HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIR-03502 - Lund Technical Report.pdfTa tor fEngineerng Consuttants TECHNiCAL INFORMATION REPORT for Guy Lund Rlat King eounfy Tax Parcef No. 4088Q04?7Q Project#A04PM120, # L04S003? Site Address: 16217 114th Avenue SE Renton, Washington 04 s t004p w . Q b z s N L . r or ES., 114I n Prepared by: Loma M. Taylor, P.E. TEC Project No. 281-PLS Date: September 12, 2005 2Q5 Front St.S. • P.O.Box 178 • tssaquah,WA 98027-0073 • tel.(425)39t-14f 5 • fax(425)391-1551 • www.teccivit.com i_;._..F... ....._..Taylor x=:. ; r._.... Engineering r}; _ - Consultants TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT for Guy Lund P/at King County Tax Parce/No. 0088000170 Project#A04PM120, # L04S0037 Site Address: 16217 114 h Avenue,SE Renton, Washingtan t M' T' o v 04 ; . w e : b x f r Tti slaltlAL' - Jr p n '"'.. ; EaCP1f ES 1/4/U" " ` O v'" PreparedDat: L ep e•.b 112,2a05',. TEC Project No. 281-PLS Re sed, -Ma r 10, 2006 205 Front St.S. • P.O.Box 1787 . Issaquah,WA 98027-0073 • tel.425)391-1415 • fax(425)391-1.551 • www teccivil.com Technical Information Report Lund Plat TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Paae Number 1. Project Overview.......................................... 1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary...........1 3. Off-Site Analysis..........................................5 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis 6 andDesign..................................... 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design........9 6. Special Reports and Studies..........................9 7. Other Permits.............................................. 9 8. ESC Analysis and Design.............................. 9 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and 9 Declaration of Covenant................................ 10. Operations and Maintenance Manual............... 10 Apqendices Appendix A: Figures 1. Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet 2. Site Location 3. Drainage Basins, Subbasins, & Site Characteristics 4. SCS Soils Map Appendix B: Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table and Map Appendix C: Analysis and Design Appendix D: Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities Appendix E: Retention/Detention Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch Engineering Plan in Lieu of Minor Floodplain Study Appendix F: Sensitive Areas Study Appendix G: Bond Quantities Worksheet TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW This Technical Information Report is submitted to the King County DDES in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Appendix A contains a Technical Information Report (TIR) worksheet for the project (Figure 1), as well as a Site Location Map (Figure 2), a Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics figure (Figure 3), and a Soils map (Figure 4). More detailed site information is included in Appendix C with the existing and developed site runoff model data. The 2.05-acre site is located at 16217 114 h Avenue SE in Renton, Washington. SECTION 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Following is the text of the Preliminary Conditions of Approval. All of the conditions 1 — 12 either have been addressed, or will be addressed for the project. Note: number 3 is missing from the original text of the conditions and is assumed to be a typographical error. G. DECISION: Proposed Short Plat (file No. L04S0037), received October 4, 2004 as described by Attachment 1 of this report is GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL;subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1.Title 19A A. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A.of the King County Code. B. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. C. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final short plat recording. 2.Surface Water Management(KCC 9) 1998 King County Surtace Water Design Manual(SWDM) FULL REVIEW The proposed short plat qualifies for full drainage review as outlined in Chapter One of the Surface Water Design Manual. Final short plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04.A professional civil engineer,licensed in the State of Washington,shall prepare drainage plans and a technical information report as outlined in Chapter 2 of the drainage manual.The drainage plan submittal shall demonstrate compliance with all applicable Core and Special Requirements. Compliance may resu t in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved short plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval,which represent portions of the drainage requirements.All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual(SWDM)must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. A. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Prior to short plat recording,the applicant shall submit drainage and engineering plans to address the required short plat improvements. King County approval of drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Permit fees for review and inspection shall be paid as required by County codes and policies.Bonding for the drainage plans will also be established as determined by DDES prior to ptan approval.After receiving drainage plan approval,the applicant shall contact the DDES Land Use Inspection Section to schedule a pre- construction meeting prior to pertorming work on the site. B. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes,as established by DDES Engineering Review shatl be shown on the engineering plans. C. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts,footing drains,and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings on file with DDES and/or the Department of Transportation.This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit.All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots designated for perforated stub-outs,dispersion, or infiltration systems,the designs shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file." 1 TEC I Technical Information Report Lund Plat SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS As required by Special Requirement No.2 in the drainage manual,the 100-year floodplain limits determination calculations shall be included in the Technical Drainage Report(TIR)and delineated/shown on the final engineering plans and the recorded short plat for the existing onsite depression. 4.Road Standards(KCC 14)1993 King County Road Standards All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187,as amended(1993 KCRS).The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards(KCRS)including the following requirements: A. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards(KCRS)including the following requirements: 1. The proposed on-site access serving proposed lots 5,6&8 shall be placed in a Private Access Tract(PAT). These lots shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance.The PAT road improvements shall conform to KCRS 2.03 for Urban Minor Access Road Standards and shall include 22 feet of paving with concrete curb and gutter on both sides of the road.The minimum tract width shall be 26 feet with a maximum length of 150 feet. 2. 114w Avenue Southeast fronting the subject property shall be improved to Urban Sub-Access Standards,per the 1993 King County Road Standards,Section 2.03. 3. Southeast 162"d Street fronting the subject property shall be improved to Urban Sub-Access Standards,per the 1993 King County Road Standards,Section 2.03. 4. Southeast 164'Street fronting the subject property shall improved to Urban Neighborhood Collector Standards,per the 1993 King County Road Standards,Section 2.03. 5. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements,and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS. 5.Health(KCC 13) This project is exempt from further King County Heath Department review. However, if improvements are required from the Sewer and/or the Water District,then verification shall be required from said District(s)that the improvements have been bonded and/or installed,prior to final recording of the short plat. 6.Building and Construction Standards(Title 16) A. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC 16.82.T B. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with KCC 16.82.150(clearing standards)requirements at engineering and final short plat. 7.Fire Code(KCC 17) Section 902 of the 1997 Edition of Uniform Fire Code The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant,water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 8.Zoning Code(KCC 21A) A. Density and Dimensions(KCC 21A.12) All lots shall meet the density and dimensions requirements of the R-8 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary short subdivision,whichever is larger.Minor revisions to the short subdivision,which do not result in substantiat changes and/or do not create additional lots may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. B. Street Trees(KCC 21A.16)Street trees shall be provided as fol ows(per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050): 1. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. 2. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No.5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. 3. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way,they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. 4. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program.Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. 5. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of-way,and shall not include 2 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat poplar,cottonwood,soft maples,gum,any fruit-bearing trees,or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers,or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. 6. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. 7. The street trees must be installed and inspected,or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted,the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat.At the time of inspection,if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan,a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond,and held for one year.After one year,the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. 9.Sensitive Areas(KCC 21A.24) The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24.Permanent survey markings and signs as specified in KCC 21A.24.160 shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval.Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers(e.g.,with bright orange construction fencing)shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements which apply to this project.All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. A. Wetlands 1. Class 3 wetland(s)shall have a minimum buffer of 25 feet,measured from the wetland edge. 2. The wetland(s)and their respective buffers shall be placed in a Sensitive Area Tract(SAT). 3. Buffer Averaging,as shown on the approved plan set,meets provisions of the King County Sensitive Area Code 21A.24320(b). 4. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the tract. B. Streams 1. Class 3 stream(s)shall have a 25-foot buffer. 2. The stream(s)and their respective buffers shall be placed in a Sensitive Area Tract(SAT). 3. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the tract. C. Alterations to Streams or Wetlands 1. Alterations of streams and/or wetlands are approved in conformance with KCC 21A.24.As an alternative to mitigation plantings,the applicant has provided buffer averaging in excess of 2:1. 2. The Sensitive Area Tract that includes the Class 3 wetlands and associated Class 3 stream shall be fenced with split rails(spit rail fence)and posted with Sensitive Area signs. D. SDO Conditions(KCC 21A.38)-The following Special District Over ays apply to this site: 1. Significant trees-Calls for the retention of a certain percentage of the trees on the site. 2. Seasonal clearing restrictions-Clearing is limited to April 1 SGthrough September 30"'. 10. Road Mitigation Payment System The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with Road Mitigation Payment System(MPS),King County Code 14.75,by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by King County Department of Transportation.The applicant has an option to either: A. Pay the MPS fee at final short ptat recording,or B. Pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen,the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of short plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that reads,"All fees required by King County code 14.75 have been paid." If the second option is chosen,the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of the building permit application. 11. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43,which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development.As a condition of final approval,fifty percent 50%)of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval.The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 3 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Piat 12. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of K.C.C.21A.14.180 and K.C.C. 21A. 14.190(i.e.,sport court[s],children's play equipment,picnic table[s],benches,etc.). a.A detailed recreation space plan(i.e.,location,area calculations,dimensions,landscape specs,equipment specs,etc.)shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of engineering plans. b.A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Other Considerations tr, A. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body.This may include,but not be limited to,obtaining a forest practice permit,an HPA permit,building permits,and other types of entitlements as necessitated by circumstances. B. The short subdivision shall conform to KCC 16.82 relating to grading on private property. C. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division The following summary describes how this new project will meet the eight "Core Requirements" and the "Special Requirements" that apply: Core Repuirements 1. Discharge at the Natural Location: The site currently contains three distinct threshold drainage areas and a wetland. The site "developed" system will maintain these drainage areas and discharge runoff at its historic locations. 2. Off-Site Analysis:A Level 1 offsite analysis was conducted for this plat as described in Section 3. 3. Flow Control: The Level 2 detention pond was sized for onsite drainage and a Level 2 detention tank was sized for roadway drainage along 114th Avenue SE to meet the requirements of the KCSWDM, using the KCRTS routine. Appendix C contains the KCRTS input and output. 4. Conveyance System: The conveyance system was sized to convey the 25-year storm without flooding and in fact, the predicted 100-year storm flows can be conveyed without flooding as shown on the output data from the KCBWP analysis in Appendix C. 5. Erosion and Sedimentation Contro/: Runoff from the grading and trer ching construction areas will be contained by a temporary construction entrance, silt fencing and a sediment trap in accordance with the KCSWDM during construction. The ESC facilities will only be removed once all exposed site surFaces have been stabilized. Other temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed as needed. 6. Maintenance and Operations: The detention pond and all drainage and street work within public tracts, rights-of-ways and easements will become the property of King County. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability:The bond quantities worksheet is in Appendix G. I 8. Water Quality: Treatment of runoff will not be required because none of the threshold drainage areas will have more than 5,000 square feet of new and replaced Pollution Generating Impervious Surfaces (PGIS). Special Requirements 1. Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements: Level 2 Flow Control will be required. The north basin area contains a closed depression, which does not receive any runoff from off-site. The project does not propose any changes to the runoff in this basin. 4 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat 2. Floodplain/Floodway Delineation: An engineering plan, in lieu of a minor floodplain study is required to document that the proposed development will be at least 10 feet above the ordinary high water mark, or 2 feet above the downstream overflow elevation. See Appendix E. 3. Flood Protection Facilities: Not Applicable. 4. Source Controls: Not Applicable. 5. Oil Control: Not Applicable. SECTION 3 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The following subsections describe the inspection and evaluation of the site and its surrounding areas particularly the downstream drainage paths. Task 1. Study Area Definition and Maps The Figures in Appendix B show the extent of the study area and the local topography. There is no runoff onto the site because the roadside drainage system transports runoff from the north and east of the property around the property to the west. The Site Plan drawing shows more detailed topographic information on the project site. Task 2. Resource Review King County mapping was consulted and King County's Drainage basin mapping shows the site draining in three different directions to three different drainage basins: to the Black River to the north and west, to the Lower Cedar River to the east, and to Soos Creek to the south. However, as described below, physical inspection of the site shows this mapping to be inaccurate. In fact, the entire site ultimately drains to the Black River, but in three distinct drainage paths creating three different threshold drainage areas. Task 3. Field Inspection A Level 1 off-site analysis was conducted on January 27, 2004, with several subsequent site visits to verify the initial findings. At the time of the initial site inspection, the weather was cool and sunny. Task 4. Drainage System Descriptions and Problem Descriptions The figures in Appendix B show the three downstream drainage paths for the four drainage basins on the site. Any overflow from the wetland area on the south side of the site drains into the South Downstream Drainage Path described below, which also conveys runoff from the east portions of the site. All these drainage paths converge at a point more than %4 miles from the site as described below. 1) North Downstream Drainaqe Path: The runoff from the north portion of the site flows into the closed depression on the site, which does not show any signs of overtopping. It appears that all runoff into this depression currently infiltrates because the depression typically does not contain standing water and does not support any wetland indicators. The adjacent roadway ditch prevents runoff from the road and upstream areas from entering this depression. However, the downstream drainage path described herein is for the overflow from the closed depression should it overtop: From the closed depression, the north portion of the site would drain west in a roadside ditch and culvert system along the south side of SE 162"d Street, flowing west to the end of the roadside ditch. From there, it flows overland 5 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat across a semi-vacant storage yard to a sharp grade break and down to the bottom of a large natural ravine draining to the northwest. 2) South Downstream DrainaQe Path: The eastern and southern (wetland) portions of the property, as well as the 114`"Avenue SE and SE 164' Street drainage from the roads and a small upstream tributary area to the east, drain west in a roadside ditch and drivewa culvert system along the north side of SE 164th Street to the bottom of the hill near 109 Avenue SE. This roadside system discharges into the same large natural ravine draining to the northwest. 3) West Downstream Draina4e Path: The remainder of the property drains directly west through private property, initially in a drainage ditch and stream and then in a long piped system which discharges into the same large natural ravine between the discharge points for the northwest and southwest drainage paths. Task 5. Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems To mitigate any water quantity impacts from the project, Level 2 detention in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) will be required as part of the development. Treatment of runoff will not be required because none of the threshold drainage areas will have more than 5,000 square feet of new and replaced Pollution Generating Impervious SurFaces PGIS). SECTION 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The following subsections describe the measurements and criteria used to size the detention facilities Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) The drainage on the existing site was analyzed for this project with KCRTS. Figures provided in the KCSWDM and KCRTS manual were used to determine project location and scale factor parameters. The figures in Appendix C show the delineation of the areas generating runoff on the site. The site soils are classified Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam, 6% - 15% slopes. Appendix C also contains the data and output from the hydrologic analysis. The following table lists the existina site conditions identified for this project and used in the KCRTS modeling included. The NW basin will not be changed. N Basin E Basin W Basin S Basin Area (ac) Area (ac) Area (ac) Area (ac) Description (Site) (Street) (Site) (Street) (Street) (Site) (Street) Forest 0.38 0.18 0.09 Impervious 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.26 0.05 Pasture 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.57 0.47 0.03 Grass Wetland 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.01 Total Area 0.41 0.11 0.32 0.51 0.72 0.59 0.04 Note:Some areas include some round-off error. 6 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) The runoff from the four different drainage basins on site will be discharged as follows: North Basin. The total allowable development in the North Basin will not increase the impervious surface area by more than 5,000 square feet. Runoff from this basin will continue to be discharged to the surface on-site or to the downstream ditch and culvert system via a perforated downspout connection per existing conditions. East Basin. The proposed drainage systems will route East Basin runoff to a Level 2 detention tank that will release runoff to the ditch along SE 164'h Street, as shown on the plans and described in the "Offsite Analysis" section of this report. West Basin. The proposed drainage systems will route West Basin runoff to a Level 2 detention pond that will release runoff to the stream at the west property boundary. South Basin. Clean runoff from discreet roof areas will be directed to the wetland area also known as the South Basin. This situation has been determined to mimic existing conditions in the South Basin. This configuration very closely mimics existing conditions and discharges all runoff in the directions and locations where runoff from these basins currently flows. The developed site conditions identified for this project and used in the KCRTS modeling included: N Basin E Basin W Basin S Basin Area (ac) Area (ac) Area (ac) Area (ac) Description (Site) (Street) (Site) (Street) (Street) (Site) (Street) Forest Impervious 0.11 0.07 0.06 0.37 0.41 0.16 Pasture 0.25 Grass 0.28 0.04 0.15 0.15 0.52 0.02 Wetland 0.12 0.00 Total Area 0.39 0.11 0.21 0.52 0.91 0.54 0.02 Note:Some areas include some round-off error Performance Standards (Part C) The potential increase in impervious surface area for the North Basin is less than 5,000 square feet; therefore, detention is not required for this basin per the Impervious Surface Exemption to Core Requirement #3. No significant development is proposed for this basin at this time. For the East Basin detention tank and West Basin detention pond, Level 2 Flow Control requirements and parameters were used to size the facilities. The South Basin required careful consideration of tributary areas to match existing conditions and not deprive the wetland of water nor inundate it with too much flow. Water quality treatment is not anticipated; however, the project site is in an area designated for Basic Water Quality Treatment. Conveyance features were sized to convey the 25-year developed runoff and their performance during the 100-year event checked to be sure that significant flooding will not occur as a result. 7 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat Flow Control System (Part D) North Basin. No flow control is required for the North Basin per the "Impervious Surface Exemption". East Basin. The East Basin detention tank was sized using the KCRTS routine. The following table summarizes the sizing and control requirements for the detention tank. Detention Facility East Basin Tank Required detention volume 1,143 cf Effective storage depth 3.5 ft Tank Diameter 4 sf Tank Length 98 ft Orifice#1 diamete 0.88" (7/8") Orifice#2 diameter 1.13" (1-1/8") Orifice#2 heiqht above bottom 1.80 ft West Basin. The West Basin detention pond was sized using the KCRTS routine. The following table summarizes the sizing and control requirements for the detention pond. Detention Facility I West Basin Pond Required detention volume 7,605 cf Effective storage depth 3.0 ft Top area (@ 1' freeboard) 4,164 sf Bottom Area 1,821 sf Orifice#1 diameter 0.71" (11/16") Orifice#2 diameter 0.68" (11/16") Orifice#2 heiqht above bottom 2.0 ft South Basin. Minimal development is proposed for the South Basin; however, it contains an existing wetland which must be protected. Of particular concern is maintaining adequate flow to the 0.13-acre wetland once the required frontage improvements along 114'Avenue SE and SE 164' Street are completed. The existing onsite and adjacent frontage areas tributary to the wetland total only about 0.51 acres. This is probably not enough area to support the wetland so i the existence of the wetland strongly suggests that there is a hydraulic connection with the adjacent ditch. Assuming there is a hydraulic connection, the exact volume of runoff currently supplying the wetland would be impractical to accurately determine. The upstream area tributary to the adjacent ditch is at least three times the wetland tributary on-site area; however, since the connection is subsurface, only a small portion of this upstream runoff may impact the wetland. The design solution is to disperse clean runoff to the wetland from discreet non-tra c areas. The areas were selected so the peak flows and volumes exceed the flows from existing on-site tributary areas (which can be easily analyzed) by about 80 percent to approximately match the existing runoff regime, but more importantly to provide adequate water for the proposed wetland buffer mitigation. The proposed flow rates and volumes have been coordinated with the Wetland Mitigation Plan. Descriptions of the procedures used and calculations and computer output are included in Appendix C. 8 TEC L Technical Information Report Lund Plat Water Quality (Part E) Treatment of runoff will not be required because none of the threshold drainage areas wiil have more than 5,000 square feet of new and replaced Pollution Generating Impervious Surfaces PGIS). The following is a table summarizing the PGIS Surfaces proposed for each basin area. PGIS Areas by Basin North East West South Lot 1) Lot 2)Lots 3, 5, 6, 8) (Lots 4, 7) Driveways 400 sf 400 sf 1,600 sf 800 sf Road Tracts 545 sf 2,859 sf Frontage Improvements 584 sf 3,928 sf Total 984 sf 4,873 sf 4,459 sf 800 sf SECTION 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The conveyance piping was analyzed using the County's Backwater Analysis routine (BWPIPE) and runoff generated by KCRTS using 15-minute time steps to be sure the 25-year flows can be conveyed, and that significant flooding will not occur during a 100-year event. The results of this analysis are included in Appendix C. SECTION 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES In lieu of a Minor Floodplain Study, an engineering plan is submitted showing that the proposed building sites are located more than 2 feet above the downstream overflow elevation. This Engineering Plan is included in Appendix E. A Sensitive Areas Study was completed for the project site by Wetland Resources, Inc. This report is included in Appendix F. SECTION 7 OTHER PERMITS No other permits beyond those required by King County are anticipated to be required for this project. SECTION 8 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The erosion control facilities are shown on the erosion control plan. The proposed detention pond will be used for a temporary sediment trap. At 960 square feet, the bottom area of the pond exceeds the top area required for the sediment trap, which is 685 square feet. The calculations (2,080 x QZ) used to size the erosion control facilities are included in Appendix C. SECTION 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT Bond Quantities: The County's Bond Quantities Worksheet is included in Appendix G for the site and frontage improvements. 9 TEC Technical Information Report Lund Plat Facilitv Summaries: The County's Facilities Summary Sheet is included in Appendix E. Declaration of Covenant: The County's Declaration of Covenant document will be provided separately. SECTION 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The drainage facilities should be maintained as described in Appendix D (part of which was excerpted from the KCSWM Maintenance Requirements for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities). The detention pond and all drainage and street work within public tracts, rights-of- ways and easements will become the property of King County. 1 o TEC APPENDIX A FIGURES 1. Technical Information Report(TIR)Worksheet 2. Site Location Map 3. Drainage Basins, Subbasins, 8 Site Characteristics 4. SCS Soils Map King County Department of Development and Environinental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET i`':::i ii.<.:::::::::`::`::<:::::`'>>: `::::`:::::<i:::::`i#:>':::>>:::>:;<`:<::<:::«`::<:`:' t:::::::`:`::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::`:::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;:::>:;:::::::>::::;:' Project Owner Project Name ,/ r, Address 0 Q Qf 1"'i f1 Location o, /Pf./a/9 -jr.GZ Township 3 Phone Range S30 -NS2 - 3b(o Project En ineer Section 9 ll rnc: T- Company /n c. Address/Phone_ t.A 35 y S ar::>':>::T'::::::'::::::>:::>:::>:::::<:>::::>:>::::>::::::::::::::::>:::::4;.>:>.:>.:,_:`>:.<;;<:»::<;::.>.>:.»>':,:.':>:`:'>::::;::::::::::::::::;<:>:`:::`'::`1?tt.. ....E'!'I..A ;::::.:.: .:..: .; ::.;:.r.:::.::::::::>:::>::>:::::>::::>:::::::>:.::.::.:::.:::::::::::::::.::.:::::.:: ;. Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision COE 404 Rockery Grading DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults Commercial FEMA Floodplain Other Other COE Wetlands P:`::>:::;T<`:`:';;`:><:;:>::::;::>:::.>_::.;>:::<:>..>::::.<>:.>::::<::::::::::.>:>:::::::.>::::`...:. : :::::: . . ::::::::::`:::::';«:>;::<:>::::::::>:::::::`::::::::::>:'>`::::>;::`::::>``><:::;:::::>:::;>::`:::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::::::::::::>::::::::`:`::::>:::>:;'>:«::>:::;>'71S.lN f pF t3E3 E;Sf:.;:.;:.::..;:.;.;:....::.::.::.;:.;:.;:.;;:.:. .... ..... :.:;.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;;:.;:.:;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;.. ;. Community aoS C Ye l Drainage Basin , l,c e t':::::.:;:>..>;.::::s.'.::::::::..`>.`:>::::::::::.'>:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>::>::>:::::::«:::::::>::::::>::>:::>::»:::::::':::::::::::::>::::::>:::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::>::::::::::::::::::=::«::::`::>:>:::::<:::::<::;:::>::>::::::>::::::s>:;»::::::>::::::>::::::>::.>A#A'RI'::.::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::::.::::.::::::::::::.::::::::::::: River Flood lain Wetland Stream Seeps Springs Critical Stream Reach High Groundwater Table Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge Lake Other Steep Slopes Figure 1 TIR Worksheet 3 pages) a f:;r:::;::::::::i::::::;':::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::i_::'':::::z;::R:::;::..;:::i;':::::::i:':::'i::'>:::'.:::::::i::::::::::::::::;:::::::";::::::::::::t::;:::::::::':'::;_:::`:::"::`::;::`:::`:::.'.::::::i::;::";'::::i::;:'':;''::::`:::;:;.:::::::::i::;;:::;r..::->::.: Soil Type Slopes Erosion Poter tial Erosive Velcoties ln- /S l Additional Sheets Attached i:::::'::.:;:>:.<:.:€:::_>:_:_::>_::'><>::::;:::>::::>::::::::::»:.>:::<:::::::>:::::::::::<:::::;«::::::::::::::::.::::::'::;:':::`:::::::':.:>:::::::'::<';':<'>::::::::::>`::::::::::::::<:';:::::::`:::;;::::::':::;;':;;::<:::::;;';::<'::::::::::::::::'<:::::::'::::=:::::::::::::::::::::>:::::''::::::::::::::;`':<;<:<:'`:?`::::_.F l''A''. REFERENCE LIMITATIOWSITE CONSTRAINT Ch. 4—Downstream Analvsis Additional Sheets Attached F:"'::.,...:;::::;::;:;r.::';i:::.:::::::::.2y::>:2:::y::i:::::::?t::;::::,::::.ti:::.:._.::..::.x`:`::::::;:::::;'::'::::::::::::;:2:::::::::::::;:':::':::;:i':;;:;::;.`'::::::::';::::::`:;:::';;:::::::::::`:::::::i;::;::;;:s::::`:::::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::':;:::::::':2::;::::::`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`::::::;::::;.;:::::c-.T,.„.,: '',,•!?4 i,f..,.,.:.::::::::::.::::.::::::.:.::.:::. 5:::i:' MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REC UIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION Sedimentation Facilities Stabilize Exposed Surtace Stabilized Construction Entrance Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Perimeter Runoff Control Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Clearing and Graing Restrictions Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Cover Practices iFlag Limits of SAO and open space Construction Sequence preservation areas Other Other Part 1(3 :SUR ACE WATER SYSTEM Grass Lined Tank Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel l%j PiK/z Vauit Depression J Pipe System Compensation/Mitigati Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site Open Channel Stora eWetlandWaiver9 Dry Pond Stream Regional Wet Pond Detention I Brief Description of System Operation r Cl Zu Y Qf CLvt j iTc ov T,h,n oc 1LS1 a./Y i br J'Lt ri - Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRlJCTURA.ANALYStS Part'f2 EASE1VlE1VTS/'('RAGTS Cast in Place Vault Drainage Easement Retaining Wall Access Easement Rockery> 4' High Native Growth Protection Easement Structural on Steep Slope Tract Other Other Part 13 SiGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. i i` 4/Z Y/..5` Signed/Date Map Output Page 1 of 1 Kltt+ t3Unty LaT -C{ ° iMAP - Property Information (Plannin ) f\, E i ra q m_..`..- .. a},. ," r'` f, lq r` S` oJ ~, p.-.. id Et'T _ ;S(+ S a r'*- r ,•-I f ':#„ a"', rS,+'` 43,i f :.,` ' .", i;'Y, C. f'C13 ; w.`'r' C 1 j"'""T".I`_t -...9, ,5'CT t; SE;PUG E R i x` A' P ui q 5''1"'-PL. 21 87 .r:; f:". ! T r __ R_ J E22NIl+PE:___,,,,.1 it` i'=. C !°:E:. . s."r;r m.:............_rv_ ._.s C....1., L...1,1. t E 1 2oJE.C'J— ..S/7' 't--#--- Ir. ar;s s2r c rs-r__ w. W , ti.;: Y-,: MN ' j! " E i E ' E: .f i . .. '', i 1 F:^x...._....SE Ct T€-_-=',.--- - : _,..... j Th# r S t A •ST:__... f:--E-__—- .' ' ..L iy3 , Z f----t'r L_ rFW--.7'{ { . ( 3'"i;"''3 -"`.''.—t._L,_i.=„_y„ 3,,,,„'',.,;...- a.... i e 1 1j t i i:. 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King County makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness,timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.Ki g County shall not be liable for any general,special,indirect,incidental,or consequential damages including,but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale ofthis map or information on ihis map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. Kina Countv GIS Center News Services Comments Search By visiting this and other King County web pages,you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site.The details. Figure 2 Site Location Map No Scale u.//_........ .......F«..... .........«..r.4 i.m onv onr»nvi .crimnv 7\r r..raT lamA—Pr ia z.P I,Iia R/'2/(1(15 Map Output Page 1 of 1 R F _ I iMAP - Sensitive Areas (ail themes) n t : %l j •.1 i t i i 2- i3 j i uc Q's 5„2 't'£?2Lt's7q'A 5_i------ i ii i YtY''''D l q i 1................. ............ ""'_""'_"' ....... ... ..... t.aEii . ,i • : : , I 4 I : :' Z r l i 1. S i_..... 4 25ti 3'E F; 8:s 4 5 i E i i ' 4 i_ mu,'.3 s" tiS S L$f: I Y f S:+LS'.'in8fE1 4' ._... .......... .......... . f5..._....,........, s . 3i i i; 1Ki ' :7 : 4.Y.37 39 f'sCitS ; ei i r,.lM1- -•......... ... % i f fff 3243}i ~ y y•. : ip,pT..O%4 i t/.7 543-'lL0.M:Al:•• 3?J ° tR.°.S f r : : . f,'d#.n,ii r g S tf•,R r ro&fl 3 : 1 i ' l. . ' i i !",f i i f?4 a.........._....._--=----•--•'1 ' t t...............:..... s,ga.? ; I.•-••- f E <..................__........_......, . 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Kin,g County_I GIS Center 1 News I Se vices I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details. Figure 3 Drainage Basins, Subbasins, Site Characteristics Scale as shown hftn•//www5 mPtrnkr anv/cPrvlPt/rnm Pcri Pcriman Fcriman9.CPr ri PNamP—r vPn ia x,Q f'lia SI Fl7(1(ld i r.- `w . 4`' ', S/ ka+.r M k',', Y+4`\ r '''S r s ;' x Vj'- ,'r r,,., '`\ ', S` t ti w ! 1, •j r ,. ` i1 ;' i _ a.i tl 1 >V- T"'"'• 'j' c....._,. . ,t k,t 1 .. R Y'°Z`;: „"'-r +'RI'1a.., 4. 1- ,., I.t"'';7 1 9i a, 1. ,w. k t i +, \„ r Ny,9,:, 2, y'4''u1:7): f -* a.... • Y \ i r 1- r'"',;+t a .a t`•;.4-.'...1:'.` . 1 1'L7_--. r..,..\, j{ 1. ''RT'1 lf i 1 1:,.+ ;4 '". t a ,. 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M„ 21y t' 4 ..' 1. 1ik. 4 .k ;' f r k .+y k m r 3. t t ' m 3k'ts7 i.u ., j t n. y*.. 4 .s k , '«:,i 4 M APPENDIX B OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE AND MAP OFF- SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT # Z Basin: Black River Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Symbol Drainage Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observa ions of field,: Component Type, Component from site Problems Problems inspe tor, resour' Name, and Size Description discharge. reviewe' r, oir resident`- ` ' see map Type: sheet flow, swale, drainage basin, vegetation, , % ml= 1, 324: ft. constrictions, under eapacity; ponding, t ibutarj+ aiea;: GkeUfio. qd, f piobiem; stream, channel, pipe, cover, depth, type of sensitive overtopping, flbvding, habitat oi organism overflow pathwa} rs, potentia[ unp8c: ts ' pond; Si2e: diameter, area, volume destruction, sCouring; banks{ oughing, surface area sedimentation,. incisiort, other.: erosion North Downstream Drainage Path A- B Ditch w/ 8"— 12" Dirt and grass lined 2 0' — 900' None noted Ditch capacity is Ditch appears to end at B and driveway culverts ditch sections, 1 — 2 feet small, potential overtop to sheet flow across cover for flooding vacant storage yard B- C Sheet flow Dirt and grass storage 2 900' — 1, 270' None noted Erosion and yard and flooding C- D Sheet flow Overland flow down to 8 1, 270' — Inaccessible on private bottom of ravine 1, 540' property South Downstream Draina e Path E- F 12" cone. d/ w culvert Grass lined ditch, depth 4 0' — 1, 270' None noted erosion and ditch system varies. N side of SE 164th F- G 12" conc, pipe discharges to bottom of 5 1, 270' — drainage ravine 1, 380' G- D Large wetland/ Headwaters of drainage 2 1, 380' — Inaccessible on private drainage area path to NW 1, 700' property West Downstream Draina e Path H- I Drainage swale, 2' — Brushy and wooded 2 0' — 800' I None noted flooding Area has been used by adjacent 8' wide property owners to dump yard waste and other debris I- J 12"— 18"— 10" pipe Crosses under private 5 800' — 1, 330' Inaccessible on private property property J- K Drainage swale Down slope to bottom of 5 1, 330' — Inaccessible on private drainage ravine i 1, 750' property K- D Large wetland/ Headwaters of drainage 2 1, 750' — Inaccessible on private I drainage area path to NW i 1 880' property 98- 4\ inB04 Map Output Page 1 of 1 K1t1 IU iMAP - Property Information (Plannin ) t, /;,"' i T ,, 1., r . . EfE 1C3ET 4 #lC E UR'E t l f k , jf ty 4 C*''.J'..r'" 4 1 jrr , ~ ____,2 •i 7,ST t. j4 .. j . a rn S , n. f E71 y a_; +'t7't:,-•_.,. r'..