HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2165 . . .,. . „ � OR1G1N�1. � ORDII�'ANCE N0. o�%�p � AN ORDII�TAATCE OF 'I'�IE CITY OF R�NTON� WASHINGTON� REGUTATING TH� �R,?.CfiION, CONSTRUCTION, REP�IIR� �1LTCRATION, LOCAfiION OR 'r�INZ'�A?EII��C� OF ANY SIGN, BILLB()ARD, t.'�RQUE�, CANOPY, AGINING OR SIiIILt1R STRUCTUR� WITHIN ANY PUBLIC PIAC� OR RIGHT OF i�T�1Y OF TE� CI'IY OF RENTON; PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF BOND OR '! INSURAATCE POLICY; TH� ISSUANCE OF PBRAIITS AND FELS THLR�FORE I �UTHORiZi1�IG '1'H� REVUCATION OF PERi1ITS; REQUIRIR�G INSPECTION; AND PROVIDING P�1�'ALTTES FOR VIOI.�TION THERBOF. B� iT ORUA II�ED BY Tii� i��YOR AND TH,E C I7Y COUI�C IL OF TH� C ITY OF REATTON AS I FOLLU4�1S: SECTIOri I: Def initions: As used in this Ord inance un'e ss the conte:�t other�,ise ind ic a te s: '_'. The term "si�n" sha�1 ir.ean and inc�uce every sign, bil�board, ground si�n, �;�a11 si�n, roof sibn, i�.lu_::inate� sign, pro;ectin� siin, ten.porary si�n, marquee, ac•min�, canopy and similar structure and sha?_i inc�ude 2ny announceraent, declaration, der:�onstration, advertising structure , d�sn'_ay, iilustration or insignia used to advertise or pronote the interest or �;�ares of any person for private purposes, �•,�hen the sar�le is p'aced out of doors �artly or entire�y upon or encroachin� upon any public p2ace or right of ti�ay, inc'udin� but not li��ited to streets, high��ays, alleys, nar�;s, sidehTal':s or thoroughfares. I 2. "Il__urinated si�n" sha:? c�ean any si�n �ohich has characters, letters, figures, designs or outl i.nes ii luminatec� by electric "±i�hts or �u�inous tubes as part of the si�n nroper. � �. "�erson" shall r.?ean anc� inc?ude any nerson, firr, partnership, association� cor�oration, coaipany or organization of any �ind enga�ed in business for priv�te pur�oses. hereafter S�CTIOn II: Permits P.equired. It sha?� be unlay7fu7./for any nerson to erect, repair, rep2ace, G=ter, relocate or �aintain c-ithin any pubiic olace or ri�ht of �•�ay, inc"s.uding but not lizlited to streets, al�eys, side�;.allcs, thoroughfares, hi�hc:�ays and oart:s c�ithin the City of nenton, any si�n as de€ined in this Ordinance, c�ahether the sa:le be c,�holly or only partia?ly located in or eneroachin� unon any such public p�ace or right of way, without first obtainin� a per:�it from the City and r�alcin� t�ayment of the fees re- quired by Section V hereof. ?11 i'lu��inated signs shal2 in addition be sub�ect to the provisions of the City's eZectrical code and the �ermit fees required thereunder. Si:CTIOl�? III: �11 applications for sach gign permits shall be rnade to the City �ngineer of the City of Penton on application blan'_;s provided by the City and sh�'_?. con- tain or have attached thereto the follo�-ing infor�aation: A, The na�:e, address and te?enhone nu��:�ber of the appiicant. B, Location of building, structure or Iot to �:�hich or upon �ahich the sign or advertising structure is to be attached or erected, in- c?.ucing c�escrintion anQ location of the affectec� pub?ic pi ace or I ri�ht of ��1ay; a2so position of the sign or the advertising structure ' in rel2tion to said public area. '"} - -- - - -� -.- r ' � ! *' r / ! � , C. Two sketch�s or drawin�s showing the plans and sgecifications. o� the proposed sign or structure and the nethod of construct�.on and attachment ta the building or the area. D. Name af person, f irn, corporation or association erecting such structure. E. Such other inf ormation as the City shall rec��ire pertinent to ful.l compl.ianee with this and other ordinances and laws of the City af Rentan, SECTION IV. It shall be the duty of the City �ngineer, upon the f iling of a proper x nin he 1 ns s cifications and other dat� and the prec�ises upnn a 3.ication ta e a e t a PP � P r P� which it is proposed ta erect the sign or advertising strueture, end its e�fect upon such public place or right af way, including the nature and extent of encroachment upon such public area; and based on such evidence, to make a report and recommendation to ttze City Cpuncil as to propriety a€ pe�mittin� such use of the publ ic area involved. I€ the application far permit invpl.ves a sign on which e2ectrica3 wiring connections are to be usec�, the sa�e sha11 a2sa be sub�itted to the Electrical Tnspector who shal.l investigate the proposed electrical installations as to suitability, adequacy and safety I and to determine whether the same coaplies with the electrical code of the C ity o£ Ren�on, � and what effect i£ any such installations will have apon the• publ3,c area invo2ved. SEGTION V: The applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer a mi.nimum fee of ten � , � dollars ($10,00� for each si�n not exceeding an area of 6 square feet plus 25 eents per I square f oot f or area greater than 6 square feet f ar each such sign, bef ore the pertait is , issued, which £ee shail be non-refundable. Signs taken down and rebuilt, shali be classi- I f ied as a new sign,. and a permit issued prior to being erected. I The C ity Engineer or his representative shall inspect annteally, or at such other times as he deens necessary, each sign per�itted under this