HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1171 — — _ —. ——. —._ __ _ - A e _ "' ' . �. � . —. � ` � . RESOLUTION N0. /� 7�,,,_,_, WtiEREAS a petition for the approval of a fina2 plat for the subdivision af a certain traot of land as hereivafter more particnlarly described, located within the City Limits af the City of Renton, has heretafore been presented to and ' t unci2 and Che Cit Plannin Cammission and it appearing that the filed with the Ci y Ca Y � I preliminary plat has heretofare been d�ily apgroved by the Planning Commissian after i � public hearing thereon as grovatded by la�, and ' WHEREAS after due investigation the P�.anning Cammission has considered and xecommended the approva3. af said final p2at and said matter having come on for review before the City Council of the C#.ty o� Rentan on November 19, 1.962, and the City Cauncil having duly approved said �ir►al. plat and same being deemed praper and advisable and in the public interest, NOW THEREFC}RE BE IT RESOLVED BY T11dEE MAYOR AND THE CZTY COUNCIL 4F THE CiTY t1F RENTON AS FOLLOWS: The tinal glat heretofore sul�mitted and approved bp the Planning Commission, pertaining to the following described property, to-wit: Piat of Woodland Terrace being a Replat of that partion of Tract 226 ol€ C. D. Hi21ma.�'s Lake Washingtan Gardea af Eden �.dd3,tion to Seattle, Division No. 4 as recorc3ed in Vc�lume 11 of plats, page 82, records of King County, Washin.gton, described as fal3owss Beginnin►g at the northwest carner of said Tract 226; thence S Q°31'S7" W along the west line oE said tract 240 feet to the true point af beginning; the�.ce continue S 0°31'S7" W along said west Iine 282.24 feet to the north line af t�,e south 105 feet of said tract; thence N 89°39'80" E parallel ta the south line af said tract 96.1$ feet; thence N 68°39'23" E 58.62 feet to the north line af the south 126 feee of said tract; thence N 89°39'UQ"' E 1Q1.91 feet ta the east lin.e of said tract; thence N 0°32`09" E along the east lin.e of said tract 317.50 feet to the south line of the IIOr��1 �.00 �Ef.'t of said tract; thence S 89°20'18" W parallel to the north li�ne af sai.d tract 102.53 £eet; thence N 0° 31'S7" E I00 feet ta the north line of said tract; thence S $9°20'I$" W along said north I.ine 54.Oi feet ta the east liae of the west 2t30 feet of said tract; thence S 0°31`57" W, alo�.g said line 200 feet; �hence S 89°24'18" W 10t3 feet to the true point af beginning, all situated in Rantau, King Countp, Washington be and the same is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances ` of the City of Renton, aad sub,�ect ta the appr4val of the City Engineer in the � I locatfam of certain utility easements w3.thin said Plat. .. . � " � ! � J PASSED BY THE CITY COt1NCIL this 26th day of November, 1962. ---,�L%G!i'''�� — Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVEA�jY ?HE �Q'R this 26th day of November, 1962. -tf",.Gty� ��C.�,-,�e-�' �— .- ;' _ . - '� � � I ,��,��������- � � F�aa�i��-- APFROVED AS TO FORM: `���"'��-�`j'� �--'-""`� Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney -2-