HomeMy WebLinkAboutT-384710L-0 J2 52 000 1:3 d: IE,':xcept where Intercapfing existing RGS Conduit allcon-duit. shaillbe rigid nan�metalfiv. unless. 0 8-20 ILLUMINATION,, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL nloted otherwise in th,6.Plans or Spocial Provisions., 0 .0yJ Alf.condluil. sh 1: be:littod with apPr iW -'e, n W I I th'd.mess of open. ings al I W-11 nds.: or Bashi 0S t 8-20:1211) Equipment Listand.0rawings conduit shall:be cons-istent within continuous cdeld no 1 n ult runs with. m. X -1i diffe 411� of rent schedule typesbetween. ter m-inations. D Z 31: Paragraph, four of* Section 8�20.2(1) is� deleted.and replac d: as4ollows". e: The Contractor shall provideand install all conduitand necess f ary Juings:at the loca, ons noted The: Contractor shall submit. fora proval ix sets of sh d P op rawmas tor each of the following on -the Plans, Conduit size. shellbe.n indicated on, the, wiring. and conduit schedule, shown. on types.of standards called for:on this Project,. Plans.. 1� Li ght standards With. or Without pre-approved.Plans. icated below,', Cond vided. and in lled:;shall be. Of �th type.,ind". :uit �to: be pro I sta Paragra.O:five,of Section 8-20.2�1:)Js deleted. 16 S-chedole 40�heavy. wait PVC Conforming to..ASTM standardIsi shall be. used wherteyecihe 8-20141�4) Poundation's condult, J s to b erthanwithin the roadway are I a. CD Sedtioll 8-:�26.3(4)isrevised: and supplem6nted astollows-. z Schedule 80 extra, heavv wall:PVC Confominq to -ASTM standards,shall be, -used, when the The; anchor,bofts shall, mwtch. that of the de -Vice to beinstalled thereon. conduit, is to be placed within the roadwav area, I I-, Concrete shall be. placed against undisturbed earth if possible� Diiturbed earthor backfill I ... � - All joints shall be made with strict cornpliance to the manufacturees recornmendations regarding material shall -be compacted to 95 percent of the mn -aterfal S maximum density, Bef OlAcing 14- the I Concrete the Contractor shall bl'ock.-out ato a cement used and environmental conditions. 00 Urid:,: nyother undeN.-round utiftles-thAt 111.61- in �tho excavated Concroo.found - ations 8-20-3(4) :JuInction Box#* nteaf as f U section 8 20-3(6):is s me. z shail bo troweled, brushed e n -i hed, ima rkmaos -like manner. Conorome: shall P Aged and fi wo hip V.. be, tomptly deaned.1,mm, thle-cm O$ed portion.0f.thean-chor bofts arid-t.wduit-aft I 0 P P er.p a M n, All juniction boxes and assoclated concrete pads shall be,instafiW[:: on -corn :su* Found tion shall all be Q4 ss -pacteo b gr.ade a .. concrete., After the specified cuningperi.od, the Contractor whichshall include si x inches-� of 5/8th-i nch m 1 nus crushed sUrf4cing. too course matorlS.1 may install the'APpliclahleA,evice thereon, ejun -on bo X*. Thi , 9: Ju n -c J Installed under and around the. basie ofth cfi tio n box shal I fhcl ud e. Installation of ca.4", t 'i ped,a n.d a :12" diarn em crete.004: enciosi g the junction box I I I I h.ck eterz wnt�cdn n All concrete, foundations, shalf be. constructed in the manner spacifledbe ow, M al�pe tons": sp, S rp ea. Ic al 9 ...att ons: an.. I S ee ncrete. P e RM e 14 Where no s -id . ewalks ar I e- to I be ihsta: I fied,' the grade for the t of the foundation shlaff;be ion0ion: box frame and lid.. UJ OP V above the finished grade of surr undi n C Junction boxes shall have gal-vanized-steet lids and frames, 2, Where side, lk:_or raised islands.ar to bet.construcledas a part.of this proje t, the top of the4oundation.s.