HomeMy WebLinkAbout02989 - Technical Information Report - Geotechnical � �aq�� t��. a � _ . � =�. - � .��� - . � � �� � Associated - ��.�:� . rt h p�- E a Geotechnical Engineering � S c i e n c e s . � �---. - � 11C . _--.,.-�.�. - � � ^. Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Water Resources��ANDS ELEIVI�+ NTARY SCHOOL �, ; REPLACEMENT ..Y � Renton, Washington � .�. �..r � Prepared for Solid and Hazardous Waste Renton School District . '4�'.'"�.'.� • I'���'�,�� ,p:��� Project No. KE01518G September 24, 2001 �i'` Ecological/Biological Sciences � ��,. . - , � �# RECEIVED FEB 12 2002 � BUILDING DIVISION Geologic Assessments z 98y - SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PRELIlVIINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT HIGHLANDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL � REPLACEMENT , Renton, Washington Prepared for: Renton School District Facilities Operations Center 1220 North 4`� Street Renton, Washington 98055 Prepared by: Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. 911 5�` Avenue, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98033 425-827-7701 Fax: 425-827-5424 September 24, 2001 � Project No. KE01518G Su6surface Exploration and Highlandr Elemenlary School Reptacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon � Renton, Washington Projecr and Site Conditions I. PROJECT AND SITE CONDITIONS 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and preluninary geotechnical � engineering study for the proposed Highlands Elementary School replacement (Figure 1). Our recommendations are preliminary in that project plans are still under development at the time of this report. The existing site features and approximate locations of the explorations accomplished for this study are presented on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the additions or associated improvements are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should be reviewed and modified, or verified, as necessary. 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this study was to provide subsurface data to be utilized in the preliminary design of the project. Our study included a review of available geologic literature, drilling exploration borings, and performing geologic studies to assess the type, thickness, distribution, and physical properties of the subsurface sediments and shallow ground water. Geotechnical engineering studies were completed to determine the type of suitable foundation, allowable foundation soil bearing pressure, anticipated foundation and floor settlement, floor support recommendations, and drainage considerations. This report summarizes our current fieldwork and offers development recommendations based on our present understanding of the project. We recommend that we be allowed to review project plans prior to bidding to verify that our geotechnical recommendations have been correctly interpreted and incorporated into the design. 1.2 Authorization Our work was completed in general conformance with the scope of work and cost presented in our proposal for the project dated August 3, 2001. We were authorized to proceed by means of a signed copy of our proposal. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Renton School District and its agents for specific application to this project. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been performed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering and engineering geology practices in effect in this area at the time our report was prepared. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. �� September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. � JDG'da-KE01518GZ-Projectsl:L1�15/8'XEIW'P-W:K Page 1 Subsurface Explorarion and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Renton, Wcuhington Project and Site Conditions 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION This report was completed with an understanding of the project based on sketches provided to us by Huttebal & Oremus Architects, the project architect. The faxed sketches were undated and show the existing buildings, with annotated areas showing the proposed replacement building footprint. The proposed project would include building a new school building and then demolishing the existing school building in the near future. The new school building would be located to the south of the existing school building in an azea currently occupied by asphalt playground and grass covered play fields. The play fields would be relocated to the north end of the site which is currently occupied by an asphalt covered parking lot. New parking lots would surround the new building along its east, south, and west sides. New bus parking would be along the east central portion of the site. No structural loads were provided at the time this preliminary report was written. We assume moderate foundation loads on the order of 2 to 4 kips per lineal foot for continuous foundation loads, column loads up to approximately 150 kips, and distributed floor loads on the order of 100 to 150 pounds per square foot (ps�. The existing school is located at 2727 NE 9`� Street in the Highlands neighborhood of Renton, Washington. The school is located on the west side of Harrington, just south of NE 9`� Street. The site consists of a gymnasium building and a two-story school building which are located on a benched area topographically lower than Harrington Avenue NE and higher than the park to the west. South of the existing school building are grass and asphalt play fields. North of the gymnasium is an asphalt covered parking area. West of the benched area the site drops down to a park with tennis courts and open grass covered areas to the north and houses to the south. Reportedly, an older school building was located in the area of the existing playground and playfields. We did not review plans indicating the location of this building nor did we encounter surface or subsurface indications of old building or its foundation. 3.