HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1232� , � � .�' .� .. � { w . � . ' ., � � ORlG(NAL r � � H . � - .. � ... .. . 1�''� i. ..�. ' r t��sot�u�rlo�� �ro. /oz�3..�--.. . . ... ._ . : I, : : ,,. .: . .. I WH£REAS R.C.W. 35.33.32�1 now ermits a Gity to desi � a�e certain officials to P � make transfers between items wzthin any class in the City's Budget, subject to �uch . , . .� _._ regulations as may be imposed by the City Couricil and WHEREAS it is deemed advi4able and in. the public interest to authorize the Mayar to make sueh transfers, subject to certai:n terms and conc3itians NOW THEREFURE, � BE IT RESQLVED BX THE MAYOR AND THE CTTY C�UNCIL QF THE CITY 4F RENTON AS FOLLOWS: , �,, . _ � ,. S£CTION..I: The Mayor is hereby autharized arid direc�ed to make and provide . ,. • . ��an�fer� between .i�ems wi�hin`aiiy cla�s in the City`s But3get pravided hawever, � �hat all �uch transfers in. excesv af $19Q44.04 between items within any such . . . � e1�s� ;shal� ;be:,subinitted �Q the �ity Council for its approval. Furthermore, �I no:�.sa�ary shall tre �ncreased for any person or person� above the amount provided ' in.tk�� C.i,ty;t� .bu�ige� at any-time. Likewise; no �ransfers shall be made by �ueh officer wit�ain .any clas� in the 'Budget'which �rould �result in a decrease of �al�ry wi�hout prior�:�ppraval af the City Cou'ncil. The Mayar shall make a wri�ten report�. unto the Ci�y Counci3. at least orrce' a `month�as to all such �rans�ers made. SECTION II: Any Iiabili�ty incurred by any officer or employee of the CITY I in exces�; ;of any Budg�t �PPropriation shall�not constitute a liability of the CTTY but �hat of tt�e indivitival officer` or employee. Furthermore, the City Clexk I , . . . . .� :t. . . � �ha�ll, is�ue �o ��arrant and the 'Gouricil ar Ma�or shall approve no cl.aim for an _. - - a �. expendi;�urs:in exce�s of ainy i'iidividual budget appropriation e�cept upon an order of the court af CdRi�?E''�E£Ti't ,�llx3.�diction ar for emergencies as pravided in �his : Chapter, . , , i:''} .�: . ._ . . f ��• PASSED BY TH£ CITY COUNCIL this,�a,�,day of February, 1964. . ,... : _ ,.....,...� . :. . , .r _/�..��:.�I-�*..�,c.1 . , . .,. - , I ' Helmie Nelson, Gi�y CZerk � APPROVED BY THE MP,YOR this %��day, =of February, 1964. � „ . , . „ _... '•. �` _ c ,/�r� �,�� Frank Aliment, Mayar APPROVED AS TQ FORM; . . . I Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney �