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P �1 eAI �'�'dinance r�o . 445
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' An or�.inan�e rQlatin� t� �.nd re�t��.�,tin�; t]�e constructian of flu�� ,
ch�.mney$,boilers, �z:�ake stacks,v�ntilator�*vent flue$, �moke pipe$,
fire»pZ�,ces�hea�in; p�ants heatin� app�.ratus, r�n��s, fu rnac�s,ho�
air pipes,h�atin� ��ove�,��3� st4v�;�*�a� heatin�; ���aratu� af every
kin� whether ris?�eiM enumerate�i c�r not,bc�iler rp�ms,smrske houses,
dry raoms a,nd vault rooms for waste--!�nnd al�o p�ovidin� for
and rsquiring that perma�ts be obtained by tl�e otvner of �he pr��-
ise� bePor� commencin� the con�tr�uction of �yt;����a�����c� �
��r..�s�x3c�xx���x���x.��ta3c,�������anything speQified in thim .
ordinance -�-���x��.;�:�� �)efinin� t��e d.utiss of certain o�'�'i-
cers and providin� penalties fqr t:ne vi�lation of th� provi�ions
af thi� ordin�.nc� ,
The City rounci7. �f t�.e City 4f ??�nton da ardain as follows:
1 _- . �,, � • � � i
,. _ _ , _ �
Sec. I Smoke Ventilators in Roof When Requir�d; VOhere Located;
Aow Constructed:--Every buiZding more than t�o stories in hei�ht ,
except dwellings,�hall be provided with ventilators having a clear
opening above tne roof equal to one-fourth aiR one per cent.of the
ground area of the buil�ing,for the escape of smoke in case of
fire,�hicn ventilators s shall be located over an elevator, stairway
or main corri�or and shall be provided and connected with an effi-
cient de�ice whereby the can be readiiy opened and closed from
every floor of the building.
8ea. 2•Chimneys, How Built:--All chimneys and all vent flues
over range� shall be built of �ood sound brick.stone or concrete
blocks laid in mortar with flush struck joint�,or of concre�e not
lees than fovr inches thick.
Thickneess and Lining:-- In all buildings al]. chimneys and all
�ent Pluss over ranges sha11 have terra cotta fl�e linings not
les� than one inch thick,or shall have walls not l�ss than eight
inches thiek.
Plastere� When:--All interior chimneys and all flues not lined
with terra cotta sha11 be plastered on the outside,execept the
portion above ��he roaf.
Size of Flue:--No chim7ey fl�e sha11. have less than one
aquare inch of sectional area to eaeh one and one-half square t��
inches of sectional area of the smoke pipes enterin� it.
Supports:--A11 chimneys no� built from th� ground shall. be s
supported directly from floor timbers or from the ground by posts,
and no f�oor timbers ox posts shall be lesa$ than three and one-
half inchea in their least dimena3on.
Passing Through Floors:--�Yhere a chimney passes through a �c�
floor or ceiling,all floor beams „joiete �aa headers ahall be kept
at leaet one and one-half inchee clear of the �rall of t'ne �himney,
and the epace between tze woo� and such chimney shall be filled
solid with guaged mortar resting on a courae of.�rick set out one
inch to hold it in place,or t�1e space sha11 be co4ere�� with metal
to p revent the passage of fire through tne floo� or ceiling.
Thimbles;Sraoke Pipes;--All chimneys �tzall be so built that
'� �
thimbles for smoke pipes shall. be not less than six inches from �a��
plastered partition or twelve �nnches froa any wood partition,or
eeiling or floor. At a13. thimbles the brick shall be corbelled out
to the fac� of the furrin� around tne chimney and far at leas�
four inches around the thinable;provided however, that the bric� �
may be left one-half o� an inch back from the face of the furring
if sheet ixon or metal lath �ith a hole cut one and one-half
inches larger than the thimble be put on the furring to co4er the
brick work and prevent cracking of plaster.
