Amends ORO Nos.3981,4551.
Amended by ORO 5100,5153
SECTION I.Section 4-1-170.A of Chapter I,Administration and Enforcement,
ofTitie IV (Development Regulations)ofOrdinauee No.4260 eutitled "Code of General
Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit 1,
SECTION n.The Chapter Guide to Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,ofTitle IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER GUIDE:Chapter 4-2 RMC contains zone-related land use regulations,and
zone-related development standards,primarily in tabular form.Chapter 4-2 RMC additionally
includes provisions for interpreting the Zoning Map that delineate the zoning and overlay
districts and provisions for determining the permissibility of unclassified uses.Chapter 4-2 RMC
does not contain procedural information.Related permit processes (e.g.,site development plan
review,variance,conditional use permit,etc.)are located in chapters 4-8 and 4-9 RMC.In
contrast,chapter 4-3 RMC applies to any property in the City that contains certain environmental
characteristics,and chapter 4-3 RMC also applies to overlay disnicts that mayor may not
include more than one zone in order to apply special use restrictions and/or standards.Chapter 4-
4 RMC applies regulations to property City-wide,regardless of zone distTict.
SECTIO In.Section 4-2-080.A.9 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title N (Development Regulations)of Ordinance o.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
9.Development consistent with an approved "Master Plan"is considered to be a
permitted use.Other activities which are outright pennitted include the addition of up to four (4)
new portables,or changes in facilities not exceeding ten percent (10%)of gross floor area.Other
proposed activities require a Healing Examiner conditional use permit.
SECTIO IV.Section 4-2-080.A.17 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washillgton"is hereby amended to read as follows:
17.a.General Office:Size restrictions apply per RMC 4-2-120.A.Additionally,
the use may only be permitted via administrative conditional use pennit subject to the foJJowing
criteria in addition to conditional use criteria:(i)activities with a limited need for walk-in
clientele and (ii)activities for which a reduction in parkulg standards to one space per five
hundred (500)square feet of gross floor space could be justified.
b.Administrative Headquarters Office:New administrative headquarters offices are
not permitted.For existing,legal administrative headquarters offices greater than three thousand
(3,000)square feet in size,and in existence prior to January 1,1999,the following expansions
Illay be allowed:(i)parking expansion may be allowed;(ii)a one-time expansion of building
square footage,not exceeding three thousand five hundred (3,500)square feet,may be pemlitted
subject to site development plan review.This provision alJowing expansion of building square
footage shall expire on December 1,2006,consistent with any approved development
agreements or covenants.
SECTION V.Section 4-2·080.A.21 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts ~Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
21.a.General Requirements:Allowed only in conjunction with offices,
residences,hotels,and convention centers,or research and development facilities.
b.Integration of Uses:The use shall be architecturally and functionally
integrated into the development.
Except for marinas,the use must be housed in a structure containing one or more of the
uses listed in subsection (21 )(a)of this Section.The requirements in subsection (21 )(b)may be
adjusted through the Master Plan process.
SECTION VI.Section 4·2·080.A.27 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
27.Shall be architecturally and functionally integrated into the overall development.
Freestanding establishments may be penniued only if they are five thousand (5,000)square feet
or larger per establishment.These requirements may be adjusted through the Master Plan review
SECTION VII.Section 4-2-0S0.A.28 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
28.Accessory drive-through service is permitted only in association with multi-story
buildings.The accessory drive·through service shall be located to the side and/or rear of the
building,and integrated into the exterior wall.Drive-through lanes shall not be located between
the street and the main pedestrian access to the buildings.These requirements may be adjusted
through the Site Plan review process
SECTION VIII.Section 4-2-080.A.70 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
70.No drive-through service shall be pennitted,except for multi-story financial
institutions which are permitted three (3)accessory drive-up windows.The accessory drive-
through service shall be located to the side and/or rear of the building,and the windows shall be
part of the exterior walL Drive-through lanes shall not be located between the street and the main
pedestrian access to the buildings.These requirements may be adjusted through the Site Plan
review process.
SECTION IX.Section 4-2-110.F of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by changing the
phrase "site plan,"wherever it appears in the table,to "site development plan."
..,'0 "
SECTION X.Section 4-2-110.H.l of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
1.Front and rear setbacks in the RM-U Zone may be reduced to 0'by the Reviewing
Official during the site development plan review process provided the applicant demonstrates
that the project will provide a compensatory amenity such as an entryway courtyard,private
balconies or enhanced landscaping.
SECTION XI.Section 4-2-11O.H.2 of Chapter 2,Zoniog Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
2.If the structure located in the RM~U Zone exceeds 4 stories in height,a 15 foot
front setback from the property line shall be required of all portions of the structure which
exceed 4 stories.This requirement may be modified by the Reviewing Official during the site
development plan review process to a uniform 5 foot front setback for the entire structme
provided that the structure provides a textured or varied facade (e.g.,multiple setbacks,
brickwork and/or ornamentation)and consideration of the pedestrian environment (e.g.,extra
sidewalk width,canopies,enhanced landscaping).
SECTION XII.Section 4-2-110.H.5 of Chapter 2,Zoniog Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
5.In all districts except the "u"and "T,"more stories and an additional 10 feet in
height may be obtained through the provision of additional amenities such as pitched roofs,
additional recreation facilities,underground parking,and/or additional landscaped open space
areas,as detennined through the site development plan review process.
SECTION XIII.Section 4-2-11 O.H.6 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
6.In the "I"District,additional height for a residential dwelling structure may be
obtained through the site development plan review process depending on the compatibility of the
proposed buildings with adjacent existing residential development.In no case shall the height of
a residential structure exceed 45 feet.
SECTION XIV.Section 4-2-11 0.H.16 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title rv (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
16.The Reviewing Official may modify this provision,through the site development
plan review process,where it is dete1111ined that specific pOl1ions of the required landscaping
strip may be developed and maintained as a usable public open space with an opening directly to
a public entrance.
SECTION XV.Section 4-2-11 0.H.17 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title TV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City ofRenlon,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
17.The Reviewing Official may penn it,through the site development plan review
process,the substitution for the 15 foot wide landscaping strip,of a 10 foot wide landscaped
setback and a sight-obscuring solid barrier wall (e.g.,landscaping or solid fence),in order to
provide reasonable access to the property.
lli .....
The solid ban"ier wall shall be designed in accord with the site development plan review
section and shall be located a minimum of5 feet from abutting property(ies)zoned and or
designated for "residential"use.The Reviewing Official may also modify the sight-obscuring
landscaping provision,through the site development plan review process,if necessary to provide
reasonable access to the property.
A secured maintenance agreement or easement for the landscape strip is required.
SECTION XVI.Section 4-2-110.H.19 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of tile City of Rentol1,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
19.For existing parcels which are a maximum size of 1/2 acre,as of the effective date
hereof,and whjch are proposed to be developed with townhouse development,an exemption
from lot width or depth requirements may be permitted if the Reviewing Official deternlines that
proposed alternative width standards are consistent with site development plan review section
SECTION XVII.Section 4-2-11 O.H.23 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
23.For RM-U propel1ies,perimeter st'reellandscape strips may utilize a mix of hard
surfaces,brick,stone,textured/colored concrete,and natural landscape elements,groundcover,
shrubs and trees,to provide a transition between the public streetscape and the private
development,subject to Site Plan review,RMC 4·9-200.8.1,and the general and additional
review criteria ofRMC 4-9-200.£.1 and F.l,F.2,and F.7.In no case shall living plant material
comprise less than 30%of the required perimeter landscape strip.
SECTION XVIII.Sections 4-2-120.A and 4-2-120.B of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts ~
Uses and Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled
"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"are hereby amended by
changing the phrase "site plan,"wherever it appears in the table,to "site development plan."
