HomeMy WebLinkAboutzR-3872Setopo 10, 0 10' SCALE: 1"= 10' EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT It v V L-1 N I /-1 I U V IL—L/11 y V I l/ `J �► s INVERT A T CLEAN OUT! 1 32.0 rf, 4 _F � _ 3 y o PRO 6" 6 D. I. P'I PE INVERT AT CLEAN O U T 2- 51.7$ € ol. (SE DETAIL TO RIGH T)6 f:. S � f ` : f � L • ��' r • REFERENCES RECORD OF SURVEY NO. 9110219030, KING COUNTY RECORDS PLAT OF THE TOWN OF RENTON VOL. 1, PAGE 135, KING COUNTY RECORDS 516 WILLIAMS AVE. S. A CONDOMINIUM, VOL 157, PGS. 22-24, KING COUNTY RECORDS INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUMENT USED: 5 SECOND TOTAL STATION. FIELD SURVEY WAS BY CLOSED TRAVERSE LOOPS, MINIMUM CLOSURE OF LOOPS WAS 1:22,000, IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAC 332-130-090. UTILITIES UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE PER AVAILABLE RECORDS, OBSERVED EVIDENCE AND EXISTING PAINT MARKS. ENCOMPASS MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO THEIR ACCURACY SURVEY INF t�MA Tl ON FROM EN COMPA S :�N GI NEERI N G & SURVEYING SILT FENCE AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SCHEDULE 40 P VC PIPE @ 2% SL, -.)PE NEW 1 " WA TER SER VICE AND WATER METER 'PER STD. 49 PLAN NO. 320.1E(TYPICAL&5 ,AND DCVA PER SITD. PLAN NO. 340.8 TYPICAL) 6"' END CAP (MJ) WITH 2" BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY PER RENTON STD PLAN NO. 340.1 WITH CONCRETE BLOCK 11 ..._ 5 v. 10" DUCTILE IRON PIPE REMOVE EXISTING 10" PLUG AND CONNECT WITH A 10" X 6" _.� REDUCER (MJ X MJ) AND 6 " GATE VALVE (MJX MJ) `�6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE 2 - 6 "- 22 Y2* BEND (MJ X MJ) WITH CONCRETE BLOCKS ri 0 5 �-6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE DETAIL OF PROPOSED WATER CONNECTION (N TS) BMPS BMP NAME LOCATION USED: 1213 SQ FT THIRD FLOOR: C105 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION 1213 SQ FT GARAGE: ENTRANCE PLACE AS SHOWN C233 SILT FENCE PLACE AS SHOWN C235 STRAIT WATTLES PLACE AS SHOWN C121 MULCHING USE TO COVER UNEARTHED AREAS WHEN NOT BEING WORKED C125 TOPSOILING ALL AREAS NOT COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS SURFACES C120 TEMPORARY & PERMANENT SEEDING ALL AREAS NOT COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS SURFACES C220 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION STORM DRAINS INLETS IN ROAD C151 CONCRETE HANDLING INHERE APPLICABLE C152 SAWCUTTING AND SURFACE POLLUTION PREVENTION WHERE APPLICABLE C153 MATERIAL DELIVERY, STORAGE CONTAINMENT MATERIALS SHOULD BE STORED ON HARD SURFACES . ......... ­ ... ....... JUN ITYA ff COMUCT NON. 7W WMMCM S MU BE IESV M W MR WWW flE LWA DA OwEION AND "N OF ALL EaOSW UIwnES W EW Straw aV nX MANS OR MOT, By POMW AE UAUIES AND SEMOM M6 HE as MTAL AND WNDCAL LOCA nags PRKR 1n CaVSIRUM N. Ills S IML IMf,YW ULL M6 URJTY LOCALE AT 1-800-V4-5555 MD 11E)V POfl1Q W ALL OF NE EVS1MMC UINJIES AT AEF LOCA) MS OF AEW UINJTY =600 In MSrAUY WWY WEM OR NOT Oa WTS EXIST. LOC47ON OF SAD UIX/XS AS S WO ON AE'SE PLANS Ali MW UPON HE U WWO PIAS MMUMN AAV ARE SIAWCT TO VAArANK (,L15-0099lf7 PROJECT N0. 815 002961 PARCEL N0. 723150-1545 SW— 17-23-5 LOT AREA LOT AREA: 6, 000 SQ FT BUILDING AREA Wl TH OVERHANGS: 2,863 SQ FT COVERED LOT AREA: 47.7% ALLOWABLE LOT AREA: 75.OX IMPERVIOUS AREA LOT AREA: 6,000 SQ FT IMPERVIOUS AREA: BUILDING INC. OH 2863 DRI VEWA Y 1638 WALKWA Y 65 TOTAL 4566 IMPERWOUS AREA: 76.1X ALLOWABLE IMP. AREA: 85.OX FAR CAL CULA TIONS FIRST FLOOR: 317 SQ FT SECOND FLOOF 1213 SQ FT THIRD FLOOR: 1019 SQ FT FORTH FLOOF 1213 SQ FT GARAGE: 793 SQ FT TOTAL LI WNG REA: 3762 SQ FT LOT AREA 19,399 SQ FT FAR RA 110 14X LEGEND U IN C MPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON SD STANDARDS W BY: SS Dates: - BY: FIRE HYDRANT Date: WA 7ER METER BY: CONCRETE BLOCK Date: GATE VAI. VE BY: Dane: LEGEND U DOiWSPcl. SD STORM DRA114 W WA TERMAIN SS SIDE SEW k° )O� FIRE HYDRANT ® WA 7ER METER Q CONCRETE BLOCK GATE VAI. VE W- 381101 0 WNER JOE BER1\lAS(, 520 Vl%'ILLIAMS � /'_NUE SOUTf-� RENTON, WA}5 PREPARED BY: 'A. LISA A. HARBERT, P.E. SITE PLAN/TESC/DRAINA GE � ' T,A N 2021 201ST PL SE, X309 520 WE 11A MS AVENUE + 4 ' BOTHELL, ASA 98155 01. RENTON, i SHINGTON 98055 ` ,r,A.N �- PHONE: (206) 371-3079 LISAHARBERT®OUTLOOK. COM \ Ll ALE: 1'=10is,° ATE: 12/29/15 SBT N0. 1 OF 5 Cbs R3672o1 Surface Water Standard Plan Notes 1. These notes shall appear on projects for the surface water utility. 2. Before any cont uction or development activity occurs, a pre -construction meeting must be held between the City of Renton plan review section and the applicant. 3. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Renton Municipal Code (RMC), the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction prepared by WSDOT and the American Public Works Association (APWA), as amended by the City of Renton Public Works Department. It shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant and the professional civil engineer to correct any &Tm, omission or variation from the above requirements found in this plans. all corrections shall be at no additional cost to the City. 4. Approval of this road, grading, parking and drainage plan does not constitute an approval of any other construction (e.g. domestic water conveyance, sewer conveyance, gas, ekctrical. etc.)The surface wager drainage system shall be constructed according to the approved plans, which are on file in with the City. Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the City of Renton Public Works Department, Surface Water Utility Section. 5. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress. 6. Grading activities (site alteration) are limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and no work on Sunday is allowed, unless otherwise approved with a written decision by the City of Renton. 7. It shall be the applkant's1contractor's responsibility to obtain all construction easements necessary before initiating off-site work. Easements require City review and approval prior to construction. 8. Franchised utilities or other installations that are not shown on these approved dans shall not be constructed unless an approved set of plans that met all requirements of Chapter 4 of the Surface Water Design Manual are submitted to the City of Renton. 9. Datum shall be N 4 VD 88 unkw otherwise approved by the City of Renton. Reference benchmark and elevations are noted on the plans. 10. Any dewatering system necessary for the con of stormwater facilities must be submitted to the City for review and approval. 11. All utility trenches and roadway subgrade shall be backfilled and compacted to 95 percent density, standard proctor. 12. Open cutting of existing roadways for non -franchised utility or storm drainage work is not allowed unless specifically approved by the City of Renton and noted on these approved plans. Any open cut shall be restored in accordance with the City of Renton trench restoration standards. 13. All sedimentabon/erosion facilities must be in operation prior to clearing and building construction, and they must be satisfactorily maintained until construction is completed and the potential for on-site erosion has passed. 14. All retention/detention facilities must be installed and in operation prior to or in conjunction with all construction activity unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department, Surface Water Utility Section. 15. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundation in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Spec0cation for Road and Bridge Construction. This shall include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of the foundation material, as well as piacerrmt and compaction of required bedding material, to uniform grade so that the entire of the pipe will be supported on a unifiormly dense, unyielding base. All pipe bedding shall be APWA Class "C, with the exception of PVC pipe. 16. Steel pipe shall be aluminized, or galvanized with asphalt treatment #1 or better inside and outside. 