HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2549 ,� ' . , . .. . . , . . �, . . . . ��i'��itid�tL ORDINANCE NO.�� � � AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHING.TON, ORDERING THE CONSTRU.CTION AND INSTALLATION .OF CERTAIN .SANITARY SEWER LINES AND APPU.RTENANCES THERE.TO IN THE VICINITY. OF THE NORTH RENTON INTE.RCHANGE. AND F.A. I. HIGHWAY N0. 405 , RENTON, � , KING .COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ' RESO.LUT.ION N0. 1660 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF RE.N.TON, WASHIN.GTON; ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 267 , PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT .IN SAID DISTRICT;. PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT .FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MADE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. UPON PROPERTY. �N SAID DISTRICT , PAYABLE BY THE MODE .OF "PAYMENT OF" BONDS" , OR "NOTES" IN LIEU THEREOF AS DETERMINED BY. THE CITY COUNCIL; ', PROVIDING. FOR .THE ISSUANCE AND SALE .OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRI.CT WARRANTS REDE,�NIABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IMP.ROVEMENT DISTRICT_ .BONi�S. OR NOTES. WHEREAS by Re.solution No. 1660 passed and appro.ved on January 12 , 1970 ,. the City Council of the City of Re.nton, in support of that . certain Petition for th.e creation of a Local Impro.vemerit District filed with the City Clerk on or about April 25 , 1969 , declared its , intention to. construct and install certain sanitary sewer lines , to.gether wlth ap.purtenances thereto, withln certain territory �n the vicinity of the North Re.nton I.nterchange and F.A. I. Highway No. 405 as hereinafter more parti.cularly described, and fixed the 9th day of Feb_ruary, 1970 in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for hearing all matters relating to said impr.ovemerits and all objections thereto and for deterinining the me.thod of payment for said improvements , and WHEREAS Jack Wilson, City Engi.neer, has caused an estimate to be made of the .cost and ex:pense of .the proposed improvemerit and has certified said estimate .to the Cit Council to. ether with all a ers I Y � g P P � data, and information in his possession relating to the praposed impro�nent,. description of the boundaries of the Distr.ict, a statement of what portion of the cost and expense should be borne by the properties wi.thin the propo.sed Distr.ict, a staterrient in det.ail of the .Local Improvement assessment .outstanding or unpaid against the prope.rty in the proposed. Distr.ict, and a statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 2.5% of the actual - 1 - valuation of the improvements in the proposed District, according to the .valuation last placed upon it, for the .purpose of .gener.al taxation; and WHEREAS said estimate. is accompanied. by a diagram of the proposed improvemerit .showing ther.eon the .lots , tr_acts , parcels of land, and other. property which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvement , and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to: be. borne by. each lot, tr.act .and parcel of land or other proper.ty wi.thin said Distr.ict; and WHEREAS due noti.ce of the. hearing upon said REsolution No. 1660 was g.iven in the manner. prov.ided by law, and said hearing was duly held by the City Council at its regular meeting on Feb.ruary 9. ,. 