HomeMy WebLinkAbout03734 - Technical Information Report - Memorandum of Ground Lease ._. Branch:STIC,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • • . f Pkent°" • • • . •-:::T.:,44::t-,1:•••••,:...•:•-.s.,:••.•:,-..,.;1,,,..•,4,4,rp.i-,,, ..-4•••„,4._ ifa,,,,, .. ,rip,:....3:;'Oity 1;lt.. - • ....: •- ; '•,•:'•• • •,' ,••••;.....!..11:-•*:;:r•,..' - t.t.4:;Mr:- -.,0-: •.:.5 fti.., .; . ' . , o'N‘S.10n 7 i.„ . •. ..z. •-.I -.. - ..•- . I '•,..:•?..'.'.141'-, 1 •"'•i•N2,e.'1,. . ..'"'";" 4 k.•.. . 'NOY - 11-.-,„,-,-;•Azii .0-••:.i• •••• :-•.:,1 :••••:•,::, • • 10\an . 'sr";" "'%• "::•",:•%":r -• --. :•-•.-•i; •..--.. • •.• • I SIMI= . .•.•..!..: -' ... •• . .• . ace 3(I 'M • . . , ., ., .. •. . , •. . • • . .. . . . . . . III . • " . : . • EAV 6° • • oac - Schedule B Section 7-- Exception iMINIM . . - • • ... ••- ''. 'CIASSM;LeS'eCIIIC542t2432117:1141trdliniC71.WMCCUMNIMCCnre:7A"nwe'9141rdB:111"4117ELLAIAtarldilS-PmentythSitValft:::::WW31.:107u41.41.03tilar,714":9914.4"29dna6.11.1CISCP:Wie62"13411tilliftGa:tglestarodIdipft-iimilLEASEEnto atrmbillYcerpi7Opoued Leese ill!- -...,..,...,-..-:...... ....• • - ca:.t- dated felaussy 21,1996(the•Ixase).fat the Imo aftlat eat&rad eitaaled la Ilia • D. Camay*Mag.Slate orWasbIngtes,lepfiy dotard bi bat& al aad •-,. N incorporated bereht by die ttfenster.OA lbe Mos tad eoldbirets daelibed le the Leos;vibleb • coa4 team tad Whims ate letarpocated beedu by this emcee. .• • •• iii. 19. .- tet.ardatioel anit:Vicilarestuargira ahull'e mike ofThhtbrcpipLesse.m461mand it to ointP"o vettdy tatabfrat alguiPwrmeget amends" 0 tbe tetras and nes of tbe Lease. CO • 0) DATED es of la day and year Scat shove mitten. LESSOR: BIDWELL FAMILY L.L.O. - .0. Br %.2,......i. IZ e,„....4 LEsse714:— m..„....., ip.,,..t,...,... : , • 1 WAL-MART SIMS.NC . . a. By. _01;:14• . .. ..IN" • Hama: . g• 2 Talc . . ' • I • . • i.;:t . •'' 2- I4 autrav,u-sumv.atrica . • :••••!e,..TeT-':-• • 1.,,, •i ,:atc9•77.' ______. . _,-_ _____ .,__ __. ______________ 1 •KING,WA Page 1 of 3 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:12:39 PM Document:LSE 1996.05071276 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • • • • o , J STATE OF WASHfl GTON ) )ss: COUNTY OF ENO ) On this day personalty appeared before me 'Gnrtb Fs.Hyatt(t_ m , m e known to be the manager of the BONNFLL FAMILY LLC.,the Bided Eabil 'mmpay thatexecosd the within cad foregoing Insvamcot and admvwledgcd the instrument to be the free I and voluntary act and deed of said company for the tuts tad purposes thmtia mtatiooed,and oa oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said Instrument on behalf of the company. (• . fN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto act my hand and sal this ,;day of D2ri1996, • reoriZg, ce.- ttaa4=Gl�.' ,"<,-atA41'a„j g.. • `y t, Lto"lea:t_ NOTARY PUBLIC In aQd far the Slate of ` t+ta. IL aft°^/ Wastt;a¢tn.retldioy u, Ain,(_: a Mycommission expi 4o�-(9-cV trMs�- STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF BENTON ) N On this day personally appeared before me— abe,'1-141.1:4,2,16,,,t ,m me r•4 known in be the f1sS}. V,`-t. of WAL-MARTSTORFS,INC.,the • S 0 corporation thot executed the within and lbregioiag lasmaacnl,and ecknowiedged the iassoomrt >n m he the free and voltmmty act and dad of said cotpormion for the sacs and purposes thereto If 0 motioned.and an nth stated that he was duly arthaaad to exec=said instrument on behalf of I. t0� the corporation. _ i IN WITNESS WHEREOF.f have hcaamro W my hand nod seal this L'I day of 1 Ap 1 ,1996. 4‘•NOTARY SEAL' �I �.Ut'L.fl . win RVPol NdmY RI*, Baton Wuray,6mmdAt%aneal NOTARY PUBLIC to and for me Stale o! • +ar e,ratNpbn[apsat W2 v2aa6 pd�naat, nesieflng u b:yotsmmissloatarpirar. a,, za ' fill- 4 r i - • Rvw4A3.4dAa7wwal-ail rt:r{� r KING,WA Page 2 of 3 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:12:40 PM Document:LSE 1996.05071276 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM . . . • • - • 11111 . • • EXHIBIT A 1 THAT P097100 Or COVUAIMSAT LOT I. SECTION 19, 70N1555p 23 BORTH • BASOE 5 GST, 14.8., R1 I3110 COWSTY, NASHINDTA I. :=Scam= A • FOLLOWS t collkEACt$c AT THE NDIA1II AST cam" OF MD S000IVLStOS, TOMO BOOTH 05.23'12•NEST In.ts TCCT ALONG THE LAST LINE 1512E0F TO TN SORT/01=5SL?LINE OP THE roNt1E0 NON1NIRH PACIFIC pAILSO0,D BItarr 0l-WAY: TN73122 smart 77.57'210 WEST 51.SL FELT M.OHC SAID IIORT211E5TDI15 LIN TO TEE WEST IIASOYN Of RALKIE0 AY5NOC SOOIHI • THOICE AOATINUTJC 500T1t 77.27'29•WEST 111.66 PEST: MHOS//0011111 01.23'11. TUT 61.00 Fm.; MKT X08711 611'31'49"SET 50.00 PLOT: TS2JICE MOM 01.3'12" BAST 60.21 FEET TO TSE TAUT PAIN? OP • eEOZNNINc; THENCE Want/136'06" UM 239.73 TYCT, raver rams 99.51'39•YTS? 1:5.37 PTV; T18NCE NORTH 69.05'570 VEST 7.53 FLET, ' 257NCE NORIA 69.59.31•MT 519.05 PEL'2: =DICE MOTH 0014'37. LAST 517.57 MOTS 7051402 500274 61.41'54•LAST 601.02 MEV, TOME HalTS 01.15'54• EAST 41,11 Mr; , 505110c SaUTN 11.49'24^ EAST 132.14 FELT: 75413022 HOSSTS 01.13'51. FAST 30.04 ELET; MRiCE E0111N 61439'21• EAST 207.32 FLET: THENCE SHOW 01.11'71• NEST 114.44 FEET; 1HLNCE 500111 11445'14•EAST 163.51 P552'TO TNM NEST LINE Or 111E EAST 30.00 FEET OF SATO o410E5H nrr LOT ll ./ LO 114ENCE want 01.23'42" Mr 245.99 PELT ALONG Lh9T HASH NEST LINE RI •• n TO A PO ?11LI 11201 SEARS MATH 01.23'12• ST 126.79 FEET AND SOUTH s 1� 98.36'41"EAST 157:03 7735 nom THE 2505 DOM'Or tE0INNI1.'C1 •'1 TOMS NORTH 11'31'51•NAT 257.02 real :I t` WEN= SAITON 01.23'12• NEST 126.79 TOM TO TUE 4711E PQM OF r1 iQ BEGINNIN0. SITUATB IN 711E Ramos,OF RR0N, 1411.0CO C UNTY, 11 5aIN0TON. • CO #' 1 0) f'..4 7 r'..r:. •7 KING,WA Page 3 of 3 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:12:40 PM Document:LSE 1996.05071276 • Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM ro▪ ti "'ti„•al."'. .: ;y.•...!;• yv:e 4- • ) ;• • •c' % . • 1 -S' e: Schedule $ ' • • • `. : , . . Section • • . Exception • ` . • ,:, \ -,1 . 1,. ..._._..._.... _-�,:,I.•:c.•k:.w-uw: .:��l.,:u.. ..... .. • . (x), . • . • • . • • • • 1,t . • . . _ . : . . • Rano Addis= Tames P.Ube • Karr Tarda C�ybell a 1201 7111d Ammo,&din 2900 • Stab,WA 98101 i x • , • i .. i 10 MEMORANDUM OP LEASE • • p Rerrnaro oambeu or related deau0e la: arama•c� - l. Bowed Pamtly L.L.C.,a Wtehingwa((ruled lhWiity eootpaay,P.O.Bae 52946. • • Ballev0a WA 98125,2946 Oraateef�tr/r?..... I. B01y Malfala'a1poAlMh,a Wailagm dn eotponlma 4 65(Stradlookvaed,Sulk • S 1.208.Tukwila,WA 98121 18 1 1 , Legal Dataripdor, ' • I. Saudi 150 lett of the north 110 fret of the www 120 fed of the eau 290 foot of .t A gaveraaorc lot 1 in aa7iea 19.towafl,21 noel.targe 3 eaq.W.M. 2. Additional legal description is ea page or*lamed 1 , • • Assaasw'a Property Tax Pored Aseoum Nurebar(a1: 19230S9W2.01 I i • . 8 e e • molvetta r vwnorr • • 1C1NG,WA . • Page 1 of S Printed on 8/5/2009 12:07:37 PM Document LSE 1997.06240595 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM .r. ..•,1•'••`.:ti•' Y.ft +..``si.lr'{:y • i:J M1. •.�,•�; .ter.; ^,r. :'t•_L, '•�- i'<�'•,4 . �. • , y,.. + •CY.r.S •<1 . • k•' :� . • .a ._ . ,• i • • `lrl • .rr ` I . • • • • MEMORANDUM OF LEASE •f THIS MEMORANDUM OF LEASE is nude and entered loco 01141 iiily of Mach,1997, • by and between Booed Pactily L.L.C.. a Washington limited liability rrnnrpony (the )'J "Lase,)and Billy MoBak's Corporation,a Washington corporation(lee"Lessee"). L. This Is a nresomandum of a kale catered lata on September 4, 1996, as r • I amended,by and between the Lessor and Lessen(herehntler refuted to as the'Lease'), • I pursuant to',ditch,and anbject to-do team of h,Ss Lerne has the right to occuthahic i properly legally described in /Inhibit Awattached hereto (the "Rod Propertyy)and Y � incorporated by this rarasa. nE I 2. The term of rhe Lease ends odor about May 1,2017. i ) -d 3. The Lease provides that the Lessee bat the tight Minarets,egress through and r across the Heal Property and the adjoining real property grid that the employees, agents. • customers.invitees and licensees of the Luta have the right to park an the Real Preportyand , on portions of thendjofaing teal property. a �� 4. l imlIOUOhs are Imposed on usignmeet,sublening and hypothecating dm Lase by the Lesm. • to RQ WPTNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have set their bands and seals the day and year • O first drove vahren, l' C _I • • .:1 tet LESSOR:CD ,. 0 •I BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C. Y. • • Funk .Homed,Mange ,i i • =SEE: • • BILLY MCHALH'S CORPORATION • • • • t9 Y • By: Yel,`a-'� • • r.• ' — — � • 's�' • Al v .t. ..:F � � • 7CING,WA Page 2 of 5 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:07:37 PM Document:LSE 1997.06240595 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM ;f14•1';.:i4: 14•-?"^'' i•''4,7i.,•�'c; " `�'. .(i•. fi• ".." y •• .-• t _ :•..`. ?r•1_•,1.„r.::i•,.i }• ',.'t 3 tel' • .aL i._ l • 1 • :l4tt;_:.,.....•Y...-.-� - cm �.....�... STATE OF WASHINGTON) t . • COUNTY OF KING ) • • . I gently est I know or have satisfactory evidence that Fntnk B.Hornell b the person who appeared helots me,rad Old person sckoewlydged that he signed Ns 1>mtruaceet,on : oath staled that he was authorized to exeeotc the froisilaxot rod acknowledged k es the manager of the Barman Family L.L.C.to be the tree oat volmeeWy set or such party for the •i uses and purposes aetdiaocd to(Gs lna ounwm. . ; I t j DATED: M/Ace Ar 9,7//9'9-i 1 NOTARY PUBLIC la and forStan of Washington,Redd egat r«.an a • eVoff/ A:aTvse. -. (Printed or Stamped Name of Notary) • y appoiamhenl expires /14n/V, Mir 1 • Ot •• O t a ti • S r • i • • • • . • .' . S,i L5 °ttik. Mrr HL.11w `_L� A.p • ait G,WA Page 3 of 5 Printed on 8/52009 12:D7:37 PM Document LSE 1997.06240595 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM t.•i -.kr,• . ` +.+r�r :4 r ' .V F:^� r"ef;MffTYyY1c�1t,a•a..."F«rr.:{,i,3•,:.::1?_..:..,,w:;•:r,•. L t K"s y. 4.v •,,'- -•;J.(sid`a ..,z �E,-e %'f.Y r.3-1...A..-.3,--f, • 4 1 of•�� r'••.• :7X:,: ,..• • •:1:1 r;•,-,::‘1<.%•••,•• F.... •A ': ,• •4^ter_ �T 1• �r ;'• �• : • - ••ir•� r, L , ` • :I ••tit.•I• •-°' .....•• •<: ..•••••1.`....1111.71:.•:•• '` r • •` _ •• • • •• •' r -•ti i ,i a a•'-. _ r..,.»+.`Y_�Yi.]CdCYd=GiY'1T•KT.-.e.Ge air,+.-r...Y.. t . 1 . STATE OF WASHINGTON} • • I )a• • • • COUNTY OF KING } •15 • • I certify that I know or have trthaclory eYIdeace that John L Roth!.Jr.Is the Person • whm • o appeared before e,std said person seknowk4scd that be slatted this butrumem,o0 oath stated that be was adthodzed to execute the losturaut gad acknowledged h as the • Preddeat of Billy Mcntle's Carporodon In be the five end voluntary art of patty for the - oses gad petpoaes mdrdoncd la the r j DATED: �.e.�7• y/9''W ; • a •p • • `ROTARY RRUBLIC In far D State , ,, orwmhtagtaa Residing a) (PriNormLA...•sa A HegimAA, atr ted or Stamped Nof Notary) N My appoiotaunt expires i-'5-98 . CO O • f` . 0) . •« • • .••••e•ol{a�i's y iy •)o rr? 3;j CA t • • .L¢'rsT.� . • I • • • • il' • • ® * 1 • • I-f,.t :.: r__. <t.f. KING,WA Page 4 of 5 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:07:38 PM Document:LSE 1997.06240595 Branch:STK,User:8192 Comment Station Id:MMTM ;.."1-4.1.*:'::.'.1.c1:4,i,":,W7 .1's...":1MT;it4;:-'.4-0.:11...1,/>:,!•,f ki,-• .::. • .:•.•.,:..1 i .:....• • . •:-. . ....,--..:.?;.,,,..... ,. .t• .. - • . .. •1.•''..;•:':si ...:....•.R74-...t:.....••••'';'-:.L.....-;•!*:."'••fft;••••'..''::: 'i ..• ••.••.•,-, ':••-•••......`:••••.•a4-t'. : .' .• ; '. • •. 3. 3. • . • ; • • ••••• • ..'-•-•• '•:."••••••"' •••;•••—•.•.:'.• :•.;.*4•:••••.A. •':'•:••. ••s•. • .• • • ,.‘ . . • . • ' .. •••, • • •: .• . • •• • . . • .4 •..."' • . , • • . • . ' .1 • . .....:-.,,.. • . t.. • 1 • • •••• •- ....' \ • - • • • • . . , • •••.• . . . • -- . -. • . \ i • . . f . . .., • • • *I -1/4 .e .. . • . . . ,& , . . . . : . L...IJ_ - .11--...-......,...e.<04.0eau.,.-....J.,•..........,....... —-... r I . . ' . 1 . .• : . .. • 1 ' . . • 1 . ' • . • .. . • Legs1 DescriptIon: Paroe1C • •The south 190 feet of the moth 120 feet oftheivoss 120 feet of 1 It ' . the sot 290 fest ofthegovermaent lot 1 In ludo*19,Townshlp .' • 23 north,range;toss.IV.Isl. 1.I • ' I • Escept she*atilt 10 Stet thereof's conveyed to the Oty of Ralston • 1. for the Salome"ltk St meth-mottos no.6051194 .• ••-• . • : . • I Shutt"11 the CIO/of Renton,County ofKlag,State ofWuhin •s ton ' . • • . . ' • . • . • •3 . . ) . • • ,. . • , . .. . .. • • • • ' .t • I . . • 14 I. • . inlTh • : , . tr • . i . N • • • CD . r: • . ' I 01,.. .., - in ,, • . • . ., ... • ;.j... . • . ..:,• • i,',• . t ' i'..• • . . ... . • '.": I • • 'T. . • . ,,,•'. • • ' • . I • . : • ; . : ,. • • i . • . . . .. • . .. . .,. • . . , ._ • . • . . . • _ • . .• . . . .• •• • ,-,„,,,-..,,,.,...;€;,,,,J....A.v !.,,..,_ 4..,...,..: .._ , . .. . , ,.., ....,......„..,.,........,.,...0_ .„,...,,,,.......„,..........• .•,....., ,..„_.......„:„...j.„- .,. . ., KING,WA Page 5 of 5 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:07:38 PM Document LSE 1997.06240595 Branch:STIC,User:8792 Comment. Station Id;MMTM • • • . f r. i� eye Rt `. J-s 1 n h Yvj. , • t• ��� a� L. •ff., y 7 n ✓ / •iia t Lr_,,,s. ?Z TtG .i+zr3j. •' • - tYt ���-a.:.y,,.�iN:" .t .: ,.,W....c+r..,:...,r.+��'i"i Y +n.•..i.:.L':a...a......... ,..3Y.' ♦ -fir Schedule B Section Exception om COVER SHEEt 'Ss Whancaordedreturn tee yt a :..'; Principal MMita]Iiia Insurance e Company 7 High Street Da Moines,IA 50391-1960 ale Jilt .,",r� !° '�� ATTN: -Jeff Raided q�'i e . INV-CRE Closing t q' Dovmiwt(i)Tiger Dad of That,Security Agnxmea and Asdgumcd of Ruga Grantor(*)t Rood'Family I«GC.,B Wachlugton Itrolted tlablltl coropeay ?�= Granta(r): Priucipel Muteai Life Ism rempory,an Iowa Corporation . Legal description(abbreviated i.e.lot,blocs,plata iecdor,township,range):Parcel B, City of Renton,lot line adjustment No.LUA-9S-l73-LLA,worded nailer recording No. 9603139005:bring a portion of government Lot 1,Section 19,Township Z3 North,Range S Ban,W.M.,In Mg c:omty Washington. kW/tbsal legal is on Erbbit A attached W sold 6oatm0m(4. Anessor'a Property Tax Parcel/Amount Nomber(a): 192305-901&2 • 'tic Auditor/Recorder will rety on the hdoranrian provided on the farm. The staff will net reed 6e document to verily the accuracy or completeness of the Indexing Iofmmuiou provided heroin. • • •••♦1•,N♦•••1••••••••••M•NtWH*tf•1NNYWI,•NMf*Mrh.N.ef*9•0/N y MH • :• • KJNG,WA Page 1 of 43 Printed on 8/5t2009 12:02:32 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM "•,;;4., .A..--::.?,;';''..2.! , - 1 1 ....:-‘:.7!,,",::,1: 1 i }... 1 a,ei uRJ 1, 'sr^ a ts Ht 1 s 1 ly Yat,a s> t`*'idc"is)y(it L}.S F..i '' v. ! t' 1 t ' t s y. fi;. iitr(gs i1 f�t�p,. 4.4-:`;' .0 t i` ;:d• ti.<-. J,< cJ> ,.ah, ( i' Lbw Jy„T;w1c Jn J-r-!.. v ZV'Y4±J?"�W.4'i3lx y 'a s a a.JZt y ,' v .,,,.',_•ttki . -�'i• ,�I,IF--•l,T..,:,.4!.. -,..1...0,,, 1.:—: ..!. ..a .I•:'F' >. , ne.24•ta.: ..1M.s.:, ..� i c a 1'' k. �s,�ca Jam= .L' T ,• ' cC: C . '` ':-44,yi:. _ Sl.3il. +:i�:',i'I,s,3.vaa,�>M'..1 :1tr2:C v.> 5:'45.1rhe: iL. ,7 �,1,.e>.> F •', yt>'�R�' f 411 .�a Xrla lira 44-tlA.t..sNCTIV .•..rt•.ti 4••• • jiT\ •,•••-tU,J• 0 .31.1.. S �''t s1t.F. .M r -'t-41r-17-`4..`•- 1-t'drix<yY• 4' •R 1C1; t rf.VV r-a •% o 1...-1...V-.4•:--i”....:,•"'�.,> i i Le. 1.e r ✓.r`r .: t,x T. Z.,- ...0, • , tI 4„4,1(,t,v.`.t: f 3 §et rakiA ", �, . lfl� 5•;� '7 Vit' y •s.. r r I}} rel! i,ra 1. .4 S Y� ..„J y ,t ,}1 i. • • coy • 1, u . Raoul and reteee to: ' Princi}wl Mutual Life Insurance Company . n t High Shed q O Ilea MoIec,IA X391-1360 d'. ATTN: ktfHotdctf O INV-CRE QosleE 4 H CO O DEED OF TRUST,SECURITY AGRP'?MENT AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS • D=!31458 TEAS DEED OF TRUST,made u of1,4;' ,1997,between BONN FELL FAMILY LLC..i Washington Liability company,having a principal place or Mdrra and post office address at 9631 SE 7th.&Ikvae,Washington 98004,as Orator,CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of 701 Sth Avrnoe,1800 Columbia Seafint Caner,Seattle,Washington 98104,as Trustee,and PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIFE . INSURANCE COMPANY,an Iowa weporaUon,having in principal place of baiinas and port office address at 7I1 Mgt Street,Dee MoInes,Iowa 50392,u Beneficiary, • WITNESSETH: THAT Grantor is justly indebted to Beneficiary for money borrowed to the principal sum at Thee Million Seven Hundred Thauand and o01100 Dollars(53,700,000.00), evidenced by Granter,promissory nose Cumin called the Note)of eves date herewith, made payable and delivered to Beneficiary,In which Note Grantor prottdsu on pay to Beneficiary the said p>arlpal sum or so much thereof u may be advanced from these to time by Beneficiary,together with interest at On rate,at the times,and In Installments as ho • KING,WA Page 2 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:321'M Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment; Station Id;MMTM y t 4 - y 1{71 -.4 �, o,14,} [. c {i N [:a'. J [ �t -',".•,..::./.;--': Wi'i.;'.•--.:;.:",•:44" 'f�`y1MSa ri•A r - J r 4 Y r t r .t [ t -�. . y;:,?.X,5 4 e'^� `• s wf7 }}any y�[i{ t r a•,,.! [ { tl v . 11 ��,i.,,.t rt r ,xyzA C•d°' ogiff ii``"It v- a ' >•� - s r r o�SOF'. g., .itsL' 't s.z, Y `4. ...y f "i tt 2, rpt rat s �•"•PO Y' [',,tit ,Af. •e'k7.:4:. - - 1` r [ ^tt .. • `' ..". r y,�i- f;` } . tri. . t t'" ll,t ) r., r,,.. ��v-« t,.f,' �F f ,.`,-, q+ , rr `.* y°f - r;.!it,^ i reucy? .'y4. 1 " 4F ' i!'�'.A ,i K+,.u, s, V,Iti,V,),.T Xstl .4t.r Iced A Iy::-r1j0. 4 i_i .',..2r-'1„" ...... .r { .fes I. Y: .1'%.• >Via...r.`t•.. �.[:`!,.. .-{14 fY f J{.�'�iL�%Pkt. ..U`ii:'-'f '- • . •:f.L •��.' : Y�••ti�^ „riy a. .:a.A.i+4°w�..ri5' :. �( .[ .rxp41*. r •tir-ys• 'r��tf—'.V:r; w• }R:al[� '.bi • .,t i. iF'. ' .4Tyi','4--.-,-.....1, . . k , 2. it tIt yarn a°'rd yq��, 'I£{r hL .cS b > �ra• ..y. c y r', "h''14..0‘.1.f9' 't . Ji`a t " 'A'r,. if.;'E.. r - t�1XV2• ,:. 5,°iti : xJ 1c.'!)S+Sr ^�Swj N.fry • 't.•?: -r.' ,Yt•i•"�r1d? 7 nn:`waii; �-r', `';.i`t:ter1frwY�.s.q=•'�J•.~:�±}:^:Fi:. a....-.....-... ....« .tet , � ._ .. .. ..-�` I • .. ! _2 dee Note provided,until the eadre principal and=rued interest have been path,but In an y • event,the principal bcLeoe pf any)rerrudeiog due on the Note shall be die and payable oo May 15,2021{"Maturity Date'). s NOW,THEREFORE,to mecum the payment of the said Indebtedness is accordance with the tanas and manors hereof and of the Note,and all eatndorn,modificatin ne,sed renewal'thereof and the perfomtariea of the wawa and agiottttmts caataloed herein, ' and also to acme the payment of any an/ill other hediebtedoesr,direct or contingent,that may mw or hereafter become owing kora Grantor to Beneficiary,and to corts3deraden of so • Ten Dorms In hand paid,receipt of which fa baeby aclmowbdged,Grantor does by thew premien grant,bargain,cell and convey,intrust.with power of dame unto Trustee,his sucoeswra and'stigma forever,that certain real estate and all of Granter's estate,right,this S and interest therein,located le the County outing,State of Washington.more part rettrly described in Exhibit A attached bctdn and mode a part hereof,whir*real wan,together with the following described property,rights and ffltaeals,Ix colleerively referred to Dacia is the?retakes,' 0 Together with Orontor'e interest as km-or In and m all leases of the said Remises,Cr arty part thereof,become or hereafter made and entered thea by Grantor during the life of p the Deed of Tent or arty extenelon or remwal bar of and Wheats,income,issues, in proceeds and profits accruing Dr to aunt trout the Premises(which are pledged priimarhiy and on a parity with the real estate and not aeoondarlly). 00O i. Together with all and iinguler the teremems,hereditaments,essenn.nla, CD appurtenences,pawaga,waters,water Course'',dpertia rights,rights in trade narams,outer rights,Mendes and privflsges thereof or in any way now or hereafterappaWaiog, including homestead and any other claim el law grin amity as well as any era-acquired title,franchise or license and the ee eeoinn and'eversions and remainder and remainders thereof. i Together with the right in case of forocloame hereunder of the encumbered property for Beneflelary to take and use the tame by width the bulmdings and all other improvements _ situated on the Premises are commonly known and the tight to mange and operate the said build/op coder any such name and variants thereof. Together with all right,tide and Interest of Grantor is any acrd all belldings and improvements of every kind std description tow or hereafter enacted or placed on the said real eaten and all materials intended for censtroctioa.reamnadion,alteration and repairs • of such buildings and Impnovanatts now or hereafter erected thereon,all of which macerialt steak be deemed to be Irchided within the Premises Immedh hely upon the delivery thereof to the Premises,and at furores now or hereafter owned by Grantor and attached to • ..l..: .<4.,.., :',-ear^.^^".•,if:3.27'...4.-:,.. ,"/". ;rix, r':ir...•. -r".,.d& .,r.:.....0.c- {;..et.e.g.:�'i,,,,,.f.•r.+ mtir ., .�-+ fen KING,'WA Page 3 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:32 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MIv1TM i• f✓t f r V'� ? 4-gi l;v j...1,; �tn'd'� •f �rt`rtl.tt ,r el a•y a .;a'Avy'.y.Fyy.6•r,a.rb•-'�. S,r?"r:{-rrl•hi.tiC?f o h {1.** F ta r rtx,,!ir. -4•st,.}.wy rr� +a°'j dJ`fiC" �1s .44 y C ' � i•S.' °i7 • • ..#17410.4.4.011>F7-2.:., i�, iri np"'4_14Y a•y�'f0.tJy •aC}+ a • .t• -- . ? • • • ., ; AY.a- a1 •••y(h,+y `'ltld.°�,.•.i.: . •.' •,•-:'S:..+ :;nru•.�ety+cgr.l... 'r: 5, r r^7,2gY�C, t�vZ.. _.. sr tom. .' ' .•s'• at. •"f,- �:�.•.y..:4.ysr.sc f,o, '. a' ��G;. �yT=:u;:-. • .: .�;:, -� �r s d x tsar' •'?:E•• . ;+,•-'•• .:y. °•:,� tp pt_"�'•-•c�rti 7i'a ' 'Gx+ 5',r.'••£ -is e.vY.y J�•4 ...,,.v, •'}4 �v,.>• r • } .. ' +thy. .+ o.z.s.:�,t•'••.:. r.,. -,.F, �r4 4„,,._ ?i•. ta?'i'4 v --sem•r ',�itsS_' .'P •i�A.1•:y k •:�!•:-.�.'�,t +'ii = '4 vyta'C` ,'.•�;''• •lite• '141`•-..1A"c r �U;• +' .:.s.',f!.`-:r..•a7.;i< ",r.,.4f.•`{Qb i:v � ,-;�;:;✓a'4 'QO11'i.".�;�n.`rr�..rTyt�_}'„�'$r; '1 • • • • -3- or contained in and used In caarmctlnn with the Premises laduding,but not limited to,all 24t- • machinery,motors,elevators,finings,d ,radiators,angs,shades,tames,tames,and ell plumbing,heating,lighting,ventilating,rafrigerllny,incinerating,tit eaadttloaing and spriukier equipment and fixtures and appumenancee thereto;and all items of furniture, funishings,opripmeu and pateosl p1oputy owned by Grantor mad or useful Ia the operation of the Premises;and all renewals or nephecneota t emof or a tldea In • eubsaltutoo therefor,whether or net the name are or shill be stinted to raid batadings or tmproremenrs moment It being mutually agreed,Intended and declined that ill the aforesaid property owned by Grantor and placed by it on the teal cmc orteed in «L ammo:dm with the operation or maintenance of the Preudaca shall,ao far u pertained by >' law,be themed to fora a part and tonal of the real estate and for the impose of this Deed 5.• of Thai m be real utile sad coveted by this Deed of Trust,and as to Icy of the property aforesaid which does not form a put and pared of the real maty:and does not constitute a 'fixture(u such term is defined In the Uniform Commercial Code)this Dad of Trail In hereby deemed to be,at well,a Secirity Agreement order the Uniform C romuchd Cock d for the purpose of crating hereby a security inure in ands property which Grantor hereby • O grants to Beneficiary u Secured Pony. Grantor agrees to execute arty and all decimals, "•t including financing statements which may be required by Benefielary te perfect the security interest granted hereby. O Together with all tight,title and interest of Grantor,now or hcrea& acquired,in and to any and all snips and gores of land adjacent to and wed in connection with the Pneutap and all right,title and interest of Grantor,now owned or hereafter acquired,in,to,over and under the ways,streets,sidewalk'and slays anoiaing the Premiacs. Together with all foods now or hereafter bold by Beneffrdary under say escrow security agreement or under any of the terns hereof,including but not limited to funds held ender the provisions of pasagraph4 hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOW the same unto Trustee.T'rustee's successors and assigns, upon the trusts,covenants and agreements bade exprnssd. Grantor represcebr that it is the absolute owner in fee maple of the Premises described hn Exhibit A.which Premises ate free and dear of any liens or encumbrancer=rapt is ser out io Exhibit B,trached hereto,and except for sues width are not yet due or delinquent. Grantor shin forever warrant and defend she dtte to the Premise againat ell claims and demands of ell paeans whomsoever pod will on demand execute any additional amtsument wht$h may be required to give Trustee a valid flat lien on all of the Prudser,conepe as owed m P.xb1bh B. =14 KING,WA Page 4 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:32 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Blanch:STK,User:8792 Comment; Station Id:MMTM • illi1, h f✓ y, / • �1• Il 4 1 1 1 7. _• t r T• ♦ r �c • of�wnl is Eris {i , • ° ety >.5. t - i"���• t ea a 1 3. fVt A r(y 1%O.4sit;'Iri • i'• ten",- 'o�.zLn'it''e?(.tab. r..r..i_ L �4e(..e .t.�i:t.:�... ) !,tY•;: '. 'j �l '' * .4+att` ' S'}w�'1-'tr t+�r>•iFhy`! tb klY"���J�� 4,ti s Tt . �xt> e '1 • �''� >:� .r"� >w r -�J•���•ih]-r >�E�r } l.S 3 jY�-t ..�` fi�•rr`S t`ss.t Y@'`'*`k'c[ •st�rJrti-t •,µr ♦�y^Ii v �`!"�`y i ? ,74 4 S'J r14vV'y : • i♦ err+' t�Gu'f-�r�eY e� t. -by 7 fo...�rt. L .�,.,.Kvv��,r• .,141.T4.11:-.1.1,(1,;,,,, >' 'T^l a c• r P S♦ ''k t e,z rr� Gr K C X ss r r•-:.t.. •t��'tAi. S7S' '-•x�5;.)�e,�at� y�i ? Y:�'+ Yi"-T}�3'•ti }veaK X r5-yd� e5h wR r �.., t Si`,sJe' l" 'z�i t,, �t F-"3i sem'#� ,atv.cF.,.•�;.' • Lit •y� .4. Let Grantor nutter represents that: (i)the Premises is not subject to any casualty v damage;(10 except es disclosed in that Phuen e I Environmental Site Aaaauaran conducted by Scor International Incorporated and dated March 14,1997(the'Report'),there is no •y. Hazardous Material(as hereinafter dethied)DD the Preens i,Del[he any Ilanidous si Material been discharged fry the Pemba;or penetrated any nafem or subsurface riven • or warns crossing or adjoining the headset or the aquifer underlying the Premises;and ni •e• (ill)Grantor has complicit and named the Remises to comply with all Eavlromnemal laws (as hercinder defined)relating to the Premier, 'Hazardous Material(;)"es decd in this t— ..• bad of Tout mum any hazard=or toxic material,substaaoe,pollutant,eocumtmnt,or waste or simier terms,defined by or regulated an mai soda any Pmiroronamal Tawe, 4;c 3 -. last shall not include(a)reapplies for cleaning and mmainrn+ame in commercially reasonable aµ amounts required far use in the ordinary course of bodnaa,provided Serb items am incidental to dense aide Premises rod arc stored and rued in compliance with all Pmmnlanemal Laws,(b)standard office supplies in rumen really rr.•u'nd,l"amoral required for use In the ordinary Douro of business,provided au sir borne am Incidental to the .Svc of the P5CD11aea and are stored and used in ernepliance with all Eaviranmctaal Laws,or est (e)scull ala'Mummy gmntilly held for mak in a typical thoppleg meter,provided 0 such laver tory la stored and told in troplianoe with Envinnuntnel Laws(Items referred to • 1.1 In clauses(a),(b)and(c)hereinafter sometimes referred In at'handed Hnanturu • Material"). *Envirotnaeeifxl Law(s)"as used in this Deed of Tryst means any federal,state 0 oaun or local law,whether cameo law,court or administrative decision,ordinance,regulation, 01 rule,court order or decree,or administrative order or any administrative policy or guideline concerning action levels of a govwmreta rd authority miming en the environment,public beabh,any Hazardous Material or arty Environmental Activity or Condition(u Sestiaaflcr deemed)on,under or about the Premien,in effect from time to time,ioehdtng,but not Ended in(w)the Palatal Water Poffuhoneottrot Aa,ae amended(33 U.S.C.0251 a seq.);(a)the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,as amended(42 U.S.C.f6903 er seq.);(y)the Comprehensive Finvhonmental Response,Compensation end liability Act, u amended(42 U.S.C.39601 a eq.);or(a)the Perioral Clean Air Act,as amended (42 U.S.C.§7401 et req.). 'Environmental Activity or Condition"as used In this Deed of True memo the presence.use,generation,manufacture,production,processing,storage, micas threatened release,discharge,dieposal,treatment cr trmpontadan of any Hazardous Material on,onto,in,under,over or from the Premises,or the violation of any Environmental Law because of the condition of,or activity on,the Promises, • • t;P• fib YrF KING,WA cr• Jit• .. ra.,l•, vtisi [ •tea, " c.�.•J.$• }:�>;�s:"ire . Page 5 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:32 PM Document:TDD 1997,08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM cant y 'i�rM ib '.\,i �iis: t rtriI y s t u ,: . ,.da. r l' r t l , • � hi J :V" J ' tC ' y .r , , •--'' p.1.•-,k,,'' ''- ) e4, f 7{ r �t\ 'L ;C,'......,. / y r '• ''''..Y."7-,:•;!•"111.1i4.7- 4. ;' + I ie''ai,l •i' +t 'i ' 'z J , , er 3rwwic H 4S - dyswfljY r sN 3 r -.tj r `".} ,, :17:1.7. •e7 • ns IJtc4rs 71 , tWi ..,, ....1- .Iiyetet: c. far [�..itsi1 i:,4ston, 'e;Kt/4• l. , , /, 4v r ;d=-. .,h:;. cis.•- 01 .,, ;'.4.-4,-,, iJr! : ,�,'•,'h''#�',�'1:61-4-..14404,4• .* 4�k ..4•. e A': '`at tt...:d.•:_.°':v,. ,'yr'r« Lt• 7 414 P�'"2"+'•h- .moi'" i S .Y;, {, �:, ''.t "'' i< .ac 'i •h.Hi"'%i'":'ice{r 4 .; .i r� -- • �.t.-,.3ik�� k`...-' a.�',�i"..001ry:syiv,fir r ve�r .K iSti .,�:f t !y y, .�,��p� 4._41`.�',..,. 7 .cyc .:4".k . t � 5t.•�C� ' IC .rte„•' ,.-y.•, :. 3t:4:r�ir s''4v' 'X`! WIT''" ,, ..;i ""T;• •at.' •a�� r•c, r,1�r.�•�a`s�,'1„.,�..t. --7.',,,•:*--..-=WY...":-er r •,4-z.V .r; f/.4"t". ,..s=S" •t^-i." tit.- "�.. .-. '4 S. .., iter GRANTOR COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Grantor shell ." (e) pay each kens of indebtednessmarred tub mred by this Dodd of Trutt a true p. according to the(emu hereof and of the Nolo; b"„ k:: (b) pay I ince charge aped to carr percent(4.0%)of any payment of principal, interest or premium which is ant paid within five(S)days following the due date thereof to cover the aspera involved In handling such has :n payment; (e) pay an or blare the due date thereof any indebtedness wbleb may be - seemed by a Tien or charge on the Praises(encept for moth:dc's hens, 0 which are peotsebbed wider paragraph 10)hereof),and upon request of a Beneficiary exhibit satisfactory evidence of the discharge thereof, " o - • 0 (d) complete within a mumble time the construction of any building now or at any time in process of construction upon the real estate; GOO (a) subject to dot teems and conditions of the Inst(es defined hereinbelow). 07 make no mataid aha:dm to the Proud=without the prior written consent of Beneficiary,except rich as am required by law or ordes:me; 0) remove or demolish no building or other improvement at as time apart of the Premims,and*WI keep the Premises,Including the buildings and (mprorementa,In good coadtiop and repair,without want,and foe from mechanics'lens or atter liens or claims for rats and estwmbtancer (g) comply,mid Audi ire best Mots to aura each lessee or other war of the Premises to comply,with all rcquin9rtnrs of law and ordinance,and with all soles and regulations,now or hereafter emend,by authorities having juriadictloa of the Premises and Ike use thereof,all orders and dbsdtoas of the National Fire Protection Association or similar body,and all covenants, condltiote and reJn{Ctlnot of retard pertaining to the Premises,locladmq the building and improvement,and dee use tbetmi) (b) subjxt of the terms and ooadltoas of the Lease,cause or permit to cheap to be made la the geoaal use of the Premises wlthnmt safiebuy'a prior written come= K7NG,WA `' :ir i.-.�>;'.'^:'ca:Yi�t:�isaw :�r.•.,v;.Ar ?'�'G'l�"$•54:',:a5 n Page 6 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:0233 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM r w;+ /8rsI� Sf 4^'y>yf •' .ca :a'..S-S c r•••',•,:•-•,_ t r J --r• , i t } ri'•^Mt y ia2'y St ,ivy Is..d J t r'. r �, y fi t _M.* f f'L y.l •4 L�j(�, L}f li .t r.M in ltrth.r�r'rfNN�[�T)t` yy��y�� • 'i•-t � �� �V�•tGtiR �1r7-'*Yr"^'k>z•ox: /�v. ..:ty't r� k. ��ti• • i !T� a !}� {s rr r,t•.xy 1!•art.. �v p -,r 0- . as w Jy. "r •fir... (yrCyL y,�{a �,y' t• .•ct>AAAKz...toy fit•••. +n •:..yt- • ~ •r S' ••"' _ :.' ] yr .e . �e fT ' 1:is f •ea T sr. v;1`.. • �'*f.t 'r 1I .•" • a • _•�N.!}.giro • �3/,. s\+ V1.� Y`f-t•'� •.k•. • <i ..''. ..i ;1.'''..•'•o.'i67..S,:.`� `+,,4.yy"Y"i. • V:3.•1;•••-4,-41, F Vit••'•.• .•,�..• �" �a`ic>wrur yr err. e,twcr.i1-••r. .. . •' • r t`.• ',i =a4. 'riXi S,y;-f , •� 'y..k • rw:K« `•• ::_,; !� • h•'YN. r. .4�j:. FyNr..�[3` :�LE Ter 'r ..'�t.7+:..'-. • .. ...t... y,,^t.. Y-i. xiC t+6•�Y�1 } r±4 r •• •• • .a' � ��`"S'tYt t t•' • r„�,,, =E?r: r..�t. r.• '=at 4 ..;-s..'.�CtiafQ' '... T:g fi"'�::�•r+'�;+•S"ti.r'•y••'.;' >� �V`:.y't��.`gcr."rQ- L. ..�• r�.e5`c'>T'+'x'�• "�_ ��,—•i�i t rB1 -- y=• d. • • `6' I! (I) miler or rquiesee In no zoning rechu'.6•.ation or material change in zoning without Beneficiary's prior written consent; Q) maim or permit no use oldie Premises that could with the passage of time tenet in the creation of any right of use,or any claim of adverse possession or mum=on,to or against any pan of the Pretties in favor of any i.1 octane or the public; '4 ' r (k) 'object to the provisions of paragraph 5(e)hereof end the terms end totditlnnt of the Lase,pawsptly repair,restore or rebuild any buildings or Improvements now or hereafter a part of the Premises which may become damaged or be destroyed by Ray mule whatsoever,so that upon completion of the repair,resew-aeon and rebuilding of the building and improvements,there will be no liens of any nature arising mit of the construction and the Premises will be of enteuatiel(y He same d anacter and will have a eommesdal value ii leant as gest as the commercial value thereof prior to the damage or d• + fit (1) not,directly or Indirectly,due to asslgmnem of beneficial interest under a trust,partnership Interest in a partnership,or otherwise,came or permit pl any tale,transfer or conveyance of the Premises or create,suffer or permit any cocombrsr ce or lien on the Premises other titan Mean hereof,the leases of the Premises assigned to Beneficiary and other ereepneos expteesly referred to herein(except fur medmrc'e rens,which arc prohibited under paragraph fro hereof),it being understood and agreed that the Indebtodoers evidenced by the Note and its terms arc personal to Grantor era in accepting the same Beneficiary has tried upon what It perceived as the willbrgams and ability of limner to perform its • obligations hereunder,under the Note,and as lessor Drew law oldie Premises;8cneftcary may commit to a sale,transfer,conveyance or membrane and expressly waive this provision in writing to Grantor however any mob cotxsetil and waiver shall not constitute any coned or waiver of this provision as to any sale,transfer,conveyance or encumhnnce other that that for which dho cornett trod waiver was expressly panted;&ncflafssy's chilly to consent to any We,transfer, conveyance or srresanbrance and wake this provision implies no standard of reasonableness in determining whether or not snub consent shall be granted and the same may be based upas what Beneficiary solely decor to •• be in its best interest;without limiting Beneficiary's right to withhold ha consent and waiver entirely,such consent and waiver may becondition/xi upon an increase In the ate of interest under the Note aid the imposition of • ' t KING,WA Page 7 of43 Printed on 8/512009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station 1d:MMTTl rill J n r - • y�dy �"r � � .,•fir �. � �. � r - ' . , .� 'ro r rfSc ik�M]-ili�r. •S•MI;Mt .:I,1Y +a' 5R �r•r• d5 rl,,r s.LLt k4 t \ ,i t S c.Ji.9� i ,t +.. `a trSis-rR� }- .'•;-y JP J•`:� ff++Y�"�s:=�� �, � � /•n r a x't Y'{'I)1 x erit'»•,i, r 'ii P•' 'r ..r.:'a V`,� .i id9.*ri v ••'fi; •�•,. t r I.,u'p:t.:.n•,s S.rJ .r1 b +r x. Y't11. -t • t-S4' .. t3t+ r f ya4.P'�F" 3 Q—. SFA +�•,e3: f[?: �. 401":;;;: � ♦ V..SiF'LytJ. tiro.'>•st sT j�(tn�•• i' ��i2 � 4:4• -J �2W1'T��=r�� :. ..e1-:1 " • c ., w.,1v� .' • v doe . 3Y`�*.!.�'1.1:�''1�12•x, ` lfrN ). , . ?;L4•'1.�)f4Jq''{-"o, • v'' Y. r :4%t'F: �- r �'��^. w- arty-•...m.a+ • _r ••�'w•, .• +. Z:%_y.ar-+ J� � IL•Srvr:'Ajil, • � ti,r ti - •� :r;rr: f �eoi r}'r.7'a�Lav c ty _ � ! tet .. tri 'i�•i:•j. •'i••.J'l"A^•.�1�•:s.�•.et.. • y�• ,.j!_l•i. .yL. � r�.� 4 '•:c •,- • h� r ,It;a,,. r sX ::��.i:9Q �: '�}i:��•... , Lei•._�R '...r:�.."Yi��4•. �r�� .�` � k ' !!tet .: :r i.i.y• .a..ii'� ��.^, . 7'y. ,?_h�' a,, •: 'P1`. ;�LF'i;is_r't� ` .... '.�� � •>5_l _�'�%.,�rri"v_ �r '�z`^ �t,G''?i',._1' .'�'v .'�•� i'�+ vi'_•. .' h.•Y .4.�' y. ._ �, .. rrY.Y� 1i`• I,IrH'•'.i;; '.,r ,f fir•' � '! .x?GLr.G::YX{,,: •.. .. £ .4.4:11i-kf'•TJi•�::'•�.�J � 1.n:_t • • • other berms and conditions thereunder or).ernu der:any sale,trawler. conveyance or encumbrance made,armed or permitted to violation of this provlalon shall be null and void and In addition to the other rights slid • re medlet available to Beneficiary hemmder,Beoeiotaty dull have the option of declaring the unpaid principal balance of the Note,together with all accrued and unpaid intact,pranlam,if rely nod all ether cone and 4 charge evidenced thereby or owing bereaider,immiedittely due and t.' • payable; • Notwithstanding the above,Beneficiary will allow a iragk transfer of the Premiss and assumption of the Grantor's obligations wrier the Loan Documents with all of the existing teras and condition:,nobjxr to Beneficiary's review and approval of the proposed porctaser and d' Beneficiary's receipt of en assumption fee- If the aforementioned transfer Nof the Premises and asatmptlon of the Grantor's obligations occurs prior to ,,,4 September 15,2007,the ssaurapton fee dull be equal to 2%of de then . tib out t nding priocapat balance of the Nom. If the afom>rectioned transfer of the Premises end esaunpsion of die Grantor's obligations occurs c) subsequent to September 15,2007,of the Loan terra,to assumption fee shat be equal to I%of the then outstanding principal balance of the Note. Beneficiary's review of the proposed pawl acr Mail encompass various factors,Wilding but not limited to,purrbsser's wiediinvact ii rss,fiaa,rint strength,and real estate mamgeoent expertise. At the bate of the transfer, Beneficiary requires a reconfirmation of the obligations of the Guarantors tinder the Guaranty of even date herewith or assampuot of the obllgatioea of the Guarauma by an individual(s)or eauyfiee)acceptable to Beneficiary,in to discretion. In the torts the obligations of the Guarantors am assumed by an individual(a)or entigCxs)acceptable to Beneficiary,in its sole dinxeston,Wen,so tong as no default has occurred trader the Loan Documents,the Gttarutor whldr have been replaced ahrli be compktuly =tiered of Ill liability under the Loan Documents,except for soy patsoaal liability under Paragraphs44(bKi)tndltu 44(e)(il)berelobelow. Grantor shall pay Beneficiary a$1,000 fee for the handling of this transaction. Further notwithstanding the above,Beneficiary will allow annual trtna&r(a)or gine)of shares in Boradl Penally L.L.C.for estate pluming purposes to immediate family member(se,,spouse(s),children goo dduldren,and siblings)of Frerdc B.Bomell,Jr.,Prank B.Borneo ill, Peter P.Bonnett,and laamille Smolt Robbins,provided(I)Beneficiary receives all documentation pertaining to each such transfer(a)or gift(s)al lent 30 rays prior to the proposed date of such trap fet(r)or gift(s).which • KING,WA Page 8 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:0233 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • : tG • - ' t + n�t� _4sgr • 't�1.4 res {k° i..f L Y`:'' t r r 4 r ✓ r� rryt ate_�-i r+t fw?•I nr Jary t s >Lry r u t - r r cS r'ti><�'^Y t�{P ,r,, oro q�r'C+`Za�.s.ri r {c�• AU yiC i .y . l y - r �J�;r 'rr_fyr Aye � ros ;�l.��l,. vt ?a _ x + yls �r N YLi-:t•:%ji , Y3 p y. r- �(s �S:j°t`+;,341v1 {..{r.. t „ !.."Ser .: .. . �� y�t��•L:jn•'3r.A,••-Iw''t.i� '.4. C. 'a2'_ l'•'.Tr r .,•. .'rf': yi�::::I:'•iY.••t.;.4i fi::ea•'}r:ai+r..• 'i"'�'."_ . �;rr ten• tnS!;,y!+iw•rnfns.ti;•.�(�if.. .fr3gy.. �'• �J. -(�t� y:`::;T!r' :�1.,G',,,,.••4`.r: „_.. •, . r u..::ten'S:'I.S.file x11: 'CT:.4'•OrAtr�+ 457 •• �e�%�, .�n-.r."�- •.•,^ ,r,,.. k�•e. • ..>,• i.`yj rSh��� f +• ��'+'j• gy:G..y.ac A.•y..•.i i�+". ,i r4 a.. Si'mi. •�T? Z•i.y`"'-.i•r •�'?F•Y. �y J'..y�j'�y:...: Lar... .�tw�".M±•so A^p•1•:•�t� 63id+�•„rti�- lits .:,r•C?�L1's. .4 'Sl c t<ti •. i'?•S3:1�.,r.���. � al's 44#S i r �C3ar1� _� r •t ! t ! :+t y` �,i r ,��y��_ tom' a ' r..rr� aY s Y� u }r:- 'y y • �2 �'. �ry � :.7'�'�] ,x�'�''" i , • c•:w••1�. ori:, «i::elnj• 9r.L., "7:SY' fs•z.- !r 1'r -: .: 4;- , • documeotation eha]f be subject to Beneficiary's review and approval;(it) the property management trod leasing of the Premix'ea Is subject to Benefi:Lry'a review and zpptoval;(f®)Beneficiary receives a reasonable proemial fee Dot to cxcecd SSOO for handling eadr etch eceaurene, which Beneficiary a kmnriedde+and limes that each'occurrence*nay include mol rift treorfera whereby Beneficiary shall receive only on taaewbk processing fee. (m) mot cattso of permit any 8aardona Makrial in cnist rotor discharge from • the Pit o:see,and comply and cause the Prwnlw to comply with all Environmental Tawe,and promptly: (9 pay any claim against Grantor or the Premises due to en Hnvlronmenul Aellvla'or Condition,and(ft) remove any charge or Lica'moo tie Premises due to an Environmental AcdvityorCoodition; (D) not muse or permit any Hazardous Material to exist on or discharge from • any ptopeny owned or used by Grantor which would recoil in any charge Ror lien upon the Premixes; o) (o) notify Berefaiary of any Hazardous Material slut exists on or is discharged from the Promises within ten(10)days aha Grantor first has knowledge of such eclat:cc or&cltarge; (p) if tuber than a natural prison,to prrocrve and keep In full force and effect its existence,ftancbIies,risks and pdvilegts under the laws of the ode of its formation and,if other than its We of fon edoa,the state where the Premises it loaded; (q) do all things necessary to preserve and keep in foil force and effect Beneficiary's tick imurartca coverage{mining the lien of this Deed of Trost as a fact and prior Hen,subject only to the exceptions nand in Exbttbit B and any other exceptioen after the dam of thin Deed of Tract approved In wailing by Benefrrlary,including without flmllatfon,delivering to Bemfielary not lots than 30 days pier to the effective date of say rate adjustment,modification or extension of the Note or this Deed of'T ust, any nes policy or endorsement which may be required to swore Beneficiary of such continuing coverage; (r) not,directly or uditecdy,commit waste;and ' ` "',_:•.:••.-.:.rLYr:�...� ;•+r;{_:=-{-. .iGP•:?V+h.'Jc, ![fi�'!.•" _...:'si�FL`1fN yifi.ry+�r'"' KING,WA Page 9 of 43 Printed on 8/52009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997,08150410 -Branch:STK,Uset :8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM r A. ( iry 'i• We Y�,•i a}/.f a 1:xi! • r - w• '.:: r i rt a Z• .rk."hal"' r+0.4v 1•? ,� L+i^rt-tsr:, ,1C n{a .g4. 'I "_i' rl i:'-1.. a ti rrst n P• " .�' •IA -i.`'•ti ' t tat l ft'r'•s' f :i Wil tt c.. a 31.IZ• �,i; r 'PI'P i r f t .airy{, '4 ni t1F .,lira r ¢ i i4 S eZ44. )i ;'1+ !I;1f t vhnT 1 x ° 1 „;:e 2/;e! d Y i5! t i t �tiro. q�,,y� �: t f t , {t r 4cf •� 1'U s6•aS u Kt^ ['�•r tef1 rY'S a '+• r 4 t r I t C� tYu t. s.Ytti.t arrsl�,^r .. ) � �rsiy"�'`Z *—+� {3 ,t:.>:h f TI•,.t�4�. s Sv.' {},n,� ap t f alta•"t�s.ri ti 'Cti •f •I i!Y! t{AH} !9"S,•1�'t`.f. �J,Ih r t +.i..4 '1 rti^3tiM R re . .i: .•n; .t,:a 1 t.`•'.+1'.i'•�By., s: rr.•�.:!�%�dV•�r�r...�,:.,•r,:t +"��:;� .j .^s:e.---,...• .i-r ;:i"ye ��..a, / 'e�:z.,•;, Y�i?''>F1,,,• n Q°' 'ra'•: '`c •'�'% - :.der �..°S�.`*�9ee?.t�•seir?�ry cr:�,�� r,$.•• t: .; fav 'ti••• - �`, rr ' tr ����•`_`� r rPt•.vC �'"'!yl'�'�f 's:� �_,-..:i '' rp::. j'i r..Cii`-'f3 .....--_62 ;„teat„, e-v 0-4,1(..4.,.yrr� `. • . r '+�,'W'!'i{:--. '.: ,L .q;,..'- -:••••• - ..^.. :taY �+y�3, . .;N :!.4:_..... �' "'I�.t. Alf•i x. �..tlf'.,�'r,ery . ,,�, <.•.."'' .7 fist' 't�� i f-+'Z`' Y:�L•::. - ,r W. { �.tA Ffir g 17:.-4; V . jail a• ,r L • fi t�i+���. �s7.[w�- zy. ?,� �r.�� '�J• �"E �i+..V.�' i� Q �� "' fir{ ` is .��''�RC .y Y''�M`ia� fi✓ .i`e4��,ksJ �y�T�n r `J. 21 F:,.t�''' �y.4-- •,.... :r;1.1.,:lt;.' "0 •.fay{-1 A t'>.r m . -.- .< • "" _ +ria - ! ytlr/A• u A;: a:a• • • • A Se W • () pry or cause any lessee to pay all utiiitiu on the Premiss prior to becoming dclitgu a. (t) immediately upon receipt front the proper environmental authorities and/or ,,-• agencies,provide all cloture daormealttlaa to Bomlklary related to Ow ground water contamination amnating font the USA petroleum mita • 2. (a) Grantor ahill pay or eauu to be paid whoa due and before any penalty ,t ameba or Interest scams all ge eel tura,special taxa,asceasmmta _ (ioetudieg,.v_«.,."ta for benefits from puhlle works or improvements whenever begun et completed),water etsrgas,sewer aervire rhuges, O CAM crmgts if any,vault or spare charges and all other lits charges ,a against ar affecting the Ptewisa or against any property or equipment s; - Cr looted on the Pr>atisu,or which raigtu become a lite on the Premises, It2 and shall,within Ill days following Beneficiary's request,himish toat ft) Benefrelary a duplicate receIpt of such payment. If any such ter, , n assessment or charge may legally be paid in Entailments,Grantor may,u al ire option,pay arch tax,assessment or charge in Installments. (4) To prevent default bawd=Greasier shalt pay in full,order protest in the manner provided by law,any tax.assessmer or charge which Grainer may desire to comae=lined.bpwcvtr,that (i) if contest of any tax,aunament or charge maybe made without the payment t cscof,and (Ii) such contest dell have the effect of preventing the collection of the • tae,atsessmem or charge so contented and the sale or forfeiture of the Premises or any part Orreaf or any interact therein to unify the MIX, then Grantor may at its option ted la Ire discretion and upon the giving of written notice to Benef clay of ler intended action and upon the Guabhing to Beneficiary of such searity or bond as Bar-Belau may requite,coolest • soy such rot,lineament or charge In good filth and in Me mann • provided by bow. All coma and exensea Incidental to sorb cordon abaft be s paid by Gnator. In the event of a nlirrg or adjudication adverse to • Grantor,Grantor dull pnornpdy p9'such mx,"sentment or charge, Grantor shill Indemnify and save hannleu the Benef{dary and the Premises from any lou or damage arising from any net nowest and shad, • if necessary to m prevent sale,forfeiture or anymage other loss or dathe •-a+en • r [ 7 ]ariI •n. �"'4t,' yY - rlp t,,a.., -.4+:? +Rya+r-<-p 4 ' t ill, .,* KING,WA Page 10 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,liser:5792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM '".f 1.5,•�a.'tv.:"n„a+ti1:44r ,r ;3.Awar.1.:gSi:�,:,:,ri;�i5•.::.s.^t�i:�t.;.=,:.,;;.Nr',. s s.N•,• ��t5, 't ^r' L w'•6 ...................,:t.........'-4.,4,,z4,4,-'' hK+'r...As L tom' �iS/,N 11. L t�;y 1 s' .•r l- s s'✓ r irtr tie• . . "ulna , Ott ; iatb sy e;?,`l ,lick=•+ Tc ,.; a. h Yp'L,i Iry< 1',-ire .Si� 3s� �•tr s•,yr. Kw�sr,.,.r3� ...at S, � L.a 'yy.,.�ry r �hyw. 5. per •211.1 Ft 3 r 9 k"+ }r w a.Phi rs try t.1 1 .314 f ;:br` ::: .-0 `fir _,'. ..;:siker �4•so til: er.,20,41yc��s;; titnvsigt. i fs:4%-ry_ s.1 i''14 iy x �.COtii4 hal X.w `+ns 4�y� 1?=a ty•.41 r N �r:.r'vr � t err rt �w.. � i3�7..�+'�y'�f r 7•"iS>t_4gs•.�^'2'.�Fi J`y.^.:F'S'��+ ,�.. ,,.,,s g fir•• ► '!� `—''.i.'' '4 t'` 1i�e 94„.g1t,'4yi •7.,‘;'..Nid int.'.5�b..4 YrX 14i t2; �'S°�tkis�+jJ{ t, 's "-7L,'S',."".. ~l' �'j-F�':'r5lo�' .eyy r. •ItsJ .�•`_jNrL.h'y�V'I',.�• yi�t'. r{I� l+ '���s! .. �. •w •.1.7t.K.�..rte...•i.„ "•17Ot!'..,...t.,..--' Fs)1;1-, -" • ,'may t sr-•...,..4 ..-•' .(/_ •i• fsii•. �•- -`tii,_r r{ar-.r...44-;...a.,•t•i;; • • -":S'•:4..i.. 4'! j..jyvalati5�:-;vets. ^T',+ u i"• i h; `•a,s,•vra;•-5 �••• • - .;: t-b", a}.f. W. X }' w -. 'T-44lr.'�qee; — a..•• -;•:-..1 ...!-, • . 'd,wV-.n`gp'. ^',h'r {,, e i :tic •S �.5•�!, r':Y ';,ai .1%—e..-:11•';e14:11,. %ellfki;•PJ'-�-,t a ' 'Jr i:4-1t"g�i-r:7;: .�.r S-. ;'.s'er'f.. • • ".."4•al.•••Y�r ':'i .{-• ✓•at'F 7:".- •S"..r," . ;-to:'!?:e>,',f.