SECTION XIX.Section 4-2-120.C.3 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
3.These provisions may be modified by the Reviewing Official through the site
development plan review process where the applicant can show that the same or better result will
occur because of creative design solutions,unique aspects or use,etc.,that cannot be fully
anticipated at this lime.
SECTION XX.Section 4-2-120.C.5 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
5.The Reviewing Official may modify the sight-obscuring provision in order to
provide reasonable access to the property through the site development plan review process.
SECTION XXI.Section 4~2-120.C.13 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title TV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
13.A reduced minimum setback of no less than 15 feet may be allowed for structures
in excess of25 feet in height through the site development plan review process.
SECTIO XXII.Section 4-2-120.C.14 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Rentol1,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
14.Additional height may be allowed via the site development plan review process;
provided,the applicant can demonstrate provision of any of the following significant public
a.Provision of continuous pedestrian access to the shoreline consistent with
requirements of the Shoreline Management Act and fitting a circulation pattem within the site;
b.Provision of 5 affordable units per 50 units,which meet the provisions of
the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan;
c.Provision of an additional 25 foot setback from the shoreline above that
required by the Shoreline Regulations;
d.Establishment of view corridors from upland boundaries of the site to the
e.Establishment of water related uses.
If the applicant wishes to reach these bonus objectives in a different manner,a system of
floor area ratios may be established for the property to be determined at the time of site
development plan review.
Fmthem10re,the Master Plan review must address the impact of this height on the
neighboring area and mitigate these impacts.
SECTIO XXIII.Section 4-2-120.C.15 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses
and Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
15.The maximum setback may be modified by the Reviewing Official through the site
development plan review process if the applicant can demonstrate that the site development plan
meets the following criteria:
a.Orients development to the pedestrian through such measures as providing
pedestTian walkways beyond those required by the Renton Municipal Code (RMC),encouraging
pedestrian amenities and supporting altematives to single occupant vehicle (SO V)transportation;
b.Creates a low scale streetscape through such measures as fostering distinctive
architecture and mitigating the visual dominance of extensive and unbroken parking along lhe
street front;and
c.Promotes safety and visibility through such measures as discouraging the creation
of hidden spaces,minimizing conflict between pedestrian and traffic and ensuring adequate
setbacks to accommodate required parking and/or access that could not be provided otherwise.
Alternatively,the Reviewing Official may also modify the maximum setback
requirement if the applicant can demonstrate that the preceding criteria cannot be met;however,
those criteria which can be met shall be addressed in the site development plan:
d.Due to factors including but not limited to the unique site design requirements or
physical site constraints such as critical areas or utility easements the maximum setback cannot
be met;or
e.One or more of the above criteria would not be furthered or would be impaired by
compliance with the maximum setback;or
f.Any function of the use which serves the public health,safety or welfare would be
materially impaired by the required setback.
SECTION XX1V.Section 4·2·120.C.19 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Tille TV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
19.Except with approved Master Plan review.
SECTION XXV.Section 4-2-120.C.23 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and
Standards,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances orthe City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
23.Within the CD Zone,perimeter street landscape strips may utilize a mix of hard
surfaces,brick,stone,textured/colored concrete,and natural landscape elements,groundcover,
shrubs and trees,to provide a transition between the public streetscape and the private
development,subject to Site Plan review,RMC 4-9-200.8.I,and the general and additional
review criteria of RMC 4-9-200.E.l and F.I,F.2,and F.7.In no case shall living plant material
comprise less than 30%of the required perimeter landscape strip.
SECTION XXVI.Section 4-3-080.A of Chapter 3,Environmental Regulations and
Overlay Districts,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code
of General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
A.Notice Required:
The owner of any property designated with a "P"suffix shall be required to give written
notice to the owners of all property within a three hundred foot (300 )radius of the site involved,
as well as all residents and/or businesses within a three hundred foot (300 )radius of the site or
facility,at least sixty (60)days in advance of any of the following:
1.A proposed change of use of the premises;
2.A proposed change of the major tenant and/or tenant group using the premises if
such a change is determined by the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Administrator or designee
to have probable major adverse impacts to the immediate surrounding area;or
3.Any proposed change of ownership of the premises.
Such notice shall not be required if the proposed change has been identified in a Master
Plan adopted pursuant to the site development plan review regulations in Chapter 4-9 RMC.The
notice shall also invite these neighborhood property owners,residents and/or business persons to
attend an informational meeting in the area,hosted by the owner of the property or their
SECTION XXVII.Section 4-3-080.D of Chapter 3,Enviromnental
Regulations and Overlay Districts,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance o.
4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Any publicly owned structures on property designated with a "P"suffix shall be allowed
to develop pursuant to the special height exceptions for such uses contained in RMC 4-2-11 O.D,
Condition 9,4-2-11 O.H,Condition 21,4-2-120.C,Condition 20,or 4-2-130.B,Condition 13,as
well as under the Master Plan review regulations.
SECTION XXVIII.Section 4-8-070.C.l.p of Chapter 8,Permits -General and
Appeals,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance o.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
p.Master Plan review (individual phases)
SECTION XXIX.Section 4-8-070.H.I.g of Chapter 8,Permits -General and
Appeals,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as follows:
g.Master Plan review (overall plan)and major amendments to an overall Master
SECTION XXX.Section 4-8-120.C of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions,of
Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of General
Ordinances of the'City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit
SECTION XXXI.Section 4-8-120.D of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions,of
Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of General
Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by adding the definitions of
"Master Plan,""Project Sequencing Plan,"and "Site Plan,"to read as follows:
Master Plan:A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals
twenty feet (I"=20')(or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director)
consisting ofa conceptual plan indicating the following:
a.Information from Site Plan,items a,b,and c,
b.A legend listing the following must be included on one of the sheets:
•Total square footage ofthe site,
•Square footage (by floor and overall total)of each individual building
and/or use,
•Total estimated square footage of all buildings (footprint of each building),
•Percentage estimate of lot coverage,
•Square footage estimate of all landscaping (total and parking lot),
•Allowable and proposed building height,
•Building setbacks proposed and required by Code,
•Parking analysis,including estimated number,size,and type of stalls
required,by use;and number of stalls provided,by use,
c.General location and size of buildings and uses,
d.Phasing of development,
e.Major access points and access to public streets,vehicle and pedestrian
circulation,public transit stops,
f.Critical areas,
g.Focal points within the project (e.g.,public plazas,art work,gateways both into
the site and into the City,etc.),
h.Private and public open space provisions,and recreation areas,
I.View corridors,
J.Public access to water andlor shoreline areas.
Project Sequencing Plan:A narrative that outlines what order development phases will
be built in and at what estimated times they will be developed within the life of the associated
Master Plan.
Site Plan:A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals
twenty feet (l"=20')(or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director)
clearly indicating the following:
a.Name of proposed project,
b.Date,scale,and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet,
c.Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of
adjacent streets,
d.Widths of all adjacent streets and alleys,
e.The location of all existing public improvements including,but not limited to,
curbs,gutters,sidewalks,median islands,street trees,fire hydrants,utility poles,etc.,along the
full property frontage,
f.Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures,parking and loading
areas,driveways,existing on-site trees,existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls,
freestanding signs,easements,refuse and recycling areas,freestanding lighting fixtures,utility
junction boxes,public utility transformers,storage areas,buffer areas,open spaces,and
landscaped areas,
g.The location and dimensions of natural features such as streams,lakes,marshes
and wetlands,
h.Ordinary high water mark,existing and proposed,if applicable,
1.For wireless conununication facilities indicate type and locations of existing and
new plant materials used to screen facility components and the proposed color(s)for the facility,
J.A legend listing the following must be included on one of the site plan sheets:
1.Total square footage of the site,
ll.Square footage (by floor and overall total)of each individual building
and/or use,
ll1.Total square footage of all buildings (footprint of each building),
IV.Percentage of lot coverage,
v.Square footage of all landscaping (total,parking lot,and wildlife habitat),
VI.Allowable and proposed bnilding height,
VII.Building setbacks required by Code,
VIII.Proposed building setbacks,
lX.Parking analysis,including:
•Number of stalls required,by use;number of stalls provided,by use,
•Sizes of stalls and angles,
•Location and number of handicap stalls,compact,employee and/or
guest parking stalls,
•Location and size of curb cuts,
•Traffic flow within the parking,loading,and maneuvering areas and
ingress and egress,
•Location of wheel stops,
•Loading space,
•Stacking space,
•Location and dimensions of bicycle racks,carpool parking spaces,and
other facilities designed to accommodate access to the site,
•Square footage of interior parking lot landscaping.