V�ood Supporte;Rackin� O�er;Jriving Nails:--All flues res�ing on
wood shall have ahall have at least three courses of brick work
at the bottom. It racking over flues or chimneys each course of
brick �hall be offset not more t:zan one-half of an inch,and no
�� be
racking shall be made so that the total overhang shall more than
one third of the bas� of the chimney. No nails shall be driven
into any chimney,nor shall tne inside of any flue or chiznney be
plastered with mortar.
Height Abov� Roof;-- All chimneys ana11 extend to at least
four feet abov� flat roofs and two feet above the ��ir�x� rid�e
o�� pitched roofs,�nd any chimney wit�in eight feet of an ad�acsnt
buil ding shall �ave the flues extended at least two fF�et above the
nearest rvall of such building,and any chimney eight feet or more
above the roof shall be stayed vrith two iron rods or angles.
Sec. 3--Flues For Boilera,Thickness of; Lining:--All brick
flues for boilers,except in private residencss and tnose not exceed
ing fifteen horse power and for furnaces and ovens, shall be eight
inches in thickness to the height of twenty five feet above th�
�'smoke inlet. Al1 brick flues for boilers excesd3ng fifteen horse
power shall be not less than twelve inches in thickness to the
height of twenty five feet above the smoke inlet,or lined with .
terra cotta witn �oints well cemented, and walls not lesa than
eight inches thick.
Sec. 4--Smoke X Staaks From �t.trnaces; Height; Spark Arresters:--
All iron smo�ae stacks from boiler furnsaes shall Pxtend fifteen
feet above' the hightest point of the roof of any building witnin
fifty feet of such s�oke stack,and shall, when wood ie used for
fuel ,and tne draft is either forced or direct natural draft,be
pxovided with spark arresters having not more tnan one-fourth of
an inch mesh.
Dietanae From �Pood:--Smoke stack$ not more than tvrelve inches in
diameter s�all not be nearer than sixteen inches to any wood work
or if more than twelve inches in diametex shall have an additional
distance fromm a17. woodwork of one-fourth of an ineh for ea,ch ad-
ditional inch in the diameter of the stack up to t:nirty six inehes
� Cupola Chimneys,Height of;Distanee from Wood; Jackets of Smok�
�Staeks:--Iron cupola chimneys of foundries ahall extend at least
ten feet abo�e the highest point of any roof within fifty feet of
such cupola,and sha17. not be placed within two feet of any wovd�c�r
work. Iron or steel smoke stack from boiler fu rn�ces or coffee
rsastera �erhere passing through any floor,ceiling or roof, shall be
provided with a metal �acket twelve inches fron the atack and sup-
ported by it,�,nd witn an additional metal ja,cket eighteen inches
from the stack and secured to the flvor, ceilin� or roof,which jack
below and twelve inches
ets shall extend not less than twelve incl�es �above each 83c.��sa�such
floor, ceiling or roof and be provided with a metal umbrella cover-
in� at the roof opening not less than twelve inches above the top
of the �aekets.
8ec. 5--Smoke �ipes �hrough E�cterior Walls:--�To iron, tera
cotta or earthern pipe sm�ke flue shail be so exected as to pro-
j eet through an exterior wall or �r,indow,ar throu�h the roof of any
skylight,except as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 6--Smoke ��a��1z� Pipes Throu�h Enclosed Space,How Protected
:--'J�henever a smoke pipe pass�$ throu�h a hollow wall or a clothes
closet, or any concealed space between the face of a partition in
any room and the ehimney,it ehall be of galv�anized iron with rivet
ed joint� covered wit:n five thickneasea of not less than one inch
in thickne�s of ceil corrugated asbestos paper,an� an outex iron
f � � �
pipe to pro�ect the abestos,and eha11 be securely built into the
Sec. 7--Flues in Party V�alls:--All flues in party walls shall be
separated by at least four inches of masonry throu�hout the entire
length,and ehall have openingg for smoke a.��3ca pipes upon one side
Sec. �3:-Large Flues Aow Lined:--.All chimneys having �ta hundred
or more square inches of sectional area, shall be lined with fire
brick laid in fire elay at least two feet below and six fest above
the entrance of any smoke a�s�c pipe.
