HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1698 � � �, . _� -_ , , � � • :. , . . . • • RESOLUTION N0. I G�� -- . A RESOLIITION OF T� CITY OF RENTON� FIASHI1�lGTON, DECIARII�G ITS INZENTION TO CONSTRUCT AND I1VSZI�LL WATER MAIN LINES A1�ID APPURTENANCES THLRETO IN THE VICINITY OF S .W. 43rd ST. TO EASTERLY MARGIN OF STATE HIGHWAY #SR181 AND TO CRE�TE A LOCAL IlKPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO ASSESS THE C06T A1�ID EXPENSE OF SAID IMPROVIINENT AGAINST THE PROPERTIES � IN SUCH DISTRICT SPECIALLY BENEFITED THBRTBY; NOTIFYII�G Q I ALL PERSONS i�IHO MAY DESIRE TO OBJECT TO SAID IMPROVEMEIVT II TO APPE�R AND PRESSNT THEIR C�JECTI NS AT A MEETIPIGG 0�' THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON �J9'7 d , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND Z1�E CITY COUNCIL � Ti�s CITY 0�' RENTON, [JASI�- INGTON, AS FOLL(Jf�TS: f SECTION I: That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Rent;,n, � Washington, to construct end install the following water main , includir.� � , accessories and appurtenances thereto, in the fol2owing deacribed area of the City, to-wit: 1. ta) Description cf I�ocal Improvement Diatrict� �l/o - ,�2,� 9 . See Exhibit "A" attached hereto which is incorporated herein (b) Improvements: Approx. Pipe Sfze ON From To 12" Ductile S .W. 43rd St. A point 90 ft Easterly mar- Iron Pipe westerly of the gin of State intersection of Highway No. S .W. 43rd St. � SR 181 County Road No. 80 • 12" Ductile Easement S .W. 43rd St. Tukwila City Iron Pipe adjoining limits Easterly margin of State Highway No . Sr181 ' There ahall be in�ivaea in the foregoing the acquisition and installation of ' all neceasary valves, f ittinga, couplings, connections, equipment end appurtenances, and the acqufsition of any easeo�nts, rights-of-wey and land that may be required; and there shall further be i.ncluded the performance of such work as may be incidental and , necessary to the foregoing construction and installation. The City Council mey, in its discretion, modify and amerul the deteils of th� � foregoing descrfbed improvement, including the financing thereof, whsre �in its judgment it appears advisable, provided auch modif ieations and amendments do not substantially ` . - 1 - I�, , . . �, • . . a�� ,�• . . � alter the general plan of sa id improvement project. A 11 of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plsns and apecifications therefor to be prepared by the City Engi.neer of the City of Renton. SECTION II: The entire cost and expense of said improvement, unlesa hereaf ter ! ti.mely modil.ied or amended by the City Council� shall be borne by and assessed against , the property specially benef ited by such improvement to be included in ths local ; improv+ement district to be establiahed, embracing as near as may be all property specially ' benef ited by such improvement. There shail be included in the cost and expense of sa id improvements all cost items specif ied in RGW 35.44.020. SECTI013 IiI: That all persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein deacribed are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meet�ng of the City Council to be held in the Council Ciiambers of the City Hall, Renton� ?aash— ington, at 8:00 P.M. on August .� 1970 , which time and place ere hereby fi.xed for �/ hearing sll ma tters rel8ting to sefd propqsed improvement and all objections there to and f or determining the method of payment f or said improvement. The City Clerk shall give notice of said hearing and safd propoaed improvement as required by law. SFCTION IV: Jack t�lilson, City £ngineer, or his dnly euthorized representative, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council, on or before the af oresa id heering d�te, all data and inf ormstion required by law to be aubmitted. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL thfs���-h day of July � 19�� 70 . �/����� � Helmie Nelson� City Clerk APPROVED BY Tf� MAYOR this,2�7�ay o uly � 198& 70 �-�� � ��,�-r tl�6�dx�X��S�XA�� � Avery Ga ett, Mayor Approve a s to f orm: , Ger�rd . S e 18n, �i y Attorney Publ cation dates: 1 at Net ice: �U� 31 �10. 2na rrot�ce: A�G 2 1970 — 2 — r--- � , , ' . , . , . . , . . - �� y,. . � � 'y � i { ExN���T ��A�� — It��sn�UT�o,U /6y� L.I .D. #26� LEGAl. DESCRI PT I ON Aii those portions of Govarnment Lot 7 In the Southwest one-guarter of Sectian 25� Townshtp 23 Narth, R�nge k Enst� W.M. ; of Governr.ient Lot 2. tha Northwegt one�quarter, and the NorthwcsE on�-quarter of the Northeast one- quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Rang� 5 East, W.M. described as foliows: All that portton of Government Lot 7 in Lhe Southwest one-qua�ter of Section 25� ToMrnship 23 North, Range 4 East, 1J.t-i. lytng Easterly of State Highway SR181 �nd Westerly of Puget Sonnd Electric Railro�d right-of-way. TOGEThlER with all that portion of Government Lot 2, and of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 36� Township 23 Nn�th, Range 4 East, W.M.. lying Easterly of State Htghway P�o. SR181 � �dortheriy of Southwest 43rd Street. and Wcsterly of Puget Sound Electric Railroad right-of-wey; ALSO TOGETNER with those po�ttons of the Northwest one-quarter and of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast on8-quarter of seid Sectton 36 lyi,ng No�therly of S,W, �a3rd Street and Southerly of the following desc�ibed lina: BEGINPJING at a point on the Wasteriy margin of the Pugat Sound El�ctrlc Rall�oad riqht-of-way in the Piorthv�est one-quarter of said Section 36 b44.78 feet. mesasured pe�pcndicul�rly, from the t�orthsrly margin of said Snuthwast ` 43rd Street; thcnce Easterly along a linQ dr�wn parailel with. end 644.78 feet � Northerly of said Southwest 43rd Street a distanco of 6b0 feet, more or less� to a pofnt i14 feet East and 674.78 feet t�o�therly of the Mortheast corner of Nen ry Ad�ms Donattan Claim; thence South 84°34'QO" East s distance of 6�9.70 feet; thence South 4°37'00" West a dtstance of 193 . feet, more or less, to the centerllnQ of the dralnag� dttch of Orainage District �l ; thanee Northeasteriy along thc centsrline of said dratnage ditch a distance of 5Fi0 feet, more or less, to a point which bears North 5�2.12 feat from a point on the Northeriy margin of Southwest 43rd Street which is 30 feet North and 1023.04 fc:et East of the Northeast corner of said ttsnry Adams Donation C1aim; Lhence Easterly, parallel to the Northerly margin of satd S.W. 43rd Street, a distance of 36S feet, more or less� to the Easte rly line of the Northwest one-qua�ter of thQ tlortheast one-quarter of said Sectton 36. � � �. . � � ;.>,- {; ' ~.Ii y * ! , � ` j,