HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1660 `` -� _ � ` ,.�"�`r��- � . � . m .-, � _. � RFSOLUTION N0� �ro lo a A RBSOLiTTION OF THE CITY OF R�NTON, GJASHII�TON� DECIARI1t�G IZS INZENTIOIV TO CONSTR�T AND I1�3S�1LL SANITARY SEWER LINES AND APPUR7E1�1VCES THSRETO IN THE VICIATITY OF THE NORTFi RENTON INTERCHANGE AND F.A.I HIGHWAY N0. 405 , AND TO CREATE A LOCAL Il�lPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO ASSESS THE C06T A1Vfl EXPENSE 0� SAID Il�ROVII�11''sNT AGAINST 7'HE PROP$RTITS IN SUCH DISTRICT SPFsCIALLY BENEFITED TAERBBY; NOTIFYING ALL PERSONS WHO MAY DESIRE TO OBJECT TO SAID Il�IPROVEMENT TO APPEAR AND PRESBNT THEIR C�JECTIOPtS AT A ME�STING QF' ZHE CITY COUI�IL 'TO BE HELD ON �`�� , �ti February 9, 1970 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TE�3 CIZY OF RENTON, tJASH- INGTON, AS FOLL(7G?S: SBCTION I: Thet ft is tt� intention of the City Council of the City of Rentan, Washington, to construct and inatall the folZawing sanitary sewers , includin� trunk lines . acceasories and appurtensnces thereto, in the fol2owing deacribed area of the City, to-wit: 1. (s) Description af Local Improvement Diatriet No. 267 See Exhibit '?A" Attached This Resolution is in support of that certain petition for the creation of a Local Improvement District filed with the City C1erk on A�ril 25 , 1969. (b) Improvementss A pprox. Pipe S iae ON From To See Exhibit "B"attached � The re aha 11 be incl uded in the f ore go ing the a equ is it ioa and ins ta 11 a t ion of pipes, manholes , all necessary va��, fittings, couplings� connections, equipn�ent end appurtenances, and the acquisition af any easements, rights-of-way and land that m�y be required; anc] tttere shall further be included the performance of such work as may be incideatal and necessary to the foregoing conatruction and insta�lation. The Qity Council msy, in its discretion, modify and emend the detaiis of the foregoing described 3,mprovement, including the financitng t�ereof, where ia ita judgment it appears advissble, provided such mo8if icatiot►s an8 amendments do not substantially , - 1 - r , ..�..rs � �ir . ' �. . . ` RESOLUTION N0. �� L �J A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'IY QF RENTON, t^IASHINGTON� DECIARIA'G ITS INZENTION TO CONSTRUCT AND I1�.STALL SA?dITARY SE4,zER LINES AND APPUR7ENANCES THERETO IN TNE VICINITY OF T�E !ZORTFi RE�d10iV INTERC�IA"dGF, AND F.A.I hIGH�1AY N0. 405 , AND TO CREATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMCNT DISTRICT TO ASS�SS THE C06T �ND EXPENSE OF SAID IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTIBS ' IN SUCH DISTRICT SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY; NOTIFYIllG ALL PERSONS T�aHO MAY DESIRE TO OBJLCT TO SATD IMPROV�MENT TO APPE.�R AND PRESfiNT THEIR OBJECTIOPIS �!T A MEETING � THE ' CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON °�'°'" � February 9, 1970 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CIZY COUNCIL �F THE CITY OF R�NTOR', tJASH- IllGTON, AS FOLL�G?S: SECTION I: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Ren�cn, Washington, to construct and install the following sanitary sewers , includinu trunk lines • accessories and appurtenances thereto, in the following described area of the City, to-wit: 1. (a) Description of Local Improvement District No. 267 I "e:� "'_1'�i?