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Our field study included drilling six exploration borings to gain information about the site. The various types of sediments, as well as the depths where characteristics of the sediments changed, are indicated on the exploration logs presented in the Appendix. The depths indicated on the logs where conditions changed may represent gradational variations between sediment types in the field. If changes occurred between sample intervals in our exploration borings, they were interpreted. Our explorations were approximately located in the field by measuring from known site features shown on the previously referenced plan sheet. September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. ' JDC-'da-KE01518G2-Projectsi2001518'�KEI W'P-l4'?K Page 2 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Renton, Washington Project and Site Conditions The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the seven exploration borings completed for this study. The number, location, and depth of the explorations were completed within site and budget constraints. Because of the nature of exploratory work below ground, extrapolation of subsurface conditions between field explorations is necessary. It should be noted that differing subsurface conditions may sometimes be present due to the random nature of deposition and the alteration of topography by past grading and/or filling. The nature and extent of any variations between the field explorations may not become fully evident until construction. If variations are observed at that time, it may be necessary to re-evaluate specific recommendations in this report and make appropriate changes. 3.1 Exploration Borings The exploration borings were completed by advancing a 3�/-inch inside-diameter, hollow-stem auger with a trailer-mounted drill rig. During the drilling process, samples were obtained at generally 5.0-foot depth intervals. The exploration borings were continuously observed and logged by a geologist from our firm. The exploration logs presented in the Appendix are based on the field logs, drilling action, and inspection of the samples secured. Disturbed but representative samples were obtained by using the Standard Penetration Test procedure in accordance with ASTM:D 1586. This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2-inch outside-diameter, split-barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded and the number of blows required to drive the sampler the fmal 12 inches is known as the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") or blow count. If a total of 50 is recorded within one 6-inch interval, the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the number of inches of penetration. The resistance, or N-value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils; these values are plotted on the attached exploration boring logs. The samples obtained from the split-barrel sampler were classified in the field and representative portions placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification and laboratory testing, as necessary. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface conditions at the project site were inferred from the field explorations accomplished for this study and visual reconnaissance of the site. As shown on the field logs, the exploration borings encountered subsurface conditions at the exploration boring locations that were relatively consistent. Typically, thin amounts of bark chips, grass, and/or topsoil were underlain by a deposit of loose, brown, fine to coarse recessional outwash sand with trace to September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEOl518G2-Projects12Q015181K£I WP-W2K Page 3 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Reraon, Washington Project and Site Conditions few silt and few to little fine to coarse gravel which was in tum underlain by a deposit of dense to very dense lodgement till consisting of gray, silry sand with gravel. The recessional outwash deposit typically increased in density with increasing depth below the ground surface. The till was encountered in four of the six borings (EB-3 through EB-6) at depths between 7 and 12 feet below the surface. The recessional outwash extended to the full depths explored in borings EB-1 (26.5 feet below the surface) and in EB-2 (16.5 feet below the surface). The recessional outwash sand was deposited by melt water flowing from a large continental glacier that covered the region during the Vashon Stade of the Frasier Glaciation (approximately 9,000 years ago) as the ice melted and retreated. Recessional outwash such as that encountered at the site is typically well-sorted sand and/or gravel with low amounts of fine grained material making it well suited to wet site or weather condition construction. The recessional outwash encountered at the site is loose and considered adequate for support of lightly to moderately loaded structures only. Some surficial compaction may be needed prior to footing and slab placement construction. The till was deposited at the base of the continental glacier prior to its melting and subsequent retreat (approximately 15,000 to 9,000 years ago). The till is usually a homogenous assortment of clay to boulder sized particles subsequently ovenidden and compacted by the weight of the overlying glacial ice. Lodgments till soils typically possess high strength and low compressibility characteristics that are favorable for structural support of all loads. Lodgment till soils typically contain a substantial fine-grained soil fraction, which makes them moisture-sensitive and susceptible to disturbance when wet site or weather conditions exist. Our subsurface explorations and interpretations are generally consistent with published sources of geologic information regarding the site and vicinity, as represented by United States Geological Survey (USGS) Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County Washington, dated 1965 by Mullineaux. This map, and other information sources, indicates that