-hall be: made flush. �with- thetop of1he sidew�ailk or: islan& �(Sae d I etail sheet) Junction boxes Used f0f, electrical wiring shall ufilize� a. locking, lid Standard U) per City AM: con cr ated: as per station-ingon. the: Plans or as I it, bythe: oca od Engineer In the:�fiold.,, CL 8-20,3(6) 00"du, it !140*9) So. Ming, Grounding, Section &2013 5) ls:revi ed an d sopplem. ented: astbllows,- V) Section 8-203(g) is sup men ple todas. fbllows.�, (n W _y The. paragtaph:.re.qUirin.g�94!va..nized ste-el conduft.at c6rtain locations isdeleted, Galvanized All street light standards, sqnal.poles and other standards on which electrical equipment, is 0 stee n i *CL l.c.o..dot('RGS.),-�s..hla.11dnlybep.t.aee.d.:.-i�f,�to:,indic2ite-,dinth.O.Plahs. RGS con.duit and Iftfing s. hich. in:diarn,. et -6.r x 8 0" in de Ad rn 4 n 0 mounted shall be groun . d:: to a. copper cl etal.k grou dr d .5/8A shAll.be allowed. only where'n tereopting,existing RGS conduit.. b -opper. - n r - atted in the n . vest junctio len, gth complete vAth: a #8 AWG I are 0 bo ding St Ap loc 00 n box, h -A I ro All signal ;tontroffe-r cabinets and:�signaltliqhfin . ervice cabirlets. is 1: be g Unde rd to a 5/8 inch gs Pull Wires: shall be: installed by:th,e Contracto.r. kam ngth copper clad metaffiagroui* rod.10 ated in the'nea J in di aeter x, V07 in le I rest: "'unction box n L) LJ W M n S11:-6 0. Dry pack madar grout. shall consist of a 1 �3 mixture of partland cement and fine sand with 'ust Soclion,:9-29.9 is suppleme ws E I . Mad as follo 0 enou bwater: so th 6! th 6i 9 ixture Will Stick to th JbQ will _Qe r on: be a bag by handl ld4d int not exLide mal stur The,Baffast shall, be pre -wired to th lamp socket and ter inal, board. I e when so pressed. A one half- i rich. drain: h.oie. shiall be leffin the',bottom of e, M the grout p adasshown:on �the. standardd , etail, 9-29A0(2) Clocorabsoo Lut"Inalros SAcfinrf 1,601 is da4etfid and rt%_nlarml ;.aq ffifinw*q, Roadway scale.luminaires. shall be - Cyclone Lightin.9 CY-55P1 --GAL- .3-12.0,W��4,K-240�C,P3624-RAL9005TX. 01KE, Cyc-tong Lighting QYSSPI�GAL-3-80W­41K-240- CP3624-RAL90D-M, O..A.E- Roadway scale luminairearms. shall:7bee, Cycione Lighting, CP4.125-CI(.6')-::Bx..X-R-AL9006TX, 0,kE1 Cyclone Lightin 4-C 1(12) BXX�RAL9005TX, O.KE. CP412 Rqadway:scale volessha.11 be, Vailmon I 40� R -TA Pole. 4000501-08T4A/RAL9006/50RTCSCI�PO 1 3-BK62 O,XE, Piad".W.an�.Sc'ale Cyclone Lighting Cym66Pl-�GA.L-3-40.W4.K-240-CP3-9,24-R-ALgO.D$T.X., 0 -A-E, Pedestrian. scaiearms�sh.all be, Cy6onetighting C144,124 -GI (4')..8XX-RAL900M. 0 X E, Pedes.trian�scale­ poles. shailt'vil'- Valmont'21'4�'RTA Polw 210-44-0706T4..A/RAL9006,,/"40*RTCSC/��PO-13-BK62- O.A.E .0110 Section .5-29:1. 1�(2) is deletedan.d re placed as f ws, Photoelectric contro4s shall be a pAug-in device. rateA: to operate -on 120 volts 60 Hz. The unit shall c.onsist of.alight sens Vve eleme.nt conned.edto. necessary, pontrol-re ays., The.unit shall be so designed that a. failure. O.f. ;-anv:e.l;octroni.i�.comoorte.nt wilt, enwgize- the lighting circlu it,� -emperature range The photo cell shalf be: a.sofidstate' device with stableturn-on valuesin the 1. of -5:5 de es,C to: 4-70 de ree e ce4 gre g: s C, Th photo I shall be M0.11 nWd: externall on tb of y P the lum-inaire. In a contacitor controlled syste m, the, photo -ceil to o-ont .1 m. h be ro the. syste S all mounted on the. Jurninsire. nearest tothe.