k.Footprint of all proposed buildings showing the location of building entrances,
window openings,and landscape features (required for Urban Center Design Overlay District
review packet only),
L Footprint of all abutting and adjacent buildings showing the location of building
entrances,window openings,and landscape features (required for Urban Center Design Overlay
District review packet only),
m.For nonconforming use or structure rebuild approval permits:draw on the scaled
plan the exact sizes and locations of existing structures and uses,whether damaged or not;write
on the scaled plan the dates these structures/uses were established;on a separate sheet,identify
the subject property,abutting lots and buildings and list adjacent and abutting land uses.
SECTION XXXII.Section 4-8-120.D of Chapter 8,Pennits and Decisions,of
Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of General
Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by deleting the titles and
definitions of "Site Plan,Land Use Review,Level I"and "Site Plan,Land Use Review,Level
II,"and by amending the defmition of "Urban Center Design Overlay District Review Packet,"
to read as follows:
Urban Center Design Overlay District Review Packet:A set of submission materials
required for projects in the Urban Center Design Overlay District:
a.Site plan,land use review;
c.Floor plans,general;
d.Narrative outlining how the applicant's proposal addresses the City'S Urban
Center Design Overlay Regulations (RMC 4-3-100)
SECTION XXXIII.Section 4-9-200,Site Plan Review,of Chapter 9,
Procedures and Review Criteria,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260
entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to
read as follows:
The purpose of Site Development Plan Review shall be to assure that proposed
development is compatible with the plans,policies and regulations of the City of Renton as
outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan and the City's Business Plan Goals.Site
Development Plan Review may be used to analyze plans at varying levels of detail to ensure
continuity of project concept and consistent implementation.Elements subject to this Section
include,but are not limited to,site layout,building orientation and design,pedestrian and
vehicular environment,signage,landscaping,natural features of the site,screening and buffering,
parking and loading facilities,and illumination.Site Development Plan Review is divided into
two types:Master Plan and Site Plan.
1.Master Plan:The purpose of the Master Plan process is to guide phased planning
of development projects with multiple buildings on a single large site.The Master Plan is
required to demonstrate how the major elements of a development are proposed on the site at
sufficient detail to demonstrate the overall project concept.In addition,the Master Plan must
illustrate how the major project elements,combined,create an urban environment that
implements City goals.An additional purpose is to allow consideration and mitigation of
potential impacts that could result from large-scale site and facility development,and to allow
coordination with City capital improvement planning.Master Plan review should occur at an
early stage in the development of a project,when the scale,intensity and layout of a project are
2.Site Plan Review:The purpose of the Site Plan process is the detailed
alTangement of project elements so as to be compatible with the physical characteristics of a site
and with the surrounding area.An additional purpose of Site Plan is to ensure quality
development consistent with City goals and policies.For those developments that do not require
Master Plan first,Site Plan Review should occur at an early stage in the development of a
project,when the scale,intensity and layout ofa project are known.
The intent of the tiered Site Development Plan Review process is to provide an
opportunity to review projects at broad levels for the Master Plan and wilh increased specificity
as development plans becomes refined to the level of Site Plan.Intent statements below shall
guide review of tile plans at a specificity appropriate to the level of review.
1.To promote the orderliness of community growth,protect and enhance property
values and minimize discordant and undesirable impacts of development both on-and off-site;
2.To promote high quality design meeting criteria set forth in the City's Urban
Center Design Overlay,where applicable;
3.To protect and enhance the desirable aspects of the natural landscape and
environmental features of the City;
4.To ensure convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within
the site and in relation to adjacent areas,and ensure that road and pedestrian circulation systems
implement land use objectives for the Zone in which the project occurs;
5.To promote coordination of public or quasi-public elements,such as walkways,
driveways,paths,and landscaping within segments of larger developments and between
individual developments;
6.To protect neighboring owners and uses by assuring that reasonable provisions
have been made for such matters as sound and sight buffers,light and air,and those other aspects
of site plans which may have substantial effects on neighboring land lIses;
7.To minimize conflicts that might otherwise be created by a mix of uses within
allowed zones;
8.To provide for quality,multiple family or clustered housing while minimizing the
impacts of high density,heavy traffic generation,and intense demands on City utilities and
recreational facilities;
9.To provide a mechanism to more effectively meet the purposes and intent of the
State Environmental Policy Act;
10.To supplement other land use regulations by addressing site plan elements not
adequately covered elsewhere in the City Code and to avoid violation of the purpose and intent
ofthose codes.
1.Master Plan Review -Applicability:
a.UCN-1 and UCN-2 Zones:Master Plan review is required for all
development within the UCN-I and UCN-2 zones that is not specifically exempted in
Subsections 4-9-200Cla.and b.All Master Plans within these zones must be consistent with
the conceptual plan required by development agreement(s)applicable to the UCN-I and UCN-2
zones for the specific district(s)where they are located.When existing parcels are 25 acres or
smaller,a master plan incorporating all abutting lots in common ownership as of Dec.1,2003,
is required.No Site Plan Review within an area shall be approved until such a time as a Master
Plan is approved for the same area Master Plan and Site Plan Review for the same area may
occur concurrently.
b.COR Zones:Master Plan review is required for all development within
the COR zones that is not specifically exempted by Subsection C.below.
c.All Other Zones:Master Plans are optional.
2.Site Plan Review:0 building pennit shall be issued for any use requiring Site
Plan Review pu.rsuant to this Section until the Reviewing Official has approved,or approved
with conditions,the Site Plan application.All building pelTI1its issued shall be in compliance
with the approved Site Plan.Site Plan Review is required for:
a.All Development in the IL,CO,CC,C ,CD,CA,CS,COR,DC -1,
DC -2,R-10,RMH,RM,and R-14 zones.
b.K-12 Educational Institutions.
d.Outdoor Recreation Facilities.
e.Rental Services with Outdoor Storage.
f.Hazardous Waste Facilities:All hazardous waste treatment and storage
g.Development within the Employment Area Valley:All development
within the Employment Area Valley (EAV)land use designation.See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-
1.Development Exempt from Master Plan Review:
a.UCN-1 and UC -2 Zones onJy:
1.Airplane Manufacturing and Airplane Manufacturing Accessory
Functions:New structures,rehabilitation of existing sh'uctures,or lot line adjustments for
airplane manufacturing and airplane manufacturing accessory functions within the DC -1 and
UC -2 zones.
II.Other Uses:Subdivision,lot line adjustment or other method of
adjusting lot configurations that result in lots larger than 25 acres in size.
111.Other Exemptions in the UCN-l and UCN-2 zones:Other
exemptions are listed in subsection 4-9-200C.I.b.below.
b.COR,UCN-I,and UCN-2 Zones:
1.Interior Remodels
11.Facade Modifications:Facade modifications such as the location of
entrances/exits,the location of windows,changes in signage,or aesthetic alterations.
lU.Exterior remodeling or expansion of an existing detached or semi~
attached home and/or primary residence, excluding the addition of a new dwelling unites).
IV.All development categorically exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (chapters 43.21C RCW and chapter 197-11 WAC)and under RMC 4-
9-070,Environmental Review Procedures.
v.Utilities:Underground utility projects.
VI.Additional exemptions for the R-I 0 Zone are listed in subsections
C3c and C3d of this Section.
