HomeMy WebLinkAbout03649 - Technical Information Report � � TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT J m ; �I Proposed Windstone Division V � ���' 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) I,� � , \ King County, Renton, Washington 98059 � � � �� Prepared for: KBS III, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 -y� ��� Bellevue, WA 98005 �C.�R w,AC�eS �`�•`'F �����. ;�T -� ��. "'� January 22, 2008 ,�� 27694 �. Revised December 15, 2011 `'��F� `� Revised April 23, 2012 �S�UNA ' Revised June 15, 2012 Revised July 25, 2012 Our Job No. 12365 GHAL Q �►I�s� m � z CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - % 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 Fa,x i � 2 BRANCH OFFICES � OLYMPIA,WA � TACOMA,WA � TEMECULA,CA � RANCHO CORDOvA,CA �� y, www.barghausen.com <,.� ��� NG ENG�N 3 ��9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Figure 1 —Technical Infoi-mation Report (TIR) Worksheet Figure 2 —Site Location Figure 3—Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Figure 4—Soils (Note: Please refer to the Off'-Site Analysis for the sorls m�cp for this project) 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Analysis of the Eight Core Requirements 2.2 Analysis of the Five Special Requirements 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. Existing Site Hydrology B. Developed Site Hydrology C. Performance Standards D. Flow Control System ' E. Water Quality System 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN � 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 7.0 OTHER PERMITS S.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SU?vIMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i z_,�s.oi�.��� � w � ��/ w W � Q � � w � 0N h� � O � 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed Windstone Division V property is approximately 3.17 acres in size located within a portion of the east half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More specifically, the site is located at 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900), on the north side of SR-900, west of 148th Avenue S.E., and will utilize Lyons Avenue N.E. as access to the project site. Currently, access to the site is off S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) but that will be blocked with the development of this project. The site consists of 0.86 acre of stream, and wetland and buffer along the eastern portion of the project site running in a south-to-north direction. The total area of the project site to be developed will be 2.25 acres, which includes 0.17 acre of bypass area consisting of proposed till grass. The proposal for this development is to construct eleven separate lots with appropriate street extension and a storm system/park in the northern portion of the project site. All runoff generated on-site will be routed to the Lyons Avenue N.E. extension, which is extended southerly into the project site where it will then course in a northerly direction until discharging into an existing wet/detention pond, ultimately draining to the north via Greene's Creek. Please refer to the Off-Site Analysis in Section 3.0 of this report for the disposition of stormwater runoff from this site, which occurs at the natural location. The project site is zoned R-4 and the average lot size is 7,001 square feet. The downstream analysis has found many drainage complaints for the downstream drainage course; therefore, Level 3 Flow Control is the proposed means of detention for this project site. [n addition, flow control BMPs are instituted on this project site in the form of limited infiltration combined with perforated pipe connections, which will infiltrate runoff from a portion of each lot's roof, consisting of f400 square feet. The length of perforated pipe within gravel filled trench on each lot will be 30 feet. The flow control credit for limited infiltration is to consider the area contributing to the infiltration trench at 50 percent impervious and 50 percent grass. Please refer to Section 4.0 of this report for the analysis to size the contributing areas to determine the flow control system. The seasonal stream coursing through the project site along its eastern property line is known as Greene's Creek, which flows northerly until discharging into May Creek, which ultimately releases to Lake Washington. The existing weddetention pond that this site will drain to is located on the Windstone Division I Plat immediately north of the proposed Division V site. This pond was sized for Level 3 flow control and basic water quality and will be modified with this project to accept more runoff yet still provide Level 3 flow control and basic water quality. The calculations to size all of these facilities are in Section 4.0 of this report. Per Section 5.3.1 of the 2005 KCSWDM and since this modified pond has less than 10 acre-foot of storage above natura( ground level then dam safety compliance review by W.D.O.E. is not a requirement for this project. Wetland hydrology is also being maintained on this project by routing the runoff from four roofs, 2,000 square foot each (lots 8-11), into the stream buffer by sheet flow dispersion. 1.5 acres of the proposed developed area of the site drains to the wetland under existing conditions. The hydrograph volumes for the two conditions almost match during a 6-month storm event. Existing condition 6-month volume = 0.0206 acre-feet. Four roofs 6-month volume = 0.0187 acre-feet. See the calculations in Section 5.0 of this report. 12365.O19 FIGURE 1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET KING COUNTY, VV�SHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANliAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner �s ?Il, LLc Project Name Windstone Division v Phone DDES Permit# Address ia32o N.E. Bth St. , su�te ioo Location Township a3 rrortn Bellevue, WA 98005 Range 5 East Project Engineer Ali Sadr Section 3 Company Barghausen Consulting Engineers, zn . SiteAddress 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah d. Phone �425) 251-6222 Renton, WA Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS 0 Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline ubdiviso / Short Subd. / UPD ❑ COE 404 Management � 0 Buildin Services ❑ Structural 9 ❑ DOE Dam Safety M/F/Commerical / SF Rockery/Vault/ 0 Clearing and Grading ❑ FEMA Floodplain ❑ ESA Section 7 ❑ Right-of-Way Use ❑ COE Wetlands ❑ Other ❑ Other Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) ' Type of Drainage Review Full / Targeted / Type (circle one): Full / Modified / (circle): Large Site Small Site Date (include revision Date (include revision dates): dates): Date of Final: Date of Final: Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type (circle one): Standard / Complex / Preapplication / Experimental I Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of A roval: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/OS 1 1236�.008.pdf KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN :vIANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 'i Monitoring Required: Yes / No Describe: II Start Date: II Completion Date: Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan : Special District Overlays: Drainage Basin: May creek Stormwater Requirements: Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS X❑ River/Stream ❑ Steep Slope � ❑ Lake ❑ Erosion Hazard ' 0 Wetlands ❑ Landslide Hazard � ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Coal Mine Hazard ' ❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard ❑ Other ❑ Habitat Protection ❑ Part 10 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Alderwood AqC ❑ High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer ❑ Other ❑ Seeps/Springs ❑ Additional Sheets Attached 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/OS ! 2 12365.008.pdf � KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE «ATER DESIGN MANUAL I TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET II! Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS I REFERENCE LIMITATION /SITE CONSTRAINT I 0 Core 2—Offsite Analysis Level 3 Flow control II ❑ Sensitive/Critical Areas �!, ❑ SEPA I�I ❑ Other I ❑ ❑ Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet er Threshold Discharge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: name or descri tion Greene�S Creek Core Requirements(all 8 apply) Dischar e at Natural Location Number of Natural Dischar e Locations: i Offsite Analysis Level: 10/ 2 / 3 dated: s/a3/o6 Flow Control Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number incl. facilit summar sheet Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private / Public If Private, Maintenance Lo Re uired: Yes /No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liabilit Water Quality Type: Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. Landsca e Mana ement Plan: Yes / No S ecial Re uirements(as a licable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA/SDO/MDP/ BP/LMP/Shared Fac. /None Re uirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption / None 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source Control Describe landuse: (comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/OS 3 i?36s.00s.Pdr KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN �lA�iUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET � Oil Control High-use Site: Yes / o Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Draina e Structures Describe: Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS , DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION X❑ Clearing Limits 0 Stabilize Exposed Surfaces 0 Cover Measures 0 Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities 0 Perimeter Protection 0 Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure 0 Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities 0 Sediment Retention 0 Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas 0 Surface Water Control ❑ Other 0 Dust Control 0 Construction Se uence Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note: Include Facilit Summar and Sketch Flow Control T e/Descri tion Water Qualit T e/Descri tion X❑ Detention Level 3 pond ❑ giofiltration offsite ❑ Infiltration 0 Wetpool wet pond offsite ❑ Regional Facility ❑ Media Filtration ❑ Shared Facility ❑ Oil Control X❑ Small Site BMPs Limited infiltration � Spill Control ❑ Other ❑ Small Site BMPs ❑ Other 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/0� 4 12365.00S.pdf KIVG COU�ITY. �'�'ASHINGTOI�, SURFACE �VATER DESIUI� �1.aNU?,L TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ❑ Drainage Easement ❑ Cast in Place Vault ❑ Access Easement ❑ Retaining Wall I ❑ Native Growth Protection Covenant ❑ Rockery> 4' High 0 Tract ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Other ❑ Other Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the ' formation provided here is acc te. � J -"I Sr ned/Date 200� Surface�S'ater Design Manual ' 1I1/OS �� � 1?�65.008.pdf �i f f � '__� � � ' 1 �_ f� FIGURE 2 SITE LOCATION o�--R__ --b, - f�� �t' i � F � sr ��v � e , � 7 �, ]� r-R--- -L.,-";_ -+�-�,sr. � �esiN►� J " j{ �/./� as7e` � W� .t .,E.st : f �&� en��`�: sE ez+n , �^ .f^.:5£lSTN. . ���/`�1�/ \�/ F��, :m<�, tS�C� 'rF.., . � �T. ht�,�S!�.►L �, .-�r- � � �LN �.fF �+�. S ti 0 .0�tr.�C�.ki4/1 �1 y sE ecn� s�_�sn�, °°u,�� � f F ,�s c^ ,., n sr ,�sr a,a� � F �' ��� , � � '� �� ` �s �� S�'KY.�rTalM�� q `S E SE TH �i�t�T ST t��.3.�i fi r '3 "'. s f 5 tt�� RFt,I(kWt 1 I t'• a� lEqp ^�- .4. ��„ Q� .. s c ' h p� `9 5 ri N�,yu.r ay��s5 ,B9TH ST ljynoeg�x�� r�_ � . RyTii 1� +L �: f n sE85nt, uIIDCAND�� 4 *f�.#�af+.,. .�._ _ -- � �. _ - pl SF-` �: `�.� �: "' � ��_ PL�.;n � � PARX L. 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(��f�N � 3 N0. P.E�A9CP. � 3Y DAiE A??R . '2. 5°"`"`''�"""`'" �*: - AS I �5 ��71 i FIGURE 4 SOILS (Pleuse refer to the Off-Site Analysis for the soils map for this project site) � 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY , 2.1 Analyses of the Eight Core Requirements Core Requirement No. 1: Discharge at the Natural Location. Response: This project site will naturally discharge at the same location it does under existing conditions, which is to discharge into the seasonal stream known as Greene's Geek. This site will discharge at the northern property line exclusive of the bypass area, ' which will sheetflow from the eastern portion of the site directly into Greene's Creek. Core Requirement No. 2: Off-Site Analysis. Response: Please refer to the Off-Site Analysis prepared for this project within Section 3.0 of this report. Core Requirement No. 3: Flow Control. Response: Since there are so many downstream drainage complaints for this project site, particularly from one property owner, in order to mitigate to the best extent possible, this project is proposing Level 3 Flow Control for detention with flow control BMPs consisting of limited infiltration combined with perforated pipe connections infiltrating runoff from portions of the roofs proposed for this development. Core Requirement No. 4: Conveyance System. Response: The 25-year storm using SBUH hydrograph methodology for the combined plats of Stoneridge and Windstone Division V was utilized for sizing the conveyance elements for this project site and is submitted in this report. Core Requirement No. S: Erosion and Sediment Control. Response: This project site will concur with all erosion and sediment control requirements of Appendix D of the 2005 King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) such that a rock construction entrance will be installed, perimeter protection will be utilized in the form of silt fences, sediment retention will be instituted by routing all on-site runoff generated during construction into a sediment trap constructed initially within the construction phase of this project,etc. Core Requirement No. 6: Maintenance and Operations. Response: This project will concur with all maintenance and operations requirements of the City of Renton for projects of this nature. Core Requirement No. 7: Financial Guarantees and Liabiliry. Response: The project site will concur with all financial guarantees and liability requirements of the City of Renton for projects of this nature. 12365.019 Core Requirement No. 8: Water Qualiry. Response: This site will drain to a wet/detention pond such that dead storage will be provided below the live storage to meet the Basic Water Quality Menu requirements for wet ponds. 2.2 Analysis of the Five Special Requirements Special Requirement No. 1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements. Response: To the best of our knowledge, there are no other area-specific requirements for this project site. ' Special Requirement No. 2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation. I Response: Greene's Creek is a seasonal stream and the FEMA map did not indicate any floodway or floodplain associated with Greene's Creek immediately adjacent to the project site. In addition, the area to be developed with this project is much higher in elevation than the area of Greene's Creek immediately adjacent to the site. Special Requirement No. 3: Flood Protection Facilities. Response: There are no flood protection facilities proposed for this project site nor is there any existing flood protection facilities immediately adjacent to the project site. Special Requirement No. 9: Source Controls. Response: This project is not a commercial building or site development; therefore, this special requirement does not apply. Special Requirement No. 5: Oil Control. Response: This project is not a redevelopment project nor is it a site that has high use site characteristics;therefare,this requirement does not apply. 12365.019 � I� � � � � � � W E-� � � � w w O 0 M LEVEL 'I OFF-SITE DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Proposed Windstone Division V 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) King County, Renton, WA 98059 Prepared for: KBS I i l, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 ; May 23, 2006 Our Job No. 12365 �-2�7-�(o I� ��RY JACpe ��a�w�sk��,s �.� o h Z :• y r A �69 � �'- ,t�, K� S� � �s . hL L•�u � � Ex.FirFs 10/10/ . ¢�y H A V � "I� z CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 (425) 251-8782 FAx ° ` i BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA,WA ♦ TEMECULA, CA ♦ WALNUT CREEK, CA I � s�� ����� Py' www.barghausen.com r, � E �G ENG�N� _ _ _ __ _ � J I TABLE OF CONTENTS TASK 1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS EXHIBIT A Vicinity Map EXHIBIT B Downstream Drainage Map EXHIBIT C Upstream Basin Map TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW EXHIBIT D FEMA Map EXHIBIT E Sensitive Areas Folios EXHIBIT F SCS Soils Map EXHIBIT G Assessor's Map EXHIBIT H Wetland Inventory Map EXHIBIT I Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION EXHIBIT J Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS EXHIBIT K Drainage Complaints 12365.006.doc[JPUtep] TASK 1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS TASK 1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS The proposed Horne property short plat is approximately 2.84 acres in size located within a portion of the East half of the Southeas[quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3,Township 23 North,Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More specifically, the site is located at 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-9(?0), on the north side of SR-900, west of 148th Avenue S.E., and will utilize Lyons Avenue N.E. as access to the project site. Cun•ently, access to the site is off S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) but that will be blocked with the development of this project. , The total tract area on the project site, which includes stream and buffer, and several other small tracts of , unusable area that will be considered park and storm drainage systems and access to other lots, totals 1.19 acres. The total lot area is 1.31 acres, including nine separate lots that will typically be 6,000 square feet per lot, except for Lot 8, which is slightly smaller. The site is zoned R-4. Tl�e enclosed Exhibit A—Vicinity Map depicts the approximate location of the proposed site. The existing topography of the site is a fairly constant grade in north-to-northeasterly direction that tends to slope into a stream, which is a seasonal stream coursing in a northwesterly direction along the eastern property line of the project site. Site elevations range from 450 at the extreme southern corner, down to 412 at the far northern end. The average grade across the site is approximately 10 percent. There is an existing wetland immediately along the northern property line of the project site that the site drains to under existing conditions, as well as under developed conditions. There is an existing single-family residence with a drive aisle graveled road serving the residence, and a few scattered outbuildings, all of which will be demolished with this development. The site has also been cleared of vegetation; however, there are some existing trees and blackberry bushes over portions of the site. The proposal for this development is to construct nine separate lots with appropriate streets, sidewalks, stormwater collection and conveyance facilities, as well as a wet/detention pond sized for Level 3 Flow Control in the far north-central poi�tion of the project site. Access to ihe site will be off Lyons Avenue N.E., which serves the Stoneridge project designed a few years ago and which is undei• construction at this time. This project site has one seasonal stream coursing through it that is known as Greene's Creek. UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Based on the USGS Quad Map, our site visit, and knowledge of the property thei-e is one seasonal stream that has runoff contributing from upstream flowing through the site. This upstream basin consists of over 20 acres of partially to mostly developed land. There are also existing wetlands in the upstream basin, as well as pasture and forested areas. 123G5 OO6.doc �JPJitepl EXHIBIT A Vicinity Map ' i . , � � ; , � '� o „� � Y`� e'y'Q .. �' � R', �r � f��, ' m �/I/�C ��; t2oniBltllMc +,a NE_���vDEROFEN���`3`' E � � � 1 �.: .. .-� ,Stti�.m u'tl,. ,Aa ^ ia ��� -� C� -� �nI o�,' m � _ """' z' � � ' 7� ''=i '�AV �, � w afxy a,r 3s�P�UZT�E�. S � D A�" vi+n x ��v�i��.1 � s �� /r �,z' �.41� V u 'g PL HE 8Lh„!E �'r� .-�7 i�,s. � .""� S M `,`�a\+.��l..�a nX1EIi m AC DA1�•�� �AV yE o .� �� ��ytmrr il�� Nf s �i'AV ME � u � Nc S S� i a. g S$ 0 �MC.� �v +� . ^+` .� A rn-r � �U�r70xv:.�iit M�� j�� Tµ,Y DAYTQN� A�: NE ° .� a1 y ��y 1_j�j`'�� I3�TN�v T :n�ME -+ N = ryY,�N,. He � I' � � q f m m N , � - s'. ; -500, e � son, � ;� -�= DS �� �a. �U� --� ' :•seseTMm� �.�'�H � � ���,�,��n vnaw�e..,.= r l�on,� ' �" .x---r�-_ '�= ies ► �NEcn � --— -r�-� N� . � ��, �. r E N � b • � x� �0 9 . 'r . �F w o 2QOU �, .. 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It is not known if a basin reconnaissance summary report has been prepared for this basin as of the writing of this report; however, we do not have a copy on file in our office. • Criticnl Drainage Area Mccps: King County has already indicated that Basic Water Quality and Conservation Flow Control will be the means of water quality treatment and detention proposed for this development. However, due to drainage complaints in the downstream drainage course, Level 3 Flow Control will be provided with this development. • Flooclplaira and Floorlway FEMA Maps: Please see the enclosed Exhibit D —FEMA Map utilized for this analysis. Panel No. 669 of 1,725, Map No. 53033C0669 F, revised May 16, 1995. As indicated by this map, the proposed project site does not lie within a floodplain or a floodway of a stream. However, it is known that one seasonal stream passes tlu-ough the site, which will be conveyed through the site under developed conditions. This seasonal stream is much lower in elevation than the proposed lot elevations by over 10 feet. • Other Off=Site Arialysis Reports: A review of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soils �' Conservation Service map was performed with this analysis. • Sensitive Areas Folios: Based on a review of the King County sensitive areas map folios, it was found that the subject site has a Class 3 stream passing through it, and the areas contributing to it are mapped wetlands as well as the downstream course from the project site. • Roacl Drainrcge Problems: This is not applicable. • United Slates Department of Agr•iculture King County Soils Sacrvey: Based on the soils survey for this portion of King County, the entire downstream drainage course and the entire site occurs through Alderwood type soils until entering May Creek where the soils are Ragnar-Indianola association. • Wetlanrl Inventory Map: The wetland inventory map for this area is included herewitli. See Exhibit H that indicates May Creek Wetland No. 6, which is located on the south side of SR-900, contributes drainage to the project site. � • Migrating River Stc,crlies: This is not applicable. 1236�.006.doc[JPJ/tep] A � � � � � � � � W W w � �. LEGEND SffCIAt fLDOD F111.1RD.WAS nJUwQ1TED BY Ip�r[M fLCX7O . 2oNE• w ee.M1ee I..�s�Me«.a tp¢I�E �+e e�.sd e�..�.a Jmu�� IMrt AN �Mea 4pYx d� l M�ra Y.�.0 >+�aS': We M� ..np+� a�n.wd IqNE�O sN OpnM a I r l ha vwY�J�.n �v..�.y�y.^ .�w� ..e....s+a w s.n,.W�w.�sw k.+..x.a.m..w. :a,c�rv ..M pmul inn �.o-, s,ani a�r n�.sY..+..� �.�ee o�..oe�.�w a..a�...�am...:..c zwa v c�w.....�a�.w .a.�,M aK�wm n..,,..e..�. IOM!YE t'e�N ho!rl�duGry ao'sn�.Wr bel e4.w�w M<�.nA f100(1WAY�RfAS IN ZOYE�lE � OTMER fLIX70 ARFAS mea a d sm..a`„a:..�d w�� IW w.M�.wp MW+ M 4��I.�. 1 bq r o�i.p• �ri�N�nN�r fnw Is Iq��M� � O�NfN wpF/S -� 2DME[ uabe qLmr euu.M�+ xo.a o ...,,, „ .n.. n,a w�.a .. xarmwu�000 ixsuau+cE Paosn�ue ".�'.'" 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I 1 EXHIBIT F SCS Soils Map �- � I r,�� � i f� / /, i �: i � � � e.i;i, �� � � BM — —� -- — 8 ----- ---- '-----i--- ---��) — \ - ��� � I �� 4 • ��� j 5eC �� �lewpo �� i � Hills �E� ` i � � ;�k�: ---- ��� -�- �< <-��- � � -� . - _ ��u � �`.:`�� \ ae <<�'°, �, '' . `�ri C Sk y ��•.- BM � Bei, ,, � New ''•-- �i93 + � ; ,,.��"'� I � Hef.?\ � 998• :. ��/�I •- • I EvC y.,C� 'eC ��__._ � I An:r ( � • � � � N t: \ . ---�-t-- r• '� \ • AgC. �� � _� i • �� � nF,�. � • `\ _ . ! �• � \ �I I •J � -� t ' P \ ` AgB � � �i - : CivD `�,. i�?. �R �.\� ......,���\ �`� ..� BM ��,� � 09------- � - 2v' \ --BM� �gM — ---- — --}------------- 78 -- � BeC � , \ 690 692 '� I � � I, ,�P.N� IJo � ..� A C DMD � n ' � I � \ OvD i 60� t � • � � ; �\� �� � � o ; �, GE�. ' •`. ;rgC 1 ,a` . � � �p � o�.�� ' .N 34 • � l3 eeo �J I �.�'� � ngG 'u I .._ ' �� . �� I ; �� . ��.� � Q a. ; j j ' �� _,'��,.:� ' i .\ \ �'. � AkF �, � I OvD . ; ( � � I BeG • Cv�' ; / . ' - / AgC GRA VEL i \ I / P17 I f+/a ~ ti• • ' � �� � . ' ,$M �I9 —F— -- ---- -- -- — ��;.;—�—ti�+c=— .�;�;� — ---- -------• ovC ;�i � " qP�� j � er, �� j ,_� ' ngr 91�� /• '�RdC "� . ` A' • ^ '\` • \ hU .�•BeD � AmC `• \ � � • � ��I. r, � o -� . �. •� l- i 9c�� ,, i AgD° � ti `EW '� t,r .�•� . Ev� _Avt'� , ,i: -- . Bh � - � •' i ilin . ;. Tu Arc':f.' �• ' • G� • '!.: f . ' R�rv ir. • • . R�_-•---'• - � 9 Traiter� ark , . �tdC r+ � ��' BM 't �� Bht i��. �N n �� :Ev( - -- ---�'c `--- �;�..:- � ,• H�C - �, _ � •L� v AgC � .� � � .�•—„ �O ��,Hac.� � SOILS MAP �� NORfiH TABLE 2.--ESTIMATED PROPERTIES [An asterisk in the first colu� indicates that at least one mapping unit in this series is made up of two or reason it is necessary to foilow carefu2ly the instructions for referring to other series that Classification Coarse Percentage ' Depth to � th fraction P�sing Soil series and map seasonal from greater sieve-- symbols high wate surface USllA texture Unified �gp than 3 table inches in No. � diameter (4.7 mm.) Feet Inches Percent *A13erwood: AgB� AgC, AgD, 2-32 0-27 �avelly sandy loam-- SM A-1 or A-2 0 55-70 AkF. For Kitsap part of 27 Weakly to strongly ---------- ---------- -____ _____ AkF, see Kitsap consolidated till. series. Arents, Alderwood mate- 2-3z 0-27 Gravelly sandy loam-- SM A-1 or A-2 0 55-7a rial: AmB, AmC. 27 Wealcly to stronglY ---------- ---------- ----- ----- consolidated till. Arents, Everett material: (�� 0-8 Gravelly sandy loam-- SM A-1 0-10 55-9� An. 8-60 Very gravelly coarse GW or GP A-1 5-20 35-�+5 sand. Peausite: 3eC, BeD, BeF- (�) 0-19 Gravelly sanc�y loam-- SM A-1 or A-2 0-5 60-80 19-38 Very gravelly sandy GM A-1 5-15 �5-55 loa.m. 38 Sandstone------------ ---------- ---------- ----- ----- nellingham: B1:----------- 0-1 0-14 Silt loam------------ CL A-6 0 95-100 14-60 Silty clay loam------ CL A-7 0 95-100 3riscot; Br-------------- 1-2 0-17 Silt loam------------ ML A-4 0 100 17-60 Fine sandy loam, SM A-4 p 95_1p0 stratified with silt 1oam, fine sand. 5uckley: Bu-------------- 0-1 0-16 Silt loam------------ CL A-5 0 90-100 16-Fi0 Gravelly sandy clay SC A-2 0-5 55-85 loa�n. Coastal beaches: Cb------ (�) ----- Variable. Ear'_mont; Ea---------____ 2_3 0-46 Silt loam and silty MfI A-7 Q 100 clay loam. 46-60 Muck and diatomite--- Pt A-8 ----- ------ Edgewick: Ed------------- 3-4 0-34 . Fine sandy loam------ SM A-k o 95 ioo 3�+-60 Stratified gravelly SP, SP-SM, A-1 0-10 55-85 sand and gravelly or SM sandy loam. See footnotes at end of table. 36 ' _� OF 7NE SOIIS more kinds of soil. The soils �n such mapping units may nave differer,L properties and limitations, and for this appear in the first column of this table. Symbol �means "less than";� means "more than"] Percenta�e passing sieve--Cont. Corrosivity Available Permeability water Reaction Shrink-swell No. 10 No. !+U No. 200 capacity Potential Uncoated Cor.crete (2.0 mm.) (0.42 mm.) (0.074 rt�.) steel Inches hr. Inches in. pH of soil �-5� 25-35 20-30 2.0-6.3 0.09-0.11 5.1-6.0 Low---------- Moderate to tdoderate to high. higl:. ----- ----- ----- �0.06 --------- 5.6-6.0 40-50 25-35 20-30 2.0-6.3 0.09-0.11 5•�--6•0 Low---------- Moderate to Moderate to high. high. ------ ----- ------ <0.06 --------- 5.6-6.0 5�-75 35-50 15-25 2•0-6.3 0.08-0.10 5•1-6.5 Low----------- High--------- tdoderate to high. 20-35 5-15 �-5 20.0 0.02-0.04 5.6-6.5 Low----------- Low---------- Mo3er2te. 55-70 40-50 20-30 2.0-6.3 0.09-0.11 5•6-6.5 �w----------- hbderate----- Moderate. 40-50 20-30 10-15 2.0-6.3 0.06-0.08 5.6-6.0 Lox----------- hloderate----- Modera�e. ----- ----= ----- <0.06 95-100 90-100 75-95 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.2k 5.b-6.0 Low----------- High--------- h9oderate. 95-100 95-1� 95-100 0.06-0.2 0.20-0.24 5.6-7.3 Moderate------ High--------- Low to mo3erate. lo0 95-l00 90-100 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.24 6.6-7.3 Low----------- Hiet,--------- r�ox. 95-l00 70-85 35-50 0.63-2.0 0.16-0.�8 6.6-7.3 Lox----------- High--------- Low. 85-95 8o-9Q 60-70 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.24 5.1-6.5 �w----------- xigh--------- Low to modera�e. 50-80 45-65 25-35 0.06-0.2 0.12-0.14 5.6-b.5 Low----------- High--------- Low to - moderate. 100 95-100 95-100 0.63-2.0 0.3o-Q•35 4•5-5•5 � Moderate------ High--------- Hi�. ------ ------ ------ 0.63-2.0 0.35-0.40 4.5->-o High shrink, High--------- xigh. lox swell. 90-10� 70=85 35-50 2.0-6.3 0.13-a.15 5.1-6.0 Low----------- Moderate----- Moderate. 50-80 30-50 0-20 >b.3 0.02-0.06 6.1-7.3 �W----------- �ow to t.ow to moderate. moderate. 37 � EXHIBIT G Assessor's Map 8 � ! � �� �� � i \�\ w , `� `�, ,a , � � � � � ' ' " �� � _ ■ � i�ivww��a.�-.-�.�•y cw.a.a;__ _, . _i'�.y�w.�.y' � ��_-�'w�a ' 'ua rv • — —«��• �wL' _ F— � Q �� � �i r � � � �I Y ,���,Y � ��y � ` � O ,�al ��1 � `�i �i i "1 �, ��1 �.� ol� ;_ ; � �9 O ( � � . .� � � w . � i I j 'Z I N� g � � �� � !� .�l� � �� �- W� � , � . +. . p � � --'--��'- � �.� � i, I = �j' � y\ N � �4i y°,, a +■ o � �� �� `� � �, � �� �`o,� � � .k `9 � ,� r'�� i� � I � �4 ^ ua o •».-• � � ` '�`•` i L� tit Q I ,.I� � � i� p�i�'�` s �; A � o I a ,,,+' � � ,�� f � I � le ,L3 � ��a �` ♦ ,�.so. 7 n� � �i Y'F1 r � � � I ' r �� � �I� V��tr ��� ' 'Y t• �, >�r � �� 1p' �'� � � � � �� � ��� �' � � � � "� � � V �I• 4�.� • J E y��� ` • •� � • ��§ '�' , � ---_ � < $ !1 I 9'7 �L"—�__"—�"�v�+"�--o G * z ■ti , , • m i . ' , . «'t,:,' ' p, .� � .� �� ��, � x ,� � o ; �,a: ,��;• ;,�a+ • �es , � � ' \,1 fn w 5 � � � 5 5 .��.,. .y..o.--� ��� . ; . M..�..,. .. . �. �. �. �----- �c � `O ` _ , i � e "• I O . �€�� `� � ,� z� $ "'.' �a 'i .� � "'" $�! �, B� ' id 1; A � '�--` E'� --- , I Q ' ♦ ,. . + � � . � ' `-� ��.�. Cn 0� � ay� �, .�'1 ; �o�� `�i ';9 ! �,LJ � � � ���8t � g!� o � �1^ �!+ ,� :� j V) ���� �� - a : � i ! �0 �1 ,,�� .�� �j �� �� i� 'b��i S �. Y '4 � t`o 7�v �'A `4��IS �'�� �I� ''�?i Et 43l1 ' � � c a't��..i �,. Q � I I I � s c � � e�� t ��� � - � f! ' " 61 � il � '�oR� �, � �3�1 —� � � -•=.. ' ' ' � � .�� .. � �� �• � �i : � .1 ��' � C � t� . � e '`'o' ,'�f: �"'�..�� ,,.� ��� �.-,. .., �.� !. "' � ,...�..�•�''t� *�ti; /' ;� ��� 'q�., �i �'oli '� . � _._._�'�'�+'(rdi 'f�� � � � � ..� . . E� `� ^'� e'6 � � � I � �► r �o `"?� '�° �� . - _ 1, , r� � e• ,�� a i� � � � °� }' � i �Z., � ' � �� �4 16� ��� � !' �4 � a A '�i.. �E( � ; . � .yw 4 / . , � F/ �f � i � ��` ,�r ;`�,�� • � ''�' ; ;�° 1 ,,�o a`���- I' , 'w�. .�4,� �oe.�� ' ,9,,i 8�� �� ` -.�y • � '`�' �� • ' !0 : �l� S ,. � �' � �' +ti ��:3��;` � �'�� •' . 'ti � ' ��.^ �a3e 4�6'�+lG '�€1 , .� �� . ' . �i�� � � Y ��s 1��� '�, '� � . a ._ � , ,. :�1 ��'�l�fil' �ig�� �,:.:-- �•j�� °I �0 •� �p., �,e� 1��8L �� A B� � •�•, �. ��, ���` w. ."'f� �C �� YL�� Yy� �a—..nv � � , y�-,,pr F j ri '�FD e a �� �6 a � � �c� �� o �, � I � � �f'� ,a. ��. I� ,�� �t!�. t ''bW . " ti!' ' of I � i 0 � � ��' 2 sf� ! i �;i., .���. � Ci� �' !1�~,r.y� .��t •,,f� / ri � �� � s �e� __ 'a nwaa '_'__'_. '_ J� # � �+V , g s`a ;a• �U , �---�---�—� � � 6Z �j���� ` t,�� ' 1,�,F� � ' , �0 • ���. � � � 1C��1 �r.% � I ��� ��FE¢ � �3 1 � � ' "T ' \ �S� �/ r .3 ;,� I ��{,, _,,�+� tE�nbeY c�6' S �� '•,� � �'�` '� •�i� :��`ftta,o ° .�'' S� N ' � !i...,'i �1 �� � �v � :`�D '6�8 ieo� I ��3����� y ' ��;� \�� !.��+po' , �`',.�1� P 5 � '�O�' �f , �.•� �... � ..! � 5 vr. ei � I • " __ ' . . , � .o d-0 1'AiY`• •,x . . ° � ~ ; ,I ,_ � ` . � i_ � �-,+ f EXHIBIT H Wetland Inventory Map � E w4sfrington Lake j r � L� `East.=�:�:;:;:.:':;;`?.':::':> `�:ic:�-. >:;::�::' � ,. _? :Lalce Washingtoa .� :> o . _:: :: ',.s,� `� � 9 `''`'oo :`:.:::�``" �2 $- =... t�� �:'�s Renton':>_.. ::; -i.,-� 7 - - ::<� :�..>:> :;_�� p,�y. :.��� - ::::::.:.:.::.:� ,c�" :::�� ::� � � .�`3 t �::.;:; :-�' � � .6 � ��� �,oW�r �.�. 5 4 Cedar Rivez I'� � g . � 1�� Coal Cnck 5 � v , ��*Ax'�� May Creek � 3 � 2 � � 5 � S ,.i �' 14 � 15 ���„ 13 Tibbetts Creak �{}�1�i,,' � � 1�a�(i °`� �G�Ona� �a���� � W � � Mile �"�_"�� o ,� � a � M��r Creek Cedar River Basin . � !�-�� '' � �. t. `t: � -¢ . -_ r ,. Hwy +t� ,,lssanu a�. � � �-.,��� _—�tot�. r � -��Ren . ..,� .�� ' �� .� i., ;'.� �`� �A� .. i, _ � ,�'r�� fi_1' �.- _ , > . 4"� ���� � . ��y��S ^` .f��Y'.�' 'y�. .l t� W .Jr^�s ,�.. N +ti " " ' � `�4 � _'l ' Q . � i*���k. S , � _ r.�..� r � � � , � ��ir► a a ��: '1, ",��7,en'. . ��: � �' " - ' �, - „ " _ � '"�_"=�. L = _ - -. • ;; :. � . . x _�,: , , . , -, . , � _,, . -,��- '<. �,f � _ _ ---- — — Photo Date: 5-80 North A Approx. Scale: 1"= 500' WETLAND: May Creek 6 COMMUNITY Newcastle PLAN AREA: LOCATION: SW SE 3-23-5 BASIN OR Cedar Ri ver DRAINAGE: INVENTORY DATE: 7-20-81 ACREAGE: 3.8 CLASSIFICATION: Fish and Wildlife Service Common Name PSS1 Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Broad- Scrub-Shrub I ea ved Deci duous (W,i 11 ow) PFD1 Palustrine, Forested, Broad- Forested Wetland leaved Deciduous (Red AlderJ NOTE: The wetland edge shown above Is approx{mate. In marshes, ponds or takes,the transl2lon hom standing water to uplantls is uwally clear. However,the edges oT forested or scrub/shrub wetlantls are leu disti�ct. There,the change from wetland to upland often xcurs over a broad area called the '�tronsitlon zone", For a discusslon,sae Wstland Plants of King County and the Puget Sound Lowlands and uGuidelines to►King County Wetlands." i EXHIBIT I Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report ' TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTIDN TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION There were no major problems reported or observed during the resource review. Based on a review of the drainage complaints and the downstream drainage course, there is one property owner who has indicated that ei-osion is occurring on her property with several occui7•ences at major storm events in the Iast 15 to 20 years. In addition, that same property owner has indicated that flow rates contributing to the stream in her backyard are increasing as development occurs in the upstream basin. This property owner has written several letters to King County's various divisions, including goverrimental offices, requesting assistance with the problems on her property. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is proposed for this development, Based on the drainage complaints and our site visit, it appears flooding has not been a major problem in the downstream drainage course fi�om the sobject property. However, Level 3 Flow Control will be provided. The downstream drainage course courses through mostly backyards and brushy areas until runoff enters May Creek on the far north end of the downstream drainage course. Most of the downstream drainage course investigated by the site visit, and a review of the soils map, indicates the downstream drainage course occurs, for the most part, through Alderwood soils and then Ragnar-Indianola type soils near May Creek. The field reconnaissance for this Off-Site Analysis Drainage Report was conducted on March 3, 2004. The skies were partly overcast and the high temperature on this day was approximately 50 degrees. 123G5.006.doc [JPJ/tePl i EXHIBIT J Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table � OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINA(TL+' SYSTEM TABLE Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirement #2 Basin: Lake Washington Subbasin Name: May Creek/Greene's Creek Subbasin Number: Distance Observations of Field Inspector, Drainage Component Drainage Component from Site Existing Potential Resourcc Reviewer,or Symbol Type,Name,and Size Description Slope Discharge Problems Problems Resident Constrictions,under capacity,ponding, Type: sheet flow,swale,s[ream, overtopping,flooding,habitat or oroanism channcl,pipe,pond;size, Drainage basin,vegetation,cover, destruction,scouring,bank sloughina, Tributary arca,likelihood of problem, See Map diameter,surface area depth,type of sensitive area,volume �/: Ft. sedimentation,incision,other erosion overflow pathways,potential impacts OO Stream flow to wetland Into plat of Stoneridge 3.75 0—80 None Noted None Noted OO 24-inch CPEP Flows west 5 80— 140 None Noted None Noted OO 24-inch CPEP Flows north and outfalls to 7.26 140-326 None Noted None Noted Greene's Creek 40 Greene's Creek Wetland flows north 6 326—726 None Noted None Noted OO Vegetated channel Wetland through backyards 5 726— 1,300 None Noted None Noted Area is fenced off. Could not get a good look. OO 30-inch CMP Under S.E. 104th Street,flows 2 1,300— 1,325 None Noted None Noted north OO Channel Throubh backyards 1.5 1,325 —3,025 None Noted None Noted $O 4.5-by 5-foot CMP arch Flows north under 26th Street 0.5 3,025—3,075 None Noted None Noted culvert OO Well-defined channel Flows into May Creek 1 3,075—3,475 None Noted None Noted � 12365.00G.doc[JPJ/tep] , _i I ' TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS � � �, I TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Runoff from the project site enters a small wetland north of the site and is collected in 24-inch CPEP, then flows north discharging to the existing stream channel on the north side of the Stoneridge project. Runoff then courses through backyard areas and vegetated swale consisting of wetland areas until coursing underneath S.E. 104th Street tFu-ough a 30-inch corrugated metal pipe culvert. Flows continue in a northerly direction for the most part passing through backyards in a well-defined channel until flows pass underneath 26th Street in the City of Renton, flowing north through 4.5-foot by 5-foot CMP arch culvert and then a little bit later the flow courses into May Creek. A review of the Exhibit K — Drainage Complaints shows there is one property owner that is very concerned about stormwater runoff sun•ounding her home. Many complaints were addressed by her from adjacent property owners. In addition the upstream drainage basin, which contributes runoff to the seasonal stream passing through her backyard, is the downstream drainage course from the project site. This property owner is the only complainant on the downstream drainage course from the project site, but she was complaining of erosion during peak flows contributing to an ongoing problem in her backyard. That is why Level 3 Flow Control is being instituted wit11 this development. Please refer to the drainage complaints foi-a complete description of the problems associated with the downstream drainage course. � � � 1 _i � � l - � i 12365.006.doc[JPJ/tep] EXHIBIT K Drainage Complaints � MAR. �3.2004 4�3zPM KC WLRD N0.986 P.1i4 � ����,9 ' ICing„County Water and�and Resources (WLRl Division 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 5cattle, WA 98104-3855 Date: CS F �L� ��pY � Number of pages including cover sheet: � To: From: Cindy Torkelson r��: (f�-r�' � �� ' ��Sa W'LR.Stoxmwater S�rvicas Section �5.. e�.! _ ��a,� 1'hone, 2 6 296-190� Phone: Fax Number: 206 296-0� 2 lt�: �evel l A,nstlysis �. .-. . To follow is a list of complaints received by the�Water a�d I.and Resources Division Drainage S ervices Section.. Complaint numbers beginning prior to 1990-��have been arcluved and are no longer in our possession. '�'h�y can still be retrieved,if riecessar;y,bufi,will fake addition�I time and may no�be beneficial to your research due to th�ir age,development whieh has occuired, etc, T�you are interested in revie'wing the actual camplai�ts,they ean be�ulled(time permitting)for your review. Copies can be obtained far$ .15 per page, aud$2.00 per page for plans, Kc s; . � �� Tvne of Investit�ation . 'hme of_P_�� C A�tion Itcqucst DGA Dcvtiopmr�VConstrudion SCIi' Bu9ints9'torGaar►Waftr DbM Dreinege-Mi�oolleneoua CCP Ttesponse rn Inquiry DES Dralet�e—SroeiocilSedimentation ' •CL CTaim DLE brainage--LandslidNEadh Movemanc EH � Snibr�mutt on Hold DTA Drninege Tochnica!Ar.�istenu L'R �fnroemontlteview WQ Drainage—C{enerallnqduy , PCC,FCR,FCS FecllikyC.omptatau D4fA Meintanmu-Acsthctics FI SVVivt Fee Inquuy MMF Muintanena•Floo�ng Fikt SWM Fea RcriCa [viIriti ' Mnlntaronoe-Genc�a! F1H , SWM Pa on Hotd MMM . Melnbansncc•Mowing •LS Y,Awsult MNM � MAin�nenae—Neut9 Me3ptenance . RA Fsotli�y gr�meuing Revicw ��MNW MaEntmaaa-Noxious Wocds NDA Naghborhood Drainage Asslstencc SWF SVVM Fa Quesdoes WQC Water Quellty Compiolnc WQB Wnta QuelttY—8est M�tABemcnt Practices WQ8 9VatarQuatitylU►t'nrcomcnt WQD WamrQ'uality—Aumping WQR WatWQualltyBqg'mea�ingRevicw WQI WscerQu�lity—IllicitConnection WQA Water Quality Audit REM SWM Fee-Remcsscmmept wQo waaxQua��ry--Other GRT swNtFoe-Gra�e SI,S2,SN3 EnginaringStudtes � NWD SWMFee-NewDiscount "Su6jcct to Pub(Ic Disetosuro�syuiremepts L Rocalpt af wrilten request for doeuRtants 2.Revlaw end approva!by Prosecuting AttorneYs ofticc ru-v�. ••o.ceier4 �+���t'�*� Kl. WLKll N0.986 P.2/4 Klnn County Wa�er and taad Nesources Dl�lslon-�ralnape S�rul�es$aatlon .�plaiat��earch Prinxed: 31312ob4 2;so:26 PM I�mplai�t Typ� Type nf�hd�lem Address nf Prohlem �Cmnment� i�ros Papo �un�er �atle 1975-000�4 C pRNG 9S8 S UNSET BL SE 938TH/SUNSEf BIJANN�XED 62GJ6 1980-0008 C FILL 138TM AV� SE HONEY CR�EK/MAY CR��K 626J6 9 983-0045 C 15823 SE MAY VALLEY RD FILLING/MAY CRK 627A5 1983-OOA�6 C DRNG 112D3 148THAVESE FONDING 626J6 198&0057 C FLDG 104�49 15157 g� 627A5 1984-0015 C FLDG RENTON-f SSA HWY MAY CREEK 626J6 1885-0225 R VIOIATE 16019 5E MAY VAL'LEY RA "' TO CODE ENF. 627A5 1985-0fi09 E � • • � � PrmtAppvdSWM-DRS 627A5 � 1965-0654 C FILLING 11203 148�'FiA1/E , S� �26J(3 1987-0284 CL FLDG 14847 206TH AVE . 5E BASEM�N7 FROM CULVERT�C�.#10505 627A6 1987-Q�9� C DRNG 15004 SE 914T,1-j,ST I�EI�M60R F1.00pING PROPER7Y c27AG 1987-0485 ER .,.,_w , __ ._ �, ,,. ,TO RD DRtJG FOR CM1Rp C�ORD 10l27/87 627A6 1987�0485 NDA •� �10 RD DRNG FOR CM/RD COORD 10127/8 627A6 1987-0801 C DRNG 1a100 5E 10UThi PL � FROM NEW DEVE�OPMENT 626J� 1987-1189 C DRNG 10218 '147TH A1lE SE DRAINAG�FROM RENTON R/D POND 626J5 1968-0787 C DRNG 1500� • S� 114TH ST ILLEGAI.INSTAIIATION OF TIL� 87-0485 627A6 1pR8-0790 C DRNG 14498 SE 116TN ST INADEQUAT�SYSTEM INSTALL�D 62G16 �-0117 C DRNG 14408 5E 100TH ST SUMMER WINDS DRAItdAGE OVERFI.OW 626.15 '(969-01Q0 C EROSION 14429 SE 116TH ST • PVT RI7 WASHOUT DU�TO NO OI�AINAGE 626J6 1989-0150 C aRNGlERO 14428 SE 118TH ST PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO DRNG 69-0 62&16 1989-0318 E DRNG 11800 138TH AVE SE CLEARINGOF R/D IVATURAL R/D POND 62fiJ6 196&053g C DRNG ' 14842 SE 11�TH ST FILL OF DRAINAGE 87-0485 627A6 �gsao5oa C DRNG �as42 S� 11aTH ST �ITCH FiLLED iN 627A6 1990-0819 C PONDING 1Q403 44TTH AVE ' S�,, IN YARD/91�0619 826J5 -�" 1990-ase2 c DRNG 15630 sE ��BTH S7� DITCH�NDS BY PROPER'iY 627A6 1990-1623 C FLDG 136�1 5E 116TH ST �R/D FACIUIY SEEPING WATER �26J6 1991-0339 C F�DG 11212 137TH AVE S�. PIPE O�PRIVATE DITCH 626JG 1991�0578 C DRNG 11833 1�2ND A1/� SE WAT�R PONDING IN YARD 626,16 1991-0619 C DRNG 10403 1471'H AVE S� INCREASED FLOW IN S�ASONAL CREEK 626J5 �^' 1891-0619 SR DRNG 14403 147TH AVE SE TO C{P 626J5 � 19�91-0797 S2 ON HOL.D 827A6 1991-0898 C DRAINAGE �5212 S� REN70N�ISSAQ RD HIGHWAY DITCH CL�A�IING 627A8 1991-0932 C DiVERS10 15630 SE 116TH ST DITCH Ol1Tl.�T ON YARD 627A6 1991•1127 C BEVERDAM 1�+800 SE MAY VALLEY Rp DAM IN STR�AM 626J5 '� 1992-0100 C DRAINAGE 12240 142ND AVE SE 626J6 1992-0137 C CONSTRUC ,14410 SE 1077H PL , , . NEW CONST/RENTO�t 626J5 i 1992-0169 C DRAINAG� 10262 'I47TH AV $� � 826J5 *�C" �, Page 1 of 3 ��IHK. ��.che4 a:��r� KC WLRD N0.986 P.3i4 µomp�int Type ��of Prob�m IU�traa8 nt P�eblem Connnents Tluvs Pape �nher Cotle .�,��.,,, ,�2-D169 5R DRAINAGE 1Q282 147TH AV SE NOT NDAP (GROUND WATER) �26J5 �- 1992-048� C MAY CR�K 15440 SE MAY VALLEY RD MAY CREEK RISING 627A5 1882-0484 SR MAY CR�K 9544D SE MAY VALl�EY RD MAY CR��K RISING NOT NQAP 627A5 1993-0086 C DRAINAGE 10220 14gTH AV 5E DRAINAGE CHANNEI ON Pa0PER7Y 627A5 �" ; 1993-0094 WQC EROSInN 'l4217 148TH AY� 5E EROSION OIV CLEARED LOT 62GJ5 �E-- � 1993-0236 C EROSIQN 10202 148TH AV� SE EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PREMIT 627A5 fc '' 1993-0236 ER EROSION 10202 1�8TM AV� SE EI�OSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PERMIT 627A5 � 1983-0236 RN EROSION 14202 1467H AVE S� EROSION PROBLEMS ON ACTIVE PREMIT 627A5 �c 1993-a33s Wac s�nIAG� 10222 148TFi AV� s� REFEREQ TO DDES 827A5 4 1993-0387 NDA DRNG 12203 14$TH AVE S� pONDING IN YARD NDA-F 627AG I 1993-0387 RN DaNG 12203 148TH AVE SE PONDINC IN YARD NpA-F 627A6 ' 1993-0�437 C DRAINAGE 11204 '148TH AV�NU� , $�,. ENCL051NG ROADSIDE 017CN 627AG 1893-0858 C RUNOFF 10220 148TH AVE g� Ct.EAR1NG OF NEIGHBORS LOT 627A5 �- i 1993-0932 C �RNG 10220 148TH AVE SE CI.�ARING oF N�IGHQORs�OT 627A5 4- �I 1994-0177 C DRNG '10218 448TH A1,(E $E NEW HOUB�NEAR SWAL� 627A5 •� ' 1994-047(i C 1NQUlRY , 102i7 147TH AVE � S� R�AD CUI.VERT OUTLETS TO LOT 6Z6J5 *F 1994-0476 NpA INQUIRY 10217 14T1'H AVE S� ROAD CUL1l�RT OUTLETS TO LOT 626J5 �E' 9995-Q420 C �ROSION 10415 14TH AVE S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CR�EK 626J5 f ' 9995-0420 NDA EROSION 10415 94TH AVE g TRIBUTARY OF MAY CR��K 628J5 �- , 1995-0420 RN ER4SION 1Q4'{� 14TH AVE g TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK 626J5 '�' ' -0689 C E�OSIDN 19204 148TH AVE SE SI.OUGHING OF ROAQSfDE'DITCH 627A6 1�95-0718 X DRAINAGE 10415 147TH AVE SE SEE 94-0420, NDA-C 626J5 � 1996-0996 X DRAINAGE 90415 1�7THAVE SE 826.15 �E- 1995-1037 C . DITCHES 11224 148TH AV� , SE STOI�M�}CC��D�D SYSTEM CAPACITY 627A6 1996-01�3 C RUN OFF 14614 SE R�NTON-iSSAQUAH RD RUN�FF FROM SR 90� G2G16 -� 1996-0552 C FLDG 91616 146TH AVE 5� � s26.1� 1996-0552 R FLDG 11615 14$TH AV� 5� FLOODING FROM VANDALIZED FIRE MYD B26J6 1996-4750 X DRNG 14415 1�7TH A1/� SE DD��WAS LF-AD-TFI�Y HANDLED 626J5 'E 1996-1'{93 C EROSION 1120� 148TN AV� g� REQU�S7 TO ENCLOSE R!S DITCH 627A6 1996-1377 C R��pGRAS 15440 S� MAY VALLEY RQ R�Ep CANARY GRASS R�S7RICTING CF{A 627A5 1997-1299 C DRAINAGE 't5329 SE MAY VAl�1��Y RD PVi'DRiVE CONST IMP TO RD DRNG SYS 627A� 1997-1299 E URAINAG� 15329 SE MAY VALLEY Rp PVT DRIVE CONST IMP TO Rp DRNG SYS 627A5 1997-1299 R DRAINAGE 15329 SE MAY VALLEY RD PVI'DRIVE CONST IMp 70 RD DRNG SYS 627A5 1997-1454 C DRAlNAGE 10�29 FOREST AV� S �FFSITE 5HEE7/CON�ENTRAT�D FLOW i �26J5 � 1987-1454 R pRA1NAGE 'I0428 FQR�ST A1/� S OFF5ITE SHEET/C�NCENTRATEp FL,OW I 826J5 '�-� 4999-0196 C DRAINAGE 5E 1Q7 S7!'1�6 AV� SE QFFSIT�FLaW fMP PROP C1lY OF RENT 626J5 f 1999•�32fl X DRAINAGE S� 102ND/1�7-48 AV SE MORE OF THE SAME 62BJ5 �E-' 1999�04�17 C F{LLING 15019 5� MAY VALLEY RD ALL�GED FILLING VIOLATION PREVIOUS 627A6 1999-0710 C D�aRIS 148XX SE R�Ni'ON-iSS RD UT1L WORK ST R1W APP�ARS AD�QU No 826J5 �� 1s99-D725 WQC CRE�K 14813 SE RENTON-!SS RD , CONC�RNS R�GARDING S�DIM�N7 DRAI 627A6 � pege 2 of 3 MAR. ,3.z004 4�3�PM KC WLRD N0.986 P.4i4 Cwnd�G�t �� iY�e�Prabiem a�d�ea�of Prohlem Camm�t$ � ibrns Pape �..,0-0026 C C�EARING 10415 147TH AV� S� LOT CLFARING PR�I'TO N�W CONST?? 82�,15 � 24p0�0440 WQR D�S 10415 147TH AVE gE WILL REVfSIT SITE DURING RAINSTORM T 626J6 �-- 2400-�760 WQR WQB 91204 1487H AV�NUE S� Mf3.Waltrip has mulched all exposad soil to 5 626J6 2001-OD65 X INQ 10415 147TH AVE S� �MAIL RESPONSE SENT FOR R�N SIMMS 626J5 � 2Q01-0986 X DCA 10415 147TH AVE SE prepered email for Nancy Hansen to se�d to 626J5 �— 20Q1-0274 WQR WQO 10220 148TH AVE SE 627A5 �"' 2001-03'f8 X INQ 1D415 147TH AVE SE RESP�NS�BY RON SIMS TO A LETTER S 62GJ5 � 200�-076� NDA• oann �aa�s 1a�7TFi Av� s� PO'fENTIAL QUICK FIX-WAT�R FROnn NE 626J5 �c— 2001-D765 R DRM 1d415 147TH AV� SE POTENTIAL QUICK FIX-WA'F�R FROM NE 626J5 .E-•- 2001-0842 E DQM 10217 147`fH AVE S MS_ PIAGEL BLOCKED A CRdSS CULVERT 626J5 �— 2002-000$ C DDM 1 Q415 147TFi AVE 5E PQR F�R ENFORC�MENT LETTER 01-084 626J5 l�-- 2002-0035 X INQ 10415 147TH AV�5� � RESPONSE TO 1/9/Q2 EMAIL FROM CIAUD 62GJ5 '�— 2002-0212 C DOM �0726 148TH AV�SE SFR WiTH GROUNbWATER PROBLEMS. 62E.16 �-- 20Q2-0303 NDA- pl]M 10415 7�7TM AV�SE UNDERSIz�D CULV�RT CAUSES BACKUP 626J5 �E�-- 2002-0303 R nDM 10415 147TH AV�S� UNDERSIZE!?CU�.V�RT CAUS�s BACKUP 626J5 E"' 2�03�0210 X INQ 10a15 147T}�i AVE SE �MA{L IN�UIRY REGARDING EROSION Ca 626J8 �^- 2003•0567 C DTA 11327 148TN AVE SE WA'i'�R IN CRAWL SPACC.APpEARS i'O G26.16 Page 3 of 3 . .-_ __ i� i L 1 i . I .. . . . . Fi�E coP�r King,Couzaty QV'ater and Land �esources (WLR� Aiv'ision . 201 S Jackson St, Suite 600 �eAttle, W.A 98104-3855 Date: � � 6� Number�of pages including covez sheet: � To: Frozm: Cindv Tox�l�elson ��; _ � _ �� WLR Stozzzzwater Services Section Phone: 246-296-1900 Pho��e; �f�`' �� ^ �'a'�-' Fax�Tumber: 206-296-0192 IMPORTAN'x' L�'V�EL 1 ANALYSIS ZVO'�'�; We do not send copies of certa.u� cozxxp�aint types that axe not relevant such as BCW, FI, FT.R, FIH and WQA, and we do not send C�, and LS types. See key below. Type SX, S2 and S3 'vvill nat be faxed due to s�ze constraints. � The followi�g�s A list of com�la.int types received by the Water and Lnnd Resources Storm�vater Services Section. Complaint numbers beginning�rior�to I990-��ha�ve been archived and are no longez un our possession. '�'�e�can still bE retrieved,x£necessary,but will take additional time and ma� not be bEneficia�to your research due to ti�e�ir a�e, development which has occur�red, etc. If you are interested 'zn reviewing the actual complaints,they car�Ue pulled(time perna.ittin�) for your review. Copie's �an be oUta.ined for$'.15 pex page, and$2.00 per page for�lans. Kevs: '��me of Trn�estieation T�pe of Problem C • Action Rcqucst DCA bevelopmern/Construction HCW P.usincss'for Clean Water DDM Drainage-Misccllaneous CCF ltespoiue ro Inquiry DES Drainage—}3rosion/Sedimr.atation "CL Claim DLE Drainage—1,andslide/�tuthl�ovemeni EN En�'orcemerR on Hofd DTA Drainage Tcchnical Assis�ancc k{t Enforcemcnt Rcyiew INQ Drainage—Gcnecal Iuqulry FCC,FCR.FCS Fucel�ty Complaiu�s MMA Maintennnce-ACstheucs EI SWM k�cc inqniry , MIvfF Mainr�enancc-Piooding F1R SWM Fee Review MMQ Maintenm�cc-General FIH S'VVT�I Fce on Hold MMM Mn1n[enqn�cc-Mowing 'LS Lawsuit � MNM Maintenance—Needs Maintennnct RR Facility Enginxring Rcvicw M?�W Maintenanc�Noxious Weeds NDA Nelg}tborhood brainage Assiatanee SWF SWM Fw Qocstioas WQC Watex�hialityComplatnt VJ�Td ' Wflter Qoality—Beyt Management�ractices W�E WsterQueliryEnforcemem W�17� WutcrQuality—Dumping WQR Watcr Qualiry Engirteeriug itcvicw WQI , 'Water Qual;[y—If(icit Conncccion WQA Water Quatiry Audit REM SWM Fee-Remr,�suremenc WQO water Qua[ity—Oihcr GF.T 5'WM Fee-Grattt S1,S2,SN3 Engineering Studies NWD .SVYM Fee-Ncw Discoiinc `Subject to Public nisciosure requir�ments 1.Reccipt ofwritrea nequcst Sor documents 2,Rcvicw and approval byProsecutmg Auorney9 offioc IGng Co�nt�r Water and land�esources D'n►�sion-Ut�inage gervices$�ctian nplafit Se�rch Printed: os��erzoos�:a7:15 PM Cemp�at T�pe TYpg oi Pro6tem Addresa of Pro�iem Comroents Tbros PaDe Number Cnde 197b-0004 C DRNG 958 S UNSET BL SE 1387H/SUNS�T BVANNEXED 626J6 � '1980-0008 C FfLL 138TH AVE SE HONEY CREEKIMAY CREEK 826J5 1983-0046 C DRNG 'J 1203 148TM AVE SE PONDING 626J6 196¢0475 C FI.DG RENTON-lSSA HWY MAY CR�EK 626J6 9986-0654 C FIL.LING 11203 148TH AVE SE 626J6 1987-0801 C DRNG 14'100 S� 100TH PL FROM NEW DEVELOPMEN7 628J5 1987-1169 C DRNG 10218 74TfH AVE SE DRAfNAGE FROM RENTON R!D POND 626JS 1988-0790 C DRNG 94418 SE 116TH S'f 1NADEQUATE SYSTEM 1NSTALLED 626J6 1969-09�7 C DRNG 14408 SE 'i00TN ST SUMMER WINbS DRAINAGE OVERFL�W 626J5 1969-0'!40 C �ROSION 14429 SE 1'I6TM 5T PVT RD WASHOUT DUE TO NO pRAINAGE 626J6 4989-0150 • C DRNG/ERO 14428 SE 7'16TH S7 PVT RD WASHOUT DUE 70 NO DRNG 89-0 626JB 1889-039 8 E DRNG 11800 138TN AVE SE CLEARIf�lGOF R/D NA7URA1.R/D POf�ID 626J6 1994-0819 C POf�lDING 10403 1477H AVE g� II�!YARD/91-0619 626J5 1990-'1623 C FLDG 1�6'11 SE 116TH ST (d)R/D FACfLITY SEEPlNG WA7ER 628J6 1991-0339 C FLQG 912'12 137THAVE SE PIPE OF PRIVA7E DITCH 626J6 1991-0578 C DRNG 11833 142ND AVE 5E WA7ER PONDING 1N YARD 626J5 1991-0619 C bRNG 1Q403 14711-i AVE SE INCREASED FLOW IN SEASONAL CREEK 620_ �-0619 SR DRNG 'l0403 947THAVE SE TO C1P 626,. 