HomeMy WebLinkAbout03338 - Technical Information Report �� Core Design,Inc. C��� 14711N.E 29thPlace S��ire�D� \ i DESIGN Bellevue,Washington98007 �� 425.885J877 Fax425 885 79c; �.�+nti.coredesigninc co,,, ! �lJ � ' m , m � TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (T.I.R.) FOR HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON =r `-�,, -��4 ,+, v'' � ��: (^'�/7 _ (`, .� . •5) X� __� L`•'�• �a C+ FF � r a ��_ �3 Prepared by: Gina R. Brooks, P.E. ��' ����� � r ':E4 " t� y / Date: June,2006 �� F =`�ST���"��-``L'� Revised: August, 2006 '` S'�`�"A����' , t Core No.: 01019 _,� ;,-; z- ,;;- � ��-�Cp ENGINEERfNG � PLANNING � SURVEYING �33 8 HIGHLANDS PARK TABLE OF CONTENTS l. Project Overview 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary _ 3. Off-Site Analysis 4. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design 6. Special Reports and Studies 7. Other Permits 8. ESC Analysis and Design 9. Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant l O.Operations and Maintenance Manual , ' 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW: Highlands Park is located within SE 1/4., NW 1/4, Section 14, Township 23N, Range SE between Rosario Avenue SE(152"d Avenue SE) and Vesta Avenue SE (156`�' Avenue SE) at SE 2nd Street in Renton, Washington(see the vicinity map on the following page). The 18.12 acre site is currently occupied by one single-family residence and associated outbuildings. A portion of the site is pasture and impervious with the remainder as young second growth forest. The developer proposes to construct 73 single family residences with associated roadv��a}� and utilities {see the included site plan in the plan folder). An internal road through the i site will connect with Rosario Avenue SE at the west end of the site and SE 133rd Street I at the norkh end of the site. Frontage improvements on Vesta Avenue SE along the I frontage will also, be constructed as part of the project. Sidewalk and, as required, curb ' installation along Rosario Avenue SE south of the proposed entrance and along SE 2"d ' Place will be added along the frontage of the site. The on-site generated runoff will be directed to a detention/water quality pond located in the southwest corner of the site. From the detention/water quality pond,runoff will discharge into an existing storm drainage system that runs along Rosario Avenue SE which was constructed as part of the Maplewood development adjacent and west of the subject site. The detention, water quality and storm conveyance system for this project were designed under the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual Standard. 2. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY: Attached on the following pages is a copy of the Hearing Examiner's recommendations. , � i__ � ti. � � I I ' . � I i May 18, 2006 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXANIINER CITY OF RENTON , ' Minutes I APPLICANT: Burnstead Conshuction 1215 120TH Ave NE Bellevue, WA CONTACT: Michael Chen Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29�'Place Bellevue, WA 98007 Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA OS-124, ECF,PP LOCATION: 115 Vesta Avenue SE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval for a 73-lot subdivision of an 18.13- acre site intended for the development of single- �I family detached residences. � , SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: T'he Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on March 28, 2006. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the properiy and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: NIII�TUTES The following minutes are a summary of the April ll, 2006 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday,April 11, 2006, at approximately 10:02 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. NOTE: The property discussed in this preliminary plat is located in the southeast quadrant of the City of Renton, however on the recorded CD and Staff Report and other documents some of the addresses are stated as NE. These minutes have been corrected to show all addresses as being SE. � Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF, PP May 18, 2006 Page 2 The following e�chibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the Exhibit No. 2: Zoning Map original application, proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this roject. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Plat Plan E�eltibit No.4: Preliminary Grading and Utili Plan ' Exhibit No. 5: Preliminary Tree Retenrion Plan Exhibit No. 6: Preliminary Landsca e Plan E�ibit No. 7: Boundary/Topographic Survey Eghibit No. 8: Summary of Appeal filed by Citizens Alliance for a Res onsible Evendell Exhibit No.9 Testimony by Kimberly Exhibit No. 10: Testimony by June Hill Clairmont taken Apri14, 2006 during the taken Apri14,2006 during the Appeal Hearing � A eal Hearing Re ardin an Easement Regardin Boundary Dis ute Exhibit 1�'0. 11: Downstream Drainage Map Exhibit No. 12: Tree Cutting and Clearing � Plan � Exhibit No. 13: Substitute Condirion#5 Ezhibit No. 14: Record by Reference, SEPA ; files and CD Recordin of A eal Hearin ! ' � � E�ibit No. 15: Copy of Original Petition for E�ibit No. 16: Letter and Sketch by Ron i Street Vacation, VAC OS-004 Hughes to Edward and June Hill Regarding � � Pro Encroachment � Exhibit No. 17: New Landscape Plan,Tree, Exhibit No. 18: Gwendolyn High Packet ( Street and Pond Plan from A eal Hearin f � Exhibit No. 19: Margin Brackets(pg. �) ', Hi hli htin Ms. Hi h's Packet(Ex. 18) The hearing opened with a presentation of the staffreport by Keri Weaver, Senior Plann� Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way,Renton, Washington 98055. � site is located on the west side of 115 Vesta Avenue SE, south of SE 133`�Street, north of S. 136`� Street and east of Rosario Avenue SE. The proposal is for a 73-lot subdivision of an 1� acre site located within the R-4 zone single-family residenrial units. There is an existing singlc -j famiIy residence and associated outbuildings that are proposed to be removed from the propert� A storm water detention pond is proposed for the southwest corner of the site and one small �- unregulated wetland area will be filled. Two open space park tracts will be provided onsite. This property was transferred to the Ciry of Renton from King County in June 2005 and is vested under a special condition of the Development Standards. Within this area maximum density of 5 ' � du/a, minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet, minimum lot width is 60 feet for interior lots and 70 �; � Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF, PP May 18, 2006 Page 4 T'he site is located within the Renton School District and they stated that they would be able to accommodate the additional students. Fire,Traffic and Park Mitigation fees have been imposed on this site. David Halinen,Attorney,2115 North 30`�Street, Suite 203,Tacoma, WA 98403 stated that he is I'� the attorney far Bumstead Construction. Regarding the street vacation petition VAG05-004, th� !� client is lannin to move forward and refile the a __ ... . �... ;:�.:! � I .:.: � P g P�'l�_�::,��. ;���..� �_.._. been withdrawn. � They concur with the substituted condition#5,that appears to be tlne «rith the app!�.