��it ��,�., .,-�`-.: .. ,�_'-- � , ,;� -, � ,-t� ,,f� ;,� � ;i�� ;:��i.tion .for the r,�is l.�so�ution i� i.r -,�,; l c � t �� c�.�r-t - creation of a Loc�;l I� cro�r ..�.zt ��is�rict j il�.? �aitn t"e City Clerk on <��,.ri� �.5 , 7_�F: . (b) Improvements: Approx. Pipe Size ON From To �� .,.. 1��7. _ '.. � . � , `::' � There sha 11 be incl uded in the f ore going the a cqu is it ion and ins ta 11 a t ion of ;�ipes, manizoles , all necessary vx$�s, fittings, couplings� connectiona, equipment end eppurtenances, and the acQuisition of any easements, righfis-of-w&y and land that mey De required; and rhere shall further be included the performence of such work as may be incidental and I necessary to the foregoing construction and installation. I The City Council may, in its discretion, modify and amend the deteils of the foregoing described improvement, including the financing thereof, wtnere �in its judgment it agpears advisable, provided such modificatiot►s and amendments do not substantially - 1 - � _ - - � . . . � . . ♦�. r � • . • I Resolution 1660 pg. 2 I alter the general plan of said improvement project. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans and specificationa therefor to be prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Renton. SECTION II: The entire cost and expense of ssid improvement, unless hereafter timely modi€.ied or amended by the City Council� shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benef ited by such improvement to be included in the local improv+ement district to be establiahed, embracing as near as may be all property speciall•,� benef ited by such improvement. There shall be included in the cost and expense of sa id improvements al). cost items specified in RGW 35.44.020. SECTIflN III: That all persona who may desire to object to the improvement herzin described ere hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Renton, t�lash- ington, at 8:00 P.ri. on February 9, -1970 � which time and place are hereby f ixed f or hearing all matters relating to s�id proppsed improvement 8nd all objectfoas thereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. The City Clerk shall give notice of said hearing and said propoaed improvement as required by law. SECTION IV: Jack [�Iilson, City Engineer, or his duly euthorized representative, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council. on or before the af oresa id hearing date, all data and information required by law to be submitted. PASS�D BY THE CITY COUrTCIL this ��h ���;�6�. l� 7 � `��� Helmie IVelson� City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this �.�Z�l� ��� � ��� Iy�� �V �7r�e-r' N C� 9rrP�T . ' Msyor Approved a s to f orm: �G� ���� Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Publication dates: 1 st Net ice: ✓���� �� �v 2nd Notice: J��-�� �/ �v _ 2 _ r - .% . . � I E7(!#It3IT "A`� Resolution No . 1660 � LECr�L ��E�CRIPTIQP� Ff;�? L.I �Ce ��'�7 Ai1 those portiar�s of tt�e Sout� o�t-��a1f of a�cLiort �, Towr�snfp �'� Piar��� , R�nge 5 East k�.M. and of tne Ftortheast one-quarter of S�ction 8, Towr�shlp 2� i�orth, Ran�e 5 East, �.M. lying wi�in the P1ats of Cr�sto V3ew Addit9on acc�r��-- 1 ng to th� P1 at record�d 4 n Vol ume 6�4 of P1 ats, page 7Q, r�cords a�' Ki r1g Coun��., s�ashipc�ton; C.D. ►�ill��an's Lake �ashin�ten Garden af Ed�n Divlsian ��, accord- 1ng to the Plat r�corcl�cf ir� Vo]urr� 1i of P1ats, Pa9e €3�, recnrcis o�' King