-'`.-'"`"',,. s-a r.. a-, a jj i - ; k. :1 °1 C.r...... p '.-+ w.6.....-.«.......''^'.k .`.. t ' 7, q A,. „..Y,W+71 ;. ......-.. . . ......... ..... . . . f a 5....._,,.,„,.-.,» 4--:,* i a'""r f 17l . L x..v.J............... 3 ,Va....,»ti t. 1 / f k E . f..'...._......-.._.._._,_, i 4 YWM d^[.r«c.!'7/K .1 ,....,e.....-{" ' I...+.._. ' . . .,_,..... Y r lj y` 1 `; T r s a I>--f.'." i _ ..yi - . s i tS G i .`"-'E i6 PJf'T...v_ _ ---ui '._-----i 1 tr. p. 1 `1, ' O i l ` i f s z 1• t v \— t 3 k t * f,'- j___..... ,..._.1 1 ; ; ;\ r i 4 _t e - .1 y 1 j3 1 ti 1 j 1 r { , ' a i "' z 3 1 I 5'j"'"+._' q t ,e GYE3'T Lb.lJT.+QEsL( v,,,r s + 1 _:'' _ i t , t-- _.._ _ ,____n_" __,,,S.-, -£ a-:,„._ 1 A '1".k . . t '• j l. rUTtl .A 6A.M . 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King County makes no representations orwarranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness,timeliness,or rights to ihe use of such information.King County shall not be liable for any general,special,indirect,incidental,or consequential damages including,but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale of this map or information on ihis map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. Kino Countv GIS Center News Services Comments Search By visiting this and other King County web pages,you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site.The detaiis. Off-site Analysis Drainage System Map Downstream Drainage Paths Scale as shown httn//www5 metrnkc.v/ervlet/c m.esri.esriman.Esriman?ServiceName=overview&Clie... 8/24/2005 Map Output Page 1 of 1 111# #L1i' U '° . ii i, R i nA q i ii i ! iMAP - Property Information (Plannin) r ti. f i.. Tw-;:v-s "° `.,,``. ° ,.r E f -r T- .,. _ y 3 ,l,'' V `^ b......(' + E{' ..t, ,.% '^, . t3T „r.:o-"'.-y.-,..' 4'ti t,, . 6 .r ..Xv q " .`YE'ZI+tQ;PL_ _..-; ,r ti,, r'• i' ( ii . f''` s T.s-r.. y- x i f\ J` tfi a^ }',ay?'._ . ,.. , l 4 s P f 1 4 L. ..i( w. T: ti ` . " t.... de..........._.. .. t , l l-- __ ka.._. '(''' 1—"'"'C7---.._,...__ I . 3. J) 'Q' C b--' 1 '.i. i 3 `""_' ..__ . _- 1--..—.... f 4 _.. k. = I\ i\! I 7 i 't '', k' , I ` A \. , 1 ' `n i--- w... 1,Us-fi rv rys°._. ' J GlPJT,.a'I fI1p s- --_ -et'' - -- — cs1F7T._. j ? 3 3 I .. ,{ . 5 `' t' 1; __ _ . : /,. t r ma_«. (k l ( 1 1 r I _ w I r.4 t..._...... r-----_v.._ f t f ' •E r.._ 1 4 tts__ .. s ._, E i ', i ..._.__.. ,.S :1 F2i S 1" ` --...--- _ _ _f E 1 • _------- f ...r 3 j" i s ; i E _ W . _- ti•1 4 £ _ I , 1 t is a_.__•; ' Y 4 , S ti__e_.a . _...1 7_ i _ I1 `it JI 4x. ._. _ '. . .._.__ ____ . ._ ... i -...,."'L'... . s t"T...r' i ., i .,. .,,...._ . F f ti, :5 , 3 ;i, i ; T x . _. e. ."_;._.___--_ E f•-..... E i__ _ , ,___I 1 ...• i l f` f i i r-S------ _'_a r i -r--r^ i._I_ L... .___._.*.` L r ...__ _j Y ', e g ..'i(i._.....'4 , i i:.l g 1 I . "#. v gr------._._._. 9 3._. 1` , _r 'L. ;.... .;: v . It', t r i k , j ..... ` ( s 1•\ - ti t t a t ¢ •} j . J 5E'1 G.57 Fi ST r., 1 .._-. ' . ! ._.. o-.t i___t . .__ I yY-. a. I 1 8?rTt9'S t e. ? f i ? ` j i '_.,.:- },o jl F.. l___ r r--#-?--.__,. . --. u_ _ 4__ ,l-,, . `' C 2oQsx,Couruy / I 31,: - ,.,5...q '"'. ,:. .. r572itv.' . ..~_l The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness,timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.King County shall not be liable for any general,special,indirect,incidental,or consequential damages including,but not limited to, ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map.Any sale of this map or information on ihis map is prohibited except by written permission of Kinq County. Kina Countv GIS Center(News Services Comments Search By visiting this and other King County web pages,you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site.The details. Off-site Analysis Drainage System Map Upstream Tributary Basins Scale as shown httn•//www5 mPtr kr unv/cPrvlet/nm ecri esriman.Rsriman?ServiceName=verview&C'lie... R/24/2 5 4 1 APPENDIX C ANALYSIS AND DESIGN D 0 a o OC 1Da[ l i K,.,. T II S.& a . . . .. ,`.. , . Npl' J741' E `— g 515 pi BEARINCj 1, N1GlE 0 l v ses] l` . , ... . . . . . 65ti. J3( Hj r- r, . .. . . 056.. 1J'( P) t ' ' . . . .. 1 , ir 1 11 i i Y. . u i . i..¢ • ' • • NCt] 7' 79' EAST t ' K N, -.• , oa„«, — — -`"—_— a e. or P i 5% ,: vi.'..^^ Y ' r... .- m R 8 .. s , SAU11 i D' { k , o x± ; .. . . 1 ; R ` wEST y n. : s h I NORTFi , r gl ` N i']]'! T J n 95 OG'( 1 T U-D'':.. .,. / ' +. , S91 9!'( P s e 3i s 0. ST 7 St Ew --}- p+ uru4t ri'K[ 1 NORTH BASIN ( AC) EAST BASIN ( AC) SITE STREET TOTAL SITE STREET TOTAL FOREST: 16, 716 ( 0. 38) 16, 716 ( 0. 38) 8, 007 ( 0. 18) 8, 007 ( 0. 18) IMPERV+ iOUS: 1, 224 ( 0. 03) 2, 519 ( 0. 06) 3, 743 ( 0. 09) 1, 292 ( 0. 03) 11, 252 ( 0. 26) 12, 544 ( 0. 29) a 4o eo PASTURE: 2, 429 ( 0. 06) 2, 429 ( 0, 06) 4, 394 ( 0. 10) 10, 917 ( 0. 25) 15, 311 ( 0. 35) WETLAhD: 431 ( 0. 01) 431 ( 0. 01) Z TOTAL: 18, 050 ( 0. 41) 4, 948 ( 0. 11) 22, 998 ( 0. 53) 14, 124 ( 0. 32) 22, 69 ( 0. 51) 36, 293 ( 0, 83) SCALE; " = 8o ft. WEST BASIN ( AC) SOUTH BASIN ( AC) TOTALS ( AC) SITE SITE STREET TOTAL SITE STREET T07AL FORES i; 4, 194 ( 0. 10) 28, 917 ( 0. 66) 28, 917 ( 0. 66) IMPERV IOUS: 2, 036 ( 0. 05) 4, 552 ( 0. 10) 13, 771 ( 0. 32) 18, 323 ( 0. 42) PASTURE: 24, 682 ( 0. 57) 20, 543 ( 0. 47) 1, 464 ( 0. 03) 22, 007 ( 0. 51) 49, 619 ( 1. 14) 14, 810 ( 0. 34) 64, 429 ( 1. 48) • WETLA dD: 289 ( p. p 5, 365 ( 0. 12) 104 ( 6. 00) 5, 469 ( 0. 13) 6, 085 ( 0. 14) 104 ( 0. 00) 6, 189 ( 0. 14) TOTAL: 31, 201 { 0. 72) 25, 908 ( a. 59) 1, 568 ( 0. 04) 27, 476 ( 0. 63) gg, t73 ( 2. 05) 28, 685 ( 0. 66) 117, 858 ( 2. 71) SOME AREAS SHOW " ROUND— OFF" ERROR Lot Coverage Areas Project: Lund Plat Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 Existing North Basir East Basin West Basin South Basir Totals Site Frontage Total Site Frontage Total Site Site Fronta e Total Site Frontage Total s ac s ac s ac s ac ( s ( ac) s ac s ac s ac s ac ( s ( ac) s ac ( s I( ac) ( s 1( ac) Forest 16, 716 0. 38 16, 716 0. 38 8, 007 0. 18 8, 007 0. 18 4, 194 0. 10 28, 917 0. 66 28, 917 0. 66 Impervious 1, 224 0. 03 2, 519 0. 06 3, 743 0. 09 1, 292 0. 03 11, 252 0. 26 12, 544 0. 29 2, 036 0. 05 4, 552 0. 10 13, 771 0. 32 18, 323 0. 42 Pasture 2, 429 0. 06 2, 429 0. 06 4, 394 0. 10 10, 917 0. 25 15, 311 0. 35 24, 682 0. 57 20, 543 0. 47 1, 464 0. 03 22, 007 0. 51 49, 619 1. 14 14, 810 0. 34 64, 429 1. 48 Grass Wetland 431 0. 01 431 0. 01 289 0. 01 5, 365 0. 12 104 0. 00 5, 469 0. 13 6, 085 0. 14 104 0. 00 6, 189 0. 14 Total 18, 050 0. 41 4, 948 0. 11 22, 998 0. 53 14, 124 0. 32 22, 169 0. 51 36, 293 0. 83 31, 201 0. 72 25, 908 0. 59 1, 568 0. 04 27, 476 0. 63 89, 173 2. 05 28, 685 0. 66 117, 858 2. 71 Proposed North Basir East Basin West Basin South Basir Totals Site Frontage Total Site Frontage Total Site Site Frontage Total Site Fronta e Total s ( ac) s ac ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) s ac ( s ( ac) ( s ( ac) s ac ( s ( ac) Forest Impervious 4, 804 0. 11 3, 037 0. 07 7, 841 0. 18 2, 560 0. 06 16, 212 0. 37 18, 772 0. 43 17, 726 0. 41 7, 049 0. 16 7, 049 0. 16 32, 139 0. 74 19, 249 0. 44 51, 388 1. 18 Pasture 11, 027 0. 25 11, 027 0. 25 11, 027 0. 25 11, 027 0. 25 Grass 12, 021 028 1, 911 0. 04 13, 932 0. 32 6, 751 0. 15 6, 467 0. 15 13, 218 0. 30 21, 977 0. 50 954 0. 02 954 0. 02 40, 749 0. 94 9, 332 0. 21 50, 081 1. 15 Wetland 5, 365 0. 12 104 0. 00 5, 469 0. 13 5, 365 0. 12 104 0. 00 5, 469 0. 13 Total 16, 825 0. 39 4, 948 0. 11 21, 773 0. 50 9, 311 0. 21 22, 679 0. 52 31, 990 0. 73 39, 703 0. 91 23, 441 0. 54 1, 058 0. 02 24, 499 0. 56 89, 280 2. 05 28, 685 0. 66 117, 965 2. 71 Z:\ JOBS 281- P1S\ reports\ Drainage Calcs. xls 1/ 10/ 2006 r D o0 D 0 0 r. rd G} i NOi' 33' 4YE 8F55 9EARM BSE]'( M) A 11r•..,, . .,. rc Kl0 MT M ' x ` S. , } lif i. J L ... r.. ,. R K M i•.+.+^ y M162 t$ R r+ f Y"_ 1. E 1 1 -_ r I. I _ ,,,: , t' 7' E y , +.. i.!.- - k', 4' i . !. j,,• r 59E. t'( C) i b 07' 5. r» t .- i t r s i r:. i m y ; v I^ fiT"' ri y n g JI-. 58. 8i7 4 p.,;: 1. 06' 3 j Y•, L EG i:.\ v, $ 1 4. 220 SF 9. 000 SF 7 .' 4 - s ` b ' i v! '+ °.'' j- " .,...._.. J .! , t' SI.. F ' Y i y_ I ! e, -- 1 ; •• Y ti Y— PASS e eeo s^ -_ i; i. OF g l 1 \ r f r} AREA 1 , 4. 173 SP 3. A27 Y ` f , a4e z a e,._,__ OPE i I Lw F I ,... .: y. . N i. i , b95 60'( Cj ' piMNl. GF 5' MLE 59t96' P) 1511KN1 ""' e. ; , .., . a f QA55 p 0 PROPOSED:SITE SF ( AC: STR T SF' ( AC: TQTAL SF f AC: SCALE: 1" = aa rt. FOREST: q., 8p4 ( 0. 11) 3, 437 ( 0. 0T) 7, 841 ( 0. 1$) IMPERVl4US:PASTURE: 2, 021 ( 0. 28) 1, 911 ( 0. 04) 13, 932 { 4, 32) GR ASS; Z TOTAI: 16 825 { 0. 39} 4, 948 { 0. 11) 21 773 { 0. 50) S4ME AREAS 5HOW " ROUND- OFF" ERROR ROOF AND D1W' S: 75 OF OT AREA OR 4, 004 SF - WHICHEVER IS LESS) pGiS AREA = 9S4 SF < 5, 044 SF ROAD WlDENING & DRIVEWAY) o 0 o po W ti,.h. ;..,;. s. y r N. r..._ _ ______ j 1 n, nar oan; r.- . . . ,. I I -.-. .__ . ._ - _ _ n :,.' 1JH9CMr r 9 01' 3J4J E .'' I. __ ._ _' BASIS BEARING)- . _ .,.. , _ _' , x -' : R , i J ...., ,. ., ., ., . y, . wn ies N6dE:'( M . i iF.. J . . i,. Y .... 4: . 11\ Is11f...:.. iJ? '.': . T..... 1.. , tfV - _T I i' ' `,' , I ib__ . o ; .-"- ai I - _. y ra I Y h+ r• T1P' W " nv r . y'- oI4 ^ n01•]. 7' 19'' E , ' . 1...; J l. 59B I1'( G) LL. y y` 1n7 . 7 1 4 x • ' 1 I . . _, 07 j„ li y- '%"* 4 i 1 IE. 69Y I^:, J f17 i I i •')/ Ir.. f?;: p: . n a aas v .- d i ,-, _ , i a ti : _-_ I Q 9• 000 J _. . I g _ '° z.._.... ,. 1 I ox w p, S.A.T If + r I SLO f_ '_' , ,, i . I I I 8Y— PASS L( IL, Q,,. an sr' I I s, ess ' , . y ti AREA i,, OPE sb sr j=-, ; x e sr _ w 9 V 1 r ik_.. 5;' )-' f 1 N Y y n i I •+ . i°; _ '___ 9 i . _ S93. 00 : - ... J I i C).' D• 59a. 98'( P) . i' m._.,, 3e_ , , _ ,, j r . CLAA 7 SiR[ W OPAWIGC SMALF 7 Q.,, i i ai, i . 1 PROPOSED: BY— PASS: o o so i SITE SF ( AC); SIREET SF AC : TOTAL SF ( ACI: STREET SF ( AC); FOREST:IMPERVIOUS: 2, 560 ( 0. 06) 11, 571 ( 0. 27) 14, 131 ( 0. 33) 4, 641 ( 0. 10) SCALE: i" = eo ft. PASTURE:GRASS: 6, 751 ( 0. 15) 6, 130 ( 0. 14) 12, 881 ( 0. 29) 337 ( 0. 01) WETLAND:TOTAL: 9, 311 ( 0. 21) 17, 701 ( 0. 41) 27, 012 ( 0, 62) 4, 978 ( 0. 11) Z SOME AREAS SHOW ROUND— OFF' ERROR PGIS AREA = 4, 873 SF < 5, 000 SF ROAD WIDENING & DRIVEWAYS) KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : exist.tsf J f, () Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 r Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTF60R.rnf . Till Forest 0.18 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTP60R.rnf . Till Pasture 0.35 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STWL60R.rnf . Wetland 0.01 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STE160R.rnf . Impervious 0.29 acres Total Area : 0.83 acres Peak Discharge: 0.193 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exist.tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exist.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exist.pks . Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac A'=_Computing Series : dev.tsf rwr Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTG60R.rnf . Till Grass 0.29 acres Loadinq Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STE160R.rnf . Impervious 0.33 acres Total Area : 0.62 acres Peak Discharge: 0.217 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 6 Storing Time Series File:dev.tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:dev.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:dev.pks . Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Seri Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : bypass.tsf C Gf (y Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf . Till Grass 0.01 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STEI60R.rnf . Impervious 0.10 acres Total Area : 0 11 acres Peak Discharge: 0.049 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:bypass.tsf . Time 5eries Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:bypass.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:bypass.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:bypass.pks . Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program sum.txt Lund Plat - East easin (114th Ave.) Runoff Calculations 12/30/05 Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:exist.tsf Project ocation:sea-Tac Annual veak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency nnalysis------- Flow Rate Rank rime of veak reaks - - Rank Return vrob CFS) CCFS)Period 0.098 5 2/09/O1 2:00 0.193 1 100.00 0.990 0.074 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.114 2 25.00 0.960 0.114 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.106 3 10.00 0.900 0.074 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.104 4 5.00 0.800 0.089 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.098 5 3.00 0.667 0.104 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.089 6 2.00 0.500 0.106 3 10/26/06 0:00 0.074 7 1.30 0.231 0.193 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.074 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.167 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac AnhUdl veak FIOw Rat25--- -----FIOw Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of veak reaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS)Period 0.106 5 2/09/O1 2:00 0.217 1 100.00 0.990 0.084 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.128 2 25.00 0.960 0.128 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.127 3 10.00 0.900 0.088 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.112 4 5.00 0.800 0.106 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.106 5 3.00 0.667 0.112 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.106 6 2.00 0.500 0.127 3 10/26/06 0:00 0.088 7 1.30 0.231 0.217 1 1/09/O8 6:00 0.084 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.188 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:bypass.tsf Project Location:sea-Tac nnnual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS)Period 0.025 7 2/09/O1 2:00 0.049 1 100.00 0.990 0.022 8 1/OS/02 16:00 0.036 2 25.00 0.960 0.031 3 12/OS/02 18:00 0.031 3 10.00 0.900 0.025 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.030 4 5.00 0.800 0.030 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.027 5 3.00 0.667 0.027 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.025 6 Z.00 0.500 0.036 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.025 7 1.30 0.231 0.049 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.022 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.045 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time 5eries File:devl5.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Annual Peak F10W Rdt25--- -----F10W F eqU2nCy AndlySlS------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak veaks - - Rank Return Prob cF5) CFS)Period 0.157 6 8/27/O1 18:00 0.536 1 100.00 0.990 0.117 8 1/OS/02 15:00 0.361 2 25.00 0.960 0.361 2 12/OS/02 17:15 0.225 3 10.00 0.900 0.127 7 8/23/04 14:30 0.223 4 5.00 0.800 0.225 3 11/17/04 5:00 0.195 5 3.00 0.667 0.195 5 10/27/05 10:45 0.157 6 2.00 0.500 0.223 4 10/25/06 22:45 0.127 7 1.30 0.231 0.536 1 1/09/08 6:30 0.117 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.478 50.00 0.980 evel 2 Det. rank (4' deep) int. size = [0.167-(0.089 0.50)/(36-1) = 0.004 lst Int. = 0.089*0.5 = 0.04 Ht. of Orif. (2) = 3/4 3.5 = 2.63 Q(max) <1) _ (4/3"0.04)-0.027 = 0.026 EC Sed. 7rap = 2,080°Q<2) = 2,080°0.157 = 327 sf Page 1 Lund Plat - East Basin (114th Ave.) Retention/Detention Facility Sizing 12/30/05 Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Tank Tank Diameter: 4,.00 ft Tank Length: ft Effective Storage Depth: 0 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 0.00 ft y 7' Storage Volume: 1193. cu. ft Riser Head: 3.50 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: Full Head Pipe Orifice #Height Diameter Discharge Diameter ft)in) CFS) in) 1 0.00 0.039 2 1.80 1 13 0.095 4.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation ft) ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) cfs) 0.00 0.00 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 0.01 3. 0.000 0.002 0.00 0.02 0.02 5. 0.000 0.003 0.00 0.03 0.03 8. 0.000 0.003 0.00 0.09 0.09 11. 0.000 0.004 0.00 0.05 0.05 13. 0.000 0.005 0.00 0.06 0.06 16. 0.000 0.005 0.00 0.07 0.07 19. 0.000 0.006 0.00 0.17 0.17 97. 0.001 0.009 0.00 0.27 0.27 77. 0.002 0.011 0.00 0.37 0.37 109. 0.002 0.013 0.00 0.47 0.97 192. 0.003 0.019 0.00 0.57 0.57 176. 0.009 0.016 0.00 0.67 0.67 211. 0.005 0.017 0.00 0.77 0.77 247. 0.006 0.018 0.00 0.87 0.87 284. 0.007 0.020 0.00 0.97 0.97 322. 0.007 0.021 0.00 1.07 1.07 360. 0.006 0.022 0.00 1.17 1.17 396. 0.009 0.023 0.00 1.27 1.27 437. 0.010 0.024 0.00 1.37 1.37 476. 0.011 0.025 0.00 1.97 1.47 515. 0.012 0.025 0.00 1.57 1.57 559. 0.013 0.026 0.00 1.67 1.67 599. 0.019 0.027 0.00 1.77 1.77 632. 0.015 0.028 0.00 1.80 1.80 644. 0.015 0.028 0.00 1.81 1.81 698. 0.015 0.029 0.00 1.82 1.82 652. 0.015 0.029 0.00 1.89 1.89 660. 0.015 0.031 0.00 1.85 1.85 663. 0.015 0.033 0.00 1.86 1.86 667. 0.015 0.035 0.00 1.87 1.87 671. 0.015 0.038 0.00 1.88 1.86 675. 0.015 0.039 0.00 1.89 1.89 679. 0.016 0.090 0.00 1.99 1.99 717. 0.016 0.095 0.00 2.09 2.09 755. 0.017 0.099 0.00 2.19 2.19 792. O.O1B 0.053 0.00 2.29 2.29 828. 0.019 0.056 0.00 2.39 2.39 864. 0.020 0.059 0.00 2.99 2.99 899. 0.021 0.062 0.00 2.59 2.59 932. 0.021 0.065 0.00 2.69 2.69 964. 0.022 0.067 0.00 2.79 2.79 995. 0.023 0.070 0.00 2.89 2.89 1024. 0.029 0.072 0.00 2.99 2.99 1051. 0.029 0.074 0.00 3.09 3.09 1076. 0.025 0.076 0.00 3.19 3.19 10 9. 0.025 0.078 0.00 3.29 3.29 1118. 0.026 0.080 0.00 3.39 3.39 1133. 0.026 0.082 0.00 3.49 3.49 1192. 0.026 0.089 0.00 3.50 3.50 1193. 0.026 0.089 0.00 3.60 3.60 1193. 0.026 0.394 0.00 3.70 3.70 1193. 0.026 0.959 0.00 3.80 3.80 1193. 0.026 1.690 0.00 3_90 3.90 1143. 0.026 2.480 0.00 9.00 4.00 1143. 0.026 2.770 0.00 9.10 9.10 1143. 0.026 3.020 0.00 9.20 4.20 1143. 0.026 3.260 0.00 9.30 4.30 1193. 0.026 3.480 0.00 4.40 4.90 1143. 0.026 3.690 0.00 9.50 4.50 1143. 0.026 3.880 0.00 4.60 4.60 1143. 0.026 4.070 0.00 9.70 9.70 1143. 0.026 9.250 0.00 9.80 9.80 1193. 0.026 4.920 0.00 9.90 9.90 1143. 0.026 9.580 0.00 S.OQ 5.00 1193. 0.026 9.790 0.00 5.10 5.10 1193. 0.026 4.890 0.00 5.20 5.20 1143. 0.026 5.040 0.00 5.30 5.30 1193. 0.026 5.190 0.00 5.90 5.90 1143. 0.026 5.330 0.00 5.50 5.50 1143. 