HomeMy WebLinkAbout03187 - Technical Information Report Shamrock—Technical information Report ��� .� 3 i��- Prepared For: CamWest Real Estate Development, Inc. 9720 NE 120`h Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034 Issued March 25, 2004 Revised June 23, 2004 Revised August 3, 2004 �p s. cv �L oF �` Hi W�� f�° ` 2� ' r �� 9 `, ` lSTER� L\ , S�U,1�.AL �-^' 3 D�� Prepared By: EXPIRES 11/15/t� Ben Rutko«�ski Reviewed By: Rebecca Cushman, PE 6/23/04 Job #01-159 ` TRI,,� �� ., Shamrock—Technical Information Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT OVERVIE«�........................................................................................................................1-1 2 COI�DITIO�IS A1VD REQUIREMENTS SLm1A'IARY.......................................................................2-1 2.1 CO►tE REQUIttEn�ENTS......................................................................................................................2-1 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................3-1 4 FLO�'�'CONTROL AND VVATER QU.�LITY DESIGN....................................................................4-1 4.l PONDDESIGN...................................................................................................................................4-2 5 CO�IVEYANCE SYSTEM A1�IALYSIS&DESIGN...........................................................................5-1 6 SPECIAI,REPORTS AND STUDIES..................................................................................................6-1 fi.l VVETL.4NDRECHARGE................................................................................................................•--�--6-1 7 OTHER PERI�-iITS.................................................................................................................................7-1 8 TESC�1VALYSIS AND DESIGlv.........................................................................................................8-1 9 BOnD QUANTITIES,F:�CILITY SL1�I1�I:�RIES,A1VD DECL:��TI01�1 OF COVEnA1VT......9-1 9.1 BONDQUAVTITIES...........................................................................................................................9-1 9.2 FACILI"TY SUMh1ARIE5..................................................................................�-----................._......._.._.9-1 9.3 DECLARATION OF COVENANT..........................................................................................................9-1 10 OPER�TIONS AND 1��IAINTENANCE.............................................................................................10-1 813I04 � Page i Job#01-159 -1-��.a� King County Department of Development and.Environmenta! Services TECHNICAL tNFORMATlON REPORT (TiR) WORKSHEET , _ -. . Pari:1..`PRO>1FET OWNER AN�: _ ,;: = . Part_2 PRE3dEGT LOEA"FtON'AN[}- :. . , . . PEftOJECT ENGINEEA _- = DESCRIFT.ION�'. - _ Project Owner Project Name �am West Real Estat� Shamrock Address Location 9720 NE 120th P1 �100, Kirkland Township 23 N Phone (425) 825-1955 Range 5 E Project Engineer ----�--���---Section 10 RPb _r.�a �i�shman� PF Company Tri aci A��o _i ate� Address/Phone�li25) 821-8448 Part'� :TYPE OFPERMIT. Part 4. OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMTTS APPLICATION . X Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision COE 404 X Rockery Grading DOE Dam Safery Structural Vaults Commercial FEMA Floodplain X OtherKe.�stone Wall OSher COE UJetfands Part 5 SCTE COMMUNtTY AND�DRAINAGE BASIN Community iJewcastle �ommunity Planninq Area Drainage Basin �edar River Drainaqe Basin/ may Creek Draina�e Sasin Part:6 SfTE;CHARAGTERI.ST(GS: River Floodplain X Wetlands Siream Seeps/Springs Critical Stream Reach X High Grouncfwater Table Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge Lake Other Steep S►opes I ; - � _ . - _ �,Par�7 :=50tLS -,� .. _ _- Soil�"ype Slopes Erosion Potentiai , Erosive Velcoties � Alderwood 0-b� �linht_ SZ� '�, Additional Sheets Attached Patt"8: DEVELOPMENT C:IIVI}7'ATJONS REFERENCE LIMITATlON/StTE CONSTRAINT Ch_ 4-Downstream Anafysis Additional Sheets Attached Par1 9 ESC RECIUIREMENTS N1iNfh4UM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURI�JG CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTFiUCTION XSedimentation Facilities x Stabilize Exposed Surface X�tabifized Construction Entrance X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities XPerimeter Runoff Control X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris XClearing and Graing Restrictions X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities XCover Practices X Flag Limits of SAO and open space XConstruction Sequence preservation areas Other Other ;�arE i�� S�IRFACEINA.TEE�-S'�1��[v�_.' ' - " XGrass Lined Tank Infiftration Method of Analysis Channel KCRTS Vauft Depression X Pipe System X Compensation/Mitigati Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site XOpen Channe! X Weiland Waiver Storage Dry Pond Stream Regionat XWet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation On-site con�eyance system (Pipe/swale) will con�ey runoff to the Detention/Water Quality Ponds Facility Related Siie Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYS{S Part 12 .EASENIENTSJTRACTS Cast in Place Vault �Drainage Easement y Retaining Wafl Access Easement r� Rockery> 4' High Native Grov✓th Protection Easemenf Structural on Steep Slcpe fTr2ct Other Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER t or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site_ Actuat site condrtions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and ihe attachments. To the best of my kno e� e the iniormation provided here is accurate. , � f` -� % ---- .��s'' , Si neci/Date Shamrock–Technical Information Report 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW � The roject proposes to create 11 single-family lots on an a roximatel 4.68 acre ro ert . II P PP Y p P Y Approximately 4.37 acres will be developed, with the remainder left as protected wetlands and associated buffers. The portion of the project under the City of Renton review is part of the larger development of Shamrock. The site is north of NE 4`h Street, west of 148'h Avenue SE. The property is vvithin Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Please see the Y'iciriitv,'�1ap belo«�. �� �,.�� � � � � :,, i � �- � r�, � ac,� � � qo�, � �,�� ��� �� <�, I MAY VALLE � �CL�NTY FARK -p I �"Z z ' I � T��v - ' I S `� � 'S-90U �\ \, � �'O I Q SE ;76fh ST � �£ 117th W � c� � CT �� �����'�, _ , IJ �Ll � Ij _ Q � __i- � � SE ;20th =� � Q ry $7 � Q � " ������ ' = �I f � � r ��. `24th y � CG'ALF_!LC FARK�^ I ---- p c��h � � � ----- � >c� � e � 'Q Q �I r � PAR� ;✓ !-4 5 i �' I ,� ;� �r�, I _--_ .- — � P � , P,rE�4t� Si R�"E i- i � --� ��/�� � j — I � a I S£ I?2n0 ST `, I I i I � I SE �33.d CT Q� L�— I � � ` � � � I w --t----�----I I i r� � i � ; � � —--! � ' u � �'ICINITY I�tAP ,'�'ot to Scale Site �-isits ���ere performed on Julti� ?, 2G01, July l5, 2002 and July 14, 2003. Refer to the Level 1 Do��nstream Analysis in Section 3 for description of the site under predeveloped conditions. � 8!3/04 Page 1-1 Job #01-159 ��Rj,�� _�--__ Shamrock—Technical Information Report 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY I� 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location ��, Please refer to the Level 1 Dow-nstream Analysis in Section 3 for a description of the basin. In the developed condition, a portion of the flow will be routed to an onsite pond and a portion will be allowed to bypass the detention facility as wetland recharge. The pond releases to the existing comreyance system located along S.E. 128`h Street. 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis Please see Section 3. 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control See Section 4. A level 2 detention standard has been applied. 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System See Section 6— Conveyance S��stem ,�nalvsis and Design. 2.1.5 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control See Section 8 - Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Analysis and Design. 2.1.6 Core Requirement #fi: Operations and Maintenance This is a privately maintained system, operations a maintenance manual is provided in Section 10. 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Bonds and Liability See Section 9 — Bond Quantity Work Sheet, Retention,�Detention Facility Summary, and Declaration of Covenant. 8/3/04 Page 2-1 Job#01-159 �TRI:aD � Shamrock—Technical Information Report 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality See Section 4—This project will use the Basic Water Quality i�lenu and �vilt utilize the "Dead Stora�e"method. 2.1.9 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements 21.9.1 Critical Drainage Areas I�Tot applicable. l�iaster Drainage Plan Not applicable. Adopted Basins or Communit�� Plans According to the King County Basin Reconnaissance Pro�ram, the site is located �vithin the East Lake VVashington sub-basin of the Cedar Draina�7e Basin. Lake 1��lanagement Plans 'vot applicable. Shared Facility Drainage Plans I�ot applicable. 2.1.10 Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation The limits of this project do not lic in a 100-vear floodplain. 2.1.11 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities This special requirement is required for projects «�ith a Class 1 or 2 streams «�ith an existin� flood protection facility. The site �1oes not contain the abo��e-mentioned itelns. 8�3/04 Page 2-2 Job #01-159 �TRI.�D Shamrock—Technical Information Report 2.1.12 Special Requirement #4: Source Controls Not applicable. This project is not a commercial, industrial, multifamily or a redevelopment of a commercial, industrial or multifamily project. 2.1.13 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control Not applicable. This project is not proposing to de�-elop or redevelop a high-use site. 8/3/04 Page 2-3 Job #01-159 /-rRI.� �-- , _ Shamrock—Technical Information Report ', 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS Please refer to Level 1 Downstream Analysis prepared by Triad Associates and dated July 29, 2002, revised January 19, 2004 enclosed. The analysis was prepared for the entire Shamrock project, including the King County portions north of the subject site. 6/23/2004 Page 3-1 Job#01-159 ��-Rj�� �, , � Shamrock Level 1 DotivnstreafTz .=�fral��sis King County, VVashington Date: 1/19/04 Job # 01-159 Revision Date(s) 6/29/2002 9/12/2003 5/26/2004 8/03/2004 Prepared By: Ben Rutkowski Schwin Chaosilapakul Reviewed By: Rebecca Cushman, PE Shamrock LEVEL 1 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS King County, Washington Prepared For: Prepared For: CamWest Real Estate Development, Inc. Issued July 29, 2002 Revised September 12, 2003 Revised January 19, 2004 Revised May 26, 2004 Revised August 3, 2004 C p, S. C OF '`� ii S ti�� , . ti�ti ,:� �„ � '�� � z , N � � � 59 `, ;. ~ �rSTr��` ,� ( S�(��.�� �.�` F g13�� l Prepared By: EXPIRES 11/15/r� Schwin Chaosilapakul Ben Rutko���ski Reviewed By: Rebecca Cushman, PE Shamrock- Level 1 Downstream Analysis Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................1 2 SITE....................................................................................................................2 3 UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS.................................................................2 3.1 Upstream Basin.................................................................................................................. 2 4 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS...........................................................3 4.1 Onsite Runoff...................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Offsite Runoff...................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Downstream Capacity........................................................................................................ 5 4.4 Downstream Drainage Problems...................................................................................... 8 5 RESOURCES USED FOR ANALYSIS.............................................................10 5.1 Sensitive Areas Fo/io....................................................................................................... 10 5.2 King County Basin Reconnaissance Program.............................................................. 10 5.3 Soils Survey for the King County Area .......................................................................... 10 5.4 King County Community Planning Area........................................................................ 10 6 DRAINAGE CONCEPT.....................................................................................11 Appendix.................................................................................................................. A Existing Conditions Exliibit Developed Conditions Exhihit Downstream Drainage Exhibit Tributary Areas Exhibit Soils Map and Legend, Hl•drologic Soils Group Tcrble Sensitive Areas Folio King County Basin Reconnaissance Pr-ograrri King County Community Planning Area Complaints E_xcerpt from Sienna Irnprovement Plans (6 Sheets� Photos Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 1 INTRODUCTION Shamrock is a 34.5 acre site spanning both King County and the City of Renton jurisdictions. The total proposed project will contain 129 lots. The King County portion of the project proposes to create 118 single-family lots (74 lots will utilize Low Impact Development) on an approximately 29.8 acre property. This Technical Information Report (TIR) is for the King County and Renton portions of the project. The Vicinity Map below shows the City of Renton boundary. The part of the site outside the City of Renton boundary is subject to King County DDES review. The site is north of 128`h Street SE, west of 148`h Avenue SE. The property is within Section 10, To��nship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Please see the Vicinity Map below. ' — i �: � �`���- � � � ' �r� ,_a�� � soc'' `'-°� � MAY VALLt� ��F� rI �CUNTY PARK -p�ZO .. x T � �� ' �S -- y s,`Pli W Q � \ I I Q SE 116th ST � �SE ;r7tn w ��� � � S T �� a � IS'C0; �� � Q _�� ¢ �- <��n � � m �, � ,��,� ,� W COALFt1�C �" "' "�I PAP,K� i��c� � ! _ Krr�� �"� sQ=IQ— —_ � r I --- TO l-4 5 RG'd� ,�n� ,� e o%`�' � PAkK� _ �% er ' � I j rr��arn sr ���lT� Y , ���� I � � i , � � � ` �r3z�e sr � Sf 13J.tl C7 Q I � T `I � � � I � -T-I-� �-�--J r--� _ , i i � r I i-- VICINITY 1�IAP Not to Scale Site visits were performed on July 2, 2001 and July 15, 2002 and July 14, 2003 to observe the upstream and downstream drainage conditions. The follo��-ing analysis is based on these site visits and related research of available records. August 3, 2004 Page 1 , Job # 01-159 � 1'TRIAD � �. � ,,. Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 2 SITE The existing site is a wholesale nursery with two residences and several outbuildings that will be demolished (see E.xisting Conditions Exhibit, in Appendix). The site generally slopes from the east to �vest. An onsite wetland exists on the northwestern portion of the site. Slopes range from 2-12 %with pasture ground cover. The site exists within tti�vo basins. 3 UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS 3.1 Upstream Basin There are several upstream areas that are tributary to the site. Areas 1 and 2 are tributary to the portion of the site that is within the May Creek sub-basin. Please see Section 5 in the Technical Information Report (TIR) for detentionh�vater quality issues. Area 3 is tributary to the Lo���er Cedar River sub-basin portion of the site located in both King County and the City of Renton. Please see Section 5 in the TIR for detention/water quality issues. Area 4 is tributary to the wetland only and «-i11 not affect drainage. Areas 5 and 6 �vere previously assumed to be tributary to the site. Ho�vever, additional topography revealed that it is either tributary to parcels to the west (Honey Brook) or to the wetland located on the west side of the site. Upstream from the southeast section of the site is a development called Morgan Place which contributes approximately 3 acres. Please see the Tributary Areas Exhibit located in the appendix. The site contains slopes ranging from 2-10%, predominately in the w�esterly direction consisting primarily of pasture, some light forest, wetland and h��o existing houses. Refer to the Tributary Areas Exhibit at the end of this report. , August 3, 2004 Page 2 Job #01-159 � �TRI� Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis I 4 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Refer to the Dotiti�nstream Df-ainage E,rhibit and Upstream Tributa�y ,'liap from the Loken/Johnson Report, Sheets 1 and 2 from the approved King County Project L02SR037 and Sheets 10, 11 and 15 from the approved City of Renton Project of Sienna at the end of this report. 4.1 Onsife Runoff North Approximately 17.0 acres of the northern portion of the site slope from east to west. Slopes range from 2-12 %. This northern portion of the site is tributary to two onsite wetlands located in the northwestern portion and north-central portion of the site. The northwestern wetland discharges to the north and south, �vhereas the north-central ��-etland discharges to the north onlv. South The remainder of the site drains in a south«est to south direction over Qentle slopes. Runoff is collected in an existing detention pond located north of the intersection of SE 128`h Street and 146`" Ave. SE. Specifically, at the southeast corner of the southernmost parcel of the site. Runoff from the pond discharges south offsite beneath SE 128`h Street through a 42- inch pipe. August 3, 2004 Paqe 3 Job #01-159 v '�TRIAD ,��-- KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPHPROGRAMS Version 4.21 B 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 -MODIFIED SBUHYD 4- ROUTE 5 - ROUTE2 6 -ADDHYD 7 -BASEFLOW 8 - PLOTHYD 9 - DAT'A 10 - RDFAC 11 - RETURN?O DOS ENTER OPTION: , 2 SBUH/SCS METHOD FOR COMPUTING RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH STORM OPTIONS: 1 - S.C.S. TYPE-lA ' 2- 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: 1 � S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION i, � ENTER: FREQ(YEAR), DURATION(HOUR), PRECIP(INCHES) 100, 24, 3.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.95" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 , 123.�7, 86, 36.06, 98, 30 , _ � � �� . -�I�ATA PRINT-OUT: ,r-�j.�j} � �. . �S�#` �' '� F AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(�41NUTES) i , r(��'�` A C N A C N "" 159.4 123.4 86.0 36.1 98.0 30.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) � � 7.83 1597141 , ' ;� ��tf �rf�<.� ,r,. �.� ; Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 4.2 Offsite Runoff North Discharge from the north half(+/-) of the onsite northwestern wetland flows offsite to the north through a 12-inch CMP and a 6-inch concrete culvert and into a pond in the adjacent property. The pond discharges north into a wetland, then to Honey De��� (Honey) Creek `Vhich, according to the December 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio, is an unclassified stream in the May Creek Sub-Basin. The north-central v��etland discharges to the north and connects with the off-site wetland described above. Honey Dew Creek combines with May Creek over two miles downstream (north) of the site. May Creek is in the Cedar River Drainage basin and ultimately discharges into Lake Washington. South Runoff to the south flows through a 36-inch pipe under NE 4th Street then into a ditch behind a residence at 14415 SE 128th St. (It is possible that this pipe is an arch-culvert. Survey provided shows 36- inches in the manhole on the north side of NE 4th and 42" in the manhole on the south side of NE 4th). The ditch on the south side of NE 4th Street ran� from 2 to 3 feet deep and then travels under an ill-defined driveway via an 18-inch cul�� No formal drainage complaints were provided by King County or the City of Rent� ho�vever, overtopping of the ditch was noted on November 14, 2001 during a site visit on the Sienna Project. The storm«�ater appeared to be 2-3 feet below the existing house and did not enter the area behind the home within the chain link fence (Please refer to the photos located in the appendix). It is also my understanding that a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City to develop this parcel and tight-line the stormwater through their site. Once the stormwater reaches the south property line of this parcel, the storm water enters the north property line of a new development (Sienna). The flow is then picked up by the 36-inch bypass conveyance pipe within the Sienna development and continues in a southerly direction until passing the quarter-mile do��-nstream point at its intersection ���ith SE 132nd Street. From there, the flow continues to travel in the 36-inch pipe approximately 200 feet �+�est on SE 132"d Street before changing course to the south on 144'h Avenue SE. The flo�� then travels south on 144`h Avenue SE for approximately 600 feet ���here it connects to a ?4- inch cross culvert. The flow then continues to the ���est in a defined stream channci. August 3. 2004 Page 4 Job K 01-159 � ` T�lal� Shamrock— Levei 1 Downstream Analysis 4.3 Downstream Capacity There appears to be a capacity issue ��ith a ditch located south of NE �th Street that runs beriveen the 36" pipe under NE 4th Street and the Sienna project (see below). The ditch ranges from 2 to 3 feet deep and several feet wide. No formal drainage complaints were provided by King County or the City of Renton; however, overtopping of the ditch was noted on November 14, 2001 during a site visit on the Sienna Project. The stormwater appeared to be 2-3 feet belo��v the existing house and did not enter the area behind the home within the chain link fence (Please refer to the photos located in the appendix). It is also my understanding that a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City to develop this parcel and tight-line the stormwater through their site. Once the stormwater reaches the south property line of this parcel, the storm «-ater enters the north property line of a ne�y� development (Sienna, see e�cerpt belo���). The Sienna project included the design of an upstream bypass conveyance line. The sizing of this pipe system was based on assumptions made of the upstream basin. These assumptions w•ere made based on limited topography. As a result of more detailed topography, it is found that the original assumptions are conservati��e. Please see the Tribi�taf-i� �ir-eas Exl�ibit located at the end of this report. The follo���ing is an excerpt from the Final Conected Technical Information Report pro�-ided to King County under Permit#L02SR037 dated September 16, 2002. Begin Excerpt Conveyance for Upstream Flows The KCRTS IS-minute time step was used to deterrnine the overatl flows tributtiry to the pipe system conveyance. 67.2 acres upstream area has been recently developed. Those areas pertaining to netiv development il�ere modeled zssing the information obtained from previoi�s Technical hzforn�atiori Reports. The remaining areas were modeled using approved Teclinical Irrformation Repor-ts, Aerial maps c�nd actual surve��. All of NE 4`h Street right-of- tivay tivas assacmed impe�vious. .An additiorral 7.81 cfs from the 100 year outflow of tl�e detention pond from the City> of Rentorz approved pYoject of Sienna was added at CB 4 rnaking the total flotivs piped at 75.41 cfs. Please see the atpstrearri tributan� map. The August 3, 2404 Page 5 Job i# 01-159 � `TRI.=�D �..__ Shamrock-Level 1 Downstream Analysis following is the ground coi�er breakdolvn of the 159.43-acre tributary area upstream and the KCRTS I S-rninute time step pr-intout. Till Forest: 74.94 acre YT'etland.• 4.81 acre Till Pasture: 9.76 acre Impervious: 36.06 acre Till Grass: 33.86 acre Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:jan28. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS1 (CFS) Period 20.50 6 2/09/O1 12:30 67.60 1 100.00 0.990 14.40 7 1/05/02 15:00 44.13 2 25.00 0.960 44.13 2 12/OS/02 17:15 25. 62 3 10. 00 0.900 13. 82 8 8/23/04 14:30 24.49 4 5. 00 0.800 25.62 3 11/17/04 5:00 21. 65 5 3. 00 0.667 21.65 5 10/27/OS 10:45 20.50 6 2. 00 0.500 24.49 4 10/25/06 22:45 14.40 7 1.30 0.231 67. 60 1 1/09/08 6:30 I3.82 8 1.30 0. 091 Computed Peaks 59. 78 50. 00 0.980 TI71S COIlveyance system has been designed to convey flows atp to the 100 year storm lvithout , overtopping. Freeboard Tables fro►n Storm Se►ver Oe�tput Lpstream Tributary Pipe Sy�stem Catch Basin Rim Elev. HGL Elev. Freeboard outfa!!-1 410.00 409.08 0.92 1-u stream 410.00 409.10 0.90 2 415.80 409.96 5.84 3 420.10 411.96 8.14 4 421.84 419.37 2.46 5 428.50 423.27 5.23 6 430.65 424.72 5.92 7 431.32 425.43 5.88 8 432.52 429.49 3.02 9 433.00 430.17 2.82 10 431.25 430.88 0.37 End Excerpt August 3, 2004 Page 6 Job #01-159 :�TRI.n� Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis Additional survey and analysis on the King County portion of the Shamrock project determined that 3.11 acres are tributary to a wetland located at the north central boundary. This wetland flows to the north. In addition, 11.67 acres tributary to the western wetland also flo��v to the north instead of the south providing a net 14.78 acres that are not tributary to the above mentioned pipe system «rhen it was evaluated for the Sienna project. Therefore, the assumed calculated flows of 67.6 cfs to the bypass conveyance system are more conservative with less tributary area. August 3, 2004 Page 7 Job # 01-159 ,� TRII�D � � �, Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis 4.4 Downstream Drainage Problems North According to King County VVater & Land Resources Division, there have been no recent problems downstream of this project. The complaints that have been documented are associated �vith downstream properties near the East Renton project. These complaints are over 12 years old. King County suggests not following up on any complaints before 1990 due to their age, development that has occurred, etc. Additionally, no complaints have been documented at those addresses for 12 years, so the problem most likely has been corrected. The complaints are linked to a private home drainage system and a private road washout due to no drainage system rather than flooding, or erosion of the large drainage course that our site will discharge to. Since no complaints have been documented at this location in the last 12 years, it is assumed that corrections have been made as a result of subsequent development. South According to complaints compiled by the King County ���ater and Land Resources Division, several instances of flooding have been reported in areas near the downstream drainage path of the site. Problems of flooding and drainage in the area south of the Sienna project seem to have been alleviated with the recent installation of a 36-inch pipe system sho��n in the Downstream Drainage Exhibit. Details of complaints are included at the end of this report. Since the installation of the 36-inch conveyance system there has been one downstream complaint. This complaint comes from the resident at the address of 5511 NE 2nd Street. The resident complains of the roadside ditch overtopping. Per conversations with Ron Straka with the City of Renton, this is not considered a major issue and the City currently does not have plans for maintenance. In addition, available topography suggests that potential over- flows from the Sienna project «-ould flow east along 3rd Street to Lyons Avenue, then south along the west side of Lyons Avenue rather than further east to the subject property. A copy of this complaint along with photographs can be found in the Appendix. �lso see the Downstream Drainage Map#2 included at the end of this report. August 3, 2004 Page 8 Job# 01-159 �TRLaD ,.�..-- _ Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis ' One parcel adjacent to the south side of NE 4th street has potential flooding problems in the back yard. No formal drainage complaints «-ere provided by King County or the City of Renton; however, overtopping of the ditch ��ras noted on November 14, 2401 during a site visit on the Sienna Project. The stormwater appeared to be 2-3 feet below the existing house and did not enter the area behind the home within the chain link fence (Please refer to the , photos located in the appendix). It is also my understanding that a preliminary plat has been ' submitted to the City to develop this parcel and tight-line the stormwater through their site. August 3, 2404 Page 9 Job #01-159 f�TRIAD ,�-=�= � � Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis 5 RESOURCES USED FOR ANALYSIS Refer to the appendix for a copy of the following maps and figures. 5.1 Sensitive Areas Folio Maps from the Kin� County Sensiti��e Areas Folio, dated December 1990, sho«- that the site is not in a sensitive area ��vith regards to seismic hazards, coal mines, landslide hazard, erosion hazard, streams or�;-etlands. 5.2 King County Basin Reconnaissance Program According to the King County Basin Reconnaissance Program, the site is located within the Lower Cedar River sub-basin of the Cedar River Drainage Basin and the Honey Creek sub- basin of the May Creek Draina�e Basin. 5.3 Soi/s Survey for fhe King County Area The site is underl�►in «�it}� Alderwood aravell�� sand�� loam accordin� the Soils Survey for the Kin�� County Area. 5.4 King County Community Planning Area The site is located ���ithin the Ne«�castle Community Planning Area. August 3, 2004 Page 10 Job #01-159 JTRIAD _- Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 6 DRAINAGE CONCEPT The proposed drainage system ���ill consist of road and ditch section to convey the street runoff. Roof and footing drains serving individual lots will be directed to swale systems which will increase travel times, convey runoff, as well as provide water quality treatment. All conveyance, detention, and «-ater quality systems will be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual. It is anticipated that there will be t�vo detention facilities. One facility will be near the western border of the site at the end of SE 124`h St. The second facility will be located south of the site on the Bales Property (reviewed under the City of Renton jurisdiction). A public storm drainage easement will be required to convey site runoff across the Bales Property to the detention facility. This facility will be sized to accommodate both the Shamrock Plat and the Bales Plat. The portion of the site beri�-een SE 124`h Street and the northern boundary ��-ill incotporate Low Impact Development (LID) concepts. The LID concepts utilized are amended soils for increases infiltration, open swales used for the conveyance system to attenuate flow rates and roadways slopes in one direction to decrease the need for cross culverts. Roof and footing drains will drain to open swales or dispersion trenches via a perforated drain pipe. This will increase the time of concentration to the proposed pond. Additionally, the public right-of- way has been narrowed and private drainage tracts have been created to reduce the need for public maintenance. The portion of the site between SE 124`h Street and the southern boundary will be designed using standard development methods. August 3, 2004 Page 11 Job # 01-159 �TRI�aD �- Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis Appendix August 3, 2004 Page A Job #01-159 '�TRLaD �-- �cu��hrnon, Mav ?6_ 2004 - 71:24�m � E \PROJECT� '\DWGFiles\Enginee�ing Exhibi(s\LE�EL 1\011.59 L 1-EC.dwg, n ���� ��� , . , ,, I . . . � H ; '�� , � I � 9 C� I � ; � � � ����....__ �t��! ....... °, - � , , ; 1 .. . �'� +{ l �--- -,-.- ---�: � , . , t , . 2 �° � ,` , , 1�'�� ,= � � �. ._.. ► , ` 'l }���, , /��}��r p �--� y , t ; \ � � ' � � ��ti � !. f .i� �C� � , ��� '� �t"�'! � '�'� 'MY`:L.+��,_�,..1���y �yI��..��/'�• '�, `{ey , � ,;�' � � '� .�•,.......... . . . . �. t�": ..� 1 7"/1 v�l.��i.�'�/��'1"��t � �/��lLI� �� t 1,� \ , .;.4 i.: I. ���.. .'��., � . , .� � � �V , ...•� ��^.., :':... ��. . �l M a� � 4��� �C�M.:�l��_4 . �' �_.1' . �1 11� t_���\���� � �i.�� 1 � ' �Yr i L�_ � • �� � � . � ;� ��� I.. , .} � ' .' .. . �_ ^� `5 �� -�� ' ' ♦1„� S�'����� A��;. � ... � �" `� -' ��� � \ l' t + � T � ,� . � � � ! �, I; � ` , . � ' /. � . �/ , .�� � �\ � �. � �; � ` i � ,\ ti�'�t;�\,1,;�11:�.�1 } ��.1�ib� �,�' \ - ..� ., � . ... i,.,. i �� / � � � � � ` � � `; l _ � � �� . ;�i�� � ,',� � ���` � � i �-' _, � ��. �. � � \ \• �� � i1 f��r � E ,� � �t � I` t i,� 1t t 1�t��,} y I � � ,'.�,' ,� � ..w.,.�...W..,, �,,,.� � , � 1 �\; � ,�� t t ��1�_ 1 4 ��' � , . � I _..... . ...:..�.' _„__ '� -�--=,•�-Vr ......C.,�.,...... � �' l..,,.v.t �� � 1�� � ;�1�1 1 4 1 4�,'�"""� I2��,1 � ����'i �� .... . ` . ,;` � .� � ! ^' .,+ r-^'�'`'-�-^r-,�...i-�..a�_ +.45 1,,.,�...3e`f ...�.a �� I"�....—� �. . . . . � �' r*� I ��� �.��'� � : �`, � � ��� .,...,.,.W f �����1���� Y �� � � `a' 1 � 1f�. � ` 1���`�� � � 1 ����� � � � , 1 � � t ����; � � � ' � .� � > ' � � u S � � �'� ; y , rr,�i I��� � � � 1 i r t � ! , � . l � ; ��� � �� � t � 1 � ,` � I ` '�� \ 1 i � I �� �� � � ,� � � i � ;�� L ,� �I,,,. 1 i L��5� a { ��� ` �..�`. . . . .�—=—L^ �� ��� � � � . .. . � �� .� �� �1��..1�,� �:�. j��� i �1�r, j}� t �� ' � �A t I �� � �( �. %: . . . i ---�.��..�a , h. ��.. \\ � � � t \ � � � 4 . ,�.I ............ � ,�;-_ v� r- a .,� ,, `� � �� ,� '�,� , �, ..� ' __— _____ � ��': �o �'� � I �� ����`�`.`.�.�"_"'"'.�-"_"""`-'_'"`.'....."-'�.- •..� �,...,r.,.�,,..,_� � '����'`� ; I;�, ` � � � �� � , �`� ,�� � r ,�- . --�-t-c-� ' � �`;'�i � : y � ___ �• -----_Q '� ,. `\ 'j li;`,. � ` `�\, 1\; ` \ \\ �; , � . . ..: , . . �. . r� . ; 1� i i A 1 � � l � A � . ; � . � .." 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K.�soo•,1� loo�... 1�e$Ce.ce...s1eDPs Bv:7d:..9s Id.•�rit-...o. r�:< x-.�aoo�u, room. 8�o�S c�•«^�a�ooca ���cD r.�.� oo s:�� �oo �S�0 30 v�<.�� ,toas S<�oo�,<�..�c�,o.�d n.sC Nlovs o cllr too.,y sanJ,6�o IS➢e.cr.,� lioD�a o � gv:ld:,.?s fbo�.,.� rno M�.cda�4,�:01 lo�d � Pc—r� �o s ss�o ri.0 n.;l�o....�•�vo.,.nr�oo,.,y so.,d.7�o t5 n..�.,,.s�ov.> i.i.c�.,�. r...�. r�rx Ny �1r..b..ye:l� loo.., . ��r�lls n��... �tio..,._or_ t14 Noo4av<4 y��l� I�am �Jo Namo so�dr I�.., lo�4s: o:l. ..� � . e G+ O�<os oeo� �«o+ed o �o�dmo+4 O: O:d:o s•Ir loo... O-� OVo��9�o�e)�y �oom, 0 ro IS pe.<rnt slopes OVp O.oU y.o.rtlr lool,., 75 ro 25 p.rcen�zlopes Hv�io��ol o�d-r.�< O.�F O.�oll g.o�elir Ioo�., a0�0 75 p..re��slepes 7oEle.,�n:•:�te.e Vc P�Ic1.�4 Iw�..r i�.» zo..d P4 P�t<h�.k I�.,e zo.dr loo�.. 0�1+r,.e<��e.obie. P.. P.gr.s�lry<lor loo... . Mw.xo.�,olio��.ot s�. p� Pvrotl.�p f:..e so.+dr toom a..T.«.��.oei� „ RoC Rog.w. f��.,.sor+dy loo�,.,6 ro 15 p�•cmr slopes Ro0 Rog.+or h.+� so�dy loo.�., 15 ro 25 p.rcm�slopes v�.+:col c�+��ol i+or: RdC R09��W-InAiOnOIaO51oC�01i0i� S�Opi/+�• �o p�1.e..� •.obli. RdE Rog..o.-I.�d:o�+o�o ossa�o+lm, mode.o�elr s�cep• P.e Rr.++on s�h loo... �he<L�d nvo�ele-or:. Ri. R��e.•.�osh . V�c bc<4.d s oo+�le-< se so�or z,n+�m sti sam ���s;�,r�m �t Yo��i�..�,�x S�. S�+o k o. �.�G S� S�s�M loo... So Sndro.�+:sti vh lo�m . S S.,o�+em:s�+s:�r too..., �h:ck svrFoc<tiw�o�� � �v Sv��o�s��l toam 7c Tv4..�Io mv<4 � . th . lhbon Ic�d wo wood,...:n�,:h r��., • The�on.pos;iFon ol ri,ese v�:rs ;s mo. .o�:ob)c��+on ihor o!�he orV.e.s . ��rh.o.eo, h:n ,r hos Eeen cc��trell..d,,.eil-n jR ro��e�,e,et I�r +h- _ � . .,.i-.... -.:1 �.. .;, , 1� �,1'�I f� i F3-[ i�t�I� 1E [-��f f I;�t}�'EEJ`rSGSS�IL'-'Ik�;ES�i��JD`KCR"L:SS�>IIr.'iYPES SC5 Soit Type SCS KCRTS Soil iJotes. Fiydrologic Group 5oi1 Group � Alderwood (Ag6,AgC,AgD) C Till Arents,Aider�vood Maierial (AmB, AmC) C Till Arenis, Everett Material {An) B Outwash � Beausite (BeC, BeD, BeF} C Till 2 Bellingham (Bh) D Till 3 Bnscot (Br) D Till 3 Buckiey (Bu) D Till 4 Earlmont (Ea) D Till 3 Edgewick (Ed) C Titl 3 Everett (EvB, EvC, EvD, EwC) A/B Outwash 1 Indianola (InC, InA, InD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, KpC, KpD) C Till Klaus (KsC) C Ouiwash 1 fVeitlon (NeC) A Oulwash 1 Newberg (Ng) B Till 3 Nooksack (Nk) C Tif{ 3 Norma (No} D Till 3 Orcas (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Til{ 3 Ovall (OvC, OvD, OvF} C 7ill 2 Pilchuck (Pc) C -• Till 3 Puget (Pu) D Trll 3 � Fuy211up (Py) B Tili 3 Ragnar (RaC, RaD, RaC, RaE) B Outrvash 1 Renton (,Re) D Titl 3 Salal (Sa} C T�II 3 Sammamish (Sh) D Tilt 3 Seanle (Sk) D Welland Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 Si (Sn) C Tilf 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 Sultan (Su) C Till 3 Tukwila (Tu) D Till 3 NJoodinville (Wo) D Tilf 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth (<5(eet) by glacial till, they should be treated as till soils_ 2. 7hese are bedrock soils, but calibralion of NSPF by King Counry DNR sho�vs bedrock soits to have similar hydrologic response to till soils. 3. These are ailuvial soils,some of which are undeilain by glacial lill or have a seasonally high�vater table. ln the absence of detailed study, these soils should be treated as t�ll soils. 4. Buckley soils are formed on the low-permeabil;ty Osceola mudtlow. Hydrofogic response is assumed to be similar to 1ha1 ot till soils. 1998 SUrface'+'Jaier Des���n P,9anu�1 �i;)i9� 3-<5 t ,f ...�r l 'j'}--- p. .� eu+-' � � 6'� I� �(� � i ���� ��/ '�i: ....., . , . - ����.A � / �l._. ��r�,� o (( ��� l. 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APPARENT PROPERTY DISPUTE 656J1 1996-0860 WOC ER0510N 14328 -SE 128TH ST �,g�� 1996-1a01 C FLDG —5E 728TN b i42NDA SE MAINTENANCE OF ExISTlNG CHANNNEL 656J1 1997-1625 WOA BMP'S 14413 SE 128TH ST 656.11 Paoe 1 cf 1 Khf�Cou�riji Waier arul l8nd Reswrces Dhrlsimi-Stnrrr��tater Servlces Sectlnn r.nmpiai�it Sea�ft Printed: 7/2 712 0 02 2:14:22 PM _ ,npletni Type TYP�of ProWem Ad�ees nf Pra�lsm Commentg �ber Cn� Tbras PsQg ,,,.;-0135 C FLDG 1392� SE 136TH PL SWAMP/SE 136TH PUHIDEWAY HTS 656,J2 1981-0197 C DRNG 13832 SE 131ST 5T BLKED 656J2 1982-0341 C FLDG 14005 SE t33RD ST 656J2 1982-d386 C DRNG 12608 138TN AVE SE & FLDG 656J2 1982-0491 C FLDG 14009 SE 128TH ST MAPLEWOOD HTS 656J2 1982-0525 C DVR 16935 116TH AVE SE @ SE 132ND/144TH AVE SE 656J2 983-0353 C LDG 13224 1447H AVE SE 1 F 656J 2 1984-0221 C DVR 140XX SE 132ND ST F�DG 656J2 1985-1010 C QRNG 14100 SE 132ND ST SEE 84-1QQ5lTO ROADS 658J2 1986-01D9 C DRNG 14011 SE 132ND ST SURFACE WATER 656J2 198fr0256 C 656J2 7986 0256 F 656J2 1986-0256 S1 COMMITTED DATE:1 ST OTR 1989. 