17. All drainage structures, such as catch basins and manholes shall have solid locking lids. All drainage structures associated with a permanent retention/detention facility shall have solid locking lids. 18. Building and other structures shall be placed in accordance with Table 4.1 Easement Widths and Building Setbacks Lines. 19. All catch basin grates shall be depressed 0.10 feet below pavement level. 20. All driveway culverts located within City of Renton right-of-way shall be of sufficient length to provide a minimum 3:1 slope from the edge of the driveway to the bottom of the ditch. Rock for erosion protection of roadside ditches, where required, shall be of sound quarry rock placed to a depth of one (1) foot and must meet the following specifications: a. 4 - 8 inch rock / 40 - 70% passing; b. 2 - 4 inch rock/ 30 - 40% passing; and c. less than 2 inch rock/ 10 - 20% passing. 21. All building downspouts and footing drains shall be connected to the storm drainage system, unless approved by the City plan reviewer or Surface Water Utility Section. An accurately dimensioned, certified as -built drawing of this drainage system will be submitted to the City upon completes. 22. Drainage outlets (stub -outs) shall be provided for each individual lot, except for those lots approved for infiltration by the City. Stub -outs shall conform to the following: a. Each outlet shall be suitably located at the lowest elevation on the lot, so as to service all future roof downspouts and footing drains, driveways, yard drains, and any other surface or subsurface drains necessary to render the lots suitable for their intended use. Each outlet shall have free-flowing, positive drainage to an approved stormwater conveyance system or to an approved outfall location. b. Outlets on each lot shall be located with a five -foot -high, 2" x 4" stake marked "storm" or "drain' . The stub -out shall extend above surface level, be visible, and be secured to the stake. c. Pipe material shall conform to underdrain specifications described in Chapter 4 of the Surface Water Design Manual and, if non-metallic, the pipe shall be placed in a trench with a tracing wire above or other acceptable detection. d. Private drainage easements are required for drainage systems designed to convey flows through individual lots. e. The applicant/contractor is responsible for coordinating the locations of all stub- out conveyance lines with respect to other utilities (e.g. power, gas, telephone, television). f. All individual stub -outs shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot home owner. g. Storm drainage pipe systems shall not penetrate building foundations, except for sump pump discharge lines used to drain crawl spaces, provided the sump pump system includes backflow prevention or a check valve. 23. All disturbed pervious areas (compacted, graded, landscaped, etc.) of the development site must demonstrate one of the following: The existing duff layer shall be staged and redistributed to maintain the moisture capacity of the sal, OR; Amended soil shall be added to maintain the moisture capacity. 24. Proof of liability insurance shall be submitted to the City prior to construction permit issuance. 25. Issuance of the building or construction permits by the City of Renton does not relieve the owner of the continuing legal obligation and/or liability connected with storm surface water disposition. Further, the City of Renton does not accept any obligation for the proper functioning and maintenance of the system provided during construction. 26. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguard, safety devices, protective equipment, flaggers, and any other needed actions to protect the life, health, and safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of work. Any work within the traveled right-of-way that may interrupt normal traffic flow shall require a traffic control plan approve by the Public Works Department, Transportation Systems Division. All sections of the WSDOT Standard Specifications 1-07-23 Traffic Control shall apply. 27. Project located within the aquifer protection area (APA) shall comply with Special Requirement #6 of the Surface Water Design Manual and Aquifer Protection Regulations (RMC 4-3-050). Erosion Control Notes 1. These notes shall appear for all projects - site improvements, surface water utility, wastewater utility, water utility, and transportation plans: 2. Before any construction or development activity occurs, a pre -construction meeting must be held with the City of Renton, public works design engineer. 3. The Boundaries of the curing limits and areas of vegetation preservation as prescribed on the plan(s) shall be clearly flagged by survey tape or fencing in the field prior to construction in accordance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual and observed during construction. ging the construction period, no disturbance beyond the clearing limits shall be permitted. The clearing limits shall be maintained by the applrcantlESC supervisor for the duration of construction. 4. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures, such as constructed wheel wash systems or wash pads, may be required to ensure that all paved areas are kept clean and track out to road right of way does not occur for the duration of the project. 5. All required sedimentation/erosion control facilities must be constructed and in operation prior to land clearing and/or construction to prevent transportation of sediment to surface water, drainage systems and adjacent properties. All erosion and sediment facilities shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until such time that clearing and/or construction is complete and potential for on-site erosion has passed. The implementation, maintenance, replacement and additions to erosion/sedimentation control systems shall be the responsibility of the permitee. 6. The erosion and sedimentation control systems depicted on this drawing are intended to be minimum requirements to meet anticipated site conditions. As construction progresses and unexpected or seasonal conditions dictate, the permitee shall anticipate that more erosion and sedimentation control facilities will be necessary to ensure complete siltation control on the proposed site. During the course of construction, it shall be the obligation and responsibility of the permitee to address any new conditions that may be created by the activities and to provide additional facilities, over and above minimum requirements, as may be needed, to protect adjacent properties and water quality of the receiving drainage system. 7. Approval of this plan is for erosion/sedimentation control only. It does not constitute an approval of storm drainage design, size nor location of pipes, restrictors, channels, or retention facilities. 8. Any areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankments, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season (October 1 through March 30 ) or seven days during the dry season (April 1 tough September 30) shall be immediately stabilized with the approved ESC cover methods (e.g., seeding, mulching, plastic covering, etc.). 9. Wet season seasonal erosion and sediment control requirements apply to all construction sites clearing between October 1 and March 30 inclusive, unless otherwise approved by the City through an adjustment process. 