�:� He introduced a letter from Ron Hughes of Burnstead Construction dated April 7,20 addressed to Edward and June Hill regarding the fence encroachment with a survey s� . _ � by Core Design. Burnstead Consiruction will execute a Quit Claim Deed to the Hills for the property in the boundary line adjustment. Burnstead is continuing to work with the driveway easement holder in the Tract 998 area to work out a mutually acceptable arrangement. Michael Chen, Core Desi�,Inc., 14711 NE 29`�`Place, Ste. 101,Bellewe,WA 98007 stated that in discussions with the planners,they were given the information that Rosario would most likely never continue and be improved to the north due to the Category 2 wetland found north of that vicinity so Lot 1 would not be considered a corner lot. Lot 39 is also one foot off on the eastern property line,but if you were to take the dimension of the western property line it actually averages out to 70 feet. Regarding the boundary line adjustment on Lots 55 and 56, once the adjustment is completed, the affected square footage is approximately 200 square feet. The net square footage of Lot 56 is 7,203 currently take out approximately 100 square feet and you would have a substandard lot � under zoning code. The proposal is to shift the lot line between 56 and 55 to the east however many square feet it would take to get lot 56 up to 7,200 square feet. T'he Clairmonts' easement on Tract 998 is for 10-feet ingress/egress. The plan is to increase that easement to the current asphalt width that is there,approximately another 10-15 feet. The six- foot sidewalk would also be proposed concurrent with the ingress/egress easement. There will be no vehicle access to the plat. A proposed landscape plan, street landscape plan, fencing around the pond and tree retention plan was presented. Ronda Bryant, 6220 SE 2"d Place, Renton, WA 98059 stated that her property is south of Lots 62- 65 and she was concerned with drainage and the ground water and what it drains into. In the southwest corner just north of Lots 71 and 72,the drainage analysis showed holes that were drilled to test the soil composition and the water level. There was a hole 20-feet deep, showed no water it was surrounded by holes that were up to 10-feet deep and there was water at six feet. This does not seem correct. As far as tree retention, it is a great advancement, hovvever on Lot 6� Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-05-124, ECF, PP May 18, 2006 Page 5 there is an indication of 2 conifers,one is leaning and actually is a hemlock. She has a letter from ;� Burnstead stating that if she would sign their letter for annexation, they would save the stumps and tree that are nght on the property line. If they are taken out, it could potentially tear out her � pond and damage her foundation. i Lot 55 does have access from the interior roadway, it also backs to Vesta and could possibly have access from that as well. She also questioned the Tract 998 easement and where the fence would be for the lot to the north of the open space. Bob Herman, 15324 SE 133`�Court, Renton, WA 98059 also lrnown as Lot 11 of Willow Brook Lane, which lies immediately north of the subject property. He is the president of the Willow Brook Homeowners Association, which is a 20-lot neighborhood all of which are on septic systems. He is a professional engineer(traffic). He did review the plat and feels that there are some very good things including the pedestrian connections. Sanitary sewers are going in all around them and they are not currently in the City limits and at some time they might want to connect into the sewer system. They would like to make sure that they would be able to connect to the sewer at some point in the future. The stub road that is an extension of SE 133`�Street would be the obvious place to tie in to the sewer. He v�rould like to hear some discussion on how that would serve Willow Brook Lane. Christy Hill .5 Vesta Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98059 she would like clarification on the new I, boundary li��e for the Hills,it appears that some of the tree map and tree retention plan includes trees that will now be inside that new boundary line adjustment,will that affect the proposed i retention plan. She hopes those trees will stay. � Gwendol n High, 13405-158`�Avenue SE, Renton,WA 98059 stated that several of the trees shown on the plan appear to be within the Hills disputed boundary,they would like to find out how that might affect the overall number of trees being retained after the adjustment is made. Some of the trees identified as being retained appear to be dying or dead or not worth keeping. They would like to see a plan that will show exactly which trees are to remain. A homeowners association for maintenance of roadway, storm water and utilities improvements , only has been conditioned,they request that Renton retain performance oversight,require performance bond and add requirements for maintenance of shared landscaping and open space tracts as we1L � Regarding Tract 998, staff recommendation requires a six-foot paved walkway connection,there I is a concern that this is asking for a dual use for that existing ravement and fear this will be a newly created safety issue with pedestrian access and driveway, they would like it clear that the I pedestrian walkway is a separate sidewalk,not an extension of the 6-foot driveway. i The ground water is still a critical concern and having this matter looked at by experts is critical in making sure there are not surprises in the future. I Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 6 A sidewalk that goes along the enrire western border of the proposed plat was proposed to connect the two developments has been proposed and CARE has been working with sunounding developments and the City of Renton to obtain funding support to make this a reality. _ If pedestrian improvements are not required it is most likely that CARE will appeal the final decision on this plat application to the full extent of remedy allowed. Tom Carpenter, 15006 SE 139`�Place,Renton,WA 98059 stated that he lives three blocks south and 2 blocks west of the proposed development. He is the chair of the Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council's Gro��vth Management Committee and they submitted a formal letter to the Renton City Council. The purpose of that letter is to deal with the overall impact of the character of the neighborhood as development begins to occur. It is unfair to take one developer and make them first in this area,he wanted to reinforce some of the comments of others. T'he character of the neighborhood is not being carried through. Vesta Avenue is going to eventually be a major north/south thoroughfare on this hill. He would encourage developers to voluntarily make sure that they address the character of the neighborhood as they go through these developments. � Kayren Kittrick,Development Services Division stated that Rosario Avenue SE in this location 1 was not going to be used as a roadway but they did keep the right-of-way so a pedesh-ian trail could be made at some point in the future. Parks Department said no at that point and they were more afraid of the complaints of the use by undesirables as opposed to the good citizens of the city. Also,they had not come up with a complete design that they wanted for the city. Part of the road was blocked due to parties and other things that were going on where no one could see. Until the park land is distinctly owned by the City of Renton, the pedestrian access is as designed for this project. Due to Rosario not being improved, Lots 10-14 would be access only from the interior of the plat, as well Lots 52-55 would be via interior access only. All of the septic in this vicinity is somewhat troublesome to some of the homeowners in this area. The design that has been submitted is preliminary, there is an overall plan for both private construction that is driven by development as to how fast it gets put into place. All applications are reviewed for the largest amount of service as possible. One of the City Codes does require that all stubs do go up to the adjoining property lines. The vacarion of Rosario was not finished, she did not lmow if it had been w�thdrawn, they got to a certain point and then it was just dropped. The SE 4�'corridor was the main reason why so many codes got changed last year. Landscaping caused the codes to be changed, there is enforcement capability now. Michael Chen,Core Design, Inc., 14711 NE 29`�'Place,Bellewe 98007 stated that regarding tree retention on Lot 55 specifically, the majority of the trees are on the north side of the fence and the plan is to include and save those trees,there is one tree that may be outside their boundary anci that one tree will not affect their tree retention play. Regarding