HomeMy WebLinkAbout03333 - Technical Information Report� ■1 �� � � � � � � m � = � , acor,, �, • � tarr _ E Technica/Information Report PREPARED FOR : JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street, Suite ZO1 Renton, WA 98055-1324 PROJECT.• Rainier Station City of Renton, Washington , 203615.10 � PREPARED BY.' ', Glenn C. Hume, P.E. Project Engineer REVIEWED BY.• J. Matthew Weber, P.E. tl Principal � • April 2006 UU toC)C� 5 �, � Civil Engineers • Structural Engrneers • Landscape Architects • Communrty Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors 333 3 Technica/.Tnformation Report PREPARED FOR ; JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201 Renton, WA 98055-1324 'ST��k' �::�* P �F � � w ►� �,� � � c `�` PROJECT.' � j ' t Rainier Station G �� :�' ,�;; �Q�,��as5s� �4� >� City of Renton, Wash ington sSjG�R �C�`V ,, 203615.10 o��,�. �; ;�/�I�; EXPI RES: 11l7/� PREPARED BY.• I hereby state that this Preliminary Technical Information Report for Glenn C. Hume, P.E. Rainier Station has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets Project Engineer the standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that the City of Renton REVIEWED BY.• does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or �, Matthew Weber, P.E. performance of drainage facilities prepared by me. PI"II1CIpa� April Z006 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Project Overview......................................................................................................l 1.1 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................l � 1.2 Existing Conditions........................................................................................1 � 1.3 Post-Development Conditions.........................................................................2 II, ' 2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary.....................................................................2 II 2.1 Core Requirements........................................................................................2 I� 2.2 Special Requirements ....................................................................................4 �, 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions..............................................................5 3.0 Off-Site Analysis ......................................................................................................5 ! 3.1 Downstream Analysis ....................................................................................5 3.2 Upstream Analysis.........................................................................................5 4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design........................................5 4.1 Water Quality System....................................................................................5 5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design ...................................................................6 6.0 Special Reports And Studies......................................................................................6 7.0 Conclusion ............................... ..............................................................................6 APPENDICES AppendixA Figures A-1..................Vicinity Map A-2.................. Soils Map A-3.................. Existing Conditions Map A-4.................. Developed Conditions Map A-5.................. Downstream Drainage Map A-6.................. FEMA Flood Map Appendix B TIR Worksheet Appendix C Hydrologic Analysis C-1.................. Drainage Basin/Conveyance Map C-2.................. Pre-Developed Basin Summary C-3.................. Pre-Developed 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-4.................. Developed Basin Summary C-5.................. Developed Basin 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-6.................. Basin 2 Treatment Summary C-7.................. Basin 2 Treatment Hydrograph C-8 — C-15 ....,.. Conveyance System Summary 1.O PROJECT OVERVIEW i.i Purpose and Scope This preliminary report accompanies the site development application for the Rainier Station project. The project site is located in the City of Renton in the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. This site is located at 601 Rainier Avenue North (see Appendix A, Figure A-1 for Vicinity Map). The Rainier Station project is located on four parcels (9564800170, 9564800175, 9564800007, and 4202401210) with the proposed developed area totaling approximately 2.52 acres. The project proposes the construction of three commercial buildings totaling approximately 52,100 square feet for potential use as retail, office, and commercial. Also included is a two-level parking structure. The project site is accessed from Rainier Avenue North. The project will include paved surface parking, stormwater management systems, sewer, water, and other utilities required for the new development. The design for this project meets or exceeds the requirements of the 1990 King County Su�face Water Design Manual(KCSWDI►�, which establishes the methodology and design criteria used for this project. 