER JR 209 WHITWORTH AV S CONST ROOF OVER DECK 889921007007 10486 3,C00 OAK HULL 805 N 31ST ST REROOF RESIDENCE, KEw SIDING 334210035500 10487 11600 RUTH PETERSCN 821 INDEX CT NE REROOF RESIDENCE 10488 90,COO THE WEICNER COMPANY 1650 S EAGLE RIOSE CR CONST OFFICE BUILDING 10469 3G,COO THE WEICNER COMPANY 1650 S EAGLE RIDGE OR REPAIR DECKS. RAILIN3S, STAIRS ETC 10490 2,750 JIM ROUTOS 4096 EAST VALLEY RD INTERICR CFFICE AOCITION 4 REPAIR SHOP 312305901109 10491 3,300 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 40C S 43RD ST INST CLEANING BOOTH & WELDING HOOD IN EXISTING SH 10492 1 ,425 MARK HUFFMAN 2507 VASHOK CT NE RERGCF RESIDEENCE 004950003006 10493 72,t00 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIG 2400 S FUGET OR CONST COMMUNITY BLDG 202305900302 10494 1 ,600 ROBERT L & RHONDA SHONK 23C S 15TH ST CONSTRUCT DECK 33404C156500 10495 3,8GRADY WAY ASSOCIATESO7 SW gRADY WY TENANT IMPRC'VEMENT 334040470505 10496 70j, RICHARC A BCWEN U315 N 4Th ST CONST S/F RESICENCE 334210319300 10497 750 MIKAEL ECK 1616 CAMAS AV NE ROOF REPAIR TO PREVENT LEAKAGE 6832200030 10498 1 . 800 MR & MRS SAMPSON 1310 N 36TH ST CONST CECK 334270047106 10499 10,C00 BALLINGER TERRACE DEV. 903 THOMAS AV SW CONVERT WAREHCUSE INTO OFFICE 1050C 5,C00 THE WEICNER CO 1133 THUNDER HILL LN S CONVERT UNIT INTO LAUNDRY ROOM ?64411070005 10501 JOSEPHINE WEHMEYER 24C RAINIER AV S DEMOLISH BLDG. LEVEL LOT CLEAR DEBRIS, COMP . EY 8-5-84 10502 108,E5o ANDALUSIA INC 2611 CECAR AV S CONST S/F RESICENCE 8898701250 10503 287,100 DANIEL E . HCLMS INC 3401 NE 4TH ST CONST NEW MORTUARY BLDG. 162305907907 10504 3iC00 WINSTON AND ADRIENNE SI 107 VASHON AV SE EXTEND GARAGE AND WORK SHCP 2525CO014003 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11907 75 SAYNOR COMPANY 2707 CECAR AV S INST TEMP POWER 11908 21000 SAYNOR COMPANY 2707 CECAR AV S INST WIRING 11909 11200 LARRY PETERS 2459 MAIN CT S WIRE S/F RESICENCE 11910 80 CHI SOL KIM 28 4 CECAR AV S INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER PCLE 11911 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNICN AV SE #10 HOOK UP MGBILE HCME 11912 25 DAN HULL 805 N 31ST ST INST TEMPORARY PGW'ER 11913 3/605 BOEING AIRPLANE CO 80C PARK AV N INST MERG . LIGHTS, GROUND BLDG HOOK UP 2 PUMPS 11914 1 ,C30 CASCADE PACIFIC DEV. CO 3000 SMITHERS CT S WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE ' 11915 800 SPROUT CONST t07 SW GRADY WY INST 9 CONVIENCE OUTLETS 3 4 SWITCHES 11916 500 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR 3815 OAKESDAL; AV SW SERVICE FOR BUNGALOW FEEDING CROSSING SIGNALS 11917 125 ALEXANDER 'S AUCTION 32C9 NE 4TH ST WIRE SIGN MECHANICAL PERMITS 10682 1 ,956 CLASSIC AMERICAN HOMES 1125 S 23RD ST INST FURN/WATER HEAT=R 10683 1 ,95o CLASSIC AMERICAN HOMES 2915 CECAR AV S INST FLRNACE/WATER NEATER 10684 1 ,700 PETE ADAMS 523 KIRKLANC AV NE INST FURNACE LNOER 80000 BTU 'S 10685 985 THE WILGEO CO 1222 BRONSCK WY N INST WCOO STOVE 10686 1 ,800 TIMOTHY A BIRT 2708 MILL AV S INST WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 067 750 JOEL GREGORY 806 HIGH AV S INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 068 2,C00 CHARLES HENCERSCN CO 26C2 MILL AV S INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 069 2,000 CHARLES HENCERSON CO 26G1 MILL AV S INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 070 6,C73 JEFF ELLISON 2801 MCLNTAIN VIEW AV N INST 17 PLaG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1271 600 BENTON' S REALTY 3124 NE SUNSET BL INST 2 SIGNS 1272 2,495 DUNN LUMBER CO 120 FACTORY AV N INST WALL SIGN ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE c 07/30/84 BLILDING 3 ZCNING CEPART,MENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCING JULY 30r 1984 1273 BETTER BATTER 6CRKS INC 303 RAINIER AV S INST 3C CAY TEMPORARY SIGN 1274 400 LESTER ALEXANDER 32C9 NE 4Th ST INST SIGNS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5791 Leisure Estates 201 Union Ave. SE Install sanitary trailer dump and water to site 5793 Horse Breeders Assoc. 2600 Oakdsale Ave. SW Install storm drainage system per approved plan 5795 City of Renton Burnett PI. S. Curb, gutter, storm sewer (Pedestrian trail) 5796 Union Avenue Co. 375 Union Ave. SE Sanitary sewer connections 5797 Cascade Pacific Develop. 3007 Cedar Ave. S. Replace sidewalk 5798 Renton School District Hazen High School Minor repair to storm drainage system 5799 Renton Plaza 1400 Talbot Road S. Install site and off-site improvements 5800 Texada Corp. 2714 NE Fourth Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5801 Texada Corp. 2720 NE Fourth Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5802 Texada Corp. 2708 NE Fourth Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5803 Portal West Corp. 330 SW 43rd St. Install on-site storm detention 5805 Bud Piggatt 2614, 2703, 2608 NE 5th PI. Two street breaks to install three sanitary sewer tie-ins 5806 Burlington Northern Auto 3800/3900 Oakdsale Ave. SW Two six-inch fire protection meters and vaults Unloading Facility REVOCABLE PERMIT 0074 The Boeing Company N . 8th and Park Ave. Use as pedestrian canopy ISSUED I CITY CF RENTON PAGE 1 08/06/84 3UILOING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS :SSU-:D WEEK ENDING AU; UST 6., 1984 -'jiLDING PERMITS 10505 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNICN AV SE aF SET MC5ILE HCME 10506 2.,500 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNICN AV SE P8 CONSTRUCT PATIO., STORAGE SHED 10507 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE #7 SET MOBILE HOME 10508 21500 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE P7 CONSTPUCT PATIO., STORAGE SHED 10509 LESTER WISSMANN 375 UNION AV SE 015 SET MCEILE HCME 10510 2., 500 LESTER WISSMANN 375 UNION AV SE #15 CONSTRUCT PATIO., STORA3E SHED 10511 4.,800 DAVID M . AARHUS 814 N 3RD ST CONSTRUCT CARPORT � SLAB 722550040504 10512 400 DANIEL GONG 4513 SE 4TH ST COMPLETE UNFINISHED ROOM 321110034006 10513 12.500 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 756460031500 10514 1 .,000 3ENNIE COE 4201 NE 17TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 278770005009 10515 1 .,675 CLARA R . ACAMS 231 WELLS AV N REROOF DUPLEX 722650001505 10516 OAKHURST CEV. CO . 375 UNICN AV SE #13 SET MOBILE HCME 10517 2.500 OAKHURST DEV CO -75 UNICN AV SF #13 CONST DRIVEWAY., PATIO ETC 10513 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE #124 SET MCBILE HOME 10519 2.500 OAKHURST O--- v CO 375 UNION AV SE 9124 CQNST DRIVEWAY., PATIO ETC 10520 2.500 WILLIE EASTON 375 UNICN AV SE #101 CONST DRIVEWAY.,PATIO ETC 10521 18.,000 FLORENCE KILLIAN 509 HOUSER WY S REMODEL OF INTERIOR AND PORCH 784030001506 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11918 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE 07 WIRE MOBILE HCME SAME 11919 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE #15 WIRE MOBILE HCME 11920 50 ANDALUSIA INC 2611 CEDAR AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 11921 1 .,700 PAUL MILLER 3623 LINCOLN AV NE INST WIRING 11922 50 R . A. 50WEN 1315 N 34TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 11923 5.000 RICHARD MOE 303 HOUSER WY S WIRE FOUR PLEX 11924 2.,O3O SPECIALIZED HEARING SYS 715 S 3RD ST WIRE SIGN 11925 3.,000 FIRST WESTERN PROPERTIE 1314 UNION AV NE WIRE SIGN 11926 500 RAY MORTENSEN 505 MORRIS AV S REPLACING WIRING 11927 4.,500 CLARKRICH 4103 NE STH ST INST WIRING 11928 1 .905 JCHN RANKIN 2217 CECAR AV S WIRE NEW SINGL- FAMILY RESIDENCE 11929 250 BETTS 2210 JONES PL SE EXTEND 4 CIRCUITS 11930 1 .,350 HI3URY HCHES INC 470 FERNDALE AV NE INST WIRING 11931 2.,855 OLYMPIC BRAKE 903 THOMAS AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT WIRING 11932 1 .,350 HIBURY HOMES INC 26C5 NE STH CT INST WIRING 11933 300 JOHN SHIMEK 1312 N =2ND ST INST WIRING 11934 200 UNION AV CC 375 UNION AV SE #13 WIRE MC3ILE HCME 11935 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNION AV SE #8 WIRE M09ILE HCME 11936 100 CASCADE PACIFIC DEV. CC 3003 CECAR AV S INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER PCLE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10687 1 .,000 HYBURY HOMES 470 FERNDALE AV NE INST FURNACE/wATER HEATER 10688 3.,365 BROWN 301 EARLINGTGN AV SW INST FURNAC = 10689 1 .,700 HIBURY HOMES 2605 NE 5TH CT INST FURNACE WATER HEATER 10690 1 ., 700 HISURY HOMES 419 FERNDALE AV NE INST FURNACE WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 071 10.,000 WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDE 2600 OAKESDALE AV SW INSTALL 40 YARO HYDRANTS., 10 BIBS 11 WATER HEATERS 072 1 .,225 TERHUNE CUSTOM HOMES 3623 LINCCLN AV NE INST NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM 073 1 .,900 CASCADE PACIFIC 2703 CEDAR AV S INSTALL 12 FIXTURES a, PLUMBING 074 1 .,400 DON MALETTA 2615 NE 12TH ST INST 6 PLBG FIXTURES 075 153 DANIEL GONG 4513 S2 4TH ST INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 076 10.,000 PORTAL WEST CORP 33C SW 43RC ST INST PLBG FIXTLRES Sr6-1v PERMITS 1275 2.,000 FIRST WESTERN PROPERTIE 1314 UNION AV NE INSTALL WALL SIGN ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 2 08/0+6/84 3UILDING 3 ZGNING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED GEEK ENDING AUGUST 5, 1994 1276 2,000 RENT A CENTER 723 RAINIEP AV S INSTALL SINGLE FACE ILLUM. SIGN 1277 1 ,420 VAN DAAL INC 370C W_ ST VALLEY RD INST WALL SIGN 1278 3,000 LINCOLN PROPERTI -zS 1205 GRANT AV S INST WOOD POLE SIGN J OF R� � � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS O ROBERT I. HUGHES. COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z o NANCY L. MATHEWS 00 JOHN W. REED 90 QUO RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. CKE TRIMM THOMAS W. TRIMM ON SEPSEoO� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING AUGUST 13, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST' 6, 1964 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Local Improvement District No. 323 Final Assessment Roll - Street Improvements on S . 43rd Street between East Valley Road and West Valley Road 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/3/84 for Cedar River Trail Asphalt Paving; 4 bids received; Engineer's estimate: $10, 000. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid submitted by Lakeridae Paving Company in the amount of $9, 968.00 (not including sales tax) . Council concur. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $421 . 38 filed by William E. Arthur, 4217 NE 17th, for damage to pickup allegedly caused by gate at Gene I Coulon Park (7/16/84) . Refer to City Attorney & Insurance Service. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $$500,000 filed by Dorothy McPherson, mother of Scott Gibson, a minor, 1013 Redmond Avenue NE, for injuries sustained in a bicycle/automobile accident allegedly caused by sight-- obscuring shrubbery located on City riqht-of-way (9/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. d. Court case filed by Richard A. Jackson, attorney for Darreld J . Gudmundson dba Gudmundson Company, Inc. 102 Lake Avenue South, in the amount of $26, 940. 90 plus costs, allea,ing damage to commercial buildina_ at 102-106 Lake Avenue South due to sewage back-up on 6/3/84. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. e. Public Works Department requests review of joint City/County agreement for realignment of Renton Transfer Station entrance and signalization of the new intersection at Jefferson Avenue NE and NE 4th Street; King County to contribute up to $125, 000 for construction cost. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Public Works Department requests review of joint City/County project agreement for improvement of Union Avenue NE from Sunset Boulevard NE to Sierra Heights Elementary School. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Public Works Department recommends approval of resolution to allow Mayor and City Clerk to sign documents and grant offers to enable acceptance of State Urban Arterial Board funds to reconstruct SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Policy Development Department requests approval of City's participation in 75% Scott Annexation Petition, City-owned property needed to boost percentage above the required 750 of assessed valuation. . Adoption of resolution required. (Property near Sunset/NE 12th Street) 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. .ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 13, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Refer Hearing Examiner's Report re Slick :Villy's to Liquor Board Business Standards with regard to liquor establishments Report regarding traffic counters on Renton Hill Report regarding effort to extend jurisdiction of Valley CommCenter CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER Arthur Claim for Damages McPherson (Scott Gibson) Claim for Damages Gudmundson Company Court Case MAYOR & CITY CLERK Letter of intent for public service funds (H 8 CD Block Grant) Letter of intent for City's share of planning and administration funds TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Renton Transfer Station/Signalization Agreement Union Avenue NE Project Aqreement Grady Way SW Grant Execution WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID 323 (SW 43rd Street between West and East Valley Roads) City participation in Scott Annexation (Resolution No. 2564 adopted) King County General Development Guide (Resolution No. 2563 adopted) Schumsky Rezone (Ist reading 8/13/84) Book Sale Fund Transfer (Ist reading 8/13/84) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN , City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MARILYN J. PETERSEN , Deputy City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department; CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted LID 323 and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the SW 43rd Street public hearing to consider the final assessment roll of LID 323, Improvements street improvements to SW 43rd Street between West Valley Final Assessment Highway and East Valley Highway. One letter of protest was Roll read from Mr. Randall Weitzel, 1908 SW 43rd Street, stating that he is a senior citizen, of limited income, and requesting alternate methods of payment be considered. A letter was read from Richard C . Houghton, Public Works Director, reporting Mr. Weitzel's letter of protest and requesting the total amount of the assessment roll be reduced $2,400 to $347, 931 .10. A miscalculation was found in the frontage of the Benaroya property reducing frontage by 40 feet and their assessment by $2, 400 to $125, 213. 40. I continued Public Works Director Houghton explained that this LID was the culmination of several projects attempted over the last several years, beginning with the EDA project of three lanes to the present five-lane configuration. He reported this mile-long LID had been projected to cost $100 per front foot, but had been finalized at $60 per front foot, a 40% savings to abutting property owners. continued Vernon Weitzel, brother of Randall Weitzel, 1908 SW 43rd Street, thanked the City Clerk's office for their letter explaining the alternate methods of payment available on this LID. He noted that the LID improvements had left his brother with less access to his property (he presently parks on property owned by Star Machinery) and that increased speeds on the improved road made crossing at that vicinity hazardous. Mr. Weitzel questioned the methods for his brother to qualify for assessment payment deferral. Upon Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, City Attorney Warren reported that, should Council wish to provide low-income deferral, this clause must be included in the ordinance. In response to Councilman Keolker, City Attorney Warren reported the assessment is normally deferred until sale of the property involved and that applicants for deferral must meet the income minimums as required by the City for reduction of utility billings, based on set Social Security standards. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LID 323 WITH THE PROVISO THAT DEFERRALS BE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO MEET QUALIFICATIONS. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THE MATTER OF THIS LID BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. nton City Council uyust 13, 1984 Wage two Judge Shellan Mayor Shinpoch welcomed former City Attorney, Judge Gerard Welcomed Shellan, to the Council audience. AUDIENCE COMMENT Penny Eskenazi, 951 Lynnwood Avenue NE, expressed her Slick Willy's Tavern appreciation to Council for allowing a hearing to be held by (Liquor License the City's Land Use Hearing Examiner to afford the community Application by an opportunity to express its opinions regarding the opening Randy Adams) of a tavern at 2810 Sunset Boulevard. Mrs. Eskenazi presented Council with a petition bearing 300+ signatures of citizens opposing the granting of this liquor license. She also urged Council to develop guidelines to regulate the size and type of establishment serving primarily liquor within the community. :,lick Willy's Tavern Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, noted his regret that, after four years and $4, 000 devoted to the Slick Willy's project, Mr. Adams had apparently given up (after allegedly withdrawing the liquor license application) . Mr. Webb supported the proposed tavern, citing free enterprise and competition, and also urged Council to establish uniform 'ground rules' for such situations. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL Slick Willy's Tavern SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDER TO OLD Transmittal of BUSINESS. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY Examiner Minutes CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF SLICK WILLY'S AND to Liquor Board THE HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO FORWARD TO THE LIQUOR BOARD. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 8/03/84 for asphalt paving for Cedar River Trail the Cedar River Trail; four bids received; Engineer's estimate: Asphalt Paving $10, 000. 00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company in the amount of $9, 968 00 D1Q GI d•F119s_aJe ) . Council concur. /�, ?��• ��• r . �ca�`` * Claim for Damages Claim for damages in the amount of $421. 38 filed by William E . William Arthur Arthur, 4217 NE 17th, Renton, for damage to pickup allegedly caused by gate at Gene Coulon Park (7/16/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim for Damages Claim for damages in the amount of $500, 000 filed by Dorothy D. McPherson for McPherson, mother of Scott Gibson, a minor, 1013 Redmond Scott Gibson Avenue NE, for injuries sustained in a bicycle/automobile accident allegedly caused by sight-obscuring shrubbery on City right-of-way (9/23/83) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Court Case Court case filed by Richard A. Jackson, attorney for Darreld Gudmundson J. Gudmundson dba Gudmundson Company, Inc. , 102 Lake Company Avenue South, in the amount of $26, 940. 90 plus costs, alleging damage to commercial building at 102-106 Lake Avenue South due to sewage back-up on 6/03/84. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton Transfer Public Works Department requested review of joint City/County Station/Signal ization agreement for realignment of the Renton Transfer Station Agreement entrance and signalization of the new intersection at Jefferson Avenue NE and NE Fourth Street; King County to contribute $125, 000 for construction cost. Refer to Transportation Committee. Union Avenue NE Public Works Department requested review of joint City/County Project Agreement project agreement for improvement of Union Avenue NE from Sunset Boulevard NE to Sierra Heights Elementary School. Refer to Transportation Committee. Renton City Council August 13, 1984 Page three CONSENT AGENDA - continued Grady Way SW Public Works Department requested approval of resolution to Grant allow Mayor and City Clerk to sign documents and grant offers Execution to enable acceptance of State Urban Arterial Board funds to reconstruct SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive. Refer to Transportation Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT Adopted THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Gene Williams, Associate Planner, Policy Scott Annexation Development Department, requesting approval of City's parti- cipation in 75% Scott Annexation Petition, City-owned property needed to boost percentage above the required 75% of assessed valuation. Proposed annexation located adjacent to NE Sunset Boulevard between NE 12th Street and Honey Creek. Adoption of resolution required (see later action) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Hughes presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of report recommending the Administration prpeare a letter the Whole outlining specific City concerns and observations related to King County General the General Development Guide currently under King County Development Guide Council consideration. The report also recommended the Ways and Means Committee prepare a resolution supporting the general planning concepts contained in the Guide, acknowledging the benefits that should result once the plan is adopted and an implementation strategy is developed. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later action) Community Services Community Services Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending Council take the following steps regarding the 1985 H&CD Block annual review of the Block Grant Program: Grant Program Policies 1 . Adopt the 1985 Program Policies. 2. Authorize the Mayor to submit a letter of intent for Public Service funds. 3. Authorize the Mayor to submit a letter of intent for the City's share of planning and administration monies and a request for any extra planning administration funds available. 4. Refer any shortfall in program funding ( 1985 estimate: $4, 000) for review under the 1985 budget process for consideration at that time. continued MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT . CARRIED. Liquor License Councilman Stredicke questioned the procedure of having the Approval Process Land Use Hearing Examiner involved in connection with the (Slick Willy's liquor application in the Highlands. Mayor Shinpoch explained Tavern) that a policy precedent has never been set for this circumstance: In late June, the application for liquor license was received for Slick Willy's Tavern to be located in the Highlands (building formerly occupied by Waterbed Warehouse) , and the application was processed in the normal manner. The police background check was commendable, zoning requirements were completely in order, and the application was returned to the Liquor Board with City approval. Mrs. Eskenazi then notified the City of her objections to the size and location of the tavern (and, later, the objections of 300± citizens) , and was told to contact the State <,,Lynton City Council August 13, 1984 Page four OLD BUSINESS - continued Liquor License Liquor Board. The State Liquor Board, in turn, told her to Approval Process contact her local government with her objections. Having no (Slick Willy's other avenue for citizen input, the City Land Use Hearing Tavern) Examiner was asked to hold a hearing regarding use of this continued land. Following the hearing, his recommendation was that the City, based on the background and zoning requirements of the State Board, had no legitimate reason to deny the application. mtinued The Mayor noted that almost all liquor applications involve only change of ownership of an existing establishment, not necessarily causing citizen objection. However, the proposal of a new and large tavern had resulted in community concern, and these citizens deserved a place to be heard. Councilman Clymer agreed that policy outlining definite procedure and standards should be established to accommodate both the prospective owner and citizens. City Attorney Warren cautioned that any policy established by the City would be considered recommendation only by the Liquor Board who has final authority regarding all liquor licensing. Councilman Mathews suggested contacting the Liquor Control Board through the Washington Traffic Control Commission to investigate addressing this concern on a state-wide basis. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE MATTER OF BUSINESS STANDARDS WITH REGARD TO LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED (see later action) Maple Valley Road/ Councilman Stredicke commended the City for width and paving Sunset 'Y' improvements to the Maple Valley Road/Sunset Boulevard 'Y' Intersection intersection . Mayor Shinpoch noted that the State was also involved in this project, and she would convey the appreciation. Specialty Councilman Stredicke requested a report on request for expansion Restaurant to existing Specialty Restaurant building at the airport, to include Expansion parking and "greenhouse-type" room, contained in recent Hearing Examiner report, noting Aviation Committee had not reviewed the proposal. Mayor Shinpoch indicated a report would be forthcoming. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymper presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading : Ordinance #3832 An ordinance was read establishing right-of-way for utility permits, Utility Permits/ permit fees, inspection fees, requiring franchise for work done by Fees for Work in utilities in public right-of-way, requiring such utility to file Public Right-of- Way comprehensive plans and as built plans. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Schumsky Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-051-84 property located in the 1300 block of Lake Washington Boulevard North from Business District (B-1) and Residence District (R-4) to Business District (B-1) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK . CARRIED. Book Sale Fund An ordinance was read providing for the appropriation of funds Transfer in the amount of $1, 244.46 from Library Fund Unanticipated Revenue unto Library Services Budget for the calendar year 1984 from a book sale held by Friends of the Library. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK . CARRIED. Renton City Council August 13, 1984 Page five ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption : Resolution #2563 A resolution was read declaring support for the adoption of the King County King County General Development Guide. MOVED BY CLYMER, General SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION Development Guide AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2564 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf Scott Annexation of the City for a specific property contiguous to the proposed Scott Annexation (NE Sunset Boulevard between NE 12th Street and Honey Creek) to be included within that private annexation . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. City Attorney Warren noted this property had been acquired as part of the right-of-way to install the Honey Creek sewer interceptor and that the City would retain the rights of any private property owner within annexation processes. CARRIED. Vouchers Approved Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 1634 through 1948 in the amount of $593,236.96, having received departmental certifica- tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 1630 through 1633 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Keolker requested information concerning the traffic Traffic Counters counters presently located at Third Avenue and Cedar. New City Hall Councilman Stredicke commented on the vast improvement provided Directional by the new information/directional signs installed on each floor of Signs City Hall. ADMINISTRATIVE In response to prior Council inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch reported ho REPORT there are presently 135 part-time employees at the City, 13 of Part-time whom are related to full-time personnel. This was an update Personnel of the 124 part-time/11 related report given in June. The Mayor noted all applications are on file in the Personnel Department, and hiring was accomplished in accordance with City standards, policies, and procedures. County Executive Mayor Shinpoch announced that County Executive Randy Revelle Visitation would be visiting the City on Wednesday, 8/15, and invited Council to participate in the visit. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, questioned spending $250, 000 Fire Fighter on a 57-acre fire fighter training facility near North Bend (as Training Facility reported in the Renton Record-Chronicle) . Mayor Shinpoch indicated the facility was to offer specialized fire fighter training as opposed to day-to-day occurrence training; it had not yet been determined whether there would be duplication of training currently provided by the State facility; and Council would not be making a decision on this matter until all information was available. Highlands Community Richard Lucas, 2005 Harrington Circle NE, read a letter from Church - the staff and elders of the Highlands Community Church, 3031 Opposition to NE Tenth, opposing the opening of Slick Willy's Tavern, claiming Slick Willy's it to be detrimental to the moral, spiritual, and social welfare of the community. The letter also disfavored the proposed tavern's close proximity to their church, housing for the elderly, a park, school, and general residential area. Mr. Lucas thanked Council for the opportunity to be heard on this issue at the hearing, and urged Council to establish standards for the types of businesses opening in the community while allowing for community input. Renton City Council August 13, 1984 Page six AUDIENCE COMMENT - continued Slick Willy's Bill Flynn, 911 Lynnwood Avenue NE, agreed with Mr. Lucas' Opposition comments and urged Council to establish strict guidelines for control of location of liquor establishments. continued Mayor Shinpoch reiterated the fact that the City had received no formal notification that Mr. Adams' application for the Slick Willy's Tavern liquor license had been withdrawn; that the Hearing Examiner's report stating the City had no legitimate reason for denying this application would be forwarded to the State Liquor Board with notification that the approval granted by the Mayor in June stands. Mayor Shinpoch cautioned against public expectation that the tavern was definitely not to open, stressing that Mr. Adams had complied fully with all City policy and requirements, and was certainly not guilty of any wrong- doing. Slick Willy's Morrey Eskenazi, 951 Lynnwood Avenue NE, asked if Council was recommending approval of the Slick Willy's liquor license. Mayor Shinpoch explained the Council was not making a recommendation, but was not disapproving the application on the basis of zoning or background check. Resident Kay Johnson, Renton Area Chamber of Commerce, announced Information Booklet the revised Renton Resident Information booklet was available, and a supply would be delivered to City Hall for distribution. Suggestion to Versie Vaupel, 1402 North Second, suggested Council speak more Council directly into their microphones to improve audibility in the back rows of Council Chambers. Valley Comm Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding Valley Communication Center's efforts to extend its jurisdiction and agreements to other than current participants. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN . Time: 9: 19 p. m. CARRIED. Marilyn J. to n, Deputy City Clerk W 3� CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 08/10/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.201630 - #01633 CURRENT 5107, 244. 60 PARKS 566,954 . 35 ARTERIAL STREETS $36,187. 90 STREETS $31 , 804.64 LIBRARY $8,79 . 16 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $80,481 , 96 STREET FORWARD THRUST $22,345 . 92 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $4,893.79 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $5, 938. 97 WATERWORKS UTILITY $115, 134. 1 , AIRPCRT $29,269.01 WATER 3 SEWER CONSTRUCT.ON S20, 561 . 9E ECUIPMENT RENTAL 553,651 . 93 LID CCNTPOL $9,972. 61 TCTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S593,23o. 96 WEt THE UNCERSIGNEC MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTCN CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATICK TmAT MERCHANCISE AND/CR SERtiICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPRCVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 1634 THROUGH NO . 1948 IN THE AMOUNT OF $593,236. 96 ThIS 13TH DAY OF AUS,ST 19E4. COMMITTEECHAIRMAN \- e' �—��"- •� :a - MEMBER - - - - - - - - - MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - F CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 13, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/14 Cancelled* KEOLKER *Postponed until 8/28 Tues. 8/21 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Business License Ordinance Tues. 8/28 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable Rate Increase PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/16 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Valley Comprehensive Plan (Green River Area) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 8/16 4: 30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Proposed LID on S. 43rd Street; Misc. (AVIATION) Street Improvement Projects Referred 8/13 UTILITIES Thurs. 8/16 4: 15 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Bid award for Well No. 9 Pump Station WAYS 6 MEANS Mon. 8/20 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUED CITY CF RENTON PAGE 1 08/10/84 BUILDING 3 ZONIN; DEPARTMENT PFFMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING AUSUST 10., 1914 3UILOING PERMITS 10514 11OOG 3ENNIE COE 4201 NE 17TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 278770003009 13515 1.,673 CLEAA R. ADAMS 2331 WELLS AV N REROOF DUPLEX 722650001505 10516 OAKHURST DEV. CO. 375 UNION AV SE P13 SET MOBILE HOME 10517 2.,500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE #13 CONST DRIVEWAY., PATIO ETC 10518 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE #124 SET MOBILE HOME 10519 2.500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE #124 CONST DRIVEWAY., PATIC ETC 10520 2.,500 WILLIE EASTON 375 UNION AV SE #101 CONST DRIVEWAYPPATIO ETC 10521 18.,000 FLORENCE KILLIAN 509 HOUSER WY S REMODEL OF INTERIOR AND PORCH 784030001506 10522 15x000 WON M. LEE 3 B.R. LEE 1170 SUNSET BL NE ALTER EXISTING ROOF LINE 082305920306 10523 6.,507 RONALD W TELKEN 503 KENTON AV S CONST GA„AGE 722140019507 10524 7.,000 PAUL R WATT 2433 JONES AV NE CONST 3 CAR GARAGE VARIANCE V-490-84 229650005106 13525 5.,52 MRS. WILLIAM 1400 ASERDE=N AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 334390168006 10526 BECKMANN HOMES INC. 708 SW 13T4 ST DEMOLISH RESIDENCE., LEVEL LOTP CLEAR DEBRIS 3340404960 10527 20.,000 R:NTON GOSPEL CHAPEL l0t3 HOCUTAM AV NE REMODEL RESIDENCE 1023059146 10528 33.,500 DANIEL W. w000BURY 3?01 NE 8TH CT CONSTRUCT S/F ADDITION 042200005009 0529 2.400 MR WAGNER 122 CAPRI AV N= REROOF RESIDENCE 350298823 0530 11400 FRANK P BENNETT 522 SW LANGSTJN RD REROOF RESIDENCE 7111222000006j�06 10531 250 JOHN .3 ELLEN 8L.ENN 3609 JONES AV NE REPAIR PORCH FOOTINGS 334270060000 10532 2.239 HOWARD ERICKSON 2609 N: 9TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 872275006950 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11932 1 .350 HISURY HOMES INC 2605 NE 5TH CT INST WIRING 11933 120 JCHN SMIMEK 1312 N 32ND ST INST WIRING 11934 200 UNION AV CO 37F UNION AV SE 413 WIRE MOBILE HOME 11435 200 UNION E AVE OIFIC DEV. CO 3003UCEDARAAVSS #8 INSTALLLMOBILE TEMPORARY POWER POLE 11x36 100 CASCADE 11937 1.000 METRO 2500 OAKESDALE AV SW INST POLE MOUNT PANEL FOR METRO 11938 3. 000 BEETLESMITH 4096 EAST VALLEY RD ALTER WIRING 11939 54.500 PORTAL WEST CORP 33C SW 43RC ST WIRE RETAIL SPACE 11940 50 S:,UEAKY CAN CAR WASH 4111 N= 4TH ST INST TEMP POWER 11941 600 DUNN LUMBER CO 120 FACTORY AV N WIRE 2 SIGNS 11942 1.,000 WILGEO III 1222 ?RCNSON WY N INST WIRING 11943 228 CHECK PRINT 4308 JONES AV NE HOOK UP NEW CUTTER 11444 LINCOLN PROPERTIES 1205 GRANT AV S INST WIRING FOR SIGN 11945 12. 500 DAN HOLMES 3401 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING 11946 19.,630 'EGRGE SMITH 4111 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING 11947 200 NORWEST FINANCE t07 S 3RD ST INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 11948 o3U DON ;ODDARO 525 °ELLY AV N CHANGE TO 200 AMD SERVICE 11949 75 MCOONALD KLERN 405 S 3RD ST HOOK UP SIGN MECHANICAL PERMITS 10663 3.365 BROWN 301 EARLINGTON AV SW INST FURNACE 10689 1.,700 HI5URY HOMES ?605 NE 5TH CT INST FURNACE WATER HEATER 1000 1 .,700 HI5URY HOMES 419 FEPNOALE AV NE INST FURNACE 4 WATER HEATER 10691 1.,500 TEXACA CORP 2705 NE 4TH CT INST ELECTRIC FUkNACE 1Uo92 1 .,530 TEXAOA COPP 2720 AE 4TH CT INST ELcCTPIC FURNACE 10693 3.,OOG VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 400 S 4390 ST INST 1 EXHAUST SYS., 2 HOODS SHOP AREA 10694 1.,40C TERHUNE CUSTOM HH04-':3S 3623 LINCOLN AV NE INST FURNACE 8 DUCTWORK 106 5 401 DAVID MCGREW 1525 S 28TH ST INSTALL 7 K FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 076 lO.,OOJ 0GR:TAL w_ST CORP 3=0 Sw 43RD ST INST °LBG FIXTURES 077 u.,000 JANIEL HOLMS 34^1 N= 4TH ST INSTALL 19 FIXTURES & PLUMBING 078 1E.,C00 VENTL'7A PaRTNERSHIP 47C2 OAVIS AV S 3LDG A INSTALL 126 FIXTURES Cry ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 2 08/10/84 BUILDING � CONINS DEPARTMENT PERMITS ! SSU=O WEEK ENDING AUGUST 10. 1984 079 18.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG F INSTALL 126 FIXTURES 080 4.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 3LDG C INSTALL 40 FIXTURES 081 12.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 3LOG 3 INST 123 PLS',; FIXTURES 062 11.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 470? DAVIS AV S BLDG D INST 110 PL3G FIXTURES 083 8.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 9LDS E INST 48 PLBG FIXTURES 094 8,000 V_NTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 3LDG K INST 48 PLBG FIXTURES 055 10.0JJ VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG G INST 100 PLBG FIXTURES 086 40000 VENTURA PARP.TERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG L INST 40 PLdG FIXTURE$ 087 4.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S dLOG N INST 40 PLdG FIXTURES 088 4000) VENTURA PARTNERS'1IP 4702 DAVIS AV S _'LOG P INST 40 PLEG FIXTURES 099 60000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG M INST 42 PLbG FIXTURES 090 o/OOJ VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 3LJG Q INST 42 PLBG FIXTURES 091 12.000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 3LDG J INST 111 PLBG FIXTURES 092 13.000 V_NTURA PARTN_RSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S SLOG H INST 114 FIXATURESO 7 OUTLETS 093 1 .150 30cING COMPANY 800 Sw 43RD ST INST 8 FIXTURES BLDG 7.81-20 B-4 094 850 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 3123 NE SUNSET BL REPLACE EXISTING 2 COMP. SINK INSTALL 3 COMP. SINK 095 90630 SQUEAKY CLEAN CAR WASH 4111 NE 4TH ST INST 8 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1279 50 BRUCE P. WILE 1314 UNION AV NE INSTALL GRAND OPENIN; BANNER 1290 400 JIM KELLY 559 RAINIER AV S INSTALL DOUBLE FACE SI:,NOELECT. 1261 20100 EMMA CUGINI 2423 Nr 3RD ST INSTALL SIGN SUBJECT TO 6G0' SEPARATION OF BILLBO 1282 20 RANDY STAHLECKEP 326 UNION AV NE INSTALL 52 SG FT SIGN 1283 10500 ARCO OIL CO 175 RAINIER AV S INSTALL O/F ILL. POLI- SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5807 Cascade Pacific Dev. Corp. 3000 Smithers Ct. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5808 Cascade Pacific Dev. Corp. 2703 Cedar Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5809 Mr. 6 Mrs. Clayton 4907 Talbot Road S. Install driveway, r/w permit 5810 Edward Evatt 906 N. 30th St. Install sanitary building sewer and street break 5811 L. G. Peters Const. 2409 Main Ct. S. Install sanitary building sewer OF R� A, AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS J p ROCOUNCIBERT J. L UGHESPRESIDENT U ,OR Z EARL CLYMER Z � KATHY KEOLKER O NANCY L. MATHEWS IOHN W. REED O9% RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD .TEDICKE 09gTFD SEF1E0��P REGULAR MEETING THOMAS W. TRIRIMM AUGUST 20, 1984 PRESIDING MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1984 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $630 filed by Robert F. Stevenson, 1509 Edmonds Avenue NE, for sewage backup damage to basement area, alleging improper maintenance of sewer lines by the City (8/3/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. b. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends denial of Edward A. McHugh Rezone, File No. R-056-84, Short Plat 057-84, from M-P, Manufacturinq_ Park, to B-1, Business, for approximately 1 . 36 acres located at the southwest corner of SW 41st Street and East Valley Road. Council concur. (No appeal filed within 14-day appeal period.) c. Parks Department requests appropriation of grant funds from Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) in the amount of $124, 315 for Pedestrian Corridor and Shop Site Redevelopment Project. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for legislation. d. Policy Development Department requests Council to set a public hearing on 9/10/84 to consider Scott 75% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex, site located on the north and south sides of NE Sunset Boulevard between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE. (City's zoning, Comprehensive Plan and bonded indebtedness accepted at 10% hearing 6/18/84. ) Council concur. e. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/10/84 for Phase II of Springbrook Watershed Fencing Project; three bids received; Engineer's estimate: $25, 000. 00. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 20, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION South 43rd Street LID recommendation Seattle-King County Economic Development Council fund request Notification of Sierra Heights School regarding street improvement Possible completion of entire Grady Way project South 43rd Street LID, improvements to be included CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Stevenson claim for damages MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Well #9 Pump Station bid award UTILITIES COMMITTEE Springbrook Watershed fencing bid award WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE IAC fund appropriation LID 323 Assessment Roll (first reading 8/20/84) Grady Way SW Grant Execution (Resolution #2565) PUBLIC HEARING 9/10/84 - Scott Annexation RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 20, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tempore Robert J. Hughes led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J . HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. r CITY STAFF LAWRENCE J . WARREN , City Attorney; MICHAEL W . PARNESS, IN ATTENDANCE Administrative Assistant; MARILYN J . PETERSEN, Deputy City Clerk; RAY CALDWELL, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Claim for Damages - Claim for damages in the amount of $630 filed by Robert F. Stevenson Stevenson, 1509 Edmonds Avenue NE, for sewage backup damage to basement area of his home, alleging improper maintenance of sewer lines by the City (8/03/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. McHugh Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended denial of Edward A. Denial McHugh Rezone from MP to B-1 for approximately 1. 36 acres located at the southwest corner of SW 41st and East Valley Road, File No. R-056-84, Short Plat 057-84. No appeal filed within the 14-day appeal period. Council concur. IAC Fund Parks Department requested appropriation of grant funds from Appropriation Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation ( IAC) in the amount of $124,315 for the Pedestrian Corridor and Shop Site Redevelopment Project. Project is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in early November. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Scott Annexation Policy Development Department requested Council set a public hearing on 9/10/84 to consider Scott 75% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex, site located on the north and south sides of NE Sunset Boulevard between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE. City's zoning, Comprehensive Plan, and bonded indebtedness accepted at 10% hearing on 6/18/84. Council concur. Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening 8/10/84 for Phase II of the Springbrook Springbrook Watershed Fencing Project; three bids received; Watershed Fencing Engineer's estimate: $25, 000. Refer to Utilities Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT Adopted THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Transportation referring the matter of the proposed Local Improvement Distric" Committee on South 43rd Street back to the Administration for recommen- South 43rd LID dation. Joint City/County Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Agreements concurring with the request of the Public Works Department and recommending approval of three City/County Joint Improvement Agreements: Renton City Council August 20, 1984 Page two OLD BUSINESS - continued Transportation 1 . Talbot Road South (SE 177th Street to SW 16th Street) - Committee Paved shoulders, pavement overlay, close pipe critical Joint City/County ditches. Renton portion to include Lobie LID and small Agreements segments of walks by Victoria Park, Talbot Crest, and continued school walkway corridors. King County (south one-half portion) $175, 000; Renton - 1/2G gas tax (north one-half portion) $175, 000. 2. Union Avenue NE (Sunset Avenue NE to Sierra Heights School) - County portion : Curb, gutter, and sidewalk northwest one-quarter. Renton portion: Curb, gutter, sidewalk, and replace watermain of east one-half and pave shoulder and pavement overlay of southwest one-quarter. King County - $125, 000; Renton - $200, 000. 3. Jefferson Avenue NE and NE Fourth Street Signal - Transfer station entrance - new signal, realignment of Transfer Station Road. King County - $125, 000 construction money; Renton - $10,000 in-house design and inspection. Grady Way SW Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Grant Execution recommending approval of the draft resolution to allow the Mayor and City Clerk to sign documents and grant offers of UAB funds which may be available to Renton to reconstruct SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive. The Committee also recommended the draft resolution be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for execution. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later action.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report con- Well #9 Pump Station curring in the Public Works Department recommendation to accept Bid Award the third low bid of Puget Constructors of Olympia in the amount of $197,860. 80, not including tax, for Well #9 Pump Station, on condition of receiving appropriate financial data. The report further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract documents. Committee Chairman Mathews explained the low bid of Puget Sound Utility Service had been withdrawn because of error in the bid; the second low bid of IMCO contained an error resulting in being fourth low, as well as incomplete minority business documentation. Hence, the bid of Puget Constructors was determined by the City Attorney to be legal low bid, Engineer's estimate: $205, 390 (including tax) . MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Development presented a report recommending that the City of Renton go Committee on record as supporting the formation of the Seattle-King Seattle-King County County Economic Development Council and that the Administration Economic Development be asked to include the City's share of funding for the council Council Fund Request ($3,300, based on a 10G per capita assessment) . The former EDC program was funded by state and federal governments, and is being replaced by a public/private partnership to encourage a diversified local economy and to promote expansion and retention of existing businesses in Renton and King County. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sierra Heights Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration notify Sierra School Heights school officials of impending improvements to adjacent roadway. Proposed LID on Councilman Stredicke requested written notification by the South 43rd Street Administration as to what improvements will be contained in the proposed South 43rd Street LID that were not required by the Hearing Examiner to allow development by the participants in the LID. Renton City Council August 20, 1984 Page three ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymper presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3833 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Schumsky Rezone property located in the 1300 block of Lake Washington Boulevard R-051-84 North from Business District (B-1) and Residence District (R-4) to Business District (B-1) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3834 An ordinance was read providing for the appropriation of funds Book Sale Fund in the amount of $1 , 244.46 from Library Fund Unanticipated Transfer Revenue unto Library Services Budget for the calendar year 1984 from a book sale held by Friends of the Library. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: LID 314 Assessment An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 3815 (approving and Roll Amendments confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improve- ment District 314) amending assessments of parcel 16 (to $16,857. 84) , parcel 17 (to $21,420. 78) , parcel 46 (to $88, 214. 04) , and parcel 12 (to $182, 500) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3835 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 3815 (approving LID 314 Assessment and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Roll Amendments Improvement District 314) amending assessments of parcel 16 (to $16,857.84) , parcel 17 (to $21, 420. 78) , parcel 46 (to $88, 214 and parcel 12 (to $182, 500) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED B MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES : HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER. 1 NO : STREDICKE. CARRIED. LID 323 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments Assessment Roll and assessment roll of Local Improvement District 323 for the construction and installation of gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, sanitary sewers, and illumination, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of SW 43rd Street between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway, by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefore against the property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, as created by Ordinance No. 3548. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. In response to Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren reported the provision for low income deferral was included in this ordinance. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2565 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to SW Grady Way execute and deliver unto appropriate governmental agencies any Reconstruction and all documents relating to allocation and expenditure of Funding Federal Department of Agriculture and State Urban Arterial Trust funding to reconstruct SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council August 20, 1984 Page four Ways and Means Committee - continued Planning Commission Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Appointment - report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment Patrick Texeira of Patrick D. Texeira to the Planning Commission to complete the term of Michael Porter. This appointment will be effective through January 31, 1986. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS A proclamation was read decreeing Council's "honor, respect, Proclamation - and genuine thanks" to Dorothy Donnelly, Parks Department Dorothy Donnelly Administrative Secretary, who recently retired after 36 years of service to the City. The proclamation praised Mrs. Donnelly for her professional contributions and personal dedication to the parks system and to the City, and noted her high standard of performance may serve as inspiration and example for public servants everywhere. Crady Way Councilman Stredicke requested a report regarding proposed Project Completion improvements that would complete the Grady Way Project, noting he would like to see the portion from Lind to Rainier included to complete the entire project at one time. AUDIENCE COMMENT Roy Brady, 142 Blaine Avenue NE, requested review of recent traffic signal modification at the intersection of Sunset Blvd. NE and North Third Street. Mr. Brady claimed that use of right-turn signals, with turns allowed only on green, impedes the flow of traffic and has compounded congestion. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Time: 8:30 p.m. ADJOURN . CARRIED. 72 Marilyn J. to n, Deputy City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/21 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Business License Code Revisions Tues. 8/28 4: 30 p.m. " " 11 11 Group W Cable Rate Increase PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/23 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Valley Comprehensive Plan (Green River) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 8/23 4: 15 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Bid awards 4: 30 p.m. " Flouridation (if alternate meeting place is required for space, room will be posted) WAYS & MEANS Mon. 8/27 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUE:' I CITY OF RENTON PA;E 1 03/20/34 BUILDING 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT PEERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING AUGUST 200, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10533 25.000 DON S PAT DANA 5219 RIPLEY LN N CONST S/F ADDITION 3343?0283139 10534 BOB HENDRICKSON 1428 MAPLE AV SW DEMOLISH RESIDENCE CLEAR DEBRIS LEVEL LOT 334040361506 10535 FORD MOTOR CO. 115 S 7TH ST DEMOLISH 9UILDINGPLEVEL LOT 8 CLEAR DEBRIS 10536 300.000 FRANK 8 LEE 5121 RIPLEY LN N CONST S/F RESIDENCE 334330?87007 10537 20,508 HURSHELL SMITH 1217 JEFcERSON AV NE CONSTRUCT ADDITION 10538 2POO EARL A HAYNES 235 WELLS AV N REM005L BATHROOM 722650002008 0539 100,000 BOEING AIRPLANE CO 800 PARK AV N INST WINDOWS IN WEST WALL A1376155 10540 20,5CO GcORGE A PASCO 1900 NE 16TH ST DEMOLISH SHED/CONST NEW SHED 3343002642 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11950 350 TOLLIE R HILL 2109 TALBOT RD S INST SERVICE 11951 425 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 400 S 43RD ST RECONNECT EXISTING HVAC SYSTEM 119UNIT EkUILOING 53 1Q0,2OU VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG F WIRN VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S SLOG A W I R E 18 UNIT BUILDING 11954 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 UAVIS AV S BLDG M WIRE 6 UNIT BUILDING 11955 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG 0 WIRE 6 UNIT BUILDING 11956 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG G WIRE 10 UNIT BUILDING 11957 1OP200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG C WIRE 4 UNIT BUILDING 11958 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG L WIRE 4 UNIT BUILDING 11959 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG N WIRE 4 UNIT BUILDING 11960 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG P WIRE 4 UNIT BUILDING 11961 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S 9LOG E WIRE 8 UNIT BUILDING 11962 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG K WIRE 8 UNIT BUILDING 11963 180,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG B WIRE 12 UNIT BUILDING 11964 00,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG 0 WIRE 2 UNIT ?UILDING 11965 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 CAVIS AV S BLDG H WIRE 12 UNIT 9UILDINb 11966 100,200 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 47 2 DAVIS AV S 9 J WIRE 12 UNIT BUILDING 11967 ZOU UION AV DO 375 UNION AV SE 0124 HOOK UP MOBILE SAME 11968 40,000 J ELLISON 2801 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 11969 300 MARY MAC DONALD 802 CEDAR AV S INST WIRING IN BASEMENT AREA 11970 275 DON MALETTA 2615 NE 12TH ST INST WIPING 11971 700 RAYMOND RAY 3807 PARK AV N INST WIRING FOR SPA 11972 10,3`0 HIBURY HOMES 2604 NE 5TH CT INST WIRING 11973 10,350 HIBURY HOMES 419 FERN6ALE AV NE INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10696 190,000 RAYMOND PAY 3807 PARK AV N INSTALL SWIM-SPA 10697 30,070 DR KAY 3817 TALBOT RD S REMOVE EXIST BOILERPINSTALL NEW 2500,000 891LFR $ FILTER 10698 20,000 OLYMPIC BRAKE 907 THOMAS AV SW INSTALL GAS FURNACE 9 DUCTWORK 98000 BTU S 10699 20,300 RANKIN CONSTRUCTION 2317 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACF/HOT WATER TANK 1U700 55PCCO PORTAL WEST CORPORATION 330 SW 43RD ST INST 14 FURNACES I COMPRESSORS 10701 10,500 CHARLES HENDERSON 2601 MILL AV S INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10702 10,400 CHARLES HENDERSON 1110 S 27TH PL INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10703 700 MICHAEL R MEAD 1110 QUEEN AV NE INST WOOD STGVE PLUMBING PERMITS 096 970 ALDRICH 4 ASSOCIATES 1222 BRONSON WY U INST (5) PLBG FIXTURES 097 X00 JOHN M. KENNELLY 303 PARK AV N INSTALL LAW% SPRINKLER SYSTEM FRONT YARD 093 10,200 RENTON GOSPEL CHAPEL 1063 HOGUTAM AV NE INSTALL 7 FIXTURES 3 GAS PIPING 099 1C0 STEVE SETTS 2210 J^NES PL SE RELCCATE KITCHEN SINK 100 38O METRCPOLITON SAVINGS 260 HARDIE AV SW INSTALL GAS PIPING. 6 OUTLETS 101 10,200 EARL A HAYNES 235 WELLS AV N INST 6 PL3G FIXTURES CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5812 R. Clayton 4907 Talbot Road S. Install on-site storm sewer 5813 R. Clayton 4907 Talbot Road S. Install fire hydrant per approved plan 5814 Charles Henderson 2601 Mill Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5815 Charles Henderson 1110 - S. 27th PI. Install sanitary building sewer 5816 Dominick Gosciewski 409 Whitworth S. Install sanitary building sewer 5817 City of Renton SCS Fill Site Fill mine shaft - safety project 5818 David L. McGrew 1925 S. 28th St. Install side sewer from existing stub 5819 Rankin Const. Co. 2817 Cedar Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5820 C. Henderson Co. 1110 S. 27th place Replace driveway, curb, gutter E sidewalk 5821 Washington Jockey Club Lind Ave. SW S SW 27th St. Prepare ground for installation of sidewalk OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS �� O ROBERT 1. HUGHES U ,� z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z NANCY L. MATHEWS n JOHN W. REED 0 90 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.THOMAS TRIMM THOMAS W. TRIMM ON/TED SEPI'r-o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING AUGUST 27, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.N4. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND POLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 7984 4. PROCLAMATION : Constitution Week, 9/17/84 - 9/23/84 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda itern or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presidinq Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Appeal filed of Land Use Hearing Examiner's Decision, dated 7/25/84, to deny Dewey Rancourt Request for Waiver; File No. W-070-84; Off-site improvements located at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard N . and 1005 N . 38th Street. Refer to Planninq and Development Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/17/84 for Rolling Hills Sewer Trunk Road Repair Project; one bid received; Engineer's estimate: $30, 000. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Mrs. Barbara Lally, 816 Camas Avenue NE, to Position No. 7 of the Board of Adjustment for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1988. Mrs. Lally has served on the Board since 1966. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Public Works/Utilities Department submits CAG-073-83, West Hills Transmission Main Project with Water District No. 63 in the vicinity of 80th Avenue South; and requests approval of the project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $13, 487. 97 to Grant Construction Company if all required releases are received during that period (final payment issued 7/10/84) . Council concur. e. Public Works Department recommends acceptance of petition for formation of Local Improvement District No. 329 for roadway improvements to S. 43rd Street in the vicinity of Valley General Hospital, and requests resolution setting public hearing on 10/1 /84. Refer to Ways & P'eans Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT gq RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 27, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S FINANCE DEPARTMENT Provide estimates of fluoridation costs MAYOR* & CITY CLERK *Request for waiver of parade fee for Bike-A-Thon Springbrook Watershed Phase II Fencing Contract PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Rancourt Appeal, File No. W-070-84 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Department Requirements PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Evaluation of fluoridation information UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bids for Rolling Hills Sewer Trunk Road Repair Project Letter from Sea-Mar Home Health 8 Chore Service re flouridation WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Reappointment of Barbara Lally to Board of Adjustment Creation of LID 329 (Resolution No. 2566 adopted) Massage Parlor Ordinance Lakeview Avenue/Renton Avenue Street Vacation Correction (VAC 9-78) IAC Funds for Pedestrian Corridor/Shop Site Redevelopment (Ist reading 8/27/84) Finance Director's Sale for LIDs 284 and 291 PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/10/84 - Scott Annexation - Sunset Boulevard NE between Monroe NE and Union NE 9/10/84 - Valley Comprehensive Plan Revisions 10/1 /84 - LID 329 - SW 43rd Street adjacent to Valley General Hospital so RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 27, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J . HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared September 17 Constitution Week through 23, 1984 as Constitution Week to commemorate the one hundred ninety-seventh anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America, and urged citizens to express gratitude for the privilege of American citizenship. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing : Rancourt Appeal Appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner's Decision filed by IN-070-84 Dewey Rancourt; File No. W-070-84; denial of request for waiver of off-site improvements at 3720 Lake Washington Boulevard N . and 1005 N . 38th Street. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 8/17/84 for Rolling Hills Rolling Hills Sewer Sewer Trunk Road Repair Project; one bid received; Trunk Road Repair Engineer's estimate: $30, 000. Refer to Utilities Committee. Reappointment of Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mrs. Barbara Lally, 816 Camas Barbara Lally to Avenue NE, to Position No. 7 of the Board of Adjustment Board of Adjustment for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1988. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. West Hills Public Works/Utilities Department submitted CAG-073-83, Transmission West Hills Transmission Main Project with Water District Main Project No. 63 in the vicinity of 80th Avenue South; and requested CAG-073-83 approval of the project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $13,487. 97 to Grant Construction Company if all required releases are received during that period (final payment issued 7/10/84) . Council concur. Formation of Public Works Department recommended acceptance of LID 329 - S. petition for formation of Local Improvement District No. 43rd Street 329 for roadway and utility improvements to S. 43rd Street in the vicinity of Valley General Hospital, and requested resolution setting public hearing for 10/1 /84. Refer to Ways and Means Committee (See later action) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Added letter was read from SeaMar Home Health and Chore Fluoridation Service, Luis Diaz deLeon, Assistant Director, 8720 14th Avenue S. , Seattle, supporting fluoridation of Renton's water supply. MOVED BY REED, SEC",JDED BY MATHEWS, Renton City Council 8/27/84 Page Two Correspondence continued COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. continued CARRIED. (See Utilities Committee report this page. Waiver Request Added correspondence from Larry Rude, Renton Fire for Bike-A-Thon Department, requested waiver of parade fees and restrictions for Renton Firefighters Bike-A-Thon Send-Off Ride on Friday, September 7th at 10:00 a.m. Approximately 40 to 70 people will participate in the event which routes bikers to Bremerton and ultimately, California; proceeds to benefit the Northwest Burn Foundation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE MAYOR FOR DETERMINATION . CARRIED. Councilwoman Mathews noted that T-shirts commemorating the event are on sale at the Fire Department. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented Community Services a report recommending that the present Massage Parlor Committee Ordinance be repealed simultaneously with the drafting of Massage Parlor a new Massage Parlor Ordinance. The new ordinance would Ordinance establish acts of prostitution and sexual contact between patrons and masseuses as a violation of City Code. Such a violation would be declared to be a nuisance and abated either through removal of the business license or civil abatement in court. It is also recommended that the sections of the special endorsement and special occupation license ordinance requiring police background check be deleted. Continued The Committee further recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for drafting of the appropriate ordinance. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Development presented a report recommending that a public hearing be Committee set for 9/10/84 to consider input from property owners and Valley Comprehensive the qeneral public on the Valley Comprehensive Plan Plan Revisions revision prepared by the Planning Commission. The Planning and Development Committee has proposed several changes in the Land Use Element Mao and Policies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sister City Councilman Stredicke referenced Park Board Minutes of Exchange Program - 6/12/84 and questioned City funding of one-half of travel Renton, Scotland expenses and two weeks paid experience for Park Department employee to participate in work study exchange program with Renton, Scotland. Mayor Shinpoch advised that the City's participation in this particular program has been canceled, and to her knowledge, the City spends no funds for any activity with a Sister City. Councilwoman Keolker announced that the matter of Sister City affiliation will be reviewed by Community Services Committee in the near future following receipt of a report being prepared by the City's Administrative Intern. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Bid Award for concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Springbrook Department to accept the low bid of McBride Fence Watershed Fencing Company in the amount of $28, 445.65 for Phase If fencing Phase II of the Springbrook Watershed. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. Chairman Mathews reported that including Phase 1 , the total cost of the fencing project is $44, 500, well below budqeted amount of 51, 000. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fluoridation Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report regarding the matter of water fluoridatioii program, referred 7/23/84. The Committee has met with Public Works staff; Mr. Moe Batra, Regional Engineer of the Department of Renton City Council 8/27/84 Page three Old Business continued Utilities Committee Social and Health Services (DSHS) ; and Dr. Caswell Fluoridation Evans, Director of the King County Health Services continued Division, as well as members of the public. Continued Input was received on cost estimates and benefits of fluoridating the Renton water system. The Utilities Committee requests that the Public Works Department evaluate the supplemental information received from Dr. Evans and Mr. Batra. The Committee further requests that the Finance Department provide estimates of cost to the city rate payers for implementation and maintenance and operation for subsequent years. Information has been received reciardinq the cost incurred for a special advisory election. The Utilities Committee requests this information be made available for the fluoridation meeting scheduled for late October. Chairman Mathews exolained that following the October meeting with all interested parties, the Committee intends to recommend that a public hearinq be set to accept public comment. She relayed advice from the City Attorney that City Council mempers withhold comment or opinion on this matter until after completion of the public hearing. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Committee report recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading : Ordinance #3836 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the LID 323 Final assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement Assessment Roll District No. 323 in the total revised amount of $347, 931 . 10 $347, 931 . 10 for the construction and installation of gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, sanitary sewers and illumination, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of SW 43rd Street between East Valley Highway and West Valley Highway; by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown in said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 323 of the City of Renton, Washington as created by Ordinance No. 3548. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Nays and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading : IAC Funds for An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds Pedestrian Corridor/ in the amount of $124, 315. 00 from Interagency Committee Shop Site Grant Unanticipated Revenue Account unto Capital Redevelopment Improvement Fund Expenditures ($7, 990.00 for Design Consultants/IAC Grant; and $116, 325.00 for Pedestrian Corridor-Shop Site Construction) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption : Resolution #2566 A resolution was read declaring the City's intention to LID 329 construct and install curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street S.W. 43rd Street lighting, signals, utility adjustments, storm drains and near Valley all necessary appurtenances thereto on S. 43rd Street General Hospital from Talbot Road S. to SR-167; and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited, and notifying all parties of public hearing to be held October 1, 1984 to consider creation of LID 329. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Renton City Council 8/27/84 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued LID 329 continued COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR 10/1 /84. CARRIED. Lakeview Avenue/ Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Renton Avenue report recommending that the matter of the leaal Street Vacation description and extent of street vacation of Lakeview Correction Avenue and Renton Avenue between NE Fourth Street and VAC 9-78 NE Fifth Place (File No. VAC-9-78) be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for consideration at its meeting of September 10, 1984. The Committee further requested that the Administration notify all affected property owners and that representatives from the Public Works Department attend the meeting. (Incorrect legal description filed following Council action in 1979. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. Finance Director's Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Sale - LIDs 284 report recommending that the matter of establishing a and 291 time, date and place of a Finance Director's sale of property for liens on LIDs 284 and 291 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for review at its meeting of September 10, 1984. The Committee further requested that representatives from the Finance Department and Public Works Department attend the meeting. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Vouchers Approved Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 1953 through 2169 in the amount of $579, 703. 06, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered, Vouchers 1949 through 1952 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch thanked Council President Hughes for presiding at last City Council meeting in her absence. Fire Department Councilman Stredicke referenced decision issued 719/84 by Requirements for Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman to deny appeal filed by Land Use Lawrence Sandstrom regarding Fire Department requirements associated with subdivision of property located at 2100 NE 31st Street. Noting the sparse development of the area, high costs incurred by landowners in meeting Fire Department requirements (either installation of a fire hydrant or extension of water lines long distances to provide fire flow) , and lengthy emergency response time to May Creek area, Mr. Stredicke felt review of ordinance requirements was in order to determine whether separate standards should be adopted for rural areas. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Sunset Boulevard NE/ Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Administrative N . Third Street Assistant Michael Parness indicated that Traffic Engineer Intersection Signal Gary Norris has investigated the complaint cited by Mr. and Signing Brady at the meeting of 8/20/84, and reports that the prohibition of right turns from Sunset Boulevard NE onto N. 3rd Street on red mode is appropriate for safety reasons. Oncoming traffic from other directions has the right-of-way in those turn lanes during red mode. Councilman Stredicke objected to the restriction, noting lengthy stops are unnecessary during late evening or weekend hours when the traffic volume is light and a free right turn is safely feasible. Mr. Parness indicated a written report from the Traffic Engineer will be provided. Renton City Council 8/27/84 Page five ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry on 8/13/84, regarding REPORT possible increase in use of Valley Communications Center, Valley Mayor Shinpoch reported that resources at the center are Communications barely ample to provide services to the four Valley cities Center and to those small fire districts which it serves for a fee. Fire District No. 25 contracts with a north end agency for dispatching services. Traffic Counters Responding to Council inquiry on 8/13/84 regarding on Renton Hill traffic counters on Third Avenue and Cedar Street, Mayor Shinpoch reported that the counters were placed by City staff at the request of the State Department of Transporta- tion to provide information for the design process of the 1-405 S-curve project. Council members Keolker and Clymer noted that counters were placed in such a way on Cedar Street , off of the traveled area, that vehicles would not have been counted. LID 329 - SW Responding to Council inquiry on 8/20/84 regarding 43rd Street proposed LID 329, improvements on SW 43rd Street near Valley General Hospital, Mayor Shinpoch distributed copies of a letter from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton describing scope of improvements: widening of both north and south sides of the street to a seven-lane confiquration; intersection improvements at Talbot Road South; and installation of a traffic signal at Davis Avenue S. and SW 43rd Street. Total projected cost of $600,000 will be funded in the amount of $100, 000 by the City with the remaining $500, 000 divided between the two participating property owners, One Valley Place and Valley General Hospital. A colored map attached to the letter illustrates scope of the proposal. Honey Creek Copies of a letter from Public Works Director Houghton were Sewer Project distributed in response to Council inquiry 8/6/84 regarding Honey Creek Sewer Project. The letter indicated that 900 of the right of way has been acquired, with negotiations on-going for three remaining parcels; completion of aravity design is scheduled for October, 1984, and lift station and pressure line design for December, 1984; efforts are beinq made to obtain grant funding for the project for which a total of $715,000 is budgeted in 1984. Due to restrictions on timing of construction, the earliest commencement date for the project is June, 1985, with or without grant funding. Woodinville Mayor Shinpoch extended an invitation from the Mayor of Grape Stomp Woodinville to Council members for a "Grape Stomp" to be held in that city at noon on Saturday, September 15, 1984. Stiltwalker Mayor Shinpoch announced dedication of new Liberty Park Dedication art acquisition, "Stiltwalker," on Saturday, August 25, 1984. Ceremony A large crowd attended the event, and the sculpture is well- placed in the park. Visitors from Mayor Shinpoch reported recent visit from two students Nishiwaki, Japan representing Sister City Nishiwaki, Japan. The young Renton's Sister women, bearing gifts including cotton scarves, postcards, City a fan, and lions emblems in honor of Lions Club sponsor, appeared to enjoy tours of Renton Fire Station and Historical Society Museum which has added a Japanese doll display. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL Time: 8:50 p.m. ADJOURN . CARRIED. b . MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk SS� BID TABULATION SHEET' I PRO JECT : ROLLING HILLS SEWER TRUNK ROAD REPAIR DATE • AUGUST 17, 1984 BIDDER BID H. L. JACOBSON, JR. CONST. AA BB $32,360.00 13547 SE 27TH PLACE BELLEVUE, WA 98005 Enaineer's Estimate $30,000.00 CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 08/23/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION laMINE VOIDS ♦01949 through $01952 FUNC TOTAL WARRANTS CURRENT $122,574.93 PARKS 159,719.92 -- ARTERIAL STREETS $21373.78 STREETS $70,754.96 LIBRARY $3,814.30 ONE PERCENT FOR ART $4,350.00 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV $61,450.38 STREET FORWARD THRUST $3,452.50 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $9,996.78 CAPITAL IMPRCVEMENT FUND $321.87 WATERWORKS UTILITY $1700,919.05 AIRPORT $4,067.32 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $39,823.30 ECLIPMENT RENTAL $3,725.27 INSURANCE FUND $5,806.34 rIREMEN`S PENSION $16,552.36 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $579,703.06 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANL MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 1953 THROUGH NO. 2169 IN THE AMOUNT OP $579,7C3.C6 THIS 27TH CAY OF AUGUST 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - - - M E M B E - - - - - - MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR V� Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 27, 1984 NO MEETING SEPTEMBER 3, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/28 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable including rate increase request PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 8/30 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Miscellaneous referrals (Gene Williams Thurs. 9/6 No Meeting invited) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 9/13 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Metro Appeal of Systems Development Charge (City Attorney and Public Works Department representative requested) WAYS 8 MEANS Mon. 9/10 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS LEOFF Board Weds. 9/5 8: 00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Bike-A-Thon Fri. 9/7 10: 00 a.m. Meet at City Hall Contact Fire Department for information ISSUE' CITY OF REN?: PAGE 1 08/28/84 BUILDING t ZONING PERMITS ISS, WEEK ENDING AUGUST BUILDING PERMITS 1 541 2.622 JODY BESLOW 23C9 DAYTON AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 064630012009 10542 4.392 RCBERT SNIFFER 201 TAYLOR AV SW REROOF RESIDENCE 1448CO863CO2 10543 400.000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1303 N 8TH ST UPGRADE PARKING LOT 10 10544 50.000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW STRUCTLRAL PRELOAD FOR OFFICES 918800001002 10545 10.000 LEROY MANSKE 1622 BLAINE AV NE ADDITION TO RESIDENCE 688220017000 10546 521000 JACK A BENAROYA COMPANY 710 THCYAS AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENTS 2146C000IC09 10547 j CHRIS ALVES VES33375 UNION AV SE 098 SET MOBILE HOME 15549 548 97. CHRIS000 ANDREW'AKESSELRING 371175 UCECARNION AAVSS A98 CONST S/FCONST VRESICENCEEWAYf PATIO ETC 889870120009 110550 6551 001 LEO LASCO 225po79 BRONSON WY NE CONST RETAINING WALL 8 REPAIR FOUNCATION 94762p0000507 18551 j�E0lu1Q SOUTnCENtERUEASTGINVEST 1107SSW3GRACYTWY TEN101NTLIMOROVEMM MENT. 334040104007 0009 1 555 1 , 0 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N EXPAND CORPORATE TREASURY OFFICE 1p0S554 `6.30300 RAYMOND C. RICHARDS 81005 DAYTON AV NE CONSTRUCT NEW ROOF LINE,REROOF 772275 a0p087006 10556 11,EDIXONELONGNISON 9 3 FERNDALETH ICR NE RERROOFARESIDENCON EO S/f RES )7275 0141500 10557 8,C13 DR FRANKO BEREiTA 315 S 3RD ST REROOF RENTON PRINTERY 10558 135.000 THE MACKINTGSM PARTSHP 801 HOUSER WY N REMODEL FOR SKI MANUFACTURER C82305916502 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 11974 200 UNION AVE CC. 375 UNION AV SE INSTALL SPORT COURT LIGHTS 11975 100 JAMES C. BLCOD Z3p7(1 13 PARK AV N INSTALL TEMPORARY PCWER 11976 145 CITY OF REN70N 271KILL AVAS S WIRTE SER RVIOEICE ICE LOUNGE 11977 100 ANCREW W KESSELRING 11978 t00 0 J HOPKINS 55C MONSTER RD SW INST TEMPORARY POWER 1979 31150 HONEY DEW NLRSERY 1587 DUVALL AV NE INST 2CO AMP SUB PANEL/MIRE ADD 1980 500 ROBERT MAXWELL 4 RENTON AV S INST NEW 200 AND/WIRE 981 181494 CITY OF REN70N 501 W PERIMETER RD MIRE PUMP STATION 11982 895 CHARLES HENCERSON 1110 S 27TH PL INST WIRING 11983 e90 CHARLES HENDERSON 2601 MILL AV S INST WIRNG 11984 100 LEO LASCO 579 BRCNSON WY NE INST LAMP POST '11198675 1.55$0 HIBURY HOMES INC 55 HI I URY HOMES22226b7607 NE NE 555STH PL INST WIRING 1TH PL INST WIRING 1988 1,200 UNION55 TAVENUE CO. 37b7UNIONTAVPL INST SE 098 HOOK UPRING MOBILE HOME 119890 1.150 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C gg22OC PARK AVN INST WIRING IN CORP. TR. OFFICE INST WIRING 11991 1:6015 605 DOUGAJONESMES 27104 NEL4THCCTS INST WIRING 11992 1,600 DOUG JONES 2720 NE 4TH CT INST WIRING 11993 2J8 KENNETH KING 350 SUNSET BL N ALTER SERVICE TO UNDERGROUND OW PRO11TENANT AR 11995 28,500 BOEINGPCOMMERCIAL A/P C 1311TEMPORARY POWER 0o3 NWeTHAST GRYWY INST SERVICEINST WIRINGIPANEL/PK LOTALIGHTS 998 2.500 CHEVROTCFINANCEAA A/P 14 C 607 SN330TSTST IADD CIRCUIT FOR RECTIFIER 199$ 5?8 BOEING OMMERC MECoHANICAL PPzERooMQI17SI 44Z 10705 Z,1o8 GUAR CONSTRUCTION Z715FCECARLAVAS NE INST AFURNACE LL GAS FURNACE 60 BTU 1C706 1,CO DALE BRASTEN 759 QUEEN AV NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10707 185 HIBURY HOMES 2607 NE 5TH PL INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 07 8 ,85 HIBURY HOMES 26b13 NE STM PL INST FLRNACE/WATER HEATER 10789 ,85 HIBURY HOMES 2$C3 NE STM PL INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10710 1.850 HIBURY HOMES 2604 NE STM CT INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10711 250 DAVID SABEY 1107 SW GRADY WY INSTALL 4 SUPPLY DIFFUSERS TWO RETURN DUCTS 10712 18.000 GREENWCCD MEMORIAL PARK 3401 NE 4TH ST INSTALL 3 HEAT PUMPS, 1 ELEC FURNACE, 4 VENT FANS 10713 2,690 PUGET SCUND POWER 9 LIG 23CO S PUGET DR INSTALL 2 A/C UNITS PLUMBING PERMITS 102 3,C00 LUSINE MANAGEMENT 256 SW 43RD ST INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 103 600 SOMINICKS GCSCIEWSKI 409 WHITWORTH AV S INSTALL NEW WATER LINE TC BLDG. 104 150 GREG ANCERSCN 1909 BLAINE AV NE INST FLOOR DRAIN 2 ALTER PIPING 105 e5 ROBERT T MAXWELL 41C RENTON AV S INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES, ALTER PIPING 6 DRAINAGE 106 420 DANIEL W0006URY 3801 NE 8TH CT INST PLBG FIXTURES (5) 107 2,400 RON SAYNOR 2707 CECAR AV S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 12284 3Z,p80p0 BLUE SKY ASSOCIATES 180 WEST VALLEY RD INSTALL TWO SIGNS, 175 & 54SO FT 85 1286 7,010 FORMULAMTTIRECENTER 2$T RAINIER AV S INST 4AV S INST WWALLFILLSIGNS"' SIGNS 1287 1,3110 SAN YOUNKER 3820 EAST V►LLET RD INSTALL BOARD SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5822 Robert A. Clayton 4907 Talbot Road S. Sewer connection 5823 Boeing 1303 N. 8th St. Parking lot improvements to Lot 10 5824 Wolf Bros. 57th & Rainier Ave. S. Off-site and on-site storm drainage 5825 Clemete G. Calimlin 2701 Mill Ave. S. Sanitary building sewer 5826 Claar Construction 2715 Cedar Ave. S. Sanitary building sewer 5827 Moe Construction 303 Houser Way S. Sanitary (commercial) sewer �S k C I TY OF RENT ON -- F t TRANSFERS 11 : NTH OF Au�ugustgg1984 V TO TV DATE FROM TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 8/01/84 TAN's '78 LIMITED GO BONDS Per Ordinance #3786 $17,035.00 609/ 1207/ 8/01/84 CLAIMS CURRENT Void Peoples Warrant $ 5.00 801/ 000/ #57250 dated 4/23/84 to International Optical Dispensary, Treasurer's Check #7570 issued 8/02 to replace it after receipt of affidavit. � (l3/84 CURRENT CLAIMS Correct prior error on 000/ 801/ 7/31. Transaction was not reversed, so this correctici is double the original ($324.36) $ 648.72 8/03/84 WATER CLAIMS Correct prior error on 401/000.15.501.37.63.15 801/ 7/31. Transaction was not reversed, so this correctici is double the original ($1,533.83) $3,067.66 8/06/84 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 501/000/15.597.00.00.00 215/397.00.00.01 Peoples Note #037848 $2,377.85 8/06/84 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 501/000/15.597.00.00.00 215/397.00.00.01 1984 Limited GO Bonds $3,900.85 8/06/84 GGMD EQUIPMENT RENTAL To correct 7/23 input 215/397.00.00.01 501/000/15.597.00.00. entered reverse of the 00 way it was supposed to be. $2,377.85- 8/06/84 GGMD EQUIPMENT RENTAL To correct 7/23 input 215/397.00.00.01 501/000/15.597.00.00. entered reverse of the 00 way it was supposed to be. $3,900.85- Q 0-k, pooloZO.��•35.�p.00 E'L2I 0�-� 8/13/84 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #3611 CURRENT FUND Resolution # 2549 123/000.04.597.00.50.00 000/000.397.00.00.01 $33,000.00 S9 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N s_ TRANSFERS MONTH OF 4�gJs�l, : RED THE FINANCE D1ft4 1984 )ITE TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 8/13/84 LID CONTROL _ Residual Equity Transfe s-Out (New Accounttimbers) 701/274.15.587.00.00.00 $4,021.59 701/277.15.587.00.00.00 2,100.82 701/279.15.587.00.00.00 1,049.66 701/281.15.587.00.00.00 2,005.51 701/288.15.587.00.00.00 700.45 LI GUARANTY Residual Equity Tra sfers-In (New Account) 602/000.00.387.00.0 $9,878.03 To transfer residual cash balances from LID operating fund to LI Guaranty fund. All bonds and coupons paid in full . 0410.538.bo•(o.00 S02/o0.203.o0•oa. advances. CA)" 4vp,� S02/to 0, B(-Wi R-%C-6rAs �-I�o IQIlo2U•51q. SO.tO.00 8o2joa Zo3.00.000o atdV4t)G2 C-hlck- -,� sgo•oc �0,rTcku� Coat'mon a 8-2� �oZ/00•2D3.00.00.oma ezro�o• W.35.1 M,4�rS 2- Qa VQ n cct 85.Q2 -2pMoo-2o3.0000 •oo /0%0.538-t0. (`Q�n- Cs(z—oaquM Rl"vas - Zp 80211oo.Zo3.cti,.00.cx� �a1/62-0-51q-50,laoc fg,\Iq.f-s(z -advQ �$sga.ao -P C LMO 00010 � g.35. 10.0� 6oz/oo.203•00•oa balance o � 8- 15 30$.3(0 AU 21198 G )2Ck o c- J o h r, �G f o �t �occ�5 v.�c t) A�� Vic; ► Codd t. S+� Q Pay 60 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: )ATE OUT of account number IN to account number \ DESCRIPTION TOTAL - ' coo a-C.533S iO.C ] C, j Z4 Loaf z,� .s z2.2-c. �o,� �Z'�.�c3.00-0�• ����h S'��E ` � �3� ''= AUG 217 �gg� D Al P'KJ�.�tSalNN C. DATA PROCESSIN /27/84 TANS GGMD PER ORDINANCE #3786 T 67131.30.00.00 X7207.30.00.00 $60,000.00 CURRENT FUND ARTERIAL STREET FUND Request by Vince Lee to .00.00.03 090 cancel warrant. See attache 102/1.&x.15.541.10.00 $1 ,334.31 102/156.15.541.10.00 1,955.37 3,289.68 3,289.68 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND 01 .00.00.00 000/000.09.522.20.48. 5 Cancel warrant number 3.69 00800, Issued to Safety,Inc. Duplicate payment. 3/28/84 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND To reverse entry of 8/27 801/ 000/000.09.522.20.48. 5 -$3.69 MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR OF R4 v� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT I. HUGHES, Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 JOHN W.RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.M. S RICHARD STREDICKE C �P THOMAS W. TRIMM 9'1TFD SEPIr'-0� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 10, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE '. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 27, 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Scott 75% Notice of Intent Petition for Annexation - South and North of Sunset Boulevard NE Generally Between Monroe and Union Avenue NE Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits notice of approval by King County Boundary Review Board of Brown Annexation (east side of 104th Avenue SE) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 9/5/84 for Steel Reservoir - 80th Avenue S. and S. 126th; four bids received; Engineer ' s estimate to be provided. Refer to Utilities Committee. C. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/31/84 for 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation; five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $245,421 .99. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/31/84 for Kennydale Beach Dock Piling; five bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: $20,000.00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends aceptance of low bid submitted by Sea & Shore Pile Driving Company in the amount of $16,065.82. Council concur. e. City Clerk reports bid opening 8/10/84 for Renton Area Multi-Service Center Parking Lot Improvements; two bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $32,648.00. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. City Clerk reports bid opening 9/4/84 for Earlington Neighborhood Park Improvements; one bid received; Engineer ' s estimate: $55,000.00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommends acceptance of low bid submitted by Golf Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $40,327.56 (Alternative D eliminated) . Council concur. g. Claim for damages in the amount of $17,761 . 15 filed by Industrial Indemnity Company, as subrogees of the Maverick Restaurant, 106 Lake Avenue South, Renton, for sewage back-up damage to the restaurant, alleging improper design and negligent maintenance of the City sewer system (6/3/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. h. Finance/Purchasing Department requests that a public hearing be set on 9/24/84 to consider proposed surplus equipment auction on 10/13/84. Set public hearing and refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution declaring disposition of surplus equipment. i . Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Frank Fischer Rezone, File No. R-076-84, 0. 14 acres from R-3 to B-1 at 426 Burnett Avenue South. (Covenants filed with King County 9/6/84. ) Refer to Ways and Means Committee. j . Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG-076-84, Sunset Boulevard NE improvements from Bronson Way to 1-405; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $7, 180.20 to contractor, H. L. Jacobson Jr. Construction Company if all required releases have been received. Concur. Continued on reverse side 62 k. Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG-020-84, Sunset Pump Station System Sanitary Sewer: TV Inspection Sewer Grouting and Smoke Testing; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1 ,439.47 to contractor, Gelco Grouting Service, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. 1 . Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG-039-84, Renton Municipal Airport West Perimeter Road Street Improvement; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,644.89 to contractor, R. W. Scott Construction Company. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. M. Public Works/Airport Department submits letter from Mrs. Anne Healy, 222 Burnett Avenue N. concerning noise from Renton Municipal Airport. Refer to Aviation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT i RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 10, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Northward/G. M. Associates Request for Time Extension Wall & Redekop Street Vacation Legal Description - VAC 9-78 BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Scott Annexation CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER Wall 8 Redekop Street Vacation Legal Description - VAC 9-78 Industrial Indemnity Company Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Bid Opening - RAMSC Parking Lot Improvements Cable Television Theft of Services PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Policies regarding Immigration Prisoners in Renton Jail TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (AVIATION) Letter from Anne Healy regarding noise at Renton Airport UTILITIES COMMITTEE Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan Bid Opening - Steel Reservoir Bid Opening - 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation NAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Brown Annexation Public Hearing for Surplus Equipment Auction Fischer Rezone, R-076-84 PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/24/84 - Surplus Equipment Auction (to be held 10/13/84) 10/1 /84 - LID 329 - SW 43rd Street adjacent to Valley General Hospital RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 10, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President ; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department; CAPTAIN DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 27, 1984 AS WRITTEN . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Scott 75% Notice and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the of Intent Petition public hearing to consider the Scott 75% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition to annex approximately 11 . 1 acres located south and north of NE Sunset Boulevard generally between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE. Continued Letter from City Clerk was read reporting approval of 10% annexation petition on 6/25/84; circulation of 75% annexation petition signed by 75.40 of the property owners constituting the assessed valuation of the annexing area; and agreement of petitioners to accept the City' s zoning, comprehensive plan, and bonded indebtedness. Continued Gene Williams, Policy Development Department, described the location of the subject site on a vicinity map and the Comprehensive Plan Map for the area. According to the Map, potential development for the site is primarily single family and greenbelt use with a small segment south of NE Sunset Boulevard in the northwest corner designated as low density multifamily use. Maximum development of 20-25 single family homes and two to four multifamily units would be allowed. Continued Mr. Williams clarified that the minimum 75% participation was met by inclusion of a small parcel of property in the annexing area recently acquired by the City of Renton. Approval of the annexation will result in elimination of an irregular peninsula of unincorporated area, thus making the City' s boundary and service area more uniform and logical . Based upon the foregoing information, the Policy Development Department recommended approval of the annexation. Continued Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Williams indicated that while the small portion designated low density multi- family on the Comprehensive Plan could be developed for that use, other policies of the plan must be considered prior to approval of that zoning designation. Continued James Dalpay, P.O. Box 2436, one of the petitioners, urged Council approval of the proposal , noting 75% participation by property owners, and prior acceptance of all requirements of the City. Continued Lawrence Wood, 1155 Shelton Avenue NE, inquired if a higher zoning classification than R-1 on the majority of the site would require a change in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Williams indicated that normally that would be the case, but an individual may apply for any zoning category, which may or may not be approved by the City. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE ANNEXATION BE APPROVED AND REFERRED TO BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. ?enton City Council 9/10/84 Page two Public Hearing PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Green River Valley and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Comprehensive Plan public hearing to consider the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission. The boundaries of the area are generally the Green River on the west, SW 43rd Street on the south, the base of Talbot Hill to the east, and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the north. Land uses consist of industrial , commercial and offices uses, similar in character to urbanized areas throughout the Green River Valley. Continued Gene Williams, Policy Development Department, designated recommended land uses on the Valley Plan Land Use Element Map, and discussed goals and policies of the Plan relating to land use, economics, environment, urban design and services, transportation, storm drainage/flood control , utilities, open space/greenbelt, wetland/wildlife habitat/flood plain, residential , community facilities, recreation, and government. Continued Mr. Williams noted changes in the Valley since the last Plan revision in 1976, particularly relating to continuing storm drainage/flood control problems as well as changes in anticipated land use of warehousing/manufacturing park to predominantly office and business park uses which have a higher volume of employment and associated traffic. Another matter for consideration by the Planning Commission was the Wetland Study prepared in 1981 . Mr. Williams apprised Council of a new classification on the Land Use Element Map of MP/M0, Manufacturing Park/Multiple Option to accommodate a broad range of uses including industrial , commercial/service, heavy industrial and office. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Mathews, Mr. Williams advised that a small parcel located near the proposed P-9 Channel is designated Public/Quasi-Public to reflect a five-acre City-owned parcel for future fire station development. Continued Audience comments were invited. Loren Davis, representing Holvick deRegt Koering, 725 Powell Avenue SW, owner of 28 acres formerly occupied by Earlington Golf Course adjcaent to the P-1 Channel , commended the Planning Commission and City staff for drafting a workable plan which provides flexibility for future changes. He distributed photographs of the first phase (four buildings) of his development , noting next phases to continue for three to four years. Continued Councilman Stredicke praised the Planning Commission for their time and effort towards the revised Comprehensive Plan. He reviewed minor changes made by the Planning and Development Committee, including designation of Longacres property as commercial , and expressed hope that intersection improvements at SW 43rd Street and a new freeway off-ramp can be provided at a later date to improve traffic circulation in the area. Continued Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue NE, Planning Commission member, questioned whether a conflict exists between the Map and the Policies which address the residential uses north of Longacres Race Track. Mr. Williams indicated that although the Policy clarifies that residential uses should be maintained near that area, a Map correction may be in order to avoid future conflict. Continued Andy Padvorac, Puget Power Building, Bellevue, referenced the Wetland/Wildlife Habitat/Flood Plain Policy pertaining to City-owned wetlands, which states that those natural areas should be managed for wildlife habitat; and asked whether the intent is still to allow trading a City-owned 20-acre wetland parcel , now partially filled, for another site of equal value more suited for wildlife habitat. Councilmen Stredicke and Reed pointed out that the statement had been deleted in order to avoid granting the City an option not afforded the private property owner relating to preservation of wetland areas. Councilwoman Mathews felt that the wording of that policy may create a conflict with the current flood storage study currently under review by the Utilities Committee. Renton City Council 9/10/84 Page three Public Hearing continued Green River Valley Following discussion, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY Comprehensive Plan MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR TWO WEEKS continued TO SEPTEMBER 24, 1984, AND THE MATTER OF THE GREEN RIVER VALLEY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: HUGHES, TRIMM, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. 3 NAYS : CLYMER, REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Clem Buckley, 2429 84th Avenue, Mercer Island, submitted a Northward/G.M. letter requesting extension of the time period established Associates Rezone by restrictive covenant for commencement of the Northward R-019-82 Development; G. M. Associates Rezone, File No. R-019-82. The covenants require reversion of the B-1 zoning granted by the City back to G-1 , General , if a building permit is not issued prior to November 3, 1984. Mr. Buckley cited lack of sewers as the reason for non-compliance, and requested a 24-month extension of the building permit deadline to November 3, 1986. City Attorney Larry Warren requested the opportunity to research the legal ramifications of granting an extension. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bond Issues Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , indicated that while he, as a rental property owner, would benefit from addition of two community facilities in Renton proposed for bond issue on the September ballot (Maplewood Golf Course acquisition and construction of a new Community Center near Carco Theater) , he expressed opposition to both projects due to high costs to taxpayers. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Brown Annexation City Clerk submitted notice of approval by King County Boundary Review Board of Brown Annexation located on the east side of 104th Avenue SE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 9/5/84 for Steel Reservoir Steel Reservoir at 80th Avenue South and South 126th Street; �ur bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: $568,243.67. i�_fer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 8/31/84 for 1984 Sanitary 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation; five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: Sewer Rehabilitation $245,421 .99. Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening and City Clerk reported bid opening 8/31/84 for Kennydale Beach Award - Kennydale Dock Piling; five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: Beach Dock Piling $20,000.00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid submitted by Sea & Shore Pile Driving Company in the amount of $16,065.82. Council concur. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 8/10/84 for Renton Area RAMSC Parking Lot Multi-Service Center Parking Lot Improvements; two bids Improvements received; Engineer' s estimate: $32,648.00. Refer to Community Services Committee. Bid Opening and City Clerk reported bid opening 9/4/84 for Earlington Award - Earlington Neighborhood Park Improvements; one bid received; Engineer ' s --� Park Improvements estimate: $55,000.00. Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended acceptance of low bid submitted by Golf Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $40,327.56 (Alternative D eliminated) . Council concur. Industrial Claim for damages in the amount of $17,761 . 15 filed by Indemnity Company Industrial Indemnity Company, as subrogees of the Maverick Claim for Damages Restaurant, 106 Lake Avenue South, Renton, for sewage back-up damage to the restaurant, alleging improper design and negligent maintenance of the City sewer system (6/3/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council 9/10/84 Page four Consent Agenda continued Surplus Equipment Finance/Purchasing Department requested that a public hearing Auction - Public be set on 9/24/84 to consider proposed surplus equipment Fearing Set auction on 10/13/84. Set public hearing and refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution declaring disposition of surplus equipment. Fischer Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive R-076-84 covenants of Frank Fischer Rezone, File No. R-076-84, 0. 14 acres from R-3, Multifamily, to B-1 , Business/Commercial , zone at 426 Burnett Avenue South for a future beauty salon. (Covenants filed with King County 9/6/84. ) Refer to Ways and Means `- Committee. Sunset Boulevard Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG-076-84, Project Sunset Boulevard NE improvements from Bronson Way to 1-405; CAG-076-84 and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $7, 180.20 to contractor, H. L. Jacobson, Jr. Construction Company if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Sunset Pump Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG-020-84, Station Sanitary Sunset Pump Station System Sanitary Sewer: TV Inspection Sewer Sewer Grouting and Smoke Testing; and requested approval of the CAG-020-84 project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1 ,439.47 to contractor, Gelco Grouting Service, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Renton Airport Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG-039-84, Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport West Perimeter Road Street Improvements Improvment; and requested approval of the project, authoriza- CAG-039-84 tion for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,644.89 to contractor, R. W. Scott Construction Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Airport Noise Public Works/Airport Department submitted letter from Mrs. Anne Healy, 222 Burnett Avenue N. , concerning noise from Renton Municipal Airport. Refer to Aviation Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his ''no'' vote be recorded. (See page 6 for comments.) OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Community Services report for information only regarding the Group W Cable TV Committee proposed rate increase (referred 6/18/84) and matter of Group W Cable TV completion of the cable system construction project (referred 7/2/84) . After meeting with representatives of the cable company and the City' s cable consultant, Lon Hurd, the Committee reported the following: Rate Increase 1 . Group W Cable has withdrawn its request for rate increase Witndrawn at this time. Letter from Group W Community Affairs Manager Wm. Covington was read which reports delays in completing cable system construction have caused withdrawal of rate increase requests until such time as the work is substantially completed. (See motion on page five. ) Refund to 2. Group W Cable has agreed to conditions of Resolution #2554 Commercial which directed that all commercial rate payers billed in Customers excess of the basic service rate previously approved by the Council receive a refund or a credit applied to future billings. Letters are being sent to affected customers. Construction 3. Group W has provided a schedule indicating cable system Schedule construction completion dates, which reflects service by cable to all areas of the City by the end of September, 1984, except Cedar Avenue South which should be completed by the end of October, 1984. Renton City Council 9/10/84 Page five Old Business continued Community Services The Committee further recommended that the matter of the Committee construction schedule be retained in Committee. Group W continued and the Committee discussed the possible impacts if construction is not completed to the City' s satisfaction. While recognizing Group W Cable that certain problems are associated with timely completion of Construction the system, Group W has been made aware that the City has Schedule and several options that could be exercised with regard to the Franchise current violations of the franchise agreement. These may Agreement include the revocation of the franchise, requiring the posting of a bond to insure completion of the system and any other remedy that the Council might legally employ. Theft of Cable Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Services report recommending that the issue of cable television theft of services be referred to the Community Services Committee for study and report back. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY Withdrawal of STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. Rate Increase CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Request Accepted ACCEPT WITHDRAWAL OF RATE INCREASE REQUEST BY GROUP W CABLE AS REFLECTED IN ITEM 1 OF THE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3837 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds IAC Funds for in the amount of $124,315.00 from Interagency Committee Grant Pedestrian Corridor/ Unanticipated Revenue Account unto Capital Improvement Fund Shop Site Expenditures ($7,990.00 for Design Consultants/IAC Grant; and Redevelopment $116,325.00 for Pedestrian Corridor-Shop Site Construction) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2567 A resolution was read establishing a time and date certain Foreclosure Sale for sale by the Finance Director of certain property for for LID 284/291 unpaid local improvement district assessments in the amount Assessments of $7,100 including interest (LIDs 284 and 291 ) ; such sale to be held at 9:00 a.m. on October 19, 1984. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Keolker, City Attorney Warren explained that the two lots located on Jones Avenue NE in Kennydale are owned by GVR, Inc. ; approximately 35 judgments have been filed against the property, which apparently has been abandoned; and original face amount of assessment of 53,500 has been increased by interest accrued during lengthy delay. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Wall & Redekop Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Street Vacation recommending that the matter of the correction of the legal Legal Correction description for Wall & Redekop Street Vacation, File No. VAC 9-78 VAC 9-78, be held in Committee with referral to the Administration and City Attorney to meet with affected property owners and report back with a recommendation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Lally Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Reappointed commending concurrence in the Mayor' s reappointment of --4 to Board of Barbara Lally to Position No. 7 on the Board of Adjustment Adjustment for a four-year term effective to September 6, 1988. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Voucher Approval Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 2174 through 2382 in the amount of $531 ,828.73, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 2170 through 2173 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 9/10/84 Page six New Business NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF POLICIES Immigration AND AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL GOVERNMENT REGARDING HOUSING OF Prisoners IMMIGRATION PRISONERS IN RENTON JAIL BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. CARRIED. Consent Agenda Councilman Stredicke requested clarification of rules Rules governing the Consent Agenda and removal of an item for discussion. He questioned whether a motion must be approved by a Council member prior to removal , noting his request to abstain on Consent Agenda Item 6.a. regarding Brown Annexation due to possible violation of appearance of fairness doctrine; and request to allow discussion on Item 6.f. , bid opening on Earlington Park Improvements, for which only one bid was received. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that in reading the instructions printed above the Consent Agenda listing, it appears that a motion is not required to allow discussion on any item. She also advised that the matter of one bid on the park project would be researched. Policy Development Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding status of Director Position open position of Policy Development Director, Administrative Assistant Michael Parness reported that of 114 applications received, 14 final candidates and 5-6 alternates have qualified for oral board interviews on September 24 and 25, 1984. The final six candidates will participate on an assessment center on September 26, 1984. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that the Public Works Department is REPORT seeking a $1 .35 million grant from the State Urban Arterial Improvements to Board to fully improve Grady Way to a five-lane configuration. Grady Way Two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars of City Forward Thrust (Council Inquiry) money is budgeted for the project, and the City has a signed petition representing 50% of fronting property to participate in a local improvement project. Honey Creek The prime factor in the construction delay on the Honey "— Sewer Project Creek sewer project is right-of-way acquisition with two Update parcels remaining to obtain. Completion of the pump station (Council Inquiry) and connection to the system on NE 27th Street is planned for this fall . Any further delays will be reported to Council . Turning Restriction The right turn on red restriction for vehicles turning east on NE Sunset from NE Sunset Boulevard onto N. 3rd Street was imposed for Boulevard safety reasons since sight-distance problems exist for drivers (Council Inquiry) in new two lane turring configuration. Traffic Engineering has monitored this situation and is prepared to change the signalization from a four to a five mode operation which will allow additional time on green for right hand turns. If this modification does not alleviate back-up problems which are now occurring, consideration will be given to imposing the right turn restriction on red during peak traffic hours only. Airport Restaurant Plans to enlarge a portion of The Reef restaurant at Renton Expansion Municipal Airport were alluded to in the Airport Committee (Council Inquiry) meeting minutes of May 10, 1984. A conditional use permit application for proposed expansion in the airport ' s P-1 zone classification was made to the City, a public hearing was held by the Land Use Hearing Examiner, and a recommendation issued that indicated the proposal lacked sufficient parking space. The problem was then solved by the architect for the restaurant through redesign of the parking lot utilizing compact car space allowances. Illegally Parked The Building Director and members of the Police Department Cars in Residential have investigated the Council complaint concerning illegally Area (Council parked vehicles in a residential neighborhood off Union Avenue Inquiry) NE, citations were issued, and the owner has responded by making the automobiles operational and licensed. On-Going Yard Concerning questions regarding legality of on-going yard sales Sales (Council in that same area, Renton does not have an ordinance Inquiry) regulating such activities. The Building Department is currently contacting other jurisdictions and the Association of Washington Cities regarding their laws on the matter and Renton City Council 9/10/84 Page seven Administrative Report continued Yard Sales cont. will report its findings to Council . Work Exchange Regarding the work exchange program proposed by the Park Programs Department with Renton, Scotland, the Park Board is well aware of its authority and limitations regarding expenditure of public funds and fully intended to seek approval of the program from the City Council . The matter is still under consideration by the Board. Metro Sewage Metro Council recently approved a resolution agreeing not Treatment - to appeal the Federal order to expand treatment of sewage Puget Sound terminating in Puget Sound. Metro staff is preparing a second resolution to require Congress to fund a study of the Sound to determine the source of the pollution and offer a solution to the problem. Metro has contended that the cost of the expansion, which will be borne by the Federal government and local ratepayers, is not justified by any known benefit to Puget Sound. Vtro Transit Also beinq reviewed by Metro Council is possible location Centers of a regional transit center in Tukwila and a transit center in Renton. A northend bus base has not yet been selected due to citizen opposition in that area of Seattle. Metro Staff Mayor Shinpoch asked for Council input regarding their desire Briefing to invite Metro staff to brief them on local plant expansion, proposed rate increases, the trolley system, rates for elderly handicapped, and route changes. Valley CommCenter Regarding Valley Communications Center, all four cities have agreed to full participation in the construction and operation of a new facility. A funding study is currently underway, and a conservative budget request has been approved by the four Mayors this date. Once the funding formula is determined, it will be brought to the Council for approval . Industrial Three applications have been filed for funding using Industrial Revenue Bonds Revenue Bonds for plant construction or expansion in Renton. King County is the lead agency for applicants representing enterprises desiring to expand or build and who will be hiring additional employees. Letters of credit from financial institutions and formal resolutions from the local jurisdiction are required of all applicants to be eligible for these low cost loans to be financed through the sale of tax free bonds. The City' s only involvement is to provide the Industrial Revenue Bond Board with an affirmative resolution stating that the applicant ' s business is properly zoned and would be a welcome addition. No building or occupancy permits would be guaranteed as a condition of the transaction and all enterprises must meet City Code requirements. Kay Johnson, Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, clarified that all applicants are responsible for finding a source to buy the tax free bonds. Restaurant Councilman Stredicke asked if rates paid to the City are Expansion/ affected by restaurant expansion at the Airport; and if Conditional a conditional use permit is required for restaurant facilities Use Permits located on park property. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the percentage of profits received by the City from the Airport restaurant may be increased as a result of expansion; and a conditional use permit is not required of park restaurant facilities unless located within a P-1 zone. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:46 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT • IMPROVEMENTS TO RENTON AREA MULTI-SERVICE DATE • AUGUST 10, 1984 BIDDER 510 EARTH CONTOURS, INC. $2,388.96 incomplete bid 12204 NE 66th Kirkland, WA 98033 G. C. FINN CONSTRUCTION CO. A 37 117.46 13601 62nd NE B 2,830.05 Kirkland, WA 98034 C 4,3 78.05 D 6,070.04 E 5,617.95 Total 56,013.55 Engineer's Estimate $32,648.00 BID TABULATION SHEAT PRO J ECT • Installation of Dock Piling/Kennydale Beach • August 31, 1984 DATE " BIDDER BID ALTERNATE EEO AA Manson Construction & Engineering 31 857.07 P. O. Box 24067 $6.00 per foot Seattle, WA 98124 General Construction Co EEO AA $32,213.80 MRP, BB P. O. Box 1684 $1.00 per foot Tacoma, WA 98410 EEO AA Hurlen Construction Co MBE BB $20,933.57 P. O. Box 90945 $10.00 per foot Seattle, WA 98108 Sea & Shore Pile Driving Co EEO AA B $16,065.82 9250 Empire Way S $0.00 per foot Seattle, WA 98118 EEO Waterfront Const Co E CA IER CK $1200.00 $19,971.25 925 2nd St. S. $6.00 per foot Kirkland, WA Engineer's Estimate $20,000.00 BID TABULATION 5HEE-'�' PRO J ECT ' 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation DATE - August 31, 1984 BIDDERBI D ALTERNATE EEO AA ' DELMAR Const Co MBE BB 2 Addenda Ack. $223,696.52 15624 7th Ave. E Tacoma, WA 98445 EEO AA Ford Const. Co. MBE BB 1 addendum Ac $210,772.30 P.O. Box 6289 Federal Way, WA 98063 H.L. Jacobson Jr. Const. Co EEO AA MRF RR 9 addenda Ack $221,346.63 13547 SE 27th P1 Bellevue, WA 98005 EEO AA R. W. Scott Const. Co MBE B 2 addenda Ack $226,719.21 9840 Carr Rd Renton, WA 98055 Construction MBE 'BB 2 addenda Ack $306,917.31 Ave. NE A 98004 En ineer's Estimate $245,421.99 BID TABULATION SHEET PROJ ECT • Improvements to Earlington Park DAT E qpntPmhPY d. IQAd BIDDER BID Golf Landscaping Inc. Schedule A 9.128.§7 38016 Military Rd SW Schedule B 29,118.90 Auburn Schedule C 8,187.49 Schedule D 6,486.00 Total 52,975.26 ENGINEER ESTIMATE_ $55.000.00 BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J ECT : Steel Reservoir DATE - 9/5/R4 BIDDER BID Rrown-MinnPannJis Tank $5 6,219.00 H ff rson 400 Building Suite 2 Spokane, WA 99204 Chicago Bridge & Iron622,756.52 1200 Westlake Ave. N. Seattle 98109 Maltby Tank & Barge Inc. $577,927.00 5500 South First Everett, WA 98203 Reliable Steel Fabricators $536,713.10 P. O. Box 9 Olympia, WA 98507 Engineer's estimate: $568, 243.67 CHEKREGR CITY CF RENTON DATE 09/07/84 WARRANT CISTRIBUTION FUNC TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No. 02170 - 02173 CURRENT 577.332.5C PARKS $62.951.59 STREETS $19.590.32 LIBRARY $2.832.58 STREET FORWARD THRUST $38.SO1.63 G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR 55.995.0E MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHCPS) 51.187.46 CAPITAL IMPRCVEMENT FUNC 57.404.4E 'WATERWORKS UTILITY $126.742.22 AIRPORT $41.905.95 ,WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $51.224.15 EQUIP-HENT RENTAL $15.864.3C LID CONTROL $80.296.47 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $531.828,73 WE. THE UNDERSIGNEC MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AAL MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVEC DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATICN THAT MERCHANCISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. CO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NC. 2174 THRCUGH NO. 2382 IN THE AMOUNT OF $531.828.73 THIS 1CTH LAY OF SEPTEM6ER 1984. CCMMITTEE CHAIRMAN r MEMBE - - - - - - - - - MEMBER - - - - y - - - - - - -� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 9/13 Cancelled HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/11 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Bid Award for Renton Area Multi-Service Center Parking Lot Improvements PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/13 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Rancourt Appeal; Small Lot/Single Family Development Zone (time permitting) - Utilities Committee invited PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. 9/18 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Fire Department Requirements for Land Use Applications TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 9/13 4: 15 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Bid Awards (Public Works staff invited) 4: 30 p.m. Metro Request For Reconsideration re Systems Development Charge (City Atty. ) WAYS S MEANS Mon. 9/17 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS I, GF RENTON E 1 Oy/ I'S� 3� BUILDINGEF'+IONINGTS DEPARTMENT II ss WEEK ENDING AUGUST 31. 1984 IUIL41NG PE6.000 RAYMOND C. RICHARDS 815 DAYTON AV NE CONSTRUCT NEw ROOF LINE.REROOF 722750087006 110005555555 1 '.300 RUTH E BENNISON 910 N 28TH PL CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES 33421009850 1 556 fi.899 DIXON LONG 913 FERNDALE CR NE REROOF RESIDENCE 722750141500 10557 8.013 OR FRANKO BERETTA 315 S 3RO ST REROOF RENTON PRINTERY 10558 135.000 THE MACKINTOSH PARTSHP 801 HOUSER WY N REMODEL FOR SKI MANUFACTURER 082305916502 10559 1.50 MARK PETERSON 474 FERNDALE AV NE MASONRY CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE 10560 55.500 HIBURY HOMES 2628 NE 5TH CT CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1264 8 98911 329118003p5001 105621 55.50$g HIBURY HOMES INC 526 FERNDALE HIBURY HOMES INC 2674 NE 5TH CAV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC T CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1264 B 9891 329180041009 10563 55.OQQ HIBURY HOMES INC 411 FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1179 B 10153 329180020003 10564 100. 000000 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AV S REMODEL EXISTING AREA FOR SHOWER 110566 42.000 COMPLETE RESTAURANT SER 322113op50,000 COMPLETE RESTAURANT SER 23C RNENSUNSEIER T BL CONST GREENHOUSE ADDITION0567 S CONST GREENHOUSE ADDITION 1823059087 100568 33.C800Q0 ELEANBOB ORAEVERETT 81Q16NV33RDNPLT NE CONSTRUCTST ICARPORON TESIOENCE 344ZSQQQSQQ7 10570 1 .500 BRIANOR ARLES PATTERSONLdISS 578WELLS AV S WHITMAN CT NE REMODELRCCARPORTENT AREA PER FIRE CODE 7611 9150008U16710U038 ELMCTRICAL PERMITS 11 90 1.150 EMERALD HOMES 2208 WELLS CT S INST WIRING 119911 1.6000 DOUG JONES 27114 NE 4TH CT INST WIRING 11993 1200 KENNETHNKING 3500SUNSET4TH BLTN ALTERWIRING SERVICE TO UNDERGROUND 11994 850 OW PROPERTIES 11007 SW GRADY WY INST WIRING IN TENANT AREA 11995 28.500 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1' 3 N 8TH ST INST SERVICE PANEL/PK LOT LIGHTS 11996 500 CHEVRONp0 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1113,�03 N 8TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 11x98 2.500 NOWESFDINANCE.A 6019SN3ROTSTST INOSTCWIRIN� FOR RECTIFIER 11999 1.0300 0 JiiQHpOPKINS 15155500z MONSTER RD SW HOOK UP (9) PUMPS 12001 40 ACKERLEY OOMC MMUNICATION 4115PARK8TH AV NT INSTOEL WIRINGSTONG WIRING EXISTING SIGN 12002 2.153333 VERN CLAAR 2715 CEDAR AV S WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12003 1,888 2 0 0 RRaOBBzERT CLAYTON 549907 TALBOT RD S INST PARKING LIGHT 12005 . CLEMENTEDANA G CALIMLIM 2701 MILL19 EAVLS N INST WIRINGREMODELED KITCHEN 12006 80 DANIEL GONG 4513 SE 4TH ST WIRE UNFINISHED ROCM d GARAGE 12007 250 ALASKAN COPPER 3650 WEST VALLEY RD INST WIRING FOR PROPANE PUMP 12008 75 HURSHELL SMITH 1217 JEFFERSON AV NE INST WIRING FOR ADDITION 2009 12.000 YOUNKER DATSUN 3820 EAST VALLEY RD INST PARKING LOT LIGHTS M HANICAL PERM TS 1011 �0 DAVID SABEY 1107 SW GRADY WY INSTALL 4 SUPPLY DIFFUSERS TWO RETURN DUCTS 07 2 18. 0 GREENWOOD MEMORIAL PARK 3401 NE 4TH ST INSTALL 3 HEAT PUMPS. 1 ELEC FURNACE. 4 VENT FANS 10713 2.690 PUGET SOUND POWER 8 LIG 22300 S PUGET OR INSTALL 2 A/C UNITS 0714 10715 13 5008 CHADSHMALESIS JENSEN 4607 RRANDEY WY NE REPLACE GASAINIER AV S REMODEL SFURNACEA/C 10716 49500 JOHN RANKIN 516 SW 3RD PL REPL FURN/MATER HEATER VE 10718 2.600 JACK SPARROW 90JOHN A COX 85 NR RIVERSIDE DR INST FURNACEEDMOND AV NE INST WOOD /WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 106 420 DANIEL WOODBURY 3801 NE 8TH CT INST PLBG FIXTURES (5) 107 2.400 RON SAYNOR 2707 CEDAR AV S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 008 1.0030 JOE GOODMUNSON 451 PARK AV N REPAIR OF WATER PIPING 110 6.800 CITY5 PAT DOFARENTON 2CC9MILLLAV SINST (5) PLBG N N SFIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1288 100 ROBERT 8 NORMA CLAYTON 4907 TALBOT RD S INST FREE STANDING SIGN I ISSUED CITY CF RENTON PAGE 1 09/11/84 BUILDING is ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 10. 1984 BUI GING PERMITS 10571 2x950 A MOEN 2508 NE 19TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 535830001009 5723 2.250 MIKE LA VALLEY 32613 MEADOW AV N REROOF RESIDENCE 22 10574 2,500 MARY AISEANNELD DEV INC 2008SNE424DTHSST ROEROOFRRESIDENCE SAME 019200001006 10575 100.000 CHG INTERNATIONAL 111 SW 5TH PL FDTN ONLY PER SEC 302(A) UBC 82 140 UNIT APT 182305905305 10576 24tOOO ANTHONY PRITCHARD 375 UNICN AV SE 097 SET MOBILE HOME 10578 x,500 KENANTT03YKRISTENAHAUGEN 1320UDAOYTCk AAV VNE 97 CONST REPAIRPDRYOROTLANDSCAPING BATHROOMETC 332740006009 10579 87,000 JAMES BECKWITH 3326 EDMONDS AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 31451081490 05580 88100p0 JACK A BENAROYA 18030 THCMAS AV SW CONSTRUCTION OF BATHROOM 3 460000100 10582 X188 TME WEIDNER CO CO 1231 SREAGLEVRIDGE OR CONSTRUCT MANSARDSARD RCOFRONFBLDG S LOY 10583 1.000 808 OR EVELYN MOFFATT 540 RAINIER AV S CONST FDTN ONLY PER SEC 303(A) UNIFORM BLDG CODE 82 10584 1 100 RCLLING HILLS ASSOC 200800 SE RAINIER CT REROOF TOWNHOUSES 7399100070 10596 572.000 HOLVICK&DEOREGTSKOERING 9016POWELL AVDSW CONST BLDGONST 17 CAR PORT 7111000032 10588 2150,000 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERIREGT NG 923 POWELL AELL V SW COSW NST BLDG 16 ST BLDG 18 10589 215.000 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW CONST BLDG 19 918800009006 10590 KEN NOREM 375 UNION AV SE #94 SET MOBILE HOME 10591 2,500 KEN NOREM 375 UNION AV SE M94 CONST PATIO, DRIVEWAY ETC EL CTRICAL PERMITS 12N10 4f849 PUGET POWER 2664020 S PUGET OR INST WIRING FCR TALBOT HILL SUB ST 12 CIRCUITS 220132 41119 ALLEN DEUTTSCH 4J06SUNSETLAKE W81HNNGTON BL "INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 12016 217 DINOTPATASY 311240 SUNSET 8L N INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 8L N INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 12015 977 BOB SCHAEFER 352 SUNSET SL N INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 20 6 927 s7 808 SCHAEFER 354 SUNSET 8L N INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 12NE 5TH CT TEMP SERVICE 8018 119 800 HIOBERT IBURY MCMESAINC 52000FERNDALEAAVNNE TEMP SERVICESWITCH 8 HIBURY HOMES 282HOOKUP MOBILE HOME 2 5PS58 JACK AEARL AON AHAENAEOYACCO 2304THOMAS 5 WELLS AAVNSWUNION AV SE 097 REMOVINST UIRINGREPLACE FOR AWIRING N MECHANICAL PERMITS 719 1072210 6.34050 BENAROYABRAKE SYSTEM 70011 THOMAS AV SW INST COM07 THOMAS AV SW INST PRESSORNKLER S& FURNACYSTEM E 10722 1.000 GREGSANDERSON NDA WALSH 1909 BLAINETH SAV NE WOOD STOVENST WOOD STOVE 10724 1.1NACE 107 6000600 GARNOR BARBER 2730 WELLSOMESg5 ABERDEEN AV SE INST WOODEDAR AV S INST ACE STOVE 107J5INSTALL FURNACE 10727 1750 ELMGROVEEMERALD HCONSTRUCTION 01 MILAVTSS RENTON GOSPEL CHAPEL 63 HOQUIAM AV NE INSTALLINST FURNACE PLYMJING PERMITS 1121 2,000 ARCO CEDAR442085 PARK AV N FIVE PLBG FIXTLRES ALTER DRAINS 113 9500 DIAMOND LILD A /'SNRESTAURAN 321 IINIERVAV S INST GAS)PIPINGFFORUHVAC UNITS 115 1700 RENTONEPLAZAA CO 1400TTALBOTARDSW INST S INSTALL)MAINGBLDGTURES DRAIN 116 2,000 808 OR EVELYN MOFFATT 540 RAINIER AV S INST (5) PLBG FIXTURES 7 500 WILLIAM DONNELLY 123 CAPRI AV NE REPLACE OLD WATER LINE 8 1,800 CASCADE PACIFIC 3003 CEDAR AV S INST (13) PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 12E= 150 EMIL VILLA 54 RAINIER AV S INST TEMPORARY CLOTH SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5828 Daniel Woodbury 3801 NE 8th Ct. Sanitary building sewer to new addition 5829 Emerald Homes, Inc. 2208 Wells Ct. S. Side sewer connection 5830 Wade Nelson 2813 Cedar Ave. S. Replace 6 install sidewalk and curb 5831 Jeff Ellison 2801 Mt. View Ave. N. Install sanitary building sewer 5832 U. S. Home Corp. 2307 NE 4th St. Water, storm sewer work (The Terrace Project) 5833 James H. Jacques 4021 NE 10th St. Install sanitary building sewer 5834 Louis Barei 330 Main Ave. S. love curb and install entry to property 5835 Puget Power S. 7th and "' tt tall roadway, curb, gutter, sidewalk and storm sewer �F R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT I. HUGHES. 'Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z KATHY KEOLKER O NANCY L. MATHEWS 09A RENTON CITY COUNCIL RCHARDMESREDICKE 0 �P THOMAS W. TRIMM 9�TED SEPIREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1984 4. PROCLAMATION : Fire Prevention Week, October 7 through 13, 1984 5. PRESENTATION BY FINANCE DIRECTOR : 1985 Budget Format 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The followina items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by aV Council member. a. City Clerk submits requests for latecomer agreements by Clarkrlcn, Inc. for sanitary sewer and water improvements for four developments in the vicinity of Union Avenue NE and NE 5th Street and in the vicinity of Harrington Avenue NE and NE 11th Street. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 9/12/84 for 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program, Phase 11 ; 3 bids received; Engineer's estimate: $143, 915. 00. Refer to Transportation Committee. c. City Clerk submits notice of approval by Kine! County Boundary Review Board for Sinnett Annexation, 3.7 acres located on the crest side of Powell Avenue SW between SW Langston Road (extended) and SW Third Place (extended) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Finance Department requests ordinance to amend Title I , Chapter 24 of the City Code outlining procedure for foreclosure of delinquent local improvement district assessments. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $162. 87 filed by Bryan R. Yoshida, 1813 Anacortes Avenue NE, for plumbing repairs required after City Water Department alleaedly replaced a broken waterpipe improperly, causing gravel and debris to clog residence plumbing (6/14/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. f. Public Works/Airport Department submits request from Aero-Dyne Corporation to lease additional footage for their new hangar facility. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Q. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests adoption of resolution authorizing federal funding request for Rainier Avenue South signal enhancement project from Airport Way S. to S. Grady Way. Refer to Ways and tieans Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from T. J . McPherson, 2514 NE 5th Place, commending Mayor, Council and Park Department for fine yard clean-up at his home. b. Letter from M. Vicky Seegmiller thanking City and Renton Housing and atir. Community Development staff for good job in restoring exterior of her residence. c. Letter from Max E. Tecker, 320 Morris Avenue S. , expressing gratitude to City staff for fine job in painting his residence. 9. OLD BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11 . NEW BUSINESS 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 17, 19P4 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Voter's Pamphlet CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER Yoshida Claim for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Voter's Pamphlet MAYOR & CITY CLERK 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program, Phase II Contract 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Contract Steel Reservoir Contract PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE G. M. Associates Request for Time Extension on Rezone, R-019-82 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bid Opening - 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program (Awarded 9/17/84) Aerodyne Corp. Request for Additional Footage at Airport UTILITIES COMMITTEE Clarkrich, Inc. Request for Latecomer Agreements Johnson Letter regarding Fluoridation WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Sinnett Annexation Delinquent LID Assessment Procedure Rainier Avenue Signal Federal Funding (Resolution No. 2568 adopted) Greenbelt Regulations Business License Police Investigations (Ist reading 9/17/84) Massage Parlor Regulations (Ist reading 9/17/84) Fischer Rezone, R-076-84 (Ist eading 9/17/84) Wall & Redekop Street Vacation, VAC 9-78 (Ist reading 9/17/84) PUBLIC HEARING 10/1 /84 - LID 329 - SW 43rd Street adjacent to Valley General Hospital RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 17, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. :OUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL J. MULCAHY, Finance Director; BATALLION CHIEF JAMES MATTHEW, Fire Department; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of Fire Prevention October 7 through 13, 1984, as Fire Prevention Week urging Week citizen support for effective fire safety actions in making our City a safer place in which to live and work. Fire Batallion Chief Jim Matthew accepted the award, and announced that in addition to the fire safety instruction provided by the Fire Department to community schools, an additional seminar on wood stove safety will be held on October 9, 1984, from 7-9 p.m. in the Fire Station Conference Room, downtown location. AUDIENCE COMMENT Finance Director Michael Mulcahy requested the opportunity to LID 314 Bonds address the Council regarding issuance of LID bonds to provide $6,789,084.28 permanent financing for Local Improvement District No. 314, 1984 located in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and SW 16th Street (Ordinance No. 3815 adopted 6/11 /84 approving final assessment roll ) . To achieve the lowest interest rate and make the bonds as marketable as possible, bonds were offered at a discount (practice recently approved by State Legislature) ; letters of credit were obtained from three major property owners in the LID to improve bond security; and changes made in type of bonds issued, either serial or term, making them more attractive to investors due to secondary market trading eligibility. As of 9/14/84, the bonds were substantially sold or committed by Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation at a net interest cost to the City of 11 . 154391%. Based upon comparative local and national LID sales, Mr. Mulcahy reported that the offer appears to be reasonable, and he recommended acceptance by the City. He also noted that of the 19 underwriting syndicate members for the bonds, three are from cities and states outside of Seattle, thereby reflecting broad interest in the LID bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. LID 314 Bonds An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District No. 314; fixing the amount ($6,956.510.30, less $167,426.02 ... paid in cash leaving a balance of $6,789,084.28) , form, date, interest rates, maturity and denominations of LID 314 bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Seattle- Northwest Securities Corporation in Seattle; and fixing the interest rate on LID 314 assessment installments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3838 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned LID 314 Bonds ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council 9/17/84 Page two Audience Comment continued Scout Troop Mayor Shinpoch welcomed Boy Scout Troop 462 from Renton Welcomed Park Elementary School in attendance at the Council meeting. Scout Sean Martinson, 10615 124th Avenue SE, reported that attendance at a Council meeting serves towards achieving a merit badge for citizenship in the community. Request for Dewey Rancourt, 1116 N. 38th Street , requested advancement Advancement to to Old Business, Planning and Development Committee Report. Old Business MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding the Rancourt appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Committee decision on File No. W-070-84, waiver of required improvements. Rancourt Appeal The Committee found that the following finding of fact should File No. W-070-84 be added as Finding No. 11 : Continued The distance from the subject property to the nearest portion of Lake Washington Boulevard N. which has been improved with off-site improvements is approximately 1 ,500 feet. Continued The Committee also recommended that the City Council find that the last two sentences of Conclusion No. 3 are erroneous as a matter of law and should be stricken. The required waiver is appropriate in view of the lack of off-site improvements in the vicinity of the subject property, and the fact that off- site improvements installed by this applicant would ''probably'' be demolished in the foreseeable future upon the installation of permanent improvements to Lake Washington Boulevard N. in this vicinity. Continued The Committee further recommended that the City Council reverse the decision of the Hearing Examiner with respect to off-site improvements along Lake Washington Boulevard N. and grant the waiver requested subject to the imposition of restrictive covenants recommended by the Building & Zoning Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Park Bond Sandy Webb, 430 Mil Avenue South, reiterated concerns expressed Ballot Issues at Council meeting of 9/10/84 regarding park bond issues, noting his opposition due to many reasons including high cost to residents. He also complained that he had been allowed only four and one-half minutes to speak during the audience comment portion of that meeting, noting five minute limit. Mr. Webb felt that facts on both sides of the park issues should be provided to voters to enable them to make an informed choice, either pro or con, on the matter. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MATTER OF A PROPOSED RENTON VOTER' S PAMPHLET BE Voter ' s Pamphlet REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, AND THAT THE ADMINISTRATION FURNISH INFORMATION. CARRIED. Wall & Redekop Jack Bales, 2621 Fifth Avenue NE, reported proximity of his Street Vacation residence to the area of the Wall & Redekop Street Vacation, VAC 9-78 File No. VAC 9-78, for which the legal description is in question, and requested time to retain an attorney to represent him prior to adoption of ordinance correcting the legal description (see later action) . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer indicated that the ordinance, scheduled for first reading this date, will not receive —� second and final reading until 9/24/84. Mr. Bales agreed to that time limit. 1985 Budget Finance Director Michael Mulcahy presented the proposed budget Format format for 1985. He recommended continuation of the format utilized in 1984 with sliqht modification, which reflects departmental budget summaries for a three-year period (previous, current and proposed year) and includes one-page descriptions of proposed expenditures, number of departmental employees listing grade and title, and budget targets. A separate page provides a detailed identification of new programs and changes from the previous year. Upon inquiry, Mr. Mulcahy explained that an inflation factor of 5% had been added into 1985 Renton City Council 5/17/84 Page three 1985 Budget Format Presentation continued Continued departmental budgets; however, a summary of total figures less the inflation factor could be provided if requested. He also indicated that the 4.75% inflation figure projected for 1984 is very close to the national Consumer Price Index for the same period. Council members expressed appreciation for the improved budget format, and commended the Finance Director and Administration for their efforts. CONSENT AGENDA City Clerk submitted requests for latecomer agreements by tems adopted by Clarkrich, Inc. for sanitary sewer and water improvements ne motion which for four developments located at 670 Union Avenue NE at 6th ollows listing Place (Union 670 Condominiums) ; 1100 Harrington Avenue NE (Olympic Condominium) ; 600 Union Avenue NE at NE 5th Street Clarkrich, Inc. (Union 600 Condominium) ; and 550 Union Avenue NE at NE 5th Latecomer Agreements Street (Union 600 Condominium) . Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - 1984 City Clerk reported bid opening 9/12/84 for 1984 Asphalt Asphalt Resurfacing Resurfacing Program, Phase II ; three bids received; Engineer' s Program, Phase II estimate: $143,915.00. Refer to Transportation Committee. Sinnett Annexation City Clerk submitted notice of approval by King County Boundary Review Board for Sinnett Annexation, 3. 7 acres located on the west side of Powell Avenue SW between SW Langston Road (extended) and SW Third Place (extended) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Delinquent LID Finance Department requested ordinance to amend Title I , Assessment Chapter 24 of the City Code outlining procedure for Procedure foreclosure of delinquent local improvement district assessments. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Yoshida Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $162.87 filed by Bryan R. for Damages Yoshida, 1813 Anacortes Avenue NE, for plumbing repairs CL 26-84 required after City Water Department allegedly replaced a broken water pipe improperly, causing gravel and debris to clog residence plumbing (6/14/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. Aero-Dyne Request Public Works/Airport Department submitted request from Aero- for Additional Dyne Corporation to lease additional footage for new hangar Footage facility. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Rainier Avenue Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested adoption Signal Federal of resolution authorizing federal funding request for Rainier Funding Request Avenue South signal enhancement project from Airport Way South to South Grady Way (See Ordinances & Resolutions) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letters from F. J. McPherson, 2514 NE 5th Place; M. Vicky Summer Cleanup Seegmiller; Max E. Tecker, 320 Morris Avenue S. ; Katherine M. Program Jennings, 2100 Lake Washington Blvd. N. ; and Esther Riedell , 3401 NE 17th Place, expressed appreciation to Mayor and City Council for the summer residential/yard cleanup program under the supervision of Housing and Community Development Department. Residents indicated hope that the program will continue, as it greatly assists disabled, elderly or low- income citizens. Fluoridation Councilman Stredicke referenced a letter from Lee Ann Johnson, 3917 NE 6th Street, opposing fluoridation of Renton water. It was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. Merit Badge Councilman Stredicke offered suggestions to Boy Scouts in Requirements the audience in meeting citizenship merit badqe requirements; and indicated he is available to meet with them if desired. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Transportation concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Committee to accept the low bid of M. A. Segale, Inc. in the amount of 1984 Asphalt $139,025.60. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor Resurfacing Phr ,. II and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contractod cuments. 82 Renton City Council 9/17/84 Page four Old Business continued Asphalt Resurfacing MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Phase II , 1984 cont. RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee regarding the Metro appeal of the City' s special connection Metro Appeal of charge filed on 8/6/84. The Committee held a meeting with Special Connection representatives of Metro who had suggested the charge was Charges unfair due to previous work, the ordinance does not apply, and the charge violates previous city commitment with Metro. Continued In a letter from the City Attorney, he indicates that the City' s present policy provides no mechanism to credit, waive or create exceptions to the utility area charge. To preclude setting a precedent by making a determination on the referenced appeal , the Utilities Committee recommended that Council review the policy on special connection charges. Continued The Utilities Committee recommended the subject matter of the special connection charge be referred to the Utilities Committee for review. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Award - Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report 1984 Sanitary concurring in the Public Works Department recommendation Sewer Rehabilitation to reject the low bid of Ford Construction for the 1984 Program Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program due to unsatisfactory past performance. The Committee further concurs in the departmental recommendation to accept the second low bid of H. L. Jacobson, Jr. Construction Company in the amount of $221 ,346.63. The Engineer' s estimate for the project was $245,421 .99. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Bids for Rolling Utilities Committee Chairman Mahtews presented a report Hills Sewer Trunk concurring in the Public Works Department recommendation Road Repair to reject all bids. The Committee further recommended that the project be held and rebid in the spring of 1985 in conjunction with related projects. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Award - Steel Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Reservoir - 80th concurring in the Public Works Department recommendation to Avenue & S. 126th accept the low bid of Reliable Steel Fabricators in the amount of $536,713. 10. The Engineer' s estimate for the project was $568,243.67. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Unclaimed Property Councilman Stredicke questioned why the City of Renton and or Funds Renton Municipal Court are listed in legal section of newspaper as having unclaimed property or funds with State Revenue Department. Finance Director Mulcahy explained new State law which requires that a listing of unclaimed property must be filed annually. (Cities were previously exempt from the requirement. ) Honey Creek Councilman Stredicke questioned whether projected start date Sewer Project of June of 1985 for Honey Creek Sewer Project will allow commencement of new construction being delayed due to building moratorium. Mayor Shinpoch advised that commencement date depends upon approval of the Department of Fisheries since the project affects stream beds navigable by fish. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating completion of Committee review of the Committee Greenbelt Regulations proposed by the Planning Commission. Greenbelt Several minor changes, including parking provisions in utility Regulations greenbelts, have been made to the proposed regulations. The Committee recommended referral of the matter to the Ways and Means Committee and approval of proposed regulations as revised. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Kenton City Council 9/17/84 Page five Old Business continued Planning and Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Keolker, Gene Williams, Policy Development Development Department, indicated that the City has not adopted Committee Greenbelt Regulations prior to this time, and Committee changes Greenbelt to Planning Commission recommendations are minor. These Regulations relate to special studies exemption for steep slope areas for continued only one single family home; and imposing a sliding scale for greenbelt requirements within utility easements and rights-of- way. Councilwoman Keolker also requested notification to owners of property located adjacent to greenbelt designations that ''Greenbelt'' allows certain low-density development and is not limited to open space. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter �- would be investigated. MOTION CARRIED. G. M. Associates Referencing a letter from City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren Rezone Request regarding the G. M. Associates request for extension of time for Time Extension limit imposed for development during rezone approval , it was R-019-82 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Committee report regarding the bid opening held for the Renton Area RAMSC Parking Lot Multi-Service Center parking lot paving project. The low Paving Project bid of G. C. Finn Construction Company was reviewed, and the Committee recommends acceptance of the negotiated low bid of $20,767.52 ( including tax) and authorization for execution of necessary contract. The project is being funded from the Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program. Discussion indicated the matter should be held in Committee until legal opinion on parameters of negotiable bid is obtained. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Business License An ordinance was read amending portions of Title V (Business Police Investigations Regulations) of the City Code relating to police investigations of business license applications. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Massage Parlor An ordinance was read amending portions of Title VI (Police Regulations Regulations) of City Code relating to regulation of massage businesses, defining prohibited activities and declaring a nuisance. Chairman Clymer explained both ordinances have been proposed to comply with Washington Supreme Court decision on Myrick v. Pierce County which declared unconstitutional certain regulations concerning massage businesses. A severability clause will be added prior to adoption. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fischer Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-076-84 property located at 426 Burnett Avenue South from Residence District (R-3) to Business District (13-1 ) ; Fischer Rezone; File No. R-076-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Wall ✓; Redekop An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Lakeview Avenue Street Vacation and Renton Avenue between NE 4th and NE 5th Streets and UAC 9-78 amending the legal description contained in prior ordinance No. 3341 (VAC 9-78) . Chairman Clymer stated that adoption of the ordinance is required to reaffirm action taken by the City Council in 1979. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Renton City Council 9/17/84 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions continued Resolution #2568 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Rainier Avenue S. to execute documents requesting allocation of federal funds Signal Funding for the Rainier Avenue South signal enhancement project. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2569 A resolution was read providing for funds transfer in the Pedestrian Corridor/ amount of S34,765.00 from Contingency Fund unto Pedestrian Shop Site Redevelop- Corridor/Shop Site Redevelopment Project Fund to provide ment Fund Transfer for the City' s share of five percent. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Hughes referenced a letter from Mayor Business Standards Shinpoch responding to the Council referral of 8/13/84 for Liquor regarding business standards for liquor establishments. Establishments The recommendations were that the City should not impose (Slick Willy' s separate business standards for establishments selling Tavern Referral ) liquor, particularly due to possible difficulties enforcing local restrictions more stringent than imposed by the State. Any new commercial use must comply with Zoning, Building and Fire Codes which consider all facets of development impact, and enforcement of these Codes shall continue in protection of the public. And the City should not involve itself in limiting competition in business or making determinations about economic viability. Mayor Shinpoch also indicated that Title 66 of the Washington Administrative Code contains over 40 pages devoted to Liquor Board regulations; one which provides the local elected official an opportunity to request a hearing which the Liquor Board may grant. Council President Hughes concurred in the Mayor' s recommendations, and indicated that while the Council had gone the ''extra mile'' in holding a public meeting regarding the liquor license for Slick Willy' s, any future public objections to business establishments by residents should go through routine City and State procedures. Fischer Rezone Councilman Stredicke indicated concern regarding adoption R-076-84 of an ordinance approving the Fischer Rezone (first reading this date) since it allows business use in a primarily residential area on Burnett Avenue. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch expressed sadness at the recent death of REPORT Dick Seraile, 43, member of the City ' s Library Board since September of 1983, and well-respected by those who knew him. Earlington Park Responding to Council inquiry 9/10/84 regarding the Earlington Improvement Park Improvement Project, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the Project sole bidder was able to make a lower bid for the small project since he is the contractor for another project in the City, and his equipment is already transported to the area. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Time: 9:39 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Regular Session Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT PRESENTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION WITH REGARD TO NEGOTIATIONS ADJOURNMENT WITH THE POLICE OFFICERS' GUILD. CARRIED. MOVED BY Time: 10: 10 p.m. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk FSID TABULATION SHEET PRO ,J ECT : 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Program - Phase I DATE • September 12, 1984 BIDDER BID EEO AA Hi-Line Asphalt Paving MBE BB 159 540. 50 P.O. Box 68279 Seattle, WA 98188 Lt:U AA M. A. Segale MBE BB $139, 025.60 P.O. Box 88050 Tukwila, WA 98188 A E A O Watson Asphalt Paving Co. E50 A 139 548. 30 P.O. Box 845 MBE Redmond, WA 98052 f Engineer's Estimate: $143, 915.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/18 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Group W Cable Tues. 9/25 4: 30 p.m. Sister City Participation; Cable TV Programminq ; Leasehold Excise Tax Tues. 10/2 4: 30 p.m. " Social Service Funding Policy for Budget PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/20 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Small Lots and Honey Creek Small Lot Proposal (Gene Williams invited - City Attorney not required to attend) PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 9/19 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Fire Department Land Use Requirements Thurs. 9/20 7: 00 p.m. Fire Station Conference Room Fire Master Plan (Steering Committee) Weds. 9/26 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Policy for Housing Immigration Prisoners in Renton Jail (Police Chief invited) TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 9/19 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Wetland Preservation in relationship with P-1 Channel WAYS S MEANS Mon. 9/24 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 09/18/84 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCING SEPTEMBER 14, 1984 QING PERMjT$ THE WEIDNER CO 1231 GRANT OR CONSTRMANSARDMANSARD ROOFRONFBLDG & LOY SS 1058}4 111.0000880 ROLLINGEHILLS ASSOCTT ZOOORSENI6THACTS REROOFFTOWNHOUSESPER SEC 303(A) UNIFORM BLDG CODE 8278991000707 10585 7,300 WILBUR & DCLCRES REEVES 1706 TALBOT RD S CONST DOUBLE CAR PORT 7111C00032 10586 572,C00 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 901 POWELL AV SW CONST BLDG 17 10587 430,C00 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 841 PCWELL AV SW CONST BLDG 16 10588 215,C00 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 923 POWELL AV SW CONST BLDG 18 10589 215,000 HCLVICK DE REGT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW CONST BLDG 19 918800009006 10590 KEN NOREM 375 UNION AV SE 094 SET MOBILE HOME 1591 ,500 KEN NOREM 375 UNION AV SE 094 CONST PATIO, DRIVEWAY ETC 180592 3r4C 111 SW 5TH PL CONST 140 UNIT RETIREMENT DEV 182305905305 10593 5,580 BOB OR EVELYN MOFFATT 540 RAINIER AV S CONST RESTROOM ADDITION 18230593507 1918980 00594 58,10000 HOLVICK DEREGT KOERING 7411S POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 918800008008 1096 2595 x28$ WARRENRE H CHINKLEIN Z0 PARKOAVTMINOR N RERCOFRDYNASTY RESTAURANT 372o24COOC70034004 10597 33 10598 12,400 MICHAEL DCLLEMAN 4OLL COMPANY 22 WINCSOR WY NE CONST6 SW 43RD ST TS/FPROVEMENT ADDITION 947620047003 10599 2x500 HESTER E BERNOVICH 5212 TALBOT RD S REROOF RESIDENCE 312305907304 ELBILE HOME 8$EC1TTRICAL PERMITS 1280 5,550 JACK A0 UNION AV CC 375 UNICN AV SE HAYNESYA CO 230 THOMASpAVNSWx97 EMOVMIRHOOKUP ONGREPLACE FCR AWIRING N 12023 1,200 SAYNOR CO 2707 CECAR AV S INST LOW VCLTAGE WIRING 2024 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNICN AV SE 094 HOCK UP MOBILE HOME 12025 500 VESTA DARLING 437 SMITHERS AV S WIRE KITCHEN REMODEL 12026 450 BENAROYA CO 1030 THCMAS AV SW WIRE BATHRCCM ]7077 70750 H BOWKER 921 THOMAS AV SW INST PANEL & WIRE TENANT AREA 1 0 8 x600 REV HAROLD GRAGERT 1063 HCCUTAM AV NE INST NEW SERVICE MECHHANICAL PERM TS Z g 10727 1,9H ELMGROVEHCONSTRUCTION 2701 MILLSAVTSS INSTALL ALL FURNACE 10728 1x375 NORWEST FINANCIAL 607 S 3RD ST DUCTWORK REVISION 10729 1.185 SKYWAY TOWING 542 PARK AV N INST GAS PIPING ONLY 10731 1,100 CASCADE PACIFIC xQ600 CHARLES HENCERSCN 25 3 CECAR VS FURNACE ILLAVSINST FURNACE & WATER HEATER 10732 1,80 BOB OR EVELYN MOFFATT 540 RAINIER AV S INST TWO FANS & HOODS 10733 600 WILLIAM TRUVEOSON 3506 NE 11TH ST INST WOOD STOVE 10734 400 JACK GCLTIANI 811 JONES AV S INST WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 113 900 DIAMOND LIL'S RESTAURAN 321 RAINIER AV S INST GAS PIPING FOR MVAC UNITS 114 1,750 JACK BENAROYA CO 710 THOMAS AV SW INST (3) PLBG FIXTURES 115 700 RENTON PLAZA 1400 TALBOT RD S INSTALL MAIN BLDG DRAIN 116 2,000 BOB OR EVELYN MOFFATT 54C RAINIER AV S INST (5) PLBG FIXTURES 7 500 WILLIAM DONNELLY 123 CAPRI AV NE REPLACE OLD WATER LINE 8 1,800 CASCADE PACIFIC 3003 CECAR AV S INST (13) PLBG FIXTURES 119 760 JOAN DUTRICH 12C4 N 36TH ST INST (1) WATER CLOSET, ALTER OR 120 1,185 SKYWAY TOWING 542 PARK AV N INST GAS PIPING 121 503 AITON CONSTRUCTION 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST WATEP PIPING 122 2,700 BENAROYA CO 1030 THCMAS AV SW INST (8) PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1289 150 EMIL VILLA 54 RAINIER AV S INST TEMPCRARY CLOTH SIGN 1290 3,800 STAR VIDEO 330 SW 43RD ST INST ONE S/F ELECT SIGN 88 41 AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS J ROBERT I. HUGHES, COUNCIL PRESIDENT 7 Xr- z EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z I�L NANCY L. MATHEWS O RENTON CITY COUNCIL IOHN W. REED RICHARD M. STREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM 09"6D SEPISPECIAL MEETING PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, FRIDAY, 12:00 NOUN MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDERATION OF RESUBMITTAL OF ONE OR BOTH PARK BOND ISSUES FOR NOVEMBER BALLOT (Acquisition of Maplewood Golf Course and Construction of Community Center) 4. CORRESPONDENCE : Letter from Norman M. Peterson supporting resubmittal of one or both park bond issues for November ballot. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss the park bond issues. Please limit your remarks to five minutes. 6. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting :Member 21, 1984 Municipal Building Friday, 12: 00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y . Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT J. HUGHES BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J . WARREN, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant: MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; ROBERT E. BERGSTROM, Utility Supervisor; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department ; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle CONSIDERATION Mayor Shinpoch explained purpose of the meeting to OF PARK BOND determine the Council's position on resubmitting bond ISSUES issues, acquisition of Maplewood Golf Course and construction of new Community Center, to King County for inclusion in General Election ballot. Mayor Shinpoch explained that both issues failed to pass on the Primary Ballot and the deadline for resubmittal to King County for the November ballot is 4: 30 p.m. this date. If the Council decides to withdraw the issues from the ballot at a later date, that option is available. Continued King County Election Department anticipates an 800 turnout at the polls in November; of Renton's 16, 000 registered voters, 80% would total 12, 800, with 600 or 7,680 yes votes required to approve either bond issue. Continued Required percentages for approval of the bond issues on a ballot in February were reviewed, and Mayor Shinpoch noted that following a presidential election, validation is not probable. Continued Utilizing a large precinct map, Parks Director John Webley reviewed vote spread, noting little support given to Golf Course proposition across the City; however, the Community Center garnered certain public support. (Approximately 54. 8% of needed 60%. ) Bond Issue Charmaine Baker, representing the three-member Bond Committee Issue Committee, indicated their recommendation that Recommendation the bond issues not be resubmitted for the November ballot due to shortage of time, money and volunteers. She further recommended that the issue of a Community Center be held until a future date, and approximately ten months prior to the date of the election, a campaign "`" be organized and a blue-ribbon committee appointed to do a master plan for the facility. She publicly thanked everyone associated with the recent bond issue campaign, noting many hours were volunteered. Park Board Ron Regis, representing the Park Board, indicated the Recommendation recommendation of the Board that a bond issue for the construction of a Community Center be resubmitted for the November ballot. Cits.en Comment Diana Ledbury, 511 Stevens Court NW, supported in Support resubmittal of Community Center bond issue in November, noting addition of the facility will have a positive effect on the environment. 90 Renton City Council Special Meeting 9/21 /84 Page two Park Bond Issues Comments Against Jack Riley, Aqua Barn Ranch, representing fourteen recreational businesses/schools/clubs in the area, opposed resubmittal of Community Center bond issue for a second time. He had no opinion regarding Maplewood Golf Course. He felt that by charging lower prices for recreational admission, the City is undercutting those private enterprises trying to operate at a profit. Comments Against Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , requested that all previous comments be incorporated by reference regarding his opposition to the bond issues . He suqqested that if issues are resubmitted to the public at a later date, voters be apprised of pros and cons of bond issue passage. Comments Against Tija Petrovich, 9623 S. 240th, Kent, representing Pacific Northwest Fitness Center in Renton, opposed resubmittal of Community Center bond issue since operation of that facility would compete with private businesses offering the same service. Carco Signboard Mr. Riley questioned legality of using signboard at for Public Service Carco Theater to advertise bond issues. It was noted Message that City Attorney Warren had been consulted regarding signboard use and it was his opinion that siqning was legal if it reflects general information. In this case, signs urged citizens to vote "on" bond issues, not for or against. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Riley, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the desire of the public for a Community Center had been reflected in recent citizens survey results, and the facilities would be available to the private sector. Correspondence Correspondence was read from Norman M. Peterson, in Support 3402 Park Avenue N . , supporting resubmittal of both bond issues for the November ballot. He expressed particular support for acquiring the golf course site to protect it from intensive development. Council Discussion Upon inquiry regarding continuation of the Bond Issue Committee to serve should the bond issues be resubmitted in November, Mrs. Baker indicated that she and Dr. Thompson would be unable to continue, and she was uncertain of funding sources for the campaign as well. Continued Councilman Reed voiced his opinion that the Community Center apparently has public support, and, because the property for the center is owned by the City, that project can be delayed to a future date. However, he was concerned that if progress on the golf course is delayed, it would be sold for development. He felt that educating the public regarding the golf course proposal would result in a positive outcome. Councilman Clymer concurred, noting the 145-acre golf course site would be a valuable asset to the City, not only as park land but also as protection of the municipal water supply. Councilman Stredicke supported delay of bond issues until a strong campaign can be organized. Continued Councilwoman Mathews expressed doubt that the bond issues would be approved in the Presidential election, noting heavy turnout and possible negative result. She recommended that the bond issues be held until 1986 to allow for organization of a campaign and raising of funds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL NOT CONSIDER EITHER BOND ISSUE AT THIS TIME FOR THE NOVEMBER ELECTION . Councilman Trimm indicated concern that cost of the golf course property will escalate during a two-year period. ROLL CALL: AYES : CLYMER, MATHEWS, STREDICKE, KEOLKER. 2 NAYS : TRIMM, REED . CARRIED. Renton City Council 9/21 /84 Page three Park Bond Issues Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS VOTE. CARRIED. Noting absence of one Councilmember and opportunity if desired at a later date to rescind approval action, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, BOTH BOND ISSUES BE PLACED ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT. It was noted that King County does not charge a filing fee for ballot issues. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke indicated the intent of the motion will allow Council President Hughes to vote on the matter at the next regular meeting, if desired. However, ordinances should be adopted at this time to meet King County filing deadline. First Reading - An ordinance was read relating to City park and Construction of recreational facilities; providing for constructing and Community Center equipping a Community Center on land presently owned by the City; :declaring an estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of a total of $4, 100,000.00, and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness and issuing such bonds and levying such excess taxes to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held thereon on November 6, 1984, in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3839 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Construction of ordinance, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY Community Center STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading - MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, WORDING Acquisition of IN MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE ORDINANCE BE AMENDED Maplewood Golf TO REFLECT PRESERVATION OF CITY'S WATER SUPPLY. Course CARRIED. An ordinance was read relating to City park and recreational facilities; providina for acquirina, reconditioning, and improving Maplewood Golf Course, and preservation of the City's water supply; declarinq the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of a total of $4, 200,000. 00 and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual Dropertv tax levies; and submitting this bond issue proposition to the qualified voters of the City of Renton at a special election to be held therein on November 6, 1984, in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3840 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Acquisition of ordinance, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY Maplewood Golf STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Course ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke reserved the riqht to request reconsideration of both ordinances at the regular Council meeting 9/24/84. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN . CARRIED. Time: 1 :09 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 41 OF R� A �1>� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT J. HUGHES. () �� COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z IFIL NANCY L. MATHEWS O JOHN W. REED RICHARD M. RENTON CITY COUNCIL THOMAS W. TRMMCKE ,9.o Pte• o9gr�D SEPIREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ,ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS : Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan (continued from September 10, 1984) Surplus Equipment Auction - October 13, 1983 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a tonic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department requests revision to Ordinance No. 3175, designating Building Director as administering official for Abandoned Vehicle Regulations. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints the following members of the Human Rights & Affairs Commission : Marilyn Bingaman, 310 Williams Avenue N . , term effective to 4/25/85; Peggy Cummins, 330 Vuemont Place NE, #209, term effective to 9/19/86; Toni Nelson, 13505 Empire Way S. , #305A, Seattle, term effective to 9/19/86; and Glenda Williams, 4300 NE Sunset Boulevard, #P-2, term effective to 9/19/86. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Finance Department requests legislation to comply with State law for gradual ramp-down of City's telephone utility tax over a ten-year period from 7. 75% to 60. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Larry Brown Rezone, R-077-84, of .72 acres located at SW Grady Way at 1300 Block between Oaksdale Avenue SW and Longacres Drive SW from G-1, General, to L-1, Light Industry. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Public Works/Design Engineering submits CAG 038-84, Renton Municipal Airport Seaplane Rama Dredcring Contract; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final nay estimate of $41, 557.29, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2, 015. 39 to the contractor, Manson Construction & Engineering Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letters from Goldie Adams, 808 Dayton Avenue; Janka Shonka, 428 Burnett North; Lela T. Spady; Daisy M. Richards, 1107 N . 35th Street; Lillian Wicks, 1517 Davis Avenue S. ; and Frank Sherwood, 1146 Glenwood Avenue NE, expressing, appreciation for summer cleanup program. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 24, 2984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendations of the Bond Issue Committee LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Restatement of Request for Policy Guidance PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Hearing Examiner's Request for Policy Guidance TRAFFIC ENGINEER Complaint of traffic hazard on Lake Washington Boulevard WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Abandoned Vehicle Requlations Ramp-down of Telephone Utility Tax Larry Brown Rezone, R-077-84 Honey Creek Small Area Comprehensive plan Amendment Sinnett Annexation (Ist reading 9/24/84) Sinnett Rezone (Ist reading 9/24/84) LID Foreclosure Procedure (Ist reading 9/24/84) Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan PUBLIC HEARING 10/1 /84 - LID 329 - SW 43rd Street Improvements adjacent to VGH 94 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 24, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk: JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Green River Valley and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch reopened the Comprehensive Plan public hearing to consider the Green River Valley Comprehensive (continued from Plan, continued from September 10, 1984. The boundaries of the 9/10/84) area are generally the Green River on the west, SW 43rd Street on the south, the base of Talbot Hill to the east, and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks on the north. Land uses consist of industrial , commercial and office uses, similar in character to urbanized areas throughout the Green River Valley. Continued Gene Williams, Policy Development Department , indicated that the subject plan is the last remaining quadrant submitted for Council approval by the Planning Commission. He reviewed information provided at public hearing held 9/10/84, and indicated that the hearing had been continued to allow study of wording in the Wetland/Wildlife Habitat/Floodplain Policy by the Utilities Committee to ensure protection of City' s wetlands. Continued Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews advised the preference of the Committee for Alternative No. 3 in a memorandum from Mr. Williams which states that all City-owned wetlands and natural areas should be managed for wildlife habitat until such time as the City may decide that public benefit would be served by acquisition of other lands of equal or greater wetland value. Upon inquiry, Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke indicated preference for wording recommended by that Committee: City-owned wetlands and natural areas should be managed for wildlife habitat. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT LANGUAGE IN ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 IN LIEU OF LANGUAGE IN NO. 7 OF WETLAND/WILDIFE HABITAT/ FLOODPLAIN POLICY. Debate ensued regarding need to adopt a policy which gives direction for future land use transactions, noting majority vote of the Council approves determinations for purchase, trade or sale of property. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Continued Mr. Williams offered the following changes to the Plan in response to comments made at the hearing on 9/10/84: Page 18, first line, the sentence should read ". . .a broad range of choice in industrial , service commercial , and office uses." Page 18, fourth line from the bottom, should read "with signficant setbacks and perimeter landscaping." Page 19, line four, should read ". . .the implementation of light and heavy industrial uses. . ." (underlined words addedT.— As a result of discussion concerning residential uses near Longacres being in possible conflict with Commercial designation, the first policy on Page 13 should be changed to read: "Limited residential opportunities tributary to Longacres should be permitted by conditional use." Renton City Council 9/24/84 Page two Public Hearing continued Green River Valley Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue NE, requested clarification Comprehensive Plan of precise wording of amendment to wetland policy_ (copy continued provided) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE GREEN RIVER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WITH AMENDMENTS INCORPORATED BY MR. WILLIAMS. CARRIED. Councilman Reed requested his ''no'' vote be recorded. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted surplus Equipment and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the .._ suction public hearing to consider the disposition of surplus City property, including miscellaneous garden equipment; office machines, equipment and furniture; and vehicles (a detailed listing of all surplus items on file with City Clerk) . State law requires that the City hold a public hearing before disposing of surplus property with an estimated value of more than $5,000. The public auction will be held on October 13, 1984 at 10:00 a.m. at the new City Shop site in the Highlands at 3555 NE 2nd Street. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Councilman Stredicke suggested that notices reflect the location of the new City Shops facility behind Greenwood Cemetery in directing citizens to the auction site. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Resolution #2570 A resolution was read authorizing the sale of surplus Sale of Surplus equipment by public auction to be held on October 13, 1984, Equipment at 10:00 a.m. in the City Shops facility, 3555 NE 2nd Street in the Renton Highlands behind Greenwood Cemetery. Such equipment to be sold on a cash basis, in its ''as is'' condition, without warranty, and all sales to be final and conclusive. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marsha Bernstein, 466 Ferndale Avenue NE, requested Council Advance to discussion of the Ways and Means Committee recommendation Ordinances and concerning the Wall & Redekop Street Vacation. MOVED BY Resolutions CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3841 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Lakeview Avenue Wall & Redekop and Renton Avenue between NE 4th and NE 5th Streets and Street Vacation amending the legal description contained in prior Ordinance Legal Description No. 3341 (VAC 9-78) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, Correction COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Chairman Clymer explained incorrect legal description had been filed with ordinance in 1979, half-street vacation being the intent of the Council and legal description reflecting vacation of the entire street. City Attorney Warren reported that settlement out of court has been reached with all affected abutting property owners for a total cost of approximately $6,000.00. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Park Bond Issues Jack Riley, owner of Aqua Barn Ranch, 15227 SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway, requested Council discussion of park bond issues, the subject of Council review at a Special Meeting on 9/21/84. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECONSIDER ACTION TAKEN ON THE BOND ISSUES AT THE SPECIAL MEETING. CARRIED. (Ordinances 3839 and 3840 approving both issues for the November ballot were adopted and filed in timely fashion with King County.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RESCIND ITS ACTION PERTAINING TO COMMUNITY CENTER BOND ISSUE AND NOTIFY KING COUNTY TO WITHDRAW THE ISSUE FROM THE NOVEMBER BALLOT. Speaking on behalf of 14 businesses and 63 employees, Mr. Riley reiterated his concerns that a new Community Center which offers activities at minimal fees will undarcut private enterprises in the area resulting in reduced profits or 96 Renton City Council 9/24/84 Page three Audience Comment continued Park Bond Issues business closures. He noted that many businesses offerinq continued instruction or recreational activities are currently operating under capacity even without the competition of a new Center. Continued Councilwoman Keolker asked if the positions of the Park Board or Citizens Bond Issue Committee had changed since reported at the Special Meeting. Char Baker, representing the Bond Issue Committee, and Joan Moffatt, representing the Park Board, reported their previous positions remain the same (Park Board supports and Bond Issue Committee opposes resubmittal ) . MOTION TO RESCIND ACTION ON COMMUNITY CENTER CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, BOND ISSUE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEXT BOND ISSUE CAMPAIGN FOR THE COMMUNITY Community Center CENTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Bond Issue Withdrawn Char Baker will provide copies of her report to Councilmembers. Maplewood Golf Councilman Stredicke indicated that he originally intended to Course Bond Issue request reconsideration of Council action on the Maplewood Withdrawn Golf Course. However, it is now his opinion that voters were not provided sufficient information regarding consequences of bond issue failure, noting proposal may be pending to convert golf course to nine holes with remainder developed for condominium use. Therefore, he will not request reconsideration of the matter, and without further action, the bond issue will remain on the November ballot. Council President Hughes spoke in favor of rescinding the action, noting his opinion that the voters were well-informed on the issue and have made their decision. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER. COUNCIL RESCIND ACTION ON ACQUISITION OF MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE AND NOTIFY KING COUNTY TO WITHDRAW THE ISSUE FROM THE NOVEMBER BALLOT. Councilman Reed felt any delay would be unacceptable due to possibility of immediate development. Councilwoman Keolker agreed, but felt insufficient time and funding exists to run a successful campaign. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. 3 NAYS: TRIMM, REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Audience Comment Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, inquired regarding the continued zoning of the golf course property. He was informed that the property is located in King County, outside the City of Renton boundaries, and is designated for residential development. Mr. Webb addressed the Council regarding need to support free enterprise, noting difficulties incurred by businesses in meeting government regulations. Mayor Shinpoch commended members of the Bond Issue Committee for their contributions in the campaign in spite of shortage of time. She also thanked staff of the City Clerk' s office for their efforts in meeting obligations for the Special Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which Item 6.b. Removed follows the listing. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ITEM 6.b. , BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Item 6.b. Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following members of the Human Reappointments Rights and Affairs Commission: Marilyn Bingaman, 310 Williams to Human Rights Avenue N. , term effective to 4/25/85; Peggy Cummins, 330 and Affairs Vuemont Place NE, #209, term effective to 9/19/86; Toni Nelson, Commission 13505 Empire Way South, #305A, Seattle, term effective to 9/19/86 and Glenda Williams, 4300 NE Sunset Boulevard, #P-2, term •�•d effective to 9/19/86. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Abandoned Building and Zoning Department requested revision to Ordinance Vehicle No. 3175 designating Building Director as administering official Regulations for Abandoned Vehicle Regulations. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Ramp-Down of Finance Department requested legislation to comply with State Telephone law for gradual ramp-down of City ' s telephone utility tax Utility Tax over a ten-year period from 7.75% to 60. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council 9/24/84 Page four Consent Agenda continued Brown Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive R-077-84 covenants of Larry Brown Rezone, R-077-84, for .72 acres located at SW Grady Way at 1300 Block between Oaksdale Avenue SW and Longacres Drive SW from G-1 , General , to L-1 , Light Industry. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. CAG 038-84 - Public Works/Design Engineering Department submitted CAG 038-84, Renton Airport Renton Municipal Airport Seaplane Ramp Dredging Project; and Seamplane Ramp requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Dredging estimate of $41 ,557.29, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,015.39 to the contractor, " Manson Construction s Engineering Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letters were read from Goldie Adams, 808 Dayton Avenue; Janka Summer Cleanup Shonka, 428 Burnett North; Lela T. Spady; Daisy M. Richards, Program 1107 N. 35th Street; Lillian Wicks, 1517 Davis Avenue S. ; and Frank Sherwood, 1146 Glenwood Avenue NE, expressing appreciation for summer cleanup program. Traffic Hazard Letter from Water Cook, 903 N. 36th Street, was read, citing on Lake safety hazard created on Lake Washington Boulevard caused Washington when southbound traffic veers onto the wrong side of the Boulevard in street when exiting onto Burnett Avenue N. MOVED BY TRIMM, Kennydale SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, AMEND THE MOTION TO REQUIRE A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL BY THE ENGINEER. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report indicating that review of the Honey Creek Comprehensive Development Plan amendment proposed by the Planning Commission has been Committee completed by the Committee. Three areas are proposed to be Honey Creek changed from Medium Density Multi-family and Low Density Multi- Small Area family to Low Density Multifamily, Greenbelt, and Single Family. Comprehensive Based on the report submitted by the Planning Commission and Plan Amendment on public input , the Committee recommends approval of the small (Referred area amendment as submitted, and referral to the Ways and Means 8/6/84) Committee. Chairman Stredicke added that the property under review is located behind the Lucky Shopping Center in the Renton Highlands, and there were no protests to the proposal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Policy Guidance MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THE REQUEST BY THE Request by LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT THE MAY, 1984 COMMITTEE OF THE Hearing Examiner WHOLE MEETING FOR COUNCIL POLICY GUIDANCE ON VARIOUS MATTERS BE REFERRED TO THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR RESTATEMENT, AND TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION AND RESPONSE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker made a formal Services request that the Committee report regarding bid award for Committee the Renton Area Multi-Service Center Parking Lot, which was RAMSC Parking Lot read and held at the meeting of 9/17/84, be officially Paving Project withdrawn. City Attorney Lawrence Warren clarified that Bid Rejected following review, it had been determined that the single bid received was in violation of State public bidding laws since price of quantities had been negotiated (State law allows negotiation of quantities but not quantity prices) . The project will therefore be readvertised for rebid. Councilman Trimm was commended for alerting the Council to the possible violation. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: �8 Renton City Council 9/24/84 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ordinance #3842 An ordinance was read amending portions of Title V (Business Police Regulations) of the City Code relating to police investigations Investigations of business license applications. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY of Business MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. City Attorney License Warren cited State Supreme Court Case Myrick v. Pierce Applications County in which certain regulations regarding police background investigations of business license applicants have been declared unconstitional since applicants are penalized for the same crime twice. Upon inquiry by Council , he indicated that adoption of the ordinance is advisory, not mandatory, to protect the City from suit; that registering objections to the legislate h ' with the Court would be to little avail • and the Council ' s only course of action would be to petition the State Legislature. It was noted that the cities of Kent and Enumclaw have also passed similar legislation. For the record, Councilwoman Keolker attributed timely adoption of this legislation to City Attorney Warren' s conscientious attention to recent court decisions. She noted that other cities are just now being made aware of potential jeopardy as a result of this court case, and City Attorney Warren should be commended for timely action. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3843 An ordinance was read amending portions of Title VI (Police Massage Parlor Regulations) of City Code relating to regulation of massage Regulations businesses, defining prohibited activities and declaring a nuisance. It was noted that adoption of this ordinance is also required to comply with aforementioned court case. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3844 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Fischer Rezone property located at 426 Burnett Avenue South from Residence R-076-84 District (R-3) to Business District (B-1 ) ; Fischer Rezone; File No. R-076-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke objected to approval of business zoning in a predominantly single family neighborhood. Gene Williams, Policy Development Department, indicated that although his department had reservations regarding potential development under existing R-3 zoning which allows a dense apartment building, approval for business zoning had been recommended with certain conditions to protect the neighborhood. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, KEOLKER. 2 NAYS: REED, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following ordinances for first reading: Sinnett Annexation A ordinance was read annexing property located west of Powell Avenue SW and north of SW Third Place and south of South 134th Street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Sinnett Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located west of Powell Avenue SW and north of SW Third Place and south of South 134th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Residence District (R-1 ) ; Sinnett Rezone; File No. R-007-84. (Annexation and Rezone applications were reviewed concurrently under new procedure; both annexation and rezone ordinances will be effective five days after publication , annexation ordinance to be adopted first. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Local Improvement An ordinance was read amending Chapter 24 entitled Procedure District in Foreclosure of Delinquent Local Improvement Assessments, Foreclosure Title I (Administrative) of City Code by adding new sections Procedure involving payment for attorney' s fees for foreclosing delinquent assessment liens, authorizing acceleration on default of payment of LID assessments, establishing the dates for sale of property after lien foreclosure, and establishing date of commencement of foreclosure. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 9/24/84 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee cont. indicating presentation of the Brown Annexation ordinance Brown Annexation without recommendation. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS ORDINANCE BE PLACED BEFORE COUNCIL FOR ACTION. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke left the Council Chambers due to a potential violation of appearance of fairness doctrine and did not participate in discussion or action taken. 3rown Annexation An ordinance was read annexing the westerly half of Lot 3 on )enied the east side of 104th SE, approximately 300 feet south of SE 166th for Ray Brown, petitioner. It was noted that the purpose of the annexation is to allow extension of City sewer service for future development. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL DENY THIS ANNEXATION BASED UPON THE SMALL SIZE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke returned to the Chambers. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 2393 through 2650 in the amount of $722,228.82, having received departmental certification that all merchandise/services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 2383 through 2392 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke indicated satisfaction with results of Lane Markings on paving project on N. Third Street (Cemetery Road) ; however, N. Third Street he called attention to elimination of left turn lanes by temporary lane markings, noting near-accidents have occurred. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch referenced Council referral regarding notification REPORT to property owners of potential use of land designated ''Greenbelt'' Greenbelt on the Comprehensive Plan. She explained efforts made by Designation Planning Commission and Policy Development Department to educate Comprehensive the public regarding development potential on certain property; Plan however, it is up to each individual property owner to seek this information for his/her own protection. Also, certain liability exists if the City notifies some property owners but fails to notify others of revisions to zoning categories and Comprehensive Plan designations. Continued Joan Walker, Planning Commission member, indicated similar problems incurred by Commission members in finding a title for the Comprehensive Plan designation for greenbelts to better describe its use to the general public. However, they were unsuccessful . In addition, a title change would have required revision of many ordinances. Suburban Cities Councilman Stredicke apprised Council members of future Legislative monthly meetings of the Suburban Cities Legislative Coalition Coalition for South King County. The Coalition is represented by cities of Auburn, Kent, Tukwila and Renton, and will be discussing legislation pending before State Legislature. Mayor Shinpoch added that the Coalition was not formed to supplant the Association of Washington Cities in monitoring and disseminating information regarding Legislative Sessions, but rather, will address provincial issues impacting the four cities. Executive MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Session EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:58 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session at 10: 10 p.m. ; roll Time: 10: 10 p.m. was called; all members were present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 100 CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 09/21 /84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.S2383 - 2392 CURRENT $233. 168.75 PARKS $78x577.48 STREETS 174.229. 88 LIBRARY S€.438.78 STREET FORWARD THRUST 5400.00 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) S11e426. 95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 567f649. 10 WATERWORKS UTILITY $207..844.35 AIRPORT $13.136.40 WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION $3774. 86 EQUIPMENT RENTAL S3,P875.17 INSURANCE FEND 5263. 31 FIREMEN'S PENSION $16699.19 LID CONTROL $2.701 .60 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S722o,22E. 82 WEA THE UNCERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS CGMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. DC HEREBY APPPCVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 2393 THROUGH NO. 2650 IN THE AMOUNT OF $722.228. 82 THIS 24Tr4 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1984. tqll cl D—tl�4� CCMM'LTTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBER _ - ` - _ - _ _ - - MEMSER - - - 4 ✓- - -- I t CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 9/25 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Sister City Participation; Cable TV Lease- hold Excise Tax (Parness, Warren, Hurd, and Morris-Martinez invited) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 9/27 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Miscellaneous referrals PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 9/26 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room Policy for Housing Immigration Prisoners in Renton Jail (Police Chief & staff invited) TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS & MEANS Mon. 10/1 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE t --_-- 09/24/34 9UILDING 3ZCNINS DEPORTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCIING SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10600 2.000 RENTON CENTEP ASSOC 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW DEMOLISH PARTITIONS 10601 1x100 GE;ALD J PAULUS 3511 SE 6TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 512690044502 1060 150000 EUGENE HOR5ACH 241 SW 7TH ST CONSTRUCT GREENHOUSE ADDITION 192305902905 10603 1 .950 KEUNG F ENG 509 S 3R0 ST CONST STOPAGE RGOM 783980001508 10604 161600 ALLEN CLOW 2616 MEADCW AV N CONSTRUCT ADDITION TO S/F RES 229650008209 10606 7500 V5 VESDA DARLING 437 SMITHERS AV S REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 7840300005 10607 3.400 ROBERT MAXWELL 410 RENTON AV S RETAINING WALL 722140043000 10608 11 .000 CALDWEL4 BANKER, 921 THOMAS AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 214610803 00 10609 2.166 BETTY 0 CONNER 2241 NE 27TH ST REPOOF RESID6NC"c 334390 82 08 10610 2r 300 MICHAEL CURTIN 2519 VASHON CT NE CONST PUMP ROOM BELOW 'DECK 004950001000 10611 40.000 NORMAN WILCCX 916 N 34TH ST CONST S/F ADDITION 334210273507 10612 800 THE WEIDNER CC 1650 S EAGLE RIDGE OR INST NEW DOOR IN OFFICE ENTRY 10613 150 PTN FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 1015 N 29TH ST INST EXTERIOR STAIRS 3342100790 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12029 2.400 CONVOY CO 3801 OAKESOALE AV SW WIRE FUEL PUMPS S CONTROL WIRING 12030 1 .200 JEFF ELLISON 2801 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N INST BURGLAR ALARM WIRING 12031 250 RUDY STARKOVICH 75 BURNETT AV S WIRE OFFICE AREA 12032 2 000 CHI SOL KIM 2804 CECAR AV 5 INST WIRING 12033 11.,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N REWORK ELECT IN 4-76 BLDG JOB 375551 12034 75 RAYMOND C RICHARDS 615 DAYTON AV NE SHORTENING MAST 12035 850 CHARLES HENCERSON 2513 MILL AV S INST WIRING 12036 250 RENTON SCHOCL DISTRICT 2403 JONES AV S INSTALL OUTLETS IN SUPPLY DEPT. 12037 6 000 WASHINGTON HORSEEPEEOER 2600 OAKESOALE AV SW INSTALL PA SYSTEM 12038 100 HER3ERT H HARVEY 4100 EAST VALLEY RD INST WIRING FOR SIGN 12039 75 MICHAEL CURTIN 2519 VASHON CT N= INST WIPING FOR HOT TUB 12040 200 VILLAGE SG ASSOC 1222 BRONSON WY N LOW VOLTAGE WIRING 12041 12x000 COLUMBIA INLAND DEV 302 SW 43RD ST INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 12042 100 D d D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INSTSALL TEMPORARY SERVICE 12043 5x350 SALON MAOIERA 206 SW 43RD ST ALTER 200 AMP 3 PHASE SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10735 5.000 RICHES HOME CENTER 411 RAINIER AV S INST (3) WOODSTOVES 10736 Zr700 SENAROYA CO 71 CTHOMAS AV SW INST FIRE SPRINKLER ADDITIONS 10737 600 BERNARD H CROCK 414 CHELAN AV SE INST WOOD STOVE 10738 200 MICHAEL CURTIN 2519 VASHON CT NE INST HCT TUB 10739 100 LARRY L. HOWE 1326 HARRINGTON AV NE INST FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 123 15957 BOEING AIRPLANE CU 820 SW 41ST ST INST (25) PLBG FIXTURES 124 71000 TOMMIE & SANDRA MC KNIG 2332 CAMAS AV NE INST SOLAR HOT WATER TANK/COLL . 125 1800 CHI SOL KIM 2904 CEDAR AV S INST FIXTURES (10) 126 12.000 SUNSHINE PIZZA 302 SW 43RD ST INST 30 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1291 100 HAS PROPERTY 144 RAINIER AV S INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1292 600 SUNSET HTS HCMEOWNERS 1150 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL 42 SQUARE FT SIGN 1293 3.000 SQUEAKY CLEAN CARW&SH 4111 NE 4TH ST INST 0/F PYLON SIGN, 2 S/F SIGNS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5836 Union Avenue Company 375 Union Ave. SE Sanitary building sewers for 14 lots { 5837 Burlington Northern RR 3800/3900 Oaksdale Ave. SW fmdustrial sanitary si-de sewers 5838 Charles Henderson 2513 Mill Avenue S. Sanitary building sewer (cancels P-5704 5840 CPI-3 330 SW 43rd St. Sanitary sewer connections --------------------- C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N Q�O TRANSFERS MONTHtie�`, y 84 P ( fO TH NANCS�- ft GRDR: DATE TO DESCRIPTION TOTAL 9/4/84 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Void Peoples Warrant #57197 $2.63 801/ 000/ dated 4/23/84 to Kenneth M. Cramer. Treasurer's check issued on 9/4/84 to replace it after receipt of affadavit. C I T Y O F 1: E N T 0 N TRANSFERS l '-H OF TU THE I'MY DIRECTOR: 1994 TE OUT of IN to account # DESCRIPTION TOTAL 8o2'00.zo3 .cn.m ccJ►. m� �oti 52-O`Y L N Y E R E D C I T Y E N T 0 N TRANSFERS 'ONTH OF S SMR TO THE F04MD ESSING DATE OUT Of account # In to account # DESCRIPTION TOTAL C1 -�� �c2'ct.�C3.00.oc�.vc 000llC� 53��•35.tc cc �var5a c�l:l l �'L� H -S ,CGILICc.ao3.on.C)C,.oc: 6col o`I.522.20. 0 oc-, ri- f-SCLa� 8)LLV � �ac q - 5 Fca1oo.ao3. oc� aca c;r� cxx�l 15.5:3 .to tc.fc" SQ D ehQc-v\ �o�- Lam 9-1) IX.;�C3. CK•. Oc).Cx) Iai'1c). 319.5c. tc.rc' -EG vrj (J) c gca-Ioo.a03.C)0. oo. o�:) cam/ 09. 5L2a•�,O• lo.oc) 0� 9-4 � SaG•cC check foc ihrasho.c- i-5 8C)1-1Co.ao- oo . 00. oo s.sao. 00 �1¢�ac's2 v�002-C1 L�1GCk 104 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF September, 1984 THE FINANCE DATE OUT ��ofaac er to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL 9/7/84 CLAIM'S4I � CURRENT FUND Void Peoples Warrant #4116 $75.00 801/201.00.00SS/ 000/272./00.00.00 dated 8/9/82 to Group W Cable. Treasurer's check #7574 issued on 9/6/84 to replace it after receipt of affidavit. 9/11/84 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Void Peoples Warrant #55794 $5.00 801/ 000/ dated 2/6/84 to Brenda Fallgreen . Treasurer's check #7575 issued on 9/11/84 to replace it after receipt of affidavit. C I TY OF 1( ENTON TRANSFERS (MONTH OF lu THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: ,TE OUT of account numbe IN to account # DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1-a.0 CC)C;'Crl. 522.40. 10.Oc Fo�I&C•aC3.0C).CC •cr, G n q C,(-dC n - nC-F- V-)0•G Ck1(A (7Q A rim C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF September, 1984 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: TE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL ` 9/24/8 CONTINGENCY FUND CIP FUND ZESOLUTION #2569 $34,765.00 107/000.22.597.00.50.00 317/000.397.00.00.07 0 R�+ AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT I. HUGHES, V CI �- Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT _ EARL CLYMER z 0 rn NANCY L. MATHEWS �� 0 JOHN W. REED RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHAR AM. S O 0�Q�o THOMAS W. TR MMCKE 9�TFD SEPSREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING OCTOBER 1, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 9/21 /84 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 9/24/84 4. PROCLAMATION - National Unity Day Against Domestic Violence, 10/14/84 5. PUBLIC HEARING - Local Improvement District No. 329 - Improvements to SW 43rd Street Adjacent to Valley General Hospital 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. I'Ihen you are recognized by the Presidinq Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $363. 25 filed by James M. Hammond, 3012 Magnolia Boulevard W. , Seattle, for windshield allegedly broken by rock falling from truck (8/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Service. b. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval subject to conditions for Wick Homes, Inc. Final Plat; File No. FP-074-84; 70-lot single family subdivision located in the vicinity of 174 Union Avenue NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMP.4ENT 14. ADJOURNMENT 10^ RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 1, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Immigration Prisoners Policy CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Hammond Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE RAYS Request for Funding PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Fire Department Policy for Single Family Residential Building Permit Review Metro Land Use Policy UTILITIES COMMITTEE Hancheroff Request for City Cost Participation in Watermain Project WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Local Improvement District 329 Wick Homes Final Plat, FP-074-84 Greenbelt Reaulations (Ist reading 10/1/84) Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan ( 1st reading 10/1 /84) Honey Creek Area Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Ist reading 10/1 /84) Larry Brown Rezone, R-077-84 (Ist reading 10/1/84) 107 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 1 , 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. `BOLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President ; KATHY A. KEOLKER, ;OUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department; RICHARD M. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE 9/21/84 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21 , 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE 9/24/84 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared Sunday, October 14, National Unity 1984, as National Unity Day Against Domestic Violence, in Day Against support of DAWN (the Domestic Abuse Women ' s Network) which Domestic Violence provides safe homes, counseling, and legal advocacy for victims of domestic violence, and works towards prevention of future suffering. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Proposed LID 329 published and mailed according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider proposed Local Improvement District No. 329, for street improvements on South 43rd Street from Talbot Road South to SR-167 adjacent to Valley Medical Center (formerly Valley General Hospital ) . Letter was read from Dennis A. Popp, Administrator, Valley Medical Center, reconfirming endorsement of the project by the Board of Commissioners, and withdrawing their statement of financial limitation previously filed. Mr. Popp requested that costs be kept to a minimum and inspections of the hospital facility be made promptly to enable issuance of temporary occupancy permit for the new Radiation Oncology center. Continued Letter from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton was read reporting that no protests have been filed against the LID. Mr. Houghton briefly reviewed the history of LID formation, noting that an earlier LID encompassing a much larger area had failed due to high percentage of protests. In July of this year, two of the property owners, Valley Medical Center and One Valley Place, again petitioned the City for improvement of S. 43rd Street. Continued Utilizing a vicinity map of the area, Mr. Houghton described the scope of the project which includes widening both north and south sides of the street to a seven-lane configuration; improving the intersection at Talbot Road S. ; and installing a traffic signal at Davis Avenue S. and S. 43rd Street. The final design for stacking lanes at intersections will be determined following assessment of traffic volumes at various times of day. Councilman Stredicke noted that a proposal for additional retail use within the One Valley Place development is currently under review by the City, and approval of the plan may result in changes to traffic volume and peak hours of traffic. Renton City Council 10/1 /84 Page two Public Hearing continued Preliminary Owen Hall , 12507 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue, representing One LID 329 Valley Place, indicated support of the project. City Attorney Warren clarified that if the Council approves the project this date, the Building Department is prepared to immediately issue a temporary occupancy permit for the new hospital radiology unit. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Councilman Stredicke inquired for the record if any proposed LID improvements would have been required in addition to those imposed as conditions of building permit issuance, questioning City credit loaned to LID. Public Works Director Houghton advised that all improvements were required as conditions by the Environmental Review Committee, Hearing Examiner, or the City' s Off-Site Improvement Ordinance. City Attorney Warren also reported that although the two participants will fund 90% of the project cost, the City and one other development will contribute approximately 10%. MOTION CARRIED. Continued MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ACCEPT THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted in one motion which follows the listing: Hammond Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $363.25 filed by James M. for Damages Hammond, 3012 Magnolia Boulevard W. , Seattle, for windshield CL 27-84 allegedly broken by rock falling from truck (8/23/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Wick Homes, Inc. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval subject to Final Plat conditions for Wick Homes, Inc. Final Plat; File No. FP-074-84; FP-074-84 70-lot single family subdivision located in the vicinity of 174 Union Avenue NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Added letter from Robert W. Hancheroff, DDS, was read, Hancheroff Water requesting the City to participate in costs for a water Main Request main project in the vicinity of Benson Road South and Puget Drive (west of Renton Elks Lodge) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REFER THIS MATTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke asked if the City had been invited to City Auction participate in joint auction being held by cities of Bellevue, Redmond, and Issaquah which is scheduled the same day as City of Renton auction on October 13, 1984. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter would be investigated. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Police Immigration Department to cancel the current contract to house prisoners Prisoners Policy for the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Renton Jail . The Committee further recommended that the matter be referred back to the Administration for action. MOVED BY REED. SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fire Department Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Requirements for regarding the matter of Fire Department requirements for land Land Use use applications. At the Committee' s request, the Fire Applications Marshal presented an overview of the present review process for land use applications and applicable standards used as fire protection requirements. The Public Safety Committee agreed that no changes were warranted to the standards presently in use. However, further consideration may be desirable in that the Fire Department review all single family building permit applications. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Renton City Council 10/1/84 Page three Old Business continued Public Safety MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY Committee cont. FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3845 An ordinance was read annexing property located west of Powell Sinnett Annexation Avenue SW and north of SW 3rd Place and south of S. 134th Street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3846 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Sinnett Rezone property located west of Powell Avenue SW and north of SW 3rd R-007-84 Place and south of S. 134th Street from General Classification District (G-1 ) to Residence District (R-1 ) ; Sinnett Rezone; File No. R-007-84. (Annexation and Rezone applications reviewed concurrently under new procedure. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3847 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 24 entitled Procedure Procedure for in Foreclosure of Delinquent Local Improvement Assessments, Foreclosure on Title I (Administrative) of City Code by adding new sections LIDS involving payment for attorney' s fees for foreclosing delinquent assessment liens, authorizing acceleration on default of payment of LID assessments, establishing the dates for sale of property after lien foreclosure, and establishing date of commencement of foreclosure. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren explained effects of said ordinance; indicated that notices were posted on the property and sent to property owners by registered mail ; and that foreclosure procedures have been necessary four times in the past three �- years. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending first reading and advancement to second and final reading of the following ordinance: Ordinance No. An ordinance was read revoking Ordinance No. 3839 and No. 3840 3839 and 3840 by withdrawing submittal of bond issues to construct and Revoked (Park equip a community center and to acquire, recondition and Bond Issues) improve Maplewood Golf Course, and preserve the City' s water supply; such bond issues to have been submitted to the voters at the State General Election on November 6, 1984. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3848 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Ordinance No. ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, 3839 and 3840 COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: Revoked (Park HUGHES, KEOLKER, STREDICKE, MATHEWS, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: Bond Issues) REED, TRIMM. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following ordinances for first reading: Greenbelt An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 of Title Regulations IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to Greenbelt Regulations. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Green River An ordinance was read amending the City' s Comprehensive Plan Valley and Maps and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain Comprehensive properties located in the Green River Valley of the City of Plan Renton (Valley Comprehensive Plan) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/1/84 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued Honey Creek Area An ordinance was read amending the City' s Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive and Maps and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain Plan Amendment properties located in the Honey Creek study area of the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Larry Brown An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone property located on SW Grady Way at 1300 Block, between R-077-84 Oaksdale Avenue SW and Longacres Drive SW from General Classification (G-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) for Larry Brown, File No. R-077-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Abandoned Vehicle An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 23 of Ordinance Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code relating to the administering official . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, CORRESPONDENCE FROM Metro Land Use LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER REQUESTING REVIEW OF POLICY FOR Policy LAND USE CHANGE APPLICATIONS AT METRO TREATMENT PLANT BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RAYS Request MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CORRESPONDENCE FROM for Funding JUNE LEONARD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF RENTON AREA YOUTH SERVICES, REQUESTING SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDS BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. State Patrol Councilman Stredicke questioned why State Patrol vehicles in Highlands are patroling the Highlands area and issuing tickets to motorists within the City limits. Mayor Shinpoch indicated she would research the matter. Councilman Councilman Clymer indicated he will be absent from the next Clymer Attends two Council meetings so he can attend a reunion of his WWII Reunion Navy crew in Lexington , Kentucky. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced that the l% for Art Committee has REPORT selected Tonkin Park (399 Williams Avenue South) as the Dedication of alternate site for ''Donkey Runaway from the Mines,'' a life- City Art Selection size casting by artist Richard S. Beyer. Dedication of the casting, which was originally proposed for location at the new City Shop Facility in the Renton Highlands, will be Friday, October 5, 1984 at 1 :00 p.m. The new site was selected to allow a greater number of people the opportunity to view the artwork. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:54 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 1, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIAAE CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/2 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Social Service Program Funding PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/4 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 10/4 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Policies for Release of Easements and Special Connection Charges (Public Works staff invited) WAYS S MEANS Mon. 10/8 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Dedication of life-size casting Fri. 10/5 1 :00 P.M. Tonkin Park by Richard S. Beyer - "Donkey Runaway From the Mines" ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 10/01 /84 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED y, WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10614 10,000 DAN HULL 805 N 31ST ST REBUILD WALLS/F RESIDENCE 334210035500 10615 210,000 JACK A PENARCYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST INTERIOR ALTERATIONS-3LDG 5 362304900107 10616 14,500 WILLIAM C GESENINI 101 BURNETT PL S SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION 00720012509 10617 1 ,500 DAVID A VANWECHEL 261C MORRIS AV S ENCLOSE EEXISTING PORCH 889900021003 10018 148,000 THE SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET 8L N CONST 7-11 STORE 172305909100 10619 55,C00 HIBURY HOMES INC 420 FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE '29180079009 10620 10,200 PAUL CANNON 1024 ANACORTES AV NE CONST CARPORT & GARAGE 345040014002 10621 3,500 ROLLING HILLS ASSOC 1601 ROLLING HILLS AV SE, CONST STORAGE ADDITION TO BATH HOUSE 739900066005 10622 4,500 KENNETH BELLEVILLE 705 SW 3RD PL REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 2143700931 10623 4,675 MR M DOLEN 814 N 2ND ST REROOF APARTMEMT 10624 10,160 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST 234 L.F. PARTITIONS/ SPRINK. 10625 350 WAYNE ZIEKE 2016 WHITMAN AV NE CONST CHIMNEY 278722064004 10626 3,531 RAY FIDECAFO 824 KIRKLAND AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 8074400085 10627 1 ,000 EDITH M COLIS 330 PELLY AV N REROOF RESIDENCE 722400052006 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12041 12,000 COLUMBIA INLAND DEV 302 SW 43RD ST INST UNDERGROUND WIRING 12042 100 D & 0 FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INSTSALL TEMPORARY SERVICE 12043 5,350 SALON MADIERA 206 SW 43RD ST ALTER 20C AMP 3 PHASE SERVICE 12044 1 ,000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST LOW VOLTAGE VALVES 12045 2,300 PACIFIC NW BELL 300 SW 7TH ST INST NEW LIGHTING/ALTER CIRCUITS 12046 300 AITON CONST CO 927 HAPRINGTON AV NE INST WIRING 12047 12,000 ARCO OIL CO 405 PARK AV N INST NEW 400 A SERVICE, WIRE 12048 27,500 BENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST INST WIRING 12049 800 PAUL ALUNIKOFF 1504 N 3RD ST ALTERATION OF WIRING 12050 200 OW PROPERTIES 1107 Sw GRADY WY INST 9 CAN LIGHTS IN HALL 2NO FLOOR 12051 125,000 JACK BENAROYA CO 1018 SW 41ST ST INST EQUIPMENT, WIRE 12052 VOID MECHANICAL PERMITS 10739 100 LARRY L . HOWE 1326 HARRINGTON AV NE INST FURNACE 10740 1 ,150 PETER A. R. FURZER 1316 DAYTON AV NE INST WOOD STCVE 10741 500 HAROLD J AUSTIN 809 JONES AVS INST WCOD STOVE 10742 17,000 E P INDUSTRIES 301 HOUSER WY N INST 4 EXHAUST FANS/DUCTWORK 10743 23,000 NW 6LDG. CORP 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST 6 A/C UNITS PLUMBING PERMITS 127 7,000 JAY JOHNSON 2109 SE 22ND PL INST HOT WATER HEATER 128 1 ,800 HlBUTY HOMES INC. 2634 NE 5TH CT INSTALL 12 FIXTURES 129 1 ,800 HIBURY HOMES INC . 520 FERNDALE AV NE INSTALL 12 FIXTURES 130 1 ,800 HIBURY HOMES INC . 411 FERNDALE AV NE INSTALL 12 FIXTURES 131 1 ,800 HIBURY HOMES INC. 2628 NE STH CT INSTALL 12 FIXTURES 132 125 PAUL WINCHESTER 1514 INDEX AV SE INSTALL GAS PIPING FOR HOT TU8 133 400 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST 70' '-iOT/CCLO WATER PIPE 134 3,144 NW BLDG CORP 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST 20 PLSG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1294 60 JERRY SMITH 409E EAST VALLEY RO INST ( 10) DAY GRAND OPENING SIGN 10-1-84 TO 1C-1C-84 1295 1 ,800 PUGET POWER 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINST SITE IDENTIFICATION SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5839 Squeeky Clean Car Wash 4111 NE 4th Street Install fire hydrant, storm, sanitary and r/w work 5841 Cascade Pacific Dev. Corp. 3003 Cedar Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5843 Ryder Trucks 4130 W. Valley Highway Install r/v drain 5843 Ron Robinson 2707 Cedar Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer 5844 City of Pr `an Cedar River Park Storm connection t t R OF R�. 11�� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT 1. HUGHES, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z o KATHY KEOLKER O NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 900 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RCHARDMEDREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM 0N7rED SEPIeo REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING OCTOBER, 8, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 1, 1984 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presidinq Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed fpr further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports official returns for Primary/Special Elections on 9/18/84 for Park Bond Issues as tabulated by King County Canvassing Board of Elections. Information. b. Housing and Community Development requests a public hearing be set for consideration of 1985 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. Council concur and set public hearing for 11 /5/84. c. Land Use Hearina Examiner recommends approval with conditions of Final Plat and Final Planned Unit Development for Sea Van Properties; File No. FP-082-84 and FPUD-083-84; Falcon Ridae Subdivision (formerly Cedar Ridqe) consisting of 138 single family residential units on 130 lots located on SE 8th Drive and Lake Youngs Way SE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Land Use Hearinq Examiner recommends aporoval with restrictive covenants for AA-V Properties Rezone, File No. R-064-84, for approximately 5. 7 acres located on the south side of SE Carr Road, 400 feet east of Talbot Road S. , from G-1, General Classification, to R-3, Multifamily Residential. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Parks Department submits CAG-041-84, Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Galvinized Railings Project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for first and final payment in the amount of $15, 964. 64, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of payment to Rainier Welding, Inc. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. f. Public Works/Design Engineering Department submits CAG-041-83 for Renton Avenue South Street Improvements; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to LLM Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2, 349.65 if all required releases have been received. Concur. g. Public ;"forks/Traffic Engineering Department submits CAG-036-84, NE Sunset Boulevard and Union Avenue NE SicJnalization and Channelization Project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate of $30, 740. 10, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1,617. 90 to Signal Electric if all required releases are received. Council concur. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OI_D BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . .AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 114 ADDENDUM RENTON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA OCTOBER 8, 1984 ADD : CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 5.h. : le Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submits CAG-016-84, North 3rd Street and Sunset Boulevard North Widening & Signalization Project; and requests approval of the project, authorization of final pay estimate of $48, 900. 14, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to U.D.L. , Inc. if all required releases have been received within that period. Council concur. ;��4y MAXI E. NIU I OR, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 8, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Sign Regulations of Shoreline Master Program COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Special Events Fee Policy MAYOR & CITY CLERK Contract for participation in Hancheroff watermain project WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Falcon Ridge Final Plat and Final PUD (held for covenants) M-V Properties Rezone Sigh Regulations of Shoreline Master Program Release of Easements Legislation Ramp-down of Telephone Utility Tax PUBLIC HEARING 11/5/84 - 1985 Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program 116 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED. NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 1 , 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT John German, Vice-Principal of Renton High School , 400 S. Renton High 2nd Place, requested waiver of $176.00 fee required by the School Request City for Renton High School Homecoming Parade on October 11th. for Waiver of He noted the four and one-half block parade route begins at Special Event the high school and ends at Renton Stadium. Upon inquiry, Fee Administrative Assistant Mike Parness referenced a memorandum sent to the City Council in July concerning a policy for special events in view of numerous races being set on City right-of- way. Of particular concern were overtime costs paid to police officers to patrol the area of the event. The policy would require sponsors to pay for all expenses associated with the activity. Upon petition, the City Council can waive the fee by formal action. Continued Council President Hughes recalled that Council had recently waived the fee for a similar activity sponsored by the Cowntown Merchants Association, comprised of members in business for profit; and felt that non-profit organizations should be given at least the same consideration. It was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL WAIVE THE FEE FOR THE RENTON HIGH SCHOOL SPECIAL EVENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, MATTER OF COUNCIL POLICY FOR WAIVER OF OVERTIME COSTS RELATED TO SPECIAL EVENTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Primary Election City Clerk reported official returns for Primary/Special Results on Bond Elections held on September 18, 1984 for Park Bond Issues Issues as tabulated by King County Canvassing Board of Elections: Proposition No. 1 , Community Center Bonds in the amount of $4,100,000 - 3,724 Yes, 3, 161 No*(defeated) ; Proposition No. 2, Maplewood Golf Course Bonds in the amount of $4,200,000 - 2,962 Yes, 3,903 No (defeated) . Information. *60% approval req'd H & CD Block Housing and Community Development Department requested a Grant Program public hearing be set for consideration of 1985 Housing and 1985 Community Development Block Grant Program. Council concur and set public hearing for November 5, 1984. Falcon Ridge Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions (Cedar Ridge) of Final Plat and Final Planned Unit Development for Sea Van Subdivision by Properties; File No. FP-082-84 and FPUD-083-84; Falcon Ridge Sea Van Properties Subdivision (formerly Cedar Ridge) consisting of 138 single FP-082-84 family residential units on 130 lots located on SE 8th Drive FPUD-083-84 and Lake Youngs Way SE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ordinances and Resolutions for further action. Renton City Council 10/15/84 Page two Consent Agenda continued M-V Properties Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive Rezone covenants of M-V Properties Rezone, File No. R-064-84, for R-064-84 approximately 5.7 acres located on the south side of SE Carr Road, 400 feet east of Talbot Road South, from G-1 , General Classification, to R-3, Multifamily Residential Classification. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Coulon Park Parks Department submitted CAG-041-84, Gene Coulon Memorial Galvanized Beach Park Galvanized Railings Project; and requested approval Railings of the project, authorization for first and final payment in CAG-041-84 the amount of $15,964.64, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of payment to Rainier Welding, Inc. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Renton Avenue Public Works/Design Engineering Department submitted CAG-041-83 South Street for Renton Avenue South Street Improvements; and requested Improvements approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, CAG-041-83 commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to LLM Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,349.65 if all required releases have been received. Council concur. NE Sunset Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted CAG-036-84, Boulevard/Union NE Sunset Boulevard and Union Avenue NE Signalization and Avenue NE Signal Channelization Project, and requested approval of the project, CAG-036-84 authorization for final pay estimate of $30,740. 10, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $1 ,617.90 to Signal Electric if all required releases are received. Council concur. N. 3rd Street/ Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted CAG-016-84, Sunset Boulevard North 3rd Street and Sunset Boulevard North Widening and Widening & Signal Signalization Project; and requested approval of the project, Project authorization of fnal pay estimate of $48,900. 14, commencement CAG-016-84 of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to U.D.L. , _. Inc. if all required releases have been received within that period. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Adopted CONSENT AGENDA WITH ADDENDUM. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report indicating that the Committee has reviewed the matter Development of setbacks from arterial streets for various zoning Committee classifications, referred on September 12, 1983 for additional Setbacks from study. The Committee found no discrepancies in Code Arterial Streets requirements for setback standards from arterial streets and recommended no changes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sign Regulations Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented of Shoreline a report concurring in the Council action to remove sign Master Program regulations in the Shoreline Master Program and place them in the Sign Code. The Committee also noted that the fee schedule was removed from the Shoreline Master Program and placed in the Fee Schedule Ordinance, but the old Shoreline fees were inadvertently not deleted. Therefore, the Committee recommended that the Sign Code and Fee Schedule be revised accordingly, and the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED �.. BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee recommending the policy on release of easements be referred Release of to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper legislation. Easements Chairman Mathews clarified that the policy is based on the City' s policy for street vacations with appropriate changes in wording to allow waiver by City Council of release of easement fee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 118 Renton City Council 10/8/84 Page three Old Business continued Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the Public Works Department ' s recommendation Hancheroff for the City to participate in up to one-half the construction Request for costs, not to exceed $10,000, in a watermain project, based on City Cost Resolution No. 2164, to increase water pressure and delivery Participation on Benson Road. The Committee further recommended that the in Watermain Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts. Project Chairman Mathews clarified that support for City participation by the Public Works Department is predicated upon need to improve circulation for fire flow and complete the water system in that City area. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Responding to Council concerns regarding potential pressure surges as a result of new lines, Mayor Shinpoch assured that the City is well aware of the problems caused by surges in the past, and appropriate precautions will be taken to protect existing lines. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3849 An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 of Title Greenbelt IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to Greenbelt Regulations Regulations. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3850 An ordinance was read amending the City' s Comprehensive Plan Green River Valley and maps and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain Comprehensive Plan properties located in the Green River Valley of the City of Renton (Valley Comprehensive Plan) . MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, MATHEWS, TRIMM. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE, REED. CARRIED. Ordinance #3851 An ordinance was read amending the City' s Comprehensive Plan Honey Creek Area and maps and data in conjunction therewith relating to certain Comprehensive properties located in the Honey Creek study area of the City Plan Amendment of Renton. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3852 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Larry Brown property lcoated on SW Grady Way at 1300 Block, between Rezone Oaksdale Avenue SW and Longacres Drive SW from General R-077-84 Classification (G-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) for Larry Brown, File No. R-077-84. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES • CARRIED. Ordinance #3853 An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 23 of Abandoned Vehicle Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code relating to the Ordinance administering official : Building Director. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Ramp-Down of An ordinance was read amending the utility tax rate as it Telephone applies to the privilege of conducting a telephone business, Utility Tax from 7.2225% to 7.05%, effective January 1 , 1985 within the City of Renton limits. It was noted that State Utilities and Transportation Committee as well as the City of Renton will oversee enforcement of this reduction by the telephone companies. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading: Renton City Council 10/8/84 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued Sea Van Properties A resolution was read approving a final plat and final planned Final Plat and unit development for Sea Van Properties (Falcon Ridge, formerly Final Planned Unit Cedar Ridge) , property located at SE 8th Drive and Lake Youngs Development Way SE, File No. FP-082-84 and FPUD-083-84. MOVED BY REED, FP-082-84 SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS RESOLUTION BE REFERRED BACK TO FPUD-083-84 COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK TO ALLOW FOR SUBMISSION OF RESTRICTIVE Falcon Ridge COVENANTS FOR HOMEOWNERS AGREEMENT REQUIRED BY THE HEARING (Cedar Ridge) EXAMINER. Councilman Stredicke questioned lot size and method of access, private or public, to the development. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide a report prior to next Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 2655 through 2872 in the amount of $686,639.34, having received departmental certification that all merchandise/services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 2651 through 2654 machine voided. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a status report on the Sunpointe Sunpointe Development (CHG International , Inc. ) . He noted Development complaints by two adjacent residential property owners (CHG International , regarding access at recent public hearing held by Hearing Inc. ) Examiner for the subject property, and questioned whether conditions of previous approval are being enforced by the City. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to investigate the matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that the City' s most recent art REPORT acquisition commissioned with to for Arts funds, ''Donkey Art Work Runaway from the Mines,'' was intentionally broken off its Vandalized base by vandals in a pickup truck just prior to its scheduled dedication at Tonkin Park on Friday. The 600-pound aluminum donkey was sculpted by Richard Beyer, who has assured the City that repair is possible. Representatives of the Municipal Arts Commission, Police Department, and Parks Department will be meeting to determine the most appropriate and safe location for the sculpture following the repair project. Councilman Trimm supported relocation of the art work in Tonkin Park if it is moved to the opposite side away from the railroad tracks. State Patrol Responding to Council inquiry on 10/1/84 regarding authority of the State Patrol , Mayor Shinpoch reported that State Patrol Officers are not only authorized to cite drivers on Renton streets, but are obligated to cite on State roads located within the Renton city limits. The Renton Police Department welcomes the assistance of the State Patrol . Policy Mayor Shinpoch announced that a Policy Development Director Development has been selected after a lengthy recruitment and selection Director process involving over 100 candidates. The scores of the top Selected two finalists were exactly the same, and in accordance with the City' s equal opportunity policy, the position was offered to a Seattle woman, Evelyn Sun, who has extensive municipal planning experience. However, Mrs. Sun decided to accept a position with a private consulting firm and declined the City' s offer. The position was then accepted by alternate Larry Springer, formerly head of the Comprehensive Planning Department of Snohomish County Planning Division. Mr. Springer' s credentials are extensive, and include a Doctorate degree from Pennsylvania State University. He will begin work on 11/1/84. South King County A meeting of the South King County mayors and council members Mayors & Council will be held on Tuesday, October 16, 1984, 6: 30 p.m. at Members Meeting Muldoon' s Restaurant in Auburn. Legislative strategy for the south end will be discussed. All Council members are invited. Feasibility Study Administrative Assistant Mike Parness reported that the matter for Fire Training of a feasibility study for a fire training site continues to Site be discussed by Renton, Kent and Tukwila Fire Chiefs. If approved, Matrix Management, a consulting firm working with Valley CommCenter, will prepare a series of proposals, including options for a centrally located joint facility or individual 120 Renton City Council 10/8/84 Page five Administrative Report continued Fire Training training sites. Fund are available in the 1984 budget for Site Study the study, which will cost approximately $15,000, and it is hoped continued that the project can get underway by the end of this year. Reporter Mayor Shinpoch introduced Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle Welcomed reporter recently assigned to cover City Hall news. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 8:44 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all Time: 9: 15 p.m. members present except Councilman Clymer, previously excused. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR ' CITY CF REN70N CATE 10/05/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS NO.: 02651 - 02654 CURRENT $114,108.42 PARKS $42,953.74 ARTERIAL STREETS $49,987.65 STREETS $28,055.45 LIBRARY $3,123.46 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $26,160.C7 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV $2,309.22 STREET FORWARD THRUST $30,068.56 G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR $23,933.97 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $690.93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $35,735.20 WATERWORKS UTILITY $133,248.C7 AIRPORT $101031.03 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $26,513.66 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $18.369.33 INSURANCE FLND $374.00 LID CONTROL $140,919.58 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $686,639.34 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/GR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENCERED, DC HEREBY APPRCVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 2655 THROUGH NO. 2872 IN THE AMOUNT OF $686,639.34 THIS STH CAY OF OCT'O"R 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN' - f- - - - - - MEMBER l�/� MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY COUNCIL MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 10/11 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers Renton CBD Metro Transit Center Site Selection ; Library Expansion Project; Matter of Parade Fee Waiver COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/16 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room RAYS 1984 Funding Request (Parness invited) Tues. 10/23 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room 1985 Housing S Community Development Program (Joint Citizens Committee Meeting) PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT No Meeting STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 10/11 3:00 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Aviation Committee Referrals (AVIATION) UTILITIES MATHEWS WAYS S MEANS Mon. 10/15 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS LEOFF Board Weds. 10/10 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Wood Stove Safety Seminar Tues. 10/9 7-9:00 p.m. Fire Station Conference Room � r a ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 10/08/84 BUILDING 8 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 8, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 0628 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR 3800 OAKESOALE AV SW GRADE B FILL FCR 9500 CU YDS 0629 55,000 CLIFTON W. CAVIS 3014 MILL AV S CONSTRUCT S/F RES'OENCE 889870107006 10630 BARRY HAMMOND 375 UNION AV SE #46 SET UP MOBILE HCME 10631 2,500 BARRY HAMMOND 375 UNICN AV SE #46 CONSTRUCT SHEO,PATIO,DRIVEWAY 10632 40.000 T R HAZELRIGG 5025 RIPLEY LN N CONST S/F ADDITION 3343302880 10633 4.000 RALPH BALDERSON 375 UNICN AV SE #55 SET MOBILE HOME 10634 2.500 RALPH BALDERSON 375 UNICN AV SE 055 CONST PATIO ETC ' 10635 LARRY MC NAMAR 375 UNICN AV SE #123 SET MOBILE HCME 0636 2x500 LARRY MC NAMAR 375 UNION AV SE 0123 CONST PATIO,DRIVEWAY ETC 10637 15,000 DONALD KRALL 1425 KENNEWICK AV NE GARAGE AND DECK 10638 10,000 STASE SANTI 221 WELLS AV S INTERIOR REMODEL FCR ENCORE 723150192000 10639 3, OQ VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST REMOD=L RECEPTION AREA 3123059002 10640 90(J PEGGY BOSTCCK 3700 NE 10TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 298740009501 10641 5,200 JEFFERY ELLISON 2801 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N NEW MOORING PIER V047-84 SM 111-84 334210404607 10642 10,C00 BECKMANN HOMES INC 708 SW 13TH ST CONST FDTN ONLY PER SECTION 303 1982 UBC 334040494505 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12053 500 KENNETH B-cLLVILLE 705 SW 3RD PL INST WIRING FOR FIRE CAMAGE 12054 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE #55 INST WIRING 12055 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNICN AV SE A46 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME 12056 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE 0123 HOOK UP MOBILE HCME 12057 42,000 RENTON PLAZA INC 1400 TALBOT RD S INST ELECT IN HALLS d PARK LOT 12058 27,382 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW WIRE TENANT SPACE 12059 2x467 CONVOY COMPANY 3801 OAKESCALE AV SW ADO OFFICE SPACES 12060 15PC00 MACKINTOSH PARTNERSHIP 801 HOUSER WY N INSTALL CIRCUIT & WIRE MACHINES 12061 200 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST ALTER WIRING IN RECEPT AREA 12062 50 ARMSTRONG HCMES 5121 RIPLEY LN N INST TEMPORARY POWER 12063 2,500 CHECK PRINT 4308 JONES AV NE RUN CIRCUITS, LOCK UP PRESS, LIGHTING, MILL MACH. 12064 4,170 KOONS 2640 NE 207H ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 12065 150 LEROY MANSKE 1622 BLAINE AV NE WIRE ADDITION S/F RESIDENCE 12066 18.000 PACIFIC CAR & FCUNORY C 1400 N 4TH ST INST WIRING IN COMPUTER SYSTEM MECHANICAL PERMITS 10744 1.100 ROGER KNUDSCN 855 PIERCE AV NE INST WOOD STOVE 10745 450 DARLENE HOUK 1160 RECMONC AV NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10746 41x000 BENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST INST 4 HEAT PUMPS, 3 EXH FANS PLUMBING PERMITS 135 8400 BILLY MC HALE'S 241 SW 7TH ST INST PLBG (15) FIXTURES, ALTER. 136 15,C00 WASHINGTON TECHNICAL CT 841 POWELL AV SW INST 2 HOSE BIBS, 1 DRAIN LINE 137 15,000 WASHINGTON TECH CTR 901 POWELL AV SW INST 2 MCSE 8I3S, 1 DRAIN LINE 138 15,000 WASHINGTON TECH CTR 923 POWELL AV SW INST 2 HOSE BISSA DRAIN LINE 139 15,000 WASHINGTON TECH CTR 935 POWELL AV SW INST 2 HOSE BIBS, 1 DRAIN LINE 140 2,800 D & D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INST 6 PLBG FIXTURES, 2 HOSESIBS SIGN PERMITS 1296 1,300 CONVOY COMPANY 3801 OAKESCALE AV SW INST FREE STANCING SIGN 1297 900 TERMINAL SERVICE CO 36C3 OAKESDALE AV SW INST FREE STANCING SIGN 1298 800 JIM ROUTOS 4096 EAST VALLEY RD INST WCODEN SIGN 1299 3,000 MR CHU 2132 SW 43RD ST INST ONE 300 SC FT OFF PREMISE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5 Plavins. Lee (Arco) 401 Park Avenue N. Install fire hydrant and riqht/of/way work 5847 Bumstead Machine Co. 411 Olympia Ave. NE Install storm sewer 5849 State Dept. of Trans. 1-405 E N. 44th St. Relocate 12-inch watermain, install 2 hydrants CSF �. ; •. AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROCOUN1. HUGHES, CIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z NANCY L. MATHEWS O loom JOHN W. REED OHO Pr RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.THOMAS THOMAS W. TRIMM 0,9g7�ED SEpSEoO� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING OCTOBER 15, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8 : 00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2 . CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8 , 1984 4 . AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes . 5 . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building and Zoning Department request review of City Ordinance with regard to fences and hedges (Code Section 4-717 .c) regarding regulations and enforcement. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Public Works/Utilities Department presents Schneider Homes , Inc. request for utility crossings over the City' s Spring- brook Watershed property. Refer to the Utilities Committee. c. Public Works/Utilities Department requests latecomer' s agreement for City built sewers along NE 20th St. and Jones Ave. NE. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. Appeal has been filed with the City Clerk of the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation for Schneider Homes, Inc. Pre- liminary and Final Planned Unit Development (Files #PPUD 080-84/FPUD 081-84) located on the East side of Monroe Ave. NE at the 500 Block. Hearing Examiner recommended denial of PPUD. Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. 6 . CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9 . NEW BUSINESS 10 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12 . ADJOURNMENT 124 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 15, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Correspondence from Char Baker, Park Bond Committee COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE King County Youth Services Funding Letter PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Fence and Hedge Regulations Schneider Homes Appeal UTILITIES COMMITTEE Request for utility crossing at Springbrook Watershed (Schneider Homes) Kennydale Latecomer Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE M-V Properties Rezone (Ist reading 10/15/84) LID 329 (Ist reading 10/15/84) Release of Easements (Ist reading 10/15/84) PUBLIC HEARING 11/5/84 - 1985 Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 15, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; CAPTAIN DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8, 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared October 15 through Community 19, 1984, as Community College Week in Renton, in recognition College Week of the theme: ''Excellence in Education: Community Colleges are Working for Washington.'' The proclamation commended the people of Green River Community College and other community colleges for their continuing efforts in providing excellent academic, vocational , continuing, and community education to the citizens of Renton and the State of Washington. In honor of her father- in-law, Hugh Mathews, who has served on the Green River College Board of Trustees since its inception, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Dr. Clark Townsend, Assistant to the President of Green River College, accepted the proclamation with appreciation, and indicated that Mr. Mathews is one of three community college board members with the longest tenure in the state. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Fence and Building and Zoning Department requested review of City Hedge Regulations Code Section 4-717(c) , fence and hedge regulations, for purposes of enforcement and clarification for the Board of Adjustment in reviewing variance applications. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Utility Public Works/Utilities Engineering Department submitted Crossing Schneider Homes, Inc. request for utility crossings over at Springbrook Springbrook Watershed property (former Squire site) . Watershed Refer to Utilities Committee. Kennydale Public Works/Utilities engineering Department requested Latecomer latecomer agreement for City-built sewers in Jones Avenue NE Agreement from NE 20th Street to NE 27th Court and NE 20th Street, from Edmonds Avenue NE to Monterey Avenue NE, installed in conjunction with reconstruction of these streets with Half-Cent Gas Tax Fund. Refer to Utilities Committee. Appeal by Appeal of Land Use Hearing Examiner' s Recommendation filed Schneider Homes, for Schneider Homes, Inc. Preliminary and Final Planned Inc. ; PPUD-080-84 Unit Development Requests; File No. PPUD-080-84 and FPUD-081-84 FPUD-081-84; multifamily complex consisting of 160 units on 8.92 acres of property located on the east side of Monroe Avenue NE at the 500 Block. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Consent t - . Ja MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 126 Renton City Council 10/15/84 Page two Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CORRESPONDENCE Park Bond REGARDING PARK BOND CAMPAIGN FROM CHARMAINE BAKER, Correspondence MEMBER OF BOND ISSUE COMMITTEE, BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Committee of Council President Hughes presented a Committee of the Whole the Whole report regarding the Renton Central Business District Metro CBD Metro Transit Site. In a presentation to the Council , Metro Transit Site indicated selection of four possible sites for consideration of a transit center accommodating six buses. Further information will be provided to the Council during the selection process. Special Events Regarding the policy for use of City right-of-way for Policy special events, the Administration has been requested to develop a formal policy to address this issue with presentation to the Ways and Means Committee. Library Expansion The report further indicated that Library Director Clark Petersen has presented various options to increase space in the library to serve the public. The Council concurred with the recommendation of the Library Board to hire an architect to analyze the options and provide a report to Council . Safety Measures Council President Hughes presented a letter from Public for Lake Washington Works Director Richard C. Houghton recommending Boulevard & Burnett installation of button markers on Lake Washington Boulevard Avenue N. to mitigate safety hazards cited by Walter Cook on 9/24/84 wherein vehicles exiting onto Burnett Avenue N. cross onto the wrong side of the road. The letter indicated that other safety measures such as a traffic signal or continuous concrete curbing were considered but rejected due to creation of other potential safety hazards. Installation of 10- inch buttons 10 feet on center for approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard and Burnett Avenue North should prevent motorists from cutting across the intersection onto the path of oncoming traffic. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROPOSAL TO INSTALL BUTTONS. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Aviation a report recommending revision of Aero-Dyne ground lease Committee LAG-003-84 by relocating the southerly boundary line adjacent Aero-Dyne Lease to the proposed new hangar location. Aerodyne plans to LAG 003-84 build a new four-bay aircraft hangar on their leased property Additional Area at the southeast corner of the airport. This lease line relocation will be for the full width of the lease area at the hangar location and will be approximately seven feet south of the existing line (exact location will be determined by survey in conjunction with final hangar plans) . This lease revision proposal is contingent upon final approval of the conditional use permit by the Hearing Examiner and subject to any adjustments or restrictions of the proposed construction due to Boeing Company underground utilities. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Aero-Dyne Lease Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Rate LAG 10-76A a report indicating acceptance by Mr. Volkel of Aero-Dyne of the City' s ground lease rate adjustment and the three-year term offered by the Boeing Company. The Committee recommends that sublease LAG 10-87A be amended to incorporate the ground lease rate at $0. 12 per square foot retroactive to 9/1/84. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. 9 Aero Paint Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Systems Lease a report regarding Aero-Paint Systems lease rate negotiation, Rates LAG 02-73 LAG 02-73. On 8/17/84, adjusted lease rates were offered to Aero-Paint, to be effective 9/1/84. To date, only a verbal acceptance of the rates have been received. After discussing this matter with the company manager, the Committee recommends Renton City Council 10/15/84 Page three Old Business continued Transportation that the new lease rates be incorporated into a lease Aviation) addendum to LAG 02-73 with a stipulation that they will Committee cont. apply retroactively to 9/1/84. Ground lease rates will LAG 02-73 be $0.14 per square foot. Building rental rates will be Aero Paint $0. 18 per square foot. Both rates to be effective for a three-year period. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Airport Noise Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Complaint a report for information only indicating that following - discussion of the noise problems cited by Mrs. Anne Healy at Renton Airport, the Committee voted to endorse the statements made by Mayor Shinpoch in a letter dated 8/30/84. That letter indicated that although sympathetic to Mrs. Healy' s concerns, the City can be of little assistance in the matter since any solution gives rise to a problem of equal proportion. Bird Hazing Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Control Program a report recommending that a Bird Hazing Control Program be instituted at the Airport including: broadcast of a bird distress call tape recording via a public address system installed in the maintenance truck, and firing of blank cracker shells to disperse the airborne birds (mainly seagulls) which are attracted to the distress call source. These procedures will be used when FAA control tower personnel request assistance. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. For the record, Councilman Stredicke advised that the recommendation follows months of reviewing options which included firing rounds of live ammunition. The Committee has concluded that other means of control should be used. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3854 An ordinance was read amending the utility tax rate as it Telephone Utility applies to the privilege of conducting a telephone business; Tax Rampdown from 7.2225% to 7.050, effective January 1 , 1985, within the City of Renton limits. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the rates will be overseen by the State Utilities and Transportation Commission and will be reflected on telephone bills effective January 1 , 1985. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: M-V Properties An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone, R-064-84 property located on the south side of SE Carr Road, approximately 400 feet east of Talbot Road South, from General Classification District, G, to Residence District, R-3, and Public District , P-1 , for M-V Properties, File No. R-o64-84. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Creation of An ordinance was read ordering the construction and LID 329 installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, One Valley Place signals, utility adjustments, storm drains and all necessary and Valley Medical appurtenances thereto on S. 43rd Street from Talbot Road S. Center to SR-167, Renton, King County, Washington, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2566 of the City Council of the City of Renton; establishing Local Improvement District No. 329; providing assessments upon property in said district; payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds'' or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; providing for the issuance and sale of LID warrants redeemable in cash and LID bonds or notes. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/15/84 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means An ordinance was read providing for the release of easements , Committee cont. establishing a procedure therefore, imposing and fixing a Release of processing fee and requiring payment of compensation to the Easements City by affected owners. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolutions Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Reed presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2571 A resolution was read approving the final plat for Wick Wick Homes, Inc. Homes, Inc. for a 70-lot single family subdivision located FP-074-84 in the vicinity of 174 Union Avenue NE. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2572 A resolution was read approving a final plat and final Falcon Ridge planned unit development for Sea Van Properties (Falcon (Cedar Ridge) Ridge, formerly Cedar Ridge) , property located at SE 8th FP-082-84 Drive and Lake Youngs Way SE, File No. FP-082-84 and FPUD-083-84 FPUD-083-84. Responding to Council inquiry at last Council Sea Van Properties meeting, Mayor Shinpoch reported that lot size for the proposal is smaller than previously approved for the Cedar Ridge PUD, but the PUD Ordinance does not specify lot size, therefore, no conflict exists; maintenance of the access road by the developer is a condition of approval specified in restrictive covenants already filed and still in effect; concerns regarding access onto Puget Drive have been mitigated by construction of SR-515, which has resulted in reduction of volumes on Puget; and access to the pipeline road is prohibited by the City for other than emergency vehicles. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stredicke asked if homeowners covenants have been filed as required by the Hearing Examiner. City Attorney Warren explained filing procedures in which both the final plat mylar and homeowners covenants are filed concurrently. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, CORRESPONDENCE FROM K. C. Youth KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH SERVICES REGARDING Services Funding PUBLIC MEETING 10/24/84 TO DISCUSS CONSOLIDATED JUVENILE SERVICES FUNDING BE REFERRED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch advised that a status report for the Sunpointe REPORT Development (CHG International , Inc. ) requested by Council Sunpointe Report member on 10/8/84 will be provided next week. Sculpture The aluminum sculpture, ''Donkey Runaway from the Mines,'' Dedication will be dedicated at 1 :00 p.m. Tuesday, October 16, 1984 at Tonkin Park. AUDIENCE COMMENT Judy Hastings, P.O. Box 2092, Renton, inquired regarding Daytime Meetings daytime Council meetings, noting efforts to attend all meetings. Nelson and Martin Patricelli , 729 SW Langston Road, indicated that in his Houghton dealings with municipal employees in 11 western states, the Commended two most outstanding are employed by the City of Renton. High praise was given to Building and Zoning Director Ron Nelson and Public Works Director Dick Houghton for their cooperation and assistance to Mr. Patricelli during a recent construction ...• project . He added that communities would be much improved if more employees of the caliber of these two directors existed. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. (8:41 p.m.) ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session at 8:55 p.m. ; roll was Time: 8:55 p.m. called; all members previously listed present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCid -1'EL MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/16 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room RAYS 1984 Funding Request (Parness invited) Tues. 10/23 4: 30 p.m. To be announced 1985 Housing S Community Development Program (Joint Citizens Committee Meeting) PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 10/18 7: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room G. M. Associates Request for time extension on rezone Thurs. 11 /1 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Schneider Homes Appeal (preliminary and final planned unit development requests) PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. 10/16 7: 00 p.m. REED Fire Station Conference Room Fire Prevention Master Plan Steering Committee TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 10/18 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Schneider Homes request for utilities crossing over Springbrook Watershed site Thurs. 10/25 4: 30 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Fluoridation WAYS & MEANS Mon. 10/22 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS ` Dedication of Donkey Sculpture Tues. 10/16 1 :00 P.M. Tonkin Park ISSUED. - _.. __ - -- CITY .OF .RENTON_ _-- _. - _ _- PAr.c__t__,___ 10/12/84 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ' PERMITS ISSUED , WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 12r 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10641 5.200 JEFFERY ELLISON 2801 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N NEW MOORING PIER V047-84 SM 111-84 334210404607 10642 10.000 BECKMANN HOM;S INC 708 SW 13TH ST CONST FDTN ONLY PER SECTION 303 1982 UBC 334040494505 10643 25000 L. KATHLEEN KOONS 2640 NE 20TH ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 354230007503 10644 3.500 VALLEY MEDICAL C:NTER 400 S 43RD ST REMODEL DOORS $ PARTITIONS 3123059002 10645 50000 SPECIALTY RESTAURANT CO 1011 W PERIMETER RO REMODEL RESTAURANT 10646 1.000 GRADY WAY ASSOCIATES 607 SW GRADY WY TENANT IMPROVEMENT 334040470505 10647 22.500 PUGET POWER 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NCOMMERCIAL INTERIOR REMODEL 0823059055 10648 OR ATESAR 200 PARK AV N DEMOLISH INSIDE WALLS 10649 5250 RENTON CHAMBER OF COMM. 300 RAINIER AV N REROOF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG 21601503MI 10650 41DDD LAUREN PENNY 1024 N 36TH ST CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES. 334210305507 10651 100000 RENTER CENTER ASSOCIATI 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW REMODEL TENANT SPACES 10652 51100 LAWRENCE MC NAMAR 375 UNION AV SE #123 CONST PATIO COVER 10653 500 DRURY PICKERING 421 UNION AV NE INSTALL DRYWALL 091305005033 ELECTRICAL PE1RMpITS p 065 4 150 LEROY MANSKE NS 1622 BLANE INEHAVTNE REPAIR FIRE 12066 18.-C0p PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY C 14p0 N 4TH ST INST WIRING IN COMPUTER SYSTEM 12067 50 ROY D COLEMAN 851 JEFFERSON AV NE INST TWO OUTLETS MECHANICAL PERMITS 10745 450 DARLENE HOUK 1160 REDMOND AV NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10746 411000 BENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST INST 4 HEAT PUMPSr 3 EXM FANS 1 747 6x000 E.P. INDUSTRIES INC 801 ROUSER WY N INSTALL ADDITIONAL SPRINKLERS 10748 600 TONY TORKELSON 800 CAMAS AV NE INSTALL 50000 BTU FURNACE 107409 1.800o00p CHI KIM 32804 CEDAR AV S INSTALL BURNACE AND WATER HEATER 10751 1 045 K. MARKA& KIMBERLY KATL 2115 116 NE 8TH ST TM ST INSTALLABOVE WOOD STOVEND PLUMBING POOL PLUMBING PERMITS - 1 140 2.800 b !C D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INST 6 PLBG FIXTURES. 2 HOSEBIBS 141 150 CHESTER ESPINOZA 540 RAINIER AV S INST GAS PIPING 142 700 PET TECH 607 SW GRADY WY INSTALL 4 FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1299 3.000 MR CHU 2132 SW 43RD ST INST ONE 300 SC FT OFF PREMISE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS "m 5845 Mr. Deacy 407 Whitworth Ave. S. Side sewer REVOCABLE PERMITS 0075 Gordon A. Jacobson 703 South 17th Street Construct retaining wall in public right of way 0076 Martin Patricelli 3111 22nd Ave. S. Install fence on portion of Lots 13 b 14, Block 3, Earlington Plat OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ti 1► ROBERT J. HUGHES, U �� .. Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER rIL NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 JOHN W.°9A RENTON CITY COUNCIL ARD MES REDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM °9q7�FD SEPlEoREGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 22, 1984 PRESIDING MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 1984 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Finance Department submits collection fee increase request from Bartell Drug for utility bills. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation filed by Owen Hall 6 Associates (One Valley Place) for conditional use and final planned unit development applications; File No. CU-068-84 and FPUD-069-84; office and commercial space in Phase II of the development, located on the southwest corner of South 43rd Street and Davis Avenue South . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. Planning Commission submits Annual Report, 1983-1984. Information. d. Claim for damages filed in an approximate amount of $1, 000+ by Virqinia V. May, 12607 14th Avenue South, Seattle, for injuries sustained in a fall allegedly caused by rise between concrete and brick facing on sidewalk located on the southeast corner of Third Avenue S. and Wells Street ( 10/17/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 132 RENTON CITY COUNCIL October 22, 2984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION King County General Development Guide Changes City Code Revisions Plan Check Fee Recommendation CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE May Claim for Damages PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Owen Hall Associates Appeal PLANNING COMMISSION Northward Properties and NE Quadrant Comprehensive Plan UTILITIES COMMITTEE Utility Bill Collection Fee Increase WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE RAYS Funding G.M. Associates Rezone Reversion Ordinance Latecomers Assessment - NE 20th Street and Jones Avenue NE Ordinance amending Sign Code Ordinance amending Fee Schedule City Code Revisions (following review by Administration) PUBLIC HEARING 11 /5/84 - 1985 Housing S Community Development Block Grant Program RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 22, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LARRY SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; FIRE CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, 1984, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Policy Development Newly appointed Policy Development Director Larry Springer Director Introduced and his wife, Trudy, were introduced by Mayor Shinpoch (see later Council confirmation of appointment) . SPECIAL Fire Chief Lee Wheeler presented the Firefighter of the Year PRESENTATION Award to Lieutenant Randy Price, a cherished honor bestowed Firefighter of by a vote of his peers for outstanding leadership in the the Year - Randy department. Lt. Price, a Renton firefighter for 12 years, Price was congratulated by Mayor Shinpoch on behalf of the Council and Administration. Bike-a-Thon Also honored were five firefighters who raised over $8500 in the recent bike-a-thon to San Francisco on behalf of the Northwest Burn Foundation. The 1 ,026 mile trip was covered in 10 days by representatives of various fire departments in Washington state, and the total funds raised for burn research by the Renton team are on a par with any other fire department in the state. Team members are: Larry Rude, team leader; Lt. Steve Baima, Lt. Tally Hall , Scott Brewster and Ken McGinnis. Their achievement is a credit to the department and the City of Renton. Fire Department Additionally, three firefighters were honored for successful Apprentices completion of the 36-month apprenticeship training program, Certified including requirement for 144 additional hours per year of school attendance. Certificates were presented to Charles Duffy, Gary Ryser, and Robert Van Horn, who are now classified as Journeymen Firefighters. Congratulations were extended by Mayor Shinpoch. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR Time: 8: 10 p.m. 20 MINUTES FOR A RECEPTION HONORING THE NEWLY APPOINTED POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND ABOVE HONORED FIREFIGHTERS. CARRIED. Council Reconvened Council reconvened at 8:27 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. Upon inquiry by a Councilmember, Mayor Policy Development Shinpoch reiterated background and credentials of Mr. Springer: Director Confirmed Comprehensive Planning Department Director for Snohomish County since 1978; bachelor degree from the University of Washington; and masters and doctorate degrees from Pennsylvania State University. Councilman Stredicke added that Mr. Springer is a graduate of hiw own alma mater, Highline High School . When asked concerning his experience with toxic waste sites, Mr. Springer indicated that he has only peripheral involvement with toxic waste pollution; however, specific legislation exists to control these substances. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF LARRY SPRINGER AS POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. L34 Renton City Council 10/22/84 Page two Audience Comment AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested a status LID 326 report on Local Improvement District 326, widening of NE 4th Street between Monroe and Union Avenue NE. City Attorney Larry Warren reported that difficulties in acquiring necessary right-of-way from the deed of trust holders of two adjacent properties have delayed the project. Upon further inquiry by Mrs. Houlbjerg concerning whether delays have been caused by disputes between Greenwood Cemetery and Puget Power over undergrounding of utility lines, Mr. Warren explained that while the City is not involved with negotiations between the cemetery and Puget Power, the City prefers that the undergrounding project be accomplished at the same time as the LID project to avoid disrupting road surfaces twice. The two properties, whose deed of trust holders are delaying the matter, are owned by Rivera and Green (co-owners of property located in front of Jocko' s Tavern) and Cemo Corporation (owner of Demo Golf facility) . Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide a status report in writing to Mrs. Houlbjerg. Acquisition On another matter, Mrs. Houlbjerg supported continued efforts of Maplewood by the City to acquire Maplewood Golf Course, noting rumors Golf Course that a portion may be sold and developed as condominium units. Mayor Shinpoch advised that Council has instructed the Administration to review alternatives, the matter has been referred to the Committee of the Whole, and King County Executive Revelle, contacted by the City earlier, will respond by October 26th regarding whether the County is interested in purchasing the site. Mrs. Houlbjerg will be notified when the matter of golf course acquisition is discussed. It was noted that issuance of Councilmanic bonds is one option to be considered. Advance to June Leonard, Executive Director of Renton Area Youth Services, Old Business requested discussion by Council of the Community Services Committee Report. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Services recommending approval of additional funding in the amount of Committee $4,265.00 to Renton Area Youth Services to accommodate increase Additional Funding in the number of clients from Renton this year and to assure for Renton Area continued service to this city' s citizens. The report also Youth Services recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Utility Bill Finance Department submitted request by Bartell Drug for ion Feed �� increase in utility bill collection fee from 20� to 35C per Co C�p�]� _ item, or an annual increase of $825 for the approximate 5,500 MINUTES bills paid at that store. Refer to Utilities Committee. Owen Hall Associates Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s recommendation filed by Owen Hall Appeal (One Valley and Associates (One Valley Place) for conditional use and Place) CU-068-84 final planned unit development requests; File No. CU-068-84 FPUD-069-84 and FPUD-069-84; office and commercial space in Phase II of the development, located on the southwest corner of S. 43rd Street and Davis Avenue S. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Planning Commission Planning Commission submitted Planning Commission Annual Annual Report Report for 1983-1984. Information only. May Claim for Claim for damages filed in an approximate amount of $1 ,000+ Damages by Virginia V. May, 12607 14th Avenue South, Seattle, for injuries sustained in a fall allegedly caused by a rise between concrete and brick facing on sidewalk located on the southeast corner of 3rd Avenue S. and Wells Street (10/17/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council 10/22/84 Page three Consent Agenda Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, CORRESPONDENCE King County FROM KING COUNTY COUNCILWOMAN CYNTHIA SULLIVAN REGARDING General Development PROPOSED GENERAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDE AND THE CHANGES IN POLICY Guide BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Hughes reported attending recent dedication Sculpture of aluminum donkey sculpture at Tonkin Park, and suggested that Plaque a plaque explaining significance of the use of donkeys in coal mining industry in Renton may be helpful to spectators. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that if a plaque is not already planned, she will suggest that it be placed on the site. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding G. M. Associates request for a two-year Committee extension of B-1 zoning granted under File No. R-019-82 for G. M. Associates the Northward Rezone in 1982. The Committee found that the Request for B-1 zoning for the subject property was approved upon the Extension of condition that the zoning would revert to its earlier G-1 Zoning classification if a building permit is not issued for the property within two years following the enactment of the ordinance. Continued The Committee found that the condition of rezone approval has not been met, is not likely to be met in the near future since extension of utilities has not occurred, and an extension is unwarranted in considering the facts and circumstances presented by the applicant. It appears the requested rezone is premature. Continued There is no established procedure by which the applicant is entitled to request an extension of the zone reclassification. Therefore, in the event that the zoning of the subject property reverts pursuant to the rezone ordinance and the restrictive covenants, then the appropriate procedure would be for the applicant to file a new application for rezone. That application would be considered by the Hearing Examiner and the City Council in the light of the present facts and circumstances and without regard to the previously granted zone reclassification which was contingent upon development of the property. Continued Therefore, the Committee recommends that the City Council adopt the findings set forth above and deny the applicant' s request for an extension of the zone reclassification. Also recommended is referral to Ways and Means Committee for necessary legislation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Schneider Homes, Department to issue right-of-way construction permits on Inc. Request for the City' s Springbrook Watershed property (Squire Utility Crossing acquisition) to Schneider Homes, Inc. as follows: Continued 15-foot right-of-way construction permit for watermain and storm drain on the northeast side; and 25-foot right-of-way construction for storm drain on the west side. Continued The payment will be 30% of our purchase price. The Committee further recommends the developer be allowed to expand the detention pond by one-third of its present size, and reimburse the City at 100% of our purchase price ($.597 per square foot) . In addition, the developer shall be required to pay all processing, recording and legal fees. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 136 Renton City Council 10/22/84 Page four Old Business continued Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works continued Department to establish a special assessment district for City Held sanitary sewer service in the Kennydale area on or near Latecomers Jones Avenue NE and NE 20th Street, along with determined Assessment - fees. The Utilities Committee further recommended referral NE 20th St. and to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper ordinance. Jones Ave. NE MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke reported sanitation problems in the area, noting need for temporary connection if immediate construction does not occur. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter would be investigated. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances and summary ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3855 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of M-V Properties property located on the south side of SE Carr Road, Rezone approximately 400 feet east of Talbot Road South, from General Classification District, G, to Residence District, R-3, and Public District, P-1 , for M-V Properties, File No. R-064-84. Councilman Stredicke questioned boundaries of P-1 zoned portion of the site and allowable uses. It was noted that zoning on the western side of the required 60-foot right- of-way would be restricted to P-1 zoning which limits land use to medically related development. The applicant plans to construct a medical clinic on that portion and apartments on the property located on the east side of the roadway zoned R-3. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3856 An ordinance was read ordering the construction and installation LID 329 of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, signals, One Valley Place utility adjustments, storm drains and all necessary and Valley Medical appurtenances thereto on S. 43rd Street from Talbot Road S. Center to SR-167, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2566 of the City Council of Renton; establishing Local Improvement District No. 329; providing assessments upon property in said district; payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds,'' or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes (LID 329) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3857 An ordinance was read providing for the release of easements, Release of establishing a procedure therefor, imposing and fixing a Easements processing fee and requiring payment of compensation to the City by affected owners. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Ordinance An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1918 of Title I Amending Sign (Administrative) of City Code relating to Sign Code design Code requirements in shoreline area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ordinance An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 41 , Amending Fee Title I (Administrative) of City Code by deleting Shoreline Schedule Management Fees. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/22/84 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee cont. recommending that the matter of City Code revisions be referred City Code to the Administration to revise the City Code section by Revisions section and return to the Ways and Means Committee for review. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plan Check Fees Ways and Means Committee further recommended that the matter of plan check fees be referred to the Administration for a recommendation by the Building Department and Fire Prevention Bureau as to the need for plan check fees and fee amount with report back to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 2877 through 3175, having received departmental certification that all merchandise/ services have been received or rendered in the amount of $912,289.42; Vouchers 2873 through 2876 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THAT IN LIGHT OF COUNCIL Northward Site/ ACTION REGARDING G. M. ASSOCIATES REZONE, THE MATTER OF THE Comprehensive NORTHWARD PROPERTIES AND THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT COMPREHENSIVE Plan PLAN BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. (See Planning & Developme—n-t-Te—port, page three. ) Valley Legislative Councilman Stredicke reminded Councilmembers to respond by Coalition of October 24th with comments regarding the six issues supported Suburban Cities by the Valley Legislative Coalition of the Suburban Cities Association. These issues, outlined in a letter from Councilman Stredicke, dated October 19, 1984, concern annexation processes, authorization of boundary review boards, sales tax distributions, infrastructure financing, use of arterial street funds and biennial budgets in lieu of annual budgets. Councilwoman Mathews commended Mr. Stredicke for thorough preparation of the report. Street Repair Councilman Clymer requested a report from Public Works by Cable Company Department regarding requirements for permanent street repair by the cable company following undergrounding project. Mayor Shinpoch indicated a report will be forthcoming. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch expressed sadness at the recent passing of REPORT Dorothy Donnelly. Mrs. Donnelly, Park Department secretary Dorothy Donnelly since 1951 until her retirement in August, was a much- loved employee and will be missed by all . 1985 Budget Mayor Shinpoch advised the initial presentation of the 1984 budget at the Council meeting of November 5, 1984; copies of the budget will be distributed to members by November lst. New budget format was noted. AUDIENCE COMMENT Judy Hastings, P.O. Box 2092, Renton, relayed information Donkey Plaque from a member of the Municipal Arts Commission, Ron Ringwood, that a plaque for the donkey sculpture is planned. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Time: 9:25 p.m. CARRIED. o c �• (/l/G1���v MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 138 CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 10/19/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS #02873 through #02876 CURRENT $127,058.06 PARKS 549,326.09 ARTERIAL STREETS 55,480. 10 STREETS 573,174.36 LIBRARY $12,130. 53 STREET FORWARD THRUST 523,584.39 G COULCN BCH PRK CCNSTR $738.18 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 5433. 51 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $150,730.42 WATERWORKS UTILITY $170,104. 50 AIRPORT $43,976.31 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION 5214,392.61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 523,036.79 INSURANCE FUND $317. 28 FIREMEN' S PENSION 517, 546.29 LIQ CONTROL $260.00 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $912,289.42 WE, THE UNDERSIGNEC MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTCN CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANC/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 2877 THROUGH NC . 3175 IN THE AMOUNT OF $912,289. 42 THIS 22ND DAY OF OCTOBER 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN �`,`1'� �� � J ��- - MEMS - - - - - - - = - MEM8ER ?( J CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 10/23 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER Liberty Park Comm. Bldg. 1985 Housing S Community Development Program (Joint Citizens Committee Meeting) PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11 /1 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Schneider Homes Appeal (preliminary and (No meeting n 10/25) final planned unit development requests) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 10/25 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Fluoridation WAYS E MEANS Mon. 11 /5 7: 00 a.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS PA46 11 10/22/84 BUILDING & ZONING C EDARTMENTPERMITS O WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 19, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS X10650 4.000 LAUREN PENNY 1024 N 36TH ST CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES. 334210705507 10652 105.100 LAWRENCEEMCENAMAgOCIATI 375 UNIONNAVESEE0123 SW COENODEPATIOACOVERACES 10653 500 DRURY PICKERING 421UNICN AV NE INSTALL DRYWALL Q913Q5905Q38 10654 1B.0 0 CONVOY CO 360.jOAKESDALE AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 253 1030 0 110655 8 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N CONST. GRIND RGOMeFRAME.DOORS 10656 25.000 BROAOACRES INC. 1621 SW 16TH ST SHEET ROCK INSTALLATICN.DOOR 0005 01808 110657 1PZ80 MORRIS PIHA CO. 2832 SUNSET LN NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 7227801723500 10658 115.000 EARL 8CWDEN 518 CECAR AV S CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 84029CO47 10659 66.500 SANDRA JOHNSON 1720 SHATTLCK AV S SINGLE FAMILY RESICENCE 722200033602 11066021 150PCpO8 JACK CL'RRANROYA CO z1301SWS7THIST ST ST CONSTTFDTNRONLYENT PER SEC. 3C3(A) UBC 1982 362304900 07 10663 1�50G NICKLASRODNEY AAEHCLBROOK 44C6 NE 24TH13 NE 9TH SST CONSTOFDECKIOENCE 27$713001005 10664 4/C00 M H FAKHARJAOEH/KHATIBI 12C1 N 31ST ST CONVERT GARAGE TO RESIDENCE 3342101335 10665 55.000 DAVID 8 SANCRA YOUNG 1811 DUVALL AV NE CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES 516970015405 110666 450 ARTHUR W 9 CECILIA M GR 664 REDMOND AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 0421000145 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12008 00 RUTH E. BENNISON 910 N 28TH PL WIRE ADDITION 200 AMP 12069 35 CHECK PRINT 4308 JONES AV NE INST CIRCUIT FCR COLLATER 12070 100 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST jNST TEMPCRARY POWER 12071 50.000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 77H ST INST SERVICE & WIRING 12C72 500 RICHARD A JAHN 528 CEDAR AV S WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 12073 1.C50 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST WIRING 0376171 1ZZ2Qp074 12�1Q0Q0 SAFEWAY STCRES 275Qp25 NE SUNSET BL INST ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 12076 188 MRS NORMMUCHLINSAN KI 522 MONROE AV NE INST UNDERGROUND WIRINMONROE AV NE INST UNDERGROLNO G 12077 2750 IMPERIAL BINGO 2217 MAPLE VALLEY HY INST CIRCUITS/FIXTURES 12078 1.500 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST WIRING FOR MVAC UNIT 12079 150 NICKLAS HOLBROCK 44C6 NE 24TH ST WIRE HOT TUB 112080 6.500 MULL PYERSCN CCNST 2825 NE 12TH ST INST WIRING ( MECHANICAL PERMITS i 10751 1.C95 K. MARK & KIMBERLY KATL 2115 NE 8TH ST INSTALL WOOD STOVE i 10752 11t00 ROGER A STRCMBERG 654 3LAINE AV NE INSTALL WOCO STOVE I 10753 12.600 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80C PARK AV N INST 14 TON HVAC UNIT 10754 3PC00 NICKLAS HOLBROCK 44C6 NE 24TH ST INSTALL HOT TLB 10755 9tC48 ARCO PETRCLEUM PROD CO 405 PARK AV N INST HEAT PUMP SYSTEM 10756 10.000 CCLUMBIA INLANC INVEST. 302 SW 43RD ST INST HEATING/VENT. & A/C 110757 3.250 AITON 921 HAPPING70N AV NE INST RCOF AIR CONDITIIONING i 0758 5r�50 AITON 923 HARRINGTON AV NE INST AIR CCNOITIONING UNIT 0759 r 50 AITON 919 HARRINGTON AV NE INST AIR CCNDITIONING UNIT 10760 3.250 AITON 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST (2) AIR CCNOITICNING UNITS 10761 100.000 BENAROYA CO 620 SW 41ST ST INST 8 A/C UNITS & 1 EXH HOOD PLUMBING PERMITS 142 700 PET TECH 607 SW GRACY WY INSTALL 4 FIXTURES 143 350 RUTH BENNISCN 9 1 C N 2PTH ST INST PLBG FIXTURES (5) 144 10.000 S SANTI 221 WELLS AV S INST PLBG FIXTURES (16) 145 1 .000 BENAROYA CC 820 SW 41ST ST REVISIONS FOR WATER & DRAIN 146 1o5CO STEVEN PARRY 1222 BRCNSCN WY N INST PLBG FIXTURES (5) SIGN PERMITS 1300 3.200 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST ILLUM CHANNEL LTR SIGNS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5848 oug Jones (Texada Corp.) 2708 NE 4th Ct. Remove 6 replace driveway, curb, gutter and sidewalk 5850 Texada Corp. 2714 NE 4th Ct. Remove E replace driveway, curb, gutter and sidewalk 5851 Texada Corp. 2720 NE 4th Ct. Remove E replace driveway, curb, gutter and sidewalk 5852 D 6 D Floor Covering 345 Union Ave. NE Install on-site and off-site storm, commercial san. bldg. sewer, hydrant 5853 (Arco) Plavins, Lee 401 Park Ave. N. Remove driveway and construct sidewalk 5854 Burke, Dave E. #10 Victory Lane Install sanitary building sewer 5855 Donald Sooy 1917 Talbot Road S. Install sanitary building sewer 5856 Portal West Corporation 330 SW 43rd Street Relocate two fire hydrant assemblies CITY OF R E N T 0 N NB�E�S�, MONTH OF, ..r l� 0_*7�_ D '_ {. r0 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: O C T 9 1984 fE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL It. YYL C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS ?H OF OCTOBER, 1984 '0 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: - 'E OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL 10/8/84 '78 LIMITED G.O. BONDS TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 $6,763.88 207/ 609/ 10/8/84 GGMD TANS PER ORDINACNE #3786 $17,950.75 215/ 609/ 10/15/ TANS GGMD PER ORDINANCE #3786 $20,014.32 609/ 215/ .0/22/84 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT $142,213.44 199/000.30.597.00.50.00 317/392.00.00.40 10/24/84 TANS '78 LIMITED G.O. BON PER ORDINANCE 13786 $ 200.00 609/ 207/ TANS GGMD PER ORDINANCE #3786 $ 600.00 609/ 215/ 0,AYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR COUNCIL MEMBERS o AGENDA E Z ROBERT I. HUGHES, V 44OEARL OCLYMER RESIDENT KATHY KEOLKER o NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 °' IOHN W. REED 09.0 Pte, R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. TRIMMCKE THOMAS W. TRIMM O9gT�D SEPI�015 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 5, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 1985 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: 1985 ANNUAL BUDGET 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Jack Bryant, 8547 S. 124th St. , for window allegedly broken by rock thrown from pile left by City workers (10/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. b. Claim for damages filed by Alan B. Hoffer, 12704 SE 166th, Renton, alleging discrimination, harassment, and illegal confiscation of driver' s license by Renton Police Department. Claimant requests no monetary damages; claim filed for Council information (10/13/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. C. City Clerk reports receipt of State Aidit Report for 1983. Information. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 10/30/84 for Raymond Avenue SW Steel Casings and Watermain (under 1-405) ; five bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: $40,000.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. City Clerk reports bid opening 10/31.184 for Grant Avenue S./S. 9th Street Water Project (W-774) ; six bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $53,131 . 15. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Land Use Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions of Final Planned Unit Development application for CHG International , Inc. ; File No. FPUD-086-84 (Phase I of previously approved preliminary planned unit development, File No. PPUD-050-81 ) ; property located at 603, 611 and 702 SW 5th Court. Two-year extension of remainder of PPUD also recommended. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Mr. Dan Sullivan, 3000 NE 5th Place, Renton, to the Library Board to complete the term of Dick Seraile (deceased) ; effective to 6/1/89. Mr. Sullivan is a long-time library patron, has lived in Renton for 38 years, and has a professional engineering background. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG-039-84, Renton Avenue S. Water Improvements, Sanitary Sewer Repair , and Storm Drain, Schedule A; and requests approval of final pay estimate, final acceptance of project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $5,068.74 retainage to Renton Construction Co. if requirements are met. Council concur. i . Public Works/Utilities Department submits King County Water District #14 and City of Renton Inter-Agency Agreement for transfer of water service in the vicinity of Dimmitt School to Renton. Refer to Utilities Committee. j . Public Works Department requests transfer of Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Funds in the amount of $31 ,930.20 unto Capital Improvement Expenditure Fund for improvement to Union Avenue NE from NE 4th Street to SE 2nd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. k. Public Works/Utilities Department submits CAG-053-84, Springbrook Watershed Fencing, Phase II ; and requests approval of final pay estimate, acceptance of the project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retainage of $1 ,266.21 to contractor, McBride Fence Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) Renton City Council Agenda November 5, 1984 Page two 8. CORR .SPONDENCE a. Letter from Nancy A. Horner, Managing Agent for Springtree Condominiums, 4300 NE Sunset Boulevard, requesting refund for overpayment of sewer bills for the months of June through September, 1984. b. Letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy recommending denial of the request by Springtree Condominium Managing Agent. C. Letter from Dean W. Bitney, 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. requesting latecomer agreement for waterline installation completed in December, 1978. d. Letter from C. W. ''Tiff'' Hewitt, Century 21 Real Estate Company, requesting Council reconsideration of Brown Annexation, recently denied on the basis of small size. e. Letter from Larry M. Carter, law offices of Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis and Holman (bond counsel for King County Economic Enterprise Corporation) requesting approval of issuance of nonrecourse revenue bonds for Arensburg Investments, a Washington partnership, for the purpose of acquisition, construction and installation of a warehouse facility for the distribution of automotive parts and supplies in Renton. f. Letter from Larry M. Carter, law offices of Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis and Holman (bond counsel for King County Economic Enterprise Corporation) requesting approval of issuance of nonrecourse revenue bonds for William C. Hunt, an individual , for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and installation of a facility for the manufacture of close tolerance machined and sheet metal parts for the aerospace, computer and electronic industries in Renton. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT 144 RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 5, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Public hearings at Council Committee level CITY ATTORNEY 8 INSURANCE SERVICE Bryant Claim for Damages Hoffer Claire for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Municipal Access Cable TV Programming HEARING EXAMINER Schneider Homes, Inc. Final PUD Remanded (FPUD-081-84) UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid Opening - Raymond Avenue SW Watermain Bid Opening - Grant Avenue S. Water Project King County/Renton Agreement for Water Service Transfer Request for Latecomer Agreement by Dean Bitney on Mountain View Avenue N . Request for review of Utility Area Charges on C. A. Parker Property WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Brown Annexation CHG International, Inc. FPUD-086-84 Library Board Appointment ERC Fund Transfer for Union Avenue NE Project G . M. Associates Rezone (Ist reading 11 /5/84) PUBLIC HEARINGS 12/3/84 - 1985 Annual City of Renton Budget 1 /14/84 - Fluoridation of C!ty of Renton water supply RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 5, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL J. MULCAHY, Finance Director; JOHN E. Webley, Parks Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Correction noted by Councilwoman Mathews: Page 2, Consent Agenda, Item 1 , utility bill collection fee request, change referral to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 1984 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Housing and and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Community public hearing to consider the 1985 Housing and Community Development Development Block Grant Program. Ed Hayduk, Community Block Grant Development Coordinator, reviewed the 1985 proposal for fund Program allocation. The recommendations of the Citizens Committee 1985 follow: Project Total Funds:; Highlands Neighborhood Center, Phase II $125,485 Housing Assistance Program 82,704 North Highlands Walkways, Phase 1 33,513 N. Highlands Neighborhood Center, Phase 1 78,435 Public Services (Senior Services) 17,347 Public Services (Clothing Bank Support) 3,120 Planning & Administration 35,910 Renton/Kent Rental Rehab Program 32,444 6o,000-9o,000 RAMSC - Installation of Elevator 39,321 -Includes POP Funds, Needs Funds, $508,279- Joint Funds with Kent, and City Funds 538,279 Continued Mr. Hayduk indicated that revitalization efforts in the Renton Highlands will continue this year through Phase 11 of the Highlands Neighborhood Center project and with two new projects in North Highlands - Phase I Walkways and North Highlands Neighborhood Center. The Highlands Neighborhood Center is formerly the Highlands Administration Building on Edmonds Avenue NE. Also noted was the intention of the City of Kent to apply for 60,000-90,000 Rental Rehab Program funds. Upon inquiry, Mr. Hayduk explained that program which utilizes a mix of public and private funds to finance the cost of rehabilitating investor-owned properties as rental units for low income residents. To qualify for the zero interest deferred payment loans for up to 50% of the rehabilitation costs (but not exceeding $5,000 per unit) , the borrower must agree to maintain the rental in a competitive market for use by low income persons. Eight units are proposed for rehabilitation this year, 18 each in Kent and Renton next year. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Hayduk also advised that efforts will be made to install a crosswalk across Jefferson Avenue NE at NE 13th Street in the walkway project. Continued Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker introduced members of the Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee, on which she served prior to being elected to the City Council . 146 Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page two Public Hearing continued 1985 Community Members in attendance were: Vesta Bolstad, Katie Gilligan, Development A. J. (Tony) Ladner, and Dixon Long. Member Gary Popovich Block Grant could not attend. Appreciation was expressed by Councilwoman Program Keolker to the Committee for long hours spent in reviewing continued proposals on behalf of the City. Mayor Shinpoch also noted the housing rehab and neighborhood cleanup programs elicit more appreciative community response than any other City service. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 1985 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AS PROPOSED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Shinpoch presented the 1985 City of Renton Annual PRESENTATION Budget for Council consideration. The document, condensed 1985 Annual in a new format this year, includes a $19. 1 million operating City of Renton budget and a $6.5 million capital improvement budget, which Preliminary are reflected separately for improved accountability. She Budget noted an increase in the operating budget over 1984 of 8. 10, with 3.50 of that increase accounted for in new programs/ positions. Sixteen new positions have been requested as being justified and responsive to public needs. A utility tax decrease of 16.6% and a 5% roll-back in garbage collection charges are being recommended, and if approved, will provide a savings to Renton residents of more than $800,000. Continued A ''rainy day'' fund equal to 8% of operating expenditures has been recommended to accommodate Council policy to have funds available for anti-recession needs and serve a dual purpose as collateral for the City ' s self- insurance program. Continued Mayor Shinpoch credited the healthy state of this year ' s budget to Council ' s courage when the City' s economic viability was threatened, strong retail sales, prudent management by all directors, quality employees who care about the image of the City, and an innovative Finance Director. Continued She also reported consideration was given to reducing the half- cent local option sales tax imposed in October of 1982, but it was rejected due to several reasons--uncertainty that high sales revenue will continue; reduction of utility tax will directly benefit Renton residents while reduction of sales tax benefits the general public; retail sales have not been hurt by sales tax; and need to maintain a margin in the event of another recession. Continued Mayor Shinpoch concluded her presentation by extending special appreciation to Joan Pringle, Budget & Accounting Supervisor. She noted that every attempt was made to incorporate items requested by Council : reduce insurance costs, handle on wages, restore Highlands aid car, money in the bank, street repairs, complete sewer-water rehab program, and complete major public works projects. Continued Finance Director Michael Mulcahy outlined 1985 budget highlights including the tax roll-back package ($805,000) ; operating programs ($19. 1 million) ; capital programs ($6.5 million) ; utility programs; internal service funds ($2.1 million includes rainy day fund) . He referred to graphs illustrating effects of federal policy, economic assumptions and local economy in the budget process. Graphs of employment trends, Renton retail sales volumes, and building permit values over a period of years were also displayed. Mr. Mulcahy reported the economic outlook for 1985 reflects a slight slowdown, relatively low inflation, interest rates tending downward, a small increase in employment, and a small decrease in consumer spending. Continued Water-sewer rate comparisons were discussed for Renton and other cities and districts. It was noted that Renton' s water and sewer rates are currently among the lowest, and with proposed 1985 increases will remain below average. The tax roll-back on utilities will reduce garbage rates by 5%, utility taxes to 5% (Puget Power, Washington Natural Gas, Pacific Northwest Bell , and City of Renton water/sewer utility) . Kenton City Council 11/5/84 Page three Special Presentation continued 1985 Budget Mr. Mulcahy indicated that budget meetings are scheduled continued through the month of November with department heads and the public hearing to consider the final budget will be held on December 3, 1984. Continued Councilman Stredicke questioned impacts from passage of trade- in legislation; authorization required to expend funds from the rainy day fund; budget accounting for space at the City Shops facility; if reduction of garbage rates will require changing the contract; and why no mention is made in the budget letter of reducing employee salaries. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the City will be affected by passage of the trade- in legislation; only Council can authorize expenditures from the rainy day fund; the City will absorb the reduction in garbage rates; and a 4.3% cost of living/benefit salary increase has been reflected in the budget for employees. AUDIENCE COMMENT Larry M. Carter, attorney for the King County Economic King County Enterprise Corporation, requested Council consideration of Economic Enterprise correspondence items e. and f. on the agenda. MOVED BY Corporation CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. Issuance of Correspondence was read from Mr. Carter, representing law Nonrecourse offices of Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis and Holman, bond Revenue Bonds for counsel for the King County Economic Enterprise Corporation, Arensburg requesting Council approval of nonrecourse revenue bonds. Investments The proceeds of the sale will be made available to Arensberg Investments for the purpose of acquisition, construction and installation of automotive parts and supplies in the City of Renton. Since the facility will be located in Renton, the City Council must approve issuance of the bonds. Approval does not imply that all land use, environmental or other regulatory requirements have been met. The King County Council must also approve bond issuance at a later date. Issuance of Correspondence Item f. was read. The letter was identical Nonrecourse to Item e. above with the exception of the applicant/business: Revenue Bonds William C. Hunt, an individual . The proceeds of the sale of for William C. the bonds will go towards acquisition, construction and Hunt installation of a facility for the manufacture of close tolerance machined and sheet metal parts for the aerospace, computer and electronic industries in the City of Renton. City Attorney Warren assured no financial obligation to the City. Continued MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE ISSUANCE OF NONRECOURSE REVENUE BONDS FOR ARENSBURG INVESTMENTS AND WILLIAM C. HUNT. CARRIED. Due to time constraints, it was determined appropriate to approve the resolutions this date. Resolution #2573 A resolution was read approving the issuance of revenue bonds Revenue Bond of the King County Economic Enterprise Corporation pursuant Financing for to RCW 39.84.060 for the financing of the acquisition of land Arensburg and the construction and installation of a 112,000 square foot Investments warehouse facility for the distribution of automotive parts and supplies within the boundaries of Renton for Arensburg Investments, a partnership. Aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,700,000 pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and approved by the King County Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2574 A resolution was read approving the issuance of revenue bonds Revenue Bond of the King County Economic Enterprise Corporation pursuant Financing for to RCW 39.84.060 for the financing of the acquisition of land William C. Hunt and the construction and installation of a 70,000 square foot building facility for the manufacture of close tolerance machined and sheet metaled parts for aerospace, computer and electronic industries at a location in Renton for William C. Hunt, an individual . Aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,646,431 pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and approved by the King County Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. It was noted that these are the first bonds issued by the K.C.E.E.C. 148 Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page four Audience Comment continued AUDIENCE COMMENT Gerald Schneider, 6510 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, Advance to Old requested Council consideration of the Planning and Business Development Committee report. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning & Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding the Schneider Homes, Inc. Appeal of Hearing Committee Examiner ' s report; File No. PPUD-080-84 and FPUD-081-84. Schneider Homes, The Committee report noted that in a PUD application, the Inc. Requests for applicant is required to sustain the burden of establishing Preliminary and that the development achieves ". . .public benefit as a result Final Planned of a deviation from underlying zoning classifications through Unit Developments creation of open space or public facilities, conservation, PPUD-080-84 provision of services or needed facilities or otherwise." FPUD-081-84 (Section 4-2705) The Planning and Development found that this PUD application achieves the public benefit in the following respects: 1 ) Inclusion of the open space requirements of Section 4-2709(2) (B) ; The 100-foot setback from single family residential areas of buildings in excess of 4,000 square feet or in excess of 25 feet in height; 3) The applicant ' s proposal tends to buffer less intensive uses to the north to a greater extent than by developing the property under the existing R-2 zoning. Continued The applicant has agreed to modify its application in the following respects: 1 ) To reduce the intensity of development from 160 units to a maximum of 156 units; 2) To provide detailed landscaping plans for approval by the appropriate City department prior to issuance of any building permit; 3) To modify the design to incorporate open space for ground floor and upper floor units as required by Section 4-2709(2) (6) : 4) To set back units in excess of 4,000 square feet or in excess of 25 feet in height from within 100 feet of any developed single family zone. Continued Therefore, the Planning and Development Committee recommended deletion of Conclusions No. 1 through 6 of the Hearing Examiner' s report, and approve the preliminary planned unit development application upon condition of satisfaction of the four items noted above agreed to by the applicant. The final planned unit development application should be remanded to the Hearing Examiner with the amended plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT C. W. Hewitt, representing Century 21 Chenaur & Clarke, Inc. , Advance to requested Council consideration of correspondence Item d. Correspondence MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE ITEM D. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke left the Chambers and did not participate in discussion of this matter due to potential conflict of interest. He returned prior to Consent Agenda approval . Brown Annexation Correspondence from Mr. Hewitt was read requesting Council reconsideration of the Brown Annexation, a .38 acre parcel located on the east side of 104th Avenue SE, approximately 300 feet south of SE 166th Street, denied by the Council on September 24, 1984 due to its small size. The letter noted that approval of the annexation is necessary to enable the purchaser of the property to connect to the city sewer line. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO ENABLE THE CITY' S LEGAL COUNSEL TO PROVIDE A REPORT TO THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bryant Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Jack for Damages Bryant, 8547 South 124th Street, for window allegedly broken by rock thrown from pile left by City workers (10/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page five Consent Agenda continued Hoffer Claim Claim for damages filed by Alan B. Hoffer, 12704 SE 166th, for Damages Renton, alleging discrimination, harrasment , and illegal confiscation of driver' s license by Renton Police Department. Claimant requests no monetary damages; claim filed for Council information (10/13/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. State Audit City Clerk reported receipt of State Audit Report from Report, 1983 Robert V. Graham, State Auditor, for period from January 1 , 1983 through December 31 , 1983. On file with City Clerk. Information. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 10/30/84 for Raymond Avenue SW Raymond Ave. SW Steel Casings and Watermain (under 1-405) ; five bids received; Watermain Engineer' s estimate: $53,131 . 15. Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 10/31/84 for Grant Avenue S./ Grant Avenue S. 9th Street Water Project (W-774) ; six bids received; Water Project Engineer' s estimate: $40,000.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. CHG International , Land Use Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions Inc. FPUD-086-84 for Final Planned Unit Development request submitted by CHG International , Inc. ; File No. FPUD-086-84 (Phase I of previously approved Preliminary Planned Unit Development , File No. PPUD-050-81 ) ; property located at 603, 611 and 702 SW 5th Court. Two-year extension of remainder of PPUD also recommended. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Library Board Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Dan Sullivan, 3000 NE 5th Place, Appointment Renton, to the Library Board to complete the term of Dick Seraile (deceased) ; effective to 6/1/89. Mr. Sullivan is a long-time library patron, has lived in Renton for 38 years, and has a professional engineering background. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Completion of Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG-039-84, Renton Avenue S. Renton Avenue S. Water Improvements, Sanitary Sewer Repair, Project and Storm Drain, Schedule A; and requested approval of final CAG-039-84 pay estimate, final acceptance of project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $5,068.74 retainage to Renton Construction Co. if all required releases are received. Council concur. King County/ Public Works/Utilities Department submitted King County Water Renton Agreement District #14 and City of Renton Inter-Agency Agreement for for Water Service transfer of water service to Renton in the vicinity of Dimmitt Transfer Middle School . Refer to Utilities Committee. ERC Fund Public Works Department requested transfer of Environmental Transfer for Review Committee (ERC) funds in the amount of $31 ,930.20 unto Union Avenue NE Capital Improvement Expenditure Fund for improvement of Project Union Avenue NE from NE 4th Street to NE 2nd Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Completion of Public Works/Utilities Department submitted CAG-053-83, Springbrook Springbrook Watershed Fencing, Phase 11 ; and requested approval Watershed Fencing, of final pay estimate, acceptance of the project, commencement Phase II of 30-day lien period, and release of retainage of $1 ,266.21 CAG-053-84 to contractor, McBride Fence Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Adopted AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9: 55 p.m. Reconvened Council reconvened at 10:05 p.m. ; roll was called; all members present. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Nancy A. Horner, Managing Agent for Springtree Request for Condominiums, was read requesting Council consideration of Sewer Bill Refund a refund for alleged overpayment of sewer bills during the Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page six Correspondence continued Springtree months of June, July, August and September. The letter Condominium stated that due to high use of water for irrigation purposes, Refund Request sewer rates escalated (sewer rates determined by water consumption) . A refund in the amount of $5,000 was requested. Springtree Letter from Mike Mulcahy was read indicating that the afore- Condominium mentioned request had been considered several weeks ago and Refund Request denied by the City' s Utility Billing Department. The City' s procedure requires commercial accounts to install a separate water meter for irrigation purposes. (Single family residential sewer accounts are unaffected by water volume use. ) Springtree representatives declined to install separate meters in 1976, and, therefore, the request was denied as were several similar requests in the past. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE FINANCE DIRECTOR' S RECOMMENDATION AND DENY THE REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT. CARRIED. Latecomer Letter from Dean Bitney, 2727 Mountain View Avenue N. , was Agreement - read requesting a latecomer agreement for water line installation Mountain View completed on approximately December 11 , 1978 for a total cost Avenue North of $8,421 .46 in the vicnity of Mountain View Avenue N. (W-492) . MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren explained that six years of the allowable ten-year period for latecomer hookup has passed, and only four years remain to collect latecomer fees for new connections. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Utilities recommending a public hearing be held on January 14, 1985, Committee to receive public input regarding the advisability of adding Fluoridation of fluoride to the City' s water supply. MOVED BY MATHEWS, Water Supply SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment Councilman Stredicke clarified his reason for voting no on Policy the confirmation of the Policy Development Director on 10/22 was not to oppose the appointment but to express opposition to City Council procedures wherein the appointee is not interviewed by Council members prior to official confirmation. He requested that the Administration prepare a report on confirmation procedures to allow Council to determine whether to eliminate need for Council confirmation of certain appointments. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Committee report recommending referral of municipal access cable TV Municipal Access programming to the Committee of the Whole for consideration Cable TV at the December meeting. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY Programming MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Miscellaneous Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Referrals: report recommending no action on the following referrals: K. C. Health King County Health Department contract - Administration is Department monitoring this item and will keep Council informed. Contract, Horse-drawn Taxi Service - Administration will notify Horse-Drawn Council if events are held by the service. Taxi Service, Review of Main Street Project - Central Business District Main Street Project Committee proposal anticipated in 1985-1986, and matter can be referred to the Committee at that time if deemed necessary. Cable TV Leasehold Cable TV Leasehold Excise Tax - No action required due to Excise Tax new opinion issued by the State Auditor. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO REMOVE THESE MATTERS FROM THE REFERRAL LIST. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3858 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1918 of Title IV Sign Code Design (Administrative) of Code Code relating to sign code design on Shorelines requirements in shoreline area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page seven Ordinances and Resolutions continued Continued REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3859 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 41 , Shoreline Title I (Administrative) of City Code by deleting existing Management Fees subsection (A)9. of Section 1-4101 in its entirety regarding Shoreline Management Fees. This section was a duplication. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: G. M. Associates An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone Reversion property located at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE R-019-82 and NE 4th Street from Business District (B-1 ) to General Classification District (G-1 ) ; G. M. Associates Rezone reversion (Northward Development) ; File No. R-019-82. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren indicated that the residential zoning approved at the same time as the business zone in 1982 did not have a time limit imposed for development. The prior ordinance had required reversion to the original zoning classification, G-1 , and designation to any other zoning category would require application and public hearing by the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Kennydale Special An ordinance was read establishing a special assessment Sanitary Sewer district for sanitary sewer service in the Kennydale area, Assessment Jones Avenue NE and NE 20th Street, and establishing the District amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. (City-Owned It was noted that problems may occur with onset of rainy Latecomer season and to expedite this matter, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Agreement) SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3860 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Kennydale Sanitary ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Sewer Assessment COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES: District CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2575 A resolution was read providing for transfer of funds in the Fund Transfer amount of $4,265.00 from Contingency Fund unto Current Fund - for RAYS Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) to provide additional funding to accommodate increase in number of clients from City of Renton in 1984. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Bartell Drug Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Collection Fees recommending concurrence in the Finance Director' s recommendation to offer Bartell ' s an increase from 20� to 30� per item for collection services. The City currently contracts with the drugstore to act as a collection agent for utility bills. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 3181 through 3402, having received departmental certification that all merchandise/ services have been received or rendered in the amount of $663,157.68; Vouchers 3176 through 3180 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Happy birthday congratulations were extended to Councilman Happy B-Day, Tom Tom Trimm. Utility Area Councilwoman Mathews advised receipt of correspondence from Charges Chris Leady, legal counsel for owners of the C. A. Parker property (PPUD-078-81 ) , requesting relief from utility area Renton City Council 11/5/84 Page eight New Business continued Utility Area charges now imposed by the City of Renton. MOVED BY Charges cont. MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Hearings Councilwoman Mathews requested the Administration to obtain at Committee an opinion on whether a Council committee can hold a public Level hearing at the Committee level , citing recent joint meetings with Community Services Committee and Citizens Committee during which the Committee was constrained from making a recommendation on the Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program. Also mentioned for Committee level public hearings was the subject of capital improvement projects. Planning Commission Councilwoman Mathews commended the Planning Commission for Annual Report an excellent annual report. She urged the Council to respond to the Commission ' s request for improved interaction with the Council by scheduling a joint workshop in the near future. Washington State Councilwoman Mathews apprised Council of an information Traffic Safety bulletin available to cities by the Washington State Traffic Commission Safety Commission regarding drinking and driving, and Safety Bulletin suggestions to prevent accidents. It was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE INCLUSION OF THE BULLETIN IN MAILINGS FOR UTILITY BILLINGS. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker expressed hope that the bulletins are mailed prior to the holiday season. Mayor Shinpoch assured they would be included in next two mailings. CHG International , Councilman Stredicke referenced an earlier request for a Inc. Status Report status report on the CHG International , Inc. development, noting complaints expressed by residents in that neighborhood during recent Hearing Examiner public hearing (See Consent Agenda Item 7.f. - Hearing Examiner ' s Recommendation on FPUD-086-84, CHG International , Inc. ) . Mayor Shinpoch advised that preliminary report requires additional input, which will be transmitted to Council upon completion. No-Smoking Policy Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding a ''no-smoking policy'' for the City. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that a policy has been officially adopted and included in the City' s Procedure Manual . Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 10: 50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; Time: 11 :25 p.m. all members were present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 11 /05/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUN C MACHINE VOIDS #03176 through #03180 TOTAL WARRANTS 1RRENT $159,298.16 BARKS $43.289. 89 ARTERIAL STREETS $12.-774. E7 STREETS $9743. 59 LIBRARY $3.105. 12 STREET FORWARD THRUST $22676. 22 G COULCN BCH PRK CONSTR $6. 187. 55 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $14e108.7C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $33.770.70 WATERWCRKS LTILITY $110. 567.154 AIRPORT Ve523.08 WATER 6 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $1C4,437. 12 ECLIPMENT RENTAL $5.691 .94 LID CCNTRCL $130.383. 20 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $663.157.68 WE. THE UNDERSIGNEC MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANCISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED CR RENDERED. CO HEREBY APPRCVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3181 T1 6M NO, 34C2 IN T14E AMOUNT OF S6631l57. 68 THIS 5TH CAY OF NCVEMBER 1984 . aj COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - `- - - - - -MEM8E - - - - - ' MEMBER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 1984 NO MEETING VETERAN'S DAY NOVEMBER 12 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Weds. 11/7 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers Parks/Library (Budget Meetings) Thurs. 11 /8 7: 30 p.m. " Police/Bldg. & Zon. /Policy/Hear. Ex. /Fin. Tues. 11 /13 7: 30 p.m. " " Fire/Personnel/Legal /Exec. /Leg. /Bds- Comm. Weds. 11 /14 7: 30 p.m. " Public Works/Municipal Court (cont. below) COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT No meeting STREDICKE Thurs. 11 /1 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Owen Hall Appeal (One Valley Place) PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION Weds. 11/28 3: 30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 11 /8 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Metro request for reimbursement: Bid openings for Grant Avenue and Raymond Avenue water projects; K. C. Agreement for water service transfer (Dimmitt Sch. ) WAYS 6 MEANS Mon. 11 /19 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS LEOFF BOARD Weds. 11 /14 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Budget Meeting (cont.) Thurs. 11 /1 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers Review and Summary CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 t .. BUILDING 6 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 26o, 1984 8ILDING PERM TS 0664 4. 00 M H FAKHARJADEH/KHATIBI 1201 N 31ST ST CONVERT GARAGE TO RESIDENCE 3342101335 10665 55.000 DAVID 8 SANCRA YOUNG 1811 DUVALL AV NE CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES 516970015405 10666 450 ARTHUR W 6 CECILIA M GR 664 REDMOND AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 0421000145 ]0667 ROBERT RONIN 375 UNICN AV SE 4146 SET UP MOBILE HOME 10668 21500 RCBERT DONIN 375 UNICN AV SE #146 CONST. PATIOP SHED 10669 1. 200 ANTHONY CIICANTTI 2601 NE 25TH ST REBUILD EXISTING DECK 75410000300 10670 4f60J DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 4455 NE SUNSET BL REROOF BLDG "F" 10671 150000 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2403 SE 8TH PL CONST 3 UNIT BLDG 146100008003 10672 150.000 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2317 SE STH DR CONST 3 UNIT BLDG 146100008005 10673 150t000 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2456 SE ATM PL CONST 3 UNIT FLOG 146100021086 0674 3.400 ROBINSON 2707 CEDAR AV S ADDITION TO S/F RES 889870121007 0675 7.800 ROBERT F. HUEBNER 1700 JONES AV NE CONSTRUCT ADDITION S/F RESIDENCE 1 334390348806 1867$ 4,,000 TOM AITON 919 HARRINGTON AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10677 SUNSET PET CLINIC INC.P 1401 MONROE AV NE DEMOLITION OF SHED 042305912604 106667788 333E,BLOG #e 688g50580o50o FIjIIIRSSSST cCCITY EQUIjTY TIES S 941 POWELL AV SW CCCON947 POWELL AV SW S$ST OFFIT OFFCE BLDG #1 0681 41500 MICHAEL LAWSTY ONITIEs 500 C955 EDARLAVVSSW CONST DECK'EREPAIRBRDG OOF/PORCH 722140016709 10682 300 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INV 330 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 0683 2.450 MR KRISHMAN 1048 LYNNWOOD AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 285480006508 0684 45.000 OR ROBERT HANCHEROFF 1500 BENSON RD S CONST FDTN ONLY PER SEC 303(A) 1982 UBC CODE 202305908602 10685 2.806 JIM KIRKMAN 1407 QUEEN AV NE REROOF DUPLEX 042305930002 10686 2.442 MR. G. SHILLINGER 3322 NE 10TH PL REROOF RESIDENCE 0425400o180 18687 300 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 458 HARDIE AV SW DEMOLISH WALL BETWEEN #47 d #48 192385963803 1 688 1400 STEVEN F PARRY 1222 BRONSON WY N CONST INTERIOR ROOM DIVIDER 7650005 5 10689 101000 WALL & REDEKOP CORP 2u01 NE 4TH CT CONST ECCLOGY BLOCK WALL PER PLAN H690 • JERRY LAMASTER 705 SW 7TH ST REROOF COMM. BUILDING ;6846$2691 GLORIA PASCALE 2 32 HARRINGTON PL NE INSTALL SIDING AND CONST. DECK 92307795408 692 THOMAS MCMAHHAN 2938 SE STH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 5126400020 10693 68933 SAFEWAY STORES 2725 SUNSET BL NE REROOF BUILDING 722780102603 NCTRICAL PERMITS 80 6.500 MULL RYERSON CONST 2825 NE 12TH ST INST WIRING 12081 60 CLIFTON DAVIS 3014 MILL AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 2082 175 HOWARD BROWN 301 EARLINGTON AV SW INST WIRING IN ADDITION 2083 1.058 DEAN W. BITNEY 201 UNION AV SE 3 OUTSIDE LIGHT IN STORAGE&DUMP 2084 200 ROBERT DONIN 375 UNION AV SE #146 HOOK UP MOBILE HCME 12085 31000 STASE SANTI 221 WELLS AV S WIRE TENANT AREA 12086 700 MRS. MUCHINSKI 522 MONROE AV NE UNDERGROUND SERVICE 12087 450 NORMAN JACOBS 55 0 MONROE AV NE UNDERGROUND SERVICE CHANGE 12088 1.989 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2403 SE 8TH PL CHECK WIRING 12089 1989 NORCON DEV. 2317 SE 8TH DR CHECK WIRING 12090 1.989 NORCON DEV 2456 SE 8TH PL CHECK WIRING 12091 238 RENTON CENTER 446 HARDIE AV SW INSTALL EMT $ FLEXR ADD 6 OUTLET 12092 50 JOHN RANKIN 2822 CEDAR AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12093 250 B KIRKALDIE 612 SW LANGSTON PL REPAIR EXISTING SERVICE MAST 12094 200 JAMES HALSEN 285 THOMAS AV SW INST WIRING FOR GARAGE ADDITION 12095 250 STEVEN PARRY 1222 BRONSON WY N INST WIRING 12096 50 SANDRA JOHNSON 1720 SHATTUCK AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12097 60 K-3 CONSTRUCTION 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINSTALL TEMPORARY SERVICE 12098 3.983 SEATTLE IMPERIALS 2217 MAPLE VALLEY HY INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MECHANICAL PERMITS 10762 31200 NW BLDG. CORP 441 nENTON CENTER WY SW INST A/C #8 10763 1,000 D.E. WILCOX 1814 SHATTUCK AV S INST WOOD STOVE 10764 VOID PLUMBING PERMITS 146 1500 STEVEN PARRY 1222 BRONSON WY N INST PLBG FIXTURES (5) 147 450 HOWARD BROWN 301 EARLINGTON AV SW INST PLBG FIXTURES (7) 148 3.342 NW BLDG. CORP 441 PENTON CENTER WY SW INST PLBG FIXTURES (10) 149 2x500 NW BLDG. CORP 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW ALTERATION OF WATER SERVICE 150 2/DDD RIEBARD A BCWEN 1315 N 34TH ST INST PLBG FIXTURES (15) 151 1.800 HIBURY HOMES 420 FERNDALE AV NE INST PLBG FIXTURES(12) 152 3x600 TERRY HARMAN 2611 CECAR AV S INST PLBG FIXTURES (24) 153 4400 NORCON DEV 2317 SE 8TH DR INST PLBG FIXTURES (30) 154 4.000 NORCON DEV 2456 SE 8TH PL INST PLSG FIXTURES (30) 155 4.000 NORCON DEV 2403 SE 8TH PL INST PLBG FIXTURES (30) 156 2.500 ANDREW KESSELRING 2711 CEDAR AV S INST PLBG FIXTURES (35) SIGN PERMITS 1301 2.000 EAGLE POINTE APTS 1650 S EAGLE RIDGE OR INST FREE STANDING SIGN I-f CJT ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 2 10/26/84 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 26. 1984 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5857 Holvick deRegt Koering 841, 901, 923 & 935 Powell SW Main line waterline, storm connection 5858 Portal West Corporation 330 SW 43rd Street Curb cuts rework 5859 Richard A. Bowen 1315 N. 34th Street Sanitary building sewer 5860 James Brundage 1440 N. 28th Street Sanitary building sewer 5861 Washington Jockey Club Lind SW and SW 27th St. Preparation ground work 5862 Springtree Homeowners 4308 Sunset Blvd. NE Side sewer repair 5863 Roy Richards 815 Dayton Avenue NE Repair existing house side sewer - root problems ISSUE-G- _ __-------- - -_ _-"CST.Y OF.RENTON. -.._ — _ °AGE -3 — 11/02/94 BUILDING & ZONIN; DEPARTMENT P;RVITS ,3SUED WEEK ENDING NOVEMPEP 2, 19F4 BUILDING PERMITS ss 66 pp Z 10692 1,200 THOMAS MCMAHHAN 2938 SE 5TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 712780102603 10093 68,98 SAFEWAY STORES 2725 SUNSET BL NE REROOF BUILDING 10694 2,50 KING COUNTY 3005 NE 47H ST INSTALL TEMPORARY StORAGE SHED 10695 DAXHURST DEV CC 375 UNICN AV SE 0106 SET MOBILE HOME 10696 2,500 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 37p05 UNION AV SE 4106 CONSTRUCT PATIO, SHED jj pp p 3 10698 6.055 GORDON &ARUTHRSHIP WALKER 3901SWELLSSAV N CONST OF KGCOVER/SHOP SPACE 33 2 00 602 10699 90,000 GARRY ARTHUR SMITH 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON SL NCCNST S/F RESIDENCE 3342100055 10700 2,976 SANDRA SINGLETON 375 UNION AV SE 0110 CONST CARPORT COVER 10701 1,997 LAWERNCE ALVES 375 UNION AV SE #98 CONST PATIO COVER - - 10702 1,091 RTN SHOPPING CTR ASSOC 446 HARDIE AV SW REMODEL-RTN SHOPPING CTR 182305921609 10703 10,000 WALL 4 REUEKOP CORP 001 NE 4TH CT CONSTRUCT ECOLOGY BLOCK WALL 0704 16,000 PAUL P. HOWSER 212? NE 7tH ST CONSTRUCT ADDITION 722750126509 10705 EARL MASTON 207 GARDEN AV N OEMOLITION/LEVEL & CLEAR LOT - -- 10706 1,900 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 30E WILLIAMS AV S CONSTRUCT FENCE ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12099 Z50 UNION AV CO 375 UNICN AV SE 0106 HOOK UP- MOIIIUE 12100 3.900 SILLY MC HALES INC 241 SW 7TH ST INST NEON LIGHTING/EXTERIOR 12101 1,150 AITON CONST 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST WIRING 12102 6,G00 BENOROYA FUSINESS PARK 1040 TMCMAS AV SW RELOCATE, TENANT IMPROVEMENT EXTEND CKT TO PLGS 12103 14.000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N CORRECT L GHTING IN 4-81 JOB 784087 12104 2,243 RENTON CENTER ASSOCIATE 45p HARDIE AV SW EXTEND 200 AMP SERVICE 12105 4,F00 REEF RESTAURANT 1011 W PERIMETER RD REWIRE BAR & EQUIPMENT/GREENHS 12106 250 ALLEN CLOW 2616 MEADOW AV N EXTEND OUTLETS, S/F RESIDENCE 12107 11fC8p0 BILLY MC HALE'S Z41 SW 7TH ST INST WIRING FOR REMODEL 12 8 .c00 ESPINOZAS MEXICAN REST 540 RAINIER AV S CONNECT EQUIPMENT 12109 1,785 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 433RD ST INST 3 CIRCUITS. MOVE OUTLETS 12110 1,d00 ANCALUSIA INC 2E11 CECAP AV S INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10765 1,39 HENRY J ELLINGSON JR 335 STEVENS AV SW INST WOOD STOVE 10766 1,900 A J CREEK 2309 NE 9TH ST INST WOOD STOVE 10767 7,7 COLUMBIA INLANC DEV 301z SW 43RC ST INST (4) HOOD SYSTEMS 10768 1.26/�0 WANDA D. JOHNSON Z11 SW LANGSTON RD INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT 10769 L,000 RICHARD PALMER, o55 CAMAS AV NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10778 eft JERRY PAEPKE 9r3 SW 3RD FL INST SPACE HEATER 107711 10,GOG JOHN HALE 241 SW fTH ST INST GAS/ELECT HVAC SYSTEM 10772 300 JOHN SAGNARIOI 421 UNION AV NE INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM PLING PERMITS M2,580 ANCREW K=SSELRING 2711 CECAR AV S INST PLBG FIXTURES (15) 10,000 ROBERT/GONNA TYO-WEGNER2313 CAMAS AV NF. INST SOLAR DOMESTIC WATER HTR 158 2fi0Q SGRCG 92C SHATTLCK AV S INST (12) PLBG FIXTURES 159 350 ALLEN CLCW 2616 MEADOW AV N INSTALL 3 FIXTURES =RMITS 0,000 CCMMERCIAL PRCPERTILS 3:C SW 43RC I INST ONE PCLE SIGN OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS �► C ROBERT I. HUGHES. U >s ri Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z �' NANCY L. MATHEWS p JOHN W. REED R-E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. TRIMMCKE O tiP THOMAS W. TRIMM r,A qr�p SEP, ty REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 19, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 1984 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 11/7/84 for North Riverside Drive/Liberty Park Transmission Watermain (W-585A - Section 3) ; five bids received; Engineer's estimate: $103, 000. 00. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed for William W. Frost by legal counsel, Barokas S Martin, claimant's address - 1924 NE 21st Street, Renton, for injuries received in an auto accident alleging failure by City to (1) maintain roadway, (2) maintain proper guardrail, and (3) provide adequate hazard warnings in the 2200 block of NE 31st Street (6/6/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $836. 93 filed by James P. Beirne, 6248-121st Avenue SE, Bellevue, for damage to his automobile allegedly caused by running over a high manhole cover at 40th and Lake Washington Boulevard (9/29/84) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $14,658.42, plus interest, filed by C . J . McGerry Company, 75 Burnett South, Renton, alleging loss of business due to inaccessibility to their office because of excavation to install sewer system, lack of proper notice by City of work to be done, and inability to conduct business due to disconnection of utility services (8/17 - 10/1/84) . Refer to City Attorney S insurance service. e. Fire Department requests approval of agreement with King County Fire District No. 40 for automatic response. Refer to Public Safety Committee. f. Parks Department submits CAG-056-84, Kennydale Beach Park Pilinq Project; and requests approval of final pay estimate #1 of $15, 322. 72; final acceptance of completed project; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of $743. 10 if all required releases have been received. Council concur. a. Public Works Department requests transfer of funds from Reserve Fund No. 3665 (4C Water/Sewer Assessments) unto Utility Fund No. 421 in the amount of $550, 000 to fund approved capital improvement utility projects. Refer to Utilities Committee. h. Public Works/Airport Department submits Fancher Flyways Lease No. LAG-2096-72 for renegotiation of ground lease due to expire on 12/1/84, located on the west side of Renton Municipal Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis S Holman, bond counsel for the King County Economic Enterprise Corporation, requestinq approval to issue revenue bonds for which proceeds will be made available to Franck/Thomas Partnership to locate a warehouse/servicing facility in Renton; adoption of ordinance also requested. 7. OLD BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT 158 RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 19, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Plan Check Fees CITY ATTORNEY 5 INSURANCE SERVICE Frost Claim for Damages Beirne Claim for Damages McGerry Claim for Damages MAYOR S CITY CLERK Sign contract for Grant Avenue S. Watermain Siqn contract for Raymond Avenue S. Watermain Sign Interlocal Agreement with Water District No. 14 Siqn contract for N . Riverside Drive/Liberty Park Watermain PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE King County Fire District No. 40 Mutual Aid Agreement TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Renegotiation of Fancher Flyways Lease LAG-2096-72 UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid Opening for N . Riverside Dr. /Liberty Park Watermain (action taken) Fund Transfer for Capital Improvement Projects WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Interlocal Agreement with Water District No. 14 Fund Transfer for Union Avenue NE Project (Ist reading 11 /19/84) Brown Annexation PUBLIC HEARING 12/3/84 - 1985 City of Renton Budget 1 /14/85 - Matter of Fluoridation in City's Water Supply RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 19, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL J. MULCAHY, Finance Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Councilwoman Kathy Keolker was presented with a special PRESENTATION award by Mayor Shinpoch in recognition of service on the Library Board as member and chairperson from 1980 through 1983, when she resigned to assume her Council position. AUDIENCE COMMENT Cynthia Weed, representing the law firm of Preston, Thorgrimson, Advance to Ellis and Holman, 2000 IBM Building, Seattle, requested Council Correspondence consideration of a letter from Nancy Neraas, same firm, listed under the Correspondence portion of the agenda. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Nancy Neraas, representing bond counsel King County for the King Councy Economic Enterprise Corporation, requesting Economic Enterprise Council approval to issue nonrecourse revenue bonds on behalf Corporation - of Franck/Thomas Partnership for the purpose of acquisition, Franck/Thomas construction and installation of a distribution warehouse and Partnership servicing area for distribution of material handling equipment and systems in Renton. Mayor Shinpoch advised letter received from Building Director Ron Nelson indicates favorable response to this proposal and the two approved 11/5/84 by Council (Arensburg and Hunt) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST AND PRESENT THE RESOLUTION FOR READING AND ADOPTION. CARRIED. Resolution #2576 A resolution was read approving the issuance of revenue bonds Revenue Bond of the King County Economic Enterprise Corporation pursuant Financing for to RCW 39,84.060 for the financing of the acquisition of land Franck/Thomas and the construction and installation of a warehouse facility Partnership and service area of approximately 20,000 square feet for the warehousing of industrial equipment and materials at a location in Renton for applicant, Franck/Thomas Partnership. Aggregate principal amount not to exceed $800,000 pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and approved by the King County Council . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Assurance was provided by City Attorney Warren that this action does not imply tacit approval of land use/building code requirements of the City, and the City incurs no liability as a result of approval . MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Reed indicated his preference for referral of requests of this nature to Ways and Means Committee to allow study prior to adoption of resolution. SPECIAL Finance Director Michael J. Mulcahy addressed the Council PRESENTATION regarding health care cost containment for City employees. Health Care MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE Cost Containment REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, 'WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 11/19/84 Page two Advance to Ways and Means Committee Report Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Health Care Administration regarding the health care benefit study. Benefit Study MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.* Continued Mr. Mulcahy introduced consultants Ross Bond, Medical Claims Administrator from Network Management, Inc. , designer of the City' s medical program; and Dick Charles, broker from Merz Agency. He briefly described the health care package, proposed as a result of runaway medical costs, lack of incentives to control costs, and little employee awareness of what costs are or how they can be controlled. He reviewed progress of the study over the past year by the Health Care Cost Containment Task Force assembled by the Mayor with representatives from the City' s bargaining units and management personnel . Council approval is now required to proceed with the recommendation to initiate a protected medical self- insurance program which relies upon financial incentive to control costs. Under the new program, no reduction of medical coverage will occur; no change in doctors will be required unless the employee so desires; and no premium cost sharing will occur as negotiated and agreed upon between the City and employee groups. It was noted that cancellation of King County Medical and Standard Life Insurance coverages is recommended prior to implementation of the new program which includes potential employee/employer sharing of savings on a 50/50 basis. Continued Upon inquiry by Council members, Mr. Mulcahy advised that medical expenses incurred by employees who are temporarily out of the area or state would be submitted to the City' s Claims Administrator for payment or reimbursement; Renton is the second city in the state to approve this program; Network Management, Inc. has 23 clients in private industry adopting similar programs--i .e. King Broadcasting, Virginia Mason Clinic, Highline Hospital ; medical emergencies would best be served at regional hospitals rather than clinics; and there are currently 250 employees insured by King County Medical who must select a different alternative. -MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 11/7/84 for North Riverside N. Riverside Dr./ Drive/Liberty Park Transmission Watermain (W-585A - Section 3) ; Liberty Park five bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $103,000.00. Refer Watermain to Utilities Committee. Frost Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed for for Damages William W. Frost, 1924 NE 21st Street, Renton, by legal CL 32-84 counsel , Barokas and Martin, for injuries received in an auto accident alleging failure by City to 1 ) maintain roadway, 2) maintain proper guardrail , and 3) provide adequate hazard warnings in the 2200 block of NE 31st Street (6/6/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Beirne Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $836.93 filed by James P. for Damages Beirne, 6248-121st Avenue SE, Bellevue, for damage to his CL 31-84 automobile allegedly caused by running over a high manhole cover at 40th and Lake Washington Boulevard (9/29/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. McGerry Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $14,658.42 plus interest for Damages filed by C. J. McGerry Company, 75 Burnett South, Renton, CL 33-84 alleging loss of business due to inaccessibility to their office because of excavation to install sewer system, lack of proper notice by City of work to be done, and inability to conduct business due to disconnection of utility services (8/17-10/1/84) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Kenton City Counc ; 11/19/84 Page three Consent Agenda continued K.C. Fire District Fire Department requested approval of Mutual Aid Agreement No. 40 Mutual Aid for automatic emergency response with King County Fire District Agreement No. 40; contract shall be binding upon both parties for a period of one year and shall automatically renew itself for a similar length of time. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Kennydale Beach Parks Department submitted CAG-056-84, Kennydale Beach Park Park Piling Project Piling Project; and requested approval of final pay estimate CAG-056-84 #1 of $15,322.72, final acceptance of completed project, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $743. 10 if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Fund Transfer Public Works Department requested transfer of funds from for Capital Reserve Fund No. 3665 (4t Water/Sewer Assessments) unto Improvement Utility Fund No. 421 in the amount of S550,000 to fund Projects already approved capital improvement utility projects. Refer to Utilities Committee. Fancher Flyways Public Works/Airport Department submitted Fancher Flyways Lease Lease No. LAG-2096-72 for renegotiation of ground lease due LAG-2096-72 to expire on 12/1/84, property located on the west side of Renton Municipal Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Utilities Committee recommending removal from Committee referral list of the City-Wide Drainage following matters which do not require Committee action: Problems, Wetland City-wide drainage problems (Administration may propose Requirements for City drainage utility in 1985) ; Review of wetland P-1 Channel , Well requirements for P-1 Channel , Phase II ; Analysis of Well Field Protection Field Protection Study by CH2M Hill (Council to address Study, Utility specific proposals during budget process) . The Committee Bill Collection also recommended removal of the matter of utility bill Fee Increase collection fee increase which was referred in error on 10/22/84 (Council adopted recommendation of Ways and Means Committee for 30C fee on 11/5/84) . MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Awarded for Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Grant Avenue South concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Watermain Project Department to accept the low bid of Archer Construction, Inc. W-774 in the amount of $55,568.59 for the Grant Avenue South Watermain Project (W-774) , The Committee also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Awarded for Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Raymond Avenue S. concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Watermain Department to accept the low bid of Grant Construction Co. Improvements in the amount of $35,564.90 for watermain improvements on W-712 Raymond Avenue South (W-712) . The Committee also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Interlocal Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Cooperative concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Agreement with Department to enter into an interlocal cooperative agreement Water District between King County Water District #14 and the City of Renton #14 concerning transfer of water service in the vicinity of Dimmitt School to Renton. The Committee further recommended referral of the resolution to Ways and Means Committee and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 11/19/84 Page four Old Business continued Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee cont. recommending that the appeal of special connection charge Metro Appeal filed by Metro (8/6/84) be denied. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Awarded for Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report N. Riverside Dr./ concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Liberty Park Department to accept the low bid of Grant Construction Watermain Company in the amount of $118,282.26 for the North W-585A Riverside Drive and Liberty Park Watermain (See Consent Agenda Item a. ) . The Committee also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3861 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of G. M. Associates property ]coated at the northeast corner of Duvall Avenue NE Rezone Reversion and NE 4th Street from Business District (B-1 ) to General (Northward) Classification District (G-1 ) ; G. M. Associates Rezone reversion (Northward Development) ; File No. R-019-82. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Fund Transfer An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds for Union Avenue in the amount of $31 ,930.20 from Unanticipated Revenue/ NE Project Capital Improvement Fund (Environmental Review Committee Fees) unto Capital Improvement Fund (Union Avenue NE/NE 4th/NE 2nd Street) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Brown Annexation Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of the Brown Annexation (denied on 9/24/84 due to small size) . Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that he will not participate in discussion of this matter nor vote due to potential violation of appearance of fairness doctrine. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE BROWN ANNEXATION. * Council President Hughes spoke against the motion, noting earlier Council discussion and denial was based upon limited size of the parcel . City Attorney Warren reviewed letter from Policy Development Director Larry Springer which provides a history of the annexation process: loo Notice of Intent to Annex filed 3/29/84; approval given by all City departments except Fire Prevention due to creation of illogical boundaries and illogical extension of services; 10% Annexation public hearing held 4/23/84--Council apprised that adjacent property owners declined to participate in the annexation; Council authorized circulation of 75% petition; 75% Annexation public hearing held 5/21/84, Council accepted the petition; Notice of Intent to Annex filed with Boundary Review Board 6/27/84 and approved on 8/27/84. Continued Following receipt of a request for reconsideration filed by C. W. "Tiff" Hewitt on 10/29/84, a review of the City' s resolution outlining annexation procedures indicates a passage which states that adoption by the City Council of a 75% annexation petition constitutes to the full endorsement by the City of Renton of the annexation proposal . Based upon this legislation, Resolution No. 2429, adopted in November of 1981 , the Policy Development recommends the Council approve the Brown annexation. ;MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THE BROWN ANNEXATION TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 11/19/84 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending that the matter of plan check fees be referred Plan Check Fees to the Administration; no action is required by the Committee at this time. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Referencing a request filed by Mr. William Allingham on REPORT 8/6/84 to purchase City property near his Sub Shop on Logan Allingham Request Avenue, Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a recommendation to Purchase City from Ed Hayduk, Housing & Community Development Coordinator. Property for Sub Following review of the request to purchase the small parcel Shop Parking between Mr. Allingham' s property (30 Logan S. ) and the Cedar River Trail and the large piece to the east (former Burlington Northern R/W) in order to expand parking area, the Parks and Policy Development Departments recommend the following: 1 ) The City should not at this time sell any of the property; 2) The City should lease 1512 square feet of Parcel A, small portion by Trail , to Mr. Allingham, which will provide four to five parking stalls. The lease should be revokable at the owner' s discretion. A rent of $66 per month is recommended; and 3) In addition, the pedestrian corridor project will be modified to allow access to the rear of the building. Rear access was to be provided already as part of the project. Many factors were considered in arriving at this recommendation, including sale restrictions of the B.N. property and uncertainty of final plans for a proposed housing project which may require the small parcel , Parcel A, for use as parking, access, etc. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Sunpointe - Mayor Shinpoch reviewed status of the Sunpointe development CHG International , (CHG International , Inc. ) near the Sears Shopping Center. Inc. Original approval allowed 400 living units and a retail shopping center. Sixty-four units have been built and further development will require reapplication for new building permits. The back portion of the property (near railroad tracks) has been sold, and building permits have been issued to construct 140 units for elderly tenants (not low income) . No plans have been submitted to commence with the commercial phase of the original planned unit development. The developer has filed bonds to cover installation of streets, sidewalks, landscaping, etc. ; however, any private agreements between CHG and homeowners in the area would be unenforceable by the City. A solution for a second access onto Sunset via a roadway easement to Stevens SW to link with SW 4th Place appears satisfactory to both City and developer. Traffic on Sunset is still insufficient to warrant activation of signal light in that location, however. Milwaukee Road Mayor Shinpoch reported receiving an offer from Albert Substation For Heglund, Jr. , owner of refurbished Milwaukee Road Substation Sale at 450 S. Shattuck, to sell said building to the City for use as a cultural center. The building, designated an historical building by Resolution No. 2076, adopted in 1976, has been appraised at from $947,000 to $1 ,349,000. Police Auction The Police auction held 11/13/84 netted $1 ,407.21 . The sale is intentionally held separately from the City-wide auction because the items offered for bid attract a different type buyer. Retired Police Captain John Buff returned to serve as auctioneer. Legislative Mayor Shinpoch relayed a suggestion made recently by the Meetings Suburban Cities Legislative Committee that the cities of Auburn, Enumclaw, North Bend, Pacific, Algona, Kent, Renton and Tukwila jointly host a meeting in early December for legislators representing the llth, 30th and 33rd Legislative Districts. Dedication of Dedication of the Snoqualmie Falls Substation (old Holmes Renton Area Building) has been scheduled on Wednesday, November 28, 1984 Multi-Service from 12: 30 to 2:00 p.m. by the Renton Area Multi-Service Center Center Board of Directors. Renton City Council 11/19/84 Page six Administrative Report continued Comprehensive Mayor Shinpoch reported that an earlier suggestion by Plan Designation Councilwoman Keolker regarding Comprehensive Plan Greenbelt Revised designations has been reviewed by the Policy Development Department. A different designation, "Environmentally Sensitive Areas," will be applied to those preserved areas upon which development is prohibited. This will relieve confusion to the public in interpreting the term, "Greenbelt," which implies that development will not be allowed, but in fact, certain limited use is permissible. Downtown The Downtown Renton Merchants Association will install Decorations Christmas decorations on November 25, 1984. Cable Company Responding to Councilman Clymer' s earlier report that Roadway Patch temporary roadway patching by the cable company is deteriorating in areas on Renton Hill , Mayor Shinpoch relayed information from the Public Works Director that permanent patch will be installed on all walks and streets as soon as weather permits. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Time: 9:00 p.m. CARRIED. �►�c'-fes f� G�f i!�L-E��'G-' MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk I Q Q Sig OPEn11R6 ,.r iM, 1 184. Z 3�PN RS I i BID TABULATION / p woTEe PilCStti ac W-585A �RP►,T �jpMS urile� ARCHNL (OgfTQvtile,, I�051,7011 r11�N11 &Lact10 RFNTD*1 �KSZpu(T�O� 1LLLTT V�Nt4Af�j 24''tRnwSMP>s,°� HAIQ IN ENGINEERV ESTMAATE loc. LCNSt0uctlo+V, INt-. �NSZtUmlvi C°• (c 1►+C• N R1JtfSIDE DQIJC Aao usfCIy - - G1�y of e:ENToe� _ NIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL Ul UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL UNIT MICE UNIT TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL PRICE UNIT TOTAL NIT VRIC UNIT TOTAL 1 Z4"➢,1m,E ketw,IL SI,T3 1,125 5't 82 691604 50 5'S 00 67,375°° 6619 $1,08Z19 740` 90,650 75°D 91,?750` 71 ?7x365° W n,t A MAI,+ L_F. _ 2 "Mv0 (WE� cN♦onnwr .o A -En11,4001,A00" 4 200 1,'550p0 4,050 2 5117 OV '7,761 00 1,00000 3,000° 660`0 IJ06 1,500` 4,500° s . � 3 NYPRAWl 61AA9e Poysy z 40p0 60 0° 4500 9060 410, 9 2 °y 100" 200" `70°' too" 60" 120 4 24'1$unwL" kifLVE I 1 4,76000 4,200°° 4,20o 4,200°° 4,7530" 4,753 °` 6,Oo0w 6,6o00t 5,006" 5,000'° G,911:- 6,972°` A,,-,Hel ►, vAa�i E,1 5 10"LoE UAL°E ASsEHety 1 54000 540°° 55000 55000 741°` 741°° 700 '700 e` 560`° 566 680" 616`" __ EP C 60AWAtAR BEM14C. 100 001 100 400 40o 10 I to -Igo 60 '7 W I �706°L 6 C1 1 � �°Y Vol* T°w r I 9A7ak Ror+ Grt.,vc� 50 390 2,700°O °c 7 1�M(k�Il� ccNy 400 3,000°0 53° 3,875 3Oy 2,250°" 001 7s° 310 2,325 6 AsPHn�t�� tGNCRlIE Zoo Z091 4,194°C 1440 2 60660 '14 958pO oc °o °c °V °� Su[r�cE Qf3Stl/i10 l �.v. 9 1, 10 2,600 14 T,1200 j4 '1;400 ML UL.o Mix ASoeAu 1400 O 01 400 14t" 5,600°O 2 94 1,11 2`° 900 0D 4 t0 _1,600°C 3 35 1,42vy y 10 yco RE►1oJEDi REtu.cEP 335 Ilge 3/,845$0 $96 31160 Flo �i35o SCo 1,(15"' 8°" 21CQ60i 5 1,677 15Y RE'uVf t REPU<E 1 O° 9430 to ee � " T. uw t6ac�cf I! y 9,430 , 6,004" 6,000 zoo ZoepO 4,000 A,000 8000 g.00b 7,966 $,9(0 12 I-1/2"A5PN°,t f&-Cec1E. Ito Co Ov F R� .-row 50°° 6,000°O 500C 6,400 p0 385`+ 46308° 40`" 4,806 `° 27`" 3i 375° 4,�0a 3" PvC 'TELEnc1Ry 11225 00 00 1a 99 75 ,. " So - 13 ; �P. 080 980 4 6,900 3 4,152 Q 4,906 ZS` 3,0E2 Qn �,QQo 14 L0"0"" Pu. (3�es 1 A1 5200° 3,640 65010 4,550°` 897°° 6,279°" 2060V 1,400`° 600" 4,2001'' SZ2e1, 3,65'x`' i i I� I I i �jU9TCSAl 109,4►930 112, 516 60 111, 584 $0 123, 075 Ov 124,466 O° (31 ,922 5 0 8.1`4 `5AlES TAY 6, 062 91, 9, 113 64 9, 524 37 9, 9 69 °t 1Q, 11415 10, 675 7L •(OTAL 5cN1E�kl.f 118,282.=` 121 , 630 44 mi, 109 " X33, 044 °Z 134,970 t5 14LI 603 11 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 11/20 4: 00 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Cable TV Matters PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11/29 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Owen Hall Appeal (One Valley Place) (Continued from 11/15) PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 11/28 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room K. C. Fire District #40 Automatic Response Agreement TRANSPORTATION Weds. 11/28 3: 30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Aviation Committee Referrals (AVIATION) UTILITIES Tues. 11 /20 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Minietta Latecomers Agreement; Fund Transfer for Capital Improvement Projects WAYS & MEANS Mon. 11/26 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 11 /09/84 ANG 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED kEEK ENDING NOVE43ER 9. 19E4 BUILDING PERMITS 10707 8,030 DAVID MELDRUM 617 MOPPIS AV S CONSTRUCT GARAGE 2963900135 10708 EMMA CUGINI 2880 S 3RD ST ANNUAL FILL & GRADE 5000 CU YOS SEE 8-8976 ALSO 10709 12.000 YEN WONG 2823 NE SUNSET BL REROOF BUILDING 7227801205 10710 2900 WNEDALL FORGOARD 2028 NE 7TH ST INST SIDING AND SOFFITS 722750001009 10711 5400 3609 NE 14TH ST 3609 NE 14TH ST CONST DETACHED GARAGE 091150013000 10712 32fO02f131 METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW CONST PHASE IIC-SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 10713 40.000 MOBIL OIL CCRP 2022 S PUG_T DR EXPANSION OF EXISTING MARKET 202305912406 10714 440x000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST CONSTRUCT RETAIL BLDG 182305921203 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12106 250 ALLEN CLOW 2616 MEADOW AV N EXTEND OUTLETS S/F RESIDENCE 12107 11 000 BILLY MC HALE 'S 241 SW 7TH ST INST WIRING FOR REMODEL 12108 1 .000 ESPINOZAS MEXICAN REST 540 RAINIER AV S CONNECT EQUIPMENT 12109 1 .785 VALLEY +MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST 3 CIRCUITS MOVE OUTLETS 12110 leSOD ANDALUSIA INC 2611 CEDAR AV S INST WIRING 12111 2.230 CITY OF RENTON 3555 NE 2N0 ST INST WIRING-SAND SHEDS 12112 50 HI3UPY HOMES INC 411 FERNDALE AV NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12113 900 JOHN BAGNAFIOL 421 UNION AV NE WIRING OF RESTAURANT 12114 11 .000 0 3 D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE WIRE NEW BUILDING 12115 100 SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET BL N INST TEMPORARY POWER MECHANICAL PERMITS 10772 350 ANTON A . ALTHOFF 4409 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10774 3x000 KOLL BUSINESS CENTER 204 SW 43RD ST ADD COIL/COMP TO ELECT FURNACE 10775 500 JAMES F . MATTHEW 2138 WHITMAN AV NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10776 750 908 MOFFATT 540 RAINIER AV S INST HOOD FIRE SUPP . SYSTEM 10777 1f500 ANDULSIA 2611 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 158 2.,200 SORCO 1920 SHATTUCK AV S INST (12) PLBG FIXTURES 159 350 ALLEN CLOW 2616 MEADOW AV N INSTALL 3 FIXTURES 160 2.000 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 400 S 43RD ST INST 4 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1303 8x000 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD 405 PARK AV N INST SIGN-D/F CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5864 The Sunset Croup 251 Sunset Blvd. N . Right-of-way construction 5865 Billy McHale's 241 SW 7th Street Side sewer (commercial) 5866 Kathleen Martin 617 SW 4th Place Sanitary building sewer 5867 David 6 Myrtle Scalf 2001 Dayton Ave. NE Sanitary buildinq sewer 5868 Jack Curran (H. Bacon) 20 SW 7th Street On-site storm, water and side sewer 5869 First City Equities 941 Powell Ave. SW Sanitary sewer, storm, waterline 5870 Chi S. Kim 2804 Cedar Ave. S. Side sewer ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 -- 11 /16/84 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 16, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10715 MARGERY ACKLEY 375 UNICN AV SE #30 SET MOBILE HOME 10716 2.500 MARGERY ACKLEY 375 UNION AV SE 430 CONSTRUCT PATIO ETC 10717 30,000 FORD MOTOR CO 201 S 7TH ST SITE PREPARATION/STRUCTURAL FILL 192305903101 10718 9.500 EDWARD 0. HCOVER 613 S 25TH ST CONSTRUCT DECK, HOT TUB 889900026002 10719 1 ,C00 JAMES F DE FREECE 104 UNICN AV SE CONSTRUCT WOOD STORAGE SHED 252500076002 10720 JOHN EDWARDS ESTATE 27C1 NE 3RD ST FILL & GRACE 100000 CU YDS 10721 2,200 RENTON SCHOOL DIST #403 800 UNICN AV NE CONSTRUCT WALL 10722 500 RICHARD LICZBARSKI 22C9 NE 8TH PL CONST CARPORT COVER 722750110008 10723 300,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 182305921203 10724 25,980 ALICE BCRTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 7725500010 10725 500 BALOUIN A VISCHER 1200 BRONSON WY N REPAIR/REPLACE SIDING & AWNINGS 756510004507 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12113 980 JOHN BAGNARIOL 421 UNION AV NE WIRING OF RESTAURANT 12114 11 .000 D & D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNIGN AV NE WIRE NEW BUILDING 12115 100 SUNSET GROUF 251 SUNSET BL N INST TEMPORARY POWER 12116 250 UNION AV CC 375 UNION AV SE #30 WIRE MCBILE HOME 12117 39PCOO J. A. BENAROYA 1010 SW 41ST ST 1600A SERVICE ALTERATION 12118 200 GLORIA SUMMERS 441 BURNETT AV S CHECK/REPAIR WIRING 12119 12,500 CITY OF RENTON 10C BURNETT PL S INST WIRING/LIGHTING FOR TRAIL 121H 100 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST TEMPORARY POWER 12121 50 RAY VAN HOLLEBEKE 4251 SUNSET BL NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12122 50 RAY VAN HOLLESEKE 650 RAINIER AV S INST ( 2) TEMPORARY POWER BOXES 12123 500 STASE SANTI 221 WELLS AV S WIRE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12124 2,110 AITON CONSTRUCTION CO 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST NEW 150 AMP SERVICE 12125 30 LUCILLE ROUSE 2004 HARRINGTON CR NE CORRECT HEAT SWITCH/A/C OUTLET 12126 500Q PAUL MESSER 144Q27 INDEX AV NE REPLACE BROKEN METER SOCKET 2128 35U EDWARD HOOVER 613 SU25THTSTL S WIREMHOTET(E�BTRICAL REMODEL 12129 1 .500 ALICE BCRTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 12130 50 ALICE BCATNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N TEMPORARY SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10778 ECO DAVID R BRCMBACH 2820 WHITWORTH AV S INST WOOD STOVE 10779 557 LORENZ RANKIN 526 S 2ND ST INST CEILING GAS HEATING UNIT 10780 565 SENTRA INC 310 N 3RD PL INST CEILING GAS HEATING UNIT 10781 1 ,170 ROBERT C BRATTCN 3523 NE 10TH PL INST WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 161 8,000 RICHARD 0 GALVIN 2407 GARDEN CT N INST 21 PLGB FIXTURES 162 1 ,198 L KATHLEEN KOONS 2640 NE 20TH ST INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 163 800 DAN HULL 8C5 N 31ST ST REPLUMB REMODEL 7 FIXTURES 164 10,000 CITY OF RENTON 100 BURNETT PL S INST LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 165 200 SUNSET TERIYAKI 1170 SUNSET BL NE INST ONE LAUNDRY TRAY 166 250 SEVEN ELEVEN STORES 3131 NE 12TH ST INST MOP SINK SIGN PERMIT$ 1304 1 ,000 TOM AITCN 919 HARRINGTON AV NE INSTALL S/F SIGN AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT 1. HUGHES, U �� Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z KATHY KEOLKER n rn NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 9A RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD MW. ESDTREDICKE p �P THOMAS W. TRIMM 9�TED SEPTE�O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING NOVEMBER 26, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984 4. DROCLAMATION : Antishoplifting '84 Campaiqn 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a tonic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits street vacation request by Renton School District #403 for unused street right-of-way on the east side of Kirkland Avenue NE adjacent to Renton Vocational School campus. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing on 1 /7/84, and refer to Board of Public Works. (Public Works verifies petition as 1000 of r/w.) b. Claim for damages in the amount of $6, 190. 83 filed by William M. Marx, 2003 Shattuck Avenue South, Renton, for damage to artwork, rugs, upholstery, and furniture caused by sewer back-up, alleaing failure by City to maintain sewer line ( 10/8/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. C. Public Works Department submits request by Fancher Flyways to amend lease, LAG-06-76, to delete stipulation for construction of aircraft storage facilities on Apron B as it is not economically feasible. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Gerald E. Schneider, Schneider Homes, Inc. , 6510 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, requests latecomer agreement for 10-inch watermain in Monroe Avenue NE at NE 6th Street. b. Letter from Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requests opportunity to address Council reg3rding Maplewood Golf Course purchase. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 7 � RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 26, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Renton School District #403 Street Vacation Request CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Marx Claim for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Maplewood Golf Course Correspondence MAYOR S CITY CLERK Anderson-Minietta Latecomer Agreement for Storm Drain TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Fancher Flyways Lease Amendment, LAG-06-76 UTILITIES COMMITTEE Schneider Homes Request for Latecomer Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Renton School District #403 Street Vacation Public Hearing Fund Transfer for Water/Sewer Capital Improvement Program PUBLIC HEARING 12/3/84 - 1985 City of Renton Budget 1 /14/85 - Fluoridation in City Water Supply RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATEHWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared endorsement of Antishoplifting the efforts of the Renton DECA in its Antishoplifting '84 '84 Campaign Campaign to make the citizens and business community of this city more aware that shoplifting hurts our economy. Joey Hodson, representing the Renton Chapter of Distributive Education Club of Renton High School , accepted the proclamation. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested Council Advance to discussion of Correspondence Item 7.b. regarding Maplewood Correspondence Golf Course. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Item 7.b. SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE ITEM 7.b. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Pat Houlbjerg advising interest by an Maplewood Golf out-of-state party in purchasing Maplewood Golf Course for Course purposes of residential development. Mrs. Houlbjerg provided updated information that a bid has been made by the referenced party, owner of a large building company specializing in condominium development. She urged the Council to take action to acquire the golf course property and retain it for park and recreational use. Mayor Shinpoch advised that data is being gathered and financing mechanisms are being reviewed for presentation at the December 13th Committee of the Whole meeting if Council decides to address the matter of golf course acquisition at that time. City Attorney Warren reported that the golf course board will meet on December 20th to make a final decision as to whether or not they will entertain the developer' s offer. The Council will have sufficient time prior to that date to consider the matter. Mayor Shinpoch noted that the property is neither located (See later motion) within the City boundaries nor zoned for residential use. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Renton School City Clerk submitted street vacation request by Renton School District #403 District #403 for unused street right-of-way on the east side Street Vacation of Kirkland Avenue NE adjacent to Renton Vocational School Request campus; and reported verification by Public Works Department that petitioner represents ownership of 100% of the right-of- way. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing on January 7, 1985, and Board of Public Works for recommendation. Marx Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $6, 190.83 filed by for Damages William M. Marx, 2003 Shattuck Avenue South, Renton, for damage to artwork, rugs, upholstery, and furniture caused by sewer back-up, alleging failure by City to maintain sewer line (10/8/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council 11/26/84 Page two Consent Agenda continued Fancher Flyways Public Works Department submitted request by Fancher Flyways Lease Amendment to amend lease, LAG-06-76, to delete stipulation for LAG-06-76 construction of aircraft storage facilities on Apron B as it is nog economically feasible. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Gerald E. Schneider, Schneider Homes, Inc. , Schneider Homes 6510 Southcenter Boulevard, Tukwila, requested latecomer Request for agreement for a 10- inch watermain in Monroe Avenue NE at Latecomer NE 6th Street (Hilltop Development) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Agreement SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR A RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS , SECONDED BY TRIMM, CORRESPONDENCE ITEM 7.a. REGARDINC Maplewood Golf MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE ACQUISITION BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Course Acquisition OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Utilities concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee Department to approve the latecomer agreement for Anderson- Anderson-Minietta Minietta storm system improvements installed under the Latecomer Agreement Del-Mar Building Project at 15 South Grady Way (referred for Storm System September 26, 1983) . The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fund Transfer Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report for Water/Sewer concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Capital Department to approve the request for transfer of funds Improvement from Reserve Fund #3665 for projects approved in the Water/ Program Sewer Capital Improvement Program. The Committee further recommended referral of the matter to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Joint Surplus Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding the Equipment possibility of joining other cities and increasing the scope Auction of the City' s surplus equipment auction. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the possibility of a joint auction is being looked into for next year. CHG International Councilman Stredicke requested a written report regarding (Sunpointe) CHG International development progress (oral Administrative Report 11/19/84) . He also questioned whether or not a resolution approving the Final Planned Unit Development for a portion of the Sunpointe development (CHG International ) would be presented this date. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer advised the resolution is being held until receipt of a proper legal description; two parcels have been sold since original legal description was filed with the City. Mayor Shinpoch also reported that the City is still holding the bond filed by the developer for street improvements. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3862 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds Fund Transfer in the amount of $31 ,930.20 from Unanticipated Revenue/ for Union Avenue Capital Improvement Fund (Environmental Review Committee NE Project Fees) unto Capital Improvement Fund (Union Avenue NE/NE 4th/NE 2nd Street) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL : 6 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 11/26/84 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: 1985 Tax Levies An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1985 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton. The estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $5,486,913.41 , General Levy for the calendar year of 1985, and $806,400.00, Excess Levy for the calendar year 1985. (Total General and Excess Levies - $6,293,313.41 ; Total Assessed Valuation - $1 ,852,397,097.00.) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. Upon inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch explained levy rate set by King County Assessor, and while Council has authority to lower millage rate for the City, funds resulting from that reduction would be picked up by junior taxing districts. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3863 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned 19 5 Tax Levies ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Brown Annexation An ordinance was read annexing .38 acres of property located on the east side of 104th Avenue SE, approximately 300 feet south of SE 166th Street for Ray Brown, petitioner. Councilmar Stredicke left the Chambers and did not participate in discussion or vote on this matter due to a potential violation of appearance of fairness doctrine. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Hughes, Council refer this ordinance back to Committee for one week. Motion failed. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3864 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Brown Annexation ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke returned to the Council Chambers. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2577 A resolution was read authorizing Interlocal Cooperative Water District #14 Agreement with Water District No. 14 in the vicinity of Interlocal Dimmitt School . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Agreement COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stredicke asked if Water District No. 14 is a participant in the joint project for storage facilities on West Hill and inquired whether the proposal benefits the City or satisfies only one property owner, the School District. Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews indicated the proposal will improve fire protection to the school , which serves many students; will strengthen Renton ' s water distribution system by looping the supply lines out of the new reservoir; and increase water pressure in the area. All information provided to the Committee will be made available to Councilman Stredicke. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke cast a dissenting vote due to need for additional information. Library Board Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Appointment recommending concurrence in the Mayor' s appointment of Mr. Dan Sullivan to the Library Board to complete the term of Dick Seraile (deceased) . The term will be effective to June 1 , 1989. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. 17A Renton City Council 11 /26/84 Page four Ways and Means Committee continued Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending approval of Vouchers 3407 through 3748 in the Vouchers Approved amount of $951 ,247.82, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been rendered or received; Vouchers 3404 through 3406 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Planning and asked that members of that Committee notify him in advance Development if they will be absent from meetings to allow time to Committee invite a replacement, particularly for review of appeals. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced that PSCOG will be hosting a public REPORT meeting in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal PSCOG Light Rail Building on Thursday, November 29th at 7: 30 p.m. regarding Public Meeting light rail transit service in King County. Renton Zoning The zoning map which will be posted in the Council offices Map this week will be replaced by an up-to-date colored map in January. The map is provided in response to Council request. King County Mayor Shinpoch provided Council members with a status report Jail Facilities on the new King County Jail . Many problems have delayed completion of the building, scheduled to open on July 1 , 1984. The jail contract has been reviewed by the Suburban Cities Association, the Jail Advisory Committee, and the City of Seattle, and they have offered changes to the King County Executive. He will respond to suggestions on December 5th. King County The King County Development Guide will come up for a vote in Development mid-March, 1985. The City of Renton, along with other Guide suburban cities, prefers the Executive' s proposal rather than the one containing new changes. 1929 Police Mayor Shinpoch shared a Renton Police Department Report for Department the year 1929 with Council members. Of interest were the Report number of arrests made by the three officers comprising the entire force (755 arrests) . Population of Renton was 4,062 according to the 1930 Census. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:45 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 11 /26/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: 03403 - 03406 CURRENT $134.938.31 PARKS 3711917.40 fERIAL STREETS $12.401 .84 4 W �'PEETS $67.527. 59 LIBRARY 5131469.27 STREET FORWARD THRUST $1161575.67 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $22.070.66 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $831059.22 WATERWORKS UTILITY $1771269.31 AIRPORT $41802.45 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $1971822.13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $321663.61 INSURANCE FUND 5178.00 FIREMEN 'S PENSION $161552. 36 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $9511247.82 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3407 THROUGH NO. 3748 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5951 /247. 82 TH -6TH CAY OF NCVEMBER 1984 . U COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - �rV�.QJ� MEMBER - MEMBER EMBERMEMBER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 26, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HUGHES COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 11 /2 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Owen Hall Appeal (One Valley Place) (Continued from 11 /15) PUBLIC SAFETY Weds. 11 /28 4: 30 p.m. REED 3rd Floor Conference Room K .C. Fire District #40 Automatic Response Agreement TRANSPORTATION Weds. 11 /28 3: 30 p.m. TRIMM 4th Floor Conference Room Aviation Committee Referrals (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 12/6 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Parker Property Utility Fees (City Attorney invited) WAYS 8 MEANS Mon. 12/3 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUuED CITY OF PENTON PAGE 1 11/21/84 ------BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 21" 1584 BUILDING PERMITS p 107 8 9.500 EDWARDOTOR CO 0. HOOVER 613 S 25TH1 S 7TH ST SITE ST CONSTRUCTADECKf HOTRTUBURAL FILL 2 80 658j 10719 1,000 JAMES F DE FREECE 104 UNION AV SE CONSTRUCT WOOD STORAGE SHED OUg00j/ 00 107220 JOHN EDWARDS ESTATE 2701 NE 3RD ST FILL & GRADE 100000 CU YDS 10722 21500 RICHARDSCHOCL LIDZBARSKI 0403 22201UNE08THVPLE CONSTCONSTRUCT CARPORTWALL COVER 7ZZTsp11 p00 107?3 3QQ:000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 19236 92120 110724 1155,980 ALICE SORTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N REPAIR FIFE DAMA-E 7225500010 10725 500 9ALOUIN A VISCHER 1200 BRONSON WY N REPAIR/REPLACE SIDING & AWNINGS 756510004507 10726 2,500 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 756460031500 I07j7 1f:000 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 07 8 x200 RENTON CENTER ASSOCIATE 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10729 29400 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10730 5,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PAPK AV N INSTALL TWO TRAILERS 1073312 181288 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 8800 PARK AV N INSTALL 3 TRAILERS 0733 115"M108 COMMERCIALMPROPERTY/INV 300 DARK AV N ST TENANTUIMPROVEMENTOMPLEX 10734 12,000 BANK OF CALIF. TRUST OE 801 MOUSER WY N INSTALL 2 TEMPORARY TRAILERS ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12118 200 GLORIA SUMMERS 441 BURNETT AV S CHECK/REPAIR WIRING 12119 12,500 CITY OF PENTON 100 BURNETT PL S INST WIRING/LIGHTING FOR TRAIL 12127 100 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST TEMPORARY POWER 122121 50 PAY VAN HOLLEBEKE 4251 SUNSET BL NE INST TEMPORARY PCWER 12122 50 RAY VAN HOLLESEKE 650 RAINIER AV S INST (2) TEMPORARY PCWER BOXES 12123 500 STASE SANTI 221 WELLS AV S WIRE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12124 2.110 AITON CONSTRUCTION CO 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST NEW 150 AMP SERVICE 12125 30 LUCILLE ROUSE 2004 HARRINGTON CR NE CORRECT HEAT SWITCH/A/C OUTLET 121J6 50 PAUL MESSER 1427 INDEX AV NE REPLACE BROKEN METER SOCKET 121 7 300 WILLIAM GESENINI 101 BURNETT PL S MINIMUM ELECTRICAL REMODEL 12128 50 EDWARD HOOVER 613 S 25TH ST WIRE HOT TUB 1 21 29 1.500 ALICE BORTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 12137 50 ALICE BOATNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N TEMPORARY SERVICE 12131 1OU MALTEK I1 3 10 1 NE 11TH PL INST TEMPORARY POWER 12132 11700 TOM BINGAMAN 310 WILLIAMS AV N INST 300 AMP PANEL W/2 SERVICES 12133 5U EARL BOWDEN 51? CEDAF AV S INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 11134 500 STAR VIDEO !30 SW 43PO ST INSTALL ADDITIONAL OUTLETS 135 950 VILLAGE SQUARE SHOPPING 1222 BRCNSGN WY N WIPE TENANT AREA 12136 860 WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAVIN 150 LOGAN AV S INSTALL HEATERP3 OUTLETS"SWITCH LIGHT 12137 1"85 DICK BCWEN 1315 N 34TH ST WIFE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12138 55J STAR VIDEO 330 SW 43RD ST WIRE ELECTRIC SIGN MECHANICAL PERMITS ]0778 800 DAVID R BROMBACH 2820 WHITWORTH AV S INST WOOD STOVE 70779 557 LORENZ RANKIN 526 S 2ND ST INST CEILING GAS HEATING UNIT 10780 565 SENTRA INC 310 N 3PD PL INST CEILING GAS HEATING UNIT 10781 1x170 ROBERT C BRATTCN 3523 NE 10TH PL INST WOOD STOVE 10782 2,400 EUGENE HOPBACH 241 SW 7TH ST INSTALL HOOD & EXHAUST FANS 10783 1/DDD JOHN 8AGNARIOL 421 UNION AV NE INSTALL HOOD SYSTEM 10734 1:1C0 EUGENE HORBACH 421 SW 7TH ST 400 ANSUI FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 18785 150 LCM LEE 1170 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL GAS VALVE 1 786 750 PC°EFT M HALL 314 MORRIS AV S INSTALL WOOD STCVE 10787 3rC00 WILLGEO 111 1222 BPCNSON WY N HEAT PUMP &4.3 KW ELECT HT PLUMBING P RMIITS 164 01C00 CITY CF PENTON 100 9URNETT PL S INST LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM NK 11165 0200 SUNSET TERIYAKI 1170 SUNSET SL NE INST C 800 PARK AV N INSTPONE LAUNDRY TRAY 00 250 SEVEN 168 67 4:500 BOEING EINGECOMMERCIALLEVEN EARCIAL /P C 8001PARKNE IAVHNST INST SRAININST MOP IPIPING ETC FOR WATER SUPPLY/SPRINK. NK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5871 Tom Barghausen 2611 Cedar Avenue S. Install sanitary side sewer C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF November, 1984 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTORS JE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL 11/1/84 TANS 83 LIM G.O. REF BONDS PER ORDINANCE #3786 $ 8,417.00 609/ 211/ 11/1/84 TANS 83 UNLIM G.O. REF BONS PER ORDINANCE #3786 $222,033.00 609/ 213/ 11/8/84 CONTINGENCY FUND CURRENT FUND RESOLUTION #2575 $4,265.00 107/000.22.597.00.50.00 000/000.397.00.00.01 i 11/15/84 1978 LIM GO BONDS TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 207/ 609/ 13,951.13 1963 LIM GO REFUNDING TAINS PER ORDINANCE #3786 211/ 609/ 8,417.00 1983 UNLIM GO REFUNDING TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 213/ 609/ 79,105.84 GGMD TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 39,051.81 215/ 609/ ARTERIAL STREET FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FU D Correction of account il/20/8 102/054.15.541.30.00.00 317/042.15.541.30.67.F 3 coding for prior expen- $ 75,442.60 ditures for 1984 Asphalt 102/054.15.541.40.00.00 317/042.15.541.40.67.F 3 Resurfacing. See 9,500.00 attached. 102/054.15.541.60.00.00 317/C42.15.541.60.67.F 3 14,855.95 $ 99,798.55 11/26/84 TANS CURRENT FUND TO TRANSFER BALANCE OF 6C9/215.04. 587.00.00 000/387.00.00.00 1983 TAN INTEREST EARNINGS $36,974.24 LIP Fund Street Fund 11/28/8 317/034/15.541.60.67.F07 103/000/15.542.61.31.0 See attached $88.91 OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS '1 1► ROBERT J. HUGHES, () �40 - Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z KATHY KEOLKER 0 -� w NANCY L. MATHEWS 090 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RCHA W.DMESDTREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM 09gT�D SEPI%- Oo REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 3, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8: 00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 26, 1984 4. PROCLAMATION : National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week December 9-15, 1984 5. PUBLIC HEARING : 1985 City of Renton Budget and Planned Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 6. .AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a. City Clerk submits street vacation request by Dan Shane (Ramac, Inc.) for portion of Maplewood Place (24th Avenue SE) and 5th Avenue East adjacent to SR-169 and Riviera Apartments; Public Works Department has verified petition signature as representative of 100% ownership. Refer to 'Nays and Pleans Committee for resolution setting public hearing for 1 /21 /85; and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 11 /21 /34 for South 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue S. Signalization and Channelization Project; 4 bids; Engineer's estimate: $44, 773. 50. Refer to Transportation Committee. c. City Attorney recommends increased compensation for Pro Tem Judges in Renton Municipal Court and reconstitution of Municipal Court under current laws. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Police Department recommends adoption of ordinances reflecting nevi laws adopted in 1984 by State Legislature pertaining to custodial interference, computer trespass, two-way left turn lanes, and pawn brokers. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Public Works/Airport Department requests review of Renton Aviation Leases, LAG 98-79 and LAG 007-82, for assumption by Airmaster, Inc. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. f. Public Works Department submits CAG 047-84, 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Phase I Program; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to contractor, Watson Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. , if all required releases have been received. Council concur. g. Public Works Department requests assignment of Apron C sublease from Aerodyne to Benair. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Finance Director Michael Mulcahy reports low bid on LID 323 bonds (SSV 43rd Street from East Valley Hiqhway to !Nest Valley Highway) ; bid opening by Seattle Northwest Securities on December 3, 1984; and requests ordinance adoption. b. Mayor Shinpoch recommends reappointment of Land Use Hearing Examiner for two year term commencing January 31, 1985. 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 3, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Employee Recognition Program BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Shane Street Vacation Request COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Quarterly City Report FINANCE DEPARTMENT & CITY ATTORNEY Renton Aviation Leases LAG 08-79 and LAG 007-82 MAYOR & CITY CLERK Automatic Aid Response Agreement with K .C. Fire District 40 S. 2nd Street/Burnett Ave. S. Signal Project Contract PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE New Police Laws TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bid Opening - S. 2nd Street/Burnett Signal Project (bid awarded 12/3/84) Renton Aviation Leases LAG 08-79 and LAG 007-82 (action taken) Apron C Sublease Reassignment WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Shane Street Vacation Request Municipal Court Ordinance Revisions LID 323 Bond Financing (Ordinance #3865 adopted 12/3/84) Position Title of Land Use Hearing Examiner Owen Hall & Associates Final PUD, FPUD-069-84 No PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 /14/85 - Fluoridation in City Water Supply 1 /7/85 - Renton School District Street Vacation - Kirkland Avenue NE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 3, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U'T' E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led teh Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, - THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL J. MULCAHY, Finance Director; LARRY SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 26, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of National Drunk December 9-15, 1984 as National Drunk and Drugged Driving and Drugged Awareness Week in Renton to remind citizens to focus Driving Awareness awareness on this critical problem because more drivers are Week on the roads, more social functions are attended during this holiday period, and more traffic collisions occur; and to remind drivers that safety belts are our best defense against all the hazards of the road. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch presented the proclamation to Councilwoman Mathews in honor of her contributions to this cause. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted 1985 Annual Budget/ and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Planned Use of public hearing to consider the 1985 City of Renton Budget and Revenue Sharing the planned use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for 1985. Funds The balanced budget in the amount of $53,005,31 includes a $19. 1 million operating budget, a $6.5 million capital improvement budget, 16 new positions, and a 4. 3% cost of living increase for employees. The budget total includes a $13+ million carryover from 1984. Total 1985 proposed Federal Revenue Sharing expenditures of $763,762 include both capital outlay expenses and salaries. Correspondence was read from Versie Vaupel , P.O. Box 755, Renton, commending new budget format for highlighting new programs, but objecting to lack of detail found in past years and no increase for animal control service . Mrs. Vaupel requested total amounts of revenue derived or lost from one percent tax decrase on private utility tax from six to five percent , and rate increase of 11 percent on city utilities. Mayor Shinpoch explained that utility tax & garbage rate decreases will provide an approximate $800,000 refund to the citizenry. Funds from the utility rate increase are earmarked for rehabilitation of the water-sewer systems and do not impact revenue sources. Regarding lack of detail , many line items which reflected ongoing, routine expenses have been deleted, but all new programs are described in detail . All comments will be considered in preparation of next year' s budget. Continued Bob Korn, 3900 NE 9th Court, objected to salary increases for uniformed personnel , and compared entry level salaries to teachers, whose qualifications must include a BA degree and additional hours of education. He suggested that if salaries continue to escalate, the City go out to bid for fire and police protection service. Mayor Shinpoch indicated Council has addressed fringe benefits and salaries the past two years, with no increases in salaries granted to employees in 1984 and a 4.3 percent increase including benefits proposed for 1985 Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page two Public Hearing - 1985 Budget 1985 Budget and pending acceptance of union contracts. Mr. Korn requested Planned Use of that copies of the 1985 and subsequent budgets be available Federal Revenue in future at Renton libraries for perusal by citizens. Sharing Funds Continued Councilman Stredicke indicated displeasure with the new format since he found it difficult to identify programs within each department for purposes of analysis and possible deletion, should cuts be necessary in future budgets. Mayor Shinpoch noted that since the City is labor intensive, if cuts are necessary in the future, first consideration for budget . cuts would relate to staff. Continued Council President Hughes presented amendments proposed by Council during several budget meetings held with department heads: Current Fund/Finance Department - Budgeting & Accounting (Page 49, Item #2) : Cut retroactive portion of reclassification for Accountant to Fund Accounting Supervisor; reclass effective l/l /85 - total cut $414. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , RETROACTIVE PAY NOT BE ALLOWED FOR THIS POSITION. CARRIED. Continued Current Fund/Domestic Abuse Women ' s Network (DAWN) (Page 55, Item #3) : Reduce 1985 allocation from $10,000 to $7,500 for a total cut of $2,500. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ALLOW $7,500 FOR DAWN AGENCY. CARRIED. Continued Current Fund/Policy Development Department (Page 81 , Item #2) : Cut $10,000 for Commercial Study and Market Analysis. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TRANSFER $10,000 TO CONTINGENCY FUND UNTIL FURTHER INFORMATION IS OBTAINED. CARRIED. Continued Current Fund/Personnel Department - Administration (Page 110, Item #4) : Cut $3,000 for Employee Recognition Program. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REMOVE $3,000 DESIGNATED FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRAM AND PLACE IN CONTINGENCY FUND AND REQUEST_ ADMINISTRATION TO PRESENT A PLAN RECOGNIZING EMPLOYEES BASED ON JOB PERFORMANCE RATHER THAN LONGEVITY. CARRIED. Continued Airport and Water & Sewer Construction Funds: Correction to funding for Renton Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project (Page 149, Item #4) : Airport Fund - Transfer $50,000 from Operating Transfers-Out to Ending Fund Balance. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE CORRECTION. Finance Director Mulcahy explained 550,000 originally earmarked in Airport Fund, then designated in Water & Sewer Construction Fund Revenue in error, and now being reflected in Airport Ending Fund Balance. MOTION CARRIED. Continued 1985 Salary Increase (4.30) for Local 21-R, Police Guild, Police Non-Commissioned, Management and Exempt Employees (Page 65) : Transfer $332,407 from Contingency Fund Ending Fund Balance and Property Tax Allocation to tax supported funds; Contingency Fund Revenue and Expenditures (Pages 65 & 67) : Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax Allocation and Ending Fund Balance in the amount of $25,567. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE FUND TRANSFERS. CARRIED. (See amendments attached.) Continued Councilwoman Mathews objected to political philosophy reflected in narrative contained on Page 2, Section A.2. , Federal Deficit (Background for the 1985 Budget) . It was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, SECOND TO LAST SENTENCE IN THE PARAGRAPH BE REPHRASED TO READ: ''The economy is currently experiencing one of the strongest post recession recoveries on record.'' ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM. 3 NAYS: HUGHES, STREDICKE, CLYMER. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, UTILITY TAX GROWTH CHART ON PAGE 11 , LAST COLUMN HEADING, BE CHANGED TO READ: ''CHANGE IN UTILITY TAX REVENUE.'' CARRIED. Mathews felt change was necessary to clarify that the figures in the last column do not reflect reduction in rates but rather reduction in total revenue. Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page three Public Hearing 1985 Budget 1985 Budget Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Reed, $8,000 be placed in and Federal Legislative budget for publication of quarterly City Reports Revenue Sharing in conjunction with Park Department program schedules. Motion Funds cont. failed. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, MATTER OF QUARTERLY CITY REPORT BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Continued Councilman Trimm opposed increase in water and sewer rates, decrease in garbage rates, and the utilization of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for purposes of salaries. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Mulcahy advised inclusion of a mail stuffing machine in Finance Department budget. Councilman Stredicke indicated that although the budget was one of the best ever provided by the Administration, he would oppose its adoption due to salaries proposed for top level positions. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 1985 BUDGET AS AMENDED INCLUDING REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE, TRIMM. CARRIED. (Total amount Budget Adopted of budget including expenditures and receipts: $53,005.316.) Continued Mayor Shinpoch indicated the new budget includes funding for six new firefighter positions which will enable reinstatement of the aid car in the Renton Highlands. Also reflected is a $800,000 return to Renton citizens resulting from utility tax reductions. Councilman Reed cited a problem encountered by Council committees when discussing a matter proposed for public hearing. The Committee feels constrained in making a recommendation prior to the hearing. Mayor Shinpoch explained Committee members are entitled to express an opinion on matters reviewed by the Committee, and are entitled to reserve the right to support funding of plans, etc. during budget review. Continued Councilman Clymer spoke in favor of employees' wages, noting the community is better served by employees who take pride in jobs and provide good service, rather than by dissatisfied employees whose morale is affected by wage cuts and may not provide service of the same standard. AUDIENCE COMMENT Chuck Slothower, 517 South 17th, Co-Chairman of Citizens for Playtime Court a Quality Community, asked for information regarding the Case City' s next step in the Playtime lawsuit in view of recent decision by Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He noted high level of support still exists in the community to prohibit adult movies in the location of Mr. Forbes' theater. Mayor Shinpoch advised the the Ninth Circuit Court has remanded the matter back to Judge McGovern, and Council will be discussing the subject litigation privately in executive session this date. Centron Corp. Ray Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, referenced Hearing Examiner SA-099-84 decision on Centron Corporation request for site approval to Roadway allow 264 apartment units on an 8.4 acre site near Edmonds Configuration Avenue NE and NE 4th Street (File No. SA-099-84) . He noted the proposal specifies extension of Edmonds Avenue NE from NE 3rd to NE 4th Street, and questioned whether the City plans any traffic revisions to prevent speeding (noting high vehicle speeds observed on Edmonds Avenue NE in the past) . Mr. Gervais suggested changing the roadway configuration to exit on NE 4th further west. City Attorney Warren advised conformance to site plan approved by Examiner is required unless the matter is appealed within specified period (12/5/84) , and Mr. Gervais, as a party of record, would be notified if an appeal is filed by the developer to the City Council . Mr. Gervais concluded by commending the City for the fine service provided by the Fire and Police Departments. Traffic Signals Larry Vickers, 13419 SE 125th Street, owner of property at 302-304 Wells Avenue N. , complained of unsynchronized traffic signals throughout the City, and reported traffic moves faster and smoother during power outages when signals are inoperable. He cited problems with new traffic revision at intersection of N. 3rd Street and Sunset Boulevard NE with traffic backing up in center lane since left turn lane 18A Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page four Audience Comment continued Traffic Signals for westbound traffic turning south is restricted to freeway cont. entrance. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to review the matter with Traffic Engineering Department. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Shane Street City Clerk submitted street vacation request by Dan Shane Vacation (RAMAC , Inc. ) for portion of Maplewood Place (24th Avenue SE) and 5th Avenue East adjacent to SR-169 and Riviera Apartments; Public Works Department has verified signature on petition as representing 100% ownership. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing for 1/21/85; and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 11/21/84 for South 2nd Street S. 2nd St./ and Burnett Avenue S. Signalization and Channelization Project; Burnett Signal four bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $44,773.50. Refer to Transportation Committee. (See Old Business, page 5.) Municipal City Attorney recommended increased compensation for Pro Tem Court Judges in Renton Municipal Court and reconstitution of Municipal Court under current laws. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. New Police Police Department recommended adoption of ordinances reflecting Laws new laws adopted in 1984 by State Legislature pertaining to custodial interference, computer trespass, two-way left turn lanes, and pawn brokers. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Renton Aviation Public Works/Airport Department requested review of Renton Leases LAG 08-79 Aviation Leases, LAG 08-79 and LAG 007-82, for assumption by LAG 007-82 Airmaster, Inc. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. (Airmaster, Inc.) (See later action under Old Business.) 1984 Asphalt Public Works Department submitted CAG 047-84, 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing Resurfacing Phase I Program; and requested approval of the Phase I Program project , authorization for final pay estimate, commencement CAG 047-84 of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to contractor, Watson Asphalt Paving Company, Inc. , if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Apron C at Public Works Department requested assignment of Apron C Renton Airport sublease from Aerodyne Corporation to Benair Aviation, Inc. Reassigned Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Adopted CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy LID 323 Bond recommending acceptance of the low bid submitted by Richards, Financing Merrill & Peterson, Inc. in the amount of 9.9913% to provide financing for Local Improvement District 323 bonds. LID 323 was formed to reconstruct and widen SW 43rd Street from East Valley to West Valley Road, and the project included installation Of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, street lights. sanitary sewers, bike bath, improved railroad crossing, paving, and all other necessary appurtenances. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later action, page 6 . ) Reappointment Letter from Mayor Shinpoch was read reappointing Fred J. of Land Use Kaufman as Land Use Hearing Examiner for a period of two Hearing Examiner years commencing January 31 , 1985. Mr. Kaufman brings essential qualities to the job: unquestioned integrity and superb professional credentials. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Due to expansion of the Land Use Hearing Examiner' s duties to include matters not related to land use, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MATTER OF POSITION TITLE AND ORDINANCE RELATED TO DUTIES OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page five Old Business Recess MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL TAKE A FIVE MINUTE RECESS. CARRIED. Time: 9:26 p.m. OLD BUSINESS Council reconvened at 9:36 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report recommending that the City Council affirm the decision Committee of the Hearing Examiner regarding Owen Hall and Associates Owen Hall Appeal , File No. CU-068-84 and FPUD-069-84. The Committee Appeal found no error in fact or law in the Examiner' s report. CU-068-84 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE FPUD-069-84 COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Committee recommending approval of a revision to the Automatic Aid Automatic Aid Agreement already in effect between the City and K.C. Fire Response District #40. The revision expands the scope of the Agreement with agreement to include additional fire management areas. Also King County recommended was authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Fire District sign the agreement subject to the approval of the City Attorney. #40 MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. City Attorney Warren explained efforts being made to upgrade mutual aid agreement form to include specifics, i .e. insurance, employee liability, responsibility for command decisions, etc. MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Committee a report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Aviation) Department to approve the assumption of Renton Aviation Renton Aviation Leases, LAG 08-79 and LAG 007-82, by Airmaster, Inc. MOVED Leases LAG 08-79 BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE and LAG 007-82 REPORT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND THE (Airmaster, Inc.) MOTION TO REQUIRE APPROVAL BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT AND LEGAL DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Late Payment Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Charges for a report recommending acceptance the following draft policy Airport Leases; regarding late payment charges and attorneys' fees and Attorneys' Fees collections. Late payment charges of 5% per month from the first of the month would be imposed if rent is not paid by the 10th. Reasonable attorneys' fees shall be awarded to the prevailing party if the lease is referred for collection or litigation. The Committee recommended to accept the draft policy for inclusion in Airport leases and provide each tenant with a copy of Late Charge Proposals along with an explanation that the City intends to include this stipulation in each lease. Comments from each tenant will be requested. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke clarified the intent of the Committee report to provide option to tenants to change current lease now or put them on notice that the policy will be discussed during renegotiation when lease expires. Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Trimm presented Rate Negotiations a report recommending extension of the current Fancher Flyways (West Side Office) Lease, LAG 2096-72, for an additional 30 days. Staff shall be LAG 2096-72 instructed to provide background information to the Committee (lease expired regarding the remaining two Fancher Flyways leases, and 11/30/84) following review of the three leases, Committee action will be taken. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bid Award for Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report S. 2nd Street/ recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Burnett Ave. S. Works Department to accept the low bid submitted by U.D.L. , Inc. Signalization s in the amount of $57,607.40 for the South 2nd Street and Channelization Burnett Avenue South Signalization and Channelization Project, Project bid opening held 11/21/84. The Committee also recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See Consent Agenda Item 7.b. ) Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wads and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: LID 323 Bonds An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District (SW 43rd Street) No. 323; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rate, maturity and denominations of the LID 323 Bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Richards, Merrill & Peterson, Inc. of Spokane, Washington; and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District No. 323 assessment installments; total amount of LID assessment roll : $347,931 . 10. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3865 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned LID 323 Bonds ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL (SW 43rd Street) ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (See Correspondence Item 8.a.) 1985 Budget An ordinance was read adopting the annual City of Renton budget for 1985 in the balanced amount of $53,005.316, which includes surplus in the amount of $13,075,650 carried over from 1984. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3866 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned 1985 Budget ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Metered Water An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III Service (Departments) of City Code relating to metered water service. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3867 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Metered Water ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Service ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE, TRIMM. CARRIED. Sewer Charges An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 8-715 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to sewer charges. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3868 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Sewer Charges ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. For the record, Councilman Stredicke requested the amount of the new rates. Chairman Clymer advised a $3.30 monthly sewer and $7.80 Metro charge or $22.20 for a two-month period for each single family home. Councilman Mathews indicated rates are still among the lowest in the area. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, MATHEWS, CLYMER. 2 NAYS: STREDICKE, TRIMM. CARRIED. Equipment Rental An ordinance was read establishing and adopting equipment rental Rates rates (Exhibit A describes each piece of equipment and specifies rates) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3869 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Equipment Rental ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Rates ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page seven Ordinances and Resolutions continued Garbage Rates An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to revised rates. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3870 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Garbage Rates ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. It was noted that the previous monthly garbage rate for two cans of $5.92 has been reduced to $5.64 per month or $11 .28 for a two-month billing period. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED, TRIMM. 3 NAYS: STREDICKE, MATHEWS, TRIMM. CARRIED. Solid Waste & An ordinance was read relating to solid waste and establishing Solid Waste a solid waste utility. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Utility COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3871 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Solid Waste & ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL Solid Waste Utility ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. It was noted that a solid waste utility has been created for accounting purposes. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES: CARRIED. Water & Sewer An ordinance was read amending the gross revenue tax as it Utilities applies to the water and sewer utilities of the City of Renton. (5%) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3872 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Water & Sewer ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Utilities (5%) ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Utility Tax An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 2 of - (5i) Telephone, Title V (Business Regulations) of City Code relating to Natural Gas, utility tax. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Electricity, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND Telegraph FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3873 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Utility Tax ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL (5�) ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2578 A resolution was read setting a hearing date of January 7, 1985 Renton School for vacation of a portion of unused street right-of-way on District Street the east side of Kirkland Avenue NE adjacent to Renton Vacation - Vocational School campus petitioned by Renton School District No. Kirkland Ave. NE 403• MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CHG International , A resolution was read approving final planned unit development Inc. (Sunpointe) for CHG International , Inc. (Sunpointe) , File No. FPUD-086-84, FPUD-086-84 for multifamily complex located at 603, 611 and 702 SW 5th Ct. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Mathews, Council adopt the resolution as read. It was noted that additional information regarding the various roadways in the proposal and their impact upon residents immediately north is forthcoming. Based upon concerns regarding this matter, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Hughes thanked Mayor Shinpoch and staff for Council Elections assistance during his term as President. MOVED BY HUGHES, 1985 SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ELECT JOHN REED AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT FOR 1985. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ELECT NANCY MATHEWS AS PRESIDENT PRO TEM FOR 1985. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/3/84 Page eight New Business continued CHG International , Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Administration Inc. (Sunpointe) indicating possible solutions to dangerous traffic situations at Irersections the two signalized intersections into the Sunpointe development; he noted traffic safety is impaired by roadway angle, steep terrain, and heavy traffic volumes. Mayor Shinpoch indicated her understanding that one of the intersections will be closed off for those reasons. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced an open house at the Renton Sheraton REPORT Inn hosted by the State Department of Transportation. Models 1 -405 "S" Curve of the four 1-405 alternative configurations will be displayed. Project Open House The open house will be held on December 11 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to notify Mrs. Larson of the Renton Hill Community. FAUS Allocations Last week, approval was given by the King County Joint Policy Committee for Federal Arterial Urban Systems (FAUS) funds towards two Renton projects: $9600 for Rainier Avenue S. project and $166,000 for preliminary engineering construction on Sunset Boulevard. Final approval for the funds rests with PSCOG. Budget Sessions Finance Director Michael Mulcahy was thanked by Mayor Shinpoch for contributions and assistance during budget hearings. She noted that Page 18A will be added to the budget in response to requests and will reflect all individual City positions with salary amounts. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Time: 10:41 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11 : 15 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk Page 1 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1985 CITY OF RENTON BUDGET December 3, 1984 Amendment Expenditures Revenues 1) CURRENT FUND/FINANCE DEPARTMENT - BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING $ A. Page 49, Item #2 - Cut retroactive portion of reclassification for Accountant to Fund Accounting Supervisor; reclassification effective 1/1/85 ........ 414 - $360 - 4 Months Salary Increase (9/1/84 - 12/31/84) 29 - Retirement on Increase 25 - FICA on Increase $ - Total Cut B. Reduce Current Fund Property Tax allocation by $414 and transfer same to the Contingency Fund ............ 414 - C. Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax allocation and Ending Fund Balance by $414 ...................... 414 + 414 + 2) CURRENT FUND/DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN'S NETWORK SDAWN) A.(Page 55, Item - Reduce 1985 allocation for DAWN from $10,000 to $7,500 - Total Cut of $2,500 ......... 2,500 - B. Reduce Current Fund Property Tax allocation by $2,500 and transfer same to the Contingency Fund ............ 2,500 - C. Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax allocation and Ending Fund Balance by $2,500 .................... 2,500 + 2,500 + 3) CURRENT FUND/POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. Page 81, Item #2 - Cut $10,000 for Commercial Study and Market Analysis .................................. 10,000 - B. Reduce Current Fund Property Tax allocation by $10,000 and transfer same to Contingency Fund ........ 10,000 - C. Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax allocation and Ending Fund Balance by $10,000 ................... 10,000 + 10,000 + 4) CURRENT FUND/PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION A. Page 110, Item #4 - Cut $3,000 for Employee Recognition Program .................................. 3,000 - B. Reduce Current Fund Property Tax allocation by $3,000 and transfer same to Contingency Fund ......... 3,000 - C. Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax allocation and Ending Fund Balance by $3,000 .................... 3,000 + 3,000 + 5) 1985 SALARY INCREASE (4.3%) FOR 21-R, POLICE GUILD, POLICE NON-COMMISSIONED, MANAGEMENT AND EXEMPT EMPLOYEES A. Page 65 - Transfer $332,407 from Contingency Fund Ending Fund Balance and Property Tax allocation ...... $ 332,407 - $ 332,407 - B. Transfer $332,407 to the following tax supported funds and increase Property Tax allocation in each fund as follows: 000 - Current Fund ................................... 216,221 + 216,221 + 101 - Park Fund ...................................... 54,705 + 54,705 + 103 - Street Fund .................................... 44,981 + 44,981 + 106 - Library Fund ................................... 16,500 + 16,500 + C. 1985 Salary Increase in self-supporting funds - Transfer from the Ending Fund Balance in each fund to Salary and Benefit accounts as follows: 401 - Water & Sewer Utility Fund ..................... 46,500 - 46,500 + 402 - Airport Fund ................................... 7,321 - 7,321 + 501 - Equipment Rental Fund .......................... 4,728 - 4,728 + 6) CONTINGENCY FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES (Page 65 & 67) Property Tax General Levy calculations as received from the King County Assessor ........ $5,486,913 Property Tax (General Levy) as estimated in the 1985 Preliminary Budget ................... -5,461,346 Increase Contingency Fund Property Tax allocation and Ending Fund Balance ............ $ +25,567 25,567 + 25,567 + INFORMATION ONLY: Adjusted Contingency Fund as a result of Amendments #1 - #6: Total Contingency Fund as estimated in 1985 Preliminary Budget ............................. $700,000 Amd. #1 - Transfer-in/Retro portion of Reclass ...... +414 Amd. #2 - Transfer-in/Cut in DAWN allocation ........ +2,500 Amd. #3 - Transfer-in/Cut Commercial Study .......... +10,000 Amd. #4 - Transfer-in/Cut Employee Recognition Program +3,000 And. #5 - Transfer-out/1985 Salary Increase ......... -332,407 Amd. #6 - Transfer-in/Additional Property Taxes ..... +25,567 Total Contingency Fund as Amended ................... $409,074 1 9 Page 2 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1985 CITY OF RENTON BUDGET December 3, 1984 Amendment Expenditures Revenues 7) AIRPORT AND WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Correction to funding for Renton Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project, as follows: A. (Page 149, Item #4) - Airport Fund - Transfer $50,000 from Operating Transfers-Out to Ending Fund Balance. No change in Airport Fund total ...................... $ --- $ --- B. Water & Sewer Construction Fund Revenue - Cut $50,000 from Operating Transfers-In .......................... 50,000 C. (Page 145) - Water & Sewer Construction Fund - Cut $50,000 from Ending Fund Balance ..................... 50,000 - Funding for Renton Avenue Sanitary Sewer Project to be provided by Water & Sewer Construction funds. TOTAL AMENDMENTS #1 THROUGH #7 ............................... $ 24,433 - $ 24,433 - TOTAL 1985 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED PRELIMINARY BUDGET ............ 53,029,749 53,029,749 TOTAL 1985 CITY OF RENTON BUDGET AS AMENDED .................. $53,005,316 $53,005,316 BID TABULA_TION SHEET PROJECT • SOUTH 2ND & BURNETT AVE. S. SIGNALIZATION AND DAT E ' CHANNELI NOVEMBER 21, 1984 NO SALES TAX REQUIRED BIDDER BID KNOBEL'S ELECTRIC, INC. EEO MBE $64,328.56 801 Tennant Lane Yakima, WA 98901 t5 L5 SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC. EEO MBE $58,611.35 9012 South 208th Street Kent, WA 98031 TOTEM ELECTRIC EEO MBE $63,906.15 2932 Jefferson Tacoma, WA DD U.D.L., INC. EEO MBE $57,607.40 12020 SE 32nd Street Bellevue, WA 98005 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $44,773.50 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 12/13 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers Acquisition of Maplewood Golf Course COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT No meeting STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 12/6 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Parker Property Utility Charges Thurs. 12/13 3: 30 p.m. If " " " Special Connection Charges; Bitney Request for Latecomer Agreement on Mt. View Ave. N WAYS & MEANS Mon. 12/10 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED _.___ ... CITY OF RENTON PAGE._ 1 �O 12/03/94 BUILDING 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT PSRMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 30f 1984 I DDSuIII GING PEERMIITS 1075 30.000 CITY OF RENTON 1707 MAPLE VALLEY HY CONSTRUCT WELL STATION p9 10736 2#500 GENE HALL 1719 MONROE AV SE FOUNDATION REPAIR 864551084006 10737 2.300.000 METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW CONSTRUCT WETWALL S FORESAY ONLY 2423049010 0738 4#000 RON OMEY 375 UNION AV SE #1 CONSTRUCT SHED b CARPORT 1110739 PACIFIC CAR b FCUNDRY 1400 N 4TH ST OEMOLISHo LEVEL LOT. CLEAR 722300001004 10740 21x850 SMART HEALY INC 100 RAINIER AV S ADDITION WITH LUBE BAY 7229500 30 10741 12.000 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2456 SE STH PL CONSTRUCT 3 SINGLE CAP GARAGES 1461 00 1086 10742 4#200 TED KLEIN 405 S 3RD ST REROOF BLDG 784080003006 10743 2360 WESLEY R, KELSON 336 9URNETT AV S REROOF BLDG 723150230008 I 1 744 4#888 MRS. UMBERTO BAREI 24 WELLS AV S REROOF COMM. BUILDING "' ""' 723150116504 I 18745 1 �uuu C DORAINE WILLIAMS -21 BUFNETT AV S CONST OFFICE WALLS 150580003005 746 1 .475 RICHARD RAMSEUR 640 FERNDALE AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 722750180506 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 2 33 140 5A SS CITY OFWATT RENTON 1701 MAPLE ES VALLEY HY INST POWENE INST NEW RETOIWELLIRE GARAGE #9 STATION 12141 250 ROBERT HUEBNER 1700 JONES AV NE INSTALL OUTLETSP REMODEL ]2142 458 ALVIN WRIGHT 681 RAINIER AV S WIRE ROOF FAN , _....;, 12143 1#700 COLBY COLLIER 2405 NE 7TH ST INST ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS 12144 11000 T.R.HAZELRIGG 5025 RIFLEY LN N WIRE NEW ADDITION 12145 3.000 E P INDUSTRIES 301 HOUSER WY N TEMPORARY POWER , 1146 48 ALICE SAUNDERS 1922 SHATTUCK AV S INSTALL WALL HEATER 12147 f50 SOUTHLAND CORP 3131 N= 12TH ST EXTEND EXISTING CIRCUIT t• 12148 200 RENTON PLAZA 1400 TALBOT RD S INST TEMPORARY POWER MECHANICAL PERMITS 1p g g Q INST 10789 2# 6 KATHLEEN' 2640UNE ZOTH ST INSTALLTOILHFURNACE EQUIPMENT 10790 2100 SORCO 1920 SHATTUCK AV S INST GAS FURNACE 10791 958 MOLLY YONEYAMA 1650 GRANT AV S 8-1 m INST WOOD STOVE 10792 850 ARCO 405 OAPK AV N INST COMPRESSOR 10793 798 CLAUDE MCCRIMMON 3132 SE 17TH CT INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT 10794 2.670 NW REHABILITATION CENTE 3817 TALBOT RD S INST OIL FURNACE 10795 s Q ARCO AM/PL 405 PARK AV N INSTALL ICE MACHINE11 H COMPRESS 10796 .SOd A.L.0 C 4 N IC11 N 34TH ST INSTALL ELECTRIC FURNACE 70.000 PLUMBING PERMITS 169 500 MOBIL OIL CORP 2022 S PUGET OR INST PLBG FIXTURES/REP PIPING 170 1x107 CITY OF RENTON 3555 NE 2ND ST INST BACKFLOW PREV/2 HYDRANTS 171 42.000 RENTON PLAZA INVESTORS 1400 TALBOT RD S INSTALL 59 FIXTURESP3 DRAINS 172 3.000 BOBBIE L STEVENS 3413 NE 9TH ST INST WATER HEATER 173 3,000 D.M.YOUNG _ 1811 DUVALL AV NE INSTALL 10 FIXTURES 174 250 LARRY POLLARD 504 S IFTH ST INST GAS PIPING f 175 d50 HDK DEVELOPMENT 1000 SW 7TH ST INSTALL 4 FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1305 5.000 TOM AITCN 919 MARRINGTON AV NE INST POLE SIGN 1306 2.000 43RD 5T PLAZA 33C SW 43RD ST INST CHANNELUME LTR SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5872 Union Ave. Co. 375 Union Avenue SE Install sanitary building sewer connections 5873 Wright Co. , Inc. 201 South 7th Street Install storm, water, san. sewer 6 right of way 5874 Roger Stromberg Lake Wash. Blvd. 6 N. 32nd Install waterline b appurtenances �, ':7 R OF 4�v L A AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS 10 ROERT 1. HUGHES, OUNCIL PRESIDENT ,� C WL Z EARL CLYMER Z o KATHY KEOLKER n NANCY L. MATHEWS ° N W. REED 9q RENTON CITY COUNCIL THOMAS W. TRREDICKE °9gT�D SEP�����Q REGULAR. MEETING THOMAS W. TRIMM DECEMBER 10, 1984 PRESIDING MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 1984 4. PROCLAMATION : Free Enterprise Month, January, 1985 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits Woodall/`.Nona request for vacation of alleyway located between North 6th Street and North 7th Street, parallel with and between Garden Avenue North and Park Avenue North; Public Works has certified the petition as representing owners of 70. 14° of property adjacent to the proposal. Refer to Ways & Means Committee for resolution settinq public hearing_ 1 /28/84 and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Municipal Court Pro Tem Judges as follows: Robert Anderson, 111 Williams Avenue S. ; Peter Banks, 320 Burnett .Avenue S. ; Kameron Cayce, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Gary Faull, 320 Burnett Avenue S. ; Deborah Fleck, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Richard Jackson, 111 Williams Avenue S. ; and Dave Tracy, 311 Morris Avenue S. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Parks Department requests transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Account 2104 for purchase of riding mower. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Parks Department submits CAG 044-84, Police Department Lounge and Restroom Project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final payment of $1195. 96, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $607. 95 to contractor, H . S. Builders, Inc. , if all required releases have been received. Council concur. e. Policy Development Department submits draft Renton Environmental Ordinance which implements new State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules . Refer to Planning and Development Committee. f. Public Works Department requests authorization to accept Referendum 39 Construction Grant offered by State Department of Ecology for the Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor and Pump Station Project in the amount of $390,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. q. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submits agreement for renewal of CATV Contract for Services with 3-H Manaqement 6 Consultants, Inc. Refer to Committee of the Whole. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 10, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Washington State DOT Mailing Procedures COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Renewal of Cable Consultant Contract PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Draft Renton Environmental Ordinance UTILITIES COMMITTEE Honey Creek Interceptor Project Funding WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Set public hearing for Wong/Woodall Street Vacation Reappointment of Municipal Court Pro Tem Judges Fund Transfer for Park Department Mower Set public hearing for LID 328 Final Assessment Roll Municipal Court Ordinance (Ist reading 12/10/84) Hearing Examiner Ordinance ( 1st reading 12/10/84) CHG International, Inc. FPUD-086-84 Resolution Supporting Kidney Dialysis Center PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 /7/84 - Renton School District Street Vacation - Kirkland Avenue NE 1 /14/84 - Fluoridation in City Water Supply 1/21/84 - Dan Shane Street Vacation - Adjacent to SR-169/Riviera Apartments RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of Free Enterprise January, 1985, as Free Enterprise Month, promoted in Renton Month by Renton High School ' s Marketing and Distributive Education Program, in recognition of an economic system in which natural resources, labor, and capital are brought together to produce and distribute goods and services needed and desired by the people. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Darlene O'Neil , Renton High School M.D.E.P. representative, accepted the proclamation. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Woodall/Wong City Clerk submitted Woodall/Wong request for vacation of Street Vacation alleyway located between North 6th Street and North 7th Street, parallel with and between Garden Avenue North and Park Avenue North; Public Works Department has certified the petition as representing owners of 70. 140 of property adjacent to the proposal . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing 1/28/84 and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. Municipal Court Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Municipal Court Pro Tem Judges Pro Tem Judges as follows: Robert Anderson , 111 Williams Avenue S. ; Peter Banks, 320 Burnett Avenue S. ; Kameron Cayce, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Gary Faull , 320 Burnett Avenue S. ; Deborah Fleck, 410 Burnett Avenue S. ; Richard Jackson, 111 Williams Avenue S. ; and Dave Tracy, 311 Morris Avenue S. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Mower Purchase Parks Department requested transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Account 2104 in the amount of $6,679.50 for purchase of a riding mower. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Police Department Parks Department submitted CAG 044-84, Police Department Lounge Project Lounge and Restroom Project; and requested approval of the CAG o44-84 project, authorization for final payment of $1 , 195.96, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $607.95 to contractor, H. S. Builders, Inc. , if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Draft Renton Policy Development Department submitted draft Renton Environmental Environmental Ordinance which implements new State 3 0 Ordinance Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules. Refer to Planning z O and Development Committee. � � m m N nHoney Creek Public Works Department requested authorized n to accept Interceptor Referendum 39 Construction Grant offered to Ste Department -on Project Funding of Ecology for the Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor and Pump r, Station Project in the amount of 5390,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. } rn Q 196 Renton City Council 12/10/84 Page two Consent Agenda continued Cable Consultant Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted Contract agreement for renewal of CATV Contract for Services with 3-H Management & Consultants, Inc. Refer to Committee of the Whole. LID 328 Final Added Item: Public Works Department submitted Local Improvement Assessment Roll District No. 328 Final Assessment Roll , Garden Avenue North $318,828.66 Street Improvements, and requested public hearing be set for January 7, 1984. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED WITH ADDED ITEM. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Municipal Court An ordinance was read amending Chapter 22 of Title I Ordinance (Administrative) of City Code recreating the Municipal Court and establishing compensation in the amount of $30 per hour for Judges Pro Tem. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Hearing Examiner An ordinance was read amending Chapter 30, Title IV Ordinance Title (Building Regulations) of City Code changing the title Change thereof from Land Use Hearing Examiner to Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Fund Transfer An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of funds for Capital from Unanticipated Revenue Funds unto Cumulative Reserve Improvement Funds in the amount of $111 ,000 (Utility Connection Charges) Projects and $764.22 (Storm Sewer Fund) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. City Attorney Warren explained additional revenue derived from unanticipated connection charges include fees paid by Metro for expansion project. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3874 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Fund Transfer for ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL Capital Improvement ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Projects Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading & adoption: Resolution #2579 A resolution was read providing for transfer of funds for Capital Improvemert Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Projects from Cumulative Projects Fund Reserve Fund #3665 (Utility Connection Charges) in the amount Transfer of $550,000 unto Water & Sewer Construction Fund Expenditure Account; and from Cumulative Reserve Fund #3362 (Storm Sewers) in the amount of $13,764.22 unto Water & Sewer Utility Fund (Land/Storm Drainage/P-1 Channel ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Upon inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch advised that the capital improvement projects are reflected in the 1985 budget, the transfer of funds is a housekeeping matter, and any changes in the construction schedule will be reviewed by the City Council in August of 1985. MOTION CARRIED. CHG International , Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer reported that Inc. (Sunpointe) CHG International , Inc. has filed for bankruptcy, which FPUD-086-84 raises a question regarding pending final planned unit development, File No. FPUD-086-84, CHG International , Inc. application, tabled at last Council meeting. City Attorney Renton City Council 12/10/84 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions continued CHG International , Warren recommended the Council take no action on the matter Inc. (Sunpointe) until effects of bankruptcy are assessed, noting there may be FPUD-086-84 a requirement for execution of additional deeds for right-of- continued way to realign Stevens SW and SW 4th St. connection to correct safety problem. Letter from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton provided information regarding proposed realignment configuration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REMOVE THE CHG INTERNATIONAL, INC. FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, FILE NO. FPUD-086-84 FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE UNTIL CITY ATTORNEY HAS RESEARCHED THE IMPACT OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS. CARRIED. Resolution #2580 A resolution was read setting a public hearing for January 21 , Shane Street 1984 to consider petition submitted by Dan Shane (RAMAC, Inc. ) Vacation for vacation of a portion of Maplewood Place (24th Avenue SE) and 5th Avenue East adjacent to SR-169 and Riviera Apartments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2581 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development Owen Hall & for Owen Hall & Associates (One Valley Place) , File No. Associates FPUD-069-84, at southwest corner of SW 43rd Street and (One Valley Place) Davis Avenue S. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL FPUD-069-84 ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 3753 through 3959 in the amount of $434,773.27, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 3749 through 3752 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker reported a problem incurred by Renton Washington State Hill residents when State Department of Transportation Department of representatives placed notices of upcoming open house at Transportation Sheraton Inn in mailboxes. Since it is illegal to use (DOT) Open House mailboxes for this purpose, postal employees had confiscated Notice - 1 -405 the notices when delivering mail . Council President Hughes "S" Curves advised that all parties of record from the last DOT open house had received notices by regular mail . It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, SUBJECT MATTER OF ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTION OF NOTICES BY STATE DOT BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR ACTION. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch announced efforts are being made by Policy Development Director Larry Springer to borrow WSDOT models of "S" curve alternatives for display at Renton Library in January. Hearing Examiner Councilman Stredicke requested that the Hearing Examiner be advised of concerns as to whether conditions_ imposed on developments must be satisfied before or after official approval of the application. He also requested the Hearing Examiner consider imposing time limits for conditions to encourage completion of development within a reasonable period. One Valley Regarding One Valley Place development (Resolution #2581 Place FPUD 069-84 adopted above) , Councilman Stredicke questioned size limitation of facilities for allowable uses, and felt a consumer survey should have been required to assess volume and type of businass uses allowed to support the medical facility. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dr. Teresa Rattazzi , Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) , Kidney Dialysis practicing in Renton, requested Council support for location Center of a new kidney dialysis center near Valley General . Accompanying Dr. Rattazzi were dialysis patient, Margaret Dunham, and wife of a former patient, Kimberly Hanson, who spoke of difficulties and stress associated with long trips into Seattle for dialysis treatment. It was noted that the center would be self-supporting within 3-4 months of commencing service. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF A LOCAL DIALYSIS CENTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/10/84 Page four Adjournment ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:50 P.m. 6 . MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 12/07/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRAKTS MSCHINE VOIDS: No.A 03749 - # 03752 CURRENT $110.821 . 95 PARKS S31„195.96 STREETS S15,,756.67 LIBRARY $3.308.41 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV S11405.36 STREET FORWARD THRUST $30.257. 52 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $1 .100.32 CAPITAL IMPRCVEMENT FUND $4.539. 32 WATERWORKS LTILITY 5102„977.87 AIRPORT S10,,420.42 WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION S841486.88 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $6.808. 59 INSURANCE FUND 578.00 LID CONTROL 331 ,,616.00 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $434„773.27 WE,, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL,, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICA-T,�ON THAT MERCHANOISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED,, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3753 THROUGH NO. 3959 IN THF'”-MOUNT OF $434,,773.27 THIS 1CTH CAY CF DECEMBER 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMB - - - - - - - - - MEMBER CITY COUNCIL EE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 12/13 7: 30 p.m. HUGHES Council Chambers Acquisition of Maplewood Golf Course COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Thurs. 12/13 6:45 p.m. REED 6th Floor Conference Room Selection of Council Committee Members COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. 12/11 7: 30 p.m. REED Fire Station Conference Room Joint Fire Department Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 12/13 3: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Parker Property review; Bitney Latecomer Agreement; Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor Grant; Utility area charges WAYS & MEANS Mon. 12/17 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS WDOT "S" Curve Open House Tues. 12/11 2-7:00 p.m. Renton Sheraton Inn LEOFF Board Weds. 12/12 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room CQ CITY-OF RENTON _______ —______. __..PAGE__ 1 ._ 12/10/84 BUILDINPERMIONITS IG DEPARTMENT -- — o UED WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 7. 1984 8U74QING PE4M200 TED KLEIN 405 S 3RD ST REROOF BLDG 784080003006 110743 2.360 WESLEY R KELSON 3J6 BURNETT AV S REROOF BLDG j2S]SQ000$ 1j0744 ]4.00 MRS. UMBERTO BAREI 2 4 WELLS AV S REROOF COMM. BUILDING 2 5 65044 110 745 746 1.04/S RICHARDNRAMSEURAMS 321 640 FERNDALEURNETT AAVSNE REROOFOFFICE RESIDENCELS 72227550180005 506 10748 4.000 CLEMENTA&T HOWARD HEATH 4305 JONES AV NE CONS725 JONES AV NE TRUCTRE DAMAGE INTTERIOR PARTITION 334510006000 10749 JAMES SAVAGE 375 UNION AV SE 043 SET MOBILE HOME 1107500 2.5 p0$0 JAMES SAVAGE 375 UNION AV SE 043 CONSTRUCT PATIOP STORAGE SHED 10751 806 10753 30 .008 BILLYYBERT G. WALLACEROFF 2522 TALBOTROBERT F. HUEBNER 1700 JONES ACREST DR S REROOFCONST 2STORY RESIIDENCEDICALV NE ENCLOSE PATIO�ADD MOFFICE BL 85570001NEY 1007 10754 P000 C DORAINE WILLIAMS 321 BURNETT AV S CONST WALLS 1075543 DARRELD J GUOMUNDSON 102 LAKE AV S INST PAINT BOOTH 722400075502 50756 01p.000 J L RANKIN J822 CEDAR AV S CONST S/F RESIDENCE 0757 00 CHIN HILLS 915 TALBOT RD S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10758 2.170 MICHAEL LANTZ 530 MORRIS AV S REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 784030008501 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12147 150 SOUTHLAND CORP 3131 NE 12TH ST EXTEND EXISTING CIRCUIT 1 148 200 RENTON PLAZA 1400 TALBOT RD S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12149 350 PET TECH 607 SW GRADY WY INST ADDTL OUTLETS IN DUPLEX 12150 3.400 ED BIGGENS 330 SW 43RD ST WIRE MARTINIZING TENANT 12151 2.500 METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW INST WIRING FOR TRAILER/PUMPS 12152 9,,000 THE BOEING COMPANY 800 PARK AV N INST SERVICE TO TWO TRAILERS li53 2,,000 RICHARD A GALVIN 2407 GARDEN CT N INST WIRING IN S/F RES 54 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE 043 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME 155 200 BRIAN W SMITH 4203 SE 1ST PL INST WIRING FOR SPA 12156 5P850 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST. SWITCHES FOR AIR 9 WATER 1 157 6.000 KME MANUFACTURING 849 SENECA AV SW INST METAL HALIDE FIXTURES 12158 100 BENTON'S REALTY 3124 NE SUNSET SL WIRE 2 SIGNS 12160 550 KEITH FIFE 1017 LYNNWOCO AV NE CHANGE TO 200 AMP SERVICE 12161 23.300 CHIN HILL 3915 TALBOT RD S WIRE TENANT AREA 12162 3P400 RENTON MAIN POST OFFICE 306 WILLIAMS AV S INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12164 1.500 ALICE KORTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N INST SERVICE FOR DUPLEX 12165 60 BOB ROBINSON 2707 CEDAR AV S INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10796 IP500 A.L.BOHN 1011 N 34TH ST INSTALL ELECTRIC FURNACE 70.000 10797 400 ROBERT SHERWOOD 410 MILL AV S FURNACE CONVERSION 80r000BTU 10798 10.000 METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW INST HOT WATER HEATING BOILER 10799 1.300 RAYMOND CRAWFORD 608 S 25TH ST INST FIREPLACE INSERT 108 10 700 ROBERT F. HUEBNER 1700 JONES AV NE INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10802 50,160,,300 MAYSHINE OUNCALpIZA 2101 GARDENDAVTN INST GASFIRE FURNACE/WATER HER HEATEM TER 10803 2.500 MARTHA AHO 862 ABERDEEN AV NE INST GAS FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10804 1.700 MR PERSON 311 FACTORY AV N INST GAS FURNACE 10805 4P500 HDK 1000 SW 7TH ST INSTALL HEAT PUMP & FAN IIII PLUMBING PERMITS 173 3.000 D.M.YOUNG 1811 DUVALL AV NE INSTALL 10 FIXTURES 174 250 LARRY POLLARD 504 S 18TH ST INST GAS PIPING 175 850 HOK DEVELOPMENT 1000 SW 7TH ST INSTALL 4 FIXTURES 176 1.200 ALPICH & ASSOCIATES 1222 BRONSON WY N INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 177 $f 500 ARMSTRONG HOMES 5121 RIPLEY LN N INST 20 PLBG FIXTURES 178 8.000 SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET BL N INSTALL 25 FIXTURES 179 ;.438 VELMA & CLIFTON DAVIS 014 MILL AV S INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 180 9.000 23 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 4 FIXTURES 1819,,QOQ 941 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 182 2.708 D & D FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INST NEW GAS PIPING SEE PERMIT B 10146 SIGN PERMITS307 o 0o 1308 1.000 NESSRINC OYAL 4244SEASTTVALLEY RD OL N INSTASINGLEPFACE YSIGNN I. 1309 1.500 ARCO 405 PARK AV N INST 4 WALL SIGNS �I CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5875 Clifton Davis 3014 Mill Avenue S. Install sanitary side sewers j 5876 C. J. Construction 135 Union Avenue NE Pot hole Seattle water line 5877 sorter 263 Hardie Avenue NW Ir '' itary building sewer 5878 of Renton Bagley Ave. NW f ton R� install new lids to PRV stations I, OF R4 � 1>1 AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS V ;� ROBERT I. HUGHES, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER KATHY KEOLKER Z r{L NANCY L. MATHEWS 0 IOHN RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. S REED O9A ca RICHARD M. STREDICKE Q THOMAS W. TRIMM 09gT�D SEPS0000 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING DECEMBER 17, 1984 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 10, 1984 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits notice from Boundary Review Board officially approving Scott Annexation, 11-acre parcel situated on both sides of Sunset Boulevard NE in the vicinity of Union Avenue NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $259. 71 filed by Henry I . Kyle, 1140 Edmonds Avenue NE #213, for damaqes sustained to his automobile when he hit a deep pothole near 1107 SW Grady Way, alleging neglect of the roadway by the City ( 11/20/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $98. 31 filed by Tim J . Walker, 1919 Talbot Road South, for expenses from pluaged sewer drain allegedly caused by clogged City side sewer ( 12/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. d. Neari-Iq Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Lincoln Properties Rezone, File No. R-073-84, 1 .8 acres from R-1 to R-3 east of Lake `.q!3shington Boulevard `4 . at the 2000 block. Refer to ?Nays and t4eans Committee. e. Court case filed by Frank Bean, 300 Business Center Building, 777-106th Avenue NE, Bellevue, attorney for William A. and Alice M. Clarke, in the amount of $15,000± for landscape damage allegedly caused by improper dirt removal from adjacent property by the City ( 11 /14/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints the following members to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission for six-year terms effective to December 31, 1990: Donald Holm, 1015 Tacoma Avenue NE, and Margar3t Proctor, 4124 NE 19th Place. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests resolution authorizing application for 90% Federal Funds for railroad signals and pavement warning markings at Wells Avenue S. /Houser Way S. ; Bronson Way N . /Houser Way N . to Sunset Boulevard N . ; and Burlington Northern Industrial Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Public Works Department submits proposed Local Improvement District #330, street and utility improvements on SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive SW, and requests public hearing be set for January 14, 1985. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 7. OLD BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 202 RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 17, 1984 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Sewer/water system extension and annexation policy comparison CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Claim for damages - Kyle Claim for damages - Walker Court Case - William and Alice Clarke MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Honey Creek Interceptor Project Funding Agreement Special Utilities Connection Charge Appeal Agreement (Parker) Railroad signals and pavement warning marking funding agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Maplewood Golf Course Acquisition Bond Legislation Scott Annexation Lincoln Properties Rezone Railroad signals and pavement warning marking funding (Resolution #2583 12/17/84) LID 330 Public Hearing (Resolution #2584 12/17/84) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 /07/84 - Renton School District Street Vacation - Kirkland Avenue NE 1/14/84 - Fluroidation in City Water Supply LID 330 1 /21 /84 - Dan Shane Street Vacation - Adjacent to SR-169/Riviera Apartments 1/28/84 - Woodall/Wong Alleyway Vacation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 17, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y . Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. LOLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER, ,OUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, CHANGE THE WORD "TO" TO THE WORD "BY" IN THE SECOND SENTENCE OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH ON PAGE 1 . CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 10, 1984 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, addressed the Council Maplewood Golf in opposition to the proposed purchase of the Maplewood Golf Course Purchase Course. (Committee of the Whole meeting 12/13/84) . Continued Lawrence Vickers, 13419 SE 125th Street, owner of property at 302-04 Wells Avenue North; and Pat Houlbjerg, 13419 SE 100th Place, commended Council, the Mayor, and City staff and supported their proposed action on the Maplewood Golf Course. At Ms. Houlbjerg's request, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS (Committee of the Whole Report) AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Committee of Committee of the Whole Chairman Hughes presented a report the Whole recommending the Administration enter into an agreement Maplewood Golf with the owners of the Maplewood Golf Course to acquire Course Acquisition that property for City use. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke spoke in favor of this motion, noting the need to prevent possible loss of the golf course and one of the largest open-space areas in the vicinity. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch indicated her appreciation of the difficulty of this decision and commended Council for having the vision and fortitude to take a courageous action in the best interests of the citizens of Renton. Council President Hughes recalled voter opposition to the Cedar River Trail System, Fire Station 11, and Senior Citizens Center and predicted future praise of Council's judgment in this similar decision. Councilman Stredicke noted his appreciation of the excellent, thorough staff effort in this matter. Continued Ed Gallant, resident of Bellevue, agreed with others in favor of acquisition of the Maplewood Golf Course and urged King County cooperation in developing a high-quality course, much needed in the Puget Sound area. Mayor Shinpoch noted that King County had been approached regarding a cooperative venture, but they were not able to respond before time restric- tions necessitated Council action. Mr. Gallant voiced optimism for future King County participation. 204 Renton City Council December 17, 1984 Page two Maplewood Golf MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE MATTER Course Acquisition OF ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MAPLEWOOD Continued GOLF COURSE BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION . CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Item 5f removed MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ITEM 5f BE (see below) REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Scott Annexation City Clerk submitted notice from Boundary Review Board Approval officially approving the Scott Annexation, 11-acre parcel situated on both sides of Sunset Boulevard NE in the vicinity of Union Avenue NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim for Damages Claim for damages in the amount of $259.71 filed by Henry I . Henry Kyle Kyle, 1140 Edmonds Avenue NE #213, for automobile damages sustained when he hit a deep pothole near 1107 SW Grady Way, alleging neglect of roadway by the City (11/20/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim for Damages Claim for damages in the amount of $98.31 filed by Tim J . Tim Walker Walker, 1919 Talbot Road South, for expenses from plugged sewer drain allegedly caused by clogged City side sewer (12/09/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Lincoln Properties Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive Rezone covenants of Lincoln Properties Rezone, File #R-073-84, 1 .8 File #R-073-84 acres east of Lake Washington Boulevard North at the 2000 block, from R-1 to R-3. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Court Case Court case filed by Frank Bean, 777 - 106th Avenue NE, William and Bellevue, attorney for William A. and Alice M. Clarke, in the Alice Clarke amount of $15, 000+- for landscape damage allegedly caused by improper dirt removal from adjacent property by the City ( 11 /14184) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Railroad Signals , Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested Pavement Warning resolution authorizing application for 90% Federal funds for Marking Funding railroad signals and pavement warning markings at Wells (see later action) Avenue South/Houser Way South; Bronson Way North/Houser Way North to Sunset Boulevard North; and Burlington Northern Industrial Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. LID #330 Public Works Department submitted proposed Local Improvement SW Grady Way District #330, street and utility improvements on SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive SW, and requested to Longacres public hearing be set for January 14, 1985. Refer to Ways and Drive SW Means Committee. (see later action) Consent Agenda MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT Approved THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Police/Fire Civil Removed item: Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Donald Holm, 1015 Service Commission Tacoma Avenue NE, and Margaret Proctor, 4124 NE Tenth Place, Reappointments to the Police/Fire Civil Service Commission for six-year terms effective to December 31, 1990. Other members of the Commission include: Louis Barei, Norma Jean Cugini, and Barbara Little. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION TO REAPPOINT MRS. PROCTOR AND MR. HOLM TO THE FIRE/POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Utilities Committee recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Honey Creek Works Department to submit grant application and to authorize Interceptor Project the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the grant application. MOVED Fundinq BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. enton City Council !December 17, 1984 Page three OLD BUSINESS - continued Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Dean Bitney recommending concurrence in the Public Works Department Latecomer Agreement recommendation to deny the Dean Bitney Latecomer Agreement request due to its untimeliness. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. -'arker Appeal of Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report special Utility recommending the City enter into a written contract with the Connection Charge owners of the Parker property establishing the special utility connection charge for this property located along the banks of the Cedar River in the amount of $45, 000 in exchange for the dedication of recreational easement. The Parker owners previously sold and dedicated to the City a substantial portion of the property along the banks of the Cedar River; they also committed to dedicate an 11-acre recreation easement (located under power lines) to the City. The City agreed to waive all or a portion of the System Development Charge (subsequently repealed and the Special Utility Connection Charge imposed) . The Committee recommended the Parker appeal be governed as under a previous agreement and that all of the Community Facilities Charge be waived except for those portions which would be Utility Connection Charges. Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the City. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke questioned whether any other agreements regarding development of this property were made, other than those specifically contained in the Committee report. Committee Chairman indicated the only agreement not stated was that the 11-acre parcel would not be subject to the one-cent per square foot charge as this land was being dedicated to the City. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #3875 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 22 of Title I (Admin- Municipal Court istrative) of the City Code re-creating the Municipal Court and establishing compensation in the amount of $30 per hour for Judges Pro Tem. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3876 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 30, Title IV, Building Hearing Examiner Regulations, of the City Code changing the title thereof from Title Change Land Use Hearing Examiner to Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Gross Revenue Tax An ordinance was read establishing a gross revenue tax as it on Solid Waste applies to the Solid Waste Utility of the City of Renton. MOVED Utility BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3877 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Gross Revenue Tax ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, on Solid Waste COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Utility 6 AYE'S: Hughes, Keolker, Reed, Mathews, Trimm, Clymer. 1 NO : Stredicke. MOTION CARRIED. 0 6 Renton City Council December 17, 1984 Page four ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2582 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of funds from Purchase of Parks Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) unto Park Riding Mower - Fund Expenditure (Appropriation), Machinery and Equipment, Transfer of Funds in the amount of $6,679. 50 for purchase of a riding mower. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2583 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Railroad Signals, to execute documents requesting allocation for Federal funds Pavement Warning through the Railroad Safety Program for railroad signals and Marking Funding pavement warning markings at Wells Avenue South and Houser Way South; Bronson Way North and Houser Way North to Sunset Boulevard North; and at the Burlington Northern Industrial Park. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2584 A resolution was read setting the public hearing date for LID 330 Public January 14, 1985, at which to create Local Improvement District Hearing Date #330 for street and utility improvements on SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW to Longacres Drive SW. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2585 A resolution was read setting the public hearing date of Woodall/Wong January 28, 1985, for vacation of certain alleyway located Alleyway Vacation between North Sixth and Seventh Streets, parallel with and between Garden Avenue North and Park Avenue North. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stedicke requested the Administration provide photographic evidence of the alleyway in question at the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2586 A resolution was read supporting the establishment of a South- Kidney Dialysis end Kidney Dialysis Center in the general area of the Valley Center Medical Center. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 3971 through 4214 in the amount of $553, 524.32, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 3960 through 3970 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Municipal Court Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Judges Pro Tem report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's reappointment Reappointments of all Municipal Court Judges Pro Tem for the year 1985: Robert Anderson, Peter Banks, Kameron Cayce, Gary Faull, Deborah Fleck, Richard Jackson, and Dave Tracy. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Committee on Committees Chairman Reed presented a report Committee on recommending the following Council committee assignments for Committees 1985: 1985 Committee Assignments Ways and Means Committee Public Safety Committee Earl Clymer, Chairman Tom Trimm, Chairman Tom Trimm, Vice-chairman Nancy Mathews, Vice-chairman Robert Hughes, Member Dick Stredicke, Member Menton City Council December 17, 1984 Page five Committee on Committees - Continued 1985 Committee Utilities Committee Community Services Assignments Robert Hughes, Chairman Kathy Keolker, Chairman continued Earl Clymer, Vice-chairman Dick Stredicke, Vice-chairman Kathy Keolker, Member Earl Clymer, Member Transportation Committee Planning and Development Nancy Mathews, Chairman Dick Stredicke, Chairman Robert Hughes, Vice-chairman Kathy Keolker, Vice-chairman Tom Trimm, Member Nancy Mathews, Member MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch expressed her appreciation to Council President REPORT Hughes, noting 1984 had been a good year, and offered an Changing of the optimistic forecast of working with new Council President Guard Reed. 21-R Contract Mayor Shinpoch announced that members of Local 21-R had Approval voted on Friday to accept the proposed agreement between the Local and the City. Signing of this contract will ratify working agreements between the City and all three unions. National League Mayor Shinpoch reported information had been received on two of Cities Tours trips offered by the National League of Cities: The annual meeting on March 23-26 in Washington, DC, and March 26 to April 9 to Russia. Appointment In response to a prior request by Councilman Stredicke, Mayor Confirmations by Shinpoch submitted a report listing positions appointed by the Council Mayor which required Council confirmation, noting the Adminis- tration's practice has been to submit all names of appointees to Council for approval. Seasons Greetings Mayor Shinpoch wished everyone a happy holiday. Sewer/Water Councilman Stredicke requested a comparative analysis with System Extension / surrounding municipalities regarding City of Renton policies on Annexation Inquiry not extending sewer systems outside the city limits, extending water lines outside the city limits, and the results of annexation affected by these policies. Executive Session MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONVENE Time: 8: 57 p.m. INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION . CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called, all members were present. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN . CARRIED. Time: 9: 40 p.m. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk O CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 00 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF December 17 ,1984 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 1/10 7 : 30 REED Council Chambers OT/S Curves : Council Policy re; Com- mittee assignments and voting member- ship of Council President COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1/3 7 : 30 STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference RolmPending Referrals PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION TRIMM (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 12/29 No Meetin MATHEWS Thurs. 1/3 3 : 30 4th Floor Conference Ro m Utility Area Charge WAYS & MEANS CLYMER OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 4 i I55 , u CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 12/14/84 BUILDING 9 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 14, 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10759 53.600 WICK HOMES 4112 NE 1ST PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 8-10765-160 252550065 10760 69.800 WICK HOMES INC 109 UNION CT NE CONST S/F R E 5 BASIC 6-10764-270 252550004 10761 69.800 WICK HOMES 166 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RES BASIC B-10764-270 252550055 10762 89,200 WICK HOMES 154 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RES 252550053 10763 76,300 WICK HOMES 4109 NE IST PL CONST S/F RES 252550007 10764 69.600 WICK HOMES 4106 NE 1ST PL CONST S/F RES 252550066 10765 53,600 WICK MCMES 108 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RES 252550005 10766 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE02Q SET MOBILE HOME 10767 2,500 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE 02 CONSTRUCT PATIO. SHED 10768 2.500 JON W. HOSEA 407 S 23RD ST PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM 855700014001 10769 63,400 DARREN PAINTER 2625 BENSON RD S CONST S/F RESIDENCE 2923059049 14770 16,000 RAINIER PLAZA 26 RAINIER AV S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 182305903300 10771 2,814 STANLEY SUEGE 1238 JEFFERSON AV NE REROOF SLOG. 7227801435 11p0772 2,850 LENORA WREN 33195 MEADOW AV N RSSEROOF & ADD NEW GUTTERS 135230035002 10774 2,50C JOE GEERTZ 375 UNION AV SE X64 CONSTOPATIOHETC ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12159 27.000 THE SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET BL N WIRE RETAIL SPACE 12103 51900 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST INST WIRING BLDG 03 12164 1,500 ALICE KORTNER 405 WILLIAMS AV N INST SERVICE FOR DUPLEX 12165 60 BOB RCBINSON 2707 CEDAR AV S INST WIRING 12166 1,500 D M YOUNG 1811 DUVALL AV NE INST NEW 400 AMP SERVICE 121o7 480 DONALD AXT 733 JONES AV NE WIRE IN OUTLETS 12168 2 0 DONALD KRALL 425 KENNEWICK AV NE INST WIRING TO GARAGE 11221699 9000 DELORES FEDERZjMEYER 333155p WILLIIIAMS AV N CHANGE SERVICE/ADO CIRCUIT 12171 2 100 WICKAEL HOMESNTINCR 4112MNEPISTAPLS INSTALL TEMPODEL S/F RARDENCE Y SERVICE 12172 100 WICK HOMES INC. 109 UNION CT NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12VASHON CT NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 11173 WICK11QG00 WICK HOMES INC ]1419409 NE 1ST PL INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 1274 IS WICK HOMES INC TEMA 12176 3,100 RENTONOMECENTERCASSOC. 4041 RENTONBRETCN CENTERNWY SW INSTINSTALPOWER 12177 200 RENTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 221 H4ROIE AV NW INST ONE 60 CIRCUIT, 2 20 AMP 12178 400 VESTA DARLING 437 SMITHERS AV S INST 100 AMP SERVICE 1121799 1,000 RENTON CENTER 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW WIRE" TENANT SPACE 12 81 205 UNIONRAVEACONERSMIP 3752 UNIONSAVVSE #20 WIRE MOBILEINST HOUSE HIGHT OME 12182 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 064 WIRE MOBILE HOME MECHANICAL PER TS 10806 93 SE ALANO CLUB 601 RAINIER AV 5 INST EXHAUST FAN & DUCT 10807 1,100 F R NORTON 2024 SE 17TH CT INST WOOD BURNING STOVE 10808 2,100 N.G. WILCOX 916 N 34TH ST INSTALL WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 182 2,700 D S 0 FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INST NEW GAS PIPING SEE PERMIT B 10146 183 50 CITY OF RENTON 501 W PERIMETER RD INST HCSE BIB 184 8,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST INST WATER SERVICE ETC SEE INSP. FOR DETAIL 185 10,000 CHIN HILLS 3915 TALBOT RD S INST 18 PLBG FIXTURES 186 3,800 GARRY SMITH 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON SL NINST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 187 900 ZEE 1115 N 37TH ST REPAIR WTR PIPING & WASH WASTE 188 1,800 RENTON CENTER ASSOCIATE 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST 4 PLBG FIXTURES R SIGN PERMITS 1309 1,500 ARCO 405 PARK AV N INST 4 WALL SIGNS 1310 50 MIKE MASTRO 3809 NE 4TH ST INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1311 35 KOLL BUSINESS CO. 218 SW 43RD ST INSTALL TEMPORARY SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5879 Greenwood Memorial Park 3401 NE Fourth Street Install water, sanitary and storm sewer 5880 George Oberholtzer 1920 Shattuck South Install sanitary building sewer C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1984 f0 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: rE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL ?/3/84 1983 UNLIM GO REFUNDING TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 213/ 609/ $30,164.60 LID . CURRENT FUND FINANCE COSTS FOR LID 701/-328.15.519.34.00 000/374.00.00.01 328 BANS $ 200.00 2/17/8 CUMMULATIVE RES. #3362 WATER & SEWER UTILITY RESOLUTION #2579 115/000. 15.597.00.50 401/000.397.00.00.01 $ 13,764. 22 CUMMULATIVE RES. #3665 WATER & SEWER CONSTR. RESOLUTION #2.579 128/000. 15.597.00.50.00 421/000.397.00.00.01 550,000.00 CUMMULATIVE RES. #3611 CURRENT FUND RESOLUTION #2549 123/000.04.597.00.50.00 000/000/397.00.00.01 40,738.00 2/17/84 1978 LIM GO BONDS TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 207/ 609/ y 19,447.02 1983 UNLIM. GO REFUNDING TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 213/ 609/ 109,114.38 GGMD TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 215/ 609/ 23,611.76 1/18/84 CIP FUND STREET FUND TRANSFER EXPENDITURE 317.036. 15.541.90.67.10 103/036. 15.541.90.00 CHARGED IN ERROR TO STREET FUND $ 106.40 1978 LIM. G.O. BONDS TANS PER RESOLUTION #3786 207/ 609/ $ 19.65 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N NTN OF December, 1984 E D THE F I NANCE DIRECTOR: JAN 1419 5 E OUT of account number o UW number DESCRIPTION TOTAL '_/31/8 Current Fund Green River Wildlife To correct expenditure 000/04.519.90.49.60 126/000.01.531.10.49.6 deficit- per attached $282.95— Current 282.95—•Current Fund Green River Wildlife To correct error of 12/31 000VO4.519.90.49.60 126/000.01.531.10.49.6 (report of 1/11/85) 282.95 14AYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF December, 1984 L— IN T E R E D TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: JAN 3 1985 DATE FROM IN G DESCRIPTION TOTAL 2/31 /84 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 18.2% of Peoples Note 501 /000. 15. 597.00.00.00 215/397.00.00.01 #000002 (037848) $ 2,377.85 /` 1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 52% of 1984 GO Bond PS 1 501/000. 15. 597.00. 00. 00 215/397.00.00.01 to Rainier 16,974.35 12/31 CUM RESERVE #2104 PARK Per Resolution #2582 112/000.20. 597.00.50.00 101/397.00.00.01 6,679. 50 2/31 PARK CIP Per Budget - 101 /000. 20.597.00. 50.00 317/397.00.00.06 Ordinance #3769 46, 790. 00 CUM RESERVE #1689 CIP Per Budget 110/000. 20.597.00.50. 00 317/397.00.00.02 Ordinance #3769 26,800. 00 12/31 CUM RESERVE #3661 CIP Per Budget - 120/000. 04.597. 00. 50.00 317/397.00.00.04 Ordinance #3769 30, 700.00 12/31 CUM RESERVE #3547 CIP Per Budget - 121 /000. 10.597.00. 50.00 317/397.00.00.05 Ordinance #3769 30,000. 00 A 12/31 LID #323 CURRENT Per attached 701 /323. 15.541.90. 00.00 000/374.00.00.01 1,369.20 701 /323. 15.534.30. 00.00 000/374.00.00.01 537.05 701 /323. 15.541. 10.00.00 000/374.00. 00.01 5, 900.63 /31 LID #323 STREET FWD THRUST Per, attached 701/000. 15.597.00.50.00 301/397A.00.00. 01 194, 120.96 ^• fes �7!(CJ�! 7 �fr� /�/!(.✓�! � %c-R'ff1iNE /it"ANSF/.�� �/✓ /"� f%l.f11/✓6 -�i1NSf1`�� . . ""` Y OF RENTON NT MONTH OF December- 1984 JAIV 1 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: D a tT.4 PROC TE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL 2/31/8 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVERSE 10/22/84 TRANSFER (142,213.44) 199/000.30.597.00.50.00 317/397.00.00.40 NOTE: This will be inc uded as a part of the 2/31/84 W/T processed by Joan Pringle and supp rted by the schedule o FRS project expenditures. The original transfer cc ld not be identified t any specific expenditures. GREEN RIVER WILDLIFE CURRENT FUND TO CORRECT EXPENDITURE $ 282.95 126/000.01.531.10.49.60 000/04.519.90.49.60 DEFICIT- See Attached MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR 212 OF A � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS I JOHN W. REED, Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z ROBERT 1. HUGHES KATHY KEOLKER 0NANCY L. MATHEWS 90 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M STREDICKE 0 THOMAS W. TRIMM N, ELI SEPSEo� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JANUARY 7, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Renton School District #403 Request to Vacate Portion of Kirkland Avenue NE Abutting Renton Vocational School Final Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District 328, Garden Avenue N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 12/21/84 for Honey Creek Phase I Sewage Pump Station; 15 bids received. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints June Leonard to the Board of Ethics as the representative from the Board of Directors of the Renton School District; term effective to December 31 , 1988. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints the following persons to the Municipal Arts Commission for three-year terms effective to December 31 , 1987: Lois Hoffman, 7633 S. Mission Drive, Seattle; Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Ct. NW, Renton; and Gregory Parsons, P.O. Box 1172, Renton. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $464.40 filed by Allen G. Blake, 4400 Sunset Boulevard NE for damages sustained to his automobile when allegedly struck by City Water Department truck (12/20/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Court case filed by Betty Bailey, 330 Wells Avenue North, acting Pro Se, in the amount of $1 ,000,000 damages and $2,500,000 punitive damages (or as to be determined by jury) alleging invasion of privacy, unlawful arrest, illegal search and seizure, cruel and unusual punishment, conspiracy, etc. (8/1/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. City Attorney requests Council approval of amendment to Four-City Valley CommCenter Interlocal Agreement to permit the City of Renton to loan funds to Valley CommCenter for construction of a new facility. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement ; Refer to Ways and Means Committee for fund transfer. g. Public Works (Airport) Department submits AeroDyne request for approval of lease assignment to BENAIR (LAG 10-76A) ; and AeroDyne request for definition of City ' s ownership interest in Building #6-20 if building is demolished and replaced. Refer to Aviation Committee. h. Public Works (Airport) Department submits Aerodyne request for lease assumption by The Boeing Company for property located on the south side of Aerodyne hangar for development of vehicle parking area. Refer to Aviation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Laurie B. Ebbesen, representing law firm of Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen and Williams, bond counsel for King County Economic Enterprise C^rporation, requests approval to issue non-recourse Industrial Development Revenue Bonds fcr the Hartung Agalite Glass Co. , Inc. Project in Renton. 8. OLD BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. ORDINANCES AND RES0L11T!ONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 111_ niri.r Riic i MCcc 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 7, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Blake Claim for Damaqes Bailey Court Case MAYOR & CITY CLERK Authorized to sign amended Valley CommCenter Interlocal Agreement TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Aerodyne Lease Transfer, LAG 10-76A Definition of Aerodyne Lease, LAG 1608-69 Aerodyne Lease Transfer to Boeing Company UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid Opening for Honey Creek Phase I Sewage Pump Station WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Renton School District #403 Street Vacation LID 328 Final Assessment Roll Special Utility Connection Charge Policy Valley CommCenter Construction Fund Transfer Lincoln Properties Rezone, R-073-84 Scott Annexation PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 /14/85 - Fluoridation of City Water Supply 1 /14/85 - LID 330, SW Grady Way from Lind to Longacres Drive SW 1 /21 /85 - Dan Shane (RAMAC) Street Vacation, Maple Valley Highway 1/28/85 - Woodall /Wang Alley Vacation, 7th Street between Garden and Park N . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 7, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L . MATHEWS. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 17, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Shinpoch honored outgoing Council President Robert J. PRESENTATION Hughes with a City of Renton award in appreciation for his outstanding service to the City in 1984. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Renton School and published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the District #403 public hearing to consider the Renton School District #403 Petition for petition to vacate the east 15 feet of the north 1500 feet Street Vacation of Kirkland Avenue NE, located south of NE 7th Street adjacent to Renton Vocational Technical Institute. Letter from City Clerk Maxine Motor was read indicating proposed use the vacated property to accommodate an art:hitectural enclosure, landcaping and general site beautification in conjunction with future RVTI expansion program. The Public Works Department has verified that the petitioner represents 100% of the ownership of the subject property. Continued Letter from Board of Public Works was read recommending approval of the vacation request with the following conditions: 1 ) vacation request to be granted subject to easement for roadway, utilities and quasi-public utilities (gas, power and telephone) being provided over entire right- of-way; 2) all improvements required and located within the easement; 3) setbacks on east side will be established from existing property line (existing line being 30 feet east of centerline of Kirkland Avenue NE) ; 4) City Council has the discretionary right to waive the fee since the applicant is a public agency; 5) should the City require additional right-of-way in the future, even though we are maintaining the easements, there will be no cost for acquisition; and 6) City will incur no cost for maintenance. Continued Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton designated the location of the proposed vacation on display maps and circulated photographs of the site. Continued Kathleen Jett, 583 Kirkland Avenue NE, asked for an explanation of setback dimensions. Mr. Houghton advised that the 15-foot portion to be vacated would be measured from 30 feet east of the centerline of Kirkland NE • Responding to questions by Council members, Mr. Houghton indicated that ordinance provisions allow Council the option to waive vacation fees for a public agency; access to the subject property along Kirkland Avenue NE would be restricted to emergency vehicles only; the property would be bermed and landscaped to protect adjacent residential development; cable lines are not undergrounded in the vicinity; and off-site improvements would be required as a condition of permit requirements. He also designated the subject property in the "B" category: streets or alleys for which no public funds have been expended in the acquisition, improvement or Renton City Council 1/7/85 Page two Public Hearing: Renton School District Street Vacation (continued) maintenance of same or alleys originally dedicated or otherwise conveyed to the City by the present petitioner for the vacation of said streets or alleys for which no public expenditures have been made in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance thereof. Mayor Shinpoch noted that any project to underground cable lines should precede installation of required off-site improvements. Continued Bill Belmondo, Renton School District Administrator, questioned scope of required improvements. Mr. Houghton clarified the position of the Board of Public Works to approve the vacation with the expectation that all required off-site improvements including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drainage be installed on the east side of Kirkland Avenue NE. Continued MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE STREET VACATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, WAIVE THE FEE, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE.- Continued Further discussion indicated that improvements required under provisions of the Off-Site Improvement Ordinance on the east side of Kirkland Avenue NE should include sidewalks since existing sidewalks were installed approximately 40 years ago and have deteriorated. 'MOTION CARRIED. It was further clarified that while compensation in the amount of one-half the appraised value of the property has been waived by Council action, the $250 Street Vacation Processing Fee will be required of the petitioner. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Final Assessment published and mailed according to law, Mayor Shinpoch Roll for LID 328, opened the public hearing to consider the Final Assessment Garden Avenue N. Roll for Local Improvement District No. 328, Garden Avenue North Street Improvements from North 4th to North 8th Streets, in the total amount of $318,828.66. Letter from Public Works Director Houghton was read reporting that none of the LID participants have protested the assessment to date. The total amount of the LID consists of $229,253.49 in construction costs and $89,575. 17 in total administration costs, and is a reduction from the original estimate of $390,000.00. Mr. Houghton advised that higher assessments for Boeing and Renton School District reflect additional elective improvements requested by those property owners. The remaining unpaved portion of the road is the responsibility of the City of Renton. Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LID 328 IN THE AMOUNT OF $318,828.66, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Nick Sciola, President of F. L. Hartung Glass Company, Inc. , Advancement to requested discussion of Item 7.a. , Correspondence, on the Correspondence agenda. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA. CARRIED. Non-Recourse Letter was read from Laurie B. Ebbesen, law firm of Perkins, Industrial Revenue Coie, Stone, Olsen and Williams, bond counsel in connection Bonds for Hartung with the issuance of King County Economic Enterprise Company Corporation Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Hartung Agalite Glass Company, Inc. Project, Series 1985• Adoption of a resolution was requested approving issuance of the bonds to modify an existing facility and acquire a glass tempering furnace and related equipment to permit the fabrication of shower doors and bathtub enclosures in the City of Renton. Mr. Sciola indicated that he had originally obtained approval from King County to lease a facility in Tukwila; however, due to circumstances, another building owned by Pepco Mfg. at 4122 West Valley Highway in Renton was determined more 216 Renton City Council 1/7/85 Page three Correspondence continued appropriate for the business. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Resolution #2587 A resolution was read approving Resolution No. 84-9 of King Non-Recourse County Economic Enterprise Corporation to issue bonds in an Industrial Revenue aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1 ,000,000 to Bonds for Hartung finance industrial development facilities located within Company the geographical boundaries of Renton for F. L. Hartung Glass Company, Inc. , together with any affiliate, successor or assign. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL -' ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ITEMS 6.b. and 6.c. BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Item 6.b. - Mayor Shinpoch reappointed June Leonard to the Board of Reappointment Ethics as the representative from the Board of Directors to Board of of the Renton School District. Mrs. Leonard has served Ethics on the Board since 1981 . She lives at 12444 Beacon South, Seattle. Her new term will be effective to December 31 , 1988. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S REAPPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Item 6.c. - Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following persons to the Reappointments Municipal Arts Commission for three year terms effective to to Municipal December 31 , 1987: Lois Hoffman, 7633 S. Mission Drive, Arts Commission Seattle; Karen Lunder, 506 Stevens Court NW, Renton; and Gregory Parsons, P.O. Box 1172, Renton. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S REAPPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bid Opening for City Clerk reports bid opening 12/21/84 for Honey Creek Phase I Honey Creek Sewage Pump Station; 15 bids received; Engineer' s Estimate: Phase I Sewage Schedule A - $102,315.00, Schedule B - $41 ,610.00, Schedule C - Pump Station $90,000.00, and Schedule D - $85,161 .20. Refer to Utilities Committee. Blake Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $464.40 filed by Allan G. for Damages Blake, 4400 Sunset Boulevard NE, for damages sustained to his CL 39-84 automobile when allegedly struck by City Water Department truck (12/20/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Bailey Court Court case filed by Betty Bailey, 330 Wells Avenue North, Case acting Pro Se, in the amount of $1 ,000,000 damages and $2,500,000 punitive damages (or as to be determined by jury) alleging invasion of privacy, unlawful arrest, illegal search and seisure, cruel and unusual punishment, conspiracy, etc. (8/1/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Valley CommCenter City Attorney submits Four-City Valley Communication Center Interlocal Interlocal Agreement for amendment to allow the City to Agreement contribute the amount of $245,533 to the financing of the development of a new dispatching facility. Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement; Refer to Ways and Means Committee for fund transfer. Aerodyne Lease Public Works (Airport) Department submitted Aerodyne request Transfer for approval of lease assignment of a portion of Boeing' s LAG 10-76A Apron "C" on the west side of the field to BENAIR (LAG 10-76A) ; and Aerodyne request for clarification of lease of 6.20 Modification of Building, City-owned vocational school , to define City Aerodyne Lease responsibilities in a replacement project (LAG 1608-69) . LAG 1608-69 Refer to Aviation Committee. Aerodyne Lease Public Works (Airport) Department submitted Aerodyne request for Transfer to lease assummption by Boeing Company for approximately 11 ,000 Boeing Company square feet (formerly proposed for hangar construction) for development of vehicle parking area. Refer to Aviation Committee. Renton City Council 1/7/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Adopted CONSENT AGENDA AS REVISED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Birthday congratulations were extended to Councilwoman Happy B-Day Mathews-by Mayor Shinpoch and Council members. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Special Utility recommending concurrence in the following policy for Connection Charge special connection charges for utilities, effective 1/1/85: Policy Continued Once property has been assessed, it may not be charged again even if the use changes to a higher intensity. Properties developed before 1965 (date of first connection charge ordinance) are exempt from the charge. Exempted properties will be assessed only if the property is redeveloped such that a larger water meter, or, in the case of properties using wells, a new water meter, is required. Then a utility connection charge will be imposed. Continued No special utility charge will be collected on City-owned properties. Undevelopable greenbelt and major easements shall not be included in the square footage for connection charge calculations. Continued Latecomer' s agreements may be requested from the City for connection to existing lines. Any party required to oversize utilities may request that that utility participate in the cost of the project. (See Committee report attached. ) Continued The Committee further recommended referral of this matter to Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Chairman Mathews extended appreciation to City staff for assistance in development of the policy. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Lincoln Properties An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Rezone, R-073-84 certain properties within the City of Renton from Public District (P-1 ) and Residence District (R-1 ) to Multifamily Residential District (R-3) for Lincoln Properties, File No. R-073-84, east side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. , approximately at the 200 block. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Scott Annexation An ordinance was read annexing 11 acres of property located on the south and north sides of Sunset Boulevard NE and west of Union Avenue NE known as the Scott Annexation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolution Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for adoption: Resolution #2588 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development , CHG International File No. FPUD-086-84 for CHG International , Inc. , property Final Planned located at 603, 611 and 702 SW 5th Court. MOVED BY CLYMER, Unit Development SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. FPUD-086-84 Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding effect of bankruptcy proceedings on the applicant ' s authority to execute dedications required by the City, City Attorney Warren indicated that all conditions imposed by the City on the project have been met and no further documents are required. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his ''no'' vote be recorded, noting concerns that the project may not be completed, thereby creating unsafe conditions in the development. Renton City Council 1/7/85 Page five Administrative Report ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported receipt of a letter from the City' s REPORT cable consultant, Lon Hurd, indicating tier programming will Cable TV soon be offered for additional charge to cable customers. Tier Programming Basic rate programming will be unaffected. Policy for Mayor Shinpoch referenced report from Policy Development Extension of Director Larry Springer and Public Works Director Richard Water/Sewer Houghton in response to Council inquiry on 12/17/84 for Service City policy regarding extension of sanitary sewer and water service outside city limits. The report (on file with the City Clerk) compares City policy, which has a practical effect of almost never providing sewer service beyond the City limits, with similar policies of surrounding cities. Funding for The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission has 180th Crossing advised the City that 60% of the total cost of $127,000 (SW 43rd Street) for the Burlington Northern crossing at 180th will be funded from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund. Police Officers Of three candidates for police officer recently certified by Certified the Civil Service Commission, the highest qualifying person was a woman. Two are currently attending the training academy and the third will be on board on January 15th. State of the Mayor Shinpoch presented the State of the City Address City Address highlighting 1984 achievements and 1985 proposals. Among achivements for 1984 were implementation of a Health Care Cost Containment Program for City employees; increase in sales tax allowed the City to rebate $800,000 to utility customers in rate reductions; and Council decision to purchase Maplewood Golf Course. Among other highlights were approval of joint construction of a new Valley Communication Center with Kent, Auburn and Tukwila; execution of a contract for marine patrol services with Mercer Island; construction of a new City Shop Facility; restoration of the aid car to the Highlands Fire Station: dedication of the Coulon Memorial Beach Park expansion; addition of 4,000 new titles to the library collection and loan of more than 290,000 books and periodicals to library patrons; and provision of services to more than 110,000 visitors at the Senior Center with over 38,289 hot meals being served. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:23 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULAT tON SHEET PROJECT : Honey Creek Phase 1 Sewage Pump Station DAT E • December 21, 1984 BIDDER BID R.L. Alia Company EEO AA MBE BB ---A—& B - 128 552.90 9215 M L King Way South C 154 000.00 Seattle, WA 98118 D 113,430.00 Adden. KAC Construction, Inc EEO AA MBE BB A & B - 147 705.00 w/o tax 15615 Utley Road C 112 500.00 w/o tax Snohomish, WA 98290 D No Bid The Massart Company EEO AA MBE BB A & B - 176 677.50 P 0 Box 12788 C 134 400.00 Seattle, WA 98107 D No Bid Adden. Ack. Puget Sound Utility Service EEO AA MBE BB A & B - 147 862.00 22918 Bothell Way C 96 102.00 Bothell, WA 98011 D 61,957.00 Renton Construction Co EEO AA 11040 A SE 250th St C No Bid Kent, WA 98031 D No Bid EEO AA Rivera & Green, Inc 11525 E Marginal Way S C 147,900.00 Seattle, WA 98168 D No Bid Adden.Ack. EEO AA R W Scott Const. 9840 Carr Rd C 95,000.00 Renton, WA 98055 D 79,295.00 Select Ventures MBE BB A & B - 146,350.00 1741 S 356th C 115,413.00 Federal Way, WA 98003 D No Bid Adden. Ack. A & C Construction EEO AA - No Bid 520 Second Ave C 107,129.00 Kirkland, WA 98033 D No Bid Adden. Ack. E Blossom Const Co, Inc MBE BB A & B - No Bid 4689 Lynwood Center Rd C 159,495.00 Bainbridge Isl, WA 98110 D No Bid Adden. Ack. EEO AA Delmar Const. Co MBE BB A & B - 179,147.55 15624 7 Ave E C No Bid Tacoma, WA 98445 D 102,940.00• Adden. Ack. Omega Contractors EEO B E BBB A & B - No Bid C 149,800.00 _ Duvall, WA D No Bid Adden. Ack. Osber Construction EEO AA 9 MBE BB A & B - No Bid P 0 Box 33368 C 139 500.00 Seattle, WA 98133 D No Bid Adden. Ack EEO AA Seaboard Const Inc MBE BB A & B - No Bid 2479 Woodale Ave N Suite 204 C 124,997.00 w/o tax Seattle, WA 98109 D No Bid Adden. Ack EEO 7= Constructors, Pamco MBE BB A & B - 197,525.00 3600 Fremont Ave N C 139,000.00 Seattle, WA 98103 D No Bid Adden. Ack "Corrected bid 220 CHEKRESR CITY OF RENTON D-TE 12/17/84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: #03960 - M03970 CURRENT =96.648.75 PARKS 546.771.08 ARTERIAL STREETS 513.004.51 STREETS f21.250.39 LIBRARY (5.862.93 STREET FORWARD THRUST f44r647.84 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) (4.-392.11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $27.815.49 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5152.909.55 AIRPORT 55.382.13 WATER S SEWER CONSTRUCTION 5113.910.26 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 52.896.92 INSURANCE FUND (20.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 516.552.36 LID CONTROL (1.470.00 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 5553.524.32 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDi DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 3971 THROUGH NO. 4214 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5553.524.32 TN-5 17TH DAY OF DECEMBER 1984. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Ei k- - "EMBER - - - - - - - - - - - MEMBER - -klLG UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY 7, 1985 POLICY FOR COLLECTING SPECIAL UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES (Referred 9-17-84) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in the following policy: The special utility connection charge is a mechanism to collect historical costs for the City's infra structure from a property that has not been previously assessed. Once a property has been assessed, it may not be charged again, even if the property goes from a less intensive use such as a residential use, to a more intensive use such as an industrial use. When single family residential structures have paid this charge, only the 7500 feet immediately surrounding the house will be deemed to have been previously assessed. Property that was developed before the effective date of the first connection charge ordinance in 1965 has been exempted from the connection charge. Any rebuilding or additions to exempted property that do--s not require additional water usage such that a larger meter is necessary will not trigger a new connection charge. However, when property is redeveloped or the use intensified such that a larger water meter or additional meters are necessary or when no water meter was obtained before, such as property on a well, then any application for the initial water meter or a larger water meter will trigger a utility connection charge. For the purposes of this policy, such property when applying for an initial or larger water meter shall be property that has not been previously assessed. City property was not assessable under the old City ordinances. It is advisable that City property remain not assessable under the new City ordinance. It is felt that the benefits to the utility from other City properties such as utility easements and other benefits offset the utility connection charge fee. Therefore, no special utility charge will be collected on City owned properties. When calculating the area to be charged the connection charge, undeveloped greenbelt and major easements within the property shall not be included in the square footage for the calculation of the charge. When determining whether property is undeveloped greenbelts or major easements, the inquiry should be to recorded easements or dedications or restrictions on the Comprehensive Plan or zoning maps or City policies that would prevent development or significant usages. This exemption is intended not to charge property that is undevelopable. There shall be no other exemptions from the special utility connection charge. Any party extending utilities that may serve other than that party's property may request a latecomer's agreement from the City of Renton. Any party required to oversize utilities may request that that utility participate in the cost of the project. Effective date: January 1, 1985 The Utilities Committee further recommends that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. Nancy Math s, Chairman Kathy K aker i CITY COUNCIL GuivAflTTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 1 /10 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Washington State Dept. of Transportation presentation on 1-405 "S" Curve Revisions; Council Policy on Committee Assignments COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1 /10 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Fence & Hedge Regulations PUBLIC SAFETY REED TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 1 /9 4: 00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor conference Room Bids on Honey Creek Phase I Sewage Pump Station WAYS S MEANS Mon. 1 /14 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS LEOFF Board Weds. 1 /9 8: 00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 12/21/64 BUILDING PERMIOSIISSUEDEPARTMENT WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 214' 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 16775 1So000 RENTON CENTER ASSOCIATE 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT SPACE 102 10776 164'000 MORRIS PIhA CO 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT REMCDEL 722780123500 10777 500 GERALD 0 MILLER 1505 S 27TH ST RELINE MASONRY CHIMNEY 0778 1.000 METRO 728 MONSTER RO SW DEMOLISH HOUSE 242304908138 0779 4.003 JANICE DAHL 375 UNION AV SE 014 INSTALL MOBILE HOME 107dO 24'500 JANICE DAHL 375 UNION AV SE 014 DRIVEWAY PATIC SHED 10781 25.030 BOEING COMMERCIAL--A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST PARTITIONS IN 10-80 BLDG 10782 1294'300 MALTEK 3109 NE 11TH PL CONST 4 PLEX APTS 265480013009 ,10783 129.300 MALTEK 3101 NE 11TH PL CONST 4 PLEX APTS 285480013506 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12180 500 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S INST HOUSE LIGHT 12181 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNION AV SE 020 WIRE MOBILE HOME 1'4182 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 064 WIRE MOBILE HOME 12183 100 DOMINIC CARPINE 3 14 SE 5TH ST CORRECT WIRING 12184 61500 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 8�0 PARK AV N INST WIRING TO WASTE TRT BLDG 12185 150 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S BLDG L INST HOUSE LIGHTS 12166 150 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S SLOG P INST HOUSE LIGHTS 12187 800 RAY B BETH GREGGS 800 LYNNWOOD AV NE WIRE ADDITION S/F RESIDENCE 12168 100 GOOSMAN 307 SENECA AV NW INST TEMPORARY WIRING 12169 250 NORMAN WILCOX 916 N 34TH ST REWIRE REMODEL 12190 1i000 CLIFTON W DAVIS 3014 MILL AV S WIREE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12191 1.550 HIBURY HOMES INC 2628 NE 5TH CT INST WIRING 12192 1.900 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 711 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING FOR FIRE ALARM SYS 12193 151600 DR YARDLEY CLINIC 263 RAINIER AV S WIRE TENANT AREA MECHANICAL PERMIjTS 10808 24'100 N.G. WILCOX 916 N 34TH ST INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10809 1,000 T.R. HAIELRIGG 5025 RIPLEY LN N INSTA`L HOT TUB 10810 10.900 SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET BL N INST 2 MEAT PUMPS. 1 A/C4' 1 UNIT HTRo 2 EXHAUST FANS 10811 800 NOVINA OANGED 464 STEVENS AV NW INSTALL WOOD STOVE INSERT 10812 54'000 SPECIALTY RESTAURANTS 1011 W PERIMETER RO INST ROOF TOP A/C PLUM3ING PERMITS 189 2, 94 J.M. RAHN 263 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 6 FIXTURES 190 1,340 HAIELRIGG 5025 RIPLEY LN N INSTALL 5 FIXTURES 8 SUMP PUMP 191 14' O5 HOK DEVELOPMENT 10Q? SW 7TH ST INSTALL 9 FIXTURES 192 di o ARMSTRONG MCMES 551 RIPLEY LN N INST 3 GAS OUTLETS 193 00 NORMAN WILCOX N 34TH ST INST 7 PLBG FIXTURES 194 41800 MORRIS PIMA 2832 SUNSET LN NE INST 22 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1312 4.000 SIXTY MINUTE TUNE 233 SUNSET SL N INST 1 WALL SIGN. 1 POLE SIGN 1313 3.000 COLUMBIA INLAND OEV 302 SW 43RD ST INSTALL WALL SIGN 72So.FT 1314 5.900 GULL INDUSTRIES 3800 NE 4TH ST INST 2 SIGNS 1315 14'000 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK 150 LOGAN AV S INST WALL SIGN ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 12/31/84 BUILDING ERMIONITS IG DEPARTMENT WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 284' 1984 BUILDING PEEzRM TS10781 1 1782 129 300 MALTEK 80 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 3109 NEK117HNPL CONST 4 CONSTPARTITIONS APTSN 10-80 BLDG 285480013009 10784 500 PAN AMERICAN PROP INC Ml 4 SUNSET BL NE REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 285480011504 1 785 GARY MERLIN0 0 EAST VALLEY RO ANNUAL FILL B GRADE SEE 8-5771 941747285 18786 15.000 SHOGO KUSUMI BRONSON WY NE REPLACE EXISTING DECKS 2713C5916000 1a787 3334c00o0 A L BOHN zoN 34Th ST REMODEL RESIDENCE 334210230002 10789 5004'600 FRANCKCTHOMAS PARTNERSM HIS SENECASAV SW PER 192305903101 EZE9,RICAI PERMITS oHIBURY HOMES INC 2¢18 NE 5Th CT INST WIRING 1 93 15.6ORYARDLEYCIINICOERING 27163 RAINIERAAVSS MIRE TENANT FOR FIRE ALARM SYS 1122194 20000 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE 014 WIRE MOBILE NOME 12�P6Zi�88 DAVID YMCMELCRUM 6571 OAKESCALE AV SW INST WIRING MORRIS AV S INST WIRING IN GARAGE ADDITION 12197 25 DAVID A VAN WECHEL 2610 MORRIS AV S INST WIRING 12198 10 4'000 BOEING 800 PARK AV N FIXTURES LIGHTS TENANT IMP 12199 44'000 MORRIS PIMA CO UP SUNSET LN NE INST WIRING 12200 14'000 DAVID M MELCRUM 61 MORRIS AV S INST WIRING/CIRCUIT CHANGE 12201 24'500 JEFFERY WOOD 1900 BEACON WY SE REWIRE RESIDENCE 12202 1.875 GOLLIER 2709 TALBOT RD S REWIRE RES/UPDATE SERVICE TO 400 12203 84'331 PACIFIC NW BELL 25 WILLIAMS AV S WIRE FIRE ALARM 12204 94'872 DUANE WELLS BLDG. 451 SW 107h ST REPLACE/RELOCATE LIGHTS B RECEPT 12205 14'000 HAROLD MITCHELL 1041 LYNNWCCO AV NE INST 200 AMP SERVICE. 2 CIRCUITS MECHANICAL PERMITS 10812 54'000 SPECIALTY RESTAURANTS 1011 W FERIMETER RD INST ROOF TOP A/C 10813 74'700 HOLVICK DE REGI KOERING 1000 S 7Th ST INST 2 HEAT PUMPS, 2 FANS (OFFICE AREA) 10814 800 HIBURY HOMES 26 8 NE 5TH CT INST GAS FURNACE/WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS194 4#800 MORRIS IMAZZ URES 196 14'500 N95 100 MLBLOGPCORVICK DE pEGT KOERING 441ORENTONHCENTER WY SW INST 2AST IkST HOTIWATERjWKIET LN NE INST 22 PL G THEATERS 197 8 0 MRS KILLIAN 509 MOUSER WY S INST 8 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1314 54'900 GULL INDUSTRIES 3880 NE 4TH ST INST 2 SIGNS 1315 14'C0o WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK 150 LOGAN AV S INST WALL SIGN 1316 14'500 7-11 CORPORATION 251 SUNSET 8L N INST D/F POLE SIGN. 1 WALL SIGN ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 01/01/85 BUILDING 6 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED MONTH ENDING DECEMBER 31. 1984 BUILDING PERMITS 10747 3.800 DONALD AXT 2733 JONES AV NE REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 229650000602 10748 4.000 CLEMENT 6 HCWARO HEATH 4308 JONES AV NE CONSTRUCT INTERIOR PARTITION 334570006000 1C749 JAMES SAVAGE375 UNICN AV SE 043 SET MOBILE HOME 10757 2.500 JAMES SAVAGE 375 UNICN AV SE #43 CONSTRUCT PATIC. STORAGE SHED 1075 2/C00 ROBERT F. HUEBNER 1700 JONES AV NE ENCLOSE PATIO,A00 CHIMNEY 334390348806 10752 300,C00 OR ROBERT HANCHEROFF 1500 BENSON RD S CCNST 2 STCRY MEDICAL OFFICE 81. 10753 3,C00 BILLY G. WALLACE 2522 TALBOT CREST OR S REROOF RESIDENCE 855700011007 10754 1PC00 C DORAINE WILLIAMS 321 BURNETT AV S CCNST WALLS 10755 2,430 DARRELL J GLDMUNDSON 102 LAKE AV S INST PAINT BOOTH 7224CO075502 10756 80.000 J L RANKIN 2822 CECAR AV S CONST S/F RESILENCE 10757 50,400 CHIN HILLS 3915 TALBOT RD S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10756 2P TO MICHAEL LANTZ 4543C MORRIS AV S REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE p z782403aCap0p6068501 10759 10760 650800 OO WICK HOMES INC 1092NE UNICNSCTPNE CONST S/F RESILENCE BASIC 8-18764.270 757550004 10761 69P800 WICK HOMES 166 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RES BASIC 6-10764-270 252550055 10762 89.200 WICK HCMES 154 VASHON FL NE CONST S/F RES 7525580533 10763 76,300 WICK HOMES 12C UNICN CT NE CONST S/F RES 5255 007 10' 69P8O0 WICK HC ES 4106 NE 1ST PL CONST S/F RES 252550066 10 53.600 WICK HOMES 108 UNICN CT NE CONST S/F RES 252550005 1( OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE 020 SET MOBILE HOME 10 2.500 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNICN AV SE 020 CONSTRUCT PATIC. SHED 10 2,500 JON W. MOSEA 407 S 23RD ST PASSIVE SCLAR HEATING SYSTEM 855700014001 1CIA1m 63.400 DARREN PAINTER 2625 BENSON RD S CONST S/F RESILENCE 2923059049 10?/J 16.000 RAINIER PLAZA 226z3 RAINIER AV S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 1823[5903300 10771 2�1!14 1DG. 7227801435 1007772 2,e50 LENCREAYWREN GE 33198MEADCWRAVNNAV NE REROOF 6REROOF LADD NEW GUTTERS 135230035002 10774 2,500 JOE GEERTZ 375 UNICN oV SE 064 CONSTOPATIOHETC 10775 15.-CO 0 RENTON CENTER ASSOCIATE 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT SPACE 102 10776 16PC0 MORRIS PIHA CO 2832 SLNSET LN NE TENANT REMCOEL 722780123500 10777 500 GERALD C MILLER 1505 S 27TH ST RELINE MASONRY CHIMNEY 10778 METRO 728 MONSTER RD SW DEMOLISH HCUSE 242304906138 10779 JANICE CAHL 375 UNICN AV SE 014 INSTALL MOBILE HOME 10780 Z2.50p0 JANICE CAHL 375 UNION AV SE 014 DRIVEWAY PATIC SHEC 15761 782 1791. MALTEK COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 31109PNEKAV 11TH"PL CONSTP4RFLEXDAPT$N 10'80 SLOG 2854E0013OO9 10783 129,300 MALTEK 31C1 NE 11TH PL CONST 4 FLEX AFTS 281489313504 160764 500 PAN AMERICAN PROP INC 36a79p64 SUNSET SL NE REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 941741285 785 18786 15,C00 SHCGC"KUSUPI 31COBRONSEASTONAWYENERO REPLACEFEXISTINGADE DECKS SEE 8-5771 271305916000 10787 3,000 A L BCHN 1011 N 34Th ST REMODEL RESIDENCE 334210230002 10788 35, 00 FORD MOTOR CO 201 S 7TH ST CONST FDTN ONLY PER SEC 303(A) 192305903101 10789 50OPCOO FRANCK THOMAS PARTNERSH 836 SENECA AV SW CONSTRUCT CFFICE BUILDING E1ECTRICAL PERMITS 149 350 PET TECH 607 SW GRADY WY INST ACDTL OUTLETS IN DUPLEX 12150 3,400 ED BIGGENS 33C SW 43RC ST WIRE MARTINIZING TENANT 12151 2,5CO METRO 1200 MCNSTER RD SW INST WIRING FCR TRAILER/PUMPS 12152 9,C00 THE BOEING COMPANY 80C PARK AV N INST SERVICE TC TMC TRAILERS 12153 2/CDD RICHARC A GALVIN 2407 GARDEN CT N INST WIRING IN S/F RES 12154 200 UNION AV CC 375 UNION AV SE 043 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME 12155 200 BRIAN W SMITH 4203 SE 1ST PL INST WIRING FCR SPA 12156 5PE50 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N INST. SWITCHES FOR AIR 6 WATER 12157 6,C00 KME MANUFACTURING 849 SENECA AV SW INST METAL HALIDE FIXTURES ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 C"n8/85 BUILDING S ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JANUARY 4P 1985 .�O ING PERPITS Tur39 500,000 FRANCK THOMAS PARTNERSH 838 SENECA AV SW CONSTRUCT CFFICE BUILDING 10790 30,C00 JEFFERY WOOL 1900 BEACON WY SE REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 664550156003 10741 8,700 WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB 1621 SW 16TH ST CONST ADDITION OF STORAGE ROOM 000580001600 10792 20,CO0 RIFFLE STEIN RESTAURANT 317 MAIN AV S REMODEL R--STAURANT 13793 4,COJ OAKHURST DEV. CORP. 375 UNICN AV SE 0203 SET MOBILE HOME 10794 2,500 OAKHURST DEV CORP 375 UNICN AV SE 0203 CCNST PATIO, CRIVEWAY ETC 10795 6,500 MILTON L SWARTZ 3624 NE 14TH ST CONST DECK FOR HOT TUB 091150004009 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12200 1,000 DAVID M MELCRUM 617 MORRIS AV S INST MIRING/CIRCUIT CHANGE 12201 2,500 JEFFERY WOOL 1900 BEACON WY SE REWIRE RESIDENCE 12202 1,875 COLLIER 2709 TALBOT RD S REWIRE RES/UPOATE SERVICE TO 400 12203 8,331 PACIFIC NW BELL 225 WILLIAMS AV S WIRE FIRE ALARM 12204 9,872 DUANE WELLS BLCG. 451 SW 10TH ST REPLACE/RELOCATE LIGHTS 6 RECEPT Z 5 1,6000 HARCLD MITCHELL 10341 LYNNWOCO AV NE INST 200 AMP SERVICE. 2 CIRCUITS 12 12,0000 METRO SMITH I2CO MONSAK ETERSRDNSMON BL NWIRE TREATMENTRPCANTRIIC SYSTEM MECHANICAL PERMITS 10615 e50 HOLGER JOHANSEN 4420 NE 107H ST INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT 10816 1,500 T R HACELRIGG 5025 RIPLEY LN N ADDITION TC HEATING SYSTEM 10817 o,COO PORTAL WEST 330 SW 43RC ST INSTALL COMPRESSOR PLUMBING PERMITS 197 840 MRS KILLIAN 509 MOUSER WY 5 INST 8 PLBG FIXTURES 198 2,100 JEFF WOCO 1900 BEACON WY SE INST 7 PLBG FIXTURES 199 500 PORTAL WEST 330 SW 43RD ST INSTA L 2 PLUMBING FIXTURES 200 2,800 RIFFLESTEIN RESTAURANT 317 MAIN AV S INST T PLBG FIXTURES 201 9.000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 955 POWELL AV SW INST WATER 6 DRAIN LINES SIGN PERMITS 1317 340 ROBERT MAC GREGOR 1520 TAYLOR AV SW INST WOODEN SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5879 Greenwood Memorial Park 3401 NE 4th Street Install water, sanitary and storm sewers 5880 Geo. Oberholtzer 1920 Shattuck South Install sanitary building sewer 5881 Charles Wiehoff 1612 Kennewick Ave. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5882 Frank Lee 5121 Ripley Lane N. Install sanitary building sewer 5883 Jim Pemberton 1701 Ferndale Ave. SE Remove curb, gutter and sidewalk and widen driveway 5884 Jake Wall 2628 NE 5th Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5885 Brad Long 2201 ME 27th Street Install sanitary building sewer 5886 C. J. Construction 135 Union Avenue NE Water and sanitary sewer stubs 224 OF 1?4+ A COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REE: . U Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z ROBERT I. HUGHES O KATHY KEOLKER ° NANCY L. THEWS 9% RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD MASTREDICKE �P 0THOMAS W. TRIMM 9gT8D SEPI REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 1985 PRESIDING CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH• MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 7, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Fluoridation of City of Renton Water Supply Local Improvement District No. 330 Preliminary Assessment Roll - SW Grady Way from Lind SW to Longacres Drive SW 5. j 1 ENCE �_CP1MENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that em of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Claim for damages in the amount of $200.00 filed by Elizabeth C. Paulman , 1713 Davis Avenue South, for flood damage to her basement allegedly caused by a broken City water line (12/8/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. b. City Clerk submits request from Schneider Homes for release of easement near its Hilltop residential development on Monroe Avenue NE and NE 6th Street. Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works to report back. c. City Clerk submits notice of approval of Squire Annexation by King County Boundary Review Board for ± 14 acres located on the north side of SE 200th Street one-half mile east of Talbot Road South. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. d. Finance Department requests ordinance to provide 1984 year-end adjustments for accounting purposes. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Public Works Department submits Green River Management Agreement and 1985 Work Program. Refer to Community Services Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Mayor Shinpoch requests waiver of residency requirement for Board of Adjustment member Francis A. Holman (Position #3) until expiration of his term in 1986; Mr. Holman has recently moved outside City limits. 8. BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL Jan.,, rry 14, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Mobile Home Park Ordinance Metro Land Use Policy BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Schneider Homes Request for Release of Easement CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Paulman Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Green River Management Agreement and 1985 Work Program MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Honey Creek Sewer Project Contract PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Honey Creek Associates Request for PUD Hearing UTILITIES COMMITTEE Results of Fluoridation Public Hearing Schnee '-r- Homes Request for Release of Easement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Squire Annexation Year-End Adjustments to 1984 Budget (Resolution No. 2589 adopted) Bids for BANS, TANS, and Bonds (approved) Draft Policies and Procedures Relating to Council Operations LID 328 Final Assessment Roll (Ist reading 1 /14/85) Utility Connection Charges ( 1st reading 1 /14/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/21 /85 - Dan Shane (RAMAC, Inc.) Street Vacation Request (Maplewood Place adjacent to Maple Valley Highway 1 /28/85 - Proposed LID 330, SW Grady Way (continued from 1/14/85) '^5 - Woodall-Wong Street Vacation (7th Ave. N . between Garden Avenue N . and Park Avenue N . ) 226 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 14, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL J. MULCAHY, Finance Director; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle Monte Enbysk, Bellevue Journal-American MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 7, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Fluoridation published and posted in accordance with State law, Mayor of City Water Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider whether or Supply not the City of Renton should fluoridate its water supply. Continued Correspondence was read from City Clerk Motor reporting receipt of petitions bearing 1 ,491 signatures of which 1 , 113 are Renton residents or receive Renton water services. Also received were 48 letters bearing 90 signatures representing 13 doctors and health care units, 19 dentists, and 16 businesses and citizens. Of these signatures, 43 are located within the City limits. Petitioners supported fluoridation as a preventive health measure which reduces dental decay in children and young adults, decreases incidence of osteoporosis in the elderly, and results in less cost to families for dental care and reduces need for costly restorative dentistry. Continued Letter from King County Medical Society Board of Trustees, representing 3,000 King County physicians, supported fluoridation as a very effective, proven public health measure. Letter from Mrs. Carl Hagen, 1009 N. 28th Place, containing three additional signatures, indicated support for fluoridation since it is long overdue. Councilwoman Mathews submitted a letter from Mrs. Selma Fitting, 51 Burnett Avenue S. , which related healing effects of fluoridation on those afflicted with osteoporosis, a bone-weakening disease. Continued Audience comment was invited. Speaking in opposition to the proposal were Russell Walker, Skyway; June Evans; Lee Ann Johnson, 3917 NE 6th St. ; Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. ; Jessie Leendertsen, 671 Dayton Avenue NE; and Gary Pitkin, 1120 N. 38th Street. They expressed concerns that fluoride would be found to have detrimental effects in the future and the City would be liable for damages; most City water is used for other than human consumption; costs must be shared by all citizens whether they be for or against the program; alternative methods of fluoride treatment are available; fluoride is claimed to cause allergies in some people. Continued Speaking in favor of fluoridation were Ken Johnson, P.O. Box 161 , Renton; Pam Kelso, 517 S. 31st; David Thomas, 4308 NE Sunset Boulevard; Sylvia Watson, Headstart Program; Pat Dickinson, 2000 NE 27th Street; Patricia Lavery, 1100 N. 38th Street (Chairperson, Renton Citizens for Better Dental Health) ; Susan Arens, 1703 NE 20th; Barbara LaFranchi , 910 Grant Avenue S. ; Susan Kolb, 1425 N. 36th St. ; Ty Galvin, DDS, 344 Morris Avenue S. ; Owen Hoffman, DDS, MPH (former Washington State Dental Director) ; Grace Anderson, 1200 Grant >nton City 1/14/85 P,- Public Public He- 7 ,ng - Fluoridation (continued) Fluorida-. Avenue S. ; Peter Domoto, DDS (U. of W. Assoc. Professor & of City Water Chairman of Pediatric Dentistry Dept.) ; Ann Sterk, 1843 S. Supply 266th Place, Kent (Coordinator of Dental Health Program in continued Highline School District) ; Jean Harris; Peyton Gant, MD (Pediatrics) , 3915 Talbot Road S. ; Elaine Stanovsky, 3009 Park Avenue N. (United Methodist Minister) ; Pat Lee, 16213 141st SE (King County Nurses Association) ; Donna Oberg (Renton Nutritionist) ; Charlene Bonnelycke (Renton School Nurse) ; and Jim Bauman, 1025 S. 3rd St. (Director, Valley Community Clinic) . Additional letters submitted for the record in support of fluoridation: Jim & Paula Ratcliff, 3600 Meadow N. ; and Dr. Jesse Tapp, Director of the Seattle- King County Department of Public Health. Continued Those supporting fluoridation indicated that fluoride is a safe, economical and the most effective substance to strengthen bones and teeth and prevent tooth decay. Fluoridating the community water supply is the least expensive and most preferable means of providing fluoride, particularly to children in formative years of growth. Due to high levels of sugar comsumption and bad nutritional habits of young people, fluoridation of water is a necessary and inexpensive way to prevent oral health problems. In Headstart programs, daily brushing is emphasized, weekly fluoride swishes are provided with parental approval , and a minimum of sugar allowed in meals--however, fluoride in water would be more effective. Continued King County Nurses Association, representing 3,200 nurses, reported tooth decay can interfere with nutrition, self- image and emotional and social well-being. Fluoridation added to the community water supply is less expensive than tablets or drops and is readily available to disadvantaged families. Continued Comparisons drawn between communities show a decline in the �— incidence of dental decay with fluoride additives from an average of 14.8 decayed, missing or filled permanent teeth in the 16-year old bracket without fluoridated water, to an average of 4. 1 with fluoridated water (City of Seattle 1950 statistics) . Incidence of decay is higher in Renton than in surrounding areas where water is fluoridated. Approximately 130 million people are currently using fluoridated water in the U.S. Fluoride has not been reported to cause damage to plumbing supplies. Fewer fractures occur since fluoride accumulates in and strengthens bones over a person ' s lifetime. According to the American Academy of Allergies, there is no evidence of allergy from fluoride when used in community water supplies. Fluoride can prevent from up to 65% of dental caries (cavities) and can reduce incidence of root decay to older persons. A pamphlet outlining Fluoridation facts was distributed to Council members by Mrs. Lavery. Continued Public Works Director Richard Houghton reported cost estimates to fluoridate City water at its various sources: $201 ,000 for Capital/Equipment Costs and 571 ,000 for Professional Services for an initial cost of approximately $300,000. Annual costs are estimated to be approximately $88,000 and would include hiring one new operator/maintenance staff member. Projected 1990 water rates for single family residential customers reflect an increase of 53( per month if fluoride is added to water supplies. The high number of wells raises cost of implementation. Continued Administrative Assistant Michael Parness advised that placement of the issue of fluoridation on a special election advisory ballot would cost approximately $20,000. However, costs would be substantially reduced to $200-$300 if the issue is added to an already scheduled election such as the 1985 General Election. Upon inquiry, Mr. Houghton estimated that within two to three years, Renton would no longer be purchasing City of Seattle water, which is fluoridated, for certain areas of the city. Conllrued Mo Batra, Regional Engineer for the Department of Social and Health, Services, referenced a letter from his office, dated 228 Re -on City Council 1/!4/85 Page three Public Hearing Fluoridation (continued) Fluoridation June 21 , 1984, in which the DSHS agreed to fund the purchase of City Water and installation of fluoridation equipment with grants up Supply continued to 40% of the total cost. Continued Responding to comments regarding previous action by Renton voters, Councilwoman Mathews clarified that while a fluoridation issue had been defeated 50% to 46% in a 1969 Renton election, State Initiative 322 (failed statewide) on fluo- * '­ had been favored by Renton precincts by a 64% margin in 1976. Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Noting that the matter of fluoridation is pending in the Utilities Committee, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE RESULTS OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch commended participants of the public hearing for their courtesy and concise comments. Recess MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL TAKE A FIVE- MINUTE RECESS. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. Reconvened Council reconvened at 9: 35 p.m. ; roll was called; all members previously listed were present. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Preliminary and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch opened Assessment Roll the public hearing to consider preliminary Local Improvement LID 330 District No. 330, roadway improvements in the vicinity of SW Grady Way SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW west to the Grady Way Bridge, from Lind SW and including but not limited to widening to 56 feet curb to to Grady Way curb, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, Bridge water lines, street lights, traffic control and other necessary appurtenances. Total amount of the roll : $574,300.00. Continued Protest letter was read from Karmen Holmes, owner of Parcel 8, indicating the City, State or County should participate in the cost of the project. Letter from Public Works Director Houghton was read advising that the protest represents assessment of $42,800.00 which is 7.45 of the total estimated assessment roll - (percentage later revised) . Mr. Houghton noted that additional letters just received from Puget Western, Inc. (Parcel No. 6) and Puget Power (Parcel 7) increase the percentage of protests to 35. 14 . Robert B. Boyd, Property Manager for Puget Western, Inc. objected to front footage assessment method since several existing and proposed encumbrances reduce actual fontage from 800 to 415 feet and reduce usable lot size; questioned assessing abutting property owners for arterial carrying traffic through the area; and questioned whether the unencumbered remaining property is of sufficient size to be useable. Letter from Dick Causey, Puget Power, cited lack of benefit from the LID and reduction of the parcel ' s fair market value due to numerous encumbrances. Continued Mr. Houghton reported that the project will extend and complete a 1970 roadway project which widened SW Grady Way to five lanes from Lind Avenue SW to Rainier Avenue. Utilizing a display map of the area, he designated the location of the project and assessment boundaries. Sources of funding for the LID were described and include 1 .35 million dollars from the Urban Arterial Board, one-quarter million dollars from earmarked City funds, and approximately one-half million dollars from abutting property owners for a total project cost of 2.2 million dollars. Mr. Houghton noted the possibility that funding for the cost of the box culvert for the P-1 Channel under Grady Way may be funded by the Soil Conservation Service. Continued Letter eras read from David A. Sabey, Southcenter East Associates, owner of Parcel 17, claiming assessments are in excess of benefits accrued, and bulk of project costs have been placed on property owners. Noting that as a condition of an earlier granted deferral , Mr. Sabey has signed restrictive covenants agreeing to participate in the LID, City Attorney Larry Warren advised that objection to formation of the LID is not allowed; Renton City Council 1/14/85 Page four Public Hearing LID 330 continued LID 330 but the property owner can protest the assessment amount based upon benefit. Continued Upon inquiry regarding method of assessment, Mr. Houghton indicated that the front footage method selected is an acceptable alternative recognized by State law. Continued Duane A. Wells, 15 South Grady Way, advised that he has been assessed for property not fronting on Grady Way, and reported that a protest letter mailed earlier to the City outlined his objections (Letter received 1/15/85) . Mr. Wells' letter stated that his property is not contiguous to SW Grady Way; is denied access to SW Grady Way; does not benefit from proposed improvements; is currently already served by water, sewer and power; has an extensive storm water drainage system installed and operating; and is of narrow configuration and totally encumbered by power line easements, making it unuseable for building purposes. Continued Jeray Holmes, representing Karmen Holmes, owner of Parcel 8, objected to amount of assessment since property has no access to SW Grady Way; is a long, narrow strip; and assessments amount to one-fourth of the net worth of the property, which he felt was excessive. Continued Stanley Erickson, Southcenter East Associates, Suite 900 ONB Plaza, Bellevue 98004, (Parcel 17) alleged public hearing notice was not received. He also requested additional data (project scope, cost estimates, and roadway elevations) , and felt a higher percentage of project costs should be apportioned to other agencies. Continued Councilman Stredicke reported that over three-fourths of the project cost is not being borne by the abutting property owners. City Clerk outlined procedures for notifying assessed _. owners of the public hearing, noting that notice sent to Mr. Sabey had not been returned to the City as undeliverable, and responsibility for changing ownership on King County Assessor' s rolls remains with the property owner. Continued Don Moody, 13975 Interurban Avenue South, owner of Tax Lots 53 and 54 earmarked for dedication as part of P-1 Channel construction, questioned assessment. Mr. Houghton clarified that the property will appear on assessment rolls until actual dedication occurs. Continued David Sabey went on record supporting the Local Improvement Project and agreed to participate as required by restrictive covenants. However, he requested relief since he felt his property is not benefited by proposed improvements, noting a recent traffic study indicates that of the total volume of traffic using SW Grady Way for access, only 100 of the vehicles are traveling to or from his site. He also reported having spent over $46,000 towards the existing signal on Grady Way and funding water line installation as well . Continued following conclusion of testimony, Mr. Houghton revised the percentage of protests received on the LID to 44. 910. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TWO WEEKS TO JANUARY 28, 1985 TO ALLOW STAFF THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW ASSESSMENTS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, questioned Council rules Council Rules governing audience comment, noted he had been interrupted by a Council member at meeting of December 17, 1984. Mayor Shinpoch iterated responsibilities of the Presiding Officer. Mr. Webb discussed the matter of Maplewood Golf Course acquisition, and questioned whether it would be better to pay for the property now rather than later through bond sale. Renton City Council 1 /14/85 Page five Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Paulman Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $200.00 filed by Elizabeth C. for Damages Paulman, 1713 Davis Avenue South, for flood damage to her CL 40-84 basement allegedly caused by a broken City water line (12/8/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Schneider Homes City Clerk submitted request from Schneider Homes for release Release of of easement near its Hilltop residential development on Easement Monroe Avenue NE and NE 6th Street; Public Works Department (Hilltop) has certified the petition represents 100% of the property ownership. Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. Squire City Clerk submitted notice of approval of Squire Annexation Annexation by King County Boundary Review Board for ±14 acres located on the north side of SE 200th Street, one-half mile east of Talbot Road South. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Year-End Finance Department requested resolution to provide 1984 year-end Adjustments adjustments for accounting purposes. Refer to Ways and Means to Budget Committee. (See Ordinances and Resolutions) Green River Public Works Department submitted Green River Management Management Agreement and 1985 Work Program. Refer to Community Agreement Services Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Shinpoch was read requesting waiver by Board of Council of residency requirement for Board of Adjustment Adjustment member Francis A. Holman (Position #3) , who has recently Residency moved outside Renton city limits, until expiration of his term in 1986. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL WAIVE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CURRENT TERM ONLY FOR MR. HOLMAN. CARRIED. Bid Awards Added letter from Finance Director Michael J. Mulcahy was for BANS, read recommending acceptance of bid in the amount of 6. 180 TANS, and (first year) submitted by People' s Bank for Bond Anticipation Bonds Notes in the amount of $3.925 million to purchase Maplewood Bid Opening - Golf Course. He recommended acceptance of bid in the amount 1/11/85 of 6.22% submitted by Erlich Bober for Tax Anticipation Notes in the amount of $2.7 million ; and acceptance of bid in the amount of 8.5156% submitted by Rainier Bank for General Obligation Equipment Purchase Bonds. Immediate action was requested to facilitate early closing. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO Executive Session DISCUSS SAME SUBJECT. CARRIED. Time: 10:25 p.m. (See later. ) Regular Sesson Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. Time: 11 :00 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Shinpoch submitted letter from Bob Tomberg, DDS, PS, continued 5611-119th SE, Suite #2, Bellevue, requesting Council Honey Creek approval for the Hearing Examiner to consider a Planned Unit Associates Development (PUD) application for Honey Creek Associates Request for prior to annexation of the property into the City. MOVED PUD Hearing BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of report recommending that draft policies and procedures the Whole relating to Council operations be referred to the Ways and Draft Council Means Committee for development and returned to the City Policies & Council for discussion. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Procedures COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Reed thanked Administrative Assistant Parness for extensive efforts on this matter. Renton City Council 1/14/85 Page six Old Business continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding the Mobile Home Park Ordinance referred Committee 9/12/83. The Committee acknowledges that changes have been made Mobile Home Park in the past year and additional changes may be required in the Ordinance future. However, the Committee does not propose any changes at this time and recommends removal of the matter from the referral list and referral to the Administration of this matter. Further, the Committee requests that this ordinance be considered by staff when other code and ordinances revisions are made by the Administration relating to low and moderate income housing issues and residential development. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Metro Land Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Use Policy a report requesting removal of the Metro Land Use Policy referred to Committee on 10/1/84 at the request of the Hearing Examiner. Instead, the Committee requests the Administration to consider a City- initiated rezone for the Metro property to a zoning category which would alleviate the Examiner' s concerns. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Other Referrals Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report indicating establishment of a priority schedule for reviewing other referrals in Committee: Fence & Hedge Regulations, 1/17/85; Environmental Ordinance, 1/17/85; Small Lot/Single Family Residential Zone, 1/24 or 1/31/85; Variance requirement waivers for right-of-way condemnations; Fire Department review of all single family residential building permits; Other code changes recommended by staff. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police Department Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding Police Department Bullet-Proof Vests policy governing the wearing of bullet-proof vests. Lt. Magula indicated that the department does not have a policy, but vests are available to officers if they opt to wear them. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending acceptance of the low bid Schedules A and B Honey Creek of R. L. Alia Construction Company and the low bid on Sewer Project Schedule C of R. W. Scott Construction Company and the Phase I second low bid on Schedule D of R. W. Scott Construction Company for the Honey Creek Sewer Project, Phase I , Pump Station, Power Supply, Force Main and Water Main. Cost breakdown follows: Schedule A $96,940.50 R. L. Alia Construction Co. Schedule B $31 ,612.40 R. L. Alia Construction Co. Schedule C $95,000.00 R. W. Scott Construction Co. Schedule D $79,295.00 R. W. Scott Construction Co. Sales tax not included in bid tabulations. The apparent low bidder, Puget Sound Utility Service, on Schedule D did not submit a signed bid and requested his bid be withdrawn. The Puget Sound Utility Service bid is incomplete, invalid and will be cnsidered nonresponsive. The Committee also recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents upon approval by the State Department of Ecology. The Chairman noted that the bids are approximately $26,000 under the Engineer' s estimate. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Renton City Council 1/14/85 Page seven Ordinances and Resolutions Ordinance #3878 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Lincoln Properties certain properties within the City of Renton from Public Rezone, R-073-84 District (P-1 ) and Residence District (R-1 ) to Multifamily Residential District (R-3) for Lincoln Properties, File No. R-073-84, east side of Lake Washington Boulevard North, approximately at the 200 block. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3879 An ordinance was read annexing 11 acres of property located Scott Annexation on the south and north sides of Sunset Boulevard NE and west of Union Avenue NE known as the Scott Annexation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Tax Anticipation An ordinance was read authorizing the issuance of tax Notes anticipation notes for the purpose of paying City expenses pending the receipt of general city taxes and revenues; creating a note redemption fund; and providing for the sale of those notes to Ehrlich-Bober & Co. , Inc. of New York, New York. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3880 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Tax Anticipation ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Notes COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: LID 328 Final An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments Assessment Roll and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 328 for $318,828.66 the construction and installation of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, utility adjustments, storm drains and all necessary appurtenacnes thereto on Garden Avenue N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street, Renton, King County, Washington; by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 328 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No. 3744. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Utility An ordinance was read amending portions of Section 3-241 , Title Connection III (Departments) and Section 8-717, Title VIII (Health and Charges Sanitation) of City Code regarding charges for property not previously assessed as it relates to utility connection charges. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolutions Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2589 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of $37,872.00 1984 Budget from Street Fund Ending Fund Balance unto Street Fund - Street Adjustments Lighting Electricity Appropriation; and $9,350.00 from l% for Art Fund Ending Fund Balance unto 1% for Art Fund - Expenditure Appropriation for 1984 adjustments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Bid Acceptance Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report for BANS, TANS recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Finance and Bonds Director to award the Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS) to Peoples National Bank, the Tax Anticipation Notes (TANS) to Erlich Bober, and the General Obligation Equipment Purchase Bonds to Rainier Bank. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, 233 Renton City Council 1/14/85 Page eight Ordinances and Resolutions continued COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS READ. CARRIED. Valley CommCenter Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Construction recommending that the City meet its obligation to provide Financing financing for the Valley CommCenter construction through a loan from its Equipment Rental Fund for a ten-year period as obligated under the interlocal agreement . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS READ. CARRIED. City of Renton share: $245,533• Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 4225 through 4566 in the amount of $1 , 170, 130. 11 , having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received/rendered. Vouchers 4215 through 4224 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SEONDED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke questioned posting requirements for State DOT recent Hearing Examiner hearing for conditional use permit Park and Ride request by Washington State Department of Transportation Lot, File No. to establish a Park and Ride Lot at the northeast corner of CU-102-84 NE 16th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. He cited complaints of insufficient notice by David E. Nicholson, and questioned whether Council can waive the required $75.00 appeal fee for this resident. Councilwoman Mathews suggested that if the individual does not have the required fee, he should contact the Council in writing. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11 : 31 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 234 �•.- =y'' CHEKREGR CITY OF PENTON "ATE 01 /11 /85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.# 04215 - 04224 CURRENT $284426.48 PARKS $62843. 53 ARTERIAL STREETS S19.- 530.C1 STREETS 586.891 . 26 LIBRARY $12976.65 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 5322.380.31 STREET FORWARD THRUST $109P059.42 G COULON BCH PRK CCNSTR $6.167.40 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $191Hl .C3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND S47.-310.13 WATERWORKS UTILITY $89.245.77 AIRPORT $3r476.13 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $71 .668. EE EQUIPMENT RENTAL $30242.38 INSURANCE FUND $1776.34 FIREMEN 'S PENSION 51 . 160.93 LID CONTROL $1173.46 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 61,170.130.11 WEr THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREOP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR FAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 4225 THROUGH NO. 4566 IN THE- AMOUNT OF $1 .170.130. 11 THIS 14TH CAY OF JANUARY 1985 . v COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - - - MEMBER MEMBER - - - - CITY COUNCIL L�j t, :-L MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 1/29 4: 30 D.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Green River Management Agreement; Update on status of other referrals (Mr. Parness invited) PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1 /17 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Fence & Hedge Regulations (cont. ) ; Environmental Ordinance Thurs. 1 /24 4: 30 p.m. " Small Lot Ordinance Thurs. 1/31 4: 30 p.m. " Honey Creek Annexation; Other Referrals PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS S MEANS Mon. 1 /21 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room Standing Meeting OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 01 /11 /85 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JANUARY 11 , 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 10795 61500 WILTON L SWARTZ 3624 NE 14TH ST CONST DECK FOR HOT TUB 091150004009 10796 60,000 BRAD LONG 22C1 NE 27TH ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDEENCE 8408079001 10797 88.100 THE NEILTON GROUP 2507 PARK PL N CONST S/F RESIDENCE 8408209013 10798 11 .000 JACK BENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST CONST ACCESS LADDERS., PLATFORMS JOB 7443Z4-01 10799 36,400 JACK BENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST CONST WALLS BLDG 7-81-2 10800 20,500 DUANE WELLS VAL BAIN 451 Sw 10TH ST INST INTERIOR WALLS 1923059033 10801 4,500 CITY OF RENTON 720 JONES AV S CONST PARKING LOT PHILLIP AkNOLO PARK 10802 15,C00 CITY OF RENTON 4CO N 6TH ST CONST PICNIC SHELTER CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 10803 1 ,700 JOHN EDWARDS ESTATE 3008 SE 5TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 5126400030 10804 16.825 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPRCVEMENT 918800002001 10805 23,297 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 918800002001 10806 3, 500 FRED CROTHAMEL JR 1520 INDEX AV NE REMODEL RESIDENCE 10807 8,460 THE SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET BL N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10908 1 ,400 HOWARD K. BROWN 2102 NE 9TH ST RE ROOF RESIDENCE 7227500070 E1ECTRICAL PERMjTS 208 230 RENTON SCHOCL DISTRICT 800 UNION AV NE INST 4 FLOOR RECEPTACLES 12209 1 ,800 DWAYNE WELLS BLDG 451 Sw 10TH ST INST COAXIAL CABLE 12210 2,000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S INST ELECTRICAL FOR IRRIGATION 12211 800 DAN HULL 805 N 31ST ST INST WIRING IN REMODEL, SERVICE 12212 825 ARTHUR D BENSON 410 WILLIAMS AV N INST 200 SERVICE 12213 2.262 K-3 CONSTRUCTION 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NWIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12214 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNICN AV SE #203 HOCK UP MOBILE HOME 12215 2,100 RICK GALVIN 2407 GARDEN CT N INST WIRING FOR SEG/FIRE ALARM 12216 200 WILTON L SWARTZ 3624 NE 14TH ST INST WIRING FOR HOT TUB OARD 11222117 8500 WASHNGTON JOCKEY CLUB 16pp21 SW 16TH ST INST WIRING FCR STORAGE ROOM 12219 9,038 MERRICKCHENCESIAL A/P C 2625PNEK23RD"ST REPLACENEW DAMAGED METER BASE 12220 500 GALVIN SUPPLY 858 LILAC AV SW REPULL SERVICE WIPES 12221 6,043 H.D.K. 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12222 2,500 ANDREW KESSELRING 27111 CEDAR AV S INSTALL 200 AMP SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10818 10,980 FRANK LEE 5121 RIPLEY LN N INST 2 FURNACES 10819 1 ,500 CLIFTON DAVIS 3014 MILL AV S INSTALL GAS HEATING 10820 4,000 LAWRENCE CREWS 621 HOUSER WY S INSTALL WALL HEATERS IN 4 UNITS 10821 3,C00 WILTON L SWARTZ 3624 NE 14TH ST INST HOT TUB 10822 19,000 UNION OIL CO 59 RAINIER AV S INST 1 12000 GAL TANK, 2 550 GAL 10323 5,967 NORM WILCOX 916 N 34TH ST INSTALL 1 -3 TON COMPRESSER & 1-10 KW FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 201 9,C00 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 955 POWELL AV SW INST WATER & DRAIN LINES 202 1 ,000 WATER BEDS 4110 WEST VALLEY RD INST GAS PIPING 203 43,000 VENTURA PARTNERSHIP 4702 DAVIS AV S INST IRRIGATION SYSTEM 204 75 CITY OF RENTON 501 W PERIMETER RD INST HOSE BIB 205 2,100 HCLVICK DE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST INST 9 PL3G FIXTURES 206 200 BRAD LONG 2201 NE 27TH ST INSTALL 7 R.I . FOR FIXTURES CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5887 RPI (Renton Plaza) 1400 Talbot Road S. Sewer connection fee 5888 Howard Terry S. Penton Park & Ride Storm sewer, remove and replace curb and gutter 5889 Ventura Partnership 4702 Davis Avenue S. Sanitary building sewers 5890 Nor Con Devel. Ltd. SE 8th PI. /SE 8th Dr. Install per approved plat of Falcon Ridge t f OF AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, T COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES p KATHY KEOLKER NANCY L. 9° R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.A THEWS 0STREDICKE NgT O SEPIP REGULAR MEETING THOMAS W. TRIMM PRESIDING JANUARY 21, 1985 MONDAY8: 00 P.M. CITY CLERK , BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR MAXINE E. MOTOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Dan Shane (RAMAC, Inc.) Request to Vacate a Portion of Maplewood Place (24th Avenue SE) & 5th Avenue E. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department requests modification of fees for Comprehensive Plan Compendium and Zoning Maps to cover production costs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Building & Zoning Department requests revision of Shoreline Master Program to conform with State Department of Ecology recommendations regarding Section 7. 08. 01 (landfills) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $1, 457. 15 filed by the City of Tacoma, City Attorney's Office, 740 St. Helens Avenue, Suite 1120, Tacoma, alleging damages to Tacoma police patrol car caused by collision with Renton police patrol car (11 /11/84) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. d. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Michael Donnelly rezone request, File No. R-098-84, 0. 17 acre of property at 636 Shattuck Avenue S. from R-4, High Density Multifamily, to B-1, Business. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Crown Pointe Limited Partnership rezone request, File No. R-067-84, for +8. 0 acres of property located between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE on the north side of NE 4th Street, from B-1, Business, to R-3, Multifamily Zone. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. f. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Mr. Robert Patterson, 310 Bronson Way NE, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to January 31, 1988. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Public Works (Airport) Department submits BENAIR Aviation request to lease additional property east of blast fence adjacent to main Airport entry (LAG 004-84) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. h. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests public hearing to amend 1985-1990 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program by adding N . 3rd Street/Park Avenue N . and N . 4th Street/Park Avenue N . to qualify for Federal funding. Set public hearing for February 11, 1985. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL 3afloary 21, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Shane (RAMAC, Inc. ) Street Vacation C11Y ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE City of Tacoma Claim for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE City Manager Form of Government TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE BENAIR Lease Revision (LAG 004-84) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Fees Shoreline feaster Program Donnelly Rezone, R-098-84 Crown Pointe Partnership Rezone, R-067-84 Squire Annexation (Ist reading 1 /21/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/28/85 - Woodall /Wong Street Vacation (7th Avenue N . between Garden_ Avenue N . and Park Avenue N. ) 1/28/85 - Proposed LID 330, SW Grady Way (continued from 1 /14/85) 1/28/85 - Dan Shane (RAMAC, Inc.) Street Vacation (continued from 1 /21 /85 - Maplewood Place adjacent to Maple Valley Highway 2/4/85 - Renton Environmental Ordinance 2/11/85 - Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1985-1990 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 21 , 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; VINCE LEE, Public Works Coordinator; LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Dan Shane and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch (RAMAC , Inc. ) opened the public hearing to consider the Dan Shane (RAMAC, Street Vacation Inc. ) request to vacate a portion of Maplewood Place (24th Request - Avenue SE) and 5th Avenue East adjacent to Riviera Apartments Maplewood Place in the vicinity of Maple Valley Highway. 5th Avenue E. Letter was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton, Continued Chairman , Board of Public Works, advising the Board' s recommenda- tion to deny the application. The Board found that the roadway is a Class A facility (one for which funds have been expended for improvements and maintenance) ; that it contains underground and overhead utilities; and provides secondary fire and public access to the existing apartment complex. The letter also noted that the right-of-way for the street was acquired by the State from the petitioner, who represents 100% ownership. Continued Letter from Clayton A. Behrbaum, owner of Bill & John ' s Food Center, 2439 Maple Valley Highway, objected to the vacation , claiming closure of the road would create fire and safety problems as a result of loss of access and would tend to isolate the existing apartments. Letter was read from Phyllis La Rue, abutting property owner residing at 2505 Maple Valley Highway. The letter indicated that she was the owner of the subject property prior to its condemnation in 1972 by the State Highway Department during Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) widening project. Mrs. La Rue settled with the State based on the fact that property had been acquired to provide a spur road extension serving as a public street into the Shane property to a depth of 200 feet and a width of 40 feet. The street currently serves as access to her abutting property to the east and the two adjacent parcels. She indicated that vacation of the street would landlock her property. Continued Utilizing a vicinity map, Public Works Coordinator Vince Lee described the subject property, noting existence of power lines, -- storm drains, sanitary sewer and water lines in the street. Continued Dan Shane, President of RAMAC, Inc. , indicated that in filing the request, it was not his intent to interfere with existing access rights of adjacent property owners by taking the entire street. Instead, only the portion in front of the existing apartments was the subject of the request. Utilizing the vicinity map, he described the proposal , noted improvements made in the past , and indicated that condemnation had occurred in 1972 by the State due to elevation requirements for the new highway. Mr. Shane indicated that since the proximity of the subject roadway allows heavy delivery trucks to travel within five feet of one of the apartment buildings, tenants are constantly bothered by noise. He noted that approval of Renton City Council 1/21/85 Page two Public Hearing Shane (RAMAC, Inc.) Street Vacation continued Continued of the vacation request would alleviate existing traffic congestion in that area, eliminate illegal dumping of garbage now occurring, and allow improved policing and protection of apartment buildings. Continued Phyllis LaRue (address above) questioned the depth dimensions of the vacation property. She advised that access to her property to the east had been assured in 1972 by the State from their right-of-way south a distance of 200 feet. Mr. Shane indicated that he had no objection to provision of a full width street on the northeast corner of Mrs. LaRue' s property. Continued Mr. Lee noted that the decision of the Board of Public Works to deny the street vacation was based upon location of utility lines, and the Board had not addressed the issue of future access to abutting property owners. Continued During Council discussion of the matter, the following information was requested: emergency access requirements; dimensions of the property requested for vacation; whether the petitioner could be granted the entire parcel or only one-half if the vacation is approved; whether or not limited access could be achieved by fencing off aisles between existing apartment buildings ; underlying zoning of all abutting properties; history of the zoning of the apartment site and whether or not the looped roadway had been required to assure access to buildings; status and location of utilities in the area; whether or not there is a latecomer agreement allowing utility connection by Mrs. LaRue; and provision of an accurate site plan showing distances and dimensions. Continued Responding to one of the questions, City Attorney Warren advised that only the City Council has the authority to authorize the barricading of a public street. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Consideration of the two letters of correspondence from abutting property owners and Council requests for Hearing Continued additional information were requested in the Board' s review. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Comp Plan and Building and Zoning Department requested modification of fees Zoning Map Fees for Comprehensive Plan Compendium and Zoning Maps to cover increased production costs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Shoreline Building and Zoning Department requested revision of Shoreline Master Master Program to conform with the recommendations by the Program State Department of Ecology regarding landfills (Section 7.08.01 ) , replacing phrase referring to one existing bulkhead with phrase referring to two existing bulkheads. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. City of Tacoma Claim for damages in the amount of $1 ,457. 15 filed by the City Claim for of Tacoma, Office of the City Attorney, 740 St. Helens Avenue, Damages Suite 1120, Tacoma, alleging damages to Tacoma police patrol CL 41-84 car caused by collision with Renton police patrol car (11/11 /84). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Donnelly Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive covenants R-o98-84 of Michael Donnelly Rezone Request , File No. R-098-84, for 0. 17 acre of property at 636 Shattuck Avenue S. from R-4, High Density Multifamily, to B-1 , Business Use. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council 1/21/85 Page three Consent Agenda continued Crown Pointe Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive covenants Partnership of Crown Pointe Limited Partnership Rezone Request , File No. Rezone R-067-84, for +8.0 acres of property located between Monroe R-067-84 Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE on the north side of NE 4th Street , from B-1 , Business, to R-3, Multifamily Residential Zone. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. BENAIR Lease Public Works (Airport) Department submitted BENAIR Aviation Revision request to lease additional property east of blast fence adjacent LAG oo4-84 to main entry of Renton Municipal Airport (LAG 004-84) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Six Year Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested public Transportation hearing to amend 1985-1990 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Improvement Program by adding N. 3rd Street/Park Avenue N. and N. 4th Program Amendment Street and Park Avenue N. in order to qualify for Federal 1985-1990 funds for the projects. Set public hearing for 2/11/84. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, ITEM 6.f. , PLANNING COMMISSION Amended REAPPOINTMENT, BE REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED Approved BE APPROVED. CARRIED. Item 6.f. Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mr. Robert Patterson , 310 Bronson Planning Way NE, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term Commission effective to January 31 , 1988; Mr. Patterson has served on Reappointment the Commission since 1982. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S REAPPOINTMENT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Wallace R. Wilson, Ph.D. , Pastor of Porno Movies Highlands Community Church, commending Mayor Shinpoch and members of the City Council for deciding to take the Forbes porno case to the U.S. Supreme Court since the case could have considerable significance and positive effect on a national basis. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report regarding the Fence and Hedge Regulations, referred on and Development 10/15/84. Following considerable review and discussion on all Committee facets of the ordinance, the Committee concluded that it is in Fence and Hedge the best interest of the general public to continue to regulate Regulations fences and hedges. However due to concerns regarding the following, revisions to the ordinance are needed: 1 ) Intent; 2) Definitions; 3) Standards which would allow staff to evaluate and approve special circumstances or conditions. Submission of this information to the Committee is anticipated within the next three weeks. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Environmental a report regarding State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Ordinance Policies and Procedures of the Renton Environmental Ordinance. Adoption of the proposed ordinance is required to establish local authority over certain elements of the environmental review process. Other elements of the ordinance are mandated by State rules. The Committee recommended that a public hearing be set for February 4, 1985, to receive public comment on the proposed Renton Environmental Ordinance as revised by the Committee, and the ordinance be referred to the full City Council for consideration and adoption. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Traffic Councilman Stredicke thanked the Administration for correcting Modification a problem with mandatory stop at intersection of Sunset Blvd. NE and N. 3rd Street ; however, he complained about recently installed lane-marking buttons on Bronson Way, which are either ignored or cause confusion to drivers. Mayor Shinpoch indicated Traffic Engineering staff is reevaluating the markings due to receipt of numerous complaints. 242 Renton City Council 1/21 /85 Page four Old Business continued Fluoridation Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes indicated that the Committee is accepting additional comments regarding fluoridation of the City' s water supply for 30 days following closure of public hearing on 1/14/85. At the end of that period, a Committee meeting will be scheduled, and all parties who testified at the public hearing will be notified. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading Ordinance #3881 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the assessments LID 328 Final and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 328 for Assessment Roll the construction and installation of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, $318,828.66 street lighting, utility adjustments , storm drains and all necessary appurtenances thereto on Garden Avenue N. from N. 4th to N. 8th Street , Renton, King County, Washington; by doing all work necessary in connectino therewith, levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 328 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No. 3744. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3882 An ordinance was read amending portions of Section 3-241 , Title Utility Connection III (Departments) and Section 8-717, Title VIII (Health and Charges Sanitation) of City Code regarding charges for property not previously assessed as it relates to utility connection charges. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Limited Tax An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; General providing for the issuance, specifying the maturities, maximum Obligation effective interest rate, terms and covenants of $430,000 par Bonds for value of ''Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1985," of the Equipment City for strictly City purposes to provide funds with which Purchases to pay the cost of planned equipment purchases of the City; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to Rainier National Bank of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3883 Following second and final reading of the aformentioned Limited Tax ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL General ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Obligation Council President Reed noted that these equipment purchase Bonds funds are designated in the 1985 budget. Limited Tax An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; General authorizing the issuance of $3,965,000 par value of limited Obligation tax general obligation bonds of the City for strictly City Bonds for purposes to provide funds with which to acquire Maplewood Acquisition of Golf Course and to develop and improve portions of that Maplewood Golf course; establishing a golf course operations fund; and Course providing for the issuance and sale of short-term obligations pending the issuance and sale of such bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #3884 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Limited Tax ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL General Obligation ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Bonds for Maplewood Warren indicated the possibility of commitment to two charitable Golf Course organizations for golf passes by the current owners of the Acquisition course. Council members indicated strong opposition to issuance of any free passes whatsoever. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: i Renton City Council 1/21/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Maplewood Golf REED, STREDICKE, KEOLKER, TRIMM, MATHEWS. 2 NAYS: HUGHES, Course GO Bonds CLYMER. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following ordinance for first reading: Squire An ordinance was read annexing certain territory located on Annexation the north side of SE 200th Street approximately one-half mile east of Talbot Road South to the City of Renton; Squire Annexation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS -- ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch presented a report proposing Council REPORT consideration of a city manager form of government for City Manager Renton. She indicated her belief that the citizens should Form of have an opportunity to consider the merits, make appropriate Government comparisons, and ultimately decide whether they might be better served by a professional city manager running the day-to-day operation. This person would be directly responsible to the City Council and operate in conjunction with a part-time mayor (chosen from the Council ) tending to the social , civic and regional duties. Continued Renton has been a non-charter code city since 1970, and under provisions of State law, any such city which has operated under one of the options for at least six years may adopt another form of government. Abandoning the current form may be achieved by a resolution of the Council or the filing of a petition by the public constituting 10% of the votes cast at the last general municipal election. Then a ballot issue abandoning one form and adopting another form of government is offered to the voters 180 days later. If the measure is approved, the council members elected at the next succeeding general municipal election shall be the officeholders, and the reorganization will be accomplished. Continued Mayor Shinpoch indicated that in addition to written material provided, films and guests for round-table discussions will be offered to assist Council members in deciding whether Renton could benefit from a city manager form of government. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR STUDY. Councilman Stredicke questioned why the matter is being presented without initiation from the League of Women Voters or other organization, and felt the City would not be better served by a professional manager. Mayor Shinpoch indicated her conviction that given the increasing complexity of local government , it is in the best interest of the citizenry to review this option in an orderly fashion at this time rather than as a result of a divisive circumstance. MOTION CARRIED. Martin Luther Mayor Shinpoch reported that City Hall had not been closed King Day on Martin Luther King Day, January 21st , since during labor negotiations, all bargaining units of the City had agreed to await formal designation of the holiday by the State Legislature. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:26 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk lam^ CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1 /24 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Honey Creek Annexation Matters PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Weds. 1 /23 11 : 00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Fancher Flyways and Aerodyne Lease (AVIATION) Revision Requests UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS & MEANS Mon. 1 /28 7:00 a.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS f ( [ ISSU�D CITY . OF RENTON PAGE 1 01 /21 / 95 BUILDINGS ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JANUARY 18, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 1G808 1 ,400 HOWARD K . BROWN 2102 NE 0TH ST RE ROOF RESIDENCE 7227500070 10609 Z,GOO UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1707 EDMONDS AV SE INSTALL DOORS 10810 80,000 BECKMANN HOMES 708 SW 13TH ST CONSTRUCT OFFICE, STORAGE BLDG 334040494505 10311 55 ,000 RONALD P HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL BLDG 723150238001 1N12 3,400 JOHN LUCENA 622 S 30TH PL REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 1CS13 2,000 TOM AITON 935 HARRINGTON AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 722750062506 10814 2,000 MR BLAIR 1806 WHITMAN CT NE REROOF RESIDENCE 278770091004 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12220 500 GALVIN SUPPLY 858 LIND AV SW REPULL SERVICE WIRES 12221 8,043 H. D.K . 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12222 2,500 ANDREW KESSELRING 2711 CEDAR AV S INSTALL 200 AMP SERVICE 12223 300 BRAD LONG 2201 NE 27TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12224 1 ,770 SANDY JOHNSON 1720 SHATTUCK AV S INST WIRING 12225 1 ,500 MOBIL OIL CO 2022 S PUGET OR INST ADOTL WIRING 12226 250 DENISE A DUNKEL 2004 HARRINGTON CR NE INST NEW SERVICE PANEL 12227 1 ,645 CITY OF PENTON 3555 NE 2ND ST INST WIRING FOR SELF SERVICE 12248 1 ,777 MC DONALDS RESTAURANT 73 RAINIER AV S WIRE NEW DRIVE THRU 12229 250 JOHN LUCENA 622 S 30TH PL REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 12230 80,000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 SW 43RD ST REPLACE LOBBY LIGHTING SAME 12231 108,113 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 SW 43RD ST WIRE SUB STATION 12232 900,OOJ MUNICIPALITY OF N_TRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW WIRING FOR PHASE IIC TRTMT PLT 12233 2.035 FRED CROTHMEL 1520 INDEX AV NE REMODEL 12234 400 UNION CIL 59 RAINIER AV S WIRE FOR TANK MONITOR 12235 2,500 KENYON ELECTRIC 3526 NE 4TH ST INST NEW SERVICE 1223b 10,400 TEMPERLINE INC 4112 WEST VALLEY RD INST WIRING FOR MACHINERY 12237 158 JON HOSEA 427 S 23RD ST EXTEND CIRCUIT 12238 35 LARRY HOWE 512 WILLIAMS AV N ADD METER & WEATHER HEAD 12239 2,000 JCHNSON LIEBER 723 SW 10TH ST INST WIRING 12240 5,000 FRED STEINER 317 MAIN AV S INST WIRING 12241 230 SHOGO KUSUMI 310 BRONSON WY NE REROUTE CIRCUIT 12242 25 RON HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12243 4,500 RON HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST INST WIRING IN OFFICE COMPLEX MECHANICAL PERMITS 10923 5,967 NORM WILCOX 016 N 34TH ST INSTALL 1 -3 TON COMPRESSER & 1-10 KW FURNACE 10824 4,500 HEWITT GENERAL CONTR 518 CEDAR AV S INST 1 4 TON HEAT PUMP 10825 850 MARK REILLY 12C BREMERTON AV SE INST WOOD STOVE 10826 1 ,045 DIRK VAN MEERTEN, JR 2417 JONES AV NE INST FURNACE 10827 400 GLENN WALLACE 2301 NE 8TH ST INST FURNACE 10828 500 WILLIAM W ELLIOTT 859 PIERCE AV NE INST WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 206 200 BRAD LONG 2201 NE 27TH ST INSTALL 7 R . I . FOR FIXTURES 207 3,500 BOWDEN 518 CEDAR AV S INST 16 PLBG FIXTURES 206 200 LOUIS MALESIS 263 RAINIER AV S ALTERATION OF GAS PIPING 209 750 FRED CROTHAMEL 1520 INDEX AV NE INST 4 PLBG FIXTURES 210 2.040 BO_ JOHNSON 1720 SHATTUCK AV S INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 211 10,000 TOM AITCN CONST 927 HARF'INGTON AV NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTUR _S 212 11 ,972 �CGEP STRO`^BERG 74C N 32ND ST INST 42 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1318 31800 SAFELITE AUTO GLASS 205 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 3 S/F SIGNS 1319 2,700 PENTON SHOPPING CENTER 441 PENTON CENTER WY SW INSTALL 11 SC FT ILLUMINATED SIG 0 AGENDA COUNCIL MEtiiBERS O JOHN W. REED, EARLCOUNCIL RESIDENT CLYMEROBERT 1. HUGHE KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL NANCY L MATHRWS RICHARD M. STREDICKE P THOMAS W. TRIMM yr�D SEPS��P REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JANUARY 28, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 21 , 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Proposed LID 330, SW Grady Way (continued from 1/14/85) Dan Shane (RAMAC , Inc.) Street Vacation Request , Maplewood Place adjacent to Maple Valley Highway (continued from 1/21/85) Woodall /Wong Street Vacation Request, 7th Avenue N. between Garden Avenue N. and Park Avenue N. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 1/23/85 for Union Avenue NE Water Project No. 773, 12- inch watermain; 10 bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $144,550.78. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Finance Department requests ordinance appropriating funds for operation of new municipal golf course in the amount of $465,787. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Court case filed by Robert B. and Elia C. McRae against Sea-First Properties, Inc. , Kukio Bay Properties, Inc. , Cal Vieta International , and the City of Renton, seeking to quiet title to property (the Renton Theater) based upon a forfeiture of real estate contract. Refer to City Attorney. d. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of Schneider Homes, Inc. Final Planned Unit Development, File No. FPUD-081-84, for 156 multifamily residential units on 8.92 acres located on the east side of Monroe Avenue NE at the 500 block. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. e. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Ms. Sally Carlson, 12655 SE 169th Place, Renton, for a term to expire April 25, 1987. Ms. Carlson has a master' s degree in social work, is currently a mental health counselor for a private, non- profit agency, and has many years of experience as an employee for the welfare system. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. f. Policy Development Department submits Dochnahl Annexation for review and authorization to proceed with circulation of 75o petition; scope of annexation has been reduced since Council authorized circulation in 1981 ; property situated on the south side of SE 128th Street east of Union Avenue between 136th Avenue SE and 140th Avenue SE. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Judy H. Hastings, 14621 SE 138th Place, Renton, concerning Renton Library services. b. Response from Clark Petersen, Library Director. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDIN-4ICES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 1 : . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 1 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL January 28, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Record Sanitary Sewer Easement near Riviera Apartments CITY ATTORNEY McRae Court Case LIBRARY BOARD Correspondence from Judy Hastings PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Policy for Concurrent Review of Rezone and Annexation Applications Shoreline Master Program Amendment UTILITIES COMMITTEE Union Avenue NE Watermain Project Bids Green River Management Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE LID 339 Golf Course Fund Appropriation (Ist reading 1/28/85) Schneider Homes Final Planned Unit Development, FPUD-081-84 Human Rights and Affairs Commission Appointment Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map Fees (Ist reading 1 /28/85) Donnelly Rezone, R-098-84 (Ist reading 1/28/85) Crown Pointe Ltd. Rezone, R-067-84 (Ist reading 1 /28/85) Resolution outlining Annexation Policies PUBLIC HEARINGS 2/4/85 - Woodall/Wong Alley Vacation (7th Avenue between Garden and Park Avenue N .) (continued from 1/28/85) 2/4/85 - Renton Environmental Ordinance 2/11 /85 - Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1985-1990 Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined 248 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 28, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President ; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM. NANCY L. MATHEWS. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 21 , 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Proposed LID 330 published and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch reopened the public hearing to consider proposed Local Improvement District No. 330, continued from 1/14/85 to permit additional staff review of assessments. The proposal includes roadway improvements in the vicinity of SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW west to the Grady Way bridge, including but not limited to widening to 56 feet curb to curb, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, water lines, street lights, traffic control and other necessary appurtenances. Of the total project cost of 2.2 million dollars, $574,300 will be assessed to benefiting property owners and the remainder will be funded by State and Federal funds if the project is commence within 18 months. Continued Protest letters were read from Weston M. Main , Earlington Park Limited Partnership, owner of Parcel 12, claiming no benefit relative to required improvements on Grady Way since building permit denied access; Philip F. Irwin, Grady Way Associates, Parcel 9, supported inclusion of other properties benefiting by improved circulation, and prorating the assessment on a square footage basis; David A. Sabey, Southcenter East Associates, Parcel 17, indicated intent to protest if method of assessment is changed from front footage to square footage method; Larry M. Brown, Parcels 4 and 5, requested execution of dedication and access agreements for the P-1 Channel prior to agreement to participate in LID; and Duane A. Wells, Parcels 15 and 16, cited error in square footage on assessment roll , noted property is currently served by utilities and is denied access to Grady Way, and requested that credit be given for fill accomplished in preparation of sidewalk installation. Continued Letter from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton reported that as of 5:00 p.m. this date, valid protests were received from property owners representing 35. 14% of the total assessment roll . Other protests were considered invalid since property owners had signed covenants agreeing to participate in a future LID as a condition of approval of a deferral of installation of required off-site improvements. Continued Utilizing a vicinity map of the project area, Mr. Houghton designated boundaries of each of the parcels contained in the LID, and indicated status of property, either developed or undeveloped, and whether deferrals had been previously granted. Valid protests, filed by owners of properties not committed to the LID by conditions of a deferral were: Puget Western, Inc. (Parcel 6) , Puget Power (Parcel 7) , and Karmen Holmes (Parcel 8) . Mr. Houghton clarified that Renton City Council 1/28/85 Page two Public Hearing LID 330 continued LID 330 assessments had been calculated on the basis of front footage since improvements, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks and some paving, would have been required at the time of building permit issuance if a deferral had not been granted for that project along SW Grady Way. As a condition of a deferral , property owners agree not to protest formation of an LID in the future. Continued Jeray Holmes, 1422 Raymond Avenue SW, Parcel 8, reported that required setbacks from Grady Way and other streets and alleys surrounding his property have reduced the useable portion of the lot to 40 feet wide by 400 feet long. He felt that the assessment of $42,000 was not in proportion to benefits derived from the LID, particularly since access is prohibited to Grady Way. Duane Wells, Parcels 15 and 16, claimed he had not been granted a deferral , square footage on the assessment is in error, his parcel is separated from Grady Way by a City-owned parcel , and credit was not given for fill already provided for sidewalk project. Public Works Director Houghton supplied building plans submitted previously by Mr. Wells at the time of development which contained agreement by Mr. Wells to stipulations for all off-site improvements on 10th, Grady and Lind. A deferral request was later granted by the Board of Public Works. Mr. Houghton indicated that square footage calculations can be rechecked at a later date, and he clarified that the only intervening property is 50 feet of public street right-of-way located on either side of the Grady Way centerline. Continued Larry Brown, Parcels 4 and 5, registered support for the square footage method of assessment and noted other requests contained in letter listed above. Philip Irwin, 601 SW Grady Way, supported improvements but indicated disappointment that adjacent property owners in the southeast quadrant were not included in assessment roll . Jack Grumblatt, General Manager for Vehicle Testing, Parcel 18, reported concern that $14,000 earlier set aside for roadway improvements is inadequate for $29,000 assessment , particularly since site does not access Grady Way. Continued MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Discussion indicated that if the LID is defeated, property owners abutting Grady Way will still be responsible for installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and some paving as required by ordinance. Property owners on the southeast corner will not be required to participate in subsequent LIDS. Responding to questions regarding credit for improvements already provided, City Attorney Warren indicated that under LID laws, the Council cannot assess property more than benefits derived, and any problems of inequity must be addressed at the time of the final assessment roll when the Council sits as a Board of Adjustment and has authority to raise or lower assessments or change the method of assessment. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECOMMEND THE CITY PROCEED WITH LID 330 AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Dan Shane (RAMAC and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch reopened Inc. ) Street the public hearing to consider the Dan Shane (RAMAC, Inc.) Vacation Request request to vacate a portion of Maplewood Place (24th Avenue SE) and 5th Avenue East adjacent to Riviera Apartments in the vicinity of Maple Valley Highway. Hearing continued from 1/21/85 due to need for additional information. Continued Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton , Chairman , Board of Public Works, reaffirming findings of the Board that the roadway is a Class ''A'' facility since funds have been expended for improvements and maintenance; and the street contains underground and overhead utilities and is required as a primary fire and public access to the apartment complex. Letters attached Renton City Council 1 /28/85 Page three Public Hearing Shane (RAMAC, Inc. ) Street Vacation continued Shane (RAMAC, from Fire Marshal James F. Matthew, Building Director Ron Inc. ) Street Nelson and Zoning Administrator Roger Blaylock, and Design Vacation Engineer Don Monaghan indicated concern regarding Request maintenance of an adequate fire access roadway system and continued access to existing fire hydrants to serve the Riviera Apartments; records are not available to show whether or not the access roads and loop road alignment were conditions required of the development; storm and water lines are owned by the City; power lines belong to Puget Power; ownership of the sanitary sewer line will require verification by a title search; and no latecomer agreement exists on a portion of Mrs. LaRue' s property, but property east of the section line is subject to a Metro latecomer fee for sanitary sewer service. The Board recommended denial of the request. Continued Mr. Houghton reviewed the backqround of the subject parcel , which had been acquired from Mr. Shane by the State Highway Department in conjunction with construction of SR-169 in 1972. The subject property was designated on a vicinity map and its dimensions were described as approximately 80 feet by 47 feet (3,760 square feet) . Mr. Houghton pointed out utility lines located in the right-of-way and indicated need for a title search to determine ownership of the sanitary sewer. Mayor Shinpoch reiterated the petitioner' s purpose in requesting the vacation to protect privacy of apartment tenants from heavy truck traffic along the road, and inquired of the possibility of blocking the access. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness, Board of Public Works member, explained opinion of the Fire Department that because the road is considered a primary access due to location of fire hydrants, restriction of access by use of gates or chains would be opposed for safety reasons. Continued Phyllis LaRue, 2505 Maple Valley Highway, restated conditions of property settlement with the State in 1972 which assured that the subject right-of-way would be maintained as access to her property to the east for purposes of future development. She requested confirmation in writing of access rights north to SR-169 from her property, new information stated by Mr. Houghton; and indicated concern that approval of the vacation would result in landlocking her property. Continued Captain Don Persson, Police Department, stated that if the LaRue property is ever developed, the existing access would be preferable to access onto Maple Valley Highway due to heavy traffic and congestion. He also noted that reports of abandoned vehicles on the subject road would be investigated by the department. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND DENY THE STREET VACATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, PROPER RECORDING OF EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR ACTION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Woodall /Wong and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Request for opened the public hearing to consider the Woodall/Wong request Alley Vacation to vacate alleyway located between North 6th Street and North 7th Street , parallel with and between Garden Avenue N. and Park Avenue N. Continued Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Houghton recommending concurrence in the request to vacate that portion of the alley as platted in Block 4 of Renton Farm Acreage. The Board requested that an easement for public and quasi- public utility be maintained over the entire alley since there are existing utilities in the alley. The Board found that the vacation is a Class "C" , which would require payment for the easement. The applicant will be required to provide an appraisal in accordance with Ordinance #3635 should the Council approve this street vacation. The letter also noted that only the property owners abutting on the Renton City Council 1 /28/85 Page four Public Hearing Woodall/Wong Vacation continued Woodall/Wong east side of this alley can acquire the land since the alley Vacation Request was platted in Block 4 of Renton Farm Acreage. Letter from continued Vincent L. Jones, Vice President of Pacific Car and Foundry Company, objected to the proposed vacation since a portion of the alley abuts Pacific Car' s property and would revert entirely to Pacific Car if vacated. Since reversion of this property is undesirable at this time, denial of the vacation petition as pertains to Pacific Car' s property was requested. Continued To allow the opportunity for the petitioners to review this new information, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE WOODALL/WONG STREET VACATION HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:23 p.m. Regular Session Council reconvened into regular sesson at 9:31 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, asked to be Fence & Hedge notified of Planning and Development Committee meeting at Regulations which the Fence and Hedge Regulations will be discussed. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which Item 6.f. follows the listing. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Dochnahl ITEM 6.f. BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE Annexation CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Union Avenue City Clerk reported bid opening 1/23/85 for Union Avenue NE Water Project Water Project No. 773, 12- inch watermain; 10 bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: $144,550.78. Refer to Utilities Committee. Golf Course Finance Department requested ordinance appropriating funds Funds for operation of new municipal golf course in the amount of $492,428.00 (revised) for green fees, concessionaire (restaurant , cart rental , pro shop, etc. ) , investment interest , and operating transfers- in from Water/Sewer Utility Fund - 200 of Debt Service; allocation from Contingency Fund; and funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 for equipment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ordinances and Resolutions. McRae Court Court case filed by Robert B. and Elia C. McRae against Case Sea-First Properties, Inc. , Kukio Bay Properties, Inc. , Cal Vieta International , and the City of Renton, seeking to quiet title to property (the Renton Theater) based upon a forfeiture of real estate contract. Refer to City Attorney. Schneider Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Schneider Homes, Inc. Homes, Inc. Final Planned Unit Development, File No. FPUD-081-84, for FPUD 081-84 156 multifamily residential units on 8.92 acres located on the east side of Monroe Avenue NE at the 500 block. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Human Rights Mayor Shinpoch appointed Ms. Sally Carlson, 12655 SE 169th & Affairs Place, Renton, to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission Commission for a term to expire April 26, 1987. Ms. Carlson has a Appointment master ' s degree in social work, is currently a mental health counselor for a private, non-profit agency, and has many years of experience as an Eligibility Worker for the welfare system. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Adopted AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item 6.f. Policy Development Department submitted Dochnahl Annexation, Dochnahl property located on the south side of SE 128th Street east Annexation of Union Avenue NE between 136th Avenue SE and 140th Avenue SE. Council accepted the 10% petition and authorized circulation of the 75% petition on June 8, 1981 . Since that time, one of the property owners withdrew from the annexation, 252 Renton City Council 1/28/85 Page five Consent Agenda continued Dochnahl resulting in a reduction of scope from 29.5 acres to 12.9 Annexation acres. An amended 75% petition containing signatures 75% Petition totaling 81 .9% of the assessed valuation was filed by continued petitioner David Sitzman on 1/8/85. Council consideration of whether or not to proceed with the annexation was requested, as well as resolution of whether concurrent annexation/rezone procedure may be utilized for this petition. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating that through discussion of another matter, Committee discovery was made by the Committee that the original policy Policy for enacted on July 25, 1983 for concurrent Council review of Concurrent annexation and rezone applications had expired in April of Annexation/ 1984. The issue should be discussed by the City Council Rezone Review again based upon review of an administrative report detailing the activity and use of the policy during that nine-month trial period. Continued The Planning and Development Committee further recommended that the policy issue concerning concurrent rezone and annexation applications be referred to the Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. It was clarified that Council is addressing the annexation petition only due to discovery of the above information. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL PROCEED WITH THE 75% PETITION FOR THE DOCHNAHL ANNEXATION.* Responding to comments concerning whether by acceptance of the 10% petition, Council is giving assurance of continued approval of the annexation, City Attorney Warren felt that opportunity for approval or denial is a legal Council right at all stages of the annexation procedure. rl' Continued At Council request, letter from Policy Development Director Larry Springer was read outlining background of Dochnahl Annexation. Noting revised 75% petition submitted by David Sitzman and time constraints in scheduling Hearing Examiner review of the rezone, Council was urged to expedite this application by accepting the petition and authorizing a combined annexation/rezone public hearing. ( Information above indicates that policy authorizing this procedure has expired. ) -MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Judy H. Hastings, 14621 SE 138th Place, Library Policies Renton, questioning policies for residents and non-residents using the Renton Public Library, noting that while she is a non-resident , she owns property within the City limits. Continued Letter was read from Library Director Clark Petersen indicating that library policies and procedures were explained to Mrs. Hastings. Copies of the policies are available to Library patrons and indicate that persons owning property within the city limits but residing outside the city limits are eligible for a courtesy card free of charge. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE LIBRARY BOARD FOR WRITTEN RESPONSE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report addressing the request submitted by Honey Creek Development Associates to allow concurrent annexation, rezone and Committee preliminary planned unit development applications for the Honey Creek entire development. The report stated that review of the Annexation/ official record shows that on March 5 and 19, 1984, the Rezone and City Council did specifically consider the issue of joint Preliminary applications during the 10% annexation petition public meeting. PUD Concurrent The Policy Development Director, David Clemens, explained Applications during that meeting of the process to review the rezone, preliminary planned unit development, and annexation together. Renton City Council 1/28/85 Page six Old Business continued Planning and The Planning and Development Committee recommended concurrence Development that the intent of the City Council in their decision of Committee 3/19/84 was to allow consideration of the preliminary planned Honey Creek unit development application concurrently with the annexation continued and rezone requests with the condition that all applications are submitted concurrently with the annexation application. Further, approvals of the rezone and preliminary planned unit development were to be based upon the approval of the annexation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke indicated opposition to the policy regarding concurrent review. MOTION CARRIED. Green River MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, GREEN RIVER MANAGEMENT Management AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. (Referred Agreement to Community Services Committee on 1/17/75 in error.) CARRIED. Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented (Aviation) a report recommending assignment of Apron "C" sublease from Committee Aero Dyne to Benair Aviation , Inc. (LAG 10-76A) . A portion Assignment of of Boeing' s Apron C leased area was released for general Apron "C" aviation useage by Aero Dyne Corporation. Lease term is Sublease to limited to three years and the lease can be revoked upon Benair Aviation, 90 days notice. Aero Dyne is changing the scope of its Inc. from Aero activities and wishes to assign this sublease for the balance Dyne LAG 10-76A of the term; lease rate to remain at $0. 12 per square foot. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Assignment of Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Portion of a report recommending assignment of approximately 11 ,000 square Aero Dyne Lease feet located northeast of the main airport entry on Airport to Boeing Co. Way from Aero Dyne to the Boeing Company (LAG 003-84) . The LAG 003-84 proposal to construct a hangar building on the site was abandoned by Aero Dyne due to development constraints caused by location of utility lines. The Boeing Company has agreed to assume the lease, pave the area, adjust the drainage system, and provide a barrier between aircraft and vehicle operations. The Committee recommended approval of the assignment with conditions that paving, drainage and fencing be provided, and that access be restricted to the north side. Chairman Mathews advised that the Boeing Company leases are set at a lower rate than other Airport leases and payment to the City will be reduced by two cents per square foot for the term of the lease. Councilman Stredicke cited need for policy enforcing time limits for conditions placed upon airport tenants. Chairman Mathews indicated that the Public Works Director is developing a proposed policy for referral to the Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Benair Aviation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Additional Area a report recommending approval of request by Benair Aviation LAG 006-84 (Plane Space Investments) for addition of 15,000 square feet to existing ground lease for purposes of aircraft tie-down adjacent to their fixed base operation at the south end of the airport. The Committee stipulated that the area be paved. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. It was noted that existing lease rate would be applied to additional area. CARRIED. Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Lease Renegotia- a report regarding Fancher Flyways Lease LAG 2096-72 (West tion LAG 2096-72 side office property) rate renegotiation. The City ' s rate offer of $0. 14 per square foot for a 3-year term and Fancher' s counter offer of $0. 13 for a 4-year term were reviewed and compared with other lease rates and terms on the airport. The Committee recommended that the City Council approve the new rate of $0. 14 per square foot for 3 years. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 1/28/85 Page seven Old Business continued Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented East Side Air a report regarding Fancher Flyways, Inc. East Side Air Park Park Lease Lease, LAG 07-79. The lease contains a stipulation that LAG 07-79 paving and landscaping are to be accomplished by the lessee. Because after four years, these improvements remain to be installed, the Committee recommends the following action be taken to enforce compliance with lease requirements: 1 ) Public Works shall prepare plans and specifications for paving, related drainage adjustments and landscaping. Effects of East Perimeter Road construction on the drainage patterns shall be investigated. 2) Fancher Flyways shall post a bond covering the estimated cost of this engineering work and reimburse the City for engineering costs. 3) Plans and specifications shall be presented to the Aviation Committee within 30 days (February 22, 1985) • 4) Construction shall be completed within ensuing 60 day period. 5) Failure of Fancher Flyways to meet these conditions will result in lease LAG 07-79 being declared in default. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Discussion indicated that on- going problems with this lessee for many years necessitated the recommended action. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3885 An ordinance was read annexing certain territory located on Squire the north side of SE 200th Street approximately one-half mile Annexation east of Talbot Road South to the City of Renton; Squire Annexation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Golf Course An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Fund Transfer of funds to the golf course fund to provide for general operation in the total amount of $492,428.00 from Unanticipated Revenues: Golf Course Green Fees, Investment Interest, Concessions; and Contingency Fund - Operating Transfers-Out, Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) and Water & Sewer Utility Fund - Operating Transfers-out to Golf Course Funds - Operating Transfers- In. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. City Attorney Warren reported that the second draft purchase and sales agreement will be presented to owners tomorrow with anticipation of finalizing the transaction within two to three weeks. CARRIED. Comp Plan and An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4102 of Zoning Map Fees Title I (Administrative) of City Code relating to fees for Comprehensive Plan Compendium and Zoning Maps. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Donnelly Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located at 636 Shattuck Avenue South from Residence District (R-4) to Business District (B-1 ) (Donnelly Rezone, R-098-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilwoman Mathews requested that agenda bill reflect referral of all rezones to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Crown Pointe An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Ltd. Rezone property located between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE between the 3700 block of NE 4th Street from Business District (B-1 ) to Residence District (R-3) (Crown Pointe Ltd. , R-067-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 1/28/85 Page eight Ordinances and Resolutions continued Shoreline Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Master Program regarding the Shoreline Master Program referred on 1/21/85. Upon advice from the City Attorney, the Ways and Means Committee recommended that no legislation is required to amend the Shoreline Master Program. The amendment requires approval by the City Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke questioned delay in revising the Shoreline Master Program to comply with State DOE requirements, noting notification by that agency to City last fall . Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 4576 through 4862 in the amount of $769,992.04, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received/rendered. Vouchers 4567 through 4575 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Reed questioned whether utility tax reductions Utility Tax are being monitored for compliance. Mayor Shinpoch indicated she will review the matter with Finance Director Mulcahy. Dochnahl Noting that the 75% petition for the Dochnahl Annexation has Annexation already been filed with the City, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, Public Hearing SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT AND CERTIFY THE 75% PETITION FOR THE DOCHNAHL ANNEXATION, AND CITY CLERK SET PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See earlier action. ) Crown Pointe Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration to provide Development a report indicating the setback from the centerline of NE 4th Setback Street to the Crown Pointe Limited Rezone property, located between Monroe and Union Avenue NE. o- Annexation MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE Policy RESOLUTION OUTLINING CITY ANNEXATION POLICIES BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGAL CLARIFICATION OF LANGUAGE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that efforts by Traffic Engineering REPO°T to improve traffic flow along Bronson Way by installation Bronson Way of lane marking buttons for channelization have not been Buttons successful . The buttons will be removed to allow vehicles to travel straight through the intersection at Park/N. 1st. Hughes Mayor Shinpoch relayed thanks from Fire Department officials Thanked to Councilman Hughes for use of his 6th floor City Hall office window to monitor a two-engine aircraft in distress. Assembly of A proposal was made in December to the City for purchase of the God Church Assembly of God Church located at the corner of Hardie and Offered for Taylor NW in Skyway for possible use as a community center. Sale Following review of the proposal , the Park and Building Departments cannot recommend purchase of the facility due to asking price, need for extensive remodeling, and congested parking area. AUDIENCE COMMENT Judy Hastings, 14621 SE 138th Place, felt that non-resident Library Policies library users should have equal service as residents if they pay required fee. She indicated that the courtesy card available to her as a non-resident owning property in Renton does not meet her needs since it must remain on file at the main library and cannot be carried on her person. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that Mrs. Hastings concerns and suggestions for improved service should be directed to the Library Board as the City Council does not have jurisdiction in this matter. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:45 p.m. MAXI1qE E. MOTOR, City- Clerk 250 CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 01 /25/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: 04567 - 04575 CURRENT S173t941 .97 PARKS 581 .713 .31 ARTERIAL STREETS S7� 520.99 STREETS S51f737. 99 LIBRARY $4.463. 92 CUM 3390 (LIBRARY IMPR) $27.00 STREET FORWARD THRUST $971 .60 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 511 ,046. 87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $13. 522. 21 WATERWORKS UTILITY S248f788. 99 AIRPORT $9,700.30 SOLID WASTE UTILITY S11 �,661 .00 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $129,p325. 86 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $5. 804.77 INSURANCE FUND 5374. 25 FIREMEN'S PENSION S18r193. F1 LID CONTROL $1197. 20 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S769.- 992. 04 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 4576 THROUGH NO . 4862 IN THE AMOUNT OF $769f992.04 THI�BTH DAY,,OF JANUARY 1985. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ��+- = � �- MEMBER MEMBER - - - �="�`= - -�- -'"`- - CITY COUNCIL MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 1 /29 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Pending Referrals PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 1 /31 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Honey Creek Associates Request for Joint PUD/Rezone Process; Small Lot Zone (if time allows) PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 2/4 6: 30 p.m. TRIMM 6th Floor Conference Room New Police Laws TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 1 /30 4: 00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Bid Opening for Union Avenue Water Project WAYS S MEANS Mon. 2/4 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 01 /25/85 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JANUARY 25. 1985 3UI DING PERMITS 1083 2000 TOM AITON 935 HARRINGTON AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 722750062506 10814 2.000 MR BLAIR 1806 WHITMAN CT NE REROOF RESIDENCE 278770091004 10815 13 500 EARLINGTON PARK LTD 723 SW 10TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 392305908704 10,316 5.000 JANET & LEO WHEATLEY 1 ;22 N BROOK ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 1352301040 10E17 1500 KEITH J TIEDE 228 BURNETT AV N CONST CONCRETE FOOTINGS/FDTN 722600001506 10818 450 CITY OF RENTON 211 MILL AV S REMODEL WALL 10819 M A SEGALE INC 301 MCNROE AV NE FILL py GRADE 100000 CU YDS EXPIRES 1-25-86 10820 600 L E AWS 1800 GRANT AV S CONST CHIMNEY 889950018008 10821 700.000 FCRO MOTOR COMPANY 201 S 7TH ST CONST NEW DEALERSHIP BLDG 192305903101 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12239 2000 JOHNSON LIEBER 723 SW 10TH ST INST WIRING 12240 5fOCO FRED STEINER 317 MAIN AV S INST WIRING 12241 230 SHOGO KUSUMI 310 BRONSON WY NE REROUTE CIRCUIT 12242 25 RON HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12243 4/500 RON HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST INST WIRING IN OFFICE COMPLEX 12244 50 JEFF .FOOD 1900 BEACON WY SE CONNECT HEAT PUMP 12245 2000 JANET & LEO WHEATLEY 1522 N BROOK ST REPAIR WIRING FIRE DAMAGE 12246 1 . 500 FORENCE KILLIAN 509 HOUSER WY S - EPLACE SERVICE. WIRE ADDITION 12247 1 .800 EARL BOWDEN 518 CEDAR AV S WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 12248 50 LEONARD BUILDERS 4206 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12249 300 CARMEN & PERRY OSGOOD 2716 NE 22ND ST NEW SERVICE-200 AMP MECHANICAL PERMITS 10827 400 GLENN WALLACE 2301 NE 8TH ST INST FURNACE 10828 500 WILLIAM W ELLIOTT 859 PIERCE AV NE INST WOOD STOVE 10829 17. 500 GARY RIFFLE 317 MAIN AV S INST 3 HVAC UNITS 10830 3.900 JEFF WOODS 1900 BEACON WY SE INST HEAT PUMP 10831 600 ERIC FRITCH 2321 NE 10TH ST INST WOOD STOVE 10332 70.000 RENTON PLAZA INC 1400 TALBOT RD S INST BOILER. 5 AHU UNITSj, COOLER PLUMBING PERMITS 211 10x000 TOM AITON CCNST 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 212 11x972 ROGER STRCMBERG 740 N 32ND ST INST 42 PLBG FIXTURES 213 170 HAROLD SAGMO 2525 NE 25TH ST INST GAS FUEL LINE 214 9x800 NORTHWEST HANDLING 838 SENECA AV SW INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 215 500 M CLARK 547 INDEX PL NE INST SHOWER & 3 WATER HEATERS 216 2498 WICK HOMES 109 UNION CT NE INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 217 2x498 WICK HOMES 120 UNION CT NE INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1320 2.100 LARRY LACKIE 125 S 3RD ST INST SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5891 Garry Smith 3310 Lake WA Blvd. N . Install sanitary building sewer 5892 Vaughan 813 Thomas Avenue SW Install new driveway and revise existing driveway 5893 Alice Bortner 651 6 653 Index PI. NE Repair side sewer 5894 Ron Telken 519 Cedar Ave. S. Repair sanitary building sewer 5895 Centron Const. Corp. 4702 Davis Ave. S. Install five commercial building sewers 5896 Earl Bowden 518 Cedar Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS *M OF January, 1985 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: OUT of account number IN to account number DESORIPTION TOTAL 11 5 83 UNLMT G.O. REF BONDS TANS PER ORDINANCE #3786 I 213/ 609/ $3,648.18 5/85 CLAIMS CURRENT FUND VOID CLAIMS WARRANT #04299 801/ 000/213/40.00.00 $21,862.64 24/85 609/ 215/ TANS GGMD PER ORDINANCE #3880 $16,120.26 /29/85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CUM 3390 Miscoded expenditure- 317/000.21.594.72.65.39 119/000.21.597.72.55 vouchers of 1/28/85 $27.00 .MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS O 10 COUNCIL PRESIDENT V ` 0 �_ z EARL CLYMER Z ' ROBERT 1. HUGHES 00 rn KATHY KEOLKER 90 NANCY L. MATHEWS RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M S REDICKE 0 'QP THOMAS W. TRIMM NST D SEPIIE ,o REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING FEBRUARY 4, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, 1985 4. SPECIAL AWARD - Presented to Peggy Ziebarth for service on Municipal Arts Commission 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Woodall /Wong Request for Alley Vacation (continued from 1/28/85 (7th Avenue N. between Garden and Park Avenue N. ) Renton Environmental Ordinance 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Attorney submits proposed amendment to Cabaret Ordinance to delete that portion which limits patrons to those persons over 18 years of age due to potential violation of Constitution. Refer to Public Safety Committee. b. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submits CAG 036-84, NE Sunset Boulevard and Union Avenue NE Signalization and Channelization Improvements; and requests authorization for revised final payment of $472. 10 for additional work needed to complete project and release of retained amount of $24.85 to Signal Electric, Inc. subject to required clearances. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT PENTON CITY COUNCIL February 4, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S MAYOR 8 CITY CLERK Union Avenue NE Watermain Contract PARK BOARD Part-time Arts Coordinator WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Renton Environmental Ordinance Cabaret Ordinance New Police Laws LID 330 (Ist reading 2/4/85) PUBLIC HEARING 2/11 /85 - Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Amendment, 1985-1990 Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 4, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President ; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. �- CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; GENE WILLIAMS, Policy Development Department ; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Shinpoch presented an award to Peggy Ziebarth for Peggy Ziebarth dedicated service to the community as member and chairman Municipal Arts of the Municipal Arts Commission from 1976 through 1984. Commission Mrs. Ziebarth indicated that service on the commission was a pleasure and she will miss everyone. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Woodall/Wong and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Alley Vacation reopened the public hearing to consider the Woodall/Wong Request request to vacate an alleyway located between North 6th Street and North 7th Street, parallel with and between Garden Avenue N. and Park Avenue N. The hearing was continued from January 28th to allow petitioners the opportunity to review new information from Pacific Car & Foundry that entire alley portion abutting PACCAR property would revert back to them if the vacation is approved. Continued Correspondence was read from Larry M. Brown , 13975 Interurban Avenue S. , Seattle, representing the petitioners, requesting withdrawal of the vacation application in view of Pacific Car ' s primary interest in the vacation property. Also requested was reimbursement of the $500.00 fee paid to the City upon initiation of the request ($250.00 filing fee and $250.00 processing fee) . MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ACCEPT WITHDRAWAL OF THE APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF PETITIONERS WOODALL/WONG AND APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $250.00 FOR STREET VACATION PROCESSING FEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Renton and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Environmental opened the public hearing to consider the Renton Environmental Ordinance Ordinance. Gene Williams, Policy Development Department, explained requirement for the City of Renton to adopt procedures set forth by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for reviewing the environmental effects of government actions. New rules implementing changes to the SEPA code went into effect on October 1 , 1984, and the City is now modifying its ordinance to comply with those changes. Continued Mr. Williams indicated that only in a few instances does the State model ordinance allow local policy choices. He described the most significant, which include: Flexible Exempt Levels (Section 4-2810) - City ordinance proposes to increase exempt level for filling and grading activities from the base level of 100 cubic yards to 500 cubic yards; Designation of Responsible Official (Section 4-2806) - Designates the three member Environmental Review Committee (ERC) as responsible official ; Policies to Support Conditions (Section 4-2822 (E) ) • ERC Recommendation (Section 4-2822 (D) ) - Gives authority to ERC to recommend to the decision makers (Building Director, Hearing Examiner, City Council ) specific mitigation measures which must be included in the final decision; Environmentally Renton City Council 2/4/85 Page two Public Hearing continued Renton Sensitive Areas (Section 4-2828) - Identification of greenbelts, Environmental natural and conservancy environments of the Shoreline Master Ordinance Program, and the 100-year floodway as environmentally sensitive continued areas; Appeals (Section 4-2823) - Allows administrative appeals of the issuance of a Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) , Declaration of Significance (DS) or Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the Hearing Examiner; Time Limits (Sections 4-2808 and 4-2818) - Local choices allowed for time limits for review of checklists and other procedural steps, and for forms of public notice. Continued Mr. Williams reported that copies of the proposed Environmental Ordinance are available from the City Clerk or Policy Development Department. Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Williams explained changes to the environmental checklist required for all actions not exempt from environmental review. The format change will require more specific information from the applicant in essay form rather than yes/no response. Then either a DNS, a mitigated DNS (imposing conditions) ; or a DS is issued. A DS requires preparation of an EIS, a detailed summary of all environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures. He also advised that maps would be changed to reflect P-1 Channel designation and greenbelt areas on the Comprehensive Plan. Continued Versie Vaupel , P.O. Box 755, Renton, cited need for a cover letter explaining effects of ordinance changes since the document is lengthy and makes numerous references to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) , Revised Code of Washington (RCW) , and SEPA. She also felt that the document should include definitions of DS and DNS; should list categorical exemptions from environmental review. She questioned rationale for increasing the number of cubic yards from 100 to 500 for landfill exemptions; and felt a basic listing of elements should accompany the listing for additional elements to be covered in an EIS. She also asked for and received clarification of length of appeal periods following issuance and publication of a DNS and DS; and corrected errors in Section 4-2823 (A) 1 . (b) governing appeals. Mrs. Vaupel appreciated definitions listed on page 21 of the document, but objected to reference to WAC Section 197 for exemption listing for environmentally sensitive areas. Continued Mr. Williams noted that since the City is not constrained by volume of the document, Council could choose to incorporate the entire SEPA document into the ordinance. It was noted that the document is currently available for public perusal in the City Clerk' s office. Upon inquiry, it was clarified that 500 cubic yards (threshold exemption for landfills) is approximately 50 dump truck loads, which is not considered a major project volume. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Cabaret City Attorney submitted proposed amendment to Cabaret Ordinance Ordinance to delete that portion which limits patrons to those persons over 18 years of age due to potential violation of Constitution. Refer to Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, REFERRAL BE CHANGED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NE Sunset Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted Boulevard & CAG 036-84, NE Sunset Boulevard and Union Avenue NE Union Avenue NE Signalization and Channelization Improvements; and requested Signal & Channel authorization for revised final payment of $472. 10 for additional CAG 036-84 work needed to complete project and release of retained amount of $24.85 to Signal Electric , Inc. subject to required clearances. Project was accepted on 10/15/84, but additional detector cable and traffic button were required to complete the project. Council concur. 264 Renton City Council 2/4/85 Page three Consent Agenda continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from Charmaine Baker, Coordinator of Renton Arts Coordinator Arts Plan Together (RAPT) , accompanied by job description and Requested letter from Margaret Anderson , was read. Ms. Baker, Municipal Arts Commission member , addressed the Council on behalf of RAPT, private citizens volunteering to promote the arts in our community, and requested the City to commence a two-year pilot program to hire a part-time arts coordinator as a public employee of the Park Department. She warned that continued reliance on unpaid volunteers to work cooperately with the school system and City Park Department may endanger the growth and promotion of Renton as a city with culture, beauty and the commitment of its citizens. Ms. Baker cited Renton as the only city in King County sponsoring an Arts Commission but not providing a staff person devoted at least half-time to the goals of the Commission. Referral to all or either the Community Services Committee, Park Board, Administration and Municipal Arts Commission for recommendation was suggested. Continued MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PARK BOARD FOR RECOMMENDATION. Following lengthy discussion regarding the appropriate referral of the matter, and assurances by Mayor Shinpoch that the City Council would have authority for final approval , MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Public Safety indicating that new laws passed in 1984 by the State Legislature Committee have been reviewed by the Committee. The Committee recommends New Police referral of the laws to the Ways and Means Committee for Laws drafting the proper legislation to comply with State law. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in Mayor Shinpoch' s appointment of Human Rights Sally Carlson to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission and Affairs for a term to expire April 25, 1987. MOVED BY CLYMER, Commission SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. 4 Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Union Avenue NE Department to accept the low bid of Grant Construction Co. Watermain Project in the amount of $119,949.44 for the Union Avenue NE Bid Award Watermain Replacement Project, W-733• The Committee also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk CC)RRECIED-RiiFER TA to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MINUTES OF CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Services status report of all pending referrals as follows: Committee New City Shops New City Shops (Referred 9/17/80) - The facility is complete and occupied. Minor alterations and punch list items will be addressed and completed prior to 4/1/85. The Public Works Department will be hosting an open house soon. The Committee recommends that this item remain in Committee until the project is declared complete, budget balances are identified, and the job is accepted by the City. CBD Lighting Decorative Lighting in CBD (Referred 9/14/81) - Copies of a report addressing the status of CBD decorative and overhead light projects have been distributed to all Council members. The Committee recommends that no action be taken on the proposal to remove and revise the lights until input is received from the downtown merchants. Historical Historical Society Expansion Program (Referred 6/18/84) - Society Expansion Since the Society has withdrawn its request for expansion, of Facility the Committee recommends removal of the item with no action. Renton City Council 2/4/85 Page four Old Business continued Community Sister City Participation (6/25/84) - The Committee reviewed Services Committee a report from the Administrative Intern which outlines the Sister City history of the City' s current Sister City Program and offers Participation alternative policies to guide the program in the future. The Committee felt they should gauge public support and interest in the program before considering a request to expand the City' s involvement. A letter was sent to 14 public service and community groups in the City asking for an expression of interest or a willingness to participate in the sister city effort. Only two organizations responded and both stated that they could commit an individual to serve on the committee but could not provide financial support. Continued Based on this limited response, the Committee recommended that the Council adopt the following policy relating to the Sister City Program: In order to focus attention on our existing Sister City Program and avoid competition for limited public and private funds, Renton shall concentrate activities and support exclusively on our current Sister City, Nishiwaki , Japan. The City shall maintain a policy which requires that the total responsibility for that organization, communications and funding to support the Sister City Program rests with a private sponsor group and not with the City of Renton. Cable TV Completion of Cable TV System Construction (Referred 7/2/84) - System Completion Since the City' s cable consultant is scheduled to provide a report to the Committee of the Whole this month, the Committee recommends that this issue be addressed at that time and that no further action is required at the sub- committee level . King County King County Youth Services Funding Letter (Referred 10/15/84) - Youth Services A letter was written to request the results of the hearing Funding on this issue. Information will be shared with Council when received. No further action is required. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3886 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation and transfer Golf Course of funds to the golf course fund to provide for general Fund Transfer operation in the total amount of $492,428.00 from Unanticipated Revenues: Golf Course Green Fees, Investment Interest, Concessions; and Contingency Fund - Operating Transfers-Out , Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) and Water and Sewer Utility Fund - Operating Transfers-Out to Golf Course Funds - Operating Transfers- In. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3887 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4102 Comprehensive Plan of Title I (Administrative) of City Code relating to fees and Zoning Map Fees for Comprehensive Plan Compendium and Zoning Maps. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3888 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Donnelly Rezone property located at 636 Shattuck Avenue South from Residence District (R-4) to Business District (B-1 ) (Donnelly Rezone, R-098-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3889 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Crown Pointe of property located between Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue Limited Rezone NE between the 700 block of NE 4th Street from Business District (B-1 ) to Residence District (R-3) (Crown Pointe Limited, R-067-84) . Responding to Council inquiry from 1/28/85, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that site plans submitted ?56 Renton City Council 2/4/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Crown Pointe for the development reflect a distance of 175 feet from the Ltd. Rezone the centerline of the right-of-way of NE 4th Street to the continued proposed commercial structures. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, clarification was provided that the rezone was conditioned upon site plan approval . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: LID 330 An ordinance was read ordering the widening of the roadway to 56 feet curb to curb, construction and installation of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, water lines, street lights, traffic control and other necessary appurtenances in the vicinity of SW Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW west to the Grady Way Bridge, Renton, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2584 of the City Council of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 330: providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds,'' or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement bonds or notes (LID #330) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES , COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke commended the Administration for quick Bronson Way action on complaints regarding the lane marking buttons on Lane Buttons Bronson Way. Buttons were removed last week. ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry of 1/28/85 regarding compliance REPORT of utility companies to ramp-down charges, Mayor Shinpoch Ramp Down of referenced letter from Finance Director Michael Mulcahy which Utility Charges provides assurance that all three utilities have properly exercised their obligations to enact the City' s rate changes. Wiley Post/ A memorial celebration commemorating the last flight 50 years Will Rogers ago of Wiley Post and Will Rogers will be held on August 7, Memorial 1985, at Kiwanis Bicentennial Park (Renton Airport Park) . Celebration Council members will be invited to participate in the event, sponsored by private agencies and businesses. Councilman Hughes recalled that he and Councilman Clymer were present for the take-off, and were permitted free admission into the Fey Theater to view themselves on the newsreel . Golf Course Council members were commended for unanimous vote on the fund transfer for golf course operation. Mayor Shinpoch advised that as a result of that action, purchase of the golf course property is official . AUDIENCE COMMENT Judy Hastings, P.O. Box 2092, Renton, Puget Power Consumer Puget Power Panel member, asked for direction in obtaining public input Consumer Panel on proposed panel recommendations regarding customer service, communication with customers, and economic development prior to submission to Puget Power in June. Mayor Shinpoch felt that a brief presentation could be made to Council at a regular meeting, which would allow them the opportunity to respond on behalf of the citizens they represent. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL STAND ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 9:20 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CO' f'EE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 2/14 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Access to Public TV Broadcasting (Lon Hurd to provide status report) ; City News- letter COMMUNITY SERVICES No meeting KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 2/7 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Small Lot Designation Thurs. 2/14 4: 30 p.m. " Fence and Kedge Regulations PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Weds. 2/27 11 :00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Agenda to be announced (City Attorney (AVIATION) invited) UTILITIES Weds. 2/6 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Green River Management Agreement; Pendinq Referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 2/11 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Chamber of Commerce Fri. 2/8 City Manager Form of Government ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE- 1 C3� 02/04/85 9UILDING 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT 00 PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 4, 1995 9UILDING PERMITS 10822 DAN HOLMES 3401 NE 4TH ST FILL 6 GRADE 200P000 CU YDS EXPIRES 1-28-85 10523 3,161 ANTONIA POTTER 429 BURNETT AV S REROOF RESIDENCE 783930022000 10924 3,100 RICHARD GITELSON 127 PARK AV N REROOF RESIDENCE S GG 10825 50,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C BCD PARK AV N REMODEL FOR 2 VIDEO STUDIOS EDIT/VIEWING ROOM 720780 2 S00 10826 650 MORRIS PIRA 2828 SUNSET LN NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 2 10827 500 TIM SHEARER 2211 NE 7TH ST CONSTRUCT PORCH 7722750004 00055 10828 77,500 LALLERN SCHUH 2021 VASHON AV SE CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE J1177689908? 10829 11082 Q9 1,400 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10831 41,000 LEONARD16,000 RENTON CBLORS ASSOC. 420064 RSET4THCSTTER WY SM CONSTTS/FIMPROVEMENT NCE BASIC 111183/DG;B-6232 11110006004 10832 41 10833 41 ,5000 LEONARD 9LORS LEONARD BLORS 42106 SE 4TM ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE 'A 2 SE 4TH ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1600/DG342 8-691b23182220800Q0Q8008 10834 450 THEODORE J BELL 3806 NE 8TH CT CONST PATIO COVER 1 vu'J � 10835 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR 301 SW 27TH ST STRUCTURAL PRELOAD ONLY 10836 3,200 JON W. HOSEA 407 S 23RD ST RESIDENTIAL ADDITION ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12250 500 ACKERLEY COMMUNICATION 4700 NE 4TH ST ATTACH FLUORESCENT TUBES TO SIGN 12251 4,500 PUGET SOUND POWER $ LIG 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NWIRE OFFICE 12252 1 ,850 VALLEY MEOIIAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INSTALL 3 CIRCUIT TO CHILLER 12253 34,000 FLAKEY JAKE S INC. 20 SW 7TH ST WIRE NEW RESTAURANT 12254 84,000 FORD MOTOR CO. 201 S 7TH ST MIRE GAS FURNACES, A.C. 12255 100 THE NEILTON GROUP 2507 PARK PL N TEMPORARY POWER 12256 500 SHIRLEY J WARMOTH 1817 EDMONDS WY SE MIRE BASEMENT 12257 200 KURTIS BRANCEL 3608 SE 5TH PL WIRE ADDITION 12258 7,500 FRANK LEE 5121 RIPLEY LN N WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 12159 690 EMIL VILLA 54 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING IN BAR REMODEL 12260 8d0 PORTAL WEST CORP 330 SW 43RD ST INST WIRING, SUITE L 12261 20,000 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 40S 4?RD ST INST WIRING UNDER XT CANOPY 12262 800 MORRIS PHIA 2832 SUNSET LN NE REWIRE VANITY STATION ETC. 12263 77,000 J.A. BENAROYA CO 600 SW 43RD ST INSTALL POWER/LIGHTING 12264 3,700 AITON CONSTRUCTION 935 HARRINGTON AV NE WIRE NEW TENANT AREA 12265 300 TOM BAKER 1202 N 35TH ST CHANGE TO UNDERGROUND MECHANICAL PERMITS 10833 3,000 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIG 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINSTALL HEAT PUMP 18,000BTU,IHP 10834 32,500 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INSTALL 1"10 TON AIR CHILLER 3 T PUMP 10835 850 BOB JOHNSON 1720 SHATTUCK AV S INSTALL GAS FURNACE 8 WATER HTR 10836 31,500 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INSTALL HVAC SYSTEM BLDG. 1 10837 31,500 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 947 POWELL AV SW INSTALL HVAC SYSTEM BLDG. 2 10838 1,150 FRED STEINER 317 MAIN AV S INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM PLUMBING PERMITS 218 3,800 RIFFLESTEINS 317 MAIN AV S INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 219 1,000 RON HALSON 707 S 4TH ST INSTALL 8 PLUMBING FIXTURES 220 800 HICKORY PIT 54 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 4 FIXTURES 221 3,000 LOU SORIANO 4112 WEST VALLEY RD INST SUMP PUMP 222 20,735 FORD MOTOR CO 201 5 7tH ST INST 17 PLBG FIXTURES 223 750 TOM GREENDALE 3803 NE 4TH ST INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 224 7,600 CITY OF RENTON 1308 HOUSER WY S REPLUMB WATER IN POOL HOUSE 225 7,000 C.J. CONSTRUCTION 31C1 NE 11TH PL INSTALL 41 FIXTURES, DRAIN SYS. _2e 7,C00 C.J. CONSTRUCTION 3109 NE 11TH PL INSTALL 41 FIXTURES, DRAIN SYS. 5132PERMIT1 1 ,600 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 881 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 3 LEASE SIGNS 30SQ.FT.EA CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5897 Wick Homes 154 Vashon PI. NE Install building sewer 5898 Wick Homes 120 Union Ct. NE Install building sewer 5899 Wick Homes 4106 NE Ist PI. Install building sewer 5900 Wick Homes 4112 NE Ist Pl. Install building sewer 5901 Wick Homes 166 Vashon Pl. NE Install building sewer 5902 Wick Homes 108 Union Ct. NE Install building sewer 5903 Wick Homes 109 Union Ct. NE Install building sewer 5904 Johnson, Sandra H. 1720 Shattuck Ave. S. Install sanitary building sewer OF AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS �► IOHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER MILL ROBERT 1. HUGHES n KATHY KEOLKER 09 THEWS RENTON CITY COUNCIL RCHARDMASTREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM 09gTED SEPI-1-00 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING FEBRUARY 11, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Amendment to 1985-1990 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a sinqle motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of ±$100.00 filed by Robert L. Burkhalter, 1664 Lake Youngs Way SE, Renton, for damages allegedly incurred to mailbox by City vehicle (2/4/85) . Refer to City Attorney 6 insurance service. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $194. 50 filed by Barbara A. Guilfoile, 10406 SE 174th #36, Renton, for injuries allegedly incurred from a fall on slippery sidewalk adjacent to downtown Fire Station, 211 Mill Avenue S. ( 1 /12/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. c. City Clerk reports bid opening 2/5/85 for Water Project No. 731, Telemetry and Supervisory Control System; one bid received; Engineer's estimate: $311, 976.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 2/6/85 for Sunset Pumo Station System Sanitary Sewer TV Inspection and Sewer Grouting, Phase II - 1985 and Airport Storm Sewer Cleaning; three bids received; Engineer's estimate: Total - $116, 977. 72. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Public Works/Airport Department submits request by Benair Aviation, Inc. to sublease portion of facility to Renton Flight Service, a branch of Auburn Flight Service (LAG 006-84) . Refer to Aviation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 11, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Burkhalter Claim for Damages Guilfoile Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE King County Executive Briefing on Maplewood Golf Course MAYOR & CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Schneider Homes Latecomer Agreement PARK BOARD S PARK DIRECTOR Maplewood Golf Course Management TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Benair, Inc. Request to Sublease (LAG 006-84) .r UTILITIES COMMITTEE Telemetry System Bids Sunset Pump Station System Bids WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Renton Environmental Ordinance (1st reading 2/11 /85) Cabaret Ordinance (1st reading 2/11 /85) Police Laws ( 1st reading 2/11 /85) 1985-1990 Six-Year Transportation Program Amendments PUBLIC HEARING Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 11 , 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL Correction was noted on page 3, Utilities Committee Report: Delete Mathews as Chairman and insert Hughes. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 4, 1985 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted 1985-1990 Six-Year and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Transportation opened the public hearing to consider amendments to the 1985- Improvement 1990 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Public Program Amendments Works Director Richard C. Houghton described two projects proposed for addition to the Annual Element Projects as follows: N. 3rd Street and Park Avenue N. {16A) and N. 4th Street and Park Avenue N. (16B) - Install 12- inch signal heads; thermoplastic arrows, buttons b pavement markings; signal detections and traffic controller compatible with vehicle detection and advanced overhead lane signing. Mr. Houghton reported that funding approval on both of these projects for preliminary engineering has already been received, and to qualify for Federal funds, the projects must be added to the 1985-1990 Six-Year Transportation Program priority listing. A high number of right-angle accidents at the two intersections necessitated the improvement project. Continued Upon inquiry, Mr. Houghton advised that the NE 4th Street improvement project (LID 326) is not designated on the priority list since work has commenced. All right of way has been acquired and power poles are in the process of being relocated. Continued Status of other projects listed in priority order on the Annual Element Project Program was reviewed, and Mr. Houghton advised that priority #1 , Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement, is currently being redesigned; priority #2, SW Grady Way bridge project, is 170 complete; and an agreement is proposed with the State for priority #6, Lind Avenue SW, SW 16th Street to SW Grady Way. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO APPROVE BOTH AMENDMENTS TO THE 1985-1990 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, complained regarding public Public Address address system in the Council Chambers. He reported difficulty System in hearing proceedings by members of the audience, and requested improvement of the audio system. He also claimed credit for first introducing the idea of a city City Manager manager form of government since he suggested the change during Form of Government his 1979 and 1983 mayoral campaigns along with a proposal for and Districting Council districting, representation of specific geographical areas by City Council members. He supported consideration of these two proposals together. Houser Way Judy Hastings, 14621 SE 138th Place, Renton, cited problems Roadway Damage caused by deep ruts along railroad tracks at the intersection of Main Avenue S. and Houser Way. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter would be investigated. 27 4. Renton City Council 2/11/85 Page two Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Burkhalter Claim Claim for damages in the amount of ±$100.00 filed by Robert L. for Damages Burkhalter, 1664 Lake Youngs Way SE, Renton, for damages CL 02-85 allegedly incurred to mailbox by City vehicle (2/4/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Guilfoile Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $194.50 filed by Barbara A. for Damages Guilfoile, 10406 SE 174th, 936, Renton, for injuries, loss of CL 03-85 work, and clothing damage sustained in a fall , allegedly caused by ice on sidewalk adjacent to Fire Station 11 (1/12/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Telemetry City Clerk reported bid opening 2/5/85 for Water Project No. System Bids 731 , Telemetry and Supervisory Control System; one bid received; Engineer' s estimate: $311 ,976.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Sunset Pump City Clerk reported bid opening 2/6/85 for Sunset Pump Station Station System System Sanitary Sewer TV Inspection and Sewer Grouting, Phase II - Bids 1985 and Airport Storm Sewer Cleaning; three bids received; Engineer ' s estimate: Schedule A - $90,000; Schedule B - $75,000; Total - $165,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. Benair, Inc. Public Works/Airport Department submitted request by Benair Request to Aviation, Inc. for approval to sublease a portion of their Sublease facility to Renton Flight Service, a branch of Auburn Flight (LAG 006-84) Service (LAG 006-84) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Utilities recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Committee Works Department for approval of the Schneider Homes request Schneider Homes for latecomer agreement for watermain improvements in the Latecomer vicinity of Monroe Avenue NE and NE 5th Street (Hilltop Agreement - plat) . The Committee also recommended authorization for the Hilltop Plat Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. MOVED BY W-615 HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance and summary ordinance be placed on second and final reading: Ordinance #3890 An ordinance was read ordering the widening of the roadway Local Improvement to 56 feet curb to curb, construction and installation of District No. 330 curbs and gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, water lines, street lights, traffic control and other necessary appurtenances in the vicinity of Grady Way from Lind Avenue SW west to the Grady Way Bridge, Renton, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2584 of the City Council of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 330: ,providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds,'' or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement bonds or notes. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, KEOLKER. 1 NO: STREDICKE: CARRIED. Stredicke explained no vote due to objection to method of assessment on front footage basis. First Reading Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance and summary ordinance for first reading: Renton City Council 2/11/85 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions Renton An ordinance was read repealing Chapter 28, Title IV Environmental (Building Regulations) of City Code and adopting a new Ordinance Chapter 28 to comply with the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 32.21C) establishing procedures to determine the impact of a proposed action and whether an environmental impact statement is required. Addition of three definitions on page 4 was noted, including DS, Determination of Significance, DNS, Determination of Non- Significance, and EIS, Environmental Impact Statement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the Committee review Section _4-0810(Aj , 500 cubic yard exemption level for landfills, to determine rationale for raising level of 100 cubic yards recommended in State rules. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Cabaret An ordinance was read repealing Section 6-2805 of Chapter 28, Ordinance Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code related to age restrictions in cabarets and adding a severability clause. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Police Laws An ordinance was read amending certain portions of Chapter 34 of Title VI (Police Regulations) and Chapter 1 of Title X (Traffic) of City Code relating to police regulations concerning custodial interference, computer trespass, two-way left turn lanes, pawnbrokers laws and penalties for violations thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2590 A resolution was read approving final planned unit development Schneider Homes FPUD-081-84 for Schneider Homes, Inc. for property located Final Planned on the east side of Monroe Avenue NE at the 500 block (Hilltop Unit Development Plat) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT FPUD-081-84 THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 4868 through 5110 in the amount of $654,000.95, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 4863 through 4867 and 4936 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER Maplewood Golf OF MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE BRIEFING WITH KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE Course Briefing RANDY REVELLE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. _C_AR_RIED. Meeting is scheduled at 5:00 p.m. on 2/20/85 at Maplewood Golf Course. MOVED BY MATHEWS. SECONDED BY KEOLKER, MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT BE PLACED UNDER DIRECTION OF PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Maplewood Golf Future annexation of Maplewood Golf Course into the City was Course Annexation discussed. Council members expressed interest in expanding the annexation scope to include properties along the Cedar River. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the Policy Development Director would encourage including the entire area in an annexation application to ensure a logical City boundary. Old City Councilman Stredicke cited a memorandum from Park Director Shop Site John Webley to the Community Services Committee, which states that at such time as the Council determines long-term use for the former City shop site, City staff currently using existing buildings must be relocated. He questioned why these employees cannot use the new City shop facility. Mayor Shinpoch agreed Peapatch to check on the matter, and advised that long-term use of the Program old shop site will be a Council determination. She also noted that the Community Garden Program (peapatch) on that property Renton City Council 2/11 /85 Page four New Business continued is scheduled to begin in 1985 if soil conditions permit. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the Association of Washington REPORT Counties is strongly lobbying the State Legislature to change Liquor Profits the formula for distribution of the liquor profits tax. Tax Currently, the State retains 50% of the tax, and the remaining 50% is allocated to cities and towns (40%) and counties (10%) . A change in formula to allocate on a population basis would reduce the City' s share from $282,000 to $147,000, a loss of $132,000 in revenue. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the City is prepared to protest this measure in defense of its revenue source. She discussed Council policy which allows City staff to testify and respond to questions from colleagues of other cities or AWC regarding proposed legislation if comments are consistent with existing policy formulated by the City Council . Also noted was the AWC publication outlining proposed legislation for benefit of local elected officials. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CITY OF RENTON GO ON RECORD OPPOSING ANY CHANGE TO THE FORMULA ' FOR DISTRIBUTION OF LIQUOR PROFITS TAX, I .E. THE PROPOSAL BY ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON COUNTIES. CARRIED. Federal Revenue Mayor Shinpoch reported that according to Finance Director Sharing Michael Mulcahy, President Reagan ' s proposal to end federal revenue sharing on 9/30/85 would not affect the City' s 1985 budget. However, if the proposal is approved, effects must be analyzed for 1986 and beyond. The 1985 revenue sharing total is $764,000, of which $349,000 is allocated to operating programs and $415,000 to capital programs. Capital programs have relied on federal revenue sharing for 6.3% of their total expenditures in the past, while revenue sharing has accounted for only 1 .8% of total expenditures for operating programs. TAN Program The 1984 Tax Anticipation Note Program resulted in a net benefit to the City of almost $107,000. The 1985 TAN Program is currently underway for an amount of $2,700,000, and Finance Director Mulcahy expects benefits to accrue in the same magnitude as those achieved in 1984. Open Public Mayor Shinpoch reviewed opinion of City Attorney Lawrence J. Meetings Act Warren regarding whether or not Council Committee meetings are required to be open to the public under the Open Public Meetings Act. While not all meetings have to be open to the public under State law, it is the attorney' s recommendation that because great caution must be used in closing Council Committee meetings, all Council Committee meetings be public meetings unless closed for purposes of holding executive sessions to discuss confidential matters. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb commended Fire Department aid crews for courteous, efficient and compassionate service. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TR1MM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:02 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 02/11/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: NO.004863 - #04867 & x`04936 CURREN $167,261 . 83 PARKS $71 , 547.01 ARTERIAL ;STREETS $6,174.00 STREETS $17,852.50 LIBRARY $4,307.24 STREET FORWARD THRUST $33,874.49 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $5,199.67 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $43,331 . 85 WATERWORKS UTILITY $135,856.14 AIRPORT $12,745. 52 SOLID WASTE UTILITY $12,129.10 WATER $ SEWER CONSTRUCTION $115,457.08 EQUIPMENT �,EN?.A , `� '�'� $22, 169. 52 INSURANCE FUND $312.72 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIREMENTS $782. 28 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $654,000. 05 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR REN.EREO, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 4868 THROUGH NO. 5110 IN THE AMOUNT OF $654, 000. 95 T S 11TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1985 . COMMITTEE CHAIRMANMEMBER - '- "��,,.. c2Y�ra� MEMBER - - - - - o. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 11, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIAAE CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 2/14 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Access to Public TV Broadcasting (Lon Hurd to provide status report) ; City News- letter COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 2/12 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER Maplewood Golf Course Joint meeting with Park Board - Maplewood Golf Course briefing PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 2/21 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Fence and Hedge Regulations PUBLIC SAFETY rRIMM TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 2/28 11 :00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Agenda to be announced (City Attorney (AVIATION) invited) (Postponed from Weds. 2/27) UTILITIES Weds. 2/27 4: 00 p.m. HUGHES Fire Station Training Room City Water Supply WAYS & MEANS Mon. 2/25 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Maplewood Golf Course Meeting Weds. 2/20 4: 30 p.m. Maplewood Golf Course County Executive Randy Revelle to discuss operation and development of course LEOFF Board Weds. 2/13 8: 00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room C T TY OF RENTON - _ E 1 --- - --- -- — --- - 0 / BUILD" 8 ZONING DEPARTMENT "HITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 8, 19E5 ,BUILDING PERMZITpS 10837 50.600 LES R.SHERRILL 887LOGANRAVSS RESIDENTIAL LTEXISTDINGTBLDG 0 OT20 01304 10838 50.000 TERRY HUFFMAN 1401 N 36TH ST ADDITION TO S/F RESIDENCE 334210314509 10840 9.500 METRO 00 CO 12100S7TH ST MONSTER RD SW INSTA3000/GALTANKS U/G GASTANK PUMP 2423049010 10841 11,000,000 METRO 12C0 MONSTER RD SW CONSTRUCT PUMP STATION 2423049010 10842 300 WLADYSLAW SIENKIEWIER 1401 KIRKLAND AV NE CONST PORCH 722780151500 10843 65.500 L 8 B SYSTEMS INC 1805 DUVALL AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 51$978814903 10844 61.300 HIBURY HOMES 438 FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 12648989 3218 76005 10845 61.300 HIBURY HOMES INC 468 EDMCNDS CT NE CONST S/F -RESIDENCE BASIC 26489 9 9 8 6 0 10846 6111.300 HIBURY HOMES INC 522 EDMONDS CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 122648989 329�a8SS020010847 1 329J80026000 10849 61 300 HIBURH HOP300 HIBURY MES INC 2813ES INC 407 INEE4THLCTE f300 HIBURY HOMES INC 455 FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BAST S/F RESIDENCE IC 1264598CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 9 2 50061 10850 1100 TOM AITON 927 HARRINGTON AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 22129J80058ffl 10852 69,000 HIBURH HOMES INC 4155NE INDEXTPLCNE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC J16419�118 1288865 10953 69.000 HIBURY HOMES INC 411 INDEX PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1 10854 55.000 HIBURY HOMES INC 2701 NE 4TH CT CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1798 0153 29180075007 10855 55,C00 HIBURY HOMES INC 403 INDEX PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 1179810153 18686$002 10856 531600 WICK HOMES 121 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE ji;55 V0 0 10857 69,800 WICK HOMES 165 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 5 55 0610 10858 59.40p0 WICK HOMES INC 123 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE z255229555p0008p0 10860 47.000 NICK HOMES 4118VASHON STPPLNE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 2525500640 10861 59.400 WICK HOMES 178 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 2525500570 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12263 77.000 J.A. BENAROYA CO 600 SW 43RD ST INSTALL POWER/LIGHTING 12264 3,700 AITON CONSTRUCTION 935 HARRINGTON AV NE WIRE NEW TENANT AREA 1222665 30p0 TOM BAKER 12p02 N 35TH ST CHANGE TO UNDERGROUND 12267 200 SUBARULOFERENTCN I220 RAINIER AV S INST PARKIRAINIER AV S INST NG LOT LIGHTING 12268 2,875 AITON CONSTRUCTION 935 HARRINGTON AV NE WIRE NEW LAUNDROMAT 12269 50 ROLLING HILLS ASSOC 1601 ROLLING HILLS AV SE INST WIRING 12277 10f500 HOLVICK, DEREGT KOERING 1000 SW 7TH ST OK FOR COVER AND SERVICE 12271 250 BARBARA BERGMAN 205 AIRPORT WY WIRE HOOOFAN, INTAKE FAN 12272 50 HIBURY HOMES 438 FERNDALE AV NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12273 50 HIBURY HOMES INC 468 EDMONDS CT NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12274 1,550 HIBURY HOMES 520 FERNDALE AV NE WIRE S/F RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10838 1,150 FRED STEINER 317 MAIN AV S INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM 10839 12,000 SOUTHLAND CCRP 3131 NE 12TH ST INSST HEAT PUMP 10840 1,400 HIBURY HOMES 520 FERNDALE AV NE INST GAS FURNACE/WATER HTR 10841 VOID 10842 1x495 JAMES H SUDC 1402 N 36TH ST INST FIREPLACE INSERT 10843 1,408 MARK HANIS 565 SPONSON PL NE INST FURNACE/NATER HEATER 10844 200 CRAIG LEWIS 2316 NE 9TH PL INSTALL WCOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 225 7,000 C.J. CONSTRUCTION 3181 NE 11TH PL INSTALL 41 FIXTURES, DRAIN SYS. 226 7, OU C.J. CONSTRUCTION 3 9 NE 11TH PL INSTALL 4 FIXTURES. DRAIN SYS. 227 1,600 WICK HOMES 108 UNICN CT NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 228 500 EVERETTE SURD 4336 NE 22ND CT INS? WATER HEATER 229 600 GEORGE A SMITH 4111 NE 4TH ST INST GAS PIPING FOR UNIT HTR 230 10,C00 TOM AITON CCNST 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST 27 PLBG FIXTURES 231 1x700 WICK HOMES 4112 NE 1ST PL INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 232 2,200 WICK HOMES 16 VASHON CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 233 2,200 WICK HOMES 154 VASHON PL NE INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 234 2,200 WICK HOMES 4106 NE 1ST PL INST 1 PLBG FIXTURES 235 11200 GARY RIFFLE 317 MAIN AV S INST GAS PIPING SIGN PERMITS 1325 150 CITY OF RENTON 2901 NE 4TH ST INSTALL REAL ESTATE DIRECTIONAL EXPIRES JUNE 7.1985 1326 150 CITY OF RENTON 2500 NE 4TH ST INSTALL DIRECTIONAL SIGN EXPIRES JUNE Tr 985 1327 150 CITY OF RENTON 1901 NE 3PO ST INSTALL DIRECTIONAL SIGN EZPIRES JUNE 27.1985 13 8 250 SAN LWAI-BLUE MTN 3915 TALBOT RD S INST ADDITION TO EXISTING F/S 13 9 20 DUNKIN DONUTS 330 RAINIER AV S INST 2 TEMPORARY CLOTH SIGNS EXPIRES 3-5-85 1330 50 MONARCH FOODS 225 SW 7TH ST INST TEMPCRARY BANNER 26-85 THRU 4-7-85 1331 50 KOLL CO 218 SW 43RD ST INST TEMPORARY SIGN SEE PERMIT 51087 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5905 D & D Floor Covering 345 Union Avenue NE Relocate fire hydrant Sgn(, RPntnn Center/NW Bldq. Renton Shoppinq Center Repair sanitary sewer OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS 46 V `0 O �COUNCIL E RESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z 1 ROBERT J. HUGHES OO rn KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.NANCY L. MATHEWS 90 �P� THOMAS W. TR MMCKE oN7T60 SEPIREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING FEBRUARY 25, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, olease walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, soelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building 8 Zoning Department requests modification of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance to clarify front yard setbacks and licensing and registration requirements. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Building & Zoning Department requests revision to Section 4-478(C) (5) , Conditional Use Permit criteria for parking in setback areas. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. Building 8 Zoning Department requests modification of sideyard setback in single family and two-family zones from six feet to five feet. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. d. Building 6 Zoning Department requests modification of Zoning Code provisions concerning recycling facilities. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. e. Building S Zoning Department requests correction to Subdivision Ordinance regarding residential cul-de-sac radius. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. f. City Clerk reports bid opening 2/20/85 for Telemetry and Power Conduit (Water Project No. 730) ; 3 bids; Engineer's estiamte: $199,215.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. g. Claim for damages in the amount of $2,400 plus tax filed by Donald H . Duncan, 2815 Mountain View N . , for undermining of foundation and cement floor of a two-story shop/garage allegedly caused by water from faulty water main installation (8/84 to present) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. h. Claim for damages in the amount of $640.98 filed by Edward G. Bidon, 2746 NE 24th, Renton, for recovery of NSF payroll check issued by Kris Contracting, subcontractor for West Hill Pipe Line Project, CAG 051-84 (11 /9/84) . Refer to City Attorney S insurance company. i. Claim for damages in the amount of $119. 53 filed by William R. Hunter, 22655-156th SE, Kent, for damage to tire and wheel allegedly caused by improperly marked/placed curbing at intersection of 3rd and Burnett. (1 /7/85) Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. j. Claim for damages in the amount of $236.00 + tax filed by Lavina Kessler, 310 Pelly Avenue North, Renton, for damage to fence allegedly caused by City equipment (1 /85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. k. Fire Department requests review of proposal by Matrix Management Group for feasibility study for joint training site with cities of Renton, Kent and Tukwila. Refer to Public Safety Committee. I. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Elisa Thomas Rezone, R-094-84, 0. 134 acres of property from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to L-1 (Light Industry) located on the north side of SW 13th Street and 65 feet east of Maple Avenue SW. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. m. Public Works Department requests authorization to proceed with condemnation action on two parcels remaining for completion of Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor Project to allow lifting of Glencoe-Sunset sewer moratorium. Refer to Utilities Committee. Renton City Council Agenda Page Two February 25, 1985 CONSENT AGENDA (continued) n. Public Works Department requests Council approval of draft resolution for local sponsorship by Renton for Soil Conservation Service to build Phase II of the P-1 Channel from SW 7th to SW 16th in the 1985-1986 period. Refer to Utilities Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from law firm of Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen 6 Williams, bond counsel in connection with issuance of King County Economic Enterprise Corporation Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for the Corr-Pro Associates Project , requests Council approval of the issue and adoption of the resolution. b. Letter from law firm of Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen S Williams, bond counsel in connection with issuance of King County Economic Enterprise Corporation Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Mystic, Ltd. Project, requests Council approval of the issue and adoption of the resolution. 7. OLD BUSINESS a. Letter from Chairman, Board of Public Works, recommending release of easement as requested by Schneider Homes (referred to Board and Utilities Committee on 1/14/85) . 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 25, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION City Newsletter Fill from 1-90 Project Public Address System in Council Chambers CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Bidon Claim for Damages Hunter Claim for Damaqes Kessler Claim for Damages MAYOR & CITY CLERK Cable Contract with 3-H Management Green River Management Agreement PARK BOARD Petition for North Renton Playground (old City Shop site) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE �Aobile Home Park Ordinance Revisions Parking in Setback Areas Residential Sideyard Setback Recycling Facilities Cul-de-Sac Radius PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Joint Fire Training Site Feasibility Study UTILITIES COMMITTEE Schneider Homes Release of Easement Request (action taken) Bids for Telemetry and Power Conduit Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor Condemnation SCS P-1 Channel Sponsorship Agreement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Thomas Rezone, R-094-84 Revenue Bonds for Corr-Pro Associates Revenue Bonds for Mystic Ltd. Project Green River Management Agreement Resolution Renton School District No. 403 Street Vacation Ordinance (1st reading 2/25/85) Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor Condemnation (1st reading 2/25/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/18/85 - Small Lot Single Family Residential Zone Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem John Reed led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, IN ATTENDANCE Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11 , 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke questioned distribution of Council minutes to public prior to Council adoption. AUDIENCE COMMENT Lewis Fote, 207 North Williams, President of the Committee for Petition for Kids, presented a petition containing the signatures of 55 North Renton North Renton children. The petition requested that a portion Playground of the newly developed community patch at N. First Street and (Former City Williams Avenue S. be made into a children ' s playground. Shop Site) MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS PETITION TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Mobile Home Building & Zoning Department requested modification of the Park Ordinance Mobile Home Park Ordinance to add front yard setback provisions -- to Section 4-2005(A) (7) and delete Section 4-2006 (Licenses) and Section 4-2009 (Registration of Occupants) since these provisions are antiquated. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Setback Building & Zoning Department requested revision to Parking Section 4-748(C) (5) , Conditional Use Criteria, which allows no parking in setback areas ; current requirement appears unnecessary, and can restrict or prevent projects which are reasonable and meet all other criteria for approval . Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Residential Building & Zoning Department requested modification of Sideyard sideyard setback requirements in General (G-1 ) , Residential Setback Single Family y (R-1 ) , and Residential Two Family (R-2) Zones from six feet (adopted in 1982) to five feet to conform with pre-existing residential setbacks. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Recycling Building & Zoning Department requested modification of Zoning Facilities Code to provide reasonable regulation of recycling facilities and keep pace with current recycling industry technology. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Cul-de-Sac Building & Zoning Department requested correction to Radius Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-1108(23) (A) (7) to delete reference to minimum right-of-way radius of 45 feet in residential cul-de-sacs in conflict with Section 9-1108(7) which requires not less than 55 feet. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Bids for City Clerk reported bid opening 2/20/85 for Telemetry and Telemetry & Power Conduit (Water Project No. 730) ; 3 bids; Engineer' s Power Conduit estimate: $199,215.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. 2,82 Renton City Council 2/25/85 Page two Consent Agenda continued Duncan Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $2,400.00 plus tax filed for Damages by Donald H. Duncan, 2815 Mountain View Avenue N. , for CL 01-85 undermining of foundation and cement floor of two-story shop/garage allegedly caused by water from a faulty water main installation (8/84 to present) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Bidon Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $640. 98 filed by Edward G. for Damages Bidon, 2746 NE 24th, for recovery of NSF payroll check issued CL 04-85 by Kris Contracting, a subcontractor for West Hill Pipeline Project, CAG 051-84 (11/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance company. Hunter Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $119.53 filed by William R. for Damages Hunter, 22655-156th SE, Kent, for tire and wheel damage CL 05-85 allegedly caused by improperly marked and placed curbing near intersection of 3rd and Burnett (1/7/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Kessler Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $236.00 plus tax filed by for Damages Lavina Kessler, 310 Pelly Avenue North, for fence damage CL 06-85 allegedly caused by City equipment (1/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Joint Fire Fire Department requested review of proposal by Matrix Training Site Management Group to perform a feasibility study for joint training site with cities of Renton, Kent and Tukwila; Renton' s share of cost for study approved in 1985 budget. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Thomas Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive covenants R-094-84 of Elisa Thomas Rezone, R-094-84, 0. 134 acres of property from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to L-1 (Light Industry) located on the north side of SW 13th Street and 65 feet east of Maple Avenue SW. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 14 Honey Creek Public Works Department requested authorization to proceed Sewer Interceptor with condemnation action on two parcels remaining to allow Condemnation completion of Honey Creek Sewer Interceptor Project in 1985 and permit the Glencoe/Sunset area sewer moratorium to be lifted. Refer to Utilities Committee. SCS P-1 Public Works Department requested review of draft resolution Channel to provide for local sponsorship by Renton of Soil Conservation Agreement Service offer to build Phase II of P-1 Channel from SW 7th Street to SW 6th Street during 1985-1986; Citv to provide easements and permits, and accept maintenances and operation of the Channel . Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from law firm of Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen & Williams, King County bond counsel in connection with issuance of King County Economic Economic Enterprise Corporation Industrial Development Revenue Enterprise Corp. Bonds for the Corr-Pro Associates Project, requested Council Revenue Bonds for approval of the issue and adoption of the resolution. MOVED Corr-Pro Associates BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. King County Letter from law firm of Perkins, Coie, Stone, Olsen & Williams, Economic bond counsel in connection with issuance of King County Enterprise Corp. Economic Enterprise Corporation Industrial Development Revenue Revenue Bonds for Bonds for Mystic Ltd. Project, requested Council approval of Mystic Ltd. Project the issue and adoption of the resolution. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. American Cancer Letter was read from American Cancer Society inviting Society Campaign participation in its annual Residential Campaign to request contributions and provide educational information. Car washes at all Shakey Pizza Parlors (exception - Fairwood) in South King County will kick off the event from 11-3 on Renton City Council 2/25/85 Page three Correspondence continued Cancer Society Saturday, April 13th. The letter asked for support at the Continued fund raising car wash at the downtown Renton Shakey' s, and noted that participants will receive discount coupons from the restaurant. OLD BUSINESS Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Richard C. Houghton Schneider Homes was read recommending approval of Schneider Homes request for Request for release of easement near Hilltop residential plat on Monroe Release of Avenue NE and NE 6th Street. The easement, originally deeded Easement to the City for storm sewer purposes in 1953, is no longer (Referred to needed since proper storm sewers have been installed by the Board of Public developer, Schneider Homes, at sizeable expense. The Board Works and Utilities found that public funds have not been expended for either Committee 1/14/85) acquisition or maintenance of the easement area; therefore, a Class "B" category would be applied and would require no compensation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Utilities Committee Report Committee of Council President Pro Tem Mathews presented a Committee of the The Whole Whole Report as follows: Cable TV Access Cable TV Access - The Committee concluded and recommended that a local government cable access channel can benefit the public. Therefore, the City should begin building a program in planned increments for local public broadcasting, allowing for expansion as public support and funding warrant. The Administration and cable consultant should analyze costs and benefits of a character generator to broadcast public information in text form over a government channel . Also, information regarding development of selected video productions for in-house City use or public transmission was requested, with recognition that development of such programs may require consultant services. City Cable Status Report on City Cable Operation - Cable consultant Lon Operation Hurd gave a report on status of the City' s cable system, new State and Federal legislation affecting cable operations, and new operating policies for assuring responsive attitude from cable franchise holder. Cable Renewal of Cable Consultant Contract - Following review, the Consultant Committee recommended approval of the 1985 contract with cable Contract consultant, 3-H Management and Consultants, Inc. , and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. City Newsletter City Newsletter - The Committee recommended referral of this matter to the Administration for development of a program proposal including budget , format and publication alternatives. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Board Schneider Homes of Public Works to release the easement as requested by Request for Schneider Homes (See above) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY Release of Easement STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Green River Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Management concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Agreement to accept the Green River Management Agreement as revised Total Cost: September 14, 1984, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to $196,000 sign said agreement, and refer the matter to Ways and Means Committee for appropriation of necessary funds. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Chairman Hughes reported costs to be shared by Renton ($31 ,200) , Auburn ($51 ,200) , Kent ($41 ,200) , Tukwila ($31 ,200) , and King County ($41 ,200) . MOTION CARRIED. Maplewood Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker commended Park Golf Course Director and staff and Park Board for providing complete Briefing information in very short time for Maplewood Golf Course briefing on 2/20/85 with King County Executive Revelle. 284 Renton City Council 2/25/85 Page four Old Business continued Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating that the Committee has completed its review Committee of the R-1-5 Small Lot Single Family Residential Zone and is Small Lot transmitting it back to Council for consideration of the Single Family Planning Commission ' s recommendation to approve the proposed new Residential zone. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR Zone IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Chairman Stredicke supported scheduling a public hearing on the matter to give citizens opportunity to give input on impacts from smaller size lots adjacent to their homes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL SET A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE ON MARCH 18, 1985. CARRIED. Fill Project Councilrra Atred'c 2A��ed if the fill material beingremoved I-90 J from the I�� `Fo4r the 1-90 project is beingtransported to the Cugini property on N. 3rd Street (Cemetery Road) . He CQRF?ECTEU-REfEtR 10 indicated concern regarding impacts to Renton streets. MINUTES OF_�_`�_- �,�',Administrative Assistant Parness agreed to investigate the matter. Renton Councilman Stredicke acknowledged receipt of letter from Environmental Associate Planner Gene Williams in response to his question Ordinance about the threshold exemption for landfills and why the Landfill City was adopting the 500 cubic yard level rather than 100 Threshold cubic yards as denoted in the SEPA rules. He indicated satisfaction with the response and noted that by adopting the 500 cubic yard minimum level , the City of Renton is in conformance with other jurisdictions in the area. i ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3891 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read repealing Chapter Renton 28, Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code and adopting Environmental a new Chapter 23 to comply with the State Environmental Policy ~, Ordinance Act of 1971 as amended (RCW 32.21C) establishing procedures to _ determine the impact of a proposed action and whether an environmental Impact statement is required. Three definitions have been added to page four: Determination of Significance (DS) , Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) , Environmental Impact __ . --- — —- —_ ---- Statement (EIS) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3892 An ordinance was read repealing Section 6-2805 of Chapter 28, Cabaret Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code related to age Ordinance restrictions in cabarets and adding a severability clause. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry, effect of ordinance was explained by City Attorney to remove under 18 age restriction for cabaret admission (band concerts, etc.) but would not affect existing legislation barring minors from bars, taverns and establishments selling alcoholic beverages. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3893 An ordinance was read amending certain portions of Chapter 34 New Police Laws of Title VI (Police Regulations) , and Chapter 1 of Title X (Traffic) of City Code relating to police regulations, concerning custodial interference, computer trespass, two-way left turn lanes, pawnbrokers laws and penalties for violations thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Renton School An ordinance was read vacating the east 15 feet of the north District No. 403 1500 feet of Kirkland Avenue NE, located south of NE 7th Street Street Vacation adjacent to Renton Vocational Technical Institute as petitioned by Renton School District No. 403 (VAC 1-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 2/25/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Honey Creek An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain Sewer Interceptor property and property rights by eminent domain providing for Project the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare Condemnation a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the Action County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the Honey Creek Interceptor Project. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Upon inquiry, Mr. Parness advised that engineering work is completed for the project and acquisition of these two remaining parcels through condemnation will allow the project to begin in June of 1985 with completion anticipated in the fall of same year. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: 2cs . � a591 Six-Year A resolution was read amending the Six-Year Transportation Transportation Improvement Program, 1985-1990 and adding N. 3rd/Park Avenue N. Improvement and N. 4th/Park Avenue N. to the Annual Element Projects. Program Amendment MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 1985-1990 RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 5116 through 5427 in the amount of $953,213.03, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 5111 through 5115 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry regarding Renton Sailing Club Revocable Permit Renton Sailing (PAG 1252-68) for use of a portion of SE 72nd Street (N. Club Revocable 52nd Street) , Mr. Parness advised that the Board of Public Permit Works has approved an extension of the permit through 1985, PAG 1252-68 a response from the Park Board regarding potential use of the property was requested and received by Mayor Shinpoch, and following evaluation of the information, a report will be forthcoming to Council members. It was noted that an appeal of the Board of Public Works' decision to require the Club to vacate the property at the end of 1985 is appealable Superior Court within a specific time period. Comedy Night Referencing a letter from Pastor O'Rear of the Renton Bible Church, Councilman Stredicke noted that the complaint regarding questionable comedy material being used for what was advertised as family entertainment by non-profit group should be forwarded to the Renton School Board since the function took place at Hazen High School . He felt that although the City has little authority over the matter, the Board may wish to be involved. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sharon Heck, 1805 Lincoln Circle SE, suggested that Council Public Address members speak into their microphones to enable the audience System to hear proceedings. Noting that this problem has been raised before, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. r„ Time: 8:50 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID T SHEET, AND PO PROJECT : WATERETRY PROJECT NOW 7R3000NDUIT DATE • February 20, 1985 Bids include sales tax BIDDER 61D AA POTELCO, Inc. EEO BB $189, 567. 08 14103 8th Street E 2 addenda acknowledged Sumner, IVA 98390-9699 UDL, Inc. EEO BB $193, 720. 93 12020 SE 32nd Street 2 addenda acknowledged Bellevue, WA 98005 ALFIERI CONSTRUCTION, INC . EEO $210, 717- 21 1608 S. 96th Cashier's Check (returned 1 addenda acknowledged Seattle, WA 98108 Engineer's Estimate: $199. 215. 0o CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 02/22/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: 05111 - 05115 CURRENT $82.-672.60 PARKS $78.572.03 STREETS $58.-446. 30 ■.r LIBRARY 312.-534.87 STREET FORWARD THRUST $15.894.75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $71 .201 .42 WATERWORKS UTILITY $205.236.93 AIRPORT 32.-372.95 GOLF COURSE FUND 512.081 .07 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $147.-915. 28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $71 .-501 .73 INSURANCE FUND 3171 .-400.20 FIREMEN`S PENSION S18.-453. 89 TAN/OPR CASH REQUIREMENTS $4.-852.76 LID CONTROL 576.25 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $953.-213.03 WE.- THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL.- HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED.- DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 5116 THROUGH NO. 5427 IN THE AMOUNT OF $953.- 213. 03 THIS 25TH GAY OF FEBRUARY 1985 . COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ,�� - MEMBER MEMBER - - CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 2/28 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Fence and Hedge Regulations; Code changes requested by Building E Zoning Department PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs. 2/28 4: 00 p.m. TRIMM 3rd Floor Conference Room Fire Training Site TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 2/28 11 :00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Benair Lease (LAG 006-84) , Fancher Lease (AVIATION) (LAG 06-76) , Aerodyne Lease (LAG 003-84) , Lease Permits and Master Plan Update. (City Attorney, Public Works staff and Policy Development Director invited) UTILITIES Weds. 2/27 4:00 p.m. HUGHES Fire Station Conference Room Fluoridation Weds. 3/6 4:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Pending Referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 3/4 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF PENTON _- PAG° 1 02119/55 BUILDING d ZONING DEPARTMENT __ _. ----__---- - _-- PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 15. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 10856 53x600 WICK HOMcS 121 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE , 1 857 69,800 WICK HCMES lt5 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 0858 59.-400 WICK HOMES INC 1 3 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 0859 59,400 WICK HOMES 177 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10860 47.-000 WICK HOMES 4118 NE 1ST PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE ,10861 59,400 WICK HOMES 178 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESICENCE 110862 17.-000 COMMERCIAL PROP. INV. I 330 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 110863 2.-000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INV 330 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10804 150PCOO BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 13C3 N 8TH ST INST COVERED WALKWAY 11p0865 1 .800 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST ACCOUSTICAL CEILING 1D867 10.-000 NWNBLDG COUNTY REAL PROP 0 364 RENTON CENTER WY SW TTAV WE ENANTTIMPROF OVEMENT '0808 E 8 H PROPERTIES 600 N 6TH ST DEMOLISH BLDG ')869 150.-000 TRAMMEL CROW CC 6 1 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 'LECTRICAL PERMITS 92274 1.550 HIBURY HOMES 520 FERNDALE AV NE WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 1-2275 980 SANDOY 220 SHATTUCK AV S CHANGE SERVICE TO 200 AMP f 276 600 FLORENCE BARRINGER 14;2 JEFFERSON AV NE REPLACE EXISTING SERVICE 12277 400 PORTAL WEST CORP 33SW 43RD ST INST WIRING 12278 2.-000 FRANK LEE 511 RIPLEY LN N INST WIRING FOR ALARM SYSTEM 12279 2.-500 SUNSET GROUP 2225 SUNSET SL N NST WIRING 122810 10 500 SOUTHLANDOCOPP 3131SNESET 12THLST INST WIRING 1 282 112NG 22263 21.-380 HIBURY HOMES 3415p55 WEST 330 FERNDALEST INST AV NE IIN$ST TEMPORARY POWER +f 12285 2,600 MALTEK 3109 WE 1ITH PL INST WIRING 112286 6.90p WASHINGTON HORSE BREEDE 2600 OAKESDALE AV SW INST WIRING FOR SPRINKLER SYS »i12267 60 WICK HOMES 123 VASHON CT NE INST TEMPORARY POWER '12289 60 500 DANKYEAROUT 538 BURNETTHOMES 177 VASMONPAVNS CHANGEINTEMPORARSERVICE TOW200 AMPS ;27991 280 RROONTOELKENOCL DISTRICT 500 PENTTONAAV VNSE INST WIRING HIOOG 122292 1 r7 0 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING BLDG A 12293 10.700 FIRST CITY ECUITIES 947 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN BLDG B 12294 16.-000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 955 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING—BLDG C MECHANICAL PERMITS 10845 600 DAN KATZEP 1728 DAVIS AV S INST WOOD STOVE 10840 109.- 00 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 901 POWELL AV SW INST MTG/A/C/EXHAUST SYSTEM 10847 19x000 NW HANDLING CO 838 SENECA AV SW INST 3 A/C UNITS, 2 HTR, FANS 10848 2, 00 RENTON VOC. TECH. INST. 800 UNION AV NE INST HOOD 6 DUCT SYSTEM 10849 380 EDGAR DU30S: 4109 NE 2ND PL INST CONVERSION BURNER, HEATER 10850 1.-650 WICK HOMES 108 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10851 1,03 WICK HOMES 4112 NE 1ST PL INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10852 1,825 WICK HOMES 4106 NE 1ST PL INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10853 1,525 WICK HOMES 109 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10854 1.-825 WICK HOMES 166 VASHOK CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 11106b855 1.-630 WICK HOMES 12C UNION CT NE IINST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10656 1,400 57 4.-600 BOEING 154 VA601 SWS411STPSTNE INST 3NST UEXHAUSTAFANSHHEATER , PLUMBING PERMITS 230 10.-003 TOM AITON CONST 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST 27 PLSG FIXTURES e� ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 I�Z122783 BUILDING ERMITSII DEPARTMENT WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 22, 1985 (AUIL1 OING PERMITS j ) 0870 65x610 JACK B BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST REPLACE VANGUARD PARTITIONS �e 0871 3,000 LEVI FOOTE 1824 SHATTUCK AV S CONSTRUCT CARPORT i+ 10873 1 ♦800 BURKHEIMER MGMT CO 54 RAINIER AV S CONST BAR.- LOUNGE AREA 168 .- 70 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10875 1 -400 MICHAEL/MARY SMITH 3402 NE 7TH ST CONST ADDITION TO S/F RESIDENCE 1108g876 S2.-p312 DAVE JOHNSON 2EST 3333508 NE 77H ST REROOF RESIDENCE + 10878 102.-500 ROGERLHANEY 2903SCEDARDAVTCONST S CONST SNFERESSIDENCOR EITIONS I0879 30,000 WOLF BROS OIL CO INC 230 S 7TH ST INST 2 SALES OFFICES II 0880 6 - 00 THE REID GROUP 101 SW 41ST ST STRUCTURAL PRELOAD 1' 881 71, 00 LEONARD BLDRS INC 4306 SE 4TH ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE e� 882 00 G 8 M INVESTMENTS 3803 NE 4TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT Ni �QQ883 8Qr QQ TOM WIELGOES 8 1 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N REMODEL RESIDENCE 4884 1.- ZS METRO Iia MONSTER RD SW INST 2 GAS TANKS 11110885 67,500 RELIANCE HOMES 2222121 NE 27TH ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 110886 150,000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INV 330 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT r:,, .+ EL22ECTRICAL PERMITS 11222290 2589 00 RENTON0 DAN AROUT 538 SCHOOL DISTRICT 58030 UNIONTAVANES WIREGFANEINICE HOODO 200 AMPS 1122292 10.-700 FI293 0,700 IjRSTECITY EQUITIES 9401 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN GARAGE NE INST WIRING '1t22222294 16-0000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES CHAFFEY CORP1955 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING-BLOGRST CITY EQUITIES 947 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN LCG B 111z2z2ZZ96 1,188 CHAFFEY CORP 162Z6 VASHON C54 VASHON T NE IINST WIRING 111ZZZ298 IiI00 CMAFFEY EY CORP 108 UNION ON CT NE T NE INST WIRING „ 1t2300 1200 RENTONYCENTER ASSOC. 3RP 64 RENTTONON CCENTER WY SW INST WIRING ' 122302 0Q0 2301 100 DOB HAONCHEROFF 15500EA 407 SBENSONRD ST INST RD S INST TEMPORANG RY POWER T INST TEMPORARY POWER 12304 5U MIBURY HOMES 4MISURY HOMES 1I3INDEX NE TAVCNE INST TEMPORARY POWER 123Q7 3 I CUMMINSEENGINE 801 SNGRAADYLWYE INST INST00 2AY MORTENSON 505 MORRIS AV S AWIRINGMETERING CE METER /INRAPTSG 123888 2L B H WHIDDEN 3772 NE 4TH ST WIRE SIGN MECHANICAL PERMITS 10849 388 EDGAR DUBOSE 4109 NE 2ND PL INST CONVERSION BURNER.- HEATER 10850 1,65 WICK HOMES 108 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10851 1-bb 0 WICK HOMES 4112 NE 1ST PL INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10852 r8 5 WICK HOMES 4106 NE IST PL INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10853 11,815 WICK HOMES 109 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10854 1.825 WICK HOMES 166 VASHON CT NE TNST FURNACE/WATER HEATER ' 10855 1,605 WICK HOMES 120 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER . 10856 .-4 WICK HOMES 154 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10857 4,600 BOEING 601 SW 41ST ST INST 3 EXHAUST FANS 10858 1.-600 WICK HOMES 121 UNION CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER ' 10859 1-600 WICK HOMES 123 VASHON CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 860 1 .600 WICK HOMES 178 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10861 1.600 WICK HOMES 177 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10862 1.-600 WICK HOMES 165 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 2 X02122/85 BUILDINPERMITNIIG DEPARTMENT j ED WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 22. 1985 111100Q863 31.600 WICK HOMES 4118 NE IST PL INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 18865 1 000 HIBUR500 MAC OYHIL HOMES 4204SUNSET FERNDALEBAVNNE INSTAFURNACE/WATERDRY NHEATERPMENT 110866 1.000 HIBURY HOMES 2634 NE 5TH CT INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10867 21500 GARY RIFFLE/FRED STEINE 317 MAIN AV S INST EXHAUST FAN 110868 4,263 FRANK CARSON 1737 LAKE AV S INST HEAT PUMP iPLUMBING PERMITS 262195 EDGAR DUBOSE 4109 NE 2N0 PL ALTERATION OF WATER PIPING Z43 2,290 LEONARD BLDRS 4200 SE 4TH ST INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 44 2,020 LEONARD BLDRS 4206 SE 4TH ST INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 245 2.2210 LEONARD BLDRS 2422212 SE 4TH ST INST 1NST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 246 600 HIBUR0 FRED YNDOY HOMES27 I NESHAT4THKSTV S INST 1 PL6GHER FIXTURES 47 1� 248 1.800 HIBURY HOMES 45 FERNDALE AV NE INST 13 PL@G FIXTURES Z249 1,800 HIBURY HOMES 42 gg8g25 NE 44TH CT INST 1113 PLBG FIXTURES 251 a;�OS PORTAL HOMES 330 SW43RD WE INST i3PLBGGFIXTURESS 52 22,200 METRO 11 00 MONSTER RD SW INST 37 PLBG FIXTURES 53 2, 00 WICK HOMES 1 8 VASHON PL NE INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES JAMMIJIM BLOOD%I 256 100 CUMPARK AV N INST 17 PLBG FIXTURE NSANWBNKER 81113SW05 S7GRADY WY INST COPPETH ST INST 14 RGLINETURES SIGN PERMITS 335 500 SKYWAY TOWING 542 PARK AV N INST CAR RENTAL SIGN D/F � 36 1500 TODAYS TAN 300 SW 43RD ST INST WALL SIGN X3337 964 ROGER S fIX 3772 NE 4TH ST INST LIGHTED SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5905 D & D Floor Covering 345 Union Avenue NE Relocate fire hydrant ,vl 5906 Renton Center/NW Bldg. Renton Shopping Center Repair sanitary sewer 5907 Jake Wall 520 Ferndale Ave. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5908 Dave E. Burke 1921 Talbot Road S. Install sanitary building sewer 5909 Donald Sooy 1917 Talbot Road S. Install sanitary building sewer 5912 Jake Wall 2634 NE 5th Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5913 Jake Wall 420 Ferndale NE Install sanitary building sewer i5914 Schneider Homes, Inc. 104th Ave. SE E SE 200th 8-inch water main C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS IONTH OF February , 1985 '0 THE FINANCE DIRECTORS f• OUT of account number IN to account number DESORIPTION TOTAL TANS 1978 LIM GO BONDS 5 609/ 207/ PER ORDINANCE #3880 $54,398.69 /11/65 TANS CURRENT RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFER 609/05.587.10.00.00 000/00.387.00.00.00 FROM 1984 TAN PROGRAM $54,968.92 /11/85 CONTINGENCY GOLF COURSE ORDINANCE # 3886 107/000.22.597.93.55.05 404/000.397.00.00.08 $140,000.00 CUM RESERVE #2104 GOLF COURSE ORDINANCE # 3886 112/000.20.597.77.55.09 404/000.397.00.00.09 $ 5,000.00 WATER/SEWER UTILITY GOLF COURSE ORDINANCE # 3886 $ 45,000.00 401/000.15.597.34.55.29 404/000.397.00.00.11 2/12/85 801/ 101/000.20.555.08.49.El VOID CHECK #4474 CLAIMS PARK FUND DUPLICATE PAYMENT $315.00 '/25/85 317/000/04.594.18.64.01 000/000/09.594.22.64. 29 Overpayment on claims CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND CURRENT FUND check #5091, 2/11/85 $1,084.14 /27/85 WATER/SEWER CONSTRUCTION CLAIMS HAND ISSUED CHECK, #5429 $109,000.00 421/ 801/ MAYOR F i NANCE D 1 RECTOR 292 OF R� Al �� AGENDA COUNT , MEMBERS IO REED, COUNCILRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES rn KATHY KEOLKER p NANCY L. MATHEWS 9A � RENTON CITY COUNCIL HOMASW. TRMMCKE ON7-to SEPI REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 4, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1985 4. PROCLAMATION : Girl Scout Week, March 10-16, 1985 5. PRESENTATION : Washington State Energy Office Action Plan to Study Conservation and Energy Efficiency Methods 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department requests annual adoption of Zoning Map. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 2/22/85 for Houser Way and Williams Avenue S. Bridge Painting Project; 7 bids; Engineer's estimate: $80,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. c. Mayor Shinpoch requests fact finding hearing to evaluate hours of operation specified in Cabaret Ordinance, Refer to Hearing Examiner. d. Finance Department requests issuance of $2.6 million of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to finance capital construction needs. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $50 (insurance deductible) filed by Gregory Hartman, 4313 Fourth Place, for windshield allegedly damaged by rocks from unattended rock pile (2/18/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Allen Cullen Rezone, R-114-84, for 0. 15 acres located at 1900 SW 43rd Street from Business (B-1) Zone to Light Industry (L-1) zone. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Park Department requests approval of Fairway Signs, Inc. proposal for provision of tee signs at Maplewood Golf Course as recommended by the Park Board. Refer to Community Services Committee. h. Public Works Department requests fund transfer for 1985 Water/Sewer Construction Fund financing in the amount of $300, 000. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. i. Public Works Department requests approval of lease assignment from Aero- Paint Systems, Inc. unto 289 East Perimeter Road, Inc. (LAG 02-73) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Work with WSEO on cost effective conservation methods Resolution of Rainier Crest legal description error Request for waiver of Storm Drain Easement Fee (Schneider Homes) CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Hartman Claim for Damages Request for waiver of Storm Drain Easement Fee (Schneider Homes) COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Tee Signs at Maplewood Golf Course HEARING EXAMINER Fact Finding Hearing for Cabaret Hours of Operation (Encore, Inc.) MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Green River Management Agreement TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Bid Opening for Williams Avenue Bridge Painting Project Aero-Paint Lease Assignment (LAG 02-73) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Annual Zoning Map Ordinance Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds for 1985 Capital Construction (Ist reading 3/4/85) Cullen Rezone, R-114-84 1985 Water/Sewer Construction Fund Transfer (Resolution No. 2592 adopted) Fence and Hedge Regulations Thomas Rezone, R-094-84 (Ist reading 3/4/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/18/85 - Small Lot Single Family Residential Zone Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 4, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCILWOMAN KATHY A. KEOLKER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker arrived at 8:04 p.m. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REPLACE THE WORDS ''MOUNTLAKE CUT'' WITH ''MOUNT BAKER TUNNEL'' ON PAGE 4, PARAGRAPH TWO, SECOND LINE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1985 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the period March 10 Girl Scout Week through 16, 1985, as Girl Scout Week, to honor the more than 49 million members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America on its 73rd anniversary in recognition of contributions made by Scouts and adult volunteers towards improving the quality of life in our community. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch presented the proclamation to members of Troop 201 and commended adult leaders for their contributions. Samples of cookies currently being sold by Scouts during annual sale were offered to Mayor Shinpoch and Council members. 3 Drug Awareness A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of March 3 Week through 9, 1985, as Drug Awareness Week, in recognition of the serious effects of substance abuse, particularly to young people, and need for comprehensive community response to that abuse. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Ken Hoben accepted the proclamation on behalf of many groups working to promote awareness of drug abuse, particularly in middle and high schools in the community. 8 PRESENTATION Bill Head, Ph.D. , Energy Program Coordinator for the Washington State Washington State Energy Office, reported that the City of Energy Office Renton is one of 10 communities chosen for the WSEO Local Government Assistance Program in the following activities: Energy Conservation in Buildings; Street Lighting; Fleet Energy Management; Water System Energy Efficiency; and Solar Access Ordinances. Based on input from Jim Shepherd, Facilities Superintendent, the Mother' s Park building has been selected for inclusion in the building conservation pilot program for gas or oil-heated buildings. Of the total $15,000 allocated by WSEO for the program, $7,500 will go towards an engineering study with the remainder applied to implementation of the program. The City would not be required to provide matching funds, but would be asked to submit follow-up data for a period of three years in order to complete the study. Council members indicated a desire to ear-mark other City buildings, including City Hall , for energy conservation studies. Continued Regarding the Street Lighting Program, Mr. Head proposed working with the City to develop a contract to help fund consulting services up to $15,000 to help improve costs, which are currently $400,000 annually. Continued Regarding Fleet Energy Management, Mr. Head indicated that 11 City vehicles have already been converted to propane fuel . By instituting a peer matching program with police departments in other cities which have already converted their police cars to propane or liquid petroleum gas, there could be additional fuel Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page two Presentation continued Washington State savings benefits through conversion of the City' s 13 patrol Energy Office cars. This analysis will be conducted by the WSEO energy systems engineer. Continued Energy efficiency of the City' s water system will be assessed through review of energy consumption information for each of the City' s wells and booster stations (four active wells, one artesian spring, nine booster pump stations, and six reservoirs serving 12 hydraulic pressure zones) to determine candidates for pump efficiency tests. If tests are warranted, WSEO will develop a contract for services. Continued Peter Skowland, Land Use Planner for WSEO, described substantial benefits from solar energy; and indicated that solar access ordinances have been developed for several Washington cities and counties, including Kent, to provide and protect solar access to structures by requiring certain setbacks to prevent shading. He indicated the desire to meet with Policy Development Director Larry Springer to discuss energy efficient land use practices. Continued Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Skowland stated that the solar approach takes the free energy from the sun and utilizes it to offset costly insulation and conversion measures to meet the same goal . He indicated that factors in land slope and structure height are calculated during the building permit process to assure solar access to new structures, adding approximately five minutes to the process. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY OFFICE ON COST EFFECTIVE METHODS TO CONSERVE ENERGY. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT John Hanson, 302 Surrey Building, Bellevue, representing owners Legal Description of Rainier Crest, 1190 Union Avenue NE, indicated discovery of for Whitman Court error in legal description of statutory warranty deed for NE Street Vacation a street vacation approved by the City in 1975. The deed for (Honeydew the vacation, a portion of Whitman Court NE within the Apartments) Honeydew Apartment complex, issued from Dura Development Company to the City of Renton, includes a portion of his client ' s property. He requested authorization by the City Council for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quit claim deed describing his client ' s property in order to remedy the matter. City Attorney Warren reported that upon review of the matter, he concurs with the request, noting there is no need for the City to have this piece of property, and the error was made by Dura Development Company in misdescribing the property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Fluoridation Laurie Johnson, P.O. Box 161 , Renton, representing Rolling Hills Homeowners' Association, noted that the community had written to Council a year ago in support of fluoridation of the City' s water supply, and indicated that support remains strong as a beneficial health measure. She asked that the Council vote to institute a fluoridation program in Renton. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending that the matter of fluoridation be referred to Fluoridation the City Council with no recommendation. MOVED BY HUGHES, (Referred SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. 7/23/84) CARRIED. Continued Background information was provided by Chairman Hughes. He advised that Renton voters defeated a fluoridation ballot issue in 1969. During 1984, -several meetings were held to review the merits of fluoridation, and a public hearing was held January 14, 1985. The majority of the many letters, petitions and comments received have been in favor of fluoride; and information has been received indicating that fluoride helps reduce tooth decay in young people. However, most City water is not used for drinking purposes. Cost of cn. G Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page three Old Business continued Utilities initial implementation of fluoridation system is estimated Committee at $300,000 with a grant available for 40% of the equipment Fluoridation cost; annual maintenance costs are estimated at $100,000 or (continued) 53� per month water rate increase per single family household. Since Renton has seven primary water sources, adding fluoride to the water supply is complex when compared to fluoridating water in Seattle, which has only one source. Alternative methods of dispensing fluoride are available to young people in the form of toothpaste, drops and dental treatments. Continued Correspondence was read from Bob Bergstrom, Engineering Supervisor, which reported that the 40% grant from the State Department of Social and Health Services Referendum 30 Grant Program would amount to approximately $28,000 of the total equipment cost estimate of $71 ,000. City Clerk Motor reported receipt of correspondence in support of fluoridation from Bob Hunt, 3908 Lake Washington Boulevard N. , Renton; and Rolf Dragseth, 1113 N. 38th Street; and petition containing 38 signatures in support from Taletta M. Wibmer, 1933 SE 19th Ct. Continued Councilman Stredicke felt that citizens of Renton should have the privilege of voting on the matter. Councilman Hughes indicated that although he is personally in favor of fluoridation, he is concerned for those citizens who would be forced to consume fluoride in the water supply against their will . Continued Testimony was requested by Councilwoman Keolker from Jim Bauman, Executive Director of Valley Community Clinic, and Jesse Tapp, Director of Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, in response to her questions at last Utilities Committee meeting. Mr. Bauman responded with information regarding establishment of a free fluoride drops program for all 6,329 children ages 3 to 16 in Renton. The program would require a full-time dentist and full-time dental assistant to screen patients and dispense prescriptions for fluoride. Office space would be required with accompanying expenses for supplies, telephones, equipment, etc. The total estimated annual cost for the first year would be $155,804 or $24.61 per patient. Gary Pipkin, 1120 N. 38th Street, noted that the number of patients requiring individual instruction on use of fluoride drops could be reduced by providing information to family groups. Continued Dr. Jesse Tapp reported that the American Academy of Allergies has gone on public record with the statement that there is no substantiated evidence of allergy related to fluoride consumption. Bottled water is available for those who may feel they have a sensitivity to fluoride. Water purifying systems on kidney dialysis machines remove fluoride and other substances from water, thereby removing that potential danger. Fluoride has been prescribed as a medicine for treatment of osteoporosis, a bone disease. There is no evidence that consumption of fluoride is deleterious in any way. Continued Councilwoman Keolker thanked Mr. Bauman and Dr. Tapps for their research and response to her questions. She felt that with the information received regarding high cost and cumbersome administration of an alternative dispensing program, the fact that there are no documented detrimental effects from the use of fluoride, and in view of positive health benefits to Renton' s children, approval should be given to proceed with the program. Therefore, it was moved by Keolker, seconded by Reed, the City of Renton embark on a program to fluoridate the City water supply.* Councilman Stredicke felt that decision should be placed before the voters of Renton. Councilwoman Mathews clarified that although a fluoridation ballot issue failed in 1969 in Renton, voters favored fluoridation in a State-wide ballot in 1976 by 64%. Roll Call : 2 Ayes: Reed, Keolker. 5 Nays: Stredicke, Hughes, Clymer, Trimm, Mathews. -Motion failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THE SUBJECT OF FLUORIDATION BE PLACED BEFORE VOTERS IN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION OF THE CITY AND WORDING ON THE BALLOT BE MADE MANDATORY RATHER THAN ADVISORY. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page four Consent Agenda Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES CARRIED. Time: 9:24 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:31 p.m. ; roll was called; all Council members present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Annual Zoning Building & Zoning Department requested annual adoption of Map Zoning Map with addition of 17 zoning actions in 1984. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Opening City Clerk reported bid opening 2/22/85 for Houser Way and Williams Avenue Williams Avenue S. bridge painting project; 7 bids; Engineer' s Bridge Painting estimate: $80,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. Hours of Mayor Shinpoch requested fact finding hearing to evaluate Operation for hours of operation beyond 2:00 a.m. for cabarets as specified Cabarets in Title V1 , Chapter 28, of City Code in response to request (Teen Clubs) submitted by Encore, Inc. , Wells Avenue S. , a teen-oriented dance club. Refer to Hearing Examiner. Water & Sewer Finance Department requested issuance of $2.6 million of Revenue Bonds Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to finance capital construction for Capital needs in upgrading utility infrastructure through 1990. Refer Construction to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ordinances & Resolutions.) Hartman Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $50 ( insurance deductible) for Damages filed by Gregory Hartman, 4313 Fourth Place, for windshield CL 07-85 allegedly damaged by rocks thrown from roadway from unattended rockpile (2/18/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Cullen Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive R-114-84 covenants of Allen Cullen Rezone, File No. R-114-84, for 0. 15 _. acres located at 1900 SW 43rd Street from Business Zone (B-1 ) to Light Industry Zone (L-1 ) . Refer to Ways & Means Committee. Tee Signs at Park Department requested approval of Fayrway Signs, Inc. Maplewood Golf proposal for provision of free tee signs at Maplewood Golf Course Course as recommended by the Park Board. Refer to Community Services Committee. 1985 Water/ Public Works Department requested fund transfer for 1985 Water/ Sewer Construction Sewer Construction Fund financing in the amount of $300,000 Fund Transfer from Revenue Fund #128 (utility connection charges) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ordinances and Resolutions. ) Aero-Paint Public Works Department requested approval of lease assignment Lease Assignment from Aero-Paint Systems, Inc. unto 289 East Perimeter Road, Inc. LAG 02-73 (LAG 02-73) • Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from H. C. Bloss, Development and Construction Waiver of Manager of Schneider Homes, Inc. requesting waiver of easement Storm Drain fee for storm drain easement on Springbrook Watershed property Easement Fee (Parkridge East development) as stipulated in purchase agreement Requested with Fred Squires. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL (Springbrook REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND CITY Watershed) ATTORNEY FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report regarding Fence and Hedge Ordinance. Following review, Development the Committee directed staff to make two minor modifications Committee to the special conditions fee provisions for the City Attorney' s Fence and Hedge approval . The full Council would then consider the ordinance Regulations and the subcommittee' s recommendation for approval . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, AND THE MATTER OF FENCE AND HEDGE REGULATIONS BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page five Old Business continued Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented (Aviation) a report regarding Fancher Flyways East Side Air Park. Committee Following discussion of the status of the paving, drainage and Fancher Flyways landscaping improvements, the Committee voted to recommend East Side Air to the Council that the Public Works Department schedule for Park (LAG 07-79) the improvements be accepted; and that Fancher Flyways be required to post a bond or Letter of Credit with the City in the amount of the low bid for paving and landscaping construction. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented West Side Apron B a report regarding Fancher Flyways West Side Apron B. The (LAG 06-76) Committee voted to recommend to the Council that Fancher Flyways be given until the next Aviation Committee meeting (late March, 1985) to present a specific proposal dealing with hangar building construction. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Hughes felt the Council should be aware of prior agreements made by this tenant which have not been met, thereby resulting in a violation of the lease agreement. Councilman Stredicke recalled extensions of the contruction schedule had been previously granted, and preferred eliminating hangar requirement if the City is not going to pull the lease. MOTION CARRIED. Boeing Company Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Assumption of a report regarding the Boeing Company assumption of Aero Dyne Aero Dyne Leased leased area. The Committee voted to amend the January 23, 1985 Area approval recommendation by deleting the condition relating to paving of the site. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT CARRIED. Airport, Master Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chairman Mathews presented Plan a report regarding proposed Master Plan update. After discussing the proposed project in terms of the need and the items it might deal with, the Committee voted as follows: To recommend to the Council to concur in the Public Works Department recommendation to identify a proposed scope of work together with cost estimates. Results are to be presented to the Committee for review before any contract is signed with a consultant. Councilman Stredicke also asked that the consultant be directed to include in the scope of work: 1) expansion of the airport; 2) number of fixed base operators on airport; 3) direction we should be heading with general aviation at airport and whether it be focused on corporate jet aircraft; and 4) lighting system, whether we need it, want it or should include it. Chairman Mathews requested the Clerk to pass those suggestions along to the Public Works Department. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, Chairman Mathews reported that a consultant has been identified, a contract has not yet been signed, the scope of work will be provided by the consultant at no cost, and upon its completion, the Public Works Department will come back to the Committee with proposed contract. Old Vocational Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented School Building the following information items requiring no Council action: 1) Aero Dyne lease of Old Vocational School Building: A previously authorized letter of response to Mr. Volkel of FAA Paving, Aero Dyne will be prepared jointly by Public Works staff and Fencing & the City Attorney. hd Signing Project 2) FAA project (Airport Paving, Fencing and Guidance Signs) : FAA has confirmed that the financial audit of this project is complete and that all costs submitted for funding were approved. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3894 An ordinance was read vacating the east 15 feet of the north Renton School 1500 feet of Kirkland Avenue NE, located south of NE 7th Street District Street adjacent to Renton Vocational Technical Institute as petitioned Vacation by Renton School District No. 403 (VAC 1-84) . Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions continued Street Vacation MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE continued ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3895 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain Honey Creek property and property rights by eminent domain providing for Sewer Inteceptor the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare Condemnation a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the Honey Creek Interceptor Project. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following ordinances for first reading: Issuance of An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $2,600,000 Water and Sewer par value of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1985, of the City Revenue Bonds for the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to 1985 pay the cost of carrying out the system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City, including the sewerage system as a part thereof, and providing a required amount for the arts; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, maximum interest rate, terms and covenants of such bonds; creating a special bond redemption fund to provide for the payment of the bonds; and providing for the sale of such bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Thomas Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-094-84 property located on the north side of SW 13th Street and 65 feet east of Maple Avenue SW from Single Family Residential District (R-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) for Elisa Thomas, File No. R-094-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2592 A resolution was read providing transfer of funds in the amount Fund Transfer for of $300,000.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 3665 (Utility Water & Sewer Connection Charges) unto Water and Sewer Construction Fund for Capital Improvement Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Projects. MOVED BY CLYMER, Projects SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See Consent Agenda, page 4. ) Resolution #2593 A resolution was read authorizing entry into the Green River Green River Management Agreement with the Cities of Auburn, Kent, and Management Tukwila and the County of King for the Green River Basin Program. Agreement MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Resolution #2594 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of funds for Fund Transfer for Green River Management Agreement in the amount of $31 ,200.00 Green River from Contingency Fund Ending Fund Balance unto Public Works Management Administration Current Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Agreement HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2595 A resolution was read approving Resolution No. 84-20 of King King County County Economic Enterprise Corporation to issue bonds in an Economic Enterprise aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,000,000 to Corporation Bond finance industrial development facilities for Mystic, Ltd. Issuance for in the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, Mystic, Ltd. COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2596 A resolution was read approving Resolution No. 84-19 of King King County County Economic Enterprise Corporation to issue bonds in an Economic Enterprise aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000 to Corporation Bond finance industrial development facilities for Hans Koch to Issuance for Corr-Pro Associates in the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, Corr-Pro Assoc. SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/4/85 Page seven New Business NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a status report of property Telemetry & and development at 402 South Tobin Street. He also advised Supervisory receipt of a letter questioning single bid received by City Control System on its Telemetry & Supervisory Control System Project (bid Project Bids opening 2/5/85) . City Attorney Warren explained that due to pre-requirement for sophisticated servicing equipment to meet bid qualifications, only one bidder could meet specifications. Government Councilman Stredicke asked to be replaced as the City' s Speaks Program representative on the Government Speaks Program, sponsored by Replacement Cable TV and filmed in the Tacoma City Council Chambers. He suggested that the members of the Community Services Committee attend the program to determine whether they would like to participate. Green Fee Referencing correspondence from City Attorney Warren regarding Passes at issuance of annual green fee passes to senior citizens, Maplewood included with information packet for Maplewood Golf Course Golf Course tee signs ( Item 7.9. of Consent Agenda) , Councilwoman Keolker indicated concern regarding authority of Park Board to authorize issuance of passes, particularly in view of strong Council opposition to this practice. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to review of the matter with staff and report back to Council at meeting of 3/11/85. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:07 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT • Houser Way E Williams Avenue S. Bridqe Painting DATF- • February 22, 1985 BIDDER BASE BID ALTERNATE EEO T7 Atterton Painting E Const., Inc. MBE 8 $20,529.00 $21,661.00 5512 160th NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 EEO B-G Paint Co., Inc. MBE B $26,900.00 $23,700.00 1324 65th Avenue NE Puyallup, WA ELU AA DMI Enterprises, Inc. MBE B $15,080.00 $34,990.00 P.O. Box 99 Bothell, WA 98041 ttU AX Olsen Bros. Drywall E Painting MBE B $32,700.00 $51,695.00 3202 South 36th Street Tacoma, WA 98409 EEO Tri-S Painting, Inc. MBE B $16,500.00 $37,700.00 Box 663 WA 98901 EEO AA WACO MBE BB $14,520.00 $23,820.00 P.O. Box 219 Kenmore, WA 98028 EEO A We Painters, Inc. L_W $48,150.00 P.O. Box 334 Lynnwood, WA 98046 Engineer's Estimate $80,000.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 4, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/7 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Building Code Revisions PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Thurs 3/7 8: 00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Bid award - Houser Way Bridge Painting (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 3/6 4: 00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Pending Referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 3/11 7: 00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS IS REPORT RECE QED OK? (YES OR NO) -- ISSUED - CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 G3/07/85 BUILDING ✓Z ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING MARCH 1. 1985 iBUILDING PERMITS 110882 200 G d M INVESTMENTS 3803 NE 4TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 162305909085 110881 80.000 TOM WIELGOES 2311 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N REMODEL RESIDENCE 3342104029 11088 1.720 METRO 800 MONSTER RD SW INST 2 GAS TANKS 2423049010 10885 671500 RELIANCE HOMES 2121 NE 27TH ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE !10886 150.000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INV 330 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 392680002004 110887 200400 E 3 H PROPERTIES 800 N 6TH ST CONST FDTN ONLY PER SEC. 303(A) 1982 UBC CODE 7 STORY BLDG 10888 8.500 LE ROY MAYES 1818 SHATTUCK AV S REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 722200035102 41 889 GEORGE STARCEVICH 209 SW LANGSTON RD DEMOLISH RES. BASEMENT EXPIRES 3-27-85 188890 SO.000 JIM/ROBERT COOKS 150 SW SUNSET BL CONST BLOCK ADDITION TO STATION 866350000505 10891 4.000 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2203 SE 8TH OR S/F ADDITION 14 61000 81000 10892 65.000 MICHAEL B. SHARP 2909 MILL AV S CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 8898700070 !LECTRICAL PERMITS 2307 3.000 CUMMINS ENGINE 801 S GRADY WY INST WIRING 12308 20 B H WHIDDEN 3772 NE 4TH ST WIRE SIGN 112309 1.150 MURPHY INDUSTRIES 1030 THOMAS AV SW WIRE OVEN. BATTERY CHARGER 12310 900 MAC GOHIL 3164 SUNSET SL NE INST DRY CLEANING MACHINES �J 2311 1x550 HIBURY HOMES 420 FERNDALE AV NE INST WIRING .12312 1.550 HIBURY HOMES 2634 NE STH CT INST WIRING 12313 6.583 SOUND FORD 238 S 7TH ST INST WIRING 12314 2.200 CHEK PRINT 4308 JONES AV NE INST 400 AMP PANEL 12315 1.500 ERNEST HEINZ 4616 NE 4TH ST WIRE SIGN •;12316 2.500 ZED LONG 2201 NE 27TH ST INST WIRING IN S/F RESIDENCE "12317 15.000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INV 330 SW 43RD ST INST WIRNG 12318 600 CARSON 1737 LAKE AV S WIRE HEAT PUMP 112319 600 CARSON 1737 LAKE AV S WIRE HEAT PUMP ;12320 1.445 CHECK PRINT 4308 JONES AV NE INST WIRING FOR BURGLAR SYSTEM :MECHANICAL PERMITS 10868 4.263 FRANK CARSON 1737 LAKE AV S INST HEAT PUMP 10869 22.000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST INST 14 GAS/ELECT. UNITS ;10870 1.500 JOHN MILIKEN 2400 NE 9TH ST INSTALL FURNACE 10871 1.009 MCLENDON HARDWARE 846 LINC AV SW INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM '10872 4.000 RON HALSEN 707 S 4TH ST INST ROOF UNIT B WALL UNIT 10873 600 LE ROY MAYES 1818 SHATTUCK AV S MOVE WOOD STOVE .10874125 RAY JENNINGS 2010 NE 27TH ST GAS LOG LIGHTER ;10875 60.000 YOUNG HEE CHANG 251 SUNSET BL N INST DRY CLEANING EQUIP. BOILER 10876 5.650 FORD MOTOR CO 201 S 7TH ST INSTALL EXHAUST SYSTEM ' PLUMBING PERMITS 255 3.000 JAMES BANKER 405 S 7TH ST INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 256 100 CUMMINS NW 811 SW GRADY WY INST COPPER LINE 257 650 KOLL IND PARK 342 SW 43RD ST INST GAS PIPING TO 3 OUTLETS 258 1.200 SUNSET DEV CORP 251 SUNSET BL N INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 259 1.200 BUSY BEE CLEANERS 3164 SUNSET 8L NE INST VACUMN BREAKER. ALTER PIPE 260 9.000 EDIFICE CONST 330 SW 43RD ST INST 16 PLBG FIXTURES 261 2.200 WICK HOMES 165 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 262 2.200 WICK HOMES 177 VASHON PL NE INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 263 2.300 WICK HOMES 4118 NE 1ST PL INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 264 439 HDK 935 POWELL AV SW INST 1 LDRY TRAY 265 4.700 HDK 935 POWELL AV SW INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 266 5.400 HKO 841 POWELL AV SW INST 16 PLBG FIXTURES 267 3.519 HOK 923 POWELL AV SW INST 11 PLEG FIXTURES 268 3.519 HDK 935 POWELL AV SW INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES S GN PERMITS 337 964 ROGER S FIX 3772 NE 4TH ST INST LIGHTED SIGN 1338 1.890 BUSY BEE CLEANERS 3164 NE SUNSET BL INST SIGN 1339 4.200 FRED STIENER 317 MAIN AV S INSTALL 160 SQ FT WALL SIGN 1340 00 101 DELI 536 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 20 SQ FT S/F SIGN 1341 875 JIM ROUTOS 4096 EAST VALLEY RD INST WALL SIGN 1342 800 AIRMASTER INC. 840 W PERIMETER RD INST 4 WALL SIGNS i 1343 1,500 ERNEST HEINZ 4616 NE 4TH ST INST ELECTRIC CABINET SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5911 Centron Construction 4702 Davis Avenue S. Commercial building sewer to Gateway II Buildings 5915 Union Avenue Co. 375 Union Avenue SE Building sewers (5) 5916 James D. Blood 3713 Park Avenue N. Sanitary building sewer r 5917 Wolf Bros. Oil Co., Inc. 230 SW 7th Remove curb and construct new curb cuts for driveways 304 OF R� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS O JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z ROBERT I. HUGHES rn KATHY KEOLKER 0 NANCY L. MATHEWS R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE O �Q THOMAS W. TRIMM 9�rFD SEPSE0� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 11, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 3/6/85 for Traffic Signal System Equipment; one bid; Engineer's Estimate: $175,000.00 total. Refer to Transportation Committee. b. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Gerald T. Rieck, 375 Union Avenue SE, #52, Renton, for paint damage to auto allegedly caused by rocks thrown on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park, which has been under construction (8/84 - 3/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $1,268. 31 (low estimate) filed by Jimmie L. Moncrief, 1194 Main Avenue South, Renton, for broken windshield and chipping of automobile paint allegedly caused by City equipment breaking up concrete on Main Avenue South (2/28/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. d. Court Case in an undetermined amount filed for William W. Frost, 1924 NE 21st Street, Renton, by legal counsel, Barokas and Martin, for injuries received in an auto accident allegedly caused by City failure to maintain roadway, maintain proper guardrail, and provide adequate hazard warnings in the 2200 block of NE 31st Street (Claim for Damaqes file CL 33-84) (6/6/83) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Court Case filed by Jackson Development, Inc. , Wick Homes, Inc. , and Hillis Homes, Inc. in Class Action for alleqed illegal Community Facilities Charges in the amount of $74,490.35. (3/1/82 - 9/26/83) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Public Works/Airport Department submits Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. request for lease of area to test aircraft engine fuel injection system; and potential purchase of leasehold interest in Old Vocational School Building #5-01. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 11, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Safety Hazard at Shattuck and S. 2nd Street Liquor Store Sign in Highlands City Right-of-Way CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Rieck Claim for Damages Moncrief Claim for Damages Frost Court Case Jackson Development et al Court Case MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Telemetry & Supervisory Control System Contract Execute Sunset Pump Station Contract Execute Traffic Signal System Equipment Contract TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Traffic Signal System Equipment Bid (Bid Awarded 3/11/85) Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. Lease and Purchase Request WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Building Code Revisions Cullen Rezone, R-114-84 ( 1st reading 3/11 /85) Adoption of Annual Zoning Map ( 1st reading 3/11 /85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/18/85 - Small Lot Single Family Residential Zone 4/8/85 - Adoption of Annual Zoning Map Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 11 , 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:05 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Patricia Lavery, 1100 N. 38th Street , Chairperson of Renton Fluoridation Citizens for Better Dental Health Committee, expressed (Ballot Issue, appreciation to Mayor Shinpoch, Council members, and City November, 1985) staff for the fine manner the fluoridation issue has been considered during the past year. Special thanks were extended to Administrative Assistant Mike Parness for his assistance in outlining necessary steps to bring the issue before the City Council . She indicated that the primary objective, to educate the citizens of Renton on the merits of fluoride, will continue to be met through efforts of the Committee. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Traffic Signal City Clerk reported bid opening 3/6/85 for Traffic Signal System Equipment System Equipment; one bid received; Engineer' s estimate: �r Bid $116,225.00 (Group 1 ) , $58,775.00 (Group 2) , $175,000.00 (Total ) . Refer to Transportation Committee (See Old Business) . Rieck Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Gerald T. for Damages Rieck, 375 Union Avenue SE, #52, Renton, for paint damage to CL 10-85 auto allegedly caused by rocks from roadway construction on Union Avenue SE between NE 4th Street and Leisure Estates Mobile Home Park (8/84 - 3/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Moncrief Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $1 ,268. 31 (low estimate) for Damages filed by Jimmie L. Moncrief, 119 Main Avenue South, Renton, CL 08-85 for broken windshield and chipping of automobile paint allegedly caused by City equipment breaking up concrete on Main Avenue South (2/28/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Frost Court Court case in an undetermined amount filed for William W. Case Frost , 1924 NE 21st Street, Renton, by legal counsel , Brokas and Martin, for injuries received in an auto accident allegedly caused by City failure to: 1 ) maintain roadway, 2) maintain proper guardrail , and 3) provide adequate hazard warnings in the 2200 block of NE 31st Street (Claim for Damages file CL 32-84) (6/6/83) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Jackson Court case in the amount of $74,490.35 filed by Jackson Development Development , Inc. , Wick Homes, Inc. , and Hillis Homes, Inc. Court Case in class action suit for alleged illegal Community Facilities Charges under Ordinance No. 3547. (3/1/82 - 9/26/83) Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Ellison Fluid Public Works/Airport Department submitted Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. Systems, Inc. request for lease of area to test aircraft Lease and engine fuel injection system; and potential purchase of Purchase Request leasehold interest in Old Vocational School Building #5-01 - Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/11/85 Page two Old Business OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report recommending adoption of the following Building Code Development revisions as submitted by staff: 1 ) correction of Subdivision Committee Ordinance section on residential cul-de-sacs; 2) modification Building Code of Mobile Home Park Ordinance: setbacks, annual license, and Revisions registration of occupants; 3) Conditional Use criteria with respect to parking in setbacks; and 4) reduction of side yard setbacks in Single Family and Two-Family Zones (G-1 , R-1 , and R-2) from six feet to five feet. Two pending items - code revision for recycling facilities and Fire Department procedures for reviewing single family and duplex building permit applications will be discussed at Committee meeting of 3/14/85. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER REVISIONS TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. Councilwoman Mathews requested clarification of installation fees in Mobile Home Park Ordinance prior to adoption. MOTION CARRIED. Safety Hazard Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration to investigate at Intersection the problem of sight-obscuring landscaping in the median at S. 2nd Street and Shattuck Avenue intersection, noting accident which occurred to northbound vehicle attempting to cross 2nd into Renton High School parking lot. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to review the matter and report back to Council . Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report concurring Committee in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept Telemetry and the bid of Uniface, Inc. , of Belmont, California, in the amount Supervisory of $361 ,268.04 for Telemetry and Supervisory Control System for Control System City Water System (W-731) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, for City Water COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE System (W-731 ) BID AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Upon inquiry, Chairman Hughes explained increase in bid from $285,666.00 (excluding sales tax) was due to additional alternate bid items including modifications, spare parts and reservoir. MOTION CARRIED. Upon further inquiry, City Attorney Warren gave assurances that the City had conformed to all bid laws throughout the bidding process. Sunset Pump Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report concurring Station in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the bid of Gelco Grouting Service of Salem, Oregon for Schedule A in the amount of $70,793.61 for the Sunset Pump Station System Bids. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE BID AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Traffic Engineering/ Traffic Signal Public Works Department to accept the sole bid submitted by System Equipment Wink-O-Matic Signal Company of Avon Lake, Ohio, in the amount of $153, 185.00 for the Traffic Signal System Equipment. Letter from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton explained that of the four prospective bidders, only one was able to submit an economically viable bid due to the contract specifications requiring that the traffic signal controllers must be capable of interfacing with the City of Renton ' s VMS 220 master computer. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT THE BID AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren said he was unfamiliar with this bid process; however, a procedure called ''sole source bidding'' allows the avoidance of bidding laws if only one company can meet City needs. MOTION CARRIED. Liquor Profits Councilwoman Mathews reported that both liquor profits tax Tax measures died in their respective State Legislative Committees last week; however, counties are expected to raise this matter again during next legislative session (1986) . Mayor Shinpoch noted potential loss in revenue in Renton of about $140,000 derived from liquor profits tax. �0F Renton City Council 3/11/85 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3896 An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of $2,600,000 Water & Sewer par value of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1985, of the City Revenue Bonds for the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds with which to 1985 pay the cost of carrying out the system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City, including the sewerage system as a part thereof, and providing a required amount for the arts; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, maximum interest rate, terms and covenants of such bonds; creating a special bond redemption fund to provide for the payment of the bonds; and providing for the sale of such bonds. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: REED, KEOLKER, HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Cullen Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-114-84 property located at 1900 SW 43rd Street from Business Use District (B-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) (Cullen, File No. R-114-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Adoption of An ordinance was read adopting the Zoning Map as official Annual Zoning designation for zoning classifications (annual adoption) . Map MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE TO BE HELD UNTIL PUBLIC HEARING DATE IS DETERMINED. City Clerk Motor advised public hearing date of April 8, 1985 would meet requirements. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF APRIL 8, 1985 TO CONSIDER THE ANNUAL ZONING MAP. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 5429 through 5713 in the amount of $814,461 .03, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 5430 through 5454 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a report on location of a Liquor Store liquor store sign in the City right-of-way on NE Sunset Sign Boulevard in the Highlands Shopping Center. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to investigate the matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch responded to Council inquiry of 3/4/85 regarding REPORT selection of Mother ' s Park building for energy conservation Washington project aimed at gas and oil heated buildings, sponsored by State Energy the State Energy Office. Several City buildings were considered Office Project for the program, but due to several factors, were disqualified: City Hall - electric heat; energy study commissioned in 1982 and currently being implemented; Library - 1982 conservation study; renovation scheduled for 1986 as budgeted; Highlands Administration Building - renovation scheduled for 1985 with Housing & Community Development funds and appropriation approved by City Council (electric heat pump proposed) . Mother' s Park building was determined the best candidate since it meets WSEO required qualifications (gas fired boiler) in a cost effective manner. Golf Course Regarding autonomy of the Park Board and authority to issue Passes Maplewood Golf Course passes to senior citizens, Mayor Shinpoch reported that by ordinance, the Park Board has authority under its autonomy to set fees. The Board has decided to leave golf course fees at current rate since those figures were built into financial considerations when Council made the decision to approve Renton City Council 3/11/85 Page four Administrative Report continued Golf Passes purchase. Against the advice of staff, the Board had moved for Senior to approve selling passes to senior citizens and restricting Citizens playing hours. The opinion of the City Attorney was sought and he advised the Board of his belief that it was inappropriate. The Director then asked the Park Board to delay consideration until a complete market program is devised and presented to the City Council during budget hearings. Therefore, the Board will take no action on the matter of passes at this time. Thomas Barr Council inquiry regarding land use change at 402 S. Tobin Rezone (3/4/85) : Mayor Shinpoch reported that a request for rezone R-009-85 has been made to L-1 (Light Industry) zone, which complies with Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. However, since the neighborhood consists of long-time single family residents, and the rezone request represents the first such change in use, some resistance is occurring in the area. Officer Robert Letter from Police Chief Alan Wallis was referenced by Mayor Vaughn Commended Shinpoch commending Officer Robert Vaughn for exercising a high degree of restraint during recent altercation with a suspect. Lt. Claude Evans described the incident , during which Officer Vaughn was repeatedly and violently struck and kicked by the suspect. it was the unanimous opinion of the Chief and the department review board that Officer Vaughn would have been justified in using deadly force to stop the attack. In using admirable and commendable restraint, he resolved the situation without such force, but suffered injury to himself. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL GIVE FULL SUPPORT TO THE MAYOR IN JOINING THE CHIEF IN THE COMMENDATION TO OFFICER ROBERT VAUGHN. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:43 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk 310 CHEKREGR CITY CF RENTON DATE 03/08/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#05428; #05430 - #05454 CURRENT $196.632.62 PARKS $82536.19 ARTERIAL STREETS $10206. 93 STREETS $55580. 95 LIBRARY $4439.06 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV 51 .326.74 STREET FORWARD THRUST $73912. 23 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $44954.75 WATERWORKS UTILITY $109, 933. 50 AIRPORT 511 .898 . 34 SOLID WASTE UTILITY $12059. 15 GOLF COURSE FUND $17,772.08 WATER $ SEWER CONSTRUCTION $174824.75 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $16. 929. 51 INSURANCE FUND $1 .454. 3 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $814.461 . 03 low WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEDAPTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 5429 THROUGH NO. 5713 IN THE AMOUNT OF $814,461 .03 i�-t+IS 11TH CAY OF MARCH 1985 . Q MA ' �- - - MEMBER - - - COMMITTEE CH IR h - MEMBER - - - - CITY COUNCIL L - TEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 11, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 3/14 7: 30 p.m. REED Fire Station Conference Room Council-City Manager Form of Government COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/19 4: 30 p.m. KEGLKEK 3rd Floor Conference Room Tee Signs at Maplewood Golf Course PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/14 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room No agenda announced PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Fri. 3/29 9: 00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Tentative scheduling (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 3/13 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Pending referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 3/18 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS LEOFF BOARD Weds. 3/13 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room W ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 H—+ 03/08/85 BUILDINRERMITNIIG DEPARTMENT � E WEEK ENDING MARCH 8, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 10892 651000 MICHAEL B. SHARP 2909 MILL AV S CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 8898700070 10893 PAUL & LILA HOUSER 415 WILLIAMS AV S DEMOLISH FIRE DAMAGED HOUSE 723150245501 10894 8,000 SHANE D SCHULKE 3701 SE STH PL CONSTRUCT GARAGE 512690043504 10895 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 375 UNION AV SE #37 SET MOBILE HOME 1Q0896 22x550 p0 OAKHURST DEV. CO. 3375 UNION AV SE #37 CONST PATIO ETC 102750126509 898 32.200 TED LPAUL HNIEMI 1912 SHATTUCKNE 7TH TAV S CONST OOFS/FSADDITION 7IDENCE 22200040003 10999 9.000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10900 160.000 EVERGREEN PROPERTIES 2000 BENSON RD S CONST FDTN ONLY, FILL. CLEAR PER SEC. 303(A) 202305913503 10901 420,000 MULL-RYERSON VENTURES 2825 NE 12TH ST CONST 15 UNITS EXTEND 8-8631 10902 ED RYBAR 212 S 3RD ST DEMOLISH, LEVEL & CLEAR DEBRIS 000720011501 10903 6,000 NORTHWEST BLDG CORP 441 RENTON CENTER WY SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10904 388 TEMPERLINE INC 41 2 WEST VALLEY RD CUT HOLES IN WALL 362304906203 10905 17,20 FRANK LEE 5121 RIPLEY LN N CONSTRUCT SWIMMING POOL 10906 100,000 T R HAZELRIGG 111 50J5 RIPLEY LN N CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES. 109 10907 7,0 0 THE SUNSET GROUP 24 SUNSET BL N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 3723 0520001 10908 76,300 WICK HOMES INC 117 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE BASIC 3608-10763 2525500090 10909 18,000 GEORGE BARBER 1314 UNION AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 032305926506 ELEZCTRICAL f"908UNIVERSAL 12322 1,550 HIBURYSHOMESPEINC. 413 FERNDALEVAVWNE WIREGNEWXRESIDENSTING CERVICE TO 600 A 12323 14,0060pO HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 93660o5 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN TENANT AREA H CT WIRE GARAGE NG 1226 2 500 DANSMITH0 BRUCE E ASSOCIATE 2666p QUEENAVNEER WT SW CHANGEIMAIN SERVICE TO 200 AMPS 12327 60 CHAFFEY CORP 4112 UNIONS CTP NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12328 1,100 WICK HOMES 12329 100 OAKHURST OEVEL CO 375 UNION AV SE #37 WIRE MOBILE HOME 1322330 4050 BIG FOOT RESTAURANTS 105 SW 7TH ST INST WIRING 331 DARREN PAINTER 26J5 BENSON j 2333 1200 NORTHWEST BLDG CORP 44 3803RENTNE ON CENTER WY SW ST INST WIRING S INST TEMPORARY POWER MECHANICAL PERM6TS 10877 700 HIBURY HOMES 455 FERNDALE AV NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10878 700 HIBURY HOMES 411 FERNDALE AV NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 109799 3900 DORAN FRANCES 8RS 6a666Z REDMOND AV NE INST WATER HEATER T WATER HEATER 18881 ,20 ERIKMCTCULLOUGH 6794INDEX EDMONDSAAVSNE INST WATER HEATER/FURNACE 10882 1.200 LEONARD BLORS 4212 SE 4TH ST INST FURNACE 10883 5,700 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST TRASH STERILIZER 1ST FLOOR-TRASH RM PLUMBING PERMITS 269 2,200 WICK HOMES 123 VASHON CT NE INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 2270 20p0 JOHN HOSEA 407 S 23RD ST INST 1 PLBG FIXTURE 272 2,21 LEONARD BOLORS 4212RSET4THCSTTER WY SW INST ill PLBGFFIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1344 600 GRACE ENTERPRISES 251 SUNSET SL N INST WALL SIGN 1345 4,000 RENTON LINCOLN MERCURY 201 S 7TH ST INST D/F POLE SIGN 1346 2,900 TOM GREENDALE 3803 NE 4TH ST INST WALL SIGN 1347 3,000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 330 SW 4380 ST INST WALL SIGN 1348 100 W F REEKS 410 BURNETT AV S INST 2 SIGNS 1349 200 CITY OF RENTON 1214 S PUGET DR INST OFF PREMISE DIRECT. SIGN EXPIRES 9-8-85 1350 1,000 SUNSET GROUP 233 SUNSET BL N INST 10 DAY GRAND OPENING SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5918 Ron Halsen 707 S. 4th Street Install storm line, sanitary building sewer 5919 Beckman Homes 708 SW 13th Street Install waterline and hydrant, storm & san. sewer connections 5920 Jake Wall 2701 NE 4th Court Side sewer 5921 Jake Wall 455 Ferndale NE Side sewer 5922 Jake Wall 411 Ferndale NE Side sewer 5923 Jake Wall 438 Ferndale NE Side sewer 5924 Jake Wall 2825 NE 4th Street Side sewer 5926 Don Thomas 838 Seneca Avenue SW Industrial sanitary and storm sewer connectors 1 OF R4�v AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES 0 � ° KATHY KEOLKER 0NANCY L. M 9 (01 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.ATHEWS TREDICKE 09 0�P THOMAS W. TRIMM 7TeD SEPjE0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MARCH 18, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 11, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Small Lot, Single Family Residential Zone 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 3/13/85 for Watermain on NE 6th Street from Monroe Avenue NE to Union Avenue NE; 9 bids; Engineer's estimate: $125,703. 00. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Paul E. Kapioski, 4211 SE First Place, Renton, for damage to a 1984 Toyota pickup and a 1969 Mustang allegedly caused by prolonged street repair on Union Avenue, south of 128th (10/84 - 2/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $535. 51 filed by James A. Fenis, 4126 SE Fourth Street, Renton, for automobile damages allegedly due to prolonged street repair of Union Avenue in the area of Fernwood Estates Mobile Home Park (10/84 - 2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $168. 58 filed by Joseph and Rebecca Shutler, 4107 SE Fourth Street, Renton, for automobile damages allegedly due to prolonged street repair of Union Avenue between SE Fourth and NE Fourth Streets (1/85 - 2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Court case in the amount of $1, 518.00 filed for Bernard Herring by legal counsel, Jeffrey D. Cohen, 312 Pioneer Building, Seattle, alleging funds seized by Renton Police Department were not returned (10/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Court case filed by legal counsel for Pemco Insurance Company on behalf of Burke W. Bleecker, 7072-122nd Avenue SE, Renton, seeking $4, 380.61 plus for injuries and damages allegedly caused by railroad crossing gate located near 41st Street, Valley Parkway and Lind (3/9/82) (Claim for Damages File No. CL 45-82) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. g. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Mrs. Peggy Hansen, 3512 NE 10th Court, to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term effective through 12/31/87, filling position vacated by Sylva Coppock who declined reappointment. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Public Works Department submits proposed Local Improvement District No. 331, sanitary sewer installation in Smithers Avenue S. between S. 21st Street and S. 23rd Street; petition signed by 570 of property ownership filed with City. Council set public hearing for 4/22/85. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Richard Grant, Chairman of Board of Commissioners for Water District No. 90 , requests opening of discussion with the City of Renton regarding possible purchase of water service; construction of emergency interties; and establishment of mutually beneficial water service area. 8. OLD BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADJOURNMENT 31 � RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 18, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Kapioski Claim for Damages Fenis Claim for Damages Shutler Claim for Damages Herring Court Case PEMCO (Bleecker) Court Case MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Contract for Phase II of P-1 Channel (SCS) Execute Contract for Conduit Installation PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Accessory Buildings in Single Family Zones UTILITIES COMMITTEE Watermain Project Bids on NE 6th Street Nater District No. 90 Request for Discussions (NAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission Appointment PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/8/85 - Adoption of Annual Zoning Map 4/22/85 - LID 331 - Smithers Avenue S. between S. 21st & S. 23rd Streets Dochnahl Annexation - date to be determined RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 18, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LARRY SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; LT. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 11 , 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted R-1-5 Zone and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Small Lot, opened the public hearing to consider proposed R-1-5, Small Single Family Lot, Single Family Residential Zone as recommended by the Residential Planning Commission. Gene Williams, Policy Development Department, described objectives of the proposed zone: 1 ) to provide variety in housing type and more private open space; 2) to offer flexibility of design - how buildings may be located within the platted area; 3) provide potential for more affordable housing; and 4) offer alternative to R-2, duplex residential zone, between single family and commercial or high density residential zones. Continued Mr. Williams explained that the zone is not intended as an intrusion into single family neighborhoods, but rather, as a buffer between those and higher density areas. As an alternative to the duplex zone, which allows 12 units per acre, the R-1-5 would allow eight units per acre, slightly more than the six units per acre allowed in single family zones. Due to strict policy requirements, there are few locations in the City where the zone may be allowed. These requirements stipulate that an applicant for an R-1-5 rezone may only qualify if zoning on abutting parcels (single family residential on one side and commercial/medium or high density multifamily on the other) is in place; if the property to be rezoned consists of at least three 5,000 square foot lots; and if the depth of the area does not exceed 400 feet. Continued Alternative platting and building configurations were described by Mr. Williams: building envelope placed in center of lot with five foot sideyard setbacks (10 feet between units) ; building envelope shifted to lot line with 10-foot setback/maintenance easement between units; two units sharing common wall , abutting lot line; or four common wall units surrounded by common open space. Continued The three elements comprising the proposal were described: Comprehensive Plan Policies, which would provide changes to allow implementation of the new zoning category; actual Zoning Code provisions; and minor amendments to the Fire Code which would require installation of sprinkler systems if clustering of units results in a structure of 12,000 square feet or more in size. Continued Audience comment was invited. Robin Little, 264 Maple Avenue NW, indicated concern that vacant property abutting high density development on West Hill would invite R-1-5 rezones. He recalled a rezone approved in 1979 for the entire West Hill area to R-1 , single family residential zone. Policy Development Director Larry Springer explained requirement for commercial , R-3 or R-4 zoning to be in place prior to rezone of abutting site to R-1-5. It was his conclusion that although specific review of any rezone is necessary, the 316 Renton City Council 3/18/85 Page two Public Hearing - R-1-5 Small Lot Zone R-1-5 Zone existing R-1 zoning would most likely remain since buffering Small Lot, would be unnecessary between two single family zones. Single Family Residential Anita Thelander, 512 Mill Avenue S. , questioned impact of (continued) proposed zoning category on potential development along Mill Avenue S. which is zoned R-3, medium density multifamily residential . Mr. Williams indicated his opinion that none of the criteria required for approval of the R-1-5 zone exist on Renton Hill ; and approval of a rezone would be unlikely. Mayor Shinpoch noted that the City will not initiate rezones. Applications must be filed with the City and receive required review by the Hearing Examiner and City Council . Upon inquiry by Mrs. Thelander regarding a reduction in allowable density along Mill Avenue S. in past years, Mayor Shinpoch agreed to investigate the matter with staff. (See Mr. Webb' s comments later in public hearing.) Continued Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue S. , asked if, in order to be approved, the R-1-5 zone must abut directly against R-1 zones. Mr. Williams reiterated buffering concept of the policy, noting authority of the Hearing Examiner and City Council to interpret policies during review process. Mr. Stremick also commented that the R-1-5 zone should not be an island surrounded by R-1 on all sides. Mr. Williams confirmed that the policies would preclude the occurrence of that type of zoning. Continued Mary Ryan, 645 Shattuck Avenue S. , questioned designation of potential R-1-5 zoning on Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Springer explained that ordinance language requires actual zoning to be in place as opposed to potential development reflected on Comprehensive Plan; thereby, demonstrating actual need for a buffer between single family residential and more intensive use. Ms. Ryan questioned whether the Zoning Code reflects any other zone provisions in which a rezone is subject to conditions as a result of zoning category of abutting property. She predicted possible delay in development of vacant property while potential buyers await rezone of abutting sites. Mr. Springer cited conditions of the Manufacturing Park (M-P) Zone in which setbacks vary dependent upon land use of adjoining parcel , with greater setbacks required adjacent to single family use. Continued Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, advised that the allowable density of the R-3 zone had been reduced from 30 to 25 units per acre a few years ago, which may have affected potential development on Mill Avenue S. Continued Councilwoman Keolker questioned how persons interested in buying property in Renton would be able to research potential R-1-5 zoning on Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Maps. Mr. Springer suggested that a good knowledge of Comprehensive Plan policies and the Zoning Code would be necessary in being aware of the potential zone. Also, Building and Zoning Department staff would apprise citizens of zoning potential of surrounding lots. He felt that from the standpoint of existing single family homeowners, the new zone would be a positive feature in buffering them from more intensive uses, including R-2 duplex zone. Continued Councilwoman Keolker asked for the underlying Comprehensive Plan designation for R-1-5. Mr. Springer indicated that a single family residential category would be reflected since a developer would tend to develop to the higher allowable density if the property were designated medium density. However, approval of a rezone to R-1-5 would require compliance with all other policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Continued Councilwoman Mathews asked whether the Hearing Examiner would have the authority to reject a rezone request to R-3 or R-4 and instead grant a rezone to R-1-5 if he felt the site met the intent of all required policies. Mr. Springer felt that would be a possibility. Renton City Council 3/18/85 Page three Public Hearing - R-1-5 Small Lot Zone R-1-5 Zone Councilwoman Mathews questioned whether an existing single family Small Lot, development located north of Maplewood Golf Course, separated Single Family from R-4 apartment development by a strip of undeveloped Residential property, would be eligible for R-1-5 rezone. She noted that (continued) part of the undeveloped site is constrained by steep topography which renders it undevelopable. Mr. Springer felt that the undevelopable property itself creates a buffer; therefore, rezone to R-1-5 would not meet required criteria. w~ Continued Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Keolker regarding potential rezone to R-1-5 zone to buffer single family residential use on Renton Hill from R-3 zoned property on Mill Avenue S. , Mr. Williams indicated that need for a buffer must be clearly established for the rezone to be granted by the Hearing Examiner and City Council . Continued Councilman Stredicke expressed appreciation to Policy Development staff for efforts expended in development of the draft ordinance. However, he opposed its approval since he felt most citizens are not aware of potential development of property next door. Continued Councilman Clymer questioned building design potential , clustering concept, and lot coverage requirements, noting potential for attractive or unattractive development depends upon developer' s discretion. Continued Councilwoman Mathews indicated her hope that if the new zone is approved, the intent would be for protection of the single family residential neighborhood, not to allow higher density than is now provided for by Code. Mr. Springer reported that at the current time, undeveloped property can either be rezoned to the higher or lower intense zoning category. The intent of the R-1-5 zone is to make available a gradual transition buffer of lower density than duplex zone to preclude single family homes from directly abutting R-2 or higher zones. Continued Councilman Hughes questioned whether developers would choose to cluster units when faced with high cost of sprinkler systems (Fire Code requirement) . Mr. Williams clarified that sprinkling would only be required if the building exceeded 12,1000 square feet in size, and to avoid that requirement, developers would most likely scale down the building. Continued MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Reed, seconded by Clymer, refer this subject matter to Planning and Development Committee. Roll Call : 3 Ayes: Reed, Clymer, Trimm. 4 Nays: Stredicke, Keolker, Hughes, Mathews. Motion Failed. (See later action.) AUDIENCE COMMENT Rune Strom, 16414 NE 97th Place, Redmond, representing Delta Sewer Moratorium Financial Services, 4311 NE Sunset Boulevard, indicated intent in Renton to construct new facility near existing building and requested Highlands approval to obtain a building permit. He noted that although the sewer moratorium in the area will not be lifted until completion of Honey Creek interceptor, hookup of the new building to the sewer system could be predicated upon completion of the interceptor. Mayor Shinpoch reported that bids will not be let for the project until June, 1985. Administrative Assistant Parness asked that this request and other similar requests received by the City be referred to a Council committee for review. Upon advice of City Attorney Kellogg, it was suggested that the request be resubmitted to the City Council after the bids are let in June. At that time, the City would have information regarding specific completion dates and would be in a better position to respond to the request-for building permit issuance. City Council Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , noted submission of a letter Agenda Procedure addressed to the Mayor and City Council prior to City Council meeting of 2/25/85, which reiterated comments made in his testimony at 2/11/85 Council meeting. The comments related to need for improved public address system in Council Chambers, requested that discussions regarding City Manager form of Renton City Council 3/18/85 Page four Audience Comment continued Audience Comment government be open to the public, and suggested that continued consideration be given to regional rather than at-large City Council Council representation. He questioned why his letter was Agenda Procedure not placed on the City Council agenda, and why no action was taken on his requests. Administrative Assistant Parness explained agenda preparation policies, and noted that only those matters requiring Legislative action are placed on the agenda. He advised that the matter of improvement of the public address system was referred to the Administration on 2/25/85 and the matter is being studied; the City Council did not choose to take action on the remaining two items when raised by Mr. Webb on 2/11/85• Upon further inquiry, Mr. Webb was advised that agenda content is at the discretion of the City Clerk and Mayor' s office; citizens also have the opportunity to address the Council during the time set aside for audience comment during the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Watermain on City Clerk reported bid opening 3/13/85 for Watermain Project NE 6th Street on NE 6th Street from Monroe to Union Avenue NE; 9 bids: Engineer' s estimate: $125,703.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Kapioski Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Paul E. for Damages Kapioski , 4211 SE First Place, Renton, for damage to a 1964 CL 09-85 Toyota pickup and a 1969 Mustang allegedly caused by prolonged street repair on Union Avenue, south of 128th (10/84-2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Fenis Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $535.51 filed by James A. for Damages Fenis, 4126 SE Fourth Street, Renton, for automobile damages CL 11-85 allegedly due to prolonged street repair of Union Avenue between SE Fourth and NE Fourth Streets (10/84-2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Shutler Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $168.58 filed by Joseph for Damages and Rebecca Shutler, 4107 SE Fourth Street, Renton, for CL 12-85 automobile damages allegedly due to prolonged street repair of Union Avenue between SE Fourth and NE Fourth Streets (1/84-2/85) . Refer to City Attorney S insurance service. Herring Court Court case in the amount of $1 ,518.00 filed for Bernard Case Herring by legal counsel , Jeffrey D. Cohen, 312 Pioneer Building, Seattle, alleging funds seized by Renton Police Department were not returned (10/9/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. PEMCO Insurance Court case filed by legal counsel for Pemco Insurance Company (Bleecker) on behalf of Burke W. Bleecker, 7072-122nd Avenue SE, Renton, Court Case seeking $4,380.61 plus for injuries and damages allegedly caused by railroad crossing gate located near 41st Street, Valley Parkway and Lind (3/9/82) (Claim File No. CL 45-82) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Municipal Arts Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mrs. Peggy Hansen, 3512 NE 10th Court, Commission to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term Appointment effective through 12/31/87, filling position vacated by Sylva Coppock who declined reappointment. Mrs. Hansen has been instrumental in the success of Community Opera productions; is active in other community endeavors, and is highly recommended by other Commission members. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. LID 331 Public Works Department submitted proposed Local Improvement Smithers Avenue District No. 331 , sanitary sewer installation in Smithers South and S. Avenue S. between S. 21st and S. 23rd Streets; petition 21st/23rd Streets signed by 57% of property ownership filed with City. Council set public hearing for April 22, 1985. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. IQ Renton City Council 3/13/85 Page five Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Richard Grant, Chairman of Board of Water District Commissioners for Water District No. 90, requesting opening No. 90 Request of discussion with the City of Renton regarding possible purchase of water service; construction of emergency interties that would be of benefit to the City and District; and establishing a mutually beneficial water service area. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a report regarding pending Committee referrals: Utility tax break for senior citizens and history of the of the matter (referred 10/6/80) ; Metro rates (referred Whole 4/19/82) ; and Voter' s Pamphlet (referred 9/17/84) . The Referrals Committee has determined that no further action is required on these items and recommends that they be removed from the referral list. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Proposed MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REJECT THE R-1-5 Zone RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND NOT APPROVE THE Tabled R-1-5 ZONE. Council President Reed spoke against the motion since he felt that the proposed R-1-5 zone provides an appropriate buffer to protect single family residential use of lesser density than any other existing zone. Councilwoman Keolker felt that the City' s existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) process allows similar development, but provides a better opportunity to homeowners to monitor surrounding proposed development. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL TABLE THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSED R-1-5 ZONE. CARRIED. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending that the City Council accept sponsorship of Phase II - Phase II of the Soil Conservation Service' s P-1 Channel SCS P-1 Channel and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement for construction and operation of the proposed flood control channel . The Committee further recommended that the Public Works Department administer the filling and grading permit for this phase. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Installation Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report of Conduit concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Between City Department to accept the low bid of Potelco, Inc. in the Shops and amount of $189,576.08, including tax, to install the conduit Municipal between the Municipal Building and the City Shops. The Building Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATON OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Engineer' s estimate for the project was $199,215.00. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3897 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Cullen Rezone property located at 1900 SW 43rd Street from Business Use R-114-84 District (B-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1 ) (Cullen, File No. R-114-84) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3898 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Thomas Rezone property located on the north side of SW 13th Street and R-094-84 65 feet east of Maple Avenue SW from Residential District (R-1 ) to Light Industrial District (L-1) for Elisa Thomas, File No. R-094-84. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 320 Renton City Council 3/18/85 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: Fence & Hedge An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 4-702 Regulations of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding definitions and amending Section 4-717(C) of Title IV (Building Regulations) relating to fences and hedges. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND & FINAL READING. Upon inquiry, Chairman Clymer explained need to adopt ordinance prior to Board of Adjustment meeting of March 27, 1985 to expedite several pending items. Councilman Stredicke also advised that the ordinance provides a mechanism for administrative review by the Building & Zoning Department of certain applications which have previously been submitted to the Board of Adjustment. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3899 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned Fence & Hedge ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL Regulations ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: STREDICKE, KEOLKER, HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, MATHEWS. 1 NAY: REED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke advised receipt of a letter from a citizen Accessory questioning Board of Adjustment guidelines for approval of Buildings in accessory buildings. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Single Family REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF SIZE AND LOCATION OF Zones ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN SINGLE FAMILY ZONES TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry of 2/25/85, regarding destination REPORT of fill material removed from the 1-90 project, Mayor Shjnpoch 1-90 Fill Project confirmed that a five-year City of Renton fill permit has been issued to a hauler who either has been awarded the State contract or is high on the list to obtain the contract for the 1-90 fill material . The fill permit is reviewable each year to monitor wear on roads and impact on traffic to the N. 3rd (Cemetery Road) destination. The 1-90 contract must be completed within six months and would accelerate the hauling from a five year period to that much shorter time span. The City is in a position to dictate the number of trips, service routes and hours of operation to minimize impact on traffic and roads. Upon inquiry, it was noted that the trucks will tenatively be routed off I-405, south on Sunset Boulevard and east on N. 3rd. Liquor Store The State Liquor Board has been advised by Mayor Shinpoch that Sign an illegally placed liquor store sign in the NE Sunset Boulevard right-of-way must be removed by 3/21/85. (Council inquiry 3/11/85.) Accident Rate Council inquiry of 3/11/85: Accident rate at intersection of Near Renton Shattuck Avenue and N. 2nd Street near Renton High School - High School Mayor Shinpcoh reported that buttons already existed on Shattuck, Morris and Smithers prohibiting left turns to northbound traffic onto S. 2nd which required crossing two lanes and the landscaped median. Last week, barricades and hash marks were installed. The intersections are considered dangerous--39 accidents have occurred at those intersections from 1979 through 1984. Both Public Works and Parks Departments have been asked to provide a permanent solution to mitigate this problem, caused in part by sight-obscuring landscaping in the median. It was also noted that the traffic signal at Morris and S. 2nd Street has been relocated to Burnett Avenue S. ; the remaining two signals will be monitored to determined if a flashing mode would be appropriate. Happy B-Day Happy birthday greetings were extended to Councilman Bob Hughes! Councilman Hughes ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET NO. W-790; B-INCH WATER P RO JECT : NET6th STREETTFROM MONROE NE TO UN ONMNEN DATE • MARCH 13, 1985 Bids include sales tax MbL AA BIDDER EEO BB BID ARCHER CONST. CO. X $112,193.75 18211 East Valley Road Kent, WA 98031 BLAKELY BROS. INC. X $130,551.06 1407 S. 129th Seattle, WA 98168 GARY BUDD CONST. CO. X $116,147.72 2440 140th NE, #42 Bellevue, WA 98005 DELMAR CONST. CO. X $127,488.28 15624 7th Avenue E. Tacoma, WA 98445 MANFRED DUSKE CO. X $116,428.50 24206 183rd SE Kent, WA 98042 EVERGREEN UTILITY CONTRACTOR X $140,115.98 P.O. Box 686 Woodinville, WA 98072 GRANT CONSTRUCTION X $96,497.32 12901 172nd SE Renton, WA 98056 r PAPE E SONS CONST. X $156,381.78 2809 Cabrini Avenue NW Giq Harbor, WA 98335 RENTON CONSTRUCTION CO. X $113,304.40 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $125,703.00 C� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/19 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Tee Signs at Maplewood Golf Course PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT No Meeting STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Fri. 3/29 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room (AVIATION) UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS E MEANS Mon. 3/25 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS S EVENTS j;SU10 _-__. --- --- _-__ _ __ CLTY OF k7"jTON - -- .-_-.--- __ __ PALE -1 - 03/1$/85 BUILDING 8 ZONING DEPARTMENT P=RMIT.S ISSUED WEEK ENDING MARCH 15, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 10905 17x200 FRANK LEE 5121 RIPLEY LN N CONSTRUCT SWIMMING POOL 10906 100,,000 T R HAZELPIGG III 5025 RIPLEY LN N CONST ADDITION TO S/F R°S. 10907 7/COO THE SUNSET GROUP 247 SUNSET BL N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10908 70.200 WICK HOMES INC 117 VASHON CT NE CCNST S/F RESIDENCE 10909 18.000 GEORGE BARBER 1314 UNION AV NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10910 465.000 THE REID GROUP 101 SW 41ST ST CONSTRUCT OFFICE BLDG 10911 30,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 500 N 67H ST IRRIGATION, FILL, LANDSCAPE 10912 3,4Q0 NORCCN DEV-LGPMENT 21 C SE 8TH DR ADDITION TO S/F RES. 10913 6,5880 NORCON DEVELOPMENT 2210 SE 8TH OR CONST DETACHED 'GARAGE 10914 2x000 GORDON TANG 333 VUEMONT PL NE REROCF APARTMENT 10915 OAKHURST DEV 375 UNION AV SE 0162 SET MOBILE HOME 10916 2,500 OAKHURST DEV 375 UNION AV SE x162 CONSTRUCT PATIO ETC 10917 OAKHURST DEV 375 UNION AV SE 072 SET MOBILE HOME ^918 2x500 OAKHURST DCV 375 UNION AV SE 072 CONSTRUCT PATIO ETC 3919 55.-0 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT rr i� ?20 53,6 WICK HOMES INC 115 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 16421 69,8 0 WICK HOMES 171 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 100422 69f6OpO WICK HOMES 159 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESID:NCE 10424 69.E00 WICK HOMES 1104 UNIONNCTTNE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10925 7611H WICK HOMES 18� VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10;26 76, WICK WICK HOMES 42 2 NE 1ST PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10927 76,300 WICK HOME 128 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10928 76x300 WICK HOMES 172 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 1p929 76x300 WICK HOMES 160 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10930 56,300 LEONARD BLDRS 4308 SE 4TM PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10931 50,000 JUDITH FILLIPS 3405 SE 7TH ST REMODEL S/F RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12334 1,550 HIBURY HOMES 455 FERNDALE AV NE INST WIRING 12335 750 E 8 H PROPERTIES 500 N 6TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12336 758 PAUL HOUSER 129 NE 7TH ST CHANGE SERVICE/WIRE ADDITION 12337 5 LEONARD BLDRS 4212 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12338 50 LEONARD BLDRS 4308 SE 4TH PL INST TEMPORARY POWER 12339 3,200 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 1220 N 4TH ST CONVERT OVERHEAD TO U/G 12340 1,100 WICK HOMES, 0101 4106 NE 15T PL INST WIRING 12341 7,208 ROGER STROMBERG 740 N 32ND ST INST WIRING 12342 5 LALLERN SCHUH 2021 VASHON AV NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12343 1.-500 LALLERN SCHUH 2021 VASHON AV NE INST WIRING 12344 10 SCHNEIDER HOMES 562 NEWPORT AV NE INST TEMPORARY PCWER 12345 210 SCHNEIDER HOMES 571 OLYMPIA AV NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12346 50 RELIANCE CORP 2021 NE 27TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12348 3.500 VO CO 282 SW 43RD ST INST 400 AMP SERVICE 12349 1x800 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST WIRE 5 HP FAN IN BOILER ROOM 12350 2,000 GEORGE BARBER 1314 UNION AV NE INSTALL AODTL CIRCUITS 1 23 1 908 MR BOHN 1011 N 34TH ST INST WIRING, 200 AMPS 12352 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 0162 WIRE MOBILE HOME 12353 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 072 WIRE MOBILE HOME MECHANICAL PERMIITS 10882 I.- LEONARD BLDRS 4212 SE 4TH ST INST FURNACE 10863 5,700 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST TRASH STERILIZER 10884 10x000 DELICATILUE 330 SW 43RD ST INST FURNACE, AMU UNIT '10885 1x800 HIBURY HOMES ' 38 FERAOALE AV NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10886 1x800 HIBURY HOM=S 2701 NE 4TH CT INST FLRNACeE/WATER HEATER 10887 5,000 NORTHWEST BLDG CORP 364 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST 2 HVAC UNITS,, ALTER DUCTS '10608 2,,650 CITY OF RENTON 909 HARRINGTON AV NE INST 5 REPLACEMENT HEATERS +� �1Q889 VOID 199890 1,500 TnE SUNSET GROUP 247 SUNSET BL N INST FURNACE. EXHAUST FAN 10891 1,,500 THE SUNSET GROUP 251 SUNSET 8L N INST FURNACE. EXHAUST FAN .10892 650 DOMINICS PIZZA 935 HARRINGTON AV NE INST MECHANICAL FOR HVAC 10893 . 3x000 ANDREW KESSELRING 2711 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACE, AIR CLEANER, HTR 10894 400 MARCIA L. PEOERS:N 4524 SE 4TH ST FIREPLAC INSERT 10895 12,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST INST HOODS, FURN,, COOLER 10996 28x000 HOLVICK 2E REGT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW INST HVAC SYSTEMS 10897 500 RENTON SCHOOL DIST. 3000 NE 4TH ST INST SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN BLO E 10898 20rOQ0 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 4 0 S 4'RD ST INST 5 HP FAN IN BOILER. ROOM 10899 3x 4 ANDREW KESSELRING 2711 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10900 1,,000 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 935 PCWELL AV $W INST 5 A/C 'GAS PIPING ONLY .'PLUMBING PERMITS 272 2,210 LEONARD BLDRS 4212 SE 4TH ST INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 273 118 JACK CURRAN 20 Sw 7TH ST INST 10 OUTLETS 274 3x280 J L RANKIN 2822 CEDAR AV S _ INST 15 PLBG FIXTURES 75 .0 0 HIBURY HOMES 28 3 N= 4TH CT INST 13 PLBG FIXTLRES 1,800 HISURY HOMES 011 INDEX PL NE INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES M x000 ROGER BECKMAN 708 SW 13TH ST INSTALL o PLUMBING FIXTURES 278 1.700 WICK HOMES 121 UNION CT NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 279 x400 JIM BECKWITH 33 o EDMONDS AV NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 280 1x600 DARREN PAINTER 2625 BENSON RD S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS - 1348 108 W F REEKS 410 BURNETT AV S INST 2 SIGNS 1349 200 CITY OF RENTON 1214 S PUGET OR INST OFF PREMISE DIRECT. SIGN 113510 1,00000 SUNSET GROUP 233 SUNSET oL N INST 10 DAY GRAND OPENING SIGN 1352 5,200 DaNDHC4M�5TEF�AlATI0bA1 _. j�5010 NEN4TrTi ST -N E_ __ INST TEMPORARY SIGN 1353 2x000 ON RR 3801 OAKESDALE AV SW SIGN i CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5927 Holvick deRegt Koering 901 Powell Avenue SW PCC Driveway on Powell Avenue SW 5928 Schneider Homes, Inc. 104th Avenue SE- SE 200th Install storm sewer for detention pond thru Springbrook Watershed Property ar 324 OF R� � � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS I1 IOHN W. REED, CO".lNCIL PRESIDENT EARL C.YMER Z ROBERT S. HUGHES n rn KATHY K£OLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.NANCY L. MATHEWS 9q � MMCKE 09grED SEPj����P REGULAR MEETING THOMAS W. TR PRESIDING MARCH 25, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 18, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda ':gym or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to tha . item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, plc-xse walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $300 filed by Donaah Anderson, 5521-12th NE, Seattle, for automobile windows allegedly broken when rocks were thrown from a City snow plow (2/1/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. b. Claim for damages in the amount of $1, 542.60+ filed by Tri Minh Luu, 13605 SW Jenkins Road #72, Beaverton, Oregon, for automobile damage allegedly sustained when hit by City sanding truck (2/1 /85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. c. Mayor Shinpoch appoints Mr. Greg Halstead, 460 Stevens Avenue NW, Renton, to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Margaret Anderson (resigned) effective through December 31, 1985. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Mrs. Barbara Lansing, 7271 S. 129th Street, Seattle, to the Human Rights & Affiars Commission for a two-year term effective to April 25, 1987. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Parks Department requests fund transfer in the amount of $37, 450. 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment Amortization Fund) unto Parks Facilities Machinery & Equipment Fund for replacement of International Backhoe/Loader. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Deputy Finance Director William E. Bennett requesting acceptance of low bid for 1985 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds; bid opening 3/25/85. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS lint. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL March 25, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Proposed R-1-5 Zone CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Anderson Claim for Damages Luu Claim for Damages MAYOR & CITY CLERK Bridge Painting Contract 1985 Water/Sewer Revenue Bond Documents WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission Appointment Human Rights & Affairs Commission Reappointment Fund Transfer for Backhoe/Loader in Park Department PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/8/85 - Adoption of Annual Zoning Map 4/22/85 - LID 331 - Smithers Ave. S. between S. 21st & S. 23rd Streets Dochnahl Annexation - date to be announced ,1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 25, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, � RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 18, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the month of March, Ron Heiret 1985, as Ronald E. Heiret Month in honor of Ron' s dedication Month to the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Renton for the past twenty-four years and five months in providing direction, leadership, innovative ideas, dedication and loving care to sustain the highest level of park facilities in the State of Washington. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Ron will be honored by his co-workers at a dinner to be held Friday, March 29 at the Renton Elks Club. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , stated his opinion that reasons Proposed given for not supporting the proposed R-1-5 Zone during public R-1-5 Zone hearing on 3/18/85 were inconsistent. He urged the City Council , staff and Planning Commission to coordinate efforts with developers to work together in providing a well-planned, vibrant municipality. He expressed concern for provision of affordable housing in the future, citing high costs of construction and property, and supported removal of the matter from the table to allow enlightened discussion and action to approve the R-1-5 Zone. Board of Ona Bergeron, 808 N. 29th Street, requested information Ethics regarding membership and meeting schedule for the City' s Board of Ethics. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the five members of the Board meet on call upon receipt of a written complaint. Information will be supplied to Ms. Bergeron by the City Clerk. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Anderson Claim for damages in the amount of $300 filed by Donagh Claim for Anderson , 5521-12th NE, Seattle, for automobile windows Damages allegedly broken when rocks were thrown from a City snow CL 14-85 plow (2/l/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Luu Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $1 ,542.60+ filed by Tri for Damages Minh Luu, 13605 SW Jenkins Road #72, Beaverton, Oregon, for CL 13-85 automobile damage allegedly sustained when hit by City sanding truck (2/1/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Municipal Arts Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Greg Halstead, 460 Stevens Avenue Commission NW, Renton, to the Municipal Arts Commission, completing the Appointment term of Margaret Anderson (resigned) effective through 12/31/85. Mr. Halstead is an architecture student at the University of Washington. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Human Rights Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Mrs. Barbara Lansing, 7271 S. 129th and Affairs Street, Seattle, to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission Commission for a two-year term effective to April 25, 1987. Mrs. Lansing Reappointment has served on the Commission since 1981 . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council 3/25/85 Page two Consent Agenda continued Park Department Parks Department requested fund transfer in the amount of Equipment Fund $37,450-00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment Transfer Amortization Fund) in the amount of $37,450.00 unto Parks Facilities Machinery & Equipment Fund 20.575. 10.64 for the replacement of International Backhoe/Loader PE-12 #4573238• Refer to Ways and Means Committee for legislation. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from W. E. Bennett , Deputy Finance Director, was read 1985 Water/Sewer recommending acceptance by the City Council of the low bid Revenue Bonds of 9.7311% submitted by Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation to purchase the 1985 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds. Issuance of the bonds was authorized on 3/11/85 through Council adoption of Ordinance No. 3869. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE DEPUTY FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ACCEPT THE BID, AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR CITY CLERK AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES TO EXECUTE THE DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from Mary Ryan, 450 Shattuck Avenue S. , requested R-1-5 removal of the matter of the R-1-5 Zone from the table. She Zone felt that the only requisite to suitability of the zone should be its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan; less than 15 acres per year would qualify for the zone due to various restrictions; and the City should follow the lead of the Planning Commission and approve the new zone with little or no limitations on the location. The letter further indicated that concerns related to large homes being placed on minimal lots, and potential development on Renton Hill are not reasonable in view of available facts. Common wall construction creates a positive energy conservation housing type which will be in greater demand as fuel costs increase in the future. Elimination of the buffer restrictions of the zone was also supported since so little vacant land exists which meets requirements. Procedure to Mayor Shinpoch noted receipt by all Council members of a letter Remove Item from the City Attorney responding to their request for from Table procedure to remove an item from the table. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MATTER Proposed OF THE PROPOSED R-1-5 ZONE FROM THE TABLE (Motion to table on R-1-5 3/18/85) . CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Zone THIS ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL.-, Continued Speaking in favor of the motion , Council President Reed indicated that a number of questions raised by Council members show need for review of this matter and report back to Council with changes. Councilwoman Mathews cited concerns contained in a letter she sent to all Council members last week regarding clustering concept; lack of requirements to submit plot plan at time of rezone request; topographic constraints; designation on Comprehensive Plan; and need to preclude a long, single row of housing. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the letter will be forwarded to Policy Development Director Springer, who will discuss the matter with the Planning Commission. 'MOTION CARRIED. Victoria Hills Council President submitted a packet of letters from Victoria PUD Hills residents regarding a Planned Unit Development application currently pending before the Hearing Examiner. Letters have been received from Bryan and Chris Reightley, 2520 Mill Avenue S. ; John and Elaine Kiernan, 1126 S. 22nd Court; Richard and Cheryl Didrickson, 1118 South 23rd Street; Dwayne and Molly Newcomb, 2416 Main Court South; Kris Boehlke, 2301 Main Court S. ; Leo and Jan Zipp, 1115 South 27th Place; Bruce J. Hanninen , 1114 S. 22nd Ct. ; Steve and Laura Terrell . Renton City Council 3/25/85 Page three Old Business OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Transportation concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Committee to accept the second low bid of Atterton Painting, Inc. , of Gig Houser Way and Harbor for painting the Houser Way and Williams Avenue South Williams Avenue Bridges using the alternate Urethane Paint System and the South Bridge alternate items: Houser Way Pedestrian Bridge Handrails and Painting Project North Riverside Drive Handrails. Bid: $26,923.00. Continued The apparent low bidder, WACO, has requested that its bid be excused based upon bid error. The Transportation Committee concurs in the Public Works Department recommendation to excuse WACO from the bid process. The Committee also recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. For the record, Councilwoman Keolker asked for the original engineer ' s estimate. Chairman Mathews reported that the original estimate of $$0,000.00 was provided by the State Highway Department. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following resolutions for reading & adoption: Resolution #2597 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Local Sponsorship execute any and all documents relating to the East Side Green of East Side River Watershed P-1 Channel Phase II Project, including Green River acceptance of easements, project agreement, maintenance and Watershed P-1 operation agreements, and the allocation and expenditure of Channel , Phase Federal Soil Conservation Service Project Scope funds. MOVED II Project by BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION SCS AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2598 A resolution was read declaring City' s intent to construct Proposed Local and install sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto in and Improvement near Smithers Avenue S. , between S. 21st Street and S. 23rd District No. 331 Street, and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all pesons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on April 22, 1985, and creating LID 331 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 5714 through 5997 in the amount of $749,821 .45, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 5720 through 5724 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Municipal Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Arts Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor' s appointment of Mrs. Appointment Peggy Hansen, 3512 NE 10th Court, to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three year term, effective through 12/31/87, filling the position vacated by Sylva Coppock who declined reappointment. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Referencing bid awarded on 3/18/85 for installation of conduit REPORT between the Municipal Building and City Shops, Mayor Shinpoch City Hall - reported that microwave and other techniques had been considered City Shop and rejected due to expense. Accommodation of traffic signal Conduit controllers is anticipated in the future. Japanese Hosts are being sought for a group of 30 visiting Japanese Visitors students who will be in Renton between June 4 and 24, 1985. Mayor Shinpoch offered to forward names of people who can accommodate the young people for all or any portion of that time in their homes to the citizen organizing the group. Renton City Council 3/25/85 Page four Administrative Report (continued) New Firefighters Seven new firefighters have recently completed the recruit for Station 12 training academy with above average marks. The immediate effect will be that effective April 1 , 1985, the aid car will be in full service at Station 12 in the Highlands with a five member crew operating the engine and aid car. Liquor Store The illegally posted liquor store sign in the public right-of- Sign way in the Highlands was removed on 3/19/85. Federal Revenue Mayor Shinpoch reported receiving two responses to the City' s Sharing letter to the congressional delegation protesting the loss of Federal revenue sharing and outlining the effects on local government , particularly Housing and Community Development funds. Senator Slade Gorton has indicated support for the revenue sharing cut with the rationale that many local governments are more solvent that the Federal government. Congressman Mike Lowry supports continuation of the program, but has little hope that it will occur. It appears the funds will not be phased out but will be cut off in 1986. By state law, cities in Washington are solvent because a deficit cannot be run, not because of financial aid from the revenue sharing program. Renton and other cities functioned through the recession because their local councils had the courage to: 1 ) cut the budget; and 2) increase taxes. Since large social agencies are being denied funding, it appears the City will be approached for financial support . AUDIENCE COMMENT Julie Byrne, 1150 NE Sunset Boulevard, asked if property Inquiry re located in the vicinity of 700 Union Avenue NE is suitable Comp Plan for R-2 (duplex) zoning allowing development of 12 units per acre. City Attorney Warren pointed out the area in question on the Comprehensive Plan Map and advised that the designation of low density multifamily and single family use appears appropriate for R-1 and R-2 zoning categories, depending upon the exact property boundaries. It was suggested that the Building and Zoning Department be contacted for specific information. Roberts Rules Councilman Stredicke suggested that Council members contact of Order the City Clerk to obtain a copy of Robert Rules of Order. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8: 45 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTCN DATE 03/22/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS 05720 thru 05724 CURRENT 5121 .,817. 56 PARKS $731093. 21 ARTERIAL STREETS $505 .4 STREETS $671337. 30 LIBRARY 5111491 .43 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV $131065 .10 STREET FORWARD THRUST S11C76.95 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR 511034. 88 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $41756. 83 t CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $171329.05 WATERWORKS UTILITY $2021287.44 K AIRPORT $3.337.04 GOLF COURSE FUND S1 .,760. 33 s. WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $1371010. 51 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $661753 .36 INSURANCE FUND $81971 .31 FIREMEN'S PENSION �^ `$1 119-3,: 1 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANT'S S7 t1821_.�.4,5 WE., THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE- WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL., HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED., DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 5714 THROUGH NO. 5997 IN THE AMOUNT OF $7491821 .45 TH 25TH DAY 0 MARCH 1985. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN — — — EM8GR MEMBER — — — — — �- — — — — — — CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 25. 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 3/26 4:30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Maplewood Golf Course Tee Signs (Park Department representative) PLANNING 6 DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 3/28 4:30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Fri. 3/29 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Pending Referrals (Aviation Committee) (AVIATION) UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS E MEANS Mon. 4/1 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS 332 ISSUED CITY OF RENTON_ PAGE_ _1 03/25/85 BUILDING & ZCNING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING MARCH 22r 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 10920 53.600 WICK HOMES INC 115 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10921 69.800 WICK HOMES 171 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10922 69,800 WICK HOMES 159 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10023 69PBOD WICK HOMES 110 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10924 09.800 WICK HOMES 114 UNION CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10925 76.300 WICK HOMES 183 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10926 76.300 WICK HOMES 4202 NE IST PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10927 76.300 WICK HOME 128 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10928 70.300 WICK HOMES 176 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10929 76r300 WICK HOMES 16 VASHON PL NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10930 56.300 LEONARD BLORS 4308 SE 4TH PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 1)931 50.000 JUDITH FILLI°S 3405 SE 7TH ST REMODEL S/F RES. 10932 OAKHURST DEV. CO 375 UNION AV SE 0196 SET MOaILE HOME 10933 2r500 OAKHURST DEV. CO 375 UNION AV SE 0196 CONST PATIO. ST. SHED 10034 OAKHURST DEV. CO 375 UNION AV SE #144 SET MOBILE HOME 18935 2r5DD OAKHURST DEV. CO. 375 UNION AV SE 0144 CONST PATIO. ST. SHED 1 936 OAKHURST DEV. CO. 37 UNION AV SE 0202 SET MOBILE HOME 10937 2.-500 OAKHURST DEV. CO. 375 UNION AV SE +x202 CONST PATIO. ST SHED 10938 3.-765 WILGEO III 222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10939 6.000 WILTON AVERETT 311 JEFFERSON AV NE CONST STORAGE BLDG 10940 1.000 RAINIER VILLAGE CO 536 RAINIER AV S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10941 4x500 COSKUN ATESER 2 0 PARK AV N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10942 POWER SYSTEMS 811 SW GRADY WY OEMOLISH NCN STRUCTURAL WALL 10943 4.000 TEMPERLINE INC 4112 WEST VALLEY RD CONST FDTN ONLY PER SECT. 303(A) 10944 SHCHEN LTO PARTNERSHIP 1430 MAPLE AV SW STRUCTURAL FILL & SURCHARGE 10045 81.000 MITMAN CO 2065 SE 8TH PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10946 6x950 JOHN FOWLER 111 UNION AV SE CONST DETACHED GARAGE 10947 1/8OO JIM BRAUNBERGER 405 MAPLE AV SW REROOF RESIDENCE 10948 1.800 STAFFORC BRAND 424 WINDSOR WY NE REROOF RESIDENCE 10940 69,800 WICK HOMES INC 111 VASHON CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 10950 500 KEITH BROWITT 3524 NE 10TH ST REMODEL DOOR IN S/F RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS ]2350 2.-000 GEORGE BARBER 1314 UNION AV NE INSTALL ADDTL CIRCUITS 12351 900 MR BOHN 1011 N 34TM ST INST WIRING. 200 AMPS 12352 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 0162 WIRE MOBILE HOM= 12353 203 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 072 WIRE MOBILE HCME 12354 50 MARK MITMAN 2065 SE STH PL INST TEMPORARY POWER 12355 450 LEROY HAYES 1818 SHATTUCK AV S WIRE ADDITION 12356 12.000 TEMPERLINE 4112 WEST VALLEY RD INST FURNACE & WIRING 12357 1.10J WICK HOMES 117 VASHON CT NE INST WIPING 12358 1x100 WICK HOMES 160 VASHON FL NE INST WIRING 12359 1x550 HIBURY HOMES 438 FERNDALE AV NE INST WIRING 12360 1r 550 HIBURY HOMES 2813 NE 4TH CT INST WIRING 12361 1.550 HIBURY HOMES 2701 NE 4TH CT INST WIRING 12302 1.200 DANIEL WOODBURY 3E01 NE 8TH CT UPDATE SERVICE TO 200 AMP 12363 1,100 LEONARD 9LDRS 4212 SE 4TH ST INST WIRING 12364 700 ALFRED S. CARLSON 2210 SE 8TH OR WIRE GARAGE 12365 500 MONTE FERRELL 330 SW 43RD ST INST WIPING 12366 200 B09 HEPkCRTH 1543 DUVALL AV NE INSTALL WIRING 12367 1POOJ CHECK PRINT 43012 JONES AV NE INST WIRING FOR PRESS. CALL. ETC 12308 500 JOLLEY BOY RESTAURANT 11f AIRPORT WY WIRE FIRE SYSTEM TO COOKING UNIT 12369 700 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 248 SW 43RD ST INST WIRING IN TENANT SPACE 12370 100 RENTON SCHOCL DISTRICT 800 UNION AV NE INST WIRING TO HOOD 12371 1,200 ENCORE 221 WELLS AV S INST 125Ar 3 PHASE SERVICE 12372 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNION AV SE 0196 WIRE MOBILE HOME MECHANICAL PERMITS 10899 3.324 ANDREW KESSELRING 2711 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10900 1,000 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 935 PCWELL AV SW INST 5 A/C GAS PIPING ONLY 10901 1,000 WICK HOMES 117 VASHON CT NE INST FURNACE/HOT WATER HTR 10902 3.-100 TOM AITON 935 HARRINGTON AV NE DUCT OVEN HOOD TO FAJ.-INSTALL 10903 850 ARVEY J CREEK 3209 NE 9TH ST INST WOOD STOVE 10904 1.-800 HIBURY HOMES 2813 NE 47H CT INST FURNACE/HCT WATER HTR 10905 1x800 PACCAR 480 HOUSER WY N REMCDEL FIRE PROT. SYS. 1ST FL. 10900 11,000 ENCORE 221 WELLS AV S INSTALL AIR CONDITIONING 10907 300 RICHARD LERMOND 111 AIRPORT WY INSTALL GAS SHUT OFF. REMOTE 10905 1,600 NEILSON GROUP 2507 PARK PL N INST FURNACE 10909 1,000 CHUCK WIEHOFF 1618 KENNEWICK AV NE INST FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 281 450 GEORGE BARBER 1314 UNION AV NE INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 282 18.000 MULL RYERSON 2 25 NE 12TH ST INST 105 PLBG FIXTURES 283 2.000 WICK HOMES INC 117 VASHON CT NE INST 12 PLOG FIXTURES 284 2,290 LEONARD BLORS 4308 SE 4TH PL INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1353 2.-000 BN RR 3801 OAKESDALE AV SW SIGN 1354 250 RENTON SUBARU 720 RAINIER AV S INST (2) 30 DAY TEMPORARY SIGNS 1355 1.500 D & 0 FLOOR COVERING 345 UNION AV NE INST ILLUM. SIGN 1356 1,800 JIM ROUTOS 4100 EAST VALLEY RO INST 4 SIGNS 1357 8.000 CUMMINS NW INC 811 SW GRADY WY INST D/F SIGN 1358 200 SUNSET G & P 247 SUNSET BL N GRAND CPENING SIGN, TEMPORARY 1359 3.0SPEEDY AUTO GLASS 924 BRONSON WY S INST 3 SIGNS 1360 200 TSARINA INC DBA DOMINOS 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST GRAND OPENING SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5929 Don Thomas 838 Seneca Avenue SW Water line, fire hydrant and detector 5930 Sound Ford 230 S. 7th St. Commercial sanitary building sewer 5931 Chaffey Corp. 121 Union Ct. NE Side sewer C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS 4TH OF March. 