the site is underlain by recessional outwash. Ground water was encountered in exploration borings EB-3 and EB-4 at the time of drilling. The water was encountered in EB-3 at 7 feet below the surface and in EB-4 at 10 feet below the surface. The ground water, along with an increased soil moisture content observed in other borings, coincided roughly with the top of the till surface. This ground water at the site is considered a perched condition where surface water infiltrates the relatively more permeable recessional outwash sand, infiltrates down to the top of the less permeable till and is kept from infiltrating below this surface. It should be noted that the borings were drilled at the end of a relatively dry summer in an over all dry year. Ground water conditions should be expected to vary in response to changes in seasonal precipitation, on- and off-site land usage, and other factors. Higher perched ground water levels are commonly observed during wet site and �', weather conditions at sites underlain by lodgement till. !i September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTN SCIENCES, INC. II JDC/da-KE01518G2-Projects120015181KElWP-WIK Page 4 Subsurface Fxploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Renton, Washington Design Recommendations II. DESIGN RECONIl�IENDATIONS 5.0 INTRODUCTION Our exploration indicates that, from a geotechnical standpoint, the proposed project is feasible provided the recommendations contained herein are properly followed. The bearing stratum (recessional outwash sand) is relatively shallow and conventional shallow foundations should perform well with proper subgrade preparation. Important geotechnical considerations for the project will include management of moisture-sensitive lodgment till soils where exposed and control of ground water along utility lines in deep excavations. The following report sections provide specific geotechnical site development recommendations. 6.0 SITE PREPARATION All paving and other structures that exist under the planned building addition areas or are not part of future plans should be removed. Any buried utilities should be removed or relocated if they aze under planned building areas. The resulting depressions should be backfilled with structural fill as discussed under the Structural Fill section. In those areas proposed for new structures such as buildings, parking lots, etc., any existing vegetation and topsoil should be removed and any remaining roots grubbed. The excavation for the new building foundation should not impinge on a prism of soil beneath the existing occupied building foundation that extends downward and away from the existing foundation at an angle of 1H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). If unsuitable soils are discovered within that prism, we should be contacted to provide situation-specific recommendations on how to proceed. Possible alternatives in such a situation include temporary shoring, excavating and replacing unsuitable soils within the foundation support zone in staged small increments, or support of existing foundations with new underpinning. New foundations should be designed in such a way that excavation within the support zone of existing foundations is not required for construction of the new foundations. Once the excavation for both footings and floor slabs are to subgrade elevation, the resulting ' surface should be compacted using a large smooth drum vibratory roller or other suitable equipment. Any soft, loose, or yielding areas should be over-excavated to expose suitable bearing soils. The subgrade and any structural fill used to backfill over-excavated areas should then be compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry densiry as determined by the ASTM:D 1557 test procedure. Additional structural fill can then be placed to achieve desired grades, if needed. September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEOIS/8G2-Projecu120015181KEIWP-WZK Page 5 I Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacemeru Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Renton, Washington Design Recommendations In our opinion, stable construction slopes should be the responsibility of the contractor and should be determined during construction. For estimating purposes, however, we anticipate that temporary, unsupported cut slopes in the recessional outwash or in structural fill can be excavated at angles of 1.SH:1V or flatter. If excavation slopes are expected in the lodgment till they can be excavated at angles of �aH:1V or flatter. These slope angles assume that ground water seepage is not strong enough to reduce slope stability, and that surface water is not allowed to flow across the temporary slope faces. If ground or surface water is present when the temporary excavation slopes are exposed, flatter slope angles will be required. As is typical with earthwork operations, some sloughing and raveling may occur and cut slopes may have to be adjusted in the field. In addition, WISHA/OSHA regulations should be followed at all times. Only the deeper lodgement till soils contain a high percentage of fine-grained material, which makes them moisture-sensitive and subject to disturbance when wet. The contractor must use care during site preparation and excavation operations if these soils will be encountered so that they are not softened. If disturbance occurs, the softened soils should be removed and the area brought to grade with structural fill. The reuse of the till soils as utility trench backfill may be limited due to its higher moisture content, especially following extended wet weather. 7.0 STRUCTURAL FILL I Structural fill may be necessary to establish desired grades. All references to structural fill in this report refer to subgrade prepazation, fill type, placement, and compaction of materials as discussed in this section. If a percentage of compaction is specified under another section of this report, the value given in that section should be used. After stripping, excavation, and any required overexcavation has been performed to the satisfaction of the geotechnical engineer/engineering geologist, the upper 12 inches of exposed ground should be recompacted to 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum density using ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. If the subgrade contains too much moisture, adequate recompaction may be difficult or unpossible to obtain and should probably not be attempted. In lieu of recompaction, the area to receive fill should be blanketed with washed rock or quany spalls to act as a capillary break between the new fill and the wet subgrade. Where the exposed ground remains soft and further overexcavation is impractical, placement of an engineering stabilization fabric may be necessary to prevent contamination of the free-draining layer by silt migration from below. After recompaction of the exposed ground is tested and approved, or a free-draining rock course is laid, structural fill may be placed to attain desired grades. Structural fill is defined as non-organic soil, acceptable to the geotechnical engineer, placed in maximum 8-inch loose lifts with each lift being compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum density using September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KE015/8G2-Projects120015/81KEIWP-WIK Page 6 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Renton, Washington Design Recommendations ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. In the case of roadway right-of-way utility trench filling, the backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with cunent city or county codes and standards. The top of the compacted structural fill should extend horizontally outward a minimum distance of 3 feet beyond the location of the any perimeter footings or roadway edge before sloping down at an angle of 2H:1V or flatter. The contractor should note that any proposed fill soils must be evaluated by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AESI) prior to their use in fills. This would require that we have a sample of the material 48 hours in advance of filling activities to perform a Proctor test and determine its field compaction standard. Soils in which the amount of fine-grained material (smaller than the No. 200 sieve) is greater than approximately 5 percent (measured on the minus No. 4 sieve size) should be considered moisture-sensitive. Use of moisture-sensitive soil in structural fills should be limited to favorable dry weather conditions. The upper, recessional outwash sand deposit is not considered moisture-sensitive under most circumstances. The recessional outwash sand is not considered "all weather fill" however, and its use during wet weather may be limited at times. The on-site lodgment till deposit contains substantial amounts of silt and is considered highly moisture-sensitive. Construction equipment traversing the site when the soils are wet can cause considerable disturbance. If fill is placed during wet weather or if proper compaction cannot be obtained, a select import material consisting of a clean, free- , draining gravel and/or sand should be used. Free-draining fill consists of non-organic soil with the amount of fine-grained material limited to 5 percent by weight when measured on the minus No. 4 sieve fraction. If construction will take place during the winter, or if wet site conditions are expected, consideration should be given to using select fill to create a working surface that is more tolerant of inclement weather. The purpose of the working surface fill would be to limit the potential for damage of moisture-sensitive subgrade soils during wet site or weather conditions. The working surface should consist of a minimum thickness of 6 inches where foot traffic and light equipment is expected. In areas that will experience heavy traffic volume, or extreme loads such as concrete trucks, a minimum thickness of 12 inches is recommended. The crushed rock should consist of railroad ballast or other suitable crushed rock with minimal fines content. Depending on field conditions, geotextile fabric, such as Mirafi SOOX or equivalent might be needed beneath areas where heavy traffic is expected. 8.0 FOUNDATIONS Spread footings may be used for building support when they are constructed above new structural fill placed as described above, or by medium dense to very dense native soils. Footings founded on compacted undisturbed recessional outwash sand or on structural fill above the recessional outwash sand may be designed for an allowable foundation soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf including both dead and live loads. If a higher foundation soil bearing Septem6er 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KE01518G2-Projects120015181KEIWP-W2K Page 7 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Reraon, Washington Design Recommendations pressure is required, foundations that are supported entirely on the lower very dense, glacially consolidated lodgement till may be designed for an allowable foundation soil bearing pressure of 5,000 psf. An increase of one-third may be used for short-term wind or seismic loading. All foundations must penetrate to the prescribed bearing stratums and no foundations should be constructed in or above loose, organic, or existing fill soils. In addition, all footings must have a minimum width of 18 inches. If the existing buildings will be used following construction of the new buildings, then care should be exercised where new foundations are to be constructed adjacent to existing building footings. New foundation subgrade elevations should match existing if possible. New foundations placed at a higher elevation than existing footings will impose a vertical and horizontal surcharge to the existing foundations. New footings founded at a lower elevation than existing may undernune the existing foundations. Undermined foundations may need to be underpinned. We recommend the project structural engineer review the impacts, if any, of