10. Cover measures will be applied in conformance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual. 11. Any area needing ESC measures, not requiring immediate attention, shall be addressed within seven (7) days. 12. The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimum of once a month or within 24 hours following a storm event. 13. At no time shall more than one (1) foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment -laden water into the downstream system. 14. During the time period of October 1st through March 30th, all project distributed soil areas greater, that are to be left un -worked for more than 12 hours, shall be covered by mulch, sodding or plastic covering. 15. Any permanent retention/detention facility used as a temporary settling basin shall be modified with the necessary erosion control measures and shall provide adequate storage capacity. If the permanent facility is to function ultimately as an infiltration system, the temporary facility must be rough graded so that the bottom and sides are at least three feet above the final grade of the permanent facility. 16. Prior to the beginning of the wet season (Oct. 1), all disturbed areas shall be reviewed to identify which ones can be seeded in preparation for the winter rains. Disturbed areas shall be seeded within one week of the beginning of the wet season. A sketch map of those areas to be seeded and those areas to remain uncovered shall be submitted to the City of Renton for review. STRUCTURAL NOTES 1. These plans are approved for standard road and drainage improvements only. Plans for structures such as bridges, vaults, and retaining walls require a separate review and approval by the City prior to construction. 2. Rockeries are considered to be a method of bank stabilization and erosion control. Rockeries shall not be constructed to serve as retaining walls. All rockeries in City road right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with City Standards. Rockeries outside of road right-of-way shall be constructed in accordance with the International Building Code. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL RECOMMENDED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 2. Post sign with name and phone number of ESC supervisor (may be consolidated with the required notice of construction sign). 3. Flag or fence clearing limits. 4. Install catch basin protection if required. 5. Grade and install construction entrance(s). 6. Install perimeter protection (silt fence, brush barrier, etc.). 7. Construct sediment ponds and traps. 8. Grade and stabilize construction roads. 9. Construct surface water controls (interceptor- dikes, pipe slope drains, etc.) simultaneously with clearing and grading for project development. 10. Maintain erosion control measures in accordance with Appendix D of the Surface Water Design Manual and manufacturer's recommendations. 11. Relocate erosion control measures or install new measures so that as site conditions change the erosion and sediment control is always in accordance with the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Standards. 12. Cover all areas that will be unworked for more than seven days during the dry season or two days during the wet season with straw, wood fiber mulch, compost, plastic sheeting or equivalent. 13. Stabilize all areas that reach final grade within seven days. 14. Seed or sod any areas to remain unworked for more than 30 days. 15. Upon completion of the project, all disturbed areas must be stabilized and BMPs removed if appropriate. CALL DIAL -DIG AT 1-800--424-5555 AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DA YS BEFORE DIGGING IN COMPLIANCE WITH CIN OF RENTON STANDARDS BY: V l Date: I BY: I BY: [-14 0 WNER Date: Date: Date: R-381102 PROJECT NO. B15 002961 PARCEL NO. 723150-1545 SW -17-23-5 JOE BERNASCONI 520 WILLIAMS A VENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA 98055 CO:R3872o2 e MIND" D IrCla1 F 1� MA MPIWM Mftm M aY RIOMDl� 4wQRMmwwvluB r--+-tSM"" Pn 101MMM or mu41l10 or 110 IDAMM DIIollrrorlla 4F ilf l9VdWW IT 141 Ti}IRT'A� 011E11Ra1K'E eE C7M[I IIi771ilIT lilmarf VIIIA I cfF T+ 4E.ftw f. rit�fll�Mi� 1� f.i. 81iAL1 BE STIR WIIERE%MR TRAFFIC RILL 8E LEAVM A SM1E AICD TRAIIE&.M C7N PfOfHM IIGIADra OR OTH M Kim AI AW9 WITIIM f.M PST' OF TIE SM. GMB TENSILE STREMdGTH ASTM D4731) 20D PSI MIN. GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION ASTM D4632) 317A MAX_ MULLEN BURST STFANGTH ASTM D37% -SI 4W PSI MIN. AOS ASTM D4751 2D-45 US. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 2.1. HOG FUEL {11I0 100 MOM MUL(" MAY HE Si1B'STiiUTM FOR OR MED 11101M QUAY :PM J.S IN ARES THAT WILL. MY HE USED FM PM3iMMl11i ROAM HOG R JEL 19 WTDED FMEIMTRANCX STABI ATIC�I MI ILI MAN AFFEW TIE M�ECTC)R MAY IIT IMr!'T TMH1E Fi AE TIE t OF CiUMRiLY ""E THE HOG FtWL IS NIQT PREIIEMTINC3 StOIHIHE ff � IME NIG TR00" CIM 1 "W4�T OR IF THE H M FUEL IS SEM CAIN ED ONTO PiISIEiENT. 23. SHAL . !#E MIBTALLED ASHiECE'_+&#jw TO I"I F Cl TRAFFIC TO THE CE ENTRIAIM. 2.3. WFIEIEU6R POSE,IE TENT V# CE SMALL IE C 0l l6l RRlIJCTE0 ON A FSA, COAPACTED SAJaf1iIA[;E. THIS CAN SlUBSTANTIALLY Wwwa lE THE .OF THE PAD AND REDUCE THE NEED FOR MAMFTENAW4CE. 3.1. C Mid W SPPAl2 SHALL HE ADDED IF THE PAD IS NO LONOM IN A COTLVAIMM WHTH THE SPECEKJ►T10W 32 F THE ENTRAJAE It NDT I IEWENTri[ SEDDOW SEND TRAIN ED 01MT0 PlAMEIE7mIT. THEN ALTERNKTHVE #AEAM EB TO KEEP THE STREETS FIFE OF SEEINUff 1IFMILL BE USED. THIS MAY NC LIJOE 31 PEET 9MMEEPMI1r3, AN NC.REASE MI THE DrE'II - c me OF TIE EM*lli N;F, OR TIE IIRCTALlA" M OF 11E 3MEH. SWIM. MF VIIIAGHM IB USED. IT SHALL. BE DOW ON JUN AFWA COVETED WITH ROCK„ AICD WAWA WRITER. SI ALL ORAMI TO A SED&AIE IT TRAP OR F%=. 3 AM11►' T TMT IS wO l ft"I _ T SHOAL. R*3MA0ED *AMEMlEiY EHY THE SHJMIEMIT C01 EC Ed By i13 SHAM DE 1E110%M OR STA NO.RW CMI S". TIE RI"1AilENIElMi SHALL NOT IlIlE CMEAME D IW WASHING DOM TIE S TIEET, EM P'T V&" SMiE:t IS MEF`FECHIIlE AND THERE IS A THWAT TO PUKX SAFETY. IF R IEC.E1SIiiW TO VAMP THE 97REE:TS, A SMALL SUMP MUST BE 0 0 In U C THE EMT MMKIIX.,1] THEM BE VANHED WO THE SUMMA' 1AA*9TE FT GAN ME COiiT 40 L.ED AND DISCHARCIED TB.Y. 3A AW C&IlARlW OWLS THAT ARE LOOSENED R4 M1 THE PAD AND END UP ON TUE RI'W MAY SHALL. HE REMOVED, NMIEDLATELY. 3.& IF VEHM M ARE EKTEF04G OR EXITMMG THE SITES AT POMI<TS OTHER THAN THE COWTUXT11014 S#MANICIEM PEWM SHALL BE M WALLED TO CONTROL TRAFFIC. ftllIWIl"wQ� 010*FHM wAIPMMlHIDN EB1ABt IlAlll/ mIU 00va"w aw fs ilw wIE l KIam¢ w maw IrC7aIr1M �.� �•■M�rf.�a.�swlM� IrII►B A�1.1.oIyAlMaRa wrwl►rrlwwrlll� III■I�s 3& IM SIEVE SIZE 10.6" iSW A FOR SILT FILM �u.rll�w.rr� �r �arall xr !BD LIS. MN FOR EXTRA STRENGH FABRIC. jMlM *4oL" (AAM TENSILE ELONGATION (ASTM 04()32) FlWF" 19" FW iXTRAWOIATE RESISTANCE (ASTM D4355) 70% MIN. * c6o Pm��Tl��ilE s�owoamylllrrl l� mwm 1. IIIc nllllo- 1llrit l• ft NlWllilrilllN Ili IM 1�T JIM M6"fM 1. m binri arr t to iIr •ir�ili 41rMorrlri. mlt' RMrin�4rI�' �1r IIMw Nwlw IR Hir AL7�MTR! � wvan N" did Nrowdiota kmdmmiL 3. THIS InrsaHlollt dwaw r dud not be GYM 60 W. lowdoodws howessfillidelinwdr r w Iwlil111N. PwAdl n 1 A" 1amil1HI1mM" beilllow to Y"silleIA "a nni so Ili" d2w pipma f $A�d �l=ftrv0jddwulsrb nowdomms S. The IarlmleMmn dwo *Mae fnWa d rnitle b )las meter pip b wt atlllll he w 4. The kvivie armd Vali Im bul■iled wM RIs somp IM or dowL The *Yll1! WAV M ad hu al nlRMSL 5. Time PIItIGMt offies m@V bw* i mwft / lew. =d &A w* play be moped all s are r 121 er Cllr. 6•- The ape Ma sliall bs awaminlll at rims lar d fmr plulolllt bee asmMoa, 7. All p1da w Wltfts dvd be remind fiii slot to Wd Hmet 61Mw pbund. PUBLIC WORKS mill, 1#ALRT M. PLAN - 200.30 MARCH 2008 J c l M PLIC Iwwf 411ML w w%xw u �ortcl:<�>�� I�RHIBIi'k4w "�Tapmvk mt' YIIIL PMt IIIw w M1Tmi1 "! r Ir1IIrmIE ampaimllam% It aBa1EaII ,IIF SIGH MAW UMM m7 wa F4ow -- wrl[rlllili'irMa"Ti�lf'211 . iA►OFBL BI�CM twll ilRIf11Els'R. *NN k rWWOOD POSIM pas lmooK OR eaurviamr c caumnow cr um 1.1. 