656J2 1986-03A4 C QRNG 138TH AVE SE SYSTEM SILTED 656J2 ;98603A4 E PROB CRTD. 656J2 1986-0739 C FLDG 13323 146TH AV� SE WATER FRQM SCHOOL 656J2 1987-0255 C FLDG 14639 SE 132ND ST STANDING WATER S MUD 658J2 �r•-�%-a32a C DRrJG �3323 ta6THAVE SE CO ONERTED CRNG ONTO PROPERTY 656J2 '-0405 C FLDG 13025 138TH AVE SE SEE 67-0463 OVER STREET 656J2 -U445 C F�DG 13837 SE 128TH ST FILUNG OF LOT 656J2 C��d5 ER f-LDG 13837 SE 128TH ST SEE 86-03A4 PENTON 87-0707 656.12 �_;;, 0453 X FLDG 13025 138TH AVE SE ON 136TN AVE SE 656J2 1988-0280 C DRNG 1a106 SE 135TH ST STRORM DRRrN FAILURE 656J2 1989•0036 C DEBRIS 14003 SE 132ND ST DEBRI ON RD TO DET POND 656J2 1969-0173 C DRN,r', 13852 SE 128TH AVE DRAINAGE OF NE)GFiBORS FILLlROAD CO 656J2 1989-0200 C SETTLING 1312� 138TH AVE SE SINK F{OLE iN YARD 656J2 1989-0461 52 FLDG/DVR 14011 SE 132ND ST SEE:86-�256 YAHN PH I 656J2 1989-0472 X INQUfRY 14105 SE 133RD ST STATUS OF STUDY(YAHN STUDY} 656J2 1988-0636 X DRNG 14103 SE 132ND ST YAHN STUDY COMPLAIfYTS 656J2 1990-0209 C FLDG 14639 SE 132ND ST DITCN OVERFLOW/STORM EVEN7 656J2 1990-0388 C DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST FLOOQING IN NBRHD 656J2 1990.0512 C DRNG 13600 138TH AVE SE CROSS PIPE ERODING RAVINE 656J2 1990•0556 C DRNG 13323 146TH AVE SE DITCH ENDS/DIVERTEQ WATER 656J2 1990-0556 ER DRNG 13323 146TH AVE SE XPIPE APfD POND/QITCH ENDS 656J2 1990-0804 X FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST COMPLE710N OF STUDY 656J2 1994-1511 X FLDG 14145 SE 133RD ST CAPACI7Y OF PLAT DRNG 656J2 1991-0081 SR DRNG 14105 S 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HON�ES 656J2 Page ] �1 3 CompJalnt TYpe iype of Pro6tem Ad�es�nf ProbiiErn Curnm�rts Nambet' Bude �P� )1-0081 X DRNG 14105 S 133RD ST CCF�191-32/YAHf�t STUDY/FLO�DED YAR 656,12 �1-0098 SR DRNG 14105 SE Y33RD ST CCF#SWM0124 PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 1-0088 X DRNG 14'i05 SE 133RD ST CCF#SWM0124/DEVELOPEMENT 656J2 __1-0246 C DRNG 14013 SE 133RD Sf PLUGGED g�J2 1991-a246 SR DRtJG 14013 SE 133RD ST PLUGGED PUGET COLONY FiOMES 656J2 ' 1991-0315 C FLDG 14011 SE 132ND DIvERStONlCULVERT OVERFLOW 656J2 1991-0619 NDA DRAINAGE 10403 147TH AVE SE STORM EVENT- DNV FLOODING 858,12 1991-0636 NDA FLDG 14105 SE 133RD 5T CCF#491-32 NOT NDA PUGET COLONY H 656J2 �991-0636 X FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#491-32IPLAT DRAINAGE 656J2 1991-0650 NDA DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#591-2 NOT NDA PUGET COLONY NO 656.12 199i-0650 X DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF�1591-2 SAME OLD PROB E56J2 1991-Q682 Cl FLDG 1d105 SE �33RD S7 CCF�t 591-2 Dl1E JULY 556J2 1991-0712 NDA DRNG 14103 SE 132ND ST CCF#SWM 0520 NOT NDA PUBET COLON 656J2 1991-0712 X DRNG 14103 SE 132ND ST CCF#5WM 0520 MANY COMP 656J2 1991-0715 C DRA{NAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST NEIGFiBORHOOD FLOODING 656J2 199t-0715 SR DRAlNAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY NOR4C-S 656J2 i991-d723 SR QRAINAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST CCFtt 591-37 PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 1991-Q723 X DRAIUAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#591-37 656J2 1991-0732 C DRAINAGE 140�4 SE 133RD ST iIAMB (CLAIh4} 656.12 1991-Q732 SR ORAlNAGE 14024 SE 133RD ST /WMB (CL1aIM) NOT NDA.P 656J2 1991-0739 SR DRNG�FLD 14103 SE 132ND 5T CCF# SWD�1-d610 NOT NDAP G56J2 I 0777 �1DA FLOODING 14103 SE 132ND ST CCF3t 591-39 NOT PJQA PUGET COLCNY 656J2 -0777 X FLOOQING 14103 SE 132Nd ST CCF�591-39 656J2 0812 C DRAINAGE 14639 SE 132ND ST 656J2 __ . 0868 SR DRatNAGE 74010 SE 13aTH ST CCF�SWM0279 NOT NDAP 656J2 1991-0868 X DRAWAGE 14010 SE 134TH ST CCF#SWh'f0279/PUGEC C�LONY 656J2 1991-OSBS X FLOODING 13405 742NDAVE SE CCF#SWM-0854�DRAINAGE IMPROVEME 656J2 1991-o88a SR FLOOD�NG 73600 SE 128TH ST cCF#SWM-os52-NOT NDa-PUGET COLON 656�2 1991-0886 X FLOODING 13800 SE 128TH ST CCF#SWM-0852WETLAND PRG`BLEMS 656J2 1991-0946 X DRAINAGE 14105 S� 133RD ST CCF�: 91-0822iGRAN7ING EASEMEPITS 656J2 1991-1214 X DRAINAGE 14105 SE 133RD CCF#SWM 1217/PROJECT SCHEQULE 656J2 1993-0179 C DNERSON 137XX 144TNAVE SE POSS CLE.4RING VIOLA7lON 656J2 19931064 C FLDG 14400 SE 136TH ST GROUND WATER UNDER ROADWAY 656J2 1993-1085 E DRNG 14600 SE 132ND ST CHKSTATBYCPo1DT 856J2 19931085 ER DRNG 146�0 SE 132ND ST 656J2 1997-0055 C FLDG 14105 fiE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 1997-Q055 NDA FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 1997-Od55 R FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 1998-0350 C DRa1NAGE 14454 SE 132ND ST APPEARS PRE GRADING ACTIVITY NO PE 656J2 1998-0534 WQC WaSHWAT 1322a 144TH AVE SE APPARENT GREY WATER DISCNARGE 656.J2 Page 2 oT 3 _ � � Co�npleb�t Typs �YDe nf Rrnble�n Address oi R�ablem Cummenig ip�� 1l�mber Code `8-0534 WaR 1�'VQi 13224 144THAVE } SE APPARENT GREY WATER DISCHARGE 656J2 . �- i9-0609 C CONSTRUC 146�6 SE 136TH ST � CONCERNS RE NEW QEVELP C1N OF RE 656J2 3-0625 C STND H20 13741 148TH PL � S� SOGGY BACKYARD SOURCE OF WATER 856.12 , : 1-0697 C DDM 13309 146TH AVE 5� 656.12 � � � i I I � . � . � . ' I I I I . � � � . I i . � . i � � I � i I Paga 3 of 3 I ��/ - SUHrAC:E WAI �K MANACi�MEfVT DIVISION � COMPLAIN {i�1VESTI�ATI�N REPOR� � � � T . = � �, . - � � � - . �e�c Rec•a: :.: ' `:aRE OF COMPLAINT: � �C�t N+q�.�. � ' � - G - ?C7 . SEC (,�NVP 23 R6E � T10N.• � `KAOLL PG. COMPL.1�11�tANT: 1,� W�1� �d�`_� COUNCIL DIST_ _ tA v�+oNe Ko_ Address . t 3 3 �-3 �� � � ��e )� Clty � ' State Zlp � HOME: 7J j—�'.�1'-I . ( woRK '�'�- r�zi% ; DETAICS OF COMPLAINT: � .�� ►-� f� +vr� S �- P Z E � C•a v•r� .�/�►c � �n.n- � t�---,��----�-� I * �,_ . _ � - � y� t.-� t�1,.,� , 1�( �`� �,�,., 1��-,�- 1�,�,� � �-,,.:,St � �,__o .� �-� �..,.>��Q .� �T�,-� � ��.Q� E._Q-_ .� ��--7 � �:��� �:� � w.�h- � i� �v �.-�.�,--- . b.,�¢s � Y 1� . �� � -�-�..-- ►z 6 `�-�. � �-� ��9 �:� � 1�--� ���. E.-�-r-d�. � � . � s ki� �ti..�-..�_ I,n.a. < �,a.,� � �-�.� �...� - �1-�-� .r 7 �. l /� � �{�,_ 3 - 3; 3 v. �? �k-(� ��c -� �`-' �.�-�r�. ��.�--�,___ W o�-�Cs . �.-- jc,L' c3 r� � �/'rf-� --� �.,� �,„ s� �� , � �L T� ��� Ty rt C�>> �;�s P,�E/� L'1�c� ���=C;��= l 1�S J i COMPLAINT RECEIvED BY: ` `'���- ^'--}'�--�' a-�'�'- C LS OF IFNES`TlGAT10�J: Skelch on revgr5e slde:Yes �No C� Photos:Yes ���No O -- - � � ounni�r, . � site 3-8-90. _. , - --- - -- had been raining earlier in the day and there� was considerable run off at tf�e time_ Topo- aphic maps for this area indicates run off should flov� to��ards the blofforcf property, and � ,tches direct the flaw in this direction. Woffo�-d has approx 30 loads of fill in the north east corner of his lot. The Tot to the north� has' a ponded area adjacent to the fill . Part of that pond drains to the west and part over tops �he drive t� bloffords houSe and drains to the east into the newly cleared area (photo 4}, � was told by Wofford that fill F�ad been brought into the back portion of the cleared lot. and tF�e owner ditched run off ta the south (photo 5 8 6� , diverting it frorn the original drainage direction, southeasterly. This irn- pacts iJofford's 5 acre parcel to tF�e south of tf�e newly cleared area, and to other parcels in that area . Photo 1 } Looks souti� on 146th from SE 132nd. 2) Shows fi11 at the northeast corner of Wofforts 1ot. 3) Shows culvert outlet on east side of 146th at cleared lot_ 4} Cleared lot. Area beyond gravel is said� to have been a 3 'pond before fill with out- let in sk�aled background. , 5 Said tQ be diverted drainage fiow. ' 6 Diverted �low into FJofford's acreage_ :OMPIAIdVT INVE57{GATED BY: (3 - -k��'�J- - - �. -- - - - - -------- - --- —�DATE: � - -- c� .CT)ON 7AKEN: c�� �k}-acl..� C�w�,,,.�._��� � , r I _ �-- - � . :o� inant adv�sed of action possible or taker.by. Phone D Leiter � Personal Cantact � � - -__ .___-- ------� --�---- . Cfosed: as/Z�l �D � OK'd: on �t Actfon Handied By � " Neme Da�• lnldolt 1 � � . ti� - l'1 . r � � � � f"t�41 ' � � � � Tr � ' ti . � � ' �< < s6-b »B� 4 � ��� . ' ��� f � �:��� � : , "'�,•g+ � � � �d �� � � � � , � � � - � . � �� . � . ; fi � , � � , ,_<�..zi� , i -_�'= - — t' '_ — r _� -r.�.��e t _� � �. � , � t � `_ � �� z E t � S '; r� /':� % � --- -- -- � � --�- ,� M,,sr �--- i i -.�. _� . 1 � f � � � = .�l �r ,�r� �S �, ere's ���� �rb� ,�c�,t � � - w � � � .�^1��1� DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIOI�7 R�PO t � PROBL EM Pafle t: 1Nv�ST�GA'F►ON R=_DUEST �/�/�/f��c 7 Y p E L/'� F �Ned by. Date: OKd by. FUe No. n / � � G�� �a-�s- �3 , ,3- � s � �ved lrom: {R.u. pnnt p)sinir}or scarsninp). IaY� iE-�) r ,BjGL � Co,v.✓o2 � � pHONE a1G-�"/�� hDDR=SS; �pfj� /���j�T Crty S.ate 7�p Location oi � ro�Iem, N d'hferent_ / �. �// J � rE � F SC.r �32.�d E�s� '. d� �5'"l��j�t I� CHAP., T _ Derails of P/oblem: S�� �T���� �� �,>s/�1i9�,�/.A r�J% �'���c t_:',J /'c T��'z�'o,J ' �¢� .� � �c �3 Z�/�// �z2-�-33 9� � - Q Si��� a /� s'�= /3Z,.� � /v.--�v �. /�� i G N �i G G�� �Vv �� :1, C� �lll'c��J D�N ���-- /� � �r-�� d � 9 c� /3Z.J , JG� d � � . ��� ��[�-� /� ��°/��/1��� � �lC/1�-/_�� S C)n� � 7 ? / �'C',�_ ccl,d ��� ' � %��� - i othe�- agenci es �nvcl��ed : (Give detzi?s) ; ,�eper,ed Jmpzcts: � Pro�erties: Dz�ns/��eavency o� occurrences: , ri or,i e Access road _ 5ep�ic system _ outbuildings, gzrage i _ Yzrd/laridscebing - _ O�her p2'operty _ S�Yea�, 1 zl�e, ve�land Comm�n ts: , I _ .... ... .---- � � - ..........._ -. ..... - -- - �,-. ._:.. -- - -- ::�.::-- . .._-....-:c:..:..-.ac.� ... ._. ._. --- --- _ �. _._... -��- ........... . .... . - .._ .�,._.::S;�:J�:-.:£=-v..._ �;4i,?g:e-.i'1���z3.�:• '.�:�,�M;�JU7�.-C��,Dv�V��J���fl+��.�'.���7Yrr''ya.,-�-�� x�� � :. '....-�'^"' i ��••-.�__'c��r�.Ya�►. C�i1�w .._ ,_ ...--.-...---.._.....--.--.._ �.- ��._ w> ?� a:m�.•Z�i":-=-.:3._:.:���i�,::tc.,f'.-r :oca:ion�iack»g !n/o: �v� tJd S�S T� R�j Parcel No. O$�7/C -c>�C-c� �)'De ��AI_'o��,� PErcP_s�. � ozsin �L� Councl D"ist � Dtn Ref�Chg No: � C�j� Fie1d investi�ation neeoed? F1�t �.zme: 6L�'CK- L-D�?-r� ��vc: � 11-G�'�-' -F-t:.S �lo�i; No: Lot No: i �� faken. �Gssione� to: iurned to on / / lnrt;als: KROLL E�IEN: � TF S 8RQS �,� .�Z- DAT= CLOSED; / ; / OK'd: QLD: � (�S �. � �3RAIN�.GE INVESTIGATION PORT Page I: 3NVESTIG,q3-[ON REQLFEST Type � PR08LEA4: �Yjxt f�A�L-�- " TZECEtVED BY: �C,'c Date_ �2-� OK'd bY' -��'�ILE NQ �` !S f `,�<<�} Rcceived fr�m: (Day} 4Z5 (;Ey�� �� ,JnME: C{�-�O� /u�L 1 �'� � PHONE Z�t -Lv1C2? �r � Z-`�I..(+ - -� �c4(� ADDRESS: j��[h�" Cs'lY I?�L`��� `_�� . CiTy���,'���L. Statc ZipQgC�� LotatiQn of problem, if different; i Reporled Problem: CALL FIRST � (Wooid Likc'To Bc Pr�es�nt) � ��YU�-�r fi-�,� � b�,ti,�(� h-�Y �0�- i"Y�.S j�� ►�t ---�i� 1 Y1� � 1N 1'1 t Cit,"� 1�S na� a. �1"tl�'L (P -�-f- �'1tG [.E �- sSdk.' �S b�1Or r��ll (.� �7ll;t�" d.�_�� rYt�r'1�. C-�� ��i�� 2LvC2�t' U � �� ����� -1� �fr�t �`tt�-1-� a�-�-o ���� ��x f-�J . w�,tt� �U _ � ` " c,� la�70�� G� ;�/ U.Jn���- �v�ud d a �sfl j r l�r �n�,c� c�orrrzt��on cm tiv (? O�rZ h �,P�r�- l�tf 1-I�-�r r't e"r'LC - 'Iat name; ���,�,� 1�c�� �:� 5-�� �� Lo[ No: � B1ock No: � [her agencies in�olved: No fie]d investigation rcquired l-23 C��-�_e.� c (ini�i�s) TO BE COAIPLE7TD BY COi1�PLAIiYT PROGRAI�i STA FF . - . - � � - �__ �� z-� ; -� �a S T R Parcel Na ��4`E{� -�'���`� Kroll 810 E Th.Bros: New �� �'1�. Ol d �3 5 t� � - Basii�-�t'— Council District G' Chargc No. RESPDNSE: Citizen notified on �-Z`�-��j by: � phone Ietter in person �e n� ' fa � D� S - C�ra. � : ,-,� , C.o nt�.�-� : Jz��.►-; d � s�,�, d: ,-? ,. �t o . p e.r►-,-,: t s -�a u n d -�� r S r 4 �I ; � � �o r t�� P� s s = b I� � i-,-r p � �f �o rne�ti�' ��oP�y-��y. : D�sPosiTJor': Tumed to on 1 I by : OR: No fvrther action recvrnmcnded because: i /� Lead agency has been notificd:_ :� 7?7 ���-�-�Z-��s��--�1 �n����- 5 1�1��-=� Probiern t�as bcen corrected. No problcm bas been identificd_ Prio� investigation addresscs problem_ SEE F1F,E r� Private problern -NDAP��ill not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighbaring pa.rcel. Location is outside WLRI? Servi ea Other (Specify}: FE CLOSLD: ���/�� By: .� •� �l���C.���_ Complaint 98-0360 Meyer ' Investigawd by Robert i�'�anns on 5-21-98 : i I found tbat a]arge azea had been �1c�r�, 3pProxima�y lf2 acre_An existin8 dePression�vith .vater is �ocsted at the south$ide of Tax parcel 08471�-4045,next to hicyer's property. Some dirt and debris bas becn pushcd into the watcr from the gr��ding work being done on parcel--0045_I checked Sierra and f�und no Fe�miu foF the g�°g tivork Clar�n�Weyer is tbe property owner of this parccl. His housc is on tbe ad}oining parcel; h�use#/ 14602. T�leyer's property is not impacted by ihe work,becai�se of the higher e]e'vation above the gradin�. ,t �; >��, Graded are3 ��:,.�a� : � c f�`„�,t5.� ����s�*-` �-� 4 Y' q h'��i"�'YS%ti �. 4 K �i�`������}��Cns���;�T�,kPi�`=i;r�^k �.ik ��� �;�I�'�!����r�3���,}G� . y � o�+s n r` t a.`Y,.'� t�a t�' �'y A� �i / Jr� 7� A �Y_t �1��j'l!,y ��''13��j � 4 FI� J/ 'v .1 J�� �{. / �J ,1+� . kth3'c�y✓ "�Zayc: �' �tfr .'j�� '� l� 4 i ','y'"J �'`� n'���`�i4y }f����c� . p ' � �h k � f����`�� s"' a � ��� �� r�D '�~V 3�r.��� ��£ 'f�y�� f�.L�� '� �h 4 i �y S� i f� y�'S�\.1� 'I,i�y '! � , iJ arn �f'� ��p`,���C�4i' y .��i�.r��5��,1?i����z,%,a�Y'J t���i� ��K�i�,� .� . v '��}Vis�3y'�"y,„�'-�� �`' fi �v � t ily;��ti�']r �.?�'J ¢ it+��y�', . , 7 �x?'`�,Y�g2'�,"'�r �1��� �s �� -f �� ���' � k� •� �3 � �'1 l��� J{ .�5� ��L.,�^'��f j tr"kj�" k'',�� �t i(t, .1�1 i�6l�;� i�'�.rs i3f�.i.i. f+� . }T *'fx > 11 �� 1 .�.y� E .H ��a� i ��:',�f aLi"��;�� r ��q s.+�s�,r }Q:�,L��f T �;, i a �i y s.�a� -�a a•�y CYdT� C �''�,�'—u � '��,,�x', � s.�U r�, � ' t�i 78X I-Ot � g t ___. � �� _ •:: � De�ression 084770-C�E145 _ -- Wever 'Prop. Lines 14602 I • 1�1c}'cr 14454 � I�TS I ]2"conc. " ]Z"COJIC. I 8" conc_ SE. ]32nd S7. ' 12" conc. ! t . � � 146ih AVE. SE. � � ' t t t Z - L�'���j.jYH(J,`L 11`l Y L' J J 11Jt1 t 1 V1� 1t.L'.1 1\t � . � Pagc I: INVF�T7GaTION REQUEST Type �. PROBLET+1; �. - _ pTCEI�'ED BY_ � Date: g-���%� OK'd bv. F7LE I�'O. � J C/�/ � � � "-"'�:cccived from: � �� � � ��' � (DaY} �� ��e} �� 1E: P}-30NE or�S�a S��� ADDRESS: l��7 0��� ` ���� ��aaC;�TY_�.� -� i��_ State� 7ip Lflcation of problem, if different: . - - Reporled Problenr: CaLL FtRST ❑ (Wou)d L�7cc To Be Fresent)�� ��� '� �� " � ��� � ���� m,�. �'� �� ,�- ��u � � �� � � �� - �� �n.S �.�- �- � � � � � � � �- �� ��-- s�� ��a�--���� �-�� ��;� ���� � - �]��r�_ �n�� , �/��_� ,� (�Q �bi�4.i� �CF�f��tY.c�t �� LiC� , l� /L� . ' ""_z'�L l� GCSlI /U! �f!L tLG(�' �� r�.�.ct� ���d�- ��� �C�C?G1` lc�� � � � �. r� 1��� �C� � ,�,� � f- . �;� a.�d11 �� CK-�LQ� �-�"� � yi�� �t,G�Z-�/�- C� �� ��"���/���; C ��tl� �`� C _ ���l�±fu_-C c�"='�� 9 7- d /� 9�-��,� l003 / � F iame. Lot No: Block No_ C a�cncies��'�C�� "- � � � ��G��� �t�� No field���c;ti ation re uircd �'� � 9 (initials) • _ TO BE COniFLETED BY COMPLAtN�T PROGR4nt STaFF -. _ . . • - - 'v� _�� �_ _�_ �/ �� S T R Parccl No._O8"7 '�1�� �� Kroll ��� Th.Bros: Ncw �`-�C�� � OI d ��"�� . ' Basin L C� _ Council District� Charge No. R�sPor'SE: CiUzen notified on by: phone Ierter in�person DISPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: � - _ Probtem has been.corrected. No probJem has been idcntified. Prio� investigation'addresses probJem: ' $EE FJLE f! Private problem - I��DAP wi�l not consider because:- ✓ t�ater originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Service Area. Other (Specify): �A CLOSED: I � I By: o.._._--�.. - . Knvc Caurrr�"�x Arm Ln�vn R�souRCE,s Dmslox ��� . DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION�2EPORT � , u�vEsn4nTrox REQUFsr TYP� �_`` PROBLEtvt: ' , . . . :��. .. . . �.. �,� , � � �j �� � - � VEDBY� � 'te: O ' b • ��l`� FI No. �- , , _ �teceived from:' _ . . < .. . . _ . . . -�, .���i;'_. • :;; �: • . , . . . ' . - (�aY) ��_.2 . - (Eve)' '(_ �. ') rr�E��, ::. �-(�-,,� . . . �. . . . � � � - �or� �_�� �.i yyy . _ .. . , � . . AnD�ss_ ,0,0� � � 3 �� � � � '��. � - - . �star�_ . . �. . . �� . , . � . .C'�. . . � . _ .. ... _ . ?'P 1� . _ . _.. _ . . . . :.t. .. . �LocAnoN oF�ROB��,t,�nt��r• . � � � 7� ��`� ��J�b�' � " ' .-.�- ��- �lecess Perraission Granted � Call'�'irsl (OVou1d Like To Bc Praseut� ,<<j2� � 3'e°�� I� Za��� � -. �1 �� . �,�►,� .. �,�2 � ,�ree�ih �i9'i�� . /�� � �/ �/� . , � � �' �%� . �� v1��'U" � � - ��� � ���� a�-�lL- '�� � _�'"�"� n+��t.i n�-a� �,Z„/ �. , � Plat name: Lot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No field investigation required ,•,�;,.•�s:; ;��:;;;. ,,.-..:r-� -;� �1 � .�,r . '- �'Y'_� w" `I'�' ,�,h ..�r�, ti•+'•.;4'.I:,,'��.' x _'�.` - ��_ � �_ 1/a S T R Par�el No.�Q9i,2� SQ�/� Kroll , /D Th_Bros: New �OS� Basin LG12. Council District �a _ Charge No. RF,SPONSB: Citiaen notified on � by: phone letter in person 1,��s��ss � t.,���i�lc G��t,�9�J �ss . l� /� /���.r l,v �e�� w� G.� � �� l�-r� . �� /��itire.�-o �7-� . Dtspost�'[oN: Turned to on / ! by OR No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: Problem has been corrected. No problem has been identified. �_ Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE Fn.�# , Private problem -NDAP wi)I not consider because: Water originates onsite andlor on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Se ice Area_ Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: � j I�� By: /��j��Ps.s co�p��t xo oao�63 N� Iuvesrigated By:Virgil Pacampar3 Dane; DETAILS OF INVESTiGATION - , , I went to the residenu of Mrs.L�ls Archer on 1129100 at 3:00 PM Sbe w�not home at tuae of the visit-I w� . able to spoke with Mr.Rene TreadweU (aeighbor of Mrs.Archer)who Iives at# 14005 SE I33'�SL�ie is also - ' conce�on the damaged gate and people entering/using the easemeat as a trail/access which is locaud at the backhear side of his property. Mr_ IYeadwelt showed me the damaged/tora down gate.He infoimed ma that the King county has iastalled the fence gate and sbowed me alw diainage catch basm along the undevelopod�l. Investigation s}tows that tha gate is located at the south end of the culdesnc of SE 132"' St'Ibe gste is made of � alurninum grilU round bar and attached to a wooden post(4"by�"by b faet). The gate is at the comer of 140'�Ave. SE and SE 132�Ave.SL The fence gate is detached from the :: oden post and bent Incntiry revesls that the access road is not included in Lhe list of KC mairaained road,It is a dirt road and undeveloped and no sveet vehiculaz access, , TO R/D POND Trail Gravel Road N � � Damage Fence Gate DNTS � 9�R'. '/3Zl�D� i'�'. .1. ... ' ��__ l Z 3 . ��, O �• ls ia Areher � #14004 $ ��. 9�3 �tt� �'�'. i � Treadwelt � #14d05 , @' f l 8 `' � 3� � 32 � ��. 1�TH �. 33 � I ` KING COUN?Y WATER AND I,AND RESOURCES DIVISTON DRAINAGE INVESTIGA'I`xON REPQRT �oa �/�,f,, rrrvEsrzonnorr R�v�sr , Type � -�=�-Gt/ :EI�ED BY: � Date:�� OK'd b : ILE NO. 2�01 - R�ceived from: - � ( a�) CE�e) L—� NAME: l� PNONE �C5 / � ADDR City, State Zip�G.�`'� LOCATION OF PROSLEM, ]F DlFFER£NT: Access Permission Granted � Cqll F1rst {Would Lke Ta Be,Prescnt) � � � • � C� �1 ��i2�� , .. _ , � � � � Go ,1� �� G�� . �� � �� ✓ U�"� ����/r' �2�� G� , l/./�'�/'c� �'i��-��/�,1�.�� 11�� ��� ' �� C �►Y O � t �� ^. _ Fi�. E coP � � - . PIat name: k,C,�� � �''t� �fls' ��ir.� � Lot No: � -._ :B1Dck Na::_ . Other agencies involved: � ' S= ;�S No field investigation required _:�• - r:;�,,a,y� �: -� ,:� +.ViY.Y?]M: . .f.: ✓Y M � � � � �/4 s r R Parcel No.Qg�}7 lafl o77 �KroU R/O Th.Bros: New �lo RDP B�sin �� Council I?ist�ict_�Z Charge No_ R�'SPONSE: Citiae noa-fied on by: phonc letter ia person DISPOSI7lON: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action racommended because: - , Lead agency has been notified: � � � � � - ' Probiem l�as bee�t corrected_ No pmblem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses p�blem: � SEE FILE# _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: . Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other(Specify): T14TF f 1.nSIsD: / / By: � : .__�•�..c�v� u� v�a lil�A[.lU[�I ic�YVK1 . INVESrIGAT70N REQUEST - TypC C L P � � . �sY: �-8� Date: OK�'d b : F[L1�No. 2��2 —� sved from: ��,I'e �6�-rT . . (Day) �1 �Ye) L�.� --.�ME: �.G�.v� .I�Y �Gb� Pxot� �s.�-SZS� ZZ6—/4�37 ADDR�SS: � �D��L S� 13,3�� City ��=�r�y State �� Zip ���� LOCATION OF PROBLEM,IF DIPFEFENT: Access Permusion�Granted ❑ Call Firs1 (would L�ce To Be Present) ❑ � ,SG� /���G��ED G C�i� � ,�O�'oZ �iC��-AT�a _ 7�0 /f� Ti�e� �igL L i�vG p�v /�I�. G'O� �f ��yGc. . � � �!L � � � COP � . /' �� . name: P �'���� Lot No: Block No: U:�� �,u,.,r a encies involved: - • No field invesd tion r uired ' ' .. Y .�•��i k��r.', � , ,,. "',T r' {!�r .+ � �;':... . � � �� . � 1/4 S T R Parcel No.��$ �'S"� Kroll.�,� Th.Bros: New RDP� Basin,�_ ^ Council District��^ :Chargc No. � � � _ RFspoNSE: Citizea notiftod on ' by; phoae letter in person _ . � . � • ' . ..�,�� , ,-:.:.