Count;+, '�>Jashington; G. D. tii3lr�an's Lake s�ash9r�gton �arden af Eden Divlsian �5. accor��- ing to the Plat recorded in volume 11 of Plats, page 83, records of King Caunty, '�iashington; �iarries Garden tiome Tracts accorQing to the Plat recorded in Votu�e 34 of Plats, page 38, records of King Countys �d5�1�!'iQ�CNiy Read's Cr�st Viewr Addition, according to �the Plat recorded in �olume 5� of Plats, P�� 67, recorc�s of K#ng Caunty, Was�inc�tnn; and ��w Renton Nor� S1 te� accarding to ti�e P1 At r�corde� in Voiur;�e 17, �.���� 6, records of Kirru �ou��.y, !��shir�gtc�n; �escri5�c� as fo]lows: u��inr�ir�g at tiie int�rsectic�n of tF�� East�rly r:arc�i�� �f F�;d�ral A�d Int�r- stat� lii�hw�y �4�i5 w�it� th� Nort�rerly l �n� c�f th� North 96 2/3 feet �f th� 5out`� 1�3 1/3 feet of 7ract �326, C. 0. Hfllr�an's Lake Glashington Garden of Eden Division #5; thence Easterly along said Northerly 1 ine to a point ]b2 feet '�tester- ly of th� Easterly line af said Tract, thence Southerly, alt�ng a lin� drawn 1G2 feet �esterly of and paraliel c�ltti the East�rly 11ne of said Tract, a d9stance af 1� feet; thence East�rly. along a 19ne drawn 12 f�et Southerly of and psrallel w9th th� �lartherly 11n� of said Tract #326, a distanc� of 162 feet �o the Easter� iy iine of Tract #326, and the :�t�st�rly margin of Jon�s Avenu� �.E. ; thence continuing Easterly along th� East.erly production of said line a distance of �� feet to a point on the East margin of Jones Avenu� N.E. ; and the West line of Tract �Z93 of C.D. Hillman's I.ake �ashinc�tQn Garden of �den Division #4; thenc� Soutt�eriy a�long the East�riy marg�n of Janes Avenue �.�. to a point i20 feet ?dorth of th� Southw�est eorner af said Zract #293; tnence �asterly alcang e 19ne drawn 12c� feet tVortherly of and paraliel with the Soutnerly line of �aid Tract �293 a distanc� of 155 fe�t; thence Southerly along a 11r�� drawn ]55 feet East�r- ly of and parallel with the �est�rly line of said Tract �293 a distance of 120 €�et to the Sauth ]ine of said Tract #293 and t.he +�ort�eriy margin of PZortheast 20th Str�et; thence cantinuin� 5out.��rly aiang the 5auth�rly prroductian of saic3 line a dfs��nc� of 67 feet to the Southeriy margin of tiQrth�a�t 2C�th Street; thence �lesterly alon� the Southerly margin of �dortheast 2nth Street and the �iort¢� line af Tract #292, C. D. tfillman`s lake �ashincton Garden af Ec�n Division �#4, a dlstance of 35 feet, mone or 1ess, to a pvint on the ��orth �tne of said Tract #292 that ts 120 f��t East o� the �tcrth�.��st corner of said Tract �292; thence �otrth+erl�r along a line drawn paralle1 wit� an� 120 f�et East of th� �lest margin af Tract �2�32 a distance of 57y feet, more or� isss, ta the Sotrth�rly line o�F said Tract #292 and the t�orth lin� of Tract �291 , of said subdivision; thenc� East along the North line of said Tract �2�1 and the #�orth line of 3ract �236 of sa�d sabdivision a d�stance Qf 390 feet, mor� ar 1ess, to the Northeast �corner of said Tract �28b; thenc� Sout�i�rly aiong th� East �ine of said Tract ��86 a distar�ce of 377 feet, �ore or 1ess, to a point 200 feet PJartherty of the South Iin� of sald Tract #2$6; thence East alor�g a lin� drawn 20fl feet �ortherly af and parallel with the South line of Tracts �27� and #265, sa�� South tine algo being the lVorth margin of Ptortheast l�th Street, a disLance of 324 feat, more or less, to a polnt i78 