1ay1�1127 C BEVERDAM 14800 SE MAYVALLEY RD DAM !N STREAM 62n^..: 1892-0100 C DRAINqGE 92240 142NDAVE SE 626J� 9882-0137 C CONSTRUC 74410 SE 90TrH PL NEW CONST/R�NTON 626J5 1992-0169 C DRAINAGE 10262 147TH AV SE 626J5 1992-0169 SR DRAINAGE 10262 147TH AV gE NOT f�DAP(GaOUND WATER) 62BJ5 1993-0094 WQC EROS1oN 10297 1487H AV� SE EROSION ON CLEARED LOT 626J5 1994-0�76 C INQU�RY 10217 1477H AVE 5E ROAD CULVERT OUTLETS TO LOT 62fiJ5 �594-047B NDA INQUlRY 10297 '147TH AVE SE ROAD CULVERT OUTLE7S TO LOT 62B.f5 7995-0420 C EROSION 70415 14TH AVE S TRIBUTARY OF MAY CREEK 628J6 1995-0420 NDA EROSION 1�415 94TH AVE g TRIBU7ARY OF MAY GRE�K 626J5 7995-0420 RN EROSION 10415 147}iAV� S TRIBUTARYOFMAYCREEK 626J5 1895-0798 X DRAINAGE 10415 947TH AVE SE SEE 94-0424, NDA-C 826J5 1995-0996 X DRAINAGE 10415 147TH AVE SE 626J5 1�96-0143 C RUN OFF i48'!4 SE RENTON-ISSAQUA.H RD RUN�FF FROM SR 900 626J6 1896-0552 C FLDG 11615 'l48TH AVE S� 626J6 9996-0552 R FLDG 9961b 1a6THAVE SE FLOODING FROM VANDALIZED F!R&HYDR 626J6 1996-0750 X DR�VG 10415 147TH AVE SE bDES WAS LEAD TNEY HANDLED 626J5 9997-1454 C DRqINAGE 10429 FORESTAVE g OFFSITE SHEETJCONCENTRqTED FLOW I 626J5 19'97-14b4 R DRAINAGE 90429 F�RESTAVE S OFFSiTE SHEET/CONCENTRATED FLOW 1 626J5 Page 1 of 2 ••.•�•. �v� �vvv �. va. ��� �..��w vv� �i���v ��v. / 1L1 � � J Complatnt Trpe T�pe of Pro�lem Address of Prohlam 6ommeats Ybrns pa e µ�n�6er Code g ��.-�9-0196 C DRAINAGE SE 101 ST/148 AVE SE OFF5ITE�LOW IMP PROP CITY OF RENTO 626J5 1999-0320 X DRAINAGE S� 102ND/947�8 AV SE MORE OF THE SAME 626J5 �999-071n C DEBRIS 146XX SE REM'orv-ISS RD UTIL WORK ST RNV APPEARS ADE4U NO s2s,�s 2000-0026 C CLEARfNG 10415 147TH AVE SE �o'f c�EARING PREP To NEw corvsT�? 626J5 2000-0440 WQR DES 1041b 147TH AVE S� WILL REVISIT SITE DURING RAINSTORM 7 626J5 2000-0y60 WQR WQ6 11204 148TN AVENUE SE M�s.Waltrip has mulched ali exposed soil to st 626J6 2001-0065 X INQ 10415 147TH AVE $E EMA1L RESPOIVSE SEN7 FOft RON SIMMS 626J5 2001-018s X DCA 10415 147TH AVE SE prepared emaa for Nancy Hansen to send to C1 626J5 2001-0318 X INQ 10415 147TH/1VE SE RESPONSE BY RON SIMS TO A LETTER S 626J5 2001-0765 NDA- DDM 10415 147TH AVE SE POTENTIAL QUICK FIX-WATER FROM iVEI 626J5 2001-0765 R DDM 10415 7 a77H AVE SE POTENi'fAL QUICK FIX-WA7�R FROM NEI 626J5 2001-0842 � DDM 'i0217 147TH AVE S MS.NAGEL BLOCKED A CROSS CULVERT 626J5 2002-0005 C DDM 10415 747TH AVE SE pDR FOR ENFORCEMEM'LETTER 41-084 626J5 2002-0035 X INQ 10415 147TH AVE 5E f�ESPONSE TO 1/9/02 EMAIL FROM CLAUl7 626J5 2002-�212 C pDM 10726 148TN AVE SE S�R WfTH GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS. T 626J5 2002-0303 NDA- pbM 10415 147TH AVE SE UNDERSIZED CULV�RT CAUSES BACKUp 626J5 2002-�303 R DDM 40415 147TH AVE SE UNDERSIZED CULVER7 CAUSES BACKUP 626J5 2003-0210 X INQ 10415 1477M AVE SE EMAIL[NQUIRY REGARDING SROSION CO 626J6 2003-0567 C DTA 11321 148TH AVE SE WATER IN CRAWL SPACE.APPEARS TO G S2EJ6 2004-0624 WQR WQB 149TM A@ SE R�NTON ISSAQUAH ' 626J6 � :-Oi04 WQC WQO 10269 '1471?i AVE S� Sewersmelifrom creek. Investigation found na 626J5 �— �..,0-0596 SUP UTI 148Tf-I A 8 5E R�iV70N ISSAQUAH 626J6 2005-0674 C RFtv 11323 148TH AVE SE Work by neighbor has flooded field, Inv informe 628J6 Page 2 cf 2 __ _ � � .� �' K1NG COUNTY DEPARTM�NT OF Pl��'C WORKS O SURFACE WATcR MANAGEMENT DIVISION � � 1 � � �� � COMPLAINT 1NVESTIGATION REP4R�' ' � _ ti 0 � � � ^_ \ J W�r.A.Kid. li NA7URE OF COMPIAINT: � �p - S� n�l�� � ✓ SEC�TWP Z �RGE S I LO.^•ATION: �j�� ��j f�� KROLL PG. d'� "� .J � COUNCIL DIST. �_ COMPLAINANT: f��� c ��'di✓D� -G I RqNE MO. //' HOME:y����3 O Address. fO�L� �`y ����V� � City �Siate /�✓�" Zip /�'�a _ WORK � DFTAILS OF COMP1111N7: � � �o�/�Uy-�.J�/�v i %� � G�/f�i�✓��, ._'— /:�2o.-r� /��� `�� sc� I O v(L C l S FJsvT'U s'GC��= ��O✓�' �J�/S �2 d,��� `l. �.4 %� l 1��a`v�� �,� ��s �.�-�,�yi�D, �� ����=� �� � � �/�tr��. . � �aT � -��u� � r��t! vR�.�o-op cv� I CO�"�IAINT RECEiVED BY; 3Q(`j(� - ��'6 .5 OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on revers side:Yes No � Photos:Yes E� No L� aAnuq � On site 2-27-92. The Brundage residence is located on the side of a reiatively steep hi11 . �Slope is from east t Iwest, and 10262 fronts on 147th. To the rear, and facing 148th is a new home, graded, but with no vegetation (landscaping). 148th at this location is a shoulder type road with ditches on th east side. Run off to the west is shared by the property owners. Observed no noticeable erosio at 10263-148th from the road. Roof run off is piped-probably to a dry well . � Photo 1) Looks south on 148th with adjacent lot to Brundage at right. 2) Looks west from 148th at 10263. Brundage is to the 'rear and down. 3) View of Brundage house and 10263 - 148th in backgrnd. � ' I 1 I ^.OMPlAl�1T INVESTIGATED BY: ��'�:.�•✓�•�-rs-.� DATE: Z-Z�-�Z ACT]O N TA K E N: 3�-1 3-`�.2.. S�b� �i � (nn•- R-+�-FI,D>9�fi--� • :1 cc�/I'�� vo t� v�c� v/� /'.li r..¢� 9� 7'v.r1��-�y o-�,�e.�r 9Lc l�r� . .��d-r...n�-� r� vw-v� .� �.�ws� iG,-i�-� - a.,���u...�f �.(�M-�y I i� 6/t.1' `1`� ���w,.�, 9l'r�y cr..s/ 7 Csw..}� �o�ti1'� cPv•-c�f� -�lr�v+�`< �y,�a..1�y, �jt� _ /'L✓y+4 �tt � , / / I `/ / lJ`'�/'�'-4� �,,/�,w� .lr� w�. �o . F��e./�.�...r, lf� �_I Complainan2 advised of action possible or taken by: Phone 3 Leiter � Personal Contact O � ( Compiaint Action Handled By � Closed: 6 � � OK'd: --�y' 4ar.. in�l��j. • KING COUNTY DEPARTM�NT OF PUBLIC WORKS � �� S�RFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISIO�v �p' W � :� I { COMPLAINT INVE�T1GATiON REPORX z o , o IDate Rec'd:/ �, NATUPE OF COMPL4INT: G 27- /� S �� �CP ` � � � SECZ�TWPZ3 RGE `� � LOCATION: �j-�fK�T /��'//rHQf��' t30/'I�.2/� !�lJ�/yl.q S//77U/�s /� KROLL PG. �D / � COUNClL DIST. � � COMPLAINANT: /�/V (,/ //��,�/� PHONE NO. � 97o v � � ���_ HOME R Z� � Address ��Z� 1��� �� ss� City ,��fl.frrc�_State Zip WORK �.3,5-OS o�� I pEfAILS OF COMPtAlNT: CG// Q t�vprl� �` ,�' /�l��dfr�orc t��r��, �c fta u� � y2 s � 6O �I �GL T 1/1! !".t ar�2<rla� �� Sc�sTi�i Gv/�i�Gt �r��s�.S or/TT> Sis�ro��.s �G% 1� ,S':�o� ' �'J��`�!-��c oL LvT G�.S'J— G��.6 E r GrfZ d � �l.sco r�-i�c,� �7�T i � �k�- �s � �`�,c��n � � %� � c� o ��50,�� ��y a��ss 7� �'��`w� � liaGt�-2 � � js �S G rLr i�,z� .��C �•�m '� �1.� �JfG,rtS J7U �!�/L/.� G� _ , � � �c�h-%� So��2,,�.�y �,t�5 6� G o.-'.-w����� �ial iH�ar�d Gr�ir� � ra�f2S, ' ` f}�' C�,V rh,e�r- i��/er����rvv- v��Gc�.c. -tn .r G�.o� Lo cc�rra.� � �G�a s, h c.,Q , ( �,v�-� �o r�, ��c rzs a o n r� rn 9�r71-c�-�.�. , j r^ 'AINT RECEIVED BY:�� ��'� ,,��S OF INVESTIGATION: Sketch on reverse side:Yes No O Phofos:Yes f�_�No O � On site 2-2-93. °ia""" � Met with Mr Simon and viewed the problem. He has a one acre lot that he has cleared for,jC construction of a home in the new year. Slope of the surrounding properties is from SE to � NW, and neighbors to the south have dug an interceptor ditch across the back of their lot that is also said to drain another ditch from the next southerly neighbor. This had drained � to an area on his lot that is proposed to be the foundation for his house. Mr Simon in turn � dug a ditch along the property line to the ditch on 148th which he intends to tight line. ' BALD is said to have informed him drainage from the properties should go to the roadside ditch. Because the neighbors drained to his property it is up to him to handle. At the time of observation there was drainage from the neighboring properties to Simon's southerly ditch, � down the ditch to where it goes sub surface to a small pond in a low spot in the front, and from there to a cross culvert under 148th to a small swale. There was indication of some � erosion from upstream due to siltation of the small swale. Followed the drainage to where i:t outiets west of 147th Av SE and observed no silt at that location. photo 1) Looks east from 148th across mid portion of the Simon property. Pond and drainage in foreground drain to ditch. � 2) View of ditch on east side of 148th bordering Simon property. 3} view towards 148th along south di,tch. 4) Shows ditch and neighboring house on right. 5) Looks south along ditched area t rear of 10222 - 148th. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: .ar�,�.-�-- DATE: Z` 3' ACT{ON TAKEN: Z�Z3-g3, 5' �Ca �,,i,fi}� '�z„� ' ' j'O 'y S I►��t�� 5�.,�u.c. (�.�5 � ���`/e,� „��� .,r f�..�- t-� �s �����. I -Z•.� �i s (n.a►� a.�`,�" ..J�,. �Q.c�.�, `✓o cc jar ^ �� r r� v—c�Q..Q.Q l�- �1. ��'l+�, �[-�.f •t_ �'p `'`>0✓ W� �NO PP�o3L�M S�JV � ICompiainant advised of action possible or taken by: Phone C�' Letter ❑ Personal Cantact � � � � �� � Complaint Action Handled By Ciosed: OK'd: vam. Dat� +nitiaN - � � � n�i�u �vuiv i T ucrHn i rntrv � ur rut���� wunt�� SURFACE WATER i�1ANAuEMENT DIViSION � � � � . COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REP�R� � - - '� � ale Rec'd: NATUAE OF COMPLAINT: /`� j� J/y) , , l� Z� ' � � SEC �TWPZ3 RGE-�- LOCATION: � G��D�S STIZ L�T" Frz.��-yc e�I�D� 13�L C�l�J KROLL PG. _�C.�/__ COMPLAINANT: ��1��'" I�IP/�L.C . C_,li, lOL6 SS �E�1L DIST. � _ ;� HOME Address � �Z � � ��� �v 5�� City State Zip WORK Z s'� 9 S 7 3 DETAILS OF COMPLAINT: �i //,3 TD /�7�4 y C%��� - G�s � ►'��iL�N�t Gl�zt<TTo�'( Pr�v-u�n, � �f��l�l�icC�Z �v�s /-� ��'.��fl �Gtd�T� ��G'r�vl G� l�t�C�'IZ G��rt�-(��l�/ L ��� GI �sS � �'��r- �r�i� �oG<� /�i/�/J/�, ���'-�i�v�/-� �ti��� � � is l,��G�7������Z=r�'� ��� ��2os���/ �s /�n.�����c�� �� �YI G y� Lt/C�f�P� �5 i=/o��vi �� G- — � G r ,�,1 �"�/�f= S � T1� � �=lG�v �c2 r� �.c �'.����or����. , , GUas ��Dar� 7`.'�S ,�p t�o����r�1�- � o�v �va r� � �N s�y�,ea� ;,O^' 41NT RECEIVED BY: �//,G[�/l/��4�� / 5 �3� D w �l/�C��l,c d a-�� iH �-� -9 3 J, �� OF INVESTIGATiON: Sketch on reverse side:Yes No❑ Photos:Yes�3 N�O awnnty On site 2-2-93. Spoke with Doug Dipple regarding siltation in a swale as a result of run off from property identified in 93-0096/Simon. There was siltation to a small swale that accepts run off from a cross tile under 148th (12" conc). The stream tended to wander thru heavy brush and ferns and then culverted under 147th near 102nd Av SE. Where the stream crossed the ditch on the ' east side of 147th and at the outlet, there was no signs of silt. It appeared the silt was deposited on the property by the Dipple residence. At the time of the muddy water Mr Dipple felt there was a speed of run off at .2 cfs, whereas the run off normally flows at approx .02 cfs. At the time of observation run off was clear. � Photo 1) View of run off at the outlet of cross culvert. 2) View of flat area where siltation occured. 3) Outlet west of 147th that drains to large pasture. Approx 1/3rd mile to May Creek. � 4) View of ditched area at north side of 10222 - 148th that is said to drain wetlands. :OMPLAINT INVESTIGATED BY: � pq�: z-3� `�3 CTION TAKEN: Z-Z3-�,� , �v p ,�,Mr�� Z_Z�t -�23 . �fl �,��,�, ` j N�� �D�S G�1DN'� � �omplainant advised of action possible or taken by: Phone C� Letter O Personal Contact ❑ :omplaint Action Handled By `tl ��- .���.../���-.-� Closed: �- '�1- 7 3 OK'd:� Nam. ^.11! I�I�i�l! J � tc h N Ske i � ���r� �5 � ; � I Scale �TI � SE ��zk�Q St` � ►r c,h..c � �� � —� _�= z C.� r �' M`\ : \�J �..� '� � L��Cm� � � � . 1 L �'� �rc ' (OZ1� ` �_` •�\ �l1�7 L r I � . � � , i i�-- � � �f 7i��C/NC 1 ri 1 �. -:;I, ,n:�-y�..�.. .. �,.--,.,�-y � . .. . ... ..j _ . � . ;. . _ , I�� n�..:� �r.. .- . . ..:PS"�;'-Ts' , . . r: . . �� , �.�,: ..f ..W.. +v:-.,: .,• 1 �� KING COUNTY SURFACE WAT RE MANAGEMENT DiV1SION DR.AINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page �: 1NVESTIGATION AEQUEST TyPE C � PROBLEM4�At���D �'�oW1�i EQa�i►o�1 , � eived by:R ��K� Date: 3_3p_4� OK'd by:��v� FAe No. � 3 -Q Z3� Received from: (Ptaus print piainly for scanninp). (Dsy) (Eve) ' M�i�IL. NAME: r^cl��( l�o��at... PHONE Zll� Sit43 �Q� -6�83 ADDRESS: �p�n7 IQ�� �vc `� City ��N-��,J State .l,A Zip��iQSoS Location of problem, if different: � CNARGE # Details of Pioblem: �' ��''E ��"�- �� A'P�o�i`'7-�r��v�, -�rR�r K�eRy Ga'�►�L- I sY, aTt�-�yrsb �� Ti+E '�vTN aU'.x'l4�`�? toT 1a 7�}�' G.rm � rv At.c..c �� � 'f7 f�r�+T S G�YhMa7�� �S C3r-�,c i�,��A�r �� ���rZ.y cc�,e�� L Pae�,,r w� �P�e�T�y �ss,,� 3y �� �►a t�rr,s �drz�.� , A sw,A�LG v�,A-s ��x�-A-�A-� a.,.� ►��ri S G��,4� Lor wN�r�r� v���ru�-��y . o��7r'� ar �'� �6)✓I�C-�7N1F/\JT�S ���v�wA-�, n5 �ZvSVL� IN lia4A-+-►�EX� ��a��',�4 '�'0 �2e�a�o� c_y= � �Xf pL�i,ti.�A-!�r's D/r,J• S r rs�z T'r►�'� , �}.t�ThZ-��' t�Z aj�-�-y�7�,� I u'�74�u /�N �`OS '�1�NTZ�u� �N-e-x�� L�.vzNyt axs A-c c.�S D/r„� Aw n o vZ�-7-5 i rv� I�P>� �� �� ��wf� D�r�- .�-,— GtYJ1�PL�tnI/�'Y�lT `5 Dlw ��4.��,e, �?� :��4v Y �i�,�,,v s ��u��-� �N ��� �v�. i��P r^'�► 77� �1!�.,rh--l.r�r c �U Q2ol�i►v4 i9-wt}--I ?�c' �srt��9���ivT� D!w t3,q.s� '� w�� �'S �f� Qf w G uc..r�2T' I N - l4��� A�c 5L. Gvlt 1�7- G�v- B E De�rv C ?. Other, agencies involvedc (Give fletails) �pE3 �y-3i�,n�` j�R¢��L h�-F�yl/1� _ mR� dd���� � �M n�� . � Reparted Impacis: # Properties: Dates/frequency of occurrences: _._ _ Home FR�T �cwr2i'��c� v�N rt1�(Zc.N ZZ'""° t�43J ` Access road S��c.G GL�11�.�, b� r4i�3�4.��T [,.c�%. _ Septic system _ outbuildings, garage _ Yard/landscaping Other property Stream, lake, wetland Comments: AA1�k c.�T IV q 4 tfi8a� �j-c. i3A i��4rv.v s Z35 �I 1 Slo �S K��,s t,a��}-B�-� � S�Tv�T'i ar1. ...................... ...... .... . ,,...,. .. ...: . Z �1�I 11 . tltYiRA�Rlti�RRR!RrRkt�R1RItItRtttRRRkf1l�RRRRRt4K ..: �. . . ;. . ... .'. . ' .,� �111�K#.t'fl'f�Rlff . Yfw1Kf�V i-r• nYaM1i�/�'�irf'AfR�f1�"Ii�la�� , ::XO..�.f�MP..t�O>3.Y,�^C?Jv1.�#.A1NY:P�3QG�iA�i�:`5T.��fi'..r.'.: -x:<si:>s:�:�s:::i;>;�: . ............ :.....ii.i •:.�•:.�.i.•.�;•�. wv.iii.`h:NH.w:•.Nrr.�i:[v:Cw' 'S.iiiiii+nvnw+nM�Hrx::.Yv.iv:�:N::::wiinvn�.4n•.w�.J::u�J::Li.i...wn...»i.. � � �. fm\�{w`.t.rNW:vrv.n�.vf:4.�N.{r+�.+x.�2v.�F.4.t .w.,r.in.ii�vun•::v. .i... . n�.........n.....ri...n . Location/T�acking /nfo: 1/4 S2 7�3 R� Parcel No. Type Basin (, Council Dist� D1R Ref/Chg No: City Field investigation needed?^ '"�+��ame: Block No: Lot No: Aciion takeri: Assigned to: Turned to on / / Initials: KRQLL ��� THOP9AS BROS ���E�� r' Z7i�� DATE CLOSED: ���/� OK'd:� � OLD: �'S �2 � �, ,�. S � 1►J�o DD�s 4Z0�1� � � ��q3 � ��,� _ _ _ �� �d�d ���c/1 T� i� ��..� �.��.,1.L � ►.�1.,,..��n�tl �J t�'i�II�'2iQ NOIS1/11Q 1N3W3JbNy{ry.y,�a�31,��.,�b,��M 3�y�anS ,�1�V(�p���� KI N Ci,G O l!rrfir-�:�`"'�i�b 0�"rr%'�2Y"'�'YWt�'N.h.-...�M . DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 2: F1ELD INVESTIGATION . . . - , �.. , .. . �..-�Y�E .� _ L �t (/ � �ile Na � 3 F�e Name: ��ZCo� ��� --�", � ���- .,�,_ :�� �/Z Detar7s oflnvestigation: Date of Field Investigation:�/�� Related Investigations: g3-0086/Simon. Met'-witii"Mr Coziol .and ,Bakamus and walked the problem site. Recent heavy,rains apparently ov ta�ted" t�i��8"ADS�dr�ain 'the pr�perty owner (Simon) put in recently. Water went down� the'�ditche _dug.,on the east and nortl�'roperty,lines causing erosion in th� di.tcl�es.;and filling ;a drivewa, �'- crass�culvef���; causing water� to� overtop the private drive and `started to��erode the R/W at th� roadside ditch. It was pointed out that the east and north�iitches were dug on other peoples . property_{Sakumus.:on.the nort_h-out of_.toWn_oW.ner:on. the__e��t��--. -- _-----,- •------_--. ._,--_--. _—...:--.--.__.�..•- Photo �l�) Looks north and�westerly from SE corne'r of cleared lot. Orange dot at left is inlet : � . .&° ADS. • � � . _ . � 2). Loo�s south. �along east prop�.r.ty- .line a�t :drainage ditch�' Lot marker s�een• mid-right:�� - �3)' �hows ditch �n Bakamus property draining to west. . 4.}• Ui..ew of ditch'• and si.l�t depos�it �by drivewa,y cross culvert'('riear red'�dot):� ' � � ' � ' " � 5) View of natural drainage swale. , . - . , , . 6) Shows'erosi�on on private drive west of cros�s culvert. � ' 7) l�ooks, north on 148th where.. run off. from pri vate,dri ve to 10.202 eroded secti op .af ro� s'houlder. ' � � � � � : 8} 8" ADS outlet to roEke�d. raadside .uitch. � � � � , , _ , • � 9) Looks north on 148th wnere 8" drains to ditch. _ . , •�1dJ_Shows seepage fror� �oil that- 7ooked like oil with blue sheen �a water: No petroleum smell noted. . , _ . . . . . � ,. . . � . • . .. . . , ,, _ , _ . . - . . Sketch: _ � iz ����,,,� � - . , . � . . , �- �\ _ -- . . - . , . _ . � �. � � ,, ,c—_.. .. �_ ,. �— . . �- . . ,F.— .. . • . , � , c,J�o�,�? iR�,q. � '� � � �u�;M� . � ��� ' � . - - , � . r . T � � ,Lc�CML � ' � , � � I fi � � _ � �, T ' . ,�..-r. . �---- _ � . . . . . . _ . ; � � � �s .� T �__— �-_ - �- _�'_ — — =""'-— _ -_{= —"`=-- `,• �-Cf � � �nZ �� � i � ��f� � tFIz '�xC T Date of Report:�/ � /� By: �,Q,�,.,� f�-t���,�- '� M Complainant notffied by �f by ✓phone _ letter _ personal contact^. y n"��'�,93. s?'�`{�¢ 7�"" � ��• �J� 1"`l �v�1'Y �p J/W�S � �ya,IX�Y 1 _. � KING COUNTY SOT�FA�CE WATER MANAGEMENT D1VlSION �—� '' = DRA.INAGE IIWESTIGATION REPORT Page t: INVESTIGATION R��UEST � PROBLEM ��Mn�,r- TYPE ' --� �ed by: � � Date: Zy OK'd by: � Flle No. a `� Receiv9d �iom: (Ptsass print plain�tor scanninp). {Day) (Eve) NAME: �iMQ�_j 'C/�.�r�J PH.ONE_. �z�-Cj'T(� ADDRESS: 1i�ZZ� {y�� �y� � Crty Siate 2ip Location oi problem, tf ditfereni: CHAP.GE � Deta;ls of Prob/em: � gwr+� -F(n -t� `13-6�j� N�ICo�}6(7R 'S Run�f 1� r=t...DOf�(.�6 �-}c.�lZ P2{�-d`1"y J R��r�� eo,�,o���� 73 -o�-t,�Z S�2ro,d I o ✓J,� ,��-J�fi` i ��? f` � , � . Other agencies involved: (Give details) ; Reponedlmpacts: # Properties: Dates/frequenc � Home � Access road _ Septic system � _ outbuildings, garage _ Yard/landscaping _ Other property _ Streaiu, lake, wetland :omments: ...... ....................................... ..... ��f��t�i!l�1tRtl�ll�RffR�ItRRMRM�1l1t�R\<fRR . •.. �•. . .• .' �y��� �y►.y�.��]yflrfrsi�7fIRSVRxf7Rt��Tf�1(f�frilY'i%�'%!�f��IV��i�� . .,...,.. ........ ..:..:.:.:.,::::,.:.-. C�D;3Y::fi:�'_�l:AJN� �R�G�iAivt'S7F,�' • .:..;..:..,- O�?...mMr`�. ,..,....:; .. .. .... .;;:;. ...::. ii:L.%�'riii.v.:.::h:i.'v'r:fii:4:AvSW%�:L:i:ini.iJn4..wfy,:�riv. .�..i:.v:...�..r.w..tirn�.w�A:n�..v:n:n�riin�.iir...nr.v.-ei.�.mvJr.��nw.nw.�:y.%.�.n.�.:x.�..�W.:�i.'vJw:-ww.::�vww:Siii}riB�Tw �nn.�nti�.bn.wi�:W:nuw.n..�.'ti'nv..-:w4.+rivri.:...n.v�i�t.v..wti... _ocation/Tracking Info: 1/4 S 2 T 2�R 5 Parcel No. ��'��(�$ -qQ� Type Sasin�� Counci( Dist�_ Dln^ Ref/Chg No: Ciry Field investigation needed? P�z' ''?mQ: Block No: Lot No: acvun taken: Assigned to: Turned to on / / Initials: KROLL TNOMAS BROS �rEW� C�27 �5 DATE CLOSED: /! / S / !.� OK'd: �� ' OLD: 35 �2 � � ��$� �a� n ,� �"������ II � ►:f���` �J� . . __. .- - - - ���.'��- '.1'�•;:'.i:-....> I DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION �R`�I� ' Page 2: FIELD INVESTIGATION .�YPE ^ �r,� , _ I Fle Name: . File No. ' " __----.r�_.. . Deta�7s of lnvestiyation: Date of Field Investigation:�/ � /� Related Investigations: Pro�erty to the east of the Simon's has been �leare� of hrush. Slope in this area �� from SE t� NW and would natural]y drain towards the S?mo!! hronerty. ?he►^e is elco a ditr,h behind properties to the snuth that drains into a drainaoe system b!iilt bY tf��„��.t Simon's to drain to the ditch on 14$th. In speaking to the Kc�zinl 's and ad�ecent Prd, Y owner that did the clearing,, the p��rpose was to c?ear thP br��sh and plant grass fQr n . pasture--no �raciin�. - � � � Photo 1) Loo�s e�st over the couth end of thP Simon foundatior. to!�!arr�s cleared dr�Q� 2) Lonks SE over foundation at �dditional clearPd area. 3) Looks s�uth al�ng rear of adjacent property owner where ditch enter5 Simon'� drain system. 41 Looks west towards 148th. 4A) View fro!!i clearPd area aver Simon Constr��ction. 5) Looks e�st towards foundatinn from �iitch where ba�k y�rd �ra�nage enters �"nA�4 �litch. ' � ___-._----- .. SketCh: ��9'-' � ,r- �r'r►.�„Q S>r;�__ , �'� _..__ . S�' - � d� i. C�-'' '� A�e� / r �k�. . �.�.�� , ' -- � , , . �' g��,��-� � .�r� �-=_=--__ > ;,=� ��-�� - _ _�__- =� '� �p2Z2 � r � i 1 ',,rC�G • � r Date of Report: /� / � �� By: L / Complainant notrfied by ��4 by �phone letter personal contact. �D.�2-q�� w�r 1 .tr. i�c u..T� �!-.. �.�1— -- ���� KlNG COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DiViSlON �--��' DR.A.INAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page t: 1NVESTIGATlON R=OUEST PROBLEM �fZr,vtip.� 1'YPE C� , � Received by: � CJG\0� Date: �� _ I� ,��� OK'd by: FUe No. c�3_d 3� RBCeivBd ��Om: (Pfsase print ptainly for scanninQ). (Day) (Eve) NAME: kq}L,pa,� S�►� o V6� PHONE'Bz Q- Q `jQ0 ADDRESS: (O Z20 /�g�` � S� City �,�nTd-v� State WQ Zip� Location �f problem, }f difierent: CHAP.GE � Details of Problem: � � �ulo a d.��-+.�.9 �,�.5� �-a s-t- o�' -I-�,� 1 r a� ���,e.� l a� � an�e- � cl�,o�.e.cL . �t�, a� ��ee �o�wc�-�-f� c.ati,s r�h w�� . �'o �-0� � ,�p�� �LIS �'�'^"� IDi�AJ�t� � S I ��h �ra �,�{ � � a� � r � J 1 i�b�, �.e�, c�-�e. �S a�so � �T�. �.�e.o�.c� �a�c�a a�. abo�. � J � ' � ��;��C qra.�'�`9 Jc� ? ��'�'^�. y ,d � �..� 0. `� , �� !S l.i�ln�►'�O l�t�'� V � J j �o.�e. �0411.�-t �SS U�o� � ` �e-CLa.2 c�:.X.� `J�i r s r� � :; � SQ� �3- oBs� Lr►� otZ y Other agencies involved: (Give details) re�'� �i,y �av'�-�O�cc�c� Reponedlmpacts: # Properiies: Dates/frequency of occurrences: Home � � Access road _ Septic system � _ outbuildings, garage _ Yard/landscaping _ other property _ Stream, lake, wetland Comments: tYRf1lt�IlR�lfYf\Rf��tR�Rl�IRfRRRRRtNtll't4tRRR ..� .��. - .. .' .,.�•.'� . ..]..• ...1f..• tYAf�f�tY}T�fI�.Y«IYf��x�}f�1?'ti�Y�a1►�I.111+�f��tiSfJli�i .:.... ......:: 7GE_CDh�IPLiTD,x�Y.���LAi►J7�i�JGR•,?�Sf� ........ ..... ..._:;,.. ..,.•.,.-,::::. -.4..vA��.-www....w4'Y.n..��..�'iC....v.....u.I L:��Y::�wVr:M•nvsw.:i.�..r..w..�n�.�w..:.� ... �.....v.w..��..n�.ir .e:...v.v.v:..:...i...vM� ..n.�...r.JirM...�imv}>.v:Jii.vil'+i4in•:5....•�... x.nnrN..• ... .... . . Location/T�acking Info: NL 1/4 S o2- Ta�3 R � ParCel No. Type Basin� Council DisiJ�- D1R Ref/Chg No: City Field investigation needed?_ ''� ' �ame: B)ock No: Lot No: s+ction taken: Assigned to: Turned to on / / Initials: KROLL TNOPIAS BROS ��EW� ,��,7 �� DATE CLOSED: �_/ .S / ` 3_ OK'd: 8� S� ct3��5� 5..�,�t� OLD: �y �� � � KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION ✓—'" � DRAINAGE IlWESTIGATION REPORT PROBLEM ��Q/�/G. Page t: INVESTIGATION REQUEST TyP� � . •- . __ �ceived by: �-,L � oate:3�7/9y OK'd by. ��pQ FUe Nc 9,4,—�177 _x/�o� Received fivm: � {Pl�ass print plainiy tor scanning). (pay) {Evs) . NAME: ��./�C� �/m d/7 PHONE �aPj�9 700 ADDRESS: Ciry State uP Location of problem. if diEferent: ;_:�� a18. iy�'�� � S� CNARGE # Details of Pioblem: � S cJ 3R �� � 8, , ,�u,/c%n� a r�e�c1 h�e, �hey 1�a v� '7-r�e� � o�� ve�'� -�h� p��/G qcva y �'rom The, �(..o-f-. T/,� D,��.i.��ye sys�e�-r �'s S�►i� nof- ad�uaf� er�ov�qh . l��a t �e�se � � CQn She �- � c,vD u.1c� L I 1L� -�`o m e e.f' yo c� a n S � f� other. agencies involved: (Give details) ., Reporied lmpacis: # Properfies: Dates/frequency of occurrences• •�o+� by�� _ Home 93-��� ' Access road �/ _ Septic system � ' _ outbuildings, garage 9i� Yard/landscaping 9/-n�. ` „pd� other property. 90"8�q�s� Stream, lake, wetland gy_nont, — , Bg-n n•i.¢� Commanfs: 97f�� ................................................................................... ..� ,f4R4�R1tRR�RMRRRRRt�RlI�RflfRIt4MRMRRR�4fRMRRl... ,. .. �. . .• .` .; .�..� . . .. . . .. . .. �ra�coMp��n;:�r���r°��d�<sr��rx,.,�.�,.--�.� a'�Y/Y1Iii'�fwY�I1�RYRfY .�,........,..,� :.:.::.::.:.:........::.:>:...:.:. ....:.... .,....w.�v>:o-:o:w:.o::c:;,:+:w.,.nzc�.::.ir::i:�i:::�ii..,..w.,.:�n;:.•a�»..,...:.,�,,...�..:.,.:.,.,>.�,.�.,�.:...:.,...��....;::;,.:...,:,s::a;...,.,.:..>„»x.,:;.:w,,..,,.�w,.a..:oav:,..u,.,...a�....:,.:a;....�...w�,,;o.�,w>,,,.:....vx�i:.xi.:v.......�:.;o.:....... a.:.x..a.x,i.,.;i�t�'.�'u�r.�.�E: Location/Tracking lnfo: /1/I� 1/4 S�T o�A � Parcel No.O�a3bS 90 S 9 Type Basin_� Council Dist� DIR Ref/Chg No: City Field investigation needed?_ Plat name: 8fock No: Lot No: .ction taken: Assigned to: Turned to on / / Initials: KROLL ��� w THOP1AS BROS �`�Ew� ,�, ,2,7 A,5 DATE CLOSED: ���� OK'd: �� , '��VT' P�08 r 0 L D: 3.5E 2, l�o fJU A r�.ec�,.�,�¢, la�w.e.,�- e�aa-t- ��a.t.cd e G`�`��"ren� devc�c��' �� �,�..��C a�,�, �i,ot�1 e,,,,�.waa c�cn�-F,���� c h��.�,. �13. a_,�--- ,�. _ . - -_. ( •--� KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MAr�IAk.� .JT DIViSiON DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT C � Page 1: INVESTIGATION RE�UEST Type Received by: J'� , Date:6_Zd _ CI't�/ OK'd by: Flle No. 94-0476 Received from: {Plesse print plafnly!or scanning). (Day) (Eve} NAME: /�qq��� /naxin� PHONE �Sy-3959 235� 7� ADDRESS: /O a ! 7 l 5�7�' f��/G SE _ City ���r� State Zip 5�'S G Location of problem, if different: � Reported Problem: ,5he Wa.r►�'S -f'D G{'�a,►'IC�. '�'he. 'F�oc� O� Sur -�'irCc W�-�'er Flocvs, TJ�e I/Qca.r�fi P�P�y n e�c�- +o I-ier �C.o t /s Go l leGfi'r� f he �.c�o�'�+' ru.n o�F, Sffe wo�tJd /%K�.- -�'o er�c�ose t-ye, he.+- ho t�s�. 5� �as dracclr� d�fc�, c�p aboc� � cl�'r1 Gurre,n-�'�y q d�agram o�' ho�v � 9 • ,� o� n � Y'u n s. �Se� a.-tf'Fa�"d�. She. 9 J` b�y -l-h� vac a.n�- !�-o f: Plat name: MRy r/W/ey CD-ap Corr,mvn%ty Add Lot No: /� 8(ock No:Z, Other agencles involved: No Fiel�l Investigation Needed y�� � pntNa�s) . • . . . . . . . . ... ...:, E'*1cat:�4fkitikiF':itiil�k'�it.it-'tcit`....�.:.,:,.:.....:.:;k:..:.,-:...:....:`f". <:::..:';.•::.....h.. ...:.....,.:....'.':..._,....-..;.,....:..,.....: ., ..,.:.-::,:.: ..: ....;..:.:.:.:,...:.,.,,.,.:...:..:..,.,., ::.:.,,.,..:,..: �F?Rak�ti�:at:i�de. akat�#.ic.• :.. .: , ., P{�. /� :,, #5f#ie*.#��l��iF�klF�+rgkit�io:ltfi3rc�at-ii��►#:kSlfc: y� �y.�+ �,y a�f Y {�.; .if• :: n.. }� .;�.::.�;.;;,a.,:.;.;,:.:.;�<.:.s;:;:•:�::::;;::a;:.,..;•::�;:�r.��.>x:..,:•ar.:::o:;.::.r:r, .UC:. . . ��.;.�. � ... :.. . ..::..: �. :. .� ..�i` .::.:.v......: ....:..>.....................o........,..:.:.y....... ......4..L?......��l�Y! .... E .. .Y..�t!� 4�.�,it�3'#'. ..R . ii. . ...A�:;.::<:.::;;,::,:. .::>::<.»:;.::;:.;:;:.r:r::.;.:.::..:;;::.;..::,. .:-.:r:..r.�..�.,-..�.;.......�......... .r........• . .. .r...... .�...v..:.::.�:.?:..,,�;i.-..:::...Y.. .�.............. ...�...�....��.�.....� f. .:l:A�:+. �.lrn..4F ... : ... . ....... ..�.. . . � f ..� .....r...a...... .........._.:�:..:.:�..::., y,{.+.r �.t. ...,-.w::::::..:.............�:.....�;...r�-�:i-.v:..:::.il:i�''.%•ii�:{:4ii'i�:L:J:vi.;_;:�-.:ti:-v!;�:::�.:�:::.�i . lr �i:.��m h'...x.}i..n...n%n.....r�C�.v.JU..Y..Wf.<xY�H.�n..C:..n.....n.�.....r.•..r......:.r.�..v...n..<Y.:::::.4Mvn.r........1.vi:.:.:.f�::.�::..rr.v.M..v.3rx..r.n..}...v.....vY....r.............nvn...t4.i.r..�::r:w:::...; '?:.s:.}.:iv:'l,-.r'i„i s..��:4iv?:i:inri.v^��.�r. /✓� 3 Z3 S Parcel No.s'23DoD O 160 Krolt 800 � Th.Bros: New �Z� J'` 1/4 S T R Old 3$ O2 Basin 1�f��/ Council Dist �•� Charge No: ---------------------------------__-�______--------------- --_—__._._------------_._---------------- - — RESPONSE.• CitiZen notified on �Z z by �� phone� letter _ in person �Pe�e�-r-cd � �DEs fo�P i?��tl �i.tc �ncrr,�,.t A/So Ca I/eG� �PoaC�S � �a�/� , thc d�tch on +�e easts;o(� a�' /5�8 n' sr c�ectr�ed ovT: _ .ce.-t- r+->a.���t KnoL.a �-ha.+ she wo�,�,�d need a. p�e,rmi f-, and �-ha+ we, �.c�owtcl No'r' be. �:�v esti�-a.+=►r�9 .µ�i s m0.--+'t-er- DISPOSITION; Turned to on by OR: No further action recommended becaus Lead agency has been notified: �roblem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem See Fle� �Private problem - NDAP wil!not address because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Water originates on KC Road _ Location is outside SWM Service Area. �Other (Specify): I N�c���j�L,�/ DATE CLOSED: � /��/__L_�_ bY: ��� �-�-�1 �n-Xlrt� ti./ tr�V����i(�Q,�.t,o.,�,�.J�,�,a-k.�j . NU15t/�IU 1N�YY�JVIVVYY t7�1VlV1 �JV»I IJ /u.�vi �v� ����n � _ � .. *.�. .r.;:c:�� KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION ' :� f����K�; . -"" ,.:�:�:�. .. .:. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT _ Page 2: FIELD INVESTIGATION . . r '�vr,_•..', I �etails of lnvestigation: The area of.concern has a slope from SE to NW. The roads are shoulder type with open ditches and x-tiles. There havE been recent camplaints regarding drainage that flows to the lot being inquired upon by Ms Nagel. There appears tc be a large area that drains to the ditch on 148th upstream of the x-tile that drains towards the Nagel lot. Concerns had to do with quantity of water and siltation from clearing and construction. The x-culvert on 147th by the Nagel residence collects water from the drainage under 148th,the ditch on the south side of 102nd and west of 148th, plus some run off from the sloped area between 147th and 148th. The ditch draining to the x-culvert under 147th is grass lined and mowed, providing a sodded ditch. Did not obsenre siltation or erosion in the ditch or at the outlet. There did not appear to be a disgnated stream as such at the outlet and thru the vacant lot, but there was a difference in vegetation coloration as if to identify moisture. Photo 1) Looks north on 148th from driveway leading to 10220. May Creek is just prior to end of road. 2) Looks south on 147th from 102nd. x-tile is in �rst part of ditch. 3) Reverse view where x-ti{e is at hole lower right. 4) x-tile outlet is at buttercup line between two posts. 5) View of lot of interest by complainant. ketch: �`��� , �� SE - � � �— S��ozNQSt t-- �---- •-- �-- �1 �= -`- ��;- _, I ��z�c v�e. t�z�, p � � i� �y A-�Et ' � � � ��`'c✓►+C �, � � ��� _ �i �L C� rfi l , � ���� , � �. � 1 nvestigated by__� �c.Yµ/�,,,�,�,.�.�.,, S� �arP 7 -i� �5'� + � ��� � - > � KtNG COUNTY SURFACE W,4TFR,'MANAGEMENT DNISION . -" • " � DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION�REQUEST Type_��� eived by: l ��„�L� Date: � � _ S- OK'd by. File�No. c�S_ �y� - ReCeic��u from: (Please print plainiy for scanntng). {Day) (Eve) � NAME: �'J�4 u�{ � �a�1e�J c L t PHONE v?SS— �I��� ADDRESS: I��/� I��f� �1�� Sc' City /���0�1 State�� Zip y�'�rJ� Location of problem, tf different: . Reported Prob/em: � C��ss � sT�e�rYl �2�✓�-scs �o�P�,���rs ���-��� ��iQ� �.s c�j�/c��JG/�JS- sc✓�'�'t= �.2�� /[7� �C�/,�t/S c�- O� lJ�'h�/G C� �t��Z dP✓f7�-�(/'f C.c�l�l-/�% � �� �d Nc T S��G/-�� C'�1�c/i�/EC � �a tJ�vT✓ .�//3S/.S�tiGrr / � �Lr/��}5 e' CA'6 L o S'c% � ���T -,2'//%/� ��/�r/6t/�-2 � ��� /���/�f�c� , I Plat name: C a�-am G/� Lot No: 2. Block No: i�l Other agenc(es irnolved: No Field Investlgation Needed I pnrua�s) I 31k�A!'A"�EfJ!3F�Wk#i�Flt:�ki?����#-ki&'#":ft?k'�Q'#7#ik#'.;:<:.: • •::>•:• Y•'� �y�� �!y�+ g{� �fy!. �'��t,4"„#'F "'.'.A'#:k7ki.E',�E#ik�ki4i(P7Y:��(?iMi9�':�k�iFiiE�' ...;., . .;.... .s: :,..::::::•: .:.:•:•.�.#..,...::,..... . . � ' ..r�+,� ,r, , ,y . '.w. .,;�xv..q . a.•i y.; •;..: ,..a:�! .�. F'�".''.��T.3;'��71:..'..'r'�''�'.-. o-:;,''-:T':'j1��:A7i;...�.�[�ia o-'»�Yr.b:.,. ;a+,"r':•.1�.:.:;r`•r ' ii:-••.'•r::.ii�:� ..fi:d ����a�a2;..�ttC��.wSwwCc{,:?.��'r.::-;s��ktszat•��ii.�✓ai,u*Fnuf+��.r:r�..�.�C�:aw•.<L.:uw.a:w:wrw.s:M�$�faa.cww:a.•..a...,::wx.aaw•«;.w:w:u;�:Y;rvrau�::�F��w:GJ::�x.rF,rk.✓:.::f".o�/.tA.G��iwSw:o�.wFr+'� SE 3 Z 3 � Parcel No.�776 y0 OOZO Kroll 8d0 E Th.Bros: New �-z6�7'S 1/4 S T R Old 3 S DZ Basin f'1�]i/ Councll Dist 12 Charge No: � �� ��.�� �� ---r— RESPONSE.• Citizen notrfied on C�s-1�S�by � phone_ tetter _In person 95-oyo3 �y>�� � �-�-1���- L.ls.wd�4. 1�v.n� -�C, j,�.�e,r--a,,, L.�e.r -!�,.� --E(..,5 ,_..�i 1l �-e.� s�,.-f �o ��-�.:w� ��,ru� �r�, L(os�C do N 1a4 DISPOS/TIDN: Tumed to�on � ��1�Sby OR: No further action recommended becaus Lead agency has been notified: _Problem has been corrected. _No problem has been iderii�ed. Prior Investigation addresses problem —See ��e# � ,Privaie problem-NDAP wlll not consider because: Water orig(nates onsite and/or on nefghbo�ing parcel _ Location is outside SWM Service Area. � Other (Specity): DATE CLOSED:�f���by: � ���--� � � KING COUNTY SURFAGE W��'ER MANAGEMENT DIVtSIOh ,` �HTER �a:][path]fi lenamet.eXt�� S�A���E��►��TIGATION REPORT ��� - - Page 2: FIELD IM/ESTIGATION . . , .Detar7s of Investigation: . � � complaint 95-0420 DONNELY, CLAUDIA Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 5-3-45 Meet with Claudia Donnelly and her husband at their home at 10415 147th ave southeasi. The Donnelly's are concemed about the small creek that runs through their property. A class III stream nins along their west property lina , Mr.Donnelly thinks that upstream development is causing some erosion amd saturating their property. I took Mr. ,, Donnel on a tour of the area to show him what is drainin to hi velo ment ' y wards s ro . There is no new de S P Pe�Y P upstream of their properiy. The drainage basin consist mostly of grass and pashue. Most of the houses are located on ' large grassy lots or on 5 acre Vacts. After driving the area with Mr.Donnely I didn't see any violations or problems in this area with the drainage. The Donnelly's live in a low area were water collects in a small channel and drains to May Creek. �, The other concern of the Donnelly's is a new plat that is going in on the north side of their property. This plat is � actuall located in the Ci of Renton. There is a outlett ditch on the northside of the neighbor to he northw�esi wluch ; even y drains to May Creek. The Donnety's want to know if this water is being accounted for by ihe Ncw Piat of . I said I would check into this for them. I explained ihat the county has no authority over this plat but I would check on the plans. Cec �Yti.�: -�:!�::;i; c�.sss m srnra}a .......:::.::.. ...... . . ...... ...... ............. .....::;�<;:::::.;:.;.,,::...::::::.. ........:::::�:::::.�: ................. ,.. .. ... . . .. ...--�- .. .............::..:::.:..v.;;:.;:;:-;,;rv.;�::,:�.:... . .,.�. >., ,:::::�.:.::., . . -- .........;:...,.... ...�- .......L.i�i::i.-i.,-'+1r$;}�f,-'•:'v: . ;p<�:'�:�::Y.:i}.�:-`.%...... .....::.:�b.v.}:y::-.:� .:: .... ...:. ..n{.�{{r.,,-...::�:n.. ....... •vy;:?:w... :: .,-v..:... ....:::. .. 'i>?ih.. •+� � ...��`�: ''.��.�'� TO . PPX �:::,.,,:..�i3F:�`..•. . t};`>;<��:\::<s:3't:' , ;;"r.'±;�•!:i.fi`E'�{;ii},:.��:f: $ �iY.L..�.>ry:t!•: E�4v!t>:: :n:C� Donnely 147th ave se 1� � �,� _--�-�, Investlgated by Date � 10/08/97 11:4� Cr'LUK 'LU5 betu� n � �er.� urri��, -+-�-� yivx �uuc��uc .�� ' .� '? ' ��'� f�vI . OCT 8 - 1997 �f�i���__ �!i�tiC� ��tF.i. •IY4 L�1Y?1;k �� � r i �,���: t.�r.�•�: (V' :t•r(h".':Ir 10415 - 147th Avenue SE '�'�.'=��='���€����P� Renton, WA 9B059 ������:�a October. 6, 1997 � ;:r�;�:,,��5:.F'.�r:��-'•L'�: .... ""� �-� i 1:::�1':7d�_�Fr�..'�i.r:_ �... �`. .'��.�'r?f'�r Kng County Facecutive Ron Sims 5=��� King County Court House �; -r}}, /wf3 . Seattle, WA 98704 . � �RA � �� � � ��srs�ci.�• . Dear County Executive Sims: p�.�.t.4� It has been two weeks since I sent you my first letter. I haven't heard back from eith`�e��,.� you or any one else, so I figured I'd wr'ste again. I made a copy of the video tape of Greenes Stream from IVlarch '19, 1997 and need to know if I should send it to you or someone else. � Several years ago, when Gary Locke was County Ex�cutive, I wrote to Mr. Locke about our problem at that tlme_ Some County peopte came out and took a look at our streamineighborhvod problem. I also received a tetter from him . . . Please advise me if 1 should sent the tape tv your office or to someone else's office for viewing. Would it also be possib(e to get an apology firom David St John? To have him te)I me that the County doesn't care about us -- we'li only be annexed or incorporated in the future -- Is that the attitude of all County employees about us? Like I said, we are only 3 houses, but our property is being destroyed and no one seems to care. We also pay taxes like everyone e1se. Since we've been told that the County won't fix the culvert allowing water to flaw underneath 148th Avenue SE to GTeenes Stream, how are we to protect our property from future flooding that will only be getting worse? Just ignore it? I would appreciate hearing fram you. Thank y�u for your time. Sincereiy, Claudia Donnelly ' JChIJ� W�.t- �' �"�`, �f J �---. ---- �-_ �� F�iNG COUNTY SUHFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DfVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT � Page 1: INVESTIGATION RE�UEST Type Received by: Date:. .��3� /�� OK'd by: _File No. 95_ �7`�2 -------------------------_—_----------------------------------------�------- ------------------------ ' RECeiveC/ f/Ol71: ' (Please print plainly for scanninBJ. (Qay) (Eve) NAME: ./OhlrJ �il`G� � CIG�iGIu-GG�� PHONE � ADDRESS: �D'T/5 ��� � �e SL�. City State Zip%o�� Location of problem, 'rf different: Reported Problem: s�� ��.���d ��� �� �s� � ��- o� �� � 1 G ?��� q r I�t r�,;,e: Ca�� �G�� Lot No: Z Biock ho: O.har aezncias i�v�lved: No Fizld Investigation Needed �,��,��:, �ir.xi a�r + �e �erR�e �**�rz�kxxx*�rx�k� �['[-..�., '1! .C'—"� � . ... ..z�ex*'kat+ti�* : ��ez�ryr*rznc �eakr i� : < : 1�. �iG'v .f rr''._"! J�'J}`.>�."..{ifv� <.���V�::3�-��.';C.'�i"n�.:�'�s� ,S� ,3 z3 �j Parcel h�o. /77(v y0 DD� Kroll 1��� Tn.Bros: New�O�J� ,,4 S T � o�d 3��<' B2sin /f'��� Council Dist �2-- Ch�rge I�o: . ---- – ----------- -------- -- -------�—�=Q�� RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by _ phone _ letter _ in person �, a� D/SPOSIT/ON: Turned to on by OR: No further action recommended bec Lead agency has been noi"rfied: _ °robfem hzs been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. Prior investi�ation addresses prol See Fle � Private problem - NDAP wrl!not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel Location is outside SWM Service Area. Other (Specii��): DATE CLOSED: ( � i1(o /�_� by: � ,�y� /,��{y�,,.r G� /.� - _' � • �� -- :� . . . .;� � p g�is�.�s AI1G I 4 {995 � AUG 15 �995 10415- 147th Avenue SE RECEIYED y Renton, WA 98059 KING COU TY E CUTIVE FFICE � ,�:��. ;:�..�;�:':Y To= J ' w P'.3�LlC If;UI��;S�Ji;,ECTOr3 AUgust 10, 1995 DUE DA7� AUTHOR: County Executive Gary Locke SUB�E� King County Courthouse A_ Seattle,WA � �RESPONSE FOR EXEG SIG. RE: Frustrations of a County Resident R�`�YOND FOR EXECUTIVE F.Y.1: Dear County Executive Locke: - I would like to explain to you the fctistrations of a county resident who is getting answers to a problem we are experiencing. The problems I will discuss are partialIy caused by the county. My husba�d and I,along with neighbors Steve and Mary Keech,live along and at the bottom a. Class 3 Stream --it has no fish in it and is dry part of the year. The county(DDFS and Surface Water Management)considers it"Sensitive"land Last winter we had very bad erosion problems. Above us on 148th Avenue SE a property owner clear cut his 5+acres.The stream runs through this property. We are getting run-off from his property. Another property owner (Blacl:mun) lives at the corner of State Route 900(Renton-Issaquah Road) and 148th Avenue SE. Over the last year or so, he has been clearing his property(which he has every right to do). Now we are getting additional run off from his property. The county's part of this probiem comes from the drainage ditch down 148th Avenue SE. Half way down the road;a culvert diverts the water under I48th Avenue SE and into our Class 3 stream. Now there is even more runoff water for us. In addition, there is runoff from a City of Renton Development called Summerwind. The City doesn't even acknowledge that this is something they are to take care of. The water is coming down the hill and eating away at the property(in King County). Eventually it will affect us. And in the long-run, this silt/water/debris tvns into May Creek. � � Last April,just to make sure everything was done properly,I called the Surface Wa[er Management people to see what could be done. They came out and investigated. Last July Alan Meyers of SWM came out and again looked at our problem. Because we are only 2 home owners affected by this stream that have complained, nothing can be done. We were told that if a property I owner's access to his home is threatened or a home is threatened by water/flooding, then something can be done.Earlier this week Mr. Blackmun was doing some additional grading/clearing of his property apparently with no permit,so after'talking to Mr. Meyers at SWM, I called in a violation. I got a call back from the Grading Department and they said that what he was doing was legal and no permit was required. How can it be legal? We need a permit to fix our stream and he doesn't need a permit to fill it full of silt--it's the same water. Our property is being partially destroyed by the people upstream from us and we can't stop them. Mr. Blackmun wants to put a development on his property and we are writing a letter to the Planning Departrnent to express our concerns. It is going to cost us$500-$2,000 to get a permit from the county and buy materials to fix our stream only to have it destroyed again next winter. It will cost more for the permit than it will to fix the job. We pay taxes to the Surface Water Management System,but we can't use the funds to I P ' �-.. �P � �� . . , �, w , 1 , • ! help us. We were also told that it would take 3 months for DDES to review our application before we can even start--if we get approved. By then,it will be the middle of winter and the rainy season. We will probably have more problems this year. I know that everyone is just going by the rules/regvlations that are on the book, but this is frustrating. Will the county ever help us? I doubt i� The records from SWM will confirm there is a problem. I I was told by one of the county employees that the squeakiest wheel usually gets greased. I will continue to complain to SWM,the City of Renton and whomever until we get help. All I get from I various officials are comments like, "We don't have enough money to help everyone. If you had ' more of a problem,then we might be able to help you." "Maybe you should get politics involved." What dces it take to have a real problem? ', I would like to invite you to our house to see what the problem is.The people in SWNI realize that ' there's a serious problem;but their hands are tied. Maybe if you come out and see some of the ' problems o�'us"little people"maybe then someone in government will help us and others like us , instead of the"bigger fish". Maybe the money to be voted upon for the new stadium should go I � instead to helping peopte with drainage problems. This is a lot bigger problem that keeping the ' . baseball/football teams in town. . Thank you in advance for listening to my frustrations. Sincerely, , l�-��fc��+--/ ` �� Claudia R. Donnelly cc: Mary and Steve Keech Councilman Brian Derdowski -�•— -- - - ------�r -- . . �:�:.. f�'���� t.j .r. 4� �\�: t e,�i�- ::;:z._ � . � t `L_.:r:.it/ '+i��'f � ��y King County ' Department of Public Works Yesler Building 400 Yesler Way,Room 700 Seattle,WA 98104-2637 (206)296-6500 December 27, 1995 Claudia Donnelly 10415 - 147th Avenue Southeast Renton, WA 98059-4213 Dear Ms. Donnelly: Ii Thank you for your letter of November 19, 1995 informing me of your concerns about Green Creek. I apologize for the delay in responding. The flooding of Kin� County's major rivers � at the end of November drew staff inembers away from other duties. I would like to clarify Mr. Gettle's comments to you concerning the sediment leavinF. Mr. Backman's properiy. The Surface Water Management (SWM) Division's process � addressing this type of problem is through the Enforcement Program. _ Since the SWM Division does not have the resources to address all enforcements, they are prioritized to best utilize the resources available. As you can see on the enclosed Enforcement Prioritization System worksheet, the Enforcement Program does not address impacts to private property. (Private property impacts are addressed through the Neighborhood Drainage Assistance Program (NDAP), which I addressed in my previous letter.) The initial step in the Enforce- ment Program is to contact the owner of the property on which the violation ezists and ask them to correct the problem. The Backmans have been contacted by both SWM and Depart- ment of Development and Environmental Services staff and have been cooperative in imple- menting and maintaining Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Controls. When Mr. Getde refened to the problem on your propert�r, he was referring to the cloudy appearance of the water flowing through your property. The only identified problem associated with the suspended solids in the water flowing through your property is an aesthetic one. The particles in the water will not settle out of the water until the water comes to rest for a long period of time. The particles do not cause additionai erosion, they do not pose a hazard to wildlife on your property, and they do not affect the capacity of the channel on your property. Although aesthetic problems are real problems, King County does not have the resources to address aesthetic problems on private property at this dme. SWM personnel have spoken with Paul Lumbert of the City of Renton Public Works Department. Mr. Lumbert indicated that he had not actually spoken with any King County n�� Claudia Donnelly ` December 27, 1995 Page 2 � employees regarding the County's policy of worldng in potenrial annexation areas. Rather, he made a general comment that at some point King County would stop working (and spending money) in an area that had been, or would soon be, annexed. In general, this is an accurate statement; as I indicated in my last letter, however, the NDAP will continue to work on a project ap until the date of annexation, at which point King County will wait for direction from the new jurisdiction on how to proceed with the project. Mr. Lumbert aiso confirmed that the drainage facilities in Summerwind Division 3 have recently been maintained and aze functioning as they were designed. I regret any confusion created by a lack of communication between King County and the City of Renton. King County personnel aze aware that Green Creek is a tributary of May Creek, and the SWM Division is cunently preparing the May Creek Basin Plan, which will be submitted to the County Council and affected cities for approval in 1996. The Basin Plan is a comprehen- sive study of the May Creek basin and includes recommendations to improve water quality, improve wildlife habitat, and reduce flooding in the basin. The Basin Plan does not contain any recommendations for Green Creek and does not identify it as a significant source of sediment or suspended solids. Thank you again for your continued concern for Green Creek and the May Creek Basin in general. SWM has many volunteer programs for people who are concerned about the water resources of King County. If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities at SWM, please contact Anne Bikl�, Cedar River/May Creek Basin Steward, at 296-1908. S' , '' � P Tanaka � Director PT:becbo � Enclosure ' cc: Paul Lumbert, Office Engineer, City of Renton Public Works Jim Kramer, Manager, Surface Water Management Division ATTN: Dick Tfiiel, Manager, Engineering and Environmental Services Section Anne Bikl�, Cedar River Basin Steward, Watershed Support Unit . Y . L� KING COUNTY SURFACc 1NATER 1�4ANAGEMEtJT DIV1SfON . , DIZAI�IAGE �I��VESTXGATION' R�PORT � . Page 1: INVESTIGATION REOUEST Typ.e � Received by: . � .. Date:: ,�.� CI OK'd by:_ ��t�� Fite No. G�'� _�L�.i � ------------_.__-__�__��.��---------. --------- ------------------------�: h'eceived fiom:•-�--�--- . (Please print plainly ior scanninp). (Day) - • (Eve) . NAM,c: l�(�-��G W-CS7"li'1 ' PHONE�D '"98/�- ' ADDR�SS: � �7c� �'7 �,� . ��'/'NJ�'1-�S� !�T . • City. ���UN State ?�p� . �.Location of problem, if diueren�: . � � R�ported Prob/em: � ��o� ��lrn � �'�2r�,� IQa�, �i.�S ����eLr� ���� � r,��� h� f��'�-��'�l G�G� 6�� lu-�i h�o�- '� � � � , . .._-.. � � �-S� ��,e.�i vr�c� �� �-�. "lU� � h�G o� �d�u� a� �r�-?� ���, �� � . . . � � � d,�rwr� !-�;t s .�i-.�c�e: . Ww� �'��� G-�.-� l��. . _ . . _ . ,�y�-1�`��1 is �-�+��c a� ,� G�,�-l�m --� a.�r �tiu s � sti.� �o�s� � . , wa.-� -`�'�- ✓p!�D b l�if'17,.� 4.��-�`�G�, :f�L.� �o ���''�'/r�S r =��i ,..,,,_. Lo; tio: �loc� No: �iii�c.' c.3ilC�3S �7'.'O�V;v: i\O I"1$�Gi �:�1.'�Si1G�ii0i1 �=c:r�.�i . '::tii; .................... ...............:........ ... � -zst]f�CZTIr�T.�1C►F'iTTZfDtZ1iF'F1iC'+Jf?.t.f�i�� .•���.r:��l.l�19�'���^ '. �/:/>l�:CJ�I�Y �T'"��l1l��"wI•i'�- __ ::ra':r�r.'i�z'+ii:r:�'>'rii�'rticGc:`: ... � . .....:...::. � .. ...:...:.�: ' ::vv�. :7".....1.:13:'�ni• J.I i=_•.. --• .�. �7 ,�..__ w _�.�.. ... .�_.. •: . � .:.� : ::.:-:..:.: .., . ......,..... ... . .....:.:.:.: ............,. . ..... ..,. ,.. . .....r... .. ....._...,................... ..:.,.............,:.,.:..., H::,.....::..:,...:,........:::.,,......,.,.:.:.�...:...,.:....:,,...,..,::..._. � ,..... =- .. :..�::.;::.»:::..>....,..;:,.. .... S� � � 2 3 �j ��r�e, t,'o. 032 3D�ej C1Z3D !:;o�� ��b,�- ���.��os: r�e�•.• �OZ�. �j� $ i n . �:a 35D :.as;n mY�� Cc�r,�;l �ist 12 Cha:oe No: r;�SPONS.=: C;�izsn notri� on Z ZgrQ� by � ph�n� I�<<�r _ in perso� �js ftJ . l��'� /Ules��. c�-�.l•�bO.- /�r��c,, Glos��.. �'��k. . f�oa� r's �u.�%t�,.i i�.( bY � � �c. 5��'t v� [.J���:,f,/v�. SaN�U� C,�s�o+n�v- �e,-v,;..� G�,� c�osr�5 , D;SPOS/;/ON: i urned to on by O?: �o fe:rther action reco,-nmer�d� i x !ezd zcency hzs b?e� rotrie�: ,� , ��� � r—*- _ �robf�m hz5 be2n co�iected. _ No problem nas b2en io�niiiied. �rior investi�2�ion 2��r�ss�s � • Sfe =�le � Pri���e probl�„-� - �'D:�? wi!!not consider bec2use: 1Nater o:iginz;es onsite and/or on n�ichbo:ing parcel - � LoC2lion is outside SJJt�3 Service Ar�2. Oih�r {Speci��): n�T:- ri nc�n• � � .1Cl� 9� ti„• �� _ , _ . __ ...... ......v�. _t �,.. ..,,.-_ ,.�_� .. ., _ , " � - complaint 96-0143 Westing, Kate Investigated by Doug Dobkins on 2-21-96 Mrs. Westing lives along SR900 and is concerned about the runoff from the roadway impacting her home. There is no street drainage in front of her home so the water runs from the road frontage of the prope�ty to the west to the Westing property. It appears the water ponds in the frontyard and driveway against the house. Also contributing to the problem is the downspouts don't connect to a system so they flow into the same low area as the road runoff. It appears when the water gets high enough it runs towards the neighbors to the east. SR900 is maintained by the State. I wi11 confirm that this road is not maintained by King County. If maintained by King County then information will � be forwarded to King Co. Roads. SR q oo �s ��.t�-�:� b Y �-�- �-� • � �..� ;t l �lQ�L. S';t-< <,�.., ;�.k c��s-4-:�,.� , � �--- a � 1�G14W�� PONDiN(i �► � , y SR 900 ...d I �—��� � ; .� ; - � '-- KiNG COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DiVISlON � DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Page 1: INVESTIGATION�RE�UEST Type � Received by: Date: 3//,3��� OK'd by: File�No. �� — �5� ReCeived frorR: (Piease pr(nt piainlylor scanning). (Day) �(Eve) NAME: �Oh{']..��GJ� (�f CGGCG(,L�.tJ PHONE ADDRESS: ��7"�5 ��� � �� s� City �-��� State�� Zip 9�0, Location of problem, if different: . Reported Prob/em: . � - �� �-�/���D �. . . Plat name: �� � /V� C'���� Lot No: a Block No: Other agencles invalved: No Field Investigation Needed ,...,,:.,..,.,..:.:.:.:.:..,.::..:.:-,..,...:.,.,,.,.......:..:...:.......:y�..:,:.. ,..:,. ..: .. ` .j� p�ntsls) #+c,-;rf-�4�tc�k�4*.�:#yr�4�:iE:tcak,��t#:k»�ikx#x*3k : :}( <;, : �y — � �' ' /� M �+t�kii4iEik:ifr'ik�r:-ki1`:ikdi�tdFii�t�i4;'+��;**#i�^ki � r«-.r•. ::�. �' �� JQ'` �lt�tiik"' ; ,,�;....:,:,,, ..:.::::..:.. ....�.. :::.:.,:::�::.: �:��f�. �� �. �7 . :..:.:.. .........b:xri}'.... J•r.i'�i:i\�:::. th...:....::L::��i.Y.�.. .. ... ..��.. ..... .�.... :::�.. ..1�I':�.: ..:5�v�..Y.ei:•'F..n4i:i'i:�....rn :::.......... .:............. ...:.v�.x.� r.�. .... ..�.r........n�........................ ...................�..........::..............�.:..:1... riit±%: �i:'{.: ............rn:::�:ntv.��n:�vn�:Iil�.milw'X vYer .;. .. .r J. 4:rnv:iff.vr.w�wnw�:• r.tis.. ..........��..v:.;.. :...1...u.r�� >..n N.s...is. �_•.: r.�:. ;:., m N}]C#f.Y-r.•.::�:.ti.»..rxrv..•m>. s+ n�.w.w::�:}x::.wmv:x�.vY:.v�:Ariti� r••.••^•• •:..••}i'M'•'i.Jv:s'iY.'•:i?iti iii:�ii::i:. ♦ r .. . "�i'vf.ii�Y/rii:ivii.�..::n�r.iiiii:}i:•iii:�n-ri:ii:v�:hi:%ii:��l.•i%"J."'