new foundations or existing foundations. Considering the granular nature of the site soils, settlements are expected to be small and occur rapidly during the initial application of dead load. Anticipated settlement of footings founded as described above should be on the order of �/ inch with differential movement about half of that total. However, disturbed soil not removed from footing excavations prior to footing placement could result in increased settlements. Settlement effects of the new building relative to existing buildings can be mitigated by deferring the installation of settlement-sensitive surfaces as long as practical. All footing areas should be inspected by AESI prior to placing concrete to verify that the design bearing capacity of the soils has been attained and that construction conforms to the recommendations contained in this report. The City of Renton may require such inspections. Perimeter footing drains should be provided as discussed under the section on Drainage Considerations. It should be noted that the area bounded by lines extending downward at 1H:1V from any footing must not intersect another footing or intersect a filled area that has not been compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM:D 1557. In addition, a 1.SH:1V line extending down from any footing must not daylight because sloughing or raveling may eventually undermine the footing. Thus, footings should not be placed near the edge of steps or cuts in the bearing soils. The project site is located within a Zone 3 rating for seismic activity on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest) based on the Seismic Zone Map of the United States, Figure No. 16-2 in the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). This zonation is based on past earthquake activity in the Puget Sound region. As such, design recommendations in the report accommodate the possible effect of seismic activiry in areas with a Zone 3 rating, corresponding to a peak ground acceleration of 0.3g (a Richter magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurring directly beneath the site), in accordance with UBC guidelines, using soil type Sc. This soil type conesponds to seismic coefficients: Ca = 0.33 and C� = 0.45. September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEOl518G2-Projects120015181KE1WP-WLK Page 8 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Prelintinary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Renton, Washington Design Recommendations 9.0 LATERAL WALL PRESSURES � All backfill behind walls or around foundation units should be placed as per our recommendations for structural fill and as described in this section of the report. Horizontally backfilled walls, which are free to yield laterally at least 0.1 percent of their height, may be designed to resist an active lateral earth pressure represented by an equivalent fluid of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcfl. Fully restrained, horizontally backfilled rigid walls that cannot yield should be designed for an equivalent fluid of 55 pcf. Walls with sloping backfill are not expected, but if they are planned they should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures that include a surcharge based on the slope angle, height, and position relative to the wall. We should be allowed to offer specific recommendations for geotechnical design of any retaining wall that faces a slope. If parking areas are adjacent to the top of walls, a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of soil should be added to the wall height in determining lateral design forces. If other foundations are located above a line projected upward and away from a retaining wall footing at an angle of 1H:1V, the wall should be designed to accommodate a surcharge due to the adjacent foundations. We recommend that we be allowed to offer specific recommendations if this situation occurs. The lateral pressures presented above are based on the conditions of a uniform backfill consisting of on-site soil compacted to 90 percent of ASTM:D 1557. A higher degree of compaction is not recommended as this will increase the pressure acting on the wall. Lower compaction may result in settlement of slab-on-grade or other structures supported above the walls. Thus, the compaction level is critical and must be tested by our firm during placement. Surcharges from adjacent footings, heavy construction equipment, or sloping ground above the top of the wall must be added to the above values. Perimeter footing drains should be provided for all retaining walls as discussed under the section on Drainage Considerations. We anticipate that the recommendations presented in this section will be applied only to foundation walls that will be around 3 feet or less in total height. If foundation wall heights exceed 3 feet, a full height blanket drain should be used against the wall. If the foundation walls are less than 3 feet tall, a conventional footing drain could be used. Drainage recommendations are discussed further in the Drainage Considerations section of this report. 9.1 Passive Resistance and Friction Factors Footings/keyways cast directly against undisturbed, medium dense soil (compacted recessional outwash sand) in a trench may be designed for passive resistance against lateral translation using an equivalent fluid equal to 300 pcf. The passive equivalent fluid pressure diagram �egins at the top of the footing; however, total lateral resistance should be summed only over the depth of the actual key (truncated triangular diagram). This value applies only to footings/keyways where concrete is placed directly against the trench sidewalls without the use of forms. If footings are placed on grade and then backfilled, the top of the compacted backfill September 24, Z001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDGda-KE01518G2-Projects120015181KE'�WP-W2K Page 9 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elemenlary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnica!Engineering Report Reruon, Washington Design Recommendations must be horizontal and extend outward from the footing for a minunum lateral distance equal to three times the height of the backfill, before tapering down to grade. With backfill placed as discussed, footings may also be designed for passive resistance against lateral translation using an equivalent fluid equal to 300 pcf and the truncated pressure diagram discussed above. Passive resistance values include a factor of safety equal to 3 in order to reduce the amount of movement necessary to generate passive resistance. The friction coefficient for footings cast directly on undisturbed, compacted recessional outwash sand may be taken as 0.35. This is an allowable value and includes a safety factor. 