Sec.9-Smoke Pipes Through Par�itiona,How Protected:�x-- In all
c�,ses where smoke pipes pass through stud or wood partition� of s�a
the same be
� any kind,whether �plastered or not,they shall be surrounded by ma-
sonry not less than four inches in thickness and extending through
the partition,or by a solid coat of plaster of paris four inches
thick ,�r by a double metal collar witn air chamber not less than
three inches and perforated for the passage of air,and when such
partition is of uncovered woodic:� it shall be,,protected by a �c�
sheet of inetal on each eide five times the diameter of the pipe
�ec. IO--Fire Places:--All hearths for fire placea whether used
for wood, �oal or gas , sha1J. rest on trimmer arche� af masanry or
tile ,and all wood floor con$truction shall be remo4ed for at lea:>t
eighteen inehes from the face of a finished fire place and for
at least fifteen i�ches on either side. 2'he back and jams of all
fire pZaces sh,�l]. be not less than eight inches thick. After the
hearth�is set the wooden falae arch shall be removed.
Sec. II--Heating Plante;Smoke Pipes,How Located and Protected:
-In all cases where hot water,steam, hot air or other furnaces are
used for heating a building,or any portion thereof,no furnace smoke �
pipe shal�. run witnin less than eight inckes belov� any woaden
joists or below any ceiling of wood or of woaden lat�z and plaster,
or within less than eighteen inches thereof,unless euch �oi�ta or
ceiling shall be protected by a shield af tin plate suspended abov
such smoke pine and not less than one and one -half inches or
,� - __ ______ _ _ _-- __ - _ �
more than two inches from sueh ceiling o� joists,�hich shield �s
shall. have a diameter of not les� than five times the diameter of;. ''.�
such smoke pipe.
Pipes and Register Boxes of Tin,When:--All pipes and register
boxee used for the distribution oP hot air from furna.ces shall ,
when the air is heated directly from a fire box,be made of bri�ht
tin,and double,with not less than one-half of an inch space betwee
n the inner and outer pipes,or of bri�ht tin covered with asbe:�tos
p aper weighing not less than two and one-half ounces to the squar
e foot,and sha11 have double reamed joints,and shall not be solder-
Other I�ietal When:--�i�Yiere the air i� heated with hot water ox
steam,other aheet rneta.ls may be used for pipes and re�ieter boxes
Registers in Floors and 4Va11�,How protected:--All hot air reg-
isters placed in any floor or wall , and heating ducts or pipes, shall
be p rovided with one $ixteenth inch thick abestos paper or other �
non-conductor between all metal and v�oodwork•
Over Portable �irnace ;Valves:--�9hen a register box is placed
in the floor over a po�table furnace, the open space on all sides
of said box shall. be at least three inehes wide. V►Phen only ane
th e
register is connected with $�� furnace such register shall.
have no 4i�19E .
Pipes, How Secur�d:--Hot air pipes shall be secured in place by
clips riveted to the pipe and nailed to the ����x woodwork�but
no nail or tack shal� be driven throu�h the pipe of any hot air
' `�'� Sec. I2--�,irnac�s how 9overed and Protected:--The tops of all fur-
I nacee set in brick shall be covered with brick, slate, �alvani2ed
� ,"I
; ;
�;., iron or tin plate, supported by iron bars and so constructed as to
f ,
'! V be perfectly tight. No range , candy furnace or kettle set in brick
shall be built against a brick wall v�ith any combustible material
wall a
between it and t�1e wall , or upon said y�� for :t� height of two
feEt above such asga ,furnace or �As3��C.