•'"4•••;• ' s F 3 2 3 5 Parcel No. � 7 7��d d� 2D Kroil �Q�� - Th.Bros: New��o �` 1/a s T R Old 35 �2 � Sasin I�'I/g Councii Dist � Charge No: RESPONSF: Cttizen notified on by _ phone_ letter _ in person DlSPOSIT/ON: Turned to on by OR: No further action recommended becau: _ Lead agency has been notified: 'roblem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses probieR — —see Fie � � _Private pro6lem - NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsfte and/or on neighboring parcel _ Location is outside SWM Service Area. _Other (Specify): DATE CL.OSED: �� ��7 /�_ by: � -� �r;-�f�.'1"� C �`1..1--- � �',,, n n � 1 `. ,�-��_..�.._. .�......_.�....�.--_ ...._....�........�.,.��..�. ...._� _ . r � ,�t� ' f`,'l�l:'�� _, 'I.,.f:_j.:�' ..Lt� .l.v.. • - : ,: . �.:• .::�':.a.l'".�s, n,- 7:��,_, ';; Et".;.��t� t., . ._.... _ .. . _ ^ � � �_ .� :�; , ._ _ .- --- r � / °XO _ GE�v�D MAR e .� �� kt�cIVED � � 1996 10415 - 147th Avenue SE KING C0t1NTY uTrv o�icE MaR Renton, WA 98059 TO: � � h ` ���S�R��Sp�RE��OR March 3, 1� DUE DATF� �� AUTHOR: A�-�� ���k�S Sl1BJfCT: , ►wi � County Executive Gary Locke ���,�� �cT�oN King County Courthouse V RESPOtJSE FOR EXEG SIG. Seattle, WA _jtESPOND FOR EXECUTIVE REVIEWED QY ' RE: King County Giving Permit Granting Authonty to Renton F.Y�: DearCountyExecutiveLocke: �: �N����C��� I would like to explain to you the frustrations of a county resident who is getting no answers to a problem we are experiencing. You are our top County official who is running for governor. I would hope that you aze alsa concemed about damage being done to our environment and the - flaunting of rules that I have seen or heard about� Just north of our house is the development of Stonegate. In January 1995, this property was annexed to the City of Renton. After talking to a Department of Fisheries person in November about some erosion problems in that development, I was told that the City of Renton has a poor environmental record. This person also told me that every time he hears the City of Renton that it _� raises a red flag in his mind. This development has a habit of doing work on County property without having the proper permits. An example: At the north end of 148th Avenue SE, there is a bridge going across May ' Creek. The developers had private contractors put in a little walkway over the bridge and put a water pipe under the bridge without having the proper permits. How do I know this: I was told this information by someone in the PubIic Works Department. This developer is now getting the necessary permits or intergovernmental agreement. � On February 21,a contractor employee did some clearing work on a right-of-way on land located I in lhis development. He then crossed over into property located in King County. This property is I also located near a CIass 3 Stream. There are no erosion barriers in place--just straw. (See enclosed pictures). If we get another heavy rainstorm, there is going to be alot of erosion coming down into that stream and going into May Creek. May Creek, by the way, has salmon in it. VJhen • I asked this gentleman if he was going to put up the black erosion barriers, he said no. Then I told him I «�as going to call the City of Renton officials. He said,"Do what you have to do lady." So, I called the City of Renton officials and they gave me no satisfaction. Then 1 called a land-use violation into DDES, I called SWM and filed a complaint,and I called another County office in • DDES concerned with environmental issues. I also talked to a lady in the land use office and she stated that this developmenUcontractor had no permits to do any type of clearing in King County. � Since I didn't get any response from the County, I also called the State Department of Ecology. On that Friday, I got a call from an inspector and she said that the County would tine the developer for not having permits. Then I got a call the next day from this same lady and she said that Renton had a11 the permits. I did not understand what she meant. In addition, I received another call from a different DDFS office who said that I shouldn't call the Department of Ecology. Wetl, if the County doesn't care about this land then maybe I should call the state. This afternoon, I spoke to someone in a DDFS car and he told me that King County had given the City of Renton the authoriry to grant whatever permits it wants for work on County land. How can that be? If we did some clearing by this Class 3 stream, we would have to get permits from the ``�...``. County. Plus we would have to put some erosion barriers. How are we going to protect this stream from damage?The City of Renton surely isn't going to do so. Last November I called the . City of Renton about environmental damage(that I had pictures o� that was occurring in this " development. This Renton official only got concerned when a Department of Fisheries person came out to do an inspection. Who do we call to complain to when the contractor screws up on County land? No one in the County seems to care about this land except us. Do you also know that the City of Renton wants to vacate a portion of a County Road -- SE 100th D'� Street. The City of Renton is trying to do this without all the necessary petmits. What gives the � City of Renton the right to do this without talking to the County? I have been told that the City�� now talking to the Department of Public Works about vacating this road. Again, this is happening after the fact� Sincerely, _ ��� �� Claudia R. Donnelly �-d�� � �'' t 1 c;�-C-� ' � �- �'� � w � , k � . � : .. .:. , _ KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION �ItAIINAG� �1Y��ES�IGA'ITON �EPOItT . Page 1 .INVESTIGATTON REQ[JEST , Type _� ;OBLIIvI: ���91111/a FG� , . , � , RECErvID a�t ��� l _���'f'��� - Date ��/I`'� OK'd b,y: � � F�E No �' ����O � _ �..; � � � � .i f Recerved from:r,G,�j� ,f r,, �-';� _ _ � . :.; _ ,, , (DaY) �L`� (Eve) L—� , . , � r.----- �'� �j�� . � NAME � �Oi/!� �u'�G'i /�'�'�'` �,, r -PH�NE ZZ�-' �,/�/S t . � .- .x , : ,:. , _ : , ,. /� , ;. � L]LD�'.�.5�[/��� ' 4����r-.. <i> ''i �:.�,,,..r . . CiTy� ' , ��'' � 'State` . .-:.Zip � � . , �, �� ,;:ti� :f , . � t: F . �, , .. : :� . Laca#�on4of problern; if different �.,-�� �.._�'. . _ ,�:_ _ .. _ . y �._ . ._ , _ _ , , ..: .;w ��G�`} �I I��o� �VL S� .-�- - --__ _ -_• �- I Reported Problem' � � cAiL��tsT ❑ Nvo�ai�e To se r�nc) CoTS' � S'z >.�53 Sr�o•�a�'��'� I, ..;_ . _ . _ . - . . . . ;� ' � �'G/��p �J2 S�2 ��l1 N-1/r'f' -IJ�' ��5� Z�1'S► � �� . � . � .� � ���y :. �P d Po s = T�' ��� /l��-�r�� G��.�, �v��.�` �?'�� . ��p�,�,T� �.���� ��✓�4s !/�5/T !/,vGoNTieo'vL� �o�✓ /�'•"'� o�o Tl�r Gu7"s. �//J/�-7' Gd"� `��- ./�j.d� T'G �ix,�l,��'..�J�' , .; . , �'7i��-- �a����., h Plat na�ne: �,� ��,{� Lot No: �2' S3. Block No: ' :�,;, -�;;�. Other'agencies involved: No field investigation required �� initials � �e,� � 4 >�� "A* .�3. � _ , `f...: — �s� � Z3 S — - -- 1�4 S . T R Parcel No.�S4�" 45� -�Kroll �� Th.Bros: New (0 5� Old ��Z + Basin� Council District �Z Charg�,No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ( by: phone letter �in person ' �N � / Ti� c �.d�eo � c�ry e tL R�e�✓�n1 �-02 �p i s�o s i���o N e� ��P2 o,�,a� �y � �o�/ vQ yf�J'�� . DISPOSTTION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: � . ' _ Problem has been conacted. No pFoblem has been identified. Prior investigaUon addresses problem: s��� � P:ivate problem-NDAP will not consider because: ' Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. 'C Location is outside WLRD Se 'ce ea. Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: � / /fZ /< � By: .O/7 2e� - � ..f ,, Complaint 99-0196 Gallagher lnvestigated by Pat Simmons 03/11/99 � +�r,� 1Zbq I met with Mr.Gallagher,Bob Arthur(City Of Renton),two other city of Renton officials,and two other people from Chaffey corporation to discuss the a flow of water across two lots of the Stonegate development.The water comes from the East to the ditch along 148'"Ave.SE flows about 200 feet along the road then under it and through two private lots then under 147`"Ave.SE and into a field toward the , development.The water then runs across the lots to the area were it seems to infiltrate into the ground. They agreed that the water needed and could to be collected and conveyed across lots in a pipe.The City of Renton and Chaffey needed to work out a few details of the plan before the houses could be built. $TlC�R�'') . Lot 53 148tb Ave. SE � � Drainage Path � � ���Z Lot 52 � 12"Conc r-- �— � 147"'Ave. SE � NTS .. . ., . ,, .,.„ - , -- --_.-......_.�_:.� - _ -=__-_-=--_..:�; - -,�,,... • KING COUNTY WATER ANll LAND RESOURCES DIYISION r ' .� �"'� DRAIN�GE INv�STIGATTON:REPORT�r �,,�,;•r={�� .�;- � � � , Page 1: INVESTiC3ATIONREQUEST <.` � ' ; _:�_� , Type _ 4L � PROBLEM: ��nDG�i • ._ .. . " c^\ � RECENID BY: G�_ ; Date: 4•2►•`t°t- OK'd by: - FB;E No �l—D3� � . . ,Received from:` . , , . , 3 , � ' ;, � . (�ay) L_� ��a' ' (E�ve)� � •_'� .x�: l',l a:u.�i� t�enrx,�l r� � . �oi�. .- ;� � 4 . . ,,ADnxEss:.-5�t�2�'�'� / l4n�L���`}�'✓6-�- 5� City - State � Zip, - � Location of roble if different: -- ` � p � ' . : . _ E . i Reported Problem.• CALL FIRST ❑ (Would Like To Be Present) - � ` , : � � . y ��ct5� �� ��-�'�ec� C'�G� � . . � Plat name: � Lot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required (initials) . . . . - - - I . • � --- -- — --- - _ . -__ ,�_M�.�_�.. _ -..t, r- _..__ _�..,. �/a S . T R parcel No. Kroll Th.Bros: New OId Basin Council District Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person DISPOSTTION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: ' Problem has been conected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: sE$�� Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Service Area. Other(Specify): � DATE CLOSED: / / By: L�_ E�y�� � �. _ /1 - .�_ „a�._ � a. .a• I F. -, i ' Shannon, Kathleen , -. . . . . �.-.-� . '. ��r �,_ �_,:�� From: Norton, Ann Sent: Thursday,April 15, 1999 3:15 PM �— - To: 5hannon, Kathleen Subject: ' FW: Citizens rights? Do we liave any? � t��7 '�`' " I ,.: ----0riginal Massage— T` " - From: Bissonnette,Pam - 5ent: • Thursday,April 15, 1999 2;01 PM . To: Hansen,Nancy Cc: Kfpp,Greg;We�h,Maureen;Sims,Ron;Norton,Ann;Tanaka,Paul �;F,. Subject: FW:Citizens rights?Do we have any? `' � ,:. Nancy, another one for you. Woufd you please have your drainage section coord wIDDES and provltla a I�MI��n��� ���' please treat as ccf. #hx all. -----Originat Message----- From: - Sims,Ron Sent: Thursday,April 15, 1999 7:09 AM 70: Kipp,Greg;Bissonnette,Pam Cc: 'thedonnetlys@infoconex.com' SubJect: ClUzens rights?Do we have arty� Pam and Greg -please foilow-up and report back to me, thanks. -ron From:. Mike and Claudia Donneily[SMTP:thedonnellys@infoco�ex.comj ` �t: Wednesday,April 14, 1999 T33 PM Sims, Ron ..�: De�dowski, Brian SubjecE: Re�Cltizans rights7 Do we have any7 >Dear Mr. Sims: I found out some iniormation today and feit even more >frustrated with KC, so {figured I'd pass it on. I finally talked to a >person in Renton who told me about the meeting. It was with someone from • >Surface Water Management. The Renton person told me that he didn't >remember his name. V�lell, the SWM person safd it was ok with him to put >the pipes where he did. That Renton official also called me a liar, I >saw work being done in KC--but by the time Renton officials got there, >the developer had"fixed"the probfem. This is what made me mad. On 148th Avenue SE, north af State Route 900, are hvo culverts diverfing water from the ditch along side 148th, under#he road through people's yards and into Greenes Stream and then onto May Creek. My neighbors and I get the waier from the first culvert—500 feet north of the State Route 900. We have tried for years to get help from SWM. But since we are only 3 houses#hat flood out, have erosion damage, etc.,we don't counVrate. I wrote you previously about this problem. I eventually told SWM to forget us as we were 9 out of 9 probjects. This personmtold the Renion City�fficials and the developer that if the water got to be too bad coming from 148th at SE 102nd ST. and it started flooding the nice new homes that are to be built in Stonegate, that the County might have to fix thak problsm and divert the water to May Creek alongside the road. DDES told another lady that gets the same water and is wrecking her property NO when she asked if she could put a pipe in to channel the water a� �tect her properry. WE DON'T COUN'f-- BUT A DEVELOPMENT IN THE C1TY C �NTON RATES�MIGHER PRIORITY FOR KC SWM THAT INDIVtDUAL KC HC�MES THAT ARE HAVING PROBLEMSIlI I wrote to the Growth Management Committee and the Committee for Unincorporated Areas that years ago we signed a petition to help get Cedar �ounty formed as KC wasn't doing anything for us. This goes to show vnu that we were riaht. WP r+��'+ ��•^ ��•• - ' � ��m �°\ �o '� ,'',���"� KING CO WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION C �T � - � DRAINAGE INVESTTGATION REPO�tT �/I .y, :, . .� Page T: INVFSTIGATION REQLTEST . - � Type � ROBLEM: /'�J� . ' .. , . RE�IVED BY �� Date��`� OK'd by � FtLE No.=qq—a'Z�f, : �eceiyed frpm ' ,l - � _- .- - _�_ - ._ - r Y t= I 1 �� .- . �' 1 . ,r., . � " . .. - � . , - � , � r:�- J {DaY) � (Eve) � � ., :� .`N�: -�E�1;4;� �o�ui,�,��r _ Pxorr��s s � �4��4a . . , � ���r� , CrtY=_ Zip. _: ; ,;. �f ADDxEss: ��41��:.`h' { . �, • _ - State �t: . I , � . � � Location of pioblem,,if different�k�� ��;c,n-ls5 Kd /. (¢ :E'�^ J�i�_s� l: 8 Reported Problem. � CALL FIILST �..(Would Like To Be Present) �. . . . � : � ���.. _ � `p� � �.,,;� o�,� ;� ,� �. ��.�� � � dG�vd i,n.. �1,tz�. Clcuu�t�i:� � o�,tr��i-� ..�,,.r� � � n�.o,l1� �. 1�h� I�u�u,c,ln.�. ,(,1,�2 " �-w�. .1uo�-e� ha�-� 'F° Cha:e.�:. �rn . �� �cw � e�,(/�- ���� a.vt�,l C''°_r`%? �4�. n�-o�veh �4,t,ofo�t�d . �c.�a 4�ohh,c�-� a�� � G�Ce.�I-k,�;o ptt,tS��� t,�.� �'1nF ��-8'n/� ��— �'lth. �'1.a"� . M�� T,f1- . q S - a y�-�� . �j S - D l� 8' 1,,�e��e, tae��t. ha-v�- Y� �,ti..p rv�s -I"�w�� , , , � ' C'j S - o � �i� ,S e� t'F �o rc�I�a�s 1� �,t s�'►5 �� �.� � K-�s Plat name: C� C/ � ' p��C� �'�'�-�s �"`'��n�Lot No:ti , Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required inidals I�� � 4 - _� � 2� � (1�7��oc�2�) � 1/a S T R Parcel No. Kroll�_ Th.Bros: New Co Z(0� Oid 35 D2. Basin /�^ _ Council District_� Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on GJ -�-F 9 by: _� phone letter in person �f'lf' �1'af� 77la.� � Co�r-/� ��` .Ci.r..o �.4l.�,�svs �'o w.✓ Fo s¢�'.�'"1 /5�.�'" �''A�-�` l� ,4�'r'`s��o 7r1� G,►.tv'r.e/F wzrnr A�.....� �uz. ,�y;' � G'v.,.�'�-a' � �r 1�2��a m-� I DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: � Lead agency has been notified:__ (it/. �'� � C� 'T " _ Problem has been corrected. No problem has bcen identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: s��# Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring pazcel. Location is outside WLRD Service e Other(Specify): DATE C'LOSED: I �/�� / ,/ By: /J✓'.� ,.-., � r, ., �� ' _ - �•y _ !'' f 'i�'� Il�.f:�� 7�-i},+�.:. 'f .i: =1 Ls_ � �r - -�---�=�:=-.�n-�C-. -2;S'+c, � " r '_ .t+.�=..+,,.r� ,':� .�.,,'� 7'w�(�.�C �"�.�.�S�v4 [��1�+�,��'�S.��. rv F .� . L y � fi .. + 3, , Complauit 99 071'0 D'onn`el]}�`�'` J. ~f`�i�is`�i �M"�'�` r r's�".��"�F',.,�.��� 3 f ;;4 �f'�''-,`..'�x Na�,:�.�'�' '� '�z�Y T^�``�;,'..�"'�`r �`z�'1}�� Investigated by Chris Treichel 10/14l99., ', - . ��-:` ,�7�W Visited the site on 10-14-99. Nobody was home at the Donnelly residence. Went up to Renton Issaquah RD where the construction is taking place. Talked with one of the project managers. There is a swaJe that runs to the north,that ends up running into May Creek. I coutd fmd no signs of erosion taki�g place. The project manager stated that they remove the dirt from the site and fill with slurry. It is a day long process and they do not leave a trench when they stop work for the day. There is this type of work occurring all along SR-900 down to the City of Issaquah. sE �ay vauey ru� ��� Runoff Swale approx. 1 j mile away � � eo Area's of � � work. Donnelly's Property NTS 1 s� �� �n� .� �aq�a�� _ �sR,�J �� 4 Y , � y ti � , ,f�43or... ��:�t Y _ - - - - ��.�i� .��. � x� {r.� i � �t�c� �3. _ �ia � ' vi h jr��i���.' Y ...,� ,p' �;qs+.- :f _ .. � � . -1.-`a- � td._ .. .:.c .y�`�i.r,.�. :.r .y�.�, � �+ ,. < 'S•fi•�•�• t'�� ' h tf tr�s r � �}Et{�{i � �.. .. y ��� `�3� ot S. .N,rr1 '�.e � Y4olr'ecik�� '�� ,t �..7 . � 1 � �F-`�� e 1s�S �.�°'1y:�1/ f�].�l'i.f�.i�f��c` • tTC�+i'� ..i��tl/iy�}�JS1�Jr� av�e+...'S rt :V:7� �'c�� 1'3iJ['�� , k.r^;�?Y z �^ lr �.���'�� , ._ � � lv.+ , � ,L a L; �/�� ..� � I vp'1 rb�w` �+ { .�� rF'�P:?'9> ,.,.,�'4�a'.d�--�7;}�=��,-.{`t�,�t.�-�'��rW�-{- '�-� �y.- ,a�,-.'��i'_Y-rA.�� .7� � � , "-._ ' �+� '-;�e :e'�� , � �� '�;,}a ,�...'�-`J,Y,� �'tuat".l'�.. ''�s F�Q Bt���?411Vt�r.�x'i_ A.FjO�R����.T��,Y��;:�u�-R�i' i�T '�f„�,-� 7c'}- �l�Jt e :- 1': � /J � / .y'�j `r �'-v ,� t� ..--p .'.\r✓ 4- .� � rti!. ;•� �v =T�T �♦ [�' „�• `; //j/� >)/r� /�/�^- i' ,k`� 1 t ^'EL'+1 y iS.� "� rS'.�ti't'�t � i i, Y� +� � . r �DiT"rtvl / ��� ��lX�.�/�'i// c:J� --�IJ�,��'aL ,+,�,r�j�p� �r�x u � i.,��t 2�ti �`� �F'�:1;. � y �� t �S � `� ._k a-.r ; :s' g- �r�t3�.� �"'q� , r�,C --- i t .�k `T� .,��1 '�, r -. . i �� � �. �.. �i:�� i ..-• � r��.� t�j t `�.:� i�� �>` .lf p x.��� �� ,� ,� i�t F�, :y �.w��+�sv� e j�c _ � �i ,�. RECBIVED BY > :r � �'r bate� ��/'��� �I��d b th � �� FrL�N�o �, Z '�� , ..� . _ . � S4S 1 ... F J �PFL J t5' �`� � F � �YY{�(Y�� :�: ��t � f a"�',.,3��'�C:7 } -.. , ' y. . , „f F rr ,, f i � .� r. �,,. ,Ta �'eqi./ u r,.x .F'1 3 - n.,' �� . � Receivedfrom, ��B�Gua�?G� �C� � ��"DD,�S,.l�„ �� � ^ � ;� �� �.�-;�, ., � �r i . : �h. !.c af. k4t[ ..� .,k��a � tt�, �>`� �f''�.�" .l ..�-r � s S 7 G w.� � °n- .'sti i }o- � ,n f- / �,,.. � i-L ..� 1 : \ �'�i c q � ' ��f{rr..� ke � U. A}�:.�� qi.�. �-�!'ri- .r �1�•� i 4� >ti..L �L.����i+��E TgY � ' »�i, f- �, .dj' �: � ye (z k���� �- l 'S� �r v�,. �� �K�r� � ..:S �+ .. d � cti 7i :-�7 v � a 1 ,, xF i�4 l�i�y� �----'—+�� �.c r r�. r � l L : � i��i f7�7���°����}. i: � t -A�.`l ; - �.t w � �t�� u iY�d, x � i E`�-S ,"],�4�� � �a>.��^ t E „ i� +'. � # . �k Ft x: r �� 1`It11V1r�s?�l- � �J� � �� �/I�)� �,�� rt�� �r'�i�t1� :I�� �PI101Vi1'� �,, i�;4 � �' A �t i t � � �. : S�`�. S �. •�.���' �1 �.�.�� �, � : .:N- k� �, �5 S i s I.'r ! .1 � . � .�„�i>i �t-� f �y q� �Y:-� } -� 1 ;y� .t: i �; ' (��. ���';s' .2 a�{ �l' tA '. a ' ��a ! J s7: '�2 - �` .,� k .1 � ,,f,!'K � � ra�' �.,( � f � ADDRESS " �' ' f'.�{3 ,� � i... s r,� � Fl.,' ' G`l�'� r t � ,r..�~ � ►S�1t@ ' ' � Z,1Q , , ., . . . 5 .. r t < �cH 4� .7,.. -i f s�� r i, r � .�¢�� � r � s-: ', .. � . i '. .. �...�,� �lCL.c:/a � a ). i � � rjGvl'.�F .. ��. d�� r1,�:.�y ifizC�>i{ {t�� _. Locahon of problem, if differ�qt . "S'� .I� ,_ ����' '�/ ��ln,,Q� 1 v :� ' - ..e� ���� �a>.3 F: 7 4 3 � . . . . f r-,�: . :. .._ ... � �'., _,� t i .. }d-�'�� �S, °� (Y;F aj i c ,Reported Problem.• �CALL FIRST ❑ (Would Like To Be�'resent� � � ` ,r��,� 'r,,„ , ' � `,� T =� � t , r �S �,c �� ,�>,'. I. ���� k o. ,.�, . �, � r 1 l F�.T �.. �� � ' C,(J m���i7`/�����%l0/�7 ;�.�l���if� , .�. . _ , -._.: � ..���. .., .?::�. . � �.. _,.. �:. °.'.. . -- , " L.;:_r �` . - . /G� :'�, �t �° `'La��(�� �f I l_ L DO ������Sr� � �``��� "�.�LU�ti/{J . i�'~� �`-���Z���'CJ�L� /} ��.�il�/ , � .I :a� "� (! � �k.� r.� � �',; � . (�L���'�JU E�Q� QU?.D, Li��F IY�GG� � C���%f��� �. �. �(�2'LLX� �� � �'2�'"�-' �� Plat name: Lot No: , B1ock,No: ,� Other agencies invoived: No Seld investigation required initials � .._ . .. - --,�- :,.M�_ ` _ - z.�,. � � � � /- l�a S . T R Parcel No.(�22�Q5�1D 1� Kroll,�r Th.Bros: New �02� ��P Old �vSE� Basin /�� . Council District� Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on ' �� by: phone letter in person Ss�-�' �-r'Y ra .L.J sDo T, DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: � Lead agency has been notified: w- �' � � � � — ' Problem has been conected. No problem has bcen identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: � - SEE I�YI.E# Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Servic Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: � /��/ By: /�,cG��f7 C'-7-i7i'`) �' , . .. , . ,,. . .. , , . . , 'y'„ � ;f .c� ��r�+J� '�i. 4l r`' "y�.;3J wr,,, � y�.:� 'r' ;r t��.-� r , . . r'�r � ��* t�j�l'���+i'�4x �e 1. .'.rt4 - �. . , ,.� �-s r �e r.,�Y� . ' _ _ Y 1 �j�sdd �1'�!. '_f .. y . 1- . ��.ye�,•y�..t, 3.`. .'4. .. .,.., ^ ... , . �� (t ,� F , i�-:c'�---'j'r,��li`T!. Complaint 99-0725 Ar�nymous • 'i� " � ' �.:` - Investigated by Chris Treichel 10/19/99 � � ,:r:.�. -��; - y ":_s �:.,� r .��'._.'.:�?V':9. Visited the site on 10-19-99. This is in the southeast roadside ditch at the intersection of 148'�Ave SE and SE Reriton Issaquah Rd(SR-900). There is currently construction taking place within tha rondside areas all along SR-900 by Cannon Construction,installing fiber optic cabtes. This area was part of Ilio work. The ditch receives run off from the east,south via a swale and south via a roadside ditch along ll�o custside of 148`�Ave SE. The water flow's aortherly under SR-900 via a 14"cement culvert and cuiili►�ues iiortherly to May Creek,which is approximately one mile away. There did not appear to be any yc���i►i��i� �i� the water. The ditch does have reed type grass and straw down to"clean"the water prior to fluwiit6 into the pipe. Swale 14813 SE � Renton Roads ide Issaquah RD Ditches i ''t.�: . :�Fs _... �� ti, • =�r : . :^-!I. . Dnveand �-... .........._.._..........._....._......._� <........................ rr== �: Parking 14"Cement —� SE it�nton Issaquah RD�8R�90�1 — Culvert _� ,� (��ouo�Owqpa4 ' —� �7�QD ..� � � � � �___......_.-� � �—.--a� � KING COL'T1TY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION �,o�� : ��tA�AGIE ��iTV�S3"�GA3'i�N ��a��' . � Page 1: TNVFSTIGATTON REQUEST Type G '`ROBLF.M: Ct.lah,U'L� 1/ RECEIVEDBY: T�� Date: r�4 OK'd by: FrI,ENo. Q��—��2Lp Received from: ' , (�aY) .�� (E�e). L—� N�: G(l�.��) l��n�1,�,1n. PxorrE 2�'� -434n � �DxEss: LD4�5 14-1 �'` �. g� City I�tm,d-,.vL. State Zip��4� Location of problem, if different: . Reported Problem: CALL FIRST ❑ (Would Like To Be Present) �,n5�r,ti �J lO�i�v S �S� �,o e � I�. �rn°p'�� �rv�1n �n v ►4 -�`^- �p -�U -:}�.e- �l!,i,Cz,� a�tr� � Ju�ol • Clt�i,�,v w Co�CPJt.yt�. a��' �t�.. 1Uc-�-� et�'►rn 1 1�t, �o o� v� ►1,Q'-�. u...��:�v�, • �, ,�� � �:,� -�,��- .��r,�,��� t�'' Cc � . �,°�.t^,r�" ��u� c�._- Ct� � `�1v �'vt.,�- �i�.t�,+r. c l � y�,�v-( �,�,a�rnv �i� a•�� �(.c-u�-�-�-�r, u.�ti,.�,c,v� Ga.�uz ��� � e� o�ll''�.w c� .,dt-Q�-- -� �l-l� i.n�o �� C1a� lCl ,d�`c�-0''� �f U���c"`'1� �' - Plat name: Lot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required ` initials I r..t. _ . --� . .. 7vmrin !+ IL�������:.`sit4���. Tl��ia'3s'��"t��i�� '�uu�i,�.:1hV _:�a+0 _ �� ..�1�.�, a-� ���. -�,�- -.�:r �. -�� � � _� _ , 1/a S T R Parcel No.�77(D�Of�?-O Kroll �� Th.Bros: New ^ Old �-C� Basin� Council District 6 C�arge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on �"7� '� o by: phone letter in person � e-� � C',�/c�-' ,l��c-�S (�U���-_ �yv r �j,' j /vt�.%. DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: � Lead agency has been notified: ����� C_c�,i,��='� ��� ' Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addrEsses problem: Sx.E�# � Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: �� Water originates onsite andlor on neighboring parcel. � � Location is outside WLRD Servic ea; Other (Specify): � J DA'I'E CLOSED: / � / ��� B !��ti,'�/ ' �� Y� A%�?r'":'/i��?�--�_ . ._. . - - _.�, _ � _"•. _ .... ,,.. „ .;.: Gettle, Larry From: Crawford, Curt Sent: � Tuesday, February 01, 2000 1:29 PM To: Gettle, Larry Subject: FW: Surface water problems Please plan to join me in a meeting with Nancy at 3:45 today to brief her on the Donnelly problem. Thanks, Curt -----Original Message----- From: : Hansen, Nancy Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 12:55 PM To: Crawford, Curt Subject: RE: Surface water problems we need to discuss as I'll be put on the hot seat wllrons on Friday about it. Seems like we're taking iots of heat for DDES... ---Original Message— From: Crawford,Cun Sent: Tuesday,February 01,2000 12:36 PM To: Hansen,Nancy Subject: RE:Surface water problems No, unless you want an update on that. I was planning to ask you more specifics about your discussion with Seattle on the manual. Curt -----Original Message----- From: Hansen, Nancy � Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 12:14 PM To: Crawford, Curt Subject: FW: Surface water problems Curt, I understand we're meeting this afternoon at 3:45 -- is this one of our topics? Thnx. ----Original Message----- From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent:Tuesday, February 01, 2000 12:02 PM ; To:Tanaka, Paul; Hansen, Nancy Subject: RE: Surface water problems Nancy, Please let me know when and how we are going to respond to this. Please get w/DDES as well. I expect Mr. Irons will be asking about this when you meet w/him. We are scheduling each Div Mgr in to meet w/him. We are starting wlSWD today on their pressing issues. -----Original Message----- From: Tanaka, Paul Sent:Tuesday, February 01, 2000 9:49 AM To: Bissonnette, Pam; Hansen, Nancy Subject: FW: Surface water problems .,_�. � ,_- ... _ . ,.: �_._ „,:.� . -:-_ ,,a._.s z:r,r, >��;.,_ y,�,:, ��.r� - �. .r. , , � Pam and Nancy: fyi. Paul -----Original Message----- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly�maiito:thedonnellvs cr.00.netl Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 20d0 7:36 AM To: Gettle, Larry Cc: irons, David; Tanaka, Paul;Arima, Debbie; Wilson, John-Arthur; Crawford, Curt; White, Fred Subject: Re: Surface water problems 2-1 Dear Mr. Gettle: Thank you for responding. However, it is currently raining very hard out here and when I drove by Mr. Afinson's property yesterday, nothing had been done. I will be checking the stream as soon as it is daylight and will let you know what I see. As I mentioned to Mr. Irons in my response to him, this isn't the only incident that KC seemed to look the other way. Last summer, when the stream bed (Greenes Stream)was dry, a neighbor down my road, dumped 4-5 dump trucks loaded with top soil into his back yard. His back yard borders on Greenes Sfream. He put no erosion barriers up or planted grass- nothing . I still . think there is just dirt back there. Anyway, I called DDES and filed a complaint. I was told that because the stream was dry that DDES didn't care about all the dirt. I called Governor Locke's Puget Sound person and he told ' me to call someone in Seattle. Then 1 sent a note to someone in the Dept, of Natural Resources. I got a repfy back, I'm not say from whom; saying that because KC Dept. of Natural Resources had over 700 rniles of streams to take care of(and ours was dry), he didn't care about possible erosion when winter came. I guess we just don't rate. And then this. Like I said, as soon as it is dayiight, 1 wili check the water quality to see what I can see. Claudia Donnelly Gettle, Larry wrote: > Good Morning Claudia: > > Please excuse my delay in responding to your phone call and e-mail from > Thursday. > > My records indicate you called in your concerns regarding the clearing > activity at 10730 148th Ave. SE on Jan. �4th. As part of our initial pre > complaint investigation research we determined that DDES Code Enforcement > has an open enforcement action on the property (EOOOOOfiO}. I e-maifed > Elizabeth Deraitus, Code Enforcement Manager on January 19th requesting a > status. Elizabeth responded identifying that the case was sent to Site > Development Services (Fed White 296-6783)for assignment and investigation. > il .............. . ...... _ _. ....,:�.... .:..... ..�.�. • . . - _ .. ._ .. .- - - ... .. ;g�;^- .�'.�l�',...� .:•r ��..�* ;si� i�Fi._7C... Gettle; Larry,,;; - From: Gettle, Larry • Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 7:47 AM To: Deraitus, Elizabeth Cc: Evans, Glenn Subject: Clearing/Erosion Complaint Claudia Donnelly E0000060 Good Morning Beth: We received a call yesterday from Claudia Donnelly. She reports that the property owner at 10730 148"'Ave. SE is clearing his property up to the drainage ditch (not sure if it is the roadside ditch or?) She is concerned about lack or condition of TESC facilities. I checked Permits Plus and identified an Enforcement action, E0000060 at the same address., lt appears action was recently closed(1/13/00). Is this the same problem? Was it closed because no problem identified? � Do I have to contact Claudia? Thanks " I � I � I i ; I � . j i ) � � I � � ' 1i I I �---� KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOUR.CES DIVISION � DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REPQRT �� � ' INVESTIGATION REQUEST Type ,� .ROBLEM: (�'L � W) ���'[�.C�/Y?1 � { � r� � . _; , . . ,,,.. ,, . _. . .; r RECEIVED BY: . — — � � ' ` Date: ��f OK'd�b � FiLE No` 2001 -�'�. :Received from: /V�� f�Q��XI' . � _ --.- _ ,� � � u � ,�,.,�..,�. �--� : � � ``} � �� __ . . .._ , . (Day)• ya5 ti r `' (Eve) (-� "�: }`. NAME: i O.Q/.� ,G�� PHONE a�.S�S '��y� �r ��`�y � � J� ,{ , , : t ADDRESS: '� � City���/�D�V� State ;` ' ` Zip cv..�� � �t oY��- /�� i� � .�. LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: _ , ..'•';�:,'� . Access Permission Granted ❑ Call F1rst (Would Like To Be Present) � • � • ` , ; l�- � ��� /�: C�r,Q� � � Plat name: Lot No: Block No: ' Other agencies involved: No field investigation required Y: . .. _.... .. .r z 4 .'t'�* .' "a' . �,-r . �_... ,�. . � . _ ..5.� y ��.,�ra�,6�; ��.. Tx} 4�t ' r.. s �?' �._ '_. � zY:�,^rilsi x . 1 d.6�'Y��FC+� �O �� :.>::�� � .. � � � . . ..�� � '��` ,i�..it�F.`c�:�l.1}4; . � . -' �' � ' �.r .Y;".�..�-r, - ' , :. �. �. � � c� �— ��a S T R Parcel No.�77(�DC��C� Kroll�'� Th.Bros: New �Oa�-�,�� , Basin r�� Council District �D Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person �ma�.1 r�`�� � �. �,�,�+�..� 5e,�� a►ti ZI 2.� �� � DISPOS1TlON: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified: _ Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE FILE# Private probiem -NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Service Area. Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: 3 /o�� /D � By: �5�����2� .. _ . ..�..i Ai /n�.� . ._ . ....�-..r:,�.:.�� - � � .. �..�_:� .,.:.. . :_:..-.,e_:� .. d...s-.s:1a .. . iDear Mrs.Donnelly: King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond on his behalf to your email transmittal of f January 30,2001. Thank you for expressing your continued concems regarding the water quality of Greenes Stream and its impact on May Creek. I understand how much you care about the health of May Creek as a long time resident of the May Creek basin. I am writing to let you know the results of our investigation and what we plan to do next. Staff from the King County Departments of Transportation and Natural Resources completed a site visit on January 30,2001 to assess potenrial sources of contaminants that are entering Greenes stream and May Creek based on the water samples you collected. Water Quality staff in the Department of Nahual Resources(DNR)reviewed ihe analysis performed by AmTech on your water samples of January 4 and 5,2001. Based on the informarion provided io you by AmTech, we recognize ihat oil is entering Greenes stream which is a concern. As only one sample was analyzed for oil, it is difficult to determine if the oil was from a one-time event such as an intentional dumping of oil,or from an ongoing problem within the watershed. The rainfall event on January 4,2001 was the first heavy rain in over 2 weeks. This"first flush"event would have elevated pollutant loading into all drainages. However,we are still concerned that oil and grease is being introduced to the stream system, which discharges to May Creek. The regularion that currently exists to control the release of contaminants from residential properties is the King County Water Quality Code. If pollutant discharges are observed on residential properties,the wafer quality code does allow for recommendations and technical assistance to property owners to reduce and eliminate pollution generating activiries,such as vehicle repair and increased erosion control. Our first response to these problems is technical assistance and education. However,violations of the water quality code can be issued to residential property owners if best management practices are not implemented or an intentional act of dumping pollutants has occurred that is well documented. i Although the samples you had analyzed do not provide us with data that can be used to enforce our water quality code at one specific site,through additional investigation and sampling,we may be able to identify sources that would allow us to pursue our regulatory authority of the water quality code. Our sampling and monitoring will include all areas where stormwater enters Greenes stream thro�gh pipes or ditches. These additional investigations and sampling procedures require the approval from private property owners for access to their properties. By gaining access to private properties we can assess activities that may be contributing to water quality degradation within the May Creek watershed. We will continue to work within our regulatory guidelines and authority to assist property owners in implementing source controls to reduce pollution generating activities that affect Greenes Stream and May Creek. DNR staff will keep you apprised of the work being completed in the Greens stream basin and the results of this work. If you have any further yuestions please feel free to contact Susan Clarke,Engineer in the Water and Land II Resources Division of the Department of Natural Resources,at(206)296-8311. i I � � ' �, l I_� l__� � � i ' r.., .� � � ' � . ' . -' _ _ c1 ' . . �6 .`. _ : . :' . ... -3.:�:� . . �.- , _ �: � , ..�...... �... .. . . �,, . � , . . �.+ � � _. ... :. .,-.. _ .. �—�-7-� ^�; , � . l �-/ _... .. . _...: .. . . � .... � ' �• u./l.� s . .. ... . . . . . . ..... ..- _ '�. ar e, Sue .. .. � From: Hansen, Nancy 7�p p L - � ( g(� Sent: Thursday,April 12, 2001 5:20 PM To: Lackey, Brent; Evans, Glenn; Clarke, Sue; Sleight, Brian Subject: FW: Greenes Stream and May Creek FYI --Original Message— From: Hansen,Nancy Sent: Thursday,Aprii 12,2001 5:20 PM To: . 'Caludia Donnelly' Cc: Sims,Ron;Ceis,Tim;Bissonnette,Pam;irons,David;Tanaka,Paul; Shannon,Kathleen;Moeller, Lani Subject: Greenes Stream and May Creek Thnnk you for your email transmittals of the past week to various King County Staffinembers concerning Greenes StreQm and May Creek. I also apprecinted having the chance to tnik with you on the telephone. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond to you on his behalf as well. I hope this single email will cover all of your concerns! I understand your frustration regarding the mnny issues you hnve raised nnd the vnrious departments thQt are involved. I hope your conversation with Sue Clarke of my staff has clarified some of the issues thnt are within the responsibilites of the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD}and the Depnrtment of Natural Resources (DNR). In regnrds to your question about how King County will protect your property from flooding and erosion/sedimentation problems; King County regulations, specificnlly the King County Surface Water Design Manual addresses the potential downstream impncts from new developments and construction. The requirements in the Mnnual use the best available science and technology to avoid I or minimize adverse impacts to downstream properties. As pointed out in your email trnnsmittal of I April 6th, the current Design Manual requires wetpond designs to meet the goal of 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removol through the construction of wnter quality fncilities. Sometimes, even higher removals are realized. Additionally, the May Creek Action Plan recommends Level 2 streom protection standards to over detain flows to reduce flow and sediments to May Creek. The upstream development (Stoneridge) currently under review by the Department of Development and ' Environmental Services (DDES) is using Level 3 protection in the detention and water qunlity fncility design. This protection stnndard is a more restrictive stnndard than currently required by the Design Mnnual or recommended in the May Creek 8asin Plan. Other regulations include the King County wnter quality code, which uses technical assistance as its first appronch to water quality problems on existing developed properties. The sediment/oil you have seen in Greenes Stream comes from many non point sources such as individunl residentinl driveways and gravel roads,which King County can't legally enforce because the Water Quality code exempts these types of normal residentia) activities in regards ta these pollutants. However, if a determination is made that pollutant discharges nre due to intentionul dumping or illicit connections, violations can be issued. You might want to work with the May Valley Environmental Council (MVEC) as well as the Sasin Steward to provide outreach to neighbors in encouraging individual property owners to voluntarily reduce runoff from their sites. KCWLRD has printed information that can be made available to MVEC to use in on outreach campaign. Additionally some staff time could be made available to provide informational workshops or mailings to residents within the basin. 1 I.� _ . -- � X; •2 S'�`�. - `'i.X'� ;�n";�i��'�.: � � , . . - � ..,. ,, . , .. � � , ... .�._ .. � .9 „ ; ;. . . , ., „_,r...�. our concerns that 6reenes Stream.does not seem'to be etting tFie same level of attention ns other urban streams in King County. Other strenms that you hnve referred to currently have adopted Basin Plans. Through the planning process, pro jects are identified and � prioritized for potential construction when funds become available. Once the May Creek Plnn is adopted, this process can be applied to Mny Creek. � As the May Creek Plan recognizes, the creek does have viQbie hnbitat in its lower reaches and King �� County nnd other jurisdictions ngree thnt this habitat needs to be protected. However, ngreements � � with these other jurisdictions such as the cities of Newcnstle and Renton along with private property owners must occur before pro jects, like those in the DesMoines Creek watershed cnn be. pursued. This cooperative effort m the DesMomes Creek wntershed is an excellent exnmple of what � cnn be accomplished when private and public interests work together. Through the May Creek Basin pinn we hope that the same type of cooperative agreements can be reached. � Your comment regarding King County stnff calling citizens names is of a great concern to me. King i County WLRD stnff are expected to trent all citizens with respect and concern even "off the clock" I om not nware of nny staff making derogntory remarks or name calling of citizens. If you have knowledge of such incidents, I encourage you to speQk with me so thnt I can nddress any specific � problems. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (206)296-6585. ' I befieve your comments regarding the DDES permit file for the mobile home nt 10726 - 148th SE , was addressed during your conversation with Sue Clarke on Thursday April 5th. To reiterate what she shared with you, she recognizes thnt there is a hydraulic connection between Greenes Strenm � and Mny Creek, however, no distinct channelized connection of surface water is evident. 6reenes Stream enters wetland #5, which is noted in the Mny Creek Current and Future Conditions Report Qs among the largest known freshwater wetland in King County. Water from Greenes stream flows in � � a braided foshion through this wetland, which ailows for nnturnl wnter quality trentment prior to i discharge to May Creek. During Sue's site visit of Rpril 5th this wetland areo was found to hc►ve a ° large nmount of nnimal droppings (horse manure) Sue will research the ownership of this property, ,' � work with the owner on removnl of the pollutants nnd refer the problem to the Livestock Program Analyst Lourie Clinton. � The May Cr�eek Conditions report ncknawledges that Greenes Streom is n flnshier creek nnd responds to precipitation much more quickly than other drainages within the Basin which is why you are probably seeing flow increases occurring on your property quite quickly after a rainstorm. � However, the impacts to May Creek ore not ns significant regnrding peak flow as other basin wide streams due to the attenuation within Wetland #5. Overal) the May Creek Basin Plan contains recommendations to correct or reduce flooding and water qunlity problems in the basin nnd to help � prevent problems from worsening in the future. Thank you again for writing and expressing your concerns. We look forward to working with you in � the protection of water quality and habitat values in Mny Valley, If I can be of further assistance at this point, please do not hesitate to contact me again. �,� Sincerely, Nnncy Hnnsen Manager � Water and Land Resources Division King County Department of Natural Resources � 2 l �--- - �- - ...�_.:....�.�..�_. �.... ...._ ___ age _... ____._w_._ _ .._..__�......�........ ,w.. � Your letter also expressed concern about tlie 80 percent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal of a proposed stormwater detention pond. The 80 percent removal of TSS goal � for new retention/detention (r/d) facilities is a matter of economics and technology. Larger r/d facilities would remove more suspended solids, but larger facilities are also more expensive to build. The cost to build larger facilities is passed along to the consumer in the � form of higher housing prices. From a technological standpoint, there is also a point where building a larger facility will not remove any more TSS because the particles become so small they will not settle out without chemical treatment. The goal of 80 percent TSS � ' removal was chosen as an appropriate standard because it is believed to provide the best cost/benefit ratio for removal of TSS and is the standard that is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology for stormwater quality. I With regard to the questions you feel Ms. Hansen has not responded to, here are the answers that she has provided me with: . � 1) What is King County's reat plan for the I�1ay Creek Basin Urban area? � There is no secret associated with the May Creek Basin Plan. The Basin Plan contains comprehensive zoning and regulation recommendations to address issues related to future growth, as well as basinwide and site specific recommendations to address � existing problems. May Creek VVetland #5 is a Class 1 wetland, which King County Code does not allow to be developed into a regional detention facility. However, one of the benefits of wetlands is that they store large amounts of water. The basin plan j recommendations seek to protect the natural benefits associated with the May Creek � . system while addressing specific flooding problems through capital projects and technical assistance. The "real" plan for May Creek Basin is the Basin Plan, which � was very recently approved and adopted by the King County Council, the City of Renton, and the City of Newcastle. � 2) What May Creek tributaries does King County consider important? King County does not typically undertake a thorough ranking of the relative 1 importance of all tributaries within a basin planning effort. However, areas of particularly high-quality habitat which make significant contributions to the resource � base of the basin, are identified as "Significant Resource Areas" and are categorized as either "Regionally"significant, or"Locally" significant. Stream reaches and wetland areas cons�dered to be Significant Resource Areas �n the May Creek basin are � identified in Appendix E of the adopted basin plan. This is not to say, however, that Greenes stream is an unimportant resource just because it does not provide the same habitat values as the significant resource areas. t 1 � Dear Ms.Adams: I just received your letter with the list of developments that were required to have a Level 3 detention pond along with a Level 3 Flow Control. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION! It was nice and timely. I don't need to see the files--so they can be returned to wherever they are kept. For this part of my research, I just needed the development name and file number. For the next part, I need to go somewhere else. But thank you, any way, in having Mr. Ware keep them for me. Mr. Ware is a wonderful, friendly person -- I like him very much. He is a good asset to DDES. You are, also, a pleasure to work with. TNANK YOU AGAIN. Claudia Donnelly .' : � a . . � ,: ,�i. - �," _ �, . a .... �._..._,....:.�:_ � �=�� '� --�=�� s . � .�..,�..�_... �.�; � '� ,{,� D � NEIGHBORHOOD IDRA=rrp,�E �, -� QUICK FIX NAM$: DONNELLY COI�LAINT NUMB$R: 2001-0765 ADDRBSS: 104Z5 147� AVSNIIB SOIITHEAST PROJSCT DBSCRIPTION: ADD AN ASPHALT APRON TO A DRIVSWAY AtTD DIG A SHORT ROADSIDS DITCIi TO CONVSY WAT$R THB SXI3TING ROADSIDS DITCH. OFFBRED TO ROADB ON 12/20/O1 VIA JEFF GRANLIIND . ACCBPTANCE FROM ROADS ON: / ZO O FISLD MB$TING DATB: 12/20/Ol MSSTING ATTEND$SS: BRIAN SLBIGHT, LSNNY JIIF�iRS, J$FF GRANLDND SNVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL BY �/�' ON I ...x, . , .. , � . . : . . � 3, r„�.., ...Fa,.k�"i'C ��ST'£ �l x .� . ....:;� � -... ..���..�.. . �c =:.?�ts c� a�<=�....r.,.� �Xx�wui..'�f�.��. .��'u"�:NiZi��ia..., . �._.�3�C:...�7� j SSTIMATSD COST: �5�� ESTIMATSD COMPLBTION DATS: , 3 X��xxsniXX�rxXx7t7CXX.X7CXXN.7{}CX&7[}CXXX1(:7EX7C�LxXX7CX5Lx,xxx�x�x7�}[�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�t � .. . .., .. . , . . ... ...� .. . .. . .. x,� . �. . CHARGB NIIMBER: �C� �70 ( TSMPORARY CONSTRIICTION BASSMENTS GOOD IIN'PIL: ✓v� �� f�—Q"uJ :,� HPA RSQIIIRED? ISSIISD ON 3 :� '` AQTHORIZATION SSNT TO ON � ,^o 'FO BB`°%COMPLETB17y BY TFI$ CON3TItUCTIOPi_SD�SR�'ISbI� � NOTIFIED OF CONSTRIICTION DATB ON � � DAT$ STARTSD: DATS COMPLSTSD: n � FISLD CFiANGBS: . � CONaiSNTS: SEND. THIS FORM. TO : BR`IAN,; SLEI,GHT,; WLR., �.�. KSC-NR- 0 600,�-WHEN, �PRO�JEGT I:'S` COMP�LETE .�; ; _��r�'..T'_ King�.a.::_'flE.�� ._ � _.. i i �... �- .. O -���.._ _ , ,. � +`^--�.-. ... . T . �.,. _ ' _ C7 - ti�` - Q$tt -�-_ � .., .,,...�....,:`.. , , , ` . .� _X..:., . . �_ - `-"+ '�-J Comp I.,w S Chk 4,.. :.��----:`:`�,-�;:, � : Department of - ' '�``"�`�"''� „ Transportatlon Date 2 21 2�2 Date Date Page o ; � N � � : . . , . . : . : . � . . I ' • . 'I I�G M A.tNTALN�.O � , �, . Ll:J: V.' C AL; PA_vE1D� . I . � . � . . � • . � , �� ^ � ' : Q� ipc��ArEc. Y ' , " '�jNALLUw ' ��TG�4 h1A�hl TA T.V E� t . � }.� �C-�RAvE< � . � � _ . j� � T�M 8 F.Q.. RE i ra=,v�ti� a.,R� � � r � .� � � �STACL�5H�u.�,N�r 4t�'�H FvQ. h � t _ �DQ � AS�a�T ap2<„� �r� f D�STA�V�,E, oF �v'ro�s' N w co2.vr� pF pfZyv�w[a�. � , NoRTH •OF ASPHRLT SLoPE Ttxrv/�205 1Q�TC.H. �Rjvc wAY � CoNrr•�uE EkzS ri�i C� ASPI�+r��r (3ER,vti rd x . . E�c�€ oF NE� ,�s��,�r ._ �_ � , _ � � ._ � . � I J�^ � ASPN�-T , . { � DQTVEVAY � '� � � r � �' �- T DRnz/vAc,� ' ��eki PA?u � � . i --� - GRAvE� Ro�9 Ivac�H ���''-' avE SE � t6958�4lOi) PrfMed on RecyNed Faper . v • I 1?� . I ..p\ i".'`-i-="' Y/ . r�:_"..'d%�_-i'-"41..=.r�_�..`-=•:s_�'�'-`^".Tr'-- 4.�,.,� KING COUNTY WATER AND LAND RESOURCES DIVISION �I��.S G.Q��ION�E�UR�;�' �.,� r��ti , ��2A�I+1A�i�+ ��'� ���-_�"� <�� . _ . . , z4.� i - �•.,s> n FBr-w'� AI'Mifyl3.Yf ��'�`�,+G � � .S".''"5 �1'`, INVESTIGATION REQUEST � Z;ype �,; , �ROBLEM:_ BGocKcO C'v�r�-27— RECEIVED BY: t'�,�/ � Date: l���q�� OK'd bv� FILENO. 2��1 - ���� _ Received from: ' : ' � (DaY) L� (Eve). �� NAME: /N/�'X !it/� /(//� �L PHONE 2.�5-�� 7•��6 ADnxEss: /d 2 r� � /��T� �� SE City ,�C�cw State�� Zip `j'8"at'�1" LOCATION OF PROBLEM,IF DIFFERENT: Access Permission Granted � Call F�rst (Would Like To Be Present) � .�1�4X!ti� ,r�OvC�N T f�Ei� �•QD��� T Y (itJ �99� � �f�ci2� w�.r �fy �x r s r..0� e.t o ss C'v�-r/c�'/c r- o.t. lT�c o�c o��r y. sffE �rC�T[ y DcSC/oe0 � J��D oti . T�d ��c�-�r L o� BdT T�i.,�k S S�� /LI�Y �v�tivT TO. B Tff� �v��/��, �T �s roo w�r �°�c�vsE �F �IScH.��GE r�i�o�"� St�i�E .6�-O c.�E� T�c L'�JL tJ�/t�, u//�T�� tio� �'O�iOf l�i Tcr�c .CO�f�l,r'/O� �vT�cr /r r=Gows To D / TGH O�v TN� E/�f7 31D�� O� !��� /Lo/5`'0 U . �E/E � �v�9-TE2 To ST�9 Y �� � %l�� Jov i r.� , /�/��Y/y�E ���7S l/fi �ieo�G�=�"r ,va i F ! T c��vS'c J" /f �'¢"I T Si O� O F T�� '�D�� � ,Sf�� `�Ni I L L ��e�� �t Th' !T T��y �� /f1,f�� ��T l? Plat name: v W'"� • � ' Lot No: Block No: r^� G��� Other agencies involved: IVo field investigation required t u�.�t�`f ; i^'.... S.y. i P�'..�...fsn�y.pi r+r.. F� v'I�>� ft� �a..t..`rv� 1,T�2f.+-'yt'";�;p . a.a r l?-'`'��rr`t { T ,' _�t+���L'!'�r1C�����C��Yi.E c.���iY��ai+tX�+L`.�����h�Y,� � � ,y`!}��v� ,�,'�g�, ,."- - �i. <� _..Ea _�..._ a �.e -�'� �_y,>.>!vs'�`T• =�5�.����` -#!-� � 1/a S T R Pazcel No..5a23�000/�(� Kroll d� Th.Bros: New ro J ' RDP Basin���� Council District�_ Chazge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person M�� ryfiG(� L (il N,3C.�X:�c.�� Gu L,v�2.,T �.iv dL.� i 3� 2vo 2 , P��3c.�� {2�S o� v,� DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been no[ifted: _ Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE FILE# Private problem -NDAP will not con"sider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: � / l�/ OZ gy: �_ ��j,gL�7 �D,e,�C p-� I :I ,. . �._... . .. `> }s�� ���.. . _ :[ ry. �y±��tsc�3,._, \� ;�-�; � � King County �� Water and Land Resources Division � � Dcpartment of Natural Resources 201 SouthJackson Strcct,Suitc 600 ' Scatllc,WA 98104-3855 (206)296-6519 January�,��O��A" Maxine Nagel 10217 - 147`�Avenue Sontheast Renton, WA 98055 RE: Drainage Com_pIaint #2001-0842—Drainage Culvert Obstruction Dear Ms. Nagel: On December 12, 2001, King County Stormwater Services (SWS) Section staff observed that the culvert under 147`�Avenue Southeast that discharges onto your property had been plugged. Water was backing up on the east side of the street and flowing onto the roadway. The plugging of the culvert adversely affects the capacity of the drainage system and water flowing on the roadway creates a hazard. �I This letter is not a formal enforcement action as authorized under King County Code 9.04. Its purpose il is to bring these drainage problems to your attention before they cause personal injury or damage to public or private property. As the person who stated she blocked the culvert,you could be liable for any personal injury or property damage that results from the blocked culvert. There has already been an overflow of the downstream system that flowed into and damaged a garage. Also, if you decide to sell your properiy, this potential enforcement related to your property must be disclosed to any potential buyer. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please call Leonard Juhnke, Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at(206)263-6457 within 30 days of receipt of this letter to discuss resolution of this matter. Sincerely, ��c � ,� �o� �o�s� � � Curt W. Crawford, .E., Supe ising ngineer ��ZS ZZ,�— 76,� Stormwater Services Section �,3 --(oS? �„SO( c„K Dou%vJ �C CC:BS:J43 ��-�����'�GP p""`� Enclosures cc: Brian Sleight, P.E., Senior Engineer, SWS Section Leonard Juhnke, SWS Section Engineer Jeff Granlund, Supervisor Roads Maintenance Division 2 g�c9 � ,... . ,. _,..,:�,� .... ._..�-..,...�.-.... . . ..:::� �:.nW�.:.e.EYni+:...:r..,._.;.. � . � ...r�o � ...i. . .... . �. .......�............. ............... . . . IC�ng County ` ,ti, � Water and Land Resources Divislon '" .� _ . � Dcpartment ofNatural Resources 'l01 South Jackson Slrcet,Suitc 600 Scatilc,WA 98104-3855 (206)296-6519 (206)296-0192 FAX February 20, 2002 Maxine Nagel 10217 - 147'� Avenue Southeast Renton, WA 98055 RE: Drainage Complaint #2001-0842 - Draina.ge Culvert Obstruction , � Dear Ms. Nagel: Thank you for your response to my previous letter to you dated January 4, 2002. A site inspection on February 20, 2Q02 confirmed that the concrete obstruction has been cleaned out of the culvert under 147`� Avenue Southeast in front of your property. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please call Len Juhnke, Water and Land Resources Division Stormwater Services Section Engineer, at � (206) 2b3-6457. Sincerely, : , i � Curt W. Crawford, P.E., anaging Engineer Stormwater Services Section CC:LJ:insii cc: Jeff Granlund, Maintenance Division 2 Supervisor, Road Services Division, i Department of Transportation Brian Sleight, P.E., Senior Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, Water and � Land Resources Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks � Len Juhnke, Engineer, Stormwater Services Section � g�� KIL�IG COUNTY WA�TER AND LAND RESOURGES DIVISION ?n ,,�..��-��.� �� ,,,�. }, . �.�Mrr�.. 7, �. �v.;�;� �� d/�r�sr t. (3^�,��y �Ft;�%rc � {�7�•:,�,,y'.`�,t'Srr.y%'t��`ti�l7�1'`�W �17F��� ;=:�ri-'�,c 4'��,-�$��: ;� ,� � , ;'` � DRAIN.��E INVEST�GAT<I�N�EPORT�t' ,��'� �},<3' � : /=y ; ;'�4: �:� .� 1< ., �.' .�� :;� a � JT'e- ., 2 c �-yl'4L �r�� . � )�ri: i ��i,•.,T.+:. � � ` , _ � � ' ° ;: � ,sINVESTTGATION�tEQL1E -� . :� " T •z, , � S } d: n ! }' RJEi� ,.._k ', r t ��� 5 ���� �xt'�� 4 5 �.f�( j S ��,�.SY Sr.� �BLEM ' �pr� � . � { � } -� � 1 . �.r [Fr ic ���F`h.�'z' � ,h ' 1 � �-. t i :• t ., �.y ..��.� i � y �fii��� ��: � .: � . i .� � -'� ..: . � . �y i '//�) � ' C. � ��+. � �,,;i4 j �r,ft .'c , .i'S r`}p F ,�, f' . ) � �yf � i�i�i'1LE1�O�'�'��oOL.I � ' 5 RECENED BY �f�B��'�; ��t��� ' �,� Date�- � L��`�� OK d bv L s,rx �, ,> � ,,. f ����r,k :�_ . R �: 1 7i fXt l3- L4 �.'j "�' .-� �M1�`i�i� r YR� 1 Y.�.-3-VF"f �` �. .� . � rh ,�� 3 .r �5 7f�: / �� ; J! � � � 4 7 �' I � 1 J:�- Aet �<�- Zl�Received�from.��t�'` �-�f y,'�.._,t �rw�I yti 7r � �y ,,� `t+C.-�' r ���,l, r F/i�� 1 3r F t( a,{ ��s y �,Ll �.�`C,��1 ��y c �: .�'.'{''�.1 lY ' t�.-� ;-- �:.(1� ~ i' iad : � 1���� N' .�P ;.\�ay�'..� . �'w' A �iv�I �,l ,yi -� � Y'�yiJ F i( ' 4.�� .S �. � �t i dy. F �-0� !rt' tiy � ) .� �{i s4� �a' },�.}t T - �5z.�1 r fvi .-. ... NAfv1E � t �/�4 ���y�/C+C�7�c i � y, }P Q�`ILi :> F� Yr �` � f> 5T : _j ' I .. , I' ��0. . ? f},`, G _.�� 1 rx�:v !,�' t� ,'?d*�' r .' �'� �` v�xte+ -"��%j �3"-�t� �F{�'�'�'S�� � � � �^ �y �ry{ W. �tf� �'� y 1 i } � y� „ , f3 � �r/�/ J�G ��� N lil' ��Ci�vTO��-r t l7l[itV� l�Ip��✓'•O �vl`So� �D�ss ' � os�rs,s ° r��T� �y � �x .Y ,� -�� *�. 4� � .. r�_ ,� p s r 1 a t �. �'u, �J i_,�, s�, ris i r � ��}�.e�S� �, �' ��:i��� � �T)`! �f „�s.-:;r t ��` ,� ', t �r+�l �iat?�. l� f 1-:5' � .'``>f i 'i i�ti��rr�i ��; � is.iY i��.eo-}�� .n. a.�+�'�1:�"'`� �: LOCATTON OF PROBLEM,IF DIFFEREDTI'`:; � r. � �;, �' ;� �.:��;� , �,;�ty�.� , r,, .;" , �� .< .J. .�� �%; ..."_'. � �..: ` ..-. ._ _ ':"� ` '.. �_ �� �� .. . y .. �3 ' Y � h .., 4 1 ��. Y�1 ��( .�. Access Permiss�on Granted Q�� Call F�rst (Would Like To Be Present� � � y ,,,.� � �j� ✓a;�1 i-,�v � ;�'�/-r liy- Y �,�j�T �f �.f ti t S � �� : 1 . t F �:,l/�b �-E��{ � t '�3 .h�� �a K'-au i r � �ztk� r f_4 b t � i ���. 1.�i..` >j ��. �.; r: J r ' . � i' .1 -1 � �s _ y . . . Z t� �•d�f� ,�y,�~ 5 � �.� T X. � 'I _ t e � yf �'rYt>.'R r��r�: � t .-,r . . S �a i� �'- ,� � ;k� � ` �-� L � 7 i ,� `' n I [ t: ;� �r . . r ; T, �' � � '° , ���� � .. ,,. i . � . _h " ...' ir j;. . .- 'il . , .. . _ ,. . . . ,,�. . .•• • " . . . � . � ., ,� � . ' . . � _•... . . : . . ... :. �.� . . � . . ��,. ,. . ... . _..• . : . . • . . . _ . � . - . -� ` . : , . .'_ . " ` S�i C� :: ��/�"G HG� "'. �l1Qx. C��"TT�i2 !��(�fj-�2 O/�t/es } �:: . ` � � . .. . - .�. ' . -� . , . . . - . "r� ,.. . . . , . . ..- . ..,. . . . � � � ; rU�G��. ��F�RcE"-yr��vT 2�v�-�:p�5f� : ' . �. . � . . Plat name: .��� Lot No: � Block Na: Other a encies involved: No field mvesti ation re uued --..__ _ . .TO BE.COhiPLETEI7BY.G0;1iPI�INT PItOGi2e�MSTAFF ' � � � � ��y� �/a S '� R Pazcel No. /��,(�(�[� �'�il—Q-�� Th•Bros: New �p B�� /1'j� Council District��a Charge Na. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person L('('i�� S�yT l�ll��oZ, 3oG�•�s �ticcv�cr� wcr�� cEr:C�r, DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: Problem has heen conected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: — SEE FILE# Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other(Specify): DATE CLQSED: I i l O i Q 2 By: __� i �f ... . ... � � t�,YX vr�J i tl ���7 �:., \.' -1���i' � �,1:1�_� } . .,i -...._�r ,� . �n'�' . �' _ _ .. .. . . .. �s� j Sleight, Brian � . From: Sleight, Brian Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 3:35 PM To: 'thedonnellys@oo.neY Subject: Nagel enforcement and quick fix I received your letter today regarding the Nagel enforcement. The letter has not gone out yet {i just got it back from word processing today? but I will get you a copy when it is sent out. I'll also send your 30 cents back with it. Technically there should be a charge for the copy but our office doesn't accept cash (only checks) and even if they did, the cost in time for me to get a receipt and such for one copy would be way more than the cost of the copy. Len Juhnke and I met with D.O.T. staff last week to look at the quick fix. I called you before we left downtown but you were not there. Len will be handling the project in my office. The project will involve paving that area that the cars drive over, extending the berm, and digging a shallow ditch a short way to the north. The project will not dig the ditch past the area where the retaining wall is failing. The idea is to piggyback our work with the roadside ditch cleaning because the crew will already be out there. Therefore, the timing is dependent on the roadside ditch project. At the time of our meeting, the environmental paperwork had been submitted and they were waiting for approval. Even with the intent of the piggyback project, if the weather is not appropriate for paving when they clean the ditch, they won't do the quick fix. The quick fix will still get done, it will just get done at a different time when weather permits . If our current run of dry weather holds, it shouldn't be a problem but if we start getting steady rains day after day, the weather and crew availability could push the project off to this spring. Brian Sleight, P.E. BSL8 206.296.8025 � � � II___� I �_. 1 � 1 . . .. . „..�. '4. .�:.'�'.�u.�.iFra3pl{�a..4'PL. .� _ . .i ...�-.v..u�ni...�._..._. _' . . . _. . . � 10415 - 147th Avenue SE � Renton, WA 98059 December 28, 2001 ; � Brian Sleight KC WLRD 201 S. Jackson Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Mr. Sleight: I just talked to my neighbor to see if she had gotten a copy of the letter WLRD sent to Maxine ?? regarding the blocked culvert at the end of 147th Avenue SE. She said she had just heard from you and that the letter maybe on its way. �I Under RCW 42.17 and FOIA, I would aiso like a copy of the letter sent to Maxine about her blocked culvert. I am enclosing 30 cents to cover the cost of this letter. Also, what is the status of the "ditch" being dug out alongside 147th? Thank you. Sincerely, ����� ��n� Claudia Donnelly . F > ��'tTti r:r x� >:+� � � � ' KIl�TG COUN'I'Y WATER AND LAND RESOrt7RCES DIVISION , 4� �y�� � �.�. - .. -.: �: L; �'- .x r•s fi i�'r�� . . ��- . ��,. .; � y,f,; r ' . �s S, . -s �; � r . , Dx�,nv�G� �v�sTiG �ri� ����� }, , rF { ;�� � ,, , {{ ,� ar j� � � ,, , ` IN�ES'�'faATiOI�FR�QUEST " � TypeY " ^ �. r � E iY `l� c f e` ?F�.t1 i7 ��� � 7 .� � �2. �t < � �." ... ' ' 1 Y � 't .y � ' r f y rY iL � if3� r�� 7� ��anQ �t �C:�S {t +�'�•�_ i l : � �}�'': 1Dl.�lv1•� _ `�Y/C� . .' '1� ' ; �� f� - y . s t `T����f T t'�e 3 r �, -• s y Y F. y �°.,�� .� : �-; _ �� a�?�.�� +S' ,� :.• �.� -_ ,� .�, , ��k i 'v r . t i��z��, �-� n, �+�; ,., ��x�Y S F 4�� s� ��,5 Dafe�` I�f�C�2- � OK'd bv� � �ff �;E�No.� 200�. �� ��/ 1tL�C.lYG�n 4 VULO �- � , SY4 ' 3 W- M i �,y, .t sr! n�1 �.r �'f�a�„�, r�;'Yl'F`. c . J� zs i; t4 �. f i�:.:: '� r�I 4,'. T�SrT_ ''k f..1 `<•�a.L T R�iS n i t� c'���'�j t ��._J„`T � ti �. �4".i�" 'y Cx*.t"C� �<��°d.i.� '�. I .t;_� ^A C '"� .� � .u:t3 v "} i,r�l � a t. 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Other a encies involved: No field on re 'I�tured investi ati _ , - -; _ __ � ,,, ,, � , ."d3, . _ , _ ,_ , T4.,BE COMPI,�TED BY�OMP.f,hI1V1'rPROGRAM STdFF ' , • � � � ,�,��,, 1/a S � R Paroel No.����� �'oll�-w Th.Bros: New �A �— RDp� Basin� Council District�_ Charge No. I RF.SPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person DISPOSITION• Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: ' SEE FILE# Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other{Specify): DATE CLOSED: 2 /� /�Z By: � �/j?/f!L `SCyT- t�}� ���YC . �. .. .. ' ���4 ( j` - ` .. . .- . ,- ... . � ���3. rs � � -i'.. � '� �i' s,1��i � Ft � -t c '- 1 � . _. . ; ¢ ,o-: r a -�� i t s � .*,�.w:�?i�.�s�x.K�C1.�5'vtfsccSSJ�s.L"''k.J'.�^.'1,s:x.�.a`LsArf��+.4��.':�'�,,:: - - :>�. ..�..3--..r�`'� �t^a=s�Y,3' J .1�� �.F i a. .�"� r ,, . . . -c-. :..x�r.�^. x�� -#a9: Sleight, Brian �rom: Grigsby, Daryl Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 11:21 AM To: 'thedonnellys@OO.net' Cc: Sims, Ron; lrons, David; Bissonnette, Pam; Shannon, Kathleen Subject: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Dear Ms.Donnelly: ' Thank you for your email transmittal of January 9,2002,to Executive Ron Sims,expressing concem about King County's compliance with the Freedom of Information Act(FOIA)and its response to the Public Disclosure Law(RCW 42.17)request you made to several King County departments. Executive Sims has asked me to respond to your concems. Your email also expresses concerns about King County enforcement of drainage problems in your area. I understand your public disctosure requests were made to the Department of Transportation(DOT�and the Department of Natural Resources,which is now called the Department of Natural Resources and Parks(DNRP). DNRP staff sent you an email on January 2,2002,the day your request arrived. The letter you requested was only in draft form at the time of your request and,as such,was not yet disclosable by law. Rather than ask you to resubmit your request after the letter had been signed and sent,DNRP staff said they would send you a copy as soon as the letter was sent, which they did on January 10,2002. DOT staff sent you a letter on January 9,2002,five working days after your request arrived. Your request involved a large file and it was not clear what specific documents you were requesting. DOT staff thought the best response would be to make the file available for your review so you could decide which documents you wanted to copy. From my understanding of RCW 42.17,the response from both the DNR.P and the DOT exceeded the requirements of RCW 42.17. ,z regards to your enforcement concerns,King County's enforcement authority applies to all of unincorporated King County. In the practical applicarion of the codes granting such authority,there is no distinction between people living in rural areas or in urban areas. King County,however,has a high burden of proof when it comes To taking enforcement action against a code violator. As unfortunate as it may seem,there are times when it appears a code violarion has occurred but King County cannot take action because we cannot prove that a code violation occurred or do not know who performed the act. In the case of Mr.Wolf,both the Department of Development and Environmental Services(DDES)and DNRP staff have investigated the complaint and found no evidence that a code violation has occurred. Mr. Wolf stated the stream relocated when several trees fell during an ice storm in the winter of 1996/97. This is a natural and common occurrence and,with the number of fallen�ees on Mr. Wolfs properiy,there is nothing to suggest it did not occur. With no physical evidence to support an enforcement case,the word of one neighbor against another is unfortunately not enough to overcome our burden of proof. In the case of the Luck property,enforcement action was initiated against the property owner for installing a culvert in a sensitive area without a permit. The property owner has applied for a grading permit for the culvert installation to resolve the enforcement. There are other code compliance issues on this property but they cannot be addressed unril the grading permit is issued so the rest of the property can be accessed. In the Nagel case,Water and Land Resources Division(WLRD)staff has an open enforcement case for this violation and the first step in the enforcement process has been taken. WLRD allows the property owner 30 days to voluntarily resolve the problem before a formal enforcement process with possible civil penalties is initiated. If Ms.Nagel does not resolve the violation within 30 days, she will he sent a Citation in accordance with King County Code 23.20. My staff who are most familiar with your neighborhood do not recall a fine levied against your neighbors. However, if your neighbors think the fine was inappropriately levied,they should contact the department that they were working with. The resolution of any code violation is greatly affected by the conduct of the violator. While the enforcement and possible �nforcement cases you have mentioned each have a different resolution and may not be the resolution you want, there does not seem be any inequity in the application of King County's enforcement authority. While I am sure the issues you have raised are of great concern to you,in the case of your public disclosure request, if you had waited an appropriate length of time(i.e.a couple days after the response deadline to allow delivery by the post office)you would have seen that County staff did comply with the requirements of RCW 42.17. Similarly, in the case of the enforcements you mentioned, County 1 - — __.. staff is taking action as aut orize y mg ounty co e on e vi a a issue ihey have looked at and determined that action cannot be taken(Woi�. I admire the amount of effort and energy you put into your community but I ask you to accept the determinations made by County staff and Iimit future contacts to new issues. Thank you again for the opportunity to address your concems. I hope we can move forward to new issues and opportuniries. Sincerely, Daryl Grigsby,Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks � � � � � i i - � i � 2 From: Bissonnette, Pam Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:45 PM To: Shannon, Kathleen Cc: Norton, Ann; Grigsby, Daryl Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Kathleen, looks like we are getting this ccf. Could you please start it in motion? thx -----Original Message--- From: Brandon,Rod �—�_ Sent: Thursday,January 10,2002 3:30 PM To: fGpp,Greg Cc: Whalen,Caroline; Bissonnette,Pam;Grigsby, Daryl; Sleight,Brian; Dougherly, Linda;Tiffany,Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violadons ks Greg, Pam let me know when you have a response. rod -----Original Message----- From: Kipp,Greg Senr Thursday,January 10,2002 11:41 AM To: Sims,Ron Cc: Whalen,Caroline; Brandon, Rod; Bissonnette, Pam; Grigsby,Daryl; Sleight, Brian; Dougherty, Unda;Tiffany, Christina Subject: RE: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violatlons Ron -- I think SWM is the appropriate Department/Division to respond to the most recent{119/02)e-mail from Ms Donneliy. This e-mail speaks to a plugged culvert that was investigated by SWM. While she mentions that SWM advised her that there was a code violation, no such report has come into DDES from SWM. To the contrary, our most recent conversations w/Brian Sleight of SWM indicated that he saw no code violations out there. Ms Donnelly made a FOIA request of DDES on 12/18/01 for specific information about which developments in the area required a level 3 detention pond. We provided her w/that information (see red highlighted response from Ms Donnelly, below) In her 1/9/02 e-maii, she stated her recent request for information was not made to DDES, however it is not clear to which department she made the request, I am cc'ing folks in SWM to see if they are aware of any recent request for information from Ms Donnelly. If so, please let Ron know and respond to Ms Donnelly on his behalf. If not, also advise Ron and I guess we should ask her to specify which department she made the request of. DDES and DNR have been extremeiy responsive to Ms Dannelly over the years...she simply does not like the answers � we are providing her and I doubt she ever will. That being said, we still need to resporid to any and all FOIA requests. gk -----Original Message----- From: Sims, Ron Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:26 AM To: Kipp, Greg Cc: Whalen, Caroline; Brandon, Rod Subject: FW: RCW 42.17 and FOIA violations Greg-please follow-up, thanks. - ron ----Original Message----- From: Mike and Claudia Donnelly[mailto:thedonnellys@oo.netj Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:32 AM To: ron.sims@metrokc.gov 1 / Dear Count Executive Sims: Y I have told you over and over again that KC doesn'f respond to those of us who live in this pa�t of the May Creek Basin area. Here is another example. A neighbor down our road has plugged a culvert draining water from 148th Avenue SE through her properiy to Greenes Stream. She plugged the culvert up because she didn't want the water flowing through her property. In November, this plugged culvert sent water down a smaH, shallow ditch alongside 147th Avenue SE. That excess water caused sheet flooding over the road. It also caused water to go through another neighbor's garage. This problem was called in Roads and SWM. It was investigated and supposedly something will be done--once Roads gets the permits its has applied for. SWM investigated and found out that this neighbor(plugging the culvert) is violating County Code. They were going to send a letter to this person advising them of this violation. Well, I talked to the neighbor who got the water in her garage and asked if she had gotten a copy of the letter that was supposed to be sent. She said that she might get a copy--she wasn't sure. On December 28, I typed several letters to KC Departments (not DDES (emphasis added by kipp)--even though I don't like DDES and they don't answer my questions) requesting documents under the Public Disclosure Law(RCW 42.17)and FOIA. I mailed these letters on December 29. 1 also sent a letter to a Washington State agency--they responded promptly. I heard from one person --they said that they'd retum my 30 cents and the letter to the person plugging up the cufvert had just gotten back from the Word Processing Dept (this is last week). I still haven't gotten a copy of that letter. Has it been sent????? I sent this person a note today asking if the letter has been sent and if not, when will it be sent? So far, no response. The other KC agency hasn't responded at all. The letters should have gotten to the people on December 31. If I have to go to an attorney to get a response from this KC agency, I will send my attorney bill to you. You might want to send out a note to all County employees that the public has a right under FOIA and RCW 42.17 to see and have copies of County documents. Again, maybe you can answer the question as to wfiy KC doesn't want to make my neighbors comply with County and State laws? There is Mr. Wolf,who change the course of Greenes Stream and he didn't get fined; there are the 2 Code violations on the Luck property that have been in limbo for many years now; there is the Nagel culvert problem? But then another neighbor put a little dirt in her back yard next to Greenes Stream and she had to pay a fine? Why are people treated differently? Thank you for your time. Claudia Donnelly z �' KING COUNTY WATER..AAia.LAND RESOURCES DIVISION � �ItAINA�� �1'+TY�.�TIGATI�N ��aRT iNVESTIGATION REQUEST Type x 'OBLEM: RECEIVED BY: B$� Date: 3�6l�3 OK'd bv: FILE NO. 2��3 -OP(V Received from: ��L ' (Day) �� (Eve) �� NAME: c�..4�v�- �o,v�r��y �o� ADDRESS:��S /`Z 7� �f�� G City State Zip L�CATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERE�,NT: ., . Access Permission Granted ❑ Call First��Would Like To Be Rresent) ❑ (- , s�� �%�C��� L���i� ��L�T�v �-� �x�os� ,B�.e� ���r9f /Uc�-/L lt�� �fo�J,lL, ,r��r c�r�B a2 ; ,/�,�o.v ��u,�, �v o•e r� �t2 S 6� 7— 7�6 Z .i��lC. �9D�t%S.T�' Tff�QO•r�iv�GLY.S �00. ,�/CT Plat name: Lot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investi ation re uired - . ;=, TO BE�CUiI�IPLETED BY COM�'LKYIVT PRU6RAM STAFF ' � � � l�a S T R Parcel No. f�7�D��o� Kroll��� Th.Bros: Ne S RDP Basin�- '�� Council District.�_ City Charge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person �ij'1/al L ��S/�o�vSE Sr�7 3l(`l�03 r � DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: � Problem has been conected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE FILE# Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: � /Z( / O3 By: �_ _ -_,_. ._..._ . . __ - -- . __._._ . _ _. .. ., ���.;�,..,�.:::�.w.�....,._:.:.: Sleight, Brian From: Michael/Claudia Donnely[thedonnei{ys@oo.net] Sent: Thursday, March 20,2003 6:22 AM To: Grigsby, Daryl Cc: Sims, Ron; Cawaling, Cindy; Bissonnette, Pam; Sleight, Brian; Shannon, Kathleen; Maier, Mary; Ninneman, Scott; Moeller, Lani Subject: Re: May Creek Basin Area Mr. Grigsby: Whatever. I have given up on dealing with KC and Rentan. The straw has only been put down where our neighbor originally installed it-- nothing more. It rained alot yesterday and in the past. I saw muddy water up against the straw bales. At least the bales were possibly doing something. Thanks anyway. Claudia Dormelly PS: I know that you don't have any jurisdiction over Renton, but they haven't made my other neighbor do anything. I have already talked to NMFS and the last heard, they were investigating. Maybe I need to write someone else. See ya. On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 02:49 PM, Grigsby, Daryl wrote: Dear Ms. Donnelly: Thank you for your email transmittal of March 4, 2003, regarding the potential of sediment reaching May Creek. King County Executive Ron Sims has asked me to respond on his behalf. I understand that Brian Sleight, Stormwater Services (SWS) Section Senior Engineer from my staff, , visited your neighbor's property on March 7, 2003. At the time, no sediment was leaving the site even ', though it was raining lightly. There were no indications that sediment had previously left the site. The I owner was not home so Mr. Sleight left a note on their door requesting that they contact him. �� Your neighbor called Mr. Sleight that day and was advised of his responsibility to minimize sediment transport from his property. Your neighbor said his intention was to stabilize the area tllis past �veekend 3,'21/2003 i and asked Mr. Sleight to visit the site on Monday, March 10 to determine if the site was properly stabilized. A Monday site visit showed that straw had been placed on much of the site. Mr. Sleight asked your neighbor to extend the straw to the end of the existing railroad tie wall, which the neighbor said he would do. It is important to note that installation of erosion control best management practices (BMPs) will not , completely eliminate sediment transport from your neighbor's property. Erosion control BMPs are ' intended to minimize the impact of exposing bare soil by preventing soil from getting suspended in water or removing suspended soil from water. Once sediment is suspended in water, short of using chemicals, erosion control BMPs will not remove very fine sediment from the water. Although these BMPs are not perfect, they are consistent with Washington State's requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment of stormwater. These BMPs also meet the Clean Water Act's requirement of stormwater controls to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Thank you for taking an interest in the environment. If you have additional concerns regarding this issue, fee] free to contact Brian Sleight, SWS Section Senior Engineer, at (206) 296-8025. Sincerely, Daryl Grigsby, Manager Water and Land Resources Division Department of Natural Resources and Parks 3/21/2003 MAY. 18. 2006 3: 54PM KING CO3 WLRD N0. 9127 P. 1/3 � � ���E coPY �' �inQ County Waxer and Lat�d Re�ources (W�.R�vision ' 201 S 7ackson St, Suite 600 Seattle, WA, 98104-3855 � bate: '.S G.6 ' Nuxnber•o�pages iz�cluding cover sheet: .� To: ��'�� �Q�Z'V�il� Froi�a: Cind�r Torke�son F�; y�s �-�_ ��a WLlt Stormwater Services Sectian Phor�e: y� — .2•5�,�-6 �,�- �— �'X1onE: 206-296�1900 � Fax Number: 206-29G-0192 YMP0�2.TANT �,�'V'EL 1 ANALYS�S NOTE; We do r�ot send copzes of certain complai�t types �ax are not relevant such as BCW, FI, F�R., FIH and WQA, ax�d we do not send CL a�rid�,S types, See key below. Type S1, S2 a.z�d S3 will not b� faxed due to size const�raints. � The following is a list of con�plaint types received b�the Watez and T.aud R�sources Stoz�mwatex Services Section.. Complaiz�t numbers beQinning prior to 1990-XXXX have been archived and are no loz�ger in our possessioz�. They can still be rebnieved,if�.ecessary,but will take additional tune and znay not be beneficial to your research due fo their age, developnaent whick�has occurred, etc. Tf�ou are iraterestcc�xn reviewzng fhe actua�complai.�ts, they car�be�ulled(time pennitting) for yotu review. Copies can be obtained for$ .15 per page, and$2.Q0 pex page for plans. Ke�vs: Tvae of In�vestiEatinn Tv�e of Probletn C Action XtcquesL I�CA Dev�lopmenrlCons�ruc[ion • 6CW Business'for G7ean Watu ADM Druinagc-Miscclla�eous CCP Response to Iaquiry DES Drainage—�rosiodSe�imentation "CL Ctaim bLE Dninage—L�ndslide/Eerth Movement Ebi Enfo�canent on Hold DTA Drainage Teehnical AS9istance ER En�prccmeut Review INQ Drainage—Gcacral lnquiry FCC,�C1t,FCS �acllity Complaints MMA Mairuenance-A,ec�hetics FC SWIvI Fee Tnquiry , T4MF Maintenaace-Fioodiqg FIR SWM Fee Rtview MtvfG Maintenan,cc•QenetN Fil-1 SWM Fx o��o(d MM� Maintena.occ-Mowiug "X,S Iawsu3t r�vl Maiotcnmce—Nccds Mnintenance Itlt Facifityl.ngiueering�evi�v b'Il�QW' Maintepance-NoxiouvWceds NDA Nei�hborhood Drninagc Assistance SWF SWM Fec Ques[ions WQC Water Qualiry Comp�aiut WQB Water Qualiry—Best Manngemcnt Practiccs WQE Wnter Qu�liry Enforcemcnz WQD W;uer Quality--Dumping WQR p+abet Quality finginCtxiug Rcview WQI Water QNaliry—Ilticit Connecdon WQA Watu Qualiry Audit REM SW[�4 Fcc•RCmtssurettlent WQO WatcrQua�iry—Othcr QRT SWMFee-Grm�t S1,S2,SN3 Engineering Studics NWD S'WM Fee-New Discount �`Subjcct to Pu6lic 17isclosure nquire�nenu 1.Rcceipi ofwritten requestfor documents 2,Revtcw and approrai by Prosccuting Attorneys office �MAY. 18. 2006 3 ; 55PM KING C0. WLRD N0, 9127 P. 2/3�'j°�-i � r —� KiNG COUNTY�VVATER.A.ND LAND�SOURCES AX'�'xSYON � � - � D�1 d .. ^"'�" DZtAIl'�IAGE �NVESTI�A.'�ION REpO�tT INVESTIGATION REQUEST � Type v��x� � �ROSLEM: ./-�"' ���� ' 2j R�cE�vsD B�': ��^� ���• Date:��/�� 0�'d b TL +�7[L��io.� 2005 �� � Received from: � . (Day) �� (Eve) �� N.�: .,�- Pxo1•rE � . .ADDRESS: � S� City Sta.te Zip jLOCA"!'ION OF PRO�T.FIv1,IF DIFF'ERENI': �� �� �� Acces�Permissian G�unt�d ❑ Call First (QVould Like To Be Present) ❑ � ��� �vY�`� � �-�� �.��'�' �.' ����°�' -� � � . (31��I�- �1(,� �(�,��G�� �125 -22� - ��30 ��^ � � Y �d--�� p� �6 ct�- � .�.,,�� ??> � � ('U l��� � � �� J_,ot No: Block No: �'lat name: C _ - . . . . Other a enCies itivolved: �� � �To field inves�.g�tion re uired � �iv��l rrnMW.Y(1 MM1 ' �•��N.IY+nnYf7v�.� • �� 4 WM ��4! � IYA�wi�~nW��mei�.Mmiii��iir uta4���i1�+?�isv.�i�i'iA�v n . .x,-�in .+��In G��� �ry (�iWrn�mn..v�1 �� tlr �{�•4? . "�y.•�",,:�".`�a,���"'"C.iw�nrl'wo •".w���;'M"�"pr'��7+i. ��"s'.".ti,. ��� , 7Yd ...:�'� , ��' h,,.. �Ir1a��.Nry�y I�w>�a...el�ri.R.��,.Kyl1'�'.:ypp�JF��plwi tl � e titn i'+i v�u�i s r+����4.�vii.wwv t4nwn.o-,�, M �duN�r 'Wuvlwr%'a,.,.e.u I�:Y". ♦ � , • .-. . 1/4 S T �L Parce�No.� D�roll�_ Th.Bros: New � Rbp �i Basin�� Council Dxstrict�_ City� Chazge No. RLS,I''ONSE' Citxzen notified o�lt b�►: phone let�er in person � ✓�rZ.l `D 7 C✓!�' ��� ~ /`�`�-'+ `C/ w( 4!A��J'�- 5�h�— w��i/��"'ri1� Z.Zs-r�� Spo l�c��w��-�w �,{�.66 � �,��b�z� . �-��a� �� ��� � ��,�Y-�-��G s�.�pr.� � � ��p� W� D�sposiTYON: Turned to on / by OR: No�urtiher actxon recomme�ded because: �. Lead ageztcy has been noti�ed:_�"C ��� ' ���C J��sYE ��rnrae ��r�S 296'�3�ZJT°�C D[� Probl�em has bee,n carrected. .,� No problezx�has been identxfied. Prior investxgation addrEsses problem: _ �02 t°�u�EQ S�c9EGL S1C1��'�# �rivate prob�ezn-NbAP wila not consider because: � Water origir�ates onsita an�d/o�•bn nei�h�boxing parcel. Otk�er(Specify): DATE CLOSED: � I �� I�� By: ZL ��,Z�� �o �� ��'�. MAY. 18, 2006 3: 56F� KI�G C0. UJL�C N0. 9127 P. 3/3 � �. 2005-0�oa KI N G CO U N TY rram�� Claudia bonhell. Deparhnent ofNaturalResources �p�� 10415 147th A1X� SE Water and Land Resour+ce�Division �o� 626J5 TB PAGE xitoi.r,ra�� S00 DAT� � 2,21=05 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REi�ORT FI�LD 1NVEST1GATlON M�T�D�s�ox 4 uv�Ls, �Sq� � DETAiLS OF 1NVESTIGATION; A' IV NTS 2-2�-05 on si�e to investigaYe Claudia's report of a strong sewer smeEl coming f%qx'�he creek behind�he house at 10269 147�h AVE SE, l was unable to con"tact Claudia but i �poke�o�her son and�asked her to call me when sh0 could.� I was abl� to speak to one of her neighbors and he expressed that he had not noticed a sewer smell at all. � 2-25-05 met with Peggy and found what appeared to be iron bacter�a growing in the creek behind her home. 1 explained that this bacteria is innocuous and wilt diss�ipate as the creek flows rise. 7here was�no s�wer smell at the�ime of ins�ection. The creek was flowing lightly and the water was clear with no �vicfence of sewer. Peggy also had a concern with a blockage downstream of her properly. The btockage consists of a large pile of construction debris (mostly lumber) and assort�d d�bris. This � blockage is on a property ow�ed by the lots within the Stonegate development. �r�xc�: . .l . /, / � � ,� Renton Cify �/ llmlts __�__.�������~f r/ GREYSTON� � ��----�- UND. tNT. T�tAC� , / . ��� r �— -- �.` i� _ _f....^_ _ � _ •�G � � � I..�..�.. � � � � � — �' � 2 � � .1. �... � i � � � � � a , � , ,. � � 1 I � l � I I I � � , � , � � � I i � I � I l I � � , �. , � � � I I � I � I .I I I I � I � ( 1 I ( � � , � , � � � _L_�����T.�.-.--L----�--�---s------�-----�----�--- � .�, •�F s' � " x,. +t .7��. 'T? . '��J-y:4 �i2C,i�' �' �,�. '5�,� -'�� Z+�� �.. ��.� , �' �.�� t.. �� ;�� ri"1 � � . +r �' �'� � !��`n�'�2'-= 7 ��. ��� � �. + ' <� �i� ^�y �-� �. J ;`C4 x,� Y +!C �lv J,�i :;: � ' . ,��S� ;Y. r, � -i nt'ar ��� . ,� i � �b�;;. � ,� t�.t�. . � �J��,i t� '�� �. t -,, .�,;:�,�. r ,,`y� � . _ 4j,.7,�,�'���"'+F.i�.:'�'Y .1'_f'�Ga�.._..�' �Y:.'{i: __.��...__ 4c;.a ��'�:i.� �'�rl" ' •�_�t� —.�i .. �`t�`�r"', ��` 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A. ExisNng Site Hydrology Under existing conditions, the site has a scattering of trees in various locations. In addition, there is an existing single-family residence located in the northwest corner of the proposed project site that will be demolished with this project. In addition, there is a f600-foot-long gravel access road providing a driveway for the existing single-family residence that will be removed with this project. However, for the purposes of modeling flow control for this project site,the entire site was assumed to have the historic condition of till forest over the site. Greene's Creek, a seasonal stream and buffer, is located along the eastern portion of the project site and will be kept intact with this development. There is also a scattering of brush and trees in this buffer azea, all of which will remain �vith this development. The proposed area to be developed on the site consists of approximately 2.25 acres. B. Developed Site Hydrology Please refer to the detention sizing criteria worksheet within this section of the report for the analysis of how to size the land covers for this project site. However, briefly, there are 11 lots with R-4 zoning, which allows 55 percent impervious coverage per lot, which means that 3,850 square feet of impervious coverage per lot is allowed since the average lot is 7,001 square feet, of which 20-by 20-feet will be considered driveway, totaling 400 square feet of driveway. As a flow control BMP limited infiltration is allowed to consist of 50 percent impervious and 50 percent grass. The total area before the limited infiltration was 0.97 acre of impervious roof and driveway surfaces, minus 0.05 acre for till grass from runoff being infiltrated, plus the addition of road and sidewalk of , 0.32 acre,totals 1.24 acres of impervious surface. The remainder of the site, exclusive of the bypass, is 0.84 acre of till grass. In addition, there is a bypass area immediately , adjacent to the stream and buffer on the eastern side of the project site consisting of a 15-foot building setback line, which sheetflows into the Greene's Creek, which totals 0.17 acre. This site was modeled under the KCRTS program methodology for Level 3 Flow Control and utilized a precipitation rate of Landsburg regional precipitation area of 0.9. C. Performance Standards As dictated by the KCSWDM, Conservation Flow Control is the required means of providing flow control for this project site. However, due to drainage complaints in the downstream drainage course, Level 3 Flow Control is being provided for this project site. In addition, the applicable conveyance system capacity standazd is to utilize the SBUH Hydrograph Method as delineated further in the KCSWDM, and would utilize a 25-year precipitation with a 5-minute initial time of concentration and Manning's "n" value of 0.013. The applicable area-specific Water Quality Treatment Manu, determined from the water quality applications map and mentioned previously by King County in their pre-application meeting, was that Basic Water Quality Menu would be required for this project site. Therefore, this project site is proposing to modify an existing weddetention pond with the wet pond located below the live storage to provide treatment for runoff from this project site. i 12365.019 i D. Flow Control System Please refer to the illustrative sketch attached herewith in this section of the report, in addition to the calculations to size the flow control facility for this project, which provides Leve13 Flow Control for this over 2 acres of developed area. E. Water Quality System Please refer to the illustrative sketch also in this section of the report showing the water quality facility, which is a weddetention pond meeting the Basic Water Quality Menu as delineated further in the KCSWDM. 12365.019 FLOW CONTROL SIZING CRITERIA Pre-Developed: Required historic condition = 2.25 ac.till forest Developed: Zoning = R-4, which allows 55 percent impervious lot coverage Average lot size = 7,OOl sq. ft. So, 11 lots(7,001)(0.55) = 0.97 ac. impervious of which 400 sq. ft. of roofs/lot are infiltrated by flow control BMPs. 400 sq. ft. x 11 lots = 0.10 ac.,which is considered 50 percent grass and 50 percent impervious ' So, 0.97 ac.—0.05 ac. = 0.92 ac. impervious for all of the lots. Road and sidewalk = 032 ac. impervious ', Total impervious = 0.92 + 0.32 = 1.24 ac. '� Till grass = 0.84 ac. , Bypass: I Till grass = 0.17 ac. 1236�.019 WATER QUALITY AND FLOW CONTROL CAPACITY ANALYSIS Proposed Windstone Division V North End of the Stoneridge Plat Addition to SR-900 a.k.a S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road Lying West of 148th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington September 9, 2011 June 15, 2012 Our Job No. 12365 �/� /L �aY JACpe ���,�F v4Asp��. S �r r�� v, ` rj ,F 27694 ,y' ��,�S.�F. � . :S;S.I(�\':\ ,' ��lrt A V � S Q � CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING m x 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAx 2 - '� 2 BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA,WA ♦ CONCORD,CA ♦ TEMECULA,CA s� y, www.barghausen.com ' <r ��� NG ENG�N TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTIONIGENERAL INFORMATION APPENDIX FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY SIZING CRITERIA FLOW CONTROL CALCULATIONS WET POND SIZING CALCULATIONS DETENTION POND SiZING CALCULATIONS 12365.021.doc � W , � � W ' � ' O H C� w � 0 � a 0 � 1.0 INTRODUCTIONIGENERAL INFORMATION The proposed Windstone Division V Plat is located on the south (upstream) side of the Stoneridge Plat. The proposal for Windstone Division V is to connect the roadway serving this project site, known as Lyons Avenue N.E., to Lyons Avenue N.E. within the Stoneridge Plat. It is also proposed to connect the stormwater conveyance and collection facilities for Windstone Division V into the existing conveyance system for the Stoneridge Plat, which routes all runoff to a water quality wet pond/detention pond located in the north central portion of the Stoneridge Plat. The pond was sized to Level 3 Flow Control for the Stoneridge Plat; however, the pond has excess capacity and by raising the pond depth of flow control live storage approximately 0.75 feet to elevation 399.66, the pond would still provide 1 foot of freeboard. As a result, the flow control requirement would be met for Windstone Division V as well as the Stoneridge Plat. An analysis was also performed on the water quality wet pond located below the live storage in the wet/detention pond and it has capacity to treat runoff from both Windstone Division V and the Stoneridge Plat. See the calculations to size the wet pond as well as the calculations to size the detention pond in the Appendix of this report, which shows there is adequate capacity upon completion of pond modifications for both live and dead storage. Level 3 Flow Control is provided for both the Stoneridge Plat and Windstone Division V because of downstream concerns. The calculations based on King County Runoff Time Series methodology are provided in the Appendix of this report. Per Section 5.3.1 of the 2005 KCSWDM and since this modified pond has less than 10 acre-foot of storage above natural ground level then dam safety compliance review by W.D.O.E. is not a requirement for this project. 12365.021 � � � Z W � � Q FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY SIZIfVG CRITERIA FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY SIZING CRITERIA Pre-Developed: Stoneridge: Impervious = 0.67 Ac. Till Grass = 3.67 Ac. Till Forest = 11.85 Ac. Windstone V: Till Forest = 2.25 Ac. TOTAL = 18.44 Ac. Developed: Stoneridge: Impervious = 9.63 Ac. Till Grass = 6.56 Ac. Windstone V: Impervious = 1.24 Ac. Till Farest = 1.01 Ac. TOTAL = 18.44 Ac. �I 12365.021.doc FLOW CONTROL CALCULATIONS SIZE THE DETENTION POND Sum Area Volume Volume Elev. (sq.ft.) (cu. ft.) (cu. ft.) 388.91 17,1 QO 19,359 19,359 390 18,422 39,403 58,762 392 20,981 44,585 103,347 394 23,604 49,950 153,297 396 26,346 55,656 208,953 398 29,310 30,021 238,974 399 30,732 20,593 259,568 399.66 31,672 Volume Provided = 259,568 cu. ft. Volume Required from KCRTS Calculation = 258,324 cu. ft. So Okay ' 12365.021.doc WET POND SIZING CALCULATIONS SIZE THE WET POND Sum Area Volume Volume Elev. (sq.ft.) (cu.ft.) (cu.ft.) Cell 1 384.5 2,900 14,375 14,375 388 5,314 Cell 2 384 7,110 34,524 34,524 388 10,152 Combined 388 15,996 15,059 15,059 388.91 17,100 Total Water Quality Volume Provided: = 14,375 + 34,524 + 15,059 = 63,958 CF Wet Pond Volume Required: = 3[0.9A;+ 0.25A,y] (0.039) = 3[(0.9)(10.87) + (0.25)(7.57)] (0.039)(43,560) = 59,504 CF So Okay Bottom of cell 1 is at 383.5 or less Bottom of cell 2 is at 383.5 or less See pond modification plan in this section of the report. � 12365.021 DETENTION POND SIZING CALCULATIONS Return Period � 2 5 10 20 50 100 �� 1�1 12365comrdout.pks in Landsburg • 12365compre.pks � R � • � . v� � U � � � 000 � v3 1�� c� .c . U � � ♦ � ♦ 00 � _1 � �� _ _ 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 � Cumulative Probability � T 12365comrdout.dur . 12365comtarget.dur • . �n • r • - . • • • N � � -- - -- - - - - - - -- ♦ 000 ♦ � � � U � � � � � o _ � __ _ -- _ - --- L ♦ U � � • . ♦ ♦ CO . _ - - _ - �_ - -- O � � I ♦ 00 • , � O _ O ' O . , I II 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 �2 10 �1 10° Probability Exceedence KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time Series Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series : 12365compre.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATF60R.rnf . Till Forest 14.10 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf . Till Grass 3.67 acres ' Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEI60R.rnf . Impervious 0.67 acres -------------- Total Area : 18.44 acres Peak Discharge: 2 .83 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 , Storing Time Series File:12365compre.tsf . ^ime Series Computed , � KCRTS-Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command / ---------------------- Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve:12365compre.tsf . Flow Freguency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:12365compre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:12365compre.pks . Analysis Tools Conunand ---------------------- RETURN to Previous Menu ----------------------- KCRTS Cornmand CREATE a new Time Series ------------------------ Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Landsburg Computing 5eries : 12365comdev.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C: \KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG60R.rnf . Till Grass 7.57 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LAEIbOR.rnf , Impervious 10.87 acres Total Area : 18.44 acres Peak Discharge: 7.59 CFS at 7:�0 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf , Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module Analysis Tools Command ---------------------- Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve:12365comdev.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File:12365comdev.pks . Analysis Tools Command Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence ------------------------------------ Loading Time Series File:12365compre.tsf . Computing Flow Durations Durations & Exceedence Probabilities to File:12365comtarget.dur . Analysis Tools Command ---------------------- �' RETURN to Previous Menu ----------------------- KCRTS Command Size a Retention/Detention FACILITY ----------------------------------- Loading Retention/Detention Facility File:12365comlvl3 .rdf . Retention/Detention Facility Design ----------------------------------- Edit Facility = Loading Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf . Time Series Found in Memory:12365comdev.tsf . Saving Retention/Detention Facility File:12365comlvl3 .rdf . Starting Documentation File:C:\kc_swdm\kc_data\example\kcrts\12365comlvl3 .doc Time Series Found in Memory:12365comdev.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:12365compre.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.71 2 2/09/d1 14:00 2 .84 1 100.00 0.990 0.451 8 1/05/02 16:00 1.71 2 25.00 0.960 � 1.18 4 2/28/03 16:00 1.56 3 10.00 0.900 � 0. 613 7 8/26/04 1:00 1.18 4 5 .00 0.800 1.07 5 1/05/05 10:00 1.d7 5 3.00 0.667 Q.852 6 1/18/06 21:00 0.852 6 2 . 00 0.500 1.56 3 11/21/06 9:00 0.613 7 1.3Q 0.231 2.84 1 1/09/08 7:00 0.451 8 1 .10 0.091 -- Computed Peaks 2 .46 50 .00 0.980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 4.18 5 2/09/Ol 2:00 7.59 1 100.00 0 .990 2 .49 8 12/03/01 17:00 5.04 2 25. 00 0 .960 4.20 4 9/10/03 15:00 4.86 3 10. 00 0.900 4.86 3 8/26/04 1:00 4.20 4 5 .00 0.800 4.01 7 10/28/04 18:00 4.18 5 3 .00 0.667 4.15 6 10/22/05 17:00 4.15 6 2.00 0.500 5 .04 2 11/21/06 9:00 4.01 7 1.30 0.231 7 .59 1 1/09/08 7:00 2 .49 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 6.74 50. 00 0 .980 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:12365comrdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 1.65 2 2/09/01 20:00 2 .84 10.75 1 100.00 0.990 0 .315 8 11/05/01 3:00 1.65 9.28 2 25 .00 0.960 0.777 5 3/01/03 7:00 1.39 9.17 3 10.00 0.900 0.368 7 8/26/04 6:00 0.796 6.56 4 5.00 0 .800 0.796 4 1/05/05 15:00 0.777 6.43 5 3 .00 0.667 0 .557 6 1/19/06 1:00 0.557 5.27 6 2 .00 0.5Q0 1.39 3 11/24/06 8:00 0.368 3 .96 7 1.30 0.231 2 .84 1 1/09/08 12:00 0.315 2 .91 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2 .44 10.04 50 .00 0.980 i__J ;ti Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 2 .00 H:1V Pond Bottom Length: 186.54 ft Pond Bottom Width: 93.27 ft Pond Bottom Area: 17398. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 32758. sq. ft 0.752 acres Effective Storage Depth: 10.75 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 388.91 ft Storage Volume: 258327. cu. ft 5.930 ac-ft Riser Head: 10.75 ft Riser Diameter: 18. 00 inches Ntunber of orifices: 3 Full Head Pipe Qrifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter {ft) (in} (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 2 .61 0.605 2 5.00 3.09 0.620 6.0 3 8.85 6.57 1.615 10.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Surf Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft} {cfs) (cfs) (sq. ft) 0.00 388.91 0. 0.000 0.000 0. 00 17398. 0.03 388.94 522. O.a12 0.030 0. 00 17432 . 0. 05 388.96 871. 0.020 0.043 0.00 17454. , 0. 08 388.99 1395. 0.032 0.053 0.00 17488. 0.11 389 .d2 1921. 0.044 0.061 0.00 17522. 0.14 389 .05 2447. 0.056 O.Q68 0.00 17555. 0.16 389.07 2798. 0.064 0.075 0.00 17578. 0.19 389.10 3326. 0.076 0 .080 0.00 17611. ' 0.22 389.13 3855. 0 .088 0 .086 0. 00 17645. I 0. 43 389.34 7585. 0.174 0.121 0.00 17882 . �� 0. 64 389.55 11365. 0.2b1 0.147 0. 00 18121. � 0. 85 389.76 15196. 0.349 0.170 0. 00 18361. 1. 06 389.97 19077. 0.438 �.190 0.00 186Q3 . 1.27 390.18 23009. 0.528 0.208 0.00 18845. 1.48 390.39 26992. 0.620 0.225 0.00 19090. 1.69 390. 60 31027. 0.712 0.240 0.00 19335. 1.90 390.81 35113. 0.806 0.255 0.00 19582 . 2 .11 391.02 39252. 0.901 Q.268 0.00 19831. 2 . 33 391.24 43643. 1 .002 0.281 0.00 20093. 2. 54 391.45 47889. 1 . 099 0.294 0. 00 20344. 2 .75 391.66 52188. 1.198 0 .346 Q.O� 20597. 2.96 391.87 56540. 1.298 0.317 0.0� 20851. 3.17 392 .08 60946. 1. 399 0.328 0.00 21107. 3 .38 392 .29 65405. 1 . 501 0.339 0. 00 21364. i�- -3--�59------392-.-50 ---- 69919. 1.605 0.350 � . 00 %1622 . 3 .80 392 .71 74487. 1.710 0.360 0. 00 21882. 4.01 392 .92 79109. 1.816 0.370 0. 00 22144. 4.22 393 .13 $3787. 1.923 0.379 0. 00 2240b. 4.43 393.34 88520. 2 .032 0.389 0.00 22670. 4 . 64 393.55 93309. 2 .142 0.398 0.00 2293b. 4 .85 393.76 98153. 2 .253 0.407 0.00 23203 . 5.OQ 393.91 101648. 2 .334 0.413 0.00 23394. 5.03 393.94 102350. 2.350 0.416 0. 00 23433 . 5.06 393.97 103054. 2 .366 0.425 0. 00 23471. 5.10 394.01 103994. 2 .387 0.438 0. 00 23522 . 5 .13 394.04 104700. 2 .4Q4 0.456 O. QO 23561. 5.16 394.07 105407. 2 .420 0.478 0. 00 23599. 5 .19 394.10 106116. 2 .436 0.504 0. 00 23638. 5.23 394.14 1�7063. 2 .458 0.532 O. aO 23689 . 5.26 394.17 107774. 2 .474 0.554 0. 00 23728. 5.29 394.20 1d8486. 2 .491 0.563 0. 00 23767 . 5.50 394.41 113506. 2 .606 0.616 0.00 24038. 5 .71 394.62 118582. 2 .722 0.b59 0.00 24311. 5.92 394.83 123716. 2 .840 O.b97 0.00 24585. 6.13 395.04 128908. 2 .959 0.732 0.00 24860. 6.34 395.25 134158. 3 .080 0.764 O.OQ 25137. 6.55 395.46 139466. 3 .202 0.795 0.00 25416. 6.76 395.67 144832. 3 .325 0.823 0.00 25695. &.98 395.89 150518. 3.455 0.851 0.00 25990. 7 .19 396.10 156005. 3.581 Q.877 0.00 26273 . 7 .40 396.31 161552. 3 .709 0.902 0.00 26557 . 7 . 61 396.52 167159. 3 .837 D.927 0.00 26842. 7 .82 396.73 172826. 3 .968 �.950 0.00 27129. 8. 03 396.94 178553. 4.099 Q.973 0.00 27417. 8.24 397.15 184341. 4.232 0.995 0.00 27707. 8.45 397.36 190190. 4.366 1.020 0.00 27998. 8. 66 397.57 196101. 4.502 1.04Q 0.00 28291. 8.85 397.76 201501. 4.626 1.060 0. 00 28557. 8.92 397.83 203504. 4 .672 1.080 0. 00 28655. 8.99 397.90 2d5513. 4.718 1.130 0 . 00 28753 . 9 .06 397.97 207529. 4.764 1.200 0. 00 28852. 9.12 398.03 209263. 4 . 804 1.300 0 . 00 28936. 9.19 398.10 211292. 4 . 851 1 .430 0. 00 29035. 9.26 398.17 213328. 4.897 1.570 0.00 29134. 9 .33 398.24 215371. 4.944 1.910 0. 00 29233. 9 .40 398.31 217420. 4.991 1.980 0. 00 29333. 9 .47 398.38 219477. 5.039 2 .030 0.00 29432. 9 .68 398.59 225689. 5.181 2 .200 0.00 29732. 9 . 89 398 .80 231964. 5.325 2 .350 0.00 30032. 10.10 399 .01 238303. 5.471 2.480 0. 00 30335. 10.31 399 .22 244705. 5. 618 2.600 0.00 30638. 10.52 399.43 251171. 5.766 2.720 0.00 30943. 10.73 399.64 257701. 5 .916 2 .830 0. 00 31250. 10.75 399.66 258327. 5.930 2 .840 0. 00 31279. 10.85 399.76 261462. 6.042 3 .350 0 . 00 31425. 10.95 399.86 264612. 6.075 4.250 0.00 31572 . 11.Q5 399.96 267776. 6.147 5.390 O.aa 31719. 12.15 400.06 270956. 6 .220 6.730 0. 00 31867 . 11.25 400.16 274150. 6.294 8.250 0.00 32015. 11.35 400.26 277358. 6.367 9.720 0.00 32163. -�1i.45 --"�400-.-36--- �"280582. 6.441 10.290 0.00 32311. 11.55 400.46 283821. 6.516 10.830 0.00 32460. 11. 65 400.56 287074. 6.590 11.330 0.00 32609. 11.75 400. 66 290342. 6.665 11.810 0.00 32758. 11.85 400.76 293626. 6.741 12 .270 0.00 32908. 11.95 400.86 296924. 6.816 12 .700 0.00 33058. 12.05 400.96 300237. 6.893 13 .130 0.00 33208. 12.15 401.06 303566. 6.969 13 . 530 0.00 33359. 12.25 401.16 306909. 7 .046 13 .92a 0.00 3351Q. 12 . 35 401.26 310268. 7 .123 14.310 0.00 33661. 12 .45 401.36 313641. 7 .200 14 .680 0.00 33813. 12 .55 401.46 317030. 7 .278 15.030 0.00 33965. 12. 65 401.56 320434. 7 .356 15.390 0.00 34117. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 7.59 2 .84 2 .84 10.75 399.66 258324. 5.930 2 4.18 ******* 1. 65 9.28 398.19 213818. 4.909 3 5.04 ******* 1.39 9.17 398.08 210690. 4 .837 4 4.01 ******* 0. 80 6.56 395.47 139681. 3 .207 5 4 .20 ******* 0.78 6.43 395.34 136359. 3 .130 6 4.15 ******* 0.56 5.27 394.18 108051. 2 .480 7 4 . 86 ******* 0.37 3.96 392.87 78065. 1.792 8 2 .49 ******* 0.31 2.91 391.82 55595. 1.276 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Faczlity Inflow Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:12365comrdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 7.59 CFS at 7 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 2. 84 CFS at 12 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir 5tage: 10.75 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 399. 66 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 258324. Cu-Ft . 5.930 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:12365comrdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS} (CFS) (ft} Period 1.65 2 2/09/Q1 20:00 2 .84 20.75 1 100.00 0.990 0.315 8 11/05/01 3:00 1. 65 9.28 2 25.00 0.960 0.777 5 3/01/03 7:00 1.39 9.17 3 10.00 0.900 0.368 7 8/26/04 6:00 0.796 6.56 4 5.00 0.800 0.796 4 1/05/05 15: 00 0.777 6.43 5 3.00 0.667 0.557 6 1/19/06 1: 00 0.557 5.27 6 2.00 0.500 1.39 3 11/24/06 8: 00 0.368 3 .96 7 1. 30 0.231 2 .84 1 1/09/08 12 :OQ 0. 315 2 .91 8 1. 10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 2 .44 10.04 50.00 0. 980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:12365comrdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS � � � 0 .023 33042 53.885 53 .885 46.115 0.461E+00 I 0 .070 5771 9.411 63 .296 36.704 0.367E+00 0 .116 6412 10.457 73.752 26.248 0.262E-r00 0 .162 5421 8.841 82 .593 17 .407 0.174E+00 0 .208 4090 6.670 89.263 10.737 0.107E+00 0.255 2666 4.348 93 .611 6.389 0. 639E-01 0.301 1603 2 .614 96.225 3.775 0.378E-01 0.347 872 1.422 97 .647 2 .353 0.235E-41 0.393 735 1.199 98.845 1.155 0.115E-01 0.439 284 0.463 99 .309 0.691 0. 691E-02 0 .486 27 0.044 99 .353 0. 647 0. 647E-02 0 .532 28 0.046 99 .398 0.602 0.602E-02 0 .578 33 0.054 99.452 0.548 0.548E-02 0 .624 54 0.088 99.540 0.460 0.460E-02 0 .671 61 0.099 99.640 0.360 0.360E-02 0 .717 51 0.083 99.723 0.277 0.277E-02 0 .763 32 0.052 99.775 0.225 0.225E-02 0.809 31 0.051 99.826 0.174 0.174E-02 0 .855 11 0.018 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.902 15 0.024 99.868 0.132 0.132E-02 0.948 15 0.024 99.892 0.108 0.108E-02 0.994 20 0.033 99.925 0.075 0.750E-03 1.04 22 �.036 99.961 O.a39 0.391E-03 1.09 9 0.015 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 1.13 2 0.003 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99.984 0.016 0.163E-03 1.23 1 0.002 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 1.27 2 0.003 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 1.32 1 0.002 99 .990 0 .010 0.978E-04 1.36 2 0.003 99 .993 0.007 0. 652E-04 1.41 1 O.OD2 99.995 O.OQ5 0.489E-04 1.46 0 0.000 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 1.50 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1.55 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1.59 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 1. 64 0 0.000 99.998 0. 002 0.163E-04 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:12365comdev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:12365comrdout Inflow/�utflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 7.59 CFS at 7 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 2.84 CFS at 12 : 00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 10.75 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 399.66 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 258324 . Cu-Ft _ . _ _ -- . 5.930 Ac-Ft - Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:12365comrdout.