HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1638 7 .t � . ` i. ,.� ' � . r 4 ' • • r a � . r QRl G i N.AL RESOLUTION N0. �fv,3 S A RESOLUTION OF THE Cx�'X 0� RENTONs ti�?ASHIA�TON� DECIARIATG ITS INZENTION TO CONSTRUCT AND I1�STALL �j�gs� j�qA,INS ���]�� �N� A�PUR'T�NANCES �'E�iE1�ET0�3[�I j��JA�FNT TO RAINI�R AVENUE ��T��' n��z�'�'�,����Et�EI�NT�.a1�g�T''���L��Ar�H�F�BLK��6an4J00DYGL�V Addtn. COS'T AI��D ��P�NS� OF �AI� IMPROVEM.,NT AGAINST 'TAlE PROIPERTIES IN SUCH D��TR�CT SPECIA�,I,Y BENEFITED ZIlERE�X; NO'TIF'XIn�G ALL P�RSOAtS T�a�tO MAX UEs.SIRE TO OBJ;CT TO SAID IMPROVEMENT TO APPE.AR AND PRESFsA'T �iE�R QBJ�CTIONS AT A MEETY�G OF THE CITY COUNC�L TO BE HELD ON qUGUST ?.,�, 1�69 � L,I.D. No. 268r BE IT RESOLVCD BX THE MAX�R AND THE CITX COUNCIL 0�' 'THE CIT� OF RENTON, [JA5�I-- II�TON, AS FOLLQ•?S: I SECTION I: Th�t it is the intentzon of fhe Ca.ty Council of the City of Re:z�c=i, Washington� to construct �nd ins�all the followin � incl�d�r_7 g uJatei inains , ., �C�'�'�xxhydr�.�?��&8��ts�s� and appurtenances thereto, in the following described arca oF the City, to—wit: 1. �a) Description of Local Improvement District See Schedule "A" (b) Improvements: Approx. Pipe Si�e ON From To I 12" Duc1-i le Iron Rainier Avenue N. 160 ft. south of to the easter(y Renton Ave. Ext. production of the norther[ Y line of B(ock 6, Woody Glen Addn. There shall be included in the f ore oin the acquisition and installation of � g al� nq�ceesary valaes, �ftt�c���, couplings, connections, equipment and eppus�enances, and the acquieition of eny e;ase�^.r��:s, rights—of—way and �and that mey be required; and tlt�re shall furthes t�� �r^:��.���� '-►+�? performaa�e af such work as may be incidental and t�eces$ary to the foregoing construction atzci ?.ns�t��lation. The City Council may, in its discretion, modify +snd amend the deteils of the $pregoing described �,mpravement, including the financing �hereof, wh�ne �in i.ts judgm�nt i,t appears advisable, provided such modif ications and amendments do not substantially — 1 — • , t �. '� ' ." � . � ' w ' . Y . � } ` ' + II altc�r th� general plan crf said ampx°ovc:m�nt p�oje�te All o� the foregoing Sha�l be in i accordance c�ith the plans and sg�ci�i.catia�s �:hea�efar to be }�repared by the Ci.ty Fngi.neer af thP Czty af Rer��:c��4 � SE�TJE4N �7: ?:t�e e��:a.ze �osfi a�d �x��nse of saxd imp�rav�men�, un�ess hereaft�r ti,mely madi�ied ar amer�dec] ��r t'h� C�.�:r Co►���zcal, sha]ll be bort�e by and ��se�sed aga�nst Che p�operty specially benr�f ited by such imp�o�ement to be included in ths l.ocal i.tnproy+��ent disxri.ct to be es�abl�shEd, emi�recing as near as may be a11 prop�rt�r speci4li� b�nef�.t�d by st�ch im�isovem�nt. '£h�xe �hal� be incl.uded �.n th,e cast and sx�ense o£ sa id �►P�oveme�ts a12 cast items specified in RG"�j7 35e4�e02t�. SECTIOAI iII: Tha� a17. persar�s wh� ma�f c3es�.