10.0 FLOOR SUPPORT A slab-on-grade floor may be used over compacted recessional outwash sand or structural fill as recommended in the Site Preparation section of this report. The floor should be cast atop a minimum of 4 inches of washed granulithic material such as pea gravel to act as a capillary break. It should also be protected from dampness by an impervious moisture barrier placed between the slab and the capillary break material or otherwise sealed. An optional2-inch sand layer can be placed over the moisture barrier to protect it during concrete placement and to provide subslab drainage. This sand layer should be kept dry prior to concrete placement. Floor slabs that are supported by compacted recessional outwash sand and/or structural fill , should experience �/a inch or less of settlement. 11.0 DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS Ground water was observed in two of our exploration borings at or just above the contact with the underlying lodgement till at the time of drilling. Higher moisture content soils were also observed in the other borings near the interface with the upper recessional outwash sand and the underlying lodgement till. Ground water should be expected at the outwash/till interface in utility trenches and other deeper excavations particularly following prolonged wet weather. Therefore, prior to site work and construction, the contractor should be prepared to handle ground water in some of the utility trenches. All footing walls should be provided with a drain at the footing elevation. Drains should consist of rigid, perforated, PVC pipe surrounded by washed pea gravel. The level of the perforations in the pipe should be set at the bottom of the footing at all locations and the drains should be constructed with sufficient gradient to allow gravity discharge away from the building. In addition, all retaining walls should be lined with a minimum 12-inch-thick washed gravel blanket provided over the full height of the wall and which ties into the footing drain. Roof and surface runoff should not discharge into the footing drain system but should be handled by a separate, rigid tightline drain. In planning, exterior grades adjacent to walls should be sloped downward away from the structure to achieve surface drainage. September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEO/518G2-Projtcts120015181KEIWP-W2K Page 10 Subsurface Exploration and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Reraon, Washington Design Recommendatioru The backfill in trenches excavated to construct buried utilities can provide conduits for the collection and transport of ground water. Care should be taken to ensure that ground water traveling along utility trench backfill does not enter below ground structures such as vaults and mechanical spaces. This could be accomplished by thoroughly waterproofing the utility lines and the structures that they enter, or by constructing the utilities in such a way that ground water migration is discouraged. This could be accomplished by constructing periodic "check dams" within the utility backfill using concrete, bentonite, or other similar low permeability materials to fill short portions of the utility trench. If concrete check dams aze used, they should be spaced no more than 50 feet on center, with the first one located within about 10 feet of the vault or mechanical room where the line originates. Alternatively, the trenches could be provided with gravity drains that collect drainage from the utility trench backfill and drain to an appropriate discharge at suitable intervals. We recommend that we work with the civil engineer to find workable solutions to managing ground water travel along buried utility lines for this project. 12.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Site preparation for areas to be paved should consist of overexcavating to remove the existing vegetation, topsoil, loose/soft upper soils, and any deleterious materials to expose the underlying stable soils. Since the density of the upper soils is variable, random loose/soft ', areas may exist and the depth and extent of stripping can best be determined in the field by the geotechnical engineer. In addition, along the centerline of parking areas, the subgrade should be slightly inverted to drain toward the catch basin. After the area to be paved is overexcavated, the exposed ground should be recompacted to 95 percent of ASTM:D 157. If required, structural fill may then be placed to achieve desired subbase grades. Upon completion of the recompaction and structural fill placement, the recommended minimum pavement section in car parking areas is 2 inches of Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) underlain by 4 inches of 11/a-inch crushed surfacing base course. In bus drive areas or fire lanes, a minimum 3 inches of ACP and 4 inches of crushed base are recommended. The crushed rock courses must be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density. 