VII.Additional exemptions for the R-14 Zone are listed in subsection
C3c ofthis Section.
2.Development Exempt from Site Plan Review:
a.In the RC,R-I,R-5,R-8,RM-H,RM,CC,CO,CA, CN,CS,CD,IL,1M,
and IH Zones:In all zones,the following types of development shall be exempt from the
requirements of site plan review:
I.Interior remodel of existing buildings or structures.
II.Facade modifications such as the location of entrances/exits;the
location ofwindo\Vs;changes in signage;or aesthetic alterations.
Ill.Planned Unit Developments.
IV,All development categorically exempt from review under the State
Environmental Policy Act (chapter 43.21C RCW and chapter 197-11 WAC)and under R.MC 4-
9-070,Environmental Review Procedures.
v.Underground utility projects.
b.In the R-I 0,R-14,COR,and UCN-I and UCN-2 Zones:In the R-I 0,R-
14,COR,UC-Nt and UC-N 2 Zones,the following types of development shall be exempt from
the requirements of site plan review:
I.Interior remodel of existing buildings or structures.
11.Facade modifications such as the location of entrances/exits,the
location of windows,changes in signage,or aesthetic alterations.
III.Exterior remodeling or expansion of an existing detached or semi-
attached home and/or primary residence,excluding the addition of a new dwelling unites).
IV.All development categorically exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (chapter 43.21 C.RCW and chapter 197-11 WAC)and under RMC 4-
9-070,Envirorunental Review Procedures.
v.Underground utility projects.
c.In the R-1 °and R-14 Zones,the following types of development shall be
exempt from the requirements of Site Plan Review:
I.New or replacement detached or semi-attached homes on a single
previously planed lot.
II.Plmmed unit developments.
Hi.Development of detached or semi-attached dwelling units on legal
lots where part of a subdivision application.
d.In the R -10 Zone,the following types of development shall be exempt
from the requirements of site plan review:All development categorically exempt from the State
Environmental Policy Act (chapter 43.21C RCW and chapter 197-11 WAC)and under RMC 4-
9-070,Environmental Review Procedures,excluding shadow platting of two (2)or more units
per RMC 4-2-11 O.F.
In all cases,the public hearing for Master Plan or Site Plan Review should be conducted
concUlTently with any other required hearing,such as rezone or subdivision,if the details of the
development are sufficiently defined to pefilit adequate review.A public hearing before the
Hearing Examiner shall be required in the following cases:
1.Master Plans:
a.All Master Plans proposed or required per RMC 4-9-200.B,Master Plan
Review,Applicability.Where a Master Plan is approved,subsequent Site Plans submitted for
future phases may be submitted and approved administratively without a public hearing.
b.Exception for Planned Actions:A hearing before the Hearing Examiner is
not required ifboth of the following criteria are met:
I.One or more public hearings were held where public comment was
solicited on the proposed Planned Action Ordinance,and
11.The environmental impact statement for the plmmed action
reviewed preliminary conceptual plans for the site which provided the public and decision-
makers with sufficient detail regarding the scale of the proposed improvements,the quantity of
the various types of spaces to be provided,the use to wInch the structure will be put,and the buLk
and general form of the improvements.
2.Site Plan Review:
a.Significant Environmental Concerns Remain:The Environmental Review
ConU11ittee determines that based on depa!tmental COl1U11ents or public input there are significant
unresolved concems that are raised by the proposal;or
b.Large Project Scale:The proposed project is more than:
1.One hundred (100)semi-attached or attached residential umts;or
II.One hundred thousand (100,000)square feet of gross floor area
(nonresidential)in the IL or CO Zones or other zones in the Employment Area Valley (EAV)
land use designation (see EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B);or
111.Twenty five thousand (25,000)square feet of gross floor area
(nonresidential)in the CC,CN, CD, CA,CS,or CO Zones outside the Employment Area Valley
(EA V)land use designation (see EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B);or
IV.Four (4)stories or sixty feet (60 )in height;or
v.Three hundred (300)parking stalls;or
VI.Ten (l0)acres in size of project area.
c.Commercial or Industrial Property Lies Adjacent to or Abutting the RC,
R-l,R-5,R-8 and R-I0 zones.
The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon plans based upon a finding that the
proposal meets comprehensive planning considerations and the criteria in this subsection and in
subsection F ofthi5 Section,as applicable.These criteria also provide a frame of reference for
the applicant in developing a site,but are not intended to discourage creativity and innovation.
Review criteria include the following:
I.General Review Criteria for Both Master Plans and Site Plan Review:
a.Confonllance with the Comprehensive Plan,its elements and policies.In
determining compliance with the Comprehensive Plan,conformance to the objectives and
policies of the specific land use designation shall be given consideration over citywide objectives
and policies;
Conformance with existing land use regulations;
Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses;
Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site;
Conservation of area-wide property values;
Safety and efficiency ofvehic1e and pedestrian circulation;
Provision of adequate light and air;
Mitigation of noise,odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions;
Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed
Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight.
Additional Special Review Criteria for COR,UCN-I,and UCN-2 Zones
I.The plan is consistent with a Planned Action Ordinance,if
II.The plan creates a compact,urban development that includes a
compatible mix of uses that meets the Comprehensive Plan vision and policy statements for the
Center Office Residential or Urban Center North Comprehensive Plan designations;and
111.The plan provides an overall urban design concept that is intemally
consistent,and provides quality development;and
IV.The plan incorporates public and private open spaces to provide
adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site,and/or to
protect existing natural systems;and
v.The plan provides view corridors to the shoreline area and Mt.
Rainier where applicable;and
VI.Public access is provided to water and/or shoreline areas;and
VII.The plan provides distinctive focal points such as public area
plazas,prominent architectural features,or other items;and
V111.Public and/or private streets are arranged in a layout that provides
reasonable access to property and supports the land use envisioned;and
IX.The plan accommodates and promotes transit,pedestrian,and other
altemative modes of transportation.
1.Additional Criteria for the UCN-I and UCN-2 Zones only:
I.The plan confomls to the approved conceptual plan required by
development agreement for the Subarea in question,ifapplicable.
11.The plan confomls with the intent and the mandatory elements of
the design guidelines located in RMC 4-3-100.The Master Plan clearly identifies the urban
design concept for each district enunciated in the Urban Center North Comprehensive Plan
Ill.The proposed interconnected circulation network must demonstrate
the function and location of required circulation elements required in RMC 4-3-100.Intemalor
local roads shall provide adequate edges and buffers to parking lots.A sufficient number of
pedestrian-oriented streets are designated to implement the Vision for each District in the Urban
Center N0I1h Comprehensive Plan designation.
IV.Gateways are designated consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
and conceptual plans for the gateway demonstrate the design concept for gateway treatment and
identify significant gateway features to be provided.
v.The Master Plan includes a sequencing element that explains what
phases of the master plan will be built-out first,and in what order the phases will be built,and an
estimated time frame.
2.Waiver of Further Consideration of Site Plan Criteria:Approval of a Master Plan
which was not combined with a Site Plan application may have satisfied portions of subsection F
of this Section.The Reviewing Official or his or her designee has discretion to waive those
portions of the requirements that have been satisfied by the Master Plan approval.Whenever the
Zoning Administrator or his or her designee has discretion to note those portions of the
requirements as having been satisfied by the Master Plan approval,such sections of the Code
shall be detailed and that portion of the approved Master Plan wherein the requirements were
satisfied shall be cited by the Reviewing Official or his or her designee in the approval of
subsequent phases and further consideration of them waived.