1.2 Existing Conditions The site is primarily developed with several commercial buildings and paved parking areas. The parcel is flat with a slight slope towards Rainier Avenue North. There is an existing steep slope located on the western edge of the project. Per previous studies performed, this section of steep slope is exempt from critical area criteria. The project proposes to provide a retaining wall to replace the existing slope. Existing stormwater runoff from the site sheet flows towards Rainier Avenue North where it is collected in the public storm drainage system. There are no existing stormwater treatment or detention facilities. Existing public utilities traverse the southern portion of the project site through a utilities easement. The public utilities include a 12-inch water and 8-inch sewer main. In addition, the adjacent proposed 6th Street Short Plat project proposes to construct a storm main within the existing easement. The SCS Soils Map indicates that Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgD) is the predominant soil class on the site. For stormwater modeling purposes, Alderwood is considered a Type C soil. The site lies within the West Hill sub-basin of the Cedar River Basin and ultimately drains to the south end of Lake Washington (Appendix A, Figure A-5 for the Downstream Drainage Map). 1 ' ' II 0��� 1.3 Post-Development Conditions The project proposes the construction of three commercial buildings totaling , approximately 52,100 square feet for potential use as retail, office, and commercial. Also included is a two-level parking structure and paved surface parking. The project will be constructed in phases starting with Building #1 on the southern portion of the property ', and associated parking. The second access will be constructed from the north during '�, Phase 1. Although only a portion of the site will be constructed at this time, the I stormwater managements systems have been designed for full project build-out. I Stormwater discharge from the site will emulate existing conditions by maintaining the flow path towards the storm system in Rainier Avenue North. All runoff from pollution generating impervious surfaces will be collected and conweyed by the proposed storm system. Runoff from the southern portion of the project is collected and conveyed to the proposed wet vault as shown on the 6th Street Short Plat project. This is a shared facility for the Short Plat and a portion of the commercial - project. The required easements and maintenance agreements will be recorded for both projects. Runoff from the northern portion of the project is collected and conveyed to a new proposed wet vault located within the proposed parking area. Both wet vaults discharge to existing storm systems on the west side of Rainier Avenue North. Runoff from the roof areas bypasses the treatment systems and will be connected to the drainage system downstream of the proposed vaults. 2.O CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 C.R. #1 — Discharge at the Natural Location Currently, runoff from the project site sheet flows onto Rainier Avenue North, where it is collected by the existing conveyance system. The proposed storm system includes two wet vaults for treatment prior to discharge to the storm conveyance system in Rainier Avenue North. 2.1.2 C.R. #2 — Off-Site Analysis AHBL staff performed a Level 1 off-site drainage analysis in March 2003. The analysis included: • Defining and mapping the study area; • Reviewing available information on the study area; • Field inspecting the study area; and 2 OQ � Q • Analyzing the existing drainage system including its existing and predicted problems, if any. The downstream conveyance system consists of an existing storm drainage system located east of Rainier Avenue North. The stormwater is conveyed north in this system for greater than a quarter mile to its ultimate discharge in Lake Washington. To our knowledge there are no existing downstream restrictions and the project site will only slightly increase the flows through this system. Therefore, the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. 2.1.3 C.R. #3 — Runoff Control The 100-year, 24-hour pre-developed and developed peak runoff rate is 1.87 cfs and 2.15 cfs, respectively. This is a difference of 0.28 cfs. The increase is less than 0.50 cfs for the 100-year, 25-hour storm event; therefore stormwater quantity control facilities are not required for this project. Water quality will be provided through two wet vaults. 2.1.4 C.R. #4 — Conveyance System A proposed conveyance system collects stormwater runoff from the paved areas and conveys it to the proposed wet vaults. Conveyance system calculations are provided in Appendix C. Starting tailwater elevation for the southern conveyance system is based on the hydraulic grade calculated for the flow splitter as provided in the 6`h Street Short Plat TIR. There is no tailwater impact on the calculations for the northern conveyance system due to the depth of the existing 24-inch conveyance system. 2.1.5 C.R. #5 — Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan Erosion and sediment control design drawings are provided with the construction set and an erosion control report is has been prepared under separate cover. 2.1.6 C.R. #6 — Maintenance and Operations A maintenance plan for the stormwater management system is provided under separate cover. The southern wet vault is proposed to be a shared system for the Short Plat and a portion of the commercial project. Therefore, a joint maintenance agreement will be required and necessary easements recorded. 2.1.7 C.R. #7 — Bonds and Liability This project will provide for a Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site Stabilization Financial Guarantee and a maintenance and defect bond. 3 �� ' � 2.2 Special Requirements 2.2.1 S.R. #1 — Critical Drainage Areas The project does not lie within a critical drainage area. 2.2.2 Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan The project does not lie within an area covered by an approved Master Drainage Plan. 2.2.3 Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a Master Drainage Plan. 2.2.4 Adopted Basin or Community Plans The project does not lie within an area with an adopted Basin or Community Plan. 2.2.5 Special Water Quality Controls The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring special water quality controls. 