817' F8110E M&Y MIE USED DOWNS1:OW. OF ALL 10011IMPOPE A11 1.2. SL:.T FEWF M6 NCYf WW4M Tl') 7 EAT MAIM MOW MM IS ININSIM TO TREAT SLMTAWW AM131AA'S OF ty4 M AND FLS AMMY SATED FLOW 10106T IME CUMVIED D TNM Mi TPIE DINAMiIAISE SVSTioiA TO A SIDIM101IT 7TiAP OR PCM � DMR�I A� �TALLAtIOr 2.1.M �'T U� COPY OF TFE BAIMIMFACTU lRl3CS FAMW i1TM>3� �T 0E Tt� E�ta'N.E MB�T MET TFE S'i'AI1110AiiD L.IMiTED . A OUNM 2.'L STANDAP0 STRENUTH FAMRIC FWAXIIIIES RIME SA09 MCs TO IlrlCIWASE THE SETH OF THE FENCE. WIRE BACKING., OR CIIJUSER PCT" SPACING MAY BE REIQUIRIED FOR EXTRA "WOUN FA MINC IF FIELD PCJiF+191 iE'YItIY &MMASTRIONGERFENCE. 2.3. V&VW TIE MAW M WTAI M TIE BLIOPE GRALL WIF BE STE"M 71M XtW 2.41. IF A TYPICAL. SILT FINME IS 1JIAM� THE ST/ML11A W 4iM TIS MOW NOT M IMMUCIMI AS LOW AS THE BCTTTUM A 1140 HES OF TIE SILT PEHIIGE IS VAEL L: KNWZ AND SECURE IN A 714BNCM THIN STPAMLM THIS FEM AND DOES NOT ALLOW UR ER TO BYPASS OR THE SLT FENCE. L *TA�IA�i 3.1. AW DAMIIGE. SHALL BE REPMMEDMTELY. 3. IF C ONCENTItATED FUMS ASE P#WM I1PHM L Ob THE FENCE, THEY MUST W MNCEP M AMID COWEVED TO A SEDM W IRS CAR PCJHKI. I.& IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK7M UPHILL SLOE OF THE FENCE FOR 9113M OF TIE FENCE CLOGGM MW AICTMIG AS A W RRIIERTO RDMIAlMD THEM CAMEMIt3 C HAl NEWATI0NI OF RCIMMM H'MMMILlIEL TO THE F1014M IF THS OCCURS, REPLACE THE: FENCE OR RE111WO" TUE TRAP SEDMMINT. 3A. q Er. -, -0 W I11r W HE P93ADVM V*MN BEDOKMf IS i INCHES HOUK 3.rx IF THE FL.TEiR FAWNC TEXTL IE) MS DETEfi 0ftlITFLA OM TO ULTRAVKX.Ef MAD110N. IT SNML BE REPLACED. PUBLIC WOR"O =LTFO/CE 8lD. Plix - 214L"� DEP'AR1'lliElii7' L( I- .. I IiARCli 2008 �fTAI�� I�IrIML MH■i U1'�,H 4vMMlLcMf R IIl vM I. SO *0 WONT lmdmli Aura 011"�N MIriN�ltaiwlul+llrrr IItIRIiMlifwrHtrlll ell>nliparw A The 1110 Ci loll Aria a li A641 kWWbo NMNP M ►HIMp.11wla'j. A VIM AdAnroll.phow NO dbW aallm>tlald alto HHigD rlMlald IgIM1110 )All adlubd rMON. C Partam ldi■IBI■B Mn amod IM @Ili li4ENodwS J Mpg { 1i1e1' I� 10 LA CALL DIAL -DIG AT 1-800-424-5555 AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE DIGGING Na OIWM CONMCT NOTE: BE CONI NACTOR SMALL BE f� FOR WWMW HE LOr.AWK al Ul" Nle 017W OF ALL EJOSIMIG UnunEs WEW S WO ON 1185E PLANS OR NOT, BY PON aW IW UR/RS AAD SUNIO/M6 1!E to WWAL AAD W NAGE LOCA MOS POW 10 0261 C710N. 1M SHALL #4aJM CALLMMG URITY LOGlE AT 1-424-5663 MD X111 PO111aW ALL Or 1FE fJII MG URINES AT lid? LOCA 706 CF NEW URITY OWS►4K5 IV ROSOLLY WWY IMEIIEW ON NOT CMLICIS E7r1'ST. LOCA MW OF SAO URIIES AS S lWW ON lW7 PLANS AUK BARED UPO BE WN90 ® MW MMU X* AAD ARE RML+E'CT TO VARA WN PROJECT N0. B15 002961 PARCEL N0. 723150-1545 SW -17-23-5 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS BY: Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: R-381103 0 AIN ER JOE BERNASCONI 520 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH REN TON, WA 98055 PREPARi$D BY.• LISA A. HARBERT, P.E. 2021 201 ST PL SE, #309 \ BOTHELL, IIA 98155 PHONE: (206)371-3079 LISAHARBERT®OUTLOOK. COAL C D: R 38-7 2 03 SITE PLAN/TESC/DRAINAGE PLAN DETAILS 520 WILLIAMS AVENUE S RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 SCALE: NTS I ISSUE DATE. 12/29/15 I sT M. 3 OF 5 AOS (ASTM 04751) 3& IM SIEVE SIZE 10.6" iSW A FOR SILT FILM S0 -IW SIEVE SIN 10.30-0. ISiW" FOR OTHER FABRICS WATER KRI,MTTIVITY IwASTM D49 0.02 SEC^- I MIN*4%N ..................................................................................................... GRAB TENSILE STRENCHT (ASTM D4632) !BD LIS. MN FOR EXTRA STRENGH FABRIC. IM IRS. MIN. FOR STANDARD STRENGHT FABRIC (AAM TENSILE ELONGATION (ASTM 04()32) JD% MAX. iXTRAWOIATE RESISTANCE (ASTM D4355) 70% MIN. 2.'L STANDAP0 STRENUTH FAMRIC FWAXIIIIES RIME SA09 MCs TO IlrlCIWASE THE SETH OF THE FENCE. WIRE BACKING., OR CIIJUSER PCT" SPACING MAY BE REIQUIRIED FOR EXTRA "WOUN FA MINC IF FIELD PCJiF+191 iE'YItIY &MMASTRIONGERFENCE. 2.3. V&VW TIE MAW M WTAI M TIE BLIOPE GRALL WIF BE STE"M 71M XtW 2.41. IF A TYPICAL. SILT FINME IS 1JIAM� THE ST/ML11A W 4iM TIS MOW NOT M IMMUCIMI AS LOW AS THE BCTTTUM A 1140 HES OF TIE SILT PEHIIGE IS VAEL L: KNWZ AND SECURE IN A 714BNCM THIN STPAMLM THIS FEM AND DOES NOT ALLOW UR ER TO BYPASS OR THE SLT FENCE. L *TA�IA�i 3.1. AW DAMIIGE. SHALL BE REPMMEDMTELY. 3. IF C ONCENTItATED FUMS ASE P#WM I1PHM L Ob THE FENCE, THEY MUST W MNCEP M AMID COWEVED TO A SEDM W IRS CAR PCJHKI. I.& IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK7M UPHILL SLOE OF THE FENCE FOR 9113M OF TIE FENCE CLOGGM MW AICTMIG AS A W RRIIERTO RDMIAlMD THEM CAMEMIt3 C HAl NEWATI0NI OF RCIMMM H'MMMILlIEL TO THE F1014M IF THS OCCURS, REPLACE THE: FENCE OR RE111WO" TUE TRAP SEDMMINT. 3A. q Er. -, -0 W I11r W HE P93ADVM V*MN BEDOKMf IS i INCHES HOUK 3.rx IF THE FL.TEiR FAWNC TEXTL IE) MS DETEfi 0ftlITFLA OM TO ULTRAVKX.Ef MAD110N. IT SNML BE REPLACED. PUBLIC WOR"O =LTFO/CE 8lD. Plix - 214L"� DEP'AR1'lliElii7' L( I- .. I IiARCli 2008 �fTAI�� I�IrIML MH■i U1'�,H 4vMMlLcMf R IIl vM I. SO *0 WONT lmdmli Aura 011"�N MIriN�ltaiwlul+llrrr IItIRIiMlifwrHtrlll ell>nliparw A The 1110 Ci loll Aria a li A641 kWWbo NMNP M ►HIMp.11wla'j. A VIM AdAnroll.phow NO dbW aallm>tlald alto HHigD rlMlald IgIM1110 )All adlubd rMON. C Partam ldi■IBI■B Mn amod IM @Ili li4ENodwS J Mpg { 1i1e1' I� 10 LA CALL DIAL -DIG AT 1-800-424-5555 AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE DIGGING Na OIWM CONMCT NOTE: BE CONI NACTOR SMALL BE f� FOR WWMW HE LOr.AWK al Ul" Nle 017W OF ALL EJOSIMIG UnunEs WEW S WO ON 1185E PLANS OR NOT, BY PON aW IW UR/RS AAD SUNIO/M6 1!E to WWAL AAD W NAGE LOCA MOS POW 10 0261 C710N. 1M SHALL #4aJM CALLMMG URITY LOGlE AT 1-424-5663 MD X111 PO111aW ALL Or 1FE fJII MG URINES AT lid? LOCA 706 CF NEW URITY OWS►4K5 IV ROSOLLY WWY IMEIIEW ON NOT CMLICIS E7r1'ST. LOCA MW OF SAO URIIES AS S lWW ON lW7 PLANS AUK BARED UPO BE WN90 ® MW MMU X* AAD ARE RML+E'CT TO VARA WN PROJECT N0. B15 002961 PARCEL N0. 723150-1545 SW -17-23-5 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS BY: Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: R-381103 0 AIN ER JOE BERNASCONI 520 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH REN TON, WA 98055 PREPARi$D BY.• LISA A. HARBERT, P.E. 2021 201 ST PL SE, #309 \ BOTHELL, IIA 98155 PHONE: (206)371-3079 LISAHARBERT®OUTLOOK. COAL C D: R 38-7 2 03 SITE PLAN/TESC/DRAINAGE PLAN DETAILS 520 WILLIAMS AVENUE S RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 SCALE: NTS I ISSUE DATE. 12/29/15 I sT M. 3 OF 5 Cp:R3872oy �cn m D i �Z S; c * i xm= i t� Mo CTI . i Nz z C I D r NO. B15 002961 Nei O BY MEANS W A ON AND 4i' IMM M ""MEAN''"""``PROJECT T V .. '-' O °a yN 1 O N CD W go" NMS' K II AtMLE. tri v� 00 T - MAN Ate" imr M" �!O 4"' �E/ll�i tib 1i11�1 PARCEL NO. 723150-1545 IES A AWNX "°r fro Aii� "'. I S W-17-23-5 L!" V I '1X -Q'` "� �0 A.C.2 f-� so w I Jr MS Utility Specificotions (1 OR S.) x RAMp =: ,, -14 1 "` Sanitary Sewer Notes and Specifications ori , „y ext rlrw � 4 �, UK � 2 THESE N 0 TES SHALL APPEAR ON PROJECTS FOR THE WA S TE WA TER U TI L ! T Y. �E No Iff 11irf 3 iiiMiA t� � 5'� PLAM - rLIIC F� IMP' 01" A" E FANCY IIs tr FL r;Ww ,C 1. All work and work material shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications �"�"�� "''��� E�''I WABLE .� o f the Cit o f Renton Pl ann in Bu it din Public Works Department en t an h latest y g/ g/ p d the edi tion of F S OWWAIJ the WSDOT/APWA Standards and Specifications, as approved and modified by the City of 12 Y4 --..