�e t4 object to the impravemsn� herqin described are hereby noti.fied �,o eppear and present such objections at a meeting o�' the C�ity Cauncil to be held in the Council Chambers o£ �he City Hall, Renton, T�7ash— ingtan, at 8;(�0 P.tri. on August , 25 1969 , which time and place are hereby fi�ced for t}earing �11 �ttsrS relating ta said p�op�sed improveme�t and al� abjections theretc� �nd for de�ermining the methad of payment for said imgrovemen�. The City C1erk sha�1 giv� npt�,ce af said hearing and said proposed impro��ement as requirc�d by 2aw. SP�TION IV: Jack ?7ilsan, C�ty En�ineer, or his duly authorized re�r�sen�ative, z.s her�by diz�ected ta subt�it ta the City Couneil, an or b�fox�e tb.e afa�esaid hearaing �.:���, �a11 deta and in£ormafiian required by l��a to be stzbm�.t�ed„ PASS�D BY 'I'ITE CITY COUI��CIL this/�� day of Ju1-Y . �Rb� 19 6 9 '�..�����..-' �%..�.�-�,">`-"i Hs�.mie i���s4n, Caty Clerk " ' APPRflVEI? BY THE MAXQR this /�`�� a f Ju1y , l -- .� � � OTl�l�t� T'�s CU$tG�'X'� P`Zc3�1OL' _ A�,3k3TUVQtj �$ tfS �OL'iTt: Ger�rd M. "Shel2an, City Attornc�y #�ublic�tian dates: �.�� Net�ice: JUL � 8 1969 a�a r�at�.�e: ,(�L � 5 y95� ., � _ i i . . . . . � . .�. .� � • A� � r . s I 4 � • L. l .D. #268� f EXH f B 1 T "A" r �,��,.�,,.� �.� ��, ��` LEt 1L DESCRIPTION RAIN(ER AVENUE WATER MAfN All those portions of the S.W. one-quarter of Section 7 and the northwest one-quarter of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 E, W.M. lying westerly of Rainier Avenue N.W. (State Highway No. 2) described as fo( lows: f3eginning at a point on the wester(y margin of Rainier Avenue N. (State Highway No. 2) , 150 feet southerly of the southerly margin of Renton Avenue Extension; thence northeasterfy a[ong a [ ine drawn p�rpen- dicularly to said westerly margin a distance of 75 feet to a point on tk�e center line of said Rainier Avenue N. (State Road #2), 235 feet more or fess souther[y from its 1ntersection with the center[ ine of Renton Avenue extension; thence northwesterly afong the centeriine of Rainier Avenue N. a distance of 2,613 feet�, more or less, to an intersection wtth the easterly production of the northerfy line of a ten foot wide walkway be1'ween Blocks 5 and 6, Woody Glen Addition, according to the Plat recot�ded in Volume 47 of P(ats, pages 9f and 92, records of King County, Washington; thence southwesterfy on a Iine drawn perpendicufarly to the wester(y margin of Rainier Avenue N. (State Road No. 2) a distance of i00 feet, more or Iess, to said westerly margin; thence south 58° 16' 01" west along the northerly margin ofi said [0 foot wide waIkway, a distance of 88.32 feet; thence north 80° I5' 0" west a distance of 74.61 feet to an intersection with the wester- ly � ine of Bfock 5, Woody Glen Addition; thence south I8° 7' 0" west a(ong the southerly production of the westerly lines of said Blocks 5 & 6 to the northerly margin of Northwest 6th Street (forrr�rIy South 126th Street) ; 'thence southwesterly a distance of 75 fe�t, more or Iess, to the northwest corner of Block 21 , Latimer's La{:E P�rk Addition, according to the Plat recorded in Volume l8 of P(ats, page 63, records of King County, Washington; thence _ _ . . . . � _ 2. s�ui�he~(y alon�� ;he �;,�este�(y Iine of s�id Block 21 a distance of I40 feet; thence ���:s-�ea�i��t �_,(a;g �ne ���es;eriy �roduction of fihe narl�her[y I ine af Lofi 4, said Black �! � distar�ce o�f 30 feei �-o the cen�erl ine o-F vacated Flardie , Avenue N.t�i. (former[y 91s-t- A��c.nue So.); thence sauther[y along the center( ine , �_ �.. L of sa i r.i vacate,d s� re`t a d i s� ance o� 620 fe�t, more or 1 ess, -Fo the i ntersection with �he ��esterly praduction caf #�hc soufiher(y Iine of Block 20, Latimer's Lake Pat�k Additian; ;-henc^ easter(y a3ong said westeriy production a disfiance af 30 I f22�' 1"O 1"�"1:? 