Ranges How Protec�ed;Hood�:--All wood lath and plaster, or �vood
ceilin�s or joists over ranges in hotels,reataurants or boarding
housea, shall be guarded by metal hoods placed at least twel�e
inches below the ceiling or joist�, and any ventil�ting pipe con-
nected �ith a hood o4er such ran�e shall be t�elve inches from any
wood lath and plaster or any combustible �aterial,�r such pipes
shall be covered with with one inc thickness of asbe�toa paper or
wire me�h,and no such pipe shall pa�s throu�h any floor or parti-
tion. Such metal hoods shall have all joints and seams riveted or
interlocked,and shall have eentilatin� pipe o� metal with riveted
or inter�oeked joints venting 3nto an independent flus ��hen pos-
sible,and at least twelve inches from any unprotected woodwork,
unless pro�ided with double collar of inetal witn a three inch air
Sec. I3.--Steel Ranges.Etc. ,on �food; Floors Hov� Proteeted:--
All steel ran�es in hotels and restaurants,and all steam boilexs
not exceeding ten horse power,furnaces, ovens, coffee roasters and
other structures in which fires are maintained,when set over a wood
en floor,shall be set on one and ane-half inc "T" irons,resting on
one aoldl� layer of bricY laid fl�,t and with cement mortar,�r on
three inehes of concrete,and �io such structure �hall be set witl'nin
twelve inches of any unprotected woodwork,and the floor in front
of fire boxes shall be protectedx��C with a sheet of inetal no�
less than three feet equare.
x���cx�Y�x Brick Ranges,How Supported and Protected:--Brick
ran�es shall rest on a foundation of not les$ than three layers of
hollow brick set in cement mortar, and if built against a wooden
f rame
or pZastered�partition or wall, ehall. have the back of the range
twel�e inches thick to the top of the r�,n�e,and extended four in-
ches thick at least two feet above the top of the range,and shall
have the floor in front of the fire box protected with sheet metal
not less than three feet square.
She2vea Over Rangea;Heating Stoves,VPhere Located,How Pro�ected:-
Al1 shelves over ranges shall be of inetal on metal brackets. All
heating stoves shall be at least two feet from any unp rotected
woodwork,wood lath and plaster or other combu�tible material ,or any
' such combustible material within two feet of the st�ve shall be
protected with a sheet metal $hield having at leaet one inch of air
space between the shi�ld and the exposed woodwork,and such heating
stove shall rest upon a metal board extending not less than one
foot in front of the stove.
Sec. I4.-Gas Stoves;Where Loeated,How Protected:--All burners on
�as stoves,plates or other gae heated apparatus shall at least four
inches from any woodwork,and all woodwork within aix ;inches shall
be proteated by sheet netal,backed by abestos paper one sixteenth
of an inch thick,and securely attached to the exposed wood,or by
twn inches of brick or tile.
Protection From Spatterin� Grease; Gas Heated Candy Kettles,How
Located:--All �oodwork subject to apattering grease ahall be cov-
ered �ith metal,and all gas connections shall be of solid iron
pipe or flexible metallic tubing. All gas h�ated candy kettles shal
have gas connections of solid pipe,�nd the burners shall be not
less than ten inches from any �oodwor. The kettle shall rest upon
three-�gteenths inch sheet iron if over wooden floor.
Kettles,How Protected:--A11 kettles using coal or coke fuel must
be at least three feet from unprotected wood�ork.and must be set
on incombustible floor or on wood flooring protected by hea�y sheet
iron extendin� twel�e inches beyond the sides and two feet in
front of the kettle,and the kettle shall rest upon two layers of
hollow brick.
Sec. I5--Steam Boil�rs,Supports of; Water Tank:--All steam boiler
exceeding tzn horse po�eershall, if placed upon any floor above the
cellar�be set upon���x� metal beame and ma�onry arches,and such
bearns shall be built into the wal].s . .All steam boilers ahall be
provided with a tank of sufficient capacity � hold a supply of
water fox each bailer for at least six �ours.