2.2.6 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators I� The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a coalescing plate oil/water separator. 2.2.7 Closed Depressions The project does not discharge to a closed depression. 2.2.8 Use of Lakes, Wetlands or Closed Depressions for Peak Rate Runoff Control The project does not use lakes, wetlands, or closed depressions for peak rate runoff control. 2.2.9 Delineation of 100-Year Floodplain To our knowledge, there are no floodplains associated with the project site. The FEMA flood map shows the project within a Flood Zone X. 2.2.10 Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and Type 2 Streams The project does not meet the any of the conditions requiring flood protection facilities. 4 �� � � 2.2.11 Geotechnical Analysis and Report A geotechnical engineering report has been prepared for the project site. 2.2.12 Soils Analysis and Report The soils underlying the project have been accurately mapped by the USGS; however, a geotechnical report was prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions To be determined. 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Downstream Analysis Stormwater flows from the project site are conveyed to the east through a proposed 12- inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue North. From that point, the runoff is combined with runoff from Rainier Avenue North and adjacent developments and is c�nveyed north to an eventual discharge to Lake Washington. To our knowledge there are no restrictions in the downstream system. 3.2 Upstream Analysis Some stormwater runoff from the adjacent 6th Street Short Plat flows onto the project site. This runoff will be collected by the on-site system to be treated and conveyed downstream. As stated earlier, the 6`h Street Short Plat proposes to share the southern wet vault for stormwater treatment. 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN As stated earlier, stormwater peak discharge controls are not required per the 0.5 cfs increase exemption. Stormwater quality control systems are provided for the project. 4.1 Water Quality System Two wet vaults are proposed for stormwater quality control. As previously discussed, the southern wet vault is proposed to be shared between half of this commercial project and the 6`h Street Short Plat project. Final design for the southern wet vault is provided in the Stormwater Technical Information Repo�t for the b`h St�eet Short Plat, October 2005. The second wet vault is designed for the northern half of the commercial project. The required wet vault volume was determined by using a precipitation value equal to one- third of the 2-year, 24-hour total precipitation. The z-year, 24-hour total precipitation per the isopluvial is 2.00 inches. The treatment precipitation equals 2.00/3 or 0.67 inch. This precipitation value was input into the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph model to compute a treatment volume of 1,755 cubic feet. The proposed wetland vault has interior dimensions of 50 feet by 10 feet by a 4 foot water depth resulting in a total storage volume of 2,000 cubic feet. The total impervious area tributary to the wet vault is 44,430 square feet. The surface area of the wet vault is required to exceed i percent of the total impervious tributary area. The required minimum surface area is 444 square 5 O� � O feet. The wet vault has a surface are of 500 square feet, exceeding the minimum required. The wet vault is divided into three cells as required by the stormwater manual. The first cell contains 10 percent of the total surface area and the second cell contains 45 percent of the total surface area. Per the stormwater manual, a flow splitter is required to direct the treatment flow to the wet vault while bypassing all flows that exceed the treatment peak flow rate. The peak flow rate for the treatment event is 0.12 cfs. An orifice flow spreader is provided with an orifice diameter of 2.75 inches with a maximum head of 0.5 feet. The orifice size is based on the following calculation. ! d = ((38.88*0.12)/0.5o.s�o.s = 2,56" use 2 5/8" orifice 5.O CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN St�rmwater conveyance is provided by a network of catch basins and underground pipes. Calculations provided in Appendix C shows that the proposed conveyance system has adequate capacity to convey the 25-year, 24-hour and the 100-year, 24-hour runoff events. The conveyance basins are based on full project build out areas. A minimum scouring velocity of 2 feet per second is provided in all pipe reaches 6.O SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Wildlife Reconnaissance by Raedeke & Associates, Inc. 7.O CONCLUSION This project is designed to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual guidelines for stormwater management. This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL, Inc. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. We conclude that this project, as proposed, will not create any new problems within the existing downstream drainage system. AHBL, Inc. ��. ��z�� � Glenn C. Hume, P.E. � Project Engineer GCH/sca April 2006 K:�,Clvil\Yr_2003�203615\STORM�COMMERCIAL�TIR\615-Storm TIR(CC)-wp.doc 203615 Storm TIR(CC)060417.doc 6 �� ' � i APPENDIX A Figures A-1 Vicinity Map A-2 Soils Map A-3 Existing Conditions Map A-4 Developed Conditions Map ' A-5 Downstream Drainage Map ' A-6 FEMA Flood Map ' i S 115 $T ''��' � N S 116iH ST a z � < � � � � � � 9 Z i iST T � S 121ST ST � 5 12 ST NW 7TH ST z SITE N N 6TH ST a �w g�1 ST. � TM � r` ; 5� RENTON � IAUt�pPAl � AIRPORT �, , 3 �D �, � z � z v ' ��TM $ a � I a N AIRPORT WA7 i S � S 7081N ST I� R NT� P� I , VICI ITY MAP i 1" = i/4 LES i � � : Iii I I ��E�r.., . . SR+?v1Ey^�s � uqpp4vlJ�W ... Cm��q Rr.x�S QQ � O �" RAINIER STATION 203615.10 A'1 T A�C M A � S E A T T L E u,:N��;.,n���s,�=��Ta�,WA��3 :�3�<«:,�� VICINITY MAP 315��xrtal Ava�u S:�:n,3�i�3Y',Sxa�z,WA?