1970 at .the hour of 8 : 00 P.M, and th.e following pro.test h.aving bee.n f.iled and duly cons.ider.ed, to-wit: Nanie 'of Prote.s'tant �P:ddr-e�s's Albert D. Thompso.n N. S.t7'. o� .3�f7 '.-;Tz'.292, C. D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. #4, KCW. New Renton Home Sites - N. 120 .ft. of that portion lying Southerly (L. Backman and Fred Akers) of N. E. 12th Street and said total pro.te.st not exceedirig 3 o .percent ;of. the total cost .bearing owners wi.thin said Distr_ict; and WHEREAS at said hearing the City .Council has g.iven: due consideration to the special benefits to be :received from such proposed impro�nent by all of. .the properties to be included wi.thin the proposed Local Improvemerit Distr.ict; and WHEREAS the City Council deems it in th.e .be:st interest of the City and of the owners of the property. within the proposed Local Improvement District _that said improvement as hereinafter. described be carried out, and that a Local Improvem:erit Distr-ict be- created in connection therew.ith; NOW .THERE.FORE BE IT ORDAINED BY. THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SEC'I`ION I: The following sanitary sewer lines , including trunk - 2 - � . ' � r I lines and appurtenances . thereto, shall be .constr_ucted and install.ed � in the vicinity. of the North Reriton Interchange and P.A. I. Highway �. No. 405 , Renton, King County, Washington, as more parti.cularly described herei:nbe.low,. to-wit : Said improvements. being described on Exhibit 'rB�r ATTACHED hereto and made a part her.eof as if fully set forth herein; and there shall be included in the .foregoing the .acquisition and installation of all necessary pipe ,: manholes, valves , f.ittings , couplings , .connection equipment and appuxtenances , to.gether with ' the acquisition of any easements ,- rights of way and land that may be requ�red; and there .shall .be: included the performance of such work as may be .incidental and .neces.sary to the. .foregoing construction and installation. The City Council may modify the details of. the foregoing described impr.ovement where, in .its judgment, it appears advisable , rovided s.uch modif.ications do not su p bstantially alter the glan of said improvement. Al1 of the .foregoing shall be in .accordance with the plans and specifications ther,efor. to be prepared by. the City Engineer. SECTTON II : Th�re is her.eby established and created a Local Improvement District to be ca.11ed "Loca1 Improvement Distr.ict No. 267 of the City of Renton, Washington" , the boundaries of such Local Improvement Distr.ict being describ.ed as follows.: All as more particularly appears on the att_ached � u �r Exhibit A , which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION III : . The. estimated cost and experise of said improvement is hereby. declared to be approximate.ly $179 ,499 . 