- r�rM UK Renton in the Renton Standard Plans & Specifications. A set of approved plans shall be kept t4' '� T PLS on site at all times during construction. NOTES: - " 1. ftiw iii bwouffigum trf d �.Mna.r�r s.r �y IF VK IIMIU a OF v 8014AX MY Ire VM MNPAM p-- - 0 mat be pwahowd Imm to +Mr of Ism. Pri/c swim 2. The hours of work in the street right of way shall be per City specifications on weekdays " 1 FLOW FIA B 1� �aIl< IMMAW W a�IloN �. aF 1W MW UPS111EAM E aam 1W unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. An t 2-6 "ism s�1sx„ A McrELM � 2. Tit m/ pNp* md tmt am be � 1w y arrwra� Duda wM A5 OEM of= � t �= WLVE � � AME � M by MM �Miowt of PICC � �W approved traffic control plan must be obtained prior to beginning any work within public right r1 I� mpm, do�byow +be of way. �� � ' 4`�E 13bUPlJMII � � EIMAIr� 3. A �r rrf tN (114C rM�wt be owNl�eined �, dr � � r. �.mL MM 3. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be the contractor's �"' magdp a +f►at "� "� � +r responsibility to verify the true and correct location so as to avoid damage or disturbance. 11• t rwom am bww r pow at a waft at is. 12 IV I= PLM�` � iWW s call w � w6wwa 1w 4. Apre- construction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be required prior to starting `'1M M""I"" H0"'' VA t `"'"`'' 1W boom= °"'+''�""""''"'M"" """'r'" new construction. It shall be the con tractor's responsibility to secure all necessary permits CAST IRM � �Io t�rRII�+I�mr uwl� � tr ��+��„ ft MA � *M 4R& MA "Prion Ib � IV„,,,, prior to starting construction. (Inspection will be accomplished by a representative of the City MING AND COVER �'' "IEFGAL AS SKC*IED -_ WA + ink I • � MpIono,r .N I n � � Am �p � __ _ ink MMS �. p+MIN*� att aid tIALd .� �. of Renton.) It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Public Works inspector 24 � E� w� �PPE .� � hours in advance of backfilling all construction. s. � UM wri�i�rMrr>t`i +�ierwnr. l� r w ds� _ . .......at; VW lm� If m~ Is fib an : S. 11 AMD . a*& in mat WAVOWMa VW �w A&M be 5. Contractor is solely responsible for the means, methods and sequences of construction ^. r fw Mo "r�' PWoy°” wd'' 410.1. w and for the safety of workers and others on the construction site. 45- 1D GOP QN. P +,g 7. ,� d �► '�� 'w"w""I""�"I' "' "''''' "'- 6. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and any other related permits prior to any construction. b IIA irk rr>trliMrrr. �s it MMMe WOW dt 7. Plans approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Department shall take precedence aS. M �, awl � .studt g I■ do 4b over all other plans. 1. er ANS Ir aEArM S ON SEVAM MANS SHALL BE 'EAST JMAN WM WW&5,, W.I. w � No. aM CO EQUAL. aXM OUT SHALL BE A Vt1ER TIGHT ASSEMBLY. � ICL Thav d>mg bee 10 I" **wow" t�� 8. A copy of these approved plans must be on the Mob site whenever construction is in 1 mmboy .w �.■rra�s �� �r and r s.rv1=M a 5 f ort z. IN u�� � P A 1"-W THIt�4, 2' -Cr U t�OINCJ�TE, CUSS 30W PAD IQ.+ + r a.a ,oa « woum progress. AFAI MId THE RM AM CCIVEk IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON CALL FOR LacAnoNs KFORE YW �� � LOCATORS �_�_��,�y 9. The contractor shall provide the City of Renton with an as -built Browing of the sanitary STANDARDS sewer system, which has been stamped and signed by a licensed professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor. BY: Date. PUMx VOM 5 on s lowm SM PUN - 4=1 PLM - � D� TI 1I• ♦ p�LW Vol 6 ! f l=K" L Ilff DZPAR 10. Backfill shall be laced e uall on both sides of the i p equally pipe in layers with a loose average CONNECTION �'� 2012 Date. depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 inches, thoroughly tamping each layer to 95 BY: • percent of maximum density. These compacted layers must extend for one pipe diameter on BY: Date: each side of the pipe or to the side of the trench. Materials to complete the fill over pipe shall be the some as described. BY: Date: 11. Open cut road crossings for utility trenches on existing traveled roadway shall be bockfilled with crushed rock and mechanically compacted unless otherwise approved by TF.. -S :�TI N C FTAI1. FIRE H"ANT SHALL EC CM&Y-nW EQU& TO 1l"yM F-5110 ON ,.+OMP' ONI TYPE SUCH AS MOW MEDALLfO1M: M a H 929, W i I FR W" CENTURION 200, AND WATMOUS PACER NATI-I r MECHANICAL 12. Datum for Vertical Control shall be North American Vertical Datum 1988 Meters, and for .JOINT rMrt.ET MATH LUGS 5-,1/4- MAIN VALVE OPENINQ TWO 2-1/2- -T/2- ±10 ±10 FT UAr% cXaarMlLC1KM NAWMAL `tANMiAW THI*_AD.SL 4' I'liNlPLR Horizontal Control shall be North American Datum 1983/1991 Meters unless otherwise V4Nf:r ttlMIY OF `"f'"''1.Nth "r ''"�' 4.675" SEATTLE TITRE AD X 5- STIORZ, ATT11CHM VATH 1/8- ST1�1" E. S a ro ved b the Cit of Renton Public Works Deartm en t. Reference benchmark an d PP y y P STEEL CABLE. I - I/#" PENTAGON OPERATING NUT. FFIE HYDRANT TO elevations are noted on the plans. NEW WATER LIME ESE PAINTED VA114 TO) COATS Or PAINT. KELLY-MOORE/PRESERVATIIViE NAINI No. 5/M---bi3 DIM ACRYLIC GLM. S&L.[Y '1ILLL.OMI1 OR A~)*!') f 4UA1. _ PtAW 1R It) I` A[I� WIN)WAY tit AS rNWCWD BY WNTON FIW DMARTI�-�,IT. FIS' H"MT FXTFN90k TO 13. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched or otherwise stabilized to the .......... r.- EXISI�ih1U wAIER uNI~ � �,�q4 �,. �w C) ,`BE � IF REtXIMi. satisfaction of the Department for the prevention of on-site erosion after the completion of construction. MIN. 1 Lr TO 2W DLMIND S ACX OF r (;AAOJ ON lY'" HrHINI) lig W14. 3' All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared foundation in accordance SIDEWALK THAT IS ADJACENT TO cum with the standards and specifications of the City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works 4.87!r _ 5' STMZ rAG-MFCF MST IRM VAt,%f SM wITH tuC. Deportment and the latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and Specifications, as 5 x5 � THICK ATF PAD ARCxlrwD TYPE COVER. ECALAL TO OLVMt'IC FOUNDRY CO. - HENT. FWSH TO MATCH SIDFWAI& STANDARD W TOP SECTIOwiI ,NTH NFxULAR BASE approved and modified by the City of Renton in the Renton Standard Plans & Specifications. EXISTING TEEN DEAD EW LIVE, Com' OR PLIIG 00 IMI ' l: I 1 OF I BLOCKING ING FXPANSM JOINT AT SECTION LENGTH TO FIT VALVE NUT EXTENSION 2`, � BACK EBF IIALK AS REOLNl : 14 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER TYPE SH -A / �> �� i "" This shall all include necessar leveling vel in o f the trench bottom or the top of the foundation y 9 P material, as well as placement and compaction of required bedding material, to uniform E'ERI..IC AL � ROS:, , , i�JxFt) FOR F L F�1t, ,IN 'TIMSOMIE IWO-WAY OWE I CTIVE �.�. a. , �:,., ,z: ..�' rade so that the entire length o f the pipe will b e supported on a uniform! nunyielding g g p p pp y dense, . ITM.. IND LL ANCr N T wrr11 2"TAP & 2'OPI...UG .� r'ry""'...... '' base. Pipe bedding shall be pea gravel 6 inches above and below the pipe. 1 FAL IND FI .ANG[ ON WIU )M :6"` MN .I-PL(MJ) W/2'OTAP & 20 BLOW --OFF `�'```�� CON4^RrM B..tidCI(Ol 15. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rubber gosketed ASTM D 3034, TEMP. BLOCK SDR 35, or ductile iron class 50, unless otherwise approved by the Wastewater Utility. � MAIN LINE TEE. MATIN 6"FLANGE SM OUTLET. 16. In unimproved areas, manhole to extend minimum 6 inches and maximum 12 inches FINAL CONNECTION O ; . ,- ��.. p _ 6- "it VAL.W_ (FI X MJ) AwwA 0-.-4M. W��NI SAI v i grade r h abo e finished gr e o must t ave minimum 2' u diameter concrete ring poured at grade. In paved area, cover must slope in all directions to match paving. 6-UIJt' I�Iw. I>fii7Fl RPL. tXA�`'ti M.�MIr)+I i I;INIrU, Lti�Lti IH 10t l i NEW WATER LINE 2--3/4- -'TEN STEEL TIL RU5 Ir x W x 4` WNIN M I tZ YARD OF 1-1/4& MI+ 94LD DRAIN ROM ('XAW TF AF IW; - � tJN[1EFI H`V�,ANT 1 AEiClVE EST FLAN(. PLACE 8 MIL POLYETHYLENE FILM AROUND TOCP AM 'SIDES OF y. EXIST. WATER LINE GRAVrQ.. 