1"iri i'iiC:,"` , �� :)Ciu,^,�". ...� _.i �'IlC t`d��'i�^ct��V 1ICI@ Of �'�OCEC �9� �. �. Latirner's Laku 6^!<�sPi;�rv��1�on Piai�, accorciin to i�he P(at recarded in Volume 6 af I � 9 �, Plats, paGe 70 recorrjs c;- i:in�; Counfi�,,, t�lashinc�tan; fihence sautherty along said r�orl�herly �t'c�duc��ian and s-_�id titiresterly I ine of B{ock 39 a dis�ance of 260 feet; thence easterly alo�� a 1 i ne i'� �=eet na��therly of and para! le( with the sou#her- Iy Iine of F�fock 39 a di�,�a��c� ct 61 .24 feet; thence southerly along a Iine 6i .24 feet east�rl�� c�f and ��araitel wii-h �fihe wesfierty margin of said B1ock 39 a d i si�ance ot 70 -Fee-F -�o �h� souf� I i i�e af sa i d E3 f ock 39; thence southwesfieri y , a dist�nce cf 9Q fev;, mc�rc :�r [ess, ;-o �he �ori�h���es1� cornet' of Block 48, ' N. H. Latimer's La!<.e I�la�i;inc�tc?n P[at; thenca southerfy aiong the westerly , margi n of sai d E;lar.� 4�3 a di�tancc� c�f 12Q fe�t; thence easterly a(ong a I i ne I 120 feet sci.rii���,rE Y� "� �:.rd ;,_ar-rxi I�I ~vi i-h fihe norl�herly ( ine af sai d Slock 48, a distance c�f f2F #�e3-; ni�,,,�=; :�c- Et��;s, tc� �h� ;r�les-ter(y marqi� of �elson Place N.W. ; thence soul�ne<:s��rl�,� �, ��i��-%::��c�, �f �a f,^e;, more or (ess, to the intersection of the �aaterfy rna`�ain ,.,f said i�!�i�o� F'l�c:� Northwest with the westerly margin of said Rainier Avenu� i3. ; i�h�nce so}a�fi�n�;r�:s�-erty along said e�sfierfy mar^gin a distance ofi 40� f�e-{, rra`. c�- i1s-,, �`a ifis int�rsection with fihe easfier(y margin � of Hardie A�,e���.�� ��loi�����.r�s+; 1-��e��c� s��fl�herly along the easterly margin of Hardie IAvenue Northv;esl� -i-c, �f�h�; s�:u��h�,�Jes�i- cor�n�r af E3Jocl< 62, N. I-i. Latimer's L�ke Washingfion Plat; 7�hs;�;a ���a����[y �Iong the soufherly i ine of said B[ock 62 � — — . , .. . .. - . ' , . . . � � � 3. a distance of 5� feet, r�orF or less, io its intersection with the northerlv margin of Renton Flvenue ext�nsion; �hence southeasterly a distance of 105 feet, more or less, to a point on the souther[y margin of said Renton Avenue extension, (50 -Feet westerly of its intersection ���ith the w�sterfy margin of said Rainier /�venue N. ; thence so�ith 2° 10' 0" east a distance of 86 feet, more or less, to an intersection ���ith a Iine dra�,�n �erpendicu(ar[y to the westerly margin of said Rainier Avenue N. from a point 150 feet southerly of its intersection with the southerly margin of the Renton Avenue ex-�ension; thence easterly along said perpendicular fine a distance of [05 feet, more or les,s, to a point on the westerfy margin of said Rainier Avenue N. , 150 feet southerly of the southerly margin of Renton Avenue extension; the point of beginning.