HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 2630 Repealed by .Resolution No. 2773 R 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2630 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RE PROCEDURES FOR JOINT ANNEXATION AND REZONING APPLICATIONS WHEREAS the City Council has authorized joint annexation and rezone applications; and WHEREAS the City Council wished to have procedures to guarantee adequate notification of joint annexation and rezones, both inside and outside the City, and to establish a sequence of hearings for the Hearing Examiner and City Council; and WHEREAS the Policy Development Department has prepared an annexation processing procedure; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: i I SECTION I: The above recitals are found to be true and correct. SECTION II: It would be in the best interest: of the City of Renton, in order to provide for adequate notification of joint i annexations and rezones and annexations and to establish sequences of hearings, to adopt a formal procedure. Therefore, the Policy Development Department' s annexation processing procedure is hereby adopted by the City as such official procedure. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of January, 1986, Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of January, 1986. Ap roved as to orm: Nancy L. ews, Mayor Pro ten La rence J. W en, City Attorney 1 I { POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION PROCESSING PROCEDURE PAGE 2 v 5.2 10% Notice of Intent Petition a. Receive the annexation application form, Notice of Intent letter. signature sheets, and required $200 filing fee. b. Request the Public Works Department to prepare a legal description, map, and assessor roll for the proposed annexation. C. Review Notice of Intent letter for signature consistency with the assessor roll and determine whether a minimum sof 10% of the assessed value has signed the petition. 5..3 City Council Public Meeting on the 10% Notice of Intent Petition a. Upon verification of the 10% Notice of Intent Petition, prepare a City Council agenda bill to set a public meeting on the proposed annexation four (4) weeks hence. b. Following the City Council's action to establish a public meeting date, notify the applicant by mail. C. Concurrent with setting of the public meeting date, circulate the annexation application to appropriate departments for review and comment using the annexation review form. d. Prior to the City Council public meeting, prepare and submit an Annexation Review Summary consisting of the following items: 1. A map of the city limits indicating the location of the proposed annexation with the notation "blank" Annexation - Exhibit #1. See Section 5.6c. 2. A 1" = 800' scale map illustrating the city boundaries and annexation boundaries. Utilize a portion of this map to create the "blank" Annexation - Exhibit 02 illustrating the site vicinity. 3. A written description of the "Summary and Location" indicating the total area encompassed, 10 location, and general description of the current uses within the annexing area. 4. A written description of "General Information" indicating the ordinances and dates of annexations of the subject area, the current King County zoning classification, City of Renton zoning classifications in the immediate vicinity, and a summary of the Renton Comprehensive Plan for the area annexing. 5. A written description of the "Public Services" in the vicinity including water, sanitary sewers and their availability, and other municipal services such as the location of a fire station, police patrol routes, or other pertinent information on public services. 6. A written summary of the *Departmental Comments" including specific recommendations. 7. A written "Analysis" of the departmental comments, the annexation, and the consistency of the annexation with City Council policy established under Resolution 2429. 8. A written "Recommendation" of the Policy Development Department based upon the analysis contained in the previous section. POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION PROCESSING PROCEDURE PAGE 3 e. At the public meeting present a 1" = 800' scale city limit map identifying the annexation location, and a King County assessor's map detailing the precise location of the city limits and the boundaries of the proposed annexation. 5.4 75% Annexation Petition a. Upon City Council concurrence in the 10% Notice of Intent application and authorization to circulate the 75% Petition, prepare the 75% Petition Application and forward it to the proponent with the following items: 1. A reminder of the $300 application filing fee„ 2. A reminder of the environmental review filing fee of $60 plus $1 per $10,000 of assessed valuation within the annexation area. b. Accept the completed 75% petition application, filing fee, and environmental review and filing fee. C. Compare the signatures on the petition with the assessor roll and determine whether the assessed value meets the minimum 75% required. If not, return the petition to the proponent to circulate for additional signatures. When the sufficiency of the 75% petition has been satisfied, the receiving officer who makes that determination shall certify the petition. d. Prepare all required environmental documentation, route the completed application (including the comments made at the time of the 10% review) for final departmental comments and recommendations. e. When departmental review is completed, place the annexation on the ERC agenda for consideration. (If a concurrent rezone/land use permit is also included, these can be considered on the same agenda.) 