0.026 5.960 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.22 0.22 3.59 3.59 1193.0.026 2 0.13 0.08 3.36 3.36 1129.0.026 3 0.13 0.09 3.50 3.50 1143.0.026 9 0.11 0.09 3.50 3.50 1143.0.026 5 0.11 0.08 3.16 3.16 1091.0.025 6 0.11 0.06 2.37 2.37 857.0.020 7 0.09 0.03 1.65 1.65 586.0.013 8 0.08 0.03 1.85 1.85 665.0.015 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow Outflow Inflow Inflow Target Calc 1 0.22 0.05 ******** 0.19 0.26 2 0.08 0.03 ******** ******* 0.10 3 0.09 0.04 ******** ******* 0.12 4 0.09 0.03 ******** ******* 0.11 5 0.08 0.02 ******** ******* 0.10 6 0.06 0.03 ******** ******* 0.08 7 0.03 0.03 ******** ******* 0.04 8 0.03 0.02 ******** ******* 0.05 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout POC Time Series Eile:dsout Znflow/outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.217 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.218 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 3.54 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 3.54 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 1193. Cu-Ft 0.026 AC-Ft Add Time Series:bypass.tsf Peak Summed Discharge: 0.263 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Point of Compliance File:dsout.tsf Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability CFS I_ 0.001 46720 79.452 79.452 20.548 0.205E+00 0.009 5362 8.799 88.196 11.804 0.116E+00 0.006 1772 2.890 91.086 8.919 0.891E-01 0.009 1937 2.393 93.430 6.570 0.657E-01 0.012 1251 2.040 95.470 4.530 0.453E-01 0.014 943 1.538 97.007 2.992 0.299E-01 0.017 558 0.910 97.917 2.083 0.208E-01 0.019 369 0.602 98.519 1.481 0.148E-01 0.022 267 0.935 98.955 1.045 O.lOSE-01 0.024 236 0.385 99.340 0.660 0.660E-02 0.027 171 0.279 99.618 0.382 0.382E-02 0.030 66 0.108 99.726 0.274 0.274E-02 0.032 6 0.010 99.736 0.264 0.264E-02 0.035 10 0.016 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 0.037 8 0.013 99.765 0.235 0.235E-02 0.090 10 0.016 99.781 0.219 0.219E-02 0.092 18 0.029 99.811 0.189 0.189E-02 0.045 12 0.020 99.830 0.170 0.170E-02 0.047 12 0.020 99.850 0.150 0.150E-OZ 0.050 8 0.013 99.863 0.137 0.137E-02 0.053 9 0.015 99.878 0.122 0.122E-02 0.055 9 0.015 99.892 0.108 0.108E-02 0.058 7 0.011 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.060 11 0.018 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.063 10 0.016 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.065 6 0.010 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 0.068 7 0.011 99.959 0.091 0.908E-03 0.071 3 0.005 99.964 0.036 0.359E-03 0.073 5 0.008 99.972 0.028 0.277E-03 0.076 5 0.008 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 0.078 5 0.008 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 0.081 2 0.003 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.083 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.086 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.086 1 0.002 99.996 0.002 0.163E-04 0.091 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-09 Flow Duration from Time Series File:dsout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability CFS s 0.002 99479 80.690 80.690 19.310 0.193E+00 0.005 9703 7.670 86.359 11.641 0.116E+00 0.008 1864 3.090 91.399 8.601 0.860E-01 0.011 1417 2.311 93.710 6.290 0.629E-01 0.015 1261 2.056 95.766 4.239 0.923E-01 0.018 784 1.279 97.045 2.955 0.295E-01 0.021 562 0.917 97.962 2.036 0.204E-01 0.024 389 0.639 98.596 1.409 0.190E-01 0.028 297 0.469 99.080 0.920 0.920E-02 0.031 173 0.282 99.362 0.638 0.638E-02 0.039 113 0.184 99.597 0.953 0.953E-02 0.037 55 0.090 99.636 0.364 0.364E-02 0.091 36 0.059 99.695 0.305 0.305E-02 0.044 27 0.094 99.739 0.261 0.261E-02 0.097 13 0.021 99.760 0.240 0.240E-02 0.050 24 0.039 99.799 0.201 0.201E-02 0.054 14 0.023 99.822 0.178 0.178E-02 0.057 13 0.021 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.060 12 0.020 99.863 0.137 0.137E-02 0.063 6 0.010 99.873 0.127 0.127E-02 0.067 9 0.015 99.887 0.113 0.113E-02 0.070 8 0.013 99.901 0.099 0.995E-03 0.073 10 0.016 99.917 0.083 0.632E-03 0.076 9 0.015 99.932 0.068 0.685E-03 0.080 10 0.016 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 0.083 5 0.008 99.956 0.099 0.440E-03 0.086 6 0.010 99.966 0.039 0.342E-03 0.089 2 0.003 99.969 0.031 0.310E-03 0.093 9 0.007 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 0.096 7 0.011 99.967 0.013 0.130E-03 0.099 2 0.003 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 O.Y02 3 0.005 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.106 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.989E-04 0.109 2 0.003 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.112 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.115 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exist.tsf New File: dsout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS I Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New Change Probability Base New $Change 0.096 0.29E-02 0.24E-02 -19.8 0.29E-02 0.046 0.042 -9.0 0.051 0.22E-02 0.19E-02 -11.3 0.22E-02 0.051 0.049 -3.8 0.056 0.17E-02 0.16E-02 -3.9 0.17E-02 0.056 0.056 -0.9 I 0.062 0.13E-02 0.13E-02 5.1 0.13E-02 0.062 0.63 2.9 0.067 O.10E-02 O.IlE-02 9.7 O.10E-02 0.067 0.070 9.2 0.072 0.70E-03 0.85E-03 20.9 I 0.70E-03 0.072 0.076 9.6 0.078 0.99E-03 0.65E-03 33.3 0.49E-03 0.078 0.081 9.5 0.083 0.39E-03 0.49E-03 28.6 ( 0.34E-03 0.083 0.086 4.0 0.088 0.28E-03 0.31E-03 11.8 I 0.28E-03 0.088 0.091 3.0 I 0.093 0.16E-03 0.21E-03 30.0 0.16E-03 0.093 0.095 1.9 0.099 0.82E-09 0.11E-03 40.0 0.82E-04 0.099 0.099 0.8 0.109 0.82E-09 0.99E-04 -40.0 0.82E-09 0.109 0.099 -4.3 0.109 0.16E-09 0.16E-09 0.0 ( 0.16E-09 0.109 0.116 6.5 Maximum positive excursion = 0.010 cfs ( 9.3$) occurring at 0.106 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.116 cfs on the New Data:dsout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.004 cfs ( -9.3) occurring at 0.096 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.042 cfs on the New Data:dsout.tsf I Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout POC Time Series File:dsout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.217 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.218 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 3.59 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 3.54 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 1143. Cu-Ft 0.026 Ac-Ft Add Time Series:bypass.tsf Peak Summed Discharge: 0.263 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Point of Compliance File:dsout.tsf Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS 0.001 48720 79.452 79.952 20.598 0.205E+00 0.009 5362 8.744 88.196 11.809 0.116E+00 0.006 1772 2.890 91.086 8.919 0.891E-01 0.009 1937 2.393 93.930 6.570 0.657E-01 0.012 1251 2.090 95.470 4.530 0.453E-01 0.019 943 1.538 97.007 2.992 0.299E-01 0.017 558 0.910 97.917 2.083 0.208E-01 0.019 369 0.602 98.519 1.981 0.148E-01 0.022 267 0.435 98.955 1.095 O.lOSE-01 0.029 236 0.385 99.390 0.660 0.660E-02 0.027 171 0.279 99.618 0.382 0.382E-02 0.030 66 0.108 99.726 0.274 0.279E-02 0.032 6 0.010 99.736 0.264 0.264E-02 0.035 10 0.016 99.752 0.248 0.298E-02 0.037 8 0.013 99.765 0.235 0.235E-02 0.040 10 0.016 99.781 0.219 0.219E-02 0.042 18 0.029 99.811 O.I89 0.189E-02 0.045 12 0.020 99.830 0.170 0.170E-02 0.097 12 0.020 99.850 0.150 0.150E-02 0.050 8 0.013 99.863 0.137 0.137E-02 0.053 9 0.015 99.878 0.122 0.122E-02 0.055 9 0.015 99.892 0.108 0.108E-02 0.058 7 0.011 99.904 0.096 0.962E-03 0.060 11 0.018 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.063 10 0.016 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.065 6 0.010 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 0.068 7 0.011 99.959 0.091 0.908E-03 0.071 3 0.005 99.964 0.036 0.359E-03 0.073 5 0.008 99.972 0.028 0.277E-03 0.076 5 0.008 99.980 0.020 0.196E-03 0.078 5 0.008 99.989 0.011 0.119E-03 0.081 2 0.003 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 0.083 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.086 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.086 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.091 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Flow Duration from Time Series File:dsout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS 0.002 99479 80.690 80.690 19.310 0.193E+00 0.005 9703 7.670 88.359 11.641 0.116E+00 0.008 1869 3.040 91.399 8.601 0.860E-01 0.011 1917 2.311 93.710 6.290 0.629E-01 0.015 1261 2.056 95.766 4.239 0.423E-01 0.018 789 1.279 97.095 2.955 0.295E-01 0.021 562 0.917 97.962 2.038 0.209E-01 0.024 389 0.634 98.596 1.409 0.140E-01 0.028 297 0.484 99.080 0.920 0.920E-02 0.031 173 0.282 99.362 0.638 0.638E-02 0.034 113 0.189 99.597 0.453 0.453E-02 0.037 55 0.090 99.636 0.364 0.369E-02 0.041 36 0.059 99.695 0.305 0.305E-02 0.049 27 0.049 99.739 0.261 0.261E-02 0.047 13 0.021 99.760 0.240 0.240E-02 0.050 29 0.039 99.799 0.201 0.201E-02 0.054 19 0.023 99.822 0.178 0.178E-02 0.057 13 0.021 99.893 0.157 0.157E-02 0.060 12 0.020 99.863 0.137 0.137E-02 0.063 6 0.010 99.873 0.127 0.127E-02 0.067 9 0.015 99.887 0.113 0.113E-OZ 0.070 8 0.013 99.901 0.099 0.995E-03 0.073 10 0.016 99.917 0.083 0.832E-03 0.076 9 0.015 99.932 0.068 0.685E-03 0.080 10 0.016 99.998 0.052 0.522E-03 0.083 5 0.006 99.956 0.044 0.490E-03 0.086 6 0.010 99.966 0.034 0.392E-03 0.089 2 0.003 99.969 0.031 0.310E-03 0.093 4 0.007 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 0.096 7 0.011 99.967 0.013 0.130E-03 0.099 2 0.003 99.990 0.010 0.978E-09 0.102 3 0.005 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.106 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 0.109 2 0.003 99.998 0.002 0.163E-09 0.112 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-09 0.115 0 O.Q00 99.998 0.002 0.163E-09 y N F rdout. ue ; dsout.dur target.dur ::t J„ i f _ F `, r-J1 i oo O R y/ j- J I r ' l , 1.! OI I I i fl I.J li I 1 t` y 00 o. N O I I I` I IIo Q 1 I ( I i 1 { i { 1 I { ( I I ( { 1 3 I I 1 1 ! ! 11 ! _z I i i I I Ilkl l I I I ! 1lll I Q - p° I 10 14 I Probabilit Exceedence liY D D d D i I NOi' 33' 43' Ef„'' ` ( 6AS 5 BEAFMG) 4 s 1fl0 Mi I'w,, n cs 65d. 33' VYUJ UW 1. . n w,..,.....;. ro', i,: l_ r,. ,...,., .,.. p., v`, t,.-.. ..,.. a...- "' '-;- a * N- tirn, X'I'. r."'"...."' J_ , ' - .,(, ` y f , , 7 5 Os] sc— , - - E h, y , .. . t , V r, . 7 F iP • 1 tia,. j:':? t m m: l r a, i- i( i s n ' 0.es sr w? Xa,, .' , a. oes sr LQj C y' E V I A.. a ti. Y _ f . ' 1....,...'- - i. "':=" rrA` 4. 000 51 y i ' c.' I r k. " J `;` x..- x' ir. S. t. T S( r'' ,' , c. i S e. aw s„"''-', 1 ---,'< r+. f'--` - C ti I lC"'" R , t' ' SL , a PASS j _ 1, 4 ARE/ i r 2t sw Y , a`S Qr 4 ` 1'_+ n a: sr i i li lQI, 1., u. y : 7+ d s i a I i I,, OPE } i ' i a;.-. . -...:=-_"- s. i L_::, r' r U "'""_ .. 9^" a^' I r/ r i j'. F n, n 599. af!'( C)_ _ . ,...- ._ Q. a. —.. ay . . _ _.._.._ I Y _ n 59a. 98'( P) cuss s mrcw — i--^ munuc swuc I tii e 1 F' ; i a 80 k . PROPOSED: 4 SITE SF f AG},; II sc. t.; i" = ao it. FQREST:iMPERVIOUS: 17, 726 { 0. 41) PA5TURE: 5Q GRASS. 21, 977 { Q Z TQT AL: 39, 703 ( 0. 91) S LAWN AREA FROM LOTS 4 ANO 7 GRASS INCLUDE RROR SO tE AREAS SNOW R4UND— OFF E ROOF ANO D/ WS: ICHEVER IS LESS) 75% OF LOT AREA OR 4, Q00 SF WH PGIS AREA = 4, 459 SF < 5, 000 SF DRIVEWAYS & ACCESS RACT) KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series G'f a Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : exist.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 i Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STTF60R.rnf . Till Forest 0.09 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTP60R.rnf . Till Pasture 0.57 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\STWL60R.rnf . Wetland 0.01 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STE160R.rnf . Impervious 0.05 acres Total Area : 0.72 acres Peak Discharge: 0.100 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:exist.tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:exist.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:exist.pks . Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : dev.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf . Till Grass 0.50 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf . Impervious 0.91 acres Total Area : 0.91 acres Peak Discharge: 0.299 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:dev.tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module a Analysis Tools Command Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies Loading Stage/Discharge curve:dev.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:dev.pks . Analysis Tools Command RETURN to Previous Menu KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program I sum.txt Lund Plat - West Basin Runoff Calculations I 4 4 6 Flow Frequency Analysis r Time Series File:exist.tsf z P OJeCt Location:Sea-Tac Annual Peak Flow Rates---Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS) PeriOd 0.055 2 2/09/O1 15:00 0.100 1 100.00 0.990 0.027 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.055 2 25.00 0.960 0.054 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.054 3 10.00 0.900 0.015 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.051 4 5.00 0.800 0.031 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.049 5 3.00 0.667 0.051 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.031---- 6 2.00 0.500 0.049 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.027 7 1.30 0.231 0.100 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.015 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.085 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis C sA/ J Time Series File:dev.tsf vv Project ocation:sea-Tac Annual Peak Flow Rates---Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS) Period 0.144 5 2/09/O1 2:00 0.300 1 100.00 0.990 0.110 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.175 2 25.00 0.960 0.175 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.162 3 10.00 0.900 0.112 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.152 4 5.00 0.800 0.136 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.144 5 3.00 0.667 0.152 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.136 6 2.00 0.500 0.162 3 10/26/06 0:00 0.112 7 1.30 0.231 0.300 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.110 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.258 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:devl5.tsf Project ocation:sea-Tac annual Peak Flow Rates---Flow Frequency analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS) Period 0.195 6 8/27/O1 18:00 0.736 1 100.00 0.990 0.152 8 1/05/02 15:00 0.479 2 25.00 0.960 0.479 2 12/08/02 17:15 0.324 3 10.00 0.900 0.157 7 8/23/04 14:30 0.281 4 5.00 0.800 0.324 3 11/17/04 5:00 0.251 5 3.00 0.667 0.251 5 10/27/05 10:45 0.195 6 2.00 0.500 0.281 4 10/25/06 22:45 0.157 7 1.30 0.231 0.736 1 1/09/O8 6:30 0.152 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.651 50.00 0.980 evel 2 et. Pond (3' deep) int. Size = 0.031*.05)]/(36-1) = 0.002 lst Int. _ .04 .5 = 0.02 Ht. of ori 3/4 * 3 = 2.25 ft Q(max) (1 = 4/3 * 0.02 = 0.03 cfs EC sed Trap = 2080*Q(2) = 2080*0.195 = 408 sf 3 Page 1 Retention/Detentian Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 2.50 H:iV Pond Battam Length: 7i.89 ft Pond Bottorn Width: 25.31 ft Ppnd Bottom Area: 1820. sq. ft Tap Area at 1 ft. FB: 4164. sq. ft 0.096 acres Effective Storage Depth: 3.00 ft Staqe 4 Elevatian: Q.00 ft Storage Volume: 7872. cu. ft 0.1$1 ac-ft R.iser Head; 3,40 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice #Heiqht Diameter Discharge Diameter ft)in) CFS} in) 1 4.00 0.?2 0.024 2 2.00 0.68 0.013 9.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevatian Storage Discharge Percalatipn Surf Area ft) ft) (cu. Pt) (ac-ft) (cfs) cfs) sq. ft) 4.00 0.00 0. O.Q00 0.000 0.00 1820. 0.01 4.01 1$. 4.40Q 0.002 4.44 1825, 0.02 0.02 37. 0.001 0.002 0.00 183p. 0.03 0.03 55. 0.001 0.002 0.00 1835. 0.44 0.04 73. Q.042 Q.d03 0.44 1839. 0.05 0.05 92. 0.002 0.003 0.00 1894. 0.06 0.06 110. O.dd3 0.409 0.00 1849. 0.16 0.16 298. 0.047 4.Q46 4.00 1898. 0.26 0.26 490. 0.011 0.007 0.00 1998. 0.36 0.36 6@7, O.d16 0.008 0.00 1998. 0,46 0.96 89. Q.024 0.009 0.44 20q9. 0.56 0.56 1q97. 0.025 0.010 0.00 2100. O.b6 0.66 1310. 0.030 0.011 0.00 2152. 0.76 0.7fi 1527. Q.035 0.012 0.00 2204. 0.86 0.86 1750. 0.090 0.013 0.00 2256. 0.96 0.96 i979. 0.085 O.OlA 0.00 2310. 1.06 1.46 2212. Q.051 O.Q14 0.00 2363. 1.16 1.16 2951. 0.056 0.015 0.00 2417. 1.26 1.26 2696. 0.062 0.016 0.00 2972. 1.36 1.36 2946. 0.068 0.016 0.00 2527. 1.96 1.96 3201. 0.073 0.017 0.00 2583. 1.56 1.56 3462. 0.079 d.01 0.00 2639. 1.66 I.66 3729. Q.486 4.Q1$Q.00 2696. 1.76 1.76 4001. 0.092 0.01$0.00 2753. 1.$6 1.86 9280. d.098 d.019 0.00 2811. 1.46 1.96 4554. 0.105 0.019 0.00 2869. 2.00 2.00 4679. 0.107 0.020 0.00 2892. 2,01 2.01 4708. 0.108 d.024 O.dd 2898. 2.02 2.Q2 4737. 0.149 0.021 0.00 2904. 2.03 2.03 4766. 0.109 0.021 O.QO 2910. 2.04 2.09 4795. 0.110 0.022 O.dO 2916. 2.05 2.45 4824. 0,111 0.423 0.00 2921. 2.06 2.06 4853. 0.111 0.023 0.00 2927. 2.16 2.16 5149. 0.118 0.025 O.dO 2987. 2.26 2.26 5451. 4.125 4.02?0.00 3046. 2.36 2.36 5758. 0.132 0.029 0.00 3106. 2.4fi 2.46 6072. 0.139 0.430 0.00 316. 2.56 2.56 5392. p.147 0.032 0.04 3228. 2.66 2.66 6718. 0.159 0.033 0.00 3290. 2.76 2,76 705d, d.162 0.034 d.00 3352. z. e 3, a. g e 2.96 2.96 7733. p.178 0.036 O.QO 3978. 3.00 3.00 7872. 0.181 0.037 0.00 3503. 3.10 3.10 8226. 0.189 0.346 0.00 3567. 3.20 3.20 8586. 0.197 0.910 0.00 3631. 3.30 3.30 8952. 0.206 1.690 0.00 3696. 3.40 3.40 9325. 0.219 2.930 0.00 3762. 3.50 3.50 9704. 0.223 2.720 0.00 3827. 3.60 3.60 10090. 0.232 2.970 0.00 3899. 3.70 3.70 10983. 0.241 3.210 0.00 3961. 3.80 3.80 10883. 0.250 3.930 0.00 9028. 3.90 3.90 11289. 0.259 3.630 0.00 4096. 9.00 4.00 11702. 0.269 3.830 0.00 4169. 9.10 9.10 12122. 0.278 4.010 0.00 9233. 9.20 4.20 12548. 0.288 4.190 0.00 4302. 9.30 4.30 12982. 0.298 4.360 0.00 9372. 4.40 9.40 13423. 0.308 4.520 0.00 9943. 9.50 9.50 13671. 0.318 9.680 0.00 4513. 4.60 4.60 19326. 0.329 9.830 0.00 4585. 9.70 4.70 14788. 0.339 4.980 0.00 4657. 4.80 4.60 15257. 0.350 5.130 0.00 9729. 4.90 9.90 15733. 0.361 5.270 0.00 4802. 5.00 5.00 16217. 0.372 5.400 0.00 4875. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.30 ******* 0.17 3.04 3.04 8022.0.184 2 0.14 0.05 0.06 3.01 3.01 7896.0.181 3 0.16 ******* 0.03 2.54 2.59 6321.0.145 9 0.15 ******* 0.03 2.31 2.31 5615.0.129 5 0.18 ******* 0.03 2.92 2.42 5941.0.136 6 0.14 ******* 0.02 1.80 1.80 4123.0.095 7 0.11 ******* 0.02 1.39 1.39 3019.0.069 8 0.11 ******* 0.01 0.94 0.94 1932.0.094 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exist.tsf New File: rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New BChange Probability Base New Change 0.021 0.43E-02 0.43E-02 1.1 0.93E-02 0.021 0.021 0.2 0.024 I 0.32E-02 0.37E-02 17.9 I 0.32E-02 0.024 0.025 7.5 0.026 I 0.24E-02 0.29E-02 16.8 ( 0.24E-02 0.026 0.028 4.3 0.029 I 0.17E-02 0.16E-02 -4.6 0.17E-02 0.029 0.029 -0.9 0.032 I 0.13E-02 0.91E-03 -31.7 I 0.13E-02 0.032 0.030 -7.0 0.035 I O.10E-02 0.59E-03 -41.9 ( O.10E-02 0.035 0.031 -9.5 0.037 I 0.82E-03 0.65E-09 -92.0 I 0.82E-03 0.037 0.033 -12.1 0.040 I 0.60E-03 0.49E-09 -91.9 I 0.60E-03 0.040 0.035 -13.B 0.043 I 0.44E-03 0.49E-09 -88.9 I 0.99E-03 0.043 0.035 -17.2 0.095 I 0.29E-03 0.33E-04 -88.9 0.29E-03 0.045 0.036 -21.3 0.098 I 0.16E-03 0.33E-04 -80.0 I 0.16E-03 0.098 0.036 -29.7 0.051 0.98E-04 0.33E-04 -66.7 I 0.98E-04 0.051 0.037 -27.7 0.054 0.82E-04 0.16E-09 -80.0 0.82E-04 0.059 0.037 -31.2 Maximum positive excursion = 0.002 cfs ( 7.6) occurring at 0.023 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.025 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.018 cfs (-32.28) occurring at 0.059 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.037 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf CO O- o rdout.dur target.dur • n co 1 1 i o U M O t Y Q-Q v Q r r Q 1 o Q o a i i i i iiii i i i i iiii i i i i iiii i i i i iiii i i i i iiii 10 -5 10 10 -3 10 2 10 10 Probability Exceedence Project: Lund Plat Jailhouse Window OverFlow Date:1/19/2006 By: LT Rectangular, Sharp Crested Weir Q= C (L-0.2H) H"3/2 C=3.27+0.40H/P Q(100)= 0.736cfs H P L C Q 0.17 3.5 2.5 3.3 0.57 Jailhouse Window 0.25 3.5 2.5 3.3 1.01 I Specify 3'wide window to account for bar area and height> 3" I, Drainage Calcs.xls Sharp Crested Weir Printed: 7/19/2006 i V D U a D a 9EAHWGi 4k A9`+ 9 a I I N0' 3S S' E ` v. ,,..:. 4 ` t1 Bse ys{ M} N61' SS7 E ' t Y 59b O' t«. 4` { 3 1''. e Mt e ` h, A.( ' U : j , .. I y iA6ti t 4yi+' q I/' ' t 1 +`" ', , 1'ri` P YpS, 6 i.: a,/ , 4 t' 1 I b. Q: 7 1 i ', r ro'"°'. m c S 5, 452 S' S Mt 0 1i 4 `'` , , r.— ..--''- . 8 a s yyp 4 atiss s 4. 2 ,, 3 , o l Vl` 544 ` P1 ' S ~• 5C, 4 j F Z P p 16) pR4PQSE p49 t 25 S 2 ' p49 . 16 02) 954 9Q 3 1, g5h 4 F PER p S: 11, fl2 . 2` ` a4 `. 