Exhibit 17,the landscape plan Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 7 was colored to make it easier to identify the trees, the building footprints are conceptual,but the trees are in their correct locations. ' Ted Sche��er, Terra Associates, 12525 Willo«�s Road, Ste. 101, Kirkland, WA 98034 stated that most times he is called to assure the local residents that a particular new development will not cause the ground water to dry up,and here the residents are concerned that this project will crcate an increase in the ground water table. The ground water on the site that people are seeing as seeps and springs exiting from embanlanent cuts and utility trench excavations is a seasonal ground water table that is directly related to precipitation. The shallow seepage will actually diminish becoming completely absent dunng the dr}�er summer months, e��apotranspiration takes the water and dries it up. The first series of test pits were excavated in February 2005 the majonty of the test pits had shallow ground water,a second series of test pits were excavated in October 2005, at the end of the dry season, and all those test pits had no ground«-ater. Regarding the e-mails from CARE regarding a landslide that occurred near the intersection of SE 148�'and 154�'Avenue SE, the developments north of this area did not ha�-e any impact on that slide. David Cavton, Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29"'Place, Ste. 101, Bellevue, WA 98007 stated that the final engineering plans will extend the sewer lines up to the property line for future connection to the north. T'he sewer lines were extended from the Maplewood project up to this north right-of-way for future extension as well. The following two testimonies were recorded on April ll, 2006 during t1:e appeal hearing due to the fact that the parties were not available for today's hearing: Kimberly Claurnont, 107 Vesta Avenue SE, Renton,WA 98059 stated that her house is located on the easement on Vesta Avenue just south of tract 998. She is currently working with Burnstead regarding the easement that is in question and how the easement will be developed in order to allow them to continue to use that as their driveway access. They have lived in the house for close to 10 years and have used that easement as their access. She also has a recorded Declaration of Easement recorded with King County. While they are working on an agreement, there has been no agreement reached as yet. Until they do come to some agreement, she�vould like to make sure that that easement remains open to them. June Hill, 225 Vesta Avenue SE,Renton, WA 98059 stated that their property shares a boundary with Highlands Park Preliminary Plat. They are actually platting their land and she«�ould like to submit conespondence documents that she has kept for almost two years. David Halinen stated that the HOA oversight issue had been adequately dealt with by Ms. Kittrick, due to Council legislation there is no��v some program in place and it«�ould seem inappropriate to supplement that without any particulars. Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF,PP May 18,2006 Page 8 Tract 998 and the dual use issue,a slight modification to Staff Condition#3 should stated"A six foot paved pedestrian walkway connection to be located within the existing recorded access easement"the following should be added at that point: "as that easement may be widened". The Walkway may be widened on the north edge rather than the south edge, which would place the pedestrian walkway along the north edge. T'here has been no adverse possession in regard to this strip,at best it would be a prescriptive easement. At this time the City of Renton has no official designation of a trail within the Rosario Avenue SE corridor. The City of Renton Parks Department is not recommending construction of a trail at this point in time,therefore,the requirement of a trail would be improper. Mr. Halinen urged the Examiner to recommend to the City Council the approval of the Highlands Park Preliminary Plat. Keri Weaver stated that several persons testifying today had quesrions about adjustments due to resolution to the Hill boundary line dispute or the vacation on Rosario and the impacts those issue might have on the tree retention plan. The plan submitted by the applicant is a preliminary plan and is considered until all the documents are received for final plan approval,there could be some adjustments to lot sizes and various other things. There will be a final tree retention plan that will undergo final review and approval. The Cedar River to Sammamish Trail potentially proposed by King County note that in the DSNM issued in January there was a note stating that the exact location would have to be disclosed on title. ( Landscaping and open space maintenance concerns were raised, landscaping on individual lots is the responsibility of the individual homeowner,but when placed off site it is the responsibility of the homeowner's association. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at approximately 12:17 p.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMI��NDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FI'�IDINGS: , 1. The applicant,Burnstead Construction, filed a request for a Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC),the City's responsible official issued a Deternunation of Non-Significance -Mitigated(DNS-M). T'hat deternunation was appealed by CARE and in a separate but concurrent SEPA appeal decision, the ERC's determination was upheld(see attached decision). Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 9 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located between Rosario Avenue SE(152nd SE in King County)on the west and Vesta Avenue SE(156th SE in King County)on the east and north SE 2nd Place. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of low density residential uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-4 (Single Family-4 dwelling units/acre). See below for an exception to the normal R-4 density requirements. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5140 enacted in June 2005. 9. The subject site is approlcimately 18.13 acres. The parcel is generally rectangular with some rectangular doglegs extending south and east from the main parcel. The subject site is approximately 1,246 feet wide (east to west)by approximately 630 feet deep. 10. The subject site slopes downward to the southwest at between 8 and 15 percent. T'here is an approximately 700 square foot unregulated Category 3 Wetland located in the southv�rest corner of the site that will be filled. An offsite wetland west of Rosario does not affect the subject site. j ► I 11. The applicant proposes regrading large sections of the site,which will involve I approximately 70,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. 12. The site is forested and a permit{Forest Pracrices Management) from the State will be required for tree removal. Trees will be removed but the applicant will be maintaining trees. A tree retention plan shows that approximately 25%of the trees would be retained on the site. i 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 73 lots and 3 tracts. The lots will be arranged in three tiers of lots generally running east to west across the subject site. There will be a tier of lots along both the north and south boundaries of the plat and an internal � block of lots located across the middle of the plat. Lots will front both Vesta on the eastem edge of the plat and Rosario on the western edge of the plat although the lots north of 2nd SE will actually take access from the cul-de-sac due to wetlands in the vicinity. Lots will range in size from 7,200 square feet to 11,200 square feet. 14. The two of the three tracts will be open space. One tract is located near the northeast corner of the plat adjacent to an access easement. Part of that easement provides access to a third-party property. Any use by the applicant or eventual plat residents will remain subject to the conditions and limitations involved with the third-party's ownership. The second open space tract is located near the western end of the plat immediately south of a Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP ` May 18, 2006 Page 10 cul-de-sac. The third tract will provide for the stormwater detention system and is located in the southwest comer of the plat at the northeast corner of the intersection of Rosario and 2nd Place. 