^_'�,�4 2C:.�o'.2425 TEl �-- __ _ ��� �����'''fff, �f ;`if7�;- � � 4 �1f�•'.t '� ,�. �� �ti, k ��� ; r `� '� �,�``��, . �� � . 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""- ri"'' I i i ; i ;__ l _ � r--F-=;�;.p _L�'��, SITE ' j i _I ' s � l � � j .��_�- j Wt� —, , i i � ; � : j . ' ' I � -- — i i �'� 1 ] i ��.� —� ..-�---r,l,:.�..__ � ; � j �� -- -- yw:+ _–` ---� -. ', `��-t �( �? nso- - -- -(- � �'` I n I -^'�_ �: ' _ ' �.�...-�` � �r`+ � `'• \ \ ._�..__.;--_�. , i —� � �". �\ \j _...t � .. _�.y � ���• -- �� � �� �4 l • itu _�__� � ,� �e �,.' f � }�� t � 1 i i � . ( i }� _ y \ � pl)4 � � '�. ± � I "" ` .,i � � � I � i �_ . _ � � � _- -- ___..� Q - � � � 1 k ,i:aeoo ' �,.E,�., ���� �,�. �_��� Q Q � Q ��"�' RAINIER STATION 203615.10 A'5 T A C C M A � �E A T T L E DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE MAP 2'_151h_M i_�N Strarl S�Rz n'.�.Tzccma.WA�id:_ _ _ci�/2:TEL N ?tEC:�dertalAvmrSc_�th.Sv�e:C_.5_zna'Nn-�1Y �_..,c:�C'lEl � I� � � �� Z � � � ' � � � � jRM�2g � � ` � � ,�� � N�RTH BTH S,FEET I � I � � . ! 1 �� � : I � ; i �;_ ,. 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I � �` ' � � � , NOR?H 6TH STREET �� �` � ,p '; �, . . � F. �� �� ' F100D INSURANCE RATE MAP ; ; � �� ' ,� , '�� 11,I! , � �';� � zotve x � � � . � ¢ � - � Z ii I � i HING COUNTY, , ZONE X � ,, =`�+ .. � ; � �� , �� � �� :, � z z z ° Q �� ��i�� �:, ,� VVASHiNGTON AND ' t � � , ` :;` � ' �` � '� ;;�� INCORPOR.ATED AR.EAS �� = � I ' �' � � ��.. . , � ; � ` !� � , �z 1 �� � '� i ,n%� 5TH m 1 ' �_ ` �� ZONE c � i � ���, NCRTH ETH STREET i������ I � i srREE� � ��� ' � �� ` -,�,�``�,1 x w �I' I; PANEL 917 Of 1125 E � � ��� � � R..12,�r , ' . z � � j ,. � � ,'� ; �j j CITY OF �NTON � I � �� ISEE MAP iNCEX FOR ?AhELS NOT PRINTEDi � �� / 1 `�. � � �` �/ Q pp N`N 4TH �--�-� t � ' u' "' "' �3��00 �� I I � � u -,'�' ... � � � �PLACE 1 �"'2 s , .,��L3U+n�/ S' d � � > > a �I! �� I f � � � r ' �&r.�'g� i � : r ��' z � Q a a c� I I,{I, I� CO�JT4INS_ � �F { �� � i � �ti � � �'��-�r,t,,..��` � \ 2 I� � � 0�!:i�:iur,ITl' hUMBER PANEL SJFFiX t ZONE X � � �I -- � �j� � ` i � - �• �' f���_ � r STRErT �I � G �. ��-; � i �Gt� , �� NORTH 4TH NbV 4TH }: � --^�- i ,� �— 4' Zp / i�l I ' flUrINCORPTa:;E�� .9E[.S 539D77 09Ti F � ] � 1 _ .�'t . ��/ .� f� � 'DJ,y � i�l� '�I I� REN�=JN C.�.'' OF 5?GG9B G9�� � I STREET s � i �.! �.s � ,F i � H � w / I. i � '� � � 4 .�- � i�' i � ���'f\ 1 `z � � � ��P � ��'� I�� ; _..__._-; t � ,, t � � a � Q O �I�i I: I < < ' ,; d -� J >- x C NORTH MARION I I ���' i _ � j :, : ` ,! � '� � � � � � � z � STREET � � I�� �II�I ��''.( � N�A' 3RD P�q� � ,,-"`�� f- �� �; i ! � E ; ^ �_ZONE�AF � a `� � r ��� t � '���' I i w o� - �i F= ���_', `-��� � �ORr � i 3 � �r � >= h k, 2� -�` :t k� �+'� 3RD STREET j I �- 2 r 3�� �� I �� O C,(" � ---- , r �� � ° � j 4 - �' '' ' ' � ' j MAP NUMBER Z Q� _ � ��� ? w 1;' � � �ZONE X � '���` = '�� � � � N BROOKS � �� � ; � 53033C0971 f � � - � ;�`� � O'9T AI�RT�• Q 57fiEE � 2 �:� I j r � �'��,�, ti ST h 2ND �J �II i, � Q �; �;,� Rffr � 1` �i .,�, , ,:AY,, MAP REVISED: J RM2?� �'' � i /�\''• ,� �_ � � `4����s�; MAY 16 1995 u, SOU7H AIqpORT ��.1� �J� NORTH 2NC STRL"ET 2 � ,S '�- S � i S I�VAY � � j � NOR�H 2ND STR�ET } ; ye • Q �'C x� 'l� � S], � c � a05 � :i.,f <o E � O O �:P�� 2> � � = av � SOUTH TILLICiJ�h STR=Ei ��j �� ��J � Q � y.,��•`�' i w ��N 5� � �x � � NOFiH " I z ��� �� s � � ti_ � �y /� ; !I �, a� ;ro•s � � ��' . � 9FFT � � i il i�i�i Federal Emergency Management Agency i Z; G�y SOUTH iOBIN STREET ` � `� � � / � '' I � � �L�, � � S 7081N ST I �' i',- � \ s.� ��, W 1 �r � � /ZONE AE � z � ; �i �� � �� �5� � This is an oficial copy of a portion ot the abrne referenceo Tlood map R i j � � 1. r�� � �O� f Q'� �ras extrac[ed using F-MIT On-Line Thls map tices not retlect changes � G > p �• Q \ � � C or amendments whicn may ha�,e been made su6sequent to the date on the . C �'� i� ��;� ' / � Q ��vF nL'e dock. For the latest product i�formacior about Natronal F;ood Ins�rance � � Z ��� �\ ��' �I program�cod maps check the FEDdA`rlood Map Sto�e at wxr+msclema gov KIYG COUNTY � (� � ;��-� APPENDIX 6 ��, TIR Worksheet King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORIIAATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner: Project Name: Rainier Station JDA Group LLC Location Mr. Jack Alhadeff Township 23N Address: Range 5E 95 South Tobrn Streef .............Section SW%a, 7 Renton, WA 98055 Phone Project Engineer: � Glenn Hume, P.E. Company AHBL, lnc. Address/Phone 253 383 2422 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS APPLICATION Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision X Grading COE 404 X Rockery X Commercial DOE Dam Safety X Structural Vaults Other FEMA Floodplain Other - COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Drainage Basin ; West Hill Drainage Basin/ Cedar River 'I Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS River Floodplain Wetlands Stream Seeps/Springs Critical Stream Reach High Groundwater Table Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge Lake X Steep Slopes Other B-1 Part 7 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities " AgD 15-40% Moderate to severe Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION X Sedimentation Facilities X Stabilize Exposed Surface X Stabilized Construction Entrance X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities X Perimeter Runoff Control X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris X Clearing