- Ser M"e*/ n - tortta. N net.., The, c*. tac photo, 0044, shall: be capable of switching ."ON 1.00.0watts of i candesceint: toad as a m-inimurn. The photooell shaft in berated for a 20+ year Iffe- span, s P: - 3 with a bare copper bonding. strap sized in accordance wftb the Plans, specifications and applicable codes� Ground rods are,,.q.onslde- red.. m.. i,�.Celtaneous. iternsand all costs are -to be included with the system orcon.ductors, Ground straps are.a.1so miscellaneous items. unless a: separate pay Urn is provided. ..in. the 'Schad.ule of pnices, 87-20.3(10) Servic*S Transf.birmer, Intelligent Tran Owt sh" Syst. Section 8-20,3(10) is revised and supplepv.nted as,follomm Paragraph -two is deleted, Parac graph thre,e)s deleted, The following is added, Power service s -hall be single phase .:. 120/240 volt, 3 �wire 60 cycle A.C� (street li.ghting con tact6h(trafficsig na 1,grounded niautral serv.fca) Per. City: of Renton Standard Detle-ils- The power servine. point �shall �be.as noted an the Plans and . . shall be -verified by the utility, 8-20,3,(13) 111.1urninalion Systems &.2013(13)A Lilght: Standards Section &-20.3( :13)A is I deleted and repla I ced. as fotlows,� Light standards shall tw- handled when loading, unloading, and..erectina in such a manner that they will not be damaged. Any parts that are dam'aged due to the Contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced at.the. Conit-ractor's expenw to the satk§femion of t -he Engineer. Light standards.s.hall not.be er ected on.cond're. te, f0undations::until foundations have sel at least 72* hours or, attained a compressive strength of 2,400, psi., and shall, be raked sufficienti. -to be ptumbr, after: aK load has been placed, or as otherwisedirected, bv th. e, Eng"- per, in Light Standards shall be>ereoted: in amordance with section 8-203(4). le, Anchor bolts shall extend through the. top heavy�hex nut t. wo full threads to the extent possib Anchor, bolts shall be tightened by the Turh­0f*­'N.Ut Tig I ht g Me I thod in accordance with Sect -ions 6�013(33) and 8�20.3( 4). Anchor bolts damagedafter the fourvdation concrete: is placed shaft not -be ropairedby bendingg orweldina, The.:Contractor's repair prociedure i� tobe.submitted,to the.Engineer-for a I prior to making any reppirs., The Procedure is to include remov . ing the damged poftn.,of the, anchor bak, c.u....ttine threads:.on the, undam. aged porfion to remain, the inst-all.,atio.n.of:an.approv,.e..d threaded sleeve nut and stud, anO repairfnq� the foundation, with epoxy concrete- repair, The qrotft pad shall notextend above:the elevati.on. ofthe bottom of the base SPA Anchor Bmw A one piece anchor base of adequate: strength,shapeand size:sball' be secured to. the lower; end of the: shaft:sllo. that the base shall be capable of ret.1Stin.g:atJtsyjotd pointlhe bendrig.. moment of the:shaft at its I (d point. The. base shall beprovi-ded with four slotted oi- rotmd yfe holes to receive the anchor -bolts. Nut covers shall be provided, with each pofe. Anch<w Solltc- Four steel an 0 -or boAts, each fitted with two hex nuts, and two washers, shall bo ..,Ished with .the e therrequir o 9 0 50), a. d 9 .6 pole. Anchor befts shall me... t I ints of Sect I ion n -0 _5(4), The anchor bolt yield point shall be:capable of resis ing the bending. rrio. m. nt of the pole shaft at its yield point. The. Contractorshall assure: that all anchor �bolts confon-n., to the recommended ASTM specirications of the pole manufacturer and shall: se-co.re and subm it to the City for approval ail manufacturer data on, pole be -tiding momen t,,anahor b0it fabrication data,, test results and any ot h.w- daita that may be required 1.6confirm that the anchor bolts meet these specificatjons� All hardWare& (bolts, nuts, screws., washers, 6,tc.)