15. Access to the plat will be via Rosario Avenue along the western edge of the plat. An extension of SE 2nd Street will branch off to the east and form an internal, public, looped roadway. A nevv north to south road will branch north from SE 2nd Street, cross the looped road and swing to the northeast connecting the plat to SE 133rd Street which runs east to Vesta Avenue SE(156th in King County). Rosario will not connect to the north due to a Class 2 wetland located in that alignment north of the subject site. Three easement driveways will provide access to interior lots. Two will be located in the northwest corner of the plat off of the.cul-de-sac to provide access to Proposed Lots 13 and 14 and 9, 10,and 11,respectively. The other easement will be located in the southeast corner and will provide access to Proposed Lots 55 and 56. As noted,a pedestrian access easement located southeast of Proposed Lot 29 will connect the intemal loop road with Vesta. There will be no vehicular connection to Vesta directly from the plat. 16. The applicant will be dedicating 12 feet along Vesta to allow widening of that roadway. Since Rosario will not continue to the north,the improvements will terminate at SE 2°� Street. _ 17. When the subject site was annexed to the City special standards were applied to the area , in which it was located,the Maplewood East Annexation Area. Those standards as I applied to the subject site allow a density of five(5)units per acre, 7,200 square foot minimum lot size, 60 foot lot width for interior lots and 70 feet for corner lots, 70 foot lot depth, minimum front yard of 15 feet(20 feet with garage), 15 foot side yard along a I street, 5 foot interior yard and a 25 foot rear yazd. I 18. The density for the plat would be 4.82 dwelling units per acre. This complies with the I special standards applicable to this property. 19. The applicant has proposed five-foot landscape strips along both Rosario and Vesta. As � noted,the applicant will also be retaining some of the significant trees on the subject site. 20. A «�ildlife study indicated that there were no endangered or threatened species including no avian species. No particular mammals were idenrified but small and larger mainmals may exist on this forested site. 21. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to ! generate approximately 32 school age children. These students would be spread across � the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 22. The development will increase traffic approximately 10 trips per unit or approximately ' 730 trips for the 73 single-family homes. Approximately ten percent of the trips, or approximately 73 additional peak hour trips will be generated in the morning and evening. Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 11 23. The stormwater pond would be located in the southwest corner of the subject site. It will comply with the King County 2005 Manual. It will meet Leve12 flow control requirements and the property was assessed as a forested site and the pond sized accordingly. It will be lined to avoid either seepage out or infiltration into it. � 24. Sewer and water are available. Sewer will be provided by the City of Renton while Water District 90 has provided a water availability certificate. Sewer line extensions will be completed by the applicant as required by code. 25. It appears that while a vacation along the western edge of the plat in a portion of the Rosario right-of-way was iniriated, it was never finalized. The plat was designed as if it had been accomplished. The applicant should finalize the vacation of Rosario or interior lot lines may have to be altered to accommodate the loss of that acreage. 26. There was some question about the location of a properiy line in the southeast comer of the plat. The applicant will provide a quick claim deed to resolve the issue with neighbors. The amount of property involved should not adversely affect the lot layout but minor adjustments would accommodate any lot size issues. CONCLUSIONS: � 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. While there was significant public interest in sorting out the stormwater issues, it appears that the plat makes appropriate provisions for not only the stormwater management but also for I � providing appropriate infrastructure including domestic water and road systems. `' 2. The plat will provide somewhat larger single-family lots for those who want more yard and open space. The applicant will be retaining approximately 25% of the larger significant trees. 3. There is no doubt that developing a forest site with single family housing will change the ' character of the subject site as well neighboring property. These changes were or should ' have been anticipated when the Comprehensive Plan was adopted for the area and then Zoning was applied to the property. There will be more traffic and general hubbub in and around the property once it is occupied. 4. The lots are generally rectangular. Most lots have direct access to streets while a few will I use easements. T'he development of the proposed roadways, easements and paths seems ' appropnate given the size, shape and topography of the site and surrounding area. � 5. The applicant will be paying mitigation fees to offset impacts on roads,parks and emergency services. T'he development of the subject site should also increase the tax base of the City further offsetting impacts of this larger plat on the City.. 6. As noted in the findings,two issues concerning lot lines or acreage were not finalized. One concerns a proposed vacation of a portion of Rosario on the west end of the plat. Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 12 The second concerned potential discrepancy along the southeast margin of the plat where I some property ownership issues had been unresolved. The applicant indicated that these issues would be resolved. 7. In conclusion,the plat appears to be reasonably designed, accommodates needed { improvements and therefore, should be approved by the City Council. RECOMATENDATION: The City Council should approve the propose�d 73-lot plat subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Revised Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated that was issued by the Environmental Review Committee on February 6,2006. , 2. The applicant shall submit a fencing plan for the storm water detention pond(Tract 997). I Fencing shall be consistent with the requirements of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The satisfaction of these requirements shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. , 3. A 6-foot paved pedestrian walkway connection,to be located within the existing recorded I', access easement, shall be provided from Vesta Avenue SE through proposed Tract 998 '� (park)to the internal plat road. T'his walkway shall be shown on the final plat. The I easement must be recorded prior to or concurrent with recording of the final plat. The easement shall not interfere with the cxisting third party easement in that location. 4. The applicant shall be required to provide a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan(TESCP)designed pursuant to the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements,outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual, and to provide staff with a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of construction pernuts. S. The proposed vacation of a 5-foot portion of the Rosario Avenue SE right-of-way (VACOS-004) shall be finalized and recorded prior to or concurrent with recording of the final plat. 6. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for shared roadway,stormwater and utility improvements. A draft of the document(s) shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to the recording of the fmal plat. ' 7. The applicant shall resolve the adverse possession claim and adjust lots sizes if necessary to accommodate any property transfer. Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 13 ORDERED THIS 18`h day of May, 2006 —� . ' `-'�-�- �\�'"�- FRED J.KA MAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMTTTED THIS 18'�'day of May 2006 to the parties of record: Keri Weaver Kayren Kittrick David Halinen 1055 S Grady Way Development Services Division 2115 North 30�'Street, Ste.203 Renton, WA 98055 City of Renton Tacoma, WA 98403 Michael Chen Ronda Bryant Bob Herman Core Design, Inc. 6220 SE 2°d Place 225 Vesta Avenue SE 14711 NE 29`�`Place, Ste. 101 Renton, WA 98059 Renton,WA 98059 Bellevue,WA 98007 Christy Hill Gwendolyn High Tom Carpenter 225 Vesta Avenue SE 13405-158`�Avenue SE 15006 SE 139`�Place 'I Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton,WA 98059 Ted Schepper David Cayton Terra Associates Core Design, Inc. 12525 Willows Road, Ste. 101 14711 NE 29�'Place, Ste. 101 Kirkland, WA 98034 Bellevue, WA 98007 TRANSMITTED THIS 18`h day of May 2006 to the following: � Mayor Kathy Keolker Stan Engler,Fire Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Larry Meckling,Building Official Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Planning Commission Larry Warren, City Attorney Transportation Division Gregg Zimmerman,PBPW Administrator Utilities Division Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Neil Watts,Development Services Jennifer Henning,Development Services Janet Conklin,Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services King County Journal Pursuant to Title N, Chapter 8, Section 100(G).of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writin�on or before 5:00 p.m.,June 1,2006. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of ne«�evidence which could not be reasonably available Highlands Park Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-OS-124, ECF,PP May 18, 2006 Page 14 at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities ar errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action,as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title N, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writin�on or before 5:00 p.m.,June 1,2006. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval bv City Council or final processin�of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications conceming the proposal must be made in public. This public communication pernuts all interested parties to lrnow the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidarion of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the inirial public hearing but to all requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council G�.`��` o� ��'TY ��' ���T�01�T �: �- � � ♦ Hearing Examiner ,� Kathy Keolker,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman � "��,��0 June 13,2006 David Halinen Halinen Law Offices, P.S. McCarver Square 2115 N 30�'Street, Suite 203 Tacoma, WA 98403-3397 Jennifer Toth Henning,AICP Principal Planner City of Renton Re: Highlarids Park Preliminary Plat,LUA-OS-124,ECF,PP Re uest for Reconsideration q Dear Mr.Halinen and Ms.Henning: , T'his office has received a request far reconsideration to alter Condition Number 5. ' It appears reasonable to make that change. Condition Number 5 will now read as follows: �, ! I� "If the applicant wishes to make minor adjustments to lots in the vicinity of the southerly portion of the site based upon the land area that would be gained by a vacation of the portion of the Rosario Avenue S.E. unimproved right-of-way that had been the subject of City of Renton Vacation File No. VAC-OS-004 (uitimately withdrawn),the applicant shall(a} file a new vacation application, (b) submit an application for a minor amendment to the preliminary plat, and(c) finalize and record the vacation prior to or concurrent with the recording of the final plat." If this office can provide any further assistance,please feel free to write. � � Sincerely, �' ' � � �� �I '�, ;� � Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner Citv of Renton FK/nt � cc: Neil Watts, Development Services_ � Jennifer Henning,Development Services Ron Hughes, Land Development Manager, Burnstead Construction Co., Inc. Michael Chen,AICP, Core Design,Inc. 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055-(425)430-6515 � � �`� � � � .jHEAD OF THE GCc2VE �This oaoer conNdins SG%recvrJed materi�l 30%,oost con;umer � ° - �..-�' � ��`� `� �ti`�Y O� ��'�'� �T'N ��EliT'T�l� �_ ;`��� ♦ ����- ♦ Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department , �� � ��0,� Kathy Keoiker,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator �a ' ``, �:'NT February 2, 2006 Michael Chen Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29�' Piace#101 Beilevue, WA 98007 � Subject: Highlands Park Preliminary Plat–LUA05-124, PP, ECF Revised Environmental Determination/Reschedule of Public Hearing Dear Mr. Chen: As you know, on December 28, 2005, two appeals and requests for reconsideration of the Environmental Determination were filsd by individual parties. The appeals were filed in a timely manner, and will be heard as part of the public hearing for the preliminary plat. On January 31, 2006 the En�ironmental Review Commit#ee separately reviewed the requests for reconsideration and issued a revised threshold Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated with revised Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes. Both are enclosed for your review. The public hearing date has been rescheduled for April 4, 2006 at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, • Seventh Floor, Renton City Half, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. The applicant or � representative(s) of the applicant are required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you prior to the scheduled hearing. Appeals of the environmental detercnination must be �led in writing on or before 5:00 PM on February 20, 2006. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. ,_- If you have any questions or or need additional information, please call me at(425)430-7382. Sirceraly, } ������ �- �- . Keri Weaver Senior Planner cc: Jim Jacques Construction/Owner Burnstead Construction/Applicant Parties of Record Enclosures � � ,_, i - — �-, ►�-� 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 �;. � � ;':, �' ��a1 � _ . -- -- :s:r,_�u or •r�-__ . ;:i;�•— CITY OF RENTON REVISED - DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPUCATION NO(S): LUA05-124, PP, ECF APPLICANT: Bumstead Construction PROJECT NAME: Highlands Park Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting SEPA environmental review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 73-lot subdivision of an 18.13-acre site located within the Residential� (R-4) dwelling units per acre zone. The applicant proposes the eventual development of single-family detached units. An existing residence and ancillary structures will be removed. The lot sizes would range from approximately 8,200 sq. ft. to 11,200 sq. ft. The site is located at 115 Vesta Ave. NE, and will have access from SE 133rd Street on the north side, and from Rosario Ave. NE on.the west side, with intemal public streets. A storm water detention pond is proposed for th�southwest comer of the site. Two open space/paric tracts witl be provided onsite. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL; On the west side of 115 Vesta Ave. NE (King County 156th Ave. SE),south of SE 133rd Street, no�th of SE 136th Street,and east of Rosario Ave. NE (King County 152nd Ave. SE) LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Departmeni of PlanningBuilding/Public Works Deveiopment Planning.Section MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall comply with the recammendations contained within the geotechnical �eport dated October 10, 2005, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$488.00 per new single-family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project prior to the reo�rding of the fina!plat i � 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot prior to the reoording of the final plat. 5. i he project shall comply v�rith the 2G�,5 iiing County Surface iNater Design tvianuaf fior both detention (Conservation Flow Control—Level 2)and water quality facilifies. 