�� -- . . - , . .;�: 'K,-';�:i-`,�`::_: �:'' • , . ' • '�}'� :•f�s'•�i:• •'•�'.� ; ' DLSPosIr�oN: Tumed to on / / ' �R No futther action rlecommended�'becanse:��R,,,�-� �= ' �' . .. ,. ._,. >,,.,.,.�.:. Lead agency has bee�u norifiod: • ' - � . . - .i .�'�',"''�'"",'�• _ . Probfem has been oorrected. Nu problem has been identified. Ptior investigstion•addreS�e"s�Problem: ' • := � -� � � � ' ' SEEFII,E# � �*�:=;.;����'.��'., ��,;.. . - Private problem-NDAP wiA notconsiderbeeause: •- , . ,� � ": _ � r�'�+` � �� �,�•='.' . - . .�•- �' - •3� L;,��-• ,,..:._ ,� ' .. - W.atur originates�nsitc aud/or on neighboriagparcel.�. . :''.�'�. �'r ��.;- '� _ - . . - ' �� .•� ;� . . . ' �. '�:'��`;r�:= �..r:�:�it-��• : „•. •>:. . . . . . . . .Other(S ' �. . . . . � . • ' t' :x°. - . � . �: " �_ P������h�`'�^;�:,' ' : � ' ;MA ='i�Y:,'i� 'i�i'' ' . ' r:.r�;:. ,,�r'�-'. . :. ; _ .1• ,. �,r -. �y>.�s'�,��;.�� . Q� CI.OSED. .����t.',,�'. '�'.-r�D� . :),.,..�;� 'Jt'�N��::ii.�� �'{'` . . • '/y�r� ".ry�• ^l. . �� � l� �`.�� ' :�: � '• . . 7 )_ . . .. : r ^� :.. - . .. [ �':' .:� � � ('R�� .. �'i.l'' ' " , • .fii � . . �:�..,i •. ' . .. ' �'J }_f. �^�y/ri� �.. ' . ,. --� F,T,�+:• . . "-Y,� �.. . _�.':. �.t� . � . :�' ��-�.a'.i1� •T• � � ' - '- '�.ti'.' �',' ;�^ . . � , - • , •'—�. , . . .. .• .. _ �. :Z�^'��' - _ ��F�'_�1 • . � � ' � , f�. - . � . _ '~F. . : � ' �i. ..� ' . Drainage Problems Start Date problem strfaddr eross street I 0/23/2003 5511 NE Znd St Lyons Ave NE Category � minor Description from Mr. Brad Pugsley at 551 1 NE 2nd Street:The comer lot SE of ihe intersection�vith Lyons Ave NE. Reportedly the open ditches to the South of the intersection have capacity problems. 7�he property at 551 I NE 2nd St.has experienced f]ooding. He was not paying storm water bi11 because of ditch flooding Investigation Status active First Name Last Name House number Address Street I3rad Pugsley 5511 NE 2nd St City Renton Friday,January 16,2004 Page 1 of 1 t ' ' ' � , . , --�,� � ;� ��,� � � .�, � e�� �����ci' � ��: . , ���� '* �,`'�:$" . A"�.. , , ,n� �`W �q a r'�j�..'+'���,.�. �_ .. ". .y� R . •� . 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The site will release water at the stream protection standard (KCRTS Level 2). The 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) does not require the use of a factor of safety, yet one will be applied as a conservative measure. A combined detention/wet pond will be used for water quality treatment. The facility will be designed using sizing criteria from the 1998 KCSWDM. T'he King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) program was developed as a hydrologic modeling tool for �vestern King County. The runoff files have been pre-simulated for a range of land cover conditions and soil ty�pes for different regions of King County using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's HSPF10 model. The HSPF10 model was calibrated �uith regional parameters developed by the U.S. Geologic Survey and King County Basin Planning. The KCRTS program simulates the project hydrology through the scaling, summing, lagging, and level-pool routing of runoff files. The KCRTS program includes a �rolip of analytical tools to pro�ide statistical data on the �enerated time series files. The KCRTS Le�el 2 stan�lard reyuires the project to maintain the dc�clo}?c� pcak rcicase rates at their pre-developed peak runoff rates for the 2-year and 10-year storm events. In addition to matching peak runoff rates, durations to pre-developed durations for the range of predeveloped discharge rates from 50% of the 2-year peak flo��v up to the full 50-year peak flows will be matched. The KCRTS modeling is summarized in the following sections. The scale factor for the site is SeaTac 1.0 (See KCSWDI�1 Fi�ure 22.?.A Rainfall Kc�gic»i.s and Regional Scale Factors at the end of this Section). The detention facility is designed per Section 5.3.1 — Detention Po�zds, of the KCSVVDM. The onsite conveyance systems«-i11 be tributary to the pond. The proposed detention facility will also contain basic ���ater quality treatment with the use of a wetpond. The «�etpond is designed per Sectiorts h.4.1 a�id 6.4.=1 — i�T'�IPonds B�lsrc and Conrhrrrc�rl Detej�tin�r u�rcl �i'etpool Facilitic�s•. 6/23/2004 Page 4-1 Job #01-159 ITRIAD y.F-- Shamrock—Technical Information Report 4.1 Pond Desiqn The South Pond recei��es runoff from the portions of the site depicted on the Developed Drainage Basins Exhibit, located at the end of this section. An existing stormwater pond is located in the south east corner of the parcel located within the City of Renton. Upon review of available information, it appears that this pond was constructed to provide detention for the NE 4�h Street improvements and areas located north and east of the pond. When Morgan Place was developed, drainage from NE 4`h Street was directed to the Morgan Place pond located closer to the intersection of 148th Avenue NE and NE 4`n The existing areas shown on the Developed Drainage Basins E.xhibit have been included in the modeling of the proposed pond. The backyards are modeled as grass and the portion of the parcel located north of Morgan Place that is tributary to the site is modeled as pasture. Predeveloped Basin The predeveloped basin has been modeled based on the existing conditions of the site. The resulting predeveloped flo�ti�s will be the maximum discharge rate in the de�-eloped condition. The existing ground cover characteristics and resulting flow are listed below. The offsite parcel north of Morgan Place and west of 148`h Ave SE is included in the offsite calculations and is shown below as ha��ing a Till Pasture ground cover. Impervious 0.30 acres (NE S`h St, hlorgan Place, 148'''Ai�e SE,portion NE 4th St) Till Pasture 14.09 acres Offsite 2.96 acres Remainder of site 11.03 aeres Till Grass (back half lors 40-46, ,41orQan Place) 0.56 acres Total 14.95 acres 6/23/2004 Page 4-2 Job#01-159 ITRI.� � Shamrock—Technical information Report The follo���ing is the KCRTS Output Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:pre.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS? (CFS) Period 1.09 2 2/09/O1 18:00 1.96 1 100.00 0. 990 0.460 7 1/05/02 16:00 1.09 2 25. 00 0. 960 l.04 3 2/28/03 3 :00 1: {{}�E�� s � `�' E'���:00 0. 900 0.148 8 8/26/04 2 :00 0.974 4 5. 00 0.800 0.580 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.931 5 3 . 00 0.667 0.974 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.58Q � � �, "' �,;p{� 0.500 0.931 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.460 7 1.30 0.231 1.96 1 1/09/OB 6:00 0.148 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 67 50.00 0. 980 Allo�r•able Release Rates QZ = 0.580 cfs Q�o = 1.04 cfs The South Wetland has been excluded from the calculations due to the drainage flowing to the west and offsite to the south. Recharge to the wetland is provided by 1 lot in the King County portion of the project to prevent the depletion of the wetland. Developed Basin I The follo��ving has been used to determine the peak developed flo���s for the south basin. Impervious coverage has been calculated base on the maximum zoning, which is 55% I! impervious (non-LID assumptions). The 3.15 acre upstream parcel was assumed to remain , undeveloped or will provide its own detention pond for future development. �', Impervious 6.46 acres I� Lots 3.20 acres (roofs considered r»tpe���ious) Roads and Sidewalks(inc. Morgan Place, NE 4th St) 2.76 acres Pond Surface 0.50 acres Till Pasture(upstream parcel� 3.15 acres Till Grass (inchsding back half lots 40-46, Aforgan Place) 5.51 acres Total 15.12 acres 6123/2004 Page 4-3 Job #01-159 �-I-RI� ..---_ ' Shamrock-Technical Information Report Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 2 .23 5 2/09/O1 2:00 4 .60 1 100. 00 0.990 1 .72 8 1/05/02 16:00 2.68 2 25. 00 0.960 2 .68 2 2/27/03 7:00 2 .50 3 10. 00 0.900 1 .73 7 8/26/04 2:00 2 .37 4 5.00 0.800 2 . 10 6 10/28/04 16:00 2 .23 5 3 . 00 0.667 2 .37 4 1/18/06 16:00 2.10 6 2 .00 0.500 2 .50 3 10/26/06 0:00 1.73 7 1.30 0.231 4 .60 1 1/09/08 6:00 1.72 8 1.10 0 .091 Computed Peaks 3 .96 50 . 00 0 . 980 �'�'etland Recharge The roof and footing drain from lot 38 (King County portion) will be utilized as wetland recharge. Therefore it will not be accounted for as areas tributary to the south pond. It is assumed that this lot will have a maximum of 55°% impervious (0.10 acres total). 6/23/2004 Page 4-4 Job#01-159 !-rRI��D r---.: Shamrock-Technicai Information Report Facility Output The resulting facility summary is showrn belo��. Please refer to the end of this Section for the complete KCRTS Output. The control structure detail is included on the following page. Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 3 .00 H:1V Pond Bottom Length: 280.00 ft Pond Bottom Width: 132 .00 ft Pond Bottom Area: 36960. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 46053 . sq. ft 1.057 acres Effective Storage Depth: 2 .50 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 435.76 ft Storage Volume: 100313 . cu. ft 2 .303 ac-ft Riser Head: 2 .50 ft Riser Diameter: 18.00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0_00 2 .94 0.371 2 1.20 3 .81 0.449 6.0 3 1.60 2 .00 0. 103 4 .0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 1.50 in Weir Height: 1 .95 ft Outflow Rating Curve: None Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 4.60 ******* 2 .86 2_74 438.50 110879. 2 .545 2 2.23 ******* 1.17 2 .53 438 .29 101560. 2 .332 3 2.50 1.04 0.86 2.21 437.97 87693 . 2 .013 4 2.37 ******* 0.76 2 .01 437_77 79444 . 1.824 5 2. 68 ******* 0.72 1. 92 437.68 75668 . 1. 737 6 2. 10 0.58 0.51 1.53 437.29 59330. 1_362 7 1.72 ******* 0.27 1.25 437 .01 48144 . 1. 105 8 1. 73 ******* 0.21 0 .79 436.55 30110. 0.691 6/23/2004 Page 4-5 Job #01-159 ��=�� �---- Shamrock-Technical Information Report ' Note that the post-developed peak rates of runoff(0.51 cfs for the 2-year and 0.86 cfs for the 10-year) are less than the predeveloped peak rates of runoff(0.58 cfs for the 2-year and 1.04 cfs for the 10-year). The proposed facility therefore also satisfies the KCRTS Level 1 peak flow requirements. Due to limitations of running the KCRTS program with reduced runoff record files, information for the 50-year duration curves is not available. Because of this, the upper limit of the target duration curve is based on the 25-year existing design storm event. Based on discussions with King County personnel responsible for creating the KCRTS program, the difference in volume of a detention facility sized using the 25-year duration curve versus a facility sized using the 50-year duration curve is negligible. Through several iterations, both the detention facility size and flow restrictor configuration were adjusted until the required flow duration and peak outflo��v criteria «rere met for the facility. Duration Comparison Anarlsis Base File: pre.tsf New File: spond.tsf Cutoff Units : Discharge in CFS ---Fraction of Time----- -------Check of Tolerance------ Cutoff Base New °sChange Probability Base New %Change 0.291 ( 0. 81E-02 0.77E-02 -5.2 I O.SlE-02 0.291 0.283 -2 .5 0 .352 � 0. 59E-02 0.52E-02 -11. 1 I 0.59E-02 0 .352 0.331 -6.0 0 .413 ( 0.46E-02 0.41E-02 -11.3 I 0.46E-02 0 .413 0.377 -8.8 0 .474 � 0. 35E-02 0.37E-02 5.7 I 0.35E-02 0.474 0.494 4 .2 0.535 � 0.26E-02 0.27E-02 4.5 I 0.26E-02 0.535 0_545 1.8 0.597 � 0_19E-02 0.21E-02 12.9 I 0.19E-02 0 .597 0.633 6.1 0.658 � 0. 14E-02 0.17E-02 25.3 I 0.14E-02 0.658 0.686 4 .4 0 .719 � O. 10E-02 O.10E-02 1.6 I O.10E-02 0 . 719 0.720 0.1 0 .780 ( 0. 70E-03 0.57E-03 -18 .6 I 0.70E-03 0.780 0 .763 -2 .2 0.841 � 0.46E-03 0.39E-03 -14.3 I 0.46E-03 0.841 0 . 822 -2 .3 0.903 � 0.24E-03 0.23E-03 -6 .7 I 0.24E-03 0. 903 0 . 889 -1.5 0 .964 � 0. 16E-03 0.15E-03 -10.0 I 0.16E-03 0. 964 0.960 -0.4 1.02 � 0. 65E-04 0.49E-04 -25.0 I 0.65E-04 1 .02 1.02 -0.7 Maximum positive excursion = 0.086 cfs ( 8.Og) occurring at 1 .08 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf and at 1. 17 cfs on the New Data:spond.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.040 cfs ( -9.8%) occurring at 0.409 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf and at 0.369 cfs on the New Data:spond.tsf 6/23/2004 Page 4-6 Job#01-159 �-rRI� �__: �� Shamrock—Technical Information Report In addition to the pond providing detention for the areas tributary to it, an extra 3,000 cubic feet has been added to the live storage volume to account for the existing detention pond. Since the areas north of NE 4th Street and likely tributary to the existing pond have been included in the proposed pond modeling, this may be viewed as an additional factor of safety. Therefore the total required detention volume is as follows: Detention required for areas conveyed to pond 100,313 ft3 Detention required compensatin� for existin�pond 3,070 ft3 Total Detention Required 103,383 ft; The actual detention �olume provided is 150,837 cubic feet This includes a 30 percent factor of safety. W'ater Quality Facilities Sizin� Calculations The proposed water quality facilitv ���as designed to comply ��ith the KCS��'D1�1's Rrrsic j��rter Qt4CLIl!)' Al2)12l requirements. This menu provides several options for water quality facilities, «7hich are designed to remove 80% total suspended solids for flows or volumes up to and including the WQ design flo��v or volume. The combined detention and wetpool facilities option was selected for the project's facility, and �vas designed per sections 1.2.8, 6.4.1, and 6.4.4 of the 1998 KCSWDM, as applicable to the combination detention and wetpond facility. A summary of the water quality facility sizing calculations is provided below. Section 6.41.1 of the KCSWDM specifies that the following equation be used when sizing wetpond facilities. The areas utilized as wetland recharge are not tributary to the detention pond. , However, these areas «�ill be taken into account ���hen calculating the required ���ater quality volume. yG =fj',. �ihere: f = �'olume Factor (3.0 for "basic" �cetponds) V, = Volume of runoff from mean annual stornl �ft'j 1',-_ (09A�-� 0.25 .�l,o + 0.10 A,�+ O.OI.�a) x R 6l23/2004 Page 4-7 Job #01-159 /-rRIf� �, � Shamrock—Technical Information Report where: A; =Area of impervious surface (ftz) A�g =Area of till soil covered with grass (ft2) A�f =Area of till soil covered���ith forest (ft2) R =Rainfall from mean annual storm, (feet) (0.041' for all facilities see Figure 6.4.I.A in the Appendix) Total Area= 1�.12 acres At =6.46 acres (281,398 ftZ) .�r� = 8.66 acres (377,230 ft�) I;-= 14,250 cubic feet l b=42,750 cubic feet Required VVater Quality Volume=42,750 cubic feet ' Provided VVater Quality Volume = 55,441 cubic feet Redundant Overflow 1��Ieasures In the event the control structure fails, back-up overflo�iT devices are in place to ensure the pond discharge direction is controlled. The primary back-up is an 18-inch stand pipe structure. The secondary back-up is a birdcage overflow structure. Each back-up measure is designed to com-ey the 100-year, 24 haur storm event of 4.60 cfs. 6/23/2004 Page 4-8 Job #01-159 �1-RIf� ,�....�-. Shamrock—Technical Information Report Stand Pipe Overtlow Structure The 18-inch stand pipe structure is designed to convey the developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow in overflow conditions. The head above the top of the riser is 0.5 feet, providing weir flow conditions. The weir equation below shows that flow capacity for the riser exceeds that of the 100-year flo«-. Please refer to Figure 5.3.4.H— Riser Inflow Cur-ti�es at the end of this section. Qwe�i= 9.739 D H�'' where: D =diameter(feet) -� 1.5 feet (18-inches) H =head above riser(feet) � 0.5 feet QWe;r= 9J39 (1.5') (0.5)3r` Qweir— 5.16 CfS Qrequired — �•60 efs Qprovided— 5.16 cfs Birdcage Overflo�i� Structure The 48-inch overflow structure is designed to convey the developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow in overflow conditions. The head above the top of the riser is 0.7 feet, providing �veir flow conditions. The weir eyuation belo��� shows that flow capacity for the riser exceeds that of the 100-year flow. Please refer to Figz�r-e 5.3.�1.H—Riser Inflo�v Cur-��es in the Appendix. Q„e�T= 9.739 D H'`- where: D =diameter(feet) � 4 feet H = head abot�e riser(feet) � 0.� feet Q,��e�r= 9.739 ��') �0.5)�,, Qweir— 1 3.77 CfS Qrequired —4.60 cfs Qprovided — 13.77 CfS 6/23/2004 Page 4-9 Job #01-159 �-rRIr�D � � i�� � � �� � ��. � ��r � --� ,,,�, � - . . ;' . . . i ::, .....: .,.� .: � � .. .:,. ..... .. � .........,.' � � •.� , � .... .,..,, . ,� . ,.,... . ..... �' �' . , � , f � ,. :..:........:... ..... .. .... 7 1�, . � .��. --r- . 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DATE REVISION BY CC � $�� ������ DE VEL OPED ORA/NA GE BA SINS �� � �� � EXHIBIT ` <= g ''�� ����� CAMWEST � i�H �' yh"'31 ti � ds � ��' x � SHAMROCK � $�� '� i IV t11 �� w � � TECHN/CAL INFORMA T/ON REPORT � � �� m �0 � ,.�,�q,�,� KING COUNTY, WASH/NGTON � . - I Shamrock-Technical Information Report 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN All conveyance systems will be designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). All systems will be analyzed during the 100-year design storm event and sho«-that no catch basin or s��-ale system overflo«�s or floods at any point. The KCBI� program sums the flo��s tributary to each reach (pipe) and then performs a standard step backvvater analysis on the neri��ork. The steady state energy equation (Bernoulli equation) is used along each reach in the network. The friction slope is calculated by averaging Manning's equation at the upstream and downstream ends of the pipe. The hydraulic grade line is calculated from dov�rnstream to upstream. The following tables show the flow tributary to each catch basin as well as the areas used to determine the flows. The tributary area (time series file) corresponds to the Catch Basin Tr-ibt.�tan�.4rea E_ahibit located at the end of this section. Tributar` �reas Tributary Areas(acres) ; Flows (cfs) i Area (time series � 2- 10- 25- 100- j file Imp. Grass Total ear ear ear ear I spc1.tsf 0.36 0.21 0.57 , 0.17 0.24 0.37 0.53 s c2.tsf 0.17 0.15 0.32 � 0.08 0.12 0.19 028 s c3.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 s c4.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 OA3 0.04 0.05 s c5.tsf 0.23 0.00 023 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.12 s c6.tsf 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 s c7.tsf 0.19 0.14 0.33 0.09 0.13 0.20 ' 0.30 , spc8.tsf 0.30 0.18 0.48 0.14 0.20 0.31 0.45 s c9.tsf 0.37 0.29 0.66 0.18 0.25 0.40 0.58 s c10.tsf 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 spcll.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 s c12.tsf 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 s c13.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 s c14.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 ' 0.05 0.06 s c15.tsf 0.26 0.18 0.44 0.12 0.17 0.27 0.40 � spc16.tsf 0.01 a.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 spc17.tsf 0.17 0.14 0.31 , 0.08 0.11 0.18 027 � spc18.tsf 0.02 0.00 0.02 � 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 , s c19.tsf 0.19 0.16 0.35 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.31 �� 6r'23/2004 � Page 5-1 Job #01-159 , -�R�� Shamrock-Technical Information Report �'I Tributary Areas Cont. ����� Tributary Areas (acres) Flows (cfs} Area (time series 2- 10- 25- 100- file) Im . Im . Im . ear ' ear ear ear s c20.tsf 0.12 0.03 0.15 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.16 s c21.tsf 0.27 0.13 : 0.40 0.13 0.18 0.27 0.38 s c22.tsf 022 0.00 0.22 0.11 0.14 0.20 0.26 s c23.tsf 0.03 ' 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 s c24.tsf 0.33 ' 0.19 ' 0.52 0.16 0.22 0.34 0.49 s c25.tsf 0.38 ' 0.25 0.63 0.18 0.25 0.40 0.57 s c26.tsf 0.24 '. 0.13 0.37 0.11 0.16 0.25 0.35 s c27.tsf 0.24 ': 0.09 0.33 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.33 s c28.tsf 0.22 ' 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.15 022 0.32 s c29.tsf 0.07 ' 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 spc30.tsf 0.37 0.24 0.61 0.18 0.25 0.39 0.56 s c31.tsf 0.13 0.07 ' 0.20 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.19 s c32.tsf 0.33 0.16 ' 0.49 0.16 022 0.33 0.47 spc33.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 s c34.tsf 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 spc35.tsf 0.38 ' 028 0.66 0.18 026 0.40 0.59 s c36.tsf 0.09 3.25* 3.34 0.13 0.26 0.48 0.78 '�`spc36.tsf includes an undeveloped offsite area. The 3.25 acres has been modeled assuming the current ground cover of pasture and not grass. The following tables sho��� the freeboard at each catch basin. For catch basins with a single cross culvert draining into it, the sum of the flows has been assumed to be the inlet flow. For example, the in-flo��• at CB S-12 includes the flow tributary to CB S-13. The hydraulic grade line elevation is calculated using the 100-year, developed storm event. Freeboard Table Rim HGL Elevation Elevation Freeboard CB# (feet) (feet) (feet) S-3 439.45 438.73 0.72 S-5 439.03 438.92 0.11 S-7 440.78 439.12 1.66 S-8 441.95 439.17 2.78 S-9 441.96 439.21 2.75 S-10 439.36 439.19 020 S-11 439.36 439.19 0.20 S-12 440.04 439.41 0.63 S-14 443.12 441.07 2.05 S-16 447.24 445.26 1.98 6/23/2004 Page 5-2 Job #01-159 �TRI:�D �o�._.. Shamrock-Technical Information Report Freeboard Table Cont. Rim HGL Elevation Elevation Freeboard CB# (feet feet) feet} S-18 455.11 453.41 1.70 S-19 460.71 458.38 2.33 S-20 467.19 463.27 3.92 S-23 454.77 453.69 1.08 S-25 457.32 454.54 2.78 S-25 456.93 455.03 1.90 S-26 457.86 455.49 2.37 S-28 459.36 456.79 2.57 S-30 460.52 458.03 2.49 S-31 463.82 461.28 2.54 S-32 471.70 469.15 2.55 S-33 483.37 480.52 2.85 S-34 494.39 491.49 2.90 S-37 463.27 459.47 3.80 S-41 467.19 463.27 3.92 S-42 478.45 475.88 2.57 S-43 479.91 477.28 2.63 S-44 482.31 479.65 2.66 S-45 490.05 487.15 2.90 S-49 475.34 472.37 2.97 In addition to the main conveyance system throughout the plat, a 24" pipe system has been designed to convey the overflow from the��-etland located adjacent to Lot #10 to the existing 36" pipe located under NE 4th Street. In the existing condition, the overflow pathway consists of an ill-defined ditch traveling north to south along the west property line. An existing 15" culvert picks up the ditch flow and conveys the drainage to the 36" pipe located under NE 4th Street. Please see the "Area Tributary to 36"Pipe" exhibit located in the back of this section detailin�the basin boundaries tributary to the existing 36" pipe. Total .Area tributary to the �vetland locat�d at tl�e northwest corner of the City of Renton portion of Shamrock is 39.7 acres. Impervious 6.37 acres Till Forest 3.92 acres Till Pasture 17.41 acres (,,tlitigated bufjer area and amended soil in the Lotiv Impact Development porti��� r�j�S{ra,�i�-ock/ Till Grass 5.27 acres Wetland 6.73 acres Total 39.7 acres 6/23/2004 Page 5-3 Job #01-159 � TRIAD Shamrock—Technical Information Report The 15 minute time series utilizing the Seatac 1.0 regional factor produces a 100-yr storm event of 14.54 cfs. Freeboard Table Rim HGL Elevation Elevation Freeboard CB# (feet) (feet) (feet) OS-1 439.37 437.18 2.19 W-1 438.00 437.44 0.56 W-2 438.30 438.25 0.05 W-3 439.64 439.36 0.28 "W-4 440.0 439.93 0.07 *W-4 is a bird-cage inlet. Ground level around rim is approximately 438.0 (IE ditch). Top of ditch is approximately 441.0. 6i23/2004 Page 5-4 Job #01-159 �-rRIf� � � .� BACn:;�:�,TEP. COr�iPU�ER P�CGP���1 FG? F?FES Pipe data from file:spl.b•�vp Surcharge condition at inte�-�•Gdiate juncticrs Tailwater Elevation:436.5 feet Discharge Range:9.37 to 9. 37 Step of 1 . �cfs] Overflow Elevation:494_39 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet,%sec ODTFALL S-3A -� CB S-3 PIPE NO. 1: 83 LF - 24"CP �;�: 0. 51`� OUTLET: •�32 .?5 IidLrT: 433 . 17 IPdT'iP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 439.45 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 07 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********************************�***,r********,r*,r**************:****:r**********� 9.37 5.56 438.73 * 0. 012 1 .10 1 . 05 5.75 5.75 5.46 5 .56 1 . 51 CB S-3 � CB S-5 ' PIPE NO. 2 : 85 LF - 24"CP �� 0.51a OUTLET: 433 .17 INLET: 433 . 60 INT'iP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 439.03 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3.0 Q-RATIO: 0. 07 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HW"1 *********************,r***********,r*********************+********,r************+* 8 .78 5 . 32 438 . 92 * 0 . 01� 1 . Q5 1 . 01 5 . 55 5 .56 5 .29 5 . 32 1 . �15 CB S-5 � CB S-7 PIPE NO. 3 : 165 LF - 24"CP �s 0.50% OUTLET: 433 .60 INLET: 434 .43 IPITYP: 5 JLTNC NO. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 440. 78 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3.0 Q-RATIO: 0. 30 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO Hi�7I ***�***********************.+�**.****************�**************�**********�.+. 8 . 19 4 . 69 13�. 1� * Q . C'rl� 1_ 0� ;� . 97 5 .32 5 . 32 -� .58 � . F9 7 _ 33 CB S-7 -� CB 5-12 PIPE NO. 4 : 91 LF - 13"CP 0.51s G`v'TLET: -�34 .93 IT.JLET: 435 . 39 I:dTYF: 5 JITNC NO. 4 : OVERFLOW-EL: 440.04 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 1� Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *****************************************************************************�� 6 .28 4.02 439. 41 * 0 . 012 0 . 9; 1 . 00 4 . 19 4 .19 4 .01 4 . 0� 1 . 2� CB 5-12 -� CB 5-14 PIPE NO. 5: 179 LF - 15"CF = � . 35� OUTLET: 435 . 54 IPILET: 439. 84 IidTYF: 5 NNC NO. 5: OVERFLOW-EL: �43.12 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 0.23 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV_ * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE H'�JO Hi^J I *********************************.*********,r****************�***********,r****�;. ti . �l 1 .._ _ -1-11 . � . + �� r�l� �^ a�, �i. �� 3 . . , � . -7? f1 . GC� �at+t 1 . �� CB 5-14 � CB 5-16 PIPE NO. 6 : 200 LF - 12"CP � 1.50% OUTLET: 440.09 INLET: 443 .09 IidTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 6 : OVEP.FLOW-EL: 447.24 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: Q. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE H470 Hj^JI *****�************:�**:�*************************************�******************* 4 .56 2 .17 445.26 * 0.012 0_90 0 .79 0 . 98 0.98 0_90 ***** 2 . 17 CB 5-16 -� CB 5-18 PIPE NO. , . 231 LF - 12"CP � 3 .6B� OUTLET: �43 .09 Ii7LET: 451 . 60 IPITYF: 5 J[TNC NO. 7 : OVERFL0�4-EL: 455 . 11 BEidD: 0 DEG DIA/b+IIDTH: � .7 Q-R;vTTC: 0 . 41 Q(CFS) HW{FT) H`✓� ELE�.T. * I�-FtiC DC Did TLa DO DE H�9G HUdI *******************t�**�**�r*���t���+*+-*****�+��**�********��,r*�*�*���**+*���+*�* 4 .55 1 . 81 453 .41 * 0.012 0 . 90 0. 5? 2 .17 2 . 1� Q. 90 ***** 1 . 81 CB S-18 � CB 5-23 PIFE NO. 8 : 12 LF - 12"CP t� 0.50o CJTLET: 451 .60 IPILET_ �51 .65 IPdTiP: 5 JUNC NO. 8: OVERFLOW-EL: 454 .77 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 09 Q(CFS) HW(FT} HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO H'�'I ******�*************�***********��********************:�*********�**********�*t* 3 . 23 2 .03 �53 .59 * 0 . 01% 0.?a I .CO 1 . 81 1 . �1 1 . 83 : . 03 1 . 14 CB S-23 -� CB S-25 PIPE P10. 9: 92 LF - 12"CP _ 0_71`s OUTLET: 451.66 INLET: 452 .31 IP7TYP_ 5 JUNC fJ0_ 9: OVEP.FLOW-EL: 457 .32 BEPdD_ Q DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-P.ATIO: 0. 90 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO Hj9I ******************************************************************************* 2 . 97 2 .23 454 . 54 * 0_012 0 .;4 0.?6 2 . 03 2 .03 1. 93 2 .23 1 .20 CB 5-25 � CB 5-26 PIPE NO. 10 : 46 LF - 12"CP y 5. 30% OUTLET: 452 .31 INLET: 454 . 75 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO.10 : OVERFLOW-EL: 4�7 . 86 BEiv'D: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 . 7 Q-RyTIO: 0. 72 Q (CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * Pd-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **********************************�******************************************�* 1.56 0.74 455.49 * 0.012 0.54 0.29 2 .23 2 .23 a .54 ***** 0 . ?4 CB 5-26 -� CB 5-28 PIPE NO.11 : 129 LF - �2"CP a� 1. I6% OUTLET: 454 .l5 Ii7LET: 456.25 IP7TYP: 5 JUNC NO.11 : OVERFLOi^J-EL: 459.36 BEP1D: 0 DEG DIA%WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 13 Q (CFS) HtiV(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DPd TW DO DE Hi40 HW I ******�***********************��**********�****�*****************************�* 0. 91 0.54 455 . ''9 * � . �12 0 .40 �.3� 0 .?4 0 .74 0 .40 ***** 0. 54 CB S-28 -� CB 5-30 PIPE P70.12 : 86 LF - 12"CP �� 1.48°s OUTLET: 456.25 INLET: 457. 52 I27TYP: 5 JUNC N0.12: OVERFLOW-EL: 460.52 BEND: 70 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 05 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************� 0.80 0 . 51 458.03 * 0 .012 0. 38 0.29 Q.54 0 .54 0 . 38 ***** 0 . 51 CB S-30 -� CB S-31 PIFE i70_ 13 : 39 LF - 12"CF ^o .-�6s C�TLET: �5�.5� IidLET: 460 . 82 IPITY'P: 5 J'�7C iIG. 13 : O`1EF.FLG�Q-EL: 463 . 6� RF.;dD: 40 i,F:C; DI:=,%L4IDTH: 2 .7 Q-F'-l�TIO: G _ 09 Q iCFS) H✓�' (FT} Hird ELE�i. * N-FAC DC Di�d T6^7 DO DE HSVO HWI x**��**��*t�**���++*�*�***�*�***�+*��********�*�******�+�*�*�**+*�*t****�**��*+ 0 .?7 0 .46 461.28 * 0. 012 0 . 3? 0. 18 0 .51 0 . 51 G .37 ***** 0 .46 CB 5-31 � S-32 PIPE N0.14 : 100 LF - 12"CP �� 7 .88°s OUTLET: 460. 82 IPdLET: 468 . ?0 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0.14 : OVERFLOW-EL: 471.70 BEND: 20 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 4 . 83 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * id-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 0. 70 0.45 �69. 15 * 0.012 0.35 0. 18 0.45 0.46 0 .35 ***** 0 . 45 CB 5-32 -� CB 5-33 PIPE DI0. 15 : 122 LF - 12"CP � 9.57°s OUTLET: 458.70 INLET: 480 . 37 INTYP: S JiTNC NO_ 15: OVERFLOW-EL: 483 .37 BEND: 20 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 1_40 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * iJ-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HL^JI �*********�******************************************************************** 0. 12 0. 15 480.52 * 0.012 0 . 15 0. 08 d.45 0 .45 0 . 15 ***** 0. 14 CB 5-33 -� CB 5-34 PIPE N0. 16 : 169 LF - 12"CP �� 6.52% GUTLET: 480. 37 IiJLET: 491. 39 ZPdTYP: 5 Q(CFS) Hjd(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******************************��********************************************** 0 . 05 0. 10 491.49 * 0.012 0 .10 O. OE O. IS Q. 15 0. 10 ***** 0. 05 BACKNIATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FGR FIP_S Pipe data from file:sp2.b�:p Sureharge condition at inter�nediate jtmctiens Tailwater Elevation:439.12 feet Discharge Range:0.64 to 0.64 Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:439.36 feet Weir:NONE Upstream 'Jelecit•y:3 . fe�t/sec CB S-7 -� CB 5-10 PIPE P10. 1 : 166 LF - 12"CP :. 0.50% OUTLET: 436.38 INLET: 437 .21 IPdT�iP: 5 JiJNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 439.36 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-PyTIC : �' . 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE H:dC H�aI *****�**�*�*�****************************************�**********�*�#+���**�t+�* 0 . 54 1 _ 98 439. 19 * Q. 012 0 .34 0 . 33 2 .74 2 . 74 1 . 96 1 . 98 0 .46 CB 5-10 � CB S-11 PIPE P70. 2 : 31 LF - 8°CP � 0.48E OUTLET: 437 .21 IPdLET: 437 . 36 I21T'.'P: 5 Q(CFS j HP7(FT) H��1 ELEV. * id-FAC DC DN TVJ DO DE HWO HW I ******i*************************************-k**:F*****************************k i 0 . 08 1 . 83 -�39. 19 * G. 012 0 . 1� G. 14 1 . 9fi 1 . 98 1 . 83 1 . 69 0 . ?3 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:sp3.b�,ip Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:439. 12 feet Discharge Range:0.51 to 0.51 Step of 1 . [cfs] Overflow Elevation:441.96 feet Weir:P10NE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB S-7 -� CB S-S PIPE NO. 1 : 26 LF - 12"CP �� 9.31°s OUTLET: 435.43 INLET: 437_ 85 ZNTYP: 5 JC7NC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 441.85 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 17 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *********�**************�****************************************************** 0.51 1 .29 439.14 * 0.012 0.30 0. 15 3 .69 3 .69 1 .28 1.29 0.36 CB S-8 --� CB S-9 PIPE NO. 2 : 31 LF - 12"CP @ 0.48°s OUTLET: 437.85 INLET: 438_OQ INTYP: 5 JUNC NO_ 2 : GVERFLOW-EL: 441.85 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RP,TIO: 0.41 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELE�T. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HjdO HW I ********�********************��*�*************************�*******�*******�**** 0 .43 1 .16 439. 16 * 0.012 0_28 0.28 1 .29 1.29 1 . 15 1 . 15 0.37 CB S-9 � CB S-9A PIPE 2•JO. 3 : 68 LF - 12"CP � 2 . 94% OUTLET: 438 .00 IPJLET: 440.00 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * P1-FAC DC DN TW DO DE H4d0 HWI **********************************************�************+******************* 0.31 0 .23 440.23 * 0.012 0.23 0. 15 1.16 1. 16 0.23 ***** 0. 16 i BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:west.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:436.22 feet Discharge Range:14 .5 to 14.5 Step of 1. [cfs) Overflow Elevation:438 . feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB Outflow to CB OS-1 PIPE NO. 1: 102 LF - 24"CP � 0.20°s OUTLET: 434 .09 INLET: 434.29 INTYP: 5 JITNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 439.37 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 6.0 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) AW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 14.50 2.89 437 .18 * 0.012 1.38 2.00 2 .13 2 . 13 2 .29 2 .89 2.30 CB OS-1 to CB W-1 PIPE NO. 2 : 22 LF - 24"CP @ 0.18°s OUTLET: 434.29 INLET: 434.33 INTYP: 5 JLJNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 438.00 BEND: 7 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 .5 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 14 .50 3.11 437.44 * 0.012 1.38 2.00 2 .89 2 . 89 2 . 93 3 . 11 1. 88 CB W-1 to CB W2 PIPE NO. 3 : 182 LF - 24"CP @ 0.20°s OUTLET: 434 .33 INLET: 434 .70 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 438.30 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 . 5 Q-RATIO: 0 .00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 14.50 3.55 438.25 * 0.012 1.38 2 .00 3 .11 3 . 11 3 .37 3 .55 1.87 CB W-2 to CB W-3 PIPE NO. 4 : 268 LF - 24"CP � 0.20s OUTLET: 434.70 INLET: 435.24 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 4 : OVERFLOW-EL: 439.64 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.5 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 14.50 4.12 439.36 * 0.012 1.38 2 .00 3 .55 3 .55 3 .94 4_ 12 1. 87 Intake CB W-4 to CB W-3 PIPE NO. 5 : 62 LF - 24"CP C 0.19$ OUTLET: 435.24 INLET: 435.36 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 14.50 4 .57 439.93 * 0 .012 1.38 2 .00 4 . 12 4 . 12 4 .21 4 . 57 2 .06 TRI�D ASSOCIATES �001 06%OSiO4 08:5; '$425 821 3�fi1— ---- — — — — -- --- — --.— •--- — — .. � � F ���'e�� \ � ;��:o/ C� TRlt1� �� A S Y p�S A 1 t G /O. O�yO.n� �� azs.s2�.saas 4SA2'I.3a81 fax �i � �, � i �; � e EOO.aBO 075d loll(reo unvw triadassoc.eam Facsimzle Transmittal �uN o s � lune 8, 2004 BUILplNG DIVISIOi� To: Coni�any: Fax Number: 7uliana Fries City ofRenton (42�) 430-7300 CC: Frum: Triad Job No.: Robecca Cuslunar� 01-159 RE: Pages (�ncl.Co�cr�: Shvruuck 4 IIard Copy: � Wil] not be scnt Message: ❑ Will bc sent Juliana. F.nclosed are the calculations cucnpa�ing ihe ditch llo�v to the pipc fluw for the wetland overflow pathway. T also included the time series for thc azea hibulary t� the outiet point. Kccp in niind that I addcil in the Pond outflaw time scries to thu areas to �ccouni for the prede�reloped are�t tcibutary to it. The discharSe point is to the wc;lland. "fhe ocher item that is not iuclu�ied and di�cutt to describe is that the�vetland to thc �iorth flows both in the north and south ciirection. 1 iook s conservative appzuach fur the pipe sizing xnd"ass�►med"all flows travel to the south. Plesse call rae i£you have any questaons. CONFIDF.YTL4Li']'Y NOTI(.'E: Thc rnakRai tnnnincd in lhix Fn;(lrt�n5mis5iou is�nvatc and contidtn:iol,�nd is inrnde�l unlV lor ust by I'�t ��di�iduili n:snxd on rl�is shett, llse,disciesure,cupym�,dis�r�hutwn or rclim�ca upon thc�nfcrrn`nnn cuntained in�;is F 4X by cnynne o�hcr tn;,n rhe indiviJuuls named t3 prnhibitrd. If,you h�vc rr.�nvcd this I�A;(in cn•Or,pIC1+e c911(-t25)R2l yq43 ur(804)»SB U7jC�tu arran;e fur tl�e retum�f rlds I11211•�14�. , TRIaD ASSOCIATES C�oo2 06%OSi09 08:57 '8'925 821 3981 � — — --- — -- — — — -- � — total .pks /Srn , �l Flow Frequency Analysi5 Tim2 Series File:total .tsf Project Location:5ea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency a,�alysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - �eaks - - Rank P,eturn Prob (CFS) (CFS) Neriod 4.40 3 2/09/01 12:45 10.91 1 100.00 0.990 2.34 7 l/05/OZ 15:00 G.90 2 25.00 0.960 6.90 2 12/OB/02 17:15 4.40 3 ZU.00 0.900 2.29 8 8/26/04 1:00 3.90 4 5.00 0.800 3,3� 6 10/2$/04 16:00 3.45 5 3.00 0.667 3.45 5 10/27/05 10:45 3.34 6 2.00 0. 500 3.y0 4 10/25/06 22:45 2.34 7 1.30 0.231 10.91 1 �/09/08 6:30 2.29 8 1.10 0,091 Computed Peaks 9.57 50.00 0.960 (�L-"rc..-+��� �a� : �. �o� � � _ � ����� �fi �.v � y, s -�- ll�e-�`z.�� �� ��� 7 A� � �/� � ,�f � r1L -1'�� -�o2cs i % v a �l c T r c_.c� �as r��-` �-�1 ��q� Tlr� �2,� s 5 6 .� I �a � �,v��a �c a f.: _, _ - Page 1 TRIAD ASSOCIATES l�00� 06%08-'0�l 08:58 $425 821 �481 ---- _- — -- — •— — — — — --- •- — — - .� -. Ditch � �, 1�� J� � lnput Dutput Q (cfs) 10.91 10.91 � I n 0.030 0.030 8 (ft) 0.00 0.00 Solve , i LSSIope (X:1) G.92 6.92 I � RSSlopc(X:1) 6.92 6.92 --- ' Y(�t) 0.88 0.8$ � � , S (ft/ft) 0.005 0.005 D''�� � f I � � A(s� 5.406 Pw (ft) 12.360 V(ftls} 2,018 R(ft) 0.437 Job: Shamrock Description; Wetland overflow ditCh flow By; 6. Rutkowsk� Date; 6l8l2QOa L__,� � 3� ' , l— � ►��: • �� Cc) � .�.�S F'r M i til � '���� rt� � a.orS �� �o f Page 1 06%OS%Od 08:�fi $�25 821 �481 _ _ TRIAD ASSOCIATES— �J009 . . • • Pipe — -- �--` — +— —- -- =— ._. - __ InputJ output � � I Q (cfs)j _ 0.00� _10.91� � I — I-- T— — — I _�� — — - - n o.0�2 0.0�2', -- i �� — - d�rcT 2_00 .00 -- 2 . —�— — - _ 2 ! � _� o�J16 inches �� � _ �r (ft), _ 1.63� 1.63! , — _i.` _ --— — — S (ftlft _0.002 0,002 j � � fi— —� — ! — - -� +- --� - -- i-- i -.r- - -� - -.- -- � — � = � _ T ;- - � - -�- ��u;, � A(�� _2.74� � � A ' {� � �� � _�Pw�)� 4.507 Y�fUs�,� 3.977 F T IR cft) o.so9�� �- - .1� �, r'��� ' �� , -i- -'-• � I � I � �� �$ -,_. �. 1._i_-i -._ � _._ _ Critical y(ft)-� _ .�—_ _ I--� o Qmax @ Y(ft�--�� 1.87� I _ __ _ _ _ � _ _ � Vmax @y(ft)__ 1.6256� _ _ � -- -�--- —— — -�--— —' �___. � — � — .�— — I � .. � Y I .��� ,',� � � . ' � �-- —— �_ —� — � � —— Job: ShamroCkL_ _ i, Description:�Wetland overflow convey8nce L_ _ B :'R. C�shman Date: 618/200� �.= S3S ' T ' �� � C�J `L_ �.r S' � "� '� _ �.�`7'►� ► ►..1. ,3. 977 �s �3 �r �o S�- Page 1 F��a����„�� 20010426�00237 , ��Q aaca eei oF ees ••°° _L" .� �..-V��D KI�NG28��gjq r• AFTER RECORDN RETURN TO: - � — _ _ ,_r, , � IC.C Property Servu�s Dms+on � I 50oA Ka�g CountY Adrrwn��B�� aa� ee°� e�� a e� 0 500 Fourtt�Avenue��1UM-L+"-�5� K1�g��1e� I � Seatlle,WA 98104 j N � ASSIGNMENT OF UTiUTY AND DRAlNAGE EASEMENT � 0 � Grantor--King CouMy,lNashington Grantee--City af Renton Legal----SE'/.of Sec. 18,Twp 23 N., Rge 5 E,W.M. Tax Acct—10x305-9040 8�9304 The Grantor, K1NG COUNTY, a pol�c�l subdrvision of the S'tate of Washu�gton, for �d in considerahon of mutual benefits,does hereby assign�to the C�rantee, the CfTY OF RENTON, a murnapal oaporaUon of the State of WasFting�on, aN o#its ngh� fiit�e �d �in, and to, that certam Util��ty and ge Easetr�errt, dated October 26, 1987, as reoorded under Reoording No 87113+DI���r�onds of Km9 Co�tY,Wastxrx,�ton,over�d acress the foAow�ng descnbed fands,s�ake m Kmg CouMy,Wash�ngton The East 65 feet of the Sa�tt►200 feet of the foAoNnng descx�bed paroel of land Zhe East%z of the SVI!'