and Grading Restrictions X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities X Cover Practices X Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas X Construction Sequence Other Other B-2 Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM Grass Lined Tank Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel X Vault SBUN Energy Dissapator Depression X Pipe System Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigati Wetland on of Eliminated Site Open Channel Waiver Storage Stream Dry Pond Regional Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation Storm runoff from fhe southern portion of fhe site is collected in catch basins and connected to the joint wet vault as designed for the 6`h Street Short Plat project. The northern portion of the site is � collected and conveyed to a proposed wet vault. Both wet vaults connect fo the existing storm conveyance system in Rainier Avenue N. Roof drains from the three buildings wil!bypass the wet vaults and connect to the sform system in Rainier Avenue N. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation - Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANAIYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS X Drainage Easement ` X Cast in Place Vault Access Easement X Retaining W all Native Growth Protection Easement Rockery>4' High Structural on Steep Slope Tract X Other X Other Utilities Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ' I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Si ned,�Date B-3 APPENDIX C Hydrologic Analysis , C-1 Drainage Basin Map C-2 Pre-Developed Basin Summary C-3 Pre-Developed 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-4 Developed Basin Summary C-5 Developed Basin 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph C-6 Basin 2 Treatment Summary C-7 Basin 2 Treatment Hydrograph C-8 — C-15 Conveyance System Summary I�.�I�' .. � �� �r,:.. w;aae �...� ' � .\\.. .. . . . �� � � •... . \ '+ �w�.,.. . \ � - \ ' .. 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' �� ► ��•.p • ' \ - � . . . . a� \` '�� Z 3i ; . �° � \ t � .n,•m ' � � �� 4\ • .. � 7 Z • . .. ' ��� � �.��. . .�t �, --���- � y P _ \ � -* N � .. �v �v� r \ . . \ ' . .. � ���.�. \ �� � ` • .��•��� � � ♦ � s/ .,P'/+ p .. � . \ , \\� � \ C O � � �o ^ � c� � � � . . . � .o � \ •\ � T tn 6+ m , . . . . T p r'�' � - � \ � � �?�+ �� \ � '\ � .°• p' � \ � \ � D m � � . v '` cn—' . � , . . • , p�� \ . \ � � . \\ r �C .. . • . , - ..� .�i � ` N'e �. r n .o V � \ . i /� �. ,� � v . . . 0 /Z� � � / \ , , u+ � � � � � / t `` � �\ � , :�- . - - �'� � .. r"` � `\ � � '� , \ \ �Jl � ^ * � \\ \ \i� ' 1` I � � , � 0 \ ,`-T . 1 � 1 I ` � * � 1 ; 11� � r Cml Bgineers � � �°' y �x � sm•d��ie��Mem p Cd r LaMscapeArchifecfa ..�. Cammun�p�Pianners ■ � _ � laMSurveynrs _ - NeS�DOrS ___ RAINIER STATION TACOMA SEATTLE 203615.10 �_� 2215 NoAh 30th Sireet,Suite 300,Tacoma,WA 984U3 253.383.2422 TEL DRAINAGE BASIN/CONVEYANCE �AP 316 Occidental Avenue Soulh,Suite 320,Seattle,WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL PRE-CC Event Summary -�-----�- ---._�_ -----�--- — Event Peak Q (cfs)iPeak T(hrs) iHyd Vol (acft);Area (ac)�Method jRaintype 100 yr 1.8649 �� 8.00 ; 0.6480 ! 2.5510 j SBUH C PYT E 1 A Record Id: PRE-CC Design Method i SBUH �Rainfall type � TYPEIA ! Hyd Intv i 10.00 min rPeaking Factor 84 4 00 i j iAbstraction Coeff 0.20 � Pervious Area (AMC 2) j 0.97 ac DCIA � 1.58 ac �i Pervious CN i 81.00 iDC CN 98.00 Pervious TC � 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min ---- ---------------- — _--- ------ i, . Pervious CN Calc �: Description ( SubArea Sub cn 2ND GROWTH FOREST �0.97 ac 81.00 � Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) �81.00 �'; Pervious TC Calc j' Type Description Length Slope j C Misc TT j, Fixed �None nE tered � 5.00 min i Pervious TC 5.00 min �I, ;� � Directly Connected CN Calc j� Description �—SubArea Sub cn '� EXST. PVMT � 1.58 ac 98.00 'I �, DC Composited CN (AMC 2) j 98.00 �j 'i Directly Connected TC Calc j� �; Type Description � Length Slope � C eo f;Misc � TT i; }� Fixed None Entered 5.00 min � Directly Connected TC , S.00min I' , C-2 Hydrograph ID: PRE-CC - 100 yr --- � , . -----; Area 2.5510 ac r Hyd Int I10.00 min iBase Flow i Peak flow 1.8649 cfs Peak Time�.00 hrs ; Hyd Vol �0.6480 acft Time(hr) Flow(cfs)i Time(hr) �Flow(cfs)!Time(hr) Flow(cfs) 0.67 0.0042 8.67 0.8048 � 16.33 r�0.2753 0.83 0.0177 8.83 0.6819 I6.50 0.275� ' _-- --- 1.00 0.0348 � 9.00 I 0.6852 � 16.67 � 0.2757 1.17 0.0539 9.17 � 0.6020 � 16.83 � 0.2759 133 0.0722 9.33 0.5180 I7.00 02761 1.50 0.0849 9.50 0.5197 17.17 02671 j 1.67 0.0991 9.67 0.4952 1733 0.2580 1.83 0.1121 �� 9.83 0.4705 � 1 57 0 0.2582 2.00 0.1204 � 10.00 0.4718 17.67 0.2583 2.17 0.1318 10.17 0.4466 ; 1 83 0.2585 233 0.1426 10.33 0.4214 � 18.00 0.2587 2.50 0.1483 10.50 0.4223 18.17 0.2496 � 2.67 O.I532 10.67 0.4055 1833 0.2405 2.83 0.157� 10.83 0.3886 j I8.50 0.2�106 I 3.00 0.1611 ll.00 0.3893 ! 18.67 0.2407 ; 3.17 0.1643 1I.17 03812 18.83 0.2409 j 3.33 0.1671 j l� 1.33 03730 19.00 0.2410 i 3.50 0.1696 11.50 0.3736 19.17 0.2318 j 3.67 0.1772 11.67 0.3653 , 1933 0.2227 � 3.83 0.1847 j 11.83 0.3569 i 19.50 0.2228 ! 