HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1133� . � , ' . � � � - , , . . .. � . 5 � y � ` , ` �� • , .. � , ���� ^ � � w-� "� CSTY OF R.ENTON, WA�HINGTON RE�OLUTION N0. I/�� A RESOLUTION of 'the City Gouncil of the City of Renton, Washington, d�claring its 3nten�3on to construct and ins�a33 sanitary sewer Zines and appurtenances in ' the U1est Hill area of the Ci�y and �o ' crea�e a Iocal improv�:ment d�_strict to asaess the cost and expense of said im�rove- ment against the properties in such District specially benefited thereby; and notifying a1.1 persons �aho may dea3re to ob ject to said improvement to appear and present their ob�ections at a meeting of the Ci�y Council to be held on February 19, 1962. BE ZT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �tFNTON, WASHINGTON, as fallows: Section l. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Ren�on, �ash3.ng�on, .to construct and install th� follow3ng sani�ary sewer lines in the West Hill area of the City, to-wit: APPR03�. PIPE S�� ON FROM TO I2" Rainier Avenue Tobin Avenue Renton Avenue 8" Ra,3:rr,�r Avenue Renton Avenue South 122nd S�. 8" 91st Ave. South Renton Avenue A pprox. 180 ft. � N. of South 128th Street , 8" 91st Avenue South �outh 122nd St. South approx. 120 fee� 8" 90th Ave. South South 1 2nd St. ' 3 South 128th St. I 8" gOth Ave. South Sou�h 126th St. Approx. 150 ft. N. , of S. 128th �t. � 8" gOth Ave.. South South I22nd St. Sou�h approx. 120 � . feet 8" 88th P1. Sou�h �90th Ave. South 87th Ave. South , 8" 89th Ave, .South 88th P1. South Approx. 200 ft. N. ' ' of S. 130th St. I I _ � � � r. . . .. >,a APPRO�. PIPE SI2E 4N FROM TO 8" 88�h Ave. South At�prox. 160 �t. N. 88th P1. South of S. �30t� St. 8r` $Sth Ave . South S. 122nd St. South approx, 300 fee� 8" 87th Ave. South S. 132nd St, North approx. I00 feet 8" $7th Ave. South S. I.31�t S'�. N. approx. 104 z^t. II 8" 87th, Ave. South S. 130th St. N. apprax. Z10 f�. 8" 87th A�e . South S. 129th St. S. approx. 90 ft. 8" 86th Ave. South Approx. 350 ft. End of street N. of S. 132nd ' Street 8" S. 132nd Street � Approx. 100 ft. �I. 91st Ave. South of 87th Ave. S. 8" S. 1.31s� Street 87th Ave . S. 91�t Ave. South 8" South 130th St. 87th Ave. S. 90th Ave. South 8" S. 129th St. 87th Ave . S. 88th Ave . South 8" S. 128th St. glst Ave. S. W. approx. 150 ft. 8" S. 128th St. Approx. 130 ft. Approx. 100 Ft. W. of 89th Ave . E, of' 87th Ave. . South South 8" S. 126th St. 88th Ave. S. W. approx. 120 ft. $�' S. 126th St. 88th P1. S. Rainier Ave. 8" S. 12�Fth St, 88th Pl. S. Easement, then to Rainier Ave. 8" S. 122nd St. 88th Ave. S. Rainier Ave. 8" Renton Ave. 91st Ave. S. Rain�.er Ave. 8" Easements Between Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Latimer's Lake Park Add�tion 8" Easements Wes� ,along Lot 26, Block �, Latimer's Lake Park Addi�ion 8" Easements � I,ot 26, Block � South 128th St. 8" Easements S. 128th St. Through Block �+2, Latimer's I,ake Wash�.ngton Plat -2- , � . . , � rf� } � -� APPROX. . PIPE SIZE ON F�OM TO 8" Easements (i�al3in- Be�ween L��ts 26 & 27, and throu�;h Edwards Addition) Lot 10 8" Easements (�1a11in- Between Lats 22, 86th Ave . S, Edwards Addition) 