13.0 PROJECT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING At the time of this report, site grading, structural plans, and construction methods have not been finalized, and the recommendations presented herein are preliminary. We are available to provide additional geotechnical consultation as the project design develops and possibly changes from that upon which this report is based. We recommend that AESI perform a September 24, 2001 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEOI518G2-Projectsl?00l5181KEIWP-W2K Page 11 Subsurface Exploralion and Highlands Elementary School Replacement Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Renton, Washington Design Recommendations geotechnical review of the plans prior to final design completion. In this way, our earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design. We are also available to provide geotechnical engineering and monitoring services during construction. The integrity of the foundation depends on proper site preparation and construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may have to be made in the field in the event that variations in subsurface conditions become appazent. Construction monitoring services are not part of this current scope of work. If these services are desired, please let us know and we will prepare a cost proposal. We have enjoyed working with you on this study and are confident that these recommendations will aid in the successful completion of your project. If you should have any questions, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. Kirkland, Washington �• i`'��� ,4,�5 a� was:��'r� ��� � � ����� � � �l�I '�� ��, �� � w� .� Gjg'i�'Eg'� ti"� s`��!�rv�►���'u .�:v" ` � �� 11 1�/QZ � �..� T John D. Coleman Kurt D. Merriman, P.E. Project Geologist Senior Associate Engineer Attachments: Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: Site and Exploration Plan Appendix: Exploration Logs September 24, 20rD1 ASSOCIATED EARTN SCIENCES, INC. JDC/da-KEOIS18G2-Projects12Gb15181KEIWP-WIK Page 12 '"' .3'OD'W � � � � �� � � � � z' . . 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NOTE: FIGURE SHOWS PROPOSED LAYOUT AND EXISTING ELEVATIONS. a � � �� � N 9 � REFERENCE: HARMSEN&ASSOCIATES: SCHEMATIC TESC&GRADING PLAN, 8/13/01, SHEET C1-0. ° '0 °0 � �T � � Associated Earth Saences, 111C. FIGURE 2 W SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN N � � � � � HIGHLANDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPLACEMENT DATE 9/01 � RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT NO.KE01518G � F+� � � ° •°o'� well-graded gravel and TeRns Describing Relative Density and Consistency ` o,o Gw ravel with sand, littie to � � �o 0 0 0 9 Densi SPT blows/foot � � � o no fines ��� Very Loose 0 ta 4 m 10 > _�o�o Poorly-graded gravel Grained Soiis �se a to 10 m ° m ��,o o Medium Dense 10 to 30 � � � `"o 0 0 0 o GP and gravei with sand, Den s e 3 0 t o 5 0 Test Symbols o ° � °o°o° G=Grain Size 0 0 000, little to no fines Very Dense >50 �v o Z o 0 0, M =Moisture Content Za � Consistency SPT�blowsffoot A=Atterberg Limits � ° Silty gravel and silty C=Chemical a � � GM Very Sofi 0 to 2 DD=Dry Densii�r � � y grave)with sand ��e- �h 2 to 4 K= Permeabliry m m � � Grained Soils � o m � Medium Stiff 4 to 8 � g � e Sliff 8 to 15 � � � Ciayey gravel and very Stift 15 to 30 � � N �� clayey gravei with Hard >30 � w ` �'d Component Definitions a c Well-graded sand and Descriptive Term Size Ranye and Sieve Number m � SW sand with gravel,I'ittle Baulders Larger than�2 o LL � : to na fines � Cobbles 3'to 12' � m " ' Gravel 3'to No.4(4.75 mm) 40 � � ........ Poory-graded sand �e�� 3'to 3/a• 0 0 > �' � ��•� '• � o� `"� -' : SP and sand with gravel, Fne Grave! 3/a'to No.4(4.75 mm) m o v little to no fines c m o Sand No.4(4.75 mm)to No.200(0.075 mm) � �z Coarse Sand No.4(4.75 mm)to No.10(2.00 mm) m a � Silty sand and Medium Sand No.10(2.00 mm)to No.40(0.425 mm) � q � •�: •� SM silty sand with Fne Sand No.40(0.425 mm)to No.200(0.075 mm� ca m o,. ,-.:�. � o� � .�. .�. gravel � ,� .•. � Silt and Clay Smaller than No.200(0.075 mm) " � Sc Clayey sand and �31�{�mated Percentage Moisture Content � ^' clayey sand with percentaqe by Dry-Absence of moisture, gravel Component yyeiqht dusry,dry to the touch Silt, sandy silt,gravelly silt, Trace <5 SGghtly Moist-Perceptible � o ML silt with sand or gravel Fe'^' S to i0 mois�ure m � Litt1e 15 to 25 Moist-Damp but no visible u� „ L With -Non-primary coarse water � 19 � Clay of low to medium constituerrts: > 15% Very Moist-Water visible but `" v m - Fnes corttent beriveen not iree draining ° � � CL Plasticiiy;silty,sandy,or � '� �E gravelly Clay,lean Clay 5%and 15% Wet-Vsible free water,usually � �� from below water table a � Q � ��„�,A�o Ex loration Lo EAi�TN Projed Number F�loration Number Sheet �����^� KE01518G EB-1 1 of 1 �o�ecc Name Highlands Elementary ReQlacement Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 302 �«�tion Renton, WA ��� �A.,SL Driller/Equipment Boretec Date Start/Finish 08/27/01,�8/27/01 Hammer WeighUDrop 14�#/30�� Hde Diameter(in) � 7� C � � � L� p m� � S � �.� , �a � �' BIOws/FOot �� p T; � ,�� ; � ��ao, � ' DESCRIPTION � �'�; � ', ; 10 20 30 40 T il Recessional Outwash I I Mast,bravn,fine SAND,few sitt,Vace fine gravel. (SP) g ' i S-1 i � �3 � � � 2 5 I i � S-2 ' I As abov�e. 3 � 3 5 � I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � . I- I - - - - - �� i � � Damp,gray,fine to medium SAND with fine gravel and Vace sift. (SM) �� S-3 I �11 I 21 � , 10 I 'I i �5 Grades to few fine gravel. g ' , i S"4 i 10 �22 ; i ' 12 , , I � I � i , 20 Grades to trace fine graMel. ,g ' S-5 g � 20 11 i � I � � , i 25 � � �7 � � i 11 �23 �2 I Bottom of e�loration boring at 26.5 feet I , I i i 30 ! i � ' 1 35 � 8 � � 8 E 0 m y i i a , I � Sampler Type(S�: m o � 2”OD Split Spoon Sampler(SP� 'r No Recovery M-Masture �o99ed bY: BWG o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample � Water Level Q Approved by: W �< Grab Sample � Shelby Tube Sampfe t Water Levei at tlme of drilling(ATD) a — __._--____.._---- ----__----____ _ ____ __ _ _ _ ��„��,� Ex loration Lo �'A� E��� I Projed Number F�loration Number St�eet KE01518G EB-2 1 of 1 Project Name Highlands Elementary Repiacement Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 302 �ocation Renton WA Datum Mg� �riuer�quiPmenc Boretec Date StarVFinish _08/27/01_08/27/01 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) 3-75 � � �L ; ��� `o BIoWs/FOOt ;� i6 t ; Q �.