HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 52 (9/10/2001 - 10/14/2002) 299 This page deliberately left blank. 30 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 10, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC MEETING: 10% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for approximately 121 acres bounded on the east by Jericho Ave. NE, if extended, between NE 6th St., if extended, and NE 9th St., if extended, and extends west and northwest to the city limits; Petitioner,Johnson. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Recreational Vehicle and Boat Storage Zoning Code Amendment to the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone in the Employment Area-Valley. 5. APPEAL: Planning&Development Committee report re: Heritage Renton Hill Preliminary Plat INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi- judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. (CONTINUED ON THE REVERSE SIDE) 301 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. �.• a. Approval of Council minutes of August 27, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk requests approval of a consultant agreement with CRE8, Inc. to commence planning for conversion to paperless technology in the Municipal Court, City Clerk Division,Police Department, Development Services Division and Fire Department, in the amount of$65,000. Refer to Finance Committee. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/5/2001 for CAG-01-142, Parapet Repair at the Pavilion Building; seven bids; engineer's estimate$30,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Celtic Construction,Inc., in the amount of$20,563.20. Council concur. d. Technical Services Division submits the appraisal performed for the SE 2nd Pl. and Nile Ave. SE street vacation (VAC-01-001; Harbour Homes,Petitioner) and requests that Council accept the appraisal determination of$50,000 and set compensation for the right-of-way at$50,000. Council concur. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers;Purchase of Scala InfoChannel Computer for City's Government Access Channel b. Planning&Development Committee: WA Economic Development Finance Authority Bonds* c. Utilities Committee: Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant Program Interlocal Agreement Amendment*; Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Memo of Understanding* 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Approving the issuance of revenue bonds by WA Economic Development Finance Authority for Vectra, LLC (See 10.b.) b. Amendment to agreement with King County for Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant Program & City Optional Program (See 10.c.) c. Memo of Understanding for 2001 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program with Seattle- King County Public Health (See 10.c.) Ordinance for first reading: Amend Commercial Arterial zone to allow recreational vehicle and boat storage (See 4.) Ordinance for second and final reading: Dog regulation violations, vicious dog definition &confiscation procedures (1st reading 8/27/2001) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE) $0 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:30 p.m. Informal Study Session—Emerging Issues EXECUTIVE SESSION 5:30 p.m. Potential Litigation • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 303 CITY COUNCIL — September 10, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Public information methods to better inform residents of the parking ordinances. FINANCE COMMMEE Contract with CRE8, Inc. for paperless technology conversion planning MAYOR& CITY CLERK Contract amendment with King County for the Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant Program ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Commercial Arterial zone amend to allow boat and recreational vehicle storage (1st reading 9/10/2001) 304 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 10,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; KEOLKER-WHEELER, TERRI COUNCILMEMBERS BRIERE; KING PARKER; RANDY CORMAN;TONI NELSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director; OWEN DENNISON, Senior Planner; REBECCA LIND,Principal Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. PRESS Michelle Gisi,Renton Reporter PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Johnson,Jericho accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public meeting Ave NE,NE 6th&NE 9th Sts to consider the 10%Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for the Johnson Annexation for approximately 121 acres bounded on the east by Jericho Ave. NE, if extended, between NE 6th St., if extended, and NE 9th St., if extended, and extends west and northwest to the city limits. Owen Dennison, Senior Planner, explained that the proposed annexation area is comprised of 130 single-family homes and three churches. Existing King County zoning is R-4,R-6, and R-8. Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the majority of this area as RS (Residential Single Family),for which potential zoning is R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre) and RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park). Continuing, Mr. Denison stated that the area is within the Water District 90 service area except for an area west of Duvall Ave. NE; Renton can provide access to sewers; and Fire District#25 currently provides fire protection. He noted a shortfall of parks in the area and said that street, surface water and storm water improvements are needed. Mr. Dennison described how the proposed annexation furthers the City's business goals. Concluding,he indicated that the proposed annexation is generally consistent with City policies for annexation and pointed out that the cost issues will be addressed in the fiscal impact analysis. Correspondence was read from Alan and Vana Burk, 14106 SE 124th St., Renton, 98059; and Kerry and Debra Froemke, 14044 SE 121st St.,Renton, 98059; opposing the proposed annexation. Objections included the potential public use of a private drive, sight distance problems at Hoquiam Ave. NE and NE 4th St., shortage of open space and parks, and the increase in density. 305 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 305 Public comment was invited. Alan Burk, 14106 SE 124th St.,Renton, 98059,read from a letter he submitted to Council opposing the proposed annexation. He objected to the increase in �. property taxes if his property is annexed to the City,payment of additional 6% utility tax on phone, cable,gas, and electricity bills, and payment for the City's special bond levies. In addition,he objected to the proposed annexation because it will encourage over-development in the area. Mayor Tanner said that the City's bonds for Gene Coulon Park and senior housing will be retired in 2009, and he pointed out that if the area is annexed to Renton,density will be no higher, and perhaps less,than if it remains in King County. Launi Everett, 14057 SE 121st St., Renton, 98059, objected to the proposed annexation because it will cause an increase in traffic in the area. Ms. Everett also expressed concern about the cost to connect to the City's sewer system. Mayor Tanner stated that citizens are not required to connect unless they redevelop their property or incur a septic tank failure. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Councilman Parker stated that citizens will have the opportunity to approve or not approve the annexation with the circulation of the 60% Petition to Annex. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that a neighborhood meeting be held regarding the potential annexation to provide information and to answer any questions citizens may have. Mayor Tanner asked interested citizens to submit their names and addresses so they can be notified of the meeting. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE 10%NOTICE OF INTENT PETITION TO ANNEX; AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 60%PETITION TO ANNEX;REQUIRE ADOPTION OF CITY ZONING ON THE PROPERTY CONSISTENT WITH RENTON'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND REQUIRE THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSUME A PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Boat&Recreational accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Vehicle Storage Zoning Text to consider the recreational vehicle (RV)and boat storage zoning code Amend(CA Zone) amendment to the Commercial Arterial(CA)zone in the Employment Area- Valley Land Use Designation. Principal Planner Rebecca Lind explained that in addition to including new screening standards for this new use, a new definition would be created for vehicle storage to include RV and boat storage. Ms.Lind stated that a property owner requested this amendment upon discovering that there is a market demand for long term RV and boat storage, and residents have also been looking for longer term storage within Renton. The Planning and Development Committee has considered this proposal and made the following recommendations: • Vehicle storage be defined as a paved, and enclosed or partially enclosed area that holds operable motor vehicles and boats or wheeled equipment for more than 72 hours. 306 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 306 • The reviewing official shall determine the level of visual and acoustical screening for these facilities. • An administrative conditional use permit be required. In conclusion,Ms.Lind said that the recommendation is to amend several sections of the City Code relating to storage,development standards and definitions. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (Seepage 311 for ordinance.) APPEAL Council President Clawson presented a report regarding the Heritage Renton Committee of the Whole Hill preliminary plat appeal (PP-00-053 &AAD-00-149). The Committee of Appeal: Heritage Renton Hill, the Whole recommended that the Heritage Renton Hill preliminary plat be Renton Hill Community Assoc denied. Although several Councilmembers expressed personal knowledge (PP-00-053 &AAD-00-149) concerning the traffic situation on Renton Hill, that testimony cannot,by rule, be considered. Therefore,the Council Committee has limited its recommendation to the record before the Hearing Examiner. In support of its recommendation,the Committee of the Whole recommended that the full Council adopt the following changes to the Hearing Examiner's report and recommendation dated January 25, 2001. The last sentence of conclusion number one should be modified to read "reducing the density of this plat to fifty lots will not adequately reduce the untoward impacts on the existing residents." The Committee of the Whole recommended that Council make the following additional conclusions: • FINDING NUMBER 15—The plat as proposed would not further public safety. The narrow streets combined with permitted on street parking reduce several of the streets on Renton Hill to one-way streets. Adding twenty-five percent more traffic to this already unacceptable situation will create a safety hazard. • FINDING NUMBER 16—The intersection of S. 7th St. and Renton Ave. S. already presents a dangerous situation. Visibility at that intersection is poor and in some instances nonexistent. Adding an additional twenty-five percent of traffic to that intersection creates an unwarranted safety problem. • FINDING NUMBER 17—The exit from this plat is unusual. The plat exit is only 110 feet from the intersection of S. 7th Ct. with Beacon Way SE. Normally, 150 feet of distance is necessary. Even though the Transportation Division found this intersection adequate,the fact that the intersection is now a five-way intersection that would, with the addition of the exit road from this plat,become, in essence, a six-way intersection creates an unacceptably dangerous intersection. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Hearing Examiner's conclusion number 15 be renumbered 17 and be modified to read "in conclusion the proposed preliminary plat should be denied by the City Council." The Committee of the Whole recommended that the recommendation be changed to read "the City Council should deny the preliminary plat." 307 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 307 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Parker stated that he is against the committee report and upholds the recommendation of the hearing examiner for the following reasons: • The transportation engineer and the City's transportation staff have determined that there is adequate street capacity with the development in place. • He can find no error in judgment with the hearing examiner's recommendations. • If the plat is denied,the City will be put in a position to be sued in Superior Court; the City cannot prevail, and will be liable for damages. Mr. Parker said that although he is sympathetic with the Renton Hill residents, he is equally sympathetic with citizens who live in other areas of Renton and are also affected by traffic problems. Council President Clawson agreed with Councilman Parker and stated that he is against denying the preliminary plat. He expressed concern about defending the denial of the plat in Superior Court, and emphasized that he represents all Renton residents,not just a single neighborhood, and cannot subject the City to a lawsuit that may cost well over$100,000 in attorney's fees. Councilman Corman also expressed his concerns regarding the committee report, saying that he spent many hours looking through the record trying to find an error that would allow the City to deny the plat. He stated that the City is not in a position to stop this,and denying the plat would only delay the .� process;therefore,he upholds the decision of the hearing examiner. *MOTION FAILED. (Mayor Tanner voted "no" to break the tie vote.) MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL DENY THE APPEAL OF THE HERITAGE RENTON HILL PRELIMINARY PLAT AND ADOPT THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE HEARING EXAMINER.* Councilman Corman asked if there was any procedural way to have a safety study performed on intersections that will be affected by this development, even if the City cannot require the developer to make outside improvements. Councilman Parker added that it would be appropriate to look into this issue to see what could be done in the normal course of business. Council President Clawson and Councilman Corman discussed the possibility of amending the motion to require the developer to conduct a study of the traffic issues. Mayor Tanner pointed out that the Council can always address the improvements to the intersection in the future. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated for the record that all neighborhoods in the City are not exactly the same. They have unique characteristics, some more than others. In this instance,the Renton Hill neighborhood is on a very steep hill and has some constraints due to the topography and the location of the houses which are very close to the street. Pointing out that improvements to the .� neighborhood have been considered and conducted in the past,Ms. Keolker- Wheeler said that more than likely those improvements have already be done. fid$ September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 308 For the record,Council President Clawson acknowledged that there are visibility problems at the intersection of S. 7th St. and Renton Ave. S. and recommended that City funds be expended to fix the problem. *MOTION CARRIED TO UPHOLD THE HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION AND APPROVE THE HERITAGE RENTON HILL PRELIMINARY PLAT. (Mayor Tanner voted "aye" to break the tie vote.) MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADOPT THE RESOLUTION APPROVING THE HERITAGE RENTON HILL PRELIMINARY PLAT.* Resolution#3526 A resolution was read approving the Heritage Renton Hill preliminary plat Appeal: Heritage Renton Hill, located southeast of the intersection of Beacon Way S. with SE 7th Ct.,Jones Renton Hill Community Assoc Ave. S., and S. 7th St on Renton Hill. File No. PP-00-053 and AAD-00-149. (PP-00-053 &AAD-00-149) *MOTION CARRIED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. (Mayor Tanner voted "aye" to break the tie vote.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • WSDOT awarded the construction contract for the I-405/SR-167 flyover ramp project to Max J. Kuney from Spokane and construction began on September 4th. • A ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the downtown transit center located north of S. 3rd St.,between Burnett Ave. S. and Logan Ave. S., will be held on Saturday, September 15th at 10:00 a.m. • The Renton Senior Activity Center will be closed September 10th through 14th for annual maintenance and repairs. AUDIENCE COMMENT David Chesnes, 1105 N. 29th St.,Renton, 98056,reported that he received a Citizen Comment: Chesnes— parking ticket in June for parking in the wrong direction on his street. A Directional Parking Violations Renton resident for 23 years,Mr. Chesnes commented that never before has this violation been enforced in his area. He said he knows that there is a reason for the law and understands its application to arterials and busy streets,but not to residential streets. Mr. Chesnes recommended that the law be amended. On another subject,Mr. Chesnes expressed his concerns regarding the lack of parking at Gene Coulon Park. Citizen Comment: Buss— Christopher Buss, 362 Earlington Ave. SW,Renton, 98055,commented on Directional Parking Violations directional parking violations, saying that the issue entails not only the directional parking law but the traffic controller's enforcement of the law. Mr. Buss stated that,compared to surrounding areas,Renton's issuance of parking infraction citations is high. He questioned the City's inconsistent and unfriendly enforcement of the violations and asked Council to amend the law. Citizen Comment: Pillo— Ben Pillo, 860 Chelan Ave. NE,Renton, 98059, spoke in support of the Johnson Annexation,Jericho Johnson Annexation and relayed problems he has had with King County Ave NE,NE 6th&NE 9th Sts relating to storm water drainage issues. Citizen Comment: Shelton— Ida Shelton,2020 Grant Ave. S.,A-103,Renton, 98055,complained about now Neighbor Noise Disturbances vibrating noises emanating from a neighbor's apartment which has been occurring since 1991. Ms. Shelton said she is unable to sleep and experiences 349 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 309 anxiety attacks due to the noise, and often has to sleep in her car or at a friend's house to avoid the noise. Mayor Tanner commented that although the Police Department has investigated this problem many times,he would send the _ someone to look into the matter again. Citizen Comment: Burk— Alan Burk, 14106 SE 124th St.,Renton, 98059, suggested that the City amend Directional Parking Violations the directional parking law, saying that it is a law of convenience and violation of this law does not create a hazardous situation in most residential areas. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's request, item 8.c. was removed for separate consideration. Council Minutes of August 27, Approval of Council minutes of August 27, 2001. Council concur. 2001 City Clerk: Paperless City Clerk requested approval of a consultant agreement with CRE8,Inc. to Technology Planning commence planning for conversion to paperless technology in the Municipal Consultant Contract,CRE8 Court,City Clerk Division,Police Department,Development Services Division and Fire Department,in the amount of$65,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Vacation: SE 2nd PI between Technical Services Division submitted the appraisal performed for the SE 2nd Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE Pl. and Nile Ave. SE street vacation (VAC-01-001;Harbour Homes,Petitioner) &Portion of Nile(VAC-01- and requested that Council accept the appraisal determination of$50,000 and 001) set compensation for the right-of-way at$50,000. Council concur. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 8.c. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/5/2001 for CAG-01-142,Pavilion Item 8.c. Building Parapet Repair; seven bids;engineer's estimate$30,000; and CAG: 01-142,Pavilion submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Celtic Building Parapet Repair, Construction,Inc.,in the amount of$20,563.20. Celtic Construction Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler objected to spending any more money on the Pavilion Building. Stating that although she understands that the repairs are safety related as a result of the earthquake, she emphasized that until a decision is made regarding the fate of the building, she does not want to spend any more money on it. She pointed out that the building is fenced off to prevent people from walking next to it. Councilwoman Briere also agreed that no additional money should be spent on the building. Council President Clawson indicated that although he also does not want to spend any more money,he felt that if other businesses must comply with safety standards, so must the City. Mayor Tanner urged Council to approve the item, emphasizing that this is a red-tagged building and not fully barricaded. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH ITEM 8.c. TO SPEND$20,563.20 TO REPAIR THE PAVILION BUILDING.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested an estimate of the money already spent to date on the building. Stating that he considers the building an asset, Councilman Parker,although hesitant to spend money on it, agreed that the building must be made safe. *MOTION CARRIED. 310 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 310 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Christopher Buss, 362 Earlington Ave. SW, Citizen Comment: Buss— Renton,98055, stating his concern regarding the inconsistent enforcement of Directional Parking Violations directional parking violations. Citizen Comment: Hooks— Correspondence was read from April Hooks, 221 Powell Ave. SW,Renton, and Directional Parking Violations 98055,expressing her concern regarding the arbitrary and inconsistent enforcement of directional parking violations. Citizen Comment: Swenson— Correspondence was read from Brian Swenson, 17334 Densmore Ave. N., Directional Parking Violations Shoreline, 98133,questioning why Renton enforces directional parking violations when surrounding cities do not. Mr. Swenson suggested the issuance of warnings, and objected to Renton's pursuit of enforcing these violations when it has not done so diligently in the past. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report recommending approval of the resolution approving the action of the Committee State of Washington Economic Development Finance Authority(WEDFA) and Planning: WEDFA Request for the issuance of non-recourse revenue bonds to finance an economic Bond Issuance Resolution for development facility for Vectra,LLC. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Vectra LLC(Monster Rd SW SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE Construction Project) REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 311 for resolution.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Solid Waste: Waste Reduction in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that &Recycling Grant Program, Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute King County Contract Contract Amendment No. 1 for the 2000-2001 City Optional Program and Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program interlocal agreement(CAG-00- 182) which authorizes the City to receive$56,388 in funding from King County. Additionally,the Committee recommended that the Council approve an appropriation of$44,698 to the Solid Waste budget to cover expenditures associated with the Business Recycling Program and the Waste Reduction and Recycling component of the grant amendment. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 311 for resolution.) Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the Suburban Cities Association and recycling coordinators from various cities have been working with the King County Solid Waste Division to revise the grant program to make it easier for cities to contract with the county to receive these grant funds. King County Council's UTEC Committee will be considering the matter on September 13, 2001. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that the City City Clerk: Scala InfoChannel Council authorize the allocation of$26,600 from the Fund 127 Cable Computer Purchase Communications Development Fund to replace the existing Channel 21 text generation computer with a PC-based Scala InfoChannel computer, including software and work station. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 196173— 196571, and two wire transfers totaling ail September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 311 $2,141,127.89; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 33706—33998, 544 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,655,804.97. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Police: Directional Parking continued enforcement of directional parking violations in residential Violations neighborhoods and refers to the Administration possible public information methods to better inform residents of the parking ordinances. Commenting that Council was sent a lot of information regarding this matter, and indicating that the City should remain compliant with State law, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Council President Clawson expressed his disagreement with the law as applied to residential streets,and recommended that this matter remain in Committee so that the usage of the law on residential streets versus major arterials can be reviewed. Discussion ensued regarding the reasons for the directional parking law and whether the matter should remain in Committee. *ROLL CALL: THREE AYES: PARKER,CORMAN,NELSON;THREE NAYS: CLAWSON,KEOLKER-WHEELER,BRIERE. MOTION CARRIED. (Mayor Tanner voted "aye" to break the tie vote.) Citizen Comment: Master A letter was read from Tim Attebery, King County Manager of the Master Builders Assoc—Downtown Builders Association,congratulating the Council on its decision to waive Owner Occupied Housing mitigation and building permit fees on multi-family, owner-occupied housing in Incentive District the downtown area. (Ordinance 4913, adopted on August 27, 2001.) ..� ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3527 A resolution was read approving the action of the State of Washington Planning: WEDFA Request for Economic Development Finance Authority(WEDFA)and the issuance of non- Bond Issuance Resolution for recourse revenue bonds to finance an economic development facility for Vectra LLC(Monster Rd SW Vectra,LLC, and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. Construction Project) MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3528 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Solid Waste: Waste Reduction amended interlocal agreement between King County and the City of Renton for &Recycling Grant Program, the Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program and City Optional Program. King County MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/17/2001 for second and final reading: Planning: Boat&Recreational An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-060.I,4-2-070.L, and 4-2-120.A, Vehicle Storage Zoning Text of Chapter 2,Land Use Districts, and Section 4-11-190 of Chapter 11, Amend(CA Zone) Definitions, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by amending the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone to allow boat and recreational vehicle storage. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/17/2001. CARRIED. 512 September 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 312 The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4916 An ordinance was read amending Section 5-4-1 of Chapter 4,Animal Licenses, Police. Vicious Dogs,Dog of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations); and Sections 6-6-1, 6-6-3,6-6- Regulations 6Regulations 4,6-6-5, and 6-6-9,of Chapter 6,Animals and Fowl at Large, of Title VI (Police Regulations)of City Code by making the violation of some statutes an infraction,adding a definition, and clarifying the confiscation procedure for dangerous dogs. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council met in executive session for 33 minutes prior to Committee of the Whole from 5:42 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. to discuss potential litigation. All Councilmembers were present except Persson. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 25 MINUTES TO DISCUSS A PROPERTY TRANSACTION. CARRIED. Time: 9:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:15 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Persson,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:15 p.m. *'�10 If� .-.3�2- .--j MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann September 10,2001 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR ! 3 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 10, 2001 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/17 Street Vacation Process Change (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 9/17 Agreement with CRE8 for Paperless (Parker) 6:00 p.m. Technology Planning PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) .00. NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. Hi AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 17, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Contribution from the Return to Renton Car Show 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the f recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of September 10, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/11/2001 for CAG-01-151, Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project; eight bids; engineer's estimate $139,155.20; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, City Transfer, Inc., in the amount of$132,518.40. Council concur. c. Police Department requests acceptance of grant funding in the amount of$183,066 from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Renton School District to fund two full-time school resource officers for three years, 2002—2004. Council concur. d. Utility Systems Division requests that funds from the remaining 2001 and proposed 2002 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program Budget be used to fund the NE 7th St. and Monroe Ave. NE Stormwater Replacement Project, the construction of which will span across two budget years (total project budget is $1,810,000). The bid opening for the project is scheduled for 9/18/2001. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Street Vacation Process Change b. Finance Committee: Agreement with CRE8 for Paperless Technology Planning 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for second and final reading: Amend Commercial Arterial zone to allow recreational vehicle and boat storage (1st reading 9/10/01) (CONTINUED ON THE REVERSE SIDE) 315 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Street Vacation Process Change • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 316 CITY COUNCIL September 17, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR Execute contract with CRE8, Inc. for paperless technology conversion planning MAYOR & COUNCIL PRESIDENT Attend public meetings re: King County Council's redistricting PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE I Topic of Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulation updates UTILITIES COMMITTEE NE 7th St./Monroe Ave. NE Stormwater Replacement Project funding f F 317 RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting September 17, 2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; KEOLKER-WHEELER,TERRI COUNCILMEMBERS BRIERE; KING PARKER;RANDY CORMAN;TONI NELSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; SERGEANT CHARLES MARSALISI, COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE, ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF KEVIN MILOSEVICH,CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Police Chief Garry Anderson introduced Ben and Nancy Remak and their Community Event: Return to daughter Elsa,organizers of the annual Return to Renton Car Show. Ms. Renton Car Show Contribution Remak announced that since the first event in 1991,total proceeds in the amount of$51,902.53 have been donated to the Police Department's youth education programs. She presented a check in the amount of$9,200 to Chief Anderson,which represented the proceeds from the 2001 event, along with a $500 donation provided by Mr. Remak's employer, State Farm Insurance,for his volunteer work. Mr. Remak thanked the chief and his staff for supporting the event and making it a success. Planning: IM Zone Revisions Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported on to Accommodate Airport the proposed revisions to the Industrial Medium(IM)zone regarding airport- Related Uses related uses. He explained that introducing airport-related use provisions to the IM zone at the airport would be beneficial in that it would help prevent the introduction of non-airport-related uses at the airport and would restrict undesirable airport-related uses in areas of the City which have IM zoning. Stating that he met with airport tenants today to discuss the proposed zoning code changes,he indicated that the tenants now have a better understanding of the City's intentions,and he relayed their desire to be involved with the process. Mr. Zimmerman said that this item will be brought before Council for consideration within the next few weeks prior to expiration of the airport lease moratorium on October 31,2001. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that all options considered by staff regarding this item be forwarded to the Planning and Development Committee in addition to staffs recommendation. Mayor Tanner emphasized that this is a City Code related matter,not a policy, and he expressed his desire that decisions related to this matter remain with the hearing examiner. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: 318 September 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 318 i * The Renton Community Center will be installing a new registration software program that will allow participants to register for classes via the Internet or touch-tone phone. The new process will be ready for the winter program registration in early December. •r * The Valley Community Players'musical show I Do!I Do!opens Friday, September 21st,at Carco Theater and runs through October 14th. For ticket information,call(425)226-5190. * The I-405/SR-167 flyover ramp ceremony at the Holiday Inn has been cancelled for this Thursday at 2:30 p.m. and will be rescheduled. Mr. Covington expressed the City's condolences to the victims and their families from the terrorist attacks against the United States which occurred on September 1 lth. He thanked all of those who participated in the Memorial Service held on Friday, September 14th,particularly Boy Scout Troop#464 for placing flags around the City; VFW Post#1263 for presenting the flag at the service; and area churches for assisting the community in dealing with this trying situation. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked the City Clerk to respond to an electronic letter from a Orman and Judy Claxton thanking the Council for flying flags from light poles in downtown Renton, and explain that it was Boy Scout Troop#464 that initially started the flag flying project. Mr. Covington also warned of fraudulent solicitations for donations on behalf of the victims, and cautioned citizens to report any suspicions to the Police Department. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N.,Renton, 98055,expressed her ..o Citizen Comment: Richter- appreciation for street improvements recently completed on Meadow Ave.N. Meadow Ave N Improvements She also complimented the Centennial Committee for its work on the Centennial birthday bash celebration held on September 6th, saying that it was a wonderful celebration. Citizen Comment: Paholke- Diane Paholke, Operator of Pro-Flight Aviation at Renton Airport, 325 IM Zone Revisions to Edmonds Ave. SE,Renton, 98056, thanked the City for the information Accommodate Airport Related presented at the meeting held today regarding the proposed revisions to the Uses Industrial Medium zone to accommodate airport-related uses, and she stressed that the airport tenants want to participate in the revision process. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of September Approval of Council minutes of September 10,2001. Council concur. 10,2001 CAG: 01-151,Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/11/2001 for CAG-01-151,Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project, Golf Course Regrade Project; eight bids; engineer's estimate$139,155.20; and City Transfer submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder, City Transfer,Inc., in the amount of$132,518.40. The purpose of the project is to protect the golf course and adjacent Maplewood neighborhood from Cedar River flooding. Council concur. Police: Dept of Justice Grant Police Department requested acceptance of grant funding in the amount of for School Resource Officers $183,066 from the U.S. Department of Justice(approximately 75%)and the Renton School District(approximately 25%)for two additional full-time school resource officers for three years, 2002—2004. Council concur. 319 September 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 319 Utility: NE 7th St/Monroe Ave Utility Systems Division requested that funds from the remaining 2001 and NE Stormwater Replacement proposed 2002 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program Budget be Project Funding used to fund the NE 7th St. and Monroe Ave. NE Stormwater Replacement �. Project, since construction will span across two budget years(total project budget is$1,810,000). The bid opening for the project is scheduled for 9/18/2001. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clawson presented a report regarding the redistricting of the Committee of the Whole King County Council. The Committee of the Whole authorizes the Mayor and King County: Council Council President to attend the scheduled public meetings this week and Redistricting request that the King County Council Redistricting Committee adjust the maps which redraw the boundaries of the King County Council Districts to reflect the City of Renton's preference to remain in both the 5th and 6th King County Council Districts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vacation: Timing of Street Council President Clawson presented a report regarding street vacation Vacation Decision&Related procedure revisions. Current City Code requires a final decision by Council on Land Use Action, Code proposed street vacations prior to any public hearing on the related land use Revisions issue. Council has expressed interest in revising this prerequisite to allow for public discussion and formal review of specific project issues before making a final decision on the associated street vacation request. The revision in procedure would allow for a better combination of the processes and result in a complete review of the street vacation,its impacts, and �•••• the impacts of the project with and without the street vacation. Staff also recommended City Code be revised to require additional public notice for street vacation requests of developed streets. Additional staff recommendation includes City Code revision to allow the City to receive up to the full appraisal value for vacated street right-of-way property it has owned for 25 years or more. The Committee of the Whole recommended that Council authorize procedure modification on proposed street vacation projects to allow for public discussion and formal review of specific project issues before making final decisions on the associated request. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Event: Memorial Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed her appreciation to Council Service(US Terrorist Attack) President Dan Clawson and City staff for their involvement in organizing and participating in the Memorial Service held on Friday, September 14th, in remembrance of those affected by the terrorist attacks on the United States. She also thanked citizens for attending the ceremony. Community Services: Councilwoman Briere asked the City to renew its efforts to publicize the Highlands Neighborhood $10,000 reward leading to the apprehension of those that caused the fire at the Center Arson Highlands Neighborhood Center in 1998, and encouraged citizens to come forward if they have any information. 320 September 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 320 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that the City City Clerk: Paperless Council authorize the Mayor to execute a consultant agreement with CRE81 Technology Planning Inc., in the total amount of$65,000 for paperless technology planning and Consultant Contract,CRE8 process improvements for the Police Department,Municipal Court, City Clerk Division,Development Services Division,and Fire Department land use permitting; and development of an application design document and assistance with vendor selection for the City Clerk Division. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Haugan— Councilwoman Nelson read a letter from Sidney M. Haugan, 1414 Monroe Centennial Celebration Ave.NE,Apt. 219,Renton, 98056, a centenarian honored at the City's Centennial celebration,thanking the City for inviting him to the celebration and for the mementos he received. Community Services: Roxy In response to prior Council request, CAO Jay Covington reported that the cost Theater Sign Update to remove the Roxy Theater Sign is$7,200. Pointing out that there is a lack of suitable long-term storage for the sign at any City facility, he stated that National Sign Company can store the sign for$250 per month. Mr. Covington indicated that the funds would be taken from the year-end fund balance. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REMOVAL OF THE ROXY THEATER SIGN IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,200 AND APPROVE SPENDING$250 PER MONTH TO HAVE THE SIGN STORED.* Councilmembers expressed their concern regarding the safe storage of the sign; and asked that the administration inspect the location where the sign is to be stored to make sure it is appropriate. ..rr *MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and RESOLUTIONS adoption: Ordinance#4917 An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-060.I,4-2-070.L, and 4-2-120.A, Planning: Boat&Recreational of Chapter 2,Land Use Districts, and Section 4-11-190 of Chapter 11, Vehicle Storage Zoning Text Definitions, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by amending Amend(CA Zone) the Commercial Arterial(CA)zone to allow boat and recreational vehicle storage. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clawson acknowledged the efforts and hard work of City Metro: Renton Transit Center staff for the past five years towards the completion of the Renton Transit Center. He indicated that the Transit Center will be an asset to the community for many decades to come. Community Event: Rentennial Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that Council be given a schedule of Production dates and times for cablecast of the Rentennial production on Channel 21. i i 321 September 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 321 Planning: Growth MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Management Act COUNCIL REFER THE TOPIC OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION UPDATES TO THE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:25 p.m. MARIL J. TER SEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann September 17,2001 i 322 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 17,2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/24 CANCELLED (Clawson) COMMUNITY SERVICES I� (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 9/24 Vouchers (Parker) 7:00 p.m. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 9/20 Montemayor Short Plat Appeal (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Gorman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 9/20 2002 Utilities Capital Improvements Plan (Briere) 3:00 p.m. (briefing only); NE 7th St. &Monroe Ave. NE Stormwater Replacement Project— Construction Funding; Alder Request for Special Assessment District NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 323 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL "REVISED" REGULAR MEETING WA • September 24, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: "National Breast Cancer Awareness Month"—October, 2001 4. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee report re: Montemayor Short Plat Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi- judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. 3y City Code,and by State law, the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The `Jiarties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee,the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 324 a. Approval of Council minutes of September 17, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits two appeals of Hearing Examiner's recommendation of Northward Homes, Inc.'s request for site plan and preliminary plat approval for a 66-unit townhouse project at NE 4`h St. &Union Ave. NE. Appeal filed by Northward Homes, Inc. and by City of Renton Development Services Division, each accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely upon the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by 6000 parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F). c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/12/2001 for CAG-01-132, ADA Compliant Curb Ramps project; five bids; engineer's estimate$39,821.08; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, APUS Services, in the amount of$21,978.00. Council concur. d. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/18/2001 for CAG-01-157, NE 7`h St. &Monroe Ave. NE Storm System Drainage Project, 13 bids, engineer's estimate $1,565,452.48; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Ceccanti, Inc., in the amount of $1,258,013.75. Council concur. * e. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-158,Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Phase III project, 7 bids; engineer's estimate $291,850.56; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Shoreline Construction Co., in the amount of$208,068.03. Council concur. f. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-152,Park Lighting Renovation, 10 bids; engineer's estimate$240,000, and low bid of$257,579.10 by Duchess Construction, Inc. which is over budget. Refer to Finance Committee. g. Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider amendments to Title 4,Development Regulations, creating an Airport District, and related definition &zoning changes to allow airport-related uses in the IM Zone. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. h. Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation, 12 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave NE at NE 10`h St. Council concur. i. Legal Division recommends approval of a resolution appointing the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk as agents for receiving claims for damages as required by Chapter 119, Laws of 2001. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Electronic letters from Sarajane Jones, 2311 NE 27`h St., Renton, 98056; Raissa Miyu (no address), Jon Coe, (no address) and Jocelyn Thompson (no address),each requesting that fireworks remain legal in Renton. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Utilities Committee: NE 7`h St. &Monroe Ave. NE Stormwater Replacement Project-Construction Funding; Alder Request for Special Assessment District 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Appointing the City Clerk&Deputy City Clerk as agents to receive claims for damages made under Chapter 4.96 RCW 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) (CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE) 325 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMM TTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 326 CITY COUNCIL September 24, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Viability of a Public Fireworks Display FINANCE COMMITTEE David Alder's petition re: Sewer Assessment Fee Payments Park Lighting Renovation Bids (CAG-01-152) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeals of Hearing Examiner's recommendation of Northward Homes, Inc. Site Plan &Preliminary Plat Approval (LUA-01-082) Airport Related Uses Zoning Text Amendments (IM Zone) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fireworks Ban Correspondence (Jones, Miyu, Coe, Thompson &Wiemann) .m� PUBLIC HEARING 10/8/2001 —Proposed R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation 10/8/2001 —Proposed zoning text amendments for Airport-related uses (IM zone) 32 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 24,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON,Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE;KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN; TONI NELSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; STEPHANIE DIKEAKOS,Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of October, National Breast Cancer 2001,to be"National Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and October 19, 2001 Awareness Month—October, to be National Mammography Day in the City of Renton,recognizing that early 2001, &National detection and prompt treatment can significantly reduce suffering and deaths Mammography Day-October caused by this disease. 19, 2001 MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. APPEAL Announcing a potential conflict of interest on the next item, Council President Planning &Development Clawson excused himself from the meeting. Time: 7:32 p.m. Committee Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Appeal: Montemayor Short report regarding the Montemayor short plat appeal(SHP-01-005 &AAD-01- Plat Appeal(SHP-01-005 & 005). The Planning&Development Committee convened on September 20, AAD-01-005) 2001 to consider the appeal of the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated June 14,2001. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Benson Road South and SE 29"'Street. The applicant seeks an approval of a short plat as conditioned by City staff. The applicant appealed the decision of the Hearing Examiner requiring the applicant to provide a thirty-five foot (35') half street improvement requiring the dedication of the additional land of the right of way known as 106`h Place SE. City staff had recommended approval of the subdivision with only a 20- foot wide access road. FINDINGS OF FACT 1) Staff recommended use of the existing right of way access through 20 feet of pavement with a Hammerhead turn around on an easement for emergency access. The use of the existing right of way was required of the applicant to minimize direct driveways on Benson Road. Preliminary drainage plans were approved under the Administrative Short Plat Approval. No additional dedication was required of the applicant under the staff recommendation. 2) 1060'Place SE,the right-of-way in question is 20 feet in width. 5 September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 328 3) The Hearing Examiner made reference to a 26-foot private road standard as does staff during questioning. Neither the drainage nor the dedication impact on the developer was addressed. 4) The Hearing Examiner's decision reversed the staff decision and required the applicant to provide a"half street"improvement. 5) RMC 4-6-060R(2)(b) requires a minimum of 35-foot of right of way, with 28 feet of paving and six feet for curb, gutter and sidewalk on the development frontage for a "half street" improvement. 6) Based on the width of 106'' Place SE and the requirements for a "half street" the applicant would be required to dedicate a minimum of 15 feet to meet the code requirements. 7) The applicant's property is located within an R-8 zone. 8) The requirement of the Hearing Examiner to dedicate additional land for the "half-street" improvement would reduce the net area of the site and cause the current four lot proposal to exceed the maximum density limitation of the R-8 zone, requiring the project to be redesigned to three lots. 9) The record did not indicate whether alternatives such as street vacation were considered. 10) The Hearing Examiner's findings do not address how the "half street" will improve any condition caused by this development as required before a dedication can be required. 11) The physical constraints of 106ei Place SE, the subject right-of- NOUN way, on its northern exit onto S. 27`h St. would indicate that the street would most likely never be more than 20 feet wide. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Committee found that the record as provided is incomplete and, pursuant to RMC 4-8-110F(5) &RMC 4-8-110F(7), this matter should be remanded back to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration and clarification. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee recommended that the City Council remand this proceeding to the Hearing Examiner for reconsideration and clarification of the following issues: 1) Did the Hearing Examiner wish a code compliant "half street" with its attendant 15-foot dedication of additional land required or something less as evidenced by the 26-foot paved access referenced? 2) If the Hearing Examiner or this Council allows a 20-foot paved access, can drainage be accommodated by the applicant with the necessary dedication of land? 3) Is the current emergency ingress and egress adequate if a 20-foot access is allowed? 4) Would a full residential lot be lost if a"half street"were required? Nrl 5) Given the ultimate limitations of 1060'Place SE, is the requirement for a "half street"reasonable? September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 329 329 6) How will the installation of a "half street" remedy a problem caused by this subdivision? 7) Were any other options,such as street vacation,considered? The Committee was mindful of the need for a speedy resolution. Therefore, the Committee recommended that the City Council request the Hearing Examiner to place this matter on his calendar as soon as possible. The Committee recommended that the City Council waive the $75.00 filing fee should either party of record appeal the subsequent decision of the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council President Clawson returned to the meeting. Time: 7:39 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE A written report was read summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals REPORT and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The 2001 Fall Recycling Day for Renton residents will be held Saturday, September 29h from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Renton Technical College north parking lot. • Mayor Tanner proclaimed September 29h as the Mayors' Day of Concern for the Hungry, similar to proclamations by mayors in 23 other cities. Donations of healthy food items are to be collected at the Renton Thriftway to benefit the local Salvation Army Food Bank. Food donated at other sites will go to the Emergency Feeding Program. Donations and volunteers will be needed. For more information,call 206-723-0647. • The Recreation Department's greenhouse program will begin on October is`,providing year-round temperature-controlled gardening for a fee of$20. The greenhouse is located next to the Senior Center. AUDIENCE COMMENT Shirley Fraidenburg, 3320 Talbot Rd. S.,Renton, 98055,read a copy of her Citizen Comment: Fraidenburg letter to the South County Journal expressing concern that the United States —US Flag Display&Protocol flag at Renton City Hall is not displayed 24 hours per day, seven days per week. She and her husband,James,requested that policy be changed so that the flag is displayed around-the-clock, 365 days per year. Mayor Tanner responded that,while this matter would be taken under consideration, it is important to know that the City follows national flag protocol by displaying the flag exactly as is done at our nation's Capitol,which is to lower the flag at dusk and raise it in the morning, with proper ceremony and in proper order,in strict conformity to the national standard. Advancement to Old Business MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING ALDER/SEWER ASSESSMENT FEE PAYMENT. CARRIED. Utility Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding a petition from Utility: Alder—Sewer David Alder to authorize time payments associated with special assessment ` Assessment Fee Payment to districts. The committee concurred with staff recommendation that this matter Connect to City Sewer be referred to the Finance Committee with the following recommendations: 330 September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 330 1. The policy should be for payment of any special assessment district charge within the following base criteria and not just address this issue toward the Aberdeen Sewer Assessment. 2. RMC 9-16 should be revised to allow for the payments over time. The code currently requires that payment be made at the time a permit is issued for connection. 3. The time payments should be for special assessment district charges only. Systems development charges and permit fees should be paid at the time of the permit issuance. 4. Time payments should be allowed only for the owner of an existing single- family home. Commercial properties, multi-family properties, and platting or short platting properties for development should trigger the complete payment of fees per code. 5. The first payment should be due at the time of application for the permit, with additional payments due in annual time periods. 6. There should be a minimum special assessment district charge to allow time payments on. It is recommended that the minimum be$3,000 for the total of the special assessment district fees. 7. There should be a maximum period of time to make payment. It is recommended that five payments, which would total four years (first payment due at connection, second payment due at the end of the first year, etc.)be permitted. Based upon the recommendations for items 6&7,the minimum annual payment would be$600 per year plus interest. 8. This policy cannot apply to private latecomers. Under latecomers agreements,the city is required to collect the fees and pass them on to the developer at the time the property owner connects. NEW MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR ON THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Advancement to Old Business MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING THE NE 7TH ST. AND MONROE AVE. NE STORMWATER REPLACEMENT PROJECT FUNDING. CARRIED. Utility Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: NE 7h St/Monroe Ave in the staff recommendation that Council authorize award of the construction NE Stormwater Replacement contract for the NE 7h St. and Monroe Ave.NE Stormwater Replacement Project Funding Project to the lowest responsive bidder if the following conditions are met: the low bid received on 9/18/2001, was less than$1,673,000, a value representing the total of the remaining 2001 budget($863,000) and proposed 2002 budget ($810,000); more than one bid was received; and the lowest,responsive bid contained no irregularities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See Consent Agenda for later action.) CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of September Approval of Council minutes of September 17,2001. Council concur. " " 17, 2001 September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 331 Appeal: Northward Homes, City Clerk submitted two appeals of Hearing Examiner's recommendation Inc &Development Services regarding a request for site plan and preliminary plat approval submitted by Div, Site Plan&Preliminary Northward Homes,Inc.,for a 66-unit townhouse project at NE 4"'St. and Union Plat Approval(NE 4"'St& Ave.NE. The appeals,filed by Northward Homes,Inc. and by the City of Union Ave NE),LUA-01-082 Renton Development Services Division, were each accompanied by the required fee. Refer to-Planning&Development Committee. CAG: 01-132,ADA City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/12/2001 for CAG-01-132, ADA Compliant Curb Ramps Compliant Curb Ramps project;five bids; engineer's estimate $39,821.08; and Project,APUS Services submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,APUS Services, in the amount of$21,978.00. Council concur. CAG: 01-157,NE 7"'St& City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/18/2001 for CAG-01-157, NE 7"'St. and Monroe Ave NE Storm System Monroe Ave. NE Storm System Drainage Project, 13 bids,engineer's estimate Drainage Project, Ceccanti, $1,565,452.48; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to Inc. the low bidder, Ceccanti,Inc.,in the amount of$1,258,013.75. Council concur. CAG: 01-158,Maplewood City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-158, Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Well Water Main Replacement Phase III project,7 bids;engineer's estimate Phase III, Shoreline $291,850.56; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the Construction Company low bidder, Shoreline Construction Co., in the amount of$208,068.03. Council concur. CAG: 01-152,Park Lighting City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/2001 for CAG-01-152, Park Lighting Renovation,Duchess Renovation, 10 bids;engineer's estimate$240,000, and low bid of$257,579.10 Construction by Duchess Construction,Inc. which was over budget. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: Airport Related Uses Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Zoning Text Amendments(IM recommended a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider amendments to Zone) Title 4,Development Regulations,creating an Airport District, and related definition and zoning changes to allow airport-related uses in the Industrial- Medium(IM)Zone. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Annexation: Lee,Hoquiam Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave NE&NE 9h St recommended a public hearing be set on 10/8/2001 to consider R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation, 12 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave. NE at NE 9"'St. Council concur. Legal: City Clerk&Deputy Legal Division recommended approval of a resolution appointing the City Clerk City Clerk as Agents for and Deputy City Clerk as agents for receiving claims for damages as required Receiving Claims For by Chapter 119,Laws of 2001. Council concur. (See page 332 for resolution.) Damages MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Regarding the park lighting renovation, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that energy-efficient lighting be considered. CORRESPONDENCE Electronic letters were read from Sarajane Jones, 2311 NE 27"'St.,Renton, Citizen Comment: Jones, 98056;Raissa Miyu(no address),Jon Coe, (no address) and Jocelyn Thompson Miyu,Coe&Thompson— (no address),each requesting that fireworks remain legal in Renton. Fireworks Ban September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 332 Citizen Comment: Wiemann— Correspondence was read from W.F.Wiemann, 2116 Edmonds Ave. NE, Fireworks Ban Renton, 98056,endorsing a ban on fireworks in Renton due to noise and fire hazards from illegal fireworks. Citizen Comment: Browne— Correspondence was read from Kim Browne,President of the Kennydale Kennydale Neighborhood Neighborhood Association, 1211 N. 28`h Pl.,Renton, 98056,thanking the city Picnic for making their neighborhood picnic possible in August through the Neighborhood Program Picnic Fund. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE FIREWORKS-RELATED CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Larson— Correspondence was read from Ruth Larson,representative of the Renton Hill Heritage Hill Renton Plat Community Association, 714 High Ave. S.,Renton, 98055,requesting Reconsideration Request reconsideration of Council's action on 9/10/2001 approving the Heritage Renton Hill preliminary plat. Also read was a letter written by City Clerk Marilyn Petersen to Ms.Larson clarifying the fact that, according to parliamentary procedure, filing of a motion to reconsider would have been required by 9/17/2001 by a member who voted with the prevailing side. Citizen Comment: Derham— Correspondence was read from Richard A. Derham,Redistricting Commission, Redistricting Commission 524 W. Comstock, Seattle, 98119, stating his intention to adopt Mayor Plans Tanner's proposal of limiting Renton to three Washington State legislative districts,the 11`h,40&47`h. Mr. Derham's letter also stated that the Commission will hold a public hearing at North Seattle Community College on October 5d'at 7:00 p.m.,plus they will be receiving public comment on the four proposed redistricting plans through the end of October. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of now Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 196572— 197020, and one wire transfer totaling Finance: Vouchers $1,796,078.00; and 539 direct deposits, payroll vouchers 33999—34271, and one wire transfer,totaling$1,624,650.06. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3529 A resolution was read appointing the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk as Legal: City Clerk&Deputy agents to receive claims for damages made under Chapter 4.96 RCW. MOVED City Clerk as Agents for BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL Receiving Claims For ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Damages NEW BUSINESS Council President Clawson reported that the Washington State Department of WSDOT: I-405 Corridor Transportation(WSDOT)has announced that the public comment period for Program&Draft EIS the Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS)on the 1405 Corridor Program has been extended from 10/9/2001 to 10/24/2001. Mr. Clawson encouraged the public to review the DEIS at public libraries or on the web page, www.wsdot.wa.gov/I-405,and to make comments and suggestions for improving mobility and reducing traffic congestion in the Renton/I-405 corridor. Additionally,Mr. Clawson stated that, along with the 1-405/SR 167 Flyover Ramp Ceremony on 9/27/2001 at 9:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn Select, there will be an open forum on the I-405 Corridor Program and the public is invited to attend. JfJ September 24,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 333 AUDIENCE COMMENT Melissa Gasca, 7828 S. 113"'St., Seattle, 98178,expressed agreement with the Citizen Comment: Gasca—I- City's position supporting proposed additional lanes on I-405 to reduce traffic 405 Corridor Program congestion. Citizen Comment: Fraidenburg James Fraidenburg, 3320 Talbot Road S,Renton,98055,inquired as to whether —US Flag Display&Protocol the capitol in Washington D.C.displayed the U.S. flag 24 hours-per-day, seven days-per-week. Mayor Tanner responded that the U.S. Capitol does not display the flag around- the-clock,and that even though Renton has proper protocol in place at the present time,the flag display matter will be looked into further. Upon discussion, it was noted that in light of the recent terrorist attacks on our country, a national protocol change might be good to allow perpetual flag display, and that congressional delegates could be contacted to encourage such a national change. Citizen Comment: Rutherford Melissa Rutherford, 17634 118'h Ave. SE,Renton, 98058, expressed concern —Fireworks Ban regarding a possible ban of fireworks in Renton. After discussion,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN TO REFER THE MATTER OF VIABILITY OF A PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:31 p.m. MARILU J. TERSEN,CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Bonnie Walton September 24,2001 334 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 24, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/01 Informal Study Session: (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. Parking Structure Design Development; Council Pavilion Building Lease (tentative) Conference Room COUNCIL WORKSHOP FRI., 09/28 GMA/Comprehensive Planning Process; (Clawson) 8:00 a.m. City Hall 7th Floor Conferencing Center; Council Chambers Update on Budget Process &Economic Outlook; Emerging Issues COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/01 Bid Opening for Park Lighting (Parker) 6:00 p.m. Renovation PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 335 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 1, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATIONS: a. Fire Prevention Week—October 7 - 13, 2001 b. National Domestic Violence Awareness Month—October, 2001 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of September 24, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Langham Short Plat(SHP-01- 085); 6 single-family lots on 1.02 acres in the vicinity of 1006 Shelton Ave. NE. Appeal filed by Jim Hanson representing Sally Langham, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely upon the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F). c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/12/2001 for CAG-01-133, Renton Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities; three bids; engineer's estimate $621,520.00; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the second lowest bidder, General Construction Company, in the amount of $733,975.98, as there were irregularities with the low bid. Council concur. d. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Maplewood Estates Division 1 Final Plat; 102 single-family lots on 62.73 acres located in the vicinity of NE 41St. & Nile Ave. NE (FP-01-003). Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) e. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a local agency agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation and a contract agreement with Southport LLC for the reconstruction of signals and gates on Lake Washington Boulevard at railroad MP 3.98, in the total amount of$185,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Transportation Division recommends approval of the route modification of Metro Route 110 (Renton RUSH) to serve the commuter rail station and major employers. Refer to Transportation Committee. g. Transportation Division recommends approval of a contract agreement with King County Dept. of Transportation to provide Commute Trip Reduction services to 30 affected employers in the City of Renton for 2001-2002. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution) �.. h. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the annual consultant contract shortlist for telemetry and SCADA systems. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) a 3 6 i. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-00-123,Lake Washington Blvd. &Burnett Ave. N. Storm System Project contract; and recommends approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$5,816.73, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$8,467.21 to CJ's Construction Services, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. j. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-00-110, Aberdeen Ave. NE Utility Improvements contract; and recommends approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $220,482.38, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$49,592.56 to Robison Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Refer to Utilities Committee. k. Utility Systems Division requests approval of final costs for Blaine Ave. NE Special Assessment District for sanitary sewers; vicinity of Blaine Ave. NE, between NE 16`h St. &NE 13`h Pl. (SAD- 01-001). Refer to Utilities Committee. 1. Utility Systems Division requests approval of final costs for Aberdeen Ave. NE Special Assessment District for sanitary sewers; vicinity of Aberdeen Ave. NE, between NE 20`h St. &NE 24`h St. (SAD-00-001). Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*)may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Parking Structure Design Development b. Finance Committee: Bid Opening for Park Lighting Renovation 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Maplewood Estates Division 1 Final Plat (see 6.d.)) b. Interlocal with King County for Commute Trip Reduction Services (see 6.g.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7`h Floor 6:30 p.m. Informal Study Session—Parking Structure Design Development • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • ... CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M., WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL October 1, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR& CITY CLERK Execute Park Lighting Renovation contract with Duchess Construction Execute Commute Trip Reduction Act Implementation agreement with King County PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal filed by Jim Hanson for Sally Langham re: Langham Short Plat Issue of City land use development processes TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreements with WSDOT & Southport LLC for RR crossing improvements at Lake Washington Blvd. Metro Route 110 modification Issue of Renton airport security UTILITIES COMMITTEE Final payment of contract with Robison Construction for Aberdeen Ave. NE Utility Improvements Blaine Ave. NE Special Assessment District Aberdeen Ave. NE Special Assessment District PUBLIC HEARINGS 10/8/2001 —Proposed R-8 zoning for Lee Annexation(Hoquiam Ave. NE &NE 9th St.) 10/8/2001 —Proposed zoning text amendments for airport-related uses (IM zone) X38 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 1,2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Dan Clawson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON,Mayor Pro Tem; TONI NELSON, Council President Pro COUNCILMEMBERS Tem; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, ATTENDANCE City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZRVIMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; LARRY RUDE,Battalion Chief/Fire Marshall; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; GLENN KOST,CIP Manager; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read, declaring the week of October 7th Fire Prevention Week— through 13th,2001,to be "Fire Prevention Week" in the City of Renton, and October 7 to 13, 2001 encouraging all citizens to develop and practice a thorough home fire escape plan so that their fire risk is greatly reduced. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Fire Marshall Larry Rude and Fire Prevention National Mascot Sparky accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Renton Fire Department. Mr. Rude announced that the Fire Department received a Life Safety Award from the United States Fire Administration for their efforts in the areas of fire prevention and public education during the year 2000. National Domestic Violence A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read, declaring the month of October, Awareness Month—October, 2001,to be"National Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in the City of 2001 Renton, and encouraging citizens to take an active role in supporting all victims of domestic violence so they can lead healthy lives safe from violent and abusive behavior. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Stephanie Dikeakos,Domestic Violence Task Force member, accepted the proclamation. Ms. Dikeakos encouraged everyone to visit the Domestic Violence Task Force display booth located on the first floor of City Hall. Domestic violence brochures and other information are available at the booth which will be on display through the month of October. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: The City of Renton's 2001 Centennial Calendar received two awards from the City-County Communications and Marketing Association: the Silver =A Circle award and the Award of Excellence in the Publications/Other category. October 1,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 339 339 The City Clerk Division will begin airing its award-winning video entitled Historic Renton: The Shuffleton Power Plant 1928-2001. The video will be shown on the City's government access cable channel 21, at 9:00 p.m., ,.,.. Friday, October 5th, and will be recablecast during the next few months. Police: Speeding on Talbot Rd Mayor Pro Tem Clawson expressed concern about speeding traffic on Talbot Rd. S. and requested increased traffic enforcement. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bryan D. Caditz,Attorney with Hedeen&Caditz, 1221 2nd Ave., Suite 460, Citizen Comment: Caditz— Seattle, 98101, stated that he represented Culberton Marine Construction,the Airport Seaplane Dock apparent low bidder on the Renton Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities project. Facilities Bid Award, CAG- Referring to a letter he submitted to Council regarding the award of the project 01-133 to the second low bidder due to irregularities with his client's bid,Mr. Caditz asked the City Attorney to comment on the matter. City Attorney Larry Warren indicated that after further review of the issue, instead of awarding the project to the second low bidder as stated on consent agenda item 6.c.,he recommended acceptance of the low bid submitted by Culberton Marine Construction. Mr. Warren explained that the irregularities primarily involved the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization form, and he detailed the reasons that led him to change his recommendation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.c. CARRIED. Consent Agenda City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/12/2001 for CAG-01-133,Airport Item 6.e. Seaplane Dock Facilities; three bids; engineer's estimate $621,520; and CAG: 01-133,Airport submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the second lowest Seaplane Dock Facilities Bid bidder, General Construction Company, in the amount of$733,975.98, as there Award were irregularities with the low bid. Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding the change in recommendation,Mr. Warren said that if the bid is awarded to Culberton Marine Construction, General Construction could potentially seek an injunction,which would delay the project but would not result in any damages against the City. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL AWARD THE AIRPORT SEAPLANE DOCK FACILITIES CONTRACT TO LOW BIDDER CULBERTSON MARINE CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF$719,385.60. CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the engineer's estimate and the budget for the seaplane dock facilities project, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman pointed out that the design portion and the construction portion combined is within the budgeted amount of$974,000 for the entire project. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of September Approval of Council minutes of September 24,2001. Council concur. 24, 2001 Appeal: Langham Short Plat, City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding Sally Langham(SHP-01-085) Langham Short Plat(SHP-01-085); six single-family lots on 1.02 acres located 3 4 4 October 1,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 340 in the vicinity of 1006 Shelton Ave.NE. Appeal filed by Jim Hanson representing Sally Langham, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. Plat: Maplewood Estates Development Services Division recommended approval,with conditions, of the now Division 1,NE 4th St&Nile Maplewood Estates Division 1 final plat; 102 single-family lots on 62.73 acres Ave NE(FP-01-003) located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave.NE(FP-01-003). Council concur. (See page 341 for resolution.) Transportation: RR Xing Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a local agency Reconstruction @ Lake WA agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) Blvd, Contracts with WSDOT and an agreement with Southport LLC for reconstruction of signals and gates & Southport LLC on Lake Washington Blvd. (at entrance to Gene Coulon Park)at railroad MP 3.98, in the total amount of$185,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. Metro: Route 110 Transportation Division recommended approval of the route modification of Modification(RUSH) Metro Route 110(Renton RUSH)to serve the commuter rail station and major employers. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Commute Trip Transportation Division recommended approval of a contract with King County Reduction Program Services, Department of Transportation to provide Commute Trip Reduction(CTR) King County services to 30 affected employers in the City of Renton for 2001-2002. Council concur. (See page 341 for resolution.) Utility: Annual Consultant Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the annual consultant Roster for Telemetry& contract shortlist to provide telemetry and supervisory control and data SCADA Services acquisition(SCADA)consultant services. The roster contains the following consultants: Casne Engineering,Inc.,Reid Instruments, and R112 Engineering, Inc. Council concur. 04 CAG: 00-123,Lake Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-00-123, Lake Washington Blvd. & Washington Blvd/Burnett Ave Burnett Ave.N. Storm System Project; and recommended approval of the N Storm System, CJs project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$5,816.73, Construction Services commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $8,467.21 to CJ's Construction Services,Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 00-110,Aberdeen Ave Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-00-110,Aberdeen Ave.NE Utility NE Utility Improvements, Improvements; and recommended approval of the project, authorization for Robison Construction final pay estimate in the amount of$220,482.38,commencement of a 60-day ` lien period,and release of retained amount of$49,592.56 to Robison Construction,Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Refer to Utilities Committee. Special Assessment District: Utility Systems Division requested approval of final costs for Blaine Ave.NE Blaine Ave NE Special Assessment District for sanitary sewers; vicinity of Blaine Ave.NE, between NE 16th St. and NE 13th Pl. (SAD-01-001). Refer to Utilities Committee. Special Assessment District: Utility Systems Division requested approval of final costs for Aberdeen Ave. Aberdeen Ave NE NE Special Assessment District for sanitary sewers;vicinity of Aberdeen Ave. NE, from NE 12th St to NE 27th St. (SAD-00-001). Refer to Utilities mom Committee. 14 Referring to consent agenda item 6.g.,the Commute Trip Reduction(CTR) agreement with King County,Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested evaluation of whether or not the CTR program is working, and requested the October 1,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 341 history of the program, and its impact on Renton. Regarding item 6.d.,the Maplewood Estates final plat approval,Mayor Pro Tem Clawson clarified that the figure of 102 single-family lots slated for the 62.73 acre plat is correct,pointing out that portions of the plat are unbuildable. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington confirmed that zoning for the plat is R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED EXCEPT FOR ITEM 6.c., PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Park Lighting Finance Committee Renovation project(CAG-01-152). The Finance Committee recommended CAG: 01-152,Park Lighting concurrence in the staff recommendation to accept the low bid, including Renovation,Duchess deductive alternates#1 and#2, from Duchess Construction,Inc., in the amount Construction of$231,902.30. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. In response to Council inquiry regarding potential cost savings as a result of the park lighting renovation,CIP Manager Glenn Kost said that there may be energy credits available and staff is pursing that possibility. He also indicated that with the advancement in technology since the lights were last installed, fewer light fixtures are needed for greater coverage and the savings will be reflected in the monthly power bill. Community Services: Historic Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested a copy of the request for proposal �• Preservation Assessment for the historic preservation assessment project, and requested information Contract regarding the interview process. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3530 A resolution was read approving the Maplewood Estates Division 1 final plat; Plat: Maplewood Estates 62.73 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave.NE(FP-01-003). Division 1,NE 4th St&Nile MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT Ave NE(FP-01-003) THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3531 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Commute Trip interlocal cooperative agreement with King County entitled"Commute Trip Reduction Program Services, Reduction Act Implementation Agreement." MOVED BY NELSON, King County SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Pro Tem Clawson reported that the Association of Washington Cities AWC: Legislative Priorities (AWC)will discuss legislative priorities at its meeting on October 12th, and the City can submit its recommendations at that time. The matter is scheduled to be discussed by Council during Committee of the Whole on October 8th. Fire: Donation to NY Councilman Persson announced that Renton firefighters raised$5,700 at a car Firefighters 9-11 Disaster wash held on Saturday, September 29th, and all proceeds will be donated to the Relief Fund New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund. Now Transportation: S Grady Way Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested investigation regarding whether the Do Not Block Driveway Sign "do not block the driveway" sign located at the entrance to City Hall on S. Grady Way is still required. October 1,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 342 Airport: Security MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF RENTON AIRPORT SECURITY NEEDS TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Persson requested that a map of the airport with all gate entrances and a list of security concerns from tenants, including Boeing,be provided. Development Services: Land MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Use Development Processes COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF CITY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that land use development processes such as site plan, conditional use, SEPA, and annexations are confusing to citizens because they do not know what to expect or what they can or cannot do especially during public hearings. She emphasized that it is not her intent to recommend changes to existing processes,but to determine ways that the processes can be more effectively explained to the public. *MOTION CARRIED. Transportation: I-405 Corridor Mayor Pro Tem Clawson reported that the Washington State Department of Program Transportation(WSDOT)is soliciting public comments until October 24th regarding the I-405 Corridor Program, and he encouraged citizens to comment on the matter. Airport: Restricted Use due to Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding the closure of the US Terrorist Attacks Renton Airport to general aviation due to the United States terrorist attacks, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed that the airport is still closed to general aviation that use visual flying rules except for pilots that are under the supervision of a flight school. Planning: Airport Related Uses Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler announced that the creation of an airport Zoning Text Amendments(IM district and related zoning code changes to the Industrial-Medium zone will be Zone) discussed at the next Planning Commission meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 67 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS AND LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:33 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:40 p.m. MARILV J.tfTERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 1,2001 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 343 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/08 Shuffleton Plant Video; (Clawson) 6:00 p.m. Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Priorities COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/08 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. Alder Request for Special Assessment District PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT WED., 10/03 NE 4th St. &Union Ave. NE (Northward (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:00 p.m. Homes)Appeal *Council Chambers* THURS., 10/04 Airport District Regulations 3:30 p.m. *Council Conference Room* THURS., 10/04 Vazquez Appeal 4:00 p.m. *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) TUES., 10/02 U.S. Customs at Renton Airport; (Persson) 11:30 a.m. WSDOT Agreement for Signals & Gates Reconstruction on Lake Washington Blvd.; Metro Route 110 Re-routing UTILITIES THURS., 10/04 Aberdeen Ave. NE Utility (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Improvements; Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer "MW NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 344 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ..,., October 8, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Amendments to Title IV, Development Regulations, creating an Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport, creating a definition for "airport related use", and amending the zoning use tables to allow airport related uses and a municipal airport in the Industrial-Medium (IM) zone; and deleting airport uses from the Center Down (CD) zone. b. Adoption of R-8 zoning on Lee Annexation property; 12 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave. NE at NE 10th St. 4. APPEALS: Planning &Development Committee reports re: a. NE 4th St. &Union Ave. NE(Northward Homes) b. Vazquez Administrative Variance INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was ... best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi- judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code, and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning &Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick, easy, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ..n (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is 345 allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of October 1, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits petition for street vacation for portion of SW 13th St. between Lind Ave. SW and Seneca Ave. SW in the Automall area; petition received by Dale Walker of Walker's Renton Subaru (VAC-01-003), accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on November 5, 2001 to consider the petition. (See 10.a. for resolution setting public hearing.) c. Court Case filed on behalf of Renton Hill Community Association, alleging that Renton's approval of the Heritage Renton Hill preliminary plat on September 10, 2001, significantly harms and adversely impacts the Renton Hill community and adequate provisions have not been made to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. Refer to City Attorney& Insurance Services. d. Police Department requests amendment of hiring dates for two additional school safety resource officers (acceptance of grant funding for the positions approved on September 17, 2001) to reflect the use of the funds over three years from the date of hire of the officers. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Electronic letter from Sean O'Neill, 575 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, requesting that Council adopt an ordinance enacting residential nuisance lighting regulations. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*)may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Transportation Committee: WSDOT Agreement for Signals & Gates Reconstruction on Lake Washington Blvd.*; Metro Route 110 Re-routing c. Utilities Committee: Aberdeen Ave. NE Utility Improvements; Blaine Ave. NE Special Assessment District*; Aberdeen Ave. NE Special Assessment District* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Setting a public hearing on 11/05/2001 to consider petition to vacate a portion on SW 13th St., between Lind&Seneca Avenues SW;VAC-01-003 (See 7.b.) b. Accepting grant from WSDOT for signals & gates reconstruction on Lake Washington Blvd. (See 9.b.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Approving the Lee Annexation (See 3.b.) b. Adopting R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation Area (See 3.b.) c. Establishing Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Assessment District (See 9.c.) d. Establishing Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Assessment District (See 9.c.) .... (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Shuffleton Power Plant Video Association of Washington Cities (AWC)Legislative Priorities • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE- CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M., WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 317 CITY COUNCIL �- October 8, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Prepare letter to WSDOT re: endorsing the modification to Metro Route 110 (Renton RUSH) CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed on behalf of Renton Hill Community Association COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE E-mail from Kaylee Scholes, 16236 121st Ave. SE, re: off-leash dog park Establishment of a skate park advisory committee FINANCE COMMITTEE Seventh floor conferencing center funding MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute agreements with WSDOT & Southport LLC related to RR crossing improvements on Lake Washington Blvd. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE E-mail from Sam O'Neill, 575 High Ave. S., re: nuisance lighting regulations PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR Petition to vacate portion of SW 13th St. between Lind and Seneca Avenues SW (VAC-01-003) UTILITIES COMMITTEE Topic of private street lighting systems ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Approving the Lee Annexation (1st reading 10/8/2001) Approving R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation (1st reading 10/8/2001) Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Assessment District (1st reading 10/8/2001) Now Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Assessment District (1st reading 10/8/2001) PUBLIC HEARING_ 11/5/2001 —Petition to vacate portion of SW 13th St. between Lind& Seneca (VAC-01-003) 548 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Dan Clawson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Mayor Pro Tem; TONI NELSON, Council President Pro COUNCILMEMBERS Tem; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ZANETTA FONTES, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director; NEIL WATTS,Development Services Director; OWEN DENNISON, Senior Planner; REBECCA LIND,Principal Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE and DEPUTY CHIEF JOSEPH PEACH, Police Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Airport Related Uses accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pro Tem Clawson opened the Zoning Text Amendments (IM public hearing to consider amendments to Title IV,Development Regulations, Zone) creating an Airport District at the Renton Municipal Airport, creating a definition for"airport related use", and amending the zoning use tables to allow airport related uses and a municipal airport in the Industrial-Medium(IM)zone; =MW and deleting airport uses from the Center Downtown(CD) zone. Rebecca Lind,Principal Planner,explained that the airport is zoned IM, and currently, airport and airport related uses are not specifically listed in the use table; therefore, the uses need to be determined, along with development standards specific to airports and the required permit types within airports. Historically, the airport was zoned Public Use (P-1); upon discontinuation of this zone, P-1 zoned parcels have been systematically rezoned, including the airport in December 2000. Ms.Lind said that staff proposes to add airport and airport related uses to the IM zone. Creation of an Airport Development District in Chapter 3,Title IV (Development Regulations), as well as a specific list of allowed and accessory uses is also proposed. Ms.Lind indicated that development standards pertinent to airport activities will also be included. Additionally, it is proposed that the hearing examiner conditional use process be required for all activities. A map of the airport area is proposed to be included in the zoning text portion of the City Code, but not on the zoning map. Ms. Lind also noted that staff proposes to eliminate the airport use from the Center Downtown(CD) zone and adopt a definition for airport related uses. Continuing,Ms. Lind detailed various format and regulatory options explored by staff prior to bringing the proposal before Council. She stated that after consideration of the options, staff recommends the creation of an Airport ..� Development District for the following reasons: 349 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 349 • Provides guidance on uses and standards and the authority is clearly stated in the Code. mom • It is user friendly; regulations are listed in the Code rather that in a separate document. • A zoning map overlay is not needed. In conclusion,Ms. Lind stated that the Planning Commission will review the matter at its meeting on October 10th, and the Planning&Development Committee will also review it at an upcoming meeting. Public comment was invited. Al Banholzer, 14932— 165th Pl. SE,Renton, 98059, stated his support for the establishment of a unique zone for the airport; and recommended that changes in the zoning requirements for the airport be tabled until the completion of the airport business plan. Additionally, he recommended the creation of an Airport Zoning Overlay District instead of an Airport Development District as proposed because it would more clearly define what the airport is and where it is located. Stating that regulations would be the same for both types of districts,Ms.Lind explained that under the Airport Development District,the airport would not be shown separately on the zoning map. However, a map and a description of the airport would appear in the zoning text portion of the City Code. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the creation of a unique airport zone,Ms. Lind indicated that option had not been pursued in an attempt to keep down the number of zones within the City. Councilman Persson and NOON Councilman Corman stated their support for exploring that option. David J. Kotker,Airport Advisory Committee member,4339 134th Pl. SE, Bellevue, 98006, said that he also supported the creation of an airport zone. Mr. Kotker recommended that the City consult with the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)to ensure consistent definitions for airport uses. In addition, he asked the City to consider compatible land uses around the airport and cited Revised Code of Washington Section 36.7A.510 which relates to growth management planning for general aviation airports. Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry regarding the airport related use definition,Mr. Kotker suggested that the City use the FAA's definition for aeronautical activity. Diane Paholke,Airport Advisory Committee member, 325 Edmonds Ave. SE, Renton, 98056,recommended that the matter be tabled until the airport business plan is completed, and she expressed her concern about how the City's proposed airport related use definition differs from the FAA's definition. Responding to Council inquiry about the timing of the proposed zoning changes,Ms. Lind explained that staff was making an effort to put these changes in place prior to the expiration of the moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases at the airport on October 31st. If Council needs more time to consider the changes, she pointed out that the Development Services Division determined that any applications submitted after the expiration of the moratorium could be processed under an administrative determination. SNOW 550 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 350 Councilmembers discussed the potential affects of the expiration of the moratorium and acknowledged that the pursuit of a business plan and the zoning changes were compatible with one another and could proceed in tandem. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, moo SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Parker's comments about the addition of the proposed airport and airport related uses list to the IM zone, Councilman Corman agreed that the list would provide protection for existing and future airport tenants. Annexation: Lee,R-8 Zoning This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Pro Tem Clawson opened the public hearing to consider R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre) zoning for the Lee Annexation; approximately 12 acres located east of Hoquiam Ave. NE(142nd Ave. SE), north of NE 9th St. (if extended) and west of 144th Ave. SE(if extended). Owen Dennison, Senior Planner, stated that subsequent to the public hearing on the 60% annexation petition on April 23rd, the King County Boundary Review Board approved the proposed annexation on July 16th. He explained that this is the second of two required public hearings on the proposed zoning for the annexation area. Describing the subject area,Mr. Dennison noted that the site contains five single-family homes and a small wetland. Continuing,Mr. Dennison indicated that the site is designated Residential Single Family under Renton's Comprehensive Plan. Potential zones are R-5 (five dwelling units per acre),RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park), ..r and R-8. He noted that R-8 zoning would allow for eight dwelling units per net acre compared to the existing King County zoning of R-4 which equates to approximately 7.1 units per net acre without constraints. Mr. Dennison concluded that staff recommends approval of the annexation and adoption of R- 8 zoning as proposed which is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Map. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 356 for ordinances.) APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Appeal: Vazquez report regarding the Vazquez variance appeal (V-01-048). The Committee Administrative Variance, convened to consider the appeal of the decision of the Hearing Examiner dated Windsor Way NE(V-01-048) May 4, 2001. The subject property is located at 411 Windsor Way NE. The applicant seeks an administrative variance from the required side yard setback in the R-8 zone. The variance would allow the construction of a stairway from the sidewalk to a second floor entrance. The applicant appealed the decision of the Hearing Examiner upholding the denial of the variance by City staff. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The lot has a unique topography, making construction of any structure a uno challenge. October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 351 2. Not only is the lot uniquely shaped,but it also sits down six feet from street level. 3. The lot is bordered on one side by a Puget Sound transmission line right-of- way. 4. The right-of-way is undeveloped and trees and undergrowth grow right up to the sidewalk on the subject side. 5. The only other border shared by the subject property is located opposite the proposed stairway and is unaffected. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Committee finds that the denial of the variance failed to properly weigh the hardship placed upon the subject site due to its unusual topography and shape. The denial further failed to weigh the minimal impact this intrusion into the setback would create. Hence the Hearing Examiner has made an error of fact in upholding the denial of the variance. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee recommended that the City Council reverse the decision of the Hearing Examiner and grant the variance for the requested stairway. The Committee further recommended that the City refund one of the two$75 appeal fees that was paid by the applicant. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative „! REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • Six citizens will be honored this year at the Outstanding Citizens Award Banquet on Thursday, October 11th. They are Pat Auten,Mij Charbonneau,Doug Kyes,Joann Lee,Marcie Maxwell, and Homer Venishnick. • King County has accepted the bid submitted by Frank Coluccio Construction for the King County Metro Eastside Interceptor Section 1 project in South Renton. The intent is to have a Notice to Proceed by November 1st. • The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) recently dismissed the petition by Puget Sound Energy for interim electricity rate relief. This means that,for now,the reported 18% electricity rate increases sought by Puget Sound Energy will not be placed into effect. AUDIENCE COMMENT Larry Andriesen,Federal Aviation Administration Regional Administrator for Citizen Comment: Anderson— the NW Mountain Region, 1601 Lind Ave. SW,Renton, 98055,reported that FAA Childcare Facility(Little because of the terrorist attacks on September 11,the FAA was forced to close Aviators) its regional building located on Lind Ave. SW due to security reasons. This included the Little Aviators childcare operation located in the building. Since then,the building has reopened; however, in order to comply with its own regulation of keeping an 80-foot security perimeter around the building,the childcare center has remained closed. To include the childcare center within ctober 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 352 this FAA-imposed perimeter, would require the closure of Raymond Ave. SW. Acknowledging that the City is not amenable to the closure, Mr. Andriesen requested that the City disallow parking on Raymond Ave. SW which would lessen the threat of an Oklahoma City style terrorist attack on the facility. nwo Responding to Council inquiry, Mr. Andriesen said that FAA headquarters has agreed to mitigate the security requirements in this manner. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that Mr. Andriesen's request could be accomplished by placing "no parking" signs along both sides of Raymond Ave. SW. He added that after investigation of the site by City staff, signs could be quickly installed. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE A NO PARKING ZONE ON BOTH SIDES OF RAYMOND AVE. SW, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ADMINISTRATION.* For the record, Councilman Persson stated that he has investigated the area and based on his experience with traffic problems throughout the City,felt that closing the street to parking would not cause any problems. *CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Wilson— Kurt Wilson, 1010 S. 336th St., Suite 305,Federal Way, 98003, representing Street Lighting (Private Harbour Homes, expressed his concerns regarding the City's position on private Systems) street lighting. He stated that the City prefers to own and maintain the street lighting as a public system; however, a private system installed and maintained by Puget Sound Energy(PSE) is less expensive. Mr.Wilson pointed out that installation of a less expensive lighting system would result in a reduction of the housing prices. Indicating that he has submitted a letter regarding this matter to the City, Mr. Wilson requested that current and future projects under design or development be allowed the option to use the private systems provided by PSE. Citizen Comment: Foster— Tom Foster, 2840 SE 118th St., Issaquah, representing Harbour Homes, Street Lighting (Private commented that he underwent preliminary plat approval thinking that he had an Systems) option for either a private or a public lighting system and then found out that a public system must be used. Explaining that he is already conducting traffic light improvements at the intersection of Jericho Ave. NE and NE 4th St.,he said that installing a public system would be an additional unexpected expense. Mr.Foster stated his desire to keep the prices of the houses down, and he requested direction from the City regarding how to proceed. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Arrowsmith Barbara Arrowsmith, 14626 SE 181st St.,Renton, 98058, thanked the City for -FAA Childcare Facility its decision regarding the FAA childcare facility issue. (Little Aviators) Citizen Comment: Fitzgerald - Wallace Fitzgerald, 850 E.Lane Ave., Kent,9 803 1,thanked Renton for taking FAA Childcare Facility (Little quick action regarding the FAA childcare center. He also thanked the FAA, Aviators) Representative Jennifer Dunn, Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, and the Mayor's office for their support of the Little Aviators childcare operation. Mayor Pro Tem Clawson requested that a letter be sent from the Mayor and Council to the FAA, the Senator and Representative thanking them for their efforts to reopen the childcare center. 353 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 353 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilwoman Briere, added item 7.e. was removed for separate consideration. Council Minutes of October 1, Approval of Council minutes of October 1, 2001. Council concur. 2001 Vacation: SW 13th St between City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation for portion of SW 13th St. Lind&Seneca, Dale Walker between Lind Ave. SW and Seneca Ave. SW in the Automall area;petition (VAC-01-003) received by Dale Walker of Walker's Renton Subaru(VAC-01-003), accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on November 5, 2001, to consider the petition. (See page 356 for resolution.) Court Case: Renton Hill Court Case filed in King County Superior Court on behalf of Renton Hill Community Association, CRT- Community Association, alleging that Renton's approval of the Heritage Renton 01-009 Hill preliminary plat on September 10, 2001, significantly harms and adversely impacts the Renton Hill community, and adequate provisions have not been made to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Police: Dept of Justice Grant Police Department requested amendment of hiring dates for two additional for School Resource Officers school safety resource officers (acceptance of grant funding for the positions approved on September 17, 2001)to reflect the use of the funds over three years from the date of hire of the officers. Council concur. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REMOVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.e. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. loom MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.e. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Community Services Department requested approval of an additional$90,000 Added Item 7.e. to fund the construction and the outfitting of the seventh floor conferencing Community Services: City center. Total cost not to exceed$240,000. Hall 7th Floor Conferencing Councilwoman Briere stated that the seventh floor conference center is over Center budget, and due to current state of the economy, she suggested that the project move forward without the additional cost of the specialty equipment. Councilman Parker pointed out that the additional expenditure for teleconferencing equipment had been discussed during the Council retreat and he supported going forward with the matter. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler and Mayor Pro Tem Clawson questioned the amount of money being spent on the conference center and requested more information about the potential teleconferencing capabilities of the center,how the money is going to be used, where the money is coming from, and whether the project is necessary at this time. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that construction has already begun on the conference center and affirmed that additional information would be provided to all Councilmembers. = Councilman Corman expressed his support for expanding the capabilities of the conference center to include videoconferencing, and recommended going 354 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 354 forward with the project. Councilman Persson recommended that the current project be completed but not expanded as requested. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. r+' Responding to Councilman Corman's comments regarding continuing construction of the conference center,Mr. Covington stated existing authorization covers the construction of the center but the teleconferencing equipment will not be purchased unless authorized by Council. CORRESPONDENCE An electronic letter was read from Sean O'Neill, 575 High Ave. S.,Renton, Citizen Comment: O'Neill— 98055,expressing his unhappiness with his neighbor's sport court light that Nuisance Lighting Regulations shines directly into his home. He requested that Council adopt an ordinance enacting nuisance lighting regulations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Piccola— An electronic letter was read from John Piccola, 10058 32nd Ave. NE, Seattle, FAA Childcare Facility(Little 98125, stating his support for the reopening of the Little Aviators childcare Aviators) facility located in the FAA building. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending that Transportation Committee Council endorse the modification to Metro Route 110 (Renton Rush)to serve Metro: Route 110 the commuter rail station and better serve major employers affected by the Modification(RUSH) Commuter Trip Reduction Act. The Committee further recommended that a letter be prepared by the administration acknowledging the endorsement of the route modification. The new route will run between the Tukwila Commuter Rail Station on Longacres Dr. SW, SW 16th St. to Lind(outbound)and Oakesdale (inbound), SW 7th St.,Rainier Ave. S., S. 2nd (westbound) or S. 3rd (eastbound)to Renton Transit Center,Park Ave. N. and N. 8th St. Powell Ave. S. and Lind to SW 21st St. will be eliminated. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: RR Xing Transportation Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending that Reconstruction at Lake WA Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement Blvd, Contracts with WSDOT between Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the &Southport LLC City to obligate the grant funding for reconstruction of the signals and gates on Lake Washington Blvd at Railroad MP 3.98; and the agreement between Southport LLC and the City to construct transportation improvements for mutual benefit. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 356 for resolution.) Transportation: Closure of SW Responding to Councilman Persson's request for an update on the possible 43rd St (Tukwila's S 180th St closure of SW 43rd St. as part of the City of Tukwila's S. 180th St. rail Rail Underpass Project) underpass project, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman said that the project had been delayed due to a bid dispute. Reporting that the Mayor of Tukwila assured him that there would not be a detour or disruption of SW 43rd St. before early January 2002, he stated that he would keep Council informed of any updates. +r Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 197021 - 197461, and three wire transfers totaling X55 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 355 $3,094,768.68; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 34272—34540 and 544 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,618,205.08. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending that Council CAG: 00-110,Aberdeen Ave accept the Aberdeen Ave. NE Utility Improvement project(CAG-00-110). The NE Utility Improvements, Committee further recommended that the final pay estimate be approved and Robison Construction that the retainage bond in the amount of$49,592.56 be released after 60 days, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Blaine Ave NE with the staff recommendation that the Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District No. 0022 be approved. The Special Assessment District will establish connection charges of$4,477.60 per single-family unit that are within the boundary of the assessment district. In addition, simple interest will accrue at a rate of 5.93% for a period of ten years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance finalizing the Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 356 for ordinance.) Councilwoman Briere commented that the affected residents will be responsible for installing their own side sewers, and City staff will send out a letter suggesting that the residents get together and try to utilize the same l"" contractors in order to offset the expense for that portion of the work. Special Assessment District: Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Aberdeen Ave NE with the staff recommendation that the Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District No. 0021 be approved. The Special Assessment District will establish connection charges at the rate of$55.68 per zoned front foot. Existing single-family homes will have the option of paying a flat charge of$3,240 with the remainder of the entire property's assessment plus interest due upon further development of the parcel. In addition, simple interest will accrue at a rate of 5.93% for a period of ten years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance finalizing the Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 356 for ordinance.) Community Services: US Flag Referring to a letter read at the September 24th Council meeting from Shirley Display at City Hall Fraidenburg asking that the United States flag at City Hall be flown 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, Councilwoman Briere reported that the purchase of a light in the estimated amount of$2,000 would illuminate the flag at night, thus allowing it to be displayed 24 hours a day. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A LIGHT TO ILLUMINATE THE UNITED STATES FLAG �.. FLOWN AT CITY HALL. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding flag-flying protocol, Councilwoman Briere stated that as long as the flag is illuminated, it can be 356 October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 356 flown at night. Regarding funding for the purchase of the light, Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington assured Council that money for the light can be found in the existing budget. Transportation: S Grady Way Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the "do not block driveway" sign No Do Not Block Driveway Sign located at the entrance to City Hall on S. Grady Way is no longer needed and will be removed. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3532 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date of November 5, 2001, to Vacation: SW 13th St between vacate that portion of SW 13th St.,between Lind Ave. SW and Seneca Ave. Lind &Seneca,Dale Walker SW (Dale Walker,Walker's Renton Subaru; VAC-01-003). MOVED BY (VAC-01-003) KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3533 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: RR Xing interlocal agency agreement between the City and the Washington State Reconstruction @ Lake WA Department of Transportation(WSDOT)for funding to design shoulder Blvd, Contracts with WSDOT mounted cantilevers, signals and gates on Lake Washington Blvd. at the &Southport LLC entrance to Gene Coulon Park and sign such later agreements as would be necessary for further work, including construction. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 10/15/2001 for second and final reading: Annexation: Lee,Hoquiam An ordinance was read annexing approximately 12 acres located east of Ave NE&NE 9th St Hoquiam Ave. NE,north of NE 9th St. (if extended) and west of 144th Ave. SE �•� (if extended);Lee Annexation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/15/2001. CARRIED. Annexation: Lee,R-8 Zoning An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for the Lee Annexation area from R-4(Urban Residential; four dwelling units per acre, King County zoning)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/15/2001. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Blaine Ave NE service for properties adjacent to Blaine Ave. NE, and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/15/2001. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Aberdeen Ave NE service for properties adjacent to Aberdeen Ave. NE,from NE 12th St. to NE 27th St., and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/15/2001. CARRIED. moo October 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 357 357 NEW BUSINESS Referring to an electronic letter received from Kaylee Scholes, 16236 121st Citizen Comment: Scholes - Ave. SE, Renton, 98058,requesting that the City establish an off-leash dog Off-Leash Dog Park park, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY .�• CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF AN OFF-LEASH DOG PARK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services: Skate MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Park Advisory Committee COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF FORMING A SKATE PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 77 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:35 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:52 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:52 p.m. 'd j;/'- li6�*�JD- -) MARIL J.eETERSEN, CMC, City Clerk r Recorder: Michele Neumann October 8,2001 Q CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR O Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 8, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA .r COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/15 Council's Role in Quasi-Judicial Matters (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 10/15 Information Services Reorganization (Parker) 6:00 p.m. Update; 2001 Reclassifications Update PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) ..r PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) WED., 10/10 Renton Airport Security (Persson) 10:30 a.m. UTILITIES (Briere) Now NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 15, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: NE 4th St. &Union Ave. NE (Northward Homes) INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi- judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code, and by State law, the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick, easy, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 300 a. Approval of Council minutes of October 8, 2001. Council concur. b. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance authorizing the refund of 1997 outstanding bonds and the issuance of a new 2001 bond issue for the construction of the Downtown Parking Garage. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval to purchase Spatialinfo software and application integration services in the amount of$85,000 from e-Terra for the maintenance and dissemination of spatially referenced data which provides the means to integrate this data ""' with the City's enterprise information system. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Vineyards preliminary plat; 42 single-family lots on 7.32 acres located on Union Ave. NE, between NE 5th St. and NE 7th St. (PP-00-029). Council concur. e. Transportation Systems Division requests an additional $110,000 to fund the East Valley Road Rehabilitation Project (CAG-00-099) due to changes in the contract requirements as a result of unforeseen conditions. Funds to be taken from the NE 44th Street project, which is currently on hold. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-00-119, Highlands Neighborhood Walkways and Curb Ramps; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$322,822.48, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $16,990.66 to GMT, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Authorization is also requested to transfer$25,000 from the Walkways Program to fund additional work needed for the Highlands Neighborhood Walkway project. Council concur. g. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with King County for $270,000 in matching funds towards the Transit Signal Priority Project. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) h. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with the King Conservation District Number 9 to accept the City's share of the King Conservation District's assessment in the amount of$55,466 for use on water quality, habitat and water resource protection projects. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) i. Utility Systems Division recommends acceptance of a five-year Public Works Trust Fund Pre- Construction Loan in the amount of$567,831 for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements design. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Transportation Committee: Renton Airport Security 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Agreement with King County for Transit Signal Priority Project grant (See 6.g.) b. Accepting grant from King Conservation District Number 9 (See 6.h.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Approving the Lee Annexation (1st reading 10/8/2001) b. Adopting R-8 zoning for the Lee Annexation Area (1st reading 10/8/2001) c. Establishing Blaine Ave. NE Sanitary Assessment District (1st reading 10/8/2001) d. Establishing Aberdeen Ave. NE Sanitary Assessment District (1st reading 10/8/2001) ..r (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 361 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Council's Role in Quasi-Judicial Matters • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE- CABLECAST ,r. TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M., WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 362 CITY COUNCIL October 15, 2001 City Clerk's Office , Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE 2001 bond issue for Downtown Parking Garage & refund of 1997 outstanding bonds Purchase of Spatialinfo software & application integration services Topic of gambling issues MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute agreement for grant funding from King County for Transit Signal Priority Project Execute agreement for grant funding from King Conservation District Number 9 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE East Valley Road Rehabilitation Project additional funding UTILITIES COMMITTEE Acceptance of PWTF loan for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements design .r ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Special Assessment District time payments (1st reading 10/15/2001) ..� PUBLIC HEARING 11/5/2001 —Petition to vacate portion of SW 13th St. between Lind & Seneca (VAC-01-003) RENTON CITY COUNCII, Regular Meeting October 15, 2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:40 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; TONI NELSON; RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Olympic Pipeline Company will perform nitrogen purging in the 20- inch and 14-inch lines in Renton on October 15th and 16th. Although the nitrogen purging may make noise, this work poses no hazards to the public. .... * Over 1,500 pounds of food and $600 in cash donations benefiting the Renton Salvation Army Food Bank were collected on the September 29th Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry. * Cycling for Salmon, a co-sponsored event with King County Parks, will be held on Sundays, October 21st and November 4th. Call (206) 296-4171 to register. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ken Correa, 670 Sunset Blvd. NE, Renton, 98056, thanked the Mayor and Citizen Comment: Correa— Development Services Director Neil Watts for meeting with him in August to Utilities Easement Area discuss the restoration of the utilities easement area that he granted to the City. Restoration However, since the meeting, and despite repeatedly contacting City staff about the matter,he reported that the easement area has yet to be restored to its original condition. Clarifying that Mr. Correa wants the subject property regraded,Mayor Tanner questioned what the original grade was,and stated that since the property appears to be roughly the lie of the land for the original grade, he is at a loss as to what the City can do. Mayor Tanner suggested that Mr. Correa regrade the property and then file a claim for damages against the City. Citizen Comment: Clifford— Chris Clifford, 2721 Talbot Rd. S., Renton, 98055, inquired as to what rules Council as Quasi-Judicial allow the Mayor to break a tie vote of the City Council when the Council sits as Body,Tie-Breaking Vote by a quasi-judicial body. In response, City Attorney Larry Warren cited the Mayor Revised Code of Washington Section 35A.12.100 as follows: "The mayor shall preside over all meetings of the city council, when present,but shall have a vote only in the case of a tie in the votes of the councilmen with respect to matters October 15,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 364 other than the passage of any ordinance,grant, or revocation of franchise or license, or any resolution for the payment of money." Citizen Comment: Nicoli— Sara Nicoli, 3404 Burnett Ave. N.,Renton, 98055, stating that she lives Kennydale Beach Park, adjacent to the Kennydale Beach Park parking area, expressed concern that the �+ Loitering Problems installation of benches and tables in the parking area of the park will aggravate an already serious loitering problem. She claimed that the loiterers leave trash in the park and she often has to call the police to report unlawful activities. Ms. Nicoli submitted a petition signed by 19 residents who live adjacent to the parking area which states that they do not want tables and benches at the Kennydale Beach Park parking lot because loitering is a problem the City has not recognized and is not dealing with. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the Kennydale Homeowners Association received a grant through the City's Neighborhood Grant Program to beautify the parking area and is working with City staff to make improvements to the parking area and to landscape the bank. Expressing concern that not all of the residents surrounding the area are in support of the project,Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that City staff picks up litter at the park on a daily basis, and sweeps the parking lot once a month. Mayor Tanner recommended that a public meeting be held with the Kennydale Homeowners Association to discuss the matter and to determine if there is sufficient neighborhood support for the park improvements. Councilman Corman suggested that City staff investigate whether neighborhoods with similar "pocket parks" are experiencing the same types of problems. Citizen Comment: Olson— Barbara Olson, 19831 132nd Pl. SE,Renton, 98058, expressed her concern hd Youth Services Programs about the lack of services available for at-risk and homeless youth in the community,especially during this time of unrest in our country, and is seeking a way to provide them with safe housing. She inquired as to what is being done to provide staffing, care and shelter for young people during emergency situations. Councilman Parker suggested that Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik contact Ms. Olson to inform her of the services that Renton provides, and Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler offered to contact her as well to discuss the South County forum activities. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of October 8, Approval of Council minutes of October 8, 2001. Council concur. 2001 Finance: 2001 Bond Issuance Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an (Downtown Parking Garage), ordinance authorizing the refund of 1997 outstanding bonds and the issuance of 1997 Bond Refund a new 2001 bond issue for the construction of the Downtown Parking Garage. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Spatialinfo Software Finance and Information Services Department requested approval to purchase Purchase Spatialinfo software and application integration services in the amount of $85,000 from e-Terra for the maintenance and dissemination of spatially referenced data which provides the means to integrate this data with the City's enterprise information system. Refer to Finance Committee. 365 October 15,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 365 Plat: Vineyards,Union Ave Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of The Vineyards NE(PP-00-029) preliminary plat;42 single-family lots on 7.32 acres located on Union Ave. NE, between NE 5th St. and NE 7th St. (PP-00-029). Council concur. CAG: 00-099,East Valley Transportation Systems Division requested an additional $110,000 to fund the Road Rehabilitation Project East Valley Road Rehabilitation Project(CAG-00-099)due to changes in the Additional Funding contract requirements as a result of unforeseen conditions. Funds could be taken from the NE 44th Street Project, which is currently on hold. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 00-119,Highlands Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-00-119,Highlands Neighborhood Walkway & Neighborhood Walkways and Curb Ramps Project; and requested approval of Curb Ramps, GMT Inc the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$322,822.48, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $16,990.66 to GMT, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Authorization was also requested to transfer$25,000 from the Walkways Program to fund additional work needed for this project. Council concur. Transportation: Transit Signal Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Priority Project Funding, King King County for$270,000 in matching funds towards the Transit Signal County Priority Project. Council concur. (See page 367 for resolution.) Utility: King Conservation Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with the King District Grant Conservation District Number 9 to accept the City's share of the King Conservation District's assessment in the amount of$55,466 for use on water quality, habitat and water resource protection projects. Council concur. (See page 367 for resolution.) Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division recommended acceptance of a five-year Public Works i Treatment Improvements Trust Fund Pre-Construction Loan in the amount of$567,831 for the Design,PWTF Loan Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements design. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation(Aviation) regarding the installation of security improvements at the Renton Municipal Committee Airport. Because of the events of September 11, 2001, there is a need to move Airport: Security forward, in cooperation with the Boeing Company, other airport tenants and the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA), with the implementation of security improvements at the airport. The Committee concurred with the staff recommendation that the City Council authorize an expenditure of up to $300,000 to identify and install needed security improvements. There is sufficient funding available in the Airport Capital Reserves to pay for these improvements without causing a negative impact to ongoing airport operations or capital projects. The Committee likewise recommended that Council endorse the administration's efforts to obtain funding from such potential partners in these efforts as the Boeing Company, the FAA, and others. The Committee expects periodic progress reports from the administration regarding specific capital improvements and costs as this program progresses. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 366 October 15,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 366 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding a petition from Special Assessment District: David Alder to authorize time payments associated with special assessment Time Payments for Sewer districts. The Finance Committee concurred in the Utilities Committee and Connection (Alder Request) Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation that City Code Section 9-16 be amended to allow for time payments for special assessment ...r district charges. The revision to the City Code shall include the following provisions: 1. The policy for payment shall be for any assessment district charge within a base criteria and not just address this issue toward the Aberdeen Sewer Assessment. 2. The time payments shall be for assessment district charges only. Systems Development Charges and permit fees shall be paid at the time of the permit issuance. 3. Time payments shall be allowed only for the owner of an existing single- family home. Commercial properties,multi-family properties, and platting or short platting properties for development shall trigger the complete payment of fees per code. 4. The first payment shall be due at the time of application for the permit, with additional payments due in annual time periods. 5. There shall be a minimum assessment charge that the City allow time payments on. The minimum shall be$3,000 for the total of the special assessment district fees. 6. Interest shall accrue on the outstanding balance(s). The interest rate shall be calculated per City Code Section 9-16-7 and continue to accrue regardless of any time limits of accrual associated with the special assessment district(s). 7. There shall be a maximum period of time to make payment. The maximum shall be five payments, which would total five years (first payment due one year after permit is issued and the remaining payments due in annual installments on the anniversary of the permit issuance). 8. This policy will not be applied to private latecomers. Under latecomers agreements, we are required to collect the fees and pass them on to the developer at the time the property owner connects. The Committee further recommended that minor housekeeping items be corrected within Section 9-16 of City Code to provide clarification as to when special assessment districts are triggered, specifically identify the "per unit" method as an allowed method for calculating costs, and correct the text to reference special assessment districts instead of latecomer agreements. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 367 for ordinance.) Transportation: Post Office Councilwoman Briere requested an update on the traffic safety issues at the (NE 4th St)Access Problems Highlands Post Office located on NE 4th St. Finance: Gambling Issues MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER GAMBLING ISSUES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 367 October 15,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 367 ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS _ Resolution#3534 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City lerk to enter into an Transportation: Transit Signal agreement between King County and the City of Renton to implement a Transit Priority Project Funding, King Signal Priority Project in the City of Renton. MOVED BY CLAWSON, County SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3535 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Cit�Clerk to enter into an Utility: King Conservation interlocal cooperative agreement with King Conservation District Number 9 for District Grant award of a non-competitive grant to be used for conservation activities. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4918 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 12 acres located east of Annexation: Lee, Hoquiam Hoquiam Ave. NE, north of NE 9th St. (if extended) and west of 144th Ave. SE Ave NE&NE 9th St (if extended); Lee Annexation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4919 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for the Lee Annexation: Lee, R-8 Zoning Annexation area from R-4 (Urban Residential; four dwelling units per acre, King County zoning) to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL ..� AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4920 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Special Assessment District: service for properties adjacent to Blaine Ave. NE, and establishing the amount Blaine Ave NE of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4921 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Special Assessment District: service for properties adjacent to Aberdeen Ave. NE, from NE 12th St. to NE Aberdeen Ave NE 27th St., and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following added ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 10/22/2001 for second and final reading: Special Assessment District: An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9-16, Special Assessment Districts, Time Payments for Sewer of Title 9 (Public Ways)of City Code by adding a new Section 9-16-10, Connection (Alder Request) revising policies pertaining to payment and administration of special assessment charges, and renumbering Sections 9-16-8 through 9-16-12. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/22/2001. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Reporting that King County Executive Ron Sims presented his budget to the King County: Budget King County Council today, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted that the October 15,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 368 Budget's$41 million deficit will affect Renton,especially in the area of child care assistance. Councilwoman Nelson pointed out that Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik is investigating how the reduction in funding for the child care subsidy program will affect Renton residents. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington commented that Renton residents contribute over$10 million per year in taxes to King County, and every year,residents receive fewer services from King County. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:48 p.m. MARILV JAPfTERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 15,2001 'F I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 369 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 15, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/22 3rd Quarter Financial Report; (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. Initiative 747 Impacts on Renton COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 10/16 Skate Park Advisory Committee (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. *Mayor's Conference Room* FINANCE MON., 10/22 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. 1997 Outstanding Bond Refund&2001 Bond Issue for Downtown Parking Garage; Spatialinfo Software &Services Purchase PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT TUES., 10/16 Airport District Regulations (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 10/16 Street Improvement Exemption for Small (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Short Plats; East Valley Road Rehabilitation Project Funding; Oakesdale Avenue Project (briefing only); Benson Road Pedestrian Update; Airport Advisory Committee Preliminary Recommendations UTILITIES THURS., 10/18 Maplewood Water Treatment (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Improvements Design Public Works Trust Fund Loan; Private Street Lighting Systems NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 370 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 22, 2001 now Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: "Make a Difference Day" —October 27, 2001 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Police Department Award to Bellevue Fire Captain Gary White b. Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award 5. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: NE 4th St. &Union Ave. NE (Northward Homes) INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial ... body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee,the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 51 a. Approval of Council minutes of October 15, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits the 2001 Primary Election certification from King County Records & Elections, as follows: Council Position No. 2—Tim E. Segura, 668 votes, Rosemary Quesenberry, 1,859 votes (nominated), and Dan Clawson, 2,919 votes (nominated). Information. c. Wastewater Utility Division requests approval of an oversizing request by Burnstead ... Construction in the amount of$101,470 for additional costs associated with the East Renton Lift Station and requests fund transfer to cover the expense. Approval is also requested for an additional $300,000 appropriation to cover costs associated with projects constructed within the Sewer Main Extension program. Refer to Utilities Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; 1997 Outstanding Bond Refund & 2001 Bond Issue for Downtown Parking Garage*; Spatialinfo Software & Services Purchase b. Transportation Committee: East Valley Road Rehabilitation Project Funding c. Utilities Committee: Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Design Public Works Trust Fund Loan*; Private Street Lighting Systems 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Design Public Works Trust Fund Loan (See 10.c.) Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: 1997 bond refund & 2001 bond issue for Downtown Parking Garage (See 10.a) Ordinance for second and final reading: Special Assessment District time payments (1st reading 10/15/2001) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14, ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 3rd Quarter Financial Report Initiative 747 Impacts on Renton • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE- CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M., WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 372 CITY COUNCIL October 22, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute acceptance of PWTF loan for Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements design TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Issue of alley maintenance UTILITIES COMMITTEE Oversizing request for East Renton Lift Station PUBLIC HEARING 11/5/2001 —Petition to vacate portion of SW 13th St. between Lind& Seneca (VAC-01-003) 373 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ,... October 22,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; TONI NELSON; RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS DON PERSSON; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER KING PARKER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;MARILYN PETERSEN,City Clerk; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;JENNIFER TOTH HENNING,Principal Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of October 27, Make a Difference Day— 2001, to be "Make a Difference Day" in the City of Renton, and encouraging October 27,2001 citizens to connect with others and work together through volunteer service to bridge the differences that separate people and help solve serious social problems. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. SPECIAL Police Chief Garry Anderson presented Port of Seattle Fire Captain Gary White PRESENTATIONS with a citizen recognition award for his assistance in the apprehension of a Police: Citizen Recognition suspect who was being pursued by Renton police officers. On behalf of the Award to Gary White Renton Police Department and the community, Chief Anderson thanked Mr. White for his assistance. Mr. White stated that this is the time to come together as a community and help each other, and he saw this as an opportunity to do so. Finance: Employee Awards Finance and Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle announced that Print and Mail Coordinator Debbie Willard and Print and Mail Operator Karl Hurst were the recipients of the International Publishing Management Association Award for their efforts in printing the CIP. Ms. Runkle introduced the Budget group which consists of Finance Analyst Supervisor Sylvia Doerschel,Finance Analyst III Jill Masunaga, and Accounting Assistant H Dawna Truman; and presented them with the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 2001. In addition,Ms. Runkle introduced Finance Analyst Supervisor Gina Jarvis and announced that she was the recipient of the Professional Finance Officers Award for her efforts in keeping abreast of and conducting training on current accounting standards. APPEAL At Council request,Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes confirmed that in Planning &Development order to begin debate on the unsigned Planning and Development Committee Committee report regarding the NE 4th St. and Union Ave. NE preliminary plat appeal,a Appeal: NE 4th St&Union motion and a second is necessary; and Ms. Fontes recommended that any Ave NE,Northward Homes correspondence and related information be entered into the record prior to the (PP-01-082) reading of the report. 37. 4 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 374 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler disclosed that Councilmembers received a memo dated October 12th from Mayor Tanner asking that the project be approved. Councilwoman Briere disclosed that she had a conversation with a staff member regarding her concerns on the safety issues related to this project. WA Councilman Corman disclosed that he had spoken with CAO Jay Covington and Mayor Tanner regarding the proposed Committee report. Council President Clawson reported that he spoke with Mr. Covington and Mayor Tanner about the Hearing Examiner's recommendation and overruling his decisions regarding street widths, sidewalks, and alternative construction. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* A report was presented regarding the appeals of Northward Homes and the City of Renton Development Services Division on the NE 4th St. and Union Ave. NE preliminary plat. The Committee convened on October 3, 2001,to consider the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation dated August 30, 2001, regarding the project proposed by Northward Homes. The subject site is located at the north side of NE 4th St., west of Union Ave. NE. The applicant seeks to subdivide an approximately 4.7 acre property into 66 lots intended for future development of owner-occupied townhouses served by public streets. The developer is proposing townhouses despite the fact that the underlying zoning would allow stacked apartment served by private driveways. Administrative staff had allowed some street and sidewalk modifications consistent with their interpretation of the Council's stated intentions for the demonstration project. The Hearing Examiner recommended disapproval of the plat based on these street and sidewalk deviations. ..rr City staff appealed on two grounds: that the modifications granted are an administrative decision and are not within the jurisdiction of the Hearing Examiner. Further,the City claims that the record does not support the Hearing Examiner's conclusions. The applicant concurred in the City's appeal. After considering the Hearing Examiner's report,the Committee found that the Hearing Examiner had three concerns regarding this preliminary plat: 1)There were sidewalks on only one side of the street; 2)The street widths varied between 20 and 28 feet; and 3)There were "bump outs" throughout the development. (Note: even with the "bump outs" the street widths would not be less than 20 feet at any location.) The Committee also found that absent those three concerns, the Hearing Examiner would have recommended approval of the preliminary plat. The Committee did not find any indication in the Hearing Examiner's report that identified why he determined that the proposed street widths were inadequate. Further,the Committee did not find any indication in the Hearing Examiner's report that identified an environmental reason for not approving the preliminary plat. Finally,the Committee did not find any indication in the Hearing Examiner's report that explained why the process of administrative modifications should be disregarded in this preliminary plat application. Therefore,the Committee finds there has been an error of fact and law. The Committee found that the Hearing Examiner would have recommended Una approval of this preliminary plat without the modifications granted by the administration. Therefore,the Committee recommended that the City Council approve the preliminary plat, without the modifications granted by the October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 375 administration and subject to the conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee. The Committee determined that it was within the administration's authority to ••.• approve the street and sidewalk plan. Therefore, the Committee further recommended to the Council that the administrative staff not be foreclosed from reconsidering and regranting the modifications, to wit: the "bump outs," modified street widths, and sidewalk modifications when doing its review of this proposal in preparation for final plat approval. (end of report) Expressing his support for the Committee report, Councilman Corman stated the almost all of the Hearing Examiner findings concerned the layout of the sidewalks,the roads, and the "bump outs" in the roadways. He said that the question before the Committee was if this is a suitable piece of property for 66 owner-occupied homes or not. Mr. Corman relayed that the project falls under the auspices of a demonstration project in which development other than apartments is encouraged. He indicated that it is not up to Council to make decisions regarding safety and roadway issues and to say that the project is unsuitable for those reasons; it is the administration's responsibility to make determinations regarding the specifics of the street patterns. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated her opposition to the Committee report as written. She explained that the project design is unsafe for reasons which include: there are no places for kids to play, there are limited sidewalks,the roads and alleys are too narrow,there is a lack of rights-of-way for future sidewalk development, and the design is not pedestrian friendly. Ms. Keolker- Wheeler said that she is not convinced that this project is in the best interest of future residents. Regarding the use of demonstration projects, Ms. Keolker-Wheeler expressed her concern that the City is using the concept inappropriately. Demonstration projects have been completed within the City, and the City should be including what it learned from the projects into the codes of the City. Additionally, she expressed concerns regarding the purity of the process and how careful Councilmembers have to be to have no ex-parte contact with anyone, especially in this situation where the City is an appellant. Council President Clawson and Councilman Corman indicated that they were not influenced by the Mayor's memo regarding the project. Mr. Corman described the purpose of demonstration projects like Village on Union and said that the subject property is zoned for apartments and if developed as apartments,there would be no sidewalk standard and public streets within the project. Approval of the project as proposed will result in better pedestrian and street access, and better patrol of the streets. Mr. Corman pointed out that if the property had been zoned single-family, he would be in agreement with Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler; however, in this case it is an option. Responding to Council inquiry regarding the various street widths,Principal Planner Jennifer Henning explained that there is a 28-foot wide street width throughout the project(20-foot travel lane with eight feet of parking), and there is a 20-foot and a 16-foot alley. Referring to a diagram of the subject site,Ms. Henning detailed the street widths, and the layout of the streets and sidewalks. �• Indicating that she lives across the street from the project, Councilwoman Nelson said that she was pleased to see that the development will consist of single-family homes. Council President Clawson described City policies that 176 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 376 support this kind of development and stated that he is in favor of this project. Councilman Persson also indicated his support for the project. *MOTION CARRIED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. (Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that her"no" vote be recorded.) ..W MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF ALLEY MAINTENANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Corman stated that the City is using its Comprehensive Plan the way it is intended to be used when it comes to encouraging growth,density and amenities in areas where the City wants it. He noted that when developers approach the City with projects that comply with the Comprehensive Plan and City ordinances, the City needs to allow them to move forward with their projects. He encouraged citizens who are concerned about areas that are zoned at too high of a density to approach the City now, before applications are made for development. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that for growth management purposes,the City will be undergoing a review of its Comprehensive Plan. Responding to Council inquiry,Mayor Tanner requested a legal opinion on whether or not Council can remove unappealed land use items from the consent agenda for the purpose of reversing or amending the Hearing Examiner's recommendation. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: ...+ • The City of Renton Neighborhood Program is launching a second round of grants for citizen-initiated local projects. Applications are due by November 2,2001; for more information, call 425-430-6595. • The Community Services Department is updating the City's long-range park, recreation and open space plan. Community workshops will be held on Wednesday, October 24th, at the Highlands Neighborhood Center,and Monday, October 29th, at the Maplewood Golf Course Cedar Room,both from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. • Studio East presents Storybook Theater Hansel and Gretel at Carco Theater on October 27th and 28th. For ticket information,call 1-877-827-1100. Police: Speeding on Talbot Rd Council President Clawson expressed concern about speeding traffic on Talbot Rd. S. and requested increased traffic enforcement. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ken Correa, 670 Sunset Blvd. NE,Renton, 98056, stated that he is still not Citizen Comment: Correa— satisfied with the City's efforts regarding the restoration of his property, on Utilities Easement Area which he granted the City a utilities easement,to its original condition. He also Restoration expressed concern about trespassers on his property. Mayor Tanner indicated that Mr. Correa should go ahead and contract for the restoration work, and file a claim with the City. He noted that if the costs are reasonable, the claim will be paid. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the ..r listing. 377 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 377 Council Minutes of October Approval of Council minutes of October 15, 2001. Council concur. 15, 2001 City Clerk: 2001 Primary City Clerk submitted the 2001 Primary Election certification from King County .� Election Certification Records and Elections, as follow: Council Position No. 2—Tim E. Segura, 668 votes, Rosemary Quesenberry, 1,859 votes (nominated), and Dan Clawson, 2,919 votes (nominated). Information. Utility: Oversize Request by Wastewater Utility Division requested approval of an oversizing request by Burnstead Construction,Fund Bumstead Construction in the amount of$101,470 for additional costs Transfer&Appropriation associated with the East Renton Lift Station and requested fund transfer to cover the expense. Approval is also requested for an additional$300,000 appropriation to cover costs associated with projects constructed within the Sewer Main Extension program. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Community Services possibility of forming a Skate Park Advisory Committee. The Committee Committee recommended that staff help facilitate a meeting of Skate Park users to enable Community Services: Skate them to discuss ways to better operate and self-police the Skate Park. Park Advisory Committee Recommendations resulting from these discussions may be presented to the Board of Park Commissioners for their consideration. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the sole Finance: Spatialinfo Software source acquisition of Spatialinfo software and services. The Committee Purchase recommended concurrence in staffs recommendation that the Information Services Division be authorized to purchase Spatialinfo software and application integration services from e-Terra. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 197462- 197918, and two wire transfers totaling $2,594,365.23; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 34541 -34773 and 540 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,599,248.61. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: 2001 Bond Issuance Finance Committee Vice Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the (Downtown Parking Garage), approval of an ordinance to refund 1997 debt; to issue new debt for the 1997 Bond Refund construction of the Downtown Parking Garage; and to purchase investments to meet the interest costs of the garage through 2004. The Committee recommended adoption of the ordinance that authorizes refunding of 1997 debt to take advantage of historically low interest rates. The refunding will result in savings of$431,800 over the next 17 years. The net interest rate over the life of the bonds will be 4.77 percent. In addition, the Committee recommended the ordinance also permit the City to issue$6,000,000 of new debt at 5.15 percent interest over the life of the bonds. .,� However, by placing in escrow $753,800 the City will be able to earn in interest the same amount that it is spending for interest costs through 2004. Thus, the 378 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 378 cost of the garage through 2004 is only the forgone interest earnings. These bonds have a maturity schedule through 2021. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the placement of$753,800 in escrow,Finance and Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle explained that by placing that amount in escrow, the interest earned on the money will pay for the bonds issued for the garage through 2004. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 379 for ordinance.) Transportation(Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase H—SW 27th St. to SW 31st St. project CAG: 00-061, Oakesdale Ave (CAG-00-061). At its regularly scheduled meeting on October 16, 2001,the SW Phase H,Additional Transportation Committee concurred with the recommendation of the Funding Planning/Building/Public Works Department to amend the project budget from the current$2,500,000 to a new total of$3,225,300 to cover additional anticipated costs. The anticipated costs are due to delays to the contract while obtaining the environmental permitting to proceed with the project,redesign of the wetland mitigation,and increased quantities to build the revised wetland mitigation plan. The cost of the delays,redesign, and increase in quantities are anticipated to increase the project budget by $725,300. The additional funding of$725,300 required by the Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase II project will come from the 2001 ending fund balance. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 00-099,East Valley Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Road Rehabilitation, regarding the East Valley Road Rehabilitation project(CAG-00-099)budget Additional Funding amendment. At its regularly scheduled meeting on October 16, 2001, the Committee concurred with the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to amend the project budget from the current$1,664,000 to a new total of$1,814,000 to cover additional costs. The additional amount is needed to cover the cost of several changes in requirements and material quantities, which arose during the course of construction, due to unforeseen conditions not anticipated during design. Funds in the amount of$150,000 are need to complete payment on the contract. The additional funding of$150,000 required for the project will come from the NE 44th Street project which is currently on hold, thus creating available funding. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 01-093, Benson Rd S Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Pedestrian Improvements, regarding the Benson Rd. S. Pedestrian Improvement project(CAG-01-093). Additional Funding At its regularly scheduled meeting on October 16, 2001, the Committee concurred with the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to amend the project budget from the current$367,695 to a new total of$417,695 to cover future anticipated costs. The contingency amount to cover future unanticipated costs is $50,000. 379 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 379 The additional funding of$50,000 to be added to the Benson Rd. S. Pedestrian Improvement project will come from NE 44th Interchange (Port Quendall project). MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Maplewood Water in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Treatment Improvements the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the loan agreement with the Design, PWTF Loan State of Washington Department of Community,Trade and Economic Development for Public Works Trust Fund pre-construction loan number PW- 01-691-PRE-117 for the design of the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvement Facility. The loan amount is not to exceed$567,831, with a five- year term and 1/2 percent interest per year. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See below for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3536 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Utility: Maplewood Water interlocal cooperative agreement with the State of Washington Department of Treatment Improvements Community,Trade, and Economic Development entitled "Public Works Trust Design,PWTF Loan Fund Pre-Construction Loan Agreement Number PW-01-691-PRE-117" for design of the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvement project. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ... RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Finance: 2001 Bond Issuance An ordinance was read relating to the incurrence of indebtedness;providing for (Downtown Parking Garage), the sale and issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation and Refunding Bonds, 1997 Bond Refund 2001,to provide part of the costs of financing the construction of a Municipal Downtown Parking Garage and to advance refund and defease a portion of the City's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 199713; providing for the date, denominations,form,terms,registration privileges, maturity, interest rates and covenants of the bonds;providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal thereof and the interest thereon; establishing a debt service fund and project fund for the bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray Inc., Seattle,Washington. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#4922 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance,it was MOVED BY Finance: 2001 Bond Issuance CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE (Downtown Parking Garage), ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 1997 Bond Refund The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: 380 October 22,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 380 Ordinance#4923 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9-16, Special Assessment Districts, Special Assessment District: of Title 9 (Public Ways) of City Code by adding a new Section 9-16-10, Time Payments for Sewer revising policies pertaining to payment and administration of special Connection(Alder Request) assessment charges, and renumbering Sections 9-16-8 through 9-16-12. .err MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL.ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referring to a letter from Seattle Mayor Paul Schell regarding security Police: Security Assistance assistance during the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, Reimbursement, Seattle WTO Councilman Corman reported that Renton received reimbursement in the Meeting amount of$62,785.40 for its assistance during the event. Board/Commission: Planning Referring to the minutes from the Planning Commission, Councilman Corman Commission noted that discussion occurred suggesting the disbandment of the Commission, Recommendations and expressing concern regarding the value of the Commission's recommendations. He emphasized that the Council values the input of the Commission. Mayor Tanner stated that he considers the Planning Commission a valued advisory committee. As a former member of the Planning and Development Committee, Council President Clawson said that the input from the Planning Commission is valuable. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler added that she intends to attend a Planning Commission meeting to learn more about the concerns of the members. Human Services: Local Council President Clawson pointed out that local charitable agencies such as Charitable Agencies Lack of the food banks are suffering from a lack of funding and encouraged citizens to Funds donate to these agencies. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:15 p.m. on" MARIL J. *7TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 22,2001 .Mr CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 22, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/29 No Meeting (5th Monday) (Clawson) MON., 11/05 2002 Budget Presentation 5:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 11/05 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. 7th Floor Conferencing Center PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 11/01 Langham Short Plat Appeal (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 10/23 Neighborhood Speeding/Traffic Calming (Persson) 7:00 p.m. *Council Chambers* UTILITIES THURS., 11/01 Oversizing Request for East Renton Lift (Briere) 3:30 p.m. NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 5$ 2 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 5, 2001 good Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Fire Department Apprentice Recognition 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Street vacation petition for portion of SW 13th St. between Lind and Seneca Avenues SW; Dale Walker—Renton Subaru (Automall) 5. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: Langham Short Plat Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial "'° body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee,the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the �"� recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 383 a. Approval of Council minutes of October 22, 2001. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Richard C. Fisher, 833 SW Sunset Blvd., Renton, 98055, to the Civil Service Commission for an unexpired six-year term expiring 12/31/2006. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. City Clerk submits petition for street vacation for portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to ,..,. 91st Ave. S.; petition received on 10/22/2001 from Chang Brothers, Inc. and Wayne &Debra Miller, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider the petition. (See l La. for resolution setting the public hearing.) d. City Clerk submits petition for street vacation for portion of Lyons Ave. NE, between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets; petition received on 10/8/2001 from Connor Homes, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider the petition. (See l Lb. for resolution setting the public hearing.) e. Community Services Department recommends approval of a seven-year lease with King County Sexual Assault Resource Center for the ground floor of the 200 Mill Building. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submits pre- application for 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 55-acre WSDOT-owned property located near intersection of S. Talbot Rd. and S. 43rd St. to change land use designation from R-1 to a combination of CO, R-8 and R-10 or R-14. Waiver of the filing fee is also requested. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. g. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends the appointment of Howard Cohen, general manager of Holiday Inn Select, to the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to fill the vacancy left by Tim Salley. Council concur. h. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider R-8 zoning for the Piele Annexation; 20 acres located east and west of 142nd Ave. SE (Hoquiam Ave. NE), south of NE 6th St. (if extended) and west of 144th Ave. SE (if extended). Council concur. i. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submits 60% Notice .�. of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Honey Creek East Annexation; approximately 28 acres located west of Union Ave. NE and south of Sierra Heights Elementary School; and recommends public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the petition. Council concur. j. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submits 60% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Vuong Annexation; approximately 2.5 acres located on SE 116th St.; and recommends public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the petition. Council concur. k. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public meeting be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Wofford Annexation; approximately 45 acres bounded by Lyons Ave. NE,NE 2nd Ave., 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE), and Maplewood Heights Elementary School. Council concur. 1. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public meeting be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation; approximately 9.5 acres bounded by 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE), SE 136th St., and Lyons Ave. NE. Council concur. m. Executive Department recommends renewal of the contract with Warren, Barber&Fontes, P.S. for 2002 legal services. Refer to Finance Committee. n. Finance &Information Services Department recommends a public hearing be set on 11/26/2001 to consider the 2002 annual City of Renton Budget. Council concur. o. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval of a resolution which provides paid medical/dental coverage to eligible dependents of employees who have been called to active duty for "Operation Enduring Freedom." Council concur. (See 1 l.c. for resolution.) p. Legal Division recommends approval of a resolution which amends the penalties provision for first and subsequent offenses for violations of litter regulations. Refer to Public Safety Committee. q. Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends the reclassification of the Water Maintenance Manager position from Grade M26, Step E, to Grade M33, Step E. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 384 r. Technical Services Division requests authorization to extend the latecomer agreement for sewer improvements granted to Emmett H. Kindle in 1991 for an additional five years. Council concur. s. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-113, Airport Pavement Replacement; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $101,927.40, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$5,364.60 to Lakeridge Paving, LLC, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. t. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a consultant agreement with Robert Bernstein, Inc. in the amount of$114,400 to complete the NE 3rd &NE 4th Streets corridor study. Refer to Transportation Committee. u. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of agreements with WSDOT and King County for Monster Rd. SW/68th Ave. S. guardrail improvements. WSDOT grant covers 90% of the total project cost of$70,000, with the City and King County splitting the remaining 10%. Refer to Transportation Committee. v. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization for the expenditure of up to $20,000 to hire a headhunter to help the City fill the Transportation Planner position. Refer to Finance Committee. w. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to hire the Airport Supervisor at Step D or E of the salary range, reimburse job candidate travel expenses, and reimburse moving expenses up to $8,000. Refer to Finance Committee. x. Utility Systems Division requests approval to purchase global position system equipment in the amount of$81,415.14. Refer to Finance Committee. y. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions,of the Maureen Highlands preliminary plat; 124 single-family lots located on 36.85 acres located at 6118 NE 4th St. (PP-01-079). Council concur. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; 7th Floor Conferencing Center .r b. Transportation Committee: Neighborhood Speeding/Traffic Calming; Street Improvements Exemption for Small Short Plats c. Utilities Committee: Oversizing Request for East Renton Lift Station 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Setting a public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider petition to vacate portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.; VAC-01-005 (See 8.c.) b. Setting a public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE 4th Sts.; VAC-01-004 (See 8.d.) c. Dependent health/dental coverage of employees on active military duty during "Operation Enduring Freedom" (See 8.0.) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) X85 mo! COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 5:30 p.m. 2002 Budget Presentation • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. rr�r Now 186 CITY COUNCIL November 5, 2001 City Clerk's Office ..rt Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Richard C. Fisher, 833 SW Sunset Blvd., to the Civil Service Commission FINANCE COMMITTEE King County Sexual Assault Resource Center lease for ground floor of 200 Mill Building Contract with Warren,Barber&Fontes for 2002 legal services Water Maintenance Manager position reclassification to Grade M33 Hire headhunter to help fill Transportation Planner position Purchase of global positioning system equipment PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2002 Comp Plan amendment pre-application for WSDOT-owned property (S. Talbot Rd./S. 43rd St.) PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR Petition to vacate portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S. (VAC-01-005) Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets (VAC-01-004) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ..r Ordinance re: litter regulation violations Briefing re: criteria used by parking enforcer for citing vehicles parked off the roadway TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Contract with Robert Bernstein for NE 3rd/4th Streets corridor study Contracts with WSDOT & King County for Monster Rd. SW/68th Ave. S. guardrail improvements PUBLIC HEARINGS &MEETINGS 11/19/2001 —Honey Creek East Annexation; 60% Notice of Intent to Annex 11/19/2001 —Proposed R-8 zoning for Piele Annexation 11/19/2001 —Vuong Annexation; 60% Notice of Intent to Annex 11/19/2001 —Wofford Annexation; 10% Notice of Intent to Annex 11/19/2001 —Maplewood Heights Elementary School; 10% Notice of Intent to Annex 11/26/2001 -Petition to vacate portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier to 91st Ave. (VAC-01-005) 11/26/2001 -Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd&4th Sts. (VAC-01-004) 11/26/2001 —2002 City of Renton Budget 387 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting .� November 5,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN; TONI NELSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; TOM BOYNS,Property Services Supervisor,DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER and DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON,Fire Department; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Fire Chief Lee Wheeler and Deputy Fire Chief Glen Gordon announced that six Fire: Apprentice Recognition firefighters have attained journeyman status by completing the three-year Washington State apprenticeship training program. They presented the following firefighters with certificates of completion: Erik Hammes,Mike .... Johnson,Dave Laha,Tom Streifel, and Steve Wright. Cindy Johnson accepted the certificate on behalf of her husband, Seth Johnson, who passed away on October 16th. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Vacation: SW 13th St between accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Lind&Seneca,Dale Walker to consider the street vacation petition for portion of SW 13th St. between Lind (VAC-01-003) Ave. SW and Seneca Ave. SW in the Auto Mall area submitted by petitioners Dale Walker, D&C Investments,James A. Hess and William G. Bryant who represent the entire frontage along the right-of-way (VAC-01-003). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor, stated that the purpose of the street vacation request is to enable the petitioner Dale Walker to develop a parts and service facility to support his new car dealership. He noted that the request meets City Code provisions for the Auto Mall Improvement District which allows exemption from fees and also allows the vacation to proceed without cost to the developer. Describing the area to be vacated and detailing the ownership of the various parcels affected,Mr. Boyns pointed out that SW 13th St. is not accessible from Lind Ave. SW. Mr. Boyns noted the presence of City-owned utilities in the area to be vacated and reported that Water,Wastewater and Surface Water Utility Divisions have requested that an easement be retained to maintain the utilities until they are relocated by the developer. He pointed out that the Fire Department supports the vacation request; and has required the installation of a water main to two fire plugs located on the north side of SW 13th St. and provision of emergency access to the fire plugs. In conclusion,Mr. Boyns indicated that the fair X88 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 388 market value of the right-of-way is $345,000 after adjustment for retaining an easement, and he stated that staff recommends approval of the request to vacate SW 13th St. Audience comment was invited. .... Dale Walker, street vacation petitioner, 14319 178th Lane NE,Woodinville, 98072, explained that his business has outgrown its current facility located at 720 Rainier Ave. S. and he plans to relocate the parts and service segment of his business to the new site and retain the new car sales segment at the current facility. He stated that approval of the street vacation would provide him with a contiguous piece of property that would allow him more flexibility in the design of the new facility. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST TO VACATE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT A UTILITY EASEMENT SHALL BE RETAINED OVER THE ENTIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATED; ACCEPT THE PROPERTY SERVICES STAFF RECONCILIATION OF THE CURRENT VALUE OF THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY DETERMINED TO BE$345,000; AND WAIVE ALL FURTHER FEES FOR THIS PROCESS AS PROVIDED IN THE AUTO MALL EXEMPTION IN CITY CODE. CARRIED. APPEAL Citing a potential conflict of interest with the next item, Councilman Corman Planning &Development excused himself from the meeting. Time: 7:53 p.m. Committee Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Appeal: Langham Short Plat, report regarding the Langham short plat appeal(SHP-01-085). The Committee Sally Langham(SHP-01-085) convened to consider the appeal of the decision of the Hearing Examiner, dated August 16, 2001. The subject property is located at 1006 Shelton Ave.NE. The applicant seeks an approval of a short plat of six lots as conditioned by City staff. The applicant appealed the decision of the Hearing Examiner requiring the applicant to combine lots three and four,thereby creating a five lot short subdivision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Staff recommended approval of the short plat consisting of six lots as proposed by the applicant. 2. The subject property has an overhead utility easement that restricts the building of permanent buildings and limits vegetation height along a portion of lots three and four. 3. The easement does not otherwise limit the use and enjoyment of the subject lots. 4. Lot three is also encumbered by a private street easement along its eastern boundary. 5. The subject property is zoned R-8 (Residential Single Family;eight dwelling units per acre). November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 389 389 6. Even allowing for the private road easement and the building restrictions created by the overhead utility easement,both lots still have a buildable lot size that would allow a substantially large home to be built. CONCLUSION OF LAW The Hearing Examiner's conclusions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are based on his conclusions that the utility line easement is so restrictive as to leave the encumbered portion of lots three and four "virtually unusable." The Committee finds that conclusion to be an error of fact. Therefore,the Committee concluded that the Hearing Examiner's decision to require consolidation of lots three and four to be based on an error in fact. RECOMMENDATION The Committee recommended that the City Council reverse the Hearing Examiner's decision to require consolidation of lots three and four. The Committee further recommended that the remainder of the Hearing Examiner's decision be upheld. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Corman returned to the meeting. Time: 7:56 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Annual Hassle Free Holiday Bazaar will be held at the Community Center on Friday,November 16th,from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on Saturday,November 17th, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • The Rainier Classic Chevy Club donated$215 to the City of Renton Scholarship Program. • Due to the declining temperature and wet weather conditions,two paving projects have been postponed until early spring: the Wells and Williams Ave. S. and S. 4th and 5th St. asphalt pavement overlay; and the Lind Ave. SW restoration project. WSDOT: 1-405 Corridor Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman briefed Program Council on two additional proposals which have recently been submitted to the Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) I-405 Corridor Program. He stated that as soon as November 16th,the 1-405 Corridor Program Executive Committee could make a decision on the preferred alternative to improve the 1-405 Corridor. He noted that Renton conditionally endorses the current preliminary preferred alternative which involves constructing two general purpose lanes in each direction,bus rapid transit, and improvements to SR-167 and the I-405/SR-167 interchange. Mr. Zimmerman reported that the proposal submitted by Sensible Solutions for the I-405 Corridor proposes dropping one of the two lanes, and adding only one lane in each direction which would be an HOV toll lane, and adding a diesel- modular unit rail system on the Burlington Northern Santa Fe right-of-way. Another proposal suggests the usage of lane balancing by adding three general purpose lanes in each direction south of I-90. Mr. Zimmerman described the adverse impacts the proposals would have on Renton, and he indicated that the Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) would most likely have to be re-opened 390 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 390 to study the impacts of these proposals. He recommended that the administration write a letter to the I-405 Management Team expressing the City's concerns regarding the two proposals, and to suggest that the Team not waste time by studying proposals that have significant flaws. Encouraging the Council to support such a letter, it was MOVED BY ume PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A LETTER TO BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO THE I-405 MANAGEMENT TEAM REGARDING THE CITY'S POSITION ON THE I-405 CORRIDOR PROGRAM PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE.* Council discussion ensued regarding what should be included in the letter, who should sign the letter, and the potential impacts the proposals would have on the City. Councilmembers expressed concern that both proposals would greatly increase the cost of the project and extend the timeframe of the project, especially if additional environmental studies were required. Responding to Council inquiry,Mr. Zimmerman stated that if any of the main jurisdictions impacted by the I-405 Corridor project objected to the selection of the preferred alternative, the selection process would be sent back to arbitration. *MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilman Parker, item 8.w. was removed for separate consideration. Council Minutes of October Approval of Council minutes of October 22, 2001. Council concur. 22,2001 Appointment: Civil Service Mayor Tanner appointed Richard C. Fisher, 833 SW Sunset Blvd.,Renton, Commission 98055, to the Civil Service Commission for an unexpired six-year term expiring 12/31/2006. Refer to Community Services Committee. Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation for portion of NW 5th St. from to 91st), Chang Brothers & Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.;petition received on 10/22/2001 from Chang Miller(VAC-01-005) Brothers, Inc. and Wayne &Debra Miller, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Plannin&Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider the petition. (See page 395 for resolution setting the public hearing.) Vacation: Lyons Ave NE City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE, between NE 2nd&NE 4th, between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets; petition received on 10/8/2001 from Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) Conner Homes, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on 11/26/2001 to consider the petition. (See page 395 for resolution setting the public hearing.) Lease: King County Sexual Community Services Department recommended approval of a seven-year lease Assault Resource Center,200 with King County Sexual Assault Resource Center for the ground floor of the Mill Bldg(Ground Floor) 200 Mill Building. Refer to Finance Committee. Comprehensive Plan: 2002 Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Amendment Pre-Application, submitted pre-application for 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 55 NNWS Talbot Rd(WSDOT-owned) acres owned by Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) located near the intersection of S. Talbot Rd. and S. 43rd St. to change land use November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 391 391 designation from Residential Rural (R-1 zoning)to a combination of Employment Area Office(CO zoning), Residential Single Family(R-8 zoning), and Residential Options or Residential Planned Neighborhood(R-10 or R-14 ..� zoning). Waiver of filing fee is also requested. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. EDNSP: Renton Lodging Tax Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Advisory Committee recommended the appointment of Howard Cohen, general manager of Holiday Inn Select,to the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to fill the vacancy left by Tim Salley. Council concur. Annexation: Piele, 142nd Ave Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department SE&NE 6th St recommended a public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre) zoning for the Piele Annexation; 20 acres located east and west of 142nd Ave. SE(Hoquiam Ave. NE), south of NE 6th St. (if extended)and west of 144th Ave. SE(if extended). Council concur. Annexation: Honey Creek Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department East,Union Ave NE submitted 60% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Honey Creek East Annexation; approximately 28 acres located west of Union Ave.NE and south of Sierra Heights Elementary School; and recommended a public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the petition. Council concur. Annexation: Vuong, 13642 SE Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department 16th St submitted 60%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Vuong Annexation; approximately 2.5 acres located on SE 116th St.; and recommended a public hearing be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the petition. Council concur. Now Annexation: Wofford, Lyons Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave NE&NE 2nd Ave recommended a public meeting be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Wofford Annexation; approximately 45 acres bounded by Lyons Ave. NE, NE 2nd Ave., 144th Ave. SE(Jericho Ave. NE), and Maplewood Heights Elementary School. Council concur. Annexation: Maplewood Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Heights Elementary,Jericho recommended a public meeting be set on 11/19/2001 to consider the 10% Ave NE&SE 136th St Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation; approximately 9.5 acres bounded by 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE), SE 136th St., and Lyons Ave. NE. Council concur. Legal: 2002 Legal Services Executive Department recommended renewal of the contract with Warren, Contract,Warren,Barber& Barber&Fontes,P.S. for 2002 legal services. Refer to Finance Committee. Fontes,PS Budget: 2002 Annual City of Finance &Information Services Department recommended a public hearing be Renton set on 11/26/2001 to consider the 2002 annual City of Renton Budget. Council concur. Human Resources: Dependent Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommended approval of Medical/Dental Coverage of a resolution which provides medical and dental coverage to eligible dependents Employees Called to Active of employees who have been called to active duty for "Operation Enduring ... Duty Freedom." Council concur. (See page 395 for resolution.) 392 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 Legal: Litter Regulation Legal Department recommended approval of an ordinance which amends the Violations penalties provision for first and subsequent offenses for violations of litter regulations. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Public Works: Water Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended the reclassification ..r Maintenance Manager of the Water Maintenance Manager position from Grade M26, Step E,to Grade Reclassification to Grade M33 M33, Step E. Refer to Finance Committee. Latecomer Agreement: 91-001, Technical Services Division requested authorization to extend the latecomer Request for Extension,Kindle agreement for sewer improvements granted to Emmett and Donna Kindle in 1991 for an additional five years (LA-91-001). Council concur. CAG: 01-113,Airport Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-113,Airport Pavement Pavement Replacement, Replacement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Lakeridge Paving estimate in the amount of$101,927.40,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$5,364.60 to Lakeridge Paving,LLC, contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Transportation: NE 3rd/4th St Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a consultant Corridor Study,Robert agreement with Robert Bernstein,Inc. in the amount of$114,400 to complete Bernstein the NE 3rd and NE 4th Streets corridor study. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: WSDOT & Transportation Systems Division requested approval of agreements with King County Contracts for Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) and King County Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S for Monster Rd. SW/68th Ave. S. guardrail improvements. WSDOT grant Guardrail Improvements covers 90% of the total project cost of$70,000, with the City and King County splitting the remaining 10%. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Headhunter Transportation systems Division requested authorization for the expenditure of Hire to fill Planner Position up to$20,000 to hire a headhunter to help the City fill the Transportation ..r Planner position. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Global Positioning Utility Systems Division requested authorization to purchase global positioning System Equipment Purchase system equipment in the amount of$81,415.14. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Maureen Highlands, NE Hearing Examiner recommended approval,with conditions, of the Maureen 4th St(PP-01-079) Highlands preliminary plat; 124 single-family lots on 36.85 acres located at 6118 NE 4th St. (PP-01-079). Council concur. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 8.w. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to hire the Airport Item 8.w. Supervisor at Step D or E of the salary range,to reimburse job candidate travel Airport: Supervisor Position expenses, and to reimburse moving expenses up to$8,000. Hire Expenses MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.w. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Responding to Council inquiry regarding who is going to pay for the traffic Transportation: Post Office access improvements at the Highlands Post Office located on NE 4th St., (NE 4th St)Access Problems Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that Transportation Operations proposes improved channelization on NE 4th St. fronting the U.S. Post Office which will include C-curbing and traffic islands. and He stated that although he will pursue obtaining reimbursement from the U.S. November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 393 393 Postal Service for the cost of the improvements,he is not confident that the City will receive any monetary assistance. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested keeping track of the costs for the Now traffic improvements and if the U.S. Postal Service does not contribute, she recommended that the City write letters to Federal legislators and senators informing them of the impact of Federal facilities on communities. Councilwoman Briere expressed concern about traffic safety,especially with the upcoming holiday mailing season, and stressed the need for the improvements to be expedited. Plat: Removal of Unappealed Responding to Council inquiry, City Attorney Larry Warren commented on the Land Use Items from Consent Council's legal authority to remove unappealed Hearing Examiner Agenda recommendations from the Consent Agenda for the purpose of reversing or amending the report. He explained that when a recommendation is made to Council, Council is sitting in a quasi-judicial role; therefore, Council is limited to the record prepared for it by the Hearing Examiner. Should Council feel that the Hearing Examiner's recommendation is not supported by the factual record that he has prepared either directly, or through a lack of information, it can refuse to accept the Hearing Examiner's recommendation. Continuing,Mr. Warren explained that Council could vote to deny the land use matter, or remand it to the Hearing Examiner to fill in gaps in the testimony if there is inadequate information upon which to make a decision. He pointed out that the fact-finding authority has been delegated to the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner makes the factual determinations and then issues a report of the findings of fact,conclusions and a recommendation. Mr. Warren stated however,that according to State law,the Council retains the ultimate decision on approving the land use matter. He suggested that the Council consult with him prior to taking this type of action. Community Services: Historic Councilwoman Briere reported that finalists for the historic preservation Preservation Assessment assessment contract have been interviewed and the City selected the firm of Contract Entrix, Inc. She added that the evaluation of Renton's historic buildings should be completed by the end of January 2002. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the developer Utility: Oversize Request by request for oversizing at East Renton Lift Station. The Committee concurred in Burnstead Construction,Fund staffs recommendation that Council approve the oversizing request by Transfer&Appropriation Burnstead Construction in the amount of$101,470 for the additional costs associated with the East Renton Lift Station, and that funds be transferred within the Wastewater Utility to cover this expenditure. The Committee further recommended that an additional $300,000 appropriation be added to the Wastewater Sewer Main Extension Capital Improvement line item. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 197919, 197921 - 198361 and two wire transfers totaling $2,699,372.17; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 34774-35027 and 537 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,631,807.60. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE 1MW REPORT. CARRIED. 594 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 394 Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding traffic calming and neighborhood speeding. On October 23, 2001, Transportation: Speeding the Committee conducted a public meeting to discuss the neighborhood Problems in Neighborhoods speeding issue. After hearing a presentation from staff and comments from "moo residents, the Committee referred to the administration the following questions: 1. When was the number of traffic patrol officers last increased? 2. How many miles of road have been added since that increase? 3. Is there a national standard regarding the number of traffic officers needed per mile of roadway? 4. What happened to the radar gun that citizens used to be able to use? The Committee also recommended that short term task force be established to research what other cities are doing to deal with speeding issues and to recommend solutions that might work for Renton. At a minimum,this committee should consist of a representative from the following groups: 1. The Transportation Department, Street Division 2. The Economic Development Department 3. The Fire Department 4. The Police Department 5. The City Council 6. Citizens in a neighborhood with known traffic problems 7. A citizen who is involved in transit and bike path issues .�.rr 8. The Development Services Division(added) The intent of this recommendation is that this group would report back to the Transportation Committee in three months. In the meantime,the Committee recommended that the City continue to follow Phase I priorities of Education, Engineering and Enforcement to respond to this issue. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry, Councilman Persson stated that traffic calming type devices use education and engineering to reduce speeding. These devices could potentially be used by the City to aid in reducing neighborhood speeding rather than issuing more tickets. He pointed out that traffic calming measures could be incorporated into the design of new developments, thus reducing the cutting through and speeding in neighborhoods. *MOTION CARRIED. Development Services: Street Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Improvements Exemption for regarding the exemption from street improvements for small short plats. On Small Short Plats August 16 and October 16,2001,the Committee met to discuss the issue of sidewalk requirements for short plats of three or less lots. Staff explained to the Committee that they felt direction was needed at this time due to priority the City Council has placed on sidewalks in neighborhoods. In the past,the Board ,,ow of Public Works has reviewed requests for deferring sidewalk improvements. Under circumstances where the sidewalks would not connect to existing X95 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 395 sidewalks, a deferral would be granted with the condition that the owners would agree to participate in a future local improvement district(LID). The deferral approval has been based on the facts that no sidewalks are present in the general area and future sidewalk improvements are unlikely due to the age and character of the neighborhood. The Committee also heard from citizens who wanted to short plat their property so they could build a house for their disabled son,but under current policy, the cost of installing the improvements would be prohibitive. Staff explained that for many small short plats, the high cost of the street improvements on a per lot basis,made these small projects economically infeasible. The Committee supported the Board of Public Works in granting deferrals for situations where the improvements would be isolated, or are impractical due to physical constraints. After much discussion,the Committee recommended that the policy direction from the City Council to staff should be to grant the deferrals under the following conditions: 1. The deferral is in an area where currently there are no sidewalks, and the prospects of additional sidewalks in the area are remote due to the age and character of the neighborhood. 2. The property owner agrees to participate in any future LID for sidewalk improvements. 3. This policy shall apply to only short plats of three or less lots. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry regarding the connection of a sidewalk at two new developments on Union Ave. NE by Sierra Heights Elementary School,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman detailed what approaches can be taken to connect sidewalks. These include obtaining funding through the City's missing link sidewalk program, and, in some instances,a developer may install a temporary sidewalk. Councilman Parker suggested that the aforementioned sidewalk would be a good candidate for the missing link program. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3537 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date on 11/26/2001 for vacating Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier a portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S. (Chang Brothers, to 91st), Chang Brothers & Inc. and Miller;VAC-01-005). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY Miller(VAC-01-005) NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3538 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date on 11/26/2001 for vacating Vacation: Lyons Ave NE portions of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets (Conner between NE 2nd&NE 4th, Homes; VAC-01-004). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3539 A resolution was read authorizing continued City paid dependent medical and Human Resources: Dependent dental coverage of employees who are on active military service during *XW Medical/Dental Coverage of "Operation Enduring Freedom." MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY Employees Called to Active PERSSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Duty 596 November 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 396 NEW BUSINESS Council President Clawson asked what the City's policy is on the fill-the-boot Fire: Non-City Use of fundraising efforts for muscular dystrophy by firefighters and on the use of fire Equipment fighting equipment for occurrences such as firefighters'funerals. Mayor Tanner stated that Fire Chief Lee Wheeler has the authority to dispatch fire mod equipment in the charge of on-duty City employees subject to maintaining adequate fire coverage for the City. Regarding the fill-the-boot fundraiser in which firefighters solicit funds by going out in traffic,Mayor Tanner said that upon consultation with Police Chief Garry Anderson,Fire Chief Wheeler denied that form of fundraising because it is against the law. Police Chief Anderson confirmed that there is a statute in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) which prohibits pedestrians from interfering with traffic in roadways. Responding to Mayor Tanner's question regarding who has the authority to manage the fire-fighting equipment once the Council appropriates funds for the purchase, City Attorney Warren replied that the Mayor's Office has that authority. He explained that the executive branch of the City manages and executes policy, and the legislative branch establishes policy. Council President Clawson suggested that the City Attorney look into the matter,report back to Council, and then the Council can determine if it wants to change the policy. Police: Criteria for Citing MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER TO Vehicles Parked Off Roadway PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE THE REQUEST FOR A BRIEFING REGARDING WHAT CRITERIA THE PARKING ENFORCER USES TO DETERMINE WHETHER VEHICLES ARE PARKED ON PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PROPERTY WHEN ISSUING CITATIONS. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 65 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION AND PERSONNEL. CARRIED. Time: 9:47 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:52 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:52 p.m. 11Z�, ,D_ MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann November 5,2001 "now CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 11/12 No Meeting (Veteran's Day Holiday) (Clawson) MON., 11/19 Budget Deliberations 5:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 11/06 Richard Fisher Appointment to Civil (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Service Commission FINANCE MON., 11/19 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:00 p.m. Renewal of City Attorney Contract; Transportation Planner Recruitment; Global Positioning System Equipment Purchase; King County Sexual Assault Resource Center Lease at 200 Mill Building; Water Maintenance Manager Position Reclassification PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 11/06 I-405 Corridor Program (briefing only); (Persson) 11:30 a.m. Bernstein Contract for NE 3rd and 4th Streets Corridor Study; Monster Rd. SW Guardrail Improvements UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 19, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC MEETINGS: a. Wofford Annexation— 10% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for 45 acres bounded by Lyons Ave. NE, NE 2nd St., 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE), and Maplewood Heights Elementary. b. Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation— 10% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for 9.5 acres bounded by Renton City limits, northern boundary of Maplewood Heights Elementary School, 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE), and SE 136th St. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Adoption of R-8 zoning for the Piele Annexation; 20 acres located along both sides of 142nd Ave. SE (Hoquiam Ave. NE), approximately 600 feet north of NE 4th St. b. Honey Creek East Annexation—60% Petition to Annex for 28 acres located west of Union Ave. NE and south of Sierra Heights Elementary School. c. Vuong Annexation—60% Petition to Annex for 2.5 acres located north of NE 10th St., and east of Anacortes Ave. NE. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of November 5, 2001. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Eric Cameron, 4834 NE 5th Ct., Renton, 98059, to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Richard Wagner, who has resigned(term to expire 6/30/2003). Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Court Case filed by Safeco Insurance Company for compensation in the amount of$5,412.84 paid by the company to insured, George Perry, for repair of driveway allegedly damaged by the City for performing sewer work on NE 24th St. on 9/1/2001 and requests to be the successor in interest to the claim filed against the City by Mr. Perry. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. d. Community Services Department submits CAG-01-072,Highlands Park Play Area Renovation; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $8,742.06, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$3,640.33 to Southworth & Sons, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 399 e. Community Services Department submits CAG-00-138, Liberty Park Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements; and requests approval of the project, release of retained amount of $15,752.43 to Wyser Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Approval is also requested to use projected fund balances in two Community Services CIP projects to pay the project deficit of$13,613.73. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submits grant applications for the 2001 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommends funding four projects in the total amount of$9,493.02. Refer to Community Services Committee. g. Finance & Information Services Department submits proposed 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustment ordinance. Refer to Finance Committee. h. Finance &Information Services Department requests approval of three property tax ordinances as follows: 1) establishing the property tax levy for 2002; 2) authorizing an increase not to exceed 6% for 2002; 3) authorizing a 106% property tax levy limit for 2002 to protect future levy capacity. Refer to Committee of the Whole. i. Finance & Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance increasing solid waste rates by 5% for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. j. Finance & Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance increasing the Senior Center's facility rental fees for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. k. Finance & Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance increasing recreation fitness area rental and Community Center rates for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. 1. Finance & Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance increasing Maplewood Golf Course fees in 2002 for a small and large bucket of balls, each by one dollar. Refer to Committee of the Whole. m. Police Department recommends the promotion of an additional Police Sergeant to the Community Patrol Resource Team to meet the increased police service needs in the downtown core area due to new development, the transit center, and Skate Park activities. Refer to Public Safety Committee. n. Technical Services Division recommends Council acceptance of four deeds of dedication for new signal and intersection improvements at NE 4th St. and Nile Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Maplewood Estates final plat (FP-01-003). Council concur. o. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with WSDOT to accept a grant in the amount of$46,158.13 for the Commute Trip Reduction program. Council concur. (See 10.a. for resolution.) p. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with King County to waive City Water and Wastewater Utility system development charges; and in exchange, King County will install a City storm overflow pipe system. Approval is also requested to transfer$144,448 from the 2001 Surface Water Utility 421 CIP fund to reimburse the Water Utility and Wastewater Utility for the waived system development charges. Council concur. (See 10.b. for resolution.) q. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-00-073, Rolling Hills Reservoir&Booster Pump Station; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$544, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$123,730.46 to Seaboard Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Marci Johnson, 510 Stevens Ave. SW,Renton, 98055, requesting that the City implement a Watch Your Car program similar to the one Tukwila has implemented in which an agreement is signed stating that a citizen's vehicle is not normally used between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. and police officers may stop the vehicle during that time to verify vehicle ownership. Refer to Public Safety Committee. b. Letter from Tom Malphrus,Friends of the Black River, 18713 102nd Ave. SE, Renton, 98055, thanking the City of Renton Parks Department staff for their assistance in planting native trees and shrubs between the Black River Riparian Forest and the railroad right-of-way. c. Letter from LaVerne E. Graves, 905 N. 28th P1, Renton, 98056, requesting investigation of a property violation at the Labrador Development located on Lake Washington Blvd., citing 1992 w... quieting title court action. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 400 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Richard Fisher Appointment to Civil Service Commission b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Renewal of City Attorney Contract; Transportation Planner Recruitment; Global Positioning System Equipment Purchase; King County Sexual Assault Resource Center Lease at 200 Mill Building; Water Maintenance Manager Position Reclassification c. Transportation Committee: Bernstein Contract for NE 3rd and 4th Streets Corridor Study; Monster Rd. SW Guardrail Improvements* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Agreement with WSDOT for Commute Trip Reduction program funding (See 7.o.) b. Agreement with King County to waive City water and Wastewater Utility system development charges (See 7.p.) c. Agreement with King County for improvements to Monster Rd. SW guardrail (See 9.c.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Approving the Piele Annexation (see 4.a.) b. Adopting R-8 zoning for the Piele Annexation area(see 4.a.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT WE• COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 5:30 p.m. Budget Deliberations • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 401 CITY COUNCIL November 19,200`1 City Clerk's Office Referrals: ADMINISTRATION Prepare Notice of Intent to Annex package for Honey Creek East Annexation for Boundary Review Board Prepare Notice of Intent to Annex package for Vuong Annexation for Boundary Review Board CITY ATTORNEY&INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed by Safeco Insurance Company COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2002 Property Tax ordinances 2002 Solid Waste Rates ordinance 2002 Senior Center facility rental fees ordinance 2002 Community Center rates 2002 Maplewood Golf Course fees COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Eric Cameron,4834 NE 5th Ct.,to the Planning Commission 2001 Neighborhood Program Grant applications FINANCE COMMITTEE 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments ordinance Liberty Park Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements project funding MAYOR&CITY CLERK Lease with King County Sexual Assault Resource Center for ground floor of 200 Mill Building Agreement for purchase of global positioning equipment Contract with Warren,Barber, &Fontes,P.S. for legal services Contract with Robert Bernstein,Inc. for NE 3rd/4th Streets corridor study Contract with WSDOT for Commute Trip Reduction program grant Contract with King County for waiver of water and wastewater utility system development charges Contracts with WSDOT &King County for Monster Rd. SW/68th Ave. S. guardrail improvements PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Upgrade of Police Officer position to Sergeant for Community Patrol Resource Team "Watch Your Car" program ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Approving the Piele Annexation(1st reading 11/19/2001) Approving R-8 zoning for the Piele Annexation(1st reading 11/19/2001) •�• PUBLIC HEARINGS 11/26/2001 -Petition to vacate portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier to 91st Ave. (VAC-01-005) 11/26/2001 -Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd&4th Sts. (VAC-01-004) 11/26/2001 —2002 City of Renton Budget RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 19,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President;TERRI BRIERE;KING PARKER; DON COUNCILMEMBERS PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN;TONI NELSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;MARILYN PETERSEN,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor;NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator; REBECCA LIND,Principal Planner; GARY DEL ROSARIO,Planning Technician;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER and DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON,Fire Department; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. PUBLIC MEETINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Wofford,Lyons accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public meeting Ave NE, 142nd Ave SE, &SE to consider the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for approximately 45 136th St acres located adjacent to the Maplewood Heights Elementary School,east of 142nd Ave. SE, west of Lyons Ave. NE and north of SE 136th St.; Petitioner, Wofford. Gary Del Rosario,Planning Technician,reported that the site contains 34 single-family homes and one duplex. Existing King County zoning is R-4 and Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site RR(Residential Rural)for which potential zoning includes R-1 and R-5; and RS (Residential Single Family)for which potential zoning includes R-8 or RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park). Stating that water service is currently provided by Water District#90 and fire protection is provided by contract with Fire District #25,Mr. Del Rosario added that Renton can provide access to sewers. Additionally,Mr. Del Rosario noted that Public Works Maintenance reported no infrastructure issues at the current level of development and Community Services reported a shortfall of park facilities in the area. He concluded by saying that the proposal is consistent with City policies and King County Boundary Review Board objectives for annexation, and no impediments to the provision of City services to the area have been identified. There being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE 10%NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX;AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION ...�+ OF THE 60% PETITION TO ANNEX;REQUIRE ADOPTION OF CITY ZONING ON THE PROPERTY CONSISTENT WITH RENTON'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;AND REQUIRE THAT THE PROPERTY ,9 403 November,$,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 403 OWNERS ASSUME A PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CARRIED. Annexation: Maplewood This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Heights Elementary,Jericho accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public meeting Ave NE&SE 136th St to consider the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for approximately 9.5 acres bounded by the Renton City limits on the east, the northern boundary of Maplewood Heights Elementary School on the north,by 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE)on the west, and SE 136th St. on the south;Petitioner, Maplewood Heights Elementary. Gary Del Rosario,Planning Technician,pointed out that existing development on the site includes the Maplewood Heights Elementary School of the Renton School District, and related buildings. The site's existing zoning under King County is R-4. Since Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the property to be RR(Residential Rural), applicable Renton zoning would be R-1 and R-5. Water service is currently provided by Water District#90 and fire protection is provided by contract with Fire District#25. Continuing,Mr. Del Rosario pointed out that the Community Services Department noted a shortfall of parks in the area. Explaining that the proposed annexation is generally consistent with City policies and King County Boundary Review Board objectives,he concluded by saying that that no impediments to the provisions of City services to the area have been identified. There being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE 10% NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX; AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 60% PETITION TO ANNEX;REQUIRE ADOPTION OF CITY ZONING ON THE PROPERTY CONSISTENT WITH RENTON'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;AND REQUIRE THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSUME A PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Piele,R-8 Zoning accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre) zoning for the Piele Annexation; approximately 20 acres split along both sides of 142nd Ave. SE(Hoquiam Ave. NE), approximately 600 feet north of NE 4th St. Rebecca Lind,Principal Planner, stated that subsequent to the public hearing on the 60% annexation petition on August 6th, the King County Boundary Review Board approved the proposed annexation on October 23rd. She explained that this is the second of two required public hearings on the proposed zoning for the site. She indicated that the site contains 23 single-family homes and is designated RS (Residential Single Family)in Renton's Comprehensive Plan. Continuing,Ms.Lind reported that existing King County zoning is R-4,which allows up to a base density of four units per gross acre(up to six units per acre with incentives and transfer of density credits). Describing the neighboring zoning surrounding the subject parcel, she indicated that the proposed R-8 .� zoning is appropriate for the site. Ms.Lind pointed out that under current King County zoning, single family homes,townhouses, and/or apartments are 404 m November fl,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 404 allowed,and under the proposed Renton R-8 zoning,only single-family homes are allowed. Ms.Lind noted that the proposed annexation will result in no significant costs to the City and no significant environmental impacts. She concluded by saying .... that the proposed zoning is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan land use designation and consistent with the intent of the Urban Growth Area. Public comment was invited. Correspondence was read from John McTighe, 24929 267th Ave. SE, Ravensdale, 98055, stating concern about water retention problems since the filling of a wetland on the proposed annexation site, and he requested that the site remain zoned at the current level allowed by King County. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 411 for ordinances.) Annexation: Honey Creek This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in East,Union Ave NE accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the 60%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the Honey Creek East Annexation; approximately 28 acres located west of Union Ave. NE and south of Sierra Heights Elementary School. Describing the potential annexation area,Planning Technician Gary Del Rosario, stated that existing development includes 55 single-family homes and about nine acres of vacant parcels. The site's existing zoning under King County is R-6 and Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject parcel RS (Residential Single Family). Potential zoning under the RS designation .r includes R-8 and RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park). Proposed zoning for the subject area is R-8. Continuing,Mr. Del Rosario noted that the site is within Renton's water and sanitary sewer service area, the roads meet King County not Renton standards, there is a general lack of sidewalks, a shortfall of parks, and the current fire service contract with Fire District#25 transfers with annexation. He detailed the fiscal impacts of the proposed annexation assuming an increase to 106 single-family homes, a population of 132, and a new home value of$250,000 at full development, as follows: Current Development Full Development Revenues $51,329 $102,484 Costs $53,665 $102,639 Surplus/(Deficit) ($2,336) ($154) Reporting an estimated one-time expense of$72,636.24 for the acquisition and development of parks,Mr. Del Rosario pointed out that a revenue deficit at current and full development is typical for residential annexation. In conclusion,Mr. Del Rosario stated that the proposed annexation is consistent with City policies and recommended that Council accept the Petition to Annex and approve submittal of the Notice of Intention package to the King County Boundary Review Board. Council President Clawson advised that park mitigation fees will be collected .�. on the houses to be constructed in the annexation area. Community Services 19 105 November,S,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 405 Administrator Jim Shepherd confirmed that the park mitigation fee would be approximately$550 for a single-family home. There being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 60%PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE HONEY CREEK EAST ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENTION PACKAGE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Annexation: Vuong, 138th This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Ave SE&Anacortes Ave NE accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the 60%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the Vuong Annexation; approximately 2.5 acres located between 138th Ave. SE and Anacortes Ave. NE,north of NE 10th St. The site includes the right-of-way (SE 116th St.), a single 2.25-acre parcel to the north, and contains one single- family home on the southeast corner of the parcel. Gary Del Rosario,Planning Technician, explained that the westerly half of the site will be purchased by the City for the development of a new surface water retention pond. As part of the purchase negotiations with the owner,the City has agreed to undergo annexation for the remainder of the owner's property. He stated that existing King County zoning is R-6 and the City's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as RS (Residential Single Family). Potential zoning for this designation is R-8 and RMH(Residential Manufactured Home Park). Proposed zoning for the subject site is R-8. Continuing, Mr. Del Rosario indicated that the subject area is currently served by Water District#90,Renton can provide access to sewers,there is a shortfall of parks, and fire protection is currently provided by contract with Fire District #25. He detailed the fiscal impacts of the proposed annexation,assuming an increase to eight single-family homes, a population of 19 and a new home value of$250,000 at full development, as follows: Current Development Full Development Revenues $809 $8,196 Costs $1,201 $8,302 Surplus/(Deficit) ($392) ($107) Mr.Del Rosario reported an estimated one-time expense of$2,931.68 for the acquisition and development of parks,and pointed out that a revenue deficit at current and full development is typical for residential annexation. He concluded by saying the proposed annexation is consistent with annexation policies in the City's Comprehensive Plan and it meets the objectives of the King County Boundary Review Board. There being no public comment,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 60%PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE VUONG ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENTION PACKAGE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. 446 n November,%,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 406 ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Winter Recreation Brochure will be distributed to the public on December 1st. New this quarter is class registration via the internet or the touch-tone phone system. • For the seventh consecutive year,members from the Rotary Club of Renton and City employees will serve Thanksgiving Dinner at the Renton Senior Center on Thursday,November 22nd. WSDOT: I-405 Corridor At the request of Mayor Tanner,Councilman Corman(Executive Committee Program member)reported on the status of the Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT)1-405 Corridor Program. He stated that the City sent a letter to the I-405 Corridor Project Management Team on November 8th expressing opposition to proposals submitted to the Committee. He explained that the Executive Committee decided to discard the Sensible Solutions' proposal which recommended adding a rail system,and the lane balancing proposal to build a third lane and hill climbing lanes was also discarded except for a footnote to add hill climbing and collector distributor lanes into the details of the project. Continuing,Mr. Corman said that the alternative selected would widen I-405 by up to two lanes in each direction,and he pointed out that this would help relieve traffic congestion on the I-405/SR-167 interchange. In addition,the bus rapid transit system proposed in the recommendation basically doubles transit on 1-405. In conclusion,he pointed out that the big issue facing this project is ... the funding. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the City was concerned that the package that was recommended as the preferred alternative might be less advantageous to the interests of the City then the Preferred Preliminary Alternative recommended by the Executive Committee on January 25,2001. However, the preferred alternative chosen on November 16th, is even more advantageous to the City's interests than expected for the following reasons: the issue pertaining to reserving transportation right-of-way along the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks was dropped,and the increase of up to two main line lanes south of the I-405/SR-167 interchange was supported. Mr.Zimmerman added that formal support of the recommendation has been moved back to March 2002 to provide the Executive Committee more time to study lane balancing and managed lanes, and the City will continue to closely monitor the study. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Council President Clawson, item 7.e. was removed for separate consideration. Council Minutes of November Approval of Council minutes of November 5,2001. Council concur. 5, 2001 Appointment: Planning Mayor Tanner appointed Eric Cameron,4834 NE 5th Ct.,Renton,98059,to the Commission Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Richard Wagner, who has ,n„ resigned(term to expire 6/30/2003). Refer to Community Services Committee. ;9 407 November,8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 407 Court Case: Safeco Insurance Court Case filed in Renton District Court by Safeco Insurance Company for Company(George Perry) compensation in the amount of$5,412.84 paid by the company to insured, George Perry,for repair of driveway allegedly damaged by the City while .�. performing sewer work on NE 24th St. on 9/1/2001; and requesting to be the successor in interest to the claim filed against the City by Mr. Perry. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. CAG: 01-072,Highlands Park Community Services Department submitted CAG-01-072, Highlands Park Play Play Area Renovation, Area Renovation; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Southworth&Sons pay estimate in the amount of$8,742.06,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$3,640.33 to Southworth&Sons,Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. EDNSP: 2001 Neighborhood Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Grant Program Awards submitted grant applications for the 2001 Neighborhood Grant Program and recommended funding four projects in the total amount of$9,493.02. Refer to Community Services Committee. Budget: 2001 Year-End Finance&Information Services Department submitted proposed 2001 Year- Budget Adjustments End Budget Adjustments ordinance. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: 2002 Property Tax Finance&Information Services Department requested approval of three Ordinances property tax ordinances as follows: 1)establishing the property tax levy for 2002 for both general purposes and voter approved bond issues; 2)authorizing an increase not to exceed 6% in the regular property tax collections for 2002; 3) authorizing a 106%property tax levy limit factor for 2002 to protect the City's future property tax levy capacity. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Finance: 2002 Solid Waste Finance&Information Services Department requested approval of an .r Rates ordinance increasing solid waste rates by 5% for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Finance: 2002 Senior Center Finance&Information Services Department requested approval of an Facility Rental Fees ordinance increasing the Senior Center's facility rental fees for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Finance: 2002 Community Finance&Information Services Department requested approval of an Center Rates ordinance increasing recreation fitness area rental and Community Center rates for 2002. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Finance: 2002 Maplewood Finance&Information Services Department requested approval of an Golf Course Fees ordinance increasing Maplewood Golf Course fees in 2002 for a small and large bucket of balls,each by one dollar. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Police: Community Patrol Police Department recommended the promotion of an additional Police Resource Team, Sergeant Sergeant to the Community Patrol Resource Team to meet the increased police Promotion service needs in the downtown core area due to new development,the transit center, and Skate Park activities. Refer to Public SafeLy Committee. Plat: Maplewood Estates Div Technical Services Division recommended Council acceptance of four deeds of 1,Deeds of Dedication for dedication for new signal and intersection improvements at NE 4th St. and Nile Intersection Improvements Ave. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Maplewood Estates Division 1 final plat (FP-01-003). Council concur. Transportation: Commute Trip Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Reduction Program Grant, Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)to accept a grant in WSDOT the amount of$46,158.13 for the Commute Trip Reduction program. Council concur. (Seepage 411 for resolution.) 408 1cl November,9,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 408 Utility: System Development Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with King Charges Waiver for Storm County to waive City water and wastewater utility system development Overflow Pipe System,King charges; and in exchange,King County will install a City storm overflow pipe County system as part of the Regional Communication and Emergency Coordination .� Center Project Phase H construction. Approval was also requested to transfer $144,448 from the 2001 Surface Water Utility 421 CIP fund to reimburse the Water Utility($64,669)and Wastewater Utility($79,779)for the waived system development charges. Council concur. (See page 411 for resolution.) CAG: 00-073,Rolling Hills Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-00-073,Rolling Hills Reservoir& Reservoir&Booster Pump Booster Pump Station; and requested approval of the project,authorization for Station, Seaboard Construction final pay estimate in the amount of$544,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$123,730.46 to Seaboard Construction,Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.e. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Community Services Department submitted CAG-00-138,Liberty Park Skate Item 7.e. Park/Highlands Annex Improvements; and requested approval of the project, CAG: 00-138,Liberty Skate release of retained amount of$15,752.43 to Wyser Construction,Inc., Park/Highlands Annex contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Approval was also sought to Improvements,Wyser use projected fund balances in two Community Services CIP projects (City Hall Construction Flood Wall and Park Play Equipment)to pay the project deficit of$13,613.73. In response to Council President Clawson's inquiry regarding roughness of the concrete in the Skate Park bowl,Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd stated that he has not received any complaints regarding the roughness of the bowl,but reported recent vandalism at the Skate Park. He indicated that the reason the item is being referred to Finance Committee is because the project is over budget MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 7.e. TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Marci Johnson, 510 Stevens Ave. SW,Renton, 98055, Citizen Comment: Johnson— requesting that the City implement a "Watch Your Car" program similar to the "Watch Your Car" Program one the City of Tukwila has implemented in which an agreement is signed stating that a citizen's vehicle is not normally used between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. and police officers may stop the vehicle during that time to verify vehicle ownership. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Malphrus - A letter was read from Tom Malphrus,Friends of the Black River, 18713 102nd Native Tree Planting, City Ave. SE,Renton, 98055,thanking the City of Renton Parks Department staff Staff Assistance for their assistance in planting native trees and shrubs between the Black River Riparian Forest and the railroad right-of-way in order to create a native plant buffer along the entire length of the forest. Citizen Comment: Graves— A letter was read from LaVerne E. Graves, 905 N. 28th Pl.,Renton,98056, Labrador Development requesting an investigation of a property violation concerning the erection of a Property Violation fence by the developer allegedly in the alley right-of-way at the Labrador Development located on Lake Washington Blvd. Mr. Graves cited a 1992 19 419 November,;2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 409 quieting title court action in which a perpetual prescriptive easement was granted to keep the alleyway open. Mayor Tanner stated that this is a civil matter and City Attorney Larry Warren agreed that the City has no jurisdiction. Councilman Parker requested that the City Attorney send a letter to Mr. Graves informing him of the City's position on the matter. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Finance Committee with the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Lease: King County Sexual lease with the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center to rent a portion of Assault Resource Center, 200 the ground floor at the 200 Mill Building. The term of the lease is seven years, Mill Bldg(Ground Floor) and the cost to remodel the space is recovered in the rent. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Water Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the Maintenance Manager recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that the Reclassification to Grade M33 Council approve the reclassification of the Water Maintenance Manager position from M26 to M33, with the current incumbent compensated at Salary Step E,effective November 1, 2001. This action will result in an added expenditure of$1,986 in 2001, and approximately$11,916 per year in succeeding years,as adjusted for cost of living increases. Payment will be from the Waterworks Fund, and no water rate increase will be required. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Headhunter Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that Council .,�. Hire to Fill Planner Position authorize the expenditure of up to$20,000 to hire a recruiting firm and related expenses to fill the Transportation Planner position, which has not been filled in the past twelve months under the normal process. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Global Positioning Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence System Equipment Purchase with the Utility Systems Division and Transportation Division's recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a purchase agreement for global positioning equipment under the Washington State contract. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Legal: 2002 Legal Services Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Contract,Warren,Barber& in the Administration's recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk Fontes,PS to sign the contract with Warren,Barber&Fontes,P.S. to provide legal services for the City of Renton for 2002—2003. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: City Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Hall 7th Floor Conferencing with the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor to complete the plans to Center convert the vacant space on the 7th floor of City Hall into an executive conferencing center. The Committee further recommended that the Council authorize an additional$90,000 to complete the project. Funds are available in "�" the 2001 Fund Balance.* 410 11 November 8,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 410 Councilman Parker said that he supported the conference room for the economic development opportunities provided not only to the City but also to the community. In addition, he indicated that the installation of technology such as video-conferencing in the center will also improve the efficiency of government. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that one such efficiency may be the use of video conferencing between attorneys and jail inmates that are housed in Yakima County. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Clawson's inquiry regarding the potential use of the teleconferencing equipment by 200 Mill Building tenants, Mayor Tanner stated that it is possible that those tenants as well as other government agencies could use the equipment. *MOTION CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 198362— 198814 and two wire transfers totaling $2,178,174.16; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35028—35264, 534 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,615,185.35. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee recommending Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the Transportation: NE 3rd/4th St consultant agreement with Robert Bernstein,Inc.,to furnish planning, Corridor Study,Robert engineering, graphics and public involvement services for the NE 3rd and 4th Bernstein Streets Corridor Study,in an amount not to exceed$114,444. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: WSDOT& Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report King County Contracts for regarding an agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S (WSDOT)for the Hazard Elimination Safety(HES)Program for grant funding Guardrail Improvements obligation for guardrail installation on Monster Rd. SW and 68th Ave. S. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with WSDOT to obligate the grant funding, and to enter into an agreement with King County to design and construct guardrail improvements for mutual benefit. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding the agreement with King County be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 411 for resolution.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Richard C.Fisher to Appointment: Civil Service the Civil Service Commission for a six-year term that expires December 31, Commission 2006. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS .r ,1 ill November�,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 411 Resolution#3540 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Commute Trip interlocal cooperative agreement with Washington State Department of Reduction Program Grant, Transportation(WSDOT)entitled "Commute Trip Reduction Act WSDOT Implementation Agreement." MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3541 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: System Development agreement with King County permitting installation of an overflow storm pipe Charges Waiver for Storm for the City of Renton in lieu of part or all of the payment of the water and Overflow Pipe System, King wastewater utility system development charges for phase H construction of the County King County Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3542 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: WSDOT& interagency agreement between King County and the City of Renton regarding King County Contracts for guardrail improvements to Monster Rd. SW and 68th Ave. S. MOVED BY Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Guardrail Improvements RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced to the Council meeting of 11/26/2001 for second and final reading: Annexation: Piele, 142nd Ave An ordinance was read annexing approximately 20 acres located approximately SE&NE 6th St 600 feet north of NE 4th St. in two ten-acre tracts located along both sides of 142nd Ave. SE(Piele Annexation). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/26/2001. CARRIED. �.. Annexation: Piele,R-8 Zoning An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for the Piele Annexation area from R-4(Urban Residential; four dwelling units per acre)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/26/2001. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 23 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION AND PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:57 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:20 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Keolker-Wheeler,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:20 p.m. MARILV J. TERSEN,CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann November 19,2001 412 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 19, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 11/26 Budget Deliberations -Including (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. Associated Ordinances COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 11/20 2001 Neighborhood Program Grants (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. (Second Round); Eric Cameron Appointment to Planning Commission FINANCE MON., 11/26 Liberty Park Skate Park/Highlands (Parker) 4:00 p.m. Annex Improvements Project Funding; 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 11/26 Litter Regulations Violations; (Corman) 4:45 p.m. Criteria Used by Parking Enforcer for Citing Vehicles Parked Off Roadway; Upgrade of Police Officer Position to Sergeant TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 11/20 City-Wide Transit Plan Update (briefing (Persson) 4:00 p.m. only); Metro Six-Year Plan (briefing only); Carr Road Information (briefing only); Trans Valley Area Study (briefing only) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 415 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 26, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY: Councilmembers—Terri Briere,Position No. 6; and Dan Clawson,Position No. 2 (short and unexpired terms to 12/31/2001) 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. 2002 City of Renton Annual Budget and associated ordinances b. Street vacation petition for portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and 4th Streets (Petitioner, Conner Homes) c. Street vacation petition for portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S. (Petitioners, Chang Brothers, Inc. and Miller) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of November 19, 2001. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner reappoints Paul F. Webb, 541 Wells Ave. N., Renton, 98055;Diana Hagen, 14230 147th Pl. SE, Renton, 98059; Renne Saling, 17560 SE 136th St., Renton, 98059; and Doug Keyes, 3924 NE 11th Pl., Renton, 98059, each to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three- year term expiring on 12/31/2004. Council concur. c. City Clerk submits appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Debar preliminary plat (PP-01-058); 14 single-family lots on 2.69 acres located on NE 28th St. Appeal filed by Brad Nicholson, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely on the record, the Hearing Examiner's report,the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). d. Community Services Department recommends approval of a contract with SPL Integrated Solutions, Inc. to procure, install and test the electronics for the City Hall seventh floor conferencing center in the amount of$131,659.67. Council concur. e. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-01-043,Boeing Renton Plant 10-inch Water Meters Relocation; authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$1,175.04, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$8,277.20 to Archer Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Approval is also requested to transfer$120,000 of unused funds from other projects to cover the increase in costs ($56,767.49) associated with additional work. Refer to Utilities Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 411 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 2001 Neighborhood Program Grants; Eric Cameron "�" Appointment to Planning Commission b. Finance Committee: Liberty Park Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements Project Funding; 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments* c. Public Safety Committee: Litter Regulations Violations*; Upgrade of Police Officer Position to Sergeant 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for first readini;: a. 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments (see 9.b.) b. Litter regulations violations (see 9.c.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Approving the Piele Annexation (1st reading 11/19/2001) b. Adopting R-8 zoning for the Piele Annexation area(1st reading 11/19/2001) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMNIITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 5:30 p.m. Budget Deliberations—Including Associated Ordinances • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • Ono CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 415 CITY COUNCIL November 26, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal filed by Brad Nicholson on the Hearing Examiner's decision re: Debar preliminary plat UTILITIES COMMITTEE Boeing Renton Plant 10" Water Meters Relocation project funding ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments (1st reading 11/26/2001) Litter regulations violations (1st reading 11/26/2001) .�. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued from 11/26/2001) 12/3/2001 —Petition to vacate portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier to 91st Ave. (VAC-01-005) 12/3/2001 —Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd &4th Sts. (VAC-01-004) 416 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26,2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:35 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall ...r CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN; TONI NELSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator;MIKE WEBBY, Human Resources Administrator;DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director;ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager; CLARK PETERSEN,Library Director;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER,Fire Department; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON and COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. PRESS Oscar Halpert,Renton Reporter Wendy Giroux,South County Journal SWEARING-IN Marilyn Petersen,City Clerk, administered the oath of office to Terri Briere, go" CEREMONY Position No. 6, and Dan Clawson,Position No. 2, who were recently elected to Council: Swearing-In of Terri complete vacated four-year terms,due to expire on December 31, 2001. Ms. Briere &Dan Clawson Briere was appointed on October 23, 2000, and Mr. Clawson was appointed on January 24,2000, to fill unexpired Council positions due to vacancies created by the resignations of Tim Schlitzer and Bob Edwards. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Budget: 2002 Annual City of accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Renton to consider the 2002 Annual City of Renton Budget and related ordinances. Victoria Runkle,Finance and Information Services Administrator,reported that the total proposed 2002 Budget for the City of Renton is$147,936,200. The General Government Funds are$61,646,000,the Capital Funds are $28,651,800 and the Enterprise Funds are$46,147,600. She noted that the largest increase for the Enterprise Funds is a pass-through waste treatment rate increase that King County is imposing. Continuing,Ms.Runkle explained that due to the cooling economy, a "status quo budget" is being proposed and some reallocations are recommended,but no new programs. The City's goal is to wait and see what occurs in the economy before anything is changed. Detailing major changes to the total budget base, Ms. Runkle pointed out that salaries, which have increased by 5.4%,comprise 26% of the total budget; and benefits have increased by 21.6%,comprising 9.4% of the total budget. .... Ms. Runkle indicated that the property tax rate is expected to remain the same or decrease due to new construction,the 2002 levy is recommended to begin at $17.1 million, and the budget complies with Initiative 747. She reviewed the 417 November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 417 recommended park rate changes which include increasing the driving range fees, facility rental fees and Community Center rates. In addition she also reviewed the utility rate changes as follows: City water, sewer and surface ■r.. water rate changes are not being recommended; King County's rate increase of $3.40 per month per household will be passed through to Renton residents; and a solid waste rate increase of 5% is recommended. In conclusion,Ms. Runkle explained that when putting together the budget, $100,000 was left unallocated. She stated that Council has indicated their preference to use$26,000 of the unallocated funds for human services, and to also use the unallocated funds to hire a full-time animal control officer. Councilman Parker detailed the reasons for the increase in solid waste rates, explaining that the City has been subsidizing the fees collected and is dipping into the solid waste account reserves. Public comment was invited. Richard Brooks,Executive Director of Renton Area Youth Family Services (RAYS), 1025 S. 3rd St.,Renton,98055,thanked the Council for its continued support of RAYS, and for its consideration of increasing the human services budget with the unallocated funds. He stated that human services needs in South King County are increasing, and,unfortunately,more and more people are being turned away due to the poor economy. He urged Council to increase the human services budget over the upcoming years. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding a listing in the budget of which human services programs are being funded,Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik stated that the agencies are not listed by line item in the budget,but as an allocation total. Ron McDonald,216 NW 5th St.,Renton, 98055,representing Way Back Inn, explained that the organization provides 90 days of traditional housing for homeless families with children. Stating that City funds are used to pay rent for houses and apartments and for its rental assistance program,Mr. McDonald expressed his appreciation for the City's support. Kathleen Southwick,Executive Director of Crisis Clinic, 1515 Dexter Ave.N., Seattle, 98109,thanked the City for its support of the Crisis Clinic and for the increase to the human services budget Council is proposing. Explaining that the Crisis Clinic provides a 24-hour crisis line and a teen-link program for Renton citizens, she described how the teen-link program provides help to teens though the use of a help line that is manned by trained teens. Mary Ellen Stone,PO Box 300,Renton, 98057,representing King County Sexual Assault Resource Center,expressed her appreciation for the City's support of the agency, and for its continued support of human services in Renton. She also expressed her pleasure that the Council approved the lease agreement with the Resource Center for its new facility at the 200 Mill Building. Eileen Rasnack,Program Manager for the Volunteer Chore Services Program of Catholic Community Services, 12116 SE 22nd St.,Bellevue,explained that Volunteer Chore Services connects community volunteers with adults with ..m disabilities and elders, and the programs goal is to have people live independently in their own homes. Ms.Rasnack thanked the Council for preserving human services in Renton. November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 418 Linda Rasmussen,Regional Director of the YWCA, 1010 S. 2nd St.,Renton, 98055,expressed her appreciation for the City's support in 2001 for the YWCA's emergency housing for homeless families and the community advocacy services for victims of domestic violence. Stating her support for the Name increase in the human services budget,Ms. Rasmussen detailed how the emergency housing and advocacy services have helped Renton citizens. Ardene Niemer, 6116 122nd Ave. SE,Bellevue, 98006, stated that she represents the Even Start program which is a partnership between Renton Technical College and Renton School District to provide intergenerational family literacy services. Ms. Niemer described the services provided by Even Start, and thanked the Council for its recommendation of$10,000 in contingency funding for the program. Claus Hackenberger, 3607 NE 6th Pl.,Renton,98059, said he volunteers as a telephone worker at the Crisis Clinic which provides vital services to the community. He thanked the City for including the Crisis Clinic in its budget, saying that the money allotted will be well spent. Bob Gevers,900 Kirkland Ave.NE,Renton, 98056, asked that Council consider increasing the supply budget for the Senior Center in order to acquire more scanners and printers for training purposes. Mr. Gevers also inquired as to why the recreation budget was cut even though Renton's population has increased. Mayor Tanner said that the City would look into supplying the Senior Center with some scanners and printers. Finance&Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle explained that the Community Services Department's total budget has increased; however,the money allocated to the different entities within the Department has shifted, such as the increase in staff at the Community Center. Correspondence was read from Michaelene Manion, 608 Tacoma Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, urging Council to fund an additional part-time animal control officer. Correspondence was read from Jan Hickling, 1919 Talbot Rd. S.,Renton, 98055, suggesting that the City cut from its proposed 2002 Budget: $35,000 for a farmer's market and updating the City float, and$30,000 for the community calendar, and fund those items when there is extra money. She indicated that like home budgets,items are cut out that are not necessary and City should do the same with its Budget. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in between NE 2nd&NE 4th, accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) to consider the petition for street vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE, between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets;Petitioner,Conner Homes. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL DECEMBER 3, 2001. CARRIED. November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 419 419 Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in to 91st), Chang Brothers & accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Miller(VAC-01-005) to consider the consider the street vacation petition for portion of NW 5th St. r. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.;Petitioners, Chang Brothers,Inc. and Wayne and Debra Miller. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL DECEMBER 3,2001. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Renton City Concert Band performs its annual holiday concert on Thursday,December 13th, at 7:30 p.m. at Carco Theater. • The Renton Youth Symphony Orchestra performs its Centennial Concert at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday,December 16th at Carco Theater. • The Transportation Department intends to install traffic access improvements along NE 4th St. adjacent to the Highlands Post Office before Christmas. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Council President Clawson, item 7.d. was removed for separate consideration. Council Minutes of November Approval of Council minutes of November 19, 2001. Council concur. 19,2001 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Tanner reappointed Paul F.Webb, 541 Wells Ave. N.,Renton,98055; Commission Diana Hagen, 14230 147th Pl. SE,Renton, 98059;Renne Saling, 17560 SE 136th St.,Renton,98059; and Doug Keyes, 3924 NE 11th Pl.,Renton,98059, each to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term expiring on 12/31/2004. Council concur. Appeal: Debar Preliminary City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Plat,Brad Nicholson(PP-01- Debar preliminary plat(PP-01-058); 14 single-family lots on 2.69 acres located 058) on NE 28th St. Appeal filed by Brad Nicholson, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. CAG: 01-043, Boeing Renton Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-01-043,Boeing Renton Plant 10-inch Plant 10" Water Meters Water Meters Relocation; authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of Relocation,Archer $1,175.04,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained Construction Inc amount of$8,277.20 to Archer Construction,Inc., contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Approval was also requested to transfer$120,000 of unused funds from other projects to cover the increase in costs ($56,767.49) associated with additional work. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.d.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Moo 420 November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 420 Separate Consideration Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Item 7.d. SPL Integrated Solutions,Inc. to procure,install and test the electronics for the Community Services: City City Hall seventh floor conferencing center in the amount of$131,659.67. Hall 7th Floor Conferencing MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Now Center Electronics Contract, COUNCIL TABLE THIS ITEM INDEFINITELY. ROLL CALL: FOUR SPL Integrated Solutions AYES: CLAWSON,KEOLKER-WHEELER,BRIERE,PERSSON;THREE NAYS: PARKER, CORMAN,NELSON. CARRIED. Councilmembers Parker, Corman and Nelson expressed disappointment with the Council's decision not to approve the electronics contract for the seventh floor conferencing center. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending adoption of Finance Committee the 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustment ordinance, which appropriates funds Budget: 2001 Year-End from fund balance and new revenue,increasing 2001 expenditures in various Budget Adjustments funds and departments. This ordinance will increase the 2001 Budget by $4,637,900. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 422 for ordinance.) CAG: 00-138,Liberty Skate Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending final Park/Highlands Annex approval of the Liberty Park Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements Improvements,Wyser project and release of retainage in the amount of$15,752.43 once all releases Construction are obtained. The Committee further recommended that the$13,613.72 expenditure required beyond the original project budget be funded from the completed City Hall Floodwall project($7,460.48) and the projected surplus on "Park Play Equipment" ($6,153.35). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY MEOW NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council President Clawson's inquiry regarding the quality of the cement work at the Skate Park, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd stated that the contractor met the City's specifications for the project. In addition,Mr. Shepherd reported that the Skate Park has sustained damage from bicycles and the installation of non-authorized obstacles in the bowl. *MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Police: Community Patrol upgrade of a police officer to sergeant. The Committee recommended Resource Team, Sergeant concurrence with the request of the Police Department for the promotion of one Promotion additional Police Sergeant to provide seven-day per week supervisory coverage for special downtown patrols between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Litter Regulations Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding violations Violations of litter regulations. The proposed amendment to Renton Code Section 6-14-22 would remedy an ambiguity in the penalties imposed for subsequent violations of Renton Code Section 6-14. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* �. November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 421 421 Responding to Council inquiry regarding the purpose of the Code amendment, Councilman Corman explained that the change tightens up the law regarding littering and the compilation of junk on private property. Stating that offenders +••� of the law will now suffer escalating penalties for repeated violations,Mr. Corman added that the Code amendment compliments the nuisance ordinance adopted in May,2001. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 422 for ordinance.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Eric Cameron to the Appointment: Planning Planning Commission to fill Richard Wagner's unexpired term, which expires Commission on 6/30/2003. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Eric Cameron expressed his appreciation for being appointed to the Planning Commission, saying that he is looking forward to serving on the Commission. EDNSP: 2001 Neighborhood Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Grant Program Awards 2001 Neighborhood Program grants. The Committee met on November 20, 2001,to review staffs recommendations for the 2nd round of the 2001 neighborhood grant projects. After review of the applications, the Committee recommended approval of the following grant applications: 1. Kennydale Neighborhood Association—Tree planting project along Camas Ave. NE and on NE 20th St. Includes planting and neighborhood maintenance of 28 trees. ($1,465) 2. Valley Vue Homeowners Association—Neighborhood entrance sign and ,,... beautification. ($2,197.02) 3. Kennydale Neighborhood Association—Neighborhood entrance sign and landscaping to be located on the eastside of I-405. This sign would be identical to the existing sign located on the west side of I-405. ($5,170) 4. Steeplechase Hills Homeowners Association—Installation of two floodlights on buildings near the dead end of S. 18th St.,for improved safety. ($661) The Committee further recommended that Council have a special presentation to award the grant certificates to the grant recipients on December 3,2001. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the Renton Hill neighborhood groups, Councilwoman Nelson explained that the Renton Hill Neighborhood Association applied for grant funding to landscape a traffic circle, and in 1999, a separate group, the Renton Hill Community Association, received a grant for a holiday tree. She indicated that the Committee felt that there should not be two groups representing the same neighborhood; therefore, representatives from each neighborhood group will meet with the Community Services Committee at its next meeting to discuss the matter. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler described the circumstances that led to the emergence of a new neighborhood group,and pointed out that the traffic circle loom is located in a newer development in River Ridge and a determination needs to be made whether a homeowners association was formed for that development and whether that association is responsible for maintaining the traffic circle. 122 November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 422 Economic Development Director Alex Pietsch stated that the Renton Hill Neighborhood Association has applied for officially recognized neighborhood status,but it is the objective of the Neighborhood Program to recognize groups representing entire neighborhoods. Staff will continue to work with the two OWN groups in an effort to resolve the issue. In addition,he addressed the issue of the Renton Hill Community Association's desire to use a City facility for a meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the use of City facilities by the Association,and Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington explained the City's policy on the use of facilities by outside groups. City Attorney Larry Warren emphasized that decisions regarding the use of City facilities are not based on the reason for the meeting, or free speech issues,but rather on City policies relating to the facilities themselves. Mayor Tanner pointed out that the Renton Hill Community Association did use a City facility for its meeting and paid the appropriate fee. *MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following added resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Added A resolution was read authorizing the Administration to purchase a potential Resolution#3543 fire station site located at 1404 N. 30th St. in Kennydale above the appraised Acquisition: Property Purchase value. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL in Kennydale for Fire Station APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced to the Council meeting of 12/3/2001 for second and final reading: .r Budget: 2001 Year-End An ordinance was read providing for the 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments in Budget Adjustments the amount of$4,637,900. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/3/2001. CARRIED. Police: Litter Regulations An ordinance was read amending Section 6-14-22 of Chapter 6,Litter, of Title Violations VI,Police Regulations, of City Code by amending the penalties provision for first and subsequent offenses. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/3/2001. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4924 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 20 acres located approximately Annexation: Piele, 142nd Ave 600 feet north of NE 4th St. in two ten-acre tracts located along both sides of SE&NE 6th St 142nd Ave. SE(Piele Annexation). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4925 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for the Piele Annexation: Piele,R-8 Zoning Annexation area from R-4(Urban Residential,four dwelling units per acre; King County zoning)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. ... CARRIED. 423 November 26,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 423 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:13 p.m. MML J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann November 26,2001 424 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 26, 2001 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/03 Improving Communications with (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission & School District; *Council 2002 Comprehensive Plan Process Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 12/03 Vouchers (Parker) 6:00 p.m. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) now PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 425 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL «... REGULAR MEETING December 3, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATIONS: a. Free Enterprise Month—December, 2001 b. Student Involvement Month—December, 2001 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. 2001 Neighborhood Grant Awards b. Recognition of Maintenance Services Supervisor George Stahl for Assisting the Neighborhood Picnic Program 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued from 11/26/2001) a. Street vacation petition for portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and 4th Streets (Petitioner, Conner Homes) b. Street vacation petition for portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S. (Petitioners, Chang Brothers, Inc. and Miller) 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT .�. 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of November 26, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 11/21/2001 for CAG-01-179, Building Demolition (located at northwest corner of the airport); 13 bids; project estimate $155,584; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Wyndham Design, Inc., in the amount of$71,133.44. Council concur. c. City Clerk submits petition for street vacation petition for portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way, located south of NE 4th St.; petition received on 11/2/2001 from Abney- Revard, Inc. (VAC-01-006), accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/BuildingLPublic Works Administrator for recommendations; set public hearing on 1/7/2002 to consider the petition. (See 11. for resolution setting the public hearing.) d. Technical Services Division recommends Council acceptance of the right-of-way dedication needed for the NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900) and Anacortes Ave. NE Intersection Improvement project for the amount of$21,593. Council concur. mom 9. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 426 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Setting a public hearing on 1/7/2002 to consider petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way; VAC-01-006 (See 8.c.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Establishing property tax levy for 2002 b. Increasing 2002 property tax collections not to exceed 4.9% c. Authorizing a 106% property tax levy limit factor for 2002 d. Increasing solid waste rates for 2002 e. Increasing Senior Center 2002 facility rental fees f. Increasing Community Services recreation fitness area rental/Community Center rates g. Increasing certain 2002 golf course fees Ordinances for second and final reading: a. 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments (1st reading 11/26/2001) b. Litter regulations violations (1st reading 11/26/2001) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room (7th Floor) 6:30 p.m. Improving Communications with Planning Commission & School District; 2002 Comprehensive Plan Process • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • r CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 427 CITY COUNCIL December 3, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way (VAC-01-006) ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Establishing property tax levy for 2002 (lst reading 12/3/2001) Increasing 2002 property tax collections not to exceed 4.9% (1st reading 12/3/2001) Authorizing a 106% property tax levy limit factor for 2002 (1st reading 12/3/2001) Increasing solid waste rates for 2002 (lst reading 12/3/2001) Increasing Senior Center 2002 facility rental fees (lst reading 12/3/2001) Increasing Community Services recreation fitness area rental/Community Center rates (1st reading 12/3/2001) Increasing certain 2002 golf course fees.(Ist reading 12/3/2001) mom PUBLIC HEARING 1/7/2002—Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE ROW (VAC-01-006) 428 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 3, 2001 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President Pro Tem; RANDY CORMAN;DON COUNCILMEMBERS PERSSON; KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director;NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator; NEIL WATTS,Development Services Director;REBECCA LAND,Principal Planner;TOM BOYNS,Property Services Supervisor; GEORGE STAHL,Maintenance Services Supervisor;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER,Fire Department; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,Police Department. a.rr PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of December, Free Enterprise Month— 2001, to be "Free Enterprise Month" in the City of Renton, and encouraging all December, 2001 citizens to believe in the principles and values of free enterprise and seek to deepen their understanding of and appreciation for the American Free Enterprise System. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Hazen High School student Andreas Twete accepted the proclamation. Student Involvement Month— A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of December, December,2001 2001,to be "Student Involvement Month" in the City of Renton, and encouraging all students to take part in school activities. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Hazen High School Students Tamara Homola and Sherein Idkeidek accepted the proclamation. SPECIAL Norma McQuiller,Neighborhood Coordinator,presented the 2001 PRESENTATIONS Neighborhood Grant Awards to representatives of the Kennydale EDNSP: 2001 Neighborhood Neighborhood Association,Valley Vue Homeowners Association and Grant Program Awards Steeplechase Hills Homeowners Association. Public Works: George Stahl Mayor Tanner presented a plaque to George Stahl,Maintenance Services Recognition for Assisting with Supervisor,in recognition of his cooking services at the neighborhood picnics, Neighborhood Picnic Program and he expressed his appreciation for Mr. Stahl's assistance. Councilwoman Maw Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that Mr. Stahl assisted the Neighborhood Picnic Program on his own time and was not paid by the City. 429 December 3,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 429 PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Vacation: Lyons Ave NE accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public between NE 2nd&NE 4th, hearing continued from November 26,2001,to consider the petition for street Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE,between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets; Petitioner, Conner Homes (VAC-01-004). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor, stated that the purpose of the street vacation request is to enable the petitioner to reconfigure existing right-of-way segments consistent with the required alternative right-of-way widths and alignments proposed in the Johnson-Loken preliminary plat application(PP-01- 122). He explained that a portion of the right-of-way included in this petition was dedicated in the plat of Black Loam Acre Tracts more that 25 years ago and was never developed. Referring to a map,Mr. Boyns described the property to be vacated, saying that some portions of the property are parts of lots. By dedicating more right-of-way than the petitioner is asking to be vacated,it allows the petitioner to continue with the preliminary plat process. Mr. Boyns reported that review of the vacation proposal by City staff and outside agencies has resulted in the recommendation to approve the vacation; but that the ordinance approving the vacation not be presented until the following conditions are met: • A utility easement be retained over the portion of right-of-way vacated in Lyons Ave. NE,northerly of NE 3rd St. • The northeast corner of the intersection of NE 3rd St. and the remainder of Lyons Ave. NE be rounded with a radius of 25 feet as requested by the Transportation Systems Division. Also requested, is the removal of the portion adjacent to the proposed Lot 21 from the proposed street vacation, thereby retaining 51 feet of right-of-way. • An agreement be reached between the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department and the petitioner regarding pedestrian linkages and any necessary documentation or plat amendments to accommodate the linkages. • The proposed vacation be reviewed by Puget Sound Energy to determine its needs for any easements in the subject area. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding surface water drainage concerns,Mr. Boyns explained that the Surface Water Utility Division has reached an agreement with the developer as a requirement of the preliminary plat for the conveyance of upstream drainage through the project site. Stating that locating pedestrian access routes behind houses often becomes a nuisance and the routes may be used as criminal areas, Councilman Persson recommended that staff involve the Police Department in discussions relating to the installation of pedestrian linkages. Public comment was invited. John Skochdopole,Conner Homes Company, 846 108th Ave. NE,Bellevue, 98004, said that he had no problems with the conditions as stated except for the "A" condition that the area adjacent to Lot 21 be removed from the vacation and be left as right-of-way. Explaining that even after meeting with City staff several 450 December 3,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 430 times, and indicating that the preliminary plat project plans have been prepared, Mr. Skochdopole stated that the plat is approved for 42 feet of right-of-way with curbs and sidewalks and asked why the City wants right-of-way that will never be used adjacent to Lot 21. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman acknowledged the desire of the City to preserve a minimum of 50 foot right-of-way through this section;however,he will investigate the matter further to discover the reasons why this condition was recommended. Mr. Skochdopole advised that the legal description for the proposed vacation may have to be modified due to another street vacation request to the north of the site; and the matter concerning pedestrian linkages still needs to be determined. There being no further public comment,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL UNRESOLVED ISSUES ARE DETERMINED. CARRIED. Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in to 91st), Chang Brothers & accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public Miller(VAC-01-005) hearing continued from November 26, 2001,to consider the street vacation petition for a portion of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.; Petitioners,Chang Brothers,Inc. and Wayne and Debra Miller(VAC-01-005). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor,explained that the purpose of the vacation request is to enable the petitioner to continue the existing use of the property as parking for their business and enable further economic development. He described the area to be vacated and reported that the VMW petitioners represent approximately 93 percent of the frontage along the right- of-way under this petition, and although the only other abutting property owner was informed of the public hearing, the City has had no contact with her. In conclusion,Mr. Boyns stated that there are no pedestrian or vehicular access issues associated with the proposed street vacation, and he said that after reviewing the proposal,City departments and outside agencies have no objections. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the street vacation request. Responding to Council inquiry,Mr.Boyns confirmed that there are plans to open a restaurant on the property,and that no property would be landlocked or restricted from access to a public street as a result of this vacation. Public comment was invited. Peter Chang,6301204th Dr. NE,Redmond,98053, explained that after he purchased the property for his restaurant,he found out that he had not purchased as much land as he thought he had, which is the property in question now. Describing the type of restaurant he plans on opening and the positive effects it will have on the community,Mr. Chang urged the Council to approve the vacation request. Scott Missall,999 3rd Ave., Suite 3000, Seattle, 98104,attorney for Mr. Chang, expressed concern regarding the revenue flow for the restaurant project, and encouraged Council to approve the vacation request and set compensation for now the property not to exceed one-half the appraised value. 431 December 3,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 431 There being no further public comment,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ,.� MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VACATION AND SET COMPENSATION AT ONE-HALF THE APPRAISED PROPERTY VALUE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The 8th Annual Holiday Tree Lighting festivities will take place on Saturday,December 8th, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the downtown Piazza Park, located at S. 3rd St. and Logan Ave. S. • On Monday,December 3rd,the Development Services Division placed in operation an interactive voice response system for building department permits and inspections. The phone number is 425-430-7202, and the system operates 24 hours per day,7 days per week, and enables customers to schedule and cancel inspections and obtain inspection results. • The volunteer recognition lunch for Police Department volunteers will be held on December 12th to commemorate the extraordinary amount of hours the volunteers contribute each year. • Puget Sound Energy(PSE)is applying to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission(WUTC)for approval of a 14.5% electrical .... rate increase and a 2.5%natural gas rate increase. Rate decisions typically take eleven months to decide. Of more immediate concern is PSE's request for an interim electrical rate increase of between 18% and 22%. Such interim rate increases can be decided and become effective almost immediately. The WUTC gas twice previously rejected interim rate increase requests by PSE, and there is not yet any indication how this one will fare. An 18%to 22%electrical rate increase has not been foreseen in the 2002 Budget and would, if adopted,create the need for adjustments in the electrical budget line items in the street fund, the water fund,and facilities. Mayor Tanner urged Councilmembers to review the proposed rate increase by PSE,because in the future,the administration may propose that the City actively oppose this increase. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of November Approval of Council minutes of November 26,2001. Council concur. 26,2001 CAG: 01-179,Airport City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/21/2001 for CAG-01-179,Building Building Demolition, Demolition(located at northwest corner of the airport); 13 bids; project Wyndham Design estimate $155,584; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Wyndham Design,Inc., in the amount of$71,133.44. .�. Council concur. 432 December 3,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 432 Vacation: Lyons Ave NE City Clerk submitted petition for street vacation for portion of unopened ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC- existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way, located south of NE 4th St.;petition 01-006) received on 11/2/2001 from Abney-Revard, Inc. (VAC-01-006),accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator for nomp recommendations; set a public hearing on 1/7/2002 to consider the petition. (See later this page for resolution setting the public hearing.) Technical Services: ROW Technical Services Division recommended Council acceptance of the right-of- Dedication,NE Sunset Bl & way dedication for the NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900) and Anacortes Ave. NE Anacortes Ave NE Intersection Intersection Improvement project in the amount of$21,593. Council concur. Improvement Project MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 198815 — 199236 and two wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $3,671,259.87; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35265 —35335 totaling $76,809.58. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3544 A resolution was read setting a public hearing on January 7, 2002,for vacating Vacation: Lyons Ave NE a portion of the unopened,existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way,located south ROW, Abney-Revard(VAC- of NE 4th St. (Petitioner,Abney-Revard,Inc.; VAC-01-006). MOVED BY 01-006) KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. I.r The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/10/2001 for second and final reading: Finance: 2002 Property Tax An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2002 to Levy be the lesser of the amount generated by a rate of$3.27 per$1,000 of assessed valuation, or$18,158,514 for both general purposes and for voter approved bond issues. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Property Tax An ordinance was read authorizing an increase not to exceed 4.9 percent in the Collections (Not to Exceed regular property tax collections for the year 2002. MOVED BY PARKER, 4.9%) SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Property Tax An ordinance was read authorizing a one hundred six percent(106%)property Levy Limit Factor(106%) tax levy limit factor for 2002 to protect the City's future property tax levy capacity. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Solid Waste An ordinance was read adding to and amending Sections 8-1-9.A, 8-1-9.B and Rates 8-1-9.0 of Chapter 1,Garbage, and Section 8-4-31.C.1 of Chapter 4,Water, of Title VIII(Health&Sanitation)of City Code related to year 2002 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, ... COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. X33 December 3,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 433 Finance: 2002 Senior Center An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 Senior Center facility rental fees. Facility Rental Fees MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. ..� CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Community An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 recreation fitness area rental and Center Rates Community Center rates. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Maplewood An ordinance was read increasing certain 2002 golf course fees. MOVED BY Golf Course Fees PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/10/2001. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4926 An ordinance was read providing for the 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments in Budget: 2001 Year-End the amount of$4,637,900. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY Budget Adjustments CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4927 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-14-22 of Chapter 6,Litter, of Title Police: Litter Regulations VI,Police Regulations, of City Code by amending the penalties provision for Violations first and subsequent offenses. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. +..� NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reviewed the 2002 King County King County: 2002 Comprehensive Plan amendment process schedule, and encouraged the Comprehensive Plan administration to keep track of the process to make sure that the amendments do not negatively impact the City of Renton. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:37 p.m. MARILV J.59TERSEN,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 3,2001 3 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 3,2001 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/10 Finalize Budget; (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. 2002 Legislative Priorities COMMUNITY SERVICES TUES., 12/04 2001 Neighborhood Grants—Second (Nelson) 3:30 p.m. Round FINANCE (Parker) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT THURS., 12/06 Architectural Projections in Setback (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:00 p.m. Areas; Development Project Naming; Enforcement of Landscaping Conditions for Developments; 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amends— .r Pre-Application for S. Talbot Rd.; Year-End Cleanup Items PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 12/04 Metro Six-Year Plan (briefing only); (Persson) 11:30 a.m. Carr Road (briefing only); Trans Valley Study Update (briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 12/06 Boeing Renton Plant 10-inch Water (Briere) 2:45 p.m. Meters Relocation Project Funding .r NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 435 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL *REVISED* REGULAR MEETING December 10, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: a. City Clerk Volunteer Awards b. Recognition of the City's Centennial by Metropolitan King County Council (Councilmember Rob McKenna) 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of December 3, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the Clover Creek II rezone and preliminary plat request for property located at Park Ave. N. and N. 27th Pl. (PP-01-034); appeal filed by Labrador Ventures, LLC, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely on the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). c. City Clerk reports appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the St. Claire rezone and preliminary plat request for property located in the vicinity of Lincoln Ave. NE and Aberdeen Ave. NE (PP-01-055); appeal filed by Karen Dobson, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely on the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). d. City Clerk reports bid opening on 11/27/2001 for CAG-01-178, Surge Suppression, Main Electrical Service at City Hall; six bids; project estimate $50,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, J.R. Electric, in the amount of$46,390. Council concur. e. City Clerk reports receipt of$50,000 compensation paid by petitioner(the full market value of the property as appraised), as set by Council on 9/10/2001, and recommends adoption of an ordinance to finalize the Harbour Homes street vacation of SE 2nd Pl. and Nile Ave. SE; VAC- 01-001. Council concur. (See 9.a. for ordinance.) f. Community Services Department recommends approval of an agreement in the amount of $426,000 with Rice Fergus Architects to design Fire Station#12 to be located at 1209 Kirkland ..�. Ave. NE. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 436 g. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Caledon final plat; 21 single-family lots on 3.81 acres located at Union Ave. NE and NE 28th Ct. (FP-01-126). Council concur. (See 9. for resolution.) h. Development Services Division recommends approval of City Code changes establishing a binding site plan process and outlining the requirements for using a binding site plan. Refer to Planning &Development Committee; set public hearing on 1/14/2002 to consider the matter. i. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of a deed of dedication for """ additional right-of-way at the southwest corner of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave. NE for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court short plat (SHP-01-018). Council concur. j. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way for a seven-foot portion of NE 4th Pl. for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court II short plat (SHP-01-078). Council concur. k. Finance & Information Services Department requests approval to amend Ordinance 4293 in order to change the method used to calculate the interest rate on time payments for special assessment district fees. Refer to Finance Committee. 1. Planning/Building/Public Works Department reports an increase in the King County Metro sewer rate from $19.75 to $23.40 per residential customer per month, and requests approval of an ordinance authorizing the pass-through increase. Council concur. (See 9.b. for ordinance.) m. Police Department recommends approval of a contract with Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County for occupational health services for Renton jail inmates from 4/01/2001 to 12/31/2002. Council concur. n. Utility Systems Division requests approval to shut down the Maplewood water treatment facility and to put the station on a stand-by basis until additional water treatment facilities can be constructed to improve the water quality of the Maplewood wells. Refer to Utilities Committee. o. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a franchise agreement with Water District 90 for the installation, maintenance and repair of the District's water lines within the City streets. Refer to Utilities Committee. * p. Community Services Department recommends approval of contracts for the Senior Center and Main Library lighting retrofits in the amount of$53,030.86; and recommends acceptance of energy conservation grants from Puget Sound Energy to be used for the projects. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: 2002 Legislative Priorities; 2002 Budget* b. Planning &Development Committee: Architectural Projections in Setback Areas; Development Project Naming; Enforcement of Landscaping Conditions for Developments; 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amends—Pre-Application for S. Talbot Rd.; Year-End Cleanup Items c. Utilities Committee: Boeing Renton Plant 10-inch Water Meters Relocation Project Funding 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Approving Caledon final plat (see 6.g.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Harbour Homes street vacation; VAC-01-001 (see 6.e.) b. Authorizing pass-through Metro sewer rate increase (see 6.1.) c. 2002 City of Renton Annual Budget (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Establishing property tax levy for 2002 (1st reading 12/3/2001) b. Increasing 2002 property tax collections not to exceed 4.9% (1st reading 12/3/2001) ... c. Authorizing a 106% property tax levy limit factor for 2002 (1st reading 12/3/2001) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 437 d. Increasing solid waste rates for 2002 (1st reading 12/3/2001) e. Increasing Senior Center 2002 facility rental fees (1st reading 12/3/2001) f. Increasing recreation fitness area rental/Community Center rates (1st reading 12/3/2001) g. Increasing certain 2002 golf course fees (1 st reading 12/3/2001) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 5:30 p.m. Finalize 2002 City of Renton Budget; 2002 Legislative Priorities • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL December 10,2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Policy regarding the posting of service club signs at City entrance FINANCE COMMITTEE Contract with Rice Fergus Architects to design Fire Station#12 Time payment interest rate calculation amendment for special assessment district fees PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal filed by Labrador Ventures on the Hearing Examiner's decision re: Clover Creek II Appeal filed by Karen Dobson on the Hearing Examiner's decision re: St. Claire City Code changes re: binding site plan process and requirements PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Interlocal agreement for temporary custody of inmates before transfer to Yakima County Jail UTILITIES COMMITTEE Shut down of Maplewood water treatment facility Franchise agreement with Water District 90 ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Harbour Homes street vacation (1st reading 12/10/2001) 2002 City of Renton Annual Budget (l st reading 12/10/2001) uno. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/7/2002—Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE ROW (VAC-01-006) 1/14/2002—Establishing a binding site plan process & outlining requirements 439 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ... December 10, 2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President;TONI NELSON;RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. Advancement to MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND Administrative Report THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND PROCEED WITH THE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • A free copy of the 2002 Renton Community Calendar will be distributed to Renton residents as an insert in the December 12th edition of the Renton Reporter. After December 12th, copies of the calendar will be available at the City Hall lobby, Community Center, Senior Center,Renton Libraries and Maplewood Golf Course. • A time capsule, which contains items that represent life in Renton in 2001, will be officially sealed at the Council meeting on Monday,December 17th at 7:30 p.m. The time capsule will be unearthed during the City's bicentennial in 2101. • Over 120 athletes,parents,coaches and volunteers attended the Special Population Program Fall Sports Awards Banquet last Thursday at the Senior Center. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minutes of December Approval of Council minutes of December 3, 2001. Council concur. 3, 2001 Appeal: Clover Creek II, City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the Clover Creek Labrador Ventures (PP-01- 11 rezone and preliminary plat request for property located at Park Ave. N. and 034) N. 27th Pl. (PP-01-034); appeal filed by Labrador Ventures,LLC, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee Appeal: St. Claire, Karen City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the St. Claire .... Dobson(PP-01-055) rezone and preliminary plat request for property located in the vicinity of Lincoln Ave. NE and Aberdeen Ave. NE(PP-01-055); appeal filed by Karen Dobson, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee 440 December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 440 CAG: 01-178, Surge City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/27/2001 for CAG-01-178, Surge Suppression/Main Electrical Suppression,Main Electrical Service at City Hall; six bids; project estimate Service,JR Electric $50,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder J.R.Electric, in the amount of$46,390. Council concur. ..r Vacation: SE 2nd Pl between City Clerk reported receipt of$50,000 compensation paid by petitioner(the full Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE, market value of the property as appraised), as set by Council on 9/10/2001, and Harbour Homes (VAC-01- recommended adoption of an ordinance to finalize the Harbour Homes street 001) vacation for portions of SE 2nd Pl. and Nile Ave. SE; VAC-01-001. Council concur. (See page 443 for ordinance.) Community Services: Fire Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement in Station#12 Design Contract, the amount of$426,000 with Rice Fergus Architects to design Fire Station#12 Rice Fergus Architects to be located at 1209 Kirkland Ave. NE. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Caledon,Union Ave NE Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the &NE 28th Ct(FP-01-126) Caledon final plat; 21 single-family lots on 3.81 acres located at Union Ave. NE and NE 28th Ct. (FP-01-126). Council concur. (See page 443 for resolution.) Development Services: Development Services Division recommended approval of City Code changes Binding Site Plan Process, establishing a binding site plan process and outlining the requirements for using City Code Change a binding site plan. Refer to Planning&Development Committee; set a public hearing on 1/14/2002 to consider the matter. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of Morgan Court Short Plat, dedication for additional right-of-way at the southwest corner of NE 4th St. and ROW Dedication on NE 4th Nile Ave. NE for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court St/Nile Ave NE(SHP-01-018) short plat(SHP-01-018). Council concur. .ter Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of Morgan Court R Short Plat, dedication for additional right-of-way for a seven-foot wide portion of NE 4th ROW Dedication on NE 4th Pl Pl. for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court 11 short plat (SHP-01-078) (SHP-01-078). Council concur. Special Assessment District: Finance&Information Services Department requested approval to amend Interest Rate Calculation for Ordinance 4293 in order to change the method used to calculate the interest rate Time Payments Amendment on time payments for special assessment district fees. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Sewer Rate,Pass- Planning/Building/Public Works Department reported an increase in the King through Metro Increase County Metro sewer rate from$19.75 to$23.40 per residential customer per month, and requested approval of an ordinance authorizing a pass-through increase. Council concur. (See page 444 for ordinance.) Police: Jail Inmates Health Police Department recommended approval of a contract with Public Hospital Services Contract,Public District No. 1 of King County for occupational health services for Renton jail Hospital District No 1 inmates from 4/01/2001 to 12/31/2002. Council concur. Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division requested approval to shut down the Maplewood Treatment Facility Shut Down water treatment facility and to put the station on a stand-by basis until additional water treatment facilities can be constructed to improve the water quality of the Maplewood wells. Refer to Utilities Committee. Franchise: Water District 90 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a franchise agreement with Water District 90 for the installation,maintenance and repair of the District's .a water lines within the City streets. Refer to Utilities Committee. 441 December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 441 Community Services: Lighting Community Services Department recommended approval of contracts with Retrofit Contracts for Senior Christenson Electric,Inc. and VECA Electric, Inc. to install energy efficient Center&Library,PSE Grants lighting at the Main Library and Senior Center,respectively, in the total amount i of$53,030.86. Approval was also sought to accept energy conservation grants from Puget Sound Energy to apply towards the successful completion of those projects in the amount of$27,576. Council concur. Added Item 6.g. Police Department recommended approval of an interlocal agreement for the Police: Temporary Custody of temporary custody of inmates before transfer to the Yakima County Jail. Refer Inmates Prior to Transfer to to Public Safety Committee. Yakima County Jail,Interlocal Agreement MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Return to Special Presentation MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RETURN TO THE SCHEDULED SPECIAL PRESENTATION. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION City Clerk Marilyn Petersen expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to City Clerk: Lobby Information the ten City Hall lobby information desk volunteers who staff the front desk and Desk Volunteers Recognition provide assistance and information to City Hall visitors and callers. Since the program's establishment in 1984,the volunteers have given over 40,000 hours of excellent service to the City. Ms. Petersen presented certificates of appreciation to volunteers Delores Mead(360 hours served),Florence Morris (648 hours), and Helennane Botham(1,453.5 hours). She gave special recognition to volunteers Bert Nord (3,528 hours of service since 1985),Ann Grinolds (5,644.5 hours since 1985),and Mary Breda(7,336.5 hours since 1984)for their many years of dedicated service, and presented them with plaques and flowers. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clawson presented a report regarding adoption of the 2002 Committee of the Whole City of Renton Budget. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Budget: 2002 Annual City of City Council adopt the 2002 Budget in the total amount of$148,879,500. The Renton Committee further directed that the following issues be addressed: • The administration will add one full-time animal control officer. • An additional$26,000 will be added for Human Services funding. • The administration will backfill two police officer positions to fill the positions that are currently out on National Guard duty. The Council further requested an update on the City's financial position in early April, 2002, to determine if additional police officers can be added. In July, 2002, the Executive will present the Council with a mid-year analysis of revenues to determine if other priorities in the Police,Fire,Parks, and Public Works departments can be met. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council: 2002 Legislative Council President Clawson presented a report regarding the 2002 legislative Priorities priorities. The Committee of the Whole approved the following basic legislative premises: support for flexibility and control by local governments, opposition to unfunded mandates and/or imposition of new or increased fees on municipal services to fund state regulatory activities. Specific priorities for the 2002 legislative session include: Transportation Funding,Economic 44December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 442 Development Tools,Municipal Finance,Protection of Water Rights, Endangered Species Act,Liability Reform,LEOFF I, Gambling Activities,the Building for the Arts Program,Affordable Housing and Social and Human Services. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: City The item regarding the electronics contract for the City Hall seventh floor Hall 7th Floor Conferencing conferencing center,tabled on November 26, 2001, was reintroduced by Center Electronics Contract, Council President Clawson. SPL Integrated Solutions MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE ELECTRONICS CONTRACT WITH SPL INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS, INC.FOR THE CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR CONFERENCING CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF$131,659.67.* Councilman Parker spoke in favor of the motion and stated that the conferencing center will enhance the efficiency of the City. *MOTION CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the contract for CAG: 01-043,Boeing Renton the Boeing Renton Plant 10-inch Water Meters Relocation project(CAG-01- Plant 10" Water Meters 043)notice of completion. The Committee recommended concurrence in the Relocation,Archer staff recommendation that the project be accepted,the final pay estimate be Construction approved, and the retainage in the amount of$8,277.20 be released after 60 days, once all releases are obtained. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the transfer of$120,000 of unused funds from other projects to cover additional work and staff time required for this project. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planninz &Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding the confusion over project names. The Committee met to discuss the Development Services: confusion caused when projects are either known by multiple names,or when Development Project Naming the name is similar to another project. Project names sometimes change over the course of the project,or similar names are selected by applicants for more than one development proposal. The Committee recommended that the City adopt a policy establishing a process for the naming of development proposals. This process will allow the reservation of a project name for a period of up to one year before submission of an application. In addition, a 'Project Name Reservation Form" will be required to be submitted with land use applications. Duplication of names will not be permitted. Development Services Division staff will be responsible for tracking the project names and cross-referencing the names between land use/environmental permits and other permits such as building or construction permits. The applicant will continue to have the ability to change the project name at the time of recording of plats or for marketing purposes. No fee will apply to the process of reserving a project name.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that the confusion with the project names often makes it difficult for Development Services Division staff to track the course of a project, and she commended staff for finding a solution that would not be a burden to developers or City staff. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 443 December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 443 Comprehensive Plan: 2002 Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Amendment Pre-Application, regarding the pre-application for 2002 Comprehensive Plan amendment for S Talbot Rd(WSDOT-owned) property owned by Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) ..� located near the intersection of S. Talbot Rd. and S. 43rd St. The Committee met on December 6, 2001, and upon review of this pre-application finds the application to be timely and it meets Criteria#1, Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Vision, and Criteria#2, The request supports the Business Plan Goals adopted by the City Council. The Committee recommended that the application be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review as part of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan amendments upon receipt of a complete formal application. The Committee also recommended that the City agree to proceed with the application review as a City-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment thereby eliminating the need for submission of a fee for another public agency. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Planning &Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Nuisance Lighting Regulations regarding nuisance lighting code provisions. In response to a request by Sean O'Neill that Council consider adoption of nuisance lighting provisions in order to address impacts from sports courts being developed in single-family residential areas. Staff found that his request is similar to a proposed code revision being developed as part of the Title IV reorganization project that is currently going through Planning Commission review and contacted Mr. O'Neill. On December 6th, the Committee received a staff briefing on the status of this issue, and recommended that the nuisance lighting issue be included in the overall Title IV reorganization project. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3545 A resolution was read approving the Caledon final plat(aka Long plat); 3.81 Plat: Caledon, Union Ave NE acres located in the vicinity of Union Ave. NE and NE 28th Ct. (FP-01-126). &NE 28th Ct (FP-01-126) MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/17/2001 for second and final reading: Vacation: SE 2nd Pl between An ordinance was read vacating that portion of SE 2nd Pl. between Lyons Ave. Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE, SE and Nile Ave. SE, and that portion of Nile Ave. SE 312.94 feet north of SE Harbour Homes(VAC-01- 2nd Pl. (Petitioner,Harbour Homes by Geonerco, Inc.;VAC-01-001). 001) MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/17/2001. CARRIED. Budget: 2002 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the City of Renton annual budget for the year Renton 2002 in the total amount of$148,879,500. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/17/2001. CARRIED. 444 December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 444 The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Utility: Sewer Rate,Pass- An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-5-15.1)of Chapter 5, Sewers, of through Metro Increase Title VIII(Health and Sanitation)of City Code relating to 2002 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#4928 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance,it was MOVED BY Utility: Sewer Rate,Pass- BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE through Metro Increase AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4929 An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2002 to Finance: 2002 Property Tax be the lesser of the amount generated by a rate of$3.27 per$1,000 of assessed Levy valuation, or$18,158,514 for both general purposes and for voter approved bond issues. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4930 An ordinance was read authorizing a one hundred six percent(106%)property Finance: 2002 Property Tax tax levy limit factor for 2002 to protect the City's future property tax levy Levy Limit Factor(106%) capacity. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: SIX AYES: CLAWSON,NELSON, CORMAN,PARKER,BRIERE,KEOLKER- WHEELER; ONE NAY: PERSSON. CARRIED. Ordinance#4931 An ordinance was read authorizing an increase not to exceed 4.9 percent in the Finance: 2002 Property Tax regular property tax collections for the year 2002. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Collections(Not to Exceed SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS 4.9%) READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4932 An ordinance was read adding to and amending Sections 8-1-9.A, 8-1-9.13 and Finance: 2002 Solid Waste 8-1-9.0 of Chapter 1, Garbage, and Section 8-4-31.C.1 of Chapter 4,Water, of Rates Title VIII(Health&Sanitation)of City Code related to year 2002 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4933 An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 Senior Center facility rental fees. Finance: 2002 Senior Center MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT Facility Rental Fees THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4934 An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 recreation fitness area rental and Finance: 2002 Community Community Center rates. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY Center Rates NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4935 An ordinance was read increasing certain 2002 golf course fees. MOVED BY Finance: 2002 Maplewood CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Golf Course Fees ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 445 December 10,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 445 NEW BUSINESS Council President Clawson opened the nominations for 2002 Council President. Council: 2002 Council MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ELECT President Election(Nelson) COUNCILWOMAN NELSON AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT FOR 2002. CARRIED. Council: 2002 Council MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ELECT President Pro Tem(Keolker- COUNCILWOMAN KEOLKER-WHEELER AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT Wheeler) PRO TEM FOR 2002. CARRIED. Finance: 2002 Property Tax Commenting on the ordinance adopted tonight authorizing an increase not to Collections (Not to Exceed exceed 4.9% in regular property tax collections,Councilwoman Keolker- 4.9%) Wheeler pointed out that the property levy rate of$3.27 per$1,000 of assessed valuation is not being increased. Transportation: Mill Ave S Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked if the bus lane located on Mill Ave. S. Bus Lane is going to be reopened to traffic now that the Renton Transit Center has been completed. Mayor Tanner commented that the bus lane was located there as a temporary measure and he requested investigation of the matter by Transportation staff. Community Services: West Referring to an inquiry by Inez Petersen regarding the West Nile virus, Nile Virus Information Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that the administration forward a Request(Inez Petersen) copy of the City staff report on the issue to Ms.Petersen. Transportation: Post Office Councilwoman Briere expressed her appreciation for the installation of the turn (NE 4th St)Access Problems lane adjustments on NE 4th St. in front of the Highlands Post Office. Transportation: Service Club MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE Signs at City Entrance(Policy) MATTER OF CREATING A POLICY REGARDING THE POSTING OF ..r SERVICE CLUB SIGNS AT THE CITY ENTRANCES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 38 MINUTES TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL LITIGATION. Time: 8:19 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:47 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. MARILV4 J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 10,2001 446 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 10,2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMIV=E OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/17 Proposed Revision to Title IV of Renton (Clawson) 6:00 p.m. Municipal Code COMIV=E ON COMMITTEES MON., 12/17 2002 Committee Assignments (Nelson) 4:00 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 12/17 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Amendment to Calculation of Interest Rate on Time Payments for Special Assessment District Fees; Fire Station#12 Design Contract O.. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 12/17 Jail Interlocal Agreement with Suburban (Corman) 5:30 p.m. Cities TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) MONO NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 447 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 17, 2001 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: National Mentoring Month—January, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Recognition of the City's Centennial by Metropolitan King County Council (Councilmember Rob McKenna) b. CALEA Accreditation for Police Department and Valley Communications c. Centennial Wrap Up and Sealing of the Centennial Time Capsule 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of December 10, 2001. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 12/12/2001 for CAG-01-183, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center Tenant Improvements at 200 Mill Building; 15 bids; project estimate$370,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Mike Werlech Construction, Inc., in the amount of$361,603.32. Council concur. c. City Clerk submits the 2001 General Election certification from King County Records & Elections, as follows: Council Position No. 1 —Randy Corman (6233 —elected); Council Position No. 2—Dan Clawson (4521 —elected), Rosemary Quesenberry (3591); Council Position No. 6—Terri Briere (4632—elected), Chris Clifford (3086); Municipal Court Judge—Terry L. Jurado (5831 —elected). Information. d. Community Services Department submits CAG-00-167, Carco Theater Renovation; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$115.00, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$6,921.72 to Radosevich Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. e. Development Services recommends approval, with conditions, of the Morgan Place final plat; 45 single-family lots on 15.89 acres located at Lyons Ave. NE and NE 4th St. (FP-01-143). Council concur. (See 10.a. for resolution.) f. Development Services recommends approval, with conditions, of the Dykeman final plat; 11 single-family lots on 7.68 acres located at Union Ave. NE and NE 25th St. (FP-01-151). Council concur. (See 10.b. for resolution.) r.. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 448 g. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of State of Washington property that parallels the south side of the Cedar River between the eastern edge of the I-405 corridor on the west and the Cedar River Trail on the east from P-1 (Public Use) to COR (Center Office Residential) with P-Suffix zone; R-01-139. Council concur. (See 10.a. for ordinance.) h. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 9,681 square foot site located at 21 Logan Ave. S. from P-1 (Public Use) to CD (Center Downtown) zone; R-01-132 (Rajaratnam property). Council concur. (See 10.b. for ordinance.) i. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 3.79 acre City-owned site located at 250 Bronson Way NE from P-1 (Public Use) to RM-1 (Residential Multi-Family) with P-Suffix zone; R-01-101 (Mt. Olivet Reservoir). Council concur. (See 10.c. for ordinance.) j. Technical Services Division submits the appraisal performed for the NW 5th St. vacation (VAC- 01-005; Chang Brothers &Miller) and requested that Council accept the appraisal determination of$126,000 and set compensation at $63,000 (one-half the fair market value of the property as approved by Council on 12/3/2001). Council concur. k. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-132, ADA Compliant Curb Ramps project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $22,833.84, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$1,201.79 to APUS Services, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 1. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to reallocate funds in the amount of $7,000 for recruitment expenses to fill the second transportation planner position. The funds were originally allocated to reimburse airport supervisor moving expenses. Council concur. m. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a consultant agreement in the amount of $132,900 with GeoEngineers, Inc. to design seismic upgrades to the Highlands and Rolling Hills Elevated Reservoirs. Council concur. n. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-01-158, Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Phase III; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$133,622.93, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $9,596.86 to Shoreline Construction Company, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. o. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-01-008, South Downtown Water Main & Storm Sewer Replacement; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the ... amount of$89,250.48, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $59,759.29 to Katspan, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Pastor Gary Zendor, St. Anthony Parish, 314 S. 4th St.,Renton, 98055, requesting that the street vacation request for Whitworth Ave. S. (VAC-00-003)be placed on the Council meeting agenda for prompt consideration and approval now that the Parish has addressed the concerns of the affected neighbors. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee on Committees: 2002 Committee Assignments b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Amendment to Calculation of Interest Rate on Time Payments for Special Assessment District Fees*; Fire Station#12 Design Contract c. Public Safety Committee: Jail Interlocal Agreement with Suburban Cities* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Approving Morgan Place final plat (see 7.e.) b. Approving Dykeman final plat (see 7.f.) c. Interlocal agreement for temporary custody of inmates before transfer to Yakima County Jail (see 9.c.) .r (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 449 Ordinances for first readini;: a. State of Washington property rezone from P-1 to RC (see 7g.) b. Raj aratnam property rezone from P-1 to CD (see 71.) c. Mt. Olivet Reservoir rezone from P-1 to RM-1 (see Ti.) d. Amending interest rate calculation on time payments for special assessment district fees (see 9.b.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Harbour Homes street vacation; VAC-01-001 (1st reading 12/10/2001) b. 2002 City of Renton Annual Budget(1st reading 12/10/2001) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Proposed Revisions to Title IV of Renton Municipal Code "�" • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 450 CITY COUNCIL December 17, 2001 City Clerk's Office Referrals MAYOR &CITY CLERK Execute contract with Rice Fergus Architects to design Fire Station#12 Execute interlocal agreement for the temporary custody of inmates before transfer to Yakima County Jail PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Rosemary A. Larson, representing the applicant for the St. Claire preliminary plat TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Airport restrooms .u. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Rezone of State of Washington property from P-1 to RC (1st reading 12/17/2001) Rezone of Raj aratnam property from P-1 to CD (1 st reading 12/17/200 1) Rezone of Mt. Olivet Reservoir property from P-1 to RM-I(1st reading 12/17/2001) PUBLIC HEARINGS 'm' 1/7/2002—Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE ROW (VAC-01-006) 1/14/2002—Establishing a binding site plan process & outlining requirements 451 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting �.�. December 17,2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON,Council President;TONI NELSON; RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS DON PERSSON; KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance & Information Services Administrator; REBECCA LIND,Principal Planner; DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; JULIE BREWER, Community Relations Manager; SONJA MEJLAENDER, Community Relations Specialist;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING, COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH, SERGEANT CHARLES MARSALISI and COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,Police Department. •••• PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of January, National Mentoring Month- 2002, to be "National Mentoring Month" in the City of Renton,in tribute to the January,2002 many mentors in Renton who contribute their time, compassion, and talents to help young people in our community succeed. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Amy Bresslour,Mentor Program Coordinator, accepted the proclamation on behalf of Communities in Schools. SPECIAL Chief of Police Garry Anderson explained that the Commission on PRESENTATIONS Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) adopted national Police: CALEA Accreditation standards that law enforcement agencies measure their performance against, to Valley Communications and CALEA recently expanded their responsibilities to include communication Center&Renton Police Dept center accreditation. He announced that the Valley Communications Center, which is the City's emergency communications provider,has received accreditation status from CALEA, and is the only center on the west coast to receive this award. Chief Anderson introduced Valley Communications Center Director, Chris Fischer, Assistant Director Mark Morgan and Administrative Assistant to the Director Mary Sue Robey and presented them with a plaque. Ms.Fischer commented that Valley Communications has set the bar for communications centers in the State of Washington and the west coast, and it will continue to serve the citizens of Renton very well. Additionally,Chief Anderson announced that the Renton Police Department was accredited once again by CALEA, and he recognized Commander Floyd 45 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 452 Eldridge and Sergeant Charles Marsalisi for their efforts in leading the department through the five-year accreditation process. Executive: Centennial Don Custer, Centennial Task Force Advisory Committee Co-Chair and former Celebration Wrap-Up, Sealing Mayor of Renton,recapped the events that occurred during the year in .m of Time Capsule celebration of Renton's Centennial, and he thanked all those involved in making the celebration so successful. He introduced Diana Hagen, Chair of Renton Arts Plan Together, who presented the Centennial project final report which will be stored permanently at the Renton Historical Museum. Mr. Custer announced that in cooperation with the Renton Municipal Arts Commission,an original sculpture was commissioned commemorating Renton's history and its future. The sculpture will be installed near Carco Theater. He introduced Centennial Task Force Advisory Committee Co-Chair and Boeing employee, Greg Wilson. Mr. Wilson reported that there was a minimum of one special event per month over the course of the year pertaining to the Centennial celebration. Expressing his appreciation to City staff,the Centennial Committee, and to the community for assisting and supporting this tremendous effort,Mr.Wilson acknowledged the sense of pride that the Renton community has. Continuing,Mr. Custer stated that a time capsule will be buried near the new sculpture at Carco Theater and a plaque will be displayed indicating that the time capsule should be opened in the year 2101. At the request of Mayor Tanner,his letter,addressed to the residents of Renton in 2101, was read and he added it to the contents of the time capsule. The Mayor and Councilmembers then sealed the.time capsule, and Mayor Tanner thanked City staff and the Centennial Committee for all of their hard work. s ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: • The annual winter fitness extravaganza will be held at the Community Center on January 3, 2002, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This free event will have aerobic class demonstrations,blood pressure checks and refreshments. • The U.S. Senate Transportation Appropriations Committee, chaired by Senator Patty Murray, has participated in a Congressional conference agreement that resulted in appropriations for transportation projects in the State of Washington in the amount of$157 million which includes$5 million for improvements to the NE 44th St./1-405 interchange. Passed by the House of Representatives, it is expected that it will soon be passed by the Senate and signed by the President. • The Police Department's CPR Team, in coordination with the Crime Prevention Unit,_visited Espresso stands throughout Renton, in response to recent robberies in Kent. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, item 7.1. was removed for separate consideration. 455 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 453 Council Minutes of December Approval of Council minutes of December 10, 2001. Council concur. 10, 2001 r... CAG: 01-183,KC Sexual City Clerk reported bid opening on 12/12/2001 for CAG-01-183, King County Assault Resource Center Sexual Assault Resource Center tenant improvements at 200 Mill Building; 15 Tenant Improvements at 200 bids; project estimate$370,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award Mill Bldg,Mike Werlech the contract to the low bidder,Mike Werlech Construction,Inc., in the amount Const of$361,603.32. Council concur. City Clerk: 2001 General City Clerk submitted the 2001 General Election certification from King County Election Certification Records &Elections, as follows: Council Position No. 1 —Randy Corman (6233 votes—elected); Council Position No. 2—Dan Clawson (4521 —elected), Rosemary Quesenberry (3591); Council Position No. 6—Terri Briere(4632— elected),Chris Clifford(3086);Municipal Court Judge—Terry L. Jurado(5831 —elected). Information. CAG: 00-167, Carco Theater Community Services Department submitted CAG-00-167, Carco Theater Renovation,Radosevich Const Renovation; and requested approval of the project,authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$6,921.72 to Radosevich Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Plat: Morgan Place,Lyons Development Services recommended approval, with conditions,of the Morgan Ave NE(FP-01-143) Place final plat; 45 single-family lots on 15.89 acres located at Lyons Ave. NE and NE 4th St. (FP-01-143). Council concur. (See page 457 for resolution.) Plat: Dykeman,Union Ave NE Development Services recommended approval, with conditions,of the (FP-01-151) Dykeman final plat; 11 single-family lots on 7.68 acres located at Union Ave. NE and NE 25th St. (FP-01-151). Council concur. (See page 457 for resolution.) Rezone: Washington State Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of State of Washington Property,P-1 to RC (R-01- property that parallels the south side of the Cedar River between the eastern 139) edge of the I-405 corridor on the west and the Cedar River Trail on the east from P-1 (Public Use)to RC(Resource Conservation) zone with P-suffix designation;R-01-139. Council concur. (See page 457 for ordinance.) Rezone: Raj aratnam Property, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a 9,681 square foot Logan Ave S, P-1 to CD (R- site located at 21 Logan Ave. S. from P-1 (Public Use)to CD(Center 01-132) Downtown)zone;R-01-132 (Rajaratnam property). Council concur. (See page 458 for ordinance.) Rezone: Mt Olivet Reservoir, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a 3.79 acre City- Bronson Way NE,P-1 to RM-I owned site located at 250 Bronson Way NE from P-1 (Public Use)to RM-I (R-01-101) (Residential Multi-Family Infill)zone with P-suffix designation;R-01-101 (Mt. Olivet Reservoir). Council concur. (See page 458 for ordinance.) Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier Technical Services Division submitted the appraisal performed for the NW 5th to 91st), Change Brothers & St. vacation(VAC-01-005; Petitioners, Change Brothers and Miller)and Miller(VAC-01-005) requested that Council accept the appraisal determination of$126,000 and set compensation at$63,000(one-half the fair market value of the property as approved by Council on 12/3/2001). Council concur. CAG: 01-132, ADA Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-132,ADA Compliant Compliant Curb Ramps,APUS Curb Ramps project; and requested approval of the project, authorization for r... Services final pay estimate in the amount of$22,833.84,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$1,201.79 to APUS Services, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 454 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 454 Utility: Highlands &Rolling Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a consultant agreement in Hills Elevated Reservoirs the amount of$132,900 with GeoEngineers, Inc. to design seismic upgrades to Seismic Upgrades Contract, the Highlands and Rolling Hills Elevated Reservoirs. Council concur. GeoEngineers �.. CAG: 01-158,Maplewood Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-01-158,Maplewood Well Water Main Well Water Main Replacement Replacement Phase III; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Phase III, Shoreline Const Co final pay estimate in the amount of$133,622.93, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$9,596.86 to Shoreline Construction Company, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 01-008, South Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-01-008, South Downtown Water Downtown Water Main& Main and Storm Sewer Replacement; and requested approval of the project, Storm Sewer Replacement, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$89,250.48, Katspan commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of $59,759.29 to Katspan,Inc., contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.1. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to reallocate funds in Item 7.1. the amount of$7,000 for recruitment expenses to fill the second transportation Transportation: Fund planner position. The funds were originally allocated to reimburse airport Reallocation,Recruitment supervisor moving expenses. Expenses for Planner Position At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,explained that Council authorized the expenditure of$20,000 on November 19, 2001,to hire a recruiting firm to fill a vacant transportation planner position. Since then, a second transportation planner position has opened up, and staff is requesting that funds, allocated on November 5th for reimbursement of moving expenses for the airport manager position,be reallocated to help cover the cost for recruitment for both open positions. Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that the airport manager position was filled by an in-house candidate; therefore,the moving expenses did not need to be reimbursed. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the necessity for this recruitment effort considering the current state of the economy, Mr. Zimmerman stated that the availability of professional qualified transportation planners is scarce and the City is having difficulty filling those positions. Explaining that Sound Transit and private consulting firms have put a great demand on transportation planners over the past couple years,he noted that the private sector pays well and it is difficult for the public sector to match those salary levels. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.1. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Fr. Gary Zender,Pastor of St. Anthony Parish, 314 S. Citizen Comment: Zender— 4th St.,Renton,98055,requesting that the street vacation request for Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Whitworth Ave. S. (VAC-00-003)be placed on the Council meeting agenda for Anthony Church(VAC-00- prompt consideration and approval now that the parish has addressed the 003) concerns of the affected neighbors. 455 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 455 At the request of Mayor Tanner,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported on the status of the Whitworth Ave. S. vacation request. He said that the administration was asked to investigate revising the street vacation portion of the City Code to allow land use actions to move forward prior to approval of the vacation. Currently,City Code requires that a vacation request has to be finalized before the first public hearing is held on the land use action. On September 17th, Council approved the street vacation revisions to the City Code, and the ordinance is scheduled for first reading on January 7,2002. Continuing,Mr. Zimmerman stated that Council had advised the parish to conduct more public outreach with the neighboring residents, and had also requested that the parish submit a site plan. He reported that the City has not yet received a site plan or construction schedule from the parish. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington suggested that the administration write a letter to the parish to inform them that the City is still waiting for the additional information. Citizen Comment: McNelly— A letter was read from Harold McNelly, Acting Manager for King County Comp Plan Update of Property Property Services Division, 500 4th Ave.,Room 500, Seattle, 98104,requesting at 3001 NE 4th St that King County property located at 3001 NE 4th St.be included in the City's overall review as part of its Comprehensive Plan update. Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson explained that King County is asking for a City-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendment so that the$1000 Comprehensive Plan process fee will be waived. Stating that today is the last day for submitting requests for the 2002 Comprehensive Plan cycle, she indicated that the question before Council is whether the City should waive the fee. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL WAIVE THE$1,000 FEE FOR KING COUNTY. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Larson—St. A letter was read from Rosemary A.Larson of Inslee,Best,Doezie&Ryder, Claire Appeal, Karen Dobson P.S.,PO Box C-90016,Bellevue, 98009, who represents Lazarus Land (PP-01-055) Corporation, the applicant for the St. Claire preliminary plat(PP-01-055). Ms. Larson responds to Karen Dobson's appeal of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation on the matter, saying that the appellant does not meet the burden to establish that the record contains a substantial error of fact or law. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council: Special Meeting, Mayor Tanner announced that a special Council meeting will be held at 12:00 December 21, 2001 noon on December 21, 2001, in the Council Chambers, for consideration of the St. Claire appeal committee report. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clawson presented a Committee on Committees report Committee on Committees recommending the following committee chairmanships and committee Council: 2002 Committee assignments for Council for 2002: Assignments Community Services Committee: Randy Corman, Chair;Dan Clawson,Vice- Chair;Don Persson,Member. Finance Committee: King Parker, Chair;Don Persson,Vice-Chair; Dan Clawson,Member. Planning and Development Committee: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair;Terri Briere,Vice-Chair; King Parker,Member. 456 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 456 Public Safety Committee: Dan Clawson, Chair; King Parker,Vice-Chair;Terri Briere,Member. Transportation(Aviation) Committee: Don Persson, Chair;Randy Corman, Vice-Chair; Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Member. Utilities Committee: Terri Briere, Chair; Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Vice-Chair; Randy Corman,Member. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Police: Temporary Custody of concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the interlocal agreement Inmates Prior to Transfer to for temporary custody of inmates before transfer to Yakima County Jail. The Yakima County Jail,Interlocal Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to Agreement execute the interlocal agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 457 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the consultant Community Services: Fire selection for the design of Fire Station#12. The Committee concurred with the Station#12 Design Contract, staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Rice Fergus Architects consultant agreement with Rice Fergus Architects to design,bid and oversee construction of the new Fire Station#12, which will be located at 1209 Kirkland Ave. NE. The fee for lump sum services and sub-consultant lump sum services contained in the draft agreement is $426,000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the interest Interest Rate Calculation for payments on special assessment district fees. The Committee recommended Time Payments Amendment adoption of an ordinance that amends Ordinance 4923 by changing the method used to calculate the interest rate on time payments. The new calculation will be based upon the previous quarter's ending three-month treasury bill rate, obtained from the Federal Reserve,plus one percent for administration of the contract. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding the matter be placed on first and second reading on December 17, 2001,to accommodate citizens waiting to participate in this program. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 458 for ordinance.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 199237— 199742 and two wire transfers totaling $3,361,732.01; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35336—35567, 538 direct deposits and one wire transfer totaling$1,638,775.99. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee year-end housekeeping report and recommended that the following referrals to Planning: Year-End the Committee be closed out as follows: Housekeeping(Various Items) Referral 870, City area identification effort(referred 5/4/1998), is to be incorporated into the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment work program. 457 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 457 • Referral 896,zoning changes regarding ground floor and streetfront uses (referred 6/15/1998),are to be included in the Title IV work program. _ • Referral 1163, Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay regulations (referred 1/24/2000), are to be moved to the Comprehensive Plan process. • Referral 1247,creation of a new use category in the Zoning Code related to assisted living facilities(referred 6/12/2000),is to be included in the Title IV work program. • Referral 1470, annexation review process revision(referred 8/13/2001),has been completed. The Committee recommended that the process remain before the City Council at the present time. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that the Development Services Informational Bulletins Division has prepared information sheets on issues such as Commenting on Proposed Developments, What Concerned Neighbors Should Know About the Land Use Process,Family Day Care Home, and Day Care Center. She said that the information will assist citizens in obtaining a better understanding of City processes and answer questions citizens may have about these issues. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3546 A resolution was read approving the Morgan Place final plat; 15.89 acres of Plat: Morgan Place,Lyons property located in the vicinity of Lyons Ave. NE and NE 4th St. (FP-01-143). Ave NE(FP-01-143) MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3547 A resolution was read approving the Dykeman final plat; 7.68 acres of property Plat: Dykeman,Union Ave NE located in the vicinity of Union Ave. NE and NE 25th Pl. (FP-01-151). (FP-01-151) MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3548 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into Police: Temporary Custody of interlocal agreements between the City of Renton, and the cities of Tukwila, Inmates Prior to Transfer to Des Moines, and other King County cities, for temporary custody of inmates Yakima County Jail, Interlocal before their transfer to the Yakima County Jail. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Agreement SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 1/7/2002 for second and final reading: Rezone: Washington State An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Property,P-1 to RC(R-01- consisting of a remnant 20,625 square foot site located on the south side of the 139) Cedar River between the eastern edge of the I-405 right-of-way on the west and the Cedar River Trail on the east from P-1 (Public Use)zone to RC(Resource Conservation)zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-139 (State of Washington property). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON ..�. 1/7/2002. CARRIED. December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 458 Rezone: Raj aratnam Property, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 9,681 square Logan Ave S,P-1 to CD(R- foot site at 21 Logan Ave. S.,located at the intersection of Logan Ave. S. and 01-132) N. Airport Way and abutting the Renton Airport to the west from P-1 (Public Use)zone to CD(Center Downtown)zone; R-01-132(Rajaratnam property). now MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/7/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: Mt Olivet Reservoir, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 3.79 acre site Bronson Way NE,P-1 to RM-I located at 250 Bronson Way NE at the intersection of Bronson Way NE and NE (R-01-101) 3rd St. from P-1 (Public Use)zone to RM-I(Residential Multi-Family Infill) zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-101 (Mt. Olivet Reservoir). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/7/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Special Assessment District: An ordinance was read amending Section 9-16-10,Payment of Special Interest Rate Calculation for Assessment District Fee, of Chapter 16, Special Assessment Districts, of Title 9 Time Payments Amendment (Public Ways)of City Code by revising policies pertaining to interest payments on special assessment charges. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#4936 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance, it was MOVED BY Special Assessment District: PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Interest Rate Calculation for ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Time Payments Amendment The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4937 An ordinance was read vacating that portion of SE 2nd Pl.between Lyons Ave. Vacation: SE 2nd Pl between SE and Nile Ave. SE, and that portion of Nile Ave. SE 312.94 feet north of SE Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE, 2nd Pl. (Petitioner,Harbour Homes by Geonerco, Inc.; VAC-01-001). Harbour Homes (VAC-01- MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT 001) THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4938 An ordinance was read adopting the City of Renton annual budget for the year Budget: 2002 Annual City of 2002 in the total amount of$148,879,500. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Renton SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER Airport: Restrooms THE MATTER OF RESTROOMS AT THE AIRPORT TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council: Outgoing Council Council President Clawson thanked the Council for allowing him to be Council President Comments (Dan President this year, and he said that it has been a pleasure working with such Clawson) dedicated, intelligent and talented people. 459 December 17,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 459 ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:13 p.m. MARILV J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 17,2001 r�or 460 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 17, 2001 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA .or SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FRI., 12/21 St. Claire Appeal Committee Report 12:00 noon COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 12/24 No Meeting (Holiday) (Clawson) MON., 12/31 No Meeting (5th Monday) MON., 01/07 Proposed Revision to Title IV of Renton 6:00 p.m. Municipal Code COMMUNITY SERVICES (Nelson) FINANCE MON., 01/07 Vouchers (Parker) 5:30 p.m. .E. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 12/20 St. Claire Appeal (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Corman) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 12/20 Shut Down of Maplewood Water (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Treatment Facility; Franchise Agreement with King County Water District#90 NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING December 21, 2001 Friday, 12:00 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee report regarding appeal of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation on the St. Claire rezone and preliminary plat application; 10.3 acres located in north Renton between Lincoln Ave. NE and Aberdeen Ave. NE, and between NE 31st St. and NE 33rd Pl. (PP-01-055). INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. �. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code, and by State law, the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick, easy, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 4. ADJOURNMENT sum • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting December 21, 2001 Council Chambers Friday, 12:00 noon MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF DAN CLAWSON, Council President;TONI NELSON;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER RANDY CORMAN. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk;ELIZABETH HIGGINS, Senior Planner; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding the appeal of the St. Claire rezone and preliminary plat Committee application; 10.3 acres located in north Renton between Lincoln Ave. NE and Appeal: St. Claire,Karen Aberdeen Ave. NE, and between NE 31st St. and NE 33rd Pl. (PP-01-055). Dobson(PP-01-055) The Committee recommended that the Council affirm the Hearing Examiner's decision and recommendation in this appeal with the following modifications. Findings of Fact 38, Subsections A through C,page 10 of the Hearing Examiner's decision dated October 4, 2001, should be amended to read: ki A. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and approval,prior to clearing and grading, an easement, which shall be subsequently recorded, granted to the homeowner's association to maintain the ten-foot wide no clearing or grading area. In its conditions,reservations and restrictions the homeowner's association shall be responsible for establishing assessments, sufficient to pay for such maintenance, above its other monetary obligations. Native vegetation may be removed and replaced within the ten-foot strip by soil stabilizing plants, subject, however, to the approval of the City. The applicant shall also submit to the City for review and approval and subsequent recordation, a restrictive covenant permitting no construction, within the ten-foot area, of structures such as fences or sheds, without prior written approval of the City. B. Deleted. C. Shall have added: By City Code,construction is prohibited on Sunday. Construction is permitted on Saturday only by prior approval of the City including the provision of on-call inspectors. This requirement is particularly important to land clearing, grading and tree removal. Finding 40 on page 10 of the Hearing Examiner's decision of October 4, 2001, should be corrected to state that sidewalks will be included in the right-of-way. Such things as franchise utilities may be included in easement in the front yards of lots.* WMA Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed concern that the report did not contain adequate language indicating that the applicant is required to inform the 463 December 21,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 463 City on days that they are going to be conducting the tree removal and grading activities. In response,City Attorney Larry Warren stated that there are requirements in the Hearing Examiner's report and recommendation that the ..� trees be pre-marked and that a fence line would be established. Councilwoman Briere pointed out that the City already requires that inspectors be contacted before that type of work is undertaken. Mr.Warren confirmed that the City must be informed prior the removal of any trees. Responding to Council President Clawson's inquiry regarding the availability on on-call inspectors on Saturdays, Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that there is a procedure in place whereby contractors call ahead and request an inspector. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 12:15 p.m. MARILV J. TERSEN,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 21,2001 low 464 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Acquisition Clover Creek 11,Labrador Ventures(PP-01-034) 439 Kathy's Restaurant Purchase(1209 Kirkland Ave NE),Fire Station Debar Preliminary Plat,Brad Nicholson(PP-01-058) 419 #12 Relocation AC-049 43 Heritage Renton Hill Plat Reconsideration Request(PP-00-053), Property Purchase in Kennydale for Fire Station 422 Larson 332 Vuong Property Purchase,13642 SE 16th St 221 Heritage Renton Hill,Renton Hill Community Assoc(PP-00-053& Airport AAD-00-149),Rogers 263 Action Aviation Lease(rent increase),LAG-98-004 56 Heritage Renton Hill,Renton Hill Community Association(PP-00- Advisory Committee 32,96, 132,144 053&AAD-00-149) 55,192,247,258,275,306,308 Advisory Committee Facilitator,Hanson Engineers 67,78 Langham Short Plat,Sally Langham(SHP-01-085) 339,388 Advisory Committee Membership,Giuliani 109 Monopole at N 30th St,Kennydale Neighborhood Association& Boeing Employee Flying Association Lease,LAG-87-001 7 AT&T Wireless 6,112 Bruce Leven Lease Extension Denial 31 Montemayor Short Plat,Mark DeWitt(SHP-01-005) 232,327 Business Plan 18,204 Montemayor Short Plat,Mark DeWitt(SHP-01-005),Hawkins 233 Business Plan,Hanson Engineers,CAG-01-068 103 NE 4th St&Union Ave NE,Northward Homes(PP-01-082) 331, FAA Lease(rent increase),LAG-92-007 56 373 IM Zone Revisions to Accommodate Airport Related Uses 317,331, Service Linen Expansion,Service Linen Supply(SA-00-131) 172, 342,348 248,259 IM Zone Revisions to Accommodate Airport Related Uses,Paholke St.Claire,Karen Dobson(PP-01-055) 439,462 318 St.Claire,Karen Dobson(PP-01-055),Larson 455 Lease Assignment Transfer from Liens to Ace Aviation,LAG-86-003 Vazquez Administrative Variance,Windsor Way NE(V-01-048) 31,45 284,350 Moratorium on Approval of Leases&Subleases 9,27,203,204, Appointment 219,236 Board of Adjustment 30,44,153, 163,262 Noise Issues&Business Plan 204 Civil Service Commission 143,390,410 Pavement Management System Study,Pavement Consultants Inc, Human Rights&Affairs Commission 86,96,261,272,294 CAG-01-073 110,133 Library Board 132 Pavement Replacement Project,Lakeridge Paving,CAG-01-113 Municipal Arts Commission 86,96,153,163,419 262,273,392 Park Board 42,56,132 Pro-Flight Aviation Lease Expansion Denial,LAG-99-002 31,45 Planning Commission 16,192,406,421 Restaurant Building Demolition 162 Association of WA Cities Restaurant Building Demolition Consultant Contract,Reid Legislative Priorities 341 Middleton,CAG-00-094 262 Boards/Commissions Restaurant Building Demolition Contract,Wyndham Design,CAG- Airport Advisory Committee 32,96,132,144 01-179 431 Airport Advisory Committee Facilitator,Hanson Engineers 67,78 Restricted Use due to US Terrorist Attacks 342 Airport Advisory Committee Membership,Giuliani 109 Restrooms 458 Human Services Advisory Committee Member 5 Seaplane Dock Facilities Bid Award,CAG-01-133,Caditz 339 Planning Commission Recommendations 380 Seaplane Dock Facilities Contract,General Construction,CAG-01- Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Membership 284,391 133 339 Budget Security 341,365 2001 Amendments 110,112, 120 South Cove Ventures Sublease to Seattle World Cruiser Foundation 2001 Carry Forward Ordinance 31,58,59,68 86,95 2001 Year-End Adjustments 407,420,422,433 Supervisor Position Hire Expenses 392 2002 Annual City of Renton 391,416,441,443,458 US Customs Facility&US Dept of Justice INS Port of Entry 2002 Community Center Rates 407,433,444 Designation 233 2002 Maplewood Golf Course Fees 407,433,444 US Customs Facility at Airport,Paholke 236 2002 Property Tax Collections(Not to Exceed 4.9%) 407,432,444, Worldwind Helicopters Operating Permit&Sublease,PAG-01-004 445 221,247 2002 Property Tax Levy 407,432,444 Annexation 2002 Property Tax Levy Limit Factor(106%) 407,432,444 Anderson, 148th Ave SE&SE 120th St(Application Withdrawn) 7 2002 Property Tax Ordinances 407,432,444,445 Annexing Property North of Piele Annexation,Burk 75 2002 Public Hearing 391,416 Honey Creek East,Union Ave NE 5,391,404 2002 Senior Center Facility Rental Fees 407,433,444 Johnson,Jericho Ave NE,NE 6th&NE 9th Sts 294,304 2002 Sewer Rate,Pass-Through Metro Increase 440,444 Johnson,Jericho Ave NE,NE 6th&NE 9th Sts,Pillo 308 2002 Solid Waste Utility Rates 407,432,444 Lee,Hoquiam Ave NE&NE 9th St 109,126,331,350,356,367 Citizen Comment Maplewood Heights Elementary,Jericho Ave NE&SE 136th St Aguilar-Traffic Signal Installation at NE 4th St&144th Ave SE 31 391,403 Alder-Sewer Assessment Fee Payment to Connect to City Sewer Merlino-Empire Estates,MLK Jr Way(SR-900)&S 140th St 40, 200 46,47,58 Anarde-Lande Feed Building Preservation 142 Piele,142nd Ave SE&NE 6th St 56,73,232,257,391,403,411, Anderson-FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators) 351 422 Arrowsmith-FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators) 352 Process Revision 272,456 Attebery(Master Builders Assoc)-Downtown Owner-Occupied Shamrock,NE 4th St&148th Ave SE 232,255 Housing Incentive District 311 Vuong,138th Ave SE&Anacortes Ave NE 221,244,391,405 Bean-St.Anthony Church Vacation,Whitworth Ave S between S Wofford,Lyons Ave NE,142nd Ave SE&SE 136th St 391,402 4th St&Parallel Alley(VAC-00-003) 142,160,180, 192 Appeal Beckley-Lande Feed Building Preservation&Whitworth Ave S 95 Burnett Ave S Project(Lande Feed Mill Site),Palmer,SA-00-171 Vacation(VAC-00-003) 180 141 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January—December Blaskowsky-Request for Stop Sign at Williams Ave S&S 5th St Larson-St.Claire Appeal,Karen Dobson(PP-01-055) 455 161 Lehnerz-Lande Feed Building Preservation 113,142 Blencoe(First Savings Bank)-Housing Repair Assistance Program Long-Conrad Short Plat,Request to Modify Restrictive Covenants, Grant 32 SHP-99-093 29 Browne-Aberdeen Ave NE Sidewalk Installation 182 Malphrus-Native Tree Planting,City Staff Assistance 408 Browne-Kennydale Neighborhood Picnic 332 Manion-Animal Control Officer&Vicious Dogs 260 Burk-Annexing Property North of Piele Annexation 75 McNelly(King County)-Comp Plan Update of Property at 3001 NE Burk-Directional Parking Violations 309 4th St 455 Buss-Directional Parking Violations 308,310 Mech-Lande Feed Building Preservation 181 Caditz-Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities Bid Award,CAG-01-133 Miyu-Fireworks Ban 331 339 Moore-St.Anthony Church Vacation(Whitworth Ave S&Site Plan Carlson-La Boutique,Compliance with City Code 42 Process 211 Carlson-Lande Feed Building Preservation&Whitworth Ave S Nicoli-Kennydale Beach Park,Loitering Problems 364 Vacation(VAC-00-003) 180 Northwest Area Foundation-Community Ventures Partnership Chamberlin-Post Office(NE 4th St)Access Problems 66 Establishment 249 Chesnes-Directional Parking Violations 308 Olson-Youth Services Programs 364 Christianson-Request for Zoning Text Amend re Boat& O'Neill-Nuisance Lighting Regulations 354 Recreational Vehicle Storage 143 Pace-Development Policies 200 Clifford-Council as Quasi-Judicial Body,Tie-Breaking Vote by Paholke-IM Zone Revisions to Accomodate Airport Related Uses Mayor 363 318 Clifford-Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy 75 Paholke-Special Population Day Camp Information 236 Clifford-Lande Feed Building Closure,Declared Dangerous Paholke-US Customs Facility at Airport 236 Building 193,201 Palmer-Lande Feed Building Preservation 142,180 Coddington-Garbage Collection 109 Patterson-I-405 Corridor Program 143 Coe-Fireworks Ban 331 Petersen-Lake Washington Blvd,Inadequate Signage 110 Conklin-Bike Usage on Skate Park 194 Petersen-N 33rd PI Condominium,Potential Parking Problems 193 Correa-Utilities Easement Area Restoration 271,363,376 Petersen-West Nile Virus 445 Cross-St.Anthony Church Vacation,Whitworth Ave S between S Piccola-FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators) 354 4th St&Parallel Alley(VAC-00-003) 165, 171, 191 Pillo-Johnson Annexation,Jericho Ave NE,NE 6th&NE 9th Sts Cunningham-Williams Ave S Speeding Problems 293 308 Davis-Anderson Annexation(Withdraw Application) 7 Quesenberry-Sexual Offender Notification 261 DeMastus-Fireworks Ban 263 Reynolds-Sound Transit Bus Traffic on Logan Ave S 10,16 Derham-Legislative Redistricting in Renton 332 Richter-Armed Forces Day Celebration 153 Dineen-Burnett Ave S/S 4th St Apartment Complex Exhaust Fan Richter-Centennial Celebration 318 Installation 54 Richter-Lande Feed Building Preservation 142 Dobson-Rebar(REN-FOUR)-Renton Western Wear Alley Status Richter-Meadow Ave N Improvements 318 (Sheridan Mixed Use Development) 234 Richter-Renton Neighborhood Picnic 200 Evans-Community Swimming Pool 245 Roeuith-Assistance Programs for Cambodians 164 Fitzgerald-FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators) 352 Rogers-Heritage Renton Hill Plat Appeal(PP-00-053&AAD-00- Flynn-Domestic Abuse Women's Network(DAWN)Shelter 272 149) 263 Foster-Street Lighting(Private Systems) 352 Rose et al-Metropolitan Images for Youth Funding Assistance for Fraidenburg-US Flag Display at City Hall 329,333 Drop-in Center 261 Gasca-1-405 Corridor Program 333 Rutherford-Fireworks Ban 333 Giuliani-Aiport Advisory Committee Membership 109 Scappini-Retaining Wall Construction NE 12th St/Edmonds Ave Graves-Labrador Development Property Violation 408 NE 264 Gullekson-Use of Property Owned by Tydico Const Co(Located in Scholes-Off-Leash Dog Park 357 King County) 67 Searing et al-Lande Feed Building Preservation,Relocation to Wells Halinen-Liberty Ridge Phase 1,Edmonds Ave NE(FP-01-097) 293 Ave S/Houser Way S 211 Halinen-Morgan Place Prelim Plat(PP-01-028)&Lyons Ave NE Shelton-Neighbor Noise Disturbances 308 Vacation Request(VAC-01-002) 233 Sienda-Pueblo Viejo Restaurant Noise Complaints 245 Hamilton-Bruzzi-Fireworks Ban 285 Sims(King County)-Metro Transit Service Changes 143 Hardy-Caring About Our Rich Environment,Environmental Springer-Renton Youth Day Program 109 Awareness Organization 75 Stahl-Railroad Crossing Hazard at Kennydale Beach 202 Haugan-Centennial Celebration 320 Sullivan-Lande Feed Building Preservation,Relocation to Wells Hawkins-Montemayor Short Plat Appeal(SHP-01-005) 233 Ave S/Houser Way S 211 Holt-Lande Feed Building Preservation 180 Swenson-Directional Parking Violation Enforcement 263 Hooks-Directional Parking Violations 310 Swenson-Directional Parking Violations 310 Horton-Lande Feed Building Preservation 141 Tennison-Lande Feed Building Preservation 142 Jahnke-Aberdeen Ave NE Sidewalk Installation 110 Thompson-Fireworks Ban 263 Johnson-"Watch Your Car"Program 408 Thompson-Fireworks Ban 331 Jones-Fireworks Ban 331 Vandermay-Fireworks Ban 293 Key-Fireworks Ban 294 Wagner-Resignation from Planning Commission,City Planning Kyes-Fireworks Ban 233 Concerns 271,285 Lande-Lande Feed Building Closure,Declared Dangerous Building Webb-Correspondence to Elected Officials 161 191 Webb-Mill Ave S Zoning 102 woo Larson-Earthquake Damage to Bridge Connecting Mill Ave S to WEDFA-Resolution for Bond Issuance for Vectra LLC(Monster Renton Hill 260 Rd SW Construction Project) 285 Larson-Heritage Renton Hill Plat Reconsideration Request 332 Widmer-Lande Feed Building Preservation 180 Larson-I-405 Corridor Program 16 Wiemann-Fireworks Ban 332 2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Williams-Fireworks Ban 222 City Hall 7th Floor Conferencing Center Electronic Contract,SPL Wilson-Street Lighting(Private Systems) 352 Integrated Solutions 420,442 Zender-Whitworth Ave S Vacation,St.Anthony Church(VAC-00- City Hall Parking Garage Access Ramp,Gary Merlino Const Co, 003) 454 CAG-99-082 55 City Clerk City Hall Surge Suppression/Main Electrical Service,JR Electric, 2001 General Election Certification 453 CAG-01-178 440 2001 Primary Election Certification 377 Community Center Rates Increase 407,433,444 2001 Renton Population 232 Community Swimming Pool,Evans 245 Agents for Receiving Claims for Damages 331,332 Downtown Parking Garage Bond Issuance 235,364,377,379 AT&T Franchise,Cable Modem Service 30,44 Downtown Parking Garage Project,LMN Architects,CAG-01-123 Lobby Information Desk Volunteers Recognition 441 220,235 Paperless Technology Planning Consultant Contract,CRE8,CAG- Downtown Parking Garage,S 2nd St&Logan Ave S 43 01-160 309,320 Earthquake Damage Report 64 Scala InfoChannel Computer Purchase 294,310 Employee Recognition Awards 40 South County Public Access Studio Operation,Puget Sound Access Espresso Stand Operation at Renton Transit Center 245 78 Estate of Charles L Custer,Renton Memorial Park Fund Beneficiary South County Public Access Studio,AT&T 79 Agreements 94 Community Event Fire Station#12 Construction,Capital Projects Coordinator Armed Forces Day Celebration,Richter 153 Temporary Hire 119,133, 155, 164 Centennial Celebration 58 Fire Station#12 Design Contract,Rice Fergus Architects 440,456 Centennial Celebration Commemorative Sculpture(Hai Ying Wu) Fire Station#12 Relocation,Kathy's Restaurant Purchase,1209 42,56 Kirkland Ave NE(AC-049) Centennial Celebration Float 112 Gene Coulon Park Geese Control,Kalcade Geese Police,CAG-0I- Centennial Celebration Rentennial Production 320 019 30 Centennial Celebration Rentennial Sneak Preview 281 Highlands Neighborhood Center Arson 319 Centennial Celebration Wrap-Up,Sealing of Time Capsule 452 Highlands Park Play Area Renovation,Southworth&Sons,CAG-01- Centennial Celebration Writing Awards(3rd Grade) 243 072 161,407 Centennial Celebration,Haugan 320 Historic Preservation Assessment Contract 274,341 Centennial Celebration,Richter 318 Historic Preservation Assessment Contract,Entrix 393 Ivar's Seafood Bar Contract Fund Allocation for Community Events Ivar's Seafood Bar Contract Fund Allocation for Community Events &Activities 132,133 &Activities 132, 133 Kennydale Neighborhood Picnic,Browne 332 Kennydale Beach Park Improvements Status Request 297 Memorial Service(US Terrorist Attack) 319 Kennydale Beach Park Railroad Crossing Hazard 296 North Renton Neighborhood Picnic,Richter 200 Kennydale Beach Park,Loitering Problems,Nicoli 364 Renton River Days Fee Waivers&Banner Installations 172 Lande Feed Building Closure,Demolition&Preservation (See Renton River Days Recap 269 Development Services) Renton River Days Rubber Ducky Derby,Request for Shoreline Landscape Maintenance Services,Facility Maintenance Contractors, Development Permit Fee Waiver 18 CAG-01-042 66,78 Return to Renton Car Show,Contribution of Proceeds to Police Dept Liberty Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements,Wyser 317 Construction,CAG-00-138 408,420 Community Services Lighting Retrofit Contracts for Senior Center&Library(CAG-01- "The Wiz"Teen Musical 247 195&CAG-01-199),PSE Grants 441 "The Wiz"Teen Musical Performance Excerpts 219 Maplewood Golf Course 17th Green Reconstruction,Big League, 200 Mill Bldg Lease(1st&6th Floors),American Mortgage,LAG- CAG-01-009 102,111 01-004 67,77 Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Berm,Gray&Osborne,CAG-01- 200 Mill Bldg Lease(4th Floor),Innovative Transportation 090 161 Concepts,LAG-01-005 102,111 Maplewood Golf Course Fees Increase 407,433,444 200 Mill Bldg Lease(4th Floor-originally 5th Floor),Data Depth, Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project,City Transfer,CAG-0I- Inc,LAG-01-003 86,95 151 294,318 200 Mill Bldg Lease(Ground Floor),King County Sexual Assault Native Tree Planting,City Staff Assistance,Malphrus 408 Resource Center,LAG-01-006 390,409 Off-Leash Dog Park,Scholes 357 200 Mill Bldg Tenant Improvements Contract(King County Sexual Old City Hall Flood Wall Project,Stouder General Construction, Assault Resource Center),Mike Werlech Const,CAG-01-183 CAG-00-064 6 453 Park Lighting Renovation,Duchess Const,CAG-01-152 331,341 2001 Reclassifications 201,212 Pavilion Building Earthquake Damage Repairs Cost Request 193 2001 Waterfowl Management Interlocal Agreement,CAG-01-059 Pavilion Building Parapet Repair,Celtic Const,CAG-01-142 309 109 Pavilion Building Retail Brokerage Services,CB Richard Ellis 7 Bike Usage on Skate Park 224 Pavilion Building Status Report Request 184 Bike Usage on Skate Park,Conklin 194 Public Address Systems Improvements for City Presentations 193, Capital Projects Coordinator(Downtown Parking Garage), 234,273 Temporary Hire 154,163 Roxy Theater Sign,Storage of(Historic Preservation) 297,320 Capital Projects Coordinator(Fire Station#12 Construction), Senior Center Facility Rental Fees Increase 407,433,444 Temporary Hire 119,133,155,164 Senior Center Sun Room Installation Donation(Renton Rotary) 34 Carco Theater Renovation,Radosevich Construction,CAG-00-167 Senior Center Sun Room Installation,Sound Glass Sales,CAG-00- 9,453 179 16,232 Cedar River Trail Survey 297 Senior Center Sun Room to be Named Rotary Sun Room 181 Centennial Commemorative Sculpture at Carco Theater(Hai Ying Service Club Signs at City Entrance Policy 445 Wu) 42,56 Skate Park Advisory Committee 357,377 City Hall 7th Floor Conferencing Center 353,409 Skate Park Dedication 121 3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Skate Park Safety Issues 283 01-015,Wells 1 2&3 CT Pipeline Facilities Design,RH2 Special Population Day Camp Information,Paholke 236 Engineering 17,32 US Flag Display at City Hall 355 01-016,Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Control Monitoring US Flag Display at City Hall,Fraidenburg 329,333 Plan,Golder Associates 31 West Nile Virus,Petersen 445 01-018,Wells 1 2&3 CT Pipeline Facilities Design,Dept of Health Comprehensive Plan 17,32,34 2001 Amendments 30,223,264,275 01-019,Gene Coulon Park Geese Control,Kalcade Geese Police 30 2002 Amendment Pre-Application,S Talbot Rd(WSDOT-Owned) 01-024,Water Well EW-3 Replacement,Prospect Construction Inc 390,443 118,134 2002 Amendment,3001 NE 4th St(King County-Owned),McNelly 01-027,FlexPass Program,King County(Metro)&Sound Transit 455 56,59 Boeing CPA Rezone#00-M-1,N 8th St,CO to IH(R-99-175) 264, 01-031,Coal Creek Utility District Boundary Agreement 58,59 275 01-032,Strander Blvd/SW 27th St Corridor Improvements, Merlino CPA Rezone#2000-M-6,Empire Way S/SR-900,CA to BERGER/ABAM Engineers 43,57 RM-I(17.54 acres) 87 01-033,80th Ave S Sanitary Sewer Extension,Pivetta Bros Contract Construction 118,114 95-060,Local Hazardous Waste Mgmt Program,Dept of Public 01-038,Airport Advisory Committee Facilitator,Hanson Engineers Health 285 67,78 98-009,East Valley Rd Rehabilitation,WSDOT Grant 173,182, 01-042,Landscape Maintenance Services,Facility Maintenance 184 Contractors 66,78 98-132,Logan Ave S Improvements,Gary Merlino Const Co 221 01-043,Boeing Renton Plant 10"Water Meters Relocation,Archer 98-147,2001 Emergency Services Funding(King County Basic Life Construction 132,419,442 Support) 102 01-055,Donor Advised Fund Agreement&Non-Judicial Dispute 99-074,Park Ave N/N 30th St Waterline&Sidewalk Improvements, Resolution,Estate of Charles L Custer 94 Gary Merlino Const Co 262 01-057,Computer Software Upgrade(Finance),Eden Systems 43, 99-082,City Hall Parking Garage Access Ramp,Gary Merlino Const 58 Co 55 01-059,2001 Waterfowl Management Interlocal Agreement 109 00-039,Local 2170 Leave Sharing Program Addition 272,286 01-063,Computer Purchase for Municipal Court,State 00-061,Oakesdale Ave SW Phase 11,Additional Funding 378 Reimbursement 119,120 00-064,Old City Hall Flood Wall,Stouder General Construction 6 01-066,2001 Street Overlay,ICON Materials 192,204 00-067,1-405/NE 44th St Interchange,Environmental Assessment, 01-068,Airport Business Plan,Hanson Engineers 18, 103 Huckell(Weinman Associates 161 01-069,Logan Ave Bridge Seismic Retrofit,WSDOT Grant 132, 00-073,Rolling Hills Reservoir&Booster Pump Station,Seaboard 134 Construction 408 01-070,Legal Services,Warren,Barber&Fontes,PS 109, 133 00-094,Airport Restaurant Bldg Demolition,Reid Middleton 262 01-071,Maple Valley Hwy(SR-169)HOV/Queue Jump Project, 00-099,East Valley Rd Rehabilitation,Additional Funding 365,378 Perteet Engineering 172 00-103,I-405/NE 44th St Interchange Preliminary Design,Entranco 01-072,Highlands Park Play Area Renovation,Southworth&Sons g 161,407 00-110,Aberdeen Ave NE Utility Improvements,Robison 01-073,Airport Pavement Management System Study,Pavement Construction 340,355 Consultants Inc 110,133 00-119,Highlands Neighborhood Walkway&Curb Ramps Project, 01-076,Maplewood Wellfield Water Improvements,Economic and Walkway Program Funds Reallocation 86 Engineering Services 133 00-119,Highlands Neighborhood Walkway&Curb Ramps,GMT 01-086,Chamber of Commerce,Renton Lodging Association 2001 Inc 365 Promotion Plan 76 00-123,Lake WA Blvd/Bumett Ave N Storm System,CJs Const 01-088,South County Public Access Studio Operation,Puget Sound Services 340 Access 78 00-134,N Renton Sanitary Sewer Replacement Ph 1,Gary Merlino 01-089,Centennial Commemorative Sculpture(Hai Ying Wu) 42, Const Co 262 56 00-135,Renton Community Marketing Campaign, 01-090,Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Berm,Gray&Osborne Hamilton/Saunderson 284,296 161 00-138,Liberty Skate Park/Highlands Annex Improvements,Wyser 01-093,Benson Rd S Pedestrian Improvements,RW Scott Const Co Construction 408,420 232,378 00-165,Monterey Dr NE&NE 3rd St Storm System Replacement 01-096,May Creek Basin Plan,King County&Newcastle 154,162, Project,Monarch Excavating,201 164 00-167,Carco Theater Renovation,Radosevich Construction 9,453 01-097,SW 7th St&Lind Ave SW Traffic Signal,WSDOT Grant 00-179,Senior Center Sun Room Installation,Sound Glass Sales 16, 172,182,184 232 01-098,Transit Signal Priority&Traffic Control Center Project 00-182,Waste Reduction&Recycling Grant Program,King County Consulting Services,IBI Group 181 285,310,311 01-102,Earthquake-Damaged Elevated Water Tanks Repair, 01-002,Trailer Mounted 500 KW Engine Generator Set,Simpson GeoEngineers 201 Power Products 55 01-108,Eastside Interceptor Project,Memo of Agreement with King 01-005,WRIA 9 Interlocal Agreement Amends 246 County 56,183,193 01-008,South Downtown Water Main&Storm Sewer,Katspan 55, 01-113,Airport Pavement Replacement,Lakeridge Paving 262,273, 454 392 01-009,Maplewood Golf Course 17th Green Reconstruction,Big 01-115,Lind Ave S Overlay,ICON Materials 272 League 102,111 01-119,Highlands Neighborhood Walkway and Curb Ramp Project, 01-011,CitySource Printing&Distribution(Renton Reporter) 6,19 Additional Costs 86 01-013,Pavilion Building Retail Brokerage Services,CB Richard 01-123,Downtown Parking Garage Project,LMN Architects 220, Ellis 7 235 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December 01-124,MOU on Impact Mitigation for I-405/SR-167 Interchange, 2002 Council President Election(Nelson) 445 WSDOT 246,248 2002 Council President Pro Tem Election(Keolker-Wheeler) 445 01-128,NE 10th St/Anacortes Ave NE Storm System Improvement 2002 Legislative Priorities 441 &Detention Pond,CH2M Hill 221 Correspondence to Elected Officials,Webb 161 01-132,ADA Compliant Curb Ramps,APUS Services 213,331, Council as Quasi-Judicial Body,Tie-Breaking Vote by Mayor, 453 Clifford 363 01-133,Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities Bid Award,CAG-01-133, Filling Council Vacancies Policy 94 Caditz 339 Former Councilman Timothy Schlitzer's Death 174 01-133,Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities,General Construction 339 Keolker-Wheeler Elected President of SCA 174 01-140,Water Service Transfer,Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water& Legislative Priorities(AWC) 341 Sewer District 211,248 Lobbying Efforts 58 01-142,Pavilion Building Parapet Repair,Celtic Construction 309 Outgoing Council President Comments(Clawson) 458 01-144,Jail Services,Yakima County 246,263 Removal of Unappealed Land Use Items from Consent Agenda 393 01-150,Sister City Establishment with Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico Senate Bill 4160,Transportation Improvements Local Option 246,273 Funding 112 01-151,Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project,City Transfer Special Meeting(12/21/2001) 455 294,318 Swearing-In of Terri Briere&Dan Clawson(unexpired terms) 416 01-152,Park Lighting Renovation,Duchess Const 331,341 Training Session in SE Africa(Keolker-Wheeler) 134, 146 01-155,Maple Valley Hwy(SR-169)/Queue Jump Project,WSDOT Court Case 102, 111,297 City of Tukwila,CRT-01-003 132,133 01-157,NE 7th St/Monroe Ave NE Stormwater Replacement Estate of Elsie Delos Reyes,CRT-01-005 143 Project,Ceccanti 319,330,331 Jacob&Kris Ahlsted,CRT-01-004 143 01-158,Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Phase III, Lawsuits(Reyes&West Hill Community Association) 78 Shoreline Const Co 331,454 Linda Marie Carroll,CRT-01-002 76 01-160,Paperless Technology Planning,CRE8 309,320 Renton Hill Community Association,CRT-01-009 353 01-171,RR Xing Reconstruction @ Lake WA Blvd,WSDOT 340, Rose Ann Jacobs&Calvin Brown,CRT-01-007 284 354,356 Rosemary Grassi,CRT-01-006 201 01-172,RR Xing Reconstruction at Lake WA Blvd,Southport LLC Safeco Insurance Company,CRT-01-010 407 340,354,356 Squak Mountain Materials,CRT-01-008 284 01-174,Transit Signal Priority Project Funding,King County 365, Vonnie B Whitlock,CRT-01-001 42 367 Development Services 01-175,Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Design,PWTF Adelphia Business Solutions Operations Franchise,Fiber Optics Loan 161,365,379 System 17,45,46,79 01-176,Commute Trip Reduction Program Services,King County A-Frame Signs 112,162,173,185 340,341 Architectural Projections in Setback Areas,Code Amend 43 01-178,Surge Suppression/Main Electrical Service at City Hall,JR Binding Site Plan Process,City Code Change 440 Electric 440 Boeing Short Plat,Deed of Dedication for ROW at Garden Ave N& 01-179,Airport Building Demolition,Wyndham Design 431 N 8th St 56 01-183,KC Sexual Assault Resource Center Improvements at 200 Burnett Ave S/S 4th St Exhaust Fan Installation,Dineen 54 Mill Bldg,Mike Werlech Const 453 Conrad Short Plat,Request to Modify Restrictive Covenants,SHP- 01-187,Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S Guardrail Improvements, 99-093 7,29 WSDOT 392,410,411 Conrad Short Plat,Request to Modify Restrictive Covenants,SHP- 01-188,Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S Guardrail Improvements,King 99-093,Long 29 County 392,410,411 Dalpay Final Plat,ROW Dedication at Redmond Ave NE(FP-0I- 01-190,2002 Legal Services,Warren,Barber&Fontes PS 391,409 050) 262 01-191,NE 3rd/4th St Corridor Study,Robert Bernstein 392,410 Development Project Naming 121,442 01-195,Senior Center Lighting,Veca Electric 441 Enforcement of Mitigation Conditions(Landscaping)for 01-197,Jail Inmates Health Services,Public Hospital District No 1 Developments 288 440 Health Hazards at 510 Whitworth Ave S 147 01-199,Main Library Lighting,Christensen Electric 441 Informational Bulletins 457 01-200,City Hall 7th Floor Conferencing Center,SPL Integrated La Boutique,Compliance with City Code,Carlson 42 Solutions 420,442 Labrador Development Property Violation,Graves 408 01-202,Commute Trip Reduction Program Grant,WSDOT 407, Land Use Development Processes 342 411 Lande Feed Building Closure,Declared Dangerous Building 190 01-,Fire Station#12 Design,Rice Fergus Architects 440,456 Lande Feed Building Closure,Declared Dangerous Building, 01-,Highlands&Rolling Hills Elevated Reservoirs Seismic Clifford 193,201 Upgrades,GeoEngineers 454 Lande Feed Building Closure,Declared Dangerous Building,Lande 01-,Historic Preservation Assessment,Entrix 274,341,393 191 01-,King Conservation District Grant 365,367 Lande Feed Building,95 Burnett Ave S Project Appeal by Palmer 01-,System Development Charges Waiver for Storm Overflow Pipe 141 System,King County 408,411 Lande Feed Building Preservation 204 01-,Temporary Custody of Inmates Prior to Transfer to Yakima Lande Feed Building Preservation(Council Action) 222 County Jail,Multi Cities 441,456,457 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Anarde 142 01-,Valley Special Response Team Establishment,Port of Seattle, Lande Feed Building Preservation,Historic Preservation,Palmer Auburn,Kent&Tukwila 17,32 142 Council Lande Feed Building Preservation,Holt 180 2001 General Election Certification 453 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Horton 141 2001 Primary Election Certification 377 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Lehnerz 113, 142 2002 Committee Assignments 455 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Mech 181 5 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Lande Feed Building Preservation,Palmer 180 Neighborhood Groups'Events Liability Insurance 225 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Relocation to Wells Ave Neighborhood Picnic Program,Recognition to George Stahl 428 S/Houser Way S,Searing et al 211 Pavilion Building Retail Brokerage Services,CB Richard Ellis, Lande Feed Building Preservation,Relocation to Wells Ave CAG-01-013 7 S/Houser Way S,Sullivan 211 Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Membership 284,391 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Richter 142 Roxy Theater Sign,Storage of(Historic Preservation) 297,320 Lande Feed Building Preservation,Tennison 142 RR Xing Reconstruction at Lake WA Blvd,Contracts with WSDOT Lande Feed Building Preservation,Widmer 180 &Southport LLC 340,354,356 Lande Feed Building Preservation&Whitworth Ave S Vacation Endangered Species Act (VAC-00-003),Beckley 180 Diazinon Ban by Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) 87,93, Lande Feed Building Preservation&Whitworth Ave S Vacation 94 (VAC-00-003),Carlson 180 Integrated Pest Management Briefing 20 Marshall Property(Mtn View Dr),Junk Vehicle Ordinance Violation WRIA 9 Interlocal Agreement Amends,CAG-01-005 246 283 Executive Max Ryan Short Plat,ROW Dedication at Index Ave NE/NE 6th PI Centennial Celebration 58 Intersection(SHP-00-014) 181 Centennial Celebration Commemorative Sculpture(Hai Ying Wu) Morgan Court 11 Short Plat,ROW Dedication on NE 4th PI(SHP-OI- 42,56 078) 440 Centennial Celebration Float 112 Morgan Court Short Plat,ROW Dedication on NE 4th St/Nile Ave Centennial Celebration Rentennial Production 320 NE(SHP-01-018) 440 Centennial Celebration Rentennial Sneak Preview 281 N 33rd PI Condominium,Potential Parking Problems,Petersen 193 Centennial Celebration Wrap-Up,Sealing of Time Capsule 452 N 33rd PI Condominiums,Potential Parking Problems 295 Centennial Celebration Writing Awards(3rd Grade) 243 Naming of Development Projects in Renton 121,442 Centennial Celebration,Haugan 320 Nuisance Abatement Ordinance 17,144,146, 155 Centennial Celebration,Richter 318 Nuisance Abatement Ordinance Applicability(Boats on Trailers) Chamber of Commerce Quality Business Awards,Chairman's Award 288 to Jay Covington(CAO) 213 Nuisance Lighting Regulations 443 Chief Administrative Officer Position Reclassification to Grade m53 Nuisance Lighting Regulations,O'Neill 354 119 One Valley Place Rezone,Removal of Restrictive Covenants(R-81- CitySource Printing&Distribution(Renton Reporter),CAG-01-011 047) 192,222 6,19 Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector Contract Employee Temporary Hire Diazinon Ban by Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) 87,93, 55,67 94 Removal of Unappealed Land Use Items from Consent Agenda 393 Rename Portion of N Riverside Dr to Nishiwaki Lane 172 Renton River Days Rubber Ducky Derby,Request for Shoreline Renton River Days Fee Waivers&Banner Installations 172 Development Permit Fee Waiver 18 Sister City Establishment with Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico(CAG-01- Retaining Wall Construction,NE 12th St/Edmonds Ave NE, 150) 192,202,264,273 Scappini 264 US District Courthouse Naming,William K Nakamura 85 Sheridan Development in Downtown Temporary Alley Closure 134, Finance 184 1999 Department of Retirement Systems Audit 17 Sheridan Development in Downtown Temporary Alley Closure, 2001 Bond Issuance(Downtown Parking Garage),1997 Bond Dobson-Rebar(REN-FOUR) 234 Refund 235,364,377,379 Street Improvements Exemption for Small Short Plats 284,394 2001 Budget Amendments 110,112, 120 Temporary Alley Closure(between Burnett&Williams Aves S) 2001 Carry Foward Budget Adjustments/Ordinance 31,58,59,68 262,286,287 2001 Reclassifications(Information Services Division) 201,211 Time Warner Telecom of Washington Franchise,Fiber Optics 2001 Reclassifications(Print&Mail Coordinator) 201,212 System 154, 163,164,173 2001 Year-End Budget Adjustments 407,420,422,433 Timing of Street Vacation Decision&Related Land Use Action, 2002 Budget 441,443,458 Code Revisions 234,319 2002 Budget Public Hearing 391,416 Union Park Short Plat,ROW Dedication on NE 8th St(SHP-99-076) 2002 Community Center Rates 407,433,444 66 2002 Maplewood Golf Course Fees 407,433,444 Utilities Easement Area Restoration,Correa 271,363,376 2002 Property Tax Collections(Not to Exceed 4.9%) 407,432,444, XO Washington Franchise,Fiber Optics System 17,44,46,79 445 EDNSP 2002 Property Tax Levy 407,432,444 2001 Neighborhood Grant Program 161,202,210,224,247,407, 2002 Property Tax Levy Limit Factor(106%) 407,432,444 421,428 2002 Property Tax Ordinances 407,432,444,445 Chamber of Commerce Contract,Renton Lodging Association 2001 2002 Senior Center Facility Rental Fees 407,433,444 Promotion Plan,CAG-01-086 76 2002 Sewer Rate,Pass-Through Metro Increase 440,444 Chamber of Commerce Presentation re Development in Renton 35 2002 Solid Waste Utility Rates 407,432,444 City Center Garage,Stonefield Development Company Lease,212- Computer Software Upgrade,Eden Systems 43,58 222 Main Ave S Parking Structure 31,80,86 Downtown Owner Occupied Housing Incentive District(Fees Downtown Parking Garage,S 2nd St&Logan Ave S 43,220,235 Waived) 264,273,287,298 Economic Development Web Site(rentonmarket.com) 64 Employee Awards 373 Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Allocations(Renton Lodging Tax Gambling Issues 366 Advisory Committee),Hamilton/Saunderson Contract 284,296 Garbage Collection Problem,Coddington 109 I-405/NE 44th St Interchange,Environmental Assessment, Human Services Funding 249 Huckell/Weinman Associates,CAG-00-067 161 Spatialinfo Software Purchase 364,377 Kennydale Neighborhood Picnic,Browne 332 Special Assessment District Interest Rate Calculation Amendment Main Ave S Parking Lot Lease,Taylor's Auto Body 9 440,456,458 Neighborhood Grant Program Logo 247 Utility Rates,Repeal of Automatic Increases 66,77,79,87 6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Vouchers 9,18,34,45,58,77,95,111,134,144,163, 173,192, 2002 CDBG Funds,King County 172, 173 213,235,263,273,296,310,332,354,377,393,410,432,456 Assistance Programs for Cambodians,Roeuith 164 Fire Business Committeed to Kids Award(Communities in Schools of 2001 Emergency Medical Services Funding,King County(Basic Renton) 152 Life Support) 102 Domestic Abuse Women's Network(DAWN)Shelter,Flynn 272 Act of Heroism Meritorious Award to Richard DeWitt 179 Funding 249 Apprentice Recognition 387 Housing Repair Assistance Program Donation(First Savings Bank), Donation to NY Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund 341 Blencoe 32 Earthquake Damage Report 64 Human Services Advisory Committee Member 5 Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy 112,119,134 Local Charitable Agencies Lack of Funds 380 Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy,Clifford 75 Metropolitan Images for Youth Funding Assistance for Drop-in Highlands Neighborhood Center Arson 319 Center,Rose et al 261 Kennydale Property Purchase for Fire Station 422 Northwest Area Foundation Community Ventures Partnership Meritorious Awards Presentation 15 Establishment 249 Non-City Use of Equipment 396 Rebuilding Together with Christmas in April-Eastside 170 Opposing National Fire Protection Association Proposed Standards Renton Youth Day Program 108 154 Renton Youth Day Program,Springer 109 Prom Night DUI Choices Program 146 South King County Community Network 15 Station#12 Construction,Capital Projects Coordinator Temporary Youth Services Programs,Olson 364 Hire 119,133, 155,164 King County Station#12 Design Contract,Rice Fergus Architects 440,456 2002 CDBG Funds 172,173 Station#12 Relocation,Kathy's Restaurant Purchase,1209 Kirkland 2002 Comprehensive Plan 433 Ave NE(AC-049) 43 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amend Request,3001 NE 4th St, Franchise McNelly 455 Adelphia Business Solutions Operations,Fiber Optics System 17, Budget 367 45,46,79 Commute Trip Reduction Progrm Services,CAG-01-176 340,341 AT&T,Cable Modem Service 30,44 Council Redistricting 319 AT&T,South County Public Access Studio 79 Eastside Interceptor Project,Memo of Agreement,CAG-01-108 56, King County,Construct&Maintain Sanitary Sewer Mains on 183,193 County Roads 43,111,112 Eastside Interceptor Project,Street Closures 88,183,184,263 South County Public Access Studio Operation,Puget Sound Access Eastside Interceptor Project,Use of Mitigation Funds from King 78 County 119,182 Time Warner Telecom of Washington,Fiber Optics System 154, Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy 112,119,134 163,164,173 Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy,Clifford 75 Water District 90 440 Emergency Medical Services Funding,Basic Life Support 102 XO Washington,Fiber Optics System 17,44,46,79 Franchise to Construct&Maintain Sanitary Sewer Mains on County Hearing Examiner Roads 43, 111,112 Appeal Procedures 76,79,87 Jail Contract 234,246,248 Human Resources Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant(JAIBG)Fund 119 1999 Department of Retirement Systems Audit 17 May Creek Basin Plan Agreement,CAG-01-096 154,162,164 2001 Reclassifications(Community Svcs,PBPW,Finance) 201,212 Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S Guardrail Improvements,CAG-01-188 2001 Reclassifications(Information Services Division) 201,211 392,410,411 Administrator Positions Reclassification 181,234 Rezone of King County South Wastewater Treatment Plant,Monster Airport Supervisor Position Hire Expenses 392 Rd SW,P-1 to IH(R-00-169) 143,146,155 Capital Projects Coordinator(Downtown Parking Garage), Solid Waste Comprehensive Management Plan 20 Temporary Hire 154, 163 System Development Charges Waiver for Storm Overflow Pipe Capital Projects Coordinator(Fire Station#12 Construction), System Contract 408,411 Temporary Hire 119,133,155,164 Transit Signal Priority Project Funding,CAG-01-174 365,367 Chief Administrative Officer Position Reclassification to Grade m53 Use of Property at 15221 SE 128th St by Seaport Dozing 101 119 Use of Property Owned by Tydico Const Co,Gullekson 67 Civil Engineer III Hire at Step D 7,285 Waste Reduction&Recycling Grant Program Contract Amend, Dependent Medical/Dental Coverage of Employees Called to Active CAG-00-182 285,310,311 Duty 391,395 Latecomer Agreement Headhunter Hire to Fill Transportation Planner Position 392,409, 91-001,Request for Extension,Kindle 392 454 City Code Changes re Services Fees&Conditions 7,18, 19,34 Healthcare Plan Modifications 17,33 Lease Local 2170 Leave Sharing Program,CAG-00-039 272,286 Action Aviation Lease at Airport,LAG-98-004 56 Neighborhood Groups'Events Liability Insurance 225 American Mortgage,200 Mill Bldg(1st&6th Floors),LAG-01-004 Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector Contract Employee Temporary Hire 66,77 55,67 Boeing Employee Flying Association Lease at Airport,LAG-87-001 Police Sergeant Promotion,Community Patrol Resource Team 407, 7 420 Bruce Leven Airport Lease Extension Denial 31 Systems Librarian Hire at Step E 56,68 Data Depth,Inc,200 Mill Bldg(4th Floor-originally 5th Floor), Water Maintenance Mgr Reclassification to Grade M33 392,409 LAG-01-003 86,95 Human Services FAA Lease at Airport,LAG-92-007 56 2001 CDBG Funds&General Fund Increase&Allocation 43,57 Innovative Transportation Concepts,200 Mill Bldg(4th FI),LAG- 2001 Domestic Violence Funds Reallocation 43,57 01-005 102,111 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG) 221,270 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center,200 Mill Bldg 2002 CDBG Fund Allocations 232,269,272 (Ground Floor),LAG-01-006 390,409 7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Liens to Ace Aviation,Lease Assignment Transfer,LAG-86-003 31, Development Policies,Pace 200 45 Downtown Owner-Occupied Housing Incentive District(Fees Pro-Flight Aviation Lease at Airport,Lease Expansion Denial,LAG- Waived) 264,273,287,298 99-002 31,45 Downtown Owner-Occupied Housing Incentive District,Attebery South Cove Ventures Airport Sublease to Seattle World Cruiser 311 Foundation 86,95 Growth Management Act 321 Stonefield Development Company Lease(City Center Garage),212- IM Zone Amend re Adult Day Care 262,274,282,287,298 222 Main Ave S Parking Structure 31,80,86 IM Zone Revisions to Accommodate Airport Related Uses 317,331, Taylor's Auto Body,Main Ave S Parking Lot Lease 9 342,348 Worldwind Helicopters Operating Permit&Sublease,PAG-01-004 IM Zone Revisions to Accommodate Airport Related Uses,Pahoike 221,247 318 Legal Mill Ave S Zoning,Webb 102 City Clerk&Deputy City Clerk as Agents for Receiving Claims for Right-of-Way Use Amendments 132,164,274,275,287 Damages 331,332 Shoreline Regulations(Impacts&Costs) 297 Kathy's Restaurant Purchase for Fire Station#12 Relocation,AC-049 Year-End Housekeeping(2002 Comp Plan,Title IV Work Program, 43 Annexation Review Process) 456 Lawsuits(Reyes&West Hill Community Association) 78 Plat Legal Services Contract,Warren,Barber&Fontes PS,CAG-01-070 Amberwood,NE 4th St(PP-00-150) 246 109, 133 Boeing Short Plat,Deed of Dedication of ROW at Garden Ave N& Legal Services Contract,Warren,Barber&Fontes PS,CAG-01-190 N 8th St 56 391,409 Briere Creek Division 2,Vicinity of NE 19th St&Duvall Ave NE Nuisance Abatement Procedure 17, 144,146,155 (FP-01-092) 247 Legislature Caledon,Union Ave NE&NE 28th Ct(FP-01-126) 440,443 2002 Council Legislative Priorities 441 Conrad,Request to Modify Restrictive Covenants(SHP-99-093) 7, AWC Legislative Priorities 341 29 Legislative Redistricting in Renton(from 6 to 3) 234 Conrad,Request to Modify Restrictive Covenants(SHP-99-093), Legislative Redistricting in Renton,Derham(Redistricting Long 29 Commission) 332 Dalpay,ROW Dedication at Redmond Ave NE(FP-01-050) 262 Lobbying Efforts 58 Dalpay,Vicinity of NE 19th St&Redmond Ave NE(FP-01-050) Senate Bill 4160,Transportation Improvements Local Option 246,248 Funding 112 Dykeman,Union Ave NE(FP-01-151) 453,457 Library Eden's Garden,NE 20th St(PP-01-007) 181 Systems Librarian Hire at Step E 56,68 Edmonds,Edmonds Ave NE btwn Sunset Blvd&NE 12th St(PP- Metro 00-075) 56 Bus Route#105,N 33rd St&Bumett Ave N 33 Elizabeth Place,Edmonds Ave NE&NE 12th St(FP-01-004) 119, F1exPass Program Contract 56,59 120 Renton Transit Center 320 Geneva Court,Talbot Rd S(PP-00-160) 161 Renton Transit Center Espresso Stand Operation 245 Heritage Renton Hill Reconsideration Request(PP-00-053),Larson Route 110 Modification(RUSH) 340,354 332 Sewer Rate Pass-Through Increase 440,444 Honey Creek Hill,NE Sunset Blvd(PP-01-024) 246 Transit Service Changes 103,262 Jacques 24th Street,NE 24th St(PP-00-127) 109 Transit Service Changes,Letter from Ron Sims 143 Liberty Ridge Phase 1,Edmonds Ave NE(FP-01-097) 294,297 Municipal Court Liberty Ridge Phase 1,Edmonds Ave NE(FP-01-097),Halinen 293 2000 Annual Report 26 Liberty Ridge,Vicinity of NE 3rd&4th Sts;Edmonds Ave NE& Computer Purchase,State Reimbursement,CAG-01-063 119, 120 Maple Valley Hwy(PP-00-123) 17 Planning Maplewood Estates Div 1,Deeds of Dedication for Intersection 2000 Map Book&Wall Map Adoption 30,34,47 Improvements(FP-01-003) 407 2001 Comprehensive Plan Amendments 30,223,264,275 Maplewood Estates Div 1,NE 4th St&Nile Ave NE(FP-01-003) 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendment,3001 NE 4th St(King 340,341 County-Owned),McNelly 455 Maureen Highlands,NE 4th St(PP-01-079) 392 2002 Comprensive Plan Amendment Pre-Application,S Talbot Rd Max Ryan,ROW Dedication at Index Ave NE/NE 6th PI Intersection (WSDOT-owned) 390,443 (SHP-00-014) 181 Annexation Review Process Revision 272,456 Morgan Court 11,ROW Dedication on NE 4th PI(SHP-01-078) 440 Assisted Living Facilities(Possible Zoning Code Category)Wrap-Up Morgan Court,ROW Dedication on NE 4th St/Nile Ave NE(SHP- 456 01-018) 440 Boat&Recreational Vehicle Storage Zoning Text Amend(CA Zone) Morgan Place(PP-01-028)&Lyons Ave NE Vacation Request 222,294,305,311,320 (VAC-01-002),Halinen 233 Boat&Recreational Vehicle Storage Zoning Text Amend Request, Morgan Place,Lyons Ave NE(FP-01-143) 453,457 Christianson 143 Morgan Place,NE 4th St&Lyons Ave NE(PP-01-028) 246 Bond Issuance Resolution for Vectra LLC(Monster Rd SW Const Removal of Unappealed Land Use Items from Consent Agenda 393 Project),WEDFA 285,310,311 Renton Place Division III,Maple Ave NW&Lind Ave NW(PP-00- Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay Regulations 047) 94 Wrap-Up 456 Ridgley,NE 10th St(PP-01-045) 262 City Planning Concerns,Resignation from Planning Commission, Stone Castle,Monterey Ave NE(FP-01-049) 172,173 Wagner 271,285 Stone Lane,Queen Ave NE(FP-01-083) 246,248 Commercial Office Residential 2(COR 2)Zone Site Plan Stonegate,Statutory Warranty Deed(FP-96-043) 102 Requirements 76,79,87 Street Improvements Exemption for Small Short Plats 284,394 Development Agreement Changes,Aegis Capital International&T Union Park,ROW Dedication on NE 8th St(SHP-99-076) 66 and E Investment 172, 184 Vineyards,Union Ave NE(PP-00-029) 365 8 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Sound Transit I-405 Corridor Program 4,17,95,120,143,144,230,332,342, Bus Traffic on Logan Ave S 10,16 389,406 F1exPass Program Contract 56,59 I-405 Corridor Program,Gasca 333 Special Assessment District I-405 Corridor Program,Larson 16 80th Ave S 31,45 I-405 Corridor Program,Patterson 143 Aberdeen Ave NE 340,355,356,367 I-405/NE 44th St Interchange Preliminary Design,Entranco,CAG- Aberdeen Ave NE,Appeal by Eileen Glockner 30 00-103 8 Blaine Ave NE 31,46,340,355,356,367 1-405/SR-167 Flyover Ramp Project 47 Interest Rate Calculation for Time Payments(Amendment) 440, I-405/SR-167 Interchange MOU on Impact Mitigation,WSDOT, 456,458 CAG-01-124 246,248 Sewer Assessment Time Payments to Connect to City Sewer 329, Lake Washington Blvd,Inadequate Signage,Petersen 110 366,367,380 Lind Ave S Overlay,ICON Materials,CAG-01-115 272 Sewer Assessment Time Payments to Connect to City Sewer,Alder Logan Ave Bridge Seismic Retrofit,WSDOT Grant,CAG-01-069 200 132,134 Streets Logan Ave S Improvements,Gary Merlino Const Co,CAG-98-132 180th St Crossing Closure,Request by WUTC 47,86 221 Eastside Interceptor Project Temp Street Closures 88,263 Maple Valley Hwy(SR-169)HOV/Queue Jump Project,Perteet Grocery Carts in Renton Streets 59 Engineering,CAG-01-071 172 Rename Portion of N Riverside Dr to Nishiwaki Lane 172 Maple Valley Hwy(SR-169)HOV/Queue Jump Project,WSDOT, SW 43rd St Closure(Tukwila's S 180th St Rail Underpass Project) CAG-01-155 102, 111,297 354 Meadow Ave N Improvements,Richter 318 Temporary Alley Closure(between Burnett&Williams Aves S) Metro Bus Route#105,N 33rd St&Burnett Ave N 33 262,286,287 Metro Route 110 Modification(RUSH) 340,354 Suburban Cities Association Metro Transit Service Changes 103,262 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler Elected President 174 Metro Transit Service Changes,Letter from Ron Sims 143 Reorganization 288 Mill Ave S Bus Lane(Removal) 445 Technical Services Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S Guardrail Improvements,WSDOT 2001-2004 Surveying Services Roster 246 (CAG-01-187)&King County(CAG-01-188)Contracts 392, Deeds of Dedication for Intersection Improvements,Maplewood 410,411 Estates Div 1 Final Plat 407 N 33rd PI Condominium,Potential Parking Problems 295 Latecomer Agreement City Code Changes 7,18,19,34 N 33rd PI Condominium,Potential Parking Problems,Petersen 193 ROW Acquisition,NE Sunset Bl&Anacortes Ave NE Intersection NE 3rd/4th St Corridor Study,Robert Bernstein,CAG-01-191 392, Improvement Project 172 410 ROW Dedication,NE Sunset Bl&Anacortes Ave NE Intersection Oakesdale Ave SW Phase II,Additional Funding,CAG-00-061 378 Improvement Project 432 Passenger Ferry Service on Lake Washington,Dutchman Marine Surplus of City-owned Property,333 Main Ave S 7,53 232 Transportation Planner Position Recruitment(Headhunter Hire) 392,409,454 180th St Crossing Closure,Request by WUTC 47,86 Planner Position Recruitment Expenses,Funds Reallocation 454 2001 Street Overlay Project 204 Post Office(NE 4th St)Access Problems 19,366,392,445 2001 Street Overlay,ICON Materials,CAG-01-066 192 Post Office(NE 4th St)Access Problems,Chamberlin 66 2001-2006 TIP Funds Transfer 56 Railroad Crossing Hazard at Kennydale Beach 296 2002-2007 TIP 181, 199,203,204 Railroad Crossing Hazard at Kennydale Beach,Stahl 202 Aberdeen Ave NE Paving Status 80 Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor(RTMS)Radar Count Stations Aberdeen Ave NE Sidewalk Installation 203 Purchase 67,77 Aberdeen Ave NE Sidewalk Installation,Browne 182 Renton Transit Center 320 Aberdeen Ave NE Sidewalk Installation,Jahnke 110 Renton Transit Center Espresso Stand Operation 245 Benson Rd S Pedestrian Improvements,Additional Funding,CAG- ROW Acquistion,NE Sunset BI&Anacortes Ave NE Intersection 01-093 378 Improvement Project 172 Benson Rd S Pedestrian Improvements,RW Scott Const Co,CAG- ROW Dedication,NE Sunset Bl&Anacortes Ave NE Intersection 01-093 232 Improvement Project 432 Civil Engineer III Hire at Step D 7,285 RR Xing Reconstruction at Lake WA Blvd,Contracts with WSDOT Commute Trip Reduction Program Grant,WSDOT 407,411 &Southport LLC 340,354,356 Commute Trip Reduction Program Services,King County,CAG-OI- S Grady Way Do Not Block Driveway Sign 341,356 176 340,341 Sound Transit Bus Traffic on Logan Ave S 10 Curb Ramp Installation(ADA Compliant),APUS Services,CAG-OI- Sound Transit Bus Traffic on Logan Ave S,Reynolds 16 132 181,204,213,331,453 Speeding Problems in Neighborhoods 288,394 Downtown Renton Temporary Parking 19,203 Stop Sign Installation Request at Williams Ave S&S 5th St, Earthquake Damage to Bridge Connecting Mill Ave S to Renton Blaskowsky 161 Hill,Larson 260 Stop Sign Request at Williams Ave S&S 5th St 224 East Valley Rd Rehabilitation,Additional Funding,CAG-00-099 Strander Blvd/SW 27th St Corridor Improvements,BERGER/ABAM 365,378 Engineers 43,57 East Valley Rd Rehabilitation,WSDOT Grant,CAG-98-009 173, SW 43rd St Closure(Tukwila's S 180th St Rail Underpass Project) 182,184 354 Eastside Transportation Program 274 SW 7th St&Lind Ave SW Traffic Signal,WSDOT Grant,CAG-01- -... FlexPass Program Contract,King County(Metro)&Sound Transit 097 172, 182,184 56,59 TIP(2001-2006)Funds Transfer 56 Highlands Neighborhood Walkway&Curb Ramps,GMT Inc,CAG- TIP(2002-2007) 181,199,203,204 00-119 86,365 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Wilkinson Plat II,Shattuck Ave S(PP-00-161) 143 Hazards to Boaters&Recreationalists at Ron Regis Regional Park Windsong Division 2,NE 4th PI&Hoquiam PI NE(FP-00-095) due to Earthquake 143 102, 103 Valley Special Response Team Establishment,Port of Seattle, Windwood Division 3,NE 4th PI&Pasco Ave NE(FP-00-086) 6, Auburn,Kent&Tukwila 17,32 7,9 Public Works Police 2001 Reclassifications 201,212 "Watch Your Car"Program,Johnson 408 Cedar River Landslide,Declaring an Emergency 67,68 2001 Domestic Violence Funds Reallocation 43,57 Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Control Monitoring Plan, 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG) 270 Golder Associates,CAG-01-016 31 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG)Application Earthquake Damage Report 64 221 Eastside Interceptor Project,Memo of Agreement with King County, Act of Heroism Meritorious Award to Richard DeWitt 179 CAG-01-108 56,183,193 CALEA Accreditation to Valley Communications Center&Police Eastside Interceptor Project,Street Closures 88, 183,184,263 Dept 451 Eastside Interceptor Project,Use of Mitigation Funds from King CALEA Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement County 119,182 Agencies(Intro of Evaluators) 281 FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators),Anderson 351 Citing Vehicles Parked off the Roadway(Criteria Used) 396 FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators),Arrowsmith 352 Citizen Recognition Award to Gary White 373 FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators),Fitzgerald 352 Dept of Justice Grant for School Resource Officers 283,318,353 FAA Childcare Facility(Little Aviators),Piccola 354 Directional Parking Tickets 165 George Stahl Recognition for Assisting with Neighborhood Picnic Directional Parking Violation Enforcement,Swenson 263 Program 428 Directional Parking Violations 295,311 Groundwater Spawning Channel Renamed the Stenhouse-Seegmiller Directional Parking Violations,Burk 309 Channel 68 Directional Parking Violations,Buss 308,310 Hazards to Boaters&Recreationalists at Ron Regis Regional Park Directional Parking Violations,Chesnes 308 due to Earthquake 143 Directional Parking Violations,Hooks 310 Olympic Pipe Line Hydrostatic Testing 153 Directional Parking Violations,Swenson 310 Park Ave N/N 30th St Waterline&Sidewalk improvements,Gary Jail Inmates Health Services Contract,Public Hospital District No 1, Merlino Const Co,CAG-99-074 262 CAG-01-097 440 Rolling Hills Reservoir&Booster Pump Station,Seaboard Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant(JAIBG)Fund 119 Construction,CAG-00-073 408 King County Jail Contract Negotiations 234,246,248 Service Club Signs at City Entrance Policy 445 Litter Regulations Violations(Enforcement of) 392,420,422,433 Spatialinfo Software Purchase 364,377 Meritorius Award to Officer Brad Martin 179 Street Lighting(Private Systems),Foster 352 Neighbor Noise Disturbances,Shelton 308 Street Lighting(Private Systems),Wilson 352 Pueblo Viejo Restaurant Noise Complaints,Sienda 245 Surplus of City-owned Property,333 Main Ave S 7,53 Return to Renton Car Show Contribution 317 Water Maintenance Mgr Reclassification to Grade M33 392,409 Security Assistance Reimbursement,Seattle WTO Meeting 380 Regional Issues Sergeant Promotion,Community Patrol Resource Team 407,420 Coal Creek Utility District Boundary Agreement 58,59 Sexual Offender Notification 295 Diazinon Ban by Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) 87,93, Sexual Offender Notification,Quesenberry 261 94 Speeding on Talbot Rd S 339,376 Eastside Transportation Program 274 Speeding Problems in Neighborhoods 288,394 Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy 112, 119,134 Temporary Custody of Inmates Prior to Transfer to Yakima County Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy,Clifford 75 Jail,Interlocal Agreement 441,456,457 Rezone Valley Special Response Team Establishment,Port of Seattle, Boeing CPA#00-M-1,N 8th St,CO to IH(R-99-175) 264,275 Auburn,Kent&Tukwila 17,32 King County South Wastewater Treatment Plant,Monster Rd SW,P- Vicious Dogs&Animal Control Officer Funding,Manion 260 1 to III(R-00-169) 143,146,155 Vicious Dogs,Dog Regulations 294,295,297,312 Merlino CPA#2000-M-6,Empire Way S/SR-900,CA to RM-1 Volunteer&Employee Recognition 53 (17.54 acres) 87 Volunteer Recognition 170,282 Mt Olivet Reservoir,Bronson Way NE,P-1 to RM-I(R-01-101) Yakima County Contract for Jail Services,CAG-01-144 246,263 453,458 Public Safety One Valley Place,Removal of Restrictive Covenants(R-81-047) CALEA Accreditation to Valley Communications Center&Police 192,222 Dept 451 Raj aratnam Property,Logan Ave S,P-I to CD(R-01-132) 453,458 Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy 112,119, 134 Rolling Hills Reservoir,Puget Dr SE,P-1 to R-8(R-01-008) 154, Emergency Medical Services(EMS)Levy,Clifford 75 164 Fireworks Ban,Coe 331 Springbrook Watershed,P-1 to RC,Talbot Rd S(R-01-061) 272, Fireworks Ban,Hamilton-Bruzzi 285 275,287 Fireworks Ban,Jones 331 Washington State Property,P-1 to RC(R-01-139) 453,457 Fireworks Ban,Key 294 School District Fireworks Ban,Kyes 233 Dept of Justice Grant for School Resource Officers 283,318,353 Fireworks Ban,Miyu 331 Solid Waste Fireworks Ban,O'Halloran&DeMastus 263 2002 Rates 407,432,444 Fireworks Ban,Rutherford 333 Garbage Collection Problem,Coddington 109 Fireworks Ban,Thompson 331 Local Hazardous Waste Mgmt Program Contract Amend,Dept of Fireworks Ban,Vandermay 293 Public Health,CAG-95-060 285 Fireworks Ban,Wiemann 332 Waste Reduction&Recycling Grant Program,King County Contract Fireworks Ban,Williams 222 Amend,CAG-00-182 285,310,311 9 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January-December Traffic Signal Installation(left turn light),NE 4th St& 144th Ave SE NE 10th St/Anacortes Ave NE Storm System Improvement& (Jericho Ave NE),Aguilar 31 Detention Pond,CH2M Hill(CAG-01-128),Vuong Property Traffic Signal Installation(left turn light),NE 4th St&144th Ave SE Purchase 221 (Jericho Ave NE) 77 NE 7th St/Monroe Ave NE Stormwater Replacement,Ceccanti, Traffic Signal Installation(stop signs)at NE 4th St&Anacortes Ave CAG-01-157 319,330,331 SE 296 Oversize Request by Burnstead Construction,Fund Transfer& Traffic Signal Installation(yield signs)at NE 4th St&Anacortes Appropriation 377,393 Ave SE 8 Rates,Repeal of Automatic Increases 66,77,79,87 Transit Signal Priority&Traffic Control Center Project Consulting Sewer Assessment Time Payments to Connect to City Sewer 329, Services,IBI Group,CAG-01-098 181 366,367,380 Transit Signal Priority Project Funding,King County,CAG-01-174 Sewer Assessment Time Payments to Connect to City Sewer,Alder 365,367 200 Walkway Program Funds Reallocation,Highlands Neighborhood Sewer Connection by Property Owners Outside City Limits,City Walkway&Curb Ramps Project,CAG-00-119 86 Code Revision 154, 162,164, 173 Williams Ave S Speeding Problems,Cunningham 293 Sewer Connection,Elimination of Penalty Charges 32,46,59 Utility South Downtown Water Main&Storm Sewer,Katspan,CAG-01- 2002 Sewer Rate Pass-Through Metro Increase 440,444 008 55,454 2002 Solid Waste Rates 407,432,444 System Development Charges Waiver for Storm Overflow Pipe 80th Ave S Sanitary Sewer Extension,Pivetta Bros Construction, System,King County 408,411 CAG-01-033 118, 144 Trailer Mounted 500 KW Engine Generator Set,Simpson Power 80th Ave S Special Assessment District 31,45 Products,CAG-01-002 55 Aberdeen Ave NE Special Assessment District 340,355,356,367 Waste Reduction&Recycling Grant Program,King County Contract Aberdeen Ave NE Special Assessment District,Appeal by Eileen Amend,CAG-00-182 285,310,311 Glockner 30 Water District 90 Franchise 440 Aberdeen Ave NE Utility Improvements,Robison Construction, Water Main Break in Benson Rd S 58,87 CAG-00-110 340,355 Water Well EW-3 Replacement,Prospect Construction,CAG-01-024 Annual Consultant Roster for Telemetry&SCADA Services 340 118, 134 Blaine Ave NE Special Assessment District 31,46,340,355,356, Wells 1,2&3 CT Pipeline Construction/Liberty Park,PWTF Loan 367 161 Boeing Renton Plant 10"Water Meters Relocation,Archer Wells 1,2&3 CT Pipeline Design&Construction,Dept of Health& Construction Inc,CAG-01-043 132,419,442 RH2 Engineering 17,32,34 Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Water&Sewer District,Water Service WRIA 9 Interlocal Agreement Amends,CAG-01-005 246 Transfer Agreement,CAG-01-140 211,248 Vacation Coal Creek Utility District Boundary Agreement 58,59 Alley Between Lind&Seneca Aves,and SW 12th&13th Sts(VAC- Earthquake-Damaged Elevated Water Tanks Repair,GeoEngineers, 99-001) 284,287,298 CAG-01-102 201 Lyons Ave NE(VAC-01-002)&Morgan Place Prelim Plat(PP-01- Global Positioning System Equipment Purchase 392,409 028),Halinen 233 Highlands&Rolling Hills Elevated Reservoirs Seismic Upgrades Lyons Ave NE between NE 2nd&4th Sts,Conner Homes(VAC-0I- Contract,GeoEngineers 454 004) 390,395,418,429 King Conservation District Grant 365,367 Lyons Ave NE ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC-01-006) 432 King County Franchise,Construct&Maintain Sanitary Sewer Mains NW 5th St(Rainier to 91st),Chang Brothers&Miller(VAC-0I- on County Roads 43,111,112 005) 390,395,419,430,453 Lake WA Bivd/Bumett Ave N Storm System,CJs Const Services, SE 2nd PI between Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE,Harbour Homes CAG-00-123 340 (VAC-01-001) 102,103,112, 140,309,440,443,458 Latecomer Agreement Request for Extension,Kindle,LA-91-001 SW 13th St between Lind&Seneca,Dale Walker(VAC-01-003) 392 353,356,387 Local Hazardous Waste Mgmt Program Contract Amend,Dept of Timing of Street Vacation Decision&Related Land Use Action, Public Health,CAG-95-060 285 Code Revisions 234,319 Maplewood Golf Course Cart Path Berm,Gray&Osborne,CAG-01- Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony 090 161 Church(VAC-00-003) 94,96,127,140 Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project(funding),CAG-01-151 Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony 294 Church(VAC-00-003)&Site Plan Process,Moore 211 Maplewood Water Treatment Facility Shut Down 440 Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Design,PWTF Loan, Church(VAC-00-003)&Lande Feed Building Preservation, CAG-01-175 161,365,379 Carlson 180 Maplewood Well Water Main Replacement Phase III,Shoreline Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony Const Co,CAG-01-158 331,454 Church(VAC-00-003),Bean 142,160, 180,192 Maplewood Wellfield Water Improvements,Economic and Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony Engineering Services,CAG-01-076 133 Church(VAC-00-003),Cross 165, 171,191 May Creek Basin Plan Agreement,King County&Newcastle,CAG- Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony 01-096 154,162, 164 Church(VAC-00-003),Zender 454 Monterey Dr NE&NE 3rd St Storm System Replacement Project, Whitworth Ave S between S 4th St&Parallel Alley,St.Anthony Monarch Excavating,CAG-00-165 201 Church(VAC-00-003)&Lande Feed Building Preservation, MOU on Impact Mitigation for I-405/SR-167 Interchange,WSDOT, Beckley 180 CAG-01-124 246,249 N Renton Sanitary Sewer Replacement Ph 1,Gary Merhno Const Co,CAG-00-134 262 11 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTE INDEX 2001 January—December WSDOT 2002 Comp Plan Amend Pre-Application Request,S Talbot Rd 390, 443 Commute Trip Reduction Program Grant,CAG-01-202 407,411 East Valley Rd Rehabilitation Grant,CAG-98-009 173,182,184 I-405 Corridor Program 4,17,95,120,143,144,230,332,342, 389,406 I-405 Corridor Program,Gasca 333 1-405 Corridor Program,Larson 16 I-405 Corridor Program,Patterson 143 I-405/SR-167 Flyover Ramp Project 47 Logan Ave Bridge Seismic Retrofit Funding,CAG-01-069 132,134 Maple Valley Hwy(SR-169)HOV/Queue Jump Project,CAG-01- 155 102,111,297 Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S Guardrail Improvements,CAG-01-187 392,410,411 MOU on Impact Mitigation for I-405/SR-167 Interchange,CAG-0I- 124 246,248 RR Xing Reconstruction at Lake WA Blvd,CAG-01-171 340,354, 356 SW 7th St&Lind Ave SW Traffic Signal Grant,CAG-01-097 172, 182,184 Zoning 2000 Map Book&Wall Map Adoption 30,34,47 Boat&Recreational Vehicle Storage Zoning Text Amend(CA Zone) 222,294,305,311,320 Boat&Recreational Vehicle Storage Zoning Text Amend Request, Christianson 143 IM Zone Amend re Adult Day Care 262,274,282,287,298 IM Zone Revisions to Accommodate Airport Related Uses 317,331, 342,348 IM Zone Revisions to Accomodate Airport Related Uses,Paholke 318 For assistance in using this index,please call the City Clerk Division at 430-6504. i 12 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 7, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY: Councilmembers—Randy Corman,Position No. 1; Dan Clawson, Position No. 2; and Terri Briere, Position No. 6; and Municipal Court Judge,Terry L. Jurado. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Highlands Community Association Presentation of a Painting to Fire Station No. 12 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Street vacation petition for portion of unopened, existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. (Petitioner, Abney-Revard, Inc., Morgan Place Preliminary Plat); VAC-01-006 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) „�. When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council minutes of December 17, 2001. Council concur. b. Approval of special meeting Council minutes of December 21, 2001. Council concur. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 1/02/2002 for CAG-01-196, City Hall Seventh Floor Conferencing Center Electrical; six bids; project estimate $23,600; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Main Street Electric, Inc., in the amount of$19,594.88. Council concur. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of a contract with Thyssen Krupp Elevators, Inc. in the amount of$67,506.05 to repair and upgrade the earthquake-damaged CAB #1 elevator at the 200 Mill Building. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 635 square foot site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 194th St. from P-1 (Public Use) to RC (Resource Conservation) zone; R-01-137 (Imagina Productions property). Council concur. (See l l.c. for ordinance.) f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 91,962 square foot site located at 4301 Main Ave. S. from P-1 to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) zone; R- 01-128 (Covenant Development property). Council concur. (See l Ld. for ordinance.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) �2 g. Hearing Examiner recommends approval a rezone of a City-owned reservoir site with a 1.5 million gallon tank located at 4300 Main Ave. S. from P-1 to R-1 zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-129 (South Talbot Hill Reservoir property). Council concur. (See l l.e. for ordinance.) h. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a City-owned 25,733 square foot site located at 1650 NE 24th St. from P-1 to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per ... acre) zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-130 (Renton Water Well No. 5). Council concur. (See l Lf. for ordinance.) i. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 64,000 square foot site which parallels the west side of the I-405 corridor and the southern edge of the Cedar River from P-1 to CA (Commercial Arterial) zone; R-01-140 (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad property). Council concur. (Seel l.g. for ordinance.) j. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of City-owned Fire Station#13 located at 17040 108th Ave. SE from P-1 to R-10 (Residential Single Family; ten dwelling units per acre) zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-124. Council concur. (See 11.h. for ordinance.) k. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a City-owned 300 square foot site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 194th St. from P-1 to RC zone with a P- suffix designation; R-01-136 (Talbot Hill Remnant). Council concur. (See 11.i. for ordinance.) 1. Hearing Examiner recommends approval of a rezone of a 2.28 acre site located along the west side of 82nd Ave. S. at S. 126th St. from P-1 to R-8 with a P-suffix designation; R-01-121 (West Hill Reservoir). Council concur. (See l l.j. for ordinance.) m. Human Services Division recommends entering into a joint agreement with King County that provides for the City to receive the higher of the entitlement or pass-through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding amount each year for 2003-2005; and to remain in the consortium made up of King County and most suburban cities. Refer to Community Services Committee. n. Technical Services Division recommends that the continued public hearing regarding the petition for street vacation for portion of Lyons Ave. NE,between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets (Petitioner, Conner Homes; VAC-01-004)be set on 1/28/2002 to discuss unresolved issues raised at the 12/3/2001 public hearing. Refer to Transportation Committee; reconvene public hearing on 1/28/2002. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Utilities Committee: Shut Down of Maplewood Water Treatment Facility 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for first reading: a. Vacating portion of SW 13th St. between Lind & Seneca Ayes. SW (Council approved 11/5/01) b. Revising street vacation procedures (Council approved via Committee of the Whole report on 9/17/2001) c. Imagina Productions property rezone from P-1 to RC (see 8.e.) d. Covenant Development property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (see 81.) e. S. Talbot Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (see 8.g.) f. Renton Water Well#5 property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (see 8.h.) g. BNSF railroad property rezone from P-1 to CA (see 8.i.) h. Fire Station#13 rezone from P-1 to R-10 (see 8.j.) i. S. Talbot Rd. remnant rezone from P-1 to RC (see 81.) j. West Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (see 8.1.) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) Ordinances for second and final readinZ: a. State of Washington property rezone from P-1 to RC (1st reading 12/17/2001) b. Rajaratnam property rezone from P-1 to CD (1st reading 12/17/2001) c. Mt. Olivet Reservoir rezone from P-1 to RM-I (1st reading 12/17/2001) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Proposed Revisions to Title IV of Renton Municipal Code • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL January 7, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Attorney Michael C. Kahrs re: Renton jail conditions COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Agreement with King County re: 2003-2005 CDBG funds distribution FINANCE COMMITTEE Contract with Thyssen Krupp Elevators to repair 200 Mill Building elevator PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Briefing on Renton jail conditions Issue of parking fines TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Conner Homes street vacation petition for portion of Lyons Ave. NE (VAC-01-004) OWN ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Vacating portion of SW 13th St. between Lind& Seneca Aves. SW (1st reading 1/7/2002) Revising street vacation procedures (1st reading 1/7/2002) Imagina Productions property rezone from P-1 to RC (1st reading 1/7/2002) Covenant Development property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (1st reading 1/7/2002) South Talbot Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (1st reading 1/7/2002) Renton Water Well#5 property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (1st reading 1/7/2002) BNSF railroad property rezone from P-1 to CA (1st reading 1/7/2002) Fire Station#13 property rezone from P-1 to R-10 (1st reading 1/7/2002) Talbot Hill remnant rezone from P-1 to RC (1st reading 1/7/2002) West Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (1st reading 1/7/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/14/2002— Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE ROW; VAC-01-006 (continued from 1/07/2002) 1/28/2002— Establishing a binding site plan process & outlining requirements (originally scheduled for 1/14/2002) 1/28/2002— Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE; VAC-01-004 (continued from 12/03/2001) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ... January 7,2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; JUDGE TERRY L. JURADO,Municipal Court; NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator;TOM BOYNS, Property Services Supervisor;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER,DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON and CAPTAIN TALLY HALL,Fire Department; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. INSTALLATION OF City Clerk Marilyn Petersen administered the oath of office to Councilmembers COUNCILMEMBERS AND Randy Corman,Position No. 1,Dan Clawson,Position No. 2, and Terri Briere, .... MUNICIPAL COURT Position No. 6,each of whom was re-elected in November, 2001 to a four-year JUDGE term to expire December 31, 2005. King County District Court Judge Chas. Delaurenti administered the oath of office to Municipal Court Judge Terry L. Jurado, who was elected in November, 2001 to a four-year term to expire December 31, 2005. SPECIAL King County Councilman Rob McKenna presented and read a proclamation PRESENTATIONS adopted on December 10, 2001,by the Metropolitan King County Council in King County: Recognition of honor of Renton's Centennial. Mayor Tanner accepted the proclamation on Renton's Centennial behalf of the City of Renton. Fire: Station#12, Gift of a Heidi Beckley, Chairperson and founder of the Highlands Community Painting from Highlands Association (HCA),expressed the association's appreciation for the Community Association community-oriented Fire Station#12 and she thanked the Mayor and Council for supporting the construction of the new Fire Station#12. On behalf of HCA, Ms. Carlson presented a painting to Fire Station#12 and introduced the artist, her brother,Kim Drew. Fire Station#12 Captain Tally Hall thanked HCA for the painting, saying that it will be proudly displayed at the new station. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 7:46 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:06 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Vacation: Lyons Ave NE accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC- to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave.NE 01-006) 6 January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 6 right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney- Revard,Inc., Conner Homes and George Bales (VAC-01-006). Property Services Supervisor Tom Boyns explained that the purpose of the vacation request is to enable the petitioner to reconfigure existing right-of-way segments consistent with the required alternative right-of-way widths and alignments proposed in the Morgan Place preliminary plat application. The request includes the provision to waive the appraisal process because the proposed right-of-way to be vacated is in exchange for replacement right-of- way to be dedicated in the plat. Mr. Boyns pointed out that the proposed vacation will realign Lyons Ave. S. resulting in a continuous right-of-way. Describing the proposed vacation area,Mr.Boyns stated that the right-of-way included in this petition was dedicated in the plat of Black Loam Acre Tracts more than 25 years ago and has never been improved. If the City decides to vacate the property,the property that is west of the centerline will attach automatically to the property on the west and the property to the east of the centerline will attach to the property on the east. He indicated that since the vacation request involves an exchange of right-of-way,the costs should be waived for the parties receiving the property. Continuing,Mr. Boyns reported that the Utility Division requested that an easement be retained to accommodate any future service needs. He noted that Puget Sound Energy has not responded to the City's request for review to determine any need for an easement and he said that staff feels the City can move forward without a response. In conclusion,Mr. Boyns stated that staff recommends approval of the request to vacate the right-of-way, and that compensation be waived in exchange for the additional right-of-way to be dedicated in the Morgan Place preliminary plat, subject to the retainage of a utility easement over the westerly half of the right-of-way. Audience comment was invited. Quang T. Do, 5415 NE 4th St.,Renton, 98059,expressed his objections to the proposed street vacation. Mr. Do indicated that if the vacation is approved,he will not be able to access the new Lyons Ave. NE from his property. Mayor Tanner suggested that the property be divided in a different way so that Mr. Do has access to the newly aligned Lyons Ave. NE and he inquired as to what affect that would have on the Morgan Place preliminary plat. Following Council discussion regarding how the vacated property could be divided to allow Mr.Do access to Lyons Ave. NE and the effect it may have on the preliminary plat application,Mayor Tanner recommended that the public hearing be continued until next week in order to give staff time to review the matter. Councilman Parker expressed his agreement with continuing the public hearing and asked that Council be provided with a detailed map of the subject area. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JANUARY 14, 2002. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 7 / • In 2001,Renton's website, www.ci.renton.wa.us,registered more that 1.1 million overall hits in comparison to 720,190 overall hits in 2000. • On Friday,January 18th, the musical group "Tingstad and Rumbel" will perform at Carco Theater at 8:00 p.m. • Due to requests for improved service,garbage collections for the garbage cans in the downtown transit center are being increased from three times per week to five times per week. Executive: City Website Councilman Clawson suggested that information be listed on the City's website Listing re Appliance Disposal pertaining to the disposal of appliances such as water heaters, including information about which transfer stations Renton residents can use and their hours of operation and location. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council Meeting minutes of December 17, 2001. Council concur. December 17, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Special Council Meeting minutes of December 21, 2001. Council December 21,2001 concur. CAG: 01-196,City Hall 7th City Clerk reported bid opening on 1/02/2002 for CAG-01-196, City Hall Floor Conferencing Center Seventh Floor Conferencing Center Electrical; six bids; project estimate Electrical,Main Street Electric $23,600; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Main Street Electric, Inc., in the amount of$19,594.88. Council concur. Community Services: 200 Mill Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Bldg Elevator Repair,Thyssen Thyssen Krupp Elevators,Inc. in the amount of$67,506.05 to repair and Krupp Elevators Inc upgrade the earthquake-damaged CAB#1 elevator at the 200 Mill Building. Refer to Finance Committee. Rezone: Imagina Productions Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a remnant 635 square Property,Talbot Rd S,P-1 to foot site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 194th St. near RC(R-01-137) the entrance to the Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 (Public Use)to RC (Resource Conservation) zone; R-01-137 (Imagina Productions property). Council concur. (See page 9 for ordinance.) Rezone: Covenant Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a 91,962 square foot Development Property,Main vacant site located at 4301 Main Ave. S. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-1 Ave S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-128) (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre)zone;R-01-128 (Covenant Development property). Council concur. (See page 9 for ordinance.) Rezone: South Talbot Hill Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a City-owned Reservoir Property, Main Ave reservoir site with a 1.5 million gallon tank located at 4300 Main Ave. S. from S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-129) P-1 (Public Use) to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) zone with a P=suffix designation; R-01-129 (South Talbot Hill Reservoir). Council concur. (See page 9 for ordinance.) Rezone: Renton Water Well Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a City-owned 25,733 No 5,NE 24th St,P-1 to R-8 square foot water utility site located at 1650 NE 24th St.,at the intersection of (R-01-130) Jones Ave. NE and NE 24th St. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation; January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 8 R-01-130 (Renton Water Well No. 5). Council concur. (See page 10 for ordinance.) Rezone: BNSF Railroad Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of an approximately Property,P-1 to CA(R-01- 64,000 square foot former railroad right-of-way site which parallels the west ..� 140) side of the I-405 corridor between the southern edge of the Cedar River on the south,the southern edge of Bronson Way N. on the north, and Houser Way N. on the west from P-1 (Public Use)to CA(Commercial Arterial) zone;R-01-140 (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad). Council concur. (See page 10 for ordinance.) Rezone: Fire Station#13, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of City-owned Fire 108th Ave SE,P-1 to R-10(R- Station#13 located at 17040 108th Ave. SE near SE 172nd St. and surrounded 01-124) by unincorporated King County from P-1 (Public Use)to R-10(Residential Single Family;ten dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R- 01-124(Fire Station#13). Council concur. (See page 10 for ordinance.) Rezone: Talbot Hill Remnant, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of an approximately 300 Talbot Rd S,P-1 to RC(R-01- square foot remnant site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and 136) S. 194th St. near the entrance to the Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 (Public Use)to RC(Resource Conservation)zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-136(Talbot Hill Remnant). Council concur. (See page 10 for ordinance.) Rezone: West Hill Reservoir, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of a rezone of a 2.28 acre site 82nd Ave S,P-1 to R-8 (R-01- located along the west side of 82nd Ave. S. at S. 126th St. from P-1 (Public 121) Use)to R-8 (Residential Single Family;eight dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-121 (West Hill Reservoir). Council concur. (See page 10 for ordinance.) Human Services: CDBG Human Services Division recommended entering into a joint agreement with Funding Options,King County King County that provides for the City to receive the higher of the entitlement Contract or pass-through Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funding amount each year for 2003-2005; and to remain in the consortium made up of King County and most suburban cities. Refer to Community Services Committee. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE Technical Services Division recommended that the continued public hearing between NE 2nd&4th Sts, regarding the petition for street vacation for portion of Lyons Ave.NE,between Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets (Petitioner, Conner Homes;VAC-01-004)be set on 1/28/2002 to discuss unresolved issues raised at the 12/3/2001 public hearing. Refer to Transportation Committee;reconvene public hearing on 1/28/2002. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Councilman Clawson reported receipt of correspondence from Attorney Citizen Comment: Kahrs—Jail Michael C. Kahrs,753 N. 35th St., Suite 102, Seattle, 98103,who represents a Conditions present detainee of the Renton jail. Mr. Kahr claims that his client suffers from a serious medical condition and does not have adequate access to medical care due to the unconstitutional jail conditions. In addition,Mr. Kahr claims that inmates lack hot water,do not have access to an outside exercise yard and are unable to contact their attorneys by a free phone. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RESPONSE ! AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR A BRIEFING. CARRIED. January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 9 OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 199743—200221 and three wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $1,326,885.57; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35568—35987, 1,074 direct �. deposits and two wire transfers totaling$3,155,191.54. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding placing the Utilities: Maplewood Water Maplewood Water Treatment Facility on stand-by status. The Utilities Treatment Facility Shut Down Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to stop pumping water from the Maplewood wells to the Renton Highlands area until additional treatment facilities can be constructed to improve the water quality. The pump station will be placed on stand-by status and can be used as a backup water supply in case of an emergency. The Committee further recommended that Council support the authorization of funding to complete the construction of the additional facilities as identified in the six-year 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program budget. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 1/14/2002 for second and final reading: Vacation: SW 13th St between An ordinance was read vacating that portion of SW 13th St. between Lind and Lind&Seneca,Dale Walker Seneca Avenues SW in the Auto Mall area(Dale Walker,Walker's Renton (VAC-01-003) Subaru;VAC-01-003). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL .,� READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Vacation: Timing of Street An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9-14, Vacations,of Title 9(Public Vacation Decision &Related Ways)of City Code by indicating in Section 9-14-3 when additional notice is Land Use Action, Code required; deleting Section 9-14-9; and renumbering Sections 9-14-10 and 9-14- Revisions 11. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: Imagina Productions An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a remnant 635 Property, Talbot Rd S,P-1 to square foot site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 194th RC(R-01-137) St. near the entrance to the Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 (Public Use)to RC(Resource Conservation)zone;R-01-137 (Imagina Productions). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: Covenant An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 91,962 square Development Property,Main foot vacant site,located at 4301 Main Ave. S., south of S. 179th St. from P-1 Ave S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-128) (Public Use)to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) zone;R-01-128 (Covenant Development). MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. •.. Rezone: South Talbot Hill An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a City-owned Reservoir Property,Main Ave reservoir site with a 1.5 million gallon tank located at 4300 Main Ave. S. and S. S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-129) 179th St. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one 10 January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 10 dwelling unit per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-129 (South Talbot Hill Reservoir). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: Renton Water Well An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a City-owned now No 5,NE 24th St,P-1 to R-8 25,733 square foot water utility site located at 1650 NE 24th St., at the (R-01-130) intersection of Jones Ave. NE and NE 24th St. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-8 (Residential Single Family;eight dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-130(Renton Water Well No. 5). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: BNSF Railroad An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of an approximately Property,P-1 to CA(R-01- 64,000 square foot former railroad right-of-way site which parallels the west 140) side of the I-405 corridor between the southern edge of the Cedar River on the I south,the southern edge of Bronson Way N. on the north, and Houser Way N. on the west from P-1 (Public Use)to CA(Commercial Arterial) zone;R-01-140 (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: Fire Station#13, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of City-owned Fire 108th Ave SE,P-1 to R-10(R- Station#13 site located at 17040 108th Ave. SE near SE 172nd St. and 01-124) surrounded by unincorporated King County from P-1 (Public Use)to R-10 (Residential Single Family; ten dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-124(Fire Station No. 13). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. ko Rezone: Talbot Hill Remnant, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of an approximately Talbot Rd S,P-1 to RC(R-01- 300 square foot remnant site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. 136) and S. 194th St. near the entrance to Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 (Public Use)to RC(Resource Conservation)zone with a P-suffix designation; R-01-136 (Talbot Hill Remnant). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. Rezone: West Hill Reservoir, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 2.28 acre site 82nd Ave S,P-1 to R-8 (R-01- located along the west side of 82nd Ave. S. at S. 126th St. from P-1 (Public 121) Use)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-121 (West Hill Reservoir). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/14/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4939 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property Rezone: Washington State consisting of a remnant 20,625 square foot site located on the south side of the Property,P-1 to RC(R-01- Cedar River between the eastern edge of the 1-405 right-of-way on the west and 139) the Cedar River Trail on the east from P-1 (Public Use)zone to RC(Resource Conservation)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-139 (State of Washington Ono property). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, January 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 11 COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4940 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 9,681 square Rezone: Raj aratnam Property, foot site at 21 Logan Ave. S., located at the intersection of Logan Ave. S. and Logan Ave S,P-1 to CD(R- N. Airport Way and abutting the Renton Airport to the west from P-1 (Public 01-132) Use)zone to CD(Center Downtown)zone; R-01-132 (Rajaratnam property). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4941 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 3.79 acre site Rezone: Mt Olivet Reservoir, located at 250 Bronson Way NE at the intersection of Bronson Way NE and NE Bronson Way NE,P-1 to RM-I 3rd St. from P-1 (Public Use)zone to RM-I(Residential Multi-Family Infill) (R-01-101) zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-101 (Mt. Olivet Reservoir). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER Police: Parking Fines THE ISSUE OF PARKING FINES TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Development Services: MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL Binding Site Plan Process CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BINDING SITE PLAN Public Hearing PROCESS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED ON 1/14/2002 TO 1/28/2002. CARRIED. Public Works: Bronson Way Councilman Persson relayed a citizen concern regarding water runoff problems NE Water Runoff Problems originating from Bronson Way NE that allegedly caused several accidents on Sunset Blvd. Mayor Tanner requested that Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman investigate the matter. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:57 p.m. MARILV J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann January 7,2002 1 , CITY COUNCIL COMNIITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 7,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA now COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON.,01/14 Proposed Revisions to Title IV of Renton (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Municipal Code; Comprehensive Plan Update—Initial Scoping Discussion COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) i FINANCE MON., 01/14 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. Contract to Repair and Upgrade Damaged Elevator at 200 Mill Building PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 13 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 14, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Recognition of Retiring City Clerk 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Binding Site Plan Process (continued to 1/28/2002) b. Street vacation petition for portion of unopened, existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. (Petitioner, Abney-Revard, Inc., Morgan Place Preliminary Plat); VAC- 01-006 (continued from 1/07/2002) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 7, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Pastor Bonnie Chandler-Warren, 121 Monterey Pl. NE, Renton, 98056, to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of Pastor Karla Fredericksen, who has resigned (term to expire 1/01/2005). Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Mayor Tanner reappoints Joy Poff, 2925 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055, to the Board of Ethics for a four-year term expiring 1/01/2006. Council concur. d. City Clerk reports appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Smith Short Plat (SHP- 01-118); six single-family lots on 1.16 acres located at 2309 NE 16th St. Appeal filed by Keith Menges, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by the Council shall be based solely on the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). e. Court Case filed on behalf of Rita M. Bingham by Keller Rohrback L.L.P., 1201 3rd Ave., Suite 3200, Seattle, 98 10 1, who seeks compensation for medical expenses and mental anguish allegedly due to the negligence of a Fire Department employee for releasing the plaintiff and causing her to fall when transferring her from her wheel chair to her bed on 9/21/2000. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. f. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way at the corner of Kennewick Ave. NE and NE 14th St. for public road use to fulfill the requirement of the Medzegian short plat (SHP-01-147). Council concur. .�.. g. Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning Department submits 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Warnes Annexation; approximately 20 acres located west of 148th Ave. SE, north of SE 116th St. and south of SE 114th St. (if extended); and recommends that a public meeting be set on 2/04/2002 to consider the petition. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) h. Fire Department recommends approval of a contract with Public Safety Consultants, Inc. in the amount of$65,000 to evaluate the records management needs of the department and to develop a request for proposal for the installation of a system. Refer to Public Safety Committee. i. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval of modifications to the City's healthcare plan effective 1/1/2002 and submits Healthcare Benefits Task Force recommendations. Refer to Finance Committee. .... j. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a consultant contract with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount of$927,989 for the design of the Maplewood water treatment improvements. Council concur. k. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a consultant agreement with Golder Associates, Inc. in the amount of$115,277 to implement the 2002 Monitoring Plan for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Reduction Project. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Contract to Repair and Upgrade Damaged Elevator at 200 Mill Building 4 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for first reading: St. Claire rezone from RC to R-5 (Council approved via Planning &Development Committee report on 12/21/2001) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Vacating portion of SW 13th St. between Lind & Seneca Aves. SW (1st reading 1/07/2002) b. Revising street vacation procedures (1st reading 1/07/2002) c. Imagina Productions property rezone from P-1 to RC (1st reading 1/07/2002) d. Covenant Development property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (1st reading 1/07/2002) e. S. Talbot Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-1 (1st reading 1/07/2002) f. Renton Water Well#5 property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (1st reading 1/07/2002) g. BNSF railroad property rezone from P-1 to CA (1st reading 1/07/2002) h. Fire Station#13 rezone from P-1 to R-10 (1st reading 1/07/2002) i. Talbot Rd. S. remnant rezone from P-1 to RC (1st reading 1/07/2002) j. West Hill Reservoir property rezone from P-1 to R-8 (1st reading 1/07/2002) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13, ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Proposed Revisions to Title IV of Renton Municipal Code; Comprehensive Plan Update—Initial Scoping Discussion • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. i 15 CITY COUNCIL January 14, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed on behalf of Rita M. Bingham COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Pastor Bonnie Chandler-Warren to the Board of Ethics FINANCE COMNIITTEE Healthcare Benefits Task Force modifications to the City's healthcare plan MAYOR &CITY CLERK Execute contract with Thyssen Krupp Elevators to repair 200 Mill Building elevators PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal of Smith Short Plat filed by Keith Menges Title IV (Development Regulations) accessory use interpretations PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Modification of helmet law to include skateboarders, scooter riders and skaters Contract with Public Safety Consultants for Fire Department records management needs evaluation ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING St. Claire rezone from RC to R-5 (1st reading 1/14/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1/28/2002— Petition to vacate portion of unopened existing Lyons Ave. NE ROW; VAC-01-006 (continued from 1/14/2002) 1/28/2002— Establishing a binding site plan process & outlining requirements (originally scheduled for 1/14/2002) 1/28/2002— Petition to vacate portion of Lyons Ave. NE; VAC-01-004 (continued from 12/03/2001) PUBLIC MEETING 2/04/2002— Warnes Annexation; 10% Notice of Intent to Annex 16 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 14,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of January 14th Marilyn Petersen Week— through 18th,2002,to be "Marilyn Petersen Week" in the City of Renton,in January 14 to 18,2002 appreciation for her faithfully serving the citizens of Renton for over 30 years - the last twelve years as City Clerk. Marilyn Petersen's can-do attitude,humor and professionalism will be missed upon her retirement on January 31st. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Expressing her appreciation for the proclamation, City Clerk Marilyn Petersen said that it has been a pleasure working for the City. She stated that she would .�.. look back upon her years of service at the City with fondness and with pride at what the City has accomplished. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 7:37 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:51 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. PUBLIC HEARINGS The public hearing regarding the binding site plan process was continued on Development Services: January 7,2002,until January 28, 2002. Binding Site Plan Process Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ROW, Abney-Revard (VAC- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public 01-006) hearing continued from January 7, 2002,to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney-Revard,Inc.,Conner Homes and George Bales(VAC-01-006). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JANUARY 28,2002. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: January 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 17 17 * On Saturdays and Sundays, snowshoe and cross-country ski trips are available through the Recreation Division. To register, call the Renton Community Center at(425)430-6700. * On Tuesday,January 15th, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman will make a presentation to the Trade and Economic Development Committee of the State House of Representatives regarding Renton's regulatory reform case study. This presentation will describe how Renton improved its land use regulatory process such that many land use review and permitting actions take half as much time as they used to, without any reduction in protection offered to the environment and the neighborhoods. Community Services: Parks & Mr. Covington reported that a team of inspectors from the Commission for Recreation Accreditation Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies recently reviewed the accreditation requirements prepared by the Community Services Department. Indicating that the accreditation team found no weaknesses in the City's report, Mr. Covington pointed out that if the City is accredited, it will be the first City to receive such an honor in the entire western United States. AUDIENCE COMMENT Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct.,Renton,98058,reported that the Citizen Comment: City of Tacoma recently adopted a law requiring that helmets be worn during Quesenberry—Helmet Law recreational activities such as skateboarding. She requested that Council Modification consider modifying Renton's helmet law to include skateboarders, scooter riders and skaters. Ms. Quesenberry also entered a letter regarding the matter into the record. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 7,2002. Council concur. January 7, 2002 Appointment: Board of Ethics Mayor Tanner appointed Pastor Bonnie Chandler-Warren, 121 Monterey Pl. NE,Renton, 98056, to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of Pastor Karla Fredericksen, who has resigned(term to expire 1/01/2005). Refer to Community Services Committee. Appointment: Board of Ethics Mayor Tanner reappointed Joy Poff,2925 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, to the Board of Ethics for a four-year term expiring 1/01/2006. Council concur. Appeal: Smith Short Plat, City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner decision regarding the Smith Keith Menges(SHP-01-118) Short Plat(SHP-01-118); six single-family lots on 1.16 acres located at 2309 NE 16th St. Appeal filed by Keith Menges, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Court Case: Rita M. Bingham, Court Case filed on behalf of Rita M. Bingham by Keller Rohrback L.L.P., CRT-02-001 1201 3rd Ave., Suite 3200, Seattle,98101, who seeks compensation for medical expenses and mental anguish allegedly due to the negligence of a Fire Department employee for releasing the plaintiff and causing her to fall when transferring her from her wheel chair to her bed on 9/21/2000. Refer to City omw Attorney and Insurance Services. January 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 18 Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of Medzegian Short Plat,ROW dedication for additional right-of-way at the corner of Kennewick Ave. NE and Dedication at Kennewick Ave. NE 14th St. for public road use to fulfill the requirement of the Medzegian NE/NE 14th St(SHP-01-147) Short Plat (SHP-01-147). Council concur. ...r Annexation: Warnes, 148th Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave SE&SE 116th St submitted 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Warnes Annexation; approximately 20 acres located west of 148th Ave. SE,north of SE 116th St. and south of SE 114th St. (if extended); and recommended that a public meeting be set on 2/04/2002 to consider the petition. Council concur. Fire: Records Management Fire Department recommended approval of a contract with Public Safety Evaluation Contract,Public Consultants,Inc. in the amount of$65,000 to evaluate the records management Safety Consultants Inc needs of the department and to develop a request for proposal for the installation of a system. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Human Resources: Healthcare Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval Plan Modifications of modifications to the City's healthcare plan effective 1/01/2002 and submitted Healthcare Benefits Task Force recommendations. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a consultant contract with Treatment Improvements Economic and Engineering Services,Inc. in the amount of$927,989 for the Design,Economic and design of the Maplewood water treatment improvements. Council concur. Engineering Services Public Works: Cedar River Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a consultant agreement with Section 205 Flood Damage Golder Associates,Inc. in the amount of$115,277 to implement the 2002 Control 2002 Monitoring Plan, Monitoring Plan for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Reduction Golder Associates Project. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Dan Council: Certificate of Clawson in recognition of his outstanding service to the City and the Renton Appreciation to Dan Clawson, community as President of the City Council during 2001. 2001 Council President Executive: City Website Councilman Clawson reported that the City's website provides information Listing re Appliance Disposal regarding the recycling and disposal of appliances such as refrigerators. He explained that there are several ways to access the information on the website using the search option and the site index. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 200222-200572 and one wire transfer totaling$1,582,278.65; and approval of Payroll Voucher 35988,totaling$401.93. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: 200 Mill Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the Building Elevator Repair, administration request to award a sole source contract to Thyssen Krupp Thyssen Krupp Elevators Inc Elevator, Inc. to repair and upgrade the damaged elevator at the 200 Mill Building. The Committee recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract with Thyssen Krupp Elevator,Inc. in the amount of$83,619.26. This sum includes an additional$16,014.21 worth of January 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 19 19 work to the second elevator,approved by Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)for federal cost sharing on January 2, 2002.* Councilman Parker pointed out that the State and FEMA are contributing 87% of the funding to repair and upgrade the elevators. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Nelson presented a report regarding the proposed Title IV Development Services: (Development Regulations)revisions to zoning interpretations, use table,and Development Regulations related City Code amendments. The Committee of the Whole recommended (Title IV)Revisions that the issue of accessory use interpretations and other issues specified in the video presentation of the January 7, 2002, Committee of the Whole report be sent to the Planning and Development Committee for further consideration. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the remainder of the proposed Title IV revisions to: Chapters 1 to 11 and Title 6, Chapter 6,be moved forward for a public hearing. Once the Planning and Development Committee has resolved any outstanding issues,and the environmental process has been completed, the Council will set a public hearing date for the entire proposal. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 1/28/2002 for second and final reading Rezone: St. Claire Property, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately RC to R-5 (PP-01-055) four acres located in North Renton in the lower May Creek Basin, south of the new LaCrosse(Stafford Crest) subdivision,between Lincoln Ave. NE to the west and Aberdeen Ave. NE to the east,between NE 31st St. to the south and NE 33rd Pl. to the north from RC(Rural Conservation; one dwelling unit per ten acres)to R-5 (Residential Single Family; five dwelling units per acre)zone; PP-01-055 (St. Claire). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 1/28/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4942 An ordinance was read vacating that portion of SW 13th St. between Lind and Vacation: SW 13th St between Seneca Avenues SW in the Auto Mall area(Dale Walker,Walker's Renton Lind&Seneca, Dale Walker Subaru;VAC-01-003). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, (VAC-01-003) COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4943 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9-14,Vacations, of Title 9(Public Vacation: Timing of Street Ways)of City Code by indicating in Section 9-14-3 when additional notice is Vacation Decision&Related required; deleting Section 9-14-9; and renumbering Sections 9-14-10 and 9-14- Land Use Action, Code 11. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, Revisions COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 20 Renton Cit Council Minutes Page 20 January 14,2002 Y Ordinance#4944 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a remnant 635 Rezone: Imagina Productions square foot site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. and S. 194th Property,Talbot Rd S,P-1 to St. near the entrance to the Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 (Public RC(R-01-137) Use)to RC(Resource Conservation)zone;R-01-137 (Imagina Productions). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4945 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 91,962 square Rezone: Covenant foot vacant site located at 4301 Main Ave. S., south of S. 179th St. from P-1 Development Property,Main (Public Use)to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) Ave S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-128) zone;R-01-128 (Covenant Development). MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4946 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a City-owned Rezone: South Talbot Hill reservoir site with a 1.5 million gallon tank located at 4300 Main Ave. S. and S. Reservoir Property,Main Ave 179th St. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-1 (Residential Single Family; one S,P-1 to R-1 (R-01-129) dwelling unit per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-129(South Talbot Hill Reservoir). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4947 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a City-owned Rezone: Renton Water Well 25,733 square foot water utility site located at 1650 NE 24th St., at the No 5,NE 24th St,P-1 to R-8 intersection of Jones Ave.NE and NE 24th St. from P-1 (Public Use)to R-8 (R-01-130) (Residential Single Family;eight dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-130(Renton Water Well No. 5). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4948 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of an approximately Rezone: BNSF Railroad 64,000 square foot former railroad right-of-way site which parallels the west Property,P-1 to CA(R-01- side of the I-405 corridor between the southern edge of the Cedar River on the 140) south,the southern edge of Bronson Way N. on the north, and Houser Way N. on the west from P-1 (Public Use)to CA(Commercial Arterial) zone;R-01-140 (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4949 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of City-owned Fire Rezone: Fire Station#13, Station#13 site located at 17040 108th Ave. SE near SE 172nd St. and 108th Ave SE,P-1 to R-10(R- surrounded by unincorporated King County from P-1 (Public Use)to R-10 01-124) (Residential Single Family; ten dwelling units per acre)zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-124(Fire Station No. 13). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4950 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of an approximately Rezone: Talbot Hill Remnant, 300 square foot remnant site located south of the intersection of Talbot Rd. S. Talbot Rd S,P-1 to RC(R-01- and S. 194th St. near the entrance to Springbrook Springs Reservoir from P-1 136) (Public Use) to RC(Resource Conservation)zone with a P-suffix designation; LA R-01-136(Talbot Hill Remnant). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. January 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 21 Ordinance#4951 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 2.28 acre site Rezone: West Hill Reservoir, located along the west side of 82nd Ave. S. at S. 126th St. from P-1 (Public 82nd Ave S,P-1 to R-8 (R-01- Use)to R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre)zone with �. 121) a P-suffix designation; R-01-121 (West Hill Reservoir). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that an information sheet be created Planning: Downtown Owner- regarding Renton's downtown mitigation waiver process to share with Occupied Housing Incentive interested jurisdictions. District(Fees Waived) ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:25 p.m. MARILV J.e$TERSEN, CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann January 14,2002 snow CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 14,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA ..nr COMM[I TEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 1/21 No Meeting (Martin Luther King, Jr. (Nelson) Day) MON., 1/28 SW 43rd St./S, 180th Underpass 6:00 p.m. Construction Project Status Report; Commute Trip Reduction (briefing only); Comprehensive Plan Update—Initial Scoping Discussion COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 1/28 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Modifications to City's Healthcare Plan; Briefing on the City's Intranet and Internet PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 1/17 Binding Site Plan (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 1/28 Fire Department Records Management (Clawson) 5:00 p.m. Contract TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 1/17 I-405 Corridor Program (briefing only); (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Conner Homes Street Vacation Request UTILITIES THURS., 1/17 King County Solid Waste Management (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Plan NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA 2 3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 28, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Binding Site Plan Ordinance (continued from 1/14/2002); see 8.b. and 9.a. b. Street vacation petition for portion of unopened, existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. (Petitioner, Abney-Revard, Inc., Morgan Place Preliminary Plat); VAC- 01-006 (continued from 1/14/2002) c. Street vacation petition for portion of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets (Petitioner, Conner Homes); VAC-01-004 (continued from 11/26/2001) 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 14, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Edythe Gandy, 3807 NE 8th Ct., Renton, 98056, to the Municipal Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Nancy Clendaniel (term to expire 12/31/2003). Refer to Community Services Committee. c. City Clerk recommends adoption of an ordinance which revises the City Code fee schedule to include a$10 fee for the reproduction of audio and video tapes. Council concur. (See 9.b. for ordinance.) d. Community Services Department requests authorization to fill the Parks Maintenance Manager position at Step E of the salary range and to reimburse moving expenses up to $8,000. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends acceptance of a grant in the amount of$42,000 from Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development to update the City's Comprehensive Plan. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) f. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends approval of the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommendation to allocate $67,500 of the hotel/motel tax revenues to the Renton Community Marketing Campaign and$116,550 to the Renton Lodging Association. Authorization is also sought to execute the contracts with Hamilton/Saunderson for year four of the marketing campaign and with the Renton Chamber of Commerce for year three of the Renton Lodging Association's tourism promotional effort. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 24 g. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public hearing be set on 2/11/2002 to consider the 60% Petition to Annex and proposed R-5 (P) zoning for the proposed Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation; approximately 9.95 acres located at the northeast corner of SE 136th St. and 144th Ave. SE (Jericho Ave. NE). Council concur. h. Technical Services Division recommends the acquisition of Tract A of Arlingdale Plat from King ...r County at no cost in order to join as owners of property included in the proposed Honey Crest Plat by dedicating the tract as additional right-of-way for NE 9th Ct. Council concur. i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of the City of Tukwila's plans for a road closure on S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. for a grade separation project for 12 months beginning March or April 2002. Refer to Transportation Committee. j. Transportation Systems Division recommends that the speed limit on Main Ave. S. between S. Grady Way and S. 3rd St. be increased from 25 to 35 miles per hour. Refer to Transportation Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Glenn &Donna Wood, 2305 NE 16th St., Renton, 98056, concerning the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Smith Short Plat (SHP-01-118). The Woods' expressed concern about the placement of a private road and the potential increase in traffic noise. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. b. Letter from the Human Services Advisory Committee thanking the Council for approving the additional $26,000 to the 2002 human services budget, and stating that the City contributes to a number of extremely essential agencies serving citizens who have no other recourse for their needs. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Modifications to City's Healthcare Plan b. Planning&Development Committee: Binding Site Plan* .... c. Public Safety Committee: Fire Department Records Management Contract d. Utilities Committee: King County Solid Waste Management Plan* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Accepting funding from WA State Department of Community Trade to update the Comprehensive Plan (see 6.e.) b. 2001 King County Solid Waste Management Plan (see 8.d.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Binding site plan (see 3.a. and 8.b.) b. Video and audio tape reproduction fee (see 6.c.) Ordinance for second and final reading: St. Claire rezone from RC to R-5 (1st reading 1/14/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 25 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. SW 43rd St./S. 180th St. Underpass Construction Project Status Report; Comprehensive Plan Update—Initial Scoping Discussion • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS.AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 26 CITY COUNCIL January 28, 2002 City,Clerk's Office .�. Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Edythe Gandy to the Municipal Arts Commission FINANCE COMMITTEE Parks Maintenance Manager hire at Step E and reimbursement of moving expenses Hotel/motel tax revenue allocations &contracts with Hamilton/Saunderson &Chamber of Commerce MAYOR &CITY CLERK Contract with Public Safety Consultants for Fire Department records management needs evaluation Agreement with WA State Dept. of Community,Trade &Economic Development for Comp Plan grant PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Glenn &Donna Wood, 2305 NE 16th St., re: Smith Short Plat appeal TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Abney-Revard street vacation petition for portion of Lyons Ave. NE south of NE 4th St. (VAC-01-006) City of Tukwila's plans for twelve-month closure of S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. Main Ave. S. speed limit increase from 25 to 35 mph �. Acquisition of Arlindale Plat Tract A for ROW dedication at NE 9th Ct. ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Binding site plan (1st reading 1/28/2002) Audio and video tape reproduction fee (1st reading 1/28/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 2/11/2002—Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation; 60% Notice of Intent to Annex PUBLIC MEETING 2/04/2002—Warnes Annexation; 10% Notice of Intent to Annex RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ..� January 28, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director;NEEL WATTS, Development Services Director;LESLEY NISHIHIRA, Senior Planner; TOM BOYNS,Property Services Supervisor;LARRY RUDE,Fire Marshall/Battalion Chief; COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Services: accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Binding Site Plan Process continued from January 14, 2002,to consider the proposed City Code changes that would establish a binding site plan process, as well as outline the ..�. requirements for using a binding site plan. Senior Planner Lesley Nishihira reported that when the subdivision ordinance was rewritten in 1995, the provisions for a binding site plan process were removed from the City Code. Although the current regulations work well for residential platting,these regulations are not suited for commercial or industrial subdivisions. She detailed the benefits of the proposed binding site plan as follows: • Allows for more flexibility in phasing of street and utility improvements to allow for better design to match the final building construction on the site. • Allows for further division of prior commercial or industrial short plats without requiring a full subdivision process. • Allows for the creation of lots for leasing purposes. • Streamlines the review process which allows for a quicker, less costly review and approval process. • Allows for merging with the approval of a site plan or development agreement for the same site, thereby coordinating development and land division for larger parcels which may take many years to complete. Continuing,Ms. Nishihira explained that the binding site plan,when proposed individually or with a site plan, would be reviewed at the administrative level within a time frame of six to eight weeks. When merged with a site plan that needs hearing examiner level review,the review time would be eight to twelve weeks. Finally, when merged with a development agreement and Council approval is needed,the review time is estimated at twelve to sixteen weeks. In January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 conclusion, she stated that staff recommends approval of the proposed binding site plan ordinance. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the need to change the City Code,Ms. Nishihira explained that over time, staff discovered that the .r. subdivision regulations did not adequately address the different needs involved with the platting of properties zoned for other than single-family dwellings. She pointed out that the binding site plan is an addition to current regulations and will address the needs of commercial and industrial zoned land. Public comment was invited. Gene Warden,Boeing Realty Corporation,PO Box 3707,M/CIF-58, Seattle, 98124,expressed his support for the adoption of the binding site plan ordinance, saying that it provides flexibility to property owners as times change. In addition,he stated that it will reduce the City's processing expense and provide owners of commercial and industrial zoned land with a timely subdivision process. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 31 for related Planning& Development Committee report and page 34 for ordinance.) Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ROW, Abney-Revard(VAC- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public 01-006) hearing continued from January 7, 2002,to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney-Revard,Inc.,Conner Homes and George Bales(VAC-01-006;Morgan Place Preliminary Plat). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor,explained that when the matter was heard on January 7th,Mr. Quang T.Do expressed objections to the street F vacation. He reported that a meeting has been set on February 4th with Mr. Do to discuss his concerns. Mr. Boyns described the proposed vacation area and noted that if the vacation is approved,Lyons Ave. S. will be realigned. Commenting that the realignment of Lyons Ave. S. is a good traffic solution, Mayor Tanner pointed out that Mr. Do's property cannot be given access to the realigned road. If approved,the vacation will provide Mr. Do with one-half of the area located adjacent to his property resulting in an approximately 30-foot addition to his property. He noted that Mr. Do is currently using the right-of- way as a driveway. Mayor Tanner recommended closure of the public hearing after all testimony has been heard, and referral of the matter to the Transportation Committee. Responding to Council inquiry regarding traffic concerns on NE 4th St., Development Services Director Neil Watts stated that as the plats are developed in the area,the roads are being configured so that residents can use Jericho Ave.NE and Nile Ave.NE to access traffic signals on NE 4th St. Public comment was invited. There being none,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, MA COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 29 29 Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in between NE 2nd&NE 4th, accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) hearing continued from November 26,2001, to consider the petition for street vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE, between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets; Petitioner, Conner Homes (VAC-01-004). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor, explained that when the matter was previously heard there was confusion regarding some conditions that needed to be met prior to approval, one of them being the need for pedestrian linkages. He reported that the new sidewalks will provide the necessary linkages,thus eliminating the need for easements and the condition was removed. In regards to the portion of right-of-way adjacent to Lot 21, it was determined that this portion will not be needed for a future road and the condition was removed. Continuing,Mr. Boyns reported that the petitioners provided updated legal descriptions and maps as requested. The petitioners also amended the legal description and map exhibit reducing the vacation area by rounding the northwest corner of the intersection of Lyons Ave. NE and NE 3rd St. with a radius of 25 feet, and made adjustments to give the Bales property a full 60-foot right-of-way access. In conclusion, Mr. Boyns stated that the issues have been resolved and he pointed out that the matter is currently in the Transportation Committee. Public comment was invited. There being none,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative ,�. REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Mayor Tanner issued two proclamations on January 16th for two ships,the USS Carl Vinson and the USS Sacramento, and their crews who are returning to Bremerton after serving the United States in support of the nation's war on terrorism. • The annual Preschool Information Night will be held at the Community Center on Wednesday,February 6th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. • The Fire Department Haz Mat Team now has equipment for field-testing biological agents such as Anthrax,Botulinium Toxin, Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B,Ricin, and Plague. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilmembers, items 6.d., 6.e., 61 and 6.h. were removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 14,2002. Council concur. January 14, 2002 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Tanner appointed Edythe Gandy, 3807 NE 8th Ct.,Renton, 98056,to Commission the Municipal Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Nancy Clendaniel (term to expire 12/31/2003). Refer to Community Services Committee. Finance: Audio &Video Tape City Clerk recommended adoption of an ordinance which revises the City Code Fee Inclusion,Fee Schedule fee schedule to include a$10 fee for the reproduction of audio and video tapes. Council concur. (See page 34 for ordinance.) 50 January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 30 Annexation: Maplewood Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Heights Elementary,Jericho recommended a public hearing be set on February 11,2002,to consider the Ave NE&SE 136th St 60%Petition to Annex and proposed R-5(P) (Residential Single Family; five dwelling units per acre—public)zoning for the proposed Maplewood Heights UNNA Elementary Annexation; approximately 9.95 acres located at the northeast corner of SE 136th St. and 144th Ave. SE(Jericho Ave. NE). Council concur. Streets: S 180th Sr/SW 43rd St Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of the City of Closure(Tukwila's Grade Tukwila's plans for a road closure on S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. for a grade Separation Project) separation project for 12 months beginning March or April 2002. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Main Ave S Transportation Systems Division recommended that the speed limit on Main Speed Limit Increase from 25 Ave. S. between S. Grady Way and S. 3rd St. be increased from 25 to 35 miles to 35 mph per hour. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 6.d., 6.e., 61 AND 6.h. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Community Services Department requested authorization to fill the Parks Item 6.d. Maintenance Manager position at Step E of the salary range and to reimburse Community Services: Park moving expenses up to$8,000. Maintenance Manager Hire at Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested more information regarding the Step E &Moving Expenses number of applications received to fill this position and whether they were local or distant applicants. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.d. TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Item 6.e. Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Comprehensive Plan: WA St recommended acceptance of a grant in the amount of$42,000 from Washington Department of Community State Department of Community,Trade and Economic Development to update Trade Grant the City's Comprehensive Plan. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the grant amount,Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson explained that the City received a grant in the amount of$42,000 but applied for a $49,500 grant in hopes of getting additional funds to do additional work. She stated that the grant will be used to fund a planning technician to help with the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan and the total project cost is $42,000. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.e. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. (See page 34 for resolution.) Item 6.f. Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax recommended approval of the Renton Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Revenue Allocations, recommendation to allocate$67,500 of the hotel/motel tax revenues to the Hamilton/Saunderson& Renton Community Marketing Campaign and$116,550 to the Renton Lodging Chamber of Commerce Association. Authorization was also sought to execute the contracts with Contracts Hamilton/Saunderson Marketing Partnership for year four of the marketing campaign and with the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce for year three of the Renton Lodging Association's tourism promotional effort. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler recommended that the revenue stream and the amount of the expenditures be carefully examined when the Finance Committee reviews this item. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 31 PARKER, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 61 TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Item 6.h. Technical Services Division recommended the acquisition of Tract A of Technical Services: Acquire Arlindale Plat from King County at no cost in order to join as owners of Arlindale Tract A for ROW property included in the proposed Honey Crest Plat by dedicating the tract as Dedication at NE 9th Ct additional right-of-way for NE 9th Ct. (Honey Crest Plat) Requesting a more detailed map of the subject area and stating that this matter needs further review,it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.h. TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE.* Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the timing of the item, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Zimmerman reported that he was not aware of any severe timelines, and he stated that staff would be prepared to discuss the matter at the next Transportation Committee meeting on February 7th. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Glenn and Donna Wood, 2305 NE 16th St., Citizen Comment: Wood— Renton, 98056,concerning the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision Smith Short Plat Appeal (SHP- regarding the Smith Short Plat(SHP-01-118). The Woods'expressed concern 01-118) about the placement of a private road and the potential increase in traffic noise. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Human Correspondence was read from the Human Services Advisory Committee ... Services Advisory Committee thanking the Council for approving the additional$26,000 to the 2002 human —2002 Human Services services budget, and stating that the City contributes to a number of extremely Budget Increase essential agencies serving citizens who have no other recourse for their needs. Councilman Corman expressed his appreciation to the Human Services Advisory Committee for all of their hard work. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the contract with Public Fire: Records Management Safety Consultants, Inc. to develop a request for proposal and bench test all Evaluation Contract,Public systems and hardware associated with implementing a records management Safety Consultants Inc system for the Fire Department in the amount of$65,000. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and Cites be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Jail Conditions Reporting that the City Attorney responded to Michael C. Kahrs'letter concerning Renton jail conditions, Councilman Dan Clawson commented that he is confident that the City is addressing the concerns of inmates. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the binding site plan ordinance. On January 17, 2002,the Development Services: Committee convened to discuss the benefits of an updated binding site plan Binding Site Plan Process process. The proposed changes would allow binding site plans to be approved individually as well as with other land use approvals, site plans,or development agreements and would also create a number of benefits for both developers and the City such as increased flexibility with phasing,faster review, and predictability. January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 32 The Committee recommended approval of the proposed City Code changes which would establish a binding site plan process and outline the requirements for using a binding site plan. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY •n.` KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 34 for ordinance.) Development Services: 230 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that on September 11, 2000,Council Williams Ave N Residence granted an appeal to allow the non-conforming single-family dwelling located Restoration,AAD-00-036 at 230 Williams Ave. N. which was destroyed by fire, to be rebuilt on the same site. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler reported that the owner has not yet applied for a building permit and the City sent a letter informing the owner that if a building permit is not issued by September 11, 2002, the approval becomes null and void. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence King County: 2001 Solid with the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department Waste Management Plan that Council approve a resolution adopting the King County Final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 34 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 200573—200964 and three wire transfers totaling $2,403,766.02; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35989—36347,one wire transfer and 537 direct deposits totaling$1,732,739.14. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE +r COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Healthcare Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending changes to Plan Modifications the City's existing self-insured healthcare plan as proposed by the Health Benefits Task Force. One discretionary change involves extending medical coverage to the end of the month in which an employee no longer qualifies for coverage. The recommended changes are as follows: Preferred Provider Network—New regulations require that the name of the Preferred Provider Organization(PPO)network be listed in the Plan Document along with a description of the network being used; mandatory change. Revise the first paragraph under Level of Covered Benefits to read as follows: "The level of benefits received is based upon the participant's decision at the time treatment is needed to access care through either preferred or non-preferred providers. Benefits are payable at the preferred level by accessing your care through a Preferred Provider,Preferred Medical Facility or from a Preferred Hospital. Out-of-network charges will be paid at the out-of-network level of benefits. Your preferred PPO is....." Qualified Medical Child Support Order(QMCSO)—New regulations state that the Plan Document must now outline the QMCSO procedures of the Plan Supervisor;mandatory change. Add the following under the new heading Special Enrollment for New Dependents through QMCSO: "Section 609(a)of ERISA requires medical benefit plans to honor the terms of a QMCSO. The OWN order must be a judgment, order of decree or a divorce settlement agreement related to a child support,alimony, or the division of marital property,issued 33 January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 33 pursuant to State law. Agreements made by the parties,but not formally approved by a court are not acceptable. If the child is enrolled within 31 days of the court of state agency order,the waiting period and pre-existing conditions exclusion period do not apply." Qualified Medical Child Support Order(QMCSO)—The definition of dependent must include children covered under QMCSO; mandatory change. Add the following under Dependent Eligibility: "An employee's unmarried dependent child(ren)whose coverage is required pursuant to a valid court order, administrative order or QMCSO." Exclusion for Self-Inflicted Injuries—According to new Federal law,plans are no longer allowed to exclude claims as a result of self-inflicted injuries due to a condition,either physical or mental; mandatory change. Amend the plan document under the General Exclusions to the Medical Plan by deleting the self-inflicted/suicide exclusion. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA)—The Plan Document is now required to state that the Plan complies with HIPAA rules and regulations; mandatory change. Add the following under General Definitions: "HIPAA—This plan is subject to and complies with HIPAA rules and regulations." Termination of Coverage—Modify the benefit to read as follows: Except as provided in the Plan's Continuation of Coverage (COBRA) provisions,coverage will terminate on the earliest of the following occurrences: Employee: 1. The date the City of Renton terminates the Plan and offers no other group health plan. 2. The date the employee ceases to meet the eligibility requirements of the Plan. 3. The last day of the month in which the employee's employment ends. 4. The date the employee begins active service in the armed forces. 5. The date the employee fails to make any required contribution when coverage is contributory. 6. The first day an employee fails to return to work following an approved leave of absence. Coverage of Orthotics—Modify the benefit under Durable Medical Equipment to remove Orthotics from the list of excluded equipment. Hearing Exams and Aids—Modify the benefit to read as follows: Annual Hearing Exam-$5 copay then 100% Hearing Aids -$500 each 36 months. The changes are effective January 1, 2002. These changes will not require additional budget appropriations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 34 AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave.NE,Renton, 98033, introduced herself Citizen Comment: DeMastus— as the new president of the Highlands Community Association and announced Highlands Community that Doug Kyes will serve as Vice President,Mary Fisher as Secretary and Association Marie West-Johnson as Treasurer. MEOW ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3549 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Comprehensive Plan: WA St interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Community, Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for funding to update the Comprehensive Trade Grant Plan. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3550 A resolution was read adopting the final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste King County: 2001 Solid Management Plan for King County. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY Waste Management Plan CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/04/2002 for second and final reading: Development Services: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Binding Site Plan Process Regulations, Section 4-8-120.0 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions,Section 4- 9-200 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria, and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions, and adding a new Section,4-9-210,to Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/04/2002. CARRIED. �+ Finance: Audio&Video Tape An ordinance was read amending Section 5-1-2 of Chapter 1,Fee Schedule, of Fee Inclusion,Fee Schedule Title V (Business Regulations)of City Code by adding a new Section "D" to list the charges for copying audio or video tapes. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/04/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4952 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Rezone: St. Claire Property, four acres located in North Renton in the lower May Creek Basin, south of the RC to R-5 (PP-01-055) new LaCrosse(Stafford Crest) subdivision,between Lincoln Ave.NE to the west and Aberdeen Ave. NE to the east,between NE 31st St. to the south and NE 33rd Pl. to the north from RC(Rural Conservation; one dwelling unit per ten acres)to R-5 (Residential Single Family;five dwelling units per acre)zone; PP-01-055 (St. Claire). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:34 p.m. 6&2t� 4. a BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk """ Recorder: Michele Neumann January 28,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 28, 2002 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/04 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 2/04 Community Development Block Grant (Corman) 4:00 p.m. Status; Chandler-Warren Appointment to Board of Ethics; Gandy Appointment to Municipal Arts Commission FINANCE MON., 2/04 Park Maintenance Manager Hire at Step (Parker) 4:30 p.m. E; Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations; Briefing on the City's Intranet and Internet PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 36 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 4, 2002 .MW Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC MEETING: 10% Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for approximately 20 acres located west of 148th Ave. SE, north of SE 116th St. and south of SE 114th St. (if extended); Petitioner: Warnes 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of January 28, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Cheryl Danza, 717 S. 4th St.,Renton, 98055, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 1/31/2005. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Community Services Department recommends approval of a five-year lease with Communities in Schools of Renton for 375 square feet of space on the 5th floor of Renton City Hall. Revenue generated is $32,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of a deed of dedication for additional right-of-way to achieve the required 15-foot corner radius for street intersections at the corner of Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE 16th St. to fulfill a requirement of the Leckie Short Plat (SHP-01-152). Council concur. e. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-093, Benson Rd. S. Pedestrian Improvements; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $11,390.50, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $14,245.85 to R.W. Scott Construction Company, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. f. Utility Systems Division requests approval to purchase three acres of Gallagher property located next to the City's Springbrook Springs Watershed and to install a security fence in the amount of $100,000. Approval is also sought to accept the appraised land value of$50,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held ,... by the chairman if further review is necessary. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 37 a. Community Services Committee: Chandler-Warren Appointment to Board of Ethics; Gandy Appointment to Municipal Arts Commission b. Finance Committee: Park Maintenance Manager Hire at Step E; Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations .�. 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Binding site plan (1st reading 1/28/2002) b. Video and audio tape reproduction fee (1st reading 1/28/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. l] CITY COUNCIL February 4, 2002 City Clerk'sOffice .�. Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Cheryl Danza to the Planning Commission E-mail from Penny Eskenazi, 951 Lynnwood Ave. NE, re: tree replacement funding FINANCE COM=EE Lease with Communities in Schools for 375 square feet of space on 5th floor of City Hall MAYOR &CITY CLERK Execute contracts with Hamilton/Saunderson and Chamber of Commerce related to the marketing campaign UTILITIES COMMITTEE Purchase of property located next to Springbrook Springs Watershed and installation of security fence ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Binding Site Plan (1st reading 1/28/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 2/11/2002—Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation; 60% Notice of Intent to Annex 39 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 4, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIIVIMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director;DIANNE UTECHT, Contract Specialist; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director; DON ERICKSON, Senior Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Warnes, 148th accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public meeting Ave SE&SE 116th St to consider the 10%Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for the Warnes Annexation; approximately 20 acres located west of 148th Ave. SE,north of SE 116th St. and south of SE 114th St. (if extended). Don Erickson, Senior Planner, described the proposed annexation area,pointing out that it abuts the Urban Growth Boundary and contains 19 parcels and 17 single-family homes. He noted the presence of an erosion hazard area in the middle portion of the subject site. Detailing the public services,Mr. Erickson stated that the area is within the Water District 90 service area, within the Issaquah School District,within Fire District No. 10 and Renton is the designated sewer service provider. He also pointed out the shortfall of improved recreational facilities and the substandard condition of SE 116th St. Reporting that existing King County zoning is R-4,Mr. Erickson indicated that Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates this area Residential Rural for which potential zoning includes RC(Resource Conservation),R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) and R-5 (Residential Single Family;five dwelling units per acre). Recommended zoning for this area is R-5,which is the closest match to King County's R-4 zone. Mr.Erickson stated that both zones would allow approximately 80 to 90 units; however, under King County zoning if incentives were applied, 120 units could potentially be allowed. In conclusion,Mr.Erickson said that the proposal is consistent with City policies and King County Boundary Review Board objectives for annexation. Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry,Mr. Erickson confirmed that with incentives,King County zoning would allow up to 120 units on the subject site. He noted that King County zoning also allows attached multi-family units which are not allowed under Renton zoning. OFebruary 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 40 A petition, signed by 13 people asking that they be excluded from the annexation area was entered into the record. Public comment was invited. Tom O'Hara, 11441 148th Ave. SE,Renton, 98059, stated that he lives within the boundaries of the proposed annexation area, and that he was the drafter of the petition for those wishing to be excluded from the annexation. Explaining that the petitioners represent 81% of the assessed value of the properties in question,Mr. O'Hara reviewed the assessed value of the parcels owned by those wishing to be excluded. He noted that the total assessed property valuation for all those that oppose the annexation is $3,059,000 and the total assessed value for all properties is $3,768,000. In light of the opposition to the proposed annexation,Mayor Tanner announced that the administration is withdrawing its recommendation that the City accept the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING.* Mark Avakian, 11465 146th Ave. SE,Renton, 98059, stated his opposition to the annexation. Susan Warnes, 14620 SE 116th St.,Renton,98059,proponent of the annexation,detailed the reasons why it would be beneficial to annex to the City of Renton. Stating that she would prefer to see the area developed with improvements and with fewer dwelling units per acre,Ms. Warnes expressed her desire that the City conduct a meeting to provide citizens with more information. Councilmembers Corman and Keolker-Wheeler encouraged citizens to educate themselves about the Urban Growth Boundary and the Growth Management Act. Mayor Tanner indicated that if citizens are interested in learning more about these issues, they can contact the City and arrange for a meeting. *MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Community Center will host its annual winter racquetball tournament on Saturday,February 9th,for players age 16 and up. • Utility customers have the option of paying utility bills by having funds electronically transferred from their checking or savings account. As of this date, 369 customers have signed up for this payment option. • The City of Renton is one of 25 municipalities that participated in the establishment of Regional Road Maintenance Endangered Species Act Best Management Practices and the guidelines have been published in the Federal Register. This represents a Notice of Intent to qualify this program under Limit 10 of the NMFS 4(d)rule and initiated a 30-day federal comment period for the program. .... February 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 41 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of January 28, 2002. Council concur. January 28,2002 Appointment: Planning Mayor Tanner appointed Cheryl Danza,717 S. 4th St.,Renton, 98055,to the Commission Planning Commission for a three-year period expiring 1/31/2005. Refer to Community Services Committee. Lease: Communities in Community Services Department recommended approval of a five-year lease Schools, City Hall 5th Floor with Communities in Schools of Renton for 375 square feet of space on the 5th floor of Renton City Hall. Revenue generated is$32,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Leckie,ROW Dedication Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of at Aberdeen Ave NE&NE dedication for additional right-of-way to achieve the required 15-foot corner 16th St(SHP-01-152) radius for street intersections at the corner of Aberdeen Ave. NE and NE 16th St. to fulfill a requirement of the Leckie Short Plat(SHP-01-152). Council concur. CAG: 01-093,Benson Rd S Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-093,Benson Rd. S. Pedestrian Improvements,RW Pedestrian Improvements; and requested approval of the project, authorization Scott Const Co for final pay estimate in the amount of$11,390.50, commencement of a 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$14,245.85 to R.W. Scott Construction Company, Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Utility: Springbrook Springs Utility Systems Division requested approval to purchase three acres of Watershed Expansion, Gallagher property located next to the City's Springbrook Springs Watershed Gallagher Property Purchase and to install a security fence in the amount of$100,000. Approval was also sought to accept the appraised land value of$50,000. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added An electronic letter was read from Penny Eskenazi, 951 Lynnwood Ave. NE, CORRESPONDENCE Renton, 98056,requesting that Council take action to provide funding for the Citizen Comment: Eskenazi— timely replacement of trees as they are removed, and suggested that specific Tree Replacement Funding pruning restrictions be spelled out and enforced. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Community Services recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Pastor Bonnie Committee Chandler-Warren to the Board of Ethics for an unexpired four-year term that Appointment: Board of Ethics expires January 1, 2005. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Municipal Arts Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Edythe Gandy to the �. Municipal Arts Commission for an unexpired four-year term that expires December 31,2003.* 12 February 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 42 Councilman Corman introduced Edythe Gandy who expressed her appreciation for being appointed to the Municipal Arts Commission. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Services: CDBG Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Funding Options,King County Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)entitlement status. Three Contract choices are available to the City of Renton: 1)Become a direct entitlement city. The City will receive CDBG funds directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)beginning in 2003. 2)Enter into a joint agreement with King County that provides for the City to receive the higher of the entitlement or pass-through amount each year. The agreement will be for 2003-2005. The City will remain part of the King County Consortium. 3)Remain in the Consortium by executing an interlocal agreement for 2003-2005. The current interlocal agreement expires at the end of 2002. The City would receive the pass-through amount. The Committee recommended that Council authorize staff to enter into a joint agreement with King County for 2003-2005 that provides for the City to receive the higher of the entitlement or pass-through amount each year. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Community Services: Park in the staff recommendation to fill the Parks Maintenance Manager position at Maintenance Manager Hire at Step E of the salary range, and the reimbursement of relocation costs up to Step E&Moving Expenses $8,000. The relocation costs will be funded from position vacancy salary savings.* �..� Councilman Parker stressed that the Committee thoroughly reviewed the matter and indicated that the person selected for the job has excellent qualifications. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that 114 people applied for the position and she expressed her concern about choosing someone for whom it is necessary to pay at the top salary step and reimburse moving expenses. Mayor Tanner stated that the person in question was the most qualified of all those interviewed for the position. Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator,emphasized the outstanding qualifications of the person selected and pointed out that he has the needed skills that Community Services personnel do not currently possess. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated her concern that if a person is hired at the top step of the salary range,there is no place for that person to progress to in terms of salary. She suggested that if the City continues to hire people at the top of the salary scale,that the salary ranges should be reviewed as well as the position classifications. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington emphasized that personnel is the most important resource that the City possesses and he suggested further discussion of the matter at the Council retreat. *MOTION CARRIED. Page 43 February 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Pa g EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that the City Revenue Allocations, Council approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommendation to Hamilton/Saunderson& allocate$184,050 of hotel/motel tax collections as follows: +� Chamber of Commerce Contracts $67,500 to the Renton Community Marketing Campaign(year four) program of work; and • $116,550 to the Renton Lodging Association. In addition, the Administration recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contracts with Hamilton/Saunderson Marketing Partnership for year four of the Renton Community Marketing Campaign and The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce for year three of the Renton Lodging Association's tourism promotional effort.* Councilman Parker explained that in 1997,the Legislature allowed the imposition of a 1%tax on the hotel/motel industry. Mr. Parker described the development of the Renton Community Marketing Campaign and how the allocations of the funds are determined. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler clarified that the hotel/motel tax collections total $184,050 and the City is also contributing$15,000 from the Economic Development Department's business recruitment fund. Councilman Persson added that representatives from the hotel/motel industry involved with the marketing campaign have indicated that business has increased as a result of the campaign. *CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following added resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Added A resolution was read stating opposition to Senate Bill 6366 and House Bill Resolution#3551 2340.* Utility: Opposing Senate Bill Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,explained 6366&House Bill 2340 re that Senate Bill 6366 and House Bill 2340,known as the eminent domain bills, Eminent Domain Authority for would prevent the siting of regional essential public facilities in an area if it is Essential Public Facilities not part of the service area of an essential public facility, and if the legislative authority of the city and county in which the land is located do not approve of the location. He said that the intent of these bills are to enable the City of Edmonds to block siting of the Brightwater Treatment Plant at the site known as Edmonds Unocal, one of two sites under consideration by King County for a regional treatment facility. Continuing,Mr. Zimmerman stated that this legislation contradicts the Growth Management Act(GMA)which provides assurances that essential regional facilities that are difficult to site will be built in an optimal location and local comprehensive plans cannot preclude the siting of these facilities. In addition to compromising the basic foundation of the GMA,the legislation would set a dangerous precedent regarding the ability to site regional essential facilities in the future, and would reverse the collaborative regional work done over the last five years to select an optimal location for a wastewater treatment facility needed to accommodate growth in King and Snohomish Counties. February 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 44 Mr. Zimmerman recalled concern about King County's need to expand its regional wastewater treatment capability and the ultimate decision to site a third facility to the north rather than expand the existing facility which would greatly affect the City of Renton. He indicated that if the opportunity to build a site to now the north is lost,there is a possibility that the expansion of the current treatment facility would be revisited. In conclusion,Mr. Zimmerman stated that the administration recommends the opposition of the two bills on the grounds that they are contrary to the GMA and would set a dangerous precedent in the siting of essential regional facilities. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION OPPOSING SENATE BILL 6366 AND HOUSE BILL 2340.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated her opposition to the resolution, saying that she would like the matter to be studied further. She expressed concern that this action indicates that a city does not have any authority through its comprehensive plan in the event another jurisdiction wants to site a facility within its boundaries. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler stressed that cities should have control over their own land use. Councilman Corman stated that the issue is the use of eminent domain: a mechanism that public entities can use to acquire private property for official purposes at fair market value. Regarding the ultimate use of property,Mr. Corman said that there are State,County and local regulations in place that allow or disallow what can be done with property. Pointing out that this legislation will have a dramatic effect on the entire region, Councilman Parker indicated that there must be other avenues within the governmental process that can be utilized instead of adopting legislation that favors one community. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington noted that the City has two essential facilities located outside the City limits, and since the legislation is retroactive,he expressed concern regarding its impact on the existing structures as well as on any future facilities the City may need to place. *MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Development Services: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-050 of Chapter 1,Administration Binding Site Plan Process and Enforcement, Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, Section 4-9-200 of Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria, and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions, and adding a new Section,4-7-230,to Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations,of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL HOLD THIS ORDINANCE FOR ANOTHER WEEK FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. 45 February 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 45 Ordinance#4953 An ordinance was read amending Section 5-1-2 of Chapter 1,Fee Schedule, of Finance: Audio &Video Tape Title V (Business Regulations)of City Code by adding a new Section "D" to Fee Inclusion,Fee Schedule list the charge for copying audio or video tapes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Reporting the receipt of a letter from appellant Brad Nicholson regarding the Appeal: DeBar Preliminary DeBar Preliminary Plat appeal,Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler confirmed Plat,Brad Nicholson(PP-01- City Attorney approval to enter it into the record for Planning and Development 058) Committee consideration. Legislature: Survey re Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported the receipt of a survey from Supplemental Budget Representative Clyde Ballard regarding the proposed supplemental budget Proposed by Governor proposed by the Governor. She suggested that instead of responding individually to the survey,that Councilmembers and the Mayor submit one combined response. Mayor Tanner reported that he has already responded to the survey and a copy., was forwarded to Councilmembers. Council President Nelson stated that she would coordinate the Council response to the survey. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:59 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann "� February 4,2002 6 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 4, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING MON., 2/18 CANCELLED (Presidents'Day) COMN=EE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/11 Eastside Interceptor Update; (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. 2001 End of Year Financial Report MON., 2/18 CANCELLED (Presidents'Day) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 2/11 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Communities in Schools Lease at City Hall (Portion of 5th Floor) PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 2/07 King County Comprehensive Plan .�., (Keolker-Wheeler) 1:45 p.m. Amendments; DeBar Appeal (*2:00 p.m. —Council Chambers*); City Code Title IV Deliberations PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 2/07 S. 180th/SW 43rd Road Closure; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Airport Business Plan; Arlindale Plat Tract A Acquisition; Lyons Ave./Conner Homes Street Vacation Request; Lyons Ave./Abney-Revard Street Vacation Request UTILITIES THURS., 2/07 Purchase of Gallagher Property for (Briere) 3:30 p.m. Springbrook Springs Watershed NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA 47 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Dwight Pelz Presentation on the King County Budget b. Business Committed to Kids Award c. Community Services Department Employee Recognition Awards 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 60% Annexation Petition for approximately 9.95 acres located at the NE corner of SE 136th St. and 144th Ave. SE (Petitioner: Maplewood Heights Elementary School) 5. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: DeBar Preliminary Plat Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning &Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning &Development Committee,the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. mom (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 4, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports receipt of$63,000 compensation paid by petitioner(one-half the appraised property value), as set by Council on 12/3/2001, and recommends adoption of an ordinance to finalize the Chang Brothers and Miller street vacation of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.; VAC-01-005. Council concur. (See 11. for ordinance.) c. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department requests approval of the 2002-2005 Environmental Review and Related Disciplines Consultant Roster which contains a list of 24 professional consultants. Council concur. d. Police Department recommends adoption of two ordinances concerning the enforcement of lewd conduct and severability. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to temporarily reactivate the Metro transit layover location on Morris Ave. S. between S. 2nd and S. 3rd Streets until construction of the Downtown Parking Garage is completed (approximately ten months). Refer to Transportation Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Communities in Schools Lease at City Hall for Portion of 5th Floor b. Transportation Committee: S. 180th/SW 43rd St. Closure*; Arlindale Plat Tract A Acquisition; Lyons Ave./Conner Homes Street Vacation Request; Lyons Ave./Abney-Revard Street Vacation Request �• c. Utilities Committee: Purchase of Gallagher Property for Springbrook Springs Watershed 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Authorizing temporary road closure of S. 180th/SW 43rd St. (see 10.b.) Ordinance for first reading: Chang Brothers/Miller street vacation; VAC-01-005 (see 8.b.) Ordinance for second and final reading: Binding site plan (1st reading 1/28/2002) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Eastside Interceptor Update; MINN 2001 End of Year Financial Report • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • 49 CITY COUNCIL February 11,2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Prepare Notice of Intent to Annex package for Maplewood Heights Elementary Annexation for Boundary Review Board MAYOR &CITY CLERK Execute lease with Communities in Schools for portion of 5th floor at Renton City Hall Execute purchase & sale agreement for property located next to Springbrook Springs Watershed PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Ordinances concerning lewd conduct and severability TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Temporary reactivation of Metro transit layover location on Morris Ave. S. ` ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Chang Brothers &Miller street vacation (1st reading 2/11/2002) 50 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 11, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall '�" CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS DAN CLAWSON AND KING PARKER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; REBECCA LIND,Planner Manager; GARY DEL ROSARIO,Planning Technician; NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director;LESLEY NISFIHIRA, Senior Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. SPECIAL Metropolitan King County Councilman Dwight Pelz briefed the Council on the PRESENTATIONS 2002 King County Budget. He stated that of the total budget amount of$2.93 King County: 2002 Budget billion, $497 million is spent on current expense "CX General Fund" services which makes up 17%of the total budget. Detailing the current expense expenditures,Mr. Pelz pointed out that law, safety and justice expenses make up 68% of that total. Referring to a chart of the current expense expenditures for 2001 and 2002,he described the reductions to the status quo services levels now in 2002. Continuing,Mr. Pelz reported that the current expense revenues, which total $491 million,come from: charges for services (31%),Federal, State and local grants (2%), licenses and permits (1%),miscellaneous revenue and interest (4%) and taxes (62%). Describing the current expense shortfall projections though 2004 and the expenditure level needed for status quo services,he stated that the cumulative three-year(2002-2004) shortfall is estimated at$114 million, and the upcoming two-year(2003-2004) shortfall is estimated at$73 million. Mr.Pelz discussed the difficulty with finding a way to make-up for the $73 million shortfall and reviewed the current expense balancing options which may affect the human services,parks, arts and housing budgets as well as the law, safety and justice budget. Mr. Pelz explained that because of the funding shortfalls,King County is asking the Legislature to allow it to implement a countywide utility tax. Currently, State law allows cities to levy a utility tax,but not counties. In conclusion,he stated that King County is facing some serious financial issues within the next couple of years. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed concern about the potential implementation of a countywide utility tax,noting that the City already imposes a 6% utility tax. Councilman Persson stressed the importance of increasing funding for transportation, and asked for Mr. Pelz's support in that pursuit. Mr. .rr Pelz stated that he is working hard to get the Legislature to adopt a regional transportation bill and wants a significant portion of the funding,if the bill is adopted, to go towards I-405 and SR-167 improvements. February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 51 51 Human Services: Business Jay Leviton,Director of the Renton School District's Career&Life Skills Committed to Kids Award Education program, announced that Wizards of the Coast was chosen as the (Communities in Schools of latest recipient of the "Business Committed to Kids" award. Mr.Leviton Renton) described the many contributions Wizards of the Coast makes within the Renton community, saying that they have a history of supporting disadvantaged students in a variety of ways. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Maplewood accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Heights Elementary,Jericho to consider the 60% Annexation Petition for the Maplewood Heights Ave NE&SE 136th St Elementary Annexation; approximately 9.5 acres located at the NE corner of SE 136th St. and 144th Ave. SE(Jericho Ave. NE). Gary Del Rosario,Planning Technician, stated that the 10%Notice of Intent Petition was accepted on November 19,2001,and now the 60%Petition has been submitted. Describing the annexation area,Mr. Del Rosario explained that the site includes the Maplewood Heights Elementary School and associated buildings. Existing King County zoning is R-4 (allows up to a base density of four units per gross acre, and up to six units per acre with incentives and transfer of density credits)and the area is designated RR(Residential Rural) in Renton's Comprehensive Plan. He explained that the potential zoning for a public use in the RR designation is R-5(P) (maximum density of five units per acre)and R-1(P)(maximum density of one unit per acre). R-5(P)zoning is proposed for this area because it is consistent with the adjacent zoning. Continuing,Mr. Del Rosario noted that the subject area is within the water service area of Water District 90; Renton currently provides sewer service; and fire protection is provided through a contract with Fire District#25. Explaining that the additional costs to the City are minimal if the site is annexed,he pointed out that the annexation would bring$5,146,600 of assessed value to the City. In conclusion,Mr. Del Rosario stated that the proposal is generally consistent with City policies for annexation, and recommended acceptance of the 60% Petition to Annex. Public comment was invited. There being none,it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 60%PETITION TO ANNEX FOR THE MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENTION PACKAGE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding the DeBar Preliminary Plat appeal (PP-01-058). The Committee Committee convened to consider the appeal of the recommendation of the Appeal: DeBar Preliminary Hearing Examiner dated August 20, 2001. The subject property is located at Plat,Brad Nicholson(PP-01- 2132, 2200, 2216 and 2224 NE 28th St. in Northeast Renton. The applicant 058) seeks to subdivide 2.69 acres into 14 lots suitable for single-family residential development. 52 February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 52 Brad Nicholson appealed the Hearing Examiner's recommendation of plat approval. The Hearing Examiner did not require installation of curb,gutter and sidewalks (frontage improvements)along a portion of NE 28th St. as a condition of approval. The appellant felt they should be required. Now FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Committee adopted the findings of facts as stated by the Hearing Examiner in the decision dated August 20, 2001. 2. The Committee found that the developer had agreed to install the requested frontage improvements on NE 28th St. in exchange for a corresponding offset from the required traffic mitigation fees and sidewalk improvement funds. 3. The agreed upon improvements will include the installation of curbs,gutter and sidewalks beginning at the intersection of the proposed plat's south- southeast comer and NE 28th St. and continuing east to the southeast comer of the second frontage lot east of the applicant's, in short,NE 28th St. to the southwest corner of the Nicholson property. 4. For the purpose of clarifying the record, the Committee found it necessary to state that the City requires sewers to be extended to the farthest edge of a plat as a condition of final plat approval. In this case,the applicant will provide sewer improvements along NE 28th St. to the far easterly boundary of the proposed plat(the southwest corner of the Nicholson property). 5. For the purpose of clarifying the record,the Committee found it necessary to state that the City requires streets to be repaired and restored to City Code compliant conditions before the final plat is approved. In this case, that means the applicant will repair and restore NE 28th St. to the far easterly boundary of the proposed plat at the southwest comer of the Nicholson property. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Committee found no errors of fact or law in the Hearing Examiner's findings or conclusions. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee recommended that the City Council adopt the Hearing Examiner's recommendation and approve the final plat with the added agreed condition that the developer will add the requested frontage improvements along NE 28th St. as outlined in the above findings of fact. The Committee further recommended that the requested improvements provided by the applicant be paid for by the traffic mitigation fees required for the project and, if necessary,the sidewalk improvement fund. • The estimated costs of the improvements,per the applicant, are$10,000. • The traffic mitigation fees for the project are approximately$8,600. • The sidewalk improvement fund would pay approximately$1,400. The Committee further recommended that City staff work closely with the applicant to ensure the actual costs track closely with the estimated costs.* "MW February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 53 53 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted that both the developer and the appellant agreed to the conditions as stated on the committee report. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Applications for the first round of the 2002 Neighborhood Grants are being accepted until Friday, March 15th. • The City of Renton is seeking public input on its Draft South Renton Neighborhood Plan and a public open house will be held on Wednesday, February 20th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Renton City Council Chambers. • The City of Renton is part of two watershed groups working to resolve issues related to the preservation of fish habitat resulting in the Draft Near- Term Action Agenda which is available for public review and comment, with the comment period for the Green/Duwamish River Agenda ending February 21st. An open house to review this information is scheduled for February 21st at 5:00 p.m. in the Renton City Council Chambers. • Beginning on February 12th,and lasting for approximately 12 months, there will be several street closures due to the King County/Metro Eastside Sewer Interceptor project in South Renton. Discontinuous temporary closures will occur at intersections and roadways along Morris Ave. S. (between Houser Way S. and SW 7th St.)and along Houser Way S. (between Burnett Ave. S. and Morris Ave. S.)for the installation of a new 72" sewer. EDNSP: South Renton Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler inquired as to what advertising methods were Neighborhood Plan being used to notify residents about the open house for the Draft South Renton Neighborhood Plan. Mayor Tanner assured Ms. Keolker-Wheeler that residents would be properly notified of the open house. ESA: Draft Near-Term Action Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed concern that the date of the open Agenda (re Fish Habitat) house(February 21st) to review the Draft Near-Term Action Agenda is the same day that the comment period ends for the Green/Duwamish River Agenda. Mr. Covington said that he would investigate the matter. AUDIENCE COMMENT Karen Dobson, 3447 Lincoln. Dr. NE,Renton, 98056, stated that she appealed Citizen Comment: Dobson— the Hearing Examiner's recommendation regarding the St. Claire preliminary St. Claire Appeal Notification plat and rezone application. She expressed her confusion regarding the City's Process notification process regarding the matter, and asked the following questions: 1)What is the date at which the Superior Court appeal period begins? 2)What is the procedure by which the City can hold notice of rezone approval? 3)Who is the new owner of the subject property? Mayor Tanner stated that City staff would respond to Ms.Dobson's questions after a review of the record. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the '�' listing. 54 February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 54 Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 4, 2002. Council concur. February 4, 2002 Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier City Clerk reported receipt of$63,000 compensation paid by petitioner(one- to 91st), Chang Brothers & half the appraised property value), as set by Council on December 3,2001,and a•► Miller(VAC-01-005) recommended adoption of an ordinance to finalize the Chang Brothers and Miller street vacation of NW 5th St. from Rainier Ave. N. to 91st Ave. S.; VAC-01-005. Council concur. (See page 58 for ordinance.) Planning: 2002-2005 Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Environmental Consultant requested approval of the 2002-2005 Environmental Review and Related Roster Disciplines Consultant Roster which contains a list of 24 professional consultants as follows: A.C. Kindig&Co.;Barker Landscape Architects; Berryman&Henigar;Bucher,Willis and Ratliff; Camp Dresser&McKee; Cooke Scientific Services;Entranco;Environalysis; Garry Struthers Associates; GEO Group Northwest;Huckell/Weinman Associates; Johnson,Davies and Lathrop;Jones &Stokes; Kleinfelder;Northwest Hydraulic;Parametrix; Parsons Brinckerhoff;Perteet Engineering; Robinson&Noble; Sheldon& Associates;TranSystems Corporation;URS Corporation; The Watershed Company; and West Consultants. Council concur. Police: Lewd Conduct Police Department recommended adoption of two ordinances concerning the Ordinances enforcement of lewd conduct and severability. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Transportation: Metro Transit Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to temporarily Layover Temporary reactivate the Metro transit layover location on Morris Ave. S. between S. 2nd Reactivation(Morris Ave S) and S. 3rd Streets until construction of the Downtown Parking Garage is completed (approximately ten months). Refer to Transportation Committee. ...r MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Captain S. R. Kremer, Commanding Officer at CORRESPONDENCE Department of the Navy, 120 S.Dewey St.,Bremerton,98314,thanking the Citizen Comment: Kremer— City of Renton for the issuance of proclamations in recognition of the crews of Proclamation Issuance for USS the USS Carl Vinson and USS Sacramento for their defense of the United Carl Vinson&USS States against terrorism. Sacramento Citizen Comment: Petersen— At the request of Councilman Persson, correspondence was read from Inez P. 1%Tax Levy Limit Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N.#2,Renton, 98056, asking for justification for the way the Council is taxing Renton residents and business owners, stating that Renton is exceeding the 1%tax levy limit. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Vice Chair Persson presented a report recommending Finance Committee approval of Claim Vouchers 200965—201312 and two wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $1,902,131.81; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 36348—36575, one wire transfer and 544 direct deposits totaling$1,877,385.80. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .r 55 February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 55 Lease: Communities in Finance Committee Vice Chair Persson recommended concurrence in the staff Schools, City Hall 5th Floor recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a lease with Communities in Schools of Renton to rent a portion of the fifth floor at Renton +r City Hall. The term of the lease is five years and remodel costs are not included in the lease. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Committee Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Streets: S 180th Sr/SW 43rd St regarding the S. 180th/SW 43rd street closure. At its regularly scheduled Closure(Tukwila's Grade meeting on February 7, 2002,the Committee concurred with the Separation Project) recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to approve the City of Tukwila's plans for a road closure on S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. to begin approximately May 2002, and last for 12 months. If the closure lasts longer than 12 months, the Council will need another briefing with further review and approval. One condition of closure is that Tukwila produce and install guide signs using the logos for IKEA,Valley Medical Center, Southcenter and any other business identified as a major destination. These logo signs shall be placed at all detour points along the detour route that may be important to the motoring public. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 58 for resolution.) Technical Services: Acquire Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Arlindale Tract A for ROW regarding the acquisition of Tract A of Arlindale Plat. Honey Crest LLC,the Dedication at NE 9th Ct developer of the proposed 19-lot plat of Honey Crest,requested that the City of (Honey Crest Plat) Renton acquire Tract A of Arlindale Plat from King County and join as owners .... of property included in the proposed plat by dedicating this Tract A as additional right-of-way for NE 9th Ct. The risks associated with use of this property are related to the chain of title. Provided that King County transfers this Tract A on a statutory warranty deed, their obligation to defend the title mitigates most of the risk. All risks are outweighed by the benefits of removing the impediment that has blocked development in this area. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize proceeding with the acquisition, subject to the applicant signing a hold harmless agreement drafted by the City Attorney. The hold harmless agreement shall include language specifying the City is harmless from any damages,claims or litigation, including the costs of litigation, and attorney's fees. It is understood that a condition of the Honey Crest Preliminary Plat will be to install a paved 20-foot secondary emergency access road from Union Ave. NE to NE 9th Pl. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report between NE 2nd&4th Sts, regarding the Conner Homes street vacation request for portions of Lyons Ave. Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) NE,from NE 2nd to NE 4th Streets (VAC-01-004). The public hearing on this matter was opened November 26,2001, and continued until December 3rd, 2001. There were unresolved issues with staff recommending reduction of the portions to be vacated in two locations and requesting pedestrian easement 56 February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 56 linkage through the proposed plat. Puget Sound Energy requested more time to review their need for the portions of Lyons Ave.NE under the petition. The public hearing was continued pending resolution of these issues. These issues have been resolved and approval of the petition to vacate this right-of-way will "moo expedite the process of final plat approval. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council: approve the request to vacate the right-of-way; waive the appraisal process; and approve the request to waive compensation in exchange for the additional right-of-way to be dedicated in the Johnson-Loken Plat, subject to the condition that a utility easement shall be retained over the portion of right- of-way vacated in Lyons Ave. NE,northerly of NE 3rd St. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC- regarding the Abney-Revard street vacation request for portions of Lyons Ave. 01-006) NE, south of NE 4th St. (VAC-01-006). The public hearing on this matter was opened January 7,2002,and continued until January 28,2002. Testimony was heard from Mr. Quang T. Do, an abutting property owner, objecting to the requested street vacation. City staff met with Mr. Do to determine all implications of his objections. Staff determined that the objections were based upon Mr.Do's belief that his existing property received added value by being a corner lot. Mr. Do was not aware of the costs of constructing road improvements required to add the value to his property. This added cost is not offset by the added value he would receive from being the owner of a corner lot. Mr. Do requested that the street vacation proceed with the condition that the ...o utility easement recommended by City staff be limited to the easterly 30 feet of the right-of-way vacated. City staff recommended retaining an easement for utilities over 30 feet in order to enable future extension of utility services to the property to the west of the portion of Lyons Ave. NE under the petition. The location of this easement is not critical to the City of Renton. The petitioner requested that the street vacation either be reduced to the easterly 30 feet of the right-of-way under the petition, leaving the westerly 30 feet as right-of-way and removing the need for an easement, or that the easement be retained over the westerly 30 feet. The petitioner justified this request on the basis that the dedication of the new right-of-way and cost of construction of the road in exchange for unencumbered vacated right-of-way is the only appropriate solution. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council: grant the vacation over the easterly 30 feet of the right-of-way under the petition,reducing the area vacated and removing the need to retain an easement; waive the appraisal process; and approve the request to waive compensation in exchange for the additional right-of-way to be dedicated in the Morgan Place Plat. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .r 57 February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 57 Mayor Tanner explained that the City is retaining ownership of the parcel located next to Mr. Do's property; therefore, a utility easement is not needed. Councilman Persson noted that the petitioner agreed to realign Lyons Ave.NE at the request of the City. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Springbrook Springs in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to Watershed Expansion, approve the purchase of three acres of undeveloped property and the Gallagher Property Purchase installation of a security fence to expand and protect the City's Springbrook Springs Watershed. The Committee also recommended that Council accept the appraised land value of$50,000 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the purchase and sale agreement for the subject property. The Committee further recommended that Council approve the appropriation of$100,000 through a transfer of funds from the Water Utility Maintenance Division 2001 year-end 401 account balance, for the purchase of the property and installation of the security fence. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the proposed King County Comprehensive Plan 2002 King County: 2002 Amendments. The Committee met on February 7, 2002, to discuss proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments to the King County Comprehensive Plan and potential Amendments implications for the City of Renton. The Committee supports the positions in the January 31,2002,letter from Sue Carlson,Economic Development Administrator,to Karen Wolf of King County Office of Regional Policy and Planning. In summary the positions are: 1. Delay recommendations on the R-1 Zoning Study until the Urban Separator conflicts between the Renton Comprehensive Plan and the King County Comprehensive Plan are resolved. 2. Recommend rezoning of the R-1 areas in the Renton Potential Annexation Area(PAA)Big Soos Creek/Soos Creek Park area to R-4 or R-6 if recommendations on the R-1 Zoning Study move forward. 3. Request additional clarification of"Regionally or Locally Significant Resource Areas" within the Renton PAA prior to removing references to these areas in Policy U-115. 4. Clarify language needed to convey that multi-family uses must be mixed use development in Policy U-116 affecting Unincorporated Activity Centers of Community or Neighborhood Business Centers. 5. Oppose the use of the term"net buildable area" in Policy U-130 to determine the calculation of the density of areas developed with clustered development. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler recommended that a copy of the committee report be sent to King County Councilman Dwight Pelz. February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 58 Airport: Business Plan Councilman Corman commented that the Transportation(Aviation)Committee is currently reviewing the airport business plan, and due to the public interest in the plan,the Committee will review various elements of the plan one by one over a scheduled session of committee meetings. MEW Community Services: Farmers Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler complimented the recently adopted logo for Market Logo the Farmers Market at the Piazza and Council President Nelson's work on this project. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3552 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of S. 180th/SW 43rd Streets: S 180th Sr/SW 43rd St St. for a period of 12 months during the grade separation project by the City of Closure (Tukwila's Grade Tukwila. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL Separation Project) ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/25/2002 for second and final reading: Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW 5th St., from Rainier Ave.N. to 91st), Chang Brothers & to 91st Ave. S. (Petitioners: Chang Brothers and Miller;VAC-01-005) Miller(VAC-01-005) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/25/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4954 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-050 of Chapter 1,Administration Development Services: and Enforcement, Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, .m. Binding Site Plan Process Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions,Section 4-9-200 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria, and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions, and adding a new Section,4-7-230, to Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the changes made to the expiration periods in the ordinance, Senior Planner Lesley Nishihira indicated that the expiration periods vary according to the type of application. She explained that a stand-alone binding site plan is valid for five years with possible extensions of one-year increments up to a maximum of two years and must be recorded within that time frame. When the binding site plan is merged with a site plan, it is valid up to six years, including an extension. Finally, when a binding site plan is merged with a development agreement,the time frame would be based upon the expiration of the development agreement as specified within that agreement; and the binding site plan would have to be recorded prior to the expiration of the agreement in order to be valid. *ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CANCEL Council: Meeting Cancellation ITS REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18,2002,IN OBSERVANCE OF (2/18/2002) PRESIDENTS'DAY. CARRIED. February 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 59 59 School District: High School Council President Nelson complimented the basketball teams from Renton, Basketball Teams Hazen and Lindbergh High Schools on their advancement to the next level of competition. .�. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:11 p.m. BONNIE 1.WA.LTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann February 11,2002 r 60 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 11,2002 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING MON., 2/18 CANCELLED (Presidents'Day) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 2/18 CANCELLED (Presidents'Day) (Nelson) MON., 2/25 CANCELLED COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 2/25 Danza Planning Commission (Corman) 6:00 p.m. Appointment FINANCE MON., 2/25 Vouchers; (Parker) 7:00 p.m. EDEN Project Status PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT THURS., 2/21 Labrador/Clover Creek Appeal (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. *Council +•.• Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 2/25 Lewd Conduct and Severability (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. Enforcement Ordinances TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 2/21 Provisions for Restrooms at Airport; (Persson) 3:30 p.m. Traffic Calming Task Force Structure; Reactivation of Bus Layover on Morris Ave. S. during Downtown Parking Garage Construction; I-405 Corridor—2% Drawings (briefing only) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 61 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: "Red Cross Month" —March, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Police Department Employee and Volunteer Recognition Awards b. Community Services Department Employee Recognition Awards 5. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: Labrador/Clover Creek Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning &Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning &Development Committee,the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA r... The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 62 a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 11, 2002. Council concur. b. Community Services Department recommends approval of the proposed changes to the Park Rules and Regulations to reflect updated legal review and to allow the Renton Police Department a more enforceable interpretation of the rules. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Community Services Department requests approval of a three-year lease with Vykor, Inc. for the first and fifth floors of the 200 Mill Building. Revenue generated is $200,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Court case filed in King County Superior Court, on behalf of U.S. Filter Distribution Group, Inc., alleging that Katspan, Inc., the contractor for the South Downtown Water and Storm System Replacement project (CAG-01-008), owes the plaintiff$12,654.12 (plus interest and attorney fees) for materials supplied but never paid for. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. e. Human Services Division recommends having a supplemental funding cycle for the 2002 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) unallocated and recaptured capital funds in the amount of$210,857. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. Development Services recommends approval, with conditions, of the Eagle Ridge Final Plat; 17 single-family lots on 4.2 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave. NE (FP-01- 154). Council concur. (Seel La. for resolution.) g. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Johnson-Loken Preliminary Plat; 62 single-family lots on 16.13 acres located in the vicinity of Jericho Ave. NE and NE 2nd St. (PP-01-122). Council concur. h. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Parkside Court Preliminary Plat; 21 single-family lots on 4.32 acres located at 14606 SE 136th St. (SE 2nd Pl.); PP-01-012. Council concur. i. Technical Services Division recommends acceptance of a temporary access easement to provide the required turn-around at the west end of NE 5th St. as constructed on neighboring property for the Morgan Place Final Plat (FP-01-143). Council concur. j. Utility Systems Division recommends acceptance of$59,280 in grant funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology for the 2002-2003 Coordinated Prevention Grant agreement (solid and hazardous waste reduction education programs); City's match is $19,760. Council condur. (See page l Lb. for resolution.) r. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Danza Planning Commission Appointment b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Public Safety Committee: Lewd Conduct and Severability Enforcement Ordinances* d. Transportation Committee: Reactivation of Bus Layover on Morris Ave. S. during Downtown Parking Garage Construction 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: a. Eagle Ridge Final Plat (see 81.) b. 2002-2003 Coordinated Prevention Grant(see 8.j.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Adding new Code Section regarding lewd acts (see 10.c.) b. Adding new Code Section regarding severability (see 10.c.) c. Abney-Revard street vacation; VAC-01-006 (Council approved on 2/11/2002) Ordinance for second and final reading: Chang Brothers/Miller street vacation; VAC-01-005 (1st reading 2/11/2002) No" (CONTINUED ON NEXT SIDE) 63 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED „r • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 64 I 4 CITY COUNCIL February 25,2002 City Clerk's Office saw Referrals ` CITY ATTORNEY&INSURANCE SERVICES Court case filed by Douglas R. Hookland for U.S. Filter Distribution Group, Inc. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Initiative 747 legal challenge COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Purchase of Springbrook Trout Farm(Talbot Rd. S.) for recreation area Park Rules and Regulations changes 2002 Community Development Block Grant funds supplemental funding cycle FINANCE COMM TTEE Lease with Vykor,Inc. for the 1st and 5th floors of the 200 Mill Building MAYOR&CITY CLERK Execute 2002-2003 Coordinated Prevention Grant agreement with WA State Department of Ecology ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Adding a new Code Section regarding lewd acts (1st reading 2/25/2002) Adding a new Code Section regarding severability(1st reading 2/25/2002) Abney-Revard street vacation; VAC-01-006 (1st reading 2/25/2002) 65 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25,2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; NEIL WATTS,Development Services Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CYNDIE PARKS,Community Program Coordinator; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,DEPUTY CHIEF JOSEPH PEACH, COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY, COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE, COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH, and COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of March, Red Cross Month—March, 2002, to be "Red Cross Month" in the City of Renton, and urging all citizens to 2002 honor the volunteers and staff of the Seattle-King County Chapter of the American Red Cross. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Disaster volunteer Jeni Skuk accepted the proclamation on behalf of the American Red Cross. SPECIAL Chief of Police Garry Anderson and Community Program Coordinator Cyndie PRESENTATIONS Parks presented the 2001 Volunteer of the Fourth Quarter Award to Police Police: Volunteer&Employee Department volunteer Tom Flewin. Chief Anderson praised Mr.Flewin for his Recognition 2,361 hours of dedicated service, and described his many contributions to the Police Department. Mr. Flewin expressed his appreciation for being chosen as Volunteer of the Fourth Quarter. Chief Anderson recognized the following Police Department Employees of the Quarter for the year 2001: Employee of the First Quarter: Officer Kevin Keyes Employee of the Second Quarter: Animal Control Officer Dennis McAskill Employee of the Third Quarter: Secretary Liz Kuhn Employee of the Fourth Quarter: Officer Robert Onishi Chief Anderson also announced that Animal Control Officer Dennis McAskill was chosen as the Police Department Employee of the Year for 2001. Community Services: Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator, announced that the Employee Recognition following employees and teams from the Community Services Department were recognized for outstanding service in 2001: Team of the First Quarter: Earthquake Repair Team-Greg Stroh,Dennis Conte,Warner Curl, Sam Kamphaus,Dennis Murdoch, and Casey Pearson 66 February 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 66 Employee of the Second Quarter: Lynn Rothlisberger(Human Services) Employee of the Third Quarter: Lisa McMartin(Community Center) Team of the Third Quarter: Field Maintenance Team—Andy O'Brien (Community Center);Ron Hemphill and Steve Brown(Parks) .orf Employee of the Fourth Quarter: Dennis Murdoch(Facilities) Mr. Shepherd also announced that Park Maintenance Worker Richard Doss was chosen as the 2001 Employee of the Year, and Secretaries April Alexander and Margie Beitner were chosen as the 2001 Team of the Year. Advancement to Community MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND i Services Committee Report THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Cheryl Danza to the Appointment: Planning Planning Commission for a three-year term, which expires on 1/31/2005. Commission MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Corman introduced Cheryl Danza who expressed her appreciation for being selected to serve on the Planning Commission. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding the appeal of the Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat and rezone Committee (PP-01-034)by applicant Labrador Ventures. The Committee convened on Appeal: Clover Creek II, February 21,2002, to consider the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's Labrador Ventures(PP'01- recommendation dated October 16, 2001. The subject 4.43-acre site is located 034) at Park Ave. N. and N. 27th Pl. The applicant sought to have the property .,.� rezoned from R-1 (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre)to R- 5 (Residential Single Family;five dwelling units per acre),and to subdivide the site into 15 single-family lots. According to the applicant's Appeal Memorandum submitted at the public hearing,the applicant challenged the Hearing Examiner's Finding of Fact#8 as misleading and the applicant suggested the Hearing Examiner did not rely on Findings#21 through#26 in his conclusions. Further,the applicant challenged Conclusion#1 (because it is not supported in the record);Conclusion#3 (because it is not supported in the record); and Conclusion#6 (because it is inconsistent with Findings#8 and#26). FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The Committee found that the applicant had previously sought this same rezone on this same parcel. The rezone was rejected by the City Council. The subject rezone had been specifically considered when the prior rezone request had been submitted. Additionally, since the last analysis,there have not been significant and material changes in the area. The Hearing Examiner determined that the applicant did not meet the requirements of Renton Municipal Code 4-9-180.17 (formerly 4-8-14). The Committee agreed. Members of the neighborhood testified before the Hearing Examiner regarding the surrounding area then and now. Further,the applicant and staff informed the Committee that there has been new development in the area and there are new environmental standards ....r and development standards. The Committee found that there is not enough change to warrant a rezone. February 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 67 67 The Committee considered the applicant's Appeal Memorandum submitted at the public hearing,as well as his Appeal Memorandum submitted on November 20,2001. The Committee found that the Hearing Examiner's determination that the parcel has "complex topography" is not an error. Even if it were an error,it is not significant enough to alter his recommendation. Similarly,the Committee did not find error in the Hearing Examiner's failure to mention his Findings#21 through#26 in his conclusions. The applicant argued that Conclusion#6 contradicted those findings and the Committee disagreed. The applicant and staff pointed out a reference in the Hearing Examiner's report regarding "carving up" the ravine. Staff indicated that the language in the Hearing Examiner's current report virtually parroted language from the Hearing Examiner's report issued when the rezone was denied the first time on May 17, 1999,but was missing one word. The Committee found that the discrepancy, and resulting change in meaning, was insignificant and did not warrant remanding the matter to the Hearing Examiner. Finally,the Committee did not find errors in Conclusions#1 or#3. The applicant did not meet its burden of proving that the Hearing Examiner committed an error. Therefore,the Committee found that there were no errors of fact or law committed by the Hearing Examiner, and recommended that the Council affirm the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and deny the rezone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted �. included: • Mayor Tanner's 2002 State of the City address is being cablecast on Channel 21 on Fridays at 4:00 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays at 4:00 a.m., noon, and 10:00 p.m.;Mondays at 4:00 p.m.; and Tuesdays at 4:00 a.m. • A commemorative sign recognizing the actions of City employees Mike Stenhouse and Gregg Seegmiller will be installed next to the Cedar River Trail in Ron Regis Park in acknowledgment of their efforts in rerouting the Cedar River to prevent flooding following the Nisqually Earthquake. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill Young, 1005 E. Guiberson St., Kent, 98031, stated that he is a real estate Citizen Comment: Young— agent that represents the Gallagher family who own the Springbrook Trout Springbrook Trout Farm Farm located on Talbot Rd. S.,one mile south of Valley General Hospital. Potential Property Purchase, Indicating that the subject property is for sale,Mr. Young recommended that Talbot Rd S the City of Renton purchase the property for use as a recreation area. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 11, 2002. Council concur. February 11,2002 Community Services: Parks Community Services Department recommended approval of the proposed �. Rules and Regulations changes to the Park Rules and Regulations to reflect updated legal review and Changes to allow the Renton Police Department a more enforceable interpretation of the rules. Refer to Community Services Committee. i February 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 68 Lease: Vykor,200 Mill Bldg Community Services Department requested approval of a three-year lease with (1st&5th Floors) Vykor,Inc. for the first and fifth floors of the 200 Mill Building. Revenue generated is$200,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. Court Case: US Filter Court case filed in King County Superior Court by Douglas R. Hookland,PO •�• Distribution Group, CRT-02- Box 23414,Tigard, OR,97281,representing U.S.Filter Distribution Group, 002 Inc.,alleging that Katspan, Inc.,the contractor for the South Downtown Water Main and Storm Sewer Replacement project(CAG-01-008), owes the plaintiff $12,654.12(plus interest and attorney fees)for materials supplied but never paid for. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Human Services: 2002 CDBG Human Services Division recommended having a supplemental funding cycle Supplemental Funding Cycle for the 2002 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)unallocated and recaptured capital funds in the amount of$210,857. Refer to Community Services Committee. i Plat: Eagle Ridge,NE 4th St& Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Nile Ave NE(FP-01-154) Eagle Ridge Final Plat; 17 single-family lots on 4.2 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave. NE(FP-01-154). Council concur. (See page 70 for resolution.) Plat: Johnson-Loken,Jericho Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Johnson- Ave NE(PP-01-122) Loken Preliminary Plat; 62 single-family lots on 16.13 acres located in the vicinity of Jericho Ave. NE and NE 2nd St. (PP-01-122). Council concur. Plat: Parkside Court, SE 136th Hearing Examiner recommended approval,with conditions, of the Parkside St(SE 2nd Pl),PP-01-012 Court Preliminary Plat; 21 single-family lots on 4.32 acres located at 14606 SE 136th St. (SE 2nd Pl.);PP-01-012. Council concur. Plat: Morgan Place, Technical Services Division recommended acceptance of a temporary access now Temporary Access Easement easement to provide the required turn-around at the west end of NE 5th St. as i (FP-01-143) constructed on neighboring property for the Morgan Place Final Plat(FP-01- 143). Council concur. Solid Waste: 2002-2003 Utility Systems Division recommended acceptance of$59,280 in grant funding Coordinated Prevention for solid and hazardous waste reduction education programs from the Agreement,WA St DOE Washington State Department of Ecology for the 2002-2003 Coordinated Prevention Grant agreement. City's match is$19,760. Council concur. (See page 70 for resolution.) Added Item 8.k. City Clerk reported approval on February 11, 2002,of the Abney-Revard street Vacation: Lyons Ave NE vacation request for portion of unopened, existing Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way ROW, Abney-Revard(VAC- located south of NE 4th St., and recommended adoption of the ordinance O1-006) (VAC-01-006). Council concur. (See page 70 for ordinance.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED INCLUDING THE ADDED ITEM 8.k. CARRIED. Community Services: Parks Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that when the Community Services Rules and Regulations Committee evaluates the changes to the Parks Rules and Regulations,the Changes Committee review the recommendation to delete the words religious service from Section 11 leaving the words group rally, and whether the amended language is applicable to weddings and other group gatherings. � y February 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 69 Added At the request of Mayor Tanner,an electronic letter was read from Municipal CORRESPONDENCE Government Analyst Sheila Gall,Association of Washington Cities, 1076 Citizen Comment: AWC— Franklin St. SE,Olympia,98501,asking if Renton is planning to be a co- Initiative 747 Legal Challenge plaintiff in the anticipated legal challenge of Initiative 747 that is expected to be filed soon. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation Committee recommending that Council authorize staff to reactivate the temporary transit Transportation: Metro Transit layover location on Morris Ave. S. between the Thrift Store and S. 3rd St. as a Layover Temporary temporary layover for Metro transit coaches starting around March 2002. The Reactivation(Morris Ave S) temporary transit layover will be in place for a duration of ten months,or until the Downtown Parking Garage is completed. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 201313—201691 and two wire transfers totaling $2,170,223.03; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 36576—36804,one wire transfer and 543 direct deposits totaling$1,641,601.74. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the lewd Police: Lewd Conduct conduct ordinance. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff Ordinance recommendation to approve the addition of Section 6-18-18 to Title VI of the _ Renton Municipal Code(RMC). The addition of Section 18 to Title VI, Chapter 18, will prohibit lewd acts in a public place or any place under such circumstances as to make it difficult for an unwilling member of the public to avoid exposure. Section 18 will not be construed to prohibit plays,operas,musicals,or other dramatic works that are not obscene; or classes, seminars, and lectures held for serious scientific or educational purposes,or exhibitions or dances that are not obscene as defined in RMC 6-18-3B. The ordinance will make violation a misdemeanor and,upon conviction, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding$1,000 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days, or by both. Section 18 will provide the police with tools to prevent such acts. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 70 for ordinance.) Police: Severability Ordinance Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the severability ordinance. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the addition of Section 6-18-19 to Title VI of the Renton Municipal Code. There is currently no severability clause for Title VI. Adoption of an ordinance amending Title VI,Chapter 18, will fulfill severability issues by adding a new Section 6-18-19 providing for severability in the event one part of the Chapter is found unconstitutional. vm� The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY February 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 70 PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3553 A resolution was read approving the Eagle Ridge Final Plat(formerly Buttar); Plat: Eagle Ridge,NE 4th St& 4.2 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Nile Ave.NE(FP-01-154). Nile Ave NE(FP-01-154) MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3554 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Solid Waste: 2002-2003 agreement between the State of Washington Department of Ecology and the Coordinated Prevention City of Renton regarding the 2002-2003 Coordinated Prevention Grant. Agreement,WA St DOE MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/4/2002 for second and final reading: Police: Lewd Conduct An ordinance was read amending Chapter 6-18,Penal Code, of Title VI Ordinance (Police)of City Code by adding a new Section 6-18-18,regarding lewd acts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/4/2002. CARRIED. Police: Severability Ordinance An ordinance was read amending Chapter 6-18,Penal Code,of Title VI (Police)of City Code by adding a new Section,6-18-19,regarding severability. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/4/2002. CARRIED. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE An ordinance was read vacating the easterly 30 feet of the unopened,existing ROW, Abney-Revard(VAC- Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way, south of NE 4th St. (Petitioner: Abney-Revard, 01-006) Inc.; VAC-01-006). MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/4/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4955 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW 5th St.,from Rainier Ave. N. Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier to 91st Ave. S. (Petitioners: Chang Brothers and Miller;VAC-01-005). to 91st),Chang Brothers & MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Miller(VAC-01-005) COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:24 p.m. 62iw—� 4. wazt��- — BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann February 25,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 7 7 Office of the City Clerk t 1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 25,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COUNCIL RETREAT THURS., 2/28 Workshop 7:30a.m. -5:30p.m. (*Hilton Garden Inn FRI., 3/01 1801 E. Valley Rd.*) 7:30a.m.—5:00p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/04 I-405 Corridor Project Update; (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Initiative 747 Legal Challenge COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 3/04 2002 Community Development Block (Corman) 5:00 p.m. Grant Supplemental Funding Cycle; Park Rules and Regulations Changes FINANCE MON., 3/04 EDEN Project Status; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Vykor Lease at 200 Mill Building PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES now (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 72 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 4, 2002 •••�+ Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Municipal Court 2001 Annual Report 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer,please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 25, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 2/21/2002 for CAG-01-201, Construction of Renton Municipal Downtown Parking Garage; eight bids; engineer's estimate $8,420,715; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, E. Kent Halvorson Construction, Inc., in the amount of$6,068,457. Council concur. c. Community Services Department requests approval to increase the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park boat launch and parking fees. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Court case filed in King County Superior Court by Karen Jo Dobson, 3447 Lincoln Dr. NE, Renton, 98056, requesting review of the Renton City Council's final decision approving the St. Claire Preliminary Plat and rezone (PP-01-055) on 12/21/2001, and approving the conjoined rezone Ordinance 4952, adopted 1/28/2002 (effective 2/6/2002). Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. e. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends a public meeting be set on 3/18/2002 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Falk Annexation; approximately 13.66 acres located at the City limits south of S. 47th St. and approximately 300 feet east of Smithers Ave. S., east to 102nd Ave. SE. Council concur. f. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval of the 2002 carry forward ordinance in the amount of$4,176,313, which appropriates funds from the fund balance, increases the expenditures in various funds and departments, and increases and adjusts the 2002 Budget. Refer to Finance Committee. g. Transportation Division requests authorization to use $50,000 from the Airport Security Improvement funds to replace the gates at the Renton Airport with electrically operated gates which will provide more security. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. h. Utilities Systems Division requests authorization to establish the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I Special Assessment District in the estimated amount of$857,129.56 to ensure that project costs are equitably distributed to those who benefit. Refer to Utilities Committee. i. Utility Systems Division requests approval to add the NE 2nd St. Storm System Extension project to the Surface Water Utility Division's 2002 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and to appropriate $200,000 for the project from the unexpended 2001 CIP fund balance. Refer to Utilities Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 73 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Maurice Crock, Sound Flight Inc., PO Box 812,Renton, 98057, urging the City to keep customs service for seaplanes at the Renton Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. b. Letter from Clyde E. Carlson,Northwest Seaplanes, Inc.,PO Box 1845, Renton, 98057, ... requesting that the City provide the necessary facilities to the United States Customs Service for customs service to be restored at the Renton Airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. c. Letter from Dave Kotker, 4339 134th Pl. SE, Bellevue, 98006, expressing disappointment that the Renton Airport voluntary noise abatement procedures would not be changed as recommended by the pilots ad hoc advisory committee. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. d. Electronic letter from Mary Hart and Thomas Burton, 2508 NE 7th St., Renton, 98056, asking that the Council support the creation of an off-leash dog park in the City of SeaTac. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 2002 Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Funding Cycle; Park Rules and Regulation Changes* b. Finance Committee: Vykor Lease at 200 Mill Building 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Park Rules and Regulations changes (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Adding new Code Section regarding lewd acts (1st reading 2/25/2002) b. Adding new Code Section regarding severability (1st reading 2/25/2002) _ c. Abney-Revard street vacation; VAC-01-006 (1st reading 2/25/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. I-405 Corridor Project Update; Initiative 747 Legal Challenge wom • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 74 CITY COUNCIL March 4,2002 City Clerk's Office .. Referrals ADMINISTRATION Proceed with the call for bids for the demolition of the Pavilion Building CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court case filed by Karen Dobson regarding St. Claire Preliminary Plat COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Gene Coulon Park boat launch and parking fees increase E-mail from Mary Hart &Tom Burton re: off-leash dog park FINANCE COMMITTEE 2002 carry forward ordinance MAYOR &CITY CLERK Execute lease with Vykor, Inc. for first and fifth floors of the 200 Mill Building PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE E-mail from Mary Hart &Tom Burton re: off-leash dog park TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Authorize use of airport security funds to replace gates at the Renton Airport Letter from Maurice Crock re: seaplane customs service at Renton Airport Letter from Clyde E. Carlson re: restoration of Renton Airport customs service Letter from Dave Kotker re: noise abatement procedures at Renton Airport UTILITIES COMMITTEE Establishment of the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I Special Assessment District Addition of NE 2nd St. Storm System Replacement project to Utility Division 2002 CIP 75 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 4, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD,Community Services Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;JUDGE TERRY JURADO,Municipal Court;JOE MCGUIRE,Municipal Court Services Director; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE, Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Municipal Court Services Director Joe McGuire and Municipal Court Judge Municipal Court: 2001 Annual Terry Jurado presented the annual report on Renton's Municipal Court. Judge Report Jurado thanked the Mayor and Council for their support of the court, particularly for allowing the court to establish a probation department with a full-time probation officer. "'o" Mr. McGuire reviewed the court's expenditures and revenues for 2001,pointing out that the court saved$56,874 of its budgeted expenditures. He stated that the number of case filings increased slightly from 2000 due to heavy traffic and parking enforcement activity during the first five months of the year. Mr. McGuire reported that future plans for the court include recording the court proceedings digitally instead of by audio tape, and the holding of hearings via video conferencing. Responding to Council inquiry regarding the re-licensing program,Judge Jurado explained that the Renton Municipal Court has established a program that will work in concert with efforts of other courts in King County and the State to address the problem of court cases filed against defendants for Driving While License Suspended(DWLS). This program allows qualified defendants to enter into a time payment plan with the court for outstanding fines. The failure-to-appear notices that restrict defendants from obtaining their drivers licenses are cancelled, allowing the defendant to become re-licensed to drive. Expressing his pleasure with the success of the program, Judge Jurado noted that the program has resulted in a decrease in outstanding fines,and less stress on the criminal justice system from processing and enforcing multiple warrants. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: doom On March 1st, the Renton Parks and Recreation Divisions became the first nationally accredited parks and recreation agency in 13 western states. To be accredited,the divisions had to show compliance with 156 challenging 7s March 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 76 standards covering administration,maintenance,programming,natural resource management,planning,marketing,community relations,risk management,fiscal control,personnel policies, safety and security, research, and evaluation. now Studio East presents StoryBook Theater's The Ugly Duckling at Carco Theater on Saturday,March 9th, 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.,and on Sunday, March 10th, 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Pl.,Renton, 98056,reported that at a recent Citizen Comment: Evans— Highlands Community Association meeting at which a presentation was made Return of Recovered Property regarding crime prevention, a question arose concerning the return of stolen to Rightful Owners property to burglary victims. Mr.Evans inquired as to whether the Police Department returns recovered property to the rightful owners after a burglary case is resolved in court. Assuring Mr.Evans that every effort is made to return the stolen property, Mayor Tanner stated that he will ask the Police Chief to provide a report detailing the City's procedures for the return of recovered property to the rightful owners. Councilman Clawson and Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington encouraged citizens to take photos of and to etch their drivers license number on personal items in order to assist in the identification and recovery of the items in case they are stolen. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of February 25,2002. Council concur. February 25,2002 CAG: 01-201,Downtown City Clerk reported bid opening on 2/21/2002 for CAG-01-201,Construction of moo Parking Garage Construction, Renton Municipal Downtown Parking Garage; eight bids; engineer's estimate E Kent Halvorson Const $8,420,715;and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,E. Kent Halvorson Construction,Inc., in the amount of$6,068,457. Council concur. Community Services: Gene Community Services Department requested approval to increase the Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch& Coulon Memorial Beach Park boat launch and parking fees. Refer to Parking Fees Increase Community Services Committee. Court Case: Karen Dobson, Court case(Petition for Writ of Review)filed in King County Superior Court CRT-02-003 by Karen Jo Dobson, 3447 Lincoln Dr. NE,Renton, 98056,requesting review of the Renton City Council's final decision approving the St. Claire Preliminary Plat and rezone(PP-01-055) on 12/21/2001, and approving the conjoined rezone Ordinance 4952, adopted 1/28/2002(effective 2/6/2002). Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Annexation: Falk, S 47th St& Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Smithers Ave S recommended a public meeting be set on 3/18/2002 to consider the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for the proposed Falk Annexation; approximately 13.66 acres located at the City limits south of S.47th St. and approximately 300 feet east of Smithers Ave. S.,east to 102nd Ave. SE. Council concur. Finance: 2002 Carry Forward Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of the 2002 Budget Adjustments carry forward ordinance in the amount of$4,176,313, which appropriates funds from fund balance, increases expenditures in various funds and departments, ..r and increases and adjusts the 2002 Budget. Refer to Finance Committee. March 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 77 77 Airport: Security Gate Transportation Division requested authorization to use$50,000 from the Replacement,Fund Airport Security Improvement funds to replace the gates at the Renton Airport Appropriation with electrically operated gates which will provide more security. Refer to r. Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Special Assessment District: Utilities Systems Division requested authorization to establish the East East Kennydale Sanitary Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I Special Assessment District in the Sewer Infill Phase I estimated amount of$857,129.56 to ensure that project costs are equitably distributed to those who benefit. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: NE 2nd St Storm Utility Systems Division requested approval to add the NE 2nd St. Storm System Extension Project,Add System Extension project to the Surface Water Utility Division's 2002 Capital to 2002 CIP Improvement Program(CIP)and to appropriate$200,000 for the project from the unexpended 2001 CIP fund balance. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Maurice Crock, Sound Flight, Inc.,PO Box Citizen Comment: Crock— 812,Renton,98057,urging the City to keep customs service for seaplanes at Customs Service at Airport the Renton Airport. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION)COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Carlson— Correspondence was read from Clyde E. Carlson,Northwest Seaplanes,Inc., Customs Service at Airport PO Box 1845,Renton, 98057,requesting that the City provide the necessary facilities to the United States Customs Service for customs service to be restored at the Renton Airport. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE .... TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION)COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Kotker— Correspondence was read from Dave Kotker,4339 134th Pl. SE,Bellevue, Airport Noise Abatement 98006,expressing disappointment that the Renton Airport voluntary noise Procedure Changes abatement procedures would not be changed as recommended by the pilots ad hoc advisory committee. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION)COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Hart/Burton An electronic letter was read from Mary Hart and Tom Burton,2508 NE 7th —Off-Leash Dog Park, South St.,Renton, 98056,asking that the Council support an off-leash dog park being King County(SeaTac) considered for South King County in the City of SeaTac. MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL ALSO REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd clarified that the proposed park would be a King County regional park located in South King County, and the County is seeking a financial commitment from surrounding cities for the park. now March 78ch 4,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Finance Committee in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Lease: Vykor,200 Mill Bldg lease with Vykor,Inc. to rent the first and fifth floors at the 200 Mill Building. (1st &5th Floors) The term of the lease is for three years, and the cost to remodel the space will now be recovered in the rent. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report supporting Committee the staff recommendation to have a supplemental funding cycle for the 2002 Human Services: 2002 CDBG Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)capital funds in the amount of Supplemental Funding Cycle $210,857. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry,Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik described the various methods she will use to notify agencies of the supplemental funding cycle which includes mailing information to past applicants,publishing notices in the newspaper,and posting the information on the City's website. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and RESOLUTIONS adoption: Ordinance#4956 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 6-18,Penal Code, of Title VI Police: Lewd Conduct (Police) of City Code by adding a new Section 6-18-18,regarding lewd acts. Ordinance MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4957 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 6-18,Penal Code,of Title VI Police: Severability Ordinance (Police) of City Code by adding a new Section, 6-18-19,regarding severability. "—" MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4958 An ordinance was read vacating the easterly 30 feet of the unopened,existing Vacation: Lyons Ave NE Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way, south of NE 4th St. (Petitioner: Abney-Revard, ROW, Abney-Revard (VAC- Inc.;VAC-01-006). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY f 01-006) BRIERE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Community Services: Pavilion COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH Building Demolition THE CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE DEMOLITION OF THE PAVILION BUILDING. CARRIED. Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator, confirmed that the advertisement for the call for bids will be published on March 5th. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:41 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTt?N,City Clerk. Recorder: Michele Neumann .r March 4,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 79 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 4,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/11 Legislative Update; (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Community Services Annual Report COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 3/11 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Carry Forward Ordinance PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 3/07 Historic Preservation; (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update NNW (Growth Forecast) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 3/11 Safety Helmet Law Modification (Clawson) 5:00 P.M. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 3/07 Traffic Calming Task Force; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Airport Gate Replacement Project; Transit Priority(briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 3/07 NE 2nd Street Storm System Extension; (Briere) 3:00 p.m. East Kennydale Special Assessment District arum NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 80 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 11, 2002 not Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Municipal Arts Commission Award b. Parks Department Accreditation 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 4, 2002. Council concur. "r b. Community Services Department requests approval of a three-year lease with Eoscene, Inc. for Suite 400 (3,931 square feet) at the 200 Mill Building. Revenue generated is $62,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Technical Services Division requests that Council grant an easement to the project developer of the Kensington Crest Condominium project located at 1400 SE Royal Hills Dr. for the installation of a storm water drainage pipeline across City property. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Keith Menges, 1615 NE 28th St., Renton, 98056, withdrawing his appeal of the Smith Short Plat(SHP-01-118). 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Planning &Development Committee: Historic Preservation c. Public Safety Committee: Safety Helmet Law Modification d. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Airport Gate Replacement Project e. Utilities Committee: NE 2nd Street Storm System Extension; East Kennydale Special Assessment District i (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 81 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT sum COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Legislative Update; Community Services Annual Report • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 82 CITY COUNCIL March 11, 2002 City Clerk's Office now Referrals FINANCE COMM=E Lease with Eoscene, Inc. for Suite 400 of the 200 Mill Building PUBLIC SAFETY CONDM-FEE City's mobile radio communications systems UTILITIES COMMITTEE Grant utilities easement to Kensington Crest Condominium project developer Letter from Janice E. Fluter re: Rolling Hills development and placement of proposed spawning channel Letter from James & Carolyn Fenner re: water drainage problems due to proposed Reservoir Short Plat E 83 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting r... March 11, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON;KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. SPECIAL Recreation Director Sylvia Allen introduced Municipal Arts Commission PRESENTATIONS members Doug Kyes and Diana Hagen. Ms. Hagen announced that Charmaine Board/Commission: Municipal Baker was the recipient of the Municipal Arts Commission's 2001 BRAVO Arts Commission 2001 Award which recognizes and celebrates outstanding individuals and BRAVO Award organizations that support the arts in Renton. She described Ms. Baker's ,,... contributions towards community-related events which includes being the first coordinator of the Renton Rivers Days celebration and being instrumental in organizing and raising money for the IKEA Performing Arts Center. Ms. Baker accepted the framed certificate which was decorated with a drawing of her by artist Doug Kyes, and she expressed her appreciation for the award. In addition,Mr. Kyes presented Ms. Baker's husband,Jim Baker, with the original drawing. Community Services: Parks & Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator, announced that on March 1, Recreation Divisions 2002, the Parks and Recreation Divisions received national accreditation. He Accreditation pointed out that the City of Renton is the first to receive accreditation in Washington,and is one of only thirty-five cities in the entire nation to receive such an honor. Explaining that the accreditation process was a lot of work,Mr. Shepherd emphasized that receiving accreditation would not have been possible without the efforts of staff and the support of the Mayor and Council. Mr. Shepherd also recognized Recreation Director Sylvia Allen for her leadership,professionalism and dedication in helping the Parks and Recreation Divisions achieve national accreditation,and presented her with a framed photograph of Clam Lights. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted loom included: Soroptimist International of Renton donated$200 to the City of Renton's Scholarship Program. 84 March 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 84 • In March,the Olympic Pipeline Company plans to conduct Transverse Flux Inspection Smart Pig internal inspection tests for the 12-and 16-inch Olympic pipelines in Renton. City of Renton staff will monitor the pipeline testing activity. woo • The Police Department reported that found property and evidence is released to the rightful owner once all evidentiary use is satisfied and proper authorities(prosecutor's office/detectives)have signed for its release per Revised Code of Washington(RCW)62.32. Found property is released to the owner as soon as possible when the owner is known. The investigating officer and evidence technician make every effort to ascertain the rightful owner, after which the owners are notified by phone and letter advising how to claim their property. If no owner can be identified,found property is held for 60 days before disposition according to RCW 62.32. AUDIENCE COMMENT Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N.#2,Renton,98056, stating that Citizen Comment: Petersen— she lives on a fixed income,pointed out that her property taxes have doubled Property Taxes since 1994. She noted that the City portion of her property taxes rose 12% this year. Detailing her concerns about the increase in property taxes and the City's role in determining how much is collected,Ms. Petersen stated that instead of explaining the tax situation in terms of tax dollars collected,the City focused on the tax rate. She suggested that instead of imposing a property tax increase, the City should have reduced the tax rate to offset the rise in property values, thus keeping the tax increase within a reasonable and acceptable range. Ms. Petersen stated that keeping the tax increases at a reasonable level requires prioritization during budget planning. Mayor Tanner reported that the tax rate decreased this past year. He explained that last year, the City took the 1% as allowed by Initiative 747, and then added to that the previously banked property tax levy capacity. He pointed out that a large percentage of the overall tax levy was based on new construction. Mayor Tanner also emphasized that the tax rate has decreased from$3.93 to$3.26 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation since he has been in office. Pointing out that the Council spends many hours in budget deliberations every year,Councilman Corman stated that those deliberations are open to the public and he encouraged citizens to attend the budget hearings. Mayor Tanner added that the reason why the City had banked capacity was because it had not taken the maximum tax increase the year before. Councilman Clawson stated that there are no provisions in Initiative 747 that prohibits the City from using the banked capacity. In addition,he noted that the Council can only set the tax rates; it cannot control the assessed value of real property. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, item 6.c. was removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 4, 2002. Council concur. March 4,2002 Lease: Eoscene, 200 Mill Community Services Department requested approval of a three-year lease with Building(Suite 400) Eoscene, Inc. for Suite 400 (3,931 square feet) at the 200 Mill Building. ..r Revenue generated is$62,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. 85 March 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 85 MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.c.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Technical Services Division requested that Council grant a utilities easement to Item 6.c. the project developer of the Kensington Crest Condominium project located at Technical Services: Utilities 1400 SE Royal Hills Dr. (former Parker PUD site)for the installation of a Easement,Kensington Crest storm water drainage pipeline across City property. Condo Project Stating that this item concerns the same site as a letter from Janice E.Fluter which she will present under Correspondence, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.c. TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. City Attorney Larry Warren stated for the record that the City obtained the property across which this easement is being requested from the original owners of the Parker PUD in phases. Explaining that pieces of the property were granted to the City with conditions attached to them,he cautioned that the record needs to be checked in order to determine if the City is obligated under prior terms to grant the easement. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Keith Menges, 1615 NE 28th St.,Renton, Citizen Comment: Menges— 98056,withdrawing his appeal of the Smith Short Plat(SHP-01-118). Smith Short Plat Appeal MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL Withdrawal(SHP-01-118) REMOVE THE SMITH SHORT PLAT APPEAL FROM THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REFERRAL LIST. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Fluter— Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported receipt of correspondence from +�.• Rolling Hills A, Proposed Janice E.Fluter, 1005 Shelton Ave. SE,Renton, 98058,asking that the Rolling Cedar River Side Channel Hills A site be removed from consideration as a possible replacement for the Cedar River side channel destroyed in the Nisqually Earthquake. Indicating that placing the channel at that location will negatively impact the environment and the surrounding neighborhood, she recommended that the proposed channel be placed at Regis Park or the Elliott site. Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,clarified that the letter refers to the City's proposal to recreate the salmon spawning channel. Pointing out that the letter also concerns potential problems with erosion as a result of development that has begun on the top of the hill in the Rolling Hills area,Ms. Keolker-Wheeler stated that the development Ms.Fluter refers to is the Kensington Crest Condominium project. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Fenner— Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported receipt of an electronic letter from Storm Water Drainage James A. and Carolyn R.Fenner,402 Seneca Ct. NW,Renton, 98055, Problems,Reservoir Short Plat concerning storm water drainage problems and the potential increase of drainage problems if the Reservoir Short Plat project(SHP-01-169),located at the northeast corner of NW 3rd Ct. and 84th Ave. S., is constructed. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed .... that the letter was referred to City staff for review and response, and as per procedure, will be responded to within two weeks. 86 March 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 86 i MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ba OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Public Safety Committee review of helmet requirements to include skater, scooters, and skateboarders. Police: Helmet Law The Committee recommended that the City's helmet law not be modified to Modification include requiring helmet use at the Skate Park. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry, Councilman Clawson explained that the Police Department expressed concerned about trying to enforce additional helmet requirements when the current helmet laws are not actively being enforced. He stated that after researching the matter,he discovered that head injuries at skate parks are not that common; however,he still strongly encouraged the use of helmets and padding. *MOTION CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Utility: NE 2nd St Storm recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve System Extension Project,Add the re-appropriation of$200,000 for the construction of the NE 2nd St. Storm to 2002 CIP System Extension project. The project funding will come from the unexpended Surface Water Utility's 2001 CIP(421)Fund appropriation, which currently has a balance of$211,483. The Committee also concurred with the staff recommendation that Council approve the addition of the NE 2nd St. Storm System Extension project to the Surface Water Utility's 2002 Capital Improvement Program(CIP). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: Utilities Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report East Kennydale Sanitary recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Sewer Infill Phase I Planning/Building/Public Works Department that preliminary approval be given for the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I Special Assessment District. The Committee further recommended concurrence in the recommendation that Council direct staff to proceed with the establishment of ' the final special assessment district upon completion of the construction of the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I project.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that citizens in the subject area are not i required to connect to the City's sewer system unless they choose to connect or have a septic failure. She advised that a public meeting concerning the project will be held on March 19th. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. King County: District Court Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry about the proposed Redistricting redistricting of the King County district courts, City Attorney Larry Warren explained that while the City supports review of the district courts,the City is concerned about the short time frame given for evaluation of the matter. Mayor .� Tanner stated that copies of the redistricting plan proposed by the King County Executive on March 8,2002, will be forwarded to Councilmembers. Page 87 March 11,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Pa S Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 201692-202160 and two wire transfers totaling $2,240,027.04; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 36805 -37036, one wire transfer and 548 direct deposits totaling$1,675,685.95. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the Renton Municipal Airport Gate Replacement project. Keeping Airport: Security Gate the existing gate, located by the Northwest Seaplanes hangar(850 building), Replacement,Fund shut and locked is a daily problem which increases the possibility of runway Appropriation occurrences and/or incursions. Therefore, staff recommended the installation of an electrically operated vehicle gate with pedestrian gate next to the building. In addition, an existing swing arm gate located just north of the South Bridge provides little deterrent to unauthorized pedestrians,and the Cedar River Trail, located 70 feet away, is within walking distance of the gate. Therefore, staff recommended the installation of a seven-foot-high electrically operated gate made of chain link fencing and topped with three-strand barbed wire. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize using$50,000 from the Airport Security Improvement Fund for the Airport Gate Replacement project. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that correspondence received from Citizen Comment: Bichler— Alison Bichler, 254 Union Ave. NE, Renton, 98059,regarding the installation Sidewalks Around Maplewood of sidewalks in the vicinity of Maplewood Heights Elementary and Maplewood Heights Elementary & Park and Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman's Maplewood Park response to the letter be forwarded to the appropriate King County Councilmember since the area most in need of sidewalks is located in King County. Police: Displaced Cement Councilman Persson reported that displaced cement wheel stops in the Renton Wheel Stops, Transit Center Transit Center area,near the Downtown Parking Garage property, are causing a Area road hazard. Mayor Tanner requested that the Police Department investigate the matter. Public Safety: City Mobile MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER Radio Communications THE ISSUE OF THE CITY'S MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS Systems SYSTEMS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:24 p.m. B( NI NIE I.WALTON,City Clerl`. Recorder: Michele Neumann March 11,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 11,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 3/18 Informal Introductory Meeting with (Nelson) 7:00 p.m. Boeing's Local Government Relations *COUNCIL Manager CONFERENCE ROOM* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 3/18 Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch and (Corman) 6:00 p.m. Parking Fees Increase FINANCE MON., 3/18 Eoscene Lease at 200 Mill Building; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. Carry Forward Ordinance PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) r PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) now NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 91 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 18, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Introduction of new Human Services Advisory Committee Members—Laura Brock &Robin Jones 4. PUBLIC MEETING: Falk Annexation— 10% Notice of Intent to Annex Petition for approximately 13.66 acres located at the City limits south of S. 47th St. and approximately 300 feet east of Smithers Ave. S., east to 102nd Ave. SE. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 11, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 3/12/2002 for CAG-02-035,NE 2nd St. Storm Line Extension Project; 16 bids; engineer's estimate $179,585.28; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Scarsella Brothers, Inc., in the amount of$120,781.06. Council concur. c. City Clerk recommends adoption of an ordinance finalizing the Conner Homes street vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE 4th Streets. Council approved the vacation request on 2/11/2002 which included waiving compensation in exchange for additional right-of- way to be dedicated in the Johnson-Loken Plat. Council concur. (See 10.a. for ordinance.) d. Community Services Department requests authorization to proceed with the construction of retail space in the Renton Municipal Downtown Parking Garage in an amount not to exceed$500,000. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Development Services Division recommends that the fence height regulations be amended to address inconsistencies associated with the existing regulations to provide a more equitable, enforceable and understandable maximum fence height regulation. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. f. Executive Department requests approval of a revised agreement in the amount of$35,500 with Communities in School of Renton (CISR) which clarifies the financial and in-kind support the City provides to CISR. Refer to Community Services Committee. g. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends that the new Probation Officer position be established at grade a18 which has an annual salary range of$43,176 - $52,584. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) i0 h. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval to modify the compensation plan for the management positions of Deputy Chief in the Police and Fire Departments. Refer to Finance Committee. i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of agreements with Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company in the amount of$170,700 to reconstruct grade crossings on SW 7th St.,Lind Ave. SW, Mill Ave. S. and Bronson Way N. Refer to Transportation Committee. j. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with King County to receive grant funding in the amount of$50,000 for the signal synchronization project on NE Sunset Blvd. between N. Park Dr. and Duvall Ave. NE. Refer to Transportation Committee. k. Utilities Systems Division recommends approval of the declaration of covenant and annexation agreement forms which are required as a condition of receiving sanitary sewer service outside the Renton City limits and recommends adoption of an ordinance establishing the base criterion required within the agreements. Refer to Planning_&Development Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Jim and Shawn Curry, 1720 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, asking for response to their questions regarding the City of Renton's property tax figures. b. Electronic letter from Paula Bean, 334 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, expressing her opposition to the closing of Whitworth Ave. S. as proposed by St. Anthony Parish (VAC-00-003). 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch and Parking Fees Increase*; Park Rules and Regulations Changes* b. Finance Committee: Eoscene Lease at 200 Mill Building c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Traffic Calming/Neighborhood Speeding 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS r Resolution: Park Rules and Regulations changes (see 9.a.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Conner Homes street vacation; VAC-01-004 (see 7.c.) b. Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch and Parking Fees Increase (see 9.a.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 7:00 p.m. Informal Introductory Meeting with Boeing's Local Government Relations Manager Mao • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 91 CITY COUNCIL March 18,2002 City CIerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Retail space construction at Downtown Parking Garage Establishment of salary grade a18 for new Probation Officer position Compensation plan modification for Deputy Chief position for Police and Fire Departments Letter from Jim & Shawn Curry re: Renton's property taxes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE E-mail from Paula Bean re: Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation proposal by St. Anthony Parish COMMUNITY SERVICES CONIl U=E Contract with Communities in Schools of Renton re: support City provides MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute lease with Eoscene,Inc. for Suite 400 of the 200 Mill Building PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMNIITTEE Fence height regulation amendments PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Police Department staffing 800-megahertz communication system reception problems TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreements with BNSF Railway Co. to reconstruct railroad grade crossings Agreement for grant funding from King County for NE Sunset Blvd. signal synchronization UTILITIES COMMITTEE Letter from Judith Fillips &Dale Baker re: Cedar River spawning channel replacement site ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Conner Homes street vacation; VAC-01-004 (1st reading 3/18/2002) Gene Coulon Park boat launch &parking fees increase (1st reading 3/18/2002) 92 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 18,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director; GERALD RERECICH,Recreation Manager; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik introduced Laura Brock,the newest Human Services: Human member of the Human Services Advisory Committee and stated that another Services Advisory Member new member,Robin Jones,could not be present for her introduction. Ms. Introduction,Laura Brock& Bergsvik described Ms. Brock's qualifications, saying that she is looking Robin Jones forward to working with her. kA PUBLIC MEETING Mayor Tanner announced the cancellation of the public meeting regarding the Annexation: Falk, S 47th St& 10%Notice of Intent Petition to Annex for the proposed Falk Annexation due Smithers Ave S to the recent Supreme Court decision which invalidates the petition method of annexations. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the decision,Mayor Tanner explained that the cities of Moses Lake and Yakima challenged the validity of the petition method for annexations,claiming it gave inordinate influence to property owners. He noted that the election method of annexation has been left in place. (See Administrative Report for additional information regarding this subject.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: The State Supreme Court struck down the petition method of annexation in Washington in a decision published Monday,March 11, 2002. Concluding that"the petition method of annexation offers privileges to a favored minority and is therefore unconstitutional as a violation of the privileges and immunities clause, Article I, Section 12 of the Washington State Constitution," the Court's decision effectively suspends the eight proposed annexations currently underway in Renton. The proposed annexations are: Vuong,Maplewood,Shamrock,Wofford,Falk,Greenwood(revised March 18,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 93 93 Johnson),Bales,and Honeycreek East. The administration will suspend activity on these proposals until clarification is received on how to process annexations. ' Human Services Division will host a South King County pre-application workshop for non-profit agencies interested in applying for 2003 General Funds and Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Funds public services on Friday,March 22nd,from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at Carco Theatre, after which there will be a regional pre-application workshop for CDBG Capital funds from 10:30 a.m. until noon. Streets: S 180th St/SW 43rd St Mr. Covington stated that City of Tukwila is considering agreeing to a no-cost Closure(Tukwila's Grade change order with their contractor, who is building the S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. Separation Project) project, to close this street by April 3rd,a month earlier than anticipated. The reason is that some utility contractors and the railroads are behind schedule, and the contractor wants to get started on other work so they will not be delayed (and pass on delay costs to Tukwila). Mr. Covington pointed out that the Renton City Council approved the street closure proposal to begin approximately May,2002, and the administration is opposed to the early street closure because Oakesdale Ave. SW will not be open to traffic until the beginning of May. In addition, the Lind Ave. SW rehabilitation work is scheduled for April. Mr. Covington explained that these north/south corridors need to be available to traffic before the closure of S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. Stating that businesses and commuters are expecting a street closure in May, not April,he reported that Tukwila was advised that they would need to obtain Council approval to move up the street closure date to April 3rd. Mayor Tanner added that if the street is closed earlier then planned,there will ..�. be only one approach to the area due to projects on Lind Ave. SW and Oakesdale Ave. SW. This will negatively impact surrounding businesses through the loss of sales,and the City will experience a loss of revenue. Referring to a map of the area,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reviewed the street closure and the alternative routing. He reported that City staff will meet with Tukwila on March 20th to discuss the matter. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus,Highlands Community Association (HCA)President, 1137 Citizen Comment: DeMastus— Harrington Ave. NE,Renton, 98033,invited the Mayor and Council to the next Highlands Community HCA meeting on March 28th to view the new Highlands Neighborhood entry Association signs. In addition, she announced the speakers scheduled to talk at upcoming HCA meetings. Citizen Comment: Petersen— Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N.#2,Renton, 98056,expressed Property Taxes her concerns about the increase in property taxes and quoted statistics comparing and ranking Renton's tax rates to other cities'tax rates. Referring to an article in the South County Journal regarding Renton's $5 million budget balance, Ms. Petersen suggested that the City use the money to pay off current obligations and reduce property taxes. Discussion ensued regarding the property tax rates,the tax rate statistics, assessed property values,and City services provided as a result of tax collection. It was pointed out that senior citizens may be eligible for a ..� reduction in property taxes,depending on their income,through a tax-relief program managed by the King County Assessor. J � March 18,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 94 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Item 7.k. was deleted due to the recent Supreme Court decision concerning annexations. (See page 92 for information regarding the Supreme Court's decision.) Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 11, 2002. Council concur. March 11, 2002 CAG: 02-035,NE 2nd St City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/12/2002 for CAG-02-035,NE 2nd St. Storm Line Extension, Storm Line Extension Project; 16 bids;engineer's estimate$179,585.28; and Scarsella Brothers submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Scarsella Brothers, Inc., in the amount of$120,781.06. Council concur. Vacation: Lyons Ave NE City Clerk recommended adoption of an ordinance finalizing the Conner between NE 2nd &4th Sts, Homes street vacation for portions of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd and NE Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) 4th Streets(VAC-01-004). Council approved the vacation request on 2/11/2002 which included waiving compensation in exchange for additional right-of-way to be dedicated in the Johnson-Loken Plat. Council concur. (See page 96 for ordinance.) Community Services: Community Services Department recommended authorization to proceed with Downtown Parking Garage the construction of retail space in the Renton Municipal Downtown Parking f Retail Space Construction Garage in an amount not to exceed$500,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Development Services: Fence Development Services Division recommended that the fence height regulations Height Regulations be amended to address inconsistencies associated with the existing regulations to provide a more equitable, enforceable and understandable maximum fence height regulation. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Executive: Communities in Executive Department requested approval of a revised agreement in the amount Schools Contract of$35,500 with Communities in Schools in Renton(CISR) which clarifies the financial and in-kind support the City provides to CISR. Refer to Community Services Committee. Human Resources: Probation Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended that the Officer,Establish at Grade a18 new probation Officer position be established at grade a18 which has an annual salary range of$43,176-$52,584. Refer to Finance Committee. Human Resources: Deputy Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval Chief Compensation Plan to modify the compensation plan for the management positions of Deputy Chief Modification in the Police and Fire Departments. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Railroad Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of agreements with Grade Crossing Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company in the amount of Reconstruction,BNSF $170,700 to reconstruct railroad grade crossings on SW 7th St.,Lind Ave. SW, Railway Agreements Mill Ave. S. and Bronson Way N. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: NE Sunset Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Blvd Signal Synchronization King County to receive grant funding in the amount of$50,000 for the signal Project, King County Grant synchronization project on NE Sunset Blvd. between N.Park Dr. and Duvall Ave.NE. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility Outside• (`'t..T , as_De e.7 eevenant g t to A« e., For-fns ------- -- - it-side the De..t.. City.1; ,tweeffff ., ...1 _- .1 .1 .1 t' f aft er-dinanee establishing the base O FSiii tmrstic—crsr D t PlanniaL P. Development/ . mute March 18,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 95 95 MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO DELETE ITEM 71. CARRIED. r.. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Jim and Shawn Curry, 1720 Kirkland Ave. NE, Citizen Comment: Curry— Renton, 98056, asking for response to their questions regarding the City of Property Taxes Renton's property tax figures. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Bean— An electronic letter was read from Paula Bean, 334 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 98055,expressing her opposition to the closing of Whitworth Ave. S. as Anthony Church(VAC-00- proposed by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00-003). MOVED BY KEOLKER- 003) WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the staff Finance Committee recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a lease with Lease: Eoscene, 200 Mill Eoscene,Inc. to rent a portion of the 4th floor at the 200 Mill Building. The Building (Suite 400) term of the lease is three years, and the cost to remodel the space is recovered in the rent. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding traffic calming and neighborhood speeding. The Committee Transportation: Speeding recommended that Council authorize the administration to have the proposed Problems in Neighborhoods, Traffic Calming Task Force rolled into and combined with the Street Standards Traffic Calming Committee. This will allow for a comprehensive study of neighborhood street ..� standards to include incorporating appropriate traffic calming strategies into the standards. The result will be a menu of traffic calming options. Implementation of these options will involve citizen input and involvement of neighborhoods. Staff is requested to add the following goal to the Flexible Street Standards Design Team Memorandum of Agreement: "The design team will evaluate available traffic calming measures, and develop a menu of traffic calming options available for use in the City of Renton." Staff is requested to report back to the Transportation(Aviation)Committee within three months(by June 6, 2002)with recommendations on a menu of traffic calming options. The Committee requested that this report include traffic calming options considered but not recommended for use, as well as options that are recommended for use. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending concurrence with the recommendation of the staff and Park Community Services: Gene Board to approve fee changes for boat launching and parking at Gene Coulon Coulon Park Boat Launch& Memorial Beach Park. The fee changes correspond with the new pay system Parking Fee Changes which eliminates the dispensing of change,reduces fees to Renton residents, and increases fees to non-Renton residents. .r.. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY 96 Renton Cit Council Minutes Page 96 March 18,2002 Y PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) Community Services: Park Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Rules and Regulations Park Rules and Regulations. Several park rules and regulations required minor now Changes revisions to make them more comprehensive,to reflect updated legal review, and to allow the Renton Police Department a more enforceable interpretation of the rules. Therefore,the Committee recommended concurrence with the recommendation of the staff and Park Board to approve the suggested changes. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be adopted. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Finance: Funding City Councilmember Corman stated that the issuance of bonds is a legitimate tool Facilities (Bond Issuance) for funding facilities such as a new parks shop facility or a community swimming pool. He suggested that is unfair for residents to bear the full cost of a facility today, when it will benefit residents for many years in the future. Using Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park as an example,Mr. Corman explained that residents who moved to Renton after the establishment of the park are helping to pay for it. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3555 A resolution was read approving and adopting the Park Rules and Regulations. Community Services: Park MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT Rules and Regulations THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Changes NON` The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/25/2002 for second and final reading: Vacation: Lyons Ave NE An ordinance was read vacating portions of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd between NE 2nd&4th Sts, and NE 4th Streets (Petitioner: Conner Homes;VAC-01-004). MOVED BY Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) CLAWSON,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/2002. CARRIED. Community Services: Gene An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Coulon Park Boat Launch& boat launch and parking fees. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY Parking Fee Changes CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE Police: Staffing MATTER OF STAFFING FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety: 800-Megahertz MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE Radio Communication System SUBJECT OF THE 800-MEGAHERTZ COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Reception RECEPTION PROBLEMS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Persson suggested that the Public Safety Committee consider establishing building regulations which require the installation of repeaters in ... order to prevent the reception problems. March 18,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 97 97 Streets: Temporary Alley Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported traffic problems related to the Closure(between Burnett& temporary alley closure between Burnett Ave. S. and Williams Ave. S. for the Williams Aves S) construction of a condominium complex along the Cedar River, and requested �. additional police monitoring of the area. She also requested that the contractor and subcontractors be informed of the traffic problems. Citizen Comment: Fillips— Councilwoman Briere reported receipt of a letter from Judith Fillips and Dale Cedar River Spawning G. Baker, 3405 SE 7th St.,Renton, 98058, stating opposition to the proposed Channel Replacement Site replacement site of the Cedar River spawning channel. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Executive: Sister City Cuatla, Responding to Councilwoman Briere's inquiry regarding the letter received Jalisco,Mexico Request for from Renton's Sister City Cuatla,Jalisco,Mexico asking for public safety Public Safety Equipment equipment donations,Mayor Tanner stated that he will respond to the letter and also forward it to the Chamber of Commerce. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:30 p.m. BONNIE L WALTON.City Cleric Recorder: Michele Neumann March 18,2002 r.. 98 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 18, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 03/25 Tour of 200 Mill Building (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. *200 Mill Building at 200 Mill Ave.S.* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 03/25 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Establishment of Probation Officer Grade; Deputy Chief Compensation Plan Modification; Downtown Parking Garage Retail Space; Carry Forward Ordinance PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 03/21 City Code Title IV Deliberations; (Keolker-Wheeler) 1:45 p.m. City Code Title IV Docket Briefing PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 03/25 Criteria for Citing Vehicles Parked Off (Clawson) 6:00 p.m. Roadway; Parking Fines TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 03/21 Airport Business Plan; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Railroad Crossing Improvement Agreements with BNSF Railway Co.; King County Signal Synchronization Grant; Renton Airport Restroom Provisions; Renton Airport Temporary Customs Facility UTILITIES THURS., 03/21 Local Hazardous Waste Management (Briere) 3:15 p.m. Program Agreement; Kensington Crest Condominium Easement NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 19 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 25, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Fire Department Employee Recognition 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 18, 2002. Council concur. b. Court Case filed in King County Superior Court by James H. Morton, PO Box 1533, Tacoma, 98401, on behalf of Labrador Ventures,LLC, requesting approval of the rezone related to the Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat (PP-01-034) which was denied by the City Council on February 25, 2002; and review of the preliminary plat application. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. c. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department requests approval to amend the 2002-2005 Environmental Review and Related Disciplines Consultant Roster to include Blumen Consulting Group. Council concur. d. Legal Division recommends approval of an ordinance which provides for a 120-day time goal to process permits after the date of the letter of completeness, except for appeals, which may take more time. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. e. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract with King County and Sound Transit to continue the 2002-2003 Flexpass Commute Trip Reduction Program for all regular City employees in the amount of$19,800. Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Establishment of Probation Officer Grade; Deputy Chief Compensation Plan Modification;Downtown Parking Garage Retail Space; Carry Forward Ordinance* b. Public Safety Committee: Criteria for Citing Vehicles Parked Off Roadway; Parking Fines ..� c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Railroad Crossing Improvement Agreements with BNSF Railway Co.; King County Signal Synchronization Grant* d. Utilities Committee: Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Agreement*; Kensington Crest Condominium Easement (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) fao 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. 2002-2003 Flexpass agreement with King County/Sound Transit (see 6.e.) b. Agreement with King County for Signal Synchronization Grant (see 8.c.) c. Memo of Understanding for Local Hazardous Waste Management Program with Seattle-King =MW County Public Health (see 8.d.) Ordinance for first reading: Carry Forward Ordinance (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Conner Homes street vacation; VAC-01-004 (1st reading 3/18/2002) b. Gene Coulon Park Boat Launch and Parking Fees Increase (lst reading 3/18/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT r COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 200 Mill Building at 200 Mill Ave. S. 6:30 p.m. Tour of 200 Mill Building • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 101 CITY COUNCIL March 25,2002 City Clerk's Office Referral's ADMINISTRATION Letter from Bokara by the Lake re: the use of balloons with A-frame signs CITY ATTORNEY Prepare ordinance for City Code Title 4 (Development Regulations) revisions CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court case filed on behalf of Labrador Ventures,LLC re: Clover Creek Preliminary Plat and rezone MAYOR &CITY CLERK Grant utilities easement to Kensington Crest Condominium project developer Agreements with BNSF Railway Co. to construct concrete railroad grade crossings F1exPass Program agreement with King County& Sound Transit Agreement for grant funding with King County for NE Sunset Blvd. signal synchronization project Amendment to Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Memo of Understanding PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Permit review process 120-day goal exemptions PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letter from Rosemary Quesenberry re: Police Department staffing ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 2002 carry forward budget adjustments (1st reading 3/25/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 4/22/2002 - City Code Title 4 (Development Regulations)revisions 142 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 25, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall ..r CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;DAN CLAWSON;KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE;KING PARKER;DON PERSSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN RANDY CORMAN. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director;MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; CHIEF LEE WHEELER and DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON,Fire Department; LARRY RUDE,Fire Marshall/Battalion Chief; DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Fire Chief Lee Wheeler announced that Firefighter Shawn Mendenhall was Fire: 2001 Firefighter of the selected as the 2001 Firefighter of the Year. Chief Wheeler described Mr. Year Award Mendenhall's many contributions to the City which include coordinating the high school DUI drills. Mr. Mendenhall accepted the award from Deputy Fire Chief Glen Gordon, and stated that he is privileged and honored to work as a Firefighter for the City of Renton. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The annual Hip Hoppin'Egg Hunt for children six years and under will be held at the Community Center on Saturday,March 30th, at 10:00 a.m., followed by carnival games and activities. • The downtown Renton Transit Center project has won a 2002 Concrete in Transit award presented by the Portland Cement Association. The award recognizes excellence in design and construction of transit projects that exemplify the use of concrete. AUDIENCE COMMENT Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N. #2, Renton, 98056,expressed Citizen Comment: Petersen— her disappointment with the City of Renton property tax rates and stated that Property Taxes the property taxes figures used in a recent newspaper article were correct but misleading. Ms.Petersen said that senior citizens like her may be taxed out of their homes because the level of taxation in Renton is too high. She pointed out that Renton can be a world class City with reasonable taxation. Clarifying that the tax rate established for new construction is not a tax increase,but a tax on property that did not exist last year,Mayor Tanner detailed the City's tax rate figures. Discussion ensued regarding property taxes .�. and Councilmembers encouraged citizens to attend the City budget hearings and voice their opinions regarding the best way for the City to provide services. 103 March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 103 Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington pointed out that information about property taxes can be found on the City's website at www.ci.renton.wa.us. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 18, 2002. Council concur. March 18, 2002 Court Case: Labrador Court Case(Summons and Land Use Petition)filed in King County Superior Ventures, CRT-02-004 Court by James H. Morton of Bonneville,Viert,Morton &McGoldrick,PO Box 1533,Tacoma, 98401, on behalf of Labrador Ventures,LLC,requesting approval of the rezone related to the Clover Creek II Preliminary Plat(PP-01- 034)which was denied by the City Council on February 25, 2002; and review of the preliminary plat application. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Planning: 2002-2005 Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Environmental Consultant requested approval to amend the 2002-2005 Environmental Review and Related Roster Amendment Disciplines Consultant Roster(approved by Council on February 11, 2002)to include Blumen Consulting Group,Inc. Council concur. Development Services: Permit Legal Division recommended approval of an ordinance which provides for a Review Process 120-Day Goal 120-day time goal to process permits after the date of completeness,except for Exemptions appeals, which may take more time. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Transportation: F1exPass Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Program Contract, King King County(Metro) and Sound Transit for the 2002-2003 FlexPass Commute ... County (Metro) &Sound Trip Reduction Program for all regular City employees in the amount of Transit $19,800. Council concur. (See page 107 for resolution.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Bokara by the Lake Apartments, 801 Rainier CORRESPONDENCE Ave. N., Renton,98055,requesting that the Sign Code be amended to allow the Citizen Comment: Bokara by use of balloons with A-frame signs. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY the Lake—Sign Code Amend, PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE Balloons with A-Frame Signs ADMINISTRATION FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct., Quesenberry—Police Renton,98058, stating that growth in the community has placed an increased Department Staffing demand on services provided by the Police Department, and she urged Council to increase Police Department staffing. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Public Safety Committee criteria used for citing vehicles parked off the roadway. The Committee Police: Citing Vehicles Parked reviewed the information provided previously on August 6, 2001,regarding Off Roadway(Criteria Used) enforcement of the Renton Municipal Code 10-12-1. The Committee recommended no modifications to the ordinance or Police Department procedures governing parking violations. MOVED BY PARKER, .... SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 104 March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 104 Planning &Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding the proposed 2001 City Code Title 4 revisions to the zoning Planning: Development interpretations,use table,use notes, and related City Code amendments. The Regulations(Title 4) Committee reviewed the proposed revisions on February 7, and March 21, ...r Revisions 2002. The issue of how to review accessory uses has been resolved as recommended in Option#1 in the staff materials dated February 7,2002. In addition,the Committee raised a number of issues, which will result in an edit to the document,or referral to the docket of Title 4 issues. The Committee recommended that the proposed Title 4 revisions be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of an ordinance and that a public hearing be scheduled for April 22,2002. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding granting an Technical Services: Utilities easement to the developer of the Kensington Crest Condominium project Easement, Kensington Crest located at 1400 SE Royal Hills Dr. for storm water facilities. The City required Condo Project the developer to install a storm water drainage pipeline for this project across City of Renton property. The facility has been installed and approved. The storm water facility will be maintained by the condominium association; therefore, the developer needs an easement from the City for this pipeline. The Committee recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the easement and authorize the Mayor to execute it and have it recorded. MOVED i BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Solid Waste: Local Hazardous Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Waste Mgmt Program in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that ...r Contract Amend,Dept of Council approve Amendment#7 to the Memorandum of Understanding Public Health,CAG-95-060 between the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health and the City (CAG-95-060). The memo of understanding authorizes the City's Solid Waste Utility to receive$36,176 in funding from the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan in Seattle-King County for household hazardous waste recycling and education projects implemented in 2001. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. It is understood that a new contract with updated language is expected for 2003. This contract should resolve issues that the City has with some of the disposal requirements imposed by the Department of Public Health. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 107 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 202161 —202602 and three wire transfers totaling $2,146,782.20; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 37042—37276,one wire transfer and 548 direct deposits totaling$1,657,303.91. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Probation Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the establishment Officer,Establish at Grade a18 of a grade for the new Probation Officer position. The new position was included in the 2002 Budget,however no grade was assigned. Therefore,the Committee recommended the establishment of grade a18,pending AFSCME March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 105 105 approval,for the Probation Officer position at a monthly salary range of$3,598 -$4,382 ($43,176 is the base salary for a full year at step A). The change is effective January 1, 2002,and will not require additional budget appropriations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN r... THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Deputy Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Chief Compensation Plan in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed compensation practice Modification modification of the Deputy Chief positions to bring the Deputy Chief position into a management alignment and salary grade. The Committee recommended that effective April 1, 2002,the Police Deputy Chief position be placed at salary grade m45 with a monthly salary range of $7,102-$8,653; and current incumbent,Joseph Peach,be placed at step E. The Committee also recommended that the Deputy Fire Chief position be placed at salary grade m43 with a monthly salary range of$6,759 -$8,235; and current incumbents, Glen Gordon and Arthur Larson, be placed at step E. In addition to the proposed salary modification,the City will eliminate the education incentive and longevity pay, as well as the uniform allowances currently provided to the Police Deputy Chief and Fire Deputy Chief. The cost for the proposed compensation practice modification is outlined below and funds are available in the current budget. Additional Salary: Fire Department $3,984.00 Police Department 614.00 TOTAL $4,598.00 �. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Downtown Downtown Parking Garage Parking Garage retail space. The Committee concurred with the staff Retail Space Construction recommendation to authorize the Mayor to proceed with the construction of retail space in the Renton Municipal Downtown Parking Garage at a cost not to exceed$500,000,and using funds available in the garage project budget. The administration will request Council authorization before signing the retail space change order. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner explained that the bid for the construction of the Downtown Parking Garage was lower than anticipated; therefore,there are funds left over for the construction of retail space. He noted that since some of the funding was obtained through the issuance of bonds,the funds must be used on Downtown Parking Garage project. Finance: 2002 Carry Forward Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the 2002 Carry Budget Adjustments Forward request to adjust the 2002 Budget. The Finance Committee reviewed the proposed budget carry forward amendments to the 2002 Budget on March 18, 2002. The amendments address 2001 projects,contracts,and other obligations approved by Council,but not completed by year-end. The Committee recommended approval of the ordinance appropriating from unexpended 2001 funds sufficient resources to complete these projects. The '� ordinance will increase the 2002 Budget by$4,400,213. 100 March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 106 The Committee is still deliberating the administration's proposed use of unallocated fund balance for an Aquatic Center, a Park Maintenance Facility, additional funding to reconstruct a replacement for the Pavilion Building, and funding to construct the Veteran's Memorial Park. The Committee will bring r forward its recommendation for these projects at a later date. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 107 for ordinance.) Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve agreements Transportation: Railroad with Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company(BNSF)for concrete Grade Crossing replacement of six railroad crossings throughout the City. Three crossings will Reconstruction,BNSF be replaced on SW 7th St.,one on Lind Ave. SW, one on Mill Ave. S. and one Railway Agreements on Bronson Way N. Asphalt approaches will be funded and constructed by the City's Maintenance Division. Of the$170,000 City portion,$139,000 will come from the approved Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)Railroad Crossing Safety Program (Fund 317), and$31,700 from the 317 fund balance to cover the project increase. The BNSF railroad contribution is approximately$198,657. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the six at-grade crossing improvement agreements. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: NE Sunset Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Blvd Signal Synchronization regarding the King County signal synchronization grant. The Committee Project,King County Grant recommended that Council approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement with King County for the signal WSW synchronization project on NE Sunset Blvd. between N. Park Dr. and Duvall Ave. NE. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 107 for resolution.) i Airport: US Customs Facility Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report (Temporary) regarding the temporary U.S. Customs Service building. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the placement of a temporary utility-type trailer at the Renton Airport at the site of the old restaurant or on the Northwest Seaplanes'leased property for use by the U.S. Customs Service. The Committee further authorized the expenditure of up to$25,000 for this activity. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner stated that the City will present the offer of a temporary building to the U.S. Customs Service,and if they find the offer unsatisfactory,he said that he will recommend to Council that the U.S. Customs Service leave the Renton Airport. Airport: Restrooms Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding Renton Airport restrooms. The Committee recommended that Council authorize: 1. The placement of one temporary restroom at the seaplane base and one temporary restroom near the control tower;and ...r 107 March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 107 2. City staff secure access to The Boeing Company's men's and women's restrooms located on Apron C. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Persson explained that public restrooms are not currently available for transient pilots who fly into the airport after hours. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3556 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: FlexPass interlocal cooperative agreement with King County and Sound Transit for the Program Contract,King sale of FlexPasses to City of Renton employees by King County. MOVED BY County(Metro) &Sound NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE Transit RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3557 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: NE Sunset agreement with King County for the City of Renton to receive a$50,000 grant Blvd Signal Synchronization for the NE Sunset Blvd. signal synchronization project. MOVED BY Project,King County Grant PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3558 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Solid Waste: Local Hazardous interlocal cooperative agreement entitled "Memorandum of Understanding on Waste Mgmt Program the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program for 2001 Activities." Contract Amend,Dept of MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT Public Health, CAG-95-060 THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/01/2002 for second and final reading: Finance: 2002 Carry Forward An ordinance was read appropriating funds from fund balance, increasing the Budget Adjustments expenditures in various funds and departments and increasing the 2002 Budget by$4,400,213. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/01/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4959 An ordinance was read vacating portions of Lyons Ave. NE between NE 2nd Vacation: Lyons Ave NE and NE 4th Streets (Petitioner: Conner Homes;VAC-01-004). MOVED BY between NE 2nd&4th Sts, KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Conner Homes (VAC-01-004) ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4960 An ordinance was read increasing the 2002 Gene Coulon Beach Park boat Community Services: Gene launch and parking fees for non-residents. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Coulon Park Boat Launch& SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Parking Fee Changes READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler thanked Senior Planner Gil Cerise for his Planning: Development efforts in assisting the Planning&Development Committee with the Regulations (Title 4) preparation of materials pertaining to the City Code Title 4 revisions. .r Revisions 108 Pae 108 March 25,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 72 MINUTES TO DISCUSS A POTENTIAL PROPERTY TRANSACTION. CARRIED. Time: 8:33 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:44 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers r present except Corman,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:45 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk. Recorder: Michele Neumann March 25,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 10 n Office of the City Clerk J COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 25, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON.,4/01 Emerging Issues in the Economic (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Development, Neighborhoods and *COUNCIL Strategic Planning Department CONFERENCE ROOM* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON.,4/01 Revised Agreement with Communities in (Corman) 6:00 p.m. Schools of Renton FINANCE (Parker) PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 110 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 1, 2002 now Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 25, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 3/19/2002 for CAG-02-034, East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Main Replacement; 13 bids; engineer's estimate $1,299,960.90; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder, CA Goodman Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of$937,501.86. Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity ..s with the bid. c. Community Services Department requests authorization to use up to $22,000 to bring the current power supply at Liberty Park up to code as needed for the Liberty Park Wood Pole and Light System Upgrade project (CAG-01-152). Council concur. d. Human Services Division submits request by Friends of Youth for$5,000 in General Funds for the first phase of the Griffin Home redevelopment and recommends that Friends of Youth use the existing process for funding human services and that Council act on the 2003 funding recommendations of the Human Services Advisory Committee for Friends of Youth in June 2002. Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of a supplement to the agreement with IBI Group, Inc., Transit Signal Priority System Project consulting services (CAG-01-098), in the amount of$48,080 due to changes in design requirements. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. ` f. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of Addendum#6 to LAG-88-001, Renton Airport lease with Bruce J. Leven,to document the existing use of a portion of the West Side Office Property which includes a fueling service. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. g. Transportation Systems Division requests approval of an operating permit and agreement with A- 1 Fueling Services, Inc. to allow the continuation of an existing fueling business at the Renton Airport and to provide other aviation-related services. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 1�1 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Revised Agreement with Communities in Schools of Renton 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for second and final reading: Carry Forward Ordinance (1st reading 3/25/2002) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:30 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department .o. • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 112 CITY COUNCIL April 1, 2002 City Clerk's Office Not Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Friends of Youth request for funds for Griffin Home redevelopment FINANCE CONIlVI=E Letter from Pat Darst re: the Renton Veterans Memorial Park Records requests from Inez Petersen re: budget and financial information TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMM TTEE Agreement supplement with IBI Group,Inc. for Transit Signal Priority System project Addendum#6 to Bruce Leven lease at Renton Airport Operating permit & agreement with A-1 Fueling Services at Renton Airport UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid award for East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Main Replacement Contract PUBLIC HEARING 4/22/2002 - City Code Title 4 (Development Regulations)revisions 113 RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting ..,, April 1,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DON PERSSON; KING PARKER;TERRI COUNCILMEMBERS BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN RANDY CORMAN. CARRIED. Councilman Corman arrived at 7:45 p.m. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: The Greater Renton Human Services Providers Network will host a Summer Activities for Kids brown bag lunch at the Community Center on Wednesday,April 10th, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The public is welcome to attend to learn more about programs and activities available for Renton children this summer. Thanks to the North Renton Neighborhood Association,two decorative planters located beside the entrance to the Renton Public Library now have an array of new flowers. Public Works has begun providing additional sidewalk cleaning services at the Downtown Transit Center in order to improve the appearance of the facility. Streets: S 180th St/SW 43rd St Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,reported Closure(Tukwila's Grade on the request by the City of Tukwila's contractor to close S. 180th St./SW 43rd Separation Project) St.by April 3rd, a month earlier than anticipated. He stated that the City wanted to complete the restoration work on Lind Ave. SW and to open Oakesdale Ave. SW prior to the street closure. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the reason Tukwila wanted to close the street a month earlier was due to significant work that needs to be completed by Puget Sound Energy and by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific railroad companies. After talking with the City of Tukwila and various businesses that will be affected by the street closure,Mr. Zimmerman indicated that a compromise has ..m been proposed to close S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. on April 15th. He noted that Lind Ave. SW will be open by that date, and Oakesdale Ave. SW is scheduled to be open for traffic the beginning of May. Mr. Zimmerman recommended that Council approve revising the street closure date to April 15th, and he stated 114 April 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 114 that a resolution amending the street closure date could be available at the next Council meeting. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CLOSURE OF S. 180TH ST./SW 43RD ST. ON APRIL rr 15,2002. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner noted the arrival of Councilman Corman at 7:45 p.m. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Darst, 2601 Edmonds Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, submitted a letter to Citizen Comment: Darst- Council and stated that he was the Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans Memorial Park (VFW)Post 1263 and the Chairperson for the Renton Veterans Memorial. He expressed his appreciation to the Mayor and Council for their support of the Veterans Memorial Park. Commending Renton for having the best parks system around,Mr.Darst said that VFW Post 1263 has contributed to the Veterans Memorial with great pride knowing that the Memorial will be well maintained. Stating that the subject of the Veterans Memorial Park is currently in the Finance Committee,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Petersen- Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N.#3,Renton, 98056,commented Request for Budget& on the City's budget balance and requested that citizens be informed of the true Financial Information extent of the debt for which the City is obligating the tax payers, and she also asked that citizens be informed of the true costs of proposed projects such as the swimming pool and Veterans Memorial Park. Stating that she had sent electronic letters to the City requesting budgetary information,Ms.Petersen requested the City's cooperation in providing her with the information. ..0 Councilman Parker explained that her request for information was referred to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk responded to Ms. Petersen and explained how and where the information could be obtained. Councilman Parker invited Ms.Petersen to attend the next Finance Committee meeting at which the year- end fund balance will be discussed. Stating that the State Open Records Law requires that records be made available to citizens when requested,Mayor Tanner explained,however,that the law does not require the City to perform statistical analysis. He pointed out that he receives numerous information requests from Ms. Petersen and expressed concern about the amount of staff time required to compile this type of information. Councilman Clawson moved that Council provide answers to Ms.Petersen's questions. The motion died for lack of a second. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington described one of Ms. Petersen's questions concerning City employee travel and conference expenses, and explained that the information is not available in the format she is requesting. Councilman Corman reported that Council is provided with executive summaries of cost projections; and information regarding the City's proposed projects is readily available. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler added that she recently met with Mr. Covington to discuss the City's proposed projects and said that he is working with staff to create a report which details the available .r options and the costs associated with the projects. 115 April 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 115 Councilman Clawson stated that he would like the Finance Committee to answer Ms. Petersen's questions if possible, and to also let her know if the information requested cannot be provided. �... MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of March 25, 2002. Council concur. March 25, 2002 CAG: 02-034, E Kennydale City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/19/2002 for CAG-02-034,East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Sanitary Sewer Infill and Water Main Replacement; 13 bids; engineer's Main Replacement, CA estimate$1,299,960.90; and submitted staff recommendation to award the Goodman Const Co contract to low bidder,C.A. Goodman Construction Co.,Inc., in the amount of $937,501.86. Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity with the bid. Community Services: Liberty Community Services Department requested authorization to use up to$22,000 Park Power Supply Upgrade to bring the current power supply at Liberty Park up to code as needed for the Liberty Park Wood Pole and Light System Upgrade project(CAG-01-152). Council concur. Human Services: Friends of Human Services Division submitted request by Friends of Youth for$5,000 in Youth Request for Funding, General Funds for the first phase of the Griffin Home redevelopment and Griffin Home recommended that Friends of Youth use the existing process for funding human services and that Council act on the 2003 funding recommendations of the +.