HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1632 � • -� . . . . . . � RESOLUTION N0. f�o�.,Z.., ` � - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL SANITARY SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES THERETO IN THE VICINITY OF THE MANCE ADDITION ( 94th Ave . S. � S. 174th St. ) RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND TO CREATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO ASSESS THE COST AND EXPENSE OF SAID IMPROVEMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTIES IN SUCH DISTRICT SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY; NOTIFYING ALL PERSONS WHO MAY DESIRE TO OBJECT TO SAID IMPROVEMENT TO APPEAR AND PRESENT THEIR OBJECTIONS AT A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE - HELD ON THE 2gth �AY OF j'u�y ; 1969. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : There has heretofore been filed a Petition for � the creation of a Local Improvement District with the City Clerk of II the City of Renton on or about January 17 , 1969 , signed by the owners of property aggregating a majority of the lineal frontage j upon the improvement and of the area within the proposed District � which Petition has been determined to be sufficient and true and correct in all respects; that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Renton, in support of said Petition, to construct and install the following sanitary sewers including appurtenances, trunk lines and accessories thereto, in the _following described area, to-wit: l. (a) Description of Local Improvement District : See Exhibit "A" (b) Improvements : Ap�rox. size of line On From To See Exhibit "B" There shall be included in the foregoing the acquisition and install- ation of all necessary pipe, manholes , connections, appurtenances, acqusition of any easements, rights-of-way and land that may be required; and there shall further be included the performance of such work as may be incidental and necessary to the foregoing construction and installation. - 1 - � � �• , . . _ � � The City Council may modify the details of the foregoing described improvement where in its judgment it appears advisable , provided such modifications do not substantially alter the plan of said improvement. Al1 of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Renton. SECTION II : The entire cost and expense of said improvement shall be �orne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improvement to be included in the Local Improvement District to be established, embracing as near as may be all property specially benefited by such improvement. There shall be included in the cost and expense of said improvement all cost items specified in RCW 35 .44. 020 and as otherwise provided by law. SECTION III : That all persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein described are hereby notified to appear and �� present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, at 8 : 00 P.M. on the 28 day of �uly , 1969 , which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvement . SECTION IV : The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the City Council, on or before said hearing date, all data and information required by law to be submitted, including an estimate of the cost and expense of said proposed improvement and to certify same to the City Council of the City of Renton with all papers and information in his possession touching upon the proposed improvement, a description of the boundaries of the District, and all other information and data as required by RCW 35 .43 .130 . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this� �day of �� �i� �.�- , 1969. � ��� � Helm' Nelstin, City C1erk �^ , 1969 . APPROVED BY THE MAYOR th' i�Z3 � 'i '����2 , , �onald W. Custer, Mayor APproved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Dri�fSJE il��!iGHs�UN .���� z � �ss .�u� 4 �s� � _ -- — — - 2 - � ' . �it '�: �• . . �- ' ° � EXHIBIT "A" — /�� Su/``� � brl fG �J- L. I .D. #264 LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that portion of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 30, � Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and of the Mance Addition, II according to the Plat recorded in Volume 68 of Plats, Page 21 , records of King County, Washington described as follows : Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Mance Addition; thence North 7° 50' 45" east along the westerly line of said subdivision a distance of 300 feet; thence South 82° 26' 35" east along the northerly tine of Lot 4, Mance Addition, a distance of 109.45 feet; thence North 21 ° 52' 05" East along the westerly line of Mance Addition a distance of 394.23 feet to the northerly line of Mance Addition; said north line also being the south line of the North one-half of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M; thence westerly along said South line a distance of 98 feet, more or less, to the west line of east 360 feet of the west 1512.80 feet of said sub-division; thence northerly along said west line a distance of 194 feet to the north line of the south 194 feet of said sub- division; thence easterly along said north line a distance of 360 feet to the easterly line of the westerly 1512.80 feet of said sub-division; thence southerly along said easterly line a distance of 194 feet to the south line of said sub-division; thence westerly along the south line of said sub- division a distance of 40 feet, more or less , to the northeast corner of said Mance Addition; thence South 2° 15' 25" east along the easterly line of said Mance Addition a distance of 247.52 feet; thence south 84° 08' 16" east a distance of 347 feet, more or less , to the westerly margin of Talbot Road (Springbrook Road) (96th Avenue South) ; thence southerly along said westerty margin a distance of 471 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of South 37th Street (formerty South 174th Street) ; thence north 82° 26' 35" west along said southerly margin a distance of 680 feet to the easterly line of Lot 1 , said Mance Addition; thence southerly along said easterly line a distance of 1 .0 foot to the southeast corner of said Lot l , the southerly line of said Mance Addition; thence north 82° 26' 35" west along said southerly line a distance of 120.33 feet to the southwest corner of said Mance Addition and the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "B" _ �j'�sc /k �/ nh I6 �y Approx. Size ON FROM TO of Line 8" South 36th Street Shattuck Avenue South Talbot Road (Springbrook Road) 8" South 37th Street " " " " " " 8" Easement - 12.5' westerly Southwest corner Southwest corner of Lot 4 of Mance Addition Lot 1 , Mance Addn . Mance Addn. 8" Easement - over Lot 4, Southwest corner Southwest Corner, Lot 5 Mance Addition Lot 4 8" Easement - 5 Feet West of Southwest corner 10' north of north line, Mance Addition Lot 5 - Mance Addition 811 Easement - 10 feet north Northwest Corner, Northeast corner of Mance Addition Lot 8 Lot 9 8" Easement - 5 feet east Northeast corner South 36th Street of Mance Addition Lot 9