39 .. The entire cost and expense of said imp.rovement, including the_ cost and expense of all engineering, legal, insp.ection, adver.tising, publication of noti.ces and other. expenses incidental thereto, shall be borne by and asses.sed against .the property specially ben;efited by such improvement included in the Local Improvement Distr_ict established, embracing , as near as may be , all property specially be.nefited by such improvement. - 3 - � � � � � i SECTION IV : , The nature of the improvement provided for herein is such _that .t.he special benef.its conferred. upon the property are fairly reflected by the use of .the .statutory termini and zone method of assessment , and it is hereby provided and order.ed that the assess- ment .shall be made against .th.e pro.perty of the Distr.ict in accordance with said met.hod. All property included wi.thin the limits of the Local Improvement Distr.ict: _abo.ve .created shall be .considered to be. .the property specially benefite.d by such Local Im�rovement and shall be :the property to be asses.sed to pay the: .cost and expense .ther.eof as hereinabo:ve s.pecified. SECT.ION V.i. : Local Im�rovemerit District warrants shall be issued in paymerit .of the_ cost and expense of the improvenierit herein ordered. Such warrants shall be payable .out of said "Local Improvemerit Fund, Distr.ict No. 267" to. bear interest from the date .ther.eof at .a rate to be fixed hereafter .but not to ex.ceed'. % per annum and to be ��-- redeemed in cash, and/or by Local Im}���vem:erit District bonds herein authorized to. be issued, said inte.rest-bearing warrants to. be here- after. referred to as "revenue warrants" . Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be hereafter, fixed but not exceeding �;� o per annum; shall be payable on or before twelve .years from the date. of issuance, the life of the impro.vement ordered being not less. than twe.l.ve _years , and shall be issued. in exchange, for and in redemption of any and all revenue warrants issued hereunder and not redeemed in cash within a period not to. exceed sixty. days after. the first :publication by th.e. City. Treasurer. of notice that the asses'sment roll for Local Imp.roveJrient District No.. 267 is in his hands for collection. The bo.nds shall be redee:med by the collection of special assessments. to. be lev.ied and .assessed upon the property within said Distr.ict, payable in ten equal annual installments , with interest at a rate to be fixed hereafter, b.ut not exceeding ��.� % per annum, under the mode of "Payment by bo.nds" or by "notes in lieu thereof" , as defi.n�d by law and the ordinances of th.e City. of Re.nton. In case of default in the payment of any assessment, wheri the :c���e shall become .due, there shall be .added interest at a rate to be hereafter fixed but not to - 4 - exceed' ���o per. annum, and a penalty of .�� % which shall also be J collec.ted. The: ex.act form, amount,. date, interest rate and deriomination of said warrants and bonds shall be. hereafter. fixed by: Ordinance of the City Counci'l ; how.ever, the City Council may, in lieu of the issuance of such bo.nds issue installmerit notes payable out of the Local Improvement Distr_ict .Fund as provided by law, special referen.ce being made by RCW .35. 45 ..150. Said warrants and .bonds , or notes in lieu: of said bonds , .shall be sold in such manner as the City Council shall he.reafter: .determine. SECTTON V'I : All the work necessary to. be do.ne `in connection with the making of said improvements shall be. .done by and made by contr.act upon competiti.ve. .bids and .the City. shall have and .reserves the right to rej.ect .any and all bids. The: ca�l for bids :for work authorized pursuant .to this Ordinance shall include a statemerit that payment for said work will be inade in cash warrants. drawri upon th.e "Local �m����ement