HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1667 . - . • . . .
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� RESOLUTION N0. �(,•.� � �
� A RESOLU7ION authorising appliution for fede�-ai fina�cia2 asslstance in cone�ection
�� with acqulsltion by th� Citr of R�ton o! certain lands (Lake Washington seach Pa�k
Addition) as opu� space for ��rwtional and acenic uses.
� 1�ERfJ1S, Titia VII of tha Mousing Nct of 1961, ss artiended, provides for tha m�kiag
of grants br ths Secr�tary of tbe Dep�rLaisnt of Housing a�d Urbae+ Dev�lop�eet to
Statss ae�d local prblic bodies to asslst in the acquisition of perwiAoat 1nte�asts
� 1n. land tor opsa-spic� us�s, wh�rs such assistaace is e�eeied fo� carrring out a uni-
fied or ofticlallr 000rdiaatad prog�am for the provision and development of open-
spac• land as part of tho compr�he�sivety plan�ed dev�lopa�nt of the urba� ar�af and
MiEREJ1S, the City of R�ntoe� desirss to acqui�a fee ti,tle to certain lands knoM+ as
HLaks Mashington Bwch �ark Addi tioM� which 1 aAd i s to be hel d ae�d used for pe��nent
open-sp�u 1a�d to� r�crwtto�al and scer�ic usesf and
MiERE/1S, Titl• VI of th� Civi1 Rights Act ot 1964 and tha regutations of tha Depa�t-
�t ot Ho�slny and tkbaA Davelopa�t effectwting that Titte, p�ovide that n� per-
soa sl�all b� diu�t�i�atad sgainst bacause o1' raca, color, or natiaul origin i� the
use of th� land acquir�dj and
MIEREAS, it is ��ge�iz�d that ths co�tract for federal gra�t will iaipos� certain
obllgatlMs �nd rssp�slb{1 i tlss upoe� the Ct ty and wi 11 requi re anwng other thtngs
(1) co�pii� wtth F�dsrat labor standards, (2) coaiptiance wtth Federai requir�wents
�elatin� to �qua1 �wptorwent oppo�t��ityf ae�d
IAlEREAS, it ts estiw�tad that the oost of uquiring said inte�ests wili be $1,055,�•,
� That aa appllcatioa b� �d� to tt�e Dapartweat of Housing and Urban Da�vetopasnt for
a gr�nt i� an a�a+nt wthorisad br T�tle VII of the Housing Act of 1961, as a�sd,
which aiw�t is p��s�ntir estiaNted to be 5527,5�• a�d that the Appltunt wi11 pay
tha balaucs of th• cost fra� other fuwds av�ilable to it, a�d that the Msyor o! the
Cit� of Rsnto� is h�r�br �uthori=ed snd directed to execute and to file such app11-
ution vrith ths D�pa�L�sot of Monsing and Urba� Development, to provlds additio�at
intorMtio� aad to f�raish wch docur�nts as mar be requtred by said Department, to
ex�cutt su�h contr+K�s as are �equired by said Ospartment, and to act as ths �uthor-
is�d corrsspo�dent of tba Applicant=
� BE IT FUR7HER RESOLYED that the proposed acquisition and dsvelopn�er�t is in accordance
with plans for th� altxation of land for open-space uses, and that, shouid sald
gra�t be aada, the Applicant w111 acquire and retain said land for ths us� desfgn�ted
1n said applicatton and approved br tha Department of Housing a�d Urban Dev�top��tj
• BE IT FUR'M ER RE80LVE0 that th� United States of Mierica and th e Sacretary of Nousing
and Uirban Dwelopaient b�, and they hereby a�e, assured of ful t compl iance by tha Appi i-
cant with rtgulatio�s of the Oepartment of Hou:ing and Urban Devetopment eff�ctuating
Titte VI of t!w Civil Rights Act of 1964j
PASSEQ the Ci ty Counci 1 the �' � day of ��-��'z-�-<<��� �-� , 191�, and si grwd by the
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Mayor and C1 ty Cisrk thi s J � day of -t�-�-�L��...�c . 1970•
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t�qor Avery GaFrett
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Attest s —'�%�, ,>r�-�:�� ����-� '
City Clerk Helmie Nalson