HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1143 � � I ' �,4. ` . � ,, , � . ,� ., , • i.. � � RESQLU`rION N0. /,��..� TnT�i�REAS, the hereinafter named emp3oyee of the City o,f Renton is a member of the Washinoton Statewi.de City Employees� Retirement System� in the cl.ass- ification of MI5CELI,A,NEOU5 PERSONNEL� and said persan having attained ret3,rement � age as provided by law� but saic� person being physically fit to continue such em- ployment and service with the City of Renton� and said person having requested ex- tension of the Compulsory Retixement Age, and the Airport Board of the City of � Renton having approved the request of said employee NOW, THEREFOP�, BE IT RESO�VE� BY TI'� CITY CO'[JI�ICIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON �A5 F'0 LI��TS: TYiat the time of compulsory retirement of the following named employee of the City of Renton� who is a member of the Washington StateVride City �nployees� Retirement System under the classifica�tion of PiZSCELLAI�TEOUS PERSOPZIVEL, to-wit: EA.RLE S. BIGLER BE AI��D THE SAN� IS H�RE�Y EXTENDED, to-wit: until August l� 1963. I �, copy of this Resolution� adopted pursuant to Section XIV, Chapter 71� I�aws of 19�.7, as amended subsequently thereto� shalZ be transr,zitted by the Clerk of the City of Rentan to the Board of Trustees of the aforesaid Washington State- Vride City E�loyeesi Retirement System. PAS5ED BY THE CITY COUI�TCIL this ��✓day* of���-, 1962. � �� Helrnie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVE33 BY THE TtAYOR this �� da� o.f���; 1962. � r�. . _ ./G��'-��' / (.�����'v ' / Frank Ali.rnent, I�ayor .APPROVID AS TO FORP�: ' Cxeraxd Ni. Shel7.an, City Attorney