HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1097 , f' ,
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� RF,SOLUTION N0. j�y�
WH � � the Planning Comna.ss3on of �he City of Renton has h�retofore !
as part ot the City�s compreh$nsive plani ez►gaged ia a stucly and �arvey relative to
the mast appropriate use of Iand �hroughon� the �nic3.gality� the les�ening of trsffie
coagesti.on aad accideuts, the t�i.c�ening and estabZishr,�nt o�' x�ghts-of.-way and generally
�c �ormot� a coordinated deve].op�erit of the City of Rentosz; snd
�lIilCt�S it has been esta3bJ.3.shed and det,err,�f.ned by �aid P1ar�ning Co�.ssion
that it would be to the best i.nterest of the ger�ral publ3.e, a21 as part ot the Cityt s
comprehensivc� plan� including the est�at�l.ishn�nt, �i.dening and improvea�� of streets�
to deBigAa�e and es'tablish the hereinbelae� describad st�reets as r�.ghts-of-ttay 60 feet
w3.de; an�l
WHEREAS said Planning Co�niss3.on ha s dul� reco�nded said action to tk�
City Couneil of the �ity of Renton sPter public hear3.ng th�reon; NQW TFiEREFORE
� .
SHC$fOA �.! The above recita2s and detexm.i�ations are hereby found to be
�rue ar�d carrect ix� all respeets.
Section 2: �h� City Af' >Reaton hereby daes desig�ate and esyu�blish the
follo�ring described streete �r3.thin the Cityr as righ�s-o�-way 60 feet in width far
stre�ts and other muuicipal purposes, all after due investigation and study and public
2�aring held thereon on June 13, 1961 after due notice given bg the C3,ty Clerk ae
provided by la�r; said street ri�hts-of-�ray being described aa follo�rs:
a. Lake S�reet: A right�-of-way 60 feet 3.0 �idth� the �enterl3.ne of Khich
� is desexibsd as follows:
Ca�nsncing at ths intersection oY the South l.ine of Dixi.e
Avenue (also kna�m as A3rport T�Tay)i 3.n the City of x�toa� with
the �esterly li.n� of Eake Street as heretofore platted and established
in th� plat of Renton Real Estate Co.�s lst Add3.tion to Renton ,
(according to plat thereof recorded in Volun�e 21 of Plats, page 50�
records oP ging County� �iTashington); runnin� thence Southerl�► along
said Westerly line of p3atted Lak�e Strest to the �intersection o�'
the centerline of said platted Lake St,reet with tt�e, center].5.ne o�'
Tobin Av�enue as platted and esztablisbed in the plat of Victoria A.
Kelly Addition to :�enton (aceordi.ng ta plat ttiereof rscorded 3.a
9o�.v�se 23 of Plats, page 2ts, records oY K3,ng Cauaty, Washing�on)a
thence Southerly along the centerline of said platted Iake Strset to
the Southerly line of Vic tor3.a Aver�e; thence South }�°06�30�' Eas�'to the
Northerly line of Second Avernie and the snd of said centerline
. , � , ► � , , , ,
. . • , .. , ,
, . . . .�
b. Shattuck Street: g right-of-way b0 feet in width for Shattuck
5treet bet�reen �ixie Avenue {also l�o�m as Airport Way) and Tobin ,
Strest as heretofore platted and estab'lishgd in the Plat of Renton
Real Estats Co.'s lst Addition to Renton accordiag to Plat recorded
in Volums 2I a�' P1ats: page 50� reeords O� Kj.rig COUIItg' YFashin�tau;
the cent�rline oP sueh right-of way 60 feet �ride being the same as
said existing platted righ�-o�'»�ray platted as �0 feet in tridth.
The aParesaid public rights-of-�ay are t�ereby established ar�d de�ermined to be part
of the Cityt s co�rrgreaensive �treet plaa� including �rterial and non-arteria�. z•3ghts-of-
Seetion 3s rhe Gitg �ngineer, P�,anning Direetor and other officials having
�urisdiction thereaver are herebg authorized and instrucfi,ed to prepa� �roper maps
and draca3.ngs togethsr �ith spec�.f'ications for the i�praver�ent of said streets� t,o ba
so 3mgraved after acquisiti.on of any required additiotzal area �herein by the City c�f
�enton as may b� deterr�ir�ed by the City Council.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL thi.$p��day of Jnn�, 1g61.
He1�e lvelson, �it,y t%lerk
�.I'Pl�OVED BY THE MAYOR thi s /�f h day of June, I961.
� r
,/ ' �'�an1s �liment� t�ayor
,� p�oved as to fo� • ',
� � � � �
Ge��rd M. Shellan� City A�ttaa�ney ,