ordin�nce for t�e purpose af ascertaining whether same is secure or insecure and whether it is in need of removal or repair and whether such sign or structure in any way af£ects adverse2y any traff ic ar use of the area by the gubl ic. To meet the expense of such annual inspection the per�ittee thereof sha11 pay �o the City Treasurer the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) for nan-illucninated signs plus `I�ao Dollars and Fif ty �ents ��2.54) for electrical i.nspection on zlluminated signs. LTpon approvaZ, certi.f'icatiot� stiekers ���Z1 be a€fi�ced ta the sign for the current year. SECT'IpPI VI: All perr_tits issued hereunder shaZl be in writing. A11 rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this ardinance or any amendment the reaf or any percait issued thereunder shall be mere licenses revocable at any time by the City of R�nton, actin� through its City Engineer or City Counci.l , upon written natice to permittee of not less than ten days; or without such notice, in case the permitted use shall become dangerous, or such sign shall become insecure ar unsafe, ar shall t�ot be construeted, caaintained er used in aceordanee with the provisions a� the per�it and of this ordin.ance. Upon revaking such per�it, or at any tir�e thereafter, the City Engineer or City Cwuncll nay request the per�ittee ta diseantinue or remove such structure, obstructions, uae or� occupancy; and if it be not so diseoatinued ar removed as requested, then the C ity Engineer may reMove such sign or structure or obstruction from such public place, or may make requested corrections thereof, all at the expense and cost of the permittee, � payt*3ent af which may be enforced in any manner permitted by law, j _�.. � i � � r ' • • 4 � S�.CaTGt: ViZ: Tli� ap��icant for a per�.�i� referrec3 to herein slzaia ��far� I the per�it is issuec fa'� ���ith the City C��r'.-: a continuin� Surety Corlpany bond i.n thc� nena� su�r of ;.`O�.CC, ta be a�provec� b}T the Gi,t�� Attorney and conc�itio�.e� fc�r f�ithfu? I I observance of the nrovisions af this ordinance sn� a�.�endo�ents thereof enc aIi app?ic2b?e � � latils and arc�it�ances relatin� to signs and ac�vertisin� structures, anc� further con�itioned I tc� indec�,nify and save har:�Zess the City af kentan fra:� ?.oss, c3a�+.ages, jud���n�ts, costs I' or e�:penses c�hieh the Gity :1ay incur or suffer by reason of the �ran�in� of s�ie ner�.it. A liability insurance po� icy issued by an insurance company authorized to da business in I the State of %lashington, a��rapriate?y conditionec in conformity c?ittt the objectives of I � this section, r�ay be oer;�aittec� in 2 ieu of a boncl , j SE�TTOI�: VISI: I?o siLn as definec� by th�.s orc�inance shall be erectac or =�ain- taa.ned at the intersection of any streets in such a r�anner as ta abstruct free ane c'e�r I visipn; or at any ?ocation �,�here, by reason of its position, shape or co�.or, it a�ay inter- I fare ��ith, ohstruct tlie viet;i of, or be canfuse� r�iith any authori2ed traffic sign, si4nai i or device, or c�:hich ��'.es use a£ the c,�ores "STOP:,, "LOC?�:"., "Dk11�G�R" or �ny other c�:ord, nhrase, syt*�ba1 or charaeter in such a ���anner as to interfere with, -�islea� or eonftise traff ic. S�CTiOP: IX» I� sha�i be un?awful for any person to erect, construct, r��oc2te, repair or ^aintain any si�n as herein defined c�hich i.s �ahol2y or partiall�� i�iuminated bp floodlights or spot7.ights. SuCTIOP' X: Any sign as herein defined Ia��£ully in e.�istence at the ti,me o€ adaption of this ordinance shall not be r�constructed, aZtered ar r��o�ved unless and unti? the oc.jner or propri�tar thereaf cor�p3.ies, anc th� si�;n be �nac3� to eoc.:�ply, t:-ith aIl t#te provisions af this or�inat�ce. The prc�visions of this sectaon stta�? not �hL;�t�t the o�-ner pf any non-conf�r�:�in� sign fror:, th� require,ents of Section VII pertainin� to bond or liability insurance, cor:_rtencing c:ith calendar ye�r =�66. S�CTIOI� :il: �?ny �erson violating any of the provisions of tY:is ordinance s�:all be c�eenreg �ui.�t3J af a �:isc'.•e:~teanor anc� upon conviction thereaf sha�l be puni:st�e� by a f ine not e<�ceeding :��04.4p or by i�prison�!ent in the City jail not e.ccaecing �0 �ays, or by both such f ine and ic�prison..�ent. S�CiIOi? 1:II: If any section, sutasection, sentence � c?.ause, phrase or portion of this ordinance b� for any rea�on he?d invalic� or uncanstitutiana2 by any court of coragetent jurisdiction, such partion shall be deec^ed a separate, distinet ,and independent provision and such hol�%n� shall nat affect the validity of the re�aining portions hereof.. Sz,CTIOI�� :�IIZ: �1ny and a12. atiter ordinances or narts af ordinances in conf�ict I herec,=ith are hereby superseded. _�_ �. � 4� • • ` SLCTIOII .'IV: This ordinance sh�1= be in fu�_ force and effect frorl and after its p2ss2be, ar�rov2?. anC lega? pub'_ication. �.�ssL� BY ��, cr�r counc�L tn�s �����a�� of `�U�'��, �95� ���� ���'� I:el�:�ie P;el son, City Cler'� - _ �:PPROV:�� BY T:-� iY�YOR this �2��day of '�u�'y: ���� ' �lil/"�— , , Donalc T�T. Custer, Playor .�PP120V�D AS TO FORii: G�rard Pi. She z ian, City �lttorney Da te of Pub:ic a t ion:���- �` � j��� «.�..