0 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY LEVEL ALL GRE` M LL.'lft.L AIL QdX00 Wk 3' RADIUS ON 3' RAE" t+ I EN ALL. 1 ES I`IIVD,, CLEANING BY POLYPI AILS UN* LC l I0Nj � ONE MAN W -MOVE TEMP. BLOCK & BLOW—OFF+ 0ONN .�'�:I: _ I I _ 0 ER 10 EXISIING 'SAI' R '.:INE WI'M 11FEVE l 0.1.ASU SPOOLS S - -� � � JOE BERNASCONI .l. FINAL CONNECTION CITY FORCES 6"' CONCRETE PAD �• � PAD CALL DIAL—DIG AT 1-800— 424— 5555 AT 520 WILLIAMS A VENUE SOUTH LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE DIGGING RENTON, WA 98055 CUT FILL HYDRANT LOCATION IN CUT OR FILL '� j DAN PUPAW BY. SITE PLAN / T'ESC/ DRAINAGE PLAN a. ¢� hs LISA A. HARBERT, P.E. 2021 201 ST PL SE, 1309 DETAILS 520 WILLIAMS AVENUE S � IJ3_1 C wo-i .:.::.��.�, 7 NNECTk3N TO WATER MALIN �. � - a►.�► �► �� �u3� C w"<S 8 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY �. Plti�t - ft�, � , V ..01,.:, EXISTING TEE OR E�� D LINE CAP �..::..::�.,:9 ::$r::a V n-ir: 201 �a� �\ BOTHELL, ASA 98155 M nuc got o rrr ca r HorB: W ��M �c � �E � �W W �� a A� Jnr � � �� U>rIu>ES V + 47529 A) ���� �s G� .� � �1 PHONE: (206) 371-3079 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 SWW W 11� RAW OR MOT BY POINaMMG 7W UMJWS AND SLOWOW AE WWWAL AND W RM& LOCA WNS POW lO CONSMWWM 'FMS SHALL #a" CAUMMB U71JTY LWAK AT 1-M-�1--5666 MD AEN PUR aW ALL OF M Eoxx �AL �� �'" `� LISAHARBERT®0 UTLOOK COM SCAM: NrS' ISSIN DATE: 12123115 SDN' N0. 4 OF 5 U1MIIIES AT NEER LOCM✓ C OF NEW U11JTY OWS00 IV PN1WAUY IE)iIFY INEAER OR AVT CaIIt WIS EVST. LOCA ALM' OF SAD SHOW aN RESE RAW 8450 UPGN Af UNN91 FO PLIC MliMM M U11I7ES AS ARE M AND ARE 9"C T ID WAMNU I AL Cp:R3872oy �cn m D i �Z S; c * i xm= i t� Mo CTI . i Nz z C I D r Nei O a T V .. '-' O °a yN 1 O N CD Vr/ tri v� 00 T - D n 0 0 Uo R C D : R 3-7 6V, 05 PROJECT NO. B15 002961 PARCEL NO. 723150-1545 ,.-304• a A WF" MX F�IL�AI_ n, MG-SFAWS PIAS �• SW -17-23-5 MIG BCF SOWS Y=ff 1&14-18 MTH 1.7M" 11If M OW11LE 1 [MA110110 FLAX . TO fib-SiAXS PLASTICrx. !!h." "-1aS'1" MIN I&ADER L�} MU 1"' UfW" HULL FIS tom« Mf UO( : MIAL A A) C1fil ty Specifications r'~ ..... IN UNWUM lJ f 1 i a .+° r IMA.). WF" WA AT ........� a ~ . PWWMTY I. W MTH 12" LOM COFfVt TARJIECE. A ' 12" '`"� ' I j r _ a y n y 11-1,/4' BEND 22-1/2" BEND 45' BEND �. • . Water Utility Notes and Specifications 7WESE NOTES SHALL APF E4R ON PROJECTS FOR THE WATER UTTUT Y. .' r w. rr • - v. WUQ WAIr3 w�► -• ,.- A - Gaon 1. Alf / 1 in the sfar�dards and � with of the City of Renton � TO IAF - services 19. All and shall be by the injection of a 50 ppm (minimum caorxaen&ation) �" � rrc�r�lf-fz � uer� carr �f �c � � CITY c��� q_J1 PL&k Works Departrrrent and the latest edibiorn of ft WSDOT/APWA and . solfon. Dry Calcium shall NOT be placed in the pipe as laid. C�nlorrrre shall be ~" *' Tuam TEE �' dEpD ae+ctad In nae wrttr 7-11. ( ) or 7- ( )F of rd cons t A Ice��e , as and modified by the City of mein ' Se�ctio�r► 3 12 E 113 12 the Sunda Rernto n in the Rendon Plans & tions. A set of ns shad be on side at all above. - -- -�loom BE IN =am f!r me" "a NOMMT& Me ego vftyrmt times dL#ft . W.W Im=WL ff �IIn A� IF �E: UNE TO � IS 31e pole 1- TO BE M4sTALLM w 714E, FUIUfE r Y,wu u I�r.I SIL fir Sim ................................:.:................................. . 1rrlr I r,► � , 1 4� Y nor iiia ""M = r.w rye I n 11r � OW CK MAX r� 10 TU ref n 10 ....... _52 2. The hours of work in the � right of way shall be 1knite+d too 8:30 AM to 3:30 Pel on unless 20. A c�ar►� is rle+quir+ed pinion to any construction. A �m of free (5) warlOng days notice - - - is required fir . otherwise approved in writing by the Public Works D�ep�arbnent at (425) 430-7301. The Police Department; VIS (PA.L I- (,'14-.Sl ON " � r I FLM " �,,,7 f �� Fire Department, and 911 shall be notified 24 LDW UUM Iu Im 3 LZ fY7 '11401 21. T " hours in advance of any work in the right of way. w�er►ty-faour (24) hours notice will be prior to starting new . OF 1NIATM YAIII TO P'iOYff7E. !kAiI;IC Mw t%X'C" "" AMEAS r:,�..a�r..A" M M 1f r+ WMA ma a FM w WA" I.M 11r, tr NO. a FM l NYA" Ir lith 1�1�'f ,Sl" �:mow.► Yit ft3#: FL1f�l1 IL UP& _10 �Im V1W4-n-1�i�-"-3.G, CO IIIcD7IIAI.Q I1R� � 2r-214p33. OR MAX. I I M SI "m(1-0 - ab X m tw Imo'+ . 3. All locatiions of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shad be the eantrac is responsibility to 22. It shall be the contractor's 'bikiy to secure all necessary penins prior to starting . MUNI I FR: 3/4-8-2470-2 VATH ANUE BALL VALVE ON WET AND �. ECK VALVE (1 WfLET rw. FiL]f.'FII Ck MKISI HL (IF 1) - . t ,..W the true and correct location so as to avoid da Or For utility locates call 48-hour � �Y tOAfXIrt"TIIOMI SIM wrTN BAU VxI:.vIF. I<OM1 . . I" IWIL%U172-11W-44-44G. OR TAf"EWD 1H PWAD (C'C)w QLKX Jf1MIT MerM " SIA%. ' 21 -#1!5 4, MUD-1-FR: 1 9 2470 2 � �"��M ' locators locators 800-424-5555 23. Irrstallab�ort of ate , wader services, lines and meters shall not be dome urnti/ all service agreements, (3/4' F'BT000--3-0) OR A1r wCDOW&D 470IEt flK`►Tht IIt.ET AND (AIfitIET rNTH C1UNCC ,O11i_ f'ACIE.c rlNGS ON (Y- F81OW-4-4) OR AY wC104ALD 470* wLIET BALL VALVE AM SME afcK VALVE all ouRIT. �.�.. rrnetler applK'atiorrs, co► - �. and Pam of fees have been made to the City of Rendon. �TWOM SHBE AIfITH QUICKJaMNT. NOTE: "u IifETElIY BOWS TODWAUM� CAA�T MWA FOU Ee � f��evf� f:�r 15. MtA� :IE Ef�uur,t. � aL�+c FClur+rrr_ - - ==y - 1� 4. An approved Traffic Control Plan is required to be submitted at the meeting. 5. Datum for Vertical Control shall be North American Vertxal Dlatum 1988 Meters, and for Horizontal Control 24. All connection to existing mains is to be fished by the City of Rerrdah, fexeept whet taps, wfiidr may be shall be North American Datum 1963/19191 Meters unkss o vet the . of Rendon Public made by a wet tap contractors with prior approval from the Pubk Works Department: All necessary dP�n by �'Y rFeo�r ��I� r� � HE Il+�ri�u.Ea � 04 BOTH Maes OF A ENA Boot -- rr -- . Works Department. Reference benchmark and elevations are noted on the plans. excavation and materials are to be suppled by the contractor and be ons prior to City nob A 40-`� 6. All watermain pipe is to be cement lined ductile iron pipe faorrforn*V do AWWA C110 and C111 or latest 25. Inspection will be accomplished by a r�epreswitative of the City of Raritan. It shall be tlhe contractor's A-A revision, thickness Class 52. Cement mortar lining and seal eoladirhg shawl/ cnnliOrrrr to AWWA C104 or latest bif%ty to notify De nt Servers twenty four (24) hours in advance of blacldliling all construction. The ' WILL 2- I I c�LE FOR Ufi rLTi revision Pi joints to be push-on or mechanical joint. Pe I Pu 10 do be CASs C. All iron pipe and contractor, as weft as tine engineers, strait keep as-buiIt drawings. ME-ICI) BEAD DEVICE OLDIX BOOM--, finings shall be polyethylene wrapped per ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5-93 . -1 M01.Frxt AWA a ~ _ _:. �` � "'�'� 26. ��� d0 p �� and temporary biow-off assemblies for testing and p�urrty ac�aep�n�ae prior to tinct AkD FRONT I OF FIT 7. Cast iron and ductile iron fittin s shall be cement lined, pr+�cire rated as rooted on ,and in 9 P tie-in. accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-87. Cement lining Shall be in aawdarice with ANSI/AWWA Y. WLAIIlA ,MIS <A& Of E11.CKXM I"+O E I "AWR IIHM IrDIAMIL ILN AND F(k 'AAL T � 'W*A SWIMt o � By am �. C104142114-90. If fittings are 3 to 12 inches in diameter and haeme mechanical joints, the fittings shall in accordance with either ANSI/AWWA C110 A21 10-87 or ANSrIAWWA C153/A21 53-944 Three (3) Inch too 12 27. Aft joint restraint systems (shackle rods, nuts, bolts, etc.) shall be as manufactured by the Star Manufacturing X All rlLr� �� r W � IH I�.