6. Clearing and grading activities shall comply with the tree retention plan dated January 26, 2006, in order to p�eserve at�east 25°/a of existing significant trees on the site. ERC Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1 CITY OF RENTON REVISED - DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA05-124, PP, ECF APPLICANT: Bumstead Construction PROJECT NAME: Highlands Park Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting SEPA environmental review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 73-lot subdivision of an 18.13-acre site located within the Residential-� (R-4) dwelling units per acre zone. The applicant proposes the eventual development of single-family detached units. An existing residence and ancillary structures will be removed. The Iot sizes would range from approximately 8,200 sq. ft. to 91,200 sq. ft. The site is located at 115 Vesta Ave. NE, and wiil have access from SE 133rd Street on the north side, and from Rosario Ave. NE on the west side, with intemal public streets. A storm water detention pond is proposed for the southwest comer of the s�te. Two open spaoe/park tracts will be provided onsite. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: On the west side of 115 Vesta Ave. NE (King County 156th Ave. SE), south of SE 133rd Street, north of SE 136th Street, and east of Rosario Ave. NE (King County 152nd Ave.SE) LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works � Development Planning Section Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided In conjunction with the environmenta! determination. 9ecause these notes ar+e provlded as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmenta!deferminations. �lannin, 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours befinreen 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless � othervvise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. � 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of�the site that is g�aded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety(90)days. Altemative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic ; covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 3. Commercial, multi-family, new single-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:d0) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours befinreen nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock(8:00)p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. Fire Prevention 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20-foot wide. Dead end roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. ERC Advisory Notes Page 1 of 3 I 3. Dead end access roadways over 700 feet in length are required to have a secondary access. All lots on a dead end access roadway beiween 500 and 700 feet are required to be sprinkiered. A secondary access would eliminate this requirement. � 4. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Plan Review—Stormwater Drainaqe 1. The Surface Water System Development Charges are based on a rate of$715.00 x 72 new single-family lots. Estimated fees based on the entire site plan is $51,480.00. Payment of these fees will be required prior to issuance of utility construction permit. 2. Applicant will be required to tightline al1 roof drains to the storm system. 3. A preliminary drainage report has been submitted and reviewed. The project will be required to comply with the standards and requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. A temporary erosion control plan will be required and shall be installed and maintained to the satisfac6on of the representaGve of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 5. Fencing and landscaping shall be provided along the proposed detention/water quality pond facilities area where it abuts the right-of-way. 6. The applicant shall comply with the preliminary geotechnical report by TeRa Associates, dated October 10, 2005, and its recommended conditions. Plan Review—Water 1. Fire flow requirement for single-family residences is 1,000 gpm. A hydrant is required within 300 feet of the furthest structure. If residences exceed 3,600 square feet, fi�e flow 9ncreases to 1,500 gpm and en additional hydrant will be required. - � 2. A 5-inch Storz quick-disconnect fitting will be required to be installed on existing and new hydrants. 3. All plats shail provide a separate water service stubs to each building lot prior to recording of the piat. Separate permits for water meters will be required. Plan Review—Sewer 1. The project is subject to the Easi Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD). Fees will be collected at the time the utility consVuction peRnit is issued. 2. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on a rate of$900.00 x 72 single-famiiy lots. 3. Estimated fees based on the entire site plan is $64,800.00. Payment of these fees will be required prior to issuance o#utility construction permit. 4. A sanitary sewer main extension to the furthest extent of the new interior street that will serve the plat will be required. The sewer main shall be installed at a slope that will allow it to serve the developments to the north by gravity, as far as possible. 5. A sewer main extension along the frontage of the parcels with Vesta Ave. NE will be required. 6. Separate sewer stubs are required to be provided to each lot prior to recording of the short plat. No dual side sewers are allowed. Minimum slope for side sewers shall be 2%. Plan Review—Street Im�rovements 1. Full street improvements including sidewalk,curb and gutter, street lighting, signage, landscaping and storm drainage are required to be installed along the frontage of the project site with Rosario Ave NE, SE 2"d Place and Vesta Ave. NE, and along the new streets in the interior of the plat. 2. Dedication of 12 feet of right-of-way atong the frontage of Vesta Ave. NE will be required. 3. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. 4. The traffic mitigation fee of$75 per additional generated daily trip shall be assessed at a rate of 9.57 trips per single-family residence. ERC Advisory Notes Page 2 of 3 5. A pedestrian walkway connection, with a minimum 6 feet of pavement, shail be provided from Vesta Ave. NE to the intemal road in proposed tract 998 (park), to enable easier access for pedestrians. M access easement for this purpose shall be recorded with the final plat. 6. The applicant has requested a road modification for reduction of right-of-way width of intemal streets to 42 feet. The road modification decision will be issued during review of the preliminary plat application. General: 1. Separate permits for the side sewer connections, water meters and storm drainage connections are required. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for securing all necessary easements for utilities. 3. All new rockeries or retaining walls to be constructed that are greater than 4 feet in height will be require a separate building permit for structural review.A geotechnical report is required with submittal. 4. A Forest Practices Permit from the Washington Departrnent of Natural Resources may be required for the proposed clearing. The applicant will be required to provide detailed information regarding the percentages of hardwood, conifer and shrubs onsite, and the kinds and amounts to be rem�ved and left. Contact: Lisa Spahr, Department of Natural Resou�ces, (36�J)802-7007. 5. A right-of-way vacation request has been submitted to City Council (VAC 05-004)for 5 feet along Rosario Ave. NE for Tax Parcel ID No. 1423059118, and witl be considered during review of the preliminary plat application. 