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j� � .RESOLUTi�N N�. ���-E�
WH�REAS the .City of Renton, a municipal corporation under ths Iaws and
statutes of the State of �Tashington, has heretofore and in conjunction with the
RenLon Airport Board, submitted t.o the Federal .Aviation Agency, an agen�y of the
United States Government, a project applic atian under date of Apri2 I2, 1960, for
a grant of Federal funds for the development of �the Renton.Municipal Ayrport, to�
wit, the construction of a control tower incTuding utilities= all as per plans attd i
sgecificatiorLs haretofore submitted in connection with such proje�t and '
WI��AS said Federal Aviation Agency has now subm'itted unto the City of
Renton th�e _�'GRAN'.0 AGR�EM�NT�� as hereinafter inore particularly described and
�REA5 the Cit of Renton is read and willin to acc'e t an.d execute
Y y g �
said Granz Agreement and such ac�eptance and execution having been approved and I
recomRmnded by the Renton .Airp��t: Board, N(JW TH�RLFC3RE
SECTION I: The above recit�ls are hereby found to be correct in �11 respe�ts
and the :construction of the contro_1 tower, including installation of utilities, for
the betterinent and improvement of �enton*s Municipal .Airport is hereby foui�.d and
determined to be in Lhe public interest and for the public benefit.
SECTI�N II; T�at certain �'GRA�NT Al�REEMENI'�t heretofore submi tted unto the
City by the .�'ederal Aviati.on ,Agency is hereby set out in full in this Resolution,
. Part I .. Of f�r
Date of Affer 1�ugust 23, 196Q
.�enton Municipal Ai.rport
, -Pro�ect No, 9-45�030-6103
Cantract No_. .FA4•1011 I
Tb: The City of Renton, Washington
(herein referred to as the !'Sponsor.")
F}.tQM: The United 5tates of .America (acting through the Federal Aviation
Agency; herein referred to as the F�F`AA��)
• ._ � . , " ` ` �
y FAA a .Pra'ect .A Ii ation
Y WI-�REAS, the .Spansor has submitted to the � pp C I
' dated Apxil. 1.2, i96Of fox a g,ra�r►t af Federal fu�tds for a projec� for
develop�er►t r�f tlie itenton Muni�ipal Airport Cherein called the _'�Airporti')
tngether zaith plans and specifi:��tiar�s for such pro�ect, whi-e� Proje�t
Application, as ap�rove�i by t�ie �'� is hsreby incorporated herez.n and �
znade a part here�f; and I
WI�R�AS, the FAA has approved a p�aject far development of �ttie Airport
(h�rein .calied the -'�Proje���) Eansisting of the following•-describe�i
airport de�:iapment:
Construet cantxol tower in.cludang utilities, �
. (The airport development ta be accomplished, .herein described, is in '
adcTition tp that �ontecnplated under th.e Grant Agreements betwee�r. � e �
Sponsor and ��t.ie Uni�ed S�ates for �'ro je�cts 9.�45.-030=801 and 9-45-Q3d«8Q2.) I
aII as more particularly d�scribed iz� .the propexty nrap and plans 'and
the said �'ro'eet A �.icatipn'
sgecif�cations inc�rporated in 3 PP �
N4I�1 THER.EF�RE, pursuant to and fox th�e gurpose nf carrying out the provisions ��
of the. F'ederal Airpart .Act, as amend�d (49 U.S.C. .1101), and in cansideration ,
of (a) the Sponsox�s �doption and ratification .af the representati;ons and assur- I�
ances �contained in said .�ro jeot .Appli c:ati.on�, and its accep�ance o� this -af£er 'I
as hereina£�er providad, and .:(b� the ben�fits tca accrue to the United .States i
and the public from the accomplishment o£ �the Project and the o�eration and
�ai:nt��ance of the �iz"Part as herein pravided, ,THE F�D�2�AL AVIAT14N AG�ICY,
�C}8 �iD QN BBHA�.F {JF TEi� tINITED :ST.AT�S, I��BY t}FFE�S :AN�? AG1�ES C� gay, as
the Unite.d St�tes+ share of the allosaabT� casts incu�red in accomplishing
tkie Project, shar�: af cost� incurred in accomplishing th�e praject, 51.65
per eentum o£ a1Z allowable project costs, subject �o the followiir�g terms
and �cortdi`tions: �
This offer is made crn anc� su�ject to the followin� texms and :conditions; l
1. �he maximum ob2ig�tion of the Uni�.ed States payable .under this �
Offer 'shall be .$54,225.00. I
�. The .Sponsor sha11»
(a) begin accomplishment of `t�ie 1'rajaet within szxty days after
ac�ceptance of thi;s �3ff.er ar su�h Ionger �tirne as may i�e pr�-
scribed by the .��A� wi�h failuxe to do so �onstituting j'ust
-cause for terminatian of the abligatiozis c�f �he �nited _Stat�s
hereunder by th� .�AA;
(b} carry out .and �complete the 1'roject taithaufi� urtdue delay and in
'accordance with the tex�is hereaf, .tbe Federal �.ixport �A�t, and ',
Seetions �50,7 and 55£}.8 of the Regulations rsf the �'ecierai
Aviation Agerscy {I4 C�'R 550} in effect as of the dar� oE
ac�ceptanee of this Offer; which .Regulati.ans are herein��tex �I
I referxed �o as the -i'Regu.Islti.ons-'". ,
{c) carry out and �omplete the �'roje�t in accard�ence with th� plans ,
and sgecificatiorts .and property map, incorporated h�rein; as
they may i�e revisec� -or modified wiith �i�e approval of ttie FAA�..,
or his duly authorized representative.