-- yiOOe .a..r_,i,: sem: • -in- - Premises or the Beneficiary,pay sat lax,assessment or ohargo or take ek• whatever Iabn If to "w txnxry prevent any sale,faidaae or less. '�•, 3. (s) Granule shall rt all thnes lroep In fora or ease W keep in force(t)abject to the ten=and wttdldom of tlx!.ease,property insurance insurutb all building and improvements which now are or hereafter become a put of la,; the Premises for perils covered by an ail-risk bum=policy containing ' both replacement cost and agreed anosat endorsements or opdom;(U) nth. commaciai general liability innttnooc twaltrQ Trustee and tkaefleitry so additional Insureds protocdng Grantor,Beneficiary and Trustee against nobility for bodily iejury or property mage ocean*hi,or or adjacent k da to the Premises in wmatmci fly reasonable amounts;ilii)subject to Use r teems and coadltioas of the tzar.,toiler and machinery imam=if the C poverty he a boiler or is an office building;(iv)in the event the Lease Is •ri d, no d longer in fall forrad effect Or there is a default under the Lease or O any rentals payable under the Lease abate doe to the occurrence of casualty L) damage or the lessee under the Ira las the right to abate meals doe to r"t casualty damage,rental value Insurance for the peels specified berets for Cone hundred metal(loop)of tlue mats ondudinl operating expenses, 11 real estate nSea,aasc srgents end insure=cons which are lessee's Cr. Liability)for a period of twelve(12)months,sod(v)subject to the terms and conditions of the Lease,Insurance against all other bends as may be seasonably required by Beadleiuy,including,without limitation, insurance agalnrt loss or damage by flood and earthquake. • (b) Subject to the terns and conditions of the Lux,all insurance shall be in form,coaxal and amour*approved by Beneficiary and written by an Insurance eompaoy at commies wed A-,data afro VIII or boner in the moot currant issue of Best's lnsera to Beptats and which is licensed to do business in the mate in which the premises arc looted and domiciled in the United Son or a governmental*gamy or luoumennlly approved by t Beneficiary. The politics for two user=shall ban attached thereto ' standard mortgagee clauses in favor of and permitting Benefadary to collect any and all proceeds payable then mda and shall loriude a 30 day(except for nonpayment of;tendons,in whit case,a 10 day)notice of cancdLtlon clause in favor of Bomfalary. All policies or certificates of • incur-axe shall be delivered to sad held by Banafeiary u further security for the payment of the Nae and any other obligations arising under the Lan Dotunumts,with evldeece of renewal coverage delivered to Beneficiary at least 30 days before the expiration date of any policy.Not more frequently that once every three years,If Beneficiary has a • 1' ,• ;• r . - r. ;vsiiro77•:" )s:•:;iIo•.�'�:Grt°'3- ;,K;.-,e-.•.:4/14. ;.kyd`.T,ilA;-�+aK is ..'• K1NG,WA Page 11 of43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,TJser:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM .4.4:,'.',!,•,r .. ,�.•,,I i x r 1 ri ;A, •,F a's"p•r� a r k a I, t - . '..aea,`F' • a) 1. ..it(yes,,; I+ ...i s r 0. !M1+,t.t I T-t - • • '••(•syn L I t • ! r}•. )I !'Y • •4%'}'•^'11h4. '•''±`t r yrgtsr ajar. •3.7i i'y.45,110 `.YYr .4 (ri t. �is I+ 4, yl-i ,, Jf•,y, . . 'f sr'14� ikVaii5tf� f..+rr(Po',;ty:,r,, ti 'l. r %Ve:j i �'�isrr*,y '�'t. s71': 4f. �er�,7'SrYgairii telav'�jf4�.y',Rte}• .t1; •[ ?fi{-helKiii.ii. T:p'Ty ??,jam • -.ii �•� tLG1 .ra��� ,¢'s w3w.,.r• t el.4 s.> e %. 'r h .. F. »e .,- + 4,.44*T1' ,..i ie )y 2 soy FRS I.7 64017:•Y.41 y 4d y yiil �.?;i4 . .�ti-` -•;Y:{. 'r;i.afi,�d:•�.@ !•y.14. �.7r' ro?e.�p' �; �;s;.- ..i,a,- '"�, 3�•' .=,. e•v _.-r.ott-i :%•-�.i,svv.� ..:-' :1.1:,,knrr',. ..,. ..P;i -y .iy..1.7ar-,- ? tis hr.c,-a •.. r ::.,•.•,....,,-174417:::.,..,f 4%T/1:lig• . 71M - • _ r . .•'u, •Y s ;,r ^"; . ......1-4"-;:::0-- 1-4 :y_ tt, . - r ^ ..•: ` ? i' + Wi -n.1.-s. ' 1 . ' -''''..4.......' .',:J' ,� it _ etc••,6i t` �: •�'✓ �'- F!y'J'•1i-1'•;.r '✓{"'•. '_ ...L,1•• —.y - • ..^-_,.....= ''+.3. r4:::,q...,, ;( ' li r 4 reasonable belief that the teplannn ct car value Is not correct,it dull ,};r 'taffy Grantor and Grantor,at ha expense,will funisb Beneficiary with an ^. appnial of the full lwnble replacement cost vitae of the Premises,made ' by in tnturanee appraisers nttafectory to Beneficiary and fire Insurance l, - companies generally. Not.Wudmdieg the peevbue ardente,so lona as the Lease remains In full force and effect and there is no default beyond '''i • any applicable grace or notice and care period thereunder,then Beecfinlary• -rt,,i • shall not rewire said appraisal. Grantor shall not carry separate insurance, cocctmwrt in find or farm and rnchtinting In the event of loss,with any Mauna=reputed herein, 4. (a) Upon the occurrence of a deLult beyond applicable ansa or notice and e cure period!ander the Lease,or in doe event the Ina Is no banger in full d force and effect.%non request of Beneficiary,Grantor Axil deposit with • C and pay to Beneficiary,on eat payment date specified in the Note secured .. by this Deed of Trust,a sum agairalco to: (1)the taxes anal asostments wt CO assessed or levied against anranes d d t dun on rbe Premises by the 0 number of payme a that will become due and payable ander the Note . is- before the date when Foch tura and assessments will became due and payable,IL I(2)the premiums that wiX out become due and payable for • insurance required by this Deed of Trust to be furnished by Grantor divided by the amber of payme ue that will become due and payable under the Note before the date when such pmsniums will become due and payable. Beneficiary shall use such deposits to pay die taxes,asceasmcnu and premiums when the same became due. Beneficiary ahall not be fable for interest on such deposits. Grantor Mali procure and deliver to Bcacfcdary, In adranee,antes enu for act charger. If the total mosso made by Oraatar under ids paragraph cord the mann of payments actually made by Beneficiary far noes,nseumena and lnwnnce prea}ums,such excess vimn be credited by Beneficiary en aabscquen t dcpaits to be made by Grantor. If,however,the depute are atsuflclent to pay the taxes, a.uameala and insurance premiums whoa the tame OAS be due and payable,Granter nig pay to Beneficiary any amount racswy to make up • the deficiency,five(5)buchus days before the due when payueaa clash taxed,assaeoneoa and lammed premiums shall be due, If at any time Grantor shall tender to Beneficiary,In accordance with the provisions of the Note secured by this Deed o.'Trust,full payment of the calm indebtedness represented thereby,Beneficiary!hall,in computing the • amount of Foch Indebtedness,ceedit to she aecarot of Grantor any balance remaining In the funds uwmnula ed and held by Beneficiary under the provisions of this paragraph. If etre la an Event of Default under any of £; KING,WA Page 12 of43 Primed on 8/52009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM s Y s r -,, x '" i rli4,b'%'6 a "5,.S rk f i For alta ar f.Rf+IaL :he il. tt..`$4',�a�3 ;: itt.7 ri art?.'Sh w h r � ofy y �V.c hf y,� y+ l ..i'lg '''4"'....'.l'.,.f "A"f. `*s .'y(4"S l' j •,4- it / t f . t ti a.•,' d"f7"t J44 ? .16-. .rav K, rs�'„ aP.AM.�y4i;7- ..::A ''_1'r 'tit ,+ s ay�x . V1%, I _l'. `) �K' 4t f � .� res y ,r,X'G fl a � era i*Y r t. Z9i 010-14 its°'04Rx f 31P2f y i �` ' rt a r'i eta a..-�34.'y4,c�t»taax#�:-5' � • t i k.Kh•' i h y.aY '-v r♦ R 7 J z>f•�`e i+wyf[y4:4 re•.'w -"'t. w-`ts N, ry'F? s t . t i .c,n . ,may ..z -. ' r�. V":•;y .1tkrc.fi r ..cti s Ca *::yr'1z'p4.*,s ,-.-ii- $4,..."k••^"Y 'A-4;.}. .0;. ,s:lvyyc( 1!....K`!('--'�,t....Loki P� .,41u j+,+, :.".. . K.i _4.,-u!• :'1 �' =7 : •ek-Itetre 114,,, ..'?Wi ,. ' ^^J - •4 ' a �• ' A' +'�s.vv..'W J" � ���} �• tot _'qe-, ,•• .,• '....-.:7,51-;::......% �3 •j . ',...=.1g641, _ t,..'-• • t ` ...1-,..1v:-.-en!..- -.- r.`:,r--,---,..v.,,,?;,..!--• Stca..' ' .' :7"A�� r - vh R"l 4.:•.• °• fife-.4 id! .k i'4'.:*---...... wee:a;" ' `�' . i '��"- � i4P1k -'---; '1h1 ''F'. . `,� ,� r -� . a � r ,y ,y : . • PT" � ,1S ' W" rfi "� } As 5 + L+t f� . . :or . URrryyYyp � r ` ' -to 4.,,-..:.-,-;••,•_ !"'7 .r.. .1. .pirvr',-.-CLfr+a:iv,;Y; ,` .-.,. • +k r;+ .12_ :.i z • Ibe provisions of thin Deed of That resulting In a public talc of the ir. Premiacs,or if Bcnaicluy otherwise toquhes the Premises after an Event r.• of Default,Beneficiary shalt apply,at the time of commencement of nab proceedings,or at the time the Premise'is otiawise acgo led,the balance IV • than remaining to the funds aewsonlated under this paragraph ao a credit on the inkrett loomed and unpaid and the balance to the principal then hr' remaining unpaid ander the Note. The provision of(1±paragraph shall t'' riot effect tic enforcesbiilty of the covtnuns relating to axes,a+�,resets . tad Innuance premium providad for in Utit Deal of'risen,except to the r r euut that obligation for tic tame have ban actually met by compile= + 0 with this paragraph. r. et (b) Any funds bold nada Lida paragraph shall not constitute any deposit or O account of the Grantor or moneys to which the Grantor Is aided upon In re demand,or upon the mac passage of time,or sum to which Grantor is a) entitled to any interest or crediting of interest by virtue of Beneficiary's , O mere possession of ouch deposits. Beneficiary shah not be required to to segregate tach deposits or hold such deposits in any enpunte account for dw bescfit of Grantor. Beneficiary may bold web deposits in its gene nl account or any other et000zu and may commingle such deposits with soy otter moneys of Beneficiary or moneys winch Beneficiary is holding on behalf of any other person or entity. Grantor hereby mire's to the investment of such deposits by Beneficiary as outlined herein. S. In the event of any damage to or destruction of the buildings oc improvements Mitcham a put of the Premises. Casuihy proceeds will be handled in accordance with the tease so long as the Lase remains In lull farce and effect,without retmination,abatement � cr reduction,and there a e no Events of Default which are continuing under the Loan Documents. OtMrwise,the casualty proceeds shall be bullied In accordance with paragraphs S(a)through(c)leseinbelow. (a) Grantor will immediately notify Beneficiary thereof In die manneT provided In this Deed of Twat for the giving of notices. Beneficiary amy In its discretion(and it is hereby„"sorted to)either aettie and adjust any chills under such Insurance politica,or allow Grantor to agree with the insurance company or companies on the amount to be paid upon the loss In either case,the proceeds shall be paid to Beneficiary and Beneficiary L authorized In eaten and hi give receipts therefor. in Iba event Beneficiary elects to either seal:or adjust any claim nada such hum=policies,and . . , . ...::rte f.. . '•Y.7"-4 1. °Ise`, `!• '.•:wart 0'.'"r ti t.'ilrq. KING,WA Page 13 of 43 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:33 PM Document:TDD 1997.08150410 Branch:STK,Uscr:8792 Comment Station Id:MMTM ��NIlJI N f ..•'.....::. e t o t. T1 .13i.'t h .•• •!il.n`R).i,1 \ray — , ,y R..:.r•t4RjV s4r t 1•t roff•GY t.let-''yY•'�tFin' 'zf v t•i ty.t r*+r K iv t•)_ S= +' v +r r r ;2 •a e bei reds M f3,L.r%.,.,) P-; -'' ).12.1/sky.;'.li,'.M:wr'-:lu'.`.w `F.••{i •-)r1,r*J'.:et!� �L.<;:,;rr1i„ . h' ¢ ' Z.t9gN,r.'�'q'�tt�" '.:, r;"'",;4�:vh1V- 3VT q"r r'`'�M�li-51: Wl'a P ill a ,yes ti t r4�t..1.......:..1.:'''''..i...}moi 1441r•x,-ti.04,h4s:_. +.. 4t .1af 45-. '?Y r t �. r as t ys clyat tr •."a nf' r- t ,v. ifs r.{� .;ea:*1 r a.(it • M: { J �' hU. ^�. 1%1;4.re ?~ !r w" 4 ,+. ,t t , r/ S�i.i) iy�ywr� 7 ...;•1 err '.' ..lzny 14).-t +• :` r•{.', } +,1.,,. ,zo, .y `:4.1-, .'z*•4`f'.- .. it 1: �w"sl:.e-• .,.lo-y_...� tL,i;ivo,•l?•• ?r' ?.,:l n ri "d .kip•rags• ;`�. _. '', �,,,ilt,„..rt. -*--..• q.v'•r4. R.,NI. i�t�•S,t�R ^: 1'`•'•••h?'S.•lCe•„v..it' .dies•. ^,`•�; �.„ I�:+.•�A�,lli -'.• t:,a,� c .,.... ._ .: •• •,_"• • ,t••.��{�� < aerie r. o..,.a>?aA:F`ipe •.•S�ot.�:tntf(` �r:;1�w�;.2. Lit ° .• °''���`�Eyy��a��'�s,._•?ar�, '•£.'; 1i �� :• s>,. • y. v; �'w�Y:a-�' • .• ,yet ., t«,.:'ti' i's�,,`•.:: °., v•r,.''-�_ ,ce; ,...;'":,Fr,, j,: yn, �.,.t.„ .r.>� r4. '•r yaa�as ,,,St.�.,.,,3 it ?, `•-•.)-"!•••;0.4% .N '' h'l 'i�t .. .tut. }. k,-_ -.•„,:04•X;-:.r.';747,7!ilii, +k !41r':`'•F"• .i Ai Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:1 iMTtvi :s. 61•Nte t. fir'-'a 4 ! : j,4;: r,11.y.1t ...,p....1,:,;.,,-;-;.;:-.:-..-:...,::: .,. r. .. ....u..Y R tili- r. P F l L•I i Viii'+ ti mN r. ; �y.fh 4 y� j .3iS 3+N ',t �a� Pql y i 1;:4 �!tr 1 ':;:•;.:',."...:-i:4:;,..;;;...--;tw ,� l .iw�Y74.4 ,E,,i rrr.��'4itis r ,,y��,yJ�:S� f� l�w�A1h=zP 3 }3 ('r arc� r . � , �t +Y` '6 jq „Y�... c1.71;&G .4I'1 t 4 li-` 144.1. 7th?I 1 , Y v , : h l'. i`4 bti 4:;1 y.� r + - 1. d ri.401:tt fe f "1. �' i �, , • 'sis e � „ `.'.)r.. ...r ..- o�....... .'tset-.....'_:i> �.. ... •` •`..-NIP,......,..... 4. ' y1 _' 1 Yi aSchedule B .4 Section Isl -4; Exception L' iB ry • •f Wlenreardedreturn to: ( r illi i�Dal,6) .o• 'a Rfocip.l Motnal Life Inawince(barony ,el,61) s Y 711 Algh srrcot '. Da blokes,IA 50392-1360 tp ATIN: Jeff Aotdorf s r•• ��� s. Doe d(e)Title: Agalgeoea of Lusa ani Rents '- pGrwitor(e): Boswell Pamly L.LC..a Washington limited habit*company • N C) Grantee(s); Prior' Mntnel life Inemnre Company.an Iowa Corporation . • Legal descriptiaa(abbreviated l.e,lot,Mach,plat or section,township,tinge):Parcel It, Coy of Beatno.lot Ila aq)utasant No.LUA-95-173-LLA,ranrdod under recording No. 9603139005;being e partum of gover.msalt Lot 1,&mica 19,Township 23 North,Range 5 f Cant,W.M.to Xing Couto Wathiogton I 1 Additional legal is on Exhibit A:Muted to dei don msco1(s). Assessor's Property Tse Parul/Account Humberto): 192305-9018-2 'z l The A di:or/Recorder will rely on the Information provided m1 the form. The gaff will not rad the docometit to verify the ameacy or completeness of the indexing Information provided , hereto • MItM,♦•..4.••1..............M...•MM....N.....M•HMI P......... •MN. M•••.MN0MMIINt.lM•MgN••1M••.M••••01101.MMMM••WMMMHf } S ......�.....�...�.. -_ .. .. -..... ... t.:. -- -.1. KING,WA Page] of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM Document:ASR 1997.08150411 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:Mh2TM tr l ., . '4 r . t r •• l y was Q'i , 'i:+ct t X .a. s xS s p ,i. •it = t ., t 4 v .. ,�a v }"t7 4'..I. t 4,!:.4 >. i-e:41 c.,72.t s tt,xj °' ,Or th`'s _frt, 4 r J Irma J r,y .. �w ''i r•t .7 -1 v +; t x.w+t • vs- .t: is s q.t.?t •,.tZ 1.� a.Cy7'5••k ` .+� it•4 s r,t t t r. rt„ry" V{,• t .' i, v1. ° ' + 5�`yz. 1''7F." .. ..'`tai'L''$''4t7 'n f. .1,ik,:.:31;:•::;Z:•••31,t{'�r rf -•9�.7.W. .- a ',,,,,,,,, fty 1if•,f.+ipi tr .. Tf w N f t �• tef.,,li i Yl "i- •,C': rs i✓� t'Y o."� u74:+ (rt t n v,{rt`^ ».r t 4r ,-, ti -i ` /,� . , Yt S., kV'Yt.,tAr•&t 3`ei�,W,wi,71 i rp.i.-:i.T yet 11 .v~f;..4-Ni 4.- :-'''.6-.T7'... A t e v4 lS �,t1Y 1�.G Zi i yy 1 '`.,[n,r;Y k't,4 ::17-...'4---';,tt ;a, t/ N.l. t.•.r. tit h ��va:MlP3��33' ': • r •• • s*- ?lam si:ct._..,.-....e. r .. XI.t t},~t-'^a,:►�% 4i•L.f- •'.',c,• - ~ 5` -..1:7_LS: :a:. • 4, r •,,•,:.j'' y ?, - �7'ir • '_`•'us grF • , --.: , .., . * N t • :S ,r�t;r2, .-'-f."-i';'/ A. r .r.:� �ukr*WILw • :.:iyxf,.. .q.a 's's a r r- kJ'•''—nt t.h t Y • t'• 134:2 ii" • �1., ds4'4j.d„i=:..«:rJ'ta V :t' r tyy'3,4 ;s:x.r• y5. ,Y27.., A.!.•: •fi?'.��' s 'll� ' isiiif:�t...•_..,,rV.:;��. t' J.; 'r.RTpF .iiLt"_ 's Record sad Return to: • Principal Mutest Life Irtturarsot Company •;t' 71I High Strut y^ Dee Moines,IA 50392-1360 ATIN: Jeff Holdorf ' ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS D-7514'5E / THIS ASSIGNMENT,nude as of �it 15 ,1997,by BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C.,a Washing oo pttitrd liability company,having a post office address H 9631 SE 7th,Bellevue,Wubingtnn,98004,or Assignor('Assignor to " be cor al:nod ar'Arri1ooa'If the mnlext JO rcgatcax),to PRINC/AL MUTUAL LIFE a INSURANCE COMPANY,an lawn carpatallon.baying its priadpel place of braise a Cl) and post office addteaa at 711 High Street,Des Moires,lows 50392,at Aaaigac, LI t♦ 90 O WITNESSETH 711AT: r. WHEREAS,Assigner.to evidence and secure a loan Indebtedness,has made end delivered In Assignee a promissory not of even date herewith(the'Hotel in the prinoipal amount of Duet Million Seven Hundred Thousand and OW 100 Dollars ($3,700,900.00),payable as provided for In the Note and Emily Maros(stem any aecelentlon of maturity as Chemin provided)on May 15,2021,with lotafear ere therein expressed,ani has caectued and delivered a Deed of Trust,Soauity Agreement,and Asst comet of Rens(ii being agreed that'Moriggge'u herclu tc used than be construed to town'deed of twat'or'trust deal'or'deed to sewn debt'if rho e=nact so requites)bearing the aforesaid date to immune the Note and ercalir g a hen ea KING,WA Page 2 of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM Document:ASR 1997.08150411 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM f' / y X ry N 1 31: .r,.:t. r..'4i , � ' y 1 k 4 i 4 M { .i t rl'!..-1'.7•.:••4,........4.,•, '. s a • ) r.41:-4,••'•ger.:t..•'t•. r" ire, xr .v.: , } 1 •r+.•. .r. y,xJ • f' +•- ,s: :V a:y, s vs s r'"h T1 , 7 • V,, v r,.• 4r e w♦ Yy�•t •s4 -iiee ,,,,,44-74,,,,,,.54.a. , •,,�•-,,,. �1 Lr 'npkt,, He y}t wi'l s to 7 sY '1sS .•f ,, r .• r,w 4 tf> Sr c + _r .sr '� ren es •• ✓.•lei r a,•ID .. v,..c 3„,e. wr•«'s?},. .`,33hts 1, flet s r 'f,1 merit' t •• n1.. r A *sax s r .a nt ' k } ,°,c Z' 1••". • ~�7: s ,q� 1'{ .Gy ir,,,,t,ax' rr sit a�'• d�c.- �' 6. : -,i2,...‘,......` . e ,t �•t ,... ,.:•,: maitre ( s }W1+ y�Si? ... r...),.-1.5,:z11 ; : • -:{a`i t'•':1:•:Ir t f. s•,;`': %,4°T..Y'.`t,''!S:IL., •�,-•.":":!t ,..1,y�d, e0 .1;•;!y, ;.rk' ;..,:•1 bt �-;4411( ...-i,.,4---;.%: - Js. ;C.:,,Xia,-iJHe,o-ri !r�J r_.:. .• .,�.��t, +,k,a;:.- - Yt,,- :,• µ. '%�. ... .{_- rKaaff—'}2.1 r,.f,',.' 21-;s- s:fy•• ..-: ' ` 'ice ,t_`� . r h•�i'�1•� ..�v �F��.r ct?L . e--•alyre ,fi :•s t^.- •#„t�yg y :!� ?: bi .� ,, , a�rU )Y J ry :`-.t?:. -x.:,7i•A -ii34Xt^e.,-,-,Ystr�t cvdh'•f•rr'--r• y tT • ,,,• 5 • • , • ] i'•4 ifs+ • Assignor's ietetest N curtain rad estate in the County of King,Star of R'athlaptart more particularly described In Exhibit A attached hereto here • to and made a put of, • including the improvements now or hereafter thereon and the atammus,rights and appw'tenancea thertnnm belonging,all of which ars herr:e.to r called the'Premises'; and • WFIER£AS,Assigner is the lessor ender that certain written leaaa of the Premises '=.°t.• • made mmdordata of Pebamry 21,1996,to Wal-Mist Real Estate Business Trust, • a mmasor-In-SMereat to Wal-Mart Stoma,Inc.,a Delaware corpoatloa,and Assignor •; may hereafter make other leases of the Premises or parte thensof:and • a WHEREAS,Assignee has required the Assignment hereafter made as a condition to making the above described ban: ' NOW,THEREFORE,Assignor,for good and salable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which arc hereby acknowledged,does hereby absolutely sad directly ,i (and not merely collatcrely)assign,bargain,sell,transfer,convey,set over and deliver Hunto Assignee,all rights of the lessor under the above described leases)and all other gleases,tenancies,rental arrangements,subleases,and gtmean}eea of the performance or ),'y obligations of any tenants thereunder affecting the Pmemis s,or any part thereof,nuts Zi cxirsog or which may be executed at any time in the future during the life of Rds mAu ,antmneamc Assignment, all drorcw s,cstcnsloot and wals of said Imam,u•es,aubloascs,and re guesaotow and any of them,all of which are hereinafter called tbc'Leases,'and all OS rents or other income or paynteoos,regardless of type sur aocacc of payment(including tun ret limited to CAM charges,lease terminailaa payments,purchase option payments, refunds of any type,prepaymest amnia acultmen s of lirgadon or acekmeeas of past due ams)which may craw or hereafter be or became dee or owing under the Leases,and any of them,or on aeeoaru of the use of the Premises. ]t is intended hereby to mhblieh a present and complete transfer,and(Moat and ebsolun:assignment of all the Leases and W tights Of the lessor thereunder and all the tsan,and other payments arising theretadar no account attic use of the Premises unto Assignee,with time right,bre without the obligation,ao caliect all amid rents,Income and other payments which may become due during the life ail*Assignment. Assignor trees to deposit with Assignee copier of all teases of all or toy portion of the Premises, 1. Assignor hereby appoints Assign the true and lawful etmrmy of Assignor with full power of otbaimtlon and with power-for It and In its name,place and steed.In demand,collect,receipt and give complete acquittances for any and all rents and other amounts hcrain assigned which may be or became doe • and payable by the ianota and other occupants of the Prealaa,and at to - T''• - .4e-, Y ••.A'•'.a. :.4%%.. '•...441.77..7.1.77.-17.Z.1i,yY',r^-SY"e ,r..... ::MrSP'-^''4." r KUIG,WA Page 3 of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:37 PM Document:ASR.1997.08150411 Branch:STK,User:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM O ;)-:::14:"7:a •iN*.f.:0.0.:1 J.:J:','L`gjvq.:',t»;tf.•�s•.d,► . .:'14.'.r:s:"•::..•.�tafrFna.l'S)+r; :StM-,,�L,c � fF k kv!' .f' /tJ F 'f ala.lS a"sf .I Y• �a It MIl V vY-` }.(•�iN.44'� If 6. '�! Y 'k Fu,r i Y l -pt.�..e 1'k !.i S f t / •'Y Y 1 1,w I • Mrro ti. or.hR• `a fwf!. .•.. S 4Y Stasi 4MV. : }3. :9: Tet.} t' r ,,,'•+cii ,,zi," t y 1 tt !. +rti `>r Ft t•"w Ir '4'`%R. t i.a.""ti ei"+lr ajT 1.ls,.'elLtir +�' . v g„. ii sf ren 'x Nei let , L x 43r/v r* tr sig eta/i. '1 i4; viJ,lrf c f IV SA 4 x� hieW0S 3•R •,;0 1 I'cc.�f !ti iiti�« tr t ` x' i tai `4:P ca, :A45;r ° : .c.• .'. • tarfi ..� ;cx-,,, ''j'.4•- 14),./4444b-'.;;,:1,,..� itr. ' Z' ,4_ 4 A:4:'2.L..:.,EE• !. ..�:�P .?1;,iv!• 4 r°.' .le.. y'^{�7C.[�. '- + ` t' .h � ).4r."''' ''''';'f rot. • .1r. _ • • a•e..h. rt•a %:a.-4:4s.::,•at::f!{t..j. ems.•_.,,, • rf. .ry. •• ^ •.. om }y . ry:..ti.. lee`s-' ••_'4: L�� -}. r� f 't' '' ,Aktts"{t ?. ±'r`!I vs• -�tZ: • • °r7:'" }':K t v .^ -_ 7,N.—a i•Wgi'..41r•/may•• - •.•t,... - }Y.^...: 1. _g_ • discretion to file any ditto or titre any other Winn or proceeding and make any settlement of any claims,either in ha own name or in the name of s s Assignor or otherwise,whieb Anelgnet may deeat necesury or desirable in .,2 order to oolleot and enforce the payment of any and all mats and other lac amounts herein assigned. Imam of the Premises,or airy pan thereof,etc hereby expressly authorized std di edi d to pay all tents and other renins :4 hereby herein assigned to Assignee or such aomineo es Assignee may designate in • • writing clamed to and received by Such lessees who are expressly relieved • of any and ail duty,liability or obliged=to Assignor In respect of alt payments neo made. ' 2. Assignee is hereby vested with full power to use all measures,legal and equitable,deemed by it necessary or proper to coronae this Auigrencnt and to collect the=as and other moots assigned isrcrmder,Including the tight to I I cater upon the Premises,or any pan thereof,and take possession thereof t,.t forthwith to the extent necessary to affect the mac of any default on the part et of Assignor as lessor in any of am leases. Assignor hereby grants full power O and authority to Assignee to amnion all rights,privileges and powers herein IP Vb ,{ granted at any and all titres hereafter,without notice to Assignor,with full 0 power ton use and apply all of the rents sod other amounts assigned hereunder 0 to the payment of the costs of managing and operating the Premisa and of 01 to itdany sbtedn re or liability of Assignor to Assignee,including bur not limited to the payment of Caere,special assessments,insurance premiums. damage Balms,the mets of maintaining,repairing,rebuilding and restoring the improvements one tileAcwirs or of making some rentable,attorney fees and costs incurred in connection with the Interpretation atdfar enforcement of this Assignment,and of principal and Interest payments miler any other payments doe from Assignor to Assignee on the Note,the Mortgage or any of the other Loan Documents(as defined In the Mortgage),all at Assignee's olectioa and lunch order as Assignee may detesunine. Assignee shall be under no obligation to mesa any of the rights or claims assigned to it hammier or to perform or carry oat any of the obligations of the lessor under any of the Leases and does not assume any of the liabilities In convection with or arising or growing ow of the covenants and agreements of Assignor in the Leases;std Assignor covenants and agrees that k will faithfully perform all of the obligations imposed under any and all of the Leases and hereby agrees to Indemnify Assignee and to hold it harmless from any liability,attorney't , fees,costs,loss or damage which may or might be Ineureed by it udder the Leases or by reason of this Assignment,and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever which may be assented against Assignee by reason of any 14 wv3ra:-..=-.Ili,'4,1s n.-;' 1.Mag:t.'•:. KING,WA Page 4 of 12 Printed on 8152009 12:02:37 PM Document ASR 1997.08150411 Branch:STK,Uscr:8792 Comment: Station Id:MMTM :,ee'•i1:• .,a.'sw: '+r.:_ -::�;. �,�li: .3v".' J:., ,,x.. :`:ir1{5 :m£^•;`rr.,1'•i'' -G4•4 Fr ale aa3ti2?:afer$rryLiCp,t'�'*!v Sc.Lt�auat'.�!s'l+•�).t`>s tijsr�uy`,!C.t'+3',tk,'.1}'Vtr-Z�,�•r-Ei.J+rr.n :Yr "Mi,•r�ii..,,6}ts't•ic�,'.q1:}�f+4. .?•rt.�+1•�e74qJr{yyd.1df��xY .,L' r C: 'teJ• dtyti'. 'ft-tir i. ysl rW .;' ; St44 77,4 r7r �••d'„,+��- dns:t1e•f67' • , y4- =My R ST. tST. S•1S • •sty,,I ` i .titi�' , '4r r l'e; R-{—ASTr '{•. i1a�:1 Z -, .- t3 f air,y{ t• 1,�y'A� •1. .n 5'a xt., ••. • .'�..' r,F.t.''� k.J!v.... w�YGt�i•. ;v „"5.�� 'V-5���1y(\1't-'v..-...+ .. •• e � .-'rwf.�:Jy.L1y t.-.'.K�.Gf.� } .,n ••i'-,J' YrF -Y-'J't ., 'ton], .>•,:l _Tf.J•..•-- •J:•�„. :L.S ,.Yt:...,�!^:.�.•xKF..•.�CJera-.,4�'.Y,b...•�J+e±+Py.•Sy{ly.�,- r'fAy? }-•+.�l • .aY.o�;e o ;J.�u..;•,��•r”'-?ir:'tw &y'ys.;9si„ !mem ^ : • * Jw .s: •tri :�."r..` �' t v a,�P � � • t >..-�•x_' ,..,�.,,•,N .erg. ,s.- •Kid:: �'. .. e•r •-rf..., v::$:.. :.:moi'.}...', s.. • .m....:.�..ost .:ala►l'sitli dti- .r - -• • • • alleged obligations or tmdertalings ea les pan to perform or dIscherye any of the terms.mvemnts or a¢reemenlc cnmtloed In any of the Leases except for liability,;Money's feu,costs,loss or derange due solely to Auignee'a gross negligence or willful misconduct. ']itis Aesigweent than not operate to place • responsibility far the control,are,managerneet or repair of the Premise,or parte thereof,upon Assignee tar that it operate to make Assignee liable far • the carrying not of*sly of the era's and conditions army of the Lusa,or for any waste of the Premises by the les:tt under any of the Leases or ray • other patty,or for any dangerous or defective condition of the Premises or for any negligence la the tnanagement,upkeep,repair or control thereof resulting in loss or Injury or death to any lessee,licensee,employee or stranger. The manner of the application of rentals,the rrasarrabteoea of the costs sad charges to which rich rentals are applied and the Item or Items which shall be "'i credited thereby dui be within the sok and unlimited discretion of Assignee V and in accordance with the Loan Doarrncros. O 3. provided there has been no defaultby Assignor in the payment of any • eo 07 indebtedness secured hereby or in the performance of any obligation, � rsrve®nt or agreement of Assignor contained herein or in the Note or Mortgage,or In any of the Leto,any unseats collected hereunder by • Assignee which are In excess of than applied to pay to full the aforesaid Ilabilltles and indebtedness at the time dm shall be promptly paid m Assignor; provided,however,that this provisianshalt not be applicable to arty payments is under the Leases io muss of one calendar month in advance,includlog,but not limited to.lox termination payments,purchase option exercise payments,refunds deny type,prepayrneri of rents,litigstfon=dements or settlements of past due rents(all of which shill be referred to collectively herein as the'PxhaordLray Rectal Payments•),all of which may be remised by Assignee purulent to the provisions hereof. 4. Assignor hereby rWrarnts and warrants to Assignee that except for the suhleeaor'a interest In subleases,if any,it is the sole owner of the entire lessor's interest la each of the 1 smog that the Leases art not in default and are valid and enforceable and have act beets altered,modified or amended to any manner whatsoever except is berets expressly menaloted;that all conditions prom:dert to the effectiverscc of the Lens have been suisfied; that Assignor has oat heretofore transferred or assigned the Leases or any of the rents thereunder or any right or barren therein,nor has It collected In adven=or anticipated airy of the runt thereunder;end Assignor represent L• KING,WA Page 5 of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:38 PM Document:ASR 1997.08150411 Branch:STK,Uscr:8792 Comment Station Id:MIAMI nth is 1 `�.,tatG 41 P.41t1 1 :,ti • i ! 1 `kala t t h - to ,,s ;; nes• :::a .�''tio^.i;'F cJH•r 1 r J c}.J,�s �ri 4.1;4; ... -.v� ft nr * ' ct t'Jt _1�ttYCr�.'•: ' .3+ t< t LT ;1`,t 911���--r5 1 Nf �! �L 16.....N•%'.�t�.'�.j„, .all: s 'rte. it Fit tiiki4 a c n ,+V i y. ,,.. k,,,47•+zt'w r5• =1 C"i's ic., '�,a r t Ys r y �H• VZ:;'.ti�d t* �s �.bIc 7u. , K� y ,.f ��, r•h +Y F zh y�.r$1 c�_z`..'�j�er�T:,��.�•. » if • N "SpilA ice( . .-F},: Z 1 T ti fA r � cid ae.• ', • e il` • ,.�:'�.. �. Citi•r •t 1• .?r S4:• t as )3f g}c+J.'v +A�4 •7," :,i. r t � 'iiat�r� �; .1 '•n; 7+t t•#drytt� �!, o�,�i'"•f.�. ! �7'+' .:k k"•v�•�..l:�t�.., lfa.'tt.. .fcrayf�%�:•�ih*t•�= � ;� �.to4w,r?:�. v. s . il 01F0 �;.?•K+• r•lrYt40-v/ cAr` hs'45.`^.rr.71: . Yr+. • ..<t .I' i -,c•. 'fin' F e d,,,,c.1 tit ++[ ,•;•-•.'N :flus.•-,. e�s,•(1=lef��t'itf• -. l 5:41le i t,t4'b••S L•' . �.A ��\ia• 'tYbi riff i .'sl—t'S`,n't `•4•*.-:::.'''s SC! Ilt�tit' N� F. .- •.� jQat" F SP'Ya4e + J j -...,,,,A 6-i..9', ._ "z„F•-'..1::.v.,it ,, ,,..,,,i1„--,......,,,11t ' T.A\1ti, zy "'/,N• •- y� . 4 ' 2k� :fie ma�c wge tB -_ . to .. {ill.r. tthiir 44,*t 1. *C,. t: z..: ..:cry - '.n... 'ti:,. .ct"s°•. • • -5_ ttp f and wattaats dud it is not indebted to the lessees ruder the Leases in any =user whatsoever m u to give tire to any right of sort against,or reduction of,the rents payable under the Leases, S. Assigner caveruraa not to alter,modify,amend or change the[emu of the . Leases or give soy commit or permission or exercise any option required or l . permitted by the tenni thereof or waive ley obligation moulted eo be • performed by any leasee ar c a:arts,cannel or terminate any of do Leases or , • t mccept a surrender thereof nr Wet tato leases situ the date hereof without prier written consent of Assignee,and Aedgeor will an maim any further • transfer or assignment thereof,ar attempt to pledge,anon or member any of the Lemma or rear or other amends payable thereunder,or convey or transfer or suffer a conveyance or transfer of the Promises or of any interest vi therein m as to effort,directly or lodirecdy,a merger of the etudes es and rights etof,ora termination or diminution of the obligations of,any lessee O thereunder. Assignor further postilions to deliver to Assignee.promptly upon ruzipt thereof,copies of any and ill demands,Oskar and aoob=of default fp received by it from aror lout under any of the Leases assigned herein. If • 0 regncsted by AssAssignorst Assignee, shall enforce the teas'.and all medics 07 available to Assignor seeing the lessees therwada in use of default under the Leases by lessees, . 6. Upon payment in full of the principal sum,intens[and other indebtedness scarred hereby,and by any other documents which stento rho Nom,this Assignment shall bland become null sed said;sithcrwi:a,it shin remain In fon force and effect as herein provided and,with the eovetanu,wartamks and power of attorney herein contained,shaft inure to the benefit of Assignee and soy subs:Quem holder of the Note,and shell be binding upon Assignor, and he trim,legal repreacntativa,nwmsota and wises,Lod any subsequent owner of the Premixes. 7. Concurrently with the execution of any lease tovertng the Premise',Aulgoor will notify the lessee.by U.S.Certified Mall,of the easteoce of this Assignment and will deliver an excused copy of Mk Anstgnmcal to sods lessee,df-ecting Ruch leasee to make all peyrocoo ander Is lease to Asaleacee or its nominee in amnion a with the tams of Mb Aadgnmem. • f. It is caderuood and agreed that this Assignment shall become effective conconcensiy with the Nam and dm Mestg.gc. This Assignment shall be .'to ,ai.Strtk ?.rys. KMG,WA Page 6 of 12 Printed on 8/5/2009 12:02:38 PM Document:ASR 1997.08 i 50411 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM Schedule B —t— 20071231001261.001 Section -+ Exception FILE FOR RECORD AND RETURN TO: T.Aed` Gordon, 20071231001261 CroydoThomas,Honeywell,Malanca, V 7 Peterson&DaheireLLP gG�01 iT --7 L6 49,00 P.O.Box 1157 2 07 1620 Tacoma,WA 98401 KIN6tCOUNTY, Ura GROUND LEASE-SHORT FORM Ol{IGAGO T103�5'G BEE# Ce, Grantor: Bonneli Pearly L L . a Washinetoa lin Iced liahil nany Grantee: Columbia State Bank Legal Description(abbreviated): Additional Iegal(s)on page Assessor's Tax Parcel I.Df: Reference Nos.of Doeumenta Released or Assigned: THIS SHORT FORM GROUND LEASE is made as of the 15 day of 2007, by and between BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C.,a Washington limited liability company("Landlord"), and COLUMBIA STATE BANK,a Washington banlring corporation("Tenant"). BACKGROUND Landlord and Tenant have entered into a Lease dated as ofj, , 2007 (the Lease") with respect to the real property described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Property") and the Premises is outlined an the site map attached as Exhibit B. Landlord and Tenant now wish to give notice of the Lease. Accordingly,they agree: 1. Lease. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the Premises on the terms and conditions set forth in the Ground Lease dated chain. \`2007. 2. Term. The term of the Lease commences February 1,2008. The initial terra is for Twenty(20)years and Six(6)months. 3. Renewal Options. Pursuant to the terms of the Ground Lease,Tenant has the option to extend the term of this Lease for four(4)additional periods of five(5)years each on the terms and conditions set forth in the Ground Lease, 4. Exclusivity. Laadlord agrees that it will not lease any portion of the balance of the Property for purposes of operating a commercial bank, savings and loan association,credit union, mortgage company or cheek cashing company(collectively"Financial Institutions")for the duration of this Lease. Similarly, Landlord agrees that it will include In any conveyance or lease of such parcels made subsequent to the date of this Lease a restriction preventing the use of such parcels for -i- KING,WA Page 1 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:48 AM Document LSE 2007.123)001261 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.002 purposes of a Financial Institution during the term of this Lease. The provisions of this subsection only apply to the Property and not to the rest of the Shopping Center. S. Other �Terms. Other terms of the Lease arc incorporated herein by this reference. DATED this,(YJ day of 3f-V-011 2007. BONNELL FAMfL'Y LLC.,a Washington COLUMBIA STATE BAND a Washington limited liability company y p banking corporation By: -m4e,n /d� J11-0- 4 By,, 1( FrankB.Donnell,Ir.,Manager Its: E✓e•L--CFO By: it4lf fes/ I . B -e/,rS76111) -2- K1NG,WA Page 2 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:48 AM Document LSE 2007.1231001261 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment; Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.003 • J STATE OF WASHINGTON } )ss. County of King • ) "�n J On this "day of "` ` ,2007,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Washin on, dui commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Frank B. Bonnell,Jr.to me known to be the Manager of BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C.,a Washington limited liability company, the company that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated thnr he is authorized to execute the said instrument, WITNESS my band and official seal hereto affi the day and year first above written_ N.,g,‘Witem,ty)4,„ 6/41/---c ,.9);)=71(0a 01,05 ; (Type/Print Name above) rig41' tr Notary Public" for the State of Washington, • residing at 1�4 My AppointmentBxpires: • �i0/�Q y O4 r. / • vtt, "•, ilt • • • • -3- KING,WA Page 3 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:48 AM Document:LSE 2007.1231001261 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.004 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of fierce ) On this /514 day of iv ,2007,before rue,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for ,the State of Washington; duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared e and 14krrf to me known to be the Pr G.+ o, and G. D a of COLIIMIIIA STATE BANK, a Washington banking corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said oorpora6on,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. �y as\aa�\,ti cid tt ?� •� �� •nt Name above) { Notary Public indlor the State of Washington, y t M r t residing at �l�rr.e O� My Appointment Expires: z'w $ aGr -4- K1NG,WA Page 4 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document:LSE 2007,1231001261 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOT 1,CITY OF RBNTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-027-SHPT,(BILLY WHALE'S SHORT PLAT) RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20040503900002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON 9?44 Ada.] -5.. K1NG,WA Page 5 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document LSE 2007.123100126I Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.006 i EXHIBIT B SITE MAP A 1,, ryi.y iiinuy 1H�2)V. .t a..Y.�11 h !fiI.1 d�axvzo �ttawg v1s>r�rmo� • l 15 Ni i�. 7' 1 �' t - I .4`^ Li I ; -i; i i1'1i '� Ir;� _ f`�7. oI I ? ; ! 1 ;$.1• 1. ,) ll • life of I : ai H -__ aIV. -� '� s ii 1 a ' ' ax. ,ing •• .,u. J i , ( 4 1 lot ...7 . , (13r44 v2 X -6- KING,WA Page 6 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 624:49 AM Document:LSE 2007.1231001261 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer 6 Comment Station Id:MMTM 20071231001261.007 • EXHIBIT C COLUMBIA.BANK(RENTPN-BONNELL)LEASE PARCELDESGRIPTION (THIS PARCEL DESCRIPTION DESCRIBES A.PORTION OF ASURVEY a LEASE PARCEL DESCRIPTION 2'AS PROVIDED BY SURVEYOR BUSH,ROED,6 HITCHINGS,D/C.A6f25107) . THAT PORTION OF LOT 1,CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-027-SHPL4ILLY MCI-ALE'S SHORT PLAT)RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO.20040503900002,RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON',DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' • COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4,THENCE SOUTH 69'10'29'EAST 99.14 FEET ALONG THE NORTH UNE THEREOF TO THE TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING; . . THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89.1079"EAST 3O5.43•I-el I ALONG SAID NORTHLINE; . THENCE SOUTH 00'56'07 WEST 138.53 FEET; • . THENCE NORTH 88'45"24"WEST-306.13 FEET; • '' • . . THENCE NORTH 0113'39"EAST 139.30.FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE PARCEL DESCRIBED ABOVE CONTAINS 92,019 SQUARE FEET(0.96 ACRES),MORE OR • LESS. • . • SITUATE IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE'S EAST,W.IJI.;IN THE CITY OF RENTON,KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON: • • • .. • • • • • KING,WA Page 7 of 7 Printed on 8/4/2009 6:24:49 AM Document LSE 2007.1 231001261 Schedule B. . - . ._. . —__ Section . - • • Exception �.L} ` 1.,.."-"'' 1 a .cf: r li ' i ,• iV•X i •1 alt `r's -i;r`re M ''•`•._., '".._.• ¢.� • ^,1 PERPETUAL EASEMENT - kJ;t ; /WOW ALL MIN brume rdzaatchat " • t'h • ,nio Frank Bernard Bonnall, n H Jr. ."a Barbara Joaolt, co-owndrit• '`4 ,a p nmeeee'mtt Vie hrruaa to sdu» >� d to u"parr e!el t pert far and In eooddenUoo o!an DptuAR anti - . 1• :•j, �U other rood and.aturb1e eoatldaratton,reenlist at"rate+is busby ontoowledrsd,da hpont,C ,mina,and eon-fly •.• ,!•3.i., onto tltt OTT Dr RCR•OX,a Ynaldpel Ooeyorattoh of she atm.d Watlnttoel,ae Vail at the n0ead at COce : — an.+ ment appartenacora t sad perpetual ,on,and to the lbltowbts deeorlb,d pmpertta: • -. - . 1 ; t t' • - I:'� described centerline: la Zt efaeat 20 feet is width, 10 feet on each side of the following K'• ',', ::'Beginning ata point south'0°4811,5e "cert 590 feet true the quarter 9-r : rood"Goer"between Sectioan,.8'itid39;.Tbmahip'23.North,'.hang*" S V.X. t 'etld;poiat being Cat tea eeil{s>,*er_ Seetitin.29; thanoe7nox-tti 88 26" s l iiebt 20feet bore:of.leeir,Vi,moi It"r3T ru'girt ori c2rid•dvame"sotth 1$4*d,. ;p ;of-� �SEa a oontiauing,nth;88°2b'went tt 114.:'...,...•.: thtl>ede.tet�ati ,' p6' 3 fast; theaoe eoietk 7h°11t''s ° :90.xeet;',t r1 20'ki'teaet•22I1:90,feeti, `;•'.. :�:, .rtait;t"em'•patpmepat;20 o .2 !r1dtS,10 feet of each bide of •• • �� .. ;�.�*.,....-2,t1:.-, Rat.t !�'4'. • '!1•;- • tR - -V...11.,--7,: :::.:-.::,,,'• in • • • . l �� C,^ r - u Ccc , ,r • .,:Bpat tithe;'1.e iaj '.t - of t#ie"ptyrloae]J • {' '. '"L.' :, j t eane*"eat >tl?4r'g0�3 ,iwst 2211;9D! .tp'}ba�4r°e " t y;:,. . .. „ .. . ,e y.,.-begiiiag1,. ,� 74 l,.• el 1811.00 st •(liinoiis ,1 r .4o 't .ems Ai bb of ;' ,i .•',�+�.� ' =;r= e55� k `nth+'#'sud'ts�er],Tgi+�ginK:e�.�BorbSi&rrj•IYaiTio '`� 41',4*• .`.'V : •l: • ••. 'ri i/ay ' **' - tl M 4,. 4'4^.S,•�Y.. , .. w�6 • •5I'4+'ak,i _ '0.,-,),-..t' .1••••: i r j 1:.:4;;;111.r1;!'•{ t f • .t1 . sli.1'4 •i •1: e. t tt ti'. 2.11," :.0 " * t • • •.�,�0 ! - -dad l ba pea d the eecead Pitt to LAB tee•the parpaee et ooaatncibn,emir.eet'rice,and malnttoanoe of _ •<W'fi▪ .. of °•`i; • assess pep!Ikon say other polite tallttlaf end Narita. '..,' .• L; , `' ^5z, elfi 111611+ ,141X Wtheatd arttrekata+arevntaaatthdrhatldsandseah'kle c�?I .-daoaf '....1,k".:;,./...1:15.1-74: �.'s� .i 'Ootpber, 1966 / .I Xfi- + MlAR/b7 WAJ WtOTOIf • •£'.rA • r . - - .3.1,the,LCdiroigued Asti 'PIblio in lId ffe the Siete Of Wiataci ,s ddlns to Renton,Wuhan-bin.do • -- , is •s. y,� yA t ; cul tube m`.�. _ •.cl."l y.; October t,196. r,,-s•.onalry - . . °. '^ mtYraak Barnard Sown 1 , a loan Holt ,y� e 1 'Jr. i,„„. Sa=ber -s.•,' ` tnptwile be tbe Witt duals dile:fowl lm}ad wh araca4d Ins ape is Wetr tree awl emaatary set t :'ao4,My SrQtteeaee en1 : .a;. • ? •._.a, 1xiRtoMsbe�ata'i•A+mtltiated.-••� - eY ateatweits huad.ae°Metalaro'h i "�..d.7 OCtOber 1966 I { f•t3i -+r" ..., • • !'�,2 alai.of wa lleeton ••, In Dunton � ' . i ( r ; - T '5.. . . aLa- "; . r ,1• ". p.,itr'..—' "'`y, .. r •� Yni a l t. ,../..,-...p:,,•.•,!,..'.....••• .. 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R; CO .GIVEN USDES myy hand and official seal rhLs• .to. �'�_dqy of''• . • ' 4 l : •-r: • .• / ttotacyiTublie•in and fo:.the .+,,' •o. • •:•`je,t�`'pi;,i' v State of Ocegan. • -. '• ;fit.;, :r+.'• : Xy Cacfaaien-e•xpires Jung 30i_.19 ;.a .a:rV .. ' It X4#7' • . t. ;< :y;, '-4 . • , FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUE�: '' • 4,..4•••• PUGET pC:7ER AE A[ESYr!f O VISION . - M1GET fOYv'tT.DL03. ' • BEuvuE WAsniogTON 98009 ' ATTENTION-ON Y7AYRf SRES E Fig Description: King,'RA Document — Year.Month.Day.DocID 1980.1016.469 Page: 3 of d Order: 964881a Coemment: • /- FUFD• PDR R6GORD.°;-1:. 7 REU1i ST ( REN•Es-rk E DN[SION • : ••=,/ ‘. • •bTA?ECW WASHtxGFoh•) piJGEI ry;HFR •. ss . op!F'.ti£•WASY1:G Ot -'- OORtoRATE FICiLwou zocax rr ''.i. COUNT?OF K g 3• • Am-D.''IIOH. 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''''' :, s .,r' .:,., h. : '"y RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE 76l097Aai2 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE AlRVFi!•Yott 2: `' «z:w• .w: {/1• g rid fir nea NazMN_�tr.,.sr,{a,Z-it T'M nn4N2r r'a+•4••r.4 1.4•1_44.4.'7.44.ar 'ft.,•2/,p BIGF STA ':.z TUT_5. „+1' . ..'' I !' r I.a... 7 N a..N.N r•.N.tr•Ne•N..a.o. a M "'"g*".".' : 1 TRF QA,1,E6d ,`. Liy.�" rn.ZLZ,ANwn•.�.N N aNNIN.nat...? 1 t '2ty '.c:. a.'.,a•.c a xrda4a..rz2.re •4:a.res. a Bum4 ROED&wn wiBl;P!»I[IC. w ,� ;`art. �` 0N242024 or acoaDa a atono,m (` Nisi_ ,ROEENa•.n a itti t•nq.n ti.M. 4-12-1876 .;`~ �jENT e.u.xnn/ dlabDz�" -Ll3a.�gr_ �*14.21,000.1 0,040.„.00i1-00 aat-esot a..�,�b 5". a. t 7.* ,,s hx,t,a y.r C44/1/[My w..,(190 \ ---- 1 too'__ -r:� i ,r'•. ¢,', is sit`4,44n- 4'}.. • 0 • Schedule B •—r' Section —i� Exception ---. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: EKCI8ETAXNDTREQUIRI:D Michael D. Kuntz mgoznewmoMma • Poster Pepper G Shefelman 2ll .6{4 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 —---o'P°0 Seattle, Washington 98101 8 1 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE EASEMENT s u This Agreement is made this=S day of March, 1991, between 1 Robert P. Greenwell Company L.P. ("Greenwell") and Eugene zHorbach d/b/a FAH Properties ("Horbach"). 2 1.4 RECITALS: ( 0 A. Greenmail is the owner of the Property commonly known g s +'d as Renton Honda and legally described on Exhibit A attached -- is hereto ("Renton Honda"). �p B. Horbach is the lessee of certain property immediately F ,..,. north of Renton Honda commonly known as the PayLess Site and w E, a> legally described on Exhibit B attached hereto ("PayLess Site"). J O ,,p' J C. Horbach has requested the right to construct a private -'= road extension of Maple Street across Renton Honda from _: ,.11 Southwest Grady Way to the PayLess Site to provide access for `e o ingress and egress to the Payless Site, • N. -. J D. Greenwell has agreed to grant a perpetual non-exclusive .(` easement for ingress and egress for the benefit of the PayLess `r =o Site to allow development of the private road extension, all on ^ the terms and conditions set forth herein. c NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the 5"2 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Greenwell and Horbach o c agree as follows: a:21 1. Agreement to Grant Easement. Upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, Horbach shall have the right to �I require Greanwell to grant a perpetual, non-exclusive easement ili : for ingress and egress across Renton Honda to develop the private road extension of Maple Street. The easement would be - c for the benefit of the PayLess Site (or such portion thereof as s , designated by Horbach). The location of the easement would be as mutually agreed by Greenvell, Horbach, the current tenant of Renton Honda and the City of Renton, but shall generally be located as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit C. . 03/25/92 -1- - , 70CmoY 4=f=mm.7•l'acY�:.... ).-r.,--r u,_zuv.m.r�.,...,,.".,7-..,d•._1d 0 • • • • • 2. Conditions to Grant of Easement. Greenwell shall be • obligated to grant the easement only if the portions of Renton Honda not subject to the easement satisfy all land use and • zoning requirements applicable to the then-current use of Renton Honda, including minimum parking requirements notwithstnding the loss of parking within the easement area. In addition, Greenwell shall be obligated.to grant the Easement only upon 30 days prior written notice of Horbach. 3. Width of Easement. It is presently contemplated that the width of the easement would be approximately 36 feet. However, the actual width of the easement shall be a greater s • width if required by the City of Renton, not to exceed 40 feet. s .n 4. arms of Easement. The owner of the PayLess Site shall '4 have the full and complete responsibility and shall bear all costs and expeneee to obtain the approvals and permits required by the City of Renton and other governmental entities with jurisdiction to develop the private road extension of Maple Street within the easement area. The owner of the PayLess Site may improve the easement area with curbs, curb cuts, gutters, u utilities, lighting and other improvements as determined by such E owner or as required in the permitting process. The private 'E o. road extension must be developed to provide reasonable access to o the portions of Renton Honda immediately east and west of the --�+• private road extension. The plans and specifications for the development of the private road extension (including the u. .-1 location of curb cuts, lights and related improvements) shall be • ttc c.- subject to the prior approval of Greenwell, the current tenant .n1 of Renton Honda and the City of Renton, such approval net to be F unreasonably withheld or delayed. • o p The terms and conditions of the easement shall be as 1-• '41reasonably determined by Greenwell, and may include provisions 0) for the benefit and protection of Greenwell (and any tenants of rg- Renton Honda) which are customary or reasonable under such o w circumstances. Without limiting the foregoing, the easement u,m shall require the owner of the PayLess Site to indemnify, defend wit and hold Greanwell and the current tenant of Renton Honda harmless from all loss, damage and claims arising out of the use of the easement. The easement shall also require the owner of the Payless Site to maintain insurance coverages and endorsements as reasonably required by Greenwell, including insurance during any construction activities. j 5. Deadline. The rights of Horbach hereunder shall expire Ill if Horbach baae not made the request for the easement and provided evidence satisfactory to Greenwell that the 03/25/92 -2- • �T•Rig.v,V'F'JlC�L�Y�r�...