6. A segment of King County's proposed Cedar River-Sammamish Regional Trail may be developed in the unused portion of Rosario Ave. NE, north of SE 2"d Street, and may be extended through the right-of-way on the east side of Rosario Ave. NE adjacent to the proposed storm water pond (Tract 997/Parcel D). The applicant is required to pro�ide notice conceming the potential trail development and its location on title for all lots in the proposed subdivision. 7. The applicant shall include a copy of the Tree Retentian Plan dated January 26, 2006 as an attachment to the CC�Rs for the future homeowners' associa6on. The CC&Rs shall inGude a provision that if any trees identified for retention in the Tree Retention Plan are removed after occupancy, each tree removed shall be replaced in the same general area with another tree of like kind, and shall be permanently maintained. ERC Advisory Notes Page 3 of 3 3. OFFSITE ANALYSIS: Upstream Tributary Area Approximately 14,890 square feet of existing pavement area along Vesta Avenue SE is tributary to the site. Frontage improvements along Rosario Avenue SE south of the proposed entrance and along SE 2"d Place will be bypassing the proposed detention/water quality facility. This bypass area will be compensated for with detention and treatment of some of the existing pavement area that is tributary to the Vesta Avenue SE frontage improvements and proposed conveyance system. This will result in a smaller upstream area tributary to the proposed detention/water quality facility. See Existing and Developed Site Conditions e�iibits in Section IIIA of this Report. Based on record drawings for Willowbrook Lane, all lots except lots 7 and 8 are shown to be collected by the storm drainage system that was constructed as part of Willowbrook Lane. It was therefore, assumed that the south half of lots 7 and 8 drain onto the site. The total lot area assumed tributary is 18,130 square feet. This area was assumed to consist of landscaping and/or grass. Downstream Analysis The downstream analysis was performed on September 20, 2005. The weather was partly cloudy with a temperature of 68° F. See the attached Downstream Drainage Route e�ibit on the following pages. The site runoff flows in a southwesterly direction across the site and then south as it approaches 152"d Avenue SE. Drainage continues to sheet flow across the properties to the south for approximately 150 ft. and enters a ditch that is located on the north side of SE 136�' Street(1). The ditch flow travels west where it enters a 12" culvert(2). The culvert runs west for approximately 30 ft. until entering a type II catch basin at the intersection of 152"d Avenue SE and SE 136�' Street where it then joins with a 24" storm pipe from the north(3). The runoffthen continues south in a 24" storm pipe for approximately 50 ft. where it discharges into a swale within the 152°d Avenue SE right of way(4). The flow then heads in a southwesterly direction through Maplewood Neighborhood Park. On the day of the field investigation,the flow dissipated into a ponding area, approximately 15 ft. across and 1 ft. deep, where it appeared to enter groundwater, approximately 100 ft. southwest of where the 24" storm drain discharges into the swale (S). However,there is a shallow swale southwest of the ponding area that appears to convey flow through the park that does not infiltrate into the ponding area. The , swale continues in a southwesterly direction through Maplewood Neighborhood Park for I approximately 1100 ft., passing the 1/4 mile threshold, where it is enters a 30"culvert ' located north of the north end of 148�' Place SE (6). The culvert runs south for ', approximately 50 ft. where it enters a type II catch basin approximately 10 ft. north of the � end of 148th Place SE (7). The flow continues south in a 30" storm drain for !, approximately 180 ft. where it enters a storm manhole at the intersection of 148�' Pl. SE and SE 138`t' Pl (8). The flow continues southerly in a 30" storm drain for approximately 'I 260 ft. until it enters a type II catch basin where it collects additional drainage from 148`n Pl. SE (9). The flow continues southwesterly in a 30" storm drain for approximately 80 ft. until it enters a type II catch basin where it collects additional drainage from 148�' P1. SE (10). The flow continues southwesterly in a 30" storm drain for approximately 100 ft. until it enters a type II catch basin where it collects additional drainage from 149�' P1. SE (11). The flow then heads west in a 30" storm drain for approximately 15 ft. where it enters a storm manhole inside a storm detention tract(12). The flow continues west in a 30" storm drain for approximately 30 ft. where it discharges into the Briar Hill detention pond (13). There were no visible signs of downstream flooding or erosion. This ends the field investigation. j I V 76.61 225.06 2 21 12151 85 115.06 TRACT A 67 15.38 06. 68 120 n 1.2 6479.69 5.55 12645 5,14 56 134.71 36 4.67 Ac. 71 595.72 149.86 S.P. 484056 (I) • -(4) j ial 92.6 1808 30: 83.86 75 ti 06.29 22.69 100.06 TRACT 8' 126.07 121.22 77 127.7 89 20.88 7/678 9r" "Im-oa %37.57 126.42 6 ST, 120.53 QB'r �� 2.49r 5!.52 60 Q @ 13399.34 g -44 83 6 84 �S V 7 660 � / -85 5;0 80 m 60 87.13 . 82 �^ 830 �a 76,36 a6.1 91 IJJ 95.29 69 0 141 g 132 R?U 83.30 00.7 135 85.3 -112.51- -108.51 • 13 ORA /Ha 4.7M 12 13 8 .1 112.51 - • 114.59 TRACT E 100 104 2 100 TRACT F 76 .�`• �- °77s 60 rs oo 1N.E, 175 ''.4.'-',:- '�� x'0172;7Z, _ -1-77 15' SWR NST ST,j ti 74 : 72 0 7303 g, 1-- 129 SCI J e k 4. ,41/00 112.5 102.19 .3� SE. 133RD m Ci. 3 P -119.9-•1 115.66 86.6A,52 PARCEL rc OIti � « 8co 133RD ST. 51.32 449 4. 113.82 116.65 114.99 S.P. 678063-R , 12615 • h 11553 65 h 0. p0 09 TRACT G o25. 0°°0 Q0,'°e 4 ., h°' o s s' 6 as va by,6 ..46.74✓3 .7r60 :5.9 TR,L .0. se s" 115i6 1ho 4.06 Ac. TRACT J 1247.82 j I 2.4 27.6 JOC. 17.1 C3 vi unCe ` ` 30' ,ccess esMr 60 153.19 1 TRACT H 12bb\a �+2G?y3 N X1\'0 3o wrx esvr W� 13 _ 469.47 RENTON vt1 W �6. 63.95 so 3 53 2 94 40 39 38 37 36 35 340n y .. b 53.96 K „ 53 55 6. r.T o.. 27 24" STORM DRAIN 19 20 21 22 23E-' 24 25 -26 L If✓IT so - 70 97.36 34.1? 1307.47 0 RADIO TRANSM/TTRR Neighborhood (6) i'. NATURAL SWALE (4) PONDING AREA tl, ` (5) 45 67.13 34 I 46 I 8517 I49 ) 6407 BRIAR HILLS DETENTION PON r, 53 o. SE. 138TH PL 100 49 50 53.12 0 128.02 Er, 37 126 233t 61-.72 139TH PL. 88 6432 Fl 92 165.01 90,02 50,02 60 102,27 19 05 60 HEFT FLOW 87 (3) S DRAINAGE DITCH 1135 r't'. 25.91 4 � 45.01 2m 45.02 43A1 . " 21,52 - 45.01 0 95 4'9` 32 ' 45.03 Ja m 41� 2 51.61 45.01 3 45.4^ 4 45.01 5 100 49 50 53.12 0 128.02 Er, 37 126 233t 61-.72 139TH PL. 88 6432 Fl 92 165.01 90,02 50,02 60 102,27 19 05 60 HEFT FLOW 87 (3) S DRAINAGE DITCH 1135 r't'. 25.91 4 � 45.01 2m 45.02 43A1 . " 21,52 - 45.01 0 30.66 Jew 4'9` 32 ' 45.03 Ja m 41� 2 51.61 45.01 3 45.4^ 4 45.01 5 6 7 8 9g 10r- kiA0 1.5 0 Cr 1 I N nos r 40 9662 co co 0,4 01 464.03 50.02 132 50.02 M30.31 '' 17@@r 16 (15 14 13 120 11 2 uj 5 39 G °��2 �� � N v 380 la "R .6 ,. p.°2 S.E.136TH N LN M ,�°‘ oESMr,`- 50,02 45.11 50.02 50,02 30.6 e�� h 37 M w (A �tiT,l_ R47 m46 45 44 43F 42" -1'6- - 36 TR, A 1154.52- .P._45.1 /RN_. d"3'/r 55.02 0 • 94.53 487 57.57 57.57 ,,,57.57.4.. '54. .59 95.03 a 4 35 E 353 a o 49 '7,,,' e- 4,2 „ i� 58 , Ca 84 w N 1A'94.53 o 50 47.57 47.57 w 5795.03 119 �, 95.05 33 3.3777 17.1 .0 �,52� Z,55 , 15.00 32 :`,71 S 129.02 18 2 '2 51 n 86 , 56,52 m e, 47,57 m Si. 20 47.57 56 n 1 93.01 , 61' .16.'17 /, , 07.02 - ®I IE trii�l3iV S E 137TH PL, 9° `90.°3ce 31 53,91 a TR. 8 50.01 a /,8.81 $49.98 � 45,01 m 50,01 45.01 37.18. r 36' '3 w 30 0 F 90.03 No m I , 53.9i -50.01 0 -eV: 21'm a 22m 45.01 23g 50,01 24g 251c 26p 27 45.01 r,28°' 50.0! ° 29 h 2:110 ES,vr„ �-110.03 ...594.09_ _ p-•� 15 75 � 16 0 594.55 (599.74) I7 r- en 21 m .... .. 594.86 in F V E m • (598.08) 0 G 24 r-, � LD �^ n In 171 22 `. •n 595 N T 597.45) O 17803 (I) 1 239,43 1 '17 6 25 (2) 1 /4.28tn 31 Lam... F 27 (3) 11809 fid' pN y, "7 M 1 .�.� -- Cy O R3 I ----SF?-1-78080- '4- _. - -:-1- ., 29 (4)I d 1539'5 01 3p ;.