Fund, Distr.ict No. 267" . SECTION VII : There is hereby. created and .established in t.he office of the City. Tr.easurer of th.e City of Renton,. for Local Improvem:ent Distr.ict No. 267 , a special fund to be known and designated as "Local Im�rovement :Fund, Distr.ict No. 267" , into which fund shall be deposited the proceeds from the sale of revenue warrants. drawn against said fund whi:ch may .be issued and sold by_ the City and coll`ections pertaining to assessmen.t, and against which fund sYall be issued cash warrants for the. contr.actor or contr_actors. in paymerit for the work to. be done by_ them in connecti.on with said impro.vement, and �against which fund cash warrants shall be issued in payment of all other items of expense in connec.ti.on with said improveJrient. SECT:ION VIII : . The City Engineer is her.eby authorized and directed to. call .for bids , in the manner provided by law,., for the. .constr.uction � and inst.allation ,of the .impr.ovements auth.orized herein. � SECT.TON IX: The .City reser.ves the right to issue,. in lieu of i bonds and warrants. in payment of the cost and expense of the aforesaid I Local Impr.ovement Distr.ict in.stallment note .or notes payable .out of �� the .Local Improvemerit Distr.ict :Fund wheriever such .note. or notes are - 5 - sold exclusively to another fund of the City as an investment .thereof, and as .further provided by law. Such installment note or notes may , be issued any time after a thirty-day per.iod allo.wed by law for the s ssments of said Distr_ict wi.thout : enalt or inte.rest , a ment of as e p y � P Y and such note. or notes may :be of any deriomination or deriominati.ons , the aggregate of which shall� represent .the balance of the cost and ex.pense of the Local Ir�t�r,ovement Distr.ict whi.ch is to be. borne by the property. owners the.rein, and as further provided by law. PASSED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL th 'is g'7� day of F�{r�y, 1970 . , �����y�G���� Helmie Ne�son, � City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR .thi:s l/'.�-�j day of E����19 7 0 . � , . .�/� �� A ery Ga rett, ayor Approve as to form: , ; •� �j �� �.��� � . . . ��T.�p. . . ��� Ge�ar � M. ' Shell�n, City. Att.orney D.at of Publication: MAR � 3 1970 ti - 6 - r � —. —. _- — — ,, � i.' � ' .�y�.•.,..s�" ' , . . o I , 1 I E XH T B t 1' '`A" ORDTNANCE N0. �_�� II -- - ,� . � .� I A (.�CA! D��CRIPTTON �OR L:� .b. 7�67 At1 th�s� portiahs o� the S�uth one=half of S�ct�nn �; "fownship 23 North, R�rtg� 5 ��st W.M: and of the Nor'theast one-quarter o#' Sectinn 8> Township 23 N�wth, i�attge 5 E�st, W.M. lyir�� wi �,iiin th� Wiats of Cresto View Ad�ition accord- ing �t� th� Pl�t recorded in Vo�urr�: 44 of Plats > page 70, records af King Caunty, W�shir�g't�"t; C.D. H11���n's Lak� Washington Garde� �f ��en Divisi�n #4, �cc�rd- ir�g t� the Pl�t r���rded in Uolume ll �f P]at�, page 8�, recort�s af Kin� County, Was��ngton; C. b. Hi11m��i's Lak� Washi�gt�n G�rd�n �f Eden �iv�s�c�n #5, ac�c�rd� 3ng �t� °the �lat ���r�e� in volutt� i1 �� P�at�, page $�, records of King County, Wa�Shingt�r�; Wahr��� �ar��n H�me Tr��ts a��o►�dting t� �he Pl�t recn��ed in Yo�ume 3� o� P1atS, pag� ��i r��r�r�s t�f King C����y; �aa�hing��n, Re�d'S Cre�� Vi+�w Addit#on, ���owd'irig �t� th� ���� r�co�de� �n V�iur� 55 a�' �l�ts, p��e �7y re�ords j t��' Kir�g C�tirtty, Wa�h�t���ton; an� New