4.00 0.1867 i 1� 2.00 03574 f 19.67 0.2229 � 433 0.2139 1233 03405 20.00 0.2231 4.50 0.2183 �2.50 �3410 20.17 0.2232 4.67 0.2347 12.67 0.3324 20.33 0.2233 4.83 0.2513 12.83 0.3238 � 20.50 02234 ' 5.00 0.256] 13.00 03242 � 20.67 0.2235 ( 5.17 0.2733 13.17 03246 j 20.83 0.2236 5.33 0.2907 � 1333 �0.3250 �21.00 �.2237 5.50 0.2955 13.50 03253 21.17 0.2238 � 5.83 0.3314 13.83 0.3079 21.50 0.2240 j 6.00 0.3363 14.00 0.3082 21.67 0.2241 � 6.17 03686 14.17 �.3086 i 21.83 0.2242 i 633 0.4014 i Ir 4.33 0.3089 j 22�10 0.2243 6.50 �0.4070 � 14.50 I 0.3092 r 22.17 � 0.2150 6.67 0.4555 � 14.67 0.3003 2233 0.2057 ' 6.83 0.5048 ± 14.83 0.2915 � 2 52 0 0.2058 ' 7.00 0.5117 � 15 W 0.2918 � 22.67 0.2059 7.17 0.5707 I 5.17 0.2920 ; 22.83---� 0.2060 733 0.6305 1533 0.2923 23.00 0.2061 ', 7.50 r 0.6387 -j---I 5.50 � 0.2925 � 23.17----� -0.2061 ' 7.67 1.2197 r 15.67 0.2836 � 23.33 � 0�.2062 7.83 1.8205 �5.83 0.2747---�-23.50 -- 0.2063 - 8.00 1.8649 i 16.00 0.2749 23.67 -- 0.2063 ; 8.17 1.4000 --� 16.17 I 0.2751 r 23.83--� 0.2064 833 0.9184 1633 0.2753 � 24.00 0.2065 - ----�--------- - 8.50 0.925R � 16.50 �0.2755 24.17 0.1033 � C-3 DEV-CC Event Summary r--- Event Peak Q (cfs);Peak T (hrs)�Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method;Raintype r----;---- 100 yr 2.1497 ; 8.00 ; 0.7365 i 2.5520 '^SBUH -TYPEIA ; Record Id: DEV-CC Design Method , SBUH �rRainfall type � TYPEIA Hyd Intv ! 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.00 ;Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area (AMC 2) � 0.43 ac !DCIA 2.13 ac Pervioas CN ; 86.00 ;DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min jDC TC 5.00 rnin Pervious CN Calc Description , SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE I 0.43 ac � 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 Pervious TC Calc i Type Description Length ; Slope ; Coeff � Misc � TT , !Fixed None Entered 5.00 min i Pervious TC 5.00 min � Directly Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious 2.13 ac � 98.00 j DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 i Directly Connected TC Calc Type Description Length ( Slope ; Coeff Misc , TT Fixed None Entered , 5.00 min Directly Connected TC ; S.00min C-4 Hydrograph ID: DEV-CC- 100 yr --- -- --------- -----� Area 2.5520 ac � Hyd Int �10.00 min ;Base Flow� � Peak flow 2.1497 cfs�Peak imeT 8.00 hrs � Hyd Vol 0.7365 acft� -�..��- � Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Time(hr) jFlow(cfs);Time(hr) (Flow(cfs) � 0.67 0.0056 �8.67 0.9032 v� 1633 � 0.2934 -� 0.83 0.0238 8.83 OJ623 � 561 0 0.2934 � 1.00 0.0466 �.00 OJ637 j 16.67 �---0.2935 I 1.17 0.0723 �9.17 � 0.6693 j 16.83 � 0.2936T ! ' 1.33 0.0970 933 0.5745 17.00 0.2936 � 1.50 0.1140 ��50 0.5752 17.17 0.2839 � 1.67 0.1330 9.67 0.5470 17.33 �0.2742 � 1.83 0.1504 �8-0 5187 17.50 �?742 2.00 0.1616 � i� 0.00 0.5192 17.67 0.2743 2.17 0.1769 , i�- 0.4908 , 17.83 0.2743 233 0.1913 ; 10.33 0.4623 18.00 �0.2744 ' 2.50 0.1990 i 10 OS � 0.4627 � 18- 0.2647 2.67 0.2056 ! 10.67 0.4437 � 18.33 0.2549 2.83 0.2ll2 j I 8- 0.4247 ! 18.50 0.2549 3.00 0.2162 i 1�-� 0.�250 I 18 67 0.2550 3.17 0.2207 � ]�1.17 0.4156 18 83 0.2550 333 02255 j 1�33 0.4062 � 19.00 0.255( 3.50 0.230i �� 1��� 0.� 4064 �.17 02453 4.00 0.2573 � 12.00 � 0.` 3877 � 1�9.67 0?.356 4.17 0�765 � 12.17 0.3782 j 19.83 0.2356 i 433 0.2958 j 1233 � 0.3686 20.00 0.2357 j 4.50 0.2996 12.50 0.3688 20.17 02357 ' 4.67 03192 � 12.67 �03593 �33 � 0.2357 � 4.83 0.3389 i 12.83 0.3497 20.50 02358 1 5.00 0.3425 13.00 03498 20.67 02358 ; 5.17 0.3625 13.17 � 03500 20.83 0:2358 � 533 03824 j 1333 0350t 2L00 02359 j 5.50 0.3858 � 13.50 � 0.3503 � 21.17 � 02359 � 5.67 0.4060 ( 13.67 r 0.3406 � 2L33 0?359 i 5.83 0.4262 � 1� 3.83 03310 2I.50 0�360 i 6.00 0.4294 � 14�.00 03311 21.67 0.2360 � 6.17 0.4672 � 1� 4.17 03313 21.83 0.2360 ! 633 0.5052 j 14 3 03314 , 22�.00 02361 6.50 0.5086 14.50 �03315 22.17 � 0:2263 I 6.67 0.5651 ( 14.67 �0.3218 �22.33 �164 I I 6.83 0.6219 ! 1 8- 0.3122 i 2 52 0 0.2165 ; 7.00 0.6258 I 15�.00 03123 ; 22.67 � 0.2165 � 7.17 0.6927 � 15.17 03124 1, 22.83 0.2165 733 0.7600 ; 15.33 ( 0.3124 j�23.00 � 0.2165 7.50 0.7643 � 15.50 j-0.3125 - '- - 23.17- - 0.�166 __ _ _ __ _ _ (-- 7.67 1.4417 I 15.67 � 03028 i 2333 � 0.2166 ( 7.83 2.1286 � 15.83 � 0.2931 r 23.50 0.2166 -� i 8.00 2.1497 ; 16.00 0.2932 23.67 0.2166 r-- �------ 8.I7 1.5988 � 16.17 � 0.2933 � 23.83 �2167 i 833 1.0400 j-16.33 0.2934 � ���4.00 0.2167 _i 8.50 1.0432 �16.50 0.2934 24.17 r 0.1084 ! C-5 TREATMENT2 Event Summary �------ Event Peak Q (cfs)�eak T(hrs) ;Hyd Vol (acft) �Area (ac);Method Raintype� Treat 0.1212 � 8.00 ; 0.0403 �1.0190 j SBUH TYPEIA ! '_'____-"�"_'________..__ ' ._. __J Record Id: TREATMENT2 Design Method � SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA � Hyd Intv � 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.00 ! jAbstraction Coeff �.20 � Pervious Area (AMC 2) I 0.00 ac �DCIA �02 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN � 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min iDC TC 5.00 min - --------- — - ---------i Directly Connected CN Calc � Description � SubArea Sub cn � IMPERVIOUS 1.02 ac � 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 Directly Connected TC Calc i Type Description Length Slope j Coeff Misc � TT Fixed None Entered �5.00 min Directly Connected TC S.00min Runoff Volume= 0.0403 ac-ft(17�5 cubic feet) Wet Vault Dimensions SOft x lOft x 4ft water depth = 2000 cubic feet C-6 Hydrograph ID: TREATMENT2 -Treat Area �1.0190 ac �Hyd Int r10.00 min Base Flow•j � Peak flow 0.1212 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs i Hyd Vol �0.0� 403�acft��� �� -r-----! Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Time(hr) �Flow(cfs)';Time(hr) �Flow(cfs) � �� 2.67 0.0006 � 10.00 O.U319 � 17.00---� 0.0190 � �� 2.83 0.0016 1017 0.0303 17J7 �0.0184 '� ���� i � 3.00 0.0022 �_ 1033� �0286 � _1733 ._ 0.0177- � , 3.17 �.0029 � 10.50 � 0.0287 � 17.50 � 0.0178 i 333 �.0035 10.67 0.0275 17.67 0.0178 � II 3.50 0.0041 10.83 0.0264 � 1�7.83- 0.0178 � I 3.67 0.(1048 11.00 0.0265 18.00 0.0178 �''��, �i 3.83 0.0055 11.17 0.0259 18.17 OA172 � � 4.00 0.0061 11.33 0.0254 18.33 0.0165 ': 4.17 0.0070 j ll.50 0.0255 �8.50 0.0166 i 433 0.0080 ( 11.67 0.0249 � 1�8.67 0.�166 C 4.50 0.0086 11.83 0.0243 i I�8.83 � 0.�1�� 4.67 0.0097 12.00 0.0244 19.00 E 0.0166 i 4.83 0.0109 12.17 0.0238 i 19.17 0.0160 � 5.00 0.0115 , 1� 0.0233 ! 