�noeded to complete the installation shall be. stain less: steel. 1Z, (Identfficabon for The. Contractor sball supply.'and install.:a. combination of 4 7digitsAnd ne le or on each.p.-ole, 0: whether individual lum. inaire or signal polewith luminaire. The, I letterand number-scombination S . h -all be movnted at.the:i 5 foot lsvol.on the n9traffic, Legend&rshalf be - pole facing:approsohi. sealed with transparen.t� film, resistant W dust,weather The decal mv arkers -shall be.2-112-inch squaire with vellow reflectorized. 2-Anch. leaerid- on a black backgra-und. The 1,D, number will be: as -signed, to each pple� at the �end. of the. Contra ct or project -by the Transportation -Maintenance Assistant Manager and coordinated through-Ithe City ins ectar. I P Cost forthe decals: shall be considered incidental to the Contract bid. Light standards shall -meet. the pole. detail requirement belb.w and the -datlail sheetson the approved plan documents, The pole. shaft shall be provided with a 4": x 6" flush hand hole. -near fhe. base and a: matching metal coversecured with stainless.. steel screws, or bolts., The pole shall be ad'usted for plurtib after all neede equipm, e nt: has beeninstalled. thereon, .1 d After.pc4e 'is installedand plumbed, nuts shall be tightened on anchor bolts, using: prpper sized soc*ets, open end, or box wrenches. Use of pliers, pipe wrenchers; or other tools that can darnage galvanizing vAll not be perm. itted. Tools shall be oUsufficient size. to.. aichieve adequate twquing of the nuts -The space: between "the. concrete foundation and the bottom of the pole basaiplate s -hall be filled m0thl. a dry pack Mortar grout and troweled -to a, snmoth finfS.1h conforming to the contour of: the pole base platle� Rwg NOTE: THE 2014 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY OF RENTON SPECIAL PROVISIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE FRONTAGE ILLUMINATION SCOPE OF WORK SHOWN ON SHEETS IL1.01 THRU IL1.09 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CITY SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Speciill ftovisitmj� 384710 R 384755 9-219.19, 139flast, Transf�cwmors z Al, 0 S Aw?05:11% 20u; W"woo, W$AAUqVXJt Augiza 1% 20 B C= Of Qj�_EVELQPER: cr-Ty- _0F,-.TX.-rVff10lN IKEA PROPERTY INC C>W10AFR I k4ftP4rr C>F FOLMNL.K-,", W<DM<S OF 420 ALAN WOOD ROAD �)�ER T. C; C5 CD CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 z z 0� WAT FfKWTA &"TM 9 CONTACT: DAGHT E. SLATON VERMAL DATW CHECKM FOR COMPUNCE CONSTRUCT10N MANAGER z z CITY OF RENTON, NAVD 88 P: (610) 834-0180; C: 303-549-4623 00 b0_1 Y grrAMS V_ 45w,%� E: DUGHT.SLATON9111KE&COM Approved by: �td 4 PV - Date 1AJ EA RE U)) 20TENW K- VELOF%CHNT, RENTON, WA. > CA 2 WORKN&Y' DAYS r 3 4J ENGINEER: U-1 B194cpto": 4F Transportation Engineering NorthWest TDR Qf CY- Approved by: so,* ., TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING NORTHWEST Transportation Planning I Design I Traffic Impact & Operations C==r%0= YOU CITY OF RENTON CONTROL Date 124,11 �p 0 4, , (2 - DA7E 0§Z1 0/2015 mE w. U 150012.56 f ai:il 11400 SE 8TH STREET, SUITE 200 cavm Wt UNA: 1961149069 TDR C5 POINT NO. 1864 WAS HELD Approved by: Date ONAL BELLEVUE, WA 98W4 cmemm GMQ SCALIE to FOR ELEVATION, BEING CONTACT: GLEN DuBREUIL FIKD MM PAW z 19.488 FEET (NAVD88) Approved by: Date *era--tr P: (425) 250-0582; C: (206) 295-6776 AFFFAXW - 1 =Z�_ MMTM OF PU§W WOWS 8HWT 10 Cr 10 45 04 D 704� 41,702 U4 Q M > z DIVISION 9 M >_ MATERIALS CD v 9-29 I:LLUMINATION,:$IGNALS, ELECTRICAL rn > 9-29.1 Con4u.ft rn U. e .9-2 S cition.. , 9,�: 1. is supplemented as foA lows. z C) The: conduit PVC - nolin-rrne4aik shall be of::th.e twatypes indicated.below- z M C> M 9 CL > J I- Schedule 80E.xtra hea-yy. wall PVC c,�.onfbrming to- AST.M., Standards, to be Used' in. all, in$.tallafions �under roadways-. .Z Sdh , edule 40:.heavy wait PVC con -forming to ASTM Standards-, 9-29.