1.Review of Impacts to Surrounding Propel1ies and Uses:
a.Mitigation of undesirable impacts of proposed structures and site layouts
that could impair the use or enjoyment or potential use of surrounding uses and structures and of
the community;
b.Mitigation of undesirable impacts when an overscale structure,in terms of
size,bulk,height,and intensity,or site layout is pennitted that violates the spirit and/or intent of
the Zoning Code and impairs the use,enjoyment or potential use of surrounding properties;
c.Provision of a desirable transition and linkage between uses and to the
street,utility,walkway,and trail systems in the surrounding area by the an'angement of
landscaping,fencing and/or other buffering techniques,in order to prevent conflicts and to
promote coordinated and planned benefit from,and access to,such elements;
d.Consideration of placement and scale of proposed structures in relation to
the natural characteristics of a site in order to avoid over concentration of structures on a
particular portion of a site such that they create a perception of greater height or bulk than
intended under the spirit of the Zoning Code;
e.Promotion of the efficient function of parking and service areas by
effective location,design and screening,to provide integrated facilities between uses when
beneficial,to promote urban layouts in appropriate zones,and to prevent unnecessary repetition
and conflict between uses and service areas or facilities;
f.Mitigation of the unnecessary and avoidable impacts of new construction
on views from existing buildings and future developable sites,recognizing the public benefit and
desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features and of promoting
urban settings in appropriate zones;
g.Provision of effective screening from public streets and residential uses for
all permitted outdoor storage areas (except auto and buck sales),for surface mowlted utility
equipment,for rooftop equipment,and for all refuse and garbage containers,in order to promote
a urban setting where appropriate and to preserve the effect and intent of screening or buffering
otherwise required by the Zoning Code;
h.Consideration of placement and design of exterior lighting in order to
avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets.
2.Review of Impacts of a Proposed Site Plan to the Site:
a.Provision for privacy and noise reduction by building placement and
spacing;orientation to views and vistas and to site amenities,to sunlight and prevailing winds,
and to pedestrian and vehicle needs;
b.Consideration of placement and scale of proposed structures in relation to
the opermess and natural characteristics of a site in order to avoid over concentration or the
impression of oversized structures;
c.Preservation of the desirable natural landscape tlu·ough retention of
existing vegetation and limited soil removal,insofar as the natural characteristics will enhance
the proposed development;
d.Use of existing topography to reduce undue cutting,filling and retaining
walls in order to prevent erosion and ullilecessary stonnwater runoff,and to preserve stable
natural slopes and desirable natural vegetati.on;
e.Limitation of paved or impervious surfaces,where feasible,to reduce
runoff and increase natural infiltration;
f.Design and protection of planting areas so that they are not susceptible to
damage from vehjcles or pedestrian movements;
g.Consideration of building f0I111 and placement and landscaping to enhance
year-round conditions of sun and shade both on-site and on adjacent properties and to promote
energy conservation.
3.Review of Circulation and Access:
a.Provision of adequate and safe vehicular access to and from all properties;
b.Arrangement oftlle circulation pattern so that all ingress and egress
movements may occur at as few points as possible along the public street,the points being
capable of channelization for tuming movements;
c.Consolidation of access points with adjacent properties,when feasible;
d.Coordination of access points on a superblock basis so that vehicle
conflicts and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts are minimized;
e.Orientation of access points to side streets or frontage streets rather than
directly onto arterial streets,when feasible;
f.Promotion of the safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system,
including the location,design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points,drives,
parking,turnarounds,walkways,bikeways,and emergency access ways;
g.Separation of loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian
h.Provisions for transit and carpool facilities and access where appropriate;
L Provision for safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking
areas,buildings,public sidewalks and adjacent properties.
4.Review of Signage:
a.Employment of signs primarily for the purpose of identification;
b.Management of sign elements,such as size,location and alTangement so
thaI signs complement the visual character of the surrounding area and appear in proportion to
the building and site to which they pel1ain;
c.Limitation of the number of signs to avoid visual clutter and distraction;
d.Moderation of surface brightness or lighting intensity except for that
necessary for sign visibility;and
e.Provision oran identification system to allow for quick location of
buildings and addresses.
5.Special Review Criteria for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities:
a.Above-ground hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall be
constructed with containment controls which will prevent the escape of hazardous wastes in the
event of an accidental release from the facility.Such conl'rols shall COnf0l111 wilh all adopted
Federal,State and local design and construction standards;
b.Underground hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall
comply with R1v1C 4-5-120,Underground Storage Tank Secondary Containment Regulations;
c.Hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities shall comply with article
80 of the Unifonn Fire Code as adopted by ordinance by the City of Renton;
d.A hazardous waste spill contingency plan for immediate implementation
in the event ora release of hazardous wastes at the facility shall be reviewed and approved by the
Renton Fire Department prior to issuance of any pemlits;and
e.The location of all on-site and off-site facilities must comply with the
State siting criteria as adopted in accordance with RCW 70.105.210.
6.Review of Street Frontage Landscape:A mix of hard surfaces,structured planters,
and terraces may be incorporated into street f)'onrage landscape buffers where such features
would enhance the desired streetscape character for that palticular neighborhood.
7.Review of Compliance to Design Guidelines for development in CD,RM-U,RJV1-
T,UCN-I,and UCN-2 Zones:Development proposed in the zones where design guidelines are
in effect must show how they comply with the intent and the mandatory elements of the design
guidelines located in RMC 4-3-100.
I.General:All site development plan applications shall be reviewed in the manner
described below and in accordance with the purposes and criteria of this Section.The
Development Services Division may develop additional review procedures to supplement those
required in this subsection.
2.Preapplication Conference:Applicants are encouraged to consult early and
informally with representatives of the Development Services Division and other affected
departments.This consultation should include a general explanation of the requirements and
criteria of site development review,as well as the types of concerns that might be anticipated Cor
the proposed use at the proposed site.
3.Submittal Requirements and Application Fee shall be as listed in RMe 4·8-120.C,
Land Use Applications,and 4-1-170,Land Use Review Fees.Consistent with subsection B of
this Section,an applicant may submit:
a.A Master Plan;or
b.A Site Plan;or
c.A combined Master Plan and Site Plan for the entire site;or
d.A Master Plan addressing the entire site,and a Site Plan(s)for one or more
phases of the site that address(es)less than the entire site.
4.Public Notice and Comment Period Required:Whenever a completed Site
Development Plan Review application is received,the Development Services Division shall be
responsible for providing public notice of the pending site plan application,pursuant to RMC 4-
8-090,Public Notice Requirements.
5.Circulation and Review of Application:Upon receipt of a completed application,
the Development Services Division shall rou.te the application for review and comment to
various City depal1ments and other jurisdictions or agencies with an interest in the application.
This routing should be combined with circulation of environmental infonnation under RMC 4~9
070,Environmental Review Procedures.
Comments from the reviewing departments shall be made in writing within fourteen (14)
days.Unless a proposed master plan or site plan is subsequently modified,the recommendations
of the reviewing departments shall constitute the final comments of the respective departments
with regard to the proposed master plan or site plan.Lack of comment from a department shall
be considered a recommendation for approval of the proposed plan.However,all departments
reserve the right to make later comments of a code compliance nature during building pennit
review.This includes such requirements as exact dimensions,specifications or any other
requirement specifically detailed in the City Code.
6.City Notification of Applicant:After the departmental comment period,the
Development Services Division shall notify the applicant of any negative comments or
conditions recommended by the departments.When significant issues are raised,this notification
should also nomlally involve a meeting between the applicant and appropriate City
representatives.The applicant shall have the opportunity to respond to the notification either by
submitting a revised site plan application,by submitting additional infol111ation,or by stating in
writing why the recommendations are considered unreasonable or not acceptable.
7.Revisions or Modifications to Site Development Review Application:Whenever a
revised site development plan or new infonnation is received from an applicant,the
Development Services Division may recirculate the application to concemed depaI1ments.
Consulted departments shall respond in writing within ten (10)days with any additional
comments.In general,the City's environmental detenniJlation of significance or nonsignificance
pursuant to RMC 4-9-070,Envu'omnental Review Procedures,will not be issued until after final
departmental comments on the site development plan or revised site development plan are
8.pecial Review for Plalmed Actions:A consistency review shall be conducted by
the Zoning Administrator for proposals submitted under the authority of all adopted PlalUled
Action Ordinance.