� � 1��,� �►� �Company of Columbus Ohio, equal, approved %n writing by the Public Works Department.inch diameter fittings, which have mechanical joints and/or � , s be in accordance with or ` ALL POUND IM11% C`� � I DAY M ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10.87 or a combination ofANSl/AWWA C110/A21.10.87 and AhSI/AWWA 4: A.L ItOXMI: ti-IN.L IC CUMWI I_ 6 C153/A21.53-94 such that the portion of the fitting with a joint(s) may be with ANSI/AWWA 28. Asphalt and concrete street paving shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two (2) inches. Of/ mat stne+ets may N D TF: I1 mmw nnII smm.L " "A*sT TIS atww nT%w, Wim: mEA C153/A21.53-94 and that portion of the fitting with flanged joint(s) shalt be in with A WWA be spade cut. All surface concrete, pwaverrrent; sidewalks, curb, gutters, and driveway shaft be sawwrut to 1W �>� CF THS HCU MUST K AT LEAWr 1• FOW �, f _ � ria LI I 1>� f1 . ,JDKTWCA f�oLrs ars I&.A�I.>`: �� � YS ,M,Io � �,,�.I. : I��r a minimum of two 2 inches or removed to an existing expansion joint. C110/A21.10-87. Acceptance testing in acror�dance wnfi section 53.53 of AIA�/AWWA section 10-4.3 of () n9 J'�'► LJND°pNe"'" IM ""�'R'E M `PAOM ' -VIC 1W1 10 MANX "&W1HE OPEN SOLaF >w� 1f ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-87 shall be obtained b the eonb�ar and b to the owner. Y ow W. 29. A te►tnporary cold mix asphalt patch shall be placed on the day of %nitfal (excavation with a pennaiherhty sealed 8. Gate valves shall be iron bad bronzed-mounted double disc wkti bronze wedging devise and 0-ii ng n9 patch to be placid, to City of Renton pdrey, within 10 days. Call for subgrade inspection prior to pbcanent of stuffs box AWWA C500 or of resilient seated AWWA C509 . Vas ws shad be patch n9 ( ) type ( ) designed for final a , -JU.1-1 c W04'(S 9 3`4' AND 1 WATER SERVICE Oft PLAN - � , � 0 CONCRETE BLOOKING FOR I-1�:�RIz'T'AL AND C��t�1MVwARD ow PLAN - � ��"�-� �' + "� �" V'ERTIC��L. BENDS minimum water operating pressure of 200 psi. Gate valves sNW be Clow List 14, NO. A2390 aV�:u��:� �nthn ��� �D� or M & H. 30. For Cky pwrojrts such as try conduit, the PVC pipe used shall be All chemical 9. Fine hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) or camlanessiorh type against pressure) conforming to AWWA C-502-85 with a 6 inch meduvkal joist inlet and a main valve opening (M. V. 0.) of 5-1/4 inch, two 2-1/2 inch hose nozzles with National Starxlwd Threads 7-1/2 threads per inch and one 4 Inch pumper nozzle with the new Seattle Pattern 6 d per inch, 60 degrees V. Threads: IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON outside diameter of male thread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263. Hydranis sal haw a 1-1/4 inch pentagon STANDARDS operating nut opened by turning counter clockwise (left). BY: I Date: _ .- - 10. The two 2-1/2 inch hose nozzles shall be fitted with cast iron thmaded caps with operating nut of the WATER MAIN IF ADDITIONAL. ADJUSTMENT IS same design and proportions as the hydrant stem nut. Caps shad be fitted with suitable neoprene gaskets for BY:Date. • REQUAREIIr, INSTALL 2--2" GLf:,E :. I .. ... ... . .. .. .....� positive water tightness under test pressures.NIPPI - F ANO 2 .. fir Wr 81-ND, SCRrwn AT THIS POINT- F1E LD L A IE F" S HIC ML IER WX IN PL.ANTrR OR C:1tST IRON PYX IN PA �- r� DIRECTION OF FLC)IN BY: Date' ON CONLN� L AWAS. 11. The 4 inch pumper nozzle shaft be fitted With a Storz adapter, 4 irrc�ir Sewattlie Thread x 5 inch Storz. Starz a..n raPPl r? YYYYt tip" BY. Date: adapter shall be forged and/or extruded 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, . end portion y ?w w n r*m ,. (MIN,) shall have no lugs and two set screws 180 degrees apart. Storz face to be metal, no gasket to weather. r W" EUBKrW • - " . CALVA ZM PIPE AS MQUII -- .. Storz cap to have synthetic molded rubber gasket, and shall be at ta died to hy+drarrt awdaptler with 1/8 irxh, CANCRI"TF FX_arcacM _ -� I .., » coated, stainless steel, aircraft cable. .PLAN 6 MIN *#MIN. TYPw .UNI ON 1 YV 12. Fire hydrants shall be painted with two coats of paint. Preservative paint number 43-655 safety yellow or approved equal. PLAN 13. Pumper connection to face roadway assembly. 14. Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Rendon Standard Detail for fire hydrants, latest revision. CALL DIAL-DIG AT 1-800-424-5555 AT LEAST 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE DIGGING. "MAX 15. All watermains 10 inches and smaller to maintain a minimum cover of 36 inches below finish grade. All VT EXT S ASI D watermain 12 inches and larger shall be at a minimum of 48 Nx hes below finish grade. W/neve utility conflicts Torr, PIECE CAST RON VALVE (SEE DWG BR46 PAGE EMO) fQjAL TO OL`iIW C FOUNDRY CO, .-GROUND UNE CONCRETE SIDEWALK S I AI�uAI� W'1(12 .�{, I ItIN, 6- MAX � cc-' _ �--- ' � - � occur, watermains are to be lowered to tear. V ATH REGLA..AR BA'�„ E SEC-00N LO E I 1 _ , Y - _ ,• . _ :.::: C3 16. All watermains 6 inches and larger in diameter small be c�e+arhed **h pipe cleaning "PIGS" prior to 1'w RES41.JENT SEATED = .` - - .�. ` `MIN. disinfection. The "P* pigs" shall be Girard Industries Aqua Swab-AS or approved egwu d, 2 lb1cu. ft. density � 1 R HOSE rAIr VAS Vt , %(WWD 2 l � NS f QST) foam with 90 4 durometer urethane rubber coating on the rear of "PIG" only. CAP VA TH GASKET 2" C►ALYAIrilltf3 PIK 12" LC W r. . � n n 17. PIGS shall be finder she with bullet nose or cylinder ped square contrarct+or will perform the cleaning 2� rx� NILE �-- �rf� 2•'�"�' I'LL ARu 20 CAS . --�---- TO C1 TY _ EiET11�EN CAP CIB PLUG ,:,�.--�� `+ 7" CLOSE NIPPLE DE'wTEEN TEE ���.yj� Ah�'i �'` !�' FI W - AND 06 1-1 H�{*V .�'-� � - ,TACKED METER � �, METER I I CSN 6" MIN. FREE BOXES • 0 IVNER _� �,� 2w �I' F-1-HOW INSTAiLL 4 MIL POLYETHYLENE .� � IMAX•PLASTIC DRAINING GRAVEL All watermains and services shall be pressure t too a rr�rxrnum of 2U0 or 150 18. p psi psi overoperating COVER oV .. CRAVEL. CUT HOLE FOR PIS: �� !�t"� NOTES;_ i. Al. 1. I:;MCri1Hl,, CHECK VA1�.YI' li�1i� s I HI` A iE;S1 LIST (A- HACXFI.0W IIUN pressure, in accordance with the specifications of the City of Roman and the W State Health JOE BERNA SCONI ��' �,1�� llE�s�.�`-�..A1k*IF;s (I�C,.VA S) I.ISff..0 1. l F' V N ASSEIMOLICS APPROVED 170R INSTALLATION IN WA A' IINGTON STATE". PUBLISF IED BY STATE OF WASI IINGTON . Department. All pressure testing shall be done in the presence of a iatw of the City of Rendon. The 520 WILLIAMS A VENUE S 0 U TH 10 . �� WASHED ORA I�,A�o DEPARTMENT OF r AL111 2. THE OMI�IER/AF'F'L�CANT MUST OBTAIN A SEPARATE CITY OF BELT PLINK PEf�lt1T F� TSE quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the nun bw of /bins hour as listed in � P� � � REN TON, WA 98055 H ;IAtNhr1 f 1 �1 11~f�'EGTI�JN Kentaro Standard Plans &Specifications 7-11.3(11). The looms in pressure shelf not exceed 5 psi during the 2 FCJFt DRAIN FORD OF THE IkSTALLAIION OF THE DCVA AND HPINf . THE DWNIER SMALL FURNISH, INSTALL AND IMAItNTAIN THE DCVA AND ALL F-IPWC AND APPURTENANCE'S SHOWN ON THIS FLAN, hour test period. EL[V 11N 3. THE DCVA MIDST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOWASSEMBLY TESTER AFTER ITS INITIAL I NS I IV .F:.A'I WN. AF WR h1 PAIRS' ANIS ANINUAI:.L Y I Hf'RIEA:F I F, R A I C3WNE 1 S fXF'F NS ::_ A C: Y OF I HF I h Ei I REPORT SHALL BE SENT OR FAXED TO CITY OF RENTON WATER UTILITY ENQ NEERONG DEPT.. ATTN. WATER U I ILI IY + 0.qZ-C0NNE.G`I ION WW I RUL 3t-OAL1S I' I-AX 140. 42b-4jO-1241 r 4 � DCVA AND METER BOX SHALL BE LOCATED Chi P4VATS PROPERTY AND AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THE 'IIIfA I FR IME 'I f. R, PJ V.DAIT_ ~.SITE PLAN/TESC/DRAINAGE PLAN PWABY. RBD , roik A `'LLL✓✓✓ LISA A. HARBERT, P.E. DETAILS I 2021 201 ST PL SE, 1309 520 WILLIAMS A VENUE S is __1'U31 c W034S + �A 'I��'�• ' 2' BLOW-OFF �jQ� Sm PLAN - 80.1 l���c wow �i� K IY* TO Jr VALVE 12 Y � � apt M. P -� v A �o� a .r/■�y■r _1� ,C PERI4IANENT ASSEMB[-Y II�1P.ARI MY1N •! FIRE ]nLw �%��� ��,� � 4,�2 (�� �\ BO THELL, WA 98155 BE A006 E FOR bERIF)'NMG W LOCA afloNSlaAt AAO LMP1H OF ALL EMS71W U �` Sl E!