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ORDII�IANGE N0. �.- � �' � �
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� Sectian 1. Sectian 1-503 of Chapter 5, '�itle Z (A�ninistrati,ve} af t3rdi.nance I
No. 1628 enLitled "Code of Genara2 Ordinances of the City o£ Rentan" is hereby au�enc3ed
' to read as follaws:
i, TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS. The City Council shall hald its regular meetings
on the f irst four Monda s of each month, cammencing at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the
Council Chambers af the City Hall. If by reason af any £ire, f7:ood or other emergency,
it sha12 be unsafe to meet in the City Hail, the meetings may be held for the duratian
I af any such emergancy at snch other p2ace as may be designated b$ the Mayar, or if he
should fail or nagleet to aet, by a u►a jcsrity of the members of the City Council. When
( the day f or any regular uzeeting falls on a legal hflliday, no meeti.ng shall be held an
� such holiday.
Sectian 2. The following sectians are hereby added to Chapter 5, Title I �
(Administrative� af Ordinance Na. I628 entitled "Cade oE General Ordinances of the City
af Ren�on'� as €ollows:
1�-SQ4 SPECIAL I�ETINGS, Sgec%al meetings �uay be cal2ed at any tizne by the
��ayor, ar if f our councilinen so request, then the Mayar shall call such a sgecial meeting.
Writt�en notice af the time and placa �f special meetings, including the stated purpose
or purposes thereaf, must be given to each member �f the City Council by handing same
to him personally, or by leaving it at hi,s last and usual place o£ abode, or by leaving
it at his place of business during business hours. No other business shall be considered
at said speeial meeting except that stated in th.e notice. Such written notice may be
dispensed with as to any Cauncilman who at or priar to the tima the meeting ca�venes
f iles with the City Clerk a written waiver of notice. Such waiver may be gi.ven by
tele�ra�u. Such written notice may also be dispensed with as to any Couneilman wha is �
aetually present at the meeting at the time it canvenes.
1-545 STUDY SESSIONS. The President of the City CaunciZ ar the N,ayor with '
the concurrence of not less than f our Councilmen may hold study sessiarts in the Cauncil ,
Chambers o£ the City Hall or at such other piace as may be determined by the �ouncil,
for the gnttpase of hearing reports fram the sta£f and reviewing, discussing and deb�ting
matters of interest to tha City. Such sessions shail be apen ta the gublic a�td the
press. Na aff icial action shali be taken at a stndy sesaion, provided, however, that i
nathing herein shall be deemed to prevent the taking of an inf orcnal vote on anp matter
under discussi.on. The participati.an of tha publia in any sueh study sessians shall be
subject to the discretion af the Presiding Off icer.
Ail regular and special meetings of the City Cauncil, tpgether with
study sessions, shall be open ta members of the public exeapt where the interest af the
City requires secrecy; provided, hawever, ttte Gity Councii may hald executive sessions
durirtg a ragular or speeial meeting fram which the �t�lic may be exc2udad for the purpase .
of considering uiatters of a conEidentia3. natnre involving persor►nel ar where the interest
of the Gity requires secrecy. In the ev�nt such executive sassi.an isheld, no cnec�ber Qf
the Ci�y Council, employee of the Ciicy, or any other parson gresent durin� an executive
session of the Council shall disclase to any person the cantent or substance of any dis-
r_ussion ar action which took place during said eacecutive session, unless the City Gaunci2
shall autharize the disclosure of such f.nf armation by majority vote.
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g»S06 AGE�1DAo Al2 reporrt�, ao�n�n£catieas� ordic���.ces, �rest�3.uti.orts, c�nts�ct �
dxuments,o ather ma�ters to b� submi��ed to t�he Ci�ty Cou�►�iI at a regula� nsee�ing
' sha�.I be de2i�red �a the Ci�y Cle�rk no� �ate�r �t�an 12 0" c�.ock �oon e�n the Friday
precedi.ng the regulaa: m�eiti.ng« The Gi�y C��rk s�al� prepare �Y�e a�enda �£ a13 such
matter� relatfng to ar re�gu�axing legislativ� a�ti.cm. Such aget�d� sh�ll b�e available
�� �he members af �he Cit�y C�►nci.I o� the Friday preceding the Mondap Cauncil a�eetir�g
ta which it pericains and �he1B be made available to �he pnb].ic no� laterr than 3:00 P.1�.
oa the da�r of the meeting. .
