HomeMy WebLinkAbout03358 - Technical Information Report �1 m TECHNICAL ; � � INFOI�:M�TIUN REPORT FOR THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: HONEY CREEK EAST CITY UF RENTON FILE # LUA OS-144, ECF, PP LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.O. BOX 146 RENTON, WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 � 3 58 - _ � - � CASEY ENGINEERING TECHNICAL INFORIVIATION REPORT FOR THE APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: HONEY CREEK EAST CI"TY OF RENTON FILE # LUA 05-144, ECF, PP PREPARED FOR: LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.O.BOX 146 RENTON,WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 PREPARED BY: CASEY ENGINEERING. P.O.BOX 1255 � w' c.q FALL CITY,WA 98024-1255 ��QF'�ASyj�.G,t,S�� (206)227-8187 � yt � ox �• , tr " 2fid�r DAT'E: DECEMBER,2006 �o,c�,S~�►s'��� /Z-ZG-+66 ONAL REVISED: EXPlAE,S S'I.3�a 7 4:� � . • E� HONEY CREEK EAST TEC�INICAL INFORMATION REPORT TABLE 4F CONTENTS SECTION I: PROJECT OVERVIEW SECTION II.: DRAINAGE FEATURES ' A. Existing Drainage Features I B. Proposed Drainage Features � SECTION III. CORE &SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, AND CONDITIONS OF PRELINIINARY PLAT APPROVAL A. Core Requirements B. Special Requirements C. Preliminary Plat Conditions Of Approval SECTION IV: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS SECTION V: ANALYSIS OF OFF-SITE COMBINED WATER QUALITY/DETENTION FACILITY A. Basin B Description B. Creation of Pre-Developed On-Site and Developed Off-site Hydrographs C. Description of Design Process and Hydrograph Summary D. Narrative of Design Process as Presented in History of Hydrograph Activity E. History of Hydrograph Activity Printout F. Discussion of Assumptions Used in Design G. Description of Discharge Structures H. Description of Storage Structures SECTION VI: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DESIGN A. Pipe Conveyance Analysis B. Biofiltration Swale Design SECTION VII: SWPPP (TESC) DESIGN SECTION VIII: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES APPENDIX: THE FOLLOWING INFORI�IATION IS CONTAINED 1N THE APPENDIX APPENDIX I: Basin Reports and Detail Basin Summary APPENDIX II: Pipe Conveyance Reach Suinmary APPENDIX III: Pipe Conveyance Structure Reports EXHIBITS PROVIDED IN THIS TIR: EXHIBIT A: Existing Drainage Features EXHIBIT B: Existing Downstream Conveyance System EXHIBIT C: Honey Creek East Developed Condition Sub Basin Drainage Areas EXHIBIT D: Honey Creek East Structures and Reach Information HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION I: PROJECT OVERVIEW T'he Honey Creek East site is located within the City of Renton, Washington. A vicinfty map showing the location of the site is provided in this section. The site azea is approximately 8.OSacres. The site is within a portion of the NE '/,of SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 EAST,W.M. The proposal is to subdivide approxiYnately$.OS acres urto 43 residential dwelling units. The Preliminary Plat Map plan sheet(provided with the preliminary plat application package) shows the proposed location of the site and the proposed lot design for the site. The site is currently undeveloged with no existing structures. Existin�On-Site Dra' e Features The only existing o�r-site drainage feature is a drainage ditch located at the southeast portion of the site the south of proposed lots 41 through 43. The ditch is within an existing drainage easement. The ditch is proposed to be replaced with a conveyance system during the construction of the project. Storm inlet basins will be provided at appropriate locations to ensure that any surface runoff currently draining to the ditch will be able to be conveyed in the developed condition, In the developed condition, the back yards of lots 41 through 43 will continue to drain to this existing system. Proposed On-Site Dr ' e Features In the developed condition, storm conveyance systems will be installed to ensure that the roofr, footing drains, yards and roads will be conveyed into the existing storm conveyance within NE 24�' St/NE 23`d Pl. No other on-site drainage features are proposed. Construction Required Stormwater conveya.nce systems will be required io be constructed to direct storn2water into the existing conveyance system within NE 24`� St/NE 23`�Pl. The engineering design of the project contains a separate plan sheet showi.ng the locations of the storm structures, conveyance lines and location of roof and footing drains. Included in this Section is the following information: 1. Vicinity Map of the Site. ti� ��� � �\ ' � ��� � � � �� • ' : .. n "�'o e � • • ,. ` `"'r�� �, � .- _.., -�.,�.�. � , ��'1 I1`;1►•�/ ,��� ��,,— — . � ■ • r � 4t•;,,, �-�ili�ii�' �� . � � , _ �'-a : M � � . � �► � • • - 1,. �� � .'���� � , ,■ , I� .Y � � � + � �c „��,■', V���• y�,6r����YJ � � � � ,�i/ "—� a�E� � If� � � �cL � a : ., �= ��s��► , � ��� �-a� �'�t� ' . �� �E� w� rl��L--�.�+, ��L��I�!� �� � �tr ��� �� �•..::. , _ �. � „ � ��, �,..,��' �� i� �Z.'���u � �/ 1 �, ,� - � : E��' ` � , , . .� . � � N� ���'�C��''� . w. ``� "r �� ��a;,► � ._ • �'�� '"'"n' '' • 1 I��.r ����'� I.�1.1/ : . 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J � �. '� �. � ..� �-�■r r.-:.,:�.�:►.. //�1\�r ` •• ... �,�, � , � • ....����A� ��� �� �� • , d HONEY CREEK EAST , SECTION II. DRAINAGE FEATURES A. EXISTING DRAINAGE FEATURES NOTE: This section is provided as background information as it was a part af the Honey Creek Ridge T.I.R. The information is provided to enable one to understand how the Honey Creek East project interacts with the overall hydraulic analysis that is presented in section V of this T.I.R. The referenced Exhibit A is provided in this Section. Please refer to the Honey Creek Ridge TIR on file at the City of Renton for other references in this section. 1. Honey Creek The most predominant existing drainage feature within the site is Honey Creek. Honey Creek enters the properly at the southwestern portion of the site and traverses to the northwest to leave the property at the southern most extension of 120th Place S.E. (Devils' Elbow). Honey Creek flows at the bottom of a ravine in a well defined channel. The stream channel parallels a sewer line access road for the entire distance within the site. The access road is on the east side of the stream along the southern portion of the stream reach and crosses to the west side of the stream over a bridge a short distance south of the existing Devils' Elbow Sanitary Sewer Lift Station. See attached E�ibit A, Existing Drainage Features Construction of the Honey Creek subdivision will have a negligible impact to the Stream during the construction of the on-site improvements. A sanitary sewer tie-in will occur along the existing sewer access road. Two stabilized stormwater outfalls will be constructed adjacent to the stream for the two detention facilities. When the construction is complete, the proposed stormwater system contained in this report should have a beneficial effect to the stream due to the elimination of undetained stormwater that has resulted in two existing erosion areas within the site and the one erosion area south of the site. 2. Western Hills - B�passes Basin B The existing open ditch stormwater conveyance system within Western Hills ends at the northern side of S.E. 100th at the western terminus of the road. The stormwater then flows overland to the west for a short distance before flowing overland to the south, down the hill, and into the broad swale. A field observation of the area indicates that due to the sandy nature of the soil, dense vegetation, and rodent activities, some of the stormwater flows overland, some flows in shallow concentrated flow ��vithin swales, and some of the stormwater flows subsurface. Downstream of the bottom of the swale near the proposed Tract A boundary, a defined channel begins to emerge. Within a short distance, the channel becomes a deep (6' to 8') ravine ��ith steep eroding side slopes. The erosion within the � 3. Albert Balch's Sierra Heights#4 Northern Basin-Bypasses Basin B The pipe conveyance system within the Albert Balch's Sierra Heights #4 neighborhood ends along the southem side of S.E. 100th approximately 400' east of the western terminus of the road which is midway along the northern boundary of proposed lot 57. The dischazge pipe is a l2" CP. The stormwater then flows to the west for approxunately 100' in a ditch that begins fairly well defined at the pipe outfall. At the westem terminus of the ditch the storm water flows overland to the south west to the Tract A broad swale described above for the existing flows that originate within the Westem Hills project. 4.Albert Balch's Sierra Heights# 5 Divisions A,B,C.D, and F. I The reason that the existin�g platted lots within Albert Balch's Sierra Heights # 4 have not been developed is due to the unsuitable nature of the soils within the site for on site septic drainfields. Sometime in the past, the upper flat portion of the site was logged, cleared and graded. Dtuing the grading of the site, the majority of the topsoil was either removed or displaced �nto the hillside areas. A graded roadbed exists at the location of the 124th Ave S.E. dedicated right-of-way. During periods of rainfall, stormwater runoff from the northern portion of the azea flows into the Tract A area.. Stormwater runoff from the southern portion of the area is concentrated by the e�sting graded roadway into the broad swale east of lots 15, 16, and 17 within Division II. There is a well defined erosion "notch" at the location where the stormwater flows down into the swale area in the vicinity of the western end of lot 16. The broad swale contains a mature second growth stand of Douglas Fir with fairly dense low growing shrubs. Stormwater entering the swale flows in shallow channels down to Honey Creek. S.Albert Balch's Sierra Hei�hts# 4 Southern Basin- Off-site The pipe conveyance system within the southem basin of Albert Balch's Sierra Heights # 4 discharges into an open ditch at the northem side of the western terminus of S.E. 104th St., west of 125th Ave. S.E.. The discharge pipe is a 12" CP. The open ditch conveys the stormwater to the west for approximately 270'. The ditch then turns to the southwest for a distance of 50' where the ditch ends abruptly at the edge of a steep ravine. The ravine is a significant feature that appears to have been created by direct undetained stormwater discharging onto sensitive soils. The ravine is within a parcel of land that the Reuton Pazks Department purchased within the last two years for the purpose of creating a trailhead for access to the Honey Creek TraiUMay Creek trail system Section VIII of this TIR contains a survey of the erosion area and a "conceptual" plan for stopping the migration of the northern face of the erosion feature. The primary aspect to eliminating any further erosion is that of eliminating the off-site undetained stormwater from the azea. The proposed conveyance design includes a piped stub to pick up the stormwater and convey it to the Basin B facility and provide a flow splitter so that the off-site stormwater bypasses the R/D pond. There is a potential for working with the City of Renton during the on-site construction to provide some additional form of restoration in a manner that may be beneficial to both the City of Renton and the Honey Creek Project. Exhibit G. in Section VI. of this report shows a plan view of this azea and proposed restoration and drainage considerations to stabilize this feature. The Geothechnical Report provided in Appendix IV. contains an evaluation of this feature and proposed restoration options. An option that is currently being pursued is that of placing lazge organic debris (stumps) in the erosion area and placing topsoil between the stumps with an acceptable top dressing that provides long term erosion protection. B. PROPOSED DRAINAGE FEATURES � Basin B The proposed drainage features within Basin B will consist of a piped conveyance system to direct the stormwater runoff to a combined 3-Cell Detention/Water Quality Pond facility located within Division I, Tract B. The outfall of the pond will be provided with a piped system to convey the stormwater down to Honey Creek where there will be an appropriate outfall and gabion energy dissipater adjacent to the streatn. Section IV. contains a design of the facility and a hydra,ulic analysis of the detention pond to show that the facility is large enough to provide the required storage. The location and proposed design of the Basin B , detention facility is evaluated in the January 1993 Geotechnical Report contained withi.n I Appendix N of this report. i � - HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION III: CORE& SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, AND CONDITIONS OF I APPROVAL ' A. CORE REQUIREMENTS The following is a narrative describing how the proposed Honey Creek East Project will satisfy � the Core& Special Requirements for Full Drainage Review. Table 1.1.2.A of the 2005 Surface Water Drainage Manual contains a list of items that need to be satisfied when a project is required to satisfy the elements of a Full Drainage Review. This narrative addresses all of the items in Table 1.1.2.A. Core Requirement#1: Discharge At The Natural Location The proposed Honey Creek East project is in compliance with this Core Requirement. The majority of the site will drain to the existing conveyance within NE 24th ST/NE �3`a ST . Stormwater entering the above mentioned conveyance system will then be directed to the existing combined water quality/detention facility within"Tract B" of the recorded Plat of Honey Ridge that was designed to accommodate the additional runoff from the Honey Creek East site—with minor improvements. A small portion of the yards within the southern half of the site will probably drain to the south into the existing conveyance along the southern side of proposed lots 41 through 43. This drainage will be at the natural discharge location for the yards for this portion of the site. Core Requirement#2: Off-Site Analysis Section IV of this report contains a narrative and a Plan Sheet showing the Downstream Conveyance System from the western side of the site to the existing storm pond within Tract"B" of Honey Creek Ridge Division I.. Core Requirement#3: Flow Control The existing combined Water Quality/Detention Facility located within Tract"B"of Honey Creek Ridge Division I. was designed for additional storage to accommodate the Honey Creek East property. Section V. contains the required calculations and design elements to show compliance with the Flow Control requirements for the additional runoff from the Honey Creek East Site. The design is in compliance with the Preliminary Plat Conditions of approval. In general, the requirement is: "Limit Peak rate of runoff to 50%of the existing condition 2-yr,24-our design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak rate for the 10-yr and 100-yr, 24hr-hour design storms." ' Core RecLuirement#4: Conveyance System • The engineering design for the project contains a Plan Sheet (Generalized Utilities Plan) showing the Proposed Conveyance from the new street improvements to the existing conveyance within NE 24�' St. /NE 23`d Pl. The information contained in Section VI of this report provides an analysis of the proposed conveyance system within the site to the"Tract B" combined Water Quality/Detention facility within Honey Creek East Division I. This information will be revietived and confirmed prior to the approval of the engineering design of the project. Core Requirement#5: Erosion And Sedimentation Control Section VII contains the design elements of the SWPPP requirements. The engineering plan set is provided with the plan sheets that are provided in Section VII.. Core Requirement#6: Maintenance And Operations The Basin B facility is currently being maintained by the Honey Creek Ridge Homeowner's Association. The Honey Creek East project will become a part of the maintenance. Core Requirement#7:Financial Guarantees and Liability � An Financial Guarantees and Liabili re uirements that ma be laced on the Y tY q Y P project will be addressed prior to the recording of the Final Plat. Core Requirement#8:Water Quality It is proposed that the Water Quality requirement be satisfied with the modification of the existing combined Water Quality/Detention Facility within the existing Tract "B" of Honey Creek Ridge—Division I. Modifications to this facility have been made in this TIR and in the engineering plan set per the conditions of Preliminary Plat approval. B. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Special Requirement#1: Other Adopted Requirements At this time, there are no other known Adopted Requirements that apply to the proposal. Special Requirement#2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation This Requirement is not applicable to the project. � Special Requirement#3: Flood Protection Facilities This Requirement is not applicable to the project. Special Requirement#4: Source Control This requirement, if applicable, will be addressed at the time the engineering design is submitted for review by the City. Special Requirement#5: Oil Control This requirement, if applicable, will be addressed at the time the engineering design is submitted for review by the City. B. PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following is a narrative describing how the engineering design of the project satisfies the Preliminary Plat and SEPA conditions of approval. Preliminarv Conditions: 1. See response to SEPA Conditions below� 2. The Landscape plan that was prepared and reviewed prior to the Public Hearing is, in my understanding, in compliance�vith this condition. Jill Ding would be the contact person at the City to verify if any further information is requited. 3. This condition will be satisfied at the time of Final Plat review 4. This condition ���ill be satisfied prior to the approval of the Engineering Plans. 5. The applicant is in the process of obtaining the documents to satisfy this condition. SEPA Conditions: 1. The engineering plan set contains the required elements to satisfy this condition. See I� plan sheets 10 and 11. In addition, information is provided in Section VII of this report. 2. Section V contains the analysis to show compliance with this condition. I 3. This condition will be satisfied prior to the Recarding of the Final Plat. ' 4. This condition will be satisfied prior to the Recording of the Final Plat. 5. This condition will be satisfied prior to the Recording of the Final Plat. July 13,2006 OFFICE OF THE HEARING E�i;AMIN�R CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT/OWNER Wayne Iones Lakeridge Development,Inc. PO Box 14b Renton,WA 98057 Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA OS-144,ECF,PP LOCATION: NE 23'�PlacelNE 24"'Street between Queen Avenue NE and Shelton Avenuc NE SUMIvIARY OF REQUEST: Approval for a 43-lot subdivision of an 8.05-acre site intended for the development of single-family residential lots. SL'►MMARY OF ACT'ION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on June 20,2006. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on 51e with the application,field checldng the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MIIVUTES The following minutes are a summary of the June 27,2006 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday,June 27,2006,at approximately 9:46 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Halt. Parties wishing to testify were af�`u�med by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Ezhibit No. l: Yellow file containing the original Eahibit No.2: Preliminary Plat Plan applicaUion,proof of posting,proof of publication and ot�er documentation t to this Ezlubit No.3: Con tual Plsn Exhibit No.4: Generaliz�d Utilities Plan Eahibit No.5: Tree G�ttin and Land Cleazin Plan Eahibit No.6: Conc tual Landsca Plan Eahibit No.7: Nei borhood Detail Eahibit No.8: Zonin M Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.:LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page 2 Eghibit No.9: ERC Miti tion Measures The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Jill Din�.Senior Planner,Development Services, City of Rentan, 1055 S Grady Way,Renton,Washington 98055. The property is located to the west of Union Avenue NE and is bisected from northwest to sautheast by NE 24"'Strcet which ttuns into NE 23"d Place,Queen Avenue NE is located along ihe western property baunc�ry artd the sibe is north of NE 22°d Place. The propecty is located within the R-8 zoning designation and the Residenrial Single-Family Comprehensive Plan designation. The site is approximately 8 acres in azea and is proposed to be subdivided into 431ots and one tract. Tract X is located along the eastern side of the site and is a 30-foot panhandle that connects to Union Avenue NE. Access to the site would be via NE 2A�'Street/NE 23'�Place,there is also a proposed NE 24�Court,which terminates in a cul-de-sac taun around on the NE portion of property. Construction requires grading and excavation activities for building pads,madways and utilities. The proposal retains 14 or 15%of the significant trees identified on the site. The stormwater runoff would be coUected in catch basins and conveyed to the stormwater detention system that was constructed with the Honey Creek Ridge pla�. That system was siud to accommodate the additional runoff The Environmental Review Committee issued a Detennination of Non-Significance—Mitigated with 5 mitigation measures. No appeals were filed. The proposed plat is consistent with the Land Use Element and Community Design Element and Environmental Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Designation. � The net density is 6.03 dwelling units per acre wluch is within the allowed density for the R-8 zoning designation. All lots appear to be in compliance with tl�required lot width,depth and size standards as well as the required setback requirements for construction of single family residences for thc R-8 wning designation. Compliance with all setback and building standards will be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. -- A coneeptual�andseape plan wassubr�ttcd that proposed the-�laAt�g-of 9�1.irees either within the.front y�rd_-- areas of the lots or along the street frontages. Only 1 tree was praposed within front yazd area of Lflts 13,22 , and 23. A revised landscape plan must be submitted at the time of construction permit application showing a ' minimum 5-foot landscape along all public right-of-way frontages and iwo trees will be shown within all front yards. i All lots appear to comply with arrangement and access requirements,they also appear to have su.fficient building area for the development of detached single-family homes. Full street improvements,paving,sidewallcs,curb and gutter,storm drains,landscaping,street lighting and �I signage will be required along the frontages of NE 23'�Place,NE 24�`.Street,Qtieen Avenue NE and the , proposed NE 24m Court. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement should be established for the development,which would be responsible for any common improvements and/or tracts within the plat prior to final plat approval. Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page 3 The topography of the subject site is generally fla� The northeastern portion of the site gradually slopes from east to west at an approximate 2%grade. The southwestein partion of the site gradually slopes downward from the northwest to the southeast. Temporary Erosion Control Plan and the use of Best Management Practices would mitigate potential erosion and off site sediment impacts. Fire,Transportation and Park Mitigation Fees have been imposed for this pla� The site is located within the Renton School District and they have indicated that they can handle the proposed 19 additional students. The site is within the City of Renton water service area. There is an 8-inch watermain within the existing NE 24�'Street/NE 23'�Place roadway. The Fire Department requires one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single-faznily structure. The generalized utility play proposes to tie into a watercnain located on the Sierra Heights Elementary School properly. An easetr�ent from the Renton Schoe#District will be required prior to the construction of any waterrnain improvements. The property is located within the City af Renton sewer service. There is an 8-inch sewer main in the NE 24'� Street/rTE 23td Place right-of-way. This main must be extended along the full frontage of the parcel being developed,including Lots 34 and 35 along Queen Avenue NE. Wayne Jones.Lakeridge Developa�nt,PO Box 146,Renton,WA 98057 stated that this praject date.s back about 12 years when they were worlcing on the Honey Creek Ridge project. The construction of the NE 24'� Street/NE 23`�Place was a condidan of that pla� At that tune this plat was in King County and it took several years to get it annexed and through all the changes aud reorganizations. The Honey Creek Pond was constructed oversized at that time to handle this development. The sewer and water lines are already in the NE 24`�Street/NE 23'�Place roadway with stubs going to most of the lots. The pond witl need to be modified. Tract X is access for one existing vacant lot Fill will be brought in because the lots are low and the sewer tines are shallow. Portion of the areas of Lots 25, 26,31,29,and 27 the area is low,some of the areas aze lower than the elcisting roadway and so they need to be raised in arder for the sewer to work properly. The landscape plan will be modified,when the houses were placed on the plan,the irees were placed as best they coulh.-Theynee�tQ decide wh�e the�driveways vvi�l go;�taiii separatio�from the.streeLights a#id the fu-e hydrants and driveways for sight distance and such. They do lots of landscaping with their houses and they rnight ask for a variance because of the possibility of ending up with a street,driveway, fire hydrant and strcet light all in the same place, sometimes two trees just won't fit on one lo� They may put three on the next house. The laurel trees that they are recommending are slow growing and generally peak out at about three feet in height David Casev,PO Box 1255,Fall City,WA 980241255 stated that at the original dedication of the Honey Creek developments,the corridor was dedicated to the Parks Departinent and this off site was a major issue at that time to provide a secondary access. The Honey Creek project was designed to the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual,however in order to get the fisheries permit,they had to go to the 1992 DOE standards. The pond has been under-performing and has been releasing water less than what it was designed for. The needed corrections will be made for this development. Neil Watts,Development Services stated that this was designed about 12 years ago,the roadway was built in the County but in suitable fashion to meet Renton standards as well as the conveyance systems,which are in place Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.:LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page 4 and will not need any addiNonal work. There has been some evolution in the drainage requirements,the pmject was designed for a more stringent standard than the City had in place at that time. The conditions placed on this project by ERC are in agreement with Development Services and Utilities Department. The Examiner inquired as to who would be responsible for the maintenance of Tract X. Mr.Watts stated that the Homeowner's Association would bear that responsbility. The Examiner called for further tesrimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:29 am. FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS 8t RECOMII�IENDATION Havin�reviesre3 the record in this mat#er,the E�miner now n�alces and enters-t�e fo�lowing: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Wayne Jones,Lakeridge Development,Inc.,51ed a request for a 43-lot Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)docettnentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Eatu`bit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Cormnittee(ERC),the City's responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigabed(DNS-IVn. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all deparbments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located on the east side of Queen Avenue NE at NE 23rd Place and NE 24th Street. Union Avenue NE is located east of the site. Shelton Avenue NE intersects the plat from the south. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the azea in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of detached single-family uses,but dces not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. ?. The subject site is current2y zoned R-8{Single Family-8 dwelling units/acre). 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5138 enacted in June 2005. 9. The subject site is approximabely 8.05 acres or 350,658 square feet. The parcel could be described as a squat,T-shaped parcel. The subject site is approximaxely 913 feet deep(east to west)by 400 feet wide. The parcel is cut diagonally from the northwest toward the southeast by the NE 24th1NE 23rd roadway, wluch intersects Queen Avenue on the west and creates a T-intersection with Shelton Avenue NE iu the southeast. 10. The subject site is relatively level with slight slopes in the nortfieast and southwest corners of the site. 1 l. The subject site is covered with grass,shrubs aud a miac of 41 evergreen trees and 52 deciduous�ees. The applicant progoses to remove all but 14 of the tree.s while code requires that 25%of the existing trees be retained or installation of trees equivalent to 25%be installed. The director determined that 9 Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.:LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page S additional trees of 2-inch caliper or greater must be planted. In addition,each lot is required to have two trees installed along the street or in the front yard of the lots. 12. The applicant proposes dividing the acreage into 43 lots and one tract. As noted above,a diagonal road divides the property. Proposed Lots 1 to 33 would be located north and northeast of this road. Proposed Lots 34 to 43 would be located south or southwest of the road. Thc tract,Tract X,is a long,thin parcel located east of Proposed Lot 13. The tract is 30 feet wide by 374 fect long and extends east to Union Avenue NE . 13. Access to the subject site will be via Queen and NE 24th Street on the west. Access from the south and east will be via Shelton and Union Avenues where they intersect with NE 23rd Place. In addidon, the applicant will be crearing an intemal cul-cie-sac roadway that runs into the northeast corner of the subject site. A cul-de-sac bulb only will be created southwest of the regular cul-de-sac to provide access to the southwest��ori�er ofthe�plat. In addition,pipestem:driveways or easements witl provide acc�ss to : interior lots generally located in the four corners of the subject site. 14. The density for the ptat would be 6.03 dwelling units per acre after subtracting acreage dedicated to roadways. 15. The subject site is located within the Renton School Dishict. The project is expected ta generate '� approximately 19 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 16. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit. The development of 43 homes will generate agprozimately 430 trips. Approximately ten percent of the trips,or approxiznately 43 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. 17. Stormwater will be conveyed to a system on a nearby plat,Honey Creek Ridge. The system on that plat was designed to handle stormwater runoff from the subject site. The ERC did impose the 1992 Ecology Manual Streambank Erosion Control Standard for both this new plat and that existing plat. This will require a modification of the existing detention pond to provide the required water quality volume meeting dual standards. The older plat would meet the standards of the 1990 King County Manual while the proposed plat would have to meet the standards of the 1998 King County Manual. A gootechnical report will be required for any design changes to the eusting pond 18. Sanitary sewer and domestic water will be provided by the City. Lines for both utilities are located in the 23rd/24th right-of-way.The applicant will need an easement for a water line across the school district property. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant appears to have reasonably divided the two sections of the plat creating reasonably shaped and sized single-family lots. The plat will provide additional housing in a growing azea of the City and according to analysis,do so without taxing the City's infrastrucutre. 2. The plat has no critical areas malcing it easier to divide. 'The absence of critical areas also makes providing access to the frontage parcels and interior parcels easier. Fasements and/or pipestems will provide access in the four corners while most horaes will front along public streets. The roads and turnazounds appear to appropriate serve the site and future residents. Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.:LUA-05-144, ECF,PP July 13,2006 Pagc 6 3. The applicant wilt be paying fees to offset the impacts of the new homes,residents and haffic on parks, emergency services and transportarion corridors. The development of the property should also increase the tax base of the City thereby providing additional offsets to the impact of this new developmen� 4. The applicant will have to provide appropriate landscaping both to offset the impacts of removing significant trees but also to landscape the street&ontages of the new homes as recommended by staff. 5. The applicant will have to provide updated stormwater drainage features in the offsite detention system and any modifications shall be approved by staff after appropriate geotechnical review. 6. A homeowners association will need to be created to maintain the common infrastructure for the ptat including the drainage system and offsite detention pond. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat subject to the foilowing conditions: 1. The appiicant shall comply with all requirements of the Determination of Non-Significance—Mitigated that was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on May 30,2006. 2. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of construction permit application to the Development Service Division project managcr for review and approval. The revised landscape plan shall show a minunum S-foot landscape along all public(existing and propc�sed)right-of-way frontages, provided that if additional undeveloped right-of-way in excess of 5 feet exists that this also shall be landscaped. If Iess than 5 feet of undeveloped right-of-way exists,then�e 5-foot landscaped strip may i be installed within the front yards of the proposed lots along the str�eet frontage. Two trees shall be shown within the front yard areas a planting strips of each lot. I 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concucrently with the recording ' of the 5na1 plat in order to est�btish maintenance responsibilities for shared roadway,stormwater and utility improvements. A draft of the document(s)shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development ' Services Division for review and approval by the City Attomey and Property Services section prior to , the recording of the final plat. � 4. Either a revised significant tree retention plan shall be submitted with the construction permit � � application proposing to retain a total of 23 trees or 9 of the proposed trees to be planted shall be 2-inch ; caliper trees. 5. The applicant shall procure an easement for a water line across the school district property. � ORDERED THIS 13`�day of July 2006. I� t �"—�� � FRED 3.KA HEARING Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page 7 TRANSMTTTED THIS 13'�day of July 2006 to the parties of record: Jill Ding Neil Watts Wayne Jones 1055 S Grady Way Development Services Division Lakeridge Development Renton,WA 98055 City of Renton PO Box 146 Rentan,WA 98056 David Casey Robert C.Kaufinan PO Box 1255 Attomey at Law Val Bradley Fall City,WA 98024 2100 116�Avenue NE 2262 Shelton Ave NE Bellevue,WA 98004 Renton,WA 98Q56 John Ortiz 4113 NE 24`�Street Curt&Nancy Whittendorfer Tina Escobar Renton,WA 98059 3201 NE 25'�Street 2541 Lynnwood Ave NE ' Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Resident At: 3231 NE 25�'Street Donald L.Frueh Don&Deborah Vandermark Renton,WA 98057 Came C'hristianson 3540 NE 24`�Street 2507 Lynnwood Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Doreen Jones Renton,WA 98056 3912 NE 23'�Place Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMIITED THIS 13`"day of July 2006 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker Stan Engler,Fire Jay Covington,Ctuef Administrative Officer Larry Meckling,Building Official Julia Medzegian,Council Liaison Planning Commission Gregg Zimmerman,PBPW Administrator Transportation Division Alex Pietsch, Ecoaomic Development Utilities Division Jennifer Henning,Development Services Neil Watts,Development Services Stacy Tucker,Development Services Janet Conklin,Development Services King County Joumal Pursuant to Title N,Chapter 8, Section 100(G)of the City's Code, rennest for reconsideration mast be flled in writing on or before 5:00 a.m„Jalv 27,2006. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably avaiIable at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fouitaen(14)days fi-om the date of the Examiner's decision This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Fxaminer may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeai to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8,Section 110,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of 575.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Departmcnt,first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 a.m..Ju1v 27.2006. If the Egamtner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the eaecuted Covenants will be revuired prior to approval bv Cltv Conncil or final arocessing oi the file. You may contact this office for iaformation on formatting covenants. Honey Creek East Preliminary Plat Fite No.:LUA-05-144,ECF,PP July 13,2006 Page 8 The Appearance of Faimess Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker conc�ecning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pemrits all interested parties to lmow the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violadon of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hr,aring but to all requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. _ ., p 'r}.�.: ^p i � '?�,. • � �`. ' . • _ -�i� t �� �f,, .��� . .'� �.�. �.,+� '• - - . ' � • ,�t . � � � .t a� -�. r��. f , ' . !� .�. ti .� k .� �v..�y� 7 � . rr , � . . . � ,�. . � , '�."��� �. � . ..a:� � l�•'.,v;1uiJ � in. � j (j ` ' � R ���� � � : � , Iry i .` 3� .:.a, � _ ,i � a K.� ,,. ;� , ��' � .:+��� ,Y��� . �� ;! �L'� f' jr � �r-, l:�.I r�- � � .. '� + �� 1. ��.��� �� . � n . r' � . � e� � �\ � i �. i _`t`" i � ' . ���E:� �`�� i � � .,-i; '. '� J �„L;_ �{��i�,' r. _;� �r��',:� 'y. � . ` . : ,rrc � y r�: . i ,� . � � . • � .. I . \I I� � i � �� • ` �1. • • � - ` '� ��. .. I � �'tt �� •5+,� � , t' ,� �\ � - r / •� .� �•. ,• M � J ' • �� t�Y I %1�I..v�'�1��..�;� �\ +. •I '� ♦. (Y ��� :1 .t� . ,�' � � �� •�� ♦ �w.. � � ,,. + ���� . �I"" � .. 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The proposed lots range in size from 4,660 square feet to 14,463 squa�e feet in area. Access to the proposed lots would be provided via off of NE 23rd StreeUNE 24th Street between Queen Avenue NE and Shelton Avenue NE and the proposed NE 24th Court, which terminates in a cul-de-sac turnaround on the eastem portion of the subject site. No sensitive areas are mapped on the subject site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: North and south sides of NE 23rd Street/NE 24th Street between Shelton Avenue NE and Queen Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall be required to provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements outlined in Volume It of the vivi:n�iuici �r� y a sA.........� .� � :.+ t..fF t.:al-; /��..+�.�..��..F�..� � ♦ICJ'c'3t�C:� �iuii Ni�^v� i^v iS:auc�i�va�. Ci� afiu cf'iic:iii mcii�ua� ni�v iv'viuC S��t� Lnu �A VVIIJll4lill�/ii �la Construction Permits. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The project shall be required to modify the existing Honey Creek Ridge stormwater detention pond to provide the necessary volumes and orifice sizes to meet the 1992 Ecology Manual Streambank Erosion Control Standard for both Honey Creek Ridge and Honey Creek East. The standard falls under Minimum Requirement #5 and can be found in Section I-2.9 (page A-10), Volume I of Stormwater Program Guidance Manual for the Puget Sound Basin dated July 1992 which is: Limit peak rate of runoff to 50°� of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak rate for the 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. The existing pond will need to be modified to provide the required water quality volume for the Honey Creek Ridge � (based on the 1990 King Count Surface Water Design Manual) and Honey Creek East (based on the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual). Note: Any design changes to the existing pond will require geotechnical analysis and review. . 3. The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot. Based on the proposal for 43 new residential lots the fee is estimated at$22,822.68. 4. The proposed proiect shall be required to pay a traffic mitiqation fee in the amount of$75 per net new averaqe daily trip prior to the recordinq of the final plat. Based on the proposal to create 43 lots, the nayment of$30,863.25 would be reQuired. 5. Staff recommends that the applicant pay a Fire Mitiqation Fee based on $488.00 per new sinqle family lot. The fee is estimated at $20,984 based on the proposal for 43 lots. �, ERC Mitiga6on Measures Page 1 of 1 HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION IV: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The following information is provided in this section: A. Narrative. B. Copy of downstream analysis prepazed for the Honey Creek Ridge project. . C. Copy of plan sheet{Elchibit A) showing the conveyance system from the site to the Tract B combined stormwater water quality/Retention facility located within Division I of Honey Creek Ridge. This conveyance system was used for the revised analysis to demonstrate that the capacity of the system is adequate to receive and convey the stormwater generated from the proposed subdivision to the existing Tract B facility. A. Narrative: 'The Honey Creek East property was purchased by Lakeridge Development,Inc. for the , primary purpose af constructing a road to�ovide adequate transportation access to the �I Honey Creek Ridge Site. The Construction of the road included a stormwater conveyance system that was designed for the potential future development of the Honey Creek East property. Section IV of this preliminary TIR contains an analysis of the conveyance system for the 2, 10,and 100-yr 24-hr storms. T'he analysis will need to be revised at the time of engineering review to reflect the actual site conditions that will reflect the approved preliminary plat. HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION IV. B.: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The infornsation contained in this sub-section is a copy of the Level l Downstrearn Analysis prepared for the Honey Creek Ridge project. This analysis evaluated the downstream system within Honey Creek from the point of discharge of the Basin"B"pond to the confluence Honey Creek/May Creek. SECTION IV.B. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS A Level 1 Downstream Analysis was walked on January 5, 1993. The distances along the stream were obtained using a standard hand pushed measuring wheel rolled along the access road adjacent to the stream. North of the Devil's Elbow, within the King County Parks Departrnern property there is an old road approximately 100' to the east of the stream. Distances were measured along the road and at convenient locations the stream was observed and described. At the confluence with May Creek, the Honey Creek stream bed was walked(crawled) for the entire distance back upstream to the Devil's Elbow roadway. The following is a description of the observed downstream system from the proposed outfall of the Basin B facility to the confluence of Honey Creek and May Creek-approximately .42 miles. Included in this section is a copy of the City Of Renton topographic map at 1"=200' with the locations of the significant features identified. Station Description 0+00 Proposed location of the Basin B outfall at an existing 12" ACP cross drainage pipe adjacent to the Sanitary Sewer(SS)gravel access road. The stream flows from the south the north. 0+00 to 2+87 Stream channel is 12'to 15'wide with gravel cobble and boulders at the proposed Basin B detention facility outfall. Clear water is flowing at approx. 1 to 2 cfs. Channel side slopes range from vertical 1' bench with 2:1 and 3:1 side slopes on the west side and 1:1 to 6:1 on the east side. The channel between the proposed pond outfall and the bridge is characterized by pools followed by rif�les that range from 4'to 12'wide. Immediately upstream of the bridge is a pool created by a low sandbag berm of two bags high at the head of a rii�le causing water to back up into a circular basin. It appears that the sandbag berm was intended to create the pool rather than to provide protection to the gabion bridge abutment which showed no indication of needing protection. 2+87 Bridge wood structure. The bridge has a 20' span, The bottom of the bridge deck is approx. 8'above the channel. Strearn 6ed is 1 S'wide. The bridge is supported on rock filled gabion baskets with a concrete cap. The sewer line access road crosses the bridge and parallels the stream on the west side. 5+22 The stream enters a 52" concrete culvert a short distance south of the S.S. Lif� Station. The culvert is approx. 1/2 filled with gravel. There is a buildup of organic debris around the top of the culvert that indicates a time when the pipe was flowing full and the inlet was submerged. The organic material is along the side of the rip-rap around the pipe inlet appmximately 32" above the top of the culvert. 48" above the culvert is an overflow channel that is approx. 20'wide with 1'vertical side wails constructed af ecology blocks. `The channel bottom consists of cobbles. 5+76 Overflow channel to the east ofthe S.S. Lift Station. The rectangular channel is 10'wide, 1.5'deep with vertical ecology block side walls. The channel bottom is cobble lined with grass growing between the stones. There is no indication that the channel has recently conveyed water due to the shape of the vegetation and lack of debris. The ground slopes up from the top of the ecology blocks at a 2:1 slope to catch with the level area azound the Lift Station approx. 1'above the top of the ecology blocks. 6+16 Stilling basin adjacent to the southern edge of the Devil's Elbow road. This basin is the logical outfall location for the "Basin A" detention facility as it is a i stabilized area containing natural energy dissipation chazacteristics, and allows for the ' stormwater to be included in the stream gauging. The Stiliing Basin is 5'deep, 15'wide in the east/west direction, 10'wide in the north/south direction, lined with cement filled sand bags to maintain vertical side walls. The culvert that flows to the north under the road is a 60' CMP. 6+49 Devil`s Elbow roadway centerline. 6+70 North side of roadway outfall. 7+00 The stream channel is 6'wide with gravel and cobble bottom. Side slopes aze grassed with adjacent blackberries and range frorn 1:1 to 6:1. 7+00 to 11+00 The stream channel meanders with pool and riffle characteristics. Channel width varies from 6'to 20'and appears stable. There aze lots of organic debris witlun the corridor-trees and limbs. Along various sections the organic high water buildup is within the channel area usually pushed against tree branches and stumps. Along the outside bends of some of the sections there aze 1'to 2'vertical meander cuts within the channel. The wider sections e�ibit braiding with characteristic low flow and high flow gravel channels. 1 I+OQ to 15+p0 Stream is same as 7+00 to 11+00. Pool and rii�le characteristics are the dominant feature. Partially submerged logs and large roots back up water into poois that then drop 1' into the ne�pool structure. The riffle sections aze 6'to 12'wide. 15+50 Approximate location of lazge 9' diameter cedar stump adjacent to east side of stream. 18+00 Approximate location of suspended telephone cable crossing. 