HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract � � CAG-08-099 � � � PUBLIC WORKS EMERGENCY RESPUNSE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the purpase of this pre-disaster agreement between the agencies is to _ provide for immediate assistance to protect life and property; � WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized under State of Washington, RCW's 35 ` (�ity), 3b (County}, 38.52 (Emergency Management}, 39.3� (Interlocal Agreement) and �7 (Public Highway Transportation (D4T}); which is activated only in the event of a prbclamation of an emergency by the Iocal and/or state government approving authori�y; WHEREAS, the agency asking for assistance from any signatory agency will herein be refened to as the Requesting Agency; . WHEREAS, the signatory agency agreeing to assist another signatary agency asking far assistance will herein be refened to as the Responding Agency; WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that this Agreement be executed for the exchange of mutual aid; with the intent to supplement not supplant agency personnel. NOW, THEREFC?RE, it is hereby agreed by each and all of the parties signatory to the Agreement as follows: 1, Each agency signatory to this Agrecment agrees to fixmish, upon its sole discretion, those resources and services it deems ta be available to each other signatory agency hereto as necessary to assist in the prevention, response, recavery and mitigation of praclauned emergencies/disasters. 2. It is hereby understoad that this Agreement shall not supplant pre-existing rnutual aid agreements nor deny the right of any agency hereto to negotiate other mutual aid agreements. 3. The Responding Agency shall assist in only those situatians for which it has determined it has quali£ied personnel, appropriate equigment and necessary rnateriais.. Resources of the Responding Agency that are rnade available to the Requesting Agency shall, whenever possible, remain under the controi and direction of the Respanding Agency. The Requesting Agency shall coordinate the activities and resources of all Responding Agencies. • A �' '�' . 4. It is hereby understood that the Responding Agency will be reimbursed (e.g., labor, equipment, materials and other related expenses as applicable, including loss or damage to equipment) at its adopted usual and customary rates. The Responding Agency shall submit an itemized voucher of costs to the Executive Head of the Requesting Agency within sixty (60) days after completion of work (RCW 38.52.080). Unless otherwise agreed, the Responding Agenc� shall receive reimbursement within ninety (90) days after the voucher submittal date. 5. The Responding Agency shall have no responsibilities or incur any liabilities because it does not provide resources and/or services to any other party to this Agreement. The Responding Agency shall retain the right to withdraw some or all of its resources at any time. Notice of intention to withdraw shall be communicated to the Requesting Agency's designated official, or the official's designee, as soon as practicable. 6. All privileges, immunities, rights, duties and benefits of officers and employees of the Responding Agency shall apply while those officers and employees are performing functions and duties on behalf of the Requesting Agency, unless otherwise provided by law. Employees of the Responding Agency remain employees of the Responding Agency while performing functions and duties on behalf of the Requesting Agency (RCW 38.52.080). 7. To the extent permitted by law, the Requesting Agency shall protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify all other Responding signatory Agencies, and their officers and employees from any and all claims, suits, costs, damages of any nature, or causes of action, including the cost of defense and attorneys fees, by reason of the acts or omissions, whether negligent, willfizl, or reckless, of its own officers, employees, agency or any other person arising out of or in connection with any acts or activities authorized by this agreement, and will pay all judgments, if any, rendered. This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages or other expenses which may be caused by the sole negligence of the Responding Agencies or their authorized agents or employees. 8. Authorization and approval of this Agreement shall be in a manner consistent with the Agency's current procedures. This Agreement shall be effective upon approval by two or more agencies and shall remain in effect as long as two or more agencies are parties to this Agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement, the agency shall send an original or a certified copy of the agreement to the Washington State Department of Transportation, TransAid Service Center. TransAid shall maintain a list of all signatory agencies and send an updated list to all agencies whenever an agency is added or removed from the list. B , . 