feet 1�esterly uf the Easter1y margin of sai�i Tract �2�5; th�nc� Southerly ala�g a 19n� cirawn 178 fe�� '�testerly and para11�1 w9th the E�st ifne of Tra�t #265 � distance of 2�!? f�et to a nofnt on r- . � � �. Exhibit "A" Resolution No. 1660 th� i�arLfi� [�r�aar�in ca� �torth �aarg9n ot Nort�►�as� 1Ctf� S�r�et; ���er��e ����er��y �2on� �#�� I�c►r��rl,� r��rgin of �i�rtl�east 16#.h Str�ct a distan�e of �8 fe�� �� a poir►t 15U feet �sst o�` th� So�th��st ec�rnar af �'rac� �265� th�ne� ;���rti��rly along a iine draa�n 15d1 feet 6t��t 4�' an� para]i�1 w��th th� E�st 1 ine of sa�d Trac� �265 a ci9startc� of 2�)a feet� �tren� Easterly alast� a 1�n� ��Q ���t P��rth t�f and p�rali�� wit� th� �tc�rtt� ���rgf� af i�lor��ast l6th 5tre�� � rl9�tance �f 50 fe�t; to a polnt 1�0 ���t �e�t �f �he E�:st line c�f saici Tract �265; ti��r��e �outh�rly on � 11ne l�fl f��t �es'� t�f and parali�� v�i�h sa��, �a�t 71ne v�F Tract �2Ga a df��ar�c� a� 3� f�et, M�ar� or 3�s�, Co a p�in� 17i� ���t �dort9� af th� tV�rth ��r�ir� ��' At4r�h���t 16th Street; th�nee �a�fi�riy �l�r►�a a 1�n� i�0 fee� r�or��rly of �nd p�ra11�� w9 ti�t �a9d t�orth margin � distance r�� l7a fe��, m�r� or 1e�s, te� the �le�t r�r��n of' �ic�nt,�rey Gourt �orth�ast> thenc� �outh�rly �3ong said 4��st mar�ln a distan� of 17t1 f�et, mot�e or i�ss, to t�r� `,t�rfi� rr��rg3n of Nr�r�he�s�C 16th 5tr�eet; th��tc� �asterly alang th� �t�rth �narc�in +�f Pdt�rth�.��t 16th 5tr�et a dist�r,� of �� �eet, r�orr� �r less, to a pofnt 8t�r� �f�et �est �f the �3�sterly marg#n �f Ab�rci�en Av�n�sa iVorth�ast, thenc� S�uth�r1y along a 1 in� �lrawn 8�.3 �'eet �est ta�P anc� paral ie1 wi� the �i�st �argin af �iherdeen Jkv�nue t��artheas'� a di�tance of 15fl fieet to �e pt��n� �0 feeL SQut�erly t��f the �o�th mar�in of �vrtheas� I6t� �treet, th�nc� '��e�fi,�rly alon� a l�r�e drawn 9C� �Feet �c�utherly p�' and paraliel with the So�th rn�rr�in of �or���ast 16t� Str���c a dlstar�c� �f �i2 �'eet; th�n�� S�uther1y alang a i�n� drawn 9(� feet E��teriy c�f ac�d p�ra11e1 w3�� the ��st line o�` T�ac� �24�, C. t}» Flfllm�n's L�tte �3as���n;- t�n G�rden �f �c�n �ivis9�n �4, a dls�ance t�f 1� f��t; thence �'est�riy alan� a Iine drawn 1�?0 f��t S�uth�rly Qf and p�ra�}�1 with t#�e So��h�r1y mar��r� cr�' i��rth8ast 16th �tr�e�t a d#star�e� a�f � f��t to a �oint i� f�et Easterly of �h� �ies�er�y r�argi» o�' sald Tr,�c� #24�; �h�nc� S�uth�rly along a iine i0 fe�t East o�F ar�d �arallel c�i t�h the s��st 1 in� �af Tract �2��, C. �. ��il im�n's L.ake t�ashin�-- ton G�rd�n af �d�n Division �4, a distanc� af �#i °�e�t, m�r� c�r 7essy to � p�i��: i3�.2� �'e�� Sautt��rly r�F tha �outh r�argin o�" Plorth�ast 16th Str��t; thencc ��1est�rl,y along a line drawn 1,�6.29 F��t South�rly c�f and para�l�1 with t��e �ouLher�y r�ar��n �f lV�rtt�ast l�th Str��t a dis�a�e� c�� 10 �e�t t�a a point �� tne �asterly lin� c�f Tract ��66, tha� is I�Q feet t�ort4��rly af th� P#ortheas�. c�r^n�r c��' �lack 2, ��ad`s Cr�st Vi�w Acldlt�on; thenc� J�ut�er]y aiQn� the �as�t�r-� ly lin� of said Tract ���� and aiar�g th� Eas�erly 11n� of �3lcack �, said Cr��t Vie�r J�ddi�tia�, a distartce o�f 4�p �est to the �auth�ast c4rner o� safci g]c�ck 2 and �e i�ortt� 1i�� of Tract �24�, C. �. Nillr�an's Lak� �3as�in�ton Gard�n af �:den,Divi�it�n ��; th�nc.� continuing Souf.