Rentoi� Nt�me Si t�� acc�r�ding �o th� P�at i re��rded in V�turr�e �7', p�ge 6, rr�c�r�ls of King C�unty, WasFiing��n; de�cribed as fo1��s: ' Beg��►ning �t th� intersection o� th� Easter�y margiri nf federal Aid Inter� St�t� Highw�►y �405 with �he Nor�her�ly lin� of the Narth 96 2j3 feet �f th� S�uth 193 1%� f�et of '�r�ct #�26; �: �. Hillman 's Lake `uJashingtan �arden af �den �ivi�ioi� #5; th�rt�� �ast�r��y al�rng sai� Nor�heriy lin� ta � poi�� 162 feet Wester� ly �f th� �as�e�ly iine �f �aid �"ra�t; thence Southerly, a�ang a line dr�wn 162 fe�t Ml�5t�r1y c�f �nd pat�a11e1 with �he �ast�rly lin� of said Tract, a dist�nc� �f 12 #eet; �h�nc� �a�terly, a1on� � lin� drawr� i� fe�t So�t�ier�y af and �ara11e1 with th� f�bc�therly line o�' s�id '�rac� #326, � distance of �6� feet to the �a�ter� 1� 1 f�t� o'f �`rac� #�26; a�d 'the W�sterly margti n of��nes �venue N:�: , �tien�� �bntfnu�ng �a�te►�ly ��on� the �ast�rly �r�duction o� said l in� a dist�ri�� of 5� �eet to a pdiiit an th� �as� nia�gti�i b� J�n�s ,4venu� N.�: � and �he 6Jest 1 ine of �'r��t #�93 of �.a, liilitn�n's L-�ke Wa�hingtdn Gard�n of�d�n bivis�on #4; th�nce Souther�y a�on� th� �a�t�rly ma���n of' �Janes Avenue N.�. ta a point 120 fe�t Not^th �� tti� S�u�hi��st ��r�ner of said �ra�t #293; thertce Easterly alor�g a �ine d��wn 1�� fee'� Nbr�th�rl;y of and pare11e1 wi tli �he Souther��r � in� o� said Tract #253 a dist�nce of 1�5 f��t; �henc� South�r]y along a 11ne drawn 1�� fe�t Eas�ter- 1y �f and p�rall�t w�th th� West��iy ltne �f said Tract #2�3 a dist�nc� �� 1�0 fe�t to .'the South lfin� o�' s�id Tra�t #29� and �he Nartherly margin �f Nor�he�st 2�th Stre�t; th�ence �on`�inui�g S�autherly al�n� the Southerly production of said line � di�t�n�� of 50 feet to �tt�� Southerly n�argin of Northea5t 20th Street; ' '�henCe W�Sterl,� �long the Southerly i�argin of Northeast 20th S�reet and tt�e North �ine of Tra�t #29�, C. �: liillman's Lake Washin��on Garden of Eden Riv�ston #4, � d15ta�tCe of 35 feet, more or less , �o a point on the North line of said Tract ! #Z92 th�t is 1'�Q feet �ast of �he Northwest corner of �aid �'ract #292; �hence Souther�y alon� a line c�rawn parall�l with and 120 feet East of tihe West in�rgin of Tract #29Z a d�s�ance of 57'7 feet, more or less > �n the Sautherly line �f said 7ra�ct #292 �nd the Narth line of 1'i�act #291 , of said subdivision; thence � �a5t �iong the tVartii line of s�id Tt�act #291 and the North iine of Tract #2�6 �f said subdivision a distance af 390 fe�t, more or less , to the Northeast C�rrter of safd '�ract #2�6; thence 5outherly along the East �ine of said Tract l�28G a dist�n�e of 3?'7 feet, �nore or less , to a point 200 feet Norther]y of the S�outh 11ne of sai� "Cract #286; therice �ast along a line drawn 20Q feet Nnrth�rly of and parallel with the South line of 7rac�Cs �270 and #265, said Soilth 1in� �lso be9ng the Not��h margin af IVortheas� 16th S�reet, a dis'tance of 324 feet, m�re ot^ l�ss , to a pdint 178 feet �teste�ly af the Easterly �nargin af Safd Tr�c�t #265; thence Sou�herly alang a line drawn 17$ feet Westerly and para11e1 with t�ie E�st iine of �`ract #266 a distanc� �f 200 feet to a point an I ,—_�.