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 1.65 2 2/09/01 20:Oa 2 . 84 10.75 1 100.00 0 .990 0.315 8 11/05/01 3:00 1 . 65 9.28 2 25.00 0.960 0.777 5 3/01/03 7:OQ 1. 39 9.17 3 10.00 0.9�0 0.368 7 8/26/04 6:00 0.796 6.56 4 5.00 0.800 0.796 4 1/05/05 15: 00 0.777 6.43 5 3.00 0.667 0.557 6 1/19/06 1: 00 0.557 5.27 6 2 . 00 0.500 1.39 3 11/24/Ob 8: 00 0.368 3.96 7 1.30 0.231 2.84 1 1/09/08 12:00 0.315 2.91 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2 .44 10.04 50.00 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:12365comrdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS � � $ 0 .023 33042 53.885 53 .885 46.115 0.461E+00 0.070 5771 9.411 63 .296 36.704 0.367E+00 0.116 6412 10.457 73 .752 26.248 0.262E+00 0.162 5421 8.841 82.593 17 .407 0.174E+00 0.208 4090 6.670 89.263 10 .737 0.107E+00 0.255 2666 4.348 93.611 6 .389 0.639E-01 0.301 1603 2 .614 96.225 3 .775 0.378E-01 0.347 872 1.422 97.647 2 .353 0.235E-Q1 0.393 735 1.199 98.845 1.155 0.115E-01 0.439 284 0.463 99 .309 0.691 0. 691E-02 0.486 27 0.044 99.353 0 .647 0. 647E-02 0.532 28 0.046 99.398 0 .602 0. 602E-02 0.578 33 0.054 99.452 0.548 0.548E-02 0.624 54 0.088 99.540 0.460 0.460E-02 0.671 61 0.099 99.640 0.360 0.360E-02 0.717 51 0.483 99.723 0.277 0.277E-02 0.763 32 0.052 99.775 0.225 0.225E-02 0.809 31 0.051 99.826 0.174 0.174E-02 0.855 11 0.018 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.902 15 0.024 99.868 0 .132 0.132E-02 0 .948 15 0.024 99.892 0 .108 0.1Q8E-02 0 .994 20 0.033 99.925 0 .075 0.750E-03 1.04 22 Q.036 99.961 0.039 0.391E-03 1.09 9 0.015 99.976 0 .024 0.245E-03 1.13 2 0.003 99.979 0 .021 0.212E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99.984 0. 016 0.163E-03 1.23 1 0.002 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 2 .27 2 0.003 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 1.32 1 0.002 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 1.36 2 0.003 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 1.41 1 0.002 99.995 0 .005 0.489E-04 1.46 0 O.OQO 99.995 0 . 005 0.489E-04 i 1.50 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 -----�------ - _.. _ _- - 1.55 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1.59 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 1.64 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 i , • Flow Duration from T•ime Series File:12365comrdout. tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS � � � 0.023 33042 53.885 53.885 46.115 0.461E+00 0.070 5771 9.411 63.296 36.704 0.367E+00 0.116 64z2 10.457 73.752 26.248 0.262E+00 0.162 5421 8.841 82 .593 17 .407 0.174E+00 0.208 4090 6.670 89.263 10.737 0.107E+00 0.255 2666 4.348 93 . 611 6.389 0. 639E-01 0.301 1603 2 .614 96.225 3 .775 0.378E-01 0.347 872 1.422 97 .647 2 .353 0.235E-01 0.393 735 1.199 98.845 1.155 0.115E-01 0.439 284 0 .463 99 .309 0.691 0.691E-02 0.486 27 0 .044 99 .353 0.647 0.647E-02 0.532 28 0.046 99.398 0.602 0.602E-�2 0.578 33 0.054 99.452 0.548 0.548E-�2 0.624 54 O.d88 99 .540 0.460 0.460E-02 0.671 61 0.099 99 .640 0.360 0.360E-02 0.717 51 0.083 99.723 0.277 0.277E-02 0.763 32 0.052 99 .775 0.225 0.225E-02 0.809 31 0.051 99.826 0. 174 0.174E-02 0.855 11 0.018 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.902 15 0.024 99.868 0 .132 0.132E-02 0.948 15 0.024 99.892 0 .108 0.108E-02 0.994 20 0.033 99.925 0.075 0.75QE-03 1 .04 22 0.036 99.961 0.039 0.391E-03 1.09 9 0.015 99.976 0.024 0.245E-03 1.13 2 0 .003 99 .979 0.021 0.212E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99 .984 0.016 0.163E-03 1.23 1 O.Q02 99 .985 0.015 0.147E-03 1.27 2 0.003 99.989 0.011 0.114E-03 1.32 1 0.002 99 .990 0.010 0.978E-04 1.36 2 0.003 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 1.41 1 0.002 99.995 0.0�5 Q.489E-04 1.46 0 0.000 99.995 0. 005 0.489E-04 1. 50 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 1.55 0 0.000 99.997 O.OQ3 0.326E-04 1.59 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 1. 64 0 0.000 99 .998 0.002 0.163E-04 i Flow Duration from Time Series File:12365compre.tsf II Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability �'� CFS � � � 0.426 60756 99.080 99 .080 0.920 0.92�E-02 0 .484 121 0.197 99.278 0.722 0.722E-02 0 .542 85 0.139 99.416 0.584 0.584E-02 0 . 600 87 0.142 99.558 0.442 0.442E-02 0.658 62 0.101 99.659 0 .341 0.341E-02 �.716 44 0 .072 99 .731 0.269 0.269E-02 0.775 40 0.065 99.796 0 .204 0.204E-02 0.833 31 0.051 99.847 0 .153 0.153E-02 0.891 15 0.024 99.871 0 .129 0.129E-02 0.949 11 0.018 99.889 0.111 0.111E-02 1.01 10 0.016 99.905 0.095 0.946E-03 1.07 11 0.018 99.923 0.077 0.766E-03 1.12 8 0.013 99.936 0.064 0.636E-03 1.18 7 0.011 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 1 .24 6 0.010 99 .958 0.042 0.424E-03 1.30 5 0.008 99.966 0.034 0.342E-03 1 . 36 4 0.007 99.972 0.028 0.277E-03 1 .41 5 0.008 99 .980 0.020 0.196E-03 1 . 47 3 0.005 99.985 0.015 0.147E-03 1 .53 3 0.005 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 1.59 3 0.005 99.995 0.005 0.489E-04 1. 65 0 0.000 99 .995 0.005 0.489E-04 1.70 1 0.002 99.997 0 .003 0.326E-04 1.76 2 0.003 100.000 0 .000 O.O00E+00 1. 82 0 0.000 100.Od0 0.000 O.O00E+00 1. 88 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 1.94 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 1.99 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 2 .05 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 2 .11 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 2 .17 0 0.000 100 .000 0.000 O. �00E+00 2 .23 0 O.00Q 100 .000 0.000 O.O00E+00 2 .29 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.O00E+00 2 .34 0 O.OQO 100.000 0.000 O.00QE+00 2 .40 0 0.000 100.000 0.000 O.00QE+00 2 .46 0 0.000 100.OQ0 0.000 O.O00E+00 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 12365compre.tsf New File: 12365comrdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New �Change Probability Base New �Change 0.424 � 0.92E-02 0.72E-02 -22 .4 � 0.92E-02 0.424 4.403 -5.0 0.523 � 0.62E-02 0.61E-02 -1.1 � 0.62E-02 0.523 0.515 -1.5 0. 622 � 0.40E-02 0.46E-02 14.1 � 0.40E-02 0. 622 0.648 4.3 0.721 � 0.26E-02 0.27E-02 4.4 i 0.26E-02 0.721 0.735 1.9 0.820 � 0.16E-02 0.17E-02 4.0 � 0.16E-02 0. 820 0.845 3 .0 0.919 � 0.12E-02 0.12E-a2 5. 6 � 0.12E-02 0.919 0.934 1.7 1,02 � 0.88E-03 0.55E-03 -37 .0 � 0.88E-03 1.02 0.981 -3 .6 1.12 I 0.65E-d3 0.21E-03 -67 .5 � 0.65E-03 1.12 1.00 -10.2 1.22 � 0.46E-03 0.15E-03 -67 .9 � 0 .46E-03 1.22 1.03 -15.0 1.31 � 0.33E-03 0.98E-04 -70.0 � 0 .33E-03 1.31 1.06 -19 .7 1.41 � 0.20E-Q3 0.49E-04 -75.0 � 0 .20E-03 1.41 1.15 -18.4 1.51 � 0.11E-03 0.33E-Q4 -71.4 � 0.11E-03 1.51 1.31 -13.5 1.b1 � 0.49E-04 0.16E-04 -66.7 � 0.49E-04 1.61 1.49 -7 .3 1.71 � 0.16E-Q4 O.00E+00 -100.0 � 0.16E-04 1.71 1.65 -3 .6 Maximum positive excursion = 0.034 cfs ( 5.9�) occurring at 0.582 cfs on the Base Data:12365compre.tsf and at 0.616 cfs on the New Data:12365comrdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.291 cfs (-21.4�) occurring at 1.36 cfs on the Base Data:12365compre.tsf and at 1.07 cfs on the New Data:12365comrdout.tsf �� '4_� •_� f i __- - 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JIUIES H.SANDERS PROV�L Oate E (p � "� � . . ._ _, _ � : pEVELOPMENT ENGWEER i ('7 i o � Comments: os � ; � TRACT 'E' N U,. � , � a i i i ' � � I � 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ' 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I This project must verify the adequacy of the downstream conveyance system to convey the flows ��, from both the Stoneridge Plat combined with Windstone Division V. Since the total contributing ', area is over 10 acres SBUH hydrograph methodology was used and the 25-year storm was ', conveyed without overtopping any manholes or surcharging any pipes. The original Stoneridge �' SBUH calculations were modified by adding the Windstone V pipes and basins to it. Please refer i to the calculations on the following pages of this report. I � l II ti 1236�.019 WETLAND HYDROLOGY BASIN MAP � .�. A GRADING PLAN CALL BEFORE YOU DI� FpR 1-800-424-5555 ` ,1; ;i�� pLAT OF WlNDSTONE DIVISION V ' � A PORTION OF THE E 1/2 OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 23 N., RANGE 5 E., W.M. �i�I '',,';' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON � z �'�' --= - _ � .. � . w O 0 15 30 60 _ _.._--___ _______ \"'.. \ �. i�_ \� a (� - �� �. _ _ \ ,�'�'-. z ] �_ �� " � NOTES � , �` �' ! ',`'�\�`� .���+, \' W 1 � � W 1. SINGLE FAMILY RESI�ENCES AND O7HER IMPROVEMQ�ITS �= ' - �� 1 � �� � �`� �� \ � .. OVEMQ! 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I � � � WETLAND HYDROLOGY EXISTING CONDITION HYDROGRAPH Appended on: 16:18:01 Tuesday, July 24, 2012 wetlandpre Event Summary --�-----------,------ ` Event IPeak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs)jHyd Vol (acft) (Area (ac)�Method Raintype ' --- �6 month 0.0177 17.17 f 0.0206 i 1.5000 � SBUH TYPElA � (�_--- -(- i , , ----- - -- r------------, ----------- � 2 year � 0.0449 ( 9.17 j 0.0517 � 1.5000 � SBUH �TYPElA ,--- ` 10 year � 0.1593 � 8.50 j 0.1227 � 1.5000 i SBUH �TYPEIA I 25 year i 0.2413 � 8.17 � 0.1661 j 1.5000 SBUH TYPElA �100 year 0.3344 8.17 � 0.2125 � 1.5000 SBUH �TYPElA Record Id: wetlandpre ----- - _ .--- --, ---- - ---- ----� (Design Method _ _ _ __ ; SBUH �Rainfall type �TYPElA � ,--- - �-- -- - - - _._. ;- ----------------------- � �Hyd Intv i 10.00 min iPeaking Factor 484.00 ! -- - ------------------ -- ---. _ _ . ,- ____. _ ---- __ ---- -------- - -----� ; � jAbstraction Coeff 0.20 I r----------- ------ --- - - - - � �Pervious Area (AMC 2) � 1.50 ac !DCIA r 0.00 ac ' -------- ---- - ---- ------ - ;Pervious CN � 76.00 ;DC CN � 0.00 , �- ---- �---- -- �Pervious TC 35.45 min �DC TC � 0.00 min ; -- - ; -- ------------- ------------------ -----------,� i� Pervious CN Calc ' Description SubArea Sub cn Meadow or Pasture � 1.50 ac 76.00 --- i Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 76.00 j �-- -__--___-__- I --- -------------_------ - - -- � � Pervious TC Calc ' � T e Descri tion L n � Slo e Coeff Misc TT I i YP P I g � P �� � �Sheet Dense grasses : 0.24 300.00 ft I3.33% 0.2400 2.00 in 35.45 min � � _.v---`----- - ---- --- I Pervious TC �35.45 min �f Licensed to: Barghausen Engineers WETLAND HYDROLOGY FOUR ROOFS CONDITION HYDROGRAPH Appended on: 16:11:12 Tuesda��, July 24, 2012 4 roofs Event Summary� ___-- -------- _ _ _ - __ _ _ __ r-- � Event Peak Q (cfs)�Peak T (hrs) �Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) �Method�Raintype` ; ----- - r----- ---- ------------- �-------- ;6month �0.0565 �8.00 !� 0.0187 � 0.1840 SBUH ;TYPEIA - -- —_-- - — ; 2 year 0.0813 8 00 ; 0.0272 �0.1840 j SBUH iTYPElA i 10 year � 0.1228 �8 00 i 0.0417 �0.1840 SBUH �TYPElA '', 25 year �1445 8.00 � 0.0493 0.1840 � SBLTH TYPElA ' 100 year 0.1661 _� 8_00 ��0 0570 _v0.1840 �_SBUH TYPElA i Record Id: 4 roofs -------- ------ - - ------ 'Design Method � SBUH 'Rainfall type � TYPEIA --r-------------------r--- �!Hyd Intv f 10.00 min �Peaking Factor j 484.00 ; -----. - r..------- ---r------- _-----. _--- ;----------- ' � iAbstraction Coeff � 0.20 ..___._.-_-� _'__.__- _ .._._ ..._.._r. ._.._ . ..__'__._._.__...-.__._____� ;Pervious Area (AMC 2) r 0 00 ac ,DCIA � 0.18 ac , --- - --- --- -- --- -- - --- - ----- . !Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN j 98.00 ; -- ---- �Pervious TC r 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min � � -�-------- - �-- — ------ ------ — -- --- ,; ---- ------------- --_ _ ------------_----------------------_�: � Directly Connected CN Calc ' ;� � 'j Description �SubArea`� Sub cn ;i Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.18 ac � 98.00 i DC Composited CN (AMC 2) I 98.00 �I� -' -- --- �i �-- -- — � ----------- --- -_---------------- ;� ----- ;j Directly Connected TC Calc ± ;� Type i Description r Length I Slope Coeff �Misc TT i�Fixed �--- � 5.00 min �� Directly Connected TC S.00min '� �. _______.__------ --��__ ____i i Licensed to: Barghausen Engineers ' i CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS $ R�9'Z . . �: .+��P.S�dnM,a,.,.0 e.r.'�..-.._ 4 ,..�, �_... ,.... .�:,,:r�. ..,. . .,_ _,.r�r.,, aL°��17a��s+�' . . . . . . . . e �e Cdit . . i.+��nut [�ar,s P�rosr iizlp � �`�I ��� �I�I�I � I V� _ �I I�i� �` �S I E -� Il�Uvpipe r. - R��,�aslns � �i cbl0 b21 0.03� �.� dw /' �.��c1U �cb12 I II �cbl3 � i cbl4 ' i.-. �cbls 0.3 C1� ���17 � cb16 cb19� • ! 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I J ' 1 460 Y:-1015:93 Nodes,12 Reaches '---..-_....^.�—�"—� pond NODE ID LENGT� -T� I'.�I—'_ �Stert � ��((�;_ (�j '���'.Inbox-MkrosoftOuUoak I�1t189dpe'StormSMd I�FIowMaster-PRO�CT3.,.,I��TEMPRE�I.HTM-Micros...l DesMfap"��I�.• �yC�'�y 9:19AM � �'' �� ''� ��� � r � � �� , -- ;�� - ,,. �1�J: . �� . ___.___ _. _.__...__ ..,,___ _ ___ _.__ . .__ ._._.._ __ _ ! EJ�I �7�?� Lsyi��l C��I.,, Mu�_ HrY,.� 'J ��I �k �`-�1P.-���� 4 �LJ� Z �I �� II�� L�6IE 11109P�Pe � " �f-7-�easlnz � ���a 621 0.05.i a �cbt� /' .�70 :�cb12 . � �cb13 �� �rbt� � .�cb�s 0.4 J�8��17 - c��b c619 �b�� � • pond �cb�e i � �bis �'��{5 `T • cb20 � cb21 � cb22 \ cb23 O.B C "�12 � c6z� cb1G • 13.F1 ac :i c625 eG � ch26 � 1.0 c ��D10 \�\ �hze cb13 � � h 2 ch2v � ��b3 0.2 . ��9 . i cb32 0.7 C ��ll .;� �cb33 C61 Q •��� / cb3a • . 72..9,�f ar. ch46 ��,3z � _,y��,pa •' ��b��, � cb37 0.1 c i cb36 c60 �6.3$�r�3 Il. 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Appended on: 09:37:36 1�Ionday, April 23, 2012 ROUTEHYD [] THRU [pond] USING TYPElA AND [25 year] \OTZERO RELATIVE SCS/SBUH Reach Area Flow Full Q ' Full nDepth s�e nVel fVel CBasin / ID (ac) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) Hyd p23 0.6000 0.4025 13.0429 0.03 0.1206 Dlarm 7.4840 16.6068 cb23 12" pvl 0.2800 0.1882 4.6166 0.04 0.1382 Diam 2•g�01 5.8780 cbvl 1 ������ � � �� I � pv5 03600 0.2578 6.0731 0.04 0.1401 �iam 3.8517 7.7325 cbv�� ���� ��� �� pv3 0.7500 0.5395 3.6953 0.15 0.2583 Diam 3.3555 4.7050 cbv3 � �� I _ ��I �� 12�� v4 1.1600 0.8226 9.5724 0.09 0.1978 Diam �•4757 12.1880 cbv4 pv2 2.0300 1.4082 10.5854 0.13 0.2466 Dlam 9.3510 13.4777 cbv2 __ � ��� p26 2.0900 1.4560 3.5002 0.42 0.4497 12�� 4.2512 4.4566 cb2� I I ��� � Diam � � � �� _ _ p25 2.1500 1.5038 9.5924 0.16 0.2681 Dlam 8.8787 12.2134 cb25 � p28 0.3100 0.2034 13.0282 0.02 0.0874 Diam I 6.0651 16.5881 cb28 p35 0.4400 0.2983 4.1199 0.07 0.1821 Dia,m 3.0505 5.2456 cb35 ��� , 12" ' p36 0.4000 0.2722 9.4786 0.03 0.1167 Diam 5.3109 12.0686 �cb3� 6 I ���� ���� �� _ _ _ 12" � p34 1.0000 0.6805 3.7125 0.18 0.2896 Diam 3.6074 4.7270 cb34 ���� I ���� 12�� I ��38 0.3500 0.2382 2.5261 0.09 0.2075 Diam 2•0245 3.2163 cb38 � p44 0.1600 0.1275 11.3307 0.01 0.0747 12� 4.7920 14.4268 cb44 ��I Diam - --- �I � �� 12" � p46 0.1300 0.1036 10.6575 0.01 0.0698 Diam 4.3024 13.5695 cb4l 6 ���� ��� --_-- - _ _ __ __ ��� _ _ _ 12" p45 0.2000 0.1594 2.5261 0.06 0.1704 Diam 1.7939 3.2163 cb45 _ __ � � p47 0.3600 0.2869 2.5261 0.11 0.2275 12" 2.1346 3.2163 �-� I ��I I Diam �- i p37 0.7700 0.5659 2.5261 I 0.22 0.3218 Dia1m I 2.5919 3.2163 cb37 p33 2.3300 1.6286 2.5261 0.64 0.5845 Dia'm 3.4160 3.2163 cb33 � p29 2.6400 1.8408 7.9240 0.23 0.3276 Diam 8•2245 10.0891 cb29 ! p27 3.0000 2.0782 2.5261 0.82 0.6909 Diam 3.5900 3.2163 Icb2� 7 � p24 5.4200 3.7651 4.5801 0.82 0.8627 15�� 4.1676 3.7322 cb2� 4 ������ Diam ��� p22 62900 4.3508 4.5801 0.95 I 0.9726 Diarm 4.2467 3.7322 cb24 p5 2.3800 1.6202 2.5261 0.64 0.5825 Diam 3.4120 3.2163 cb5 �� p8 0.1800 0.1231 2.5261 0.05 0.1499 Diam 1.6675 3.2163 cb8 12" p 11 0.2900 0.1962 2.5261 0.08 0.1885 Diam 1.9101 3.2163 cb 1� 1 ���������� 12" I p 14 0.7600 0.5183 5.0268 0.10 0.2173 Diam 4.1181 6.4003 cb 14 ! � i �� �- p 13 1.0000 0.6805 7.6703 0.09 0.2017 Diam 6.0140 9.7661 Icb 1� 3 � p16 0.8600 0.5864 11.6856 0.05 0.1519 Diam �•�975 14.8786 cb16 I ��„ p19 0.4800 0.3272 8.6035 0.04 0.1333 Diam 5.2582 10.9543 cb19 ! � �� � p�21 0.0500 0.0340 2.5261 0.01 0.0815 Diam 1.1238 3.2163 cb21 � �������� p20 0.1300 0.0890 2.5261 0.04 0.1284 Diam 1.5109 3.2163 cb20 12" p18 0.8800 0.5994 2.5261 0.24 0.3315 Diam 2•6350 3.2163 cb18 ' I � p17 1.0000 0.6805 2.5261 0.27 0.3550 Diam 2.7249 3.2163 cbl7 �I �� p15 2.0700 1.4110 2.5261 0.56 0.5347 Diam 3.3018 3.2163 cb15 , � �� � I p12 3.3700 2.2956 7.1448 0.32 0.3901 I D am g•0910 9.0970 cb12 �� p10 3.7100 2.5258 ; 9.6 0.26 0.3511 12" �' 10.2674 12.1795 icbl�- � I �-���- Diam ��- �� � p9 3.7400 2.5468 11.0687 0.23 0.3267 D am 11.4260 14.0931 cb9 � ������ ��� p7 3.9600 2.6989 12.0406 0.22 0.3218 Diam 12.3617 15.3306 cb7 _ � p4 6.3800 4.3480 14.9870 0.29 I 0.3687 Diam 16.5400 19.0821 cb4 � 15" p3 12.9400 8.8820 9.3354 0.95 0.9738 Diam g•6587 7.6072 cb2� 4 ��� �I � �� � p2 13.2100 9.0651 27.7084 0.33 0.4922 Diam 20.1936 22.5788 cb24 ��� Licensed to: Barghausen Engineers I I _a Appended on: 09:32:17 Monday, Apri123, 2012 Layout Report: pond Event Precip (in) 2 year 2.2000 10 year 2.9700 25 year 3.5000 100 year 4.0000 Reach Records Record Id: p10 Section Shape: iCircular jUniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation DnNode ;cb9 UpNode cb 10 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 54.0000 ft Slope j7.17% , Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 96.1282 ft � Conduit Constraints Min Vel IMax Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 020% 50.00% ,3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 inThr Up Invert 96.1282 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft �, Match inverts. DnNode �cb9 UpNode cb10 Record Id: pll Section Shape: jCircular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation � � �DnNode cb10 �UpNode cbll Material Cono-Spun jSize 12" Diam i Ent Losses Groove End wlHeadwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope j0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �99.8450 ft � ! Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover � � P I P � 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft , ;Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr � iUp Invert 99.8450 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode icb 10 UpNode cb 11 Record Id: p12 jSection Shape: �Circular iiUniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 IRouting Method: Travel Time Translation � iDnNode cb 10 UpNode cb 12 �Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 100.0000 ft Slope i4.00% Up Invert 100.0000 ft �Dn Invert �96.0000 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s�0.20�— 50.00% 3.00 ft � ' I Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr I Up Invert 96.0000 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode ,cb10 ;UpNode cbl2 Record Id: p13 I �Section Shape: �Circular ' Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefticient: 0.0130 ' Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �DnNode cb 12 UpNode cb 13 ' _ __ - � � Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope 4.61% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �98.5709 ft Conduit Constraints ' Min Vel�Max Vel �Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover �' 1.00 f'tls 15.00 ftJs;0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft ' IDrop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr �, �Up Invert 98.5709 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft , Match inverts. '� DnNode cb 12 UpNode cb 13 Record Id: p14 � �Section Shape: Circular �Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode ,cb 13 UpNode cb 14 Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses ,Groove End w/Headwall Length 77.0000 ft �Slope 1.98% jUp Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 98.4754 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel M�Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 98.4754 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb 13 UpNode cb 14 Record Id: p15 �Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 � �Routing Method: Travel Time Translation � 'DnNode ;cb12 UpNode cb15 �Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam IEnt Losses �iGroove End w/Headwall Length 100.0000 ft Slope i0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.5000 ft Conduit Constraints - ,Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% ,50.00/ 3.00 ft �Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr iUp Invert 99.5000 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. �DnNode cb 12 UpNode cb 15 , Record Id: p16 �Section Shape: Circular �Uniform Flow Method: Manning's iCoefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation( DnNode cb 15 UpNode icb 16 Material �Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope 10.70% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 96.6830 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftJs 15.00 $Js 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0004 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 96.6830 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. �DnNode cb15 UpNode ;cb16 I Record Id: p17 'Section Shape: iCircular I ;Uniform Flow Method: IManning's Coefficient: �0.0130 �Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation j DnNode ;cb15 UpNode ,cb17 ;Material �Conc-Spun Size I12" Diam Ent Losses iGroove End w/Headwall �Length 100.0000 ft Slope 0.50% jUp Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �99.5000 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope�Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.5000 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode icb 15 UpNode cb 17 Record Id: pl8 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode �cb17 UpNode ;cb18 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses iGroove End w/Headwall Length 100.0000 ft Slope 0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.5000 ft ', Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover �,00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20°/a ,50.0�3.00 ft - � � , � Drop across MH 0.0000 ft ;E�Infil Rate;0.0000 in/hr� � Up Invert �99.5000 ft ;Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb 17 UpNode ,cb l 8 Record Id: p19 ;Section Shape: �Circular ;Uniform Flow Method: �Manning's iCoefficient: 0.0130 ;Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation '�DnNode !cb18 UpNode cb19 ,Material �Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall �Length 31.0000 ft �Slope 5.80% Up Invert 100.0000 ft jDn Invert 98.2020 ft Conduit Constraints �Min Vel�Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s�0.20�% 50.00% 3.00 ft � ;T�rop across MH �0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 ir�/hr jUp Invert 98.2020 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft - Match inverts. DnNode cb 18 UpNode cb 19 Record Id: p2 ,Section Shape: �Circular ( ;Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 � �Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb22 UpNode cb24 Material Conc-Spun �Size 15" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall ' Length 41.0000 ft Slope 18.30% �Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 92.4970 ft I Conduit Constraints Min Ve1;Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% ,50.00/ 3.00 ft Drop across MH i0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert �92.4970 ft �Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. ,DnNode �cb22 �UpNode cb2� � Record Id: p20 Section Shape: ICircular - Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: j0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �— �DnNode cb 18 UpNode cb20 ;Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall �Length 87.0000 ft �Slope i0.50�— Up Invert 100.0000 ft �Dn Invert �99.5650 ft ' Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover � 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls j0.20�% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in�'1 Up Invert 99.5650 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 t �Match inverts. DnNode cb18 �UpNode icb2� Record Id: p21 _ Section Shape: jCircular � Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 jRouting Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb20 UpNode cb21 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam ,Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope i0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.8450 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s�0.20�%�50.00/ 3.00 ft Drop across MH i0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr I • Up Invert 99.8450 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft ' Match inverts. � DnNode cb20 UpNode cb21 li �- Record Id: p22 � Section Shape: iCircular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb22 UpNode �cb24 Material Conc-Spun �Size 15" Diam � Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 20.0000 ft Slope �0.50% ' Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.9000 ft � ' Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftls 15.00 ftls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.9000 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft ,Match inverts. �DnNode �cb22 �Node �cb24 � Record Id: p23 Section Shape: iCircular ,Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation ' , DnNode cb22 UpNode ;cb23 Material Conc-Spun ;Size 12" Diam � Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 46.0000 ft Slope 13.33% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �93.8682 ft Conduit Constraints . Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover , 1.00 f�ls 15.00 ftls i0.20� 50.00% 3.00 ft ' Drop across MH 0.0000 ft ;Ex/Infil Rate i0.0000 in/hr � Up Invert 93.8682 ft �Dn Invert 100.0000 ft ,Match inverts. DnNode ,cb22 UpNode cb23 Record Id: p24 Section Shape: Circular � Uniform Flow Method: ,Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 ;Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation DnNode cb22 �UpNode �cb24 Material Conc-Spun jSize 15" Diam � Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length ;65.0000 ft Slope �0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �99.6750 ft Conduit Constraints � Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftJs 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft � �Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate i0.0000 in/hr . , jUp Invert 99.6750 ft ,Dn Invert 100.0000 ft i Match inverts. DnNode cb22 UpNode cb24 _ Record Id: p25 � Section Shape: Circular I Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode icb24 UpNode �cb25 Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam . Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall _ __ _ _ Length 66.0000 ft Slope 7.21% iUp Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 95.2414 ft � Conduit Constraints Min Vel M�Vel �Min S o epl Max Slope f Min Cover � 1.00 $Is 15.00 ft/s 0.20% j50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH i0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate i0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 95.2414 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode �cb24 UpNode cb25 Record Id: p26 � Section Shape: Circular I Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode �cb25 UpNode cb26 _. Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam ', _ ;Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 30.0000 ft Slope j0.96% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.7120 ft Conduit Constraints �Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftJs 15.00 ftls�0.20�— 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.7120 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb25 UpNode cb26 i Record Id: p27 Section Shape: �Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb24 UpNode cb27 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall ' Length 42.0000 ft Slope 0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.7900 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.7900 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb24 UpNode icb2� Record Id: p28 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb27 UpNode cb28 Material Conc-Spun ,Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft �Slope 13.30% ;Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 95.8770 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftJs 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 95.8770 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. � DnNode cb27 ;UpNode cb28 Record Id: p29 �Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb27 UpNode ;cb29 Material Conc-Spun ,Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 89.0000 ft Slope 4.92% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert j95.6212 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft j Drop across MH j0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate i0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 95.6212 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode icb27 UpNode cb29 Record Id: p3 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0120 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb22 UpNode cb24 Material �Conc-Spun Size 15" Diam ' Ent Losses iGroove End w/Headwall I, Length 199.0000 ft jSlope 1.77% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 96.4777 ft , Conduit Constraints Min Vel M�Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover I 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00°/a 3.00 ft , �''� i Drop across MH j0.0000 ft IE�c/Infil Rate 0.0000 inThr Up Invert 96.4777 ft �Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode �cb22 iUpNode cb24 Record Id: p33 �Section Shape: Circular I Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: OA130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode �cb29 UpNode cb33 Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses �Groove End w/Headwall Length 152.0000 ft Slope (0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.2400 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope M� Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s j0.20r% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.2400 ft IDn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb29 UpNode cb33 Record Id: p34 �Section Shape: iCircular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode icb33 UpNode cb34 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 66.0000 ft Slope 1.08% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.2872 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover � o I 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s�0.20/0 50.00/0 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate j0.0000 in/hr i Up Invert 99.2872 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft I Match inverts. �I DnNode cb33 UpNode �cb34 Record Id: p35 jSection Shape: Circular � �Uniform Flow Method: Manning's iCoefficient: i0.0130 I Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �I DnNode cb34 UpNode cb35 �, Material �Cono-Spun Size 12" Diam I Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall �', �Length 30.0000 ft Slope 1.33% ' �Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert i99.6010 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftls 15.00 $/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr jUp Invert 99.6010 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb34 UpNode cb35 R r I • I eco d d. p36 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation ,DnNode cb34 UpNode icb3� �Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses iGroove End w/Headwall Length 69.0000 ft Slope 7.04% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 95.1424 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s�0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft �Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 95.1424 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb34 UpNode cb36 Record Id: p37 ;Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode ,cb33 UpNode ;cb37 Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 106.0000 ft Slope 0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �99.4700 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover � 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert �99.4700 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft ' Match inverts. DnNode cb33 UpNode cb37 Record Id: p3: Section Shape: jLircular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's ICoetticient: j0.U130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb37 UpNode cb38 Material Conc-Spun �Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope �0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft �Dn Invert j99.8450 ft , � Conduit Constraints ,Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 f�/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH i0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr ;Up Invert �99.8450 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. �DnNode cb37 UpNode cb38 Record Id: p4 ;Section Shape: Circular I Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 ;Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb3 UpNode cb4 ' Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam ', Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall '' Length 119.0000 ft Slope 17.60% II Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �79.0560 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 79.0560 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb3 UpNode cb4 Record Id: p44 Section Shape: Circular �Uniform Flow Method: Manning's iCoefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb47 UpNode cb44 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 67.0000 ft Slope 10.06% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 93.2598 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover I1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH �0.0000 ft iEx/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr �Up Invert j93.2598 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft ;Match inverts. DnNode �cb47 UpNode cb44 Record Id: p45 jSection Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's jCoefficient: ;0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �— , DnNode cb47 UpNode ;cb45 � Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam '� Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 112.0000 ft Slope 0.50% I Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.4400 ft � Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate i0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.4400 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb47 UpNode cb45 Record Id: p46 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb45 UpNode cb46 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 30.0000 ft Slope 8.90% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 97.3300 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel�Max Vel Min Slope M� Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% ,50.00/ 3.00 ft Drop across MH j0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr �Up Invert 97.3300 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft �Match inverts. DnNode cb45 UpNode cb46 Record Id: p47 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.01� Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode �cb37 UpNode cb47 Material iConc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses iGroove End w/Headwall Length 107.0000 ft Slope 0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft ;Dn Invert 99.4650 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 f�/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.4650 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft �Match inverts. DnNode cb37 �UpNode ;cb47 Record Id: p5 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's jCoefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb4 UpNode cb5 Material �Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope 0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert �99.8450 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ftJs 15.00 ft/s�0.20� 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH �0.0000 ft �Ex/Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.8450 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft �Match inverts. � i,DnNode �cb4 UpNode �cb5 Record Id: p7 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coe f ient: 0.0130 Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation DnNode �cb4 UpNode cb7 ', �Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam I jEnt Losses Groove End w/Headwall I Length 85.0000 ft �Slope 11.36% Up Invert 100.0000 ft �Dn Invert 90.3440 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Ma�c Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH j0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 90.3440 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb4 UpNode cb7 Record Id: p8 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cb7 UpNode cb8 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 31.0000 ft Slope �0.50% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.8450 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate;0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.8450 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode �cb7 UpNode cb8 Record Id: p9 i I � Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: 0.0130 �Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation DnNode cb7 UpNode �cb9 Material Cono-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 72.0000 ft Slope 9.60% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 93.0880 ft i Conduit Constraints j Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover I 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% (3.00 ft Drop across MH �0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 93.0880 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode cb7 �UpNode �cb�- Record Id: pvl jSection Shape: �Circular Uniform Flow Method: �Manning's �Coefficient: j0.01� Routing Method: Travel Time Translation � DnNode cbv2 UpNode cbv 1 Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 30.0000 ft Slope 1.67% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 99.4990 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope,Mi�n Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s �0.20�% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 99.4990 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts, DnNode cbv2 UpNode �cbvl Record Id: pv2 Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's jCoefficient: j0.01� Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �- ,DnNode �cb26 jUpNode cbv2 ', Material Conc-Spun Size 12" Diam Ent Losses �Groove End w/Headwall Length 152.0000 ft Slope 8.78% �Up Invert 100.0000 ft ;Dn Invert 86.6544 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel�MaX Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s i0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 86.6544 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode icb26 UpNode cbv2 Record Id: pv3 �Section Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: 0.0130 �Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �DnNode ,cbv4 �UpNode cbv3 Material Conc-Spun �Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall Length 27.0000 ft Slope 1.07% Up Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert j99.7111 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s i0.20� °/a 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr I� Up Invert 99.7111 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft � ;Match inverts. , DnNode cbv4 UpNode cbv3 ' � Record Id: pv4 jSection Shape: Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's �Coefficient: 0.0130 � � Routing Method: Travel Time Translation DnNode cbv2 UpNode ;cbv4 Material Conc-Spun ,Size 12" Diam Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall �Length 226.0000 ft (Slope (7.18% IUp Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 83.7732 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate�0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 83.7732 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft Match inverts. DnNode icbv2 UpNode cbv4 Record Id: pv5 Section Shape: (Circular Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: �0.0130 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �DnNode cbv3 UpNode ;cbv5 ' Material Cono-Spun Size 12" Diam � 'i Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall , 'Length 102.0000 ft Slope 2.89% jUp Invert 100.0000 ft Dn Invert 97.0522 ft Conduit Constraints Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover 1.00 ft/s 15.00 $ls 0.20% 50.00% 3.00 ft Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr Up Invert 97.0522 ft Dn Invert 100.0000 ft , Match inverts. ' DnNode cbv3 UpNode �cbv5 Node Records Record Id: cb10 Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cbll Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft �Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft ;Classification Manhole �Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization�Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft �Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb12 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization jCurved or Deflector ___ _ ;Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf jCondition Existing Record Id: cb13 Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole �Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)�Channelization Curved or Deflector� iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing ' i Record Id: cb14 Descrip: Prototype Record �Increment j0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20} Channelization iCurved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb15 iDescrip: jPrototype Record �Increment 0.10 ft Start El. I100.0000 ft �Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification�Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing ' � Record Id: cb16 �Descrip: Prototype Record �Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft i � Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb17 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)�Ch� annelization�Cun�ed or Deflector �Catch I1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf ;Condition Existing Record Id: cb18 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment j0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type jCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector' iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �I �Condition Existing �I Record Id: cb19 Descrip: Prototype Record �Increinent �0.10 tt Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft iClassification IManhole Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke IGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector ,. Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf ;Condition Existin� Record Id: cb:� Descrip: �rototype IZecord �lnerement �U.IU it Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)�Channelization Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf (�nnr�itin�l F�i�tin�* llecord Id: cb2U �- r,,, ,,,, n,-,,. ;Start El. 100.00Q0 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft ;Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization iCurved or Deflector � Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf � Condition Existing Record Id: cb21 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment j0.10 ft jStart El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft jClassification Manhole Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition IExisting Record Id: cb22 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification�Manhole �Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector jCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb23 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 ! _ _ _ _ i Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization Curved or Deflector iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf ICondition Existing Record Id: cb24 + �escrip: ;Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft '. Start El. I100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall(ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition �Existing Record Id: cb25 Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft ' Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. �108.0000 ft jClassification Catch Basin Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) �Channelization�Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb26 � Descrip: Prototype Recard Increment j0.10 ft � Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification�Catch Basin Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb27 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0�00 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type jCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization jCurved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing I I I Record Id: cb28 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft iClassification Manhole Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb29 Descrip: ProtoType Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft _ _ Classification Manhole ,Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 _ Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization�Curved or Deflector ' �Catch 1.5000 ft IBottom Area 19.6350 sf iCondition Existing Record Id: cb3 �Descrip: Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft �Start El. 100.0000 ft MaY El. 108.0000 ft Classification�Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing _ __ ; Record Id: cb33 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft jClassification IManhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf � �Condition Existing Record Id: cb34 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft � Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb35 , ;Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft ;Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb36 ;Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft j Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft , Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20} Channelization�Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf iCondition Existing Record Id: cb37 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment j0.10 ft � Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification �Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization ,Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf iCondition Existing Record Id: cb38 �Descrip: IPrototype Record Increment 0.10 ft ;Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft iClassification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf ;Condition Existing Record Id: cb4 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb44 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft — Start El. 100.0000 ft M�El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb45 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment �0.10 ft I �Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification jManhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb46 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)�Channelization�Curved or Deflector iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf iCondition Existing Record Id: cb47 Descrip: �Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20)iChannelization iCurved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb5 � iDescrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft ;Start El. 100.0000 ft IMax El. 108.0000 ft � I ;Classification Manhole jStructure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cb7 �Descrip: �Prototype Record ����Increment �0.10 ft Start El. I100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole jStructure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke jGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20);Channelization jCurved or Deflector iCatch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb8 jDescrip: Prototype Record Increment i0.10 ft �Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft �Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) iChannelization;Curved or Deflector Catch 1.5000 ft �Bottom Area 19.6350 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cb9 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Ma�c El. 108.0000 ft Classification Manhole Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf ,Condition Existing Record Id: cbvl Descrip: Prototype Record Increment i0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft ;Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1 jEnt Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf Condition Existing Record Id: cbv2 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification�Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector �Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf iCondition Existing Record Id: cbv3 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment i0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft iClassification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector iCatch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf jCondition Existing Record Id: cbv4 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Catch Basin Structure Type iCB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke iGroove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization�Curved or Deflector iCatch I1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf �Condition Existing Record Id: cbv5 Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 100.0000 ft Max El. 108.0000 ft Classification Catch Basin Structure Type �CB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke �Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector �Catch I1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf �� ile�u�`ti ic�� ,;: Descrip: Protu�yp�: ic.:�ura in�:r�m�;n� �.i� �� Start El. 100.0000 ft Max EI. 108.0000 t i'� Dummy Type Node �� Contributing Drainage Areas Record Id: cb10 Design Method I SBUH IRainfall type � TYPEIA ',Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 � Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.03 ac DCIA 0.02 ac � ! '�Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 � Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc � Description SubArea Sub cn I�, Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) � 0.03 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 I Pervious TC Calc � i Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min , Pervious TC 5.00 min I Directly Connected CN Calc ; �� Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.02 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc , Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT �, Fixe� 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min 'I Record Id: cbll Design Method SBUH iRainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.00 �Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.17 ac DCIA 0.12 ac Pervious CN 98.00 �DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea � Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.17 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT i;Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Descripdon SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) I 0.12 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb12 Design Method SBiJH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) � 0.18 ac DCIA 0.12 ac Pervious CN ; 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) i 0.18 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea ( Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.12 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb13 Design Method SBiJH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.14 ac DCIA 0.10 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.14 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.10 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ___ Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb14 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type i TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.46 ac DCIA 0.30 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn , Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.46 ac 98.00 -- Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.30 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) I 86.00 IDirectly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb15 ;Design Method SBLJH Rainfall type TYPEIA iHyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 �Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.13 ac �DCIA 0.08 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN ( 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description I SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements,roofs, etc) 0.13 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed I 5.00 min Pervious TC I 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.08 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT _ _ Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb16 1 � Design Method SBLJH '�Rainfall type TYPElA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.52 ac DCIA 0.34 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC i 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.52 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc i Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT � ;,. Fixed 5.00 min , Pervious TC 5.00 min '!, Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea I Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.34 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 � Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min flerurd Id: rbl7 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type I TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 IAbstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.07 ac DCIA 0.05 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min �DC TC 5.00 min Pervious Cl�r Ca1c Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements,roofs, etc) 0.07 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min �I �; Directly Connected CN Calc � Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.05 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ___ Fixed 5.00 min I Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb18 � Design Method SBLTH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff I 0.20 . Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.16 ac DCIA 0.11 ac ;Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 jPervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn __ _ Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) �0.16 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min 1 Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.11 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 '; Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb19 Design Method SBUH �Rainfall type �TYPEIA � Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.29 ac DCIA 0.19 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.29 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.19 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 � Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT - -- Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min I( Record Id: cb20 jDesign Method SBiJH Rainfall type TYPEIA �Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 � ;Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.05 ac DCIA 0.03 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 �Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc DescripNon SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.05 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc I TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min IDirectly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.03 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb21 Design Method SBUH �Rainfall type TYPElA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 i Pervious Area (AMC 2) � 0.03 ac DCIA � 0.02 ac ' Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 i Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc � Description SubArea Sub cn I Impervious surfaces (pavements,roofs, etc) 0.03 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed I 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn I Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.02 ac 86.00 � ' DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 I Directly Connected TC Calc �I Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT j Fixed 5.00 min � Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb22 Design Method � SBUH �Rainfall type j TYPEIA I Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.01 ac DCIA �0.00 ac __ ___ _- __ -- Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ___ ___ _ _ Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.01 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc �—TT �Fix� ed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Record Id: cb23 ;Design Method SBUH jRainfall type TYPEIA jHyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.34 ac DCIA 0.26 ac �. Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.34 ac 98.00 � Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 � i Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc I TT ',, Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.26 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb24 Design 11'Iethod SBUH �Rainfall type TYPEIA � Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 I � Abstraction Coeff 0.20 �Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.16 ac DCIA 0.11 ac � iPervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 ;Pervious TC 5.00 min �DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.16 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.11 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type � Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb25 ;Design Method i SBUH �Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.00 ac DCIA 0.06 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 ;Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc ! Description I SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.06 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2} 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type j Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed I 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb26 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.00 ac DCIA 0,06 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn � � Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.06 ac 98.00 � DC Composited CN (AMC 2) I 98.00 � Directly Connected TC Calc � Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT �Fixed 5.40 min � Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb27 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA , �Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 ', ,Abstraction Coeff 0.20 �, jPervious Area (AMC 2) 0.03 ac DCIA 0.02 ac ; Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 ' �Per�-ious TC 5.00 min �DC TC 5.00 min � � Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea I Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.03 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc I TT ____ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min I Directly Connected CN Calc ( Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.02 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff � Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb28 Design Method SBiJH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.16 ac DCIA 0.15 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.16 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc I TT _ _____ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.15 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ( 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min � Record Id: cb29 ;Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA �Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 , Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.19 ac DCIA 0.12 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Descriptian SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.19 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT I Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.12 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ' � I�Fixed j i 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb3 Design Method � SBUH Rainfall type � TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 ' � Abstraction Coeff ( 0.20 �, Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.04 ac DCIA 0.02 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 I Pervious TC 5.00 min ;DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ' Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.04 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 ' Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ____ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.02 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT __ Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb33 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 ( �Abstraction Coeff j 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.34 ac DCIA 0.22 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn _ Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.34 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed I 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.22 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb34 ;Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 ' Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.10 ac DCIA 0.06 ac Pervious CN 98.00 IDC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces(pavements, roofs, etc) 0.10 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc ' Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT � Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min ' Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.06 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 � Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb35 ;Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.26 ac DCIA 0.18 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.26 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.18 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT _ __ _ __ Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC i S.00min Record Id: cb36 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPElA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.24 ac DCIA �0.16 ac - - __ _ __- -___ Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 � �Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.24 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type �Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed �5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn , Open spaces, lavcros,parks (>75% grass) 0.16 ac 86.00 �, DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 ��, i Directly Connected TC Calc ' Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT , Fixed 5.00 min I Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb37 Design Method i SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA � � Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 � -----_.. � Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.04 ac DCIA 0.02 ac � � � Pervious CN � 98.00 DC CN 86.00 ' Pervious TC 5.00 min �DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.04 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT � Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min � i �I Directly Connected CN Calc Description ' SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.02 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT __ _ Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb38 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPElA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 � Pervious Area (AMC 2) I 0.21 ac DCIA 0.14 ac ' Pervious CN 98.00 jDC CN 86.00 _ ._ _ Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea _ Sub cn i Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.21 ac 98.00 �; Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 ', � Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn I I Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.14 ac 86.00 �'i DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT �Fixe� d 5.00 min , Directly Connected TC S.00min i Record Id: cb4 Design Method SBLTH Rainfall type TYPEIA � Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.03 ac DCIA 0.01 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min �DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn - --- Impervious surfaces(pavements, roofs, etc) 0.03 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT _ _ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea I Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.01 ac 86.00 __ _ _ _ _ _ I DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 86.00 � � , ' Directly Connected TC Calc Type I Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT i Fixed 5.00 min ', Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb44 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type j TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peal�ing Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.16 ac DCIA 0.00 ac ' Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 0.00 ' Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn - Impervious surfaces (pavements,roofs, etc) 0.16 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 i Pervious TC Calc I Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT _ _- - __ ___ __- - -_ _ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Record Id: cb45 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPElA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.07 ac ,DCIA � 0.00 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 0.00 min _ _ _ _ Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.07 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope I Coeff Misc TT __ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Record Id: cb46 � �Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min ;Peaking Factor 484.00 i ,Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) I 0.13 ac DCIA 0.00 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.13 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Record Id: cb5 !, Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA �Hyd Intv 10.00 min !Peaking Factor 484.00 , � Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 1.43 ac �DCIA 0.95 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 1.43 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc � Type Description Length I Slope Coeff Misc TT � Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.95 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT �� Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb7 �Design Method SBIJH Rainfall type TYPEIA ' Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.03 ac ,DCIA 0.01 ac ' Pervious CN 98.00 jDC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.03 ac 98.00 - � Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.01 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT �Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cb8 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor I 484.00 Abstraction Coeff I 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.11 ac DCIA 0.07 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.11 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc �T Fixed 5.00 min ' ---- _. � Pervious TC 5.00 min I Directly Connected CN Calc Descriptian SubArea Sub cn �� Open spaces, la«-ns,parks (>75% grass) 0.07 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 I Directly Connected TC Calc �� Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT I Fixed I5.00 min �I Directly Connected TC I S.00min ',, Record Id: c69 Design Method SBUH �Rainfall type TYPElA I Hyd Intv 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.00 ', Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.02 ac DCIA OA1 ac Pervious CN 98.00 DC CN 86.00 jPervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min � Pervious CN Calc � Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.02 ac 98.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc � Description , SubArea Sub cn _ _ _ Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.01 ac 86.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length I Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed � 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cbvl Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) �0.12 ac DCIA 0.16 ac Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.12 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed ( 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.16 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min � Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cbv2 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.25 ac DCIA I 0.34 ac Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.25 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT _ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.34 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cbv3 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff �.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.10 ac DCIA 0.29 ac Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.10 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ---_ Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC I 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) �0.29 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Record Id: cbv4 ;Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.15 ac DCIA 0.26 ac Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.15 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN(AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Descripdon Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.26 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff ,� TT jFixed I 5.00 min � _ _ __._ � � Directly Connected TC S.00min ,I Record Id: cbv5 Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 I Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.10 ac DCIA 0.26 ac Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 !Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min � � ; Pervious CN Calc , � Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 0.10 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 0.26 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Fixed 5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Layout Hydrographs Hydrograph ID: pond - 25 year Area 13.2100 ac Hyd Int 10.00 min Base Flow�- I, J Pending tt translation 4.55 min Peak flow 9.0651 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs Hyd Vol 3.1067 acft - Time (hr) Flow (cfs) Time (hr) Flow (cfs) Time (hr) Flow (cfs) � 0.67 0.0072 8.67 � 3.8899 16.33 1.3115 0.83 0.0539 8.83 3.2929 16.50 1.3122 1.00 0.1271 9.00 i 3.�065 16.67 1.3130 1.17 0.2123 9.17 2.9032 16.83 1.3137 1.33 0.2951 9.33 2.4966 17.00 1.3144 1.50 0.3550 9.50 2.5034 17.17 1.2713 1.67 0.4210 9.67 2.3842 17.33 1.2281 1.83 0.4819 9.83 2.2641 17.50 1.2287 2.00 0.5224 10.00 2.2691 17.67 1.2293 __ _ � 2.17 0.5764 10.17 2.1473 17.83 1.2299 2.33 0.6273 10.33 2.0249 18.00 1.2305 2.50 0.6559 10.50 2.0286 18.17 1.1870 2.67 0.6806 10.67 1.9473 18.33 1.1436 2.83 0.7020 10.83 1.8656 18.50 1.1441 3.00 0.7207 11.00 1.8685 18.67 1.1446 3.17 0.7372 11.17 1.8286 18.83 1.1450 3.33 0.7517 11.33 1.7886 19.00 1.1455 3.50 0.7672 11.50 1.7910 19.17 1.1019 3.67 0.8153 11.67 1.7506 19.33 1.0582 3.83 0.8650 11.83 1.7100 19.50 1.0586 _ _ 4.00 0.8887 12.00 1.7121 19.67 1.0590 _ 4.17 0.9661 12.17 1.6712 � 1 89 3 1.0594 4.33 1.0443 1233 1.6302 20.00 1.0597 ' 4.50 1.0686 12.50 1.6319 20.17 1.0601 I 4.67 1.1500 12.67 1.5906 20.33 1.0605 4.83 1.2323 12.83 1.5491 20.50 1.0609 � 5.00 1.2567 13.00 1.5506 20.67 1.0612 5.17 1.3417 13.17 1.5521 20.83 1.0616 5.33 1.4274 13.33 1.5535 21.00 1.0619 ; ������ � 5.50 1.4517 13.50 1.5549 21.17 1.0623 5.67 1.5397 13.67 1.5130 2133 1.0626 - 5.83 1.6282 13.83 1.4711 21.50 1.0630 _� 6.00 1.6522 I 14.�0 1.4722 21.67 1.0633 � 6.17 1.8106 14.17 1.4734 21.83 1.0637 6.33 1.9712 14.33 1.4746 22.00 1.0640 6.50 1.9980 14.50 1.4757 22.17 1.0200 ' 6.67 2.2353 14.67 1.4334 22.33 0.9759 6.83 2.4762 14.83 1.3909 22.50 0.9762 7.00 2.5083 15.00 1.3919 22.67 0.9765 7.17 2.7953 15.17 1.3929 22.83 0.9768 7.33 3.0861 15.33 1.3938 23.00 0.9770 7.50 3.1235 15.50 1.3947 23.17 0.9773 7.67 5.9543 15.67 1.3520 23.33 0.9776 7.83 8.8719 15.83 1.3092 23.50 0.9778 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' (428)251-A782 FAX �^•^�.^_�+_ 12320 N.E.8lli ST.,SUI7E�100 �•.,o• '' " � � "°°""°-"- BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98005 ��r Q• CML ENCINEEPING,lANO PUNNINC, y�m�i .�.er � i�.��xo,N¢E SUflYEYINC,ENVIRONAIEMII SEIMCES pcM�l1LPi H/A S70NERIDQE �iie P.\IIOLO�\IIIBL\ei���inew�np\Ulol\IIIE4-PGI.enV ��a�=/��me�.w/ni/tao� 11:�1 S�ui+.i.�U myorF;ral�: lil�-„illy�J-1, 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences June l 1,2012 Project No. T-6728 Mr.Kolin Taylor KBS Development Corp 12320 NE 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellewe,Washington 98005 Subject: Geotechnical Consultation Windstone V Residential Development 14626 SE Renton-Issaquah Road Renton,Washington References: 1. Civil Engineering Drawings, Sheets CS-C7, C1 l and C12 of 12, Job No. 12365, prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers,Inc.,dated December l 9,2011 2. Geotechnical Engineering Study, Stoneridge Residential Development,Job No.E-11069, prepared by Earth Consultants,Inc., dated May 14,2004 Dear Mr. Taylor: As requested, we have completed a geotechnical engineering assessment of the subject property and the existing j stonnwater detention pond. The purpose of our work was to identify general soil and groundwater conditions as , they relate to site construction as well as assessing the condition of the berm on the existing detention pond. Proposed plans for the Windstone V development include routing stormwater off-site to the existing detention pond located just north of NE 17th Street. The live storage capacity of the existing pond will be increased by raising the crest elevation of the east containment berm by about one-foot. On May 22, 2012, we visited the site to observe subsurface conditions at 5 soil test pits. The test pits were excavated to depths of about seven to eight feet below existing surface grades using a backhoe. An engineer from our firm observed the field exploration, classified the soils observed in the test pits, maintained a log of each test pit, collected representative soil samples, and performed a site surface reconnaissance of the berm on the east side of the stormwater detention pond. 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 821-4334 Mr. Kolin Taylo�- June I 1,2012 h1 Viay of ?004, Eart11 Consultants, Inc. perfornled tlie referenced �eotechnical study of tlle Stone Rid�e residential development located directly north of the subject site. The evaluation included four test pits excavated in the location of the storniwater detention pond. Using our recent on-site exploration and the existing soils data contained in Earth Consultants 2004 report, we completed geotechnical analysis to address site preparation and grading for the Windstone V site and to evaluate the existing conditio�i of the bernl on tlie east side of the stonm�-ater detention pond. The following summarizes our findings and conclusions. SITE CO'VDITIONS Surface The project site is a collection of two tax parcels located south of the southei7i ternlinatiou of Lyons :�venue NE in Renton, Washin�lou. The approximate site]ocation is shown on the attacl�ed Vicinity Map, Figure 1. TIie project site is bordered by residential lots to the west, a residential neighborhood to the nortl�, a vacant lot to the east, and SE Renton-Issac�uah Road to the south. The site is currently accessed fi•om the south off of SE Renton-Issaquah Road. Aerial photographs sliow ri�o mobile home residences previously occupied the nortli and czntral portions of the site and are now removed. A gravel drive traverses the site from nortli to south. An occupied house is in the southwest corner of the site. In general, the site is covered with grass, weeds, and bushes and sparsely forested witli coniferous and deciduous trees. Landscaping plants, bushes, trees, and trrass la���n surround the existinQ residence. Soils In general, underlynig the surficial topsoil layer, we observed approximately two to three feet of weathered glacial till over unweathered glacial till in the test pit excavations. The glacial till soils are composed of siity sand with gravel. Relative density of the till soil increases with depth. Approxunately one-foot of fill was found overlying a tlun layer of relic topsoil in the most northern test pit. We anticipate that minor fill, of unkno�vn density and compositiov related to road and lot grading will be found in the vicinity of the previously removed residences iv the north and central portions of the property. Detailed descriptions of the suUsurface conditions encountered in the test pits are presented on the attached Test Pit Logs. The approxiinate test pit locations are shown on Fib re 2. Tlte Geologic Map qf the King Cotnrry, Y�ashrrtglort, by D.B. Booth, K.A. Troost, and A.P.Wisher(199�), shows the soils in the vicinity of the site mapped as Till (Qvt). The Natural Resources Conservation Service maps the soils in the vicinity of the site as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (A�C). The native soils we observed in the test pits are consistent with the mapped soil types. Project No.T-6728 Page No. 2 1�Ir. Kolin "ravlor Ju�ie 11, ?012 Grouudwater We observed shallo�v perched �rouud�vater seepa�e in oi�ly one of our test pits. Sli�ht seepage «�as observed ��Jithin the till at 3 feet in Test Pit TP-2. Groundwater seepa�e was also noted in one test pit excavated for the referenced Earth Consultants' Report at the soutl� test pit at depths of 9 to ]I feet. The seepage was noted to be slight to heatry. The development of a perched groundwater table is typical for sites underlain by �lacial till, particularly during the wet wuiter and spruig months. In general,surface water that infiltrates through the upper weathered soil zone beconies perched on the underlying, dense, cemented till. The till has a relatively low pernieability that impedes the downward migration of the infiltrated surface water. As a result, ground��ater wiil accumulate, and when combuied with a positive �radient, will tend to flow lateral]y along tlie till contact. Locally, such seepage is referred to as iuterflo�v. Interflow is nlore prevaleiit during the wet ���i�iter season and ���ill diminish or be absent during t11e nonnally dry sunmler and fall seasons. DISCUSSION General Based on our study, there are no geoteclvucal CO11dlt10I1S that would preclude site preparation and grading as planned. Where fill soils will be required, it should be noted that the native glacial soils eucountered at the site contain a sufficient amount of fines (silt- and clay-sized particles) that will make compaction to structural fill requirements difficult or impossible when tl�e soils are too wet. At the time of our explorations, site soils ���ere generally over optimum moisture content for coinpaction. Accordingly, the ability to use soils from site excavations as structural fill wiil depend on their moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. If grading activities are planned during the wet winter months, or if they are initiated during the summer and extend into fall aud winter, the owner should be prepared to import wet weather structural fill. For this purpose, we recoinmend importing a granular soil that meets tlie following grading requirements: U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing 6 inches 100 No.4 75 maxunum No. 200 � maximuin�� * Based on the 3/4-inch fraction. Prior to use, Tena Associates, Inc, should exanune and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Structural fill should be placed in unifonn loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of tl�e soil's maximum dry density, as detern�ined by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D-698 (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of con�paction should be within oiie percent belo�v to three percent above its optimum, as deternlined by this AST:vI standard. � In nonstructural areas,the degree of compaction can be reduced to 90 percent. Project No. T-6728 Page No. 3 Mr.Kolin Taylor June 11, 2012 Rockeries Tlie grading plan sl�o�vs that rockeries are plamled at one location on the west side of the site. Based on review of the arading plan, tl�e rockeries appear t11ey will serve as aesthetic features of insignificant height ratl�er than gravity walls. It should be noted that rockeries are not engineered structures that are designed to retain eartli in a manner sinular to a cast-in-place concrete or gravity block wall systervs. Rocks used to construct the wall«Till by virtue of their nlass enhance stability; however, the soi] agauist which the rockery is constructed must be inherently staUle and aUle to stand unsupported in a near-vertical condition. Based on our test pits, loose ta very dense gIacial till soils ��rill be exposed in any cut face in the project area. It is our opinion that rockery may face a near-vertical cut to an exposed l�ei�ht of four feet. A recommended rockery detail is shown on Figure 3. Do�vnspout Infiltration We understand that infiltration trenches are desired for management of roof downspouts. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has mapped soils at the property as Alderwood gra�elIy sandy loain, b to 15 percent slopes (AbC). Accordingly, the soils are identified within the hydrological soil group C. Using our sieve analysis on selected upper weathered and lo��rer unweathered till samples, based on the USDA Textural Triangle the soils fiuther classify as sandy loam. Grain size analyses were perfomied on four of the samples collected at the site. The results are shown on Figures ]0 and 11 followin�the Test Pit Logs. �, Berm Hei�ht Increase for Stormwater Detention Pond ��Ve understand that the heiglit of the benn on the east side of the stormwater detention pond needs to be raised in �,i order fo increase the capacity of the pond. The Pond Modification plans produced by Barghausen Consultin� ' Engineers sliows that an additional one-foot of fill will need to be added to the top of the existing berm. The plans show that the fill will be keyed into the existing berm to a depth of approxiinately 1 S inches. Plan notes specify that fill material shall meet the following requirements: 1. Minimum of 20 percent silt and clay 2. Maximum of 60 percent sand 3. Maximum of 60 percent silt 4. Noininal gravel and cobble content We concur ���ith these specifications, and add that the on-site gIacial till material ���ouId likely meet tl�ese requirements. i Project I�'o. T-b728 Page No. 4 I�1r. Koli�i Taylor June 1 l, 2012 A visual observation of the Uerm by an engineer from Terra Associates revealed that the slopes of the Uenn were in good condition with no evidence of erosioii, slumping, seepabe, or settlement_ Tl�e toe of the slope ���as in siinilar condition, �vith no evidevice of erosion by the streain, aiid no slumpin�, seepage, or settlement. Tl�e gravel access road on the top of the benn was also in good condition witl� no evidence of settlement or erosion. In our opinion, the pond Uenn heigIit can be increased by one-foot, aiid tlie pond liigh ���ater level can be increased by one-foot��itl� no additional risk of pipin�erosion or structural failure. Limitations We prepared this report in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical eilgineering practices. This report is the copyri�hted property of Terra Associates, I�ic. and is intended for specific application for Windstone V project in Renton, Washington. This report is for the exclusive use of KBS Developinent Corp and their authorized representatives. No other wairanty, expressed or implied, is made. The analyses and recommendations presented in tltis report are based on data obtained from our site explorations and previous exploration done by others. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of�vhich may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc. should be requested to reevaluate the reco�unendations in this report prior to proceeding�vith covstruction. We trust tlus infonnation is sufficient for your curcent needs. If you have any questions or require addiiional infonnation,please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. ��/�!��� �� Steve Nee 1 , .T' S'�, Project ��oF wA�q� c�,� � � � C� '`��L eod '� che Preside O� ��► 42 � w'W C"� �GjSTcR���y� Encl: `S N:4�Zi ap ' Figur oration Location Plan Figure 3 —Typical4-Foot Rockery Detail Figure 4—Unified Soil Classification System Figures 5 through 9—Test Pit Logs Fi�ures 10 and 11 —Sieve.Analyses cc: Mr. Ali Sadr, Barghausen Consulting Engineers Project No. T-6728 Page No. 5 � -- �_ . _, - -- -- - - - — —.� .� .� --- . �� � -4 _ � • � � ��� �Y' :y � � � �E"� � � -. M3y��r��k ,.. � F�,rk F - - - - � I L _. � I � _� f�:, ,�' I ,_. — _,.� �.__ - � � � � _ L _ pa E Z�li� 5 L � �r 'c� [ f � `� — 'm � ti 7 g . a. _� +�. � � � } � ! rn � � � I f ` c � 1 � m I j � StTE = 8 t� � r - rn � . � �= � rj�� � t � � ��� m �J 'L���� � � � �� �� � � � � � �'-`�` 'f �'�"Qr eh�¢ �,�-zs rn CV E l 2th 5t r��n �P���4s� r�� i�in�t � � � � 3 i J� Ti. I qS'L�7 1 � � '�J � `' f��1�'E � � ,7 � = Z � � � � C '� � � � } a � � 1-1E 7th S," � f�!E' � � a � r.�'.r � ME 6th P( n : m 'NE�ts�$t � � i� Q � � � ��� � � ro { � NE�tl� 5t rn tJE 41h St h1E �th St htorl�' .� � REFERENCE: GOOGLE MAPS, WWW.GOOGLE.COM, ACCESSED 5-31-2012 NOT TO SCALE .::-::�:�:� Terra VICINITY MAP "�'� � WINDSTONE V •• Associates, It1C. RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No.T-6728 Date JUNE 2012 Figure 1 �_� :� "� _�------ — a�\\. �� ''�\�\ �� �.� \�\ � �� I _� '� �-- �0 1����•,\S� ���� �, I C� � --_� �- / �, �� �, t�,p . �,�� i �`—�� � / ' � �� ���\\ ���\. �� .� � t�cc�-�M�� �� �� � l � ��\ �'Lj`\ ��.,: ��� � I < , --� �--��_ �'�, �` o , .��\,�;��� � /�// � `� � � \� ��.. � r,J -----�� �'�� / � % .`��L l � �" , p �,\�` �S� \\ �� \ I , �_ � �� �i � JJ �d � / i� � ���, cS��� •;��� I ����`_`_—�•�.e� `_�� � j�/ ~/" ��f1 / � 1 \� �p � \ \ �` '� __ �_ � / / d . 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I ; � f � �� � � ;,� � �- <<-. � � � � � TP—� � / � �' � ; , �`��� �i�% L - 3:1 /_ 3:1 _ -- ---^��-- '�-_ �---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- _, ; �, / r.w.=4ss.o . �- ,• ` �fl�� � �/ e.w.=�s.o B.W.=436.0 / � NOTE: THIS SITE PLAN IS SCHEMATIC. ALL LOCATIONS AND LEGEND: EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. IT IS fNTENDED FOR ��=��:, Te�+ra REFERENCE ONLY AND SHOULD�OT BE USED FOR �ApPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION �' WINDSTONE V DESfGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. �-�—� ���`''" REFERENCE: ASSOCIateS� It1C, RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY CLIENT Geology and pro. No.T-6728 Date JUNE 2012 FI Ufe 2 Environmenta!Earth Saences 1 9 SWALE FOR SURFACE DRAINAGE CONTROL � 3 1 � - ,, ,�,, . /', , ..,7; .:<.<'. ' ?��:•;..'>; X COMPETENT UNDISTURBED � -� �'''��>j� NATIVE SOILS 1 ,,•�`` .r ,:"--� '-- I— �;'_-'--'`'� w ��= �� CRUSHED ROCK FILTER MATERIAL, w ':�`�'�` BETWEEN 1 AND 4-INCH SIZE � 6 ;. _, ,� d' -''''�` "-�''` WITH LESS THAN 2% FINES : _ -; n ���� ,� .. - ' ,: 2 �`�`_�'�;'�:;:. ,.�:,- _,r,� �.;�'�;3;j:� _ ., t: . %� � 2' (MIN.) - — 'L; , , � � , ';. 1 MIN. :-s„;�������;/, 1 ,:. __ - -��`<� ;.;%:..�i�;,, ;�; �,,� -;_==;,,�_ ;� ' �",` �i 4 L3 IN. (MIN.)GRAVEL BEDDlNG FIRM UNDISTURBE EYWAY 12 SOIL TO BE VERIFIED (MIN.) 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC BY SOILS ENGINEER DRAIN PIPE ENVELOPED IN CLEAN, KEYWAY SHOULD BE SLOPED WASHED PEA-GRAVEL OR GRAVEL DOWN TOWARDS THE FACE BEING PROTECTED NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1) ROCKERY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF ROCKERY CONTRACTORS GUIDELINES 2) ROCK USED MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ROCK QUALITY SPECIFIED IN SECTION 9-13.7(1} OF WSDOT STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS (2010) 3)ALL CAP ROCKS MUST BE SECURE AND NOT ABLE TO BE DISLODGED BY HAND 4) MAXIMUM HEIGHT CAN BE INCREASED TO 5 FEET WHERE ROCKERY FACES NATIVE SOILS - �-��� Terra TYPICAL 4' ROCKERY DETAIL WINDSTONE V Associates} IIIC. RENTON, WASHINGTON . Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and ROJ. NO. T-6728 Date JUNE 2012 FIGURE 3 Environmental Earth Saences i MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Clean � Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no GRAVELS Gravels C'W fines. � less fhan -� °� � GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixiures, litile or O m N More than 5% fines} no_fines. _ � �'N , 50% of coarse Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fraction is Gravels GM fnes. a� � � larger than No. � ' Z �.a� with fines � 4 sieve ('jC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. Q o� -- - - � o N Cleafl SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. 'n o SANDS Sands __ _ � �Z � (less than Poorly-graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no � c I More than 5/o fines) SP fines. p� � � � 50% of coarse �� fraction is I SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. U � smaller than Sands ' _ No. 4 sieve with fines SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts with slight J •��.-°o i SfLTS AND CLAYS _ M�' __plasticity. O �N C�, Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, (lean clay). I � E o � , Liquid limit is less than 50% - � o Z'� �L Organic silts and organic clays of low pfasticify. Z t� � ' � I Q c� � MH Inorganic silts, elastic. � m �-'_ � � a� �' S[LTS AND CLAYS I W �� CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Z o �n Liquid limit is greater than 50% - - L� � QH Organic clays of high plasticity. I HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS � PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS cn , Standard Penetration - 2^ OUTSlDE DIAMETER SPLIT w Densit Resistance in BlowslFoot 1 SPOON SAMPLER J � � Very (oose 0-4 2.4" 1NSIDE DfAMETER RING SAMPLER � Loose 4-10 � OR SNELBY TUBE SAMPLER w Medium dense 10-30 = Dense 30-50 'S WATER LEVEL (DATE) � Very dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, tsf Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Consistency Resistance in Blows/Foot DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot w � �I Very soft 0-2 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent w Soft 2-4 = Medium stiff 4-8 PI PLASTIC INDEX O Very stiff 6 32 N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot Hard >32 �� Terra UNIFIED SOIL CLASSiFICATION SYSTEM ` WINDSTONE V �� •\' ''= Associates, I11C. RENTON, WASHWGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Eanh Sciences P�oj. N0. T-6728 Date JUN 2012 Flgu�e 4 LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-1 FIGURE 5 PROJEC7 NAME: Windstone V PROJ.NO: T-6728 LOGGED BY: SN LOCATlON: Renton.Washington SURFACE CONDS: Grass APPROX.ELEV: 437 Feei DATE LOGGED: May 22 2012 DEPTH 70 GROUNDWATER: N/A DEPTH TO CAVING: N/A � N O � LL Z Z x � DESCRIPTION CONSISTENCY! o a REMARKS a � RELATIVE DENSITY F. � w � N U O a Dark brown TOPSOIL,siity fine sand with flne roots, Soft moist. Brown silty SAND,fine to medium grained,trace fine Medium Dense gravel,moisl. (SM) (Wealhered tiil) 27.7 1 Dense to 13.9 ' 2 Gray silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained,fine to coarse gravel,trace cobbles,weakfy cemented,moist. (SM) (Till} 5 Very Qense �I Test pit terminated at 7 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this test pit loca6on and should �,e;. . ASSOCIat@S, ��1C. not be inlerpreled as being indicative oF other IocaGons at the site. ConsultanLs in Geotechnical Engineenng Geology and Environmenial Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PlT NO. TP-2 FIGURE 6 PROJECT NAME: Windstone V PROJ.NO: T-6728 LOGGED BY: SN LOCATION: Renton.Washington SURFACE CdNDS: Grass and Crushed AC APPROX.ELEV: 436 Feet DATE LOGGED: May 22.2012 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 8 Feet DEPTH TO CAVING: N/A LL � � � W CONSISTENCY/ ^ W I x a DESCRIPTION RELATIVE DENSITY " a REMARKS i t- a � � Y U O a Dark brown TOPSOIL with fine roots and organics,moist. Soft Brown silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained, fine gravel,trace medium-size roots to 2 feet,moist. (SM} (Weathered till) Medium Dense i 5 Gray siity SAND with gravel,fine lo medium grained,fine Dense to lo coarse gravel,trace cobbles,weakly cemented,moist. (SM) (Tiil) Very Dense t 5.0 1 = Slight seepage Test pil terminated at 8(eet. Groundwater seepage encountered at 8 feet. 10 Terra NOTE: This subsurface information pertains onty lo this lesl pit bcation and should Associates, �t1C. not he interpreled as being indicalive of other locations at lhe sile. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-3 FIGURE 7 PROJECT NAME: Windstone V PROJ.NO: T-6728 LOGGED BY: SN LOCATION: Renton.Washington SURFACE CONDS: Grass APPROX. ELEV: 444 Feet DATE LOGGED: May 22. 2012 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: N/A DEPTH TO CAVING: N/A � � o � v z z � W CONSISTENCY! ^ W F a DESCRIPTION RELATIVE DENSITY " � REMARKS w a 3 Y � � U O a Grayish-brown TOPSOIL,silry,sandy with fine roots and goh organics,moisl. Brown silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained, Medium Dense fine gravel,moist. (SM) (Weathered til{) Dense to � Gray silty SAND with gravel,Bne lo medium grained,fine Very Dense to coarse gravel,trace cobbles,weakly cemented,moisl. (SA4) (Till) Test pit terminated at 8 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 15 Terra NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only lo this test pit locatio�and should ASSOCIat@S� �IIC. not be inlerpreted as being indicative of other locations al ihe sice. Consullants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences ___ _ LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-4 F,�uRE 8 PROJECT NAME: Windstone V PROJ.NO: T-6728 LOGGED BY: SN I LOCATION: Renton.Washington SURFACE CONDS: Grass APPROX.ELEV: 432 Feet � DATE LOGGED: May 22_2012 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: N/A DEPTH TO CAVING:_N/A � I � o ~ � Z � DESCRIPTION CONSISTENCYf o a REMARKS F a RELATNE DENSITY �- r i o y 3 Y ' U O a Dark brown TOPSOIL,silty,sandy with fine roots and organics,moist. Sok Brown silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained, fine to coarse gravel,trace cobbles,trace bouiders up to - 24 inches,moist. (SM) (Weathered till) Medium Dense 1 13.7 Dense Gray silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained,fine to coarse gravel,trace cobbles. (SM) (Till) 5 Very Dense 2 Moist fo wet. 15.0 Test pit terminated at 8 feet. - No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra NOTE: This subsudace information peRains only lo this test pit location and should � aSSOCIat@S� �I1C. not be interpreled as being indicalive oi other locations at the sile. I Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Ear1h Sciences LOG OF TEST P1T NO. TP-5 FIGURE 9 PROJECT NAME: Windstone V PROJ.NO: T-6728 LOGGED BY: SN _ LOCATION: Renton.Washington SURFACE CONDS: Grass APPROX.ELEV: 432 Feet DATE LOGGED: Max 22.2012 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: N/A DEPTH TO CAVING: N/A LL � ~ � W CONSISTENCY/ � W � � DESCRIPTION o a REMARKS a RELATIVE DENSITY -- F... a � �., o � � Y U 0 a FILL:gray and brown silty sand with gravel,fine to medium grained,fine lo coarse gravel,moist. Loose Dark brown relic TOPSOIL,silty sand with fine roots and organics,moist. Soft Brown silty SAND wilh gravel,fine to medium grained, Medium Dense 18.4 � fine to coarse gravel,trace cobbles,moist. (SM) (Weathered lill) to Dense Dense Gray silty SAND with gravel,fine to medium grained,fine 5 to coarse gravel,trace cobbles,moist. (SM) (Till) Very Dense 10.3 2 Test pit terminated at 8 feet. - No groundwater seepage encountered. ; 10 Terra NOTE: This subsurface inFormation pertains only to this tesl pit location and shoild ASSOCI a�@S� �I1C. no[be inlerpreted as being indicalive of other locations al the sile. Consultan[s in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenlal Earth Sciences Particie Size Distribution Report � - C O O O C C G � C = C � N l") � tD O � N � P t0 C� N � � f� # it i� it .�t it �Y i! it 100 I I i I I i � ! I ; , I I I� � j . � I i � I i i ' � i I i 90 --I I � � -- ' - I_ � I - � � I i � � � il I „ ' I ' � ; I � i I I ' � ' , ' ! i i 80 , - - I i I , � , �I I , I i �� ' i ; , �o I � , - - - - ! ' 'I , I I , � I I Z 60 iI � i_ I i � _II I I � � I , , � _ , � L[.. � I i i � I � � I � I ' ' � � : � � I � � � ' i Z Sp i � � � � i , -- , � � t I . � I U � ' � i i � , , � , ' j � � ' ; � i I ' � : I I � I W qp - , � - � ' - - ' -- I � i � I I ��, � ' � I � I I i I � � � i i 30 ! � � i i I , � � i � i � I i � II I' � � � I I i' � I � � ' 1 I ' ' 20 _I i_, � i _ I ' , I ' � � � i � � i � i i i � I� I I � � �� I � i' i i . i i0 � � I I I I - ; I � '- , i I i � � � , � I i i I � , I ' � , ; � , i Q , I i 100 1�0 � 1 0.1 0.01 � 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. o�o+3„ %Gravel %Sand %Fines Caarse Fine Coarse Medium ' Fine Silt � Clay �' 0.0 0.0 ; 19.2 10.7 I 15.5 25.7 28.9 ❑ 0.0 9.7 31.8 11.2 � 12.8 17.9 16.6 . i i � Colloids LL PL D D D D � D D C C o' 7.1773 0.7087 0.3121 0.0831 ❑ 14.9568 5.1600 2.5876 0.2883 Material Description USCS AASHTO o Silty SAND with gravel SM ❑ Silty SAND with gra��el SM Project No. T-6728 Client: KBS Development CoTp Remarks: Project: Windstone V o Tested on 6/8/2012 o Location: Test Pit TP-1 Depth: -2' Sample Number: 1 oTested on 6/8/2012 o Location: Test Pit TP-1 Depth: -4' Sample Number: 2 Date: o ❑ Terra Associates, Inc. Kirkiand WA Figure io Tested By: JDE Par�ic[e Size Distribution Report C C O O O C C C \ C C C � '7 � N M `�7 c�o O c O (D (7 N � \ t`') � it it it i= 7t �i ii R ��0 ' � I� � � � I I ' �,� I I � I li �; � � � ' I I I I I' I I � 90 - - I � - � I I I _._I J _ ; I I i � i � � i I � I � I � I , , I I � � 'i j 80 — - - , I �_- 1_ i �I , i I � _ � i I � � I � I � � ' i I � I I � � � i i , , ; �o i , -- �, ��— � - � - � 1-�-- � � �� � ; ' , � ! � ' � i � � � i � �, so , � ; - - , � . --- -. — , i z ' � , � ; � , i , , z 50 ; , � � � - ' - � � - -- � � '- � i I � � � - � . 'I ,� �� . �, � I � � ' i �, w 4� -----— I I � I � __ I � � I I ' I , I T- I I I Q I , � ' . I I. f ' i I , , � � � � � i ' i � � � i � I � ', 3Q �-;- � , . � � ' --- i � I I --- �I I � i i , � , , i i � � I �� I � � � ' i : i I i ` i i I �'1 i I I � 20 I - - ' � , � � i I � --� -- ' i , � ! ! ' ' � ' I , , i � , � '' i i � �� � i ' I I � � � �o ; - -- ; ;T" � � � - i i - ; � , � ; � �, , � � � � -r p ' � I i I ,'I ; ��' i I 1D0 10 � 1 0.1 I 0.01 0.001 ' GRAIN S1ZE-mm. %+3„ %Gravel %Sand %Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt I Clay a 0.0 3.5 � 34.5 16.3 ; 13.3 ( 16.9 15.5 ❑ 0.0 3.1 ! 17.] 13.3 173 23.7 25.5 i ; � Colloids � LL PL D D ' D D D D C C 0 11.2967 4.3591 j 2.6455 0.3312 0 7.1633 1.2000 0.4533 01209 � � Material Description USCS AASHTO o Silty SAND with gravel SM I o Silty SAND with gravel SM i Project No. T-b728 Client: KBS Development Corp Remarks: Project: Windstone V oTested on 5/25/2012 o Location: Test Pit TP-4 Depth: -2' Sample Number: 1 oTested on 6/8/2012 ❑ Location: Test Pit TP-5 Depth: -2' Sample Number: 1 Date: o c Terra Associates, Inc. Kirkland WA Figure i i Tested By: JDE � � �I I ��/ � wr� w a � w � � � o 0 � � 7.0 OTHER PERMITS Otl�er permits for this project site include: • Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit • Water Line Extension Permit • Clear and Grade Permit • Site Development Permit • Building Permit • Right-of-Way Use Permit • NPDES General Permit I2365 019 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan I For Windstone Division V �, Prepared For III KBS III, LLC ' 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Owner Developer OperatorlContractor KBS Itl, LLC KBS III, LLC TBD 12320 N.E. 8th Street 12320 N.E. 8th Street Suite 100 Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Bellevue, WA 98005 Project Site Location 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) Renton, Washington Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Verne Wolley Aero Construction Company , 3827 Bicfore Avenue ' Snohomish, WA 98290 SWPPP Prepared By Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. ' 18215 - 72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 �I (425) 251-6222 Ali Sadr, Senior Project Engineer , SWPPP Preparation Date December 15, 2011 Approximate Project Construction Dates March 2012 November 2012 I 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Contents 1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Site Description.................................................................................................................3 2.1 Existing Conditions................................................................................................3 2.2 Proposed Construction Activities...........................................................................3 3.0 Construction Stormwater BMPs........................................................................................5 3.1 The 14 BMP Elements ..........................................................................................5 3.1.1 Element#1 —Mark Clearing Limits...........................................................5 3.1.2 Element#2 — Establish Construction Access...........................................5 ' 3.1.3 Element#3—Control Flow Rates.............................................................6 3.1.4 Element#4— Install Sediment Controls ...................................................6 3.1.5 Element#5— Stabilize Soils.....................................................................7 3.1.6 Element #6— Protect Slopes....................................................................8 3.1.7 Element#7— Protect Drain Inlets.............................................................8 3.1.8 Element#8—Stabilize Channels and Outlets..........................................9 3.1.9 Element#9—Control Pollutants...............................................................9 � 3.1.10 Element#10—Control Dewatering.........................................................10 3.1.11 Element#11 — Maintain BMPs...............................................................11 3.1.12 Element#12— Manage the Project........................................................11 3.1.13 Element#13—Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment .............. 13 3.1.14 Element#14—Construction Stormwater Filtration................................. 19 3.2 Site Specific BMPs..............................................................................................20 4.0 Construction Phasing and BMP Implementation.............................................................21 5.0 Pollution Prevention Team..............................................................................................22 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................22 5.2 Team Members ...................................................................................................23 6.0 Site Inspections and Monitoring......................................................................................24 6.1 Site Inspection.....................................................................................................24 6.1.1 Site Inspection Frequency......................................................................24 6.1.2 Site Inspection Documentation...............................................................24 6.2 Stormwater Quality Monitoring............................................................................25 6.2.1 Turbidity Sampling..................................................................................25 6.2.2 pH Sampling...........................................................................................26 7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping ........................................................................................27 7.1 Recordkeeping ....................................................................................................27 7.1.1 Site Log Book.........................................................................................27 7.1.2 Records Retention..................................................................................27 7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records.................................................................27 7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP.............................................................................27 7.2 Reporting.............................................................................................................28 7.