0 p 56 M RE'• p 12 24, 49 ' P PS 5, 365 ' p 02} GRPc, S. p58 • P a 23, 41 a. 5 10T P' R ND aFF, ERROR SaM PREAS SNOW Return Period 2i 5i 1Q 2Q 5Q 1Q0 o exist.pks in Sea-Tac dev.pks 10- i o cn U co c z U tn O 10? ' i p-. i i i i i i i i i i i 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 Cumulative Probability r Flowsum.txt Lund Plat Summary of Peak flows Tributary to wetland from Site 9/9/05 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tsf Project ocation:5ea-Tac Annual Peak Flow Rates---Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS) Period 0.052 2 2/09/O1 15:00 0.080 1 100.00 0.990 0.016 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.052 2 25.00 0.960 0.050 3 2/27/03 7:00 0.050 3 10.00 0.900 0.004 8 3/24/04 19:00 0.031 4 5.00 0.800 0.020 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.029 5 3.00 0.667 0.031 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.020 6 2.00 0.500 0.029 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.016 7 1.30 0.231 0.080 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.004 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.071 50.00 0.980 Flow Frequency analysis Time series File:dev.tsf Project ocation:sea-Tac Annual Peak Flow Rates---Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak Peaks - - Rank Return Prob CFS) CFS) PeriOd 0.083 3 2/09/O1 2:00 0.144 1 100.00 0.990 0.050 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.096 2 Z5.00 0.960 0.096 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.083 3 10.00 0.900 0.044 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.069 4 5.00 0.800 0.053 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.065 5 3.00 0.667 0.069 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.053 6 2.00 0.500 0.065 5 11/24/06 3:00 0.050 7 1.30 0.231 0.144 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.044 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.128 50.00 0.980 Page 1 volsum.txt Lund Plat 5ummary of Runoff volume irected to wetland from site 9/9/05 Discharge volume from Time series exist.tsf between 10/O1/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23:59 2879. Cu-Ft or 0.066 AC-Ft in 30.0 days Discharge volume from Time series dev.tsf between 10/O1/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23:59 5858. Cu-Ft or 0.134 Ac-Ft in 30.0 days Page 1 Rational Method Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 WEST BASIN -25-YR Calculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1) Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: A AZ As Aa Cc A 0.5 0.41 0 Q ' (tributary areas, acres) L 100 100 0 length along flowpath, ft) So 0.03 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ft/ft) k 7 20 20 from Table pg 3-13) C 0.25 0.9 0.9 from Tabte 3.2.1.A---pg 3-13) 2) Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a) First, compute Travel Time T: T TZ T3 T T travel time, min) 2b)Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR= aR"T^-bR: R = 25 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.66 (coefficient from Table pg 3-13) bR= 0.65 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B--- pg 3-13) IR= 2c)Third, compute IR= PR"iR: PR= 3.4 (precipitation, in) R s .0 , . . 3) Compute Peak Runoff Rate, QR= CIRA: QR= cfs 3 Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/2M2006 Rational Method Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 WEST BASIN -100-YR Calculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1) Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: Ati A2 As pk, Cc A 0.5 0.41 0 tributary areas, acres) L 100 100 0 length along flowpath, ft) So 0.03 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ft/ft) k 7 20 20 from Table— pg 3-13) C 0.25 0.9 0.9 from Table 3.2.1.A---pg 3-13) 2) Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a) First, compute Travel Time T: Ti TZ T3 T T travel time, min) 2b)Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR = aR"T^-bR: R = 100 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.61 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B-- pg 3-13) bR= 0.63 (coefficient from Table 3-13) IR= 2c)Third, compute IR = PR*iR: PR= 3.9 (precipitation, in) R— 3) Compute Peak Runoff Rate, QR= CIRA: QR=cfs Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/24/2006 Rational Method Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 EAST BASIN -25-YR Caiculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1) Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: A Az As Cc A 0.3 0.43 0 ' " ' '"' """ (tributary areas, acres) L 100 100 0 length along flowpath, ft) So 0.03 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ft/ft) k 7 20 20 from Table -- pg 3-13) C 0.25 0.9 0.9 from Table 3.2.1.A--- pg 3-13) 2) Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a First com ute Travel Time T :P c T TZ T3 T T travel time, min) 2b)Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR= aR"T^-bR: R = 25 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.66 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B --- pg 3-13) bR= 0.65 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B --- pg 3-13) R - w °:....,...: 2c)Third, compute IR= PR'`iR: PR= 3.4 (precipitation, in) R 3 Com ute Peak Runoff Rate, Q = CI A:P R R QR =cfs Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/24/2006 Rational Method Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 EAST BASIN -100-YR Calculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1) Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: Ai A2 As Ac Cc A 0.3 0.43 0 tributary areas, acres) L 100 100 0 length along flowpath,ft) So 0.03 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ft/ft) k 7 20 20 from Table 3-13) C 0.25 0.9 0.9 from Table 3.2.1.A---pg 3-13) 2) Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a) First, compute Travel Time T: T TZ T3 T T travel time, min) 2b) Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR= aR*T^-bR: R = 100 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.61 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B---pg 3-13) bR= 0.63 (coefficient from Table 3-13) R - 2c)Third, compute IR = PR"iR: PR= 3.9 (precipitation, in) I - t R— 3)Compute Peak Runoff Rate, QR= CIRA: QR= I,, cfs Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/24/2006 Rational Method Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY AREA-25-YR Calculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1)Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: Ai A2 As At, Cc A 1.85 1.85 0 tributary areas, acres) L 200 535 0 length along flowpath, ft) So 0.02 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ft/ft) k 7 15 20 from Table 3-13) C 0.36 0.36 0.9 from Table 3.2.1.A--- pg 3-13) 2)Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a) First, compute Travel Time T: T, T2 T3 T T travel time, min) 2b) Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR= aR*T^-bR: R = 25 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.66 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B ---pg 3-13) bR= 0.65 (coefficient from Table 32.1.B---pg 3-13) R 2c)Third, compute IR= PR"iR: PR= 3.4 (precipitation, in) IR - 4 . ., 3) Compute Peak Runoff Rate, QR= CIRA: QR=cfs Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/24/2006 Rational Method I Project: Lund Plat Date:1/20/2006 UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY AREA-100-YR Calculates the peak runoff Q=CIRA 1) Compute Composite Runoff Coefficient C: A Az As C Cc A 1.85 1.85 0 tributary areas, acres) L 200 535 0 length along flowpath, ft) So 0.02 0.02 0.02 slope along flowpath, ff/ft) k 7 15 20 from Table 3-13) C 0.36 0.36 0.9 from Table 3.2.1.A---pg 3-13) 2) Compute Peak Rainfall Intensity IR: 2a) First, compute Travel Time T: T, T2 T3 T T travel time, min) 2b) Second, compute unit peak rainfall intensity factor, iR=aR`T^-bR: R = 100 (storm return frequency, years) aR= 2.61 (coefficient from Table 3.2.1.B--- pg 3-13) bR= 0.63 (coefficient from Table pg 3-13) R 2c)Third, compute IR= PR*iR: PR= 3.9 (precipitation, in) IR 3)Compute Peak Runoff Rate, QR=CIRA: QR =cfs Drainage Calcs.xls Rational Method 1/24/2006 BWPIPE INPUT DATA Project: Lund Plat Date: 2/20/2006 sitepipe. CONVEYANCE PIPING TO POND (West Basin) 1.4 = 25-yr flow for site 1.6 = 100-yr flow for site I 472.29 = tailwater elev. (25-yr WS in pond) CB# L (ft) DIA(in) TYPE OUTLET-IE INLET-IE INLET-TYPE RIM/O.F. EL. BND ANG STR. DIA (ft)Q-RAT N3-W 21 12 1 468.28 469.51 5 473.28 90 2.5 0 N4-W 115 12 1 169.61 470.18 5 473.28 0 2.5 1 N5-W 123 8 1 470.28 475.33 5 478.33 pondpipe. CONVEYANCE PIPING FROM POND (West Basin) 1.4 = 25-yr flow for site 1.6 = 100-yr flow for site 469 = Highwater downstream I CB# L (ft) DIA(in) TYPE OUTLET-IE INLET-IE INLET-TYPE RIM/O.F. EL. BND ANG STR. DIA(ft)Q-RAT I N 1-W 39 12 1 467.34 468.28 5 474.78 roadpipe. CONVEYANCE PIPING TO TANK(East Basin) 1.3 =25-yr flow for site 1.5 = 100-yr flow for site 471.15 =tailwater elev. (25-yr WS in tank) CB# L (ft) DIA(in) TYPE OUTLET-IE INLET-IE INLET-TYPE RIM/O.F. EL. BND ANG STR. DIA(ft)Q-RAT N5-E 7 12 1 468.89 470.41 5 473.51 90 2.5 0 N6-E 144 12 1 470.51 472 5 474.92 0 2.5 0 N7-E 178 12 1 472.1 475.7 5 478.7 tankpipe. CONVEYANCE PIPING FROM TANK(East Basin) 4.5 = 25-yr flow for site (1.3) + upstream (3.2) 5.3 = 100-yr flow for site (1.5) + upstream (3.8) 470 = Highwater downstream CB# L (ft) DIA(in) TYPE OUTLET-IE INLET-IE INLET-TYPE RIM/O.F. EL. BND ANG STR. DIA(ft)Q RAT N 1-E 125 12 1 466.8 46728 5 471.8 45 2.5 10 N2-E 32 12 1 467.38 467.79 5 473.79 Drainage Calcs.xls BWPIPE 2/20/2006 sitepipe.txt KZNG COUP!TY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h File Opened for Reading:sitepipe.bwp File opened for writing:sitep pe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:sitepipe.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:472.29 feet Discharge Range:0.5 to 2. Step of 0.5 [cfs] Overflow Elevation:478.33 feet weir:NONE Upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 70 LF - 12 CP @ 1.76% OUTLET: 468.28 INLET: 469.51 INTYP: 5 UNC N0. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 473.28 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. '` N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI rt*t+i+:rtrt fr t fr ai a t:*fr i****** 0.50 2.81 472.32 * 0.012 0.30 0.22 4.01 4.01 2.80 2.81 0.40 1.00 2.87 472.38 0.012 0.43 0.30 4.01 4.01 2.83 2.87 0.59 1.50 2.99 472.50 0.012 0.52 0.38 4.01 4.01 2.89 2.99 0.77 2.00 3.15 472.66 f° 0.012 0.61 0.44 4.01 4.01 2.97 3.15 0.94 PIPE N0. 2: 115 LF - 12 CP @ 0.50% OUTLET: 469.61 INLET: 470.18 INTYP: 5 7UNC N0. 2: OVERFLOW-EL: 473.28 BEND: 0 DEG DIA WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 1.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ftt tr***4*hrt i i rt rtrt rt:ric frtri:f'.<rt rtrtirrt frfrhi:rtrt#rtfr*t rti*tr***ft*frh* 0.50 2.18 472.36 * 0.012 0.30 0.30 2.71 2.71 2.17 2.18 0.40 1.00 2.30 472.48 i° 0.012 0.43 0.42 2.77 2.77 2.28 2.30 0.58 1.50 2.55 472.73 0.012 0.52 0.54 2.89 2.89 2.49 2.55 0.73 2.00 2.89 473.07 ` 0.012 0.61 0.64 3.05 3.05 2.79 2.89 0.86 PIPE No. 3: 123 LF - 8 CP @ 4.11% OUT ET: 470.28 zN ET: 475.33 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI rt*'.r rt****frtr trir*fr**trk***f**fr'.rt it rthth i:'.:rt frk**h fr 0.25 0.29 475.62 rt 0.012 0.24 0.14 2.08 2.08 0.24 **** 0.29 0.50 0.45 475.78 * 0.012 0.34 0.20 2.20 2.20 0.34 **** 0.45 0.75 0.60 475.93 * 0.012 0.41 0.25 2.45 2.45 0.41 **** 0.60 1.00 0.75 476.08 rt 0.012 0.48 0.29 2.79 2.79 0.48 **** 0.75 File Opened for writing:sitepipe.bwt save results to Hw/7w file:sitepipe.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h Page 1 roadpipe.txt KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Water and Land Resources Division BA KWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h File Opened for Reading:roadpipe.bwp File Opened for writing:roadpipe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:roadpipe.bwp surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:471.15 feet ischarge Range:0.5 to 2. Step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow Elevation:478.7 feet weir:NONe upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE N0. 1: 7 LF - 12 CP @ 21.7190 OUTLET: 468.89 INLET: 470.41 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 473.51 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. rt N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI rtAa*trtr rtrtk**fr ft*rt**h*tr tr*tr*tr**h*4ici*ft tr**fth*h ic i ft 0.50 0.30 470.71 rt 0.012 0.30 0.12 2.26 2.26 0.30 ***** 0.30 1.00 0.49 470.90 i° 0.012 0.43 0.17 2.26 2.26 0.43 rt i° 0.49 1.50 0.67 471.08 s 0.012 0.52 0.20 2.26 2.26 0.52 i°xi°* 0.67 2.00 0.84 471.25 * 0.012 0.61 0.23 2.26 2.26 0.61 ••AA 0.84 PIPE N0. 2: 144 LF - 12 CP @ 1.03% OUTLET: 470.51 INLET: 472.00 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 2: OVERFLOW-EL: 474.92 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI rtrt4frrt rtkfr i*hh4*tr ftfr*tr fr**firt ir*fr*h i<***rtfr ir hrthtri rtft rtrtrti'.c ki; 0.50 0.39 472.39 * 0.012 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.30 ***** 0.39 1.00 0.57 472.57 * 0.012 0.43 0.35 0.39 0.39 0.43 TM**{° 0.57 1.50 0.70 472.70 * 0.012 0.52 0.43 0.57 0.57 0.52 **rt** 0.70 2.00 0.82 472.82 * 0.012 0.61 0.51 0.74 0.74 0.61 **** 0.82 PIPE NO. 3: 178 LF - 12 CP @ 2.02% OUTLET: 472.10 INLET: 475.70 INTYP: 5 Q(FS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI fr fr+*+*t****kA**ft****i t*t i+t*f:t+t 0.50 0.38 476.08 0.012 0.30 0.21 0.29 0.29 0.30 ***** 0.38 1.00 0.57 476.27 * 0.012 0.43 0.29 0.47 0.47 0.43 **rtrt 0.57 1.50 0.74 476.44 * 0.012 0.52 0.36 0.60 0.60 0.52 ***** 0.74 2.00 0.89 476.59 * 0.012 0.61 0.42 0.72 0.72 0.61 '°*** 0.89 File Opened for writing:roadpipe.bwt save results to Hw/Tw file:roadpipe.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h Page 1 pondpipe.txt KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h File opened for Reading:pondpipe.bwp File opened for writing:pondpipe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:pondpipe.bwp surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:469. feet Discharge Range:0.5 to 2. step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow Elevation:474.78 feet Weir:NONE upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE N0. 1: 39 LF - 12"CP @ 2.41% OUTLET: 467.34 INLET: 468.28 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI t,t t,t,t,t,r**,t*,r,t,t,t,t*,ts,t,t,t,t,t*tr,t,r,t**,t,t,r,t t***,t******,t,t,t,t,t 0.50 0.73 469.01 0.012 0.30 0.20 1.66 1.66 0.73 0.73 0.38 1.00 0.78 469.06 * 0.012 0.43 0.28 1.66 1.66 0.74 0.78 0.57 1.50 0.87 469.15 * 0.012 0.52 0.35 1.66 1.66 0.76 0.87 0.73 2.00 0.99 469.27 * 0.012 0.61 0.40 1.66 1.66 0.79 0.99 0.89 File Opened for writing:pondpipe.bwt 5ave results to Hw/Tw file:pondpipe.bwt Exit ic Bw Program KZNG COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h Page 1 roadpipe.txt KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water dnd and Re50UrCe5 DiVision BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h File opened for Reading:roadpipe.bwp File opened for writing:roadpipe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:roadpipe.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:471.15 feet ischarge Range:0.5 to 2. Step of 0.5 [cfs] Overflow Elevation:478.7 feet Weir:NONE upstream velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 16 LF - 12"CP @ 8.31% OUTLET: 469.08 INLET: 470.41 INTYP: 5 UNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 473.51 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 0.76 471.17 * 0.012 0.30 0.15 2.07 2.07 0.74 0.76 0.36 1.00 0.81 471.22 * 0.012 0.43 0.21 2.07 2.07 0.74 0.81 0.56 1.50 0.89 471.30 * 0.012 0.52 0.25 2.07 2.07 0.74 0.89 0.74 2.00 1.01 471.42 * 0.012 0.61 0.29 2.07 2.07 0.74 1.01 0.91 PIPE N0. 2: 58 LF - 12 CP @ 2.57% OUTLET: 470.51 INLET: 472.00 INTYP: 5 7UNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW-EL: 474.92 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI a**ft******** 0.50 0.38 472.38 * 0.012 0.30 0.20 0.66 0.66 0.30 ***** 0.38 1.00 0.56 472.56 * 0.012 0.43 0.28 0.71 0.71 0.43 *** 0.56 1.50 0.69 472.69 * 0.012 0.52 0.34 0.79 0.79 0.52 * 0.69 2.00 0.81 472.81 * 0.012 0.61 0.40 0.91 0.91 0.61 ***rt 0.81 PZPE NO. 3: 178 LF - 12 CP @ 2.02% OUTLET: 472.10 INLET: 475.70 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. rt N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ft ft*****************ft*art**** 0.50 0.38 476.08 * 0.012 0.30 0.21 0.28 0.28 0.30 ***** 0.38 1.00 0.57 476.27 rt 0.012 0.43 0.29 0.46 0.46 0.43 ***** 0.57 1.50 0.74 476.44 * 0.012 0.52 0.36 0.59 0.59 0.5Z ***** 0.74 2.00 0.89 476.59 * 0.012 0.61 0.42 0.71 0.71 0.61 ***rt* 0.89 File opened for writing:roadpipe.bwt Save results to Hw/Tw file:roadpipe.bwt Exit KCBw Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES water and Land Resources DlVlSIOn BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h Page 1 tankpipe.txt KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Water and Land Resources Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h File opened for Reading:tankpipe.bwp File Opened for writing:tankpipe.doc BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:tankpipe.bwp surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:470. feet Discharge Range:0.5 to 5.5 Step of 0.5 [cfs] overflow Elevation:473.79 feet weir:NONe Upstream Velocity:l. feet/sec PIPE NO. 1: 125 LF - 12"CP @ 0.38% OUTLET: 466.80 INLET: 467.28 INTYP: 5 UNC N0. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 471.80 BEND: 45 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.5 Q-RATIO: 0.40 I Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 0.50 2.76 470.04 0.012 0.30 0.32 3.20 3.20 2.75 2.76 0.40 1.00 2.84 470.12 0.012 0.43 0.46 3.20 3.20 2.80 2.84 0.59 1.50 2.98 470.26 * 0.012 0.52 0.58 3.20 3.20 2.91 2.98 0.75 2.00 3.19 470.47 0.012 0.61 0.70 3.20 3.20 3.06 3.19 0.90 2.50 3.45 470.73 * 0.012 0.68 0.87 3.20 3.20 3.24 3.45 1.05 3.00 3.78 471.06 * 0.012 0.75 1.00 3.20 3.20 3.48 3.78 1.21 3.50 4.16 471.44 0.012 0.80 1.00 3.20 3.20 3.75 4.16 1.41 1 OVERFLOW ENCOUNTERED AT 4.00 CFS DISCHARGE **************** Y U V'v OVERFLOW CONDITIONS CALCULATED ASSUMING SURCHARGE CONDITIONS ****** 4.50 5.10 472.38 * 0.012 0.89 1.00 3.20 3.20 4.42 5.10 1.89 " r 7 5.00 5.66 472.94 * 0.012 0.92 1.00 3.20 3.20 4.82 5.66 2.17 C 1 5.50 6.27 473.55 * 0.012 0.94 1.00 3.20 3.20 5.26 6.27 2.49 PIPE NO. 2: 32 LF - 12 CP @ 1.28% OUTLET: 467.38 INLET: 467.79 INTYP: 5 ` U" '''' ` Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ,(/,, /rA t,t,t,t i t,t t n t n,r n t*,r,ti frtt,r r*,rt n,t,r* C vK.SiXJ : r 0.36 2.26 470.05 * 0.012 0.25 0.20 2.66 2.66 2.26 2.25 0.31 ` } 0.71 2.34 470.13 * 0.012 0.36 0.28 2.74 2.74 2.34 2.34 0.47 I tl. . 1.07 2.53 470.32 i° 0.012 0.44 0.34 2.88 2.88 2.50 2.53 0.60 1.43 2.79 470.58 * 0.012 0.51 0.40 3.09 3.09 2.72 2.79 0.72 1.79 3.12 470.91 * 0.012 0.57 0.45 3.35 3.35 3.01 3.12 0.83 2.14 3.52 471.31 0.012 0.63 0.50 3.68 3.68 3.37 3.52 0.94 2.50 4.00 471.79 * 0.012 0.68 0.55 4.06 4.06 3.78 4.00 1.06 2.86 4.56 472.35 * 0.012 0.73 0.59 4.50 4.50 4.26 4.56 1.17 3.21 5.19 472.98 * 0.012 0.77 0.64 5.00 5.00 4.81 5.19 1.31 3.57 5.89 473.68 * 0.012 0.81 0.69 5.56 5.56 5.42 5.89 1.47 OVERFLOW ENCOUNTERED AT 3.93 CFS DISCHARGE ****'`***`****''* ' S C DD1 nW 3.93 6.66 474.45 * 0.012 0.85 0.75 6.17 6.17 6.09 6.66 1.64 J File opened for writing:tankpipe.bwt O save results to Hw/Tw file:tankpipe.bwt Exit KCBW Program KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES r Water and Land Resources Division n ", r i V f!/• BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM version 5.30h Page 1 a D o p C D1 G N017. 1` 4J" E.. . . ( BA NG I SIS BEARI I r , ' ,, KW Put T_ 3, , i ItI" E 850. JS ( Itl { w, r r-' ---.-- w, y= r:.. v.. I a m. . y. i Y n o _ u. . V . Y __. ..; c,__" _ . , . i, r F i i 1. . N+. „ " ' . ,. ...... _ N07'] 3' 24 -. jl: S9E. tl'( C) ri 4 k . T1 6 j 6 ' I ` v i Ql, nt 7 I- !` i. Y I 1 . . ; y a ( i ; I _- 1 S. 1'`. s./ P '-, 1 s iS ! P` t ih R ' = I lQI_ l , W 0 -- 1 I i„ N' 2- W tl_-]. \ J . . T.: b - =' . . i. K........ 9 i { I v as5. on'( c) s44. 9a, P a ss sacw---- prwru_ a; wt[_' f I i 8Q 44 0 Qt. AN DRA IApE 8TORA+ 1 a i SCALE: 1 = $ 0 tt, WEST BASIN AREA = 0. 91 AC EAST BASiN AREA = 0. 73 AC Z APPENDIX E RETENTIONIDETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET & SKETCH ENGINEERING PLAN IN LIEU OF MINOR FLOODPLAIN STUDY KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET Development de Date n, Location Z(02 I 1 t.( f ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name (pr,y Name ',,,,, L,n( Firm _. 1 r c . Firm T+ i Address 7,QC.,. - , Q/) ga,l- Address g Q rkt.l . 1/ 'D7 c, 2 Phone (_S' _ q - / (" Phone !/1— I Developed Site: Acres 2 0 5 Number of lots `Z3 Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 1 ponds ponds vaults vaults tanks (r sh.