�.�,or,+r..�.a.l 0 • requirements of section 2 above will be net on or before January 1, 2000, 6. tights and Benefits. The rights of Horbaeh hereunder shall be personal to Horbech, and may not be assigned, transferred or conveyed without the express written convent of Greenwell, which consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of Greenwell. The obligations of Oreenwell hereunder shall constitute covenants against Renton Honda which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon Greenwell and its successors and assigns. 7. Counterpart, This Agreement may bo executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed en original, but all of which shall constitute one agreement, notwithstanding the N fact that all of the parties are not signatories to the same counterpart, DATED this ..21,,day of March, 1992. ROBERT F, OFEENWELL COMPANY L.P, w . U1,1 i -o. Dy'-.72eats 6 LL LO Eugene Horbaeh d/b/a ELM Properties 1-.1 ro O CONSENT OF LAMPHERE ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON, INC. x W _ Lamphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc., the current tenant of Renton Honda pursuant to the Lots 1, 2 and 3 Lease dated June 4, 1990, as amended, (the "Lease"), hereby consents to and a-, approves the foregoing Agreement to Provide Easement. Lenphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc. further consents to the grant of j the easement by Greenwell pursuant to the terms of the Agreement to Provide Easement, end agrees that the Lease will be subject to the eaesmant once the easement is granted. Lanphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc. agrees to execute such additional documents, consents or estoppel certificate as may be reasonably requested by dreenwell, Horbach and/or the owner of 03/25/92 -3- \ O \ azts4.,,H,W4lb.a"`- iL=::rs.:,R;t�•,::.;;;_;ern::-:1:,;�i..v.F�.F.Ra,•.!�'••?;3i^R --- 0 requirements of section 2 above will be net on or before January • 1, 2000. 6. Rights and Benefits. The rights of Norbach hereunder shall be personal to Horbach, and may not be assigned, ttans£erred or conveyed without the express written consent of Greenwell, which consent may be withheld at the sole discretion of Greenwell. The obligations of Greenwell hereunder shall constitute covenants against Renton Honda which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon Greenwell and its successors Wand assigns. • • 7. Counterpart. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each) of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one agreement, notwithstanding the fact that all of the parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. DATED this o-7 day of March, 1992. • ROBERT F. GREENWELL COMPANY L.P. uY w mo ; By Its oLL• •l 40• aEugene)Iorbach /b/a E6H Properties =v• CONSENT OF LAMPHERE ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON, INC. W Cl T O o Leaphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc., the current tenant oiof Renton Honda pursuant to the Lots 1, 2 and 3 Lease dated June 4, 1990, as amended, (the "Lease"), hereby consents to and approves the foregoing Agreement to Provide Easement. Lamphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc. further consents to the grant of the easement by Greenwell pursuant to the terms of the Agreement to Provide Easement, and agrees that the Lease will be subject to the eoesment once the easement is granted. Lanphere Enterprises of Washington, Inc, agrees to execute such additional documents, consents or estoppel certificate as may be reasonably requested by Greenwell, Horbach and/or the owner of 03/25/92 -3- a ? 'i'•nrso,ya.r-a'ta-Fyi c r_—.ai r ,- ;.r.r,=.c i.:..-.... .►...r�.,.� • 0 1111 . • the Payless Site to further evidence its consent and approval of • this Agreement to Provide Easement and the easement when granted. • LAMPHERE ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON, INC. By / [r+ /'Y` '�.-- Its C 11,c-+-r STATE OF WASHINGTON ) o ) as. COUNTY OF ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this day of , 1990. before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the state of Washington, duly conaaiesioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be c the of Robert F. Gree well Company L.P., the partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free '^ and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and an oath stated that said • M C M individual was authorized to execute said instrument. i. 1.4 WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this / certificate first above written. N 1 N ? V - c Notary public in and for the state of .. Cr) Washington, residing at My appointment expires o lan Co w a r N U-1- • u N O 03/25/92 -4- • 0 ell • • • STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 • - ' ) ss. COUNTY of. 9TH 3 ' /Fez THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this .a�Yyday of 7/t4u•.--� 190 -, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the ' state of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Eugene Horbach, to me known to be the individual 1 described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that said individual signed la • the same as said individual's free and voluntary act and deed , i ' for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. z WITNESS m' hand and official seal the day and year in this car q first above written. P- l . Qtr,A,..% .,,...c.,,...Ex'�4�i�,` ' y L f- = ire OTARp rl. 1 ' Ndtaarr i �t e.� ze $ _,,, p pub cin and fort state of A E!BUBO g. t Washington, residing at .c.A-7., gtf,�(µ01,./cta My appointment expires -e 'X'-.73 STA INGTON ) , ..� ) ss. 32b,i 'cd COUNTY OFS ) } rIl• THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this. T day of `••� �-�; N 1990, before me, the undersigned, a notary public 3n end for the vni-• i.s? state of Wash• gton, du).y commissioned and sworn, personally • a ared .c . ice.-1r --Jr+•� , to me known to be • :x g. p thea �i.�r-....- of Lamphere Enterprises of Washington, -to' N Inc„ the corporation that executed the within and foregoing . i'-=!.. 01 instrument. and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free u•o' and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and • EP- purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that said &e individual was authorized to execute said instrument. 00i, eE` ' WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above writien. R.c �11\�.`�,,oker;,)•i... Notary public ih and for th state of �qr�? pe.� Washington, residing at ,N OSARY '": fi l ' p --�G A44 My appointment expires �-. y'3 1•q U0 tic::6-+ . -,21%.6......„..-0.0 q' I( 2Ot.-' �,'� f ...” _ f •.... of WA„,e'' 03/25/92 -5- L 0 e..." - ) \ \ i _ 0 • • • • 1 STATS OF HAWAII '4 s SS. CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU ) j x ' On this 26th day of March 1992, before me appeared PETER •.., F. R. GREENWELL, to ms personally known, who, being by as duly a sworn, did say that he is the general partner of ROBERT F. GR$ENWELL COMPANY L. P., a Delaware limited partnership, that the foregoing inetrument was signed in the name and in behalf of said limited partnership, and said PETER F. R. GREENWELL acknowledged that he executed the sane as his free act and deed and as the free ,� act and deed of said limited partnership. yyN,}�1 J C I! ^0 1 . • ,,, , '4 Notary lic, state o! H wail (1. :d my com>Aission expires: c3 nH) +.. S J i c, - • • c, I-•Si W2 F-. . ic+! 4-3 laJ o�r„ • • • • 1 • f. \ • , • 0 • • •1 $ XH IBI7 ^A' • Legal Description • • LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, INCLUSIVE OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PIAT NUMBER leo- • � 80 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING HUMBER S204O79001, SAID SHORT PLAT • • LYING WITHIN SECTION 29, TDWWS$IP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN RING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, . • W •� u •• J IS' I,. N S� 2 N Y � Co al ...W. W c tit N LLr sj N cr Cr) W lot O • W• W QJj . O • • gkO7 • . 0 0 •) • X.) 0 • • •x•t 111•: a•-.r••av : 17:II : 2011 Mu 1.121+ e.1/111.141 117i,:UI.t,a Er,1111IT 4.6 _ . . • . That portion of goverment lot 1 lying north of Northern Pacific Acili.ey Conprny right of stay in section • 19, township 23 north, •xongo 5 cost, ti.:d., in Xing County, . tiaehington; EXC.,? ' the north 300 fast thereof; ALW EXCEPT portion in 92nd hvenue South and Primary State' u •Highway 1,o. 5; 1 a • • AND EXCEPT portion doseribed as follo:.sl • 1 C Beginning et the northeast corner of the northwest quarter n of section 19, township 23 north, range 5 east, 11.14" in ' •• Ming County, Washington; thence we'atorly along the north • ' line of said section 19 a distance of 970 feet; thence southerly end parallel to the west line of governfaent lot 1 e a distance of 300 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing southerly and parallel to the west line . • of government lot 1, 790 feet, sore ox less,' No a point on W.a the north margin of the northern ?acific Railway Company •• v W• right of way; thence westerly along the Northern Pacific W Railway Colypany northerly right of way line to the west line ,._ of govcrnm•nt lot 1, thence northerly along west line of s government lot 1 to a point that lies 300 feet south cf the - • north liar of said section 19: thence easterly to the true .c1 CO ' point of beginning. • • ti '..i. TOGETHER WITS an Casement for ingress and egress over the • >~n" ' Cwt roilowing: The east 40 feet of the west 375 feet, the eaFt ~V40 feet aid the west 40 feet of the following described Vc7 p property: 0 S Niii The south 270 feet of the north 300 feet At the eaet,970 feat =01 of government lot 1, rccs`an 7C, t:ownahip 23 north, range 5 l•-•,-. east, U.K.,•in Xing county, tiashiugton; EXCEPT the east a70 • ..� foet thereof. , i . t o • • . . The south 270 Soot of the north 300 foot of the cast 970 foot o= government lot 1, section 19, township 23 north. rengc S oast, n.H., in Ring County, Washington; EXCEPT the seat 170 feet thereof; i 7.:0 EXCEPT. the north 10 felt thurocf conveyef to the City cf Rentor for Street and utility jrrpaser, by deed re- ; cordr_ urd^r eueitor's file No. 0051494, . . - r^/Iwle�aN 0 ce \ I. _ i MX • .1. •‘• -I . 0 '. -•••••••••_ •7 1...L.,:-.4. 3 ' 20TICE: IT THE DOCUMENT IN THIS FRAME IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE IT IS DUE TO THS QUALITY OF THE DOCUMENT. , . ..-...: •••••••• j Ali/ A , . 7.I e I IMMale• i .47M, -2 1 • • I ; • ,.. . .• . ..-....- . -:---- L"... ...... --- I ..., - ........ 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I--T.-.-."--"J.-42.7-r,--i="7-4.-.--7:.-.4 ---.......-- -==-----::- ===;•-= .....- ,.. ---,---. _ ......= ... --. . -* •• •---- _ .. ....!. -- .. ------ 1..." _ --- •• -- - .:--,. 7 i ,I aj a ''.'•••:,it(?;51.7-S, .W.17.t; -4.-----•••-..= t-r.....r47.-3...=.i---;;;•••,A.--4-2,7,5• Ltr.....,--.=.^.!..”7"."-7..`r:::::=1'X' ...' *.---••• ... .................. ... 1 ......-.— —..-.- .. ....-- .. ...... - • . - . • • . .. • .... . • • % . . - , • , I , - , • e t Schedule B I Section Exception 1 1 EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF MAPLE STREET i3 i r TIltS EASEMENT AGREEMENT is executed and entered into by and among„ ROBERT F.GREENWELL COMPANY L.P.,a Delaware limited partnership("Gmznwell"); 'I EUGENE I{ORUACH and JOYCE HORIIACH (hereinafter collectively "florbach");Ffl ) BONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, a Washington general partnership and BARBARA JOAN (HOLT) DONNELL (hereinafter collectively "Bonne("); and LANPHEREE• ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON,INC.,a Washington corporation,d/b/a Renton Hondg Automobiles(hereinafter"Lanpherc"). v RECITALS; A. Green well is the owner of that certain real property commonly known as Rentor SHonda and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the"Renton Honda Property`).. La.nphere Is the current lessee of the Renton Honda Property, and operates an automobile it J` dealership thereon commonly known as"Renton Honda Automobiles,' fN C. Bunnell is the owner of that certain real property immediately to the north of'fie Renton Honda Property and commonly known as the Payless Site and legally described on qa � Exhibit Ii attached hereto(the"PaylmsSite"). Horbadt is the current lessee of the Payless Site, • v and is presently sublcrsirrg significant portions of the Payless Site to varied and assorted tenants. J Lanpirere has an option with Ilorbach to sublesc a portion of the Payless she lying to the north of and immediately nd)acent to the Easement Area drscn`bed below. Said sublease arca is legally t� described on Exhibit C and is betel rtfter referred to as'Facility Property'. ..; C j C. Bunnell has requested the right to construct a private road extension of Maple 0 Street across the Renton Honda Property from S.W.Grady Way to the Payless Site to provide ' ' O for underground utilities And public access for ingress and egress to and from the Payless Site. ; J h D. Cirecnwoll has agreed to grant it perpetual non-exclusive easement for such - -' ' 0 underground utilities and public access for ingress and egress to and from the Payless Site,all 0) in accordance with the terms,conditions and provisions set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is • • t hereby acknowledged,the panics hereto agree as follows: ^<I I. Grant of Easement. Grcenwell hereby gives,grants end conveys non-exclusive perpetual easement to flannel!for the benefit of the Payless Site over, under,and across the Easement Area for the purposes of: (i)constructing, improving and maintaining a roadway (including curbs, curb cuts and gutters), sidewalks, if required by the City of Renton, and underground utilities (including, but not necessarily limited to, electricity, water, sewer, I drainage, natural gas, telephone, CATV and sired lighting, provided that the street lighting • t poles and fixtures themselves shall be above ground);and(ii)providing public access vis ingress nod ogress to ard from the Payless Site for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The easement given and granted pursuant to this Agreement (the"Easement') is appurtenant to and for the F:5JMS\WJLWa07462-1:15 07/16/92 - I - EXCISE TAX I'�T REQUIRED a.�•res illision a ,Doquly 1 n r 0 1111 • benefit of the Payless Site which is the dominant estate and will be deemed to be a benefit running with the land. Notwithstanding the fact that the F'rc'ment described herein is non-exclusive,Greenwell, Norbach and Lanphere,and their respective heirs,successors and assigns understand and agree that the Easement is intended to provide 24 hours a day,7 days a week,permanent ingress, egress and access to the Payless Site. Further, Grcenwell, Horbach and Lanphere, and their respective heirs,successors and assigns shall not undertake or engage in soy activity which would impair,limit Cr otherwise restrict the scope or use of the Easement. 2. ,Easement Arca. The legal description of the portion of the Renton Honda Property which is the subject matter of the Easement(herein the'Eastxnent Area")is as act forth below, A strip of land 36.00 feet wide lying 18.00 feet on each side or the following described centerline; 1~ Commending at the Southwest corner of Lot 3 of City of Renton Short Plat No. 100-80 as recorded under King County Recording No. 8204079001;thence North 77°28'02"East along the South line of said Lot 3 a distance of 208.38 feet to the Northerly prolongation of the centerline of Maple Avenue Southwest and i t the true point of beginning;thence North 01°23'41"East along said Northerly 0 prolongation 152.29 feet to a curve having a radius of 53.00 feet; thence CNI Northerly and Northeasterly along said curve an arc length of 25.33 feet through t7) a central angle of 27°23'16'to the North line of said Lot 3 and the terminus of this centerline description. A graphic illustration of the easement arm.is attached hereto as Fxhlbit D.The width of the. Easement Area may be increased if required by the City of Ranson,not to exceed a total width of40feet. ' 3. t t yr r t. Era M' ■.. The following provisions shall apply ire connection with the improvement of the Easement Area. 3.t Cast of(mtrnvcrnents. Except as otherwise provided in Paragraph 3,4 • below,the owner of the Payless Site shall Have the full and complete responsibility for and shall bear all future costs and expenses in connection with the improvement and construction of the Easement Area for the purposes and uses described herein including all costs and expenses necessary to obtain the approvals and permits required by the City of Renton and other governmental authorities having Jurisdiction in connection with such improvement. En this • regard,the owner of the Payless Site agrees to indemnify and save Grecnwell and Lanpitere and their respective successors and assigns harmless from any and all such costs or expenses. 3.2 Phots instil Snecificniintts for improvement of Easement Arug, The design of and the plans and specifications relating to the actual construction of said improvements within the Easement Area shall be the responsibility of and paid for by Bunnell; F:\DMS1WILa00074620s 07/1602 -2- provided,however,that the final working drawings and specifications therefore shall Ix subject to the advanced written approval of Greenwell and Lanphcro. which approval will not be untimely or unreasonably withheld. The initial design to be submitted to the City of Renton in conjunction with the proposed improvement of the Easement Area must provide for reasonable access for ingress and egress to and from the remaining portions of the Renton Honda Property immediately cast and west of the Easement Area. Except for the approval of such plans and specifications and material modifications thereto,Donnell shall have the full right, power and authority to effectuate and complete the improvcmenis for the Easement Area without the further written or other consent or authorization from any of the parties to this Agreement. For purposes of this Paragraph 3.2, c modification to the approved plans and specifications shrill be deemed to be material If the modification changes the grade or the level of the improvements in relation to the Renton Honda Property,or If any curb cuts providing access to any portion of the Renton Honda Property are moved, relocated or eliminated. The matters listed above are not necessarily exclusive, but merely specify matters that will be considered to be material If they occur. tot p3.3 Ounlifr i f Work. All of the work performed in connection with the N construction of the improvements within the Easement Area shall be substantially in accord with the working plans and specifications approved as provided in Paragraph 3.2 above,and shall comply with all of the laws,rules and regulations the City of Renton and other governmental C7 authorities having jurisdiction over such work. Notwithstanding the parties rights under this N Agreement to the contrary(including,but not necessarily limited to, the approval rightsrelating to the final working drawings and specifications), the parties agree to comply with all of the requirements of the City of Renton and other govemmental authorities in connection with the design and construction of the improvements in the Easement Area. Further, and prior to commencing any work in connection with the improvement of the Easement Area,Bonnell shall furnish to GrecnwelI satisfactory evidence that the Renton Honda automobile dealership business then currently conducted by tanphcre along Lots 1,2,and 3 of the Renton Honda Property, exclusive of the Easement Area,will not,as a result of the utilization of the Easement,render the then current use by tanphere as not in compliance with applicable zoning regulations as in • effect as of June 4, 1990. In this regard, Greenwell agrees that satisfactory evidence would include a letter from the City of Renton staring the property Is not,as a result of the Easement, not in compliance with applicable zoning regulations in effect as of June 4, 1990; provided, however,that Bonnell is permitted to furnish other eviderxc confirming such conforming use and Greenwell will not tmrersonably withhold his satisfaction of such other evidence, Prior to commencing any work in connection with the improvement of the • Easement Area, Bonnell shall deliver to Greenwell a Set-Aside letter from the construction lender or shall post a Performance Bond in favor of Greenwell evidencing said party's financial ability to perform the proposed work(in an amount of et least 125%of the estimated cost to complete the improvements,and otherwise reasonably satisfactory to Greenwell). Additionally, Donnell or lanphere,as the case may be,shall keep the property free and clear of any and all liens arising out of or relating to the week for improvement of the Easement Area, FADMSIWJLt0007462.05 07/!6592 -3- 0 3.4 Timing of Work. The parties hereto understand and acknowledge that there is no particular time by which Brennen must commence and complete the improvements to the Easement Arra;provided,however,that once actual construction is commenced,Donnell agrees to complete the improvements as soon as reasonably possible thereafter in a manner so as to minimize the impact on the remainder of the Renton Honda Property and the Facility Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Bonnell and Lanphere understand and agree that if Donnell has not undertaken to complete the improvements to the Easement Arca, then Lanphcre in connection with its construction and completion of at least $1,000,000 of improvements to the Facility Property and with the prior written consent of Creenwetl may initiate,construct and complete the improvements so the Easement Area provided that the plans and specifications relating to such improvements shall first be approved by Donnell, which approval should not be unreasonably withheld. if Lanphere should determine to proceed and complete said Improvements,then all costs and expenses relating thereto shall be paid one-third (113)by Lanphere and two-thirds(2/3)by Donnell. 4. elnintettance,Rennir and Street lighting. From and after completion of the improvements to the Easeirumt Area, the maintenance and repair of the some shall be the U. obligation of the owner of the Payless Site. C.) G The continuing maintenance of the Easement Area shall includq but not be limited y O to, keeping the roadway surface clean (and striped, if required), keeping the roadway and (NZ sidewalks (If any) clout and fret of debris, dirt, rooks, weeds,snow, Ice and other matters, t`' keeping all light fixtures clean, painted and in full operating condition, and otherwise :I maintaining the Easement Area in a neat and clear.condition consistent with standards set by the n • cry City of Renton in connection with its public roads. In addition, the owner of the Payless Site shall he responsible,at its sole cost and expense,far the continuing and continuous repair of the improvements within the Easement Arca,which shall include,but not be limited to, repairing • potholes or buckling within the road surtaee,repairing cracked or buckled concrete, repairing ` damage light standers,keeping storm drainage systems in full operating condition and similar repairs. In the event the owner of the Payless Site does not perform its maintenance and repair obligations as set forth above, the owner of the Renton Honda Property shall have the g right(but not the obligation)to perform such obligations on behalf of the owner of the Payless Site,in which avant the owner of the Payless Site shall immediately reimburse the owner of the : • Renton Honda Property for all costs and expenses incurred by the owner of the Renton Honda Property to do set, Any amount required to be paid to the owner of the Renlore He nude Properly J ., i(not paid when clue shall bear interest at the rate of 15% per annum from the due dale until paid. Any such monies due and owing by the owner of the Payless Site to the Renton Honda Property shall constitute a lien on the Payless Site,and may be enforced by the owner of the Renton Honda Property in the same manner as applies to mortgages of real property. Without limiting the responsibility of the owner of the Payless Site for the cost of maintenance and repairs as described above in this Paragraph 4, so long as Lanphere(or any r-.1ohMSlWIL100074,2.x5 07/16195 -4- 0 151 person or entity affiliated with Lanphere),leases the Renton Honda Property, then Lanphere or • such affiliate agrees to reimburse the owner of the Payless Site for one-half(1/2)of all casts of maintenance and repair relating to the Easement Arca and required to be paid by the owner of the Payless Site to the owner of the Renton Honda Property. 5. Qrnpenttion, Greenwell,Lanphere and Horbach agree tocooperate with Bonoell in connection with obtaining permits for and the actual construction of the improvements within the Easement Area including, but not limited to,the execution and delivery of any and all documents or other writings as may reasonably be requested by Bunnell or reasonably required by the City of Renton or other governmental authorities having jurisdiction over such work. Neither Lamphere,Horbach nor Greenwell shall be obligated to Incur any liability,cost or obligation in connection with such cooperation except for costs and expenses to be paid by Lanphcre as provided in Paragraph 3.4 above in the event Lanphere determines to proceed with and complete the improvements to the Easement Arca, The parties agree to cooperate with one another to preserve the rights of the various C. parties to this Agreement. r7 6. Subordinntinn of Lenses. By executing this Agreement,Horbach,as lessee of NI the Payless site,and Lamphere as lessee of the Renton Honda property hereby subordinate and • t•,4 subject their 1CSp..tive lessees' interests under said leases to the terms, conditions, and j. provisions of this Easement. In this regard, Lanphere hereby acknowledges and consents to the d temporary disruption of his businesses conducted on the Renton Honda and Facility Properties as may be reasonably required its connection with the construction of the improvements to the Easement Arca as described in Paragraph 3 above. Bermell agrees to use his best efforts to minimize the disruption of lanphcre's businesses to the fullest extent reasonably possible during the course of such construction. 7. Reims and Indemnity, Bonnell does hereby release, indemnify and promise to defend and save Greenwell and Lanphere and their respective successors,assigns,agents and • employees harmless from and against any and all liability,loss, damage,expense,actions and claims(including costs and reasonable attorneys'fees)arising out of or in connection with: (i) • Bortnell's and Bonncil's employees,agents or contractors construction of improvements to the Easement Arca, (ii)the use of the Easement Arca,including the use of the Easement Area by the general public; provided, however, that this paragraph does not purport to indemnify Greenwell or Lanphem ogainst liability for damages arising out of bodily Injury to persons or damage to property to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligence of Greenwell or Lanphere,or their agents.or employees. • 8. (•usurnnce. So long as this Easementcoatinuas in effcct,the owner of the Payless Site shall be required to purchase and maintain comprehensive public liability insurance relating to the construction of improvements and use of the improvements within the Easement Area, Said insurance shall nr me the owner of the Renton Honda Property and Lanphere as additional insureds,and Certificates evidencing such insurance coverage shall be furnished as reasonably requested from time to time by the owner of the Payless Site to the owner of the Renton Honda F:IDLIswv;.10007462AS 07/16/92 •5• 0 • Property and to Lanphere. Said insurance shall be placed with an insurer authorized to do business in the Slate of Washington,and acceptable to the owner of the Renton Honda Property, which acceptance will not be unreasonably withheld. The initial amount of such insurance shall be as follows: Bodily Injury liability 52,000,009 Property Dartruge Liability 52,000,909 The amount of such insurance,the types of coverages and endorsements,and the insurance carrier may be changed from time to dune as reasonably requested by the owner of the Renton Honda Property taking into account the risks associated with the use of the Easement Area,and potential liability exposure. Without limiting the rusponsfhillty of the owner of the Payless Site to purchase and maintain insurance as provided above in this Paragraph S,so long as Lanphere or a person N or entity affiliated with Lanphere leases the Renton Honda Property, then Lanphere or such M affiliate agrees to reimburse the owner of the Payless Site for one-half(1/2)of the cost of any 0 such insurance. Further,in the event the owner of the Payless Site fails to purchase and/or Omaintain the insurance coverages as required by this Paragraph g,then the owner of the Renton N Honda Property shall have the right (but not the obligation) to purchase and maintain such N insurance coverages to which event the owner of the Payless SIte shall immediately reimburse n the owner of the Renton Honda Property boron costs and expenses incurred by the owner of the • Renton Honda Property in connection therewith. Any amount required to be paid to the owner of the Renton Honda Property hereunder if not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of I5%per annum from the due date until paid. Said amount shag constitute a lien on the Payless Site,and may be enforced by the owner of the Renton Honda Property in the same manner as applies to mortgages of real property. 3 9. Miscellaneous. 9,1 Jrieorrlaration by Reference. The Exhibits attached hereto are •incorporated herein by this reference and form a part hereof as if set forth in full. 9.2 Jtiadlne Effect. This Agreement shat)be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs,successors,sublessees and assigns. 9.3 Dispute Costs and ENrrepses, In the event of any conflict, claim or dispute between the parties hereto and arising out of or relating to the subject matter hereof, whether or not such conflict,claim or dispute has its basis in law or In equity,thprevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the non-prevailing party(les)all reasonable costs and expenses of every sort whatsoever including, but not limited to,arbiters fees,mediation feet, deposition costs,expert witness fees,accounting expenses relating thereto,and actual attorneys' fees incurred or expanded whether or not court or arbitration proceedings are initiated, and F:\D5IS1W11Waa7n62.05 07/I6t92 •5- • • - t • • including all such costs or expenses incurred or expended in arbitration,in trial,on appeal or in any bankruptcy or receivership proceeding. 9.4 Extension of Roadwnv Throne')Rayless Silo, Horbach and Lenphere understand and acknowledge that the roadway and utilities to be constructed within the Easement Area arc for the benefit of the Payless Site,and;hat such roadway and utilities will continue on from the Renton Honda Property through a portion of the Payless site which includes a portion of the Facility Property, In this regard,Horbach and Lamphere hereby agree to such extension over and across the Payless site approximately as shown on the drawing attached hereto as Exhibit D, or where otherwise required to be located within the Payless Site by the Clty of Renton In connection with its approval of the Improvements to the Easement Area. 9.5 Q t'nt r rt• and Fncslrnlle Tmnsmiscirn. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and by facsimile transmission. Erich counterpart shall be deemed=original,but all counterparts shall constitute one agreement,notwithstanding the fact Ihat all of the parties are not signatories to the same cornterpart. 9.6 No Public Demi tion. Notwithstanding that a purpose of this Easement is to provide public access from S.W.Grady Way to the Payless Site,nothing in this Easement • C shall be deemed to constitute a public dedication of the Easement Area or to create an easement for the public,and the Easement shall only constitute a private Easement for the benefit of the Payless Site. . CY 9.7 J.iehts Nat Affected. This Easement is being granted by Greenwell pursuant to the terms of the Agreement to Provide Easement dated March 25, 1991 between -' • Greenwell and Eugene Horbach,d/b/a E&H Properties This Easement shall not be construed to interfere with the rights of Lanphere to require en easement pursuant to Section 2 or the First Amendment to Lots I,2 and 3!eau.between Greenwell and Lamphere dated March 26, 1992. a IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the dates '. { indicated below, GREEN W ELL: ' ROBERT F,GREENWELL CO.L.P„ • a Delaware limited partnership By Peter F.R. Greenwell, General Partner f F:\t)MStWJ L00o7452.05 07/16102 -% - ' • SCA . • • MI 1 f . • :. ine In Iudingit such costs or expenses incurred or expended In arbitration,in trial, on appal or Ybankruptcy or lversbip Aiding. • 9.4estt�n or lgaadwav jkl3tonti Parkes Site Hocbach and Lanphere understand and acknowledge that the teerhvay and utilities to be Constructed within the Easement Arra aro for the boafit of the Payless Site,and that.such roadway and udtttioa will coatiauoon t nt Honda Property through a portion of the Payless site which Includes a partloo Facility Property. Ta this regard,liorbagh and Lanphero hereby agree to such extension over and across the Payless site approximately as shown on the drawing attaohcd hereto se Exhibit D, or vitiate otherwise required to be located within the Payless Site by the City of Renton in connection with Its approval of the improvomenu to the Easement Area, • • 9.5 �Ilritalmll ilszba. This A{;mumczt may be executed in several touaktparis and by facsimile transmission. Each counterpexj than he •I GMirisl An a ri.Intl,1.4Ui ail am/motpartt mets„••,suture tom ass torment,nOiwttheltu tr the fact that all of the parties are not signatories to the some counterpart, • 9,15 bile edlentiog. Notwithstanding that a purpou of this Easement is- is to provide public neeeu from S,W,Cady Way to the Payless Site,nothing In this&ceutent in shall be tltxmed to rnmaitute a public dsdlontion of the l mile:al Asa or to create an easement far a plihnktt earl rhe Bakal all—.net t istdlGlWk a minx :AS inner w tbi 00,101 of the O IN 9,7 Rr ,lii.., 1..•—•—• el MU Batsman res briea b,lt,ev,r 1, yy l a O rnl[min.e In 1Y•,i rn,„ •••rte YY.wn.nr 4e,.�'(9, ,F Mt inn �_.,,_. S parpuant to the twUu of dm Agreement to Provide,Easement dated March 25,1991 between _t Cromwell and Eugene Hcubach,d/b/a B&H Properties. This Patemont shall not be oonetrued to into rfrne with the rights of Lanphore to require as easement pursuant to Breda,,2 of the Fiatf. Amendment to Lots I,2 and 3 Lease between Oreouwell and Leaphan dated March 26, 1992. a• IN WfTNE95 WHBREOl,the parties hereto have executed thLs A¢recment on the date indicated below. GRE3N'VVF;Lla • ROBERT P.GREENWF.t.L CO.L.P., \ a Dela •*8mt odd . .}sip �, 1 . >3 /As %�- Peter P.R, 'rrenwetl, • j Clout Partner r Fc1DminwlUW07b1,05 0Ntory2 .7- . • • MO • HORBACU: .tea_ • Joyce Horbach BONNELL: ' BONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, a Washington general partnership h OBy. -r f alt:ti*.a..Arli Gerre. • N Frank Bernard Bonnet!,Jr.,Managing I O - N C .r• n ,61.4...4:r••••• /�.#,,,,/ 3 AI BARBARA (HOLT)BO • 7 LANPH R LANPHERE ENTERPRISES OF ASHTNiGTON, 5 INC.,a Wash fon corporal!. , •r . By I ., ./r . DANIEL HIXSO , 'resident a S • I . • F.•4DMSWf.00O7462.OS 07116!92 -8_ -- 'yt+.'r. • .. '•lig= .ter -ZZZE T. 4V PZi ii. . '' <•r. e 1511 - 1 4 STATE OF HAWAII 68. CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU ) On this 74. day of July 1991, before me appeared PETER F. R. GREENWELL, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the general partner of ROBERT F. GREENWELL COMPANY L. P., a Delaware limited partnership, that the foregoing instrument was signed in the name and in behalf of said limited partnership, and said PETER F. R. GREENWELL acknowledged that ha executed tho mama as hie free act and deed and as the free act and deed of said limited partnership. ` /AP ,-111110 • Notary ubl c, State o' 'aw, q CSD my commission expires:.~ .'7`1- O }• . O f'1 n • . • V • • • J 1 •• . . .. . . •... •• . •• • • • . .. .'4 'p 'Y::..v'=' ,'9i .T 1.•• . .i, 0 • . 1111t I . • . ii STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • ) es. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that PETER F.R.GREENWELL is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that be was authorized to execute the instrument as the General Partner on behalf of ROBERT F. GREENWELL CO., L.P., e Delaware Limited Partnership pursuant to the provisions of the partnership agreement of said Limited partnership and acknowledged said imtrument to be the free and voluntary act of said i general partnership for the uses and purposes mentioned In said Instrument. 1` i Dated i Notary Public In and for the State • M of Washington,residing at 0 My Appointment Expires 6 . p N • IN STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 64 ) ss• s to COUNTY OF KING ) i I • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that EUGENE HORBACH is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it t be his free and voluntary act for the ases and purposes mentioned in the r instramenta..4../ rs���-��—L� - (�,� _4 < 1 1�` 7 Dat-. _ .P • ) �rfir4NN ...•::?� Notary •ublic in and for the State i —• 1 e•$) ;, of W. ington,residing at ! • �� N07AR}' My Appointment Expires 4e'.93' • . _ 2.14°4,wasN`\-Orrt t 1 1 FaDMStWJLt000746aA1 07/16/92 -9- • 0 1 •7 • ASHINGT COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that!kmw or have satisfactory evidence that JOYCE HORBA .- I c person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that she Cr... this instrument and aciotowledged It to be bar free and voluntary act for th^ and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated Notary Public in and for the State • of Washington,residing at My Appointment Etpires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) N ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) Cv 0 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that FRANK BERNARD BONNELL, JR.is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he was authorized fs• G to execute the instrument as a Managing Partner on behalf of BONNELL FAMILY cq PARTNERSHIP pursuant to the provisions of the partnership agreement of said general . '1 partnership and acknowledged said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act of said general • _t partnership for the uses and purposes mentioned in said instru�mJent. 4�000%74,4� Dated G,/ 4 _1 Z F9_2 3 (f t. 4 , ; i NotaryPubiicinandfortheS ems, , ':e " f o= of Washington,residing at •'+-a .'�: My Appointment Expires TAY? Q "• i FnDMStwILW007462.05 07716/42 - 10- • . at • . 1 • L • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 1 COUNTY OF KING ) r I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that BARBARA LOAN(HOLT) BONNELL Is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that she -I signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. win4 '�� 4 Daled �,/�!7r /992 A • • n i Notary Public In and for the Sts r t e )2 of Washington,residing at �{'+rte �t My Appointment Expires . 44„4:48143.4e STATE OF WASHINGTON ) t 0. COUNTY OF KING ) . 0 I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that DANIEL HIXSON is the person • j who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument,on oath 3 0 stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the President of i LANPHERE ENTERPRISES OF WASHINGTON, INC. to be the fret and voluntary act of • t� such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned In the instrument. ,I044 • Dalai ''�� Z. ire, tOt =fx Notary Public in ..• for the S� x of Washington,resiling at .,__..: - Q s <OBLAG 1,'?,�' ,• My Appointment Expires /�-..2.o�j . . 4• i tc"'ti.�20 �• • OF WASE . • -+ ' . - ,, I .1 . , iii . F:4)Msiwn.Wem4a2.os 07116/52 - I i • • am i • • EXHIBIT qA* TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT Legs!Description of Renton Honda Property • • LOTS 1,2,3,AND 4 INCLUSIVE OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 100.80 •r RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8X►4019001, SMI)SHORT PLAT LYING WITHIN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN,IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON. • C • wO J r tCr)` `'' • . •• _s 5 •. • J f r • •� i • . • FADMSIWJLU0011E2$.WP 0711642 • • •• ...•. - . . �. .., ,_ ,,;;,.,... . s'ce'����i.i;.zr.+11!:4 t?�••^.�Y7 '�:':•..1.'. • • • EXHIBIT"l3" TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT Legul Description of Payless Site That portion of Government Lot 1 lying north of Northern Pacific Railway Company right of Hay in Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.N., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the north 300 feet thereof; and • EXCEPT portion in 92nd Avenue South and Primary State Highway Number 5; and EXCEPT portion described as follows; Beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.H., in Ring County, Washington/ thence westerly along the north line of said Section 19 a distance of 970 feet/ thence southerly and parallel to the went line of Government Lot 1 a distance of 300 feet to the true point of d beginning; C`t thence continuing southerly and parallel to the west line o! C7) Government Lot 1, 790 feet, more or leas, to a point on the north margin of the Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way; thence westerly along the Northern Pacific Railway Company . northerly right of way line to the west line of Government • • Lot 1; .1 thence northerly along west line of Government Lot 1 to a point that lies 300 feet south of the north line of said Section 19; thence easterly to the true point of beginning. AND The south 270 feet of the north 300 feet of the east • 970 • feet of5 Government Lot 1, Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 E46t, W.H., in Rng County, Washington; • EXCEPT the east 170 feet thereof; and EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within Southwest 7th Street. • •1 • . . -- H;—, 0 moi . • • err TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT Levi Description of Facility Properly . • • THAT ►OtTLOR Of COULtkKCNT LOT I IO 51CTI011 19, TOVBGKIY 70 Io1.T11, W.HGL S VAFHINCTON DCICLICW A7 TOLLOYSi ]:IIT, IC1rrG tDllNTY. � carat THEN fIC itt AT T112 40LTHCAf2 COMMMor TkC FORTH�TCST 0.13.72R Dr YCCTIfN 19; ' • THLNAI NORTH 1{'li'AO"YTC2 ALC•ND SMI K017N LSU' VT 6AID ALCIIUH 14 A UIITANLL OY NO.OZ TLETI TNLNCI LUUfK 1'13'17" YLST 7AIALLTL TO Tux IIrtT LIKL or LOVLINHLNT LOT 1 A DistAHC[ or IDV.UO YLC7 TA TUC SDUTN UINL 07 !ISG kulrk • 1` 700.00 TILT Ot SAID cOvrrro CPT LCT I ARP TEE Thu routs nT ■tzlitHINLi THLNGL IDDM APS,'40" 11,'T ALONG 1AwD Cau:H LS1;L 214.71 ri[TI sun= awn 1'13'17^ • t O IKn 7AIALLIL TC TAU NIST 1.14 Of SOVI1L'Rt1NT LOT 1 A 61E7Axcr or 710.44 SLIT TO TKC K01THL'LT MARGIN Ot TUC NOATNIRN TACI?IC 1411AIAT COcYAXY ITGRT-Ot+YATl 'Pam Entre sikrxrarsty • NICAIA se 7H71,12.17.YL'STATRCr111K TI TAM Nita arIlLCINFIRC257.16 F TJ1tNCL NOLI'll C1'13117" ZA5T 7AXA1.1LL TO Tilt Yf3T LING OT GOVt111NLUT LVT I A rIsTAKCE Or N 801.33 PUT'0 Tat TSUI 1OIIT DY DLIGINNING. 17Ci 1u09T 7A2. YTADS CLL COING 192.'16 &QUAr1:17Or 4.121E ACLLS. • — • 5 ' 5 1. • ». a • . ` I . l F.Anm.b1W)Llool167S.WP 1)/16/92 • f.r7YG>j 5.`: 5'48 1' �_.',7".•A1rt.' 4 i i • A. EXHIBIT 'D" ..t.i;1 j1 TO &ISEHENT AGR•ZE1 EWr 1 '� e ,� ~• g..rte• - '''.3. w l 1-'*. .4..1 I \11. *.>. . 1 L C i • I. , fie arae_ .. , :. r wit, • Y, a ,• , t .. 1111iMt;-.fa�l�Ifi 1 f 1 Niiii . . 4N \...,N slara . ; r. —t illi4. r glib,t 17–J • • .71`f ..."•7, •4.......r.e1` •; '-4 1J( /7- 7 = Location of Maple Street Extension Easement Through Renton Honda Property. T-77 = proposed Location of Maple Street Extension Easement Through the Facility Property and the Payless Site. . _ ®.-. 0 I Schedule B Section _ 1 Exception .T ✓ '76 i AGREEMENT RE HAZARDOUS WASTE f AM) REMOVAL OF TANKS 'This is an Agreement made as of July//7 2.between EUGENE HORBACH and JOYCE If072DAClf, husband and wife (hereinafter collectivety somcdmea referred to es 'Horbach")and DONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSIIIP,a Washington general partnership and BARBARA JOAN (HOLT) BONNELL (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Donnell"). Horbach and Bonnet!agree as follows; 1 A. Horbach leases certain real property from B.onnell which is located in Renton, --, King County, Washington(the"Payless Property")pursuant to the terms of that certain lease ) described In Exhibit 1 ("Payless Lease"). i s -• B. In turn,Horbach leases part of the Payless Property("USA Petroleum Property") to USA Petroleum Corporation pursuant to the lams of that certain lease described in Exhibit 2 (� N ("USA Petroleum Lease'). The USA Petroleum Lease will terminate as of July 31, 1992 A 0 pursuant to the notice of termination letter which is Exhibit 3 hereto. .t N "Tanks")and ft is C. USA Petroleum has utilized on the USA Petroleum Property certain fuel tanks(the 1 alleged that USA Petroleum has permitted or caused certain gasoline and 1. :, c, hazardous substances (collectively, 'Hazardous Substances") to be spilled upon the USA N Petroleum Property and other parts of the Payless Property. Hazardous substances and lit Sto applicable laws,shall, for purposes of this Agreement mean and include any substance or material defined or designated as a hazard or toxic waste;hazardous or toxic material;hazard, toxic or radioactive substance, or other similar term by any applicable environmental law, including regulation, Federal, State or municipality, presently in effect or that may be .i promulgated in the future through date of complete performance of this Agreement,and any J term used herein shalt have the meaning ascribed is,such term in said laws,rules,regulations, _, ordinance or decision. z D. USA Petroleum has, to date, not accepted responsibility for the removal of the • • Tanks from the USA Petroleum Property ant the disposal of such Tanks in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However, USA Petroleum has provided a letter to Donnell i 5 which Is Exhibit 4 hereto("Bonnell Letter")and a letter to Horbach which is Exhibit S hereto ("Horbach Letter'). The Horbach Letter and Ile Donnell Letter purport to be USA Petroleum's . : :. acceptance of the obligation to clean up the Hazardous Substances in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. r E. Horbach and Bonndl are entering into this Agreement to set down their agreement with respect to the Tanks and the Hazardous Substances, ) 1. Liability of USA Petroleum. Horbach and Donnell agree that as between Horbach and USA Petroleum, the obligation to remove the Tanks from the USA Petroleum Property and to remove the Hazardous Substances front the Payless Property is the obligation F:1IaatSlEElsoa1122t.sa 07l17N2 14 ICI 72121/lieu)arra pd a07elin 62e2Q18?6 . • ....,,... . . . \ .. :...:-...77;:.:7:—.-,—;...:-... g f•7 ..-. -G7 0 ill II .ti 1 . of USA Petroleum,however,this paragraph is not intended to modify the obligation of Horbach to Donnell under the terms of the Payless Lease, and nothing contained herein shall negate i Horbach'sobligation under the Payless Lease to timely comply with any and all Federal,State or local environmental laws, rules, regulations,ordinary permits or orders applicable to the Payless Property or the business conducted thereon. 12. Removal..of Tanks by Horbaeb. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, Horbach shall promptly take all steps necessary to cause the Tanis to be removed I from the USA Petroleum Property as soon as practicably possible after the date of this Agreement at his expense. When Horbach has completed the removal and removal is approved by City of Renton, Donnell shall pay Horbach Five Thousand Dollars(S5,000), as Donnell's I contribution to the removal. Horbach may sue USA Petroleum In an effort to cause USA Petroleum to remove the Tanks at its expense, or to obtain reimbursement of the cast of removing the Tanks, Horbach shall complete the removal of the tanks in strict accordance with 5 all npplicable laws, including, but not limited to, all environmental Jaws and regulations, us defined herein. NO 7. (ternnval_of Hazardous Substances. Prior to but not later than two years ,11 N prior to the termination of the Payless Lease, or at such time as any municipality, State or rl J Federal agency brings legal or administrative action to have the same removal. Horbach shall :j N cause the Hazardous substances to be removed from the Payless Property et his expense. However,promptly following the date of this Agreement,Horbach shall use best efforts to cause N USA Petroleum to begin removal of the Hazardous Substances and to prosecute the removal to _4- to completion with due diligence, If USA Petroleum has not commenced the removal of the 4 aHazardous Substances by December 31, 1992,promptly thereafter,Horbach shall commence suit to cause USA Petroletm to remove the Hazardous Substances and shall prosecute the lawsuit to completion with due diligence at his sole cost and expense, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Hazardous Substances shall be removed from the Payless >i Property in strict accordance with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, all ' applicable environmental laws and regulations,as defined herein. ii ' ; 't 4. Cooperauop and Assignment of Rights. To the extent reasonably required by Horbach, Donnell shall fully cooperate with Horbach(including assignment claims to Horbach ' andfor joining in any lawsuit by Horbach)to cause USA Petroleum to remove the Tanks and/or — remove the Hazardous Substances at no expense to Bonnell. Horixtch shall reimburse Bonnell any out-of-pocket expenses which Bonnell reasonably incur:in cooperating with Horbach. Prior to expending out-of-pocket funds,Donnell shall advise Horbach of such proposed expenditures and obtain Horbach's specific agreement to reimbursement or in the alternative, Donnell need not incur any out-of-pocket expense unless paid in advance therefore by Horbach. Horbach shall indemnify and save harmless Donnell from any liability including any cross-claim by USA if Bonnet!is named in any litigation brought by Hartzell. I 5. Oefadl. If Horbach defaults under this Agreement Bunnell shall provide • 1 written notice to Horbaeh and permit Horbach a period of thirty(30)days within which to cure the default for no commence to ore the default,if the default cannot be reasonably cured within a period of thirty days. A default by Horbach under this Agreement and failure to cute the t'ntutS\EEtlaot 1225.02 07117/22 -2- i . �►- R n • 2110 • . • • • 4147 • default within the permitted cure period shall be a default under the Payless Lease as if this Agreement were a term thereof. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to amend or limit Horbach's obligations under the Payless Lease, including but not limited to, Horbach's obligation under the Payless Lease to fully comply with applicable laws,Including environmental laws. 6. Default am! Costs and Exgegies. If either party to this Agreement • defaults,the other party shall be entitled in addition to remedies at law or in equity,to all casts and expenses(including actual legal fees artd courts costs,environmental,auditor's engineering lied consultant expenses, arbiters fees aad costs)which 11 incurs because of the default. The obligations of the parties shall be specifically enforceable. •; 7. Amendment. This Agreement shall not be amended except by a written instrument signed by the parties subsequent to the date of this Agreement. (HORBACH) (BONNELL) Smell Family Partnership, a Washington • 0 Corporation . ( By 1-9ye.-,.L owrfn/.! •/ O) gene Horbach Frank Bonnell,Managing Partner • • Ji0.4%A 7 iw�rt ,,.(rf4t4� 1fr.�Jai Joyce Horbach BARB JOAN( OLT)BONNELL. •z J { t � 1 - • 1 F1DMStEEaODJ 12e5.02 07/17792 -3- 6 • EXHIBIT i • INDCrFrt1RE OF LEASE • • TINS LNDENTUPE OF LEASE, made and executed in duellcatc an of the First day of May, lots, by end between PEOPLES NATIONAL RANK OF WASHINGTON, a Washinglcn corporation, as Executor of the Estate of Francis U. Barmen: end FRANK BERNARD SONNELL, .JR. and BARBARA JOAN HOLT, partite of the Bret part, hereinafter • tuned uLeaeor", and MLSSION SUPPLY CO„ a corporation, party I 1 of the aeoond pen, hereinafter called "Lessee", WIT NESSET Ht The lessor, for and In consideration of the yenta hereinafter • reserved and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned O _ to be kept and performed by the Ideate, docs by these presents lease • eNt and let unto the lessee, and the lessee docs hereby hire end fake . t from the lessor, that certain, parcel of real estate, together with 1 ' lJ improvements thereon and appurienancee thereto (Including any cane- menta for Ingress, egress, rights of way and trachhge rights Which 1 arc or stay be appurtenant thereto), all ,. .01eh Is situated In or •- near the City of Renton, and in the County of King, Slate of Waahing- ton (hereinafter called the "dote")and which le more porticolarly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and a is hereinafter seen t.uuis collectively called the "leased promisee". it In hero6y ..ottiaUy covenanted a. agreed that thin lease la made upon the furagoing and upon the foltoaing agreements, con- J n dIStne, Cc,anante and terms: t ARTICLE I. HEADINGS The various headings nue numbers herein, and the grouping t e of Br provisions of title leu/ Into separate Articles and parngrapha 1 , EXHI9R� TE !T `.. _ f t tet In • • are for the perpoen of convenience only and eball not be considered a part hereof. ARTICLE II, TERM OF LEASE! EXTENSION PERIODS The term or this lease shall commence on the First day of November, 1966, and shell contlnae during the following pertodat 1.. A primary term commencing on the First day of January, itr Si'_S' l 1007, and ocnttnuing for o period of twenty-Ilya (06)years. 7, Not more than tam nucceeelvc renewal terms of ten yeora ✓') each, at the option of the lemma, the firs:renewal term to commence. C CI with the expiration of the primary term. The lemma stall exercise nvch option by giving written notice thereof to the lessor, al least twelve (12) months before expiration of the primary term or the irame- C r/) [lintel", preceding renewal term, ex the cone may be, h ARTICLE ❑L RENTAL 1. The lessee agrees to pay and the lessor agreed to accept L an rent for the leaned premises the following amounts: (a) Rent for the land, exeluslvn of the building°and/or Improvements to be constructed thereon, shall be Thlrty'Seven Thousand Dollars ($ 7,000.00) par year, beginning November I, ,r 1666, and for the first tett years or the twenty-five year logon term beginning January I, 1667, and thereafter at the rental for the tang uxcluslve of the buildings, of Forty-Saved Thousand '•' Dollars (547,eon.00) per year for the loot fL'leea years of this primary term. Sale rental shall, however, be paid monthly in advance prior :•, the tenth: day of each month, in equal monthly payments. n . (b) Rental fur Mc improvements shall tie eight percent (67J per year of the total cost of such Improvements, Including but not • limited iv archhcct'a and engineering(eats, aurveye, tales lax, permits, contracts and construction costal a complete package ', ?f job except for tenants' signs and fixtures. Alt hereinafter pro- � Ckided, the lesser shall not be obligated to expend more than 7.043ct c -51,100,000 for the cost of said Improvements, nor in cny } (want mare than the amount of the mortgage to be obtained `,f/ ,rr%". by the leasee, end the Add Atonal rental for the tnlprovemeren •cfe}f/ slot therefore be In excess of 11 n of St,-100,000•- �'. '- 1(f (el Miring any renewal period of thin levee, pursuant to the 7• ' It/ previsions for two enccaea Sve renewal terms of ton years each, 4(\ the monthly rental shall be negotiated by mutual agreement, or r LYarrm Olamowo a SYLVCOTER c- ors • - 1 • • • Laths.toot that the parties cannot mutually agree on the monthly rental, said monthly rental shall be determined by arbitration, each party selecting en arbitrator, who+ oheh be a rcnorntacd reallor, nod tho two recognized realtors no selected shall select a third arbitrator, and the three arbltratore, or a majority thereof, ehali then fix the rental for the enautng Jenne term; provided, how- ever, that each rental obeli to no event be lose than the ex- isting rental being paid by the lessee; In the event the parties cannot aeree upon a third arbitrator, the arbitration procedure shell be conducted in accordance with the arbitra- tion laws el the elate of Washington. I. All rental poymenta ander thin lease shall be madeessi Ln lawful money e(the United Statue and shall be paid one-half rraak Bernard Bunnell, Jr. in Seattle, Washington, and the other Cone-halt of each rental peymente to Durban Joan Holt in Scattic, Washington, or at Pooh other address as the lessor shall designate by written notice delivered to lessee. Any due and unpaid Installments of each real chnll hear interest at the rate of 101'e per annum. ARTICLE IV, ADDITIONS, CHANGE'S AND ALTERATIONS• Al any time and from time to time the lessee, at len Bole expense, may make additions to and structural changes and alterations in and upon • any or all of the improvements ,enw or hematite:Located on the tooled land, and may make oddlllonaL improvements on the leased land, provided • i • that: • (0) Such additions, changes, elteratione or Improvements shall not ntalet'leliy impair the strength or rabic of the improvements at the time located on the-leased tand•and shall ha In conformity - . with all applicabte rows, building ordinances and regulations; and • • (b) Whenever the contemplated coal of such additions, changes, demolition, attentions or improvemonte exoeedo SlO,1100.OD, the • leans shell first obtain the written consent of the leaver, which - . concern shall Oct be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE V, • , RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGED, DESTROYED Chi REMOVED • I ( IMPROVEi1ENTS; REPAIR Ala) htADNTENANCE {1 I. The leases, at Lie Bolo expense, will repair, replace or _1 rcconetruct any building or other improvement.Iocoted on the leaned o•ccrre.01004000 a.TlVC)TC0 • ._.—. T- •:.{fir r- ..� • 1 • • • land which le(a) damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty; (h) dcmoliebed or removed by the leeoec at permitted by(he pro- vision, of this leave; or (c) required to be removed or reconstructed by any ievernenental or military authority. Such repair, replaccmtant or reoanetrucuon shall be accampliahed within such time as may be rearotmbte under the clreumatoncee after el/owing(or delays !mulled by strikes, lockouts, ante of God, fire, aaaval.lebiity of material' or labor, or any other cause or casualty boyo¢d the reasonable control of lemma, The doelgn and specification of each repair, replacement or roconelruction shall be as determined by the leesee, subject to the renewable approval of the leaser, and such work !hall reotoro the entire O leased promisee to not toe, than their marital value immediately prior to the damage, destruction, demolition or removal, Cl N2, The leasee, at lie Joie espanee, will keep sad maintain the leased premises and the eldewalhs and paseageweye (to the extent `'• the name ore subject to leseoeie control) on, adjacent and appurtenant j thereto, In good repair and In Rafe and eonttery condtflaa,_ord(nary wear ted tear and depreciation accepted; and will at Ile iota expense make all necoseary repair,, replacements and renewals, Tho lmece r { will comply with ,eery solid law, regulation, ardor end raqutrao,ent or any governmental nuthorlty relating to the loaacd prorate's, and will 1.4 hold and save the lessor free end harmless of ail eepeneee, claims • or liabilities le commotion therewith. The losoor shell not be required : to repair or maintain the lensed premise] In ocy Hey, ARTICLE VI, USE OF SALVAGED 611,7E111AL MEW IMPROV);MENTS j The lessee may convert to Its own use all old materials removed : � or salvaged by It In making altaradot;s, ,Kedges, Improvements or addle done to the ]eased premises, or in demoliohleg or removing any improve- moats at the ttmc located thereon. All such alteration,, changes, encore,,..MONO a G,00m7Ce uw.r.,.rwt t is 1 • • improvements and addition and any replacements thereof shall belong to the leosar cad shall become pert of the lensed premises. • ARTICLE VIL USE OF PREMISES 1. The Icaecd promisee shall ba used for n department start, o discount heSee or a mercantile establishment, including retell or wholesale andlor warehousing of lltmecchandie, or any similar or related busineee operation, and the leasee shell not suffer nor portio any person to one the same or arty port thereof for any purpose or use In violation of the lawn of due United States or of tha state or of the ordinances of any political subdivision of die slate, nor for say Immoral or unlawful purpose whatsoever. In the event that the charoctcr end toe of surrounding property in the arca and the property covered by this levee becomes so clanged by condition', that II is not economically (oaatblo•for the lessee to continue lbs use of the promisee for the purpose for which it started out the uen of ' the same, then the lessee may request a change in the use of said premisus and the lessor agrees not to unreasonably withhold hie con- omit to coy change in the use of cold premleeo. • ARTICLE VIII. 'v CONSTRUCTION I.IENS t I, The Iecsee n•[ll keep the leased premises free and clear of mechanicet, laborers' rir ntaterialmen'e ]tone, and othor liens of a stellar nature, Which may al au 1n connection with nay work performed on said pramleee by or at the direction or sufferance of the lessee; provided, however,that the lessee shell ',eve the right to contest the validity or the amount of any such lion or claimed lion, IC the lenses shad give to the lessor such reasonable security as may be demanded by the lessor to Insure Payment of such lien and prevent any axla, foreclosure or torr (ellurc of the premises by reason of such nonpayment. On final doter- 11 mtnation of the lien or clntrned lien, the Irssee shall immediately pay- LrCrrrr.DIAMOND 0 OYLVCawTs vvvv weuuno1+a • �.," • ae-5 n.w '%r e 11111 • any Judrmest rendered, with all proper coots and charges, and shall have the lien re leered or.judgment satisfied at the lessee's own expanse. Should any such lien be placed at said premises and the same ripen into a Judg- went which has become final, the lessor at its option may pay any such final Judgment and clear said premiers therefrom, and any monies eo paid out by(helessor on account of any such judgment shall be repaid by the lettuce to the lessor at the next ensuing rent day and shall draw Interest at the rate of lab per annum from time of payment by the lessor until repaid by the lessee, 2, in the event any lien in filed against the leaned premises ar any action in commenced affecting the title thereto, lbs looses shall give to the () lessor prompt written notice thereof. ARTICLE IA. TAX 5, ASSESSMENTS AND UTILITY CHARGES a 1. The lessee will pay, in addition to all other sums required to be paid by it under the provisions of dile lease, all texas, assessments sad le, whether general or special, ordinary or extraordinary, of every nature or e . whatsoever, including water, gas and electric rates, which may be taxed, charged, assessed, levied or Imposed at any lime or from time to lime due: 1867 the term of thin lease (including taxes for the tax year/ln which such term begins) by the stole or any political subd(vielon thereof upon or against (a) ,r 5 this lease: (b)the leased premises or the occupancy, uta or possession then { or (c) any estate, right, tido or interest of lessor and el lessee or of eithe. of them In orto tiro :•cased premises. It is agreed, however, that (!) taxes , ee• assessed durina the term of thin lease but payable in whole or in install:noni after the termination thereof shall be prorated, and lesoee :shall be required o to pay only the prorated share for the lenpe • length or time which shell have eJa e• •• • at the time of such termination; and (t!) the lessee shall not be obligated to iw) any Installment of any special assessment which may be levied, assessed or confirmed during the term of this lease, but which dose not fall due and not to bo paid until after tie termination, 2, Nothing herein contained shall ba construed to require the trccrrt.DIAMOND a artersern run1a WIN gm • s 1 r • :n leeeee to pay any transfer, estate. lnhedtnreee,aucccealon, or gift lox or taxes Imposed In respect of any device or gat of any interest of the - looser or Its oeccessore or Heel a In the leased � promises, nor cry Income tax imposed in respect of the lessor's Income from such premium, eXtept an stated in paragraph 3dthis Article. 3, 11 an income tae shall be levied, asneased or imposed by the stain or ony political eubdivlaton tbersol upon the Income arising from the rents payable hereunder, In lieu of or as a substitute (or a i property tax upon the leased pr-amisee, the leeeee and net the lessor (hall pay the name; but in no event shalt the lessee be obligated to pay for any year any greater amount by way of oath subelltuted income ` lax than would have been payable by the lessor by way of ouch eubeUtuted income tax had the rental upon which such tax wan imposed bean the solo N 0 tWmLle iacome of the loaner for the year in quashes, , t. Except as permitted by paragraph 6 of thin Article, the EN texas, aseesemente end other Impositions above provided to be paid by J CD a nj the leaser stall be paid.belore any delinquency can occur therein or 'aIII in any part or Inetallmcat thereof, in the name of the owner of the fan, t nod coral:celots of payment shall be delivered promptly to the lessor. 5 5. The lessee shat(have the right to coateet the legality or .7 L • J validity of any of the taxon, aeacesmento or other Imposition(' herein a • • provided to be paid by lt, but no such contest shall he carried on or I w maintained by it after the time limited for the payment of any such J, • taxes, oseeaemanta ur other Impositions unless the Insane, at Its option, 0 (a.) shall pay the amount involved under protest; or (b) tibial procure 7 ~ and maintain a stay of alt procecdingn to enforce any collodion of i . ouch mace, aeaesemcnta or other impositions, together with all Q penalties) interent, coati)and expenses, by a depoalt of a sufficient euro of money or by such undertaking as may be required or permitted YM by law to accomplish such stay; or(c) shall deposit with the lessor, LYCQTE.DIauono a aYLvenTrA • •1an.1. „a 14,'" e'. i. • . ae security for the perlormanae by the'settee of ate obllgetieea • l hereunder with respect to ouch taxes, aseoeementa or other lmpoalUona, such reasonable accu:ity na racy be demanded by the lceaor to ensure payment of sent contained taxes, aeaceernente or other lmpaeltiene and ell penalties, interest, costa and expanses which may accrue • during the period of the contest, In the event any such contest la made by the loesee, then within thirty daye after final determination • thereof, it shall fully pay and discharge the amount determined In or • by soy such aoatoet, together with all penalties, flees, intereet, costa or expeasee that may love accrued thereon or that may result from any each action by the lessee, whereupon the lessor shall return to C) N • the lessen all awounta, I(any, deposited by the lessee in accordance • Q • with the provielonn hereof. I � I. The land, buildings and improvements covered and affected C 1 by this leges shall always be ameseed for the purpose of taxation Cl In the mote of the owner of the fee, if permitted under the laws or • _t ragulatlega relating thereto.' should the lenses fail, within the time provided above, to pay any of the taxer. or aseenameots provided to be paid by the lessee, Secluding all penalties, (thee, interest, caste -• end expenaea, or should the leasee ottontpt any aura contest without • I complying with the condlUnns of paragraph 5 of this Article, the lesion may, but shall not be obligated to, pay, discharge, compromise or aa. adjust the payment of the obligation involved or any part thereof. In n . the event of any math or galea to enforce or collect the acme, the lessor may seek and effect any redemption therefrom as it may decor satfafac- } tory, and the leaeoo shall repay to the lessor the full emouet o paid • by the tensor, including any costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys, free incurred by the leaser, on or before the first day of the 'teal enaatng calendar month, together with Interest thereon at the rate ,ecerrr.suns a a ancones 11[41,1,31:11/0.1 y xaaar•r••+r'th .. . use 0 • • • nA • of 10%per eonom from the date of payment by the lessor. In any • such avant, the legality and validity of any ouch payment by the Ieeaor, and the regularity of all proceedings had in respect thereof.or toward the enforcement thereof shall be conc&elvely deemed to exist, for the purpose of this Article, As between the partite hereto, the liaise alone shall have the duty of attending to the making and filing of any etatomont or report which may be provided or required by law as a beefs of or in connection with the termination, equalization, reduction, payment or abatement of • each obligation which to to be borne or paid by the Meese in accordance with tale Article, except paragraph 3 thereof, The lessor shall not be or become ronponalbtc therefor, nor far the contents of any ouch statement or report. The lessor shall not be obligated to make, loin In or be a party to any protest or objection to any law, order, pr•o- t;11 ceoding or determination which might impose any obligation or liability j upon the lessor hereunder, or increase the same; but the lessee shall a• rave, and the icenor hereby II-rcvocably create to lt, the neceaeaty power and aetherity to act therein in the name of the lessor wherever the name le required by law, but without any coat, expellee or liability upon the lessor, f, The lessor will deliver to the leasee any and all tax notices • g ormeesemente which it may receive relating to the leaved premises, ARTICLE X, PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE 1. The lessee will Indemnify and aayo harmless the lessor and the leased prarnioaa from nod against any and all leen, damage, expense, 1 ltobtlitiee, demondo and causes of action, and arty expecte. incidental to the defense thereof by the leeaar, resulting from injury or death of peruone or damage to property occurring on lbs loaned promises or en the adjoining aldowatka!! atreala, allnyo or ways, or In any manner- Lyctuer,a;upso a arl.vrn LM ..«+,...,,000.0.,0,,. aracnmatl` +4 - rat • �. ales > .�- r''y t:kms: ; • 1,1 • • directly or Indirectly growleg out of or in connection With the use end occupancy or dieueo of the leaned premiere or any part theroef by the leoeee or any tenant holding under the leoeee; provided, howevar, that the Jerome obeli not no Indemnify and nave barnfeel the fraena from the coneogacacee of any tortloue or eegllgent net of the laloor or its agents or cmptoyeea, 0. The leance will heap Lou effect, at Its tittle.akpaneo, a Ballo-. factory cotoprebennive general liability polis-y covering the leased premieoe end providing coverage with maximum ilmite of liability. of not leen than 4300,000 for bodily Injury to one pereon, $000,000 for • bodily injury to any group of pereune as a roeutt of one ncaldent,.and S50,000 for property damage, Such policy shall nano the lessor es an additional asenred, and a copy of each policy of insurance or a certtfl- cote thereof eholl be delivered to the lessor. ARTICLE xI, 0.2 FIRE INSURANCE Q) -. 1, The leasee, at its sole expense, will kcep the building° and Improvements nor' or hereafter located on the loaned premises -5 / insured ngainul lone by fire(with extended coveroge) with an innocence company aceeptabla to the lessor in an amount equal to not luau than BOO of the full insurable roplacemant value thereof, extinctive of eaten- ' vaitone and foundations, and agalnet lone by boiler explosion In an • epproprlstc amount. duck leYLLrance shell be so Jocund as to cover a the ecverei Interests of the loaner and the feenee, and shall provide that it. case of load or damage the_orroo.nede tbcroof shall be,payable to the lasour, to be held by tat (except ppa herohwfter epeelllcdl ♦aa --.....- :1.,,- n ft .^� .. ,i:f[ ✓c•a,.(,f l.n v4 f•' t',r. occurity for th■perfarmanco by the leoeee of Ito obligation to repair,, rebuild or reconstruct, as provided herein. t 2, If alter any lone inattred against. pursuant to paragraph 1 of thin Article, the leoeee shell proetead with ropalr or rebuilding no Na ca:�. L, iu;M ;+;trun/ .t,tr„• 7 feta pµ•— .nr.nw .)/�•-•� a-n•xcnr_as-c�vcma - 10 - . a regeired hereby, the insurance proceeds collected by the lessor shall be paid by It to the teem 1n monttJy Installments es the repair or rebttldtng progresses; the Met such payment to be mode when such repair or rcbuildtng shall have been completed, free of liens. All casts of such repair or rebuilding in excess of the insurance proceeds shall be paid by the lessee. 9. AL1 of such repairs end rebuilding shall be done under the supervision of art architect or engineer designated by the laseae and eetlefaatery to the lessor. Yo lnatollment of said insurance proceede shall be paid to the lessee until Utero bee been filed with the lessor C7 a statement of the architect or engineer elating forth the extent of the repair or rebuilding actually made, and as to all payments after the (] first payment, that an amount equal to all insurance proceeds previaualy t:t) paid to the teepee by the lessor has been actually expended by the legate toward the cost of such repairs or rebuilding, .75 4. The policy or policies evidencing all insurance which the .1 (cease to required tc protide'and maintain in effect hereunder shot) _ be �u�.-.�s a ,iota,tw.l-"•1 be dollvsradao the Lasser from(t`Trne to lime oa issued,- except that certificates of insurance may be substituted for such policy cr pollclns. Should tiro locate fell to provide, maintain or pay for any of the incur- , 1 i 1t x • once horalobsforo ut•-.rided for, the (speer at its option may procure '• 1�: such insurance. Ar.;- auras paid out by the lessor for any each inscrance `t.< • she( be repaid by the lessee to the lessor on the first day of the rI calendar month next following payment thereof by the tensor, together .{1 1 • t with lnterent thereon et the rate of le%, per annum from the data of '4" t /a t+ payment by the tensor until repaid by the tosses, rfrt.'. i,oc 5.All tnaurnnceproceeds in the hands of the tae Ha"r S t•, ' r Zbaapar 61 the limo termination of termination of Ode least, oriel- the rights of the lessee hereunder, l and all insurance proceeds thereafter received by the lessor order any tyclrec.atutarsa a rIYtve{trn t.w.[.r•.•ava ru�oiwa . lb - • ,.l+2.=:•74YlGn x 11=r44 • • .. - e 1111 1 • 1 policy of fire Ineuroncc shell be the sole and exclusive property of the loecor. ARTICLE XI1, DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES Damage to or doetruetion of any portion or nil of the bulldinge, atructuree or fixtures upon the leaned premises by flee, the elements or any other cause, whether or not without fault on the part of the 'ensue, ahail not terminate title lease er entitle the issues to aurronder the lensed promisee or entitle the leeaee to ■ny abatement of or reducUA in runt payable by the benne, or otherwise affect the respective oblige- Ilona of the parties, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. rr the a) use of the leased premises for any purpose be prohibited by law et• ordinance or other governmental authority, or he prevented by teejene- (ton or other local interference by any private person, firm or corpora- Nlion, this Lease shall not ho thereby terminated nor shall the lessee be enilticd.by reason thereof to surrender the leased prerntaen or to any abatement or reduction In rent, nor shell the respective obligations of the portico hereto be affected. ARTICLE XDI. ASSIGNMENTS AND MORTGAGES s L. Tho lessee shall not have the right during the terra of this loose to aubiet ell or a portion of the leased prnmloec or to asap f — w this lease either In tehole or in part, without the written parminolon ...i of the lessor, except that the leasee may enter into conceaeloen i or sublcaee.agreementa for a portion of the premises In accordance. ' � with its usual operation of ha department store buelnese, and Ito such 1 subletting or assignment shall Sn any event raleaoe the laminae from } any of the obligations under the terms of thio lease, and the lessor shell at all :Imes have the right to look to the keine for the performer', of all of the eoveronts to ho performed on the part of the leeaee. LYGerre.W4/v?.4 nYLVee0CA ;" ���e serf u ='ii`- . • . . ... . ... • , .... e; .....: i......%�;r�._ :B tr.t la 1 Aeasor fviiLnot tmrcasonably withhold its•written tonere* a an assign- meet or sableiting•o(the premises. ARTICLX XIV. CONDEMNATION 1. In the event the leased premises, or any part thereof or interest therein Is taken or condemned for a public or quasi-public t use(herelenfter sometimes referred le as a "condemnation"), then the entire tondaennation allowance or award, whether allowed or awarded to the lessor or the ]os ace, including toy interest received therein (sometimes herein referred to ae the "condemnation proceeds") shell be applied first in aatlataction and discharge of all attorneys fens, coats nod expanses involved to the condemnation proceedings, and second in satisfaction and discharge of all assessments, if any, both principal and interest, levied on tile leased premises or any part thereof(or benefila resulting (ram the Improvements for wtdch or le connection with which J the condemnation Iran affected, anti the remaining balance shall be held in a trust bard(account in the name of the lessor and the lessee until a the parties hereto agree span a proper division of the condemnation pro- _t •! ' cootie, or in the event lite parties are unable to ogroc, then the division of the proceeds between the parties shill be settled and determined by a court or tow, - t :3 it to further provided that In the event the condemnation is ouch that a substantial iturtion of the improvcreente end(or the perking area is condemned so that the looses le economize/1y unable to continue with Its Gantnesa in this location, then and in such event this lease may be cancelled by the tesnec giving lessor notice within thirty Boys of the taking 1' of Iia intention to so cancel and terminate the lease. Leaflet shall not, } however, hare the right to cancel and terminate unless the taking le sub- atantiel and dots in fact prevent the lessee from economically operating Its business in the premises cowl property remaining after the taking. LTCrrTG n14MUNp a sviscaIEM .��•/ ♦aw,l�,• d )7 .1. rv-Ya7sseive-sws� tal -- - 13 • a • • • ARTICLE XV. DEFAULTS I. If one or mere cc the following eveate (herein called "defaults") chyli happen and ho continuing, enmely: (a) The lessee fails to make punctual payment of uny rent herein agreed to be paid, and ouch failure continues (or a period of ton days alter notice thereof by the lessor to the leasee; • (b) The 'cease makes or aselgnment for the benefit of creditors; (c) The tees,, files a petition In bankruptcy or n petition or • • enewer soaking reorganisation ander the Federal Bankruptcy Law or any other applicable etalote; (d1 An ottechment or execution fa levied upon the lessee's property In or kltereet under thin tenon which in not eallefied or released or stayed within thirty days thereafter; (1) (j (c) An ardor to entered odJudicating the lessee o bankrupt or approving an involuntary petition snaking a roorganiration of (� the lessee under the Federal Bankruptcy Low or any other Q applicable statute or appointing a receiver or trustee for all (Q or any substantial part of the property of the property of the lessee, nod such order is not vaeeted or stayed within sixty 0 days after the entry thereof; N ;y Cr) (11 The leasee falls to perform or obaetve any other covenant, agreement or condition to be performed or kept by the lessee under the terms and provialooa of this lease, and mach failure •' . contlnuce for thirty days after receipt of written notice thereof by the lessee front the leaser; then and in such event the lessor shall have the right, at its option, than or at any time thereafter and while such default shall continue, to .• re—enter and take tumplete and peaceful possoaeion of the leased premises and declare thin lease forfeited and the term thereof ended, and with or withoat process or few remove all persons therefrom. The lessee In such event shall peacefully and quietly yield up and surrender the leased - ,t , premises to rho leaner and execute and deliver to the lessor such lnetrumee or Inatrumenta as null properly evidence termintttion of the lessee's rights and Interest under title leave, and as may be required by the looser. In the event of any such default end the forfeiture and termination of this leaae by the !rotor, the lessor atoll be entitled to recover Iron the lessee coerce 0141a0N0 a mvrares NOaa "NI�3!^.�.Tf. � • 5.. .. .. •• . �1�}.�.riS�. ..v:�•%-.{.•. v ., 'g rtl• • ./ 11111• • ar,amount equal, at the lime of ierreir.ation of this franc, to the then . value of the ewers. if any, of the aggrege.te of rent and charges equiva- lent to rent reserved in this lease far the balance of the primary term, over the then reasonable rental value of the leased premised for the — balance of the primary term. Such recovery shell completely discharge • the lessee of all.obligations hereunder, notwithstanding any other provisions of this knee, At the option of the tensor and in lieu-of forfeiting din lease as above provided, the lonuor may re-enter the demised promisee as afore/mkt and en the agent of the leaner remove therefrom any property of the fresco, and may sublet and relel said premises or any part thereof from time to time for any unexpired part of the primary terns, unit the 0 leeeor may collect the rents therefor, applying the acme first to the payment of expenses of Such re-entry nod retelling and then to lbe payment of the rent due or to become due under thin lecue, and the Intone hereby agrees to pay any deficiency therefor. No such re-entry shall release the leasee from its eovunante to pay rentals and other charges provided for herein, and It 1s agreed that,' escape insofar an this le inconefetent with or contrary to any provision of this lease, no right or remedy herein •a conferred upon or recurved to the lessor is Intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy, end each and every right and remedy '• shalt he cumutart+u :an: lin addition to nay other right or remedy given hereunder, or now r hereafter existing in law or he equity or by statute. •,. 2, in the event of termination of this tense end the rr',entry of the lessor no oforctald, the leaeec waiver any and all rights to redeem 2•1 the :cased premiere either given by any etatuto now in effect or hereafter } effected, but the leaner shall not be deemed to have terminated this Inane or the liability of the lessee to pay rent hereunder or tie liability for damages by any each entry or by arty action to unlawful detninar or otherwise, unfree the feasor shall have notified the tosser fa writing tears-e r.otAMOrta a neLveano, �- "WY“e•MOa{WmWn .11“ -15 - net • 0 • 11111 • • • that It hue elected to terminate this lease. ARTICLE XVI. OWNERSHIP AND POSSESSION WARRANTY If the losoco shall perform all of its covenants, agreements and at)igetloos hereunder, the lessor cevonante and agrees that the teesoo shall hove the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the leveed promisee throughout the term of this leen, so long as the lessee is not in default hereunder, without lot or hindrance on the part • of the lesser. The lessor does hereby warrant to defend the 0 GIssues in the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the leased premiaea against Inc lawful claim of all persons claiming by, through ar eau' the lessor. Q) ARTICLE XVII. .a HOLDING(VER BY LESSEE If the leasee halde over or remains In posseselon or occupancy of the leased promisee atter the expiration of the ••� primary term or cur renewal term or after any sooner ter- natation of the hr.., nnthout any written lease of said premises ; being actually matte and entered into by the lessor and the r y; tosses, such holding over or Continued possoiston or ocoupanty, '• - reel Is paid by the lessee and sedepted by the lessor ler or during any period of time it so,holds over or smelts in J peaveesion or occupancy, shall cresta only a tenancy from month to month at the loot monthly rental a.><d upon the terms • (ether than length of term) herein specified, which may at any LTC(TTt.0141,ON0 a anVESTEN /' VsMIRe.Neet SNL61M0 •. ua• .�..1 .__ — IS - • .c. _. .. .. ..i,_. ••• ^,i0.`riY:T?ga:t.�'i:l".ib`...,f... asisi a • • --< . • time be terminated by either lessor or lessee giving to the other thirty days, prior notice if ire intention to terminate the enure. ARTICLE tVIII. fa WAIVERS Atcept to the extent that the lessor may have atherwiae agreed In writing, no waiver by the lessor of any breech by the loeeee of any of Na obligations, agreements or cotenants herr under shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breech of the same or any other covenants, agreements or obligations, n nor shall arty-forbearance by the lessor to seek a remedy for any breech by the lessee be deemed a*solver by the lessor of Its rights or remedies with respect to such breach. ARTICLE XVIX. TERMINATION 1. At the termination of this lease for any reason, the -❑ loseor and the tenants and subtenants under the lassos, and any and all persona heifiltlq or claiming under the lessee, ehall our- • render possession,n tau loosed premises to the lessor, maintained • ns herein provided t..• (nrdlnary wear and tear and depreciations cxroptedi and free of any and all claims thereto by the leasee or coy party holding under the losses. ' 2. At the termination of this lease for any cause, the lessee and the tennis and subtenants under the lessee, and any and all parsons holding or claiming under the lessee, shall have the right to remove 'Ti - it - ,.veerre,11atl05W a at1.Veaven t•rnr.a..wt e„aews . MA4294ai e.. a • . 1111 • • • from Bald lased premieee all parental property; tools, mechlaer- and trade Natures and equipment Installed by the lemma or any of maid penman at Ito or their awn expanse, proceed. however, that !comma chill repair any damage to the leased premieeg caudad by the removal of much property. ARTICLE;x X. COVENANTS HUN WITH LANE) All eavaruuda, egreementa and engagements in thin lanae oaa- tafned shall be coamtrued as covenants runetng with Ma laid, and ' Cr/ all rights given to and obligation' imposed upon the reapedlve ' partici shall be conelruad as Snoring to tad binding upoe the auecas- sora In interest odd assigns of the partici hereto, respectively. ARTICLE XXl. • SHORT FORM OF LEASE Elmultonooualy herewith, the-Parties hereto hare axeoutod a • • chart form of lease for recording purposes, and the term,thereof Econstitute a part hereof as though recited at length herein, • AYiTICLE XXII, NOTICES Any aoUoe provided for herein may be given by certified or '* • rogiatcred faded Slates mall, poltago prepaid,oddr000ed to the lessor d as follows! +J ' • ti f'i end to the lames as follow,' Big"C"Storon, Inc. 1845 6. E. Third Avenue Portland, Oregon 1 or to such other addrasa as loeeeo andler lessor may trent time to time IYCCr?L 001.00 a 10-VW. 1.00.•..00 C COMM. IN •••••;•-/ • • ' •deeignatt in writing. - ARTICLE XXIII, COMMISSION Lessee agrees la hold the lessor harmleas from any end ell obligations for any rent estate commission or fee which may he claimed by Henry Broderick, Inc. or any of Un associates for +services or other• trine in connection with this lease or tho property coverall by thin leaec, ARTICLE XXIV. . IMPROVEMENTS Tho-improvements to the property shell ho designed, constructed tied supervised bythe lessee; provided, however, the leeeor, through fff the leeeor'e architect, shall approve all plana and epeeitleatioae used 0) in the original construction or the remodeling of soy-buildings or sub- 0 atantiol Improvemearo on the leaned premises. The original improve- menta es provided herein shall be at the coot of not to ex cecd Fl,'100,000 ,t ,V,�A")f}� to Ute le ear, cad In brief shall consist of a building of opprorimatcty rV 0 4Cca' 476(3 (/, lt. .1-10,-000"square tc I. including but not limited to architects end onginacri fees, surveys, soles lax, permits, contracts and construction mete, end es much of the beisece of the,property no In practicable will be asphalt paving, end properly lighted and completed for parking. The building structures and parking will he similar to the Burka Gov-Mart Starer department°tore and supermarket as reasonably possible. to 1ddltfon, - s' nee the les°ee Will blacl:l.,p and mnlntain the two-sLrty loot racenme from the properly to Seventh Avenue. ARTICLE XXV, �• • FINANCING OF IAIPROVCMENTS Lensce will proylda all of the interim financing neccasary to complete all of`I aforementioned improvements (or the lesser and } to :Ito extent of$t,-107,000•or no muchthereof an may be neceesory for the cost of said lmprovrenente, end it Is further understood and agreed that the lcecor will not be reeponsibic for more then the 11 tvccrrc.ot.uolie s mvrsrrA i•f tt t.. ..aa•.vta,.a %t� • ,•-eft,•-•e�ea:-9srxy,ce.1t.t,�❑ is - :,-yNr.i:r-mr•• .,Its . • at5 0 • amount of a first mortgage that 'can be obtained on the premiaee and any euma.requlrea over and above the,arllotlen of sold fleet mortgage or$1;100;000 will be the reopened iltiy of and to rnlehed by the leeooe. 11 ie endereteod that the 'minor'hall not be required • to expend more then the sum of money that con be borrowed 00 0 first mortgage+ to accordance with the (acme hereinafter eal forth, .,, ii.•� U.•: and if more then 51,-100,000 con las borrowed en a,tient mortgego that•( • In r,ny event the leeaor shall net be roepenelble for more then st•,-100,900' of Bald construction, ARTICLE Prior to commencing construction, the /cosec shall obtain a • mortgage loan commitment to cover the coat of the buildings and!m- N provemente, i poaelble, lamas of 21 yeare and 2 months at 6'F, O will-be obtained. This will provide o constant payment of 8%on the mortgage loan. fn no event will the lessor bet liable for interest la excess of 6!� per annum ort declieing balances. any additional N fi7 inters' required entail be the obligation of the lessen. C such a loan covering the teat.. of the imprwcmentn cannot be obtained, the (canoe shall pay the additional coot for tenant improvements which will become a pert of the real property, If the above terms of • the mortgage cannot 110 obtained, the lancer will raise the cental • ,w payment' enough me that (Ito ground rental as provided for herein ;• shall bet free and clear to ownere and en that. the interest cost or i n •the mortgage will not be 1n execss el 65 per annum on declining balances to the :easier. If, in the opinion of the tcseee, the Lerma of the mortgage commitment render the project anoconomlenl, then thin lanae shall terminate; provided, however, that the lease° notifies 1 the temper that the project, in its, opinion, to onceonon:deal within thirty Boys from the date hereof; otheruisthe teepee.chilli he bound lreIttG DI�N°em a Ertr[q arra l♦ rltl.,,net Rl:dNa � • wale r,lS Cl of /•/ / 217- • r • .vas • by the terms and provision" of thin lance.Mortgage loan documents shall bo subject to Loaeera' approval. ARTICLE XXVI1. Ground rental shall seminanoa open the date el the opening of the store and la any event not later than November 1, 1966. Radial payments for the building and improvements Mali commence upon the date of the opening of the store or in any event not later rIT,t 1'if v' •r3 than January-1,1667, ARTICLE XXVIII. zONLNG Leaser eddlessoe will proceed promptly to obtain proper toping for the property. 11 proper toning cannot oe obtained by July 1, lees, then this contract shall be null and void and no Un- • Willy shall accrue from one to the other between the lessor and lessee. 0 ART!CL.E XX LK.. RENTAL PAYMENTS et Rentals will be paid In equal monthly lnatallmcale, la advance. m • In addition, lessee will pay all taxes, Insurance and maintain the buildings as prdridcd for heroin. 111 ether words, the rental of ,i P-• $37,000,00(147,000,00 atter ton yearn) plea 65 or the coat of improvement°as prcr.ded for herein, shall be net to the lessor (except for their on,, creooel income taxes and payments on the ' _•.j mortgage) during the .ntto•c term of the Inane. ru } THL9 AGREEMENT has been mad" in the State of Wnehlapton o , w end shall be governed with respect to Its iaterpretattcn and enforcer meet by the Iawo of the State of Washington, j to .a.idFiu� c•n,,.oCcx.:.w 4-(5171.-as" eawkaa Go 'Xe.�,.rJ �.,._ u u ..+•.t PRANK BERNARD DONNELL, JE, G ..!'` '�`,vVet �/,QQ .r 6 , BARBARA JOAN R 1.T �•. . , .L:Vn.v 'p•:i.ti'ira GS#-A' .t.orf 'j t�V tctV�i&uoJfi6'a 1,6,rescin • �.w.w•„„r rwa,w A�aK7ee�feL76pP3Yp 1 • "fie • • • • l • • =rt • PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON Eeacal r of the Eeto:a of Frances If.Bentsen. harks literal Out sithtl alae moltsDeemed ga lna cssert le V wait maul attarr1.. ask.ane imam as trarsy lrorawat r BY i l d loalthal et teoent aNulpperc- Magas sen yetorur LESSOR MISSION SUPPLY CO. I • " By LESSEE an STATE OF 0"4-1-^•"' 0 COUNTY OF MMIf......•1,— J Oa this OA-dayof 'fit"`•-'— 1966, before me personally •s appeared (r 'rTr,1•r�c/lly, and to mu known to be tide r-a+..Qa.N^ and ,r 3 respectively. of MISSION SUPPLY CO., n Washington corporation,. and ockaowiedged to me that they csecuted the same for and on behalf of ,{ said corporation, halite authorized so to do; and on oath stated that • the goal affixed Is the corporate Boal of said carp:rattan. LY W1TN1'S.4 xiiEllEoF, I Mrs hereunto set my hand and official seal Use day usi year In tit cert!( t above written. • • Notary P lic In and for the State of residing 44,4 NOM ►UftlC►1N(OfgUN biy CWcehtion Eepka Apt%29,1110 • LTCCTTC et.MOND m avuesstra ,G 't �.... .•-oe.w..w..o • at use. r/• c . • 22 - -:e'rusmlrc7GSrKa-,w . y .. _.=«ice%a.g214 :•r'." r•W:.`• r: t,,,y • o - • I w • i ETATE OF WASHINGTON 1 I ) on. , COUNTY OF It I N G ) I . .1 On thin//gttiy a! 4tsttr , LOGS, before mo personally eppearad FRANK BERNARD HONNELL, JR., to tee known lobe the , 1 person described In and who executed the within and foregoing lastru- moat, and acknowledged to me that he signed the same es hi.free 1 I i and volanlary net and deed, for the uses and purposes therein men- Maned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hate.hereunto set my band and official seal the day and year in this certificate above written, 09 al.: A•/41...... Notary Public tnrnnd for the State of ' Washington, rocking at Seattle j 0, . (V • 3 0 STATE OF 1-ti/r•7,if MFrr4i ) 0 Iso, 1 ,COUNTY OF H/.VC- i —t' Y' t/, �/ • F/1�4w(2FitivvfD Ort Ihls/� clay of -af t t ca-w 1DG6,yotore me personally N 2,64,,,,,u,„,4 eppea - RASA JOAN BOLT, to me known to be the parson des- • .4TZ)RAI crib !n and who executed the within and foregoing tentrument, and 2 N Fit GTI now ed to me Unit she signed the same as her WA and voluntary .., all and deed, for the sees and purposes therein mentioned. :s Roc . IN WITNESS WIiEREQF, I have hereuntosi my hand and - official seal the day and year in ehfp certificate above written, v' [.c•tcc7ee:ez-0� .. Notary Public In and tor the State of Washington, residing at Statile a _.i . STATE .OP' WASd11stjroN ) . I an, 1 COUNTY OF Kliti I es • On this ,� _f__•.:,.i.y of .1 ,.. 1808 before me personally •, : ,, appeared los .-., • , ..• and '•x.1- T,•4' .. , nue e known ti5�Yep dile .13SU41'° MCrp J nd Ytcs.Mani FirP1do!Mr were respectively, of PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, a Washington corporation, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said corporation, being authorized to to dot and en oath stated that the seal affixed is the corporate seat of said i corporation. I IN W1rNcss WIIEBEOF,I have herounlo net my hand and official seal the day end year In tide certificate above welnen• - Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, i.wcotTr•a oo a' yVVOTtO residing at Scuttle 1. watt.a NO. an.