HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1590 _� ' - . r l . , • s c' i . ' ♦ t. ' J ' t'�,1.; ' �' ' . +,.i:.... i. .. �.� RESOLUTION N0. ���v WHERFAS, �t Petition has been f iled with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about November 21, 1968, petition�.n� for the vacation of certain streets� . and alleys as hereinafter more particularly d�scribec� and said Petition having been aigned by more than twa-thirds of the property ownors �h�atting upon said t��tr�ets and alleys sought to be vacated, and the same being described on the attached exhibit, labeled "A", a�nd incorporated herein as though fully aet forth: NOW TH�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL 0� TFIE CI1Y OF RENTON, WASHINGZ�N� AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That thel'�ay of Janqary, 1969, at tt� hoqr of 8:00 P.M. • �I at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall , Renton, Washington, be and is hereby I� f ixed as the time and place when the af oresaid Petition f or vacating the af oredeacribed streeta and alleys shall be heard and determined. SECTtON IIs The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of eaid time and hearing as provided bq law, and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacstion may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may f ile their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the ti�e of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council shall determine, at or prior to any such public hearing, as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine ttie fair merket value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ord inance No. 2349 and the �ity may likewise retain an easement for publfc utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE Cl2Y COUNCIL this �,,�day of December, 1968. i `Il _ i�.C���r-r� Helmie Nel sorr, City l:iern � APPROVED BY THFs MAYOR this �i(�C/day of December, 1968. �S/ ,D� � Q /� lU. C� s f��- Donald W. Cuater, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney ��'.�Eo6�8���'�cN �i��T� �EC2 � 196� , _ �- I � .- ; . , ' � . i � � Li � � yy , E:�H�BT�' A -- F2ESt�LUTION 1.5�3p 1. . A11 a� 15Qth Place running in an easte�ly and westerly directian l�e�ween 80th Avenue South and a4th Avenue South. 2. 1�11 �f 83�-r� Avenue SQuth xunning a.n a nrartherly and southerl� c�a.:recta,on �etw�en Grady Way tR�n�on Junction �'�y) a�d �o :. I�a.r�hcvay No. �.-�Ea , 3. The all�� ru�n�.ng in an eas�er].y a�d westerly direction � betweei� U��t� �,�r��.�� �fl��h and 83rd Auenu� South, between the pro���fi�r ak�utt��g 150th P�.ace �.a�d Grady W�,y (Renton Junctian W�.�+) ; a1s� described as �h� alle� abutting Lo�s 1 throu.gh 2�, �3lack 39 in C� D. Hil�.man`s Earl.ington , , �, � Gaxc��n�, D�.vi��tin No. I, Rent�n, Wa�ha,ng�on. ,, 4. The al�.�y ��inn�.nq an an eas��rly and weste�ly direc�ion ; b�tweer� .f34��; Avenue South and 83rd Av�nue South be�.ween the prap�r�.�r abu���.ng 150th Place and P. S. Highway No. 1-RE; a].so dc5cribed as the a].l�y abutting Lats 1. ' through ?_6, �31c�ck 38 in C. D. liil�.man's Earlington Garr3ens, D�.visiari No. 1, Renton, �dashinqton. . 5. The a1.l.e� running in an easterly �nd westerly directian k�etween 83rd Av�nue Sc�uth and P. S. Highwa�r No. 1-RE between �.he �arop�rty abu�ting 15Qth Place and P. S, . , liighway Notr 1-RE; also descrik�ed as the a11ey abut�ing Lats 1 �x�r�uc�h 1,6 and 46 �hrough 56, Block 40 in C. D. ' Hi].lman's Earling�on Gardens, Uivis�,on No. 1, Rentcan, Washinc�tan. r Part of the al�.e�r running in an eas�erly and w�s�erly direction Letween 83rd Avenue Sauth and 80th �venue 8outh, �50 feet plus or rninus, of the alley running wes�erly fron� 83rd Avenue 5outh, b�tween part of th�. property aUut�ing � 150th Place and G�ady t�lay (R�ntan Junction ��a�) ; also des�ribec3. �.s �he �..l�.ey abutti.ng Lo�.s 1 thrcau_qh 15 and 42 . through S6, Block 41, in C. D. HiJ.Iman'� �a�lington Garden�, �a.��;..,=,�.o�a �tc�. �., T�e���on, W�.�h�.���-nr�a . , , � � , � . �.. � .. . ,i . � � ; (