�—� c�cm�c�L �c��s��c�. I
ta3 AlI corresganc�nce adcRressed to th� C3.ty Cout�ci�. which is xece£vecY by
k or an other oEfic�r pr �m �oyee of tt►e Gity shall aot become a� pa�b2ic
the Cit�y C2er y � ,
record ur�til it has been rec:ei�ed anc� fi�.�d with the Ci.ty Council at a regular, spec�.al
or adjourrned meeting o� ttp,e,e C�ncix. Corr�spvndetece z°eceived ia th�s Cfty Glerk°� aat€iee I
or otber offices a�ter �12 naon sm the Friday p�ecedi�ag � regn2ar cauncii meeCirng I
�ha11 not be placed on th+� ��rges�da unless �€t concerr►s a mattes to b� coasidered by tt►e
C�.ty Council +�t the ne�t re�ular m�etin� or �s deter�u£n�8 by the Mayor or the President
af the Cauneil �o be a�a ur��nt matter which shou�d � brought to the i�mtediate attentian
csf tt�e Council. �orarespcnc�ence t�eed a�at b� reac3 aloud sn� �.n its e�tirety at a Cst�
Gcruucil meetiz�►g un2ess requasCedl by a majority v+ate o€ t3� Council.
(b) The City Clerk is �uthotized to open� and exer�ine �ii ma£1 dr ather
wrritten cam�uunications adc�r�essed to the City Cou�ncil and to give it i�mmediate attantfon
to the end that eli ac3a�ini.str�tiv�e buainess r+�ferr�d ta ita saic3 eaz�au�nicatiana ar�d not
necesserily requiring Cauncii action c�ay be ac:tad upan b�tweenCouncil m�eetiags. Tixe
Ci.ty C2erk st►all likew£�e re£efi such ac�niR£s��ativ� m$tttrs forthw3,th ta the Maycr's
affice end £t sba12 be the z�esptmsi�i.l aty t��' �he �4ay+4r to €orward a�ay such cQrresgondereca
or ir�fvrmaticn to the egpropr�,a�e degar�n� af th� City �or proper �ction.
1-508 O�tD�R OF 8t3SZNS�S. T� busi�sess af the C�ut�cil shal� be taken ap gar
coxtsiderat�an8 diapasitirm xn t�e goliqwing ord�r;
I. Pledge af Allegiaaae
2. CaI2 to Order aad �oll �all.
3. Approval o� th�,a Minute�.
4. 3pecia2 Prese�tatio�s,
5. Public '�earings,
6. Ordin�nces for xntroduct�.oa.
7. Ordinances £ar Adoption.
8. �2esalutians €asr Adoption. '
9. Correspondence and Current B�asnesa,
10. Clai.a� £ar Damages.
12. Audience Caaocnents«
22. Agpointm�nts..by Mayar.
13. Qld Business by Counci2. '
� 14. Ne�w Iiusir►ess by Council.
� 15. Audi�nae Com��nts.
I6. Adjournment.
Tt►e afor�said order aF buai�zttesa shall nvt be changed except by m�jorfiity vote
i of the City Cout►ci2.
2-.509 PR.SPEyRATIQN AF MINUTE�. Z'he Cs.ty Clerk shaT1 �ve eacclusive re�pansi-�
bi2ity for p paration uf �h� minutes, and �tay dfrectxons for changes i.a the min+�tes
sh�ll be made cnly bq caajor3.ty° actioa o£ the C�.Ly Cswncil. The City Cout�Gil she21 be
i au�har�ed to use tape recordings at any regular or speci.al m�et�,ngs c� the City Coancil
� �o assi�at in the prep�ratiart of such aain�tes, whieh tape recording neednt� be t�ept �or
mose �asa si.�t caaxtths.