*cov).•tete vao1.4 - . . . _ .. " 23 /7 I 0 1 • • • • =MIT"A" TO LEASE.•0124/ELL—N1SS10U SUPPLY CO. This legal description of the property,chick the loeeor hoe booed to the inset undor thio lease, cenelcta of approAleerely 14, aeras, and la Leecribed as follows! Portion of Covernnent Lot 1, lying north of Northern 1 Pacific IWilvcy Co. right of slay In Scotian 19, Toon., ehlp 23 North. Range S LSM; EXCEPT the north 300 foot; EICLPT rho vont 3t0 (etc; LLC5'1 portion in 91nd Avenve Sourth and P.1.11. 110.S; situated in the City of Amon, County of King. State of Uaohingcon. •7;•y Area.,..a It 21 OS The lasses, In Addition to the use of•the above drocrlbed property no our forth In Om lees*01 vhicI thin ie a port, eholl have an eaotmont (or the torn of thin lanae and any ectaneion 2 /�r�., rharenb, to no for latteta Awl eaten., over yf The 40 feet whose wort Ilse is 311 foot from the vent O lion of too property and oho coat tU foet cod tits vest 40 feet of the fcliwing described property: 0 That povth 270 (not of tine north)00 foot of the oast 9 •• 04 font of Oovcrn.cnr let 1, Section 19, To.nahip 23 north r' Innen 3 fotI, IvInA h5 Lln7,County, Uanhlnfton; EXCEPT the cant 110 feet thereof. r'. The lessee shall hove ike right and duty to blacktop,pave, or erect a Lard •urfacc over the property covered by the cueneot, •t and shall or all time dwring the tern 01 thin lcaac and any extort. thereof, at lessee's expcaso, keep op and oaintoln cold three 40 fo A ottlpa of property, and the jounce And its agents cod customers ph. have Lim right to ane sold Coocacots Loc intents and cameo, and at • ♦, all tines during the tarn of this luso And any extension thereof, the 7tt{{ laaoor, Sts stents, trnm,ta, custoocro and iaviteen aha11 bane the • right of inert. and°green over said proportion covered by this J ' E i ea.eoent, including the right to nointalo a rnilroad spur Garotte the • �.,.; veer 00 feat thereof. •Nothing herein le Intended to give the Lenart or city of its } lnviteea any proprietary 1neerort or ownership in the throe 40 foot ttrlpo of land, and the lessee or lee lnvltcea .hall only have the right 1 122/1 • • • El • • r ' • • to to Artois thus add 40 foot strips for aster to the hoard property ductibed borax' and at the t.reho tfan a! thto Jonas at any eatessian thereat,the ssaateat harehy created in and to paid throe 40 foot stripe of property shat!cera Aad laralneta. to the swot as leaf In trims to keep up and ostotaio t e sotfsesa •. of the Ursa 40 loot stripe of hand, than after the borer hos gotta oxtu CO irate, to terrace any repairs or satotnaoca to said Outfits. • sad shad hen failed to do so within thirty days after oritth,satire to ! lb.isle .s ,by the latera the lesser ail have the right t.carnta,to• (� paid saesoents. 0 0 • •.1 j L. • a J 7 - 7 ' y a • • 1 slaiaCtii9A a0.• 10.4401 0 • • GUARANTY WHEREAS, RIG"C"STORES, INC„ an Oregon corporation, La the principal stockholder of BAZAR OF' WASHINGTON, INC„ a Washington corporation, and • WHEREAS, BAZAR OF WASHINGTON, INC, hoe purchased all cf tho capital stock of MISSION SUPPLY CO., a Washiagtoa corporation, and WHEREAS, MISSION SUPPLY CO, catered Into o knee with PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, s Washington cor- poration. as Executor of the Estate of Frances B. Bunnell; and l� FRANK BERNARD LIONNELL, JR, and BARBARA JOAN HOLT, O dated the First day of hlay, 19f16, for a period of twenty-five years With two su[ccaalvc renewal option terms of Lea yearn each, comnlcnciog on the First day or January, 1507, and Qi WHEREAS, BIG "C" STORES, INC. and BAZAR OF WASHINGTON, J I INC, have a substantial Interest In sant lease with MIISION SUPPLY 3Icar,. i Now Therefore, for and in con nelderaHoof the execution of the it i ,r Inane by FEOC+LES NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, 0 Washington a I corporation, as E.tecutor of the Estate of Frances B. Donnell, and ) FRANK BERN.lt;it DONNELL, JR.nod BARBARA JOAN HOLT, as it Loeser, to SUPPLY CO., as Leasee, the undersigned mor- sa _t porutlone, DIG "C"STORES, INC., an Oregon corporation, and a • BAZAR OF LVASIIBIGTON, INC., a Washington corporation, hereby Jointly and severalty guarantee the payment of runt and the perform- k• once of all of the coveaanis and agreements by the lessee, MISSION /( SJPPLY CO., Its heirs, executors, adminte:ratora or omelets, can. tatned in said Icane, in the manner and farm provided in maid lease, a copy of which (case is attached hereto. LYOCTTC o4NO410 a LYLY CITES [,N.[a•-MOO[q,[Oma vn Tf'xTf^O)�RLTCS Y-1 SRI e . 11111 l r Sten ..I .'r• ... •, • t . 1 N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporations have executed this Guaranty this day of(May, 1866, • I i I BIG"Cu STORES, INC. '1By_ , • 4C• '( �,,...." President t ! BAZAR OF WASHINGTON, INC. By � ,, i.,tt •N. I ,.• ! President ./... to ' • SPATS OF OREGON ) 0 COUNTY ors- ark,. Ise , • d . On this . • day of May, 1066, before me personally appeared r 02 WILLIAM C. TRIPI.ETT, JR., to matneen to be the Preeldent or • O) Big"C"Storrs, lee„ the corporation that executed the witbin lad foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he signed the mime as his free and voluntary act and deed far and on behalf of said corporation, and on oath stated that he eras authorized to execute the same and that the corporate seal affixed is the seal 1 of said corporation, 3 _t -a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto set my land and ,t official ace]the day and year in his certificate above written. - N tary ubltc In and for the late or • a _ Oregon, residing at: fe,>z(�, • NOTARY PWLIC T ON - a lir&entities Repent/tail Pi,WO" STATE OF Ui.i eoN 1 , ) sa, e COUNTY OEft•th""'"� ) . m On this day offMay,�1866, before ma personally appeared • WILLIAM C. TRIPLEIT; JR., 10 me known to be the President of ' 4 Bazar of Washington. Inc., tha corporation that executed the within it and foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he signed the same as his free and veluetary act and deed for and on behalf of } sold corporation, and on oath sated that he was authorized to execute the some and that the corporate seal affixed is the seal of said corporation. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha a hereunto set my hand and 1 official veal the day and year in ,is . i ate khan written. Lren„Afam, ' ifeskt4 ad far the Stites of�egoa, `....r.,.aesa'liblRRY PUC$LtifediaklEGdfaLtyani,,/'*t upan•aoost pr6sat _ _2_a„I1J W11,611011fxpbes April 25,1970.. • O • - 1 • AHEM/BENT no. 1 To LEASE Thin a:aendmont ,:o. 1 to the Lenge ("this amendment" herein) made an of this llst day of October, 1967.between PEOPLES NATLOOAL HANK OS HASUINGTON os Executor of the Cntnte . of Francon B. Bunnell, PRANK BERNARD BONMELL, JR. and BARnARA JOAN HOLT ("Lessors" herein) and HZsSXO-A SUPPLY CO., a corpora- ' tion Messes"herein). 191 TWESS SETH, This amendment amends that certain ienae ("the lease" heroin) between Loeaore and Lessee executed an of Hey 1, 1966. In canaideration of the mutual bonofite accruing to both Lasoars and 1.02000 under the lease and heroin, the parties . agree as follower • 1. She description of the leased premises as net O forth in Exhibit \ attnchod to and rade a part of the Inane in hereby amended to rend an set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. rs- 2. Subparagraph CO) of paragraph 1 of Article III in hereby amended to rend no follows! • C\Z•. '(b) (.ental for the buildings and other - improvements shell be Eighty Five 'Fnowand Dollars ($85,000) per yeas.° • 7. Paragraph 2 of Article III to hereby amended to read an follows: ,r. "Tho rental payments under this lease shall be amen in lawful coney of the United states. Rental payment. :ex the land, as specified in paragraph 1(a) 3 tereof, r`.--:1 be paid by Lessee, one-half to Frank iornard 1.n.::11, Jr, and the other ono-half to Barbara . Donnell l:a__ r.e the addresses cot forth in Artieio lOCtr n Rental for •. .o building and improvements, an specified in paregra:;. 1(b) hereof, as emended. shall be paid by • Lesaec to Jef:ereon Standard Life Insurance Company ("Jefferson Standard. herein), Greensboro, North Carolina, • 27420, Attention' Mortgage Loan Service Division, and • applied towards noyment of the Note dated November 1, 1967, • F .q . • rzmilmoazzaPics.12=34 • - .. . . • '•.1.Tj!jay.'.i` �Ys:.A<IC's:.�'r-Z-.1�- h • • as •s • 11111 •:. ti • • • • issued by Leafier. to Jefferson Standard. Any duo Dud unpaid installments of ouch rental* 0a11 bear • interact at the rate of LUST per annum. 4. The third santonca of paragraph 1 of Articla XV is horaby amended to read an follows, 'In the avant of any such default cad rhe Ear- feituro and termination of this lease by the Lalsors, Jefferson Standard and the Lemma shall be untitled to layover from the Laseaa an amount equal, at the tine of termination of thio lone., to the aggregate of . rent and charges* equivalent to tont reserved in this . loamy for the balance of the primary term. In the event. of such forfeiture and termination, Lesenora 'hall, in any action to onforco their rights to recover any aeon 1 0) bornander, of tha option of Jsfferaon Standard also 04 enforce to rights of Jcfferaon Standard to recover 0 harounder. If Jeffarsen Standard does txar.lsa its • C4 said option, such oxorciae shall in no way be doos+od Q n waiver of Jofforson Standard'*rightn to a prepay- E4 wont foe under Lhe terms of its Mote with Lessor, V. which is to bo secured by an aecignnent of this Loasa." �. (/ S. Article XV is hereby further amaanded by adding a J) new subparagraph to paragraph 1 as follows: •'{g) Any default by Lassoo as defined in and j under the leen. dated taro 20, 1966, between Frank ' Bernard Donnell,Jr., Loaeor, and Mission Supply Company, Leaten.` 6. Article XXII is hereby amended by adding the follow- ing add tacos for the Laaaore: • • p 5 'Prank B, Bannoll, Jr. • • 212- 109 S. B. Bellevue, Washington 9a004" . ? "Barbara Bonnall Molt + • 61$ - 126 S. M. +• Bollavuo, Washington 99004" • A' I • taixemetemiabiaMeMsse 0 r ' • ... . • n • • • 7. Article;XVII is heroby +mended by changing the J date January 1, 1967, to Noveobor 1, 1967. • S. The third sentence of Article X).'IX ie horeby amended to road cc follows' 'In other words, the ground rental of $37,000 (047.000 after 10 years) plus 485,000 for building rental on provided heroin shall be net to the Lescoro (except for their nun personal income taxes and the payments on the Note issued to Jefferson Standard and secured by the Deed of gust on the leased premises) during the entire term of the looms." • P. lessors and Lassoo further agree that oo long is the Mote iaouod by Leaaore to Jofforaon Standard and secured by n Deed of Trust covering the loaned premises remise unpaid, cn or any other obligation owed Jefferson Standard by Lessors sodas 04 said Deed of Trust remains unfelfillod, Leaser0e obligation G • under paragraph 1 of Article V hereof to repair, rapLece or reeenatrucz any building+ or other improvemunte vn the leased O promicoc shall bo subjoet to the prior written approval of (1t Jefferson Standard and all innocence proceeds payable to either N Lessors or Legate purnuent to article XI hereof and any allow- O ancon or +wards p:rfable to Lessors or Leasee by cannon of n partial or total condonation of the leased premises pursuant cn to article XIV hereof shell be paid to end !applied by Jefferaea Standard in accordance with the proviaiona of Paragraph A. S of said Deed of Trust. (The Beek cx;ecutos this PEOPLES NATIO;pu.SAN!!or V1SHINOTOA, j document in its repreeen- As Eceutor of the Eatate of relive capacity only and Prencos•B. Boonell 1.! Licure no responsibility in ire individual corporate BY -c`' •�•tX:rCc capacity.) 7 A K..... � �...... ��• . t MANX ocas\ND DOWELL, JO. • . / • t-c,,771t A • BARBARA JO. HOLT • • LESCIZLS • • MISSION SUPPLY CO, • � L�a�+. ae�- Ir • s.eo•vc ML i -1 1E65E7. • • • • r • • . I • • • • • • • • STATE OP 1015HICOY.014 St. COUNTY OP FERO On this y day o•Docembor, 1967, before so personally appoarcd FRED N.WAGE , to mo known to be the UMW. annul of PEOPLES NATIDHAL SANK OP HA611INOTON, a Washington corporation, and acknowledged to me that be executed the foregoing instrument for end on bohalf•of said corporation, batng authorized to do to, and on oath stated that the seal affixod is the corporate seal of said corporation, • =MESS HY RAND and official seal the day and year in this • certificate above written. Notary ublic to and,for the,�State of Washington, reoidieg at, • SrasE OP WASIIINCTON 1 ca. COUNTY OP MSG • On the ''7 day of Dacoeber, 1667, boforo no poraonally appeared asturanzi DONNELL, JR., to ata known to ba tho person 0 daacribod in and who axenuted the within and forogoing inotrusmnt, N and acknowledged to mo that ho signed the sane as hie free and • •? voluntary sot and deed for the usoa and purposae therein mentioned, NITSFOS HY HARD and official anal tba day and year in thio carti.fiento aboVg written. • • ,r • Nat Pubic and for the ot,, .4. of acbington, adding at • J. • • -4- • • • • • • r 1 1 • • nu e - ' 1 • • STATS OF ifASHINOTON ) • ) as. COONTY Or am ) .• on ells de day of Daconbor, 1967, before me personally ts.oarad BaRnkik JOAN UOLT, to me known to be the parson described in and who exocuted the within and foregoing Snattauont, and • acknowledged to me that who signed the name as her frao and • vol(tdtary Oct and dead for the woo and perposas.therein mentioned. %MESS NY worn and official noel tea day and year in thio • cortifictte nbovo written. . • V. • No • y Pub c • for the,,//SStn n Nof 'ash ton .tiding aty�(r.r N STATE or wnBNINOTON ) e O ) as. . C4 • OOUNTY or N•INO ) CD on thine/ day o� December, 19y7. before me poroonelly 6/ appeared 6• •%-=4.' ,c-+=h' ,to ma known to be the !Y_•C.pH-t--e.:••—y'- • of Nxssco?t SUPPLY CO., o • corj!oration, and acknoirioilged to no that ho(*mooted the fore— . going inscrimmont for and on behalf of said corporation, being • authorized to do sot and on oath stated that the seal affixed S is tho corporate seal of said corporation. .) J ` MT6ES5 HY WAND and official seal the day and year in .s this certificate above written. sr ar� 4!1•C `' ooary public and for the tato'' ' of Washington, residing at1•,t/i ( r . . • j • • �\ y ' • , e 1/111 • i r¢orT f • That portion of government lot 1 lying north of Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way in section 19, township 23 north, range 5 east, H.N., in King County, Hsehington; EXCEPT the north 300 teat tberaof; AND EXCEPT portion in 92ed Avenue south and Primary Stat. Highway No. 5; • ANE,EXCEPT portion described as follovo, (I Heginning at the northonat corner of the northwest quarter of suction 19, township 23 north, range 5 east, H.N., in Ring County, Hoahingtont thence wostorly alonq the north O7 line of said section 19 o distance of 970 feats thonce southerly and ryarallnl to the wont line of 6ovosnmont lot l Q n distance of 300 feat to the true point of beginning; (� thence continuing southerly end parallel tc the }rest line 7! of govornmcnt lot 1., 790 font, ooze or lass, to a point on (� the north margin of the Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way; thence westerly along tho Northern Pacific 0 Railway Company northerly right of way lino to the west lino of govornnoat lot 1, thence northerly along west lino of 1 in govarament lot 1 to a point that lies 100 foot south of the . north lino of said unction 19; thence easterly to the true point of beginning_ i i TOGETHER With an casemoat for ingress acid egress over the following: Tho east 40 foot of the wont 375 fent, the cast •�' 40 feet nd the wast .0 feat of the following described ' prOps_ty: Tho south 270 fent of the north 100 foot of the sunt 970 feat I of government lot 1, .action 19, township 23 north, rungs 5 east, H.N., in King county, Neehingtoni EXCEPT the cast 170 • feet tbaraof. 3 . S 3 . V . .. ; a _"..._',...7•� �'r.7'y`'r�.= • • Its • . • • AGM-CHUM OF W11 P NFOJns • • I BIG "C' S'rOW.'S. 7.:7C. and BAZAR OF NASBrierfON, INC., being Guarantors of the payment of rent and the performance of all to meannnts nod ogramante by MISSION=PAY CO_, • • Stu hairs, oxaeutore, adataistrators or asaigne, coStained • in that Loaao executed as of May 1. 1966, by and betweon Peoples National Rank of Washington, as Executor of the Estate of Francon B. Bonnall, and Frank B. Bonnall,Jr. and • Barbara Joan Boit, Lameorsand If/anion Supply Co., Lassa°, • hereby agree to all provisions of this Aampdment No. 1 to such Lease mad acknowledge that their guaranty as eat forth C in such Leaao 'hall continue and remain In full force and H affect with respect to such Lots*as now amended by this O amandment No. 1. tiDated ne of this 31st day of October, t967. o - N i a, no "c^STOMP. WC. ' By I ( P�•r:7--t • - .• Aa Its fs,.. ,'-P. • • r; IAZAR OP NASRINGR.1N, INC. s` B n .m iAs Its r:.•.' 4'.-A. . ' n 5• • J. • j . = • "1 .yI' • •,• n r .. .. - . - `->.'r, .^P�u!C7:;El'rRkAYai1. ?Zreg2'z'!tiU•a. • • e • i • - I • STATE or wASBINOToX ) . . ) ae COUNIT ON KING ) On this- i day of Decosber, 1967, before mo; he under- signod, a Notary public in and for the state of Has -ton, .hily vfneiseioned and sworn, peroonelly appear.. . ". CAR:6-1M , to ma known to be the .. de _ ' . .. of Dig "C' Storm, Inc., the corporation that executed the foregoing inotruaent. and ed nowlodgad the paid iestroment to be the froo and voluntary act and dead of Raid corporation, for the user and purpoaos therein mentioned, and on oath stated , that he is aathorizod to oxecuta the said instrument and the � seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. . WITNESS my hand and official seal borate effixod the day . • sad year first above writ . ..Stert Piii.4 474 otnzy public in,/end for p6 Lt of asbington, residing at g,9.{ , C4 C - sm.= or WhSKINGTOR ) ) as Cd =UNIT OF KING ) On this 4 day of December, 1967, bofora aa, the ender- ti. C signod, a No•ry Public in and for the State altar ton. .s in duiy,comoieeioned end worn, persoaally appeared i i•t•E•yi J1di• -� ,LS , to me know) to be the A , c._ •t/ N - z a of Bazar of Uashingtoa,'Inc.. the corporation that executed •2 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the acid inetruaont ' = to be the free ead voluntary Oct and deed of said corporation, . for tho used and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated '' that ho is autkoritnd to execute the said instrument and the . 7. aoai affixed in the corporate seal of amid corporation. J . Z WITNESS my.hand and official aoai heroto affixed the day '• and yoar.firat move written. / i fry`Public la ... t:. of •• ah ngton;residing et La.: '•� • ,., •.a , .7.. • . • . • • . .. .:5: s�:_ xrim 1 w y :A..*:•-.. :}-. • s • " 1 • • • 232 i 564 6k773,51.12 • . A)fl Dal i T TO LEASE THIS 10EENXt0tE, dated this • day of Decambot, 1967, by and becvicen MANX hERNARD 6041NELL, JR„ herninaftor cabled "Lessor" ca and MISSION SUPPLY CO., a corporation, hereinafter called "Lessee", "i r‘.1 WI21r'ESSETN: WHEREAS, that on the 1.0th day of November, 1967, the portico hereto entered into a short form lease describing certain 0) property therein, and confirmed end ratified the tensa and 0 conditions of that certain mrittea loose agreement, dared Hay 20, O1966, between rho parties hereto; and t, k'nEEEAS, it is the intention of this amendment to approve C) C4 and to amend the same by addition of ocrtain easement tights the sang as cranted to Mission Supply Co. in that Certain lease dated Hay 1, 1966, and recorded via the King County Auditor under audito: Es LI receiving No. 6060016, in volume 220 of leases, page 6110; MOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants • • and advantages, it is hereby agreed that said lease of November w' -a 10, 1967, referred to above is hereby amended to provide and include • that Mission Srr2!y Co,, a corporation, is hereby granted the following ease::.:.:: rights over, ebovo.end upon the property described in gait: ;arse far such period of time as Hieaion Supply Co., a corporation is a lessee under that certain lease dated Hay 1, 1966, the short form of said lease being filed with the ' Ming County Auditor under auditor's receiving No, 6060816, in } •:alune 220 of leases, page 6110, or any extensions of said loose. a • • LYCETT,:cIALLOMO a SYLYESTL" • t&WYrtt.MOtt OUOD,IM ' ar/•TTLt ttIY s • • 1 11111 • • • The lessee, in addition to the use of that certain property described in said lease, shall have at,easement for the term of this lease and any extension thereof,. to use for ingress and egress to over The 40 foot whose west line is 335 feet from the west line of the property and the cast 40 feet end the west 40 feet of the following described property; • That south 270 feat of the north 300 trot of the east 970 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 19, Township • 23 north, Rango 5 t1Rf, lying in Ring County, Wash- ington; EXCEPT the oast 170 feet thereof. • IX NIYNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this • ins trustee t. • • -"<.•"777 a "`"'. • PRAM SEDUM DONMELL, JQ. • • � '•4, Leasor NISSIO71 SUPPLY CO. • Lira.. f. Title!.. •P _! Lessee a ST6TE OF WdSEINOIOX) ss COUNTY or RING i) d -f ► On this day of December, 1967, before me personally ' • appeared PRAY%ISEVA1tD fl0)KELI., JR., to me known to be the parson described in and executed the vithitt and foregoing LasCtucent, and acknowledged co ::e that he signed the tone as his free and 3 voluntary art and ::ac4 for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, • WITXESS:. .. end official seal the day and year in this certificate &hove• •.-stop. ., • • a ti�,1` • 'Notary Public in•and for the state ;• r- :�• =of Washington, rceiding at Seattle. •r' ::'S'2A13 OF 1:.1592tCION) • •couxTY of)aKc )se on this day of Doc_nber, 1567, before me personally , appeared }iltY =WU, to me kno n to bo the •'• •.4'1.12- of MISSION SUPPLY CO., a corporation, and acknowledged to me chat Page The f.rerrrc oeN,e„o a GYM/0071:R 14Yncni.,w1 WLLo,xa ccar;Lf 11,01 agitialeaVeillalainget4 • ) ' EXHIBIT z RECEIVED HAY vs 1i33Z SVDLr!SC nl:a asses'paeceasr rocEmecur OWE Mi.£TM. • I TUNS sUDLCASS ?J0 Raft? POACH/ZS ACP/WENT (hereinafter ' rcfcrrod'to aa "Loose') Is made end entered into the. ay of 00y, 1975, by and between MISSION SUPPLY Co., a Washington corporation (haroieoftar called "Lassor"), yhich is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bazar, Ids„ and'U. S. A. PETROLEUM CORPORATION, a Callfornie corporation (bercinafbar aeiled""Leplea")Ir _. W I T R U E 9 E T H s Q) 1tUCnCr.f Leaner looses coal props a707 Rainiorl>ac C) South, Penton, Washington, whore it is operating as eutomo vti a pservice center (the "service cantor") end a gaoolino station On a portion or said real property (said portion is pore particularly CDdcacribod in Exhibit A attached hereto end by this refasnce C) incorporated into and made a part of this instrument and in. hereinafter costarred to as "location` or apremires") and Loamy fi deniren to close the location: and • WIIEfCh$ Lessee dcairas to sublease the location from Lasser and attar a period of closure to use the same as an auto- • tootle Half-acrvice automotive fuel center and a aublesaad automotive sarvice center, c NOW, TIIEerronZ, In ceaaidaratioo of the mutual covenants hereinafter sot forth, Lennor hereby subleases the premises to Loaacc upon thu following terms end condition's a J.. Term. The Lanza shall bb'for a torn canuoancinq August 3, 1975 for. if I,evouo takes poscesaion prior to that date, on the dais • j,cnnce sakco posoevuiun), and ending Lecnnbar 71, 1991. • • • .- ... - - •a..-•Y+•.••--• .. . mm 41 a •f mas • • • f • ... Mont. (a) A monthly rent of $1,591.31 shall be *peptic during the portion of the turn ending.Ju1y•31. • 1D60. in advance on the first day of each month with the fent for the first and last month of such portion • of the term to he paid at the time of signing the Loans. Said rent shall be for the premises and the fixture' and oguipeent owned or leased by Loceor and listed on Lxhlbit 0(1) harato. hent for a portion of any month shall be prorated. (b) An additional rental shall•be paid within 30 days after the pad of aach 12-month period ending July 3L, during • Ch the term of this Lease equal to 6 percent of any groom • Grevenues in excess of $120,000 during such 12-month p iud f4 • from malas of auto services, tires and parts and all ethos itame sold at the'ietvice costar. Lessen eha11 maintain L'•••• proper rocorda of the rovenuss of the service cantor and • 62 such records shall be rubject to inspection and verification 3 by Lessor end its agents at sny raeeonabla time. • _3 (c) rho minimum monthly cont shall be adjusted as of Auguot 1, 1960, and at of August 1, 1965. The minimum monthly rent comsoncinQ as of each such adjustmant data shall be the lesser of (i) nm amount which herrn the ammo ratio to 51,563.34 as tho eoneomor Prima Index published by • the United States labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statim- , y.. tics for the month of Kay pr000diag such adjustment data boars to said index for the month of Hay, 1975, or (ii) 115 • •• 2 - • • .. - '. u'.2�i Cis-ql,.ax.' '}.'utia• .Is.«is r• ....j i • i ACC • • • portent of the noothly rent payable for the month immediately preceding much adjustmone data; provided, however, that in no event shall the monthly rant be • loss than $1,563.34 ac any time. (d) Zr said Consumer Arica Index is discontinued, Lessor and Lessee shall select as nearly comparable statistics, reflecting the purchasing paver of the dollar in the hands of a consumer purchasing commodities at retail ns than may be published in cone responsible • financial periodical of recognized aotherit¢•or ii • cn then otherwise available; and such statistics shall be 0 used thereafter in lieu of said consumer Price Index in determining the ed3usted nlnimwm rental. r 3. Termination Prior to End of Lease Torn. 64 (a) The Lease may he terminated affective uponOD notice by either party upon the bankruptcy of the • other party. (b) In the event Leases is involved in any labor dispute vhich involves picketing or handbilling at or in the vicinity of the premises, Lessor may upon three • S dnys' notice terminate the Lease unless Lessee teases to conduct business at the lobation until the labor o disputa is resolved and such picketing or handbiiling ceases. (c) Tho Lease may be terminated by Lessor it its ss• ' least of the premlaes is terminated or assigned. . . 2 Thirty days' prior notice shall be required for coy termination under this subparagraph ic). The termination shall then bo affective at the and of such 30-day period. • a i • - 3 • vegan M03:4sal ' • s • r • ' (d) In the evont the Lueso is terminated by Lessor pursuant to subparagraph (c) above. the provisieac of • paragraph 17 hereof shall be applicable and Jmaeor shall pay Lessee an amount evil to Lessees cost of all nonrcmovablc improvements constrectod or installed by Lesson et the location.by August 1, 1976. with the specific approval of Laster, lose depreciation over an eseumod la-yoer useful life tboroof. Lassen shall furnish Lessor copies of invoLcoa or other evidoneoe of League's cost of 011 such Lhasa. •. purchase of Inventories. Cr, (a) Tho inventory items listed in Exhibit E(1) 0 shall be purchased by Lenses for a.price equal to OZ 0 . Lessor's cost. Representatives of Lessor and Lessee shall jointly take a physical inventory es of the C4close of business on August 1, 1975, and Leeson shall CD take possession of the location the following day. J Lessee shall pay for such inventories within Revco 5 days after taking po ion of the location. Items which the portion agree are defective and items which 5 have been in Lessor's inventory since prior to 1960 • P shall be excluded from the inventory to be purchased 4 and shall he relmved from the premises by Lessor on or' before the inventory data. ()a) Lugger hereby retains a purcheoa money security intareat in all Lsasas'a inventories and equipannt lo — i • tato( and to be loc tad at the promises until the pur—, j • cheep erica for the aforesaid inventoried has boon paid in full. Loxsee opreco tp join with Losoor in the • cnvtvtion and Mini'of all Uniform Commercial Code fi.mncinp atit,»opta that Leecor shall coneidor :moos— nary 1e order to prs ieut such tineerlty Inturoet. a 6 • 111111 • } • . A 1 S. Usc of Promises'. . Lesser 5ha11 net, Without Loaeor's prior con6ent, . use or eutfcr the urn of the premises or any part thereof for ' purposes other than o fuel canter and automotive service center. Lasso may conduct promotions by giving coy or selling various item to its custoneral provided that, if in Losnor's rceneneble opinion any much promotion is detrimental to the besinoss of Loeuot or of oat), lnmblcusne of Leouou in the lmmodintc vioinity of the location, I,esoae shell, upon notice from Lessor, torminate . • such promotion. Laosor rhell have the right to approve the colors and dooign of Lessee's painting and remodeling or the improvements and fixtures at the location. cn 6. fixtures and Equipment. • Q (o) Tho fixturos listed on Exhibit n(2) shall Obe subject to this Lease end shall bo returned by • Larsen to Lessor at the expiration or terminetion ' C4 of the Lease taro in am good condition as at-the be- CD ginning of the term, ordinary doer and tear alone excepted. Prior to taking possesoion, Le6S0e shall '! furnish l.osaor a bond for a period of one year in the amount of $25,000. which is hereby agrood to bo the mini- mum value of such fixtures, upon such terms end written • by such blending company as are acceptable to Lanoor. In general the bond shall protect Lessor agcinot loos or devisee free any removal, theft us logs of any such fix- » turns. (b) 7hn equipment llatod in Exhibit n(7) shall , {/ be purchased by Lessen for the respective prices`Sot • ty1 forth in such exhibit. Lessee shell pay for Ouch equip- f • ment upon taking possousion of the location, =terea r]ibaii • • .. .. t • .. •• .r.. ]C1.�."'.-�,-_ .I.-, • • i . . • 1111 • _ , a utilities and 'Sexes. (e) Leseca ogroar to i+ey or reimburse ',corer 'for all public utilities which shell be used in or charged egainet • the location during the term of this Lease. Lessor and lessee shell uta reasonable efforts to have the utilities furnished to the location separately metered and will =hare equally the expunge of'obteining any lectors required to effect such seperato metering. {b) Legeeo shall pay all license and other fang chu: od by any government authority by reason of the use of or tho husjnesn being carried out Oh the prcmieee, (e) Lessor agrees to pay all real property texas on the premiere, except thot Loseoc shall reimburse Lawlor • A for any increase in the amount of such taxes apportion. • able to the premises for any year over the amount of taxes • CV payable during year 1975 which were firer_ assessed p y calendar ) • 0 January 1, 1979. All increases hazed on improvements by Lessee, plus (I) increases bared on land value in the proportion that the arca of tho premixes bears to the • totel area leased by Leaner from Prank Bernard Donnell,:sr, 1 and (ii) increouen based on inprevementa in the proportion ' that the square footogc of improvements on the premises • . boars to the scuare footage of oil inprovmeonta on the total erne leased by Lester from Frank Dcrnard Donnell, Jr., • shall be apportioned to the premises. The partioe kill coo reesanable efforts to obtain ooperate tax otat.cnenta • for the pzomiaoe. + , • • (d) Lvsscu spruce to pay or toimbnrca Lessor. for n • • p•.-•..-..al prcprrty taxon assorted upon the trade f!xru.•. • • • G • ,sort • > . .. '•e.L'+c •2i7."•:L$�.a 91''c.` '7. I i—• .'r.• • • inventory, and all Otter personal property located at the premises, with the personal property taxes payohlc: during calendar year 1975 which were first assessed January 1, 1974, to bo prorated an of the dots Lessen takes possession. .1 B, COndltima of Premises: Bonaire.Learoa warrants that it has impacted the premises and all instnllationc, facilities and aguipoant thereon and accepts the same in their procont emoditiOn and atatu of ropsir, 1+11 ctrUccvral parts of the improvemonte on the promisee shall bo maintained in goof ardor and repair by Loaace. Lessem agreas to maintain the provisos in n neat, clonn and sanitary condition, • and to maintain the prmisos and improvements in goad repair /,l all tinct during the corm of this !,cone, ordinary wept and tsar alone axceptod. 0 D. Improvements; Trads Fixtures and rquipment. All improvements to the premises, additions to improve- meet: and replacement irmprovcnents, except Lessee's rigors, gra i 0) dispensers and salated remota enuipmcnt and a flagpole to be in- D stalled by Lasser, shall bo and remain' Cho property of Lessor. Loscee shall not materially alter, demolish or remove any improve- rents without the prior consent of I.aasoY. , t Lessen shall not without the prior comment of Lessor ' mac any notarial replacement of fixtured, attach fixturao to inptovcmcnts or attovh or erect any sign on any portion of the promises. 10. occucancyf Moura. • ,e. Loma shall not vacate or abandon the pramiaan et any time during the term except that Leeson tsay'clana mho fuel center ,luring perinds of paaolino shnrtogat provided that Lesooe'a rental _ 7 _ e l ' 113 • and mnintcnance ohligatioac with respect to the promises shall • continue during ony period of closure, Subject to the foregoing, lessee :mecca to kocp rho fool center open for businooa at least 04 hours par WOCY., including not less than ten hours on each ' Saturday and Sunday. 11. Cross use, Lessee and its customers and invitees shall hove the sane right of ingress and egraae ovor and acreage parking and other common areae of any adjacent property EC Lessor now hen with roapect to tha iodation. The cuatnreera and invitees of any 0, store or shop operated or oubleaand by tensor on such adjacent 0 property shall hove the right of ingraas and agraas over and • serosa parking and other common aranc of the premioen. Neither t4 party shall construct fences or barricades interfering with such � inertias and egress. Leasee shall Indemnify Zosoor and cave it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damapea, liability, 1 "• and expense in connection with loan of life, portional injury, and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurYan co •� ' upon the premises. e 11. Insurance. la) Lesson shall carry and maintain public liability -! , insurance in a form and with a company satisfactory to Lesser insuring Lessor and Lessee as co-insured ageiat liability in the minimum amount of 460,C00 property damage, —•:' 5500,000 to may uric person and 01,000,,000 for any Oso aceidant arising in or cbout the promises. • (b) Lessor Shall keep all buildings, improvements ' upon the pronisss and ell fixtures and equipment at the .f , premises owned t t •rzo - B 'Dai3�Xors! I • I . - 4 . or leased by it as lassaa bleared with a company or tom- • panics satisfactory to Loaner for lose resulting from ri• or othrr casualty eoverod by stonderd form Lire and an- tended coverage insurance at not lees than 8o percent of the full insurable roplaceoont value thereof. Lessee will reimburse Lessor for said insurance when billed. Leasee shall be named an nn additional insured. lc) Tho party required to carry innuranee ea afore- ' fore1 • said shall, upon request, fursish the other party cartif- •. • irate, evidencing the insurance. , (d) Lasser shall have no responsibility to obtain or maintain insurbneo upon trade fixtures or equipment at the - 01 location uhich are the property of•Lossee. C, 14. casualty Destruction of Pregiea,. • • O Cu) r.n the avant the promises are destroyed or r, damaged by earthquake or casualty not covered by standard J 0 form firs and extended coverage ineuronco to such an 7) extent ac to render the sago untcnantnble in whole or in a 9 m - substantial part thereof, it shall be optional with Tosser ! to declare the Lease terminated by notice served upon a - Lcseee. 7f Lessor does not no terminate this Lease, it ' '� • shall rebuild or restore the promises to substantially the 4 5 . i condition thereof at time beginning of the term. Lessor D shall hove not mere than GO days niter data of such casualty , 4 to nott,y Lcasea in writing of Losoor'u intentions to • • ' • • terminate and if Lessor olocto mot to terminate it shall R proeoruta the work of rebuilding or restoring the prcniaes A , without unnecessary delay. If Luaeor shall fail to re- • . store or rebuild the premises at aforesaid, Lessee shall i , . - D j am s 1111 • ` I . a r have the right upon written notice to declare such Leese terminotod or to rebuild and restore the premises at Lessee's sole expense in which event the, Loano oholl not . terminate. In the event the promisee arc damaged to an extent which does not render the same unteaentoblain whole or in a substantial part thoraof or aro destroyed o- danaged as a result of•a cause covered by lessor's FPO. dard form fire and cxtondbd coverage insurance. Lessur shall be obligated to rebuild end rentoro the improvements thereon Without unroeoonebls dolayi provided that Lass= 1n shall not be rognirod to rcatoro or replace. any trade Ofixtures or equipment which aro the property of Larose. Gih) during any period that the preuisas aro partially or totally unusable by Lasses. the monthly minimmx rentalV. L7 will kb equitably adjuotod for such period. 01 16. iwnlionmont and Subletting.' (o) Lesvos may not assign or sublet its interact ander this learn without the prior eonsont of Lessor uhieh aensont will apt be unroasonebly withhold. It is understood that Lessee intends to s;blaese the service cantor purouant to a sublonoo which shall be subordinate to thin lodou and the terms and provisions of Which shall be suWect to Lessor's • approvol. This Loose anon Iv binding upon end for the.' benefit s of Lercor and Lessee and their respective aucassore and assigns. m (b) This agroomant in conditioned upon and subject to Lcsaor'a obtaining-the prior Written permission of its Lessor to the sublease of the pramiaoo. • I - to - e , • • 1c. 1:astc. Lessee agree= not to commit or permit any waste, damage, or injury to the prceis^s or nppvrtnnancce, and to hoop tho • grounds in good order. and not to lot or permit any rubbish to he deposltct thereon, and to comply with 41.1 laws, ordinances, and rogalations rotating to fire proVention and sanitation. 1 17. Expiration or 7arnination. Upon expiration of thisLoaao or upon termination by roasen of Lassoes default or broach or pursuant to paragraph l hornof, Lesceo shell remove from the promisor all its. propert. (including inventorios and toedo fixtures and equipment), cc, 1 that in the casa of termination by Lessor pursuant to paragraph 3 (c) • hereof Lesson shall not remove Meme to be purchased by Lessor. Except In the pose of termination by Lasso: pursuant to paragraph N 14 (al, Leasco shall repair any damage to the pro#icos, improve- • 04`�' wants and fixtures an equipment ownod or loasod by Lessor uhlch • • r` • aro subject to this Loose which rosulto from any such removal v and shall leave the premises, all improvements thereon end all paid itean io at loatt as good condition and state or ropair no *.e condition and state of repair thereof at the beginning of the term of this Loose, ordinary wear and tear and,donage by the elements alone e::ce?ted, oxcapt en otherwise provided herein. • i IE. Default. ' � • Irt the event of failure by Emeses to make any paynant 1 l of rant when the saran shell become duo or in the avant of default • ' ^ !. or broach by Loasao in the pazfartnapoa or observance of any of the • other covenants, agrocants', stipulations or cunditione heroin tel ,��� contained, Imago'. nay sive notice to Lonsee,or Lesfco's maleoli or brcrch. lE any :__.. failure by Lccroo to uaho toy payment • - 11 - nam • o • 111/1 so i' • of rant is not eared within ton days after notion tharoof is • given to Lduae or if any default or broach by LaoDea of any otbar covenant, ogreemont, ntipnlatien or condition herein • contained is not cured within 30 days after notice thereof La givon to Leaseo or within such longor period daring which Logical is in 7asaor's reasonable judgment proceodiag with dud diligenco to cora anna, Lessor aholl boyo tho iaamodiaro right to p ion at the preniseo and may either 1a1 terminate this Lease and recover from Lasano • all damages Lessor may incur by reaaoa of such default O or broach and be revosted with Loasor'a former tatato in • CD the premises free and clear of all alai= and doisande of Cq • batmen, or U') from time to time, at Leaaor'a option, without 01 terminating this Laaso, ralct the prasisca far all or on portion of the remainder of the tors of this Law', or any • longer period, to is loseao or subleasae satisfactory r-1 ' • to Looser, and Loosen shall pay to Loeser, upon demand, .• the amount of Lessor-in cape/mon incurred in such rc- '? • lotting, should any monthly rent actually received from* any such Icesea or subicesoa for any month be less than the . monthly rent which Losses agrees herein to'pay, Laa0ae .4 s shall pay to Lessor upon demand tho amount of such ' doficioncy. notching of possession and ralatting or the promises by I + ' Loasor aha11 not ba construed as an aloation by it to terminate this Laaao unloaa a notica of termination in given to Loasoa. 'i Notwithataading any euah ralotting without termination, Lessor • - 12- ' 4. . cct oro rsx, u aag a owe 0 . 111111 . t : y may at any time thnrenftar elect to torninato this Lease for • any such previous default or braeah. . 3.9. Indemnity. Lasaao sprawl to indemnify, defend and.hold Luxor hare.' logs from any and all damage, liability, coat, and expense, . including attorneys' fees, sustained by Laaaor, by raison of Lassen's default or breach of any of tha terms, egrooments, representations, and warranties sit forth herein. ..';, . Loacor agrees to indobnify, defend and hold Leases tw, bootless Cram any end all damage., liability, toot and oapanea, f including attorneys' foes, sustained by Lassen by reason of . Lessor's default or branch of the torso, agreements, reprc- 0 aentetiona, and warranties set forth heroin. T N 0 20. Arbitration. • 0 Any dispute arising undar this Lassa which cannot be CI eottlod by,agreement of the part3eu hereto sbo11 bo settlod by 0 arbitration. Said arbitration shall be hold in Seattle, Washington, J'• and conducted in accordance with tho camel/mid Arbitration Pulls J 3 of the American Arbitration Association. The coats and aspen• t •tof arbitration shall be borne actually by tba portion,.and the , 1 .. decision of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive, and binding ,• _o upon the parties thereto. • `r -c 21. Gasoline Allocatiodc. Effective August 3. 1973, Lessor shall trenafor to Lorena Lessor's transforablo govoraaaatal gasoline alloontion rights. if . • ' nay. applicable to the location and Lessee shall tranefar such • •v • tight heel: to Laaaor or ai otherwise any bs directed by Lesser • . upon tarminutio» of the Leann. . • 22. b_b?ndenc i l roAartl'. • •, ,/ 7f Lesson ohnli abandon the provisos at any tiso'during • the trim or if it shall snrreader the prca,iecs, or be diopoosctoud • _1 • s.13 — . tiattddGf6imaal ++tl • 1 acs • • 1 r - by proecsa of law, or otherwise, any porsonel property bolonginp to Lascae and left on the pramincs shall ba demnad to be abandoned. 23. I[clatlonchip. • Each party agrees that, in the performance of its rospac- tive obligations hereunder, and in the exercise of its rights, 1 neither shall hold itself out to he the agent or enployea of the other in any mannas whataoa er, and neither shall be or act an the agent or employee of the other, or h0 or act in any capacity other than that of lessor and Lassoo. s ' i 24. Uotioee. j , , Any notice, ronsant or other communication roquired to ba nerved in accordance with the Lorna of this; Longo shall ha C4 sent by ccrtifiod mail, if from Losmor,. to be sent to/asset' at 3 (7 - t CI 1633 16th strata, Santa Monica, Californias and, U from Leasee, C4to ho sent to Lessor at 1845 S. E. Third Avenue, Portland. Oregon, - dAttoationa president, or to such other oddreasen whish a.party N harutc shall from time to time provide to the other party in 01 •? writing. The time of giving any notice obeli commence upon Sdeposit in the United Status mail, postage prepaid. 2E. quiet Enjoyment. So long as Lessee is not in breach or default of any of its :a obligations hereunder, Lesser' shall peaceably and quietly hal' s , and enjoy the premises for the term hereof without hindrance ` _'. interruption by Lusaor or any parson claiming by, through or i under Lessor, subject, houovor, to all tarns and conditions of ' • 1 this Leena. . ..+ 26. Conweanatibri. n (a) IE title to all the promisee is token Cor • ~j 'guy public ui quasi-yubliu uau mum r zurult of ncyuttution • J 'i • . 1 • • • - 14 - . i • 0 . .. a. P or condemnation prorccding, or if title to no much of thn protases in so taken thnt tho promises arc no longor suit- able within the reasonable judgment of Losacc for Laeesa'c continued occupancy for the uses and purposes for which the premises are leased. then, upon the occurrence of either of the aforesaid events, this Loess shall terminate • on rho date possession of the prosiest or such pert ther• of is taken, es the case may be. (b) if any part of the promisas shall bo no taken and the remaining part of tho premioaa is auiteble within /1/y ' the reasonable judgment sf rossea for LesimaIa continued off occupancy for the purponee and uses for which the premises • are leased. the rent for the premises shall Continue without abatomant and Lassos, in accordanrn with plans end • specifications approved by Lessor, shall promptly rector. OQ the remaining portion of the premises so that such portion • V. will constitute a Cauplete architectural unit, and, upon complotion of such work and uponpayment p ys,ent oL the .Karr of '• • I • compensation, Laasot shall rainbursn Lessen for costs so • expanded to the extent of the portion of the total award- R ▪ { equitably apportioned to the premiums. • it) Lessee shall have no right to or interest in any ,r compensation awarded or paid upon a total or partial taking • < .i of the premises or any estate therein! provided that Looses 5 shall be solely entitled to any award made to Lasaee for loss of busin.sa, loss of goodwill, or depreciation to r•.% ' coats at removal of inventorioe, trade fixtures and ayu mont which are the property of Lamaze. a . 3 27. Lions. (a) Lessee will keep the premises frog and Floor of [ mechanical, laborara' or materialmen's Liens, and other I • I is . • , ' • •• . . . ._ . •• . ' •'� zit t•`t' ''1l�:`c^'-c-". e`"1 0 1111 licnc of n similar nature, which may arise in connection with any wort performed on the premises by or at the direc- tion or sufferance of Lemma, provided, however, that 7? Loseee shell hove the rivht to'contact the validity or • the amount pf any such lion or claimed lien, if Loaner, shell vivo to lessor such reasonable nocurity es may be demanded by it to ensure payment of such lien and prevent any etre, foreclosure or forfeiture of the premiers by reason of such nonpayment. On final determination of the lien or claimed lion, Lonseo shall immediately pay any judgment rendered., with ell proper costa and charges, and shall have the lion raleasod or judgment cotisfied at Lesseo'o 1' Or) (\./ own expense. Should any such lion.be placed on the premises O t4 and the same ripen into a judgment which hes,beeeme final, 0 Loaner et its option mayanysuch final judgment 04 P pay J gment and CD d clear the premises therefrom, and any moneys cc paid out by Lessor on account of any such judgment shall be repaid by Lanae° to the payer at the next oesuing'rent dray and shall draw interest at the rate cf 18 percent per annum from time of payment by Lessor until repaid by Lessen. (b1 In the event any lien ie filed against the premises or any notion is commenced affecting the title • thereto, Lessee shall give Lessor prompt notice thereof. • •_i 28. Holding Over. ' Any holding ovor by f,esgoe biter the expiration of the sr torn of thio Lease shall be coaetruod to be teaoncy from month to month et the rental herein specified and shell otherwise, • • ti j • 401 . - 16 1 • • A • . • ® - • • • • •• �� . bo on Um terns and conditions heroin spool:iad insofar os applicable. IS =THUS bNEAJn= the parties berate have axocetod . this instrument in duplicate, the data fiiat above Nrittan. U. S. A. PrmoliOR CORPOPATION J1IESION aOFPLY co. nY ? ° ....e./.-.' „or -' gY `.1 - ,moi".• . :d. .44T T t T. - ..T c Iz a j•t� t a n:SC`: �f'h�L 4:1 c, ' . N • . 