3 " � � 9. Any agency signatory to this Agreement may cancel its participation in this Agreement by giving written notice to the Washington State Department of _ Transportation, TransAid Service Center. 10. This Agreement is for the benefit of the signatory agencies only and no other person or entity shall have any rights whatsoever under this Agreement�as a third party beneficiary. City of Renton Agency King County, WA County, Washington _ /�l - i � - Aut rized Representative 4/22/98 Date , Designated Primary Contac� Office: �ontact. Phone Number: Public Works/Buildin� Gre� Zimmerman [4 5) 977-f,��t Emergency 24 Hour Phone Number. 911 . , Approved As To Fornr �� � �� C� .-� �- 10- `�7 � ANN E. SAIoAY Date Of�ice of the Attorney Gener C� � � . REFERENCE GUIDE : . �r +�r PROCEDURES TO CONSiDER in using the Public Works Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement Below are SUGGESTED steps for your agency to follow when using the Public Works Emergency Response Mutual Aid Agreement. The participants to the agreement are listed by agency, with a contact person, their phone number and an emergency 24-hour phone number. Simply make the contact and obtain the assistance. (TransAid will keep and updated list of signatory agencies on the Internet and provide a copy to the signatory agencies.) ReQuestinQ A�encv Stens to Follow When your agency is requesting assistance: 1. Assess the situation and determine the resources needed. 2. Fill out the REQUESTING AGENCY'S CHECKLIST (see page 2). � 3. Locate agencies included in the agreement. 4. Call the agency(s) listed that may have the resources you need. 5. Fill out a Requesting Agency's MLJTUAL AID INFORMATION form (see page 3). 6. Send copy of form to the Responding Agency as soon as possible. Resnandin� Agencv Ste�s to Follow When your agency is responding to a request for assistance: 1. Make sure you can fulfill the request before giving an answer. Remember, you are not required to supply aid if you determine you can not spare resources or if you do not have qualified personnel, appropriate equipment and necessary materials for what is requested. 2. Analyze the level of risk of the request. 3. Complete the RESPONDING AGENCY CHECKLIST (see page 4) with the information given'by the Requesting Agency. 4. Brief your employees and prepare the equipment. • 5. Complete the EMPLOYEE & EQLTII'MENT INFORMATTON (see page 5) form — provide copies to your responding staff and to the Requesting Agency. 6. Dispatch staff to the Requesting Agency for assistance. Suaervisor o# Resvonding Agencv Stens to Follow 1. Complete the INCIDENT COMMANDER CHECKLIST (see page 7�. 2. Carry a copy of the Requesting Agency's MLJTUAL AID INFORMAT'ION (see . page 3) form and your EMPLOYEE & EQUIPMENT IlVFORMATION (see page 5) form and provide a copy of each to the Requesting Agency.. 3. Remember, you are responsible for your crew working in a safe and professional manner. � 4. Track your equipment and materials inventory. 1 � �` . REQUESTING AGENCY CHE�KLIST Ensure that a real need exists. The Public Works Emergency Response Mutual Aid Agreement is only to be used to support resources already reasonablX committed. What can the Responding t�gency help you repair or service? What is the ' nature of the emergency? Identify what type of equipment, material and skilled employees are needed. . How long may they be needed? Will Responding Agency employees work independently or with one of your supervisors? Where will Responding Agency employees eat, sleep and shower? Do you need to make contact with the Red Cross for meals? What facilities/hotels are available for Responding Agency employees? Has an arrangement for refueling and repair of equipment been made? Identify a staging area. Where will Responding Agency employees meet your Agency supervisor(s) to be briefed and assigned work? Responding Agency employees will need names of your supervisor(s), phone numbers and locations and times to meet and report. Who Can Helv? Review list of Public Works Emergency Response Mutual Aid agencies and locate an agency not affected by the emergency. Contact your local Office of Emergency Management, if necessary. Call the agency directly. Send written request as soon as possible. Identify yourself and your agency. Fill out a MUTUAL AID INFORMATION (see page 3) form. State the nature of the problem. State your needs - personnel, equipment, resources, etc. Length of time they will be needed? Advise the Responding Agency on weather and road conditions. How soon is aid needed? Is the work time sensitive? Advise the Responding Agency where, when and to whom they are to report? Identify facilities that are available to Responding Agency (shelter, . food, etc.) Briefing Meet with your agency's union reps or supervisors to discuss how staff will be used. Identify a staff person to work directly with your employees to handle and address questions. Provide local maps of the area with information such as eating and sleeping sites. Provide system maps and discuss how to use them. Review standards for the type of work being requested. Establish a communications plan. . 