� �t�ING OF MINt31"�S. Unless the re�di�� o� tha �ainutes a� a Counefl
�neeting is s�rdered by a m�jority vota of the Ccanca.l, such minutes zaay be �rproved with�u�
readiag iaE �he City Clerk h�s previ.ously �u�nished each ConcYci.�man with a cagy ther�of.
1-.514 P�ESIDING CIFrFICER. The l�3ayor shall be the Presid%ng. O�gicer �t alI
meetiangs of�the City Council. Zr► the absence of tds� N;ayor, the Pzesident of t&e Counc'sl
sha2l preside., In the absence of both the M�ypr and the Presi.c�eat a� the Counci�, th+�
Council may e2ect� � Pres�.dent praa t�m �sem its am body or �ny� other ele�tar af the City
u►�y be elected President p�o tem. The President pra �e� �hall have all the pcwers af the
President of fi.he Go�t�cil duxia�� the sessi�n o€ the� Coelncil at �hi.ch Lhe Pr�siden� pro �em
is pres idfng �xcept t'hat %f t� ie not a sn�m�ser of �he Cour�c i� he shal I have no vote.
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t�erever in this �hapter �he term i•iayor is used, it sha�2 apply equally to the Presiding
Off icer as d�f anad herein.
(a? Th� mayor vizaZl have a vote only in case of a �ie in the votes af the
Counci�.�s�n. ihe President mf the Caunci�. whi�e presiding or the Pr�sicient pra teue, if
a Courcci.lman, s�ia21 have the right to vate upon �11 questions c�xning 'before ttae Coune�.l.
fb) Sea�in� Ar�angemen� af City �auncfl. 'I`t:e t�4ayvrc �k�13, tagether witb a
�coc�currence �1E a�C least siac Councilmen, f�llaws.ng each Ceunci�manac election and such
o�her time as�y� he deemed necessary, es�ablfsh the saating arrangemerat of the City
Cc) Question to �e Stated. The Presiding f}fficex or such member of the City
s�af� �s may t� c��signeted sha1Z verbaFly restate each questiom fmm�diatelygrior ta
cel�.i�g for the vote. roZlawing the vote the �s.ty C2erk shal� announce whettrer the
qar�stio� carried or was degeatede Ttne Presida.ng Of�icer� in his discretian, may publicly
sta�e the efEea� o£ a vote far the bene£it of �he acadietace, or he ma� direc� a member
of the City staff ta do so, be�'Q�re garoceeding �o the next xtem of bu�inesso
(d? Si�ning af lbcuments. 'The Mayc�r sha11 sign al� �rdin�nces, resolutions,
contracta� and other documersts necessit$ting his signature and all o� such documents
shail be du7y attested �y �he Ci�y Clerk; in th.e event of the ahsence or unavailability
of the P%iayor, the signature of the President of the �ouncil may be used.
(e) Sworn Testimony. Th� kresi.di�g Of�icer may req�sire any person addressing
the City Cauncil to be swor� ,�s � witness end to testify under oath. end the Presiding
Og£icer sha12 eo reQuire if, directed to do so by a cnsyoxa.ty vote of the Council. �
1-5I� $ULES OI�' DE$ATn. �
(a} Getting the F1oar. Every �aunc�la�an des3.ritcg tv speak sha13 firat
address tha Chair, gain recognitiot� by �h� Presiding Q��iner� and shall con�itie himseZ£
te ��e question under dabate, avo£di.mg persona2itias and indecorcc�s language.
(b) Questians to Staff. £svery Councilman desiring to question the City
s�aff shal2, after recogriitioa� by the Pres£ding 0€Picer, address his Questions to the
resp�ctive tcead of ttte depart�ment who shall b� eatftled either to anstwer the £nqniry
hi.s�salf or to designate a member of fais staff for that purpose, ar to tu�tish the
recq�ested informa�ion t4 the inqniring Cauncilman et the earliest possible date.