19.33 0.0153 I 5.17 0.0127 ; 1 52� OA233 � 1�9.50 0.0153 533 0.0140 , 1�2.67 OA227 � l� 9.67 OA153 5.50 0.0146 � 12.83 0.� 0221 � 19.83 OA154 , 5.67 0.0159 � 13.00 0.0222 ( 20 00 0.0154 5.83 0.0172 � 1�� 0.0222 I 20.17 0.0154 6.00 0.0179 1333 ( 0.0222 ; ��_0.33 0.0154 6.17 0.0200 13.50 0.0223 � 2 50 0 0.0154 633 0.0222 ( lr 3.67 0.0217 ! 20.67 � 0,0154 6.50 0.0229 �13.83 OA211 i 2� 0.0154 6.67 0.0261 14.00 0.0211 j 21.00 0.0154 6.83 0.0294 14.17 0.021 i ( 21.17 0.0154 7.00 0.0303 1433 0.0212 � 2� 1.33 0.0154 7.17 0.0343 14.50 r 0.0212 C 21.50 I 0.0154 7.33 0.0384 14.67 0.0206 � 21.67 0.0154 7.50 0.0394 14.83 0.0200 j 2�.83 0.0154 � 7.67 0.0767 15.00 0.0200 i �2� .�00 0.0154 II 7.83 0.1162 15.17 o.ozoo � 22.17 0.0148 1 8.00 0.1212 15.33 0.0201 22.33 0.0142 i s.i� (oo9zo isso ( 0.020� �- z2so ( o.o�az ! 833 OA608 15.67 0.0195 �22.67 0.0142 i 8.50 0.0616 � 1 83 �.0189 ; 22.83 0.0142 ; 8.67 0.0537 16.00 0.0189 � 23.00 0.0142 i 8.83 0.0457 � 16J7 0.0189 � 23.17 0.0142 i 9.00 r 0.0460 � 16.33 �0.-0189 23.33 r 0.0142 i -�------ ' 9.17 j 0.0405 � 16.50 � 0.0189 ! 23.50 � 0.0142 -� 933 0.0349 16 67 ( 0.0189 23.67 0.0142 � 'r_-___.-._� .. 9.50 � 0.035] j 16.83 ; 0.0190 � 23.83 � 0.0142 i ��� 9.67 OA335 17.00 � 0.0190 ' 2A.00 0.0142 ��I 9.83 0.0318 i7.17--r-O.U184 ' 24.17 � 0.0071 ---�, I' - ------_ .. --- ----_ _'_ __ _ ____ , C'7 Layout Report: RAINIER STATION Event Precip(inl� 25 yr 3.4000 100 yr 3.9000 ROUTE HYDTHROUGH [RAINIER STATION]USING TYPEIA AND [25 yr] SCS/SBUH Reach ID Area(ac) F7ow(cfs) Full Q(cfs) Full ratio rnDepth(ft) Size �nVe�fUs)iNe� 1(ftls)�CBasin/Hyd R 1 0.2950 0.2281 2.7605 0.08 � 0.1943 12"Diam 2.1259 3.5147 �B 1 R2 0.4230 � O.r 3271 2.8159 0.12 j 0.2300 12"Diam 23975 3.5853 ,B2 ; ' R3 0.7180 0.5553 2.�77 0.23 j 03237 l2"Diam 2.5222 3.1165 � I ��I ° I ��-����i R4 0.3530 0...730 18.4500 0.01 0.084� 12"Diam 8.5599 23.4912 B3 � 1.0200 0.7888 10.4334 � 0 08 ? 0.1860 12"Diam 7.8256 13.2842 :Br4 R6 1.0200 0.7888 3.9159 0.20 0.3042 12"Diam 3.9046 4.9859 � From Node � To Node Rch Loss(fy;App(ft)�Be�':Junct Loss(ft) HW Loss Elev(ft);Ma�j � 40.� 3711 � SDMH#2 � EXST CB 40.9412 i;0.9509 0.1724 �- 40.1627 � 50. 41 0 FI.OW SPL1Ti'ER 2� SDMH#2 44.9800 � ----- �� -----� 44.9800 49.5800 CB#4 �FL.OW SPLITTER 2 44.9833 �r----� ----- 44.9833 �9.3600 � CBM3 FLOV4'SPLITTER 47J668 ;0.(0 72 0.0034 � 0.0012 47.7687 48.9900 CBq2 ': CB#3 47.7739 ��_( ------ 47.7739 48.6400 � f ----- 47.77..6 i 48.6400 CB#1 � CB#3 47.7726 ; ------ �----�-� ROUTEHYD THROUGH [RAINIER STATION] USING TYPElA AND [100 yr] SCS/SBUH Reach ID Area(ac) Flow(cfs) Full Q(cfs)jFull ratio;nDe� Size !nVel(fUs)!fVel(fUs)iCBasin!Hyd� R1 0.2950 0.2628 � 2.7605 0.10 � 0.2085 12"Diam� 2.2145 � 3.47 jB�� R2 0.4230 0.3768 2.8159 �� 0.13- 0.2471 12"Diam� 2.4954 3.5853 �B� R3 � 0.71 SO 0.6397 2.4477 I 0.26 � 0.��12"Diam� 2.6200 3.1 l65 � R4 0.3530 03145 � 18. 54�00 j 0.02 0.�908 12"Diam j 8.8630 � 23.49�1 jB3 RS 1.0200 0.9087 10.4334 0.09 ' 0.1997 �12 Di ma � 8.1432 13.2842 ;B4- R6 1.0200 0.9087 3.9159 0.23 � 0.� 3276 ,12"Diam� 4.0601 4.9859 �- From Node � To Node Rch Loss(fl)�App(fq Bend(ft) Junct Loss(ft) HVG Loss Elev(ft) Max EI(ft)I � 40.94 � SDMH#2 _ EXSTCB r 40.9843 _� 10297 �0-1867 ;� ------ 40_1413 j 50.� 1400 � FLOW SPLITTER 2� SDMHt12 45.0231 � � �-- � 45.0231 49.5800 , CB#4 FLOW SPLIT'['ER 2 45.0275 ��- � ------ 45.0275 ' 493600 ' CBri3 �FLOWSPLITTER 47.7723 �00036 �0.0045 � 0.0015 47.7748 � 48. 099 0� �-i CB#Z ; CB#3 47J817 j ----- �_�---- 47J8U ; 48.6400 ; _--__- - --- - -- -- �----- ; �--CB#1 .CB�3 � 1'�40(1 -,^_ --- r-- �17�R00 48 6�00 --------- -- - - C'8 I Reach Records Record Id: R1 Section Shape: iCircular I Unifocm Flow Method: Manning's Ccefficient: �0.0120 I Routing Method: I'Travel Time Translation�Contrib� uting Hyd I DnNode CBk3 UpNode CBkI Material ;DIP Size �l2"Diam Ent L.osses �Headwr all Length �57.0000ft �Slo�pe—�O.SI�i Up Invert i45.7900 fl ___ Dn Invert �5.5000 f� � . Record Id: R2 Section Shape: �rCircular I Uniform F7ow Method:�Manning's CcefficienC �0.�120 Routing Method: �Travel Time Translation�ontributing Hyd� DnNode iCBl13 �UpNod�e CB#2 Material jSmooth CPEP ;Si��12"Diam i Ent Losses �Headwall ' I.ength 17.0000 h Slope �0.53�� � Up Invert �5.5900 ft �Dn Invert �45.5000 ft' Record Id: R3 Section Shape: Circular I Unifortn F7ow Method:�Manning's �Cce 5 0.0120 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contribuung Hyd�I DnNode F1.OW SPLIT[ER UpNode CB#3 Mazerial Smooth CPEP Size 12"Diam Ent L.osses Headwall L.ength 25.0000 fl Slope �0.4�j Up Invert 45.50p0 ft �Dn Inven 45�if ; Record Id: R4 �--_-------; Section Shape: jCircular � ------- , ____ _ _ __-- Unifortn Flow Method:�Manning's Cceffic�ent: 0.0120 Routing Method: 'Cravel Time Translation�Con[nbu[ing Hyd� DnNade ;F1.OW SPLITTER 2 UpNode ;C6�4 ' Material ;Sm�th CPEP Size 12"Diam ', Ent Losses !Headwall --- - — ----- Length i 1 1.0000 ft Slope r22J3xc Up Inven �44.5000 ft IDn Invert 42.0000 ft; C-9 Record Id: RS Sxtion Shape: jCircular ! t Uniform Flow Method: Manning's � Coefficient: r.0120 Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd DnNode SDMH#2 ;UpNode �FLOV. SPLITTER 2 Material jCorr Metal-nortnal iSiu—_—�12"Diam Ent Losses �Headwall Length i56.0000 ft Slope 7.27'� Up Inven ,44.5000 ft �Dn In���40.4300 fl � Record Id: R6 Section Shape: �Circular � Uniform Flow Method: hfanning's Ccefficient: 0.0120 Routing Method: �Trave]Time Translation�C�ributing Hyd� DnNode EXST CB rUpNode )SDMH#2 Material Smooth CPEP jSi� 12"Diam Ent Losses iHeadaall L,ength 42.0000 ft ;Slope �1.02% Up Invert 40.4300 ft iDn Invr en—40.0000 ft �_i '-. � C-10 Node Records Record Id: CB#1 Descrip: CATCH BASIN J �Increment �0.10 f[ III Start EI. �45.7900 ft �Max EL �48.6400 ft i Classification Catch Basin 4 jStructure Type �CB-TYPE 