22+00 Confluence with May Creek. General Observations The stream comdor within the King County Parks Property appears to be very stable. Areas where the stream has undercut the bank on the outside bends are the obvious areas where sloughing has occurred. However,the gradual undercutting of outside bends is a natural process and appears to be the primary mechanism acting on the stream bed. The lower section of the stream charmel has, over time, cut down 3`to 5' compared to the adjacent topography. The side siopes adjacent to the channel range from 1:1 to vertical and aze heavily vegetated. The primary erosion forces along the channel sides appeaz to be natural - freeze thaw, rain, and seeps. No significant erosion features were observed and, in general,the comdor appears to be stable. HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION V: STORM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS The information contained in this Section a re-recreation of the Basin"B" analysis for the Honey Creek Ridge project. The analysis was modified to provide for Water Quality storage within the Tract"B" facility within the recorded plat of Honey Creek Ridge Division I. It is recommended that the analysis provided in this section be reviewed with the aid of the approved TIR for Honey Creek Ridge_ A copy of the Honey Creek Ridge TIR is at the City of Renton. The person who has a copy of the approved TIR for the Honey Creek Ridge TIR is Raymond Van Der Rost. The information in this section parallels the narrative in Section IV of the Honey Creek Ridge TIR. The revised analysis demonstrates that the existing Tract "B" facility within Division I of the recorded Plat of Honey Creek Ridge—Division I, can accommodate the additional stormwater from the Honey Creek East Site with minor revisions to the outflow structure. CENTRAL BASIN (BASIN B) A. Basin B Description A detention facility to control stormwater runoff generated from the Central Basin (Basin B) • of the Honey Creek project is provided within Tract B, Division I, south of S.E. 100th St.. � The facility provides stormwater runoff protection for the southern portion of Division I, all of Division II, and additional impervious areas associated with off-site roadway improvements providing access to the project. The combined 3-Cell Detention/Water Quality Pond facility is provided with access to the first cell. An access road with a slope of 15% is provided to the control structure. A biofiltration swale has ben provided at the base ' of the berm. Provided within this section are the calculations necessary to determine the storage requirements. The required 30% pond volume safety factor increase has been � included in the design. The redundant piping within the pond is far the purpose of draining '' the wet pond portion of the facility. The design of the Basin B detention facility includes special considerations to protect the I area down slope of the pond. The design includes several redundant safety features. First, an ; overflow riser pipe is placed within the outflow control structure to allow stormwater to enter ' the conveyance system in the event the primary outfall system fails which consists of the inlet pipe and the control orifices within the control manhole. This secondary overflow structure has been designed to convey the fully developed, undetained 100year-24hour (Overflow Design Storm) without any water flowing over the spillway. Water that flows over the spillway will flow over a rock rip rap facing down the entire front slope of the pond � berm. The rip rap will be shaped to direct the water into the southern most bend of the ' biofiltration swale that will direct the overflow water into a large inlet pipe and drop structure that will direct the water into the downstream conveyance system and to a stabilized outfall adjacent to Honey Creek. Exhibit B. is the Pre-Development Drainage Area Map (Original TIR on file at the City) Exhibit C. is the Post-Development Drainage Area Map.(Original TIR on file at the City) B. Creation of Pre-developed On-site and Developed Off-site Hydrograp6s Following this page is the information used in the creation of the Pre-Developed condition hydrographs for Basin B (BB) and the e�sting developed condition hydrographs for Sienea Heights-South{SHS) , Sierra Heights-North(SHI� and Western Hills (VVH). The basins are shown on Exhibit B. ALso included are the Detail Basin Summary printouts for the 2-yr, 10- yr, and 100-yr hydrographs used in the analysis. � / /o/J c v C/c�,� /J ns�i7 ,c�,C7 �rc-��v�/,pc�,/ f ✓ A Prcc%�c%�,o c4/ C N , /. So i/s = �ro� .5'C S So:/s ����ona/ O�s:�� , G cofc cri �k�o/��or ioll �}/c%/-u�ooc�" . �,-o,,, F�y 3.sZ� - G�o�p � � .So,'/,s- Z . L or�c� USC - �oS'i/� ,� is vi7o�G vG/o�cc�`ar� /S Co(/C�'G� u/i1�f'1 9 I39/X o]C sccohc���cu�f"�i ,f'rcGs w,th �n���b.-�sh 3. C/�/ �ro�-n T 4�c 3.S Z � �s.%�y Gt/ova�.r ��- � Fp�G Sf /G fii'!c7 SGCoisc�4/oGv/`j av'O/�!/S�f � � CN = �/ � C/V ,. , `f. rca (�sii�a ,�i�,�i�r;�:-c�- ��,d a /=zc� �a� ( �o!/e"Ji�ec7�0��D�Si7LG ��O/,�5� �rca - Z 3_ �,qcics F---��-- ----.9�ca � � T,irc �� Col�cn.,�'r�:�•on T = .�T-� T �l��c ' T, S � /3 � ;�laods oi-:oics;' _;f��:�i Sh ccf �s = - `f T ; L = Zoo �"ores7` S�a//ow Conr_c.�f�or� So = Z yo ,�S 3 j = L = 2/� ��i csJ` .S�iA/�v�.v Co�c��roTr.� So - Z6.7� �s 3 T : L = si rJ Fvics�- Swo�c .Z',,�`���,�`i`c,,; Cr`�o�;;;c1 � - /3-9� ��c � �,-�� ��-G�h �� ,�as,� s���o,-y s���� T = .� y �s.�,r, - T ` Nafe = /-}// T ►-o%cs orc c%�`ci"/�.i>ca/vs.%�q Th G T C4/c�./o7�0� ca�7�o,s�c� rv.f-�.i� 7`h c L�a�`c✓ G�or.E�- /�roq r-orri v✓i �1L`l' �fj G � �'Jf]v7�s 12/10/06 6 :57 :53 pm Casey Engineering page 1 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BAS IN SUNIlKARY (t� BASIN ID: BB NAMB: 2'YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY � TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 .00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0.00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COSFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks:3 .00 s :0 . 0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 2Z0.00 ks:3 .00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5.00 s:0 .1390 PEAK RATB: 7 .21 cfs VOL: 4.06 Ac-ft TIMS: 490 min BASIN ID: BB1 NAME: �YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23.90 Acres BASSFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPFs. . . . : USERl PFsRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 .00 inches ARFA. . : 23 . 90 Acres 0 .40 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : lO .OQ min CN. . . . : 81 .00 0 .00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 . 1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks:3 . 00 s:0 .0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210 .00 ks :3 .00 s: 0.2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5 .00 s :0 .1390 PEAK R.ATE: 1.47 cfs VOL: 1.20 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: BB2 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 2 .00 inches ARSA. . : 23 .90 Acres O .OQ Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0 .00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200 .00 ks :3 .00 s :0 . 0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210 .00 ks :3 .00 s :0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5 .00 s:0 .1390 PEAIC RATE: 1 .47 cfs VOL: 1 .20 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min 12/10/06 6 :57:53 pm Casey Engineering page 2 HONFsY CREEK EAST REVIS$D POND DBSIGN 2006 BAS IN SUNIlKARY BASIN ID: BB3 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USFR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches ARRA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0.00 Acres TIMfi INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0.00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks:3 . 00 s:0 . 0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210.00 ks :3 .00 s: 0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 31�.00 kc:5 . 00 s: 0 . 1390 PEAK R.ATB: 1.47 cfs VOL: 1.20 Ac-ft TIMB: 490 min BASIN ID: BB4 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USSRl PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 .00 Acres TIM$ INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0 .00 TC. . . . . 39 . 15 min 0 .00 min ABSTRACTION COFFF: 0.20 ' TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s:0 .1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks :3 . 00 s :0. 0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210 .00 ks:3 . 00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5 .00 s:0 .1390 PEAK RATE: 1.47 cfs VOL: 1.2D Ac-ft TIMB: 490 min ; /"7o/IGy C,rc c,� ' /.�c�s i/J l�l//1 � ,C"Xis>`i i.J�',l/c vc%,o ; , --------�--------- - --�— _— ----� ----------- � G v G�o.D C c, Co/Jc/i j'�io/J � ( r � ! /7- .C./ v �a c� C� . � C G /JG � 3 i t � so i�S % �rov�o � � .soi�s � i ' Z. � g s��/ Us c �ps.� Lr/h' C lt/esfc.-� �//s��'s 'I o/so o,� �,rc� �`"�70 7�cv�s o%vc,//ocd.i� ! ,e,�y �oG��y ,��,o,- �a ,��.����.�,������. ! � ; � T�7C �JQsiiJ o�Gq Co�S�sf'r o f Z��i'oaSGs � � c�r.'vc�o�s J �per 1`fios� o�o� /'d oc/wdf/s - � I ' I ` � 3- A�rc os : Us-.�9 �/p.�i�cfc� a�� Ex��6.f ,� 1 ; �� � � TG f'o� /��-co - � '7`9 Acres � /C4 ! 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Z.B vs� 3 �� F---�--�� Z"�p�-�' � � � sv/rJmo�- •" I� er��ous Prviaovs � � � �_._. ; A i�a �/V ,�}rc� G�I/ � ,� i � � , ; ; 3. z 3 y� s 2� �s6 ; � i ; .�- ,O�v�/o�vccl j = � t-� .r`- T �Ty �TS-- w/�crc i li ; ; '� ; T� Lj = y� � G�o.ss £L�w� - �ver/o�c/ Sf�scJ� ' , � ! ns _ �s ; I,I � � i ; T : L1 = 36.5" /�,;o�� C'onv��yo��c - G�ho��c/ i � � = g�� ; �c = `�`Z � i l i � ; � L 3 = Z 3G� C/�c��Jyl�/ �/a�v — �o ac�/s,c�c ,O.j�c`j ' � � � /�6 � !i ��G - �, � i ( ; T : Ly = z y�a � P.�orc/ Co�vcyar�Gc - CLiq�n�/ � ; --�-- ' ` -So = /y ` � _ �-}Z ' G i i f Ts - LS = /� / [_f'JC!/7rJG� /C/Ol.v — �OOG�S'i�7G �i�G� i � i : So � i y � � � � /7 � c ; 12/10/06 7 :2 :9 pm Casey Bngineering page 1 HONEY CREEK BAST RSVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 DBTAIL BASIN SUMMARY `�, BAS IN ID: WH P1AME: �YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 8 .49 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPF. . . . : USfiRl PF3RV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARSA. . : 5 .26 Acres 3 .23 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 19 .63 min 19 .63 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 90 .00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Channel L: 365 .00 kc:42 . 00 s:0 .0800 TcReach - Channel L: 230.00 kc:17 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Channel L: 240 .00 kc:42 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Channel L: 90 .00 kc:17 .00 s:0 .0100 PEAK RAT$: 5 .30 cfs VOL: 2 .06 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min TIMB DBSIGN RIMB DBSIGH TIMB DgSIGN TIMB DBSIGN TIMB DBSIGN TIyB DBSIGN RUNOFF xIINOFF RIIKOFF RUHOFF xIINOPF RDNOFF Iminl icfs) (min) (cfs) fmin) Icfs) ►iinl Icfs) (min) (cfs) (min) (cfa) 10 310 0.8141 610 1.5346 910 0.9466 1210 0.7434 1510 0.0263 20 320 O.B547 620 1.5334 920 0.9329 1220 0.7437 1520 0.0156 30 O.000� 330 0.6888 630 1.5345 930 0.9250 1230 0.1441 1530 0.0093 40 0.0086 340 0.9185 640 1.5369 940 0.9207 1240 0.7�95 1540 0.0055 SO 0.0272 350 0.9794 650 1.4829 950 0.9184 1250 0.7448 1550 0.0033 60 0.0510 360 1.0547 660 1.3950 960 0,9174 1260 0.7452 1560 0.0019 10 0.0756 370 1.1114 670 1.3439 970 0.91T1 127D 0.7456 1570 0.0012 80 0.099U 360 1.1552 680 1.3146 980 0.9172 1284 0.7459 1580 0.0001 90 0.1203 390 1.1907 690 1.2982 990 0.9176 1290 0.74b3 1590 0.0004 100 0.1392 400 1.2209 900 1.2895 1000 0.9181 1300 0.T466 1600 O.OQ02 110 0.1655 410 1.3567 710 1.2853 1010 0.8813 1310 0.7470 1610 0.0001 120 0.196? 420 1.5585 720 1.2838 1020 0.6224 1320 0.7473 1620 130 O.Z212 430 1.6934 130 1.2838 1030 0.7675 1330 0.7476 1630 140 0.2408 440 1.9243 7!0 1.Z847 1040 0.76T0 1340 0.7480 1640 150 0.2568 450 2.2162 750 1.2862 1050 0.1550 1350 0.7483 1650 160 0.2701 460 2.9099 760 1.2880 1060 0.7481 1360 0.7486 1660 110 0.1936 4T0 4.5122 7?0 1.2351 1070 �.7441 1310 O.T490 1670 180 0.3234 480 5.3034 180 1.1497 1080 0.7419 13B0 0.7493 1680 190 0.3457 490 4.6428 190 1.0995 1090 0.7408 1390 0.7l96 169D 200 0,3673 500 3.8114 B00 1.0701 1100 0.7403 1400 0.7499 1700 210 0.3909 510 3.1706 810 1.0532 1110 0.790Z 1410 0.1502 1710 220 0.4150 520 2.7954 820 1.0437 1120 0.1403 1420 0.7505 1120 I 230 0.4559 530 2.4201 830 1.0365 1130 0.7405 1430 0.7509 1130 240 0.5076 590 2.0433 840 1.0359 1140 0.7408 1440 0.1512 1740 250 0.5495 550 1.8214 S50 1.0348 1150 0,7411 1450 0.5988 1754 260 0.5657 560 1.6918 860 1.0347 1160 0.1415 1460 0.3557 1760 , 210 0.61T3 570 1.6170 870 1.0350 1170 0.7416 1470 0.2113 17T0 260 0.6451 584 1.5746 880 1.0357 1180 0.7422 1460 0.1255 1780 , 290 0.6472 590 1.5515 690 1.0106 1190 0.7426 1490 0.0746 1790 ' 300 0.7636 640 1.5397 900 0.9702 1200 0.7430 1500 0.0443 1800 V ► 11 � � �� � � � ------. _____ � � '� a �' � °' � � ►� , � a � � � � V `Q Q � u � � t '�I Q � `� `� � o \ ,� Q �, h N � U k Q v � � v � c) j � � � � � ` j w V, `� .� U Q � �V � Q .0 a� � \ � •� V � � -� 3 v � N � � � � � U Q � J �, o �� Q� � � ,�, � � � � e � � d � e � o � � N . � � �, � � a � � � � c � � 3 �' � U �'� v � V � � � � � � .o, ti .� ,� II ^� i �' � � Q , ' �� � � s� � � � Q l � U Q � �N � � � � {�Q � \ � � � � Q � J `� U � C \� .� � �� �� � ��, � a o �` � � ° � � h � � o h �', � � � N � � �i �j �1 � p '� c� � � � v � �.0 � � �� N w� 3 0 �1 � \� � v � � � h �' � l� h � o � � � Q p u , U a � � � n� � � ` � �� � . v �. ,� � � � � , , � U \ ., .o� � � � � �� � v `� � � ` � `Q lV � ` � v � v � � � Q � v� I� � � � � u� � �� � `� b�° ,� �� N `� � 4 � ` � � Q � � � v \ � • n� NN � � � `Vtl` � �` v � U � � ` p N � �.� Q U ►� ►, �� �, �� '� � �i ,� �� ri ►i � � v � • � � � N � � i � � v `'�'b �`' v �,b` v I� � v ��' � e � � �v � � v , � o �' '� � o � N � �� ��,� ,� � , � � �� 12/10/06 7:4 :30 pm Casey Bngineering page 1 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISSD POND DBSIGN 2006 DBTAIL BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: SHS NAMF3: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MSTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 7. 81 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPS. . . . : USBR1 P$RV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 5 .15 Acres 2 .66 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 TC. . . . . 24 .76 min 24 .76 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 140.00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Shallow L: 370.00 ks:27 .00 s:0 .0200 TcReach - Channel L: 346.00 kc:42 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Channel L: 280.00 kc:42 . 00 s:0 .0900 PEAR RATB: 4 .43 cfs VOL: 1 . 87 AC-ft TIMS: 480 min TIMB DBSIGB TIAB DBSIGH TIMB DBSIGIP TIFIB DBSIGN TIMB DBSIGH TIMB DBSIGN RQ80FF RDNOFF fiUNOFF RUNOFF RO!(OFF RUHOFF fain) Icfsl I�in) (cfs► (nin) (cfs) (min) (cfs► (min) (cfs) (�in► (cfs! ===--====--===-======-==-========--=-==========-==========================-==-=---===-===-==-====-====== -- -- - - - - - - -- - - 10 310 0.6878 616 1.4202 910 0.8754 1210 0.6804 1510 0.0�91 20 320 0.7267 620 1,4121 920 0.8617 1220 0.6807 1520 0.0326 30 0.0005 330 0.7605 630 1.4081 930 4.8529 1230 0.6811 1530 0.021b 40 0.0059 340 0.7904 640 1.4069 940 0.8473 1240 0.6814 1540 0.0144 50 0.0189 350 0.8412 650 1.3644 950 0.8438 1250 0.6818 1550 0.0095 60 O.D363 360 0.9066 660 1.2941 960 0.8417 1260 0.6822 1560 0.0063 70 0.0550 370 0.9586 610 1.2483 970 0.8466 1270 0.6625 1570 0.00l2 80 0.0134 380 1.0012 680 1.2187 980 0.8401 1280 0.6829 1580 0.0028 90 0.0906 390 1.0371 690 1.1999 990 0.8400 1290 0.6832 1590 0.0019 100 0.1063 400 1.0683 700 1.1882 1000 0.8402 1300 0.6835 1600 0.0012 110 0.1271 410 1.1168 710 1.1813 1010 0.8123 1310 0.6839 1610 0.0008 1Z0 D.1514 420 1.3394 T20 1.1774 1020 0.7657 1320 0.6892 1620 0.0005 130 0.1717 430 1.4594 730 1.1756 1030 0.7348 1330 0.6845 1630 0.0004 140 0.1886 440 1.6522 740 1.1152 1040 0.7145 1340 0.6849 1640 0.0002 150 0.2028 450 1.8965 750 1.1756 1050 0.7012 1350 0.6852 1650 0.0002 160 0.2141 460 1.l489 760 1.1766 1060 0.6924 1360 0.6855 1660 0.0001 170 O.Z334 470 3.7092 770 1.1366 1010 0.6868 1370 0.6858 1670 180 Q.2565 480 4,4294 780 1.Ob92 1080 0.6832 1380 0.6862 1680 190 0.2752 490 4.0619 790 1.0249 1090 0.6809 1390 0.6865 1690 200 0.2939 500 3.4889 800 0.9958 1100 0.6795 1400 0.6868 1700 210 0.3147 510 2.4989 810 0.9770 1110 0.6788 1410 0.6871 1710 220 0.3365 520 2.6T75 820 0.9649 1120 0.6784 1420 0.6814 1720 230 0.3704 530 2.3497 830 0.9512 1130 0.6783 1430 0.6817 1730 240 0.4131 54Q 2.0161 840 0.9525 1140 0.6783 1440 0.6880 1740 250 Q.4505 550 1.7963 650 0.9498 1150 0.6785 1450 0.5125 1750 260 0.4839 560 1.6522 860 0.9483 1160 0.6787 1460 0.3802 17b0 210 0.5142 570 1.5582 870 0.9478 1170 0.6790 1470 0.2524 1116 280 0.5419 580 1.4975 880 0.9471 1180 0.6793 1480 0.1616 1780 290 0.5860 590 1.4588 890 0.9285 1190 0.6797 1490 0.1113 1790 300 0.6419 600 1.4347 900 0.8964 1200 4.6800 15D0 0.0739 1800 � � ,r� ` � � ; � Q 0 � � � � � � � z � \� � ` U � � j � u 0 o U � � ��� `� � ,o q � �, � � � � �° Q N � � � � � `►� �° � � l� � � � .`'� � w � � ►I h � bo �.�` � �v v � :`� Q � r I v �.. '� �. � � � � � V .o ''� a � .h ���� � ° � o � � a '`�, !` � � V �° � � � v �, � g � ��, Q o� '� � v� . , b v � Q �� � i� M � � � ` � �N � � p � ti `� � � � � � � � � �� •0 � �` �` •�1 4 M ' � � �I 1 p �v �, � ` N '� � ` \ �\ � M I� '� � � � � v�' � w, � v . � , � � � � i� �� � :� � .4 � ,; '�'t � � � '� � � �� h .o �' c�°� � .� � � � � � � � h ' t `a � ' � �i � � � � \� .� � u N � U � � ���` �c �' � v � a ,6� `� � � o � t� �1 � � V� � �, � �� � N1 � \ o '\� � � v ., � � � , , V � \ v V � � �, .p U � U �� � � _b `1°�� cU Q 4 .� � � .0 `Q 4 l ,,� � �� \ �5 �� ►� �'ti ,�. �;t� cy� � yl � `� � � � � � � � 4 � � �N � , v U � e � � . � � � �i �� ►, i► �► �, �� n �� �� � , �i � \ U � � `� �ll F � � �` '' � �° C� � �°� '�� I�,��`' �il�,° � V � � � o � � � � ►y �. � � , . � N ' � N � � � �� �N ^� � � � U M � h � � Q � , 12/10/06 7 :6 :30 pm Casey Engineering page 1 HONEY CREEK EAST RBVISBD POND D$SIGN 2006 ---------- - DETAIL BASIN SUNII�fARY BASIN ID: SHN NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 7 .25 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USERl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 4 .79 Acres 2 .46 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10. 00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98. 00 TC. . . . . 26 .12 min 26 .19 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 130 .00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Shallow L: 160 .00 ks:27 .00 s :0.0100 TcReach - Channel L: 630.04 kc:42 .00 s:0. 0050 TcReach - Channel L: 310.00 kc:42 . 00 s:0. 0390 TcReach - Channel L: 200 .Od kc:17 .00 s:0.0600 PEAK R.ATB: 4 .03 cfs VOL: 1.73 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min TI!!B DBSIGN TIlI$ DBSIGA ?IMB DBSIGH TI!!B DgSIGN TINB DBSIGN TIl18 DBSIGN ROBOFF xIIHOFF RIINOFF xIINOFF RONOFF RUNOPF (IDin) {cfs) (min) (cfs) (minl (cfs) (�in) (cfs) (min) ►cfsl iainf Icfs) 10 310 0.6318 610 1.3256 910 0.8147 1210 0.6315 1510 0.0525 20 320 0.6681 620 1.3160 920 0.8019 1220 0.6318 1520 0.0356 30 0.0009 330 O.b998 630 1.3107 930 0.7934 1230 O.b321 1536 0.0242 40 0.0052 340 0.7280 640 1.3084 940 0.7878 1240 0.6324 1540 0.0164 � 50 0.0166 350 0.7145 650 1.2698 950 0.7843 1250 0.6328 1550 0.0112 60 0.0324 360 0.8342 660 1.2063 964 0.7821 1Z60 0.6331 1560 0.0076 10 0.0493 370 0.8823 670 1.1640 970 0.7808 1270 O.b33� 1570 0.0051 80 0.0660 380 0.9222 680 1.1360 980 0.7802 1280 0.6338 1580 0.0035 90 0.0818 390 0.9561 690 1.1177 990 0.7800 1290 0.6341 1590 4.0024 140 0.0963 400 0.9855 704 1.1060 1000 0.7900 1300 O.b344 1600 6.0016 � 110 0.1153 410 1.0834 710 1.0988 1010 0.7552 1310 0.6347 1616 0.0011 , 120 0.1375 420 1.2301 120 1.D946 1020 0.7134 1320 O.b350 1620 0.000T 130 0.1562 430 1.3404 130 1.D924 1030 0.6852 1330 0.6353 1630 0.0405 140 0.1719 440 1.5156 740 1.0916 1640 0.6661 1340 0.6356 1640 0.0003 150 0.1852 456 1.T376 750 1.0917 1050 0.6533 1350 0.6359 1650 0.0002 ; 160 0.1965 460 2.2342 760 1.0924 1060 0.6448 1360 0.6362 1660 0.0002 I 174 0.2136 470 3.3b36 770 1.0568 1010 0.639i 1370 0.63b5 1670 0.0001 ' i80 0.2347 480 4.0271 T80 0.9964 1060 0,6354 1380 0.6368 1b80 190 0.2520 49D 3.7280 790 0.9558 1090 0.6329 1390 4.6371 1b90 Z00 0.2694 500 3.2332 800 Q.9286 1100 0.6314 1l00 0.6374 1700 210 0.2886 514 2.1997 810 0.9104 1110 0.6305 1410 0.6377 1710 220 0.3088 520 2.5096 820 0.8965 1120 0.6300 1420 O.b380 1720 130 0.3396 530 2.2110 B30 0.8907 1130 0.6248 1430 0.6383 2730 240 0.3185 540 1.9054 640 0.8858 1140 0.6Z98 1440 0.6385 1740 250 0.4129 550 1.6995 850 0.8828 1150 0.6299 1450 0.5361 1750 260 0.4439 560 1.5612 860 0.8611 1160 O.b300 1460 0.3b40 1766 270 0.4721 570 1.4689 870 0.8803 1170 0.6303 14T0 0.2471 1170 280 0.4980 580 1.4017 880 0.8801 1160 0.6305 1460 0.1678 1780 290 0.5384 590 1.3616 890 0.8628 1190 0.6308 1490 0.1139 1190 300 0.5894 600 1.341B 900 0.8341 1200 0.6311 1500 0.0773 1800 �� �,w, �,�,, l;�� %?/� ' �`-�-� C. DESCRIPTION OF DESIGN PROCESS AND HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY The Basin B description of design process cannot be presented in the same format as that which was shown for Basin A. The reason for this is that the Basin B analysis contains a significant amount of offsite stormwater runoff that is routed through the proposed on-site conveyance system into a flow splitter at the detention pond and out to the "point of analysis" which is at the outfall location at Honey Creek. The overall strategy used in the analysis of the Basin B hydrology is as follows: a. Combine the existing off-site developed and existing on-site pre-developed hydrographs for the 2-yr, 10-yr, and 100-yr storms and route them to the point of analysis. The resulting three hydrographs are then the Basin "design performance standards". On the Hydrograph Summary printout, the design performance standards are: HYD 18 5.7 cfs 2-yr Predeveloped on-site and developed off-site routed to the point of analysis HYD 19 12.6 cfs 10-yr Predeveloped on-site and developed off-site routed to the point of analysis HYD 20 20.2 cfs 100-yr Predeveloped on-site and developed off-site routed to the point of analysis b. Hydrographs are created for the bypass flows at the flow splitter, the outflow to the bioswale, and the remaining outflow from the pond for the three design storms. The hydrographs of the three components discharging to the point of analysis are combined for each design storm. The result of the combination are hydrographs that can be directly ! � compared with the hydrographs developed in step 1. above to check that the design performance standards are met. On the Hydrograph Summary printout, the design presented has the following result�`�4 �a b� �y�� y� ,.� �i� �rc '.�C-(3 1 HYD 8 5:8 c 2-yr Conbined off-site undetained and on-site detained hyds at P.O.A. HYD 9 fs 10-yr Conbined off-site undetained and on-site detained hyds at P.O.A. HYD 10 19.8 cfs 100-yr Conbined off-site undetained and on-site detained hyds at P.O.A The summary information for the Biofiltration Swale Design is presented: Biofiltration Swale Capacity Design Flow 16.98cfs Biofiltration Swale Depth At Capacity .65' Biofiltration Swale Design Depth 2.00' Biofiltration Swale Required Width 8.23' Biofiltration Swale Design Width 9.00' The proposed Biofiltration Facility is shown in the plan set. The remainder of the hydrographs on the Hydrograph Summary are described as they are created in the narrative of the History Of Hydrograph Activity. I � D: NARRATIVE OF DESIGN PROCESS AS PRESENTED 1N HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY The analysis of the Basin B hydrology is not trivial. The History of Hydrograph Activity file following this section presents a step by step analysis of the hydrograph routing of three existing off-sfte developed basins, Western Hills(VVH), Sierra Heights-North(SHI�, and Sierra Heights- South (SHS), and the on-site area that will be contributing nuioff to the Basin B detention facility (BB) to the point of analysis which is defined as the detention pond outfall location at Honey Creek. The analysis is performed using a site specific program(DESIGN.PGIvn written within the WATER WORKS hydraulic modeling soflware program. A discussion of the following analysis parallels the computational steps presented in the History Of Hydrograph Activity. 1. Determination of Eaistin�Condition Hvdrograuhs a. Each of the three existing off-site basin azeas are defined in the data. base. The time of concentrations are determined to a location where the off-site water enters the project site. b. The off-site basin hydrographs are defined and then shifted forward in time by a time interval that reasonably approximates the travel time from the place where the off-site water emers the project site to the poi� of analysis. In the case �f WH and SHN, the hydrographs are each shifted to a location where the flowpaths converge, the hydrographs are added and then the combined hydrograph is shifted to the point of analysis. The time shifts aze short due to the fact that the flowpaths are down steep slopes and in most cases within defined eroded channels. The muting of the e�sting off-site hydrographs is �I performed using EXISTl.pgm At the conch.ision of the first run of the EXISTl.pgm, the HYD 1 contains the three off-site existing basins routed to the point of analysis using the 2- ; yr, 24-hr storm. �,� - �� „ ,;� � n.� ;v°l� ,� 2 -�r. � � J J� 1 YI �' r- �' c. The on-site presievelQ,�edl�asin area(BB} is then defined and a hydrograph is developed. The BB h�'y�rograph is then reduced by 50%and placed into HYD 2. d. The hydrographs HYD 1 and HYD 2 are then �d fogether and placed into HYD 1, then placed into HYD 18 for pern�anent storage. �IYD 1� now represents the existing i condition 2-yr off-site combined with 50%of the 2-yr ori=site-at the point of analysis. �, e. The precipitation is changed for all four basins to the 10-yr storm. EXISTI.pgm is ', executed again and resuhant HYD 1 now contains a hydrograph for the three off-site existing basins routed to the point of analysis for the 10-yr,24-hr storm f. The onsite basin BB pre-developed 10-yr storm hydrograph is created and added to the hydrograpt resuhant of the second run of EXISTI.pgm. The combined hydrograph now representing the 10-yr on-site pre-developed and off-site developed hydrographs, routed to the point of analysis, is stored in HYD 19. g. The precipitation is changed for all four basins to the 100-yr storm. EXISTl.pgm is executed for the third and last time. The result is a hydrograph containing the three combined off-site basins routed to the point of analysis for the 100-yr event, still using location HYD 1. The Basin BB existing pre-developed hydrograph is created and added to HYD 1 then the combined total is placed into HYD 20. The three hydrographs now contain �, the following information. HYD 18 2-yr on-site predeveloped and existing off-site developed HYD 19 10-yr on-site predeveloped and existing off-site developed HYD 20 100-yr on-site predeveloped and existing off-site developed HYDs 18, 19 and 20 represent the performance criteria, for the three design storms, at the point of analysis. 2. Determination Of Developed Condition Hvdro�raphs In the developed condition, stormwater enters the Basin B detention facility from the north and south by way of piped conveyance systems. The conveyance systems are predefined as "Reaches". The defined conveyance reaches are shown on the Developed Condition Exhibit_ The developed inflow hydrographs are determined by routing the 2, 10, and 100-yr, 24-hr storms through the conveyance system to the pond. Appendix I contains a detailed printout describing the contributing sub-basin areas that enter into the conveyance system at each CB inlet both existing and proposed. Appendix II contains a detailed printout of each reach between the basins. Appendix III contains a detailed printout of the catch basin structures that comprise the on-site and off-site conveyance system. a. At the beginning of the analysis, the previously used hydrographs in registers 1 through 6 I are zeroed. This is necessary to ensure that the registers are empty. ! b. The precipitation is changed to the 2-yr storm for all the contributing basin areas. i. Hydrograph 1 is routed through reach LinelA. Line lA is the conveyance system within the SHS (Sierra Heights-South) existing developed off-site area. ii Hydrograph 1 is then routed through Line 1. Line 1 contains Lines3, and 2 which are networked as part of the analysis. The "Network Line 1" analysis contains the summation of LineslA, 4, 3, 2 and 1 as they all converge to outfall into the pond. At the conclusion of the routing, HYD 1 contains the hydrograph of the developed 2-yr storm entering the pond from the south. iii. Hydrograph 4 is routed through Line 5. Line 5 contains is the northern conveyance system and contains Lines 8, 7, and 6. The results are stored in HYD 4 which contains the hydrograph of the 2-yr storm entering the pond from the north. Note: Line 5 contains all of the contributing sub-basin areas from Honey Creek East. iii. The precipitation is changed to the 10-yr storm for the contributing basins, and the analysis that occurred in steps 2.a., b., and c. as described above is repeated. The results are stored in HYD 2 and HYDS that represent the developed 10-yr storms for the respective south and north contributing conveyance systems. iv. The precipitation is changed to the 100-yr storm and the process is again repeated. The resulting HYD 3 and HYD 8 represent the 100-yr inflow hydrographs for the respective north and south contributing conveyance systems that enter the Basin B pond. v. The hydrographs containing the 2-yr storm from the north and south (HYD 1 and 4) are combined into HYD 1. The hydrographs containing the 10-yr storm from the north and south (HYD 2 and HYD 5) are combined into HYD 2 and the 100-yr hydrographs (HYD 3 and HYD 6) are combined into HYD 3. ,�� ti ��'� , �, , At the conclusion of this portion of the analysis, HYDs 1, 2, and 3 contain the fully developed undetained on-site and off-site stormwater entering the flow splitter located within structure S 1. 3. Flow Splitter Structure (S1) The purpose of the flo��� splitter, at the confluence of the northern and southern conveyance �I systems that conveys both off-site existing developed and on-site proposed developed I stormwater runoff to the Basin B facility, is to separate the off-site stormwater away from the detention facility and direct it to a stabilized outfall. I a. The level pool option of the program performs the following operation: "LPOOL" , level pool route ;"1", line 1 of the level pool routing input table ;"2 YR", being described as the 2- yr storm; "18" , pre-developed HYD 18; "1", inflow HYD 1 which contains the developed combined on-site and off-site conveyance flows into the flow splitter, "S 1" , identification of storage structure; "combl", identification of the outflo�� discharge structure which in this case is a combination structure; and "11" is the location of the outflow hydrograph, HYD 11. The result of the level pool analysis is that all the water entering the 96" structure is routed through the "combl" orifice configuration and the elevation at which inflow is equal to the outflow is 336.97. The Level Pool function is then performed for the 10-yr and 100-yr storms. The hydrographs created as a result of the level pool routing are placed into HYD 11 - 2-yr storm, HYD 12 - 10-yr storm, and HYD 13 - 100-yr storm. b. The Split command performs the following function; the discharge structure "O1" is used to split the fully developed undetained 2-yr storm hydrograph entering the pond, located in HYD 1 ,"1", which in this case has a peak of 14.52cfs. The result of the split is that HYD 4 ,"4", is directed to the outfall (point of analysis) and the remainder HYD14, "14", is directed into the detention facility. The SPLIT function is performed for the 10-yr and 100-yr storms. At the conclusion of splitting the inflows between the detention facility and the outfall location, the hydrographs contain the following: HYD 4 2-yr Existing off-site bypass generated by the WH, SHN, and SHS basins HYD 5 10-yr Existing off-site bypass generated by the WH, SHN, and SHS basins HYD 6 100-yr Existing off-site bypass generated by the WH, SHN, and SHS basins 4. Basin B Detention Pond Analysis 1. Level Pool Routing Through The Detention Facility HYDs 14, 15, and 16 represent the onsite stormwater generated as a result of the proposed project flowing into the pond. The hydrographs are Level Pool routed through the Basin B detention facility and the combination outflow discharge structure "com3". The pond release hydrographs are stored in HYDs 1 l, 12 and 13 representing the outflow for the 2-yr, 10-yr and 100-yr storms respectively. 2. Flow Splitter To Direct 2-yr storm to the Biofiltration Swale HYDs 11, 12, and 13 now contain the total outflow from the pond. However, the goal is to split of the 2-yr storm and direct it to the Biofiltration swale and discharge the remainder into the outflow conveyance system. Therefore, each of the three outflow hydrographs are split between the biofiltration swale and the downstream conveyance system. For the 2-yr storm, the SPLIT command performs the following analysis. Using the discharge orifice (03), the results on Line 4 of the Level Pool analysis, which in this case contains outflow HYD 11, is split. The hydrograph that is split, as a result of the orifice is place into HYD 1 with the remainder to be placed into HYD 14. The SPLIT function is performed for the 10-yr and 100-yr storms. � At the conclusion of the SPLIT analysis, the hydrographs contain the following: HYD 1 2-yr outflow to biofiltration swale HYD 2 10-yr outflow to biofiltration swale HYD 3 100-yr outflow to biofiltration swale HYD 11 2-yr hyd containing result of level pool routing through pond and com3 HYD 12 10-yr hyd containing resuh of level pool routing through pond and com3 HYD 13 100-yr hyd containing result of level pool routing through pond and com3 HYD 14 2-yr outflow to downstream conveyance system HYD 15 10-yr outflow to downstream conveyance system HYD 16 100-yr outflow to downstream conveyance system 5. Combinint Bvnass Outflow With Pond Dischar�e To Comnare With Pre-Develoued Condition The design criteria for the Basin B analysis is that the combined total outflow from the pond and the existing bypass cannot exceed the existing runoff from basins WH, SHN, SHS, and predeveloped BB. To verify that the design criteria is meet, the outflow hydrographs from the pond and the bypass are added together and stored in HYD 8, 9, and 10 respectively for the 2-yr, 10-yr and 100-yr storms. The resuhs can be compared with the predeveloped HYDs 18, 19, and 20. At the conclusion of this analysis the hydrographs contain the following: HYD 8 2-yr combined discharge from flow splitter and pond at point of analysis HYD 9 10-yr combined discharge from flow splitter and pond at point of analysis HYD 10 100-yr combined discharge from flow splitter and pond at point of analysis E: HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY PRINTOUT 12/10/06 7:9 :10 pm Casey Engineering page 1 HONEY CREBK EAST REVISFD POND DESIGN 2006 HYDROGRAPH SUNIMARY PEAK TIMB VOLUM}3 HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM R.ATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 1 0.418 1460 53134 cf 0.00 2 0 .426 660 55936 cf 0.00 3 0 .441 530 57393 cf 0.00 4 4 .890 490 43202 cf 0.00 5 8.307 490 115153 cf 0.00 6 12 .223 490 178391 cf 0. 00 8 5.811 490 224767 Cf 0 .00 9 9 .660 490 378248 cf 0 .00 10 19 .758 520 554594 cf 0 .00 11 2 .166 1460 181565 cf 0 .00 12 4 .555 660 26309& cf 0.00 13 13 .581 530 376203 cf 0.00 14 1.748 1460 128431 cf 0 .00 15 4 .129 660 207159 cf 0.00 16 13 .140 530 318809 cf 0.00 18 5.678 490 126850 cf 23 .55 19 12 .559 490 275237 cf 47 .45 20 20 .152 490 423390 cf 47 .45 � 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 1 HONFY CRBBK SAST RBVISgD POND DF3SIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY Date of Session: 12/1Of06 3:27:54 pm CLBARHIS RB!lARI� DBCBRBBR 206b PROGRAM R&VISIOA THIS PROGRAFI FILB NILL SYST6llATICA1LY &OUT6 THB 2, 10 AND 100 YR STOAM BYBNTS THOUGH THB VARIOIIS BASIHS. AY TBB CONCLUSIO� . OF TflIS PROG&AN BBISTIAG HYDROGRAPBS NILb BB PLACBD I� TH8 FOI,LONING LOCATIONS: 2 YR B%ISTING, 2.0 INCH6S --------- HYD 1B 10 YR B%ISTIBG, 2.9 IKCHSS -------- HYD 19 100 YA B%ISTING, 3.9 INCHBS ---•--- BYD 20 FIRST CHANGB THB PRBCIP FOR THB xBLBVBNT D&AINAGB A&BAS TO THB 2 YgAx PRBCIP. THBN MOVB THB R6SOLT INTO HYD 18, LSTBND Z6R0 1 20 CHANGB PflBCIP 2.00 BB SEH SES 8H LSTB�D R6KARK ROUTIIiG OF BXISTING DRAINAGB ARBAS TO A POINT OF COMPUTATION I LSTBHD ZBRO 1 2 ADD SHN 1 1 �' 1.5231 cfs 0.7026 ac-ft B.00 hrs RBMAR� THB FOLI,OWING IS A SHIFT OF THB SHN HYD TO THB CONFLOBHCB OF THB WH BASIA LSTBAD SHIFT 1 8.00 � 1.4683 cfs 0.7026 ac-ft B.00 hrs I ADD fiH 2 2 � 2.Ob�9 cfs 0.8491 ac-ft B.00 hrs R6!(ARK THB F4LLOWING IS A COMBINBD SHIPT OF THB SHH AND NH HYD TO THB P&OPOS6D POINT OF COMPQTATIOl1 I OOTFAI,L). LSTBND SHIFT 2 3.00 1.9939 cfs 0.8�9? ac-ft 8.17 hrs 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Sngineering page 2 HONEY CR.EEK FsAST REVISSD POND DESIGN 2006 HIST�RY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY ADD 2 1 1 3.4401 cfs 1.5524 ac-ft 8.17 hrs SHIFT 1 2.00 3.3559 cfs 1.5524 ac-ft 8.33 hrs RBMARK THB FOLLOWING IS A SHIF? OF THB SHS BASIN TO TH6 POIA? OF COMPOTATION WHICB IS THB BASIN B {BB) OQTFALL LSTBND MOVB SHS to 2 1.6186 cfs 0.7571 ac-ft 8.00 hrs SHIFT 2 5.00 1.6183 cfs 0.7577 ac-ft 6.17 hrs RBMA&K THB FOLLOfiIAG IS A COMBIRAPIOH OF THB NB AAD SHA (flYDl) iIITH TflB SHS ITYD INTO (1) . HYD 1 RBPRBSSBTS THB B%ISTING OFP-SITB STOx!! BVBNTS, TBB VOLOMBS OP RHICH flILI, B8 OSBD AS THS PBRFORMANCB CRITBRIA FOR TEB FLOW SPbITTBR. LSTB�D ADD 1 2 1 4.9444 cfs 2.3101 ac-ft 8.17 hrs RBMARg THB OFF-SITB DBVBLOPBD IS ADDBD TQ THB OA-SITB PRB-DBVgLOPBD HYD NHICH IS U56D FOR THB RAT6 PBRFORMANCB CRITBxIA AT THB POINT OF ANALYSIS fiHICH IS TH� OOTFALL LOCATION AT RHB STRBAM. SINCB TflB RBLBASB RBQIIIRBMBAT IS FOR HALF THB B%ISTII�G 2 YBAR BVBNT, ilB fiILL DIV6RT 50� OF BB AND PLAC& IT IH HYD 3. THS RBMAINDBR IS NOT DSSD IA THB ANALYSIS. LSTBND MOVB BB to 2 1.4680 cfs 1.2040 ac-ft 6.17 hrs DIVBRT 50.00 2 3 P6RCB11T 0.7340 cfs 0.6020 ac-ft 8.17 hrs 0.73l0 cfs 0.6020 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 2 1 1 5.6784 cfs 2.9121 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 1 18 18 I 5.6784 cfs 2.9121 ac-ft 8.17 hrs 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 3 HONEY CRSEK �AST RSVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY � &HMARx Ng%T CHANGB P�BCIP FOfl THg &BLBVBAT DRAINAGB ARBAS TO THB 10 Yx PABCIP. THB� MOG6 TBB flBSOLTS INTO HYD 19 LSTBND _ CHAHGB PRBCIP 2.90 BB SHN SHS WB LSTBND RBMARR ROIITING OF B%ISTIBG DRAIHAGB ARBAS TO A POINT OF COMPOTATIOH LSTBND ZBRO 1 2 ADD SflN 1 1 i 2.6715 cfs 1.1166 ac-ft 8.00 hra RBMARx THS FOLLOAIHG IS A SHIFT OF THB SHA HYD TO THB CONFLOBNCB OF TEB AH BASIN LSTBND SHIFT 1 8.00 2.5803 cfs 1.1T66 ac-ft 8.00 hrs ADD WH 2 2 , 3.5555 cfs 1.4096 ac-ft 8.00 hrs RBI�ARx � THB FOLLOIiING IS A COMBIABD SHIFT OF THB SHN AND AH HYD TO THB PROPOSBD � POINT OF COMFOTATION ( OOTFALL). LSTBND SHIFT 2 3.00 • 3.4269 cfs 1.4096 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 2 1 1 5.9491 cfs 2.5863 ac-ft 8.1T hrs SBIFT 1 2.00 5.7971 cfs 2.5863 ac-ft 8.33 hrs RBMAxK TBB FOLLOAING IS A SHIFT OF THB SHS BASI� TO THB POI1�T OF CONPOTATION RHICH IS THB BASIB B (BB) ODTFALL LSTBAD FIOV6 SHS to 2 2.9406 cfs 1.2684 ac-ft 5.00 hrs 12/10/06 6 :29:33 pm Casey Engineering page 4 HONEY CRBBK gAST RBVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY SflIFT 2 5.00 2.8251 cfs 1.2684 ac-ft 8.17 hra flBNAR[ THB FOLLOfiING IS A COMBII9ATIOlt OF THB fiH AND SHN (HYDl) IiITH THB SHS ITYD IATO (1). HYD 1 RBPRBSBHTS TflB B%ISTING OFY-SITB STORM SYBNTS, THB VOLQMBS OF WHICH AILL B6 OSBD AS THB PERFORFIAHCB CkITBRIA FOR THB FLOii SPbITTBR. I,STBHD ADD 1 2 1 8.6155 cfs 3.8547 ac-ft 6.17 hrs RBMARx THB OPF-SITB DBVBLOPBD IS ADDBD TO THB 0�-SITB PRB-DBVBLOPBD HYD NHIC9 IS OSBD FO& THB FATB P6&FORMA�CB C&ITBRIA AT TflB POIBP OF ANALYSIS i1HICH IS THB OIITFALL LOCATI08 AT THB STRBAM. LSTBND ADD BB 1 1 12.5568 cfs b.3186 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 1 19 19 12.5588 cfs 6.3186 ac-ft 8.17 hrs &6MARR NB�T CHANGB PxBCIP PO& THB RBLBVBNT DAAIAAGB ARBAS TO THB 100 Y& PRBCIP. THBN FlOVB THB &BSOLTS INTO HYD 20 LSTBHD CflANGB PABCIP 3.9 BB SHM SflS flH I,STBND RBKARR ROOTIpG OF BXISTING DRAIAAG& ARBAS TO A POINT OF CONPOTATIOH I,STBND ZBRO 1 2 I' ADD S9N 1 1 , 9.0271 cfs 1.731T ac-ft 8.00 hrs , RBMARK THB FOLLOfiI1�G IS A SHIFT OF THB SflN flYD TO THB CONFLUBNCB OF THB AH BASIN LSTBKD SHIFT 1 8.00 3.8944 cfs 1.7317 ac-ft 8.00 hrs ADD I1H 2 2 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 5 HONEY CREBK RAST RBVISED POND DSSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDRQGR.APH ACTIVITY 5.3034 cfs 2.0631 dc-ft B.00 hrs RBlIAx� THB FOLLOFIING IS A COMBIBED SHIFT OF THB SHH AAD NH HYD TO THB P&OP4SBD POIHT OF COMPUTATION ( OUTFAI,L�. LSTBND SHIFT 2 3.00 5.1052 cfs 2.0631 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 2 1 1 8.8930 cfs 3.7948 ac-tt 8.17 hrs SHIFT 1 2.00 8.6938 cfs 3.7948 ac-ft 8.17 hrs RBMARI( THB FOLLOWIHG IS A SHIFT OF TflB SHS BASIN TO TBB POINT OF COMPUTATION i1HICg IS TflB BASIN B (BBI ODTFALL LSTBND M4vB SHS to 2 4.4294 cfs 1.8665 ac-ft 8.00 hrs SflIFT 2 5.00 4,2456 cfs �.8665 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ' RBMA&K THS FOLLOfiING IS A COMBIHATI01� OF TH8 WH AND SH� (9YD1) WITfl THB SHS ITYD IHTO (1). EYD 1 &BPRBSBNTS TH8 B%ISTING OFF-SITB i STORM BV6NTS, TflB VOLOM$S OF WHICH WILL BB USBD AS TH6 PBRFOAMANCB I CRITBxIA FOR THB FLOii SPLIRT6R. LSTBND ADD 1 2 1 I 12.9394 cfs 5.6613 ac-ft 8.11 hrs ' RBMARx THB OFF-SITB DBVBLOPBD IS ADDgD TO THB OH-SITB PRB-DBVBLOPBD EYD i1HICH IS IISBD FO& THB flATB PBRFORMANC6 CRITBRIA AT THB POINT OF AHALYSIS N6ICH IS TflB ODTPALL LOCATIOH AT THB STRBAM. I,STBND ADD BB 1 1 20.1515 cfs 9.7191 dC-ft 8.11 hLs ADD 1 20 20 20.1515 cfs 9.7197 ac-ft 8.17 hrs RBMARA H�NgY CRBB[ xIDGB DRAINAGg ANALYSIS. 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey $ngineering page 6 HONEY CRE$K SAST REVISED POND DgSIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH AC"I'IVITY BASIN B &DPOND GBT I'fS FLOfi FORN TAO DIxBCTI0t1S, THB AORTH AHD THB SOQTH DRAIANGB A&BAS. TflB FOI,I,ONING IS TH6 AHALYIS OF THB RQAOFF BNTBxING TflB POND FRO!! BACH DI&BCTI0�1. OOR STRATBGY IS TO ROOTB THB 2, 10 AHD 100 YBAR FLOfiS I�TO THB RDPOKD. THB I�FLOW HYDO&GPRAH WILL BB HYDROGRAPflS FOR THB SOOTfl PIPB &IIH WILL BB STORBD IN HYDROGRAPHS 1,2,3. THB IHFLOiI flYDROG&APH FOR THB 1�ORTH PIPB ROH RILL BB STORBD IN HYDROGRAPHS 4,5,6. LSTB�'D ZBRO 1 6 CHANGB PEBCIP 2.00 A01 A02 A03 A04 A65 A06 A07 A06 A09 A10 All Al2 A14 A15 A16 A18 A19 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A80 A81 A82 A83 A84 B36 B31 B39 B40 B4Z B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B48 B60 B61 B61 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B91 B92 B93 B94 B95 B96 B97 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 8600 B100 8800 B62A B63A B64A B65A LSTBHD fl00TB HYDROGRAPH 1 THEOOGH RBACH LINBIA Netvork LI1�B1A xeach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Fnll Ndepth <Dia`> cNVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P80 1.37 0.28 9.49 2.96 1.47 12.D0 5.12 12.40 A80 PB1 1.4Z 0.30 3.Z9 9.24 2.56 12.00 2.49 4.30 A61 P62 3.62 0.68 7.12 9.55 2,60 12.00 5.44 9.31 A62 P83 4.12 0.92 12.44 T.39 2.29 12.OU 8.81 16.26 A83 P84 4.84 0.91 10.28 9.44 2.58 12.00 7.82 13.43 A64 ROUTB EYDAOGRAPH 1 TflROUGH RBACA LINB1 Netrork LINB4 fleach cAABA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P09 2.20 0.38 8.56 4.39 1.78 12.00 5.19 11.14 A82 P08 3.30 �,62 4,05 15.21 3.28 12.00 3.54 5.29 A83 Network LINB3 Reach <AR6A> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FYel> Carea -====--======-=====-===-==--====--======--==========-=====-=-==-=======-===== 12/10/06 6 :29:33 pm Casey Engineering page 7 HONEY CREEK EAST RLVISED POND DESIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY P16 0.39 0.12 5.89 2.05 1.23 12.04 2.64 7,69 A24 P1S 1,99 0.64 5.12 12.53 2.98 12.00 4.23 6.69 A23 P14 3.59 1.16 3.87 30.04 4.69 12.00 4.09 S.D6 A23 P12 9.16 1.34 4.00 33.51 9.98 12.00 4.35 5.23 A22 Netrork LIH62 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diaa> <NVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P11 1.37 0.28 4.67 6.01 2.01 12.00 3.11 6.10 A80 P10 1.42 0.30 6.46 4.71 1.84 12.00 4.00 8.44 A81 POT 4.84 0.97 5.02 19.33 3.11 12.00 4.69 6.56 A84 P06 5.52 1.16 2.81 40.29 5.52 12.00 3.28 3.75 A25 P05 10.36 2.69 11.36 23.64 4.13 12.00 11.23 14.65 A25 Network LINB1 Reach <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Mdepth <DidID> <NVel> <FVeI> Cdred ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P25 5.52 1.16 2.51 45.02 5.89 12.00 3.02 3.36 A25 P29 5.91 1.28 6.12 19.03 3.68 12.00 6.25 8.T6 A24 P23 7.51 1.80 9.28 19.38 3.T2 12.00 8.68 12.13 A23 P22 8.08 1.98 4.71 41.98 5.66 12.00 5.44 6.16 A22 P21 8.17 2.02 8.34 24.17 5.22 15.00 5.31 6.98 A21 P19 10.61 2.65 10.17 26.0� 6.52 18.00 4.59 5.91 A19 P18 10.78 2.12 10.72 25.38 6.43 18.00 4.80 6.Z3 A18 I P17 10.78 2.12 1.69 35.39 7.10 18.00 3.77 4.47 PO4 21.39 5.49 21.98 24.97 6.37 18.40 9.80 12.76 A04 P03 21.89 5.65 42.42 13.31 6.14 24.00 8.91 13.86 A03 PD2 23.35 6.12 26.SS 23.07 8.15 24.00 6.52 8.67 A02 PO1 23.35 6.12 123.88 4.99 3.76 24.00 19.4b 40.97 � POIA 23.35 6.12 19.06 32.12 9.73 29.00 5.12 6.23 ROUTB HYDROGRAPfl 4 THAOOGH RBACH LI�165 Network LIHB5B ReacG <ARBA> <Act Q� <Q Full> � Full ltdepth <Diam> <HVel> <FYel> Carea P400 0.64 D.23 5.18 4.44 1.79 12.00 3.15 6.77 B400 � Netrork LINBSA RedCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Didm> <�IVel> <FV21> Carea P200 1.24 0.37 2.92 12.80 3.01 12.00 2.42 3.81 B200 P100 2.31 0.73 3.04 24.11 4.17 12.00 3.02 3.97 B100 P300 3.27 1.02 5.43 20.34 3.81 12.00 4.71 6.57 8340 P500 4.26 1.38 2.11 65.06 7.40 12.00 1.72 2.17 B500 Hetrork LINBSC 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey �ngineering page 8 FiONEY CREEK EAST REVISBD POND DgSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Fnll> � Fnll Ndepth <Diam� <NVel> <FVel> Carea P600 1.25 0.27 2.98 9.14 2.54 12.00 2.25 3.90 B600 P65A 1.25 0.27 2.59 10.53 2.73 12.00 2.03 3.38 Hetrork LINB64A RedCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <¢ Full> t Bull Ndepth <Dida> <NVel> cFV¢1> Cdled P64A 0.54 0.19 3.48 S.S7 1.33 8.00 5.09 10,23 B64A Netxork LIHBb3A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diaa> <�Vel> �PVeI> Carea P63A 0.09 0.04 Z.25 1.82 0.17 8.00 2.36 6.6D B63A Netvork LINB62A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT00 0.14 0.04 2.91 1.49 1.06 12.00 1.28 3.81 BT00 PB00 0.43 0.14 3.00 4.78 1.85 12.00 1.87 3.92 B800 P62A 1.16 0.33 11.36 2.92 1.46 12.00 6.11 14.85 B6ZA NetYork LINBB ' Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Pull Hdepth <Diaa> <NVel> <FVel> Carea P91 0.68 0.17 4.94 3.43 1.58 12.00 2.78 6.45 B91 P94 1.62 0.38 3.91 10.94 2.78 12.00 2.76 4.54 B94 P45 2.75 0.63 2.17 28.98 4.60 12.00 2.27 2.84 B95 P96 3.69 0.84 8.12 10.35 2.70 12.00 6.34 10.62 B94 P97 3.93 0,91 11.27 9.08 2.39 12.00 8.19 14.73 B97 P48 4.09 0.96 3.36 29.08 4.61 12.00 3.52 4.90 B48 Netvork LIHB7 Reach <AR6A> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full lldepth <Did�> <NVel> <FVel� CdLed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P!5 0.80 0.22 3.20 6.88 2.21 12.00 2.21 4.18 B45 P44 1.51 0.42 3.22 13.20 3.06 12.D0 2.70 4.20 B44 P43A 1.51 0.42 3.21 13.25 3.06 12.00 2.69 �.19 Netvork LINB6 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Pull> t Full Ndepth <Diam> <HVel> <F�el> Carea P90 0.66 0.19 3.18 6.02 2.07 12.00 2.12 4.15 B40 P39 1.13 0.33 2.94 11.24 2.82 12.00 2.35 3.85 B39 P37 1.45 0.59 2.95 19.96 3.78 12.00 2.T6 3.66 B37 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 9 HONEY CREBK EAST RI3VI5$D POND D}3SIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTI�IITY Netrork LIN65 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> cQ Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVeI> <PVeI> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P67 4.54 0.17 3.72 4.46 1.79 12.00 2.27 9.87 B67 P66 I.44 0.47 3.75 12.92 2.96 11.00 3.09 4.90 B66 P65 6.95 2.12 8.37 25.32 6.92 18.OD 3.15 4.86 B65 P64 7.98 2.49 12.24 20.35 5.72 18.00 5.16 7.11 B64 P63 6.b5 2.72 9.35 29.07 6.91 18.00 4.35 5.43 B63 Pb2 10.36 3.20 15.1T 21.06 5.82 18.00 6.45 8.81 B62 P61 12.65 3.81 24.92 15.31 4.94 18.00 9.68 14.47 B61 P60 13.30 3.99 31.24 12.7b 4.50 16.00 11.52 18.14 B60 P47 23.10 6.50 27.57 23.58 6.18 18.00 12.10 16.01 B47 � P46 24.72 6.94 24.63 28.17 6.80 18.00 11.36 14.30 B46 P43 26.59 7.49 19.48 38.45 8.07 18.00 9.76 11.31 B43 P42 26.83 7.59 41.85 18.13 7.19 24.00 9.60 13.67 B42 P36 29.43 8.39 45.33 18.52 7.26 24.00 1Q.46 14.81 B36 P3S 29.43 8.39 26.87 31,23 9.58 24.00 7.17 8.78 P34 29.43 8.39 147.91 5.b7 4.02 24.00 24.20 48.32 CflAHGB P&BCIP 2.90 A01 A02 A03 A44 A05 A06 � A07 A06 A09 A10 All Al2 ' A14 A15 A16 A18 A19 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A90 A81 A82 A83 A84 B36 B31 B39 B40 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B48 B60 B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B91 B92 B93 B94 B95 B96 B91 B100 ' B200 B300 B400 B500 B600 B700 8840 B62A B63A B64A B65A LSTBND ROUTB BYDROGxAFH 2 TH8006H flBACfl LINg1A NetWork LIN81A �I Aeach <AR6A> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Pull Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FYel> Carea =-==================-========------------------------------------------------ � P80 1.37 0.51 9.49 5.33 1.95 12.00 6.10 12.40 A80 PB1 1.42 0.54 3.29 16.42 3.41 12.OD 2.94 4.30 A81 P82 3.62 1.24 1,12 17.42 3.52 12.00 6.46 9.31 A82 ; P63 4.72 1.66 12.44 13.36 3.01 11.00 10.47 1b.26 A83 P84 4.84 1.1�4 10.28 16.90 3.46 12.00 9.25 13.43 A84 ROIITB HYDROGRAPH 2 THROD6E RBACH LIHB1 Netxork LIHB4 Reach <AR6A> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FYel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/10/06 6:29:33 pm Casey $ngineering page 10 HONF3Y CRBFsR BAST REVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY P09 2.20 0.70 8.56 6.18 2.41 12.00 6.24 11.19 A82 POB 3.30 1.12 l.05 27.71 4.49 12.00 4.18 5.29 A63 Netrork LI8B3 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Adepth <Diam> <8Ve1> <FVel> Carea . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P16 0.39 0.20 5.84 3.34 1.55 12.00 3.29 7.69 A24 P25 1.99 1.03 5.12 20.10 3.79 12.00 4.84 6.69 A23 P14 3.59 1.86 3.87 46.11 6.12 12.00 4.62 5.06 A23 P12 4.16 2.15 4.00 53.75 6.55 12.00 4.91 5.23 A22 Hetrork LINB1 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Fnll> � Pull Rdepth <Dia�> <1�Ve1> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P11 1.31 0.51 4.67 10.83 2.77 11.00 3.69 6.10 A80 P10 1.42 0.54 6.46 8.36 2.43 12.00 4.74 8.44 AB1 P07 4.84 1.74 5.02 34.61 5.01 12.00 5.51 6.56 A84 P06 5.52 2.05 2.87 71.49 7.89 12.00 3.75 3.T5 A25 P05 10.36 4.52 11.36 39.79 5.48 12.00 12.93 14.65 A25 Netrork LIHB1 &edCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Didm> <NVel> <FVel� Cdred i P25 5.52 2.05 2.57 79.88 8.57 12.00 3.42 3.36 A25 " P24 5.91 2.25 6.72 33.49 4.96 12.00 1.31 8.78 A24 � P23 7.51 3.08 9.28 33.21 4.96 12.00 10.07 12.13 A23 � P21 8.08 3.37 4.11 11.58 7.90 12.00 6.15 6.16 A22 P21 6.17 3.43 6.34 41.10 6.98 15.00 6.12 6.98 A21 ! P19 10.61 4.52 lO.IT 44.46 8.77 18.00 5.29 5.91 A19 P18 10.76 4.63 10.72 43.16 8.62 18.00 5.54 6.23 A16 P17 10.76 4.63 1.69 60.20 10.55 18.04 4.30 4.47 PO4 21.39 9.28 21.98 �2.Z3 8.51 1B.00 11.28 12.76 A04 P03 21.89 9.54 42.42 2Z.�8 8.04 24.00 10.34 13.86 A03 P01 23.35 10.30 26.55 38.79 10.81 24.00 1.50 8.67 A02 PD1 23.35 10.30 123.88 8.31 4.85 24.00 22.69 40.�1 POIA 23.35 10.30 19.06 54.02 13.14 29.00 5.85 6.23 RODTB EYDROGRAPH 5 TBxOUGfl R6ACH I,IpBS Netrork LIHB58 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> t Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVel> Carea P400 0.64 0.36 5.18 7.00 2.23 12.00 3.61 6.17 B400 Netrrork LINBSA Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVeI> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/10/06 6 :29:33 pm Casey $ngineering page 11 HONEY CREEK BAST RBVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY P200 1.24 0.62 2.92 21.24 3.90 12.00 2.B0 3.81 8200 P100 2.31 1.20 3.04 39.31 5.45 12.00 3.45 3.9? B100 P300 3.2T 1.68 5.03 33.36 4.97 12.40 5.46 6.57 B300 P500 4.26 2.24 --------Pressure Flor-------- a.85 B500 HetWork LINBSC RedCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <HVel> <FVel> Carea P600 1.25 0.50 2.98 16.89 3.46 12.00 2.68 3.90 B600 P65A 1.25 0.50 2.59 19.46 3.73 12.00 2.42 3.38 NetMork LIN664A keach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Didepth <Dia�> <�Vel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P64A 0.54 0.31 3.48 8.83 1.66 B.00 5.84 10.23 B64A Netxork LINB63A RedCh cARBA> <ACt Q> <Q FU11> � Full Ndepth <Dida> <NVel> cFVel> Cdred ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P63A 0.09 0.06 2.Z5 2.70 0.94 8.00 2.65 6.60 B63A Netxork LIHB62A RedCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> cQ Full> � Full Adepth <Diam> <NVeI> <FVel> Cdied ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P700 0.14 0.07 2.92 2.45 1.34 12.00 1.49 3.81 B100 P800 4.43 0.23 3.00 7.69 2.33 12.00 2.15 3.92 B800 P62A 1.18 0.56 11,36 4.93 1.68 12.00 7.14 14.85 B62A Network LINBB Reach <AxBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Hdepth <Dian> <1�9e1> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P91 0.68 0.30 4.94 6.02 2.01 12.00 3.29 6.95 B91 P94 1.62 0.69 3.41 19.64 3.1! 1Z.00 3.26 4.54 B94 P95 2.75 1.14 2.17 52.51 6.45 12.00 2.65 2.84 B95 P96 3.69 1.53 8,12 18.79 3.66 12.00 7.53 10.62 B44 P47 3.93 1.64 11.27 14.58 3.21 1Z.00 9.72 14,73 B97 P48 4.09 1.74 3.36 51.82 6.40 12.00 4.09 4.40 B48 Netrork LIHB7 Reach <ARBA> cAct Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVel> Carea P45 0.80 6.37 3.20 11.65 2.81 12.00 2.58 4.18 B45 P44 1.51 0.71 3.22 22.16 3.99 12.00 3.12 4.20 B44 P43A 1.51 O.T1 3.21 22.24 4.00 12.40 3.12 4.19 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Bngineering page 12 HONBY �CRLBK EAST REVIS$D POND DBSIGN 2006 ^ HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY Hetrork LIBB6 xeach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Adepth <Diam> <NYeI> <FVel> Carea P!0 0.66 0.32 3.18 10.40 2.66 12.00 2.46 4.15 B40 P39 1.13 0.55 2.94 18.60 3.64 12.00 2.72 3.85 B39 P37 1.95 8.97 2.95 32.70 4.91 12.00 3.19 3.86 B37 Netrork LI1�B5 &each <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVeI> Carea P67 0.54 0.27 3.T2 7.27 2.2T 12.00 2.62 4.87 B67 P66 1.44 0.75 3.75 28.01 3.79 12.00 3.5� 4.90 B66 P65 6.95 3.50 8.37 41.78 8.46 18.00 4.28 4.86 B65 P64 T.98 4.08 12.24 33.36 7.45 18.00 5.91 7.11 B64 P63 8.65 4.45 9,35 41.56 9.12 18.00 4.95 5.43 B63 P62 10.36 5.25 15.17 34.62 7.61 18.00 7.40 8.81 B62 P61 12.65 6.31 24.92 25.31 6.42 18.00 11.16 14.4T B61 P60 13.30 6.60 31.24 21.13 5.83 18.00 13.30 18.14 B60 P47 23.10 10.96 11.57 39.77 8.22 18.00 13.94 16.01 947 P46 24.72 11.71 24.63 47.55 9.12 16.00 13.03 14.30 B46 P43 26.54 12.62 19.48 64.79 11.06 16.00 11.08 11.31 B43 P42 26.63 12.17 41.85 30.51 9.46 24.00 11.09 13.67 B42 P36 29.43 14.08 45.33 31.65 9.55 14.00 12.07 14.61 B36 � P35 29.43 14.08 26.87 52.38 12.89 24.00 6.19 8.78 P34 29.43 1l.08 147.91 9.52 5.19 24.00 28.18 48.32 CHAH6B PRBCIP 3.40 A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 All Al2 A14 A15 A16 A18 A19 AZ1 A22 A23 A24 A25 A80 A81 A82 AS3 A84 B36 B37 B39 B�0 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B48 B60 Bbl B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B91 B92 B93 B94 B95 B96 B97 B100 B200 B300 B400 B500 8600 B700 B800 B62A B63A B65A LSTBHD ROIIT6 HYDROGRAPH 3 THROOGfl RBACH LINg1A Netrork LINBIA Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full� t Full lidepth <Diam> <NVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P80 1.37 0.77 9.49 8.15 2,40 12.00 6.91 12.40 A80 PS1 1.42 Q,82 3.24 24.92 4.24 12.00 3.30 4.30 A81 P82 3.62 1.91 7.12 26.80 9.41 12.00 7.29 9.31 A82 PB3 4.12 2.55 12.44 20.46 3.83 12.00 11.82 16.26 A83 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 13 HONSY CREBR EAST RBVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY P84 4.84 2.65 10.28 25.76 �.32 12.00 10.41 13.43 A84 fl�OTB HYDROGRAPH 3 THROIIGH RBACH LINB1 Netrork LIH84 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full NdeptG <Diam> <NVel> <FYel> Carea ---------------------------------------•------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P09 2.20 1.09 8.56 12.72 3.00 12.00 1.10 11.19 A82 POB 3.30 1.13 4.05 42.62 5.10 12.00 4.69 5,29 A83 Netrork LINB3 xeaCh <AxBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full tidepth <Diam> <NVeI> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P16 0.39 0.28 5.89 4.91 1.66 12.00 3.61 1.69 A24 P15 1.49 1.47 5.12 26.76 4.58 12.00 5,34 6.69 A23 P14 3.59 2.66 3.61 68.76 7,66 12.00 5.01 5.06 A23 P12 4.16 3.08 4.00 76.89 8.32 12.00 5.29 5.23 A22 Netrork LIRg2 Reach <AABA> <Act Q> <Q Full> t Full Ndepth <Dia�> <�iVVel> <FVel> Carea =======--===========-==========------==-======-========-=================-==- P11 1.37 0.7T 4.67 16.56 3.43 12.00 4.17 6.10 ABO P10 1.42 0.82 6.46 12.69 2.99 12.00 5.35 8.44 A61 POT 4.84 2.65 5.02 52.75 6.47 12.00 6.13 6.56 A84 P06 5.52 3.12 --------Pressure Flor-------- 3.97 A25 P05 10.36 6.66 11.36 58.61 6.91 12.40 14.22 14.85 A25 Netvork LIN61 Reach <A&BA> <Act Q> <Q Full> 4 Full Ndepth <Diam> <NYel> <FYel> Carea ===-=====-=-=-==-==--===-===-========-===-=====---====-==-======-=======-==== � P25 5.52 3.12 --------Pressure Flor-------- 3.97 A25 P24 5.91 3.40 6.72 50.51 6.31 12.00 8.12 8.78 A24 j P23 7.51 4.59 9.28 49.42 b.22 12.00 11.16 12.13 A23 �, P22 B.OB 5.00 --------Pressnre Flox-------• 6.37 A22 � P21 8.11 5.08 8.34 60.90 8.85 15.00 6.14 6.98 A21 P19 10.61 6.12 10.17 66.00 11.20 18.00 5.81 5.91 A19 P18 10.78 6.66 10.72 63.99 10.97 18.00 6.08 6.23 A18 � P11 10.78 b.86 7.69 89.20 14.14 18.00 4.61 4.47 I PO4 21.39 13.10 21.98 62.36 10.79 18.00 12.39 12.76 A04 P03 21.89 14.07 42.42 33.11 9.91 24.00 11.50 13.86 A03 P02 23.35 15.16 26.55 51.10 13.60 24.00 8.26 8.67 A02 � PO1 23.35 15.16 123.88 12.24 5.B8 24.00 25.39 40.47 POIA 23.35 15.16 19.06 19.52 17.08 24.00 6.34 6.23 ROUTB HYDROGFAPH 6 THROOGfl RBACH LIN85 Netrork LINBSB fleach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <NDel> <FVeI> Carea 12/10/06 6:29 :33 pm Casey �ngineering page 14 HONEY CRFBK EAST RBVIS$D POND DgSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P400 0.64 0.51 5.16 9.89 2.64 12.00 3.99 6.71 B400 Hetrork LINSSA Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Dia�> <1�Ye1> <FYel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P260 1.24 0.91 2.92 31.01 4.77 12.00 3.11 3.81 B200 P100 2.31 1.73 3.04 56.93 6.79 12.00 3.78 3.9T B100 P300 3.27 2.43 5.03 48.38 6.14 12.00 6.01 6.57 B300 P500 4.26 3.23 --------Pressure F1oN-------- 4.11 B5D4 Netrork LINS5C Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Pull Adepth <Dia�> <pVel> <PVel> Carea F600 1.25 0.78 2.98 26.14 4.35 12 00 3.43 3.90 B600 P65A 1.Z5 0.78 2.59 30.11 4.70 12.OQ 2.74 3.38 Netvork LIHB64A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full �degth <Diam> <AVel> <FPel> Carea P64A 0.54 Q.31 3.48 8.83 1.66 8.00 5.84 10.23 B64A Netr�ork LIHB63A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> cQ Full> $ Full tidepth cDiam> <HVeI> <FVel> Carea , ------------------------------------------------------===-=====-=-====-==-==- P63A 0.09 0.08 2.25 3.66 1.08 8.00 2.90 6.60 B63A ' Netwark LIAB62A AedCh <AR�A> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Didm> <NVel> <FVel> Cdred ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P700 0.14 0.10 2.92 3.56 1.60 12.00 1.66 3.81 8700 P800 0.43 0.33 3.00 11.02 2.T9 12.00 2.39 3.92 B804 P62A 1.18 0.83 11.36 7,27 2.27 12.00 8.01 14.85 B62A Netrork LINBB Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Bull> � Fnll lidepth <Dia�> <NYel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P91 0.68 0.45 4.94 9.01 1.53 12.00 3.71 6.45 B91 P94 1.62 1.04 3.41 29.95 4.6B 12.00 3.66 4.54 B94 P95 2.75 1.75 2.1T 80.46 8.62 12.00 2.90 2.64 B95 P96 3.69 2.3� 6.12 28.82 4.59 12.00 8.48 10.62 B94 P97 3.93 2.51 11.27 22.29 4.00 12.00 10.96 14.73 B97 P48 4.09 2.65 3.36 78.70 8.47 12.00 4.47 4.46 B48 12/10/06 6:29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 15 HONEY CREBK EAST REVISED POND DSSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY Hetwork LIHB1 xeach <AxBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Fnll 8depth <Diam> c8Ve1> <FVel> Carea P45 0.80 0.55 3.20 17.20 3.50 12.00 2.69 4.18 B45 P44 1.51 1.05 3.22 32.56 4.90 12.40 3.47 4.20 B44 P43A 1.51 1.05 3.21 32.70 4.91 12.00 3.46 4.19 Netrork LINB6 ReaCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Adepth <Didm> <I�VVeI> <FVel> Cdred =-==-=-===-====-=============--==--==-=-============-====--===-=========-==== P40 D.66 0.46 3.18 14.61 3.22 12.00 2.74 4.15 B40 P39 1.13 0.80 2.94 27.13 4.44 12.00 3.02 3.85 B39 P37 1.95 1.40 2.95 47.31 6.07 12.00 3.51 3.Bb B37 HetNork LIHBS RedCh <ARBA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> 4 Full Rdepth <Dia�> <1�Ve1> <FVel> Carea P61 0.54 0.39 3.72 10.49 2.7Z 12.00 2.92 4.81 B67 P66 1.44 1.48 3.15 28.84 4.59 12.00 3.92 4.90 B66 P65 6.95 5.09 8.37 60.61 10.61 18.00 4.69 9.86 B65 P64 7.98 5.79 12.24 47.30 9.09 16.00 6.l7 1.11 B64 P63 6.65 6.31 9.35 67.49 11.37 18.00 5.36 5.43 B63 P62 10.36 7.50 15.17 49.43 9.34 18.00 B.10 8.81 B62 P61 12.65 9.Ob 24.92 36.31 7.82 15.00 1Z.30 14.47 B61 P60 13.30 9.50 31.24 30.41 1.08 18.00 14.11 1$.14 B60 P47 23.10 16.03 27.57 58.15 10.32 18.00 15.30 16.01 B47 P46 24.72 17.1� 24.63 69.59 11.61 18.00 14.21 14.30 B46 P43 26.59 18.46 19.48 94.79 15.�9 18.00 11.67 11.31 B43 P42 26.83 18.67 41.85 4l.60 11.71 24,00 �2.26 13.67 B42 P36 29.43 20.55 45.33 45.34 11.83 24.00 13.33 14.61 B36 P3S 29.43 Z0.55 26.81 7b.47 16.58 24.00 8.B8 8.78 P34 29.43 20.55 147.91 13.89 6.27 24.00 31.45 48.32 RBMAR� SINCB THB STRATBGY IS TO PROVIDB ONB FLOfi SPLITTBR TO PROPORTI4N TflB ALLOWABLB BYPASS PROM OFFSITB ARBAS NB NOf� NBBD TO COKBINS THB RUNOFF BNTBRING THB POND FROM THB HORTH AHD SOIITH. WB NILL DO THB FOLI,OiiIHG: COMBINB EYD 1 AHD 4 (THB 2 YBAR INFLOA} A�D PLACB IN 9YD 1. COMBIH6 HYD 2 AND 5 ITHB 10 YBAA IAFLOW► AND PbACB IH HYD 2. COMBINB HYD 3 AND 6 (TEB 100 Y6A& INFLOfi► AND PLACB I!1 HYD 3. LSTBBD ADD141 14.5168 cfs 5.5357 ac-ft 8.00 hrs ADD252 24.3738 cfs 9.0623 ac-ft 8.00 hrs ' 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 16 FiONEY CREEK EAST REVISSD POND DESIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGR.APH ACTIVITY ADD3 6 3 35.708T cfs 13.1138 ac-ft 6.00 hrs ZBflO 4 6 RBlIARK THB DBVBLOPBD flYDROGRAPHS 1 2 AND 3 (RBPRBSSNTIpG THB DSVBLOP6D 2, 10 AND 100 YR INFLOii ARB NOiI ROOTBD INTO STORAGB STROCTIIRB S1 flHICH IS A 96 IN DIA�lBTgR MAHflOLB FLOfI SPLITTBA AT SLBVATIOK 335. THB I�FLON IS THB� LBVBL PO4L ROIITSD TEROIIGH TflB FIANHOLB NITH TN4 OflIFICB AS I4S DISCHARGB STRQCTOAgS. OHB OxIFICB, A _ IHCH ORIFICB NHOSB FUHCTIOH IS TO SPLIT THB B%ISTING BYPASS FLOWS THAT ARB G6N6RATBD FROM OFFSITB RUHOPF. THBSB FLOWS ARB FROX DRAINAGB ARBA NH, SHS, SHN. Tfl8 S6COHD OxIFICB SPLITS FLOAS FROM THB DBYBLOPBD DRAIHAGg A&BA IHTO THB DBTBNTIOA FACILITY. TgBSB FLOWS iIILL BB DBTAI�BD TO MBBT THB OOTFLOfi RBQUIRBMB�T OF T8B PxOJ6CT. bSTBHD LPOOL 1 '2 Y&' 16 1 S1 Co�bl 11 Description MatchQ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd volume 2 YR 5.68 14.52 S1 combl 343.65 14.52 11 434.13 cf LPOOL 2 '10 YR' 19 2 S1 combl 12 Description MatchQ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd Volume 10 YR 12.56 24.37 S1 combl 345.49 24.36 12 526.56 cf LPOOL 3 '100 YR' 20 3 S1 Combl 13 Description FlatchQ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd Volume ' 100 YR 20.15 35.71 S1 combl 346.18 35.11 13 b90.88 cf SPLIT O1 1 4 19 4.8895 cfs 0.9918 ac-ft 6.17 hrs 9.6273 cfs 4.5355 ac-ft 8.17 hrs SPLIT O1 2 5 15 8.3069 cfs 2.6435 ac-ft 8.17 hrs 16.0482 cfs 6.4106 ac-ft 8.17 hrs SPLIT O1 3 6 16 12.2225 cfs l.0953 ac-ft 8.17 hrs 23.4862 cfs 9.0102 ac-ft 9.11 hrs ' RBMAR% AT THB CONCLOSI08 OF TgB ABOVB ANALYSIS, THB HYDROGRAPHS CONTAIN: HYD 4 - 2 YBA& BXISTING BYPASS il HYD 5 - 10 YBAR B%ISTIAG BYPASS ', flYD 6 - 100 YBAA B%ISTIN6 BYPASS ' flYD 14 - 2 YBA& DBVBLOPBD INFI,ON HYD 15 - 10 Y6AR D6VBLOPBD INFLOW HYD 16 - 100 YBAR DBVBLOPBD INFLOii I 12/10/06 6:29 :33 pm Casey Engineering page 17 i HONSY CRBEK EAST ' REVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDR�RAPH ACTIVITY '� ilB NILL NOIi AOIITB THB INFLOiI HYDROGRAPflS THROBGH STORAGB STRDCTQRB S2 AND DISCHARGB STflOCTIIR� 02 AND STOBB THB TOTAL flBLBASB FAOM THB POHD IN HYDROGRAPflS 11, 12 AAD 13. LSTBND LP04L 4 "2 Yx' 1.03 14 S2 com3 11 Description MatchQ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd Volume 2 YR 1.03 9.63 S2 com3 342.07 2.17 11 41659.49 cf LP04L 5 '10 YR' 4.38 15 S2 co�3 12 j Description MatchQ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd Yolume ' 1Q Y8 4.38 16.05 S2 com3 342.30 4.56 12 96335.00 cf LPOOL 6 '100 YR° 6.06 16 S2 COm3 13 ��, Description Match¢ PeakQ Sto Dis PkStg OutQ hyd Volume ' 100 YA 8.06 23.49 S2 cow3 342.17 13.58 13 106082.12 cf , RBMAxg II HYD 11, 12 AND 13 CONTAIN TflB TOTA1, OUTFbOW FROt! THB POND. i�g MOST DIVBRT ' THB 2 YBAR FLONS TO A BIOSWALB AND THB RBItAIHDBR CAH BB BYPASSBD DIABCTLY TO THB POIBT OF ANALYSIS. COM3 STRDCTtJRB 3 CONSISTS OF AN ORIFTC6 (03) F4x THB 2 Yfl HYDR4GRAPH AHD A HOTCH FIBIR (N1) FOR THB 10 A�iD 100 YR HYDROGRAPHS. NB WILL , SPLIT 03 TO HYD 1, 2 AND 3 POR ROOTIKG T8R4UGH THB BIOSNALB, gYDflOGRAPHS � 14, 15 AHD 16 NILL BB HOLD THB RUI�OFF FROM THB NBIR. LSTBND SPLIT 03 4 1 14 0.4180 cfs 1.2196 ac-ft 24.33 hrs 1.7482 cfs 2.9484 ac-ft 24.33 hrs SPLIT 03 5 2 15 0.4156 cfs 1.2841 ac-ft 11.00 hrs 4.1294 cfs 4.7551 ac-ft 11.00 hrs SPLIT 03 6 3 16 0.4412 cfs 1.3176 ac-ft 8.83 hrs 13.1402 cfs 7.3189 ac-ft 8.83 hrs ABMAflx TflB DBSIGA CRITBRIA IS TEAT THB TOTAL OUTFbOW AROM THB POHD AND B%ISTING BYPASS CAHNOT 6BCBBD THB S%ISTING RONOFF PROM BASIHS fiH, SHH, SHS AND Px6DBVBLPBD BB. TO VBRIFY THAT FiB MBBT THB DBSIGN CRIT6AIA, iIB NBBD TO ADD THB OOTFLOfl FROM THB POND FO& 6ACH OF TBB THRBB STOR!! SVBNTS TO THB BYPASS FLOWS TfiAT ARB STORBD IN flID 4, 5 AND 6. THB RBSOL'fS AAB STORBD IN flYD N0. B 9 AND 10 AHD CAK BB DIRBCTLY COMPARBD AGAIHST HYD 18, 19 AND 20 WHICH ARB THB PRBDBVBLOPBD flYDROGRAP85 AT THB POINT OF ANALYSIS. LSTBND 12/10/06 6 :29 :33 pm Casey $ngineering page 18 HONEY CRBEK EAST RSVISEll POND DBSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY ADD 11 4 8 5.8114 cfs 5.1599 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 12 S 9 9.6600 cfs 8.6834 ac-ft 8.17 hrs ADD 13 6 10 19.?585 cfs 12.T317 ac-ft 8.67 hrs Bnd program file C:�Px4G&A`1�B6BNIOQS�HCBAST�HCBDBS�l.pgm F. DISCUSSION OF ASSUMPTIONS USED IN THE DESIGN The following discussion contains information and assumptions used in the preparation of the Basin B analysis that is not presented in the History Of Hydrograph Activity or the Overview. 1. Determination of the Point Of Analvsis. In preparing a strategy for the analysis of the Basin B portion of the project, it became evident that the size of the existing off-site area would play a significant role. The existing Siena Heights -South runoff does not currently flow in the direction of the proposed detention facility. Therefore, the location of the point of analysis at which the existing and developed hydrographs would be compared with the developed condition hydrographs was determined to be at the proposed outfall location at Honey Creek. The existing developed off-site hydrographs were created and time shifted forward a reasonable amount of time to account for the flow time from the discharge location on the site to the point of analysis. In all three cases the time shift is not long due to the steep flow paths through which the of-site stormwater flows. 2. Development of the HCEDESIGN l.p�pro r� am• As mentioned at the beginning of the Overview, the analysis is not a trivial one, especially due to the fact that the design contains two flow splitters. The analysis is one of trial and error. Therefore, a program was developed that allowed for changes in orifice sizes and configurations in the design process until the correct combination was established that meet the design criteria. The process is that changes to the outflow structure are made, the program is run, and the resulting combined hydrographs from the flow splitter and pond outflow for the three design storms located in HYDs 8, 9, and 10 are compared with the combined pre-developed on-site and developed off-site hydrographs routed to the point of analysis and located in HYDs 18, 19, and 20. The History of Hydrograph Activity is a record of the final iteration used in the design. 3. Developed basin areas. Exhibit C is a 1" =100' scale developed basin area map (contained in the Original Honey Creek TIR on File at the City of Renton). A detailed printout of the existing off-site, and proposed developed on-site basin areas is in the appendix. The basin areas were determined using a planimiter and a 1"=50' scale drawing. Each subbasin area was measured and proportioned between the pervious and impervious areas. The impervious area for each basin was determined by measuring the roadway area and multiplying the number of residences within the subbasin area by the following amounts: Western Hills 2500sf impervious/lot Sierra Heights-South 2000sf impervious/lot Sierra Heights-North 2004sf impervious/lot The Honey Creek East Developed Condition Sub-basin Drainage areas ���ere broken do��n in a more detailed fashion. See a copy of the spreadsheet used follo�ving this page. �Natennaf�. a$_��: ��G�!� /�/'� !-� % ,ds'� `_ '✓� ' .. � �/, - � �Z ,� �� �i � /c;' � � r ' ' ! --- - ._ �?�'�i f/O�' S�iLS '04Si�r! S' /39s%.� _ �i,/cf�,i;� - - — -- _ -- _- _ — -__ -- ,_ -_ � �c�� L �t L � f Ldf Lof � .e 0 U/ .�a� 2aw � � Cr:. � � �yrr , T ��rr/ �� ; , , , I,D ,5frur.fvic �--; � �7r�4 � S ,9�a a .. . - __ ' � __ - — _. _�� _ _ �r�o � .: Arco /-�rc4 /-�rGv �t" t * T`of � - �I � To f' li,��crri l�Gr{! j o f G/, ���r _- _ �- - ------�---- _._ ------ ; = - _ � v � � - t/ — --- ' � _ - - � � - . _ i :; - --- - --- - - ---- - - � � '✓ ;3 �7 GB�7 / , 3/ 5`3 , 07 , z y , z .� � , . , , _ - z , Zy . 36 �GGa G6Go� �. Z � �� � ,�= 3S-�`''z . .3 `� � �3 , ZS . as . 5"3 � �.-9 , � ; ;, _ ;, -- _ - - -- ; ,� . - � Gy� - _ ca6��- ' - � 6- � - - _ - - -- - - - -- - �---- -—- - ------ -- - — 3 . 3 3�� 37 . /`� . zz , /� , /f , 2z � ,3Z . . --_ ) �� T6o G(7�� 3� G , � `� I� � '�' , /y 7 , a� 1a' , � , , �; , 0 7 . , G7 , / // ;� ��o� ; caBQa ' ' S- , �� �' 35' .�� '� , �/ ; ! / ' � ' '� I -_ i �, - ---- � • i i' , // , /8 - ----� f 2 0 ( 2 � � v �e vv� ---- I - -- -- -----�---- ---- -- ---- - 1�-� A� = O� �� A� — , a 9 .�,� �� – , G y � : , .A�e�aJa e ' ;, � �,C�N 1 �'� � R� . Z / ' . Z 7 . /0 . �0' � , Z 7 ,3/ �- � �� �s o�110�1f-� 1,�y Z OrU I �v(,-, _ _ _ : -- -- - - - ; ; � ' , �y �s _ , 2 0� 'i ,Z�--�--�s-- 3 y ,-+� ���9'��,0� t�-� = v� �Z� �, �; . . , = s , ��2 ��s� ' , � ;, � ji , iy . � . /D� . /o ./1 , 2 y �i ;� � UsG -C� S��Ze �C .�uu�U � ; 9 oc�o� c�✓ M a�I�ve b Zca�ino� _ �.�_ -_3 y - s� _ � �� _ . �/ -------- ' s�- - - -ys — - - - . ; v�h�can�✓t�►� iS�� . �c. �` _ __ . - ----- r . ' � , y8' , �y , �S �,s , vY . �3 ' i ',� m{��ov� c� � F C �3M PS -�� ►,�b s�- � � � , ; „ _ - ,; - . . � . ��� , yi . �� ��� ' i ;' ;, . i� � �� . s� � --- - ---- - ______ __ -_ __ _— ,- -> -- - - ,-- -___ __ _ ' ,' � ''' ;.� yo� ; GQyoo � � /3 , yz � � ------- _:-_ ' Gl 7, � -- --___ - , Z/ ' Z � , Z 2 z Z -- -, Z/ - `-y3 �, --�— ' � CBG� / 72 �,� ' ;; � ', . �� y , / -� s - 3y . 3� , 23 . Z� . 3�f . S-7 u '� � - ---- � , ' - G, �G oc = Z�yG = _ , ii -- --- � �--- � -- - � � 3,s� � Z iy ,; -- - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - ----- _ - - -- - ', - - --- - � �- �------ , jl ' �; Ij �j II ; �; �� �' �' � i � i� i� �; ���G `�� �r� �s c,r�,� ` afas : ���5"�'��S•G , � ,: ; � ass��I!'r� f-o h c 3 000�f!� �'/��crv�L c f � '; w-�- /i/o �'�,�r;��-./` �%�,�.', —_ ----- : - - _ __ -- -----�--- - - _ _ --- -- - - - - -- -- -- 1- �� �i N i� I ----- So/.d%'.E�ix�L.�✓s ,; i i� O� • O 7 o G ,; � i� i ,� - ;� li --�L—C `j c c.� O rr Co�l�Pi� �QSi • � `� ' ` �! ;I -,�- CB G z 4�� -� . �i . � � " . I - i . . _ ' � Q / /� � �1 'I (r ' � �� f' � � ��� �U (��/"� �. _ � ,�. ,c �f ,� �i ;, 11 , �� � �, , , Single inlet CB areas were combined with the nearest main line contributing basin areas. The practice of combining inlet areas is valid especially in light of the fact that the conveyance system is designed to convey the 100-yr storm. 4. The Currently Undeveloped Area Where The Road Is To Be Extended Between S.E. 100th and S.E. 101 st. This is the area of the approved Preliminary Plat of Honev Creek East. Original Text: The currently undeveloped area that contributes runoff to CBs 62 through 67 will sometime in the future be developed to urban densities. Therefore, the developed condition hydrographs that are created in the analysis are based upon contributing subbasin areas that contain pervious and impervious areas that rellect the future developed condition of the site. Not knowing the exact configuration of the future developed site, the majority of the area is allocated to CB 65. The breakdown between pervious and impervious areas was based upon the potential of 40 units on 10 acres resulting in 4du/ga or 42% impervious. Treating the additional area as if it were developed has hvo effects on the design. First, the conveyance system is properly sized to convey the stormwater generated by the area when it is developed. And second, since the area was not included in the pre-developed hydrograph at the point of analysis, but was included in the developed hydrographs, the Basin B detention pond is sized to provide the additional storage requirements when the site is developed. In the interim, the stormwater outflow from the detention pond will actually be less than the allowable release rate due to the fact that the discharge is based upon the elevation of the pond. The Honey Creek east site was approved for 43 lots. The Sub-basin information contained in this report for the developed condition of Honey Creek East area is broken down in detail concerning the pervious and impervious contribution to each inletting structure. The stormwater component from the Honey Creek East site is routed through the conveyance system to the Basin B Facility in the Waterworks program. G. DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE STRUCTURES The Basin B pond is provided w�ith the following Discharge Structures: l. Flow Splitter Combination Structure (combl�located within 96" manhole The flow splitter structure (combl) consists of two separate single orifice risers. O1 discharges the combined off-site bypass flows directly into the downstream conveyance system. 02 discharges the remainder into the detention pond. The History Of Hydrograph Activity - page 13 - provides the results of level pool routing the fully developed undetained on-site and off-site 2-yr, 10-yr and 100-yr storms through the splitter. The results are as follo���s: Storm Structure Elev. Size Inflow Outflow Max WS Elev. 2-yr comb 1 varies O1 + 02 14.52 14.52 343.65 2-yr O1 342.67 13.5 in ------ 4.89 343.65 2-yr 02 342.17 6.50 in ------ 9.63 343.65 342.67 17.5 in 10-yr combl varies O1 +02 24.36 24.36 345.49 10-yr O1 342.67 13.5 in ------ 8.31 345.49 10-yr 02 342.17 6.50 in ------ 16.05 34�.49 342.67 17.5 in 100-yr combl varies O1 + 02 35.71 35.71 348.78 100-yr O1 342.67 11.5 in ------ 12.22 348.78 100-yr 02 342.17 15.0 in ------ 23.49 348.78 342.67 17.5 in 2. Pond Dischar�e Combination Structure (com3) The combination structure (com3) is the designed to split the detained stormwater from the pond between the biofiltration swale and the downstream conveyance system.. The History Of Hydrograph Activity - page 14 - provides the results of level pool routing the hydrographs that are created from the pre-pond flow splitter through the detention pond and outflow structure com3. Storm Structure Elev. Size Inflow Outflow Ma�c WS Ele� 2-yr com3 varies 03, 04+ nl 9.63 cfs 2.17 cfs 342.0; 2-yr 03 &04 336.0 varies ------ .42 cfs 342.0? 2-yr nl 342.0 5.0 ft ------ 1.75 cfs 342.0� 10-yr com3 varies 03, 04 +nl 16.06 cfs 4.56 cfs 342.30 10-yr 03 & 04 336.0 varies ------ .43 cfs 342.30 10-yr nl 342.0 5.0 ft ------ 4.13 cfs 342.30 100-yr com3 varies 03, 04 +nl 23.49cfs 13.58 cfs 342.77 100-yr 03 & 04 336.0 varies ------ .44 cfs 342.77 100-yr nl 342.0 5.0 ft ------ 13.14 cfs 342.77 3. The Combination Discharge Structure (comb2� The comb2 structure is a riser overflow check for the two orifices within the flow splitter manhole that splits the off-site bypass stormwater. The assumption in the check is that both orifices are plugged and are unable to dischazge any stormwater. The 100-yr peak inflow to the flow splitter is 35.71cfs. The risers are identified as rl and r2 both 24". The combined discharge at elevation 348.8 is 36.68cfs. The bottom of the lid within the structure is at E1=3 51. Printouts of the discharge structures are included and follow this discussion. � � I � I � I 12/10/06 7 :15 :28 pm Casey Engineering page 1 HONEY CREBR EAST RBVISgD POATD DESIGN 2006 DISCHARGB STRUCTUR£ LIST MULTIPLB ORIFICE ID No. 01 Description: FLOW SPLITTFR-BYPASS ORIFIC$ Outlet Elev: 342 .67 Blev: 342 .67 ft Orifice Diameter: 13 .5000 in. MULTIPL$ ORIFICE ID No. 02 Description: FLOW SPLITTER TO BASIN B POND Outlet $lev: 342 .17 Blev: 342 .17 ft Orifice Diameter: 6.5000 in. Elev: 342 .67 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 17 .5000 in. MULTIPLE ORIFICFs ID No. 03 Description: BASIN B BIOSWALg OUTFLOW ORIF Outlet Elev: 336.00 Plev: 334 .00 ft Orifice Diameter: 2 .5000 in. MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. 04 Description: BASIN B OUTFLOW ORIFICE Outlet Blev: 338.00 Elev: 336.00 ft Orifice Diameter: 5.0000 in. COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. Com3 Description: BASIN B POND CONTROL MH#2 Structure: 03 Structure: Structure: 04 Structure: Structure: nl I COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. Combl ', Description: FLOW SPLITTER N0.1 � Structure: 01 Structure: , Structure: 02 Structure: ' Structure: COMBINATION DISCHARGg ID No. Comb2 Description: FLOW SPLITTER RISER OVERFLOW i Structure: rl Structure: Structure: r2 Structure: � Structure: NOTCH WEIR ID No. nl Description: BASIN B POND DISCHARGE NOTCH Weir Length: 5 .0000 ft. Weir height (p) : 1. 0000 ft. Elevation : 342 .00 ft. Weir Increm: 0 .10 RISBR DISCHARGE ID No. ri Description: FLOW SPLITTBR-TO BYPASS RISSR Riser Diameter (in) : 18 .00 elev: 348 .60 ft Weir Coefficient. . . : 3 .782 height : 350 .50 ft Orif Coefficient. . . : 9.739 increm: 0 .10 ft 12/10/06 7 :15:28 pm Casey Engineering page 2 HONEY CRBBK EAST RFsVISSD POND D$SIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST RISER DISCHARGE ID No. r2 Description: FLOW SPLITTER-TO POND RISER Riser Diameter (in) : 18.00 elev: 348 .60 ft Weir Coefficient. . . : 3 .782 height : 350.50 ft Orif Coefficient. . . : 9.739 increm: 0.10 ft RISER DISCHARGE ID No. r3 Description: CONTROL MH#2 BIOSWALF3 RISER ' Riser Diameter (in) : 15.00 elev: 342 .09 ft Weir Coefficient . . . : 3 . 782 height : 350 . 00 ft ' Orif Coeffirient . . . : ? . �'39 increm: 0 . . 0 f� 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey $ngineering page 1 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISED POND DSSIGN 2006 STAGE DISCHARGE TABLB MULTIPLB ORIFICB ID No. O1 Description: FLOW SPLITTBR-BYPASS ORIFIC$ Outlet $lev: 342 .67 Elev: 342 .67 ft Orifice Diameter: 13 .5000 in. STAG6 <--DISCHARGB---� STAGB <--DISCHA&GB---> STAGB <--DISCEARGB---> STAGB r-DISCHARGB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft1 ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 342.70 0.956b 342.70 0.8566 342.70 0.8566 342.70 0.8566 12/10/06 7:25 :24 pm Casey Bngineering page 2 HONBY CRBEK EAST REVIS$D POND DESIGN 2006 STAGE DISCHARGE TABL$ MULTIPLB ORIFICE ID No. 02 Description: FLOW SPLITTER TO BASIN B POND Outlet Elev: 342 .17 81ev: 342 .17 ft Orifice Diameter: 6 .5000 in. Elev: 342 .67 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 17.5000 in. STAGB <--DISCHAxGB---> STAGB <-•DISCflAflG6---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHA&GB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft1 ---cfs-- ------- Ift) ---cfs-- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 342.20 0.1986 342.20 0.1986 342.20 0.1986 341.Z0 0.1986 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey �ngineering page 3 HONEY CREEK EAST RBVISgD POND DBSIGN 2006 STAGB DISCHARGB TABLB MULTIPLF3 ORIFICE ID No. 03 Description: BASIN B BIOSWALE OUTFLOW ORIF Outlet Elev: 336.00 Blev: 334 .00 ft Orifice Diameter: 2 .5000 in. STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) --•cfs-- ------- (ft1 ---cfs-- ---._.- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 336.00 0.0000 336.00 0.0000 336.00 0.0000 336.00 0.0000 12/10/06 7:25:24 pm Casey $ngineering page 4 HONBY CRESK EAST RSVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 STAGE DISCHARGB TABLB MULTIPLS ORIFICE ID No. 04 Description: BASIN B OUTFLOW ORIFICE Outlet Flev: 338.00 glev: 336 .00 ft Orifice Diameter: 5 . 0000 in. STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGg <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> (ft� ...cfs-- ------- ►ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ftl ---cfs-- ------- ===-=-==-=======-=================-=-=====--==--=========-=======-===========-=========-===-=========-== 338.00 0.0000 338.00 0.0000 338.00 0.0000 338.00 0.0000 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey Bngineering page 5 HONEY CREEK $AST REVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 STAGE DISCHARGg TABLF3 COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. Com3 Description: BASIN B POND CONTROL NII3#2 Structure: 03 Structure: Structure: 04 Structure: Structure: nl STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHA&GB---> STAG6 <--DISCHARGB-•-> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- �ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 336.00 0.0000 338.60 0.?990 341.20 1.6004 343.80 46.811 336.10 0.0536 338.70 0.8463 341.30 1.6229 343.90 50.666 336.20 0.0759 338.80 0.8906 341.40 1.6451 349.00 55.095 336.30 0.0929 338.90 0.93Z4 341.50 1.6670 344.10 59.l43 336.40 0.1073 339.00 0.9722 341.60 1.6886 344.20 63.926 336.50 0.1199 339.10 1.0102 341.70 1.7099 344.30 68.545 336.60 0.1314 339.20 1.0466 341.80 1.7310 344.40 73.296 336.T0 Q.1419 339.30 1.0816 3l1.40 1.7518 344.50 78.178 336.84 0.1517 339.40 1.1155 342.00 1.7723 344.60 83.190 336.90 0.1609 339.50 1.1482 342.10 2.3139 344.70 88.330 331.00 0.1696 339.b0 1.1800 342.20 3.2989 344.80 93.596 337.10 0.1779 339.70 1.2108 342.30 4.5643 344.90 98.981 337.20 0.1858 339.80 1.2408 342.40 6.1214 345.00 104.50 331.30 0.1934 339.90 1.2741 342.50 7.8830 345.10 110.14 ' 331.40 0.2007 340.00 1.2987 342.60 9.8515 345.20 115.69 �� 331.50 0.26TT 340.1D 1.3266 342.70 12.014 345.30 121.77 � 331.60 0.2145 340.20 1.3539 342.80 14.362 345.40 127.76 331.70 0.2211 340.3D 1.3806 342.90 16.686 345.50 133.87 33T.80 0.2276 340.40 1.4068 343.00 19.582 345.60 I40.09 , 331.90 0.2338 340.50 1.4325 343.10 22.443 3l5.70 146.43 336.00 0.2399 340.60 1.4577 343.20 25.467 345.80 152.87 338.10 0.4603 340.T0 1.4825 343.30 28.648 345.90 159.42 338.20 0.5550 3l0.80 1.5068 343.40 31.983 346.00 166.04 338.30 0.6288 340.90 1.5308 343.50 35.471 338.40 0.6918 34�.OD 1.5543 343.60 39.107 338.50 0.7479 341.10 1.5175 343.70 42.890 12/10/06 7:25 :24 pm Casey Engineering page 6 I HONBY CR�BK BAST REVISBD POND DSSIGN 2006 STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE COMBINATION DISCHARGB ID No. Combl Description: FLOW SPLITTFR At0. 1 Structure: O1 Structure: Structure: 02 Structure: Structure : STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARG6---� Iftl ---cfs-- •------ Ift) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfa-- ------ -=====-=---==-=-====-====-===-=----=-===-=--==-=====-=============-============--=--==-----==- 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey Sngineering page 7 HONSY CRSEK $AST RBVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 STAGB DISCHARG$ TABLB COMBINATION DISCHARGB ID No. comb2 Description: FLOW SPLITTER RIS$R OVERFLOW Structure: r1 Structure: Structure: r2 Structure: Structure: STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARG6---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft► ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft► ---cfs-- ------- 346.60 0.0000 349.10 4.0114 349.60 43.826 350.10 53.615 348.70 0.3588 349.20 33.947 349.T0 45.965 350.20 55.435 348.80 1.0148 349.30 36.667 349.80 48.008 350.30 57.191 348.90 1.8643 349.40 39.199 349.90 44.969 350.40 58.798 349.00 2.8703 349.50 41.577 350.00 51.655 350.50 60.409 � 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey Engineering page 8 HONEY CRg$K BAST REVISFsD POND DgSIGN 2006 STAG$ DISCHARGB TABLg NOTCH WEIR ID No. nl Description: BASIN B POND DISCHARGB NOTCH Weir Length: 5 .0000 ft. Weir height (p) : 1.0000 ft. Elevation : 342 .00 ft. Weir Increm: 0.10 STAGB <--DISCHAR68---> S'fAGB <--DISCHAR6B---> STAGB c--DISCHARGg---> STAGB <--DISCHA&GB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (f() ---cfs-- ------- (ft} ---cfs-- ------- 342.00 0.0000 343.10 20.459 344.20 61.751 345.30 119.42 342.10 0.5213 343.20 23.464 344.30 66.353 3�5.40 125.40 342.20 1.4862 343.30 Z6.628 344.40 71.088 345.50 131.49 342.30 2.7517 3�3.40 29.946 344.50 75.954 345.64 13T.10 342.40 4.2692 343.50 33.415 344.60 80.950 345.7Q 144.01 342.50 6.0115 343.60 37.034 344.10 86.074 345.8D 150.44 342.60 7.9607 343.70 40.800 344.80 91.324 345.90 156.98 342.70 10.104 343.80 44.709 344.90 46.699 346.OD 163.63 342.80 12.433 343.9D 48.762 345.00 142.20 342.90 14.939 344.00 52.954 345.10 107.B2 343.00 17.616 344.10 57.284 345.20 113.56 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey Bngineering page 9 HONEY CREEK SAST REVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 STAGg DISCHARGE TABLE RISER DISCHARG$ ID No. rl Description: FLOW SPLITTER-TO BYPASS RISER Riser Diameter (in) : 18.00 elev: 348 .60 ft Weir Coefficient. . . : 3 .782 height: 350.50 fr (1r; F ("��-.oFF; r-; �r�t . Q ^'Z Q i nnrn-�^, • (1 � ^, �. --- -- --------- -- - ...-- - -- - - - -� --� - ---�- -- ------ - ---------- Ift) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- Ift) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 348.60 0.0000 349.10 2.0057 349.10 22.982 350.30 28.571 348.60 0.0000 349.20 16.974 349.80 24.004 350.40 29.399 348.70 0.1194 349.30 18.334 349.90 24.984 350.50 30.205 348.80 0.5074 349.44 19.599 350.00 25.92B 3�8.90 0,9322 349.50 20.188 350.10 26.836 349.00 1.4352 349.60 21.913 350.20 2T.T18 12/10/06 7 :25 :24 pm Casey $ngineering page 10 HONEY CREBK EAST REVISBD POND DSSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STAGE DISCHARGS TABLB RISER DISCHARGB ID No. r2 Description: FLOW SPLITTER-TO POND RISBR Riser Diameter (in) : 18. 00 elev: 348.60 ft Weir Coefficient . . . : 3 .782 height: 350 .50 ft Orif Coefficient. . . : 9.739 increm: 0 .10 ft STAGB <--DISC9ARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHA&GB---� STAGB c--DISCHARGB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ftl ---cfs-- ------- 348.60 0.0000 349.10 1.0057 349.70 22.982 350.30 28.511 348.60 0.0000 349.20 16.974 349.80 24.004 350.40 29.399 348.T0 0.1794 349.30 18.334 349.90 24.984 350.54 30.205 348.80 0.5Q74 3l9.40 19.599 350.00 25.926 348.90 0.9322 349.50 20.166 350.10 26.838 344.00 1.4352 349.60 21.913 350.20 27.718 12/10/06 7:25 :2.4 pm Casey $ngineering page il xorrEY c��x �sT RBVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 STAGB DISCHARGE TABLg RISER DISCHARGE � ID No. r3 Description: CONTROL MH#2 BIOSWALE RISER Riser Diameter (in) : 15.00 elev: 342 .09 ft Weir Coefficient. . . : 3 .782 height : 350 .00 ft Orif Coefficient. . . : 9.739 increm: 0 .10 ft STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> STAGB <--DISCEARGB---> STAGB <--DISCHARGB---> (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ftl ---cfs-- --•---- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 342.09 0.0000 344.10 21.574 346.20 30.850 348.30 37.921 342.10 0.0047 344.20 22.104 34b.30 31.223 348.40 3$.225 342.20 0.1725 344.30 22.622 346.40 31.592 348.50 38.521 342.30 0.4549 344.40 23.128 396.50 31.956 348.60 36.826 342.40 4.8160 344.50 23.623 346.60 32.316 348.70 39.123 342.50 1.2411 344.60 24.109 346.70 32.673 348.80 39.418 342.60 10.867 344.76 Z4.584 346.80 33.025 348.90 39.711 342.7U �1.885 344.80 25.051 34b.90 33.374 349.00 40.001 342.80 12.822 344.90 25.509 341.00 33.719 349.10 40.290 342.90 13.695 345.00 25.959 347.10 34.061 349.20 40.576 343.00 14.516 . 345.10 26.401 347.20 34.399 349.30 40.860 343.10 15.293 345.20 26.836 34T,30 34.734 344.40 41.143 343.20 16.032 345.30 21,264 347.90 35.066 349.50 41.423 343.30 16.139 345.40 27.685 347.50 35.394 349.60 41.702 343.40 17.427 345.50 28.100 341.6Q 35.T20 349.70 41.91B 343.50 18.Q69 345.60 28.509 347.70 36.043 349.80 42.253 343.60 18.699 345.70 26.913 341.80 36.362 349.90 42.527 , 343.10 19.308 345.90 29.310 347.90 36.b79 354.00 42.798 � 343.80 19.899 345.94 29.703 348.00 36.994 343.90 20.4T3 346.00 30.090 398.10 37.305 'I 344.00 21.031 346.10 30.472 348.20 37.614 H. DESCRIPTION OF STORAGE STRUCTURES Basin b contains the following Storage Structures. 1. Structure S 1 - Flow Splitter The Flow Splitter , a 96" manhole is defined as a storage structure for the purpose of routing the inflow hydrographs through the flow stlitter. A stage storage table for the structure is provided since it is defined as a structure in the analysis. I 2. Structure S2 - Basin B Detention Facility. A Stage Storage Table is provided for Structure S2 - the Basin B detention facility. The storage volume of the pond was determined using a planimeter. The information used in developing the data base is presented on the working spreadsheet provided in this section. The pond volume provided at the design maximum water surface elevation of 348 is 246,085 cubic feet. The required pond volume elevation for storage of the 100-yr developed storm is determined on page 17 of the History of Hydrograph Activity and is at Elev=342.77. The corresponding volume from the Stage Storage Table for elevation 342.80 is 106,773 cubic feet. The required additional volume of 30% or 33,000 cubic feet results in a total required volume of 139,773 cubic feet, which corresponds to an elevation of 344.40. The secondary outfall pipe invert of the original design is placed at elevation 343.2. Therefore, a birdcage structure will need to be added to the end of the existing secondary outfall pipe with an overflo«elevation of 344.50. Further analysis may eliminate this need. The Water Quality Pond volume is the volume below Elev= 336 and contains a total of 29,588 cubic feet. �� � � . . . -- - -- -- . _�-ian�y c,- ��_,� - _ � �--s-�y � �.. �gs%� � - Vo/v/!�e - 57�a�G� Sforo�'� �/c�/� S c4/e f/av�`c� -- - - _ -- --_-_ 2 Coa7�oc�rsCa' 3:/s�c _ � - - - — -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - - _ ___ -- - -- -- - _ - _ -- - -- - - -- -- - - --- - --- �-- ' --- -�ii - Q , - - - ; - - - - - - 12/10/06 7 :34:57 pm Casey �ngineering page 1 HONSY CRSEK EAST RBVIS$D POND DESIGN 2006 STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST STORAGI3 LIST ID No. S1 Description: FLOW SPLITTER - 96 IN MH STORAG$ LIST ID No. S2 Description: 12/10/06 7 :35 :23 pm Casey Bngineering page 1 HONEY CREBK BAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 STAGS STOR.AGE TABLE CUSTOM STORAGE ID No. S1 Description: FLOW SPLITTER - 96 IN Nffi STAGB <----STORAGB----> STAGB <----STO&AGB----> STAGB <----STORAGB----> STAGB <----STOxAGB----> (ft) ---Cf--- --AC-PC- (ft) ---cf--- --AC-Ft- (ft) ---Cf--- --AC-Ft- (ft► ---Cf--- --AC-Pt- 335.00 0.0000 0.0000 339.30 215.86 0.0050 343.6D 431.72 0.0099 341.90 647.00 0.0149 335.10 5.0200 D.0001 339.40 220.88 0.0051 343.70 436.74 0.0140 346.00 652.00 0.0150 335.20 10.046 0.0002 339.50 225.90 0.005Z 343.84 441.76 0.0101 348.10 657.00 0.0151 335.30 15.060 0.0003 339.60 230.92 0.0053 343.90 446.78 0.0103 348.20 662.00 0.0152 335.40 20.080 0.0005 339.70 235.94 0.0054 344.00 451.60 0.0104 348.30 661.00 0.0153 335.50 25.100 0.4006 339.80 240.96 0.0055 344.10 456.82 0.0105 346.40 672.00 0.0154 I 335.60 30.120 0.0041 339.90 245.98 O.D056 344.20 461.84 0.0106 348.50 677.00 0.0155 I 335.70 35.140 0.0008 340.00 251.06 0.4058 344.30 466.86 0.010T 348.60 682.00 0.0157 '' 335.80 40.160 0.0009 340.10 256.02 0.0059 344.40 471.88 0.0108 348.1D 687.00 0.0158 335.90 45.160 0.4010 340.Z0 261.04 0.0060 344,50 476.90 0.0109 348.60 692.00 0.0159 336.00 50.2d0 0.0012 340.30 266.Ob 0.0061 344.60 461.92 O.D111 348.90 697.00 0.0160 336.10 55.220 0.0013 340.40 271.08 0.0062 344.T0 486.94 0.0112 349.OD 102.04 0.0161 ' 336.20 60.240 0.0014 340.50 276.14 0.0063 344.80 491.96 0.0113 349.10 707.06 0.0162 336.30 65.260 0.0015 340.60 281.12 0.0065 344.90 496.98 0.0114 349.20 712.12 0.0163 336.40 T0.280 O.Od16 340.10 286.14 0.0066 345.00 542.00 0.O11S 349.30 717.18 0.0165 336.50 75.300 0.0017 340.80 291.16 0.0067 345.10 507.00 4.0116 349.40 722.24 0.0166 336.60 80.320 0.0018 340.90 296.18 0.0068 345.20 512.00 0.0118 349.54 727.30 0.0167 I 336.70 85.340 0.0020 341.00 301.20 0.0064 345.30 517.00 0.0119 349.60 732.36 0.0168 336.80 90.360 0.0021 341.10 346.22 0.0070 345.40 522.00 0.0120 349.7� 737.42 0.0169 33b.90 95.380 0.0022 341.20 311.24 0.0071 345.50 527.00 0.0121 399.60 142.48 0.0170 337.00 100.40 0.0023 341.30 316.26 0.0013 345.60 532.00 0.0122 399.90 747.54 4.0192 33T.10 105.42 0.0024 341.40 321.28 0.0014 345.70 537.00 0.0123 350.00 752.60 0.0173 337.20 110.44 0.4625 341.50 326.30 0.0075 345.80 542.00 0.0124 350.10 157.66 0.01T4 337.30 115.46 0.6027 341.60 331.32 0.0076 345.90 547.00 0.4126 350.20 762.72 0.0175 33T.40 120.48 0.0028 341.70 336.34 0.0077 346.00 552.00 0.0127 350.30 161.78 0.0196 337.50 125.50 0.0029 341.80 341.36 0.0078 346.10 551.00 0.0126 350.40 772.84 0.0177 337.60 130.52 0.0030 341.90 346.38 O.00BO 346.20 562.00 0.0129 350.50 777.90 0.0119 337.70 135.54 0.0031 342.00 351.40 0.0081 346.30 567.00 0.0130 350.60 782.96 0.0180 337.60 140.56 O.OQ32 342.10 356.�2 0.0082 346.40 572.00 0.0131 350.70 186.02 0.0181 337.90 145.5B 0.0033 342.20 361.44 0.0083 346,50 577.00 0.0132 350.80 793.08 0.0182 338.00 150.60 0.0035 342.30 366.46 0.0084 346.60 562.00 0.0134 350.90 748.14 0.0183 338.10 155.62 0.0036 342.40 371.46 0.0085 346.7D 587.00 0.0135 351.00 803.20 0.0184 338.20 160.64 0.0037 342.5� 376.50 0.0086 346.80 592.00 0.0136 351.10 808.22 0.0186 338.30 165.66 0.0038 342.60 381.52 0.0088 346.90 597.00 0.0137 351.20 813.24 O.OI87 338.40 1T0.66 0.0039 342.70 386.54 0.0089 341.40 602.00 0.0138 351.30 818.26 0.0188 338.50 175.70 0.004a 342.80 391.56 0.0090 347.10 607.00 0.0139 351.40 823.28 0.0189 338.60 180.72 0.0041 342.90 396.58 0.0091 341.20 612.00 0.0140 351.50 826.30 0.0190 338.74 185.74 0.0043 343.00 401,60 0.0092 347.30 617.00 0.0142 351,60 833.32 0,0191 338.80 190.76 0.0044 343.10 406.62 0.0093 347.40 622.00 0.0143 351.70 838.39 0.0192 338.90 195.16 0.0045 3�3.20 411.64 0.0094 347.50 627.00 0.0144 351.80 643.36 0.0194 339.00 200.80 0.0046 3l3.30 416.66 0.0096 347.60 632.00 O.Q145 351.90 848.38 0.0195 339.10 205.82 4.0047 343.40 421.68 0.0091 347.70 637.04 0.0146 352.00 853.40 0.0196 339.24 210.84 0.0046 343.50 426.10 0.0098 347.80 b42.00 0.0147 352.10 858.4Z 0,0197 12/10/06 7 :35:23 pm Casey 8ngineering page 2 HONEY CRE$K EAST REVISED POND D£SIGN 2006 ------- STAGE STOR.AGE TABLE STAGB <----ST4RAGB--•-> STAGB <----STORAG&----> STAGB <----STORAGB----> STAGB <----STQRAGB----> (ft) ---Cf--- --AC-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --AC-Ft- (ft) ---Cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---Cf--- --AC-Pt- - -- ------------------- 352.20 863.44 0.0198 352.50 878.50 0.0202 352.B0 893.56 0.0205 353.OQ 903.60 0.0201 352.30 668.46 0.0199 352.60 863.52 0.0203 352.90 898.58 0.0206 352.40 873.48 0.02d1 352.70 886.54 0.0204 353.00 903.60 0.0207 12/10/06 7:35:23 pm Casey Engineering page 3 HONEY CRESK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 STAGE STORAGE TABLB CUSTOM STOR.AGS ID No. S2 Description: STAGB <----STOkAGB----> STAGB <---•SYOBAGB----> STAGB c----STORAGS----> STAGB <----STO&AGB----> Ift) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- ift) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ftl ---cf--- --Ac-Pt- 336.00 0.0000 0.0000 339.60 45984 1.0556 343.20 115065 2.6420 346.80 208210 4.1796 336.10 1136 0.0261 339.70 47438 1.0890 343.30 117163 2.6897 346.90 211366 4.6523 336.20 ' 2172 0.0522 339.80 48692 1.1224 343.40 119241 2.7374 341.00 214523 4.9248 336.30 3448 0.0782 339.90 50346 1.1558 343.50 121320 2.1851 341.10 217679 4.9972 336.40 �544 0.1043 340.00 51800 1.1892 343.60 123398 2.8328 3�{7.20 220835 5.0697 336.50 5b80 0.1304 3�0.10 53717 1.2332 343.10 125476 2.8805 347,30 223991 5,1421 336.60 6816 0.1565 340.20 55635 1.2772 343.80 121554 2.9282 347.40 227148 5.2146 336.70 7952 0.1826 340.30 57552 1.3212 343.90 129632 2.9159 341.50 230304 5.2870 336.80 908B 0.2086 340.40 594T0 1.3652 344.Od 131710 3.0236 341.60 233460 5.3595 336.90 10224 0.2347 340.50 61387 1.4093 344.10 134273 3.0825 347.70 236616 5.4320 331.00 11360 0.2608 340.60 63304 1.4533 344.20 136835 3.1413 34T.60 239773 5.5044 337.10 12496 0.2869 340.70 65222 1.4973 344.30 139398 3.2001 34T.90 142929 5.5769 337.20 13632 0.3129 340.80 67139 1.5413 344.40 141960 3.2590 348.00 246065 5.6493 331.30 1476B 0.3390 340.90 69051 1.5853 344.50 144523 3.3176 34B.14 249241 5.7218 331.40 15904 0.3651 341.00 70974 1.6293 344,60 147085 3.3766 348.20 252398 5.7942 331.50 17440 0.3912 3l1.10 72891 1.673� 344.70 149648 3.4354 348.30 255554 5.8661 33T.60 18116 0.4173 341.20 T4809 1.717! 