*2 J.unctibn. 800s (RC Section 9, 2:92 is.,sup-plemeated as follows,, Jur-ictionboxes shallbereintofoed 0nore.te with. -galvan st Jzed eel ffarnle,anchored in plac.e and: a� ai galvanized steel cover. la e (Di P At wmq d:pa tern) as indicated on detaii sheets, 1mcfion bo -es for copper Wlrle'rshall 1-noor rate a lockingl.: lid City of Renton Standard Details. Junction boxes P0 per: in.sidewalks shall have non-skid lids, M M ry o- 9.29.,A: Conductors, Cable 0 0 n Section 9.12R,3 re ed a ndsupptemented as folio WS lte1-MS*.8:-.and ; 11 am revised as follows; L0 7 L0 7 LLJ 0 0 D�etectorico>.op)w&ires.:hal.ibolM�SA,51-.7(orarig-,etut�e'i#12:or#14AW,�G.Stt--,a ded r prangetube)#12or#14AWGsh ndedcopl;*r pe cop. (0 00. Comm-unication. s cable shall meet. REA. specific.ation PE -39 and -shall have No, 19 >_ A.WG wires �M th 0,008 i nch- . FPA /MPR coated alum. inum sh'oidiing, The:cable-4hall M . pl�6t the:jrisk of the: b16 have a Petroleum Compound carn Sly Q ide Each, wirs shall be ourn'bered al. eai�h ter mi tral Ond with a wrap..'around t.ype numbed.ng.stnp bearing,the.circuit, n U-Mbershown on Abe: -plans-, The Contractor sh6ft.:1"Vi e and. insitall. �411 the. ne, c ssary -i ir n f e And fitfinqs� somas.. to e w 1. g,,:,.:us s comploW the: installation of tho:.siignal.and I ght nqequipmorit as shown on the Plans, All materials and ins. llatio.n.: methods: excep rwi t.as -noted othe set*rein� shal Conn* with ap. plica-ble of, the. National Bectrical Code, Roadway scale.luminaires. shall be - Cyclone Lightin.9 CY-55P1 --GAL- .3-12.0,W��4,K-240�C,P3624-RAL9005TX. 01KE, Cyc-tong Lighting QYSSPI�GAL-3-80W­41K-240- CP3624-RAL90D-M, O..A.E- Roadway scale luminairearms. shall:7bee, Cycione Lighting, CP4.125-CI(.6')-::Bx..X-R-AL9006TX, 0,kE1 Cyclone Lightin 4-C 1(12) BXX�RAL9005TX, O.KE. CP412 Rqadway:scale volessha.11 be, Vailmon I 40� R -TA Pole. 4000501-08T4A/RAL9006/50RTCSCI�PO 1 3-BK62 O,XE, Piad".W.an�.Sc'ale Cyclone Lighting Cym66Pl-�GA.L-3-40.W4.K-240-CP3-9,24-R-ALgO.D$T.X., 0 -A-E, Pedestrian. scaiearms�sh.all be, Cy6onetighting C144,124 -GI (4')..8XX-RAL900M. 0 X E, Pedes.trian�scale­ poles. shailt'vil'- Valmont'21'4�'RTA Polw 210-44-0706T4..A/RAL9006,,/"40*RTCSC/��PO-13-BK62- O.A.E .0110 Section .5-29:1. 1�(2) is deletedan.d re placed as f ws, Photoelectric contro4s shall be a pAug-in device. rateA: to operate -on 120 volts 60 Hz. The unit shall c.onsist of.alight sens Vve eleme.nt conned.edto. necessary, pontrol-re ays., The.unit shall be so designed that a. failure. O.f. ;-anv:e.l;octroni.i�.comoorte.nt wilt, enwgize- the lighting circlu it,� -emperature range The photo cell shalf be: a.sofidstate' device with stableturn-on valuesin the 1. of -5:5 de es,C to: 4-70 de ree e ce4 gre g: s C, Th photo I shall be M0.11 nWd: externall on tb of y P the lum-inaire. In a contacitor controlled syste m, the, photo -ceil to o-ont .1 m. h be ro the. syste S all mounted on the. Jurninsire. nearest tothe.