--oF-•"a•j tanks Flow control provided in regional facility(give location) No flow control required x Exemption number . T-. Q. , S _ Downstream Drainage Basins Immediate Major Basin Basin A N R la c lc 2,u e, Basin B Basin C // Basin D S Number&type of water quality facilities on site: biofiltration swale(regular/wet/or sand filter(basic or large?) continuous inflow?) sand filter, linear(basic or large?) combined detention/WQ pond sand filter vault(basic or large?) WQ portion basic or large?) combined detention/wetvault stormwater wetland compost filter wetpond(basic or large?) filter strip wetvault flow dispersion farm management plan landscape management plan oil/water separator(baffle or coalescing plate?) catch basin inserts: Manufacturer pre-settling pond pre-settling structure: Manufacturer flow-splitter catchbasin DESIGN INFORMATION INDIVIDUAL BASIN IA (t.) IBf I c(W) Iol'S Water Quality design flow T/k Water Quality treated volume or wetpond Vr IDESIGN TOTAL INDNIDUAL BASIN IINFORMATION, cont'd 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL IDrainage basin(s) A (( B ( C D $ Onsite area y ( I Offsite area Type of Storage Facility fi' Live Storage Volume 1. I-t ,' 7..Q e ('-' Predeveloped Runoff Rate 2-year n S k I 10-year V2..Q(p ^ t..i u I 100-year 19 3 " b.l t Developed runoffrate ( 2-year i. 1,1 ` l7.=j.(r I 0-year I 58 '- I .I le 100-year Q,7 p .. .3Q Type of restrictor Q, .. r• Size of orifice/restriction No. 1 7. i,yi. _Q.In I i,w _) No.2 i,13 im.R') 0.iw 3) No. 3 No.4 FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET SKETCH All detention,infiltration and water quality facilities must include a sketch per the following criteria: 1. Heading for the drawings should be located at the top of the sketch(top right-hand corner). The heading should contain: North arrow(point up or to left) D9# Plat name or short plat number Address(nearest) Date drawn(or updated) Thomas Brothers page,grid number 2. Label CBs and MHs with the plan and profile designation. Label the control structure in writing or abbreviate with C.S. Indicate which structures provide spill control. 3. Pipes--indicate: Pipe size Pipe length Flow direction Use s single heavyweight line 4. Tanks--use a double,heavyweight line and indicate size(diameter) 5. Access roads Outline the limits ofthe road I Fill the outline with dots if the road is gravel. Label in writing if another surface. 6. Other Standard Symbols: Bollards: • • • • Rip rap o00000 000000 Fences --x---x---x---x---x---x--- Ditches –D--CD CD-CD 7. Label trash racks in writing. 8. Label all streets with the actual street sign designation. If you don't know the actual street name,consult the plat map. 9. Include easements and lot lines or tract limits when possible. 10. Arrange all the labeling or writing to read from left to right or from bottom to top with reference to a properly oriented heading. I 1. Indicate driveways or features that may impact access,maintenance or replacement. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 2 i i i I il 0 0 o ac o o c 000p a o C C f p aN 0 0 I Ndl'] J' lJ' E ( BASIS BEHFING) TM, , . ' F a--,+". a. ar " E., - ' - — - : ., ' -`( MyNp;„ i+-. 1 _. ra- - u r '. ; C ..... v u,.` t ., a,. z sse.,< c> >„_ r o'."' I y V i. i i. $ OL2 " .._''; ' • 1. 4t! , m i F: , 1y y a. I q '. 4 g J x. 1 ,; g } G, o r— _ _ 1 r t L, _ _._ —. I i I ' . 4.. _. ._.. _ L i/ i— a n. _ 595. 00' t 7 J / / / /..`/',(/'/ / / / 59l98' fP) j/ / // / / / F ,/ './ ,/ f ' _ ... N a M:. ,. ,,, i... . M4N. Al, l. . F., M1N. PROP. F. F. L S. O. F, EI„_ V t2} A80VE D. F.) o NW 474 476 478 I W 468 470 472 SCALE, i" = 80 it. SW 470 472 474 Z NpTE; iE DOWNSTREAM ELEVATI4NS AND AREAS 4F INNUNDATIQN SNOWN HERE ARE C4NSERVATIVE. THEY ftEPRESENT A " W4RST CASE" 5CENARIQ. APPENDIX D MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES ADDRESS: 16217 114th Avenue SE Renton, Washington RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES The purpose of the detention pond and tank is to reduce the rate of runoff from the developed portions of the property and frontage. Water can flow freely into the pond and tank, but orifices in the outflow risers restrict the outflows. When the inflow exceeds the capacity of the orifices, the excess water is "stored" in the pond or tank, and released slowly after the storm abates. In order to function properly, the facilities must be kept free of accumulated sediment. The outlet pipes also must be kept clean, as even a partial blockage could significantly impact the ability of a facility to store runoff. The facilities should be visually inspected for sediment accumulation and blockages at least once each year and also after every major storm greater than or equal to a 10-year return frequency. CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS Pipes transport runoff from one place to another, in this case from catch basins to the pond or tank, then to the downstream drainage system. To work properly, pipes must be kept free of silt and other debris. If pipes become blocked, surFace flooding will usually occur. CATCH BASINS AND AREA DRAINS Catch basins collect surface drainage and direct it into storm conveyance pipes. They help prevent downstream drainage problems by trapping sediment and other debris that would otherwise flow downstream with the runoff. It is important to keep catch basins clean so accumulated silt is not flushed out during a significant storm. Also, if the outflow pipe becomes blocked with debris, surface flooding will usually occur. All catch basins should be inspected at least once each year and after major storms. Area drains convey runoff directly into conveyance pipes. To prevent surface flooding, their surface grates must be kept free of litter and debris. If dirt or other sediment gets into the pipes and they become blocked, the pipes will need to be cleaned, either manually or using a Vactor truck. The following tables identify maintenance issues, which should be addressed re ularl9Y describing possible problems with the drainage system and their respective solutions. 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DR.AINAGE FACILITIES N0. 1 -DETENTION PONDS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results Expected When Component Is Needed Maintenance Is Performed Genera Trash 8 Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cieared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Poisonous Vegetation Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which No dangerof poisonous vegetation may constitute a hazarcl to County personnel or where County personnel orthe the public. public might normally be. Coordination with Seattle-King County Health Departrnent) Pollution Oil,gasoline,or other contaminants of one No contaminants present other than gallon or more or any amount found that could: a surface film. (Coordination with 1)cause damage to plant,animat,or marine tife; Seattle/King Counry Health 2)constitute a fire hazard;or 3)be flushed Departrnent) downstream during rain storms. Unmowed Grass/If facility is located in private residential area, When mowing is needed, Ground Cover mowing is needed when grass exceeds 18 grass/ground cover should be inches in height. In other areas,the general mowed to 2 inches in height. policy is to make the pond site match adjacent Mowing of selected higher use ground cover and temain as long as there is no areas rather than the entire slope interference with the function of the facility. may be acceptable for some situations. Rodent Holes Any evidence of rodent holes if faciliry is acUng Rodents destroyed and dam or as a dam or berm,or any evidence of water berm repaired. (Coordination with piping through dam or berm via rodent holes. Seattle/King County Health Department) Insects When insects such as wasps and homets InsecLs destroyed or removed from interfere with maintenance activities.site. Tree Growth Tree growth does not allow maintenance access Trees do not hinder maintenance or interferes with maintenance activity(i.e.,slope activities. Selectively cultivate trees mowing,silt removal,vactoring,or equipment such as alders for firewood. movements). If trees are not interfering with axess,leave trees alone. Side Slopes of Pond Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized by cause of damage is still present or where there using appropnate erosion control is potential for continued erosion. measure(s);e.g.,rock reinforcement,planting of grass, compaction. Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10%of the Sediment cleaned out to designed designed pond depth. pond shape and depth;pond reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Pond Dikes Settlements Any part of dike which has settled 4 inches lower Dike should be built back to the than the design elevation. design elevation. Emergency Rock Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards. Overflow/Spillway area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil at the top of out flow path of spillway. Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-1 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACII.ITIES NO.3-CLOSED DEfENT10N SYSTEMS(PIPES/TANKS) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Malntenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Storage Area Ptugged Air Vents One-half of the cross section of a vent is blocked at Vents free of debris and any point with debris and sediment sediment Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10 0 of the All sediment and debris Sediment diameter of the storage area for'rz tength of storage removed from storage area. vault or any point depth exceeds 15'/0 of diameter. Example:72-inch storage tank would require cleaning when sediment reaches depth of 7 inches for more than 3 length of tank. Joints Between Any crack allowing material to be transported into All joint between tank/pipe TanWPipe Section faciliy sections are sealed Tank Pipe Bent Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape more than Tank/pipe repaired or replaced Out of Shape 109'0 of iYs design shape to design. Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any open Manhole is closed. manhole requires maintenance. Lodcing Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Mechanism Not person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. Working than Yz inch of thread(may not apply to self-locking lids.) Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed and Remove applying 801bs of lift. Intent is to keep cover from reinstalled by one maintenance sealing off access to maintenance.person. Ladder Rungs King County Safety Office and/or maintenance person Ladder meets design standards Unsafe judges that ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,allows maintenance person safe misalignment,rust,or cracks. access. Catch Basins See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/I/98 A-3 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATEI,Y MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILTTIES NO.4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1-1/2 feet. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole wall SVucture securely attached to and outlet pipe structure should support at least wall and ouUet pipe. 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position(aliow up to Structure in correct position. 10%from plumb). ConnecGons to ouUet pipe are not watertight and Connectlons to outlet pipe are show signs of rust. water tight;structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes—other than designed holes—in the Structure has no holes other structure. than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. • Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily maintenance person.and is watertight. Chain leading to gate is missing or damaged.Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50'/0 of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards.. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions blocking the plate. and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is iree of all obstructions potential of blocking)the overflow pipe. and works as designed. Manhole See"Closed Detention Systems"Standards No.3 See"Closed Detention Systems' Standards No.3 Catch Basin See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 See'Catch Basins"Standards No.5 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-4 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAIIVAGE FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is pertormed General Trash 8 Debris Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris located Indudes Sediment) located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch opening or is blocking capaciry of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin. pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and ouUet pipes free of more than 1/3 of its height. trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which volume would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more than 3/4 inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top Slab curb face into the street(If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks:Jer than 1/4 inch(intent is to make sure cracks. all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame is sitting flush on top of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. slab. Cracks in 6asin Walls/ Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin design standards. through cracks,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch at the joint of any inleU ouUet pipe or any evidence wide at the joint of inleVouUet of soil paRides entering catch basin through pipe. cracks. SedimenU Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. design standards. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-5 NTAINED DRAINAGE FACILTI'IESAPPENDIXAMAINTENANCESTANDARDSFORPRIVATELYMAI NO. 5-CATCH BASINS(CON71NUED Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,al and No flammable chemicais gasoline. present. i Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than No vegetation blocking opening 10%of the basin opening. to basin. Vegetation growing in inleUouUet pipe jants that is No vegetation or root growth more than six inches tall and less than six inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot No pollution present other than per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place' Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any open Catch basin cover is closed I catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Not Working person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. than 1/2 inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, Ladder meets design standards Unsafe rust,cracks,or sharp edges. and allows maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design ff p,ppiicable) standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20%of Grate free of trash and debris. grate surface. Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate.Grate is in place and meets Missing. design standards. NO. 6 DEBRIS BARRIERS(E.G.,TRASH RACKS) Results Ex ected WhenMaintenanceDefectConditionWhenMaintenanceisNeededp Components Maintenance is Pertormed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier clear to receive capacity the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50%deterioration Repair or replace barrier to to any part of barrier. design standards. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATEI,Y MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITTES N0. 10-CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS(PIPES& DITCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment&Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned of ail sediment diameter of the pipe. and debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetaUon removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50%deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. pipe by more than 20%. Open Ditches Trash&Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of atl design depth.sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through through ditches. ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Ponds"Shandard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design Place or Missing(If the rock lining. standards. Applicable). Catch Basins See"Catch Basins:Standard No.5 See"Catch Basins"Standard No.5 Debris Barriers See"Debris Barriers"Standard No.6 See"Debris Barriers"Standard e.g.,Trash Rack)No.6 N0. 11 -GROUNDS(LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20%of the landscaped Weeds present in less than 5% Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only). of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,botttes,totaling more than 1 cubic foot Area clear of litter. within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken which affect more than 25%of the total 5%of total foliage with split or foliage of the tree or shrub. broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of knocked over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased Vees. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-9 APPENDIX A MAIN'TENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACII.TI'IES N0. 12-ACCESS ROADSJ EASEMENTS Maintenance Defect Condltion When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which square ieet i.e.,trash and debris would fill up could damage tires. one standards size garbage can. Biodced Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway free of debris which or metal). could damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet i road surface to less than 14 feet high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10 to Obstruction removed to allow at 12 foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12 foot access. or any point restricting access to less than a 10 foot width. Road Surface Setdement,Potholes, When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth Mush Spots,Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area.In general,any with no evidence of settlement, surface defect which hinders or prevents potholes,mush spots,or ruts. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are Road surface free of weeds taller Surtace more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches than 2 inches. tall and less than 6 inches apart within a 400- square foot area. Modular Grid Build-up of sediment mildly contaminated with Removal of sediment and disposal Pavement petroleum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildly contaminated soils or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches hinder maintenance access.in height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 9/l/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-10 APPENDIX E RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET & SKETCH ENGINEERING PLAN IN LIEU OF MINOR FLOODPLAIN STUDY I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET Development d P G Date Location (,(1 I I'h ,'4 P ,t (,y ENGINEER DEVELOPER r- Name r r Name Firm _. r c , Firm Address 7 Cj' ,S.{. S. PQ gn, I-jS- I Address glp t-I l.b, .C-- S qr1Gt,L . 1 07 r /1Ai'PS ,(1! 