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports................................................................28 7.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance................................................................28 I I 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevenfion Plan Appendix A Site Plans � Appendix B Construction BMPs Appendix C Alternative BMPs Appendix D General Permit Appendix E Site Inspection Forms (and Site Log) ' Appendix F Engineering Calculations ��i I I I 12365.022 � Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 1 .0 Introduction This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been prepared as part of the NPDES stormwater permit requirements for the Windstone Division V Residential Subdivision project in Renton, Washington. The proposed site is located at 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900) in Renton, Washington. Construction activities will include the construction of 11 single-family residential lots. asphalt roadway, landscaping, utility work, including power, telephone, gas, cable television, water, sewer, and storm appurtenances with catch basin collection, pipe conveyance, stormwater quality, and flow control facilities, etc. The purpose of this SWPPP is to describe the proposed construction activities and all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, pollution prevention measures, inspection/monitoring activities, and recordkeeping that will be implemented during the proposed construction project. The objectives of the SWPPP are to: 1. Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity. 2. Prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or sediment management standards. 3. Prevent, during the construction phase, adverse water quality impacts including impacts on beneficial uses of the receiving water by controlling peak flow rates and volumes of stormwater runoff at the Permittee's outfalls and downstream of the outfalls. This SWPPP was prepared using the Ecology SWPPP Template downloaded from the Ecology website on July 2, 2005. This SWPPP was prepared based on the requirements set forth in the Construction Stormwater General Permit, Stormwater Management Manual for Wesfern Washington (SWMMWW 2005). The report is divided into seven main sections with several appendices that include stormwater related reference materials. The topics presented in the each of the main sections are: ■ Section 1 — INTRODUCTION. This section provides a summary description of the project, and the organization of the SWPPP document. � ■ Section 2 —SITE DESCRIPTION. This section provides a detailed I' description of the existing site conditions, proposed construction activities, and calculated stormwater flow rates for existing conditions and post-construction conditions. , ■ Section 3 —CONSTRUCTION BMPs. This section provides a detailed description of the BMPs to be implemented based on the 12 requirec elements of the SWPPP (SWMMEW 2004). 1 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan • Section 4 —CONSTRUCTION PHASING AND BMP IMPLEMENTATION. ' This section provides a description of the timing of the BMP � implementation in relation to the project schedule. ' Section 5 — POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM. This section identifies the appropriate contact names (emergency and non-emergency), monitoring personnel, and the onsite temporary erosion and sedimentation control inspector ' Section 6— INSPECTION AND MONITORING. This section provides a description of the inspection and monitoring requirements such as the parameters of concern to be monitored, sample locations, sample frequencies, and sampling methods for all stormwater discharge locations from the site. • Section 7— RECORDKEEPING. This section describes the requirements for documentation of the BMP implementation, site inspections, monitoring results, and changes to the implementation of certain BMPs due to site factors experienced during construction. Supporting documentation and standard forms are provided in the following Appendices: Appendix A—Site Plans Appendix B— Construction BMPs Appendix C — Alternative BMPs Appendix D — General Permit Appendix E —Site Inspection Forms (and Site Log) Appendix F— Engineering Calculations 2 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 2.0 Site Description 2.1 Existing Conditions Under existing conditions, the site has a scattering of trees in various locations. In addition, there is an existing single-family residence located in the northwest corner of the proposed project site that will be demolished with this project. In addition, there is a t600-foot-long gravel � access road providing a driveway for the existing single-family residence that will be removed with this project. However, for the purposes of modeling flow control for this project site, the , entire site was assumed to have the historic condition of till forest over the site. Greene's Creek, a seasonal stream and buffer, is located along the eastern portion of the project site and will be kept intact with this development. There is also a scattering of brush and trees in this buffer area, all of which will remain with this development. The proposed area to be developed on the site consists of approximately 2.25 acres. , '� 2.2 Proposed Construction Activities The proposed Windstone Division V property is approximately 3.17 acres in size located within a portion of the east half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington. More specifically, the site is located at 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR-900), on the ��, north side of SR-900, west of 148th Avenue S.E., and will utilize Lyons Avenue N.E. as access 'I to the project site. Currently, access to the site is off S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road (a.k.a. SR- I 900) but that will be blocked with the development of this project. The site consists of 0.86 acre of stream, and wetland and buffer along the eastern portion of the project site running in a !� south-to-north direction. The total area of the project site to be developed will be 2.25 acres, ' which includes 0.17 acre of bypass area consisting of proposed till grass. The proposal for this development is to construct eleven separate lots with appropriate street extension and a storm i system/park in the northern portion of the project site. All runoff generated on-site will be routed to the Lyons Avenue N.E. e�ension, which is e�ended southerly into the project site where it '�, will then course in a northerly direction until discharging into an existing weUdetention pond, �' ultimately draining to the north via Greene's Creek. Please refer to the Off-Site Analysis in ', Section 3.0 of this report for the disposition of stormwater runoff from this site, which occurs at ' the natural location. The project site is zoned R-4 and the average lot size is 7,001 square feet. The downstream analysis has found many drainage complaints for the downstream drainage course; therefore, Level 3 Flow Control is the proposed means of detention for this project site. In addition, flow I, control BMPs are instituted on this project site in the form of rain gardens, which will treat runoff from each lot's driveway, consisting of±400 square feet, to be treated and released to the ', downstream drainage course by a rain garden. The flow control credit for a rain garden is to �� consider the area contributing to the rain garden at 50 percent impervious and 50 percent grass. '�� Please refer to Section 4.0 of this report for the analysis to size the contributing areas to determine the flow control system. The seasonal stream coursing through the project site along ��� its eastern property line is known as Greene's Creek, which flows northerly until discharging into �, May Creek, which ultimately releases to Lake Washington. i 3 12365.022 I Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan The existing weUdetention pond that this site will drain to is located on the Windstone Division I Plat immediately north of the proposed Division V site. This pond was sized for Level 3 flow control and basic water quality and will be modified with this project to accept more runoff yet still provide Level 3 flow control and basic water quality. The calculations to size all of these facilities are in Section 4.0 of this report. i Construction activities will include site preparation, TESC installation, building construction, stormwater and utility appurtenance installation, and asphalt paving. The schedule and phasing of BMPs during construction is provided in Section 4.0. Stormwater runoff rates and volumes were calculated using the KCRTS hydrology model and the detention pond was sized by providing Level 3 flow control with a predeveloped condition of forested land. The following summarizes details regarding site areas: ■ Total site area: 2.25 acres ■ Percent impervious area before construction: 35% ■ Percent impervious area after construction: 57% ■ Disturbed area during construction: 2.25 acres ■ Disturbed area that is characterized as impervious (i.e., access roads, staging, parking): 0.5 acre All stormwater flow calculations are provided in Appendix F. ; ; 4 12365.022 Stormwater Po!lution Prevention Plan 3.0 Construction Stormwater BMPs 3.1 The 14 BMP Elements 3.1.1 Element#1 — Mark Clearing Limits To protect adjacent properties and to reduce the area of soil exposed to construction, the limits of construction will be clearly marked before land-disturbing activities begin. Areas that are to be preserved, as well as all sensitive areas and their buffers, shall be clearly delineated, both in the field and on the plans. The BMPs relevant to marking the clearing limits that will be applied for this project include: ■ High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence (BMP C103) The clearing limits shall be as shown on the plans and all vegetation outside of the clearing limits preserved. Alternate BMPs for marking clearing limits are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. 3.1.2 Element #2 - Establish Construction Access Construction access or activities occurring on unpaved areas shall be minimized, yet where necessary, access points shall be stabilized to minimize the tracking of sediment onto public roads, and street sweeping and street cleaning shall be employed to prevent sediment from entering state waters. All wash wastewater shall be controlled on site. The specific BMPs related to establishing construction access that will be used on this project include: ■ The roads shall be swept daily should sediment collect on them. Wheel washing shall occur at locations where the sediment will retain on site. Alternate construction access BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate - during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. 5 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 3.1.3 Element #3 — Control Flow Rates In order to protect the properties and waterways downstream of the project site, stormwater discharges from the site will be controlled by construction of a sediment trap as one of the first items of construction. Alternate flow control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, the project must comply with Minimum Requirement 7 (Ecology 2005). In general, discharge rates of stormwater from the site will be controlled where increases in impervious area or soil compaction during construction could lead to downstream erosion, or where necessary to meet local agency stormwater discharge requirements (e.g., discharge to combined sewer systems). 3.1.4 Element #4 — Install Sediment Controls All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through an appropriate sediment removal BMP before leaving the construction site or prior to being discharged to the downstream drainage course. The specific BMPs to be used for controlling sediment on this project include: ■ Silt Fence (BMP C233) ■ Sediment Trap A silt fence shall be installed along the downstream perimeter of the proposed site. Alternate sediment control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the i NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and I Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative �� BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. I In addition, sediment will be removed from paved areas in and adjacent to construction work � areas manually or using mechanical sweepers, as needed, to minimize tracking of sediments on vehicle tires away from the site and to minimize washoff of sediments from adjacent streets in runoff. Whenever possible, sediment-laden water shall be discharged into onsite, relatively level, vegetated areas (BMP C240 paragraph 5, page 4-102). 6 12365.022 � Stormwater Pollution Prevenfion Plan In some cases, sediment discharge in concentrated runoff can be controlled using permanent stormwater BMPs (e.g., infiltration swales, ponds, trenches). Sediment loads can limit the ' effectiveness of some permanent stormwater BMPs, such as those used for infiltration or biofiltration; however, those BMPs designed to remove solids by settling (wet ponds or sediment ponds) can be used during the construction phase. When permanent stormwater BMPs will be used to control sediment discharge during construction, the structure will be protected from excessive sedimentation with adequate erosion and sediment control BMPs. Any accumulated sediment shall be removed after construction is complete and the remainder of the site has been stabilized. The following BMPs will be implemented as end-of-pipe sediment controls as required to meet permitted turbidity limits in the site discharge(s). Prior to the implementation of these technologies, sediment sources and erosion control and soil stabilization BMP efforts will be maximized to reduce the need for end-of-pipe sedimentation controls. ■ Temporary Sediment Trap (BMP C240) • Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C251) ■ Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment (BMP C 250) (implemented only with prior written approval from Ecology). 3.1.5 Element #5 - Stabilize Soils Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs to prevent erosion throughout the life of the project. The specific BMPs for soil stabilization that shall be used on this project include: ■ Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP C120) ■ Mulching (BMP C121) ■ Dust Control (BMP C 140) Seeding shall occur on all areas to remain unworked pursuant to below. Dust shall be controlled if construction occurs during the summer. Alternate soil stabilization BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days during the dry season (May 1 to September 30) and 2 days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30). Regardless of the time of year, all soils shall be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on weather forecasts. � 7 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan In general, cut and fill slopes will be stabilized as soon as possible and soil stockpiles will be temporarily covered with plastic sheeting. All stockpiled soils shall be stabilized from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. 3.1.6 Element #6 — Protect Slopes All cut and fill slopes will be designed, constructed, and protected in a manner that minimizes erosion. The following specific BMPs will be used to protect slopes for this project: • Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP C 120) Temporary and permanent seeding shall be used at all exposed areas pursuant to the prior mentioned schedule (seasonal restrictions). Alternate slope protection BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. 3.1.7 Element #7 — Protect Drain Inlets All storm drain inlets and culverts made operable during construction shall be protected to prevent unfiltered or untreated water from entering the drainage conveyance system. However, the first priority is to keep all access roads clean of sediment and keep street wash water separate from entering storm drains until treatment can be provided. Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220) will be implemented for all drainage inlets and culverts that could potentially be impacted by sediment-laden runoff on and near the project site. The following inlet protection measures will be applied on this project: • Excavated Drop Inlet Protection • Block and Gravel Drop Inlet Protection • Gravel and Wire Dr�c� Inlet Protection • Catch Basin Filters • Culvert Inlet Sedirr� If the BMP options listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construct on t�: satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D), or if no BMPs r listed above but deemed necessary during construction, the Certified Erosion and Sediment , Control Lead shall implement one or more of the alternative BMP inlet protection options listed , in Appendix C I O �G.JUJ.I,�. � Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 3.1.8 Element #8 - Stabilize Channels and Outlets Where site runoff is to be conveyed in channels, or discharged to a stream or some other natural drainage point, efforts will be taken to prevent downstream erosion. The specific BMPs for channel and outlet stabilization that shall be used on this project include: • Site runoff shall be discharged to a sediment trap Alternate channel and outlet stabilization BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, all temporary on-site conveyance channels shall be designed, constructed, and stabilized to prevent erosion from the expected peak 10 minute velocity of flow from a Type 1 A, 10-year, 24-hour recurrence interval storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour peak flow rate indicated by � an approved continuous runoff simulation model, increased by a factor of 1.6, shall be used. Stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent streambanks, slopes, and downstream reaches shall be provided at the outlets of all conveyance systems. 3.1.9 Element #9 - Control Pollutants All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, that occur onsite shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. Good housekeeping and preventative measures will be taken to ensure that the site will be kept clean, well organized, and free of debris. If required, BMPs to be implemented to control specific sources of pollutants are discussed below. Vehicles, construction equipment, and/or petroleum product storage/dispensing: ■ All vehicles, equipment, and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify � maintenance needs to prevent leaks or spills. ii ■ On-site fueling tanks and petroleum product storage containers shall include secondary containment. ■ Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. ■ In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. 9 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan • Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Demolition: ■ Dust released from demolished side�valks, buildings, or structures will be controiled using Dust Control measures (BMP C140). ■ Storm drain inlets vulnerable to stormwater discharge carrying dust, soil, or debris will be protected using Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220 as described above for Element 7). ■ Process water and slurry resulting from sawcutting and surfacing operations will be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementing Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention measures (BMP C152). Concrete and grout: ■ Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work will be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementinq Concrete Handlir: measures (BMP C151 3.1.10 Element #10 — Cu���ru� ��wa«rir�� All dewatering water from open cut excavation, tunneling, foundation w� underground vaults shall be discharged into a controlled conveyance system prior to discharge to the downstream drainage course. Channels will be stabilized, per Element #8. Clean, non- turbid dewatering water will not be routed through stormwater sediment ponds, and will be discharged to systems tributary to the receiving waters of the State in a manner that does not cause erosion, flooding, or a violation of State water quality standards in the receiving water. Highly turbid dewatering water from soils known or suspected to be contaminated, or from use of construction equipment, will require additional monitoring and treatment as required for the specific pollutants based on the receiving waters into which the discharge is occurring. Such monitoring is the responsibility of the contractor. However, the dewatering of soils known to be free of contamination will trigger BMPs to trap sediment and reduce turbidity. At a minimum, geotextile fabric socks/bags/cells will be used to filter this material. Other BMPs to be used for sediment trapping and turbidity reduction include the following: ■ Concrete Handling (BMP C151) Concrete shall be handled pursuant to BMP C151 wherever and whenever concrete is mixed and poured at the project site. Alternate dewatering control BMPs are included in Appendix C as a quick reference tool for the onsite inspector in the event the BMP(s) listed above are deemed ineffective or inappropriate 10 12365.022 Stormwater Pollutron Prevenfion Plan during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (Appendix D). To avoid potential erosion and sediment control issues that may cause a violation(s) of the NPDES Construction Stormwater permit (as provided in Appendix D), the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more of the alternative BMPs listed in Appendix C after the first sign that existing BMPs are ineffective or failing. 3.1.11 Element #11 — Maintain BMPs All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP's specifications. Visual monitoring of the BMPs will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any rainfall event that causes a discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive, and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency will be reduced to once every month. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after the final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be removed or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. 3.1.12 Element #12 — Manage the Project Erosion and sediment control BMPs for this project have been designed based on the following principles: � ■ Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage � patterns. ■ Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control. ■ Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed. ■ Keep runoff velocities low. ■ Retain sediment on site. ■ Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures. ■ Schedule major earthwork during the dry season. In addition, project management will incorporate the key components listed below: As this project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest, the project will be managed according to the following key project components: � Phasing af Construction ■ The construction project is being phased to the extent practicable in order to prevent soil erosion, and, to the maximum extent possible, the transport of sediment from the site during construction. 11 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be an integral part of the clearing activities during each phase of construction, per the Scheduling BMP (C 162). Seasonal Work Limitations , ■ From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the local permitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from leaving the site through a combination of the following: ❑ Site conditions including existing vegetative coverage, slope, soil type, and proximity to receiving waters; and ❑ Limitations on activities and the extent of disturbed areas; and ❑ Proposed erosion and sediment control measures. ■ Based on the information provided and/or local weather conditions, the ' local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. ■ The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading limitations: � ❑ Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment control BMPs, ❑ Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility structures that do not expose the soil or result in the removal of the vegetative cover to soil; and ❑ Activities where there is 100 percent infiltration of surface water runoff ' within the site in approved and installed erosion and sediment control facilities. Coordination with Utilities and Other Jurisdictions ■ Care has been taken to coordinate with utilities, other construction I'� projects, and the local jurisdiction in preparing this SWPPP and _ scheduling the construction work. i Inspection and Monitoring ■ All BMPs shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. This person has the necessary skills to: ❑ Assess the site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and 12 12365.022 Stormwater Po/lution Prevention Plan ❑ Assess the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. ■ A Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead shall be on-site or on-call at all times. ■ Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified in this SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible. Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP ■ This SWPPP shall be retained on-site or within reasonable access to the site. ■ The SWPPP shall be modified whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state. ■ The SWPPP shall be modified if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state _ regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The SWPPP shall be modified as necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified. Revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed within seven (7) days following the inspection. 3.1 .13 Element #13 - Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment Turbidity is difficult to control once fine particles are suspended in stormwater runoff from a construction site. Sedimentation ponds are effective at removing larger particulate matter by gravity settling, but are ineffective at removing smaller particulates such as clay and fine silt. Sediment ponds are typically designed to remove sediment no smaller than medium silt (0.02 mm). Chemical treatment may be used to reduce the turbidity of stormwater runoff. Chemical treatment can reliably provide exceptional reductions of turbidity and associated pollutants. Very high turbidities can be reduced to levels comparable to what is found in streams during dry weather. Traditional BMPs used to control soil erosion and sediment loss from sites under development may not be adequate to ensure compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity in the receiving water. Chemical treatment may be required to protect streams from the impact of turbid stormwater discharges, especially when construction is to proceed through the wet season. Formal written approval from Ecology and the Local Permitting Authority is required for the use of chemical treatment regardless of site size. The intention to use Chemical 13 12365.022 Stormwater Po1lution Prevention Plan Treatment shall be indicated on the Notice of Intent for coverage under the General Construction Permit. Chemical treatment systems should be designed as part of the Construction SWPPP, not after the fact. Chemical treatment may be used to correct problem sites in limited circumstances with formal written approval from Ecology and the Local Permitting Authority. The SEPA review authority must be notified at the application phase of the project review (or the time that the SEPA determination on the project is performed) that chemical treatment is proposed. If it is added after this stage, an addendum will be necessary and may result in project approval delay. See Appendix II-B for background information on chemical treatment. Criteria for Chemical Treatment Product Use Chemically treated stormwater discharged from construction sites must be nontoxic to aquatic organisms. The following protocol shall be used to evaluate chemicals proposed for stormwater treatment at construction sites. Authorization to use a chemical in the field based on this protocol does not relieve the applicant from responsibility for meeting all discharge and receiving water criteria applicable to a site. ■ Treatment chemicals must be approved by EPA for potable water use. ■ Petroleum-based polymers are prohibited. ■ Prior to authorization for field use, jar tests shall be conducted to demonstrate that turbidity reduction necessary to meet the receiving water criteria can be achieved. Test conditions, including but not limited to raw water quality and jar test procedures, should be indicative of field conditions. Although these small-scale tests cannot be expected to reproduce performance under field conditions, they are indicative of treatment capability. � ■ Prior to authorization for field use, the chemically treated stormwater shall be tested for aquatic toxicity. Applicable procedures defined in Chapter 173-205 WAC, Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing and Limits, shall be used. Testing shall use stormwater from the construction site at which the treatment chemical is proposed for use or a water solution using soil - from the proposed site. ■ The proposed maximum dosage shall be at least a factor of five lower than the no observed effects concentration (NOEC). ■ The approval of a proposed treatment chemical shall be conditional, subject to full-scale bioassay monitoring of treated stormwater at the construction site where the proposed treatment chemical is to be used. � �4 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ Treatment chemicals that have already passed the above testing protocol � do not need to be reevaluated. Contact the Department of Ecology Regional Office for a list of treatment chemicals that have been evaluated and are currently approved for use. Treatment System Design Considerations �� The design and operation of a chemical treatment system should take into consideration the factors that determine optimum, cost-effective performance. It may not be possible to fully incorporate all of the classic concepts into the design because of practical limitations at construction sites. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize the following: ■ The right chemical must be used at the right dosage. A dosage that is either too low or too high will not produce the lowest turbidity. There is an optimum dosage rate. This is a situation where the adage "adding more is always better" is not the case. ■ The coagulant must be mixed rapidly into the water to insure proper dispersion. ■ A flocculation step is important to increase the rate of settling, to produce the lowest turbidity, and to keep the dosage rate as low as possible. ■ Too little energy input into the water during the flocculation phase results in flocs that are too small and/or insufficiently dense. Too much energy can rapidly destroy floc as it is formed. ■ Since the volume of the basin is a determinant in the amount of energy per unit volume, the size of the energy input system can be too small relative to the volume of the basin. ■ Care must be taken in the design of the withdrawal system to minimize outflow velocities and to prevent floc discharge. The discharge should be directed through a physical filter such as a vegetated swale that would catch any unintended floc discharge. � Treatment System Design Chemical treatment systems shall be designed as batch treatment systems using either ponds or portable trailer-mourted tanks Flo�.�r-throuCh continuous treatment systems are not allo�,ved at this time A chemical treatment system consists of the stormwater collection system (either tempora� diversion or the permanent site drainage system). a storaqe pond. pumps, a chemical fee�� system. treatment cells, and interconnecting pipir Stormwater Pollution Prevention P1an The treatment system shall use a minimum of two lined treatment celis. Multiple treatment celis allow for clarification of treated water while other cells are being filled or emptied. Treatment cells may be ponds or tanks. Ponds with constructed earthen embankments greater than six feet high require special engineering analyses. Portable tanks may also be suitable for some sites. The following equipment should be located in an operations shed: ■ the chemical injector; ■ secondary containment for acid, caustic, buffering compound, and treatment chemical; ' emergency shower and eyewash, and ■ monitoring equipment which consists of a pH meter and a turbidimeter. Sizing Criteria The combination of the storage pond or other holding area and treatment capacity should be -- large enough to treat stormwater during multiple day storm events. It is recommended that at a minimum the storage pond or other holding area should be sized to hold 1.5 times the runoff volume of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Bypass should be provided around the chemical treatment system to accommodate extreme storm events. Runoff volume shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2. If no hydrologic analysis is required for the site, the Rational Method may be used. Primary settling should be encouraged in the storage pond. A forebay with access for maintenance may be beneficial. There are two opposing considerations in sizing the treatment cells. A larger cell is able to treat a larger volume of water each time a batch is processed. However, the larger the cell the longer the time required to empty the cell. A larger cell may also be less effective at flocculation and therefore require a longer settling time. The simplest approach to sizing the treatment cell is to multiply the allowable discharge flow rate times the desired drawdown time. A 4-hour drawdown time allows one batch per cell per 8-hour work period, given 1 hour of flocculation followed by two hours of settling. The permissible discharge rate governed by potential downstream effect can be used to calculate the recommended size of the treatment cells. The following discharge flow rate limits shall apply: ■ If the discharge is directly or indirectly to a stream, the discharge flow rate shall not exceed 50 percent of the peak flow rate of the 2-year, 24-hour event for all storm events up to the 10-year, 24-hour event. 16 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ If discharge is occurring during a storm event equal to or greater than the 10-year, 24-hour event, the allowable discharge rate is the peak flow rate of the 10-year, 24-hour event. ■ Discharge to a stream shouid not increase the stream flow rate by more than 10 percent. ■ If the discharge is directly to a lake, a major receiving water listed in Appendix C of Volume I, or to an infiltration system, there is no discharge flow limit. ■ If the discharge is to a municipal storm drainage system, the allowable discharge rate may be limited by the capacity of the public system. It may be necessary to clean the municipal storm drainage system prior to the start of the discharge to prevent scouring solids from the drainage system. ■ Runoff rates shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2 for the pre-developed condition. If no hydrologic analysis is required for the site, the Rational Method may be used. Monitoring The following monitoring shall be conducted. Test results shall be recorded on a daily log kept on site: Operational Monitoring ■ pH, conductivity (as a surrogate for alkalinity), turbidity and temperature of the untreated stormwater ■ Total volume treated and discharged ■ Discharge time and flow rate ■ Type and amount of chemical used for pH adjustment ■ Amount of polymer used for treatment ■ Settling time Compliance Monitoring • pH and turbidity of the treated stormwater ■ pH and turbidity of the receiving water Biomonitorinq: Treated stormwater shall be tested for acute (lethal) toxicity. Bioassays shall be conducted by a laboratory accredited by Ecology, unless otherwise approved by Ecology. The 17 12365.022 Stormwater Po!lution Prevention Plan ' performance standard for acute toxicity is no statistically significant difference in '� , survival between the control and 100 percent chemically treated stormwater. � Acute toxicity tests shall be conducted with the following species and protocols: ■ Fathead minnow, Pimephales prome/as (96 hour static-renewal test, method: EPA/600/4-90/027F). Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (96 hour static-renewal test, method: EPA/600/4-90/027F) may be used as a substitute for fathead minnow. ■ Daphnid, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia pulex, or Daphnia magna (48 hour static test, method: EPA/600/4-90/027F). All toxicity tests shall meet quality assurance criteria and test conditions in the most recent versions of the EPA test method and Ecology Publication # WO-R-95-80, Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Review Criteria. Bioassays shall be performed on the firstfive batches and on every tenth batch thereafter, or as otherwise approved bv Ecofoav Failure to meet ±he ner`�rmrr�a �+�n�!�rd sha!i hP i��rr�-d��t�'��;� reported to Ecology. Discharge Compliance: Prior to discharge, eacn batch of treated stormwater must �: sampled and tested for compliance with pH and turbidity limits. These limits may be established by the water quality standards or a site-specific discharge permit. Sampling ar�u testing for other pollutants may also be necessary at some sites. Turbidity must be within 5 NTUs of the background turbidity. Background is measured in the receiving water, upstream from the treatment process discharge point. pH must be within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 standard units and not cause a change in the pH of the receiving water of more than 0.2 standard units. It is often possible to discharge treated stormwater that has a lower turbidity than the receiving water and that matches the pH. Treated stormwater samples and measurements shall be taken from the discharge pipe or another location representative of the nature of the treated stormwater discharge. Samples used for determining compliance with the water quality standards in the receiving water shall not be taken from the treatment pond prior to decanting. Compliance with the water quality standards is determined in the receiving water. Operator Training Each contractor who intends to use chemical treatment shall be trained by an experienced contractor on an active site for at least 40 hours. Standard BMPs Surface stabilization BMPs should be implemented on site to prevent significant erosion. All sites shall use a truck wheel wash to prevent tracking of sediment off site. 18 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Sediment Removal and Disposal ■ Sediment shall be removed from the storage or treatment cells as necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required at least once during � wet season and at the decommissioning of the cells. Sediment remainin in the cells between batches may enhance the settling process and reduce the required chemical dosage. • Sediment may be incorporated into the site away from drainages. 3.1.14 Element #14 - Construction Stormwater Filtration may not be adequate to ensure compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity in the receiving water. Filtration may be used in conjunction with gravity settling to remove sedimer as small as fine silt (0.5 �m). The reduction in turbidity will be dependent on the particle si�F distribution of the sediment in the stormwater. In some circumstances, sedimentation an� filtration may achieve compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity. Unlike chemical treatment, the use of construction stormwater filtration does n�� :� approval from Ecology. Filtration may also be used in conjunction with polymer treatment in a portable system to assure capture of the flocculated solids. Design and Installation Specifications — Background Information Filtration with sand media has been used for over a century to treat water and wastewater. T use of sand filtration for treatment of stormwater has developed recently, generally to treat runoff from streets, parking lots, and residential areas. The application of filtration to construction stormwater treatment is currently under development. Two types of filtration systems may be applied to construction stormwater treatment: rapid and slow. Rapid sand filters are the typical system used for water and wastewater treatment. They can achieve relatively high hydraulic flow rates, on the order of 2 to 20 gpm/sf, because they have automatic backwash systems to remove accumulated solids. In contrast, slow sand filters have very low hydraulic rates, on the order of 0.02 gpm/sf, because they do not have backwash systems. To date, slow sand filtration has generally been used to treat stormwater. Slow sand filtration is mechanically simple in comparison to rapid sand filtration but requires a much larger filter area. Filtration Equipment Sand media filters are available with automatic backwashing features that can filter to 50 µm particle size. Screen or bag filters can filter down to 5 µm. Fiber wound filters can remove 19 12365.022 Stormwater Po!lution Prevention Plan particles down to 0.5 µm. Filters should be sequenced from the largest to the smallest pore opening. Sediment removal efficiency will be related to particle size distributior� in the storm�vater. �'reatment Process Deseription Stormwater is collected at interception point(s) on the site and is diverted to a sediment pond tank for removal of large sediment and storage of the stormwater before it is treated by the filtration system. The stormwater is pumped from the trap, pond, or tank through the filtration system in a rapid sand filtration system. Slow sand filtration systems are designed as flow through systems using gravity. If large volumes of concrete are being poured, pH adjustment may be necessary Nlaintenance Standard:_, Rapid sand filters typically i�ave auioma!ic ��ackv�,ash syste«�s that ar2 triggere�-� by a pre-s2t pressure drop across the filter. If the backwash water volume is not large or substantially more turbid than the stormwater stored in the holding pond or tank, backwash return to the pon� -� tank may be appropriate. Ho�vever. land application or another means of treatment ar�. disposal may be necessary ■ Screen, bag _ - , , ; , : become cloc ■ Sedimentsr��_.� .,� _.�. . �� _,� � ���_ �.� _ � . ._ �� � .,� � , .. .., . necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required once or twice during . _ _._ . _ .r.� �. .�.., �a,...�,��_,,.,.,..r:r� ..t .�_� r„� �� � _ ,..y �r, _a.,. . . �.P,... Site specific BMPs are shown on the TESC. cnPrific {�I�n chAPtc �n�ill hA iln��tar{ annii� 20 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 4.0 Construction Phasing and BMP Implementation The BMP implementation schedule will be driven by the construction schedule. The following provides a sequential list of the proposed construction schedule milestones and the corresponding BMP implementation schedule. The list contains key milestones such as wet season construction. The BMP implementation schedule listed below is keyed to proposed phases of the construction project, and reflects differences in BMP installations and inspections that relate to wet season construction. The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, the dry season is considered to be from May 1 to September 30 and the wet season is considered to be from October 1 to April 3�. ■ Estimate of Construction start date: March 2012 ■ Estimate of Construction finish date: November 2012 ■ Mobilize equipment on site: ■ Mobilize and store all ESC and soil stabilization products (store materials on hand BMP C150): ■ Install ESC measures: ■ Install stabilized construction entrance: ■ Begin clearing and grubbing: ■ Temporary erosion control measures (hydroseeding): ■ Site inspections reduced to monthly: ■ Begin concrete pour and implement BMP C151: ■ Excavate and install new utilities and services (Phase 1): ■ Complete utility construction: ■ Begin implementing soil stabilization and sediment control BMPs throughout the site in preparation for wet season: • WET SEASON STARTS: October 1, 2012 21 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 5.0 Pollution Prevention Team 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities The pollution prevention team consists of personnel responsible for implementation of the SWPPP, including the following: ■ Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) — primary contractor contact, responsible for site inspections (BMPs, visual monitoring, sampling, etc.); to be called upon in case of failure of any ESC measures. ■ Resident Engineer— For projects with engineered structures only (sediment ponds/traps, sand filters, etc.): site representative for the owner that is the project's supervising engineer responsible for inspections and issuing instructions and drawings to the contractor's site supervisor or representative ■ Emergency Ecology Contact— individual to be contacted at Ecology in case of emergency. Go to the following website to get the name and number for the Ecology contact information: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/o rg.htm l ■ Emergency Owner Contact— individual that is the site owner or representative of the site owner to be contacted in the case of an emergency. ■ Non-Emergency Ecology Contact— individual that is the site owner or representative of the site owner than can be contacted if required. ■ Monitoring Personnel —personnel responsible for conducting water quality monitoring; for most sites this person is also the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead. 22 12365.022 � Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 5.2 Team Members Names and contact information for those identified as members of the pollution prevention team are provided in the following table. Title Name(s) Phone Number Certified Erosion and Sediment Control TBD Lead (CESCL) Resident Engineer Ali Sadr (425) 251-6222 Emergency Ecology Contact Clay Keown (360) 407-6048 Emergency Owner Contact Kolin Taylor (206) 755-5404 Non-Emergency Ecology Contact Ali Sadr (425) 251-6222 Monitoring Personnel TBD 23 12365.022 Sformwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6.0 Site Inspections and Monitoring Monitoring includes visual inspection, monitoring for water quality parameters of concern, and documentation of the inspection and monitoring findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: ■ A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements; ■ Site inspections; and, ■ Stormwater quality monitoring. For convenience, the inspection form and water quality monitoring forms included in this SWPPP include the required information for the site log book. This SWPPP may function as the site log book if desired, or the forms may be separated and included in a separate site log book. However, if separated, the site log book but must be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. 6.1 Site Inspection All BMPs will be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. The inspector will be a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) per BMP C160. The name and contact information for the CESCL is provided in Section 5 of this SWPPP. Site inspection will occur in all areas disturbed by construction activities and at all stormwater discharge points. Stormwater will be examined for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oily sheen. The site inspector will evaluate and document the effectiveness of the installed BMPs and determine if it is necessary to repair or replace any of the BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. All maintenance and repairs will be documented in the site log book or forms provided in this document. All new BMPs or design changes wilt be documented in the SWPPP as soon as possible. 6.1.1 Site Inspection Frequency Site inspections will be conducted at least once a week and within 24 hours following any rainfall event which causes a discharge of stormwater from the site. For sites with temporary stabilization measures, the site inspection frequency can be reduced to once every month. 6.1.2 Site Inspection Documentation The site inspector will record each site inspection using the site log inspection forms provided in Appendix E. The site inspection log forms may be separated from this SWPPP document, but will be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. 24 12365 022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6.2 Stormwater Quality Monitoring 6.2.1 Turbidity Sampling Monitoring requirements for the proposed project will include either turbidity or water transparency sampling to monitor site discharges for water quality compliance with the 2005 Construction Stormwater General Permit (Appendix D). Sampling will be conducted at all discharge points at least once per calendar week. Turbidity or transparency monitoring will follow the analytical methodologies described in Section S4 of the 2005 Construction Stormwater General Permit (Appendix D). The key benchmark values that require action are 25 NTU for turbidity (equivalent to 32 cm transparency) and 250 NTU for turbidity (equivalent to 6 cm transparency). If the 25 NTU benchmark for turbidity (equivalent to 32 cm transparency) is exceeded, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Ensure all BMPs specified in this SWPPP are installed and functioning as intended. 2. Assess whether additional BMPs should be implemented, and document revisions to the SWPPP as necessary. 3. Sample discharge location daily until the analysis results are less than 25 NTU (turbidity) or greater than 32 cm (transparency). If the turbidity is greater than 25 NTU (or transparency is less than 32 cm) but less than 250 NTU (transparency greater than 6 cm) for more than 3 days, additional treatment BMPs will be implemented within 24 hours of the third consecutive sample that exceeded the benchmark. If the 250 NTU benchmark for turbidity (or less than 6 cm transparency) is exceeded at any time, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Notify Ecology by phone within 24 hours of analysis (see Section 5.0 of this SWPPP for contact information). 2. Continue daily sampling until the turbidity is less than 25 NTU (or transparency is greater than 32 cm). 3. Initiate additional treatment BMPs such as off-site treatment, infiltration, filtration and chemical treatment within 24 hours of the first 250 NTU ' exceedance. 4. Implement additional treatment BMPs as soon as possible, but within 7 days of the first 250 NTU exceedance. 5. Describe inspection results and remedial actions taken in the site log ' book and in monthly discharge monitoring reports as described in Section ' 7.0 of this SWPPP. 25 12365.022 II Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6.2.2 pH Sampling Stormwater runoff will be monitored for pH starting on the first day of any activity that includes more than 40 yards of poured or recycled concrete, or after the application of "Engineered Soils" such as Portland cement treated base, cement kiln dust, or fly ash. This does not include fertilizers. For concrete work, pH monitoring will start the first day concrete is poured and continue until 3 weeks after the last pour. For engineered soils, the pH monitoring period begins when engineered soils are first exposed to precipitation and continue until the area is fully stabilized. Stormwater samples will be collected daily from all points of discharge from the site and measured for pH using a calibrated pH meter, pH test kit, or wide range pH indicator paper. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Prevent the high pH water from entering storm drains or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water if necessary using appropriate technology such as CO2 sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Contact Ecology if chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging is planned. 26 12365.022 Stormwater Po!lutron Prevention Plan 7.0 Reporting and Recordkeeping 7.1 Recordkeeping 7.1.1 Site Log Book A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: ■ A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements; ■ Site inspections; and, ■ Stormwater quality monitoring. For convenience, the inspection form and water quality monitoring forms included in this SWPPP include the required information for the site logbook. 7.1.2 Records Retention Records of all monitoring information (site log book, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements will be retained during the life of the construction project and for a minimum of three years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with permit condition S5.C. 7.1.3 Access to Plans and Records The SWPPP, General Permit, Notice of Authorization letter, and Site Log Book will be retained on site or within reasonable access to the site and will be made immediately available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. A copy of this SWPPP will be provided to Ecology within 14 days of receipt of a written request for the SWPPP from Ecology. Any other information requested by Ecology will be submitted within a reasonable time. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public �vhen requested in �;�rting �n accordance with Permit Condition S5.G. 7.1.4 Updating the SWPPP In accordance with Conditions S3, S4.o, ai�u Jy.D.J ui iiic ue�ic�di rciiii�i, iiiis �vvrrr �vi�i ; modified if the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site or there has been a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the site that has a significant effect on the discharge, or potential for discharge, of pollutants to the waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven days of determination based on inspection(s) that additional or modified BMPs are necessary to correct problems identified, and an updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. 27 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention P/an 7.2 Reporting 7.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms will be submitted to Ecology because water quality sampling is being conducted at the site. 7.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance If any of the terms and conditions of the permit are not met, and it causes a threat to human health or the environment, the following steps will be taken in accordance with permit section SS.F: 1. Ecology will be immediately notified of the failure to comply. 2. Immediate action will be taken to control the noncompliance issue and to correct the problem. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. �o �_�,����_ � Stormwater Pollufion Prevention Plan Appendix A — Site Plans � , I� '� � , � �� � � �_.� � Ii � I :f �l a Y/ -5 � � 29 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix B — Construction BMPs Preserving Natural Vegetation (BMP C101) High Visibility Plastic or Metal Fence (BMP C103) Stabilized Construction Entrance (BMP C105) Wheel Wash (BMP C106) Temporary Sediment Pond (BMP C241 Detention Pond or Vault Sediment Trap (BMP C240) Detention Pond or Vault Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP C120) Mulching (BMP C121) Dust Control (BMP C140) Check Dams (BMP C207) Grass-Lined Channels (BMP C201) Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment (BMP C250) Construction Stormwater Filtration (BMP C251) 30 12365.022 �► endix � — �iterna�ive ��I��� ���� pp i The following includes a list of possible alternative BMPs for each of the �� eier�7e��� ��, described in the main SWPPP text. This list can be referenced in the event a BMP �� specific element is not functioning as designed and an alternative BMP needs to be �I implemented. Element#1 - Mark Clearing Limits Element#2 - Establish Construction Access Element#3 - Control Flow Rates Element#4 - Install Sediment Controls Advanced BMPs: Element#5 - Stabilize Soils Element#6 - Protect Slopes Element#8 - Stabilize Channels and Outlets Element#10 - Control Dewatering Additional Advanced BMPs to Control Dewatering: 31 �2ss5.o22 i Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix D — General Permit i � 32 12365.022 Stormwater Pollutron Prevenfion Plan Appendix E — Site Inspection Forms (and Site Log) The results of each inspection shall be summarized in an inspection report or checklist that is entered into or attached to the site log book. It is suggested that the inspection report or checklist be included in this appendix to keep monitoring and inspection information in one document, but this is optional; however, it is mandatory that this SWPPP and the site inspection forms be kept onsite at all times during construction, and that inspections be performed and documented as outlined below. At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist shall include: a. Inspection date/times b. Weather information: general conditions during inspection, approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and approximate amount of precipitation within the last 24 hours. c. A summary or list of all BMPs that have been implemented, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. d. The following shall be noted: i. locations of BMPs inspected, ii. locations of BMPs that need maintenance, iii. the reason maintenance is needed, iv. locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended, and v. locations where additional or different BMPs are needed, and the reason(s) why e. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The presence of suspended sediment, turbid water, discoloration, and/or oil sheen shall be noted, as applicable. f. A description of any water quality monitoring performed during inspection, and the results of that monitoring. g. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made as a result of the inspection. h. A statement that, in the judgment of the person conducting the site inspection, the site is either in compliance or out of compliance with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and the NPDES permit. If the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance, the inspection report shall include a summary of the , remedial actions required to bring the site back into compliance, as well as a ' schedule of implementation. i. Name, title, and signature of person conducting the site inspection; and the following statement: "I certify under penalty of law that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief". When the site inspection indicates that the site is not in compliance with any terms and conditions of the NPDES permit, the Permittee shall take immediate action(s) to: stop, contain, and clean up the unauthorized discharges, or otherwise stop the noncompliance; correct the 33 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan problem(s); implement appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs), and/or conduct maintenance of existing BMPs; and achieve compliance with all applicable standards and permit conditions. In addition, if the noncompliance causes a threat to human health or the environment, the Permittee shall comply with the Noncompliance Notification requirements in Special Condition SS.F of the permit. 34 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Site Inspection Form General Information Project Name: Windstone Division V Inspector Name: TBD Title: CESCL# : Date: Time: Inspection Type: ❑ After a rain event ❑ Weekly ❑ Turbidity/transparency benchmark exceedance ❑ Other Weather Precipitation Since last inspection In last 24 hours Description of General Site Conditions: Inspection of BMPs Element 1: Mark Clearing Limits BMP: Location �nspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP Element 2: Establish Construction Access BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP 35 123s5.o22 li Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Element 3: Control Flow Rates BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP Element 4: lnsta/l Sediment Controls BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning ProblemiCorrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location �nspected Functioning Problem�`Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location �nspected Functioning ProblemiCorrective Action Y N Y N NIP i BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP � �I i � I trerr�er�t �: �cau�l,te ��, BMP: Location Ins�__ __ -- -__ - � _.. _. �.,. , . _ � � _ Y N Y N� NIP BMP: , Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP Elemenf 6: Protect Slopes BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP i � BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP 37 12365.022 Stormwater PoUution Prevention Plan Elemenf 7: Protect Drain Inlefs BMP: Location �nspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP Element S: Stahilize Channels and Outlets BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location �nspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action � Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP I 38 12365.022 � - -- -- -- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Elemenf 9: Control Pollutants BMP: Location Inspected Functioning ProblemlCorrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning ProblemlCorrective Action Y N Y N NIP Element 10: Control Dewatering BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP BMP: Location Inspected Functioning Problem/Corrective Action Y N Y N NIP Stormwater Discharges From the Site Observed? Problem/Corrective Action Y N Location Turbidity , Discoloration Sheen Location Turbidity Discoloration Sheen 39 i 2s6�022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Water (�ualit Monitorin Was any water quality monitoring conducted? ❑ Yes ❑ No If water quality monitoring was conducted, record results here: If water quality monitoring indicated turbidity 250 NTU or greater; or transparency 6 cm or less, was Ecology notified by phone within 24 hrs? ❑ Yes ❑ No If Ecology was notified, indicate the date, time, contact name and phone number below: Date: Time: Contact Name: Phone #: General Comments and Notes Include BMP re airs, maintenance, or installations made as a result of the ins ection. Were Photos Taken? ❑ Yes ❑ No If hotos taken, describe hotos below: 40 12365.022 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Appendix F - Engineering Calculations 41 i 2ss5.o22 KCRTS Command ' CREATE a new Time Series ------------------------ � Production of Runoff Time Series ' Project Location : Landsburg Computing Series : 12365dev15min.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 0.90 Data Type : Reduced Creating 15-minute Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C: \KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\LATG15R.rnf . Till Grass 1.01 acres Loading Time Series File:C: \KC SWDM\KC DATA\LAEI15R.rnf . Impervious 1 .24 acres -------------- Total Area : 2.25 acres Peak Discharge: 2 .29 CFS at 7 :30 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:12365dev15min.tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module ------------------------------- Analysis Tools Command ---------------------- ''� Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies ---------------------------------- Loading Stage/Discharge curve: 12365dev15min.tsf . Flow Frequency Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- Time Series File:12365dev15min. tsf Project Location:Landsburg Frequencies & Peaks saved to File: 12365dev15min.pks . Analysis Tools Command ---------------------- RETURN to Previous Menu --------------------- KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program ----------------- � I � Flow Frequency Analysis I' Time Series File:12365dev15min.tsf I! Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0. 664 7 10/04/00 20:15 2 .29 1 100.00 0. 990 0. 659 8 5/06/02 7 :15 1.49 2 25.00 0.960 1.37 4 9/10/03 13 :45 1.47 3 10.00 0.900 1 .47 3 8/25/04 23:30 1.37 4 5.00 0 .800 � 0.926 6 9/10/05 16:45 1.03 5 3 .40 0. 667 1.49 2 10/22/05 16:15 0.926 6 2 .00 0 .500 1.03 5 11/21/06 8:00 0.664 7 1.30 0.231 2 .29 1 1/09/08 7:30 0.659 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2 .02 50.00 0.980 l � � '__� _,, f � � i ' 1 i ; SIZE THE SEDII��IENT TRAP Per the KCRTS 15-minute developed condition time series Q,o= 1.47 (see accompanying pa�es) Therefore, the required sediment trap surface area= 2,080(Qio) =2,080(1.47) = 3,058sf 12365.019 i 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATIONS OF COVENANT � Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Orig(nal bohd computallons prepared by: Name: Jerry Jacobs oata: JUIy 25, 2012 PE Reglstratlon Number: Z7G94 Te�.#: (425 251-6222 F��m Nama: Barghausen Consulting Engineers aad�egg: 18215-72nd Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 ProJect No: ROAD IMPROVEMENTS&DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE BOND'," PUBLIC ROAD 8 DRAINAGE AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND«.« Stabilization/Erosion Sedfinent Control(ESC) (A) $ - Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) $ - Future Public Road Improvements&Drainage Facilities (C) $ - Private Improvements (D) $ - Construction Bond'Amount (A+D+C+D) = TOTAL (T) $ - Mlnlmum bond•amount Is$1000. (B+�)X MaintenancelDefect Bond*Total 0.20= $ - NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND'REDUCTION: Date: *NOTE:The word"bond"as used In this document means any flnancial guarantee ecceptable to the City of Renton. ""NOTE:All prices include labor,equipment,materfals,overhead and profit. Prices aro from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sourcos If not Included in the RS Means databasc�. REQUIRED BOND'AMOUNTS ARE SUI3JECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY RDSD Page 1 of 1 Unit prices updated:2/12/02 Verslon:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet � Exisling Future Public Private Quantity Completed Right•of•Way Road Improvcments Improvements (Bond Reduction)* 8 Dralnage Facilitles Quant. ; rn nce Urnt uan. os uant. ost uan. ost Complete Cost GENERAL ITEMS No. Backfill&Compaction-embankment GI-1 $ 5.62 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Backfill&Compaction-trench GI-2 $ 8.53 CY 0.00 0.00 U.UO 0.00 Clear/Remove Brush,by hand GI-3 0.36 SY 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 ClearinglGrubbing/Tree Removal GI-4 $8,876.16 Acre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Excavation-bulk GI-5 $ 1.50 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Excavation-Trench GI-6 $ 4.06 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Fencing,codar,6'high GI-7 $ 18.55 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fencing,chain link,vinyl coated, 6'high GI-8 $ 13.44 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fencing,chafn link,gate,vinyl coated, 2 GI-9 $1,271.81 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fencing,split rail,3'high GI-1 $ 12.12 LF 0.�0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fill&compact-common barrow GI-11 $ 22.57 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fill&compact-gravel baso GI-1 $ 25.48 CY 0.00 U.UU 0.00 0.00 Fill&compact-screened topsoil GI-1 $ 37.85 CY O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gabion,12"deep,stone filled mesh GI-1 $ 54.31 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gabion,18"deep,stone filled mesh GI-1 $ 74.85 SY 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 Gabfon,36"deep,sione filled mesh GI-1 $ 132.48 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grading,fine,by fiand GI-1 $ 2.02 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grading,fine,with grader GI-1 $ 0.95 SY 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Monuments,3'long GI-1 $ 135.13 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sensilive Areas Sign GI-2 $ 2.88 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sodding,1"deep,sloped ground GI-21 $ 7.46 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OU Surveying,line&grade GI-2 $ 788.26 Day 0.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 Surveying,lot location/lines GI-2 $1,556.64 Acre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Traffic control crew(2 flaggers) GI-2 $ 85.1 S HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.00 Trail,4"chipped wood GI-2 $ 7.59 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trail,4"crushed cinder GI-2 $ 8.33 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trail,4"top course GI-2 $ 8.19 SY 0.00 O.OD U.00 0.00 Wall,retaining,concrete GI-2 44.16 SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 a ,roc ery - .4 . • Page 2 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unit pricos updated:2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Existing Future Publfc Private Bond Reductlon" Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements &Drainage Facflitfes Quant. rnt r ce n t uant. ost uan, os uant. os Complete Cost ROADIMPROVEMENT No. AC Grinding,4'wide machine�1000sy RI-1 $ 23.00 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Grinding,4'wide machine 1000-2000 RI-2 $ 5.75 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Grinding,4'wide machine>2000sy RI-3 $ 1.38 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC RemovallDisposal/Repalr RI-4 $ 41.14 SY 0.00 O.UO 0,00 0.00 Barricade,type I RI-5 $ 30.03 LF 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Barricade,type III(Permanent) RI-6 $ 45.05 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Curb&GuKer,rolled RI-7 13.27 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Curb&Gurier,��eAical RI-8 $ 9.69 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Curb and Gutter,demolitlon and disposal RI-9 $ 13.58• LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Curb,extruded asphalt RI-1 $ 2.44 LF 0.00 0.00 0,00 U.UO Curb,extruded concrete RI-11 $ 2.56 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sawcut,asphalt,3"depth RI-1 $ 1.85 LF 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 Sawout,concrete,per 1"depth RI-13 $ 1.69 LF O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sealant,asphalt RI-1 $ 0.99 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shoulder,AC, (see AC road unit price) RI-1 $ - SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shoulder,gravel,4"thick RI-16 $ 7.53 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sidewalk,4"thicl< RI-17 $ 30.52 SY 0.00 O.OU 0.00 0.00 Sidewaik,4"thick,demolition and dispos RI-18 $ 27.73 5Y 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 Sidewalk,5"thick RI-19 $ 34.94 SY 0.00 �.00 0.00 0.00 Sidewalk,5"ihick,demolftion and dispos RI-2 $ 34.65 SY U.00 o.OU 0.00 0.00 Sign,handicap RI-21 $ 85.28 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO Striping,per stall RI-2 $ 5.82 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Striping,tfiermoplastic,(for crosswalk) RI-23 $ 2.38 SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 np ng,4 re ectorize ine - 0.2 . 0.0 0. 0 0,00 Page 3 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unit prices updated:2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Daie: 1/19/2010 � Site Improvement Bond Quanfiity Worksheet Existing Future Public Private Bond Reductfon" Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements 8 Drainage Facllit(es Quant. mt nce nit uant. ost uant. ost uan. ost Complete Cost UR A "Ro = 5 urs or'93 C " - c rse For KCRS'93,(additional 2.5"base)add:RS-1 $ 3.60 SY 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 AC Overlay, 1.5"AC RS-2 $ 7.39 SY 0.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 AC Overlay,2"AC RS-3 $ 8.75 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,2",4"rocic,First 2500 SY R5-4 $ 17.24 SY 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,2",4"rock,Qty.over 2500SY RS-5 $ 13.36 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,3",4"rock,First 2500 SY RS-6 $ 19.69 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,3",4"rock,Qty.over 2500 SY RS-7 $ 15.81 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,5",First 2500 SY RS-8 $ 14.57 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,5",Qty.Over 2500 SY RS-9 $ 13.94 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,6",First 2500 SY S-1 $ 16.76 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AC Road,6",Qty.Over 2500 SY S-1 16.12 SY 0.00 O.OU 0.00 0.00 Asphalt Treated Base,4"thick S-1 $ 9.21 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gravel Road,4"rock,First 2500 SY S-1 $ 11.41 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gravel Road,4"rock,Qty.over 2500 SY 5-1 $ 7.53 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PCC Road,5",no base,over 250D SY S-1 $ 21.51 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PCC Road, 6",no base,over 2500 SY S-1 $ 21.87 SY 0.00 0.00 O.UU 0.00 c ene ge - .89 0.0 Page 4 of 7 SUBTOTA� O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unit prices updated:2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF B-I-I BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010 Site Im rovement Bond Quantit Worksheet I� p Y i Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction" ' Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements I &Drainage Facilities Quant. I� rnt nce nit uant, ost uant. ost uant. os Complete Cost �I� G E PP= PI tic Pi e N12 or E uiva e t For Culvert prices, Averege oF 4'cover was assumed.Assume peAoraled PVC is same price as solld pipe, Access Road,wD D-t $ is.74 SY o.00 0.00 625 10 462.50 0.0o O.00 Bollards-fixed D-2 $ 240.74 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bollards-removable D-3 $ 452.34 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '(CBs include frame and Ild) CB 7ype I D-4 $1,257.64 Each U.00 �j 2$$.2� 0.00 0.00 0.00 CB Type IL D-5 $1,433.59 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CB Type II,48"diameter D-6 $2,033.57 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 for additional depth over 4' D-7 $ 436.52 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CB Type II,54"diameter D-8 $2,192.54 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 for additional depth over 4' D-9 $ 486.53 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C[3 Type II,60"diameter D-10 $2,351.52 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.00 for additional depth over 4' D-11 $ 536.54 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CB Type II,72"diameter D-12 $3,212.64 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 for addilional depth over 4' D-13 $ 692.21 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Through-curb Inlet Framework(Add) D-14 $ 366.09 Eacti 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cleanout,PVC,4" 0-15 $ 130.55 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cleanout,PVC,6" D-16 $ 174.90 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cleanout,PVC,8" D-17 $ 224.19 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,PVC,4" D-18 $ 8.64 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,PVC,6" D-19 $ 12.60 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,PVC, 8" D-20 $ 13.33 LF 0.00 0.00 0.�0 0.00 Culvert,PVC,12" D-21 $ 21.77 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,8" D-22 $ 17.25 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culve�t,CMP,12" D-23 $ 26.45 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,15" D-24 $ 32.73 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,18" D-25 $ 37.74 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,24" D-26 $ 53.33 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,30" D-27 $ 71.45 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,36" D-28 $ 112.11 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Culvert,CMP,48" D-29 $ 140.83 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO Culvert,CMP,60" D-30 $ 235.45 LF O.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 u vert, -3 . L 0. 0 .0 0.00 . Page 5 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 6,288.20 0.00 10,462.50 0,00 0.00 Unit prices updated:2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xis Report Date: 1/19/2010 I Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Existing Future Public Private Bond Reductfon• Right-of-way Road improvements Improvements DRAINAGE CONTINUED &Drainage Facilities Quant. o, nit rice nit Quant. ost uant, ost uant. ost Complete Cost Culvert,Concrete,8" - . 2 0 Culvert,Concrete, 12" D-33 $ 30.05 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrele, 15" D-34 $ 37.34 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrete,18" D-35 $ 44.51 LF 0 0 0 � Culvert,Concrete,24" D-36 $ 61.07 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrete,30" D-37 $ 104.18 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrete,36" D-38 $ 137.63 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrete,42" D-39 $ 158.42 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,Concrete,48" D-40 $ 175.94 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP,6" D-41 $ 10.70 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP,8" D-42 $ 16.10 LF 0 0 3$ 6 118.00 0 0 cui�art,CPP, iz" D-43 $ 20.�o LF 152 3 146.40 0 368 7 617.60 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP, 15" D-44 $ 23.00 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP, 18" D-45 $ 27.60 lF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP,24" D-46 $ 36.80 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP,30" D-47 $ 48.30 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvert,CPP,36" D-48 $ 55.20 LF 0 0 0 0 Ditching D-49 $ 8.08 CY 0 0 0 � Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) D-50 $ 25.99 LF $ 2 �7J.2 Fre�ch Drain (3'depth) D-51 $ 22.60 LF 0 0 0 0 Geotextile,laid in trench,polypropylene D-52 $ 2.40 SY 0 0 0 0 Infiltration pond testing D-53 $ 74.75 HR 0 0 0 0 Mid-tank Access Riser,48"dia, 6'deep D-54 $1,605.40 Each 0 0 0 0 Pond Overflow Spiliway D-55 $ 14.01 SY 0 0 0 � Restrictor/Oil Separator,12" D-56 $ 1,045.19 Each 0 0 0 0 Restrictor/Ofl Separator,15" D-57 $1,095.56 Each 0 0 0 � RestrictodOil Separator,�s" D-58 $ �,�as.�s Eeon o 0 1 1 146.16 o o Riprap,placed D-59 $ 39.08 CY 0 � 10 390.80 0 0 7ank End Reducer(36"diameter) D-60 $1,000.50 Each 0 0 0 � Trash Rack,12" D-61 $ 211.97 Each 0 0 0 0 Trash Rack, 15" D-62 $ 237.27 Each 0 0 0 0 Trash Rack, 18" D-63 $ 268.89 Each 0 0 0 � ras ack, . 4 ac Page 6 ot 7 SUBTOTAL 3,146.40 0 7,617.60 0 9,734.16 0 0 Unit prices updated:2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xis Repo�t Date: 1/19/2010 Site Improvement Bond Quanfiity Worksheet ! Exisdng Future Public Private Bond Reductfon" Rlght-of-way Road Improvements Improvements , &Drainage Faciifties Quant. nrt ncc3 n t uant, nce uan. ost uant, ost Complete Cost PARKING LOT SURFACING No. 2"AC,2"top course rock 8�4"borrow PL-1 $ 15.84 SY 0 0 0 0 2"AC, 1.5" top course&2.5"base cour PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 0 0 0 0 4"select borrow PL-3 $ 4.55 SY 0 0 0 0 1.5"top course rocic&2.5"hase course PL-4 $ 11.41 SY 0 0 0 0 WRITE-IN-ITEMS (Such as detention/water quaHly vaults.) No. WI-1 Each 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-2 SY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 W I-3 CY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-4 LF D 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-5 FT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-6 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-9 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WI-10 . . . SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL(SUM ALL PAGES): 3,146.40 0.00 13,905.80 0.00 20,196.66 0.00 0.00 30%CONTINGENCY&MOBILIZATION: J43.92 0.00 4,171.74 0.00 6,059.00 0.00 0.00 GRANDTOTAL: 4,090.32 0.00 18,077.54 a.00 26,255.66 0,00 0.00 COLUMN: B C D E Page 7 of 7 Unit prices updated: 2/12/02 Version:4/22/02 REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 DECLARATION OF COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS Grantor: KBS III, LLC Grantee: City of Renton Legal Description: A portion of the east half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington. Additional Legal(s)on: Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 032305-9070 and 9234 IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton(check one of the following) ❑ residential building permit, ❑ commercial building permit, 0 clearing and grading permit, f�subdivision permit, or ❑ short subdivision permit for Application File No. LUA/SWP relating to the real property("Property")described above, the Grantor(s),the owner(s) in fee of that Property,hereby covenants(covenant)with City or Renton,a political subdivision of the state of Washington,that he/she(they)will observe,consent to, and abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 8 below with regard to the Property. Grantor(s) hereby grants(grant), covenants(covenant), and agrees(agree) as follows: 1. Grantor(s) or his/her(their)successors in interest and assigns("Owners") shall retain,uphold, and protect the stormwater management devices, features, pathways, limits, and restrictions,known as flow control best management practices("BMPs"),shown on the approved Flow Control BMP Site Plan for the Property attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 2. The Owners shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the Property's BMPs as described in the approved Design and Maintenance Details for each BMP attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. 3. City or Renton shall provide at least 30 days written notice to the Owners that entry on the Property is planned for the inspection of the BMPs. After the 30 days,the Owners shall allow the City of Renton to enter for the sole purpose of inspecting the BMPs. In lieu of inspection by the City, the '� Owners may elect to engage a licensed civil engineer registered in the state of Washington who has expertise in drainage to inspect the BMPs and provide a written report describing their condition. If the engineer option is chosen,the Owners shall provide written notice to the City of Renton within fifteen days of receiving the City's notice of inspection. Within 30 days of giving this notice,the Owners,or the engineer on behalf of the Owners, shall provide the engineer's report to the City of Renton. If the report is not provided in a timely manner as specified above,the City of Renton may inspect the BMPs without further notice. 4. If the City determines from its inspection,or from an engineer's report provided in accordance with Paragraph 3, that maintenance,repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work is required for the BMPs, The City shall notify the Owners of the specific maintenance,repair,restoration, and/or mitigation work (Work)required under RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable deadline for completing the Work or providing an engineer's report that verifies completion of the Work. After the deadline has passed, the Owners shall allow the City access to re-inspect the BMPs unless an engineer's report has been provided verifying completion of the Work. If the work is not completed properly within the time frame set by the City, the City may initiate an enforcement action. Failure to properly maintain the BMPs is a violation of RMC 4-6-030 and may subject the Owners to enforcement under the RMC 1-3, including fines and penalties. 5. Apart from performing routine landscape maintenance, the Owners are hereby required to obtain written approval from the City or Renton before performing any alterations or modifications to the BMPs. 6. Any notice or approval required to be given by one party to the other under the provisions of this Declaration of Covenant shall be effective upon personal delivery to the other party, or after three (3) days from the date that the notice or approval is mailed with delivery confirmation to the current address on record with each Party. The parties shall notify each other of any change to their addresses. 7. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to promote the efficient and effective management of surface water drainage on the Property,and it shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s),and Grantor's(s')successors in interest and assigns. 8. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the ��i Owners and the City of Renton that is recorded by King County in its real property records. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Declaration of Covenant for the Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs is executed this day of , 20 GRANTOR, owner of the Property GRANTOR, owner of the Property STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING )ss. On this day personally appeared before me: , to me known to be the individual(s)described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 20 Printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires _-� WINDSTONE DMSION V � '� ���������������///i� ; � 0 50 100 200 ;�,� ,. EXHIBIT A FLOW CONTROL BMP SITE PLAN 'i .r; ., � � �;� � i ; ,,;�: � i - ,:�• , , I � _�-;:,-� Z .>; ,,,�;.<-' �, — `" �ll n� \ a_� I d — '� 1 �� :"-' � f J� . '"' 4 :�=� n ' � ` I L � , I 3 Q ° I - - � i '' 4 ` � �;�� � � { I .,,.':• i .� 5 � I :\ . ,,,�� 9 i I "` i �,= �;=� � � � � �„_a� 6 I �J' 7 s,: � i ',f, 8 �`Q i .;; �� f� ;�� - ,�::��'� _✓:;;�' ��d ,�~ ;., ;,� I � ..; � ,,;� ci � 1 ' Jv I ^^',`i, � I`,�✓ I nl�i� � jY� � � � j�.f II I���1�'r+'J J J^ ,J+ I / � II � i EXHIBIT B NOTES� �random fil! 1. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS //�//�//��j// `//\//�/ CONSTRUCTED ON LOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION MUST 6" �������������������� fflterfabric IMPLEMENT FLOW CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) � � � � � � � �q �� AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWING N0. C7 � 6 erf i e 4 o ' p P�P ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF RENTON AND LISTED IN TABLE BELOW. 18 m�� ve�p poVo°o°o� ��I 1�/2"-3/a"washedrock a aa pooa oa aa� OT NUMBER BMP IYPE °v °�°� ° ° �� o ,v o , 04 �og°��4�0 oe ooao e oas ALL LOTS LIMITED INFILTRATION I I 1-1 1 PERFORATED PIPE I�--24"min—�I CONNECTION PER DEfAIL BELOW TRENCH X-SECTION 2. COMPLIANCE WITH THE BMP REQUIREMENT MUST BE ADDRESSES IN NTS THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT DRAINAGE REVIEW WHEN AN APPLICATION IS MADE FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE LOT. slope � 3. ALL INDIVIDUAL LOT CONNECTIONS TO THE DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE to road SYSTEM SHALL BE VIA A PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION. drainage system 4. ALL INDIVIDUAL FLOW CONTROL BMPS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED, MAINTAINED AND KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR BY EACH LOT OWNER. 2'X 30' /level trench w/perf pipe NOTE� FLOW CONTROL BMP'S FOR THIS PLAN VIEW OF ROOF SITE SHALL BE LIMITED INFILTRATION PER DEfAIL AT RIGHT. NTS FLOW CONTROL BMP NOT TO SCALE EXHIBIT B MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIMITED INFILTRATION Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (Best Management Practice) called ' "limited infiltration," which was installed to mitigate the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of some or all of the impervious surfaces on your property. Limited infiltration is a method of soaking runoff from impervious area (such as paved areas and roofs) into the ground. Infiltration devices, such as gravel filled trenches, drywells, and ground surface depressions, facilitate this process by putting runoff in direct contact with the soil and holding the runoff long enough to soak most of it into the ground. To be successful, the soil condition around the infiltration device must be able to soak water into the ground for a reasonable number of years. The infiltration devices used on your property include the following as indicated on the flow control BMP site plan: � gravel filled trenches. The size, placement, and composition of these devices as depicted by the fiow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval from the City of Renton. Infiltration devices must be inspected annually and after major storm events to identify and repair any physical defects. Maintenance and operation of the system should focus on ensuring the system's viability by preventing sediment-laden flows from entering the device. Excessive sedimentation will result in a plugged or non-functioning facility. If the infiltration device has a catch basin, sediment accumulation must be removed on a yearly basis or more frequently if necessary. Prolonged ponding around or atop a device may indicate a plugged facility. If the device becomes plugged, it must be replaced. Keeping the areas that drain to infiltration devices well swept and clean will enhance the longevity of these devices. For roofs, frequent cleaning of gutters will reduce sediment loads to these devices. 11778.021 EXHIBIT B (CONTINUED) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERFORATED PIPE CONNECTION Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (Best Management Practice) called a "perforated pipe connection," which was installed to reduce the stormwater runoff impacts of some or all of the impervious surface on your property. A perforated pipe connection is a length of drainage conveyance pipe with holes in the bottom, designed to "leak" runoff, conveyed by the pipe, into a gravel filled trench where it can be soaked into the surrounding soil. The connection is intended to provide opportunity for infiltration of any runoff that is being conveyed from an impervious surface (usually a roof) to a local drainage system such as a ditch or roadway pipe system. The size and composition of the perforated pipe connection as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval from the City of Renton. The soil overtop of the perforated portion of the system must not be compacted or covered with impervious materials. 11778.021 i � 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL �I OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL . . Proposed Windstone Division V 14626 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road a.k.a. SR-900 Renton, Washington Prepared for: KBS III, LLC 12320 N.E. 8th Street, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 July 25, 2012 Our Job No. 12365 �HAv � �►►��2 CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING � � • 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425}251-8782 FAX y , = BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA,WA ♦ CONCORD,CA ♦ TEA�IECULA,CA s` �IJU> y� www.barghausen.com <p� �� �G ENGIN 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION/GENERAL INFORMATION i 12365.028.doc 1.0 INTRODUCTION/GENERAL INFORMATION 1.0 INTRODUCTIONIGENERAL INFORMATION This project site utilizes one form of stormwater treatment, which is a stormwater wet pond located beneath the live storage in a weUdetention pond located off site at the adjoining subdivision known as Stoneridge. There is an access road serving this facility as well which will have to be maintained. Likely this wet/detention pond and access road will be maintained by the Stoneridge owners for a portion of the time and a portion of the time must be maintained by the Windstone Division V property owners. An agreement will have to be reached between the two subdivisions to come up with maintenance requirements. In addition to the wet/detention pond, there are pipe conveyance facilities serving the Windstone Division V site which drain to the pipe conveyance facilities in the Stoneridge site. The pipe conveyance facilities on the Windstone Division V site will have catch basin collection in the form of Type 1 Catch Basins. The wet pond will have to be maintained likely twice per year and the catch basins should be maintained once per year with the pipes being vactored out at that time as well, depending on the amount of sediment that collects in them. Please see the applicable Maintenance Checklist on the following pages of this report. The following are assumptions, estimates, and recommendations for funds to set aside for annual maintenance costs and future replacement costs for the drainage facilities that are the responsibility of the City of Renton. The sinking fund estimate is an approximation of the annual funding needed over the next 20 years to keep the drainage system fully functional. The fund reserve amount was computed with consideration for probable inflation over the life of materials, structures, and facilities and includes a summary of the amount of money to be set aside annually for the fund. Please note that the sinking fund calculations are only an estimate using approximated values. Assumptions: ltem 1: The drainage facilities are constructed properly pursuant to the approved plans and details. ltem 2: Inspection and minor maintenance (e.g., debris remo�al) performed by the City. Item 3: Catch basins will be cleaned out by hired vactor trucks once per year. Item 4: Catch basins and pipes should last for at least 20 years with assumed replacement of 20 percent of the drainage system over the next 20 years. Routine Operation and Maintenance— Estimate Costs: The operation cost of the surface runoff facilities is essentially zero if there are no electrical pumps or other pipes serving the drainage system. Routine maintenance tasks and expenses are detailed in the Maintenance Checklist on the following pages of this report. Catch Basins: Clear grates, remove vegetation, repair cracks at approximate annual cost of$20 per catch basin, � plus vactoring out sediment once per year at approximately $80 per catch basin. 12365.028 Total Estimated Approximate Cost: Five {5) catch basins at$100 = S500 per year. Storm System Pipes (Approximately 520 Lineal Feet Total): Manually clear pipe ends of sediment/debris, remove vegetation, repair/grout damaged pipe. Total Estimated Approximate Cost: 520 lineal feet at $0.50 per lineal foot = $215. Wet Pond: Yearly maintenance cost for a wet pond is $2,000 per visit with two visits per year. Total Estimated Cost: $2,000 per visit time 2 visits = $4,000 per year. i 12365.028.doc � � J � C.� W _ C.� W C� Z Q Z W H Z a � Z Q J � W F- � -- APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1.5 feel. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhote Structure securely attached to wall wali and outlet pipe structure should support at and oudet pipe. least 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position(allow up to Structure in correct position. 10°k from plumb). � Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are water �', show signs of rust. tight;structure repaired or replaced ' and works as designed. i Any holes�ther than designed holes—in the Structure has no holes other than I structure. designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily and maintenance person. is watertight. Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50°/a of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing ConVol device is not working properiy due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions My trash,debris,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions and blocking the plate. works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions and potential of blocking)the overflow pipe. works as designed. Manhole See"Detention Tanks See"Detention Tanks and Vaults"7able No.3 See'Detention Tanks and Vaults" and Vaults" Table No. 3 2005 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A U24/2005 q-i - APPENDIX A MAINTETrTANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASlNS Matntenance Defect or Probiem CondfUons When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed General Trash 8 Debris Trash or debris of more than%:cubic foot which No Trash or debris located (Includes Sediment) is located immediately in(ront of the catch basin immediately in front of catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by opening. more than 10%. Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds�/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the basin. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or more than�/a of its height. debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 3 cubic foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Corner of frame extends more than'/,inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top curb face inlo the street(If applicable). Slab Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Top siab is free of holes and cracks. or cracks wider than Y.inch(intent is to make sure all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separa8on oi more than'/,inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in Basin Cracks wider than Yz inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to design WaIIs/Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch standards. basin through cracks,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than Y:inch and longer than 1 foot No crack$more than'/a inch wide at at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any the jant of inleVoutlet pipe. evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. SettlemenU Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to design Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,oil No flammable chemicals present. and gasoline. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more No vegetaUon blocking opening to than 10%of the basin opening. basin. Vegetation growing in inleUoutlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth is more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than%:cubic No pollution present other than foot per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any Catch basin cover is closed open catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less than Yx inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. seaiing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and misalignment,rust,cracks,or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual-Appcndix A A-6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES I NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Mafntenance is pertormed Metal Grates Unsafe Grate Grate with opening wider than�/B inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) Opening standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is bfocking more than 20% Grate free oi trash and debris. of grate surface. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. NO.6-DEBRiS BARRIERS (E.G., TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When Component Maintenance is Pertormed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% Barrier clear to receive capacity of the openings in the barrier. flow. Metat DamagedlMissing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than'/,inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% Repair or replace barrier to design deterioration io any part of barrier. standards. NO.7-ENERGY DISSIPATERS Malntenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. Externai: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards. Rock area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil. Oispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20°/a of the Pipe cleaned/ilushed so that it Sediment design depth. matches design. Not Discharging Visual evidence of water discharging at Trench must be redesigned or Water Properly concentrated points along trench(normal rebuilt to standards. condition is a"sheet ilow"ot water along Vench). Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Perforations Plugged. Over%:of pertorations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace perforated pipe. debris and sediment. Water Flows Out Top Maintenance person observes water flowing out Facility must be rebuilt or oi"Distributor"Catch during any storm less than the design storm or redesigned to standards. Basin. its causing or appears likely to cause damage. Receiving Area Over- Water in receiving area is causing or has No danger of landslides. Saturated potential of causing landslide problems. Internal: Manhole/Chamber Worn or Damaged Structure dissipating ilow deteriorates to'/:or Replace structure to design Post.Baffles,Side of original size or any concentrated worn spot standards. Chamber exceeding one square foot which would make s(ructure unsound. � 2005 Surfacc Watcr Design Manual-Appendix A U24/2005 A-7 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREA4ENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES N�. 10-CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Defect or Problem Canditions When Maintenance fs Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Pertormed Pipes Sediment 8�Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of ihe Pipe cleaned oT all sediment and diameter of the pipe. debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movemenl of water All vegetation removed so water li through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50%deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area Pipe repaired or replaced. of pipe by more than 20%. Open Ditches Trash&Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of ail design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Detention Ponds"Table No. 1 See"Detention Ponds"Table No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design standards. Place or Missing(If the rock lining. Applicable). N0. 11 -GROUNDS (LANDSCAPiNG) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20°/a of the Weeds present in less than 5%of (Nonpoisonous,not landscaped area(trees and shrubs only). the landscaped area. noxious) Safety Hazard Any presence oi poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation present in vegetation. landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,bottles,totaling more than 1 cubic Area ciear of litter. foot within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs thal are spiit or Trees and shrubs with less than 5°/a broken which affect more than 25%of the total of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of injury. knocked over. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;remove any of the roots. dead or diseased trees. 2005 Surface ��'ater Desi��Manual-Appendix A ]/24/2005 A-I APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES N0. 12-ACCESS ROADS Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which could square feet(i.e.,trash and debris would fill up damage tires. one standards size garbage can). Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway free of debris which couid or metal), damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces Gearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet road surface to less than 14 feet. high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10-to Obstruction removed to allow at 12-foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12-foot access. or any point restricting access to less than a 10- I foot width. �, Road Surface Settlement,Potholes, When any surFace defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth with Mush Spots, Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area. In general,any no evidence of settlement,potholes, surface defect which hinders or prevents mush spots,or ruks. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface fhat are more Road surface free of weeds taller Surface than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches tall and tha�2 inches. less than 6 inches apart within a 400-square foot area. Modular Grid Build-up of sediment mildly contaminated with Removal of sediment and disposal Pavement petroleum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildly contaminated soils or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder iree of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in hinder maintenance access. height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface\�✓ater Design Manual- Arpcndix A A-i0