�erly �ltins� tt�e ��sterly mar�in vf said Tr�ct ��4�3 � dis��nc� �9� fe�t, r�re or ]�ss, tg � point i6€f feet �ar�th�rly of the Sc�utherly a�ar�in of said 7ract ��4�3 anc� the Northerly margin af tdortheast 12th Street; th�nc� �asterly aiaz�g a l�n�e c�ra�vn 1�t3 feet FJortherly of an� �a�a13�1 w�� the North�rly rr��rgfn �f said i�t�rtheast 12th St�et a di�tance 115 f��t; th�r�c� South�rly alor�g a 11ne drawn ll�i f��t Easteriy nf and p�rallel �vith �h� ����ter]y lir�e af saici Tract �24� a c#i�tanc� of i6� feet to th� �or���r1y r3��rgin af Nar�Ghe��t 12th 5�r��t; th�nc+� continufng S+�utherl� alonq �af� 1 in� a c��sta�nc� c�f fi0 fe�t t� ti�ae S+�utherly �r�ir► af sald i�orth��st 12tl� S�reet and t��e ��artt��rl�r t 3n� af 7ract 26, H�rries Garden N�me Tracts m thenc� �lesterly al�ng the Sc�utherly margin of �l�rtheast 1:?th Str��� and th+� Nort.� iine of �'ract 26, �fa�^ri�s �ard�r� i�o�e Tracts, a d�istance af �U fe�t, mc�t� c�r i�ss, to a point 15� ��et �?est+�rly c�f �h� East�rly lin� a� sa�3� Sract 26; ther�c� Sou�therly �1r�ng a lfr� dra�n 15fl f��t l��st�rly of and parall�l with t�e Eas�rly ]ine of' 3"r�acts 2� & 25 and th� 1��s��rty r�ar��n uf A:��rde�n �ver�u� �ort��ast, a distanc� �f 22Z F9� f�e�t, mor� �r ie��� to th� Sc�uther�y l�ne of said 7r�ct Z�; �f��n�e Mes�erly �1�n� �i1E! �OUt�1�1"�y �'�fi� Of �i9"�d �1"2�C'� +�� d €�'!5'��t1GE' t3'� ��� '�@�'t, t�i001"Q C�1" 1E'SS , '�4 �itE,.' `,��s�eriy l�ne af s�9r� Ta��ct 2:� ��;, th� �a�t�r�;� lir�� of the Plat �f �ae�t�c� ��e�Pr r �' , , • r 3. Exhibit A Resolution No. 1660 R�nton Ho� S9tes, th�nc� �orther�ly �long the �as�riy mar�in of saie! 'd�catet; E'�ew �nton i�o� 51tes a distanc� of 1t30 fee�, r�or� or l�ss, to a pc�int idU feet South�rly of fihe So�therly marc�9n of Northeast 12th �tr�et, t.�ence W�ster�� aiong a line drawn 12� feet Southerly of and paraliel with th� Socttherly margir� �f Northaast 12tit Stre�t a dlst�nce of 200 fest, �re or iess, to the i�esterly l�ti�! Of VBG�LSd �i@W l�nton Home Sit.�s and th� Easterly iine o� Tract 27. Narries �ard�n Na+r� Tra�cts; th+�nca t�orth�rly alang the Ea�teriy 7ine of said Tr�ct 27 d d#stae�c�: of 1�0 fee� to the Sout�erly r�argin of r�artheast 12� 5tr�ct; t��nct !�est�rly along said Southerly margin a distanc� of 27 i�eet; th�nce Southerly along a line drawn 27 feet 4��stsr1y of and p�rallet with the East�rly 11ne of said Tract 27 a distance of 14U fe�t; thenc� 4d�sterly along a iin� �rawn 1�Q f�et Sautherl�r t�f and parall�l with the South�rly iine of North�ast 12th Street a �istance af �fl0 f���C tt� a point 227 �feet �e�terly o� th� Easterly line of said Tract 27, Harries Carden Hur� S�t�, thence N�rthtrly, �Z7 fget �l�st�r]y t�f �n�a parailel w�th the £asterly 1ine of Tract 2�, Harries Gard�n tiome Tr�cts, a distanc� ef 100 feet to the 5autherly margin of Plortheast l2th Str��t; thence :�lesterly aiong tMe Southerly marc�in af said t�ortheast 12�h �treet a distance of 3t10 f�et, rnor� or less, to the Northerly proc�uctiorr of th� Westerty �ine of said Traet 27; thence Narth�rly aionq said North�riy �roducti�n a distance of �p f��t, r�r8 or less; to Lhe cent�ri 9ne of North�ast 12th 5treet and the Southerly ]ine flf Sectian 5, Tpwnship 23 Nortt►, Ran�e 5 �ast, �I.M. ; ti��nce Westerly alon� tt►e Southerty line of sald Sectlon and the centerline of Northeast 12th Stre�t, a ciistanc�: of 240 f�efi, �r� or l�ss, to its lntersection with the �asterly marc�i� c�f F�d�ral A�d Interstate Fiic►hway P6o. 4Q�; th�nce Plortherly alon� t�e East�rly �arc,+in of Fec�ral Aid Ir►terst�te Highway 4�0. 