/�of the SE'/�of the SE%.of Secbon 10,Tovmship 23 Nortli, Range 5 East,W M.,tGng County,Washmgbon, I.ESS CouMy Road By the auihor¢ed signature belaw, the CfTY OF RENTON aocepts the said uiiltty and dra�nage easement and a1 of the tertns and c�aidtions set faih t�er+e�n. �ea�s 5fh �,►� �anuaru ,zo�°� �E �Th,S dou.�me.,� ?s being �NG CO ,WASHI TON re-recordpd �o cerre�f- � I� ���� �-he Rec.orc��nc� !Va o� the BY' `� U�hl,�-y Esrnt nc�ted a6ove, �E�QVIC( �Y�u�S�i�t-�' Gt nd do earr2r.f-.Ft�e, c�a�e oF exece,�cr,. TITLE�rro�ef'�1 ,S2rYiCes MArtaqe,r DATE �QJ1UQYGI J�� .��I�DO f EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIREp � Reaxds Division BY. ��,_... �p�Y ACCEPTED BY THE CiTY OF RENTON_ �� �?-- NAME�f�i�/_/� � yJ�'�� ��N1�t/,��i�I�D1�Sf!l�(�C,/G�d1C�5 ���°T- �D�1/�y/S7Y�¢ToR � DATE /_/zI�OG _ ( 1°BPw p�►41 f}D�r��� � � 0 0 0 � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) `" ) ss. � o COUNTY O� KING ) � OI � On th�s �1 day of �AYtGtQY , �before me the � unde�gned, a Notary Pubhc in and for tfie Sta e of Wastwngton, duly oomrtuss�oc�ed and Swom. Persor�abY aPPeared David B. Preugschat, to me known to be the Kin9 CamtY Property Services Division Manager and wha execvted the foregoa�g instrument ar�d acknowledged to me that said person signed the same p�usuant to a delega�on of authonty from the Kmg Courrty Execx�five as the free anci voluntary ad and deed of King County, for the uses and purposes thereui menhoned WtTNESS my hand and offtcia{ sea{ hereto affixed the day and year fast above Wlltten ,,,�N1NtIfN//���i ��� �. TN p ��� .`��``lQ.O��N��Arp'� �'`S. � �4:40+ � _ � ,�ot�Rr � — = Pnrrted Name: GYc( S omDSo�'1 ___ = � —~ = NOTARY PUBUC in�nd for the State of ashngfion ;����.o �'a�t�� e� �`� res�d�ng at cL-{ztL . '�.,�►r � t 1��` My comm�ssion eacp�res I-15-Zo0 ',����nfir�npi��`��``• STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KlNG ) On this �� day of /JfC�lYLD�C.!' . 2000, before me the undersigned, a Notary Pubbc in �d for the State of WasFwngton, duly comrrnssioned and swom, personalty appeared P ' f, to me known to be the � pRPw ���•l�mi i1, of the of Renton, and who s�gned the foregouig � mstrurnent accepbng the easement descnbed therem, and adcnowfedged to me that said o person was authonzed to sign th�s instrument and s�gned the same as the free and o vofuntary act and deed of the City of Renton, for the uses and purposes therein � mentioned cv � WITNESS my hand and oEhaa! seai hereto affoced the day and year fitst above o wRttel'1 � N ������'apAU��4� � :;�r'''•........�,� Printed Name ' ' p �•c����°-"'F� NOTARY PUBUC m and for the State of Wastia�gton, �1Q;� MAY �';'p a reS�du�g at - ' 15 ;*� My c�mmiss�on exp�es 3 D�' �� ' 2003 � , •y�o'��'c�f.....�.�-�''��a�� qRy p� � � itM 2108 1l6 L f 37 � j +�< <� tlTILhM1KN0 OMi11ACE EJISEHEMf I rnts �MDE71rINtE .aae wts � e.r or �r��c,� . ls�_, eecvee■ rrt t�� ���ca e�f Nu wrt-�i4 a a �� s¢�.��.f, � �r c6tt siitcA.a.rs.�r.av6i'tl�e S ta te of Yashie�We, Mereleafte���aljed the G(IAK�EE R[TNESSETN• 1;�• ''.t ��� The sald GRANTOR, for sed in conslde�atlo� of Eiqht 'fhousand=B�hty and no/100 �4011 s 080.00)-=-—�--- -----------' ------------�nd other v+�61e eons cral on, re�pt whe�eo'�'Ts-Ti�crZbY'Zcknow-l�dqe , � y t se rresents �rant unto the satl GRItNTEE, Its s�eecessors �a4 azslyns. s rigbt of ray e�seseot for utilities � and drainage fxilitiy o�er. thronqh, across apd r�der tht t+'? oro►erty heretn iestrlEed. sltrated 1� K1iy Corntr. tl�shlnqtoa, be1�q wore Partitolarlr N descrlped as foiloKs: � 8,•1t 3G t�e>. �-� � FECf � .«J O 1 �2ey1R ,�..._i+i � w . N � t ?he Eaat 65 feet o[ the South 200 fce[ o[ the fo2lovtng descr►bed � � pa[cel oC land: � � The Eaat 1/2 of the Southveet 2/, of the Southeas[ 1/0 of the Sovtheaat 1/� of S�etlon 10• Tovnsh�p 23 North, Rahge S eaat. �' tt.M.. iing Covnty. Mashington; � (�j LC55 covncy roaa. N N PJ Contains aa area ot 13r000 sq_ tt.r oc O 298 acrea, K/L. O ' � A/M 2108 - SWtHEAST 12BT8 SlABLY � /E.�irrissii.v /.c N£CG.OY G�P?ais,� 7► �.v� �u.vs�Y �n ��+�'✓c' � �kitni6 SrKKa7ir�tEl LOC,,�7� �cKbLCY Ae/�4LT1Ntc)' wi�7Ys.v � ,c,r,��� �� � fdeA Fa Recad At The Requesi p( King Cou tp eal Propertq Divrsroa Sa1d GRANTEE. 1ts snccessors anA asslgns, sAa11 bare tLe right at s�cM tlwe as nwy be necessarY, to enter upon sa1A propertr for the ptrpose of coestructing, rocoostrrctla9. ■alntalnlay amt repal�inq sald �.11►tiea and duLnage Exilaly SEE AODPt10lRS attaehed Mcrto and nsd� a pact hereot Loc SPDCIIIL OCNDITIONS. IM NITRESS MIIEREOF sald 6RAI1T9R hss ►erennto u t his h�nd aed seal the day a�A year flrst aban rrittea. �����' �ji(,U-� 0--�-�-���� I vx� � .c /,I a�ua�� I, � sT�rE ov �s�itKcror 1 1 ss COIpITY OF CING 1 Oe this 6� yersonatly �poe�red before we ��mc�c.�F �.=.t�_�_ i�d {� �f, /�o,�e to we t�owe'Fo�e �T r s estr � a�►7 tfis execu w n oreyo n�—fvstrMee�t. sed acknowied9e4 th�t tMer stgned the sa�e is t6e1r free �n1 rolrntary act aml Aced, for tAe uses anA prrposes Lhereis �eatloneQ. -aMer � Mnd ad offlct�l seal thts a� � day of o�rn/3.e-�. . 19�. / '�,^ ��q � ��Y�i� ti7 ��i !.�_ '��s �T1�IP'DQIfCItZn�a or ' �.o���1�� ,.�' , State of�hl��ton, resTAln� at =u,•'- c'" o�: ��T RFa1�ED " .C,u r �;�UptlG; o�..a�,.s� t:(�wE TA`l�I`JT RrQ�J:REO � �,�lF ��,�. V� Op r�S�\\�,���=-.e-v ClPulr ���-++�oatlt O�rSon q�r lll �Y j . _ � .�,. ADDEN�Ult 1 G�antee, Ktng County. agcees to build a retention po�d as depacted belov T � �' � N �' O , — — — — — —-- _ _____-. 0 � + b�� �' � N 1 8oT7c►4 0�RMO f�t ICi. K ��o s� 'n V/ tC v '_'_�aolt��P O lY7L_�eK --�-� __�� � N ar�a.e�.r� `3a• � � _ � LtF�tlr�= tl.�ss� 1 � 3,07ofT�}oIt/aon��"nQ ` `"' I,tcOk�cs�y,ieaj.��.ISG��CL 0 lo�°°°F1'F�a M.wc ow .� � c,c�e qa wo+,,od � 2. Crantee wall Qrovide an outlet atcucture capsble oi handlanq H Ghe retentaon cequare•enta for th• coad videnanq Grantoc. C�1 Landovner. Ray wodafy the outlet atcueturc as n�ceasarY Eer � tfie deselopwent of Ais parcel O Q 3. It vill be tbe GrenGor'a reapw�sibility to cegrade Ais � propectp to enable the drainage to rsach tAe t�Centioa pond. � � 4. Crantee vill naintaaa tAe retentioa pond as lonq aa the � vatec enterirn� the pond La Eco�n Conoty roadvay oc residential � eourcea 5. IE the Gcantor� or his successo�sr develop the property for cowwercis! uae, the Crantor, or aucceasors, wLll aasvae all legal cespo�sibility for maintenance and cepa u oE the po�d and any inspeetion fees. F�ed For Record At Request Of 2001042fi00@236 ,:(�� KINC COtAOTY PR EAS e,� \ d 84/�o2001F��.�22 AFT'ER RECORD�IG RETURN't0: KING COUNTy, LIA K C Property Serv�ces Oiv�on - ' -- - - --- - -- -- ---- -- ���O1^��'TM" � Knic-co�nrn co Eas e.ee 500 Fourth Avenue, hDM-GF-�50� r� eei oF se4 Seame.WA 98104 siilgizeet ie•aa K�c couHTr, wa ASSIGNMENT OF UTIUTY AND DRAiNAGE EASEMENT Grarrtor--Kin9 CountY,lMasFungton Grantee--City af Renton Legal----SE'/.of Sec.10,Twp 23 N.,Rge 5 E.,W.M. Tax Acct 902305-9040�9304 � The Grarrtor, KING COUNTY, a Pobbcal subdmsion of the State of Wastungbon, for and �n cons�decabon of mu�ual benefits. does hereby ass�gn unto the Gra�tee. the Cf1Y OF RENTON. a mun�cipat c�a�porabor� of the State of Wash�rx,�on, aA of its right, title and uiterest m, and b�, that certa�n Ubbty and Drar�age Easerr�ent. dated October 28, 1987, as reoobed under Rec�ordmg No.8711300921, reoords of K�g Courrty.Washington, over and acx�oss the followng descnbed lands,sfiwate n Ku�g CountY,Washu�gbai The Sarih 5 feet aF the foNo�n�g desaibed paroel of land The East'/Z of the SW�ot the SE%of the SE'/of Secbon 10,Towruh�p 23 North, Range 5 East,W M,Kmg CouMy,Wastiuigton, EXCEPT the South 42 feet for road c�oc�veyed to Kmg Couriiy fnr SE 126"'St by Deeds recorded under Recordmg Nos 5755891 and 5755892 �o c*� N o By the authorized s�gnah�re belaw, 1he CRY OF RENTON aocepts the said u61�#y and dranage � easement�d aA of!he t�ms and cond�ons set forth there.�n co N ��d ts�s 5+h a�y� Sanua ru ,z�. aaa� � 0 �- �t 5 Gf6Cun�¢n� i S I�l9t �NG COUNTY,WA`�TON �' re�'r�orded h� mrr�c�- `� BY I'��t /'�� N .1�1�¢_ c��t�e oF exea��,cn. �wnnE�av+al P�-euqschat TITLE�IvD.�y�N SQrViCeS ManaL�.t.P.r' IXGISE TAX NOT REQUIRED DATE �Gl n uA rc� ��a�6 ao0 f King ur�y� rds Div�sron 9Y: �,Q�y ACCEPTED BY THE CRY�RENTON. BY G� NAME���.�/r �fil�l�� �m..EJ�w4NN�iSIr..��lJ'�/1S�G,lI���3UC (,UD�jrs I�FpT l��ltl//�/S/�T�iQ � t�►'SPIv pe/��: �}�lx�i�� N o�� I Z 2 0 0 0 0 � � � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) o � � �-- COUNTY OF KiNG ) 0 `V On th�s ��{1 day of _�QhU4YN . �i be#ore me the undersigned, a Notary Pub�ic m and for fhe S e af Washmgton, duly comrn+ssaned and svu�m, persona�y appeaned David B. Preugschat, to me known to be the Ku�g County Property Services �vision Mana�r and who executed the foregoing instrument and ackr►oiMedged to me that said person s�gned the same Qursuarrt to a delegation of authority from the King Courrty Execubve as the free and voluntary act and deed ofi 1Gng Caurrty, for the uses and purposes there�n merrtwned WITNESS m'y hand and offic�a! seal hereto affoced the day and year f�rst above wf�tten ```���`t�tuT�oy���,' `�►��lt,0 ��'�. . ' = `' s' � �-. _ NdT�Rr � - —.-- = Printed Name a ro I h o►-►� so n � ;y �y���` �i ` NOTARY PUBLIC 1�and for the State of ash�ngton, �'�� o s. residing at fiuc. '%���Rtl►AiM�M��o``` �comm�ss�on expres L -f 5-2�Oo �k1111tttt1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KlNG ) On this ��1�day of !J�L�IYt�EI'�' , 2000, before me the unde�gned, a Nobry Pubi'�c in nd for fihe State of Washington, duiy oanm�ssioned and swom, personally a�peaced Z'm rrr�,ptyt to me kr�own to be the �iv� 1 of the ity of Rerrton, and who s�ied the foregomg � insUument pt�ng the easement descnbed therpart, and acknowledged to me that said �+ person was authotized to s�gn ttus instrument and signed the same as the free and o vohmtary act and deed of the City � Renton, for the uses and purposes therem � mentioned � � WtTNESS my hand and off�al seal hereto affuced the day and year frst above o Wfitt611 o � o ��a�o�E��, '� Pnnted Name- i L• �f �o��!••' �.'�� NOTARY PUBL1C m and fof the State of Washington, � �'� � � .R`� residmg at � $j.�:a MAY ��.�g� My corrurnsswn e�res S O . _*' r* �d ' 2003 . . . . . . �• �v y�q����� � I �� � R/N 2108 {36 llc4l.� i•�I �AY UTIIITY 11N0 OR111NRGE EIISEMENT TM[S (IIOEN7URE wabe tMls a� '-� Aay ot �7�,g� , 19��. betwten ,c�F� 6�,����i�ro./.��.rY[�-�6�o�—.ncE'.��,r,�n�is�rE3l�i�after �l� a� up o�nty, as�ifnqto�, a pot t r s on o the State of � Yasht�ta+e RXe4�linafter cal,�ed the CR�IITEE � hl ` i� � � MiTNES5ET8: ' M O � 0 T1�e Sa11 GRANTOR. for �nd in co+islderatlon of £ouc Eundred FiEty u�d no/L00 o � O � Do11arS (S�SO 001----______________�__�_______�-----______-aod Other v � ra ra e coes eratlon, rece Dt whereo s r r acknow edge�,ao r—E LTiese prest�ts g�-�et co �p u�ta the s�t1 GRANTEE. Its srccessors aoQ asslqns, s rfght �f nr easewent For utilities and drainage [actltty over, LhrorgA, across anA ��der tbe ev oroyerty herei� descriDeA. sltuated fn Ktng fornty, Mashln9ton, being �or�e parttcularly � de�cribeA as folim+s: 0 � � The South 5 feet of tha folloving. n N � � The Cast 1/2 of the Southvest 1/4 of ths Southeast 1/1 of the � Southeast 1/d of Sect�oe 10, Tovnship 23 Hocth, rta�e 5 Eaat. ` W.M . lC1ng County. Nash�ngto�, � EXCEPT the South 12 feet for road conveyed to icang Cou�ty for � SoutheasG 12Bth Street by Deeds recorded undec Recording Noa 5755891 and 5755892. Conta►ns an ares of 1,151 aq. Et., or 0.025 acres, K/L. 87,17.:C1 tM^� l E R/M 2108 - S E. 128?N STREET !.`ECt� F . n! CASFKL ��•�� n� fded Foc Record At The Request p� ,,�5�TA:�:^•T REQIlIREO ,,,,o.a ac�sa�+a, � om�a� i�aig Cau r Rea! Prope�tp pmsron Said ptll�lTEE, its successors anA azst9ns, shaTl I+are the ri9ht at sucY tlnrc as naY De ■ecessary, to enter upon sald proD�'CY for tfie purpose of coxstrbctln9. reeonstrve�ln�, ■atntalnfng and repalrlp9 s�ld IN MI�ItESS NNEREpF sald GRANTpt bas hereunto set fi1s kand anA se�t tde d�r and rear flrst above +rt�ltten. X�w� ��,.� .��.,� . � � x .����� ,��.� X STIRE Oi MASNIfIf:TON ) ) ss COUNTZ' OF K(NG 1 Oa tfiSt day q�rzonally appe�red betore me, Ep F_/!7 r• (�E „/ and ��i,eto �e kno�m o e n��da s escr e n an xta /�. l�,--�C o m ����a�w��r��,TforegoTnq Tastrn�aent. �nA ackaowledyed tl+tt tAer afgned the saoe a� thel��ree..sp �oluatary �ct anA decd. for tl�e uses a�d pnrposes d�eia nn►tloeeQ. i� Ct�e�i�d��`ry �d anA offlclal seil this ��day of -m�,,C.. 19�. �� f 1�'I�,* � *�.'0�1`,0�1f}��,��i^1 RL � ;.. .i. n a °'���UGIIGe o Staie ot yashsngton. resldiny at ♦ _ K�SYT y��'<''''� `�'• 1_� E7DEi �� � �`l:l•S���/ ti _ � _ , — �.� R/ti+ 2209 136 c 137 (iTIL11Y�tIt7U DRAIHAGE EA$EHENi � r. i!t[5 (t�nE!tfi�f'E aa1.+ tl�is ��' 6a� ot ��r���sE� . �9��. �tw!!a - ' t;;;� ��F�� � c��+ -•,�`� ���;�� _�pJ_ � ��' �j� �� �,C Rerelratter �s_� Ca:ien ihe :,� �.i v , an+ ,n� �(.e�tn�� ���shlnq on, a �a 1Eice�zu���v�l!ol�he Stait of - ksih�ngt�n. hCt'C�r1T�CCP C�{�CA thC GRAf(TEE: 1-�� :�,� L(!TNc'c5EfF1: - -==; i!�e saEQ !:RA►7TQR, inr asrl in conslAeration of Eight Thousan�}�hty and no/100 � . .�. . �� .,�� -- ----and other -='�-= '%��il rs �= �8.?.^. -------------------------- ---------- v��a� e cons ��eraZcn, rPc�t al�ereof Is herM+y'Scknowl�dge , o by these Dresents gfant - unia tAe said Gf:ANIE:, I.s snccessorz and asstgns, a r{ght of way easement for u[ilities dCNj c]YL1113QC :3�i:;:i� o�cr, thro�a�h� a�ross and under the � pro3erLy hercin �!escrit•e-i, s:t�iated 1n Kinq f,ounty. NasA(ngton. being nwre paTtiCul�rly descriord as foiioHs: �� _: .. -n r��9:_ '� -_ pE�-;. - ,�_�_� n ' L��.�:•_i .»...r,rTi� ♦ . M t . . ,+} ':t�e EesL 'u5 Lee! = ti�e South 2UU feet of the followin� de�cribed C� � parcel oF land- � ^_'h2 Easi: '/2 O� CIIF. ��OlICt1MC5C 1/d of the Southeas[ 1/4 of the � SoathcesC 1/4 of Secr:on !0, Tovnship 23 North, Renge 5 East, - w.µ_, Kin� ;:c::n�y, �;ashinyton: � L�S� ���unty rc:��. P2 O� Co��air� �a a�es ��` 1?,000 sq. ft., or 0.299 acres, M/L. a � 3/Y: 2108 - S4U'�'iIERST _28T11 STREE? C: � � ,-��.t'rl:SS/�rb' l.a AoI'�"�[�iCJY �.�ity�7�'� TD �.vr �i�u�vsL 7t� .Qf�v✓c� � �hYT7.t,q Si'7EstC:r*.c./tE� 4JC�?t3� K�Gv' G�2 P.i�.eT7i¢L[J' f✓i7JSil.✓ aD fi!ed F�r Rccord At The Request Of .=�tsn�rd"n.r f,f.Cc,p. ��'�'. Km6 Cou ty eal Pruperty Dr.�sion Saf�S GRiNT_f, 1ta s��ccczsars and assigns, shall have the right at such tlme as may be necessary, to e.^.trr upen said pronerty f;,r the w�r�ose of construcNn9, reconstructing� maln!ai�inn anA rapi{r{nq sat�t uCilities and �lrain�ye facility. 5£5 ;.�'::�:i'A�`7 a�[•,�!,•ti hereto arxi �cie a �k�r[ t�oceuf for SPECIAL (�NDITJ9N5. I�1 w!?Ki�S Y%!F?;!1F sali r�ANTOR has hcreunto set hls hand anA seal the day enA yeer f�C'S� rC/,r,Vn M�II�PO. • � � �/ 'I \ ��/'I� _�i� • � _ _ . . � i '~� • � , � /� . . . �. ,''i , . . �� •'1 G C � �.(t� �� JTnTL Or RR:11I�:�TO!1 ) ' ti ,; • COlJRT1 DF K1N:; } Ca tF.is �!z p^rsona�l� sn��cared before mm • 1� �,_ ,�. � and ' (��•.� /f,� � T_ to ne known tn nc t . o r u T escr erT7�n ana who � ezec:��rn"�Fe w � r�'c!'��?ei�g-Tnstrument, an�l ackn�wle�tged that they signed the saine as tl.etr fre and voluntary ac: and deed, for thc uzes a�d purposes thereln oientloned. �lven ur.Acr ny hand a�d of;lc:al scal thls �G• � day of ���;/�.G=,e . 19�. .f..' .....l�,�-�, � � , _ :� � —� �' . q —�_".—. : .� ' _ : ' �I� � . r .,-: _ . �'�-��� 11 'ill OI' ���� ' ; '�� Sta!e of N liington, reslding at , :`' r.f;...Sr U _ ._ . _� �i�.t/T �� .��.� •A � . ��• ' 7)�, " ' � 4' . . . . , i ' � � . i . -:����r�r�.. � • �l.i� �JU �a •J/ � AUUE�JDUM 1 . Gcantee, Y.ing �ounty, agrees to build a retention pond es d.picteci belo•a: T _ 2m� � ( � � — ✓ � .-- - — - - - - - - — "-� � � � :-~ -�,p.- , � N ( �--•— aoT�Ot� o{ S2-J+o 26 x 16y E�-;3°"S� � i � i � ci+o„aw e. cii:s,a� �� __ �' ; rv� � �_ � � � ��, �,. �4.� N s,aon.ci,-� = ia.�3o�,' � . 3c�ofT��a �o��+Q• 1 ►,'ccoFt'car+�j,a.ii. iSC��wt�s�• lo,000��3 Foa �v��oc ac�v. e� �� q-o AN D 3pd. � 2. Gcan:ee ►+ill provi.de an outlet structure capable of handling l'1j ti�z relention :ec��ireTents for the coa� videning. Cran[or, CvT ►.andcr�:ner, r^ty ^+��iify the outlet structure as necessary foc a � Che develepm�nc uf his parcel. O � 3. I[ Lill te the Grantor's responsibility to regrade his � �ro�erty tc enable the drainage to reacti the reLention pond. � 4. �rantee vill maintain the retentio� pond as long as the � �ate� entecing th^ pond is from County road�ay or resident:al �o•�rces. 5. If the Grantor, cr his successors, develop the property for commecciai use, the Grantor, or successors, .+ill assume all legal respcnsi�iiity for maintenance and repair of the pond and a��• insppction fees. � � Rr-,� � M .i t • .� - v. ,F ��� .ra�..ac-T---�:� R/N 2109 137A �7ILITT ANO DRAINAGE E�ISEMEMT � tE�ts Iit�ENT.UaE �sa�e tnis 2�_ dar ot �..ro�c-� . 19�. bet�reen i ,.�_ '���j"� ,�t . '��> %,...,., /.¢ ^ - r .�fd' � { hereins f tcr cat e�T , and Kin� �un y. s nqto�, a pol�{ �a so v s oe o tM Sbt! Of - Kasht��r�n� JtCre��rtft�r calied the f,RANTE�: - „ HIjNESSE?H: Tne ;..Sr. !'��ANT'lR. 1or and 1� conslAeratton of � O . F� � !a .��CTi/ -�1✓e.�r•7�����A'�i� �eo� anA oLhe1' ---- � Y�11Jb� e cons eratlon. rece�pc wher o s ere y ac now e ge . o by t se p►eserts grant � unto tha Sa1d GRAN?EE. its successors anA assigns. a right of var essernt for u tilitiea � �.-j 7r�� �7r�inao� facility over, !hrough, across and under the ,,,� prc•�erty herein des�rloe.l. sltutted in Kinq County, Nashtngton, being wore partltulal'lr ..� describcA as fo?laws; - � tL ih,e So��tt� 5 CEe! of tne West 40 feet of [he folloving described parcel ci la:�::. r ti � !� ?`he F:35C 1�� ieet cf '.h� South 150 feet of the Southvest 1/4 o ,�f t5e �o�theas*. t/4 cf the Southeas[ 1/4 uf Section 10, To�nship � '3 5crth, [i3ny2 5 i:zs•`_; 1a_M., King County, Washington; !� :.cS� CcL�t� road. �� io�tains an a�ea oi 200 sq. ft., or 0.0046 acres, M/L. i:/�.J LiG6 - .�.E. 1.'.BTH :TREET G•T 1� +f� ��lo� - �'-: �- _ RECC• F .fjQ _ Q=' - r ���+i�L e:»:»_»:w.,:i_� ' 1_ _ F,!ed For Rcce,d At The Request Of . � - � h�ng Couni fceai Frope�ty Division � - .-- -. - ;a�A �.P.ANT�E. its s:�ctessors an�! assigns, shall have the right at such time as �aay De neces�a!'y, *c �•nter ��p�� s�i; property for the purpose of constructing. reconstructing. T3in?eln!^q an:l re�airinq sai�i utili[ies and drainage facility. � I!: uiT'r,E55 �fit�RfOF said GRANTnR has hereunto set h1s hand anA seal the day and year f!rit a�uve wriiten, l� � , _ � �' _ ' ' . .. �'� J ' � �� . �!' -�'� '�_� -� ..�_��.-� ����.v+-� , , ' � . - JI*, !/ .. _ _ '� ' �2 t�2.� � ' � �_ �k�t'f� $:A?� i!� NA i�i'.•+iTON I • � SS , C^.!�VTY 6� Kii1G } ' !?n thts .'a� p� sonallr �ppeared bciore meJ_A�EJ ��� �,e�Alr� �f, and ' _r4x� �- /f. i,�� tn we known io be�lndTridu�estrT��{r,ar� wh0 - execote���-.: . n an o�c;u'rg Tnstrun�ent, a�d atknowledgeA that they stgned the same . as thetr free an•1 voiun:ary a,;: an�l �1ceA� for thc uses anA purposes therein nientloned. -— t"'—:- A 19 F�'t',�ven un�:�, y,(w�A anq officlal sca) this � day oF � > > , �, , � � .•4/�_� . •:, ''��� . ��`:_`'� t�.�, �. _--�--' • � Or t��� � ;��� '�,,,���'•+- • State of a l�tngton� residtng et I'.'C- ni .f�.�r'.,��:��� . ��. •� T (j����i;1! ,C.f� / ��'. „,`:-`�� �.y',.. �:� ;Gr:n'7 '1: . ,. . .... ♦ . , • Filed For Record At Request Of 20010426000238 . KiNc c�nrr wt Eas e ee `, , - ° ��i'�zsiiie��zz RECORDtNG To• Kiwc ca�Tt►, ua � K C.Properiy Services Div�or� „�..n..