1 ' � Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Wingwall sq edge:.ke=0.5 Channelization�Curved or Deflector i I Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area �3.9700 sf I � i Condilion Proposed � Record Id: CB#2 Descrip: CATCH BASIN �Incre�j0.10 ft � Start EL 45.5900 ft �Max E� 1—i48.6100 ft Classification Catch Basin Swcmre Type {CB-TYPE 1 --- —--- Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Win wall s ed e:.ke=0.5 Channelization rCurved or Deflecror B 9 8 , Catch �r4160 ft jBotrom Area �3.9700 sf Condition ;Proposed , Record Id: CB#3 Descrip: CATCH BASIN �lncrement s0.10 ft Start EI. 45.5000 ft {Max E� l. i48.9900 ft Classificatioo Catch Basin aSVuct� ure Type jCB-TYPE 1 Ent Ke �CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Wingwall sq edge;.ke=0.5�Chann�elization',Cun�ed or Deflec[or Catch 1.4160 ft iBotto�m Area �3.9700 sf Condition �Prop�sed � Record Id: FLOW SPLITTER Descrip: FLOW'SPLITTER �Increment ;0.]Ofr t ' Start EI. -9999.9004 ft Ma�c EL �49.2100 ft � Classification�Catch Basin Structure Type iCB-T1'PE 2-54 Ent Ke Ch1P:Headwall or Headwall&�4'ingwall sq edge;.ke�.5 Channelization Curved or Deflector( I Catch 2.0000 ft Bottom Area �15.9040 sf Condition Existing � C-11 Record Id: CB#4 --------- ----------- __---------_-------------- Descrip: iCAT'CH BASIN j[ncrement �0.10 ft ' Stan EI. i44.5000 ft �Max El. ;493600 fi Classification Catch Basin Structure Type .CB TYPE 1 Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Wingwall sq edge;.ke-0.5 iChann� elization �Curved or Deflector, Catch 1.4160 ft ;Br ottom Area �3.�9�00 sf Condition Proposed Record Id: FLOW SPLITTER 2 Descrip: �FT.OW SPLITTER �Increment ;0.10 ft ( Start EL E44.5000 fr � ('viaY El �'49.5800 h Classification Catch Basin Structure Type ;CB-7YPE 2-54 ! Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Wingwall sq edge;.ke=0.5 jChannelization;Curved or Deilector� Catch 2.0000 fr Bottom Area j I5.9040� sf Co�ition �Proposed � Record Id: SDMH#2 _--- ---- ---------- Descrip: Manholestructure �Increment ,0.(�ft ; Stan El. 40.4300 ft �ax El. ;50.1400 ft � Classification Manhole Structure Type IMH-TYPE 1-48 � Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&Wingwall sq edge;.ke--0.5 Channelization ICurved or Detlecror i Catch 0.0000 ft �Botrom Area �125664 sf � 1 �Condir tion— Proposed ! i i Record Id: EXST CB -- ----- _----- Descrip: EXISTING CB �[ncrement 0.10 ft � Start EI. 24.9300 ft Max El. �48.7400 ft � Classification Catch Basin SVucture Type ,CB-TYPE 2-54 � Ent Ke CMP:Headwall or Headwall&V4'ingwail sq edge;.ke�.5 Channelization';Curved or Deflector i Catch 2.0000 ft Bottom Area �15.9040 sf Condition ,Existing ! C-12 Contributing Drainage Areas Record Id: B1 --- ------------------___-- �----- ------- --------- -------- Design Method SBUH Rainfall type i TYPEIA Hyd Intv � 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.Op jAbstr raction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area(A�iC 2) I 0.00 ac �DCIA �0.29 ac Pervious CN � 0.00 �DC C� V 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC � 5.00 min Direcdy Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Subcn �'', (. CNPERVIOUS 0.29 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 (' -- --�' • DirecUy Connected TC Calc I i Type j Description { Le� Slope Cceff �Misc � � Fixed �None Entered �- 5.00 min I Direcd�Connected TC S.00min � Record Id: B2 Design Method SBtiH �Rainfall type i 7'YPEIA Hyd Intv j ]0.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 i Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area(AbiC 2) ; 0.00 ac DCIA i �.42 ac ', Pervious CN ; 0.00 �DC CN I--- 98.00 !, Pervious TC j 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Directly Connected CN Calc I� Description j SubArea Sub cn � Qv1PERV10tiS �- 0.42 ac �8.00 ! i DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 � I i DirecUy Connected TC Calc I i - -------- ---- Type �scription � Length � Slope � Cceff � Misc � TT �i Fixed Vone Entered � 5.00 min DirecUy Connected TC S.00min �; C-13 Record Id: B3 --- - - _.--- _ _ -------- . _�----- - DesignMethod SRL:H Rainfalltype TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 �— � Abstraction Coeff � 0.20 Pervious Area(AMC 2) � 0.00 ac ;DCIA 035 ac �Perrious CN 0.00 ,DC— 98.00 Pervious TC 0.�0 min DC TC �.00 min DirecUv Connected CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn IMPERVIOUS 0.35 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN(AMC 2) 98.00 �-- DirecUy Connected TC Calc Type { Description Length Slope Cceff �Misc TT Fixed None Entered j 5.00 min I Directiv Connected TC 5.06�nin Record Id: B4 Design:�iethod j SBliH iRainfalltype j TYPEIA Hyd Intv 10.00 min �Peaking Factor 484.00 � � Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area(ADiC 2) ; 0.00 ac �DCIA 0.67 ac Pervious CN � 0.00 �DC CV 98.00 Pervious TC j 0.00 min DC TC � 5.00 min Directly Connected CV Calc Description ; SubArea Sub cn QetPERV10US i 0.67 ac 98.00 DC Composired CN(A�1C 2) �— 98.00 DirecUy Connected TC Calc Type Description � Le�— Slope CoeFf ( Misc TT Fixed None Entered � 5.00 min �— Direcdy Connected TC � S.00min C-14 �. . �.141J E� Ed Y�+�' l� �ata hirsc neb — --– __ __ _--------- _ _ .__ . 'O ('i"�' =�P �i $ � : � \";��40 �Li_'', � -- g zo�,s(cq E��'c Basns Bl ez 47.780 ft 83 84 �, � DEV-CC .�.. �oev-sv �PRE{C aaE-SP 0.2Q ds aacrorrae TESC �TREAT�NT 47,750 R 4F1'77511 TREATM1IENT2 �s.o2e x �'�.�aa �. � �_l 1« e����rut�s� '•� 10.399 fl 0.3 ds 0.3 cfs !�.� ���� 4� 762 ft 45�023 ft 40.141�ryg1�' F3�Nodes / F} Read�es {_.� 0.91 ds � i�« �`. � ��� � � ----.. —._ .._.__._ _.._.__ .__._—.. . --._ ._...._--------._...__ .—._..._f —...— :SB3 y�-1 I52:B Nodes.6 Read�es Y2AfNffA STATION DESIGN Q... . �` � � 1 � i � ' � , \ ,�� , C-15 I