If found consistent with the Planned Action Ordinance,including required conditions and
mitigation measures,the Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant of the depaltmental
comments and the consistency analysis consistent with subsection G6 of this Section.Revisions
or modifications may be made in accordance with subsection G7 of this Section.
If found inconsistent with the Planned Action Ordinance,the Zoning Administrator shall
notify the applicant of the departmental comments and the consistency analysis consistent with
subsection G6 of this Section.Revisions or modifications may be made in accordance with
subsection G7 of this Section.If the application is still found to be inconsistent once these steps
have been completed,the Zoning Administrator shall forward the findings to the Environmental
Review Committee to determine if additional environmental review is required.The application
shall then follow the process,in subsection D oftrus Section,to detelmine if a public hearing is
9.Environmental Review Committee to Detennine ecessity for Public Hearing:
Upon receipt of final departmental comments and after the close of the public comment period,
the Environmental Review Committee shall determine the necessity for a public hearing pursuant
to Section 4-9-200.D.2.a.
10.Environmental Review Conunittee Decision Appealable to Heming Examiner:
The fmal decision by the Environmental Review Committee on whether a site development
review application requires a public healing may be appealed within fourteen (1.4)days to the
Hearing Exmniner pursuant to RMC 4-8-11 O.E,Appeals.
11.Administrative Approval of Site Development Plml:For projects not requiring a
public hearing,the Reviewing Official shall take action on the proposed site development plan.
Approval of a site development plml shall be subject to any environmental mitigating measures
that may be a part of the City's declaration of significance or nonsignificance.
)2.Hearing Examiner Approval of Site Development Plan:For projects requiring a
public hearing pursuant to RMC 4-9-200.D,the Hearing Examiner shall take action on the
proposed site development plan following the hearing process in RMC 4-9-200.0.13.
13.Hearing Process and Examiner Authority for Modification of Plans:
a.Date of Hearing:Whenever a public hearing is required,the Development
Services Division shall coordinate with the Hearing Examiner in setting a hearing date for the
site development review application.
b.Examiner's Decision:After conducting at least one public hearing on the
site development plan application,the Hearing Examiner shall render a written decision.The
time limits for a Type VI review process in RMC 4-8-080.H shall apply.
The Hearing Examiner shall approve a site development plan if the applicant
demonstrates that the proposed site development plan is consistent with the general purposes of
this Section and with the review criteria.
c.Authority for Conditions and Plan Modifications:The Hearing Examiner
shall have the power to place reasonable conditions on or modify a site development plan in
order to satisfy the general purposes of this Section and to achieve consistency with the review
criteria.However,strict compliance with anyone or more particular criterion may not be
necessary or reasonable.Such conditions or modi fications may include,but are not limited to,
screening,buffering,building location and orientation,paving,landscaping,vegetation removal,
grading and contouring.The Hearing Examiner shall also have the power to fix the location and
configuration of driveways,walkways,parking and loading areas,emergency access,curbs,
planting areas,and signs.When only a pOition of a site is proposed for development,such power
to condition,modify or fix shall be exercised only for that area which is directly related to or
may be impacted by the actual proposed development.
To the extent necessary to meet the site review criteria and 10 the extent necessary to
compensate for the impacts attributable to the proposed development,the Hearing Examiner may
impose additional requirements,including:
1.Preparation of a landscape plan by a licensed landscape architect;
II.Preparation of a grading,drainage and erosion control plan;
Ill.Preparation of a vegetation preservation plan;
IV.Improvements to identified or planned public rights-or-way,
including paving,curbs,gutters,sidewalks,lighting,tum lanes,signalization,bikeways or
pedestrian paths;and
v.Provision of or improvements to public facilities and utilities.
d.Modification of Site Development Plan Subsequent to Public Hearing and
Prior to Decision:In all cases,ifan applicant can demonstrate that a site development plan can
be made consistent with the review criteria and general purposes by alternative modifications to
the site development plan,the Hearing Examiner shall accept the altemative modifications as
conditions of approval and approve the site development pian.Ifa public hearing on the site
development plan application has already been closed,the modifications proposed by the
applicant shall be administered according to subsection J of this Section.
e.Denial of Site Development Plan:IftJle Hearing Examiner finds that the
site developmcm plan application cannot be made consistent with the general purposes and
review criteria of this Section by requiring reasonable conditions,then the site development plan
shall be denied.
1.The applicant may request that the site development plan submitted for site plan
review under this Chapter constitute a binding site plan pursuant to chapter 58.17 RCW,subject
to the requirements of this Subsection.
2.In order to constitute a binding site plan,a site development plan submitted for
site development plan review shall comply with all applicable requirements and standards set
forth in RMC 4-7-230.
3.All approved site development plans,including those constituting a binding site
plan,shall comply with the applicable requirements,procedures,and review criteria for site
development plan review sel forth in this Section.
4.An approved site development plan that constitutes a binding site plan shall be
recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections and shall be subject to all
other approval conditions included in RMC 4-7-230.
5.Upon the approval and recording of an approved site development plan that
constitutes a binding site plan,the applicant may develop the property in conformance with that
binding site plan and may sell or lease parcels subject to that binding site plan.
Minor modifications may be pennitted by administrative determination.To be considered
a minor modification,the amendment must not:
I.Involve more than a ten percent (10%)increase in area or scale of the
development in the approved site development plan;or
2.Have a significantly greater impact on the environment and facilities than the
approved plan;or
3.Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan.
Major adjustments to an approved site development plan require a new application
pursuant to subsection G of this Section.The review and approval shall rcst with the approval
body which approved the original site development plan.Major adjustments involve a substantial
change in the basic site design plan,intensity,density,use and the like generally involving more
than a ten percenl (10%)change in area or scale.
Building pennits shall not be issued until the appeal period for an approved Site
Development Plan has expired.
1.Master Plan:For a non-phased Master Plan or a non-phased Master/Site Plan
combined approval,the Hearing Examiner shall detemline an appropriate expiration date for the
Master Plan which may exceed two (2)years,but shall not exceed five (5)years,and shall
document in writing.An applicant shall submit a complete Site Plan application for the
development within the specified time frame if a Site Plan was not combined with the Master
Plan application.The Zoning Administrator may grant a one-year extension for good cause;
provided,the applicant submits a request forty-five (45)days in advance of the original
expiration dale.
2.Site Plan:The final approval of a Site Plan shall expire within two (2)years of the
date of approval.A single two (2)year extension may be granted for good cause by the approval
body that approved the original Site Plan.The approval body may,however,detennine at its
discretion that a public hearing may be required for such extension.
1.Phasing Permitted:For development proposed on only a portion of a paIticular
site,an applicant may choose to submit a site development plan application for either the entire
site or the portion of the site.In the latter case,the application shall state cleaI'ly the area of the
site and the proposed development,including phases,for which site development plan approval
is being requested.In every case,the site development plan appllcation and review shall cover at
least that portion of the site which is directly related to or may be impacted by the actual
proposed development,as determined by the Environmental Review Conunittee.
2.Authority for Extension of Time:The Reviewing Official may grant site
development plaI1 approval for large projects planned to be developed or redeveloped in phases
over a period of years exceeding the nOffi1al time limits of subsection L of this Section.Such
approval shall include clearly defined phases and specific time limits for each phase.
3.Expiration ofPhase(s):If the time limits of a particular phase are not satisfied,
then site development plan approval for that phase and subsequent phases shall expire.The
Hearing Exar11iner shan also determine if such a phased project will be eligible for any
extensions of the time limits.