------— — — — _ �. _ - - - i I . . . . + «' � , . . � I �, �, Exhib�� "A" OR.D��IANCE N'0. a7 5L 1' tP�e North mairgin of N�rth marg�r� of �orth��st 16th 5treet; thence �asteriy alt�ng the Northerly m�rgin of North�ast 16t� Str�et � distance c�€ �8 feet 'Gs� � oint �54 f�et W�st af the Southe�st corner �f Tr�ct 255• � # s ��1@t1C�' I Nor�'Ehe�iy st�ng � �ine drawn 150 feet Yiest of and parallel wi th the East 1#ne of s��d Tr�Ct #265 a dtstanc�e Qf 200 feet, thence �asterly atong a line � �00 �e�� N�r�M of an� parallei with the North margin of 1Vortheast 16th Street � �� � dtstance of �0 feet; to a point 100 �eet ���st �f the East l�ine o� said �'wa�t �2�5; Lhen�� Sou�Eherly on a line 100 feet West of and parallei with said I ���t lirte �f Tract �#�55 a distance af 3Q feet, mare or l�ss, t� a point 170 I fe�t NorLh of �he N�r�h mar�in af Northeas� 15th Street, then�e �asterly along j � ltn� 17`G fe,�t nor��therly af and parallel with said Narth margin a distance of j 175 fe�t, m�re or l�ss, to the West marg�n o�' Monterey Court Nor�heast; �Chence � Sou�he rty ai�ng s�id West marg�n a distance of 170 feet, more or 1ess, to the I � id�rth margin �f fiV�rtheast tbth Street; th�nce �asterty along th� idorth mawgin i, i c�f' hlorth��s� �6th St�:et a distanc� of 95 fee�, more or l�ss, to 2� po#nt 80,3 feet West � o� �h� �Jes��ly m�rgfn af Ab�rde�n Avenue 1Vortheas�, thence Southerty along a 1 tn+� dr�wn �0.� f�et West �f and �ar�11e1 �i tt� the 4��st m�rgin r��f �berde+�n . �� �►v�r►u� North�a�sL � dist�n�e of 15fJ fee�t to a pc�int 54 f�e� Sou�h�rly af the j S�uth marg�n of Nr�r�th�ast 16th S�Ere�t; then�� West�rly alort� a line dr�wn 90 � j f+�e°t 5outherty of and parallet w��Ch th� South marg3n of Northeas�t 1b�h Str�et �� a distanc� of �2 �Feet; th�nce Southerty along a i ine drawn 90 feet Easterty of ��d per�tlel witfl tt� West 1#n� c�f Tract #�49, C. �. Nillman's l.ake Wash3ng- tt�n Garden of �den �lvision #�� a distance of i0 fe�t; thence Westerly atang a 1�ne dr�w� 1t}0 fee�E Sc�u�Eher1� af and parai��l with �h� South�rly margin of Nor'E��est 16th Stt►��t a d�stance of � f�e� to a p�in� 10 feet E�st€rly of �ehe Wes�erly m+�rgin of s��d Tract l�249; �hence Seutherly a�ortg � line 10 feet East of and para11e1 wi th the West 1 ine of 1'ra�� #249, G, D� !�i 11man's I.�ke Wash�ng. ton Garden of Eden btvis�on #�� a distance of 36 f�et� rn�re or 1ess, td a po�nt 136��9 feet �euth�rly of the 5ou�h margin �f N�rtheast 16th Street; thenc� �d�s�erly �iong a tfne drawn 136,29 feet 5outher�y of and parallet w�th the Sou��e�iy margin of N�srth�ast 16th S tree t a distance of 18 feet to a poin t an ' th� 6as�rly 1 ine �f Tract #��6, �hat i s �50 �eet Northerty af the Nc�rtheast co�n+�r of �lc��k 2, ��ad's Crest V�'ew Addi��on; thence 5outherly aiong the Easter- 1y 1�n� +Df said Tra�t #266 and a�lang the Easterly 11ne of B1ack 2, said Crest I View Add�ttoa� a dis��nce of 450 feet to the Sautheast carner of said B1ock 2 , and �h� Nowth lfne of 7ract �248, C. D, Ht11m�n's Lake Washfington Garden of I , Eden�Divlsi8n �4; �hence cantfnuing Southerly atong the Westerly margin of said I Tr��� ��48 a di�ta�nce 390 feet, mare or less , to a point 160 feet Northerly af , th� 5outheriy margin cf safd Tr�act �248 and the Northeriy margin af Nar�heast I '12th 5trt�et; t�ence E�steriy along a line dr�wn 160 f�et Nartheriy �f and p�r�11�1 with the Northe rly marg in of said Northeast 12th Str�et a distance li5 ' f���i thence Southerly along a line drawr� 115 f�et Eas�erly of and paraliel wi� � �#te Westsrl ltne of s�id Trac�E #248 a d�stance of 150 