- Ser M"e*/ n - tortta. N net.., The, c*. tac photo, 0044, shall: be capable of switching ."ON 1.00.0watts of i candesceint: toad as a m-inimurn. The photooell shaft in berated for a 20+ year Iffe- span, s P: - 3 with a bare copper bonding. strap sized in accordance wftb the Plans, specifications and applicable codes� Ground rods are,,.q.onslde- red.. m.. i,�.Celtaneous. iternsand all costs are -to be included with the system orcon.ductors, Ground straps are.a.1so miscellaneous items. unless a: separate pay Urn is provided. ..in. the 'Schad.ule of pnices, 87-20.3(10) Servic*S Transf.birmer, Intelligent Tran Owt sh" Syst. Section 8-20,3(10) is revised and supplepv.nted as,follomm Paragraph -two is deleted, Parac graph thre,e)s deleted, The following is added, Power service s -hall be single phase .:. 120/240 volt, 3 �wire 60 cycle A.C� (street li.ghting con tact6h(trafficsig na 1,grounded niautral serv.fca) Per. City: of Renton Standard Detle-ils- The power servine. point �shall �be.as noted an the Plans and . . shall be -verified by the utility, 8-20,3,(13) 111.1urninalion Systems &.2013(13)A Lilght: Standards Section &-20.3( :13)A is I deleted and repla I ced. as fotlows,� Light standards shall tw- handled when loading, unloading, and..erectina in such a manner that they will not be damaged. Any parts that are dam'aged due to the Contractor's operations shall be repaired or replaced at.the. Conit-ractor's expenw to the satk§femion of t -he Engineer. Light standards.s.hall not.be er ected on.cond're. te, f0undations::until foundations have sel at least 72* hours or, attained a compressive strength of 2,400, psi., and shall, be raked sufficienti. -to be ptumbr, after: aK load has been placed, or as otherwisedirected, bv th. e, Eng"- per, in Light Standards shall be>ereoted: in amordance with section 8-203(4). le, Anchor bolts shall extend through the. top heavy�hex nut t. wo full threads to the extent possib Anchor, bolts shall be tightened by the Turh­0f*­'N.Ut Tig I ht g Me I thod in accordance with Sect -ions 6�013(33) and 8�20.3( 4). Anchor bolts damagedafter the fourvdation concrete: is placed shaft not -be ropairedby bendingg orweldina, The.:Contractor's repair prociedure i� tobe.submitted,to the.Engineer-for a I prior to making any reppirs., The Procedure is to include remov . ing the damged poftn.,of the, anchor bak, c.u....ttine threads:.on the, undam. aged porfion to remain, the inst-all.,atio.n.of:an.approv,.e..d threaded sleeve nut and stud, anO repairfnq� the foundation, with epoxy concrete- repair, The qrotft pad shall notextend above:the elevati.on. ofthe bottom of the base SPA Anchor Bmw A one piece anchor base of adequate: strength,shapeand size:sball' be secured to. the lower; end of the: shaft:sllo. that the base shall be capable of ret.1Stin.g:atJtsyjotd pointlhe bendrig.. moment of the:shaft at its I (d point. The. base shall beprovi-ded with four slotted oi- rotmd yfe holes to receive the anchor -bolts. Nut covers shall be provided, with each pofe. Anch<w Solltc- Four steel an 0 -or boAts, each fitted with two hex nuts, and two washers, shall bo ..,Ished with .the e therrequir o 9 0 50), a. d 9 .6 pole. Anchor befts shall me... t I ints of Sect I ion n -0 _5(4), The anchor bolt yield point shall be:capable of resis ing the bending. rrio. m. nt of the pole shaft at its yield point. The. Contractorshall assure: that all anchor �bolts confon-n., to the recommended ASTM specirications of the pole manufacturer and shall: se-co.re and subm it to the City for approval ail manufacturer data on, pole be -tiding momen t,,anahor b0it fabrication data,, test results and any ot h.w- daita that may be required 1.6confirm that the anchor bolts meet these specificatjons� All hardWare& (bolts, nuts, screws., washers, 6,tc.)�noeded to complete the installation shall be. stain less: steel. 