�. Human Services Advisory Committee for Friends of Youth in June 2002. Refer to Community Services Committee. Transportation: Transit Signal Transportation Systems Division requested approval of a supplement to the Priority System Contract agreement with IBI Group,Inc.,Transit Signal Priority System project Addendum,IBI Group consulting services (CAG-01-098), in the amount of$48,080 due to changes in design requirements. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Airport: Bruce Leven Lease Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum#6 to Addendum#6 (LAG-88-001) LAG-88-001,Renton Airport lease with Bruce J.Leven, to document the existing use of a portion of the West Side Office Property which includes a fueling service. Refer to Transportation(Aviation) Committee. Airport: A-1 Fueling Services Transportation Systems Division requested approval of an operating permit and Operating Permit& agreement with A-1 Fueling Services,Inc. to allow the continuation of an Agreement existing fueling business at Renton Airport and to provide other aviation-related services. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Community Services revised agreement with Communities in Schools of Renton. The Committee Committee reviewed the administration's proposed revisions to the contractual agreement Executive: Communities in between the City, Community in Schools of Renton(CISR), and the Renton Schools of Renton Contract School District. Changes in the way the City of Renton provides services to low CISR have necessitated revisions to this agreement. These changes reflect the fact that the City is no longer providing in-kind services of fiscal agent and April 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 116 payroll services. The agreement also reflects the recently signed lease agreement between CISR and the City for office space at City Hall. The Committee recommended that the City Council authorize the revised agreement between the City of Renton,the Renton School District, and CISR, NOW which clarifies the financial and in-kind support the City provides to CISR. Further,the Committee recommended that the City Council appropriate$5,000 from unallocated fund balance to help offset the loss of a key grant to CISR for 2002. The total amount provided to CISR for 2002 will be$40,500($35,500 for the agreement, and$5,000 as a grant offset.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Traffic & Councilman Persson asked for investigation of contractor obligations for Signage Problems on S 7th St signage and traffic control on S. 7th St., as well as related parking problems on due to Construction the 500 block of Morris Ave. S. due to construction work being done. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and RESOLUTIONS adoption: Ordinance#4961 An ordinance was read appropriating funds from fund balance, increasing the Finance: 2002 Carry Forward expenditures in various funds and departments and increasing the 2002 Budget Budget Adjustments by$4,400,213.* Councilman Clawson pointed out that this ordinance authorizes funds not spent in 2001 to be moved forward to 2002. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. mom ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:12 p.m. BONNIE 1.WALTON,Cite Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 1,2002 mom CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 117 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 04/08 Comprehensive Plan Update—Vision (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Section COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 04/08 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Year-End Fund Balance; Inez Petersen Letter Requesting Financial Information PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT THURS., 04/04 Modification to Maximum Fence Height (Keolker-Wheeler) 1:45 p.m. Regulations; City Code Title IV—Docket and Cluster Provisions; 120-Day Permit Process PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 04/08 Police Department Staffing; (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. 800 MHz Radios TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 04/04 Bruce Leven Airport Lease Addendum; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. A-1 Fueling Services Airport Operating Permit; I-405 Corridor Program—Concurrence Point#3 (briefing only); IBI Supplemental Agreement for Transit Signal Priority System Project; Sound Transit Update (briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 04/04 Cedar River Spawning Channel (Briere) 3:30 p.m. Replacement; East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill & Water Main Replacement Bid Award NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 8, 2002 VMW Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. School District Presentation on School Bond Issue b. King County Special Assault Resource Center(KSARC)Recognition of Renton Community Recognition Awards 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 1, 2002. Council concur. b. Development Services Division recommends approval of the Liberty Ridge Phase 3 Final Plat; 38 single-family lots on 9.1 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave. NE and NE 3rd/4th Sts. (FP-02-007). Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) c. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends approval of the 2001 annual update to the City's Zoning book and Wall Map. (See 9.a. for ordinance). Council concur. d. Legal Division recommends adopting portions of the criminal code of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) to Renton's City Code, Section 6-10-1. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Transportation Systems Division recommends a four-day temporary closure from April 15 to April 18, 2002, of Oakesdale Ave. SW between SW 16th St. to SW 27th St.; and SW 27th St. between Oakesdale Ave. SW and Lind Ave. SW for reconstruction of the intersection. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) f. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of the 2002-2003 Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Interlocal Agreement with King County which provides for$103,650 in funding to implement Special Recycling Events, a Business Recycling Program and the Natural Yard Care program. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. ,.. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Year-End Fund Balance b. Planning &Development Committee: Modification to Maximum Fence Height Regulations; 120-Day Permit Process* (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 119 c. Public Safety Committee: Police Department Staffing; 800 MHz Radios d. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Bruce Levin Airport Lease Addendum; A-1 Fueling Services Airport Operating Permit; IBI Supplemental Agreement for Transit Signal Priority System Project e. Utilities Committee: Cedar River Spawning Channel Replacement;East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Main Replacement Bid Award 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Liberty Ridge Phase 3 Final Plat(See 6.b.) b. Temporary closure of Oakesdale Ave. SW (See 6.e.) c. Temporary closure of S. 180th/SW 43rd St. starting 4/15/2002 (authorized by Council on 4/1/2002) Ordinances for first reading: a. 2001 amendments to the zoning classifications of properties (see 6.c.) b. 120-day permit process (see 8.b.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT CONIlV=E OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Comprehensive Land Update—Vision Section • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 120 CITY COUNCIL April 8, 2002 City,Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Send letter to King County Councilmembers re: use of Tydico Const. Co. property located in King County Issue bonds to finance the construction of Fire Station#12 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Veterans Memorial Park and swimming pool funding FINANCE C0MMrI7EE Suburban Cities Association By-Laws MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute Addendum#6 to Bruce Leven airport lease Execute operating permit & agreement with A-1 Fuel Services at Renton Airport Execute agreement supplement with IBI Group, Inc. for Transit Signal Priority System project PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Adoption of portions of the RCW criminal code to the Renton City Code UTILITIES COMMITTEE Interlocal agreement for 2002-2003 waste reduction and recycling grant from King County Letter from Ethan A. Bowen re: Parkway Townhomes plumbing problems ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 2001 amendments to the zoning classifications of properties (1st reading 4/8/2002) MEMO PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/22/2002—City Code Title 4 (Development Regulations) revisions 5/06/2002—Maximum Residential Fence Height Regulations 121 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting r.. April 8, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;LAWRENCE J. WARREN; City Attorney;BONNIE ATTENDANCE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. SPECIAL Renton School District Superintendent Dr. Dolores Gibbons announced that the PRESENTATIONS Renton School District school construction bond election will be held on April School District: School 23,2002. She stated that this measure is the same as was presented to voters in Construction Bond Election, February; however, it failed to reach the 60 percent supermajority needed to April 23, 2002 pass. Dr. Gibbons explained that in the late 1980s, a 20-year goal was established to remodel or rebuild all of the buildings in the school district. Reviewing what has been accomplished and what is being accomplished during phase I and phase II of the 20-year facilities plan, she stated that the upcoming election represents phase III, and she detailed the proposed upgrades and ... improvements planned for phase III. Continuing,Dr. Gibbons stated that the capital bond measure on the ballot for April 23rd is a 20-year bond proposal in the amount of$155,000,000. She explained that the school improvements will be paid for with a minimal tax rate increase beginning 2003 of 50 cents per$1,000 of assessed property value. If the bond measure is passed,the total tax rate, including this bond,existing bonds and the recent voter approved levy, will be$3.89 per$1,000 of assessed value. Dr. Gibbons concluded by saying that additional information about the bond measure can be obtained by contacting the school district or by visiting its website at www.renton.wednet.edu. Council President Nelson commented that the new schools are wonderful and the students are proud of them. Councilman Parker added that a community is measured in part by its schools, and the schools exemplify the City's economic development activities. Human Services: King County Lindsey Anne Palmer,Director of Education for the King County Sexual Sexual Assault Resource Assault Resource Center(KCSARC),read a proclamation by the State of Center(KCSARC) Washington declaring the week of April 7-13,2002, as Sexual Assault Awareness Week. Ms. Palmer expressed her appreciation to individuals in the community who help support KCSARC,and she acknowledged the assistance provided by the Renton business community for providing meeting space to KCSARC over the years. In conclusion,Ms.Palmer recognized the following for their generous support: Renton Community Center,Renton Historical .� Museum,Wells Street Cafe, and Silver Cloud Inn. ADMINISTRATIVE Derek Todd,Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written REPORT administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and 122 April 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 122 work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Parks Department received the 2001 Blue Ribbon Trail of the Year award and plaque from the Washington Water Trails Association in recognition of excellence in the development and management of water trails. • The City has received notice from The Boeing Company terminating portions of the Apron C Boeing Lease at the Renton Airport,effective May 1, 2002,which consist of approximately 250,000 square feet. The area will revert to the control of the City of Renton. AUDIENCE COMMENT Inez Petersen,3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N.#2,Renton, 98056,thanked the Citizen Comment: Petersen— Finance Committee for their assistance in clarifying how she can obtain the Request for Budget& budget and financial information she requested. She also asked Council to Financial Information consider the construction of an indoor swimming pool, similar to the Bellevue Aquatic Center, so that families can swim all year long. Citizen Comment: Darst— Pat Darst, 2601 Edmonds Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, said he attended the Veterans Memorial Park Finance Committee at which funding for the Renton Veterans Memorial was discussed. He indicated that discussion included: the possibility of waiting a couple of years to build the memorial,and obtaining more money for the memorial from businesses. In response,Mr.Darst described the efforts he has made in obtaining contributions for the memorial and detailed the amounts received so far from various businesses. Stating that he is proud to be a veteran,he emphasized the importance of recognizing veterans in this manner and explained how veterans have contributed to the country. Having reached the end of his five-minute comment period,the Council agreed to allow Mr.Darst five more minutes to speak. Comparing the memorial's design to the memorial erected in the City of Auburn,Mr. Darst explained that because of the design,the Renton memorial should encounter little if any vandalism, and should not cost the City very much to maintain. In conclusion,Mr.Darst urged Council to use the City's budget surplus to fund the Veterans Memorial. Councilman Clawson commented that there are a number of projects being proposed,and the City is currently in the process of determining how to use the budget balance. He stated that the amount needed to complete the memorial is substantial,and he wants to make sure that the City spends the surplus funds wisely. Mr. Clawson expressed his support for the project and noted that,the City has already provided the land for the memorial. Citizen Comment: Almeda— Carlos Almeda, 815 S. 195th St.,Des Moines,98148, identified himself as the Veterans Memorial Park District 11 Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and a member of the Renton VFW Post 1263. Mr. Almeda requested that the City support the completion of the Veterans Memorial, saying that the memorial honors all past, present and future men and women of the armed forces. Councilman Corman stated that the Council has been studying this project and indicated that he is confident that the City will find a way to complete it. ' Council President Nelson also expressed her support for the memorial and emphasized that the memorial will be completed. •�..• April 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 123 123 Citizen Comment: Keesy— Lester Keesy,past Commander of VFW 1965/1966, 12664 SE 169th Pl., Veterans Memorial Park Renton, 98058,acknowledged the Council's support of the memorial and stated that he is a member of the Honor Guard which is proud to serve City of Renton �..• and the surrounding community. Councilman Clawson reported that Council was informed during budget deliberations last fall that there was not enough money to adequately staff the Police Department. He expressed his concern about the lack of staffing and hoped that there would be enough money to fund basic public services as well as the memorial. Acknowledging the importance of further discussion on these issues, Councilman Corman stated that he was Public Safety Committee Chair last year and indicated that he believes that there is adequate funding to provide for public safety. Mayor Tanner stated for the record that Renton is one of a few cities in the Puget Sound Region that has not cut services to its citizens. Advancement to Finance MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND Committee Report THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that the Finance: Veterans Memorial matter of funding for the Veterans Memorial Park and the swimming pool be Park&Swimming Pool referred to the Committee of the Whole and that Committee of the Whole Funding establish a time to discuss the swimming pool and Veterans Memorial Park funding. The Committee further recommended that at the Committee of the Whole meeting,the Council establish time to take informal public comment about these two proposed projects. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY �...� PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND SET THE DATE TO DISCUSS THE MATTER AT THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING ON APRIL 22, 2002,AT 6:00 P.M. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 1, 2002. Council concur. April 1,2002 Plat: Liberty Ridge Phase 3, Development Services Division recommended approval of the Liberty Ridge Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-007) Phase 3 Final Plat; 38 single-family lots on 9.1 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave.NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets(FP-02-007). Council concur. (See page 126 for resolution.) Planning: 2001 Annual Update Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department of the Zoning Book&Wall recommended approval of the 2001 annual amendments to the City's Zoning Map Book and Wall Map.,,(See page 126 for ordinance.) (ik iU( (�crGISr Police: Criminal Code Legal Division recommended adopting portions of the criminal code of the Adoption from RCW Revised Code of Washington(RCW)to Section 6-10-1 of the Renton City Code. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Streets: Oakesdale Ave SW Transportation Systems Division recommended a four-day temporary closure Temporary Street Closure from April 15 to April 18,2002,of Oakesdale Ave. SW between SW 16th St. to SW 27th St.; and SW 27th St.between Oakesdale Ave. SW and Lind Ave. SW ,..� for reconstruction of the intersection. Council concur. (See page 126 for resolution.) 124 Page 124 April 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g Solid Waste: 2002-2003 Waste Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the 2002-2003 Waste Reduction&Recycling Grant Reduction and Recycling Grant Interlocal Agreement with King County which Agreement,King County provides for$103,650 in funding to implement Special Recycling Events, a Business Recycling Program and the Natural Yard Care Program. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Ethan A.Bowen,Parkway Townhomes CORRESPONDENCE Homeowners Association Secretary,4708-B NE 18th Pl.,Renton, 98059, Citizen Comment: Bowen— describing excessive corrosion and premature failure of the plumbing for hot Parkway Townhomes water heaters at Parkway Townhomes allegedly due to the quality of Renton's Plumbing Problems water. Mr. Bowen recommended that the plumbing code be revised or the quality of the water be improved,and requested Council attention to the matter. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Gullekson— An electronic letter was read from Ed and Sandy Gullekson, 111 Bremerton Pl. Use of Property Owned by NE,Renton, 98059,requesting assistance with the use of property owned by struction Company and located in King County. The letter states Tydico Const Co Tydico Con that neighboring residents are subjected to excessive noise due to the dumping of unknown materials on the property, and they expressed concern that underground fuel tanks located on the property may be leaking into an adjacent stream bed. The Gullekson's requested that an injunction be filed against Tydico to stop their business activities. Councilman Persson stated that this has been an ongoing problem, and pointed out that the affected homeowners are Renton residents while the Tydico a..r property is located in King County. He recommended that the City Attorney write a letter to the King County Prosecuting Attorney to encourage him to take legal action against Tydico. City Attorney Larry Warren said that he would write a letter,but expressed concern that it may not be very effective. Mayor Tanner stated that King County has cited Tydico,but Tydico is ignoring the citation. He agreed that although sending a letter may not be very effective, it would not hurt, and recommended that the Gullekson's letter be sent to all King County Councilmembers with a cover letter from the City of Renton. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO FORWARD THE CORRESPONDENCE ALONG WITH A COVER LETTER FROM THE CITY SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO THE KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE AND COUNCILMEMBERS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 202603—203052 and two wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $2,470,916.48; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 37277—37515,one wire transfer and 548 direct deposits totaling$1,674,697.79. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Fire Station#12 Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that City Construction Bond Issuance Council authorize the administration to issue bonds to finance the construction of Fire Station#12. The amount of the bonds to be issued will be based upon requirements of the project and an amount determined from the fire mitigation 125 April 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 125 fund. Further,the debt service for the bonds will be paid from future fire mitigation fees and revenues.* Councilman Parker pointed out that the bonds will be paid,not from the general fund,but from the fire mitigation fund which are funds collected from development. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council authorize Airport: Bruce Leven Lease the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum#06-02 to LAG-88-001, Addendum#6 (LAG-88-001) Renton Airport lease with Bruce J. Leven, to document the existing use of a portion of the West Side Office Property. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: A-1 Fuel Services Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Operating Permit& recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve a Agreement ten-year operating permit and agreement for A-1 Fuel Services, Inc.,for the continuation of an existing fueling business,and to provide other aviation- related services at the Renton Airport. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the operating permit and agreement. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Transit Signal Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Priority System Contract recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into Addendum,IBI Group the supplemental agreement with IBI Group,Inc. for professional consulting services for the Transit Signal Priority System Project(CAG-01-098). The supplemental agreement in the amount of$48,080 is for professional design services, which were not included in the original contract. The funding will come from the approved Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) Transit Priority Signal System(Fund 317)and$3,965 paid by the Utilities Division. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding maximum residential fence height regulations. The Committee Development Services: Fence met to review and discuss potential revisions to the maximum residential fence Height Regulations height regulations established in Title 4(Development Regulations). Currently,City Code limits the height of residential fences to a maximum of four feet when located adjacent to a public street. The Committee recommended that staff explore options that would allow for flexibility within the fence height regulations. The options explored should take into consideration visual safety concerns. The Committee also recommended that the Council be directed to schedule a public hearing to discuss the fence code amendments on May 6,2002. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler encouraged citizens who have concerns about the visual safety issues related to fence height to attend the public hearing and express their opinions. 12s April 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 126 Public Safety: 800-MHz Councilman Clawson reported that the issues of the 800-MHz radios and Police Radios &Police Department Department staffing are still being discussed by the Public Safety Committee. Staffing ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3559 A resolution was read approving the Liberty Ridge Phase 3 Final Plat; Plat: Liberty Ridge Phase 3, approximately 9.1 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave. NE and NE Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-007) 3rd and 4th Streets(FP-02-007). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3560 A resolution was read authorizing a four-day temporary closure of Oakesdale Streets: Oakesdale Ave SW Ave. SW between SW 16th St. and SW 27th St.; and SW 27th St.between Temporary Street Closure Oakesdale Ave. SW and Lind Ave. SW for reconstruction of the intersection of SW 27th St. and Oakesdale Ave. SW. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3561 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of S. 180th St./SW Streets: S 180th St/SW 43rd St 43rd St. for a period of 12 months starting on April 15,2002,during the grade Closure (Tukwila's Grade separation project by the City of Tukwila. MOVED BY NELSON, Separation Project) SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The follow ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/15/2002 for second and final reading: Planning: 2001 Annual Update An ordinance was read adopting the 2001 amendments to the zoning of the Zoning Book&Wall classifications of properties located within the City of Renton. MOVED BY Map KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/15/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, SCA: By-Laws COUNCIL REFER THE TOPIC OF THE SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION BY-LAWS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:40 p.m. BONNIE I..WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 8,2002 r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 127 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 8,2002 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 04/15 lst Quarter Financial Report (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 04/15 Request for$5,000 for Friends of Youth (Corman) 6:00 p.m. FINANCE MON., 04/15 Suburban Cities Association Bi-Laws (Parker) 5:30 p.m. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 128 AGENDA PENTON CITY COUNCIL *REVISED* REGULAR MEETING April 15, 2002 wow Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Police Department Recognition 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer,please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 8, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Reservoir Short Plat (SHP-01-169); seven single-family lots on 1.21 acres located at the northeast corner of NW 3rd Now Ct. and 84th Ave. S. Appeal filed by Deborah Gregor on 3/19/2002, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by Council shall be based solely on the record,the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). * c. Community Services Department recommends approval to allocate the unforcasted revenue in the amount of$15,866 from Ivar's Seafood Bar(as per Ivar's contract with the City) for power upgrades for the Clam Lights Festival held at Gene Coulon Beach Park. Council concur. d. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Edmonds Final Plat; 16 single-family lots on 1.78 acres located at Edmonds Ave. NE and NE 12th St. (FP-02- 023). Council concur. (See 9. for resolution.) e. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submits recommendations for 2002 Neighborhood Grants. Total project budget amount is $50,000. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Honeybrooke Phase H Preliminary Plat; ten single-family lots on approximately 2.5 acres located at 5300 and 5308 NE 4th St. (PP-01-171). Council concur. g. Utility Systems Division requests approval of final costs for 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District for sanitary sewer service; vicinity of 80th Ave. S., S. 130th St. and S. Langston Rd. (SAD-01-002). Refer to Utilities Committee. h. Utility Systems Division recommends approval to transfer$100,000 of the 2002 Water Utility Capital Improvement Project funds from the reservoir recoating budget to the telemetry improvement budget in order to complete the replacement of the Uniface portion of the City's drinking water supervisory, control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Refer to Utilities Committee. ... (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 129 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Marilyn Rogers, 1709 Jones Dr. SE,Renton, 98055, stating that the proposed plan for the swimming pool is too elaborate and suggested that constructing a simple swimming pool would be a better use of the City's excess funds. Ms. Rogers also suggested that the excess funds be used to fund a police officer to patrol the Rolling Hills neighborhood. b. Letter from Frederick R. Brown,D.D.S,P.S., 1080 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, urging Council to hire an additional police officer as well as needed support staff. Refer to Public Safety Committee. c. Letter from Deidre and Allen Skinner, 12823 84th Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, supporting the appeal filed by Deborah Gregor of the Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169). The Skinners expressed concern that residential traffic will increase as a result of the density of the proposed development. Refer to Planning_&Development Committee. (See agenda item 6.b.) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Suburban Cities Association By-Laws b. Community Services Committee: Request for$5,000 for Friends of Youth 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Edmonds Final Plat (see 6.d.) Ordinance for second and final reading: 2001 amendments to the zoning classifications of properties (1st reading 4/8/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. 1st Quarter Financial Report • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 130 CITY COUNCIL April 15, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 2002 Neighborhood Grant Program recommendations COMMIITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Marilyn Rogers re: swimming pool and Police Department staffing Letter from Frederick R. Brown re: Police Department Staffing Letter from Ruth E. Shilling re: year-end fund balance Electronic letters from various parties expressing support and opposition to the proposed swimming pool MAYOR &COUNCIL PRESIDENT Send letter to Suburban Cities Association re: proposed bylaws PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision re: Reservoir Short Plat filed by Deborah Gregor Letter from Deidre &Allen Skinner re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal UTILITIES COMMITTEE 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District ... Fund transfer within 2002 Water Utility CIP to complete Uniface portion of SCADA system maw PUBLIC HEARINGS 4/22/2002—City Code Title 4 (Development Regulations) revisions 5/06/2002—Maximum Residential Fence Height Regulations 131 RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting April 15,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE AND KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk;GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; GERALD RERECICH,Recreation Manager;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,DEPUTY CHIEF JOSEPH PEACH, COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,and COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Chief of Police Garry Anderson awarded the Meritorious Service Medal to Police: Meritorious Award to Sergeant David Leibman. Chief Anderson described Sergeant Leibman's Sergeant David Leibman service to the City of Renton which includes being a field training officer and a trainer of trainers at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Academy. In addition to his field officer training duties, Sergeant Leibman has been an emergency driving instructor and a hostage negotiator/crisis communicator. Sergeant Leibman accepted the medal and stated that field training was the most challenging and rewarding aspect of his career thus far. He expressed his appreciation for being honored for his contributions to the Police Department and acknowledged the efforts of the officers involved with the field training program. ADMINISTRATIVE Derek Todd,Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written REPORT administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • A new edition of CityView is now airing on Cable Channel 21. The magazine-type program features information about activities at the Renton Senior Activity Center; special events hosted for kids; and High School Electives. Previous editions of CityView can be checked out at the Renton Public Library. • The new automated pay box system at the Gene Coulon Beach Park boat launch should be installed and operating by May 1st. The new box will take cash and credit cards for boat launch and parking fees. • Weather permitting, street grinding and asphalt overlay paving will begin Tuesday,April 16th,for South Renton streets that were excavated last year for utility installation, including Wells and Williams Avenues S. Police: Hardie Ave NW Councilman Clawson requested traffic enforcement on Hardie Ave. NW. Traffic Enforcement 152 April 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 132 Community Services: Gene Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the status of repairing Coulon Park Boat Launch, the Gene Coulon Beach Park boat launch ramp damaged by the Nisqually Earthquake Damage Repairs earthquake,Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd explained that the City is still waiting for a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. now AUDIENCE COMMENT Ted Taylor, 1104 Shelton Ave. NE,Renton, 98056,congratulated the City on Citizen Comment: Taylor— its beautification efforts,and stated that the Veterans Memorial is another Veterans Memorial Park beautification effort that he hopes to see completed by Veteran's Day, November 11,2002. He pointed out that November 11th would be an ideal time to have a ceremony at the new Renton Veterans Memorial. Citizen Comment: Rosemary Quesenberry,3609 SE 18th Ct.,Renton, 98058,thanked Mayor Quesenberry—Police Tanner for his determination and leadership regarding the matter of Police Department Staffing Department staffing. She read from a letter she received from Mayor Tanner in which he stated that two additional police positions are needed in the Police Department, and that he intends to submit a request to the Council to increase the staff authorization for the Police Department by two positions. Stating that the topic of Police Department staffing is being discussed by the Public Safety Committee, Councilman Clawson commented that the Mayor's recommendation to increase staff is appreciated. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 8,2002. Council concur. April 8,2002 Appeal: Reservoir Short Plat, City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169); seven single-family lots on 1.21 acres located at the northeast corner of NW 3rd Ct. and 84th Ave. S. Appeal filed by Deborah Gregor on 3/19/2002, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. (See page 133 for related correspondence.) Community Services: Ivars Community Services Department recommended approval to allocate the Contract Unforecasted unforecasted revenue in the amount of$15,866 from Ivar's Seafood Bar(as per Revenue Allocation, Clam Ivar s contract with the City)for power upgrades for the Clam Lights Festival Lights held at Gene Coulon Beach Park. Council concur. Plat: Edmonds,Edmonds Ave Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the NE&NE 12th St(FP-02-023) Edmonds Final Plat; 16 single-family lots on 1.78 acres located at Edmonds e Ave. NE and NE 12th St. (FP-02-023). Council concur. (See page 134 for resolution.) EDNSP: 2002 Neighborhood Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Grant Program submitted recommendations for 2002 Neighborhood Grants. Total project budget amount is$50,000. Refer to Community Services Committee. Plat: Honeybrooke Phase It, Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions,of the NE 4th St(PP-01-171) Honeybrooke Phase lI Preliminary Plat;ten single-family lots on approximately 2.5 acres located at 5300 and 5308 NE 4th St. (PP-01-171). Council concur. Special Assessment District: Utility Systems Division requested approval of final costs for 80th Ave. S. 80th Ave S Special Assessment District for sanitary sewer service; vicinity of 80th Ave. S., S. 130th St. and S.Langston Rd. (SAD-01-002). Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: 2002 CIP Fund Utility Systems Division recommended approval to transfer$100,000 of the Transfer, SCADA System 2002 Water Utility Capital Improvement Project(CIP)funds from the reservoir 133 April 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 133 recoating budget to the telemetry improvement budget in order to complete the replacement of the Uniface portion of the City's drinking water supervisory, control and data acquisition(SCADA) system. Refer to Utilities Committee. �.. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Marilyn Rogers, 1709 Jones Dr. SE,Renton, Citizen Comment: Rogers— 98055, stating that the proposed plan for the swimming pool is too elaborate, Year-End Fund Balance Use and suggesting that construction of a simple swimming pool would be a better use of the City's year-end fund balance. Ms. Rogers also suggested that the excess funds be used to fund a police officer to patrol the Rolling Hills neighborhood. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Councilman Corman stated that a swimming pool study conducted in 1997 indicated that pool usage would increase with the addition of a wave machine and a slide. He asked that copies of the study be available for citizen review at the April 22nd Committee of the Whole meeting at which the proposed uses for the year-end fund balance will be discussed. Citizen Comment: Brown— Correspondence was read from Frederick R. Brown,D.D.S.,P.S., 1080 Police Department Staffing Kirkland Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, urging Council to hire an additional police officer as well as needed support staff. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Skinner— Correspondence was read from Deidre and Allen Skinner, 12823 84th Ave. S., Reservoir Short Plat Appeal Seattle, 98178, supporting the appeal filed by Deborah Gregor of the Reservoir (SHP-01-169) Short Plat(SHP-01-169). The Skinners expressed concern that residential traffic will increase as a result of the density of the proposed development. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Ruth E. Shilling,247 Pelly Ave. N.,Renton, Citizen Comment: Shilling— 98055, suggesting that instead of spending the year-end fund balance right now, Year-End Fund Balance Use the City should wait until the current economic situation becomes more clear. MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Various— The following electronic letters were read into the record in support of the Swimming Pool proposed swimming pool in Renton: Kim Browne, 1003 N. 28th Pl.,Renton, 98056;Ron and Tracy Bundy, 1167 N. 27th Pl.,Renton, 98056;Jennifer Douwes, 2211 NE 23rd St.,Renton,98056;Mark Johnson, 316 Renton Ave. S., Renton, 98055; Carin Moore, 15741 142nd Pl. SE,Renton,98058; Ofsthus Family,4221 NE 24th St.,Renton,98059; Carol Ryckman(no address given); and Tom Wallin, 1908 Vashon Ct. NE,Renton,98059. The following electronic letters were read into the record in opposition to the proposed swimming pool in Renton: Brian Johnson, 14509 SE 167th St., Renton, 98058;David Moosbrugger, 565 Anacortes Ave. NE,#104,Renton, .�.. 98059; and Charles Thomas,4408 NE 11th St.,Renton, 98059. 134 April 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 134 MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Councilman Corman said that a common theme among citizens who stated their positions regarding the proposed pool, is the issue of operating costs. He stressed that the pool design is such that the user fees will pay for the operating costs; and this will be accomplished,not by charging a high admission cost,but by attracting a large number of users. Mayor Tanner agreed that the proposed design will attract a large number of users and the City's subsidy to the pool would be much reduced. He pointed out that most pools have to be subsidized because they do not pay for themselves,just as most parks are subsidized by the general taxpayers. Councilman Clawson stated that according to a survey conducted in November, 2001,by the Community Services Department,citizens are also interested in the construction of an indoor pool; therefore, he recommended that the issue regarding an indoor versus an outdoor pool also be addressed. In addition,he requested that a summarized version of the survey results be made available for review,and that a cost estimate for a covered pool be prepared. Council Parker stated that he supports the pool design as developed in 1997, which includes a variety of amenities such as a lap pool and a wading pool. He emphasized that the amenities will increase the usage of the pool. Council President Nelson also expressed her support for an outside family pool, and she noted that there are already two indoor pools located in Renton at Lindbergh and Hazen High Schools. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the NEW Community Services request by Friends of Youth for$5,000 for the Griffin Home redevelopment. Committee The Committee supported the staff recommendation that Friends of Youth use Human Services: Friends of the existing process for funding human services,and that Council act on the Youth Request for Funding, 2003 funding recommendation of the Human Services Advisory Committee for Griffin Home Friends of Youth in June, 2002. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Suburban SCA: Bylaws Cities Association(SCA)proposed bylaws. The Committee recommended that the Renton City Council authorize the Mayor to approve on behalf of the City of Renton the proposed SCA Bylaws,as presented in the March 29,2002, correspondence received from SCA. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and Council President be authorized to send a letter to SCA identifying seven areas that should be addressed through policies and procedures, or through subsequent amendments,in order to clarify the intent of i the bylaws and the organization. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3562 A resolution was read approving the Edmonds Final Plat consisting of Plat: Edmonds,Edmonds Ave approximately 1.78 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave.NE and NE BMW NE&NE 12th St(FP-02-023) 12th St. (FP-02-023). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. April 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 135 135 The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4962 An ordinance was read adopting the 2001 amendments to the zoning Planning: 2001 Annual Update classifications of properties located within the City of Renton. MOVED BY of the Zoning Book&Wall NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Map ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Persson commented that traffic seems to be running smoothly now Streets: S 180th St/SW 43rd St that S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. has closed; however,he noted that the detour Closure(Tukwila's Grade signs placed as a result of the closure do not display the business logos. Separation Project) Responding to Mayor Tanner's inquiry regarding when Oakesdale Ave. SW will open,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that Oakesdale Ave. SW will open for traffic by May lst, weather permitting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:20 p.m. BONNIE I. 1lll'ALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 15,2002 irr CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 136 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 15,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 04/22 Proposed Use of Year-End Fund Balance (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. (includes public comment period) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 04/22 Vouchers (Parker) 4:30 p.m. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) .o. PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 04/22 Fire Department Records Management (Clawson) 5:00 p.m. System; Adopting Portions of the Criminal Code of the RCW; Police Staffing TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 04/18 U.S. Customs Facility at Renton Airport; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Alleys and Alley Maintenance UTILITIES (Briere) i .rr t NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room r unless otherwise noted. 137 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL *REVISED* REGULAR MEETING April 22, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATIONS: a. Renton Youth Day—April 27, 2002 b. Renton School District Teacher Appreciation Week—May 5 to May 11, 2002 * 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. 2002 Legislative Report (Representative Fred Jarrett) b. I-405 Corridor Concurrence Point#3 c. Sound Transit—Regional Express Projects 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed 2001 Title 4 (Development Regulations) Revisions to Zoning Interpretations,Use Table, Use Notes, and Related City Code Amendments 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer,please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 15, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner reappoints Catherine Corman, 2216 Harrington Pl. NE, Renton 98056, to the Library Board for a five-year term expiring on 6/01/2007. Council concur. c. Human Services Division requests approval to change from a one-year funding cycle to a two- year funding cycle for General Fund programs. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of Addendum#3 to CAG-99-180, contract with Cascadia Consulting Group, Inc.,in the amount of$62,000 to continue the Green Garden Program activities for 2002-2003. Refer to Utilities Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) b. Public Safety Committee: Adopting portions of the Criminal Code of the RCW* c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: U.S. Customs Facility at Renton Airport; Alleys and Alley Maintenance 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS now Ordinance for first reading: Adopting portions of the Criminal Code of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) (see 10.b.) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT meow COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Proposed Use of Year-End Fund Balance (includes public comment period) mow • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 139 RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMM=E OF THE WHOLE +... April 22, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 6:00 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall COUNCILMEMBERS TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; PRESENT KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON,City ATTENDANCE Clerk;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director;DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance &Information Services Administrator;PAUL KUSAKABE,Fiscal Services Director; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Director;ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO. CALL TO ORDER Council President Nelson called the Renton City Council Committee of the Whole meeting to order for the purpose of discussing the subject of the year- end fund balance use. Ms.Nelson explained that this is a unique situation and audience comment is not normally allowed at Committee of the Whole meetings. She announced that audience comment would be taken at the beginning of the meeting with Council discussion to follow. CORRESPONDENCE At the request of Councilman Corman an electronic letter was read into the +•W Citizen Comment: Clawson— record from Councilman Clawson,which he sent to Councilmembers Keolker- Year-End Fund Balance Use Wheeler,Persson and Briere,regarding the proposed outdoor pool. In his letter,Mr. Clawson stated that the City should consider constructing a pool that can be used year round,possibly with a retractable roof. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans,3306 NE 11th Pl.,Renton, 98056, suggested that the fund balance Citizen Comment: Evans— be used to pay down the City's bonded indebtedness, and perhaps some of the Year-End Fund Balance Use surplus money could be used towards the Veterans Memorial. Citizen Comment: Richter— Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave.N.,Renton, 98055, suggested that the Year-End Fund Balance Use surplus funds be used,first,to fund the Veterans Memorial, and then the rest be spent on the swimming pool. Citizen Comment: Taylor— Ted Taylor, 1104 Shelton Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, encouraged Council to use Year-End Fund Balance Use the surplus funds on the Veterans Memorial Park. Citizen Comment: Petersen— Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N.,#2,Renton,98056, stated that Year-End Fund Balance Use the City should not go forward with building a pool without further study. She recommended that Council seriously consider supporting a pool that can be used all year long. Citizen Comment: Darst— Pat Darst,2601 Edmonds Ave.NE, Renton, 98056,urged Council to use the Year-End Fund Balance Use City's excess funds on the Veterans Memorial. Citizen Comment: Goltiani— Debra Goltiani, 811 Jones Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, stated that building a Year-End Fund Balance Use swimming pool would be an excellent use for the surplus funds. r. 1 �0 April 22,2002 Renton Committee of the Whole Minutes Page 140 Citizen Comment: Amir Fakharzadeh, 1003 N. 5th St.,Renton, 98055,urged Council to use the Fakharzadeh—Year-End Fund excess funds to build an outdoor swimming pool and name it after former Balance Use Community Services Administrator, Sam Chastain. He also stated his support for the demolition of the Pavilion Building and suggested constructing Nwo something else in its place that would benefit Renton. Citizen Comment: Slaney— John Slaney,23519 SE 282nd Pl.,Maple Valley,98038, stated that he is a Year-End Fund Balance Use former resident of Renton and a current City of Renton employee. He expressed his support for using the fund balance on the Veterans Memorial. Citizen Comment: Thibodeaux Aimee Thibodeaux, 1000 High Ave. S.,Renton,98055, stated her support for —Year-End Fund Balance Use using the fund balance on a covered swimming pool. Citizen Comment: Burns— Cynthia Burns, 2007 NE 12th St.,Renton,98056, stated that the excess funds Year-End Fund Balance Use should be used to fund the Veterans Memorial Park. Citizen Comment: Thomas— Charles Thomas,4408 NE 11th St.,Renton,98059, suggested that the excess Year-End Fund Balance Use funds be used for essential services such as police and fire department staffing. Citizen Comment: Allard— Paul Allard,2221 SE 8th Pl.,Renton, 98055, suggested that the City's fund Year-End Fund Balance Use balance be used to fund a swimming pool. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Councilman Parker detailed the reasons why the City has a year-end fund Finance: Year-End Fund balance. He explained that the City has a policy to maintain an 8% "rainy day" Balance Use reserve, and that amount is not included in the year-end fund balance. Pointing out that the excess funds represent one-time monies,Mr. Parker stressed that there are no assurances that the City will have any surplus funds next year. Mr. Parker stated his belief that the money should be returned to the community in the form of services such as a swimming pool, a Veterans Memorial and an improved Pavilion Building. r Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson introduced Arlan Collins, a consultant with CollinsWoerman(an architectural firm). Mr. Collins presented a report on the potential use and configuration of the Pavilion Building site. Pointing out that the costs are the same regardless if the building is torn down or remodeled,Mr. Collins reviewed four proposed uses for the Pavilion Building site. Two of the schemes entail tearing down the building and two entail remodeling the existing building. The cost of the proposed schemes ranged from$1.9 to$4 million. Responding to Council inquiry regarding the ongoing costs for the Pavilion Building, Ms. Carlson stated that she believes that at some point in the future there will be a retail market for the space. Unlike a previous proposal which recommended converting the building into a "sophisticated" conference center, the current proposals are more flexible so that the space could be used for a variety of situations. Councilman Corman stated that he favors going forward this year with the Veterans Memorial Park,the swimming pool, and doing some work on the Pavilion Building. He explained that since the City aggressively staffs its Economic Development Department,the City has experienced significant economic growth, and the combination of economic growth and a conservative Budget resulted in excess funds. Stating that the City has studied the swimming pool issue in depth,Mr. Corman expressed his support for the swimming pool as proposed. He pointed out that this can be viewed as a Now April 22,2002 Renton Committee of the Whole Minutes Page 141 141 restoration back to the community of a facility that Renton traditionally has had. Mr. Corman also commented on Police Department staffing, and noted that the City is going to add seven police staff members this year. Mr. Clawson questioned the number of additional police staff members. He stated that Council and the public do not have enough information at this point to make an informed decision regarding the use of the excess funds. Mr. Clawson expressed concern that the City's revenues are in decline while its costs inevitably keep on increasing. Recommending that the City wait until July before making a decision,Mr. Clawson explained that by that time,more information will be available about the City's economic status and citizens will have had more time to express their opinions about how to use the fund balance. Responding to Councilman Persson's questions,Finance&Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle reviewed a summary of City fund balances. ADJOURNMENT Council President Nelson closed the Committee of the Whole meeting. Council discussion regarding the year-end fund balance was continued to the Council meeting of 4/22/2002 under Old Business. Time: 7:25 p.m. • a BONNM I.WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 22,2002 r�r NNW 142 CITY COUNCIL April 22, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Change the human services programs General Fund funding cycle to two years Idea of holding a parade in honor of police and fire personnel PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT CONIlVll'ITEE AND CITY ATTORNEY Letter from Patrick Yamamoto re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal Letter from Wilma E. Wells re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal Letter from Deborah Gregor re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal Letters from Patricia Wells re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal Letter from Deborah Storey re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal Letter from James A. &Carolyn F. Fenner re: Reservoir Short Plat appeal UTILITIES COMMITTEE Contract addendum#3 with Cascadia Consulting Group for 2002-2003 Green Garden Program activities ..r PUBLIC HEARING 5/06/2002—Maximum Residential Fence Height Regulations 143 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting y,.. April 22, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director; GERALD RERECICH,Recreation Manager; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; REBECCA LIND,Planner Manager; GIL CERISE, Senior Planner; SANDRA MEYER, Transportation Systems Director;NICK AFZALI,Transportation Planning& Program Manager; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; JENNIFER TOTH HENNING,Principal Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of April 27,2002, low Renton Youth Day—April 27, to be "Renton Youth Day" in the City of Renton,and urging all citizens to take 2002 part in Renton Youth Day which provides area youth with activities and events that will enhance their health and personal growth Marlena Rose,Renton Youth Day Co-Founder, accepted the proclamation and expressed her appreciation to those who are helping and have helped with the event over the past six years. Ms.Rose introduced Randy Holt,Renton Youth Day Co-Founder, who thanked the City and the community for helping to support Renton Youth Day. Renton School District A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of May 5 to May Teacher Appreciation Week— 11, 2002, to be "Renton School District Teacher Appreciation Week" in the May 5 to May 11, 2002 City of Renton, and encouraging all citizens to honor teachers and recognize their vital contributions to Renton's youth. Suzette Cooke, Chamber of Commerce President/CEO, accepted the proclamation and stated that Renton teachers are honored annually at an awards ceremony hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATIONS AS READ. CARRIED. SPECIAL Representative Fred Jarrett presented a brief report on the 2002 legislative PRESENTATIONS session. Mr. Jarrett reported that the legislature passed two landmark Legislature: 2002 Session transportation bills and he welcomed the City's support in helping to bring forth Report(Fred Jarrett) a transportation package to the voters this fall. He indicated that the downside raw of the session was that some of the problems cities are facing were not adequately addressed. Explaining that the next bienniums budget will be worse than this one,Mr. Jarrett indicated that the amount of spending not covered by 114 April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 144 current revenues will be approximately$1 billion for the next biennium, short of any continued deterioration of the economy. Mr.Jarrett stated that he is proud to represent Renton and he often uses Renton MMO as an example of how government can be done right. Since Renton is represented by a number of legislators,he suggested that a caucus be developed in which Renton legislators meet together on a recurring basis to discuss issues that impact Renton. - 5b 9.C) Mayor Tanner stated that a Renton caucus is a good idea and offered to host the Pack I b3� caucus at City Hall. Councilman Parker suggested that representatives from the School District, Chamber of Commerce and Renton Technical College be included in the caucus as well. WSDOT: I-405 Corridor Transportation Systems Director Sandra Meyer introduced Craig Stone,I-405 Program(Concurrence Point Project Director for the Washington State Department of Transportation #3) (WSDOT),who presented a report on the I-405 Corridor Program Concurrence Point#3. Mr. Stone stated that by 2020, 700,000 people will be living in South and East King County; therefore, there is great need for transportation planning in this area. Describing the work that has been done on the I-405 Corridor project since 1999,he stated that the Executive Committee selected the Preferred Alternative in November 2001. Mr. Stone reviewed the components of the Preferred Alternative which are: Transit(bus rapid transit and HOV projects); Roadway(added lanes and arterial improvements); and Transportation Demand Management(van pools and HOV lanes). Continuing,Mr. Stone described the proposed transportation improvements in the Renton area and he discussed how detailed project analysis would be conducted in order to determine the impact of the improvements on residents, ..r especially in the Kennydale area. He reviewed considerations such as noise, visual issues,the environment,watersheds, Growth Management Act, and the Comprehensive Plan; and discussed how they factored into the I-405 Corridor Program planning process. Explaining that the I-405 Corridor Program is asking for concurrence in Point #3,Mr. Stone defined the concurrence points as follows: Concurrence Point#1 -Purpose and Needs Statement; Concurrence Point#2—Alternatives; and Concurrence Point#3 -Adoption of Plans and Programs. He stated that the City of Renton is being asked to: 1)concur or agree that the preferred alternative and mitigation concept is appropriate; 2)pursue adoption of plans and programs to implement the I-405 Corridor Program; and 3)not revisit previous concurrences unless there is substantive new information or changes occur. Mr. Stone concluded by reviewing the benefits of the I-405 Corridor Program. Councilman Don Persson explained that this topic has been discussed at length in the Transportation Committee,and it is evident that Renton's concerns are being addressed. Stating that the concurrence point pertains to the entire stretch of I-405,he commented that as the various projects progress,Renton will continue to have input regarding the mitigation, and he encouraged Council to agree with Concurrence Point#3. Ms.Meyer stated that staff recommends approval of Concurrence Point#3 ,..r including staffs conditions of approval, and that all previous requirements and comments communicated to WSDOT and the I-405 Corridor Management Team remain in effect. This includes all concurrence point information, April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 145 145 expertise report comments,Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement comments and Draft Environmental Impact Statement comments. She said that the conditions of approval noted at this concurrence point are as follows: r.� 1. All arterial improvements previously identified as part of the I-405 Corridor Program within the Renton area including: a)the north/south arterial of Duvall/Coal Creek Parkway with a connection to Maple Valley Hwy.,b) the east/west arterial of SW 43rd St./Carr/Petrovitsky Rd., and c)SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. from SR-167 to West Valley Hwy. will be eligible for funding as part of a cooperative partnership. 2. The planned SW 27th St. interchange at SR-167 is identified as a fully funded WSDOT project as part of the 1-405 Corridor Program. The NE 44th St. interchange is identified as a partially funded project as part of the 1-405 Corridor Program. 3. The Rainier Ave./Grady Way intersection continues to need further evaluation and serious consideration in finalizing the SR-167/I-405 interchange improvement. WSDOT must work with the City to ensure that any improvement to the interchange is compatible with the Rainier Ave./Grady Way intersection operations and that operations are improved as a result of the improvement to the SR-167/1-405 interchange. Economic development considerations must be considered in any solutions and coordinated with and approved,by the City. 4. The Sound Transit capital program and routing needs must be confirmed and found to be compatible with the I-405 Corridor Program. The City must be involved in this assessment and agree to all Sound Transit capital investments. Current voter approved capital investments include two HOV direct access interchanges(or equivalent). Three express bus routes as defined in the approved plan must be provided. Potential Sound Transit bus routes could include N. 6th St./Logan Ave. or Park Ave./S. 2nd and S. 3rd Streets,and Rainier Ave. As identified,these streets and others identified to the south need to be recognized as eligible for partnering in the securement of grants. 5. The lane-balancing proposal will potentially add hill climbing and/or collector distributor lanes to portions of the 1-405 Corridor between SR-169 and I-90. Additional lanes in this area beyond the two general-purpose lanes in each direction within the Preferred Alternative will create larger impacts to residential communities in Renton,particularly the Kennydale neighborhood. Such proposals,if seriously pursued must demonstrate transportation benefits to the 1-405 Corridor and be designed in a way to avoid, limit, minimize, and mitigate impacts to the neighborhoods to an acceptable level as determined by the City. 6. Noise impacts are of concern to the City. The Preferred Alternative must demonstrate that it does not increase noise in the corridor by including sufficient mitigation to keep noise levels at or below current levels. 7. Although the Watershed Based Mitigation concept may be a reasonable approach to mitigation for the project impacts, some impacts may have to be mitigated for onsite and cannot be mitigated for offsite. The floodplain, ... increased quantity of run-off, water quality impacts,groundwater, some fish habitat and wetland impacts may have to be mitigated for onsite, if the 116 April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 146 impacts to the local jurisdiction are too great to be allowed for mitigation on a watershed(WRIA) level. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE I-405 CORRIDOR CONCURRENCE POINT#3 snow INCLUDING THE CITY'S CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS STATED. CARRIED. Sound Transit: HOV Sandra Meyer introduced Agnes Govern, Sound Transit Regional Express Improvement Projects Director;Jim Edwards, Sound Transit Capital Projects Manager; and Tim Beven, CH2M Hill Project Manager; who presented an update on the status of the Renton HOV Improvement Projects. Ms. Govern stated that in 1996,Puget Sound voters agreed to tax themselves to fund a regional high-capacity transit system. Sound Move is the adopted ten-year regional transit plan that provides for light rail,commuter rail and express bus services and facilities. Ms. Govern stated that originally,two I-405 freeway HOV interchanges were identified-a full interchange at Park Ave.N. and a half interchange at Talbot Rd. S. at a cost of$87 million. She explained how the proposed interchanges were to improve transit speed and reliability for buses, and said that an intensive project definition study was conducted to determine whether these interchanges were the best capital investments for Renton. Based on this effort, an HOV interchange at N. 8th St., located just south of Park Ave.N.,was recommended for North Renton. However, the interchange on Talbot Rd. S. was not recommended for South Renton because of the potential incompatibility with I-405/SR-167 interchange improvements. Continuing, she explained that in lieu of the Talbot Rd. S. interchange, recommendations were made to wait until Renton conducted its Rainier Ave. planning study to see if there are potential arterial HOV investments identified; and to request that the I-405 Corridor Program address HOV access needs in South Renton. Ms. Govern reported that in August,2002, Sound Move was amended to reflect the recommendations of the project definition study. Mr. Edwards described the design options for the I-405 HOV interchange at N. 8th St. He stated that the following design goals were established for the design team in the 15% design effort: 60 mph design speed,I-405 Corridor Program compatibility, asymmetrical widening of southbound I-405 to the west, and minimal northbound I-405 and property impacts. Mayor Tanner expressed his displeasure with the 60 mph design speed for the exit ramp, as this higher line-of-sight standard creates increased cost. i Continuing,Mr.Edwards detailed the three 15%design options, their requirements and their impact on surrounding interchanges. He indicated that due to the complexity of the project, all three options exceed the available budget. Since the project costs are two times the available budget,Mr. Edwards stated that Sound Transit cannot deliver the project on its own. Council discussion ensued regarding the escalating project costs and the upcoming transportation package going before the voters, and whether the N. 8th St. interchange project will come to fruition. Ms. Govern agreed that this project is somewhat uncertain and Sound Transit will work with Renton on potential contingency planning. ,O„ Ms. Govern detailed the partnering opportunities with WSDOT, and stated that even if a mutual project is defined, its funding would be contingent on a 147 April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 147 successful statewide funding ballot measure. She indicated that Sound Transit's next steps are as follows: 1)Work with WSDOT to identify a viable project; 2) Provide staff support to City re-evaluation efforts; 3)Await the Rainier Ave. planning study; and 4)Await the I-405 Corridor south-end HOV improvement identification. In conclusion,Ms. Govern stated that Sound Transit will continue to make cost effective HOV efforts in Renton. Responding to Council inquiry,Ms. Govern explained that the Sound Transit Board has adopted a policy of sub-area equity, which means that any money raised in a particular sub-area will remain in that sub-area. Council discussion ensued regarding the Sound Transit feasibility study on the potential acquisition of Burlington Northern right-of-way;partnering Sound Transit efforts with the I-405 Corridor Program; the authority of sub-areas to issue bonds;the lending of money from one sub-area to another; and the need for the N. 8th St. interchange. Concern was also expressed that the taxes collected for Sound Transit projects are not being spent to improve the transit needs in the City of Renton. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:57 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:06 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Development accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Regulations (Title 4) to consider the proposed 2001 Title 4(Development Regulations)revisions to Revisions zoning interpretations,use table,use notes and related City Code amendments. .� Gil Cerise, Senior Planner,explained that the goals of amending Title 4 are as follows: • Create a more user-friendly zoning code. • Eliminate duplication in the land use tables. • Clarify conflicting regulations. • Reduce codification costs. He pointed out that the revisions were designed to retain the regulatory intent of the zones,remove obsolete uses,and consolidate similar uses under new titles. Undefined uses were defined to close gaps and eliminate overlap in definitions. Mr. Cerise pointed out that whenever substantive issues were raised,they were placed on a docket of issues to be taken up in future work programs. Mr. Cerise stated that the majority of changes were made to two Chapters in Title 4: Chapter 2—Land Use Districts (zoning districts,use tables and development regulations),and Chapter 11 —Definitions. He reviewed the issues discussed in the Planning&Development Committee which related to accessory use interpretations, and existing and new commercial laundries. Mr. Cerise pointed out that Title 4 sections concerning "wild and dangerous animals" were moved to Title 6,Police Regulations, and he noted that Title 6 amendments will be included in a separate ordinance. ..� In conclusion,Mr. Cerise detailed additional proposed changes to Title 4 which affect: lighting standards,residential zone lists, setbacks, screening, 148. April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 148 nonconforming uses,Green River Valley administrative determination, effective dates in development standard tables, and the parking use table. Responding to Council President Nelson's inquiry,Mr. Cerise affirmed that the proposed changes do include regulations for residential nuisance lighting,and umo that the regulations can be applied to existing situations. Audience comment was invited. Bob Raphael,co-owner of Service Linen Supply,Inc., 903 S.4th St.,Renton, 98055, said that he appreciated being included in discussions regarding the Title 4 revisions concerning commercial laundries, and that he supported the changes that were made. In addition,he announced that the Service Linen building expansion project was recently completed, and he thanked the Council and City staff for their assistance throughout that process. There being no further audience comment,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Renton float,featuring elements of a Farmers Market,debuted at the Tacoma Daffodil Parade on Saturday,April 20th, and received a 2nd Place award in the category of cities and communities over 10,000 in population. • The Renton Youth Symphony Orchestra will perform a classical music concert at Carco Theatre on Sunday,May 5th, at 7:00 p.m. "N"' • According to Tukwila's project manager for the S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. project,business logo signs were to be installed on April 15th;however, this was not accomplished due to a technical problem encountered at the King County sign shop. The City has been informed that the signs will be installed this week. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus,Highlands Community Association(HCA)President, 1137 Citizen Comment: DeMastus— Harrington Ave.NE,Renton, 98056, announced that HCA is hosting a meeting Highlands Community on Thursday,April 25th,at the Renton Housing Authority,consisting of a Association forum panel of community services representatives, including Senator Margarita Prentice. Ms. DeMastus stated that the meeting is open to the public, and she invited everyone to attend. Citizen Comment: Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct.,Renton,95058,thanked the City for Quesenberry—Renton Youth the use of Carco Theatre for the Renton Youth Day event on Saturday,April Day 27th, and she expressed her appreciation to the community and the City for the supporting this event. Citizen Comment: Hardy— Dave Hardy, 19235 108th Ave. SE,#206,Renton, 98055, stated that he is a Caring About Our Rich member of an environmental awareness organization called Caring About Our Environment,Environmental Rich Environment(CARE)that was originally established in the City of Awareness Organization Snoqualmie. Mr.Hardy described how the organization is administered, and asked that Council support CARE's efforts. .r CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 149 149 Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 15, 2002. Council concur. April 15,2002 Appointment: Library Board Mayor Tanner reappointed Catherine Corman, 2216 Harrington Pl.NE,Renton, 98056, to the Library Board for a five-year term expiring on 6/01/2007. Council concur. Human Services: General Human Services Division requested approval to change the human services Funds, Change to Two Year programs General Fund funding cycle from a one-year to a two-year funding Funding Cycle cycle. This does not include Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) which will continue to be allocated on an annual basis. Refer to Community Services Committee. Solid Waste: Green Garden Utilities Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum#3 to CAG- Program Contract Adden, 99-180,contract with Cascadia Consulting Group,Inc., in the amount of Cascadia Consulting Group, $62,000 to continue the Green Garden Program activities for 2002-2003. Refer CAG-99-180 to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Patrick Yamamoto,405 Seneca Ct. NW, CORRESPONDENCE Renton, 98055;Wilma E.Wells, 12818 84th Ave. S., Seattle, 98178;Deborah Citizen Comment: Various— Gregor, 12811 84th Ave. S.,Seattle, 98178;Patricia Wells, 8232 S. 121st St., Reservoir Short Plat Appeal Seattle, 98178 (two letters); and Deborah Storey, 14310 156th Ave. SE, (SHP-01-169) Renton, 98059;regarding the appeal of the Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169). The parties expressed concern regarding: storm water drainage issues; developer compliance with City Codes regarding water drainage and run-off control; public safety; and increased traffic and parking needs due to additional density. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: A letter was read from Councilman Clawson(dated 4/22/2002)to Jim and Clawson/Mayor—Response to Shawn Curry in response to Finance Committee Chair Parker's letter(dated Property Tax Information 4/16/2002)to the Currys. Mr.Parker's letter responded to questions the Currys Request by Currys had regarding the City's property tax figures. Mr. Clawson's letter to the Currys contained comments relating to the property tax figures,the increased assessed valuation of the Curry's property,and the I% tax levy limit as a result of Initiative 747. In addition,he expressed concern about the slowdown of the economy and indicated that he was surprised by the 2001 year-end fund surplus. Mr. Clawson also stated his opposition to going forward with any new projects until full and accurate information regarding the financial condition of Renton is received from the Mayor. A letter was read from Mayor Tanner to Councilman Clawson regarding Mr. Clawson's letter to the Currys. In his letter,Mayor Tanner expressed concern regarding Mr. Clawson's implication that full and accurate information concerning the financial condition of Renton had not been provided. He noted that the Finance Committee(of which Mr. Clawson is a member)regularly receives financial and budget updates and pointed out that the City's finances are audited each year by the State Auditor's office. Mayor Tanner also stated in his letter that if any Councilmembers have questions regarding the financial April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 150 information of the City,he will provide the information or discuss concerns directly with the Councilmember. Councilman Clawson stated that he did not mean to imply in his letter that information supplied by the Mayor is inaccurate. Due to the complexity of ...M upcoming issues,Mr. Clawson indicated that he will continue to ask for more information and appreciates the Mayors willingness to provide it. OLD BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation(Aviation) recommending that Council authorize the placement of a temporary utility-type Committee trailer on Northwest Seaplanes'leased property for use by the U.S. Customs Airport: US Customs Facility Service. An expenditure of up to$25,000 has already been authorized for this activity. The source of funding for this project will come from the Airport Reserve account. The Committee recommended that Council allocate the $25,000 towards the placement and operation of the temporary U.S. Customs facility. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 203053 -203496 and two wire transfers totaling $1,964,724.74; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 37516 -37752,one wire transfer and 553 direct deposits totaling$1,664,436.64. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Fenner— Acknowledging the receipt of correspondence (previously referred to the Storm Water Drainage Utilities Committee on March 11,2002)from James A. and Carolyn R.Fenner, Problems,Reservoir Short Plat 402 Seneca Ct.NW,Renton,98055,regarding storm water drainage problems (SBP-01-169) as a result of the proposed Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169), it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Transportation: S 3rd Councilman Persson reported the concern of a citizen who is unable to use his St/Shattuck Ave S Sidewalks, wheelchair on sidewalks at S. 3rd St. and Shattuck Ave. S., and he requested Wheelchair Accessibility that the sidewalks be repaired. Continuation of Discussion Following discussion,the Mayor and Council agreed to carry forward the from Committee of the discussion which occurred during the preceding Committee of the Whole Whole Meeting meeting regarding the subject of the year-end fund balance use. Finance: Year-End Fund Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler acknowledged the merit of the suggestions Balance Use made by the Mayor and Councilmembers for the use of the excess funds. Stating that a lot of time has been spent on the subject, she pointed out that the right questions were not being asked. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler listed the questions that should be asked, which included: • What is the current state of the economy and how will that impact Renton? • What is Renton's plan for the 1% tax limitation? • Is Renton budgeting properly and forecasting accurately? • What is the source of the excess fund balance? • Does the City have additional needs that need to be addressed? .�., Ms. Keolker-Wheeler stated that Council needs to attain closure on the current proposals, and she presented the following recommendations: 1)Fund the April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 151 151 Veterans Memorial Park; 2)Review the pool proposal using current dollars and include the costs for a covered pool,maintenance cost projections and revenues; 3)Review the studies previously conducted regarding the Pavilion Building and develop a vision for its use;4)Assess the need for a Parks Maintenance Facility; and 5)Continue to explore the open space purchase, historical society needs for storage, and the need for additional police officers. She suggested that after the Veterans Memorial is funded, the remaining fund balance be put into investments for now. She also suggested that the pool and Pavilion Building decision be revisited in July, and by then, six months of information will be available on the 2002 economy, and the work that she recommended on the additional items will be completed. She emphasized that there is no need to rush making these decisions. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE FUNDING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL. CARRIED. Councilman Parker stated that he would like to make a decision regarding the pool now, and recommended going forward with the pool as proposed in 1997. He commented that the information presented so far is satisfactory, and the decision to use the excess funds on a pool would represent a willingness on the part of Council to reinvest back into the community. Regarding the Pavilion Building,Mr. Parker stated that there are many possible future uses for the building even if they are not readily apparent at this time. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed her support for the pool;however, she questioned the type of pool that should be built, and stated that a two-month decision delay should not cause a problem with either the pool or the Pavilion Building. Councilman Corman expressed his displeasure with a protracted pool .... study, and said that he would prefer to go forward with the pool as previously proposed. Council President Nelson agreed that the pool proposal may need to be fine-tuned,but felt confident with the proposal as presented. She also pointed out that the Pavilion Building would be an added attraction to the City. Councilwoman Briere stated that she also supports the pool; however, she is not yet ready to make a decision and is currently reviewing all information. She commented that the same holds true with the Pavilion Building. Ms. Briere expressed her concern that all of the options for use of the excess funds have not yet been evaluated, such as the potential need for additional parks. Councilman Persson expressed his support for the pool, and pointed out that he also needs more time in order to make an informed decision. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that Council hold a half-day Council retreat in order to study all of the proposals. Discussion ensued regarding the Council retreat.proposal and it was agreed to hold a Council retreat in the Council Chambers from 1:00 to 5:00,at a date yet to be determined,and then following the retreat,hold an informal public meeting/open house. Councilman Clawson stated that he also favors going forward with a pool; however, he would like the issue of a covered versus an uncovered pool to be reviewed in more depth. Regarding the Pavilion Building,he suggested that the administration approve funding to make the building more presentable by ..� painting it, washing the windows and improving the landscaping. Council President Nelson also suggested that$5,700 be spent to repair the Pavilion Building doors. Mayor Tanner stated that the improvements would be made. April 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 152 AUDIENCE COMMENT Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N.,Renton, 98055,thanked Council for Citizen Comment: Richter— funding the Veterans Memorial Park,and she hoped it would be completed in Veterans Memorial Park time to be dedicated on November 11,2002(Veteran's Day). Citizen Comment: Williamson Gary Williamson,2011 Harrington Ave. NE,Renton,98056,asked Council to ume —Parade Request to Honor consider holding a parade in the time frame of September 1 lth,in appreciation Fire&Police Personnel of the efforts of police and fire personnel, and invite local police and fire departments and veterans to attend. Mayor Tanner commented that the parade could coincide with the dedication of the Veterans Memorial, which could possibly occur on November 11th. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE IDEA OF HOLDING A PARADE TO HONOR POLICE AND FIRE PERSONNEL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 23 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 10:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 11:03 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:04 p.m. BONNIE 1,WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 22,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 15 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 22, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 05/06 Emerging Issues in the Police (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Department *COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 05/06 Off-Leash Dog Park; (Corman) 5:00 p.m. Springbrook Trout Farm Property; 2002 Neighborhood Grants FINANCE MON., 05/06 Wired and Wireless Connections (Parker) 4:30 p.m. (briefing only) PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 04/25 120-Day Permitting Process (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 05/02 2002-2003 Waste Reduction &Recycling (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Grant; Adjustment of 2002 Appropriation for Water Utility Fund 421; 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District; Parkway Townhomes Water Quality; Cedar River Spawning Channel; Cascadia Consulting Group Contract Addendum for Green Garden Program NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 15 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 6, 2002 EWAr Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: Mental Health Month—May, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Police Department Volunteer Recognition 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Maximum Residential Fence Height Regulations 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer,please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Committee of the Whole Minutes of April 22, 2002. Council concur. b. Approval of Council meeting minutes of April 22, 2002. Council concur. c. Court case filed in King County Superior Court by Eric R. Stahlfeld, Attorney, 145 SW 155th St #101, Seattle WA 98166, on behalf of Darwin L. Bosteder alleging trespass and violation of constitutional rights by search without valid warrant occurring on April 27, 1999. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. d. City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/30/2002 for CAG-02-050, SR 900—NE Sunset Blvd./Anacortes Avenue NE Intersection Improvement Project; 7 bids; engineer's estimate $318,047.50; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Totem Electric Co. of Tacoma, Inc. in the amount of$248,097.28. Council concur. e. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/1/2002 for CAG-02-002, SR 900—S. 2nd St. Traffic Signal Safety Project; 5 bids; engineer's estimate $165,300 and low bid of$208,910 by Totem Electric Co. of Tacoma,Inc. which is over budget. Refer to Transportation Committee. f. City Clerk reports bid opening on 4/30/2002 for CAG-02-034,East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Main Replacement Project, and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Frank Collucio Construction Co. in the amount of$1,030,126.02. Council concur. g. Development Services Division recommends a public hearing be set on 5/20/2002 to consider approval of a Development Agreement with the Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Plant. Refer to Planning_&Development Committee. h. Executive Department requests authorization to adopt a resolution in recognition of Renton's Sister City relationship with Cuautla, Jalisco,Mexico (See l La. for resolution). Council concur. i. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance adjusting the now 2002 budget by transferring fund balances in the amount of$389,000 for the Veteran's Memorial Park construction. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) j. Human Services Division recommends a public hearing be set on 6/10/2002 for recapture and allocation of 2002 CDBG Capital Funds in the amount of$210,857. Refer to Community Services Committee. k. Legal Division recommends approval of an ordinance to amend City Code wording regarding members of the Firemen's Pension Board to comply with state law. Refer to Finance Committee. 1. Transportation Systems Division recommends authorization for CAG-01-179,building demolition project with Wyndam Design, Inc. for additional funding of$6,000 from the Airport Reserve Fund for additional costs and added security fencing incurred for the project. Council concur. m. Transportation Systems Division recommends authorization for CAG-01-133, Seaplane Dock Facilities, for additional funding of$205,000 from the Airport Reserve Fund for replacing the existing dock . Refer to Transportation Committee. n. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of an ordinance limiting sanitary sewer service connections outside of the city limits. Refer to Utilities Committee. o. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a resolution authorizing acceptance of a Public Works Trust Fund Construction Loan for a portion of the CT Pipeline, Wells RW-1,RW-2 & RW-3 and Park Improvements project. Council concur. (See l Lb. for resolution.) p. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a Public Works Trust Fund Construction Loan Application for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements construction project in the amount of$6,950,000.00. Council concur. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 2002 Neighborhood Grants b. Planning&Development Committee: Title IV Reorganization and Amendments* c. Utilities Committee: 2002-2003 Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant; Adjustment of 2002 Appropriation for Water Utility Fund 421; 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District; Parkway Townhomes Water Quality; Cascadia Consulting Group Contract Addendum for Green Garden Program 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Sister City relationship with Cuautla, Jalisco,Mexico (See 81.) b. Public Works Trust Fund Construction Loan Agreement No. PW-02-691-045 (See 8.0.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Amending Title IV to reduce and reorganize Development Regulations (See 10.b.) b. Amending Title IV, Chapter 6 regarding Animals &Fowl at Large (See 10.b.) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) CONIl=EE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room 6:00 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Police Department Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. y mow I5 � CITY COUNCIL May 6,2002 City Clerk'sOffice Referrals COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tri-County Executives' proposed Regional Transportation Plan CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court case filed on behalf of Darwin L. Bosteder COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 2002 supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocation Skate Park briefing FINANCE COMM TTEE Firemen's Pension Board membership update ordinance MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute acceptance of PWTF loan for CT Pipeline for Wells RW-1-3 &Parks Improvement Project PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE r... Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility development agreement PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Department staffing TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Bid award for SR-900—S. 2nd St. Traffic Signal Safety Project Additional funding for Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities Project UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ordinance limiting sewer service outside Renton City limits ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Development Regulations (Title 4) revisions (1st reading 5/06/2002) .... Police Regulations (Title 6) revisions (1st reading 5/06/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 5/20/2002 -Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility development agreement 6/10/2002 - 2002 supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 6,2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;DAN CLAWSON;TERRI BRIERE; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; JENNIFER TOTH HENNING,Principal Planner;LESLEY NISHHI-IIIRA, Senior Planner; JASON JORDAN,Associate Planner; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CYNDIE PARKS, Community Program Coordinator; COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of May, 2002, Mental Health Month—May, to be "Mental Health Month" in the City of Renton,and calling upon all Renton 2002 citizens, government agencies,public and private institutions,businesses, and schools to recommit the community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illness and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental illnesses. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY woo PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Peggy Moll accepted the proclamation on behalf of Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation and other human service organizations. She stated that mental health matters to the health and security of the Renton community and thanked the Mayor and Council for their generous support of human services. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Community Program Coordinator Cyndie Parks presented the Volunteer Police:Volunteer Recognition Excellence Award to Police Department volunteer Larry Yates. Ms.Parks praised Mr. Yates for his 1500 hours of service, and described his contributions as the vacation house check volunteer which entails checking the homes of residents while they are on vacation to ensure that their property is safe and intact. Councilman Persson reported that he has received many positive comments about the vacation house check program, and he commended Mr. Yates for his service. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Services: Fence accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Height Regulations to consider potential revisions to the maximum residential fence height regulations established in Title 4 of Renton City Code. Jason Jordan,Associate Planner, outlined the current fence height regulations for interior and corner lots, and reviewed the definition of the clear vision area as the area bounded by the street property lines of corner lots and a line joining points along said street lines 20 feet from their point of intersection. He pointed out that the maximum fence height in the clear vision area is 42 inches. 15 � May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 159 Reporting that the City has received numerous fence height violation complaints,Mr. Jordan stated that residents have asked for clarity and equity within the fence height regulations. Continuing,Mr. Jordan stated that staff recommends amending the maximum residential fence height regulations to allow fences up to a maximum height of 72 inches, except for portions of the fences located within the clear vision area, regardless of their proximity to a public street. He concluded by saying that residential fences are not subject to building permit review; therefore,the revisions would provide residents with regulations that are more equitable and understandable. The revisions would also provide City code enforcement staff with more easily enforceable.maximum fence height regulations. Responding to Councilwoman Briere's inquiry,Mr. Jordan confirmed that the proposed 72-inch residential maximum fence height applies everywhere except for clear vision areas. He noted that a special administrative fence permit is needed to allow 72-inch high fences along an arterial street. Mayor Tanner recommended that Council approve revising City Code to allow fence heights up to 72 inches except in the clear vision areas. Audience comment was invited. Terry Sullivan, (mailing address) 1420 NW Gilman Blvd.,#2151,Issaquah, 98027, stated that he lives in the Orchards development in Renton and expressed his concern that nearby 72-inch high fences create a hazard when he backs out of his driveway. He said that he is not against allowing 72-inch high fences; however, care needs to be taken as to where they are allowed and not allowed. Mr. Sullivan reviewed the issues that concern him regarding the fence heights,including the safety and visibility considerations of the fence height and distance from driveways. Mr. Sullivan displayed photographs depicting different views of his driveway and the street showing the limited sight distance as a result of neighboring fences. He expressed his concern for the safety of bicyclists,rollerbladers and others because of the limited sight distances created by high fences. Responding to Mr. Sullivan's comment about enforcement of the clear vision areas,City Attorney Larry Warren stated that the City has police power to enforce clear vision area regulations when public safety is involved. Councilman Corman suggested that the City consider applying clear vision area regulations to driveways as well as to streets. Continuing,Mr. Sullivan showed a diagram of his home and driveway, and his neighbor's fence line. He suggested that the City reconsider the side yard heights,and phrase the ordinance so that clear vision area issues are addressed in order to ensure public safety. Mayor Tanner assured Mr. Sullivan that public safety is the City's primary concern, and reiterated his recommendation to permit 72-inch high fences as long as sight distance is not impaired. Mayor Tanner stated that this matter has been referred to Planning and Development Committee, and he asked that Mr. Sullivan be notified when the Committee is scheduled to discuss it. ... There being no further audience comment,it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. 1 � 0 May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 160 ADMINISTRATIVE Derek Todd,Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written REPORT administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Renton-Cuautla Sister City Committee is sending a delegation to visit Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico,from July 15th through July 22nd. • The Human Services Division recently updated the Renton Community Resource Directory,which is now available in English,Russian,Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese. • As part of the five-year capital replacement plan,the Community Center installed new weight room equipment to replace the existing twelve-year- old equipment. • The City received and conditionally approved an aquifer protection closure permit application for the Texaco Star Mart located at 1017 Bronson Way S. The permit indicates the owner's(Equilon Enterprises)intent to close the facility and remove the entire product fueling system by 10/13/2002, as required by the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. In conjunction with the closure and relocation of the Stoneway Concrete batch plant by that same date,both of the major sources of hazardous materials within Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area will have been removed by the date required by the ordinance. This represents a major success of the ordinance in protecting the City's drinking water supply. Utility: Aquifer Protection Mayor Tanner commented on the Aquifer Protection Ordinance, saying that the Ordinance two businesses that are closing are the only two that have ever contaminated Renton's aquifer. He stated that the closure and relocation of the businesses is a major success. Councilman Parker acknowledged the City's assistance in aiding the businesses to relocate. Regional Issues: Tri-County Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman gave a Executives'Regional briefing on the Tri-County (King, Snohomish, Pierce)Executives'proposed Transportation Plan Regional Transportation Plan. He explained that that the State Legislature put forward two transportation bills,one being the Statewide Transportation Plan, and the other being the formation of Regional Transportation Investment Districts. The formation of the districts allows groups of counties to develop lists of transportation projects that are regionally important but will not be covered by the Statewide Transportation Plan. Mr. Zimmerman indicated that the Regional Transportation Plan is expected to go on the ballot in November, along with the Statewide Transportation Plan. Mr. Zimmerman reported that City staff has reviewed the Tri-County Executives'plan and described the projects and the taxes proposed in the plan. A significant portion of the improvements in King County would be for transit/HOV improvements($2.9 billion compared to$4.6 billion for roadway improvements). An additional$4.8 billion for roadway improvements could be gained by introducing tolls at the Alaskan Way Viaduct,the I-405 Corridor, and the SR-520 Translake Corridor. He indicated that without tolls, the contribution for the I-405 Corridor would be approximately$1 billion to$1.45 billion. Mr.Zimmerman pointed out that in combination with the$1.7 billion for the 1-405 Corridor in the Statewide Transportation Plan,the two plans ...r � o May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 161 together,if approved by the voters, would result in$2.7 to$3.2 billion for the I- 405 project. He stated that this is significantly less than the estimated$8 billion needed to construct the project. Continuing,Mr. Zimmerman indicated that City staff believes that more money is needed in the proposed Regional Transportation Plan for the 1-405 Corridor and less for transit options. He also expressed concern about the toll proposal, and the inclusion of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)Railroad right- of-way preservation. Per discussion of the proposal with Ron Postuma of the King County Department of Transportation,Mr. Zimmerman stated that King County is interested in input from jurisdictions and is prepared to discuss the proposal with sub-area transportation groups. He said he was advised that the best way for the City to provide input regarding the proposal is through the sub- area transportation groups or through King County Councilmembers. Councilman Parker noted that two out of the three counties must approve the proposed plan before it can go before the voters. Councilman Corman expressed his disappointment with the proposed Regional Transportation Plan,especially with regards to the 1405 Corridor. Councilman Persson stated that the proposed plan is unacceptable and asked if the Council can go on record as opposing the proposal. Mayor Tanner recommended that the Council take a position on the matter. Councilman Clawson also expressed his disappointment with the proposal. He suggested that the City continue to review the proposed plan and make every effort to try to change it via the sub-area transportation groups. Stating that it will be interesting to learn what is discussed about the proposal in the upcoming sub-area transportation committee meetings, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE TRI- COUNTY EXECUTIVES'PROPOSED REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilmembers,items 8.b. and 81 were removed for separate consideration. Committee of the Whole Approval of Committee of the Whole meeting minutes of April 22,2002. Meeting Minutes of April 22, Council concur. 2002 Court Case: Darwin L Court case filed in King County Superior Court by Attorney Eric R. Stahlfeld, Bosteder, CRT-02-005 145 SW 155th St., Suite 101, Seattle, 98166, on behalf of Darwin L.Bosteder who alleges trespass and violation of constitutional rights by search without valid warrant on April 27, 1999. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. CAG: 02-050, SR-900—NE City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/30/2002 for CAG-02-050, SR-900—NE Sunset Blvd/Anacortes Ave Sunset Blvd./Anacortes Ave. NE Intersection Improvement Project; seven bids; NE Intersection Improvements, engineer's estimate$318,047.50; and submitted staff recommendation to award Totem Electric the contract to low bidder,Totem Electric of Tacoma,Inc., in the amount of $248,097.28. Council concur. .,.. CAG: 02-002, SR-900—S 2nd City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/01/2002 for CAG-02-002, SR-900—S. St Traffic Signal Safety 2nd St.Traffic Signal Safety Project;five bids; engineer's estimate$165,300; Project,Totem Electric and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Totem � � 2, May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 162 Electric of Tacoma,Inc., in the amount of$208,910(budgeted amount $191,375). Refer to Transportation(Aviation) Committee for discussion of funding. 4 East Kenn dale Cit Clerk reported bid opening on 4/30/2002 for CAG-02-034,East Kennydale CAG: 02 03 y y P P Sanitary Sewer Infill&Water Sanitary Sewer Infill and Water Main Replacement; seven bids;engineer's Main Replacement,Frank estimate$1,242,630.91; and submitted staff recommendation to award the Collucio Const Co contract to low bidder,Frank Collucio Construction Company,in the amount of $1,030,126.02. Council concur. Development Services: Boeing Development Services Division requested approval of a development Renton Aircraft Manufacturing agreement with Boeing to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the Facility Development City's applicable review and approval processes for additional development of Agreement the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility; 279 acres located at the south end of Lake Washington. Refer to Planning&Development Committee, set public hearing on 5/20/2002. Executive: Sister City Cuautla, Executive Department requested authorization to adopt a resolution in Jalisco,Mexico Sisterhood recognition of Renton's Sister City relationship with Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico. Resolution Council concur. (See page 166 for resolution.) Human Services: 2002 CDBG Human Services Division recommended setting a public hearing on 6/10/2002 Supplemental Funds to consider the allocation of the funding recommendations for the 2002 Allocation supplemental Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)capital funds in the amount of$210,857 and recapturing of funds. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for 6/10/2002. Legal: Firemen's Pension Legal Division recommended approval of an ordinance amending City Code Board,City Code Amend wording to comply with State law regarding Firemen's Pension Board membership. Refer to Finance Committee. ,..� CAG: 01-179,Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended authorization to allocate$6,000 Building Demolition, in additional funding from the Airport Reserve Fund for additional costs and Wyndham Design,Funding added security fencing for the Airport Building Demolition Project(CAG-01- 179). Council concur. CAG: 01-133,Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended authorization to use$205,000 Seaplane Dock Facilities, from the Airport Reserve Fund to cover additional costs incurred(existing dock Culbertson Marine Const, replacement,design changes, and rehabilitation of the Black River box culvert) Funding for the Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities Project(CAG-01-133). Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. Utility: Sewer Service Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an ordinance restricting Restrictions Outside City sanitary sewer service outside of the City limits to only allow service to public Limits, City Code Amend entities;to existing properties with septic issues or that are within a health concern area; and to those developments for which the City has issued sewer availability certificates prior to this ordinance. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: CT Pipeline Wells Utility Systems Division recommended acceptance of a twenty-year Public RW-1 —3 &Park Works Trust Fund Construction Loan in the amount of$814,527 at an interest Improvements,PWTF Loan rate of 1/2%,for the CT Pipeline for Wells RW-1,RW-2,RW-3 and Park Improvements Project. Council concur. (See page 166 for resolution.) Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division recommended approval to apply for a Public Works Treatment Improvements, Trust Fund Construction Loan in the amount of$6,950,000 at an interest rate of PWTF Loan 1/2%,for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Project. The City's NNW project share is$1,747,960. Council concur. 163 May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 163 MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 8.b. AND 8.i.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. .�.. Separate Consideration Council President Nelson requested that the Council meeting minutes of April Item 8.b. 22, 2002,be corrected as indicated: Council Meeting Minutes of page 144, 3rd paragraph,insert Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's comments at April 22,2002 the end of the paragraph as follows: Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler thanked Representative Jarrett, saying that he is a breath of fresh air in the Legislature and has great creative ideas. She stated that she hopes that he will continue to put forth his fresh ideas and continue to work very hard for this region as he has already done during his term. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE ITEM 8.b. AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Item 81 Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an Budget: 2002 Amendment, ordinance adjusting the 2002 Budget by transferring fund balances in the Veterans Memorial Park amount of$389,000 for construction of the Veterans Memorial Park. Imo Council concur. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CHANGE THE ACTION ON ITEM 8.i. TO COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the progress of the Community Services: Pavilion repairs to the Pavilion Building, Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington Building explained that the City is waiting for a cost estimate to repair the doors and then will proceed with those repairs, as well as with the other needed building repairs. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Briere presented a report Committee regarding the proposed 2001 Title 4 (Development Regulations)revisions to Planning: Development zoning interpretations,use table,use notes and related City Code amendments. Regulations (Title 4) The Committee reviewed the proposed 2001 Title 4 policy docket items on Revisions April 4, and April 8,2002. Issues raised by the Committee were as follows: A. Reference: RMC 4-2-120A—Consistency of residential zone lists. Issue: Found a Code section where abutting and adjacent landscaping width is treated differently by zone. Resolution: Corrected error and double- checked other Code sections to ensure consistency in treating abutting and adjacent to residential zones. B. Reference: RMC 4-2-110F—Nonconforming issue paper. Issue: Language currently only discusses meeting development standards and critical area regulations. Resolution: Add catch-all language that says must meet all applicable City Codes for development of lot. C. Reference: Nonconforming issue paper. Issue: Wanted clarity for what the 50% assessed value applies to(structure?)and at what point the assessment is taken to judge conformance or nonconformance. Resolution: Review of existing language finds that these issues are taken care of in several places (RMC 4-9-120A, RMC 4-10-050A.3.b.,RMC 4-10- '�' 050A.5.b.). No change is proposed since existing language covers structures and uses,and is based upon most recent assessment on property prior to damage. i �q May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 164 D. Reference: Lighting issue paper—proposed RMC 4-4-075E.3. Issue: Committee asked if park lights currently purchased meet the regulations as written. Resolution: Parks Director stated that park lights do not meet the standards proposed. Ask for parks,trails, and golf course to be placed in the Exemption section since this would create a hardship and safety hazard to people playing sports. Moved parks line to Exemption section. The following items are recommended to be added to the Title 4 amendment ordinance: 1. RMC 4-4-080 Amendments: Parking Requirements Table 2. Title 4, Chapter 2, Screening 3. Title 4, Chapters 2 and 4, Green River Valley Landscaping 4. Consistency of Residential Zone Lists to Apply Stricter Development Standards, as modified in Committee (see A. on previous page) 5. Title 4, Chapter 10,Nonconforming Uses, as modified in Committee(see B. and C. on previous page) 6. Title 4,Chapter 2,Effective Date of Regulations 7. Title 4, Chapter 2, Setbacks 8. Title 4,Chapter 4,Lighting Standards(see D. above) The amendments pertaining to Title 6(Police Regulations)of the Renton Municipal Code have been separated from the overall Title 4 ordinance for reporting purposes. The Committee further recommended that both the Title 4 ordinance and the companion Title 6 ordinance be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Corman commended the Committee for all of their work on this matter. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 166 for ordinances.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the Parkway Utility: Parkway Townhomes Townhomes water quality. The Committee was briefed on the issue and Water Quality recommended that no action be taken at this time. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Committee proposed South King County off-leash dog park. The Committee Community Services: Off- recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that the City of Renton Leash Dog Park, South King continue participating on the South King County Task Force for the County(SeaTac) development of the South King County off-leash area dog park. The Committee further recommended that the City not commit funding for the development,maintenance and operations of the South King County off-leash area dog park at this time. Since there is currently no consideration to place an off-leash facility within City limits,the Committee further recommended that this item be removed from the Public Safety Committee at this time. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE vm� COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 165 May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 165 Community Services: Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Springbrook Trout Farm recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to not pursue the Potential Property Purchase, acquisition of the Springbrook Trout Farm for a future recreation area. The Talbot Rd S Committee further recommended that the Parks Director be authorized to address a letter to the sales associate representing the owners of the Springbrook Trout Farm reflecting the City's decision. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry regarding the Committee's decision, Councilman Corman explained that the City owns undeveloped park property adjacent to the Springbrook Trout Farm property, and there is a plan for development of the property. He stated that there are also environmental issues related to the creek located on the Springbrook Trout Farm property, and restoration of the creek would be expensive. *MOTION CARRIED. EDNSP: 2002 Neighborhood Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Grant Program 2002 neighborhood grant applications. The Committee reviewed funding for the following grant applications on May 6, 2002. a) The Committee recommended approval of the following capital grant applications: 1. Honey Creek Ridge Homeowners Association—Colorful plantings in neighborhood traffic circles. ($781.88) 2. Tiffany Park Homeowners Association—Beautification of neighborhood traffic circles and park. ($2,000) 3. North Renton Neighborhood Association—Beautification of neighborhood traffic circles. ($409.22) 4. Highbury Park Homeowners Association—One large neighborhood identification sign to be located at the neighborhood center/common area and five smaller signs of similar design at several locations along the periphery of the neighborhood. ($3,558) 5. Summerwind Homeowners Association—Neighborhood park upgrades project,which includes replacement of two picnic tables and several bushes within the neighborhood. ($1,360) 6. Highlands Community Association—Entrance sign into the Highlands community. ($4,890) b) The Committee also recommended approval of funding for the following administrative newsletter applications: 1. North Renton Neighborhood Association—Annual printing expenses for a monthly newsletter. Newsletters are hand delivered. ($939) 2. Highbury Park Homeowners Association—Annual printing expenses for a newsletter printed and hand delivered twice a year. ($80) 3. Summerwind Homeowners Association—Annual printing and postal expenses for a quarterly newsletter. ($279) 4. Kennydale Neighborhood Association—Annual printing and postal expenses for a quarterly newsletter. ($1,500) 1 �� May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 166 c) The Committee recommended denial of funding for the following project applications,as they do not currently meet the criteria of the Neighborhood Program: 1. Summerwind Homeowners Association—Removal of six large maple trees that line NE Sunset Blvd. and Field Ave. NE on private property at the Sunset entrance into the Summerwind neighborhood. 2. Renton Hill Community Association—Traffic circle rehabilitation located on the cul-de-sac at the east end of SE 7th St. d) The Committee recommended denial of funding for the following administrative(newsletter) application, as it does not currently meet the criteria of the Neighborhood Program: 1. Honey Creek Ridge Homeowners Association—Interactive website and computer to build and host it in a private residence. The Committee further recommended that a Special Presentation be held on May 20, 2002,to award the grant certificates to the grant recipients.* Councilman Corman stated that the Committee discussed the applications that were denied at length and encouraged those neighborhood groups to reshape their projects and apply again for the second round of the 2002 neighborhood project funding. *MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3563 A resolution was read recognizing the sister city relationship between the City Executive: Sister City Cuautla, of Renton,Washington,of the United States, and Cuautla,Jalisco,of the United Jalisco,Mexico Sisterhood Mexican States. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, Resolution COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3564 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Utility: CT Pipeline Wells interlocal cooperative agreement with the State of Washington Department of RW-1 —3 &Park Community,Trade, and Economic Development entitled, "Public Works Trust Improvements,PWTF Loan Fund Construction Loan Agreement Number PW-02-691-045" for construction of the CT Pipeline for Wells RW-1,RW-2,RW-3 and Parks Improvement Project. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/13/2002 for second and final reading: r Planning: Development An ordinance was read amending Section 1-34A of Chapter 3,Remedies and Regulations (Title 4) Penalties, of Title 1 (Administrative), and Chapters 1 through 11 of Title 4 Revisions (Development Regulations) of City Code to reduce and reorganize the City's Development Regulations in a more user-friendly and less costly to amend format. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/13/2002. CARRIED. Planning: Police Regulations An ordinance was read amending Sections 6-6-3, 6-6-4, 6-6-8,and 6-6-11,and mum (Title 6)Revisions (Related to adding a new Section, 6-6-12,Wild and Dangerous Animals,of Chapter 6, Title 4 Revisions) Animals and Fowl at Large, of Title 6 (Police Regulations) of City Code by May 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 167 updating references to Title 4 tables, adding definitions, and adding penalty provisions for unlawful acts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/13/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Reporting that the Skate Park has been experiencing problems with dirt in the Community Services: Skate bowl, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, Park COUNCIL REFER THE SKATE PARK MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR A BRIEFING. CARRIED. Human Services: Renton Stating that he attended the Renton Youth Day event held on April 27th, Youth Day Councilman Corman commended everyone who contributed to making Renton Youth Day a success. Fire: Staffing MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE TOPIC OF FIRE DEPARTMENT STAFFING TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 45 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:13 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:58 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Keolker-Wheeler,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:59 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann May 6,2002 IV CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 6,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 5/13 Tour of Edlund, Cleveland&Department (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. of Transportation Properties in Southwest (Meet at Renton Renton City Hall) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 5/13 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:15 p.m. Firemen's Pension Board Ordinance PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT MON., 5/13 Boeing Plant Development Agreement (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 5/13 Adopting Portions of RCW Criminal (Clawson) 5:00 p.m. Code to Renton City Code; Police Department Staffing; Fire Department Staffing TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) r NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. iv AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 13, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Civil Air Patrol Presentation of the Colors 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 6, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/02/2002 for CAG-02-048, North Talbot Pump Station Rehabilitation &Modifications to Other Water Facilities; one bid; engineer's estimate $283,303.23; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to bidder, Omega Contractors, Inc., in the amount of$217,436.80 (budgeted amount $200,000). Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion of funding. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/06/2002 for CAG-02-066, Fire Station#14 Exhaust System; two bids; project estimate $30,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Foster-Bray Company, Inc., in the amount of$35,000. Refer to Finance Committee for discussion of funding. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of the source of the 50% matching funds as required to apply for 2002 King County Conservation Futures grant funds which are used for the acquisition of open space lands. The funds will be used to acquire the Edlund property (identified in the 1992 Comprehensive Parks Plan for potential open space acquisition) in the estimated amount of$912,000; the City's 50% match is $456,000. Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Community Services Department recommends approval of an amendment to CAG-01-042, contract with Facility Maintenance Contractors for landscape maintenance services, to extend the contract through 12/31/2002. Contract amendment amount is $103,770.03. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. Community Services Department recommends approval of an amendment to CAG-01-065, contract with Kaleidoscope Services for preparation and maintenance of hanging flower baskets and pots, to extend the contract from 4/30/2002 through 4/30/2003. Contract amendment amount is $33,795.67. Refer to Community Services Committee. g. Community Services Department recommends approval of the 2002 interlocal agreement for waterfowl removal (continuation of egg addling program and study), at a cost of$3,400. Refer r... to Communities Services Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) h. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department requests policy direction to determine whether the Harrington Square Conceptual Plan supports the Highlands redevelopment vision and Council business goals. Council review is also requested of the Residential Demonstration Overlay District to determine the use types and densities necessary to support redevelopment in the Highlands. Refer to Planning &Development Committee and Planning Commission. ...r i. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-115, Lind Ave. S. Overlay; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$399,739.15, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$24,605.79 to Icon Materials, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. j. Utility Systems Division submits CAG-01-033, 80th Ave. S. Sanitary Sewer Extension; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$2,402.30, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$43,171.59 to Pivetta Bros. Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers;Firemen's Pension Board Ordinance* b. Utilities Committee: 2002-2003 Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant*; Adjustment of 2002 Appropriation for Water Utility Fund 421; 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District*; Cascadia Consulting Group Contract Addendum for Green Garden Program c. Public Safety Committee: Adopting Portions of RCW Criminal Code to Renton City Code* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: 2002-2003 Waste Reduction &Recycling Grant (see 8.b.) Ordinances for first reading: a. 2002 Budget amendment for Veterans Memorial Park construction funding (Council approved 5/06/2002) b. Firemen's Pension Board membership (see 8.a.) c. Establishing 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District (see 8.b.) d. Adopting portions of RCW Criminal Code to Renton City Code (see 8.c.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Development Regulations (Title IV) revisions (1st reading 5/6/2002) b. Amending Title VI, Chapter 6 regarding Animals &Fowl at Large (1st reading 5/6/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 6:00 p.m. (Meet at Renton City Hall) Tour of Edlund, Cleveland&Department of Transportation Properties in Southwest Renton • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • 171 CITY COUNCIL +� May 13, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals_ COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol support Funding source for 50% match to apply for 2002 King County Conservation Futures grant for Edlund property acquisition Contract amendment with Facility Maintenance Contractors for landscape maintenance services Contract amendment with Kaleidoscope Services for hanging flower basket maintenance 2002 Waterfowl Management interlocal agreement FINANCE COMMITTEE Bid award for Fire Station#14 Exhaust System Project MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract addendum#3 with Cascadia Consulting Group for Green Garden Program activities Execute interlocal agreement for 2002-2003 waste reduction and recycling grant from King County PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Review Harrington Square Conceptual Plan, Highlands redevelopment vision &Residential Demonstration Overlay District Animal keeping standards PLANNING COMMISSION Review of Residential Demonstration Overlay District UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid award for North Talbot Pump Station Rehabilitation and Modifications Project Letter from Marilyn Whitley re: Cedar River spawning channel site ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 2002 Budget amendment for Veterans Memorial Park funding (1st reading 5/13/2002) Firemen's Pension Board membership (1st reading 5/13/2002) Establishing 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District (1st reading 5/13/2002) Adopting portions of RCW Criminal Code to Renton City Code (1st reading 5/13/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 5/20/2002 -Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility development agreement 6/10/2002 - 2002 supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocation RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 13,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall am# CALL TO ORDER The Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Color Guard posted the colors, and Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON;KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CYNDIE PARKS, Community Program Coordinator; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON and COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Lieutenant Steve LaBell,Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Community Services: Renton Administrative Officer,explained that the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)is a non-profit Composite Squadron Civil Air auxiliary of the United States Air Force whose purpose is to educate aspiring Patrol youth for careers in both military and civilian aviation. Pointing out that membership is voluntary,he Stated that the Renton Squadron has been present in the community for approximately 20 years. Lieutenant LaBell described the mission and objectives of the CAP and detailed the cadet activities of the Renton Squadron. One such activity involves assisting at the Arlington Air Show, along with cadets from British Columbia. He announced that the Renton Squadron received first place in the statewide CAP Color Guard competition in March,2002, and first place in the Pacific Coast Region Color Guard competition in April, 2002. Lieutenant LaBell stated that the Renton Squadron will represent the Pacific Coast Region in the National Competition to be held at the end of June at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth L.Miller,Renton Composite Squadron CAP Commanding Officer, expressed his appreciation for the support the citizens of Renton have given the Renton Squadron, and he encouraged the City to also support the Renton Squadron as they proceed to the National Competition in Colorado. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF SUPPORT FOR THE RENTON COMPOSITE SQUADRON ! CIVIL AIR PATROL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted ...r included: 173 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 173 • Complimentary copies of the latest edition of New Lifestyles are now available from the Human Services Division. This pamphlet is a comprehensive source of Western Washington senior housing options, w••r including independent retirement living, assisted living, licensed single- family homes,boarding care licensed by the State of Washington, Alzheimer's programs,nursing and rehabilitation facilities, in-home care services,and hospice care. • On Thursday,May 9th, City street crews flushed all sidewalks in the Transit/Downtown Piazza area and also the downtown portions of S. 2nd and S. 3rd Streets to assist with the Downtown Annual Spring Clean Up. • The Renton Police Department will be joining their counterparts from across the State and Nation in a major campaign to get people to wear their seat belts. Called Click It or Ticket,enforcement efforts begin May 20th. A seat belt ticket costs $86 and a driver can be ticketed for every unbuckled passenger in the car who is under 16. Passengers aged 16 and older can be given their own seat belt ticket,even if they are not driving. AUDIENCE COMMENT Tom Enrico, 12101 SE 16th Pl.,Bellevue, 98005, stated that he is the owner of Citizen Comment: Enrico— the Kennydale Apartments located at 1416 N. 30th St., an eight-unit apartment Kennydale Apts (N 30th St), building built in 1962. He explained that when he purchased the building,he Legal Non-Conforming was under the impression that the legal non-conforming building status could Property be changed with a conditional approval permit. Since then,he has discovered that due to previous zoning changes in 1992/1993 which did not affect his property,his property was prohibited from the conditional zoning process. Stating that he wants to improve,maintain,and manage the older apartment Now building in a way that benefits the tenants,neighbors, and the City,Mr. Enrico requested that his legal non-conforming property be grandfathered in and given equal consideration under the existing zoning laws and processes. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry,Mr.Enrico explained that it is difficult to get a building improvement loan at a low interest rate due to the property's status as a legal non-conforming building. The improvements he is considering include repaving the parking lot and remodeling some kitchens. He noted that he has not yet applied for any building permits. Pointing out that the City's conditional zoning permit process allows legal non- conforming properties to be considered as legal conforming properties,Mr. Enrico indicated that some property owners are allowed to apply for this process and some are not. City Attorney Larry Warren explained that there was a process for legal non- conforming uses when the City made changes to the Comprehensive Plan due to the Growth Management Act and regulatory reform. The process,which was in effect for a limited period of time after the Comprehensive Plan changes, allowed non-conforming property owners to rebuild if, for example, a fire destroyed their property. Mr.Warren stated that the law generally indicates that once a use is found to be non-conforming,the use is gradually phased out and becomes a conforming use over a period of time. Council discussion ensued regarding bank loan interest rates and loan criteria, and Councilman Corman suggested the City write a letter to Mr.Enrico's bank explaining the legal non-conforming property status laws. Council discussion continued regarding the possibility of changing the Comprehensive Plan 174 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 174 designation for the property,the apartment building's proximity to future Fire Station#15, and the maintenance of affordable housing in Renton. Mayor Tanner stated that the administration will review the matter and report back to Council. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 6,2002. Council concur. May 6, 2002 CAG: 02-048, N Talbot Pump City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/02/2002 for CAG-02-048,North Talbot Station Rehabilitation & Pump Station Rehabilitation and Modifications to Other Water Facilities; one Modifications, Omega bid; engineer's estimate$283,303.23; and submitted staff recommendation to Contractors award the contract to bidder, Omega Contractors,Inc., in the amount of $217,436.80(budgeted amount$200,000). Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 02-066,Fire Station#14 City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/06/2002 for CAG-02-066,Fire Station Exhaust System,Foster-Bray #14 Exhaust System; two bids;project estimate$30,000; and submitted staff Company recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Foster-Bray Company, Inc., in the amount of$35,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: Edlund Community Services Department recommended approval of the source of the Property,King County 50%matching funds as required to apply for 2002 King County Conservation Conservation Futures Grant Future grant funds which are used for the acquisition of open space lands. The Application funds will be used to acquire the Edlund property(identified in the 1992 Comprehensive Parks Plan for potential open space acquisition) in the estimated amount of$912,000; the City's 50%match is$456,000. Refer to Community Services Committee. Now CAG: 01-042,Landscape Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to Maintenance Services,Facility CAG-01-042,contract with Facilities Maintenance Contractors for landscape Maintenance Contractors maintenance services,to extend the contract through 12/31/2002. Contract amendment amount is $103,770.03. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 01-065,Hanging Flower Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to Basket Maintenance, CAG-01-065, contract with Kaleidoscope Services for preparation and Kaleidoscope Services maintenance of hanging flower baskets and flower pots,to extend the contract from 4/30/2002 through 4/30/2003. Contract amendment amount is $33,795.67. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services: 2002 Community Services Department recommended approval of the 2002 interlocal Waterfowl Management agreement for waterfowl removal (continuation of egg addling program and Interlocal Agreement study),at a cost of$3,400. Refer to Community Services Committee. Planning: Harrington Square, Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Highlands Redevelopment, requested policy direction to determine whether the Harrington Square Residential Demonstration Conceptual Plan supports the Highlands redevelopment vision and Council Overlay District business goals. Council review was also requested of the Residential Demonstration Overlay District to determine the use types and densities necessary to support redevelopment in the Highlands. Refer to Planning& Development Committee and Planning Commission. GAG-. 01 115Lind ye c T-r-ansper-tation Systems Diyis:,.n submitted GAG 01 115 Lind Av c 175 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 175 and felease of retained afneunt of$24,605.79 te!eon Mater-ials,hie., , if allrequiredfeleases ar-e ebtained Geunei CAG: 01-033, 80th Ave S Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-01-033, 80th Ave. S. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Extension, Extension; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Pivetta Bros Construction estimate in the amount of$2,402.30,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$43,171.59 to Pivetta Bros. Construction,Inc., contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO WITHDRAW ITEM 6.i. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Marilyn Whitley, 969 Shelton Ave. SE,Renton, CORRESPONDENCE 98058, in which she detailed her concerns regarding the impact of the proposed Citizen Comment: Whitley— Cedar River spawning channel on the environment and surrounding Cedar River Spawning neighborhood if it is located at the Rolling Hills A site. She requested that the Channel Replacement Site proposed Cedar River spawning channel be placed at the Elliot reach site,not at the Rolling Hills A site. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Clawson stated that long-term and short-term police and fire Police: Staffing department staffing issues will be discussed at the Council workshop on Friday, May 17th. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Police: Criminal Code adoption and incorporation of certain provisions from the Revised Code of Adoption from RCW Washington(RCW)to the Renton City Code. The ordinance adds these statutes to the City Code, and allows these laws to be prosecuted in the Renton Municipal Court. The Committee found that it would be advisable to adopt the recommended sections from RCW 9A,Washington Criminal Code; Title 9, Crimes and Punishments;Title 10,Criminal Procedure;Title 26,Domestic Relations;Title 69,Food,Drug, Cosmetics and Possession; and Title 77,Fish and Wildlife;to the Renton City Code. A copy of these laws will be kept by the City Clerk. The Committee recommended that those certain RCW provisions be added to Section 6-10-1 of the City Code.* Councilman Clawson explained that the subject laws have already been adopted by the State and will now be incorporated into the Renton City Code by reference. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. (See page 177 for ordinance.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Special Assessment District: in the staff recommendation that the 80th Ave. S. Sanitary Sewer Special 80th Ave S Assessment District No. 0023 be approved. The Special Assessment District will establish connection charges of$7,812.14 per single-family unit that are within the boundary of the assessment district. In addition, simple interest will accrue at a rate of 4.86%for a period of ten years. mow The Committee further recommended that the ordinance finalizing the 80th Ave. S. Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment District be presented for first 176 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 176 reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 177 for ordinance.) Solid Waste: Green Garden Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Eno Program Contract Adden, in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Cascadia Consulting Group, the Council approve Amendment#3 to CAG-99-180, Green Garden Program CAG-99-180 contract with Cascadia Consulting Group,Inc. The contract will provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM)technical assistance to City staff and develop a public education campaign designed to inform residents about the environmental and health benefits associated with the adoption of IPM strategies in the management of their lawns and gardens. The Committee further recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment, amending the scope,budget, and timeline to CAG-99-180. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Solid Waste: 2002-2003 Waste Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Reduction&Recycling Grant in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Agreement,King County the Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the 2002-2003 Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program interlocal agreement with King County, The agreement authorizes the City to receive $103,650 in 2002 funding and$64,775 in 2003 funding from King County to continue the Special Recycling Events,Natural Yard Care Program, and the Business Recycling Program. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 177 for resolution.) Utility: 2002 CIP Fund Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the adjustment of Transfer,Telemetry the appropriation of funds for the Water Utility Division Capital Improvement Improvements (SCADA Projects (CIP)in 2002. The Committee recommended concurrence in the System) recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the transfer of$100,000 within the 2002 appropriation of funds for the Water Utility Division CIP. The additional funding will allow the Water Utility Division to complete the replacement of the water telemetry system in 2002. The transfer will be from the Reservoir Recoating budget (account no.421.500.18.5960.34.65.55260)to the Telemetry Improvements budget(account no. 421.500.18.5960.34.65.55120). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Patker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 203497 -204166 and three wire transfers totaling $3,733,140.35; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 37753 -37995,one wire transfer and 555 direct deposits totaling$1,703,139.77. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Legal: Firemen's Pension Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Firemen's U fto Board, City Code Amend Pension Board ordinance. The Revised Code of Washington(RCW) Section 41-18-020 specifies that "two regularly employed or retired firemen elected by 177 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 177 secret ballot..." may be part of the Firemen's Pension Board. As the City Code is currently written, it does not include the word "retired". Renton Municipal Code Section 2-6-2,therefore,needs to be updated in order to be in compliance with State law. The Finance Committee recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3565 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Solid Waste: 2002-2003 Waste King County Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant interlocal agreement which Reduction&Recycling Grant provides for$103,650 in funding to implement Special Recycling Events, a Agreement,King County Business Recycling Program, and the Natural Yard Care Program. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/20/2002 for second and final reading: Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read amending the 2002 Budget for the express purpose of Veterans Memorial Park building a Veterans Memorial Park and appropriating the necessary funds in the amount of$389,000 for the construction. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/20/2002. CARRIED. Legal: Firemen's Pension An ordinance was read amending Section 2-6-2 of Chapter 6,Firemen's Pension Board, City Code Amend Board, of Title H(Commissions and Boards)of City Code by allowing retired mom firemen to serve on the Firemen's Pension Board,pursuant to State law. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/20/2002. CARRIED. Special Assessment District: An ordinance was read establishing a Special Assessment District for sanitary 80th Ave S sewer service for properties adjacent to 80th Ave. S., S. 130th St., and S. Langston Rd., and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/20/2002. CARRIED. Police: Criminal Code An ordinance was read amending Section 6-10-1 of Chapter 10, Criminal Code, Adoption from RCW of Title VI(Police Regulations) of City Code by adopting portions of the Criminal Code of the Revised Code of Washington(RCW). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/20/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4963 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-34A of Chapter 3,Remedies and Planning: Development Penalties, of Title 1 (Administrative), and Chapters 1 through 11 of Title 4 Regulations (Title 4) (Development Regulations)of City Code to reduce and reorganize the City's mum Revisions Development Regulations in a more user-friendly and less costly to amend format. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, 178 May 13,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 178 COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4964 An ordinance was read amending Sections 6-6-3, 6-6-4, 6-6-8, and 6-6-11,and Planning: Police Regulations adding a new Section, 6-6-12,Wild and Dangerous Animals,of Chapter 6, (Title 6)Revisions (Related to Animals and Fowl at Large, of Title 6(Police Regulations)of City Code by Title 4 Revisions) updating references to Title 4 tables, adding definitions,and adding penalty provisions for unlawful acts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Clawson expressed his appreciation for the additional Police Police: Hardie Ave NW Department traffic enforcement on Hardie Ave.NW. Traffic Enforcement Development Services: Animal MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Keeping Standards COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF ANIMAL KEEPING STANDARDS IN RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL AREAS TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:45 p.m. • &/a BONNIE I.WALTON,City Clerk. Recorder: Michele Neumann May 13,2002 a.MI .r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 179 Office of the City Clerk 1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 13,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COUNCIL WORKSHOP FRI., 05/17 Pavilion Building; 1:00p.m. —5:00p.m. Aquatics Center; (Council Miscellaneous Updates Chambers) (Public is welcome;however,no comments will be taken. Audience comment will be accepted at the Council meeting on 5/20) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON.,05/20 South Renton Plan (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES MON.,05/20 Human Services General Fund Funding (Corman) 5:15 p.m. Cycle; 2002 Community Development Block Grant Fund Allocation; Landscape Maintenance Contract with Facilities Maintenance Contractors; 2002 Waterfowl Management Interlocal Agreement; Kaleidoscope Services Contract for Hanging Flower Baskets; King County Conservation Futures Grant Application .�.. FINANCE MON.,05/20 Vouchers (Parker) 4:45 p.m. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT TUES.,05/14 Boeing Plant Development Agreement (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:30 p.m. THURS.,05/16 120-Day Permitting Process (1:45 p.m.— 1:45 p.m. Council Conference Room); Reservoir Short Plat Appeal (2:00 p.m.— Council Chambers) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) THURS., 5/16 Seaplane Dock Facilities Additional (Persson) 4:30 p.m. Funding; SR-900—S. 2nd St. Traffic Signal Project Bid Award UTILITIES TUES., 05/14 Cedar River Spawning Channel Replacement (Briere) 11:00 a.m. (Public is welcome;however,no comments will (Field Trip to Site) be taken. Audience comment will be accepted at 5/16 Utilities Committee meeting.) THURS., 05/16 Sewer Service Outside City Limits; 3:30 p.m. Cedar River Spawning Channel Replacement NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 20, 2002 .no Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sales Days—May 15 to 31, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Nishiwaki Delegation Report on Sister City Visit b. 2002 Neighborhood Grant Awards 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility Development Agreement 6. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: Reservoir Short Plat Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. r The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning &Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning &Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 8. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 181 9. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. NOW a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 13, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner reappoints Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 1 lth Pl.,Renton, 98056, to the Park Board for a four-year term expiring 6/01/2006. Council concur. c. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department recommends approval of a long-term (seven-year) agreement with Yakima County to provide jail services for Renton misdemeanant prisoners. Approval is also sought for an interlocal agreement between King County cities related to the Yakima County jail services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. d. Court Case filed on behalf of Renton Firefighter John P. Holt by Delaney L. Miller of Van Siclen, Stocks &Firkins, 4508 Auburn Way N., Suite A-100, Auburn, 98002, in an undetermined amount, alleging retaliation, hostile work environment, violation of whistleblower statutes and violation of right of free speech in connection with Holt's February 2000 report of improper fund- handling by the Fire Department union. Refer to City Attorney &Insurance Services. e. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat; 40 single-family lots on 8.6 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave. NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets (FP-02-035). Council concur. (See 12.a. for resolution.) f. Police Department recommends approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of$65,850 for the addition of two Police Department positions: Police Evidence Technician and Police Crime Analyst. Refer to Public Safety Committee. g. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-115, Lind Ave. SW Overlay; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$366,770.35, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$22,870.59 to Icon Materials, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. h. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-066, 2001 Street Overlay; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$197,268.40, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$34,664.64 to Icon +� Materials, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 10. CORRESPONDENCE 11. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: South Renton Plan b. Community Services Committee: Human Services General Fund Funding Cycle; 2002 Community Development Block Grant Fund Allocation; Landscape Maintenance Contract with Facilities Management Contractors; 2002 Waterfowl Management Interlocal Agreement*; Kaleidoscope Services Contract for Hanging Flower Baskets; King County Conservation Futures Grant Application c. Finance Committee: Vouchers d. Planning &Development Committee: Boeing Renton Plant Development Agreement*; 120-Day Permitting Process* e. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Seaplane Dock Facilities Additional Funding; SR-900— S. 2nd St. Traffic Signal Project Bid Award f. Utilities Committee: Sewer Service Outside City Limits*; Cedar River Spawning Channel Replacement; North Talbot Pump Station Rehabilitation Bid Award 12. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat (see 9.e.) b. 2002 Waterfowl Management interlocal agreement (see l l.b.) c. Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility development agreement (see 1 l.d.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 182 Ordinances for first reading: a. 120-day permitting process (see l l.d.) b. Sewer service outside City limits (see l Lf.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. 2002 Budget amendment for Veterans Memorial Park construction funding (1st reading 5/13/02) b. Firemen's Pension Board membership (1st reading 5/13/02) ""'r c. Establishing 80th Ave. S. Special Assessment District (1st reading 5/13/02) d. Adopting portions of RCW Criminal Code to Renton City Code (1st reading 5/13/02) 13. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 14. AUDIENCE COMMENT 15. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. South Renton Plan Wawa • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. � 83 CITY COUNCIL .... May 20, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referral's CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed on behalf of John P. Holt COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of more community involvement in the City budget process MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract amendment with Facilities Maintenance Contractors for landscape maintenance services Execute contract amendment with Kaleidoscope Services for hanging flower basket maintenance Execute 2002 Waterfowl Management interlocal agreement Execute Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility development agreement PUBLIC SAFETY COMM=E Yakima County and King County cities jail services agreements Budget adjustment for two additional Police Department positions ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING .� Sewer service outside City limits (1st reading 5/20/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 6/10/2002 - 2002 supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocation ]�8 RENTON CITY COUNCII. Regular Meeting May 20, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; TERRI BRIERE;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN KING PARKER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD,Community Services Administrator;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director;RON STRAKA,Utility Engineering Supervisor; ROBERT MAC ONIE,Mapping Supervisor;JULIE BREWER, Community Relations Manager; SONJA MEJLAENDER, Community Relations Specialist; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator;REBECCA LIND,Planner Manager;JENNIFER TOTH HENNING,Principal Planner; LESLEY NISHIHIlZA, Senior Planner;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the days of May 15th American Legion Auxiliary through 31st, 2002, to be "American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Sales Days" in Poppy Sales Days—May 15 to the City of Renton,and encouraging Renton citizens to wear a poppy as a sign 31, 2002 of gratitude to the men and women of our country who have risked their lives in defense of the freedom we continue to enjoy as Americans. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Marion Olson,Poppy Sales Chairman, accepted the proclamation. SPECIAL Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported on the recent trip which City of PRESENTATIONS Renton delegates took to visit Renton's Sister City,Nishiwaki,Japan. She AJLS: Sister City Visit to introduced other Renton community members that were part of the delegation Nishiwaki which included Councilwoman Briere and Bob MacOnie,Mapping Supervisor. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler displayed slides of the trip and described various activities undertaken during the visit, as well as sites seen. She expressed her appreciation to the City of Nishiwaki's Mayor and Council, citizens,translators, and most especially to the host families. In conclusion, she presented two gifts from the City of Nishiwaki to Mayor Tanner(a street sign depicting Renton Street in Nishiwaki, and a picture commemorating Nishiwaki's 50th anniversary as a City). EDNSP: 2002 Neighborhood Norma McQuiller,Neighborhood Coordinator,explained that the Grant Program Neighborhood Grant Program is a great opportunity for neighborhoods that have organized themselves into groups and associations to apply for grants to .r.i improve their neighborhoods. Ms. McQuiller presented the 2002 Neighborhood Grant Awards to representatives of the Highlands Community Association, Honey Creek Ridge Homeowners Association,North Renton 185 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 185 Neighborhood Association,Tiffany Park Homeowners Association, Summerwind Homeowners Association,and Highbury Park Homeowners Association. In addition,Ms.McQuiller reported that four neighborhood groups also received grants for their newsletters. Stating that a second round of grants will be held in October,Ms.McQuiller encouraged every neighborhood to become part of the Neighborhood Program. In conclusion, she expressed her pleasure in working with the residents and in being associated with this program. Councilman Corman commended the neighborhood groups who have received these grants and for the work they do to beautify their neighborhoods. He also encouraged neighborhood groups to apply for the second round of grant funding. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler praised Ms. McQuiller for all her hard work with the Neighborhood Grant Program. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Services: Boeing accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing to consider the proposed development agreement between the City of Renton Facility Development and The Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Agreement Facility. Lesley Nishihira, Senior Planner,explained that the Renton Boeing Plant is located south of Lake Washington and consists of approximately 279 acres. Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Employment Area Industrial(EAI)and Employment Area Transition(EAT),and the property is zoned Heavy Industrial(IH). She stated that the first plant buildings were constructed in 1942, and by 1989,the plant contained 69 major buildings totaling 6.9 million square feet. In order to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond,additional buildings and employees were contemplated for the plant. Ms. Nishihira reported that due to the contemplated plant expansion which would include new building construction,the expansion of existing buildings, and an increased employee count,the City issued an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)in 1990. The EIS established that in 1990, without the proposed expansion,the plant generated 28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips. Continuing,Ms.Nishihira stated that the proposed development agreement would provide assurance for continued Boeing airplane manufacturing uses, and certainty and efficiency with respect to future review and approval processes. The agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for analysis of impacts associated with future proposals. She pointed out that the agreement would be valid for 45 years during which Boeing would have adequate time to determine long-term plans for the subject property. Ms. Nishihira explained that in 1995,the State Legislature enabled jurisdictions to enter into development agreements with property owners. She also explained that the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)requires that development agreements undergo environmental review; therefore,the City's Environmental Review Committee issued an addendum to the EIS on May 7, 2002. In conclusion,Ms. Nishihira added that State law requires a public ..�.. hearing be held to consider development agreements, and approval of the agreements must be enacted through ordinance or resolution. 18.6 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 186 Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 189 for Planning &Development Committee report regarding this matter, and page 194 for resolution.) Now APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler announced that Planning &Development the Planning and Development Committee meeting regarding the Reservoir Committee Short Plat appeal(SBP-01-169)was continued to May 30th at 3:00 p.m. in the Appeal: Reservoir Short Plat, Council Chambers. Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The first annual Mother's Day Memories event was held on May 11th at the Community Center. Over 120 children and their moms enjoyed a brunch served by the Renton Culinary Arts Program of the Renton Technical College, followed by a performance of Sleeping Beauty at Carco Theatre. • On May 16th,26 student volunteers from Nelsen Middle School worked for three hours on community service projects at both the Highlands Library and the Renton Public Library. • Many meetings are being set up to address the proposed Regional Transportation Plan that could potentially go to the voters in November. The I-405 Executive Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday,May 22nd, to discuss phasing options for the 1-405 Corridor Plan; South King County Transportation Board(SCATBd) is scheduled to meet this week; ..r and the Eastside Transportation Partnership(ETP) is scheduled to meet on Friday,May 24th,to determine recommendations for the plan. On Thursday,May 30th,at 6:30 p.m. in the Kirkland Council Chambers,the King County Transportation Committee will meet again,presenting an opportunity for local elected officials to provide input into the plan. Police: Alarm Assistance Councilman Clawson reported on an incident that occurred on Sunday,May 19th, when he received notice of an alarm that had gone off at his office. He described the actions of the police officer who responded to the call and investigated the incident,and he complimented the Renton Police Department for its professionalism. Mayor Tanner agreed that Renton has one of the best and well-trained Police Departments in the Puget Sound region. AUDIENCE COMMENT John H. See,438 Burnett Ave. S.,Renton,98055, stated that he supports the Citizen Comment: See—Year- construction of a covered swimming pool in Renton which will serve the End Fund Balance Use citizens much better than an uncovered pool due to the unpredictable climate. He also suggested that a portion of the year-end fund balance be reserved for economic downturns. Regarding the Pavilion Building,Mr. See questioned whether the City wants a run-down building in the middle of the downtown beautification project and said that it would take more than a can of paint to fix up the building. He suggested that the building be used as the City's Parks Maintenance Garage. Council President Nelson stated that the Council decided at its Council workshop on May 17th to bring forward a recommendation on June 3rd to construct a swimming pool with a separate lap pool. She pointed out that the May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 187 187 lap pool could eventually be covered. Ms.Nelson also stated that the Pavilion Building will be fixed up so that it looks nice and will attract retailers and developers. Councilman Clawson expressed his concern regarding whether there has been enough public input and education about the swimming pool. He stated that the City needs to be careful as to how the money is spent. Citizen Comment: O'Halloran Mike O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St.,Renton, 98059, agreed that the swimming —Year-End Fund Balance Use pool is a good investment and he recommended naming it the Henry Moses Pool. He suggested that the Pavilion Building be torn down and the space be used to expand the downtown Piazza park. Mr. O'Halloran also suggested that if there is any money leftover,that it be used to improve the City's infrastructure, such as NE 3rd and 4th Streets. Citizen Comment: Kwolek— David Kwolek, 1113 Shelton Ave. SE,Renton, 98058,expressed his concern Cedar River Spawning that using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the general contractor for the Channel Replacement Site Cedar River side channel replacement project is an expensive mistake based on past experience with other Army Corps of Engineers Cedar River projects such as the Section 205 dredging project. Mayor Tanner commented that unfortunately the only way to get funding for the project is if the Army Corps of Engineers is in charge. Councilman Corman stated that the Utilities Committee has discussed this matter at length and he said that the City will have daily meetings with the Army Corps of Engineers during the construction of the channel. Also,the possibility of involving a representative from the neighborhood was discussed, as well as having input regarding the final clean up and buy-off of the project. .