HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 2121 7.';'1 : s. 1 � e (rtA, .,, '' ,:' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. .. '21121 WHEREAS a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton has heretofore been filed with the Planning Department and' it _ap- pearing that the preliminary plat has heretofore been duly approved by the Hearing Examiner after public hearing thereon as provided by law; and WHEREAS after due investigation the Hearing Examiner has considered and recommendedthe approval of-Said final plat I: and said matter having come on for review before the Hearing Examiner at his public hearing on or about May 3 , 1977 , and. the City Council having dulytiapproveTsaid finaltp.lat at its regular meeting on June 27, 1977 , and such approval being deemed proper and advisable and in the public interest, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, as follows: SECTION I: The final plat heretofore submitted and approved by the Hearing Examiner, pertaining to the' following described real estate, to-wit: That portion of the Southeast quarter of Sectio n20 Township 23 NORTH, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington, described g , as follows: Beginning at th.e intersection of the west line of said Southeast quarter of Section 20 , with the southerly right-of-way line of Puget Drive S .E. ; thence North 89°10 ' 20" East along saidright-of-wayline adistanceiof332 . 27 feet to a point of curve.; thence continuing • along said right-of-way line along a curve to the left, having a radius of 701. 75. feet,:- through a central angle of 31°46 ' 21" , an arc distance of 389 .15 feet; thence south 34°36 ' 03" East a distance of 192 . 62 feet; • thence south 08°47 ' 16" West a distance of 104. 73 feet; thence. South 08°50' 55" West a distance of 94. 01 feet; ' thence South 88°46 ' 15" East a distance of 40 . 00 feet; thence South 01°13 '45" West a distance of 105 . 00 feet; thence South 88°46 '15" East a distance of 20 . 00 feet; thence, South 01013145" west a distance of 151. 85 feet toa line being 55 . 00 feet northerly of and parallel to the South line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 20 , thence North 88°46 '15" West along .said line distance of 562 .10 feet;. thence North 42°35 ' 54" West a distance -1 4 of 384. 21 feet; thence North. 01°46 ' 02" East a distance of 26 . 70 feet.; thence. North. 89°.23 ' 00" West a distance of 25 . 98 feet to the west line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 29; thence. North 01°46 ' 02" east along west line a distance of 176 . 87 feet to the point of beginning. beand thesame is herebyapproved as such plat; BUT SUBJECT TO. those certain Restrictive Covenants dated. and heretofore executed by Petitioner-owner and recorded with the office of Director of Records and Elections, King County Receiving No. 7707080625 , and FURTHER SUBJECT to the lawsand ordinances of the City of Renton relating thereto.. PASSED BY. THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of June, 1977. Delores A. Medd, Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of June, 1977. z'OrC.) harles. J Delaurenti, Mayor. Approved as to. form: . . - , ' h� am , Ge d . Sn, city Attorney 1)