HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1875 I � 1 _ • * ��' � .r � • ., �. . . , � � , r C�TY OF REi�ITON, [�TASHINGTON RESQLUTTQN N0 . 1875 L+THEREAS the protection and enhancement of envi_r��mental quality i,s a vital concern of the City of Renton; and WHEREAS the preservation of watex� quality is a ma�or envixonmen.�kal goal whi.ch must be considered i,n relation to air qual�t�r, land use and energy co:n�ervat�on; and . ', WHEREAS it is the purpose and goal of the Municipality o� Metropol�tan Seattle to secure and ma%ntain high standards of water quality �or all receiving waters wi.thin its jurisdi.,cti,on; and WHEREAS Public Law 92-500 of th.e 92nd Congress requires that all publi,cly-owned treatment works achi,eve '�secondary treatment" by July 1 , 1977 , prior to the achievement of `tbest practicable txeatment" by July l , 1983 ; and tniHEREAS secondary treatment of municipal discharges for removal ' of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a �rocess pxoven to be unnecessary to the preservation of water quality in Puget Sound; and WHEREAS construction and operation of secondary treatment . .� facili.ti.es would impinge on valuable open space, and consume scarce ', energy resources ; and [nIHEREAS major �rater quality �mprovements other than secondary treatment, such as toxic�ty and floatables removal and sewer separation, are considered to be essential to receivi,ng water quality; and WHEREAS constructi,on and operation of secondary treatment �aci.liti,es at Metrots four Puget Sound plants , including West Point, would double operating costs and requ�re a $55 ma.11i.on ca�ital expenditure �,rhich might otherwise be used for hi,gher �riority water pollution control projects by other local agencies i.n the Se.attle are.a; and [�THEREAS the rates charged our customers would xeflect the � expenditure to meet the secondary treatment requirements ; and -1- - . . �._, . _ , . � , � . . , � WHEREAS this agency has h.ighex priority watex polluti,on control II projects on which funds need ta be spent ; and � TnIHEREAS limi.ted allocations of federal �unds wi,ll prevent the ' munici�ality �rom com�letin.g top priority water quality projects whi,le achieving both trsecondary treatment" by July 1 , 1977 , and rrbest practicable treatment" by J'uly l , 1983 ; and �i+IHEREAS a municipal system CMetro? must, at all times , be in compliance with the requi,rements of the�"Fede�al Act or mod�f�ca.ta.ons thereof, or no local sewage proj ect �ti,ll be eligible for Federal funds ; and WHEREAS there is , in fact, insufficient time fox the municipali,ty to meet the July l , 1977 , deadline for "secondary treatmen,t" ; and WHEREAS to maintain and ensure high standards of water quali.ty for the metropolitan are�a at the earli.est time and i,n the most cost- effective manner, i.t is necessary that the muni.cipality proceed immediately wi.th a program to provide '�best practicable treatment" by Ju1y 1 , 19 8 3 ; NO[nT THEREFO RE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Renton urges the Congress to amend th,e 1972 �Iatex Quality Act to permit the Administrator of E�A to modify the requirement of secondary treatment for any publicly- o�ned treatment works discharging through deep water outfalls into the �aci,fic Ocean and the conti,guaus territorial seas upon applicati.on and proof satisfactary to the Administrator that alternative treatment �rocesses would produce an equal or better envi.ronmental e�fect on the receiving wate�s �ar a lesser expenditure of public resources . PASSED BY THE CTTY COUNCZL thi.s 17thday of September, 1973 . , Deloxes A. ead, �ty Cler AP�'ROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of September, . 1973 . �,,..,�-�- . r v y G rrett, a o Ap�p oved as t f rm:� , l er r . Shella , Ci y Attorney -2-