feet to the Nor�herl mergin ot NortF�ea�st 1��� S�reet; thence cantinuing Southerly along sa�id 1 ine a '� dist�nCe of �8 #eet �a the Southeriy margin of satd Northeast 12th Street and tite Nort�hewly line �f Tract 26, Harries G�rden Home Tracts; t�ence Westerly �t��g th� Sautherty margfn of A�t�rth�ast 12th Street and the North tine af firact 26� N��ries �arden Horne Tracts, a distance of 64 fe�t, more ar iess► ta a point 15Q feet West�rly of th� Easterly line of s�id Trac�E 26; thence Southerty alang d 1tr� dre�wn 15q feet W�sterly of and parall�t with the Easterly line �f "�racts �6 6 25 and the Weste r1y margin of Ab�rdeen Avenue Northeast, a distance of 221 .90 �fi�et� �nore or l�ss � to tl�e Southerly 11ne of �a1d 'Cract 25; thence Westerly atc�ng th� Southerly 11ne af said Tract 25 a distance a�f 144 feet, more or 1ess, to the W�st+�rly tfne of said Trac� 25 and �he Eas��rly line of the Plet of Vacated New � _ _ _ — - - -- -- - - - - - _ . ♦ i i � � a {e}d � I 3• EXhi�rit "�►�� ORDINANCE NQ. <� ,.5"' �q Ren�� Nom�: Sit�s, t��nce Nor�herly a�ong �he Easterly margin �f said Vacated Ne� Ren�an Harr� 5ites a distance af 300 feet► more or Iess, �a a point 120 f@�� S0�!'Eh�1"�y 4'F th@ SCU'h�t�k�'�y 111�1" 1i1 Of N4t"'�hE�St 1,�'�h S$Y'��'�; ��t$t1C8 WBS�@t"1y alang a ltne drawn 12Q feet Souther�y o�' and para11e1 w#th �he South�rly marg in of North�ast t2th 5treet a distance of�240 feet, more or 1�ss, t� the Westerly tine o�F Vdc�ted New Renton Home 51��s and the �asterty line o�' Tr�act 27, Herries Gard�n Hom� Tracts; thence North�rly �lang the Eas�erly line of s��d Trac� 2] a distance of 120 feet to the Southerly m�rgin �f Northeast 12th Street; th�nce Westerly �iong said Southerly margin a distanca af 27' f�et; thenee So�atherly , ainng a� iine dwawn 27 fa�t Westerly ��' and parallei wfth the Easterly 1in� of s�id Trs�ct 27 n distanc� d�' 100 �eet; thence West�rly ��ong � 11ne dr�wn 1Q� fe�� Southerly of and par�]1e1 with the Southerly line of Northeast 1�th Stre�t e dist�nce of 200 fe�t to a polnt �27 fest Westerly af the Easterly 1lne of sald ?r�ct 21, H�►rries �arden Home S�te; thence Northerty, 227 feet Westerl,y af a�nd para11e1 w��h the East�rly 1 ine af 1`ract 27� H�rries Garden Home 'Tr�cts� a d#stance of 188 feet to the 5outherly marg�n of Northeast 12th Street; thence t a t i2th Street a dist�nce of �� W�st�rly �1ong the Sou�herly margin cf said Nar he s � 300 feet, n�ar� or 1�ss, to the Northerly productfan of the Wester�y line of said Tr�ct 2T; thence Northerty along said Nartherty prcduction a dis��nc� of 30 feet, more ar 1ess, to tPte certter�lne af Nc�rtheast 12th Street �nd tl�e 5outher�ly lfne 9f 5l3Ct10n 5� townsh4p 23 Narth} R8►11g� 5 EdSti W.�l. i th@�1C@ W@5t@1^ly 8►10�t� th� Southerly lin� of said Section nnd the centerl�ne of Northeast 12th Street, a� dista�nce of 240 feet, more or 1ess, ta its intersection with the Easterly margin of Fed�rat Afd Interstate Highwey No, 405; thence Northerly atang the Easterly marg#n of Federal Aid Interstate Highway No. �05 a distance of 2660 feet, more ar iess to its �nt�rsec�ion with the Hortherly line o�' the North 96 2J3 feet of the Sauth 193 �/3 feet af Trect 326, C. D. Nitiman's (.ake Washing�on Garden of Eden �5, the t�e pcint of b�g#nning� I I i I I �� _ _ - - - � - - - - - t �° . � � • �3t#iIBiT °'8•, �DTN�C� �iifl. �v'�1 ' 5IZE (� ��tOM �� � �2'� �.I, E�semeaa� �ver �o�tion E�ist��g ;M.H. ��e No�t� ��tears�c�ion of �oa�tl� East �2� o� vacat�d new Rentc�n i�e��on ��ter�-cha�ge ��r��t �► Jc�nes Avena�e �+���aeas�_ ��e Si tes 8"' C,.i. �ortheast �2�a St�et �n�e�^se�t�a�n o# �o���as� 2�G1 feet East r�f «�ones �tve��e 32� 5��eet & ��r�es Ave.