� 'I �_ � �T' � c�� 3� � � t DESCRIPTION � � �o zo so ao � � I PI r nd surfa ' i Fill � , Damp,brawn,fine to coarse,gravely,fine to loose SAND,few siR. (SM) � i i � �1 � Recessionai Outwash 9 � �2a SP)p,gray,fine to medum SAND,few sitt and fine to coarse gravel,(SM to �3I 5 , �2 Grades to trace silt. (SP) g� . � � L i g �� ' i � . ' 5 i 10 ' S-3 !s II •14' ' I � . ' 8 � I i. . . I 15 � Grades to wet.txown.fine SAND,little sift.trace fine gravel. (SM) � , 5� , . I ; � I 7 17 � 10 IBottom of e�loration boring at 16.5 feet i ' � � 20 I � i i I � � 25 ' ; ; j i 30 � � 35 I � 8 N � � E o , $ i m I 'a � Sampler Type(S�: � �' � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SP� � No Recovery M-Moistu►e Logged by: BWG 0 o I 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample i Water Leuel Q App�O��: W e� Grab Sample �j ��by Tube Sample 1 W��Level at time of drilling(ATD) < - . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „���„�o Ex loration Lo ��SCI�E8,INC Projed Number F�loradon Number Sheet ' KE01518G EB-3 1 of 1 Project Name Highiands Elementary Reptacement �r«,nd surrace�or,�ft> 301 �oca�ion Renton. WA Datum MSL Driller/Equipment Boretec Date StarVFinish 08I27/01,08/27/01 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30" Hde�iameter(in) 375 � ��'��: w � � V� ' I t0 $ S � �� 3� � � BIOWS/FOOt � o T v� '�`�' � 3 ml � j DESCRIPTION � �0 2o ao ao j � � � F�n i � � ; Damp,brown,fine SAND with fine gravel and trace sift. (SM) � Recessfonal Outwaah 5 S'� f ,_ Damp,gray,fine to medium SAND,some fine gravel,Vace sitt. (SM) 7 �� el � 5 l i � 5� I S-2 � ' Grades to wet at 6'. g �Z I i I — — — — — — — — — — - - - I I I Till I �� Wet,gray,silty,fine to coarse SAND with fine to coarse gravel. (SM) 251 I '', I S'3 i a2 i i �5a ^ ' Bottom of e�loration boring at 11 feet ! iAuger refusal at 11'. � ! i 15 I I I I 20 I i I i i i 25 � � 30 � I � 35 I o I N I Q L � E 0 � � i � a � Sampler Type(S�: m �' � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SP� � No Recovery M-Masture �099�bY� BWG 0 o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample y' Water Level Q Approved by: � � Grab Sample 1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) a � J Shelby Tube Sample ����,,,�o ; Ex loration Lo EARTFI Prqec�Number E�loration Number Sheet ��^�E��^� KE01518G i EB-4 1 of 1 Project Narne Highlands Elementary Replacement Ground Surfaoe ElevaGon(ft) 303 �ocatian Renton. WA Datum N►SL �rine�rEquipmeM Boretec Date StarUFinish 08I27/01�p8127/01 Hammer weighuDrop 140#/30" Hole Diameter(in) 3 75 I ! � _. 'w t i S a ��� �Q�,� Blows/Foot �' S� � � �' m � T � �N DESCRIPTION �II,� m �0 20 3o ao � � Fili Damp,Bravn,fine to medium SAND,some fine to coarse gravel,few to little � silt(SM) I i Recessional Outwash 3 i S'� Damp,tan to gray fine to medium SAND,iitttle to fine gravel,trace siR.(SM) a ��1 � � I. I. 7� i i � . � I 5 i �2 ! '7� �14� I 7 I i � 10 Grades to wet. 5. S-3 i q, •11 ; �', i � — — — — — — I j Till ' � ' � Mast,gray,silty,fine to coarse SAND,some fine gravel. (SM) , ! � � ! 15 -r-, i i 28 I I � S-4 � f 47 �75 -�-, ' � Bottom of e�loration boring at 18 feet 20 ' I ' � I 25 � ' � I i I i 30 � � 35 b 0 N � � i n I m I m � I I i N ' ' '. �. i � ' 'a � � � Sampler Type(S�: � o �' 2"OD Splft Spoon Sampler(SP� � No Recovery M-Masture Logged by: gWG o ',I 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D 8 M) � Ring Sample � Water Level Q Approved by: W '"- Grab Sample J Shelby Tube Sample 1 Water Level at time of drilling(ATD) a „�,,,.�o Ex loration Lo ��EAi4TF1 Project Number E�loration Number Sheet ��E��^� KE01518G EB-5 1 of 1 Project Name Highlands Elementary Replacement Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 301 �ocation Renton, WA Datum MSt Dnller/Equiprr�ent BOf@t@C DateStarUFinish p$/27/01,Q8/27/01 Hammer WeighuDrop 140#/30” Hole Diameter(in) 3 75 � � t I a �� I�n.�i� BIOWS/FOOt 'ffi S � U c�. �� � � L � I T � � � DESCRIPTION � 3 m io 20 3o ao � i. ' RecesaionalOutwash Mast,mottled,brown,fine SAND,few fine gravel and sitt. (SM) I i � � 3i � s-� � s ��s i � 5 ' Grades to no gravel and Vace silt. (SP} 3 � $2 4 9 � 5 I i. I i i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I � I 10 Tilt �3 Mast,gray,silty,fine to coarse SAND,some fine to coarse gravel. (SM) ,40 � I '27 67 i � I i Boriom of e�loration boring at 11.5 feet I � I � I �I � i 15 ; 20 ; I i i � 25 I � I i ,� I I 30 � � I � 35 ' 0 0 " I r o i o I � � , i ' I I ' '� i , a � Sampler Type(S�: � "' � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampter(SP'n � No Recovery M-Maisture Logged by: BWG 0 o � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample -� Water Level Q Approved by: W � Grab Sample r Sh�Iby Tube Sample 1 Water Lev�el at Gme of drilling(ATD) < —' ASBOC.IATEO Ex loration L �EARTM Project Number � F�loration Number Sheet �E^����^� KE01518G EB-6 ' 1 of 1 Project Name Highlands Elementary Replacement Ground Surface Elevation(ft) 306 �ocation Renton, WA ��R► �flSL �iue�rEquipmerrt Boretec Date StartlFinish 08I27I01,08I27/01 Hammer WeighUDrop 140#/30�� Hole Diameter(in) �7� � i i � � V i � � � S � � > � B�OWJlF��t � L a ' � � �� J � � E � 0 � d T � �� � � m � DESCRIPTtON �o zo so ao RecessionalOutwash ' � Mast,gray,silty,fine to coarse SAND,some fine gravel. (SM) �� ' S-1 15 ' �30 I 15I I 5 !' ; �2 . �9 I I �72' 30 �t8' � I - - - - - - - -- Till- - - - - - - - - - , , Damp,c,�ray,silty,fine to coarse SAND,some fine to coarse gravel(SM) ; i 10 i I' S-3 .. ! 'r� 50 " Bottom of e�loratlon boring at 11 feet � I ' I I I I ' i � 15 � � � � I i i I 20 � � I � I ; 25 � I � � I 30 I ' I � 35 i II � i� ; J il � I � i i G 1 � .� i '�, � '. ,� y � I I a � SamPler TYPe(S"�: '- � 2"OD Split Spoon Sampler(SP� j_ No Recovery M-Masture Logged by: gWG � � � 3"OD Split Spoon Sampler(D&M) � Ring Sample =� Water Level Q Approved by: W �, Grab Sampie i Water Leve!at time of drilling(ATD) c 'L�1 � Shelby Tube Sample