0 • f0N •' • `W' N • • � 0 • • J ' a . t J • X I . J I • , , • 1 • . 17 - [i. •• W6iAd ,r. r�' .`: • ni:91 0 1111 • • • • • tProvi]c AaaerJptian of gawlina etatioa px�JF. •) •• • • • • • • • • • N O • (7) • a • • • J • J • •. J • • • • • • f•%fUDIT A • I I,- -1.:;••-•:7;.:1:11S'it.if•':-.,"Z:c1.--,i5.";,'•':..7:475;e22.:.._'. - .. t. '•": ': ."• ...,.. .; •• . ...::::......::•......:.,_. .....• ,. ...._ ... .• 1:...-. - _,. _.. . _ FrApplcarivriamem . ; . . . i g ..tuazuxa . . . . . . I ;. . . . . . . . • . , . I. . . . . . . . . . . ! ,..• . - c. • . .. . . ..... . • . r‘ . • t'' . te . f . . . r . . . •- . . - . . . 5'. . • , E t• • . . , . . . . . ;:. 1 . C . • . . . /\, c . . c . . ...] . . . . . . N t . . CD . . i CD , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , • • . 'aossil tal x0san1 41 no* aq 4: aumidTnba 70 otapqqag "C • • .0oaval . . 04 aosesai xq poxpot.aq oq g02nzxT7 ;12 alnpagas *3 •saaTad SeTparaur earao40040? ;0 0T01:40425 'T • , 71 • . . . ........ ..... . . • . f=r . 1 11111 . . 1 ' • . . . • . . . racc e . 1113 EXHIBIT 3 ( 1 USA'PETF1ULE IJm CORP.' rIDP1 7701()wan 914 BNd..6u11e 210,PA 6nx ede.Santa Monica,CA 90408 (310)452.5200 FAX(310)450-4020 THIRTY DAY NOTICE TO QUIT July 1, 1992 ' FEDERAL EXPRESS O Hr. Daniel Hixson (' RENTON HONDA AUTOMOBILES 3 J 200 S.W. Grady Way N Renton, Washington 99055 0 © : ,� Re: U5?� station /115 Renton, WA Dear Mr. Hixson= 3 . With regard to the above property and that certain Sublease • Agreement dated July 24, 1975 between Mission Supply Company ass -' '. Lessor and USA Petroleum Corporation os Lea see with such Sublease • being assigned to E&R Properties and whereas such Sublease was again assigned to Lanphere enterprises of Washington, please be . advised that this Notice to Quit specifically terminates any oral/written agreement between Lessor and Lesson with respect to the said premises. Since the Sublease had an expiration data of a December 31, 1991, and such Sublease is now on a month-to-month : basin with the requirement that either party may give thirty days notice to terminate such sublease, please be advised that USA 3 astofleum thisis date,,iJulyanphere 1, 1992. USA Petroleumprises teball)vacatentheos premises on or before midnight, July 30, 1992. ° • Ie you have any questions concerning the above, please contact • n . the undersigned. y' You s truly, 4' William C, Stewart HCS:jp _... *1 1..1 uu c 1 .uP.L.J.t I IJ r 11._ !...11'.1..•..t.IJ I. .. . . .-..- --.... . . . - ---,. .,.__ • • • - . " ' ' - ' " i • . -- .—. • ii R - . • • . .• • - 34,07402o29 •,. - . •••-., . . . . .1'. • . ii. • . •-. .. _._ :.,.. _ . .. - . ••i • . ,. . . .... . ,. . . . . II.: • . , • :, , • 0 . .. . ,. . • I I .,.4mos13ts,,,n.,_4.4 c LEsmAIOCI ......--........tn. emit...*.a.07.2•1.1.3r witu gs ; , .. _ . , • --;- . .,,,..... ,...mos •. i : p•Pwb-li Ft,MvQ)...4,171,'Y 1,,..•••••poy•g .'.' • ... ••3 1 '!' • . ...,,,, ' 2V8i 6 Z WA • .... _1 . aklioa jo 40 CI't • •1151UIV-111,14 90'706 Ira .raTuoli t2i,v5, .1 • ...1:i . x ..ottrosig wrocit 0 Cs1,1v..-11w3 0 • 6E91 ' xosz a"a • pnrp . nr0 TOLZ eip. .- •. J. • za•TIS pere Ilea ao • 1.0.4 ti linvc • •rtAj.wraps .), xliklatti TarriCriu-z1 Vsn • 12111123S -3 =ram -.7H •:.:; -5-5;.2.46 •••••A 1 I . 'ii:i . . Ass p•m•pilit in250,/'T • { . . ;el • . . -...1,..k 0•11,...1=4 tr..* ,;•• •X•••r•{•••••P :lfi31 • • • 1 plUllePiTIK40.1.41/1111•411COJEr.dle....1.}..1M....11•91• . h.ati a marina ci T ..••••assusimmaawin io.r99•,•Kiom,jfyiebvintr••lir.m.,100%• , . I i :•,,.., . 1 'r •.•••••••••••••••• , ....PPV 9..W.O.PPV 0 .1. oa.da 11,PR......W..1de....•;••••1•....P.n•••si•rammorr• .. . 4.7 1--1 .7,; • , 1 •r•••el.ip••••.71.......... .; *01 ton ma tem es moi mt.,.pp...ear 00,IMP Wfiiipipe pm•••01•,•••1.!..1• • .. • ) .:Ci • . • .111,I.1011 Notli.......Dui!...igii ortn 1,......4 .1 .P.,••• .r•rP• I .4 me ft..-,.••••••••••=•,3• .. .......•t••••01141.4...1 C.••••,........,..r....3. . - .4130fril• : :•••' .. . „ ...... 3%,' .,.. ..,... . • . • . . _ __ .. .. ... . . . ....•. • . , ,. , •. . - • . . . . \ . •.. • . • _______ .•••• . , . 0 20-•DAY NOTICE 20 TERHSNATE TENANCY • RC•d i 54,11.070(21 NGT: :0: :l,S,A. i_'TRGLEU)1 C3RPORATIoN4 AND 79: EVANS :IRE COMPANY T 2 YOU AND EACH CP CU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that your tenancy of *,o premises located at :03-7=7 Rainior Avenue South, Renton, Edu::_nyton, is ter^..LrateI Cr the 31st day of Hay, 1992, and on (+ that day you •.11: he required to surrender possession of the p:ec:ses to the o:,:1er or ::s agent razed below. :f you do not sarrondEr possession of these Freaiscs an or before she date set fort!: acove, you will be in unlawful detainer of the premises and ;udic:al proceedings :+i11 be inetitutcd for your eviction. Jt1?17.D th_s 'r day of May, 1992. EUGENE HORBAACH, d/b/a Esti rROPERTIES, JOYCE KORBACK, his Wife, Ond CENT' L var. THC. j( • C:ft:er/La •3arr i.••.• •.�..,, 'r �nawYy •: ,. ACH tea: :t 4 rdW,►� iibi��••••�p f:• turlCu S� .aad#{'.0�v.mfr t rb�r►y.•;.��¢,a n•.:t..Y .7.,•• • ;y •`� ' _ ±9' eYu a �'r m: lkip.ar d' i�s•Ad4.u.a'.A •- • a � R ,.,.or%b e..rawtiva...:�w can';`+^.T' M%• "•`y vest o,:ae,d..a.�•. AWk. • - a r1 ••�,• K:149.1"-7:›..1!• • yt m• r'.D i •hEad + �. .`yecRaiP.,• :fj eoQce:ee tA:9004.0 • .. Ma 3 u. i,�' � , (��yv i ^R.1,•=e!•�f�'r.l :1'.F �', o.�•S.!.••., • 7 toro 11.1:"Ityr''.T-4�'LX 1 +_:%'.. e{i� r:11.1i'. . ..'r•,',:1�'Y.r `- >.s'• •- RECEIPT •e5 • vana �: ,ttnrea�.r I9Y0 .us.cro:ro,—Yrae.t pOMESTIC RETURN c rsa ? %i 44-61 _ �o� 0 ea i /-- FXSIBI? 4 1 Asa LISA PFTEIEJL,EIttT1 IMfiPIIF1ATt11ff 1 , 2701 Oa.n PEA FM,Sas 21 O.P.O.act ting.Sal:Mani ,CA o0408 f (2)9)452-6200 FAX(213)459.1020 j • Jib I &1 7-0Yi . August 6, 1991 , Mr. Frank Donnell 9631 S.E. 7th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: USA Station #115 Renton, Wash. MDear Frank: N . CD With regard to the above subject and our conversation C/ of last week, please be advised that: . N 1) In the event any gasoline contamination is D. emitted into the underground as a result of the C) operation of the station by USA Petroleum, we will N indemnify and hold you harnless from such liability. .• .-, : 2) Per Section 16 of the Lease, if such contamination is discovered to exist we will immediately take steps to clean the site up in .t 1 . compliance with whatever governmental agency is in - charge. '- I 3) With regard to the site, USA is also in -- ) compliance with all state and Federal regulations which -` i include but are not limited to (a) having all tanks and '' 1 product lines tested for tightness at least once a year, (b) having leak detectors on all product lines ' 4 and dispensers, (c) having monitoring walls on the _ I premises for the purpose of checking for contamination, and, (d) having over-spill covers for each of the -' ' underground tank fill boxes in order to prevent spillage, ' ). I I an not aware of any problem at the site now but if one occurs, we will be sure to let you know and, in j ' turn, take steps to rectify it. � ' Very truly yours, I William C. Stewart 0 1 • SENT AYQAL57ON CCURTNASE El AL; ?- 22-922 15lsd(eY] FAD 70 4666231752 .'r}{1 206 865 5103 p 2 JKL1f 1770 �q' Q { r�Rand lam• H 1 S 23L1 P.02 EXHIBIT 5 , !Us. i USA � f . . . y• t vol Cann Ps*dtd.,tar 2t0,►A Ra it .ants ulanfea,CA WOE (1710} 9.X(214)a6A33/n duly 7, 1902 , • ltr. sues ne Ecrbach • • i b/d`Thddae L. ?Aston • AI,SToh(,.cotJ1 1 U0E, XacAULAY A PROCTOR Suite 3900 - lay Tower . N 1000 :mooed Avenue • Q Seattle, Washington 01104-1054 • m Rat' USA station 110 r . rq ' Renton, WA • • N. . o airs JAS. tiorbaaht • . cit , ' Cr) With-regard to'the above 5ub}.ct and my conversation with you and • . W. Thtd Alston pleats be advise that, in the evoft any - gasoline contamination is emitted into the underpY0it!1d as 4 result o£ the operation of the staticontamic by UJiA Petroleum, we sill .s not bold yyou'reaponaiblu for such nation and it shell be -, VSA !et>•oleuste responsibility to do any rs^sedistion se "AY be . ' required by whatever governaeantal agency is in control o! such x ssdiation. ' It is my understandinngg that certain site aseassaants nave been are are now being conducted at the station. We do not yet know what tarn of restitution will be required by the peer:mental . _. agencies in charge. As soon u we have an approved York plan for . ,�' the site, vs viii forward sane'on to you. • " . IP there are auy quiscioui, pleas* do not hesitate to contact me, ' • . I Vary truly yours, . Williatl C. atevsrt /FC81jp , i • ......,,,,-47-....7.7.--7•7•••••E.:.-:...•.....r.is ..- 7.;;37,7•:`,-771'.•:;:,:77.7.1-„1.77-.•:,:-....v....:-.1 ___- _ Schedule B t ';, I G I II A L ception . er G kA DECLARATION OF EASEMENT i x / � G� r sr j9 72/4; FOR " i _= 161 /i� `� e EXZENSION OF MAPLE STREET A ,. ..-, •� T DE '" TION OF EASEMENT is made and executed by the BONNELL § . 'F fait L> C,L Waishin dtimited liability company(hereinafter "Bernell"). g . i•r•,. F I I" .. G 'v / • , x- F x = i i,It1! ' •T A L S : • A. .°b Bonnell is the mw'ne4of thaf°certaigeal property located in Renton,Washington, Sh �ite and legallydescribed on Exhibit A attached formerly imoa+"h'as rile Payles ' oingC,a)fdir hereto(the"Payless Site"). T itphyre•ntigroi'tm-fi of Washington..rue.,a Washington corporation, • d/b/a Renton Honda(hcveuaai ler"•Ret a Honda�10he•,current let;tee of a portion of the Payless ` e. Site,legally described on Ext t A::itta hed;'?{iereto fter 4e:!fRenton Honda Property"). g is = .: ./". S <.,� 1~ B. Pursuant to the pravisif.ne�f$innelll's le`k�se*w�t'lh Renton Ronda, a portion of the i'fi leased pr-4,tses were taken subject to M nun-ex luaive ea;eme t to.use a maintaji a private r C road exp ,.':• . f Maple Avenue running norm an sowcit�fong i portn.Mf the Renton rroperty, b and tutn1ag and tronaing east and west along it pt.t l.�o�q.•of ttie nordtprly.heat alai inVof the Renton •.j. fl Honda4'ropery, all as mare Specifically described bel9`W. .''• � f P' s C � ao a desires to execute and record this Decla tion of Ea ent ftsr the purpose of,providing ifoticerof the existence of said easement, and to set �wilh s eci•icity the terms, cj4ndit)ons and ppov.Tarons?relating thereto. '``. 'f ��` NOWT +' F. ,Bonnell hereby makes the following declaration: eS 1. Decritrati,gof Easeinerit.. Bonnell hereby declares, grants and conveys a ` ' non-exclusive perpetual oaseinet}Y`fo the:bettef t of the Payless Site over, under, and across the t Easement Area fior'the.ptirpfisespf: (i)'comstruc ingM#mproving and maintaining a roadway,and I •. underground utilities(including;:but;not neeessarilyj'u i ted to,electricity,water, sewer, drainage, ' natural gas, telephone, CATV and:Otret t lighting, e1`ovi�cled that the street lighting poles and %` fixtures themselves shall be ab'dve..groun);tf"iid Gi)prvvidingputilip access via.ingress and egress c*. to and from the Payless Site for pedestAans a evek ular tr ic. The easement created pursuant U to this Declaration(the"Easement")is putt tlant�[o,jnd Jrb •ttie benefit of the Payless Site which • is the dominant estate and will be deemeif tcge a beitefifrrunrung• 411 t4 land. 3 gl Notwithstanding the fact that the Easement desctibe4 m is,noif-ekclusive,• tine Easement • is intended to and does provide 24 hours a day,7 days a,week, s,ems,.and ' access to the Payless Site. Further,Renton Honda, and its heirs,. uceessors;>an4assigng shOnot undertake or engage in any activity which would impair, limit of'-atjlet_wisi?„ estr`let'tlSe scope or' . �-•�'�r t ., T •i' i' C . 3 use of the Easement. ;, . a s r '' Ex PM o N©f ds fliv FR,,aIPSEf3' Ir Rn < r C:\DOCS103l5t100910102161.02 01/05/96 - 1- v e 13 aw 0 Gptity iv.), . . . . . 2 ':-, • k / .. I s s •• .. .. ..- e .. . • . . I L'. 1. 2. Easement Area. The legal description of the portion of the Renton Honda Pioperty which is the subject matter of the Basement(herein the "Easement Area') is as set forth ,Jibeladaturtirr A. ', r•:., ,/ , :: .'..,/ - r•-, t..- i ., .... . . ,e .. .. . -IN i A-graphicillstratiqn oipe easementearea is attached hereto as Exhibit A. '---j' ., '-'•-•:.r.-: I .,--' .,-, •,'- f.. .,.--• ,,' a'_r fli. ••:-- Z', rnanoxemgtstflastnientArga. Donnell shall have the full and complete respohsfbility Bir.piid slialli;eara4are postts,ad:expenses in connection with the improvement ,,.<...p. and construction of the Easemeni<Area ar th&ppiposes and uses described herein including all costs and exp -Lses.riecesary/o obtain the,ka'pist9Vals and permits required by the City of Renton * . and other governmental authorities hrtilliyi Itttisdiction in connection with such improvement. ..7% Pannell agrees to i 'ndemrlify an stile Rfentoii Holid'a•-barmless Trott any and all such costs or titik• expenses. ik .,... ... ... : • ,,, .,:: ii, , , 4`. Maintenance'10aneiitegom. rijdri :‘.nd all-edetA*onpf the improvements to the.,. Easement a, the m kreaintenance and iebali,inf a:E.:same shall be.the-obligation of Bpnriell i . ... ,, •e • .e. . ,r '1/4. 51: ubordination of lease. Bytxecuting Agretenat klthintrkention Honda/as lessee , 0 .." ...0 of the Renton Honda Property hereby subordibatps,tinif sullfeets-its.lessee'sbteiestAmder said ...: ., lease To thePt.T.rm4 conditions, and provisions of this pseinelit. InAts regarcii Ibinton Honda here* ac-lInoiylecles and consents to the temporary dfittiptiOn o(its,,busin..saYcotAucted on the Report Flandf ProPerty as may be reasonably required in emineetiStiwith kkonstruction of the • ; czi iniProv6ments to/he Easement Area. Bonnell agrees to use re.sa'sonffilefeffOrto minimize the ° ,disrupfionxif Rentontorida's business during the course of such cohstinefionst . ., v. -:. :.,,. ,. ,,,, ;•-• .,•••••;:, _...*; .;. '',..... 6, JP' XeleaSe and indemnity. Donnell does hereby release, indemnify and promise to defal'anaf SaviRenton,,Horida..anifiii'specessors, assigns, agents and employees harmless from and against any:,arvialf liabilifY, loss, dimage, expense, actions and claims (including costs and V • reasonable attaineysfe.,e‘) aris,Mg it Of Orin connection with: (i) Bonnell's and Bonnell's ..%,...4 employees, agenti'Ortednuietor?s constinCtiiin of improvements to the Easement Area, (ii) the use 741 •i fa .:.....1 of the Easement Area, including the use Of die Eaierne' nt Area by the general public;provided, however, that this paragraph does not purport tOiriOntnify..,Renton Elonda against liability for .7' , .. ... 7.: damages arising out of bodiliinjud to.persOns or dafnaie topfbpe.Ity to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligence of ReMon ltonda or itis-luves, lig.spees, customers, agents or , employees. -.......,..,,f.;. .. .r •1 r.. -... - r .r .:.• .r r.- :. 0 7.$ Miscellaneous. -.. ;.'" ..,••• ,:r „:„: ::: /•,••'••,-...,...t, . ''-.:..,{ ...'' / 7.1 IneouturationloyRelkrenet. The 4hibits..ittached hefettiare:inenfPorated f‘ herein by this reference and form a part hereof as if set forth itt`fulf :: - .-... t . , •. i, , ,. ,,„/ i- ,O. 72 Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and mute to the l 1 6 benefit of Bonnell and Renton Honda, and their respective heirs, suc6essor6, .sublessee and. '.:-.,.,. ? ,.. assigns, '‘, .i: .,::: -,,,e• y i :: r ;.: C:\DOCS1031511009‘0102161.02 01/05/96 -2 - '-•-„I ;..: :':: :..41 -., •+:. / ‘17`' il. �y' •Y / r ,t I{ x s' TE OF WASHINGTON ) +` x •c, ) 88: :?', r r COU -O ?KING ) � ' r �a._J / s / I ('T:cerdy that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Frank Bernard Donnell,Jr. is the 1%.,-...„." :person ho ppe r" e 'lcfore me.,nd said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, - onroath st*re `that, a was autlyfrized�°execute the instrument as a Genera]Manager on behalf '*"-,....pt BC,11 L}AN . § ... ...a. mins) liability company pursuant to the provisions of the ri limited Tial llitl cor pail 4 - • ;',at ot'saia7,1bitited liability company and acknowledged said L� 'i4-: Roelofskid limited liabiki a for instrii$eist o fie fF-- Fabd yoy cantP nY ,t, purposesmepcioned)ii said.ins II ii e:nt. a ,^V ''‘Ksv14 a►_ •,, d ris '� 6-.61 + ',\a.../' a: x t .%, • am': 4 ' r f `! /Died 1 '-<1 - ci• - a,�41 ' ' .< • • 1 bra :Y r�,.•�•sn.:.< ' s-~,k �� ,c,.,��� :,i = 14. d Aur{ Jr YAM��+ r.:1 T G%F'!wL '� �w .„3rRoi rq tG +Totiiy Paoli k az>d fv theState ciu,c �a, pmtnlasibn• lExp'ileS: .°'� "IV Cj �'l i '.7 r 7� �f A A. .l f I 1. :! �' •s t rr.. '..I , i' .STAT ¢1 W HfNGT4N ) -iC0IJNTY Ot•pli ,y ss: •-`i` Myr F -iI certify:.ihat`i"knot�rOr have'satisfactory•evidence that Robert D, Lanphere is the person who appeared bare n r,r aiid said Arvin a owledged that he signed this instrument. on oath stated that he was a lt1ioriz�ed t4 execute the it trod eqt and acknowledged it as the Chairman of the Board of LANPHERE ENTEMI.REDS OF WASI'OQTON,1NC.,dlbla Renton Honda, to be the free and voluntary let of suds iorparati�6ii for the a ses and purposes mentioned in the • instrument. r,A j.r " f.` ' �` i ..,`Its:::41Z7 'v ..‘;'.:'...,. .. .i: -r .:./.""t• .;:g•'''''''..-, ,.r ;.. .e .:,,pi.,..3fi. „.......,..,.. Aro...r. ,;, NAME:`' ' = ,� � r t_ 8 ti Notary Publii u anti fair the Sti to bf r ,'- r4.-:,.. r "t. '"� �� e g,.! : c r; :':: Washington. '"•.;..t %��� t,....'-'" ' • \. "t: eta , ! �'"1:s. -: .,,., ft..� .? �%�s o° ' =' Commission •Bxpires; `v r ;'' a -rt' 1.7i:. - .7s ~ 4-1et = C:\DOCS\031511009\0102161.02 01/05/96 -4- w 4..: ,,,,,../ ss .,1 :Golti •L F i .-is—.... .� •war.^ _ - _ .. A. li .z F -a r .. -' 'v. •hi a• x •: •• 3 At •I . i`t a �. � EXHIBIT "A" • •••),' om r. r~ at?r" ".r•'.. Ltggl.Description of "PayLes& Site" (continwed) ..$gyp ,,,,..../ ai,,r .._,,. P.E.Q •o'er`` J� ,-, a ,t•~ •rTNhT•pGNT70N or COV}Fit1SCV7 LCT :N SE:.YI07( l9, 70NN6N[P NORTH. ,".,^,•'a • Y' " / d.S U.47 U.rt. OCSCR]RED AS FOLLOWS: A' !{' OF,c7NHTItG AT•{'I1t NOR fits-: coHHER Or SAID st:criON 11: ,, ,.•'TNDNCC ¢DU-pit3r9.10`;3" as? AI.Qtr: TKE IDH LINE Of SAID SCCTto4 '''',1 :� 1.6 4,1; rtt:r I',{�UST LINO or L3=IO AVENUE SDtri ivr.57 A3 comic-my _ 1' T0cmt. T3i1' Or R H'TON 6y-'0E1543;.REctulor) UNO EA R EroOD1'IG :to. 6154414; _:} •TtfERCCSC U 01.1.*It'r`NtsT 1. IIQ SAID CAST L:wt 1+1.0 FELT To THE S f. IAT C}�T rftl,TRACT OF LAND cO VEYLc) BY 007T �. CLAIIC OE(0 Mott NC79j1•L+OR�ER:f; INC. 70 "CAI:.G:, lN;. "ICED rA U"OTh )cl110 CQiR v AtLOtiRIHO tO,. 5607320434; ."r fi t',4, ,•• -•. 590 1,0 27-,.r 11.4Na THE NOkYli LINE OI SAID :.I.:.T RILZ T1UCT Y9T.IY tLLT,RO T1j,^S(10TNr•1(.1- EOA.•KR Or THAT cERTA18 TRIC: OF LUIOAOHV Ttt' 51".W A kNTY'OSEii'FROM 6u141-rl40-31344 HOXT'Hts$, Itic.. TO •.:4•0 �i tiUO11 . A/ICL'SON A.HEI .)A,.VE A,• FIRD'osoN, FILED inNiTit KTa: cCJNT1 xcc0a0XtI H0. .1111A1D70a, Alb TJiE TRUE tpgYNT or fLOI�INt O; ,may? TI(LNCE CDNTEHVi, 5C1YT 1 '9.10, 15C EART ALO1lt THE VOR LINO or SATO "'� MELRIDGC TR/k.T '5..12 rrt_^D. TO✓THE I'LSTER4k :.t NE':Ofi THAT CCMYATH f TRAr or LAIfO,.C t4VtfTD E7 $7ECf,A.. 1�44.4RTY L-CLD'rRox TRANR B. JONNELL AN0 Pfort.ES.' xA7'OH•/.L a4$c cs.•w,t1RIf7CT`t)H :N SCA 1LI :•O PACIFIC COAST AAILRI AD COHr,l.H7,,ir:LEO (:NCYR`$INC`.czuw-rY RE0D110TNG ND. sb r7S1II ':a•S' } '''• THEN= NORTHIA7•Y r666.( 'rr N(.TH TIlr 1,fcs L/NT•or sAtD.L`OVWdtraT L."1 i1y, H�11] C.41 h •:yY 1 MID ALDHC SATO EAZTLRLY 3-1NC )i17R+;}T5 NONYNp'RLY,�'�PROJCCf:o1'1 gal .� , • r1;ET, Hoax OR Lt5S, To THE SOUTH L344i30r.,soalliWEST'3.T.V.MCH S'1t(itLT / �` X �:., AS cQNVLT£D TO THE CITY Of RoTor< aY,.'�ICI`.D FI.7rco tome KIN CDl;MY ,, r'•' }' ,ARCCORLTHO H0. 619,44:67 "k"`,..-' < t'" '""^".:,., !� F l y,, :7N71iCC ND1tTit r9•10.1 a' VEST ATLNC 5AID XOI)'SI'L1(rE 71 TCI:. riO1Gt DI,tI ,f 1 0 lF^ 3, 7f1S. TO THE NORTltAST cDRItER OF 'T1AT ,tZR'�ASII .j*AQ OF.,r1Al arl O -i NVCYCO IIT N1.l()A.NTY 0E;0 nun PeelFIC"CpAST;:MILliOAD;COt4PIkWY . Q .}`," N 2 (Am rear CHECK AMO GMotJ. HUDlSARO CHTCx. FTL Tr9Y�iE .'(J O:iCO1YTY , + ?` ,: �KyL�CORO7Nc rD. c504is1t :, 0 • ]9+ti9CE SOUTH 01.11'10• VEST J(L.ONO THE EAST L771I'CI SA],D.CNI,4�X T"RACT•` e T� - rIWO TTY SOLITNEALY PRDICCT'LDN 101.0 r[rr 70 TA-TRUE .4'OId'T of • :;r, r ^':;:.-•I. '• f ri-...- ALL'f,OAL Ax0 rust:aAt5 1u10 THE RICHT TD EXPLORE TOR ft No N{11& ;? THE�IUi•. A.RESERVED BY..LEIO RE0090!0 ufOER RING COURTT AE00 I.PTNG • " t' 'b7)i?s1O-' ' y %ter, r.rl: `Qar:rel,;E.: ,` ia.ita,, .• .` " '" OYEAXK , f,j�/y� RANGE PSATIrI6rn N. t Irr L,AS1TOF1�O5 ION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 :IORTtt, EpOIN}IINc A3:7HE 1iq>ttkFACT Co7arfa'ar GAz0 ctisr»wlsTxrTo FPZf. Mora TIttNCE sooTN OI,L� TS 27 RENATCs 4{� sEDONDA.FIST 61L,Ltss, TO THE�t'9RT77Rt5TENLT LTHE Or Tgt ARd Dortro NORTHERN FACZFIC AAILRAT L�o199IVTY RTOH?-pr-4l1..Y„,yi9Tt j'ItICTTI'-OF-WAX H)I Lrbl 51iORT , 111 PLATTED Aa CITY OF RENTON sitbR7`PLIl7 2UJ. ?FR-aO (f>I..9l •,WAY TTSST 9NDIs POS) UNDER A77 OE 99 x0. n Itq a0T6L00U44 sro56n5,`,wraT, AIDNG•6AT0 TADiCf gptlTN 77 DTARPE9`' .1.•9{}' AVATpE S.Mr • RIOH'[Or-KAY, 51.37 rEET 'I'Oc111Z Nrs.fr tWerA T$ QX:3UIRI ARD TUE TRUE POINT OF 3EaINRII1Gr " " a9,,,"66 rnaC.£ connil7ZS70 COUCH 77 DECalTcf:24 taN 'tP 49'SEt,�ONo6.114i 7HENCL Horn D1 DFxrsarS 13 HIXD'S•J:s',:±o(trCOAD[FiST.�f1.R)).F t'I ''.. .' TTTtlicE N t21f sa DEGRErs 36 t{I$UTES la SZDSm0S,HLET'12G FELa'::; , TUramt NORTI Cl DEGREES 23 MIt9VTEs 49 6Lq�D>i TAB. ,O +-• THENCE SOUTH 9rt DEGREES 76 HLNVTES 11 SED0HD15 EAST 1191.00 rE ,::;PJ T Wt3TEXLV )lAACIN OF 92ND AVENV9 S.K. IRAROYEt.:)WlitlE D i," 11`D,, i: ..'.. •�r"� THRICE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 22 KIAUT£s 49 5ECO1ID5 WEST,-" :PH P 9,.u, s - ^' j..------7- ,. ,.- -- Yt' 1iLSTTIILY tsAMGIN. TO A POINT' DN'6712D }gtRG;'N OF TTIAAI7TT1]t::AVL2 T I }7 ]ttINO aN A 796.30 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONGVE TO C FAST, A';,IY1iDIA _ A-k4 S1ID POINT DEARING SOVTU 75 DEGREES 29 0IINOTEE 06 EZCO,,!IDS 9%3I,,.,�INT ;} • ALONG SAID CURVE AND HAT.GIN, 17S.14 {lEr T ' 2',, Y. ;... TttENGt: SOTfIHERLY, r' :' , v 3'RZOCE soOTR 01 DEGREES 23 HTRUTFJI 41 tSLCOROS WLST 76.41p'PESP":'O 4'U>= TRUE POINT OF BEGIKt1INC7 .f I WA5EIHB54N- ? 'r, SITpATE 1:7 THE CITY OF R7SrIVN. COUNTY or X2HG, STATE OF (•"r" Page 2 of 5 T �..- <_•-. ,.a-��.r.• �.z-ter.. ;r,:rr:-- . _..� . . . .. .._ _ _ • ' . . . . ' ' ,:?•,;,. . 1 •,, ; A-.. —A, • . . • . i i.e .,,, , ;,• i .. / EXHII3IT 'A" ...:.s .: /..r•-'-... j-egal Description of "Ren_u r-2Li_9__ BaPrn = —• .-.:. .7"' --..s,. ;'4;) •••...,. / . I l'* ir .;': .,-.• s ...e r'• c. Nt -• ,_ •:'./ ,..----t, ::-. . / I .Pi That poftioti Of Goerfirnetit j' t 1,„Settion 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in W4 King C-......owityWr4hington:deseribeit as,f6ii-Ri'.1,s.: , I •P -.4: :: .., f ';.1 • '., ';,,...s" 1 .:' if 1.4 ,,,,E l',,,. Comniencing at,tite klort1,1gatecorne .p' f saidAbdivision,thence South 01°23'12" i , ..21 West 873':4-6.4eet„along(the:Past 14fohereof to the Northwesterly line of the , , former NortherrOacOle Railro?iiiight--01-way; thence South 77°27'29" West i 51.51 feet along'Sajd'Northwe4ierli lin to..the..West margA.of Rainier Avenue i South; thence continuing Spirthr.••=77 t'.: 72-9' West. 89.6,6 feet; thence North 01°23'12* East 61.00 tect•ithetre islOith ti.e.. 6'48" W8s150.00 feet; thence i?A 0 ,4 North 0102312.* East 99:1.1 feet;,ithincefilorth,0°1608* West 239.73 feet; •:. . - i . p. ...,thence South00°56'57" Wesi.'7482 feet fo the trtle.,,tioirdochginning; thence :44 , N Not-W88°58'31" West 5W.05 feet; thence.-Oorth Eig058144Y West q.30 feerto -tk 0 the East line of that tract described iri"-peed t,cifilitgh..b. Fl•rgpsot,t afld lan8 4.-( Id cr) P`ergu. in r81c.o rded under King County Re'torEarigNo/72,121.1033.V;thi.nceotA 1 /01°,14'3,3"West 94,72 feet along last said cast 1i4,ti the Sohtlacst ccinef of Aid ..,.:i• Ferguson trtiet and the North line of that tract d4cri13:ed zip.,.Decd fo Pielr,fdge, •-ti ,f Ix., recorded under Xing County Recording No. 76Q72204240.11,4ce,, outh -4 i 16,29W/48r 32.-4 ,6 feet along said North line to the Northeast cciine?of said i- thene South 01°1437" West 162.82 feet alObli tjie egt line of .., said Kelyfklge....fri'act to said Northwesterly line; thence North 77.!!.,21'29" East --- -44 '4.-549;92 feet afonaiNorthwesterly line to a point which bears South 01'14'51" •_t1N , Wteste from ..e pointogn 1... .... _... / Situate in the City orRentO,i'lCin g ccitiny, Washington. TA MI! ....,... .r .:•• .:•: ..,7 ,-.;-. -•'. I .-:- .''' " .r .•'--,. ''. i .iF ,:• .,:. .„•,- "--.... ;; . :.• • ..:^ - 'i• ,.. ; • ,v .r .,.... ..:; ..''''...-.: i: :•'' 1 I li '' .:. 4:z i .;': I ..;i ,..-•^:;, .•:. , -, •-• :... .:' - 4-... :: r• .:- •,,, • '.---:.•-• .T ,:- ,. ,-... •-',.:F ii ; -4, :!.:... / ,:.:: ::'. '1"--.... i'. / Z,-/•—•••:. . -,..., ..... ,... .,.. .'••:,,-.?" ,,. 1... .4.-„, ,... .,...„ ,r ,,'•• '''0 .-:• -NI / -,. -,..„. ,,- - .•••• :: : .ii• .4:: $ 1 .4. 1 dt I Page 3 of 5 ..„. ; -:f .-.• '' - ,4:-....,,.• 1 ...:t•-\,. )k.: .14 ...>a,-... t4w,. ';2153e..n... 1.Mi5f,4.1-,TM--.,:fq;,'-iv.,-:... .......•.-. • • ,. - . . • ,• • . -.. ,..... • . . .ii 1 F �~ *,. / I :• EXHIBIT "A" - i •r r t / .tr e^%r UPI Description of"&moment Area" .: „1- - .. Vk i :_ . RacialWY%tirS D=6t IPSI OW W. ' 4 r,.•...,,.•: ""'.'+ .''T31AT YVRTICR or cOVU1XfNT LOT 1. SECT20N '9, TONHSHIP 23 NORTH, f! 1 =� I^f RANO! 5. EAST,FN.'Jt:'::IN KENO COUNT'S, KASNINDTOR, =CAMEO As z Fp6IDNar: ' '; X J r+:; $ '1%.r r ASO/COT% OV,2 .12• VEST 1 tE),,'T AIANG OIHE 7k LIRE THERXOF TO THE -Yrsir Skit GUSDIVISION, THZNCE ,� ti NORTHtiNest• LY LIH2''pF3 FORHENNORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R2GHT, T • TH1�(C SOS71D 7�?' ',119" kuT`"51.5�i Fi$2•AIDNG SAID NORT1(KE5'TEINLY LINE TO L ti!EST �.,OF B71I!l�JZ1t AVZ3WZ SOt!f111 4111 C8 c07.?rj.UUO'AovrR 7jy27,'1 'NIST 65.66 FEET? �10E.ROR'tf'01.23'12" L>}sT�''ei,.00 FEET/ * 711131 cfi•NONTR'Nta" 1.1 year' 5�;00 FZYT; .- .. 7aVlCt NORf 5 Ot•.23'11+' G* 99.11 rZ F; TfaVtE_Vo*D7f storufoi° OT,!/1: TgrmCe-ioUTH WW1?. 9t6T Sos /.FtETY. j% T7IL7NCt Rom 83.05x57".1tE3T:r 3-.12 fErt:;. i .'!' THENCE %ORT `'AR'S8'3LL' NEt2!'S19.03 FEET';TO THF. lith. POINT or y a EEDINNING; .. .. ,r cr THENCE NORTH ee+le•44" Nr$T;2o.ii,FE,aii e/ '•:•,• OTHENCE SOUTH 21'64',45° Z ST::34.4J FRTj'::,,}' • ...- :OW TNENcs !MYTH z9•76•2Y.t T`C.51 FEET TO�SSif7J 6Eq#SXNIHG of A CUI1YE v ' CCKVtvE 11tET1ALY kAVYNO A A71DIol or, 100.00 y• zLTJ ,,'�""�.;, f:,-: 77 b „ •. TAZNCZ 6OPT1LDSSTZRLY AND lOUTHe tr :,24.29�'''EE';• A1Qt0 SAID"�cURVr `' GO s "., TERAVCN A CENTRAL ANGLE OF Yl NI4'l7"f'Y• , S. ',! Y ;f' Q} °:.972Not E0UIH 12'31'25" EAST 64,75 rttp-TO=•SRE.$ G1)U i0'(1 A citric ,, 1;;. 3 IcoNcAvE wroTERLY NA<ING A RAOib9„QB• 0.6'o rift:,'-•••_,.C�1l L. A C ,.et 1'r I3�.t. �KCNCL 1OSRt{IALY 9.09 FIa AtokO 0A10 cOve TkROVGH A AL A cF, ; ' . OT+ 11.01'12•; H, i 9 !NCE SOtrft( 00.2'47" NIST 71.01 FEET 7C,. NiEGINNT111113T Ar't'Stiyr •� •r° •1' r '1ti1(095NCAVE WESTERLY RAVING A MMus OF 23.06'rE 'f t ..'' .'t' I / TNIENCE Sot:1 MRLY ARD JQUT1SKLATtILLY 10.52 7'?*T AX G SAID' CURVE r' .0 s ,h'1SRODGH A CENTRAL AHCLE Cr 14.06147" TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE; ' IR .: f !*THENCE NORTH 77.77'29" EAST 36,25 FELT ALOIJO `IVSD•pORSSR+ESYE'R11r w F r •rs THENct NaNTH 1;•71'15" VERT 5.00 F1:ET TO TIE SLOW £ ..6F A CU}(VE "� x /CONCAVE EASTr x HAVING A 1a.pIus or 40,00 rtrrt = •' ~rte,. f 4' TH1R(fE $CRTAZRLY 7.67 r22'T AL0NG SKID CURVE TIGSOUCH A Cur?ALnA)iaL.t r • _ t' I OF.?i3O•5..o'26�'1 ^• ',:.•„� ..,,.1" : TNENCE,a10XT61 00.:00,•x9" HEST 73.72 F ET TO TME BEGINNING OF A CURVY 4DNCAVS NEST N.4 HA IAO A RADXus OF ho.o0 rEET; ..-4 THENCE NORTHERLY 7.57/ELT ALOI4O SAID Clam TNROUCN A CENTRAL ANGLE SX 14'•soc,iet THENCE N6RTH 12',315" 1(LST.,7.1.11 FELT TO THE Min::DX OF A CURVE ' '1. eoxc WUTE MT gf yraa'A R}101,Os or ]10.00 rer ; `4 ?CE RCRT. LY A Q. NoRTHwES2'E>TLY 31.-17 PEET ALON0 SAID CURVE ThROv0N !' AFCtt or 22. 4,3V!,/THENCE Ni1RTY4*�+2L'22° KEIT 4j'.10 EEE'!.TO THE Rr,3INFING OF A CURVE CONCAVE $017THEP'L 15rTTP,LT NAVlIc-A R DTUS:.i3OF 15.00 FE3:T1 Z • KZ THENCE moRz Y. ZICRTT1Daa1•Y,%RORTNEkSITAI.Y LY AND CASTER30.57 rrrT ALARtS..sAIO grivr-inruq@GH OusTAALII:x6;11 Or 117.40'59": MIME SOVfi.55t451231! Ela'{ 296'63 Y}L1•:TO T'HE,;EERTHWIIG Of A CURVE CONCAVE NORT11NtoTl3[LY wpm a RAOSUB,9F 16.1'00 PRET; Titreci D.5?SRLY AND: 110RTHSA TERCX 3)5.17 FELT ALONG SAID CURVE THRoOcH A cENT4AL A1iora of 6o•049m,TO k"pOINT millmrlipAR5 SOtTTN ill 11.51'31• TEST 1'PVIS TOT Self POIRE OPpS�IRXXBO; THT'lICL NORTH 10454.31X-WitT 3 4.44 P s THE TRUE OSNT OF UOINN ILNO. r c SITUATE IN THE CITY O1 FENTO1, Xtpo 50tD7TY:; W1ftirme'OK. ,.:•`• �''Y. 1J v.4 CS- �Y'+ r a .•• . r^2r' a t ; l� raarai s 'rost LL."411• �''.tf " ,n"- VI r..wrx. 7Q'ClcoX -P.L#;a.. 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V .-.-,:,••77:1/4.:".'.1.-,;•••:: i.:•-•:: -.i.,%:.•-.;:.-.:r-a--..-..• .. ,. dy• - 1 4:-7.... ....,••••-•. +.r.4.:1 ,.. in • ... ....._...,.....__ _ ....... .,. •,,, ,,,,--'1,0-, y. .. .• .....,..s. . • • P. . ,,„ ••...... is,,,,,..i'' ' ',,,,. -,. T • ..,......4,kw,. .4. ",t. .0... -,1,•47. .......„ e AV 1 • • . ..1 ________. . ._•• _ _ . . . Schedule 8 Section Exception t'{)) u . • lam. • .0 0 • rig _ • .• • • • • • After Recording Return to: : iBondi Family L.L.C. e/4.4. ,,/tfoE 4, , 1!d-//off—/Ive N� did' E 4,./...,✓v.e-9�/DECLAEAIION of ACE 3 AS .IE T i U -- „,..4.1 A.,,, Ni Declaration of Access Easement is made by Bonnet]Family LLC,a Washington \D finned liability company�'Bonnell').Borman Is the owner of that n of Renton,legally desmibed to Exhibit A attached hereto(dc'Boman r3'loaded in the City S 1 Property").7kb Bvrmcll . C) Property Includes a Pared known as"Tract 3',which is proposed to be crit byed by a lot line � adjuwtunt.Tract 3 is legally described io} •bit B anarb•1 hereto.Before the City efRsnton u $ will approve sad lot line adtnstatent.Bunnell must provide evidence:Au-toss from Tract.3 to Or • Rainier Avenue,Therefore,In conslderitlon of the City'sapproval of said lot line artuttrneat, 49 0m1 to provide dedicatedTall access to Tall Bonnet declares the follo7-1 wing access eascusFur H O 1. Pratt!of Fasri ecni. B000sll.berdry grants and conveys to Tract3 aponexclusive CO• casement for veldeular and pedestrian access tad ti5lides over,under and across those portions od of the Bunnell Propcny identified in Exhibit C attached hereto as the"Access Easement".The 00 Access Basement may be relocated by Wal-Man Stores,Inc.to another location of Wd1-Marl's s . choosing(if Wal-Mart is the ground lestor of that portion of the Bonnell Property on which the 01 Access Basement is located)in order to accommodate War}—Mart's intended development of Its gopertr provided that said relocated easement shall continue to provide an access corridor of 5, V Dot less thart2 fur'in width iron Tro3 t t o Ramie AMU=South, v p Q • 2 Cwcaam ti u{Ih t 1�� This Eastman:shall be binding upon and Inose to the bcoeht of the parties,their:mecums and assigns,and shall boa coven stunning with the . V Botmdl Property, 3. Aoglle4ble law This Agseemeal shall be construed in accordance with the laws $ of the State of Washington. - t- 4. Complete Agreement• This Agreementsers forth the complete understanding • between the parties,and may not be amsadedexcept byanLunn:neminwaiting executed by c both pinks hereto. DATED this e 3 inlay of February,1996. . a, BOTINELL FAMILY L.L.C.,a , Washington limited liability company • C CO a, EXCISE TAX 1401 R5C1'JtREt 3pp q,p\cn�.R�«ara�:.�ou 1 - aAvenaaw/a,.w�,-.n.c.� • 4El) 1! - - - o 7. .,err aT r11i iP r Iifoci 11Itmipi IllrviimMRimmon 1 P1'1,"Iflr - i • . I • By,. �r'�v'a,.�. S_ `//' Itr, -'7A`�'��` iii STATE OP WASHINGTON . ) • I ss. . COUNTY OF KING ) •• .. I cam+y iha I Snow orhavc satisfactory evidence that �irn r ,.8 . a.,rol1Is Lhe - , • • person who appeared harem rat,aced said pawn a ckaogledgcd that ht.. _signed this Ireoza.at,on vat sated that}.... _was authorized to comae the Instrument and • . . acknow;cdged ft as tho f Yl n.ag of BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C,to be the bcc and - . ' volkmtesy net and deed of laid corporation,for the uses and ptnposas tluacja meat,oned, Cavan under my handand official atrl this t$ day of Q.,..,n,,,1 • ,1996, • t . c.,,,.(j 714' •1�...0�1� 1 NOTARY PUBLIC in orthc to of r !rY0t2� •+t. Wssh,ngton,restd,ngIA t>,-< •i °a,s� g,-Ot y-I, My appointment expires d•t 9-9 P ""Bwn.n CV 0te, nti'. • • is 2 r.yaMa+rt.l IKIIKA un 114 • .t (4.1..71'11q1 I!r1 °111y1'11"''.iIg PI�'1' fgfrirgli ,pi/111 11,1111 )' ••• ' - • . _ - • i • E I II • • • • X11 •.• . .+ •r . • • • • • 'per • i • 1 • • 1zQ4.iDof C�4c�deA,0W+ufld.)itONMOCarT — ti ' _•_ rAa CIL Al . 1MY 1 KOISN, 21 n!C 7JMT C2.47LLLA7RTTC)O:RIDIAN O 7 6 MT Or Gov1001777:47 IDT • soom lomo»�� 7D1NntTP - I i70:1-P7 Tor 1043( 210 1ECT or 781 IAEttALY 170 rifer)AND 17Ct1r 711 liens 710 7617 77IT&0077 • . fALCtL tI• . s, 701011113,*1 Solffli. LOCI •vn4.AKrT)*NDtTDt2N, IN 1KNOI�ODIAITY, 10.0 ,�1 r TCtt. LYI)�01OATtEALY Cl 1RL1NmCTXLRN i. 7ACI11C 7AI3MAY CDNPANY%t.0117 cm NAY, 7 . . nom WC=TR 107 f¢is TUIR4OPI A>m . #CL77 WAN 70070031 077310 ATTRIN 1)tfi AWiKDX 4007117'- .•• ' 1 EECZP7 71317 PORTION 1.71110 817171)1 P%D01AY oTAT7 07010111 1w)OE1 S7 DID • =Ell 7017 10777011 Ontla7 O As 7r0L7t71$1 _ • e cpVANC1N0).T 771E.NOl7RRAST CORAL 07 7711 7017N7101T OSRATSR Or 6$C720N Il 100180 • • - TIM NOSTRZA17 MAWR Or 1A.70 00111831)04/7 LOY 111 mt*Ct WCS SPEY A1.0N0 TIL7 101771 7.7X)'Or ;AID i0CTI0R,10T0c TAM .07 970 17071 . vi 7NC17Ct tOV77It71LY DADA1.L71.0078 TYE)a927NE1).Y 71157115107 or 7117 70R7I011 or=it • 7•W'LSui or coup 00Y100174777•WY 1 1112310 TIC LAST 117t Or 0Voro o 1r a 1 o7. . �. LAID SECTION 111 Al P/TA0LI7NID 1)1DAVEY LY OAADXCR. 14 s7P7Dm21. 1141, A DISTAIICr Or SOD 77!7 7'0 TES TND;PJSNT OT SIColkOonOt 7- Q 7'xtNCS Ccornr)IN0 5ODDrt1LY ARD.7ALAL"'.01111 SAID 1170t 1- A'D13TA17Ci•OP,Ifo TETT. {) MOR[co [Am, 70 A 707317 ON 717610RTNi0LY 713.1713 07 SKI NDAT1tOuf 1ACITIC 71IIAU.Y • 7 CV OCIIPAM'7ACNP Or 10.Y) . O TNINCS WLS'IRLY AL0N7 SAID NOA3NI74Y 17500131 TO THY 17503 LIN%D1 81120 000lsORO 7 ti, IDT)t . 7J? 7NDKI NOMIUTP.L) ALCM SAID MOST Lit 79 0 702312)SIR LISs ;co 7'777 00410 Or RNC sown Laps or lIlt 7CC771)8 Lf) • . 3117771 EASTERLY 70 231;TRDL P0217 07 70611045110. I • 1 •1 yAAC[L c. • 1 • 1 T7G7 7072I0N Or cav7n1oaNT LST 1 IN LCCIION I1, 2001117! 7) PORP,7,1771 0 7.2461. • 1 WI1.td3Q7Tt 8501DIAN. IN 33780 Co144Y, WAINT407034, 000011ED A7 101.10x1, Cor7f:]/CWO AT 7317 VOA-M31707 Cost/EA 07 SATO 7LCIION 177 • 714xI,C7 spars S1•10'25• 1505 ALO,[;770 A0MIR LIYI 07 MIA SECTION A DI17,04Ct 07 1, S . - -. 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I-.I:r7ac I)'t b •:....... ,.....a 3.. ,-, . . •-••.:, i. ht....4 . Lf)LII DJ '' 44. i .'-'" 'i' .,'.....414t , la,73. 1 1111. • . f. • .."'••••1-111" "d .. ' .? .... ..i.••es z• • N 041. .Le Z ,I,. .4 I . i 71T 11....R.OCIT L. - • .4 . AA. T MY CO 110,1Ce ,; .. 1. .. , e. :, .:,. ., . t. liana in. . . -J ,,.4.' . • •.6, -4 a. PARCEL D• . . ,...‘ - ., d , ScA...4 IN TUT ..- s ' • •- 1 ••• IPPOill"61-14?-11412149214' .- Pkt ,0 . . • 1\,,,, 42r.144.711.--11 .,-.0. • 1.V.,..1!:.1 •.; 4601711:4° .'.... • - ,44-1 Ammo 4 - i \ \ pAnckp.... • 41: •••••:-.'_,...--: Tivit::wv cze.1,41cm .,. 4 „. 116 *Ai .4.•. JP.LIKF•ri I :ma:•pea......vim Ma.Mr , , 1 Al II LI.4.T. I , ...._.----,.. .: i .. _.... ...,,„.e , . :.,y IREIREF11/23.411"OUT 01.00 sue • % SAMhurho1h.2...„,, 741*Ohm Ava.a,....:113: „i-,,... .. -7", ,...-,..-4."-- .,. t, ./ 0„,---• . 1181,1.i.t.Seas 10.40 Inr LEGEND . at 4a• ........;„„ -.40"'••• , sago, - =44.416400 USX 1111.00 Mt . ...NSA. . PQ ..., ..... WSW il.11•U•car ay,o4 rwe PARCEL. A - rii0P0.9[0 MULL 041.061ATI,J0 11 .. ...., , ,,,., ,1 00.,,,,,v4.6.'",:;• „:00iti;:,I ••)1 A - memo paacia OCOMATIOM .4:000.-. Ill° -'74'',iii4.0 7..71 P41' '-' 604 ..0 ji gi&. ,-... . - 0001. 41.;7°°4A.*a'Viel "'" ... 06°' * .....eh,' • .6_. . • • •c!CtO a wqrsr•onar • • : if. ea* rf.... .,, • • '' +i,. ..i. nap. . • ._ ...; ,tp- wirsaryr ;lair • r...i.-;r4tra=AAar.--).- •-• i - xl• -,-.'75r--...: s i N.!:!FirW.Str .y. .. • MT PlAtaA t ii w(lj - : sr e .:. e wit:an-c•-• ....------ '••••,...,t .f • 4, e, .%4 f •ValX. L .e___ .1 A A' . ."1......,. i :.4n .e.0......"""q:, 24"EXCIE1?77111nEaa 4... / ; 1 1 .3,r..,A. ," i? Zi; .ty.„...:1,. .,3 ,...,,,. • '•TI. ,,t°, :I. il .t. ig.11 Os ''Sk•,, ' ,..e' .:: ...i'. 1 ,:st. • f‘,„.. • AUDITOR OR RECO RAERE CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CaPITIRDATES a(41141.8r17 p:/usTMENT FOW _I 41. • .1 . FIAA lac/rani a*.././nay al.AILARA-.1./I•,,,,,‘L.,... . ./ tA FRANK4\5, .43 ONNELL;rJR, h iha.1.21-ttl tattaor at p..1,71.4iir...,.....1 e 1114 RAE=eV FRInverlo a ezwy now lof.....war MT 114•Citela orkurasnee vial Yr welLAboneoR of el me I./ • ,4, ....• 1.:."..' .r _.t, ,14 •1ct0 , :: :11:1. DI1I"a.i:l',li 4),1BCUIVSILHE,N11G,0INEE0ER&S Ha LiTAcNNHD IENLMG3S.,2E,3TI4NO 1Cs4s4. ocrh..44ry4 ri.pcjy •`)'-• cSwAA..I.t SEPT.•1':9 S.i'S.-,,'.:V4-I1v.0e11.,0-27."-0'•-5.087:y..7 • �:..,...na.,.. VOU t Syu,US , 108 76,4, ;3',�TaiArtrll .` ,f' QOVT,LOT 1,(N.E 1/47 N.W.1/4)of SEC.19,T.23 N,R.5 E,W.M ' LUA-95•x173-LLA a` 1' ,1�try • tatilMo1 i7►rlxi or 116 -• 1pa rice n in LUL mo rug or KING��~,` • WAS WASHINGTON 1-ND-30••0132 s.aust 403'.t is a a Irti ,1 31 00444,*0000 0 pix. SUalatkiaLaaalaaaSalailAS 1 . 11 1 p 1 4 xaot.5,143314 l7•'ld•,}5 t01 Woo as mak 1.9'3 a1.LLD 444145[ 7[103 34001 Or/3.0.20 145' 0.11 1La>1 $@ pL 1T4ra12 1.)2,.•'^••••' Ta1ST 111.5 x115 tO TM 12010[x.LVSnk Cl 10111=TALI TEAM 141 23503 11.5114 ale4 �eL33x -1 '.'•ice••••,• > IA.x510[1401 PI 14554308 Orb Tab Y5IS Wt05 lta non, 000.,To 754501 Win ll•{3•�•i{1.'R• 1.1.11.'-1111 SO as soot 101st 0 11i0,**tvPt 414 SOM.130,•yaii Or Ta XOMI 330 3141 Or 753 5525 Aro I. x311.1.1 Ala 0113 I. x13.1104,110.11 iCl LIMO COMM fIGI1MiOl • t.'`:` 114 rax Of as LOT 111.730 iap102T1,,t ,. tLta00ian SO,121.113o1J1.am TILL MOM fab.a.I.SIM IOO; tamer Gotta 43•x024+tat 112.71 rt. • ww.l9asg43 i 514 55.33.31•Lys Masi tar Matin Litt 0l'Aro Sa002 00F{Y...war.5 111,21/DO ''.......6, .ms 3 11 Mg route:M confr0}n-so Ol1X.a5n•1,.,,, WC$12.23 LSF TO m L[mcr[III Or MT 1117111 TL3Ac5 Trym 1/•011174 Tin, 7.41 tan • 'fit W.,S,?!l•L. Ooorasts.17111 BTR=.1030 C01.0b4•110.f.Yil Oaf '10451 Ol 115 aPSTn 52 prat.515014x5 II®700*IAAt3 I. 00511/ 00.1'`2 tures:It:: 111 303401[ ,01111•110x3'01Mt[ r 3040,Ln>L of Ii�O.520t. 50[15[[F301 TO LS[ ...at 33313obttalc 20Ili 0100 TO 75 1. 01.4 1 111.1174 7*q Tu etrq g OP 11041151, 11,EA�O moon,:LT.ao AWa LIYG 4510/14 LLWLaiW Nue +' ; •� 1.•"l, 59 2+Ylaer pr, TWA. 4v 1 11 tow 33.11 Mt 31►LLi.B1 ' .1` n ??5}501:Y*aa5tr 1.7511.RL sial m 155 4105 a 211D amass=lm x*n1a N•a1•i{{ 1/}}4t14Y 411.74 rax raLt 10011011 W���'N'�p�''�5 LOT {;..1.2250 .T Tat yI1pWIW,1 31 lao AL7IG12111a.1451=0.1 14:ng 1.,r 7 Rmtaxua matLT1aa 101 ?lana*OAT*414A1•I1.1511[ L.N rax 5401515 mar/2c seas,t 2 ialak tta1157$•i.!?LO 17GYt-oa-14[3.1 f1 r17r.1.7011 l}NL:70 lac-*05411 pp Or so7Aayr 57:5[5x5 mtr: s*Otaa 1win*5114 14•3,4111.12.45x.23 rt. •NL Ota bob 331710 a QTI.XYI NRTON ay!'{7 x157 1 335-.5 it• 4.` u 554430x01 T 44,573'05 MX1tw SP asaQ 7;SJa L1wA T]NG 222513 Q *1.145,341./.1,42 305.54 na :73455 Tut 1[50 Iu2,3 0[0x5 Iol0S01-5; MG�a. Loa'A,141:.tdl rola. Na r. 3rT To ria to TYL 1SiT LStI or at LVi atm.33,10411110 23 YOa14,14535'1: ,M.M.! It 't�zruca 114•Ypr fMlt-Ia N 13,22 Ox 70.00 x101 114 loan 11411 1 1.1141 fit[ na, t ono 0 of x150 91D.o1 IOIAM 10'11110•VOLT 741.43 54x0 it*Yc tut 3420 2115 0570 LILLCL lb Mob%104 Mai 12101LO1J •,••••:•' ,,` .1 111 071 0550 ).C2 mu [IOAD 250592 t0 To A 1410 tar.* r5i{50511 11•31•p`[Asa 113.15 501 AW 1,1175 141.11 ••'•_ `• Mria I17p1110,5'laf0.f350O1 a1Lb,0 ,,.jli'im 1X.Qa Mb= 43.11•/l•Las 11.Li VW ram Aa Last Nil.Or 0®1571411 • LAW=Tal 11[87 304 frit Ti5RAtal t,,., i a�p�jSG W, OL40 'dluc Ma{Y N•1L.4{ Y(lS 11T.L 544x/ I•otti 52525441.4...3.!.11. no '5U'il�y loot or LID GaG3 7'50 mLMR a6Vin 11.11.1•j11ya 051.25 ILL 11.7.[ Tor 15101 or . um LT�f Tor 120x145 34 ISM/07INL 30VL Ai tOtrNit,1.o XI. TJIo Two 101 F,'a 1f iO3.L x515' TO las Toot loam o1 a[7113a4a. moat a• 3.4,41 War*1*55 0O 140.223701,110 L 4120035 ,,`tint..ba 1' • ba11 512011?W.0,L Lav0 ao TY*ALSO a 111.1.148 5 01 DUD tt• '1 �• lj {/,1j=Ma 214 Tia cs,n Di tgT1t,L2Y0,courr3,alntnl®M. , mamma Moto RLmsOrYo 00.{11017/01 10�AL•.i1�ta�1�r�ia••11_�ra�1ab4,B`4,0>5sluar1 Tp.W W16t Aa1 alalk 1 r • 1.•^4 1141?5Oas9a.a Na,50000 WAWA*Or A Ln15*5201550 ,�, Malt.t!a7+1Q1'I1u1. a,P�LO°14b,1.�1r`ass cotlltY for 111 .21„, p f' fN >w!.fn naw*:o a.01.7.11 s U roLlalal 1• :• •' ' aaT}{an al car oliaawM,_pOora l•at 131.,Abx[-O.[M1I Y. tll'.a"34.4 2,150551 41 mrY.ton}t an 1,taclav IL.Sob.0 21 5,155. 3101.5X.1 m 50m5ar 4,.054 Or T1s 50515,54?stunk Or 3 ,. ;. ..• bill. 4 *An, Ir.4.,•;113 Lot o0Prta, aaamlmr. 5m2aam a1 muss as.104521 13 li 141.1St 1 WT.Y-M.i ':•,'•Y�• 'I:,y Il•,•: 1•,I• MALAlal ?LOIS YmtSLT/Ori Loa Nana at v 4130 ammaAa 15,A OLLTAYTA 1olooroao5,?A.W f 3aaaapllpr •!,,'7 1,`' • or*TO raZTl 4 t+ cOasmap1rMh4 u 15{p043 13 t 244155 or 117a a*NN7ata1. '10114 tab.15060[5 Too x011.5.in 015 MUT Lo.Or obbos u•a tot 1. 7'14.1055x55 . UM [LTi L.704150 23 14616}( LONA$1411.U•110 .3,45 x01'4 Ap Tar 030 Ian ans.t0 11 A ost.Oirowela at 710 LMR TO Tor 717134[5,10x-Oar.11t1 LLILI AAan1 2 tut. Y 11 1Ra. �{q[7t. , l aQ11W,(lr .,01atn1rrrutrltya '22 10a1oZ nyl[p•11L®iC LILO.152515 10100*a 0.07 1, 1011313[ 110 1Aa1GRL1t0 to{,.YRS JUL or (5111.1 11• vO11r-1AT7 l 1' ••N 0214[14000 LOT 1,110/at,Ma.fl LRt...t5 A/011111..1111101711 •: "•-1 111.1 P1aF 7{• •��( i N. laLr 33313 IOI,Lalaan/.L x544 • 141.51 Or ALTs 0110114 1ACTrao i12c.+e,cusu MT 111MLAO[I!O, AMD 00101 Wt'O lX W 011.4*t moi'/.or 543541,103=.4,4111.1S „O mtr14r 217 att:IN4.113. 54/ALq�411.0 T • Milt Tf..501 of Mia al, ., 101X1. 2,1.35•von»3.11 S A3po'a1r 3455 Ara , TO NI.r TM!.7*cr a71p,.1o. l¢Tr 71.04 x1¢15 •'i1 01-40.31 VIA.1,1001 laRr>dl`OAmI tAZ1.2' 5115:.•• ,, to .• ♦3.37.105.;••ss�1ll:.,`10.N IN: bp 1(w',•r.•'+.•l T.... 5155' 1,4,13:01,011-51OX' 0 412 x541200 ,11-025 ?111593 1410 a`, •'.4�1{t0� 10.14il. 3 wasp 140 AT Tux IOMraal3r twat ppp177`151 GOO 7071 0100 , Taco wool rr•titw 1514 11-13 roar atm ass aaaOY ,AL7 toots 11!lI'll lis .7.3p x1511 AM.L•n•41.0000 Lia a!mat T511m3.71,3>ia,mob. i7 1s 207 3110['24 Naas 3I.11 1,114491 J 114 W 7654 323.433 7301 tits, m T.W@YxitiouT Sint f1 riL aoOSyll1 Ma/a LL15}AD ran=cobba11JP.I$Og1 n-n•av Y5t 115.54 MT/ .".f ,j` 1 11.1., ., >100,11.11., ALaa•-or-Mlti : 0 1 , - roof=torso 41.341530-6w 4.40 liar 15114 1037(5' •gfT�'{,Ti WLtt�`T.{i art TO sL AO[ WSIY Or 130105*mu.77.1.0•Mara 51900 34031 R101•••oraitr at 1103 MT ?515415 501014 L•lt{l•R� •N ran LWi5a1 70 014 las/Aral Of ar3a*s no triorur L1omo,2101 avant t0ta 43421�i 34 troy 11.31 4451 '`�11:..•, aqM� Fli'� 1:'iv1.a��Lf•133.14-tar • a5 loast1a/ t .• ,•�{,y��•.• sum.Mors*4A-34 as.bur 523.71 rase • TYLXCt }l*.' *0 IL1Ln 57.11 nn To us an 3.. or as>, 11uoal mlr[La1110 s 77,11.11•Myf•1sa.N 1.R `' _ .••.141. Tlmrca a1Yra N•a1!17•Mau 1,11.11 MRI 51LOr W. If ....L.Mamma01 L*4411 A. x344555. maol 40011 1.73.11•L, 42.11 tRg17 ,1 1• 1t., TWAT*roam$4• 147•tan. 7.11 x5'3 A22>,.51to. y• Qd.fl*t Nmb1u 30.5 0.1.47 0411 mud=501x1 4313'•11• 10.53 o., !1 ,,r'•5 .•.?4x52 10R3 yN111•.MLas 112.55 51X1'is vis root Nat or TIm1�110 �L a tri"SLS 0 111 x117050.5 L.T 1401 1.+.R LTi,TO TRW.50301 3'33•41•,}�YL0Li1310.44 FX311...:r' • 1 '•450OCOsor ..1535•45.141v13( fa } ........32 ....520105 x.101 Aso tae 1550 u.s Oa r11Na[Muni 14'34.31•x1141 ss7-u x451'm rot mum01.144aa{114352 _ TAM.moo.41-15.37.51x5 147..r1II': L...m1{'t�3q-,�1.am Ta 1 bbli,tai-.144211001 bpu Ir14 AT114a so0m1 • '•.:0 tbs. 11•}1.3.,:mar y0.11 Ws 4315155077* '14'1!{1x333231' rsWA7/oats 1.33.11.Yar3 assig Sa VW 10140 I'ia 5015?as rt mX.rs=WIC 01•11•u•.rAat 41.11 Ictal TM=lwtd/1.1y LTR 130 13.14 rat 3Laa'La 10134 Las N 3001 Luo ms 331cla.Op N�11a Atds1j1f0 ttyrilT,(MLD DOM eta oa . snows••1115 l 11.31•BAIT Iola ran; 1101J11ar.tS Log2 ap 31r0'MBLi00i TiaLT% ' A 144.1 x013 UDEN11 3 3p1 0o1wn t*lays,al*r. a IWSAt.aS •� NIg05 ya�j 110541 MR L,N ram T1mIR soot{01.14111, 143.13 Li Abs tat WS ran Or LSD sour arsaLW sorb WOO..bolt i 311.11,5ORM 4an�lr 3453 307.31 ILII =AMU TALI 715 yap LW r flJy2 toOtl1i53I Atom 6010 14451 AMD 101235 171.44 ritP.39 A loiYt .1.41, TMj41`4 nod K•1 104!rept 143.43 x5310 rats 111274 77.17.111•?ALS 141.14 Mr iiaaal N0o a+AaNNTSLT or S4Mo5R1 •• 2b.r..00sn I o%.4•43...44.=3.210� roil 7O Tr 045'1101 or as 3417 t.rlli TA A stair Wog"c1.. Boma 01.34151•Ia1r TLO[Tot spot 7airt • • Tonics Iona Alam;$Al0 Yrir.boob 10.45 riot•W 114�•• 31.54 Tin W>ar9 goy s0a.-0 a1.3olti.M ?*Ire 1001 Or 1x7514335*. `n1o•*tM.�a W]L 1�•aaL.•T4.v-�rrrLa 7.lpp 1351 Am loot[IML 19 TA.. 1 01N.4•rY',Q.1T-110.13 ft.T9'not but TOUR or :'Tax 1 li...111 115•.,05 ',pato 1224141 r111pr Mta 5154010 lb... 1.r LOT u' 011300105. , . AMA=32,13a 401 or sorra,mora Or not,51.43'5 or 11a1rMd1540,,,,..•••i•1 VVVfIIIee00oo��rYYY 1.11115550.111-1=4"47,03 1 5*.5401 500105 7 0 TO t•a 700 Ai0a or*0 WT 175.00 OLR., a 001 Cl,,s tot 01 113lia a Tat OM I Away,Ona worir,ry11MGTTW- 5.•rR.ti Tadao Malta 034 4115•am 010.51 1 117 s 511x-4477 aril 3SMt . ': TO 1Os'alorl p4.O pprI TOG 7p"I 40.10, ar L1to 11025145 NCL 11 . 74044.I aata047501 711>Wa 130 ria 7 t11s DOOM 117 rap or Tat Scar 134 7110 0r •:.7lMAI mull{111/.11•x411117.7 O.a1AXS:1Art 5104 011111:0101 711 BAIT 247 MT or mr000to3i Sat 1 2 1/CT7p1 11.750/0410 13 54 Tay 40*r120 00(�1 iD50000 111[5 Dy1Y1a3L LS Gam TO-0010,... ".: x0,100,NA1.a LLT.5.04 • •'�^�0�•^J•'•� t 451015[WIDa=1.0-MAT, :i• s rD5 10.Or 00vom34a 140 1, u Stab 11 31 MORN, 3441;.` r ��" - soar 5 110, 14.4.,;;1(Liu 0.17,WL7jltpvY, OLacRiam AA 7 114 Tru wont 14 Ra 23x504 u)04047*TO Tall mai or LLaaor rotate O0 1712!'110 543.'3"1 7 1I 012 A.'ItZr Layw or!0.02•.01'• . 701.0111 , las loVOrvs111 741 RBST Waal a3ma11c 30, 1123410 0011714 T9ACC AM x71 Morn '1sq[Q.4.011 0 .A.•103Mt,YMIG1 WAS 37,121 43.54.544 4l1D5ruu mat nk@ 1'4351 or 2005 1175( %2 51'9 05. As M11m41a m®1 Or LTD laml`'1L10M, 10 100 10x1451*q Tai ea a 4X,3011•mono or 130{0,awl W oxsaarot. 15x505 Io714 44••50.44. 251 4T.Ti rL3T iorsrs TPOL Falb or`••. 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'ls^/ 1. • 4120001 Ort X10050000 CatTIP1• CATI3 ) SURVEYOR'S CERTwCAT6 10:1,14. /]h'+ UOU1 7(' t E p�Jll$`fM (f PO(C SSI'•• •1' 51.4 Ma mci Wl-day d 10.[.51-.14. 7y1.��w+�.►•.3 • rL��7Ty�A•((�11rC:D ,p �MM77�1/L •#. 1143:+ i 5514 •I Alwr.4 plpa_.L t.••1.1.41 al 0nap mo �('0540 04 MII M f*I0I Sy cm '1 u %• * LkQ4 • ••"^-_•:1••�•1'57,1 4!1'•�"R'R1• Na11.11D105411a1ollPIa yy1{1rm.d.oAdtla1.wawMa 1• Alb. COUNTS/YO170R 21151wawM DP 0.0•0010 5L[GTpXt aftri,,ttaa d., "'Vitt,tp Ts r 5 BUSH,AOE0 5 HITCHI4OS,INC. tr..m by boo ". v CIVIL ENGINEERS 4.1.ANDEVJIIVEY058 1401 6EP7'.l9$, 9221&013` 14-44- OWAS46l3xry sax '05151 .• cl +.J« Y r � c4f1.M.,S ti s Wlyi T3100'. 2Vs,`3 '. a..1..11.11.... • ,Y 0,!.- .,,.. sil ' • .e' ..,r- f r S. -14,. V603139005 10B 7 6 6 i" ,,,,-- • . ..!" A .1 GOV'T.LOT 1,(NE.1/4,kW.1/4)OF SEC.19,T.23 N.,R. 5 E,W.M. .., :". WA-95-17a-LLA i• . .4' i KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON LND-30-0132 .1 .. . .. ) ::* ,c• .1t4 i, .. - ? • :i.. rt. .,•• .r• :;,..1 .i.i. '..9 • ....... . 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Gralhah No.______. m.,...........,...... • . • __ _ Branch,STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM _ - Schedule B • Section • fafception .... • "Am rertAied rm fa r eNu rarx rf-Sfwva,us. ``^� 'suer fr Tor S tidhs.aha. dMlmrvrAL,44•1271i Rdn r.Tri.timers EASE VOLNTS wire g COVENANTS AND 9 AESrR1Cflcr$AFFEcurde LAND Man E i ; • THIS AGREEMENT Is e$opive this?rill da of February,1996 between 80*Q :[L •a>� EAMIL'Y LZ.C.,organized under the bws of the State of Washington.hereafter refer m i co as a Developer,and WAL 4fART STORES,INC.,a Delaware corporation.hereafter iehrred m as I Waj Mart. WITNESSETH: 1 WHEREAS.Developer is the owner ofTraas I.2 and 3(`Tram'),and of Outpour-Ls ('OP`s')A.B.C and D('Otttpaeels')as depicted err Exlteri A attached wad referred to bstin g . by reference,the legal description amid Tris and Oohs.as Ideruiff d and st forth on Etlrbit B amsbed:and g • R WHEREAS.Wal-Man has emend faro a lease wide Developer for the lease by Wal-Mart of T ea I.said lease being dated Febr ary2.L.1996,referred to hereto by reference,and ' • bgenfler referred to as'Late:and . WHEREAS,Wal-Mart-and Developer desire slot the Trace be developed in enojunoion G' . with each other purst®t at a general plan of Improvement to form a mmrneteial recall:bopping center,said Tracts and oatpercair being sometimes referred or herein u'Shopping Carrs",sad • father desire that the or and Tracts he subject to tlx easements.covenants,conditions and ' N restrietietss.as applicable to said Tram and ougnrcels.as hereinafter set forth:and �. ✓ti CI WHEREAS.the easements,=Wane.eovemmx,and tenni dors set forth letrin shall it 1„,% i. tea with and be ahem-fit to or burden upon the Tracts and Outparcels,as provided hernia.and • p shall be of a duration and shall be etfeaive for salt time as she Lease is effective and >n p WHEREAS.Ethtbies A and B have baa initialed by Wal-!Sart and Developer and dated lZ 7) with the same&cc as the effective dare hereof,and s:•'i WHEREAS.this Agreement may he referred to herein and in the Lease as the'ECR-. -ECAs•or'ECR sr,and such reference shall refer hetero ard the Exhibits as identified and referenced herein:and i . NOW,THEREFORE,in car --ratim orate premises,casenems.covenants, +'r =aeo=ratricnom.and encumbrances ronYainsd herein,as in consideration of said(rte the saffxchey of consideeudon being hereby aci eowiedged,Wal-Mart and Developer,do hereby agree porn.convey end warrant.as follows: L' L. DerniltiOnSt a. 