�............... __ � ���,�� � 200101 i 6@00508 0 500 Fourth Avenue A��1-GF-05oo 0.� Seattle,WA 98104 �Os O�F e�at� o KINGB/2��YSf'.�N co � ASSIGNMENT OF UTIL(TY AND DRAtNAGE EASEMENT 0 o Grantor--King County,Wasttington N Grantee--City of Rerrton Legal ----SE'/.of Sec. 10,Twp 23 N.,Rge 5 E.,VIr.M. Tax Acct—102305-9304 • , Tf�e Grantor, KING COUNTY, a pol�cal subdnnsion of the State of Wash�ngton, #or and in cons�derabon of rrxrt�benefits, does he�by ass�gn un�o the Grantee, the CtTY OF REMON, a muniapai oorporatron of the State of Washngton, �I af rts nght, ti�e arid r�ter�est in, and to, that oertam UbMiy arxf Dram�ge Easerr�errt, dated Oct�ber 26, 1987, as nec�rded ut�der Reoord�ng No 8711300920, r�of Kmg CountY,Wastiuigton, over and acnoss the#oqo�wng described lands,situate n Kin9 CountY�Washr�g6on The South 5 feet of the West 40 feet of the foqoMnng ciescnbed parcet of land The East 100 feet of fhe Soutfi 15d fee�t of the SW%.of the SE%of the SE'/� of Sec�on 1 q Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M, K►ng Couniy, Washington, LESS County Road By the authaized s�gnature belaw, the CJTY OF RENTON acoepts the said uhhty and dra�nage easemerrt ar�d a�of the tertr�s and condfions set fath tt�erein Dated th�s 5 f'h day o� SAn ua►�c� ,� aU0! � Th i 5 do cu m�n�- t s bein bNG ,WASHI ON f e-reCord� �o Co►�-��� BY � � l �. d c��c o� P�e cu.�'on. t�E�'cvid �reuqschaf TtT�E �ro�2Y�c.i SerVfc�s /�(ct�r_ EXCISE'iAX NOT REQUIRED pqTE JQ n u A t�c� 5, 2�6 a0 01 Y.��g iy ecorcis Division BY. ��� ACCEPTED BY THE CffY OF RENTON: BY NAME � P1,.�NN/lYr� UIGD/I��.-IR'i8uc woa�s �����9�i�'r��To,� M DATE .�ZI2II DO (�BPw p'�pfi �jo�Kf!/f, N 0 0 0 � � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) � ) ss -- COUNTY OF KING ) 0 oZ00� On this �_ day of V1 UA�'�1 , 3A9� before me the unders+gned, a Notary Pubbc m and for the Sta of Washington, duly comm�ss�aied and swom, persona�y appeaced David B. Preugschat, to me lcnawn to be the tCmg CouMy Property Services Division Manager and who executed #he foregou�g instrument and acknowledged to me that said person s�gned the same pursuant to a delegabon of authonty from the K�ng CouMy Executrve as the fr+ee�d voluntary a�t�d deed of King Courrty, for the uses and purposes therem menboned WITNESS my hand and offiaal seal hereto affaed tf�e day and year first above wntten ``�����ut���u�����i - ��. ` �. TNp ,,, �� p ..�.'Mp ii �```V!4�����Z = N�t�Ar i = Pnnted Name r0 I . m O n _ �""'" = NOTARY PUBUC m and for the State of ashington, � :s �'����L �:. � res�duig at �'.��'�y°y o°�'oi: " 9 ,, r•.,ti�a Z�,, 1�,. My commisswn exr�res J! -�5-2A0 �����i��F NiAs������ � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) � COUN7Y O�KING ) , On th�s ,�� day of [�[.'L°17'�- , 2000, before me the ' M undeisigned, a Notary Pub�c in and for the Stabe of Waslungton, duly comrrMssioned and N swom, personaiy appeared ,P9q Zt mmtrma.n , to me known to be tfie o �4P1,L3 ���• �;rrt�r1. of the ity of Rerrton, and who s�gned tl�e foregoing � instrument acceptmg the easemerrt descnbed therem, and aGv�awledged to me that said `� person was authonzed fo sign this mstrumenf and s�gr�ed the same as the free and � votuntary ad and deed of the City of Renton, for the uses and purposes there�n o mentioned � o WITNESS my hand and ofhc�al seal hereto affoced the day and year flrst above � Hmtten c ����'�N� , r ��o�`�O�.�l� Pnnted Name i k �r �� � ,�iu�r�•.. � NOTARY PUBU m a�d for the State of Wash�ngton, ��� �Y '�;�� residrng at Yl�'— � �*; � ?*� My comrrussbn expues /5' �Do3 • .� : • ..� ; ��L'='� 'G . ., � ,.� _ ���.p�� 1 � — rcushmon, Jun 19, 2004 – 3:17�m � E:\PROJECTS\01159\OWGF�Ies\Eng�neerin� .s\Renton TIR\01159Conveyonce–South.dwg, Model —_ �� , � � . : : �. � - ; •, ; ' � .. � I ,\ � � � —•— � L ; ."!Zi� � .�`/rl tt•��,,�t 1.� , ��••.�� • ��..• .�...u�:•. .i.� I \ "� �,• �,,.,,, � ,I I V iti �� � t ��� c ,� � ;�.�•• � � `I', 'l 1 �n�' . .` . , ,,. �� .' � . �\� ; . .. 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DATE REVISION BY CK CA TCH BA SlN Si � 0 ��� � �*�� TR/BUTARY AREA EXH/BlT ` �� ��� ��A��� - � ��N �: yy/ tio ;� �a� CAMWEST &�� y 1 �� N�°� � ° �s ��� �� SHAMROCK � ¢�g �i � � � �� � � TECHNICAL /NFORMA TION REPOR T 3 �� m �O � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON � SEC 10, TWN 23, RNGE 5 ' � � �ssoct�Tes � — � �ieu�isn�.�_ue ^ � Kitlwd.WA 9B0.'ib�692] v azs.a2,-aaae � � (� I i� .ss_ez,.s�e�� � , \ ( � eao.'ee.mssdio-e� � _ .,..mm�� ! 1 � C � o _ ` ,' � � �' � � 2 i O � } � 1 � �� i W 3 4 _:,__ir, I 4 jI '1�` � T���`� E l� 148th AVE AND EAST TO AL AREA TRIBUTARY io � /` V > � � ; ; ,� •� ' �� OBTAINED FROM h7NOW000 T! � v � � , ��` � AR£A = 67.2 ACR£ TO 36" PIPE: 136.5 ACRE o � ' � 50. 4 AC TILL FOREST '' cn � , � `� I 18.3 ACRE ALL GRA55 32. 6 AC TILL PASTURE � 3 � � 9.2 ACRE lMPERNOUS ��, 24. 4 AC TILL GRASS j � � ` _ l 1 l � �.,:... � I .9 AC WETLAND m U Q ' � �' ', 0. AC IMPERVIOUS : � � � _ : ;; � �� � a E .., . ._ � � `� � I e�a�cea sr. 3 � ? � TRIBU R Y T S, WE,':TL AND � � ���� �� � s � f------ ���"""p ' Q � � � ARE = 3�. 7 AC � �, ----� � � � ASS E 4 0 �t//OUS FOR R—4 ZON/NG �• 3 � � ? PER CSWD WEST OF WETLAND �, � � '• ? : u, ' � � � ., Y _._ •. o : _. 9 T ,� � S _. ..y._I-- ��� _ � , i i � A 4 m � .92 AC E T!L L FORES T �'`� � s.� sox � £ ous ` .27 AC E TILL GRASS � � �.z ACR£ LL RA55 � � I � .37 A E IMPERVIOUS 7.41 A RE PA S TURE � � d � � , N - , � o � S MORGAN PLACE � mP11O`BiOC""v ? v¢aecr re�ucee � ' I AREA = 4.29 ACRf � "�O1'`�� � t 7 PROJECT SURVBYDQ � �'`` � � � / f : �R![�G�S qBr�ui{K 3 � 2.29 ACRE TILL PASIURE � !� ' exaecr encwee¢ ' I 1 l PBAJBLT WrD5CAP6 ARCN(2C7 g 1.23 ACRE N£TLAND � jf �"�---,�_ IIRSf SUBYIITAL DATC ' ; 0.09 ACRE 1MPERNOUS ?� 1 � � ; "s � � / �� � $CAIl: BOI�:N75 YFPI.:N A � s Vi E j � � , 1 � '� �t i5 � C :. / ( S . ` ' 7 ' t 4 1 ' � � � �� , ; , ; ; — — — — -` � 3 �,.�.._.� � __�...�.-_•—_-�r---�----- ! —`— NE 4TH STREEI R/W NOR7N HACF 3.57 �-yo/ � E • i - _'- _ ..._.�...�... ---'^--�^------��•--..--..,�.._ —_----....... E E E ; � � �_'.."._..._,•- 4 � i_._.e � E E � ' � � � � € 3 i � � � y � �_ € � 3 .._.._.._.9-�.-;.,..�..,se : .. t �,.,,_ "`_"^""`r.-^,^—^�--- _., t LFSSAS CN 1 i ' 3 D �0� ' • � � � j�..._,�......_; i � Y. . ; : y �f L�M A' �ATED . . . , . . • . . � . • . !. .. ,S . . t i t ; �^ JOB N0. O 1-159 I sxeer na. �2004 TRIAD ASSOCIATFS �oe 1 � Shamrock—Technical Information Report 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 6.1 Wetland Recharge The onsite wetland is connected to another wetland to the north by a manmade wetland hydraulic connection as a conective measure for an un-permitted wetland fill from the previous owner of the property. The onsite areas that are tributary to the wetland are sho��vn on the South Wetland Recharge Existing Conditions Exhibit located at the end of this section. The peak flow rates for the 1.10 year storm event for the developed condition will be matched to the predeveloped condition. In the predeveloped condition, 2.18 acres of onsite pasture are tributary to the �;�etland. The following is the KCRTS output for the Predeveloped �'�'eNand Tributary Flow. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:s-predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------ ; Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob � (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.154 2 2/09/O1 18:00 0.263 1 100.00 0.990 0.057 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.154 2 25.00 0.960 0.140 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.140 3 10.00 0.900 0.015 8 3/24/04 19:00 a.131 4 5 .00 0 .800 0.078 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.126 5 3 .00 0.667 �.131 4 1/18/06 16:00 0. 078 6 2 .00 0 .500 , 0.126 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.057 7 1.30 0.231 0.263 1 1/09/08 6:00 Q,s015 $ -: 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.227 50. 00 0.980 The peak flow rate for the predeveloped l.10 ��ear, 24-hour storn� e��ent is 0.�1� cfs. In the developed cor�dition, �).10 acres of impervious (rooftop from lot 38) �vill provide recharge to the wetland. 6r23l2004 Page 6-1 Job#01-159 ��Rj�� � � Shamrock—Technical Information Report The follo�ving is the KCRTS output for the Developed Wetland Tributary Flow. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:s-dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.024 7 2/09/O1 2:00 0_047 1 100.00 0.990 0.021 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.036 2 25.00 0.960 0.029 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.029 3 10 .00 0.900 0.025 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.029 4 5.00 0.800 0.029 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.026 5 3 .00 0.667 0.026 5 1/18/06 16:00 0 .025 6 2 .00 0.500 0_036 2 10/26/06 0:00 0 .024 7 1.30 0.231 0.047 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.021 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0. 044 50. 00 0.980 The peak flow rate for the developed 1.10 year, 24-hour storm event is 0.021 cfs, compared to 0.015 cfs for the predeveloped condition. Due to the relatively small flow rates for the predeveloped and developed conditions, the difference bet��•een the two conditions is negligible. 6/23/2004 Page 6-2 Job #01-159 �-�Rj� � � � „ � � _ _ . _ �.,�3 U�,,b�m,�, •�-..i� ft11 £( �1tlI7L ' '`�`` � � _ , �.�` /; C� `�O�E ,---_- A S S O C I A T E S _ y . . �. . � ' . / , . . t ...__�.�.,.,_.__�......�---..o...�...._ �v . ,,,: '.. : .'��� _—_'_ __ . .�.o.........._..�..�.-......�_m___V..�.__.__.:.._� ��. � ! 1 .� '. -- _ _ ! L. � � _ , i��� � _� . ` . �� � " �l��� y t 1� .�r��_s�� ~�ti _ 'J ' ���� jG. _ j .� l .. . `� �.� j J� ' 11etlllSwMaNE �� _ . � l--�-- �`z- � _ � ,l � r�... �:� � �cnr,a.w�seaw-ssn —.-- —�_'— - — - - �` - - �_�S�----�- '. .= �J -} ��'� I�� w: , -- -- a25.B21.8408 . - �---�-- . a]5 93t.s�et ea ~_ ��J~ S.SCti�`US�w+O KSf t, � - � _ - L`..: � _ I �f�A�vKA uvr � •,.� v new.,.�c�cv�rE�; . � �� B-f. ^ EW.f!!0]56Mbe� � - � 4' ;�'.L. --. . � L�SI.a'O�CS! ' [ www.tMRlocmm 4 t '� . r,T .�' 4 - y. '�. — �� � i ��._: � � o -. � � �1 �— � ' 1 - ��---�---- � �" AREA TR/BUTARYf I L � (_� I ;_� � Z _ TO SOUTH WETL�NQ —� �-� �� � y �. �� �� o � � �4 ,, _ __�_� -:�.::.=.� � � � � _ � � ���_ -_ _�3 � ► � � =� Q � � o z . , ��� :� � o � o � �� V 2 y Q W W 3 ' . _ . � _ ��.:. �� ��-��. . I � � � � a � � � � �" _ � ' _ � � ' �' � z w .� _ _ _ i , � J � � Q , �° � _P I � Z � 4 � � _�.�.�_____- �--..._.._ � _ � � , - -. 'y ------ .._._.. ��r� �c�-� �.._..� � � 3 w � � ;i � "_ � __ � �� �J `� ` � � � -- - _ ` V � ,,. — " � .�`�`�" .�.T� T----------- —�—-----—� i , �_. _ i ,� �r�� �; � � , f# rR,�cr;; :a� ' ' � � � � E � I Q I W ~ �.{ �Cf r��.�7 �����..°�:.. 1� n£2a,vo � � I���'U�I , E � � 37 � E i � � O C/ � �. � SL E �9 38 ,�6 � 35 { 34 � = U f � �� � ',• � _... - � .e._� .._._......_ � "—E �rw���� .� ... ..... ...... f,. :_ __, _._ . � � � � � ; � , � � � ; � 2 :; �_�_._...W�.._.�.. —�',vne »���..�. � �� ����:��-`� a � /�1-�-��- —u E I ^ t�...._. 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Y E�c.�s ss(r�) ( . s' / I : I �� � _-. . _...._. ........��..=� a �� � � E � . �� � j° f � __._ �__.....�.. i .� . . � fi i _.._�_._._..� � - � _.J . �=� ► � � � B {:� J I � � ( . 4, � ( 1 � I �" i 1� (' I I f I� . I� 29 1� . �RAC'E 3 � i(___,,,.� J ;.i �- , - � ._.._...____...._....,._ -� � � I I . (nGF�) / 1RACT C � � 1 �S,'pFY CRAI�rAL'f: � Z I �I I � ....� i f � � . - ........�-..�.�.�.......Y / � �i�����B� . I Ei � � i3 N STA4P 4CT V1�D �$'CFM DPAiNa I _� � �!� I � Rlt p UNLES$9GNfD ANp pATF.D � , I ( � � i � ' : : I i FP - - qF � _ C JOB�'D . "�'a �� `�� ��, r'� SCAIE 1 - 100 '' - .._ ._._:_ ... _ : - : . - - � ., _.. _. :<;, y�� _ _- �_�-��= _',c- - - - . ` ' \ - - - - - - -=— --- --- • _ F �neer,c. _ ' - ;�� �� � '� 0115r; --,r � — --�— — -- _ . , -,—r, - _ — _ _ - -�—� - ... . _ - - . � = : . - � --u-------�- _ ..::... ,.. � '� 2�,�2 � _— -- -- -- �z��rc TR�Ap aSSOC�A7ES Shamrock—Technical Information Report 7 OTHER PERMITS NPDES Water District 90 King County Subdivision permit 6/23/04 Page 7-1 Job#01-159 ,�TRI:4D ,��-- Shamrock—Technical Information Report 8 TESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Flows for onsite areas to be disturbed during construction �vill be detained in an onsite TESC pond. The site will utilize Appendix D of the September 1998 KCSWDM for the erosion and sedimentation control design. Onsite flows will be directed to the permanent onsite detention facility. Dewate�rin� Orifice The dewatering orifice is designed per the 1998 King Countv Surface Water Design Manual. The orifice size is dependent on the surface area of the pond, ��hich is calculated based on the developed 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Reqzrir•ed Area of the Orifice: ' .�1 — AS�2h�as ` U.6x3600Tg05 , «�here: Ao =orifice area(ft`) ,4S =pond surface area(ftz) 1r =head of water above orifice(height of riser in feet) T = de��ratering time (24 hours) G = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/sec2) Co�t��er�t the Reqz�ired Area to Orifice Diameter: D = �4 A° � z ���here: D =diameter of orifice (inches) � :90 = required area of the orifice 6r23;'04 Page 8-1 Job #01-159 �. I �TRIAD � ..�--�. Shamrock—Technical Information Report Permanent Detention Pond Assumptions: 4-feet of head 49,875 ft2 of pond surface area A _ 49,875�2 x 4.O�o s = 0.480 ft`' ° (0.6)(3600)(24)(32.2)os 0.0189 D = 24 = 9.38" z Diameter= 9-3/8 inches Principal Spill�vay t'1 riser pipe «ill be used as the principal spill��ay. The diameter has been sized to pass the developed site flowrate. The chosen developed flowrate is the 100-year storm event. The size of the diameter has bcen determined usin� Fi�ure 5.i.4.H from the 1998 KCS�'�'Dl��l. Permanent Detention Pond Assumptions: Q�� =4.55 cfs H = 1-foot D =24-inches (2-feet) Qor��Ce= 3.782 D` H�`� where: D= diameter(feet) H= head abo�e riser (feet) Q��eiT= 3.782 (2')z (1.0)� � QWe;r= 15.12 cfs Qreyuircd — `�•5� cfs � i Q�,�a.;��� = 15.12 cfs -----..—------- - --_ ____� Redundant Overflo��� 1�Ieasures The pennanent south poncl ��il] utilizr a type t��o catch hasin ��ith a bir�ica�e o��erflo��� structure. Please see Section 4 for the sizing calculation for the permanent pond ovei-flo��� structure. 6/23/04 Page 8-2 Job #01-159 �TRIAD ..-- i • � � Shamrock—Technical Information Report 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.� Bond Quantities Constniction costs have been provided under a separate cover. 9.2 Facility Summaries Enclosed. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant Not applicable. 6/23/04 Page 9-1 Job#01-159 �T'RIAD ,..---,, Order No.: 10049351 PURPOSE: ONE OR MORE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINES AREA AFFECTED: SOUTH 30 FEET RECORDING NO.: 7808080327 (Covers Parcel C) 12. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: NOT DISCLOSED AREA AFFECTED: NORTH 16 FEET OF PARCEL K AND OTHER PROPERTY DISCLOSED BY RECORDING NO. 8706030864 13. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: KING COUNTY PURPOSE: UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE FACILITY AREA AFFECTED: SOUTH 5 FEET OF THE WEST 40 FEET RECORDING NO.: 8711300920 The Grantee's interest is now held by City of Renton under instruments recorded under King County Recording Nos. 20010116000508 and 20010426000238. (Covers Parcel B) 14. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: KING COUNTY PURPOSE: UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE FACILITY � AREA AFFECTED: SOUTH 5 FEET RECORDING NO.: 8711300921 The Grantee's interest is now held by City of Renton under instruments recorded under King County Recording Nos. 20010116000506 and 20010426000236. (Covers Parcels A & B) 15. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: KING COUNTY PURPOSE: UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE FACILITY AREA AFFECTED: EAST 65 FEET OF THE SOUTH 200 FEET RECORDING NO.: 8711300922 The Grantee's interest is now held by City of Renton under instruments recorded under King County Recording Nos. 20010116000507 and 20010426000237. (Covers Parcels A & B) 16. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PURPOSE: ONE OR MORE ELECTRIC Subdivision Guarantee Page 4 of 14 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE �VATER DESIGN MANUAL � , STORM��ATER FACILIfiY SU1��1RY SHEET '� � Development Shamr�r.k Date ��1 q,L��'t Location P'JtJ Intersecton of i�IE 4th St & 148th Ave SE ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name Rebecca Cushman PE Name Fum Triacf Associates Fum �amWest " Address ��814 115th Ave IJE Address 9720 NE 120th P1 10 Kirkland, WA 98034 Kirkland WA 98034 Phone 425 82� -8448 Phone 425 825-1955 Developed Site: Acres 34.5 Number of lots 1�9�_(Tnr.1 i cding Renton) Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiitration facilities on site: 2 ponds ponds vaults vaults tanks tariks Flow control provided in regional facility(gi��e}ocation) No flow control required Exemption number Dow�nstream Draina e Basins fJort Immediate I�-la or Basin �lorth Basm A r ; r South BasinB Lower Cedar River Cedar River Basin C Basin D Number&type of water quality facili�es on site: biofiltration swale(regularlwet/or sand filter(basic or large?) cenUnuous inflow?} sand filter,linear(basic or Iarge?) � combined detention/WQ pond sand fiiter vault @asic or large?) (WQ�ortion basic or]arge?) combined detention/wetvault �_stormwater wetland compost f Iter w•etpond(basic or large?} filter strip wetvault x flow dispersion farm management plan x Iandscape management plao oiUwater separator(baffle or coalescing plate?) catch basin inserts:Manufacturer pre-settling pand pre-settling s�ucture:Man�facturer flow-splitter catchbasin - DESIGN INFORMATION TNDIV�DUAI.BASIN A B C D Water Qualit desi n flow Water Quality treated votume or w�et .ond Vr �%��5� 1998 Surface Vb'ater Design Manual 9!1/98 1 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL DESIGN TOTAL INDNIDUAL BASIN ' INFORMATION,cont'd �rainage basin(s) A B C D =- � Onsite area 17.80 3.52 Offsite area 11 .13 T e of Stora e Facili Level 2 Level 2 Live Stora e Volume 8D,300 103,30D Predevelo ed Rnnoff Rate 2- ear D.672 0.580 10- ear 1 .2D 1 .04 100- ear 2.24 1 .96 Develo ronoff rate 2- ear 1 .81 2.10 l0- ear 2.25 2.5Q ]00- ear 4.28 4.60 T e of restrictor Size of orifice/restriction No. I 3 1 16 2 1 5 1 6 No. 2 3916 31 No. 3 2,p Alo-4�dotch 2.4" 1 .5" FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY FACILITY SLnvIMARY SF�ET SKETCH Alt detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a sketch per the followin�criteria: 1. Heading for the draw�ngs should be]ocated at the top of the sketch(rop right-hand corner). T�he heading should contain: • North arrow(point up or to left) • D9# • P1at name or short plat number •Address(nearest) • Date drav�•n (or updated) • Thomas Brothers page,grid number Label CBs and h]Hs with che plan and profile designation. Labe3 the control structure in w�riting or abbreviate with C.S. Indicate which structwes provide spill control. 3. Pipes-- indicate_ Pipe size Pipe length Flow duection ' Use s sing]e heavyweight Iine 4. Tanks—use a double, heavyweight line and indicate size(diameter) 5. Access roads • OuUine the limits of the road • Fill the outline with dou if the road is gravel. Label in writing if another surface. 6. Other Standard Symbols: • Bollards: • •�• ■ ■ ■ ■ • Rip rap o00000 �I 000000 �, Fences --x---x---x---x---x---x--- i • Ditches —D---->D---�D---�D � 7. Label trash racks in writing. 8. Labet al! streets with the actual stteei sign designation. If you don't know the actual streei name,consult the plat map_ 9_ Include easements and lot lines or tract limits when possible. 