344.80 152210 3.4943 348.40 258110 5.9392 331.10 193i2 0.4433 3�1.30 76726 1.7614 344.90 154773 3.5531 348.50 261866 6.0116 331.80 20446 0.4694 341.40 78694 1.8054 345.00 157335 3.6119 34B.60 265023 6.0841 337.90 21584 0.4955 341.50 80561 1.8494 345.10 159698 3.6107 346.70 268119 6.1565 336.00 22720 0.5216 341.60 62478 1.8934 345.20 162460 3.7296 348.80 271335 6.2240 338.10 24114 0.5550 3�1.70 84396 1.93T5 345.30 165023 3.7889 348.90 Z74491 6.3015 338.20 25628 0.5663 341.80 86313 1.9815 345.40 167585 3.8472 349.00 27164B 6.3739 338.30 27082 0.6217 341.90 88231 2.�255 345.50 170148 3.9060 3l9.10 280804 6.4464 338.40 28536 0.6551 342.00 90148 2.0695 345.60 172710 3.9649 349.20 263960 6.5188 338.50 29994 0.6865 342.10 92226 2.1172 345.70 175273 4.0231 349.30 267116 6.5913 338.60 31444 0.7219 342.20 94304 2.1649 345.80 177835 4.0825 349.40 290293 6.6637 338.70 32898 0.1552 342.30 96382 2.2116 345.90 180398 4.1414 349.50 293429 6.7362 338.80 34352 0.7866 342.40 98460 2.2603 346.00 182960 4.2002 349.60 296585 6.8087 338.90 35806 �.8220 342.50 100539 2.3080 346.10 186116 4.2726 349.70 249741 6.8811 334.00 37260 O.B554 342.60 102617 2.3556 346.20 189273 4.3451 349.84 302698 6.9536 339.1D 36714 0.8888 342.70 104695 2.4035 346.30 192429 4.4176 349.90 306054 7.0260 339.20 40168 0.9221 342.80 106773 2.4512 346.40 195585 4.4900 350.00 309210 7.0985 339.30 41622 0.9555 342.90 108851 2.4989 346.50 198741 4.5625 339.40 43016 0.9889 343.00 110929 2.5466 346.60 201898 4.6349 339.50 44530 1.0223 343.10 113007 2.5943 346.70 205054 4.7074 HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION VI. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DESIGN A. PIPE CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS B. BIOFILTRATION SWALE DESIGN VI. A. BASIN B PIPE CONVEYANCE ANALYSIS The methodology used in the hydraulic analysis routed the 100-yr storm through the conveyance system to creale the 100-yr developed condition hydrograph. Therefore the anal�sis of the conveyance capacity has aheady occurred. The developed basin Exhibit and contributing subbasin azeas have also been determined. A printout of the subbasin azeas is included in the appendix. The results of routing the 100-yr storm through the conveyance system is included in the History of Hydrograph Activity printout. Copies of the routing portion of the History aze included in this section. 12/10/06 7:39 :40 pm Casey gngineering page 15 HONBY CRSEK EAST RBVIS�D POND DgSIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY Netrork LINB6 Reach <AxBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Hdepth <Diaa> <�Vel> <FVel> Carea P40 O.b6 0.32 3.18 10.00 2.66 12.00 2.46 4.15 B44 P39 1.13 0.55 2.94 18.60 3.64 12.00 2.T2 3.85 B39 P37 1.95 0.97 2.95 32.70 4.91 12.06 3.19 3.86 B37 Netrork LIAB5 RedCh <A&BA> <ACt Q> <Q Full> � Full Adepth <Diae> <NVeI> <FYel> Cdted P67 0.54 0.21 3.T2 7.27 2.21 12.00 2.62 4.87 B67 P66 1.44 0.75 3.T5 Z0.07 3.79 1Z.00 3.54 4.90 B66 P65 6.95 3.50 8.37 41.78 8.46 18.00 4.28 4.86 B65 P64 1.98 4.08 12.24 33.36 7.45 18.00 5.91 7.11 B64 P63 8.65 4.45 9.35 4T.56 9.12 18.00 4.95 5.43 B63 � P62 10.36 5.25 15.17 34.62 7,61 1B.OD 7.40 8.81 B62 P61 12.65 6.31 24.92 25.31 6.42 18.00 ll.lb 14.47 B61 P60 13.30 6.60 31.24 21.13 5.63 18.00 13.30 18.14 B60 P47 23.14 10.96 27.51 39.77 8.22 ia.00 13.94 16.01 B47 P46 24.7Z 11.71 29.63 47.55 9.12 18.00 13.03 14.3D B46 P43 26.59 12.62 19.48 64.79 11.06 18.00 11.08 11.31 B43 P42 26.83 12.T7 41.B5 30.51 9.46 24.00 11.09 13.bT B42 P36 29.43 14.06 45.33 31.05 9.55 24.00 12.07 14.61 B36 P35 29.43 14.06 26.87 52.38 12.89 24.00 8.19 8.78 P34 29.43 14.08 147.91 9.52 5.19 24.00 28.18 48.32 CHANG� FRBCIP 3.90 A01 A02 AD3 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 All Al2 A14 A15 A16 A18 A19 A21 A22 A23 AZ4 A25 A80 AB1 A82 A63 A84 B36 B37 B39 B40 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B46 B64 B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B91 B92 B93 B94 B95 B96 B97 B100 B200 8340 B400 B500 B600 B700 B800 B62A B63A B65A I,ST6ND xOUTB HYDR06RAPH 3 THROOGB RBACH LINBIA Netrork LItt61A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Diam> <HVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P80 1.37 0.1? 9.49 6.15 2.40 12.00 6.91 12.40 A80 P81 1.42 0.82 3.29 24.92 4.24 12.00 3.30 4.30 A81 P82 3.62 1.91 7.12 26.80 4.41 12.00 1.29 9.31 AB2 P63 4.72 2.55 12.44 20.46 3.83 12.00 11.82 16.Z6 A83 12/10/06 7 :39 :40 pm Casey Engineering page 17 HONBY CREBK EAST REVISSD POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY P400 0.64 0.51 5.18 9.89 2.64 12.00 3.99 6.17 B400 Netrork LINBSA RedCh <AxBA� <ACt Q> <Q Full� � Full Adepth <Didm> <NVel> <FVeI> Cdred ==-=---==-=-======--==-=-=-========-=---=====-=-=-=======-=-======-=-======== P200 1.24 0.91 2.92 31.01 4.17 12.00 3.i1 3.81 B200 P104 2.31 1.13 3.04 56.93 6.79 12.00 3.78 3.97 B100 P300 3.27 2.43 5.03 48.38 6.14 12.00 6.01 6.57 B300 P500 4.26 3.23 --------Pressure Flor-------- 4.11 B500 Netxork LINBSC Feach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Pull> t Full Ndepth <Dia�> <NVel> <FVel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P600 1.25 0.78 2.98 26.14 4.35 12.00 3.03 3.90 8600 P6SA 1.25 0.78 2.59 30.11 4.70 12.00 2.T4 3.38 NetMork LItiB64A Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Bdepth <Dia�> <NVel> <FYel> Carea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P64A 0.54 0.31 3.49 8.83 1.66 8.00 5.84 10.23 B64A Hetrork LINB63A Reach <AR6A> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full Ndepth <Dia�> <ttVel> <FVel> Carea -==========-=-======-===============-=-===-===-======-===-===--=====-====--== P63A 4.09 D.08 2.25 3.66 1.08 8.00 2.90 6.60 B63A Hetrork LINBb2A Aeach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full NdeptL <Diaa> <NVeI> <FVel> Carea P700 0.14 0.10 2.92 3.56 1.60 12.00 1.66 3.81 B100 P800 0.43 0.33 3.00 11.02 2.79 12.00 2.39 3.92 B800 P62A 1.18 0.83 11.36 1.21 2.27 12.00 8.01 19.85 B62A Netrork LIHBB Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Full NdeptD <Diam> <t�Vel> <FVel> Carea P91 0.66 0.45 4.94 9.01 2.53 12.00 3.71 6.45 B91 P94 1.62 1.04 3.47 29.95 4.68 12.00 3.66 4.54 B94 P95 2.75 1.75 2.17 90.46 8.62 12.00 2.90 2.84 B95 P96 3.69 2.34 8.12 28.82 4.59 12.00 8.48 10.62 B94 ' P97 3.93 2.51 11.27 22.29 4.40 12.00 10.96 14.73 B97 ' P48 4.09 2.65 3.3b 78.70 8.47 12.00 4.41 4.40 B48 12/10/06 7 :39 :44 pm Casey $ngineering page 18 HONBY CREBK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 HISTORY OF HYDROGRAPH ACTIVITY Aetrark LIAB7 Reach <ARBA> <Act Q> <Q Full� � Full Ndepth <Diaa�> <�iVel> <FVel> Carea P45 0.80 0.55 3.20 17.20 3.50 12.00 2.89 4.16 B45 P44 1.51 1.05 3.22 32.58 4.40 12.U0 3.41 4.20 B44 P43A 1.51 1.05 3.21 32.70 4.91 12.00 3.46 4.19 Ketxork LINB6 Reach <ABBA> <Act Q> <Q Full> � Pull Ndepth <Diam> <NVeI> <FVel> Carea P40 0.6b 0.46 3.18 14.61 3.22 12.00 2.74 4.15 B40 P39 1.13 0.80 2.44 Z7.13 4.44 11.00 3.02 3.85 B39 P37 1.95 1.40 2.95 4T.37 6.07 11.00 3.51 3.86 B37 Netrork LINBS Reach <ARBA� <Act Q> <Q Full> 4 Full Ndepth <Dian> <liVel> <FVel> Carea P67 0.54 0.39 3.72 10.49 2.7Z 12.00 2.92 4.87 B67 P66 1.44 1.08 3.75 28.84 4.59 12.04 3.92 4.90 B66 ' P65 6.95 5.09 8.31 60.91 10.61 16.04 4.69 4.86 B65 ' P64 7.96 5.79 12.24 47.30 9.Q9 18.00 6.47 7.11 B64 ! P63 6.65 6.31 9.35 67.49 11.31 18.00 5.36 5.43 B63 P62 10.36 7.50 15.11 49.43 9.34 ]B.00 8.10 B.B1 B62 P61 12.65 9.06 24.92 36.37 7.82 18.00 12.30 14.47 B61 P60 13.30 9.50 31.24 30.91 7.08 18.00 14.71 18.14 B60 P47 23.10 16.03 27.57 58.15 10.32 18.00 15.30 16.01 B47 P46 24.12 11.14 24.63 69.59 11.61 18.00 14.21 14.30 B46 P43 26.59 16.46 19.48 94.79 15.d9 18.00 11.67 11.31 B43 P42 26.83 16.67 41.85 44.60 11.11 •24.00 12.26 13.61 B42 P36 29.43 20.55 45.33 45.34 11.83 24.00 13.33 14.81 B36 P35 29.43 20.55 26.87 76.47 16.56 24.00 8.88 B.TB P34 29.43 20.55 147.91 13.89 6.27 24.00 31.45 48.32 RBMARR SIKCB THB STRATBGY IS TO PxOVIDB QN6 FLOfl SPLITTBx TO PROPORTION THB ALLONABLB BYPASS FROl1 OFFSIT6 AR6AS NB N011 NBBD TO COMBINB THB RIINOFF BHTBRIHG THB POND FROM TH� NORTH AND SOOTH. WB WILL Dfl THB FOLLOiIING: COFlBINB HYD 1 AND 4 �THB 2 YBAx I�IFLON) AND PbACB IR HYD 1. COMBIHB HYD 2 AND 5 (THB 10 YBAR INFLOfl) AND PLAC6 Iti HYD 2. COMBIHB HYD 3 AND 6 (TflB 100 YBAR INFI,Oi1) AND PLACB IN HYD 3. LSTBND ADD141 14.5168 cfs 5.5357 ac-ft 8.00 hrs ADD252 24.3738 cfs 9.0623 ac-ft 8.00 hrs VI. B. BASIN B BIOFILTRATION SWALE DESIGN Calculations are provided showing that the biofiltration facilities shown at the toe of the Division II., Tract A. detention facility is properly sized for the design discharge from the pond A plan view and cross section of the proposed facility is provided on plan sheet 17 of 45 of the Honey Creek Engineering plan set on file at the City of Renton. This analysis shows that the discharge to the Biofiltration swale for the 2-year storm is .42cfs. The calculations that follow were for the original design flow rate of.92 cfs. Therefore, at this time the existing Biofiltration facility is operating at less than design capacity. ��p/�!/�bGra.7 lfU�/�//7 / .e� v,� �7 d1,10�</.�Ol�/ � � ��rJOy/ �,� �/�� HOi7lv�0/ , 7 /� / 7/r'/is i/! 7�/OGC/ •f� UJ' S d ifil 7/.J/�750��' �7-Y` �C...` 7 ' • C/O/�jb L/O.7 /tJJ�! _,/ .G ..r.� �cvos ��/-� ���/•� y.{�ia� ss,o,r�'�.o���� ��� h�-��.l�it�l UO��d�7,(/,S O Ci/�/�S�/ /,��'1 �yn'-s f� ��o �c��a c� ����.SO�� ��/-� ,],(U (/Oi7(.b,�� ,��� .��C�._,,� ��o6..�v s i ��:sr/oi.�%�U'�.�/b..��� --iQj` /�'�Ua�(j -�/(/'/�•�S ��.� �,� -f�c�-oQs�.i-���, ,� .7'�� ��oa/� U�is�� �y1 , C/aSS��s� ' 7�o.�'!s 7�b�./✓i �/ � 7s� 7/0�6 �.�%'L�1 ' i , D� =' �f�C,6U�7 �lanrs �z�n�[�� /b� 7/p/fqs` ��Z b J/J� , �•% _ � b :-`-�/�%' �o�� � /e.�1 q �,�_��d� � � � ����os , 6 o-z -,� � ,�'�' - (z�'J � ��.� �"�-�''� �-�'"£'�" 6h / = b I/, %Z s`/�1 ,' � E--- .� Z .� •' ns , d/d = �r O �o�z� � 2 ��f�'�x� fZ�'��z ��, =d � �'�'" -� "'�'�' - �F'�'���J�f (£�'���'1 - � � �Jo��J� 1 � ��' ' _„ � _ �-�°s/' zo" = S -s'�'� = U U : �o b,�.�,�.,.�� ��;s�� y.� ,� � �� sF�z�� �= a � �f�.q�'o.��h'�c�'�o{siy�/��cd uiw.f� s�� z� - -- ��o.Y,sD-� o,r�� �{/�'s Z�`j � _ �' . ,i,s-� v�, o' � ,l/.' �'� I �'j �' �!�s,��'/ ���,i� ��(/��/ /70/�Gy C�re ��C .�aS�� .� ✓ �3 �.o�/frcr7�.olJ S�vc�/G .�G.si ylj Co�f Ca ac." C c� /DO�� -Z`��r S�r� _.f10`f�- o -.�---� , y � 3 = � _--� b C,? = i y9 .9•P�3s � w,�f� A= (b f 3y )y � �°_ (.6 � G 3asy) , �.��� , . � � _ /. �f 9 � � f 3y}y 7 5' �Z ��cro/ �ai-�» � _(h t 6.31s)��- �,,,, t-fi b - /O � S _ .OOS � _ .oz7 s�6s�;��f;�9 ;��o ,���A�,o� q�� y = , . , �5'o�v��i� .6y 7'�ri'c�/ �crroi" y = . 38 � . , �.,Sc �y _ . / .� �%s.y� V�/o�,� Ch��,� S �,o s w o/c = v = Q = �Z _ qZ A (,6 �3`y )y ���Ot 3�.�3 -33� 6 =io " = .ZS��/S �/ s �Ps .= �.� Co�ve c�s�ce /00 i- (/ = �. O `7' w,�th y = ,38 �/Of 3�.�s.��,' . s� _ / 3/ F,os � s`�,os =- O.� �. i i v��...�, .`... -.,.J.� - - - - � �a/ � �i'� 4zoi� `7c3/J�G�% w�f'� 3•/ S/Jvcs � ,'- z =3 � _ /, y9 A•� 2�35 � wl�crc � � " y 2 A =C�6 t -�y�y � b � � �_�1 ' p ' 'rZ � P= b t zy t�t.�2� _ .� � �.3?sy •'• Q = �_y9 �f�t 3 J b t .� ) z'f S. � ,-, y y b t G.3a y ,.GG7 , y -� s�o� C� = i y9 bt3 ) ] s �Z � (,6 f-G.3zS.y '- .6 -� Sta Z � S -� Sf�3 j � p/� IZ CG ,3� � !� -� S'� 5� �1 LBL /3 ,�c� s X i2L�L 1 � G.31SX � 2TN �CL Z� t � �/� � GG7 �] /�ro�9rom �� ,e CL y� �( h�P/�C Co%v,��i- yv,th ' r , /. 5f9�C � y --� STO ..7 SI�'3 S b --� STO Z ,r2cL .r� 3 x S --� STO 3 ,e c� Z� r � -�SrO � ,�cL ,7f X r /,GG7 d ,�LCL S, al HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION VII. SWPPP (TESC) DESIGN INFORMATION � The information contained in this Section was prepared by D.M.P., Inc. for the Honey Creek East Project in accordance with the 2005 KCSWDM. It is argued that the provided information is equal to or exceeds the requirements of the SEPA Condition#1. I ;. ,� � s STOF�ATER PULLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR HONEY CREEK EAST ci.�rrr: Lakeridge Development P.O. Box i 46 Reaton,WA 98057 Phone: (42S)228-9750 , PREPARED B�": Daley-Morrow-Poblete,Inc. I 726 Auburn Way North Aubum, WA 98002 Phone: (253)333-2200 PROJECT No.02-290 DATE: Oct. 18, 2006 � 1.0 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)Plan describes the measures to be used during construction to protect Waters of the State from degradation due to sediment transport or water pollution. These measures may include the use of temporary Best Management Practices(BMPs) Field conditions during constnzction rnay require additional temporary BMPs or a change in placement of the temporazy BMPs.The Contractor Erosion and Sediment Comrol(ESC} Lead and City of Renton Inspectors shall modify this plan if necessary to nzeet fieid conditions_ 1.0.1 TEMPORARYEROSIONAND SEDIMENT'CONTROL BMPS The BMPs were selected based on the potemial for erosion ai the site and the potential for impacts to surrounding sensitive areas(i_e_,wetlands and water bodies). The type and Iocation of TESC BMPs used during construction may vazy&om those presented below. This plan may be modified by the Coniractor in the field as necessa�y to controt erosion and the migration of sediments at the project site. The proposed locations of the selected TESC BMPs are shown on the TESC Plan presented in Appendix A �.�1.1 Source Control BMPs Sowrce control BNIPs seiected for this project may include hydroseeding, straw,wood fiber mulch, dust control,compost and plastic sheeting. Sediment Controt BMPs Tl�BMPs s�lected for the covtrol of sedimem include filter fencing,filter fabric inlet protection,check dams,and sediment tra.ps. Structural Erosion Co�rtrol BMPs Structurai Erosion Control BMPs setected include a stabilized construction entrances and interceptor ditches. 1.D.2 MARg CLEARING LIMITS Ali existing vegetation(trees,bushes,shrubs,grasses)shall be preserved wh�n not required for the construction of the project. The Contractor is required to survey, stake,and flag the clearing limits shown in the Plans and/or areas not to be disturbed including easements, � setbacks,sensitive and critical areas and associated buffers,and buffers for drainage courses I� before any clearing or grubbing can begin. The City of Renton Inspector shall be notified 24 '' hours in advance of t6e clearing iimits being staked Laths shalt be surveyed in and placed ', at angle points and in 50-foot intervals on tangents and curves. Laths shall have"Clearing '�, Limits"written on them and survey flagging applied Clearing Iunits should be checked , periodically, stakes should be replaced immediately if disturbed. 1.0.3 ESTABLISH CONSTRUCT70NACCES.S Wherever construction vehicle access routes intersect paved roads,provisions must be made to minimi7e the transport of sed.iment and mud onto the paved roads. If sediment is transported onto a road surface,the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from roads by shovelfng or sweeping and be transported to a controlled sediment disposal area. Street washing will be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. A stabilized constructian entrance will be constructed as shown on the TESC Plan presented in Appendix A I.D.4 CONTROL FLOWRATES Properties aud waterways downstream will be protected from erosion due to increase in volume,velocity,and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site. Detention/Water quality facilities will be functional prior to completion of site improvement 1.0.5 INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL The BMPs selected for the control of sediment include filter fencing, filter fabric nilet protection,check c3a.ms,and sedimeIIt traps. The facilities shall be installed prior to clearing and grading. L 0.6 STABILIZE SOILS Disttu�ed area within the Right-of-Way will be stabiliz�d by paving and tEie construction of the sidewalks. Pervious areas will be permanently stabilized by seeding and establishing vegetation 1.0,7 PROTECT SLOPES Cut and fill slopes shall be coustructed in a manner that will minimize erosion Cut and fill � slopes shall have erosion control BMPs installed for slope protection as needed During '� construction,exposed slopes shall have seed,fertilizer,and mulch applied Wizen seeding and mulching are not possible,plastic covering or other suitable cover shall be applied. Finished slopes shall have permanent seeding applied between March 1 and May 1 S or August 15 and October 1. Oatside these specifted application periods,temporary cover shall be applied. 1.0.8 PROT��T DRAIN INLETS A11 storm drain inlets nsed to discharge runoff from the canstruction site shall be protscted so that stormwater runoff shall not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or othervvise treated to rrecnmove sediment All storm drain inlets on the project site will be protected using filter f�bric inlet protection_ 1.0.9 STAB�LIZE C7�ANNELS AND OUTLETS The Puget Sound condition requires that all temporary on-site conveyance channels shall be designed,constructed and stabilized to prevent erosion from the expected velocity of flow from a 2-year 24-hour frequency storm for developed condirions. Stabilization adequate to prevern erosion at outlets,adjacent stream banks, slopes, and dovvnstream reaches shalI be provided at all conveyance systems_ Conveyance channels will be stabilized with grass lining aud rock check dams to minimi�.� both the transport of sediment and erosion of the channeI. Conveyance system outlets will be stabilized with riprap to prevent erosion at the dischazge point 1.0.10 CONTROL POLLUTANTS All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris,that occur onsite will be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. I.D.II CONTROL DE-WATERING Tkywatering devices shall discharge into a s�diment trap or sediment pond The rate of dewatering discharge shall not exceed the design capacity of the sediment trap or pond if required in the project's special provisions a dewatering plan shall be submitted for approval before implementation. 1.0.12 MAINTAIN B11�s All t�mporary and permanent erosion and sediment co�.rol BMPs will be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued perfonnance of their intended function.Maintenance and repair will be conducted in accordance with BMP specification. 1.0.13 MANAGE THE PROJECT 1.0.131 Phasing of Construction Develapment projects will be phased where feasible in order to prevent soit erosion and,to the maximum e�ctent practicable,the transport of sediment from the site during constructio� Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation will be an integral part of the clearing activities for any phase. I.0.13.2 Seasonal Work Limitations From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading and other soil disturbing activities will only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the tocal permitting authority. 1.0.13 3 Coordination w�th Uti�and Other Co»tract��r The primary project proponent will evaluate,with input from utilities and other contractors, ihe stormwater management requirements for the entire project, including the utilities. The SWPPP shall be revised accordingly.»ing an Updated Construction SR'PPP The construction SWPPP will be reta.ined on-�ite or within reasonable access to the site. If Seld changes are required,then the SWPPP shall be updated accordingly_ 1.I PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'I'he proposed plat will subdivide three parcels,totaling 9.25 acres located on tax parcel(s) 042305-9228,-9229 and-9004 into 43 single-family lots and access tracts. Storm water facilities are located-off-site to the west. The existing facility was originalty sized and constructed to accommod.ate the proposed Honey Creek project. Required recreational facilities will not be provided on site. Sietra Heigfits Park is located on the west edge of the proposed Plat. Tbe project site is located on the west side of Union Ave. SE. - 1.2 EXLSTING SITE CONDITIONS The site is presently covered by tr�s,brush and grass_ There is an e�sting gravel driveway from the ea.stern side of the site to the center of the site. 1.3 ADJACENT AREAS The project site is suirounded by single-family residences,except to the north and northeast, which are adjacent to Sierra Heights Elementary School_ 1.4 CRITICAL AREAS There are no critical areas on or adjacent to the site. 1.5 SOILS Ac�ording to the US Soil Conservation Service Soil Map,the site is primarily Alderwood series(AgC} I.b EROSION PROBLEMS According to#he field topographic survey,the steepest slope on the site is approximately 3% to 5% located in the south comer of the project site. As iong as erosion control measures are taken during construction,there should be no erosion problems. i.� coNs�xuc�oN p�snvG The proposed construction sequence is shown in the TESC Plan presented in Appendix A. 1.8 CUNSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The proposed construction wi11 start approximately on Septemb�r of 2007 and end approximately on September 2008. 1.9 FINANCIALlOWNERSHIP RESPONSIBILIfiIES Responsible for the�nitiation of bonds and/or other�nancial securities: �akeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 1.10 ENGINEERING CALCULA�`IONS T`�e sediment trap design is presented in Appendix B. APPENDlCES APPENDDC A-TESC PLAN APPEN�X B-ENGINEERING CALCUL.ATION APPENDIX C-PUBLIC NOTICE APPENDU(D-SITE LOG FIGURE FIGURE 1 -VK:lNITY MAP �►PPENDIX A TESC PLAN AND DETAlLS f ` 1 �. . � I APPENQIX B ENGINEERING CALCULATION � Q8 � � . � J I �,,� \ � 4 � d � � , � � � ' ' � � ,' 11s� `� i m �/ n � � �m � y � a i � �r � � � I �� � \j � � � _ _ 71 � ` � + tl _ „�.�._ _ ,, - � f '� ` ` 1 � , �` ' � i' b � �. � � g g g \� 'I �\ � * � �--�-�-_ _ --+f.._ m _ � ^� I6 �` � � � r \ w ( 1 - - ! � �� x ,\ s � � � � ( �'t00( s � ''� � �� � ��� �\ ' � +011 � � I I I ' . � � � i � .. � \ I ; I �// � �`y� J� t \ � � /� r- ..._� `,'�-' I / � � \ I �P� I � \ � � — i �� � � � , a I 2 r p , ,, w l i:�co` � `' 1 --' � ` \ ' ~'�� `' � . i I i �. it �1 � �' i � � � ✓ � � _.. .% \ � � \ \\ �\ � . i � �� � � '� � � �^ \ ,'� � � � � ,� � i i i , , $ � � . � \ � ` � i i � - - i� � > ._ 1� � ,� � � I / i� � \ L - � p� / � A�� � ��'�` ��� •,� ` - � _....� _ _ � � ,µ4''� � L.. / �\� � � ��°"�h'' ` �•-- � 1� `\\� � - �. � �� _ _ � `` \ / �• \L � \ � � I + ' � � _ _ � _ _ ` //?\� , � ' ; �., � \ ... � � ' + � � � .� $ I � � � i I � 1 — S.C.S. TYPE—lA 2 — 7—DAY DESIGN STORM 3 — STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: 1 S.C.S. TYPE—lA RAINFALL DI51RiBUt1U�� ENTER: FREQCYEAR), DURATION(HOt1R), � 2,24,2 �it��tzt�st�t��r�it�tit,t*�t�� S,C.S. IYPE—L4 DISTRIBUTION �`**�*'�-�`��'�'�'�*��'*�= #***�*�*� 2—YEAR 24—FIOUR ST�R1M *=�� 2.40�� TOTAL PREQP. *�'��*�� -------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV)� CNCPERV), A(IMPERV), CN(ZMPERV), TC FOR BASIH NO. ' 2.95,94,0,0,5 W1TA PRINT—OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES; A CN A CN 3.0 3.0 94.0 .0 .0 5.0 PEAK—Q(CF5) T—PEAKCHRS) VOL(CU—F7) 2.17 7.67 14952 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERY), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN N4. 2 �'A/IEA 2' 2.12,94,U,0,5 DATA PRINT—OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(I+IIl+IUTES) A CN A CN 2.1 2.1 94.0 .0 .0 5.0 PEAK—Q(CFS) T—PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU—FT) .84 7.67 10745 �_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV)� A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 C�t}/j„�",4 3� 1.95,94,0,0,5 OATA PRINT—OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2.0 2.0 94.0 .0 .0 S.0 PEAK—Q(CFS) T—PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU—FT) .77 7.67 9883 _'___ SEDIMENT TRAP 1 DESIGN SA=FS(QZ/VS) Where: QZ = Design infiow based on tt�e peak discharge from tt�e 2-yr►unoff event. = 1.17 cfs VS = The settling velocity of the soil particle of interest = 0.0009G ft/sec FS= Safeiy facxor o#2 to account for non-iciea!settling. ther�efore SA= 2 x 1.17/0.00096 = 2437.5 s.f. SA Provi�ed = 2,440 s.f.(Area measured using Land Desktop) > 2437_5 s.f.therefore ok SEDlMENT TRAP 2 DESIGN sn=fs cQZ i v� Wher+e: QZ = Design inflaw based on the peak discharge from the - 2-yr runoff event. = 0.84 cfs VS = The setding velocity of the soii paRide oE interest = 0.000�6 ft/sec FS= Safety factor of 2 to account for non-ideai setriing_ therefore SA= 2 x 0.84/0_00096 = 1750.0 s.f. SA Provided = 1,750 s.f.(Area measured using Land Desktop) _ 'f 750_0 s.f.therefore ok SEDIMENT TRAP 3 DESIGN sn=Fs tQ2�v� Where: QZ = Design inflow based on the peak discharge from the 2-yr runoF�event = 0.77 cfs VS = The settling veloc:ity of the soif partide of interest = 0.00096 ft/sec FS= Safety fador of 2 to account fa non-ideal settiing. tfierefore SA= 2 x 0.77 /0.0009f� _ '16042 s.f. SA Provided = 1,610 s.f. (Area measured using Land Desktop) > 16042 s.f.tfierefore ok APPENDIX C PUBLiC N�TlCE Public Notice NAme of operator/permime: Lakeridge Development Addr�ess of owner or do representative: Lakeridge Development P_O. Box 146 R�toq WA 98057 Phone:(425)228-9750 Project description: 'Fhe proposed plat will subdivide three parccis,totaling 9.25 acxes located on taac parcel(s}042305- 9228,-9229 and-9004 iIIto 43 singlc-family Iots and access tracts. List of Construction Activities: • Flag cleazing limits • Instail erosion and sedim�tion co�ttrol m,e�ues • Clear and gcade site within clearing Iimits • Install utilities and conveyance facilities • Construct roads and buitdings • Stab�ize all dishubad areas • Upcm final site stabilization,clean site and re�ove remaining erosion and sedimentarion control mc�sure Runoff will be filttred ti�roeigh the erosion and sedimentation control measures prior to discharging to the off-site facilities_ There are no wetIands on or adjacent to the site. There will be no import mateaial_ Any persons desiring to present their views to the Deparbment of Ecology conceming this application may notify Ecology in writing 30 days from the last date of pnblication of this notice. Comments m�ay be sutymitted to: Washiagtaa Department of Ecology WaLer QualitY Program Storm Unit—Construction P.O. Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-769�6 � � � - O � � Z W W � �. _ a v� a Completed by. - - - : BMP Implementation Title: - - _ Uate: - - : Develop a plan for implementing each BMP. Describe the steps necessary to implement the BMP (i_e_,any construction or design),the schedule for completing tfiose steps(list dates),and the rson s res nsible for im lementation. � Scheduled Milestone and Person BMPs Description of Action(s) Comptetion Date(s) Responsible for Required for Action !m ementation Good 1. Housekeeping 2 3 Preventive 1. Maintenance 2 3. 4. Spill L Prevention and 2. Emergency Cleanup 3. Inspections 1. 2. 3. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (CSWPP Forms) 1/1/2005 Page 1 ,�: i. f �.�.. :.. , � . �' � � � � � i Y fl��F � � 1✓ `.�r � F� (W �.'i S ,�. ... . � '. t ��. �i . �� • Ci Mpieted by: -d � , � � n �,, ��; i � �va� _ . � . . � . � . �. . . � .1 r ,, :. � �.. . . � .. 9, � a • .,., ��... , j .. ;�1 �.: � t . t�� . , — � t�@: . , , ..�. ��r.: � �� ,, � , 1 � , . `F , , � a ' ' ,�8t8. a.� .�. . a � ,,, � � �. — � � ,. , , , � � � , �` Materiallnvenfo 4'' ' ' , List materials handled, treated, stored, or disposed of at the proJect site that may potentially be exposed to precipitation or runoff. Quantity (Units) Likeilhood of contact with stormwater Past Spill or Used Produced Stored if Yes, describe reason Leak Materfal ur oselLocation indicate erlwk. or r. Yes No 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (CSWPP Forms) . Page 1 1/1/2005 _ , , _ Completed by. , , , ;, , >, ,. a .,. _ - � Title: � � , , � . . . . . - � . ,. �: . . � . '.'�.,Y, f.'... � . Potential Pollutant 5ource Identification : Date: - . ' � � : List all potential stormwater pollutants from materlals handled,treated,or stored on•site. Likellhood of pollutant being present in your Potential Stormwater Poliutant Stormwater Pollutant Source stormwater dlscharge. If yes, explaln 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (CSWPP Forms) Page 1 Completed by; � , , , �; , :.� ��:, , ,, �, .� �; � �.'' � ' '�A Title; , ,,,, „, ,; , ;, , � � � �. �,� ;...��;< � � � ��::. � . � ..,, ..; ,. , , , .. � . ' � Date: � - . ,. _ List of Significant Spills and Leaks '''' , , , . , List all spills and leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that were significant but are�Iim(ted to,release of g�l or hazardous substances in excess of reaortable u n itle . Aithough not required,we suggest you Iist spills and leaks of non-hazardous materials, Descriptlon Response Procedure Date Location Type of Quantfry Source Reason for Amount of Materlal No Preventive Measure Taken (as Material ,If SpilllLeak Materlal longer � (monthldaylyea indicated Known Recovered exposed to r) on site Stormwater map) (YeslNo) 2005�urface Water DesiQn Manual (CSWPP Forms) Page 1 a t � � r, .. � ., i i � �� a ���,U� y. °ti r 4 , 1 ��. ( ,. i.. �. �� .��i i J ��.'i a , � � , �,�„� �� _ < < a=��� � , �� �� �Com��eted �y. , � � ,., <: � � ; . :. . .. � , , , ; . ., � � f „�: , � � �� a . , � 1 , , ,. ; : � _. � � � � �� � ; . ' ' Emplaye� Trairting ` ' titie i„ �� � 4;'. , � , , G r; ,.; i. � t± �N � E � ,�� � i � �� � � 'trr; �.: � � � � � �� � � oK'. Date ;�, �, � ti.�., , ,,..�� � , Describe the annual trainin of em lo ees on the SWPPP addressin s ill res onse, ood housekee in and material mana ement ractices. Training Topics Brief Description of Training ProgramlMaterials Schedule for Training (e.g.,film, newsletter course) (Ilst dates) Attendees 1. LINE WORKERS Spill Prevention and Response Good Housekeeping Material Management Practices 2. P2 TEAM: SWPPP Implementation Monitoring Procedures 2005 Surface Water Design Manual (CSWPP Forms) Page 1 1/1/2005 ' = Completed by�'- �'_ � '�•y � � -��Pollution Prevention Team � .� Titie - � - � � ` , ., . ,_ . -. :,_ _ _: ;. � -. , t ,� _ :. - _ Date. � � � ` - �� � � a,'_ Responsibie O�cial: Title: Team Leader. Office Phone: Cell Phone#: Pager#: Responsibilities: (1) Title: O�ce Phone: Pager#: Cell Phone_ Responsibilities: (2) Title: Office Phone: Pager#: Cell Phone#: Responsibilities: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual(CSWPP Forms) 1/24/2005 Page 1 .� �RE E• 5� � t�A `S 'G�`• . S�TE � . N . 100 S T l • �.i �"o • 2c�� Z Z O � Z � > � �,P FF '�' ,� g�Jp• J . 12TH ST. VICNTY MAP N.T.S. �lGU�2E 1 HONEY CREEK EAST SECTION VIII. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES The following Special Reports and Studies are contained within this section: • Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. dated 1-22-06 • Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by DN Traffic Consultants, Inc — dated 7- 27-OS The reports contained in this section were provided to the City for review as a part of the Preliminary Plat review and approval process. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton, Washington For Lakeridge Development ; C o r n e rs t o n e 17625-130"�Ave. NE, C102,Woodinville,WA 98072 Phone: 425-844-1977 Geotechnical� �n�i. Fax: 425-844-1987 January 22,2006 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development PO Box 146 Renton,Washington 98057 Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East ; Renton,Washington CG File No. 1435 Dear Mr.Jones: INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering investigation at your proposed single- family residential project,Honey Creek East,in the Renton azea of King County, Washington. The site is located east of the intersection of 128`�'Avenue SE and SE 100`� Street, as shown on the Vicinity Map in Figure 1. You have requested that we complete this report to evaluate subsurface conditions and provide recommendations for site development. For our use in preparing this report,we have been provided with an undated, untitled copy of the planned site layout that shows the proposed lot locations and existing topography. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The development will consist of a total of 43 residential lots. We have not been provided with a grading plan,but we expect that site grading will include minor cuts and fills. SCOPE The purpose of this study is to explore and characterize the subsurface conditions and present recommendations for site development. Specifically, our scope of services as outlined in our Services Agreement, dated March 24, 2003, includes the following: Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22, 2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 2 1. Observe excavations of the subsurface conditions with trackhoe-excavated test pits. 2. Document subsurface soil and water conditions encountered. 3. Provide recommendations for building foundations. 4. Provide general recommendations for site grading and drainage. 5. Provide lateral pressures for retaining wall design. 6. Prepare a report to document our findings and recommendations. SITE CONDITIOI�� Surface Conditions The project site is about 9 acres in size and has maximum dimensions of approximately 930 feet in the east-west direction and 510 feet in the north-south direction. Access to the site is provided by NE 23rd Place, which crosses through the middle of the site. The site is bordered by a school to the north and residential houses to the east, south and west. The site is bordered to the west by 128'� Avenue SE. A layout of the site is shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2 �le Slte gCIIBi811y SIOpeS geTltly dOWIl fI'Oril�1C 88St �uici ��c�i �iuc� ui ili� slic i� tiic cctt[c:1 u1 ittc: s�u�„ end of the site. The site consists mostly of grassy pasture,with treed areas in the east and west ends of the site. There are worn dirt roads through the middle of the site where there are no trees. Geology Most of the Pubet Sound Region was affected by past intrusion of continental glaciation. The last penod of glaciation,the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation,ended approximately 10,000 to I 1,000 years ago. Many of the geomorphic features seen today are a result of scouring and ovemding by glacial ice. During the Vashon Stade, areas of the Puget Sound region were overridden by over 3,000 feet of ice. Soil layers overridden by the ice sheet were compacted to a much greater extent than those that were not. Part of a typical glacial sequence includes recessional outwash sand underlain by glacial till. Recessional outwash sand is described as sand and gravel. Glacial till is an unsorted mixtwe of sand, silt, and gravel that was deposited below the glacier, and is commonly referred to as "hardpan." The glacial till has been consolidated under the weight of the glacier and exhibits both high strength and low permeability. Our site explorations encountered glacial till. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 3 Explorations Subsurface conditions within the site were explored on February 28,2003,by digging four test pits with a trackhoe. The test pits were dug to depths of 6.0 to 8.5 feet below the ground surface. The test pits were located in the field by an engineer from this firm who also examined the soils and geologic conditions ' encountered, and maintained logs of the pits. At your request, the pits were located in low areas of the site that were suspect for soft soils. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. The soils were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System,a copy of which is presented as Figure 3. The logs of the test pits are presented in Figures 4 and 5. Subsurface Conditions A brief description of the conditions encountered in our explorations is included below. For a more detailed description of the soils encountered,review the test pit logs in Figures 4 and 5. Our explorations encountered a surficial layer of topsoil that was between 0.7 and 1.5 feet thick. The topsoil consisted of loose, dark brown to black silty fine sand with roots to soft sandy silt. Underlying the topsoil in Test Pits 1, 2 and 3, we encountered loose silty fine sand with trace roots up to a depth of 23 feet. Underlying the topsoil in Test Pit 4, was loose to medium dense, tan, gray and rust-mottled silty sand with trace gravel and roots that extended to 4.0 feet in depth. "The next layer in all test pits consisted of inedium dense silty sand with trace gravel extending to depths of 4.5 to 6.5 feet. In all test pits, we encountered dense to very dense,brown-gray to gray silty sand with gravel interpreted as glacial till that extended to the depths explored. Hydrologic Conditions Slight to heavy ground water seepage was encountered in all of the test pits between 1.5 and 4.5 feet deep. We consider this water to be perched. The dense to very dense till is considered poorly draining. During the wetter times of the year, we expect perched water conditions will occur as pockets of water on top of the till layer. Perched water dces not represent a regional ground water "table" within the upper soil horizons. Volumes of perched ground water vary depending upon the time of year and the upslope recharge conditions. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. _ I Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22, 2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 4 I, GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Erosion Hazard The erosion hazard criteria used for determination of affected areas includes soil type, slope gradient, vegetation cover, and ground water conditions. The erosion sensitivity is related to vegetative cover and the specific surface soil types (group classification), which are related to the underlying geologic soil units. The Soil Survey of King County Area Washington by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was reviewed to determine the erosion hazard of the on-site soils. The site surface soils were classified using the SCS classification system as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam with 6-15 percent slopes (AgC). The corresponding geologic unit for these soils is till,which is in agreement with the soils encountered in our site explorations. The erosion hazard for the soil is listed as being slight for the gently sloping conditions at the site. ' Seismic Hazard It is our opinion, based on our subsurface explorations, that the Soil Profile in accordance with Table � 1615.1.1 of the 2003 International Building Code (IBC) is Soil Class C. We referenced the 2002 map from the US Geological Survey (LTSGS) website to obtain values for SS and S�. The USGS website includes the most updated published data on seismic conditions. The seismic design parameters are: SS 142.34%g S, 48.56%g Fa 1.0 From Table 1615.1.2(1)of the 2003 IBC F„ 132 From Table 1615.12(2)of the 20o3 IBC Site specific coefficients and adjusted maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration parameters apply as shown in Section 1615.1 of the IBC. Additional seismic considerations include liquefaction potential and amplification of ground motions by soft soil deposits. The liquefaction potential is highest for loose sand with a high ground water table. 'The underlying dense till and drift soils are considered to have a very low potential for Iiquefaction and amplification of ground motion. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General It is our opinion that the site is compatible with the planned development. The underlying medium dense to very dense glacial till deposits are capable of supporting the planned stcvctures and pavements. We recommend that the foundations for the structures extend through any topsoil, loose, or disturbed soils, and bear on the underlying medium dense or firmer, native glacial till, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Based on our site explorations, we anticipate these soils will generally be encountered at typical footing depths. The soils likely to be exposed during construction are highly moisture sensitive and will disturb easily when wet or during wet conditions. We recommend that construction take place during the drier summer months, if possible. If construction takes place during the wet season, additional expenses and delays should be expected due to the wet conditions. Additional expenses could include additional depth of site stripping,export of on-site soil,the import of clean granular soil for fill, and the need to place a blanket of rock spalls in the access roads and paved areas prior to placing structural fill. Site Preparations and Grading The first step of site preparation should be to strip the vegetation, topsoil and any fill or loose soils to expose medium dense or firmer native soils in pavement and building areas. This material should be removed from the site, or stockpiled for later use as landscaping fill. The resulting subgrade should be compacted to a firm, non-yielding condition. Areas observed to pump or weave should be repaired prior to placing hard surfaces. The on-site glacial till likely to be exposed during construction is considered highly moisture sensitive, and the surface will disturb easily when wet. We expect these soils would be difficult, if not impossible, to compact to structural fill specifications in wet weather. We recommend that earthwork be conducted during the drier months. Additional expenses of wet weather or winter construction could include extra excavation and use of imported fill or rock spalls. During wet weather, altemative site preparation methods may be necessary. T'hese methods may include utilizing a smooth-bucket trackhoe to complete site stripping and diverting construction traffic around prepared subgrades. Disturbance to the prepared subgrade may be minimized by placing a blanket of rock spalls or imported sand and gravel in traffic and � Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22, 2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 6 roadway areas. Cutoff drains or ditches can also be helpful in reducing grading costs during the wet season. These methods can be evaluated at the time of construction. Structural Fill General: All fill placed beneath buildings, pavements or other settlement sensitive features should be placed as structural fill. Structural fill,by definition, is placed in accordance with prescribed methods and standards, and is observed by an experienced geotechnical professional or soils technician. Field observarion procedures would include the performance of a representative number of in-place density tests to document the attainment of the desired degree of relative compaction. lb�aterials: Imported structural fill should consist of a good quality, free-draining granular soil, free of organics and other deleterious material, and be well graded to a maximum size of about 3 inches. Imported,all-weather structural fill should contain no more than 5 percent fines(soil finer than a Standard U.S.No.200 sieve),based on that fraction passing the U.S. 3/4-inch sieve. The use of on-site soil as structural fill will be dependent on moisture content control. Some drying of the native soils may be necessary in order to achieve compaction. During warm, sunny days this could be accomplished by spreading the material in thin lifts and compacting. Some aeration and/or addition of moisture may also be necessary. We expect that compaction of the native soils to structural fill specifications would be difficult,if not impossible,during wet weather Fill Placement: Following subgrade preparation, placement of the ��ru��uraf �,,� ::,�� pr�c��u. 1 �. should be placed in 8- to 10-inch-thick uniform lifts, and each lift should be spread evenly and b� thoroughly compacted prior to placement of subsequent lifts. All structural fill underlying building areas, and within a depth of 2 feet below pavement and sidewalk subgrade, should be compacted to at least 9� percent of its maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in this report, refers to that density as determined by the ASTM D1557 compaction test procedure. Fill more than 2 feet beneath side�valks and pavement subgrades should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density. The moisture content of the soil to be compacted should be within about 2 percent of optimum so that a readily compactable condition exists. It may be necessary to overexcavate and remove wet surficial soils in cases where drying to a compactable condition is not feasible. All compaction should be accomplished by equipment of a type and size sufficient to attain the desired degree of compaction. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 7 Temporary and Permanent Slopes Temporary cut slope stability is a function of many factors, such as the type and consistency of soils, depth of the cut, surcharge loads adjacent to the excavation, length of time a cut remains open, and the presence of surface or ground water. It is exceedingly difficult under these variable conditions to estimate a stable temporary cut slope geometry. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to I maintain safe slope configurations, since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the � nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and ground water � conditions encountered. I, For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary cuts in the near-surface weathered soils be no steeper than 1 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (1H:1V). Cuts in the dense to very dense till may stand at an � 0.75H:1V inclination or possibly steeper. If ground water seepage is encountered, we would expect that flatter inclinations would be necessary. I We recommend that cut slopes be protected from erosion. Measures taken may include covering cut slopes with plastic sheeting and diverting surface runoff away from the top of cut slopes. We do not recommend vertical slopes for cuts deeper than 4 feet, if worker access is necessary. We recommend that cut slope heights and inclinations conform to local and WISHA/OSHA standards. Final slope inclinations for structural fill and the cuts in the native soils should be no steeper than 2H:1V. Lightly compacted fills or common fills should be no steeper than 3H:1V. Common fills are defined as fill material with some organics that are "traclQolled" into place. They would not meet the compaction specification of structural fill. Final slopes should be vegetated and covered with straw or jute netting. The vegetation should be maintained until it is established. Foundations Conventional shallow spread foundations should be founded on undisturbed, medium dense to very dense soil. If the soil at the planned bottom of footing elevation is not suitable, it should be overexcavated to expose suitable bearing soil. Footings should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished ground surface for frost protection and it should also extend into bearing soils consisting of inedium dense or denser soil, whichever is deeper. Minimum foundation widths should conform to IBC Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 8 requirements. Standing water should not be allowed to accumulate in footing trenches. All loose or disturbed soil should be removed from the foundation excavation prior to placing concrete. i For foundations constructed as outlined above, we recommend an allowable design bearing pressure of ; 2,500 pounds per square foot (ps fl be used for the footing design. This may be increased by one-third II when considering short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Potential foundation settlement using the � recommended allowable bearing pressure is estimated to be less than 1-inch total and '/�-inch differential between footings or across a distance of about 30 feet. Higher soil bearing values may be appropriate II with wider footings. These higher values can be determined after a review of a specific design. Lateral Loads The lateral earth pressure acting on retaining walls is dependent on the nature and density of the soil I, behind the wall, the amount of lateral wall movement, which can occur as backfill is placed, and the I inclination of the backfill. Walls that are free to yield at least one-thousandth of the height of the wall are I in an "active" condition. Walls restrained from movement by stiffness or bracing are in an "at-resY' condition. Active earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density. Equivalent fluid densities for active and at-rest earth pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pc fl and 55 pcf,respectively, may be used for design for a level backslope. These values assume that the on- site soils or imported granular fill are used for backfill, and that the wall backfill is drained. T'he preceding values do not include the effects of surcharges,such as due to foundation loads or other surface loads. Surcharge effects should be considered where appropriate. The above drained active and at-rest values should be increased by a uniform pressure of 7.6H and 24.7H psf, respectively, when considering seismic conditions. H represents the wall height. The increased loads due to seismic conditions should be redistributed over the back of the wall as a uniform pressure. The above lateral pressures may be resisted by friction at the base of the wall and passive resistance against the foundation. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 may be used to determine the base friction in the native glacial soils. An equivalent fluid density of 240 pcf may be used for passive resistance design. To achieve this value of passive pressure, the foundations should be poured "neaY' against the native dense soils, or compacted fill should be used as backfill against the front of the footing, and the soil in front of the wall should extend a horizontal distance at least equal to three times the foundation depth. A factor of Cornerstone Geotechnical, inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 9 safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction coefficient does not include a factor of safety. � All wall backfill should be well compacted. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral ', soil pressures due to overcompaction of the wall backfill. This can be accomplished by placing wall i backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compacting with small,hand-operated compactors. Slabs-On-Grade Slab-on-grade areas should be prepared as recommended in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection. Slabs should be supported on medium dense or firmer native soils, or on structural fill extending to these soils. Where moisture control is a concem,we recornmend that slabs be underlain by 6 inches of free-draining coarse sand or pea gravel for use as a capillary break. A suitable vapor barrier, such as heavy plasric sheeting, should be placed over the capillary break. An additional 2-inch-thick damp sand blanket may be used to cover the vapor barrier to protect the membrane and to aid in curing the concrete. This will also help prevent cement paste bleeding down into the capillary break through joints or tears in the vapor barrier. `The capillary break material should be connected to the footing drains to provide positive drainage. Drainage We recommend that runoff from impervious surfaces, such as roofs, driveway and access roadways, be collected and routed to an appropriate storm water discharge system. We suggest that the finished ground surface be sloped at a gradient of 3 percent minimum for a distance of at least 10 feet away from the buildings, as indicated in IBC Section 18033. Surface water should be collected by permanent catch basins and drain lines,and be discharged into a storm drain system. We recommend that footing drains be used around all of the structures where moisture control is important. The underlying till may pond water that could accumulates in the crawlspaces. It is good practice to use footing drains installed at least 1 foot below the planned finished floor slab or crawlspace elevation to provide drainage for the crawlspace. At a minimum, the crawlspace should be sloped to drain to an outlet tied to the drainage system. If drains are omitted around slab-on-grade floors where moisture control is important,the slab should be a minimum of 1 foot above surrounding grades. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report I Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 10 Where used, footing drains should consist of 4-inch-diameter, perforated PVC pipe that is surrounded by free-draining material, such as pea gravel_ Footing drains should discharge into tightlines leading to an appropriate collection and discharge point. Crawlspaces should be sloped to drain, and a positive connection should be made into the foundation drainage system. For slabs-on-grade, a drainage path should be provided from the capillary break material to the footing drain system. Roof drains should not be connected to wall or footing drains. Detention Pond If a storm water detenrion pond is planned, it should be excavated into the underlying native soils. We recommend that any fill berms be constructed of soils having a maximum permeability of 1 x 10-5 �� centimeters per second(cm/sec). The on-site till encountered in our test pit explorations should meet this � criterion. We should evaluate any proposed berm fill material prior to construction of the berm. If a pond is to be constructed,the cut slopes of the pond should be no steeper than 3H:1 V on the inside of the detention pond and no steeper than 2H:1 V above the water table or on the outside portions of the pond berms. Where any berms for the pond are to be constructed, the topsoil and loose soils should be removed down to the medium dense to very dense till. Areas to receive new fill should be stripped of unsuitable surface soils and compacted to a firm, non-yielding state prior to placement of the new fill. The excavation should be kept dry to allow the proper placement of structural fill. Structural fill should be placed and compacted as discussed in the Structural Fill subsection of this report. We recommend that the fill in any pond berms be cornpacted to a minimum of 92 percent of its maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557 compaction test procedure. After each lift of the fill in a berm is compacted to specificarion,the surface should be scarified to a depth of 2 inches prior to placement of the next lift. The purpose of the scarification is to reduce the risk of creating preferential seepage paths through the pond or berms. It will be important to compact the face of any pond fill emban}anents. This should be made explicit to the contractor performing the on-site work. Uncompacted soils on a berm face will be more susceptible to erosion and sloughing. If ground water seepage is encountered within a cut slope face, a layer of rock Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 11 spalls may be necessary to minimize erosion of the slope face. The spall layer can be placed at the time of construction,or in the future if sloughing of the slope is observed. Detention Vault If a concrete detention vault is to be constructed, the concrete walls of the vault may be supported on footing foundations bearing on the underlying gray, dense to very dense, glacial till. The allowable soil bearing pressure should not exceed 4,000 pounds per square foot(ps fl for the design of the wall footings poured on undisturbed glacial till. We recommend that footing drains be installed on the outside of perimeter footings. The footing drains should be at least 4 inches in diameter and should consist of perforated or slotted, rigid, smooth-walled PVC pipe, laid at the bottom of the footings. The drain line should be surrounded with free-draining pea gravel or coarse sand and wrapped with a layer of non-woven filter fabric. A vertical drainage blanket at least 12 inches thick, consisting of pea gravel or other free-draining granular soils, should be placed against the walls. A vertical drain mat, such as Miradrain 6000 by Mirafi Inc.,may be placed against the walls in lieu of the vertical drainage blanket. Structural fill is then placed behind the vertical drainag� blanket or drain mat to bacl�ill the walls. The vertical drainage blanket or drain mat should b� hydraulically connected to the drain line at the base of the walls. Sufficient number of cleanout� at strategic locations should be installed for periodical cleaning of the wall drain line to prevent clogging. The perimeter walls of the concrete vault with a lid would be restrained at their top from horizontal movement and should be designed for at-rest lateral soil pressure, while the perimeter walls of a vault without a lid would be unrestrained at the top and may be designed for active lateral soil pressure. Active earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure can be calculated based on equivalent fluid density. Equivalent fluid densities for active and at-rest earth pressure of 35 pcf and 55 pcf, respectively, may be used for design for a level backslope. T'hese values assume that the on-site soils are used for backf`ill, and that the wall backfill is drained. The preceding values do not include the effects of surcharges due to foundation , loads, traffic or other surface loads. Surcharge effects should be considered where appropriate. Seismic lateral loading will be the same as described in the Lateral Load section. For that recommended loading, H should represent the distance from the bottom of the foundation to the ground surface. The resulting load should be distributed over the height of the wall as a uniform pressure. For undrained soil conditions, the active and at-rest pressures should be increased to 80 pcf and 90 pcf, respectively. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22, 2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 12 ' Undrained conditions may occur in the lower portion of the vault if there is not suitable fall to place a wall drain at the footing elevation. All wall backfill should be well compacted. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due to overcompaction of the wall backfill. This can be accomplished by placing wall backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compacting with small,hand-operated compactors. We recommend that an equivalent fluid density of 240 pcf be used to calculate the allowable lateral passive resistance for the case of a level ground surface adjacent to the footing. A coefficient of friction between footings and soil of 0.45 may be used, and should be applied to the vertical dead load only. A factor of safety of 2.0 has been applied to the passive pressure to account for required movements to generate these pressures. The friction ccefficient dces not include a factor of safety. Pavement The performance of roadway pavement is critically related to the conditions of the underlying subgrade. We recommend that the subgrade soils within the roadways be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection of this report. Prior to placing base material, the subgrade ' soils should be compacted to a non-yielding state with a vibratory roller compactor and then proof-rolled with a piece of heavy conshuction equipment, such as a fully-loaded dump truck. Any areas with excessive weaving or flexing should be overexcavated and recompacted or replaced with a structural fill or crushed rock placed and compacted in accordance with recommendations provided in the Structural Fill subsection of this report. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION We should be retained to provide observation and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, and to provide recommendations for design changes, should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated. As part of our services, we would also evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22, 2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 13 USE OF THIS REPORT We have prepared this report for Lakeridge Development and its agents, for use in planning and design of this project. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding and estimating purposes,but our report,conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the conh-actors' methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report, for consideration in design. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions. We recommend that project planning include contingencies in budget and schedule, should areas be found with conditions that vary from those described in this report. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget for our services,we have strived to take care that our services have been completed in accordance with generally accepted practices followed in this time this report was prepared. No other conditions,expressed or implied, should be understood. 000 Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Report Honey Creek East Renton,Washington January 22,2006 CG File No. 1435 Page 14 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If there are any questions concerning this report or � if we can provide additional services,please call. Sincerely, i Cornerstone Geotechnical,Inc. T'hor Christensen,PE Project Manager P. CO U FW . . �/d�G x zo2es �p 4,w ���,S�'ON.�.���G��' EXPIRES G�y O� ` . _...._ Charles P.Couvrette,PE Principal RSW:TRC:CPC:nt Three Copies Submitted Five Figures Information about this Geotechnical Engineering Report Cornerstone Geotechnical, Inc. , A , , ,. _.. __... — . . �, .' . . . M1�9{ . .. �...._ . . �H19➢1 . Z Q/`j .-� . r. . . ^,1�� �..._ ��'. � � — I � Hi si ' Q.'r �– �I �. �J _ - = � �° i -'wi�iC� H1B41 \� . � � � � _...._..__ � I � . � (II � ,�a ' --�- a -( I � � I � � . . �.. ' . , . H1561 LL .� 1M`/� �� � . � - \` ��m W � H1B�L f' � \ �,� ` � �it v� Y ��% Hvm �a 1 �� k ' E � _ �,/ � � �c��i ��' wvinocsH _ __ ansi�` _ o �'�- � i � wv�va�i �� � ''� � �. -- 1 ��' .=/ –` ni�i� I I is�4_ � i... . . �� /� �,. �� , ��� . .�� � �wlni� �.�.� U M�__. a . _ _.._.., � � �_.._.'I� I� . i _-_ I �. 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F'�"°. 1435 F►GURE 2 17625-130th Ave NE,C-102 Woodinvitle,WA 98072 Unified Soil Classification System MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL GRAVEL CLEAN GRAVEL GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL,FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL COARSE- GRAINED MORE THAN 50°,6 OF GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL COARSE FRACTION SOILS RETAINED ON N0.4 GRAVEL S�� WITH FINES GM si�n��uv�� GC CLAYEY GRAVEL MORE THAN 50°.6 RETAINED ON SAND CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND,FINE TO COARSE SAND number 200 SIEVE SP POORLY-GRADED SAND MORE THAN 50%OF COARSE FRACTION SAND PASSES NO.4 SIEVE �TH FINES SM SILTY SAND SC CLAYEY SAND SILTAND CLAY INORGANIC ML SILT FINE- GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT CL CLAY LESS THAN 50% SOILS ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT,ORGANIC CLAY MORE THAN 50°� SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC PASSES NO.200 SIEV MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY,ELASTIC SILT LIQUID LIMIT CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICIN,FAT CLAY 50%OR MORE ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY,ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS pT PE,4T NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS 1) Field classification is based on Dry-Absence of moisture, dusty, dry visual examination of soil in general to the touch accordance with ASTM D 2488-83. 2) Soil class�cation using laboratory Moist-Damp, but no visible water tests is based on ASTM D 2487-83. Wet-Visible free water or saturated, 3) Descriptions of soil density or usually soil is obtained from consistency are based on below water table interpretation of blowcount data, visual appearance of soils,and/or test data. Cornerstone Phone:(425)844-1977 Unified Soil Classification System : Geotechnical, Inc. Fax:(425)844-1987 17625-130th Ave NE,C-102•Woodinville,WA' 98072 Figure 3 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT ONE ' 0.0-1.5 ML DARK BROWN TO BLACK FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT,MOIST TO WET) 1.5-2.3 SM ORANGE-BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 2.3-4.5 SM GRAY-BROWN AND SLIGHTLY RUST MOTTLED,SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST TO WET) I 4.5-6.0 SM GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WfTH TRACE GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE,MOIST TO WET)(GLACIAL TILL} SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0 AND 6.0 FEET SEVERAL POCKETS OF SLIGHT TO MODERATE GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WERE ENCOUNTERED AT 2.5 FEET SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 4.5 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 6.0 FEET ON 2I28J03 TEST PIT TWO 0.0-0.7 SM DARK BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 0.7-1.8 SM BROWN SILTY FINE SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST TO WE� 1.8-4.5 SM TAN TO GRAY SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (LOOSE GRADES TO MEDIUM DENSE ABOUT 3 FEET,MOIST TO WET) 4.5-6.0 SM GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY ' DENSE,MOIST TO WET)(GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED POCKETS OF SIIGHT TO MODERATE GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WERE ENCOUNTERED AT 4.5 FEET SLIGHT TEST PtT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 4 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 6.0 FEET ON?128103 TEST PIT THREE 0.0-0.8 ML DARK BROWN TO BLACK VERY FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS(SOFT,WET) 0.8-1.5 SM LIGHT BROWN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE ROOTS(LOOSE,MOIST TO WET) 1.5-3.0 SM TAN SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) 3.0-6.0 SM BROWN TO GRAY SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET) I 6.0-8.5 SM GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE,MOIST TO WET)(GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED MODERATE GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WAS ENCOUNTERED AT 1.5 FEET SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 6 FEET TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 8.5 FEET ON 2/28103 CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1435 FIGURE 4 LOG OF EXPLORATION DEPTH USC SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT FOUR 0.0-0.7 ML DARK BROWN TO BLACK VERY FINE SANDY SILT WITH ROOTS (SOFT, MOIST TO WET) 0.7-4.0 SM TAN, GRAY, AND RUST MOTTLED SILTY SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL AND ROOTS (LOOSE GRADES TO MEDIUM DENSE AT 3 FEET,MOIST TO WET) 4.0-6.5 SM GRAY SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL(MEDIUM DENSE,MOIST TO WET) 6.5-8.0 SM GRAY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH TRACE GRAVEL (DENSE TO VERY DENSE,MOIST TO WET)(GLACIAL TILL) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 1.5 AND 7.5 FEET POCKETS OF MODERATE TO HEAVY GROUND WATER SEEPAGE WERE ENCOUNTERED AT 1.5 FEET AND AGAIN AT 4.0 FEET SLIGHT TEST PIT CAVING WAS OBSERVED FROM 0 TO 4 FEET TE�i[�iT� ^.0(';/��.��� r.TCr�AT o n�C'CT(1".� _�q,�'!� CORNERSTONE GEOTECHNICAL, INC. FILE NO 1435 FIGURE 5 II � I � I � II I �' Y � � � - ni n in rin eo ec ee r eo , . � ,, . . , ,. . , . . ,. . . , . . , , , . , , , , . , „ .., , . , , . .,. , 6eotechnical Services Are Performed for • elevation,configuration,io�at�o�,orientation,or weight of the Specitic Purposes, Persons, and Projects proposed structure, Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of • composition of the design team,or their clients.A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engi- • project ownership. neer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer.Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique,each As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer of project geotechnical engineering report is unique,prepared solelyfor the client.No changes--even minor ones—and request an assessment of their impact. , one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without Geofechnirl enginesrs cannotaccepf responsibility orliability lor problems first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared iL And no one that oacur b�ecause their reports do not consider developments of which —not evenyou—should apply the report for any purpose or project they w�re not informed. except the one originally contemplated. Subsurface Conditions Can Change Read the Full Report A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at Serious prablems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical the time the study was performed.Do not rely on a geofechnical engineer- engineering report did not read it all.Do not rely on an executive summary. ing reportwhose adequacy may have been affected by:the passage of Do not read selected elements only. time;by man-made events,such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events,such as floods,earthquakes,or groundwater fluctua- A Geotechmcal Engineering Report Is Based on tions.Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report A Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors to determine if it is still reliable.A minor amount of additional testing or Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique,project-specific fac- analysis could prevent major problems. tors when establishing the scope of a study.Typical factors include:the client's goals,objectives,and risk management preferences;the general Most 6eotechnical findings Are Protessional nature of the structure involved,its size,and configuration;the location of Opinions the structure on the site;and other planned or existing site improvements, Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where such as access roads,parking lots,and underground utilities.Unless the subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken.Geotechnical engi- geotechnical engineer who conducted ihe study specifically indicates oth- neers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional erwise,do not rely on a geotechniql engineering report that was: judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the • not prepared for you, site.Actual subsurface conditions may differ—sometimes significantly— • not prepared for your project, from those indicated in your report.Retaining the geotechnical engineer • not prepared for the specific site explored,or who developed your report to provide construction observation is the • completed before important project changes were made. most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditians. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include ihose that afiect: A RBpOPt's Recommendations Are Not Fnal • the function of the proposed structure,as when iYs changed from a Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your parking garage to an office building,or from a light industrial plant report. Those recommendations are not final,because geotechnical engi- to a refrigerated warehouse, neers develop them principally from judgment and opinion.Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geofechnica! have led to disappointments,claims,and disputes:To help reduce the risk �ngineer who developed your report cannof assume responsibility or of such outcomes,geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of 'iability for the reporYs recommendations il fhat engineer does nof perform explanatory provisions in their reports.Sometimes labeled'limitations' construction observation. many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers'responsi- bilities begin and end,to help others recognize their own responsibilities A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to and risks.Read these provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical Misinterpretation engineer should respond fuliy and frankly. Other design team members'misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems.Lower that risk by having your geo- seoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered technical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after The equipment,techniques,and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- submitting the report.Also retain your geotechnical engineer to revieuv perti- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geofechnical nent elements of the design team's plans and specificafions.Contractors can study.For that reason,a geotechniral engineering report does not usually also misinterpret a geotechnial engineering report.Reduce that risk by relate any geoenvironmental findings,conclusions,or recommendations; having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction e.g.,about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or conferences,and by providing construction observation. regulated contaminants. Unanficipated environmentaf problems have!ed fo numerous project failures.If you have not yet obiained your own geoen- Do Not Redraw the Engineer'S LOgS vironmental intormation,ask your geotechnical consultant for risk man- Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon agement guidance.Do notrely on an environmenta!report prepared for ' their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data.To prevent errors or someone else. omissions,the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should , neverbe redrawn for inclusiori in architectural or other design drawings. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable,but recognize Diverse strategies can be applied during building design,construction, thaf separating logs from the report can eleuate risk operation,and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces.To be effective,all such strategies should be � 6ive Contractors a Complete Report and devised for the express purpose of mold prevention,integrated into a com- Guidance prehensive plan,and executed with diligent oversight by a professional Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make mold prevention consultant.Because just a small amount of water or �ontractors liable for unanticipated subsurface condi6ons by limiting what moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations,a num- lhey provide for bid preparation.To help prevent costly problems,give con- ber of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report,butpreface it with a While groundwater,water infiltration,and similar issues may have been clearty written letter of transmittal.In that letter,advise cor�ractors that the addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the are conveyed in this report,the geotechnical engineer in charge of this reporYs accuracy is limited;encourage them to confer with the geotechnical project is not a mold prevention consultant;none n/the services per- engineer who prepared the report(a modest fee may be required)and/or to fnrmed in conrrectivn with the geoiechrrical engineer's study conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they were designed or conducied/or the purpose o/mold preven- need or prefer.A prebid conference can also be valuable.Be sure c�ntrao- tian. Prnper implementation of the recommendatians conveyed tors have sul/icient time to perform additional study.Only then might you in fhis report will not of iiself be sufficient to prevent mvld/rom be in a position to give contradors the best information available to you, growing in or on the structure involved. while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Rely, on Your ASFE-Member Geotechncial Engineer for Additional Assistance Read Responslbility Provisions Closely Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical Some clients,design professionals,arrd c�ntractors do not recognize that engineers to a wide array of risk rrranagement techniques that can be of geotechnical engineering is far less e�ct than other engineering disci- genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project.Confer plines.This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that with you ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASFE iY� test �eo�le es EarU f�` 8811 Colesville RoadlSuite G106,Silver Spring,MD 20910 , Telephone:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail:infoQasfe.org www.asfe.org Copynght 2004 by ASFE,Inc.Duplication,reproduction,or copying of thrs document in whole or in pari,by any means whafsoever,is stricUy prohrbifed,except wrth ASFE's specrfic wntten permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extncting wording from this document is permifted ony wdh the express written permrssion of ASFE,and ony lor purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members o(ASFf may use thrs docume�as a compfement to oras an element of a geotechnica!engrneering report.My other (rm,individual,or other entity[hat so uses this document without being an ASFE member could be committing negligent or interrtiona!(fraudulentJ misrepresentation. IIGER06045.OM ar� - , d"� � TRA,k k'XC Y1VrPACT A,NALYSIS k�or HONEY CR�EK EAST �U�y 2�, Zoos A• �1T' � ''I q-�of W O � � � ti x � Prcpared b�r-., S 1��� DN Traftiic Cc�nsult�nts �� t�� PO Box 547 Prc:sron, WA 9Rn50 ���- (425)765-5721 � ��e� .. Glaeni_ 1_;ilceriilgc Dcvelopmenl, Inc. (�/O David Ca.eey PO Box 14b Renton, W/� 98057 Traffic Impact Analysis • Honey Creek East TABLE OF CONTENTS IIV'I'RODUCITON............................................................................................................................................I ; PROTEC'I'DFSCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................i EXISTIl�TG CONDTTIONS..............................................................................................................................4 . Roadways......................................................................................................................................................4 SE128"'Street..........................................................................................................................................4 160`�Ave SE.............................................................................................................................................4 TransidNon-Motorized Facilities.................................................................................................................4 ` Transit.......................................................................................................................................................4 Non-Motorizeci Facilities..........................................................................................................................5 TrafficVolumes............................................................................................................................................5 , L.evel of Service............................................................................................................................................5 ; Definition..................................................................................................................................................5 ' ...........................................................•---..................................................................:....7 i Acc�dents................ Planned and Pmgrammed Improvements.....................................................................................................7 r I'[J'I'CJRE CONDI'ITONS WITHOIJT PROJEC'I'............................................................................................7 BackgroundTraffic Volumes.••-•-•..............................................._..................._......................_.....................7 PipelineProjects............................................................................:.............................................:............7 I.evel of Service............................................................................................................................................8 F[J'I'LJRE CONDPTIONS WI'I�I PROJECT'....................................................................................................8 ; i � Traffic Volumes•••-•.............................................................•-•......._.............•••-•••••-••-........_......._..._....•--•••--•...9 ProjectTrip Generation............................................................................................................................9 � Trip DistributionfI'raffic Assignment........................................................ .........9 .......................................... Levelof Service..........................................................................................................................................12 ; Sight Distance Analysis..........................................:. ..12 ' ................................................................................ CONCLUSIONS.......................................................:....................................................................................12 , UN Tra tc Consi�ltants ff Traf,jic Impact Analysis Honey Creek East INTRODUCTION The following report was prepazed to address the traffic impact analysis requirements of the City of Renton for the proposed plat of Honey Creek East. The proposed plat straddles SE 100�'/SE 101s`Street between 128`�Avenue SE and 130�'Avenue SE in the Honey Creek area of the City of Renton. A vicinity map is presented in Figure l. The following report was prepared pursuant to the City of Renton's Policy Guidelines For Traf�'`-cc Impact Analysis For New Development dated November 1, 2000. The City of Rent9n requires a traffic impact analysis when the estimated vehicle tr�c exceeds 20 vehicles per hour during the AM or PM peak hour. According to the Policy Guidelines,the.analysis should include all roadways and intersections that would experience a 5% increase in peak hour traffic volumes as a result of the proposed development. Based on these criteria,the following analysis includes an AM and PM peak hour level of service evaluation and accident evaluation at the following � intersections: ; � 132"d Avenue SE/SE 95'�Way • Union Avenue NE/SE 101�`Street In addition, the NE Sunset Boulevard/Union Avenue NE intersection was included because of its i close proximity to the plat and the relatively high traffic volumes, although it does not meet the 5°Io increase requirement. For the horizon yeaz, an evaluation of the site access intersection with SE 101 S`Street was also included for the full occupancy scenario. This report summarizes the process, findings,conclusions, and recommendations of the tr�c analysis. � PROJECT DESCRIPTION Honey Creek East is a proposed single family plat consisting of 48 single-family detached homes. The proposed plat is located on 7.1 net acres in the Honey Creek/Sierra Heights area of the City of Renton. The current zoning is R-8,which allows 8 units per net acre for a maximum of 561ots. The plat straddles SE 100�'/SE 101n SVeet between 128`�Avenue SE and 130`�Avenue SE (approximate). Lots 1 —5, 32—37, 39—40,46—47 will have direct access to SE 100�'/SE 101�` Street. Lots 6—28 will have access to SE 100'�/SE lO1S`Street via SE 100`� Court, a new roadway to be constructed as part of the plat. .Lots 30-31 and 48 will have access to SE 100�'/SE 101s`Street via a 30 foot access road. Lots 41 —45 will have access via an eyebrow on SE 100�'/SE 101 S` Street. Lot 38 will have direct access to 128�'Avenue SE. Honey Creek East is expected to be fully occupied by 2007, which for the purposes of this analysis is assumed to be the horizon year. A preliminary site plan is presented in Figure 2. I�N Traffic Consultants Page 1 � F— �--�—� Q W . ti, t�� d 8 t „ �- Y � � • ,� G � er � € i e . a�v�I ��� [] LLI � �' �� (�� � •:;',��4�a � � �� � r Ar� � W (L W � �� S �JJ+ � � I y.� '�rM' �,��( � f ld 3H154i �•�' � � 35 �^� � � O (, . .:.� � G� � Q"i. . � yF., p�X.� ���!S',�I u� �i'� � � AVr 9)1 O S.� ;'1'� � � 9 � I T � N l'4� � � � � �'� � � � E HL41, ��.. �� P3 �' ' :'fsti O � 3 `j �ir U��°� T' � •",y,r;S�Q.�.� G� � G � Z w I � ,�,Nu�4 ti,p � �«"t N ��i� � �A� ��n���_'��'P4�, '.`qas� , aH t � wrtn Hi� y�� �t 3s nv � �:. , � 'd 3E � �}'I �.. � �" " �U I � ,. : jcp �� �, p�"`; ' � �3M�IY S[[� � Y/I �`'ti i ; � . : o,. ;3 ;i!` ,y I, p '..� ' �' 13 AV � � � u" � $ � k,��; ���L �' ���S �,� ��i G � � 4 � 1� 'p`�`c�`' b''��,,�� '�; � �,� , � 4w ,,,, � �' ��l* � nN(�1 -.r�� � 6 r , .tj, ' < ,ti y � G � ��� �'k�Mr� e � *��Cj �a�"�:�S _� � C � � u �i ��,f�' � � �� S�..PA W �$�, � d l �r' �y�7 �:,�1�'>��� w c�� `��ss '}' '�� __ �d �a� �I 13N3�d � , � �r � � J_ I�V � � , �f��l u ��a ���" �4� t� ° 3N AY_ d N1[�i" � -� :��� �t ���df�1 ��SE. 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'� - - - - S.Z10md3f:. - - DN TRAFFIC SITE PLAN PROPOSED PLAT OF CONSULTANTS HONEY CREEK EAST FIGURE 2 TrafJic Impact Analysis Honey Creek F.ast EXISTING CONDITIONS The Existing Conditions analysis provides a statement of the traffic-related conditions within the study area at the time of the writing of this report. The statement includes a discussion of the existing roadway, transit,pedestrian and bicycle facilities serving the site; identification of existing peak hour traffic volumes and accident history at the analysis intersections; and identification of proposed transportation improvements in this area. Roadways East—west access to the site will be pr�vided via SE 100`�'/SE l Ols`Street. North—south streets serving the site include Union Avenue NE/132"d Avenue SE. These roadways are discussed in the following section. � SE 100`h/SE 101 s`Street SE 100�'/SE 101 Street is a 2-way local access street,which runs east-west within the City of j Renton from Lynnwood Avenue NE to Union Avenue NE. In the vicinity of the plat the roadway ' is approximately 28 feet wide. East of 130�'Avenue SE, the roadway is approximately 24 feet wide with curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the north side and no improvements on the south side. In the section between 130�'Avenue SE and 128�' Avenue SE, there is curb, gutter,and sidewalk on ' both sides with a 5 foot planter between the curb and sidewalk on the north side. West of 128�' Avenue SE, there is curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the north side and curb and gutter on the south side. Traffic control includes stop signs on the side streets and a stop sign on SE 101 St Street at Union Avenue NE. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. � � Union Avenue NE/132"d Avenue SE Union Avenue NE/132°d Avenue SE is a two lane arterial that runs north—south from SE 95`� ; Way to SE 4�' Street. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway is approximately 36 feet wide. There is curb, gutter, and sidewalks on both sides. Traffic control includes stol� � � • �.T, +`,� � a • StI'eeiS 8I1C�tr�1C S1gIl�S at T.�16II73��,•- ",r�r�^��tinnc �T'}��� �„���a limii ;� `�(l mr�}, � Transitll�lon-Motorized Faciliti��� ; Tran. � King l;uut�ty ii�lc;tr� �ruvictc;� [r�ulsi� scrvicc;ln ttic; vi�iiiity �I ltic; sitc;. Ecuutc i l��pruviu�s ser�,� along Union Avenue NE. T'he nearest bus stop to the proposed plat is located on the northwest ' of the SE 101s` StreeWnion Avenue NE intersection. Route 114 offers directionai peak period service from downtown Seattle to the Rentoi� Highlands. Service to Seattle begins at 5:36 AM and ends at 8:00 AM. Service from Sc,���i�� , � the Renton Hi�hlands be�ins at 4:03 PM and ends at _5:27 PM. Route 114 offers 30 minut�� headwav�. 1�:':' Ii�i�r�, ( �,,,���r�lrctir%, _ 1',1„ , Traffic Impact Analysis Honey Creek East Non-Motorized Facilit�es Other than the sidewalks discussed above, there are no non-motorized facilities in the vicinity of the plat. Traffic Volumes The existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes at the analysis intersections of SE 95'n Way/132"d Avenue SE, SE 101s�Street/Union Avenue NE, and NE Sunset Boulevard/Union Avenue NE were deternuned from peak period turning movement counts collected during July 2005. The existing AM and PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 3. ; Level of Service Definition Level of service (LOS) is used to qualify the degree of traffic congestion and driver comfort on streets or at intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) describes�the methodologies ' for calculadng LOS on street segments and at signalized and unsignalized intersections. According to the 1997 HCM(TRB Special Report#209),there are six levels of service by which , the operational performance of the roadway system may be described. These levels of service range from LOS A, which indicates a relatively free-flowing condition, to LOS F that indicate� ; operational breakdflwn. .' The level of service for a two-way stop controlled(TWSC) intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each nunor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Average control delay less than or equal to 10 seconds per vehicle is defined as LOS A. For LOS F the average control delay is greater than 50 ; seconds per vehicle. � The LOS for signalized intersections is defined in terms of average control delay per vehicle. The criterion for LOS A is an average control delay of less than or equal to 10 seconds per ; vehicle. The criterion for LOS F is an average control delay of greater than 80 seconds. � Level of service was calculated using SynchroTM 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The result of the existing condition level of service analysis is � shown in Table 1. Table 1 2005 Peak Honr Level of Service � Intersection Appmach Traffic control LOS � k �- - _ >� f '3 _ ! 1`S G.��, ry ��+.4�,�: �da. .._ .. . .. . .- k..�. . S �..._ . ...... . , 2'✓� ,.. . -Y . >��5,.,X(.+�. . ... ...� . .)�'�M�< ' SE 101u StreeWnion Avenue NE Eastbound Stop Sign A A SE 95�'Way/132°d Avenue SE Northbound Stop Sign A A NE Sunset Blvd/Union Avenue NE Intersection Signal B D DN Traffic Consulrants Page 5 � (5)26 • ► (30)9 (9)15 � � (182)33 W a o � I . o c� " ^ Y ap � N � W W � v aD W t� v " U (4)14 ' r�WpY U � . SE ���� � v � v � SIERRA � ti � � ' HEIGFffS � � PARK - 1 SE 100TH ST NE 24TH ST I ; SE 101TH ST i � � � �;, � � NE 22ND ST Z ^ a� �v � (24)76 � �� � �— p25)1ot4 NE 21ST ST Q W . � (55)189 o Q > z 4 � w = W Q � . (�)�� J � S � � Q NE 19TH ST o ¢ (573)838 --► NE 19TH ST c> > V 'Q N j ���1 J� � n Ol OD Z Q � � O W Q NE 17TH ST I ' SUNSET ; �� ��� � I ' (XX} — AM PEAK XX— PM PEAK � �N Tw�,FFic EXISTING TRAFFIC PROPOSED PLAT OF CONSULTANTS HONEY CREEK EAST FIGURE 3 Traffic Impact Anal��sis Honey Creek East As shown in Table 1, all of the analysis intersections operate at an acceptable level of service. ; -� Accidents The latest available three year accident history for the analysis intersections was obtained from the City of Renton and King County Tr�c Engineering Divisions. The accident history is summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Accident History � Year Average Intersection 2002 2003 2004 Total Rate �te NE Sunset Blvd/ 7 9 6 22 0.648 0.9 Unio�Av NE SE 101s1 Sd . 1 0 0 1 0.298 13 Union Ave NE 1) Accidents per million entering vehicles. � 2) Statewide average for similar roadways As shown in Table 2,neither intersection has a significant three yeaz accident history when � compared to the statewide average rate for similar facilities. There have been no recorded accidents at the SE 95`�Way/132nd Avenue SE intersection. ,' Planned and Programmed Improvements According to City of Renton Engineering staff there is no major transportation improvements programmed in the vicinity of Honey Creek East. FUTUR�; CONDIT'IONS `i'ITHOUT PROJ�CI' The future conditions without project analysis provide a discussion of the traffic-related conditions in the horizon year without the pmposed project. This section includes a discussion of background tr�c volumes and level of service at the analysis intersection. Honey Creek East is � expected to be fully occupied by 2007,mazket �cr�nittin�. 'Thercfuru, 2007 is considere�l t�� b� the horizon year forthe ���ur�����c� ��f t}�,i; ��i�at���i�. �Background Tr�c Volume� �' Background tra.ffic volumes fo� .�,, ..... , ., „�...�.. 1 ,.;._� . . ,,..,,,. ,. �, � �..�.. .,.. �.. _ . .. and P1VI peak hour traffic volumes,plus known pipeline projects in the vicinity of the sitc azea-wide traffic growth. A growth factor o``� �' � � '� ' ' '' "'�' existing counts to represent area-wide grow Pipeline Projects Pipeline projects are defined as proposed development, which is expected to be fully developed and impact the transportation system within the horizon year of Honey Creek East. According to the City of Renton staff, there are four pipeline projects in the vicinity of Honey Creek East. Pipeline projects are summarized in Table 3. PM peak hour trip generation for each project is also presented in Table 3. DN Traffic Consultants Page 7 Traff c Impact Analysis Honey Creek�ast Table 3 Pipeline Projects PM Peak Hour Trips Location Land Use Total In Out Veldyke(LUA 05065) 7 sfdu's 7 5 2 3819 NE 19`"St Pettite Meadows(LUA05016) 7 sfdu's 7 5 2 Redmond/LTnion/NE 21�` Dalpay Fstates(LUA 03125) 5 sfdu's 5 3 2. � 3801 NE 19'�St ' Sandy Lane(LUA 05018) 4 sfdu's 4 2 2 � ' 2142 Union � , Total 23 sfdu's 23 15 8 II As shown in Table 3,pipeline projects are estimated to generate 23 PM peak hour trips. In � addition they are estimated to generate 17 AM peak hour trips. Traffic assignment for the � pipeline projects was estimated from the tr�c patterns derived from the AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts at the analysis intersections. As a result of the limited routing ' alternatives, this was determined to be a viable analysis approach. Figure 4 presents a summary of the existing, background growth and pipeline project trips for 2007 without Honey Creek East. Level of Service The 2007 background without project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersections was calculated using Synchro� 5.0 computer software program based on the 2000 ; Highway Capacity Manual. The existing level of service is shown for comparison purposes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4 2007 Without Project Peak Hour Level of Service Intersection Traffic Control 20115 Eansting 2007 w/o Project , -,.hT��? �,�,�,-i'�a� -r�s'-�4+�c�+,.�'e�,r-`s��'r�`d-fi.l"a�ar '�'� �`�`�.'�Aarri"la.,, �6`�e�"�.. <„fa"s'��'/]�'��i ' - �Ya�:��J a .c+ .. . . . ' : _n. �.. �ia..v�/...�'v Y-v+�.. >a� ..cu n. rt.YY..�:n �.Atn.ih SE 101�`St/CTnion Ave NE �Stop 3Sign Ax A A A � SE 95�'Wy/132"�Ave SE Stop Sign A A A A � NE Sunset Blvd/Union Ave NE Traffic Signal B D B D As shown in Table 4, the analysis intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable level of service in 2007 without the project. FUTURE CONDITIONS WTI'H PROJECT The future condition with project analysis provides a statement of what traffic related conditions will be like in the horizon year with the project. The analysis simply adds anticipated project DN Traf�c Consultants Page 8 � (5)2s -�—�- (so)s ' (s)�s � � (tea)� W N O n o n Y � ^ � . N ap W � �• �i v " U (4)14 � i �95MWAY c� � � � I i ( ) � 'I � � v � � 51ERRA � � HF3GFiTS �" � PARK � ' SIT I SE 100TH ST NE 24TH ST SE 101TH ST � .^- " � rn�� NE 71ND ST Z `r v;o � CZ4)76 w �— (726)1015 NE 21ST ST � W , �J � l� �-- a Z (55)189 Z � p > Z � iu = w ¢ o � (82)203 � � � � w Q NE 19TH ST � � � (574)839 —� � � � � NE 19TH ST Q � , (11)� � � � o . r°�iorn NE 1TTH ST � SUNS� ?�' : . 0�-� i (XX) - AM PEAK � XX- PM PEAK DN TRAFFlC 2007 BACKGROUND PROPo�Fo P�,T TRAFFIC oF CONSULTANTS HONEY CREEK EAST FIGURE 4 Traffic Impact Anafysis Honey Creek East I � impacts to the horizon yeaz background conditions. The analysis defines anticipated project trip generation and evaluates impact through a level of service analysis at each of the analysis ' i intersections. ' Traffic Volumes Tr�c volumes for 2007 with project condition include 2007 without project volumes discussed aliove plus expected traffic to be generated by Honey Creek East. ' Project Trip Generation Trip generation for Honey Creek East was calculated using the trip generation rates for Single- ' Family Dwelling Units,Land Use Code 210 presented in the Sixth Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, 1997. A summary of the anticipated trip , generation for Honey Creek East is presented in Table 5. � Table 5 Trip Generation ' iAM Peak PM Peak ; Land Use AWDT Total In Ou[ Total In Out Honey Creek East 481 sfdu's � 459 36 9 27 48 31 17 � As shown in Table 5, Honey Creek East is estimated to generate 459 daily, 36 AM peak hour and , 48 PM peak hour trips in the 2007 horizon year. Trip Distribution/Traffic Assignment Tra�c assignment for Honey Creek East was based upon recent tuming movement counts in the vicinity of the project. It was assumed that 5 percent of the AM and PM peak hour trip generation would remain in the sunounding residential neighborhood. The reminder was assigned to the Union Avenue NE corridor. Traff c assignment patterns for the pipeline project were assigned in the same manner. The results of the trip distribution/traffic assignment process for AM and PM peak hour project- generated trips aze presented in Figure 5. A summary of the 2007 with project AM and PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figure 6. I , DN Traffic Consultants Page 9 1 Y � W � � � � m U Q � � SE '�WpY e � a � ; S� � �s .o � s � 0 s�ERRA � HEIGFffS : pqRK• � .t � 5� � ��� ; � SE 100TH ST NE 24TH ST 1 2 S'T � 8) 29 95�'2s t NE 22ND ST W z NE 21 ST--ST Q Z 0 0 > z , � W � � Q w Q NE 19TH ST � -' � NE 19TH ST a j , z O Q NE 1TfH ST i � SUNSET � N 359, N k �� �A � -� 6 � `� �? 0�� a 3 � 15 ° i .r � M v � � I � N I I -� (XX) - AM PEAK XX- PM PEAK DN TRAFFIC PROJECT TRAFFIC PROPOSED PLAT OF CONSULTANTS HONEY CREEK EAST FIGURE 5 ' �s�2s �—T (so)s (9)15 � � (189)39 � r � ti o N Y V ao N � W � � �. v U (4'� �_ _l Wp`f o � ' Sti� � (ss)�t � � N � � A 5��� ' OD � i HEIGHTS � � pqRK , SE 100TH ST SIT NE 24TH ST SE 101TH ST i :° .�c�- � . , �;, „� NE 22ND 5T Z w va �.