5.5 City Council Public Hearing on the 75% Petition a. Once an environmental determination has been made, prepare a City Council agenda bill to set a public hearing on the 75% petition four (4) weeks hence. b. Update the annexation review summary to include any additional or revised recommendations and the action of the Environmental Review Committee. Submit the revised summary and maps listed in Section 5.3d for City Council review at the public hearing. C. Present a synopsis of the staff findings and recommandation to the Council using the maps listed under Section 5.3e and any additional illustrative material deemed appropriate. d. if the annexation application is approved, proceed with preparation of the Notice of Intent to be circulated to the Boundary Review Board. 5.6 Notice of Intent to Annex - Application to the King County Boundary Review Board a. Complete the Notice of Intent letter to the King County Boundary Review Board for the Mayor's signature. This standard form letter .is generally self explanatory, however the following notes may clarify certain sections: 1. Description of proposed action: a. Identifies the name of the annexation, its area in acres, length of street right-of-way in feet and total assessed valuation. POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION PROCESSING PROCEDURE PAGE 4 b. Describes the number and type of residential dwelling units, the type and extent of non-residential development, and the topographic and physical features of undeveloped property within the annexation. C. Identifies the city's Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation, the King County zoning, City of Renton zoning adjoining the annexation, the potential development anticipated under the city's Comprehensive Plan and potential zoning, and the estimated range of future population density. 2. Review of factors related to RCW 36.90.170: a. Describes the current land uses in the City of Renton located adjacent to or in the vicinity of the proposed annexation. b. Describes the land uses adjacent to and in the vicinity of the proposed annexation. 3. Future development and utilities: This paragraph(s) describes the nature, and capacity of city utilities in the vicinity including, but not necessarily limited to domestic water, sanitary sewers, and storm drainage lines. 4. Review of factors related to RCW 36.93.180: This paragraph(s) identifies those existing or developing neighborhoods adjacent to the annexation which will be protected or enhanced by approval of the subject annexation. If the annexation contains less than 10 acres and less than $800,000 in assessed value, the following paragraph should be included: Request for waiver of jurisdiction: Pursuant to RCW 36.93.110, the City of Renton requests that this annexation containing less than 10 acres and less than $800,000 in assessed value be found not to require review by the Board to protect the public interest. 5. The section providing for notice to public agencies should include all cities and special purpose districts (such as fire, water, or sewer) which are or could be affected by the annexation. b. Request a check for the $25 filing fee from the City Clerk's office as soon as the Notice of Intent Letter is drafted. C. The following seven exhibits are required to be included with the Notice of Intent: Exhibit Ii 1 A map illustrating the present municipal boundaries with proposed annexation illustrated. The map scale is approximately 1" = 1 mile and should denote the location of the annexation on the perimeter of the city limits, as well as provide for an inset detailed map preferrably at a scale of 1" = 800 feet. Larger or smaller scales may be appropriate, depending on the size of this particular annexation. The annexation location should be clearly identified by headings and arrows both on the primary map and detailed inset map. POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION PROCESSING PROCEDURE PAGE 5 Exhibit #2• Using the 1" = 800 foot scale map prepared under Section 5.3(d)(2), illustrate the locations and boundaries of all special purpose districts within one mile of the perimeter of the proposed annexation. This exhibit map should clearly identify the location and name of the subject annexation, using appropriate lettering and graphic representations. One sub-exhibit, such as Exhibit 2a for water districts, will be prepared for each type of special purpose district. These will include, but are not necessarily limited to, water, sewer, and fire districts. The nearest collector and arterial street to the annexation should be clearly identified on this exhibit. Exhibit