4.Vested for the Purposes of Zoning:As long as the development of a phased
project conforms to the approved phasing plan the zoning regulations in effect at the time of the
original approval shall continue to apply.However,all construction shall confonn to the
Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fir Code regulations in force at the time of building
permit application.
n::F.2 \"
Any decision on an administrative site development plan approval shall be appealed as an
administrative decision pursuant to RMC 4-8-110,Appeals.Any appellant must be seeking to
protect an interest that is arguably within the zone of interest to be protected or regulated by this
Section,must allege an injury in fact,and that injury must be real and present rather than
SECTION XXXIV.Section 4-11-030,Definitions C,of Chapter 11,
Definitions,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended to add the following
definition,to read as follows:
CONCEPTUAL PLAN:A development tool designed to provide a comprehensive
overview of proposed uses,site layout,infrastructure concepts,phasing and amenities.A
conceptual plan approval establishes conditions with which all concurrent and subsequent land
use approvals within its geographic area must comply,unless the conceptual plan itself is
amended.It also provides long-term guidance for a larger area than either master plan or
detailed site plan review was intended for,so that continuity of the overall development is
SECTION XXXV.Section 4-11-130,Definitions M,of Chapter II,
Definitions,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by revising
definitions of "Manufacturing and Fabrication,Heavy,"and "Marina,"to read as follows:
MANUFACTURING AND FABRICAnON,HEAVY,The transfonnation of materials
or substances into new products including construction and assembling of component parts,and
the blending of materials such as lubricating oils,plastics,resins or liquors.Heavy
manufacturing and fabrication are often characterized by the need for large outdoor areas in
which to conduct operations,and typically results in environmental impacts beyond their own
sites.This definition includes,but is not limited to:manufacture and fabrication of automotive
vehicles and their parts,cement,brick,lime,gypsum,asphalt,and other manufacturing and
fabrication uses as detemlined by the reviewing official.This definition excludes
slaughterhouses,manufacture of shellac,varnish or turpentine,paper,pulp,mbber from crude
material,refining and/or manufacturing of petroleum by·products except as an accessory use of
less than fifty thousand (50,000)gallons.
MARINA:A facility for storing,servicing,fueling,berthing,and securing and launching
of private pleasure craft that may include the sale of fuel and incidental supplies for the boat
owners,crews,and guests.This definition includes tie-up for float planes as well as pleasure
boats,and other private pleasure craft.
SECTION XXXVI.Section 4-11-130,Definitions M,of Chapter 11,
Definitions,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by adding definitions
of "Manufacturing,""Manufacturing,Airplane Accessory Functions"and "Master Plan,"to read
as follows:
MANUFACTURING,AIRPLANE:Limited to manufacture of airplanes;sale of
airplanes manufactured and/or assembled on-site;and research,development and testing of
airplanes and related components.
secondary functions when dependent upon the primary activity of airplane production and sales:
office;storage;warehouse and distribution;aircraft painting and other associated aircraft
painting/sealing activities;trucking terminal,including loading and unloading;auto repair and
fuel dispensing;hazardous materials storage and distribution;aircraft engine testing;metal
processing;food service;retail sales of products related to airplane production;on-site medical
and emergency services,such as clinic,fire suppression,and security;barging;reclamation;and
parking,when designated for employees and visitors.
MASTER PLAN:A master plan is intended to show how proposed development will
comply with the development standards in the applicable zoning.It also is intended to show
compatibility of development within the master plan area,and compatibility of anticipated uses
in areas adjacent to and abutting the master plan area.It provides long-tenn guidance for a
smaller area than a conceptual redevelopment plan,but a larger area than a detailed site plan.
SECTION XXXVII.Section 4-11-160,DefInitions P,of Chapter II,Defmitions,
of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of General
Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by adding the defmition of
"Pedestrian Oriented Development/Street,"to read as follows:
pedestrian-oriented street is encouraged through master planning,building location and design
guidelines and typically meets the following criteria:I)buildings in scale with the street,one to
two stories along residential/minor collectors and three or more stories along primary and
secondary arterials,2)buildings located close to the street/walkway,3)at least one pedestrian
entry oriented to the street,and 4)clearly identified sidewalks and/or grade separated
SECTION XXXVIII.Section 4-11-180,DefInitions R,of Chapter 11,
Defmitions,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Ordinance No.4260 entitled "Code of
General Ordinances of the City of Renton,Washington"is hereby amended by revising the
definitions of Retail,Big-Box,and Retail Sales,to read as follows:
RETAIL,BIG-BOX:An indoor retail or wholesale user who occupies no less than
seventy five thousand (75,000)square feet of gross floor area,that typically requires high
parking to building area ratios.Big-box retail buildings are typically single-story structures,with
a mass that stands more than 30 feet tall.Big-box retail/wholesale sales can include,but are not
limited to,membership warehouse clubs that emphasize bulk sales,discount stores,and outlet
stores.This definition excludes vehicle sales,outdoor retail sales,and adult retail uses.
RETAIL SALES:Establishments within a permanent structure engaged in selling goods
or merchanclise to the general public for personal or household conswnption and rendering
services incidental to the sale of sucb goods.This definition includes multi-story retail use
buildings greater than 75,000 square feet that have a minimum of two-stories dedicated to retail
sales.This definition also includes depmtment stores,retail shops,grocery stores and large
format retailers developing using a multi-story fonnat This definition excludes adult retail uses,
vehicle sales,one-story big-box retail,outdoor retail sales,eating and drinking establishments,
and tavems.
shall take effect December 1,2003.
There is hereby declared an emergency and this ordinance
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 24th dayof November ,2003.
Bonnie I.Walton,City Clerk
APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 24th day of November
Jesse "Fanner,Mayor
Approved as to form:
Lawrence 1.Warrbl1?City Attorney J
Date of Publication:11 / 28/200 3 (s u~.1ITlary )
Exhibit 1
A.APPLICATION TYPE:FEE AMOUNT:J~~E~e~se for-po~tag~-=.'"''b
Annexation -
,Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Decision,
,Administrativepecision,.orEnvironmental Decis!gn :$75.00 I..
'Binding Site Plan .-.-~-$J,Q 09:o.0 --.,...
.Comprehensive Plan I
$1,000.00 ;
I Conditional Approval Permit:$500.00IHearingExaminerReview$250.00IAdministrativeReview-
Conditional Use Permit:,$2,000.00HearingExaminerReview
Administrative Review 1$1,000.00
100%of costs of coordination,review
Environmental Impact Statement/Draft and Final ,and appeals 1
1When the City is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an Environmental Impact Statement
I (EIS)and the Environmental Review Committee (ERC)detennines that the EIS shall be
:prepared by employees of the City,the City may charge and collect a reasonable fee from any
applicant to cover costs incuned by the City in preparing the EIS.The ERC shall advise the
applicant(s)of the projected costs for the EIS prior to actual preparation;the applicant shall post i
bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs.The ERC may detemnne that the City will I
I contract dIrectly wIth a consultant for preparatIOn of an EIS,or a pOIiIOll of the EIS,for
!activities initiated by some person or entity other than the City and may bill such costs and
.expenses directly to the applicant.The City may require the applicant to post bond or otherwise
ensure payment of such costs.Such consultants shall be selected by mutual agreement of the I
City and applicant after a call for proposals.If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer'
required,the ERC shall refund any fees collected under this subsection wInch remain after
I inClined costs are paid.The City may collect a reasonable fee from an applicant to cover the
~cost of meeting the public notice requirements of this Title relating to the applicant's proposal.
The City shall not collect a fee for perfOlming its duties as a consulted agency.The City may
charge any person for copies of any document prepared under this Title,and for mailing the
document,in a manner provided !:>.y chapt~r 42.17_RCW.
Environmental Checklist:1$400.00
Less than $100,000 project value :$1,000.00
I 100,000 or more project value .