1Z, (Identfficabon for The. Contractor sball supply.'and install.:a. combination of 4 7digitsAnd ne le or on each.p.-ole, 0: whether individual lum. inaire or signal polewith luminaire. The, I letterand number-scombination S . h -all be movnted at.the:i 5 foot lsvol.on the n9traffic, Legend&rshalf be - pole facing:approsohi. sealed with transparen.t� film, resistant W dust,weather The decal mv arkers -shall be.2-112-inch squaire with vellow reflectorized. 2-Anch. leaerid- on a black backgra-und. The 1,D, number will be: as -signed, to each pple� at the �end. of the. Contra ct or project -by the Transportation -Maintenance Assistant Manager and coordinated through-Ithe City ins ectar. I P Cost forthe decals: shall be considered incidental to the Contract bid. Light standards shall -meet. the pole. detail requirement belb.w and the -datlail sheetson the approved plan documents, The pole. shaft shall be provided with a 4": x 6" flush hand hole. -near fhe. base and a: matching metal coversecured with stainless.. steel screws, or bolts., The pole shall be ad'usted for plurtib after all neede equipm, e nt: has beeninstalled. thereon, .1 d After.pc4e 'is installedand plumbed, nuts shall be tightened on anchor bolts, using: prpper sized soc*ets, open end, or box wrenches. Use of pliers, pipe wrenchers; or other tools that can darnage galvanizing vAll not be perm. itted. Tools shall be oUsufficient size. to.. aichieve adequate twquing of the nuts -The space: between "the. concrete foundation and the bottom of the pole basaiplate s -hall be filled m0thl. a dry pack Mortar grout and troweled -to a, snmoth finfS.1h conforming to the contour of: the pole base platle� Rwg NOTE: THE 2014 WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE, AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY OF RENTON SPECIAL PROVISIONS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE FRONTAGE ILLUMINATION SCOPE OF WORK SHOWN ON SHEETS IL1.01 THRU IL1.09 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CITY SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Speciill ftovisitmj� 384710 R 384755 9-219.19, 139flast, Transf�cwmors z Al, 0 S Aw?05:11% 20u; W"woo, W$AAUqVXJt Augiza 1% 20 B C= Of Qj�_EVELQPER: cr-Ty- _0F,-.TX.-rVff10lN IKEA PROPERTY INC C>W10AFR I k4ftP4rr C>F FOLMNL.K-,", W<DM<S OF 420 ALAN WOOD ROAD �)�ER T. C; C5 CD CONSHOHOCKEN, PA 19428 z z 0� WAT FfKWTA &"TM 9 CONTACT: DAGHT E. SLATON VERMAL DATW CHECKM FOR COMPUNCE CONSTRUCT10N MANAGER z z CITY OF RENTON, NAVD 88 P: (610) 834-0180; C: 303-549-4623 00 b0_1 Y grrAMS V_ 45w,%� E: DUGHT.SLATON9111KE&COM Approved by: �td 4 PV - Date 1AJ EA RE U)) 20TENW K- VELOF%CHNT, RENTON, WA. > CA 2 WORKN&Y' DAYS r 3 4J ENGINEER: U-1 B194cpto": 4F Transportation Engineering NorthWest TDR Qf CY- Approved by: so,* ., TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING NORTHWEST Transportation Planning I Design I Traffic Impact & Operations C==r%0= YOU CITY OF RENTON CONTROL Date 124,11 �p 0 4, , (2 - DA7E 0§Z1 0/2015 mE w. U 150012.56 f ai:il 11400 SE 8TH STREET, SUITE 200 cavm Wt UNA: 1961149069 TDR C5 POINT NO. 1864 WAS HELD Approved by: Date ONAL BELLEVUE, WA 98W4 cmemm GMQ SCALIE to FOR ELEVATION, BEING CONTACT: GLEN DuBREUIL FIKD MM PAW z 19.488 FEET (NAVD88) Approved by: Date *era--tr P: (425) 250-0582; C: (206) 295-6776 AFFFAXW - 1 =Z�_ MMTM OF PU§W WOWS 8HWT 10 Cr 10 45 04 D 704� 41,702 U4 Q M > z M z CD > C rn > rn CD 44h, z C) M z M C> M 9 CL > n ul > rn > C: = 10 CD 44h, z C) > e z g C> CL C05 J n ul tTJ E, > C: = 10 M < -0 -t 1,1Z. C� rD > e z g C> C05 J n ul