3 a I Phone {2 9 - l l t (^ Phone ,- —- Developed Site: Acres 2•0 5 Number of lots `(3 Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 1 ponds ponds vaults J__tanks ( S w1--oF-va..j Flow control provided in regional facility(give tocation) No flow control required x Exemption number i. _M. }y pQ+ , .S r„nS .Downstream Drainage Basins Immediate Major Basin Basin A N Ic r I (Z,ue.. Basin B I Basin C / Basin D S I ` _ J Number&type of water quality facilities on site: biofiltration swale(regular/wet/or sand filter(basic or large?) continuous inflow?) sand filter, linear(basic or large?) combined detention/WQ pond sand filter vault(basic or large?) WQ portion basic or large?) combined detention/wetvault stonnwater wetland compost filter wetpond(basic or large?) filter strip wetvault flow dispersion farm management plan landscape management plan oilhvater separator(baffle or coalescing plate?) catch basin inserts: Manufacturer pre-settling pond pre-settling structure: Manufacturer flow-splitter catchbasin DESIGN INFORMATION INDIVIDUAL BASIN I I a fr)I B fEl 1 c(w D/'Sl _ I Water Quality design flow y J Water Quality treated volume or vetpond Vr I DESIGN TOTAL INDNIDUAL BASIN j INFORMATION, cont'd 1998 Surface Water Design Manual q qg 1 I KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL I Drainage basin(s) A rJ B (E C(w)_ . D (S) Onsite area 2.C Offsite area t./nS Type of Storage Facility j-Q,, py -- Live Storage Volume q r Z(Q r Predeveloped Runoff Rate 2-year 0 I C 10-year D,1'Db P.S D.US c' 100-year n.f P f • I 1 v f Developed runoff rate 2-year 1 p.t n.I r, 10-year 9. i I I'{ !,jJpl f 100-year 7f- (',FS f.a Type ofrestrictor fl. ) ,r,.) Size of orifice/restriction No. 1 G}" `f.,,<' '' No.2 I.I ' 2 . ' I I No. 3 No.4 FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET SKETCH All detention,infiltration and water quality facilities must include a sketch per the following criteria: 1. Heading for the drawings should be located at the top of the sketch(top right-hand corner). The heading should contain: North arrow(point up or to left) D9# Plat name or short plat number Address(nearest} Date drawn(or updated) Thomas Brothers page, grid number 2. Label CBs and MHs with the plan and profile designation. Label the controi structure in writing or abbreviate with C.S. Indicate which structures provide spill control. 3. Pipes-- indicate: Pipe size Pipe length Flow direction Use s single heavyweight line 4. Tanks--use a double,heavyweight line and indicate size(diameter) 5. Access roads Outline the limits of the road Fill the outline with dots if the road is gravel. Label in vriting if another surface. 6. Other Standard Symbols: Bollards: • • • • Rip rap o00000 000000 Fences --x---x---x---x---x---x--- Ditches D CD CD--CD 7. Label trash racks in writing. 8. Label all streets with the actual street sign designation. If you don't know the actual street name,consult the plat I map. 9. Include easements and lot lines or tract limits when possible. 0. Arrange all the labeling or vriting to read from left to right or from bottom to top with reference to a properly oriented heading. 1 1. Indicate driveways or features that may impact access, maintenance or replacement. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual l_ Q a o o a o o oa o ac cao 1/ 4THA 5. 6. 4' 1 d:.<=. I h , U hr. a f: 1 t 1 I I t jI i _.___.` 1 = , - , z : . __ I 1. NE7{ AN; il 0 __ I I {. v' ` y I i k : li i i. W ; i i i. L. I---. I y 1. 4I + 2L-$ D" i \; I i i I ...,` Y I, I I I I I i ; I _ ,. J,,,,- i i i j "" ' - j / , ; l' //// i i '`' i ; / i//%„, u i II i , i , : ,/_ I I J I BASIN DS. O. F. ELEV MIN. ALL. F. F. MIN. PROP. F. F. I 2' ABOVE D. F.} I NW 474 476 78 0 o so I I W 468 470 472 SCALE: 1' = 80 ft. SW 47Q* 472 474 I I NOTE: THE OOWN5TREAM EI. EVATIONS AND AREAS OF Z I INNUNDATION SHOWN HERE ARE CONSERVATIVE. THEY REPRESENT A " WORST CASE" SCENARIQ. I APPENDIX F SENSITIVE AREAS STUDY d V!/t/' o c /c. Delineation/Mitigation/Restoration/Habitat Creation/PermitAssistance 9505 19th Avenue S.E. Suite 106 Everett, Washington 98208 425)337-3174 Fax (425) 337-3045 SENSITIVE AREA STUDY FOR Lund 114th Ave ue King County, WA Wet(and Resources, Inc. Project #04153 Prepared By: Wetfond Resources, Inc. 9505 19th Ave. SE Suite 106 Everett, WA 98208 i 425) 337-3174 For: Gu and Fran LundY 810 4' Street Port Angetes, WA 98362 June 7, 2004 Revision 1: September 27, 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE DESCRIPTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SENSITIVE AREA IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 2 WETLAND CLASSIFICATION - COWARDIN SYSTEM 3 WETLAND CLASSIFICATION - KING COUNTY 3 ENVIRONMENTALLY $ENSITIVE AREAS 3 WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT 4 BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS 5 FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS 6 WILDLIFE 7 USE OF THIS REPORT 7 REFERENCES 9 FIELD DATA 10 SENSITIVE AREA STUDY MAP 1/1 I 1 SITE DESCRIPTION Wetlond Resources, Inc. conducted a wetland delineation on May 10, 2004 to locate jurisdictional wetlands on the approximate 2 acre site located at 16217 114"' Avenue SE in King County, Washington. The site is located as portion of Section 29, Township 23N, Range 5E, W.M. The applicant is proposing a multi-lot residential development for this property. This site is generally flat with a slight depression in the southern portion. One single-family residence and associated infrastructure is located on the northern portion of the site. Surrounding land use is comprised of single-family residences. Access is from the east, via 114' Avenue SE. The northern portion of the site is occupied by maintained lawn associated with the existing single-family residence. The southern part of the site is vacant land, with vegetation represented by sapling black cottonwood, Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry, and tall fescue. Three wetlands and an intermittent stream are tocated on the subject site. Wetlands A, - B, and C, are emergent wetlands tocated in the southern portion of the site. Wetland A is a Class 3 wetland. Regulated Class 3 wettands in King County typically receive 25-foot protective buffers. Wetlands B and C are less than 2,500 square feet in size. Urban Class 3 wetlands less than 2,500 square feet in size in are unclassified in King County. The stream is located in a man-made ditch paralleling the sites' western property boundary and begins approximately 112 feet north of the southwest property corner. This point is the top of the drainage sub-basin with the stream flowing north and roadside ditch flowin north (per Taylor Engineering Consultants draina e anat sis . This Class 3 stream is desi nated a 25-footY ) protective buffer from its flagged OHWM. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED $ENSITIVE AREA IMPACTS AND MITIGATION The applicant is proposing a multi lot devetopment on this property. To accommodate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the applicant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) of the buffer of Wetland A. Mitigation for this buffer reduction is offered through desi nating a total of 1,119 square feet 771 + 284 + 64) of area as additional buffer. This represents a stightly better than 2:1 ratio of additional buffer to reduced buffer. The buffer areas proposed to be reduced and the areas proposed to be additional buffer contain similar species and provide equivalent functions and values. The designation of additional area as buffer at a better than 2:1 ratio should maintain or improve functions and values for the site. in addition to buffer averaging, the applicant is proposin to fill the unclassified Wetlands B and C. 2 I Impact and Mitigation Tabte Impact Mitigation Buffer Averaging Reduction Buffer Averaging Addition 1,119 SF 609 SF total Greater than 2:1 ratio WETLAND CLASSIFICATION - COWARDIN SYSTEM Accordin to the Cowardin System, as described in Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, the on-site wetlands are classified as follows: Wettands A - C: Palustrine, Emergent Wetland, Persistent, Seasonatly ftooded/ Saturated. Stream: Intermittent, Streambed, Mud WETLAND CLASSIFICATION - KING COUNTY Pursuant to King County Code (KCC) section 21A.06.1415, the on-site wetlands are ctassified as follows: Wettand A Class 3: This wetland is less than one acre in size and has one wetland class. Class 3 Wetlands in King County typically receive 25-foot protective buffers. Wetlands B and C: These wetlands are less than 2,500 square feet in size and have one wetland class. In King County, urban wetlands less than 2,500 square feet in size are not classified. Stream: This stream is intermittent in years of normat rainfall and is not used by salmonids. Class 3 streams are typically desi nated 25-foot protective buffers from their flagged OHWM. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS The on-site wetland and buffer shall be designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). Environmentally Sensitive Areas are not to be disturbed in compliance with Kin County's restrictions. Concurrent with future development proposals, Sensitive Area Signs will be required and shall be installed no greater than 150 feet apart with minimum of one per lot. An example of a Sensitive Areas Si n is as follows: 3 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA THIS WETLAND IS PROTECTED TO PROVIDE WILDLIFE HABITAT AND MAINTAIN WATER QUALITY PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THIS VALUABLE RESOURCE BUILDING SETBACK Under KCC 21A.24.200 Building Setbacks, unless otherwise provided, buildin s and other structures shall be set back a distance of 15 feet from the edges of all sensitive area buffers or from edges of all sensitive areas, if no buffers are required. The following may be allowed in the buitding setback area: 3) Landscaping; 4) Uncovered Decks; 5) Building overhan s if such overhangs do not extend more than 18 inches into the setback area: 6) impervious ground surfaces, such as driveways and patios, provided that such improvements may be subject to special drainage provisions specified in administrative rules adopted for the various sensitive areas. WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT Methodotogy On site, routine methodology as described in the WashinQton State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington State Department of Ecology Publication #96-94, March 1997), was used for this determination, as required by King County durin the permitting process. Under this method, the process for makin a wetland determination is based on three sequential steps: 1) Examination of the site for hydrophytic vegetation (species present and percentage cover). 2) If hydrophytic vegetation is found, then the presence of hydric soils is determined. 3) Determination of the presence of wetland hydrotogy in the area examined under the first two steps. Vegetation Criteria The WashinQton State Wetlands Identification and Detineation Manual, 1997 edition, defines hydrophytic vegetation as the sum total of macrophytic plant life that occurs in areas where the frequency and duration of inundation or soil saturation 4 Ir produce permanently or periodically saturated soits of sufficient duration to exert a controlling influence on the plant species present. One of the most common indicators for hydrophytic ve etation is when more than 50 ercent of a lantPP community consists of species rated Facultative and wetter on tists of plant species that occur in wetlands. Soil Criteria and Mapped Description The Washin ton State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, 1997 edition defines hydric soils as those that formed under conditions of saturation floodin or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. Field indicators are used for determinin whether a given soil meets the definition and criteria for hydric soils. The soils underlying this site are mapped in the Soil Survey of KinQ County Area - Washin ton, 1973 edition as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes AgC). The AgC soil unit is described as rollin with irregularly shaped areas ranging from 10 to about 600 acres in size. The A horizon ranges from very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very stow in the substratum. Available water capacity is described as low. Included within this soil unit are the-poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila, Shalcar soils, and Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Included soil units make up no more than 30 percent of the total acrea e. Hydrology Criteria The Washin ton State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, 1997 edition, states that "areas which are seasonally inundated and/or saturated to the surface for a consecutive number of days greater than or equal to 12.5% of the growing season are wetlands, provided the soil and ve etation parameters are met. Areas inundated or saturated between 5 and 12.5% of the growin season in most years may or may not be wetlands. Areas saturated to the surface for less than 5% of the growing season are non-wetlands." Field indicators are used for determining whether wetland hydrotogy parameters are met. BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS Wetland A: Wetland A is located in the south central portion of the site. Vegetation in this wetland is represented by soft rush (Juncus effusus, FacW), reed canarygrass (Pholaris orundinacea, FacW), sedge species (Corex spp.), and sparse tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceo, Fac-). Several black cottonwood (Populus balsomifero, Fac) are located near the southern edge of this wettand. Typical soils within this wetland have a Munsell color of very dark rayish brown (10 YR 3/2) with redoximorphic features of dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) and a texture of sandy 5 loam from 0 to 18 inches below the surface. Soils were moist during our May 2004 site investigation. Wetland B: Wetland B is located in the southwest part of the property. Vegetation in this wettand is represented by reed canarygrass and creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens, FacW). Soils have a Munsell color of very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) and a texture of silt loam from 0 to 18 inches below the surface. Soils were moist throughout during our May 2004 site visit. Wetland C: This wetland is located in the eastern central portion of the site, adjacent to 114' Ave SE. Vegetation in Wetland C is represented by overhanging, sapling Bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata, FacU) and willow (Solix Sp., Fac -FacW+), with field horsetail (Equisetum crrvense, Fac) rooted in the wetland. Soils in this wetland have a Munselt color of very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) with redoximorphic features of brown (10 YR 4/3) and a texture of silt loam from 0 to 18 inches below the surface. Soils were sti htly moist during our May 2004 site visit. Non-Wettand: Vegetation in the portions of the site mapped as non-wetland is represented sapling black cottonwood (Popu us ba(somifera, Fac) and Bitter cherry, with Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius, nol/Upl), Himalayan blackberry Rubus discolor, FacU), tall fescue (Festuccr arundinaceo, Fac-), sweet vernalgrass Anthoxonthum odoratum, FacU+), common vetch (Vicia sativa, Upl), common dandelion (Taroxocum officinale, FacU), and Engtish plantain (P(antago lanceoloto, FacU+). Soils in the upland portions of the site are disturbed and appear to be primarily comprised of fill. These soils have Munsell colors ranging from very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) to olive (5 Y 5!3) with textures ranging from silt loam to sandy loam. Soils in the upland portions of the property were dry to moist at the time of our May 2004 site investigation. There were no surface indicators of saturation or inundation in the non-wetland areas. It appears that the areas mapped as non-wetland are not saturated for a period greater than 5% of the rowin season, and therefore do not meet the wetland hydrology criteria. FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS Methodology The methodology for this functions and values assessment is based on professional opinion developed through past field analyses and interpretation. This assessment pertains specifically to the on-site wetland, but is typical for assessments of simitar systems common to western Washin ton. Functions and Values Components Wetlands in western Washington perform a variety of ecosystem functions. Included amon the most important functions provided by wetlands are stormwater 6 storage and itood flow attenuation, water quality improvement, and fish and wildlife habitat. An assessment of these functions for the project site are provided below. Existinq Conditions Overall functions and values provided by these wetlands are low. These wetlands make minor contributions to stormwater storage and water quality as a result of their depressional nature, presence of emer ent vegetation and location adjacent to a Class 3 stream. Functions for all values provided by these wetlands are limited by their small size, lack or shortage of native and woody ve etation, and proximity to roads and development, as well as the extent of disturbance within these wetlands. Proposed Impocts to Functions and Values The applicant is proposing a multi lot development on this property. To accommodate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the applicant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) the buffer off of Wetland A. In addition to buffer averaging, the applicant is proposing to fill the unclassified Wetlands B and C. As a result of the current low overalt quality of the area, these activities should have minimal im acts to overall functions and values of the site.P Post Miti ation Functions and Values Miti ation for this buffer reduction is offered throu h desi natin a total of 1 234 square feet of area as additional buffer. This represents a slightly better than 2:1 ratio of buffer averaging addition to buffer avera ing reduction. The designation of additional area as buffer at a better than 2:1 ratio should maintain or improve functions and values for the site, includin water quality and wildlife habitat. WILDLIFE At the time of our investigation, fauna typical of western Washington forests at that time of year were heard or observed. Several species of birds were noted includin white-crowned sparrow, American robin, dark-eyed junco, and black-capped chickadee. Other resident and migratory species may utilize this site during some portion of their lives. No herpetofauna were noted. USE OF THIS REPORT This Sensitive Area Study and Buffer Averaging Ptan is supplied to Guy Lund as a means of describing jurisdictional wetland conditions, as required by Kin County during the permitting process. This report is based largely on readily observable conditions and to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable conditions. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or concealed conditions. Reports may be adversety affected due to the physicat condition of the site and the difficulty of access which may lead to observation or probing difficutties. 7 The laws applicable to wetlands are subject to varying interpretations and may be changed at any time by the courts or legislative bodies. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the applicant's attempt to comply with the laws now in effect. The work for this report has conformed to the standard of care employed by wetland ecologists. No other representation or warranty is made concerning the work or this report and any implied representation or warranty is disclaimed. Wetland Resources, Inc. Scott Brainard Principal Wetland Ecologist 8 REFERENCES Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS- 79/31. December 1979. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. Corps of En ineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 1987. Technical Report Y-87-1. Environmental Laboratory. U.S. Army Engineer Waterway Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. Kin County Zonin Code, Title 21A. King County, WA. February 2000. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, Northwest Region. 1996. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. Soil Survev of KinQ County Area WashinQton. November 1973. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Washington, D.C. WashinQton State Wettands Identification and Delineation Manual. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #96-94. March 1997. 