'Building Ansi s used herein shall mean that portion of the Taco and Durpan:eta as shown on Exhibit A.that hese dawn and depicted Thema , space labeled as'Balding Arm'. Said'Belidlag Areas'teprescar the physical space within which buildings can exist troW,or hereafter,except for emersion as provided herein-. Canopies may encroach from one /� Bonding Arca our tine Common Arens provided the tomes do ax G interfere with the use of abs Common Areas.and any such encroaching S d canopies shall not be considered as put of the Common Area a c . tY.•c improvements within Me Common Ars,be shall be err lLente as pet of r the stnatie within the Building Area. _ t "Common Ares'as used lectin stall=III all of the Thar and it f ree Outpah C and D.except and excluding therefrom ale Building Arras 9 s f1 and euxpi and=lading therefrom the legal descripdoa of those=damsT, of TV=2 and 3 that art now a abject to the terns of thu certain existing' • • 1lease by 130=11 Felly Partnership(Devddopc bang the successor to , t .r _ ornw•at.auarusou -1. .' l • j �1.sr Ter?;� •. .w --v. • KTNG,WA Page 1 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 • Branch:STTC,L1ser:8792 Order:'964881 Tale Officer:6 Comment Station Id:MMTM • Bound Fainly Parmer hip)as Lessor,and Aetna Lire Insurance Company(Aetna)as Lessee.dated rub'17,2992 and recorded nod=King County Recorder's File Na.9207202031,os amended by document =ordrd nnda lag County Ramtder's File Na. 2 ITJAenn Lease),provide1 that as and when the Aima Lease terminates for any reason.Oren sakilegal&stripe=of those portions of Tatra 2 aai 3 will be Included=pert oldie Cecil:non Area.except for Building Aman. The area subject to the Aetna Lease is depined no Exhibit A,Tran 2.with crass-bvrh:nb lam and labeled'Lasehdd Parcel'. e *Corners=to Common Area'shall infer to authors of the Building • Arca upon winch bulldtogs of aumasnrss cone be oonsaucrnl for any etasouand which the Developer,with respect to Trace 2 and 3 and Ourpaucels C and D,and Wal heart,with respect to Tram 1,determines IC maven n Coutmon Area by executing an Arne deneot to this Agreement defining that particular porion of the Building converted to Common 1 Ates. If the Coavmlan in Coermaen Arcs occurs subsequent in time to the dinettes Developer improves the Common Area,as provided hcttie. t then the oast of the Improvements is the Conversion to Common Area,to I then mance the Co=on Area improvement,chill be paid by the party •. I maverting said area.Temporary use of the area no Unlit A labeled it Building Am locked onTnn 2 as as arra within width Developer may ' initially provide for parking asd liighaing improvements shall not convert • the same ta Came=Mts. I' d. "Pmdmemr Wall'shall refer to the outside surface of a wall of a baWdurg or a strwsure appuneoant as a barring(eaduding crnpfr s)located within :1 the Bulidh g Arta_. • r. O e. 'Shopping Cake still refer to the arm encompassing Trams 1,2 and 3 14 and Gotha-eels C and D. tt a1 f. 'Munn!Coma'shall refer to consent to the activity or matter,reduced tr m writing,deMing zed ming forth the mater consented to with dairy MA signed by Developer axil Wal-Mart. 1 g. llaBdfstg(s)'as need boleti � d shall rem a r ^ structure in the Shopping Cerner that is Intended to be occupied,above or below grade,by persons and/or personal property incidental to the use far which the apace within the perimeter walls of the structure Is intended to he used. - 1 i ? Ifs: Bnildittgs Mall be fmdrul to commercial use and ptuposm of a mail. tragi cssol a shopping an=type Muse that without limitation includes fia.r-•bl institutions, • of lees.service shops,and met stores. Notwlthsmndhsg the generally of the aforesaid the following uses stall sot be pertained craps span®teal tomcat health club or spa;theatre: bowling alley:video game or billiard parlor or similar plate of a,rvsc,„rng or night club. I • No afeteria or nestaurzot shalt occupy any budding space,which space is I located within two hundred feet of the perimeter wall of the budding constructed by Wal-Mart on • Trace 1.except the Building Arca on Omparcel D(Including a 10%coioeaion of said Bulky Areal and the westernmost Butttlirg Arca on Trate 1 are UM;object to dais restriction. Na salaam=or a_"rns ay4 In the aggregate molt than five tbonarrt t square feet of the Balding Area on Tram 3,or more than 4803 square feet OD Outpnncd C or tpu more than 6400 square feet oa Ou ¢l D(Including a 10%expa uloa of said Building Areas on OR C anti OPD)will be allowed with=mutuals mutual mase . ' Notvhicstart ting anthing to the contrary expressed herein,it is atpeetaty . understooder express that nothing mouthed in this Agroemem shall be construed m contain a covetous.richor implied.that Wilwill co • -Mart ntinue to operate a basin=on Tract I,except :7, , ,: fi t ii111111131111111111111M.• + -ti. "�er:IL . KING,WA Page 2 of 19 Printed on 8/4(2009 7:33:05 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM •.K,.: s*,ser-•a;:ie x.a� 1. '. t' :clamp . .r. • Wal-Mart does egmc that it*rill,pursuant to aid base,earsutta a Wading,with sputum= stsueums,of approximately ore hundred thirty-dam mous el time hundred square ket lee acted within On Bolidlcg Area on Tran 1. Developer agrees and actaewledges that after are day of retail operation Wal- 1 COMM Mut any,at its sok Od=cease the operation of in buziress oil Tract 1,and Developer • hereby waives any legal smoo for damages or for equitable=BM whith might be evaileblt in Develops became of nab=sad=of baskets actio ty by Wal-Mart 3. nneoog.ileacs rvf hnntitx,of orioi tt Developer covenant that as long as Wal-Mart.ora subsidiary or alRhte of Wei-Mort(affiliate meaning as entity that is •. owned 50%or mote by Wal-Man),or a Sub-Lessee or Assignee of Wal-Mart approved in =int=with the teas of the tease,occupies and epaatn a disco=retal deputies,:state • within the un depleted as Building Area on Tran 1: S a- Tint Devdaper will mot develop any Buildings on Trot 2 or 3,or OP A. B,Cor D,or upon any teal property that Is contiguous to the Shopping i Croon Mu is battler aequtzed and devsbpsl by Developer,for our by any other entity or person os a disco=retail department time(tn Is larger th'sn 40,000 equals fees A inch use of the Building Arca cm Tract I u a=al disco=department mare trnoimky for a continuum periods of ', u It=iwo(2)yetn or the tease it terminated or extinguished for any ( roma whatsoever,then the aesokdonr imsoaed by hit paragraph 3 shall • lapse and termi ate and be of no fora and erect. Ib- This Agreement and tp+he ti -n =trial=and conditions, d all I. CNI -f terms hereof.the/be in Atli fora tai effect upon the exesmdn of the [asst by both peaks. lraaki lase terrain' or Is extinguished for any mason whatsoever thea this Agt=thr Ltd the astmoota.restrictions, p and mrrfit tans bruntahAB lapse end extinguish and shall he or no forte In and effect • 0 • 4. illatrs: .• a. pSignr.ns rurtio. The basldcrgs catenated within the Building .., Arras shall be designed and constructed so that the exterior elcv.don of tach shell be architecturally and aesthetically compuibk and so this r building wall footings sod underground vaults for utilities shall int eoemach Gam one Tract or Ougmu1 onto another weer or otxparcet. '1t. . 1 provided that(s)consuncdon of the Wai•Matc building on Tract I.in •` accotdasse with plant sohmioad to the City of Renton,is hereby approved,and(a)in the eventboldng wall footings or vaats,met Gam f` :/ a design and 03111121XCIOCI ataodpoim,encroach on another Tract or • `t Cuspated,despite nameable arms to avail that csccureme,the party • :S, rl owning said Tract or Onrpateet mxoached Upon shall cooperate in good ik faith,in granting all eocroadimcot permit or=SO=to the patty whose a' building wall(anewor nada rsseroada to the extent rbc® a e doss rot. A materially L uemfere with the developers=no the Tract or Outpareel comachtd upon i'' (1) De:igeanaconstruction shall be of high quality u mrasurrxl by the Busldttg constructed on Tract 1, • (2) No Radial shall eaceed thttyBre feet in height measured from - sire mean(tabbed elcvadoo of the parking arm of the Shopping Cerner.cseltoiire from saki bcigta coauutndan roof mounted I . betting,vaatihNon,air eo tinning QIYAC)egMpmemt ter '1 . satellite dishes on said Bulldog or parapet ar other wails laded to screen raid HVAC erg No building shall rated ore . story to taltlde a irrmmne. ICING,WA Page 3 of 19 Printed 0118/4/2009 7:33:05 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Orden 964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • • lif • (3) No Buldtag stall have an exterior matted rang=era roof horracxaI or angled surface that is visible to pedestrians within the Stopping Ceau that leas a maul eaetfor(except for Cashing satirist which will be pained or shied to match she eaesior 1® Brrrtdings striate). '- s (4) NO rooftop sign stall be erected on a B01dlrg The Building on Tract I skull Ix permitted to cwasune a curills'dish on tic roof of said Building or elsewhere on Tract 1. (5) Com:aoa Areas shall he of asphalt or concrete surfare,or tuba approved king hr ping of vehicles,striped,and shall have: lighdtag staniuds.ping area,start drainage,orbs and gavels amend dm planing utas aal/or;(ghtiog standard areas,as designed and sex fart an Fablblt A.for the Cammoa Areas,or as may he altered hetufer by a soul consent. (6) Al design and plans for Buifdiegt eamtrnplated to beeansnsrsd upoa the Bit ditp'1 Arras o1Ile ds'app!ng Cevter stall be eshlbiced In the Wer pasty herein and the pardm shall reasonably cooperate In the plata ad timing and oumnedan. Wal-Mart shall lava • to pt+or right m approve fie design and plata for the Buie:op ta be wants creel no'Itact 2,In order to mare re Cut the Building • • comaact and parking Iaearlon Ibr that development do not interfere wthe comma eat pandas far the Wal-Mart Building an Trsrt • wit IN. I.As long as no demolition or change is Building Footprint is • I` proposed to ocaa In anrma2 ora thetawGh,Wal•ivfast shall only be 'I tatitled to prior tvdaca mace of plans and design(banding • 1 N puidog let plass)for tee Buildings to be coastrude t on Tract 3 C1 and Cugurcels C and D:bus Wal-Malt's prior comma shall be . tegtisd for any developmcat pians for Tract 3 and Ottpatals C . tad D that tequtt dcmo[L9an ar rhangu ha Builtllag Fooq fico. fn • . 7 the event the consult of Wal-Mart is required heaesmdu.Wal-Mast stall be rcgttincd to respond to a request for approval within thirty (Il)days of receipt of such nevem std such consent.shall main unrasamrbiy withheld. Notwithstanding anything basin to the • contrary,foil dearminatlaa of the plus and design for the Building to be cotssvuctei within the Podid;.g Arra of Tract t shall be at the sofa discretito of Wol Matt. . b. I.daracian: No Building shall ho communed within the Shopping Center. either as haltW coastocvoa and development or future mpanics,sept • within the Building Arras and no iaspto torn or altcracioas which vary substantially from those shown on Exhibit A Or petm(tted wader CJs Agreement may be nude without the prior writes consent of Wal-Mart tad Developer. • 1 c, Fire Pnveer aa:Any Building maastrumed le the shopping Comer stall be i coasvacad and epmted mama In such a mawhich will preserve the sprinlded rate on the otter Buildings in the Zapping Cuter. 1 d. °i...Mag: All Pecking required by the Bcatou C[qr Cede and this ECR fn_ any Building shall be lasted exclusively on the Trott or Outpace!on which• moc id building is lmd.In the development and.use of the Trans Yr and Outpucelt(excepting existing use of OP A and B pursuant to existing I leases by Developer of odd on parcels)each Tof Oatparsel shall caodwously prouid c and=iamb)a poriiog not on suds Trace or Outparoet(s)equal to ora of the(o[loo lag: . ,1.?. . 0M41WAL-11.AXIVCR- • s -4- •r' a i"— •;;-:•: • • _-.le t:s:_n.'7;=.?attia.•=:i v.$ �.'a...�r• • . • • KING,WA Page 4 of]9 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:05 AM Document:CCR EAS I996.0507I277 Branch'STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • 0 . I r I (1)twelve spaces for every me thousand square feet.0011114ing space for airy restaurant or eaeruhroart tax laving a sgoase Image it=ass of five thousand Roue feet.TM same ratio ahal( be provided far a McDonald's remnant,nocwAhmrviirrga Boldiug of Leas than five Thousand square fees;(E)ten spaces for � um.. every ore thousand square Est of Bta7dmat for any irsmnan[et aoatahncm We Ica than Eve hou:md square fertfatbjea to the :stare McDonald's exccpdoa set forth in(i)shove;or(ill)fire spaces per oma thousand scream ha of Building far ray oche nee (provided that.acs long es the lloHsTiig®tract 3 Is tot resiled or reconsonsted and dots not itrinde a sew=tint=or cm:r*alteoas use.she uses in the Building shall be permitud to admin.n.in the aggregate,a minimum parking ado of 43 spaces • pa are tboa sol square feet of Liasiiding). • S. Otrnaasrclfei Development: In adrridoa to de tcsaictiore set forth elsewhere in this ECR.the Outpanods dull be developed punoaat m the follow*guidelines: . a. Caupatcel A is presently dew/opal d and smiler lease by Developer to U.S.A.Ponnlaan.Wer(-blast comas to the present seat use ted ennfgtuation •, of aining Buildings and structures located thereon as of dote bats(and any itnpmvrmcau dist sir authorized to be made to OP A by the ttaano fMama LD said lase(provided that Developer shag tet approve the consnnalon of say building greeter than twenty-five feet lad oto-story in • I height t5aeota).To the extent that the veining lease is hauler tiled . for any eon.that any subscquettuse teraf stall comply with them guidelines,except the any subsequent one strbsantlally the same as de outset use of OP A Is approved by Wel-Mart.(tae.mess a gasolre mime.Bre stove cad reared nres,Melodlag mall market saes incidental . to use as a walla smdon). v-t b. Outpaueel B is aurmtly under tease to laapbae Motors,(ro.(Raoroo- r0 zed the intended use ander said tease is for tew and usod oar storage aid saes,which permitted toe shall tat be mods or ' 0 exploded without the prior content of Wel-Wort. Wa.Msut.Inn reviewed arca approved the parking plan for Oatpaial 2 ox:Lawn an FAN(A. . • I c. Buildings hereafter constructed on OP A shill not exceed one awry and twenty-five fat in leight and Balloting:loreafler communed on OP B • shall oat exerted one story and 13 feet la Might,art asvtcd from the man • • • Eaislacd elevation of the Common Area paridog tot of the Sbuppiog • Center.No rooftop sign shill be constrett:l on suds llul1dbg or Buil trigs and any roof top optima atoll be=coed in a manner satisfactory to . Pcveloper. Sald Might restriction shall not apply to any motm31m2d ' tIVAC or semen eoaaaacted to screen said HVAC equipment or to roof- • mauled satellite dishes. . d. Buildings hawks coasaucsed on the Outpuoels*ball be bated int c Building Area on the reapecdx parcel and droll provide adequate puking os-site In accoulance with Section4(d). ' c. No freestanding Cd aaifimlion sign may be erected on OP's A and B , :ithent amttd of 13rstoper,an in m cool spall the*reification sign mad the height of the Shopping Ca=pylon Ago or substantially block • tw.•��ility of the Bttildios a irtOrutaed by Wal-Marton Tr=I.Is being etas. recognized that froth particular viowpetats some portion of the Building constructed by Wal-Mott may be bloceed by such gigs. Note{iirstandln8 the foregoing,enttiuteaextt rigor to kenote the free flow of traffic,rot m exceed dye fest in height,of a momrmeac type.arc autkarimd,subject toill the approve/of Developer. o F; . cvsnvu.sumECRs -5- • • i:cI 'C:c . .vy ICING.WA Page 5 of 19 Printed on 8)4/2009 7:33:06 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer.6 Comment: Station]d:MMTM . 0 f. No Iluarrats shel be commuted co aha Outpacr,l' expaanied,=nodded emenercly,or subsoatiafly altad.without the prior Pans therefore (Iacheing the hyout,uteri=building material,colors rued puking i Layout)have been approval In writing by Developer,provided casting Buildings on OP Anse taxiing lot layout for OP B,ase Tony depicted on Exhibit A,are approved raison farther action or submittals to Developer.Building widths the Outpatuls snail not exuercl beyond the boundaries theca . g. In the dew-korettt ani use of the Ompacttis(excepting emning use at OP A and B peon=to airing Ieases by Devdope r of said parcels), each Out/same than otmieuousty provide and maintain a parking ratio ca such Ontparectes)KW to ors of the following: r (ti twelve spaces(=every one thousand square feet of Building spat r1 1 far sty=au=or Wcrafm xsi use having a sgaare footage in mous of OK thousand apace feet.Ilse tune ratio Ater be pswided for a hfcnonzld's rxosunnt,notwithstanding I BuBdiog • of fess thin Erre touted square fat a tet cobs far every one • thousand square fees of Burest :tram for any resmam or .t eateminment the less ten Eve thousand Roma rets(zuhjct to the . some Mrpoaaid's exception se forth is(i)abort:or(61)fie spaces per ate thousand square fed of Building for any other use. • • Developer stun num hode:1*g seas to be included at part of saki Qugwtcel development in majuoctioo with any Bonding or other impsovem r constructed on the Ougorce ls).If the Outpucels arc ore • IN- Ds• developed data Developer shin cause the same to be kept tat,orderly, DI tad If tan:haped.to maliurin aid hadttape area and gross area as part • hdorto(to be trimmed scut developed with Buildings or other ac...-.tr- 14 h. Octpat xk use stall,subjem to prior mitten consent of Developer,with ' O teapeet to any Breading or improvement thereon,be limited to wall or 'nin cemmetcial purposes only,except m Bonding or improvement shun he used for a theca.right club.bowing alley.health spa,or billiard parlor. No Build'stg on the Ompareet shall be used as a discount department store • or variety,or'dollar stere'If the same contains sen thematic!square for . t or most:. • i. The Developer aod/ex owner of the Outparcxl(or MX=thereof if sot provided by Developer)shall onion=thortharchermive public rtabliity r. insurance,properly damage and all tisk lizard Insurer=with respect to , • the Out (a),Butillagz located thereon,appurtenances thermo,and . c other improveffisza located thereon. Such insurance shall(i)be carried • with rep:able compotes licensed to do bnci.+-se in the Slate of , Washington;(h)late loin of at lust five milliot donor for each oreusrocs,bodily agary and property damage combined:(Ili)shall not be . subject to dcioge.cancellation or tcmdm'ioa without at kart thiny days' prior writ=notice so Developer. ,• I. Developer shall at hs expense,install and maintain curbing and other • i• iroptursdalra to pzsYOw,.Y�.erpk ,aastmexs,invites or others • cotttseemd io arp way with the caameclal acdv(du with which parNog fad T Op 8 toy be-^v^n*'t[ p a in s locationhs the flv pfdne - Y eat Ill Caner other t an OP B. ii,despite Developa installation of sat$ • 1 asmsurn,Writ-Mart drumlin%themes vehicles associated whh OP B arc parting co Tract 1.then Wal-Mart may moire Developer to tali additional reasonable sups to remedy the problem . ______ J A1, 4va000.1441.7rrsrrata •6 l :j KTNG,WA Page 6 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM ill - , 1 onomm - r-- -------- --..__. . . _ I 6. Commun.Atsas: a. G,r+as of Fzs rot,-tiTxmnfiw Croom Wal-Mart gam to Develops, • Name to Its interest as lessee of Tran I.es a Gamor.ab l Developer grattts m Wal-Mart as awrea of Tracts 1,2 ant 3 u a Gama.as a Iao® burden opm their respective estat s and as a bcn:6t to their supecelm mates,which benefits and burdens shall run with the tapeaive tames and he binding upon tete same.int to their rano:dve!gens,cestomesa, invitees,Lemurs.ten ato,and employees of the parties.a nooarfusoe i eases=over,through,Gerais aad armed their respective Tracts 1,2 and 3 for madwsys,walkways,ingress and egress.parking of motor vehicles. loading and lodapdmg,vehicular and passenger traffic.and the use of hdlhtes installed for the comforts end co ivenkna of automers.iaviotes, Gcenmx,fits and employees of bemases and oc Lip ne of the • Buildings manual within the Shopping Cada,within the Bmidieg Areas spe ified an Exhibit A.Further=easement It granted by Wil-Mart I! to Developer and Developer to Wel-Mani?lnstall tsodergnnmd oblides from tee amass poem an the botmdaries of the Shopping Caster,to the Buildings co rammed and to be wnsmeani within the Butldsng Attu • depicted on Exhibit A,proviled that on such utilities shall he constructed iIn the Building Anal,and Wass acquired by the utility.m such enxry shall be insuUod above ground,erupt tocb wanting devices,clean outs,arras to vaults,power coaaxtion mattes,plume eomectioa devices.computer colon:ens devices as must to meted or have a enface eonrocfioo poke for opendaa o frit aa+,sepals,raloatloa or expansion.to save the Buildings within the Shopping Cetart. Wal-hth t atoll bout the right w use the access easement ova OP B recorded at Pie Na'j�7D_ fbr vele:nigrtmetpedestrian access from Tett 1 to Grady C •• {� Way. Devc k rr shall take all aaioa y to preserve and etniattia Q o N such access oecnnta,and to modiBcatloc of said aa==meat shell 1-4 Ise binding without the prior muscat of Wal-Matt. ... • Its b. mast of Favnrats-f)tnlsi-tc:Wal-Man ee tittuttnr en behalf of its G Lessee's lamer In Tract 1,and Developer,as owner of Trach 1.2 sad 3 ' LL and of Wtperaie A B,C,and D respaxivety,do hereby Borst and 11 CI convey ea Developer.and in were ars and assigns.for toe benefit of • Outputs A,B.C and D,and to Wal-Man and Developer,and their aueeesxor and assigns.for the benefit of Tracts 1,2 and 3,and es an easement detriment to the Shopping Crater and oeupaenels,a oon•exrlusive 1 restorer for Nebinear and pedestrian=as,ingress,egress,and for ' i purposes of laurelatdoa of utilities to the exam the same do not in erfere : with eoatautiBatting on of Buildings,within the Bing Ares.subject to the rcquitutem that the utility ease=does one have structure or • inprenetaetta above grouted,ntbjeee to the same entillemaes and i' utelloas as net forth is paragraph a.above.for the teodit and use of Tracts I,2 and 3 and Oatpata!A B,C and D,arad*gents,customers, . , invitees,licensees,tenants,=splay=of orutpmts,and o¢upams of Buildings or improvements upon Laid Shopping reeler and/or Oatp necl(s),PROVIDED HOWEVER.in no even shall said welded • pawns or paries beefeicd by this casement be pined to me the • Shopping Omar or outcomes or any pari thereof,(or whhytvr peAcing or any other purpose of a them the ingress sad egress and other rights • apo rreally granted u est fart la t la gas h b. e, jlttle and 3.— F- o--nr D:rdeF:3 Wairlafar.sh_Il C�.e I a+a locating tures ay,granting of specifically i easements for the h tion,repair,expansion,replacement.or M rectooaloa of stoma drains,sewers,water lima phone tices,computer • Lina,cicada'lines and vada.aria-utilities and other proper services . a-t-esmry for the orderly deeelopmal and operation of the Shopping ? ,,,i. aystrvu.tuxtttcas -1• • . Y -i •4;1..: .�t,L_ ••, I KrNG,CWA Page 7 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.0507)277 f Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer;6 Comment: Station Id Mkillsi • Center and the tkrpareci(s). Developer and Wi4•Matt,and tenants of raid respective per,shall ace their 1>estefforts to acme the Faaafuion of such Wiry ad service roes,as statcd,m occur prior to paving and finishing of Ctsmmon Asa within the Stopping C .No such nary n t service amts shalt be hooded wi hln fie Building Arms deplored oa }ta>amis Exlabit A ionated w max part s pall t d. timiatitrvs rm IIs-et .enmmon arca• t LI) Cummaaz:Developer and Wal-dart shall sae reasonable eons at I =sum that customers and inters>haf rant be pemttaed in park - on the Common Asea of the Shopping Crater eaogrt wife 1 shopping or transatdng Ladner on Tons 1,2 and 3.ami Developer,as flamer of Omparnro A,B,Card D,shall aimiariy use remomble ef'otts.and shs7!tame MULLS,=owe=and iavitm of the Comase:Es)tax to park oa the Common Area. • - - 1 (2) Fes: Developer and Wal-Mart shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that employers of taunts of the Shopping Cane or orI Developer or Wal•Mut,atoll rut park within the Common Ana accept it ems dalgrmcd WEAR*A as'employee parking upas'.If any. If Dope are designated Alen mid employees sba11 be nquirod to park asa point meat distant from the Budding • constructed ht the Shopping Center they spy as an employee. r, Developer and Waldiartmay from time CO time rmnmally N designate and wove.In writing,ddgaated'employee puling • arra'rot shown on Exhibit A. Employees of tenants of , • M t O Outparcek A.B,C and D may ruas t e the Common Areas of the >n Stoppi g Cerra for parking at on any d 40 (3) fanaal: No ase stall be made of the Common Area ether thus its 07 primary purpose of pravirEag puking and pedestrian and vehicle _ • ingress And egrtss.and serriCiag,for cossoacts,Maitcen and employca of those husinorses cotduecog'rosiness within the . Btnldusg Areas,and the servicing and applying ofach • bnsinesses,PROVIDial that(a)with prior notice to Wal-Mart and - . Developer,in wridng,setting forth the mane,duration,and putpote,and compliance with terms of any snit approval, . approval cm be grand to the tempts of Tracts 2 and 3 to use the • Commas Area nes Entad space rad time basis so long as the • ' primary purpose of the Cootm=Asn usage is marhttufmd with. • to fee is charged therefore,and the usage designated arca dots rot i unduly lryafsa puce with she Conran Arra usage of Tina l . compared to Tract 2 and 3 or the mese thcrmf:and(b)Wal- • 1 Marc shag be unaided,widunt prior wilier,to operate m nporary • outdoor sada areas and indoor nasal smiles areas on the • Ca nonan.Asn of Tract 1.or from time to time on a temporary ' basis,pad send-mica=she Camaro Ara of Tract 1 for the purpose of storage of seasonal nrn•ha nlee as long as arch semi- traslIea do not block views from the adjacent areas of or races to other Buildings in the Stopping Center. • • a. SVsttit Flex•:Any=maim In dm m=al Cow of carr n d san or.which may pater as a runuai maaz masogaof the rootalon activityinvoiced in oan-a• ' Bail-legI AO within din�,n�^^ mt . ./ A .or improvements within the Comma Ara attr{tnstable to ttamucrkm of i I haprnvanetos as designated and oneed oa Exhibit A is pea rlmcd, whether doe to Buildings,espomlon of Buildings as may be authorized, arms,goners,drives and paving. • • j mt canvnr,aaua:tae• -8- _ •• . r . a t ' f tR 1 W" : KING,WA r Page S of 19 Printed on 8/9/2009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 • Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer;6 Comment Station.id:MMTM r ; •. • 11111M® r • 7. D lrp t Maimrnanna•rt Tam• i, nrSslep.-rm • W Faii4ng Amen Rata:Wal-Mart and Developer agree thou ell 'EIM— tizss mere shall be independently meitaiend tact eaau of Tract 1,2 and 3 in circ padding stn to secnmmodalctot fewer than five =spa=for each roe thousand square fat of Hviliing loaned no each said Traci,unless Imre such parting tush be required by the pra.isitvu of this ECR. • b. adal t t ws (I) t'tnnelardc- Upon®Purina of the improvements to be wtuuucred within do Damn=Arco,and subject to the tams of • the iron,Wal-Mart and Derek:per stall maintain' their restive par ions of the Common Ara 4-a Wal-Man as to Common Area bated on Tract I sad Developer with rampxt to Ccmmon Art (oared an Tracts 2 ted 3 and Ousparala A,B,C and D,is good condition and repair ard shall,with=rem an saki Coon Anew,repafr,restore,nplau,the kup.•ovemtr#s,as and when datir respective atm of the Cenanno Arta is in reasonable read tbeinnE and dull maintain the nae,nndnteause to include, but to be limited re • (a) Mdalnandng whom In a level,ffioot,and emly cow= coodition with the type Of rmfring material originally installed or suds=bade=as shall in all mspems be areal len quality,use aid .. tha ability (�l (b) Case to be removed all trash,filth,minx.papers,debris.as ts-� the same ammilDam=atn within the mAlta within their respective matt,ird to cause the same to be thomu ghly swept, l/) using efficient equipment,to the ental reaswblyrrressary to t0 keep the Common Ara is a dmrt and orderly manna. • C) (c) Replacing,latcping in repair,replacing' any necessary • appropriate directional signs.matters,and fires, . i (d)Opendag.and paying udll0 casts as required,when due,by separate meter.and repairing and replacing,where sed when oecessstry,bulbs aid lighting flint=far artificial fight realities as may be ray=wary. (e) Maintaining,replacing,restoring,mowing,weeding,wanting, trimming,all landscape areas within said pa dew reapectiwe Co®m Arca,wad making such leplacemeas of shrubs sod other landscaping as is raQstup. al. Perimeter Walk:Wel-Mut as to Buildings on Tract I and Developer,as to Buildings located on Traces 2 and 3 and Oarparak C and D,ahafl,as alai when required.maintain,chin. p.y,stein,repair, =ore,replace as necessary,all mime= erdedir Building was,Includlal!Making walls.garden mall. a�nedi g OW!nal=114 meat. {F -, c.. 1 :Wal-Mart as to Taal aid Developer as to Tracts 2 and 3 and f , Outparcels A.B.C and D.stab each pay,a aid when ttrc,any and all increase.rasa,fees,petmin,for mamrename of their=receive Tracts. PROVIDED father that by mutual agreement of said parties,a thud party r 1l. aanawnuurnsct -9- •c;�.vtr ,,..,.,...•. X7"'..4 _i .• .., Z:=Z•�9'SE • "meg K1NG,WA Page 9 of 19 Printed an 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:S`fK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:AMnII`M • .ammo • may be ,by fit.as an agent of brnhpmtics,to taaiamin The t: Cc®oa Amu as repdred herein.In consideration of a fee for said teov'res.mmnally agreeable,that veli!pay for and provide all mpetvisioo, menagemcct+norm ng,and similar costs,expels=and fess.that will be paid by Wal-Mart fat Tact 1 and Developer for Tram 2 and 3,and =eve. Otdparcehs A.B.Cud D.upon tams gad condldoos u ut forth in said canna tar aid services,based upon that up=footage of the land um on Tract 1.as the same bens to the total agars footage of the land area within the Slapping Ceder.which ws2l be Wahlfat's poetum(which • shall be equfvalem m 58.496),and the squacfoaage of the bind area on Tracts 2 ani 3 and Outpucdr C and D,as the same bears to the and armee footage of be Led atm within the Shopping Caws.which will be Developer's portion(rabid'shall be equivalent to 41.6%),irtesperuve of the spaific tum within the Shopping COW Coa nano area for whin the emote w specific a urease was littered. d. DB=Wel-Matt shall pay.wren due.the tout amour of teal property tam,for land indict improvements,and all assessments,DC any type, kind or mute that ars Icvket opium Tess 1.directly to tbo taring authority or:trhattia.when due and shall supply Developer with evidence of such paymea.It being agmed that'tome 1 will become a scpatate tax lot. Shanty Developer will pay.Nest duo.the total mourn of real property tuts,for lard and imprormenn,and all asseenneets,of • • any type.bind or came that are levied against Tracts 2 and 3 and • Outpntats C and 13 directly to Om=rag authority' toraudnrldm and daft supply evidoux of suds payment to Wel-Man,it being agreed that Teo • N 2 and 3 and Onipntais C and D will each became a segos=tax los. • Either party may b good faith wrest any such tax on that party', pmpetty,and therefore withhold payment of such taxes,so long as such • ln, eanpaymemc does out tenth in the hmdmtica of foreclosure or receivership PoxeeeSng,agaitar that ptoperzq_ • • c. Cuhdlyjdny Wal-Man and Developer agree that application will be made • for a bmtsdmy lire adjustment far Developer's real property,consisting of • Tarts 1.2 and 3 cud Outparcels A.H,C and D,wad each of said Tracy and Ooq>arceis tray as a reatdt thereof hone a aeparne ax lot designation • lard,at a m®mum,Tract 1 shall haw a separate tax lot dcsignatioat.The • con of ohnfdog raid batadaty lite adjuwneor shall ba treed as a mat of • • bsrpnavurrm oldie Camnmm Area. Said boarduy fine adjusmacat shell • be deemed approved by Wal-Mart as brag as the mite creates the lots and separate tax lots fur Tsar l:Tray 2 and DP C and D:Tract 3:OP A:and • OP B.all as set forth and depicted on Exfdbk A. • 8. Signs: No sign shall be Incased within the Common Area of Tracts 1,2 and 3 or • of Outpaa¢is C and D accept signs advertising or listing bunires:a s coaducast within the Shopping Center. Trate shaft be to more Ilam two Signs within the Common Arca locaacf on Tract 1,two signs within the Common Area hated on Tran 3 and two signs within the Common Area looted within Tract 2 and Ontpatceis C and D lakes together. Signs shall be located and placed so as not to obstruct die isgmss and egress Locations to public mats.as shown on Exhibit A, No sign locate(co Tracts 2 and 3 or Outpacd C or D may substarafally block she visibility of the!sliding snots and by Wal-Mart co Thea 1,nor cstrced the height of the Shopping Center pyaa sips. If Wal-Mut couarocts a pylon sign on Tract(in accordance with the terms of the Tease and the Development Ago:mita,then Wal-Mart shall litre exclusive use of said pylon sign wad no other moms muse!.in the Shcpplog Center shall have any right to . - • locate one owls pylon sign. 9. fndemnificatp7fAnnrcatrr, a. althafficadus Wal-Mart shall not be tupoanblc for bas or damage e any persona property conning to or about Tracts 2 turd 3 and t mmaw,tcu+xr+rae -to- KING,WA Page 10 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment Station Id:MMTM • •• .._. .. -- Outpareeit C and D and Developer tbil not be caparod is for las or damage to person or property ooh io or ahem Tart G from any canter wbauoever,escape sed to the cant fiat soda to zy datatge,or loss is armed by Walliter or Developer's noglignce. Except to tic j �� extent an Eofiny damage or loss is eased by ooc lady's neaps,each 1 patty shall btdarmtly and save hue=the other party from soy and all eiamu,demands,assn ofra oo,cheugca,dahlias,expenses,suits,or judgments arising from personal Iajur3.death,or property damage, whether aristg from rev ate perry or said parties iaviteee,=playas. agents.guest or taunt,warring on or from Tract I with respect to Wal- Mare's obligations bcrtsmdcr,or Tact 2 and 3 and Outpace&C and D with napan to Devdopa's obigadom beretafa. hio:willatt deg the foregoing iaderooity,la the evens of the cream=oegligcas of said parties or persons far wham a part is obEtgamd to pmeidc said lad eatian,"tiro concurrent negligence maks In injury or damage to prams oc prmperry,that the party's obligation to indemnify.es au forth basin.shall be Ihniced to the amort of said party't oegligerce. The iodrnni&catan oWg>tteros ret foub above shall at be USmlrrd by any wodcas compensation benefits or di„misty lam,rad.as hem=Wel- Mart and Developer,each weirs gay Immunity they soy bat under the It Itdtraral Immauz Act.Title SI,or ameMmeors thereto or similar laws hereafter enacted similar to'foetus'benebr,disability or tamprnndon laws as naw exist Wal-Man,on behalf of itself self lamed,ct its first pony leer rant N Olio/carter,and Developer,on bc}alf of Its fist party insure=wrier, to the mem coverage is provided ter the buxbt of the patty suffutng etch injury,loss or damage,and on behalf of sold pada.=tally release soh other from Uabgity Led waive sit ogle of rrsove y against O each other,for any Kay,loss or dance m any pawn.bu2eUng, 112 structure.Inventory,or uogs'bk or ffile whether • eD due res egd:once OT any other insured cause,or doe to a cause char is self- insured(including dedoambiea),if rods injury,loss ord eta ger is owed by any of tie penis Mich ace ennead by a fiat-parry)maraca potty. • .� La determining"baba the pati u one covered by such a policy and We)- Mari is self lasered,thee rhe provisions of the polity or policies carried by Developer ibsil as bona=the panics,be deemed to set faith the • tt coverage,terms and coo:Woos oft Orn parry insurer=carrier policy tapdcnbtt to the claim or tars. .1 b. femm= The irtswrm obligations between%I-Mut and Developer ere ser forth in the Lease between said panics.and are incorporated herein by reference.With rasps to Tracts I and 3 sad Ouptrats A.6,C and D.Dor-doper shall prmrnre and maintain in fill farm and effect genal whir IL-biGry imam=and property damage insurance against dahps for personal tottery.death or property damage occurring upon h or abort the Owparrce&in limits of oat less turn five miliot dollars for lojuty or death of tingle person,and to the limit of not less thin fhte million pe =wrens,and to the Nassir of ow million for property darmgo. Devalcper shall provide to Wal-)der mnillc+rt of raid Iasonaa from Moe to due upon msomblo ventral to evident that said instruct is lo force with tap=to Tana:aa:3 mi 0. 8.C emi D.S.'. Ionia=may be merit=by mtsbaa sll praxises endorsement oo soy muter policy of Imamose carried by Developer which racy cover other property ha addition to the Ooyxocela and Tarn.Sorb btasuratne shall 11 ) provide that the name may not be seam without thirty days'prior min=nada to Wal-Meso Tits"aim of subrogation and mdemeir provisions set forth In paragraph a.three stall apply to the intense ” •• rmnvu.+urnrnu -I,- - . • • • --- - - - - - ray. 'Yw•r ' '• ; nom. .�. KING,WA Page 11 of 19 Printed on 8142009 7:33:06 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • • provided by Developer.with respect to the Oatparerl insurance respired herein. 10. Fminem rinmsny The tams and psuvisfom misting to coadcmmtioa and eminent domain hives arc set forth in the Lease of the parties,and are iacarporated herein by I aaa:asw tekreae. • ,. U. Bights and obligations oft mem-The scorns and provisions regarding rights or leaden,subordination.priority of fen and wtatsts are set forth in the Lease b emmnt the panics ani are hmtporaad herein by tdaurt 12 F enresion of She piev('tori- The parties want tint in the evert the Stopping Cooler is hermits(upended,whether by amoral comsat or egrc®eat netts a third party,el of the provisions of this Agreement shill oply to the emanded area and the raking to building ) ode in the emended area&all tont be tem than that provided in Paragraph 710). { I13. &U tr from liablrrry Any pet$oa betide aoquiting kc or leasehold this to Tracts 1,2 or 3 or Outpuals C to D.or any amnion of the Sbopp¢t Cane pontoons to Paragraab 12 or any portion thereof,shell be bona/by this Agrecneat only is to the aim or i portion of the tray tcgtdred by such person. Such prawn shall be bound by this Agreement only I during chs period such maces It the foe or leasehold comer of sueh tractor pardon of Use cram, I coapt as to eblipeicuss,Militias or tspons.'hlltiles the usr'J=during said period atdror are ' imposed on said party by visna of the Least with the Developer. Althoogh persons any be released tinder this paragraph,the easements.cavenous and rtstrictiom in this Agneemern sham i�,• corm use to be benefits to end servitudes upon said trans running with the had. y 14. Ertme-h: to the event of brach or threatened breach of dile Agnxmeat.only all erecord awold oers or Icascbtitle owners of Tract 1 as a group,or all record owners of Tracts 2 t7 and 3 a a gram,or Wal-brut sr bag as ft or tory tinge has an fn rest as owner m lessee of • 1pj Tract I,or Developer m long as it or any ofiliatc has an imetest u weer or lessee of Tao 1. O 2 and 3 shall be entitled to Institute ptoceedhres for dill and adagme relief fromeat • `d coos arcs of said hats-e or dire:aced breach.The u succ.n(W party in easy action stall pay 7 to the prevailing parry a crosodh}e stmt for attorney's feet,which:half be deemed to hove couwarna ed to accrue on the dere such action war fled, • 15, Eighthnr Qvrf<m:This Agrau>ar shall bind and inure to the bete&of the • martin kola,their respective representatives,lessee,ttucoessotn tad assigns but nothing consdard bei is'mended to anew or broaden the tights.dudes and ptirt'egcs relating to assignment sailor subletting as tet forth ha the base.The singular number btclud=the plural wad the masailine veer irides the feminine and tuna. ' 1 16. Docuhurnt Fseestkvs Modifies oar rond.Curcenadoo, It it urdernaad and ague l that vmil this document is fully executed by both Developer and Wal-Moot there is not sad stall • • oat be art agreement of any Idol between the parties into upon whale any sncomi*DtM • tmdernking or obligation can be fancied. This Agreement(mct±dtng ethitrha)may be modified - s or carcekd Doty by the enthral agreement of(a)Wal-Mart as long as k or in subsidiary or i. efil6te las any uterus as either an owner or lessee of Tract 1,or Ira successors in tamest and . ••1 (b)Developer,as long as it or is alOine las any bee=as tither oaoe or lessor Tes=t t,2 or 3 or its successors in Interest. 12, Non Mor er So tang as Wal-tdan,ha wholly named subsidiary or to affiliate owned S0%by Wal-tdart,Is inset of Toa 1,this Agtneoee shall est be subject to the ' tioeuilw err merges. . .. IS. IN^tercr• This! and rhecsa .tlgtts,duties,andprivlkgeseet forth herein shall band for the duration of the tense(including such time during which Wal- Mart may be come-dog a tersnimlioa or eapinadoo of the Lease),and If said lea Is the soy season terminated or expires without Wad-bfart contesting ouch termination or etgdndoe.this Agramem shall lapse sod be all and void at option of Developer. in the erase Wal-hints contests rich termination or expiration,then this Agsoemae dull tat=min=until a finel � r .�`p r.a GMAIWAutrnrae -12• KING,WA Page 12 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id :MMTM • • t, rovmv det®fm =dared tlna bas hem ed by u court of cmr@t�Jnris to the diem that the Lease las ratalflsml or czplmdt provided that WaWal-Marttwat in srh eve assert said avert b a wort of eort>pama}air tioa within six(6)mecths of being writhed fa vridtg by Dexiaxr that Developer considers the terminated terted or coed rad this Agrrsm®t mill col void. 19. Heal:The bcmd"mgs bade ate hired only as a railer of move deux a for rdacacn and fn m way define,Omit cc do demote e mope or uses.of this d Dor m any way affect the tams and provisions hereof. 10. Fnri,r Agra-nems The pardcs do not rely any��p or tcptesamdon ret track engrossed or ser forth in the Trac.and this Armond ace caromed and deriver shall tat be moth5ed or altered in any respect except maned by a arming aned and &liv red is the same manner as required by this doa�. 21. : All notices.demands or other commtraiadora togatrnd or desired shall he deliveredMe to e other party by hard.or overnight wade that obtains a receipt midi:ming • ddivt:ty.or United Statin Certified Mali or its equivalent.addsvased in Developer or Wal-Mart at the folfovting odd=a say mlr�zm address rpeelfied In aorkn Fixea fa accordance with this pangap4: . Dad= Bemoan Family LLC. Atteadoa Freak Bcmeri,Sr..Genal Manager 9631-8.E.7th Street €` Bellevue,Wathingtm 98001 . PialtMart Wal-Mart Stotts,Be. 702 SW Wed Street In Bentonville,Arkansas 72716 • . 0 Aomtiom President .. `l With a copy m .. : Wal-Man Starts,Inc Aneado r Wal-Mart Property Manager - i 701 Sat eh watt=Boulevard Beosnvflle• ,Arbta.'as 727165103 t IN WITNESS WHEREOF.da:pardcs lave mowed Ea Averment the day end year v. • • Gest mites above. ROHNQL.PAY LLC.. W AL-MART STORES,INC. a Washington company a tkfaware •n elp /Ai 11.r!...- : Sy: a.,.. 5 ,.f v., -41,-.WIT/11111111By: . 1,-41,-.WIT/11111111 kr. Pfd„L• e r— tea: .,t *0-g...., AR . i ._., I .Gk who warmth aetboetty who tnrsams Ids y . to-----errbsbbrl:of m catetalf ii-marc I Boaodl Family LLC. Stares,lou. i c g • cwn o..i.o nror.4 -13- ;�•.. ?Or:.k -4. '-'•`l;;t • K1NG,WA Page 13 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,CJser:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM r �.� {:f'., .,b:.Yi: « ,.'J�tr t.f.r•:r J. -yyi_ -!. ';yr:t1'a•Rf+ C�?�!�. �i,>� -� i.4.:t4:. st 1:N.1. ,..•.:I''''4i t;.s,gt•�:1-1',. ,1411 of t:�(;;;;VI iiL�.•i..' .F~<. _ 'bir• �,..�, :• , ,yam_. ... .-. _ . .. .. .' •.i.. qw.�+...rw.roa+�s• �• 11.��. =4.: • • t • • 3 • . STATE DF WASWIWG VN ) • . )at. . • COUNTY OF YJNG ) • "°o'a Imatt/tat Iknow orInk addaebrycokes dotFmicB.BomeQ.h.Istbelemon •• • wbo appeared before me,and sdd Inman acia ndedied dale signed Ibis ire tanueoG cm onb ' `¢'- sated Ib¢ le was tostbo lad to sums tie Cestan-.t sett rdmvwIedped It s 4k • irk,,,,,e af Bomod1 An*I.L.C.'b be the tree aed velum ma at inch oorpa4 1dd for thetas nal puspmee ssdedmed in the htsanesset. - • .• • • _�Il ' Deed �-It-4-41a e: get%40Pe,L7PRA v *MP ' • ' • 4r,s-16y@� 1 in sad fur the of N OnnedabmINAcrs o")-14-9 r • • . • • f N N . 1cz 1 0 •j' . • • • -4 .' . t IA.'', • r tr.'nanam mares .-14- ._ Z, 4y' —i _ ter}5!�;-r- KING.WA Page 14 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document CCR EAS 1996.05071277 . Station Id:MMTM Branch STIC,User:8792 Order.964881 Title Officer:6 Comment •111'.'411'i:`4"1.`r4q4F41044itlEr19'1* .k--..'4 4-'1 -r:ut 04;.-0-',..V1i.....itlr'll-TA.VM.C.,:-ei'%•::•;t7i:•%i ! r e:•./..2 ."''1'' r..4:1,4... ..1*r. . ...s._ *.y.,,,, ..,?,3...1;.-H5---00 : :- .• ' .1: t.•::-.--1.-74,4•:,3-1.1•*--;!ti.-15;-:,;,•=.44.,--i v•,.-61:: z.ts. ,.. ..-.A...ti .-:-,:'F'' -:!...iirrsife±14...Z.1-cC.,•''''. .4 .•;- , • ' , •• .,,:- ....1..":;.:.•••7••••..1',-.7-:'.T11'r..,..i.•;.'...7q.:7 0"I'3.51•:";1 ,i,:r4E •• ....V....4:1 e .7:',..(;•r4 4.:T7'1,......'...:•":• '... • .: •• .•' :`..1'.......--J.11.-'7"'J...T7'--•' 6F:r1.17 .10 1.:......g.'• .r.:.13,42;1:_. -v.,'-i. •••• •' . - • ,. ..... .. , . ,• ..i...,-,%....1...,..c.-••..1-, , :2...: 11?...,-441'ig.:1'04.ii•-•'-i.1.--.-r:'•:-;-.:t- . • -:. '' ......•''.••••":.•,:.:".;‘.1,•.5;;:;.::,-•''',. ..;•,-....:`,-,--...'.::,...•,.--';•:..f.: :-...•....•••• , •,•-: • 1.0....!. . ... ;.;1,;,....; - .i'''e•-_-:_,L,..„:„...;...:::„..;,,—........"! IP .•- ' ' • . : , . . . ' - 7 • . - . i STATE OF ARKANSAS ) .•.•• • .• .:. )zs. COUNTY OF BENTON ) • . ' I cod* that I haw or have 3211361=11/ CAM= I"MMUS {3 the prion who appzued berate me,ani sail person loc signed Ibis IIIMVID211I.on call;subs,that be will igthOliZIDd ID • insantocal and acknowledged it as az Assistant Yce Pvesideat of Wal-Mart Stints,Inc.to be . t the bee and voluntary act of melt carp:catkin' for the nscs=I paposct =adored in the instourcoi. . . ; , ,,L-LI A_S) . • NAME: • 4.-,-. 5. 14 w.It . 1 i (Print Nom) { t Nobly Public in and bar tbe Stne or Arkeatu. • Conmlisakin Expires: 9/2 if .11..,-- . - 1 • • , • • • . I . • 'NOTARY BEAL* . - • . • . Kowa%WAN:my REA: i Bottorteolify,Sabo&Mama! • * ' . . Ity commitsbi&dm 2/21/2005 . . N . . .. , • N • N . ... wt • • • N 0 ttl 0 • ' •. CO . -.1. ...::' • C) . ' ........ . . • • • . . . • . - .-- • . -. •• ...•• . . . •.. .. . . t . , ••'.. .. .. . . t'-,--.A.V.•.. ---i , i it. • i.'.•;i- •" ;SC:- • .' - . - • VI., '..,..%-..,. . • • i.rp. — • , Tr ' v, -....4.7.,%-:&,‘'-.1.• ...1.91 CAIMIWALAWCPACat 4 15. • i:it:•...i'.;:::"*11:::,?!_*:..1 :;'`'!- : • ::...?0,..,,.- - :-.. - .k.•, • ' 13: •,..''''...1'. * •t;7.,FiFiK..t.'",c4:r_.7.: •--— i — .-. -— . .. ._ -- • • . KING,WA Page 15 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:07 AM Document:CCREAS 1996.05071277 • Branch:STK,UJser:8792 Order 964881 Title Officer.6 Comment Station Id:MMT M • • - t— • IIII i I _- is-ss o,:3Fai w:LPG MIMI ft 11 � 1 igi I,111 t/ii ill 5 ;IA i i 1. A e Spas rasa 6 s1. I la. , t It 1 Ja, I 1 )1 F i: I. D 'I hi 19 1! h Q 1 iI I 1 I, told f'ICC66 j1,�1 YE NQslEE RI L...ij Ji• 11 a a ., • 'l Is litiOSIRMADO Oil rp•11111111 11 Uri. ' 0 Ii• 11111El • ,yam' ,. -- • _ . �1 Q �.• 1,1.1111III It..• •11 I. , 1. 11111 tr¢i ,I - 1 i_ : 1.,a•. •11.111.1.•1111 II 4 ,-,.1,1.1=1. •+� • r11.1 I ll1 iv'•t.•I�I of • i, A. 11 11 P1 �Ip,Qlll!!1a111111!1!•glQpth,$ .". ; ,` i• i i 1 uu1•ppnlIlIyl t��jjq_�• .:utlTis1' ft + . Dig,tIIl,,IN1IlY.11�1111111/Y y P II ' Q Ilru :! mJJaall:WAA111110 ,•! _ '`\ • ry i� ; j 01:311111110411411111:11{.1.1111 11 = Branch:STK,Usec:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment Station Id:MMTM Imo- e• • J® ' FEB • M '76 (12:11P11 1St Lam US= J I fmi - 'Illi: I I" IIII:. I' • ......,___.----.: _t. ii \iii 4 • • i. l -I i ll 1 el ' I' ' . I ='A 1 ' 1' I I min „ l I I • ( - I 1 I' 1 1 1 f , i A j I t 1 111} �HIIfIRNh� '. -1- -, I 1 g I F L' i ,.