(c) InterrupCi.ons. A Councilman, oc�ce �cecognized, shall nat be interrupted
whea spesking unless ealled to order by the Pre�iding Off icar� unless a point o€ order
or personal privilege is raised by another �ouncslm�n, Qr unlesa �h� speaker chooses to
yie2d to a question by �another Council�an. Yf a Councilaran, whi2e speaki,alg, is called
�m arder, he �hall cease speaking untiR th� questioa oP orde� is detexm ined and, if
de�ermined to be i.n order, he may proceed. F�;embers of the City sfia�£ �fter recognition
by �he Fresiding 0£ficer sizall ho2d tt�e floo� uratil completion of their reaiarks or until
recognition is withdrawn by the Presidi�g Of�icer,
(d) Poi.r►ts o£ tJrder. T'h� Presiding Off icer shall d��e�zni�e aI l points of
order subjr�et to tt� right of any Cotistcilmar� ta appeal to the City Council. I£ an eppeal
is takerr, the questim sha�.l be, "St�e�ll the decisi�a of the Presidi.�g Officer be sustained?"
A msjority vote shall canclusivefly determine such question of ar@er.
te) Point of Persoaal Privile�e, Tihe right o€ a Cauncilsaan to address the
Ci�y Counci.Z � a questir�n �of parsonal privi.lege shail be Iimited ta c�aes in which his
£ntegrity, character or mo�ives are questioned or where the weTfare a� tiie Council is
cancerttec3. Any Cauncilman raisireg � point of personal privilege map interr�ipt anot2zer
Councilman who has tha floor only� if �he P�e��ding �fficer recognizes tt� p�ivilege.
(f) privile�e of Closin� Debate. The Councilman c�oving the adop�iot� of an
erdingnce, resolution or tnofion sha13 have th� privi].ege of cI os ireg deba�e.
(g) Lim�.tatiorc of D�batev No �ounci.lman shall be al2awed �to ffipeak more thaa� �
ance upan any particular subject u�ati2 eve�y o�ther Coun�ilman desixia� ro do so sha12
h�ve spoken.
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(h) Entry of Ayes and 1Voes on Journ8l. At 2ny t�me, �t the reqti�st Of any
two members of the Council, the ayes and no0ason any question may be taken and entered
�•��n the journal and they must be taken and entered upon the passage or all ordinances
appropri.ating money, i.mpcsi.ng taxes, abolishing licenses, i.ncreasing or Iessening the
amount to be pa id f or 1 icenses.
(i) cZemarks of Councilmen and Synopsis of Debate. A Councilman may request,
through the Presidi.ng Officer, the privilege of having an abstract of his statement on
uny subject under consideration by the Council entered in the minutes. If the Council
consents thereto, such state�ent shall be entered in the minutes.
(j) Protest Against Council Action. Any Councilman shall have the right to
have the reasons for his dissent fron or his protest against any action o� the Couhcil
entered in the minutes. Such dissent or protest to be entered in the minutes shall be
made in the following manner: "I would like the minutes to show that I am opposed to
this action for the f oliowing reasons ..." B�it any such protest or dissenfi to be in
summary f orm so as to avoid unnecessary delay �or interference with regu2ar council
(l's) Rules of Order. Except as provided in this Ordinance, other rules adopted
by the City Council from time to time or applicable provisions of State law� the proce-
dures of the City Council shall be governed by the latest revised edition of "Roberts
RuZes of Order."
(1) Failure to Observe Rules oF Order. Rules adopted to expedite the trans- '�
action of the business of the Council in an orderly fashion are deemed to be procedural I
on�y, and the Eailure to strictly observe such rules shall not af€ect the jurisdiction
of the Council or invalidate any action talcen afi a meeting that is otherwise held in
conf ormity with law.
(m) City Council - quorum. A majority of the �ity Councilmen sha12 constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business. A less number may comgel the atCendanca of
absent members and may adjourn from time to ti.me.
(a) I:fanner of Addressing Counc il. Each person desiring t� address the Council
shall state his name and address f or the record, state the subject he wishes to discuss,
state whom he is representing if he represents an organization or other persons, and
unless f urther time is granted by majority vote of the Council, shall limit his remarks
to f ive (5) minutes. All remarlcs shall be addressed to the Counci2 as a whole and not
to any member individually. No question shall be asl:ed of a CounciTman or member of the
City staff without the permi.ssioncf the Presiding Officer.