Environmental review/sensitive lands or lands covered
.by water,except minor residential additions or
modifi.cations $l,OOO.OQ
Exhibit 1
,Fence PermitJspecial)$100.00
!Grading and Filling Permit 1$2,000.00 i
Hobby Kennel License (one time fee):$20.00
,lLot Li~e Adjustment '=
Manufactured/Mobile Home Park:1$500.00ITentative ,
1$2,000.00 ,
~Ogen Sp~ce Classificatio~R~q~uest _.-~$30.00 --..-~.
;Plats:I1,1$1,000.00 ,
Shalt Plat
1$2,000.00 IPreliminaryPlat1
Final Plat 1$1,000.00
PlaJUled Unit Development:-$500.00 !
Tentative Plan $2,000.00PreliminaryPlan1$1,000.00iFinalPlan,
:Rezone:$2,000.00Lessthan10acres$3,000.00,10 to 20 acres
More than 20 acres $4,000.00 i
RoutinE:Vege!ation 1'v!anagement Permit :1$75.00 I
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit:
$500.00Under$100,000 value -$1,000.00
,$100,000 or more value
I Site Development P'lan (Site Plan or Master Plan):I
$2,000.00 I
,Hearing Examiner Review I$1,000.00 1AdministrativeReview.--.i-~.~--.-------_..,...--.
I,S.Eeci~1 PeJ:!11it $2,000.00 I...-.----=
,1$100.00 .-_..---
'TemJ.l0ra~yPe~mit Sign Deposit (l~efUl1dable)$25.00 --
Variance -Administrative 1$10_0.00 --]V~j~n'"ce -BO~l:d 'of Adjustme~t or Hearing Examiner ]$500.00
~Waiver __.'1$100.00
Annexation (10%Notice of Intent)
Annexation (60%Petition)
Business License for Home Occupation 1
Compo Plan Map AmendmentlRezone
Compo Plan Text Amendment
Conditional Approval Permit for a
Nonconforming Structure
Conditional Approval Permit for a
Nonconforming Use
Conditional Use Permit (Administrative)
"'C:t>C Z()O~c-(I)Omz
(}l ......
(}l ......
Conditional Use Permit (Hearing Examiner)
Environmental Review
Environmental Review (Non-Project)
Grade and Fill Permit (Special)
Kennel License
Kennel License,Hobby
Lot Line Adjustment
Master Plan
Mobile Home Park,Preliminary
Mobile Home Park,Final
Modification/Alternate Request
Plat,PreliminarylBinding Site Plan
~eDulla Approval t"erml{Tor a l''1onconrormtng
KeoulIO Approval t'ermlt Tor a NonconrOrmtng
Routine Vegetation Management Permit
Shoreline Exemption
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit
Shoreline Conditional Use Permit
Shoreline Variance
Ul ......
Short Plat,Preliminary
Short Plat,FinallBinding Site Plan
Site Plan
Ul ......
Special Permit
Temporary Use Permit
Wetland Permit
Draft Homeowners'
Association Documents.if 4 4 4 4 4 4 4applicable
Draft Restrictive Covenants,if any 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Drainage Conlrol Plan 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Drainage Report 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Elevations,Architectural 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10
Elevations,Grading 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Environmental Checklist 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Existing Covenants (recorded 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5copy)
Existing Easements (recorded 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5copy)
Final Pial Plan 5
Flood Hazard Data,if 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12applicable
Floor Plans 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Geotechnical Report 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Grading Plan,Conceptual 12'12'12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Grading Plan,Detailed 12 12
Habitat Data Report 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Hazardous Materials 4ManagementStatement
Inventory of Existing Sites (for 5 5 5wirelesscommunicationfacilities)
Justification lor the
Comprehensive Plan Amendment 12 12and,if
Justification for the
Conditional Approval Permit 5
(nonconforming structure)
Justification for the
Conditional Approval Permit 5
(nonconforming use)
Justification for Condilional Permi!12 12ReQuest
Justification for the Rebuild
Approval Permit 5
(nonconforming structure)
Justification lor the Rebuild
Approval Permit 5
(nonconforming use)
Justification for Rezone 12
Justification lor Variance Request 10
I~ing County Assessor's Map 3IndicatingSite
Landscaping Plan,5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5Conceptual
lease Agreement,Draft (for 5 5 5wirelesscommunicationfacilities)
legal Description 13 13 12 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 12 1 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10 12
Letter Describing Proposed Home 1Occupation
Leiter from Property Owner 5
Letler to Examiner/Council Stating
Reason(s)for Appeal per RMC!:1
Letter Explaining Which
Comprehensive Plan Text/Policies 12
Should Be Changed and Why
Letter of Understanding,Geologic 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5Risk
Ust of Affected Property Owners 2 2withinAnnexationAreaBoundary
List of Surrounding Property 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Owners
Lot Line Adjustment Map 5
Mailing labels for Property Owners 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Map of Existing Site 12Conditions
Map of View Area (for
wireless communication facilities 5 5 5
Master Application Form 13 12 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 5 5 12 1 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10 12
Master Plan 12
Mobile Home Park Plan 12 12
Monument Cards (one per 1 1 1monument)
Neighborhood Detail Map 13 13 1 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 12 5 12 12 5 5 5 12 1 4 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 5 10
Relationship and 5 5
Compatibility Narrative
Parking,lol Coverage and 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5LandscapingAnalysis
Photo Simulalioos (for
wireless communication facilities 5'5'5
Plan Reductions (PMTs)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Postage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Plat Certificate 4
Preapplication Meeting Summary,1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7ifany
Preliminary Plat Plan 12
Project Narrative 13 13 12 5 5 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 5 12 5 5 12 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10
Project Sequencing Plan 12
Proposal (non-project,e.g.,draft
ordinance,plan or 12 12
Proposal Summary 12 12(non-project)
Public Worlls Approval
2 2 2 2Letter
Report on Design Criteria for
Routine Vegetation
Screening Detail,12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12RefusefRecycling 12
Service Area Map (for
wireless communication facilities 5 5 5
Short Plat Plan 12
Short Plat Plan,Final 5
Site Plan,Land Use Review 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 10 12
Site Plan,Shoreline Permit 4
Site Plan,Single Family 1
Siting Process Report lor Use 12PermitsforSCTF
Source Statement,Fill Material,4AquiferProtectionAreas
Statement Addressing Basis for 5Alternateand/or Modification
Statement Addressing the Basis
for the Shoreline Permit Exemption 4
Statement Addressing the PUD's
Relationship to the City 5
Comprehensive Plan
Survey 4
Title Report or Plat Certificate 3 4 4 4 4 4
Topography Map
Traffic Study 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Plan
Urban Center Design
121 121 127
Utilities Plan,Generalized 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Wetlands Delineation Map 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Weiland Mitigation Plan -3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3Preliminary
Wetland Mitigation Plan -Final 3 3 3 3 3
Wetlands Report!3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3Delineation
Table 4-8-120C Legend:
1.This information is required only for those home occupations that will have customer visits,more than six (6)business deliveries per week,or external indication of commercial activity.
2.Level of detail limited to scope listed in RMC 4-9-210A.
3.Level of detail required may be reduced by Administrator.
4.For conditionai use permit applications for wireless communication facilities,the applicant shall submit a preliminary sketch (five (5)copies)for preliminary staff review prior to submittal of the
conditional use permit application.The staff shall review this map within fourteen (14)working days and inform applicant of any preliminary concerns and recommendations for revisions at a scheduled
preapplication meeting.The staff shall also indicate where photosimulation will be required for the application submittal,and may choose to waive submittal requirements for the conditional use permit
when deemed appropriate.This shall not preclude the staff from making further recommendations at the application stage.
5.Only required for projects requiring a public hearing.
6.Only required for residential projects requesting modification to special development standards in a Centers Residential Demonstration District RMC 4-3-12083,or for any development subject to
special development standards requiring upper story setbacks in the Center Office Residential 3 (COR 3)Zone,RMC 4-2-1208.
7.Only required for projects requiring review in the Urban Center Design Overlay District.