\G` : ;L PHONE: (206) 371-3079 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 SN�c wE>fN�� �� SiAO/II QN AESE PLANS OR NOT, BY POT}KxMfG T►E Ulr11E5 AAO SUPIE� AE MpA2fAdTAL AAO IER1A^.AI. LOCA T1QNS PMIIpP TO ' � .,� �,;,�:- �,V CaVSI�fA ZK IM SM U W AWE CALLNVG UTNJTY LWAK AT 1-x-424-5666 MO AEN PORK M ALL OF TME 08SlMIG LISAHARBERT®0 UTLOOK. COM \ UNU ES AT I" LOCA706 OF AEW U71UTY CROSS= IV Pt~ YSCALLY WISFY IMEW ON AVT QOWWIS 04ST. LOC4WN OF SCALE: M IS �IE DATE: 12 29 15 SWT NO. 5 OF 5 SAID UTNIIES AS SMOIIN ON THESE PLANS ARE MW UPON BE G WWW RAW WOM1A AoV AND ARE SLN�.ECT IO MONA 7W C D : R 3-7 6V, 05 �D SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON PROPERTY LINE 10' MIN. ON-SITE LANDSCAPE ALONG STREET FRONTAGES. EXISTING SIDEWALK LANDSCAPE PLAN Norlh SCALE: 1 "=10'— 0" 0 10' 20' 40' PLANT SCHEDULE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE COMMENTS TREES Quercus robur'Fastigiata' Acer circinatum Juniperus scopu. 'Skyrocket' SHRUBS �\ Rosarinus oAuscan blue' • Polystichum munitum ° Arbutus u. 'Compacta' CCistus hybridus M Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' LLavandula stoechas ® Hemerocallis 'Stella d Oro' GROUNDCOVERS CommArctostaphylos uva ursi EQUAL SPACING Skyrocket Oak 2"cal. Single trunk /Well Branched & Matching Vine Maple 1 1/211 cal. Min. 3 stems/ Well Branched / Native Skyrocket Juniper 6.6' Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Tuscan Blue Rosemary 18" Sword Fern 2 gal. Compact Strawberry tree 18" White Rockrose 18" Dwarf Mugo Pine 18" Spanish lavender 18" Daylily 1 gal Kinnickinnick 4"pots Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact / Native Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact /Drought tolerant Full / Compact / Plant 12" on center/ Drought talerant IRRIGATION NOTE: LANDSCAPE 'FEATURES 100 DROUGHT TOLERANT / NATIVE PLANTS. IRRIGATION NOT REQUIRED. r-uut ur riAvw4u um rvAiv i nu t r -u SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLANT 1 " HIGHER IN NURSERY FINISH GRAC 'RUNE DISEASED AND 3ROKEN BRANCHES REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP SETTLED DEPTH OF SPECIFIED MULCH =ERTILIZER TABLETS/SPECS SPECIFIED AMENDED BACKFILL 'OMPACT AND WATER THOROUGHLY _IRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FINISH PROPERTY LINE 6' WOOD FENCE PLANT MATERIAL PER PLANT SCHEDULE ON THIS SHEET. NO SIGNIFICANT TREES ARE LOCATED ON PROPERTY. GRADING NOTE: SITE IS BASICALLY FLAT. SEE ENGINEERING PLANS FOR FINAL GRADES. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FAMILIARIZING THEMSELVES WITH ALL OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO STARTING LANDSCAPE WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CAUTION WHILE EXCAVATING TO AVOID DISTURBING ANY UTILITIES ENCOUNTERED. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROMPTLY ADVISE OWNER OF ANY DISTURBED UTILITIES. (LOCATION SERVICE PHONE: 1-800-424-5555) 3. CONTRATOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND WATER ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR 1 YEAR OR UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPUTING SPECIFIC QUANTITIES OF GROUND COVERS AND PLANT MATERIALS UTILIZING ON—CENTER SPACING FOR PLANTS AS STATED ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN AND MINIMUM PLANTING DISTANCES AS 5. GROUND COVERS SHALL BE PLANTED IN AN EQUILATERAL TR'ANGULAR SPACING PATTERN AT THE ON—CENTER DISTANCES SHOWN ON THE PLAN OR IN THE PLAN SCHEDULE. WHERE CROUND COVER ABUTS CURBING, SIDEWALKS, SIGNS OR POLES, MINIMUM PLANTING DISTANCES SHALL BE 12" FROM CENTER OF PLANT TO CUR'S, SIDEWALK, ETC. MINIMUM PLANTING DISTANCE SHALL BE 24" FROM CENTER OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE QUANTITIES OF PL',NTS THAT ARE REPRESENTED BY SYMBOLS ON PLAN 7. SUBGRADE IS TO BE WITHIN 1 /10TH OF ONE FOOT AS PROVIDED BY OTHE'6. ALL PLANTING AREAS TO BE CLEARED OF ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND ROCKS AND STICKS LARGER THAN 2" IN DIAMETER. 8. NEW BED AREAS, AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, SHAL, RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 4" DEPTH "CEDARGROVE" COMPOST THEN ROTOTILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8". THEN AN ADDITIONAL 4" MINIMUM OF TOPSOIL IN ALL NEW BED AREAS. 9. ALL BEDS TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 3" FERTI—MULCH. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE FERTILIZED WITH AGRO TRANSPLANT FERTILIZER 4-2-2 PER 11. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI 260.1 AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITION. A. GENERAL: ALL PLANT MATERIALS FURNISHED SHALL BE HEALTHY REPRESENTATIVES, TYPICAL OF THEIR SPECIES OF VARIETY AND SHALL HAVE A NORMAL HABIT OF GROWTH. THEY SHALL BE FULL, WELL—BRANCHED, WELL— PROPORTIONED, AND HAVE A VIGOROUS, WELL—DEVELOPED ROOT SYSTEM. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE HARDY UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN THE LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. B. TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVERS: QUANTITIES, SPECIES, AND VARIETIES, SIZES AND CONDITIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN. PLANTS TO BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, WELL—FOLIATED WHEN IN LEAF. FREE OF DISEASE, INJURY, INSECTS, DECAY, HARMFUL DEFECTS, AND ALL WEEDS. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER. 12. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A ONE—YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PLANT MATERIAL. STAPLE TREE -REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE OR VINYL W/16 GA. WIRE TIES DETAIL PRUNE DISEASED AND BROKEN BRANCHES HOSE AND WIRE TIES, SEE DETAIL ABOVE SPECIFIED TREE STAKE(S) REMOVE BINDING MATERIAL AND TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP WATERING BASIN 2" SETTLED DEPTH WITH SPECIFIED MULCH SPECIFIED AMENDED BACKFILL FERTILIZER TABLETS SCARIFY PIT SIDES AND BOTTOM FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2" MAX SPECIFIED TREE STAKE(S) INSTALL "TREE BOOT" OR _ "ARBORGARD" IN LAWN AREAS. w w PLANT TREE 1 "-2" HIGHER — N THAN IN NURSERY WATERING BASIN SPECIFIED PLANTING SOIL UNDISTURBED GROUND A 12" MIN. FOR WOOD STAKES & 18" FOR REBAR 2x ROOTBALL WIDTH D S"TREE REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE i� OR VINYL W/16 GA. WIRE TIES / DETAI L PRUNE DISEASED AND BROKEN BRANCHES HOSE & WIRE TIES, SEE DETAIL ABOVE REMOVE BINDING TWINE & TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. 2" SETTLED DEPTH WITH SPECIFIED MULCH FERTILIZER TABLETS (4-21 GRAM -20-10-5) SCARIFY PLANTING PIT SIDES AND BOTTOM 6" DEEP, FIRM, NATIVE SOIL MOUND IN HEAVY SOILS, AUGER 8"x6' DEEP HOLE (OR THROUGH HARDPAN) FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK. VERIFY GOOD DRAINAGE PRIOR TO PLANTING. TREE PLANTING & STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE AVOID CUTTING UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES. IT'S COSTLY Call before you D19, 1-800-424-5555 UNDERGROUND SERVICE (USA) fl I is yjq)rl IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS BY: t � i Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: BY: Date: C m O N I d - N I N C O N C O E C o CKX STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BRUCE CAMERON LANE CERTIFICATE No. 375 M a�cc N i cc 0C V V N � 00 rn Q 3 � � H � z w z w Q N N O 00 M W H C4 Q;�� awe � Q WIZ Z o N M—� Date MAY 17 2015 Scale AS NOTED Drawn BCL JOb 17-2015 Sh eet Of 1 Sheets