(b) SpoY.esman for Group of Persons. Zn order to expedite matters and to avoid
, repetitious presentations, delay or interruption of the orderly business of the Council,
whenever any group of persons wishes to address the Council on the same subject matter,
it shall be proper f or the Presiding Off icer to request that a spokesman be chosen by
the group to address the Couneil and, in ease additional matters are to be presented by
any other member of said group, to li.mit the number of such persons addressing the
Cc) Afcter I�otion. After a motion has been made or a public hearing has been
� c2osed, no member of the purilic shall address the Council from the audience on the matter
under consideration without first securing permission to do so by a majority vote of
the City Counc ii.
Ca) Councilmen. [Jhila the Council is in session, all members must preserve !
order and decorum, and a member shall neither by conversation or otherw3cee delay or �'
interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Council nor disturb any member while ��
speaking or refuse to obey the ordexs o£ the Presidi.ng OfFicer. l�embers of the Council '
shall not leave their seats during a meeting without first obtaining the permission
' of the Presidi.ng Officer. The members of the Council may punish �heir fellow members for
disorderly conduct and upon written charges entered upon the journal. thereof may, after
trial, expel a member by two-thirds vote of a21 of the members elected.
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Cb`) Employees. I�iembers Af the City Staff anci employees shal� obsezwe th� I'
same rules a� order and �decor�m as $re �pp�i.cable to members af the Ci�Gy Counci�, w�.th �
the exaeptian that m�mbers of the City sta£� may Xea�re their se�ts @ur�.ng ti�e meeting
wi�hout first obtaining th� pez�ns.ssion o£ thr� Fres�di.t�g E3f£ie�r.
(c? Persans Address�ng the Co+�ulcil� Any persos� m�Fcing s.mpert�.nent: �landernus
os profane remarks or wha becomes boisterous �while �ddresszng �he Ci�y Council shall be
called to order by the Presiding Officer wi.thout fail, and if such conduct con�inues,
m�y at the discretian of the Pre�idirag 0€�icer be orderer! �arred frc�m further audxence
b�f are the Council dvring �aid meeting.
(d) Y?embers of fih� Audienc�. Anp gerson xn the audience who e�gagee in dis-� .
in of �eet whistlin usnrtg profane
e c d c such as hand cla in stam g , g,
ard r2y on u t PP �� P
language, yelli.ng, and similar acts o� de�►onstrations, L�hich conduct disturbs the peace
' and gc�od order of the meeting, or who refuses to comply with the lawful oraers of the
Presiding Officer sha7.3 be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon ins�ructioas trom the
Presiding Of�icer� it shall b�:: the du�Cq of �he Chief a£ P�lice or any othes uaember of the
Po3ice l�epart�nent �o remove such person �ram the Council Ch�mb�� ancl to place him under
arrest. The Chief of Polic� or caember o� �is deparias�ent sba12 act as S�rgeant at Arms
of the City Counci3, and shall carry aut a13 orde�s given by the Presiding Of�icer for
ths gurpose of �aaintaiai.ng ard�x and decorum at the CfltlAC�.I a�eting. Any Cmuncilsean
ma move ta re uire the Presidin Ofgicer to enf orce the rul�:s and the affi�aeative vote
Y 9 �
o� a tna'orit of the Cour►ciI stiall require hi�n to do so.