(25)� w. �-- (726)1015 NE 21ST ST � W a Z � � � � ����� � o o > z � � j � W Q f (85)215 � � � � � Q NE 19TH 5T o Q � (574)839 —� � N N NE 19TH ST c� j (11)57 � n o ao Z � rn Q rimrn �-o � NE 1TTH ST SUNSET . �� ; 0�-� � ' (XX) - AM PEAK XX- PM PEAK DN TRAFFiC 2007 WITH PROJECT PROPOSED PLAT TRAFFIC oF CONSULTANTS FIGURE 6 HONEY CREEK EAST Tra�c lmpact Analysis Honey Creek East Level of Service The 2007 with project AM and PM peak hour level of service at the analysis intersections were calculated using Synchro�5.0 computer softwaze program based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 6. The existing condition and 2007 without project PM peak hour level-of service are provided for comparison. Ta61e 6 � 2007 With Project Peak Hour Leve1 of Service Intersection T�c 2005 Eavsting 2007 w/out Project 2007 with project Control I Site Access/SE 101�`St �Stop Sign � A A A A A A SE 101�`SWnion Ave NE Stop Si� A A A A A A SE 95'"Wy/132°d Ave SE Stop Sign A A A A A A NE Sunset Blvd/Union Ave NE Tr�c Si al B D B D B E As shown in Table 6, all analysis intersections continue to operate at a high and acceptable level of service in 2007 with the project with the exception of the NE Sunset Boulevard/Union Avenue NE intersection which will drop to LOS E with the project. However, it should be noted that the _ City's Policy Guidelines do not require analysis of this intersection under the 5% increase rule. CONCLUSIONS The plat of Honey Creek East will not create any significant adverse conditions on the surrounding transportation network. The single family plat will add approximately 459 daily, 36 AM peak hour and 48 PM peak hour new vehicle trips to the transportation network. The analysis intersections were estimated to operate at an acceptable level of seivice for the existing, 2007 without, and 200�/ with project conditions. In fact, there was no change in level of : service at the two intersections for the three volume scenarios. The NE Sunset BouIevard/Union Avenue NE intersection is not considered an analysis intersection per the City of Renton traffic impact analysis guidelines. 'This intersection is cunently operating at LOS D in the PM peak hour and will drop to LOS E in 2007 with the project. A review of the latest 3 year accident history indicated there have been 22 accidents at the NE Sunset Boulevard/LJnion Avenue NE intersection and one accident at the SE 101s` Street/Union Avenue NE intersection. Although the number of accidents at Sunset/Union appears high, the accident rate is relatively low when compazed to the average accident rate for similar facilities in the state of Washington. There were no other project related traffic issues identified. I�N Traffic Consultants 1'age 12 Traffic Impact Analysis Honey Creek Easi . • � i � TECHNICAL APPENDIX � for � - HONEY CREEK EAST � t � DN Traffic Consultants � . . (� (n Cn � � � Z Z Z. 111,R] 111 C D N = � � � 07 W Q] 07 W 07 W 07 07 �' � � p -� 70 -� r � -i r � -� r � ,� ...� � -{. . -i � . o � �� co � c�o (� � C y f9 a ;; � cD 1000 oAo oao 0 � o2005Existing o r m � � .� w .� 111 � O p � � D '� rt • � � .y► ' fA w � 0000 00o coo 000BaCkgroundGrowth a � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Pipeline Projects 1 o c o o � o 0 0 0 0 � 0 2007 VUithout ProjeCt � � o � o� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � Honey Creek East o i o � oo � o 0 0 0 0 � 1 2007 With Projecf Peak Hour Factor Percent Trucks/Busses Honey Creek East ; Union Avenue NE/NE Sunset Bivd AM Peak Hour:7:15 AM-6:15 AM � i Date Co Ilected:07/1 M05 �I m .-, v,. L U tlJ � � r . i � � � � � m � � ' � � Q1 a . ,[ � � U � -p �p � N a- i � N � a � � . � ' 7 .�-- . W � C U o � > � = C . . Y � m � ']C V .O V p_ O . C � � � p p m m N m a N = N � d EBLT 80 0 . 2 82 3 85 0.92 0.80 � EBT 573 1 0 574 0 574 � . EBRT a� � 0 0 11 0 11. NBLT 39 0 0 39 0 39 0.90 1.80 NBT 102 0 2 104 4 108 NBRT 119 0 0 119 0 119 � W BLT 55 0 0 55 0 55 0.96 2.30 W BT 725 1 . 0 726 O 726 ,�, WBRT 24 0 0 24 1 25 � SBLT 49 0 2 51 4 55 0.86 2.10 . SBT 39 0 2 41 3 44 SBRT 163 0 6 169 14 183 1979 2 14 1995 29 2024 �. � ` ' I ' cncn �n. gg � zzz mmm . va —� = � � � aoo� a� a� � � � � � � � N o I � -� � � � � � � � � � 'a � ° x n`C � � � o 000 om � � oa2005.Existing � o � � C' � c=D 7�C � � wym 000o voo 000 000BackgroundGrowth � 3m � � �d � 0 W � O � 0000 000 000 000Pipeline'Projects .�� � � ,. � � a, � c� o 0 0 0 � o � c o �007 Without Project ' A000 000 0000 jocnHoneyCreekEast w �. � o 0 0 0 o a � � o �;, 2007 With Project � � � Peak Hour Factor 'o�o rn rn Percent Trucks/Busses 0 0 � o Honey Creek East � Union Avenue NE/NE Sunset Bivd PM Peak Hour:4:45 PM-5:45 PM . � • Date Collected:07/13/05 � a� U � � L � tq � � � Y i � � p � � m � U n- W � N i p) � m _ ..r � Oi Y � . • � a ��.. p � a � � . X o �' � Cj ' � � ~' 0 u1 � c. � >, � = m 1 � Y "� r N ^ . .]C V . C p cU Q- O O p m m N m d N 2 N d n- ' EBLT 198 0 - 5 203 12 215 . 0.92 0.80 EBT 838 1 0 839 0 839 � EBRT 57 0_ 0 57 0 57 NBLT 74 0 0 74 0 74 0_90 i.80 I i N BT 94 � 0 3 97 5 102 � NBRT 182 � 0 182 0 182 � WBLT 189 0 0 169 0 189 0.96 2.30 WBT 1014 1 0 1015 0 1015 ,�, WBRT 76 0 2 78 4 82 SBLT 73 0 : 1 74 3 77 0.8fi 2.10 SBT 131 0. 2 133 4 137 SBRT 174 0 3 177 6 183 3100 4 16 3120 34 3154 � � . .� . � cncncn g � g zzz mmm v � � _ W W Q7 a7 W R7 07 07 07 �7 07 G7 � d $ W p � � � • � _„� � �•-� � � � � � � Q � o � a•C � o � � � � � c� � o 0 0 0 � W W o �;, o co c 2005 Exlsting a o � m 1oLna� . o $ m %�' cn � � � � o � 0000 000 00o coaBackgroundGrowth � � . � � rn o 0 0 0 o A n� o 0 0 0 o Pipeline Projects N o 0 0 0 � V � o �, o c� 0 2007 Without Project Noao 000� aoo 000HoneyCreekEast � � o 0 0 0 � � � o �, o cc v 2007 With Project o � � 'o�rn Peak Hour Factor W N 00 o � � w Percent Trucks/6usses 0 0 0 Site Access/SE 101st ST1100th Street Honey Creel� Eas� AM Peak Hour 2007 w!Project � � � � � � Cane Configurations � '� ►� Grade 0°� 0% 0°� � � Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed(ftls) Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh) � � pX, piatoon unblocked. vC 1,stage 1 conf vol vCu,unblocked v.ol 46 84 41 tC, 2 stage(s) ' p0 queue free% 100 97 100 � F Volume Left 1 0 2B cSH 1562 1700 921 � Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 2 Lane LOS A A � Approach LOS A Average Delay 2.4 � Analysis Period(min) 15 Synchro G Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 'I � Site Access/SE 101 st ST1100th Street Honey Creek East PM Peak HouF 2oo7wlProject t � � � � � Lane Configurations � '�, � Grade Q% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed(ft/s) . � Ri ht tum flare(veh) � Median storage veh) pX. platoon unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 83 126 67 tC, 2 stage(s) - p0 queue free% . 100 98 100 Volurne Left 2 0 18 cSH 1515 1700 868 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 2 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Dela� 1.2 - Analysis Period(min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 Union Avenue NEME Sunset Blvd Hone Creek East Y AM Peak Hour � Existing � --► � � � � '� 1 �' �► 1 -� '� Lane Configurations � �. �'� a'"�, � �� Lane�dth 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 �� Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 ' Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 0.99 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 . 1.00 0.88 . � 0.85 Volume h 80 573 11 55 725 24 39 102 119 49 39 163 �� (�P ) Adj. Flow(vph) . 8T 623 � 12 57 755 25 43 113 132 57 45 190 � Lane Group Flow(vph) 87 632 0 57. 775 0 0 203 0 0 170 0 ', . Tum Type Prot Prot Perm Perm Permitted Phases 2 6 �� Effective Green.g(s) 3.2 16.4 2.4 15.6 . 172 17.2 " Clearance Time(s) 4.0 4A 4.0 4.0 4.0 4A I� Lane Grp Cap(vph) 119 1177 89 1107 . 1006 945 � v/s Ratio Perm c0.07 0.06 � Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 12_7 22.4 14.2 10.7 10.6 incremental Delay,d2 20.5 0.5 14.7 - 2.0 0.5 0.4 Level of Service D B D B B B Approach LOS B B B B HCM Average Control Delay • 15.5 HCM Level of Service B Actuated Cycle Length (s) 48.0 Sum of lost time(s) 12.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 II . Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 � � � Union Rvenue NE/NE Sunset Blvd Honey Creek Easf AM Peak.Hou� 2407 w/o Project �` -► � � "� 't `ti '� /' ti` �► � Lane Configurations ►� �►j, � ��►'� � �'� � Lane Widtf� 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12. 11 11 12 , Lane Util.Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 Flt Protected 4:95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 0.99 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.88. 0.85 Volume(vph) 82 574 11 55 726 24 39 104 . 119 51 41 169 Adj. Flow(vph) 89 624 12 57 756 25 43 116 132 59 48 197 Lane Group Flow(vph) $9 633 _ 0 57 776 0 0 206 0 0 178 0 Tum Type Prot Prot Ferm Perm � � Permitted Phases 2 6 � Effective Green, g (s} 3.2 16.4 2.4 15.6 � 17.2 172 Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Grp Cap (vPh) 119 1177 89 110� 1005 944 v/s Ratio�Perm c0.07 0.07 Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 12.7 22.4 14.2 10.7 10.6 Incremental Delay, d2 22.3 0.5 14.7 2.Q 0.5 0.4 Level of Service D B D B B B Approach LOS B B B B HCM Average Control Delay 15.6 HCM Level of Service B Actuated Cycle Length (s} 48.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 Union Avenue NE/NE Sunset Bivd Honey Creek East AM Peak Hour 2007 w/Project -� -♦ � � � � � t � �- 1 -� Lane Configurations . � �'� � �►'Fi a"� �''�. I Lane Width 12 11 11 12 . 11 11 11 11 12 11 11. 12 Lane U6t. Factor 1.00 0.95 1_00 0.95 0.95 0.95 , Flt Protected 0.95_ `i.00 0:95 1.00` 0.99 0.99 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.9� 1.00 0.88 0.85 Volume(vph) 85 574 11 55 726 25 39 108 119 55 44 . 183 Adj. Flow(vph) . 92 624 12 57 756 26 43 120 132 64 51 213 _ Lane Group Raw(vph) 92 633 0 57 777 0 0 210 0 0 19'f 0 Turn Type � Prot . . Prot Perm Perm Permitted Phases 2 6 Effective Green, g(s). 3.2 16.4 2.4 15.6 17_2 17.2 . Clearance Time(s) 4.0 4:0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . Lane Grp Cap(vph) 119 1177 89 1106 1003 � 939 vJs Ratio Perm c0.08 OA7 Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 12.7 22.4 14.2 10.7 10.7 Incremental Delay, d2 26.2 0.5 14.7 2.0 0_5 0.5 Leve�of Service Q B D B B B Approach LOS B B B B HCM Average Contro! Delay 15.8 HCM Level of Service B Actuated Cyde Length (s) 48.0 Sum of lost time(s) 12.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 Union Avenue NE/NE Sunset Blvd � Honey Creek East PM Peak Hour Existin9 � -�► � 1� � � �'` � 1 /� �► 1 � Lane Configurations '� �'�, � �'� �"�, �'� Lane W idth 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 Lane Ut�l.�actor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 - 0.95 0.95 Flt Protected U.95 1.00 0.95 1.00. 0.99 0.99 � Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.80 0.81 Volume(vph) � 198 838 57 189 1014 76 74 94 182 73 131 174 Adj. Flow(vph) 215 911_ 62 197 1056 79 82 104 202 85 152 202 Lane Group Flow(vph) 215 962 0 197 1124 0 0 253 0 0 304 0 Tum Type Prot Prot Perm Perm � Permitted Phases 2 6 Effective Green, g(s) 4.0 16.0 4.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4:0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Grp Cap(vph) 149 1141 148 1129 838 865 v/s Ratio Perm - 0.10 c0.12 Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 14.8 22.Q 16_0 11.9 12.1 Incremental Delay,d2 233.0 5.8 187.8 25.5. 0.9 1.1 , Level of Service F C F D B B Approach LOS E E B B HCM Average Control Delay 52.0 HCM Level of Service D Actuated Cycle Length (s) 48.0 Sum of lost time(s) 12:0 � Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 Union Avenue NElNE Sunset Blvd Honey Creek E.ast PM Peak Hour 2007 wlo Project � -� �i � � � � 1 � �' � '� � Lane Configurations � �'�, � �'�, c�"� �''� � Lane Width 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 Lane Util. Factor� 1.00 0.95 1.U0 0.95 0.95 0.95 � Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 0.99 Flt Permitted 0.95 1_00 . 0.95 1.00 0.80 0.81 Volume(vph) 203 839 57 189 1015 78 74 97 182 74 133, 177 Adj. Flow(vph) 221 912 62 1.97 1057 81 82 108 202 86 155 208 Lane Group Flow(vph) 221_ 964 0 �97 1126 0 0 257 0 0 310 0 Tum Type Prot Prot Perm Perm , Pe�rnitted Phases 2 6 Effective Green, g (s) 4.0 16.0 4.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 Ciearance Time(s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph} 149 1141 � 148 1128 838 864 v/s Ratio Perm 0.10 c0.12 Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 14.8 22.0 16.0 11.9 12.1 Incremental Delay, d2 249.7 5.9 187.8 26.2 0.9 1.2 Level of Service F C F D B B Approach LOS E E B B HGM Average Control Delay 53:6 HCM Level of Service D Actuated Cycle Length (s) 48.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 Union Ave�ue NE/NE Sunset Blvd Honey Creek East PM Peak Hou� 2007 w/Project � -. � � '- � � t � `► 1 .� Lane Configurations � �'�, '� �'� c� a'� Lane Width 12 11. 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.99 0.99 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.95 1�.00 0.79 0.81 Volume(vph) 215 839 57 189. 1015 82 74 102 182 : 77. 137 183 Adj. Flow(vph) 234 912. 62 197 1057 85 82 113 202 90 159 213. . .Lane Group Flow(vph) 234 964 0 197 1129 0 0 262 0 0. 320 0 Tum Type Prot Prot Perm Perm Permitted Phases 2 . 6 � Effective Green, g (s} 4.0 16.0 4A 16.0 16.0 76A • Clearance Time (s). 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Grp Cap(vph) 149 1141 148 1128 837 � 859 v/s Ratio Perm 0.10 c0.12 Uniform Delay, d1 22.0 14.8 22.0 16.0 11:9 12.2 IIncremental Delay, d2 286.5 5.9 187.8 27.1 1.0 1.2 Level of ServiGe F G F D B - B Approach LOS E E B B HCM Average Control Defay 57.0 HCM Level of Service E Actuated Cycle Length (s) 48.0 Sum of lost time(s) 12.0 , Analysis Period (min) � 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 SE 101st Stree�/Union Avenue NE Honey Creek East AM Peak Hour Existinq �' � � t 1 � Lane Configurations � �' '� , Grade Oqo 0°k O�o I Peak Hourfactor 0.78 0.78 0.88 0.88 0.68. 0.68 ' f Pedestrians � Walking Speed (ft/s) Right tum flere(veh) Nr.edian storage veh) � � � pX, platoon t�nblocked � ' � vC 1,stage 1 conf vol_ vCu,unblocketl vol 3fi1 87 90 tC,2 stage(s) ` ; p0 queue free% 98 96 98 � � Volume Left 13 34 0 � cSH 839 1499 1700 Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 2 0 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Delay 2.0 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2Q05 Page 1 SE 101st StreetlUnion Avenue NE Honey Creek East AM Peak Hour 2007 w/o Projecf �` z � � 1 -� Lane Configurations - � c� '� Grade 0°� 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.78 0.78 Q.88 0.88 . 0.68 0.68 . Pedestrians � Walking Speed(ft/s) Right tum flare (veh) Median storage veh) pX, platoon.unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf vol vCu,unblocked vol 361 87 90 tC, 2 stage (s) p0 queue free% 98 96 98 Volume Left 13 34 0 ' cSH 839 1499 1700 , Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 2 0 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Delay � 2.Q Analysis Period (min) � 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28I2005 Page 1 SE 101st Street/Union Avenue NE Honey Creek East � AM Peak Hour 2007 w/Project -� � � t 1 � � Lane Configurations � � '� � Grade 0% 0% 0°�6 Peak Hour Factor 0.78 0.78 0.88 0.88 0:68 0.68 Pedestrians Watking Speed(ff/s) Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh) � pX, platoon unblocked vC1, stage 1 conf yol ' vCu, unblocked vol 379 87 90 tC,2 stage(s) p0 queue free 9�0 97 94 97 Volume Left 19 43 0 cSH 844 1499 1700 Queue Length 95th (ft) 8 2 0 I Lane LOS A A� Approach LOS A Average Delay 2.8 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 � SE 101st Street/Union Avenue NE Honey Creek East PM Peak Hour Existinq � � '� I � � I�i Lane Configurations � a' '�, Grade 0% 0°� 0°� Peak Hour Factor 0.57 0,57 0.72 0.72 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians ; Walking Speed (ft/s) Right tum flare(veh} Median storage veh) pX.platoon unblocked � vC 1,stage 1 conf vol vCu,unblocked vol 357 168 176 tC, 2 stage (S) p0.queue free % 97 92 97 '! - - Volume Left 16 46 0 � y cSH 810 1394 1700 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9 3 0 Lane LOS A A � Approach LOS A Average Delay 3.1 Analysis Period (min) �15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 � SE 101 st StreetlUnion Avenue NE � Honey Creek East ' PM Peak Houc 2op7 wlo Project � � � � I # "� Lane Configurations � �' '� Grade O�a 0% 0°� � Peak Hour Factor. 0.57 0.57 0.72 0.72 0.92 0.92 � Pedestrians � I Walking Speed(ft/s) Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh). pX,platoon unblocked vC4,stage 1 conf vol vCu, unblocked voi 364 173 180 � � tC,2 stage(s). . . . p0 queue free% 97 92 97 Volume Left 1 f 46 0 cSH 805 1389 1700 Queue Length 95th (ft� 9 3 0 Lane LOS B A Approach LOS B I Average Delay 3.0 Ana(ysis Period(min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7l28/2005 Page 1 i � SE 101st Street/Union Avenue NE Honey Creek Eas� ! PM Peak Hour 2007 w/Project � '� '� 'E' j � Lane Configurations � � '� Grade 0°� 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.57 0.57 0.72 0.72 Q.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed (ftls) Right tum flare(veh) . Median storage veh) pX, platoon unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 427 177 189 tC, 2 stage(s) p0 queue free % 96 89 95 Volume Left 23 75 0 cSH 775 1379 1700 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 4 0 Lane LOS B A Approach LOS B Average Delay 3.9 Analysis Period (min) 15 � Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE Honey Creek East AM Peak Hour Existing � --► � � r� '�' �'1 f� Lane Configurations '� �' � . Grade 0% 096 09'0 Peak Hour Faetor 0.81 0.81 0.64 0.64 0.85 0.85 Pedestrians Walking Speed(ft/s) . Right tum flare (veh) Median storage veh) pX, platoon unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf vd ; vCu, unblocked vd 52 109 44 tC,2 stage (s) p0 queue free% 98 99 79 � - Volurne Left 0 28 11 cSH 1700 1535 1023 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 1 21 � Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A � Average Delay 7.5 Analysis Period (min} 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE Honey Creek East � AM Peak Houf 2007 w/o Project I --. � � �-- "� �. il Lane Configurations '�� �' � I' � ' Grade 0°� 0% 0% Peak Hoar Factor 0.81 0.81 0.64 0.64 0.85 0.85 � I Pedestrians � `Walking Speed(ftls) � ' Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh) pX,platoon unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf voi vCu, unblocked vol 52 109 44 tC,2 stage (s) � p0 queue free% 98 99 79 i � Volurne Left 0 28 1 1 cSH 1700 1535 1023 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 1 21 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Delay 7.5 Analysis Period (min) 15 � I I S nch�o 6 Re ort Y P 7/28/2005 Page 1 I . SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE Honey Creek East AM Peak Houf 2007 w/Project —� � �' '� � /�` Lane Configura6ons '�, �' � Grade 0% 0% 0% . � . Peak Hour Factor 0.81 0.81 0.64 0.64 0.85. 0.85 Pe�iestrians Walking Speed(ft/s) . Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh) pX,platoon unblocked vC 1,stage 1 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 52 109 44 tC,2 stage (s) p0 queue free% 98 99 78 Volume Left 0 28 11 cSH 1700 1535 1023 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 1 22 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS q Average Delay 7.6 Anaiysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 I SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE Honey Creek East �I PM Peak Hour Existing I � � � � � � �i Lane ConfiguraGons '�, �` � I Grade 09"0 0% 0°fo , Peak Hour Factor 0.68 0.68 0.83 0.83 0.92 0.92 li Pedestrians Walking Speed (ft/s) Right tum flare(veh) Median storage veh) pX, platoon unblocked . vC1,stage 1 conf vol � vCu,unblocked vol 28 324 21 tC,2 stage (s) , p0 queue free% 91 97 97 � Volume Left 0 136 1G cSH 1700 1592 862 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 7 5 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Delay 6.2 Analysis Period (min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE Honey Creek East PM Peak Hour 2007 w/o Project � �i � � � � . . Lane Configurations '� � � Grade 0°� 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.68 0.68 0.83 0.83 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed(ft/s) � Right tum flare�(veh) Median storage veh)� pX, platoon unblocked vC1,stage 1 conf vol � vCu, unblocked vol 28 334 21 tC, 2 stage(s} p0 queue free% 91 97 96 - Volume Left 0 141 16 ' cSH 1700 1592 862 I ueue Len th 95th ft 0 Q 9 � ) 7 5 Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A IAverage Delay 6.2 Analysis Period (min) � 15 S�nchro 6 Report 7/28/2005 Page 1 SE 95th Way/132nd Avenue SE � Honey Creek East PM Peak Hour 2007 w/Project —i• � � � � /#` Lane Configurations '� a' � Grade 0°fo 0°�6 0% . Peak Hour Factor 0.68 0.68 0.83 0.83 0.92 0.92 Pedestrians Walking Speed (ft/s) Right tum flare(veh) � Median�storage veh) pX, platoon unbioeked vC1,stage 1 conf vol vCu,unblocked vol 28 353 21 tC,2 stage (s) pU queue free %0 91. 97 96 I Volume Left 0 151 16 • cSH 1700 1592 863 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 8 5 � Lane LOS A A Approach LOS A Average Delay 6.4 Analysis Period(min) 15 Synchro 6 Report 7128l2005 Page 1 Accident Rate Analysis � ; Honey Creek Easf i NE Sunset BlvdNnion Avenue NE . � Interseetion Rj = (A'1 Q^6)!T'(V1+V2�-V3+V4) . � Rj= Rate of Accidents/million vehicles entering intersection . � A= Accidents recorded in T days � T= Period(days)for which accidents are counted(usually 365) Vi, V2,etc= Avg annual�daily traffic on each leg � . . If only have peak hourly volumes multiply by 10 to get a daily volume . A= 22 � 2002 2003 2004 - ; T= 1095 PDO INJ PDO INJ PDO INJ I V 1 = 10930 5 � 2 3 6 5 1 • V2= 3500 � ' i V3= 12790 � - V4= 3780 Vt= 31000 � � i _. Rj= o.sas � � + . . . � ..3 i � i � � . • j _ . � � , , ; Accident Rate Analysis � Honey Creek East 132nd Qvenue NE/NE 10tst Street . � Intersection Rj= (A*10^6)/T*(V1+V2+V3+V4) r Rj= Rate of Accidents%million vehicles entering intersection � � A= Accidents recorded in T days � T= Period (days)for which accidents are counted (usually 365) j ' V1,V2,etc= Avg annual daily traffic on each leg � ' If only have peak hourly volumes multiply by 10 to get a daily volume � A= 1 � 2002 ' 2003 2004 � T�= 1095 PDO INJ PDO INJ PDO INJ � V1.= 410 1 0 0 0 0 0 . V2= 1030 • I ! V3= 0 I ' V4= 1620 , Vt= 3060 j Rj= 0.298 , , I� _.�;. I � ' - I APPENDIX The information coirtained in this APPENDIX is the data base for the Basin B analysis and is as follows: 1. BASIN REPORT SUMMARY AND DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY The Basin Report and Detail Basin Summary provides information conceming the contributing areas for each CB structure. The Basin ID corresponds to the CB # shown on E�ibit B. The time of concentrations for the furthest upstream basin is determined using the Tc calculator. Other time of concentrations are assumed. 2. REACH SLJMMARY The Reach Summary informa.tion provides a summary of the pipe calcs analysis for the last storm computed which is in this case the 100-yr, 24-hr storm. The location of the reach is provided below the ID, and in the Basin B analysis, is identified with the same number as the ' upstream connecting CB. 3. STRUCTURE REPORT T'he Structure Report contains detailed information for each defined catch basin. The Structure Report is the basis of the pipe conveyance analysis and is a part of the data base through which the vazious design stozm hydrographs were routed. HONEY CREEK EAST APPENDIX I: BASIN REPORTS AND DETAIL BASIN SUMMARY INFORMATION 12/10/06 3 :48 :23 pm Casey $ngineering page 1 HONEY CRFsSK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 BASIN RESULT SUNlMARY BASIN -----VOLIIIIB---- -BATB- ----?IlIB----- flydrograph Area ID ---cf-- Ac-ft --cfs- -min- hours Methodology Acres A01 116036 2.66 7.06 4B0 8.40 SBOH Method 12.00 A02 17055 0.39 1.09 480 8.00 SBUH Method 1.46 A03 5775 0.13 6.37 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.50 A04 2887 0.07 4.18 460 8.00 SBUH Method 0.25 A05 16916 0.39 1.08 4B0 8.00 SBUH !lethod 1.53 A06 3953 0.09 0.25 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.34 A01 5510 0.13 0.35 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.49 A08 10433 0.24 0.66 480 8.00 SBDH Method 0.86 A09 14914 0.34 0.95 480 6.00 SBUH Method 1.33 A10 4621 0.11 0.29 480 8.00 SBOH Kethod 0.41 A11 15932 0.37 1.02 480 B.00 SBIIB Kethod 1.60 Al2 9513 0.22 0.61 480 B.00 SBIIfl 14et�od 0.68 A14 5153 0.12 0.33 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.45 A15 14434 0.33 0.92 480 9.00 SBUH Method 1.23 A16 23000 0.53 1.47 480 5.00 SBUH Method 1.92 A18 2262 0.05 0.14 480 5.00 SBOH Method 0.11 A19 25660 0.59 1.63 480 8.00 SBOfl Method 2.44 A21 1197 0.03 0.08 480 B.00 SBOH Nethad 0.09 A22 6530 0.15 0.42 480 8.00 SBIIfl Methad 0.57 A23 18654 0.43 1.19 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 1.60 A24 4443 0.10 0.28 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.39 A25 7335 0.17 0.41 480 B.00 SBUH Method 0.68 A80 13838 0.32 0.77 480 8.00 SBUH Method 1.37 A81 665 0.02 0.05 470 7.83 SBIIH Method 0.05 A82 21632 0.50 1.09 480 8.00 SBOH llethod 2.20 A83 11381 4.26 0.64 480 8.00 SBUH Method 1.10 A84 159T 0.04 0.10 480 B.00 SBUH Method 0.12 B100 12305 O.Z6 0.83 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 1.07 B200 13601 0.31 0.91 480 8.00 SBUH Method 1.24 B300 10534 0.24 0.70 480 8.00 SBUfl Method Q.96 � B36 7639 0.18 0.49 480 8.00 SBIIH Nethad 4.65 B37 9418 O.ZZ 0.60 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.82 B39 5244 0.12 0.33 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.47 B40 7289 0.17 0.46 460 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.66 B400 7593 0.17 0.51 460 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.64 B42 3193 0.07 0.20 460 8.00 SBOH Method 0.24 843 4351 0.10 0.28 480 8.00 SBUB Method 0.36 B44 7822 0.18 0.50 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.71 B45 8625 d.20 0.55 480 8.00 SBOfl Method 0.80 B46 �7340 0.40 1.10 �80 B.00 SBOH Method 1.62 B47 60958 1.40 3.86 480 8.00 SBOH ltethod 5.71 B46 2129 0.05 0.14 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.16 B500 4174 0.10 0.28 480 8.00 SBDH Mlethod 0.35 B60 6892 0.16 0.44 480 8.00 SBOfl Method 0.65 B600 12241 0.28 0.78 480 8.00 SBUH Nethod 1.25 B61 24496 D.56 1.56 480 8.00 SBIIH Methad 2.29 B62 5691 0.13 0.36 460 B.00 SBIIH !lethod O.S3 12/10/06 3 :48 :23 pm Casey Engineering page 2 HONEY CRSEK RAST RSVISED POND DSSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BASIN RESULT SiJNIlKARY BASIN -----POLUMB---- -RATB- ----TIMB----- Hydroqraph Area ID ---cf-- Ac-ft --cfs- -min- hours Methodology Acres B62A 7T84 0.18 0.50 4S0 8.40 SBUH Flethod 0.75 B63 6532 0.15 0.l4 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.58 B63A 1197 0.03 0.68 480 8.00 SBUH Method 0.09 B64 5861 0.13 0.44 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.49 B64a 4545 0.10 0.31 480 8.00 SBDB !lethod 0.54 B65 0 0.44 0.00 0 0.00 SBDH Method 0.00 B65A 12241 0.28 0.18 480 8.00 SBUH Method 1.25 B66 10306 0.24 0.69 460 8.00 SBIIH Method 4.90 B67 6131 0.14 0.39 4B0 8.00 SBIIH Method 0.54 B700 1555 0.04 0.10 460 5.00 SBIIH !lethod 0.14 B800 3376 0.08 0.23 480 9.00 SBIIH Method 0.19 B91 7028 0.16 0.l5 4B0 8.00 SBOfl Method 0.68 B92 9615 0.22 0.61 �80 8.00 SBOfl Method 0.96 B93 9364 0.22 0.60 480 8.00 SBOB Nethad 0.90 B94 9302 d.21 0.59 480 8.00 SBOH Method 0.94 B95 11128 0.26 0.71 480 8.00 SBIIH Method 1.13 B96 23598 0.54 1.50 480 B.00 SBUH Method 1.45 B91 2666 0.06 0.17 480 6.00 SBUH Method 0.24 BB 176784 4.06 1.21 490 8.17 SBQE Method 23.90 BB1 52446 1.20 1.47 490 8.17 SBOH Method 23.90 BB2 52448 1.20 1.49 490 8.11 SBDH Method 23.94 BB3 52448 1.20 1.47 490 8.17 SBOH Method 23.94 BB4 52448 1.20 1.47 990 8.17 SBUH Method 23.90 I SHH 75433 1.73 4.03 480 8.00 SBDH Method 7.25 SHS 81304 1.8T 4.43 480 8.00 SBUH Methad 7.81 wH 89869 2.06 5.30 480 B4O0 SBIIH Method 8.49 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey �ngineering page 1 HONEY CREEK EAST R$VISBD POND DESIGN 2006 BASIN SUNII�lARY BASIN ID: A01 NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 12 .00 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0.00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRSCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 6 .00 Acres 6.00 Acrea TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 76 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .04 min 15 .Q0 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PF3AK RAT$: 7 .06 cfs VOL: 2 .66 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN. ID: A02 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUfi METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.46 Acres BAS$FLOWS : 0. 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : US$R1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0.54 Acres 0.92 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 P$AK RATF: 1 .09 cfs VOL: Q .39 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: A03 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AR$A. . . . . . . : 0.50 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .20 Acres 0 .30 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .37 cfs VOL: 0 .13 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: A04 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY � ' TOTAL ARFA. . . . . . . : 0.25 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .10 Acres 0.15 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . . 10.00 min CN. . . . . 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.Q0 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 I PEAK RATF: 0 .18 cfs VOL: 0.07 Ac-ft TIMEs: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Engineering page 2 HONBY CR$BK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 BAS IN SUNIMARY BASIN ID: A05 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM � SBU�i MBTHODOLOGY I TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 1.53 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0.77 Acres 0. 76 Acres TIME INTSRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98. 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAR RATE: 1.08 cfs VOL: 0 .39 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A06 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARRA. . . . . . . : 0.34 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYP$. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0.13 Acres 0.21 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 P$AK RATE: 0.25 cfs VOL: 0 .09 Ac-ft TIM£: 480 min BASIN ID: A07 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARFA. . . . . . . : 0 .49 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF. . . . : USFR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .23 Acres 0 .26 Acres TIMF INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86. 00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .35 Cfs VOL: 0 . 13 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A08 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M$THODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.86 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USERl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .23 Acres 0 .63 Acres TIMB INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PFAK RATE: 0 .66 cfs VOL: 0 .24 Ac-ft TIMF: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey �ngineering page 3 HONEY CREEK EAST RBVISgD POND DESIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: A09 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.33 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PSRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : Q .62 Acres 0 .71 Acres TIME INT£RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COFFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .95 cfs VOL: 0 .34 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A10 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0.41 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 40 cfs R.AINFALL TYPS. . . . : US$R1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .19 Acres 0 .22 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00� 98 .00 TC. . . . . I5 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: Q.20 PEAK RAT$: 0 .29 Cfs VOL: 0.11 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: All NAME: 2YR. 24HR. STORM SBUH MPsTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.60 Acres BASPFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USF3Rl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 1 .22 Acres 0 .38 Acres TIME ZNTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min �. - . ._ ABSTRACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RATB: I.02 Cfs VOL: 0 .37 Ac-ft TIME: 480 mi.�. BASIN ID: Al2 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.88 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPg. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .50 Acres 0 .38 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : lO.OQ min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0.61 cfs VOL: 0.22 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 12/14/06 3 :49:34 pm Casey $ngineering page 4 HONEY CREER fiAST REVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BASIN SUI�IARY BASIN ID: A14 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 .45 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYP$. . . . : USBR1 PFRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0 .19 Acres 0.26 Acres TIME INT�RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .33 cfs VOL: 0.12 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A15 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.23 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs ' RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRSCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .44 Acres 0 . 79 Acres TIMB INTBRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATB: 0 .92 cfs VOL: 0.33 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A16 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 1.92 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPS. . . . : USERl PFRV IMP PRFCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AR.$A. . : 0 .58 Acres 1.34 Acrea TIMF INTFsRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATE: 1.47 cfs VOL: 0.53 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A18 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.17 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBRl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARSA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 .17 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 0 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 0.00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION CO$FF: 0.20 PPAK RATE: 0 . 14 cfs VOL: 0 . 05 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey gngineering page 5 HONSY CREEK EAST R$VISED POND DBSIGN 2006 BAS IN SLJNiMARY BASIN ID: A19 NAMF: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M�THODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 2 .44 Acres BAS$FLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USBR1 PBRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARRA. . : 1.55 Acres 0.89 Acres TIME INTSRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98. 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: Q.20 PEAR R.ATS: 1.63 cfs VOL: 0 .59 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A21 NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARSA. . . . . . . : 0.09 Acres BASI3FLOWS : 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USI3R1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 .09 Acres TIMS INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 0 .00 98 .00 I TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 15 .00 min ' ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PSAK R.ATL: 0.08 cfs VOL: 0.03 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A22 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METIiODOLOGY I�� TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.57 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : US£R1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .24 Acres 0 .33 Acres TIMB INT$RVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 . 00 min ABSTR.ACTION COSFF: 0.20 PEAK RAT$: 0 .42 cfs VOL: 0 .15 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A23 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.60 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPFs. . . . : US$R1 PFRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARRA. . : 0 .60 Acres 1 .00 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION C08FF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATB: 1.19 cfs VOL: 0 .43 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min 12/10/05 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Bngineering page 6 HONEY CRF$K FAST REVISFD POND DFsSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BAS IN SUNIlNARY BASIN ID: A24 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.39 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPFs'. . . . : USERl PSRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .94 inches AREP,. . : 0 .17 Acres 0.22 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .04 98.00 TC. . . . . 15 .Q0 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COSFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .28 cfs VOL: 0 . 10 Ac-ft TIN18: 480 min BASIN ID: A25 NAMTs: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MSTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0.68 Acres BASFFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .39 Acres 0.29 Acres TIMS INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98. 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COSFF: 0.20 PBAK R.ATB: 0.47 cfs VOL: 0 . 17 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A80 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M£THODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.37 Acres BASEFLOWS: O .Od cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PSRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 3.Q0 Acres 0 .37 Acres TIME INTSRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 23 .02 min 23 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.24 TcReach - Sheet L: 140 .00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 . 0100 TcReach - Shallow L: 370.00 ks:27 .00 s:0 .Q200 PEAK RATF: 0 .77 cfs VOL: 0 .32 AC-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A81 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.05 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPg. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 . 05 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CTT. . . . : 0 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 5 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .05 cfs V�L: 0 . 02 Ac-ft TIMF3: 470 min 12/1Q/06 3 :49:34 pm Casey Engineering page 7 HONEY CREEK EAST R£VISFsD POND DgSiGN 2006 �____________________________________________________________________ BAS IN SUNII+�IARY BASIN ID: A82 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SHUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . . 2.20 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPEs. . . . : USERl PERV IMP I� PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARFA. . : 1. 74 Acres 0 .46 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86. 00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 30 .00 min 30 .Q0 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 1 .09 cfs VOL: 0. 50 Ac-ft TIMT: 480 min BASIN ID: A83 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.10 Acres BASFFLOWS: O. Oa cfs R.AINFALL TYPP. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AR£A. . : 0 . 74 Acres 0 .36 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 23 . 00 min 23 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RAT$: 0.64 Cfs VOL: 0 .26 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: A84 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MSTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 .12 Acres BASSFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF3. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 .12 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 0.00 98 .Od TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 15 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COTFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .10 Cfs VOL: 0 .04 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min BASIN ID: B100 NAME: SE 100TH CT SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.07 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cf: RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV .LMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0.44 Acres 0 .63 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10.00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATB: 0 .83 cfs VOL: 0.28 Ac-ft TIMF: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Engineering page 8 HONEY CRE$K RAST REVISSD POND DgSIGN 2006 ' BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: B200 NAME: SE 100TH CT SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.24 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPFs. . . . : USFR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches ARFA. . : 0.66 Acres 0 .58 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .91 cfs VOL: 0 .31 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: 8300 NAME: S$ 100TH CT SBUH M$THODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0.96 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USSRl PSRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .51 Acres 0 .45 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 10 .Q0 min I ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.24 � PEAK RATE: 0 .70 cfs VOL: 0 .24 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min I BASIN ID: B36 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.65 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USF3R1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .23 Acres 0 .42 Acres TIME INTF3RVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 . 00 min ABSTRACTION C08FF: 0.20 PEAR RATE: 0.49 cfs VOL: 0 .18 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B37 NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLQGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.82 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cf� RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IM� PRFCIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches ARFsA. . : 0 .34 Acres 0.48 xcr�s TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 14.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15.00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATB: 0 .60 cfs VOL: 0 .22 Ac-ft TIMF: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Engineering page 9 HONEY CRSPsK SAST RBVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BASIN SUNINIARY BASIN ID: B39 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.47 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYP�. . . . : USER1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .23 Acres 0. 24 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98. 00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RATB: 0.33 cfs VOL: 0.12 Ac-ft TIM$: 480 min BASIN ID: B40 NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARLA. . . . . . . : 0.66 Acres BASFFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USfiRl P$RV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .34 Acres 0.32 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.40 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PBAK RATE: 0.46 cfs VOL: 0 .17 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B400 NAME: SB 100TH CT SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.64 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : US$R1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AR$A. . : 0 .21 Acres 0.43 Acres TIMF INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86. 00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RA'I'F: 0 .51 cfs VOL: 0 .17 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: B42 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY �I TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.24 Acres BASF3FLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYP$. . . . : US$R1 PERV �MP ' PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 .24 Acrea TIMF INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 0 . 00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PSAK RATB: 0.20 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min I 12/10/06 3 :49:34 pm Casey Bngineering page 10 HONBY CREBK EAST REVISBD POND D$SIGN 2046 BAS IN SUNII�lARY BASIN ID: B43 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M$THODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.36 Acres BASBFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBRl P$RV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches ARSA. . : 0 .10 Acres 0.26 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAR RATE: 0 .28 cfs VOL: 0 .10 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B44 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.71 Acres BASSFLOWS : 0.00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USER1 P$RV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .37 Acres 0 .34 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 . TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PgAK RATE: 0 .50 cfs VOL: 0. 18 Ac-ft TIMS: 480 min BASIN ID: B45 NAMFs: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0.80 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 P$RV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARSA. . : 0 .46 Acres 0 .34 Acres TIM$ INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RATB: 0 .55 cfs VOL: 0.20 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B46 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.62 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 :00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARRA. . : 0 .96 Acres 0 . 66 Acres TIMB IN'I"ERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATB: 1 .10 cfs VOL: 0.40 Ac-ft TIMS: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Bngineering page 11 HONEY CR$EK EAST REVISSD POND DESIGN 2006 B�AS IN SUMMARY BASIN ID: B47 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 5 .71 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : US8R1 PSRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AR$A. . : 3 .42 Acres 2 .29 Acres TIME INTSRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PBAR RATS: 3 .88 cfs VOL: 1.40 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: 848 NAMF: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M$THODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.16 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : US$R1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0 .16 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 0 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION CO$FF: 0.20 P$AK RATE: 0.14 cfs VOL: 0.05 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: B500 NAMB: SB 100TH CT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0.35 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPg. . . . : USER1 PBRV IMP � PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0.11 Acres 0 .24 Acres I TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 8& .00 98 . 00 ' TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION COE3FF: 0.20 PEAK RAT'B: 0 .28 cfs VOL: 0 .10 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B60 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MFTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 .65 Acres BASSFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0 .40 Acres 0 .25 Acres TIMS INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 85 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .44 cfs VOL: 0 .16 Ac-ft TIMT: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Bngineering page 12 HONSY CR$EK BAST RBVISBD POND DgSIGN 2006 BASIN SUNIlKARY BASIN ID: B600 NAMB: S$ 100TH CT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARRA. . . . . . . : 1.25 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPFs. . . . : USBR1 PBRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .9Q inches AREA. . : 1 .00 Acres 0.25 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION CO$FF: 0.20 PEAR RATB: 0 .78 cfs VOL: 0 .28 Ac-ft TIML: 480 min BASIN ID: B61 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 2 .29 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : US$R1 P$RV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .9Q inches AREA. . : 1 .36 Acres 0 .93 Acres TIME INTgRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15.00 min ABSTR.ACTION COFFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 1.56 cfs VOL: 0 .56 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B62 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.53 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0 .00 cfs � R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : USSR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .31 Acres 0 .22 Acres , TIMF INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 . 