� ' i ' 1 -j :•.:.•:-::. .:. . I ' i''r Y• .yip::% ;i:, ' ! 1 lin L-.--------- .. . > .=�="•-•• -•...::,.,,•;: , • E _ -1 et-li - . . .. •. .� 1 r.,• , - __ .:;...: =MIT Al ,sh7••,"ti.• •f �• --- _. rte• - --- -'-..; - i .•. -- ---- �.�-_...._._ - -- - --,-:--• I KING,WA Page 17 of 19 Printed on 8/42009 7:33:07 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Branch:STK,User:8792 Order;964881 Title Officer:6 Comment: Station Id:MMTM • • • • • • • erten • • • EXHIBIT • LECAL CR.SOtIpf IONPXBIDR' (PtaRirnpl/0ISt2ednleA mdtommwe) • NPARUL A: • HT1¢11033Y1 300 rar Cr TAE RAST 370 TET OF GAVEt*mrar LOT 1, SECTION 19. TO0III8I1, f 7473 NotTN, RAIMMA 1 LASS, MIMIC=70CAIOLAN, Sit ZIBa[C@lfI, NASITNGIONj OLTCEPT TNT LOOtl 170 ICU Or=RS SISTERLY 170 FEET' AND • Omem THE 11ORT1 40 PUTT LOtt IAxcEL Rs • :itAt PORTION OF coscR1Omfi LOT 1, SLLT70N U. TOWNSHIP 13 NORTH, LAMS S LIST. • 3TT3.Ll•O:r1'F MERIDIAN. Ill LIEN;[MUTT, HASHINGSON, LTINO NORTIORT.T OF TNS NORTEERH PACIFIC MAIL:QY Cd1PA0Y an=OF l Ts EST THE mom 300 FEET TID7tIDF;AHD • LACLWT THAT PORTION MUG 571873 32ND AVENUE 50001St AND :TRCE0T 13151 PORTION lL[Tl4O=THIN PR.I145RY 5TATT=coral'=NEER Ss ATE 9(CfPT THAT PORTION DE$CR18L7 M FOLLOWS, 7. DOkme0c7vc AT TAE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE 2 31111431 WAITER OF SECTOR 19 (BEANO S" TNT 10R10FAS7 CORNER Or 3AID OWEOOEJR LOT Ill �. 7mt74Q VFST.ALY ALOST:THE NORIA UNE OI SAID 1ECITWI, A DISTALLY OF 370 mart S :NIECE EOO EIRLY g.AAGSL WITH IRE 71ORTEERLY=TENSION OF TUT PORY700 OF TRE •- WEFT LINE OF COW COVEV01t11T LOT 1 1IEI1sG TEL SLIT LUG OF WVEOMENT LOT 2 Of sun QI.TIO1 131 35 EFEMLIEREO 1f WOW 1T GA.4.7., COMM c NITCRx, 510TL`6ER, 1143, a OISTAN6 OF 100 FLU TO T1s TROT POnft OF BL0004NGl NICE COUTIND19O SOOTTOLTLY AND PARALLEL 11110 TATO LI100 A DITARCL OF 790 FEAT, NOTE OR LIES. TO A POINT ON TEM 90RAta1LY MARGIN OF TNT NOETNERN PAGETIC RAILYOT • C@1PANY RIGHT OF OAT, WOKE 0211EALT 1S.WC SAID 450010ORL7 NMCEN TO TO UV LIUK er LAID GOVp0OLL74T :AT Lt TNRNM 1tORflG3L1 ALONG SAID BEST LINE TO A POCtf 10158 LITS 300 MY$0034 OF Its • 1ORTH LITE Or LAID SECTION 171 --- - TALOeS EASTERLY TO TRI TROT MOOOTI Or 1FAI10FI100. PARCEL Ct • TOOT IORTig4 Or 00R0IIItiaT LOT 1 W SECTION 13. Td1i01QP 23.0ORTS. RANGE S WI, • VILIANTTTI 007.1DEAN, 114 51110 01014T. NALEDGTOU, 05311101 AS VOLIONE: ' • r DOMENC3 O AT 116 NORTYNSSI G770061 OF SAID EECYIoN 12/ . TNSNIT L041LN IP•10A23• LAS:ALONG TYR[TORSO LIMN el Item=TIME A DISTANCE Or :49i.i' aG .O0 TOLL P0U ANC3cO ANY rsAnw.c uwa I�`£�. n KING,WA Page 18 of 19 Printed on 8/4/2009 7:33:08 AM Document: CCR EAS 1996.05071277 Mandl:STK,User:8792 Order:964881 Title Officer:6 Comment Station Id:M11v1TM • • • N. • • ..ai Alt,-.11%11.1-7,-43:„...-.;..0.4., ,- •/ --TS•_S:=.`} ;j • :...='-1:•.• •_ . I....m...1 ISGAL DESO PUON IDXPTRIT (Parsgrtplit of6tdde A.coad mel-) 1.0r/.n1 FELT TO 75 PSS LnlE of LIIa Moral loureeUET AS CORM=TO TRE CITY DV annoy ICY DEED RECORDED CNDRR 1. MIRO Mg=1211442ft TRDICC SOMA o1•11'1o•weir AlaNo RAID PA1T LIRE 7..=Tut=OF 141.0 =ST TO'AIG INOTRREST WIRER OF twit CSATADI TRACT 01 WORD=YE=ET COTT[LUX DEED FIW1 BOW.D14:ON 1lOAT ssm, INC.. TO NEArDO1. DIC..Atom=II=ISCORDTNO MB=. 7I0712O.24l :VIM=SODOI 14.10'25•UST MORD TES PORTE LIEF or SAID MIMIDOE TEALT A • .4DISTANCE OC Ari.O Fill'TO TUE Sr m Ai?CORMIL DT THAT CIRSAI>•TRACT OP LXRD • r.CDNYLY®ST WARRAIR7 DF.1D FROH IDOLA[CION ROIrnmR. Two.. TO ROOK S. FW4WOON AND • QJANt A. FERLT75011, RECORDED OPER RECCRDIN0 RENDER 1112110]11, AND TEE TR00 40TH? Ow 13EOINlfntolr;x T11PRCE=NTT:)oom scum( 11.1.0'25RE.EAST AIUN0 ISORTS.LINA OF SAID NELRIT00 :4),,'- • OTRAcr A D1ETANCS Or 11.21 FLEE TO TRC UTTERLY LIVE of THAT=DQN TRACT Of Id101 •. alcoNWTTO DY 1PtclAL WARRANTY btED FRON MIRK■, %OSRMTM.ANO 01:OFLC4 RATIOW.1.111140 1. Of IASNIN0TON IN ITATTI1r TO PACIFIC oust IeRanfn GARY. IECORDI OMDER .. .TSODEDIAC'M EER St/75111 • • ' • T®10E NORTRERLY 0AR*R 1 time 11T NEST LINE Or CAIO =smutty!LOT 1 AI01 AIAttt . SAID LASTS LY 1114E Alm ITE 1l18T1OALY OROT'.CLidt A DISTANCE OF 401 MET. MORE DR I.Es.s. To THC SOUTH tan 01 EaODi1LST RCM=ITR=AS cows=TO 1 R=TIM, RENTON la DIED=OWED WIDER RECARa1R0 N0em1R C1$44111 •1 • THENCE NORTH s,•t0'25'NEST ALO11O SAID 17014 LINE A DIS-ARCS or 32 FELT, mum OR • • LEIS. TO THE NoaT14'IST cmOARor?RAT 0081.1IN 17Ut:I OF t COWS=IT 1WARRANTYOFLO ram PACIFIC 00A5T 0n .1 =n CONDANY ID DOYID RYCC QCT AMD CAROL EDAM= CRICK. RECORDED ODOOI RECORDING RUMMER 110/5441 TEEN==rot Cl'U'1C-11051'ALOt0 TNS PET LIRE OP SAID EATER'DUCT AND 111 • 1' SO010RLY 010310150E A DISTANCE Or$01.0 FEET TO Tem TRITE POINT or R6:0INNDG. • f. • ,•:i'• • COchaO'I1nER8T)ANOSCaNMMY MyoyA�,� `_x''�.'7l, .• " - - ..-..5, _ K1NG,WA Page 19 of 19 Printed on 8142009 7:33:08 AM Document:CCR EAS 1996.05071277 • . m . • 0 Schedule B - • — Section .. Exception •'r. ••• RBEN RECo$IIBZ) RETURN TO: • Insley, Beet, Maria 4 Ryder , • Attn: Beide M. Powell '...fl: Rainier Plaza, Suite 1900 •.. 777 109th Avenue N.E. Bellevue, RA 98009,9016 , 1. k'• ) I CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ....:-• --- I a , . 2 . . . DOCUMENT =TUVE) 1 • 1 Amendment to Covenants a Restrictions OrderNumber; 000653802 i • �'!. O 4 , fi,, i REFERENCE NUM ER(s)0FD0CUMENTASER3NED0RRELEASED: 9605071277 . • '• C. Cl Additional reference numbers on page. of document •i; IN GRANTOR(0 .! Pi 1 Binnall Family LLC CHorl�w&+Jo y 2 Hal-r4art Stores Inc. f{ # 3 O .41•-6 . Cl Additional names on page ,of document GRANTEE(4)i 1 public R Cl Additional names on page of document AAER Ia phi Bhp • a Lot•Unh: OloAc ol0ma Pelle: Sactlon 19 Tamshlp: 23N RAMPS 59 Portion: 9tA Gov't Lot 1 i'' 8 Plat Name: g CO Complete legal description is on page T.__._ of document :;• 12 AaBE$BOR'E PPM:13 Y TA% PARCEL ACCOUNT NEMBBR(m)r 192305-9048-02 t'.:.1...:.• Additional TaX Accounts are on page _ of document I BBB I Note:This cover sheet is prepared to conform to the requirements of Chapter 143,Laws of 1g96. 1D Nothing on thls sheet alters the names,legal description or other Intomiatlon lithe attached document. fThe oNy dells cover shoot le to asdst the auditor In Indotdnp the document In ll 6 statute, , �'t.: ,' • B The Racer wIl rely on the Information provided on ttdh form The staff will not read the document to verity the eccUuroyorcompletenessolthe Indeednginformation providedheroin. ��r(2-S-P7f�la ma • c•::: s_►, . • - , . • • '• �• • - - . . • • • - r' • - • .. - . • I ` - • f . ADDENDUM TO EASEMENT WITH COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS EFFECTING LAND(°ECR") . :'i- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Donnell Family ILC,hereafter referred to as •• 'Developer',that the certain document and instrument entitled"Easements with Covenants and Restrictions Effecting Laud(°BCR"),recorded under King County Auditor's file no.9605071277 has been amended by agreement between Bunnell Family LLC as Developer and Wal-Mart Stores Inc,as Wal-Mart,reference bring made to said recorded document at 3 ' if incorporated full herein. 1 • The ametrdtncots to said document recorded under Auditor's file 9605071277 arc attached hereto marked Exhibit A,reference being made thereto as if itrcorporatcd in full herein,said Exhibit A having been duly executed by Bonnet)Family LLC and Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust,art entity authorized to execute the came on behalf of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. I. •: Dated this 29th Day of Match, 1997. BONNELL FAMILY LW I 4` By: af•ed....-/— '48 ffs•L•rt.it,i/ ' Prank B.Bonnell,Jr. •r : Its Managing Partner oSTATS~OP WASHINGTON ) si rCOUNTY OF KING ) � I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Frank B.Bomnell,Jr. is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he signed this Instrument,on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument as Managing Partner on behalf of Bennett Family LW,a limited liability company,and acknowledged AF said instrument to be the free and voluntary act.f said limited liability company for the uses and purposes mentioned in said instrument, , ;4 ,lirH, U k�j�' • • 'r ••i was,y,„ i, lit 1 �ntv� 1 %,(41b....,.....0.:, atio) NAME: 1. tN,1 . -'}" Notary Public. or the State of PtrO t Washington. ' t/1. 1 'C;I 'A Catnmission Expires: lIvl!,!:-. oPwA ueH,r. ',_ C:tDOCs o3I3I OI20132741,01 1 • eaasticalp .. • . .. • • • d • f r• , • • , 11111 ' , • 1 w al; • KOEHLER McFADYEN • &•COMPANY December 10,1996 k • John C.McCullough EXHIBIT 1 Slapslli :' F Slaps McCulbugh Wilson Rill 8:Flkso Ee... i` ; .j.1 Site 1130 21 5 First Avenue •• 'j Ex.sttie,Washington 98I21-2100 • Re: ECR Agreement a` WrI-Mart Stores/Bonnet!Family L.L.C. •fir Renton,Washington t i ` ' Dear Jack: • Ptr our discussions regarding the ECR Agreement,Mr.Bunnell would like to receive signed • N acknowledgment from Wal-Mart regarding the requested clarificiniens to the ECR Agreement. C • O The Easements with Covenants and Restrictions Affecting Land("ECR")document dated, F::anary 21,1996,covers casement agreements for parking and access between the various par s. • • • ... On Page 6,Section 5.j.,covers parking between Outparcels("OP")B(Honda)and Tract 1(Wal- i •• Mart). Wet-Mart understands that employees from Honda,ora future tenant,on OP B wilt use the fifty(50)spaces designated for employee parking,which is located on Tract 2,at the rear ofthc • Wal-Mart building. These spaces were always designated as OP B crap loyeeparking,and do not '•: overlap the parking count for uses on the other parcels. The fifty(50)spaces are marked on the attached Exhibit A to the ECR Agreement.The legal description of this area and a more specific ti•r drawing of the parking area are also attached. On Page 7,Section 6.n.and 6.b.,covets parking and access between all of the Tracts and the Outparcels. These sections slate that there arc non-exclusive reciprocal casements for parking and access between Tract I(Wal-Mart)and the other Tracts and non-exclusive reciprocal easements far access only between Tract 1 end the Outparcels.Specifically,there is no reciprocal easement far parking between Outparceis C and D,and Tract 1. Outparcels C and D have the parking ratios as ' r• •>= requited by Wal-Mart,which are twelve(12)cars per 1,000 square feet on Outpace(0 and tent(10) ';t:! p cars per 1,000 square feet an Ourpareel C. Wa!•Mart understands that non-exclusive reciprocal I``c`. parking is allowed between Tract 2 and Outparcels C and 1}. Tract 2.including Outparcels C and 0,is a separate tax parcel from Tract I(Wal-Mart). Sec the Exhibit A horn the ECR Agreement, • which is attached. AU:* .: Y... rt_i.F•?•tf.'..•.,....t ••E:ti' ••AYi PAti:."_^•t.. c4i�rc. 1.. .y.: 7�•r:.,.y. •�.•..tt _ _ _ . . iC^ .3f4':n, -rn<J.Yu}-. c. 4 �.`• ••$SL'+W.L`•H: �`^ 4:4'tift y. tc ''�..•`t •- 4• r Ri.:r., "%•".v•w, z_f,,;9 "• .meati K:,,-:fi'.":i i t�r ff J E'"}i� f`'•'-' '`ti:.....C''t� .)' t•..Z.• •f • • 4r7 .`. •;:r2Ir1V.' ' ••.-`3• z•:�r`•{',J,:t• i�+W-:n*•4•t y�'�4�} `,:�� •f:+-• ••.t. '?•....t:. .J' ...ts:•: 'j:.'. :{y.. ^.tr:'x ' 3 a-`•• ,Y ) r,� }. .. •i .;•r,-••. :y: �.;.. mow• _ .�•a..t•. A: •!,v. { �..:�f�f,. Y; :a.M r�:.•ry: i�.•-�.�1:'' e,!':f�.•':;j: i�• ':S. _ t• ••. •. 'ti r•Jt •.r ey•. •^r• .—.111111(? •• 45 • . 10...1 .=.x.JAG-hsL^'.abm,,:.xw�3rxor.rw..,....::.s.,....._...,- _ — � • 1 f.•*: (• 1 1 KOEI-iLER r . . tytyleoyEN 4 COMPANY John C McCdiaugb {) - Dacember IP,1.996 -. Page 2 ,. . Please have Wal-Mart acknowledge this letter In the space provided below. • Thank you fbr your cooperation. . Sincerely. Douglas R.M:Fadyen • .,. tNVyr . ;y F-11411 ltVAIRODOUGOVALECRI.ROC 1i Entio.rs l4 . ey t,1 to a Fmk amoeAd . ;i: N p;, . O �' Wal-Mart Real Estate Donnell Family L.L.C. 11. v2 g• Business Trull /71,,.,..46_II__Igl&4 ti.: By d/lf ---"-P--"--------- 13y. Frank B.Hoandt,7r. Its: 1//C-6 Ike§(d 417- Its: Managing Partner ' Arte: L9l( fi7 Dale: 3:L9.4 Q I .. r • 1 • • +•111:. F • ' •- i • . t t. yzl. - _ _ j �. • . . • - 1 �''e ;.:L.__—_ ,_,c--------. _1 y_ i '11 j I `-----tea":�s sj •, .r 'q . • • fit'• i i" ;_'_... .R• 1 3, ra:er 3". 1--'.-----7— -------: '--11-- -'4. 1 r . .'!: c i F • r.::;:n.:Mi ,'`.17.T;;�:: ( ran ` • `•:dI';:J..' ; ^ Y 6 IbYfilflnt,i',�,,,H114(p r� (t I -• .• • 1114 • •.••••..!?•,,•4'...1.•'. f I1 1n. Rn,nnn.flu:,aig.t ten I.4 - •a ,- E I • . .,u.a.� un nr.nu�, 00n nnu• . r ' ':;;,_ n n fora:;:;M r;M:N X76 F 1l '.---c, •,t.`. -':•:�! ��� ,n, rnxr ql nnn r r r7 at_1 Itc.° d • • / .i..%.0.1. "1(! ���t���u m mt nmr n Ili ( , r '0. Lf�� rF171 ,.,. u r r nrn ur !I at .g.„, Q CA '�.•t:' '(I iG '1 .--. 'R D.Frn.L fv],Iftfl{n/t�l �r��ri t, -- - t a�� .'b J •.:K''+►•.r . .[�_ —.AB 1*tr'tin tn:t lrun,U.nn.t,•T• .1 • /If. 1 i .f� y., j „„Ll". ;4i; .:i n -nu d l' II' i:111 IP.i.;tit .-4....-4:11.7- -It - ,.. 1 i A _ • : • iii Fi••. LQ L� 0.. _1 .mmu.•Mmol.._=•_n _' ) • dif:nn, _D • " .r •Sax . Tz! Sw`L11K Haa q.r x. •.;{f- :; z g 1� }�; f • • • • _ J PI ' rF •<< c::ail. Com- �° •.tr • • y •y . ' R 1 - r . - r it .t;..',. • • :••• .• •t' .,; • • • I • • iVilir/ • ` ` t • • • r • ...,,..,...yvwVvt•.ws3'.L.L:_i ._1:.:1[GLS.:.-2'flLlt�'V •J.'_•F..t'l.v..,_--C::,%vla.4•.•v.rw....... ... 9704250174 • • • • • • t i ' n.it 4'36'E s 1104824'E 1-117.0(f w.... I zp°� I lig•'ie Ghigillicl. . . . , iiiiii I _ . s ir ■ r 11 ' E t• tt• � ; S '3s W awi Int t • • WAL-MART MK Iw MAO adto • • i Wsihlggtan land Design v�1 • _ ,,�(�,■ Plonks 1,ftlglnrCrinB 01311s t . t 006).104110 Mit 00417654 Uf • . • _.'" .i.:'r ('fit;y� ^'.l.'.'� l _!••".;y�.l t:. .,i. _. :• '.r�F• ' �s Yt_ .1........::.....-.11...7,.:...... Y 0• _ r� KAit..w:rr t•`e�"-:'r •�i 't.'..17;f'!�.•r�i ..FX .'.:?a.� . • /.�•L:t•' er. 1';• • • i3t' .,..11;.,.:,F%-,..-.:n 'k;a:�•>•.•'s:� :_.' rov•-04.41.C.1:4',-; �a i�'.-^�, i�•i•s �:'�-•�".. •:,SFt'•� :f. . �... ",:4•-z:.,1 •1„,'4.,'•,'....;.a.-g:00.-t,. ! .�Sttr :•'•V'T'.' - '1; • r ti's: .r,viY'Fl�+ ¢'^i:'•::• ' -1,:—.r..-•-jam x:'13 :-1---e--,-'s'•`.�S`:,k,'. ..::,i....•• i'}"=S•`',:fi• yp• yam'".{�.,/% •r.. .. ,c•........ .. a .�': "{:.`• .i." . .yc,.:�.:w.ii•L:�.0 22w�sl:t}7 ),�:4Gs.'•�„y: • • ¢6•1!••1:A'.•!N s1,4,.•.. .s•: y5•" i' r•V J.v.w.. 'Yg. ,,.•..f • u t t .. ;•T•el:M ..<F; ;�P. C.'"�� iiia;t•N'T";;Ct.,',:.v•••�:} ':C .••.•.. •s•, ! •5. .. ••.v. •i. to ce.,'":.•••iS•t.V.•,':•.a •.']a,i.n4•.�..:Vit :!Ion• ':•:::-ar.t,• - •'V.. .t'`: .,. !_, ' . F'• : :-.,:l••.'�.,k.7 •'.•.:R. �• .�•i•..�tr-.r---,• •-ci•,•.•: r:;tiajia�'?w•: t;' • • ^ • -s: •iillf, is • A THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1,SECTION 19,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W M IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON,DESCRIBE DAS FOLLOWS dt COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION,THENCE SOUTH 01.2312'WFS7t73,45 FEETALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE FORMER NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT•OF•WAY; THENCE SOUTH 77.2779'WEST 51.51 FEET ALONG SMO NORTHWESTERLY LINE TO THE W STWARGIN OF RAINIER AVENLE 5O1JF!-1; TT INCE CONTINUING SOUTH 77.2729'WEST 89.66 FEET; ' THENCE NORTH 01'23'12'EAST'61.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH B B'35MB'WEST 5100 FEET; , . THENCE NORTH 01-23,1r EAST 99.21 FEET; • THENCE NORTH 68.36'08'WEST 239.73 FEET, THENCE SOUTH DJ•5637'WEST 105.27 FEET, 'THENCE NORTH 89.05'57'WEST 7.82 FEET; THENCE NORTH B8'.58'31°WEST 819.03 FEET,TO THE INTERSECTION OP PARCELS A,B. C; ri C THENCE NORTH 8B'SB'w WEST 12.52 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; in THENCE NORTH 88'58'41'WEST 18,00 FEET; LST THENCE NORTH 01.1406'EAST 48.50 FEET; O THENCE SOUTH 88'45'24'EAST 18.00 FEET; I •• . D. THENCE SOUTH DI'1436'WEST 456.50FEET TOTHE TRUE POINT OFBEGINNING SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON,KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON. i • • N • 1.,.. • i4y L -A, . : . . • • a • . • "� ` Schedule B Section Exception • 1 Ci4vEati UCEicc i City of Renton 300 Mill Ave 8 1 Renton, WA 9tussLav 1 -' i n..•r.t•..t,..t... .a..WA.SI3La1GTOt(STATE RECORDER'S CorerSheei 11C7 con 1 • Document Title(s)(ora amines esatskodmnral:(at emu applicable in yaurilocrec awls Ma i hn At9q-FDot • i. Utility Eeaoaant + 2. 3. 'Crt 1 -4 Referencefrumber(r)of Docwseou assiwled or released: tri en Maximal afr- uttmrofdoemes. 7s '. n‘•-• n NGrantors)0_1=me .eta twat zdl-2!) v VI t pl 1• in '- Somali Family LLC - rz r (c_ m 1, a ,Adsiseolasek •e psi: of dee^-art `Son ?c Grnntes(s)part nate Em.met nein•ud Iedeals) 1. . ix . City ot'Rentan 2 0 AcSsdeaal wow m am of demos t I i Lags 1 description(aE6tariated:Lo lot block.plat or sedan.n+e tip.oar) Lots A-1-C nod D of City of Renton lot line Adjuatnont 95-173. 19-23-5 4 • it 0 A yin -964 au.= le Assessor's ProperstTax ParetUAC Ipt r 'd s + 8 192303-90291 192)05-9D49; 19276-9 13 . 0 Asst ar TD:o oat ret asslated1.11 • g t rf5I Tao AutlNrl o ocC •ill e!v no it:inform:1ton pra+nteii ua thu(ann.The t::t.':nu not n.d Wr sq • 1 Lnmeata.try t a xr't7 or cmpkt_t_s of Pt ieel:the irlotasaoo proved. ix-r. . i' :-C'..-.4•;;:•'!--'....,•:5•.• Y - - ' a4 �aruttie►-.+--� r.,,,• t seer p..',Claw aa�LL1..d• N u•dna NtwVn .,e„mwv mw,MWmoo e I J A 0 r ,a . as •o0Pd5J t!t Joi V J]atICta Po40�=»s . r ', se Ro9!t7sn pz d aura'uol:lugl:eb'(tueoD sum al Veen-Jo-Nip up)43)&14 P°9!+'nP itc1 r011°1 oytnodiputtseane'qleasQI'Jopn'MAOrnutucmddp,inssnru'um(soltttaoupoapm'szv 1ue '-,s! Stumm)swim-pgnd sod Matins=OC'saps*put we ri'aruuD Pia oy gun murex pm'Immo 'ttn role3aq hnu8'sruxatd melt Sq°P'mJ9(r>itn �o nopriapll°rottt Psre 10j'(1)3D+1ra0 pp 1RL • .'24UWJ.P IP:a Xnitvlu ti 1,01S°ptfeA1 • '4141100 UM.10 tioPtiOdloa tadp)ci+ni r'Non 1 dD.U1z uta Pul.'t►l osu D.PRQ°.guiruprnl Puu • • _ Put Put latomod • PM •, 7 1J oosAtrq par M • 76 61 "''"°""'DSL in hp--477;Pp 2P1111.1.14EPM 111SNISin 'rd.' T s-'ee-lot 0a i 'J 7r Pawl 71/ 5("0Na1.0n"a MINYA'wit xi1 • 7Iffp!►a•4A!(rs9t7N'J V'1P'"J J.N2YESYd Moir 60.01.vr � m►tmc .l qsz C' i+rsww.. ►'P{ron n .r ►1wo vev eta OOP 1.010 .ennury OM • • r '4.• • • • . ..1 .- �• • + • - :� • .••�. -..- .ir,i....y4� w .}iY::: yX�j•t PAKi:'e `L•,0t i•:.;•: ;;••"...P4-0.k. • c • . 0 Ill . OCT 17 '96 10r3tFt1*4t LRtdt LC5IGNp 3 i • i.e , 46 t • .•• • 'subject to restriction Grantee cannot locate or i place any physical structure above ground or any i , • - above gram!!lift station. Por the purpose of 1:orsatntdiag,reeonstruedng.insulting,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and nJ maintaining utilities and utility pipelines,including,but not limited to,w.tu,tower and;term drainage Unes, t `` together with She right of[egress and egress thereto without prier institution or tory suit or proceedings of low and, without Incurring any tetra)obligotion or 1(abpity therefor!Poflowing the initial tons vttion of its far-1110es, . Grantee may faro date to time construct such additional faeitUles as It may require. This easement it granted subject to the loving terms and renditions: I. The Grantee shall,upon rorepletlon of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the casement,and soy private Improvernen s disturbed or destroyed doting execution of the work,as I nearly es practicable to the condition they were In Jmmedlasely before commencement of the work or curry by the! , Grantee. j 2. Grantor thintelin the tight to use the satinet of the easement as long as web tore does not Interfere with thit easement tights granted to the Granter. Grantor shall not,however,have the tlgbt to; 0. Erector maintain any buildings or sttuee/MS wain the oaaetneat;or /paving not a rsat b. Plant trees,throbs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or lruc ere*Irh hate unties to be placed within the casement by the Grantee;or e. Develop,landscape,or beautify the externem area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of tutoring the easement arta and any private improvements therein, I • d. Dig,ttmrrel et perform other fortes of construction aeilvides on the property which would disturb the eompactron or unearth Grantee's lathlike an the right.of way,or endanger the lateral tampon facilities. C. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. .✓.A.!l::tz..i.:.14sest.,K7tA.i7.v'.i:‘,.: ••• •• -' -•••. Y This casement 11'run w in •descry , a ri,and that)be binding egos the parties,theft heirs, 41' 1 successors in Interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above propertiee and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. SIKrstires of Granters: 4 �' , . �. .C. and • , v +wQr 1 ./4rl�•��G 7 /?•ih.n.i,e,. .24Ser.vic, . and CO 3 // and ' piotvrour.L coat or...cgs/Mtn:toff C STATE OF WASHINGTON ) d, ) SS p COUNTY OF KING ) C. soo....agtnq efgoNT' I certify that I hww or ben satisfactory evidence that Berta-T-4 is thperton whb appeared Defoe ln one,and said person lebmowtedged that(he/she)signed this Instrument and Acknowledged ft to be fhit/h er)free art voluntary act for the uses and purposes w.c tinnud In the Instrument, Dated r, ger/G/j�• ..ed-d_ Nosey Ot Public in toed for c8t�lco of Washington residing it s�irixlun r Notary(print): e✓,t•,✓ r .,,tc- � My appointenenl cxp6ur ,/,//./.�S, I S S,� umukr Euatsn ••- Shat 7 on 11.d14We.1 Fan • - _ _ - - - _ _ - ----- ---- .-.. ..-. .. I 0 a E , I • . WATERLINE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION l MANX B. HONNELL JR. PROPERTY IJ A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH BEING 7.50 FEET ON EACH SIDE DF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE OVER LOTS A, B, C, AND 0, OF • CITY OP RENTOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. IDA-95-173-LLA, AND WORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • COMMENCING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 • - • NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.H., THENCE SOUTH 01.23'12" WEST 599.43 FEET i . ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 19; • THENCE NORTH 88'36'48" WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF • HARDIE AVENUE SOUTHWEST AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OP THIS CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION; THENCE NORTH B6'21'40" WEST 40.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84.13'06" WEST 142.72 FEET TO POINT "A"; S THENCE NORTH 8913'08" WEST 232.96 FEET TO POINT "B"; THENCE SOUTH 00'31'39" WEST 138.16 FEET TO POINT "C"; • THENCE SOUTH 0011'39" WEST 77.60 FEET TO POINT "D"; THENCE SOUTH 00'31'39" WEST 95.58 FEET; ; • THENCE SOUTH 68'16'37" WEST 28.17 FEET; ? THENCE SOUTH 73'21'23" WEST 37.71 FEET; 1 ' • THENCE SOUTH 76'31'49" WEST 85.31 FEET; i ' THENCE SOUTH 72'27'35" WEST 144.85 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71'03'37" WEST 57.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75'36'20' WEST 103.33 FEET TO POINT "E": THENCE SOUTH 75'36'20" WEST 1.41 FEET; • THENCE NORTH 18-05'16" WEST 96.77 FEET; • THENCE WORTH 21'51'51" WEST 56.38 FEET TO POINT "F"; THENCE NORTH 28'32'55" WEST 73.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04'52'09" EAST 17.57 FEET;• ; THENCE NORTH 01'15'19" EAST 79_21 FEET TO POINT "G"; • THENCE NORTH 01'15'19' EAST 204.56 FEET TO POINT "H"; -' • THENCE NORTH 02'13'29" EAST 156.80 FEET; d'THENCE SOUTH 88'42'41" EAST 141.24 FEET TO POINT "J"; N • 44 THENCE EOLITH 0842'41" EAST 13.69 FEET; 04 THENCE SOUTH 48'36'32" EAST 66.58 FEET; N7 THENCE SOUTH 88.53'35' EAST 186,80 FEET TO POINT "K"; g THENCE SOUTH 88'53'35" EAST 24.05 FEET; (.THENCE SOUTH 00'57'06' WEST 131.99 FEET; •• • p)THENCE SOUTH 21.18'57" WEST 60.37 FEET TO POINT "L"; THENCE SOUTH 17'33'17" WEST 56.07 FEET; 1 • THENCE SOUTH 84'32'41" EAST 138,75 FEET TO THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED i • POINT "5" AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP; ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 00'46'52" EAST 25.95 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP; It ALSO BEGINNINIG AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "c"; THENCE SOUTH 09'28'21" EAST 48.43 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP; • 1/2 ;f -. � • • • - • 0 a . 1. ) 1 . 1 • • ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "D"; THENCE tIDI2TH 89'28,21" WEST 115.18 FEET; • . THENCE SOUTH 02'18'45" HEST 20.39 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP; ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "E'; THENCE SOUTH 02'29'11' WEST 30.11 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY E;ARGIN OF THE OLD NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIOHT-OF-WAY, THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP, THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP BEING SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED SO AS TO TERMINATE AT THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OP THE OLD NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OP-WAY; I ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT' "Y"; THENCE NORTH 71'26,16,, EAST 100,04 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID 6K'RIP; ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "Cr; 3 THENCE NORTH 88'44141• WEST 28.12 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OP SAID STRIP; • ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "H" I THENCE NORTH 88'44'41" WEST 28.02 FEET TO THE TERHINUS or SAID STRIP) ; ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "J"; • • THENCE NORTH 01'14'37" EAST 60.97 FETE TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID STRIP; ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED POINT "H"; ' THENCE NORTH 01.06'25" EAST 46.97 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID • STRIP; • . • ALSO BEGINNING AT PREVIOUSLY DEBCRISED POINT "L"; I THENCE SOUTH 60-56,13- EAST 30.64 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID LD STRIP; Cr ler THE SIDELINES OF THIS EASEMENT SHALL BE SO SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED M•1 SO AS To MEET AT ANGLE POINTS; .-1 O THE SIDELINES OF THIS EASEMENT, AT THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, ' SHALL BE SO SHORTENED OR LENGTHENED SO AS TO TERMINATE WE THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF HARDIE AVENUE SOUTHWEST. • 131 • ' ,1-.•:'...• ,r5 WASHINGTON LAND DESIGN • K'• I. • JEFFREY J. MCNANUS, P.L.S. BRE BOB NO. 96243 .•- ''I OCTOBER 11, 1996 II U 1',(' •r• REVISED FEBRUARY 7, 1997 e v. .. ?...;.:.'.7..,•:.'4/.• 2/2 • . iIIII . 1 , r y • SCALE ►:1'a 180' ,k 1I PlIT �-9 ,1` '' • 4'i`,,,I r r 4 POI110N. 0t1,M fi .1 1', -.4 laws 61/N191 777444 jJ ,. POINT'S.' ` 9 .._-. .. III 'A P01147 7.31.;711 __–POINT 07 r "``- t 11 O 1 1 .y 11 P P0IN7'G' POINT C=iI..�T, t c'4l 010 _ 4—P0942'0' Q �a` (9)..‘-+Y.;:::.11;10 . ��r POINT'l 1 1 ' O, 0 .' POINTYE� �t+,.H I FW"__ "c4tiall 31' 01 �1• r • '13 0' I NsrNs-srir, 000' 22 6arta 4rE,T36V DE7'Ail., 40 2 Nor 2T4i'W.40.34' 34 a 4•'SW ST S.60.80• N.Y.S. . b'3 N IVO Or W,14r3Z 31 606'53'i5'-6.1/0.60' vir 4 N69.13'0rW.23390' 35 S 6r 8$1*311"6.34.09 ipil 1 SO1r3T36*41.1311.111 33 800'ET 66'W.I2UW CD 6 600'2TSrW.3TJ10' 31 S3f93'Or411.OAT MCaD m� 0 r $00'sr33-w.611$ 31 S It33'trW,SOOr U.1 n N • I•r Nr sr w,no 20 554.3r 43"5.13536' QR Q} • STTST 3T w,37.71 SI N O0.40.6T 5,254WI–,i g Q 10 525.3tlr W.star 23 9•V 31'21"5,4•,47 0 2= 1 11 Err rr SS-w.waits. 31 Nev15'2r W.USW }} T2 t►1'oT3TW,$7315 3' 34 103' .45-W.203W ..J 3 g 8 j a 1T5'3W 30'W,103.33' 31 5 at 39'Ir W,36ti 4 •• Z Si 5 72'SW 50'W.141 30 N TY 26'TS 5.100114' � ' a u $ $t0'0W 10`W.947T 31 N Or 14'4r W.36.17 `u'g 2 p is N W66.36'3r 3f sr . 30 PIOr44'4T I•16L2 (g1 a N2r3rbs-w.33.er 39 N 0T10'3r E,60.9r ••g 41 Zg III N 01.630r S,:ter 'ar 10 N Of 06'25'E.4err 6677 1 111 19 OT 1S.7931 11 000'06'13'[.30.64' y I M31 r30 N Ores Pr e,364.16' :h 11 II Or 13'2r2•1801lO' igi _ v Vim: 21 55V4t4f E.10126' 3t , a -_'-. _ '• . . . µ3.M. .;4. f-Tilf2-r-• f.. ;4•• - . •,:•,••-•-•.z„-.-... . :' `• - Schedule B.-� - • lilt - _� . . .. _.. ...._ . section '�v .:.=i .�__ :: - . : ,. Exception F7.¢aq . A,, •:a.:7t.cu:•••t :' . t.'-t%: •ail •lr t •,Y••r'. rA'" i :tv,ini. Aral i'•":rb1; ''r:t4,aAi�lark, ••s?tn:_` . •:, .•,: t •. n•,`�.i.' «i ttta Latic Will Awl l'esr^.atnt of ", ii,• c• -,...e.•a err ` i P EPETU • Er.':.: .. 1' if >! i t .��`,: `;:}:ili; ytV Xipe hernnn.'ler TNtsrd 10 a"party of lha what port'for and to.rn.tdreatirn•or ORR lanr.l.alt that `. t'S• do'pt of*hiob I.hcerhy a;tbrM a-(, ;. other'rood and talvabat rpntUlttal oA,rc rrlt,.t,da h.rN+rraat rrlra.n end n,nr.n r •:';1!1� unto ti<c OrCY OF l:litiz_tN,a hid»14PM Carpttadua of elm Mott of Waskiostan•so"tatty or las rao-•od pal,' _; ' an tnxmnt aspurbrnard Aad maxima1 ora,bb,sod to circ rnalv*n de Gibed gtuotalles: located wi thin 1 ,i; 1a the Gormly of Kinn, 3tkta of Washington. to wit I v 7. ; .• :. •. ,4 */3 1.. An eatimiant twenty fork in width* being ten feet oath lido of the following I �; "�°-' -daaosibod canton flet {-yn ' `•... t% >sagirrithq at # esprit 8 St 38' sci w, b9q•fett: the - p-• -. vsattar corner bdt�el'gn,Cecttgn la and 14, T:y,••t Nidi e.,. W.U.t auid.p 1 bbirt4 rift%-of ' i• 1 '4.'? '. "i them. 14.43014.4041,1t9,1.;.4"::-- a_r .Ott,r kfts1,4 •7' t •t' '...e,, North line'it 1•: 9'i'#scoce,8 1 ';k ^ ,.•••,.4., i1":�. '�:; - . feet east of le t i ,44 ca}ilbz '•. • si Um. 'Sot-riii-i!r � �;. a 1��2lS'-rCpftlo f '� •�G;,'; •09.. ^'-,-.!.....,,:...1.,,,....-:L.-4.,,,, •',,. s•eft t'' .--:,..1:• �*�'• dim, ;, '•"C ,Ifo.i t rapostri 0, • u.3 :.1.►•;t�( rtyy 4 t �mita ,�i f.:::::-:.;.::::,., ,� • jedt`oaCfi tRidq ci-I o -1:0.''..4t.• }dine� OSS r` t*.f*a.-t►tld • ; •Nis fp.**awl oi;bor o roti sl t m Q''I&'1•;•i t,. 'r• 0-p4 the • n e!• .. r ..•�,..,P••ity t i::••.,C*''_. 'retch main:' _ . . -.-:1,f.+° +v. a:•r•*a: h::i,,s: _ • .. h ' tiFfi" eye :i ,'`. :Z:.-; Pe ea Nitivitl '}ita1 ':i�'`St 4* " *iIil.td1t'?S*.ent1 L ., .;r p�cii kt� 4'4 irr to CE t 2 aiid• t e(la fiat its h t ' "ate .:; ander in it■ indii1dtita7ti.or•. •cepae ty. • ;4L: - rod the potty of 1At oacond pews to hast for Ina prtsrPttta as ootseutt tsnh TOW, "....'..4.. ran".Aad OfalSirnaTltW tai • �S; -• ��3_., Plvo IInta c d anq r/Ltt PPM°entitle*and atnioeu, '`.• :t ir: , 1 th n '''•,' IN wrisza3141ffiisor Thu odd pallet Lax bsmrmta Mat that Lands sled seals this.._—�.•._-.-__..des,or y ?n.�r . • 6ASti_.. 99�TN i r :W :: Pb0 NATIONAL HANK 4P WASH. Tia „'' .- Sf1A� RE t.• fixecot� • the Last X321 & '1`ehs i- ,t of •ro'•y M. Fhtun�11. lndieidttelty & CO o ,' ! s +�.. IS• sonnell, t • :ed. Ca"fteciT .of flit ?1...K4.4.3,-Si.•d1.d!(t@TdMtt : :; .-5... i.. QAANTOR .�.."`•''' t'R-t'_ Ey .-..sZ+•4..,1�►'e t 4 , of Dorothy M. Donnell, Deceased •-t, 1%?,.66;''F. by `i.Ai. It .t Cdr ., r� •• .. e .w.rr...J�" ay •,. -.1 r7: t00,..,orlure ••. es •et-0tt>cerc Li 1ti=x.,""'-' -..',.e,.:';"•• > ' Santa* .� • Gl•do i9 ti a:. iZ%'' r4,4,� :�!h.twdateisnw Nutaty?Wile to and far uta eat.4r 1vaaWnfloa,twins M ltlC9e.NaCtbyi ..:tri. ••: )>:... Vii: ;.f,9fifvj nerdy cettuy that co thn__.__�13dl..[..-_.__•Aly_ A°+git,8.,ts 1�1•--••.____.31113,yamnaur fII 1,•vtL L# Preek B. eerinei� r r .,.r.::.,-;::.:,..,. ..:• Mp^ued hears rat...». .. amsg..�....__._._.h1.a. ,• •• .M.known to bo the 1ndiridwiirdakNhad in and who,oonted alt woe as1pilttr.e and LLMotta act p:• • •k'e• ."„i 'i ettd dto for Lbs Isaac and paspoua hallo n ladkaitd. 's:�•' , .• Om.undrr air 0500 and bouts!acct hk._...,1 �mit.a._ 1.ubt •2731. ) Si >`-1 "'.-iii„: �� —+.��iZ.f"� .t.- rr.:,,�•i? 1 .qua •4i;,.: O!OO }Vblk la rJd:•.• coIK:t..t-r:wawa:-• • t }J• :Y.': r•l,du.s.at,Arr.w-'✓. :•:.�.. t ..v I haft. _ . -- - ...41::!5, •♦ _ .. .. tt• ---:.•;•,-;.t.: 'r l: .. 1•••!•:.•••.:' `i: t.i}. .1 ., 2' „ .{:Apia _i. .ti`1Lr._ .. . .):1 . . �.. - . • ;:• `A :=z , civiten• tr.):-.1 Section .5 • - inae „W,� Elception 2'24Q • i- The Grantor, nf1.IN7096 BoU Dec., a Delivers corporattoe, for. • and in.coeaideratioe of Tea Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considera- tion, is band pail. C014El6 and UAW= to m S. C12=011 and JANE A. rfaCUS00,Grantees, the following described real estate situated in ging . County,llaabiangton: ' 1 M Bowe Commencing at the oarthseat corner of Section 19, • peaosldp 23 North, Be 5 Hasty v.IL., King Comity, m Wahiogtoo, thence swath 89'10425"east along the - 0 north line of acid Section 1098.32 feet; thence south - 1•13'10"vest 701 feet to the tine point of beginning; 1 thence cootent,. south 1'13'10" vest 240 feet; thaacr rsi south 89'10'25" emit 297.0 feet; Thrace north 1'1.3'10" east 260 fest; thence north 59'10'25" vest 297.0 feet ^' to the rice point of beginning and the cad of this t v description. ' Grantor&ISO eaueeya and paitc1aime to Grsntea it, easement for the construction and ao.iat.,a".•0 of footings for a beading m and 18 inches . underneath the surface of that part of Cnsatorhs'Lauda lying within 3 feet .. . of tfie east boondary of the-parcel haroinabove craxve7ed. • • . IN YDS lit P, said corporation has ceased this instrument to be eracettnd by its proper officers and its rniporate anal to be hereunto• affhed this • ' .,,.,,,IL,day of , 1972. . • k - ` Bugt.12i07i01r BIRM1 7 INC. .h t 201.5 t u Ey '�" ,. ' -.. ' . . vice Piss DEC-,3197 . Axtrsr: !'�-Sob • leen:- SUV 0'fA oe-masa • '1.1.,-• - . ) .15 . County of panne',�,� ) Co this 02,2'K,-111day of d N'.""7 , 1972, before me personally . appeared W. K. hunk' , to an kw= to be a Vice _ ?resident and R. K. O'Ka ly , to sue khan'to be - Secretary of Darlington Worthata Inc., the corpotatinn that contended e •within and foregoing instrument, and acknovladged said faatrumeat to be the fres and voluntary act and deed of said Burlington Northern Inc., for the uses and purposes therein moot/mad, and oa oath ststed'tbat they were authorized to execute said Lnatrv000t Lad that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said Burlington Northern lnc. IN WITNESS WNLYIAt, I have hereunto set ay hand and iffixad cry official seal the day sad year last above written. Notery� n and for the to of - Kiencsota, residing at Et. Peal. Hy Coenitsien Expires; April-2, :47•• • Y. Description: King,WA Document - Year.Month.Day.DocID 1972.1211.331 Page: 1 of 2 Order: 964881a Consaent: • • . I •SI 43.l.' • .J e +;C:Cb,.. -i. t.,:.16:41:^ . "X t i c tr OEC 1 t +y F 00 tat. Y-.• _ I • • num wet RECOla 1.2,11)MOR N��11`,L Ai7pp 5.CO ESt co s • e f►71LE'Pit�fiTtGTONx 9016[ r • - 1 _4 l'J • r- • T 4- . • • • • • • 9 • _• .. II• • 1 . • • • • I • • • • • • • Description: King,TOI Document - Year.Month.Day.DoalD 1972.1211.331 Page; 2 of 2 Order: 964881a Comment: • • • • Schedii46 f9 • Seri C _,,..,t7 • • . EXed6a6R • • • • • • • • •• C• • • • awe . • i i 08. 222 i�1 -'Y , • ►,248. V • . .ct: • • QUITCLAIM KB ''4 • • . 1RRtLlNGIOK HOR1 a*iW[uia°,COtlpAlrr (forwdrly mead i Burlington I orthern. • lac. end also successor 1n interests.to'the femur+Pacific Coast Railroad 3 : . - . C_ • • • • - ' V . C • ' C • • C= • • •. ' .STATE OF ui�ilfl6TOd' ) • , +� coum OF ) 0, this ' day nf. //ttJrts� 197 bafare >,e E personally a{iptap r'forbad,. f& pe kawm the DST'soahafaxeartrd r , the foFegoing...astr,apnt`ard aektmwleeged said tastruaent to-be his free and •';"d • ' ' -voluntary act arid deed far the.uses and-purposes'thereto mtntioaed. • •'>,,` -Q? Witness uy hand and official seal hetetq affixed tlm•d 'r first above snifter. ,. • • • vi . ...-. A�i L�fi ani. - i. State of Wash1,.4,41.! - r ^H.:.,� 1 J.I. to :Residing at: _:..aC..• `au 1 . Wy coaagiulon a res: :."mer • • t .STATE Of WAS1tD1Gtp11 • , . . • - ss COUNTY Of KIYG -' - -. • ._ :'= -T • Y~ 'der ,p 79 ;bafore 'me `�o.J1 yaDOra yC.`Poatttn, aid"7u,ita . lis, to Pae to be the Vice, President, and •Assistent Secretary; respectively. af''Glacier Park" • - _ • Company: a-:Delaware corporation..the cnrpatatioa that eaacuted the-.foregaiog . . insv,m tri as a attorney-toKact•for Burlington Northern Railroad Ca.pany,.a aio Belr, corporation. end actnwfed9ed said lnstreaent'-to be the-free and ' • voluntary.act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and girtoses therein '• a ' - •a,esd"'loned, and.on•oats atatt•! that they are authorized to execute said -I . instrument and.that the seal affixed is the:corporate seal .of said _ - _ carporatioo. ' • IN WITNESS WIEAEOf, I have hereto satr food and affixed eay'sea3 the-day and - • year first above written. - - • • •.•...1.. •.1.1 at wshlayt� • .!�� Residi at: n ,l • `:• •4 v-1:I.': I s rlssion res. g'O 4:--_,O.,...4. ia . •.. y'.;.. �•'.. -"'til����.-�a;�py:• •r^ yet' •i h :F G: °-ar•�`...i. 'd..; .�:� Description: King,WA Document - Year.Month.Day.DocID 1987.1222.298 Page: 2 of 3aaitta Order: 964A816 Comment: , r Pi g ii g b t fig,:,, ,. , • „ • • • ; • • Ca •• •�' � fir. . •. .. »• .. , • f • .. g ;,•; . - • 6712 ZOZgB • !! • ,... _ 'j' T kiKY: Bfi=S � ai� 5 4p ,4 Y' Qg B ° tl ~• � is jf • � E • r.r.E1a,' a� 'sat i&R p . 'i III!b zas.i !iI !I gAdt- Uft •gE [k eri . QiiR s 's .raye t • $ NCCY`S•ia�r' ,•&.4..ir'4E 4 Q• C°v. i no icC^f%:. 3 /I. R.....K921-tigiff.Iggt.i!l'alil ;!'il ii. h • if •pa•" 1 .'st- •• . ' H r q ":i r^iG RFas � i^ �. ,� R• 95Y 8 3 �p t„ iII4Wffi7Ith > YHgC 'iP''• • •,:,� vl ft _ Ii Lq111111 •a Ro m 1 I Uj' CaBFR_ R R `` y �' . Q r. qM^5R• K ! RCC° �'`•_c 2•�. �p �g r�E� • P •� K< •» eg r $ a R E�It 8 "p �gE � rg�G �� s 3 • c . r, f . „�y�w,�.;. - • ,, r • . . .. • , .. ti ,. ),:.: . • . _._..Wyr.J•7%w•:..cii.,.; d,o.•or. ::e4:..tinarx. e.». PICZI k;+.e.:.,:..,-:•»:,...aaie•Zr':_ ....• Schedule B • Section q-- Exception oo FYI/GET EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICSYSTEM o I PCWER For and in consideration of One Dollar t7t .I In consideration (Sl• and other the receipt of which in hereby aclanwle �dqr � EDNNELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, a Nashineton General Partnership by FBANE S. SDNNELL, JR., general partner w I"Crnelor"herein(.grants.conveys and warrants in PUCET 5GUNO POWER s•1.ICHT COMPANY,a Washlnptea ear- O� porminn("Granted"heroin!.far the purposes l,eminefter set forth a perpetual eroemrmi under.aorta and ever the fol. .D lawina described MI property(dm"Property"Ilnrelni King County,Wasblrrglon. The South 270 feet of the north 300 feet of the East 970 feet of Government Lot l in Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, m H.N,; EXCEPT the East 170 feet; -+ EXCEPT the North I0 feet thereof as conveyed to the City of Renton \r • w ts G for Southwest 7th Street under Recording Number 60514941 •° �. being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 8 23 North, Range 5 East, H.M, '' in .*dr is n el Gt 1 n • P • a Ho) W a ' Except as may he otherwise eat forth harsh Crantoen righu shrill Ito exorcised u w • n(Wv upon that portion a(tho Ploparty pias"Rtphl- _t� y"tannin)described no follows; . co U2 Aki3iA7)ttint>Zfbex(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSOlkikkicfl lkOiXtaxxxxxXKniro OHHOGXkif/ 0(AWIIXIcktiltR7Iillt9 akhrr Penkki(X 1 S tA5XRlaIiX,sGilllibtelki9tMXX fle "_ The North 1D feet of the Hast 25 feet of the East 295 feet of the -O~ above described property. nr.. s,r�n r,� - _ I — . - Rn AT REQUES t OF: eco !:,:4510N :1.; r•'.. • •- .1 .:• .... .,;,r7ON 09009 oto • 1.f9upae.Cranky shall hove the right is wnsltvun,aperala, almaia repel',replace end enlarge on underground ckdrle � transmission end/or distribution system opon and utdrr the Rlghl•of•Way together with ell necessary or convenient ep• o r pre-tenants?,therefor.which may include hut are not limited to Ilii following:underground conduits,cables,communicationtIne:vaoltt.menhales,awlief oa,end troasformers;and semi-hurled or ground mounted facilities.Following the Inht laicoo- 1 - i. ruction f Ip f ctUretinases.Grotto,may from limo In thee Construct such additional fees at It may'entire.. ** See additional terms set forth on Exhibit A 2.Accost.Creoleo shell have the right of oceans to the RigM-0(.gray,6tat and across the Praperlylo enable Grantee to sort. eboIII rtghuhoreuruier,provided,that Gr plat uheneempensdaGrantor for any deMAgotothe Propertycausedbylharxnr- t 1 - ciao of said aphid nixes.. (*only during periods of construction of initial I _ imppravementtbnd emergencies) 2.Obahruetioeii Landsupink.Grunion may from hint es lime remove trots,bnhas,or ether obstructions within the Right. — at-Way and may level and grade the Right-of-Way to 11w relent reasonably necessary to carry cal the purposes set forth In I 1 mparagraph 1 hereat.provided,that(allowing9 any auth work.Creeleo shall.to the extent reasonably predicable•restate the Rlgla-of-Way to the condition it wan tmmrdinisty prier to such work Following tin lruthUoiton of Grantee's underground • •- i (ealIllic%,GrantormoyuadeelnkeartyordinaryImprovementstothelandscapingoftheR/gyrief-Wey,providedthatnoVrnnr oda-plants shall be placed thereon wields would ha uorneermably expansive or Impractical far Granite to remove end restore. ga.Grantoi s Uso of Right-of-Way.Grantor reserves the right to ase the Right-of-Way lot any purpose not Incenstslcnl with the rights herein granted,provided:that Grunter shall not construct or ma inloln any building or other structure an the Right. • 'Iof.Way which would Interfere with the exercise of the tights hereto granted;that no digging,tunneling or other form at tarn E striation activity shall he done an the Property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Crannies s facilities on the _ Right-of•Woy,or endanger ilu tocornI support tonic,Indittfd;and that no blast logshell bun done within IS fee Iof lha Rlehi-af• Way, ga.indiermdty.Elyoccapling and recording this easement,Grvntoa agrees to indemnify end hold harmless Crentor(rota Any pq trndanldtion for tillortcaandlardamagessufferedbyonypusonwhichmaybecooedbytheGrantae•saxseclse of the rights u herein granted;provided,that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor tot-any injuries and/or damages to any person • mood by ecu or omissions of Granter. S B.Abendawucnt.The rights barge granted shall continue until such time as Grantee rental to use the Right-of-Way far o • period of fire(5)successive yours.in which event Ilhiscomp col shall terminale and all rights hereunder shalt(oVerl to Grin• i tar.provided that no abondonment shall be dawned le have occurred by mases of Grantee's(*Dora to initially instant's e facilities on the Rfghlo(.Way within ony period of three from the data hereof, 7.Succours and Assigns.The rights and obligations of the parties shall Inure to the benefit of end be binding upon their I respective successors andass4gns. nu crus R3130 9100021 KJ-AC001 235-74 ORIGINAL .f. I- .� �x an - t 1 • DATED thin .2-'''' day of .(.2G I , le 9I ,. I GRANTOR 1 tai ) r7 / j7 I , F�n-i,,,,4,w/(..- t,ll1,u.I /''' , !'I.f�YJ.4..t.ty t�/n/.[,r J F. ii t/ At� �•6.�✓ l T�1 a...e,--.- T,v'":+YI/r./LL( n / • .lp-f 1, - . S!1 .errs/l /v. i I 4• -Pei L. ars,n`li7, . t (% I I STATE OF PAWINGtOM ) ) sa, COUNTY OF KING ) . . t . i I certify that I know or hove satisfactory evidence that FRANK B. RONNELL, t. u JR. is the person who appeared before tie, and said person neknowledged that he i w 1 signed this instrument, on oath stated that ho was authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledgnd it as the GENERAL PARTNER OF BONNELL FAMILY O I PARTNERSHIP, a Washington General Partnership to be the free and voluntary net zof such corporation for the uses and purposes mentioned Ln the instrument. Dated: October 2, 1991. a•. . w . AV 0 - - ' 'LI z . tiotnry Public in and For the�JStJate y= of Washington, remidlnn at ..i�7i,.r,r✓ _ � i My Appointment Expires _IA- Fi'-Q a on in me known to be the Individual__deaaibed in and who executed trio Wllntn one torernia .aawee.rrw „.-.,,-- waned the{LIMO at free and voluntary ocl end deed for the urea and purposes(herein raonllened. 1 t611/— Lt- ate GIVEN under my hand end official,00l thin day of .le Y< Notary Public In end for the Blaze of Washington, xce residing at W O My t]xtmiseion Expire STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 5E SS COUNTY OF ) p V On data day penonofly appeared before ma i i— r Cr to me known to be the Inddvlduei J.described In and who executed the within and foreguing InsirvrneN,and acknowledged that _signed the seam es five and voluntary act and deed toe the duos and purpwae therein mentioned, GIVEN under my hand and officio(seal thin day of ,to , ' Notary Public fn and for the State of Washington. residing st I My Cam insion Ilepires E STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF ) On able—day of Ie before me,the undersigned.personally appeared and to my known to be the cod teipactivaly,of the corporation Taal executed the fotegolry Instrument, end acknowledged the said Instrument to bo the free End voluntary act and deed of amid corperrtlon.fen the uses end purposes therein mentioned.end on oath slated that authorized to exrvla the veld Instrument End that the 311111 affixed la the corporal*oval of told corporettan. a Minns any hand and odataf seal hernia affixed the day and year first above written. i Notary Public In and hot!hs Stale of Washington„ molding at • i My O ormission Drpires • •• 3 1111 U . 1 a x H ` ; • EXHIBIT 'A' n go .j n� 7 a o . 1 Notwithstanding the foregoing, no structure or improvement of any type, kind or nature shall be constructed on or upon the •, easement having an elevation in excess of five feet above co existing grade surrounding the easement and no guide wires of _ L • anchor wires shall extend above said elevation or cross grantor's 5 property that is not subject of this easement. 2 N. • _F ra r CD 11 • • (^''TO FOR RECORD AT REQUEST Ok 1, ( • :-.r t:;.TR GLOG. T. J. Tif.r.1 tie'NUE.4:P.141:1GTON 08004 EE chedule B ect.on Jr. --.,- exception 11(6K •.* ..... !ri,i,,K,,,,,.',14.4-,7,:2::-;:;.,...;%.;,-.';:.-,•;:.:•i:::,!i,:v.;-,:.:47..i,e-;-ex..!.-...i1";..,,.., _...,..:::-...! .,.,--••.Z.,,,,,,..7.-‘ .14, - .7-4.- :••-,-,e.-- N---"••• _ .7...-;:".:...S-i.":?.:-::••7:47.:*'-':-,.'.-71.%:•!:,1..;-vr::-.:-..';:::•.-'L ?"4:,,,, .•:•: -.. .-..7`...-2:',..7'.!.--,,:r?.:::,::"..)..t `.;---r, 4,i. .:-',;*:,..!,:.-q-IYA•kii.::-..-,i,-,-.. ....:-,....,...._-?,:--ver,, !..i.: -:---- - .::,.,..-..... ..,,,,.-.,,.,, .; .zr-.:. , -..:7.z...,.t ,... ,,.,,,,,,i...),....;.,..:1...y;..,...,.., ..;i.,...:,i.:. , ., ..., . - • . , _ _ , . .. .,,..- ,:.:4....f.i.,,t-47:.?ic-•.,;;$474 q:-.. . . , . . . ,-... Nc") .1: • Itneripprf vs.734..';,....... .:. - The'Grantor, R14,1:Pic Coit.St R. R. Co., a Washington c arp-ar 4s- . ‘>. . ... •::: : - t-ii4i, for.valcable consideration, COSIVIank and CihrTCLantS to D/tiiirD ••:', •.t&r,'P.4.••,:13:0- • - • ..:i'ii••.!...• .....• (!•'•. '' • . .' •nit*•Catag 141:131 CARDIA•P91‘3.1eiD.CilICE, his wife, Grantees, an ease- .':A'?..".;•.:•-•:1**.;:.:44V. - 1 ..-4:-••••.*:.';.::'.1:4.-;01, . ,•.. ' ' • .. csnit,fOr the cOnatruction, maintenance and use of building footings . ,,,........:?.?,-1.::... ;...;N••::,-;',...t;:7i-1::.-ffe . . . • unara5;Nit,t11 4gem ps thtylioi.efliOifirata4t4tia-4 Asada a sli-.. -. ,:.:.'.•(:-'••• • ...;•.:.....•.•!..::;...,:. ''t;',:-.•••.••.•:.•-',.-r:v •••_111; ''-'.:- ---.1.2- ' tot ai i 0 tglti.ertla•.• -• --)ar'llpd: Balretteit'iltMig.04419tYp. t ..;.;•• WV i 4col•*XI-iti 1/4%twritiia- ..‘ ';:•:•-•.',......:* • •- •• • it , '4`•*11t..;.. .tayttNi iljNekttte-ifikillf A X. .,. it.V,N., beingr ,z,.. ' •,17; e.'...laxily Aiiiiie.ritietd-u follows: ' ''•`1.•• ,4.,•-..,. ,•• ‘,.' • .•'- .: --•.N: . ••••;.:....,‘'.....'..:':).-7::.: • • . Cosiaincapg stlig. . 't.0elieex,•cf said Eaugiee 1.9, 1::....;.t. ..,. thlthacollootb.•11 .. . 6".g i• •:.).-'216etx- .ltropt-.6f said . :'.4.!:. . • fiectatI.I.t .5...3 '..• .- :4',--...v-13i,14....wsat•:Ack • 11:U .o - 0, ;ttgi'lt-ciaa'fpoin , Vs..I.. ,.. . Ma. --.. t.i4A-idia, .. , . • Booth.1413 Id°. 3ai.43¢4.•• •fz'''.. I.-- 'isti*Ix'j3.4`10.441..1. .'. ._ . • . saisti•4.0 Xeatt•ihig404kliotItkiai ... ll3 Fr'•ertast^34:0•,-faetl. • ., .. . ...... . . thence llativ0,14'25!-,vskiii.4:-0.."AeigkIt.tiii-true point . .. ; -:••••:•: 'of•begiicaing and that • 4 of thii delacatiPtioaI •:•:•::;: . however, that grantees shell jassi'and restore 'w ..' .. .. surfer* of said easement area goon the comoletinnef the vo± of pan- ' .•;••::2 structipg said building footingw. . • • • • • :. 41 - : :- -• . . ........ XX•STI7tIEBB WUBREOF, the Grantor has caused'thin instrument to - ,-.! , • , ''. ••••:-. be executed by. its proper officers and its corporate seal ta be hese- . .•.-. . .1, unto affixed this , 17•• day of 1.962. , 1960. , •- . . • •;''.•.'.. . PAW.= JA.ApAt. . • -. - . -' • ....i;'- By ,.•. , - . - gitrinit • Attaliti •j.ir Air / .r.........• • / .... • .0, ........f. '. -*."':• . . . ... • •• .:•.,r %. . 4.-:f''s t•-'- • ,,:s.!.-:4- BTATS OP WA6IIMIGT011) '' • ', - : . :•• Counts, of Ki.lg ) if li.. ..'s.:.i.:' — ;,•.-r.:.' • • ." ).';'.;.: '- ,:...:: :' • './"...**.:- ' . , .. .... :-..-. . -. 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