9 Field Data Sheet Lund-114th Ave - WRI# 04153 Investigation Date: 05/10/04 Pit Depth Texture Color Moisture Species Status Strata S1 0-18"Sandy Loam 10YR 3/1 sl. moist Festuca arundinacea 90 Fac-Herb Non-Wetland 10YR 4/3 Agrostis tenuis 5 Fac Herb Redox Vicia sativa 5 Not/Upt Herb Conctusion: Non-Wetland - Parameters for hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrotoqy are not met. S2 0-6" Silt Loam 2.5Y 3/3 moist Anthoxanthum odoratum 50 FacU Herb Non-Wetland 6"-10"Sandy Loam 2.5Y 4/3 moist Festuca arundinocea 20 Fac-Herb 10YR 4I4 redox Agrostis tenuis 10 Fac Herb 10"-18"+ Sand 5Y 5/3 moist Vicia sativa 10 Nol/Upt Herb 10YR 5/6 redox Plantago lanceolata 5 Fac Herb Juncus patens 5 FacW Herb Conclusion: Non-Wetland - Parameters for hydrophytic veqetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydroloQy are not met. S3 0-18"Sandy Loam 10YR 3/2 moist Juncus effusus 40 FacW Herb Wetland 7.5YR 4/4 Phalaris arundinacea 30 FacW Herb redox Carex sp 20 Fac-Obl Herb Festuca arundinacea 5 Fac-Herb Conclusion: Wetland - Parameters for hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology are met. S4 0-18" ravelty Sandy Loan 2.5Y 4/4 dry Populus bafsamifera 10 Fac sapling Non-Wetland Prunus emorginato 5 FacU sapling Cytisus scoparius 10 Nol/Upl Shrub Rubus discolor 20 FacU Woody Vine Festuca arundinacea 50 Fac-Herb Anthoxanthum odoratum 30 FacU+ Herb Vicio sativa 10 Nol/Upl Herb Taraxacum officinale 5 FacU Herb P(antagolonceolata 5 FacU+ Herb Conclusion: Non-Wetland - Parameters for hydrophytic veQetation, hydric soils, and wettand hydrolo y are not met. 10 ENVIRONMENTALLY .._. . SITIVE AREA STUDY AND BUFFER AVERAGING MAP LUND 114TH AVE PORTION OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5E, W. M. Scate 1" = 60' yppV 0 30 60 90 120 S. E. 162ND ST. u° a v SE 162ND ST W S MS p 1 SITE v r'` D- 2 I I .,.-- I BUFFER AVERAGING WETLAND A REDUCTION CLASS 3 235 SF j S. E. 164TH ST. Wet/ A dRe o rc./ c. DetlneaHon/ Mltivallon/ ResLratlon/ Hab1U[ Crcatlon/ Permlt G.< istarce WETLAND 950519th Avenue S. E. Suite 106 Everett, Washington 98208 Phone: ( 425) 337- 3174 BUFFER AVERAGING Fax: ( 425) 337- 3045 ADDITION Email: mailboxC wetlandresources. com BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION ENVIRONMENTALLY EN S SITIVE AREA STUDY WETLAND FILL AND BUFFER AVERAGING MAP m- m DATASITES LUND - 114TH AVE KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREA Sheet 1/ 1 S GNS WRI Job# 04153 Guy and Fran Lund Drawn by: L. Emenhiser X SENSITIVE AREA 810 4th Street Date: 06/ 07/ 2004 FENCING Port Angetes, WA 98362 Revision 1: 09/ 27/ 04 APPENDIX G BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET h I e 1 a rtity N ork e' nt B' Impr° eme 2g- te 66p0. F oC aiternate formats, a112 6 CountV eN GeS 10120p5 4 Kin9 enta S M Zp, LO Sq 37 vironm Date: P 4P m+ t,& artment° f Deye Ue SouthWest ect Nfl: le Aven prol 94o Oak ash n9tO" g8 2p- 296 2 7 und P at Activity N°" enton, a T S 206_ 2g6- 660 th Avenue is, ead an qverh eCt ame; 16217 au, pment, mater fot the Seattie area Proj iabor ugted ocat on: p, 11 prices in iud Means data a Means database. Note'. from S d in th RS profit. Prices arQ i not n iud r oc from Q aS sau Ges 000 board feet f t m e I ater than° r aual ta 5 X Cieacin9 9 e i yes lf yes, Umber. a tice Perm t N i For st P 1 CR W 76 pg iiiiii 02(' 2 02 i nit Pn es a4t22102 1 1 f fteP v$ rs on• 12p06 i Pag g o pate: 1112 I' ii I i W. mBtrok• ov/ dd. I i t the ES web Site at Check ou i.i bpnd quantities. X- S II I r Site Improvement B nc Quantity Worksheet M 4 ..* , P ' v.<. .,,, ;; . p; a.ti ... r , , i r.'`'" . Ly. w. . y. s' " o-_ a y- . J, r} 3 ! ..'¢ t,x_ . , , ` • . ,` . . ','>., y : s' k.. s`. .:?' y,`»,,' sRe€ @, I VI IR• s .' 4. . C@ '., 9; I 3 "' viL$ ti F.. m'kMM„ r} w, ' a . k. a:- i, n; az +:.:. ..-. ." a :.. A „ ... E Sf+ I SEDtMENT. Ct ITR+ CIL , . mb` er . M =-- z; r'`` w, a: Backfili& compaction- embankment ESC- 1 5. 62 CY Check dams, 4" minus rock ESC- 2 SWDM 5. 4. 6. 3 $ 67. 51 Each Crushed surfacing 1 1/ 4" minus ESC- 3 WSDOT 9- 03. 9( 3) $ 85. 45 CY Ditching ESC- 4 8. 08 CY Excavation- bulk ESC- 5 1. 50 CY Fence, silt ESC- 6 SWDM 5. 4. 3. 1 $ 1. 38 LF 1490 1 2056 Fence, Temporary( NGPE) ESC- 7 ( 1. 38 LF 385 1 531 Hydroseeding ESC- 8 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 4 $ 0. 59 SY Jute Mesh ESC- 9 ( SWDM 5. 4. 2. 2 $ 1. 45 SY Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deep ESC- 10 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 1 $ 2. 01 SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep ESC- 11 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 1 $ 0. 53 SY Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" ESC- 12 10. 70 ( LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 8" ESC- 13 16. 10 LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" ESC- 14 20. 70 LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged ESC- 15 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 3 $ 2. 30 ( SY Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes ESC- 16 WSDOT 9- 13. 1( 2) $ 39. 08 ( CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50' x15' x1' ESC- 17 SWDM 5. 4. 4. 1 $ 1, 464. 34 Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100' x15' x1' ESC- 18 SWDM 5. 4. 4. 1 $ 2, 928. 68 Each 1 1 2929 Sediment pond riser assembly ESC- 19 SWDM 5. 4. 52 $ 1, 949. 38 Each Sediment trap, 5' high berm ESC- 20 ( SWDM 5. 4. 5. 1 $ 17. 91 LF Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section ESC- 21 SWDM 5. 4. 5. 1 $ 68. 54 LF Seeding, by hand ESC- 22 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 4 $ 0. 51 SY Sodding, 1" deep, level ground ESC- 23 SWDM 5. 42. 5 $ 6. 03 SY Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground ESC- 24 SWDM 5. 4. 2. 5 $ 7. 45 SY TESC Supervisor ESC- 25 74. 75 HR 20 1 1495 Water truck, dust control ESC- 26 SWDM 5. 4. 7 $ 97. 75 HR 20 1 1955 y Vfi i, TE= IN.- ITEM**{ s+ e. aaa 9) -. ~' E.°.°: a, . s.,,. .:., 6g. R f.,. x . g> a. i.., ;' ' 5- z4 . , r 4., L;; y re7Ta. . : i'".' , v _ b sem±.. S. .. z..,,, „ av . ,., , 9•' ,.,, r, y... , 4 M ' t. I Each I ESC SUBTOTAL: 8, 966. 18 30°/ a CONTINGENCY 8 MOBILIZATION: 2, 689. 85 ESC TOTAL: 11, 656. 03 COLUMN: A Page 2 of 9 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 Version: 04/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. XLS Check out the DDES Web site at www. metrokc. pov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 12/ 2006 Site Improvement B Quantity Worksheet w ._ . ;. s f.„......,.. F,:..,. b..•,..-,.:.• u`* 4'; i4' 4a. a y ' . d s'; ` ,''; ait '„ 6; s. q ;+ + a i S' , A.. A_ a'. ' .:' a, 1 , ITw ' d j, S O x}' , .:" r. ,,,; .... . 1 t q' L. w Sq, fA , s,a,„'' f HTr g+.•' a d 1 :..' I I itj f 1I, t " C F' 4° ' . ... . tfi s'L.. L''";. '. E} ts' q r. ry i a .. k r7. ._, ... rr'....,' . 3- `- ;.` a,' F ` a a=..- : r_ " Uni# Prt g ni# t uant ' `« . s ti"" r <. „' Cltta Cos; t: M. _ o , .;- e i i,::: , g ,, g r,. py. ,. ..:. 1 m . ° . y. ,, 1, p :_;:,, i a., 9^" t'; ra... .. .,. o: i. '...., ' , r s.€ Backfill& _ w Compaction- embankment GI- 1 $ 5. 62 CY Backfill& Compaction- trench GI- 2 $ 8. 53 CY 185 1, 578. 05 77 656. 81 36 307. 08 Clear/ Remove Brush, by hand GI- 3 $ 0. 36 SY Clearing/ Grubbing/ Tree Removal GI- 4 $ 8, 876. 16 Acre Excavation- bulk GI- 5 $ 1. 50 CY 410 615. 00 Excavation- Trench GI- 6 $ 4. 06 CY 185 751. 10 77 312. 62 36 146. 16 Fencing, cedar, 6' high GI- 7 $ 18. 55 LF Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high GI- 8 $ 13. 44 LF 284 3, 816. 96 Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 2 GI- 9 $ 1, 271. 81 Each 1 1, 271• 81 Fencing, split rail, 3' high GI- 10 $ 12. 12 LF 385 4, 666. 20 Fill& compact- common barrow GI- 11 $ 22. 57 CY 100 2, 257. 00 Fill& compact- gravel base GI- 12 $ 25. 48 CY 84 2, 140. 32 Fill& compact- screened topsoil GI- 13 $ 37. 85 CY Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh GI- 14 $ 54. 31 SY Gabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh GI- 15 $ 74. 85 SY 47 3, 517. 95 Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh GI- 16 $ 132. 48 SY Grading, fine, by hand GI- 17 $ 2. 02 SY Grading, fine, with grader GI- 18 $ 0. 95 SY Monuments, 3' long GI- 19 $ 135. 13 Each Sensitive Areas Sign GI- 20 $ 2. 88 Each 7 20• 16 Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground GI- 21 $ 7. 46 SY I Surve in , line& rade GI- 22 $ 788. 26 Da 5 3, 941. 30 2 1 576. 52 Y 9 9 Y Surveying, lot location/ lines GI- 23 $ 1, 556. 64 Acre 3 4, 669. 92 Traffic control crew( 2 flaqgers) GI- 24 $ 85. 18 HR 80 6, 814. 40 Trail, 4" chipped wood GI- 25 $ 7. 59 SY Trail, 4" crushed cinder GI- 26 $ 8. 33 SY Trail, 4" top course GI- 27 $ 8. 19 SY Wall, retaining, concrete GI- 28 $ 44. 16 SF Wa l, rockery GI- 29 $ 9. 49 SF Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL 17, 482. 17 10, 191. 15 11, 386. 04 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. VersiO: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. XLS Check out the DDES Web site at www. metrokc. qov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 Site Improvement B Quantity Worksheet 9 Y y F"`' ry' ' . ., .. z T s J t* i°r^ i ja'^ Y'. Y 5 g ! h;;. ; y x l ` RPg Y: tl: tt rria; w si.....;'.:.;, i `, f'-', ag Z r'"" r r„- N ,,;, °.& if;: a t n.. y Lt' i i.s. • V l r d , . k;. ac•`" ri AC Grinding, 4' wide machine< 1000sy RI- 1 $ 23. 00 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000- 200d RI- 2 $ 5. 75 SY AC Grinding, 4' wide machine> 2000sy RI- 3 $ 1. 38 SY AC Removal/ Disposal/ Repair RI- 4 $ 41. 14 SY 200 8, 228. 00 Barricade, type I RI- 5 $ 30. 03 LF Barricade, type Iil( Permanent) RI- 6 $ 45. 05 LF Curb& Gutter, rolled RI- 7 $ 13. 27 LF 90 1, 194. 30 98 1, 300. 46 Curb& Gutter, vertical RI- 8 9. 69 LF 900 8, 721. 00 Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposa RI- 9 $ 13. 58 LF Curb, extruded asphalt RI- 10 $ 2. 44 LF Curb, extruded concrete RI- 11 $ 2. 56 LF Sawcut, asphalt, 3" depth RI- 12 $ 1. 85 LF 900 1, 665. 00 Sawcut, concrete, per 1" depth RI- 13I $ 1• 69 F Sealant, asphalt RI- 14 $ 0. 99 LF Shoulder, AC, ( see AC road unit price) RI- 15I $ - I SY Shoulder, gravel, 4" thick RI- 16 $ 7. 53 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick RI- 17 $ 30. 52 SY 500 15, 260. 00 Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dispos Rl- 18 $ 27. 73 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick RI- 19 $ 34. 94 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and dispos Rl- 20 $ 34. 65 SY Sign, handicap RI- 21 $ 85. 28 Each Striping, per stall RI- 22 $ 5. 82 Each Striping, thermoplastic,( for crosswalk) RI- 23 $ 2. 38 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line RI- 24 $ 0. 25 LF Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL 33, 874. 00 1, 194. 30 1, 300. 46 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. XLS Check out the DDES Web slte at www. metrokc. aov/ ddes Report Date: 1l10l2006 Site Improvement f d Quantity Worksheet i M ,., A4;=, . . `'£, °.. w`,,, : X S I. o-', a > i s t1t3t""_ 4 f. ,° " _ s z ' t2Tght- of nr r - dail pr nv ti en,'' F . w: fr;YAr.`' i, d. a;. ra7riage Facit[ ies° . f r Quant c st `" t1ni.. nit at'€':: . I . :: a I b . 4rd a _ w-.. f I W 4' 1ip,t. e„ ; n 8 \ X C w1," e`, k i `€"` S_.. . . 1'" S R AGII y a x"> '' sar+•: F F,,, , R : _„ k.' . . . V a := 4,z ° ,., m' For KCRS' 93,( additional 2. 5" base) add RS- 1 $ 3. 60 SY AC Overlay, 1. 5" AC RS- 2 $ 7. 39 SY AC Overlay, 2" AC RS- 3 $ 8. 75 SY AC Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS- 4 $ 17. 24 SY 300 5, 172. 00 150 2, 586. 00 165 2, 844. 60 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY RS- 5 $ 13. 36 SY AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS- 6 $ 19. 69 SY AC Road, 3", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RS- 7 $ 15. 81 SY AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY RS- 8 $ 14. 57 SY 300 4, 371. 00 150 2, 185. 50 165 2, 404. 05 AC Road, 5", Qty. Over 2500 SY RS- 9 $ 13. 94 SY AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY RS- 1C $ 16. 76 SY AC Road, 6", Qty. Over 2500 SY RS- 11 $ 16. 12 SY Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick RS- 1 $ 9. 21 SY Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS- 1: $ 11. 41 SY 170 1, 939. 70 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RS- 14 $ 7. 53 SY PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY RS- 1: $ 21. 51 SY PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY RS- tE $ 21. 87 SY Thickened Edge RS- 17 $ 6. 89 LF Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL 9, 543. 00 6, 711. 20 5, 248. 65 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Ve' Slon: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. XLS Check out the DDES Web site at www. metrokc. qov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 r— Site Improvement d Quantity Worksheet m, s s a c: z ' as z u a '" I y4,''`. ° rA,d",.' P 5 d" y' k J. k , n , j . ti nt rA. rz a° i r t` f. a p" vi rii i W P . -? r" iag,- Fac ies x n. r s: t m" f °• Unit P ice"': r`zl. tn,, . + C3uarst. . tast • >° 1"' . C sf, ' . a.. ' k. , eG . Cc st ,. it rI1 r±»,. 1 i!` 1i7G•-• '.., r' .' a;;^ a{;, , a rf: s,, r.', , 6: a•^,.. O' zxA',:' r.ri' . I r ,.. OI' P J @ .: eiN' Z' tit Q4 ei% t): . Fafz9 L pf S=} V '+ f 3:,;'• r% i' ^"=`- s,.; n . Ct14F @ I`?: P.B• "`'.^ t? .. COSI W 5' El5SUt# i b a; z Access Road, R/ D D- 1 $ 16. 74 SY Bollards- fixed D- 2 $ 240. 74 Each Bollards- removable D- 3 $ 452. 34 Each CBs include frame and lid) I CB Type I D- 4 $ 1, 257. 64 Each 6 7, 545. 84 3 3, 772. 92 1 1, 257. 64 CB Type IL D- 5 $ 1, 433. 59 Each CB Type II, 48" diameter D- 6 $ 2, 033. 57 Each for additional depth over 4' D- 7 $ 436. 52 FT ( CB Type II, 54" diameter D- 8 $ 2, 192• 54 Each 1 2, 192. 54 1 2, 192. 54 for additional depth over 4' D- 9 $ 486. 53 FT CB Type II, 60" diameter D- 10I $ 2, 351. 52 Each for additional depth over 4' D- 11 $ 536. 54 FT CB Type II, 72" diameter D- 12 $ 3, 212. 64 Each for additional depth over 4' D- 13 $ 692. 21 FT Through- curb Inlet Framework( Add) D- 14 $ 366. 09 Each Cleanout, PVC, 4" D- 15 $ 130. 55 Each Cleanout, PVC, 6" D- 16 $ 174. 90 Each Cleanout, PVC, 8" D- 17 $ 224. 19 Each Culvert, PVC, 4" D- 18 $ 8. 64 LF c i ert, Pvc, s o- s I z. so LF I I I I I I I Culvert, PVC, 8" D- 20 $ 13. 33 LF Culvert, PVC, 12" D- 21 $ 21. 77 LF Culvert, CMP, 8" D- 22 $ 17. 25 LF Culvert, CMP, 12" D- 23 $ 26. 45 LF Culvert, CMP, 15" D- 24 $ 32. 73 LF Culvert, CMP, 18" D- 25 $ 37. 74 lF Culvert, CMP, 24" D- 26 $ 53. 33 LF Culvert, CMP, 30" D- 27 $ 71. 45 LF Culvert, CMP, 36" D- 28 $ 112. 11 LF Cuivert, CMP, 48" D- 29 $ 140. 83 LF 98 13, 801. 34 Culvert, CMP, 60" D- 30 $ 235. 45 LF Culvert, CMP, 72" D- 31 $ 302. 58 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL 23, 539. 72 5, 965. 46 1, 257. 64 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Vefsion: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. X S Check ouf the DDES Web site at www. mefrokc. qov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 Site Improvement E d Quantity Worksheet I a a ta EX{& b: s h f< Y 6 3s a a ; dt ' x s., 8 EI' 4 1C V81t1 ! i tYQY@ 8 1 Righ- of vitat 0 q itt D INAGE CONTINUED '`' 0 . a.; 3 , iti y, Fa i' i S ` ' C'. w l, ini# pnG+ ;' lnif': Quant. ( C( isi ":'` at f. ^ i1sf`, M, Culvert, Concrete. 8" D- 32 $ 21. 02 LF Culvert, Concrete, 12" D- 33I $ 30. 05 LF Culvert, Concrete, 15" D- 34 $ 37. 34 LF Culvert, Concrete, 18" D- 35 $ 44. 51 LF Culvert, Concrete, 24" D- 36 $ 61. 07 LF Culvert, Concrete, 30" D- 37 $ 104. 18 LF Culvert, Concrete, 36" D- 38 $ 137. 63 LF Culvert, Concrete, 42" D- 39 $ 158. 42 LF Culvert, Concrete, 48" D- 40 $ 175. 94 LF Culvert, CPP, 6" D- 41 $ 10. 70 LF Culvert, CPP, 8" D- 42 $ 16. 10 F Culvert, CPP, 12" D- 43 $ 20. 70 LF 622 12875. 4 259 5361. 3 123 2546. 1 Culvert, CPP, 15" D- 44 $ 23. 00 LF Culvert, CPP, 18" D- 45 $ 27. 60 LF Culvert, CPP, 24" D- 46 $ 36. 80 LF Culvert, CPP, 30" D- 47 $ 48. 30 LF Culvert, CPP, 36" D- 48 $ 55. 20 LF Ditching D- 49 $ 8. 08 CY Flow Dispersai Trench ( 1, 436 base+) ( D- 50 $ 25. 99 LF 50 2735. 5 French Drain ( 3' depth) D- 51 $ 22. 60 LF Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene D- 52 $ 2. 40 SY Infiltration pond testing D- 53 $ 7475 HR Mid- tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep D- 54 $ 1, 605. 40 Each Pond Overflow Spillway D- 55 $ 14. 01 SY 1 14• 01 I Restrictor/ Oil Separator, 12" D- 56 $ 1, 045. 19 Each 1 1045. 19 1 1045. 19 I Restrictor/ Oil Separator, 15" D- 57 $ 1, 095. 56 Each I Restrictor/ Oil Separator, 18" D- 58 $ 1, 146. 16 Each I Riprap, placed D- 59 $ 39. 08 CY Tank End Reducer( 36" diameter) D- 60 $ 1, 000. 50 Each 1 1000. 5 Trash Rack, 12" D- 61 $ 211. 97 Each 1( 211• 97 i Trash Rack, 15" D- 62 $ 237. 27 Each I Trash Rack, 1 S" D- 63 $ 268. 89 Each Trash Rack, 21" D- 64 $ 306. 84 Each Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL 14921. 09 6632. 47 5281. 6 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Ve SiO: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. X S Check out the DDES Web site at www. metrokc. aov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 Site Improvement B Quantity Worksheet s.,p:t t 3' y. a,, r"' z a 4 , s . t. e. 1 1I' e y m, . ., i4, r.r e_ n'. s„ 39 ys,' t' w', w,.. ,. . t a ; z ffl l Q s ' Oi f, t1t{' A V, Btii "{ x sis r = i, i,x e. -;;": ."''` $:, ia1» age C liti a w" t M. Uni'? t7i i' tiiai= f ' iii; e" ' s; ivan#: •'=;° daC sf ` Qua' i `":. i',. . p.. r 3-: KIPCG`#:+ D' TS ACIN z - , u . . . ; sw . x'.-'- p t,-, ... . . `-. .,. , o- 9„ s: w No. 2" AC, 2" top course rock 8 4" borrow PL- 1 $ 15. 84 SY 2" AC, 1. 5" top course& 2. 5" base cour PL- 2 $ 17. 24 SY 4" select borrow PL- 3 $ 4. 55 SY 1. 5" top course rock& 2. 5" base course PL- 4 $ 11. 41 SY t R M , a, . `. , f .;, P=,-" . . _:., 4, . . Such as detention/ water quality vaults.) No.WI- 1 Each WI- 2 SY WI- 3 CY WI- 4 LF WI- 5 FT WI- 6 WI- 7 WI- 8 WI- 9 wi- o SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL( SUM ALL PAGES): 99, 359. 98 30, 694. 58 24, 474. 39 30% CONTINGENCY 8 MOBILIZATION: 29, 807. 99 9, 208. 37 7, 342. 32 GRAN DTOTAL: 129, 167. 97 39, 902. 95 31, 816. 71 COLUMN: B C D E Page 8 of 9 Unit prices updated: 02/ 12/ 02 KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Ve slon: 4/ 22/ 02 bond quantities. XLS Check out the DDES Web slte at www. metrokc. aov/ ddes Report Date: 1/ 10/ 2006 1 L e e r s o a tl. y 1 a 2op6 ment P o` Date: 425' 3g 415 1 ve 6,.#: 037 12, SQ S t irnPr Ap4PM No 1 ci p at PCoGUA` NS R a gRC ROR& QRCS BaN 1 Lu 2g35 f ANCE. IO fE. tePafed by ANC P pna pmp ta, tions P WA g8075 Fp, C11. iT1ESFIN MA N- EN na TEC 1n• , SSa uah, pRPiNAGE NT Na e: _ o N mber. t So thlP 8° X 17 7, RpPD iMPR v, ND S QU` R Op R vPANc OR p Registrat 2p5 F ont gt e P RF RMPN, R Rp, FZY ame: A pU EMP 1 pirm 1 g56. 0 Addres s: 2g 16g. fl 1 Pl 1 C 61 $ 39, g03 onttol. S 1 ime t C g osion$ ed Gl 31, 16. 1 El $ iiizati onf E ements Stab ht- of WaY mP° pKaina9e Fa iities R, g oad imPCOve ents Dl EX st ng g3, 763 R re Pub1ic R 140, 82. 0 Q Futu e ts x• 7 42, 6 t a em tA+ 61 5 3 7 212, 543. t+ C? X private 1mp Gomp eted d*** 212, d a a tity pn t s p or t - p 25' iate on " oUn Ca GU Restacat o Sha\ i be cash (-) Urri a S ar9e o X ht_ of andi i st$, 5oo+ B+ a l = OSPi. r1 in m w v Tota Rman e O d* Am U t lR pata Pe o o d« pta,#« to be n tude tl. Red c d pe or an * T tai n9 O` n`! e work, bpth° n- ae aimated OSts foc restoration an iDefeGt° d ntee a Ge tab e ti a ad¢ ition. ama9ed. Some Mainten R pU'( 1QN'• f naricial9ua a bined When b th a maX m" rr, n stream maY b des 9n chan9es AFtING aN ent means a Y ds to be com minimum, not e, if a sa'° n d uanti ty d bY ma14r Dl' E PERS N PREP used n th, s d cu site restorat o bi foc a11 SESC as a ents. Fo eXam pmPUted in th s aunt lT}° r as evlse . 9. 7 PM QF ond,. s d the t ta OS teG' irem ts are Word" t of way an n mu+ r C on cos 3oo Q of the oC gina a ND- E' KCc 2' l A autr° rites ng ent sha inciude not just m and mopiliza than a ce b n S a be uicem S ena t4S tin9en Y " o beless 02l12 02 NOTE he restoration req case . ne 30°/ o con e orm S u va wo se a gr cedu tion sha e sion 12 02 0 reflect nim m a dtf onai P Untt price 6 Qua ntrt es sha d in th s tg e mainin9 u5 ed, r` 1 11012p0 needs to b ref te nd amou o rider S Y pQ Rep, Date' ES NpTE: PerR TM pND RtDER N T if a REVtEW p` N MOD` GAT10N S , MpUNTs AR SUBJEC j Es y eb site at REQu RE BON heck out the Pa e g of 9 bo d quant ti es. X S