00 i TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min '� ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 P£sAK R.ATE: 0 .36 cfs VOL: 0 .13 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: B62A NAME: SS 100TH ST I SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AR$A. . . . . . . : 0.75 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 P$RV IMP ' PRgCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .50 Acres 0 .25 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 mi.n CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 � TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min �' ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PFiAK R.ATB: 0 .50 cfs VOL: 0 .18 Ac-ft TIMS: 480 min ' � 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey �ngineering page 13 HONEY CRSFK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2Q06 -------- ^ BASIN SUNII�IARY BASIN ID: B63 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH M£THODOLOGY TOTAL ARSA. . . . . . . : 0.58 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF3. . . . : USER1 PBRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches ARgA. . : 0 .27 Acres 0 .31 Acres TIMg INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98.00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION CO$FF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0.44 cfs VOL: 0.15 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: B63A NAME: SS 100TH ST SBUH MLTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.09 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : US$R1 P$RV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .00 Acres 0.09 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 0 .00 98.00 TC. . . . . Q.00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION CO$FF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0.08 cfs VOL: 0.03 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B64 ATAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 .49 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0. 15 Acres 0 .34 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86. 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION CO$FF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATB: 0.40 cfs VOL: 0 .13 Ac-ft TIME: 48Q min BASIN ID: B64A NAMF: SE 100TH ST SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AR.EA. . . . . . . : 0.54 Acres BASSFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYP�. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.90 inches ARBA. . : 0 .22 Acres 0 .32 Acres � TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 89 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15.00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 .31 cfs VOL: 0 .10 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey �ngineering page 14 HONBY CREEK EAST RBVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 BASIN SUNiNIARY BASIN ID: B65 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARSA. . . . . . . : 0.00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USSR1 PBRV IMP PRSCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AR£A. . : 0 .00 Acres 0.00 Acres TIME INTFRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 0.00 0.00 TC. . . . . 0 .00 min 0 . 04 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .00 cfs VOL: 0.00 Ac-ft TIME: 0 min BASIN ID: B65A NAMB: SE 100TH ST SBUH M$THODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.25 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF. . . . : USBR1 PFsRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARFA. . : 1.00 Acres 0 .25 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . : 15 .00 m:i.n 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PSAK RATE: 0. 78 cfs VOL: 0.28 Ac-ft TIM£: 480 min BASIN ID: B66 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAI, ARSA. . . . . . . : 0.90 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USBRl PBRV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0.38 Acres 0 .52 Acres TIMB INT}3RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK R.AT$: 0 .69 cfs VOL: 0 .24 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B67 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MFTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARHP,. . . . . . . : 0.54 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPS. . . . : USBR1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .24 Acres 0 .30 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : lO.Od min CN. . . . : 86 .Od 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION CO$FF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 .39 cfs VOL: 0 . 14 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49:34 pm Casey Bngineering page 15 HONEY CRSEK BAST RBVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: B700 NAMR: 128TH AV}3 SE SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AR$A. . . . . . . : 0 .14 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0. 00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USBR1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARSP,. . : 0 .07 Acres 0.07 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0.20 PEAK RATE: 0 .10 cfs VOL: 0 .04 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: B800 NAME: 128TH AVE SE SBUH MSTHODOLOGY � TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.29 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USER1 PBRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .11 Acres 0 .18 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 10 .00 min ABSTRACTION COSFF: 0.20 PEAK RATF: 0 .23 cfs VOL: 0.08 Ac-ft TIMg: 480 min BASIN ID: B91 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.68 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRSCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARBA. . : 0 .46 Acres 0.22 Acres TIMF INTgRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: 0 .20 P$AK R.ATE: 0 .45 cfs VOL: 0 .16 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B92 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MSTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.98 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF. . . . : US$Rl PFRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : Q .78 Acres 0 .20 Acres TIME INTFRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86. 00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15.00 min ABSTRACTION COBFF: 0.20 PRAK RATE: 0.61 cfs VOL: 0 .22 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey $ngineering page 16 HONEY CRB$K EAST RBVIS$D POND DESIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BAS IN SUNII�lARY BASIN ID: B93 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 0 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYP$. . . . : US$R1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .59 Acres 0 .31 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15.00 min ABSTR�CTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .60 cfs VOL: 0 .22 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B94 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.94 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 Cfs R.AINFALL TYPE. . . . : US$R1 PBRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 0 .73 Acres 0.21 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 PSAIC R.ATE: 0 .59 cfs VOL: 0.21 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min SASIN ID: B95 NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 1.13 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYP$. . . . : USBR1 PFRV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 0 .89 Acres 0 .24 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15 .00 min ASSTR.ACTION COSFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATB: 0 .71 cfs VOL: 0 .26 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B96 NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARFA. . . . . . . : 2 .45 Acres BAS�FLOWS : 0 .00 cfs RAII3FALL TYPE. . . . : USER1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches ARE�A. . : 2 .05 Acres 0 .40 Acres TIM$ INTF3RVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15.00 min 15 . 00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK RAT�: 1 .50 cfs VOL: 0 .54 Ac-ft TIMF: 480 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Engineering page 17 HONFY CRBEK RAST REVISFsD POND DESIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ BASIN SiJNJMARY BASIN ID: B97 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.24 Acres BASEFLOWS: O .QO cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : US$R1 PERV IMP PRRCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AR$A. . : 0 .12 Acres 0.12 Acres TIME INT$RVAL. . . . : 1d.00 min CN. . . . : 86.00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 15 .00 min 15.00 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 PEAK R.ATE: 0 .17 cfs VOL: 0 .06 Ac-ft TIMB: 480 min BASIN ID: BB NAMF: 2YR 24HIt STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USSR1 PERV IMP ' PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0.00 Acres TIME INTBRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0.00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION C08FF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250.00 ns: 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks :3 .00 s:0.0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210 .00 ks:3 .00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5 .00 s:0 .1390 PEAK RATE: 7 .21 Cfs VOL: 4 .06 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: BB1 NAMS: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs R.AINFALL TYPB. . . . : USERl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0 .00 TC. . . . . 39.15 min 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COSFF: 4 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns :0.4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s :0.1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200 .00 ks:3 .00 s:0 .0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210.00 ks:3 .00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310.00 kc:5 .00 s: 0.1390 PEAK R.ATE: 1 .47 cfs VOL: 1.20 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Bngineering page 18 HONEY CREBK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 BASIN SUNlNlARY BASIN ID: BB2 NAMB: 2YR. 24HR STORM SBUH MFTHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASBFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPF3. . . . : US$R1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 .00 Acres TIMB INTSRVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81. 00 0.00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ' ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 �� TcReach - Sheet L: 250.00 ns:0.4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0.1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks:3 .00 s: 0.0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210.00 ks:3 .00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310.00 kc:5 .00 s:0.1390 PEAK R.ATB: 1.47 cfs VOL: 1.20 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: BB3 NAMB: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MgT'fiODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USER1 P$RV IMP PR$CIPITATION. . . . : 2 .00 inches ARBA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 .00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 51 .00 0.00 TC. . . . . 39 .15 min 0 .00 min ABSTR.ACTION COEFF: d.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250.00 ns:0 .4000 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200 .00 ks:3 .00 s:0.0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210.00 ks:3 .00 s:0.2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310.00 kc:5 .00 s:0.1390 PEAK R.ATE: 1.47 cfs VOL: 1 .20 Ac-ft TIMS: 490 min BASIN ID: BB4 NAMF: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 23 .90 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 2 .00 inches AREA. . : 23 .90 Acres 0 .00 Acres TIMB INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 81.00 0 .00 TC. . . . . 39.15 min 0 .00 min ABSTRACTION COSFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 250 .00 ns:0.4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s: 0 . 1360 TcReach - Shallow L: 200.00 ks :3 . 00 s :0 .0200 TcReach - Shallow L: 210.00 ks :3 . 00 s:0 .2670 TcReach - Channel L: 310 .00 kc:5 .00 s:0 .1390 PEAK RAT£: 1.47 Cfs VOL: 1.20 AC-ft TIME: 490 min 12/10/06 3 :49 :34 pm Casey Engineering page 19 � HONEY CREFK EAST i RLVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 I BAS IN SUNIIdARY BASIN ID: SHN NAM$: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MBTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARSA. . . . . . . : 7.25 Acres BASgFLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPB. . . . : USBRl PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 4 .79 Acres 2 .46 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 TC. . . . . 26 .12 min 26 .19 min ABSTR.ACTION COBFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 130 .00 ns :0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Shallow L: 160.00 ks:27 .00 s:0.0100 TcReach - Channel L: 630 .00 kc:42 .00 s:0 .0050 TcReach - Channel L: 310.00 kc:42 .00 s:0.4390 TcReach - Channel L: 200.00 kc:17 .00 s:0 .060Q PEAR R.ATS: 4 .03 cfs VOL: 1.73 Ac-ft TIMS: 480 min BASIN ID: SHS NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MFTHODOLOGY TOTAL ARgA. . . . . . . : 7.81 Acres BASPFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYP$. . . . : USBR1 PFRV IMP PRBCIPITATION. . . . : 3 .9Q inches AREA. . : 5 .15 Acres 2 .66 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 .00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 TC. . . . : 24 .76 min 24 .76 min ABSTR.ACTION COFFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 140.00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0.0100 II TcReach - Shallow L: 370.00 ks:27 .00 s:0 .0200 TcReach - Channel L: 346 .00 kc:42 .00 s:0 .0100 TcReach - Channel L: 280 .00 kc:42 .00 s:0 .0900 P$AK RATE: 4 .43 cfs VOL: 1.87 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min i HASIN ID: WH NAME: 2YR 24HR STORM SBUH MLTHODOLOGY I TOTAL ARBA. . . . . . . : 8 .49 Acres BAS$FLOWS: 0 .00 cfs RAINFALL TYPS. . . . : USBR1 PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 5 .26 Acres 3 .23 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 86 .00 98.00 � TC. . . . . 19 .63 min 19.63 min ' ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 90.00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0 .0100 ; TcReach - Chanriel L: 365.00 kc:42 .00 s:0.0800 ; TcReach - Channel L: 230.00 kc:17 .00 s:0 .0100 '� TcReach - Channel L: 240.00 kc:42 .00 s:0.0100 , TcReach - Channel L: 90.00 kc:17 .00 s:0 .0100 PEAK R.ATE: 5 .30 cfs VOL: 2 .06 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min I HONEY CREEK EAST APPENDIX II: PIPE CONVEYANCE REACH SU1ViMARY INFORMATION 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey �ngineering page 1 HONEY CRSEK EAST REVISED POND DFSIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- RFsACH SUNA+lARY Netrrork Reach LINB1 R6ACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SLOPB < n > DSGH Q � PIPB Ndepth �Depth Vact VEull C Area ID (Ac► (ft1 (ft) ft/ft ------ (cfs► ------ (ft) ------ (fps► (fpsl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P25 5.52 1.00 47.17 0.0038 0.0120 3.12 >=100� Pressure flox 3.97 3.36 A25 P24 5.91 1.00 46.04 O.D261 U.O1Z0 3.40 50.57 0.53 52.58 8.12 8.78 A24 P23 7.51 1.00 155.05 0.0497 0.0120 4.59 49.42 Q.52 51.85 11.16 12.13 A23 P22 6.06 1.00 140.52 0.0126 U.0120 5.00 >=100� Pressure flox 6.37 6.16 A22 P21 6.17 1.25 112.16 0.0122 O.D120 5.08 60.90 0.74 59.02 b.74 6.98 A21 P19 10.61 1.50 145.56 0.0069 0.0120 6.71 66.00 0.93 62.24 5.81 5.91 A19 P18 10.78 1.50 142.90 O.00T6 0.0120 6.66 63.99 0.91 60.96 b.08 6.23 A18 P17 10.78 1.50 331.25 0.0039 0.0120 6.66 89.20 1.16 78.55 4.61 4.41 Confluence rith �tetKork LIHB2 PO4 21.39 1.50 50.54 0.0321 0.0120 13.70 62.3b 0.90 59.94 12.39 12.76 A04 P03 21.89 2.00 31.06 0.0258 O.U120 14.01 33.17 0.63 41.28 11.50 13.86 AD3 P02 23.35 2.00 79.32 0.0101 U.0128 15.16 57.10 1.13 56.65 6.26 8.67 AG2 PO1 23.35 2.40 174.39 0.2196 0.0120 15.16 12.24 0.49 24.50 25.39 40.4� ..,_. __.._ . �� . .._. �_ . ..... , .i` . .__ _.f: _._ � . _ _. Network Reach LINB'.' RBACH <-A�BA> <-lllrl> L�h'viti JuVY� < i, > L�l;:r j� e rl�'� N�8�7:.A fllEpi.Q r'cC;. vtuil i,�Ie� ID (Ac) (ft) (ft1 ftJft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fpsl (fps) ^P80 1.37 1.00 112.04 0.0519 0.0120 0.77 8.15 D.20 20.01 6.91 12.40 A80 P81 1.42 1.00 216.06 0.0062 0.0120 4.62 24.92 0.35 35.36 3.30 4.30 A81 P82 3.62 1.00 28.00 0.0293 0.0120 1.91 26.80 0.31 36.76 1.29 9.31 A62 P83 4.72 1.OD 268.15 0.0894 Q.0120 2.55 20.46 0.32 31.88 11.62 16.26 A83 P84 4.84 1.OD 59.b8 0.0610 0.0120 2.65 25.76 0.36 35.99 10.41 13.43 A84 Netvork xeach LINB2 RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> L6HGTH SLOPB < n > DSGN Q � PIPB Ndepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) {ft) (ft} ft/ft --•--- lcfs► ------ (ft1 ------ (fps} (fps} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P11 1.37 1.00 31.83 0.0126 0.0120 0.77 16.56 0.29 28.57 4.17 6.10 A84 P10 1.42 1.00 186.82 U.D241 0.0120 0.82 12.69 0.25 24.96 5.35 8.44 A81 Confluence Yith 8etwork LINB4 P07 4.84 1.00 96.26 0.014§ O.D120 Z.65 52.75 0.54 53.94 6.13 b.56 A84 P06 5.52 1.00 111.25 0.0048 O.OI20 3.12 >=100� Pressure flo� 3.9? 3.75 A25 Confluence xith Netxork I,INB3 p05 10.3b 1.00 123.22 0.0745 0.0120 6.66 59.61 0.58 57.59 14.22 14.85 A25 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey �ngineering page 2 HONEY CR$EK EAST REVIS�SD POND DBSIGN 2006 REACH SUNIIHARY Hetrork xeach LIAB3 RBACH <-AxBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SLOPB < n > DSGM Q � pIPB Hdepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID 4Ac) (ft) (ft1 ft/ft ------ (cfs] ------ Ift) ------ Ifps) (fps) P16 0.39 1.00 36.01 D.0200 0.0120 0.28 4.81 0.15 15.46 3.67 7.69 A24 P15 1.99 1.00 56.89 O.D151 O.O1Z0 1.47 28.76 D.38 38.18 5.34 6.69 A23 P14 3.59 1.00 115.93 0.0086 4.0120 2.66 68.76 0.64 64.00 5.01 5.�b A23 P12 4.16 1.00 183.99 0.0092 0.0120 3.08 16.89 0.69 69.36 5.29 5.23 A22 Hetvork xeach LINB4 x6ACfl <-A&BA> <-DIA> I,BHGTH SLOPB < n > DSGN Q � PIPB Ndepth �Depth Vact Vfnll C Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft) ftJft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fpsl Ifps) P09 2.20 1.40 37.60 0.0423 0.0120 1.09 12.72 4.25 24.99 7.10 11.19 A82 P08 3.30 1.00 52.80 0.0095 0.0120 1.73 42.62 D.46 49.53 4.69 5.29 A63 Hetrork Reach LINB5 RSACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LgAGTH SLOPB < n > DSGH Q $ PIPB Ndepth tDepth Vact Vfnll C Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ftl ft�ft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fps) (fps) P67 0.54 1.00 36.Z4 0.0480 0.0120 0.39 10.49 0.23 22.69 2.92 4.67 B67 P66 1.44 1.00 149.04 0.0081 0.0120 1.OB 28.84 0.38 38.24 3.92 4.40 B66 , Confluence rith Network LIN65A ', Canfluence rit� Hetxork t,IN65C I P65 6.95 1.50 197.95 0.0046 0.4120 5.09 60.81 0.88 58.97 4.69 4.86 B65 Confluence rrith tietKork bIN664A P64 7.98 1.50 98.99 0.0100 0.0120 5.79 47.30 0.7b 50.52 6.4? 7.11 B64 Confluence uitb Betrork LI1�B63A P63 8.65 1.50 136.41 0.0059 0.0120 6.31 67.49 0.95 63.16 5.36 5.43 863 Conflnence �ith Hetrork LINB62A P62 10.36 1.50 613.26 0.0153 0.0120 7.50 49.43 0.78 51.86 8.10 8.81 B62 P61 12.65 1.50 238.08 0.0412 0.0120 9.06 36.37 Q.65 43.44 1Z.30 14.47 B61 P64 13.30 1.50 268.32 0.0646 0.0120 9.50 30.41 0.59 39.36 14.71 18.14 Bb0 Confluence rith Netrork LINBB P47 23.10 1.56 96.39 0.0504 0.0120 16.03 58.15 0.86 5?.31 15.30 16.01 B47 P46 24.72 1.50 186.07 U.0403 0.0120 17.14 69.59 0.9? 64.53 14.21 14.30 B46 Confluence with Hetpork bINB7 P43 26.59 1.50 54.01 0.0252 0.0120 18.46 94.79 1.26 83.85 11.67 11.31 B43 P42 26.63 2.00 179.14 0.0251 0.0120 16.6T 44,60 0.98 48.8Q 12.26 13.67 B42 Confluence rith Netxork I,INB6 P36 29.43 2.00 126.16 0.0294 0.0126 20.55 45.34 0.99 49.27 13.33 14.81 B36 P35 29.43 2.00 124.82 0.0103 0.012Q 20.55 76.41 1.38 69.07 B,BB 8.78 P34 29.43 2.00 114.16 0.3131 0.0120 20.§5 13.89 0,52 26.13 31.45 48.32 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey $ngineering page 3 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 RSACH SUMMARY Netwark Reach I,IN65A RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SLOPB < n > DSGA Q � PIPB Adepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac? (ft) Ift) ftJft --•--- (cfs) ------ (ft) ------ lfps) {fps} ----------- P200 1.24 1.00 195.32 0.0049 0.0120 0.91 31.01 0.40 39.18 3.11 3.81 B200 P100 2.31 1.00 30.00 0.0053 0.0120 1.73 56.93 0.57 56.55 3.7@ 3.97 8100 P300 3.27 1.00 129.63 0.0146 0.0120 2.43 48.36 0.51 51.20 6.Q1 6.57 B300 Confluence rrith Netr�ork LINB5B P500 4.26 1.00 69.32 0.0026 0.0120 3.23 >=100� Pressure flox 4.11 2.?7 B500 Netxork &each LIHB5B RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> I,BHGTH SLOPB � n > DSGH Q � PIPB Hdepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID IAc) (ft} (ft► ft�ft ------ (cfs) ------ Ift? ------ (fps) (fpsl ------------------------- -- - P400 0.64 1.00 28.43 0.0155 0.0120 0.51 9.89 0.22 22.03 3.99 6.77 B40� Hetvork Reach LINBSC RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SLOPB < a > DSGN Q � PIPS Ndepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft} ftjft ------ (cfs} ------ (ft) ------ (fpsJ (fps) ---------- - P6D0 1.25 1.D0 60.37 0.0051 0.012� 0.78 26.14 4.36 36.27 3.43 3.90 B600 PbSA 1.25 1.00 77.52 O.OD39 0.0120 0.78 30.11 a.39 39.15 2.74 3.38 Netr�ork Reach LINB6 RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SLOPB < n > DSGN Q � PIPB Ndepth $Depth Gact Vfull C_Area ID iAc) (ft1 (ft) ft�ft ------ Icfs) ------ (ft1 ------ (fps) Ifps► - - ---- -- --- P40 0.66 1.00 32.51 0.0058 0.0120 0.46 14.61 0.27 26.80 2.74 4.15 B40 P39 1.13 l.o0 150.00 0.0050 0.0126 0.80 27.13 0.37 37.00 3.02 3.85 B39 P3? 1.95 1.00 115.30 0.0050 0.0120 1.40 47.31 4,51 50.57 3.51 3.86 B37 Network Reach LIN862A RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBNGTH SbOPB < n > DSGN Q � PIPB Adepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) Ift) (ft1 ft/ft ------ (cfst ------ fft) ------ (fps) (fps) -- --- P700 0.14 1.OU I65.05 0.0449 0.0120 Q.10 3.56 0.13 13.36 1.66 3.81 B700 P800 0.43 1.04 50.00 0.0452 0.0120 0.33 11.02 0.23 23.25 2.39 3.92 B8D0 P62A 1.1B 1.OQ 50.99 6.074� 0.0120 Q.63 7.27 0.19 18.92 8.41 14.85 B62A 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey �ngineering page 4 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISFsD POND DESIGN 2006 RBACH SUNiMARY Network Reach LINB63A RBACH <-A&8A> <-DIA> LBNGTH SbOPB < n > DSGH Q 4 PIPB Ndepth RDepth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft) ftJft ------ (cfs) ------ lfti ------ (fpsl (fps) - ------- P63A 0.09 0.67 31.62 0.0253 0.0120 0.08 3.66 0.09 13.56 2.90 6.60 B63A Hetrork Reach LINB64A RBACH <-ARBA> c-DIA> I,BNGTH SbOPB c n > DSGA Q � PIPB Ndepth 4Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) ift) Ift) ft�ft ------ icfs) ------ (ft) ------ (fps) Ifps) P64A d.54 O.bT 36.24 0.0607 0.0120 0.31 8.83 0.14 20.81 5.84 10.23 B64� HetNork xeach LI�B7 RBACH <-ARBA> <-DIA> LBHGTfl SbOPB < n > DSGH Q � PIPB Ndepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) (ft1 (ft) ft/ft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft1 ------ (fps) (fps) P45 0.80 1.00 32.25 0.0059 0.4120 0.55 17.20 0.29 29.13 2.89 4.18 B45 P44 1.51 1.00 133.96 0.0060 0.0120 1.05 32.58 0.41 40.87 3.47 4.20 B44 P43A 1.51 1.00 107.97 0.0059 0.0120 1.05 32.70 0.41 40.95 3.46 4.29 Hetrork Reach LINBB RBACH c-ARBA> <-DIA> LBHGTA SLOpB < n > DSGN Q 4 PIPB Ndepth �Depth Vact Vfull C Area ID (Ac) (ft) (ft) ft/ft ------ (cfs) ------ (ft} ------ (fps} (fps) P91 0.68 1.40 26.44 0.0141 0.0120 0.45 9.07 0.21 21.10 3.71 6.45 B91 P94 1.62 1.00 301.52 0,00?0 0.0120 1.04 29.95 0.39 39.03 3.66 4.54 B94 P95 2.T5 1.00 3Z9.96 0.0027 0.0124 1.75 80.46 0.72 71.83 2.90 2.84 B95 P96 3.b9 1.00 294.06 0.0361 0.0120 2.34 28.82 0.38 36.23 8.48 16.62 B94 P97 3.93 1.00 211.00 0.0933 O.O1Z4 2.51 22.29 0.33 33.33 10.96 14.73 B97 P48 4.09 1.00 49.01 O.OQ65 0.0120 2.65 78.10 0.71 70.60 4.47 4.40 B48 PIPB REACH ID No. PO1 From: CBO1 To: CB01A Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 174 .3846 ft s : 0 .2196 Up invert : 383 . 1100 ft down invert : 344 . 8090 ft Collection Area: 23 . 3500 Ac . Design Flow . 15 .1580 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .49 ft Pipe Capacity : 123 .8833 cfs Design Vel . 25 .3910 fps Travel Time : 0 . 11 min Pipe Full Vel . 40 . 4695 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page 5 HOIJ$Y CR$SK EAST RBVISh'D POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ • REACH SjJNIIKARY PIPS REACH ID No. POlA From: OUT2 To: Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 170.0000 ft s: 0 .0052 Up invert : 344 .8040 ft down invert: 343 .9200 ft Collection Area: 23 .3500 Ac . Design Flow . 15 .1580 cfs Dsgn Depth: 1.42 ft Pipe Capacity . 19.0618 cfs Design Vel . 6.3378 fps Travel Time: 0 .45 min Pipe Full Vel . 6.2270 fps PIP$ RBACH ID No. P02 From: CB02 To: CBO1 Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 79 .3221 ft s : 0 .0201 Up invert : 383 .9000 ft down invert : 383 .1000 ft Collection Area: 23 .3500 Ac. Design Flow . 15 . 1580 cfs Dsgn Depth: 1.13 ft Pipe Capacity . 26 .5466 cfs Design Vel . 8.2555 fps Travel Time: 0 .16 min Pipe Full Vel . 8 .6721 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P03 From: CB03 To: CB02 Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 31.0644 ft s: 0 .0258 Up invert : 384 .7000 ft down invert: 383 .9000 ft Collection Area: 21.8900 Ac. Design Flow . 14 .0711 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .83 ft Pipe Capacity . 42 .4204 cfs Design Vel . 11.4997 fps Travel Time: 0 .05 min Pipe Full Vel . 13 .8577 fps PIPE REACH ID No. PO4 From: CB04 To: CB03 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 50 .5371 ft s: 0.0321 Up invert : 386.3200 ft down invert: 384 .7000 ft Collection Area: 21.3900 Ac. Design Flow . 13 .7031 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .90 ft Pipe Capacity . 21.9758 cfs Design Vel . 12 .3934 fps Travel Time: 0 .07 min Pipe Full Vel . 12 .7625 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey $ngineering page 6 HONBY CREEK $AST RBVISBD POND D$SIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ REACH SUNII�+IARY PIPE REACH ID No. P05 From: CB05 To: CB04 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 123 .2234 ft s: 0. 0745 Up invert : 395 .5000 ft down invert: 386 .3200 ft Collection Area: 10.3600 Ac. Design Flow . 6.6599 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .58 ft Pipe Capacity . 11.3629 cfs Design Vel . 14 .2199 fps Travel Time: 0 . 14 min Pipe Full Vel . 14 . 8479 fps PIPS REACH ID No. P06 From: CB06 To: CB05 Pipe Diameter: 1 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 111.2520 ft s: 0.0048 Up invert : 396.7300 ft down invert: 396 .2000 ft Collection Area: 5.5200 Ac. Design Flow . 3 .1156 cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .8734 cfs Design Vel . 3 .9669 fps Travel Time: 0 .47 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .7547 fps (surcharged tt} PIPE REACFi ID No. P07 From: CB07 To: CB06 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 96.2601 ft s: 0 .0145 Up invert : 399.0000 ft down invert : 397 . 6000 ft Collection Area: 4 .8400 Ac . Design Flow . 2 .6482 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 . 54 ft Pipe Capacity . 5.0206 cfs Design Vel . 6 . 1296 fps Travel Time: 0 .26 min Pipe Full Vel . 6.5604 fps PIPB RSACH ID No. P08 From: CB08 To: CB07 Pipe Diameter: 1 .0000 ft n: 0 .0124 Pipe Length , 52 .8015 ft s : 0 . 0095 Up invert : 399 .5000 ft down invert : 399 . 0000 ft Collection Area: 3 .3000 Ac. Design Flow . 1.7264 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .48 ft Pipe Capacity . 4 .0511 cfs Design Vel . 4 .6911 fps Travel Time : 0 .19 min Pipe Full Vel . 5 .2936 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey $ngineering page 7 HONEY CREBK $P,ST RSVISFD POND D$SIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- RSACH SUNII�IARY PIPE REACH ID No. P09 From: CB09 To: CB08 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length . 37 .8021 ft s: 0 .0423 ; Up invert : 400.1000 ft down invert: 398 .5000 ft Collection Area: 2 .2000 Ac. Design Flow . 1.0896 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .25 ft Pipe Capacity . 8 .5648 cfs Design Vel . 7 .1006 fps Travel Time: 0 .09 min i Pipe Full Vel . 11 .1916 fps , � PIPg REACH ID No. P10 From: CB10 To: CB07 � Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 186 . 8154 ft s: 0 .0241 �I Up invert : 403 .5000 ft down invert : 399 . 0000 ft Collection Area: 1.4200 Ac. Design Flow . 0.8200 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .25 ft Pipe Capacity . 6 .4612 cfs Design Vel . 5 .3531 fps Travel Time: 0.58 min Pipe Full Vel . 8.4429 fps PIPE RFACH ID No. P100 From: CB100 To: CB200 Pipe Diameter: 1. 0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 30.0000 ft s: 0 .0053 Up invert . 443 .5700 ft �n�m ??'!�,rpr~ - ?� � �, ^� r- Collection Area: 2 .3100 Ac . Deslgn FlOw : 1.7309 Cf: ._ , �;_. . _.r. __ _ .. Pipe Capacity . 3 .0403 cfs Design Vel . 3 .7793 fps Travel Time: 0 . 13 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .9727 fps PIP$ REACH ID No. P11 From: CB11 To: CB10 Pipe Diameter: 1 .0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length . 31 .8277 ft s : 0 .0126 tJp invert : 403 .9000 ft down invert : 403 .5000 ft Collection Area: 1.3700 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .7729 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .29 ft Pipe Capacity . 4.6671 cfs Design Vel . 4 .1737 fps Travel Time: 0 . 13 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 . 0984 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page 8 HONSY CREFK EAST RFVISF3D POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ REACH SUNA�IARY PIPB REACH ID No. P12 From: CB12 To: CB05 Pipe Diameter: 1. 0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 183 .9918 ft s: 0 .0092 Up invert : 397.5000 ft down invert: 395 . 8000 ft Collection Area: 4 .1600 Ac. Design Flow . 3 .0769 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .69 ft Pipe Capacity . 4 .0017 cfs Design Vel . 5.2930 fps Travel Time: 0 .58 min Pipe Full Vel . 5.2290 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P14 From: CB14 To: CB12 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 175 .9346 ft s: 0 .0086 Up invert : 398.5700 ft down invert: 397 . 0500 ft Collection Area: 3 .5900 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .6608 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 . 64 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .8696 cfs Design Vel . 5 .0125 fps Travel Time: 0 .58 min , Pipe Full Vel . 5 .0563 fps I PIPE RFACH ID No. P15 i From: CB15 To: CB14 � Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 ; Pipe Length . 56.8859 ft s: 0.0151 ' Up invert : 399.4300 ft down invert: 398 .5700 ft Collection Area: 1.9900 Ac. Design Flow . 1.4719 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .38 ft Pipe Capacity . 5 .1187 cfs Design Vel . 5 .3403 fps Travel Time: 0 .18 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 .6886 fps PIPE RSACH ID No. P16 From: CB16 To: CB15 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 36.0139 ft s: 0 .0200 Up invert : 399.6500 ft down invert: 398 . 9300 ft Collection Area: 0 .3900 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .2831 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .15 ft Pipe Capacity . 5.8864 cfs Design Vel . 3 .6681 fps Travel Time: 0 .16 min Pipe Full Vel . 7 .6917 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey �ngineering page 9 HONBY CRBER EAST RBVIS$D POND DSSIGN 2006 REACH SjJNII�1�RY PIPE REACH ID No. P17 From: CB17 To: CB04 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 331.2537 ft s: 0. 0039 Up invert : 388.4000 ft down invert : 387 .1000 ft Collection Area: 10 .7800 Ac. Design Flow . 6 .8592 cfs Dsgn Depth: ' 1.18 ft Pipe Capacity . 7 .6892 cfs Design Vel . 4 .6062 fps Travel Time: 1 .20 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .4656 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P18 From: CB18 To: CBZ7 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 142 .8986 ft s: 0.0076 Up invert : 389 .4000 ft down invert: 388.3100 ft Collection Area: 10 .7800 Ac. Design Flow . 6 . 8592 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .91 ft Pipe Capacity . 10.7199 cfs Design Vel . 6 .0796 fps Travel Time: 0 .39 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 .2256 fps PIPF3 REACH ID No. P19 From: CB19 To: CB18 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 . Pipe Length : 145.5610 ft s: 0 . 0069 Up invert : 390.4000 ft down invert: 389 .4000 ft Collection Area: 10 .6100 Ac. Design Flow . 6 .7150 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .93 ft Pipe Capacity . 10 .1735 cfs Design Vel . 5.8080 fps Travel Time: 0.42 min Pipe Full Vel . 5 .9083 fps PIP$ RBACH ID No. P200 From: CB200 To: CB300 . Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 195.3177 ft s: 0.0049 Up invert : 443 .4100 ft down invert : 442 .4500 ft Collection Area: 1.2400 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .9051 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .40 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .9186 cfs Design Vel . 3 .1081 fps Travel Time: 1 .05 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 . 8138 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey Bngineering page 10 HONBY CRS�K EAST RSVIS$D POND DSSIGN 2006 REACH SUNII�IARY PIPB REACH ID No. P21 From: CB21 To: CB19 Pipe Diameter: 1.2500 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 112 .1606 ft s: 0 . 0122 Up invert : 390.7100 ft down invert: 389 .3400 ft Collection Area: 8 .1700 Ac. Design Flow . 5 .0804 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 . 74 ft Pipe Capacity . 8 .3422 cfs Design Vel . 6 .7394 fps Travel Time: 0.28 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 .9765 fps PIPF REACH ID No. P22 From: CB22 To: CB21 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 140.5205 ft s: 0 .0128 Up invert : 392 .7000 ft down invert: 390 .9000 ft Collection Area: 8 .0800 Ac. Design Flow . 5 .0037 cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . 4 .7117 cfs Design Vel . 6 .3709 fps Travel Time: 0 .37 min Pipe Full Vel . 6.1568 fps (surcharged tt) PIPE REACH ID No. P23 From: CB23 To: CB22 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 155.0516 ft s: 0 .0497 Up invert : 400 .4100 ft down invert: 392 . 7000 ft Collection Area: 7.5100 Ac. � Design Flow . 4.5876 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .52 ft � Pipe Capacity . 9 .2833 cfs Design Vel . 11 .1560 fps Travel Time: 0 .23 min Pipe Full Vel . 12 .1305 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P24 From: CB24 To: CB23 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 46 .0435 ft s: 0 .0261 Up invert : 401.5000 ft down invert : 400.3000 ft Collection Area: 5 .9100 Ac. Design Flow . 3 .3987 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .53 ft Pipe Capacity . 6.7208 cfs Design Vel . 8 .1222 fps Travel Time: 0 .09 min Pipe Full Vel . 8 .7821 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page il HONEY CRfiSK EAST RgVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- REACH SZJNA7ARY PIPB REACH ID No. P25 From: CB25 To: CB24 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 47 .1699 ft s: 0 .0038 Up invert : 401.6800 ft down invert: 401 .5000 ft Collection Area: 5 .5200 Ac. Design Flow . 3 .1156 cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .5717 cfs Design Vel . 3 .9669 fps Travel Time: 4.20 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .3604 fps (surcharged tt) PIPB REACH ID No. P300 From: CB300 To: CB500 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 129 .6302 ft s: 0 . 0146 Up invert : 442 .4500 ft down invert: 440.5600 ft Collection Area: 3 .2700 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .4319 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .51 ft Pipe Capacity . 5 .0268 cfs Design Vel . 6 .0094 fps Travel Time: 0 .36 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 .5685 fps PIPB REACH ID No. P34 From: OUT1 To: Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 114.1600 ft s: 0 .3131 Up invert : 343 .9200 ft down invert: 344 .6200 ft Collection Area: 29.4300 Ac. Design Flow . 20 .5507 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .52 ft Pipe Capacity : 147 .9120 cfs Design Vel . 31.4472 fps Travel Time: 0 .06 min Pipe Full Vel . 48.3190 fps PIPE RBACH ID No. P35 From: CB35 To: CB34 Pipe Diameter: 2 .4000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 124.8239 ft s: 0 .0103 Up invert : 381.2300 ft down invert: 379 . 9400 ft Collection Area: 29 .4300 Ac. Design Flow . 20.5507 cfs Dsgn Depth: 1.38 ft Pipe Capacity . 26.8725 cfs Design Vel . 8 .8780 fps Travel Time: 0 .23 min Pipe Full Vel . 8 .7785 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey Engineering page 12 HONEY CRBEK gAST RSVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 REACH SUNIlKARY PIPE RBACH ID No. P36 From: CB36 To: CB35 Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length : 126.1784 ft s: 0 .0294 Up invert : 384.9400 ft down invert: 381.2300 ft Collection Area: 29 .4300 Ac. Design Flow . 20.5507 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .99 ft Pipe Capacity . 45 .3269 cfs Design Vel . 13 .3292 fps Travel Time: 0 .16 min Pipe Full Vel . 14 .8071 fps PIPFs REACH ID No. P37 From: CB37 To: CB36 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length : 115 .3029 ft s: 0 .0050 Up invert : 385.5200 ft down invert: 384 .9400 ft Collection Area: 1.9500 Ac. Design Flow . 1.3988 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .51 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .9526 cfs Design Vel . 3 .5113 fps Travel Time: 0 .55 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .8582 fps PIPS REACH ID No. P39 From: CB39 To: CB37 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 149 . 9979 ft s: 0.0050 Up invert : 386 .2700 ft down invert: 385 .5200 ft , Collection Area: 1.1300 Ac. Design Flow . 0.7986 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .37 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .9438 cfs Design Vel . 3 .0226 fps Travel Time: 0 .83 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 . 8466 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P40 From: CB40 To: CB39 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length . 32 .5730 ft s: 0 .0058 Up invert : 386.4600 ft down invert: 386 .2700 ft Collection Area: 0.6600 Ac . Design Flow . 0 .4645 cfs Dsgn Depth: Q .27 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .1795 cfs Design Vel . 2 . 7432 fps Travel Time : 0 .20 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .1547 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey Engineering page 13 HONEY CRESK EAST RFVISED POND DESIGN 2006 REACH SUNIMARY PIPE REACH ID No. P400 From: CB400 To: CB500 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length . 28.4253 ft s: 0 .0155 Up invert : 442 .0000 ft down invert: 441.5600 ft Collection Area: 0 .6400 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .5124 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .22 ft Pipe Capacity . 5.1795 cfs Design Vel . 3 .9927 fps Travel Time: 0 . 12 min Pipe Full Vel . 6.7680 fps PIPS REACIi ID No. P42 From: CB42 To: CB36 Pipe Diameter: 2 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 179 .1368 ft s: 0.0251 Up invert : 389.4300 ft down invert: 384 . 9400 ft Collection Area: 26 .8300 Ac. Design Flow . 18 .6651 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .98 ft Pipe Capacity . 41.8497 cfs Design Vel . 12 .2557 fps Travel Time: 0 .24 min Pipe Full Vel. . 13 .6712 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P43 From: CB43 To: CB42 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 54 . OQ93 ft s: 0 .0252 Up invert : 390. 7900 ft �own inv�� -• Collection Area: 26 .5900 Ac . Design Flow : 18 .4615 cf� _ _�_ __ . y �_ _ _ . _ _ Pipe Capacity . 19 .4772 cfs Design Vel . 11.6685 fps Travel Time: 0 .08 min Pipe Full Vel . 11.3115 fps PIPB REACH ID No. P43A From: CB43A To: CB43 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 4 .4120 Pipe Length : 107 .9676 ft s: 0 .0059 Up invert : 391 .4300 ft down invert: 390 .7900 ft Collection Area: 1.5100 Ac. Design Flow . 1 .0480 cfs Dsgn Depth: Q .41 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .2052 cfs Design Vel . 3 .4622 fps Travel Time: 0 .52 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .1883 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey $ngineering page 14 HONFY CRF3FsK EAST RBVISED POND D£sSIGN 2005 REACH SUNII�IARY PIPE RBACH ID No. P44 From: CB44 To: CB43A Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 133.9589 ft s: 4 . 0060 Up invert : 392 .2300 ft down invert: 391.4300 ft Collection Area: 1.5100 Ac. Design Flow . 1.0480 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .41 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .2172 cfs Design Vel . 3 .4716 fps Travel Time: 0.64 min Pipe Full Vel . 4.2039 fps PIPg REACH ID No. P45 From: CB45 To: CB44 Pipe Diameter: 1.0040 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length . 32 .2490 ft s: 0.0059 Up invert : 392 .4200 ft down invert: 392 .2300 ft Collection Area: 0 .8000 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .5496 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.29 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .1955 cfs Design Vel . 2 .8886 fps Travel Time: 0 .19 min Pipe F'ul.l Vel . 4 .1755 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P46 From: CB46 To: CB43 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 186.0672 ft s: Q.4403 Up invert : 398.2800 ft down invert: 390 . 7900 ft Collection Area: 24 .7200 Ac. Design Flow . 17 .1362 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.97 ft ' Pipe Capacity . 24 .6262 cfs Design Vel . 14 .21.17 fps Travel Time: 0.22 min Pipe Full Vel . 14 .3018 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P47 From: CB47 To: CB46 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length . 46.3897 ft s: 0 . 0504 Up invert : 400.6200 ft down invert : 398 .2800 ft Collection Area: 23 .1000 Ac. Design Flow . I6 .0314 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .86 ft Pipe Capacity . 27 .5670 cfs Design Vel . 15.3049 fps Travel Time: 0 . 05 min Pipe Full Vel . 16 . 0096 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey Bngineering page 15 HONEY CRBEK BAST RF3VISED POND DESIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- " R$ACH SUMMARY ' PIPE REACH ID No. P48 From: CB48 To: CB47 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length . 49.0102 ft s: 0 .0065 Up invert : 400.940Q ft down invert: 400 .6200 ft Collection Area: 4.0900 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .6475 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .71 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .3639 cfs Design Vel . 4.4666 fps Travel Time: 0 . 18 min Pipe Full Vel . 4.3956 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P500 From: CB500 To: CB65 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length . 69.3181 ft s: 0.0026 Up invert : 440.5600 ft down invert: 440 .3800 ft Collection Area: 4 .2600 Ac. Design Flow . 3 .2262 cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .1214 cfs Design Vel . 4 .1078 fps Travel Time : 0 .28 min Pipe Full Vel . 2 .7721 fps (surcharged tt) PIPg REACH ID NO. P60 From: CB60 To: CB47 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 268.3151 ft s: 0.0648 Up invert : 418.0000 ft down invert : 400 . 6200 ft Collection Area: 13 .3000 Ac . Design Flow . 9.4997 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .59 ft Pipe Capacity . 31.2388 cfs Design Vel . 14.7069 fps Travel Time: 0.30 m� Pipe Full Vel . 18.1420 fps PIPF REACH ID No. P600 � From: � CB600 To: CB65A Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 60.3738 ft s: 0 .0051 Up invert : 441. 7900 ft down invert: 441.4800 ft Collection Area: 1.2500 Ac. Design Flow . 0.7798 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .36 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .9831 cfs Design Vel . 3 .0324 fps Travel Time : 0 . 33 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 . 8980 fps I 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey $ngineering page 1.6 HONEY CREEK BAST RBVISED POND DESIGN 2006 ' ____________________________REACH SUMNlARY=====______________________= il PIPE REACH ID No. P61 I'� From: CB61 To: CB60 , Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 �� Pipe Length : 238.0756 ft s: 0 .0412 I Up invert : 427.8100 ft down invert : 418 . 0000 ft �I Collection Area: 12 .6500 Ac . I� Design Flow . 9 .0605 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .65 ft Pipe Capacity . 24.9155 cfs Design Vel . 12 .3044 fps "'r�-��=� T�M� " "'^ m_�-. Pipe Full Vel . 14.4698 fps PIPE RBACH ID No. P From: CB62 To: CB61 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft � : Pipe Length : 613 .2642 ft s : 4 .015� Up invert : 437.1800 ft down invert : 427 . 8100 r{. Collection Area: 10 .3600 Ac. Design Flow . 7 .4995 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .78 ft Pipe Capacity . 15.1718 cfs Design Vel . 8.1037 fps Travel Time: 1.26 m= Pipe Full Vel . 8.8111 fps PIPE RBACH ID No. P62A From: CB62A To: CB62 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length . 50.9902 ft s: 0 .0745 Up invert : 443 .4400 ft down invert: 439 .6400 ft Collection Area: 1.1800 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .8267 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .19 ft Pipe Capacity . 11.3648 cfs Design Vel . 8.0063 fps Travel Time: 0 .11 min Pipe Full Vel . 14.8504 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P63 From: CB63 To: CB62 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 136.4734 ft s : 0 .0058 Up invert : 437 .9800 ft down invert: 437 .1880 ft Collection Area: 8.6500 Ac. Design Flow . 6.3102 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 . 95 ft Pipe Capacity . 9 .35Q4 cfs Design Vel . 5.3628 fps Travel Time : 0 .42 min Pipe Full Vel . 5 .4303 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Sngineering page 17 HONEY CRFSK FAST REVIS$D POND DBSIGN 2006 REACH SUNIl�IARY PIPB R$ACH ID No. P63A From: CB63A To: CB63 Pipe Diameter: 0.6667 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 31.6228 ft s: 0.0253 Up invert : 443 .2800 ft down invert : 442 .4800 ft Collection Area: 0.0900 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .0823 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .09 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .2459 cfs Design Vel . 2 .9029 fps Travel Time: 0 .18 min Pipe Full Vel . 6 .6030 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P64 From: CB64 To: CB63 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 98.4886 ft s: 0 .0100 Up invert : 438 .9600 ft down invert: 437 .9800 ft Collection Area: 7.9800 Ac. Design Flow . 5.7912 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.76 ft Pipe Capacity . 12 .2437 cfs Design Vel . 6.4690 fps Travel Time: 0 .25 min Pipe Full Vel . 7.1106 fps PIP$ REACH ID No. P64A From: CBb4A To: CB64 Pipe Diameter: 0 .6667 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 36.2353 ft s: 0.0607 Up invert : 442 .1800 ft down invert: 439 .9800 ft Collection Area: 0 .5400 Ac. Design Flow . 0.3071 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.14 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .4792 cfs Design Vel . 5.8382 fps Travel Time: 0 .10 min Pipe Full Vel . 10.2292 fps PIPE RSACH ID No. P65 From: CB65 To: CB64 Pipe Diameter: 1.5000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 197.9520 ft s: 0.0046 Up invert : 439.8800 ft down invert : 438 .9600 ft Collection Area: 6 .9500 Ac. Design Flow . 5.0880 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .88 ft Pipe Capacity . 8.3677 cfs Design Vel . 4 .6928 fps Travel Time: 0.70 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .8596 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page 18 HONEY CRBEK EAST REVISSD POND DBSIGN 2006 RSACH SiJNIlNARY �, PIPE RFACH ID No. P65A From: CB65A To: CB65 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length . 77 .5242 ft s : 0 .0039 Up invert : 441.4800 ft down invert : 441. 1800 ft Collection Area: 1 .2500 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .7798 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .39 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .5897 cfs Design Vel . 2 .7361 fps Travel Time: 0 .47 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .3840 fps PIPS RSACH ID No. P66 From: CB66 To: CB65 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 Pipe Length : 149 .0369 ft s : 0 . 0081 Up invert : 442 .3900 ft down invert: 441 . 1800 ft Collection Area: 1.4400 Ac. Design Flow . 