3. The allo�aable costs a� :the projec� shall nat ir�clude any casts
determin�d b}* the FAA to b� inelig3ble fo� cansideratian as to
�iiowabili�y under ;Sect'ian SS0.4 (a) af the .Regulatfions�
4.. Payrnent .of th.e Un,ited .States+ share �of "the allowabie proje�t costs will �
be made pur�uartt to and in accorriance with the provi,sions af .��etiort
� - - - —
' . �„ � , , ,. . , . " .
550.9 of th.e .Regulations. F"ina.l determination as to th�
allowabiiity of the �osts of the projQct c,�ill be made a.t the
time of� the final grant payinent, pursuant to �e�tion 550.9(d)
of th� .Regulations: .Provided, that, in the 'event a semi�fin�1
grant �aymeat is made pursuant �o .Section 550.9 (c) of th�e
�egulations_, fit�al determination as to tlie allowability of those
costs to which such semi-final payment relates wi21 be ma.de at
the .time of such semi-final payment.
5. 'Itte Sponsor shall operate and inainta.in the Airport as provided in th�
1'roj'ect Application incorporat2d herein'.
6. The FAA reserves th.e righ� �o amend or withdraw this -0ffer at any
time prior to its acceptance by the �ponsor.
7. This Offer shall expire and tlie Unite.d .States shall not be obligated
to pay any part of the costs of the �roject unles�s this -Offer �as
been aecepted by the Sponsor on or before .Septenaber 30, 1960 or su'ch
subsequertt date as may be prescribed in writing by th�e �AA.
8. The maximum amounts of building spaCe whieh the .Sponsor shall be
obligated to furnish .civil agencies of the United .States for the
purposes and on the terms and con�ditions stated in 1'aragraph 9 of
' Part III of the 1'roj'ect.Application, shall b.e as set .forth i'n the
attached schedule of in�ximum spac�e requirements �ahi�ch is incorporated
h�rein and made a part hereof.
9. By its accepCance hereof, the sponsor hereby covenants that to the
�xtent it has or may have either present or future control over each
area identifxed 'on the Exhibit :nA�� as "clear zone", and unless
exceptions to r�r deviations from th�e following -obligations have been
granted to it in writing by th� Administrator, it wi11 cTear saic�
area or areas of any existing structure or any natural growth which
�constitutes an obstruction to a.ir navigation within the standards
established by the Federal .Aviation.Agency Technical :Standard .Order
N18; and the sponsor further covenants tYi�t it will control the
subsequent erection oF structures and control natural growth to the
extent necess�ry to prevent the -creation of obstructions within said
10, It is hereby understood anri agreed by �and b�tween the parties hereto
that the t�rms .nAdministra�or of �ivil Aeronautics�', .nAdm3.nistrator*',
."Civil Aeronautics Administr�tior��', ��Department of Commerce'�� ��CAA�
or 'r�5ection 303 of the Civil .Aeronautics Act n€ 1938?" whexever they
appear i_n this Agreement, in the Project .Appiication, plans and
specifications or in any other documents consti�uting a part of
this Agreement sh�ll be deemed to mean the Federal .Aviativn�Agency
or the .Administrator thereof or Section 308(a) c� the �'ederal Aviation
A�z of 1958•, as th� case may be,
� The Sponsor*s acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adopti.on of the
Proj'ect_Applicati.on incorporated herein shall be evidenced by executio�n of this
in'strument by the .Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and 's�id .C2ffer and
Acceptance shall camprise a Grant Agreementy as provicled by the P`ederal Airport
Act, constitutirig the obligations a�a.d `rights o€ the United =States and the ,Sponsor
with respect to the accomplishment of the Proje�Ct .anti tYi� operation and
inaintenan�e .of the Airport. .Suc1r Grant Agreement shall become effective upon
the Sponsor�s acceptance of this flffer and shall remaih in full fox~ee and
effect througho�at the us�eful life of tlie fa.cilities developed under the Pro�ect
' . � , . , • .
. , f„ , , ,
but in any evertt not to exceed twen�y years from the d�te o,f s.sid
F�DERAL AVIA"�I(�N ,AG�1CY, Region .�.Vf�A.}
By Ch3:ef, .�`acil'ities and Materi:�l �'ield �7ivis'ion
(22TI�) p
SEC"�ION IIt: The City of Renton her�by accepts .the Grarct -Clffer of the
� Unit�d States of America herei.nabove set out �n ful�. in .�he amount of $54,225.00
for the purpase of bbtaining �`ederal Aid in the development of th� City caf Renton
Municigal Airport.
.SECTIC?N I�: The Mayor of the Ci,ty of �tentan is hereby autho�ized and
directed ta sign and :exe�ute the statement of i4cc�ptanc� of 5aid Grant Offer,
describ�d as Part .IZ » Acceptance, an behalf of the City o£ Renton; the City Clerk
is hereby �uthori�ed a�nd direeted to attest, the sigr�ature of the Mayor and to
impress the afficial seal a£ the City a€ :Renton or► the aforesaid stater�nt of
.SE�TI4N V�: fihe City Couitci 1,of the ��i�y of :Renton, togetlier �ri th the
Ren.ton A�,rpo�t �oard, hereby sgecifically adtigt and rati�y �11 st�te�ztts,
representa�ions, warranties, Covenants aztd agreeFnexzts Corttained in the PrQjec.t
Apg�.i ca ti on.
PAs�Et} BY THE �CITY �Cfl1JI�CIL this ��ii�.y Df Sept ber, 1960.
� �7;����:--�,
ern H� .Mor�'�S� ,Cit ]�erk
l�i.'PR4V�D BY '1� MAYt�R this �sday of �eptember; 196.G1.
� ~
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` Frank Ali�nt� .Mayor
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Ge ard M« Shell�In,, .City Attorney