2 . �.+� � MUTUAL AID INFORMATION FORM � Requesting Agency DATE: TIME: REQUESTING AGENCY: NAME/TITLE CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: TYPE OF EMERGENCY: ESTIMATED DURATION ASSISTANCE WILL BE REQUIRED: ASSISTANCE BEING REQUESTED (be as specific as possible.) Technical Assistance * Personne! Area of Expertise Eauinment * Communication Equipment: Material� * * Items to consider in your request: Inspectors Engineers Surveyors Technicians Truck Drivers Utility person Operators Flaggers Welders Mechanics Bridge Repair Carpenters Electricians Dump Trucks Back Hoe . Gravel Pipe Paving Equipment � Oiler Grader Compactor Traffic Control Equip. Power Supply Communication Equip. 3 � � _ RESPONDING AGENCY CHECKLIST DATE: TIME: REQUESTING AGENCY: NAME/TITLE CONTACT: � PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: TYPE OF EMERGENCY: ESTIMATED DURATION ASSISTANCE WILL BE REQUIRED: Fill out Mutual Aid Information form. Clarifv Need Review types of damage and what Responding Agency employees may be expected to deal with (volcanic ash, earthquake, flooding, etc.) Review types of equipment, materials and number of employees needed and skills required. How long will your employees be needed? Should a relief crew be prepared? Where will your employees stay and eat? Identify a communications plan for crews. How will responding affect your agency's current operations? Immediately notify Supervisor, elected officials and TransAid of request for Emergency Response Mutual Aid. Prenarations Identify your responding employees. Review employee selection with union reps or supervisors. Ask employees to bring necessary personal items. Identify Incident Commander for your employees and appoint staff for operations, plaruting, logistics and finance. Review ER/FEMA documentation procedures with supervisors and initiate record-keeping requirements. - Inventory and standardize tools and materials on vehicles. Inspect vehicles . for travel. Set up daily check in time between Responding and Requesting agency. Review progress, identify hours worked, working conditions and status of crew. Send cash (not check) or credit cards with Supervisor for emergency expenses. Send mobile phone or ham radio equipment for back up communications. Be sure emergency food and water are on each vehicle. 4 • 'wr++' 'wr�'` EMPLOYEE & EQUIPMENT INFORMATION Responding Agency Agency: Date: Supervisor of Crew: Communication Equipment/Phone Numbers: Report Time: Report Date: Report To: Area Assigned: ASSISTANCE BEING PROVIDED (be as specific as possible) Su�ervisor & Crew Em�lovees Name Emergency Contact Oualifications &Phone Numbers I l�g�er �CPR � CDL � Overator i First Aid � � � � � � ( ( � � � � � � � � � � � Technical Assistance * Personnel Area of Expertise Confined Space: Eaui�ment ' Truck Type & Size: Truck Materials Inventory: Truck Tools & Equipment Inventory: . Communication Equipment: � 5 , '"�1�+ ``� • Materials * Shoring Needed: * Items to consider in your request: Inspectors Engineers Surveyors Technicians Truck Drivers Utility person Operators Flaggers Welders Mechanics Bridge Repair Carpenters Electricians Dump Trucks Back Hoe Gravel Pipe Paving Equipment Oiler Grader Compactor Traffic Control Equip. Power Supply Communication Equip. 1 copy to Requesting Agency � , 1 copy to Responding Agency 1 copy to Crew Supervisor _ 6 - • � '�w INCIDENT COMMANDER CHECKLIST Responding Agency U�on Arrival Check-in tivith supervisor on site. Review maps, damage information, repair needs and potential crew � ' assignments. Request information on repair standards. Ensure that lodgings, meals and refueling capabilities exist. If not, identify . crew member to work on problem and ask Requesting Agency for assistance. Review documentation procedures with Requesting Agency's supervisor. and obtain supplies to track repairs and costs associated with job. Establish daily briefing time with Requesting Agency's supervisor. Establish daily documentation briefing with Requesting Agency's supervisor to ensure that tasks are completed. Establish working shifts. Review Communication Plan. Dailv Process Briefing with supervisors and crew on work assignments and progress. Review safety procedures with crew. Review events and any problems or positive interaction with Requesting Agency's employees or customers. Ensure lunch and evening food breaks are provided and that a system for meals, refueling and restocking is maintained. Contact Responding Agency for briefing. Review documentation at end of each day for accuracy and completion. Work Termination Meet with crews to review successes and problems. Identify total hours worked and number of repairs. Total up costs associated with work. Allo.w rest and recovery time before leaving for home. mutual . 7