4�5 a distan�e vf 26fr0 f�et, r�are or less, to its int�rsection wtth the SVortfierly lin� of tt�e North 9� 2/3 feet of the �auth 193 1/3 feet of Tract 326, C. a. ��ill�nan's Lake '�lashin�,�tar, �ar�en o� Ecien #5, the true point of beginni�;�. ay .�� � EXEIIfIT "8"� Resolution No. 1660 st z€ �r F�a� �ro d2" C.I. Eas��nt orrer portitm Existing �.N. in �vrt.� i��t�rsectit�rt af t�rth E�st 12th of vacated new Renton Re�ton Int�r-ct�ange Str�et � Jo�es Aven� �tartheast. iEar�e Si tes �" C.I. �urLheast 12t.h ��reet in#,ersectian af �iartheast 2a� f��t �ast of Janes �tvenu� 12th 5tr�et & Jones Av�e.�i.E. :�iort�east a" C.I . " 2�� fe�t E�st of Jane� Ave. 5l� feet �ast of JonEs Avenr� ;�ort�eas t �or�heast �a C.I. aones Are. NorthAast 15� feet �rt,� af �c�rth- 5{30 feet �iorth af �ar�tt�cast 12th St. Q2lS� ����3 S���� u" Conc. Eases�ent over portio�s 1� fe�t ��ort� of St�uth 1 ine f�' �arth of tt�e Sostt� 1 ine of �f Tracts 3�7 to �22, said Tr�ct 31? �aid Tract 322. C.�.�ill�an's Lake :iashi�gton G�rd�n of Eden Oiv�sior� !a �" Conce �ase�ent av�r �ortion }��st line Tract 3l7 Jones �venue �ortheast Tract 3a7, C,D. t�ili�an's . Lake Washingtc�t �ar�en of Eden afvis�a� � �" C,�ac. Jones Aver►u� �iort��st 54� feEt T�torth vf l�ortheast 11Q feeL �orth a€ Ai�rtheast 12th Stt�eet 20th Stt�eet 35' Ccmc .�ir�rtheast 16th Street Jones Aver��ae t�orthe�st i�lont�rey C�urt �tort�east r Z, y �Exh�.3�it '�B" Resolution No. 1660 S I ZE (�t �R�#� i'0 c � Conc. E�se��ent along East tine of ��ortheast 1'2�� Stree* ��U feet Siorth of J�ortheast Tract 2�3.9, C.�. Hill�an`s 12th Str�et ' Lake �ashingto� Garden of Eden qivision !�4 �'� conc. �ase�nt over portior+ �t)i) feet Hortt� af �oa��heast Center-line of said Tract 288 TracL 288, C.�. ttill�an's 12th Street ' Lake 1�ashington �arden of Eden Di ri si on �4� 8' conc. E�se�ent on center-line af " �ort�tieast 14th Str�et Tract 2�8, C.Q. Hiilman's Lake �ashingtcm Gar�n of Ec�n �iviston �44 8" Gonc. i;ennerri ck ave. �i.E. :ao r�heas t 14 th S tree t �4D fee t Sou th of t�ortheas t 16 th Street 8" conc. linco]n Avenue N.E. '� 80 feet Sou�h of fiorth�ast i6th St. 8" ccxsc. �4onterey Avenue �i.E. � 14� feet Sauth of t�artheast 16th St. 8" conc. �ortheast 12th Street 5�fl feet East of Jones 150 fc�t �est of Rbe�en Avenue Hvenue �ortt�east �ortheast. 8" Conc Qasec�nt ave� Fast i0 feet ��artheast 12th Street ]2�J fcet South of €�ortheast 12th St. of vacated �lew Renton Hc�aes , S�tes 8� Canc. Ease�nt orer �orth 1Q feet �:�est ]�ne said 7racL 25 8t3 feet East af �est line said Tract 3 � of Tract 25, Harries Garden F5. Fior�e Tracts . 3. Fxt•.ib�t "B" Resolution No . 1660 r . SIZE OH FRi�P3 i'0 � �" Con�. Jortes Avenue t�ortheast ^soa�heast �2t� �tr�:�t 15� feet �orth of Pdortheast � 12tt� Street r 6" Conc. Easeeaent aver Nort,t�► 14 Jones kvenue ti.E. 130 feet East of Janes Avenue f�et of Tract �289 C.D� t�flrtheast itfl3man's Lake �tashington Gar�n of Eden piristo� �� .,.,� 6" Conc. �ase�nt over portia� of Jones Aven� �t.E. 130 feet East of Jor�es Avenue the South lU feet of t�e t�artheast ,tiorth 171 feet o�f Tract 2��, C.D. Hititaan's Lake :�ashinqton �arden of Eden �ivisit� #4 6" C�ne= Sauth '!0 #eet �t# lt�r�h ane- Center-line af said �ast 't9ne saic! Tract 2� half Tract �86; �.�. �ili�nan's Tract 286 Lake ldashi��ton �arden of Eder� i�ivisian �4 .