1985 THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL CUM RES #3665 WATER SEWER CONST. RESOLUTION #2592 128/000.15.597.38.55.21 421/000.397.00.00.28 $300,000.00 CONTINGENCY CURRENT FUND RESOLUTION # 2594 $ 31,200.00 107j'000.22.597.93.55.05 000/000.397.00.00.01 3/11/85 CLAIMS FUND WATER/SEWER CONST. HAND ISSUED CHECK #5429 801/ 421/ 2/27/85 $109,000.00 3/14/ 5 PARK FUND CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED WARRANT #5714 $34.82 101/ 801/ /15/8 INSURANCE FUND CLIAMS HAND ISSUED CLAIMS #5715 $ 8,952.89 502/ 801/ /15/8 WATER/SEWER CONST. CLAIMS HAND ISSUED CLAIMS #5716 4,563.40 421/ 801/ ARTERIAL STREETS CLAIMS HAND ISSUED CLAIMS #5716 505.34 102/ 801/ .9/8 CURRENT FUND CLAIMS HAND ISSUED CHECK # 5717 300.00 000/ 1801/ "x`20/8 CURRENT FUND TO CORRECT MISPOSTING 000/ $3,191. 42 IN SUMMARY TRANSFER FOR CLAIMS RUN OF 3/11/85 PARK FUND COMPUTER ERROR 101/ $12,465 84 STREET FUND 103/$ 4,152 67 WATER FUND 401/ $ 2,111 00 CLAIMS FUND 801/213.40.00 $21,920.93 /20/8 000/ 801/ HAND ISSUED CHECK #5718 $ 65.00 CURRENT FUND CLAIMS FUND 501/ 801/ HAND ISSUED CHECK #5719 69.60 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CLAIMS FUND C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS H OF March. 1985 HE FINANCE DIRECTOR: OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL .15/8 CLAIMS FUND PARK FUND AND ISSUED CHECK #5714 $ 34.82 801/ 1101/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/14/85 CLAIMS FUND INSURANCE FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #5715 8,952.89 801,/ 502/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/15/85 CLAIMS FUND WATER/SEWER CONST. HAND ISSUED CHECK #5716 4,563.40 801/ 421/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/15/85 CLAIMS FUND ARTERIAL STREETS HAND ISSUED CHECK #5716 505.34 801/ 102/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/15/85 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #5717 300.00 801/ 000/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/18/85 CLAIMS FUND I CURRENT FUND iAND ISSUED CHECK #5718 801/ 00/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/20/85 65.00 CLAIMS FUND EQUIPMENT RENTAL HAND ISSUED CHECK #5719 801/ 501/ REVERSE ENTRY OF 3/20/85 69.60 X5/8 TANS JGGMD PER ORDINANCE # 3880 609/ 215/ $ 14,000.00 ,1 B EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 18.2% Share of payment to 501/000.15.597.48.55.26 215/000.397.00.00.01 note #' 000002, Peoples Bank $ 2,377.85 �8/ 5 PARKS FUND CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #5999 101/ 801/ $ 279.84 CURRENT FUND CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #5998 800/ 801/ 895.57 GGMD CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #6001 215/ 801/ , $ 3,541.91 GARBAGE FUND CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #6002 403/ 801/ 160,291.93 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GGMD 52%OF PEOPLES BANK LOAN 501/000.15.597.48.55.26 215/000.397.00.00.01 # 9002 1,841.79 `Qf8 PARKS FUND CLAIMS FUND HAND ISSUED CHECK #6003 101/ 801/ $136.47 OF R"t' AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, V fro z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z ROBERT 1. HUGHES KATHY KEOLKER O NANCY L. MATHEWS 9A RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE tG THOMAS W. TRIMM 0,9gTfD SEPjEo6 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 1, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y.SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 25, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building s Zoning Department requests revision of Section 7-1918(F) , Public Use District, of Sign Code to allow location of signs within public use (P-1) zone. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. City Clerk submits Dochnahl 75% Annexation Petition and Denton/Bales Rezone Request (File No. R-105-84) and requests concurrent review at public hearing on 5/6/85; property located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE. Council set public hearing for 5/6/85. c. City Clerk submits Beckmann Homes, Inc. request for latecomer agreement for water main and storm drain near 708 SW 13th Street. Refer to Utilities Committee. d. City Clerk submits request from Martin Seelig for release of easement on Taylor Avenue SW between SW 21st and SW 23rd Street; Public Works Department has verified signatures as representing 100% of property. Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works to report back. e. Police Department submits revised Humane Society Contract for approval. Refer to Public Safety Committee. f. Public Works Department requests approval of Interlocal Agreement with King County for joint street improvements on 87th Avenue S. (Taylor Avenue NW using Forward Thrust Funds in the amount of $30,000 to supplement $150,000 already budgeted by City. Refer to Transportation Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 1, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Seelig Request for Release of Easement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Sign Code Revision in P-1 Zone Hearing Examiner Correspondence on Street Vacations PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Humane Society Contract TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE King County Interlocal Agreement for Taylor Ave. SW Improvement (87th Avenue S.) UTILITIES COMMITTEE Beckmann Homes Request for Latecomer Agreement Seelig Request for Release of Easement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Zoning Code Revisions for Recycling Centers PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/8/85 - Adoption of Annual Zoning Map 4/22/85 - LID 331 - Smithers Avenue S. between S. 21st S S. 23rd Streets 5/6/85 - Dochnahl 75 % Annexation Petition/Denton-Bales Rezone Request - ref located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 1 , 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER. RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 25, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, requested clarification Procedures for of procedures governing preparation of the City Council City Council meeting agenda, specifically, the selection process for Agenda inclusion of correspondence from members of the public. He suggested that perhaps the Council President and City Clerk or Council President and Mayor' s Assistant could jointly determine which items of correspondence should be placed on the agenda. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that existing procedures give discretion for disposition of correspondence to the City Clerk. Items requiring City Council action are placed on the agenda. Items requiring administrative action or call attention to an emergency situation are referred directly to the responsible department. Correspondence which pertains to a matter already considered by the City Council is transmitted to Council members, but not usually placed on �. the agenda. Council members can request any item of correspondence they have received to be read at a Council meeting. Correspondence may be summarized when read. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the period of Renton High April 10-14, 1985, as Renton High School 75th Jubilee Days, School 75th to honor the high school 's 75th graduating senior class and Jubilee Days the over 18,000 Renton High graduates who have become a positive and vital force in the development of this community. It was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are followed by one motion which follows the listing: Sign Code Building and Zoning Department requested revision of Section Revision 7-1918(F) , Public Use District, of the Sign Code to allow location of signs within a public use (P-1 ) zone. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Dochnahl Annexation City Clerk submitted Dochnahl 75% Annexation Petition and and Denton/Bales Denton/Bales Rezone Request (File No. R-105-84) , and requested Rezone concurrent review at a public hearing on 5/6/85; annexation (Concurrent located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue Review Process) consists of 25.7 acres; rezone from G-1 (General ) to B-1 (Business) and 0-P (Office Park) requested (3.90 acres) . Concur and set public hearing for 5/6/85• Beckmann Homes City Clerk submitted Beckmann Homes, Inc. request for Request for latecomer agreement for water main and storm drain near Latecomer Agreement 708 SW 13th Street. Refer to Utilities Committee. Seelig Request City Clerk submitted request from Martin Seelig for release for Release of of easement on Taylor Avenue SW between SW 21st and SW 23rd Easement Streets; Public Works Department has verified signatures as representing 100% of the property. Refer to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works to report back to the committee. Renton City Council 4/1/85 Page two Consent Agenda continued Humane Society Police Department submitted revised Humane Society contract Contract for approval . Refer to Public Safety Committee. King County Public Works Department requested approval of Interlocal Interlocal Agreement with King County for joint street improvements on Agreement for 87th Avenue S. (Taylor Avenue NW) . King County has offered Improvement of to expand the project scope into the County portion to improve 87th Ave. S. sidewalks for pedestrians and provide funding for design and (Taylor Ave. SW) construction in the amount of $30,000 for that purpose; City of Renton to design and administer the construction contract. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Council President Reed advised receipt of correspondence from The Luckey Company Victoria Hills residents regarding proposed Planned Unit PPUD-008-85 Development currently under review by Hearing Examiner. Letters (Victoria Hills) received from: Moyer and Janese Hubbard, 2732 Mill Avenue S. ; Mike and Cindi Bentz, 1207 S. 26th; Norman M. Peterson, 3402 Park Avenue N. ; Dan and Marita Kent, 1132 S. 22nd Court; Sam and Terri Simone, 1121 S. 23rd Street; Raymond K. Louie, 1012 South 23rd; Elaina and Hans Brachthaeuser, 2726 Mill Avenue S. ; E. Ramel B. Cadag, Jr. , 2404 Main Court S. ; L. Bogner, 1119 S. 27th Place. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Transportation a report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works (Aviation) Department to approve the request submitted by Benair Aviation Committee to sublease a portion of their facility to Renton Flight Benair Aviation Service (branch of Auburn Flight Service) , which provides Sublease to Renton flight school and aircraft charter services. MOVED BY MATHEWS, Flight Service SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. LAG o06-84 CARRIED. Ellison Fluid Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented System Lease a report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Request Department to approve the request submitted by Ellison Fluid Systems, Inc. for lease of area to test aircraft engine fuel injection system; and potential purchase of leasehold interest in the Old Vocational School Building #5-01 , subject to the approval of the City Attorney. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fancher Flyways - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Update East Side a report indicating that plans and construction flow chart for Airpark paving, landscaping and storm drainage at the Fancher Flyways East Side Airpark have been reviewed by the Committee. Bids have been received. The Committee recommended that a bond in the amount of $55,200 be posted by Fancher Flyways to guarantee construction of paving and landscaping and that Fancher follow the agenda for construction set forth by the Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fancher Flyways - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented LAG o6-76 a report regarding Fancher Flyways Lease, LAG 06-76, west side West Side Apron B Apron B hangar construction. After considerable discussion Hangar Construction regarding Fancher Flyways failure to present a specific proposal dealing with hangar building construction (required by Council on 3/4/85) , the Committee voted to recommend that this lease be declared in default. Continued The Committee discussed requesting proposals from other tenants. Three of the tenants present at the meeting advised of their interest in submitting a proposal . Fancher was informed that they would be eligible to submit a proposal . The question of whether or not tenants alone could be solicited by the City for competitive proposals (or whether it would involve published requests for proposals) is to be referred to the City Attorney. � 3q Renton City Council 4/1/85 Page three Old Business continued Fancher Flyways - The Committee also recommended that the City Attorney be LAG 06-76 authorized to draw up a short term lease for Fancher Flyways West Side Apron B until such time as disposition of this lease can be decided. Hangar Construction MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN (continued) THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke inquired if the tenant is current on lease payments. Chairman Mathews indicated that as of a month ago, the tenant was current. MOTION CARRIED. Aero Paint Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Systems, Inc. a report concurring in the recommending of the Public Works Lease Assignment Department that the request submitted by Aero Paint Systems, to "289 East Inc. for assignemnt of lease, LAG 02-73, to "289 East Perimeter Perimeter Road, Road, Inc." be approved subject to approval by the City Inc." LAG 02-73 Attorney. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating that following review of pending referral Committee items, the Committee has authorized a tentative meeting schedule Recycling to consider each. The Committee also discussed some additional Center information in support of revisions to the Zoning Code to permit recycling centers. The Committee voted to recommend that the recycling center code revisions be approved by Council as amended by the Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT, AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See attached Committee Meeting Schedule. ) NE 6th Street Councilman Stredicke inquired whether NE 6th Street would Improvement be widened simultaneously with the watermain project in that for Proposed street between Monroe and Union Avenue NE (bid opening 3/13/85) . 400 Multifamily Mayor Shinpoch explained that the portion abutting the Hilltop Units development (Schneider Homes, Inc.) would be improved at developer expense. She noted that utility funds set aside for the watermain project cannot be used for street widening, and, further, improvement of NE 6th Street was not designated on the City' s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program as a priority project. Councilman Stredicke predicted that the traffic generated from two new multifamily developments in the area (Hilltop on Monroe, and Crown Pointe on NE 4th, which provides access along powerline easement) will use NE 6th Street as a detour route to avoid heavily congested NE 4th Street during peak hours. He urged that property be acquired for purposes of street widening, and latecomer agreements prepared to require cost participation by developers of abutting property in the future. Mayor Shinpoch noted concern of the neighbors that improvement of the street will encourage additional traffic; however, she felt the point was well taken and she will investigate the matter with staff. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2599 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of funds from Fund Transfer Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 (Park Equipment) in the amount for Backhoe/ of $37,450.00 unto Park Fund (Capitalized Expense) for purchase Loader of Park Department backhoe/loader. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Reappointment Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report to Human Rights recommending concurrence in the Mayor's reappointment of and Affairs Mrs. Barbara Lansing to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission Commission for a two-year term effective to April 25, 1987. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Reed noted distribution to Council members of Timing of City memorandum from Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman regarding timing Council Review of review of street vacations when associated with other land of Street use applications heard by the Examiner. It was MOVED BY REED, Vacations SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 34- 0 1 Renton City Council 4/1/85 Page four Old Business continued Union Avenue Councilman Stredicke indicated that despite several complaints Improvement and claims for damages filed with the City regarding delayed Project work on Union Avenue NE/SE south of NE 4th Street, the completed roadway is of high standard and a great improvement. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced the Association of Washington Cities REPORT (AWC) Convention will be held in Spokane this year from AWC Convention June 18-21 , 1985. Council members should contact the Council 1985 Secretary for information. Renton Conference Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a letter from King County Committee Diversion Superior Court thanking the Mayor and City Council for Program continued support of the Renton Conference Committee Diversion Program. The Committee, formed in 1959, is a community based volunteer program that meets with first and minor juvenile offenders diverted from the formal court process. In 1984, 326 cases were received by the Renton Committee. Ages ranged between 11 and 17 years of age. Disposition included: 62 were counseled and released; 169 signed diversion agreements and completed community service; 18 failed to comply with diversion agreements and were returned to court; and 77 were rejected and referred on to court for action. Continued support of the Committee was appreciated. Retirees Honored Mayor Shinpoch announced recent retirement parties held in honor of Edna Johnson, 20 year Finance Department employee, and Ron Heiret, 25 year Park Department supervisor, were well-attended by co-workers, Council members, and friends of the retirees. Also recently retired was Street Superintendent Don Miller, employed for more than 30 years with the City. These employees together represent more than 75 years of service and will be greatly missed. Mayor Shinpoch noted that the favorable image of the City is determined by its employees and the pride they take in their jobs. The polished condition of the Municipal Building was cited, reflecting the conscientious care given by building maintenance crews. In light of Mayor Shinpoch' s comments and to demonstrate the Council ' s recognition and appreciation of the contributions Employee of City employees, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Recognition COUNCIL DESIGNATE THE WEEK OF JUNE 3, 1985, AS EMPLOYEE Week 6/3/85 APPRECIATION WEEK. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:40 p.m. C� MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk Ed CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 1, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 4/18 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Presentation by Metro on Downtown Transit Center Location; Council Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 4/4 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Fire Department Review of Single Family Building Permits Thurs. 4/11 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Victoria Hills Appeal of PPUD-008-85 PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Weds. 4/3 4: 30 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Interlocal Agreement with King County (AVIATION) for Improvement of 87th Avenue S. (Taylor Avenue NW) UTILITIES Weds. 4/10 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Beckmann Homes Request for Latecomer Agreement; Bids for Watermain Project on NE 6th Between Monroe & Union NE WAYS & MEANS Mon. 4/8 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF PENTON PAGE 1 03/29/85- - - --FUILOTAG 8 ZO`NTWrj TITIr"TWTWT--- ----- - -- PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING MARCH 29. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11 1 pp 109509 69.500 KEITHHBROWITTC 3524VNEH10TMTST REMODEL/DOORSINES/F RES. 10951 50.000 JACK E. It CMARLOTTC M 115 JONES RDEENSPI SE CONSTCONSTRUCT AODITIADDITION 10952 8.700 TD BEAVER S/F 10953 3.693 PAT'S ENTERPRISES345 PELLY AV N REROOF BUILDING 10954 2.346 GARY E. SMITH 106 S 3RD ST REROOF APARTMENT BUILDING 10955 2.259 EDWARD BALCAY 906 GLENNWOOD AV WE REROOF APARTMENT BUILDING 10956 - -- BURLINGTON NORTHERN 331 SW 27TH ST RELOCATE 12082 CU YDS OF FILL 8957 t r JAMES ENGLUND 535 CEDAR AV S CONST S/F ADDITION 958 2.500 DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 4455 NE SUNSET SL REROOF BUILDING C 10959 /so, 00c HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 841 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10960 15, 00 LAVERN PETERSON 607 HARRINGTON AV. NE SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION 10961 30x000 EU RYSAR 212 S 3RD ST REMODEL OFFICE SLOG TO RESTAUR. 10962 67.100 CHRIS KOMARZEC 2059 SE 8TH DR CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 1096!3, 25.000 P.M.MONEY 2210 NE 10TH ST REMODEL BATHROOM 6 DECK ROOF 10965 4x800 KOIIIAM BUSINESSTCENTER 248 SW43RDASTN INTERIOR ALTERATION/TENANT IMP 10966 30.000 FORTE RENTALS INC 1100 BRONSON WY N CONSTRUCT REPAIR SHOP 10967 225 KIM MARCUS ROHR 3300 NE 6TH PL REMODEL 5/F RESIDENCE 10968 84.000 ARTHUR GUSTAFSON 4015 NE 10TH ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 10969 8.746 VIRGINIA BAREI 226 WELLS AV S TEAR OFF 9 REROOF BUILDING E ECTRICAL PERM TS PENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 800 UNION AV WE INST WIRING TO HOOD 1237 1x200 ENCORE 221 WELLS AV S INST 125AP 3 PHASE SERVICE 123372 200 UNION AVE CO 3773 2r3OO WILGEO ED 225ZUNION AV SE x196 WIRE MOBILE HOME 123BRONSON WY N INST WIRING 74 4.300 WILGEO CO 1222 BRONSON WY N INST WIRING 12375 12.600 MULL RYERSON 2825 NE 12TH ST INST WIRING 12376 2.150 JOHN RANKIN 28J2 CEDAR AV S INST WIRING 12377 20 KEITH BROWITT 3524 WE 10TH ST REWIRE PLUG & SWITCH 12378 150 FERGUSON CONSTRUCTION 790 SENECA AV SW INSTALL TEMPORARY SERVICE 12379 6x150 BOEING COMPANY 800 PARK AV N WIRE AUDIO VISUAL AREA 12380 1.100 WICK HOMES 110 VASHON CT NE INST WIRING 12381 1.100 WICK HOMES 183 VASHON PL WE INST WIPING 12382 1.100 WICK HOMES 172 VASHON PL NE INS1 WIRING 12383 1.100 WICK HOMES 115 UNION CT WE INST WIRING 12384 1.100 WICK HOMES 4202 NE IST PL INST WIRING 12385 1x100 WICK HOMES 159 VASHON PL NE INST WIRING 12386 1.100 WICK HOMES 114 UNION CT NE INST WIRING 12387 .100 WICK HOMES 121 UNION CT NE INST WIRING 12388 1x100 WICK HOMES 128 VASHON CT NE INST WIRING 12389 1x100 WICK HOMES 171 VASMON PL NE INST WIRING 12390 1x200 CITY OF RENTON 3555 NE 2ND ST INST MIRING• RMS 144. 145. 146 12391 1.500 CHUCK WIEMOFF 1618 KENNEWICK AV NE INST WIRING 12392 250 SANDRA GIST 316 UNION AV NE REPAIR WIRING 2393 60 CHAFFEY CORP 110 VASHON CT NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 122394 600 CHAFFEY CORP 159 VASI+ON PL NE INST TEMPORARY PCWER 12396 4.050 CHRISCKOMARZEC KOERING 2905PSEE8THAORSW TEMP`ORARYISERVICETERIOR WALL 12397 500 KIM ROHR 3300 NE 6TH PL INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10909 1.600 CHUCK WIEHOFF 1618 KENNEWICK AV NE INST FURNACE 10910 50 GERALD MOORE JR 358 LIND AV NW INST MATER HEATER 10911 1.600 WICK HOMES 193 VASHON PL WE INST FURNACE/WATER HTR 10912 1.600 WICK HOMES 172 VASMON PL WE INST FURNACE/MATER HTR 100913 1.60000 WICK HOMES yy1zz155 UNION CT WE INST FURNACE/WATER HTR 10915 1.6001 WICK HOMES 1S52VASHONTPLLNE INST FURNACE/GATERHTR NTR 10916 1x600 WICK HOMES 114 UNION CT WE INST FURNACE/MATER HTP 10917 1.600 WICK HOMES 160 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/MATER HTR 10918 1.600 WICK HOMES 17I VASMON PL WE INST FURNACE/MATER HTR 10x19 1.600 WICK HOMES 1 VASHON PL NE INST FURNACE/WATER HTR 10920 2.300 RADKIN CONSTRUCTION 2922 CEDAR AV S INST FURN/WATER HTR 10921 800 DAN HULL 805 N 31ST ST INSTALL WOOD STOVE 10922 1x650 ROBERT BERGERON 813 WE 21ST ST INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 0923 1,800 WICK HOMES 10 VASHON CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10924 400 JOHN KIMBER 1780 ANACORTES AV WE INSTALL WATER HEATER 10925 500 DENNIS MILLER 3304 NE 6TH ST INSTALL WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 284 2.290 LEONARD BLOBS 4308 SE 4TH PL INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 285 300 MC BEE CONSTRUCTION 248 SW 43RD ST INST 2SzINK 287286 1P500 ARCO. PLSG FIXTURES 500 ARCO 4053PARKSAVSNt BL INST INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 288 2.000 THE NEILTON GROUP 2507 PARK PL N INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 289 1.050 VALUE VILLAGE 1222 BRONSON WY N INSTALL 5 FIXTURES 290 3.500 ATESAR 200 PARK AV N INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 291 650 KIM ROHR 3300 NE 6TH PL INST 7 PLBG FIXTURES 292 1.200 WICK HOMES 128 VASMON CT WE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 293 2,000 WICK HOMES 114 UNICN CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 294 2.000 WICK HOMES 110 VASMON CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1360 200 TSARINA INC OBA DOMINOE 927 HARRINGTON AV NE INST GRANO OPENIN,i SIGN 1361 20,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST INSTALL 288' POLE SIGN 1362 80 ED BOYAL 209 SUNSET BL N INST TEMPORARY SIGN 1363 40 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 364 RENTON CENTER WY SW INST GRAND OPENING SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5932 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4212 SE 4th Street Side sewer 5933 Sound Ford Truck Ctr. 230 S. 7th Street Install one fire hydrant and 8" pipe 5934 Wick Homes 177 Vashon Pl. NE Side sewer 5935 Sick Homes 178 Vashon Pl. NE Side sewer 0 � o AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, U % .-%, Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT 4 EARL CLYMER ROBERT I. HUGHES 0 KATHY KEOLKER 09 CY L. MATHEWS RENTON CITY COUNCIL RCHARDM. STREDICKE !� THOMAS W. TRIMM 09�TFO SEPI-0111� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 8, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1985 4. PROCLAMATION : Building Safety Week, April 14 through 20, 1985 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of Annual Zoning Map 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk submits request from The Sunset Group for exchange of utility easement located at 233-251 Sunset Boulevard North. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. City Clerk submits two appeals filed of Hearing Examiner's recommendation on Honey Creek Associates Rezone and Preliminary Planned Unit Development, File No. R-014-84 and PPUD-015-84, from John Hendrickson, attorney for applicant, and Mitch Murray, party of record; property located in the vicinity of 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. c. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's recommendation for The Luckey Company request for Preliminary Planned Unit Development, File No. PPUD-008-85, filed by Michael M. Hanis, attorney for Victoria Hills Homeowners' Association; property located on the south side of South Puget Drive, west of Benson Road South, and north of South 26th Street. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. d. Claim for damages filed by Rolf S. Dragseth, 1113 North 38th Street, Renton, in the amount of $50 (insurance deductible) for windshield breakage allegedly caused by City snow plow (2/2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $3,000 filed by Pacific Northwest Bell, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Room 1813, Seattle, for duct run and buried cables allegedly damaged during sewer line installation at 2300 NE Fourth, Renton (2/13/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of rezone application for Frances E. Carlson, File No. R-002-85; for 5, 750 square feet of property from R-1 (single family residential) to L-1 (light industry) located at 211 SW 13th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Policy Development Department submits draft ordinances for Manufacturing Park (M-P) zone; Office Park (O-P) zone; Light Industrial (L-1) zone; and Heavy Industrial (H-1) zone as reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission following public hearings held 11/9/83 and 2/13/85. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. h. Public Works Department submits agreement between Renton School District No. 403 and City of Renton for cooperative improvement of Monroe Ave. NE , NE 7th Street, and Kirkland Avenue NE abutting Renton Vocational School site; City to develop desia_n and manage construction. Refer to Transportation Committee. i. public Works Department submits letter from Cessna Aircraft Company requesting information regarding available leasing or building facilities to provide full service flight training, rental, charter service, and aircraft sales. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. OLD BUSINESS 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 14. .ADJOURNMENT 11. NEW BUSINESS RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 8, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Dragseth Claim for Damages Pacific Northwest Bell Claim for Damages MAYOR & CITY CLERK King County Interlocal Agreement for Taylor Avenue SW Improvement (87th Avenue S.) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE- Honey OMMITTEEHoney Creek Associates Appeal, R-014-84 and PPUD-015-84 The Luckey Company Appeal, PPUD-008-85 (Victoria Hills) } h TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Agreement with Renton School District for Monroe Avenue NE Project Cessna Aircraft Company Request for Facilities UTILITIES COMMITTEE Vacation of Easement at 233-251 Sunset Boulevard N. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Adoption of Annual Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 3900 adopted) Carlson Rezone, R-002-85 I y PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/22/85 - LID 331 - Smithers Avenue S. between S. 21st & S. 23rd Streets 5/6/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation Petition/Denton-Bales Rezone Request - located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 8, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; ROGER BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; OFFICER RUSS OLSON, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 1 , 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of April 14 Building Safety through 20, 1985, as Building Safety Week, to assure protection Week of health, welfare and safety of all citizens by enforcement of a uniform state-wide building code, designed and maintained with the assistance of the building industry and consumers, and administered by state and local building officials through cooperative relationship with construction industry. Renton High A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the period of School 75th April 10-14, 1985, as Renton High School 75th Jubilee Days, Jubilee Days to honor the high school ' s 75th graduating senior class and the over 18,000 Renton High graduates who have become a positive and vital force in the development of this community. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE -- PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. A show of hands revealed Councilmen Reed, Trimm, Clymer and Hughes as Renton High School graduates. Marilee Hansen, Principal , and Rob Eberson, ASB President, accepted the award on behalf of the high school . y3!' PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Adoption of and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Annual Zoning opened the public hearing to consider the annual adoption of Map the Zoning Map. Mayor Shinpoch explained the purpose of annual review to assure accurate designation of all newly approved rezones on the map. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, pointed out zoning changes on the map, noted that of the 16 rezones, 15 were to a higher use intensity, and one was a reversion (G. M. Associates) due to failure to meet time limit requirements by the developer. One drafting error was discovered and corrected, thereby changing erroneous P-1 zoning for Philip Arnold Park and adjacent school property back to G-1 (General ) category. The P-1 zoning category had been entered on the map in 1982 as a technical error, not as a result of a rezone. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCL ADOPT THE ANNUAL ZONING MAP AND REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Ordinances and Resolutions. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ernest Walker, 436-102nd SE, Bellevue, President of Minority Minority and and Small Business Council , requested Council consideration Women-Owned of legislation mandating award of an established percentage Businesses of the City' s contracts and purchases to businesses owned by women and minorities. He noted that the City of Renton, like most other jurisdictions, follows a ''good faith effort'' law in publishing bid opening notices, but does not have a bidders list that is sent to women and minority vendors, suppliers and contractors. Mayor Shinpoch invited Mr. Walker to meet with her on April 9, 1985, to discuss his proposal . Upon inquiry, Mr. Walker indicated that he is not citing the City for violation of affirmative action laws, but rather providing suggestions for improvement of bid results for minorities. Renton City Council 4/8/85 Page two Audience Comment continued Audience Comment Julie Winters, 505- Morris Avenue S. , referenced a letter received Constructive from City Attorney Warren. She claimed the letter stated that she Notice Filed and Oma Bergeron informed him they were agents for a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the City. She disputed that fact, and filed constructive notice with the City Clerk on Mayor Shinpoch, City Attorney Warren, and Police Chief Wallis declaring her rights. She said further action will be taken if that statement is not withdrawn. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Easement City Clerk submitted request from The Sunset Group, 11206 Exchanqe Des Moines Way S. , Suite 110, Seattle, to vacate an existing 233-251 Sunset utility easement located in the vicinity of 233-251 Sunset Boulevard N. Boulevard N. , which was recorded on 4/25/68. In exchange, a new utility easement will be granted to the City in the same vicinity. Refer to Utilities Committee. Honey Creek City Clerk submitted two appeals filed against Hearing Examiner' s Associates recommendation on Honey Creek Associates Rezone and Preliminary Appeal Planned Unit Development, File No. R-014-84 and PPUD-015-84, by R-014-84 John Hendrickson, attorney for applicant, and Mitch Murray, PPUD-015-84 party of record; property located in the vicinity of 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE; 47.7 acres from G-1 to R-1 & R-2 to allow 185 units. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. The Luckey City Clerk submitted appeal filed against Hearing Examiner' s Company Appeal recommendation for The Luckey Company request for Preliminary PPUD-008-85 Planned Unit Development, File No. PPUD-008-85, by Michael M. (Victoria Hills) Hanis, attorney for Victoria Hills Homeowners Association; property located on the south side of South Puget Drive, west of Benson Road South, and north of South 26th Street; 16.47 acres; 196 units within 19 buildings proposed. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Dragseth Claim Claim for damages filed in the amount of $50 (insurance for Damages deductible) by Rolf S. Dragseth, 1113 North 38th Street, CL 15-85 Renton, for windshield breakage allegedly caused by City snow plow (2/2/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. Pacific Northwest Claim for damages in the amount of $3,000 filed by Pacific Bell Claim for Northwest Bell , 1600 Seventh Avenue , Room 1813, Seattle, for Damages duct run and buried cables allegedly damaged during sewer line CL 16-85 installation at 2300 NE Fourth, Renton (2/13/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. 4 Carlson Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive covenants R-002-85 of rezone application for Frances E. Carlson, File No. R--002-85; 5,720 square feet of property from R-1 (single family residential ) to L-1 (lightindustry) located at 211 SW 13th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Policy Development Department submitted draft ordinances for Commission Manufacturing Park (M-P) zone; Office Park (0-P) zone; Light Recommendations Industrial (L-1) zone; and Heavy Industrial (H-1) zone as on Draft reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission following Ordinances public hearings held 11/9/83 and 2/13/85. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Agreement with Public Works Department submitted agreement between Renton Renton School School District No. 403 and City of Renton for cooperative District for improvement of Renton Vocational Technical Institute (RVTI ) r/ Monroe Avenue NE frontage with City' s budgeted Monroe Avenue NE overlay Street Project project; frontage to include Monroe from 850 feet north of NE 4th Street to NE 7th Street; NE 7th Street from Monroe to Kirkland Avenue NE; and Kirkland from NE 7th to 350 feet south of Jefferson Avenue NE. School District will reimburse the City for costs to develop the design and manage construction. Refer to Transportation Committee. Renton City Council 4/8/85 Page three Consent Agenda continued Cessna Aircraft Public Works Department submitted letter from Cessna Aircraft Company Request Company requesting information regarding available leasing or for Facilities building facilities to provide full service flight training, rental , charter service, and aircraft sales. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Transportation concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Committee to enter into an interlocal agreement with King County for King County joint street improvements on 87th Avenue South (Taylor Avenue NW) . Interlocal The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk Agreement for be authorized to sign the agreement, subject to the approval Taylor Ave. SW of the City Attorney. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Improvement COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding the Fire Department policy for single family Committee residential building permit review (referred 10/1/84) . The Fire Department Committee reviewed requirements of Ordinance No. 3761 concerning Policy for Building fire protection standards for single family homes. Current { Permit Review - language already provides for Fire Department review of single Single Family family homes when the proposed building is more than 600 feet Homes from a fire hydrant or the available water fire flow is less than 1 ,000 gallons per minute. Based on this information, the Committee recommended no change in the current ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3900 An ordinance was read adopting the Zoning Map as the official Annual Zoning designation for zoning classifications. MOVED BY CLYMER, Map Adoption SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (1st reading 3/11/85) Municipal Arts Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in Mayor Shinpoch' s appointment of Appointment Mr. Greg Halstead to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Margaret Anderson (resigned) , effective through December 31 , 1985. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. t Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 5998 through 6245 in the amount of $933,523.60, having received departmental certification and merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 6005-6014 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren reported that two public Cabaret hearings have been held by the Hearing Examiner regarding Ordinance the City of Renton ' s Cabaret Ordinance, Title 6, Chapter 28, (Encore Club) Section 2802 regarding hours of operation and the impacts of those limiting provisions upon any use covered by the ordinance. Upon completion, copies of the Examiner' s report will be transmitted to the Environmental Review Committee and members of the City Council . ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch relayed a request for volunteers to assist in REPORT a car wash on Saturday, April 13th at noon at Shakey' s Pizza American Cancer Parlor near Pay Less Drug Store. Proceeds will benefit the Society Car Wash American Cancer Society. Memorial Day Mayor Shinpoch requested a Council volunteer to represent the Observances City at the Memorial Day ceremonies at Greenwood Cemetery. She noted that last year, for the first time, Viet Nam veterans participated in the observances. Renton City Council 4/8/85 Page four Administrative Report continued Victoria Hills A chronological account of actions taken on the Victoria Hills Appeal of Planned Unit Development (The Luckey Company, File No. The Luckey PPUD-008-85) has been prepared by the Building & Zoning Company Department at Mayor Shinpoch' s request. The synopsis for the PPUD-008-85 development, which was initiated in September of 1978, is not intended to replace the official record, but rather to assist Council members in their review of the appeal (Consent Agenda No. 7.c.) . King County Mayor Shinpoch reported approval by the King County Council Development and Executive Randy Revelle this date of the King County Guide Approved Development Guide, 21 years after the previous Comprehensive Plan was approved. The Guide incorporates input from Renton and other cities to monitor land use growth within the County. AUDIENCE COMMENT William Jens, 1136 South 23rd, Renton, representing Victoria Victoria Hills Hills Homeowners' Association, requested a copy of the Chronology of synopsis of development for Victoria Hills PUD, referenced Development above. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide the report, but cautioned that it should not be construed as a substitute for the official record. Seattle-King Administrative Assistant Parness indicated the Community County Health Services Committee will be reviewing the Seattle-King County Department Health Department contract. He extended an invitation to Contract Council members to tour facilities providing health services prior to discussion of the contract. Zoning Map Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, questioned whether the drafting error referenced by Mr. Blaylock during the public hearing for the annual Zoning Map was actually a zoning reversion. It was explained that an error had occurred by designating Philip Arnold Park and adjoining school property as P-1 (Public) use on the map in 1982; it was a drafting error and not a reversion of previously granted zoning. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:41 p.m. 3 MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CHEKREZ;R CITY OF RENTON DATE 04/05/85 WARRANT CISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS : 06005 - 06014 CURRENT 5166,411 .03 PARKS 537,911 . 77 •RTERIAL STREETS $4,289. 83 STREETS $21 ,117. 77 LIBRARY $4,367. 27 GEN GCVT MISC DEBT SERV $5,673.C5 STREET FORWARD THRUST 519,303.72 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) $1 ,891 . 48 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 512,467. 33 WATERWORKS UTILITY $152,695.70 - E AIRPORT 58,631 . 84 SOLID WASTE UTILITY $205,042.72 GOLF COURSE FUND 52,722. 09 WATER 9 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $217,287. 77 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $70,562. 00 �~ INSURANCE FUND $2,926. 23 LID CONTRCL $ 222. 00 x:. TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $933, 523. 60 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE WAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE r RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO . 5996 THRCUGH NC. 6245 IN THE AMOUNT OF $933, 523. 60 T 8THDA CF APRjL 1985 .M�MoER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN c�r - �_- - - - - - ' - MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 4/11 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Appeal for The Luckey Company, PPUD-008-85 (Victoria Hills) Thurs. 4/25 4: 30 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Appeal for Honey Creek Associates, Rezone R-014-84 & PPUD-015-84 PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 4/10 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Beckmann Homes Latecomer Agreement; Bids for NE 6th Watermain Project WAYS & MEANS Mon. 4/15 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Transit Site Committee Mon. 4/15 9:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Transportation Committee members invited Golf Course Committee Tues. 4/9 6: 30 p.m. Maplewood Golf Course Review of proposals for concessions and operation at golf course (Trimm/Reed) I --IIIY --DF 04/09/85 94JIt0ING i ZONING OEPA.QTNiNT ---.._ ... ___._. ...__. ... .... _..._....�:,. ._,... -.-- PERMITS ISSUEO WEEK ENDING APRIL 5, 1985 _._. _,.. b ... ..._... . .. __ �«�.. �.. .. _ _... :.. �., _:.. .. ' BUILDING PERMITS 1880967 225 KIM MARCUS ROHR, M PL REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 10970 8.600 DAVID M LATIMER. III-- 9090WELLSAV ST CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 968 84,000 ARTHUR GUSTAFSON 4 15 NE 1G 969 8,746 VIRGINIA BAQEI � 6 WELLS AV S -._.»-._ TEAR OFF i REROOF dUIlDIN6 GSTON RD CONSTRUCT GARAGE 10971 7.582 BARRY EWING 515 SW 13TH ST REPAIR BLDG/CLEAN UP 10972 4,000 TRA14ELL CROW CO q-10 THOMAS AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10973 4,000 SEATTLE HOUSIN6-,"TMBRT-Nell ME 4TH bT- --- -NEPAIR APT DAMAGE 10974 15.000 NORM SCHULTZ 530 BURNETT AV N REPAIR FIRE REPAIR 10975 12,000 80EING COMMERICAL A/P 800 PARK AV N INST PARTITIONS/OOORS 10970 4.000 WILGEO III 222 BRONSON WY N INTERIOR WALLS. PARTITIONS 10977 8,600 TERRY R. SWEET ------�--•- 14 SUNSET SL WE 4- CONSTRUCT ACCESSORY SUILDING 10978 7,100 JOSEPH i REBECCA SHUTLE 41p7 SE 4TH ST CONSTRUCT ADDITION S/F RESIDENCE w 10979 2,500 MR SAMPLER 3183 PARK AV N REROOF RESIDENCE 1p0980 40,p3003 CkOUP HEALTH COOPYRATIV 801 SW 16TH ST INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 1J98i 7,008 WOLFEaROTHERSSOIL CO, I 6325RAINIERVAV S REMODELCT 6ARl6f ADDITION -.--- -+- 1 98 4.00 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 109b4 18,000 9LUF JIT N iIP '0��r; �]5 7AE.AOT RO $ TENANT IMPROVEMENT 3300 WE ATM PL _... .�. IN ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12397 500 KIM ROHR ST WIRING 12398 1o,250 JIM COOK1150 SW SUNSET BL INST WIRING 12390 1.100 WICK HOM . �, Ul ESVASMON PL WE • "` INST WIRING 12400 1,100 WICK HOMES 78 VASHON PL WE INST WIRING 12401 1.100 GROUP HEALTH 275 9RONSON wY NE INST WIRING TO SIGNS 124p * 02 21300 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P 800 PARK AV N INST WIRING 12404 1C0 TERRY R. SWEET SFIl+i!$ 71447SE SUNSETMSLTNE - spa WIRE ACCESSORY SLOG. 12405 75 COLE MANOR APARTMENT 2811 NE 47H ST WIRE FIRE DAMAGE 1240o 1,500 PHIL MOONEY 2210 NE 10TH ST .,.. INCREASE AMPS TO 200. ADD OUTLET 12407 535,000 GENE HORBACN - 80$ N `TW, IT _ WIRE OFFICE YNILOING 12405 643 JOHN HEIDER 250 RAINIER AV S INST 240 V 20 AMP LIGHTING 12409 450 TODD ZENNER 810 THOMAS AV SW INST WIRING 12410z00 KEN BURR 1 37 DUVALL AV NE INST WIRING FCR SIGN 12411 100 . .JANETR it*&IT_.;1 N -- . ..__INS; WIRING 70 SIGN 12412 500 DAN HUMES 3401 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING TO SIGN MECHANICAL PERMITS 10926 .1r�00 RELIANCE HONES.•:;.- .. a.$1 1 11E 371TN._iT � __INST FURNACE ...� ,,. 10927 26, 03 JACK FRCST CO 201 S 7TH ST INST HVAC SYSTEMS 10928 550 GERALD NICHOLS 1118 OLYMPIA AV NE INSTALL WATER HEATER 10929 4,8p0 VALLEY RADIOLOGIST INC. 1915 TALBOT RD 5 INSTALL VAV SYSTEM 10930 580 ALTON LOUIS JEUNE. __._.X�26 POWELL AV Sw _- INST WATER HEATER 10931 5003 ALICE CHIN 436 MONTEREY AV NE INST WATER HEATER 10932 1,550 FLAKEY JAKE'S CONST. .:. 20Sw7TH ST INST FIRE SUPP. IN KIT. EXH MOOD ST INST FURNACE 10934 1,200 ROYNLIESOYITZ .,.... . ._.�. ._,- 306SYE4UD ST IAtS.T EXHAUST HOOD PLUMBING PERMITS 290 3,500 ATESAR 2 0 PARK AV N INST 14 PLB- FIXTURES 291 650 KIM ROHR ... 3300 NE 6TH PL INST 7 PLBG FIXTURES 292 1,200 WICK HOMES 12F VASHON CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 293 2,000 WICK HOMES 114 UNION CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 294 2/030 WICK HOMES w.Y.� 110 VASHON CT NE INST 1Z PLBG FIXTURES 295 1,500 RELIANCE HOMES 2121 NE 27TH ST INST P4L8G FIXTURES (10) 296 730 SUNSET GRCUP 251 SUNSET BL N INNSTST 1 HUESINDRAINS 297 500 CHIN HILLS 3915 TALBOT RD S 299 1JJ TERRY R. Sk_ET 714 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL TWO FIXTURES 500 101 DELI 536 RAINIER AV S INSTALL TWO SINKS 300 139,3) E s H ENTERPRIZES 600, N oTH ST INSTAL 140 FIXTLRES 301 1,300 HIBURY HOMES INC 415 INDEX PL NE INST Z PLBG FIXTURES 302 1,8)0 HIELRY H0HES 407 INDEX PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 303 1,800 HIBUPY HOMES 403 INDEX PL ME INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 304 1,F03 HIEURY H04ES 522 EOMCNOS CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 305 1,800 HISURY HOMES 468 EDMONDS CT NE INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 336 1,003 TCDD INNER' 510 THCMAS AV Sw INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 337 5.000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P-C 500 N 6TH ST INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM 305 1,700 WICK HOMES 115 UNICK CT NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 309 2,100 WICK HOMES 159 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 310 2,000 WICK HOMES 4202 NE IST PL INST 12 PLBG FIXTLRES 311 J,800 WICK HOMES 172 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PL8G FIXTURES 312 , CO WICK HOMES 16C VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 313 2,000 WICK HOMES 183 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 314 2,100 WICK HOMES 171 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES S14N PERMITS 1364 1,500 EMIL VILLA'S HICKRY PIT 54 RAINIER AV S INST PYLON SIGN 1305 50 MONT= FERRELL 330 Sw 43RD ST INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1360 2.000 TOM AITON 435 WARRINGTON AV NE INSTALL 55 SO FT SIGN 1367 1,300 ED sOYLE 209 SUNSET 8L N INST 0/F POLE SIGN 1368 2,500 EXXON OIL CO 4715 WE SUNSET 8L INSTALL 2 FREE STANDING SIGNS I CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5936 Leonard Holma 1409 N. 24th Street Repair residential sanitary building sewer 5937 Wick Homes 4118 NE let Place Install side "war -- OF R� AGENDA COUN MBERS UIOHN ;. R N Lt COUNCIL PRRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT I. HUGHES 00 ;7rn KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.NANCY L. MATHEWS 9A �P� THOMAS W. TR MMCKE 09gTtQ SEPS50e REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 15, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8 :00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 1985 4. PROCLAMATIONS : Private Property Week, April 28-May 4, 1985 Professional Secretaries Week, April 21-27, 1985 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk presents street vacation request by Valley Office 8 Industrial Park, Inc. for Taylor Avenue SW and Maple Avenue SW between SW 19th Street and SW 21st Street. Refer to Board of Public Works and Utilities Committee. b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Mrs. Marilyn Bingaman, 310 Williams Avenue N . , Renton, to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for a two-year term effective to April 25, 1987. Mrs. Bingaman has served on the Commission since 1978. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests legislation to authorize allocation of Federal FAUS funding for intersection improvements at Hardie Avenue SW, SW Langston Road, and SW Sunset Boulevard. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 15, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S -- ADMINISTRATION Request for Housing Preservation Legislation BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation Request COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Good Chevrolet regarding Metro Bus Stop MAYOR & CITY CLERK Humane Society Contract NE 6th Street Watermain Contract UTILITIES COMMITTEE Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation Request WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Human Rights & Affairs Commission Reappointment FAUS Funding for Hardie Avenue SW Improvement (Resolution #2600 adopted) Subdivision Ordinance Corrections (1st reading 4/15/85) Mobile Home Park Requirements (1st readina 4/15/85) Conditional Use Permit Criteria (1st reading 4/15/85) Side Yard Setbacks ( 1st reading 4/15/85) Recycling Facilities ( 1st reading 4/15/85) Carlson Rezone, R-002-85 (1st reading 4/15/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/22/85 - LID 331 - Smithers Avenue S. between S. 21st & S. 23rd Streets 5/6/85 - Dochnahl 756 Annexation Petition/Denton-Bales Rezone Request - located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 15, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MARILYN J. PETERSEN, Deputy City Clerk; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of Private Property April 28 through May 4, 1985, as Private Property Week, Week joining with the Seattle-King county Board of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors in recognizing the political and economic freedom enjoyed by every citizen in their right to own, use, or transfer real property and their responsibility to protect this right, fostering decision-making that collectively affects the well-being of the community and encourages activity in other sectors of the economy, creating growth and contributing to a higher quality of life. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Professional A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of Secretaries April 21 through 27, 1985, as Professional Secretaries Week Week, recognizing that professional secretaries bring skill, loyalty, and efficiency to their positions; promote and maintain a cooperative relationship btween themselves and their employers; and take pride in their performance and in their profession. Professional Secretaries Day has been designated as Wednesday, April 24, 1985. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Grange Week A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the week of April 21 through 27, 1985, as Grange Week, to honor this fraternal and civic organization which has provided hands-on leadership training through its many programs for children, young adults, women, the deaf, and all those interested in rural issues, making the Grange a focal point for getting things done within a community. The Grange has built a reputation as being a strong legislative voice for rural Washington. The Washington State Grange, with approximately 70,000 members, is the largest general farm organization in the State and the largest Grange in the nation. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Mr. C. Betts, Master of the Newcastle Grange in Renton, and Mr. Ray Merwin accepted the proclamation. Renton City Council April 15, 1985 Page two AUDIENCE COMMENT Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, Renton, read a letter Honey Creek requesting a two-week extension to the deadline of April Appeals 14 for parties of record and interested parties to submit R-014-84 additional information regarding the Honey Creek appeals PPUD-105-84 (R-014-84/PPUD-105-84). Mr. Murray stated he had discovered a mathematical error in the report from the Building Department to the Hearing Examiner which may reduce the proposed density from 179 units to less than 120 units. He also reported the possibility that all interested parties and parties of record had not received proper notification of the proposed rezone and PPUD. Councilman Stredicke reported that the Planning and Development Committee had scheduled the appeal hearing on this matter for 7:00 p.m. , Thursday, April 25 and Mr. Murray would be welcome to present his data at that time. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the City Clerk's Office would investigate the matter of proper notification to all parties. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Valley Office & City Clerk presented street vacation request by Valley Industrial Park Office and Industrial Park, Inc. , for Taylor Avenue SW Street Vacation and Maple Avenue SW between SW 19th and SW 21st Streets. Request Petition signatures represent 100% ownership of Taylor Avenue SW; 50% of Maple Avenue SW (remaining 50% owned by the City of Renton). Refer to Board of Public Works and Utilities Committee. Human Rights and Mayor Shinpoch submitted reappointment of Mrs. Marilyn Affairs Commission Bingaman, 310 Williams Avenue North, to the Human Rights Reappointment - and Affairs Commission for a two-year term effective to Marilyn Bingaman April 25, 1987. Mrs. Bingaman has served on the Commission since 1978. Other members are: Sally Carlson, Peggy Cummins, Toni Nelson, Glenda Williams, and Barbara Lansing. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. FAUS Funding Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted Hardie Avenue SW/ request for legislation to authorize allocation of FAUS SW Langston Road/ funding for intersection improvements at Hardie Avenue SW Sunset Blvd. SW, SW Langston Road, SW Sunset Boulevard. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action) CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE APPROVED CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Gloria Longville Mehrens requested Council Housing consider adopting a comprehensive housing preservation Preservation ordinance to protect Renton citizens from being displaced Ordinance by increased commercial rezoning. Mrs. Mehrens' concern was prompted by the proposed rezone on South Tobin Street. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR APPROPRIATE ACTION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Public Safety recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Committee Police Department to approve the new contract between the Humane Society City and the Humane Society, Inc. The Committee further Contract recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council April 15, 1985 Page three OLD BUSINESS (continued) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report NE Sixth Street recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Watermain Public Works Department to accept the low bid of Grant Replacement Construction Company in the amount of $96,497.32 for the W-790 NE Sixth Street Watermain replacement (W-790). Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Water Latecomer Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Agreement W-792 recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Beckman Homes Public Works Department for approval of the Beckman Homes Water Latecomer Agreement, watermain improvements in SW 13th Street, east of Raymond Avenue SW (W-792) . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ws and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Committee report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Subdivision An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section Ordinance 9-1102, Chapter 11, of Title IX (Public Way and Correction Property) of the City Code by adding definitions; Section 9-1108(7)(k) relating to cul-de-sac standards; Section 9-1108(23)(A) relating to Streets: Widths and Lengths; and Section 9-1108(24)(A) relating to Streets: Widths and Lengths. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Mobile Home Park An ordinance was read amending Section 4-2005(A)(7) , Requirements Chapter 20, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating to mobile home park setbacks and repealing Sections 4-2006 and 4-2009 in their entirety. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Conditional Use An ordinance was read amending Section 4-748(C)5, Chapter Permit Criteria 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating to Conditional Use Permit criteria (parking) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED Side Yard Setbacks An ordinance was read amending Section 4-704(C)(4)(c)(1) , Zones G-1, R-1, 4-706(C)(4)(c)(1), and 4-708(C)(4)(c)(1) , Chapter 7, and R-21 Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code reducing side yard setbacks in Single Family and Two-Family Zones (G-1, R-1, and R-2) from six feet to five feet. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Recycling An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 of Facilities Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating to recycling facilities. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council April 15, 1985 Page four ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) Carlson Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification R-002-85 of property located at 211 SW 13th Street within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1) to Light Industrial District (L-1) (Carlson Rezone R-002-85). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2600 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City FAUS Funding Clerk to execute documents requesting allocation for Hardie Avenue SW/ Federal Aid Urban System funds for intersection improve- SW Langston Road/ ments at Hardie Avenue SW/SW Langston Road/SW Sunset SW Sunset Blvd. Boulevard. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Letter was acknowledged from Howard L. Sheridan, Vice Metro Bus Stop President, Good Chevrolet, Third and Burnett, Renton, Third and requesting the Metro bus stop located in from of their Burnett business be removed or relocated. Mr. Sheridan cited problems with showroom congestion, vandalism, pollution by bus fumes, and requested this matter be discussed at the scheduled meeting between Council and Metro. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch read a letter she had written to Dr. Gary REPORT Kohlwes, Superintendent, Renton School District, compli- Tiffany Park menting the second grade students of Tiffany Park Elementary School Elementary for the enthusiasm, honesty, and maturity Visit demonstrated by questions during the Mayor's recent visit. Mayor Shinpoch noted that teachers Joyce Hollis and Betty Swanson are to be congratulated. Minority and Mayor Shinpoch reported her meeting scheduled for April 9 Women-Owned with Ernest Walker, President of the Minority and Small. Business Business Council, to discuss his concerns voiced at the last Council meeting regarding the City's purchases from and contract placement to businesses owned by women and minorities had been postponed, rescheduled for this date. Mr. Walker had been unavailable for that meeting and the matter was still pending. Playtime Theaters Mayor Shinpoch announced acceptance by the U.S. Supreme Supreme Court Court of the City's petition for appeal of the Playtime Appeal Theaters court case and introduced City Attorney Larry Warren. Continued City Attorney Warren verified the Supreme Court "had noted probable jurisdiction", and the City (coordinating with the Washington, DC, law firm of Hogan and Hartson) will submit briefs and argue the case before the Court. Mr. Warren indicated this case has the potential to be of national significance and may be a legal landmark in years to come. The City Attorney praised Assistant City Attorney Dan Kellogg for his tremendous effort and energy expended in this case. Continued Mayor Shinpoch commended Attorney, Assistant City Attorney Kellogg, and their staff for a job well done. The Mayor expressed her admiration for and pride at being associated with this City Council and former Councilman Rockhill, noting their unity and perserverance over the past three years. X58 Renton City Council April 15, 1985 Page five AUDIENCE COMMENT Karen Sauve, 3413 SE Seventh, secretary of Citizens for a Council Thank You Quality Community congratulated Council and the City Attorney's Office and extended appreciation for their steadfastness in the Playtime Theaters case. Ms.Sauve noted her confidence that the Supreme Court decision would be in favor of the City. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED. COUNCIL ADJOURN. Time: 8:50 p.m. CARRIED. MARILYN J. EST SEN, Deputy City Clerk a- I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 4/18 7:00 p.m. REED Council Chambers Metro Transit Center Site Selection; Letter from Good Chevrolet; Council Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKEK PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Weds. 4/24 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE Council Chambers * Continuation of The Luckey Company Appeal (Victoria Hills) PPUD-008-85 Thurs. 4/25 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Honey Creek Associates Appeal, Rezone R-014-84 & PPUD-015-84 PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM *Subject to change of location TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 4/18 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Cooperative Agreement with Renton (AVIATION) School District for RVTI street frontage improvement project UTILITIES Weds. 4/24 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Martin Seelig Request for Release of Easement; Exchange of Easement request from The Sunset Group (Sunset Blvd.) WAYS S MEANS Mon. 4/22 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS ISSUED -- --- - - — -- - -SI TY_ QF_ RENTON -0-/,/12/85 BUILOINpERMITNIIG DEPARTMENT �I WEEK ENDING APRIL 12. 1985 �I 'e1 BUILDING PERMITS •i10964 19.000 BLUE MTN CCRP 3915 TALBOT RD S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 10985 8.000 CHUCK COLLINS 2509 WHITMAN CT NE CONST GARAGE 10986 750 RAYMOND CRAWFORD 608 S 25TH ST CONST FOTN ONLY PER SEC. 303(A) 10987 13.600 ROGER SUTTLE 2225 NE 16TH ST CONST ADDITION TO S/F RES. ;1. 10988 81000 GEORGE WYNNE 4606 NE 23RD ST CONST S/F ADDITION 0 10989 10,000 TEMPERLINE INC 4112 WEST VALLEY RD CONST COMMERCIAL BLDG 1:�11099Q T,580 J B'S BIG BOY RESTAURAN 610 RAINIER AV S INST WALK IN FREEZER 109911 ,4 0 DOUG ALLEN 1161 ABERDEEN AV NE CONSTRUCT POLE BLDG. GARAGE 10992 600 FALTER GRIESER 2423 GARDEN CT N RESIDENTIAL DECK ADDITION „' 10993 600 GARY MORITZ 326 UNION AV NE INSTALL DOOR TnRU FIRE WALL :>j1pp994 6 ,00 CITY OF RENTON 1055 NE 2ND ST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS 0995 3.808 TRAMWELL CROW INC 40 THOMAS AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT .510996 30.00 TRANS RIM ENTERPRISES L 301 SW 27TH ST CONST FOTN ONLY FOR MFG SLOG 1009977 2 Spp OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT 33375 UNION AV SE 0105 SET UP MOBILE HOME 13999 69.000 GEORGESOBERHOLDTZERNT 1934USHATTAV UCKSAV0S03 CONSTRS/F RESCT IDENCEORAGE SHED ELECTTRICAL PERRpMpITS ..: 12411 100 JANET NEIDERKORN 2097SUUNSETLSLVNNE INST WIRING TORSIGNN 12412 500 DAN HOLMES 3401 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING TO SIGN 12413 1.100 WICK HOMES 4118 NE 1ST PL INST WIRING 12414 21000 SCHOONERS 12 S 3RD ST INST WIRING TO REST. i 2 SIGNS 12415 5 383 CHIN HILLS 2915 TALBOT RD S INST WIRING IN TENANT AREA 12416 2.100 NEILTON GROUP 1202 BRONSON Wr N INST NEW S/F RESIDENCE 1224177 1.500 WILGEO CO 22 NG 12419 3,0305 TEKGWONED 6602 BRONSON WY N INST WIRING Zp 300 6b pp PARK AV N INST WIRING TO SIGN 12421 300 GLADSJO/SHEDLLAN 1186PSWK43RDNST INST WIRING 124 2 12 VALLEY GENERAL MEO. CTR 4308 S 43RD ST REIOCATE REICEPTACLES 1244 24,008 MOLVICKSDEREGT KOERING 861 POWELLTAVVSW INSTIWIRINGNG-FIRE DAMAGE 12425 2.000 HOLVICK OEREGT KOERING 841 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 1242y 1,708 HpLVICK DE REGT KOERING 903 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 1242 g7 1.2u0p0 HOLIIVICK OE REGT KOERING 993 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 124290 25Q50 NICKI MOYERON AVENUE CO. 2015UDAYTONVCTESE144 HOOK REPAIRPMOBILE HOME DAMAGED WIRING 12431 1500 JIB'SDBIGEBOYYNRESTAURAN 6105RAINIER AE 2NO V S WIRE.ADDITION 12432 17.685 NORTHWEST HANDLING 838 SENECA AV SW INST WIRING 12433 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 0105 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME 12434 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 0202 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME MECHANICAL PERMITS 10934 1.200 ROY LIEBOWITZ 330 SW 43RD ST INST EXHAUST HOOD 10935 50 K S 8 SALES INC 4608 NE SUNSET SL PLACEMENT OF KEROSENE TANK 10936 35.000 TEXACO INC 1408 BRONSON WY N INST FUEL TANKS 10937 2,800 DELI CATICUE 330 SW 43RD ST INST 2 EVAP. 1 COND. UNIT 10938 441 RAY NOOLANI 706 RENTON AV S INST CONVERSION BURNER, WATER HT 18939 1,OOQ WENDELL CLARK 508 S TOBIN ST INST CONVERSION BURNER/WATER HTR 10940 1,0000 ERIC FRITCH 2321 NE 10TH ST INST CONVERSION BURNER/MATER HTR 10941 800 J B'S RESTAURANTS 610 RAINIER AV S INST FREZER COMPRESSOR 10942 1,900 HEIDI RICKERD 419 WELLS AV N INST FURNACE, WATER HEATER x110943 1.000 ED RYBAR 212 S 3RO ST INST FIRE SUPPRESSION SYS + 10944 4,200 ED RYBAR 211 S 3RD ST INST HOOD SYSTEM 10945 1,825 WICK HOMES 11 VASHON CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10946 1,000 LEONARD BLORS 4308 SE 4TH PL INST FURNACE 10947 15.000 FLAKEY JAKES INC. 20 SW 7TH ST INSTALL FANS, Vi,? TERMINAL UNIT PLUMBING PERMITS 306 1,000 TODD ZENNERQ 810 THOMAS AV SW INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 307 5,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 500 N 6TM ST INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM 308 1,700 WICK HOMES 115 UNION CT NE INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 309 2,100 WICK HOMES 159 VASHON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 3310 02,00000 WICK HONES 4202 NE 1ST PL INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 312 2.000 WICK HOMES 160 S 172 VASHON PL NE NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES NST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 313 22,08050 WICK HOMES 1�1WICK HOMESt810p31 VASHON PL NE INST 11VASHON PLNE INST 'IO2 PLBG FIXTURES 3PLBG FIXTURES 16 I1195 RAY NORM NOORANIZ 706 RENT OBURNETNTAVVSN INST INST WATER BHEATERFIXTURES 317 2,200 BOB FRAISER 2210 NE 10TH ST INST 6 PLBG FIxTURES, REPAIR 318 24,835 SOL CORP 331 SW 27TH ST INST 32 PLBG FIXTURES 319 149 COLETTE PODOLAK 1622 TALBOT RD S INSTALL LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SIGN PERMIT 1367 x300 ED 80YLE 209 SUNSET BL N INST D/F POLE 5IGN 1368 2,500 EXXON OIL CO 4715 NE SUNSET SL INSTALL 2 FREE STANDING SIGNS 1369 3,000 KOLL BUSINESS CENTER 330 SW 43RD ST INST SIGN 1370 3,500 KOLL BUSINESS CTR 330 SN 43RD ST INST SIGN 1371 3,100 RENTON CENTER ASSOC. 446 HARDIE AV SW INST SIGN - 3 2 ,500 VILLAGE SQUARE 1222 BRONSON WY N INST S/F CAB SIGN y 11 373 ,500 THE FARRELL GROUP 24) SUNSET BL N INST S/F SIGN H74 1.008 GLAOSJO/SHELLAN 2106 SW 43RD ST INST OFF PREMISE SIGN 75 2,000 WNEDELL WOODALL 610 PARK AV N INST OFF PREMISE SIGN 1376 2,000 TEK WONG 660 PARK AV N INST OFF PREMISE SIGN 1377 1,800 PLANE SPACE INVESTMENT 300 AIRPORT WY INST SIGN 1378 275 PLANE SPACE INVESTMENTS 308 AIRPORT WY INST SIGN 1379 2.500 RENTON LINCOLN MERCURY 201 S 7TH ST INST WALL SIGN 1380 800 Jk# Rg1,JTO4 4096 EAST VALLEY RD INST TEMPORARY 30 DAY SIGN 4-A I, e CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5938 Wick Homes 123 Vashon Court NE Install side sewer '41 5939 Earl Bowden 518 Cedar Avenue S. Remove sidewalk and install driveway 5942 E E H Properties 6th and Wells Sanitary connection, storm sewer work, 594+3 Chaffey Corp. 165 Vashon Place NE Install side sewer 5944 Renton Center 446 Hardie Avenue SW Repair commercial side sewer OF COUNCIL MEMBERS ., AGENDA JOHN W. REED, R Z EARLCOUNCIL RESIDENT CLYME;L7 ROBERT I. HUGHES Z KATHY KEOLKER � RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M.NANCY L. MATHEWS TREDI CKE Ap,9 P� THOMAS W. TR MM glto SEPJ"OO� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING APRIL 22, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Local Improvement District No. 331 - Sanitary Sewers in Smithers Avenue S. between South 21st Street and South 23rd Street 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Parks Department requests appropriation of $6,239 additional Block Grant funds from King County Senior Housing Program account to enable completion of Pedestrian Corridor Project. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Parks Department submits Park Board recommendation to select Charlie Stewart, sole proprietorship, as concessionaire for Maplewood Golf Course, including collection of all course fees and provision of golf carts, pro shop, and food/beverage service; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract. Council concur. C. Police Department requests modification of City Code Section 10. 1705.C, Impound Vehicles Ordinance, requiring payment prior to release of a towed vehicle; and adoption of RCW 9A. 28.020 regarding criminal attempt. Refer to Public Safety Committee. d. Public Works Department submits transfer of airport lease agreement from Aero-Paint Systems to VOLCO, Inc. , due to a claimed default, lease purchase agreement. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. e. Public Works/Utilities Engineering Department requests final approval of West Hill Transmission Pipeline Project (W-716) (Del Mar Construction Co. ), commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to contractor if all taxes have been paid and no liens have been filed. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL April 22, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Woll Analyze alternative site locations for Metro CBD Transit Center and report back in one month Meet with Metro to resolve issues cited by Good Chevrolet re bus stop COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Metro CBD Transit Center (hold for two months) MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Execute contract with Charlie Stewart as Maplewood Concessionaire PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Thomas Malmoe regarding Honey Creek Annexation/Rezone PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Impound Vehicles Ordinance/Criminal Attempt Ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Lease Transfer from Aero-Paint to VOLCO, Inc. (LAG 02-73) WAYS AND PAEANS COMMITTEE LID 331 Block Grant Fund appropriation for Pedestrian Corridor Resolution authorizing Interlocal Agreement for joint City/Renton School District improvement project adjacent to RVTI PUBLIC HEARINGS 5/6/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation Petition/Denton-Bales Rezone Request - located south of NE 4th and west of Duvall NE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 22, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. r..� ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; ED HAYDUK, Housing & Community Development Director; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Preliminary and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch opened Local Improvement the public hearing to consider proposed Local Improvement Project No. 331 District No. 331 , construction and installation of sanitary sewers in and near Smithers Avenue South, between South 21st Street and South 23rd Street. Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton advising that as of 5:00 p.m. this date, no protests have been filed with the City. tr.r Continued A handout containing site maps, a fact sheet, and copy of the proposed assessment roll was distributed to Council members by Public Works Director Houghton. The maps designated the 12 individual parcels contained within the 5.5 acre site, currently zoned G-1 , single family residential . Of the total estimated cost of $80,000 for the project, approximately $20,000 will be funded by the City for costs incurred in extending the sewer line a distance of from 500 to 600 feet to the subject site. The remaining $60,000 will be apportioned among the participating property owners, utilizing the zone and terminii method of assessment (calculated on front footage and depth of the property) . The assessed valuation of the LID is $240,000 for the land and $347,100 for the improvements for a total of $587,100. Continued Mr. Houghton reported receipt on January 25, 1985 of a petition signed by 57% (seven of the 12 parcels) of the property owners within the LID scope. Resolution No. 2598 was then adopted by the City Council on March 25, 1985, setting a public hearing this date. If approved, he anticipated execution of a contract with the low bidder by fall of 1985 with completion of the project scheduled for year's end. Continued Audience comment was invited. Bill Garthe, 2208 Smithers Avenue South, questioned timing of the project. Mr. Houghton advised that approximately 80 City projects are scheduled ahead of LID 331 . Virginia Hill , 2115 Smithers Avenue South, inquired regarding the assessment payment schedule and asked whether lines would be installed at sufficient depth to prevent an existing water problem in the area from increasing. It was indicated that assessments could be paid over a 10-year period, and consideration of the existing water problem would be given in the project design. Continued Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Houghton indicated that assessment amounts are predicated upon provision of one sewer stub per parcel . However, each property owner would be contacted prior to the design stage of the project to Renton City Council 4/22/85 Page two Public Hearing, LID 331 continued Preliminary LID determine whether a second stub is desired to allow 331 continued subdivision of the parcel at a later date. Cost of an additional stub would be added to individual assessments. Continued Ellen A. Key, owner of property at 2214 Smithers Avenue, requested additional specific information regarding assessment costs and whether her parcel could be subdivided at a later date. She was invited to contact the Public Works Director for specific information. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ACCEPT PRELIMINARY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 331 AND INSTRUCT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE LID. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, LID 331 BE REFERRED TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, Renton, referenced an Side Yard Setbacks ordinance reviewed by Ways and Means Committee this date, in G-1 , R-1 and which amends Chapter 7, Title IV of City Code, by decreasing R-2 Zones the side yard setback in single family and two family zones from six feet to five feet. He requested consideration of retention of the six foot setback in the single family zones to ensure a more open neighborhood environment. Councilwoman Mathews explained that the side yard setback had been increased from five to six feet in 1982 based upon a Fire Department comment. However, due to problems from creation of non-conforming uses by this requirement in residential areas, particularly when homes are remodeled, the Fire Department agreed that the setback should be restored to the original five feet. (See later action, adoption of Ordinance No. 3904.) Impound Vehicles Oma Bergeron, 808 North 29th Street, Renton, referenced Ordinance (See Consent Agenda Item 6.c. , Police Department request for Consent Agenda modification of Section 10-1705.0 of the City Code regarding Item 6.c.) impounded vehicles. She requested definitions for impounded and abandoned vehicles. City Attorney Kellogg suggested that Ms. Bergeron attend the Public Safety Committee meeting when scheduled to discuss this matter. (Public Safety Committee will meet on Monday, 5/6/85 at 7:30 p.m. , 6th Floor Conference Room.) Cabaret Ordinance Michelle Bingle, 823 South 28th Court, asked when the City Council plans to address the Hearing Examiner' s report regarding the Cabaret Ordinance (Encore Club) . Council President Reed announced that discussion will be held under New Business at the City Council Meeting of 5/6/85. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which Item 6.b. Removed - follows the listing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, Concessionaire for ITEM 6.b. BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR SEPARATE Maplewood Golf Club CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Item 6.a. Parks Department requested appropriation of $6,239 additional Block Grant Funds Block Grant funds from King County Senior Housing Program to Complete account to enable completion of the Pedestrian Corridor Pedestrian Corridor Project: $1 ,482 - legal costs for acquisition of Parcel A-1 ; $2,097 - complete demolition of dwelling on Parcel A-1 ; and $2,660 - cost of change orders associated with future senior housing site. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Item 6.c. Police Department requested modification of City Code Impound Vehicles Section 10-1705-C, Impound Vehicles Ordinance, to prohibit Ordinance persons from redeeming a towed vehicle by signing a promissory note in lieu of payment; and adoption of Revised Code of Washington Section 9A.28.020, pertaining Criminal Attempt to Criminal Attempt , into City Code. Refer to Public Safety Ordinance Safety Committee. Item 6.d. Public Works Department requested transfer of Aero-Paint Transfer of Lease Systems, Inc. Lease (289 East Perimeter Road) to VOLCO, Assignment from Inc. due to lease purchase agreement default by Aero-Paint Aero-Paint to (LAG 02-73) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. VOLCO, Inc. Renton City Council 4/22/85 Page three Consent Agenda continued Item 6.e. Public Works/Utilities Engineering Department submitted West Hill CAG 051-84, West Hill 12- Inch Transmission Pipeline; and Transmission requested approval of the project, authorization for final Pipeline pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period and W-716 release of $12,800.51 retainage to Del Mar Construction Co. after 30 days if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ._ Approved CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Item 6.b. Parks Department submitted Park Board recommendation for Selection of selection of concessionaire at Maplewood Golf Course. Concessionaire Council President Reed asked Park Director John Webley for Maplewood for a presentation on the selection process and the Golf Club Board ' s recommendation to the City Council . Mr. Webley announced the recommendation of the Maplewood Golf Course Concessionaire Selection Committee to award the concession contract to Charlie Stewart, Sole Proprietorship. Mr. Stewart, a lifelong Renton resident , has 17 years business experience as owner of Jack' s Drive In in Bellevue and Jack' s Restaurant in Renton. He also developed/owned Sunrise Nutrition and developed Sunset Radiator in Renton. Continued Ken Lawrence, first assistant at Fairwood Golf and Country Club for the past four years, will be the on-site golf professional . He is experienced in tournament organization, operation and scoring, and many other aspects of golf course operation. Mr. Lawrence is scheduled to receive his Class A membership from the PGA in August of 1985. Continued Mr. Webley advised that under the contract with the City, the concessionaire will assist in the operation of the golf course including collection of course fees; renting equipment including golf carts; taking reservations; scheduling tournaments; providing starter and ranger functions; providing programs; staffing and operating a pro shop; providing support services to course clubs; promoting and advertising the course; and staffing and operating the restaurant and lounge. Continued Webley reported that the Committee selected Mr. Stewart because his proposal included a number of desirable improvements to the clubhouse (carpeting, window covers, chairs, tables, booths and miscellaneous kitchen equipment) ; construction of a cart barn; a sound golf program headed by Mr. Lawrence; and the best financial package. Under the contract, the City will receive 850 of course fees, 3% of food service gross sales, 3% pro shop gross sales, and 6% of gross fees for golf cart rental . This revenue should maintain the course, make improvements, and help retire the bonds issued to purchase the course. Mayor Shinpoch recalled that as a source of revenue, green fees were considered to be a vital factor by the Finance Director in the decision to purchase the course. Continued The restaurant and lounge will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the facility will have a Class H liquor license, sale of liquor to be included in 3% gross sale receipts. Continued Mr. Webley reiterated the recommendation of the Selection -••- Committee, comprised of John Reed, Tom Trimm (Councilmembers) ; Ron Regis, Charles Delaurenti , and Joan Moffatt (Park Board members) ; Bob Hufnagle (Park Department staff) ; and Ed McCaffrey (golfing community representative) to accept the proposal submitted by Charlie Stewart, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract. Continued Councilwoman Keolker asked if Mr. Stewart or any of the other applicants had golf course operation experience. Mr. Webley indicated that although Mr. Stewart has no actual golf course experience, Mr. Lawrence is well-qualified in that field. He also advised that the selection was made based upon the Renton City Council 4/22/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Item 6.b. commitment to provide capital improvements and the favorable Selection of financial package offered . Concessionaire for Maplewood Golf Club Following introduction of Mr. Stewart and Mr. Lawrence, Councilman Clymer inquired regarding the number of employees which will be needed to maintain the course. Mr. Webley indicated plans to hire one full-time greenskeeper next week from a field of over 50 applicants. In addition, one full-time maintenance worker will be required along with part-time help as needed. Continued MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD TO SELECT CHARLIE STEWART, SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP, AS CONCESSIONAIRE (INCLUDING COLLECTION OF ALL COURSE FEES) AT MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a report regarding the Metro Committee of Central Business District (CBD) Transit Center. The Committee The Whole of the Whole met with representatives of Metro to review the Metro CBD preferred site recommendations for the proposed transit center. Transit Center After a staff presentation and comments from residents, business owners and other interested parties, the Council determined that the transit center issue should remain in the Committee of the Whole for two months. Metro and the City staff will analyze alternative site locations and provide a status report in one month. Bus Stop Near Regarding the letter received from Good Chevrolet citing Good Chevrolet problems incurred as a result of the Metro bus stop located near the dealership, the Committee of the Whole recommended that the Administration and representatives of Metro meet to attempt to resolve the issues presented in the letter. Legislative The Committee of the Whole recommended deferral of discussion Policies regarding Legislative Policies and Procedures to the June meeting of the Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee recommending approval of the inter-local agreement for joint Monroe Avenue NE City/Renton School District participation in improvements Joint City/School to Monroe Avenue NE, Kirkland Avenue NE and NE 7th Street. District Street The City will be the lead agency for construction and Improvement management of the project, with the School District responsible Interlocal for improvement of the Renton Vocational Technical Institute Agreement (RVTI) street frontage. City funds in the amount of $297,000 are. _ budgeted in the one-half cent 102 account, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 317 account, and any excess funds in the 317 account for the Houser Way/Williams Avenue Bridge Painting project. Continued The Committee recommended that the Agreement be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of the authorizing resolution. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN SHE COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Chairman Mathews indicated that City funds are not being expended on RVTI frontage on Kirkland or Monroe, but rather on improvements to other portions of Monroe NE to NE 12th Straet as funding allows. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3901 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 9-1102, Subdivision Chapter 11 , of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City Ordinance . Code relating to standards for cul-de-sac streets by adding Corrections definitions; Section 9-1108(7) (k) relating to cul-de-sac standards; Section 9-1108(23) (A) relating to Street Widths Renton City Council 4/22/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Subdivision and Lengths; and Section 9-1108(24) (A) relating to Street Ordinance Widths and Lengths (Industrial Use) . MOVED BY CLYMER, Correction SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. continued ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3902 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-2005(A) (7) , Mobile Home Park Chapter 20, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Requirements Code relating to mobile home park setbacks and repealing Sections 4-2006 and 4-2009 in their entirety. MOVED BY -- CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3903 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-748(C) (5) , Chapter Conditional Use 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating Permit Criteria to Conditional Use Permit criteria (parking) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3904 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-704(C) (4) (1 ) , Side Yard 4-706(C) (4) (c) (1) , and 4-708(C) (4) (c) (1 ) , Chapter 7, Title IV Setbacks (Building Regulations) of the City Code reducing side yard setbacks in single family and two-family zones (G-1 , R-1 and R-2) from six feet to five feet. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3905 An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 of Recycling Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating Facilities to recycling facilities. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3906 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Carlson Rezone of property located at 211 SW 13th Street within the City R-002-85 of Renton from Residence District (R-1) to Light Industrial "- District (L-1 ) (Carlson Rezone, File No. R-002-85) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2601 A resolution was read authorizing an Interlocal Agreement Interlocal with King County for street improvements on 87th Avenue Agreement for South (Taylor Avenue NW) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, 87th Avenue S. COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Reappointment Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report to Human Rights recommending concurrence in Mayor Shinpoch' s appointment of and Affairs Mrs. Marilyn Bingaman to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission Commission for a two-year period effective to April 25, 1987. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 6246 through 6550, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 6254-6258 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. - NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke advised receipt of a letter from Thomas Honey Creek Malmoe regarding the Honey Creek Annexation/Rezone hearings. Annexation/ City Attorney Kellogg suggested that the letter be presented Rezone/PPUD during the Planning and Development Committee of 4/25/85 when R-014-84 this matter is scheduled to be discussed. The Committee can PPUD-015-84 then determine whether the record can be expanded to include Mr. Malmoe' s letter. He cautioned against including the letter in the record at this time because all parties to the annexation/rezone record are not aware of its contents. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, LETTER FROM THOMAS MALMOE REGARDING HONEY CREEK BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/22/85 Page six New Business continued Public Use Referencing a letter from City Attorney Warren regarding Parcel near disposition of public right-of-way under use by a private Longacres individual , Councilman Stredicke requested a status report Race Track regarding another public use parcel near Longacres and questioned whether the individual involved has since received title to the City property. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide a status report. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch extended the City' s pride and gratitude to REPORT Assistant City Attorney Dan Kellogg for his major contribution Playtime Court in the City of Renton v Playtime Court Case. She also thanked Case him for the Law Week excerpt reporting acceptance of the case by the U.S. Supreme Court. Senior Stage Mayor Shinpoch invited Councilmembers to attend the Senior Review Stage Review, ''So This Is Your Wife,'' at Carco Theater, May 2 and 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. and May 4 at 2:00 p.m. Since tickets are free and in great demand, they should be reserved as soon as possible. Valley Medical Mayor Shinpoch reported that Valley Medical Center has sent Center Survey copies of a community survey to each Councilmember pertaining to their plans for the community. 1985 Population Estimated population statistics in the City of Renton have Estimates been compiled as required on April 1st of each year. Estimated population is 33,700. There are 8,823 single family homes with a 97.3% occupancy rate and an average 2.55 persons per unit; 7,081 multifamily units at an 87.9% occupancy rate and an average 1 .70 persons per unit; 496 mobile homes at 97.4% occupancy rate and an average 1 .62 persons per unit. Total number of dwelling units: 16,400. Seven (7) people were added to the population as a result of annexations during the period from 4/1/84 through 4/1/85; there were 547 new units (all categories) constructed; and 485 residents living in nursing/retirement homes. AUDIENCE COMMENT Oma Bergeron, 808 North 29th Street, indicated her intent Council to become involved in City government, and requested information Representation regarding Council representation by district. Mayor Shinpoch advised that Councilmembers represent all areas of the City and are elected at-large. 1985 Population Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, asked if the above-listed Estimates population statistics are available to the general public. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that copies can be obtained from the City Clerk' s office. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:21 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk Ila tf�v p CHEKREGR CITY OF RENTON DATE 04/19/85 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOIDS: No.#06254 - #06258 CURRENT $110.342.10 PARKS $91, 508. 20 -- ARTERIAL STREETS $856.75 STREETS $53,3C2.12 LIBRARY $10,270.15. FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $364,225.08 GEN GOVT MISC CEBT SERV $17,007. 85 ` STREET FORWARD THRUST $33,640.42 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND S28,191 .15 WATERWORKS LTILITY $189,049.61 AIRPORT $4,593. 52 GOLF COURSE FUND $12,233.31 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION $110,163.80 EQUIPMENT RENTAL S6,C85.74 FIREMEN'S PENSION 517,452.39 LID CONTROL 51 ,386.15 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S1 ,C50,308.34 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEPBERS OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED CR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 6246 THROUGH NO. 6550 IN THE AMOUNT OF 31 ,050,308.34 THIS 22ND CAY OF APRIL 1985 . COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- - - MEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - MEMBER - -U - - - - - - } C. REMINDER : MONDAY, APRIL 29 IS A FIFTH MONDAY. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL WILL NOT MEET. Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 22, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 5/9 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Transit Study; Data Processing Master Plan; Tour of Data Processing Department; City Newsletter; Financial Status Report by COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKEK Finance Director (tentative schedule) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 'Neds. 4/24 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE Council Chambers Continuation of The Luckey Company Appeal (Victoria Hills) PPUD-008-85 Thurs. 4/25 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Appeals filed on Honey Creek Associates Rezone & PPUD, R-014-84 and PPUD-015-84 PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 5/6 7: 30 p.m. TRIMM 6th Floor Conference Room Modification of Impound Vehicles Ordinance TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 5/2 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Attendance by City Attorney requested (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 4/24 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Martin Seelig Request for Release of Easement; Exchange of Easement Request by The Sunset Group (Sunset Boulevard) WAYS & MEANS Mon. 5/6 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED ---- ----------.—_..{;TY OF RENT ON --- -- PAGE --- 04/22/85 BUILDING B ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING APRIL 22. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11000 12r000 UNION OIL CO 320 RAINIER AV S INST NEW FACIA 11001 20.-000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW CONSTRUCT WALL PARTITIONS 11002 95.820 JACK S. SENEROYA 820 SW 41ST ST STUD WALL/RESTROOMS 11003 1/BOO WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11004 2rC00 KENNETH LOCK 1811 MORRIS AV S CONST CARPORT 11005 25.-000 PENNY TUCKER 2216 NE 16TH ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE - 11006 1.-000 KENNETH SCHWAB 3324 SE 5TH ST REROCF ADDITION 11007 52.-000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 100 PARK AV N INST MODULAR OFFICE COMPLEX - 11008 5.-000 DEAN BITNEY 20 UNION AV SE N10 ROOM ADDITION 11009 3.-000 STEVE RARER 305 NW 7TH ST CONSTRUCT NEW FOUNDATION 11010 1.-500 WILLIAM RIVA JR 3619 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NREMODEL GARAGE 11011 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNION AV SE #195 SET MOBILE HOME 11012 2.500 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNION AV SE 0195 CONST PATIO ETC _ 111p01y3 50p OAKHURST DEV. 3337555 UNION AV SE $136 SET MOBILE HOME 11015 2 700 CLAYTONTRIICE. 2316UNION 12TH ST #136 CONINSTTABOVEPATIO GETC OUND SWIMMING POOL 11016 11.-400 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1000 PARK AV N TENANT IMPROVEMENT-BLDG 10-85 11017 3.-100 LOREN ZINK 516 MORRIS AV S CONST S/F GARAGE ADDITION ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12435 1x100 LEONARD BLDRS 4206 SE 4TH ST WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 12436 1.-360 LECNARD BLDRS 4308 SE 4TH PL WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 12437 160 TIM SNELLING 4604 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING TO SIGN 12438 800 FILLIPS 3405 SE 7TH ST CHANGE METER 8 WIRE NEW ADDITION 12439 400 BOXMAKER 1030 THCMAS AV SW WIRE OFFICE AREA 1j440 4 HIBURY HOMES 2825 NE 4TH CT INST TEMPORARY POWER 12441 40 HIBURY HOMES 522 EDMONDS CT NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12442 40 HIBURY HOMES 451 INDEX PL NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12444 5O?p?00 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL WORK 1T 7700 WICK HOMES 165 VASHON PL NE INST WIRING 12445 1.-10000 WICK HOMES 1002113 VASHON CT NE INST WIRING 12447 45.-200 GROUP BEAVER 21055ABERDEENTPL SE INST WIRING-DATA PROCESSING AREA 12448 5x400 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1000 PARK AV N INST WIRING TO OFFICE TRAILER 1122449 400 BILL JUNJEK 329p36 NE 6TM PL CHANGE SERVICE TO 200 AMPS 450 124511 1rZOO 500 MYSTICEN ICORP UNION 76 301 SWRAINIER 27TH ST S WIRE TEMPORARYYPPOWERN & LIGHT CIRCUIT 12452 50 GEORGE OBERHCLTZER 1940 SHATTUCK AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12453 20 CLAYTON RICE 2316 NE 12TH ST INST MIRING FOR POOL 12454 20 LOREN E ZINK 516 MORRIS AV S WIRE GARAGE ADDITION 12455 3.000 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 77H ST INST WIRING-3RC FLOOR MECHANICAL PERMITS 10948 74.-204 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 841 POWELL AV SW INST MVAC/2 EXHAUST FANS 10949 6.-968 JIM COOK 150 SW SUNSET 8L INST HEAT PUMP 10950 742 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 1222 BRONSON WY N INST DUCTWORK 10951 700 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 7222 BRCNSON WY N INST DUCTWORK 10952 2.-100 WICK HOMES 111 VASHON CT NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 10953 25 T 0 BEAVER 2105 ABERDEEN PL SE INST CUCTWORK 10954 1.-500 EO RYBAR 212 S 3RD ST INST GAS PIPING 10955 650 JAMES J. BOYO 2324 NE 22ND ST INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT 10956 600 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 7TH ST INST WOOD STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 320 500 WILGEO 1222 BRCNSCN WY N INST PLBG FIXTURES 321 500 WILGEO 1222 BRONSON WY N INST PLBG FIXTURES 322 65 T 0 BEAVER 2105 ABERDEEN PL SE INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES -- 323 TEMPERLINE INC 4112 WEST VALLEY RD INST FLOOR DRAIN SIGN PERMITS 1381 11.-000 SEA GALLEY CORP 3750 EAST VALLEY RD INST 2 SIGNS 1382 700 TIM SNELLING 4604 NE 4TH ST INST SIGN 1383 15 J B'S RESTAURANTS 610 RAINIER AV S INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1384 2"00� SAFELITE AUTO GLASS 205 RAINIER AV S INST 2 S/F ILLUM. SIGNS 1385 5.-COO BOB'S BIG BOY 610 RAINIER AV S INST PYLON SIGN 1386 1.-000 UNION OIL CC 320 RAINIER AV S INST 2 S/F SIGNS 1387 2.-100 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 364 RENTON CENTER WY SW INSTALL SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5940 Wick Homes 117 Vashon Install side sewer 5941 John L. Rankin 2822 Cedar Avenue S. Install sanitary side sewer 5945 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4206 SE 4th Street Install side sewer 5946 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4308 SE 4th Place Install side sewer C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N TRANSFERS MONTH OF April, 1985 TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: DATE OUT of account number IN to account number DESCRIPTION TOTAL 4/8/85 Cum Res #2104 Park Fund Resolution #2599 $37,450.00 112/20.597.77.55.09 101/397.00.00.01 a MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR �: i a 3 4 i w i i 374 OF R4. � � � AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS �� IOHN W. REED, U `0 T� Z EARLCOUNCIL RESIDENT CLYMEROBERT 1. HUGHES n rn KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL NANCY L.M.MATHEWS AO t`Q'� THOMAS W. TR MMCKE 9�TfD SEP11r-o" REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MAY 6, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 22, 1985 4. PROCLAMATIONS: American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sales Week - May 13-19, 1985 Fire Service Recognition Day - May 11 , 1985 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Dochnahl 75% Annexation Petition and Bales/Denton Rezone - Concurrent Review Process 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department requests reduction of lot width standard in single family (R-1) and two-family (R-2) zones. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. b. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by William A. and Katherine T. Fitzgearld, 375 Union Avenue SE #25, Renton, for injuries sustained in a fall on the wheel chair ramp at Godfather' s Pizza, 3152 Sunset Boulevard NE, alleging City negligence for approving construction and inspection of ramp (12/06/84) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. C. Claim for damages in the amount of $500 filed by the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 286, 830 North Riverside Drive, Renton, for replacement of a large rhododendron allegedly destroyed by a backhoe working on a City project (4/12/85) . Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. d. City Clerk submits application for street vacation submitted by Lincoln Property Company representing the estate of Anna Phinney for all of Lake View Boulevard (SE 104th Street) lying north of 3rd Avenue (north of Gene Coulon Beach Park entrance) , VAC 02-85. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing for 6/10/85 and to Board of Public Works. e. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions of Richard Shore Rezone, File No. R-015-85, from G-1 to R-2 for 1 .91 acres of property located at 1626 Grant Avenue South. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of Edward Gonzalez Rezone, R-003-85, and PP-004-85 and PPUD-005-85 with restrictive covenants; consisting of 1 .40 acres located at 135 Union Avenue NE from G-1 to R-2, five lot subdivision, and five two-story triplexes containing 15 units. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Mayor Shinpoch requests resolution supporting proposed King County Surface Water Management Utility. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Police Department requests review of jail agreement with the U.S. Navy Absentee Collection Unit to house their prisoners. Refer to Public Safety Committee. i . Policy Development Department/Planning Commission submits proposed Animal Regulations following public hearings in 1981 , 1984 and 1985. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. j. Public Works/Airport Department transmits recommendation from Fancher Flyways, Inc. for solution of problem created by starling birds at Renton Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. k. Public Works/Airport Department requests approval of attendance of three Fire Department officers at Crash Fire Rescue School in Moses Lake, WA, May 29-June 1 , 1985. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. (Continued reverse side) 7. CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) 1 . Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG 058-84, 1984 Asphalt Resurfacing - Phase II ; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $209,702.40, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $10,485. 12 to M. A. Segale, Inc. , contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS - Findings of Fact from Hearing Examiner re Cabaret Ordinance 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 11 . NEW BUSINESS 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Directed to enforce Cabaret Ordinance BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Lincoln Property Street Vacation (Anna Phinney) CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Fitzgearld Claim for Damages Local 286 Operating Engineers Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Block Grant Funds and Renton Rehabilitation Program HEARING EXAMINER Remand of The Luckey Company PPUD-008-86 (Victoria Hills) Remand of Honey Creek Rezone 4-014-84 and PPUD-015-84 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Beckman Homes Storm Sewer Latecomer Agreement Martin Seelig Release of Easement The Sunset Group Release of Easement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Lot Width Standards for R-1 and R-2 Zones Animal Regulations Letter from First City Equities re Day Care Facilities in MP & OP Zones TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Fancher Flyways Letter re Starling Birds Crash Fire Rescue School (action taken 5/6/85) Aero-Paint Systems Lease Assignment to VOLCO, Inc. (hold until June) Aero-Paint Systems Lease Assignment to "289 E. Perimeter Road, Inc.) (hold) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Lincoln Property Street Vacation Resolution VAC 002-85 Shore Rezone, R-015-85 Gonzales Rezone R-003-85, Plat PP-004-85, and PPUD-005-85 King County Surface Water Management Utility LID 328 Bonds (1st reading 5/6/85) Valley Office and Industrial Park Street Vacation VAC 001-85 Impound Vehicles Ordinance Criminal Attempt Ordinance LID 331 Ordinance and Summary Ordinance (Smithers S.) (1st reading 5/6/85) Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Block Grant Funds ( 1st reading 5/6/85) Fence and Hedge Regulations (1st reading 5/6/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/3/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone - south of NE 4th and west of Duvall NE (date subject to change) 6/10/85 - Lincoln Property Street Vacation (Lake View Boulevard) 6/17/85 - Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation (Taylor & Maple SW) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 6, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS. W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. COUNCIL MEMBERS HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL PRESIDENT JOHN W. REED BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LARRY M. SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; STEVE MUNSON, Policy Development Department; ALAN WALLIS, Police Chief; LEE WHEELER, Fire Chief; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 22, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared the period May 13 American Legion through 19, 1985 as American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sales Auxiliary Poppy Week, to honor disabled veterans and urge donations for Sales Week poppies which benefit these veterans and their families. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Fire Recognition A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared Saturday, May 11 , Day 1985, as Fire Service Recognition Day to focus attention on varied and technical services offered by fire departments in the United States and Canada and urge citizens to visit their nearest fire station on this date to become acquainted with staff, equipment and services. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Fire Chief Lee Wheeler expressed appreciation for the proclamation and noted similar proclamation presented by Governor Booth Gardner. He introduced Lieutenant Larry Eager, in charge of the event, and Firefighters Local President Bob Deines. Lt. Eager invited everyone to attend the three- day Fire Service Recognition Program, sponsored by the City of Tukwila Fire Department, at Southcenter this weekend. All fire departments will have displays and exhibits. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Dochnahl 75% published and mailed in accordance with State and City laws, Annexation Petition/ Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider the Bales-Denton Rezone Dochnahl 75o Annexation Petition and the Bales/Denton Rezone. (R-105-84) Steve Munson, Policy Development Department, explained that Concurrent Review pursuant to Council policy, the annexation and rezone have Process been submitted for joint review by the City Council . This hearing constitutes the first of two public hearings required by State law, to be set at least 30 days apart. Council accepted the loo annexation petition and authorized circulation of the 75% petition on 1/28/85 for annexation of approximately 13 acres located on the south side of NE 4th Street, east of Union Avenue NE and west of 138th Avenue SE. The rezone was considered by the Hearing Examiner on 3/19/85, and approval was recommended for rezone of Parcels 1 , 2 and 3 (3.37 acres) to Office Park (O-P) zone and Parcel 4 (.53 acres) to Business (B-1 ) zone. The Examiner required several conditions: 1 ) site plan review for subsequent development; 2) prohibition of all but emergency access from Parcels 1 , 2 and 3 to NE 4th Street and requirement of a joint access agreement between Parcels 2 and 3; and 3) dedication of the easterly 30 feet of Parcel 4 for the widening of Duvall Avenue NE. Continued The scope of the annexation area and the four parcels proposed for rezone were pointed out by Mr. Munson on a vicinity map. �7g Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page two Public Hearing continued Dochnahl 75% He reported a request of the Fire Prevention Bureau for Anrexation Petition/ dedication of a 30-foot strip on the west side of 136th Bales-Denton Rezone Avenue SE to provide emergency vehicle access; and suggested continued inclusion of the requirement in the language of the ordinance approving the annexation. As an alternative, dedication could be required for any future development. Mr. Munson reiterated the departmental recommendation for approval of both the annexation and rezone; and establishment of a second public hearing on 6/3/85• Continued Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren advised the Council right to deny the rezone at any point in the process up to adoption of the rezone ordinance. Policy Development Director Springer indicated that through the simultaneous review process, several options exist for approval of both the annexation and rezone, denial of both, or approval of the annexation and denial of the rezone. Regarding questions concerning access, he also reported that the Examiner had given thorough consideration to proposed access to the south of the McCann property and the proposal for additional right-of-way. Continued David Sitzman, 13024 SE 72nd Place, Renton, representing the petitioners, spoke in favor of both the annexation and rezone. He felt the proposed developments are consistent with development in the area and a natural extension of City boundaries. He indicated that through an oversight, owners of Lots 2 and 3 had not appealed Condition No. 2 imposed by the Examiner-- joint access agreement between the two lots required by restrictive covenant. City Attorney Warren confirmed that the appeal period for the Examiner' s report has expired. Mr. Sitzman noted that King County zoning for Parcels 3 and 4 . allows business use; however, office park development as proposed would have less impact on traffic and surrounding areas. Continued Dennis Dochnahl , 10406 129th SE, owner of Lot 2, objected to the referenced joint access agreement since it would violate an existing lease held with adjacent Old National Bank, and would be unacceptable to both parties. Upon inquiry, Mr. Springer reported that if the annexation was approved and the rezone denied, G-1 (General) zoning would be applied, and existing businesses would be classified as legal non-conforming uses since they conform to existing King County zoning categories. He also noted that rezone conditions for Lots 1 and 4 are acceptable to the proponents, and suggested that access questions on Lots 2 and 3 could be reconsidered by the Examiner. City Attorney Warren advised that the Council is empowered to accept, reject, or modify the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation, or remand all or part of the recommendation back to the Examiner. Mr. Springer suggested that staff review the access question and offer solutions at the second public hearing. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SET SECOND PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 3, 1985, FOR CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF THE ANNEXATION AND REZONE, AND DIRECT STAFF TO ADDRESS ITEM 2 OF THE EXAMINER'S REPORT REGARDING ACCESS. CARRIED. Visitors Mayor Shinpoch welcomed former Counci.lwoman Marqaret Proctor, Welcomed and exchange students from South Africa and Denmark. Advance to MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE Old Business REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORTS UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report regarding the appeals filed by the applicant and Committee citizen Mitch Murray on Honey Creek Associates Rezone (R-014-84) Honey Creek and Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PPUD-015-84) . The Associates proposal , consisting of 47.7 acres located in the vicinity of R-014-84 the 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE, is for rezone from G-1 PPUD-015-84 to R-1 and R-2 to allow a two-phase multifamily development Appeals consisting of 185 units. The Hearing Examiner had approved the Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page three Planning and Development Committee Report continued Planning and rezone and denied the PPUD on 3/4/85. The Committee has Development considered the appeals and along with other members of the Committee Council has received correspondence regarding this matter Honey Creek from citizens. This correspondence has been filed in the Associates Appeals record of the proceeding and all parties have been given an continued opportunity to rebut the substance. Continued Questions have been raised regarding the adequacy of the notice given of the hearing before the Hearing Examiner, particularly _. to residents living in King County who were parties of record to the 10% annexation proceeding under concurrent review by the City. In addition, the developer has presented new evidence of the existence of two separate tax parcels which would consist of legal ''lots'' as that term is defined in City Code Section 4-702(L) (4) . This new evidence may have bearing upon the matters at issue in the entire application, but particularly with regard to the allowable density pursuant to the steep slope formula set forth in Section 4-2709(4) (B) (2) . Continued Therefore, the Committee recommended that the City Council remand both applications encompassed within this appeal to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration in light of the new evidence regarding the methodology for computation for the steep slope formula, as thus calculated. The Committee further recommended that the City Council request that the Hearing Examiner hold another public hearing, and in addition to City Code requirements for legal notice, notice of the hearing be mailed to all parties of record in this and the annexation proceeding. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilwoman Mathews requested that public notice be posted in several places on the east side of the property to alert King County residents of the hearing. CARRIED. John Hendrickson, Suite 505, Honeywell Center, Bellevue, attorney for the applicant, requested that the rezone not be remanded to the Examiner since there was no showing that an error in fact or law had been made and the rezone area complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site. Mayor Shinpoch explained rationale for remand of both applications, rezone and PPUD, to allow appropriate notice to all parties of record and King County residents adjacent to the site. Chairman Stredicke expressed opinion of the Committee that the rezone should not be separated from the PPUD in the review process. Continued Bob Tomberg, 5611 119th SE #2, Bellevue, Honey Creek Associates, explained diligent efforts to cooperate with City staff and meet City Code requirements in preparing plans, studies, and other data as requested by staff. He claimed that concerns expressed by the Committee have already been raised and addressed through the review process. The first, access, was thoroughly addressed, a traffic study was prepared outlininc multi-access alternatives, and the ERC had declared the access as non- significant. The second, R-2 zoning surrounded by R-1 , was determined to be the most environmentally sound. Third, proposed density of 182 units, or four units per acre, is less than allowed by any other zone. Fourth, the concerns over the steep slope can be addressed through PUD review and need not be addressed during rezone review. Mr. Tomberg requested approval of the rezone in lieu of remanding it to the Hearing Examiner , enabling density to be defined for the PUD. Continued Councilwoman Mathews noted that the applicant had chosen the concurrent review process for annexation, rezone, and PUD. Normally, each application is reviewed and approved separately during a much lengthier process. She felt the applicant was not losing time by settling specifics of the PUD at this point of the review and holding the rezone in abeyance. Following discussion, it was determined that the Committee report would stand as approved. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke requested Development to be excused from the Council Chambers during discussion of Committee the appeal of the Examiner ' s report on Victoria Hills PPUD Victoria Hills 380 Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page four Planning and Development Committee Report continued Planning and due to potential violation of Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Development Committee member Keolker presented a report indicating that the Committee the appeal filed by Victoria Hills Homeowners' Association of Victoria Hills the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner (The Luckey Company, Appeal File No. PPUD-008-85) has been reviewed. The purpose of the PPUD-008-85 application was to modify an existing preliminary planned unit The Luckey Company development, File No. PPUD-102-81 , approved in May, 1982, for Phase II development of the site. Phase I of the development, located south of S. Puget Drive, west of Benson Road S. and north of S. 26th Street, consists of 141 single family homes. Continued The Committee report stated that the record does not disclose that the requested modification has been reviewed by the Seattle-King County Health Department as required by City Code Section 4-2704(2) . Continued At the conclusion of the Committee meeting on 4/11/85, it was disclosed that members of the City Council had received unsolicited correspondence from citizens concerning the proposal , which were not a part of the record of the appeal . At the 4/24/85 Committee meeting, it was recommended that the City Council reopen the public record on this matter to receive additional evidence, including all correspondence received by the Council . Both the appellant and the applicant raised objections to the recommendation due to potential violation of Appearance of Fairness Doctrine as well as denial of statutory and constitutional due process rights. Continued In view of the foregoing, the Committee recommends that this application be remanded to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration in light of all the additional evidence which has been offered by the parties and which may be reoffered before the Hearing Examiner upon rehearing of this matter. Continued Councilman Stredicke took no part in the consideration of or vote on the Committee recommendation, nor did he sign the report. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT: Upon inquiry regarding proper Council procedure in screening mail or telephone calls regarding land use matters pending before the Council , City Attorney Warren explained options for screening by Council secretary, or Council members should disclose correspondence and telephone communications at an open public meeting to allow both sides of an issue the opportunity to review material . Continued Joel Haggard, Suite 2426, Financial Center, Seattle, attorney for applicant, The Luckey Company, commended Committee members Stredicke, Mathews, and Keolker for conducting themselves in an exemplary manner during the difficult appeal procedure. He put the City on notice, claiming it was the City' s procedure itself which created the error causing delay which can have substantial adverse effects upon his client, particularly with respect to money damages due to the cost of the effort. He gave notice of claim to the City at this point. Councilwoman Keolker reported a May 24, 1985, deadline for the applicant to file a final PUD under the existing PPUD-102-81 , with the intent of the Committee that the applicant not be denied development rights under the earlier approval . 'MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke returned to the Council Chambers, having I taken no part in the discussion nor vote on this matter. Cabaret Ordinance MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THE REPORT FROM THE =10 Encore Entertainment, HEARING EXAMINER RELATING TO THE CABARET ORDINANCE HOURS OF Inc. OPERATION AND ENCORE ENTERTAINMENT, INC. BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren defined the issue before the City Council , to determine whether or not to modify the Cabaret Ordinance specifically relating to hours of operation. Currently, cabarets must close between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. The matter was referred to the Hearing Examiner on 3/4/85 for fact finding hearings as a result of request submitted by Encore, Inc. on Wells Avenue, a teen-oriented club. Hearings were held on 3/26/85 and Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page five Cabaret Ordinance continued Cabaret Ordinance 3/28/85. The Examiner' s report, issued 4/15/85, provided Encore Entertainment, findings of fact as a result of review of written and oral Inc. testimony. In addition, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has held several meetings with the owner of Encore, Inc. regarding any environmental consequences of the operation. Continued Council members questioned whether all taverns holding cabaret licenses would be allowed to stay open until 4:00 a.m. -•. if the City ordinance was revised to conform to State statutes. City Attorney Warren indicated that although a 2:00 a.m. deadline is established for serving liquor, that legislation would not necessarily control the closing time of the entire premises. He noted creation of a zone by the King County Council near the Sea-Tac strip to require clubs to stop serving liquor at 2:00 a.m. , but to allow dancing past that time. Police Chief Wallis clarified that any change made by the Council to the Cabaret Ordinance would apply to all cabarets and most taverns in the City, and would allow them to remain open as after-hours clubs unless Council specifically excluded them. Continued Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren explained that if Council decides to take no action on this matter, the existing Cabaret Ordinance which requires closure at 2:00 a.m. will be enforced, and Encore, Inc. must comply. It was noted that the City of Seattle is undergoing similar review of cabarets resulting from complaints and problems. Continued Ron Santi , owner of Encore, Inc. , reported satisfactory progress is being made in ongoing meetings with the ERC. He requested postponement of a decision by Council regarding hours of operation until an agreement is worked out with the Committee. City Attorney Warren confirmed that the ERC and Mr. Santi vary only on the issue of readmission policy. Continued John Simpson, 513 S. 15th, Renton, felt that young people deserve recreation but late hours are objectionable. He suggested that improved ventilation in the club would lessen the need for a readmission policy since teens would not need to go outside. He cited good record of a Federal Way club which closes at 2:00 a.m. , prohibits alcohol and drugs on the premises, and does not allow readmission. Continued Rosalie Simpson, 513 S. 15th, Renton, addressed the matter of age limits. She recalled Mr. Santi had complained of difficulty in checking identification of patrons, and she felt it is improper for 13 and 14 year olds to be allowed to stay after 2:00 a.m. City Attorney Warren indicated that age restrictions on the lower end were removed from legislation some time ago. Continued Upon inquiry, Policy Development Director Springer stated that age restrictions are being considered by the ERC, and Mr. Santi has agreed to enforce the 2:00 a.m. deadline for those under 18. Mr. Santi also indicated that no one under the age of 16 is allowed in the club since tightening of enforcement. Continued Rebecca Pillon, 11005 SE 180th, Renton, felt parents, not owners of Encore, should set curfew for those 16 and under. �. Vickie Stevens, 16916 144th Avenue SE, Renton, agreed that parents should supervise their teenagers, but objected to requiring patrons under 18 to leave at 2:00 a.m. Robin Swanson, 17628 110th Avenue SE, asked why the 2:00 a.m. closure deadline has not been enforced as provided for by ordinance. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that during review of the environmental impact of the club by the ERC and the fact-finding hearings by the Hearing Exmainer, the ordinance has not been enforced to allow appropriate opportunity for review. Bill Kirmser, 16031 Cedar River Road, Issaquah, asked if a change in the Cabaret Ordinance would result in taverns staying open until 4:00 a.m. Mayor Shinpoch reiterated Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page six Cabaret Ordinance continued Cabaret Ordinance opinion of Police Chief Wallis that taverns would also be Encore, Inc. allowed to remain open, although liquor service would stop continued at 2:00 a.m. Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ADMINISTRATION BE ADVISED BY THE COUNCIL TO ENFORCE THE CABARET ORDINANCE AS IT NOW STANDS. CARRIED. It was noted that the Environmental Review Committee could continue to work with Mr. Santi to resolve environmental concerns. Mayor Shinpoch summarized the effect of the motion to require 2:00 a.m. closure time „, for Encore, Inc. beginning 5/7/85• Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 P.M. Reconvened Council reconvened at 10:00 p.m. Roll was called. All members with the exception of Reed, previously excused, were present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Lot Width Building and Zoning Department requested reduction of lot Standards width standard in single family (R-1 ) and two family (R-2) zones from 75 feet to 60 feet for interior lots and from 85 feet to 70 feet for corner lots to ease standards for infilled areas. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Fitzgearld Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by William A. for Damages and Katherine T. Fitzgearld, 375 Union Avenue SE #25, Renton, CL 18-85 for injuries sustained in a fall on the wheel chair ramp at Godfather' s Pizza, 3152 Sunset Boulevard NE, alleging City negligence for approving construction and inspecting ramp (12/6/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Local 286 Claim for damages in the amount of $500 filed by the Operating International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 286, Engineers Claim 830 North Riverside Drive, Renton, for replacement of a for Damages large rhododendron allegedly destroyed by a backhoe working CL 17-85 on a City project (4/12/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Lincoln Property City Clerk submitted application for street vacation submitted Street Vacation by Lincoln Property Company representing the estate of Anna (Anna Phinney) Phinney for all of Lake View Boulevard (SE 104th Street) VAC 02-85 lying north of 3rd Avenue (north of Gene Coulon Beach Park entrance) , VAC 02-85. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing for 6/10/85 and to Board of Public Works. Shore Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended approval with conditions for R-015-85 Richard Shore Rezone, File No. R-015-85, from G-1 to R-2 for 1 .91 acres of property lcoated at 1626 Grant Avenue South. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Gonzales Rezone, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of Edward Gonzales Preliminary Plat, Rezone, File No. R-003-85, and PP-004-85 and PPUD-005-85 with and Preliminary restrictive covenants; consisting of 1 .40 acres located at Planned Unit 135 Union Avenue NE from G-1 to R-2, five lot subdivision, Development and five two-story triplexes containing 15 units. Refer to R-003-85 Ways and Means Committee. K.C. Surface Mayor Shinpoch requested resolution supporting proposed Water Management King County Surface Water Management Utility. Refer to Utility Ways and Means Committee. Jail Agreement Police Department requested review of jail agreement with with U.S. Navy U. S. Navy Absentee Collection Unit to house their prisoners. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Animal Regulations Policy Development Department/Planning Commission submitted proposed Animal Regulations following public hearings in 1981 , 1984 and 1985. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page seven Consent Agenda continued Bird Hazards Public Works/Airport Department transmitted recommendation Renton Airport from Fancher Flyways, Inc. for solution of problem created by starling birds at Renton Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Crash Fire Public Works/Airport Department requested approval of Rescue School attendance of three Fire Department officers at Crash Fire Rescue School in Moses Lake, Washington, May 29 - June 1 , 1985. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. (See below) 1984 Asphalt Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG 058-84, Resurfacing - 1984 Asphalt Resufacing - Phase II ; and requested approval Phase II of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in CAG 058-84 the amount of $209,702.40, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $10,485. 12 to M. A. Segale, Inc. , contractor, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. LID 328 Added Item: Finance Director reported bid opening 5/6/85 Permanent for permanent financing for Local Improvement District 328, Financing Garden Avenue; 3 bids received; and recommended the City award LID 328 bonds to Seattle First National Bank for the low bid of 9.48460. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Transportation a report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee Department to provide funds to the Fire Department for Fire Personnel attendance of three firemen to the Crash Fire Rescue School to Crash Fire in Moses Lake, Washington, from May 29-June 1 , 1985, at a Rescue School cost of $355 per person. Fire Department greatly benefited in Moses Lake from the school in 1984. The Committee also stipulated that if the request continues on a yearly basis, the item be -- requested in the annual budget or, at least, appropriate notice be given. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Aero-Paint Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Systems to a report recommending the request for transfer of lease VOLCO, Inc. assignment of Aero-Paint Systems to VOLCO, Inc. (LAG 02-73) LAG 02-73 be continued to the June meeting. Resolution of a private purchase lease agreement between the two parties regarding two buildings located on the ground lease area currently operated by Aero-Paint must occur before the City can approve the reassignment. Aero-Paint Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Systems to a report recommending that the assignment of Aero-Paint Systems, "289 E. Perimeter Inc. lease to "289 E. Perimeter Road, Inc." be held for one Road" month since additional information is required prior to LAG 02-73 approval by the City Attorney. Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented East Side Air a report indicating that the revised construction schedule for Park Fancher Flyways, Inc. East Side Air Park has been discussed, letter of credit was deposited by Fancher on 4/26/85, and water main installation, followed by paving and landscaping, has commenced. Fancher Flyways Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented West Side Apron B a report regarding Fancher Flyways West Side Apron B property status. An interim month-to-month lease has been prepared as requested by Council , and a request for proposals for hangar building construction to be submitted by 6/7/85 has been published in several newspapers. Staff recommendations on proposals will be provided to the Committee in July, 1985. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORTS. CARRIED. 384 Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page eight Old Business continued Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Beckman Homes Department for approval of the Beckman Homes storm sewer Storm Sewer latecomer agreement, and recommending that the City Council Latecomer authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement; Agreement property located in SW 13th Street, east of Raymond Avenue SW; Project No. 19-41-1 , W-792. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Martin Seelig Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Release of concurring in the recommendation of the Board of Public Easement Works to release the easement requested by Martin Seelig on (RE 001-85) Taylor Avenue SW between SW 21st and SW 23rd Streets since it is no longer necessary. Also recommended was authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign necessary documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The Sunset Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Group Release concurring in the recommendation of the Board of Public of Easement Works to release the easement requested by The Sunset (Exchange) Group at 233-251 Sunset Boulevard N. since the utility (RE-002-85) within the easement has been relocated and a new easement given. Also recommended was authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign necessary documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Valley Office and Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Industrial Park concurring in the recommendation of the Board of Public Street Vacation Works to proceed with the street vacation request submitted (VAC 001-85) by Valley Office and Industrial Park on Taylor Avenue SW and Maple Avenue SW between SW 19th and SW 21st Streets. Further, the Committee recommended that the matter be referred to Ways and Means Committee for a resolution setting the public hearing date. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, AMEND THE MOTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR JUNE 17, 1985. CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Police Chief Impound Vehicles to amend the Impound Vehicles Ordinance and require payment Ordinance of tow charges in lieu of a promissory note when redeeming a towed vehicle (Section 10-17O5.C) . Also recommended was referral of the matter to Ways and Means Committee to draft appropriate ordinance. Coordination by the City Attorney is requested of all towing ordinances, hearings provisions, and payment charges. Criminal Attempt The Committee also concurs in the recommendation of the Ordinance Police Chief to adopt the State law on criminal attempt by reference, and recommends referral to Ways and Means Committee to draft appropriate ordinance. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for first reading: LID 331 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read ordering construction & -- (Smithers installation of sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto Avenue South) in and near Smithers Avenue S. , between S. 21st Street and S. 23rd Street, Renton, King County, in accordance with Resolution No. 2598, establishing Local Improvement District No. 331 ; providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds'', or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; providing for the issuance and sale of LID warrants redeemable in cash and LID bonds or notes (LID 331) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page nine Ordinances and Resolutions continued Senior Housing An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of Housing and Pedestrian and Community Development Block Grant Funds for the Senior Corridor Block Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Project in the amount of Grant Funds $6,239.00 from King County Housing and Community Development Program Revenue Account unto Expenditure Budget for Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Account. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fence & Hedge An ordinance was read amending Section 4-702(H) of Title IV Regulations (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding a definition relating to height of building. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. LID 328 Bonds An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District (Garden Avenue) No. 328; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rates, maturity and denominations of the LID 328 Bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Seattle-First National Bank in Seattle, Washington; and fixing the interest rate on LID 328 assessment installments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending adoption of the following resolution: Resolution #2602 A resolution was read authorizing an interlocal agreement Interlocal Agreement for joint City of Renton/Renton School District improvements with School District in the vicinity of Renton Vocational Technical Institute on for RVTI Street Monroe Avenue NE, Kirkland Avenue NE and NE 7th Street. Improvement Project MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 6551 through 6891 in the amount of $1 , 127,883.54, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received/ rendered. Vouchers 6560 through 6636 machine voided. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, LETTER FROM BARBARA MP and OP Zones MOSS OF FIRST CITY EQUITIES REGARDING PROPOSED MANUFACTURING PARK (MP) AND OFFICE PARK ZONE (OP) ZONE CHANGES BE REFERRED TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The letter suggests inclusion of day care facilities in these zones to accommodate needs of working parents. (Scheduled on agenda of 5/16/85 at 4:30 p.m.) Renton ''Loop'' Councilman Stredicke noted that congestion problems created by ''Loop'' traffic along S. 2nd, S. 3rd and Wells Avenue on weekend evenings have diminished. Block Grant Funds MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MATTER OF BLOCK GRANT and Renton Rehab FUNDS AND RENTON REHABILITATION PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO Program COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Scheduled on agenda of 5/14/85 at 4: 30 p.m.) Council Referral Councilwoman Keolker indicated appreciation for new computerized Sheets format for Council referrals, and noted items are easier to follow, particularly those matters referred to the Administration. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reminded Council members of Memorial Day REPORT ceremonies May 25-27. She indicated that the City would be represented by uniformed personnel and any Council members wishing to attend. Federal Budget U. S. Congressman Mike Lowry will hold Federal budget hearings Hearings Saturday, May 11 , 1985, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Jackson Building in Seattle to discuss impact of Federal budget cuts on a local level . Renton City Council 5/6/85 Page ten Administrative Report continued Public Right-of- Responding to Council inquiry on 4/22/85 regarding public Way on Grady Way right-of-way near Longacres, Mayor Shinpoch advised that a request to vacate a portion of Grady Way in 1978 was denied because of the effect of closing the railroad crossing at Monster Road. The City offered the property owner a no-fee permit for use of the right-of-way until January 31 , 1979, but he chose not to take advantage of the offer, and the right-of-way has remained in City ownership since. Executive Session MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 10:32 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members present with the exception of Reed, excused. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:45 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk City of Renton Check Distribution Fund Toted Checks Machine voids: 06560 - 06636 CURRENT 261164. 11 PARKS 46.024.18 Now ARTERIAL STREETS 930. 00 STREETS 20553.72 LIBRARY 4451 .10 GREEN RIVER WILDLIFE 318.66 STREET FORWARD THRUST 15.059.75 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 38.761 .42 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 26.188.76 WATERWORKS UTILITY 160e949.11 AIRPORT 10.776. 39 SOLID WASTE UTILITY 149,562.09 GOLF COURSE FUND 4053. 53 WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION 303.692. 19 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 78.065. 85 r.. INSURANCE FUND 7324.46 FIREMEN'S PENSION 7.62 Total of all Checks 1 .127,883. 54 Wei the undersigned members of the Ways and Means Committee of the Renton City Councils having received departmental certificrtion Chet merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered., coo hereby approve for payment Vouchers No. 6551 through No. 6891 in the amount of $1 ,127,883. 54 this 6th day of May 1985. Committee Chairman ` Member 17 Member ----------------------- 00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR C)o Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 6, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 5/9 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Transit Study; Data Processing Master Plan & Tour of Data Processing Department; City Newsletter; Financial Status Report by Finance Director (tentative) COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/14 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Block Grant Funds and Renton Rehabilitation Program PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/16 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Draft Ordinances for M-P, O-P, L-1 & H-1 Zones (Planning Commission Recommenda- tions) PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 5/13 7: 30 p.m. TRIMM 6th Floor Conference Room TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 5/9 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Phase 11 of Transportation Study (AVIATION) UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS & MEANS Mon. 5/13 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF Board Meeting Weds. 5/8 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 04/26/85 SLILDINpEFMIONIIG DEPARTMENT WEEK ENDING APRIL 26. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11010 1x500 WILLIAM RIVA JR 3619 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NREMODEL GARAGE 11011 OAKHURST DEv. 375 UNICN AV SE 9195 SET MOBILE HOME 11012 2.-500 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNICN AV SE #195 CCNST PATIC ETC 11013 OAKHURST DBV. 375 UNION AV SE #136 SET MCB'LE HOME 11014 2.500 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNICN AV SE #136 CONST PATIC ETC. 11015 700 CLAYTON RICE 2316 NE 12TH ST INST ABOVE GRCLND SWIMMING POOL 11016 11.480 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1700 PARK AV N TENANT IMPROVEMENT-BLCG 10-85 11017 3.-1 0 LCREN ZINK 5 6 MORRIS AV S CCNST S/F GARAGE ADDITION 11018 11550 S. WEISS 3417 NE 17TH PL REROOF RESIDENCE 11019 3.-350 DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 44CC55 NE SUNSET Bl. RERCOF BUILDING A 110210 25.000 RONALDBRADY IETHARMONONAL CO 9052SL2EOTHACTSW ADDITIOCNICE WAREHOUSE/TRAILER 11022 OAKHURST DEVELOPMENT CC 17 UNICN AV SE #29 SET MOBILE HOME 11023 4.-CCD DEAN BITNEY 7 7 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV N CONSTRUCT CARPORT 11024 2.300 OAKHURST OEV CC 575 UNION AV SE #29 CONST PATIO ETC 1 5 5.100 GARY JANNAUSCH 6 3 BLAINE AV NE ENCLOSE CARPORT 11026 2.-082.-000 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 5jj MONROE AV NE /x}438- UNIT APARTMENMT 11027 18.485 HOLVICK CEREGT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11028 21.-500 EUGENE WOOLF 1752 WhITMAN AV NE ADDITION TO SINGLE FAMILY RES. 11029 12.-COO PATRICK D SLLLIVAN 68 MONTEREY OR NE ADDITION OF BATH AND ENLARGE BEDR 11030 45.800 DENISE CAREY 3300 SE STM ST REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 11031 1.-CDD CITY OF REN70N 20C MILL AV S RELOCATE NON SEARING INTERIOR WA LL 11032 9.-500 CITY OF RE67ON 20C MILL AV S REMODEL OF POLICE LEVEL ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12451 500 MYSTIC CORP 301 SW 27TH ST TEMPORARY POWER 12452 50 GEORGE CBERhOLTZER 194C SHATTUCK AV S INST TEMPCRARY POWER 12453 20 CLAYTON RICE 2316 NE 12Th ST INST WIRING FOR POOL 12454 20 LOREN E ZINK 516 MORRIS AV S WIRE GARA;E AOCITION 12455 3.-000 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 7TH ST INST 6-IRING-39C FLOOR 12456 500 U SAVE CIL CO 632 RAINIER AV S RUN 3 CIRCUITS TO TEMP. 12457 100 GULL INDUSTRIES 509 S GRADY WY EXTEND EXISTING CKT 12458 1.500 JACK MAPLES 815 JONES AV S CHANGE SERVICE TO 200 AMPS 12459 2.-100 MOOSE LODGE 20C PARK AV N 400A 3 PHASE SERV.SERV.1ST FLOOR 1246C 1.000 WASHINGTON hORSEBREEDER 2600 OAKESCALE AV SW BURIAL WIRE FOR HOTWALKERS 12461 782 H.D.K. 901 POWELL AV SW SPRINKLER MONITORING 12462 782 H.C.K 841 POWELL AV SW SPRINKLER MONITORING 12463 1.-800 YOLNG HEE CHANGE 239 SUNSET 81. N INST WIRING TC EQUIPMENT 12404 11.-115 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 1000 PARK AV N WIRE VACUUM PRESS IN 10-71 BLDG 12465 4.-400 FIRST CITY ECUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 12466 100 ARTHUR 0 GUSTAFSON 4015 NE 10TH ST INST TEMP SERVICE 12467 64.-500 MYSTIC CORP 301 SW 27TH ST INST WIRING 12468 Io550 HIBURY HOMES INC 411 INDEX AV NE WIRE NEW 5/F/ RESICENCE 12469 1.500 PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL 30C SW 7TH ST INSTALL GENERATOR CCNCLITS ONLY 12470 600 ROBERT W. SMITH 648 FERNDALE AV NE SERVICE CHANGE S NEW CIRCUITS 12471 200 SUNNYDALE MOBILE 375 UNICN AV SE 4129 HCOK UP MOBILE HOME 12472 200 UNION AV CC 375 UNICN AV SE #29 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME MECHANICAL PERMITS 10955 650 JAMES J. BOYD 2324 NE 22KC ST INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT 10956 600 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 7TH ST INST WOOD STOVE 10957 3.-600 RENTON SCHCCL CISTRICT 2600 NE 12Th ST EXHALST HCCD.- CUCT 8 FAN 10958 1.-564 CITY OF RENTON 3555 NE 2NC ST INST 6 SPRINKLER HEADS TO EXIST. 10959 600 ROGER M FLEMING 1404 N 24TH ST INST 6000 STOVE PLUMBING PERMITS 324 3.000 JIM COCK 15C SW SUNSET BL INSTALL 6 FIXTLRES IN MINI MART 325 3.000 JACK MAPLES 815 JONES AV S INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES. PIPING 326 1.000 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST SINK/SUMP PUMP 327 500 PIZZA OF AMERICA 2705 NE SUNSET BL INST GAS WATER HEATER 328 3.200 J.L.RANKIN CONST 2903 CECAR AV S INSTALL 17 FIXTURES %1W SIGN PERMITS 1386 1.-COO UNION CIL CC 32C RAINIER AV S INST 2 S/F SIGNS 387 2.-100 RENTON SHOPFING CENTER 364 RENTON CENTER WY SW INSTALL SIGN 388 TOM GREENDALE 3803 NE 4TH ST INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 4-30-85 THRU 5-1 5947 Chaffey Group 171 Vashon Pl. NE Install side sewers 5948 Chaffey Corp. 115 Union Ct. NE Install side sewers 5949 Boeing CAC BCAC Renton Division Regrade ditch, install culvert, berm and landsci 5950 Robt. Hancheroff 1500 Benson Road S. Install water, sanitary sewer connections 5951 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4308 SE 4th Place Driveway approach 5952 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4212 SE 4th Place Driveway approach 5953 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4206 SE 4th Street Driveway approach 5954 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4200 SE 4th Street Driveway approach 5955 Mystic Co. 301 SW 27th St. Storm sewer 5956 NW Handling, Inc. 838 Senaca Ave. SW Curb cut to install driveway 5957 Roger Stromberg 740 N. 32nd Street Commercial sanitary sewer/r/w permit 5958 Jake Wall 2825 NE 4th Ct. Install sanitary building sewer 5959 Jake Wall 407 Index PI. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5960 Jake Wall 411 Index PI. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5961 Jake Wall 522 Edmonds Ave. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5962 Jake Wall 415 Index PI. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5963 Jake Wall 403 Index Pl. NE Install sanitary building sewer 5964 Metro Monster Road Soils exploration 5965 Chaffey Corp. 110 Vashon Ct. NE Install side sewers 5966 Chaffey Corp. 114 Union Ct. NE Install side sewers 5967 Chaffey Corp. 111 Vashon Ct. NE Install side sewers 5968 G. Bonnema 2417 Garden Ct. N. Install residential side sewer 5969 First City Equities 941 Powell Avenue SW Driveway 390 ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 i 05/06/85 BUILDING p_RMITSIISSUEDDEPARTMENT WEEK ENDING MAY 31 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11027 151485 HOLVICK OER:GT KOERING 935 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11028 211500 EUGEN-- WOOLF 1752 WHITMAN AV NE ADDITION TO SINGLE FAMILY RES. 11029 12.000 PATRICK 0 SULLIVAN 68 MONTEREY OR NE ADDITION OF BATH AND ENLARGE 11030 451800 DENISE CAREY 33CO SE 5TH ST REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 11031 11300 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AV S RELOCATE NON BEARING INTERIOR WA 11032 91500 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AV S REMODEL OF POLICE LEVEL 11033 4,000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 40C S 43RD ST REMODEL WEST WING Al FIRST FLOOR 11034 121000 REININGA CORPORATION 3168 SUNSET BL NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11035 31200 EARL GILMAN 2624 NE 24TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11036 1161000 THE MACKINTOSH PTNSHP 801 HOUSER MY N CONSTRUCT MODULAR OFFICE COMPLEX 11037 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG B 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11038 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG 81 4 UNIT APARTMENT 11039 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG C 12 UNIT APARTMENT 111p040 GERALD E SCHNEIDER 5p000 MONROE AV NE BLDG 0 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11042 41 GERALD SCHNEIDERER 500 MONROE AV AV NE BLDG f1 42UNITTAPARTMENTT 11043 GERALD SCHNEIOER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG F 1Z UNIT APARTMENT 11044 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG G 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11045 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG H 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11046 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG J 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11047 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG K 4 UNIT APARTMENT 11048 GERALD E SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG L 4 UNIT APARTMENT 11049 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG 0 4 UNIT APARTMENT 11050 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE SLOG G 4 UNIT APARTMENT 11051 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG M 12 UNIT APARTMENT 11052 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG N 8 UNIT APARTMENT 11053 GERALO E. SCHNEIDER 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG P 4 UNIT APARTMENT 054 GERALD E. SCHNEIDER 500MONROE AV NE RECREATION BUILDING 11055 2,660 LEO ZANGA 460 S 15TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 1 056 RENTON VILLAGE CO 9 5 Sw GRADY WY DEMOLISH BLOG1 CLEAR DEBRIS 11057 121COO ROBERT BRAUNSCHWEIG 912 S 2NO ST ALTERATION OF EXISTING BLDG. 1 058 1 149 HOLVICK OE REGT KOERING 725 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11059 140 RAYMOND L. MORAVEC 3480 NE 6TH PL CONSTRUCT ATTACHED GARAGE 11060 3100 JOSEPH 8 REBECCA SHUTLE 41 7 SE 4TH ST INSTALL SPA1 HEATER. PUMP 11061 831000 BERT ARNSBERG 3405 LINO AV SW CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION FOR OFFICE 11062 81600 DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 4455 NE SUNSET BL REROOF SLOGS B1I B J ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12468 1.,550 HISURY HOMES INC 411 INDEX AV NE WIRE NEW S/F/ RESIDENCE 1246; 115Q� PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL 300 Sw 7TH ST INSTALL GENERATOR CONDUITS ONLY 12470 t ROBERT W. SMITH 648 FERNDALE AV NE SERVICE CHANGE & NEW CIRCUITS 12471 20 SUNNYOALE MOBILE 375 UNION AV SE #195 HOCK UP MOBILE HOME 12472 200 UNION AV CO375 UNION AV SE #29 HOOK UP MOBILE HOME 12473 500 EUGENE WOOLF '1752 WHITMAN AV NE WIRING FOR ADDITION S/F RES. 12474 21000 MISTY COVE CONDOMINIUM 5021 RIPLEY LN N INSTALL CIRCUITS FOR 13 LIGHTS 12475 21200 TEXACO 1408 BRONSON WY N WIRE DISPENSERS FOR NEW TANKS 12476 722 JACK HOLT 1500 BEACON WY S INSTALL NEW SERVICE 12477 100 ARENSBERG INVESTMENTS 3405 LINO AV SW INST TEMPORARY POWER 12478 31900 SHERATON RENTON INN 800 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING FOR INTERIOR SIGN 12479 21200 JIM ELOOD 3713 PARK AV N WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 12430 11100 RELIANCE HOMES 2121 NE 27TH ST WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 12481 250 TERESITA C ESTRELLA 536 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING 12482 6/COO HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 725 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN TENANT SPACE 12483 25 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AV S INST 3 OUTLETS-4TH FLOOR OF R4 Al AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS ti 11 JOHN W. REED, C„) Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z ROBERT J. HUGHES n KATHY KEOLKER 09 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARDMASTREDICKE 09gTTHOMAS W. TRIMM ED SEPIeo REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING MAY 13, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item of Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted by a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/7/85 for Honey Creek Phase II Sanitary Sewer Interceptor; 7 bids; Engineer's estimate: $575,605.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/6/85 for Energy Conservation Measures at Highlands Library; 2 bids; Engineer's estimate: $27,000.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/6/85 for Renton Police Department Front Counter Improvement; 1 bid; Engineer's estimate: $10,000.00. Refer to Public Safety Committee. d. City Clerk submits petition from Martin A. Seelig for vacation of a portion of SW 23rd Street (VAC 003-85) ; Public Works Department has verified that the petition is valid. Refer to Ways and Means Comrr ittee for resolution setting public hearing for 6/24/85; and to Board of Public Works. e. Claim for damages in excess of $15,000 filed by Linda C. Doerschel, 1113 N . 29th Street, Renton, for injuries and damages sustained in car accident, allegedly caused by negligent driving of City policeman (12/14/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Policy Development Department revises public hearing date for Dochnahl Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone from 6/3/85 (set on 5/6/85) to 6/10/85 to comply with State law. Council concur. g. Court case filed by Frank J. Lansing, alleging error by Hearing Examiner in affirming the decision of the Renton Police Department forfeiting plaintiff's property (4/17/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Thurston requests connection to City sewer due to failure of their septic system. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT 392 PENTON CITY COUNCIL May 13, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADN4INISTRATION DKB Corp. Request for Waterline Intertie BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Seelig Street Vacation Request (VAC 003-85) CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Doerschel Claim for Damanes CL 19-85 Lansing Court Case Encore Court Case MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Seattle Transit Project Art PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Long Range Transportation Study UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid Opening - Honey Creek Interceptor, Phase II Bid Opening - Highlands Library Energy Conservation Thurston Request for Sewer Connection WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Seelig Street Vacation Request (VAC 003-85) Shore Rezone R-015-85 (Ist reading 5/13/85) Gonzales Rezone R-003-85 (Ist reading 5/13/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/10/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone - south of NE 4th and west of Duvall NE (revised date) 6/10/85 - Lincoln Property Street Vacation (Lake View Boulevard) 6/17/85 - Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation (Taylor and Maple SW) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 13, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. JOE PEACH, Police Department PRESS Jim McNett, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1985 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/7/85 for Honey Creek Phase II Honey Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor; 7 bids; Engineer' s estimate: Interceptor, Ph. II $575,605.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/6/85 for Energy Conservation Highlands Library Measures at Highlands Library; 2 bids; Engineer ' s estimate: Energy Conservation $27,000.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 5/6/85 for Renton Police Police Department Department Front Counter Improvement; 1 bid; Engineer' s Counter estimate: $10,000.00. Refer to Public Safety Committee. �... Seelig Street City Clerk submitted petition from Martin A. Seelig for Vacation vacation of a portion of SW 23rd Street (VAC 003-85) ; VAC 003-85 Public Works Department has verified that the petition is valid. Refer to Ways and Means Committee setting public hearing for 6/24/85; and to Board of Public Works. Doerschel Claim Claim for damages in excess of $15,000.00 filed by Linda C. for Damages Doerschel , 1113 N. 29th Street, Renton, for injuries and CL 19-85 damages sustained in car accident, allegedly caused by negligent driving of City policeman (12/14/84) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Revised Hearing Policy Development Department revised public hearing date Date for Dochnahl for Dochnahl Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone from 6/3/85 Annexation/Bales (set on 5/6/85) to 6/10/85 to comply with State law Denton Rezone requiring at least 30 days between hearings. Council concur. Lansing Court Court case filed by Frank J. Lansing, alleging error by Case Hearing Examiner in affirming the decision of the Renton Police Department forfeiting plaintiff' s property (4/17/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Encore Court Added Item: Court Case filed by Encore Entertainment and Case Keith Olson challenging enforcement of City Ordinance No. 3892 requiring at 2:00 a.m. closing time for cabarets. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ADDED ITEM BE REFERRED - TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Thurston, 16820 Sewer Connection Springbrook Road South, requesting connection to City sewer Request due to failure of their septic system. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THE REQUEST TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 394 Renton City Council 5/13/85 Page two Correspondence continued Waterline Intertie Letter was read from Joseph D. Mitter, Vice President/Regional Pr(-.Dosed near Manager of DKB Corporation, 401 Second Avenue South, Seattle, West Valley Highway requesting participation by the City of Renton in the cost of waterline construction to connect the West Valley Highway system and property owned by Burlington Northern to the east near 3800 West Valley Highway (North Valley Business Park) . The letter noted an estimated cost of $95,000 to connect the two systems (North Valley Partnership - $30,000; Burlington Northern - $43,500; and City of Renton - $21 ,500) ; and advised anticipation of improved service in the entire area. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THE REQUEST TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of report on the matter of a long range transportation study the Whole (referred 8/15/83) . After a presentation by a representative Long Range from Wilsey and Ham Consultants regarding the City' s traffic Transportation and transportation problems, the Committee of the Whole Study recommended that the eight specific program elements identified by the consultant be referred to the Transportation Committee. The following four elements are of high priority: 1) I-405; 2) new arterial roads; 3) committed road program - local ; and 4) committed road program - State. Continued The Committee of the Whole recommended that Councilwoman Nancy Mathews be invited to represent the City on a committee consisting of elected South King County officials. The Committee will meet informally to discuss and develop regional transportation policies and alternative solutions to mutual problems. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, - COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Metro Transit The Committee of the Whole recommended that representatives Center in CBD from Metro be invited to present an interim status report (Referred regarding location of a Metro transit center in downtown 10/15/84) Renton at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on June 13 at 7:30 p.m. Encore Court At the request of Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren Case provided a status report on the Encore Court Case (Consent Agenda added item) . He indicated that concurrent with the suit filed by Encore, the City had also filed suit asking for a declaration from the court that the City' s ordinance was constitutional and legal as applied to Encore, that a violation of the ordinance would constitute a nuisance; and requesting an injunction against Encore for maintaining a nuisance. He advised plans to move to consolidate the two suits, and strike various defendants from the action. On 5/10/85, the City' s attorneys had countered an application by Encore to King County Superior Court for a temporary restraining order against the City. Court Commissioner Epstein refused to grant the order. The matter was then referred to the Presiding Judge Department for a hearing date, and Encore must follow normal procedures and schedule all further hearings before a Motions Judge on the Superior Court calendar for a temporary injunction. State Councilman Stredicke requested preparation by the Administration Legislative of a report outlining effects on cities of legislation adopted Session by the State Legislature in recent session. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to provide the report immediately following the 5/21/85 deadline for veto of bills by the Governor. Carco Theater Councilwoman Mathews commended Bonnie Rerecich and Debbie Little, Performance Park Department coordinators of recent Carco Theater program, ''Midsummer Night' s Dream,'' performed by developmentally disabled participants. She noted that the players as well as the audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Renton City Council 5/13/85 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3907 An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District No. LID 328 Bonds 328; fixing the amount, form, date, interest rates, maturity (Garden Ave. N.) and denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 328 Bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Seattle- First National Bank in Seattle, Washington; and fixing the interest rate on LID 328 assessment installments; total amount of assessment roll was $318,828.66 and balance after prepayments is $54,690.69. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3908 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read ordering the LID 331 construction and installation of sanitary sewers and appurtenances (Smithers Ave. S.) thereto in and near Smithers Avenue S. , between S. 21st Street and S. 23rd Street, Renton, King County, Washington, all in accordance with Resolution No. 2598 of the City Council of the City of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 331 ; providing assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of ''payment of bonds'' or ''notes'' in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; providing for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and LID bonds or notes. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3909 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of Housing H&CD Block Grant and Community Development Block Grant Funds in the amount of Funds for Senior $6,239.00 from King County Housing and Community Development Housing & Pedestrian Program unto Expenditure Budget for Senior Housing and Corridor Pedestrian Corridor Account. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3910 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-702(H) of Title IV Adding Definition (Building Regulations) of City of Renton Code by adding to Building a definition relating to height of building which was Regulations inadvertently omitted from Ordinance No. 3899 adopted 3/18/85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Shore Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-015-85 certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Residence District (R-2) and (R-3) for Richard Shore, File No. R-015-85; property located at 1626 Grant Avenue South (east side) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Gonzales Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-003-85 property located at 135 Union Avenue NE (west side) from General Classification District (G) to Residence District (R-2) for E. Gonzales, File No. R-003-85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading & adoption: Resolution #2603 A resolution was read setting a public hearing for 6/10/85 Lincoln Properties to consider Lincoln Properties Co. request for street vacation Street Vacation of a portion of Lake View Boulevard (VAC 002-85) . MOVED BY Hearing VAC 002-85 CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. 396 Renton City Council 5/13/85 Page four Ordinances and Resolutions continued Resolution #2604 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date for 6/17/85 Valley Office & to consider Valley Office and Industrial Park request for Industrial Park street vacation of a portion of Taylor Avenue, south of SW 19th Street Vacation Street and north of SW 21st Street. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Hearing VAC 001-85 BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WAS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2605 A resolution was read supporting King County' s efforts to King County Surface establish a Comprehensive Surface Water Management Program, ,. Water Management and a Surface Water Management Utility. MOVED BY CLYMER, Utility/Comprehensive SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Program Upon inquiry, Administrative Assistant Parness noted that the resolution does not commit the City to funding participation but, rather, acknowledges King County is addressing the problem. Each jurisdiction will continue to be responsible for its own storm drainage, but the King County Comprehensive Plan establishes a method of funding for improvements. Financial impact for the Program to individual homeowners within King County is estimated at $30.00 per year. CARRIED. Crash Fire Chairman Clymer noted a resolution is not needed to transfer Rescue School funds for the Crash Fire Rescue School (referred 5/6/85) as funds are available in Airport Budget. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Mathews advised receipt by Councilmembers of Transit Project invitation from Metro to participate in meeting sponsored by Downtown Seattle Downtown Seattle Transit Project (DSTP) Arts Committee on May 17 at 9:00 a.m. in Metro' s 4th floor conference room in the Exchange Building. Purpose of the meeting is to encourage and accept public input regarding the art program for the downtown project. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry at previous meeting, Mayor REPORT Shinpoch reported that the Renton Fire Department has an agreement with Boeing for use of foam when needed to extinguish fires at Renton Airport. Historical The Renton Historical Society will be host to over 700 Renton Society Tour third graders scheduled to tour the museum over a 17-day period in May. Housing Mayor Shinpoch referenced letter from Gloria Longville Mehrens Preservation requesting denial of any rezone requests in the area of the Ordinance 400 block of South Tobin Street until adoption of a housing preservation ordinance by the City (referred to Administration on 4/15/85) • Since a rezone in that area is now before the Examiner, Mayor Shinpoch has found it necessary to withhold a response to Council regarding the request until after the Hearing Examiner has issued a report and the appeal period has expired. Otherwise, Council ' s required objectivity in the event of an appeal could be jeopardized. Procedure Mayor Shinpoch indicated intent to draft a step-by-step for Appeals procedure under the guidance of City Attorney Warren to aid Council in meeting obligations of communicating with constituents and still maintaining an appearance of fairness during the appeal process for matters heard by the Hearing Examiner. Executive MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Session EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL MATTERS. CARRIED. Time: 8:36 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:07 P.M. f MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET PRO .IECT : T-- —rS to the Renton Police Department Front Counter DAT E . Area MAX '1. 1985 BIDDER BID H. S. Builders Inc. Total Bid Plus Alternative $11,567.78 1724 N. 120th St. Includes Sales Tax Battle WA 98133 BID TABULATION SHEET PRO JECT : ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES/HIGHLANDS LIBRARY DAT E MAY 6, 1985 BIDDERBB EE7- glp CARECO, Inc. AA MBE Schedule A $36,179.05 10149 Main Street Schedule B 11,292.00 Bellevue, WA 98004 Schedule C 3,414.28 TOTAL $50,885.33 including tax PRECISION AIR Cashier's Ck AA MBE Schedule A $37,224.00 3602 C St. NE Schedule B 13,314.00 Auburn, WA 98071 Schedule C 2,517.00 TOTAL $53,055.00 BID TABULAT lON SHEET PRO JECT : HONEY CREEK PHASE II SANITARY SEWER INTERCEPTOR DATE MAY 7, 1985 Bids are without sales tax BIDDER BID BB EEO R. L. ALIA COMPANY AA MBE $536,853.20 Addendum Acknowledged 9215 M L King Way South Seattle, WA 98118 COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO. AA MBE $570,581.00 Addendum Acknowledged 9600 M L King Way South Seattle, WA 98118 bb ttu DYAD CONSTRUCTION, INC. AA MBE $1,000,522.00 Addendum Acknowleged P.O. Box 136 Woodinville, WQ 98072 R. W. SCOTT CONST. CO. AA MBE $690,015.00 Addendum Acknowledged 9840 Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 BB t:IzU SHORELINE CONST. CO. AA MBE $748,684.00 Addendum Acknowledged P.O. Box 358 Woodinville, WA 98072 1313 LIZU TRI-STATE CONST., INC. AA MBE $557,010.00 Addendum Acknowledged 959-108 Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 UNIVERSAL UTILITY CONT. INC. BB EEO AA MBE $680,183.60 Addendum Acknowlecied P. O. Box 329 Woodinville, WA 98072 Engineer's Estimate: $575,605.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 13, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 5/14 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Block Grant Funds and Housing Rehabilitation Program PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/23 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Draft Ordinances for M-P, O-P, L-1 & (Thurs. 5/16 Cancelled) H-1 Zones (Planning Commission Recom- mendations) PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 5/20 7: 30 p.m. TRIMM 6th Floor Conference Room Jail Agreement with U.S. Navy TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES Thurs. 5/16 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Honey Creek Phase II Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Bids; Energy Conservation Measures at Highlands Library Bids WAYS & MEANS Mon. 5/20 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 400 ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 05/10/85 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCING MAY 10. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11061 83PCOO BERT ARNSBERG 34C5 LIND AV SW CONSTRUCT FOUNCATION FOR OFFICE 11062 8.600 DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 4455 NE SUNSET BL REROOF 8LCGS B.I 3 J 11063 15.100 LEWIS ESPINOSA 1408 DAYTON CT NE CONST SOLARIUM ADDITION 11064 100 DRURY PICKERING 421 UNICN AV NE INST DOOR 11065 80OPCOO VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INTERICR REMODEL- 11066 11x100 KEN SCHWA8 3324 SE 5TH ST REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 11067 1.500.000 TRANS RIM ENTERPRISES L 301 SW 27TH ST CONST MFG BLDG 11068 2.390 RENTON SCHCCL DISTRICT 315 GARCEN AV N REPAIR ACCCUSTICAL CEILINGS 11069 135.000 GERRIT BONNEMA 2417 GARDEN CT N CONST S/F RESICENCE 11077 45 PC00 PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. 333 SW 41ST ST REMODEL. ADDITION TO EXISTING 11071 11700 LEROY SNYDER 265 NW 2ND PL INST PARTITIONS MOVE DOOR 11072 30PCOO HOLVICK CE REGT KOERING 92333POWELL AV SW V SCCTENANT IMPROVEMENT 11074 20.000 SANELWAIA& BLUE MTN ASS 3915 TALBOT RD S 7ENANTFIMPROVEMENT 11075 500 JANIS K BASARABA 3416 NE 6TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE we ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12487 150 ZOLA DILLON 424 WHITWORTH AV S CORRECTIONS MINIMUM HCUSING 12488 40.000 SENAROYA CO 1012 SW 41ST ST INST WIRING 12489 400 LAVURNE PETERSON 607 HARRINGTON AV NE INST WIRING FOR ADDITION 12490 600 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INSTALL 4 LIGHTS AND 1 SWITCH 12491 60 CHAFFEY CORP 116 BREMERTCN PL NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12492 21345 ROGER MANEY 2903 CEDAR AV S WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12493 50 KING PARKER 46C8 NE SUNSET BL INST WIRING TO PUMP 12494 5.500 40 RENTALS 1100 BRCNSCN WY N INST WIRING 12495 500 RON HARMON 905 S 28TH CT INST WIRING IN ADDITION 12496 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNICN AV SE #136 INST WIRING 12497ss 0 LEROY SNYDER 265 NW 2ND PL INST WIRING FOR ADDITION 12498 1 0 RAY MORAVEC 341C NE 6TH PL INST WIRING IN GARAGE 12499 1.100 WICK HOMES 111 VASHON CT NE WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE J 12500 1x298 HIBURY HCMES 522 EDMCNOS CT NE INST WIRING 12501 11958 FRED SCLIRE 3168 SUNSET BL NE INST WIRING 12502 21500 CITY OF RENTON 1616 W PERIMETER RD INST WIRING 12503 50 GERRITT BONNEMA 2417 GARDEN CT N INST TEMPCRARY SERVICE 12504 50 LEONARD BLCRS 4312 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12505 200 ROBERT C CORWIN 1717 MONTEREY CT NE INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10963 600 JAMES CRYSTANELLO 404 GRANOEY WY NE INST DIRECT VENT/MATER HEATER 10964 600 D W CLONCH 3400 NE 177H ST INST WATER HEATER 10965 1.500 J L RANKIN CONST 29C3 CECAR AV S INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10966 5.200 GROUP HEALTH CCOP 801 SW 16TM ST REVISE EXISTING OUCTWCRK 10967 1x200 HIBURY HOMES 411 INDEX PL NE INSTALL FURNACE & W.H 10968 50.000 TRAMMELL CRCW CO 82C SW 41ST ST INSTALL 3 A.C. UNITS 7.5 TPIOT 10969 1.000 HIBURY HOMES 2825 NE 4TH CT INST FURNACE/MATER HEATER 10970 1.150 FRED STEINER 321 RAINIER AV S INST FIRE PRCTECTION SYSTEM 10971 11000 HIBURY HOMES 522 EDMONDS CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10972 500 JEFF HUPP 2812 SE 18TH PL INST WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 335 1.700 SQUIRE CONSTRUCTION 3168 SUNSET BL NE INST 9 PLBG FIXTURES t37 8.500 HDK 901 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 25 FIXTURES 338 4.500 HDK 921 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 339 4x400 SCHNEIDER HOMES 506 MONROE AV NE SLOG Q INST 4C PLBG FIXTURES 340 41400 SCHNEIDER HOMES 5000 MONROE AV NE BLCG 81 INST 140 PLBG FIXTURES 342 12P880 SCHNEIDER MCMES 5000 MONROE AV AV NE BLCG J INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 344 12.800 SCHNEIDER MCMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG E INST 1C2 PLBG FIXTURES 345 1.808 NORTHWEST HANDLING 838 SENECA AV SW INST GAS PIPING 346 25. 0 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INST 49 PLBG FIXTURES 347 101800 ROBERT & PHYLIS HUNT 804 N 390 ST HOT WATER TANKtSOLAR SYSTEM SIGN PERMITS 1397 3.000 RENTON SUPPLY 415 RAINIER AV S INST 2 SIGNS 1398 50 KOLL CC 218 SW 43RC ST INST TEMPCRARY SIGN 1399 300 LILY BACKMAN 315 S 2ND ST INSTALL D/F ILLUMINATED 1400 200 CHAFFEY CORP 3971 NE 4TH ST INST DIRECITONAL SIGN 1401 200 THE CHAFFEY CORP 41 4 NE 4TH ST INST DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1402 200 THE CHAFFEY CORP 1901 NE 3RD ST INST DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1403 200 FORENTCC 71 THCMAS AV SW INST BANNER 1404 3fCO8 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 446 HARDIE AV SW INST CHANNEL LETTERS ON SIGN 405 5 SAS INC 733 RAINIER AV S INST GRANC OPENING SIGN I I OF R4�, �� o AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS V �% �'� Z IOHN W. REEDCOUNCIL RESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES 0 ° KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL NANCY L. MATHEWS 9.0 `O RICHARD M. STREDICKE 09gTtD SEPZE���P REGULAR MEETING THOMAS W. TRIMM MAY 20, 1985 PRESIDING MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 13, 1985 4. PROCLAMATION : City Employees Recognition Week, June 3 through 10 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Legal Department requests emergency authorization for street paving and cleanup by City crews or outside contractor as result of contractor's inability to complete 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. b. Legal Department requests review of the Cabaret Ordinance to remove ambiguities in language. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. Policy Development Department submits 10% and 750Z Notice of Intent Petitions for proposed Maplewood Golf Course Annexation located on the north side of Maple Valley Highway (SR-169) , and requests the City Council set a combined public hearing for both petitions on 6/24/85. Council concur. d. Policy Development Department submits West Hill Reservoir Annexation initiated by the City under provisions of RCW 35A. 14. 300, Annexation for Municipal Purposes, located on the west side of 82nd Avenue S. and S. 126th Street, and requests the City Council set a public meeting on 6/24/85. Council concur. e. Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG 057-84, 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project; and requests acceptance of the project as of 5/20/85, authorization for final pay estimate of $16,251.00, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $9,615. 35 to H . L. Jacobson, Jr. , contractor, if no liens or claims are outstanding and proof of payment of tax and liabilities has been received (contract terminated on 5/14/85 due to contractor's inability to complete project) . Council concur. f. Public Works Department submits CAG 076-84, Grant Avenue S. Water Line Replacement (W-774) ; and requests acceptance of the project as of 5/13/85, authorization for final pay estimate of $773.25, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2, 773. 91 to Archer Construction if no liens or claims are filed and proof of payment and tax liabilities has been received. (Total project cost: $59, 971. 97) Council concur. g. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests amendment of Speed Limit Ordinance to conform with posted speed limits on City streets. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints the following persons to the Park Board for four-year terms, effective to 6/1 /89: Ronald J . Regis, 824 Jefferson Avenue NE (served since 1964) ; and Charles J . Delaurenti, 505 S. 18th Street (served since 1982) . b. Mayor Shinpoch reappoints Phillip L. Beckley, 655 Ferndale Court NE, to Library Board, for five -year term effective to 6/8/90 (served since 1984) . 8. OLD BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. NEW BUSINESS 13. ADJOURNMENT 402 RENTON CITY COUNCIL May 20, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Letter regarding Tiffany Park Residential Vandalism COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE City Newsletter for Coordination with Staff MAYOR*& CITY CLERK Execute Honey Creek Sewer Project, Phase II Contract Execute Jail Agreement with U.S. Navy Execute Police Counter Improvement Project Contract *Appoint Rental Rehabilitation Loan Committee PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Rhonda Younker regarding Zoning Code and Signs TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Speed Limit Ordinance Amendment UTILITIES COMMITTEE Letter from Bruce Miyahara Requesting Sewer Connection DKB Corporation Request for Watermain Extension WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Emergency Street Repair & Cleanup Authorization (Resolution #2606) Emergency Cabaret Ordinance Modification (Ordinance #3212 adopted) Impound Vehicles Ordinance (1st reading 5/20/85) Cabaret Ordinance Modifications (1st reading 5/20/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/10/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone - south of NE 4th and west of Duvall NE (revised date) 6/10/85 - Lincoln Property Street Vacation - Lake View Boulevard 6/17/85 - Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation - Taylor & Maole SW 6/24/85 - Seelig Street Vacation - SW 23rd Street 6/24/85 - Maplewood Golf Course Annexation - 13020 SE Renton-Maple Valley H ighway 6/24/85 - West Hill Reservoir Annexation - 82nd Avenue S/S 126th Street I L1 o 3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 20, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President, NANCY L. MATHEWS, COUNCIL MEMBERS THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MARILYN J. PETERSEN, Deputy City Clerk; CAPT. DON PERSSON, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 13, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared May 24 and 25 Buddy Poppies 1985, as Buddy Poppies Days, urging the citizens of Days Renton to contribute generously to the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The Buddy Poppies are assembled by disabled veterans, and proceeds of all sales are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans and widows and orphans of deceased veterans, "honoring the dead by helping the living". MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. City Employees Mayor Shinpoch read a proclamation declaring the period Recognition Week June 3 through 10, 1985, as City Employees Recognition Week, saluting employees of the City of Renton for their diligence in serving the citizens of Renton efficiently, courteously, and with pride in their work. Employee talent and integrity translate into respect for public property, public opinion, and for personal performance with manifest concern for preserving the history and enhancing the future of Renton, providing a continuity of purpose that helps define our city. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Emergency Legal Department requested emergency authorization for Authorization- street repair and cleanup by City crews or through direct Street Repair contract with outside contractor as a result of current and Cleanup contractor's inability to complete 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action) Cabaret Ordinance Legal Department requested review of Cabaret Ordinance Modification to remove ambiguities in language without affecting the intent or substance of the ordinance. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See later action) qo � Renton City Council May 20, 1985 Page two CONSENT AGENDA (continued) Maplewood Golf Policy Development Department submitted 10% and 75% Course Annexation Notice of Intent Petitions for the proposed Maplewood Golf Course annexation located on the north side of Maple Valley Highway (SR-169) at 13020 SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway and requested a combined public hearing for both petitions be set for June 24, 1985. Council concur. West Hill Reservoir Policy Development Department submitted proposed annexa- Proposed Annexation tion of 1.75 acres located on the west side of 82nd Avenue South at the intersection with South 126th Street for construction of a storage tank and expansion of reservoir capacity and requested public meeting be set for June 24, 1985. Annexation initiated by the City under provisions of RCW 35A.14.300 for Municipal Purposes. Council concur. 1984 Sanitary Sewer Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG 057-84, Rehabilitation 1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, and requested Project Final acceptance of the project as of May 20; authorization for Pay Estimate final pay estimate of $16,251. 11; commencement of 30-day lien period; release of retained amount of $9,615.35 to H.L. Jacobson, Jr. , Construction Company if no liens or claims are outstanding and proof of payment of tax and liabilities has been received. Contract terminated on May 20, 1985, due to contractor's inability to complete the project. Council concur. Grant Avenue South Public Works Department submitted CAG 076-84, Grant Water Line Avenue South Water Line Replacement (W-774) and requested Replacement acceptance of project as of May 13; authorization for (W-774) final pay estimate of $773.25; commencement of 30-day lien period; and release of retained amount of $2,773.91 to Archer Construction Company if no liens or claims are filed and proof of payment of tax and liabilities has been received. Total project cost: $59,971.97. Council concur. Speed Limit Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested Ordinance amendment of the Speed Limit Ordinance to conform with Amendment speed limits posted on City streets. Streets to be affected: NE Sunset Boulevard between Queen Avenue NE and East City Limits; West Valley Highway (SR 181) North to South City Limits; new roadway on Benson Drive; and Maple Valley Highway (SR 169) between East City Limits and 140th Place SE and I-405. Refer to Transportation Committee. CONSENT AGENDA MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE APPROVED CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Mayor Shinpoch reappointing Ronald Park Board J. Regis, 824 Jefferson Avenue NE, Renton, and Charles J. Reappointments Delaurenti, 505 South 18th Street, Renton, to the Park Board for four-year terms effective to June 1, 1989. Mr. Regis has served on the Park Board since 1964; Mr. Delaurenti since 1982. Other members of the Board include Joan Moffatt, Tom Teasdale, and Nat Weathers. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN HE REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Renton City Council May 20, 1985 Page three CORRESPONDENCE (continued) Library Board Letter was read from Mayor Shinpoch reappointing Phillip Reappointment Beckley, 655 Ferndale Court NE, Renton, to the Library Board for a five-year term effective to June 8, 1990. �. Mr. Beckley has served on the Library Board since 1984. Other members of the Board include Leatha Allison, Lillian Poff, John Simpson, and Dan Sullivan. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT TO THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. Tiffany Park Letter was read from Ronald C. and Carole D. Goss, 2720 Residential SE 16th Street, Renton, reporting recent burglaries and Vandalism tire slashings in the Tiffany Park area. Mr. and Mrs. Goss requested that, in addition to Neighborhood Watch Programs currently being instigated by the Renton Police Department, additional funds be allocated or existing funds be reassigned to provide more police protection and surveillance to residential areas rather than traffic (loop) observation. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CONSIDERATION DURING BUDGET HEARINGS. CARRIED. Police Captain Don Persson indicated they do have suspects in this vandalism and the matter is under investigation. Mayor Shinpoch noted numerous requests for additional police patrol are also received for the "Renton Loop" area. City Sewer Letter from Bruce Miyahara, 859 Monroe NE, requested Hook-up Request consideration for hook-up to city sewer at 7803 South 132nd Street prior to area annexation to the City. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Mathews presented Community Services a report recommending the Mayor be authorized to appoint Committee a Rental Rehabilitation Loan Committee consisting of two H&CD Block members of the Housing and Community Development Grant Rental Citizens Advisory Committee and one local banker. This Rehabilitation committee will review applications for the Rental Program Rehabilitation Program and select loan recipients based CTED-R EFEH on approved H&CD criteria for this program. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE F5 OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Honey Creek Sewer concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Project-Phase II Department and recommending acceptance of the low bid of Alia Construction Company in the amount of $536,853 for Phase II of the Honey Creek Sewer Project. The report also recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Police Department Jail Agreement to enter into the proposed jail agreement with the U.S. with U.S. Navy Navy, upon approval of City Attorney, and recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Police Captain Persson noted that minimal jail activity is expected under this agreement and no adverse conditions or overcrowding are anticipated. MOTION CARRIED. 406 Renton City Council May 20, 1985 Page four OLD BUSINESS (continued) Bid Opening- Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Police Counter concurring in the recommendation of the Park Department Improvements to accept the low bid in the amount of $11,567.78, plus alternative, from H.S. Builders for Police Department counter improvements (only one bid received). MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke indicated, for the record, his no vote and objection to acceptance of a bid when only one bid is received for any project. Attendance at Councilwoman Mathews reported to Council regarding her Meetings attendance at two functions on behalf of Mayor Shinpoch: The Woodland Park Zoo "Save Our Elephants" media event and Metro's ceremony for installation of new equipment at the treatment plant which will double present capacity. Mayor Shinpoch expressed her appreciation for representation by Councilwoman Mathews. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a Committee report recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance *3911 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Shore Rezone of certain properties within the City of Renton from R-015-85 General Classification District (G) to Residence District (R-2 and R-3) for Richard Shore, File R-015-85; property located at 1626 Grant Avenue South (east side). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Cabaret Ordinance An ordinance was read amending Chapter 28 (Cabarets) Modifications - of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City of Renton Code Declaration of by deleting existing sections 6-2803, 6-2807, 6-2809, Emergency and existing subsection (B) of 6-2806; adding definitions; adding Section 6-2810, Exemptions; and declaring a state of emergency. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance *3912 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 28 (Cabarets) Cabaret Ordinance of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City of Renton Code Modifications - by deleting existing sections 6-2803, 6-2807, 6-2809, Declaration of and existing subsection (B) of 6-2806; adding definitions; Emergency adding Section 6-2810, Exemptions; and declaring a state of emergency. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Impound Vehicles An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 17, Title X (Traffic) of City of Renton Code relating to impoundment and redemption of certain vehicles. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Cabaret Ordinance An ordinance was read amending Chapter 28 (Cabarets) of Modifications Title VI (Police Regulations) of City of Renton Code by deleting existing sections 6-2803, 6-2807, 6-2809, and existing subsection (B) of 6-2806; adding definitions; and adding Section 6-2810, Exemptions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Renton City Council May 20, 1985 Page five ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution *2606 A resolution was read declaring a state of emergency and Emergency Repairs/ authorizing the Public Works Department to do or contract Public Works for emergency repairs (1984 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, H. L. Jacobson, Jr. , Contractor, unable to complete project). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution *2607 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date of Seelig Street June 24, 1985 for proposed vacation of a portion of SW Vacation 23rd Street (VAC 003-85), Martin A. Seelig. MOVED BY VAC 003-85 CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 6892 through 7213 in the amount of $1,018,830.05, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 6899 through 6907 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Letter was read from Richard Houghton, Public Works DKB Corporation Director, recommending City cost participation in the Watermain Extension installation of a 16" watermain at approximately SE Cost Participation 36th Street from the West Valley Highway to Burlington Northern's automobile loading facility as proposed by DKB Corporation in their letter of May 13. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Hiring Policy Councilman Stredicke noted that the Field Superintendent n position with the City had been filled and voiced his Z O objections to the practice of hiring an employee to begin C X at other than entry level (Step A) on the pay schedule. NM Mayor Shinpoch indicated this candidate had been selected m after an extensive assessment process where few -n p applicants met even minimal qualifications; he was highly qualified and took a reduction in pay to accept this position. The Mayor assured Council the position would J rri have been filled at the Step A pay level had a qualified Z candidate willing to work for that salary applied, and S4 encouraged Council Members to express individual opinions on City policy at upcoming budget hearings. Industrial and Councilman Stredicke acknowledged receipt of a letter from Manufacturing Younker Motors, Inc. , 3820 East Valley Highway South, Park Zoning regarding proposed zone changes for City industrial and manufacturing parks. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, CORRESPONDENCE FROM YOUNKER MOTORS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Park Board Mayor Shinpoch welcomed newly reappointed Park Board Member member, Ron Regis, to the audience and extended Council Acknowledgement appreciation for his years of service to the Park Board and the City. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Administrative Assistant Parness announced that this Budget Workshop year's budget workshop for Council Members will be held June 20-21 June 20 and 21 at the Battelle Institute. Renton City Council May 20, 1985 Page six ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (continued) Proposed City Administrative Assistant Parness presented a report to Newsletter Program Council in response to inquiries regarding a City news- letter, published at City expense, to convey information describing City programs/services to Renton citizens. The report cited newsletter experiences by Tukwila, Kent, and Olympia, comparing cost, size, content, and listing similar options for the proposed Renton newsletter. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CITY NEWSLETTER, TO BE ISSUED QUARTERLY, NOT TO EXCEED EIGHT PAGES, WITH THE FIRST ISSUE DISTRIBUTED IN JULY, 1985. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THE SUBJECT OF THE NEWSLETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR COORDINATING WITH STAFF. CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 9: 16 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:32 p.m. Marilyn 411 P sen, Deputy City Clerk i 409 City of Renton Check Distribution Fund Total Checks MACHINE VOIDS: No.#06899 - 06907 CLRRENT 104.466. 02 PARKS 71 .476.42 ARTERIAL STREETS 8655. 16 "' STREETS 61 .575 . 16 LIBRARY 9.-091 . 66 STREET FORWARC THRUST 115.152. 58 MLNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 14.430. 73 CAPITAL IMPRCVEMENT FUND 57841 . 49 WATERWORKS UTILITY 201 .382. 20 AIRPORT 5.498. 97 GCLF COURSE FLNO 3928.77 WATER & SEWER CONSTRLCTION 325.360. 42 ECUIPMENT RENTAL 22173. 79 INSURANCE FUND 339. 30 FIREMEN'S PENSION 17.452 . 39 Total of all Checks 1 .018. 330. 05 We, the undersigned members of the Ways and Means Committee of the Renton City Councils having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or renderedr do hereby approve for payment Vouchers No. 6892 through No. 7213 in the amount of S1 .018.830.G5 this 2Cth cay of May 1985. Committee Chairman _ �yg� Member Member - - -��J-- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 20, 1985 (No Council Meeting on 5/27/85 - Memorial Day Observed) COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/4 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Proposed Group W Cable rate increase (representatives from 3H Management, Group W, and City Attorney's office) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 5/23 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Draft Ordinances for M-P, O-P, L-1 & H-1 Zones PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 5/30 8: 00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Long Range Transportation Study; (AVIATION) Speed Limit Ordinance UTILITIES Weds. 5/29 4: 00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Bids for Library Energy Conservation; Thurston request for sewer connection; Miyahara request for sewer connection WAYS & MEANS Mon. 6/3 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS 411 ISSUED -- CITY OF- REhTON_ - - --- - - - -----RAGE--3 ---- - -- .-- 05/17/85 BUILDING 8 ZONING CEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSuu°D WEEK ENDING MAY 17, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11075 500 JANIS K SASARABA 3416 NE 6TM ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11876 15,C00 CITY OF RENTON 1a�f1 WILLIAMS AV N DEMOLISH SHED. CONST. PK LOT ADD 11078 77 16,C00 RINHAEL HARPERAHL 2309SNiELTON 10THAPLNE CONST S/F ADDITION CONST S/F ADDITION 11870 A R SMITH AND CO 919 HOVSER WY N INTERIOR DEMOLITION 1 080 25,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11081 454,950 CENTRON 23C7 NE 4TH ST BLDG A CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11082 454,950 CENTRON 2387 NE 4TH ST BLDG B CONST 24 UNIT APT BDLG 11083 454,950 CENTRON 3 7 NE 4TH ST BLDG C CONSTRUCT 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11084 454,950 CENTRON2307 NE 4TH ST SLOG D CONST 24 LNIT APT BLDG 11085 454,950 CENTRON 23C7 NE 4TM ST BLDG E CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11086 454,950 CENTRON J387 NE 4TH ST BLDG F CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11087 4 4,950 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST BLDG G CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11088 454,950 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST BLDG H CONST 24 LNIT APT BLDG 11p08p9 454,950 CENTRON 2z3Cp7 NE 4TH ST BLDG I CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11891 454x950 CENTRON CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH 5T BLDG J EONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 4TM ST BLDG K ONST 4 UNIT APT BLDG 11092 30,C00 NEIDER MFG. CO. 801 S 2ND ST REMODEL AUTO ACCESSORY SHOP 11093 995 G 8 M INVESTMENTS 3803 NE 4TH ST CONSTRUCT 2 SUNTAN BOOTHS 11094 20,800 RALPH WARREN 22J8 NE 20TH ST CONST S/F ADDITION 11095 5,000 MORRIS PIMA CO 28 0 SUNSET SL NE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11096 2,667 ROBERT HOFFMAN 629 KIRKLAND AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 11097 1150O,COO OKS CORP 3800 WEST VALLEY RD CONST OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BLDG 11098 4,800 VIJAY SCOD 1204 N 38TH ST REMODEL GARAGE 11099 3,400 TED KLA80 2701 NE 24TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11181 1]1]1Q00 1,E96 NELLO RAFANELLI 2564VASHON AV SE REROOF RESIDENCE 11181 3x700 KIMNROMRDESSONC '3j0O NE NE 60THHPET CONSTDECK11103 120,C00 TRAMMELL CRCW 1010 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11104 3,C00 CUMMINS NW INC 811 SW GRADY WY CONST BLOCK WALL 11105 4x000 MARTIN M. PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD BUILD FENCE 11106 480 LEON MILLER 815 S 31ST ST CONST DECK ADDITION E1ECTRICAL PERMITS 504 SO LEONARD BLOBS 4312 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12505 200 ROBEERT C CORWIN 1717 MONTEREY CT NE INST WIRING ID 12507 500 BRADY INTERNATIONAL 3002 LIND AV SW INST WIRING 12508 4,5MOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 923 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 12509 2,500 E P INCUSTRIES 801 HOUSER WY N INST WIRING 12510 23,400 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80C PARK AV N INST OVERHEAD WIRING 12511 7,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80C PARK AV N INST FACTCRY LIGHTING 12512 500 M L SMITH 34C2 NE 7TH ST SERVICE CHANGE/ADO CIRCUITS 12513 850 ROGER STROMEERG 74C N 32ND ST WIRE FIRE ALARM 125114 58,CCO PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CC 333 SW 41ST ST INST WIRING 12516 VOID 12517 VOID 12518 VOID 12511 800 MORRIS PIMA 2810 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL 8 NEW CIRCUITS 12520 450 VIJAY SCOO 1204 N 38TH ST EXTENSION OF CIRCUITS 12521 3,426 PAUL 8 CANCY WALKER 20 SW 7TH ST WIRE TENANT AREA, 12522 2x500 U SAVE CIL CO 632 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10971 11C00 HISURY HOMES 522 EDMONDS CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10972 500 JEFF HUPP 2812 SE 18TH PL 5.700 JaD.GBLCCDS 10974 506 WINCSOR PL NE INST WATER HEATER 3713 PARK AV N INST GAS WATER HEATER INSTALL MEAT PUMP PLUMBING PERMITS 347 10,800 ROBERT It PHYLIS HUNT 804 N 3RD ST HOT WATER TANK,SOLAR SYSTEM 349 1,800 VOID KLEIN 405 S 3RD ST NEW WATER SERVICE 350 1,000 M L SMITH 340 NE 7TH AV NE INST PLSG 351 1,900 CAVERN SCHUh 2 352 2,700 PRECUT INTERNATIONAL 20059 SE STH OR INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 353 4,400 SCHNEIDER HCMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG L INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 354 4,400 SCHNEIDER HCMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG K INST 4C PLBG FIXTURES 355 4,400 SCHNEIDER HCMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG C INST 4(� PLBG FIXTURES 356 4,400 SCHNEIDER HCMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG fl INST 4G PLBG FIXTURES 357 5r000 SCHNEIDER HCMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG P INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 3358 1$�ef0CQ0 SCHNEIDER MCMES 5ES 50oQ0 MONROE AV NE BLCNE S A INST 168 PPBBGFFIXTURES 60 12,800 SCHNEIDER HOMES 508 MONROE AV NE BLDG M INST 10z PLBG FIXTURES 361 12,800 SCHNEIDER HCMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG F INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 362 12,800 SCHNEIDER HCMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG G INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 363 12,800 SCHNEIDER HCME5 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG H INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 364 1,800 JACK CURRANINST 1C PLBG FIXTURES 365 1,800 HDK 9223SPOWELLSAV SW INST GAS PIPING ONLY SIGN PERMITS 1404 3x000 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 446 MARCIE AV SW INST CHANNEL LETTERS ON SIGN 1405 50 SAS INC 733 RAINIER AV S INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1407 200 FLCYO NY KERB 353NC 9NE SUNSETNBLTNBL INST WALLSIGN BANNER 1408 5,CO0 WILGEO 1 00 BRCNSON WY N INST FREE STANDING SIGN 11409 50 YOUNG HI CMLNG 239 SUNSET BL N INST GRAND OPENING SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5970 Ed Rybar 212 S. 3rd St. Install driveways, storm sewer connection 5971 Chaffey Corp. 172 Vashon P1. NE Install side sewer 5972 Chaffey Corp. 183 Vashon PI. NE Install side sewer 5973 Union Avenue Co. 375 Union Ave. SE Sanitary building sewers on 12 lots 5974 Loberg Oldsmobile 7th & Hardie SW Open ditch asphalt for conduit and street 5975 Loberg Oldsmobile 150 SW 7th Street Commercial sanitary building sewer 412 OF RF ` �� o AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W.REED, V 40 �— Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES O �O Z KATHY KEOLKER NANCY L. MATHEWS 9° R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE 09�TED THOMAS W. TRIMM SEPIr'-0 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 3, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1985 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Metro Water Quality Budget E Sewer Rate Increase 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please ` walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $5,000.00 filed by Margaret Moore, 615 South Williams, Apartment A, Renton, for personal injuries allegedly incurred as result of tripping over sidewalk obstruction on Houser Way. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 5/29/85 for Renton Airport Water System r` (W-804) ; 10 bids; Engineer's estimate: $57,522. 17 and $151, 185.42 (Alternate) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. c. City Attorney requests amendment of Tavern Ordinance relating to regulation of firearms in taverns to conform with State law. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. City Attorney requests amendment of Model Traffic Ordinance to delete duplicating section relating to driving while license suspended. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests public hearing be set for June 24, 1985 for consideration of update of Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991) . Council Concur. *Refer to Transportation Comm f. Public Works/Airport Department submits Boeing Company Lease, LAG 877-65, negotiated lease rate acceptance. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. g. Executive officr requests referral of 1985 Marine Patrol contract to Ways and Means Committee. h. Hearinq Examiner recommends approval with conditions Roger Stromberg Rezone R-016 -85, 0. 78 acres from R-1 to R-3 located at 901 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Referred to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. i. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with conditions Schneider Homes, Inc. Final Plat FP-021-85 on 14. 5 acres, R-1 and R-2 property, located at 3400 block of N .E. 6th St. Referred to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT *Added at Council Meeting RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 3, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Moore Claim for Damaqes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Long term phased development COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Proposed walking and bicycle map of Renton TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Renton Airport Water System Bid Opening Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1986-1991 Boeing Company Lease, LAG 877-65 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Tavern Ordinance Model Traffic Ordinance Marine Patrol Interlocal Agreement 1985 Stromberg Rezone, R-016-85 Schneider Homes, Inc. Final Plat FP-021-85 Speed Limit Ordinance Criminal Attempt Ordinance (1st reading 6/3/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/10/85 - Dochnahl 75% Annexation/Bales-Denton Rezone - south of NE 4th and west of Duvall NE (revised date) 6/10/85 - Lincoln Property Street Vacation - Lake View Boulevard 6/17/85 - Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation - Taylor & Maple SW 6/17/85 - Proposed NIP, OP, L-1 and H-1 Zone Amendments 6/24/85 - Seelig Street Vacation - SW 23rd Street �. 6/24/85 - Maplewood Golf Course Annexation - 13020 SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway 6/24/85 - West Hill Reservoir Annexation - 82nd Avenue S/S 126th Street 6/24/85 - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1991 414 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 3, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER THOMAS W. TRIMM BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. MICHAEL MACULA, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE WORD, "FIELD," IN THE FIRST LINE, SIXTH PARAGRAPH, OF PAGE FIVE (HIRING POLICIES) , BE CHANGED TO "PARK." Also noted was correction of Community Services Committee Chair on page three from Mathews to Keolker. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1985, AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Metro representative Bob Hirsch addressed the City Council PRESENTATION regarding the Metro Water Quality Budget and proposed sewer Metro Water rate increase. Budget objectives for 1986 were reviewed as Quality Budget follows: 1) Finance the next step of the adopted capital and Sewer Rate program established in 1981 at $530 million; 2) Fund operating Increase costs of expanded waste water treatment plant in Renton; 3) Prepare for 'secondary treatment plant in Puget Sound mandated by State Department of Ecology; and 4) Plan for implementation of combined sewer overflow program in Seattle to reduce frequency and volume of overflows of storm water and sewage from Metro facilities. Budget recommendations for 1986 are: $8.50 per month sewer rate, an increase of 70C over 1985 rate; $25.2 million operating budget; and $173.2 million capital budget, which includes $168 million for adopted capital program and $5 million for design work on secondary treatment or combined storm overflow control facilities. Water quality budget total revenue: $173,350; total expenditures: $233,543. Included in the operating budget are increases for inflation and expansion program at the Renton treatment plant. Continued Councilmen Clymer and Stredicke questioned Renton' s participation in correcting overflow problems in Seattle; whether Renton benefits in any way as a result of location of the Metro treatment plant within its boundaries; and - Metro' s rationale for maintaining a reserve account while still raising rates. Mr. Hirsch explained that most of the overflow is occurring at Metro facilities; four other treatment plans exist in addition to several bus bases located in other municipalities for the collective benefit of the entire county; and a reserve fund is maintained for investment purposes in the event of cash flow shortage and bond market fluctuations. He also indicated proi2cted costs for a sewerage treatment plant in Puget Sound are estimated at from $450 to $650 million which would add an additional $8.00 or $9.00 to the monthly residential bill in about 1990. Maintenance Birthday congratulations were extended to Councilmembers Employees Keolker and Stredicke by Mayor Shinpoch. Building maintenance Honored employees, invited by Mayor Shinpoch to be honored for City Employees Recognition Week (June 3-10, 1985) , were introduced. Betty Hammontree, Patty Bateman, Robin Fugere, Shannon Miller, and Scott Bjorlo were praised for pride and diligence in their efforts to care for the 17-year old Municipal Building. Cookies and coffee were served in honor of the occasion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, Recess COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:36 p.m. Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page two Audience Comment Council reconvened at 8:50 p.m. ; roll was called; all members present with the exception of Trimm, excused. AUDIENCE COMMENT William Jens, 1136 S. 23rd Street, Renton, referenced The Luckey Company preliminary planned unit development applicant for the Luckey PPUD-008-85 Company, File No. PPUD-008-85, multifamily complex containing (Victoria Hills) 196 units on 16 acres located south of S. Puget Drive, west of Benson Road S. and north of S. 26th Street. The matter was remanded by the City Council to the Hearing Examiner on 5/6/85 for consideration of additional information. Mr. Jens ~ noted that the original plans for the PPUD, approved in 1977, expired on 5/24/85; however, the applicant had submitted revised plans to the City for review prior to that date. He requested direction regarding proper procedure to correspond with the City Council on this matter to which he objects. Mayor Shinpoch stated that correspondence should be directed to the attention of the City Clerk. Letters will be paraphrased for the record at a regular Council meeting as required by policy to allow both the proponents and opponents of the land use matter the opportunity to review the material . She further explained that since an appeal of the matter is pending, Council members are warned against ex-parte communication with parties of record since they are serving in a quasi-judicial capacity for the City as final decision makers in land use applications reviewed by the Hearing Examiner. Continued Councilwoman Mathews added that the matter of PUD plan submission has been referred to the City Attorney for clarification. Councilman Stredicke reminded Councilmembers that due to a potential violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, he has removed himself as chairman or member of the Planning and Development Committee, and will be replaced by Council President Reed. The Committee will be chaired by Vice-Chairman Keolker for this subject matter. Gonzales Rezone Lawrence Campbell , 1609 South Central Avenue, Suite A-1 , R-003-85 Kent , requested Council address the ordinance for the Advance to Gonzales Rezone, File No. R-003-85 (1st reading on 5/13/85) . Ordinances & MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE Resolutions REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3913 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Gonzales Rezone property located at 135 Union Avenue NE from General R-003-85 Classification (G) to Residence District (R-2) ; Gonzales, R-003-85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke objected to the rezone since he felt the intent of the Comprehensive Plan in designating the area for low density multifamily development was to allow mobile home park use, which would be compatible with predominant single family development south of NE 4th Street. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES: REED, MATHEWS, CLYMER, HUGHES, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Honey Creek Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, Renton, referenced Honey Associates Rezone Creek Associates Rezone (R-014-84) and Preliminary Planned R-014-84 and Unit Development (PPUD-015-84) , consisting of 47.7 acres PPUD-O 84 located in the vicinity of the 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE, rezone from G-1 to R-1 and R-2 to allow a two- phase multifamily development consisting of 185 units. (Associated annexation request also submitted. ) The matter was remanded to the Hearing Examiner by the City Council on 5/6/85 to allow input by King County residents to the east of the proposal and consideration of whether legal size of tax lots in the PUD would affect allowable density. He noted that the developers have requested a postponement in the hearing process to allow time to adjust tax lots within the area of the PPUD. Mr. Murray requested that the Hearing Examiner address only the specific issues assigned upon remand of the applications, or that the developer abandon the old application and submit a new request reflecting substantial changes. 416 Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page three Audience Comment continued Honey Creek Mayor Shinpoch assured that the Hearing Examiner would Associates determine whether changes are of sufficient substance to R-014-84 and warrant submission of a new application. City Attorney PPUD-015-84 Warren confirmed that submission of a new application would be required to the Building & Zoning Department for review of plans which contain substantial revision. Mr. Murray referenced a memorandum from Zoning Administrator Roger Blaylock to Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman recommending delay of the remand hearing ur*il developers are able to complete a lot line adjustmer. He requested the opportunity to communicate his objections to that request to the Hearing Examiner. City Attorney Warren felt that Mr. Murray should be allowed to correspond with the Hearing Examiner on the matter. Following further discussion regarding lengthy time periods which occur between approval of preliminary PUDs and final approval and construction, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF LONG TERM PHASED DEVELOPMENT OT THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Moore Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $5,000.00 filed by Margaret for Damages Moore, 615 South Williams, Apartment A, Renton, for personal CL 20-85 injuries allegedly incurred as result of tripping over sidewalk obstruction on Houser Way. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton Airport City Clerk reported bid opening 5/29/85 for Renton Airport Water System Water System (W-804) ; 10 bids; Engineer' s estimate: Bid Opening $57,522.17 and $151 , 185.42 (Alternate) . Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Tavern Ordinance City Attorney requested amendment of Tavern Ordinance to conform with State law relating to regulation of firearms in taverns. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 4 Model Traffic City Attorney requested amendment of Model Traffic Ordinance Ordinance to delete sections duplicating provisions for driving while license suspended. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Six Year Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested Transportation public hearing be set for June 24, 1985, for consideration Improvement of update of Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Program 1986-1991 (1986-1991 ) . Council concur. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, ADD REFER TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boeing Company Public Works/Airport Department submitted Boeing Company Lease LAG 877-65 acceptance of lease rate adjustment proposal of $. 12 per square foot for the 1985 to 1990 period, effective 6/1/85. (LAG 877-65) Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Marine Patrol Mayor Shinpoch submitted 1985 Marine Patrol Interlocal Interlocal Agreement with City of Mercer Island for continuation of Agreement 1985 service through 1985; Renton' s share of $22,015 to be paid on a quarterly basis. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Stromberg Rezone Hearing Examiner recommended Roger Stromberg Rezone, R-016-85 R-016-85, be approved with conditions; 0.78 acres located at 901 Sunset Boulevard NE from R-1 to R-3 for future construction of two nine-unit apartment buildings. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Schneider Homes, Hearing Examiner recommended Schneider Homes, Inc. Final Inc. Final Plat Plat, FP-021-85, be approved with conditions; 14.5 acres FP-021-85 located on the south side of NE 6th Street at the 3400 block; 5.58 acre parcel zoned R-1 to be platted into 20 single family lots; remainder to be developed as multifamily complex. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Transportation recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Committee Works Department regarding Speed Limit Ordinance amendments, Speed Limit and referral of the matter to Ways and Means Committee for Ordinance proper ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. I-405/"S" Curve For information only: The Transportation Committee reviewed Project the 1-405/"S" Curve Project and recommended it remain in Committee fur further discussion. Six-Year For information only: The Transportation Committee reviewed Transportation the Public Works Department recommendations regarding the Improvement Program Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991 ) . 1986-1991 (See Consent Agenda) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Miyahara Request recommending denial of request for sanitary sewer service for Sanitary Sewer outside the City limits submitted by Bruce Miyahara Service for the following reasons: 1 ) Section 1 .A3 of Resolution No. 2162 specifically prohibits connections outside the City for new construction; and 2) The cost to extend the trunk main to serve the property is prohibitive for a single owner. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Thurston Request Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report for Sanitary Sewer recommending approval of request for sanitary sewer service Service outside the City limits submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Thurston. King County Health Department has determined the present system to be inadequate; inadequate space exists to install an on-site disposal system; and the present system presents .r.. a health hazard. Approval is conditioned upon approval by the King County Boundary Review Board, approval of sewer main extension plans by the Public Works Department, and agreement by the applicant not to oppose any future annexation of his property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, AMEND THE MOTION TO REQUIRE EXECUTION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS IMPOSING THE LAST CONDITION TO RUN WITH THE LAND. CARRIED. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Clarkrich Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Latecomer recommending denial of the Clarkrich request for Latecomer Agreement Agreement, September, 1984, due to failure of applicant to supply required cost data, and, secondly, it appears the applicant has gone out of business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. DKB Corporation Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Watermain Request concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to participate in the cost of the watermain extension as requested by DKB Corporation. The project is listed on the City' s Comprehensive Plan, and funds are available to provide the Citv' s share: maximum of $21 ,500. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED B' :OLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. For the record, the property location was described as between West Valley Highway system and property owned by Burlington Northern Railroad Company to the east. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Development presented a report recommending a public hearing be set Committee for June 17, 1985 to consider proposed revisions to the M-P, O-P, L-1 Manufacturing Park (M-P) , Office Park (0-P) , Light Industry and H-1 Zones (L-1 ) , and Heavy Industry (H-1) zones as recommended by the Planning Commission. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 418 Renton City Council 6/3/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3914 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 17, Title Impound Vehicles X (Traffic) of City Code relating to impoundment and redemption of certain vehicles. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3915 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 28 (Cabarets) of Title Cabaret Ordinance VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by deleting existing Sections 6-2803, 6-2807, 6-2809, and existing Subsection (B) of 6-2806; adding definitions; and adding Section 6-2810 !i (Exemptions) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Criminal Attempt An ordinance was read amending Section 6-2401 of Title VI Ordinance (Police Regulations) of City Code relating to the criminal code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, CORRESPONDENCE FROM Proposed Walking MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION CHAIRMAN RON RINGWOOD REGARDING ,and Bicycling Map PROPOSED WALKING AND BICYCLING MAP OF RENTON BE REFERRED of Renton TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Library System Councilman Stredicke requested a report regarding proposed action by City of Bellevue to join King County Library system. He felt the City of Renton should also investigate this option to better serve its library patrons. Mayor Shinpoch reported constant reevaluation of Renton' s independent system by the Library Board, and she agreed to forward the Board' s latest conclusions on the matter to Councilmembers. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch advised receipt of a request from Fred REPORT Herscher, Chief Executive Officer for the South King County South King County Activity Center (Skcac) , for rent subsidy support in the Activity Center amount of $1500.00 per month for the Kent and Tukwila Request for facilities serving disabled adults. The same request was Funding made to cities of Kent, Tukwila and Auburn for a total of $6,000.00 per month for 1986 and emergency funding for the balance of 1985. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that based on a consensus of her colleagues in the three other cities, it was determined that the cities not participate on an emergency basis for 1985. However, in accordance with policy, she will inform Mr. Herscher that his request for 1986 funding will be reviewed by the Council ' s Community Services Committee through regular budget procedures. Mayor Shinpoch expressed concern that the Legislature or Department of Social & Health Services are not recognizing the regional nature and benefit of the activity center for developmentally disabled, and forcing local governments to provide funding. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR' S ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that copies of a memorandum from Parks Director John Webley regarding developmentally disabled programs provided by the City of Renton will be transmitted to each Councilmember. Executive Session MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO Time: 9:55 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; Time: 10:26 p.m. all members present except Trimm, excused. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk BID TABULATION SHEET '419' PRO JE.CT • RENTON AIRPORT WATER SYSTEM (W-804) DAT E MAY 29, 1985 Bids include sales tax MBE t3b BIDDER EEO AA BID ARCHER CONSTRUCTION, INC. X $46,377.06 18211 East Valley Road Alternate $123,884.76 Kent, WA 98032 COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO. X $52,531.20 9600 M. L. King Way S. Alternate $135,417.95 Seattle, WA 98118 DELMAR CONSTRUCTION CO. X $52,863.06 15624 7th Avenue East Alternate $151,398.37 Tacoma, WA 98445 MANFRED DUSKE EXCAVATION X $40,027.91 24206 183rd Avenue SE Alternate $119,290.03 Kent, WA 98042 GRANT CONSTRUCTION X $58,310.45 12901 172nd SE Alternate $120,966.40 Renton, WA 98056 HARLOW CONSTRUCTION CO. X $57,454.07 3613 N. Villard Alternate No Bid Addendum Ack. i Tacoma, WA 98407 OLYMPIC WESTERN CO. X $53,141.96 6703 37th Avenue SW Alternate $142,828.21 Seattle, WA 98126 S E P CONSTRUCTION, INC. X $66,301.80 2230 Pacific Street Alternate $127,618.54 Bellingham, WA 98225 PITARDI TRUCKING CO., INC. XNo AA $74,292.80 12218 51st Avenue S. Alternate $170,475.86 Seattale, WA 98178 BAY CITIES CONST., INC. X $43,203.00 2218 112th Avenue East Alternate $100,689.75 Tacoma, WA 98445 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $57,522.17 Alternate $151,185.42 Pro.ect Engineer: Dave Tibbot Alternate: Joe Armstrong i �A C� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR O Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 6/13 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Metro Transit Center Update; Council Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/4 Cancelled KEOLKER Tues. 6/5 4: 15 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room Tee Signs at Maplewood - Park Department Tues. 6/5 4: 30 p.m. " " " " Group W Cable (Lon Hurd & City Attorney invited) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 6/6 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Proposed amendments to Shoreline Master Plan & Hearing Examiner letter regarding shoreline variances PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 6/6 9:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Aero-Paint Lease Assignments; Master Plan (AVIATION) Update; Boeing Lease; Airport Water System Bids (City Attorney invited) UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS & MEANS Mon. 6/10 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Regional Transportation Weds. 6/5 Meeting :SSUEG CITY OF R:f.TOf. _ _PAGE._ 1_ :5/24/35 BU:LOING ? ZONING DEPARTMEhT PERMITS ISSL=D WEEK ENDING MAY 2i, 1985 'UIL�ING PERMITS 11103 120,000 TRAMMELL CRCW 1010 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11104 30000 CLMMINS Ni, 1tC 911 SW GRADY WY CONST BLOCK MALL 11105 4,L00 MARTIN M. PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD BUILD FENCE 11106 4EJ LEON MILLER 315 S 31ST ST CONST DECK ADDITION 111:!7 2,000 RICHARD w. 3 JUNE M FLO 900 GLENNWOCD AV WE R=ROOF FOURPLEX 11109 OAKHUFST DEV. CO. 375 UNION AV SE #132 SET MOBILE HOME 11109 2,500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE *132 CONST PATIO ETC 11110 700 MARJORIE J RICHTER 30C MEACOW AV N REPLACE FENCE 11111 60,700 HIBLRY HOMES 40'_ FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11112 200 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 25CO LAKE WASHINGTON BL NOAPKRCOM 11113 17,796 PAN AMERICAN PROPERTIES 3200 NE SUNSET BL TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11114 o9,6GJ WICK HOMES, INC. 115 BREMERTON PL WE CONSTRUCT NEW S/F RESIDENCE 1115 53,100 RELIANCE CORP 403 TAYLOR AV NW CONST S/F RESIDENCE 1116 DAKHLRST DEV. CC 375 UNICN AV SE X13 SET MCBILE HOME 1117 2,500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 LNION AV SE *13 CONST PATIO ETC 1113 500 JOHN HUEBARC 4350 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NMOVE STORAGE BLDG 1119 7,C00 FRANKLIN METTLER 913 N 35TH ST CONST S/F ADDITION 120 1J,0OJ,CJJ E 3 H PRCPEPTIES 60 N 67H ST CONST 7 STORY OFFICE BLDG X'121 65,000 SEARING 3 GITELSON 1� MORRIS AV S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 122 12,000 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 77H ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11123 15,208 A R SMITH 3 CO 919 HOUS"R WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11124 60,600 PENNY TUCKER 2216 NE UTH ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11125 d,700 RAY BEACH 1333 MONROE AV NE CONST GARAGE LECTRICAL PERMITS 12521 33,42o PAUL 3 CANDY WALKER 20 SW 77H ST WIRE T"cNA1.T AREA, 12522 2,588 U SAVE CIL CO 6;2 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING 12523 2 u UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE *132 INST WIRING 12524 150 OR_ 3PAIN :915 TALBOT RD S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12525 45 HIoURY HCMES Z03 FERNDALE AV WE INST TEMPORARY PCWER 1i52o 50 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 2500 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NONE LIGHT FIXTURE,OUTLET 12527 200 G I M INVESTMENTS 3?03 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING FOR SUNTAN 8CCTHS 12526 3,000 MORRIS PIHA 26 G SUNSET BL WE ADDITIONAL 3 CIRCUITS, MISC. 1252; 1,000 SUPERSHCPS INC 801 S 2ND ST BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM _ 12530 1,200 DARREN PAINTER 2625 BENSON RD ,S WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12531 3o3 CITY OF PENTON 3555 NE 2ND ST INSTALL 2 FLOODLIGHTS -US FLAG 12532 35 COLE MANOR APARTMENT 2811 WE 4TH ST ADDITION ONE BOX FIRE DAMAGED 12533 00 CENTRON CONST. 350 EDMCNDS AV WE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12534 5,tCO SEARING 3 GIULSON 211 MORRIS AV S REWIRE OFFICE 12535 6,?C-0 SUPER SHOPS 30 S 2ND ST REVAMP SERVICESPROUGHIN LIGHTING 8 POWER 12536 123 ROBERT DAPRIN 1523 MORRIS AV S INST WIRING IN ADDITION 12537 1,400 CHRIS K0MARIeC 2059 SE STH OR INST 200 AMP SERVICE 12530 20J OAKHURST 7 UNION AV SE #133 HOOK UP ELECTRICAL 12539 60 CHAFFcY CCRP t1 BREMERTON PL NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12540 50 RELIANCE HOMES 403 TAYLOR AV Nw INST TEMP POWER 12541 1,300 HI3LPY TOMES 407 INDEX PL NE INST WIRING 12542 200 FORD MGTOR CO 201 S 7TH ST INST WIRING FOR AIR COMPRESSOR 12543 1,6CJ SPEEDY S AUTC GLASS 912 S 2ND ST INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 10974 5,703 J.D. BLCCD 33713 PARK AV N INSTALL HEAT PUMP 109'5 78G,C00 E 3 H FRCP=RTIES 8C0 N 0TH ST INST MVAC SYSTEM 10976 353 DAVE CGCHPAN 1600 CAMAS AV WE INST GAS WATER HEATER 13977 25J EDWARD STARKEY 4342 NE 22ND CT INST GAS WATER HEATER 10978 2,400 WOLF 3RCS. CIL CO. 632 RAINIER AV S INST HEAT PUMP .1LUM?ING PERMITS 3c5 1,?2C HGK 973 PCWELL AV SW INST GAS PIPjt;G ONLY 360 300 THE Rc_F RESTALPAKT 1611 W PERIMETER RD INST DISHWASHER 367 tOO DIAGNGST_C ASSOCIATES 3915 TaL50T RD S INST 4 PLBG FIXTURES 3e3 23,JQ0 SOL CORP 3800 WEST VALLEY RD INST/REPAIR WATER PIPING ETC. �X 309 2, UO SEARI%G I GITELSON 211 MGRRIS AV S INST 5 PLBG FIXTURES ,IDN PERMITS 1. 09 50 YCUNG HI [HUNG 230 SUNSET 8L N INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1410 MORRIS PIMA 703E Nc SUNSET BL INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1411 500 MRS CUGINI 217 SUNSET BL N INST PLYwCOD SIGN 1412 1C0 LOEERG GMC t2? RAINIER AV S GRAND OPENING BANNERS 1413 500 BAR=I, LOUIS 33 4 WELLS AV S INSTALL WALL SIGN 36 S..FT 141r 13J JOHN -IA.C.R 2 C RAINIER AV S INST GRAND OPENING SIGN MONTH ENDING MAY 31, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11057 12,000 ROBERT BRAUNSCHWEIG 912 S 2ND ST ALTERATION OF EXISTING BLDG. 11058 13,493 HOLVICK DE R=GT KOERING 725 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11059 2,400 RAYMOND L. MORAVEC 3430 WE 6TH PL CONSTRUCT ATTACHED GARAGE 1060 3,OOJ JOSEPH 8 REBECCA SHUTLE 4107 SE 4TH ST INSTALL SPA, HEATER, PUMP 11061 83,000 BERT ARNSBERG 3405 LIND AV SW CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION FOR OFFICE 11062 8,600 DELTA FINANCIAL SERVICE 4455 WE SUNSET BL REROOF BLDGS Bo I 6 J 11063 15,300 LEWIS ESPINOSA 1408 DAYTON CT WE CONST SOLARIUM ADDITION 11064 700 DRURY PICKERING 421 UNION AV WE INST DOOR 11065 800,00p VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 432 S 43RD ST INTERIOR REMODEL- 11066 11.100 KEN SCHWAB 34 SE STM ST REMODEL S/F RESIDENCE 11007 1,500,000 TRANS RIM ENTERPRISES L 301 SW 27TH ST CONST MFG BLDG 11068 2,390 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 315 GARDEN AV N REPAIR ACCOUSTICAL CEILINGS 11069 135,800 GERRIT EONNEMA 2417 GARDEN CT N CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11070 450,300 PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. 333 SW 41ST ST REMODEL, ADDITION TO EXISTING 11071 11700 LEROY SNYDER 265 NW 2ND PL INST PARTITIONS, MOVE DOOR 1 072 30,000 HCLVICK DE REGT KOERING 23 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11073 5,700 RCBERT DARRIN 1523 MORRIS AV S CONST FRONT PORCH 11074 20,000 SAN LWAI 8 BLUE MTN ASS 3915 TALBOT RD S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11075 50 JANIS K SASARABA g410 WE 6TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11076 15,008 CITY OF RENTON 101 WILLIAMS AV N DEMOLISH SHED, CONST. PK LOT ADD 11077 11,400 MICHAEL STAHL 610 SHELTON AV WE CONST S/F ADDITION 11078 6,000 R N HARPER 2309 WE 10TH PL CONST S/F ADDITION 11079 A R SMITH AND CO 919 HOUSER WY N INTERIOR DEMOLITION 11080 25.000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11081 454,950 CENTRON 23307 07 WE 4TH ST BLDG 8 CONST 24 UNIT APT BT APT DLDG 1108832 454,95Sp0 CENTRON 2 p S CC u�I APT 11584 454;958 CENTRON 2307 WE 4TH ST BLDG D CONSTRZ4TUNIT3APT BLDG BLDG 11085 454,950 ENTRON J387 WE 4TH ST BLDG E CONST 4 UNIT APT BLDG 11086 454,950 CENTRON 2307 WE 4TH ST BLDG F CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11087 454,950 CENTRON 2307 WE WE 4TH ST BLDG H CONST CONST 24 UNIT APIT T BLDG BLDG 11088 454,950 CENTRON 11089 454.95Q CENTRON 2387 WE 4TH ST BLDG I CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11090 454,95 u8 CENTRON CONST 4 UNIT APT BLDG 11091 454,950 CENTRON 2307 WE 4TH ST SLOG K CONST 24 UNIT APT BLDG 11092 30,000 WEIDER MFG. CO. 801 S 2ND ST REMODEL AUTO ACCESSORY SHOP 11793 995 G 8 M INVESTMENTS 32Jg WE 20THSST CONSTRUCT 20SUNTAN BOOTHS 11094 20,000 RALPH WARREN S/F 11095 5,000 MORRIS PIMA CO 2810 SUNSET SL WE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11096 2,667 ROBERT HOFFMAN 629 KIRKLAND AV WE REROOF RESIDENCE 11097 1,500,000 DK9 CORP 3800 WEST VALLEY RD CONST OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BLDG 11098 4,800 VIJAY SOOD 1204 N 38TH ST REMODEL GARAGE 11099 5,400 TED KLABO 2701 WE 24TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11100 ,896 NELLO RAFANELLI 56 VASMjN AV SE REROOF RESIDENCE 11101 3,430 JOHN BARDESSONO 3104 WE 0TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11102 700 KIM ROHR 3300 WE 6TH PL CONST DECK 11103 120POOS TRAMMELL CROW 1 10 SN 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11104 3,000 CUMMINS NW INC 811 SW GRADY WY CONST BLOCK MALL 11105 4,000 MARTIN M. PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD BUILD FENCE 11106 480 LEON MILLER 815 S 31ST ST CONST DECK ADDITION 11107 2,000 RICHARD W. B JUNE M FLO 900 GLENNWOOD AV WE REROOF FOURPLEX 11103 OAKHURST DEV. CO. 375 UNION AV SE 0132 SET MOBILE HOME 11109 2,500 OAKHURST DEW CO 375 UNION AV SE 0132 CONST PATIO ETC 11110 700 MARJORIE J RICHTER 300 MEADOW AV N REPLACE FENCE 422 ' PERMITS ISSUED MONTH ENDING MAY 31, 1985 11111 60,700 HIBURY HOMES 403 FERNDALE AV NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11112 200 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 2500 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NOARKROOM 11113 17,796 PAN AMERICAN PROPERTIES 3200 NE SUNSET SL TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11114 69,600 WICK HOMES, INC. 165 BREMERTON PL NE CONSTRUCT NEW S/F RESIDENCE 11115 58,100 RELIANCE CORP 403 TAYLOR PL NW CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11116 OAKHURST DEV. CO 375 UNION AV SE 4133 SET MOBILE HOME 11117 2,500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE N133 CONST PATIO ETC 11118 500 JOHN HUBBARD 43 0 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NMOVE STORAGE BLDG 11119 7,000 FRANKLIN METTLER 913 N 35TH ST CONST /F ADDITION 11120 10,000,000 E & H PROPERTIES 800 N 6TH ST CONST STORY OFFICE BLDG 11121 65,000 SEARING & GITELSON 211 MORRIS AV S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11122 12,000 JAMES E BANKER 405 S 7TH ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11123 15,200 A R SMITH & CO 919 HOUSER WY N TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11124 66,500 PENNY TUCKER 112 16 NE 16TH ST EE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11 26 8.700 OAKHURSTDEVELOPMENT3753UNIONOAVASSSENM145 cSETSSMOBILIEGHOME 1111279 300 TOMHBAKERCEV4OUNI�STHVStE CONST PATIOETC 11129 315,00 SHOHEN LIMTED PARTNERSH 4 MAPLE AV SW CONSTRUCT 2 STORY OFFICE /WHSE 11130 6,400 WILLIAMS CONDO ASSOC. 435 WILLIAMS AV N REROOF CONDOMINIUM 11131 5G,000 LEONARD 3LORS 4312 SE 4TH ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11133 12,900 FREDERICKCUNNINGHAM12900 ABERDEENON WAVNSE CONSTTENANT GARAGEVEMENT ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12461 250 TERESITA C ESTRELLA 536 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING 12432 6,000 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 725 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING IN TENANT SPACE 12463 0o20o5 CITY OF RENTON 21010 MILL AV S NST 3 OUTLETS-4NERTH FLOORS5 1MT 2405 11,95 BENEFICIAL 4310RAINIER AV S COMPUTERICKTS. ADD.MRECEPTS. 12486 1,550 HIBURY HOMES 2825 NE 4TH CT INST WIRING 12487 150 ZOLA DILLON 424 WHITWORTH AV S CORRECTIONS MINIMUM HOUSING 12488 40,00BENAROYA CO 1012 Sw 41ST ST INST MIRING 12489 400 LAVURNE PETERSON 607 HARRINGTON AV NE INST WIRING FOR ADDITION 12490 600 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 400 S 43RD ST INSTALL 4 LIGHTS AND 1 SWITCH 12491 60 CHAFFEY CORP 116 BREMERTON PL NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12492 2.345 ROGER HANEY 2903 CEDAR AV S WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12493 50 KING PARKER 4608 NE SUNSET BL INST WIRING TO PUMP 12494 5,500 40 RENTALS 1100 BRCNSON WY N NST WIRING I 12495 500 RON HARMON 90` S 28TH CT NST WIRING IN ADDITION 12496 200 UNION AVE CO 375 UNION AV SE 0136 INST WIRING 12497 200 LEROY SNYDER 265 Nw 2ND PL INST WIRING FOR ADDITION 12498 100 RAY MORAVEC 1410 NE 6TH PL INST WIRING IN GARAGE 12499 1,100 WICK HOMES 1 VASHON CT NE WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 12500 1,298 HIBURY HOMES 522 EDMONDS CT NE INST WIRING 12501 1,95p0 FRED SQUIRE F RENTON 131668 SUNSET 8EEL NE INST WIRING 1 2502 2503 2,550 GERRICITY TT BONNEMA 2431 z7 GARDENPERIMCTEN RD INST TEMPORARY SERVICE 12505 200 ROBERTOCBCORWIN 1717 MONTERETH YTCT NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12506 VOID 12507 500 BRADY INTERNATIONAL 3002 LIND AV SW INST WIRING 12508 4,500 HOLVICK DE REGT KOERING 921 POWELL AV SW INST WIRING 12509 2,500 E P INDUSTRIES 80 HOUSER WY N INST WIRING 12510 23.400 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV NNST OVERHEAD WIRING I 12511 ,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N NST FACTORY LIGHTING 12512 500 M L SMITH3402 NE 7TH ST SERVICE CHANGE/ADO CIRCUITS 12513 850 ROGER STROM9ERG 740 N 32ND ST WIRE FIRE ALARM 12514 58,000 PRU5ENTIAL INSURANCE CO 333 Sw 41ST ST INST WIRING VOID 12516 VOID c 12518 VOID 12519 800 MORRIS PIRA 2810 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL 8 NEW CIRCUITS 12520 450 VIJAY 5000 1204 N 38TH ST EXTENSION OF CIRCUITS 12521 3,426 PAUL & CANDY WALKER 20 Sw 77H ST WIRE TENANT AREA, 12522 2,500 U SAVE OIL CO 632 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING 12523 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE 0132 INST WIRING 12524 150 OR BRAIN 3915 TALBOT RD S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12525 45 HI9URY HOMES 403 FERNDALE AV NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12526 50 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 2500 LAKE WASHINGTON SL NONE LIGHT FIXTURE,OUTLET 12527 200 G & M INVESTMENTS 3803 NE 4TH ST INST WIRING FOR SUNTAN BOOTHS 4 _ 12528 3,000 MORRIS PIRA 2810 SUNSET BL NE ADDITIONAL 3 CIRCUITS. MISC. 12529 1,008 SUPERSHOPS INC 1501 S 2ND ST BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM 12530 1,20 DARREN PAINTER 1625 BENSON RD S MIRE NEW S/F RESIGENCE 12531 360 CITY OF RENTON 3555 NE 2ND ST INSTALL 2 FLOODLIGHTS -US FLAG 12532 35 COLE MANOR APARTMENT 2811 NE 4TH ST ADDITION ONE BOX FIRE DAMAGED 12533 60 CENTRON CONST. 350 EDMONDS AV NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12534 5,800 SEARING & GITELSON 211 MORRIS AV S REWIRE OFFICE 12535 6,800 SUPER SHOPS 801 S 2ND ST REVAMP SERVICES,ROUGHIN LIGHTING & POWt 12536 120 RCBERT DARRIN 1523 MORRIS AV S INST WIRING IN ADDITION 12537 1.400 CHRIS KOMARZEC 2059 SE STH DR INST 200 AMP SERVICE 12538 200 OAKHURST 375 UNION AV SE 0133 HOOK UP ELECTRICAL 12539 60 CHAFFEY CORP 161 BREMERTON PL NE INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER 12540 5 RELIANCE HOMES 483 TAYLOR AV NW INST TEMP POWER 12541 1,300 HIBURY HOMES 487 INDEX PL NE INST WIRING 12542 200 FORD 49TOR COI S 7TH ST INST WIRING FOR AIR COMPRESSOR 12543 1,600 SPEEDY S AUTO GLASS 9 2 S 2ND ST INST WIRING 12544 1.300 PAT SULLIVAN 68 MONTEREY OR NE INST WIRING 12545 4000 ROGER JOHNSON 1509 N ROGER JOHNSON 1507 NRD ST INST NEW 1125 AMP SERVICE 12547 400 25 AMP SERVICE ROGER JOHNSON 1503 N 3RD ST INST NEW 125 AMP SERVICE 12548 200 UNION AVE CO. 375 UNION AV SE 0145 HOCK UP MOBILE HOME ' 12549 100 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 78 LOGAN AV S TEMPORARY SERVICE 12550 1,500 WENDY'S HAMBURGERS 230 RAINIER AV S INST WIRING. SOLARIUM & HVAC 12551 1,500 WENDY'S HAMBURGERS 3150 NE SUNSET BL INST WIRING-SOLARIUM 4 HVAC 12552 325 FRANKLIN L. METTLER 913 N 35TH ST INSTALL 2 LIGHT CIRCUITS,APPL.CK 12553 300 ALICE LAIRD 2217 NE 8TH ST INST WIRING 12554 60 CENTRON CONSTRUCTION 2307 NE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12555 5,500 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 PCwELL AV SW INST WIRING 12556 200 EARTH ENTERPRISES 941 POWELL AV SW INST LOW VOLTAGE FOR SPRINKLERS MECHANICAL PERMITS 10960 3,000 GARRY SMITH 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINST HEAT PUMP 10961 3,500 CITY OF RENTON 1707 MAPLE VALLEY HY INST EXHAUST FAN 10902 1,320 VAN DAAL DISTRIBUTORS 3700 WEST VALLEY RO ADD SIX SPRINKLERS 10963 600 JAMES CRYSTANELLO 404 GRANDEY WY NE INST DIRECT VENT/MATER HEATER 10964 600 D W CLONCH 3400 NE 17TH ST INST WATER HEATER 10x65 1,500 J L RANKIN CONST 29 3 CEDAR AV S INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10966 5,200 GROUP HEALTH COOP 801 SW 16TH ST REVISE EXISTING DUCTWORK 10967 1,200 HIBURY HOMES 411 INDEX PL NE INSTALL FURNACE L W.H 10968 50,000 TRAMMELL CROW CO 820 Sw 41ST ST INSTALL 3 A.C. UNITS 7.5 TACT 15 TO 10969 11000 HIBURY HOMES 2825 N£ 4TH CT INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10970 1,150 FRED STEINER 321 RAINIER AV S INST FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM 10971 1,000 HIBURY HOMES 522 EDMONDS CT NE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 10972 500 JEFF HUPP 2812 SE 18TH PL INST WATER HEATER 10973 300 RAY GERVAIS 596 WINDSOR PL NE INST GAS WATER HEATER 10974 5,700 J.D. BLOOD 3713 PARK AV N INSTALL HEAT PUMP 10975 780,000 E & H PROPERTIES 800 N 6TH ST INST HVAC SYSTEM 10976 350 DAVE COCHRAN 1670 CAMAS AV NE INST GAS WATEP ',LATER 10977 250 EDWARD STARKEY 4342 NE 22ND CT INST GAS WATER HEATER 10978 2,400 WOLF BROS. OIL CO. 632 RAINIEER AV S INST HEAT PUMP 10979 31263 HOLVICK DE REGI KOERING 923 POWELL AV SW INST HEAT PUMP, 2 EXH. FANS 10930 725 MICHAEL STAHL 610 SHELTON AV NE INST WOOD STOVE 10981 1,800 SUPER SHOPS 801 S 2ND ST INST 9 TERMINALS/RELCC. DUCTS 10982 2,300 SEARING 4 GITELSON 211 MORRIS AV S INST FANS. DIFFUSER, AIR GRILLS 10983 150,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 880 PARK AV N MECHANICAL BLANKET PERMIT 10984 25,900 ENTERPRISES LTO 381 Sw 27TH ST INST BOILER FOR PAPER MACHINE 10985 691000 DIAGNOSTIC ASSOCIATES 1 3915 TALBOT RD S INST COMPUTER RM AIR CONDITIONER 423 C2GDN1NGNDON BUILDING P ARTMENTR14TTS IS MONTHPENDING MAYUED 31, 1985 PLUMBING PERMITS 333 400 MR PETERSON 607 HARRINGTON AV NE INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 33 1,200 JUDITH FILLIPE 3405 SE 7TH ST INSTALL 7 FIXTURES 335 1,700 SQUIRE CONSTRUCTION 3168 SUNSET 8L NE INST 9 PLBG FIXTURES 337 3,500 HDK 901 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 225 FIXTURES 338 4.500 MOK 923 POWELL AV SW INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 339 4,400 SCHNEIDER MOMES 580 MONROE AV NE BLDG Q INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 340 4.400 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG 91 INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 341 12,800 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG C INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 342 1122.800 SCHNEIDER HOMES 5500 MONROE AV NE BLDG J INST 1022 PLBG FIXTURES 344 12.8'000 SCHNEIDER HOMES S00 MONROE AV NE BLDG E INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 345 1,200 NORTHWEST HANDLING 81" SENECA AV SW INST GAS PIPING 346 25.000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 46$ S 43RD ST INST 49 PLBG FIXTURES 347 101800 ROBERT i PHYLIS HUNT 804 N 3RD ST HOT WATER TANKoSOLAR SYSTEM 348 VOID 349 1,800 TEODORE KLEIN 405 S 3R ST NEW WATER SERVICE 350 1.000 M L SMITH 3402 NE 7TH ST INST 6 PLBG FIXTURES 351 1o900 LAVERN SCHUH 2021 VASHON AV NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 3352 2.700 PRECUT INTERNATIONAL 52p059 SE BTM DR IINST (1,2 PLBG FIXTURES 354 4;480 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG K INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 355 4,4OJ SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG 0 INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 356 4.400 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG F1 INST 40 PLBG FIXTURES 357 5.000 SCHNEIDER HOMES 308 MONROE AV NE SLOG P INST 4C PLBG FIXTURES 358 8.500 SCHNEIDER HOMES 0 MONROE AV NE BLDG N INST 68 PLBG FIXTURES 359 12,803 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG A INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 360 12.800 SCHNEIDER HOMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLDG M INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 361 1 ,b0 SCHNEIDER HOMES 580 MONROE AV NE BLDG F INST 2 PLBG FIXTURES 362 12.600 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG G INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 363 12,800 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG M INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 364 1,300 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 7TH ST INST 10 PLBG FIXTURES 365 1.800 HOK 9'3 POWELL AV SW INST GAS PIPING ONLY 366 300 THE R=EF RESTAURANT 1�i11 W PERIMETER RD INST DISHWASHER 367 600 DIAGNOSTIC ASSOCIATES 3915 TALBOT RD S INST 4 PLBG FIXTURES 368 23.000 SOL CORP 231900 WEST VALLEY RD INST/REPAIR WATER PIPING ETC. 369 2r01O SEARING 8 GITELSON S0� MORRIS AV S INST 5 PLBG FIXTURES 370 13,560 SCHNEIDER HOMES u MONKOE AV NE BLDG B INST 102 PLBG FIXTURES 371 1,200 HIBURY HOMES 403 FERNDALE AV NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 372 1.000 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE INST 1C PLBG FIXTURES 373 333 PAT SULLIVAN 6E MONTEREY OR NE INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 374 14,000 ; 0 I 3405 LIND AV SW INST 26 PLBG FIXTUPES 375 8.600 WILLIAM G MAGRS tt 22 BRONSON WY N INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES. 9 GAS OUT 376 12,000 PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. 3 3 SW 41ST ST INST 31 PLBG FIXTURES 377 1.350 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST 3 PLBG FIXTURES 378 1,700 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 941 POWELL AV SW INST 2 LAWN SPRINKLE; SYSTEMS 379 1,600 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 95� POWELL AV SW 1 1" DOUBLE CHECK VALVE 360 1,600 FIRST CITY EQUITIES 94 POWELL AV SW 1" OCUBLE CHECK VALVE 381 300 NORMAN SCHULTZ 530 BURNETT AV N INST WATER LINE SIGN PERMITS 1395 1,500 WENDY'S RESTAURANTS 3150 SUNSET BL NE INST SIGN 1396 1,500 WENDY'S RESTAURANT 230 RAINIER AV S INSTS$IGN 13;7 31000 RENTON SUPPLY 415 RAINIER AV S INST 2 SIGNS 1398 50 KOLL CO 218 SW 43RD ST INST TEMPORARY SIGN 1399 300 LILY BACKMAN 3 5 S 2NO ST INSTALL D/F ILLUMINATED 1400 200 CHAFFEY CORP 3901 NE 4TH ST INST DIRECITONAL SIGN 1401 280 THE CHAFFEY CORP 4114 NE 4TH ST INST DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1402 200 THE CHAFFEY CORP1901 NE 3RD ST INST DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1403 200 FORENTCO 710 THOMAS AV SW INST BANNER 1404 3,000 RENTON SHOPPING CENTER 446 HARDIE AV SW INST CHANNEL LETTERS ON SIGN 1405 50 SAS INC 733 RAINIER AV S INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1406 10 CALNY INC 4619 NE SUNSET BL INST TEMPORARY BANNER 1407 200 FLOYD KERB 353 SUNSET Bl N INST WALL SIGN 1408 5,000 WILGEO 1200 BRONSON WY N INST FFEE STANDING SIGN 1409 50 YOUNG MI CHUNG 239 SUNSET BL N INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 410 MORRIS PIRA 2288 8 NE SUuNSET BL INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 411 500 MRS CUGINI 21 SUNSET SL N INST PLYWOOD SIGN 1412 100 LOSERG GMC 628 RAINIER AV S GRAND OPENING BANNERS 1413 500 BAREI, LOUIS 304 WELLS AV S INSTALL WALL SIGN 36 SC.FT 1414 100 JOHN HAIDER 250 RAINIER AV S INST ,RAND OPENING SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5976 Michael Kennedy 2121 HE 27th Street Install sanitary building sewer 5977 City of Renton NE 19th to NE 25th Sanitary sewer flushing, grouting E TV 5978 DKB Corp. 3800 W. Valley Road Water main, fire hydrants, detector check 6 vault 5979 Mystic Manufacturers 301 SW 27th Street Install industrial sanitary sewer 5981 Centron Development 2307 NE 4th Street Water, sanitary main line, storm 6 street improvements REVOCABLE PERMIT 0077 Floyd Kerb 353 Sunset Boulevard N. Use public right of way for parking lot OF RE AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS )OHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES Z rn KATHY KEOLKER C) NANCY L. MATHEWS 9q R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE O THOMAS W. TRIMM NATO SEPjE0111 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 10, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:OO P.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PI ;E OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 3, 1985 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Outstanding Service Award to Ron Arnsberg, Renton Police Department Crime Prevention Program Volunteer 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Lincoln Properties Request for Street Vacation (Estate of Anna Phinney) - Lake View Boulevard (SE 104th Street) Dochnahl 75o Annexation Petition and Bales/Denton Rezone (south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE) 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Claim for damages in the amount of $98.95 filed by Henry Ronald Merton, 10802 SE 164th Street, Renton, alleging damage to tires and rims and loss of hubcaps resulted from hitting chuckhole on south side of S. 29th Street, 100 feet east of Benson Highway on 5/29/85. Refer to City Attorney and insurance carrier. b. City Attorney requests legislation regulating peep shows and topless dancing establishments. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. C. Parks/Housing & Community Development Department requests appropriation of 1985 Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $306,626.00, available on July 1 , to complete Pedestrian Corridor Project. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. d. Parks Department requests revision of Code Section 6-1201 to allow sale of alcoholic beverages at Maplewood Golf Course. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. e. Public Works Department requests release of easement located in roadway adjacent to One Valley Place development near Valley Medical Center; housekeeping measure. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Public Works Department requests Council review of proposal by Washington State Transportation Commission to change the local agency match for Urban Arterial Trust Funds from 10% to 20%. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Public Works/Utility Engineering submits CAG 080-84, Raymond Avenue SW 12-inch Watermain Crossing of 1-405 (W-712) ; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $4,392.06, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,242.75 to Grant Construction if all required releases have been received (total construction cost: $48,488.26) . Council concur. h. Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG 040-84, Garden Avenue North Street Improvements (LID 328) ; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $11 ,242.79, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $23,976-36 to Gary Merlino Construction Co. if all required releases have been received (total construction cost: $480,922. 14) . Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 12. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 9. OLD BUSINESS 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 14. ADJOURNMENT 11 . NEW BUSINESS RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 10, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Merton Claim for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Administrative Report on Small Lot Zone MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Boeing Lease, LAG 877-65 Execute contract for first phase of Airport Master Plan Execute contract for Maplewood Tee Signs Execute Marine Patrol Interlocal Agreement with Mercer Island PARK BOARD CHAIRMAN Execute contract for Maplewood Tee Signs POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Forward Dochnahl Annexation to Boundary Review Board TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Urban Arterial Trust Funds Letter from Mercer Island Mayor re Boat Noise Legislation UTILITIES COCIMITTEE One Valley Place Release of Easement WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Lincoln Properties Street Vacation Bales/Denton Rezone, R-105-84 Topless Dancing Ordinance 1985 H & CD Block Grant Appropriation Alcoholic Beverages at Maplewood Golf Course Stromberg Rezone, R-016-85 (Ist reading 6/10/85) Tavern Ordinance (1st reading 6/10/85) Speed Limit Ordinance (1st reading 6/10/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/17/85 - Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation - Taylor and Maple SW 6/17/85 - Proposed MP, OP, L-1 and H-1 Zone Amendments 6/24/85 - Seelig Street Vacation - SW 23rd Street 6/24/85 - Maplewood Golf Course Annexation - 13020 SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway 6/24/85 - West Hill Reservoir Annexation - 82nd Avenue S/S 126th Street 6/24/85 - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1991 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 10, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LARRY M. SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; POLICE CHIEF ALAN WALLIS; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 3, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL Ron Arnsberg, four-year volunteer of the Crime Prevention PRESENTATION Program in the Police Department, was honored for outstanding Outstanding service to the City of Renton. Chief Alan Wallis explained Service Award that a back injury forced Ron' s disability retirement from to Ron Arnsberg Pacific Car & Foundry Company approximately six years ago, and Renton Police he has volunteered his services for the past four years to Department the Crime Prevention Program, working with block watch captains, recruiting new captains, and administering the house check vacation program, popular during summer months. His contributions have been invaluable, and at times, he has represented the department as the sole crime prevention - officer. Mr. and Mrs. Arnsberg were introduced, and a special award presented by Mayor Shinpoch for outstanding service to the community for volunteer work averaging 130 hours per month over the past four years. Crime Prevention Chief Wallis also introduced Brooke Owen, Crime Prevention Officer Officer , recently selected from the ranks in a competitive process after five years of service as a Police Department clerk. Ms. Owen was welcomed by Chief Wallis as a talented and enthusiastic addition to the department. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, Lincoln Properties posted and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Street Vacation opened the public hearing to consider Lincoln Properties (Estate of Anna request to vacate all of Lake View Boulevard (SE 104th Street) Phinney) lying north of 3rd Avenue and north of Gene Coulon Memorial ' VAC 02-85 Beach Park northern entrance. Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton reporting the fndings of the Board of Public Works that the right-of-way has never been improved nor have funds been expended on maintenance; it is not needed for traffic circulation; the vacation causes no health, safety or welfare problems ; easements need not be retained; and the vacation of the parcel, containing 7,975 square feet, will provide monetary gain to the owner. Therefore, the Board recommended that the street be classified as a "C" category requiring compensation to the City. Continued Mr. Houghton designated the area requested for vacation on a vicinity map, and described surrounding uses. A brief history indicated that the property was originally platted in 1904, and a vacation approved in 1917 by County Commissioners described the vacated property as extending from the north line of 3rd Avenue to the east/west centerline of the Section. In the early 1930' s, it was discovered that the east/west centerline was actually located further to the north. This error arose again during review of proposed development of the subject site. 1 427 Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page two Public Hearing continued Lincoln Properties Responding to an inquiry by Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Street Vacation Avenue, Mr. Houghton indicated that 3rd Avenue, renamed (Estate of Anna North 20th Street, was the street designation on the Phinney) original plat map. Scott Springer, Lincoln Properties, VAC 02-85 11400 SE 6th Street, Suite 220, Bellevue, requested Council continued consideration of a Class "B" assignment to the vacated property since he felt the record speaks for itself on the intent in the early 1900' 5 to vacate the street, and the current request was filed to correct the record. He noted that the golf driving range has existed on the property for many years, no financial benefit has been derived from the property, and no public funds have been expended on its maintenance. Continued Upon Council inquiry, Mr. Houghton reported that the City has no need for the requested right-of-way in the future, Lake Washington Boulevard is proposed for widening to three lanes, and 60 feet of right-of-way is sufficient for the project. Continued A suggestion was made to swap property or request additional right-of-way to assure space for vehicle parking along Lake Washington Boulevard near the park. Mr. Houghton indicated that he would investigate the matter, and noted the possibility that an additional five to 10 feet may have already been required of the developer due to steep slopes on the westerly side of the roadway. Regarding the petitioner' s request for Class "B" assignment of the vacation, City Attorney Warren indicated that when the error in the location of the centerline was found, he suggested that either a declaratory judgment be made to resolve the original intent of vacation, or the City Council hold a public hearing to consider vacation of that property. If Council decides that the street was intended to be vacated years ago, there is little value derived by the owner. If a determination is made that it was not vacated, then substantial monetary gain is derived and a Class "C" classification should be assigned. Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, questioned provision for fire access to the subject site when developed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL GRANT THE REQUESTED VACATION WITH A "C" CLASSIFICATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO REQUIRE PAYMENT OF THE FULL ONE-HALF APPRAISED VALUE TO THE CITY. CARRIED. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Dochnahl 75% published and mailed in accordance with State Law, Mayor Annexation/ Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider the Dochnahl Bales-Denton Rezone 75o annexation petition and the Bales/Denton rezone. Property R-105-84 proposed for annexation contains 25.7 acres and is located south of NE 4th Street and west of Duvall Avenue NE. Three parcels are proposed for rezone from G-1 (General ) to B-1 (Business) and the last, parcel 4, is proposed for rezone to O-P (Office Park) . Correspondence was read from Policy Development Director Larry Springer indicating that this hearing constitutes the second of two hearings required under the concurrent annexation/rezone review process established by State law. During the first hearing, held May 6, 1985, the City Council directed staff to address Condition No. 2 of the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation on the rezone, which prohibited all but emergency access from parcels 1 , 2 or 3 to NE 4th Street and requiring a joint access agreement between parcels 2 and 3. Owners of parcels 2 and 3 objected due to violation of an existing lease agreement, and staff has since investigated other options for access. Recommended conditions, to be incorporated into a declaration of restrictive covenants, include: parties shall agree not to protest an LID along NE 4th Street; all of the subject properties shall retain established access for existing uses until development or redevelopment of the site; site plan Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page three Public Hearing continued Dochnahl 75% review required for any subsequent development or redevelopment An,exation/ of the site; at the time of future development or redevelopment, Bales-Denton all parcels along NE 4th Street shall contribute on a front- Rezone R-105-84 footage basis towards the cost of necessary road improvements including signalization , channelization, and restriping. The same formula will apply to owners with frontage along 136th SE; access to parcel 1 shall only be by 136th Avenue SE at the time of future development or redevelopment; primary access to parcel 2 off of 136th Avenue SE with secondary access, if desired, to NE 4th Street required b aint agreement with parcel 3; and dedication of the easter [;' 30 feet of parcel 4 for widening of Duvall Avenue NE. Continued City Attorney Warren reviewed Council authority to modify or reverse the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation on a rezone, and based upon testimony at the public hearing held 5/6/85, modification of the Hearing Examiner' s conditions was found to be necessary. Continued David Sitzman, 13024 SE 72nd Place, Renton, concurred in the revised conditions on behalf of the applicants for the rezone. Councilmembers expressed concern regarding covenants requiring participation in a future LID since the burden is shifted to future owners; and received confirmation that banks and real estate offices are allowable in the 0-P zone, and G-1 (General) classification would be applied to annexed areas not included in the rezone requests at this time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE ANNEXATION PROPOSAL, ACCEPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR GORt�ECT�D-R�Lhk��t �'��► MODIFICATION OF THE HEARING EXAMINER' S REPORT, AND REFER THE MINUTES OF �� ANNEXATION TO POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND THE REZONE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Merton Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $98.95 filed by Henry Ronald for Damages Merton, 10802 SE 164th Street, Renton, alleging damage to tires and rims and loss of hubcaps resulted from hitting chuckhole on south side of S. 29th Street, 100 feet east of Benson tY Highway on 5/29/85. Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. W W W Topless Dancing City Attorney requested legislation regulating peep shows and W Ordinance topless dancing establishments repealed upon adoption of UJ W p Cabaret Ordinance. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. I- 86 8 6 1985 Housing and Parks/Housing and Community Development Department requested � :DCommunity appropriation of 1985 Housing and Community Development Block p Development Block Grants available on July 1st: Highlands Neighborhood Center - i U '� Grant Program Rehabilitation ($72,352) ; Housing Assistance Program ($74,381) ; North Highlands Walkways ($13,578) ; North Highlands Neighborhood Center Rehabilitation ($14,634) ; Senior Services Program ($17,347) ; RAMSC Clothing Bank Support ($3,120) ; Planning and Administration ($35,910) ; Joint Rental Rehabilitation Program ($32,444) ; and RAMSC Elevator ($39,321 ) . An additional $3,539 entitlement increase will be awarded to the Pedestrian Corridor Project to complete the work. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Sale of Alcohol Parks Department requested revision to Code Section 6-1201 to at Maplewood Golf allow sale of alcoholic beverages at Maplewood Golf Course -«- Course by concessionaire as per contract agreement. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. One Valley Place Public Works Department requested release of easement located Release of in roadway adjacent to One Valley Place development near Easement Valley Medical Center; housekeeping measure. Refer to Utilities Committee. Urban Arterial Public Works Department requested Council review of proposal Trust Funds by Washington State Transportation Commission to change the local agency match for Urban Arterial Trust Funds from l0% to 200. Refer to Transportation Committee. Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Final Approval of Public Works/Utility Engineering submitted CAG 080-84, Raymond Avenue Raymond Avenue SW 12- inch Watermain Crossing of 1-405 (W-712) ; Watermain and requested approval of the project, authorization for CAG 080-84 final pay estimate in the amount of $4,392.06, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,242.75 to Grant Construction Company if all required releases have been received (total construction cost: $48,488.26) . Council concur. w Final Approval Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG 040-84, of Garden Avenue Garden Avenue North Street Improvements (LID 328) ; and Improvements requested approval of the project, authorization for final (LID 328) pay estimate in the amount of $11 ,242.79, commencement of CAG o4o-84 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $23,976.36 to Gary Merlino Construction Company if all required releases have been received (total construction cost: $480,922. 14) . Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Elsie Chissus, 2313 NE 9th Place, Renton, Spring Clean-Up thanking the City for the spring clean-up program, which gives Program senior citizens a "lift" in enabling them to maintain their own homes. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Transportation recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to Committee accept the rate of $0. 12 per square foot for a five-year Boeing Lease term for lease rate at Renton Municipal Airport by The LAG 877-65 Boeing Company (LAG 877-65) for the 1985-1990 period, effective 6/1/85. Also recommended was referral of the lease agreement to the Mayor and City Clerk for execution. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Master Plan Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Update a report recommending approval of the recommendation of the Public Works Department to approve the proposed Letter of Agreement contract for the first phase of the Master Plan update, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. The first phase includes preparation of scope of work only. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Aero-Paint Systems For information only: Transfer of lease assignment LAG 02-73, Lease Assignments Aero-Paint Systems to Volco, Inc. and LAG 02-73, Aero-Paint Tabled Systems to "289 East Perimeter Road, Inc." have been tabled pending receipt of further information. Renton Municipal Chairman Mathews reported that the bid award for the Renton Airport Water Municipal Airport Water System Improvements Project is being System Bid Award held due to request by low bidder, Bay Cities Construction, Inc. to be released because of a bid error. Traffic Signal Councilman Clymer recalled when the Central Business District 2nd and Burnett was beautified in the early 1970's, Council adopted several policies governing signing which resulted in removal of costly signs in certain instances be ,rise they did not cc.mply with standards for size and desigr, He expressed great concern regarding recent installation of traffic control devices on S. 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue which do not comply with established Council Sign Coda policies, and felt they should be removed. Mayor Shinpoch indicated her intent to investigate the matter. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Committee report recommending that the five-year contract with Fayrway Maplewood Golf Advertising, Inc. for provision of tee signs at Maplewood Course Tee Signs Golf Course be approved subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. The contract specifies that Fayrway Advertising, Inc. will provide tee signs at no cost to the City. Each sign will have an advertising plate which will 430 Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page five Old Business continued Community Services be approved by the City before installation and can be Comi.iittee removed at the City' s request at any time. The Committee Maplewood Golf further recommended authorization for the Mayor, City Clerk Course Tee Signs and Park Board Chairman to sign the contract. MOVED BY continued KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Chairman Keolker clarified that the proposal approved by the Council would not be allowed under current City Code requirements ; however, the Maplewood property is still within King County boundaries. (Sign regulations in P-1 zone will be reviewed by Planning & Development Committee on 6/13/85 at 4:30 p.m.) Honey Creek Councilman Stredicke requested a periodic status report be Sewer Project supplied to Councilmembers on the Honey Creek sewer project to assess progress for purposes of lifting building moratorium. Honey Creek For the record, Councilman Stredicke submitted a letter from Associates Rezone Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman dismissing the Honey Creek R-014-84 and Associates Rezone R-014-85, and Preliminary Planned Unit PPUD-015-84 Development, PPUD-015-85, located in the 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE, as a result of requirement of substantial plan revisions. The applicant has been directed to resubmit plans for review and public hearing. Councilwoman Mathews noted that an annexation was filed concurrently with the rezone and PPUD for the subject site; and questioned status of the annexation. Mayor Shinpoch will research matter. Status of LID 326 Councilman Stredicke requested a status report on LID 326, NE 4th Street widening of NE 4th Street between Monroe and Union Avenue NE. Mayor Shinpoch indicated plans to provide a report to Councilmembers at the Council workshop of all Public Works projects, but efforts will be made to provide the requested status report at the Council meeting of 6/17. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating that the Committee has reconsidered an Committee amendment to the City' s Shoreline Master Program disallowed Shoreline Master by the State Department of Ecology, and recommended that Program Amendment the City Council hold a public hearing to amend the Shoreline Plan in a manner consistent with DOE mandates. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Shoreline Master Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Program Variance a report indicating review is complete of the Hearing Examiner' s Policy letter of 7/2/84 concerning acceptable criteria for allowing variances to the City' s Shoreline Master Program. Although Council overturned one of the Examiner' s recent variance decisions, the Committee believes the Examiner is correctly ' applying the conditions for granting variances and the provisions of the Shoreline Master Plan. The Committee concluded that no further guidance is necessary for the Examiner at this time and recommended no action be taken by the Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report i Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Ordinance #3916 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-2401 of Title VI Criminal Attempt (Police Regulations) of City Code related to conspiracy Ordinance to commit a crime. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. City Attorney Warren clarified the intent of the ordinance to thwart group shop lifting attempts. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: 1 431 Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page six Ordinances and Resolutions continued Stromberg Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-016-85 property located at 901 Sunset Boulevard from Single Family Resident District (R-1) to Medium Density Multifamily District (R-3) for Roger Stromberg, File No. R-016-85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Weapons in Taverns An ordinance was read amending Section 6-189 of Title VI and Establishments (Police Regulations) of City Code by repealing Subsection Dispensing Alcoholic (A) 1 . and amending Subsection (C) to require posting of Beverages a warning notice prohibiting weapons at the entrance to all liquor dispensing establishments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Speed Limit An ordinance was read amending Section 10-1201 of Title X Ordinance (Traffic) of City Code relating to speed limits on City Streets. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending adoption of the following resolution: Resolution #2608 A resolution was read approving the Schneider Homes, Inc. Schneider Homes final plat located at 5th and Monroe Avenue NE. (FP-021-85) Final Plat MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE FP-021-85 RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Marine Patrol Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Interlocal Agreement recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to enter with Mercer Island into this agreement, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk 1985 to execute the agreement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 7214 through 7494 in the amount of $1 ,062,062. 14, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 7229-7237 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, C(LU&LY CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ' �IC-U- ='tjr iC3 MINUTES OF - /-;7- F.S- NEW BUSINESS Council President Reed reminded Councilmembers of Council Budget Workshop Budget Workshop at Battelle Institute on June 20-21 , 1985. Small Lot Zone MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ON SMALL LOT ZONE FROM POLICY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SPRINGER BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REVIEW ON 6/13/85. CARRIED. It was noted that Metro presentation at Committee of the Whole meeting, same date, will address ridership in Renton rather than site selection for Metro Transit Center. Noise Control MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, REFER LETTER FROM MAYOR Legislation for OF MERCER ISLAND REQUESTING ADOPTION OF LEGISLATION BY Boats RENTON TO CONTROL EXCESSIVE OPERATING NOISES ON WATERS IN ITS JURISDICTION TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch distributed copies of Resolutions 4656 and REPORT 4658 adopting 1986 Metro Transit and Water Quality Budgets Metro Transit (6/6/85) . She noted that the budgets were approved and Water Quality by a unanimous vote of the Metro Council with one abstention. Budgets Adopted No transit fare increase was imposed for 1986; an 80t per month per residence sewer rate increase was approved; and the reserve account has been reduced to less than $5 million. Thomas Barr Mayor Shinpoch acknowledged receipt of letter from Gloria Rezone, R-009-85 Longville Mehrens regarding Thomas Barr Rezone, R-009-85, denied by the Hearing Examiner on 6/7/85. The appeal period will extend to 6/21/85, and Councilmembers must restrict communication with the parties of record in the event an appeal is filed. (Property on S. Tobin Street.) 432 Renton City Council 6/10/85 Page seven Audience Comment AUDIENCE COMMENT Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, referenced Honey Creek Building & Zoning rezone and PPUD applications recently dismissed by the DeFgrtment Report Hearing Examiner. He asked that when the applications are scheduled for public hearing before the Hearing Examiner upon resubmission of plans, the Building and Zoning Department report be mailed to parties of record at least 10 days prior to the hearing to allow time for review. He advised receipt of the report only three days before the prior public hearings. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to discuss the matter with the Building & Zoning Dep 'nent. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Time: 10:05 P.M. CARRIED. i MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk City of Renton Check Distribution Fund Total Checks MACHINE VOIDS: no.A07229 — N07237 CURRENT 2C9.382.48 PARKS 42.779.57 ARTERIAL STREETS 29.888.03 STREETS 31.854.17 LIBRARY 4.608.55 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV 1.306.23 STREET FORWARD THRUST 61.191 .32 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 10.306.26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 18.647.44 WATERWORKS UTILITY 149.620.82 AIRPORT 24.397.33 SOLID WASTE UTILITY 181.278.68 GOLF COURSE FUND 10.552.26 WATER & SEWER CONSTRUCTION 253.643.10 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 31.143.74 INSURANCE FUND 1.462.16 Total of all Checks Wep the undersigned members of the Ways and Means Committee of the Renton City Councile having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or renderedo do hereby low approve for payment Vouchers No. 7214 through No. 7494 in the amount of $ h-#s 10th day of June 1985. Committee Choi Member ttChi i � - Member --- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 6/13 7:30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Metro Presentation on ridership in Renton Council Policies and Procedures Small Lot Zone COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/11 4:30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room Proposed walk and bike map (Municipal Arts Commission representative invited) PLANNING S DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 6/13 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd Floor Conference Room Sign regulations in P-1 Zone PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 6/19 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th Floor Conference Room Bids for Energy Conservation Project at Highlands Library; One Valley Place request for release of easement WAYS & MEANS Mon. 6/17 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Floor Conference Room OTHER MEETINGS 6 EVENTS LEOFF BOARD Weds. 6/12 8:00 a.m. 6th Floor Conference Room Council Workshop Thurs. 6/20 Battelle Institute - Seattle ISSUE➢ ___ CITY Of R°NTCH _ _. -- .__ PAGE ---1 ---- - Oo/07/85 BUILDING 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT P'RMITS ISSUEC WEEK ENDING JUNE 7, 1985 BUILDING PBRMITS 11134 51,734 ROBERT H GORDON 1000 N 29TH ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11135 1.500,000 BERT ARENSBERG 3405 LING AV SW CONSTRUCT WAREHCUSE/OFFICE 11136 120,000 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST CONST RECREATION BLDG 11137 100 CONVOY CO/TERMINAL SERV 3oC3 CAKESDALE AV SW CONST WALL BY VAPOR TANK 11135 10,000 CITY OF RENTON 1111 BRONSON WY N CONST PICNIC SHELTER 11130 60,G]O FIRST CITY E.UITIES 941 POWELL AV SW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11140 71,500 DALE FONTAINE 617 CEDAR AV S CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 11141 1,239,300 JACK 5=NARCYA Z2C SW 41ST ST INTERIOR RcMOCEL FOR MANUFACTURE 11142 15,000 GARY GOWNS 407 WILLIAMS AV S CONST GARAGE 11143 43,CUO OR ALLEN3ACM 3700 :AST VALLEY RD FNON ONLY,SUBJ TO SEC.303 UBC. ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12556 200 EARTH ENTERPRISES 941 POWELL AV SW INST LOW VOLTAGE FOR SPRINKLERS 12557 2,000 M=THAN= TECHNOLGGY 919 HOUSER WY N INcT WIRING 12550 1,700 VAN ORAL 3700 WEST VALLEY RD I 5 TELE POWER POLES, ETC 12559 11430 WILSEO CORP 1222 ERONSON WY N I,. WIRING 12550 3,200 WILGEO CORP 1222 BRONSON WY N INS) WIRING 12501 57,004 3EPT AR;NS5ERG 3405 LINO AV SW INST WIRING 12562 100 SHOHEN LTD PARTNERSHIP 1420 MAPLE AV SW TEMPORARY POWER 12563 20,000 ROBERT HANCHEROFF 1500 BENSCN RD S WIRE DENTAL BLDG. 12564 750 JCHN O'NEIL 3000 SE ROYAL HILLS OR REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 12565 100 FLCY: KER2 353 SUNSET 3L N WIRE SISN 12566 247.000 8ENAROYA CO 820 SW 41ST ST BLANKET PERMIT 125o7 60 PENNY TUCKER 2216 NE 1oTH ST INSTALL TEMPORARY POWER POLE 12563 500 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 78 LOGAN AV S REPAIR WIRING IN BURNED HOUSE 12509 425 MICHAEL STAHL 61C SHELTON AV NE INST WIRING IN ADDITION MECHANICAL PERMITS 10981 1,600 SUPcR SHOPS 871 S 2NO ST INST 9 TERMINALS/RELOC. DUCTS 13982 2,300 SEARING 'IGITELSON 211 MORRIS AV S INST FANS, DIFFUSER, AIR GRILLS 10983 150,Q0Q BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N MECHANICAL BLANKET PERMIT 109E4 25,99000 ENTERPRISES LTD 3C1 SW 27TH ST INST BOILER FOR PAPER MACHINE 10985 69,000 DIAGNOSTIC ASSOCIATES I 3915 TALBOT RD S INST COMPUTER RM AIR CONDITIONER 10986 1,500 HI3URY HOMES 407 INDEX PL NE INSTALL GAS FURNACE 3 WATER HEAT 10987 395 TERMINAL SERVICES 3603 OAKESDALE AV SM INST VAPOR TANK ' 10988 1,500 DARREN PAINTER 2625 BENSON RD S INST FURNACE 10939 6,5Q0 SORCO 1934 SHATTUCK AV S INSTALL GAS FURNACE A WATER HTR 10990 40 ,OO CD BENAROYA COMPANY 820 SW 41ST ST INSTALL HEATING 10991 5,OOQ GARRET 3CNNIMA 2417 GARDEN CT N INSTALL 5 T HEAT PUMP 10992 5000 LYNN UNDERWOOD 220 PARK AV N INSTALL WATER H=ATER 10993 508 WENDELL G. CLARK 3033 NE 7TH ST INSTALL WATER HEATER 1J994 50 LYNN UNDERWOOD 220 PARK AV N INSTALL WATER H=ATER 10995 650 SUNSET SQUARE ASSOC. 1314 UNION AV NE INSTAL ONE EXHAUST FAN 10996 22,000 303 HANCHERCFF 1500 BENSON RD S INSTALL 5 HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS 10997 950 LEONARD BLORS 4200 SE 4TH ST INST FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 352 3,230 SORCC 1934 SHATTUCK AV S INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 363 4,000 GERRIT SONNEMA 2417 GARDEN CT N INSTALL 16 FIXTURES 364 361 HAL THAYER 514 FERNOALE AV NE GAS PIPING TO HOT TUB 365 97,000 BENAROYA COMPANY 62Q SW 41ST ST INSTALL 51 FIXTURES 336 21500 SCOTT 1221 N 30TH ST INSTALL 12 FIXTURES 357 50 JOHN LUCENA 622 S 30TH PL REPAIR WATER LINE 388 2, 00 LEONARD BLORS 4306 SE 4TH ST INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES 389 21200 LEONARD BLORS 4312 SE 4TH ST INST 13 PLBS FIXTURES 390 200 LCUI5 SAREI 330 MAIN AV S GAS PIPING TO FURNACE SIGN PERMITS 1415 2,200 FLDYO d MARY JO KERB 353 SUNSET 6L N LIGHTED 0/5 SIGN. LANDSCAPING 1416 150 LES SCHWAB (PNB) 710 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 20 SC. FT SIGN 1417 15C ARCO (PNB) 175 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 20 SC FT SIGN 1418 150 U HALL (PN3) 453 RAINIER AV N INSTALL 20 SC FT SIGN 1419 150 ARBY'S RESTR.(PN3) 641 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 20 SC FT SIGN 1420 150 MAVERICK STEAKHCUSE (PN 74 RAINIER AV S INSTALL ZO SC FT SIGN 1421 153 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH (PN 77 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 10 SQ FT SIGN 1422 150 UNION 76 (PNB) 59 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 10 SQ FT SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5980 Mystic Manufacturing 301 SW 27th Street Remove curb E gutter 8 install curb, gutter, sidewalks 5982 Standard Oil Co. 4044 Sunset Boulevard Route floor drains to sanitary sewer on site 5983 Standard Oil Co. 1419 N. 30th Add single compartment sump to existing sump 5984 Yukon Office Supply 333 SW 41st Street Install sanitary sewer, storm sewer and sidewalks 5985 Chaffey Corp. 4202 NE First Install side sewer 5986 Chaffey Corp. 159 Vashon Pl. NE Install side sewer 5987 Chaffey Corp. 160 Vashon PI. NE Install side sewer 5988 Reliable Distributors 3405 Lind Ave. SW Commercial sanitary building sewers 5989 Reliable Distributors 3405 Lind Ave. SW Sidewalk, driveways 5991 Mystic Manufacturing 301 SW 27th Street Watermain improvements 5992 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4200 SE 4th Street Side sewer wild 35 OF AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES n KATHY KEOLKER RENTON CITY COUNCIL NANCY ARDM.ATHEWS STREDICKE THOMAS W. TRIMM ''D SEPSREGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 17, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation Request - Taylor and Maple Avenue SW Proposed Manufacturing Park, Office Park, Light Industry and Heavy Industry Zone Amendments 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of .the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Court case filed by Seth Fulcher, Jr. , attorney for James L. Colt, President of American Memorial Services, Inc. and Mt. Olivet Cemetery (petitioners) , alleging the City proceeded illegally in the matter of processing and review o4 the annual renewal of special permit for fill and grade. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. b. City Clerk submits request for release of easement by One Valley Place along common property lines of lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 of final planned unit development, FPUD-061-82, and lots 10, 11 and 12 of preliminary PUD, PPUD-037-85; project located south of S. 43rd Street and west of Talbot Road S. Refer to Utilities Committee. C. City Clerk reports bid opening 6/12/85 for Signal Improvement Project (10 traffic signal controllers and cabinets) . Refer to Transportation Committee. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 6/7/85 for Mill Avenue South and Third Avenue Public Parking Lot Improvements (RAMSC) . Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Public Works Department requests execution of interlocal agreement with Metro for extension of S. 7th Street widening project east from Rainier Avenue S. in conjunction with City street project for improved access to Metro Park and Ride Lot; lane widening to be accomplished by City and funded by Metro. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT 436 RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 17, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE tab American Memorial Services Court Case COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE RAMSC Parking Lot Bids PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Proposed M-P, O-P, L-1 and H-I Zone Ordinance TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Signal Improvement Project Bids Interlocal Agreement for City/Metro S. 7th Widening Project Metro Transit Center in CBD Traffic Signal at S. 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue S. UTILITIES COMMITTEE One Valley Place Request for Release of Easement (RE-004-85) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Valley Office & Industrial Park Street Vacation (VAC-001-85) Small Lot Zone Sign Ordinance Amendment (Maplewood Signs) 1985 H & CD Block Grants Alcoholic Beverages at Maplewood Golf Course s j 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/24/85 - Seelig Street Vacation - SW 23rd Street 6/24/85 - Maplewood Golf Course Annexation - 13020 SE Renton-Maple Valley Highway 6/24/85 - West Hill Reservior Annexation - 82nd Avenue S/S 126th Street 6/24/85 - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1991 437 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 17, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Assistant City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LARRY M. SPRINGER, Policy Development Director; VINCE LEE, Public Works Coordinator; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, CHANGE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR TOPLESS DANCING ORDINANCE, PAGE 3, CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, ADD REFERRAL TO BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR DOCHNAHL ANNEXATION, PAGE 3. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, DELETE REFERENCE TO COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP ON JUNE 21 , 1985, PAGE 6, PARAGRAPH 8. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1985 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Valley Office & published and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Industrial Park Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider the request Street Vacation submitted by Valley Office and Industrial Park to vacate Request a portion of Taylor and Maple Avenue SW, south of SW 19th and UAC 001-85 north of SW 21st Street. Correspondence was read from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton reporting findings of the Board of Public Works that 1 ) the City has performed no maintenance work nor has any portion of the platted roadways, which remain in a natural state, been improved; 2) the right-of-way is not needed for future roadway and traffic circulation; and 3) monetary gain will be accrued to the applicant by approval of the vacation. Therefore, the Board recommended that the streets be designated a "C" vacation classification which requires the applicant to obtain an appraisal of the property to establish its value, and, unless otherwise directed, pay one-half of the appraised value to the City. The letter also noted that 50% of Maple Avenue SW is City-owned and proposed for the fire training site. Approval of the vacation would increase the site by 30 feet the entire distance of the eastern boundary between SW 19th and SW 21st Street. Continued Vince Lee, Public Works Coordinator, designated the location of the requested vacation on a vicinity map of the area. He distributed a summary sheet which reiterated information contained in the letter from the Public Works Director, and listed the square footage of each street as 38,400 square feet with 1000 of Taylor accruing to the petitioner, 500 of Maple accruing to the petitioner, and 500 of Maple accruing to the City' s fire training site. Photographs of the site were circulated. Continued Councilmembers questioned provisions for traffic circulation in the area and sufficiency of truck turnaround space if existing platted streets are vacated. Mr. Lee stated that the location of internal streets will be specified through the site plan review process required in the site' s 0-P, Office Park, zone prior to development. Appropriate traffic circulation, turnaround space, and emergency access will also be addressed at that time. Mr. Lee explained recommendation of the Board of Public Works that since the City owns half of Maple Avenue SW, all additional fees associated with the vacation should be waived for the City' s share. Location of the SCS drainage channel was designated between property owned by Martin Seelig and Puget Power to 433 Renton City Council 6/17/85 Page two Public Hearing continued Valley Office & the south of the site in response to Council inquiry. MOVED Industrial Park BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC St eet Vacation HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, Request COUNCIL APPROVE THE STREET VACATION WITH "C" CLASSIFICATION VAC 001-85 REQUIRING PAYMENT OF ONE-HALF APPRAISED VALUE, AND WAIVE continued FEES ASSOCIATED WITH CITY' S OWNERSHIP OF MAPLE AVENUE SW. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRAITE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Proposed MP, OP, posted, published and mailed in accordance with State law, L-1 and H-1 Zones Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing to consider proposed Manufacturing Park (M-P) , Office Park (0-P) , Light Industry (L-1 ) and Heavy Industry (H-1 ) zones as recommended by the Planning Commission in March of 1985. Correspondence was read from Vincent L. Jones, Pacific Car & Foundry Company, requesting inclusion of foundries as a permitted use in the H-1 zone. Correspondence was read from Robert D. Johns, leqal counsel for Howard and Martin Seelig, owners of 12- acre parcel near Lind SW and SW 21st Street, indicating concern that the proposed MP zoning ordinance places excessive restrictions on retail uses and accessory retail uses, requires site plan approval prior to adoption of standards and procedures by the City, creates inconsistency in front and side yard requirements, requires unnecessary landscaping, and limits allowable entertainment facilities to motion picture theaters instead of expanding to similar recreational and entertainment facilities. Letter from Larry Brown, Western Pacific Properties, supported combined 41 retail/wholesale development proposed in the OP zone, noted traffic generation to and from that use would be spread evenly through the day, and felt the zone would be appropriate for location of larger scale operations such as Costco, Silo or Price Savers. Continued Policy Development Director Larry Springer outlined principal ; objectives of the Planning Commission during review of the four " proposed zoning classifications: 1 ) create consistency in 4 language throughout the Zoning Code; 2) modernize zones by reflecting current development trends and community needs; and 3) develop zones which comply with recently adopted Comprehensive Al'. Plan policies. Major changes proposed by the Planning Commission are to revise formats to provide consistency between all zones; and eliminate "pyramiding" or "cascading" of uses currently allowed by Code--automatically allowing uses from less intensive zones to locate in more intensive zones. The proposed changes would specify allowable uses of each zone and would limit uses allowed in lesser zones. 1 Continued Major changes proposed in the M-P zone were reviewed by Mr. Springer: provide flexible setbacks and landscaping, limit retail and personal services (accessory retail allowed by percentage ) and allow supportive retail and personal services if certain location and design criteria are met. 0-P zone changes include: satisfy both Office Park and Manufacturing Park/Multiple Option - Office designations; expand permitted uses to manufacturing, warehousing and wholesaling, along with offices and business services; maintain character of office park; prohibit outdoor storage, screened loading docks and screened blank walls; increase setbacks for large buildings and require ample landscaping; limit retail and personal services; provide flexibility for setbacks and landscaping; and establish environmental standards similar to M-P zone. Continued Proposed L-1 changes include: slightly increase setbacks and landscaping; impose limits on retail and services use to allow some and permit others as accessory; allow small to medium scale offices as conditional use. Proposed H-1 changes include: reduce setbacks; limit retail and service uses to allow some and permit others as accessory; and allow offices as conditional use. Renton City Council 6/17/85 page three Public Hearing continued Proposed M-P, 0-P, Graphics were displayed which illustrated examples of L-1 and H-1 Zones permitted, accessory and supportive retail and service uses allowed in proposed M-P and 0-P zones; hierarchy of zones, current and proposed, relating to development quality as affected by setbacks, allowable activities, and environmental standards (0-P with campus-like atmosphere being highest quality) ; and significant outstanding issues raised during review, i .e. range of allowable uses, particularly retail , extent of office use in L-1 and H-1 zones, flexible setbacks and landscaping. Continued Upon inquiry, Mr. Springer stated that office uses would be permitted outright in L-1 and H-1 zones; however, there would be no environmental controls to protect against noise and other factors in that zone. Councilwoman Mathews entered a letter from Rhonda Younker, dated 5/14/85, which requested adoption of the 50-foot pole sign height in the L-1 zone prior to 6/5/85 to allow purchase of new sign reflecting name change of dealership from Younker Motors to Nissan Motor Corporation (referred to Plannnig and Development Committee on 5/21/85) . Continued Also submitted was a summary of letters and comments offered by parties of record during prior review process by the Planning Commission. Comments were noted from Gary Merlinn Construction Company; First City Equities; Olympic Pipeline Company; Holvick deRegt Koering; Kidder, Mathews & Segner, Inc. ; Multiple Developers; Bob Johns/Seelig; Puget Power; Western Pacific Properties; LeRoy A. Bowen; Group Health Cooperative; and Pacific Car & Foundry. Continued Audience comment was invited. Bob Butler, Planning Services Manager for Pacific Car & Foundry, urged modification of proposed H-1 ordinance to include foundries as a specifically permitted principal use. He felt unless the use is identified, .� future expansion or modification of the existing facility may be jeopardized. Mr. Springer cited other sections of the ordinance which define separate activities on the Pacific Car & Foundry site. However, he felt the addition was appropriate if so desired by Council . Continued Robert Johns, 3600 Columbia Center Building, Seattle, legal counsel for Howard and Martin Seelig, reiterated comments regarding desire for warehousing and commercially oriented retail facilities in proposed M-P zone to meet market demands, noting high quality office use is City' s desire, but little market exists due to 60-80o vacancy rate on east side. He advised that following approval of zoning ordinances, the only remaining zone to allow retail use will be the Business (B-1 ) zone, and areas allowing consumer-related retail use are located downtown. Potential commercially-oriented retail businesses (heavy commercial equipment and large hardware sales) will be forced to locate in other cities. He objected to floor area percentage denoted under accessory retail use provisions since it is cumbersome to enforce; and requested deletion of site plan approval requirement until standards and procedures are adopted by the City. He requested relief from requirement to landscape unused right-of-way along south property line since existing drainage lines make roadway construction unlikely, and suggested site plan approval would offer the opportunity for the City to require landscaping if necessary at a later date. Reduction of required landscaping was requested by Mr. Johns based on higher quality of materials. Continued Andy Padvorac, Puget Power Building, Bellevue, submitted a letter outlining concerns and suggesting changes to proposed ordinances. These included deletion of the condition in the M-P zone that petroleum storage be associated with a pipeline distribution facility. He noted that other businesses such as Puget Power require fuel storage to accommodate motor pool facilities. He felt screening of outdoor storage materials by wall or fence as required in M-P zone provisions should only be required if storage area is not already screened from adjacent property by existing improvements. 440 Renton City Council 6/17/85 Page four Public Hearing continued Proposed M-P, 0-P, In the L-1 zone, Mr. Padvorac suggested adding an item to L-1 and H-1 Zones include small and medium scale offices within the Valley Plan area; requested reference to solid barrier fences throughout the Code be changed to six-foot high sight-obscuring fences for consistency; suggested adding an item to H-1 zone allowing small to medium scale offices as a buffer when adjacent to a lot designated for B-1 , M-P, 0-P, P-1 or residential on both Zoning Map and Comprehensive Plan. Continued William Fetterly, Valley Office & Industrial Park, asked Council to consider: 1) upon adoption of the ordinances, only the B-1 zone will allow retail use and a market exists for commercial retail in the Valley area; 2) office & manufacturing type uses are limited to business hours and this has become a problem; and 3) quality of atmosphere, not quality of use, should be the pursuit of the City, and certain retail activities can represent quality of atmosphere. Continued Frank Powers, 2007 102nd Place SE, Bellevue, part owner of Seattle Lumber Company, supported inclusion of commercial wholesale/retail sales in the Valley area; and urged adoption of consistent setbacks in the L-1 zone. Continued Sam Simone, 1121 S. 23rd Street, Renton, noted 50-foot setbacks are designated in 0-P, M-P and H-1 zones when abutting residential development; however, the L-1 zone requires only a setback of 15 feet. He requested expansion of the L-1 zone setback to assure protection to single family homeowners. Continued Kay Johnson, General Manager, Renton Chamber of Commerce, 300 Rainier Avenue N. , noted trend for retail sales to be either located in shopping centers or in a major independent facility. He felt wholesale and retail sales need to be defined since businesses are combining both as well as other components. He also requested resolution of the problem which would occur if businesses become excluded from their .w. present use, are accidentally destroyed, and cannot be replaced due to zoning restrictions. Continued MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Noting need to address several issues raised during the public hearing, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, . SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested an opinion from the City Attorney regarding replacement of an existing business if accidentally destroyed when legislation has been adopted making that use non-conforming. ' CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: American Memorial Court case filed by Seth Fulcher, Jr. , attorney for James L. Services and Mt. Colt, president of American Memorial Services, Inc. , and Olivet Cemetery Mt. Olivet Cemetery (petitioners) , alleging the City Court Case proceeded illegally in the matter of processing and review of the annual renewal of special permit for fill and grade. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. One Valley Place City Clerk submitted request for release of easement by One Request for Valley Place along common property lines of lots 4, 5, 6 and Release of 7 of final planned unit development, FPUD-061-82, and lots Easement 10, 11 and 12 of preliminary PUD, PPUD-037-85; project located south of S. 43rd Street and west of Talbot Road S. Refer to Utilities Committee. Signal Improvement City Clerk reported bid opening 6/12/85 for Signal Improvement Project Bids Project (10 traffic signal controllers and cabinets) ; one bid received; Engineer' s estimate: $105,500.00. Refer to Transportation Committee. I 44 441 Renton City Council 6/17/85 Page five Consent Agenda continued Parking Lot Bids City Clerk reported bid opening 6/7/85 for Mill Avenue South (RAMSC) and Third Avenue Public Parking Lot Improvements (RAMSC) ; three bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $28,680.00. Refer to Community Services Committee. Joint Project with Public Works Department requested execution of interlocal Metro for S. 7th agreement with Metro for extension of S. 7th Street widening Street Widening project east from Rainier Avenue S. in conjunction with City street project for improved access to Metro Park and Ride Lot; lane widening to be accomplished by City and funded by Metro. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of report stating that following presentation by Metro transit the Whole staff regarding proposed Renton transit center, the Committee Metro Transit recommends referral of the issue to Transportation Committee Center in CBD for further discussion. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, (Referred 10/24/84) COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Small Lot Zones Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole (Referred 6/10/85) report recommending referral of the small lot zone ordinance to the Ways and Means Committee for development of proper legislation. The Committee recommended the ordinance contain the following amendments: 1 ) Revisions proposed by the Policy Development staff in the 6/7/85 report; 2) Number of building envelopes clustered together be limited to no more than four; 3) Easements for zero-lot-line development be legally and permanently recorded; 4) Wording on site plan approval shall refer to current City procedures. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Reed asked that parties of record be notified of the Council ' s action. Legislative Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Policies and report recommending that Legislative policies and procedures Procedures be retained in Committee until completion of review of all (Referred 4/l/85) pending policies. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Auburn Fire Councilwoman Keolker extended congratulations to the City Stations Dedicated of Auburn for interesting, informative ceremonial dedication of two new fire stations on Friday, 6/14. Mayor Shinpoch thanked Councilwoman Keolker for attending on behalf of the City. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report indicating that the subject of off-premise advertising Committee in public use zones has been discussed. The following Sign Ordinance modifications to the Sign Ordinance are recommended: (Off-Premise Advertising in Amend Section 4-1918(F) l - P-1 (Public Use) District to read: P-1 Zone) Signs may be illuminated and shall be for location identification only and shall display no copy, symbol or device other than that in keeping with the principal occupant. Exception: off-premise advertising may be allowed as an accessory use of an identification sign or other structure if the following conditions are met: 1 ) the maximum size of the off-premise advertising portion is six square feet; 2) no more than 25% of the principal structure is covered by the off-premise advertising sign; and 3) the off-premise advertising sign is designed to be viewed by users of the facility rather than street traffic. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Stredicke clarified that these 442 Renton City Council 6/17/85 Page six Old Business continued Sign Ordinance provisions are currently included in the Sign Code and are continued being allowed in the P-1 zone to accommodate the golf course. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY REED, MOTION BE AMENDED TO REFER THE MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 1-405 Widening Upon inquiry, Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews Project reported that the Committee has met with representatives of the State Department of Transportation to discuss eiqht or nine items regarding the realignment of 1-405. A report ... will be made to the full Council after staff has completed its review. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3917 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-189 of Title VI Tavern Ordinance (Police Regulations) of City Code by repealing Subsection regarding Weapons (A) l . and amending Subsection (C) to require posting of a warning notice prohibiting weapons at the entrance to all liquor dispensing establishments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3918 An ordinance was read amending Section 10-1201 of Title X Speed Limit (Traffic) of City Code relating to speed limits on City Ordinance streets. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: 1985 Housing & An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of 1985 Community Federal Housing and Community Development Block Grants in Development Block the total amount of $306,626.00 for Phase 2 of Highlands Grants Neighborhood Center ($72,352) ; Housing Assistance Program ($74,381) ; Phase I of Highlands Walkways ($13,578) ; N. Highlands Neighborhood Center Rehab, Phase 1 ($14,634) ; Senior Services Program ($17,347) ; RAMSC Clothing Bank ($3,120) ; Planning and Administration ($35,910) ; Joint Rental Housing Rehab Program ($32,444) ; RAMSC Elevator ($39,321 ) ; and Pedestrian Corridor ($3,539) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Alcoholic Beverages An ordinance was read amending Section 6-1201 of Title VI at Maplewood Golf (Police Regulations) of City Code relating to prohibiting Course drinking of alcoholic beverages on public streets, alleys and property except Maplewood Golf Course when such beverages for consumption are purchased from the operator thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Upon inquiry regarding whether this ordinance affects Airport restaurant located on City-owned property, Mayor Shinpoch indicated she will check on the matter. Model Traffic Ways and Means Committee Chairman presented a report Ordinance indicating that the City Attorney has reviewed Chapter 302, Laws of 1985, which removes the problem concerning duplicate punishment for driving while license suspended. Since the Legislature has removed the statutory defect, it is unnecessary for the Council to remove one of the two citations regarding driving while license suspended from the Model Traffic Ordinance. Therefore, no action is required by Ways and Means Committee on this referral . Telephone Booth Councilwoman Mathews reported that ribbon cutting ceremony Ribbon Cutting will be held by Pacific Northwest Bell on 6/19/85 for the first telephone booth in Renton displaying advertising, located near the Brown Bear Carwash on Rainier Avenue and S. 7th Street. The advertisement is for Valley Medical Center. Renton City Council 6/17/85 Page seven Old Business continued Speed Limit Councilman Stredicke questioned need for ordinance adoption Ordinance for setting speed limits in the City. He recalled that the Public Works Director has that authority. Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews advised that the ordinance has been revised to accurately reflect speeds posted on City signs. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that recommendations regarding need for change in speed limit are made by the Police Department. Newspaper Councilman Clymer asked about legality of newly constructed - Collection newspaper collection shacks in the City. Mayor Shinpoch advised Stations that the shacks, sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America, are in City right-of-way and are not appropriately signed. The Building & Zoning Department has sent notification to the BSA. Phone Booths Upon inquiry regarding prior request by Pacific Northwest Bell to locate new phone booths in the City, Mayor Shinpoch advised that the request was made prior to divestiture proceedings which may have had an effect on the matter, but she will investigate. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:05 a.m. ADMINISTRATIVE Council reconvened at 10: 12 p.m. ; roll was called; all members REPORT were present. Mayor Shinpoch announced that the Federal Court Betty Bailey has dismissed the lawsuit filed by Betty Bailey against the City. Court Case Assistant City Attorney Kellogg added that a civil case filed by Ms. Bailey with the State Court of Appeals has also been dismissed. Both actions are subject to further appeals. Police Chief Mayor Shinpoch announced that Police Chief Alan Wallis has Attendance at been accepted by the FBI Training Academy in Virginia for FBI School attendance this summer. Captain Don Persson will be acting chief, and will be assisted by Captain Jim Bourasa. Upon inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch advised that the only expense incurred by the City is $565.35 for acting chief pay and $300.00 for incidentals required by the FBI . Other expenses including ..�. airfare and accommodations are paid by the FBI . Traffic Signal Mayor Shinpoch addressed Councilman Clymer' s complaint of at Intersection 6/10/85 regarding configuration of large overhead traffic of S. 2nd Street signal recently installed at Burnett and 2nd Street which and Burnett he felt violated Council policy during CBD improvement Avenue S. project in 1970. She reported findings that no violation of City law had occurred and a thorough search did not reveal a Council policy regarding the matter. She offered sincere apology for neglecting to obtain Council approval for the proposal . She further apprised Councilmembers that removal and replacement of the signal is estimated to cost $53,000, and since Federal funds (FASP) in the amount of $40,000 helped fund the project, modification cannot occur until the project is completed. She also advised receipt of favorable comments from a few senior citizens as well as owners of McLendon Hardware for improved intersection safety. Councilman Clymer recalled that Council policy during downtown project was to beautify the area, and that resulted in removal of expensive signs and telephone poles to create a uniform appearance. He questioned method of recording and enforcing Council policies in the future. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE ''GREAT SIGNAL CAPER'' AT THE INTERSECTION OF 2ND AND BURNETT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Clymer urged that the Committee review options at this time; otherwise, the matter would be raised during budget review. CARRIED. City Manager Mayor Shinpoch reported contacting the Municipal Research & Form of Government Services Center regarding whether a date certain several years in the future can be set by the City Council and approved by the voters for changing to the city manager form of government. Information will be forwarded when received. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:38 p.m. & 67 MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/18 4:00 p.m. KEOLKEK 3rd floor conference room Housing & Community Development Tues. 6/25 To be annou ced City Newsletter PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Mon. 6/24 7:00 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd floor conference room Animal Ordinance PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Week of 6/24 MATHEWS Meeting requested by Metro--date, time (AVIATION) and place to be announced UTILITIES Weds. 6/19 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th floor conference room Bids for Highlands Library Energy Conservation Project; One Valley Place release of easement request WAYS & MEANS Mon. 6/24 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th floor conference room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Council Budget Workshop Thurs. 6/20 Battelle Institute - Seattle Telephone Booth Ribbon Cutting Weds. 6/19 2:00 p.m. Brown Bear Car Wash - Raini r Avenue & S. 7th L L ISSUED CITY OF RENTON _ pJlyc 1 037'141t3---- ----jUjrnj;; 6 -1O-9ING CE6AR MEN --- — PERMITS ISSUED WEEK EN ING JUNE 14. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11142 15#000 GARY DOWNS 407 WILLIAMS AV S CONST GARAGE 11143 43rC00 DR ALLENBACH 3700 EAST VALLEY RD FNDN ONLY,SUBJ TO SEC.303 UBC. 11144 1.000 GARY M RIFFLE 110 WILLIAMS AV S REROOF RESIDENCE 11145 4#000 SPAGNOLE 78 LOGAN AV S REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 11146 3#000 THE KOLL CO 280 SW 43RD ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11147 4r 00 PUGET SCUND POWER 1101 1LAKE WASHING70N BL NCONST FDTN FOP STORAGE SHEDS 11148 8#600 MIKE SHAW SCONSTRUCT POLE TYPE GARAGE 11149 2rt00 GEORGE A. SCHOUT 2215 TALBOT RD S REBUILD EXISTING DECK 11150 76x600 GEORGE OBERHOLTZER 1940 SHATTUCK AV 5 CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11151 3.300 WADE A. NELSON 2813 CEDAR AV S INSTALL PORTABLE SPA 11152 4#000 HAROLD L THAYER 514 FERNDALE AV NE INST MOT TUB d DECK 11153 65.100 NCRCON REVEL. LTO. 2231 SE 87H PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11154 40#000 NORCON DEVEL. LTD 33 SE STH PLCONST S/F RESIDENCE 11155 64r9OU NORCON LTO H27 SE STm PLCONST S/F RESIDENCE 11156 65x700 NORCON DEVEL. LTD. 2229 SE 8TH PL CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11157 25.000 JOHN 0 NEIL 3000 SE ROYAL HILLS DR REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE rara11158 1#000 ROBERT MOFFCRD 620 S 29TH PL EXCAVATION ` POCKERY INST. 11159 Br00D DON MC WILLIAMS 2920 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NCONST S/F ADDITION 11160 192#000 RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY 700 S RENTON VILLAGE PL CONST FOTN ONLY PER SECTION 303A 11161 8#600 MARTIN M PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD CONSTRUCT GARAGE 11162 3#600 DON RYAN 322 MEADOW AV N SIDING 11163 27.600 STAN 3 SHARON PETERS 313 SENECA AV NW CONSTRUCT ADDITION FOR POOL ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12568 800 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 78 LOGAN AV S REPAIR WIRING IN BURNED HOUSE 12569 425 MICHAEL STAHL 610SHELTON AV NE INST WIPING IN ADDITION 1257? 