1.0819 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .38 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .7511 cfs Design Vel . 3 .9169 fps Travel Time : 0 .63 min Pipe Full Vel . 4.9016 fps PIPB REACH ID No. P67 From: CB67 To: CB66 Pipe Diameter: 1 .0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 36.2353 ft s : 0.0080 Up invert : 442 .6800 ft down invert: 442 .3900 ft Collection Area: 0 .5400 Ac. Design Flow . 0.3907 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .23 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .7243 cfs Design Vel . 2 .9196 fps Travel Time: 0 .21 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .8666 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P700 From: CB700 To: CB800 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 165.0485 ft s : 0 .0049 Up invert : 444.5100 ft down invert : 443 . 7000 ft Collection Area: 0 .1400 Ac. Design Flow . 0 . 1037 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .13 ft Pipe Capacity . 2 .9164 cfs Design Vel . 1.6616 fps Travel Time: 1 . 66 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .8109 fps 12/10/06 3 :28 :39 pm Casey Bngineering page 19 HONSY CRSBK EAST REVIS$D POND DgSIGN 2006 REACH SUMMARY PIPS RBACH ID No. P80 From: CB8Q To: CB81 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length : 112 .0402 ft s: 0.0519 Up invert : 436.0300 ft down invert: 430.2100 ft Collection Area: 1.3700 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .7729 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .20 ft Pipe Capacity . 9 .4883 cfs Design Vel . 6.9088 fps Travel Time: 0 .27 min Pipe Full Vel . 12 .3984 fps PIP$ REACH ID No. P800 From: CB800 To: CB62A Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 50.0000 ft s: 0.0052 Up invert : 443 .7000 ft down invert: 443 .4400 ft Collection Area: 0 .4300 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .3308 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .23 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .0020 cfs Design Vel . 2 .3874 fps Travel Time: 0 .35 min Pipe Full Vel . 3 .9228 fps PIPB REACIi ID No. P81 From: CB81 To: CB82 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: O .d120 Pipe Length : 216.0579 ft s: Q.0062 Up invert : 430.2100 ft down invert: 428 .8600 ft Collection Area: 1.4200 Ac. Design Flow . 0 .8200 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .35 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .2908 cfs Design Vel . 3 .3011 fps Travel Time: 1.09 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .3000 fps PIPB RSACH ID No. P82 I From: CB82 To: CB83 � Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 . 0120 I, Pipe Length . 28 .0000 ft s : 0 . 0293 ', Up invert : 428.8300 ft down invert : 428 .0100 ft Collection Area: 3 .6200 Ac. i Design Flow . 1.9096 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .37 ft Pipe Capacity . 7 .1243 cfs Design Vel . 7 .2917 fps Travel Time: � . 06 min ' Pipe Full Vel . 9 .3093 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page 20 HONEY CRBEK EAST RBVISED POND DESIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- REACH SUNIl�IARY PIPE REACH ID NO. P83 From: CB83 To: CB84 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 268.1511 ft s : 0 .0894 Up invert : 428.0100 ft down invert : 404 .0500 ft Collection Area: 4.7200 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .5464 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .32 ft Pipe Capacity . 12 .4443 cfs Design Vel . 11.8161 fps Travel Time: 0 .38 min Pipe Full Vel . 16.2609 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P84 From: CB84 To: CB23 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 59 .6825 ft s: 0.0610 Up invert : 404.0500 ft down invert: 400 .4100 ft Collection Area: 4 .8400 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .6482 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0.36 ft Pipe Capacity . 10.2812 cfs Design Vel . 10 .4073 fps Travel Time: 0 . 10 min Pipe Full Vel . 13 .4344 fps PIPE REACH ID No. P91 From: CB91 To: CB94 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 28 .4429 ft s: 0 .0141 Up invert : 435 .4000 ft down invert: 435 . 0000 ft Collection Area: 0 .6800 Ac . Design Flow . 0 .4478 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .21 ft Pipe Capacity . 4 .9369 cfs Design Vel . 3 .7100 fps Travel Time: 0.13 min Pipe Full Vel . 6.4511 fps PIPE RSACH ID No. P92 From: CB92 To: CB95 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 27 .2947 ft s : 0.0476 Up invert : 434 .2000 ft down invert : 432 . 9000 ft Collection Area: Ac. Design Flow . cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . cfs Design Vel , fps Travel Time: min Pipe Full Vel . fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey $ngineering page 21 HONBY CRBEK EAST REVISBD POND D$SIGN 2006 RBACH SUNIIKARY PIPE REACH ID No. P93 From: CB93 To: CB96 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length . 28 .1800 ft s: 0.0000 Up invert : 432 .9000 ft down invert: ft Collection Area: Ac. Design Flow . cfs Dsgn Depth: ft Pipe Capacity . cfs Design Vel . fps Travel Time: min Pipe Full Vel . fps PIPS R$ACH ID No. P94 From: CB94 To: CB95 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0.0120 Pipe Length : 301.5178 ft s: 0 .0070 Up invert : 435.0000 ft down invert: 432 .9000 ft Collection Area: 1.6200 Ac. Design Flow . 1.0404 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .39 ft Pipe Capacity . 3 .4743 cfs Design Vel . 3 .6650 fps Travel Time: 1.37 min Pipe Full Vel . 4 .5399 fps PIPB RFACH ID NO. P95 From: CB95 To: CB96 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 ' Pipe Length : 329.9606 ft s: 0 .0027 Up invert : 432 .9000 ft down invert: 432 .0000 ft Collection Area: 2 .7500 Ac. Design Flow . 1.7493 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .72 ft I Pipe Capacity . 2 .1742 cfs Design Vel . 2 .8967 fps Travel Time: 1.90 min Pipe Full Vel . 2 .8411 fps � PIPF3 REACH ID No. P96 From: CB96 To: CB97 Pipe Diameter: 1. 0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 294 .0612 ft s: 0. 0381 Up invert : 432 .0000 ft down invert : 420 .8000 ft Collection Area: 3 .6900 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .3419 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .38 ft Pipe Capacity . 8 .1247 cfs Design Vel . 8 .4823 fps Travel Time: 0.58 min Pipe l�.ill Vel . 10.6165 fps 12/10/06 3 :28:39 pm Casey Engineering page 22 HOIJ$Y CRE$K $AST RBVISED POND DESIGN 2006 � --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- REACH SUNIMARY PIPB RFACH ID No. P97 From: CB97 To: CB48 Pipe Diameter: 1.0000 ft n: 0 .0120 Pipe Length : 271.0018 ft s : 0.0733 Up invert : 420 .8000 ft down invert : 400 .9400 ft Collection Area: 3 .9300 Ac. Design Flow . 2 .5118 cfs Dsgn Depth: 0 .33 ft Pipe Capacity . 11.2699 cfs Design Vel . 10 .9601 fps Travel Time: 0 .41 min Pipe Full Vel . 14.7263 fps � � HONEY CREEK EAST APPENDIX III: I� PIPE CUNVEYANCE STRtiCTURE REPORT� � - —, 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey En< HONEY CRE$R EAS�: REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ STRUCTURE RBPORT BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CBO1 Location : BASEMENT-N OF NE 23RD PL North . 289785 .0000 Str Type : TYPE II Bast . 668658.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 395 .0000 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 381.6000 Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Snt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: O.00d Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0. 000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P02 383 .100 24.00 0.012 Lower PO1 383 .110 24.00 0 .012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CBOlA Location : HASIN B POND SW CORNER North . 189828 .0000 Str �rpe : TYPfi II Last . 668489 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 350.3000 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottam B1 : 343 .3000 Cont Area: Hgrade $1 : d .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0.000 Exit: O .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Snd> POlA 344 . 800 24 .00 0 .012 Upper PO1 344. 809 24.00 0. 012 Lower PXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CB02 Location : N.E. 23RD PL North . 189719 .0000 Str T�pe : TYPE II East . 668702 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 394 .8000 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom S1 : 382 .4000 Cont Area: A02 Hgrade El : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P02 383 .900 24 .00 0 .012 Upper P03 383 .900 24 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey Engineering page 2 HONSY CREFK EAST RBVISED POND DBSIGN 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB03 Location : N.E. 23RD PL North . 189693 . 0000 Str Type : TYPB II $ast . 668719 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 395 .1000 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 383 .2000 Cont Area: A03 . Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: . Bnt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 . 000 Junct : 0 . 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <8nd> PO4 384 .700 18.00 0 .012 Lower P03 384 .700 24 .00 0 .012 Upper FsXISTING STRUCTURB RSACH ID No. CB04 Location : North . 189716 . 0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 668764 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 394 . 6900 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 384 .8200 Cont Area: A04 Hgrade El : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Sxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Snd> PO4 386 .320 18.00 0 .012 Upper P17 387 .100 18 .00 0 .012 Lower P05 386 .320 12 .00 0 . 012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURE RFsACH ID No. CB05 Location : OLYMPIA AVE NE North . 189744 .0000 Str Type : TYPS II East . 668884 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 399 . 8000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom E1 : 394 .0000 Cont Area: A25 Hgrade E1 : Q . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Fsnt Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 . 000 Junct : 0 . 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd� POS 395 .500 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P06 396.200 12 .�0 0 .012 Lower P12 395 .800 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey Engineering page 3 HON$Y CRgEK �AST ' RBVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 I' STRUCTURE REPORT $XISTING STRUCTURE RBACH ID No. CB06 Location : North . 189653 .0000 Str 'I�pe : --- Fast . 668948 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 400 .3800 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom F1 : 394 .8800 Cont Area: A25 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <£nd> P06 396.730 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P07 397.600 12 .00 0.012 Lower SXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB07 Location : Olympia Ave N$ North . 189588.0000 Str Type : TYPB I East . 669019 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 402 .5000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1: 397 .5000 Cont Area: A84 Hgrade E1 : 0.0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <�nd> P10 399.000 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P08 399 .000 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P07 399 . 000 12 .00 0 . 012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURg REACH ID No. CB08 ' Location : N.E. 23RD CT North . 189630 . 0000 Str Type : TYPB I gast . 669051 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 402 .5000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1: 397.0000 Cont Area: A83 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0 .000 gxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P09 398 .500 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P08 399 .500 12 .00 0 .012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39 : 10 pm Casey Engineering page Y HONEY CRESK EAST REVISSD POND DFsSIGN 2006 STR.UCTURE RBPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB09 Location : N.B. 23RD CT North . 189607 .0000 Str Type : TYPE I $ast . 669081.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 402 .5000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 398.6000 Cont Area: A82 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Snt type. : Area/sump: £nt Loss: 0.000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P09 400 . 100 12 .00 0 .012 Upper SXISTING STRUCTURPs REACH ID No. CB10 Location : OLYMPIA AVE NE North . 189474 . 0000 Str Type : TYPE I gast . 669167 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 406 .2000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom �1 : 402 .0000 Cont Area: A81 Hgrade F1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape $nt type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> Pil 403 .500 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P10 403 .500 12 .00 0 .012 Upper PROPOS£D STRUCTCTRS RFACH ID No. CB100 Location : SE 100TH CT North . 190238 .Q000 Str Type : TYPFs_1 East . 670589 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 447 .4100 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom El : 442 .0700 Cont Area: B100 Hgrade 81 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 . 000 Junct: O . Q00 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P100 443 .570 12 .00 0 .012 Upper s En ineerin a e 5 I 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Ca ey g g p g HON�Y CRS$K BAST RBVIS$D POND D$SIGN 2006 � ' __________________________STRUCTLTRS REPORT=====_____________________= I EXISTING STRUCTURB RBACH ID No. CB11 Location : OLYMPIA AVE NE North . 189497 .0000 Str Type : TYP$ I Sast . 669189 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 406 .1000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 402 .4000 ', Cont Area: A80 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft , Bend. . . . . : No special shape F3nt type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0.000 Fxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P11 403 .900 12 .00 0.012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTUREs REACH ID No. CB12 Location : OLYMPIA AVi3 NF North . 189926 .0000 Str 'I�pe : TYPE I $ast . 668857 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 401 .2100 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom S1 : 395 .5500 Cont Area: A22 Hgrade E1 : 0. 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: O .Q00 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P14 397 .050 12 .00 0.012 Lower P12 397 .500 12 .00 0.012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURE RgACH ID No. CB14 Location : North . 190099 .0000 Str Type : --- East . 668825 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 402 . 9700 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 397 . 0700 Cont Area: A23 Hgrade Sl : 0 .0000 ft ', Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: , $nt Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P14 398 .570 12 .40 0 .012 Upper P15 398 .570 12 .00 0 . 012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 6 HONEY CREEK EAST RSVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 STRUCTURE RBPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB15 Location : North . 190109 .0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 668881.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 402 .4300 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 397 .4300 Cont Area: A23 Hgrade El : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: gnt Loss: 0.000 £xit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <8nd> P15 399.430 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P16 398 .930 12 .00 0 .012 Lower TXISTING STR.UCTUR$ REACH ID No. CB16 Location : North . 190145.0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 668882 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 402 . 5100 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 398 .1500 Cont Area: A24 Hgrade F1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape gnt type. : Area/sump: 8nt Loss: 0.000 Sxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> �I P16 399 .650 12 .00 0 .012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURB RBACH ID No. CB17 Location : North . 189464 .0000 Str Type : --- East . 668979 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 399 .3300 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 385 . 6000 , Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft � Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss : 0.000 Exit : 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct : 0. 000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P18 388 .310 18 .00 0 .012 Lower P17 388 .400 18 .00 0 . 012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Bngineering page 7 HONSY CREEK EAST RSVISgD POND DBSIGN 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURB RBPORT EXISTING STRUCTURB RRACH ID No. CB18 Location : NEWPORT CT NE North . 189322 . 0000 Str Type : TYPE II East . 668963 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 399 .6000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 387 .9000 Cont Area: A18 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Bxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P18 389 .400 18 .00 0 .012 Upper P19 389 .400 18.00 0 .012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTURB RSACH ID No. CB19 Location : NBWPORT CT NE North . 189180. 0000 Str T�pe : TYPE I $ast . 668931.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 393 .5900 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom B1 : 387 .8400 Cont Area: A19 Hgrade B1 : Q . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P21 389 .340 15 .00 0 .012 Lower P19 390 .400 18.00 0.012 Upper PROPOSBD STRUCTUR� RFsACH ID No. CB200 Location : S£ 100TH CT North . 190268. 0000 Str Type : TYPF_1 Bast . 670589 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 447 .4100 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 441. 9100 Cont Area: B200 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0.000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P200 443 .410 12 .00 0.012 Upper P100 443 .410 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 8 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISBD POND DBSIGN 2006 STRUCTURL REPORT BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB21 Location : North . 189084 . 0000 ' Str Type : --- Bast . 668989 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 393 . 9100 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 388 .4100 Cont Area: A21 Hgrade F1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 . 000 ,hincr � Q . 000 Bend- C . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd P21 390 .710 15 .00 0 .012 Uppez P22 390.900 12 .00 0 .012 Lowe: BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB22 Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189045 .0000 Str Type : TYP$ I East . 669124 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 397 .1000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 391.2000 Cont Area: A22 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape 8nt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 . 000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P23 392 .700 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P22 392 . 700 12 .00 0 .012 Upper FXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB23 Location : North . 189041 .0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 669279 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 403 .9100 Area/surnp: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 398 .4100 Cont Area: A23 Hgrade E1 : d .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P23 400 .410 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P24 400 .300 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P84 400 .410 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey fingineering page 9 HONBY CRBEK EAST REVISED POND DBSIGN 2006 STRUCTURE RFPORT FXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CB24 Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189087 . 0000 Str 'I�pe : TYPB I East . 669281.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 405 .0700 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 400 .0000 Cont Area: A24 Hgrade $1: 0.0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape gnt type. : Area/sump: �nt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P25 401.500 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P24 401.500 12 .00 0 .012 Upper BXISTING STRUCTURE RBACH ID No. CB25 Location : North . 189112 . 0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 669321.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 405 .I800 ' Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 400 .1800 ' Cont Area: A25 Hgrade S1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape gnt type. : Area/sump: Snt Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P2S 401.680 12 .00 0.012 Upper PROPOSBD STRUCTURB R}3ACH ID No. CB300 Location : SE 100TH CT North . 190238 .Q000 Str Type : TYPB_1 Tast . 670396.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim �lev : 445 .5400 Area/sump: 0.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 440 .9500 Cont Area: B300 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0 .000 �xit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P300 442 .450 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P200 442 .450 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39 : 10 pm Casey Engineering page 1C HONEY CREEK EAST REVISFD POND DESIGN 2006 STRUCTURB REPOR^ PXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CF Location : North . 190096 .0000 Str Type : TYPS2 East . 6684 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 396 .540 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.54 ft Bottom E1 : 378 .24G Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : O .00Ou tc Bend. . . . . : No special shape Bnt type. : Area/sump: gnt Loss: 0.000 Exit: O.OQO App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.00 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P34 379.940 24.00 0 .012 Upper P35 379.940 24.00 0 .012 Lower }'sXISTING STRUCTURE RBACH ID No. CB35 Location : North . 190206. 0000 Str Type : TYPE II East . 668352 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 395 .0000 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 379 .7300 Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Tnt Loss: 0.000 £xit: 0.000 App Vel : O .00a Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P36 381.230 24 .00 0 .012 Lower P35 381.230 24.00 0.012 Upper BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB36 Location : North . 190326 . 0000 Str Type : TYPF2 East . 668391.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Slev : 393 .5100 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 383 .4400 Cont Area: B36 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Fsnt type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P36 384 .940 24 .00 0 .012 Upper P42 384 .940 24.00 0 .012 Lower P37 384.940 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey �ngineering page 11 HONEY CREBR EAST RF3VISBD POND DESIGN 2006 STRUCTi7RB REPORT FXISTING STRUCTURS REACH ID No. CB37 Location : North . 190383 .4000 Str Type : --- Bast . 668291.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 391 .6700 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : d .0000 Cont Area: B37 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Pnt Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0. 000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert� <Diam> < n > <End> P37 385.520 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P39 385 .520 12 .00 0 .012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURF RBACH ID No. CB39 Location : North . 190509.0000 Str Type : --- gast . 668209 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 389 .2700 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 0 .0000 Cont Area: B39 Hgrade Fsl : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: ' Ent Loss : 0 .000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 i Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P39 386 .270 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P40 386 .270 12 .00 0 . 012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTURS REACH ID No. CB40 i Location : North . 190499.0000 � Str Type : - $ast . 668178 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Flev : 389 .2700 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 0 . 0000 Cont Area: B40 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape $nt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P40 386.460 12 .00 0 .012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 12 HONEY CREEK EAST REVISED POND DESIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURE RF3PORT PROPOSBD STRUCTURB REACH ID ATO. CB400 Location : Sg 100TH CT North . 190118 . 0000 Str 'I�pe : TYPB_1 Fast . 670338 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 444 .3300 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 440 .5000 Cont Area: B400 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 $xit: 0.000 App Vel: O .OQO Junct: d .000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P400 442 .000 12 .00 0 . 012 Upper BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB42 Location : North . 190319 . 0000 Str Type : TYPg_2-48 East . 6685�O . 00�00 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Slev : 397 .75C Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 387 .93C Cont Area: B42 "- -- �- "' '' "' Bend. . . . . : No special shapE Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: O.Guv tipp vei : u . uuu �iurict : o . uu'v �ena: u . �� Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P42 389 .430 24 .00 0 .012 Upper P43 389 .430 18.00 0 .012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB43 Location : North . 190318.0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 668624 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 397 .7500 Area/sump: 4 .04 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 389 .2900 Cont Area: B43 Hgrade F1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Bnt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P43 390 .790 18.00 0.012 Upper P46 390 . 790 18 .00 0 .012 Lower P43A 390 . 79� 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 13 HONEY CR$EK FAST REVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURE RF3PORT EXISTING STRUCTURFs RBACH ID No. CB43A Location : North . 190422 .0000 Str Type : TYP£_2-48 East . 668595.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 399 .4300 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 389. 9300 Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: • Fnt Loss: 0 .000 I3xit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P43A 391.430 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P44 391.430 12 .00 0 .012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTURE R$ACH ID No. CB44 Location : North . 190538. 0000 Str 'I�pe : --- Bast . 668528 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 395 .4200 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 0 .0000 Cont Area: B44 Hgrade P1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Bnt type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .400 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P44 392 .230 12 .00 0.012 Upper P45 392 .230 12 .00 0 .012 Lower $XISTING STRUCZ'iJRE RBACH ID NO. CB45 Location : North . 190522 .0000 Str Type : --- Fast . 668500. 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Fslev : 395 .4200 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 0 . 0000 Cont Area: B45 Hgrade El : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: �nt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: O.00d App Vel: 0 .000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P45 392 .420 12 .Q0 0 . 012 Upper 12/10/06 3:39:10 pm Casey Bngineering page 14 HONEY CR£s$K EAST REVISEU POND DESIGN 2006 STRUCTURF RFsPORT FXISTING STRUCT[TRE REACH ID No. C846 Location : North . 19Q313 .0000 Str Type : --- East . 668810.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 404.1204 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 396 . 7804 Cont Area: B46 Hgrade B1 : O.00dO ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Tsnt type. : Area/sump: £nt Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0.000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P46 398 .280 18.00 0 .012 Upper P47 398.280 18 .00 0 .012 Lower SXISTING STRUCI'�TRB RFACH ID No. CB47 Location : North . 190307 .0000 Str 'I�pe : TYPE_1 Bast . 668856.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 404 .1200 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 399 . 1200 Cont Area: B47 Hgrade El : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Fnt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.040 Exit: 0.400 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P47 400.620 18 .00 0. 012 Upper P60 400.620 18 .00 0 . 012 Lower P48 400. 62Q 12 .00 0 . 012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTUR$ REACH ID No. CB48 Location : North . 190258 . 0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 668855.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Llev : 404 . 1200 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 399 .4400 Cont Area: B48 Hgrade El : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Fsnt type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel : Q. 000 Junct : 0 . 000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fsnd> P48 400 .940 12 .00 4 .012 Upper P97 400 .940 12 .00 d .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 15 HONEY CREEK EAST RgVISSD POND DBSIGN 2006 STRUCTURF RBPORT PROPOSFsD STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB500 Location : S$ 104TH CT North . 190136 .0000 Str 'I`ype : TYPE_1 $ast . 670316 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim 81ev : 444 .3300 Area/sump: 0. 00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom E1 : 439.0600 Cont Area: B500 Hgrade B1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape gnt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Sxit : 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P500 440.560 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P300 440.560 12 .Q0 0 .012 Lower P400 441.560 12 .00 0 .012 Lower $XISTING STRUCTURS R$ACH ID No. CB60 Location : North . 190294 .0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 669124 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim 81ev : 423 . 1400 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 416 .5000 Cont Area: B60 Hgrade B1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Snt type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0.000 $xit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P60 418.000 18 .00 0 .012 Upper P61 418. 000 18 .00 0.012 Lower PROPOSED STRUCTURE RBACH ID No. CB600 Location : SE 100TH CT North . 190056 .0000 ' Str Type : TYPS_1 $ast . 670216.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 443 .5100 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom Bl : 440 .2900 Cont Area: B600 Hgrade B1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > cBnd> P600 441 .790 12 .00 0.012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey �ngineering page 1� HONSY CR$BK EAST RBVISED POND D$SIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURE REPORT EXISTING STRUCTUR$ REACH ID No. CB61 Location : North . 190288 .0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 669362 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 434 .0400 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 426 .3100 Cont Area: B61 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape gnt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss : 0.000 Sxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 . 000 Junct : 0 . 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <8nd> P61 427 .810 18 .00 0.012 Upper P62 427 .810 18.00 0 .012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTUR£ R$ACH ID NO. CB62 Location : SB 100TH ST North . 190270 . 0000 Str Type : BXISTING SYSTSM Bast . 669975 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 443 .6400 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 438 . 1400 Cont Area: B62 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Snt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Sxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P62 437 . 180 18 .00 0 .012 Upper P63 437 . 188 18 .00 0 .012 Lower P62A 439 . 64d 12 .00 0.012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CB62A Location : S$100TH ST North . 190220 .0000 Str Type : TYPB_1 East . 669985 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 446 . 9400 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom E1 : 441. 9400 Cont Area: B62A Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape 8nt type. : Area/sump: �nt Loss: 0 .000 Fsxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 . 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P62A 443 .440 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P800 443 .44� 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey �ngineering page 17 HONEY CREFsR FAST RSVISBD POND D$SIGN 2006 STRUCTUR$ RBPORT TXISTING STRUCTURB REP,CH ID No. CB63 Location : Sg 100TH ST North . 190250 .0000 Str Type : BXISTING STRUCTURB Bast . 670110 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 445.7000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom gI : 436 .4800 Cont Area: B63 Hgrade $1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0.000 Sxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 . 000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P63 437 .980 18.00 0 .012 Upper P64 437 .98Q 18.00 0 .012 Lower P63A 442 .480 8 .00 0 .012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTUR$ REACH ID No. CB63A Location : S$ 100TH ST North . 190220 .0000 Str Type : TYPB_1 East . 670100 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 445.5800 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1: 441.7800 Cont Area: B63A Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape 8nt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P63A 443 .280 8 .00 O.Q12 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURF3 REACH ID No. CB64 Location : SS 100TH ST North . 190202 .000� Str Type : TYPE_1 $ast . 670196 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 443 .8800 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom fil : 437 .4600 Cont Area: B64 Hgrade E1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Bnt Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P64 438 .960 18 .00 0 .012 Upper P65 438 .960 18 .00 0 .012 Lower P64A 439 . 980 8 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey $ngineering page 18 HONEY CREgK BAST REVISBD POND DESIGN 2006 STRUCTURE REPORT BXISTING STRUCTURF3 REACH ID No. CB64A Location : SE 100TH ST - BXISTING North . 190174 .0000 Str 'I�rpe : TYPE_1 Bast . 670173 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Flev : 443 .9100 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 440 .6800 Cont Area: B64A Hgrade E1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss: 0.000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P64A 442 .180 8.00 0.012 Upper BXISTING STRUCTUR$ REACH ID NO. CB65 Location : S$ 100TH SS - BXISTING North . 190074.0000 Str T�pe : TYPB_1 Sast . 670347 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 444 .7800 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom E1: 438 .3800 ' Cont Area: B65 Hgrade E1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .040 Exit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P65 439 .880 18 .00 0.012 Upper F66 441 .180 12 .00 Q.012 Lower P500 440 .380 12 .00 0.012 Lower P65A 441 .180 12 .00 0.012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB65A Location : S$ 100TH ST North . 190083 .0000 Str 'I�pe : TYP�_1 East . 670270 .0040 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 444.7800 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom El : 439 .9800 Cont Area: Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Bxit : 0.000 App VeI : 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P65A 441 .480 12 .00 0.012 Upper P600 441 .480 12 .00 0. 012 Lower � 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey $ngineering page 19 HONSY CRFSK RAST REVISSD POND DBSIGN 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STRUCTURg REPORT $XISTING STRUCTURE RSACH ID No. CB66 Location : SB 100TH ST -�XISTING North . 189978 .0000 Str T�pe : TYPE_1 East . 670461.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 445 .0000 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 440 .8900 Cont Area: B66 Hgrade �l : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0.000 Fxit : 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.000 ' Reach cInvert> <Diam> < n > <End> P66 442 .390 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P67 442 .390 12 .00 0 .012 Lower SXISTING STR�JCTURB RSP,CH ID No. CB67 Location : SF 100TH ST - EXISTING North . 189950 .0000 Str Type : TYPE_1 Bast . 670438 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 445 .0000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 441.1800 Cont Area: B67 Hgrade F1 : O .00OQ ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: O .00d Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .040 Junct: 0. 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P67 442 . 680 12 .00 0 .012 Upper PROPOSED STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB700 Location : 128TH AVE SE North . 190025 .0000 Str Type : TYPB_1 Sast . 670021. 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 447.1600 Area/sump: 0 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $l : 443 .0100 Cont Area: B700 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: �nt Loss: 0 .000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 . 000 Junct: 0. 000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Bnd> P700 444 .510 12 .00 0 .012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey �ngineering page 20 HONEY CRBBFC EAST R$VISgD POND DBSIGN 2006 STRUCTiJR$ REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE R$ACH ID No. CB80 Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189055 .0000 Str 'I�Spe : TYPE I Bast . 669954 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 432 .6000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom S1 : 434 .5300 Cont Area: A80 Hgrade B1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Bnt type. : Area/sump: Fsnt Loss: 0.000 F3xit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P80 436 .030 12 .00 0.012 Upper PROPOSED STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CB800 Location : 128TH AVS SE North . 190190 . 0000 Str Type : TYPB_1 East . 670025.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 447 .1600 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom Fsl: 442 .2000 Cont Area: 8800 Hgrade Fsl : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape $nt type. : Area/sump: $nt Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Snd> P800 443 .700 12 .00 0 . 012 Upper P700 443 . 700 12 .00 0. 012 Lower EXISTING STRUC"TURS REACH ID No. CB81 Location : NS 21ST ST North . 189058 .0000 Str Type : TYPE I East . 669842 . 0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 432 .60Q0 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom gl : 428 .7100 Cont Area: A81 Hgrade gl : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0.000 App Vel : 0.000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P80 430 .210 12 .00 0 .012 Lower PS1 430 .210 12 .00 0 .012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey Engineering page 21 HONEY CRE$R EAST RBVISED POND DESIGN 2006 STRUCTURF REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB82 Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189063 .0000 Str Type : TYPB I East . 669626 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim 81ev : 431.2200 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 427.3300 Cont Area: A82 Hgrade El: 0.0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: fint Loss: 0 . 000 Bxit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P82 428 . 830 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P81 428 .860 12 .00 0 .012 Lower BXISTING STRUCTITR$ REACH ID No. CB83 I Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189063 . 0000 Str Type : TYPB I East . 669598 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 431.0000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom E1 : 426 .5100 Cont Area: A83 Hgrade �1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0. 000 Sxit : 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 4 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P83 428 . 010 12 .00 0.012 Upper P82 428 .010 12 .00 0 .012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURE RBACH ID No. CB84 Location : NE 21ST ST North . 189072 .0000 Str 'I�pe : TYPF I Bast . 669330 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 406 . 9Q00 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 402 .5500 Cont Area: A84 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape $nt type. : Area/sump: Fnt Loss : 0 .000 Bxit: 0.000 App Vel: 0.000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P84 404 .050 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P83 404 .050 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Bngineering page 22 HONSY CREF3K EAST RBVISED POND DFSIGld 2006 _____________________________________________________________________ STRUCTUR£ REPORT EXISTING STRUCTURS RSACH ID No. CB91 Location : North . 189626 .0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 669501.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 437 .5000 Area/sump: 4.00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom El : 0.0000 Cont Area: B91 Hgrade $l: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P91 435 .400 12 .00 0 .012 Upper EXISTING STRUCT'URS REACH ID No. CB92 Location : North . 189924 .0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 669450.0000 �I Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 436 .2000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom E1 : 0.0000 Cont Area: B92 Hgrade S1: 0.0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape 8nt type. : Area/sump: gnt Loss : 0 . 000 Sxit: 0 .000 App Vel : d .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P92 434 .200 12 .00 0 .012 Upper EXISTING STRUCTURS REACH ID No. CB93 Location : North , 190240 .0000 Str 'I�rpe : --- East . 669395.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 435 .0000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 0.0000 Cont Area: B93 Hgrade F1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Snt type. : Area/sump: gnt Loss: 0 .000 gxit: 0.000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0 . 000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P93 432 . 900 12 .00 0 .012 Upper 12/10/06 3 :39 :10 pm Casey Engineering page 23 HONEY CRBBK EAST R$VISBD POND DESIGN 2006 _____________________________________________�_______________________ STRUCTURB R$PORT EXISTING STRUCTURS REACH ID No. CB94 Location : North . 189631.0000 Str Type : --- $ast . 669529.0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim $lev : 437 .3000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 0 .0000 Cont Area: B94 Hgrade B1 : 0 . 0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Snt Loss: 0 .000 £xit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0. 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <$nd> P94 435 .000 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P91 435 .000 12 .00 0 .012 Lower fiXISTING STRUCTURB REACH ID No. CB95 Location : North . 189928 .0000 Str 'I�rpe : --- Bast . 669477 .0000 , Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Blev : 436.3000 '� Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom $1 : 431.4000 �, Cont Area: B95 Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft � Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 . 000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0.000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P95 432 .900 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P94 432 .900 12 .00 0 .012 Lower P92 432 .900 12 .00 0 . 012 Lower EXISTING STRUCTURF REACH ID No. CB96 Location : North . 190253 .0000 Str 'I�pe : --- East . 669420 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 435 .5000 Area/sump: 4 .00 sf/1.50 ft Bottom B1 : 430 .5000 Cont Area: B94 Hgrade Bl : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 . 000 Bxit : 0.000 App Vel : 0 .040 Junct: 0.000 Bend: 0 . 000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P96 432 .000 12 .00 0 .012 Upper P95 432 . 000 12 .00 0 .012 Lower 12/10/06 3 :39:10 pm Casey Engineering page 24 HONEY CRB$K EAST , RBVISFsD POND D$SIGN 2006 -------------------- STRUCTUR£s R$PORT EXISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. CB97 Location : North . 190259 .0000 Str Type : --- Bast . 669126 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 423 .1000 Area/sump: 4 . 00 sf/I.50 ft Bottom Pl : 419.3000 Cont Area: B97 Hgrade E1: 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Ent type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Fxit: 0.000 App Vel: 0 .040 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <Fnd> P97 420 .800 12.00 0 .012 Upper P96 420.800 12 .00 0.012 Lower $XISTING STRUCTURE REACH ID No. OUT1 Location : CONTROL FLOW SPLITTER #1 North . 189982 . 0000 Str T�pe : TYPB II-72 East . 668417 .0000 Str Cat : Catch Basin Rim Elev : 353 .4200 Area/sump: 0 .00 sf/1 .50 ft Bottom B1 : 343 .9200 Cont Area: Hgrade Sl : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape Bnt type. : Area/sump: Ent Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel : 0 .000 Junct : 0 .000 Bend: 0 .000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > <End> P34 343 .924 24 .00 0 .012 Upper SXISTING STRUCTURFs REACH ID No. OUT2 Location : CONTROL FLOW SPLITTER #1 North . 189982 .0000 Str Type : TYPE II-72 East . 668417 .0000 Str Cat : Dummy Structure Rim $lev : 350 .0000 Str Diam : 0.00 in Bottom Fsl : 343 .9200 Cont Area: Hgrade E1 : 0 .0000 ft Bend. . . . . : No special shape �nt type. : Str Diam : Fsnt Loss: 0 .000 Exit: 0 .000 App Vel: 0 .000 Junct: 0 .000 Bend: 0.000 Reach <Invert> <Diam> < n > �Snd> POlA 344 .800 24 .00 0 .012 Upper , ROUND SELF-LOCKING SOLID COVER MARKED "DRAIN" RIM EL.=352.0 STAND. GALV. STEEL LADDER/STEPS CONTROL FLOW SPLITTER NO. TYPE 11-72" (S1) SCALE: 1 "=2' 18" OUT TO POND ROUND SELF-LOCKING SOLID COVER MARKED "DRAIN" RIM EL.=352.0 TOP OF RIM EL.=352.0 MAX WS ELEV =343.56 • 100 -YR MA WS EL=349.09 OVERFLOW EL=349.5 10 -YR MAX WS EL=343.18', 2 -YR -MAX WS EL=342.86 (BOTH RISERS THIS STRUCTURE) STAND. GALV. STEEL LADDER/STEPS FLOW SPLITTER (COMB 1) 5' SHARP CRESTED WIER EL.=342.90 24" CPEP OVERFLOW PIPE SUPPORT(S): ' 3"X.090 GAUGE BOLTED OR IMBEDDED 2" IN WALL AT MAX. 3" SPACING. MIN. 1 SUPPORT =345.64 I.E.=344.0 24" CPEP I.E.=344.0 PIPE SUPPORT(S): 3"X.090 GAUGE BOLTED OR IMBEDDED 2" IN WALL AT MAX. 3' SPACING. MIN. 1 SUPPORT 2 -YR MAX WS EL=3 • .d CONTROL MAN HOLE NO. 2 TYPE 11-72" SCALE: 1"=2' FROP-T SHEAR GATE 18" CPEP I.E. SECOND ORIFICE EL=342.0 ORIFICE 03 =1.5" OUTFLOW EL=336.0 EL=336 BEGIN LIVE STORAGE SECOND ORIFICE DIA.=17.5" EL=341.0 REACH ROD I.E. 18=330.0' I.E. 24"=340.0' ELEVATION CONTROL FLOW SPLITTER NO. TYPE 11-72" SCALE: 1 "=2' NOTES: 1. METAL PARTS: CORROSION RESISTANT. GALVANIZED PIPE PARTS TO HAVE .: ASPHALT TREATMENT 1: 2. FRAME & LADDER OR STEPS OFFSET SO A. CLEANOUT GATE IS VISABLE FROM TOP. B. CLIMB -DOWN SPACE IS CLEAR OF RISER AND CLEANOUT GATE. 3. IF METAL OUTLET PIPE CONNECTS TO CEMENT CONCRETE PIPE, OUTLET PIPE TO HAVE SMOOTH O.D. EQUAL TO CONCRETE PIPE I.D. LESS 1/4". 4. MULT-ORIFICE ELBOWS MAY BE LOCATED AS SHOWN OR ALL ON ONE SIDE OF RISER TO ASSURE LADDER CLEARENCE. FROP-T SHEAR GATE I.E.=330.0 18" CPEP I.E.=330.0 SOLID BOTTOM REMOVEABLE WATERTIGHT COUPLING STANDPIPE ELEVATION PLATE WITH ORIFICE AS • ELBOW DETAIL N.T.S. CASEY ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 1255 FALL CITY, WA 98024-1255 (206) 227-8187 d6 w REV. NO. CLIENT DATE DESCRIPTION APPROVED PROJECT CITY OF RENTON FILE # N 0 coIO EXPIRES 5-13-07 LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC P.O. BOX 146, RENTON,WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 HONEY CREEK / HC EAST STORM DISCHARGE STRUCTURES DRAWN' D.CASEY APPROVED SCALE AS NOTED DRAWING C: \REVISED STRUCTURES DATE APRIL 2007 SHEET 1 OF 1 370 HONEY CREEK EAST EXISTING DOWNSTREAM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM EXHIBIT TO TRACT "B" - HONEY CREEK RIDGE - DIVISION I 54 0 TFALL S.E. 102nd ST. EXIST CB91 S.E. 10A F.L ThICKENED c/3 LP4 CA 4v N N L,4O W W O O O O CB 23 EXIST CB 86 104t1i ST. ;7.. FA,. MICEENED EDGIS .1 FXIST I t \ CB 85 1 1\ \1 pZC