HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1571 . .. . • - r , � � � C��lG1NAr- . . . �y-� 1 .�sowTioN rro. 15�1 WHEREAS it is neee�aary to� the City's Municip�l Library to borrow certain funds pending raceipt of tax mvni,es aad a loaxl bei.ag neces�ery grid rec�uired for such purpose, NOW ZgiTREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TNE MAYOc� ANU TElE CI'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EtENZ�ON, WASHII3G'PON� A3 FOLIAWS: SECTI�N I: There ia hereby transterred the sum of $6b�000.00 from the � A 'o F if OOQ Cedar Ziver cquisiti n und 5 effective �ugust 31, 1968 UNTO the Library Fund it1600 as a loan.�such loan to bear interest at the rate of 3� per annum to be repaid unto said lending fund not later than December 31, 1968. � SBCTION II: The City Clerk ia hereby authorized and directed to make the above traasfer. PASSFD by the City Council this �� day of September, 1968. t:./' ' Helmie Pielson, City lerk APPRDVED by the Mayor thia L�day of September, 968. � . ona ld ja. Cus ter, Mayor APPROVED A$ 1�0 FORM✓ � { � � �% <?, �4 � ,•-, �y ;i � � _ r. .--�.f 1} �� , r..-..�-�. Ger�rd M. Shellan, City Attorney 1