� Citizen Comment: Fillips— Judy Fillips, 3405 SE 7th St.,Renton, 98058,reported that she has been a Cedar River Spawning resident of Renton for 17 years and has been working with Cedar River issues Channel Replacement Site for much of that time. She said that the City has been a poor conservator of the Cedar River and there needs to be more oversight of what is being done. Stating her opposition to the selection of the Rolling Hills Site "A" or "B" as the Cedar River spawning channel replacement site,Ms. Fillips expressed her concerns about the management of the Cedar River conservation zone and she described illegal activities that have taken place within that area. She pointed out that placing the channel at that site will: draw more people to the area, undercut the slope over time,cause more trees to be removed, and increase the need for more enforcement of the area. Citizen Comment: Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct.,Renton, 98058,read a letter Quesenberry—Public addressed to Councilman Clawson from the Public Disclosure Commission Disclosure Commission (PDC)in which Mr. Clawson's allegations that Ms. Quesenberry sponsored Dismissal of Complaint by false political advertising during her campaign for Renton City Councilmember Clawson were dismissed. Detailed in the letter were Mr. Clawson's allegations and the PDC staffs review of them. The allegations related to: Ms. Quesenberry's statements in her political advertising regarding property taxes and Mr. Clawson's statement in the Voter Pamphlet regarding property taxes, and the use of a portion of a letter sent to her by Councilman Corman in her political advertising. Ms. Quesenberry stated that she hopes this dismissal letter finally puts the matter to rest. ,�.., Councilman Clawson responded by saying that people in the public eye are often criticized, and Ms. Quesenberry had criticized he and the Council by erroneously saying they raised property taxes. He acknowledged the dismissal 188 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 188 of his complaints by the PDC, and stated that the free speech right under the first amendment is so powerful that any kind of restriction towards the criticizing of public officials receives strict scrutiny. He explained that it is difficult to determine if someone is malicious,especially when that person really believes that what he or she is saying is the truth. Commenting on the use of a portion of Councilman Corman's letter in Ms. Queseberry's political advertising, Councilman Clawson explained that it is illegal to imply an endorsement and he felt that her political literature made that implication. He stated that he has no ill feelings towards Ms. Quesenberry, and expressed his appreciation for her contributions to the City of Renton. Ms. Quesenberry reported that the property tax figures she had used were obtained from the King County Auditor's Office and the PDC also reviewed the numbers. She expressed her concerns regarding Mr. Clawson's interpretation of the figures and his interpretation of her use of a portion of Mr. Corman's letter in her political advertising. She stated that the letter from the PDC, and Randy Corman's letter are on record if anyone is interested in reading them. Councilman Corman stated that he rarely makes endorsements. He noted that Ms. Quesenberry accurately quoted a portion of a letter he furnished her within her political literature acknowledging those characteristics he values in her; however,it was not an endorsement. Mr. Corman indicated that he also furnished Mr. Clawson with a quote identifying his contributions to the City, but he noted that it was not an endorsement. Stating that both candidates used statements furnished by him in their political literature,he commented that he was not aware of the PDC filing until now. Citizen Comment: Dungan— Scott Dungan, 3316 SE 6th St.,Renton,98058, stated that he is a resident of Cedar River Spawning Maplewood Glen and he supports the previous speakers statements of concern +•+r Channel Replacement Site regarding the Cedar River spawning channel. He praised the City for working with the affected neighborhoods,and expressed some additional concerns regarding the proposed spawning channel replacement site. If the spawning channel is to be located at Rolling Hills,Mr.Dungan recommended that the gravel road be improved and sufficient interpretive signage be erected in the area. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 13,2002. Council concur. May 13,2002 Appointment: Park Board Mayor Tanner reappointed Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Pl.,Renton,98056, to the Park Board for a four-year term expiring 6/01/2006. Council concur. Police: Yakima County Jail Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval Service Contracts, Yakima of a long-term(seven-year) agreement with Yakima County to provide jail County &King County Cities services for Renton misdemeanant prisoners. Approval was also sought for an interlocal agreement between King County cities related to the Yakima County jail services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Court Case: John P Holt, CRT- Court Case filed on behalf of Renton Firefighter John P. Holt by Delaney L. 02-006 Miller of Van Siclen, Stocks &Firkins,4508 Auburn Way N., Suite A-100, Auburn, 98002,for an undetermined amount, alleging retaliation,hostile work environment, violation of whistleblower statues and violation of right of free speech in connection with Mr. Holt's February 2002 report of improper fund- 18.9 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 189 handling by the Fire Department union. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Plat:Liberty Ridge Phase 2, Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions,of the �+ Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-035) Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat;40 single-family lots on 8.6 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave.NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets (FP-02-035). Council concur. (See page 194 for resolution.) Police: Staffing,Budget Police Department recommended approval of a budget adjustment in the Adjustment for Two amount of$65,850 for the addition of two Police Department positions: Police Additional Positions Evidence Technician and Police Crime Analyst. Refer to Public Safety Committee. CAG: 01-115,Lind Ave SW Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-115,Lind Ave. SW Overlay,Icon Materials Overlay; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$366,770.35,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$22,870.59 to Icon Materials, Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 01-066, 2001 Street Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-066, 2001 Street Overlay; Overlay, Icon Materials and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay authorization in the amount of$197,268.40,commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$34,664.64 to Icon Materials, Inc.,contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Toni Nelson presented a report regarding the South Renton EDNSP: South Renton Neighborhood Plan and related City Code amendments. The Committee of the ..� Neighborhood Plan Whole recommended that the South Renton Neighborhood Plan and associated City Code amendments,dated May 15,2002,with Planning Commission amendments from the May 15, 2002,Planning Commission meeting, as addressed in the memo from Becky Lemke,Planning Commission Chair,be approved in its entirety following the end of the State's 60-day review period on June 4th. First reading of the implementing ordinances will occur on June 3, 2002,and second reading on June 10, 2002. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REMOVE THE SUBJECT OF THE SOUTH RENTON NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN FROM THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending concurrence with the recommendation of the Development Services: Boeing Administration to approve the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility Renton Aircraft Manufacturing development agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with Facility Development respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for future Agreement development of the Boeing Renton Plant. The agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Boeing Plant site. 190 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 190 The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the development agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 194 for ... resolution.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Sewer Service in the recommendation of staff that Council adopt an ordinance restricting Restrictions Outside City sanitary sewer service outside of its corporate limits,except to the following Limits, City Code Amend uses: • Public Entity: Municipal/Quasi-Municipal, such as schools, hospitals,or special purpose districts. • Necessary Service: Existing development converting from a failed or failing septic system or in an area defined as a health concern by the Seattle/King County Health Department. • Vested Service: Those properties for which the City has issued an existing valid sewer availability certificate prior to enacting this ordinance. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 194 for ordinance.) Public Works: Cedar River Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the Cedar River Spawning Channel side-channel replacement project. The Committee recommended concurrence Replacement Site in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that: 1. The proposed spawning and rearing channel at Rolling Hills Site "A"be selected as the channel to replace the groundwater spawning channel constructed as mitigation for the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Cedar River Section 205 Flood Hazard Reduction Project,which was destroyed by the Nisqually earthquake. This recommendation is supported by the USACE and resource agencies responsible for issuing final permits and/or concurrences. 2. The permitting and final design tasks for the project at Rolling Hills Site "A"be initiated immediately to facility construction in 2002 and 2003. The construction of the channel at the Rolling Hills Site "A" is contingent upon obtaining all required permits and final approval and/or concurrence by various Federal and State resource agencies. 3. The City continue to involve Renton citizens from the Maple Gardens neighborhood,that have expressed concerns about the use of the Rolling Hills Site "A", in the project design and implementation. 4. The Surface Water Utility Division commits to integrating the following additional features into the project based on concerns from citizens from the Maple Gardens neighborhood: on" May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 191 191 a. Improve the existing gate across the City of Seattle right-of-way to deter illegal motorized vehicular traffic. b. Install interpretive and other signs to educate the public and deter poaching,littering,fires and limiting foot traffic to designated areas. c. Place the maintenance road for the project along the south side of the proposed channel to create a buffer area between the proposed channel and the Cedar River. d. Replant and restore the existing disturbed path area along the Cedar River between the Cedar River and the proposed channel to enhance the buffer area and limit access. e. Commit to working with other City departments (Police,Fire, and Parks Departments), and the Washington State Department of Fisheries,to improve response to complaints and enforcement against illegal activities that may occur in the project area after the project is completed. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilwoman Briere stated that the City has been working with the affected neighborhood and the City will closely oversee the construction of the project. *MOTION CARRIED. CAG: 02-048,N Talbot Pump Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the North Talbot Station Rehabilitation& Pump Station Rehabilitation Project, and the adjustment of funds for the Water rm.. Modifications, Omega Utility Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The Committee recommended Contractors concurrence in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the transfer of$127,000 within the 2002 appropriation of funds for Water Utility CIP. The additional funding is needed to cover additional work on the pump station, including the installation of security improvements to the City's other water facilities. The transfer will be from the Groundwater Under Influence/Disinfection Pipeline budget(account no. 421.500.18.5960.34.65.55405)to the North Talbot Pump Station budget (account no. 421.500.18.5960.34.65.55530). The Committee further recommended that Council award the construction contract for the North Talbot Pump Station Rehabilitation and Modifications to Other Water Facilities Project(CAG-02-048)to the low bidder, Omega Contractors,Inc.,in the amount of$217,436.80. MOVED BY BRIERS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Vice Chair Persson presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 204167—204514 and one wire transfer totaling $1,536,885.55; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 37996—38244,one wire transfer and 558 direct deposits totaling$1,722,255.38. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 19 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 192 Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities contract(CAG-01-133). The CAG: 01-133,Airport existing seaplane dock constructed in 1977 is in need of replacement. The Seaplane Dock Facilities, wooden walers holding the dock together are rotted and waterlogged,making it ..d Culbertson Marine Const, an unsafe condition for passengers and crews stepping from the plane to the Additional Funding dock. Rehabilitation of the existing dock was not a part of the original contract. The City Attorney has reviewed and determined this work can be added to the contract since it is consistent with the original scope. The majority of the funding requested would be used to remove and replace 147 linear feet of floats,and add 198 linear feet of skirting and fenders along the walers. The floats will match the existing and new dock elevation, and have better transition for the new gangway both from dock to dock and dock to shore. The City received a Federal grant in the amount of$798,805 to cover a portion of the construction cost. Of the$205,000 requested for the project,an additional Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)grant would cover$119,820. The balance of the funding needed would be paid from the Airport Reserve Fund. The Committee recommended Council authorize$205,000 in additional funds to cover additional construction costs to complete the project. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 02-002, SR-900—S 2nd Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report St Traffic Signal Safety regarding the SR-900—S. 2nd St. Traffic Signal Safety Project(CAG-02-002) Project,Totem Electric bid award. Bids were opened on May 1,2002, with a total of five bids received with Totem Electric of Tacoma being the low bid in the amount of$208,910. The engineer's estimate was $165,300 and the budget for construction was $191,375. After reviewing the bids and evaluating the engineer's estimate, it was determined that the cost for signal equipment has increased. The Transportation Division requested an additional$60,000 to cover construction costs and contingencies. This would increase the budget from$191,375 to $251,375. The City received a Federal grant in the amount of$166,500 to cover a portion of the construction costs. The Committee recommended Council authorize $60,000 of additional funding to cover the construction costs and award the contract to Totem Electric of Tacoma. Funding would come from the Arterial Circulation Program in the amount of$25,000, and from the Project Development and Design Program in the amount of$35,000.* Councilman Persson explained that this project entails placing signal lights over the traffic lanes at S. 2nd St. and Wells Ave. S.,and S. 2nd St. and Williams Ave. S., instead of having the lights at the street corners. He pointed out that these are the two most dangerous intersections in the City and this project is a major safety improvement. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Committee two-year General Fund funding cycle for Human Services. The Committee Human Services: General recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that a two-year General Funds, Change to Two Year Fund funding cycle be approved. This is only for General Funds and does not Funding Cycle include Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), which will continue 193 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 193 to be allocated on an annual basis to concur with the annual allocation process of the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) and the King County CDBG Consortium. This will begin with the 2003/2004 funding cycle. r.. It will reduce the amount of staff and Human Services Advisory Committee time to review applications,and will give agencies greater funding stability. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 01-042,Landscape Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Maintenance Services,Facility recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the existing Maintenance Contractors landscape services contract with Facility Maintenance Contractors (CAG-01- 042)by extending the contract through December 31, 2002. This contract provides for the maintenance of 25 locations including rights-of-way,traffic circles, a fire station,parks and trails. The contract fee of$103,770.03 will remain the same as 2001. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this amendment. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: 2002 Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Waterfowl Management recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to accept the 2002 Interlocal Agreement interlocal agreement for waterfowl management services including egg addling, waterfowl removal and studies with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services in the amount of$3,400. The Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the interlocal agreement be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR .r IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 194 for resolution.) CAG: 01-065, Hanging Flower Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Basket Maintenance, recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to extend the existing Kaleidoscope Services hanging basket program contract with Kaleidoscope Services (CAG-01-065) from April 30,2002 through April 30,2003. The contract addendum,in the amount of$33,795.67,is for the preparation and maintenance of hanging flower baskets and flower pots,and the number of hanging baskets will increase from 100 to 116. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract addendum. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: Edlund Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Property,King County King County Conservation Futures grant application. The Committee Conservation Futures Grant concurred in the staff recommendation to identify$400,000 from the Parks Application Mitigation Fund and$56,000 from the Community Services Grant Matching Fund for a total of$456,000 to be utilized as the required 50%match for the King County Conservation Futures grant application for the purpose of acquiring the Edlund property. The Committee further recommended approval of the identified match funding sources. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: �" RESOLUTIONS 194 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 194 Resolution#3566 A resolution was read approving the Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat Plat: Liberty Ridge Phase 2, consisting of approximately 8.6 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave. Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-035) NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets (FP-02-035). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3567 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Community Services: 2002 interlocal agreement for Waterfowl (Canada Goose)Management Program for Waterfowl Management the year 2002. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, Interlocal Agreement COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3568 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Development Services: Boeing development agreement with The Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Facility. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Facility Development SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS Agreement READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/03/2002 for second and final reading: Utility: Sewer Service An ordinance was read amending Section 4-6-040.C, of Chapter 6,Street and Restrictions Outside City Utility Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by Limits, City Code Amend revising policies by which the City allows connection to its sanitary sewer system by property owners outside of the current City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/03/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: .r Ordinance#4965 An ordinance was read amending the 2002 Budget for the express purpose of Budget: 2002 Amendment, building a Veterans Memorial Park and appropriating the necessary funds in the Veterans Memorial Park amount of$389,000 for the construction. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4966 An ordinance was read amending Section 2-6-2 of Chapter 6,Firemen's Pension Legal: Firemen's Pension Board,of Title Il(Commissions and Boards)of City Code by allowing retired Board, City Code Amend firemen to serve on the Firemen's Pension Board,pursuant to State law. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4967 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Special Assessment District: service for properties adjacent to 80th Ave. S., S. 130th St., and S.Langston 80th Ave S Rd., and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4968 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-10-1 of Chapter 10, Criminal Code, Police: Criminal Code of Title VI(Police Regulations)of City Code by adopting portions of the Adoption from RCW Criminal Code of the Revised Code of Washington(RCW). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. .=0 195 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 195 NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER Budget: Community THE SUBJECT OF MORE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN THE Involvement in Budget Process BUDGET PROCESS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. .... ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:29 p.m. BONNIE L WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann May 20,2002 r. 196 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 20,2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 5/27 No Meeting (Memorial Day) (Nelson) MON., 6/03 Council Communications Policy 6:00 p.m. Discussion with City Attorney *Council Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 6/03 Skate Park Update (briefing only); (Corman) 5:00 p.m. Fireworks Display; Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Request for Financial Support FINANCE MON., 6/03 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Fire Station#14 Exhaust System Bid Award PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT THURS., 5/30 Reservoir Short Plat Appeal; �.rr (Keolker-Wheeler) 3:00 p.m. 120-Day Permitting Process *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 197 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL * REVISED REGULAR MEETING June 3, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Council member. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 20, 2002. Council concur. b. Community Services Department requests approval of a three-year lease with IMG, Inc. for the sixth floor of the 200 Mill Building. Net revenue generated is $98,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Development Services Division recommends acceptance of the dedication of additional right-of- way along the south side of NE 3rd St. for Aegis Self Storage and Office Facility (SA-01-047) to comply with City right-of-way requirements. Council concur. d. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Amberwood Final Plat; 18 single-family lots on 4.63 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Rosario Ave. NE(FP-02-024). Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) e. Fire Department recommends acceptance of$437,044 from King County for basic life support services in 2002. Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) f. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Highpointe Division II Preliminary Plat; 12 single-family lots on 3.67 acres located at 3722 NE 12th St. (PP-02-005). Council concur. g. Legal Division recommends approval of an ordinance clarifying that cable modem services are included within the City's utility tax structure. Refer to Finance Committee. h. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of an interlocal agreement accepting $3,095,640 from the Transportation Improvement Board for road improvements on Duvall Ave. NE and SR-900 (NE Sunset Blvd.), from SR-900 to the northern City limits. Refer to Transportation Committee. i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of Supplement No. 1 to CAG-98-146, contract with Osborne Pacific Group, Inc. for Oakesdale Ave. SW Extension Wetland Mitigation Area Performance Monitoring Activities, for additional monitoring and maintenance of the wetland, in the amount of$234,316.04. Approval is also sought for additional funding in the amount of$476,593 for the 2002 TIP#40 Environmental Monitoring Program. Refer to Transportation Committee. 6. CORRESPONDENCE �< Letters regarding police staffing (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 198 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. * a. Committee of the Whole: Pavilion Building Renovation; Aquatic Center Proposal b. Community Services Committee: Fireworks Display; Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air now Patrol Request for Financial Support c. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Fire Station#14 Exhaust System Bid Award d. Planning &Development Committee: 120-Day Permitting Process* e. Utilities Committee: East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water Main Replacement Contract 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Amberwood Final Plat (see 6.d.) * b. Agreement with King County for 2002 basic life support services contract (see 6.e.) Ordinances for first reading: a. 120-day permitting process (see 8.c.) b. South Renton Neighborhood Plan as amendment to Comprehensive Plan (Council approved 5/20/2002 via Committee of the Whole report) c. South Renton Neighborhood Plan amendments to Title IV (Council approved 5/20/2002 via Committee of the Whole report) Ordinance for second and final reading: Sewer service outside City limits (1st reading 5/20/2002) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT ..r 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Council Communications Policy Discussion with City Attorney • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. ..� 199 CITY COUNCIL June 3, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Lease with Intensive Management Group, Inc. for the 6th floor of the 200 Mill Building Ordinance clarifying that cable modem services are included within the City's utility tax structure MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract with Foster-Bray Company for Fire Station#14 exhaust system Execute contract with King County for 2002 basic life support services PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Letter from Father Gary Zender re: Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letters from various parties requesting additional police coverage in South Renton TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Transportation Improvement Board grant for Duvall Ave. NE road improvements Agreement supplement with Osborne Pacific Group for Oakesdale Ave. SW Extension Wetland Monitoring Activities project&Environmental Monitoring Program additional funding ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 120-day permitting process (lst reading 6/03/2002) South Renton Neighborhood Plan Comprehensive Plan amendment (1st reading 6/03/2002) South Renton Neighborhood Plan City Code amendment (1st reading 6/03/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 6/10/2002 - 2002 supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds allocation V RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 3,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER;DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; SYLVIA ALLEN, Recreation Director;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO;ACTING COMMANDER KENT CURRY,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • During the month of May, more than 1,000 Renton School District third grade students learned about City government and services as they toured different areas of the City. • The Recreation Division received a$500 grant from the United States Tennis Association for the purpose of expanding summer tennis opportunities for youth. Sound Transit: HOV Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman gave an Improvement Projects, update on Sound Transit issues. He reported that the May 25th issue of the Perpetual Easement for BNSF South County Journal contained an article about the City's dissatisfaction with Railroad Sound Transit, specifically with the likelihood that Sound Transit will not build any HOV direct access interchange ramps in Renton, as proposed in Sound Move,due to cost estimate inflation. The cost estimate for the interchange is now$160 million, which is twice the amount of the allocated expenditure in Renton of approximately$80 million. In addition, only two of the four express bus routes proposed by Sound Move in Renton are actually in operation. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the administration is concerned that Renton residents may not get a fair return on the tax money they are paying for the Sound Transit improvements. Mr. Zimmerman explained that on March 22nd,the City sent a letter to Sound Transit expressing Renton's concerns regarding the cost estimates for the HOV direct access ramp, and requesting that Sound Transit agree to a contingency plan to build other projects in Renton in case the HOV ramp is not affordable. Meanwhile, he reported that Sound Transit has requested that the City grant a perpetual easement to Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)Railroad on City property (approximately 16,000 square feet)east of the BNSF railroad tracks so that the railroad can install a retaining wall and switching equipment for a control point and turnouts on City property. This improvement will assist the June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 201 201 operation of the Tukwila Commuter Rail Station, and enable Sound Transit to introduce a third commuter rail train by September. Continuing,Mr. Zimmerman stated that unfortunately, Sound Transit and BNSF have a contractor under contract who is performing construction before obtaining a construction permit and acquiring the needed perpetual easement from Renton. He indicated that the delay in obtaining the permit and easement is not the City's fault or responsibility since proper project management dictates that permits and property rights be obtained before starting construction, which was not done in this case. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the administration wants to assist Sound Transit but at the same time, wants assurance that the$80 million proposed in Sound Move for Renton projects will be spent in Renton. He said that the administration has requested both a letter and a Sound Transit Board resolution committing to spending the money in Renton, if not on the direct access ramp, on other Renton-related projects. Mr. Zimmerman reported that City staff is in the process of meeting with Sound Transit in order to create a contingency plan of projects, with priority given to funding the Strander Blvd. extension project and leasing parking spaces in the Downtown Parking Garage, along with other transit oriented projects. Following discussion,Mayor Tanner confirmed that Council agreed not to grant the perpetual easement until Sound Transit agrees, via an agreement and resolution,to develop a contingency plan of Renton projects. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 20, 2002. Council concur. May 20,2002 Lease: Intensive Management Community Services Department requested approval of a three-year lease with Group, 200 Mill Bldg (6th Intensive Management Group, Inc. for the sixth floor of the 200 Mill Building. Floor) Net revenue generated is $98,000 over the term of the lease. Refer to Finance Committee. Development Services: Aegis Development Services Division recommended acceptance of the dedication of Self Storage,ROW Dedication additional right-of-way along the south side of NE 3rd St. for Aegis Self on NE 3rd St (SA-01-047) Storage and Office Facility to comply with City right-of-way requirements (SA- 01-047). Council concur. Plat: Amberwood, NE 4th St& Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Rosario Ave NE(FP-02-024) Amberwood Final Plat; 18 single-family lots on 4.63 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Rosario Ave. NE(FP-02-024). Council concur. (See page 205 for resolution.) Fire: 2002 Emergency Medical Fire Department recommended approval of a contract with Seattle-King County Services Funding(Basic Life Department of Public Health/Emergency Medical Services Division for funds Support) in the amount of$437,044 for basic life support services in 2002. Council concur. (See page 205 for resolution.) Plat: Highpointe Division II, Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Highpointe NE 12th St(PP-02-005) Division II Preliminary Plat; 12 single-family lots on 3.67 acres at 3722 NE ,,�„ 12th St. (PP-02-005). Council concur. June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 202 Finance: Utility Tax, Cable Legal Division recommended approval of an ordinance clarifying that cable Modem Services Clarification, modem services are included within the City's utility tax structure. Refer to City Code Amend Finance Committee. Transportation: Duvall Ave Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an interlocal ume NE Improvements (SR-900 to agreement accepting$684,000 from the Transportation Improvement Board for City Limits),TIB Grant the design of road improvements on Duvall Ave. NE and SR-900(NE Sunset Blvd.), from SR-900 to the northern City limits. The City will receive $3,095,640 in total for the project. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 98-146, Oakesdale Ave Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplement No. 1 SW Extension Wetland to CAG-98-146, contract with Osborne Pacific Group, Inc. for Oakesdale Ave. Mitigation, Osborne Pacific SW Extension Wetland Mitigation Area Performance Monitoring Activities,for Group additional monitoring and maintenance of the wetland, in the amount of $234,316.04. Approval was also sought for additional funding in the amount of $476,593 for the 2002 Transportation Improvement Project(TIP)#40 Environmental Monitoring Program. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Nancy O'Malley, 1569 Aberdeen Ct. SE, Citizen Comment: Various— Renton, 98055; Susan Brumfield, 1517 Rolling Hills Ave. SE, Renton, 98055; Police Department Staffing Earl &Nancy Greiner, 1709 Rolling Hills Ave. SE, Renton, 98055; Michelle Lemke, 2020 Jones Cir. SE, Renton, 98055; Mark Faas, 2030 Aberdeen Ave. SE,Renton, 98055; Kari Hollandsworth, 1822 Lincoln Cir. SE,Renton, 98055; and Carolyn J. Igoe, 1605 Blaine Ct. SE, Renton, 98055; requesting additional police coverage in South Renton. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE LETTERS TO PUBLIC SAFETY ..w COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Added Correspondence was read from Fr. Gary Zender,Pastor of St. Anthony Parish, Citizen Comment: Zender— 314 S. 4th St., Renton, 98055, regarding the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. request(VAC-00-003). Father Zender stated that the parish has submitted its Anthony Church(VAC-00- Conditional Use Permit application and has addressed the concerns of the 003) neighboring residents, and he requested that Council place the street vacation on the agenda for prompt consideration and approval. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER AND PREVIOUS WHITWORTH STREET VACATION REFERRALS TO PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Toni Nelson presented a report regarding the Pavilion Committee of the Whole Building renovation. At its workshop held on May 17, 2002, the Committee of Finance: Year-End Fund the Whole reviewed potential uses for the Pavilion Building. Also reviewed Balance Use, Pavilion were cost estimates associated with several scenarios that included renovation Building Renovation of the existing building and construction of a new building at the same location. After discussing various alternatives,the Committee of the Whole recommended that the existing Pavilion Building be retained and that improvements be made to the fagade of the building and to the interior. These renovations should be consistent with using the building as an exhibition hall where such activities as a farmers market, craft or antique shows, and other public events could take place. Funding for the design and renovation of the Pavilion Building for this purpose is estimated not to exceed$1.5 million,and would come from the$2.3 million currently appropriated and allocated within the Capital Improvement Fund for Pavilion Building improvements. June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 203 The Committee requested that the following information be provided to Council for review prior to completion of the design phase of this project: • Detailed cost estimates for renovation to meet building code, including +rr seismic reinforcement, life safety systems,replacement of windows, interior wall finishes, and the construction of restrooms. Construction of a kitchen is not to be considered; • Two or three conceptual drawings of facade improvements; and • Separate cost estimates for upgrades to mechanical systems (HVAC) and energy code requirements. The Committee recommended that the City Council authorize the Administration to proceed with the design and r-en .vats^„ of the Pavilion Building in conformance with the above criteria. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO REMOVE THE WORDS "AND RENOVATION" FROM THE LAST SENTENCE OF THE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Year-End Fund Council President Toni Nelson presented a report regarding the construction of Balance Use, Swimming Pool a Family Aquatic Center to replace the Henry Moses Pool. At its workshop held on May 17, 2002, the Committee of the Whole reviewed several options for constructing a new swimming/leisure pool to replace the Henry Moses Pool, which was closed in 1997. The Committee reviewed the 1997 recommendations of the Citizens'Pool Task Force, and considered updated cost estimates for both construction and operating costs of indoor and outdoor pools rnnr at the Cedar River Park site. The Committee of the Whole recommended that an outdoor Family Aquatic Center similar to option 3A be designed and constructed at the Cedar River Park site at a cost not to exceed$5 million, and that staff be authorized to begin the design process now. The design should incorporate the possible future enclosure of part of the Aquatics Center(the lap pool). The Committee further recommended that$5 million be appropriated from unallocated year-end fund balance for this purpose. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiries, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd indicated that the budget appropriation of the funds for the project could occur at the next Council meeting. Regarding the soccer field that is located near the site where the pool is to be constructed, Mr. Shepherd stated that maintaining the integrity of the soccer field will be part of the Aquatic Center design process. Citizen Comment: Renton Park At the request of Council President Nelson, a letter was read from 3rd grade Elementary—Year-End Fund students (Mrs. Picken's class) at Renton Park Elementary School, 16828 128th Balance Use, Swimming Pool Ave. SE,Renton, 98058, stating their support for the construction of a new swimming pool in Renton. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Committee Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol(CAP)request for financial .... Community Services: Renton support. After receiving a Color Guard demonstration by the squadron at the Composite Squadron Civil Air May 13th City Council meeting, the Council referred the squadron's request for Patrol Funding financial support to the Community Services Committee. 204 June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 204 The Committee received a briefing from a representative of the Renton Squadron concerning the first place honors secured by the squadron at the statewide CAP Color Guard competition in March 2002. The squadron has now been asked to represent the Pacific Coast Region in the National woo Competition to be held later this month in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The squadron requested assistance from the community in helping with the cost of airfare to send the young cadets to the National Competition. The Committee recommended that the City provide funding in the amount of$1,000 to assist in the cost of airfare for the young cadets in the Renton Squadron's Color Guard. The Committee recommended these funds be appropriated from unallocated year-end fund balance. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Clawson stated that the squadron is still in need of money to finance their trip to the National Competition and encouraged Renton community members to also provide support. Councilman Corman added that the City is also helping the squadron to locate a place at which to hold their meetings. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that she agreed with the action due to the patriotic nature of the organization,but cautioned that City assistance to non-profit agencies in this manner is rare. Community Services: Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Fireworks Display on July 4th viability of a public fireworks display. The Committee was presented details by staff of the July 4th, 2002, event that includes a daytime picnic from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and an evening fireworks display beginning at approximately 10:15 p.m. The Committee recommended that staff return in August, 2002, to present the moo Council with options for the July 4th, 2003, event. These recommendations will then be considered during the 2003 budget discussions. The options staff will study for Council consideration shall include: • A similar daytime picnic and evening fireworks display; • A fireworks-only event; • A late afternoon event that would feature multiple entertainers, several food vendors, more activities for families and kids, and a fireworks display; and • The possibility of hosting a larger display, if feasible, at Gene Coulon Beach Park.* Council Corman reported that the cost for the 2002 fireworks display is approximately$7,000. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Fire Station CAG: 02-066,Fire Station#14 #14 exhaust system bid award. The Committee concurred with the staff Exhaust System,Foster-Bray recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract Company with Foster-Bray Company in the amount of$35,000 to expand the vehicle exhaust system at Fire Station#14. The additional funds required($5,000) will be provided from savings in the 316 Fund. MOVED BY PARKER, ...,,, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 205 June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 205 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the East CAG: 02-034,East Kennydale Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase I and Water Main Replacement Project. Sanitary Sewer Infill &Water On April 8, 2002, the Planning/Building/Public Works Department sent a Main Replacement,Frank memo to the Utilities Committee withdrawing its recommendation of award for Collucio Const Co the project. The Department rejected all bids and put the project out for re-bid. Therefore, the Committee recommended that this item be removed from the Utilities Committee referral list. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See Council meeting minutes of May 6, 2002, for the award of the contract to Frank Collucio Construction Company.) Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the 120-day permit process ordinance. The Renton Municipal Development Services: Permit Code has a provision requiring that City staff must take no more than 120 days Review Process, 120-Day Goal to process permit applications. Originally, this requirement was put in place Exemptions because of State law. The State law provision expired by its own terms. The Committee recommended that the City of Renton retain this requirement. Hawever,the Committee also recommended that the City clarify its intentions regarding the 120-day provision. Specifically,it is not the intent of the City of Renton to create any claims for applicants in the event the City is not able to meet the 120-day deadline. Legislation has been drafted,reflecting changes consistent with this clarification. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3569 A resolution was read approving the Amberwood Final Plat consisting of Plat: Amberwood,NE 4th St& approximately 4.63 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Rosario Ave. Rosario Ave NE(FP-02-024) NE(FP-02-024). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3570 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Fire: 2002 Emergency Medical 2002 King County agency services contract for emergency medical services Services Funding (Basic Life (basic life support). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, Support) COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/10/2002 for second and final reading: Development Services: Permit An ordinance was read amending Section 4-8-010 of Chapter 8,Permits and Review Process, 120-Day Goal Decisions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by providing Exemptions for a 120-day time goal to process permits after the date of the letter of completeness, except for appeals, which may take more time. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/10/2002. CARRIED. EDNSP: South Renton An ordinance was read adopting the South Renton Neighborhood Plan as a sub- Neighborhood Plan, area plan amendment to the City's 1995 Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in '"r" Comprehensive Plan Amend conjunction therewith. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/10/2002. CARRIED. 246 June 3,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 206 EDNSP: South Renton An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-2,4-3, and 4-4 of Title IV Neighborhood Plan, City Code (Development Regulations) of City Code to implement the South Renton Amend Neighborhood Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/10/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4969 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-6-040.C, of Chapter 6, Street and Utility: Sewer Service Utility Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by Restrictions Outside City revising policies by which the City allows connection to its sanitary sewer Limits, City Code Amend system by property owners outside of the current City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Responding to Councilman Persson's concern regarding the Heritage Renton Development Services: Hill project and the developer's use of an unauthorized roadway, Heritage Renton Hill Project, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained Unauthorized Roadway that the contractor was removing trees from the site using a back road, which crosses over the Seattle pipeline, rather than an entrance though Renton Hill. Stating that the developer was not complying with the City-issued permit for construction of the plat which specified that access to the site must be from SE 7th Ct.,Mr. Zimmerman indicated that the developer was told to close down the access to the unauthorized roadway. Mr. Zimmerman expressed his concern that the developer was still not in compliance, and stated that he will follow-up on the matter. Transportation: Renton Ave Councilman Persson requested that additional "yield to uphill traffic" signs be now S/Cedar Ave S, Yield to Uphill placed on Renton Ave. S. and Cedar Ave. S. due to construction being Traffic Signs conducted in that area. Development Services: Boat Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the boat race Race Banners on Sunset Blvd advertising banner located on Sunset Blvd.,Mr. Zimmerman stated that he will & S 3rd St,Compliance with investigate to see if the banner is in compliance with the City's sign Sign Code requirements. Council President Nelson pointed out that there is another banner displayed on S. 3rd St. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:35 p.m. ,o-x t,[.+ 4. �4)FL BONNIE L WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann June 3,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 207 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 3, 2002 *REVISED* COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/10 Council Communications Policy (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Discussion with City Attorney *Council Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 6/10 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Cable Modem Services Inclusion in Utility Tax Ordinance; *IMG, Inc. Lease at 200 Mill Building PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT WED., 6/05 Reservoir Short Plat Appeal (Keolker-Wheeler) 10:00 a.m. THURS., 6/06 Highlands Residential Demonstration 2:00 p.m. Project; Fence Height Restrictions; Title IV (Development Regulations) Docket Process; Growth Targets (briefing only) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 6/10 Interlocal Agreements for Yakima (Clawson) 4:00 p.m. County Jail Services; Police Department Staffing; Fire Department Staffing TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 6/04 2002 Environmental Monitoring Program (Persson) 12:00 noon Additional Funding; Duvall Ave. NE Improvement Project TIB Grant; Renton Transit Center Bike Lockers (briefing only) UTILITIES THURS., 6/06 Liberty Park Conceptual Plan/CT ,..r (Briere) 3:30 p.m. Pipeline (briefing only) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 10, 2002 ame Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Citizen Recognition Award to Madison Owens 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 2002 Supplemental Funding Cycle Community Development Block Grant Capital Funds Allocation 5. APPEAL: Planning &Development Committee Report re: Reservoir Short Plat Appeal INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council,feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court,has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council,while sitting as an appellate body,is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. .r By City Code,and by State law,the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning &Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence,and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning &Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However,this burden of not allowing the Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick,easy,inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the ' recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. ..r a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 3, 2002. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 2 a9 b. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department requests waiver of permit fees for 2002 Renton River Days activities endorsed by Renton River Days Board of Directors. Staff additionally seeks authorization to install River Days banners on City light poles from June 24 through August 16. Council concur. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/22/2002 for CAG-02-072, Police Evidence CBC Steel y..�. Building; five bids; engineer's estimate $158,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to bidder, CHG Building Systems, Inc., in the amount of$119,300. Refer to Finance Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity with the low bid. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of a contract with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. in the amount of$117,472 to supply play equipment, play surfacing material, and underdrainage for Gene Coulon Beach Park. Refer to Community Services Committee. e. Community Services Department recommends approval of Addendum#1 to CAG-01-019, contract with Kalcade Geese Police to control and reduce the population of geese and other possible waterfowl at Gene Coulon Beach Park, for 2002 services in the amount of$50,000. Council concur. f. Development Services Division recommends approval of a development agreement with Boeing to establish applicable regulations for the future development of Boeing Longacres Office Park. Refer to Planning &Development Committee; set public hearing on 6/24/2002. g. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of an interlocal agreement for the administration of the Green River Flood Control Zone District whose objectives are to operate, maintain and repair river flood protection facilities and pump stations within the lower Green River watershed. Refer to Utilities Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Robert A. Holmes, 14010 154th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, requesting connection to City sewer service for his property which is located outside the City limits. Refer to Utilities Committee. 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 2002 Community Development Block Grant Fund Allocation b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Cable Modem Services Inclusion in Utility Tax Ordinance*; Lease with Intensive Management Group c. Planning & Development Committee: Highlands Residential Demonstration Project; Title IV (Development Regulations)Docket Process d. Public Safety Committee: Interlocal Agreements for Yakima County Jail Services*; Police Department Staffing* e. Transportation Committee: 2002 Environmental Monitoring Program Additional Funding; Duvall Ave. NE Improvement Project TIB Grant* 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Yakima County jail services longterm interlocal agreement (see 10.d.) b. King County cities interlocal agreement for Yakima County jail services (see 10.d.) c. Transportation Improvement Board grant for Duvall Ave. NE improvements (see 10.e.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Cable Modem Utility Tax (see 10.b.) b. 2002 Budget adjustment for two additional Police Department positions (see 10.d.) c. 2002 Budget adjustment for swimming pool construction funding (Council approved 6/03/2002 via Committee of the Whole Report) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. 120-day permitting process (1st reading 6/03/2002) b. South Renton Neighborhood Plan Comprehensive Plan amendment (1st reading 6/03/2002) c. South Renton Neighborhood Plan Title IV amendment (1st reading 6/03/2002) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT WMW Now COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Council Communications Policy Discussion with City Attorney • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST "Mo TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 211 CITY COUNCIL June 10, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Prepare 2002 Budget amendment ordinance for additional Fire Department Secretary 1 position COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Contract with Northwest Playground Equipment to supply Gene Coulon Park playground equipment FINANCE COMMITTEE Bid award for Police Evidence CBC Steel Building project MAYOR & CITY CLERK Supplement to Osborne Pacific Group for Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 1 monitoring activities Lease with Intensive Management Group for sixth floor of 200 Mill Building Yakima County jail services long-term interlocal agreement King County cities interlocal agreement for Yakima County jail services Agreement for Transportation Improvement Board grant for Duvall Ave. NE road improvements PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Issue of linking short plat approvals to infrastructure construction permits Boeing Longacres Office Park development agreement Correspondence from various parties expressing support for the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Sidewalk utility markings UTILITIES COMMITTEE Green River Flood Control Zone District interlocal agreement Letter from Robert Holmes re: connection to City sewer for property located outside City limits ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Cable modem utility tax (1st reading 6/10/2002) 2002 Budget adjustment for swimming pool construction funding (1st reading 6/10/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 6/24/2002—Boeing Longacres Office Park development agreement 6/24/2002—Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process 212 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 10, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; KAREN BERGSVIK, Human Services Manager; DIANNE UTECHT, Contract Specialist; JASON JORDAN, Associate Planner; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER,Fire Department; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY, COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE, OFFICER ALAN EZEKIEL and DETECTIVE TANYA DORN,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Police Chief Garry Anderson and Detective Tanya Dorn presented Madison Police: Courageous Star Owens with the Courageous Star Award for immediately reporting that she was Award to Madison Owens inappropriately confronted by a man while walking to the Highlands Neighborhood Center on May 3, 2002. Ms. Owens provided information about the assailant to the police which led to his apprehension 20 minutes later. On behalf of all the members of the Renton Police Department, Chief Anderson thanked Ms. Owens for her quick action and cooperation. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Human Services: 2002 accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Supplemental CDBG Funds to consider the 2002 supplemental Community Block Development Grant Allocation (CDBG) capital funds allocation and recapturing of funds. Dianne Utecht, Contract Specialist, listed the sources of the available funds in the amount of$225,857 as follows: • $86,087—Unallocated capital dollars from 2001. • $70,000—Recaptured from The Salvation Army Food Bank project in 2001 (project did not meet deadlines for being under construction by December 2000). • $42,900—Recaptured funds from North Highlands Playground. This was a match to City funds. Staff decided to do a smaller project with City funds only. • $26,870—Cost savings in Housing Repair Assistance Program in 2001. Continuing,Ms. Utecht listed the funding recommendations for the unallocated capital funds in the amount of$225,857: $10,000—Move from the capital to the planning and administration budget. ..nr • Will be used to disseminate 2000 census data or to update linkages or to conduct a customer service survey for the Housing Repair Program. 213 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 213 • $5,000—Unallocated for emergencies or unforeseen expenses. • $71,773 —E1derHealth/Connections. To expand the program space for an adult day care health center that serves frail elders and people with chronic or terminal illnesses • $30,000—Parkview Services. To help pay the acquisition cost for a three- bedroom house that will support three very low income individuals with developmental disabilities. • $55,000—The Salvation Army, Renton Corps. To purchase two walk-in refrigerators and freezer for the new food bank. • $54,058—Unallocated. Will be rolled into 2003 capital allocation. Audience comment was invited. Christine Giffey-Brohaugh, 2230 NE 27th St., Renton, 98056, reported that The Salvation Army is developing a new food bank on S. Tobin St., as their current facility is inadequate. She stated that the new food bank will not only put food in people's hands,but will also provide education about good nutrition. Displaying a diagram of the floor plan for the new building, Ms. Giffey- Brohaugh described the functions of various sections of the building. She pointed out that the plans include a warehouse area for the storage of food, and stated that the requested CDBG funds will be used to purchase refrigerators and a freezer for that area. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the long-term outlook for donations to the food bank,Ms. Giffey-Brohaugh said that there is always .�.r an ebb and flow in terms of supply depending on the state of the economy. However, she noted that The Salvation Army has developed some stable sources for food within the last two years, such as the Post Office food drive. Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct., Renton, 98058, stated that she works at The Salvation Army and it has been an educational and rewarding experience. Pointing out that there is not enough room at The Salvation Army to store perishable items donated by grocery stores, Ms. Quesenberry encouraged Council to approve the funding for the needed refrigerators and freezer. There being no further audience comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Advancement to Community MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, Services Committee Report COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS ITEM. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Committee supplemental funding cycle for 2002 Community Development Block Grant Human Services: 2002 (CDBG) capital funds and recapturing of funds. The Committee recommended Supplemental CDBG Funds concurrence in the staff recommendation that the 2002 supplemental CDBG Allocation capital funds be recaptured and distributed according to the Human Services Advisory Committee recommendations. (See previous page for a listing of the funding sources and the 2002 CDBG funding recommendations.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 214 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 214 APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning&Development report regarding the appeal of the Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169). The Committee Committee convened on May 30 and June 5, 2002, to consider the appeal of the f Appeal: Reservoir Short Plat, Hearing Examiner's decisions,dated March 5,2002, and March 21,2002 Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) (reconsideration denied). The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Raymond Ave. NW and S. 128th St. The proposed project will subdivide an approximately 1.2 acre parcel into seven single-family lots. It was the subject of a short plat approval in 1997. The applicant allowed the prior approval for a short plat to expire before completing the short plat process. Along with the first short plat application, the applicant obtained development permits to put in the infrastructure for the seven lots. Despite the expiration of the short plat permit, the applicant continued to install the infrastructure according to permits approved by the City. The applicant returned to the City to apply for a short plat of the same parcel,proposing the same density of seven single-family residential lots. The Hearing Examiner approved the proposed density and a neighbor has appealed. The current appellant has assigned error to two findings of the Hearing Examiner: 1) that the current application is identical to the one reviewed,and 2) the issue of density. Additionally, the appellant raised numerous questions that could be viewed more as areas of concern than assignments of error. The Committee considered the two clear assignments of error. As to the assignment of error#1,the Committee found that the proposed lot dimensions for the originally configured lots were different from the current proposed lot dimensions. The lot sizes in the current proposal are slightly larger,except in Lot#7. The Committee concluded that the Hearing Examiner's statement may not be accurate. However,the Committee did conclude that the current application is seeking the same density as the prior application and the two applications are identical in that respect. As to assignment of error#2, there is no factual dispute. The prior short plat application sought to create the same density as the current application. The Committee found that the zoning limits for that area have not changed since 1997, and that the wisdom of R-8 (Residential Single Family; eight dwelling units per acre)zoning for this specific site cannot be addressed in an appeal because there is no request for a change in zoning. However,there have been changes to the Comprehensive Plan regarding infill lots. There have been changes in the area as the applicant has proceeded on its other development permits that did not expire. There is now a half road improvement and infrastructure to support seven residential lots, all developed in accordance with the unexpired permits. During the construction of the infrastructure, the neighbors have experienced considerable difficulties with runoff from this site. There have been other negative impacts as well. Therefore,the appellant raised a question regarding follow through and oversight of the construction, specifically on erosion control. Staff reported that the staff will be doing more oversight because of the difficulties. Staff reported that runoff is being curtailed,but not eliminated. The Hearing Examiner stated that he "felt compelled to abide by the earlier City Council decision and will not review density again at this time." While the Committee found that the prior application had no binding effect on this June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 215 application,the Committee also felt compelled to approve the proposed density because of the construction pursuant to the unexpired permits and the policies in our Comprehensive Plan. +i••• However, as the record reflects, there have been many problems with this project. Therefore, the Committee made clear that it is the City's intent to follow this project closely, and to use all legal means to ensure that this project is done properly. In that regard, the Committee re-stated the legal requirement that all reports and documents relating to this project are available to the appellant, any member of the neighborhood, or any member of the public. The Committee also found that Decision 10(page 12) of the Hearing Examiner's decision,relating to daily inspections for erosion control, is unclear regarding reporting. Therefore, the Hearing Examiner's decision should be modified as follows: "The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures at the site during the construction of both the off-site and on-site improvements, as well as building construction. Further, the project contractor shall provide daily reports to City staff in a format determined by City staff." The Committee recommended that the City Council uphold the decision of the Hearing Examiner except as modified herein. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that this appeal was especially difficult because the previously approved short plat had expired while the construction permits for infrastructure improvements had not. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF r... LINKING SHORT PLAT APPROVALS TO INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PERMITS TO PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler praised the appellant who represented the affected neighborhood, saying that she did a wonderful job in bringing forth the concerns of the neighborhood in a very concise and well thought-out manner. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Effective July 1st,AT&T Cable Services will increase its basic rate from $13.10 to$13.50 per month, excluding fees and taxes. • The sixth annual Kid's Classic Fishing Derby was held on Saturday,June Ist, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Over 750 children attended, and every child caught a fish. • The U.S. Customs trailer was located on the Renton Airport on June 6th; and full U.S. Customs service is estimated to begin the week of June 17th. City Clerk: AT&T Cable Mr. Covington reported that there is concern that firms are representing Services,Unauthorized themselves as part of AT&T Cable Services without appropriate authorization. Personnel Mayor Tanner indicated that staff is taking steps to make sure that they are vn . licensed. n I � June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 216 AUDIENCE COMMENT Paula Bean, 334 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055, expressed her opposition to the Citizen Comment: Bean— closing of Whitworth Ave. S. as proposed by St. Anthony Parish (VAC-00- Whitworth Ave S, St. Anthony 003). Church (VAC-00-003) Citizen Comment: Wells— Patricia Wells, 8232 S. 121st St.,Renton, 98178, stated that she has lived in Reservoir Short Plat Appeal, this community since 1958 and her family owns property located south of Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169). Pointing out that she has had continuous problems with the short plat developer, she indicated that she had to hire an attorney to help protect her family's property from the developer. Ms. Wells stressed the need for the City to oversee the project, and stated that she has filed two City Code violation complaints and has yet to have any response from the City. Mayor Tanner requested that staff follow up on her complaints, and he assured Ms. Wells that the requirements adopted by Council regarding the Reservoir Short Plat will be carried out. Citizen Comment: Gregor- Deborah Gregor, 12811 84th Ave. S., Seattle, 98178,reported that the Reservoir Short Plat Appeal, Reservoir Short Plat(SHP-01-169) appeal was a group effort, and she Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) expressed her concerns about the developer's lack of interest regarding the impact of the construction on neighboring residents. She said that she will continue to monitor the short plat and hopes that the City will also closely monitor the project to ensure the ongoing compliance of the developer. Citizen Comment: Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct., Renton, 98058, summarized a letter Quesenberry—Use of City she wrote to Fire Chief Wheeler regarding fundraising by firefighters and the Facilities by Non-Profit response she received from Chief Lee Wheeler stating that using staff,public Organizations funding or equipment for the purpose of gifting or otherwise benefiting charities or other entities is prohibited. She questioned the use of the Community Center for the Renton Youth Day event and stated that Renton now Youth Day organizers were allowed to use the Community Center to hold the event at no charge. Ms. Quesenberry also questioned the fundraising efforts and financial reporting practices of the organizers of Renton Youth Day. Mayor Tanner expressed his support for Renton Youth Day, saying that the event was very successful. He stated that it is not the City's responsibility to check the internal record keeping of civic organizations whether they are non- profit or not. Mayor Tanner explained that according to City policy, civic organizations, including the Washington State Council of Firefighters,can use City facilities for their activities; however, the use of City equipment such as fire engines is prohibited by State law. Responding to Ms. Quesenberry's inquiry regarding allowing the Washington State Council of Firefighters to use the Community Center for the Burn Foundation fundraising efforts at no charge, Mayor Tanner replied that he would be willing to consider the free use of the Community Center for that purpose and if such a request was made, would bring the proposal before the Council. Chief Administrative Office Jay Covington added that the City does allow City unions to meet on City property on a regular basis for free. Responding to Councilman Parker's question concerning the Park Board, Mayor Tanner stated that the Park Board does have the authority to allow the use of a park facility at no charge. He clarified that the use has to be related to a community,civic or governmental function. Councilman Corman expressed his support for allowing people to use City facilities and pointed out that the City uses approximately$500,000 a year from 217 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 217 the general fund to support community service groups. Council President Nelson stated that staff thoroughly reviews City event proposals and provides assistance and support for events such as Renton River Days. +••• Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the use of fire equipment,Mayor Tanner clarified that on-duty firefighters and fire engines, prepared to respond to a fire, can be placed at any City-sponsored or approved function. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 3, 2002. Council concur. June 3, 2002 AJLS: Renton River Days Fee Administration,Judicial and Legal Services Department requested waiver of Waivers &Banner Installation permit fees for 2002 Renton River Days activities by Renton River Days Board of Directors. Staff additionally sought authorization to install River Days banners on City light poles from June 24 through August 16. Council concur. CAG: 02-072, Police Evidence City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/22/2002 for CAG-02-072, Police Steel Building, CHG Building Evidence CBC Steel Building; five bids; engineer's estimate $158,000; and Systems submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to bidder, CHG Building Systems, Inc., in the amount of$119,300. Refer to Finance Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity with the low bid. Community Services: Gene Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Coulon Park Playground Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. in the amount of$117,472 to supply Equipment Supply, Northwest play equipment, play surfacing material, and underdrainage for Gene Coulon Playground Equipment Memorial Beach Park. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 01-019, Gene Coulon Community Services Department recommended approval of Addendum#1 to Park Geese Control, Kalcade CAG-01-019,contract with Kalcade Geese Police to control and reduce the Geese Police population of geese and other possible waterfowl at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, for 2002 services in the amount of$50,000. Council concur. Development Services: Boeing Development Services Division recommended approval of a development Longacres Office Park agreement with Boeing to establish applicable regulations for the future Development Agreement development of Boeing Longacres Office Park; 158 acres located at the southeast corner of I-405 and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad right- of-way. Refer to Planning &Development Committee; set public hearing on 6/24/2002. Utility: Green River Flood Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an interlocal agreement for Control Zone District the administration of the Green River Flood Control Zone District whose Interlocal Agreement objectives are to operate, maintain and repair flood protection facilities and pump stations within the lower Green River watershed. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Robert A. Holmes, 14010 154th Ave. SE, Citizen Comment: Holmes— Renton, 98059,requesting connection to City sewer service for his property Sewer Connection for Property which is located outside the City limits. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, ..r Outside City Limits SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 218 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 218 Added The following correspondence was read into the record in support of the Citizen Comment: Various— Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 003): Anne &Martin Healy, 314 S. Tobin St., Renton, 98055; Jeff&Jill Anthony Church(VAC-00- Eaton, 16900 143rd Ave. SE, Renton, 98058; George &Pat Freund, 12111 SE ...� 003) 96th Pl., Renton, 98056; Olive Fisher, 3248 S. 180th Pl., SeaTac, 98188; Patty &Mark Logan, 17033 193rd Ave. SE,Renton, 98058; and Barbetta M. Ralphs, 14202— 149th Pl. SE,Renton, 98059. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated for the record that only one of the correspondents resides within the Renton City limits. Citizen Comment: Kabongo— At the request of Mayor Tanner, a fraudulent electronic letter was read from Fraudulent Request for Peter Obi Kabongo requesting assistance in obtaining his $21 million Assistance inheritance from an overseas bank in exchange for 5% of the total amount plus expenses. Explaining that he requested this letter be read into the record in order to inform citizens of this scam,Mayor Tanner indicated that he forwarded the letter to the State Attorney General's Office. Reporting that many people fall for fraudulent schemes such as these and are taken advantage of, Police Chief Garry Anderson recommended reporting these types of letters to the Attorney General, and if a citizen has been victimized by a scam like this,to report it to the Renton Police Department. OLD BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation (Aviation) regarding the additional funds needed for the 2002 Transportation Improvement Committee Project(TIP)#40 Environmental Monitoring Program in the amount of CAG: 98-146, Oakesdale Ave $476,593; and the execution of Supplement No. 1 to the contract with Osborn Now SW Extension Wetland Pacific Group, Inc. in the amount of$234,316.04 for continued monitoring and Mitigation, Osborn Pacific maintenance of the Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 1 wetland over ten years (CAG- Group &Environmental 98-146). The supplemental amount will be spent over the next ten years and it Monitoring Program is not part of the 2002 additional funding requested for the Environmental Monitoring Program. The additional funding to be allocated to the 2002 TIP#40 Environmental Monitoring Program will come from appropriated funding for the following projects: 1-405/NE 44th St. $36,000 Downtown Transit Access $318,429 Grady Way/SR-167 $20,000 City Gateways $25,000 Transportation Concurrency $28,000 WSDOT Coordination $2,104 RUSH $25,000 HOV $10,000 Trans Valley $4,000 Lake Washington Blvd (1) (2) $8,000 The Committee recommended Council authorize the transfer of$476,593 appropriated funding for the above-listed projects to the 2002 TIP#40 Environmental Monitoring Program. Additionally, the Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and CitLClerk to execute Supplement No. 1 to the agreement with Osborn Pacific Group, Inc. in the amount of$234,316.04.* 219 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 219 Councilman Persson explained that in order to obtain the necessary permits to complete the Oakesdale Ave. SW extension project, the City must agree to monitor and maintain the Oakesdale Phase 1 wetland. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Duvall Ave Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report NE Improvements (SR-900 to regarding the Duvall Ave. NE improvements. Staff proposes to widen Duvall City Limits),TIB Grant Ave. NE from two lanes to five lanes. This may include four through-lanes, a two-way left-turn lane,curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting, landscaping, bike lanes and channelization from SR-900 (NE Sunset Blvd.)to the northern City limit. These improvements are expected to reduce congestion and the high number of accidents. They will raise Levels of Services (LOS) towards the service standards adopted by the City in 1995 to achieve compliance with the Growth Management Act(GMA). The City of Renton has received a grant from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) in the amount of$3,095,640, of which $684,000 is authorized for design. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement with the TIB to accept grant funding for design, and that Council approve the resolution and all consecutive phases and subsequent elements up to and including construction of roadway. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. (See page 224 for resolution.) Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process. The Planning: Title IV Committee reviewed the Title IV revision process on March 1, 2002, and June Development Regulation 6, 2002. Committee members directed staff to develop an annual amendment Revision Process process that complies with State law yet allows Council the flexibility to deal with imperative issues that need immediate attention. The Committee recommended that the Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process be referred to the City Attorney's office for preparation of an ordinance and that a public hearing be scheduled for June 24, 2002. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Harrington Square, Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Highlands Redevelopment, report regarding the Highlands study area implementation residential Residential Overlay District demonstration overlay within the Village Center Designation. The Committee met on June 6th to review the Harrington Square Conceptual Plan and determined that the proposed Harrington Square multi-family development is the kind of project envisioned for the Highlands redevelopment area. This project meets adopted business plan goals and the Highlands study area goals. The Committee finds that Title IV (Development Regulations) amendments will be necessary to implement projects of this type in the Highlands study area. The Committee recommended that a Title IV work program be referred to the Planning Commission for review of zoning within this designation for the following topics: • Density • Parking Standards (specifically a bedroom-based standard for multi- family housing) 224 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 220 • Unit Types (apartments vs. townhouses) • Setbacks* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler indicated that City staff is seeking community WMd input and there will be plenty of opportunity for citizens to express their opinions on this matter. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding Fire Fire: Staffing Department staffing. The Committee reviewed the priority staffing needs of the Fire Department and recommended that Council authorize a Secretary 1 position within the Department effective July 1, 2002. Funding for this position will come from the budget savings within the department. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the administration to prepare an ordinance amending the 2002 Budget to reflect the additional position and that this ordinance be presented for first reading at a subsequent Council meeting.* Councilman Clawson stated that there is enough savings in the Fire Department budget to pay for this needed administrative position. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. f Police: Yakima County Jail Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the long- Service Contracts, Yakima term agreement between Yakima County for jail services and the interlocal County &King County Cities agreement between King County cities. In 2001, King County gave notice that it will be canceling its jail contracts with all King County cities,effective November 2002. With a decision to exit from the King County jail system, King County cities began last year to look for a long-term alternative to King County. Yakima County emerged as a very good alternative and, to date, has delivered outstanding services to Renton and other King County cities, who have now negotiated a long-term(seven-year)jail agreement with Yakima County. This agreement provides jail services equal to or greater than those provided by King County at significantly less fees and rates. In addition, an interlocal agreement was drafted between King County cities to efficiently use Yakima County jail beds designated for the cities. Entering into this agreement will result in up to$180,000 in savings to the City when compared with King County jail costs. The Committee recommended that Council concur in the recommendations of the administration to: • Approve a long-term(seven-year) agreement with Yakima County to secure jail bed capacity from Yakima, and • Approve an interlocal agreement between King County cities, which provides the means for the cities to more efficiently use the Yakima County jail beds designated for cities. The Committee further recommended that the resolutions regarding the interlocal agreements be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 223 for resolutions.) 221 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 221 Police: Staffing,Budget Majority Report: Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a Adjustment for Additional majority report recommending that Council authorize the addition of three Positions positions (a Crime Analyst, an Evidence Technician, and a Patrol Officer)to the Police Department budget effective July 1, 2002, and approve an ordinance increasing the budget appropriation of$145,821 and position authorization. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading at a subsequent Council meeting. Minority Report: Public Safety Vice Chair Parker presented a minority report recommending that Council authorize the addition of two positions (a Crime Analyst and Evidence Technician)to the Police Department budget effective July 1, 2002, and approve an ordinance increasing the budget appropriation of $65,850 and position authorization. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. Councilman Clawson explained that there were several positions requested in November 2001 by the Police Department: four police officers, a sergeant, a crime analyst, an evidence technician and an animal control officer. Since then, the City has added two police officers, a sergeant and an animal control officer. The administration now recommends that the technician and the analyst position be approved;however,Mr. Clawson stated that the majority of the Public Safety Committee felt that another patrol officer was necessary and should be added at this time. He detailed the reasons why an additional patrol officer is needed,pointing out that many citizens have expressed their desire for additional police coverage. Describing the duties of the evidence technician and crime analyst, Mr. Clawson said that the addition of those positions would relieve current police personnel of those duties and allow for more coordination with other jurisdictions. He concluded by saying that the City can afford to hire an additional patrol officer. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the budget appropriation amounts for both reports,Police Chief Garry Anderson stated that the addition of the patrol officer requires one-time equipment costs for items such as a radio and patrol car. The approximate annual cost for all three positions is $200,000 for salary and benefits. Councilman Parker stated that it is important to always be conscious of the budget, and he highlighted future budget concerns such as the upcoming labor negotiations,the 1%property tax limit, and the reduction of development growth due to annexation limits. He expressed concern about committing to an ongoing expenditure like this even though the City is in an excellent financial condition. Indicating that the he would like to add additional police officers, as well as other needed City positions, Mr. Parker explained that the City has many needs and must strive to maintain a balance of service throughout the community. Continuing,Mr. Parker said that he concurred in the recommendation of the Police Chief for the addition of the crime analyst and evidence technician, saying that those positions provide support services to patrol officers thereby allowing them to spend more time in the community. Reporting that eleven full time employees have been added to the Police Department since 1999 and the 600 police response rate to priority one calls is under three minutes, Mr. Parker stated that currently, the City has an appropriate number of patrol officers. In conclusion,he requested that Council approve the minority report. 222 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 222 Councilwoman Briere spoke in favor of the majority report, saying that a large area has been annexed to the City and an additional police officer is important. She stated that if the City can pay for a swimming pool,it can find the funds to support an ongoing police position. Mayor Tanner stated his desire to give the City the police protection it needs, and pointed out that Police Chief Anderson has indicated that the analyst and technician are the positions that he needs. He expressed his concern about increasing the recurring costs of the City, saying that revenues will decrease due to the 1% property tax limit and the City's inability to annex property. Mayor Tanner concluded by voicing his support for the minority report. Councilman Persson expressed his disappointment with both reports. He said that more police officers are needed on the street and he detailed citizen complaints regarding the length of time it takes officers to respond to incidents such as residential burglaries. Stating his support for the majority report,Mr. Persson recommended setting aside$1 million of the year-end fund balance to fund these positions for five years. Councilman Corman stated that the City has a first class police force,and described the various ways in which police personnel contribute to the community. He stressed that the City's pursuit of assuring public safety is exemplary and if there are concerns about police staffing,the issue should be reviewed during the upcoming budget hearings. Mr. Corman expressed concern that due to the decreasing revenue projections,future pay increases I may be jeopardized which could influence upcoming labor negotiations and impact productivity. He suggested that a Committee report be modified to state j that the issue be handled during the course of budget negotiations. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reviewed the issue of the swimming pool, saying that additional staff will be needed for its support and it will require City subsidization. She requested that Council keep that in mind when reviewing the police staffing issue, and stated that Council needs to be careful in the way it spends the excess funds. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler voiced her support for the majority report, and agreed with Councilman Persson's suggestion to set aside some of the ending fund balance to pay for additional staffing needs. Mayor Tanner commented that he does not have a problem with setting aside some of the excess funds to pay for staffing;however, once the funds are gone, the City cannot count on any future fund balances. Councilman Persson stated that patrol officers must be added to the Police Department in order for it to remain one of the best departments in the region. Councilman Corman stressed that he is not anti-safety. He indicated that positions have been added to the Police Department, and in regards to the swimming pool,additional staffing is expected to be supported by the pool fees. Councilman Clawson stated that it is possible to find savings somewhere within the budget to fund additional patrol officers. He stressed that funding public safety should be the City's highest priority. Councilman Parker reviewed the Police Department's statistics regarding response rates to calls, and reiterated that the Police Chief has stated that the addition of the crime analyst and evidence technician positions are his top priority. Mr. Parker also recommended that the subject of additional patrol officers be discussed during budget deliberations. June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 223 223 MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MAJORITY REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the staff .r Lease: Intensive Management recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a lease with Group, 200 Mill Bldg (6th Intensive Management Group, Inc. to rent the sixth floor at the 200 Mill Floor) Building. The term of the lease is three years; and the cost for commissions and remodels, in the amount of$100,873.50, is recovered in the rent. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the revenue expected from the three-year lease, Councilman Parker stated that the net income is $98,496 over the term of the lease, and the net income over the life of the leases currently in place is $668,554. Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd confirmed that a percentage of lease revenues are projected in the City's budget. *MOTION CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 204515—205051 and three wire transfers totaling $3,429,666.66; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 38245 —38504, one wire transfer and 559 direct deposits totaling$1,750,684.26. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Utility Tax, Cable Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that the Modem Services Clarification, Council adopt legislation that will clarify that cable modem services are to be City Code Amend included within the City's utility tax structure. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 224 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3571 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Police: Yakima County Jail interlocal agreement(long-term jail contract)between Yakima County and the Service Contracts, Yakima cities of Algona,Auburn,Town of Beaux Arts Village, Bellevue, Black County&King County Cities Diamond, Bothell,Burien, Carnation, Clyde Hill, Covington, Des Moines, Duvall,Federal Way, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland,Lake Forest Park, Maple Valley, Medina, Mercer Island, Newcastle, Normandy Park, North Bend, Pacific, Redmond,Renton, Sammamish, SeaTac, Seattle, Shoreline, Skykomish, Snoqualmie,Tukwila,Woodinville, and the Town of Yarrow Point, Washington, for the housing of inmates by Yakima County Department of Corrections. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3572 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Police: Yakima County Jail interlocal agreement between the cities of Algona,Auburn, Town of Beaux Service Contracts, Yakima Arts Village,Bellevue,Black Diamond,Bothell,Burien, Carnation, Clyde Hill, County &King County Cities Covington,Des Moines, Duvall,Federal Way, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Maple Valley,Medina,Mercer Island, Newcastle, Normandy Park, North Bend,Pacific,Redmond, Renton, Sammamish, SeaTac, Seattle, Shoreline, Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Tukwila,Woodinville, and the Town of Yarrow Point,Washington: to establish the terms that will govern the rights, 224 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 224 duties, and responsibilities of the cities in their dealings with each other relating to the interlocal agreement between Yakima County and the cities for the housing of inmates by Yakima County Department of Corrections. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL .�nl ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3573 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Transportation: Duvall Ave agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board(TIB)for a grant that NE Improvements (SR-900 to will fund the road improvements on Duvall Ave. NE and SR-900, from SR-900 City Limits),TIB Grant to the northern City limits. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/17/2002 for second and final reading: Finance: Utility Tax, Cable An ordinance was read adding a new Section, 5-11-1.I, to Chapter 11,Utility Modem Services Clarification, Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code which City Code Amend includes cable modem service as a utility subject to the utility tax. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/17/2002. CARRIED. Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read amending the 2002 Budget for the expressed purpose of Swimming Pool building a swimming pool,creating a new construction fund, and appropriating the necessary funds in the amount of$5,000,000 for the construction. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/17/2002. CARRIED. now The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Development Services: Permit The ordinance regarding the 120-day permit review process was removed for Review Process, 120-Day Goal corrections. Exemptions Ordinance#4970 An ordinance was read adopting the South Renton Neighborhood Plan as a sub- EDNSP: South Renton area plan amendment to the City's 1995 Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in Neighborhood Plan, conjunction therewith. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED i Comprehensive Plan Amend BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4971 An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-2,4-3, and 4-4 of Title IV EDNSP: South Renton (Development Regulations) of City Code to implement the South Renton Neighborhood Plan, City Code Neighborhood Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY Amend BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler thanked City staff and the Planning Commission for their work on the South Renton Neighborhood Plan. NEW BUSINESS Council President Nelson announced that the Farmers Market will open at the Community Services: Farmers downtown Piazza park on June 18th, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with a grand Market opening ceremony at 2:45 p.m. 225 June 10,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 225 Community Services: Council President Nelson requested that staff investigate the possibility of Maplewood Golf Course providing benches at Maplewood Golf Course. Benches King County: Parks, Budget Councilman Corman stated that the Community Services Committee is Shortfall available to assist if the administration needs help in addressing issues related to the Metropolitan Parks Task Force recommendations concerning the budget shortfall faced by King County's parks. Regional Issues: Tri-County Councilman Persson reported that the Regional Transportation Plan was Executives'Regional discussed at a recent Eastside Transportation Partnership meeting, and he Transportation Plan reviewed the difficulty the parties are having in coming to an agreement on the priority listing of the major transportation projects. Transportation: Sidewalk Stating that he knows it is necessary to paint the sidewalks in order to site Utility Markings utilities, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER CONSIDERATION OF THE USE OF TEMPORARY PAINT TO SITE UTILITIES ON SIDEWALKS AND/OR REQUIRING CLEANUP OF THE SIDEWALK AFTER UTILITY SITING TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:15 p.m. ' amu 4. Get, BONNIE I. WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann '�" June 10,2002 226 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/17 WRIA 9 Near Term Action Agenda (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Briefing COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 6/17 Coulon Park Playground Replacement (Gorman) 6:00 p.m. Contract FINANCE MON., 6/17 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Police Evidence Building Bid Award PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 6/13 Boeing Longacres Office Park (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. Development Agreement; Whitworth Ave. S. Street Vacation Request (St. Anthony Parish) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) i TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 6/13 Green River Flood Control Zone District (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Interlocal Agreement NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 227 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING m... June 17, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 10, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 6/12/2002 for CAG-02-077, 2002 Street Overlay; four bids; engineer's estimate $870,863.97; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, ICON Materials, in the amount of$828,375.39. Council concur. c. Community Services Department recommends approval of a contract with Cascade Testing Laboratory, Inc. for inspection and testing services for the Downtown Parking Garage project in an amount not to exceed $51,232.20. Council concur. d. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$3,800,000 for the design and construction of Fire Station #12. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Finance and Information Services Department requests approval of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of$12,150,000 for the construction of various water, sewer and storm water utility projects; and to refinance existing debt. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Legal Division recommends approving the merger of the existing cable television franchise between AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation. Refer to Finance Committee. g. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract with Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$60,000 to conduct a Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. h. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization to use $200,000 from the Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program for the Renton Municipal Airport Gate and Security Fencing Project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. i. Transportation Systems Division requests authorization for the temporary closure of SW 7th St., Lind Ave. SW, and Mill Ave. S. for a period of seven days (consecutive or non-consecutive) between July 10 and September 30, 2002, for Burlington Northern Santa Fe to replace six existing railroad crossings. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. j. Transportation Systems Division submits the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Refer the TIP to the Transportation (Aviation) Committee; set a ... public hearing on 7/1/2002 to consider the TIP. 6. CORRESPONDENCE (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 228 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Coulon Park Playground Replacement Contract b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Police Evidence Building Bid Award „r c. Utilities Committee: Green River Flood Control Zone District Interlocal Agreement* 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Green River Flood Control Zone District interlocal agreement (see 7.c) Ordinance for first reading: 2002 Budget adjustment for addition of Crime Analyst, Evidence Technician, Commissioned Police Officer&Fire Secretary 1 positions (Council approved via Public Safety Committee reports on 6/10/2002) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. 120-day permitting process (1st reading 6/03/2002) a. Cable Modem Utility Tax (1st reading 6/10/2002) b. 2002 Budget adjustment for swimming pool construction funding (1st reading 6/10/2002) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11. ADJOURNMENT i COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Briefing on Watershed Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9 Near Term Action Agenda • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 229 CITY COUNCIL June 17, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Bond issue for Fire Station#12 design and construction Bond issue for water and sewer projects AT&T Broadband cable television franchise and Comcast Corporation merger MAYOR & CITY CLERK Contract with Northwest Playground Equipment to supply Gene Coulon Park playground equipment Contract with CHG Building Systems for police vehicle evidence building Green River Flood Control Zone District interlocal agreement PARK BOARD Review of Gene Coulon Park regulations as related to the Southport development PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Correspondence from various parties expressing support for the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Review of King County Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations 2003 amendments TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Contract with Transportation Planning &Engineering for Citywide comprehensive walkway study Use of Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program funds for Airport security gate project Temporary closure of streets for replacement of BNSF railroad crossings Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 2003-2008 ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING 2002 Budget adjustment for additional Police and Fire Department positions (1st reading 6/17/2002) 120-day permitting process (1st reading 6/3/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 6/24/2002 —Boeing Longacres Office Park development agreement 6/24/2002—Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process 7/01/2001 —Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 2003-2008 230 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ra June 17, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE;KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN,City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,PlanningBuilding/Public Works Administrator; DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director;PAUL KUSAKABE,Fiscal Services Director; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON and COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Renton float, featuring elements of a Farmers Market,participated in the Marysville Strawberry Festival Parade this past Saturday and was awarded the "Shortcake Award" in the float category. * On Friday,June 21st,the community will celebrate the construction of the Renton Community IKEA Performing Arts Center. With the help of several dignitaries and some well-known alumni of Renton High School, an original cornerstone from the 1911 high school will be placed into the foundation of the new building. * More than 200 people attended the annual Special Populations Spring Awards Banquet on Thursday,June 13th, to celebrate the commitment and Ole success of the special athletes,coaches, and volunteers. AUDIENCE COMMENT �� Y City of Covington Mayor Julie Holbrook, 15651 SE 265th St., Covington, Citizen Comment: Holbrook— 98042,challenged the City of Renton to organize a team of paddlers to Dragon Boat Race, City participate in the Kent Cornucopia Days Dragon Boat Races to be held at Lake Participation Request Meridian on Saturday,July 13th. Describing the many activities that will take place that day,Mayor Holbrook stated that the proceeds from the races will go towards causes supported by the Kent Lions Club. Mayor Tanner provided Mayor Holbrook with a City staff contact who will determine whether the City is able to take on the challenge. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 10, 2002. Council concur. June 10,2002 CAG: 02-077, 2002 Street City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/12/2002 for CAG-02-077, 2002 Street Overlay,ICON Materials Overlay; four bids; engineer's estimate$870,863.97; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, ICON Materials, in the amount of$828,375.39. Council concur. 231 June 17,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 231 Community Services: Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Downtown Parking Garage Cascade Testing Laboratory, Inc. for inspection and testing services for the Inspection &Testing Services, Downtown Parking Garage project in an amount not to exceed $51,232.20. Cascade Testing Laboratory Council concur. Finance: Bond Issuance,Fire Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an Station#12 Construction ordinance authorizing the issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$3,800,000 for the design and construction of Fire Station#12. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Bond Issuance,Water Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an &Sewer Projects ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $12,150,000 for construction of various water, sewer, and storm water utility projects; and to refinance existing debt. Refer to Finance Committee. City Clerk: AT&T Broadband Legal Division recommended approving the merger of the existing cable &Comcast Corporation Cable television franchise between AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation. TV Franchise Merger Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Citywide Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Walkway Study, Transportation Planning&Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$60,000 to Transportation Planning& conduct a Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study. Refer to Transportation Engineering (Aviation)Committee. Airport: Security Gate Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to use$200,000 from Replacement,Fund the Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program for the Renton Appropriation Municipal Airport Gate and Security Fencing Project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. fi Streets: Temporary Closures Transportation Systems Division requested authorization for the temporary for Railroad Grade Crossing closure of SW 7th St.,Lind Ave. SW, and Mill Ave. S. for a period of seven Reconstruction days (consecutive or non-consecutive)between July 10 and September 30, 2002, for Burlington Northern Santa Fe to replace six existing railroad crossings. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: Six-Year TIP Transportation Systems Division submitted the annual update of the Six-Year (2003-2008) Transportation Improvement Program(TIP). Refer the TIP to the Transportation(Aviation)Committee; set a public hearing on 7/1/2002 to consider the TIP. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added The following correspondence was read into the record in support of the CORRESPONDENCE Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Citizen Comment: Various— 003): John&Annette Hightower, 3903 NE 11th Ct.,Renton,98056; Eric & Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Tracy Hajek, 10405 SE 187th Pl.,Renton, 98055; George & Sylvia Miller, Anthony Church(VAC-00- 3901 Meadow Ave. N.,Renton, 98056;Wema Fairhart Slyter, 23424 134th 003) Lane SE, Kent,98042; four form letters received from parents of students at St. Anthony School; and 348 form letters received from parishioners of St. Anthony Parish. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 2 Renton Cit Council Minutes Page 232 June 17,2002 Y OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Community Services recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the play F Committee equipment and surfacing material purchase contract with Northwest Playground Community Services: Gene Equipment,Inc. for a total of$117,490. (This is a revised amount from Coulon Park Playground $117,472-an increase of$18.) The Committee further recommended that the Equipment Supply,Northwest Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement. MOVED BY Playground Equipment CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Stating that Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park hours of operation may need changing as a result of upcoming plans to connect the park to the Southport development, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE REVIEW OF GENE COULON MEMORIAL BEACH PARK REGULATIONS DUE TO FUTURE CONNECTION TO THE SOUTHPORT DEVELOPMENT TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 205052-205299 and one wire transfer totaling $1,164,682.17. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 02-072,Police Evidence Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the contractor Steel Building,CHG Building selection for the Police Vehicle Evidence Building. The Committee concurred Systems with the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a contract with CHG Building Systems, Inc. in the amount of$119,300 to purchase and erect a steel prefabricated building to contain police evidence, which will be located south of the City facility shops. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Explaining that the new building will be used for the storage of motor vehicles that have been involved in crimes, Councilman Clawson stated that the City is currently paying to have the vehicles stored. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Green River Flood in the staff recommendation to approve the interlocal agreement with the cities Control Zone District of Auburn,Kent,Renton,Tukwila, and King County for the administration of Interlocal Agreement the Green River Flood Control Zone District. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the interlocal agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3574 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Utility: Green River Flood interlocal agreement for the Green River Flood Control Zone District. Control Zone District MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL Interlocal Agreement ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/24/2002 for second and final reading: 233 June 17,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 233 Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read adding the positions of Crime Analyst, Evidence Additional Police &Fire Technician, and a Commissioned Officer to the Police Department, and a Department Positions Secretary 1 to the Fire Department, effective July 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Budget appropriation of$145,821. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/24/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Development Services: Permit At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, the ordinance regarding the Review Process, 120-Day Goal 120-day permit review process was removed for further review. Exemptions Ordinance#4972 An ordinance was read adding a new Section, 5-11-1.I, to Chapter 11,Utility Finance: Utility Tax, Cable Tax, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of City Code which Modem Services Clarification, includes cable modem service as a utility subject to the utility tax. MOVED City Code Amend BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Councilman Clawson pointed out that this is a tax on the cable modem services provider and not on the consumer. Ordinance#4973 An ordinance was read amending the 2002 Budget for the expressed purpose of Budget: 2002 Amendment, building a swimming pool, creating a new construction fund, and appropriating Swimming Pool the necessary funds in the amount of$5,000,000 for the construction. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the possibility of installing the swimming pool by the next swimming season, Mayor Tanner stated that the City will make its best effort to complete the swimming pool by then. NEW BUSINESS Council President Nelson encouraged everyone to attend the new Renton Community Services: Farmers Farmers Market which debuts June 18th at the Piazza, Renton's downtown park Market located at S. 3rd St. and Burnett Ave. S. The Farmers Market, which runs though September 3rd on Tuesdays from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m., will feature Washington-grown produce, cut flowers, and other fresh natural food products. Councilman Corman praised Council President Nelson for her efforts in helping to bring the Farmers Market to fruition. School District: Home School Councilman Corman stated that he attended a graduation ceremony for the first Enrichment Program graduate of the Renton School District's home school enrichment program, and he commended the district for establishing this type of program which is financed by the students' share of State funding. Transportation: NE 3rd/4th Sts Councilman Persson requested that staff investigate the unsafe use of Cemetery Traffic Hazard, City Transfer Rd. (NE 3rd and 4th Streets)by City Transfer trucks that are hauling items for Trucks Unsafe Use of Street the Liberty Ridge development project and are cutting off motorists when they turn at the bottom of the hill. Streets: Grocery Cart Councilman Persson reported on the number of abandoned grocery carts he has Abandonment noticed around the City, and asked City staff to research whether the City can "M adopt an ordinance to aid private property owners in the removal of the carts from their property. Mayor Tanner requested that the City Attorney research 234 June 17,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 234 the possibility of making this a fineable offense to charge the stores for not picking up the carts since they are ultimately responsible for them. King County: 2003 Stating that King County is in the process of accepting amendments to its mod Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations which are due by Amendments September 30th for the 2003 amendment process, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE REVIEW OF THE KING COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2003 AMENDMENTS TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Police: St. Anthony Parish Councilman Clawson reported receipt of a citizen complaint regarding the Parking Problems,Food blockage of the alley next to Smithers Ave. S. by cars during church services at Venders (Possibly Illegal) St. Anthony Parish. In addition, the complainant noted that venders are selling food out of the back of a truck near the parish and are parking on the sidewalk. Mr. Clawson requested investigation of these complaints. Greg McNabb, St. Anthony Parish Administrator, 1507 32nd Ave., Seattle, 98122,reported that the parish has had difficulty with a family selling food out of their vehicle on Sunday evenings. Mr. McNabb was advised to call the police the next time this occurs. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:13 p.m. .BONNIE I.WALT+�N, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann June 17,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 2 2 5 Office of the City Clerk G •1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 17, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 6/24 Comprehensive Plan Update— (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Transportation, Capital Facilities & Utilities COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 6/24 Water Sewer Bond Ordinance; (Parker) 5:30 p.m. Limited Term General Obligation Bond Issue for Fire Station#12; AT&T Broadband Merger with Comcast Corporation PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) TUES., 6/18 Six-Year Transportation Improvement (Persson) 1:00 P.M. Plan; Airport Gate & Security Fencing Project Fund Appropriation; Temporary Road Closures for Railroad Crossing Upgrades; TP&E Contract for Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study UTILITIES MON., 6/24 Holmes Request for Sewer Connections (Briere) 5:00 p.m. Outside City Limits NNW NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 23 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 24, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Boeing Longacres Office Park Development Agreement II b. City Code Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 17, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Ava Hammond, 10610 Woodley Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, to the Municipal Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Loren Perrault-Jones (term to expire 12/31/2002). Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Community Services Committee recommends approval to use $32,000 (plus tax) from the 1% for Art program to purchase mosaic tiles depicting themes from Renton for display in the new Downtown Parking Garage; and to purchase two statues entitled "Summer Breeze" and "Homework Comes First" to be placed in City parks. Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Fire Department requests authorization for the City to participate in the King County Regional Disaster Plan. Refer to Public Safety Committee. e. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Sunnybrook Preliminary Plat; 130 lots for detached single-family and attached townhouse units on approximately 35.02 acres located west of Mill Ave. S. and Cedar Ave. S., and east of S. 35th, 37th, and 38th Streets. Council concur. f. Utilities Systems Division submits CAG-01-151, Maplewood Golf Course Regrade Project; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$5,447.94, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$6,932.70 to City Transfer, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letters regarding the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation (VAC-00-003) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Water Sewer Bond Ordinance*; Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Issue for Fire Station#12; AT&T Broadband Merger with Comcast Corporation* (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 237 b. Planning &Development Committee: Boeing Longacres Office Park Development Agreement c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Airport Gate & Security Fencing Project Fund Appropriation; Temporary Road Closures for Railroad Crossing Upgrades*; TP&E Contract for Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study d. Utilities Committee: Holmes Request for Sewer Connections Outside City Limits 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. AT&T Broadband & Comcast Corporation Merger (see 8.a.) b. Authorizing temporary street closures for railroad crossing upgrades (see 8.c.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Title IV development regulation revision process (see 3.b.) b. Bond issue for water & sewer projects (see 8.a.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. 120-day permitting process (1st reading 6/03/02) b. 2002 Budget adjustment for additional Police &Fire Department positions (1st reading 6/17/02) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Update—Transportation, Capital Facilities &Utilities NEW • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 238 CITY COUNCIL June 24, 2002 City Clerk's Office mow Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Ava Hammond, 10610 Woodley Ave. S., Seattle, to the Municipal Arts Commission Use of 1% for Art program funds to purchase mosaic tiles and two statues MAYOR & CITY CLERK Contract with Transportation Planning &Engineering for Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Correspondence from various parties regarding the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Abandoned grocery carts PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE King County Regional Disaster Plan Update on illegal street racing ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Title IV development regulation revision process (1st reading 6/24/2002) Bond issue for water& sewer projects (1st reading 6/24/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/01/2001 — Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 2003-2008 7/08/2001 —2003 City of Renton Budget a 239 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 24, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator;LESLEY NISHIHIl2A, Senior Planner; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director; GIL CERISE, Senior Planner; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; GAY BOYER, Staff Services Supervisor; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY and COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE, Police Department. Moment of Silence At the request of Councilman Persson,the City Council observed a moment of silence for King County Deputy Richard Herzog who died in the line of duty in Newcastle on June 22nd. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ;i Development Services: Boeing accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Longacres Office Park to consider the proposed updated development agreement between the City of Development Agreement Renton and The Boeing Company for the Boeing Longacres Office Park(LOP) property, consisting of 158 acres located south of I-405 and west of SR-167. Lesley Nishihira, Senior Planner, stated that the site is located within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan land use designation and is zoned Commercial Office(CO). She reported that the LOP Environmental Impact Statement(EIS), adopted in 1995, analyzed the construction of 2.5 million square feet of office and light-industrial development as well as related support facilities to be developed over four phases. A development agreement was previously approved in 2000 for the LOP, as well as an addendum to the 1995 EIS in order to allow an additional 500,000 square feet for a total of 3 million square feet. Reviewing the four phases of development for the LOP, Ms. Nishihira pointed out that Phase IV consists of the future build out of the remaining 2.7 million square feet of capacity. Continuing,Ms. Nishihira explained that the City approved a binding site plan earlier this year which allows for subdivision of the LOP site into 35 lots as well as five utility tracts. The binding site plan allows for flexibility for future individual development proposals. She said that the purpose of the development agreement is to provide certainty over the next 20 years for the applicable development regulations and review and approval processes. Ms. Nishihira noted that it would also establish future development costs. Although the new agreement would rescind the previous development agreement, which was recorded January 4, 2001,Ms. Nishihira explained that the new agreement is essentially the same document updated to reflect the binding site plan. 210 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 240 Ms. Nishihira reported that the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) requires development agreements to undergo environmental review; therefore, the City's Environmental Review Committee(EIS) issued an addendum to the 1995 EIS on May 14,2002. In conclusion, she stated that staff recommends .,�. approval of the proposed development agreement and adoption of the enacting resolution. Audience comment was invited,there being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See below for Planning&Development Committee report regarding this matter.) Advancement to Planning& MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL Development Committee SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING& Report DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending concurrence with the recommendation of the Development Services: Boeing administration to approve the Boeing Longacres Office Park(LOP) Longacres Office Park Development Agreement II in order to establish applicable development Development Agreement regulations including a vesting framework and other restrictions,for future development of the Boeing LOP. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the development agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Title IV This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Regulation accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Revision Process to consider the proposed amendment to City Code Title IV Development Regulations by adding an annual Development Regulation Revision Process. Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, explained that the revision process is required by State law under the Growth Management Act. The statute requires cities and counties to include within their development regulations a procedure for any interested person to suggest development regulation amendments. Cities are also required to place suggested amendments on prioritized lists for annual consideration. Mr. Cerise stated that the annual process proposed by staff, which is modeled on the City's Comprehensive Plan Amendment process, adds a new City Code Section to Chapter 9,Title IV and allows for an exemption process for high priority Code amendments. Continuing,Mr. Cerise reviewed the proposed timeline for the revision process, noting that the deadline to submit amendment proposals is December 15. The following May, staff reports to Council on the proposals and Council may refer the items to the Planning Commission or to the Planning&Development Committee. He explained that the submittal requirements are simple and there is no fee required. Mr. Cerise stated that if an amendment proposal is rejected, the proponent shall be informed in writing, and the rejected proposal may not be re-submitted for a period of two years unless a compelling case for changed circumstances can be made. He also pointed out that the process allows for exemptions for high priority Code amendments. In conclusion,Mr. Cerise stated that staff recommends that Council adopt the Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process. 241 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 241 Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry,Mr. Cerise explained that the proposed revision process follows the same deadlines as the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that the proposed ordinance be revised on page 3,no. 5, to indicate that the City Clerk shall mail written notice to all proponents of amendment requests, instead of the Council. Audience comment was invited, there being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 247 for ordinance.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • A daytime picnic and an evening fireworks display will set the stage for the City's 4th of July Celebration. A picnic, complete with food, fun, and entertainment, will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the fireworks display will begin at 10:15 p.m. • The Kidd Valley Summer Concert series will provide free entertainment at Coulon Beach Memorial Park starting at 7:00 p.m. every Wednesday through August 14th. • The City's free summer lunch program, which provides children ages one to eighteen with one well-balanced meal each weekday, started today at three Renton sites. For more information,call 425-430-6650. Sound Transit: HOV Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman gave a Improvement Projects, briefing on the negotiations with Sound Transit regarding a perpetual easement Perpetual Easement for BNSF that has been requested for a portion of property owned by the City of Renton Railroad on the east side of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)railroad tracks. He reviewed Sound Move's proposed improvements for the Renton area, which have changed significantly from 1996 to now. The original proposed improvements included two HOV direct access interchanges at an estimated cost of$85 million (one at the north side, in the vicinity of Park Ave. N., and one at the south side,in the vicinity of Talbot Rd. S.), and four express bus routes. Mr. Zimmerman reported on the current situation which now includes three of the four bus routes,no south-side interchange, and the north-side interchange has continued to increase in cost to an estimated $160 million. Indicating that Sound Transit would like to incorporate the north-side interchange into the 1- 405 Corridor Program, he noted that funding for the 1-405 Corridor is questionable. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the tax revenue programmed for Renton projects should be used in Renton even if the interchange cannot be built; therefore, the City suggested a contingency plan be developed that lists projects eligible for funding by Sound Move. Continuing,Mr. Zimmerman said that the City has sought a commitment for a contingency plan, but so far, Sound Transit has not complied. In the meantime, Sound Transit wants the City to grant a perpetual easement on City property to BNSF for improvements which will assist in the operation of the Tukwila Community Rail Station, and enable Sound Transit to introduce a third commuter rail train. The introduction of the third train is contingent upon 242 Page 242 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g building the improvements in a timely manner and problems are expected to , arise if the easement is not acquired by July 1st. Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that Council has agreed not to grant the perpetual easement until Sound Transit agrees, via a motion of the Board,to adopt a contingency plan of Renton projects which states that money reserved for Renton projects will be spent in Renton. Mr. Zimmerman reported that recent language submitted by Sound Transit to the City does not accomplish that, and he also reported that a second perpetual easement has been requested for a piece of City of Renton right-of- way. Mayor Tanner stressed that the City wants an alternate plan for other transit supportive projects to be funded,not to be negotiated in the future. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reported that discussions with Sound Transit have resulted in a proposed Motion No. M2002-86 and letter from Board Chair Ron Sims identifying Renton projects and authorizing the development of a contingency plan;however,the documents do not commit a set amount of funding. Vernon Stoner, Sound Transit Deputy Executive Director,read portions of Ron Sim's letter and stated his hope that the proposed Motion could be put before the Sound Transit Board this Thursday for approval. Stating that Sound Transit is willing to work with the City to identify projects within the guidelines of Sound Move,Mr. Stoner acknowledged Sound Transit's commitment to spend the money in Renton. Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding when the easement request was submitted,Mr. Stoner indicated that BNSF initially worked on it and then approached Sound Transit for help in pursuing the matter with Renton. Mr. Zimmerman said the City received the BNSF request for easement in August 2001,but did not receive the required plans until two or three months ago. Mayor Tanner requested that the record show that is when he heard about it. Councilmembers Persson, Parker,Corman and Keolker-Wheeler agreed that the language in the Sound Transit documents is not clear enough and needs to be more specific before an agreement can be reached with the City. At the request of Mayor Tanner,his proposed letter addressed to Board Chair Ron Sims was read specifying which Renton projects the funding should be allocated towards. The letter also stated that once the Sound Transit Board "...signs an agreement committing Sound Transit support and funds to these suggested projects up to the amount collected from Renton taxpayers...Renton will execute a dedication of a perpetual easement, at no cost,to Sound Transit..." Councilman Persson said he agreed with the letter and suggested that language be added which states that the Board agrees not to pursue acquiring the BNSF right-of-way through Renton. Councilman Clawson also expressed his agreement with the letter but stated his opposition to adding the right-of-way language. Discussion ensued relating to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry about the honoring of commitments, the possibility of revoking the easement once granted, and Sound Move's realm of authority. Mr. Vernon expressed the desire of Sound Transit to work with the City towards obtaining an agreement. 243 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 243 MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CO-SIGN THE LETTER WITH THE MAYOR AND FORWARD IT TO SOUND TRANSIT BOARD CHAIR RON SIMS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Debbie Natelson, 207 Main Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, commended the City on its Citizen Comment: Natelson— Farmers Market, saying that it is going to be very popular. Ms. Natelson Farmers Market questioned the exclusion of her business (selling organic coffee beans that she roasts herself)from the market, and said that her business does fall under the "baked goods" category. Upon visiting the market, she stated that she discovered goods being sold that were comparable to hers in that some of the ingredients may not be purchased in Washington but the product is produced in Washington. She inquired as to why she was not given the same opportunity as other vendors since her business appears to fall under the same guidelines. Council President Nelson stated that Ms. Natelson asked to participate in the market about ten days before the market opened. She explained that she obtained a listing of approved market vendors from Seattle and King County, conducted a mailing to all vendors,receiving back 50 responses. An open house was conducted in May and many vendors, who had participated in other markets, signed up for the market. Ms. Nelson said that she had to limit participation in the market somehow so that it would fit in the Piazza, and indicated that she followed the Seattle Farmers Market guidelines in creating the Renton Farmers Market. Mayor Tanner stated that the market is a citizen-run operation and Council has no authority over the market. Councilman Corman pointed out that without Ms. Nelson's hard work there would be no Farmer's Market at all, and that there will be future opportunities for merchants once improvements are made to the Pavilion Building. Council President Nelson invited Ms. Natelson to further discuss the issue with the market committee. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's request,item 6.e. was removed j for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 17, 2002. Council concur. June 17, 2002 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Tanner appointed Ava Hammond, 10610 Woodley Ave. S., Seattle, i{ Commission 98178,to the Municipal Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Loren Perrault-Jones (term to expire 12/31/2002). Refer to Community Services Committee. 't Community Services: 1% for Community Services Department recommended approval to use$32,000(plus Art Program,Mosaic Tiles & tax)from the 1% for Art program to purchase mosaic tiles depicting themes Two Statues from Renton for display in the new Downtown Parking Garage; and to purchase two statues entitled "Summer Breeze" and "Homework Comes First" to be a placed at City parks. Refer to Communis Services Committee. Fire: King County Regional Fire Department requested authorization for the City to participate in the King Disaster Plan County Regional Disaster Plan. Refer to Public Safety Committee. CAG: 01-151,Maplewood Utilities Systems Division submitted CAG-01-151,Maplewood Golf Course Golf Course Regrade Project, Regrade Project; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final City Transfer,Inc pay estimate in the amount of$5,447.94, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$6,932.70 to City Transfer,Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 244 June 24, 2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 244 MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.e.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Sunnybrook Item 6.e. Preliminary Plat; 130 lots, of which 86 lots are for detached single-family Plat: Sunnybrook,Mill Ave S residences and 44 are for attached townhouse units on approximately 35.02 &Cedar Ave S (PP-01-127) acres located west of Mill Ave. S. and Cedar Ave. S., and east of S. 35th, 37th, and 38th Streets (PP-01-127). Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the water and sewer service providers for the Sunnybrook plat,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the service boundary line of the Soos Creek Water&Sewer District and the City of Renton bisects the plat. He explained that the City would work with Soos Creek to establish which agency serves sewer and water to which lots. In regards to Ms. Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry pertaining to the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)condition concerning the redesign of the roads and utilities,Mr. Zimmerman explained that portions of the subdivision are in the vicinity of mapped coal mines and the ERC wanted to make sure that single- family residences are not located near potential coal mine hazard areas. The ERC also requested that City streets avoid these areas. He said the City has requested that the developer move and modify the location of the roads to make sure that they avoid the coal mine areas and this will result in an amendment to the plat. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's concern regarding the plat amendment process, Senior Planner Lesley Nishihira explained that the process is reviewed at the administrative level and construction permits will not be issued until the project has undergone final review in order to confirm that it complies with the Hearing Examiner conditions. She pointed out that a minor amendment can only be applied for if the preliminary plat has been approved. Ms. Nishihira stated that parties of record will be notified of the minor amendment when it is submitted, and it is subject to a two-week appeal period. Expressing her pleasure with one of the Hearing Examiner conditions requiring the posting of signs noting that all stub roads may be opened to through traffic in the future, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL APPROVE THE SUNNYBROOK PRELIMINARY PLAT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was read into the record in support of the Citizen Comment: Various— Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 003): Ed &Pat Bentley, 115 Monterey Pl. NE,Renton, 98056;Denny& Anthony Church(VAC-00- Bernadene Dochnahl, 13200 Lake Kathleen Rd. SE,Renton,98059; Arland 003) "Buzz" Johnson,334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton,98055;Brian Magbaleta, 4415 NE 5th St.,#G204,Renton, 98059;Virgilio M. &Josefina S. Gungon, 518 NW 4th Pl.,Renton, 98055; Stella S. Del Palacio, 334 Wells Ave. S., Renton,98055;Ailien Nguyen &Minh Truong, 18622 107th Ave. SE,Renton, 98055;Joy Schum, 12626 174th Ave. SE,Renton,98059; Sheldon Sweeney, 26805 220th Ave. SE,Maple Valley, 98038; Kristi White, 17259 SE 185th St., Renton,98058; Ron&Joyce Austin, 16520 163rd Pl. SE,Renton,98058; and 104 form letters received from parents of students at St. Anthony School and parishioners at St. Anthony Parish. 245 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 245 The following correspondence was read into the record in opposition of the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- 003): Arlen Notch, 1405 Harrington Ave. SE, Renton, 98058; and Francine Taylor, 322 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, 98055. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation(Aviation) regarding the Renton Municipal Airport Security Gate Replacement project. Committee Since the events of September 11, 2001, implementation of security Airport: Security Gate improvements at all airports has been put in place. On October 15, 2001, Replacement,Fund Council authorized an amount of$300,000 to cover the cost of such Appropriation improvements. This project will add needed improvements involving fence removal and installation of new perimeter security fencing,pavement removal, paving,gate removal and installation at five sites. This request amends the required expenditure for this project upward from $50,000 to$200,000, which will be taken from the Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program along with the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) who has agreed to help fund this project in the amount of$150,000. The Committee recommended that Council authorize $200,000 for the Renton Municipal Airport Security Gate Replacement project. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Streets: Temporary Closures Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report for Railroad Grade Crossing regarding the temporary full road closures for railroad crossing replacements. Reconstruction Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)railroad has been authorized to replace six existing railroad crossings in Renton with concrete. There are three crossings on SW 7th St., one on Lind Ave. SW at SW 40th St., one on Mill Ave. S. at Houser Way S., and one on Bronson Way N. at Houser Way S. The railroad will need temporary full road closures to complete this work which will take place on seven separate(consecutive or non-consecutive)days between July 10 and September 30, 2002. The City's traffic control contractor will submit a traffic control and detour plan with required signing with a two week notice for each closure. The Committee recommended that Council concur with the seven total days of closures for replacement of existing railroad grade crossings by BNSF and adopt the resolution authorizing the temporary closures.* Stating his pleasure that these safety needs are being addressed, Councilman Persson expressed concern about the impact of the Lind Ave. SW closure on businesses such as IKEA, and indicated that City staff plans to coordinate the road closure date with IKEA. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 247 for resolution.) Transportation: Citywide Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Walkway Study, regarding the contract with Transportation Planning&Engineering,Inc. for the Transportation Planning & Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study. In 1991, the City of Renton Engineering, Inc commissioned Transportation Planning&Engineering,Inc. to conduct a study and produce a report that would "identify, analyze and prioritize the needs for walkway and curb ramps in the City of Renton." The report was divided into 246 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 246 four sections corresponding to the groups who utilize pedestrian facilities: school children,elderly people,transit riders, and all others. Many of the projects defined in the 1991 study have been designed and constructed, some as elements of the City's newly established Neighborhood Program. At this juncture,it has been ten years since the City of Renton's last formal walkway needs analysis. As part of the City of Renton's ongoing commitment to insure that future investment continues to be both responsive to contemporary needs and it is fiscally sound, a current study is necessary. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract with Transportation Planning&Engineering,Inc. to carry out the Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Water&Sewer Bond Finance and Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle stated that the Rating Upgrade City is going to sell$12,150,000 of water and sewer revenue bonds and $3,800,000 of LTGO bonds, and announced that Fitch Ratings has upgraded the water and sewer bonds from A+to AA-, a one step increase. The rating submitted by Standard&Poors remained the same. She reported that both rating agencies remarked on the excellent work the City has done by diversifying its economic base, sustaining lower utility rates, increasing all other economic indicators such as assessed valuation, and maintaining healthy reserves. Councilman Clawson commented that the City's water rates now rank in the bottom third of the Puget Sound jurisdiction. Councilman Corman stated that it is amazing to see a rating upgrade in these economic times and it is a credit to the Finance Department,Economic Development Department and the Utilities Division. Mayor Tanner pointed out that despite tight financial management, not one project has been delayed that was necessary for economic development in the City. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending adoption of Finance: Bond Issuance,Water the ordinance that authorizes the sale of water and sewer revenue bonds in the &Sewer Projects amount of$12,150,000. The bonds are for the purpose of utility construction and refinancing outstanding debt. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 247 for ordinance.) Finance: Bond Issuance,Fire Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending adoption of Station#12 Construction the ordinance that authorizes the sale of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$3,800,000. The bonds are for the purpose of design and construction of Fire Station#12. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading on July 8,2002. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. City Clerk: AT&T Broadband Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the AT&T &Comcast Corporation Cable Broadband merger with Comcast Corporation. The Committee has reviewed TV Franchise Merger the recommendations from staff and the City's cable consultant regarding a change of control of AT&T Broadband to AT&T Comcast Corporation, and recommended approval of the franchise merger, subject to the conditions contained in the resolution. The conditions require that the franchisee complies June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 247 with all valid local laws,franchise requirements and agreements consistent with applicable Federal and State law; and that the Franchise Authority's consent to the transactions shall not be construed to constitute a waiver or release of any rights the Franchise Authority has under the franchise, whether those rights arise before or after the change in control to AT&T Comcast. The Committee recommended that the City Council authorize adoption of the resolution. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3575 A resolution was read consenting to a change of control of TCI Cablevision of City Clerk: AT&T Broadband Washington,Inc., also known as AT&T Broadband, from AT&T Corporation &Comcast Corporation Cable to AT&T Comcast Corporation. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY TV Franchise Merger CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3576 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of SW 7th St.,Lind Streets: Temporary Closures Ave. SW at SW 40th St.,Mill Ave. S. at Houser Way S., and Bronson Way N. for Railroad Grade Crossing at Houser Way S.,for a period of seven days (consecutive or non-consecutive) Reconstruction between July 10 and September 30, 2002, for Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)to replace six existing railroad crossings with concrete. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/1/2002 for second and final reading: Planning: Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-8 and 4-9 of Title IV Development Regulation (Development Regulations)of City Code to implement RCW(Revised Code of Revision Process Washington)36.70A.470 governing development regulation amendment cycles. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/1/2002. CARRIED. Finance: Bond Issuance,Water An ordinance was read relating to the waterworks utility of the City, including &Sewer Projects the sewerage system as a part thereof;providing for the issuance of $12,150,000 aggregate principal amount of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 2002, of the City for the purpose of obtaining funds with which to pay the costs of carrying out certain capital improvements of the waterworks utility; fixing the date, form,denominations, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds;providing for bond insurance; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to D.A. Davidson&Co., of Seattle,Washington. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/1/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4974 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, of Title IV Development Services: Permit (Development Regulations) of City Code by providing for a 120-day time goal Review Process, 120-Day Goal to process permits after the date of the letter of completeness, except for Exemptions appeals, which may take more time. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS 'i READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Y June 24,2002 Renton Cit Council Minutes Page 248 Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read adding the positions of Crime Analyst,Evidence Additional Police&Fire Technician, and a Commissioned Officer to the Police Department,and a Department Positions Secretary 1 to the Fire Department,effective July 1,2002, and authorizing the increased Budget appropriation of$145,821. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.* Councilman Clawson conducted a presentation in support of the proposed ordinance. He stated that although Renton's population and calls for patrol officer services have increased substantially since 1999, the patrol division has increased by only one officer. He described the powers of the legislative body as defined in RCW 35A.11.020, and detailed the process by which this i ordinance came before the Council this evening. Mr. Clawson described the duties of patrol officers,pointing out that a large part of their job is responding to calls for service. He indicated that the Renton Police Department has adopted the International City Managers Association (ICMA) formula to determine the City's need for patrol officers, and according to the formula,Renton is short five officers. Speaking on the issue of school resource officers,Mr. Clawson explained why he felt they should not be counted as patrol officers in the ICMA formula,but noted that the four resource officers assigned to Renton School District schools perform a valuable service. Stating that Renton can afford another patrol officer at this time,Mr. Clawson cited the strong financial condition of the City and the projections that a budget surplus will occur for the next four years. He added that funds from other sources can be shifted to pay for the additional officer, and if the City's financial situation worsens, vacant positions that are common with normal turnover can be left vacant until revenues improve. Mr. Clawson pointed out that the average response time for priority-one calls has risen from 3.54 minutes in 1999 to 3.91 minutes in 2001, and recommended that Council not wait until response times to calls increase to totally unacceptable levels before adding patrol officers. Continuing, Councilman Clawson detailed reasons why hiring an additional patrol officer can make a difference,and acknowledged that the Renton Police Officers' Guild supports additional patrol staffing. He also reviewed reasons why a patrol officer should be hired now, including citizen support, decrease of Police Department overtime costs, ability to compete with other cities for business and quality residential and commercial development, and the maintenance of public confidence. Mr. Clawson explained why he felt the administration opposes the addition of another patrol officer and why the Council is divided on this issue. In conclusion,Mr. Clawson stated that staffing of the patrol division has not kept up with population and demand, and Council can work together with the administration to find savings and/or new revenues to pay for the officer. He encouraged Council to do the right thing for the citizens who have paid for and are entitled to the very best in police protection. Councilman Parker indicated that he disagreed with some of the points made by Mr. Clawson and felt they were incorrect,but applauded him for putting together a concise presentation. He stated that the difference in their opinions comes down to the bottom line: the dispersal of dollars—the use of one-time monies for recurring expenses. He pointed out that one of the reasons why the 249 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 249 City is in good financial shape is because in the past one-time revenues have not been used for recurring expenses. Mr. Parker also pointed out that the City has a structure in place to support department heads, such as the Police Chief, � and that they are ultimately responsible to the Mayor and Council and should not be usurped. Stating that there are a lot of needs within the City to be balanced,Mr. Parker noted that if asked, anyone would agree that more staffing is needed. He said that the staffing issue has been brought up out of context, and should be addressed during the budget deliberation process along with other issues such as labor negotiations and healthcare costs. Councilman Corman commented that Mr. Clawson has had an impact on the number of added police personnel. Mr. Corman reviewed the additional police staff added this year, and indicated that it is not clear if the addition of one patrol officer would decrease the response time. He expressed his support for public safety,and emphasized that the Police Chief did not request an officer during the 2002 budget deliberations and he defined the Council's role in the management of the City. Stating that this issue has emerged out of sequence and without the recommendation of the Police Chief,Mr. Corman questioned whether the City is going to micromanage staff or instead allow them to do their job by empowering those in management. He stated that Council should think forward with a holistic approach and address staffing in the 2003 budget process. Councilman Persson addressed the issue of response times, saying that a three minute response time to priority-one calls is a long time in a life or death situation,and the only solution to reducing the response time is to add patrol officers. He expressed his support for additional officers and commented that if LO the City wants to save money, then forego adding the crime analyst and evidence technician positions but add the patrol officer. Mr. Persson stated that if this issue should be heard in the budget process, then the pool issue should have waited also. He encouraged Councilmembers to vote for the ordinance. Councilwoman Briere stated that citizens have indicated to her that they do not feel safe,and she described crimes that have affected her family members. Emphasizing the need for increased public safety, Ms. Briere expressed her support for the additional patrol officer. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that the City recently spent a lot of money on the Downtown Parking Garage, swimming pool and Pavilion Building. She reviewed the Mayor and Councilmember positions on the staffing issue,emphasizing that discussion on this issue is not out of context. She recognized that the City does have many needs but police staffing is the issue before the Council at this time and that department heads cannot come forward if the Mayor disapproves. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that this should not be a battle between the Mayor and Council, or the union and the Police Chief, and she expressed her support for the ordinance and encouraged an end to the debate. Councilman Clawson also commented that discussing this issue is not out of order because Council had agreed in December 2001 to consider the issue again in 2002. He stated that more officers are needed, and if the Police Chief and Mayor do not think more are needed, they are wrong. Due to the increase in 60 population and increased calls for service, Councilman Clawson stressed that there is a clear need for more officers. -crime city,that the Councilman Corman emphasized that Renton is not a high 250 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 250 City understands the need for public safety, and that police staffing has increased. He assured citizens that Renton has an accredited police force, saying that the issue regarding police staffing will be addressed again at the upcoming budget deliberations. *MOTION: ROLL CALL: FOUR AYES: PERSSON,BRIERE,KEOLKER- WHEELER,CLAWSON;THREE NAYS: NELSON, CORMAN,PARKER. CARRIED.* (See page 251 for further discussion on the matter and page 252 for additional Council action.) Mayor Tanner entered his veto message to the City Council into the record: "After much deliberation, I am—for the first time in my six and one-half years as Mayor—exercising my authority under Title 35 of the RCW and vetoing the ordinance entitled'An ordinance of the City of Renton,Washington,adding the positions of Crime Analyst,Evidence Technician, and a commissioned officer to the Police Department, and a Secretary 1 to the Fire Department,effective July 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Budget appropriation of$145,821."' "This ordinance would authorize four additional positions in the Budget and would authorize the use of one-time unallocated fund balance to fund the Police Department positions through the remainder of 2002. The ordinance assumes that funding for all four positions will be accommodated within the 2003 and future operating budgets. "In coming to the decision to veto this ordinance,I reviewed past Council decisions related to the 2002 Budget. I also weighed the Council's decision against what I believe to be a very sound budgeting principle I have adhered to as Mayor—not to use one-time revenues to fund recurring costs. Finally,I considered what the impact of these additional positions and their attendant costs might be on future budgets in a post I-695 and I-747 environment. "Last fall I presented a budget to the Council on the heels of the 9-11 terrorist attacks that drove this region's economy further into a recession. My budget reflected the uncertain economic times, and did not propose any new programs, staffing, or other obligations beyond the base budget. I did identify several priority areas the Council and I should address when our economic condition stabilized and showed improvement. These priorities were derived after consideration and consultation with each of my department heads, who gave me their best professional advise on what was needed. When the Council adopted the 2002 Budget on December 10,2001, then Council President Dan Clawson presented a Committee of the Whole report—which was adopted unanimously by the full Council—which largely followed my recommendations,but which did add three positions: an animal control officer,two police officer positions, and additional funds for Human Services. The report also asked for an update on the City's financial positions in early April, and asked that in July,I'present the Council with a mid-year analysis of revenues to determine if other priorities in the Police,Fire,Parks and Public Works Departments can be met.' "The administration did present an update on our financial condition in April, which showed that our financial picture had not deteriorated,but had not shown appreciable improvement either. However,because the Council had asked that —if possible—additional Police Department positions be approved, and because I believed there was enough stability in our operating revenues to fund the positions, I recommended that two of the priority positions identified in the 2002 process be added—a crime analyst and an evidence technician in the Police Department. 251 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 251 "But I cannot approve the two additional positions authorized by this ordinance. This ordinance uses one-time revenues to provide the additional funds and it does not take into account the significant budget shortfalls created by the 1% property tax limitation,the effect of the Supreme Court decision virtually eliminating annexations, the upcoming contract negotiations,the skyrocketing healthcare cost increases, and an economy that is barely meeting reduced forecasts. "I believe the most prudent course for the City at this time is for this ordinance to be vetoed, and for the Council to consider any additional positions in the context of the 2003 Budget process." (See page later this page for additional discussion regarding this topic.) NEW BUSINESS Councilman Persson thanked Glenn Reynolds for his assistance in returning Streets: Grocery Cart abandoned grocery carts to the appropriate stores. Abandonment Budget: Public Hearing Detailing the importance of receiving public input concerning the City's Budget, and suggesting that input be solicited prior to the upcoming budget deliberations, Councilman Persson suggested that a public hearing be held. Mayor Tanner agreed that any public hearings the Council would like to hold in advance of the budget process would be helpful. He added that the administration is willing to work with the Council to add needed positions that can be sustained by forecasted revenues without putting the City within the position of risk. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 8, 2002,TO RECEIVE CITIZEN INPUT ON THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET. CARRIED. Police: Benefits Councilman Persson inquired as to what benefits are available to the survivors of firefighters and police officers killed in the line of duty. Mayor Tanner stated that the inquiry would be forwarded to Human Resources Administrator Mike Webby. Budget: 2002 Amendment, Moved by Persson, seconded by Clawson, Council authorize the addition of an Additional Police &Fire evidence technician to the Police Department. Department Positions Discussion ensued regarding priority between the crime analyst and evidence technician positions. Mayor Tanner expressed his desire to speak with the Police Chief before taking action on the positions. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding options available to Council now that the Mayor vetoed the staffing ordinance, Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes explained that Council could choose not to make a motion to override the veto and come forward with an independent motion,or override the veto with five affirmative votes, which is a majority of Council plus one. She added that the City Attorney's office would draft another ordinance consistent with the determination of the Council. Discussion ensued regarding when the veto can be overridden. Council President Nelson indicated her preference to wait until the next meeting to address the police staffing issue. RECESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES FOR LEGAL RESEARCH. CARRIED. Time: 10:48 p.m. 252 June 24,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 252 The meeting was reconvened at 11:05 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Budget: 2002 Amendment, Assistant Attorney Fontes read for the record, a passage from RCW 35A.12.130 Additional Police &Fire pertaining to a Mayor's veto of an ordinance: "Every ordinance which passes Department Positions the Council in order to become valid must be presented to the Mayor; if he approves it,he shall sign it,but if not,he shall return it with his written objections to the Council and the Council shall cause his objections to be entered at large upon the journal and proceed to a reconsideration thereof. If upon reconsideration a majority plus one of the whole membership, voting upon a call of ayes and nays,favor its passage,the ordinance shall become valid notwithstanding the Mayor's veto." Ms.Fontes described options available to Council relating to taking action on this matter. *Moved by Keolker-Wheeler, seconded by Clawson, Council reconsider the vote on the ordinance relating to the additional Police and Fire Department positions requested by the Public Safety Committee.* *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL LAY RECONSIDERATION OF THE ORDINANCE ON THE TABLE.