Iia• A King County Assessor's Map, showing Renton's corporate limits in the vicinity, the proposed annexation, and the number of acres proposed for annexation. This map is at a scale of 1" = 100 feet and should include as many quarter sections as required to illustrate the annexation and unincorporated territory within approximately one-quarter mile of the subject annexation. Exhibit #4: All Renton City Council minutes related to this action are included in this exhibit. This includes the Council's action to set public meeting or hearing dates, the actions taken at those meetings, including any continued meetings or hearings. The minutes will generally consist of the page header from the City Council minutes, and the paragraph (s) related to the subject matter for each meeting or action taken by the City Council. Exhibit 05: The legal description of the boundaries of the proposed annexation previously prepared by the Department of Public Works. Exhibit #6: The final Declaration of Non-significance for the subject annexation, including copies of the complete environmental checklist and any review sheets related to the environmental determination. Copies of this documentation should be reduced to a size whereby two sheets of documentation can be photocopied on one 8 1/2 x 11" sheet for inclusion with the Notice of Intent letter. Exhibit #7: Utilizing the standard format for this exhibit, a paragraph on "public safety" should identify the fire district(s) affected by the proposed annexation, the city's nearest fire station serving the subject annexation, and a fire insurance rating for the city and the fire district. "Financial Characteristics" should illustrate the comparison of property tax millage rates for the city and the county in the area of the annexation. This information can be obtained from the annexation brochure prepared for use by proponents of annexations. d. Upon receipt of the Mayor's signature and filing fee from the City Clerk's office, and completion of all exhibits identified in the previous section, eight copies of the Notice of Intent letter and exhibits should be sent to the Boundary Review Board. Exhibit #3, the King County Assessor's Map, need only have one-copy provided to the Boundary Review Board. i 1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION PROCESSING PROCEDURE PAGE 7 5.9 Public Notification Procedure a. Policy Development personnel shall post notices of annexation applications which give the time and place of the public hearings/meetings. Notices shall be posted in a minimum of five (5) conspicuous places (or more if deemed necessary by staff) on or adjacent to the land to be annexed (including locations which are outside the City Limits in order that non-residents will have ample opportunity to comment on the proposal), notifying area residents of the proposal, at least ten (10) days prior to the public hearing/meeting. When a rezone/preliminary plat is proposed concurrently with an annexation, the same procedure shall be followed. b. Office of the City Clerk personnel shall prepare a notice for publication (in the Record Chronicle) not less than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing/meeting. C. All public hearing/meeting notices shall include a description of the location of the annexation and either a vicinity map or a location description in non-legal language. There shall also be a telephone number listed on the notice indicating that any interested person may become a party of record by dialing the Policy Development Department and so requesting. d. Notice is to be sent to the State Department of Transportation, adjoining municipality(ies), and any Special Purpose Districts (if applicable) when a proposed annexation is adjacent to or included within any of these jurisdictions. e. The Policy Development Department shall prepare a handout for applicants on the above identified land use process including an explanation of the notification procedure and the applicant's responsibility. NOTE: This notification section should be referenced in each of these land use code areas: 1. Sec. 4-722(F) 2. Sec. 4-3010(B)(5) 14966 TIENT FEE ANALYSIS RENTON KENT BELLEVUE 10 acres 38.36 acres 10 acres 10 acres ANNEXATION a) 10% Notice of Intent ; 200.00 ; 200.00 ; - ; - b) 79% Petition 300.00 300.00 - - c) SEPA fee 132.00 157.41 100.00 (Paid by City) TOTAL ; 632.00 ; 657.41 ; 100.00 ; - REZONE a) Application $ 300.00 ; 300.00 ; 210.00 $1,540.00 b) Acreage 100.00 (;10/acre) 384.00 100.00 (;10/acre) - c) SEPA Fee 132.00 157.41 100.00 319.00 (;69+;25/acre) TOTAL ; 532.00 ; 841.41 ; 410.00 $1,859.00 ANT APPLICATION a) 10% Notice of intent ; 200.00 $ 200.00 - b) 75% Petition 300.00 300.00 -- - c) SEPA Fee 132.00+ 157.41* - - d) Rezone 400.00 684.00 ** TOTAL ;1,042.00 ;1,341.41 ; 0.00 ; 0.00 • Assessed one (1) time only. ** No charge if filed concurrently with annexation. * r• W R no. i-i n cr 0) Cl) D 3 O ? r• o -t vvv0 N 'a Qm H m M oc O til m v to O O r = = = O c m t-r " l—• Ol c -O R Q r• O R'fl w ? w O R » 31x23 > > mm0Or Rm m H. H.r• C m r• R 7 H m n Q N to N to 0. 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