10. Arrange all the labeling or w�riting to read from left to right or from bottom to top with reference to a properly oriented heading_ l L Indicate dril�e�vays or features that may impact access,maintenance or replacement. 9/]/98 ]998 Surface«'ater Desien hlanual � � i cuMmon. „�n I➢, C-\/'AOACrs\orl�9 na/\IfMc CouNrr�aoAo AMo sraNulol��9ror.a.y, I�SJo � e � . � �. ._. $. .. . ....,..�. . ......., , _ . � � , � I � � � � I i I i � i I � Q� ! / � II ' � ��! �at u< < i �•��++�I �i I'� � ,I . : ...?I..� ....... . ,....,.. . .. ..... 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' � � a � � �� �� � �� �� � � �� �� � � �a � � � �� � �� � �' �� � � � � � . ._ , � . $ f � t � a � � � � � � { � � a � � "0' '"" ""�" " " SOUTH POND DETAILS AND NOTES ■ � �� � M�O M�I W�F,�'1�I�IINII R � P � Q,� �e � ��, , on �' > � � � °a' .� � CAMYVEST � �a; �: ��"� n � �� � �����j��" �� SHAA�/ROCK � ef€ '� ° N b � �~�tA M o'�ec �� i � ~ I � �� KWG CONVTY, WAB/MNGTON � Shamrock—Technical Information Report 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Enclosed. 6!23iO4 Page 10-1 Job #01-159 °�TRI,aD .�- KING COUNTY, WASHIIVGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 1 - DETEMION PONDS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results Expected When Component Is Needed Maintenance Is Performed ' General Trash 8�Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Poisonous Vegetation Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which No danger of poisonous vegetation may constitute a hazard to County personnel or where County personnel or the the public. public might normally be. {Coordination with SeattJe-King County Health Departrnent) Pollution Oil,gasoline,or other contaminants of one No contaminants present other than gallon or more or any amount found that could: a surface film. (Coordination with 1)cause damage to plant,animal,or marine life; SeattlelKing County Heatth 2)consDtute a fire hazard;or 3)be flushed Departrnent) downstream during rain storms. Unmowed Grass/ If facility is located in private residential area, When mowing is needed, Ground Cover mowing is needed when grass exceeds 1 B grasslground cover should be inches in height. In other areas,the general mowed to 2 inches in height. policy is to make the pond site match adjacent Mowing of selected higher use ground cover and terrain as long as there is no areas rather than the entire slope interference with the func6on of the facility. may be acceptable for some situations. Rodent Holes Any evidence of rodent holes if facility is acting Rodents destroyed and dam or as a dam or berm,or any evidence of water berm repaired_ (Coordination with piping through dam or berm via rodent holes. Seattle/King Counry Health Department) Insects When insects such as wasps and homets Insects destroyed or removed from interfere with maintenance activities. site. Tree Growth Tree growth does not allow maintenance access Trees do not hinder maintenance or interferes with maintenance activity(i.e.,slope activities. Selectively culUvate trees mowing,silt removal,vactoring,or equipment such as alders for firewood. movements). If trees are not inte�fering with access,leave trees alone. Side Slopes of Pond Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized by cause of damage is sbtl present or where there using appropriate erosion control is potential for con6nued erosion. measure(s);e.g.,rock reinforcement,planting of grass, compaction. Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10%of the Sediment cleaned out to designed designed porxl depth. pond shape and depth;pond reseeded if necessary to co�trol erosion. Pond Dikes SetUements Any part oi dike which has settied 4 inches lower Dike should be buitt back to the than the design elevaUon. design elevation. Eme�gency Rock Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native sal in Replace rocks to design standards. Overflow/Spillway area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of nabve soil at the top of out flow paih of spillway_ Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. 1998 Surface Water Design I�•fanual 9/1/98 A-1 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 2-INFlLTRATION Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results Expected When Component Is Needed Maintenance Is Performed General Trash&Debris See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No.1 Poisonous Vegetation See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No. 1 Pollution See'Ponds'Standard No_1 5ee'Ponds'Standard No. 1 Unmowed Grass/ See'Ponds'Standard No. 1 See'Ponds'Standard No. 1 Ground Cover Rodent Holes See'Ponds'Standard No.f See'Ponds'Standard No_1 insects See'Ponds'Standard No.1 See'Ponds'Standard No. 1 Storage Area Sediment A percolation test pit or test of facility indicates Sediment is removed and/or facility tacifity is onty working at 30'/0 of its designed is cleaned so that infilVation system , capabilities. If two inches or more sediment is works according to design_ ' present,remove. Sheet Cover(If Sheet cover is visible and has more that three Sheet cover repaired or replaced. Applicable) 1/4-inch holes in it. Sump Filled with Any sediment and debris filling vault to 10%of Clean out sump to design depth. Sediment and Debris depth from sump bottom to bottom of outlet pipe {If Applicable) or obstructing flow into the connector pipe. II Flter Bags Filled with Sediment Sediment and debris fill bag more than t/2 full. Replace filter bag or redesign I and Debris system. Rock Filters Sediment and Debris By visual inspection,little or no water flows Replace gravel in rock filter. through filter during heavy rain storms. I Side Slopes of Pond Erosion See'Ponds'Standard No. 1 See'Ponds' Standard No. 1 Emergency Rock Missing See'Ponds'Standard fJo. 1 Overflow Spillway Settling Ponds and Sediment Remove when 6"or more. Vaults Note: Sediment accumula6on ot more than 25 inches per year may iRdicate excessive erosion is occu�rrng upstream of ihe facilrty or that conveyance systems are not being properly maintained. The contributing drainage area should be checked for erosien problems or inadequate maintenance ot conveyance systems i!excessive sedimentation is noted in an infiltration tacilrry_ Check tx�ce a year dunng frrst 2 years o!opera�on;once a year thereaRer. Clean manholes/catch basins,repair damaged inletsiou�lets, clean lrash racks. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design 1�lanual A-2 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STAI�'DARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAIN-I'AINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Pertormed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1-1/2 feet Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole wafl Structure securely attached to and ouUet pipe structure should support at least wall and ouUet pipe. 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright positio�(allow up to Structure in correci position. 10%from plumb). Cornections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are show signs of rust. water tight;structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes-other than designed holes-+n the Structure has no holes other structure. than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easity maintenance person. and is watertight. Chain leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and vrorks as designed. Gate is rusted over SO�o of its surface area. Gate is repaired er replaced to meei design standards.. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properiy due to Plate is in place and wcrks as missing,out of place, or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions Any trash,d2bns,sediment,or vegetatien P�ate is free of all obstructions blocking the plate. and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions potential of blc.;king)the overElow pipe. and works as designed. Manhole See"Closed Detention Systems"Standards No.3 See"Closed Detention Systems' Standards No.3 Catch Basin See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 See`Caich Basins"Standards No.5 9/1/98 1998 Surface«'ater Desi�n!�lanual A--1 APPENDIX A h1AINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVAT'ELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Generat Trash 8 Debris Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris located (Includes Sediment) located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin}that exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin. pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe bbcfcing Inlet and ouUet pipes free of more than 1/3 of its height trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause comptaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which volume would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer o#frame extends more than 3/4 inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top Slab curb face into the street(If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free ot holes and cracks wider than 1/4 in�h(intent is to make sure cracks. all material is running irto basin). Fr2me not sitting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame�s sitting flush on top of more than 3,'4 inch of the frame from the top slab. sla�. Cracks in Basin�Nalls,! Cracks tivider than 1/2 inch ar,d longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin design standards. through cracks,or maintenance person judges that swcture is unsound. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch a�d longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch at the joint of any inleV ouUet pipe or any evidence wide at the joint of inleUoutlet of soil particles entering catch basin through pipe. cracks. SedimenV Basin has settled more ihan i inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. design standards. 1998 Surface 1�v'ater Desi�n A4anua] 9;1/98 � � � APPENDIX A h4AIN"IENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAIN"I'AINED DRAINAGE FACILI7'IES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS(COMINUED� Maintenance Detect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,oil and No flammable chemicals gasoline. present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than No vegetation trbcking opening 10'/0 oi the basin opening. to basin. I Vegetation growing in inleVouUet pipe jants that is No vegetation or root growth more than six inches tall and less than six inches present. ' apart. i Potlution Nonflammable chemicals of more than t/2 cubic foot No poltution present other than per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place_Any open Catch basin cover is closed catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Not Working person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less toots. than 1/2 inch of thread_ Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. seating off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, Ladder meets design standards Unsafe rust,cracks,or sharp edges. and allows maintenance perso� safe access. Metal Grates Grate with opening wider than 718 inch. Grate opening meets desigr� (If Appficable) standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris th2t is blocking more than 20°/oE Grate free of trash and debrs. grate surface. Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets DAissing. design standards. NO. 6 DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G.,TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resutts Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier clear to receive capacity the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars_ than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50'/o deterioration Repair or replace barrier to to any paR of barrier. design standards. 9/U98 199fi Surface�Vater Desien!�lanual A-6 APPENDIX A R4AI\TENAi�10E STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY h1.AIVTAINED DRAIVAGE FACILITIES NO. 8- FENCING Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is Pertormed General Missing or Broken Any defect in the fence that peRnits easy entry Parts in place to provide adequate Parts to a facility. securiry. Erosion Erosion more than 4 inches high and 12-18 No opening under the fence that inches wide permittirg an opening ur�der a exceeds 4 inches in height. fence. Wire Fences Damaged Parts Post out of plumb more ihan 6 inches. Post plumb to within 1-1/2 inches. Top rails berrt more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than 1 inch. Any part of fence(including post,top rails,and Fence is aligned and meets design fabric)more than 1 foot out of design alignment. standards. Missing or toose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. Missing or Ioose barbed wire that is sagging Barbed wire in place with less than more than 2-1l2 inches between posts. 3/4 inch sag between post. Extension arm missing,broken,or bent out of Extension arm in place with no shape more than 1 1/2 inches. bends farger than 3/4 inch. Deteriorated Paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling Structurally adequate posts or Protective Coating condiGon that has affected structural adequacy. parts with a uniform protective coating. Openings in Fab�c Openings in fabric are such that ar 8-inch- No openings in fabric- diameter ball could fit through. NO. 9- GATES Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Damaged or Missing Missing gate or locking devices. Gates and Locking devices in Members place. Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges intact and lubed. Gate is be easily opened and closed by a maintenance woricing freefy. person. Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical_ more tfian 1 foot out of design alignment. Missing stretcher bar,sVetcher bands,and ties. Stretcher bar, bands and ties in place. Openings in Fabric See"Fencing"Standard No_8 See"Fencing"Standard No.8 9/1/98 1998 Surface�1`ater Desian ManuaI A-8 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES I N0. 10-CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS(PtPES & DfTCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment 8 Debris Accumufated sediment that exceeds 20�ib of the Pipe cleaned of aJl sediment I diameter of the pipe. and debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protec5ve coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50'/deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases ttte cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. pipe by more ihan 20%. Open Ditches Trash 8 Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20 0 of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of a11 design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through through ditches_ ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Ponds"Standard No. i See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design Place or Missing(If the rock lining. standards. Applicable). Catch Basins See"Catch Basins:Standard No.5 See"Catch Basins"Standard No.5 Debris Barriers SP?yDebris Barriers"Standard No.6 See"Debris Barriers'Standard (e.g.,Trash Rack) No.6 NO. 11 -GROUNDS(LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds VJeeds growing in more than 20%of the Iandscaped Weeds present in fess than 5% {Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only)_ of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,bottles,totating more than 1 cubic foot Area dear of}itter. within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken which affect more than 25°k of the total 5%of total foliage with split or foliage of the hee or shrub. broken limbs_ Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of knocked over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately suppoRed Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased trees. 1998 Surface Water Design A9anual 9/1198 A-9 APPENDIX A MAIM'ENANCE STAI�IDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAI'�IED DRAINAGE FACII.I'ITES NO. 12-ACCESS ROADS/EASEMENTS Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When :--� Component Maintenance is PerEormed c General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of detrris which square feet i.e.,trash and debris would fill up could damage tires. one standards size garbage can. Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway free of debris which or metal)_ could damage tires. Ar►y obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway ovefiead Gear to 14 feet road surface to less than 14 ieet • high. Any obsVuction restricting the access to a 10 to ObsUuction removed to allow at 12 toot width for a distance of more than�2 feet least a 12 foot access_ or any point restricting access to less than a 10 foot width. Road Surface SettJement,Potholes, When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth Mush Spots,Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area.In general,any with no evidence of settlement, surface defect which hinders or prevents potholes,mush spots,or ruts. maintenance aocess. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are Road surface free of weeds tall2r Surface more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches than 2 inches. tall and less than 6 inches apaR within a 400- square foot area. Modular Grid Build-up of sediment mildly contamfnated with Removal of s2diment ar�d dispcsal Pavement petroleum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildly contaminated soils or catch basin sedfinents. Shoulders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. match+ng ihe surroundfng road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches hinder maintenance access_ in height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 911l98 1998 Surface Water Desien Manua] A-l0 APPENDIX A MAIh'TENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATEL�'h1.AINTAIh�ED DR.AIN.aGE FACILITIES C.)Wetponds Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results F�cpected When Component Maintenance is Performed Wetpond Vegetation Vegetation such as grass and weeds need to be Vegetation should be mowed to mowed when it star[s to impede aesthetics of pond. 4 to 5 inches in height. Trees Mowing is generally required when height exceeds and bushes should be removed 18-inches.Mowed vegetation should be removed where they are interfertng with from areas where it could enter the pond,either pond maintertance activities. when the pond level rises,or by rainfaH runotf. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1 CF per 1000-SF of Trash and debris removed from pond area pond. InIeU Outlet Pipe In1eU Outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or No Gogging or blockage in the debris material. inlet and oWet piping. � Sediment Sediment accumula5ons in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond Accumulation in Pond exceeds the depth ot sediment zone plus 6-inches, bottom. Bottom usually the first cell. Oil Sheen on Water Prevalent and visible oiI sheen_ Removal of sediment from pond bottom. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slopes and/or scouring of Slopes should be stabilized by the pond bottom,that exceeds 6-inches,or where using proper erosion control continued erosion is prevalent. measures,and repair methods. Settlement of Pond Any part of these components that has settled 4- Dike!berm is repaired to Dike/Berm inches or lower than the design elevation,or specifications. inspector determines dike/berm is unsound. Rock Window Rock window is clogged with sediment_ Window is free cf sediment and debris. Overflow Spillvray Rock is missing and soil is exposed at top of Rep!ace rocks to specifications. spillway or outside slope. 911/98 1998 Surface w'ater Design hianual A-12