675 STAN PETERS 311 SENECA AV NW INST WIRING FOR POOL 12571 160 SUNSET PETS 13 4 UNION AV NE ALTER CIRCUIT FOR FAN 12572 650 , EQUITY INVESTMENT 9 DEV 326 MAIN AV S INSTALL 5 DUPLEX RECEDT./LTS. 12573 300 ORVAR JCHANNSON 1532 ABERDEEN AV NE SERVICE CMAN;Er NEW OUTLETS 12574 25 GEORGE WYNNE 4606 NE 23RD ST INST WIRING 12575 30 PHI DINH 4302 SE 2ND PL INST WIRING 257 1.300 LEONARD BLDRS 42 OSSE44TH ST WIRE TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12578 1#200 LEONARD SLOPS 4306 SE 4TH ST INST WIRING INST WIRING 12579 50C KEITH HALNISH , 11 S8 11ppp WADE A NELSON 2280t135CEDARSAV S INSTALLP220OVTLINETFOPSSPATER 1�258� 14U HAROLD L THAYER 514 FEPNDALE AV NE INST WIRING FOR HOT TUB 12582 25 NOFCON LTD 2231 SE 8TH PL 125E3 200 WILGEC CO 1222 BRONSON WY N INST TEMPORARY POWER 12564 INST WIRING TO SIGN 6-CO GARY J DOWNS 407 WILLIAMS AV $ 12535 50 RAYMOND L. JERNIGAN 812 HIGH AV S INST TOEGARA;E PEP MIN . MOUSING 12586 550 JOSEPH BURT 512 WILLIAMS AV S CHANGE SEPVICE TO 200 AMPS 125E7 15C MARTIN M. PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD WIRE GARAGE MECHANICAL PERMITS 10997 950 LEONARD BLDRS 4200 SE 4TM ST INST FURNACE 10Q98 7.9Cu WENDYS INTERNATIONAL 230 RAINIER AV S REPLACE CNE 8 1/2 TON A/C 3 10949 99x664 HANS G KOCH 0p1SW ST INST MVAC SYSTEM 11300 810 6PUCE YAHR 3G4 MAIN AV S INST GAS FURNACE 11001 1#000rC00 SOUTHLAND CORP 251 SUNSET SL N INSTALL 4 1 1/2 T#1 1T# 1 ST 11002 1r75G 4IeUPY HOMES 4C3 FEPNDALE AV NE INST FURNACE/DATER HEATER 11003 250 SUPER SHOPS INC 801 S 2ND ST INST EXHAUST FAN 11CO4 1#200 LEONARD SLOGS 4306 SE 4TH ST INST FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 387 50 JOHN LUCENA 622 S 30TH PL REPAID WATER LINE 358 359 2.200 LEONARD BLDRS 4306 SE 4TH ST INS1 11 DLBG FIXTURES wart 390 2.200 LEONARD BLORS 4312 SE 4TH ST INST 13 DLBG FIXTURES 200 LOUIS SAREI 330 MAIN AV S GAS PIPIN5 TO FURKACE 391 1,555 MR SUTTLE 2225 NE 16TH ST INST 5 PLBG FIXTURES 4 RADIATORS 3Q2 1.500 JOHN BURNETT 339 MEADOW AV N INST 1 SINK. REP PIPING 393 9,039 SMOMEN LIMITED PART. 1430 MAPLE AV SW INST 13 DLBG FIXTURES 394 100 WADE A. NELSON 2813 CEDAR AV S INSTALL SHCWER 'SIGN PERMITS 1423 100 ERNEST TONDA 320 N 3RD PL INSTALL WALL SIGN 1424 300 JIM/BOB COCKS 150 SW SUNSET BL INST 2 SIGNS 1425 25 FARRIS BISMAI 3809 NE 4TM ST INST TEMPORARY SIGN 1426 50 ANTON J SCHATZ 485 RAINIER AV S INST CLOTH SIGN-30 DAYS 14J7 VOID 1429 1#500 WCLFNBROTHERS OIL CO 632 RO 710 AINIERMAS AAVSS INSTALLA72EPo SC FTPFREE STANDSIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5993 Chaffey Corp. 128 Vashon Ct. NE Install side sewer 5994 Martin Patricelli 729 SW Langston Remove and replace sidewalk 5995 Mark Mitman 2065 SE 8th Place Install sanitary building sewer- 5996 Jake Wall 403 Ferndale Ave. NE Install side sewer 5997 Robert Stoof 7227 S. 180th Street Install sanitary building sewer 5998 E. P. Industries 801 Houser Way N. Repair side sewer ran ` OF R �� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, V ;%R z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT 1. HUGHES Z ..LL KATHY KEOLKER 00 NANCY L. MATHEWS 9pRENTON CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE �Q THOMAS W. TRIMM O9gT�D SEPIeo REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JUNE 24, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL a� 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Seelig Street Vacation - SW 23rd Street Maplewood Golf Course Annexation - 13020 SE Renton - Maple Valley Highway West Hill Reservoir Annexation - 82nd Avenue South and South 126th Street Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1986-1991 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department submits proposal for payment of recording fees and increased application fee of $100.00 for lot line adjustments. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Building & Zoning Department submits amendment to Shoreline Master Program pertaining to landfills (Section 7.08.01 ) to comply with State Department of Ecology requirements, and recommends public hearing be set on 7/15/85 to review the matter. Council concur. c. Court case filed by John D. Blankinship, attorney for Tunnel Systems, Inc. , as action to foreclose against Public Works bond in the name of H. L. Jacobson Construction Company; work completed by Tunnel Systems at an agreed value of $7,800 which was due 12/17/84 and remains unpaid. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $15,000 filed by Andrew B. Weiner, attorney for Melinda Lindsey, 17010-29th Avenue South, Seattle, for stress and other effects of alleged false arrest and imprisonment by Renton Police Department on 9/6/84. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Mayor Shinpoch submits proposed alternatives for ballot issue wording on fluoridation of the City' s water system. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Public Works Department submits interlocal agreement with Metro to add bus lanes on S. 43rd Street in conjunction with LID 329 at Metro' s expense. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Public Works/Engineering Department submits CAG 037-84, South Tobin Street Sanitary Sewer Project; and requested approval of the project (terminated on 6/18/85 by mutual agreement) , authorization for final pay estimate of $1 ,217.73, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount to Ford Construction Company in the amount of $2,745.40 if all required releases are received and no liens filed. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 24, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Quendall Terminals - Well #5 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Tunnel Systems, Inc. , Court Case M. Lindsey Claim for Damages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Appeals and Waivers MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Renton Airport Watermain Bid Documents City Hall Energy Conservation Project Documents Release of Easement - Davis Avenue South Release of Easement - One Valley Place Plat RAMSC Public Parking Lot Improvements Documents PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Quendall Terminals - Well #5 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Metro Interlocal Agreement UTILITIES COMMITTEE Quendall Terminals - Well #5 Fluoride Issue Ballot Language WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Seelig Street Vacation - VAC 003-85 Lot Line Adjustment Application Fee Increase Animal Regulation Ordinance First reading 6/24/85: Alcoholic Beverages on Public Property Sign Ordinance Amendment Small Lot Zones Transitional Single Family Residential Development R-1-5 Zone UFC Sprinkler Requirements PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/15/85 - Shoreline Master Program Amendment 448 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 24, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS COUNCIL MEMBERS W. TRIMM, EARL CLYMER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, KATHY A. KEOLKER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; EDWARD HAYDUK, Housing and Community Development Coordinator; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; STEVE MUNSON, Policy Development Department Assistant Planner; JAMES SHEPHERD, Parks Department Facilities Superintendent; LARRY SPRINGER, Policy Development Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, Seelig Street posted, and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Vacation opened the public hearing to a petition filed by consider Martin VAC 003-85 A. Seelig and Olympic Pipe Line Company (R. C. Meadows) to vacate 30-foot wide portion of SW 23rd Street located between Lind Avenue SW and Taylor Avenue SW. Correspondence was read from Richard Houghton, Public Works Director, reporting the Board of Public Works recommendation that the street vacation be approved as "Class C", requiring compensation to the City, and that an easement be retained over the entire right-of-way for public and quasi public utilities. Mr. Houghton recommended the street vacation fee be reduced to 25% of appraisal value due to easement retention. Continued Public Works Director Houghton outlined the area of the requested vacation on a vicinity map and described surrounding uses, noting locations of P-9 and Bow Lake Pipelines. Mr. Houghton reported the property was dedicated as a public street in April, 1909, in the plat of C.D. Hillmans Earlington Gardens Division #1 and remains in its natural, unimproved state. A summary provided by the Public Works Department stated Police, Fire, Engineering, and Utilities Departments had approved this vacation; no maintenance work had been performed by the City; no health and welfare problems had been identified; and property was not required for traffic circulation. It was also noted 100% of right of way would be retained by Petitioner Seelig; easterly adjacent property owner indicated no interest in participation in this street vacation, which would have extended the vacation to SR-167. Continued Following further clarifying discussion, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION, GRANT THE VACATION, RETAIN EASEMENT, AND REQUIRE 1/4 OF THE APPRAISAL PRICE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE PR LEGISLATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, Maplewood Golf posted, and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Course Annexation opened the public hearing to consider annexation of 140.71+ acres of property located along the north side of the Maple Valley Highway (SR-169) immediately adjacent to and west of the Cedar River and consisting primarily of the Maplewood Golf Course � I Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page two Maplewood Golf Correspondence was read from Larry Springer, Policy Development Course Annexation Director, indicating this annexation is proposed to permit Continued continued use of the site as a golf course, to upgrade police and fire services, and to protect the Cedar River watershed. The letter transmitted an Annexation Review Summary, outlining the proposed annexation. Continued Policy Development Director Springer introduced Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, City coordinator of this annexation, who described the proposed annexation in detail, noting that, while the bulk of the property was owned by the City, three privately owned parcels were included in the annexation; Maplewood Homes Addition and Wasmita Park homeowners expressed their opposition to inclusion in this annexation at meetings held in April. Continued Mr. Munson reported the property is currently designated as Recreational under the Comprehensive Plan, which will be applicable after annexation. Fire protection, currently provided by King County Fire District 25, will revert to the City. Water service, currently provided by a series of wells, will be improved, along with presently non-existent sewer service, by extension of existing City lines from Maple Valley Highway. Mr. Munson recommended the annexation be approved and the Policy Development Department be instructed to forward the Notice of Intent documents to the King County Boundary Review Board. Continued In answer to Councilman Mathews' inquiry, Policy Development. Director Springer indicated a rezone proposal would be submitted to Council at a later date, designating the golf course portion of the property as P-1 and the balance as R-1 to accommodate future plans for possible residential development. Councilman Reed requested clarification of concerns expressed by the Fire Department regarding vehicle access and water availability. Mr. Springer stated upgrading of the water system by the Water Utility would provide basic fire flow and that current bridge access would have to be reinforced and structurally sound to support fire vehicles, noting these were problems the City must face, with or without annexation, due to ownership of the property. Councilman Reed requested the Administration obtain staff input regarding the need to complete these improvements as soon as possible, prior to 1986 budget appropriations. Continued Casey McCarty, 13024 Maple Valley Highway, resident of one of three parcels to be included in the annexation, expressed anticipation of improvements to sewer and water services. Mr. McCarty also indicated that, while the current access bridge had sustained the weight of loaded log trucks, other means of access were available directly off Maple Valley Highway or through a culvert near the bridge. Continued Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, questioned the City's intent for this property following annexation. Mayor Shinpoch responded it is the Council's full intent to maintain a municipal golf course. Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THIS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION AND FORWARD THE MATTER VIA THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, West Hill posted, and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Reservoir opened the public hearing to consider annexation of the West Hill Annexation Reservoir site consisting of 1.75 acres located on the west side of 82nd Avenue South at the intersection with South 126th Street Correspondence was read from Policy Development Director 450 Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page three West Hill Larry Springer indicating this proposal is made for construction Reservoir of a storage tank and expansion of reservoir capacity. The Annexation letter also transmitted an Annexation Review Summary, outlining Continued the annexation proposal. Continued Steve Munson, Assistant Planner, described the area and purpose of the proposed annexation, noting it was being processed under the "Municipal Purposes Method" wherein only one meeting is required; the 10%-75% process is not utilized. Mr. Munson noted this site is not contiguous to the City, but approximately 700 feet west of existing city limits. This request for annexation was submitted by the Public Works Department to improve sewer and water service, the tower at the site is expected to be operational in mid-July, and no objections have been raised by City departments. Mr. Munson recommended the annexation be approved and the Policy Development Department be instructed to forward the Notice of Intent documents to the King County Boundary Review Board. Continued In response to inquiries by Councilman Stredicke, it was noted that no citizen complaints have been received regarding tower construction and six Public Meeting Notice posting locations were listed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THIS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION ANT INSTRUCT THE POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO FORWARD DOCUMENTS TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Six-Year posted, and mailed in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Transportation opened the public hearing to consider adoption of the Six-year Improvement Transportation Improvement Program (1986-1991) . Public Works Program, 1986-91 Director Houghton reviewed program projects from 1981-1984 by use of the city map and a vinyl overlay for each year, providing a final view of the overall equity of street improvement programs throughout the City. Mr. Houghton reviewed funding sources, individual program progress and/or completion, and provided an updated synopsis of the 1985-90 improvement program, showing projects completed, those scheduled for completion in 1985 (with proposed priority for the 1986-91 program) , and those indicated as second, third, or fourth-sixth year projects. Continued Public Works Director Houghton presented the proposed Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 1986-91, noting that City priority rating differences between this and the 1984-90 program synopsis would be corrected and incorporated in the final program listing, along with any changes profferred by this public hearing. In response to Councilman Trimm's inquiry, the Sunset Blvd. NE overlay project, from the underpass to Park Avenue, was identified as a Forward Thrust project (not included in the six-year program) , scheduled for bid and completion this year. Continued Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, inquired regarding the status of Talbot Road South and was informed this project is due to be completed within the next six months. Continued Versie Vaupel, 1402 North Second, requested explanation of the Work Code designations listed on the attachment to the program presentation. Public Works Director Houghton indicated these were alpha codes assigned by Urban Arterial personnel to indicate specific work to be accomplished. Continued Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, questioned location and purpose of Item 23 (SW 27th Street - Benson Connector Study) . Public Works Director Houghton indicated this was a feasibility study only of connecting SW 27th to SR 515. (See later comments. ) I 451 Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page four Six-year Councilwoman Mathews explained that differences between the Transportation priorities listed by the 1985-90 program review and those within Improvement the 1986-91 program were partially due to suggestions made by Program, 1986-91 the Transportation Committee after reviewing projects remaining Continued on the 85-90 program, noting these were suggestions only; permanent changes to the program requiring action at a public meeting. Councilman Reed commented on present poor quality of overlays on Williams Avenue and on Wells Avenue near Second Street. Mr. Houghton responded that recent repairs to Williams Avenue were negated by gas company main installation, future repair is unscheduled; Wells Avenue area will be repaired in conjunction with the Wells Avenue Bridge project, to be bid in early spring, 1986. Continued Councilman Reed noted he had received complaints regarding traffic back-up problems on Puget Drive below the Benson Highway and adjacent to SR 515 and Talbot due to one lane only turning onto Talbot. Public Works Director Houghton indicated improvements to this area were scheduled to be corrected through two new developments planned in the area. Councilman Reed requested Council be kept apprised through the planning stages and informed of progress on this matter. Continued Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, voiced his opposition to Item 23 (SW 27th Street - Benson Connector Study), even at a future date, noting the dense residential area of Victoria Park and the probability of radically increasing traffic through this area. Continued Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Avenue South, agreed with Mr. Pretti's recommendation that Item 23 be deleted from the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Continued MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested information regarding funding sources for Item 8 (Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvements). Mr. Houghton identified possible funding sources as 1/20 Gas Tax and Railroad Protection money; use of Federal Aid Safety money currently being investigated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, ITEM 8 BE MOVED TO ITEM 4 AND SUBSEQUENT NUMBERING ON THE PLAN REMAIN IN SEQUENCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WITH REGARD TO THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 1986-1991, (white summary sheet distributed to Council) WITH AMENDMENT OF ITEM 8 ABOVE AND REDESIGNATION OF ITEM 23 FROM SW 27TH STREET - BENSON CONNECTOR STUDY TO EAST/WEST CORRIDOR-BENSON CONNECTOR STUDY. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Wayne Pretti, 1106 South 23rd Street, speaking on behalf of the Victoria Hills Victoria Hills Homeowners Association, requested clarification Remand Appeal of procedures regarding payment of $75 appeal fee and whether a PPUD-008-85 document entitled "Response to the Remand of PPUD-008-85 to the (Luckey Company) Hearing Examiner" (prepared by legal counsel) would be accepted as an actual appeal, not being submitted on a preprinted City form. (Original appeal filed by Victoria Hills Homeowners Association of the recommendation by the Hearing Examiner regarding modification of an existing preliminary planned unit development approved in May, 1982, (File *PPUD-102-81) for Phase II of a development on South Puget. Drive, west of Benson Road South and north of South 26th Street. Remanded to Hearing Examiner for reconsideration 5/06/85). Continued Mayor Shinpoch and City Attorney Warren assured Mr. Pretti the "Response" would be evaluated by the City according to its intent and processed as an appeal. Following discussion of prior Council intention regarding the waiving of the $75 fee on appeals remanded to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration Recess and then re-appealed, it was MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES TO ALLOW THE CITY CLERK TO DO RESEARCH FOR THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 p.m. Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page five AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Reconvened Council reconvened at 10: 12 p.m. ; roll was taken; all members previously listed were present. Victoria Hills Moved by Mathews, seconded by Keolker, the charge for appeal Remand Appeal be waived for both the Victoria Hills Homeowners Association PPUD-008-85 and for the Luckey Company. Councilman Trimm questioned whether (Luckey Company) this would establish permanent Council policy for all similar Continued future situations. Councilwoman Keolker voiced opposition to creating a blanket policy, noting special circumstances in this instance. Councilman Hughes spoke against the motion, recommending policy be established before a precedent is set. Roll call requested: 3 aye's: Reed, Mathews, Keolker; 3 no's: Trimm, Clymer, Hughes; Stredicke abstained. Councilman Stredicke indicated he had abstained from action on this matter due to potential violation of Appearance of Fairness Doctrine (see minutes of 5/06/85) and intended to remain neutral in this r vote. Motion failed (lack of majority) . City Attorney Warren clarified that, if both document and fee deadlines are met, an appeal would exist. (See later motion, page 7. ) Quendall Terminals Alex Cugini addressed Council regarding a letter from James C. Well #5 Hanken, 1218 Third Avenue, Seattle, attorney for Quendall Terminals. Mr. Cugini apologized for Council not receiving the letter earlier; Councilman Clymer explained the letter had been addressed to his home and he would furnish Council with copies. Mr. Cugini explained that Quendall Terminals is under consideration by the Environmental Protection Agency to be included in a "Superfund site" due to the existence of Renton Well #5, located approximately 1-1/2 miles from Quendall Terminals; however, Well #5 was terminated in the early 1960's because of high mineral content. Quendall Terminals requests the City notify the EPA that Well #5 is dormant and no current established plans exist to rehabilitate and/or redevelop the well. Continued Councilwoman Mathews noted Well #5 had been included in the City Well Study and recommended investigation of those conclusions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THIS CORRESPONDENCE WITH REGARD TO WELL #5 BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE, AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Lot Line Adjustment Building and Zoning Department submitted proposal for payment Application Fee of recording fee and inceased application fee to $100 for lot Increase line adjustments due to revision of the Lot Line Adjustment procedure. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Shoreline Master Building and Zoning Department submitted amendment to Shoreline Program Amendment Master Program regarding Section 7.08.01 on Landfills, as required by the State Department of Ecology, and recommended the public hearing be set for 7/15/85 for review. Council concur. Tunnel Systems Court case filed by John D. Blankinship, attorney for Tunnel, Court Case Systems, Inc. , as action to foreclose against Public Works bond in the name of H. L. Jacobson Construction Company; work completed by Tunnel Systems at an agreed value of $7,800, due 12/17/84 and remaining unpaid. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim for Damages Claim for damages in the amount of $15,000 filed by Andrew B. M. Lindsey Weiner, attorney for Melinda Lindsey, 17010 - 29th Avenue South, Seattle, for stress and other effects of alleged false arrest and imprisonment by Renton Police Department on 9/06/84. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page six CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Fluoride Issue Mayor Shinpoch submitted proposed alternatives for ballot issue Ballot Language wording on fluoridation of the City's water system. Refer to Utilities Committee. Metro Interlocal Public Works Department submitted interlocal agreement with Metro Agreement to add bus lanes on South 43rd Street in conjunction with LID 329. Bus lane work to be accomplished by the City, combined in the LID at Metro's expense. Refer to Transportation Committee. South Tobin Street Public Works/Engineering Department submitted CAG 037-84, South Sanitary Sewer Tobin Street Sanitary Sewer Project, and requested approval of Project Final Pay the project (terminated by mutual agreement on 6/18/85) , authorization for final pay estimate of $1,217.73, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained $2,745.40 to Ford Construction Company if all required releases are received and no liens are filed. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Transportation a report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee Department to award Watermain Project *804, Schedules A and B, Renton Airport to Manfred Duske Excavation in the total amount of $159,317.93. Watermain Bids Committee also concurred in the Department recommendation to WP W-804 release the low bidder, Bay Cities Construction, Inc. , from their bid with no penalty, due to a bidding error, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Manfred Duske Excavation contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Pacific Northwest Councilman Mathews reported that dedication of the telephone Bell Phone Booth booth advertising campaign by Pacific Northwest Bell Company Advertising had been held, and PNB has donated 10% of telephone booth Donation advertising space within City limits to the City of Renton for public information purposes. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report recom- City Hall/ mending the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into an Highlands Library agreement with the low bidder for completion of the energy Energy Conservation conservation project in the Police level of City Hall and that Projects the City Council reject bids for the parking lot lights at City Hall and energy management system at the Highlands Library. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Release of Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report concur- Easement - ring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to Davis Avenue South release the easement granted for a water main constructed by the developer on Davis Avenue South, immediately South of South 43rd Street, which falls within a dedicated roadway and is no longer necessary to the City. The Committee recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Release of Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report concur- Easement - ring in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works to ` One Valley Place release the easements on the interior lot lines of the plat of Plat One Valley Place, Davis Avenue South, and South 43rd Street, due to plans to construct buildings which will extend over lot Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page seven OLD BUSINESS - Continued Utilities Committee lines/easements. City monies have not been spent in obtaining Release of or maintaining these Class B easements and no monetary remunera- Easement - tion is required. The Committee recommended the Mayor and City One Valley Place Clerk be authorized to sign necessary documents. MOVED BY Plat Continued HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending Council accept the low bid of $21,784.32 from RAMSC Public Emerald Paving, Inc. , for parking lot improvements at the Renton Parking Lot Area Multi-Service Center (RAMSC) . 1984 Block Grant Program Improvements funds in the amount of $21,104 have been allocated for this project; check for the balance of $680.32 has been submitted to the City by the RAMSC. The Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Keolker presented the RAMSC check in the amount of $680.32 to the Mayor. It was noted there would be no change in the parking lot traffic pattern. Housing and Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Community recommending the Park Department be authorized to proceed with a Development/ joint project request co-sponsored by King County Parks for King County $47,940 for the Cedar River Natural Zone Design Phase. Funds Joint Project for this project are separate from the regular Block Grant Program. Park Department anticipates this funding will help leverage other funding such as IAC funds in 1986, 1987, and 1988, and any other funds that may require match money. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Keolker thanked Council President Reed for preventing cancellation of the meeting by attending at very short notice when a committee member became ill. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Committee Planning Commission in adopting an "animal ordinance" and that Animal Regulations the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Remanded Appeals MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF and Waivers APPEALS AND WAIVERS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Referred CARRIED. Metro Bus Routes Councilman Stredicke questioned whether Metro bus routes had been altered to go down Wells Street. Councilman Trimm indicated this bus turns on Wells Street, then on Second Avenue to a stop at McLendon's Hardware. Mayor Shinpoch reported the Service Evaluation Committee (a subcommittee composed of members of the Metro Council) evaluates route productivity and has the authority to change routes and, according to significance of the change, whether to hold public hearings or merely post change notices. i � I i Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page eight ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #3919 An ordinance was read providing for appropriation of 1985 1985 Housing Federal Housing and Community Development Block Grants in and Community the total amount of $306,626 for Phase 2 of the Highlands Development Neighborhood Center ($72,352) ; Housing Assistance Program Block Grants ($74,381); Phase I of Highlands Walkways ($13,578); North Highlands Neighborhood Center Rehabilitation, Phase I ($14,634) ; Senior Services Program ($17,347); RAMSC Clothing Bank ($3,120); Planning and Administration ($35,910); Joint Rental Housing Rehabilitation Program ($32,444) ; RAMSC Elevator ($39,321); and Pedestrian Corridor ($3,539). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL; ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Alcoholic Beverages An ordinance was read amending Section 6-1201 of Title VI on Public Property (Police Regulations) of the City Code relating to prohibiting drinking of alcoholic beverages on public streets, alleys, and property, except as a patron of the Maplewood Golf Course and at a premise licensed by the Liquor Control Board of the State of Washington when such beverages are purchased for consumption from the operator thereof. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Clymer indicated that this ordinance was on first reading at Council's previous meeting, now revised to include the Renton Airport. Sign Ordinance An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 4-1918 of Amendment Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code relating to off-premise advertising, allowing illumination of signs for location identification only with no copy, symbol, or device other than that in keeping with the principal occupant; except as an accessory use of an identification sign or other structure if the maximum size is six feet square, no more than 25% of the principal structure is covered by the off-premise advertising sign, and the off-premise sign is designed to be viewed by users of the facility rather than street traffic. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Small Lot Zones An ordinance was read amending portions of Sections 4-702 and Single Family 4-707 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of the City Code Zone R-1-5 relating to small lot zones. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Committee Chairman Clymer indicated notices have been mailed to interested parties notifying them that these three related ordinances would be on the Ways and Means Committee agenda for next week. Transitional An ordinance was read amending the City's Comprehensive Plan, Single Family maps, and data in conjunction uncon therewith relating p � g to policies Residential with reference to transitional single family residential Development development. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. R-1-5 Zone An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 7-905 of UFC Sprinkler Title VII (Fire Regulations) of the City Code relating to UFC Requirements sprinkler requirements regarding R-1-5 zone. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. 456 Renton City Council June 24, 1985 Page nine Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 7495 through 7803 in the amount of $717,750.27, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 7500-7509 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker requested staff comment regarding quality Street Patch of patching material used by Group W Cable on Cedar Street, Quality indicating it becomes sticky and adheres to shoes and clothing when heated by the sun. Fire Hydrant Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding City policy on regula- Water Use tion of fire hydrant water usage by parking lot cleaners. Administrative Assistant Parness responded there are permits issued for certain locations where cleaners can obtain water and meters are utilized. Police Captain Bourasa indicated Police Department personnel check all people observed tapping water hydrants to be sure they have a permit, instruct them to obtain a permit, or cite them for water theft. Councilwoman Mathews stated she would provide the Utilities Committee with information gathered when this subject was studied in the past. Low Water Councilman Stredicke requested update on progress in improving Pressure Areas low water pressure areas within the City, as indicated on maps previously provided to Council. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported the Kalk Court Case involving a man REPORT injured near the Boeing Company while City traffic lights were Kalk Court Case on flash mode had been settled out of court on June 18, but Settlement particulars are unknown at this time as notification has not been received from the insurance company. City Attorney Warren indicated he had contacted attorneys for the insurance company and confirmed that the case had settled, but had not received any official notification. 1985 Public Works Mayor Shinpoch distributed charts listing current status of all Projects Charts/ Public Works projects and indicated an update on city-wide CPI Update Capital Improvement projects would be provided by the staff at Council convenience. Budget Seminar Mayor Shinpoch also distributed a memorandum giving an informal Assessment assessment of Council's conclusions following the budget seminar held June 20. The Mayor urged Council to thoroughly review the memo, edit at will, and return comments to her. Sailing Club Mayor Shinpoch also distributed a memorandum regarding Sailing Activities Club activities on city-owned property located at North 52nd Street. The Mayor noted this is an historical perspective of the Administration's position for Council's information. July 4th Mayor Shinpoch thanked Council President Reed in advance for Celebration attending the upcoming July 4th celebration in her absence. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11: 10 p.m. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk I City of Renton Check Distribution Fund Total Checks MACHINE VOIDS: No.# 07500 - 07509 CURRENT 93.208.46 PARK,5 103.292. 29 ARTERIAL STREETS 20.-265. 56 STREETS 66.-486. 83 LIBRARY 13.058. 66 GEN GCVT MISC DEET SERV 13.-065 .10 STREET FCRWARD Th,RUST 25.-339. 58 G COULON BCH PRK CONSTR 2,675. 37 MUNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 2. 575. 90 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 12.-385. 83 WATERWORKS UTILITY 205.-433.25 AIRPORT 5x054.67 GCLF COURSE FUND 17.-836.38 WATER 8 SEWER CONSTRUCTION 105.-275.73 ECUIPMENT RENTAL 9.-347.13 FIREMEN'S PENSION 17.-452. 39 LID CONTROL 4.-997. 14 Total of all Checks 717.-750.27 City of Renton Check Distribution Fund Total Checks We.- the undersigned members of the Ways and Merns Committee of the Penton City Courcil.- having received clepertmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rerdered.- do hereby approve for payment Vouchers No. 7495 through No. 7803 in the amount of 5717,750. 27 this 24th day of June 1985 . �� Committee Chairman �%�-- -_-- _ _ Member --_-- -_---- -------- Member - -_ -:✓__-1y�1!r'� d� CJ► CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 00 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 24, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 6/25 7:30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd Floor Conference Room City newsletter; M.Parness invited. PLANNING E DEVELOPMENT STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 7/1 7:30 p.m. TRIMM 6th Floor Conference Room Peep shows TRANSPORTATION Tues. 6/25 3:00 p.m. MATHEWS 4th Floor Conference Room Metro Transit Center, I-405 Update, UAB (AVIATION) Funding adjustment and signal improvement adjustment UTILITIES HUGHES WAYS S MEANS CLYMER OTHER MEETINGS E EVENTS 'ISSUE, _ CITY�F R�hTON__ X6/257 BUILDING 3 ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK EtiCING JUNE 21, 1995 3UILOING PERMITS 11161 3.600 MARTIN M PATRICELLI 729 SW LANGSTON RD CONSTRUCT GARAGE 11102 3.c00 JON RYAN 313 MEACOW AV N SICIN- 11103 27600 STAN 4 SHARON PETERS 3SENECA AV NW CONSTPUCT ADDITION FOR POOL 11164 10,CCO STAN PETERS 313 SENECA AV NW INST POOL 11165 3.000 HANS KOCH/TRANS RIM ENT 391 SW 27TM ST INST 6000 GAS TANK 11106 OAKHURST OEV CO 375 UNICN AV S= 4142 SET MDBILE MOM= 11167 2.500 OAKHURST OEV CO 375 UNICN AV Si 0142 CONST PATIO ETC 1116? OAKHURST DEV CC 375 UNICN AV SE A71 SET MCBILE HOME 11109 2.500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNICN AV SE E71 CONST PATIO ETC 1� 11170 OAKHURST DEv CO 375 UNICN AV SE x197 SET MOBILE HCME 11171 2.500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNICN AV SE X197 CONST PATIO ETC 11172 OAKHURST DEV CC 375 UNICN AV SE 4135 SET MOBILE HCME 11173 2.500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE 0135 CONST PATIO ETC 11174 41.000 LEONDAR: 3LCRS 4300 Sc 4TH ST CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11175 1.500 SAN LWAI/BLUE MTN 3915 TALBOT RD S CONST CONCRETE STAIRS—eiXT'RIOR 11176 50.0^J OR ROBERT BCCKGVEN 3915 TALBOT RD S TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11177 8.30 LEN AN,ERSON 1824 SE 16TH PL FRAME FLAT ROOF TO PEAKED GABLE 11173 500 WEB PRESS CCRP 329 HOUSER WY N INST LP GAS TANK 11179 DARVE 3 LAURA CLARK 236 NW 6TM ST DEMOLISH INTERIOR! REMOVE MAT, 11180 2.200 FRANK IVANOCICH 140 HARDIE AV SW ROOF REPLACEMENT ON APARTMENT 11181 19.900 WILLIAM SMITH 1016 N 33RD ST CONST S/F ADDITION 111!2 1.C43.433 EVERGREEN PROPERTIES 2000 BENSON RD S CONST R:TAIL STCRES DEVELOPMENT 11183 12o000 MICHAEL M CEHART _ 2512 WFIITMAN CT NE— __ CONST RCC ROOM ADDITION TO S/F ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12536 550 JOSEPH BURT 512 WILLIAMS AV $ CHANGE SERVICE TO 200 AMPS Z587 115p MARTIN M, PATRICELLI._._ 729 SW LANGSTCN. RD WIRE GARAGE 2588 2.000 MARK MITMAN 2065 SE 8TH PL WIRE S/F RESIDENCE 12539 1.300 HIBURY HOMES 403 FERNDALE AV NE WIRE NEW S/F RESIDENCE 125;0 100 OEOORAH ENGLUNO 5 5 CEDAR AV S INSTALL 3 LIGHT CIRCUITS 12591 1oC00 PUGET SOUND POWER ` LIG 1101 LAKE WASHINGTON BL N100 AMP PANEL. POWER OUTLETS S 12592 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNICN AV SE 0197 WIRE MOBILE HOME 12593 200 UNION AVE CO 375 LNICN AV SE 0142 WIRE MOBILE HOME 125;4 1.600 SCRCO CONSTRUCTION 1934 SHATTUCK AV S WIRE NEW S/F RESICENCE 12595 1.000 OETRICH 1301 N 26TH ST .._,_ ALTER SERVICE i MIRE REMODEL 12596 100 MCGEE CCNSTRUCTION 206 NW 6TM ST TEMPORARY SERVICE. FIRE DAMAGE 12597 000 0RVAL JDHANSON 1532 ABERDEEN AV NE INST NEW SERVICE 12593 2.850 C W SCOTT 1221 N 30TH ST INST WIRING 12599 2.100 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSON WY N WIRING FOR 34 WASHERS i DRYERS 12600 100 wIEURY HOMES 355 INDEX PL NE INST TEMPORARY POWER 12501 200 UNION AV CO 75 UNION ►V SE M71 WIRE MCBILE HOME 12602 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNION AV SE #135 WIRE MOBILE HOME 12603 250 JIM/BOB COCKS 150 SW SUNSET 91. INST ,WIRING IN STORAGE AREA 12604 1 230 HOK 935 POWELL AV SW INST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MECHANICAL PERMITS 11003 250 SUPER SHOPS INC 901 S 2ND ST INST EXHAUST FAN 11004 1.2CO LECNARO 3LCRS 4306 SE 4TH ST INST FURNACE 11005 500 GARY DOWNS 407 WILLIAMS AV S INST GAS FURNACE/WATER HEATER PLUMBING PERMITS 395 2.000 MARK MITMAN 2065 SE STH DL INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 396 - 3.118 AT GUSTAFSON 4015 NE 10TH ST INSTALL 14 FIXTURES 347 650TED BELL 3806 NE STH CT INST 1 WASHER, GAS 398 27. _..PIPIN, 399 00$8 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST BLDG Q INSTALL 186 FIXTURES 400 22.112 ARMSTRONS HOMES 1000 N7,,CO CCNT;CN CORP 2307 �29TH ST 4T4 ST 9L0, ► ZNSTA10 PLL �BGcFIXTUR-S SIGN PERMIT$ 1429 1.500 WCLF BROTHERS OIL CO 632 RAINIER AV S INSTALL 72 SC FT FREE STAND SIGN 1433 150 JIM d 808 CCCKS 150 SW SUNSET 3L INSTALL TEMPCRARY SIGN 1431 51CCO SHLRGARC CAPITOL GROUP 2233 EAST VALLEY RD INST D/F POLE SIGN 1432 100 LEROY 3 BORINKA SKJONSB 315 SW SUNSET BL INSTALL GRAND OPENING SIGN 1433 1.900 Eu RY3AR 212 S 3RO ST INST ALUM, LIGHTED SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5999 Art Gustafson 4015 NE Tenth Street Install side sewer OF R4 v� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, U tip Z COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT I. HUGHES Zm KATHY KEOLKER O NANCY L. MATHEWS 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE O THOMAS W. TRIMM 9�TFD SEPIr'-0O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JULY 1, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Public Works Director presents proposed mitigation plan for eastside Watershed Project (P-1) Panther Creek Wetland. Refer to Utilities Committee. b. Claim for damages in unspecified amount filed for paint damage to auto allegedly caused by driving over newly painted crosswalk ; filed by Jerry Novak, 1432 Jones Ave. NE. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. C. Public Works Department/Traffic Engineer submits CAG 002-85, South 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue South signalization and channelization improvement; and requests approval of project and authorize final payment of $32, 574.03 and release of retained amount subject to receipt of required clearances. Council concur. d. Public Works Director requests maintenance of light standards and benches in CBD. Refer to Community Services Committee. e. City Clerk notes filing period July 29 through August 2 at King County Election Department, Seattle for three City Council positions: Position 1. Nancy Mathews; Position 2. Earl Clymer; Position 3. John W. Reed. Primary Election September 17, 1985; General Election November 5, 1985. Information. f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval with restrictive covenants of Seattle First National Bank rezone 1.73 acres from G-1 to B-1, property located at 1419 No. 30th St. adjacent to 1-405 and 30th Street.(R-023-85) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. g. Appeal filed by Thomas Barr of Thomas Barr Rezone R-009-85 , "Scotty's One Stop Reconditioning, Inc" 402 South Tobin Street. Refer to Planninq and Development Committee. h. Appeals filed by Victoria Hills Homeowners Association and The Luckey Co. regarding PPUD-008-85 The Luckey Co, location: south of South Puget Drive, west of Benson Road South and north of South 26th Street . Hearing Examiner recommendation remand by the City Council. Refer to the Planning and Development Committee. i. Public Works Director reports Honeycreek sewer line is now under construction, completion date projected to be September 1, 1985. Refer to Utilities Committee regarding sewer moratorium NE quadrant -f the City. 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Rainier Disposal requests permission to add 3. 529 % excise tax increase onto customer billings in the City. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 1, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Fischer Request for Sewer Connection Response regarding Social Needs Study CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICE Novak Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Maintenance of light standards and benches in CBD MAYOR & CITY CLERK Interlocal agreement with Metro for S. 7th widening (park and ride) Interlocal agreement with Metro for bus lane on S. 43rd Street Contract for signal system improvement project PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thomas Barr Appeal, R-009-85 The Luckey Company Remand Appeals (PPUD-008-85) Victoria Hills UTILITIES COMMITTEE Building moratorium in NE quadrant; Van Parys request to construct Fischer request for sewer connection Panther Creek Wetland Study for P-1 Project Rainier Disposal request for refuse collection tax WAYS AND MEANS COW-11TTEE Seattle First National Bank Rozone, R-023-35 Lot Line Adjustment Application Fee ordinance (Ist reading 7/1/85) Lincoln Properties Street Vacation (Ist reading 7/1/85) Animal Regulations (Ist reading 7/1/85) Regulation of Garage Sales PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/15/85 - Amendment to Shoreline Master Program regarding landfills RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 1 , 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTAS, Assistant City Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Don Van Parys, 13837 SE 128th Street, Renton, requested Council consideration of Consent Agenda Item 5. i . , regarding sewer moratorium in the City's northeast quadrant. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 5. i . OF CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Public Works Department requested review of building moratorium Item 5. i . in northeast quadrant in view of anticipated completion of Building Moratorium Honey Creek sewer line on 9/1/85 and in response to requests in NE Quadrant for issuance of building permits. Mr. Van Parys requested permission to begin construction of a single family home in the area of the moratorium with the condition that no occupancy would be allowed until the moratorium is lifted. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Council President Reed clarified the intent of the motion to allow consideration of the matter by the whole Council after the Utilities Committee makes a recommendation. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the opinion of the Building Department that, if allowed, a building permit would be issued only with the caveat of no occupancy. MOTION CARRIED. Sewer System Alvin Fischer, 16814 Springbrook Road, Renton, advised recent Connection failure of his septic system. Since he lacks sufficient Requested land to install a new drainfield, he requested permission to connect to City sewer lines which run the length of his property on Talbot Road S. He noted recent approval by Council of a similar request by his neighbor, Ray Thurston, and advised _ willingness to sign a covenant to annex to the City. Mayor Shinpoch explained that the King County Health Department must declare a health hazard before the City can permit sewer hookup. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER MR. FISCHER'S REQUEST SIMULTANEOUSLY TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE AND THE ADMINISTRATION TO CONTACT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. CARRIED. Renton Vocational Kathleen Jett, 583 Kirkland Avenue NE, Renton, addressed the Technical Council regarding joint City/Renton School District roadway Institute improvement project associated with Renton Vocational School Expansion Project expansion. She noted that the matter of sidewalk installation on the east side of Kirkland Avenue NE required during street vacation review is now in question due to desire of the School District to install sidewalks in another location. Since the matter is pending before the Hearing Examiner in review of a rezone of the expansion site and the bids are due to be let for the project, Ms. Jett requested sidewalk specifications be withheld from the bid until resolution of the matter. City Attorney Warren reviewed State bid laws which require inclusion of all project specifications in the bid. However, he suggested that before work begins, change orders could be filed to delete sidewalks, or sidewalk installation could be postponed until the end of the project. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to check with staff on the matter. Renton City Council 7/1/85 Page two Audience Comment continued Drainage Problem Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. , Renton, called Council ' s on Renton Hill attention to a problem previously raised concerning storm drainage on Cedar Avenue S. and S. 5th, and the alley and S. 5th. Due to alleged improper placement of catch basins upstream from the flow during the LID on Cedar, drainage travels down 5th and the alley and causes erosion of the surface. Mr. Webb noted the City had installed a linear drain across 5th; however, a second linear drain across the alley at 5th has not been completed nor has S. 5th been paved. He also called attention to a large, sight-obscuring dirt pile left by the City which blocks access on the alley and creates an attractive nuisance for children. Mr. Webb requested completion of the drainage project and removal of the dirt pile. Mayor Shinpoch indicated that Public Works Director Houghton has responded in writing to Mr. Webb that he will request a budget appropriation to complete the paving project, possibly using concrete instead of asphalt due to steepness of grade. High Speed On a separate matter, Mr. Webb questioned Police Department Police Chases policy to use alley for high speed chases. He noted that recent chase on 6/25 involved three police cars, two of which used the alley for access in chasing a motorcycle. He felt excessive speed in the low visibility alley is hazardous to pets, children and adult pedestrians. He acknowledged receipt of response from Captain Don Persson outlining policy for high speed chases when warranted. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Panther Creek Public Works Director presented proposal by Soil Conservation Wetland Study Service for agreement with City of Renton, SCS and King for P-1 Project County Conservation District to prepare a conceptual plan for acquisition and management of the Panther Creek Wetland, a key feature in accelerating the implementation of the East Green River Watershed Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. Novak Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Jerry for Damages Novak, 1432 Jones Avenue NE, Renton, for paint on auto CL 22-85 allegedly caused by driving over newly painted crosswalk at 16th and Edmonds, citing warnings not posted (6/15/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. S. 2nd Street/ Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department submitted CAG 002-85, Burnett Avenue S. South 2nd Street and Burnett Avenue South Signalization and Signal and Channel Channelization Improvement; and requested approval of the Project project, authorization of final pay estimate of $32,574.03, CAG 002-85 commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retainage of $2,687.30 to UDL, Inc. if all required releases are received. Council concur. Maintenance of Public Works Department requested review of maintenance of Light Standards light standards and benches in Central Business District; and Benches in surplus funds available from bridge painting project. Refer CBD to Community Services Committee. Filing Period for City Clerk reported filing period for elected officials from Fall Elections July 29 through August 2, 1985 from 8: 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Primary 9/17/85 at King County Election Department, King County Administration General 11/5/85 Building, Seattle, for three Renton City Council positions: Position No. 1 - Nancy Mathews; Position No. 2 - Earl Clymer; Position No. 3 - John Reed. Information. Seattle First Hearing Examiner recommended approval with restrictive covenants National Bank for Seattle First National Bank rezone, File No. R-023-85, Rezone from G-1 to B-1 , property located at 1419 N. 30th Street R-023-85 adjacent to 1-405 and 30th Street. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appeal of Appeal of Hearing Examiner recommendation filed by Thomas Thomas Barr Barr, Thomas Barr Rezone, File No. R-009-85; denial of Rezone R-009-85 request for rezone from R-1 to L-2 for future auto cleaning business located at 402 South Tobin Street. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Renton City Council 7/1/85 Page three Consent Agenda continued Appeals on Appeals of Hearing Examiner recommendation on remand of Luckey Remand of Company Preliminary Planned Unit Development, File No. The Luckey PPUD-008-85, filed by Victoria Hills Homeowners Association Company PPUD (represented by Michael Hanis, attorney) , and The Luckey (Victoria Hills) Company (represented by Joel Haggard, attorney) ; 196 units PPUD-008-85 within 19 buildings proposed on the south side of S. Puget Drive, west of Benson Road and north of S. 26th Street. Matter originally appealed on 3/14/85 and remanded back to the Hearing Examiner by the City Council on 5/6/85. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Sid Grover, Manager of Rainier Disposal , Refuse Collection requesting approval by the City to add 3.529% excise tax Tax Requested increase to the utility billing for City garbage collection as authorized by the State Legislature under EESB 4228, effective July 1 , 1985. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE REQUEST TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested review of the contract with the refuse collection company to include extra bags of grass- clippings, etc. without additional monthly charge. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Community report regarding the matter of a City newsletter. The Committee Services discussed the title, "City Report," the format, the quality and Committee color of the paper, distribution methods and subjects City Newsletter to be included in the summer edition. The report is expected (Referred 5/20/85) to be distributed to all local businesses and residential dwelling units .by the third week in July. Progress will continue to be monitored by the Committee. (Information only. ) Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report Committee for information only regarding Metro Transit Center and I-405 Metro Transit widening project. After meeting with representatives of Metro, Center the Committee asked for additional information on the following (Referred 6/17/85) alternate site selections for a Metro Transit Center: Morris Avenue between S. 2nd Street and S. 3rd Street; northern edge of the K-Mart parking lot along S. 3rd Place; and the south side of S. 2nd Street between Morris and Logan. I-405 Widening On the matter of the "S" curve widening project, the Committee Project has discussed several street projects with the Public Works (Referred 10/17/85) Department which might be incorporated into the scope of the project. The Public Works Director will send a letter to Mr. Wirkala, Washington State Department of Transportation Project Engineer, indicating the City is interested in discussing these proposals with the State. Urban Arterial The Transportation Committee recommended that the Mayor write Trust Funds to the Washington State Transportation Commission protesting (Referred 6/180/85) the proposed amendment to increase local match for Urban Arterial Trust Funds from 10% to 20%. (A representative from the Public Works Department will attend public hearing on this matter on 7/18/85.) MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Interlocal The Transportation Committee concurred in the recommendation Agreement for of the Public Works Department to enter into an interlocal City/Metro S. agreement with Metro for extension of S. 7th Street widening 7th Widening project east from Rainier Avenue S. in conjunction with City Project street project for improved access to South Renton Park and (Referred 6/17/85) Ride Lot. The Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 7/1/85 Page four Old Business continued Transportation The Transportation Committee concurred in the recommendation Committee cont. of the Public Works Department to enter into an interlocal Interlocal agreement with Metro to add a bus lane on S. 43rd Street at Agreement with Metro' s cost in conjunction with LID 329 improvements. The Metro (LID 329 - Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be South 43rd) authorized to sign the agreement. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED (Referred 6/24/85) BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Chairman Mathews indicated the transit lane would be located on the north side of S. 43rd from Talbot Road S. west to the SR-167 northbound on-ramp. MOTION CARRIED. Signal System The Transportation Committee recommended approval of the low Improvement bid submitted by Wink-O-Matic Signal Company for the Signal Project Bid Award System Improvement Project in the amount of $109,824.75, (Referred 6/17/85) and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1-405 Project Upon inquiry by Council President Reed regarding widening project on I-405, Mayor Shinpoch reported that further public hearings will be held and she will keep Council informed of meeting schedule. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3920 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-1201 of Title VI Drinking of (Police Regulations) of City Code prohibiting drinking of Alcoholic alcoholic beverages on public streets, alleys and property Beverages on except at Maplewood Golf Course when purchased from the Public Streets, proprietor; does not apply to premises licensed by State Alleys & Property Liquor Control Board. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3921 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 4-1918 of Off-Premise Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code allowing illuminated Advertising signs with certain conditions relating to size, coverage of the principal structure, and design. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3922 An ordinance was read amending portions of Sections 4-702 and Small Lot Zone 4-707 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating R-1-5 to small lot zones (R-1-5) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3923 An ordinance was read amending the City' s Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive and maps and data to implement policies for transitional Plan Policies single family residential development (R-1-5) . MOVED BY for R-1-5 Zone TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3924 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 7-905 Fire Code of Title VII (Fire Regulations) of City Code relating to Sprinkler Uniform Fire Code sprinkler requirement for R-1-5 (small Requirements lot) zone. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT for R-1-5 Zone THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Lot Line An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4101 Adjustment of Title I (Administration) of City Code setting $100.00 Application application fee for lot line adjustments (record of survey) . Fee MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. • �v Renton City Council 7/1/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Lincoln Properties An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Lakeview Boulevard Street Vacation (SE 104th Street) lying north of 3rd Avenue (north of Gene (Anna Phinney) Coulon Memorial Beach Park) for Lincoln Properties (estate of VAC 02-85 Anna Phinney) , VAC 02-85. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Animal An ordinance was read amending portions of Chapter 7 of Title Regulations IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to animal regulations. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2609 A resolution was read updating the City' s Six Year Transportation Six-Year Improvement Program for 1986-1991 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED Transportation BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Program 1986-1991 NEW BUSINESS Council President Reed noted receipt of two letters from staff Softball Game regarding annual softball grudge match between Council members on July 4th and Senior Sluggers on July 4th. Mayor Shinpoch indicated she had responded. Garage Sales Citing instances of on-going garage sales in the City and need for regulation of these businesses, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF REGULATION OF GARAGES SALES TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fireworks Councilman Stredicke requested a report be supplied following Complaints the July 4th holiday listing number of complaints filed with Police and Fire Departments by citizens. He noted problems with fireworks landing on wood deck and felt sales of the items should be outlawed. Committee of MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE the Whole Meeting MEETING BE HELD ON JULY 18 FOR THE MONTH OF JULY. CARRIED. (Regularly scheduled meetings are on second Thursday of month.) ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry regarding maintaining an REPORT independent library system versus membership in the King Independent County system, Mayor Shinpoch advised that at the June, 1985, Library System meeting, the Library Board had unanimously supported maintaining an independent system. At some time in the future, the Board will be considering a contract with King County for an automated circulation control system in trade for certain other services. At the appropriate time, Council will be asked to review the matter. Group W Cable Mayor Shinpoch advised that in response to Council inquiry Roadway Surface regarding sticky roadway surface following undergrounding by Group W Cable, Public Works Department will investigate to determine if the surface is a temporary cold patch, and recommend corrective measures if necessary. Metro Bus Responding to Council inquiry regarding Metro bus route on Route on Wells Wells, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the turn on Wells is part of Route 155, in service for five years. Council-City Responding to the Council question relating to legality of Manager Form setting a future date for implementation of City of Government Council-City Manager form of government, Mayor Shinpoch relayed information from John Lamb of Municipal Research Services that such a procedure would not be legal . She indicated intent to pursue the matter, and requested submission by Council members of names of people to serve on a citizens study committee. Renton City Council 7/1/85 Page six Administrative Report continued Railroad Regarding Council inquiry about maintainance of railroad Improvements crossings, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that although the City has an agreement with Burlington Northern for crossings in the Orillia area, further research will be necessary to determine responsibility for other track areas. Low Water The low water pressure map and status will be provided at the Pressure Map next meeting. Reporter Jim McNett, reporter for Renton Record-Chronicle, is leaving Leaves his post effective this week. A replacement to cover City Hall news will be assigned. Social The City of Renton has been asked to join a consortium with Needs Study cities of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn, Pacific and Algona to commission a study to study South King County social needs in the total amount of $30,000; costs to be shared on a per capita basis by each city. Mayor Shinpoch indicated concern that the State and County should be responsible for providing solutions for funding rather than local jurisdictions. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RESPONSE, AND COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR SHINPOCH'S OUTLINE OF EFFORTS TO LOBBY THE STATE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT ARE LOSING MONEY. CARRIED. Councilwoman Mathews suggested that the Community Services Committee Chair or members join in a regional effort with representatives of other cities to monitor this matter. Workshop Critique Mayor Shinpoch reminded Councilmembers of her request that they submit a critique of recent Council budget workshop. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb questioned how a small town the size of Renton Police Chief can afford to lose the services of its police chief for three at FBI School months. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the determination of the Administration that the value of Chief Wallis' s attendance at FBI Academy in Virginia was of more use to the City in the long run than having him miss this opportunity. Renton Sailing Councilman Stredicke noted receipt of a letter from Mayor Club Permit Shinpoch regarding the continued operation of the Renton Sailing Club at NE 72nd Street; permit issued by City for use of street right-of-way. Mayor Shinpoch responded that the letter intended to explain rationale of the Board of Public Works in stating it does not plan to renew the permit for next year and urge Council members to support that decision given the background of the matter. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE Session INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOATIONS AND POTENTIAL LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:26 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; Time: 10:35 p.m. all members present with the exception of Councilman Clymer, excused. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. /'2�� p o MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR i Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 1, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIAAE CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 7/18 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY SERVICES KEOLKER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/18 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd floor conference room Thomas Barr Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION MATHEWS (AVIATION) Mon. 7/15 9:00 a.m. 4th floor conference room Update items under old business in committee report UTILITIES Weds. 7/3 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th floor conference room CBD Sewer Trunk Bids (bid opening 7/2) ; Quendall Terminals Well #5; ballot issue language for fluoridation WAYS E MEANS Mon. 7/8 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th floor conference room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED - CITY_IIF_RENTDN 06/28/85 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUEC WEEK ENCING JUNE 30, 1985 1B1UILDING PERMITS84 OAKHURST DEV. 77SS 1 g SS LL pp 1 185 2,500 OAKHURST DEV. 75 UNION AV SE 4198 CONSTOPATIOHETC 11166 OAKHURST DEV 33333375 UNICN AV SE 442 SET MOBILE HOME 11187 2,500 OAKHURST DEV CO 375 UNION AV SE 442 CONST PATIO ETC 11188 35,C00 DR M.E. BRAIN 3901 TALBOT RD S FOUNDATION ONLY,SUBJ.SEC.303(A) 11169 2,230 FEDERAL NAIL MORTGAGE A 4405 SE 3RO PL REROOF RESIDENCE 11190 1,380 EDDIE ELDEI 25C9 WE 7TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11191 8,200 RICHARD DIETRICH 1301 N 26TH ST REMODEL S/F KITCHEN 11192 10,000 WILLIAM MC LAUGHLIN 3221 WE SUNSET BL TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11193 60,600 HIBURY HOMES INC510 EDMONDS CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11194 60,600 HIBURY HOMES INC 516 EDMONDS CT NE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11195 60,600 HIBURY HOMES INC 455 INDEX PL WE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11196 60,600 HI5URY HOMES 474 EDMONDS CT WE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11197 60,000 HIBURY HOMES 2F?9 NE 4TH CT CONST S/F RESIDENCE r� 11198 66.300 HIBURY HOMES 451 INDEX PL WE CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11199 85,000 VIC CIVILE 2220 SE FTM PL CONSTRUCT S/F RESIDENCE 11200 MARRY CCLLEMAN 3717 WE 6TM ST GRADE AND FILL 11201 63,500 BURLESON CONST CO INC 2605 MILL AV S CONST S/F RESIDENCE 11202 6,550 WILLIAM BLYTH 1175 HARRINGTON PL WE ROOF REPAIR 11203 5,100 WILGEO III 1222 BRONSCN WY N TENANT IMPROVEM=_NT 11204 2,600 ROBERT FALLA SIC GRANDEY WY WE REROOF RESIDENCE 11205 1,976 DONALD W SChUMSKY 911 S 3RD ST REROOF SLOG 11206 6,000 JACK CURRAN 20 SW ?TM ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11207 1,700 GCRON JACOESON 703 S 17TH ST INST SW POOL/FENCE 11208 60,000 JACK 8 BENARCYA 820 SW 41ST ST INST ROOF SUPPORT SYSTEM 11209 2,600 DENNIS C. HYLAND 530 WELLS AV S REPLACE ROTTED SOS.& REROOF ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12605 2,300 MULL RYERSON VENTURES 2825 WE 12TH ST INST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12606 200 UNION AVE CC 375 UNION AV SE 442 WIRE MOBILE HOME 12607 2CO NORTH VALLEY PARTNERSHI 38 0 WEST VALLEY RD INST TEMPORARY POWER 12608 17,503 NORTH VALLEY PARTNERSHI 3EOG WEST VALLEY RD INST WIRING 12609 4,360 SCHNEIDER CONST. 500 MONROE AV WE BLDG 91 WIRE 4 UNIT APT BLDG 12610 4,360 SCHNEICER HCMES 500 MONROE AV WE BLDG F1 WIRE 4 UNIT APT BLD, 12611 3,400 BURGER KING 105 SW 7TH ST WIRE SIGN 12612 6 FLOYD L HEWITT 617 CEDAR AV S INST TEMPCRARY POWER 12613 100 VIC CIVILE 2220 SE 8TH PL TEMPORARY POWER 12614 100 HOLM?ERG CONST. 3700 EAST VALLEY RD INSTALL TEMPORARY PCWER 12615 100 BURLHON CCNSTRUCTION 2605 MILL AV S INST TEMPORARY POWER 12616 50 LEONARD BLORS 4300 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPCRARY POWER 12617 200 DON MC WILLIAMS 2820 LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINSST WIRING IN ADDITION 12618 100 S.C.D. INC 101 SW 41ST ST INSTALL TEMPORARY SERVICE 12619 1,300 WILGEO CORP 1222 BRONSON WY N INST WIRING 12620 1,C00 RENTON SCHOCL DISTRICT 315 GARCEN AV N INST WIRING FCR WINDOW A/C MECHANICAL PERMITS 11006 100,000 YUKCN OFFICE SUPPLY 300 SW 41ST ST INSTALL 13 NEAT PUMPS & FANS 11007 4,500 JOHN WEERS4019 NE 12TH ST INST HEAT PUMP 11006 1,10) BURLESON CONSTRUCTION 2605 MILL AV S INST FURNACE 11009 16.000 VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 4CO S 43RD ST INST FIRE ALARM SPRINKLER SYS 11010 1,900 FRED AKERN 1E22 KIRKLAND AV WE INST FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 401 900 WILLIAM MAGRS 1222 BRONSON WY N INST 3 HOT WATER TANKS " 482 3,COO WILLIAM MC L4UbHLIN 3221 WE SUNSET al INST 6 PLBG FIXTURES 403 450 RICHARD DIETRICH 1301 N 26TH ST RELOCATE DRAIN & WATER SUPPLY 404 1,CD0 BURLESON CCNSTRUCTICN 2605 MILL AV S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 4052Z7,000 CENTPON 23'07 NE 4TH ST BLDG C INSTALL 18o FIXTLRES 406 27,COO CENTRON 1307 WE 4TH ST BLDG D INSTALL 186 FIXTURES _r 407 27,000 CENTRON 2307 WE 4TH ST 6LOG E INSTALL 1E6 FIXTURES 408 27,C00 CENTRON 2307 WE 4TH ST BLDG F INSTALL 186 FIXTURES 409 5,000 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST INSTALL 32 FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1434 2,900 SUPER CUTS 20 SW 7TH ST ILLUMINATED S/F WALL SIGNS (2) 1435 3,400 BURGER KING,BIG FCOT RE 105 SW 7TH ST INSTALL 2 SF REAOSCARD SINS ON 1436 50 MARRY ESERLIN 801 S 2ND ST INST GRAND OPENING SIGN 1437 55 S�,UIPE ENTERPRISES 3168 SUNSET BL WE INST GRANO OPENING SIGN 1438 3,990 HARRY MCSCATEL 928 S 3RD ST INSTALL TWO WALL SIGNS 36 SO FT CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 5990 Reliable Distributors 3405 Lind Avenue SW Waterline, detector check and vault 6000 Leonard Builders 4306 SE 4th Street Side sewer 6001 A. T. Macrab 1808 Rolling Hills Ave. SE Remove curb, gutter 6 sidewalk and drive 6002 Lavern Schuh 2021 Vashon Avenue NE Install sanitary building sewer M� 470 OF R4 � �� AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS •�, �� O JOHN W. REED, EARL OCLYMER UNCIL RESIDENT Z ROBERT 1. HUGHES rn KATHY KEOLKER 00 RENTON CITY COUNCIL NANCY L. MA THEWS 9,0 � RICHARD M. STREDICKE O t`Q THOMAS W. TRIMM N7T60 SEPTV-0O REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JULY 8, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 1, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Building & Zoning Department recommends adoption of $100. 00 fee to accompany request for extension of approved final planned unit development (FPUD) (Section 4-2710(8) (B)) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. b. Building & Zoning Department recommends adoption of a $300.00 fee to acompany Binding Site Plan application (Section 9-1106(4) (B)I) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee. c. City Clerk submits Renton Village Company request for vacation of South Renton Village Place, located west of Talbot Road S. , north of 1-405, and south of Grady Way; petition represents 1000 of ownership. Refer to Ways and Means Committee to set public hearing for August 12, 1985 and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. d. City Clerk reports bid opening 7/2/85 for 1985 Central Business District (CBD) Sewer Trunk at South Tobin Street and Shattuck Avenue South; five bids; Engineer's estimate: $353, 198.02. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. City Clerk reports bid opening 7/2/85 for Honey Creek Sewer Replacement, Phase 111 ; five bids; Engineer's estimate: $377,470.00. Refer to Utilities Committee. f. Claim for damages filed by Ron Regis, 824 Jefferson NE, Renton, for damage to van allegedly caused by Rainier Disposal garbage collector when emptying can on 6/19/85. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. 6. CORRESPONDENCE 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 9. NEW BUSINESS I 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT I 12. ADJOURNMENT 9 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 8, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Renton Village Company Street Vacation (South Renton Village Place) CITY ATTORNEY S INSURANCE SERVICE Regis Claim for Damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Swimming Pier at Coulon Beach Park MAYOR & CITY CLERK Agreement with Quendall Terminals regarding Well No. 5 CBD Sewer Trunk Contract UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bids for CBD Sewer Trunk (awarded 7/8/85) Bids for Honey Creek Sewer, Phase 3 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Final PUD extension fee Binding site plan filing fee Renton Village Company Street Vacation (South Renton Village Place) Seattle First National Bank Rezone, R-023-85 ( 1st reading 7/8/85) PUBLIC HEARING 7/15/85 - Amendment to Shoreline Master Program (Landfills) 1 1 y7 / RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 8, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER At the invitation of Mayor Shinpoch, Demolay Master Counselor Eric Zimmerman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Mayor Shinpoch called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS KATHY A. KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City_ IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; LT. H. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 1 , 1985, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Demolay Welcomed Mayor Shinpoch welcomed members of Demolay, attending the meeting as part of a local government tribute week. AUDIENCE COMMENT Alex Cugini , 611 Renton Avenue S. , requested Council advance to the Utilities Committee report regarding Well No. 5 near Quendall Terminals property. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Utilities recommending concurrence with the Quendall Terminals proposal Committee to abandon the use of Well No. 5 in exchange for a new well Quendall in the Renton northeast quadrant. The request, presented on Terminals 6/24/85 to the Council , disclosed that Quendall Terminals is Well No. 5 under consideration by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for inclusion in Superfund list as a hazardous waste site due to its proximity to Well No. 5. However, the well was terminated in the early 60' s because of high mineral content. The City was asked to advise the EPA that the well is dormant and there are no plans to reactivate it for use. The Committee indicated that Well No. 5 would be declared abandoned if, at no cost to the City, Quendall Terminals provided the following in the northeast quadrant of the City: 1 ) Well site; 2) Screened, tested production well yielding a minimum continuous supply of 1300 gallons per minute; 3) Provision of any required transmission water mains to connect the new well to the existing City water mains; 4) Extension of power, if required, for three-phase service to the new well site from existing power systems. The Committee further recommended that the new well should be completed and accepted by the City within a 24-month period of the final agreement between the City and Quendall Terminals. Further, the Mayor and City Clerk shall be authorized to proceed with an agreement between Quendall Terminals and the City to abandon the old well and assume a new well . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Reed asked for a progress report on development of the Port Quendall Planned Unit Development, approved by Council in 1982. Mr. Cugini indicated that following resolution of problems associated with toxic waste on the site, development will begin and advance as planned. 2 Renton City Council 7/8/85 Page two Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Fee for Extension Building and Zoning Department recommended $100 fee be of Final PUD required to accompany requests for extension of an approved final planned unit development (FPUD) to be included in fee schedule (Title I , Chapter 41 ) . Refer to Ways & Means Committee. Fee for Binding Building and Zoning Department recommended $300 fee be Site Plan required to accompany applications for Binding Site Plan (Section 9-1106 (4) (B) 1 ) . Refer to Ways & Means Committee. Renton Village City Clerk submitted Renton Village Company request for Company Street vacation of South Renton Village Place, located west of Vacation of Talbot Road South, north of FAI-405, and south of Grady South Renton Way; Public Works Department has verified the petition Village Place represents 100% of property ownership. Refer to Ways and Means Committee to set public hearing for August 12, 1985; and to Board of Public Works for recommendation. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 7/2/85 for 1985 Central CBD Sewer Trunk Business District (CBD) Sewer Trunk at South Tobin Street and Shattuck Avenue South; five bids; Engineer' s estimate: $353,198.02. Refer to Utilities Committee. (See below) Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 7/2/85 for Honey Creek Honey Creek Sewer Replacement, Phase 3; five bids; Engineer ' s estimate: Sewer, Phase 3 $377,470-00. Refer to Utilities Committee. Regis Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $94.05 filed by Ron Regis, for Damages 824 Jefferson Avenue NE, Renton, for damage to van allegedly caused by Rainier Disposal garbage collector when emptying can on 6/19/85. Refer to City Attorney & insurance service. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Park Department requesting Swimming Pier review of Gene Coulon Beach Park Swimming Pier Project , at Coulon Beach final park project included in 1985 Budget/Work Program. Park MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Utilities concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee Department to accept the low bid submitted by Tri-State CBD Sewer Trunk Construction , Inc. in the amount of 5344,061 .60 for the (1985) Bid Award 1985 Sewer Trunk Replacement in CBD at S. Tobin Street and Shattuck Avenue extension. The Committee also recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #3925 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4101 Fee for Lot Line of Title I (Administration) of City Code setting $100.00 Adjustments application fee for lot line adjustments (record of survey) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: 473 Renton City Council 7/8/85 Page three Ordinances and Resolutions continued Seattle First An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of National Bank property located at 1419 N. 30th from General District (G-1 ) Rezone to Business District (B-1) for Seattle First National Bank; R-023-85 File No. R-023-85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Stredicke inquired whether property located at N. 30th and 1-4C5, on which a Chevron station is situated, has been annexed into the City or is a non-conforming use. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to check on the matter. MOTION CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 7804 through 8046 in the amount of $933,087.22, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 7807, and 7811-7817 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Reed reported humiliating defeat of Council Annual Softball softball team by Senior Sluggers, 13-6 (six innings) , at Game Defeat annual Fourth of July ball game. Mayor Shinpoch thanked Mr. Reed for attending the celebration and representing the City. Thomas Barr Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke Rezone Appeal submitted a letter for the record in reference to the Thomas R-009-85 Barr appeal . Letter from Gloria Longville Mehrens, which (Tobin Street) has been distributed to all parties of record in the matter, responded to letter of appeal filed by Mr. Barr. Attached to the letter was correspondence from Ric Rosa, owner of rezone site, indicating that if the rezone is denied, he is amenable to selling property for residential use. (Matter scheduled by Planning and Development Committee on 7/18/85.) Fireworks Upon inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch reported that 19 fireworks- Report related calls were received by the Fire Department, July 2- July 6. While most were not serious, a major fire occurred at Highlands Elementary School . Fireworks-related calls to the Police Department from July 1-July 7 numbered 113, with 573 non-related calls received. There were 56 tickets issued on Lake Washington Boulevard, 35 at Coulon Beach Park, and 11 impounds in enforcement of new signs in the area. ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to Council inquiry on 6/24/85 regarding problems REPORT with low water pressure in the City, Mayor Shinpoch reported Water Pressure that pressure in Area 1 (Renton West Hill ) will be increased Areas by August 15th upon completion of the West Hill reservoir. She pointed out other areas on a display map, and noted that low pressure problems in Area 2, which lies north and east of May Creek Valley and is not heavily populated, may be mitigated by negotiating with Water District No. 107 for service area trade. Area 3, located south of Talbot Hill Reservoir, is proposed to be served from a 12- inch main to be extended south along Springbrook Road and from South Talbot Hill Reservoir when purchased by the City. The easterly portion of Area 3 is best served by Water District No. 58 since current use does not warrant construction of a tank and pump station. Administrative Assistant Michael Parness noted that additional information is provided in the Six-Year Comprehensive Water Plan, adopted last year, and will be discussed at Committee of the Whole meeting on 7/18/85. AUDIENCE COMMENT William Jens, 1136 South 23rd Street, President of Victoria The Luckey Hills Homeowners Association, requested delay of Planning and Company, Development Committee meeting to discuss the appeals filed by PPUD-008-85 The Luckey Company, applicant, and Victoria Hills Homeowners Association until after July 31 . Committee Vice-Chairman Keolker concurred in the request, and indicated a meeting will be scheduled at next regular Council meeting for a date after July 31 , 1985. 474 Renton City Council 7/8/85 Page four Audience Comment continued Appreciation Eric Zimmerman, 18027 187th Avenue SE, Demolay Counselor. Extended for thanked Mayor Shinpoch and Councilmembers for an informative, Meeting and enjoyable meeting. He also expressed appreciation for the Briefing pre-meeting briefing by Administrative Assistant Parness, which helped the group better understand the proceedings. Mayor Shinpoch explained that most of the business conducted by Councilmembers occurs during numerous, lengthy committee meetings held on a weekly basis. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:32 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk City of Renton Check distribution Fund Total Checks MACHINE VOIDS: 07807, 07811 - 07817 CURRENT 249,362.89 PARKS 44274.51 ARTERIAL STREETS 2x106.48 STREETS 32,877 70 LIBRARY 4,944.58 GEN GOVT MISC D-c3T SEFV 51639.59 STREET FCRWARD THRUST 23.982.36 G CCULON 3CA PRK CCNSTR 41690.23 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 321960.49 WATERWORKS UTILITY 158.228.82 AI;PC;T 9x550.41 SCLID %AST-c UTILITY 1711414.73 GCLF COURSE FUNS 5.123.30 RATER i SEWER CCNSTQUCTION 125.153.94 ECUIPMENT RENTAL 58.664.98 INSURANCE FUND 3,362.22 LID CONTRCL 750.00 Total of all Checks 933.087.22 wep the undersigned members of the keys ane Means Committee of the Renton City Councile having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or romdor*dp do hereby approve for payment Vouchers No. 7804 through No. 8046 in the amount of $933.0157.22 this 8th day of July 1985. Committee Chairmen Member Member �/� ,z✓ 475 BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT • 1985 Central Business District Sewer Trunk - DAT E • July 2, 198South Tobin Street and Shattuck Avenue S. 5 EEU AA BIDDER MBE BB BID KING CONSTRUCTION CO. X $571,071.44 Addenda acknowledged 4734 SW 312th Place Federal Way, WA 98023 ROBISON CONSTRUCTION, INC. X $414,624.13 Addenda acknowledged P.O. Box 5789 Kent, WA 98064 SHORELINE CONSTRUCTION CO. X $496,417.28 Addenda acknowledged P.O. Box 358 Woodinville, WA 98072 TRI-STATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. X $344,061.60 Addenda acknowledged 959-108th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 UNIVERSAL UTILITY CONT. INC. X $357,891.03 Addenda acknowledged P.O. Box 329 Woodinville, WA 98072 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $353,198.02 BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT Honey Creek Sewer Replacement, Phase III DATE - July 2, 1985 Sales tax not included BIDDER MBE BB SCHEDULES BID KING CONSTRUCTION CO. X A: $243,489.45 Addendum acknowledged 4734 SW 312th Place B: 24,470.00 Federal Way, WA 98023 C: 46,707.75 D: 27,798.00 TOTAL: $342.465.20 TRI-STATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. X A: 263,719.25 Addendum acknowledged 959 108th Avenue NE B: 27,280.00 Bellevue, WA 98004 C: 52,777.50 D: 31,725.00 TOTAL: $375,501.75 DYAD CONSTRUCTION, INC. X A: $316,625.00 Addendum acknowledged P.O. Box 136 B: 30,172.90 Woodinville, WA 98072 C: 28,361.35 D: 34,428.50 TOTAL: $409,587.SO UNIVERSAL UTILITY CONT. INC. X A: $284,502.80 Addendum acknowledged P.O. Box 329 B: 32,740.40 Woodinville, WA 98072 C: 36,994.00 D: 34,235.00 TOTAL: $388,472.20 R ALIA COMPANY X Ai S287 997.12 9215 M L King Way S B. 30,310.08 Seattle ltiA 98118 C: 41 424.52 D: 35,093.90 TOTAL: $394,824.62 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: A: $262,504.00 B: 25,413.00 C: 57,538.00 D: 32,015.00 TOTAL: $377,470.00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 8, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 7/18 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Presentation by Economic Development Council; Council policies & procedures; Capital Improvement Program (Houghton and Webley) COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/9 3:30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd floor conference room Coulon Beach Park Swimming Pier; City Newsletter Tues. 7/16 5:00 p.m. 3rd floor conference room Bicycling Map (Municipal Arts Commission representatives invited) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/18 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd floor conference room Thomas Barr Appeal PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Fri. 7/12 8:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th floor conference room Cessna Group meeting (AVIATION) Mon. 7/15 9:00 a.m. 4th floor conference room Regular meeting (City Attorney invited) UTILITIES Weds. 7/10 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th floor conference room Honey Creek Sewer Replacement Bids ; Miscellaneous referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 7/15 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th floor conference room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS LEOFF BOARD Weds. 7/10 8:00 a.m. 6th floor conference room I_S S E Q ----- ----— - -. C IT Y_OF_ U kU N.- — —— - -p A.GE--1 — --------- - -- 017 5/85 SUILOILGPERMITNII O EDARTMENT _ WEEK ENDING JULY 5, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11207 1.700 GORON JACOBSON 703 S 17TH ST INST SW POCL/FENCE $g 11 80p.0 0 JACK 3 EENAROYA 828 SW 41ST ST INST ROOF SUPPORT SYSTEM 11c2.600 DENNIS D. HYLAND 530 WELLS AV S REPLACE ROTTED SOS.& REROOF 11210 1.135.000 MOCERN MANUFACTURING 2900 LIND AV SW CONST 2 STCRY OFFICE/MFG SLOG 11211 331192020 EILEEN NISSAN 33p01 NE 11Th PL REROOF RESIDENCE 1213 1.�0 MOARTY'BGUrA NETTE 2604 NE 5TH PL REROOF RESIDENCE 11122114 E9E333335 CITY OF RENTON 3330 SE 6TH ST REROCF MAPLEwOCO PARK BLDG 11216 153.059 INDFUBPRINLANIA 616 SNE41STHSST RERCCF RE31DENCc_1.-2-3 11217 4.334 BRUCE PICKERING 107 MONTEREY DR WE REROOF RESIDENCE 11 1R 4.84 ROBERT MEYN 2716 NE 24TH ST REROCF RESIDENCE 1 1 388 TOM KORDUS 6 UNION AV NE REPAIR ROOF 20 70. 6RCAOACRES INC 16 1 SW 10H ST PAVE PARKING LCT 11112222212 881.2p58 ERNEST KAHLER 2622, 9 NE 24TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 1T23 8.609 MIKESHAWN PARK CONSTEGARAGEDENCE ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12620 1.000 RENTON SCHCCL CISTRICT 315 GARCEN AV N INST WIRING FOR WINDOW A/C 12621 25 MICHAEL DOLLEMAN 427 WINCSOR WY NE IKST OUTLETS 12622200 LEASE CFUTCHER CONST 706 S PENTON VILLAGE PL INST TEMPCRARY POWER 12623 8.760 SCHNEIDER HCMES _ 500 MONROE AV NE BLDG N INST WIRING 12624 13.060 SCHNEIDER HCMES 5pp MONROE AV NE BLDG M INST WIRING 12625 200 HISURY HOMES 2715 NE 4TM CT INST TEMPORARY POWER 11222622zo 131000p LHLI3UFY55I-OMESSS 11B66 EDMCNDLLS CT NE INST WIRI OpNG IZ628 5.�DG DE nBBEAAUDEE�3U 45R55mATTUCKAAVNs RtWIREE4PSTORT BLLDGR 12629 1.700 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AV S REMOVE/REPLACE EXISTING CIRCUITS 12630 500 E B HARRIS 4005 PARK AV N INSST WIRING 12631 300 R FJARPER 2309 NE 107H PL .__ WIRE WASHER-DRYER-FOUR LIGHTi 6 OUTLETS S MECHANICAL PERMIT$ 11010 1.900 FRED AKERN 1822 KIRKLAND AV NE INST FURNACE 11011 100 . 0014 MG YILLIAMS 1120,1AKE WASMIWGTDN AL NINST LIN FAN PLUMBING PERMITS 405 27.000 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST BLDG C INSTALL 186 FIXTURES 40o 27.000 CENTRON 2307 NE 4TH ST BLDG D INSTALL 186 FIXTURES 487 7.c08 CENTRON 2107 NE 4TH ST ELDG E INSTALL 86 FIXTURES - 4 8 7.009 CENTRON 2107 NE 4TH ST BLDG F INSTALL �66 FIXTURES 409 5.000 CENTRON 2307 NE 47H ST INSTALL 32 FIXTURES 410 4.000 RANDOLPH LAKE. 005 3200 NE SUNSET BL INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 411 130 R CRAWFORD 60g S 25TH ST INST GAS PIPING 412 1.485 EVERGREEN MOBIL 801 HOUSER WY N GAS PIPING 2 OUTLETS 413 3.250 PENNY TUCKER 2216 NE 16Th ST INST 15 PLBG FIXTURES 414 _3.000 RELIANCE HOMES 403 TAYLOR PL NW INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 415 35J RON HALSEN 707 S 47H ST INST LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 416 2.000 SORCO 1940 SHATTUCK AV S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 417 1.540 DARVE CLARK 206 NW ETH ST INST PLBG-7 FIXTURES/PIPING 418 200 R HARPER 2309 NE 10TH PL _ ._. INSTALL WASHER IN LAUNDRY ROOM 'SIGN PERMITS 1438 3.990 HARRY MOSCATEL 928 S 3RD ST INSTALL TWC WALL SIGNS 36 SC FT AND 24 SC 1439 100 LERCY SKJCNSBERG 315 SW SUNSET SL INST 30 DAY REAOERBOARD SIGN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 6003 Robert H. Gordon 1000 N. 29th Street Sanitary building sewer 6004 Edward Gonzales 3101 6 3109 NE 11th Pl. Sanitary, storm, water and patch street AL78 of ; AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS IOHN W. REED, ` f! ;7. COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER Z r ROBERT I. HUGHES KATHY KEOLKER p R NANCY L. MATHEWS 9% R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE 0CLQ THOMAS W. TRIMM N9q D SEPZ�--o� REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JULY 15, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINF UCH, MONDAY, 8: 00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 8, 1985 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Amendment to Shoreline Master Program - Landfills 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Anne M. Rossman, 533 Grant Avenue South, Renton, for damage to mattress pad allegedly caused by discoloration from City water used in washing machine (7/2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. b. City Clerk submits Washington State Department of Transportation Certification of State Highway Routes in Renton. Refer to Public Works Department. c. City Clerk submits Washington State Office of Financial Management 1985 Population Report. Information only. d. Appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision to dismiss Honey Creek Associates applications for rezone, R-014-84, and preliminary planned unit development, PPUD-015-84, filed by attorney for applicant. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. e. Mayor Shinpoch submits request for funding by Al Wright, President of Southend Alano Lounge, to support 1986 programs. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. Public Works Department requests legislation to conserve City water supply during high use period in hot weather. Refer to Utilities Committee. g. Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requests ordinance to appropriate $15, 000 from Washington State Energy Office unto Street Fund/Traffic Engineering as approved in 1985 budget to implement Street Lighting Study. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. h. Public Works Department submits CAG 007-85, Union Avenue NE Waterline Replacement, W-773; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate of $2, 533. 32, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $5, 589. 04 to contractor, Grant Construction, if all required releases have been received (total project cost: $120, 835. 04) . Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Environmental Review Committee requests Council review of proposed development at two separate locations in King County, specifically, issues regarding annexation and public service. 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11 . -,'.','.`.INISTRATIVE REPORT 12. ":'., .-iFNCE COMMENT 13. 0110URNMENT 479 RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 15, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Request to purchase public use area on NE 7th Letter from Jack Curran regarding cruising CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICE Rossman claim for damages COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Alano Lounge request for funding assistance MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Honey Creek Contract for Phase 3 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Honey Creek Associates appeal, R-014-84 and PPUD-015-84 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Certification of State Highway Routes, 1985 UTILITIES COMN4ITTEE Emergency Water Conservation Ordinance WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Landfill section of Shoreline Master Program Street Lighting Study funding grant Fee schedule amendments (1st reading 7/15/85) PUBLIC HEARING 8/12/85 - Renton Village Company request to vacate South Renton Village Place 480 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 15, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; RONALD G. NELSON, Building & Zoning Director; ROGER J. BLAYLOCK, Zoning Administrator; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 8, 1985. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Shoreline Master and published in accordance with State law, Mayor Shinpoch Program opened the public hearing to consider an amendment to the Amendment Shoreline Master Program regarding landfills. Correspondence was read from Building & Zoning Director Ron Nelson reporting that in August of 1984, the State Department of Ecology (DOE) rejected a provision of the City' s Shoreline Master Program, amended in 1983, relating to landfills (Section 7.08.01 (A) ) . The City' s section allowed property used for single family residential dwellings and located adjacent to one bulkhead to be filled to the line of conformity with certain provisions: that fill not exceed 125 feet along the water' s edge and 35 feet into the water, and that provisions of Section 8.02.01 through 8.02.05 are met. The DOE found this section to be inconsistent with the intent of Washington Administrative Code Section 176-16-060(11) (e) , which permits construction of bulkheads only to protect upland areas and not for the direct purpose of creating land by filling behind the bulkhead. This decision cannot be overruled by the City. Therefore, the Building and Zoning Department recommended that Section 7.08.01 (A) be changed to read as follows: For detached single family residential uses, when the property is located between two (2) existing bulkheads, the property may be filled to the line of conformity provided the fill does not exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in length along the water' s edge and thirty-five (35) feet into the water, and provided the provisions of Section 8.02.01 through 8.02.05 are satisfactorily met; . . . Continued Zoning Administrator Roger Blaylock reiterated the purpose of the public hearing as a housekeeping measure to bring the City' s Shoreline Master Program into conformity with State law. Upon inquiry, Mr. Blaylock explained that the City' s Program complied with State law until the DOE made its determination in 1984 regarding landfills. Continued Versie Vaupel , P.O. Box 755, Renton, asked if the City had issued any shoreline landfill permits from the time of the determination by the DOE and the present. Mr. Blaylock reported no permits were issued. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BUILDING AND ZONING DIRECTOR AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. i CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Renton City Council 7/15/85 Page two Consent Agenda continued Rossman Claim Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Anne M. for Damages Rossman, 533 Grant Avenue South, Renton, for replacement of CL 25-85 mattress cover allegedly damaged by discolored City water in washing machine (7/2/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Certification City Clerk submitted Certification of State Highway Routes of State by the Washington State Department of Transportation, describing ._ Highway Routes routes within the limits of incorporated cities and towns as 1985 of July 1 , 1985. Refer to Public Works Department. Official City Clerk submitted official population report from the Population Washington State Office of Financial Management as of 4/1/85 1985 for the year 1985 for cities, towns and counties; population of Renton is 34,030; figures will be used for allocation of State revenues beginning January, 1986. Information only. Honey Creek Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s decision to dismiss Honey Creek Associates Associates applications for rezone, R-014-84, and preliminary Appeal planned unit development, PPUD-015-84, filed by John L. R-014-84 Hendrickson, attorney for applicant. Original report issued PPUD-015-84 by Examiner on 3/4/85; reconsidered by Examiner on 3/20/85; appealed to City Council on 4/3/85 by Mitch Murray and the applicant; remanded to Hearing Examiner by City Council on 5/6/85; and dismissed by Hearing Examiner on 6/7/85. Property located in the 2200 block of Jefferson Avenue NE, also proposed for annexation. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Alano Lounge Mayor Shinpoch submitted request for funding from Al Wright, Request for President of Southend Alano Lounge, to support 1986 activities Funds aiding recovery of individuals addicted to drugs and alcohol . Refer to Community Services Committee. Emergency Public Works Department requested legislation to implement Water emergency water conservation measures to limit use of City Conservation water during periods of hot, dry weather. Refer to Utilities Ordinance Committee. Street Light Public Works/Traffic Engineering Department requested ordinance Study Funding to appropriate $15,000 grant from Washington State Energy Grant Office unto Street Fund/Traffic Engineering to implement Street Lighting Study, approved in 1985 City of Renton Budget. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Union Avenue Public Works Department submitted CAG 007-85, Union Avenue NE Waterline Waterline Replacement, W-773; and requested approval of the Replacement project, authorization for final pay estimate of $2,533.32, W-773 commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained CAG 007-85 amount of $5,589.04 to contractor, Grant Construction, if all required releases have been received. Total project cost is $120,835.04. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT Approved AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Building & Zoning Director Ronald G. Nelson, Development representing the Environmental Review Committee, was read. at N. 44th Mr. Nelson apprised Council of two proposed developments Street located on King County property immediately adjacent to the Interchange City of Renton limits. The first, 4.5 acre parcel east of Denny' s Restaurant at 44th Street interchange, is being considered for development of commercial or multifamily residential use in a four-lot subdivision. Upon completion, the development would depend upon the City of Renton to supply water, sewer, storm drainage facility and allow access from two of the lots across private easements in the City. Since annexation cannot be required until connection to the water system occurs, the developer would build to King County standards through its development process rather than meeting Code requirements of the City. The ERC recommends that the City pursue annexation of the site and not allow access to nor certification for City water until that process is complete. 482 Renton City Council 7/15/85 Page three Correspondence continued Development Annexation would assure the City' s authority to monitor, at N. 44th control and approve development for compliance to City Street standards for streets, fire protection and storm drainage. Interchange Withholding water service may be complicated because the continued property is included in an LID and the owner has paid for water utility improvements. However, resolution of this matter is anticipated. Continued Mr. Nelson designated the subject property on a vicinity map. He relayed concerns of the Fire and Police Departments regarding response time to fire calls and traffic volume on Lake Washington Boulevard which should be addressed prior to development. Unless annexation occurs first, the City has no authority. Upon inquiry, Mr. Nelson explained that developments located contiguous to City boundaries are not automatically assured of provision of City utilities. However, in this particular case, an agreement was reached for water hookup some years ago. He also said that if annexation does not occur, the City plans to participate in the review orocess with the County under provisions of the King County General Development Guide, which allows cities the opportunity for input in county development near boundaries of cities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BUILDING & ZONING DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Council asked to be kept informed on this matter. Rezone Near The second part of Mr. Nelson ' s letter was read pertaining Valley Medical to a rezone on the east side of Talbot Road South, north Center on of S. 43rd Street, under consideration by the King County Talbot Road Hearing Examiner. The Examiner had chosen not to impose a $22.97 per vehicle trip fee requested by the City' s ERC as a condition of rezone approval to assist in making necessary roadway improvements in the Talbot Road-43rd Street corridor. Since the ERC feels the county has an obligation to assist the city in mitigating impacts to its transportation system by development in King County, it recommends the City appeal the decision of the King County Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ERC AND BUILDING & ZONING DIRECTOR IN THIS MATTER. City Attorney Warren explained possible options to request reconsideration of the Examiner, with second appeal period established after response to allow appeal to King County Council , if necessary. MOTION CARRIED. Quendall Letter was read from James C. Hanker, attorney for Quendall Terminals Terminals, regarding abandonment of Well No. 5. He advised Well No. 5 that the conditions recommended by the Utilities Committee and adopted by the City Council on 7/8/85 have no cost control and, therefore, are unacceptable. The conditions for declaring Well No. 5 abandoned for purposes of removing Quendall from the Superfund list were: Quendall Terminals would provide a new well , a well site, and all necessary connections in the northeast quadrant of the City within a 24-month period from the time of the final agreement. On behalf of his client, Mr. Harken offered to proceed based on a maximum commitment of $100,000. Continued City Attorney Warren indicated concerns that: 1) there is no guarantee that Quendall Terminals would be successful in locating a potential well site to replace Well No. 5; 2) if a well site is found, there is no guarantee that water rights would be approved by the State; and 3) in the event the first two conditions are met, costs for completion of the well are estimated from $250,000 to $300,000. Abandoning Well No. 5 without having a replacement represents a loss of water rights to the City which it may not be able to replace. Therefore, Mr. Warren recommended that the offer from Quendall Terminals for a maximum commitment of $100,000 be rejected. Renton City Council 7/15/85 Page four Correspondence continued Quendall Following discussion, City Attorney Warren was directed by Terminals Council to respond to Mr. Hanker' s letter by clearly stating Well No. 5 the Council 's position for the record that any abandonment continued of Well No. 5 would be strictly conditioned upon the provision of a replacement well and only then would the City consider abandonment. Also, the previous legislation passed on 7/8/85 by Council on this matter referring to abandonment of the well with provisos is no longer acceptable to Council .. nor is placing a $100,000 limit on participation appropriate. Since this is a dead issue, the City will not be advising the EPA that the well is dormant. Tom Teasdale Correspondence was read from Thomas R. Teasdale advising Resigns from Council of his resignation from the Renton Park Board. Park Board Mr. Teasdale regretted that his hearing difficulties make service no longer possible. He indicated pride in being a participant on the Board for the past 22 years, during which time he has made many friends and seen great progress in the park system. (An award will be presented 8/5/85.) Public Use Letter was read from William & Linda Blakey, 2009 Dayton Drive Area - SE, and Thomas & Jean Doyle, Middletown, N.J. , proposing the NE 7th Street City either sell or otherwise convey to them a portion of a public use area borderinq their property at 2905-2907 NE 7th Street, Renton. The letter advised that the area was never developed for its intended purpose, is not maintained, and is being used inappropriately for vehicular traffic. Addition of this land to lot 4 would allow construction of a duplex residence, which they feel would be an asset to the community. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE AND THE MATTER OF DISPOSITION OF ALL PUBLIC USE AREAS WITHIN THIS AREA TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Councilman Hughes requested that the Administration also review the matter of alleyways in the Highlands and upper Kennydale area presently on tax ...� rolls. Mayor Shinpoch agreed to research the matter. Cruising Correspondence was read from Jack B. Curran, President of _ Problem Henry Bacon Building Materials, Inc. 560 Hardie Avenue SW, calling attention to a severe problem incurred by his business and others by ''cruising cars.'' The cars congregate on Friday and Saturday evenings on SW 7th Street between Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue, blocking traffic and causing at least one business, Flakey Jake' s, to close two hours early. The Renton Police Department has issued citations, and business owners have chained gateways and installed signs in an effort to solve the problem. Before joining other businesses (Burger King, Shakey' s and others) in an alleged lawsuit against the City, Mr. Curran, owner of property incorporating 10 businesses in the immediate area, suggested that the City impose a curfew law. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker advised that Coulon Beach the Committee has reviewed the Coulon Beach Park Swimming Pier Park Swimming Project, referred on 7/8/85. The matter will be included in Pier Park Director John Webley' s presentation on the Capital Improvement Program at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 7/18/85. It appears funding is available from park bond monies. City Newsletter Chairman Keolker also reported that the City Newsletter will 1 be circulated to residents by this weekend. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending that the Honey Creek Phase 3 project be awarded Honey Creek to King Construction, Inc. in the total of amount of Phase 3 Bid $342,465.20 for Base Schedule A, and additional Schedules Award B, C and D (total does not include sales tax) . The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPORT. CARRIED. 1 i 4 (-- 4 Renton City Council 7/15/85 Page five Old Business continued Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Aviation an update on the west side hangar proposals at Renton Municipal Committee Airport as they pertain to Fancher Flyways. The attorney for Fancher Flyways - Fancher asked the Committee to reconsider its former Update West Side decision to place the west side lease in default. He cited Hangar Proposals Fancher' s value to the airport, and advised of a possible Cessna franchise, which would be of considerable benefit to the City. Also, Fancher can now afford to construct the hangars to the City' s specifications. Following discussion, the Committee recommended proceeding with the bid process previously approved in which a meeting will be set to review submitted proposals for the west side hangars. In addition to the Fancher submission, four other proposals are anticipated. Insurance Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Mathews presented Increase at an informational report advising an increase of $1 ,000 in the Airport airport liability insurance premium for the period May 30, 1985 to May 30, 1986 since May of 1984 ($5,711 to $6,705) . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3926 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Seattle First property located at 1419 North 30th from General Classification National Bank (G-1 ) to Business District (B-1) for Seattle First National - , Rezone Bank (R-023-85) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3927 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending portions Animal of Chapter 7 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code Regulations relating to animal regulations. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCES AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Fee Schedule An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4101 Amendments of Title I (Administrative) of City Code by adding a subsection requiring a $100 fee for final plat extensions, Code Section 4-2710(8) (B) , and a subsection adding a $300 fee for binding site plan review, Code Section 9-1106.B(1) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. x Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading & adoption: Resolution #2610 A resolution was read setting a hearing date for August 12, Renton Village 1985 to consider the vacation of South Renton Village Place Company Request requested by Renton Village Company, property located west for Street of Talbot Road South, north of 1-405, and south of Grady Vacation of S. Way. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT Renton Village P1 . THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested a status report on the Honey Honey Creek Creek sewer project in the northeast quadrant. Mayor Shinpoch Sewer Project assumed that Public Works Director Houghton will provide a report at Committee of the Whole meeting on 7/18/85. I-405 "S" Councilman Stredicke asked for a status report regarding the Curve Widening 1-405 "S" curve widening project. Mayor Shinpoch assured Project that the City has not taken a position on alternate route selection other than stating a preference for retaining the access to Renton Hill . Staff will be given the opportunity to comment on the environmental impact statement now being prepared by the State Department of Transportation (DOT) . Then in September, the DOT will hold an open house at the Sheraton Inn to accept comments on the route selected by the State. Councilman Stredicke requested a copy of the EIS when received. 485 Renton City Council 7/15/85 Page six New Business continued Birthday Councilman Clymer was wished a happy birthday a day late. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch commented on the high volumes of water being REPORT used by Renton residents during the past few weeks. However, Water Supply the City is continuing the interruptible service agreement with Kent to supply water to that city. With the exception of a fire involving five cars and a pickup on Lake Washington Boulevard, Renton has not suffered the fire damage incurred by other jurisdictions. Regarding the use of Maplewood Golf Course as a potential well site suggested earlier by Councilman Clymer, Mayor Shinpoch indicated that the matter is complicated by requirement to apply to the State for water rights. Water Rights Councilwoman Mathews clarified that an advantage of owning the golf course is that water rights can be transferred within the same basin if other well sites cease to function for any reason. Legislation Consent Agenda Item 6.f. was referenced by Mayor Shinpoch-- for Water Public Works Department request for legislation conserving Conservation water during dry weather. She indicated that should conservation measures become necessary, this legislation would give the City authority via the media to request cooperation of residents to restrict their water use. Mexican An entrepreneur opening a Mexican restaurant just outside Restaurant the City limits has extended an invitation to Mayor and Opens Council to be his guest on 7/16/85 at the restaurant. He has also offered to contribute $100 to the charity of the City' s choice. With concurrence of Council , Mayor Shinpoch indicated her selection of the Renton Food Bank. Police Report Police report: Two suspects fleeing in a stolen Mustang were apprehended on Park Avenue North, barricaded by Renton officers called to assist the State Patrol . Another incident involved a young woman seriously injured in an --- accident with a car traveling at high speeds on Maple Valley Highway on 7/13/85• ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:38 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 15, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. 7/18 7: 30 p.m. REED Council Chambers Economic Development Council presentation; Council policies & procedures; Capital Improvement Program (Houghton & Webley) COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/16 4:30 p.m. KEOLKEK 3rd floor conference room Maintenance of CBD light standards (Houghton or rep invited) 5:00 P.M. " " Bicycle Map (Municipal Arts reps invited) Tues. 7/23 4: 30 p.m. " " " 1986 H&CD Block Grant Program Policies PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/18 4:30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd floor conference room Barr Rezone Appeal Thurs. 7/25 4: 30 p.m. " " if OP, MP, L-1 & H-1 zone ordinances Tues. 8/6 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers The Luckey Company Appeal (Victoria Hills) PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Mon. 7/22 8:00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th floor conference room Airport Master Plan Scope of Work (AVIATION) Thurs. 8/1 8:00 a.m. " " Hangar proposals for airport Mon. 8/26 8:00 a.m. " " " Regular meeting - agenda to be announced UTILITIES eds. 7/17 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th floor conference room Building moratorium in NE Quadrant; Fluoride ballot wording; other referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 7/22 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th floor conference room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS Green River Manaqement Thurs. 7/18 10:00 a.m. Riverfront Park - Kent Aqreement Signing ISSUED CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 07/12/85 BUILDING B ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENDING JULY 12, 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11219 300 TOM KOROUS 760 UNION AV NE REPAIR ROOF 11220 70,000 BROAOACRES INC 1621 SW 16TH ST PAVE PARKING LOT 11221 1x258 ERNEST KAHLER 2629 NE 24TH ST REROOF RESIDENCE 11222 8.000 E B HARRIS 4005 PARK AV N REMODEL RESIDENCE 11223 8,680 MIKE SHAWN 625 SW 4TH PLCONST GARAGE !11224 15,0 0 TIMOTHY COGGER 6 9 GRANT AV S CONST ADDITION TO S/R RES. 11225 600 FLOYD FIGGINS 4225 NE 19TH ST RE-ROOF 11226 2.500 MR SWANE 411 WILLIAMS AV S REPAIR CHIMNEY 11?27 1188 GINNIE LINDER 502 BRONSON PL NE REROOF RESIDENCE 11Z 8 SUUO FRANKLIN HOGUE 756 UNION AV NE REROOF RESI^_ENCE 11229 13,860 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N REMOVE/INSTALL PARTITIONS 1112230 2,30202,p0pp00 JACK B BENAROYA I8�52.0 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMOROVEMENT SON OF BFCO 11232 31 12,SOJ STANLEYBAUM WOLFB COMBS 11777SHATTUCK AV S NON HARRINGTON AV NE RFROGFAAPTGSLOGWALL PARTITIONS AND HALF WALLS FOR OFF' 11233 4,700 JAMES ROUTOS 4224 EAST VALLEY RD REROOF SLOG ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12630 500 E B HARRIS 4005 PARK AV N INSST WIRING 12631 300 R HARPER 2309 NE 10TH PL WIRE MASHER-DRYER-FOUR LIGHTS 6 OUTLETS 5 SWITCHES 12632 2,150 PENNY TUCKER 2216 NE 16TH ST WIRE S/F RESIDENCE '2633 3,100 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3pp NE 4TH $T WIRE 5 MACHINE TOOLS icc34 400 3888 SE ROYAL HILLS DR REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE IN 2-B,2-C,2- G AND 2-M 12635200 BARBARA SHE PP 223 GARDEN AV N INSTALL TEMP 100 AMP SERVICE 12636 15,000 SCHNEIDER HOMES 500 MONROE AV NE INST LOW VOLTAGE FIRE ALARM SYS 12637 375 JOHN WEEPS 2019 NE 12TH ST WIRE MEAT PUMP/FUPNACF 12638 100 FRED AKERS 1822 KIRKLAND AV NE INST WIRING FOR FURNACE T2639 180 FRED AKERS 1824 KIRKLAND AV NE INST WIRING FOR FURNACE 2640 4 0 GEORGE A LORD 350 GARDEN AV N INST NEW 100 AMP SERVICE 12641 600 SEA FIRST BANK 307 BURNETT AV S EXTEND CIRCUIT 12642 23,323 THE REID GROUP 101 Sw 41ST ST WIRE NEW RETAIL CENTER 12643 150 TITAN CONST 2900 LIND AV SW INST TEMPORARY POWER 12644 1,800 ARMSTRONG HOMES 1000 N 29TH ST INST WIRING IN S/F RES. 12645 91,408 ISOWA 301 SW 27TH ST INST WIRINj 12646 97,000 METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW INST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MECHANICAL PERMITS 11012 450 EDWARD BUCK 2601 NF 19TH ST INST GAS WATER HEATER 11013 500 HELEN KALASONNTAS678 CAMAS AV NE INST GAS WATER HEATER 1014 1,500 HIBURY HOME$ 468 EDMONOS CT NE INST FURN/WATER HEATER 1015 1,300 DORAN FRANCIS 866 REDMONO AV NE INST WOOD STOVE 11016 1,500 EDWARD BUCK 2601 NE 19TH ST INSST FURNACE 11017 700 RICHARD LANGLOIS 2503 NE 7TH ST INST FURNACE 11,018 1,500 WILLIAM G MAGRS 1222 BRONSON WY N INST DRYER VENTING 11019 1,900 FRED A KERR 1824 KIRKLAND AV NE LENNOX GAS FURNACE 11820 500 VILLAGE SQUARE 1222 BRONSON WY N RELOCATE HEAT PUMP 1 21 150,000 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N MISC MECHANICAL WORK 11022 30,000 JACK BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST INST SPRINKLER SYSTEM 11023 7,000 JACK BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST INST SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLUMBING PERMITS 416 2,600 SORCO 1940 SHATTUCK AV S INST 14 PLBG FIXTURES 417 1,540 DARVE CLARK 206 NW 6TH ST INST PL3G-7 FIXTURES/PIPING 418 200 R HARPER 2309 NE 10TH PL INSTA`4� WASHER IN LAUNDRY ROOM 419 2,071 CMAFFEY COPP 165 BREMERTON PL NE INST lr. PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1440 290 HARRY EBERLIN 801 S 2ND STINST 30 DAY TEMPORARY SIGN 1441 4,000 SUPER SHOPS 801 S 2ND ST 192 SO FT WAIL SIGN 1442 50 ANTON J SCHATZ 485 RAINIER AV S INST CLOTH SIGN-30 DAYS EXTENDS 5-01426 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 6005 George Oberholtzer 1934 Shattuck Avenue S. Install sanitary building sewer X006 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4306 SE 4th Street Driveway approach 6007 Leonard Builders, Inc. 4200 SE 4th Street Driveway approach 5008 Jake Wail 468 Edmonds Ct. Install side sewer 5009 Roger & Judy Haney 2903 Cedar Avenue S. Install sanitary building sewer REVOKABLE PERMIT R-0078 The Boeing Company Sw 39th St./Raymond S. Temporary parking in street until parking lot is constructed 489 of Al AGENDA COUNCIL MEMBERS 1 ;� }— 0 JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER ROBERT J. HUGHES Z rn KATHY KEOLKER p ; NANCY L. MATHEWS 90 R E N T O N CITY COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE O THOMAS W. TRIMM 9�TFD SEP1E�9 REGULAR MEETING PRESIDING JULY 22, 1985 CITY CLERK BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MONDAY, 8:00 P.M. MAXINE E. MOTOR MAYOR 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1985 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT At this time, any member of the audience may address the City Council to discuss a topic of concern. Any citizen interested in a pending agenda item or Council committee report may request that the Council advance to that item of interest. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, spelling your last name. Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review and will be adopted in a single motion. Any item may be removed l for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. City Clerk recommends designation of Renton Record-Chronicle as official newspaper for publication of legal notices as required by State law. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. b. City Clerk reports bid opening 7/19/85 for portable generator set for Renton Highlands Pump Station. Refer to Utilities Committee. c. Claim for damages in the amount of $198. 50 filed by James C . Loran, 1317 Edmonds NE, apartment 12, Renton, for personal items allegedly lost by Renton City jailer (5/26/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. d. Claim for damages in the amount of $1, 118. 96 filed by Lester L. Loomis, 7441 South 118th Place, Seattle, for damage to camper allegedly caused by overhanging branches on Airport Way between Shattuck and Rainier Streets (7/14/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. e. Claim for damages in the amount of $609.95± filed by Stoneway Concrete, Inc. , P.O. Box 509, Renton, for damage to company pickup allegedly caused by collision with City dump truck (7/10/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. f. Claim for damages in the amount of $4, 433.81± filed by Ralph J . Robberstad, 671 Redmond Avenue NE, Renton, for medical care, injuries, and loss of wages allegedly caused by police brutality during his arrest on 6/4/85 . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. g. Policy Development Department submits Tibbles/Underwood Annexation proposal, 38 acre parcel located on the east side of 138th Avenue SE (Duvall Avenue NE) approximately 1500 feet north of the intersection with Sunset Boulevard NE; and requests a public meeting be set for August 5, 1985. Council concur. h. Public Works Department submits Lind Avenue Bridge Widening Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation in conjunction with the second phase of 1-405 widening project from Benson Road west to Tukwila. Refer to Transportation Committee. i. Public Works/Utility Engineering Department submits CAG-081-84, North Riverside Drive and Liberty Park 24-inch Transmission Main Project (W-585) ; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $108. 25; commencementof 30-day lien period, and release of $10,663. 95 to contractor, Grant Construction, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. j. Public Works/Engineering Department submits Honey Creek Sewer, Phase 1, Schedule A & B, CAG-021-85; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate of$712. 11, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $6, 055.48 retainage to R. L. Alia Co. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. (Continued on reverse side) Renton City Council Agenda July 22, 1985 Page two 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Alvin F. Fischer, 16814 Springbrook Road, Renton, requests approval of immediate sewer connection due to failure of septic system, and agrees to annex to the City. (Attached letter from Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, and completed application forms for annexation.) b. Letter from Charles L. Henderson, President of Charles Henderson Co. , Inc. , 2800 Northup Nay, Bellevue, requests concurrent review of annexation, rezone and preliminary planned unit development for the project known as Tibbles/Underwood Annexation (Consent Agenda 6.g.) . 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT RENTON CITY COUNCIL July 22, 1985 City Clerk's Office R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Fischer request for sewer hookup CITY ATTORNEY E INSURANCE SERVICE Loran Claim for Damages Loomis Claim for Damages Stoneway Concrete Claim for Damages Robberstad Claim for Damages MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Panther Creek P-1 Wetland Study Agreement PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Tibbles/Underwood request for concurrent review TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Lind Avenue Bridge Widening Project by DOT Metro Transit Zone Sites in CBD UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bids for Portable Generator Set at Highlands Pump Station WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Resolution designating Record Chronicle as official newspaper Fund transfer for park equipment at Jones Park Fluoride ballot question legislation Fund appropriation for Panther Creek P-1 Wetland Study Street Lighting Study fund appropriation (1st reading 7/22/85) PUBLIC HEARINGS 8/5/85 - Tibbles/Underwood 10% Annexation Petition - Duvall Avenue NE north of Sunset Boulevard 8/12/85 - Renton Village Company request to vacate South Renton Village `0 Place RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 22, 1985 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF JOHN W. REED, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. COUNCIL MEMBERS KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS CITY STAFF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1985. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ruth Larson, 714 High Avenue South, President of Renton Hill Lincoln Properties Community Association, called attention to the Lincoln Development Properties development at the end of Grant Avenue S. , which Landscaping - has not been landscaped as required by the City. She noted Renton Hill that an extension granted to the builder expired in November of 1984, and requested the City enforce the landscaping requirement for the facility, constructed three years ago. Philip Arnold Mrs. Larson also reported that her daughter and the two Park Safety children she was babysitting were instructed to leave Philip Arnold Park last week by FBI agents in pursuit of the armed driver of a red van. Until she receives a report on the incident from the Renton Police Department, she will not allow her children to use the park. Captain Persson assured that FBI agents had apprehended the suspect for a bank robbery in the area, and the park is again safe for play. Renton Loop The third matter addressed by Mrs. Larson pertained to the Renton loop. She felt that ticketing teenagers was a negative approach to solving the problem, and questioned whether drivers exceeding the speed limit through Renton during peak hours to and from work are being cited as well . As an alternative, Mrs. Larson suggested that an agency such as the Pacific Institute, which deals in positives, be contacted to assist in solving the problems associated with cruising. Continued Mayor Shinpoch reported that several incidents prompted need for increased enforcement of loop problems over the past weekend resulting in issuance of 192 citations, 23 to Renton residents and 24 to county residents with a Renton address. These included drug dealing, assaults resulting in serious injury, access blocked to emergency vehicles responding to a truck fire and injury accidents, and threat of lawsuits by business owners. While she respected the rights of young people to socialize, the protection of the public safety and welfare is of higher priority. Following discussion, Mayor Shinpoch agreed to pursue Mrs. Larson' s suggestion to contact an agency such as the Pacific Institute to propose an experimental study of the problem. For Council ' s information, she also advised that overtime costs for the added enforcement would be $11 ,000 not counting State Patrol staffing assistance. Thomas Barr Bob Nehren, 12611 SE 217th Place, Kent, requested advancement Rezone Appeal to the Planning and Development Committee report concerning R-Oo9-85 the Thomas Barr Rezone. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORTS (Majority and Minority) . CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Majority Report signed by Development Committee members Keolker and Mathews was read. The report Committee stated the opinion of the Committee majority that there is no finding of a substantial error of fact or law in the Hearing Examiner's report. 492 Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page two Planning and Development Committee Thomas Barr The report also stated that while the Comprehensive Plan Rezone Appeal designates the subject site as suitable for a light industrial R-009-84 zone, the Committee believes the rezone is untimely and continued conditions agreed to by the applicant are not sufficient to protect the residential properties from adverse effects of the Majority Report proposed industrial business. Continued Therefore, the majority concurred with the conclusion of the Hearing Examiner that the transition envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan from a residential neighborhood to a light industrial area should be accomplished by rezoning contiguous properties, not isolated parcels in the midst of single family homes. The majority of the Committee recommended that the City Council adopt the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and deny the requested rezone. Minority Report Minority report signed by Chairman Stredicke was read indicating his finding that the conclusions of the Hearing Examiner are erroneous. He recommended substituting new conclusions and granting the rezone. Continued The report stated that the applicant has stipulated to the following conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee as a condition of issuance of a Declaration of Non-Significance for the requested rezone: 1) The residence will remain (as a converted office) ; 2) The garage will be removed and a new driveway will be installed to the new building in the rear portion of the lot; 3) The site will be landscaped; 4) Work hours will be weekdays between 8:00 a.m. s and 5:00 p.m. ; 5) There will be NO weekend work; 6) There will be NO painting or upholstery work: 7) All work will be conducted within the buildings; 8) There will be NO body work; 9) There will be NO junk cars; 10) There will be NO trash or debris outside buildings. Continued In addition, the applicant agreed to two additional conditions r at the Committee meeting held 7/8/85: 11 ) Site plan approval ; and 12) Restriction of the use on the property to an auto detailing shop. Any change of use would require site plan approval . These conditions would be incorporated into restrictive covenants to run with the land. Continued Councilman Stredicke felt these conditions are sufficient to ensure that the proposed use will have no detrimental impact upon neighboring residential uses and the neighborhood will remain residential pending transition to light industrial uses. Continued His report stated that the overriding goal of the Comprehensive Plan for this neighborhood is that it should be in transition to light industrial uses as soon as possible while still protecting viability of the existing residential uses in the area. Continued Finally, the minority report recommended the City Council adopt the 12 conclusions listed above in place of Conclusions 1 through 8 of the Hearing Examiner' s report. A provision in the covenants would allow them to be voided automatically upon change of zone classification to L-1 or B-1 of all parcels located adjacent to the subject site. I Audience Comment Mr. Nehren, Mr. Barr' s son-in-law and former employee, explained the nature of the auto detailing business, which has operated in Renton for the past 10 years (233 Burnett South) . Services 4 include pressure washing of engines, vacuuming of car trunks and interiors with shop vac, shampooing of carpets, buffing and waxing of paint, cleaning of sidewall tires, and touching up chipped paint with a brush. He indicated that all work would be accomplished inside the building, noise would be minimal and no chemicals would be used. Continued Thomas Barr, 802 High Avenue S. , submitted a petition signed by 11 owners of businesses in the vicinity of the subject site, which are similar in nature to the proposed use. The petitioners expressed support for the proposed rezone at 402 South Tobin Street and felt the business would be a welcome addition. Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page three Planning and Development Committee Thomas Barr Mr. Barr also circulated photographs of lots and structures Rezone Appeal adjacent to the subject site and described current uses, noting R-009-85 location of commercial structures and rental homes. Continued Gloria Longville Mehrens, 316 S. Tobin Street, encouraged retention of residential use in the neighborhood and denial of business use. She noted that most of the businesses cited by Mr. Barr are not located on Tobin but rather are situated on Airport Way. Two homes which have been for sale are now sold and are occupied by residents. She felt that the proposed light industrial use would create noise and impact her privacy when the garage is removed and the driveway extended. She also circulated photographs of her residence and surrounding areas. Continued George Mehrens, 316 S. Tobin Street, indicated concern regarding enforcement of the conditions as proposed in the minority report. He also emphasized that although the Comprehensive Plan states that the neighborhood should be in transition, the fact that there has not been a rezone on that street in 15 years demonstrates that it is not in transition. Continued Speaking for the minority report, Chairman Stredicke felt that by agreeing to the conditions, the applicant has minimized any potential impact to adjacent residential uses. He also felt that the area is in transition. Councilman Hughes agreed that the clean operation and limited hours appeared to have little impact. Continued Speaking for the majority report, Councilman Keolker stated her opinion that industrial uses should not abut residential uses, enforcement of the conditions on this and any other similar rezones allowed by the City would be cumbersome, the number of conditions imposed to provide a compatible use indicates the rezone is inappropriate, and the neighborhood is not in transition. She also indicated concern that if zoning on either or both sides of the subject site changes, site plan approval would be waived for the subject site and restrictive covenants would be voided. Continued Mr. Nehren reiterated requirements for site plan review which would allow input on location of access, landscaping, etc. He also clarified that the applicant had agreed to the conditions suggested by the ERC to assure that surrounding areas would not be impacted; however, those conditions are already being met by the business in its current operation. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAJORITY REPORT. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: REED, KEOLKER, CLYMER, Rezone Denied MATHEWS. 3 NAYS: STREDICKE, HUGHES, TRIMM. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Record Chronicle City Clerk recommended designation of Daily Record Chronicle Designated for as official newspaper for publication of legal notices as Legal Notices required by State law. Record Chronicle selected for Required by convenience in meeting publication schedules, lower costs, Senate Bill larger type, and past cooperation in publishing public 3800 information notices. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Bids for City Clerk reported bid opening 7/19/85 for portable generator Portable Generator set for Renton Highlands Pump Station; six bids; Engineer' s Set - Highlands estimate: $100,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. Loran Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $198.50 filed by James C. for Damages Loran, 1317 Edmonds NE, apartment 12, Renton, for personal CL 26-85 items allegedly lost by Renton City jailer (5/26/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page four Consent Agenda continued Loomis Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $1 , 118.96 filed by Lester L. for Damages Loomis, 7441 South 118th Place, Seattle, for damage to camper CL 27-85 allegedly caused by overhanging branches on Airport Way between Shattuck and Rainier Avenue (7/14/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Stoneway Concrete Claim for damages in the amount of $609.95± filed by Stoneway Claim for Damages Concrete, Inc. , P.O. Box 509, Renton, for damage to company CL 28-85 pickup allegedly caused by collision with City dump truck (7/10/85) . Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Robberstad Claim Claim for damages in the amount of $4,433.81± filed by Ralph J. for Damages Robberstad, 671 Redmond Avenue NE, Renton, for medical care, CL 29-85 injuries, and loss of wages allegedly caused by police brutality during his arrest on 6/4/85. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Tibbles/ Policy Development Department submitted Tibbles/Underwood Underwood 10% 10% annexation petition for a 38-acre parcel located on the Annexation east side of 138th Avenue SE (Duvall Avenue NE) , approximately Petition 1500 feet north of the intersection with Sunset Boulevard NE; and requested a public meeting be set to consider the matter on August 5, 1985. Council concur. Lind Avenue Public Works Department submitted Lind Avenue Bridge Widening Bridge Widening Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation Project by DOT in conjunction with second phase of 1-405 widening project from Benson Road west to Tukwila; City' s cost participation estimated at $193,441 .97 ($155,000 budgeted in 1985 with balance of $38,441 to be included in 1986 CIP estimate) . Refer to Transportation Committee. North Riverside Public Works/Utility Engineering Department submitted Drive/Liberty Park CAG 081-84, North Riverside Drive and Liberty Park 24-inch Transmission Main Transmission Main Project (W-585) ; and requested approval of Project W-585 the project , authorization for final pay estimate in the - CAG 081-84 amount of $108.25, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $10,663.95 to contractor, Grant Construction, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Honey Creek Public Works/Engineering Department submitted Honey Creek Sewer, Phase I Sewer, Phase I , Schedule A and B, CAG 021-85; and requested CAG 021-85 approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate of $712. 11 , commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of $6,055.48 retainage to contractor, R. L. Alia Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Alvin Fischer, 16814 Springbrook Road, Renton, Fischer Request was read requesting approval of immediate sewer connection for Sewer for his home located south of Victoria Park due to failure Connection of septic tank/drain field. He indicated that he has submitted an application for annexation to the City, but immediate hookup is suggested by the Seattle-King County Health Department since there is not adequate area on the property to accommodate a repair to the on-site sewage system. Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes reported that the Council had approved a similar request in June for Ray Thurston, Mr. Fischer' s next-door-neighbor. These two property owners along with one other are pursuing annexation to the City. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REQUEST THE ADMINISTRATION TO REVIEW THIS MATTER AND CONSIDER THOSE THREE PROPERTIES AND ANY OTHER ADJACENT PARCELS FOR ANNEXATION IF APPROPRIATE. CARRIED. Following discussion, Mayor Shinpoch advised that if it is determined a health hazard exists on Mr. Fischer' s property, she would poll the Council to solve the problem before the next Council meeting on 8/5/85. 495 Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page five Correspondence continued Tibbles/ Letter from Charles L. Henderson, President of Charles Underwood Henderson Company, Inc. , 2800 Northup Way, Suite 205-A, Development Bellevue, requested that the City Council allow concurrent Concurrent processing of annexation, rezone and preliminary planned Review unit development/preliminary plat applications for the property known as the Tibbles/Underwood proposal (Consent Agenda Item 6.g. ) . He felt this process would expedite completion of construction of the development proposed near Duvall Avenue NE and Sunset Boulevard. Continued Mayor Shinpoch explained that the trial period established for the concurrent review process has expired; a policy establishing guidelines for the procedure is being prepared by the Policy Development Department for Council review. When complete, Council will be given the opportunity to determine whether or not they wish to continue with this process. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Warren clarified that the public meeting scheduled for August 5th would address only the 10% annexation. Consideration of the applicant' s request for concurrent review could occur at a later date, and the Council could approve or deny the request. It was moved by Mathews, seconded by Clymer, this correspondence be referred to the Consent Agenda for 8/5/85 to be referred to Planning and Development Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Transit Added letter was read from Linda Smith, Metro Supervisor, Zone Sites indicating alternate transit zone locations have been in CBD proposed to replace existing zones located in front of the Good Chevrolet showroom entrance on S. 3rd Street near Burnett Avenue S. and in front of Mr. Lee' s Beauty School on S. 2nd Street near Lake Avenue S. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. It was noted that the Board of Public Works will be asked for input since City right-of-way is affected. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:21 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. OLD BUSINESS Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Committe of report indicating that the Executive Director of the King the Whole County Economic Development Council had apprised Council Economic members of the EDC ' s activities and accomplishments during Development its first year of operation. She will provide results of Council Status a business survey which included data from Renton businesses. Information only. Continued The Committee of the Whole discussed Legislative Policies 800-05 through 800-09, which relate to Council operations. The Committee recommended adoption and distribution of the policies. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN HTE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Continued The Committee recommended that Administrative Policy 100-09, delegating authority to the Administration for review and �... approval/denial of use of City right-of-way for special events, be adopted. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Continued The Committee further recommended revision of Administrative Policy 100-03 to allow mileage reimbursement for private vehicles used for City business, based on the prevailing rate set by the Internal Revenue Service. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page six Old Business continued Committee of The Committee requested that Personnel Policy 300-41 , Salary the Whole Plan Administration, be held in Committee of the Whole to continued allow additional discussion. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY Council Policies HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks & Public Council President Reed presented a Committee of the Whole Works 1985 Capital report regarding the Parks and Public Works 1985 Capital Improvement Improvement Projects. Directors of both departments presented Projects an informational report which outlined status of each project. In response to a recommendation from the Park Board and a youth committee, the Committee recommended that playground CORRECTED-REFER TtJ equipment be installed in Jones Park, and funding in the MIN UTES OF���� amount of'-$16,000 be transferred from Contingency unto Parks Capital Expenditure Fund. The Committee further recommended referral to Ways and Means Committee for legislation. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. i Community Community Services Committee Chairman Keolker presented a Services report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Committee Department to paint light standards and railings in the Maintenance Central Business District. (Referral identified light of Light standards and benches in error.) All steel luminaire poles Standards at these intersections will be cleaned and painted white: and Railings S. 3rd Street, Burnett Avenue S. , Williams Avenue S. , Wells in CBD Avenue S. and Main Avenue S. Cost of cleaning the 18 poles is $110.00 each plus tax. All steel railings on S. 3rd Street will be painted for the lump sum of $2,400.00 plus tax. These funds are budgeted in the 1985 Public Works CIP budget. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Enforcement Councilwoman Keolker questioned mechanisms employed by the of Development City for enforcement of commitments made either by developers Requirements or City staff at community group meetings held to discuss new developments in the neighborhood. She commended City staff for meeting with homeowners associations to explain the extent of improvements required of developers. However, enforcement as well as communication between departments and the Board of Public Works, which is responsible for granting extensions for these requirements, were questioned. Mayor Shinpoch felt that all commitments received by community groups from developers or the City should be in writing to assure a common understanding of the matter by both sides. She also agreed to research the record regarding the Lincoln Properties development improvements at the request of Council- i woman Keolker and Mrs. Larson. Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee recommending adoption of the ballot question regarding Fluoride fluoridation of City water supplies, proposed for the Ballot Language General Election ballot on November 5, 1985, to be submitted to the King County Records and Elections Division: ''Should Renton fluoridate City water supplies consistent with levels recommended by the State Department of Social and Health Services with program costs funded through water utility rate adjustments? Continued The Committee recommended adoption of the ballot question and referral to Ways and Means Committee for preparation of the necessary legislation. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, it was determined that the ballot is mandatory not advisory. Building Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Moratorium in recommending the building moratorium defined in Resolution Northeast No. 2392 be lifted with the condition that no sanitary Quadrant sewer connections nor occupancy of buildings would be allowed until completion of the Honey Creek sewer project. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REPORT. CARRIED. Chairman Hughes advised anticipated completion of all three phases of the sewer project by year' s end. Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page seven Old Business continued Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Committee concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Panther Creek that the City join with the Soil Conservation Service to P-1 Wetland complete the Panther Creek Wetland Plan. The plan will provide Study for orderly development of wildlife and flood water retention. The Committee further recommended authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreements and referral of the subject to Ways and Means Committee to appropriate the City' s share of $4,000 towards the cost of the study. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Boat Noise Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews reported that the Referral letter from Mercer Island Mayor regarding boat noise legislation, referred on 6/10/85, is being held pending receipt of additional information. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second & final reading: Ordinance #3928 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 1-4101 Fee Schedule of Title I (Administrative) of City Code by adding a Amendments subsection requiring a $100 fee for final plat extensions, Code Section 4-2710(8) (B) , and a subsection adding a $300 fee for binding site plan review, Code Section 9-1106.B(1 ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3929 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Stromberg Rezone property located at 901 Sunset Boulevard from Single Family R-016-85 Residential District (R-1 ) to Multifamily Residential District (R-3) for Roger Stromberg, applicant, File No. R-016-85. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Street Lighting An ordinance was read providing for appropriation in the amount Study Fund of $15,000 for Street Lighting Study from Washington State Appropriation Energy Commission Grant Revenue Account unto Street Fund/ Traffic Engineering Maintenance Administration Expenditure Account. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Landfill Section Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report of Shoreline recommending that the matter of revision of the landfill Master Program section of the Shoreline Master Program be removed from the Committee referral list since no legislation is required to implement the amendments. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren clarified that the language of the Shoreline Master Program allows for its modification without adoption of amending legislation. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 8048 through 8315 in the amount of $959,812. 14, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been -.- received or rendered. Vouchers 8047, 8049 and 8055-8058 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Shelley Sussman, editor of the City newsletter, "Renton City Newsletter Report,'' and Administrative Assistant Mike Parness, were commended and thanked by Councilman Stredice for the professional job they did in publishing and distributing the newsletter to Renton residents last week. Mayor Shinpoch added her praise for the first issue, advised that comments from the public have been favorable, and reported the next issue will be published in October. Renton City Council 7/22/85 Page eight Administrative Report ADMINISTRATIVE The Green River Management Agreement was signed on Thursday, REPORT July 18th, by representatives of the four Valley cities and Green River King County. Mayor Shinpoch was pleased to see Councilmembers Management Stredicke, Mathews and Hughes in attendance for the ceremony, Agreement held at Riverfront Park in Kent. The five jurisdictions will share the $196,000 cost of monitoring the flow of the river, and constructing, repairing and maintaining dikes. Railroad Track Public Works Director Houghton and Street Superintendent Jack Inspection Crumley joined the roadmaster of Burlington Northern for a CORRECTED-REFER TO field inspection of the railroad tracks in the Central Q �� Business District recently. A cooperative agreement was MINUTES ©F.._O4_ _�_�___.4reached for some improvement of the tracks. 1-405 "S" Mayor Shinpoch proposed a scenario wherein once the draft Curve Project environmental impact statement for the 1-405 "S" curve project has been received from the State DOT, staff and Councilmembers would meet to critique the document and discuss alternatives. Council could then hold a public meeting to provide constituents the opportunity to learn the Council ' s rationale and to provide input for the public record on the preferred alternative. The next step would be the open house sponsored by the State DOT at the Sheraton Inn in September at which they plan to present the route selection. Mayor Shinpoch indicated her intent to provide copies of the draft EIS to each Councilmember when available to enable them to respond to constituents regarding the project. Boulevard Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration investigate Restaurant the legality of automobile storage in the parking lot of the Car Storage Boulevard Restaurant on Airport Way. He suggested that >_ a landscape buffer may be necessary to protect single family residences which abut the commercial lot. Mayor Shinpoch will report back. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, Renton, questioned the cost Honey Creek of publishing the Renton Report. Administrative Assistant Associates Parness estimated cost at 30 cents per copy. He also asked . Appeal for a time and date certain of the Planning and Development Committee meeting to discuss the Honey Creek appeal referred on 7/15/85. Committee Chairman Stredicke will announce a meeting at the next Council meeting, 8/5/85. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:21 p.m. Z2 MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk City of Renton Check Distribution Turd Total Checks MACHINE VOIDS: 08047, 08049 & 08055 - 08058 CURRENT 2C9, 989. 77 PARKS 80. 597. 77 ARTERIAL STREETS 4, 821 . 77 STREETS 58, 142. 26 LIERARY 16. 657.47 FECERAL SHARED REVENUE 31 ,988. 61 GEN GOVT MISC DEBT SERV 15, 527. 93 STREET FORWARC THRUST 66,46E . 00 MLNICIPAL FACIL (SHOPS) 159. 93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 8, 229. 81 WATERWORKS UTILITY 217, 210. 84 AIRPORT 4, 638 . 68 GCLF COURSE FUND 151874 . 77 WATER & SEoER CONSTRUCTION 208.648.06 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3, 142. 90 FIREMEN 'S PENSION 17,682. 82 LID CONTROL 30.75 Total of all Checks 959,812. 14 We, the undersigned members of the WFys and Morns Committee of the Renton City Council, having received oeptrtmentel certificetion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered, do hereby epprove for payment Vouchers No. 8048 through No. 8315 in the amount of S959, 812. 14 this 22nd day of July 1985 . Committee Chairmen _ - - M e m b e r Member %E � CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 22, 1985 COMMITTEE DATE TIPAE CHAIRMAN LOCATION AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REED COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 7/23 4: 30 p.m. KEOLKER 3rd floor conference room H & CD Block Grant Issues (Ed Hayduk) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Thurs. 7/25 4: 30 p.m. STREDICKE 3rd floor conference room OP, MP, L-1 & H-1 zones Thurs. 8/1 4: 30 p.m. If " it " Miscellaneous referrals Tues. 8/6 7: 00 p.m. KEOLKER Council Chambers The Luckey Company Appeal (Victoria Hills) PUBLIC SAFETY TRIMM TRANSPORTATION Thurs. 8/1 8: 00 a.m. MATHEWS 4th floor conference room Hangar proposals for Renton Airport (AVIATION) UTILITIES Weds. 7/24 4:00 p.m. HUGHES 4th floor conference room Emergency Water Conservation Ordinance Bids for portable generator; other referrals WAYS & MEANS Mon. 8/5 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th floor conference room OTHER MEETINGS & EVENTS ISSUED CITY OF RENTON _ _ _ _ PAGE - 1 07/22/85 BUILDING 8 ZONING CEPARTMENT PERMITS ISSUED WEEK ENCING JULY 19. 1985 BUILDING PERMITS 11229 13,860 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800C PARK AV N REMOVE/INSTALL PARTITICNS 11230 213OOPC00 JACK B BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11231 2,C00 KIRSHENBAUM & COMBS 450 SHATTUCK AV S NON BEARING WALL PARTITIONS 11232 12,000 STANLEY WOLF 1177 HARRINGTON AV NE REROOF APT BLCG 11233 4,7Q0 JAMES ROUTCS 4224 EAST VALLEY RD REROOF BLDG 71234 41,C LEONARD BLCRS 41C8 SE 4Th ST CONST S/F RESICENCE 11235 3.500 KENNETH GULLINGSRUO 608 S 5TH ST CONST CARPCRT 11236 150 WM A GEBENINI 16C9 ECMONCS AV NE CONST CARPCRT ROOF CCVER 11237 20.000 EARL BCWCEN 518 CECAR AV S INST SWIMMING POOL 11238 1.990 RICHARD ANCERSON 2233 EDMONCS AV NE REROOF RESIDENCE 11239 3,500 PATRICIA A. FUNCERBURG 2617 NE 22NC ST ENCLOSE CARPORT & CHANGE ROOF 11240 24,COO PEOPLES NATL BANK 858 S 2ND ST REROOF BANK BLCG 11241 4,550 GENE MEYERS 556 RAINIER AV S REROOF REPAIR SHOP 11242 3,COO TIM COGGER 609 GRANT AV S INSTALL HCT TUB 11243 2,126 SERVICE LINEN 903 S 47H ST REROOF LDRY BLCG 11244 30,000 GARY FAULL 60C CECAR AV S CONST S/F ADDITION 11245 20,1200 KOLL BUSINESS CENTER 208 SW 41ST ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 11246 5,000 DARYL CLARK 206 NW ETH ST REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 11247 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNICN AV SE #191 SET UP MOBILE HOME 11248 2,500 OAKHURST OEV 375 UNICN AV NE #191 PATIO CONST. STORA'tE SHED 11249 OAKHURST DEV. 375 UNICN AV SE 0161 SET MOBILE HOME 11250 2,500 OAKHURST DEV 375 UNICN AV SE #161 CONST PATIC ETC 11251 CENTRON CONST 3812 NE 4TH ST DEMOLISH CLO BLDG. CLEAR LCT 11252 3,C00 BRUCE GOULC/GARY BUDD 62C SW 12TH ST CONST FENCE/LANDSCAPE 11253 2,500 DAVID A VAN WECHEL 2610 MCRRIS AV S CONST S/F ADDITION ELECTRICAL PERMITS 12645 91,400 ISOWA 301 SW 27TH ST INST WIRING 12646 97,COO METRO 1200 MONSTER RD SW INST FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 12647 SO LECNARD BLCRS 4108 SE 4TH ST INST TEMPORARY POWER 12648 215 ABC MOBILE I.OME 2100 LAKE WASHINGTON Bl NINST WIRING 12649 980 BARGIAS BONZALEZ 3221 NE SUNSET BL INST WIRING 12650 2,300 MC GEE CONST 206 NW 6TH ST INST WIRING IN EXISTING RES. 12651 875 CITY OF RENTON 20C MILL AV S WIRING ON FIRST FLOOR 12652 200 UNION AV CO 375 UNICN AV SE #198 HOCK UP MCBILE HOME 12653 2,850 JACK CURRAN 20 SW 77H ST TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12654 200 UNICN AV CC 375 UNION AV SE #191 HOOK UP MCBILE HOME 12655 200 UNION AV CC 375 UNICN AV SE 4161 HOCK UP MOBILE HOME 12656 8,590 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 80 PARK AV N INST WIRING IN BLDG 4-63 12657 1,450 415 INCEX PL NE WIRE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 12658 35 SPEEDY AUTC GLASS 914 BRCNSON WY N INST ELECTRICAL FOR SIGN 12659 13,C80 SCHNEICER HCMES 50C MONROE AV NE BLCG E INST WIRING 12660 13,080 SCHNEICER HCMES SOC MONROE AV NE BLDG C INST WIRING 1266221 13.C8 p0 SCHNEICER hCMES 2530C MONRSE gOE AV NE BLDG C INST WIRING 12663 1,750 NORCON 2231 SE 8TH TH PL INST WIRIR INST NtG", IN GARAGE 12664 1,750 NORCON 2227 SE STH PL INST WIRING 12665 1,750 NORCON 2229 SE 8TH PL INST WIRING 12666 1,520 NORCON 2233 SE 8TH PL INST WIRING 12667 5,C00 CITY OF REN70N 13C2 MAPLE VALLEY HY INST WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS 11021 150,C00 BOEING COMMERCIAL A/P C 800 PARK AV N MISC MECHANICAL WCRK 17022 301COO JACK BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST INST SPRINKLER SYSTEM 11023 7400 JACK BENAROYA 820 SW 41ST ST INST SPRINKLER SYSTEM 11024 2,500 GRIFFIN HOME 25CO LAKE WASHINGTON BL NINST EXHAUST HCOD, DUCTS 11025 1,000 LECNARO BLCRS 4312 SE 4Th ST INST FLRNACE 11026 2,LCO THCMAS MOORE 2010 ABERDEEN PL SE INST FURNACE/WATER HEATER 11027 58,M OLC MILWAUKEE SUB STATI 45C SHATTUCK AV S INST 2 HVAC SYSTEMS 11028 1,551/59 DARYL CLARK 206 NW ETH ST INSTALL 70,OOC BTU FURNACE PLUMBING PERMITS 419 2,071 CHAFFEY CORP 165 BREMERTON PL NE INST 12 PLBG FIXTURES 420 1,300 PUGET SCUNC ORTHOPECIC 208 SW 43RE ST INSTALL 5 FIXTURES 421 2,100 DALE FCNTAINE 617 CECAR AV S INST 16 PLBG FIXTURES 422 11100 ROBERT W. HESTING 812 SUNSET BL NE INSTALL NEW SERVICE LINE 423 95,C00 C R KEARNS 3700 EAST VALLEY RD INST 447 PLBG FIXTURES, 7 OUTL 424 95,000 C R KEARNS 37CC EAST VALLEY RD INST 447 PLBG FIX., 7 OUTLETS 425 2,400 NORCON CEV. 2231 SE 8TH PL INST 13 PLBG FIXTURES 426 11525 NORCON CEV. 2233 SE 8TH PL INST 11 PLBG FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS 1443 300 CHEVRON STATION 207 MAIN AV S INST SIGN CN TELEPHONE BOOTH 1444 300 DAILY'S DRIVE IN 30C RAINIER AV S INST SIGN CN TELEPHONE BOCTH 1445 300 COCK'S GRACY WY STATION 301 S GRADY WY INST TELEPHONE BOOTH SIGN 1446 300 GULL STATICN 509 S GRADY WY INST TELEPHONE BOCTH SIGN 1447 1,200 FLCWER BCX FLORIST 2120 SW 43RD ST INSTALL 64 SQ. FT SIGN 1448 3,eCO SQUIRE ENTERPRISES 3168 NE SUNSET BL INST WALL SIGN 1449 200 SPEEDY AUTO GLASS 914 BRONSON WY N INST S/F ILLUM. SIGN - --- - -- _ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 6010 Centron Construction 2307 NE 4th Street Install 12 building sewers for Brighton Ridge apartments 6011 Chris Komarzec 2059 SE 8th Place Install sanitary building sewer 6012 Schneider Homes 500 Monroe Avenue NE Install 19 sanitary building sewers for Hilltop development 5013 Modern Manufacturing 2900 Lind Avenue SW Install water, storm and sanitary sewers 6 right of way permit 6016 Union Avenue Company 375 Union Avenue SE Install 7 sanitary building sewers for Sunnydale Mobile Home Park so z