23, l�, and 15 8" Easements (Wallin- Between Lots 20 Back of lats ' Fdwards Addit�on) and 21 8" Easements (Wallin- B�t�veen �,ots � & Tax Lo� 186 Edwards Addition) 3 a1on� easement 8" Easements (Wallin- Throu�h �ot l� Edwards Addition) � There sha11 be included in the f'oregoing �he acqu�.s- � ition and installat�.on a�' all. riecessary valvea, fittings, coup- lings, connections, equipment and anpur�enances, and the ac- quisition of any easements, rights-af-way and land that may be required; and there shall be inc].uded the performance of such wark as may be �ncidental and necessary to the forego3.ng con- struction and installation. The City Couneil may modify the details of the fore- going described improvement where in its �udgmen� it appears adv.isable, provided such modifica'�ions do not substantially alter the pl.an of' said 3.mprovement. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications theref'or to be prepared by Jack Wilson, the City Engineer. Section 2. That the entire cost and expense of said improver�ent shall be borne by and assessed against the praperty specia�.ly benefited by such improvement to be included in the � local improvement district to be established, embracing as near as may be all property special.ly benefited by such improve- ment. That �here shall be included in the cost and expense of -3- , � � , i � � . . � r� � . i K . �- _ ..�- _. ,. - ' � said improt,r�ment aI� cast :���ms speci�'i�:d �.n �C�# �5.��-.020. �ect�c�n 3, Tha'� all p�rsons t�no may des�.re t4 ob ject ' to �he �.mprov�ment herein descra.bed are hereby notified to I ap�ear and present sucrh objections at. a meetin� of the City , Counci.l tfl be .held in th� Councal �hamber� in ��� City Hall, Renton, Washington, a� $.04 4'clock p.m. (PST) on February 1.�, �.9��: wha.ch time and place are hereby fixed for h.earing al? mat�ers relating to sa3.d prcaposed improvemen� and all cabjec- � ��.ons thereto and for deter�n�.��.�g �he me�hod o�' payment for � �aid impravemen�. '� Sec�ion �. Jack Wilson, Ci�cy Eng;ineer, is hereby � directed to subm�t to the City Council, on or prior to the 19�h day of February, 1962, a31 da�a a.z�.d infc�rmat3.on requ�red by law to be submitted. �I The faregc�ir�g Resolution was ADOPT�fi by the CitY I �ounc�.l of �he Ci�y of Rentpn, V�fashington, a� a regular mee�- I I ing therevf this 2�r.d day of January, 3�62, . �,�--.~—, / 4.. ...--J 1,���rc�'`( �..�.�-�.�'..�' ,/ MAY OR A�'TEST. �����.u„e-�i����-..,�---�'` c�� cz�� � AL • 1 APPRQU'� AS T(? FORM: CITY ATT�RNEY ` I.�.�.������ � .,�. �z.s°f,��.z. I / �� ' J �,�G�?�/���i p p Y ,f� ��-�� A. I �' �;.�/ V �.,�.y�.�.ci,��^iL"'ra-J.: G''�r�'�• �j�J��a2,. .!���"' � . ' ! ^ � ` , ...�� I 1 _ . — — — — �� • • . ' ; �� , . � . , � r, ' w =+ � • � ` � �� { � I' � I 1� + I, I�LMS�1 NFLSO��, Clerk �f the Ci'�y of K�n�on, � . ��dashington, do hereby certi�'y that the a�tached Kesolut�p on, being Resolution No. J/��, is a true and corrc�ct copy of the original Resolu��.on adopted on the 2� d�y o#' January, � v�..i j��"c. 1962, as said Resolution appears on the Ni�� Book of the City. DATED this 2�r.d. day of January, 1g62 . � /!vG'��'`/ CITY CLER� �, � I