(�.�. �Y�r�t�east �" �.� . " 25K� �eet Eas� o�' ��raes �ve. � ���l f��t �as t of �3c���es �ve�aaHee f��r'��+�a�� �9o�~��re�s t �" C_i_ �ones Ave_ �fortt�east 150 feet �tor� �� �t�rt�- 5�0 feet �tmr� �� �or�heast �2� S�t. �� e�st 12�h ��reet , 8" �on�c. Easer�e�at aver �ort3��ns 1�Di� �ee� �1�orth of S�a�� �i�� 6{�' 9�vrth taf th� Srtu� laaa� m� - af Tracts 3�7 ta 3�2, sai d �a^ac� 3d 3 s�i d Trac� 322_ _ C_D.Ni�lman's Lake ��as#��ngt�n Garden of �den �9 vi si t�n #� 8"' Cvrec. Eaxement c��ev� �ortion ��est �ine �a��c�t 31� .�a�r�es Auer�ue ��tor�eas� Tra�t 3d7, C.D. Nii�man's Lake Washington Garde�a of � Eden givision � �. I 8" Co�c_ Jones Aven�ae 9Vort�east �fl0 fee�t Nc��rth c�� �1c��^�t�aea�t i�+� -Feet �tort� t�f N�nr�he,a�t ' - �2th s�reet 2��.� Street j 8'" Cora�c �c�rtheast 15t.� Str�e� Jvnes Avenue t�c�r#�east �a�te�y C+��rt �Ivr#�east � ._ J � � . E I i4 2. �Xh i�i� .,�,. a�aa�a�c� ��. . ,� �5'�y : � ' S z ZE �oN FRQM �'� _ 8" Co�ac. £a��me.nt ai�a�y East l��e of Northeas� l2t'h Stree� 20(3 �eet �Vo�r�'� ��' ,�oa��l�e�st Trac� 289 C.i�. Hi11ma ' , � s l2t�a S�re�t Lake YJasitangton Garden of � E�de.� Di vi s i�an #4 8" �o�c. Easement Qver portion 2QU feet 'Nort� of �Vor�.heast CQ�a�te,r-3i,r�� ;of sa�ad T�r�a�ct '�88 T:ract Z�, C.�D, Hi7]�a�n's 12th ��reet La�Ce YJastai ngton Garden af Edera Division #4 8" �on�c, Easeme�t on cen�er-line o� " Nor�h.eas� 74�'n Stree�t Tract 288, G.D. �-i��1�a�'s La�.e Was�aingtQra �arden of �den �3 va s i�or� #4 �" �o.rt�. �C�enrae�a c�k Ave. ?V.�, 'i�nrti�eas� 14t'�h Str�e�t ��Q fie�� 5���� �� ������,�s� �b�� Str�et $"� �cora�. ,�an�o]r� ��ue�nue ��.'�. '" 8� f�e�t .��oaa�'h o� No���he��� ����h S:t.. 8" ccrra�. � ��lo��er�ey �lvenue ��.E_ �° �4fl ��;�� S��s'� �c�f i��r������ �.�`t� ��.. �", ��o��. �#c�rthea�t �2t�a S�reet '51�� �e�t ��as� �o� xl��a�s �'�� ���� ���s� +�� ;��e��9e�aa ;A���n��^ ,���e���e :r�o��-t�eas't rar����e�s�., ,�,� ��r��c '�as��t�e�'t t��er �ast �0 f�e� z��rt�ue,as� ��t�a ���ee� 1.2� ��e�t ��o�at�i a�� J��r��a�e,a�st ���� ��_ of vaca�ted �e�v ;Re��ora �Iv� S f�es . 8" �'Ca��c,. £as,e��ie�� ��ea� �IVo�r�f� �U fe�t ���est ]a r�� sai� fi�,a�c� 25 80 ���� ����t �o� �e�� �i�°e ���� �'��a�c� of 7��a�c'� 2�, �i,a:rr��e�s �Garde:ra 2�_ � �or�e �ra�c�s }• � 'x 3. Ex���i� "H„ t7R�I�CE 3�10. � S Y 9 .- ' e �i��G 1l� �70.V� �ti 8„ ,Corac. �fl�aes �#v�er��ae N�or�heast �l�rthe�s� 1�2�t� ���ee� 75� �ee� ����� �� ��;rat���as� . ��t�a S��et b" �C��c. �a��er�er�� �v�er �N�.r��a l�0 �o�+e� A�+�e�aa�e A�.�. �.3�9 f��� �as� �f ��r��� ��4�r�e�uua�e - fe�t of T�,a�c� #�89 C,D. �f�or��a�east ii��7u�a�a°.s �ak�e �as�i�g��ora �Garder� �o� ��dea� �a�ri���n #4 �5" �C�+�c. �as�r�erat o�e.r 'p�rt��a� �f .�o,r��s �ar��a�e '�.E. ��fl ��ee� .��s� :�� ��ar�es ,�v�e�aa�e th�e Soaa�ta aU fe�t of tlae Noa�t�aeast ��r�� a�a f�eet �of �ra�c� 290, C_�. �-u���a�a's �L�a�c�e l�lasla������a �aa^de� of ��er� ���i si or� #4 ,fi,a �fln��. S��uth �i� f�e�e'� �o� �1oa��h �o�e- ��n�er-ia�+� +�� s,aad '��as� ���e .sa�c� ��^�a�c� ��6 ha��' ��ract 2�5, C_�. ���la�aar�'s �ra�c� 2� Lak� �l,as�a�►��tnra �arde�a �� �dera '�aN�Sa+�� �� .