* Mayor Tanner questioned the action taken, and stated that he would inform Council at the next meeting if the action was not in accordance with State law. *MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clawson stated that members of the Renton Police Officers'Guild have been courageous in sharing their opinions,and he expressed his hope that these officers do not face retaliation. Mayor Tanner stated that the remark was unworthy. Police: Street Racing Councilman Persson complimented Police Commander Robert Seelye for informing Council about a recent illegal street racing and shooting incident. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THE TOPIC OF ILLEGAL STREET RACING TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR AN UPDATE FROM THE POLICE CHIEF. CARRIED. Streets: Grocery Cart MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL Abandonment REFER THE ISSUE OF ABANDONED GROCERY CARTS TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:18 p.m. 61 � `4• L.6 7,t.'' BONNIE I. WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann June 24,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 253 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 24, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA r.. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/01 Emerging Issues in the Community (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Services Department *Council Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 7/01 Downtown Parking Garage Tiles &Park (Corman) 5:30 p.m. Statues— 1% for Art Program Purchases FINANCE MON., 7/01 Vouchers (Parker) 5:00 p.m. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 25 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 1, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARING: 2003 —2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 24, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 6/25/2002 for CAG-02-096, Sunnydale Downstream Storm System Replacement Project; six bids; engineer's estimate $144,986.88; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Harborside, Inc., in the amount of $116,416. Council concur. c. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the McTighe Final Plat (aka HoneyBrooke); 25 single-family lots on 4.67 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th Pl. and Ilwaco Ave. NE (FP-02-016). Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letters regarding the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation (VAC-00-003) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Community Services Committee: Downtown Parking Garage Tiles &Park Statues— 1% for Art Program Purchases c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. McTighe (aka Honeybrooke) Final Plat (see 6.c.) b. 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (see 8.c.) c. Boeing Longacres Office Park Development Agreement (Council approved 6/24/2002) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 255 Ordinances for second and final reading: a. Title IV development regulation revision process (1st reading 6/24/2002) b. Bond issue for water& sewer projects (1st reading 6/24/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded ,,,.. information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Community Services Department • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M., WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 256 CITY COUNCIL July 1, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals ADMINISTRATION Letter from Janie E. Fluter& Marilyn Whitley re: Cedar River spawning channel construction Prepare ordinance adding positions to the Police and Fire Departments MAYOR & CITY CLERK Boeing Longacres Office Park development agreement ..rr PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/08/2002— 2003 City of Renton Budget 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget 257 RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting July 1, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; SANDRA MEYER, Transportation Systems Director;NICK AFZALI,Transportation Planning& Programming Supervisor; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator;JILL MASUNAGA,Finance Analyst; DAWNA k TRUMAN,Accounting Assistant; DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE, COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY and OFFICER ALAN EZEKIEL, Police Department. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Transportation: Six-Year TIP accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing (2003-2008) to consider the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP), 2003 -2008. Transportation Systems Director Sandra Meyer stated that one of the City's biggest successes has been to serve on the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)1-405 Corridor Program Steering Committee, and she announced that the Preferred Alternative has been identified for the project. She reported that the Final Environmental Impact Statement was released today, and that the majority of the funding for the project proposed under Referendum 51 is for the I-405/SR-167 interchange. Nick Afzali,Transportation Planning&Programming Supervisor,explained the purpose of the TIP and reviewed the City's transportation goals which include developing a balanced multi-modal transportation system,maximizing the use of transit, improving freight mobility, obtaining project and program funding, and protecting the environment. He stated that transportation projects are placed in five categories within the TIP, and he detailed the transportation challenges and opportunities the City faces which include: SW 27th St./Strander Blvd.Extension,NE 3rd and 4th Streets Corridor Study, SR-169 (Maple Valley Hwy.)HOV and Queue Jump Improvements, and Duvall Ave. NE Improvements. Continuing,Mr. Afzali described the various funding sources for the transportation projects, saying that the total expenditure plan over the next six years is$102,104,799 of which$76,104,439 is unfunded and$26,000,360 is funded. He detailed the six new projects added to the TIP which are as follows: Sunset Blvd./I-405 Interchange, Grady Way Approach at Rainier Ave.,Houser Way S. —Main Ave. S. to Burnett Ave. S.,Trans Valley ITS (Intelligent Transportation System),NE 4th St./Hoquiam Ave., and Transit Center Public Safety(install video surveillance). In conclusion,Mr. Afzali reviewed the 258 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 258 projects that were or will be completed this year, which are: Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase H, Strander Blvd. Project Definition,Transit Center,Benson Rd. S. Improvements,Transit Needs Assessment,East Valley Rd. &SW 43rd St., Walkway &Curb Ramps, and NE 44th St. Interchange 30% Design. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 263 for Transportation Committee report.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: i * Picnic Pizzazz, a creative kids entertainment series,provides free entertainment at local parks. First in the series is Rhinestone Roper, which will be held in Liberty Park at noon on Thursday,July 1 lth. * Seattle Public Utilities has informed the City that they are moving forward with the pre-design of electrically-operated water isolation valves to be installed at the west end of Renton (such valves could be closed in case of a pipeline failure and help prevent water damage in Renton). The project will take two years, and the valves are scheduled to be installed by December 2004. However, this assumes that Seattle City Council will pass the proposed water rate increase—if not, all Seattle Capital Improvement projects will be re-evaluated, including this one. AUDIENCE COMMENT The following people spoke in support of the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Citizen Comment: Various— request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00-003): Mike Borte, 11254 SE 190th Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Ct., Renton, 98055; Nick Frisch, 15749 142nd Pl. SE,Renton, 98058;Lee Anthony Church(VAC-00- Kranz, 10367 SE 187th Pl., Renton, 98055;Dwight Newell, 18816 SE 174th 003) Way,Renton, 98058;Richard Buyce, 274 Thomas Ave. SW,Renton, 98055; and Arlen "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton,98055. Speakers comments included: the street vacation and parish improvements is a good plan and compliments the downtown Renton improvements; the parish draws people to Renton and they patronize local businesses; and the vacation will create a safe environment for children and others who use St. Anthony's facilities. Additional comments indicated that the vacation will create a unified campus in downtown Renton which is beneficial to the City, will improve the neighborhood parking problems by removing cars from the streets,would not impact the entry and exit from the neighborhood, and would increase children's safety. Speakers also requested that Council make a decision on the matter as soon as possible. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the project status, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that the Planning &Development Committee is waiting for a report from staff and then will determine if the issue will remain in Planning&Development Committee or be referred to Committee of the Whole. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 24,2002. Council concur. June 24,2002 259 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 259 CAG: 02-096, Sunnydale City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/25/2002 for CAG-02-096, Sunnydale Downstream Storm System Downstream Storm System Replacement Project; six bids; engineer's estimate Replacement,Harborside Inc $144,986.88; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Harborside, Inc., in the amount of$116,416. Council concur. Plat: McTighe (Honeybrooke), Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the NE 4th PI&Ilwaco Ave NE McTighe Final Plat(also known as Honeybrooke); 25 single-family lots on 4.67 (FP-02-016) acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th Pl. and Ilwaco Ave. NE(FP-02-016). Council concur. (See page 264 for resolution.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Removal of Item Laid on MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL SUSPEND Table at Council Meeting of THE RULES AND TAKE FROM THE TABLE RECONSIDERATION OF June 24,2002 THE ORDINANCE ADDING THE POSITIONS OF CRIME ANALYST, EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN AND A COMMISSIONED OFFICER TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT,AND A SECRETARY 1 TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT(LAID ON THE TABLE AT THE JUNE 24, 2002, COUNCIL MEETING). CARRIED. Budget: 2002 Amendment, Councilman Parker conducted a presentation,prepared with the assistance of Additional Police&Fire City staff and Councilman Corman, in support of the Public Safety Committee Department Positions minority report presented at the June 10th Council meeting,recommending that Council authorize the addition of the crime analyst and evidence technician positions to the Police Department. He explained that this issue is being discussed tonight due to the Mayor's veto of the above stated ordinance submitted at the June 24th Council meeting. Stating that five positions have been added in 2002: two police officers, two school resource officers and an animal control officer, Mr. Parker detailed the staffing history of the Police Department as well as commissioned officer growth since 1998. Mr. Parker reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the Police Chief. He stated that the remaining 2002 staffing priorities are the addition of the evidence technician and crime analyst positions, and explained why these positions are important and how they will benefit the Police Department. Mr. Parker discussed the response times for calls for police service, class one crimes, the number of officers per 1,000 of population, minimum and maximum patrol staffing, and how Renton compares with other jurisdictions in these categories. In addition,he listed the types of calls that merit an emergency or priority-one response,pointing out that emergency response calls, which are a part of priority-one calls, are responded to in less than one minute. Continuing,Mr. Parker reviewed Renton's financial situation, and noted that it is not a good time to add more positions in addition to the analyst and technician positions,due to the slowing economy and declining revenues. Stating that public safety is important,he pointed out that facilities and amenities such as the Farmers Market,Performing Arts Center, Skate Park and swimming pool all contribute towards public safety. In addition,Mr. Parker indicated that the City's budget policies which state that: ongoing operations shall be funded from ongoing revenue, operating revenue and expenditures shall be monitored and adjusted if necessary to ensure expenditures do not exceed revenues over time, and revenue shall be conservatively projected, are a guideline that the City should adhere to. 260 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 260 Mr. Parker stated that everyone agrees that public safety is the number one ongoing priority,and he reiterated that public safety is more than police on the streets; it includes developing an infrastructure than enables them to do their work. Public safety also includes code enforcement,nuisance abatement, zoning, police support staff, tools, training and technology. He commented that in this economy the City must remain true to its priorities and budget policies, and the additional police positions will strengthen the support system for the officers to help them become even more efficient and effective. In conclusion, Mr. Parker urged Council to strengthen the Police Department at its foundation and follow the recommendation of the Police Chief by adding the evidence technician and crime analyst positions. Councilman Corman emphasized that a holistic approach to public safety is important. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's question regarding the electronic home detention program,Finance & Information Systems Administrator Victoria Runkle stated that revenue generated by the program is approximately$150,000 per year and the cost of the electronic home detention coordinator is $65,000 to$70,000 annually. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's questions regarding the patrol officers and school resource officers,Police Chief Garry Anderson stated that eight commissioned officers had been added to the Police Department since 1998,not all of them to the patrol division. He discussed the staffing level figures and determined that there are currently 53 patrol officers assigned to the patrol operation division. Chief Anderson noted that school resource officers are assigned to administrative services and not to patrol operations. Chief Anderson explained that of the Police Department's four school resource officers, two are employed by the City of Renton and two are funded by a three- year grant from the Department of Justice(75%) and from the Renton School District(25%). Stating that the school resource officers are not restricted from responding to non-school related calls,he described the types of calls they respond to. Chief Anderson indicated that they serve a school population of approximately 13,000 students and play an important role in crime prevention. He noted that the school resource officer's calls for service are included along with patrol officer's calls for service in the International City Managers Association(ICMA)calls for service formula. In regards to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiries about crime statistics and how Renton compares with other cities,Police Chief Anderson reviewed the statistics and explained that if a crime analyst were hired, that person would analyze the crime statistics to determine how present resources can be used in the most effective way possible. He said that the City would be proactive, instead of reactive, and use the information already gathered to better patrol the streets of Renton. Chief Anderson agreed that more patrol officers are needed, as well as other City positions, and stated that there is a plan in place that prioritizes the needs of the Police Department with current priority being the hiring of the evidence technician and crime analyst. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the cost of a Fire Department Secretary 1 position,Ms. Runkle stated that it would cost approximately$43,000 annually, and pointed out that the cost could be 261 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 261 absorbed in 2002 through department savings; however,the position would probably need to be funded by new money in 2003. Responding to Councilman Clawson's question regarding the budget surplus forecast, Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that a surplus was predicted for 2003, and budget deficits predicted for 2004, 2005 and 2006. Councilman Clawson commented that more discussion is needed regarding one- time money and why it cannot be used for essential services. Councilman Parker said that investing one-time money into capital projects does return the money to the community in some form of services. Discussion ensued regarding one-time revenues, the use of five-year averages in budget planning, and Council budget policies. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler brought up the subject of the proposed fund balance recommendations made in March and the proposal that money be borrowed to finance the Pavilion Building,Parks Maintenance Facility, Veterans Memorial Park and swimming pool resulting in debt service over a period of twenty years. She questioned why money was available to pay for debt service at that time, and now is unavailable to fund the requested positions. Council discussion ensued concerning the debt service, operational costs for the facilities, the need for a Parks Maintenance Facility, and additional funding options available to fund the requested positions. Moved by Corman, seconded by Nelson, Council call for the question on the motion to reconsider adoption of the ordinance adding the positions of Crime Analyst,Evidence Technician and a Commissioned Officer to the Police Department and a Secretary 1 to the Fire Department.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested waiting to see if there are comments from citizens regarding staffing at the upcoming 2003 Budget public hearing scheduled for July 8th. Stating that Committee of the Whole will be presented with revenue figures for the first half of 2002 at its July 22nd meeting, Ms. Keolker-Wheeler indicated that she would also like to know how many non-school related calls the school resource officers respond to, and the costs of the four proposed positions. She recommended delaying a decision on this item until more information is provided. Council President Nelson stated that the call for the question should be enforced, and the matter should be discussed again during budget deliberations. *Motion and second withdrawn. RECESS MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES FOR LEGAL RESEARCH. CARRIED. Time: 10:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:10 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Budget: 2002 Amendment, Moved by Clawson, seconded by Persson,Council amend the motion to Additional Police &Fire approve the ordinance by amending the ordinance to state Evidence Technician Department Positions and Fire Department Secretary 1 positions.* (continued) *Motion determined to be out of order by City Attorney Larry Warren, and the motion and second were withdrawn. 262 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 262 MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CALL FOR THE QUESTION ON THE MOTION TO RECONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE ORDINANCE ADDING THE POSITIONS OF CRIME ANALYST, EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN AND A COMMISSIONED OFFICER TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT,AND A SECRETARY 1 TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Roll call vote requested: four ayes: Clawson, Keolker-Wheeler,Briere, Persson;three nays: Nelson,Parker, Corman. Mayor Tanner stated that his veto submitted at the June 24th Council meeting was sustained. Moved by Parker, seconded by Corman, Council suspend the rules and proceed to the reading of the Public Safety Committee minority report regarding the addition of the crime analyst and evidence technician positions. Motion failed. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was entered into the record in support of the Citizen Comment: Various— Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 003): Diane A. Timmons, 14404 157th Pl. SE,Renton, 98059;Pat&Valeria Anthony Church(VAC-00- Hurlocker, 1622 Davis Ave. S.,Renton,98055; Grace Magbaleta,4603 NE 003) 22nd Pl.,Renton, 98059;Mary Ann Smith, 107 Main Ave. S.,#405,Renton, 98055;Nick&Marsha Frisch, 15749 142nd Pl. SE,Renton, 98058;Rich&Pat Buyce, 274 Thomas Ave. SW,Renton, 98055; Connie M. Thilmony,4440 NE 23rd Ct.,Renton, 98059;Harry Duex,4627 NE 7th Pl.,Renton, 98059;Linda DeCample, 111 Capri Ave. NE,Renton, 98056; Patty Merrill Struck,2312 SE 21st St.,Renton, 98055; two letters from Fred Struck, 2312 SE 21st St.,Renton, 98055; Kevin Masterson, 18800 SE 134th St., Renton, 98059;Eva M. Poland, 3306 NE 7th Pl., Renton, 98056;Louis Borges and Family,4123 NE 19th St., Renton, 98059; Jerry &Barbara Heaton,2223 Benson Rd. S.,#11203,Renton, 98055; Steve&Lydia Delmore, 823 S. 28th Ct.,Renton,98055;Pat Dickinson, 4522 NE 24th St.,Renton,98059;Mary Jo&Paul Foseid,4319 NE 9th Pl., Renton,98059; Karen Kranz, 10367 SE 187th Pl.,Renton, 98055;Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton,98055; and 13 form letters received from parents of students at St. Anthony School and parishioners at St. Anthony Parish. Added At the request of Councilman Corman, a letter was read from Janice E.Fluter, Citizen Comment: 1005 Shelton Ave. SE,Renton, 98058, and Marilyn Whitley, 969 Shelton Ave. Fluter/Whitley-Cedar River SE,Renton,98058,regarding construction of the Cedar River spawning Spawning Channel channel at the Rolling Hills A site. The correspondents listed the additions to Replacement Site the proposal as agreed upon by the City and the neighboring community, and requested that the following considerations pertaining to construction also be included in the proposal: • Construction will not begin before 7:00 a.m. and will end by 5:00 p.m. each day. • Construction equipment will be parked 200 feet away from the river, providing safety for the river and protecting neighbors from unsightly equipment. • If construction requires security personnel, any trailers would also be placed away from the river, and fires and parties would be prohibited. 263 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 263 • If construction must be interrupted due to spawning requirements, construction equipment will not be left on the site for longs periods, such as from one year to the next. Praising Ms. Fluter and Ms. Whitley for accurately capturing the agreement reached by staff and Council and adding the additional considerations, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS At the request of Councilman Clawson,his letter to Mayor Tanner was read Citizen Comment: Clawson— regarding his request that members of the Renton Police Officers'Guild not be Renton Police Officers'Guild, subject to retaliation for coming forward to state their positions on adding staff Retaliation Against Members to the Police Department. In his letter he clarified his reasons for this request, discussed grievances and complaints filed by members of the Guild, and expressed concern about retaliation towards Guild members for expressing opinions than may be different than that of the Police Chief. Citizen Comment: Tanner— At the request of Mayor Tanner,his response to Councilman Clawson's letter Renton Police Officers'Guild, was read stating that the City has policies and procedures in place that prohibit Retaliation Against Members retaliation and harassment, and retaliation for differing opinions will not be tolerated by him or the Police Chief. In his letter,Mayor Tanner discussed the tib•1~mF ER T grievances and complaints filed by members of the Renton Police Officers' Guild, and expressed concern that Mr. Clawson's insinuations are an attempt to drive a wedge between the Guild members and the Police Chief. 7 a 2 3 Councilman Clawson thanked Mayor Tanner for his strong response to his letter. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 205300-205689 and two wire transfers totaling $1,462,767.84; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 38505 -38796, one wire transfer and 557 direct deposits totaling$1,701,012.87. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation: Six-Year TIP Program(TIP). The Committee has reviewed the proposed 2003—2008 Six- (2003-2008) Year TIP and Arterial Street Plan and recommended adoption of the resolution, Arterial Street Plan and the TIP upon completion of the public hearing on July 1, 2002. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 264 for resolution.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring Committee with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission to purchase hand- Community Services: 1% for painted mosaic tiles depicting themes from Renton for display at the new Art Program,Mosaic Tiles & Downtown Parking Garage. The tiles will be purchased with funds from the Two Statues 1%for Art Fund(Fund 125) and the total price will not exceed$3,000 plus tax. The Committee further concurred with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission,the Board of Park Commissioners and the Library Board to purchase two statues entitled "Summer Breeze" and "Homework Comes First" to be placed in appropriate City Parks. The statues will be purchased with funds from the I% for Art Fund(Fund 125) and the total price of the two statues will not exceed$29,000 plus tax. MOVED BY CORMAN, 26July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 264 SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that pictures of the art be displayed at the July 8th Council meeting. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3577 A resolution was read approving the McTighe(also known as Honeybrooke) Plat: McTighe(Honeybrooke), Final Plat consisting of approximately 4.67 acres located in the vicinity of NE NE 4th PI &Ilwaco Ave NE 4th Pl. and Ilwaco Ave. NE(FP-02-016). MOVED BY KEOLKER- (FP-02-016) WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3578 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: Six-Year TIP Improvement Program(TIP), 2003—2008. MOVED BY PERSSON, (2003-2008) SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3579 A resolution was read rescinding a development agreement dated January 4, Development Services: Boeing 2001,between The Boeing Company and the City of Renton, and authorizing Longacres Office Park the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an updated development agreement with Development Agreement The Boeing Company for future development of Longacres Office Park. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4975 An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-8 and 4-9 of Title IV Planning: Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to implement RCW (Revised Code of Development Regulation Washington) 36.70A.470 governing development regulation amendment cycles. Revision Process MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4976 An ordinance was read relating to the waterworks utility of the City, including Finance: Bond Issuance,Water the sewerage system as a part thereof; providing for the issuance of &Sewer Projects $11,980,000 aggregate principal amount of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 2002, of the City for the purpose of obtaining the funds with which to pay the costs of carrying out certain capital improvements of the waterworks utility; fixing the date,form,denominations,maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; providing for bond insurance; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to D.A. Davidson &Co., Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Budget: 2002 Amendment, COUNCIL INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE AN Additional Police&Fire ORDINANCE FOR FIRST READING AT THE JULY 8, 2002, COUNCIL Department Positions MEETING ADDING TWO STAFF POSITIONS: AN EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND A SECRETARY 1 TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.* Councilman Parker expressed his preference for adding the evidence technician and crime analyst positions as those positions are part of the long-range forecast 265 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 265 for the Police Department. He commented that the Fire Department Secretary 1 position, although needed, should not replace the crime analyst position. Mr. Parker requested that the Secretary 1 position be reviewed during budget r... deliberations. Councilman Corman agreed that the crime analyst position should also be added. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ALSO ADD THE CRIME ANALYST POSITION TO THE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Budget: Public Hearing MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 19, 2002, ON THE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET. CARRIED. WSDOT: 1-405 Corridor Councilman Persson announced that a briefing will be held on the 1-405 Program Corridor Program on July 9, 2002, from 11:30 to 1:00 in the Council Conference Room, and he encouraged all Councilmembers to attend. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:53 p.m. &� 4. a BONNIE 1. W ALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann July 1,2002 r� 266 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 1, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA .r COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/08 CANCELLED (Nelson) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Gorman) FINANCE MON., 7/08 2003 Budget Public Process (Parker) 6:00 p.m. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 7/08 King County Regional Disaster Plan; (Clawson) 6:30 p.m. Drag Racing (briefing only) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 267 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING saw July 8, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Harborview Medical Center Services Overview 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 2003 City of Renton Annual Budget 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 1, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Committee: Kurt Boswell, 27426 179th Pl. SE, Kent, 98042, to fill the vacated three-year term of Kyle Williams expiring on 5/7/2005; and Michael Rice, 300 Airport Way, Renton, 98055, to fill the vacated three-year term of William Wiles expiring on 5/7/2005. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 6/27/2002 for CAG-02-082, CT Detention Pipeline for Wells R1, R2 and R3 and Park Improvements; four bids; engineer's estimate $1,201,978.88; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, R.L. Alia Company, in the amount of$979,178.24. Council concur. d. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Honey Crest Preliminary Plat; 19 single-family lots on 3.12 acres located at 4210 NE 9th Pl. (PP-02-028). Council concur. e. Human Services Division recommends acceptance of an estimated$374,683 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from King County for 2003. Council concur. f. Human Services Division recommends setting a public hearing on July 22, 2002, to consider the allocation of the 2003 General Fund and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as recommended by the Human Services Advisory Committee. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for July 22, 2002. g. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval of the 2002 Group Health Cooperative Medical contracts for Active Employees; LEOFF 1 Active Employees; and LEOFF 1 Eastern and Western Washington Retirees. Council concur. h. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of the grant application with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a$150,000 grant to improve the separation of airside and landside activities at the Renton Airport. Council concur. (See 10.a. for resolution.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) j 268 i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of agreements with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad to replace and improve railroad crossings at Southport Blvd. and Lake Washington Blvd. to accommodate the new Southport development. The developer, Southport LLC, will cover all costs. Refer to Transportation Committee. j. Utilities Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with the City of Seattle for the emergency sale of water. Refer to Utilities Committee. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letters regarding the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation (VAC-00-003) 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Public Safety Committee: King County Regional Disaster Plan* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. FAA grant application for Airside/Landside Separation projects (see Th.) b. King County Regional Disaster Plan (see 9.a.) Ordinances for first reading: a. LTGO bond issue for Fire Station#12 construction (Council approved 6/24/2002) b. 2002 Budget adjustment for additional Police &Fire Department positions (Council approved 7/1/2002) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 269 CITY COUNCIL July 8, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Kurt Boswell &Michael Rice to the Airport Advisory Committee Allocation of 2003 General Fund & Community Development Block Grant funds MAYOR & CITY CLERK FAA grant application for Renton Airport airside/landside activities King County Regional Disaster Plan PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Correspondence from various parties re: the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Correspondence from various parties re: banning the use of fireworks in Renton TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreements with BNSF Railroad for railroad crossing improvements at Southport and Lake WA Blvds. UTILITIES COMMITTEE Contract with City of Seattle for the emergency sale of water ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING LTGO bond issue for Fire Station#12 construction (1st reading 7/8/2002) 2002 Budget adjustment for adding Police Department evidence technician position (1st reading 7/8/2002) 2002 Budget adjustment for adding Police Department crime analyst position (1st reading 7/8/2002) Adding secretary 1 position to the Fire Department (lst reading 7/8/2002) PUBLIC HEARINGS 7/22/2002— 2003 General Fund & Community Development Block Grant fund allocations 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget 270 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 8, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall 4 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. 4 CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance &Information Services Administrator; SYLVIA DOERSCHEL, Finance Analyst Supervisor;JILL MASUNAGA,Finance Analyst; DAWNA TRUMAN,Finance Analyst; MIKE WEBBY, Human Resources Administrator; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager;NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator;DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON,Fire Department;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Tina Mankowski,Director of Community Relations for Harborview Medical Community Services: Center,presented an overview of the services and programs offered by Harborview Medical Center Harborview Medical Center located in Seattle's First Hill neighborhood. She Services Overview stated that the medical center is owned by King County,managed by the University of Washington, and the majority of patients are from the Seattle- King County area. Ms.Mankowski reported that Harborview is a center of emphasis in the following areas: Level 1 trauma care, disaster center, burn center,neurosciences, and HIV/AIDS care. She reviewed the many programs Harborview administers including Medic 1,Airlift Northwest, Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress,Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, International Medicine Clinic,mental health services, occupational medicine, orthopaedics, outpatient services, and rehabilitation medicine. Detailing Harborview's efforts in research and training and philanthropy,Ms. Mankowski noted that future plans for the medical center include seismic upgrades, adding an additional 50 beds, and the demolition and replacement of unstable buildings. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding follow-up care for the homeless population,Ms. Mankowski stated that homeless patients are encouraged to utilize Harborview's respite program which provides healthcare services in clinics such as the Pioneer Square Clinic. Councilwoman Briere reported on the excellent care her son, who was a victim of trauma, received at Harborview. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Budget: 2003 Annual City of accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Renton to consider 2003 Annual City of Renton Budget. Audience comment was invited. .271 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 271 Karen Zammit,Renton resident, spoke as a representative for the Committee to Save King County Childcare Program, and as one of the 45 parents who lost their childcare subsidy at the beginning of 2002. She stated that King County is .Y. suffering from a budget deficit and is cutting human services funding. Ms. Zammit expressed her concerns about the families who have lost their childcare subsidy, saying that there are not many childcare options available to them. Stating that it costs $215,000 to subsidize the 45 families for one year,Ms. Zammit asked for that support for 2003; and while childcare funds are still available through King County, she encouraged the City to provide the 50% in matching funds required by King County. In addition,Ms. Zammit asked for the City's ongoing support in creating more childcare options within Renton. There being no further audience comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Derek Todd, Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written REPORT administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: The Fire Department's Fire Stoppers Program received nine referrals of children involved with fire setting, several of which were related to potentially serious fires. Three children were determined to be at-risk for setting fires and were referred for counseling, and the remainder received education and work assignments. Fire Stoppers is a nationally recognized, countywide program with trained interventionists who screen children for risk of future fire setting. Evidence of the programs success is the reduction in the return to previous behavior by juvenile fire setters. As a result, the program has been chosen as a model for FEMA's United States Fire Administration Juvenile Fire Setting Education Program. Development Services: Lande Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator gave a Feed Site,Building Collapse briefing on the partial collapse of the north concrete-block building located on the Lande Feed store site that occurred today. Displaying photos of the collapsed building,he explained that the east wall of the building and the roof are down, the north wall is leaning, and there is damage to the south wall. He reported that the building was declared dangerous in June 2001, and was red tagged for no occupancy. Since this is an emergency situation, the area has been taped off for safety reasons and a portion of Burnett Ave. N. has been closed. Mr. Zimmerman indicated that the owners of the Lande site are working with the City in obtaining permits for the rat abatement and demolition of the facility, and rubble will be removed from the site staring tomorrow. Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding the partially demolished building located north of the collapsed building,Mr. Zimmerman confirmed that the building is also to be included in the demolition. AUDIENCE COMMENT The following people spoke in support of the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Citizen Comment: Various— request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00-003): John J. Barta, 26001 119th Dr. Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. SE, Kent, 98031;Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton, Anthony Church(VAC-00- 98055;William J.Flynn, 911 Lynnwood Ave. NE,Renton, 98056; Bryan 003) Whiting, 21310 212th Ave. SE.,Maple Valley, 98038;Mike Borte, 11254 SE f 190th Ct.,Renton, 98055; Carlo Desimone, 24612 102nd Pl. SE, Kent, 98031; John Casey, 13921 SE 241st St.,Kent, 98042; and Gary Teale, 9046 Dayton 272 Page 272 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g Ave.N., Seattle,98103. Speakers comments indicated that the parish is a Renton asset and has a positive economic impact on the City; the parish reaches out into the community and assists homeless people; parishioners patronize local businesses such as restaurants,car dealerships, and medical offices; the parish is creating,building and expanding,not deteriorating like the Lande Feed buildings; the school serves the community far beyond just the parishioners; and the parish provides a long-term public benefit through the education of its children. Speakers also commented that busy streets surrounding the school endanger students,and providing a unified campus will increase children's safety; the proposed vacation will diminish the impact of the parish on the neighborhood; and as the parish continues to grow, it will become increasingly difficult to find meeting space and classrooms. Other support comments indicated that the proposed vacation will not increase parking problems but will add additional off-site parking, will not increase traffic congestion and will not limit driving options in the neighborhood; and the proposed vacation will create a more amenable parking and pickup system for the students. Citizen Comment: DeMastus— Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave.NE,Renton,98056,described illegal Fireworks Ban firework-related accidents involving children, and expressed her concern for the children of this community. She stated that the subject of banning fireworks was brought before the Public Safety Committee last year and nothing has been done. Ms. DeMastus requested stricter enforcement of the laws pertaining to the use of illegal fireworks, and asked that the City review the fireworks issue since other cities have banned fireworks. Stating that this is a difficult issue,Councilman Clawson confirmed that the matter is in Public Safety Committee and the Committee is waiting for a report from staff. Citizen Comment: Johnson— Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton,98055,expressed his Spencer Court Apartments, concern for the safety of the Spencer Court Apartment residents when they use Use of Adjacent Alley the alley located behind the building on Wells Ave. S. to access the parking lot. Citizen Comment: Larson— Ruth Larson, 714 High Ave. S.,Renton, 98055,expressed concern about the Renton Hill,Unsafe Use of truck traffic on Renton Hill, saying that truck weights exceed legal limits; truck Streets by Trucks &Damaged drivers are not following traffic rules; and when parked,trucks are blocking Sidewalks roadways and driveways. In addition,Ms.Larson displayed photographs of damaged and hazardous Renton Hill sidewalks. She asked the City to investigate these two matters. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's request that the issues discussed by Ms. Larson be investigated, Mayor Tanner stated that Police Chief Garry Anderson will investigate the truck weight and traffic enforcement issues, and Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman will investigate the condition of the sidewalks. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilman Clawson,item 7.a. was removed for separate consideration Appointment: Airport Mayor Tanner appointed the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Advisory Committee Committee: Kurt Boswell, 27426 179th Pl. SE,Kent,98042,for a three-year term as Airport Leaseholder primary representative(term to expire on 5/7/2005); and Michael Rice, 300 Airport Way S.,#100,Renton, 98055,for a 27 " July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 273 three-year term as Airport Leaseholder alternate representative (term to expire on 5/7/2005). Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 02-082, CT Detention City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/27/2002 for CAG-02-082,CT Detention Pipeline for Wells R1,R2& Pipeline for Wells R1,R2 and R3 and Park Improvements; four bids;engineer's R3 &Park Improvements,RL estimate$1,201,978.88; and submitted staff recommendation to award the Alia Company contract to the low bidder,R.L. Alia Company, in the amount of$979,178.24. Council concur. Plat: Honey Crest,NE 9th PI Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Honey Crest (PP-02-028) Preliminary Plat; 19 single-family lots on 3.12 acres located at 4210 NE 9th Pl. (PP-02-028). Council concur. Human Services: 2003 CDBG Human Services Division recommended acceptance of an estimated $374,683 3 Funds,King County in Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funds from King County for 2003. Council concur. Human Services: 2003 General Human Services Division recommended setting a public hearing on July 22, Fund&CDBG Fund 2002, to consider the allocation of the 2003 General Fund and Community Allocation Development Block Grant(CDBG) funds as recommended by the Human Services Advisory Committee. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for July 22, 2002. Human Resources: 2002 Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval Group Health Cooperative of the 2002 Group Health Cooperative Medical Contracts for Active Medical Contracts Employees;LEOFF 1 Active Employees; and LEOFF 1 Eastern and Western z Washington Retirees. Council concur. 3 Airport: FAA Grant Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a grant application Application,Airside/Landside with the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)for a$150,000 grant to Activities (Security Gates) improve the separation of airside and landside activities. Council concur. (See page 275 for resolution.) Transportation: Railroad Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of agreements with Crossing Improvements, Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)Railroad to replace and improve railroad Southport&Lk WA Blvd crossings at Southport Blvd. and Lake Washington Blvd. to accommodate the new Southport development. The developer, Southport LLC, will cover all costs. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: Emergency Sale of Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with the City Water to Seattle Contract of Seattle for the emergency sale of water. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.a.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Councilman Clawson requested that the Council meeting minutes of July 1, Item 7.a. 2002,be corrected as indicated: Council Meeting Minutes of page 263,under Old Business, second paragraph, second sentence, insert July 1, 2002 "perceived" between the words Clawson's and insinuations. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE ITEM 7.a. AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Explaining that the issue regarding potential retaliation against Renton Police Officers'Guild members for expressing their opinions about Police Department staffing is sensitive, Councilman Clawson stated that it is not his intention to drive a wedge between the Guild members and the Police Chief by commenting 274 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 274 on the matter. He emphasized that he supports both the Guild and the Police Chief, and respects the progress that has been made. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was entered into the record in support of the Citizen Comment: Various— Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 003): Gregg McNabb,St. Anthony Parish Pastoral Assistant for Anthony Church(VAC-00- Administration, 314 S. 4th St.,Renton,98055;The Most Reverend Alex J. 003) Brunett,Archbishop of Seattle, 910 Marion St., Seattle, 98104; Glenda Johnson, St. Anthony Pastoral Council President, 1216 Monroe Ave. NE, Renton, 98056; Connie Grace, 16921 135th Pl. SE, Renton, 98058; Suzanne Donnelly, 18311 108th Pl. SE,Renton,98055; and seven form letters from parents of students at St. Anthony School. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the Planning &Development Committee received information from staff regarding the proposed street vacation of Whitworth Ave. S. today. In an attempt to schedule a Planning& Development Committee meeting as soon as possible, Ms. Keolker-Wheeler asked Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes about notification requirements for the meeting. Ms. Fontes stated that announcing the time and date of the Planning &Development Committee meeting at this evening's Council meeting satisfies the notification requirements. Council discussion ensued regarding setting the date at which the Planning& Development Committee would discuss the street vacation request and whether it should be discussed before or after the Hearing Examiner's public hearing concerning the related site plan. Stating that it should be discussed prior to the Hearing Examiner's public hearing,Ms. Keolker-Wheeler indicated that she would announce the meeting date under New Business. (See page 276.) Added Correspondence was read regarding the use of fireworks in Renton from Mike Citizen Comment: Various— &Valerie O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St.,Renton, 98059; Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Fireworks Ban Harrington Ave. NE.,Renton, 98056; and Audrey Ogilvie, 1033 Sunset Blvd. NE,#21, Renton, 98056. Comments included: the need for stricter enforcement of the laws concerning the use of illegal fireworks;the recommendation that the Public Safety Committee address the use of fireworks in Renton; the request to ban the use and sale of fireworks within the City limits of Renton; and the request that the City only allow public firework displays. All letters contained examples of improper fireworks use, and examples of the impact fireworks have on residents, animals and property. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Lane— At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, an electronic letter was read Renton Composite Squadron from Captain Ed Lane,Officer in Charge of the Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Civil Air Patrol Color Guard,PO Box 1965, Renton,98051. Captain Lane thanked the City for its support of the Color Guard's trip to the National Competition at the Air Force Academy, and stated that the Color Guard placed fourth in the country out of eight regions. 275 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 275 OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to join as signatory to the King King County: Regional County Regional Disaster Plan. The Committee recommended that the Mayor Disaster Plan and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3580 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Airport: FAA Grant Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA)Airport Improvement Program(AIP) Application,Airside/Landside grant application and acceptance documents to implement airside and landside Activities (Security Gates) separation projects,and authorizing the Airport Manager as the City's official representative in this matter. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. i Resolution#3581 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an King County: Regional agreement for regional disaster planning for public and private organizations in Disaster Plan King County. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler commented that preparation of the disaster plan has been a countywide effort,and she complimented City staff for their hard work and contributions to the plan. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the i Council meeting of 7/15/2002 for second and final reading: a Finance: Bond Issuance,Fire An ordinance relating to the incurrence of indebtedness;providing for the sale Station#12 Construction and issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds,2002, to provide part of the costs of acquiring,constructing and equipping Fire Station#12; providing for the date,denominations, form, terms,registration privileges, maturity, interest rates and covenants of the bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal thereof and the interest thereon; establishing a z debt service fund and project fund for the bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to D.A. Davidson &Co., Seattle,Washington. MOVED 'R BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/15/2002. CARRIED. Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read adding the positions of Crime Analyst and Evidence Additional Police &Fire Technician to the Police Department, and the position of Secretary 1 to the Fire ' Department Positions Department,effective September 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Budget appropriation of$48,300. 1 Councilman Clawson suggested that Council focus and vote on each position separately. Councilman Parker indicated that since the ordinance states that the Secretary 1 position in the Fire Department will be paid for with 2002 budget savings,he recommended moving forward with the ordinance as read. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL MOVE FORWARD WITH THE ORDINANCE ADDING THE POSITION OF EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.* (See page 4 277 for further action on this matter.) 276 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 276 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked for the annual costs of each position. Councilman Persson suggested that while waiting for information regarding the costs of the positions, that Council move forward with New Business. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL TABLE THE MOTION REGARDING THE ORDINANCE UNTIL THE AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF NEW BUSINESS. CARRIED. (See later this page for resumption of discussion.) NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler inquired as to the status of the request Citizen Comment: Price— submitted by Deborah Price,London Fog Industries, 1700 Westlake Ave. N., Permit Process Seattle, 98109,concerning speeding up the City's permit process with regards to her project. Mayor Tanner explained that the delay is due to her own contractor and not with the City's permit process, and he reported that Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson is working with Ms. Price on the matter. Vacation: Whitworth Ave S, Ms. Keolker-Wheeler announced that a special Planning&Development St. Anthony Church(VAC-00- Committee meeting will be held on Monday,July 15th, at 4:00 p.m. in the 003) Council Chambers to discuss the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish. She explained that while the public is welcome to attend the Committee meeting,public comment will not be accepted. Finance: Project-Tracking Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler commented that it is difficult to follow the Reports costs of a project from start to finish over a period of years,and requested that she be provided with project-tracking financial reports in order to easily determine how much a project costs over its entirety. Transportation: Speeding Councilman Persson relayed a complaint by Glenn Reynolds regarding buses Buses on Logan Ave S exceeding the posted speed limit of 25 mph on Logan Ave. S., and he requested that the administration contact Metro and ask them to slow their buses down. ORDINANCES AND MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL TAKE RESOLUTIONS FROM THE TABLE THE MOTION REGARDING THE ORDINANCE (Continued) ADDING THE EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN POSITION TO THE POLICE Budget: 2002 Amendment, DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Additional Police&Fire Derek Todd,Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reported on the Department Positions costs of the positions as requested by Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler. The initial cost of the crime analyst position, including salary,benefits, uniform, supplies and computer, totals $71,800; and the ongoing cost is $68,000 annually. Mr. Todd stated that the total annual cost for the evidence technician position, including salary,benefits and uniform, is $64,500. The initial cost for the Fire Department Secretary 1 position,including salary, benefits, computer and work station,totals $60,700; and the ongoing cost is$50,200 annually. Councilman Clawson informed Council that he had asked the City Attorney to review the Department of Justice contract relating to the school resource officers because of his concern regarding the contract language. He indicated that the contract states that the City of Renton cannot use the school resource officers to replace officers that would otherwise be hired. Councilman Parker stated that Mr. Clawson's comments were not germane to the discussion at hand. Councilman Clawson emphasized that patrol officers are still needed, and pointed out that Council needs to look at the budget issue as a whole. 277 July 8,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 277 *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, CALL FOR THE QUESTION ON THE MOTION TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE ORDINANCE ADDING AN EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN POSITION TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL MOVE FORWARD WITH THE ORDINANCE ADDING A CRIME ANALYST POSITION TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL MOVE FORWARD WITH THE ORDINANCE ADDING A SECRETARY 1 POSITION TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:44 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:48 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read adding the position of Evidence Technician to the Police Department Evidence Police Department, effective September 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Technician Position Addition Budget appropriation of$21,500. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/15/2002. CARRIED. Budget: 2002 Amendment, An ordinance was read adding the position of Crime Analyst to the Police Police Department Crime Department, effective September 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Budget Analyst Position Addition appropriation of$26,800. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND .� FINAL READING ON 7/15/2002. CARRIED. Fire: Secretary 1 Position An ordinance was read adding the position of Secretary 1 to the Fire Addition Department, effective September 1, 2002. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/15/2002.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry, Derek Todd, Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,confirmed that the costs of the computer and work station needed for the Secretary 1 position are to be absorbed by the Fire Department's 2002 budget. *MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:53 p.m. Lt C l14. (r)al ta7� BONNIE I. WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann July 8,2002 278 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 8, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/15 Comprehensive Plan Update— (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. Transportation, Capital Facilities & Utilities Elements COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 7/15 Hammond Appointment to Municipal (Corman) 6:00 p.m. Arts Commission; Boswell &Rice Appointments to Airport Advisory Committee; 2003 Community Development Block Grant Funding Recommendations FINANCE MON., 7/15 Vouchers (Parker) 5:30 p.m. mom PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT MON., 7/15 Whitworth Ave. S. Street Vacation (Keolker-Wheeler) 4:00 p.m. Request (St. Anthony Parish) *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 7/11 Southport & Lake WA Blvds. Railroad (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Crossing Improvements; Traffic Calming UTILITIES THURS., 7/11 Holmes Request for Sewer Connections (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Outside City Limits NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 79 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL *REVISED* REGULAR MEETING July 15, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: "HONK!" Teen Musical Preview 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 8, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports the official population of the City of Renton as of April 1, 2002, to be 53,840 as calculated by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. Information. c. Community Services Department recommends approval of a contract with Mithun Architects for the Pavilion Building renovation design. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a contract in the amount of$81,350 with W & H Pacific, Inc. for surveying services for the Duvall Ave. NE widening project. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Electronic letter from Marci Johnson, 510 Stevens Ave. SW, S308, Renton, 98055, requesting that the City ban the use of fireworks and only allow organized firework venues. b. Letters regarding the proposed Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation (VAC-00-003) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Hammond Appointment to Municipal Arts Commission; Boswell &Rice Appointments to Airport Advisory Committee b. Finance Committee: Vouchers c. Planning &Development Committee: Whitworth Ave. S. Street Vacation Request (St. Anthony Parish) d. Transportation Committee: Southport Blvd. & Lake WA Blvd. Railroad Crossing Improvements e. Utilities Committee: Holmes Request for Sewer Connections Outside City Limits 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 280 Ordinances for second and final reading: a. LTGO bond issue for Fire Station#12 construction (1st reading 7/8/02) b. 2002 Budget adjustment for Police Department evidence technician position (1st reading 7/8/02) c. 2002 Budget adjustment for Police Department crime analyst position (1st reading 7/8/02) d. Fire Department secretary 1 position (1st reading 7/8/02) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Update—Transportation, Capital Facilities &Utilities Elements now • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 A.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 6:30 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 6:00 P.M. 281 CITY COUNCIL July 15,2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Budget policies review Council meeting procedures and policies review Ways to solicit more citizen input regarding budget process FINANCE COMMITTEE Contract with Mithun Architects for the Pavilion Building renovation MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contracts with BNSF for railroad crossing improvements on Southport&Lake WA Blvds. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Correspondence from Marci Johnson re: banning the use of fireworks in Renton TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Provide marked handicapped parking stalls at vehicle license office and other areas as needed PUBLIC HEARINGS .... 7/22/2002—2003 General Fund & Community Development Block Grant fund allocations 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget E8 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 15,2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Toni Nelson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Mayor Pro Tem;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER, Council President Pro Tem; TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer;LAWRENCE J. WARREN, ATTENDANCE City Attorney;MICHELE NEUMANN,Deputy City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director;TINIA HARTMANN, Recreation Program Coordinator;NEIL WATTS,Development Services Director;LESLEY NISHIHIRA, Senior Planner. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Tinia Hartmann,Recreation Program Coordinator, announced Renton's 2002 Community Services: "Honk!" summer teen musical"Honk!" which will run from July 18th to August 10th at Teen Musical Performance Carco Theatre. Ms. Hartmann introduced performers Curtisa Phillips and Excerpts Emmanuel Hodge who entertained the audience with sample numbers from the show. ADMINISTRATIVE Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Fifteen members of the Renton community, including Mayor Jesse Tanner, departed today on a trip to visit Renton's new sister city, Cuautla,Jalisco, Mexico. The visit will provide an opportunity for an economic, educational,and professional exchange. • The American Association for State and Local History awarded a Certificate of Commendation to the Renton Historical Society and Museum for the Century to Century exhibit for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of local, state, and regional history. • The 2002 Overlay Program contract has been awarded and a notice to proceed given to ICON,the contractor. One significant section of roadway is located along Grady Way from Rainier Ave. west to the city limits. The major portion of this work is anticipated to start July 15th and take three weeks to complete. Traffic control will be set up at intersections to help keep traffic flowing. Police: Street Racing Police Chief Garry Anderson gave a briefing concerning illegal street racing in various sections of the City. He explained that the City has always banned street racing and participants can be fined$500 and serve up to six months in jail. Spectators can be fined$250 and serve up to six months in jail for trespassing. The offenders use a combination of electronic devices to avoid or outrun police officers, or move to other racing locations,and hundreds of racers and spectators have been cited or arrested since November. Chief Anderson reported that the Police Department purchased 500"No Trespassing" signs to 283 July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 283 provide to property owners free of charge, and when posted, allows officers to arrest/cite racing spectators on private property. The Police Department is participating in a multi jurisdictional task force with other area law ,..� enforcement agencies, which provides additional staffing for law enforcement efforts. The Police Department is also working with City departments on traffic calming and roadway design options, and with private property owners in an attempt to curtail the illegal activity. He also reported that the City Attorney is reviewing the matter to determine if any additional laws would benefit the City's enforcement efforts. Stating his concern for the safety of the responding officers who are often confronted by intoxicated groups, Councilman Clawson expressed his support of the Police Department's efforts to curtail this illegal activity. Advancement to Planning& MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Development Committee COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING Report &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE WHITWORTH AVE. S. STREET VACATION. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending approval of the proposed street vacation requested by St. Vacation: Whitworth Ave S, Anthony's Catholic Church subject to the execution and recording of a St. Anthony Church(VAC-00- development agreement which addresses the following issues: 003) 1. PARTIES. The parties to the Development Agreement shall be the City of Renton,the Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, a corporation sole, (the"Archdiocese") and the St. Anthony's Parish (the "Parish"). 2. APPLICABLE PROPERTY. The Development Agreement applies to the property informally described as follows and designated as: (A) multiple parcels bounded by, on the east Morris Ave. S., on the west Shattuck Ave. S., on the north the alley between S. 3rd and South 4"'Streets, and on the south by S. 4`h St., and (B)multiple parcels currently developed with the Parish Social Hall located at S. 4"'St. and Morris Ave. S. (the "Bounded Property"). The Bounded Property lies within the Center Downtown District of Renton, generally bounded by on the east I-405, on the west Shattuck Ave. S., on the north Airport Way and the Cedar River, and on the south by Houser Way. The Development Agreement applies to those portions of the "Bounded Property"owned by the Archdiocese. Formal property descriptions will be included with the Development Agreement. 3. ADDITION TO APPLICABLE PROPERTY. The Development Agreement will expand to cover any property within the Bounded Property that is acquired by the Archdiocese. 4. VACATION CONTINGENT ON APPROVED BUILDING PERMITS. The approved street vacation shall be contingent upon the issuance of approved building permits that are consistent with the site plan approved for the campus. 5. LIMIT ON PARISH EXPANSION AND ACQUISITION. A. St. Anthony's Parish will limit its development of church,rectory, school, and social outreach uses in the Center Downtown District to the Bounded Property. The Parish will withdraw 284 July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 284 its current proposal to remodel a home at 215 Whitworth Ave. S. for use as a rectory. B. Nothing in the agreement shall prohibit the Parish or Archdiocese or other affiliated organizations from acquiring nearby lands for other primary uses, including but not limited to residential uses, senior housing, low-income housing, and nursing services. C. Nothing in the agreement shall prohibit the Parish or Archdiocese from holding title to additional property within the Center Downtown District, including property acquired by gift, donation or devise, so long as the Parish or Archdiocese does not seek land use entitlements for church,rectory, school, and social outreach uses for any property that is outside the Bounded Property. D. After the completion of Phase I, the available on-site parking for the parish will have markedly improved. 6. VESTING. A. City zoning and development standards, including but not limited to parking requirements and permit procedures, will be vested to the date of the Development Agreement for the Bounded Property, with the exception of any applicable Uniform Fire Codes, Uniform Building Codes, and other regulations pertaining to public health,safety and welfare. B. The City agrees that future phases of development generally disclosed in the 20-year St. Anthony Master Plan, are appropriate for the Bounded Property, subject to subsequent detailed permit review. As part of a later phase,the Master Plan indicates that the portables will be removed from the campus. C. If a policy, zoning or development regulation is amended that eases development requirements within those boundaries, then the Parish/Archdiocese unilaterally may opt to apply the revised regulations to future development applications. 7. STRUCTURE DESIGN. Phase I and II development approved for the site under land use application file no.LUA-02-054 shall be constructed with appropriate footings and foundations capable of supporting additional stories pursuant to the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City. 8. TERM. Term of Agreement is 40 years,but shall terminate sooner as to any portions of the Bounded Property that the Parish and Archdiocese sell. The Agreement may be amended at any time, and the parties will specifically agree to a good faith review of the Agreement for amendment upon the 10t , 20'h and 30`h anniversaries of the Agreement. In addition,if the Center Downtown zoning designation is re-zoned to call for less intense development,then the parties will specifically agree to a good faith review of the Agreement for possible amendment. The Committee further recommended that a draft of the development agreement document be reviewed by the City Attorney and the Development Services Division prior to processing its approval. Environmental (SEPA) Review, a public hearing before the City Council, and the adoption of the enacting resolution are all required prior to the recording of the agreement. The draft development agreement shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Committee for review prior to the public hearing. July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 285 285 This street vacation for St. Anthony's is fact specific and shall not set precedent for any future Council decisions. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Corman's question concerning the duration of the vacation, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that the vacation is for perpetuity but the development agreement is for a 40-year term as long as St. Anthony's follows their master plan in a timely fashion. She added that the Committee report is only a conceptual framework for the agreement which will be finalized by the attorneys. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked for comments from the Parish relating to the agreement. Nancy Bainbridge Rogers, attorney for St. Anthony Parish, 524 2nd Ave., Suite 500, Seattle, 98104, expressed her support of the Planning and Development Committee report and encouraged Council to adopt it. She stated that she is looking forward to working with the City Attorney on the details of the agreement. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler detailed the reasons why she supports the report. Mayor Pro Tem Nelson pointed out that the street will not be closed until it is necessary to do so. City Attorney Larry Warren clarified that the vacation is contingent upon the issuance of approved building permits. Councilmembers Parker, Persson and Corman expressed their support for approving the vacation and complimented the Parish and City for their work on ..�. the project. *MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Cynthia Burns, 2007 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, expressed her appreciation Citizen Comment: Burns - for the Council's efforts and stated that the result will be good for Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. redevelopment efforts in the downtown area. She also encouraged citizens to Anthony Church(VAC-00- attend the"Honk!"teen musical performance at Carco Theatre. 003) Citizen Comment: Zender- Father Gary Zender, Pastor of St. Anthony Parish, 314 S. 4th St.,Renton, Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. 98055, expressed his gratitude to Council for approving the street vacation. He Anthony Church(VAC-00- stated that the Development Agreement would be beneficial for the Parish and 003) the City. Citizen Comment: Arline- Brenda Arline, 5535 56th Ave. S., Seattle, 98118,expressed her thanks for the Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Council's action, stating that the vacation will be a benefit to the City such as Anthony Church(VAC-00- the vacations were for the Automall area several years ago. 003) Citizen Comment: Klepach - Fran Klepach, 515 Morris Ave. S., Seattle, 98055, summarized a letter she Additional Police Patrol wrote to Frank Coluccio Construction Co., Eastside Interceptor project Request, Morris Ave S contractor, complimenting them on the wonderful job they are doing. She expressed her concern for the safety of residents on Morris Ave. S. since they are unable to park on the street during the second phase of construction, and requested additional police monitoring of the area at night. She also asked for Now traffic enforcement in the vicinity of Morris Ave. S. and S. 6th St. due to speeding. 2 8 6July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 286 Citizen Comment: Cross - Wade Cross, 322 Morris Ave. S.,Renton,98055, stated his displeasure with the Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Council's approval of the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation,especially in light Anthony Church(VAC-00- of the Administration's recommendation against the street closure. He pointed 003) out that the City is losing considerable pubic parking spaces and the Church has not shown interest in sharing its parking lots with the residents of the neighborhood after hours. He stated that the Council acquiesced to a campaign by people who do not live in the City, and that there was little support in the neighborhood for the vacation. He also expressed concern that the ethics section of the City Code had been violated and questioned why several Councilmembers did not recuse themselves from voting on the issue. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington explained that although the Administration stated its position on the matter, Council is responsible for developing City policy, and it determined that it was in the best interest of the City to vacate the street. Councilman Parker emphasized that the decision was not made hastily, and Council spent many hours reviewing and analyzing the information regarding the vacation. Councilman Corman commented on the high-density zoning planned for the South Renton area and stated that the vacation action by the Council is part of the growth process. He indicated it is not unusual to decide against the Administration's recommendation, and careful consideration was given to all material presented in order to arrive at the best decision for the area as well as for the City. Councilman Persson advised that it took over a year of study to reach a decision. Safety concerns for the children were paramount in his review of the proposal. He stated that downtown redevelopment will be enhanced by the project,and assured everyone that this decision was not made in haste and that much citizen input was reviewed and considered. Councilman Clawson also expressed his support for the project, and noted that the street was mostly being used for Parish parking. Regarding Councilman Clawson's comments regarding appealing the Council's decision, Attorney Larry Warren pointed out that an appeal is not possible until the street vacation ordinance is adopted. He added that the Council could ultimately decide not to adopt the ordinance at a later time. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 15, 2002. Council concur. July 15, 2002 City Clerk: 2002 Renton City Clerk reported the official population for the City of Renton as of April 1, Population 2002,to be 53,840 as calculated by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. Information. Community Services: Pavilion Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Building Renovation,Mithun Mithun Architects for the Pavilion Building renovation design. Refer to Architects Finance Committee. Transportation: Duvall Ave Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the NE Surveying Services,W & amount of$81,350 with W &H Pacific, Inc. for surveying services for the H Pacific Duvall Ave. NE widening project. Council concur. July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 287 287 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. tow CORRESPONDENCE An electronic letter was read from Marci Johnson, 510 Stevens Ave. SW, S308, Citizen Comment: Johnson- Renton,98055,requesting that the City ban the use of fireworks and only allow Fireworks Ban organized firework venues. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Various - The following correspondence was read into the record in support of the Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Whitworth Ave S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00-003): Anthony Church(VAC-00- Nancy Bainbridge Rogers, Counsel for St. Anthony Parish, 524 2nd Ave., Suite 003) 500, Seattle, 98104;Janet Whitworth, 1122 N. 38th St.,Renton, 98056; Tom& Cynthia Curran,2118 SE 2nd Pl.,Renton,98056;Ralyn Baird, 14300 SE 171st Way,L-10, Renton, 98058; Rosalie Dahlvang, 10204 SE 205th St.,Kent, 98031; Jeanette Millmann, 10620 SE 186th St.,Renton, 98055; Barbara Novak Clifford, 14120 SE 180th Pl.,Renton,98058; Richard H. Bossi, 14813 SE 145th Pl.,Renton, 98059; and 12 form letters received from Parishioners of St. Anthony Parish. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL FORWARD THE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE VACATION FILE(VAC-00-003). CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Brier presented a report regarding the request for Utilities Committee sewer service outside Renton City limits submitted by Robert A. Holmes. The Utility: Request for Sewer Utilities Committee recommended that Council approve Mr. Holmes' request to Connections Outside City be allowed to connect his two existing lots to the City's sewer system, for the Limits(Holmes) construction of one single-family residence on each legal lot, subject to the passing of an ordinance revising City Code to allow Council to approve such connection. The approval of Mr. Holmes' request shall be subject to conditions identified in the revised Code. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Sewer Service Utilities Committee Chair Brier presented a report regarding the recommended Connections Outside City change to City Code pertaining to sewer service outside Renton City limits Limits,City Code Amend related to a request by Robert A. Holmes (see Utilities Committee report above). The Utilities Committee recommended that Council approve the ordinance amending the recent Code change for provision of sewer service outside the City limits. Said amendment adds language to allow for the connection of one existing single-family residence, or the connection to sanitary sewer for the construction of one single-family residence on an existing legal lot as conditioned by the code and subject to the approval of the Council. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 205690-206130 and two wire transfers totaling$3,111,838.12; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 38797-39124, one wire transfer and 560 direct deposits totaling$1,834,139.13. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 288 July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 288 Transportation Committee Transportation Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding the Transportation: Railroad Southport Blvd. and Lake Washington Blvd. railroad crossing improvements. Crossing Improvements, The City of Renton has negotiated with Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF) Southport&Lake WA Blvds Railroad for two separate agreements to replace and improve the railroad crossings over Southport Blvd. and over Lake Washington Blvd. This work is required to accommodate the new Southport development and will include installation of shoulder mounted cantilevers, signal, and gates on Southport Blvd. The developer, Southport LLC, will pay for this work, which is expected to cost $337,610.00. Funds in the amount of$209,937.24 have already been deposited with the City of Renton, and any remaining funds required will be deposited at a later date. The Transportation Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreements between the City of Renton and BNSF. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Persson noted that the new cement crossing will be much nicer and last longer. Community Services Community Services Chair Corman presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Ava Hammond to the Municipal Appointment: Municipal Arts Arts Commission for an unexpired four-year term that expires on December 31, Commission 2002. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Airport Community Services Chair Corman presented a report recommending Advisory Committee concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Kurt Boswell as primary,and Michael Rice, as alternate,Airport Leaseholder representatives to the Airport Advisory Committee,both for three-year terms expiring May 7, 2005. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Corman stated that Ms. Hammond will be a very good addition to the Municipal Arts Commission because of her extensive experience,especially in the performing arts. He also stated that both Mr. Rice and Mr. Boswell are very experienced in airport matters and aviation. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and RESOLUTIONS adoption: Ordinance#4977 An ordinance relating to the incurrence of indebtedness; providing for the sale Finance: Bond Issuance,Fire and issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds,2002,to provide part Station#12 Construction of the costs of acquiring,constructing and equipping Fire Station#12; providing for the date,denominations,form,terms,registration privileges, maturity, interest rates and covenants of the bonds;providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal thereof and the interest thereon; establishing a debt service fund and project fund for the bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to D.A. Davidson&Co., Seattle,Washington. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 289 289 Ordinance#4978 An ordinance was read adding the position of Evidence Technician to the Budget: 2002 Amendment, Police Department,effective September 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Police Department Evidence Budget appropriation of$21,500. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY �.... Technician Position Addition CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED Ordinance#4979 An ordinance was read adding the position of Crime Analyst to the Police Budget: 2002 Amendment, Department, effective September 1, 2002, and authorizing the increased Budget Police Department Crime appropriation of$26,800. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY Analyst Position Addition KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: FIVE AYES: NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER, BRIERE, PARKER, CORMAN;TWO NAYS: CLAWSON,PERSSON. CARRIED. Ordinance#4980 An ordinance was read adding the position of Secretary 1 to the Fire Fire: Secretary 1 Position Department, effective September 1, 2002. MOVED BY CORMAN, Addition SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Councilman Clawson suggested that the Committee of the Whole review City Budget: Policies budget policies for possible revision. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF BUDGET POLICIES TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Council: Policies and Councilman Clawson suggested a review of the current Council meeting Procedures policies and procedures. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURES AND POLICIES TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. r Budget: Soliciting Citizen Councilman Clawson expressed interest in finding ways to actively involve the Involvement public in the budget process and suggested outreach through the mail, the City's web site, newspaper ads or other methods. Councilman Parker also expressed his interest in obtaining more citizen comment and encouraged Councilmembers to solicit citizen input while attending events such as the Farmers Market and neighborhood meetings. Councilman Corman expressed his concern that some citizens may use the meetings as a forum to ask for assistance for Human Services programs in light of the budget constraints of King County. He cautioned that Council needs to be specific as to the type of input it is soliciting. Councilman Persson agreed with the need to obtain specific information from citizens at the 2003 City Budget public hearing scheduled for August 19th. He suggested creating a flier that could be passed out at neighborhood meetings to assist in soliciting citizen participation. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler advised that a flier was being prepared and requested additional Councilmember input regarding what to state on the flier. Councilman Clawson reminded Council of the success of the pool survey conducted by the Community Services Department, saying that may be a good way to solicit citizen input. He stated that being creative and offering citizens different ways to contribute may result in more participation. 29-0 Pa a 290 July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF WAYS TO SOLICIT MORE CITIZEN INPUT IN THE BUDGET PROCESS TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Mae Transportation: Handicapped Councilman Parker relayed a citizen's request regarding the need for marked Parking Stalls handicapped parking stalls near the vehicle license office on Williams Ave. S. and possibly in other places around the City. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF PROVIDING MARKED HANDICAPPED PARKING STALLS AT THE VEHICLE LICENSE OFFICE AND OTHER AREAS AS NEEDED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Streets: Temporary Alley Reporting on the previously-approved temporary alley closure located between Closure (between Williams Williams Ave. S. and Burnett Ave. S. through July, 2002, Councilman Persson and Burnett Aves S) requested an extension until August 23, 2002, for completion of the 55 Williams Condominium project. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXTEND THE ALLEY CLOSURE BETWEEN WILLIAMS AVE. S. AND BURNETT AVE. S. UNTIL AUGUST 23, 2002. CARRIED. Sound Transit: HOV Councilman Persson relayed a conversation he had with a Sound Transit Improvement Projects, representative at a recent Eastside Transportation Partnership meeting Perpetual Easement for BNSF pertaining to the City's refusal to grant Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Railroad an easement until the City obtains an agreement from Sound Transit for the development of a contingency plan of Renton projects, and assurances that money reserved for Renton projects will be spent in Renton. He warned of potential litigation against the City by Sound Transit for failing to grant the easement. Councilman Clawson commented that Council's decision concerning the easement may have an adverse effect on other cities in the area. While generally supportive of the City's decision,Mr. Clawson stated that he does not want to alienate other jurisdictions. He indicated that funds generated for Sound Transit from various cities was apportioned throughout the region,not necessarily in the city where collected,resulting in the construction and operation of the Sounder Commuter Train, which services a number of cities. Councilman Persson pointed out that Sound Transit had two years notice that they needed to obtain the easement,but Renton was not contacted until two months before the easement was actually needed. Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer, stated that Sound Transit has made a commitment to the City and the City wants it to honor its commitment, but notes that over the years, Sound Transit has backed away from its commitment. He indicated that Council's decision to take a strong stand on behalf of the voters is important. Pointing out that it is inappropriate for Sound Transit to change its mission without any stakeholder input,Mr. Covington stressed that they should be upfront about their mission and goals. He added that while waiting for Sound Transit to make decisions on HOV direct-access improvements, the service levels have decreased and travel times have increased. Councilman Corman stated his desire for Sound Transit to discuss the easement ..w issue directly with Renton instead of through other forums. 291 July 15,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 291 AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz"Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, thanked the Citizen Comment: Johnson- Council for their action on the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation and stated that Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. the street closure will result in a redirection of traffic which will benefit the Anthony Church(VAC-00- neighborhood. 003) ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. MICHELE NEUMANN, Deputy City Clerk Recorder: Suzann Lombard July 15,2002 r�r rs (� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR J Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 15, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/22 CANCELLED (Nelson) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 7/22 Pavilion Building Renovation Contract (Parker) 6:45 p.m. with Mithun Architects PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES TUES., 7/16 Agreement for Emergency Sale of Water (Briere) 12:00 noon to Seattle; Sewer Connections Outside City Limits Code Amendment (briefing only) moo NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 293 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 22, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARING: 2003 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds Allocations 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 15, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 7/17/2002 for CAG-02-106, Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Access Road Repairs; two bids; engineer's estimate $190,040.96; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Boettcher and Sons, Inc., in the amount of$185,097.08. Council concur. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 7/17/2002 for CAG-02-104, Police Evidence CBC Building Foundation and Site Work; four bids; engineer's estimate $250,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the second low bidder in the amount of$208,896 due to an irregularity with the low bid. Council concur. d. Community Services Department requests authorization to appropriate $147,231 from Fund 316 Unallocated Fund Balance to hire a Capital Projects Coordinator, for a term not to exceed 24 months, to manage the design and construction of the Pavilion Building renovation and the Aquatics Center. Expenditure in 2002 is $22,955. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Community Services Department requests authorization to hire a consultant in the amount of $60,000 to assist in developing a Museum Master Plan that would provide recommendations for programs and facilities that would respond to the future needs of the Renton Museum. Refer to Community Services Committee. f. Community Services Department recommends approval to use $80,000 from the Maplewood Golf Course Fund Balance for the re-design of the water treatment facility location at Maplewood Golf Course. Refer to Community Services Committee. g. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of the dedication of a 15-foot corner radius at the northwest corner of NE 12th St. and Aberdeen Ave. NE for additional right- of-way to fulfill a requirement of the Aberdeen House Short Plat (SHP-02-046). Council concur. h. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of the dedication of additional right-of-way along NE 4th Pl. and Orcas Pl. NE to fulfill a requirement of the Madison Landing Short Plat (SHP-01-059). Council concur. i. Legal Division recommends adoption of an ordinance changing the definition of dangerous dog and increasing the amount of insurance necessary for an owner to obtain a certificate of registration for a dangerous dog in order to comply with a new State law on animal control. Council concur. (See 9.b. for ordinance.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 294 J. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of Supplement No. 1 to CAG-94-054, contract with WSDOT for Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection, for a non-guaranteed advanced construction grant in the amount of$746,000, with the City match of$116,428. Refer to Transportation Committee. k. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-00-099, East Valley Road Rehabilitation; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$81,003.25, .r commencement of 60-day lien period, with the balance due back from the contractor of$2,524 (overpayment), for a net payment of$78,479.25. Council concur. 1. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a contract with Gray & Osborne in the amount of$207,743 to provide the engineering design for the SW 7th St. Drainage Improvement Project to improve storm systems capacity and reduce the potential for local flooding problems. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 2003 Community Development Block Grant Funding Recommendations b. Finance Committee: Pavilion Building Renovation Contract with Mithun Architects c. Transportation Committee: Traffic Calming d. Utilities Committee: Agreement for Emergency Sale of Water to Seattle* 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Agreement for Emergency Sale of Water to Seattle (see 8.d.) blim Ordinances for first reading: a. Sanitary sewer system connection to properties outside City limits City Code amendment (Council approved 7/15/2002) b. Dangerous dogs (see 6.i.) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) CANCELLED • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 9:00 P.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 7:00 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 9:00 P.M. 295 CITY COUNCIL July 22, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Museum Master Plan consultant hire Re-design of the water treatment facility location at Maplewood Golf Course Crisis Clinic 211 call center FINANCE COMMITTEE Limited term capital projects coordinator hire for Pavilion Building &Aquatics Center MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract with Mithun Architects for Pavilion Building renovation Execute contract with Seattle for the emergency sale of water PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Dangerous dog ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreement for WSDOT grant for the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Sewer service connections outside City limits (1st reading 7/22/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 22, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Toni Nelson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Mayor Pro Tem; DAN CLAWSON;TERRI BRIERE; KING COUNCILMEMBERS PARKER;DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN KEOLKER-WHEELER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer;ZANETTA FONTES, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;TRACY COLEMAN, Capital Projects Coordinator; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager; DIANNE UTECHT, Contract Specialist;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Human Services: 2003 CDBG accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pro Tem Nelson opened the Funds Allocation public hearing to consider the proposed allocation of the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)funds for 2003. Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik stated that the Human Services Advisory Committee recommended that the CDBG funds be allocated as follows: CDBG PUBLIC SERVICES Communities in Schools of Renton $13,000 Community Health Centers of King County $13,000 ElderHealth NW/Connection $9,000 Emergency Feeding Program $12,000 Institute for Family Development $0 Visiting Nurse Services of the Northwest $7,200 Domestic Abuse Women's Network $10,049 Total $64,249 CDBG CAPITAL REQUESTS City of Renton Minor Housing Repair $185,000 Children's Thearapy Center $45,000 King County Housing Repair Program $50,000 Friends of Youth/Griffin Home $43,930 Total $323,930 Continuing,Ms. Bergsvik described the contingency funding plan which outlines what happens if the amounts available for the 2003 CDBG public services and capital funding programs increase or decrease. She reported that the Community Services Committee plans to present a report on this matter at the August 5th Council meeting. Stating his agreement with the recommendations of the Human Services Advisory Committee, Councilman Parker expressed his appreciation for their efforts. 297 July 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 297 Audience comment was invited,there being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • IKEA Renton River Days, a family festival which celebrates the amenities and activities that makes the Renton community a great place in which to live, work,and play, gets underway this week beginning Tuesday,July 23rd through Sunday,July 28th. • Volunteer groups have been active this spring improving Renton parks. The Eagle Scouts and employees from Windermere Real Estate Company spent a total of 210 hours planting more than 1,000 ground cover plants along the slopes of the Kennydale Lions Park at 2428 Aberdeen Ave. NE. In addition,Windermere Real Estate employees volunteered time painting signs, gates, and benches, and adding mulch to shrub beds in the park. • Planning/Building/Public Works Department reported that the Sound Transit Sounder Commuter Rail improvements near Longacres Station can now be built entirely on Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad property; therefore, a perpetual easement from Renton is no longer needed. • In the trial of King County versus Tydico, the Superior Court case regarding illegal land use activities at 13029 136th Ave. SE, on July 19th the Judge upheld the King County Hearing Examiner's decision finding that Tydico's use of the property is wrong,causing damage to the environment and the quality of life for surrounding property owners. AUDIENCE COMMENT Alberta Quigley, 364 Renton Center Way SW,A-56,Renton, 98055, Citizen Comment: Quigley— complained of the alleged mistreatment of her grandson,Jacob Ahlstedt,by the Jacob Ahlstedt, Court Case Renton Police Department. Describing the ways he had allegedly been (CRT-01-004) mistreated and how he has suffered since his arrest in 1999,Ms. Quigley stated that no one cares about her grandson's situation and condition. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington indicated that this case is going to trial, and Ms. Quigley's perspective on the matter is very different from that of the City's. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes confirmed for the record that this matter is scheduled to go to trial at the end of August. A mediation was held; however,the case was not settled. She stated that the facts are in great dispute as to what transpired the night of his arrest. Citizen Comment: Johnson— Arland Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,Apt. 221,Renton,98055,thanked the Spencer Court Apartments Council for its decision to vacate Whitworth Ave. S. so that St. Anthony Parish Alley, City Parking Lot Noise can have a united campus. On another subject,he described safety problems (Wells Ave S) that residents of the Spencer Court Apartments are having with the alley they must cross when they exit through the rear of the apartment building, located on Wells Ave. S.,to get to their parking lot. Mr. Johnson also expressed concern about the use of the City parking lot, located to the north of the apartments, by customers of McGowan's Restaurant &Lounge and other area restaurants who congregate in the lot after the restaurants close causing a lot of noise. He suggested that the City consider closing the parking lot from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. He noted that the fans used 298 Page 298 July 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g by Service Linen Supply,located to the south of the apartments, create a lot of noise as well. Mr. Johnson also expressed his hope that if I-405 is expanded, the City will push for State construction of a sound barrier. CONSENT AGENDA Council discussion ensued regarding items listed on the Consent Agenda and City policies regulating which items are listed for Council concur or for referral to Council committee. It was pointed out that Committee of the Whole is scheduled to review the Council meeting policies and procedures on August 19th. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilmembers, items 6.c., 6.d. and 6.i. were removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 15, 2002. Council concur. July 15,2002 CAG: 02-106,Thunder Hills City Clerk reported bid opening on 7/17/2002 for CAG-02-106, Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Access Road Repairs; two bids;engineer's estimate Access Road Repairs, $190,040.96; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the Boettcher and Sons low bidder,Boettcher and Sons,Inc.,in the amount of$185,097.08. Council concur. Community Services: Museum Community Services Department requested authorization to hire a consultant in Master Plan, Consultant Hire the amount of$60,000 to assist in developing a Museum Master Plan that would provide recommendations for programs and facilities that would respond to the future needs of the Renton Historical Museum. Refer to Community Services Committee. " Community Services: Community Services Department recommended approval to use $80,000 from Maplewood Golf Course the Maplewood Golf Course Fund Balance for the re-design of the water Water Treatment Facility Re- treatment facility location at Maplewood Golf Course. Refer to Community Design Services Committee. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of the Aberdeen House Short Plat, dedication of a 15-foot corner radius at the northwest corner of NE 12th St. and ROW Dedication at NE 12th Aberdeen Ave.NE for additional right-of-way to fulfill a requirement of the St&Aberdeen Ave NE Aberdeen House Short Plat (SHP-02-046). Council concur. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of the Madison Landing Short Plat, dedication of additional right-of-way along NE 4th Pl. and Orcas Pl. NE to ROW Dedication at NE 4th Pl fulfill a requirement of the Madison Landing Short Plat(SHP-01-059). Council &Orcas Pl NE concur. Transportation: Strander Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplement No. 1 Blvd/SW 27th St Connection, to CAG-94-054,contract with Washington State Department of Transportation WSDOT Grant, CAG-94-054 (WSDOT)for the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection, for a non-guaranteed advanced construction grant in the amount of$746,000. City match is $116,428. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 00-099,East Valley Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-00-099,East Valley Road Road Rehabilitation, Gary Rehabilitation; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Merlino Const Co pay estimate in the amount of$81,003.25 with a balance due back from the contractor of$2,524(overpayment)deducted from it for a net payment of $78,479.25 to contractor Gary Merlino Construction Company, and Ll commencement of a 60-day lien period, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. July 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 299 C Utility: SW 7th St Drainage Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Gray& Improvement Project, Gray& Osborne in the amount of$207,743 to provide the engineering design for the Osborne SW 7th St.Drainage Improvement Project to improve storm systems capacity and reduce the potential for local flooding problems. Council concur. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 6.c., 6.d. AND 6.i. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 7/17/2002 for CAG-02-104,Police Item 6.c. Evidence CBC Building Foundation and Site Work; four bids; engineer's CAG: 02-104, Police Evidence estimate $250,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract CBC Building Foundation& to the second low bidder,Hisey Construction,in the amount of$208,896 due to Site Work,Hisey Construction an irregularity with the low bid. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes explained that a required document was missing from the packet submitted by the low bidder. She stated that there is no requirement in the law that bids be accepted if they are irregular in any way; however, the City can choose to waive minor irregularities. In this case,the missing required document concerning Equal Employment Opportunities Commission compliance was determined be a substantial irregularity, and Ms. Fontes recommended that Council award the contract to the second low bidder. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington noted that according to City policy, an irregular bid such as this would normally be referred to Council committee for review; however, due to the time sensitive nature of this project, Council concurrence is recommended. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE %No CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.c. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Community Services Department requested authorization to appropriate Item 6.d. $147,231 from Fund 316 Unallocated Fund Balance to hire a Capital Projects Community Services: Pavilion Coordinator, for a term not to exceed 24 months, to manage the design and Building &Aquatics Center, construction of the Pavilion Building renovation and the Aquatics Center. Capital Projects Coordinator Expenditure in 2002 is $22,955. Temporary Hire Responding to Councilwoman Briere's inquiry regarding the project managers currently employed by the Community Services Department and the projects they are working on such as the Downtown Parking Garage, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd explained that an additional project manager is needed to manage the Pavilion Building and Aquatics Center projects because all project managers are currently working on other projects. He noted that the Downtown Parking Garage will not be completed until February or March of 2003. Mr. Shepherd stated that he will forward a list of current projects assigned to the project managers and the project timelines to Council. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.d. TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Legal Division recommended adoption of an ordinance changing the definition Item 6.i. of dangerous dog and increasing the amount of insurance necessary for an Legal: Dangerous Dog owner to obtain a certificate of registration for a dangerous dog in order to Ordinance comply with a new State law on animal control. July 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 300 MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.i. TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE.* Councilman Clawson asked the City Attorney to review the ordinance language pertaining to the use of the phrases "dangerous dog" and "vicious dog." *MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utilities Committee in the staff recommendation to approve the interlocal agreement with the City Utility: Emergency Sale of of Seattle for the emergency sale of water. The Committee recommended that Water to Seattle Contract the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the interlocal agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 301 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the staff Community Services: Pavilion recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a consultant Building Renovation,Mithun contract with Mithun Architects to provide design,bidding, and construction Architects administration services for the renovation of the Pavilion Building. The contract amount is $127,500, which is consistent with the Washington State Guidelines for determining architect and engineer fees for public works building contracts.* Councilman Parker stated that eleven proposals were submitted for this project, and after a review of the proposals by staff,Mithun Architects was determined to far exceed the City's expectations regarding the options available for the t renovation of the Pavilion Building. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Clawson indicated that he did not sign the Committee report, saying that some improvements have already been made to the Pavilion Building and he is concerned about going forward with this project due to the City's financial situation. He pointed out that if the City cannot afford to hire an additional patrol officer, then he does not want to see money spent on non- essential items. Before decisions can be made on projects such as these,Mr. Clawson stated that Council must first discuss and determine the City's spending priorities. He emphasized that despite the issue regarding the use of one-time revenues versus ongoing revenues,it is all taxpayer money, and it should be used to pay for public safety first. Councilman Parker stated that his philosophy is different from Mr. Clawson's, and pointed out that$2.3 million was set aside four years ago for this project. The project was reviewed very carefully over that period of time in efforts to create a facility that further enhances the downtown area. He noted that the City has proceeded in a cautious manner and the scale of the project has been reduced considerably. In regards to the police staffing issue,Mr. Parker indicated that the Police Chief presented Council with staffing priorities which he supported. He stated that during the upcoming budget hearings,issues such as police staffing will be discussed and a list of spending priorities will be developed. Mr. Parker maintained his opinion that one-time monies should not be used for ongoing expenditures. *MOTION CARRIED. July 22,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 301 Mayor Pro Tem Nelson relayed that many citizens are excited about the Pavilion Building, and stated that once renovated, the Pavilion Building will create revenue for the City. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3582 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Cites to enter into an Utility: Emergency Sale of interlocal cooperative agreement with the City of Seattle for the purchase of Water to Seattle Contract non-peak water by the City of Seattle. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 08/05/2002 for second and final reading: Utility: Sewer Service An ordinance was read amending Section 4-6-040.C,of Chapter 6, Street and Connections Outside City Utility Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by Limits, City Code Amend revising policies by which the City allows connection to its sanitary sewer system by property owners outside of the current City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 08/05/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Parker reported that he met with Kathleen Southwick,Executive Human Services: Crisis Clinic Director of the Crisis Clinic,regarding the 211 dialing code available to local as 211 Call Center communities to use to provide easier access to comprehensive information and referral service for health and human service resources. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF SUPPORT FOR THE PROPOSED 211 CRISIS CLINIC CALL CENTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:31 p.m. BONNIE 1. WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann July 22,2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 22, 2002 *REVISED* .r COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 7/29 No Meeting (5th Monday) (Nelson) MON., 8/05 Emerging Issues in the Fire Department 6:00 p.m. *Council Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 8/05 Water Treatment Facility Site Re-Design (Corman) 5:00 p.m. at Maplewood Golf Course; 2003 Human Services Funding; Museum Master Plan—Draft Scope of Work FINANCE MON., 8/05 Limited Term Capital Projects (Parker) 4:00 p.m. Coordinator for Pavilion Building and Aquatics Center Projects; Vouchers PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS, 8/01 South Renton Neighborhood Sub-Area (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:30 p.m. Plan (briefing only); King County 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) * TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 8/01 Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Contract with WSDOT UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 5, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 22, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner reappoints the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Committee for three- year terms expiring 5/7/2005: Robert Moran, 425 Wells Ave. S., Renton, 98055, as South Renton neighborhood primary representative; Glenn Reynolds, 55 Logan Ave. S., Renton, 98055, as South Renton neighborhood alternate representative; and Jan Fedor, 1245 Sunrise Pl. SE, Issaquah, 98027, as The Boeing Company aviation representative. Council concur. c. Mayor Tanner reappoints Sandel Demastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, 98056; Antonio P. Cube, Sr., 1609 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055; and Charles Thomas,4408 NE 11th St., Renton, 98059; each to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for a two-year term expiring 9/19/2004. Council concur. d. Court Case filed by Jemima J. McCullum of Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson & Danheim LLP, PO Box 1157, Tacoma, 98401, representing Petitioner Loran B. Hendrickson Family Limited Partnership alleging that the City's decision made on July 1, 2002, denying and/or conditioning sewer service to the Petitioner's property located outside the Renton City limits is an erroneous interpretation of the law. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. e. Court Case filed by Larry J. Smith of Graham &Dunn, 1420 5th Ave., 33rd Floor, Seattle, 98 10 1, representing Sound Transit who seeks acquisition of property and property rights by eminent domain for property owned by Renton (located in the vicinity of SW 27th St.) in order to permanently locate, construct, operate, and maintain the Tacoma-to-Seattle commuter rail project and its related facilities. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. f. Development Services Division recommends Council acceptance of the dedication of a cul-de- sac, an extension of Lind Ave. NW at NW 2nd Pl., for additional right-of-way to fulfill a requirement of the City View Short Plat (SHP-98-173). Council concur. g. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Parkside Court Final Plat; 21 single-family lots on 4.98 acres located in the vicinity of SE 2nd Ct. and Lyons Ave. SE. (FP-02-062). Council concur. (See 8.a. for resolution.) h. Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends adoption of a resolution in support of rr.. Washington State's Referendum 51 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6347), to be placed on the November 2002 ballot, which is for the funding of statewide transportation projects including an SR-167 Corridor Study, improvements to increase capacity on I-405 in Renton, and completion of HOV lanes on SR-167. Council concur. (See 8.b. for resolution.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) i. Water Utility Division recommends approval of an amendment to CAG-00-098, interlocal agreement establishing the Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium, in the amount of$5,000 for renewal fees to extend the agreement for one year,until June 5, 2003. Refer to Utilities Committee. j. Surface Water Utility Division submits CAG-02-035, NE 2nd St. Storm Line Extension; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$2,595, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$5,883.47 to Scarsella Brothers, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Kurt Wilson of Harbour Homes, 1010 S. 336th St., Ste. 305, Federal Way, 98003, requesting oversizing reimbursement of costs for increasing the sanitary sewer line capacity to accommodate future expansion of the City's sewer system which fulfilled a requirement of the Parkside Court development (PP-01-012). Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: Water Treatment Facility Site Re-Design at Maplewood Golf Course; 2003 Human Services Funding; Museum Master Plan—Draft Scope of Work b. Finance Committee: Limited Term Capital Projects Coordinator for Pavilion Building and Aquatics Center Projects; Vouchers c. Planning &Development Committee: South Renton Neighborhood Sub-Area Plan Amendments d. Transportation Committee: Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection Contract with WSDOT*; Traffic Calming ! 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS soma Resolutions: a. Parkside Court Final Plat (see 5.g.) b. Supporting Referendum 51 (statewide transportation projects funding); see 5.h. c. WSDOT grant for Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection project (see 7.d.) Ordinance for second and final reading: a. Sanitary sewer system connection to properties outside City limits City Code amendment (1st reading 7/22/2002) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENT 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Fire Department MW • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 9:00 P.M.,WED. &FRI.AT 7:00 P.M. AND SAT. &SUN. AT 9:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL August 5, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed on behalf of Loran B. Hendrickson Family Limited Partnership Court Case filed on behalf of Sound Transit MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute agreement for WSDOT grant for the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection UTILITIES COMMITTEE Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium interlocal agreement Letter from Harbour Homes re: reimbursement for oversizing the sewer line at Parkside Court low PUBLIC HEARING 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 5, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President; KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE; COUNCILMEMBERS KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS RANDY CORMAN AND DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; NEIL WATTS,Development Services Director;LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; SYLVIA ALLEN, Recreation Director; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager; PAUL KUSAKABE,Fiscal Services Director; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • The Renton Public Library now offers electronic mail notification for overdue materials and items on hold. Library users can sign up for this service at the Renton Public Library or the Highlands Library. • The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada awarded the City of Renton the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its fiscal year 2002 Budget document. AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S., Apt. 221,Renton,98055, stated Citizen Comment: Johnson— that although the police are monitoring the activity in the City parking lot Spencer Court Apartments located to the north of the Spencer Court Apartment building located on Wells Alley, City Parking Lot Noise Ave. S.,problems with noise,especially on Friday nights,continue to occur. (Wells Ave S) He suggested that the City seek a long-term solution to the problem such as adopting noise or no-loitering ordinances, or closing the parking lot from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. In regards to the early-morning noise generated by the fans used by Service Linen Supply located to the south of the apartment building, Mr. Johnson reported that Service Linen agreed to start their fans later in the morning. Mr. Johnson also expressed his concern about the alley located behind the Spencer Court Apartment building, saying that there are plans to resurface it and to install speed bumps which may cause difficulty for the residents. He also noted that residents must cross the alley when they exit through the rear of the apartment building to get to their parking lot. Mr. Johnson recommended that the alley be closed off or rerouted. Council President Nelson noted that unfortunately,the Spencer Court Apartment building was built in a noisy area. Councilmembers questioned whether the alley was public or private property, and Mayor Tanner asked 3©l August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 307 Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman to investigate the matter. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, items 51. and 51. were removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of July 22, 2002. Council concur. July 22, 2002 Appointment: Airport Mayor Tanner reappointed the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Advisory Committee Committee for three-year terms expiring 5/7/2005: Robert Moran,425 Wells Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, as South Renton neighborhood primary representative; Glenn Reynolds, 55 Logan Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, as South Renton neighborhood alternate representative; and Jan Fedor, 1245 Sunrise Pl. SE, Issaquah, 98027, as The Boeing Company aviation representative. Council concur. Appointment: Human Rights Mayor Tanner reappointed Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE, &Affairs Commission Renton, 98056;Antonio P. Cube, Sr., 1609 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055; and Charles Thomas,4408 NE 1lth St.,Renton, 98059; each to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for a two-year term expiring 9/19/2004. Council concur. Court Case: Loran B Court Case filed by Jemima J. McCullum of Gordon,Thomas,Honeywell, Hendrickson Family Limited Malanca,Peterson&Danheim,LLP,PO Box 1157,Tacoma, 98401, Partnership, CRT-02-007 representing Petitioner Loran B. Hendrickson Family Limited Partnership alleging that the City's decision made on July 1, 2002,denying and/or conditioning sewer service to the Petitioner's property located outside Renton City limits is an erroneous interpretation of the law. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Court Case: Sound Transit, Court Case filed by Larry J. Smith of Graham&Dunn, 1420 5th Ave., 33rd CRT-02-008 Floor, Seattle, 98 10 1,representing Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority(Sound Transit) who seeks acquisition of property and property rights by eminent domain for property owned by Renton (located in the vicinity of SW 27th St.)in order to permanently locate, construct, operate,and maintain the Tacoma-to-Seattle commuter rail project and its related facilities. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Plat: Parkside Court, SE 2nd Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Ct&Lyons Ave SE(FP-02- Parkside Court Final Plat; 21 single-family lots on 4.98 acres located in the 062) vicinity of SE 2nd Ct. and Lyons Ave. SE(FP-02-062). Council concur. (See page 313 for resolution.) CAG: 00-098,WA City & Water Utility Division recommended approval of an amendment to CAG-00- County Pipeline Safety 098, interlocal agreement establishing the Washington City and County Consortium Pipeline Safety Consortium, in the amount of$5,000 for renewal fees to extend the agreement for one year, until June 5, 2003. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 02-035,NE 2nd St Surface Water Utility Division submitted CAG-02-035,NE 2nd St. Storm Line Storm Line Extension, Extension; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Scarsella Brothers estimate in the amount of$2,595, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$5,883.47 to Scarsella Brothers, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 30� August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 308 MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 5.f. and 51. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of the Item 5.f. dedication of cul-de-sac,an extension of Lind Ave. NW at NW 2nd Pl.,for Development Services: City additional right-of-way to fulfill a requirement of the City View Short Plat View Short Plat,ROW (SHP-98-173). Dedication,Lind Ave NW at Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that there were a number of NW 2nd Pl problems associated with the City View Short Plat,and she questioned whether all the conditions of the plat have been met as there were complaints from neighboring residents,especially pertaining to drainage and erosion problems. Development Services Director Neil Watts stated that the City has not received any complaints from the neighbors in over a year. He reported that the drainage and erosion control issues were addressed, and he assured Council that the developer met all plat conditions. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 51 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended adoption of a Item 5.h. resolution in support of Washington State's Referendum 51 (Engrossed Public Works: Referendum 51 Substitute Senate Bill 6347), to be placed on the November 2002 ballot,which Support, Statewide is for the funding of statewide transportation projects including an SR-167 Transportation Projects Corridor Study, improvements to increase capacity on 1-405 in Renton, and completion of HOV lanes on SR-167. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler questioned why this item was listed as Council concur as she was of the understanding that Council had agreed that prior to taking any action on ballot items, a pro and con discussion on the item would take place for the Council and public's benefit. Pointing out that the City has supported this issue from the beginning,Mayor Tanner stated that he assumed he had the support of Council; however,he had no objections if Council needed additional time to consider the issue. Councilmembers Parker and Nelson agreed that a pro and con discussion should be held on this issue,but due to the short time line,recommended moving forward with approving the resolution. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that he would try to schedule a special presentation for the August 19th Council meeting providing he can find representatives to speak both for and against the issue. Council agreed to revisit the matter on August 19th, and it was noted that the absent Councilmembers would then have an opportunity to vote on the resolution as well. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Kurt Wilson of Harbour Homes, 1010 S. 336th St., Ste. Citizen Comment: Harbour 305,Federal Way, 98003,requesting oversizing reimbursement of costs for Homes,Reimbursement for increasing the sanitary sewer line capacity to accommodate future expansion of Oversizing the Sewer Line at the City's sewer system which fulfilled a requirement of the Parkside Court Parkside Court development(PP-01-012) located in the vicinity of SE 2nd Pl. and Lyons Ave. SE. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 309 _ OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 206131 -206555 and three wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $1,265,721.08; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 39126-39454, one wire transfer and 562 direct deposits totaling$1,773,085.59. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Member Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection project. In 1994, Transportation: Strander the City and the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) Blvd/SW 27th St Connection, signed a local agency agreement authorizing the City to receive $344,000 in WSDOT Grant, CAG-94-054 Federal funds (Resolution No. 3052). In 1999, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) awarded an additional$746,000 in Federal funds for this project. However,due to funding circumstances,PSRC is not able to obligate funding until the new Federal Transportation Act is passed. The City is requesting Advanced Construction. When the new Transportation Act is passed, if it allows Advance Construction funding,the City will receive $746,000. Per the WSDOT agreement form, there is no guarantee of reimbursement. It depends on approval of TEA-21 funding in the next Federal Transportation Act. However,the Administration is confident that funding will be approved. The Committee recommended Council approve the resolution and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the local agency agreement supplement and any subsequent agreements for preliminary engineering funding for the i Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. Connection(CAG-94-054). Matching funding in the amount of$116,428 will come from the SR-167 UC/SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. Corridor Project#7, in the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) 2003-2008. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 313 for resolution.) Transportation: Traffic Transportation (Aviation) Committee Member Keolker-Wheeler presented a Calming report regarding the traffic calming menu of options. The Committee reviewed the proposed traffic calming menu of options and process. The menu of options consists of a two-tiered approach. Tier 1 are removable or passive measures, and Tier 2 are permanent or active measures. Passive measures, such as reader boards, signage and channelization,require minimal investment and can literally be removed. Active or permanent measures require construction and cannot be easily removed. Tier 1 measures should be implemented first,and if they do not work, turn to the more permanent Tier 2 measures. The Transportation Division will receive requests for traffic calming from neighborhoods and citizens. Because these measures affect an area,requests should come from a neighborhood or homeowners association. This assures area-wide support for implementing a traffic calming measure. If the issue cannot be resolved with the Tier 1 measure,the Transportation Division will evaluate the issue, identify Tier 2 options that are appropriate for that situation, and work with the neighborhood to determine which of the appropriate options they prefer. f � This recommended process is similar to traffic calming programs in other cities. Judging from their experiences,traffic calming could be an expensive program both in terms of manpower and materials and construction. If it is determined that this new program will require dedicated funding or additional staff SIS August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 310 resources for effective implementation,options will be brought back in the coming months for consideration by Council. The Transportation Committee recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor to implement the traffic calming process and menu of options. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler thanked City staff for their work on this project, and stated that these traffic calming options offer new opportunities for assistance with neighborhood traffic problems. Community Services Community Services Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Committee regarding the Maplewood Treatment Facility site design at the Maplewood Golf Community Services: Course. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff Maplewood Golf Course recommendation for the golf course to pay for the redesign fees to locate the Water Treatment Facility water utility treatment facility adjacent to the east side of the driving range for Redesign an amount not to exceed$50,000; allocate an additional$20,000 for the netting design associated with the 52-stall parking addition; and allocate$10,000 for golf course architect project coordination, meetings, and plan and specification review. The total cost in the amount of$80,000 will be funded from the golf course un-designated fund balance. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED f BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Services: 2003 CDBG Community Services Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Funds Allocation recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that the 2003 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)estimated allocation of $388,179 be distributed according to the Human Services Advisory Committee recommendations as follows: CDBG PUBLIC SERVICES Communities in Schools of Renton $13,000 Community Health Centers of King County $13,000 E1derHealth NW/Connection $9,000 Emergency Feeding Program $12,000 Visiting Nurse Services of the Northwest $7,200 Domestic Abuse Women's Network $10,049 Total $64,249 CDBG CAPITAL REQUESTS City of Renton Minor Housing Repair $185,000 Children's Therapy Center $45,000 King County Housing Repair Program $50,000 Friends of Youth/Griffin Home $43,930 Total $323,930 The Community Services Committee also recommended adoption of the Contingency Plan for 2003 CDBG funding as adopted by the Human Services Advisory Committee should amounts available for 2003 programs increase or decrease. Should there be an increase or decrease in CDBG public services funding, it is recommended that any increase or decrease in funding be applied proportionately based on the project's percentage of the total CDBG public services allocation. If there is an increase in CDBG capital funding, it is recommended that all projects, with the exception of the King County Housing Repair Program,be JfI August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 311 increased proportionately. To determine the proportional amount of the increase,the percentage calculations shall not include the amount allocated to the King County Housing Repair Program. If there is a decrease in CDBG capital funding,it is recommended that any decrease be applied proportionately to all projects with the exception of the City of Renton Minor Housing Repair Program. To determine the proportional amount of the decrease, the percentage calculations shall not include the amount allocated to the City of Renton Minor Housing Repair Program. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* A letter from Councilman Persson was read into the record regarding the CDBG fund allocation to the Griffin Home as he was unable to attend the Council meeting. In his letter,Mr. Persson expressed his concern about the potential expansion of the Griffin Home past the current 24 residents. He stated that although he is not against the current plan to expand and provide services for a total population of 24 residents,providing funding for the Griffin Home may indicate that the City is endorsing the facility and its services, and this endorsement could be used to raise money for expanding the home and the number of offenders served at that location. He stated that the City needs assurance that the facility will not expand in the future to house more residents. Mr. Persson requested that Council consider holding this issue until his return so he can participate in the discussion. Councilman Clawson explained that approval of the funding is needed in order for the Griffin Home to obtain matching funds from another source, and he Low pointed out that the issue had already been delayed a few weeks and further delay may harm the Griffin Home in obtaining matching funding. Mr. Clawson stated that a Griffin Home representative did meet with the Corrunittee to address concerns about the project, and he recommended going forward with the Committee report. Development Services Director Neil Watts confirmed that the Griffin Home is comprised of 13 separate platted parcels, but explained that expansion of the existing buildings would require a conditional use permit. Potentially, a smaller group home could be built on one of the parcels that is not already encroached upon by the existing buildings without a conditional use permit. Mr. Watts stated that the Griffin Home plans to construct two group homes for six occupants each, and will reduce the number of occupants in the existing buildings. He noted that the Griffin Home intends to remain at 24 residents. Councilman Parker indicated that although he understands Councilman Persson's concerns, this is not the proper venue for discussion of density and development matters. *MOTION CARRIED. Council discussion ensued regarding the Griffin Home and the service it provides. Human Services: 2003 General Community Services Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Fund Allocations recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that the 2003 General Fund allocation of$228,300 be distributed according to the Human Services Advisory Committee recommendations as follows: August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 312 Catholic Community Services-Volunteer Chore Services $5,000 Catholic Community Services-Emergency Assistance $10,000 Catholic Community Services-Katherine's House $4,000 Child Care Resources-Child Care Referrals $7,500 Children's Therapy Center $2,500 Community Health Centers of King County-Primary Medical Care $24,000 Crisis Clinic-Phone Services $3,300 Crisis Clinic-TEEN LINK $1,000 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center $30,000 Multi-Service Center-Transitional Housing for Homeless Families $2,000 Pregnancy Aid of Kent-Transitional Housing for Pregnant Women $1,000 Renton Area Youth&Family Services-Drug,Family Counseling $57,000 Renton Clothes Bank-Clothes Bank $8,000 Renton Technical College-Even Start/Early Childhood Program $10,000 Senior Services-Meals on Wheels $6,000 Senior Services-Volunteer Transportation Services $6,000 Ukrainian Community Center of WA $5,000 Way Back Inn-Transitional Housing for Homeless Families $10,000 YWCA-Emergency Housing for Homeless Families $5,000 YWCA-Domestic Violence Community Advocate $23,000 Friends of Youth/Griffin Home-Construction of two new foster homes $3,000 King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence $5,000 Total $228,300 The Community Services Committee also recommended adoption of the Contingency Plan for the 2003 General Fund as adopted by the Human Services Advisory Committee should the amount of funding increase. Should the amount available for allocation to human services increase for 2003,it is recommended that Metropolitan Images/Renton Youth Day be funded in the amount of$2,500. This funding will be contingent upon Metropolitan Images submitting budget and performance measures that are accurate, and agreeable to the Human Services Advisory Committee or Human Services staff. If additional funding is available, it is recommended that the Multi-Service Center's Energy Crisis Intervention Program be funded to a maximum of $5,000. The amount of the allocation will be affirmed during the 2003 Budget process. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Council inquiry regarding the Griffin Home funding,Human Services Manager Karen Bergsvik stated that the Griffin Home has submitted one application for the General Fund and one for CDBG funding. She explained they had requested General Fund funding in April because they needed a local community match in order to obtain Housing Opportunity funds in the amount of$330,000. At that time, Council requested that they use the existing General Fund process. Stating that the Griffin Home needs the local funding commitment in 2002 even though they are applying for 2003 funds, Ms. Bergsvik noted that the allocation of$3,000 from the General Fund is for the local match. *MOTION CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the decrease in funding for the Way Back Inn,Ms. Bergsvik explained that since the Way Back Inn is able to obtain funds through other sources, the Human .313 August 5,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 313 Services Advisory Committee decided to fund some new programs that do not have any other funding sources. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3583 A resolution was read approving the Parkside Court Final Plat consisting of Plat: Parkside Court, SE 2nd approximately 4.98 acres located in the vicinity of SE 2nd Ct. and Lyons Ave. Ct&Lyons Ave SE(FP-02- SE(FP-02-062). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY 062) NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3584 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Strander interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Blvd/SW 27th St Connection, Transportation (WSDOT) for funding of preliminary engineering for high WSDOT Grant, CAG-94-054 occupancy vehicle(HOV)lanes on Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. from SR-167 to West Valley Hwy. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4981 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-6-040.C,of Chapter 6, Street and Utility: Sewer Service Utility Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by Connections Outside City revising policies by which the City allows connection to its sanitary sewer Limits, City Code Amend system by property owners outside of the current City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:27 p.m. BONNIE 1. WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann August 5,2002 J I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 2002 COMMITTEEXHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 8/12 Comprehensive Plan Update— (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Downtown, Economic Development and Environment COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 8/12 Vouchers (Parker) 5:00 p.m. PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT (Keolker-Wheeler) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 8/12 Dangerous Dog Code Regulations (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 315 AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 12, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Renton River Days Recap b. Mid Year Financial Report 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 5, 2002. Council concur. b. Community Services Department recommends approval of a change order in the amount of $79,157.74 to CAG-01-201, Downtown Parking Garage construction contract, for Convergint Technologies to install the security system. Refer to Finance Committee. c. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends approval of an ordinance regulating Secure Community Transition Facilities land uses, which are facilities for Level III sex offenders. Refer to Planning_&Development Committee and Planning Commission. d. Utilities Systems Division requests a briefing on the proposed 2003 Utility Systems Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Utilities Systems Division recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the Utility Fee Code (RMC 4-1-180) which will arrange the Code in a more logical format, combine similar language from the three utilities and make the language more readable. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Public Safety Committee: Dangerous Dog Code Regulations* 1�■r 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for first reading: Dangerous Dogs (see 8.b.) (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 31 � 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT k Nod e COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Update—Downtown, Economic Development and Environment memo • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 9:00 P.M.,WED. &FRI. AT 7:00 P.M. AND SAT. & SUN. AT 9:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL August 12, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Non-resident parks usage surcharge and Maplewood Golf Course fees FINANCE COMMITTEE Downtown Parking Garage contract change order for security system installation PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Secure Community Transition Facilities PLANNING COMMISSION Secure Community Transition Facilities UTILITIES COMMITTEE Briefing on 2003 Utilities Systems Division Capital Improvements Projects Utility Fee Code amendments PUBLIC HEARING 8/19/2002—2003 City of Renton Budget RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 12, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER KING PARKER. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J.WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator;VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance and Information Services Administrator;PAUL KUSAKABE,Fiscal Services Director; SYLVIA DOERSCHEL,Finance Analyst Supervisor;JILL MASUNAGA,Finance Analyst;DAWNA TRUMAN,Finance Analyst; SONJA MEJLAENDER, Community Relations Specialist; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY and COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. Added A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of August 10 to PROCLAMATION 17,2002, to be "Farmers Market Week" in the City of Renton, and urging all Farmers Market Week— citizens to recognize the many benefits of local farmers markets. MOVED BY August 10 to 17, 2002 KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Council President Toni Nelson accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Renton Farmers Market, and encouraged everyone to visit the market. SPECIAL Community Relations Specialist Sonja Mejlaender introduced Chuck Tiernan, PRESENTATIONS IKEA Renton River Days Board of Directors Chairman,who presented a report Community Event: Renton on the 2002 City of Renton community festival held during the week of July River Days Recap 23rd through July 28th. He thanked the sponsors and contributors for their support of the festival and acknowledged the assistance and support provided by the City of Renton. Mr. Tiernan also expressed his gratitude to the volunteers, which included 158 committee volunteers (1550 hours) and 507 festival volunteers (4477 hours). Displaying photographs of the festival,he reviewed the festival events and noted the increase in participation in many of the activities. In conclusion,Mr. Tiernan stated that the festival received four awards from the Washington Festival and Events Association, and he announced that volunteer stage announcer Jeff Lukins was the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award. Finance: Mid-Year Financial Victoria Runkle,Finance and Information Services Administrator,presented an Report overview of the 2002 Mid-Year Financial Report which provides a comparison of the 2002 Budget to actual revenues through June 30th. Ms.Runkle reviewed the revenue sources within the General Fund and highlighted the following: property tax and utility tax receipts are as expected, sales tax receipts are approximately$600,000 short of expectations, and fees received from building activity are higher than expected. She also reviewed revenues received from the different types of sales and noted that in every category except auto sales, 31� August 12,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 319 sales receipts were lower than last year, and she stated that the largest area of concern was the decrease in sales tax from telecommunication companies. Continuing,Ms. Runkle reviewed other funds and noted that real estate excise tax collections were better than expected, pointing out that 598 homes have been sold in the first six months of 2002 which is 100 more than in the first six months of 2001. The median home value has increased from$204,000 in June 2001 to$220,000 in June 2002. She also reported that impact fees are higher than anticipated,utility rate revenue is lower than budgeted, and expenditures are under budgeted levels. In addition,Ms. Runkle noted that the Maplewood Golf Course activity has picked up this summer after a rough start this year due to a wet spring. Regarding investment interest,Ms. Runkle expressed her concern that not enough interest is being earned due to the low interest rates. She indicated that the current economic climate, which allows the City to sell its debt at good rates,has another side in that the City is unable to earn enough interest on its own investments. In conclusion,Ms. Runkle stated that the building activity in Renton remains healthy, and some unanticipated revenue is expected from Circue Du Soleil. On the down side,employment is decreasing, sales tax revenue is lower than expected, and the interest earned on investments continues to be low. Ms. Runkle indicated that she expects the City to have a budget surplus this year, but not at the same level the City has experienced in the past. Responding to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding Circue Du Soleil revenue,Ms. Runkle stated that she anticipates revenue in the amount of $375,000. In regards to Ms. Keolker-Wheeler's question concerning the interest rate expected from the City's investment in Certificates of Deposit,Ms.Runkle indicated that the interest rate will range from three to four percent. Responding to Councilmember Clawson's inquiries,Ms. Runkle said that although the City has more money to invest,the interest rates are significantly lower. In response to his question regarding real estate tax collections, she indicated that the City anticipates receiving the same amount in the second half of 2002 as received in the first six months. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler thanked staff for their preparation of the 2002 Mid-Year Capital Improvement Report, which contains information regarding individual projects and the amounts spent to date on each project. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • As part of an ongoing community effort to help the City's residents learn to speak and read English, the Renton Public Library has expanded and upgraded its Learn to Speak English collection. • Olympic Pipeline Company will temporarily shutdown the 20-inch Allen to Renton petroleum pipeline for four days starting August 15th so that the company can conduct routine maintenance on the line. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 1 lth Pl.,Renton, 98056,reported that several years ago Citizen Comment: Evans— a committee, consisting of property owners,the airport manager, and seaplane Seaplane Noise operator representatives, was formed to address concerns regarding seaplane noise and wake action and a compromise was reached; however, he pointed out 32U August 12,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 320 that the problems created by seaplanes have increased this year. He suggested that the increase may stem from 1) the new airport manager not being aware of past problems, and 2)reconstruction of the seaplane dock. Mr.Evans described VA two occasions when seaplanes started their takeoff within 100 yards of the dock, and asked for the City's help in reducing the problems associated with seaplanes. Mayor Tanner recommended reconvening the committee and discussing the issue with the seaplane operators. He stated that the City of Renton has no authority over the matter,explaining that the Coast Guard has authority over navigable water, and the Federal Aviation Administration has jurisdiction in air space. He added that the most Renton can do is to try to improve the situation through volunteer means. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 5, 2002. Council concur. August 5, 2002 CAG: 01-201,Downtown Community Services Department recommended approval of a change order in Parking Garage, Security the amount of$79,157.74 to CAG-01-201,Downtown Parking Garage System Installation construction contract,for Convergint Technologies to install the security system. Refer to Finance Committee. Planning: Secure Community Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Transition Facilities (for Level recommended approval of an ordinance regulating Secure Community III Sex Offenders) Transition Facilities land uses, which are facilities for Level III sex offenders. Refer to Planning&Development Committee and Planning Commission. 3 Utility: 200Z Utility Systems Utilities Systems Division requested a briefing on the proposed 2003 Utility Division Proposed CIP Systems Division Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Utility Fee Code Utilities Systems Division recommended approval of the proposed amendments Amendments to the Utility Fee Code(Renton Municipal Code 4-1-180)which will arrange the Code in a more logical format,combine similar language from the three utilities, and make the language more readable. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Vice Chair Persson presented a report recommending Finance Committee approval of Claim Vouchers 206556-207000 and two wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $2,410,742.04; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 39455 -39776, one wire transfer and 568 direct deposits totaling$1,848,326.99. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Nelson pointed out the presence of excessive weed growth Transportation: Weed Growth on many street medians and asked that City staff investigate the matter. on Street Medians Councilwoman Briere noted weed growth on the median located at the corner of S. 2nd St. and Main Ave. S. Finance: Home Kidney Responding to Council President Nelson's inquiry regarding reduced water Dialysis,Reduced Water Rates rates for home kidney dialysis patients,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported that the City does not have reduced water rates for home dialysis patients but does provide reduced rates for low- August 12,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 321 income persons. Councilman Corman pointed out that patients receiving dialysis at home are registered with the City, and the City makes sure that their water supply is not interrupted. OWN Mr. Zimmerman stated that he would examine the water usage by home dialysis patients to determine how much water is used and how much it costs. Community Services: Councilman Corman reported receipt of an electronic letter from Glenn and Maplewood Golf Course Linda Knowle, 2902 Kennewick Pl. NE,Renton, 98056,requesting that the Green Fees &Non-Resident City offer a discount golf course green fee rate to City residents. Mr. Corman Parks Usage Surcharge stated that the City has discussed this idea in the past, and suggested that instead of charging residents a consistent lower rate,the City offer residents reduced-fee coupons to use at the golf course during off-peak times. Stating that Maplewood Golf Course fees are competitive with other area golf courses,Mayor Tanner pointed out that the golf course is barely breaking even. He indicated that fees should remain the same for Renton residents, and be increased for non-residents. Councilman Clawson praised the Maplewood Golf Course and suggested that the City consider raising the green fees,but within the bounds of remaining competitive with other golf courses. Commenting that Renton parks usage has increased due to the closure of King County parks,Mayor Tanner suggested that Council also consider charging non-Renton residents a surcharge to use Renton parks. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF A NON-RESIDENT PARKS USAGE SURCHARGE AND THE ISSUE OF GOLF COURSE FEES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 43 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 8:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:28 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Parker,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:29 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann August 12,2002 322- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 12, 2002 LM COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 8/19 Budget Policies; (Nelson) 5:30 p.m. Council Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 8/19 211 Call Center Support; (Corman) 4:45 p.m. City Fireworks Display FINANCE MON., 8/19 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Garage Security System PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 8/15 Secure Community Transition Facilities; (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. Review of Items Currently Pending in Committee PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 8/15 Utilities Capital Improvement Projects (Briere) 3:30 p.m. (briefing only); WA City& County Pipeline Safety Consortium Interlocal Agreement Renewal; Utility Fee Code Proposed Revision; Harbour Homes Oversizing Request NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 19, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Referendum 51 —Invited speakers will present pro and con positions on the 2002 General Election ballot issue. Referendum 51 is a statewide ten-year transportation funding plan. b. Cuautla, Jalisco, Mexico Sister City Report c. Police Department Volunteer Recognition 4. PUBLIC HEARING: 2003 City of Renton Annual Budget 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 12, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-118,Traffic Management Center construction project; six bids; engineer's estimate $140,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the second low bidder, Unimark Construction Group, in the amount of $169,669. Refer to Transportation Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity with the low bid. c. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-120, Springbrook Springs Watershed Property Fencing Installation; two bids; engineer's estimate $59,312.32; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,F &H Fence Co., Inc., in the amount of $54,270.80 (budgeted amount$50,000). Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion of funding. d. Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends adoption of a resolution in support of Washington State's Referendum 51 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6347), to be placed on the November 2002 ballot, which is for the funding of statewide transportation projects including an SR-167 Corridor Study, improvements to increase capacity on I-405 in Renton, and completion of HOV lanes on SR-167. Council concur. (See 10. for resolution.) e. Surface Water Utility Division requests authorization to use $27,918.08 from the Misc./Emergency Storm Projects 421 Account for Change Order#1 to CAG-02-096, Sunnydale Downstream Storm System Replacement contract, due to a change in the site condition that requires the repair of an erosional scar. Council concur. f. Utility Systems Division submits proposed amendments to City Code related to aquifer protection which will align the regulations with current aquifer protection priorities. Refer to Utilities Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) g. Utility Systems Division requests authorization to use funds in the amount of$40,000 from the Emergency Response Projects Account to contract for the emergency replacement of the g Maplewood Pump Station roof prior to the start of rainy season. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Andrea &Bill Smith, 3111 Smithers Ave. S., Renton, 98055, describing an incident involving a vicious dog in their neighborhood, and asking Council to adopt a dangerous dog ordinance that protects citizens. Refer to Public Safety Committee. 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 211 Call Center Support; City Fireworks Display b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Downtown Parking Garage Security System c. Utilities Committee: WA City & County Pipeline Safety Consortium Interlocal Agreement Renewal; Utility Fee Code Proposed Revision; Harbour Homes Oversizing Request 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Supporting Referendum 51 (statewide transportation funding plan); see 7.d. 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 5:30 p.m. Budget Policies; Council Policies and Procedures • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS.AT 11:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED. &FRI.AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT.&SUN.AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM 3L CITY COUNCIL August 19, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Bonding for small contracts MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute WA City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium interlocal agreement amendment PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letter from Andrea & Bill Smith, 3111 Smithers Ave. S., Renton, re: dangerous dog ordinance TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Bid award for Traffic Management Center Construction Project UTILITIES COMMITTEE Bid award for Springbrook Springs Watershed Property Fencing Installation Project Aquifer Protection Code amendments RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 19,2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER;TERRI BRIERE;KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; SANDRA MEYER,Transportation Systems Director;NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director; SYLVIA ALLEN,Recreation Director;JULIE BREWER,Community Relations Manager;TERRI VICKERS, Community Program Coordinator;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department. SPECIAL Julie Brewer, Community Relations Manager, introduced the delegates who PRESENTATIONS visited Renton's Sister City, Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico in July, and the Cuautla AJLS: Sister City Visit to Sister City Committee members. Delegate Nancy Hoben reported on the Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico Cuautla visit and described the various activities undertaken during the visit, as well as sites seen. Displaying photographs of the trip, she detailed the delegation's journey to Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara, and then Cuautla where the delegates were warmly welcomed, and accepted and treated like family. Ms. Hoben concluded that all of the delegates returned home with a greater understanding of life in Mexico, and look forward to welcoming the Cuautla delegation in 2003. Ms.Brewer noted that all delegates paid their own trip expenses. Council: Referendum 51 Sandra Meyer,Transportation Systems Director, gave an overview of (Statewide Ten-Year Referendum 51,the statewide ten-year transportation funding plan that will go Transportation Funding Plan) before voters on the November ballot. Stating that Referendum 51 is projected to raise$7.7 billion in new transportation funding, she reviewed the major highway investments project list which includes $1.77 billion for I-405 improvements from Tukwila to Lynnwood. She reviewed the local government funding portion of transportation funding plan which amounts to$446 million, and highlighted the revenue sources for the plan which include increasing the gas tax,authorizing a State sales and use tax on new and used motor vehicles, increasing weight fees, and authorizing gas tax and general obligation bonds. Continuing,Ms. Meyer listed the following guiding principles for implementation of the major projects: address the worst first, build to the vision,keep projects moving,balance the investments, and leave the environment better than it was found. She concluded by describing the proposed I-405 Corridor projects and the impact of the improvements on the City of Renton. Ms. Meyer introduced Kim Henry from Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT), and explained that the City invited both a proponent and an opponent of Referendum 51 to make five-minute presentations of their position before the Council this evening. Peter Hurley from Transportation 32I August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 327 Choices Coalition presented the "con" argument, and King County Councilman Rob McKenna presented the "pro" argument. Councilman Clawson inquired if the I-405 projects proposed by the referendum coordinate with the current I-405/SR-167 grade separation ramp construction project. Mr. Henry stated that unfortunately there is no way to incorporate them with the current project; however, he noted that the through cost benefit analysis, it was determined that the current project will pay for itself in one year and will be in place for five years or longer depending on future 1-405 improvements funding. Mr. Hurley stated that Referendum 51 would move Washington State backwards, and he supplied three reasons why people should vote no. First reason: Referendum 51 is poorly planned and fiscally irresponsible. He equated the proposed transportation funding to a down payment, saying that it will take 96 years and nine future tax increases to complete the proposed mega- projects. Second reason: Referendum 51 contains the wrong priorities and neglects safety and maintenance,particularly related to seismic issues. Continuing with his third reason,Mr. Hurley stated that Referendum 51 is the wrong way to solve traffic problems,explaining that the State cannot build its way out of congestion. Noting that little money has been proposed for transit, he stressed that adding more lanes leads to more traffic, and encourages more driving and more sprawl. In conclusion,Mr.Hurley suggested a positive alternative to Referendum 51 that will: prioritize safety and maintenance as number one, add and expand choices like mass transit, invest in smart roads, and change the WSDOT to focus on moving more people and more freight,not just more vehicles. Councilman McKenna acknowledged that Renton sits at the center of some of the most significant transportation corridors in Central Puget Sound, if not the State of Washington. He reported that the State has consistently underinvested in its transportation system for the last 20 to 30 years, and transportation funding has relied mostly on a gas tax that has not kept up with inflation. Stating that while other areas of the State's infrastructure are maintained such as the supply of electricity, and the supply and treatment of water,he noted that the same has not been achieved with transportation. Continuing,Mr. McKenna stated that Referendum 51 is not the whole answer, but it is a good start. It provides money for some of the most pressing transportation problems in King County such as the I-405 Corridor,particularly the rebuilding of the I-405/SR-167 interchange. The referendum also pays for a number of critical traffic safety improvements, and without an increase in the gas tax,the State will inevitably have to start cutting into its maintenance and operation budget. Councilman McKenna indicated that the referendum will not solve traffic congestion but will put a dent in it. King County citizens especially will see measurable benefits if Referendum 51 is approved, and the referendum includes accountability through quarterly audits which will be reported to taxpayers. He stated that even though this plan provides only a portion of the $34 billion needed for the large transportation projects, it is a good start. He concluded by saying that even if only a portion of the projects are completed, enormous benefits can be achieved. :QLD August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 328 In response to Councilman Clawson's inquiry as to what happens if the money runs out after a project is started, Councilman McKenna used I-405 as an i example,explaining that the improvements to 1-405 is not one large project but rather a series of approximately 130 different projects. Local officials, along with WSDOT, are in the process of identifying which projects within the I-405 corridor can be completed with the proposed funding. In rebuttal,Mr. Hurley stated that although he agrees that some of the I-405 projects would be completed, he pointed out that some I-405 projects entail adding additional lanes which will then have to merge down to the existing I- 405 lanes. The additional lanes will create bottlenecks, and if funds run short, that situation will be exasperated. He stated that the completion of only portions of the I-405 projects will result in even worse traffic over the next ten years. In rebuttal,Mr. McKenna stated that the calculated timesavings from completing Referendum 51-funded projects takes into account just those parts of projects being completed. He explained that the additional lanes will drop off at major intersections, and noted that the State has determined that traffic congestion will be reduced even if only some of the projects are completed. In response to Council inquiry,Mr. McKenna said that if voters also approve the Regional Transportation Plan, the entire set of projects from both plans could be completed within ten to fifteen years. Reporting on the status of the Regional Transportation Plan,he said that the Executive Board is aiming towards a May 2003 election date for a vote on the regional package. In response to Mayor Tanner's question whether there is any level of funding he supports,Mr. Hurley stated that he did support a past legislation package in the amount of$6 billion that proposed funding for various highway projects, safety and maintenance, and a range of transit options. He explained that a package of recommended investments in the$6 to$7 million range will be released in September, and noted that the revenue sources for this alternative package would be similar to Referendum 51 revenue sources. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry,Mr.Hurley stated his support for the addition of two lanes on 1-405,rather than the addition of six lanes which will result in more cars and less transit usage. At the request of Ms. Keolker-Wheeler,Mr. Hurley listed some of the groups that oppose Referendum 51, and he agreed to forward the entire list to the Council. Police: Volunteer Recognition Chief of Police Garry Anderson and Community Program Coordinator Terri Vickers announced that Betty Kirkland was chosen as the Police Department Volunteer of the 2nd Quarter 2002. Chief Anderson praised Ms. Kirkland for her 533 hours of volunteer service in the records division and as an administrative receptionist. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Budget: 2003 Annual City of accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Renton to consider the 2003 Annual City of Renton Budget. Public comment was invited. ' Mary Ellen Stone,PO Box 300,Renton,98057,representing the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, urged Council to increase funding for human services, saying that the need for such services continues to escalate. She L� August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 329 pointed out that the maintenance of a good human services system that grows and responds to people's needs as they change is essential. Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton, 98055,praised Renton for its many assets including the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train. Mr. Johnson expressed his admiration for the landscaping at the train station and suggested that the landscaping at Tonkins Park, located near the station on Williams Ave. S.,could be improved with the addition of a flagpole and the planting of flowers. He also suggested that the City improve the appearance of Houser Way S. by widening the sidewalks,removing dead trees, and planting flowering trees. Karen Zammit,no address given,relayed statistics regarding the annual income needed to sustain a single parent with two children, and noted that 37% of Renton residents earned less than that. She pointed out that due to the poor economy and the cancellation of the King County childcare program,there is a higher demand for human services, especially for assistance with childcare. Ms. Zammit encouraged Renton to make child and youth care a priority and include a statement as such in its Comprehensive Plan. She asked the City to use its budget surplus to fund a pilot subsidy childcare program for families who do not qualify for State subsidies, and recommended coordinating with the cities of Bellevue and Seattle who have childcare programs. If the pilot program is successful,Ms. Zammit asked that the City commit to including the program in its budget. Kim Browne, 1003 N. 28th Pl.,Renton,98056,thanked the City for its support of the Neighborhood Grant Program and encouraged the continued support of low the program. She described how the Kennydale neighborhood has benefited from the funding and praised the neighborhood picnic program. In addition, Ms. Browne described how Kennydale Beach Park, located on Lake Washington Blvd. N., was transformed into a beautiful view area with benches and landscaping, and she invited everyone to attend the park's dedication ceremony on September 6th at 7:30 p.m. Captain Christine Giffey-Brohaugh,The Salvation Army,2230 NE 27th St., Renton, 98055, stated that the demand for food from The Salvation Army food bank has increased 16% since 2001. This translates to an additional 144 families receiving food each month. In order to meet the needs of the hungry at-risk families in Renton, she asked for funding in the amount of$23,300 which will be used to extend the hours of operation,improve the quality of the food baskets, and provide half the salary for an additional staff position. Debra Fullerton,no address given,described circumstances which led up to her being homeless because she could not afford childcare and was not able to get assistance with childcare due to her income level. She stressed the importance and need for childcare funding assistance saying that many parents fall through the cracks, and asked the City to consider instituting a childcare pilot program as suggested by a previous speaker. Kathleen and Darian Mitchell, 2020 Grant Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, asked for the City's help in funding childcare. Ms. Mitchell stated that paying for childcare is especially difficult during the summer months, and fortunately they were able to obtain childcare assistance from the YMCA this summer. She pointed out that even though she and her husband both have full-time jobs, they cannot afford childcare. August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 330 Jennifer Summers,no address given,expressed her support for a childcare assistance program and stated that even though she was employed full-time, she was unable to afford childcare and did not qualify for assistance. An electronic letter was read from Tim&Paige McGrath, 900 N. 34th St., Renton, 98056,requesting the continued funding of the Neighborhood Grant Program, and recommending that the City consider expanding the planned Kennydale Fire Station to include a library branch and police annex. An electronic letter was read from Paige McGrath, 900 N. 34th St.,Renton, 98056, asking Council to consider the following: the allocation of more funds to the library and the sidewalk program, and the continuation of funding to the Neighborhood Grant Program. A letter was read from the City of Renton Library Board requesting the addition of a part-time Library Assistant I position to the Renton Public Library in order to maintain an adequate level of customer service, as the library workload continues to grow and regular staff has not been added since 1970. A letter was read from Richard Brooks,Executive Director of Renton Area Youth&Family Services (RAYS), 1025 S. 3rd St., Suite B,Renton, 98055, asking that Council increase the General Fund funding awarded to RAYS for 2003 in the amount of$57,000 to the level of the 2002 General Fund award in the amount of$60,000. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Ono CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Last weekend at Cedar River Park,Renton hosted a men's Lacrosse tournament with teams participating from Canada and America. • As part of the new Outdoor Adventures programming for special populations,participants in Renton's special needs program enjoyed a day of sea kayaking last week. This program also includes snowshoeing, hiking,caving,and family snow tubing. AUDIENCE COMMENT Eugene Burwell,Renton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Chairman, Citizen Comment: Burwell- 10302 SE 186th St.,Renton, 98055, stated his support for Referendum 51, Referendum 51 (Statewide stressing that if goods and services cannot be efficiently transported,the State's Ten-Year Transportation economy will suffer. He urged the Council to support the referendum. Funding Plan) Citizen Comment: Chase- Sandy Chase, 853 Aberdeen Ave. NE,Renton,98056,expressed her concern Highlands Neighborhood about the safety of children in public recreation facilities such as the Highlands Center Child Safety Neighborhood Center. She described an incident that occurred where a man seemed to show unusual interest in two children while they were at the center. She reported that City staff did talk with the children about the man, and when the children left the center and the man followed them, staff called the police. Ms. Chase questioned why staff did not separate the children from the man. She also questioned why the staff names were crossed out on the police report. August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 331 Mayor Tanner stated that if a child is being harmed, he would assume that anyone that was around would come to the child's aid. City staff cannot interfere if someone is just talking to a child, and calling the police when the man was seen following the children out of the building was the correct course of action. Councilman Corman clarified that the Highlands Neighborhood Center does not provide scheduled classes or childcare, and it is expected that children play there under the supervision of parents. He stated that the center is not set up to provide that level of supervision, and there may be an assumption by the community that it is. Council Corman pointed out that people may mistake the level of supervision at the Highlands Neighborhood Center to be similar to that of a school. In response to Council inquiry,Ms. Chase stated that the children were ages nine and ten. She reiterated her belief that staff should have pulled the children away from a potentially dangerous situation. Police Chief Garry Anderson commented on the crossing out of the staff names on the police report, saying that unless the Police Department is given specific permission to release personal information it is crossed out. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that the Highlands Community Center is not a day care center and people should not expect that type of supervision. Recreation Director Sylvia Allen reported that the center is staffed by only one or two people, and a large number of people of all ages use the center. She confirmed that the facility is set up as a drop-in center,not a day care center. Citizen Comment: Stroben- Ronald Stroben,Renton Chamber of Commerce Chair-Elect,22401 236th Ave. Referendum 51 (Statewide SE,Maple Valley, 98038,expressed his support for Referendum 51, saying that Ten-Year Transportation the Chamber supports the referendum because it addresses public safety, Funding Plan) quality of life due to commute time, the economy, and moving product on the highways. k `t Citizen Comment: Cooke - Suzette Cooke,Renton Chamber of Commerce President/CEO, 300 Rainier Referendum 51 (Statewide Ave. N., Renton,98055, stated her support for Referendum 51, saying that Ten-Year Transportation while not a solution for every problem,the referendum does list the projects Funding Plan) and provides for accountability with quarterly audits. She indicated that traffic q safety concerns will be addressed by the reduction of traffic congestion, and emphasized that a substantial portion of the project funding proposed by t Referendum 51 goes towards public transportation. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 12, 2002. Council concur. August 12, 2002 CAG: 02-118, Traffic City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-118, Traffic Management Center, Unimark Management Center Construction; six bids; engineer's estimate$140,000; and Construction Group submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the second low bidder, Unimark Construction Group, in the amount of$169,669. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee(Aviation)Committee for discussion regarding the irregularity with the low bid. r ti 33 2 August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 332 CAG: 02-120, Springbrook City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-120, Springbrook Springs Watershed Property Springs Watershed Property Fencing Installation; two bids; engineer's estimate Fencing Installation,F&H $59,312.32; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the Fence Co low bidder,F&H Fence Co., Inc., in the amount of$54,270.80(budgeted amount$50,000). Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion of funding. Council: Referendum 51 Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended adoption of a (Statewide Ten-Year resolution in support of Washington State's Referendum 51 (Engrossed Transportation Funding Plan) Substitute Senate Bill 6347), to be placed on the November 2002 ballot, which is for the funding of statewide transportation projects including an SR-167 Corridor Study,improvements to increase capacity of I-405 in Renton, and completion of HOV lanes on SR-167. Council concur. (See page 333 for resolution.) Utility: Sunnydale Surface Water Utility Division requested authorization to use$27,918.08 from Downstream Storm System the Misc./Emergency Storm Projects 421 Account for Change Order#1 to Replacement,Harborside Inc, CAG-02-096, Sunnydale Downstream Storm System Replacement contract,due CAG-02-096 to a change in the site condition that requires the repair of an erosional scar. Council concur. Utility: Aquifer Protection Utility Systems Division submitted proposed amendments to City Code related Code Amendments to aquifer protection which will align the regulations with current aquifer protection priorities. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Maplewood Pump Utility Systems Division requested authorization to use funds in the amount of Station Emergency Roof $40,000 from the Emergency Response Projects Account to contract for the Replacement emergency replacement of the Maplewood Pump Station roof prior to the start of rainy season. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Andrea&Bill Smith, 3111 Smithers Ave. S.,Renton, Citizen Comment: Smith - 98055,describing an incident involving a vicious dog in their neighborhood, Dangerous Dog Ordinance and asking Council to adopt a dangerous dog ordinance that protects citizens. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Downtown Finance Committee Parking Garage security system installation. The Committee concurred with CAG: 01-201,Downtown the staff recommendation to authorize the Administration to execute a Parking Garage, Security construction change order to CAG-01-201,Downtown Parking Garage System Installation construction contract with E. Kent Halvorson,to install a surveillance/security system. The amount of the change order is$79,157.74. The budget for this change order is$75,000; therefore, $4,157.74 will be used from the project's construction contingency reserve,estimated at$418,000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere recommended concurrence in the CAG: 00-098,WA City & recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that County Pipeline Safety Council approve the amendment for the one-year renewal of the Washington Consortium City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium interlocal agreement(CAG-00- 098), and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment. August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 333 The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the funding for the renewal of the agreement from the Water Utility's 2002 budget for 401-fund balance(account number 401.000000.018.5340.0020.41.000116). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Harbour Homes, Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the sanitary Reimbursement for Oversizing sewer oversizing request by Harbour Homes for Parkside Court Plat(PP-01- the Sewer Line at Parkside 012). The Committee recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the Court Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve Harbour Homes'request for oversizing in the amount of$7,296.76, and authorize staff to prepare payment to Harbour Homes in that amount. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Secure Community Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler stated that the Planning Commission will Transition Facilities(for Level discuss the subject of Secure Community Transition Facilities, facilities for III Sex Offenders) Level III sex offenders,on August 21st. She noted that a public hearing will be held on the subject within the next two months; and in the meantime, City staff is gathering information pertaining to this State legislation which requires cities to provide for siting of these facilities. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3585 A resolution was read supporting Washington State's Referendum 51, which is Council: Referendum 51 for the funding of statewide transportation projects. MOVED BY NELSON, (Statewide Ten-Year SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS Transportation Funding Plan) READ. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CANCEL Council: Meeting THE REGULARLY-SCHEDULED COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND Cancellations(8/26/2002, COUNCIL MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 26,2002. CARRIED. COW and Regular Meeting) Transportation: S 2nd St Councilman Persson reported that due to construction, signs are laid face down Sidewalk Sign Hazard on the S. 2nd St. sidewalk, from Williams Ave. S. past Renton High School, causing a hazard to pedestrians. Transportation: Pipeline Road Councilman Persson recommended that an ecology block be installed to prevent Pedestrian Walkway, motorcyclists from using the pedestrian walkway as a shortcut on the City of Motorcyclist Prevention Seattle water pipeline road. Legal: Bonding for Small MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE Contracts ISSUE OF BONDING FOR SMALL CONTRACTS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 26 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:41 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:07 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:08 p.m. � Page 334 August 19,2002 Renton City Council Minutes g e-,� J. BONNIE 1. WALTO , City Clerk � Recorder: Michele Neumann August 19, 2002 3�5 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 19, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 8/26 Cancelled (Nelson) MON., 9/02 No Meeting (Labor Day) MON., 9/09 Emerging Issues in the 6:00 p.m. Planning/Building/Public Works *Council Department Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 9/09 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. Bonding for Small Contracts r PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 9/05 Secure Community Transition Facilities; (Keolker-Wheeler) 1:45 p.m. Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 9/09 Dangerous Dog Code Regulations (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 9/05 Traffic Management Center Bid Award; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Marked Handicapped Parking Stalls in Downtown Renton UTILITIES THURS., 9/05 Aquifer Protection Code Amendments; (Briere) 3:00 p.m. Springbrook Springs Watershed Fencing Installation Bid Award NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 3s� AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 9, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: Day of Concern for the Hungry—September 28, 2002 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 19, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner reappoints Cynthia Burns, 2007 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, and Michael G. O'Donin, 423 Pelly Ave. N., Renton, 98055, each to the Park Board for a four-year term expiring 10/01/2006. Council concur. c. Mayor Tanner appoints Jerrilynn Hadley, 1425 Lincoln Ave. NE, Renton 98056, to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Beverly Franklin, who has resigned (term to expire 1/31/2004). Refer to Community Services Committee. d. City Clerk reports appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision approving the St. Anthony's Catholic Church renovation and addition Conditional Use Permit at 314 S. 4th St. (CU-02-054); appeal filed by Wade D. Cross on 8/20/2002, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. Consideration of the appeal by Council shall be based solely on the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal, and additional written submissions by parties allowed by Code (RMC 4-8-110F.2). e. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-119, Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Play Area Improvements; six bids; engineer's estimate $144,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Clements Brothers, Inc., in the amount of$102,860.61. Council concur. f. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-129, Oakesdale Ave. SW.Phase 1 Wetland Reconstruction and Planting; six bids; engineer's estimate $240,468.50; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Ohno Construction, in the amount of$171,699.67. Council concur. g. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-133, Monster Rd. SW & 68th Ave. S. Guardrail Installation; two bids; engineer's estimate $49,978.75; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Petersen Brothers, in the amount of $42,349.38. Council concur. h. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/03/2002 for CAG-02-151, Higate Lift Station Elimination; four bids; engineer's estimate $325,822.27; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Westwater Construction Company, in the amount of$342,022.59. Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 33� i. City Clerk reports bid opening on 9/04/2002 for CAG-02-148, Highlands Park Irrigation; five bids, engineer's estimate $65,000; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Mr. Irrigation, in the amount of$58,580.80. Council concur. j. Court Case filed in King County Small Claims Court by Intraspect Group, 12819 SE 38th St., Suite 65, Bellevue, 98006, alleging that the City of Renton owes for garbage service charges in the amount of$1,644,80. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. k. Court Case filed in Snohomish Superior Court by Keith A. Kemper of Ellis, Li &McKinstry, PLLC, 601 Union St., Suite 4900, Seattle, 98101, on behalf of Robert Pope, alleging damages in i an unspecified amount due to incidences stemming from the plaintiff being charged with child molestation in 1998. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. 1. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Edens Garden Final Plat; 20 single-family lots on 3.41 acres located at Dayton Ave. NE and NE 20th St. (FP- 02-063). Council concur. (See 9.a. for resolution.) in. Development Services Division recommends approval, with conditions, of the Sienna Final Plat; 62 single-family lots on 16.13 acres located in the vicinity of Jericho Ave. NE and NE 2nd St. (FP-02-051). Council concur. (See 9.b. for resolution.) n. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval of the establishment of salary grades for the following positions: Crime Analyst, grade pn61; Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, grade pn60; and CDBG Specialist, grade a18. Refer to Finance Committee. o. Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommends approval to reorganize and 4 adjust the salaries for the following job classifications within the Community Services Department: Facilities Director, grade m37 to m38, $616; Parks Director, m37 to m38, $616; Recreation Director, m37 to m38, $616; Library Director, m37 to m38, $616; and Human Services Manager, m26 to m28, $962.50. Refer to Finance Committee. p. Human Resources &Risk Management Department requests approval to increase the salary of the Municipal Court Judge position and place the position at salary grade e10. Funds for the salary adjustment in the amount of$1,424.50 for 2002 are available in the current budget. Refer to Finance Committee. q. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-179, Airport Building Demolition; and requests approval of the project, and release of retained amount of$4,687 to Wyndham Design, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained commencement of 60-day lien period. Council concur. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Dennis &Mer Lyn Fife, 912 Redmond Ave. NE, Renton, 98056; Wayne &Lillian Gores, 3735 NE 10th Lane, Renton, 98056; and Harold Buoy, 872 Redmond Ave. NE, Renton, 98056; who own property bordering the NE 9th St. entrance to Kiwanis Park and complain of illegal parking of vehicles and property damage, and request that the City's Police and Parks Department continue to diligently monitor the area. 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*)may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Bonding for Small contracts b. Planning &Development Committee: Secure Community Transition Facilities; Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code c. Public Safety Committee: Dangerous Dog Code Regulations* d. Transportation Committee: Traffic Management Center Bid Award e. Utilities Committee: Springbrook Springs Watershed Fencing Installation Bid Award 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolutions: a. Edens Garden Final Plat (see 6.1.) b. Sienna Final Plat (see 6.m.) Ordinance for first reading: Dangerous Dog Regulations (see 8.c.) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 6:00 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • r CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. ATI1:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED. &FRI. AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT.&SUN. AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM r I CITY COUNCIL September 9, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals CITY ATTORNEY &INSURANCE SERVICES Court Case filed on behalf of Robert Pope Court Case filed by Introspect Group COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Jerrilynn Hadley, 1425 Lincoln Ave. NE, Renton, to the Planning Commission FINANCE COMMITTEE Salary grade establishment for Crime Analyst, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate & CDBG Specialist Community Services Department positions reclassifications Municipal Court Judge position reclassification PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Appeal by Wade Cross of Hearing Examiner's decision re: St. Anthony's Church Conditional Use Permit Letter from Nancy Bainbridge Rogers re: appeal of St. Anthony's Church Conditional Use Permit Countywide planning policies on urban separators PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Letter from the American Kennel Club re: dangerous dog regulations ordinance PUBLIC HEARINGS 9/16/2002—Secure Community Transition Facilities 9/23/2002—Residential Multi-Family Urban (RM-U) zone density bonus RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 9, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE;KING PARKER;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator;JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; ACTING COMMANDER TIM TROXEL, Police Department. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of September 28, Day of Concern for the 2002, to be "Day of Concern for the Hungry" in the City of Renton, and urging Hungry—September 28, 2002 all citizens to join with the Emergency Feeding Program to feed those who are hungry. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Catherine Hillard accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Emergency Feeding Program and thanked the City for its continued support. Citizen Comment: Nelson— A letter was read from Council President Nelson addressed to the Mayor and Day of Concern for the Councilmembers stating that the Mayor's Day of Concern will help the Hungry, September 28, 2002 Emergency Feeding Program and the Renton Salvation Army Food Bank, the two primary providers of food for the hungry in Renton. Ms. Nelson encouraged the Mayor and Councilmembers to volunteer their time on September 28th to assist with the food drive, or to make a donation. Added A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of September 11, A Day of Remembrance— 2002,to be "A Day of Remembrance" in the City of Renton, which is a day to September 11, 2002 mourn, reflect, and rededicate ourselves to ending terrorism in commemoration of the anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Citizens are urged to honor the memory of all those who died,by being of service to one another and by building the "stronger, more perfect union" envisioned by our founding fathers. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Community Services: Renton Mayor Tanner introduced Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth L. Miller,Renton Composite Squadron Civil Air Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol Commanding Officer who presented the Patrol National Competition Mayor and Council with a Certificate of Appreciation for their support of the Renton Squadron's trip to the Air Force Academy for a national competition. Displaying the trophy awarded to the Renton Squadron,he reported that they placed second nationally in the color guard competition. ADMINISTRATIVE Derek Todd,Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer,reviewed a written REPORT administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 341 • Sound Transit and the City of Renton have negotiated and signed an agreement under which the City will provide an easement on a small strip of vacant land to Sound Transit for$30,000. The settlement agreement includes commitments by Sound Transit to work with Renton toward completing transit-related projects in the Renton area,including the N. 8th St. Direct Access Ramp and HOV improvements to key arterial corridors such as Rainier Ave. and the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. corridor. As a show of good faith toward approving the settlement agreement, the City gave Sound Transit immediate access to the land, enabling crews to begin working on improvements immediately. Approval of the agreement formally ends Sound Transit's condemnation action against the City. • The Fall Recreation Guide entitled What's Happening is now available at the Community Center and Renton Libraries. • Growers representing the Yakima Valley and other Central Washington farming areas will bring their fresh fruit and vegetables to Renton for a harvest sale on Saturdays through September 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Piazza,Renton's downtown park. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, thanked Citizen Comment: DeMastus— Councilmembers for attending the Highlands Community Association Highlands Community neighborhood picnic, and reported that the neighborhood signs will soon be Association,Duwamish Tribe erected. On another subject,Ms. DeMastus reported that she attended the Support 150th anniversary of Chief Seattle's landing in Seattle with the Duwamish Tribe. She noted that the Duwamish Tribe is raising funds for a longhouse and cultural center, and asked the City to contribute towards this effort. lu CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilmembers, items 6.h., 6.i., 6.j., 6.o., and 6.p. were removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of August 19, 2002. Council concur. August 19,2002 Appointment: Park Board Mayor Tanner reappointed Cynthia Burns, 2007 NE 12th St.,Renton, 98056, and Michael G. O'Donin,423 Pelly Ave. N.,Renton, 98055, each to the Park Board for a four-year term expiring 10/01/2006. Council concur. Appointment: Planning Mayor Tanner appointed Jerrilynn Hadley, 1425 Lincoln Ave. NE,Renton, Commission 98056, to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Beverly Franklin, who has resigned(term to expire 1/31/2004). Refer to Community Services Committee. Appeal: St. Anthony Catholic City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision approving the St. Church Conditional Use Anthony's Catholic Church renovation and addition Conditional Use Permit at Permit,Wade Cross (CU-02- 314 S.4th St. (CU-02-054); appeal filed by Wade D. Cross on 8/20/2002, 054) accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. (See page 343 for related correspondence.) CAG: 02-119, Gene Coulon City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/13/2002 for CAG-02-119, Gene Coulon Park Play Area Improvements, Memorial Beach Park Play Area Improvements; six bids; engineer's estimate Clements Brothers $144,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low rl bidder, Clements Brothers,Inc., in the amount of$102,860.61. Council concur. 3HZ September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 342 CAG: 02-129, Oakesdale Ave City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-129, Oakesdale Ave. SW Ph 1 Wetland SW Phase 1 Wetland Reconstruction and Planting; six bids;engineer's estimate Reconstruction, Ohno Const $240,468.50; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Ohno Construction, in the amount of$171,699.67. Council concur. CAG: 02-133,Monster Rd City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-133, Monster Rd. SW/68th Ave S Guardrail SW&68th Ave. S. Guardrail Installation; two bids; engineer's estimate Installation,Petersen Brothers $49,978.75; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Petersen Brothers, in the amount of$42,349.38. Council concur. Court Case: Robert Pope, Court Case(Summons and Complaint for Damages)filed in Snohomish CRT-02-010 Superior Court by Keith A. Kemper of Ellis,Li &McKinstry,PLLC, 601 Union St., Suite 4900, Seattle, 98101, on behalf of Robert Pope, alleging damages in an unspecified amount due to incidences stemming from the plaintiff being charged with child molestation in 1998. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Plat: Edens Garden,Dayton Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Ave NE(FP-02-063) Edens Garden Final Plat; 20 single-family lots on 3.41 acres located at Dayton Ave. NE and NE 20th St. (FP-02-063). Council concur. (See page 346 for resolution.) Plat: Sienna,Jericho Ave NE Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the (FP-02-051) Sienna Final Plat; 62 single-family lots on 16.13 acres located in the vicinity of Jericho Ave. NE and NE 2nd St. (FP-02-051). Council concur. (See page 346 for resolution.) Human Resources: Grade Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommended approval of Establishment, Crime Analyst, the establishment of salary grades for the following positions: Crime Analyst, Domestic Violence Victim grade pn61;Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, grade pn60; and CDBG Advocate, CDBG Specialist Specialist,grade a18. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 01-179, Airport Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-179,Airport Building Building Demolition, Demolition; and requested approval of the project,release of retained amount Wyndham Design of$4,687 to Wyndham Design,Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained and commencement of 60-day lien period. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 6.h., 6.i., 6.j., 6.0., AND 6.p. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/03/2002 for CAG-02-151,Higate Lift Item 61. Station Elimination; four bids; engineer's estimate $325,822.27; and submitted CAG: 02-151,Higate Lift staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Westwater Station Elimination, Construction Company, in the amount of$342,022.59.* Westwater Const Co Responding to Councilman Clawson's request for more information about the project,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the Higate Lift Station will be eliminated by constructing 1500 linear feet of eight-inch sanitary sewer main at NE 20th St. and Jones Ave.NE. He reported that the lift station is aging, and the City tries to retire or replace aging lift stations to cut down on the needed maintenance. Mr. Zimmerman added that the installed sewer will be available to portions of the City that may not have ready access to the sewer. Mayor Tanner noted that the lift station is used to lift the sewage to a certain level, and installation of the pipeline eliminates the need to lift the sewage. 343 September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 343 Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/04/2002 for CAG-02-148,Highlands Park Item 6.i. Irrigation; five bids; engineer's estimate$65,000; and submitted staff CAG: 02-148,Highlands Park recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Mr. Irrigation, in the Irrigation,Mr Irrigation amount of$58,580.80.* In response to Councilman Clawson's request for more information about the project, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd explained that the purpose of the project is to replace an old irrigation system at Highlands Park located at 800 Edmonds Ave. NE. Separate Consideration Court Case filed in King County Small Claims Court by Intraspect Group, Item 6._i. 12819 SE 38th St., Suite 65,Bellevue, 98006, alleging that the City of Renton Court Case: Intraspect Group, owes for garbage service charges in the amount of$1,644.80.* CRT-02-009 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler commented that the City needs to move quickly on this item because of the proposed closure of the Renton District Court. Separate Consideration Human Resources &Risk Management Department recommended approval to Items 6.o. & 6.p. reorganize and adjust the salaries for the following job classifications within Human Resources: the Community Services Department: Facilities Director, grade m37 to m38, Community Services Dept $616; Parks Director,m37 to m38, $616; Recreation Director, m37 to m38, Positions Reclassifications $616;Library Director,m37 to m38, $616; and Human Services Manager,m26 to m28, $962.50.* Human Resources: Municipal Human Resources &Risk Management Department requested approval to Court Judge Position increase the salary of the Municipal Court Judge position and place the position Reclassification to Grade e10 at salary grade e10. Funds for the salary adjustment in the amount of$1,424.50 for 2002 are available in the current budget.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the agenda bills were missing some attachments. Noting that the items are being referred to the Finance Committee,Mr. Tanner stated that staff would provide the attachments to Council. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6.h. AND 6.i.,REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.j. TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE SERVICES,AND REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6.o. AND 6.p. TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Dennis &Mer Lyn Fife, 912 Redmond Ave. NE, Citizen Comment: Various— Renton, 98056;Wayne&Lillian Gores, 3735 NE 10th Lane,Renton,98056; Kiwanis Park NE 9th St and Harold Buoy, 872 Redmond Ave. NE,Renton, 98056; who own property Entrance,Park Patron bordering the NE 9th St. entrance to Kiwanis Park and complain of illegal Problems parking of vehicles and property damage. The property owners request that the City's Police and Parks Departments continue to monitor and maintain the area, including trimming the bushes and shrubbery which could provide cover for assailants. Added A letter was read from Nancy Bainbridge Rogers, attorney with Caimcross & Citizen Comment: Rogers -St. Hempelmann,P.S., 524 2nd Ave., Suite 500, Seattle, 98104,regarding the Anthony Catholic Church Conditional Use Permit for the St. Anthony Parish renovation and addition, Conditional Use Permit asking that Council affirm the Hearing Examiner's decision approving the Appeal,Wade Cross (CU-02- project and deny Mr. Cross's appeal. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, 054) SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 344 In response to Mayor Tanner's inquiry,Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes explained that the letter is a brief in response to the appeal and not additional — evidence. OLD BUSINESS Council President Nelson announced that the Farmers Market has concluded for Community Services: Farmers the year, and she thanked citizens for attending and the vendors for Market participating. She also expressed her appreciation for the Council's support of the market and the assistance of City staff, saying that the market was very successful. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler praised Ms. Nelson for all of her work on the Farmers Market. Legal: Dangerous Dog Councilman Clawson stated that the committee report and related ordinance Regulations concerning the dangerous dog regulations.will be presented at the next Council meeting. Citizen Comment: Pier Councilman Corman reported receipt of a letter from Stephanie Pier of The (American Kennel Club)— American Kennel Club, 5580 Centerview Dr.,Raleigh,NC, 27606,regarding Dangerous Dog Regulations the proposed dangerous dog regulations ordinance, and requesting that the ordinance refrain from singling out specific breeds of dogs. Councilwoman Briere stated that the proposed ordinance is not breed specific. Councilman Clawson pointed out that Renton already has a dangerous dog . ordinance in place, and explained that the purpose of the proposed ordinance is to comply with a recent change in State law concerning the definition and procedures related to dangerous dogs. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB LETTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the density bonus in the Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM- Planning: Residential Multi- U)zone,north of S. 2nd St. The Committee reviewed the issue paper entitled Family Urban Zone,Density Density Bonuses in the RM-U Zone and the proposed amendments to Title IV Bonus (Development Regulations). The proposal allows a density bonus of up to 25 additional dwelling units per acre within the RM-U zone north of S. 2nd St. dependent upon compliance with certain additional design guidelines currently existing within City Code, RMC 4-3-100, as optional guidelines. The Committee recommended referring this issue to the City Attorney's office for preparation of an ordinance and setting of a public hearing on the draft ordinance for September 23,2002. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Development Committee 2002 report regarding the Planning&Development Committee 2002 referral list. Referral List The Committee met on August 15,2002,to review and take action on items pending in Committee. 1. Item#920: "Periodic review of residential policies and implementation" is changed to "Periodic review of land use policies and implementation issues" and retained as an ongoing item in Committee. 2. Item#1278: "Conditional use permits for churches and day care centers" is referred to the annual Title IV docket. `� 545 September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 345 3. Item#1282 "South Renton Neighborhood Sub-Area Plan" was adopted by the City Council, so it is removed from the active project list. too 4. Item#1486 "Growth Management Act—King County 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments" was completed with a letter to King County Office of Policy Planning outlining City concerns with a number of the proposed amendments. 5. Item#1632 "Animal Keeping Standards" is referred to the annual Title IV docket. 6. Item#1644 "Title IV Development Regulation Revision Process" was completed with the adoption of Ordinance 4975 and is removed from the referral list. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Secure Community MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL Transition Facilities (for Level SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2002,TO CONSIDER III Sex Offenders) SECURE COMMUNITY TRANSITION FACILITIES. CARRIED. Court Case: Sound Transit, Councilman Parker congratulated City staff for their efforts in reaching a CRT-02-008 settlement with Sound Transit regarding its request for an easement from the City of Renton. (See page 341,Administrative Report, for additional information regarding this matter.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 207001 -207499 and three wire transfers totaling $2,295,216.20; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 39777 -40104, one wire transfer and 567 direct deposits totaling$1,793,369.72. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 207500-207839 and one wire transfer totaling$2,938,347.32; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 40105 -40394, one wire transfer and 565 direct deposits totaling$1,742,688.35. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Vice Chair Corman presented a report Committee regarding the bid results for the Traffic Management Center project. The CAG: 02-118, Traffic Committee was briefed on the Traffic Management Center bid on September 5, Management Center 2002. After careful consideration, the Committee concurred in the recommendation of staff to take no action on the results of the original bidding of the project. Per the recommendation of the City Attorney, the project is being re-bid and the results of the second bidding will be placed on the Council Consent Agenda. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS q September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 346 Resolution#3586 A resolution was read approving the Edens Garden Final Plat consisting of Plat: Edens Garden,Dayton approximately 3.41 acres located in the vicinity of Dayton Ave. NE and NE Ave NE(FP-02-063) 20th St. (FP-02-063). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3587 A resolution was read approving the Sienna Final Plat consisting of Plat: Sienna,Jericho Ave NE approximately 16.13 acres located in the vicinity of NE 2nd St. and Jericho (FP-02-051) Ave. NE(FP-02-051). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL Planning: Countywide REFER COUNTYWIDE PLANNING POLICIES ON URBAN SEPARATORS Planning Policies re Urban TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Separators Development Services: A- Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested investigation of the A-frame signs Frame Sign Code Violation, displayed by the Metropolitan Place Apartments, located in downtown Renton, Metropolitan Place Apts for potential Sign Code violations. Human Services: State Dept of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported receipt of a letter from the State Social&Health Services Department of Social and Health Services,N17-18,400 Mercer St., Ste. 600, Closure of Renton Community Seattle, 98109, announcing the closure of the Renton Community Services Services Office,Post Office Office(CSO)in 2003, and transfer of the 98178 zip code service area back to Closure the Rainier CSO. The letter prompted her to inquiry if the post office located in downtown Renton will be closing. Stating that he has not been notified of any post office closures,Mayor Tanner pointed out that the Federal government is required to notify him of any plans to close postal service facilities. King County: Renton District Expressing her concerns regarding the proposed closure of King County's Court Closure Federal Way and Renton district courts and the impact of the closures on Renton citizens, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler questioned what King County's plans are for the Renton District Court building located on NE 2nd St. She also noted that the Renton District Court provides passport services, and she requested that the City of Renton consider providing that service,pointing out that it may produce revenue for the City. Mayor Tanner stated that he would investigate the matter but doubted that the City would receive much revenue from offering passport services. Regarding another potential revenue opportunity for the City,Mayor Tanner reported that staff is pursuing an agreement with the Washington State Patrol for the filing of their tickets with the Renton Municipal Court, as they currently file their tickets with the Renton District Court. Stating that King County district courts are backed up, deadlines are not being met, and court clerks are being laid off, Councilman Clawson stressed the critical nature of the situation. Mayor Tanner advised that a letter could be written to the King County Council expressing the City's concerns regarding the closures. Agreeing that the impact of the King County district court closures on citizens a . is significant, Councilman Parker suggested that the Administration write a letter after careful review of the matter. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler commented that King County needs to examine the entire court system,rather than trying to address their revenue problems by cutting costs piece by piece, and she recommended bringing that point to King County's attention. � 11LL s September 9,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 347 Councilman Corman stated his support for sending a letter to the King County Council after the Administration does more research, and pointed out that the more difficult it is to set a court date,the more plea-bargaining that occurs, and citizens are not in favor of that. Annexation: Unincorporated Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that the Association of Washington Islands Cities (AWC) is part of a coalition studying annexation reform efforts and is seeking information from cities regarding unincorporated islands (land totally surrounded by,but not part of the City). Noting that an unincorporated island exists in the Renton Highlands, she requested that staff share that information with AWC and keep track of their evaluation of the issue. Finance: Master Licensing Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that the City evaluate the Master Service(for Businesses),WA Licensing Service, a Washington Department of Licensing service which Dept of Licensing enables businesses to comply with both State and City licensing requirements in a single step. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 17 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present except for Clawson excused at the beginning of Executive Session due to a conflict, and Persson previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:03 p.m. BONNIE I.WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann September 9, 2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 9, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/16 Comprehensive Plan Update (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 9/16 211 Call Center; (Corman) 5:30 p.m. Jerrilynn Hadley Appointment to Planning Commission FINANCE MON., 9/16 Community Services Department (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Reorganization; Municipal Court Judge Salary Adjustment; Establishment of Salary Grade for: Crime Analyst, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate & CDBG Specialist Positions PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 9/12 Secure Community Transition Facilities; (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. 2002 Countywide Planning Policies PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES (Briere) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 341. AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL +� REGULAR MEETING September 16, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: Race Equality Week—September 23 to 27, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Recreation Division Summer Program Report 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Secure Community Transition Facilities (for Level III sex offenders) 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 9, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-115, Renton Airport Security Gate Replacement; three bids; engineer's estimate$167,383.90; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to second low bidder, C.A. Carey Corporation (the low bidder withdrew their bid), in the amount of$346,941.44. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee for discussion of funding. c. City Clerk recommends approval of an agreement with CRE8, Inc. in the amount of$60,000 to conduct a Citywide records inventory, develop records retention schedules, and assist with City records policy. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of a change order in the amount of $185,879.52 to CAG-01-201, Downtown Parking Garage construction contract, for Secom International to install parking equipment. Refer to Finance Committee. e. Community Services.Department recommends approval of an agreement with Northwest Architectural Company in the amount of$396,326 to design the Renton Aquatic Center. Refer to Finance Committee. f. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends reducing the number of Planning Commission members from nine to seven and updating City Code to reflect the current department organization. Refer to Planning Commission_ and Planning &Development Committee. g. Hearing Examiner recommends approval, with conditions, of the Parkview Homes Preliminary Plat; ten single-family lots on 1.77 acres located at the northeast corner of NE 24th St. and Camas Ave. NE (PP-02-061). Council concur. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 350 h. Legal Division recommends adoption of an ordinance relating to harbor regulations in order to comply with Washington State statutes. Refer to Public Safety Committee. i. Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of an agreement with King County Department of Transportation to provide Commute Trip Reduction services to 27 affected employers in the City of Renton for 2002-2003. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. 9. CORRESPONDENCE 10. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk(*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services Committee: 211 Call Center; Jerrilynn Hadley Appointment to Planning Commission b. Finance Committee: Community Services Department Reorganization; Municipal Court Judge Salary Adjustment; Salary Grade Establishment for Crime Analyst, Domestic Violence Victim Advocate &CDBG Specialist Positions c. Planning &Development Committee: 2002 Countywide Planning Policies d. Public Safety Committee: Dangerous Dog Code Regulations* e. Utilities Committee: Springbrook Springs Watershed Fencing Installation Bid Award 11. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance for first reading: Dangerous Dog Regulations (see 10.d.) 12. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 13. AUDIENCE COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Update woo • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES.&THURS.AT 11:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED.&FRI.AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT.&SUN. AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM CITY COUNCIL September 16, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Contract with CRE8, Inc. to conduct Citywide records inventory Downtown Parking Garage contract change order for parking equipment installation Contract with Northwest Architectural Company to design Renton Aquatic Center PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Planning Commission member reduction and City Code update re: EDNSP department organization PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission member reduction from nine to seven PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Harbor regulations ordinance Fines and penalties for civil infractions TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Renton Airport Security Gate Replacement project bid award Contract with King County for 2002-2003 Commute Trip Reduction services E 9 .1 9 i 9 ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Dangerous dog regulations (1st reading 9/16/2002) PUBLIC HEARING 9/23/2002—Residential Multi-Family Urban (RM-U)zone density bonus 362 RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting September 16_2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON; RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Director;REBECCA LIND,Planner Manager;MIKE WEBBY, Human Resources Administrator; JUDGE TERRY JURADO, Municipal Court; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY and COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,Police Department. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of September 23 Race Equality Week— to 27, 2002,to be 'Race Equality Week" in the City of Renton, and September 23 to 27, 2002 encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring racial equality and justice in the City. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Added A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of October 31, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2002, to be "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Day" in the City of Renton, and Day—October 31, 2002 encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Secure Community accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Transition Facilities(for Level to consider the regulation of Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF) III Sex Offenders) land uses which are facilities for Level III sex offenders. Rebecca Lind,Planner Manager,described the facilities as small secure residential treatment facilities of three to twelve beds for on-site treatment and transition of sex offenders to community-based housing. The facilities allow visitation and escorts are required for residents when they leave the facility. She stated that the facilities will house the highest level of sex offenders,Level III, who are currently incarcerated on McNeil Island. The offenders have completed their required sentences and have been deemed "likely to re-offend." Ms. Lind explained that because of a federal court ruling, the State is required Via to create a "less restrictive living alternative" for offenders that have served their sentences but still require treatment before they can be released. In response to the ruling,the State adopted legislation requiring the siting of SCTF in local communities, and King County must accept its fait share of offenders which is projected by the State Department of Social and Health Services I 353 September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 353 i (DSHS)to be five to fifteen. The State requires that counties and cities adopt zoning regulations and establish siting and operational criteria by October 1, 2002, and jurisdictions that fail to enact zoning face preemption by the State for the siting of the facilities. Continuing,Ms. Lind explained that preemption means the State may select a site and build the SCTF regardless of local codes and regulations; however,the 1 sites must meet legislative criteria, and there are a number of potential sites throughout Renton. She stated that the City can choose either preemption or the adoption of zoning regulations,both of which result in the potential siting of the SCTF. Ms.Lind reviewed the State preemption process and siting ry requirements, noting that sites cannot be located adjacent to or within the "line of sight" of"risk potential activities" such as existing schools and recreation centers. Ms. Lind explained that if the City adopts zoning to control the site location, the City would apply the State criteria to limited locations within the City. She stated that the zoning regulations that staff proposes would allow the facilities in the IM(Medium Industrial)and IH(Heavy Industrial)zones in the Employment Area Valley land use designation south of 1-405, and would establish Conditional Use Permit review criteria. She noted that the review x criteria would address the siting of the facility and not whether the facility would be sited. In addition, staff is proposing that the facility be limited to six beds, and not be within 330 feet of residential zones or within one mile of existing similar facilities. Continuing, Ms. Lind reviewed the reasons why staff is proposing a six-bed facility, and stated that that DSHS has reviewed the City's proposal and recommends reconsideration of the six bed limit so that there is an option to expand to twelve beds. Stating that the proposed regulations allow for six beds, and an expansion would be considered a new application, she noted that DSHS considers that restrictive and not in compliance with State legislation. Ms.Lind stated that it is unclear if specifying the six-bed limit would trigger the State to preempt the City's zoning regulations in their entirety. Ms. Lind concluded by saying staff recommends that the City enact the zoning regulations. Reviewing the next steps in the process,Ms. Lind indicated that the matter will be discussed by the Planning &Development Committee on September 19th, and the Cominittee will recommend action to Council at the September 23rd Council meeting. Public comment was invited. Allen Ziegler,DSHS Special Commitment Center Community Programs Manager,PO Box 45322, Olympia, 98504, expressed his concern regarding the maximum number of resident beds allowed in the zoning regulations proposed by the City. Stating that although DSHS currently does not know how many beds would be built at any one SCTF location,he indicated that an option proposed to the Governor by DSHS is to site a twelve-bed facility designed as two six-bed buildings on one site, with the construction of the second six-bed building when needed. Mr. Ziegler stated that DSHS has no objections if the City's intent is to allow a six-bed facility with the possibility of expansion to twelve beds; however, DSHS has objections if the intent is to limit the size of the facility to no more than six beds. He also stated that DSHS has no objections to the proposed September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 354 regulations pertaining to the separation of sites from residential zones and the one-mile separation from other similar facilities. Mr. Ziegler concluded by thanking Council and City staff for their work on this matter. Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton, 98055,commented that it is strange that the State may site a twelve-bed facility in Renton, since Renton has only a small portion of the total population of King County. He agreed with the City's proposal to site the facility in an industrial zone, away from residential areas. Mayor Tanner pointed out that Renton is not volunteering to site the facility, but is proposing zoning regulations to prevent preemption by the State. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that facilities will be sited all over the State, and emphasized that at this time, the State is not proposing a facility in Renton. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. For the record, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked what the process is if the State should decide to challenge or preempt a portion of the City's zoning regulations if the facility is sited in Renton. Stating that DSHS is still working its way through this process which continues to evolve, Mr. Ziegler emphasized that preemption is not a course DSHS wants to take and would rather work with the jurisdiction. Mr. Ziegler expressed his doubt that DSHS would preempt the zoning regulations in their entirety rather than just those portions DSHS disagrees with. Responding to Mayor Tanner's inquiry regarding whether preemption is a judicial process,Mr. Ziegler said that the State does have the authority for preemption and does not need to go through the courts. In response to Council inquiry,Mr. Ziegler stated that DSHS would take into consideration the number of offenders already confined in a local jurisdiction. Regarding the security of the facilities,he described the measures that will be taken which include: staff training; a mostly one-to-one, staff-to-resident ratio; an escort whenever the resident is out in the community; and the use of monitoring devices. Councilman Parker commented that this matter has been studied in depth by the Planning &Development Committee, and pointed out that the federal government is requiring states to site these facilities and in turn,the State is requiring local jurisdictions to do the same. By enacting zoning regulations, Mr. Parker indicated that the City is accommodating the requirements while still maintaining some control in the matter. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed her concerns regarding the Conditional Use Permit process, and the Council's role as an appellate body if the State's authority prevails. She encouraged citizens to submit comments on this topic prior to the Planning&Development Committee meeting on September 19th, and expressed her appreciation to State Senator Jim Horn for attending the Council meeting, and to City staff, the Planning Commission, and DSHS representatives for their work on this matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington, reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work a i September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 355 programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: � In order to better understand citizen perception of and satisfaction with City services,the City of Renton recently hired Elway Research, a professional survey research firm,to conduct a public opinion telephone survey of 400 randomly selected Renton households. Results of the survey will allow the City to assess the gap between the importance citizens attach to a service and their evaluation of the City's performance in that area, and the importance and priority of spending tax dollars on specific services. The Men's Fall Flag Football League, sponsored by the Recreation Division,began Thursday, September 12th at Cedar River Park. Over 85 men are participating this year. Transportation: I-405 Corridor Councilman Corman thanked State Senator Jim Horn for his role on the 1-405 Program, State Senator Jim Executive Committee, and praised his contributions in the selection of the Horn transportation projects listed on Referendum 51 (the statewide transportation funding plan)that will go before voters on the November ballot. AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,Apt. 221,Renton,98055, detailed Citizen Comment: Johnson— the City's need for more flowers, and flowering and colorful trees. He Renton Beautification Using displayed photos of communities in the eastern part of the United States Landscaping depicting this type of landscaping, and photos of areas in Renton, such as Williams and Wells Avenues S., which lack trees along the sidewalks. Mr. Johnson indicated that planting flowers and trees along streets and in the parks would add beauty and attract more people to the City. Councilman Corman expressed his appreciation for Mr. Johnson's ideas, and commented that the City has been aggressive in this area and has installed hanging flower baskets. He also pointed out that the City's Neighborhood Grant Program has funds available for beautification projects, and he encouraged neighborhood groups to apply for these funds. Indicating that he lived on the East Coast most of his life prior to coming to Washington,Mayor Tanner commented on the true natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Citizen Comment: DeMastus— Sandel DeMastus,Highlands Community Association(HCA)President, 1137 Highlands Community Harrington Ave. NE,Renton, 98033, stated that Renton Code Compliance Association Inspector Bob Arthur will speak at the next HCA meeting scheduled for September 26th. In addition, she announced the speakers scheduled to talk at upcoming HCA meetings. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 9, 2002. Council concur. September 9, 2002 CAG: 02-115, Airport Security City Clerk reported bid opening on 8/28/2002 for CAG-02-115, Renton Airport Gate Replacement, CA Carey Security Gate Replacement; three bids; engineer's estimate$167,383.90; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to second low bidder, C.A. Carey Corporation(the low bidder withdrew their bid), in the amount of $346,941.44. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee for discussion of funding. City Clerk: Citywide Records City Clerk recommended approval of an agreement with CRE8, Inc. in the Inventory, CRE8 Inc amount of$60,000 to conduct a Citywide records inventory, develop records September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 356 retention schedules, and assist with City records policy. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 01-201,Downtown Community Services Department recommended approval of a change order in Parking Garage, Parking the amount of$185,879.52 to CAG-01-201,Downtown Parking Garage Equipment Installation construction contract,for Secom International to install parking equipment. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: Aquatic Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with Center Design,Northwest Northwest Architectural Company in the amount of$396,326 to design the Architectural Company Renton Aquatic Center. Refer to Finance Committee. EDNSP: Planning Commission Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Member Reduction, recommended reducing the number of Planning Commission members from Department Organization nine to seven and updating City Code to reflect the current department organization. Refer to Planning Commission and Planning &Development Committee. Plat: Parkview Homes,NE Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Parkview 24th St(PP-02-061) Homes Preliminary Plat; ten single-family lots on 1.77 acres located at the northeast corner of NE 24th St. and Camas Ave. NE(PP-02-061). Council concur. Legal: Harbor Regulations Legal Division recommended adoption of an ordinance relating to harbor Ordinance regulations in order to comply with Washington State statutes. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Transportation: Commute Trip Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with ,. Reduction Program Services, King County Department of Transportation to provide Commute Trip King County Reduction(CTR) services to 27 affected employers in the City of Renton for 2002-2003. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler recommended that a presentation be scheduled regarding the Downtown Parking Garage parking equipment installation. She also recommended that when the Public Safety Committee discusses the harbor regulations ordinance, they look at strengthening the legislation in regards to the seaplane issue. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Public Safety Committee dangerous dog ordinance. The Committee convened to consider the ordinance Legal: Dangerous Dog revising dangerous dog regulations on September 9, 2002. The State legislature Regulations recently changed State law regarding how government will deal with dangerous dogs. The legislation raised the insurance requirements from$50,000 to $250,000. It removed references to vicious dogs, and it created a process to have a dog declared dangerous and an appeal process. While the City currently has a process, and the new law does not require that the City change it, the Committee considered the new legislation and believed it would be in the best interest of Renton citizens to adopt a similar procedure as the one outlined in the new legislation. The new legislation also removes references to vicious dogs. Current City Code subjects the owner of a vicious dog to a criminal citation if the dog is at large. The City would keep this regulation but remove the requirement that owners of vicious dogs must obtain liability insurance. E September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 357 s The Committee recommended that the Council adopt an ordinance that raises the insurance requirements to$250,000, removes certain references to vicious dogs, and changes the current process regarding declaring a dog dangerous. In the event an owner of a dangerous dog cannot meet the insurance requirements and the requirements to secure the dog, the dog will be humanely destroyed. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry as to why insurance is not required for vicious dogs, Councilman Clawson stated that the Committee did not want to impose insurance requirements for dogs that may have propensities to cause danger to other animals or people but have not demonstrated those actions. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 360 for ordinance.) Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the 2002 Countywide Planning Policy amendment regarding Planning: Countywide Urban Separators. The Committee met on September 12, 2002, to consider the Planning Policies re Urban proposed designation of Urban Separators in the City of Renton and Renton's Separators Potential Annexation Area. The Committee recommended that the City Council support designation of 118 acres of R-I (Residential Single Family; one dwelling unit per acre) zoned land, and wetland areas within the City as part of Countywide Urban Separator in exchange for removing the Urban Separator Designation from 76 acres located east of Talbot Rd. S. in Renton's Potential Annexation Area. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding CAG: 02-120, Springbrook the Springbrook Springs Watershed property fencing installation project bid Springs Watershed Property award and adjustment of funds for Water Utility capital improvement projects. Fencing Installation,F&H The Committee recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the Fence Co Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the transfer of$35,000 within the 2002 appropriation of funds for Water Utility capital improvement projects. The additional funding is needed to cover additional property boundary survey work and fencing installation costs. The transfer will be from the Springbrook Springs land acquisition budget(account no. 421.000500.018.5960.0034.61.055540)to the Springbrook Springs fence budget(account no. 421.000500.018.5960.0034.63.055540). The Committee further recommended that Council award the construction contract for the Springbrook Springs Watershed property fencing installation project to the low bidder,F&H Fence Co.,Inc., in the amount of$54,270.80. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Municipal Court: Passport Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler distributed information to Councilmembers Services Revenue regarding passport services revenue collected in King County, and noted that the administrative fee collected for each passport application has increased from$15 to$30. Mayor Tanner commented that the Renton District Court has collected$27,064 in revenue so far in 2002, and stated that the City's Municipal Court is reviewing whether offering passport services is feasible. September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 358 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding bid and Legal: Bonding for Small performance bonding for small contracts. The Committee concurred with the Contracts staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor to waive the performance bond requirements under certain conditions for contracts at or under$50,000. The Committee further concurred that bid bonds should be waived under certain conditions for contracts at or under$100,000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Community Services Dept in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed reorganization and related Positions Reclassifications salary adjustments of the following job classifications within the Community Services Department: Title Grade Change Budget Change Facilities Director Grade m37 to m38 $616 Parks Director Grade m37 to m38 $616 Recreation Director Grade m37 to m38 $616 Library Director Grade m37 to m38 $616 Human Services Manager Grade m26 to m28 $962.50 The changes are to be effective September 16, 2002. The reorganization will eliminate the position of Capital Improvements Project Manager(grade m28) and replace it with a lower paying Capital Improvement Project Coordinator (grade a25). By this action,the request for an additional limited term Project Manager position(referred to Finance Committee on July 22, 2002) is rescinded. These changes will not require additional budget appropriations.* Mr. Parker explained that the readjustment of resources in the Community Services Department eliminates the need for the previously requested Project Manager position. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Municipal Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Court Judge Position in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed salary adjustment for the Reclassification to Grade ell Municipal Court Judge position. This adjustment will bring the Judge's salary to a level at or slightly above the median salary of comparable cities. Staff recommends placing the Municipal Court Judge's position in salary grade el l with a monthly salary of$8,440 effective September 16, 2002. It is recommended that current incumbent Terry Jurado,be placed at step E of the el l salary grade. The cost for the proposed salary adjustment is outlined below and funds are available in the current budget. New Proposed Salary: $8,440.00 Current Monthly Salary: $8,033.00 Additional Salary: $ 407.00(A total of$1,424.50 for the remainder of 2002—3.5 months) MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the Municipal Court Judge's salary grade, Chief Administrative Officer Jay � ✓ l September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 359 Covington explained that salary grade ell is equivalent to salary grade 44,the "e" signifying an elected official. He confirmed that the position received a 5% salary adjustment. Human Resources: Grade Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the establishment Establishment, Crime Analyst, of a salary grade for the new Crime Analyst position, and the change from Domestic Violence Victim limited term to regular status of the Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and Advocate, CDBG Specialist CDBG Specialist positions. The Committee concurred in the recommendation of staff that salary grade pn61 be established for the Crime Analyst position at the monthly salary range of$2,984-$4,169 (annual salary at step A is$35,808) effective September 1, 2002. The Finance Committee concurred in the recommendation of staff that the following two positions become regular full-time positions. The positions are currently funded though grants and are in a limited-term status. If the funding sources are not available, the positions may be eliminated. Domestic Violence Victim Advocate: established at salary grade pn60 with a monthly salary range of$2,845 -$3,975 (annual salary at step A is $34,140). The position currently exists in the Human Services Division of the Community Services Department at salary grade a14, and will be transferred to the Police Department. Staff recommended that the current grade(a14)be established in the Police Department. This grade is justified though a salary comparison completed by the Human Resources Department. CDBG Specialist: current salary grade is a18 with a monthly salary range of $3,598 - $4,382. Staff recommended that this position remain in grade a18 and become a regular full-time position. This position will remain in the Human Services Division. The above changes are to be effective September 1,2002. The changes to the Domestic Violence Victim Advocate and CDBG Specialist positions will not require additional budget appropriations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the Committee 211 Call Center. The Committee was briefed on the possibility of instituting a Human Services: Crisis Clinic Crisis Clinic as a 211 Call Center. The Committee concurred in the as 211 Call Center recommendation of staff to take no further action on this issue at this time. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. In response to Council inquiry, Councilman Corman confirmed that the item will be removed from the Community Services Committee referral list. Appointment: Planning Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Jerrilynn Hadley to the Planning Commission for a three-year unexpired term,which expires 1/31/2004,replacing Beverly Franklin who resigned.* Councilman Corman introduced Ms.Hadley and stated that she is highly qualified and will be an asset to the Planning Commission. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 3� 0 September 16,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 360 Ms. Hadley expressed her appreciation for being appointed to the Planning Commission, saying that she will endeavor to do her best for the City. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 9/23/2002 for second and final reading: Legal: Dangerous Dog An ordinance was read amending Sections 6-6-4, 6-6-8, and 6-6-9 of Chapter 6, Regulations Animals and Fowl at Large, of Title VI(Police Regulations) of City Code by amending definitions and procedures related to dangerous dogs. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/23/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER Police: Civil Infraction Fines THE SUBJECT OF FINES AND PENALTIES FOR CIVIL INFRACTIONS &Penalties TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:17 p.m. 13ONNIE 1. WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann September 16, 2002 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 16, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/23 Comprehensive Plan Update (Nelson) 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 9/23 Vouchers; (Parker) 5:00 p.m. Northwest Architectural Company Contract for Aquatic Center Design; Downtown Parking Garage Parking Equipment; CRE8, Inc. Contract for Citywide Records Inventory PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT THURS., 9/19 Secure Community Transition Facilities; (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. 2002 Countywide Planning Policies (briefing only) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 9/23 Harbor Regulations; (Clawson) 6:00 p.m. Civil Infraction Fines &Penalties TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 9/19 Airport Security Gate Project Bid Award; (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Commute Trip Reduction Agreement with King County; Airport Business Plan/Leasing Policies; Airport Zoning (briefing only) UTILITIES (Briere) r..r NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 3o_ AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 23, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Summer Lunch Program b. Return to Renton Car Show 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Residential Multi-Family Urban (RM-U) Zone Density Bonuses 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further Now discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 16, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk submits the 2001 Washington Siate Auditor's Office Audit Report for the City of Renton for the period of January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. Information. c. Community Services Department recommends approval to reimburse Puget Sound Energy in the amount of$67,421.76 to relocate an electrical switch located above ground at Logan Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. to an underground vault, to allow the widening of sidewalks for the Downtown Parking Garage construction project. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Water Utility Division requests authorization to transfer$45,000 from the Reservoir Recoating project budget to the Water Well EW-3 Replacement project budget to cover unanticipated costs. Refer to Utilities Committee. e. Water Utility Division reports the intent of the Administration to grant Stoneway Concrete's request for additional time, until November 30, 2002, to relocate its plant outside of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area due to delays incurred during the construction of its new plant. Information. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Northwest Architectural Company Contract for Aquatic Center r Design; Downtown Parking Garage Parking Equipment; CRE8, Inc. Contract for Citywide Records Inventory (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) b. Planning &Development Committee: Secure Community Transition Facilities* c. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Airport Security Gate Project Bid Award; Commute Trip Reduction Agreement with King County* 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Interlocal with King County for Commute Trip Reduction Services (see 9.c.) Ordinance for first reading: Secure Community Transition Facilities Regulations (see 9.b.) Ordinance for second and final reading: Dangerous Dog Regulations (1st reading 9/16/2002) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13, ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Update r' • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS. AT 11:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED. &FRI. AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT. &SUN. AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM 66 CITY COUNCIL September 23, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals FINANCE COMMITTEE Reimburse Puget Sound Energy to relocate electrical switch for Downtown Parking Garage project MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract with Northwest Architectural Company to design Renton Aquatic Center Execute Downtown Parking Garage contract change order for parking equipment installation Execute contract with CRE8, Inc. to conduct Citywide records inventory Execute Commute Trip Reduction Implementation agreement with King County UTILITIES COMMITTEE Fund transfer from Reservoir Recoating to Water Well EW-3 Replacement project budget 3b5 . RENTON CITY COUNCEL Regular Meeting September 23, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; TERRI COUNCILMEMBERS BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCILMAN DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director; GIL CERISE, Senior Planner; MIKE WEBBY,Human Resources Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor; DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CYNDIE PARKS, Community Program Coordinator; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,and COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY,Police Department. SPECIAL Karen Bergsvik,Human Services Manager, reported that through the Summer PRESENTATIONS Lunch Program, an average of 435 children per day were served lunch at three Human Services: Summer locations: the Housing Authority site,Mission Prepatory Academy, and the Lunch Program at Royal Hills Royal Hills Apartment Complex. She explained that the primary purpose of the Apartment Complex program was to provide children with nutritionally balanced meals during the summer months. Focusing attention on the Royal Hills Apartments site, she introduced volunteer Steve Eastman, who stated that the lunch program was very worthwhile and that he wished he had gotten involved much earlier. Cyndie Parks, Community Program Coordinator, expressed her appreciation for the support she received in conducting the Royal Hills Summer Lunch Program from City staff and community volunteers. She explained that the program provided not only a lunch,but also a structured activity each day for the children. She introduced City staff members Veronica Peters and Lyressa Gavrilenko. Ms. Peters thanked the City for its support of the program, and she indicated that the program would not have been possible without the help of community volunteers. Ms. Parks introduced two children who participated in the program,Valeriy and Maria, who both commented that they had fun at the Summer Lunch Program and would like to do it again next year. Community Event: Return to Police Chief Garry Anderson presented a plaque to Ben and Nancy Remak and Renton Car Show, their daughter Elsa, organizers of the annual Return to Renton Car Show, in Contribution of Proceeds to appreciation for all the work they have done over the past twelve years. Ms. n Police Department Remak announced that since the first show in 1991, total proceeds in the amount of$61,252.53 have been donated to the Police Department's youth education programs. She stated that this year's contributions which total $9,350, represent the proceeds from the 2002 event, and include a$500 September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 366 donation provided by Mr. Remak's employer, State Farm Insurance,for his volunteer work. Mr. Remak thanked the show's sponsors and the Police Department for supporting the event and making it a success, and he presented the Police Department and the City with plaques of appreciation. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Residential Multi- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Family Urban Zone,Density to consider density bonuses in the Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U) Bonus zoned area located north of S. 2nd St. Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, described the areas affected by the proposed density bonuses which are very close to the intense Downtown Core Area. He explained that prior to the South Renton Neighborhood Plan, the RM-U zone allowed 150 dwelling units per acre as part of a density bonus predicated on design review, and the density was reduced with the adoption of the plan. Pointing out that staff believes well-designed multi-family development can mask higher densities,Mr. Cerise stated that the proposal will allow developments to go from a maximum of 75 to 100 dwelling units per acre. Continuing,Mr. Cerise stated that the RM-U zone density bonus will allow up to 25 additional dwelling units per acre if developments comply with at least one optional design guideline in each of the four categories currently existing within City Code. He displayed pictures of various design guideline options within the four existing categories which are: building siting and design; parking, access and circulation; landscaping,recreation, and common open space; and building architectural design. Explaining that the density bonuses are only applicable to the RM-U zone north of S. 2nd. St.,Mr. Cerise explained that this portion of the RM-U zone is within the Downtown Core Area and will blend more easily with the Center Downtown(CD) zone. In conclusion,he stated that the creation of a RM-U zone density bonus will result in a higher design standard for those developments that want additional density. Public comment was invited. Kent Smutny, TSA Architects, 50 116th Ave. SE, Suite 201, Bellevue, 98004, explained that he is currently working on a project located at 110 Wells Ave. S., which is located in the proposed RM-U zone density bonus area. Pointing out that he will be able to achieve more density resulting in a four-story rather than a three-story building if the density bonus is approved,Mr. Smutny stated that density bonuses are a good mechanism for rewarding good design. Frank Prien,Real Estate Broker, 12535 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 98125, reported that he visited the City of Renton five years ago to review the lands for sale at the time, and was encouraged that the City wanted development. He stated that a number of developments have been constructed in the downtown area since then, and indicated that he would like to see the 50-unit Chateau DeVille Condominium project located at 102 Williams Ave. S. built, as it would be an asset to Renton's downtown area. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. 3b1 September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 367 S ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: Six outstanding people will be honored at the Citizen of the Year banquet, on Thursday, October 10th, at 5:00 p.m. at the Renton Senior Activity Center, and one of these individuals will be named Renton's Citizen of the Year. For reservations,call the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce at (425)226-4560 by October 3rd. The Parks Department will begin removal of the street trees on the east side only of Park Ave. N. between Bronson Way N. and N. 5th St. within two weeks. The removed trees will be replaced with smaller,more appropriate street trees. The current trees are growing into the overhead utility wires, necessitating topping or non-standard pruning,thereby compromising tree structure, health, and public safety. AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,Apt. 221,Renton, 98055,displayed Citizen Comment: Johnson, photographs comparing hanging flower baskets in the City of Lake Oswego, Renton Beautification Using Oregon, and the City of Renton. Pointing out that Lake Oswego hangs one Landscaping large flower basket prominently on street corners and other locations,rather than two baskets mid-block as Renton does,Mr. Johnson suggested that the City expand its program to include larger baskets at more prominent locations. He asked that the City increase its planting of flowers, and to encourage businesses to also plant more flowers around their entry ways. Mayor Tanner suggested that citizens also try to pitch in and plant more flowers aw to help beautify the downtown Renton area. He pointed out that the while flowers are not expensive to purchase, the manpower necessary for the City to maintain them is expensive. Council President Nelson explained that the hanging flower basket program first began at the suggestion of a citizen, and the City spends$30,000 annually on the program. She stated that she also likes the larger flower baskets,but the City had concerns about the baskets covering street signs, and about the strength and balance of the poles that support the flower baskets. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 16, 2002. Council concur. September 16, 2002 Finance: 2001 State of City Clerk submitted the 2001 Washington State Auditor's Office Audit Report Washington Audit Report for the City of Renton for the period of January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2001. Information. Community Services: Community Services Department recommended approval to reimburse Puget Downtown Parking Garage, Sound Energy in the amount of$67,421.76 to relocate an electrical switch PSE Relocation of Electrical located above ground at Logan Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. to an underground vault, Switch to allow the widening of sidewalks for the Downtown Parking Garage construction project. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Water Well EW-3 Water Utility Division requested authorization to transfer$45,000 from Replacement,Fund Transfer Reservoir Recoating project budget to the Water Well EW-3 Replacement from Reservoir Recoating project budget to cover unanticipated costs. Refer to Utilities Committee. September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 368 Utility: Stoneway Concrete Water Utility Division reported the intent of the Administration to grant Plant Relocation, Additional Stoneway Concrete's request for additional time, until November 30,2002,to Time relocate its plant outside of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area due to delays incurred during the construction of its new plant. Information. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AG::NDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding Secure Community Transition Facilities (SCTF). The Committee Committee met three times in August and September to review the Planning: Secure Community recommendations of the Administration and Planning Commission on SCTF. Transition Facilities (for Level The final meeting occurred on September 19, 2002, which was after the public III Sex Offenders) hearing before the Council. There were only two people who testified, one Renton citizen and a representative of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). The Committee recommended that Title IV (Development Regulations)be amended to permit an SCTF as a Hearing Examiner conditional use in the IM(Medium Industrial) and IH(Heavy Industrial)zones, limited to the Employment Area Valley land use designation south of I405, and subject to additional conditions specifying that SCTF could not: 1. house more that six persons; 2. be allowed within 330 feet of a residential zone; or 3. be allowed within one mile of an existing SCTF, work release,prerelease, or similar facility. The SCTF would be located out of the "line of sight," defined as 600 feet from mod "risk potential activities," unless the applicant(DSHS)demonstrates through the conditional use process that obstructions to the "line of sight" occur at a lesser distance. The Committee also recommended adoption of conditional use permit findings, parking regulations,definitions and submittal requirements for the SCTF, and definitions for group homes, congregate care facilities, and convalescent facilities to clarify that an SCTF is excluded from these definitions. The Committee further recommended that the proposed SCTF ordinance be presented for first and second reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 370 for ordinance.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 207840-208301 and two wire transfers totaling $1,731,536.14; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 40395 -40641,one wire transfer and 564 direct deposits totaling$1,696,262.12. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: Aquatic Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the staff Center Design,Northwest recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Architectural Company consultant agreement with Northwest Architectural Company to design,bid, and supervise the construction of the Renton Aquatic Center. The contract amount is$396,326. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. �WI September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 369 CAG: 01-201,Downtown Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the parking Parking Garage, Parking control system for the Downtown Parking Garage. The Committee concurred Equipment Installation with the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a change order to the E. Kent Halvorson, Inc. construction contract (CAG-01-201) to procure and install parking equipment in the Downtown Parking Garage. The change order amount is $185,879.52. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. City Clerk: Citywide Records Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that City Inventory, CRE8 Inc Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a consultant agreement with CRE8,Inc. in the amount of$60,000 for development of a Citywide records retention and disposition schedule to be paid from the Finance and Information Services Department's 2002 consulting budget. The consultant will conduct a Citywide records inventory, develop records retention schedules, present records retention schedules to the State records committee for approval, and assist with City records policy. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: 2001 State of Councilman Parker reported that the State Auditor's Office, in its 2001 Audit Washington Audit Report Report for the City of Renton,found that the City complied with State laws and regulations, and its own policies and procedures. He expressed his appreciation to the Finance Department, and Mayor Tanner added his praise for all of the departments. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the Renton Municipal Airport Security Gate Replacement project CAG: 02-115, Airport Security (CAG-02-115). The Council previously appropriated funding for the Airport Gate Replacement, CA Carey Security Fund Program(also referred to as the Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program) at$300,000. An additional Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) grant was secured in the amount of$150,000 bringing the total program budget to$450,000. It is estimated that the program budget can accommodate all but$55,000 for contingencies and staff time. The additional$55,000 will come from the Airport's Capital Reserve Fund. The Committee recommended Council appropriate an additional$55,000 for the program from the Airport's Capital Reserve Fund. This action would increase the total 2002 Airport Security Fund Program appropriation from $450,000 to$505,000(which includes the$150,000 FAA grant). The Committee further recommended Council award the Renton Municipal Airport Security Gate Replacement project to C.A. Carey Corporation in the amount of $346,941.44. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Commute Trip Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Reduction Program Services, recommending that Council approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and King County City Clerk to execute the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) services agreement with King County. This agreement arranges for King County to continue providing CTR program development, implementation, and support services to employers in Renton who fall under the definition of"Affected Employer," as defined in City Code(RMC 10-13). The agreement with King County is in the amount of$42,988. The 2003— 2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(#16)has budgeted 370 September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 370 $64,200 for this Citywide program. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See below for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3588 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Commute Trip interlocal cooperative agreement with King County entitled "Commute Trip Reduction Program Services, Reduction Act Implementation Agreement." MOVED BY PERSSON, King County SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Planning: Secure Community An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2,Land Use Districts; Chapter 4, Transition Facilities (for Level Property Development Standards; Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions; Chapter 9, III Sex Offenders) Procedures and Review Criteria; and Chapter 11,Definitions; of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code to provide a process and criteria for review of Secure Community Transition Facilities.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler asked that the title 'Parking Regulations" be added to Exhibit D of the ordinance. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#4982 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance,it was MOVED BY Planning: Secure Community KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Transition Facilities (for Level ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. III Sex Offenders) The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4983 An ordinance was read amending Sections 6-6-4, 6-6-8, and 6-6-9 of Chapter 6, Legal: Dangerous Dog Animals and Fowl at Large, of Title VI(Police Regulations) of City Code by Regulations amending definitions and procedures related to dangerous dogs. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Persson reported a citizen complaint concerning speeding traffic, Police: Smithers Ave S lack of sidewalks,and a ditch that floods over at the 2200 block of Smithers Speeding Problems,Lack of Ave. S.,between Talbot Rd. S. and S. 23rd St.,near Talbot Hill Elementary Sidewalks School. Mayor Tanner stated that the Police Department will investigate the speeding traffic, and the Planning/Building/Public Works Department will investigate the sidewalks and flooding. Police: Dangerous Dog Councilman Persson asked that an animal control officer investigate a residence Investigation,Talbot Rd S which houses two Rottweiler dogs located at the 2200 block of Talbot Rd. S., to Residence determine if they are dangerous and if they are being cared for properly. Planning: South Renton Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the South Renton Neighborhood Neighborhood Plan Plan received an award at the annual conference of the Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association,and asked that the Planning Commission members be invited to the award presentation. MI September 23,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 371 EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 27 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Time: 8:48 p.m. w.r The meeting was reconvened at 9:15 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Clawson,previously excused. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:16 p.m. BONNIE I.WALT }N, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann September 23, 2002 rr 3 2 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 23, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 9/30 No Meeting (5th Monday) (Nelson) MON., 10/07 Pavilion Building Concepts; 5:30 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Finance & *Council Information Services Department Conference Room* COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 10.'07 Recreation Non-Resident Fees; (Corman) 4:30 p.m. 2003 Base Budget for Community Services Department (briefing only) FINANCE MON., 10/07 Vouchers; (Parker) 4:00 p.m. Downtown Parking Garage Electrical Switch Relocation PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT THURS., 10/03 Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. Code; Planning Commission Member Now Reduction; 2003 Base Budget for Economic Development Department (briefing only) PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 9/30 I-405 Project Alignment Concepts (Persson) 4:00 p.m. UTILITIES THURS., 10/03 Adjustment to 2002 Appropriations for (Briere) 3:30 p.m. Water Utility Capital Improvement Plan Funds; 2003 Base Budget for Utility Division in P/B/PW Department (briefing only) ..rr NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. r ^ a AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 7, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: National Domestic Violence Awareness Month — October, 2002 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a. Recreation Division Summer Program Report b. Neighborhood Program Recap c. Metro Eastside Interceptor Update 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 23, 2002. Council concur. b. Mayor Tanner appoints Michael Buscher, 12638 SE 160th St., Renton, 98058; Lawrence A. Rude, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055; and Ray Sled, 17033 130th Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, to the Nishiwaki Sister City Committee for unspecific terms to fill the positions vacated by Sylva Coppock, Peter Daniels and Kathy Kaseburg who resigned. Refer to Community Services Committee. c. Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department requests approval of an interlocal agreement with the Renton School District to clarify roles and responsibilities for the Performing Arts Center (PAC). Refer to Community Services Committee. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of an agreement with CK Doty& Associates/Widmeyer Design in the amount of$73,837.60 for the design, manufacture and installation of signage at the Renton Parking Garage. Refer to Finance Committee for a discussion on funding. e. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends adopting a resolution that expresses the intent of the Boeing Company and the City to work together in the review and evaluation of future redevelopment of the Boeing Renton plant site. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. f. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends adoption of an ordinance amending the zoning map to implement the South Renton Neighborhood Plan adopted on 6/10/2002. Council concur. (See 10.a. for ordinance.) g. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommends waiver of fire mitigation fee, traffic mitigation fee, and special utility connection fees for Fry's Electronics, with the understanding that revenue will be recovered within the first year of the store's operation. Refer to Finance Committee. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) f 9 3�i h. Library Division requests approval of a contract with epixtech, inc. in the amount of$57,096 for an upgrade to the library's catalog, materials acquisition, and circulation tracking system. Refer to Finance Committee. i. Planning/Building/Public Works Department requests approval of an interlocal agreement for the S. 180th St./SW 43rd St. Grade Separation Project, and for a transfer of$467,000 from several transportation capital project funds to reimburse the Utility System Division. Refer to Transportation/Aviation Committee. j. Transportation Systems Division reports withdrawal of a bid which was awarded to low bidder, Ohno Construction Company on 9/9/2002 for CAG-02-129, Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 1 Wetland Reconstruction and Planting, and resulting revaluation by City staff and the Department of Ecology. Information. k. Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-01-133, Seaplane Dock Facilities; and requests approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$4,027, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$43,306.58 to Culbertson Marine Const. Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. 1. Utility Systems Division recommends approval of a request by Orman Claxton, 1832 Camas Ave. NE, Renton, 98055, for a utility easement across City-owned property. Council concur. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Community Services: Recreation Non-Resident Fees b. Finance Committee: Vouchers; Downtown Parking Garage Electrical Switch Relocation c. Planning &Development Committee: Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code*; Planning Commission Member Reduction d. Utilities Committee: Adjustment to 2002 Appropriations for Water Utility Capital Improvement LA Plan Funds ts 10. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinances for first reading: a. South Renton Neighborhood Plan Zoning Map Amendments (see 71) b. Density Bonus Program for RM-U Zone Properties (see 9.c.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 12. AUDIENCE COMMENT 13. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Conference Room, 7th Floor 5:30 p.m. Emerging Issues in the Finance &Information Services Department Pavilion Building Concepts • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES.&THURS.AT 11:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED.&FRI. AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT.&SUN.AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM CITY COUNCIL October 7, 2002 City Clerk's Office Referrals COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Appointment of Michael Buscher, Lawrence Rude &Ray Sled to the Nishiwaki Sister City Committee Agreement with Renton School District regarding the Performing Arts Center FINANCE COMMITTEE Contract with CK Doty&Associates/Widmeyer Design for Downtown Parking Garage signage Waiver of mitigation fees for the Fry's Electronics store Contract with epixtech, inc. for the library computer upgrade project PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Resolution concerning the future redevelopment of the Boeing Renton plant site Subject of airport noise mitigation TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Agreement with Tukwila re: S 180th St./SW 43rd St. Grade Separation project Metro Eastside Interceptor project street closures ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING South Renton Neighborhood Plan Zoning Map amendments (1st reading 10/07/2002) Density Bonus Program for RM-U zone properties (1st reading 10/07/2002) RENTON CITY COUNCII. Regular Meeting October 7,2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Council President Pro Tem; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN;DON PERSSON; KING PARKER;DAN CLAWSON. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS TONI NELSON AND TERRI BRIERE. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney;BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; NORMA MCQUILLER,Neighborhood Coordinator; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; SYLVIA ALLEN, Recreation Director; LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director; KAREN BERGSVIK,Human Services Manager;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the month of October, National Domestic Violence 2002,to be "National Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in the City of Awareness Month—October, Renton, and encouraging community members to take an active role in 2002 supporting all victims of domestic violence so they can lead healthy lives safe from violent and abusive behavior. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Celia Forrest,Renton Domestic Violence Task Force Co-Chair, accepted the proclamation, and stated that the task force members are working hard to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence and make it unacceptable in this community. SPECIAL Sylvia Allen,Recreation Director,reviewed the programs and activities the PRESENTATIONS Recreation Division offered during the summer. She described the many senior Community Services: Summer programs,cultural arts programs, special populations activities, aquatics Recreation Program Report activities, youth and adult sports programs,kids camps, leisure classes and special events. In conclusion,Ms. Allen expressed her appreciation for the Council's continuous support of the City's recreation programs. EDNSP: Neighborhood Norma McQuiller,Neighborhood Coordinator,reported on the progress of the Program Recap Neighborhood Program, saying that three neighborhoods have recently joined the program that is now comprised of a total of 22 officially recognized neighborhoods. She expressed her appreciation for the 18 volunteer City staff members that serve on the Neighborhood Liaison Program,explaining that they serve as a bridge between the City and the communities. Describing the activities and projects the neighborhood groups participate in,Ms. McQuiller pointed out that$15,000 in neighborhood grants have been awarded so far in 2002, and the City is currently accepting applications for the second round of grants. She concluded by stating that future plans for the Neighborhood 1 12 October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 377 Program include providing grants for bigger and more innovative projects, and establishing neighborhood group networking meetings. Public Works: Eastside Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,explained Interceptor Project, Street that the King County Metro Eastside Interceptor project entails the installation Closures of a sanitary sewer interceptor in South Renton in order to restore capacity that was lost due to earthquake-related damage which occurred in the 1960s, and he introduced Glen Hiraki with King County Metro to provide an update on the related street closures. Stating that the project required the closure of three intersections,Mr. Hiraki reported that work has been completed on the Houser Way S. and Morris Ave. S. intersection, and the intersection will be opened once Puget Sound Energy completes its work on a transformer. The intersection of S. 7th St. and Morris Ave. S. is expected to open the week of October 21st,and the Houser Way S. and Burnett Ave. S. intersection should be completed by mid-November. Councilman Persson stated that the some of the streets should have been opened by now,and expressed his disappointment that King County did not inform the City of the delays or ask for an extension. Mr. Hiraki reported that difficulties were encountered with the project, and agreed that King County should have asked for more time. Suggesting that the matter be referred to the Transportation Committee, Councilman Persson recommended that work be stopped on the project until it is reviewed. Councilman Parker stated that the work should not be stopped,but agreed that King County should have asked for an extension. Mayor Tanner stressed that the Administration will work with Metro to ensure that they are making progress. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE METRO EASTSIDE INTERCEPTOR PROJECT STREET CLOSURES TO THE TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: • Elway Research recently conducted a Citywide survey of 400 randomly selected Renton households. The survey results will be presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, October 14th, at 6:00 p.m. • Beginning September 30th,new playground equipment will be installed, along with a reconfigured play area, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park with an estimated completion date of February 2003. • The Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)has scheduled public open houses to review design concepts being developed for I-405 improvements. For more information call 206-768-5888,or visit www.wsdot.wa.gov/projects/I-405. • The Police Department Crime Prevention Division is offering free Halloween safety classes. Call 425-430-7521 to schedule a class. 31� October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 378 AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,Apt. 221,Renton,98055, spoke on Citizen Comment: Johnson— the subject of the City's hanging flower baskets, noting that baskets are hung on Hanging Flower Baskets poles that are located mid-block, and two baskets are hung on opposite sides of each pole. He displayed a photograph of a hanging flower basket in the City of Lake Oswego,Oregon, and pointed out that Lake Oswego hangs one large basket on each pole, and on poles that are located on street corners. Suggesting that the City create a test area and hang some baskets in this fashion,Mr. Johnson recommended that the City of Lake Oswego be contacted to find out more about their hanging basket program. Councilman Parker noted that before starting the hanging flower basket program in Renton, staff reviewed the matter thoroughly and evaluated factors such as pole strength, and the blockage of traffic signals and signs. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of September 23,2002. Council concur. September 23,2002 Appointment: Nishiwaki Sister Mayor Tanner appointed Michael Buscher, 12638 SE 160th St.,Renton,98058; City Committee Lawrence A. Rude, 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton, 98055; and Ray Sled, 17033 130th Ave. SE,Renton,98058,to the Nishiwaki Sister City Committee for unspecified terms to fill the positions vacated by Sylva Coppock,Peter Daniels, and Kathy Kaseburg who resigned. Refer to Community Services Committee. School District: Performing Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department requested approval of Arts Center Agreement an interlocal agreement with the Renton School District to clarify roles and responsibilities governing the use of the Renton Community IKEA Performing Arts Center at Renton High School. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services: Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with Downtown Parking Garage CK Doty &Associates Widmeyer Design in the amount of$73,837.60 for the Signage,CK Doty & design, manufacture and installation of signage at the Downtown Parking Associates/Widmeyer Design Garage. Refer to Finance Committee. EDNSP: Boeing Renton Plant Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Site Future Redevelopment recommended adoption of a resolution that expresses the intent of The Boeing Resolution Company and the City to work together in the review and evaluation of future redevelopment of the Boeing Renton plant site. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. Planning: South Renton Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Neighborhood Plan,Zoning recommended adoption of an ordinance amending the zoning map to implement Map Amend the South Renton Neighborhood Plan adopted on 6/10/2002. Council concur. (See page 381 for ordinance.) EDNSP: Fry's Electronics Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Mitigation Fee Waivers recommended waiver of fire mitigation fee,traffic mitigation fee, and special utility connection fees for the Fry's Electronics store, with the understanding that revenues will be recovered within the first year of the store's operation. Refer to Finance Committee. Library: Computer Upgrade, Library Division requested approval of a contract with epixtech, inc. in the epixtech inc amount of$57,096 for an upgrade to the library's catalog,materials acquisition, and circulation tracking system. Refer to Finance Committee. I October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 379 Transportation: S 180th St/SW Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends approval of an 43rd St Grade Separation interlocal agreement with the City of Tukwila regarding the S. 180th St./SW Project,Tukwila 43rd St. Grade Separation project which is managed by Tukwila. Approval was also sought for the transfer of$467,000 from several transportation capital project funds in relation to this project,to reimburse the Utility Systems Division. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. CAG: 02-129, Oakesdale Ave Transportation Systems Division reported withdrawal of the bid which was SW Ph 1 Wetland awarded to Ohno Construction Company on 9/9/2002 for the Oakesdale Ave. Reconstruction, Ohno Const SW Phase 1 Wetland Reconstruction and Planting project(CAG-02-129), and Withdrawal of Bid the resulting reevaluation of the project by the City and the Department of Ecology. Information. CAG: 01-133,Airport Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-133,Airport Seaplane Seaplane Dock Facilities, Dock Facilities; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Culbertson Marine Const pay estimate in the amount of$4,027, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$43,306.58 to Culbertson Marine Construction, Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Utility: Utility Easement, Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Orman Claxton's request Camas Ave NE(Orman for a five-foot side sewer utility easement across City-owned property located Claxton) to the south of his property which is at 1832 Camas Ave. NE. Council concur. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding the density bonus in the Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM- Committee U)zone north of S. 2nd St. The Committee reviewed the issue paper entitled Planning: Residential Multi- Density Bonuses in the RM-U Zone and the ordinance amending Title IV Family Urban Zone,Density (Development Regulations)to implement a density bonus. The proposal allows Bonus a density bonus of up to 25 additional dwelling units per acre within the RM-U zone north of S. 2nd St. dependent upon compliance with certain additional design guidelines currently existing within City Code(RMC 4-3-100) as optional guidelines. The Committee recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 382 for ordinance.) EDNSP: Planning Commission Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Member Reduction, report regarding the reduction in the number of Planning Commission members. Department Organization The Committee met on October 3, 2002,to consider reducing the number of Planning Commissioners from nine to seven. It is increasingly difficult to recruit sufficient community members to fill the nine-person board and over the last several years the Planning Commission rarely had the full complement of members. It is also difficult at times to meet a quorum of five members to hold a meeting. Reducing the membership from nine to seven members will require a quorum of four members rather than five. In a survey of other cities in the County, a majority have seven-member boards. Minor housekeeping amendments are also proposed to change division names ego October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 380 and staff titles to have City Code reflect the current City departmental organization. The Committee recommended that the City Council support amending City Code Title II(Commissions and Boards)to establish a seven-member Planning Commission, amend Title II to accomplish division name and title updates, and refer this issue to the City Attorney's Office for preparation of an ordinance.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted that the Planning Commission supports the reduction of members. *MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Utility: Water Well EW-3 recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Replacement,Fund Transfer Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the transfer from Reservoir Recoating of$45,000 within the 2002 appropriation of funds for Water Utility capital improvement projects. The additional funding is needed to reestablish a contingency fund to complete the construction of the Water Well EW-3 Replacement project(CAG-01-024). The transfer will be from the Reservoir Recoating project budget(account no. 421.000500.018.5960.0034.65.055260) to the Water Well EW-3 Replacement project budget(account no. 421.000500.018.5960.0034.65.055400). The transfer will not increase the total appropriation of the Water Utility 2002 capital improvement project budget. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending that fees charged for all recreation programs,events,activities, Community Services: and services sponsored by the Community Services Department should be Maplewood Golf Course increased by approximately 20%,with Renton residents receiving a 20% Green Fees&Non-Resident discount. These fee adjustments will partially compensate for the support Parks Usage Surcharge provided to these programs by Renton taxpayers. The adjustments will be included in the 2003 budget process. The Committee will consider appropriate fees for the Renton Aquatic Center at a later date.* Mayor Tanner questioned the wording of the Committee report, saying that the fee reduction for Renton residents should be equivalent to the increase in rates. *Stating that was what the Committee intended, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT THE INTENT IS A 20%DIFFERENTIAL OF THE COST BETWEEN RENTON RESIDENTS AND NON-RESIDENTS. CARRIED. Stating that the fee changes will be implemented during the budget process, Councilman Clawson noted that other cities are also adjusting their non- resident recreation fees due to King County's budget shortfall. Responding to Council inquiry regarding the Maplewood Golf Course fees, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd stated that due to an agreement with King County,the City cannot charge different fees for residents and non-residents at the golf course. Councilman Corman stated for the record that Maplewood Golf Course and Ron Regis Park are not included in this fee adjustment. 3gl October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 381 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 208302-208725 and two wire transfers totaling $2,602,402.97; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 40642-40883, one wire transfer and 559 direct deposits totaling$1,740,558.14. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report concurring with the staff Downtown Parking Garage, recommendation to authorize the Administration to reimburse Puget Sound PSE Relocation of Electrical Energy for the cost of relocating their electrical switch that is located above Switch ground on the sidewalk at Logan Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. by the main entrance of the Downtown Parking Garage, to an underground vault. The cost of this relocation is $67,421.76. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Clawson reported that he did not sign the Committee report, saying that due to the City's current financial situation,the money could be better spent for another purpose. Stating that the switch has been there for a long time, he suggested that it be painted, or the exterior upgraded in some way to make the structure more appealing. Mr. Clawson indicated that the electrical switch does not need to be relocated at this time, and he urged the other Councilmembers to vote against funding the relocation of the switch. Speaking in favor of the Committee report, Councilman Parker stressed that the electrical switch is unsightly, and its removal will enhance the downtown area. He reported that the Downtown Parking Garage is under budget, and the money for the switch relocation will be funded by the contingency fund. Mr. Parker agreed that it is a lot of money; however,he added that with the construction of the garage,now is the time to relocate the switch. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry, Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington stated that Puget Sound Energy does not cost share underground projects. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that Puget Sound Energy may charge less, or even more for switch location depending on how the project goes. Councilman Persson shared Mr. Clawson's concern regarding spending money on the relocation of the switch,but indicated that he supports its relocation due to aesthetics and public safety reasons. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding why the switch needs to be relocated now, Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd stated that this is a convenient and less costly time for the relocation since new sidewalks are going to be installed as part of the parking garage construction. *MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 10/14/2002 for second and final reading: Planning: South Renton An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Neighborhood Plan,Zoning within the South Renton sub-area of the City of Renton, and implementing the Map Amend South Renton Neighborhood Plan(South Renton Neighborhood Plan and associated rezones and Code text amendments,File R-02-031). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/14/2002. CARRIED. 3�2 October 7,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 382 Planning: Residential Multi- An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-2 and 4-9 of Title IV Family Urban Zone,Density (Development Regulations)of City Code to implement a density bonus Bonus program for properties in the Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U)zone north of S. 2nd St. in downtown Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/14/2002. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS At the request of Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler,Planning/Building/Public Airport: Aerodyne Bldg (Sky Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman gave a briefing on the Sky Harbor Harbor), Site Hazard Aviation site hazard assessment(now known as the Aerodyne building airport Assessment leased area). He explained that until 1976,the site contained an aviation gas pump island with a single-wall, underground storage tank system(UST), and in 1985,the existing Aerodyne hangar was constructed above the location of the former UST site. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE)has completed a site hazard assessment and determined the site to be a category 5, where category 1 represents the highest relative risk and 5 the lowest. Noting that airport leases written before 1995 did not address responsibilities for remedial actions in the event of a hazardous substance release, he reported that when the Aerodyne hanger is demolished, the site will need to be retested and may need to be cleaned up if the pollutant levels remain above the DOE's threshold. Mayor Tanner stated that since Sky Harbor Aviation no longer exists, the City would be liable for any cleanup costs. He added that the City's airport leasing policies will be reviewed. Transportation: Queen Ave Councilman Clawson reported a citizen concern regarding the intersection of NE/NE 6th St Traffic Concern Queen Ave. NE and NE 6th St. where a collision recently occurred, and requested investigation of the intersection. Transportation: I-405 Corridor Councilman Corman reported on the I-405 Executive Committee's commitment Program to a multi-phase plan for the I-405 corridor, and described the potential impact of adding additional lanes to I-405, including an additional truck climbing lane in the Kennydale area. He stated that now is the time for citizens to express their opinions on the I-405 improvements design concepts. Airport: Noise Mitigation Reporting that the City of SeaTac has an ordinance requiring additional noise mitigation for new houses built in the vicinity of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport's fly zone, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF AIRPORT NOISE MITIGATION TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. /Time: 9:36 p.m. BONNIE I. WAL.TON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 7, 2002 i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR 3g J Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 7, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/14 Pavilion Building Concepts; (Nelson) 6:00 p.m. Outcome Management Survey Findings COMMUNITY SERVICES (Corman) FINANCE MON., 10/14 Library Software Upgrade Contract; (Parker) 4:30 p.m. Downtown Parking Garage Signage Contract; Fry's Electronics Store Mitigation Fee Waivers PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT THURS., 10/10 Boeing Environmental Impact Statement (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. Resolution; 2003 Base Budget for Development Services Division in PB/PW Department (briefing only) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 10/14 Harbor Regulations (Clawson) 5:30 p.m. TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) MON., 10/14 Metro Eastside Interceptor Project Street (Persson) 4:00 p.m. Closures UTILITIES (Briere) i rrr F NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. 3 Vq AGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING �• October 14, 2002 Monday, 7:30 p.m. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION: Make A Difference Day—October 26, 2002 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The comment period will be limited to one-half hour. The second audience comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and address for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Council members in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of October 7, 2002. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 10/08/2002 for CAG-02-161, Seneca Ave. NW &NW 2nd St. Water Main Replacement; five bids; project estimate $222,187.01; and submits staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, B & L Utility, Inc., in the amount of $189,877.76 (budgeted amount $100,000). Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion of funding. c. Community Services Department recommends approval of a change order in the amount of $187,306.83 to CAG-01-201, Downtown Parking Garage construction contract with E. Kent Halvorson, for the construction of retail space. Refer to Finance Committee. d. Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends approval of an agreement with Boeing to establish joint responsibilities and financial participation for the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. extension project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. e. Police Department recommends approval of a contract with King County for jail services, and approval of an addendum to CAG-02-099, the Yakima County jail services contract. Amount budgeted is $551,300. Refer to Public Safety Committee. f. Utility Systems Division requests a briefing on the Seattle Public Utilities Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which concerns the proposed siting of the hatchery and associated facilities on the Cedar River. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from David L. Halinen, Halinen Law Offices, 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 1900, Bellevue, 98004, on behalf of Liberty Ridge LLC, requesting that the City authorize and arrange an annexation election to annex to the City, the Tydico site and adjacent existing street right-of way located in the vicinity of 136th Ave. SE. Letter includes petition signed by Frank J. Ribera, 13011 136th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, who resides on the subject property. (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) 8. OLD BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the chairman if further review is necessary. a. Committee of the Whole: Pavilion Building Concepts r.•• b. Finance Committee: Library Software Upgrade Contract; Downtown Parking Garage Signage Contract; Fry's Electronics Store Mitigation Fee Waivers c. Planning &Development Committee: Boeing Environmental Impact Statement Resolution* d. Public Safety Committee: Harbor Regulations* e. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Metro Eastside Interceptor Project Street Closures 9. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution: Expression of intent re: possible future development of the Boeing Renton plant site (see 8.c.) Ordinances for first reading: a. Reduction in the number of Planning Commission members (Council approved on 10/07/2002) b. Harbor Regulations (see 8.d.) Ordinances for second and final reading: a. South Renton Neighborhood Plan Zoning Map amendments (1st reading 10/07/2002) b. Density bonus program for RM-U zone properties (1st reading 10/07/2002) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENT 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. Pavilion Building Concepts; Outcome Management Survey Findings • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RE-CABLECAST TUES. &THURS.AT 11:00 AM&9:00 PM,WED.&FRI.AT 9:00 AM&7:00 PM AND SAT.&SUN. AT 1:00 PM&9:00 PM CITY COUNCIL October 14, 2002 City Clerk's Office r. Referrals ADMIlVISTRATION Prepare resolution calling for an annexation election for the Tydico site Develop process for approving additional neighborhood grant funding for existing projects COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Develop process for approving additional neighborhood grant funding for existing projects FINANCE COMMITTEE Downtown Parking Garage contract change order for retail space construction MAYOR & CITY CLERK Execute contract with epixtech, inc. for the library computer upgrade project Execute contract with CK Doty & Associates/Widmeyer Design for Downtown Parking Garage signage PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Jail services contracts with Yakima County and King County TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Contract with Boeing re: Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. extension project UTILITIES COMMITTEE Seneca Ave. NW &NW 2nd St. Water Main Replacement project bid award Briefing on Seattle Public Utilities Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Project Draft EIS Now ORDINANCES FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING Reduction in the number of Planning Commission members (1st reading 10/14/2002) Harbor Regulations (1st reading 10/14/2002) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting a rnr October 14, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; RANDY CORMAN;DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KING PARKER; TERRI BRIERE; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH,Parks Director;DENNIS CULP,Facilities Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor; AARON OESTING, Systems Librarian; JULIE BREWER, Community Relations Manager;DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE and COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH,Police Department. Added Stuart Elway of Elway Research,Inc.,briefed Council on the findings of the SPECIAL PRESENTATION City services public opinion survey. Between September 12th and 16th,400 AJLS: City Services Public Renton residents were interviewed by telephone in order to better understand Opinion Survey Findings citizen priorities for City services and how citizens find information about City (Carried over from the government. The survey was organized around eight categories of City Preceding Committee of the services, which represent the bulk of the City budget. The categories were: Whole Meeting) Police Services;Fire Services;Economic Development; City Streets;Parks and Recreation;Zoning,Land Use, and Development; City Utilities;Libraries and Museum. Mr. Elway reviewed the questions asked of the respondents and the results of the survey. He also highlighted the key survey findings,pointing out that most respondents rated Renton as an "Excellent" (12%)or "Very Good" (51%)place to live; City services rated a grade "B" overall in performance; and a strong majority of respondents think that their taxes are well spent by the City of Renton. Councilmembers questioned Mr.Elway on various aspects of the survey results, including the cablecast of the Renton City Council meetings,police services, economic development,human services, and code enforcement. I PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring October 26, 2002,to be Make a Difference Day— "Make a Difference Day" in the City of Renton, and urging citizens to observe October 26, 2002 this day by connecting with friends, fellow employees,and relatives, and with religious, school, and civic groups to engage in projects benefiting the community. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. •—• ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington,reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: 3S9 October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 388 • Keith Renfrew was selected as the 2002 Citizen of the Year at a banquet last week recognizing six outstanding citizens including Nancy Hoben, Roger Lewis,Roger Paulsen, Al Talley, Sr., and Chuck Tiernan. • Ken Ragland,Renton Public Library Board member,recently donated $7,500 to the library for the purchase of new books, in memory of his wife Rajeane. • The Transportation Systems Division is in the process of conducting a corridor study to develop a comprehensive set of transportation system improvements and actions that will fully address the existing and future access needs of the entire NE 3rd and 4th St. corridor. The first of three scheduled open houses to solicit comments from citizens and area businesses will be held on Thursday, November 14th, from 3:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Renton Technical College. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of October 7, 2002. Council concur. October 7,2002 CAG: 02-161, Seneca Ave City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/08/2002 for CAG-02-161, Seneca Ave. NW/NW 2nd St Water Main NW and NW 2nd St. Water Main Replacement; five bids;project estimate Replacement,B&L Utility $222,187.01; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,B &L Utility, Inc., in the amount of$189,877.76 (budgeted amount $100,000). Refer to Utilities Committee for discussion of funding. CAG: 01-201,Downtown Community Services Department recommended approval of a change order in Parking Garage,Retail Space the amount of$187,306.83 to CAG-01-201, Downtown Parking Garage Construction construction contract with E. Kent Halvorson, for the construction of retail space. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Strander Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended approval of an Blvd/SW 27th St Extension, agreement with Boeing to establish joint responsibilities and financial Boeing participation for the Strander Blvd./SW 27th St. extension project. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee Police: Jail Services Contracts, Police Department recommended approval of a contract with King County for Yakima County&King jail services, and approval of an addendum to CAG-02-099, the Yakima County County jail services contract. Amount budgeted is$551,300. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Utility: Seattle Public Utilities Utility Systems Division requested a briefing on the Seattle Public Utilities Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement Draft EIS (EIS), which concerns the proposed siting of the hatchery and associated facilities on the Cedar River. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from David L. Halinen,Halinen Law Offices, 10500 NE 8th Citizen Comment: Halinen— St., Suite 1900,Bellevue,98004, on behalf of Liberty Ridge LLC,requesting Liberty Ridge LLC that the City authorize and arrange an annexation election to annex to the City, Annexation Election Request the Tydico site and adjacent existing street right-of-way located in the vicinity (Tydico Site) of 136th Ave. SE. The letter included support petition signed by Frank J. Ribera, 13011 136th Ave. SE,Renton, 98059, one of two residents who reside on the subject property. , 39 October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 389 At the request of Mayor Tanner, City Attorney Larry Warren,reviewed the annexation election process,noting that the petition requires certification of a determination of sufficiency by the King County auditor prior to the election. Stating that the cost of the annexation election would be approximately$1,500, Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson noted that the property owner would pay for the election costs. She pointed out that in order to expedite the election process,the Council is being asked to adopt a resolution initiating the annexation election,rather than wait for the petition certification. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION TO BE HELD TO SUBMIT THE TYDICO SITE ANNEXATION PROPOSAL TO THE VOTERS WITH THE PROVISION THAT LIBERTY RIDGE LLC PAY ALL COSTS OF THE ELECTION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Transportation(Aviation) regarding the extension of the approved street closures for the Eastside Committee Interceptor project. King County is installing approximately 1,800 feet of 72- Public Works: Eastside inch pipe in the area of Houser Way S.,Burnett Ave. S., and Morris Ave. S. Interceptor Project, Street On June 11, 2001, the Council approved street closures for three intersections Closures for this project. Due to unexpected delays,construction on this project is now behind schedule, and King County Metro has requested extension of the approved street closures. The project experienced delays early in the construction process. The special new tunneling machine used for the project arrived about two months late, delaying the start of the tunneling work. Additionally,problems with extensive groundwater in the vicinity of Houser Way S. and Burnett Ave. S. required considerably more dewatering efforts than originally planned. The project contractor has attempted to get the project back on schedule by expanding work hours to 12 to 14 hours per day, six days a week through the summer. This extra effort has reduced the schedule delays,but additional time is still required to complete the work in the three street closure areas. The intersection at Houser Way S. and Morris Ave. S. was originally approved to be closed through October 31st. Work at this intersection is nearing completion,pending removal of a temporary transformer at S. 5th St. and Morris Ave. S.by the contractor for Puget Sound Energy. This transformer was set as a community relation gesture to eliminate the noise impacts of using diesel generators. The intersection at Burnett Ave. S. and Houser Way S. was originally approved to be closed through August 30th. The groundwater problems at this location resulted in modifications to the tunneling schedule, which resulted in significant delays in starting work at this intersection. The concrete structure will need to be completed, with a concrete cure of about one week. The manhole riser will then be installed;the site backfilled; steel plates removed; and the road returned to normal traffic operations. The intersection at S. 7th St. and Morris Ave. S. was originally approved to be closed though September 30th. The remaining work at this intersection is to set the manhole top,backfill,and remove the shoring system. 3�0 October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 390 The Committee recommended approving the extension of the previously approved street closures at the intersections of Houser Way S. and Morris Ave. S., and Morris Ave. S. and S. 7th St. through November 1,2002. The Committee recommended approving the extension of the previously approved street closures at the intersection of Houser Way S. and Burnett Ave. S. through December 6, 2002. The Committee recommended that any requests for further extensions of these closure dates be subject to monetary penalties,and strongly encouraged the timely completion and reopening of these three intersections. The Committee further recommended that the conditions placed on the street closures continue to be applied to the extended street closures. S. 7th St. will be open to the public only on weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. westbound, and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. eastbound. Additional angle parking will be provided on a temporary basis along the west side of Morris Ave. S. between.S. 6th and S. 7th Streets during the closure of Morris Ave. S. Emergency and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and the approved traffic control plan will be implemented and maintained by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Transportation and Development Services Divisions. The Committee noted that the completion date for the overall project has also been delayed from November, 2002,to approximately February, 2003. The City and County entered into a Memorandum of Agreement outlining mitigation responsibilities for the significant impacts to the South Renton neighborhood based upon the November, 2002,completion date. The Committee therefore recommended that King County provide additional mitigation measures for the affected neighborhood to address the additional impacts from the extended construction period. Suitable mitigation measures could include additional sidewalk improvements,or other physical improvements to the neighborhood. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Clawson and Mayor Tanner questioned the Committee report language concerning the provision that King County provide additional mitigation measures for the affected neighborhood. Councilman Persson explained that at the Transportation Committee meeting, King County representatives stated that additional mitigation for the neighborhood may be possible. Explaining that the project is within budget, and some funds may be available for mitigation measures, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that King County agreed that it would be a good idea to do something for the neighborhood to make up for the extended disruption, and King County agreed to meet again with the Committee with suggestions for mitigation measures. *MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Library: Computer Upgrade, in the staff recommendation that the contract with epixtech, inc., for the epixtech inc purchase of an upgrade to the Renton Public Library catalog, materials, acquisition, and circulation tracking system in the amount of$57,096 be approved. The library computer upgrade will update the existing operating system and hardware, and add a web-based public interface to the catalog. The current software and hardware are nearing the end of the manufacturer's support obligation. Thus,the upgrade of the system is needed to ensure future October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 391 serviceability. The addition of a web-based interface to the library's catalog will improve the systems ease of use for the public,both from their homes and within the library. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the contract for Downtown Parking Garage signage for the Downtown Parking Garage. The Committee concurred with the Signage,CK Doty& staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Associates/Widmeyer Design contract with CK Doty&Associates Widmeyer Design,Joint Venture,to procure and install signage at the Downtown Parking Garage. The signage contract is in the amount of$73,837.60. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Parker reported that although the contract amount is$5,000 over the budgeted amount for the signage project, it is within the overall garage construction budget. Councilman Persson added that the extra cost is for the addition of an exit sign on S. 2nd St. *MOTION CARRIED. EDNSP: Fry's Electronics Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Fry's Mitigation Fees Waiver Electronics store mitigation fees waiver. Fry's Electronics has requested a waiver of mitigation and utility connection fees totaling$295,171.07 in association with the construction of its 150,000 square foot store in North Renton. As estimates show,Fry's is expected to generate$2.6 million in City tax and fee revenues in its first five years of operation. The Committee met on October 14, 2002,and determined that the economic benefits of Fry's Electronics to the City of Renton will far outweigh the initial loss of these fees. Therefore,the Committee recommended that the City Council waive the fire mitigation fee, traffic mitigation fee, special utility connection fee(water and special utility connection fee), sewer for the Fry's Electronics project, as requested, thereby stimulating construction of this facility. The Committee recognized that the waiver of those fees will have an impact on these specific mitigation fund accounts and recommended review of potential reimbursement of these funds during each annual budget cycle.* Councilman Parker emphasized that the matter was carefully reviewed, and he explained that if deficits result in the mitigation fund accounts because of this action,money can be transferred from the City's general fund to cover any obligations the City has on those accounts. *MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning&Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the environmental impact statement(EIS)resolution with The EDNSP: Boeing Renton Plant Boeing Company. Boeing may consolidate its aircraft assembly operations at Site Future Redevelopment its Renton Plant. If Boeing moves forward with the consolidation,a portion of Resolution the site may no longer be needed by Boeing and could be surplused for redevelopment. In order to determine potential impacts of redevelopment scenarios, an environmental review will be initiated. A resolution has been *MO drafted that outlines how the City of Renton and Boeing will work together to complete the environmental review. I L October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 The resolution delineates the key activities and commitments by both Boeing and the City to support planning, State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) environmental evaluation, and possible future redevelopment of portions of the Boeing Renton site. The Committee reviewed the proposed resolution and recommended its adoption by the City Council. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler emphasized that the City wants Boeing to remain in Renton; however, if Boeing decides to move, the City wants to be involved in discussions concerning how the Boeing Renton Plant property will be redeveloped. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding harbor Legal: Harbor Regulations regulations. The Committee convened on October 14, 2002, to consider the Ordinance ordinance regarding harbor regulations. In order to keep Renton's harbor regulations in line with Washington State statutes, and to enable the City's harbor patrol officers to better enforce City Code, the Committee recommended that the following references in the City's harbor regulations (Section 9-3 of City Code)be updated: speed regulations, accidents, equipment and numbering requirements,criminal offenses,civil infractions, and definitions. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading.* Councilman Clawson explained that the ordinance defines what a wake is, and updates City Code to conform to State law. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for rr ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3589 A resolution was read expressing the intent of Boeing and the City of Renton to EDNSP: Boeing Renton Plant work together in the review and evaluation of the Boeing Renton Plant site. Site Future Redevelopment MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL Resolution ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 10/21/2002 for second and final reading: EDNSP: Planning Commission An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-10-2, 2-10-4, and 2-10-5, of Member Reduction, Chapter 10, Planning Commission, of Title II(Commissions)of City Code by Department Title Updating reducing the number of Planning Commission members from nine to seven, and updating the titles of City departments and divisions. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/21/2002. CARRIED. Legal: Harbor Regulations An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9-3,Harbor Regulations, of Title IX Ordinance (Public Ways and Property)by updating references related to harbor regulations to the Revised Code of Washington(RCW), and revising definitions. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON NNW 10/21/2002. CARRIED. October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 393 The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4984 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties Planning: South Renton within the South Renton sub-area of the City of Renton, and implementing the Neighborhood Plan,Zoning South Renton Neighborhood Plan(South Renton Neighborhood Plan and Map Amend associated rezones and Code text amendments,File R-02-031). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4985 An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-2 and 4-9 of Title IV Planning: Residential Multi- (Development Regulations)of City Code to implement a density bonus Family Urban Zone,Density program for properties in the Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U)zone Bonus north of S. 2nd St. in downtown Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman requested that Council consider a request for additional EDNSP: Highbury Park funds by the Highbury Park Homeowners Association for their neighborhood Homeowner Association, identification sign project. The association was granted$3,558 for the project Request for Additional Funds by the City's Neighborhood Grant Program,and due to an additional expenditure on rental equipment,the project is over budget by$689. Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson explained that this is a dedicated neighborhood group and they can match the additional funds with sweat equity. She stated that staff recommends approval of the association's request for additional funds; and since this is the first time a request such as this has been made, she recommended that a process be developed for these types of requests in the future. Ms. Carlson confirmed that there is enough money in the Neighborhood Grant Program's budget to cover the additional expenditure. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF$689 FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAM'S BUDGET FOR THE HIGHBURY PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION'S NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, 1 COUNCIL REFER DEVELOPING A PROCESS FOR APPROVING ADDITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD GRANT FUNDING FOR AN EXISTING PROJECT TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Police: Drug Dealing at Councilman Persson requested investigation of a citizen report that people are Shopping Center(between openly dealing drugs in the area of the shopping center located between Rainier Rainier&Shattuck Ave S) Ave. S. and Shattuck Ave. S., south of the railroad tracks. Community Services: Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler and Council President Toni Nelson expressed Downtown Parking Garage, concern about the proposed pay station at the Downtown Parking Garage, Pay Station stating that people's vehicles may be locked in the garage after hours. They requested that a direct telephone line be installed at the garage to the Police I Department, and the Police Department be equipped with a remote way of opening the garage door. Mayor Tanner stated that he was under the impression that the garage would be open 24 hours,and asked staff to look into the matter. I j 3q� October 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 394 Council: Initiative 790 Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer,gave a briefing on two initiatives (LEOFF Plan 2 Pension that will appear on the November 5, 2002, General Election ballot: Initiative System) &Initiative 776 790 and Initiative 776. He reported that Initiative 790 would change the (Motor Vehicle License Fees) method of governing the LEOFF 2 pension system for police and firefighters, and the way that earnings from investments would be handled. The initiative would remove the LEOFF 2 pension fund from its current status of being managed by State appointed boards to a new administration with the majority of members being police and fire representatives. Explaining that Renton would have to pay an additional $1.5 to$1.8 million annually to the pension fund if I-790 is approved by voters,Mr. Covington stated that the Administration recommends that Council adopt a resolution stating its opposition to the initiative. Reporting on Initiative 776, Mr. Covington explained that the initiative: • Requires license tab fees for motor vehicles to not exceed$30; • Eliminates the authorization for voter-approved local option Motor Vehicle Excise Tax(MVET) for transit; • Requires outstanding bonds for light rail be retired; • Repeals local option vehicle license fee; and • Repeals MVET related statues—exemptions, valuation requirements, and revenue distribution statutes that were in effect when MVET was collected by the State. Pointing out that the estimated cost impact on the City is $450,000 to$500,000 annually if the initiative is passed,Mr. Covington stated that the Administration also recommends that Council adopt a resolution stating its opposition to I-776. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler expressed her concern that Council has not had adequate time to consider the initiatives, and suggested that a pro and con presentation be scheduled for each initiative for the Council and public's benefit. Councilman Persson agreed that pro and con presentations should be held on both initiatives. Councilmembers Clawson,Parker and Corman all stated that they were prepared to oppose I-776; however,they would like more information on I-790. Mayor Tanner stated that the Administration would try to schedule pro and con presentations for both I-776 and 1-790 at the next Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:15 p.m. BONNIE 1.WALTON, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 14,2002 UW CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR �� Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 14, 2002 COMMITTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA wr COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 10/21 Pavilion Building Concepts; (Nelson) 5:30 p.m. 3rd Quarter Financial Report for 2002 COMMUNITY SERVICES MON., 10/21 Nishiwaki Sister City Committee (Corman) 4:00 p.m. Appointments; Agreement with Renton School District for IKEA Performing Arts Center; 2003 Base Budget for Community Services Department (briefing only) FINANCE MON., 10/21 Vouchers; (Parker) 3:00 p.m. 2003 Base Budget for Finance & Information Services Department (briefing only); Downtown Parking Garage Retail Space Construction PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT WED., 10/16 St. Anthony's Church Conditional Use (Keolker-Wheeler) 2:00 p.m. Permit Appeal by Wade Cross *Council Chambers* PUBLIC SAFETY (Clawson) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Persson) UTILITIES THURS., 10/17 Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery (Briere) 2:00 p.m. Environmental Impact Statement; Seneca Ave. NW &NW 2nd St. Water Main Replacement Bid Award fto NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted. I i r ���� ,- ,,� �, ,� ,� ,�� ,� ���