Boiler Roor�s,How Enc�.osed:--All boiler roons in any building,ot?�e
than a dwe�].ing, sha7.7. be inclosed with fireproof or incombustible
stud partitions,and have a floor and ceiling of like construction,
and all openings between said boiler rooms and other parts of the
building in which it is placed shal]. be provided with automatic �.
self closin� fireproof doors.
_ .�i
Sec.I6�.--Smoke Houses:--All smoke houses sha11 be con$tructed with
:nasonry walZs,and all interior parts,including floors and roof of
iron or steel ,and shall have 4entilators at or near the top,and
guarda not less than three feet abo�e the fire bed sufficient to
prevent the meats from falling 3nto the fire��,and if they open in-
to other buildings,�ll openings shail be proteeted by iron doora
or ehutters.
Sec. I7.--Dry Roome :--Al1 dry rooms,dry boxes and enclosures used
for drying by artificial heat shall be enclosed in fireproof or in
combustible etud partitions,with a floar and ceiling of like con-
structian,and be provided with a fireproof door,or may be lined
throughout with tin and abestos paper one-eighth of an inch thick,
and such dry rooms, dry boxes or enclasurea shall have wire netting
of not more than one inch mesh,so placed as to prevent any contact
between infl�naable ma,terials and the steam or heated pipe$,stoves
or other � heaters.
Sec. IB.--Vault Rooms for Combustible Waste ; QPhen Required,How
Constructed:--All bui].dings heretofore or hereafter erected,and
whien shall be used in whole or in part as planing, shingle or saw
mills; sash,door,blind,wagon, carriage, cabinet,furniture, agricultu r-
ala implement or box factories;carpenter or cooper shops;wood turn
ing and veneering works,or any other wood xorkin� factories or shop
or in which shavings, saw dust,excelsior,stra�,hay,loose paper or �
similar inflamable material is used for packing purposes, shall
ha�e a vaul.t ,,of sufficient size to contain all shavings, sa�► dust ,�
c}lips,excelsior, straw,hay or loose paper in and about such build�n
and all su��i combustible material shall be removed from such ;prem
ises to such vault „at the close of each days work. Such vault
room shall be enclo�ed in fireproof partitions with floor and ceil
ing of like constructio�, or in case the eame contains lees than
fou r hundred cubic feet of epace may have either walls,�loors and
ceilings, or ether of them, constructed of not leas than two tr�ic�c�
nees of matched dry lumber with broken �oints,with a total thick-
ness of not less than two and three-fourths inches,which said wood
construction sha11 be covered on both sides with sheet metal -�
u�it'1 lvc::s ;j�int��and �.11 o��riin�s .�.r �uch va.ult roo.m �hatl be
�s.�:��;�::� clw Me A �ri.t�l f ir�-�r���f ��=��,rc,��li a�� d��r� s��:3?1 �a� �cept
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�ni��!er��anor anc! upn.� CUi1V1CL10Y1 ��3�re�a�', :>i�;�?I '�L ;?t�rii�kied by a :f'ine
in any .,t.zm no#� exeeeda.n� on� �iuncirect c3nllars,or by i�ip��i�`��Y�rner��
far a term not exceeding thirty days,or b�r botr� such fine and im-
prisorunent,and each day that any peraon,firm or corporatian ahall
continue to violate � or fail to coznpl.y witlz the provision� of
this ordinance shall be deemsd and considered a separate offense.
Sectior� 22-In addition to the ga�enalties provided in this ordinance
�or violation thereof ac�x�cingxa�A�c�a�xn���c �,ny building or struct
ure � or part thereof,erected,altered or repaired,arranged;equipped,
used or occupied in violation of any of t:�e provisione of this�=or- �_ _
dinance, shall be deer.�ed and is, hereby declared to be a nuissance
and such nuissance may be abated in the manner provided by Iaw or
the �ordinances of the city af Renton for the abatement of nuis-
Section �- This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
foree five days after its passage ,approval and le�al publication.
Passed this � � day of �� I9I7•
Approved this Z 7 day of /J��-z� I9I7.
. ��_ �
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City Clerk
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