1-514 DISQUt�LZFICA�ION �`OR CO��FLIC'?' OF IT3T`E�ES`T. A��► member o� �he City
Counei2 who s di�qcaa2itied fram voting o� a partieular ma�ter hy ���son o€ a conflic�
of i�terest shall publf.ely st�te ar h��e the Presidi.ng Offfaer s���e the nature o� such
disqualification in open caee�ing. E��here na clear�.y di�qualifying cot�flicL og interest
appears, the matter o� disQua2if ication may, �t the r�equ�s� oE �h� Cauncilman a�fected,
be decided by the other C�uncilmen. A Council�aan who is disqua].xfied by rceaeson of a
conflict of interest in any matter �t�en being heard ar discussed by �he City Coe�ncil
sha13 not remain in his se�t during the d�b�te and vota on such mat�kes, but sha12
�equs:st And be givea �tie perazission ofthe Presidi.ng t��'�icer tQ step aw�ay irara� the Councal
table and 2eave the Council Ch�mber. A Councilman �#ating such disqe�lificatiors shall
' not be counted as a art of � noruar and shall be considered �bsent for the purpose of
P q
h tter
determi.ning the outcoaae a� any vote o�► suc roa e
� Faiiure to Vate. �very Cou�aciyman shau3d vote unles� disqualif ied bY
f reasoa of a conf].iet of interest. A Councilman wE�o abstains �r� voti.ng ixi e�feet can-
sents that a ma jority of th� quoruffi �y deci.de the qu�stiota voted upon. Tie votes s3�aI1
be lost motions and, raay be reconsidered. uz�.less s�ch tie i� brokan by the Mayor.
�� Changing Vote. A meYnber may chang� tsis vote only if he makes a tim�ely
�equest to do so immediately f ollowi.ng th� last vote cast by a Counci2masa �o veti.n� and
prior to the ti�oe that �h� �result of the vo�e has been announced by the Presiding Off ice�r
or th,e City Clerk. A Councilrnan wha pub2ic2y announces that he i.s a�stai.ning from
�ting on a particu2ar matter shall n�t subsequently be allvwed to withdraw his
Reconsideration. A mOf�ion to recoasider any ac�ion ��ke� by the City
Council may be made anly on the day such action was tatcen, or st the �ext r�gula� meeting
of the City Ccsuncil. Suct� motion may be m�de only by one ef th� CouncilaL2n wha v�ted
with the prevailing side. Nothing heseiai sF�all � can�trued �a prevent �ny Councilmaa
fraa making or remaking tne same ar any othe� motioz� at a subsequent m�e�ing of �he
(a) All ardi.nances �nd resolutions shal7. be prepared by �he City Attorney.
No ordinance or resolution sha�l be prepared for preset�t�tion to the �auxicil unless
ordered by a ma jori�y vote of the Carsncil o or requestec3 by the I-Iayor, or prepared by
the �ity Attorney arx his own iaitiati�ve.
(b) Pric�r Approval by Administrative Staff. AZI ordinances, resolutions and
contract docu�ents shall, before presentation to the Ci�y Councii, ha� been approved
as to f orm and legali�y by the City Attorney and shall have bee� examined and approved
f or aci�ainistra�ion by the Aepartment head having jurisdiction over the subject matter
of auch ordinance, resolutian and cantract dxument� or his daly authorized represer_hAr`
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1-SIb 2EADIIIG OF 0�2DINANCES AIdD �ZESOLUTIOTdS. At the time of adoption of an
ordinance or resolution, it shall be read in full unless, aftar the reading of the title I
=�::Areof, the further reading thereo£ is waived by a majority vote of the Councilmen
present. Such consent may be expressed by a statement b� the Presiding Officer that
"if there is no objection, the further reading of the ordinance or resolution shaZl be
�rdinances - Publication - Copy as Evidence. Before any ordinance
shall take affect, it shall be published in one issue of the off icial ne��spaper of the
�iity. A certified copy of any ordinance duly certified by the �ity Clertc, or a printed
copy of arr�ordinance or compilation printed by authority of the City Council and attested i
to by the City Clerk shaZl be competent evidence in any court of law. I,
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect £rom and af ter
its passage, approval andllegal publication as provided by law.
PASSED BY 1'HE CITY COUNCIL this �3 ��✓ day of �i1<�'�.-��-' � 1968�
Helmie Plelson, City Clerk�
APPROVED BY THE I•1AYOR .this f.3 Z`iL� day of ,,.� �1�-���f , 1968.
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Donald t�7. Custer, I�iayor
Appr�ved to form:
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Gerard I1i. 3hellan, City Attorney ,
Date of Publication: �12CC-��/ /,_`�� ��� �