�1 1 SE. I42ND 101.41 15053 126 15 571.93 (ELM AVE.) tO 130 43 1426 180 0" OPEW AREA 41 60 Lti co 60 an • 35 s 12515 7 22425 126 8,2 21 43RD PL. 41.10 at 345.29 43. 13) /360 373.67 88 21,52 22 23 24 25 26 27 a A LAS OF SEATTLE KROLL MAP COMPANY, I NC., SEATTLE SCALE: I IN. = 200 FT. COPYRIGHT KROLL MAP COMPANY,INC. (36TH .S4 -Ac. 59 f5p 60 �T 0E14.Ua35EC.14 R.S E ro co r. • 11004 S.F? 480035 345.29 43. 13) /360 373.67 S. E. 593.95 (600.10) • co to •n rfl to to to oo to 594.25 (595.40.1 1/49 Ls 4s, 594.43 554.55 0 ro en el 13933 r-ol 4 cer,?.1 A c, R E .: 60 gi In to 111 13,0 tri- el rn to to 140.03 5 14o 25.8 co kiA0 1.5 0 Cr 1 I co co 0,4 01 464.03 132 ko 4.1 j so GO PLEASE NOTE; Kroll Atlas Pages are revised at least once a year with regard to plata, ,...short plats, condonilnIums, and corporate limits. Addressing and structural Information Is updated loss frequently. This map Is copyrighted In both form end content, Reproduction In whole or In part, or transferring into digital form, is prohibited by law. Copyright 1997, Kroll Map Company, Inc:- Seattlo, Washington. Alt rights reserved. PAVING WATER SEWER COUNTY TAX LOT NO. MAIN' 8. HYDRA' DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE ROUTE HIGHLANDS PARK CORE NO. 01019 4. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: A. HydrauGc Analysis The drainage analysis was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series soflware. The soils are Alderwood (AgC),KCRTS group Till per the Soils Map attached on the following pages. The site is located in the Sea-Tac rainfall region with a location scale factor of 1.0. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions will include the property area(post BLA), 18.12 acres,plus the ' area within Vesta Avenue SE (156�'Avenue SE)along the frontage from the existing edge pavement to the property line,4,070 square feet or 0.09 acre,plus the area within Rosario Avenue SE and SE 2"d Place from the existing edge pavement/curb to the back of proposed sidewalk, 6,547 square feet or 0.15 acre. The site is currently occupied by one single-family residence and associated outbuildings. A portion of the site is pasture and impervious with the remainder young second growth forest. However, the existing site will be treated entirely as forest in compliance with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Page 1-3, `Historic Conditions'. The following information was used for '� generating time series and flow frequencies. EXISTING CONDITIONS Total Area= 18.36 acres 01019ex) GROiJND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Forest 18.36 �x�;��•i•vN �u is eet 5) amc /SSAOUAH�a Mi. 10' 1 5e0000 FE� 122°07'30" •. � ��� . 47°�� :n.._ +L u'•i � �i=' � : : • � . , ' , � ' AeD � .... . , ---�' . • -. � •r s.Wy �• �, 'i��_ ;AmC � � • �, � • � N�• �ghja� y � ��1 i� � ��• •' ' n �J � .��f � ,r + �dG■� ����-.'`�� �r' • .. � � ��:• �...... � .. �C' :�-�.... iy,:= .; � •9 ' �ais l, Agc . . ,g� ' • • ';;ti,.+' -� �.. U •1• •9�5 ' �'s'•r; , i �. ;' • �BC � .. A � B �\. r 8 s�..: �;' . `: . .. .1 � �:_ ---- �`��� � � � r � • �� ' � �� � , _ _= i . � �\nC �I �� An . . � � �� ____ =____ .i � � �_ I i� ��� • � • Trailer .• . u: � ii�Ev6 ���. . . . �� . _ � ark;. . u i u .8 �igM ' B ��� F I I � `�.- -� I �• ' ' �� - 3 �' 424 •. . v % � - b i: -----7- � •ii . �' . ' . • �6 �Greenwood iCe� ; � i��i � . . . � � I � �� G_� � ' '.�J ..... I . 1 �� ; � 160 000 � ' � •� • AgC •ti . I . .ti� FEE7' � � r =�i=====� � � • � i o t=--`1�� • � n �a � .. •406 • �.. .r._� � . ii u . I Cem� '�� EvC �%/ �. �a� A P'n n i • , ' . ' � �' ••.r. � GRAVEL �PIT ��;R � p �� � _ . . '�\ �� � /R� F Sl o � 1 r ������321: L(, ���`a n ! a�� . , w . �____-_� AgC =_- �� �;, ,% , �� p ��� i •• .. � .15•. � 14,;; � � �� I P�c� . • �� ' il � i:�_ . �. p � � �EvC -- ---�AkF � �ti( ••"�' , • � j � ,�i , � `r ' j �\\ f�� �•••�'•• ��I ` � ������ � 2 I � �_• / ..�'i ���� • . I NA ��� / �,• ����� .. �UI 1 oY ':� � / AkF • �` . ��_�' • � /BM u � � ..__ ,I .. . '� � • /I = •�11 I 1 ,`` I /�� . 37 il � ��--.,-�=-�' •��`. --"�,Pw-+I --- --- � ,,,,�' e�a � ,;.. � —+-------- --��_- � M�37 . " •`� AkF RIYE p G ---~Ma ` � �+�� -__:__ ..C,_2�' ;\ ji' v oij� Se I � •�� „ !�"_'�- � _\\ AgC / ap,�� I �ir Ev8 o- � 'S- - - -�-- / I ��, _ _ I r.�'_---•---- / .�. , � AkF J I '�i-�� ."" `..'�. -'� -�- �Z:�- �a�- --ro ` �. ^ Rh o . � � -�� a � �� ,;,� � • Qo� �''� � � �•i Ma , � � � /�` � \�`� � �� _,� _ � . AkF � ; �, ,�\�\ `_._q�p ,y y�•�� •� • •�t n \ C I Pc n > , •; � , �� � ' � �>,`\ � .••' d• ' u M , • i�� �ri �� � •o�l _AkF_.__'-• •:j. ap • i, �;�• �� �' eF Aryg � � Ma W / \�\\��;, � � �(�`:. 0� �4 �� �• •PY � i 1 nt `� A I� J �O //� G 1 h� t`' �� u�. ��" h . � � ae �ir �\�(' �• �v` i `4 �� 'u El'ot Pc' ] -7- �� � �u ` I II =__ ` JI py h W �C �� AgC ��1��: .AkF� \`�� ���=_ �� r �1� I � Rr = �p\ � .p�. I p C k��� AkF Park N • � yl ��� �` � g �i _ p, )� 1� ApuE � \�`�� • \'�,,� ' ' ' � 1 �J ■� o � I �;-i\0 � i 'o C � � �� �u �'�. EvC � _ � �/� n Q � B` � AB� AkF � �°--- � --- � —� � -i 2 — �o` � ----- _--o --_1 --- ----e ------- � � -- -a---•----•----�-- -•-r-- •--- --�____ _BM�''--o�BM 27�3Oa � , A B I - -��-�_ 4� °- c ��� r � ' A..0 p ,__ ._ I 1 r�b �' '�C A8� �'- � � AkF � D �� BMp I `�� i . � 428 I� � � � � � AmC j AgB� Pm8 ( AgB _ .__P/PE�lNE_ A� ' 27 � .1 2 �f n 3 Ur I A � - e � � 4921 � � I � �\ � : � � , o � �C �1 •' �--�U'�---JLJU / No � `� � 'Pa � . ;�,; `!;', _ ��� , � ; .� ; ` � sk i _ KING COUNTY p '��;, , �,�� �I ���� i � -� . � ; ,,,\; �C.' ;J ° �� 'sK v I �o�::�s ��i SOIL SURVEY pg� RqvrTSKai'� E'��f i ; � , ' HIGHLANDS PARK - -- -;�o r' -�---'�'93 `�n�'�--+��e� �\ �i 0 z � CORE NO. 01019 n , =' ---, u ,,�`'— � — -o----+--- 3. .I�.� � \1,� _ ,_ , ,, \��/ i��jcP_t. ,y`��`.;� a�AgB \ i c �,o CREATING A TIME SERIES FILE (EXAMPLE) TABLE III-1 EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN SOIL TYPES CLASSIFIED BY U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE AND KING COUNTY RUNOFF TIME SERIES scs SCS Soil 7'ype Hydrologic KCRTS Soil Group Notes Soil Grou Alderwood A B,A ,A D C Till Arents, erwo ,r1m C Till Arents,Everett Material An B Outwash 1 Beausite BeC,BeD,Be C Till 2 Bellin am Bh D Till 3 Brisoot Br D Till 3 Buckle Bu D Till 4 Eazlmont Ea D Till 3 Ed wick Ed C Till 3 Everett EvB,EvC,EvD,Ew A/B Outwash 1 Indianola InC,InA,InD A Outwash 1 Kitsa B,K C,K D C Till Klaus Ks C Ourivash 1 Neilton Ne A Outwash 1 Newber B Till 3 Nooksack C Till 3 Norma No D Till 3 Orcas Or D Wetland Oridia Os D Till 3 Ovall OvC,OvD,OvF C Till 2 Pilchuck Pc C Till 3 Pu Pu D Till 3 Pu allu P B Till 3 Ra ar RaC,RaD,RaC,RaE B Outcvash 1 Renton Re D Till 3 Salal Sa C Till 3 Sammamish Sh D Till 3 Seattle Sk D Wetland Shalcar Sm D Till 3 Si Sn C Till 3 Snohomish So,Sr D Till 3 Sultan Su C Till 3 Tukwila u D Till 3 Woodinville o D Till 3 Key to Notes: 1. Where outcvash soiLs aze saturated or underlain at shallow depth(<5 feet)by gladal till,they should be treated as till soiLs. 2. These are bedrock soiLs,but calibration of HSPF(Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran)by King County Surface Water Management shows bedrock soiLs to have similar hydrologic response to till soiLs. 3. These aze alluvial soils,some of which are underlain by gladal till or have a seasonally high water table. In the absence of detailed study,these soiLs should be treated as till soils. 4. Buckley soiLs are formed on the lovr permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that for till soiLs. I� October 2A,1995 �� KCRTS Use�'s Guide III-J ST 1.0/ ST 1.1 - ST 1.0 LA 0.8 LA 0.9 LA 1.0 LA 1.2 � � � , , _ SNOHOMISH COUNTY � 6 ...j��;,tAKfT/i 3��� ` � .` OIN1qCLk -'�i r.c C n U�t i V .. • 1 ► ` . ; � v .`sM �E' `ir�/ 'r r_l -� - _.. ) __� � c.�I� / \��.� I. ,Y�'., s � � --� ,.B ;- ' a ,` '`zT.. �._�— � --� � . �� ' 1 ,y .% f . - �.i �orw�o �� �, �,fu, I y ,r`" �rr�W '`-r `, �i ,, �,� �''"%, �^ .�: f qE �� � , �/ � o''-�- � ,•�'' T' l_ 'i . ' ��' � �t � �� , \ �. _1. �_ i X ' . � -' : ^ Ct � -'-.. . i . CFnrur ������� �r ��S�vp4 � 1,. J f'' ,t� •,�� � f _-"c] -'�'s ar�." � �E°"°s�`} ' � � �� --, �� ' ; _.. ElGoO A;�.` "� .• j`�. �,�ELLEMUE � � : � � 6�0 �� �� - J t l BY '�_%� �'� � �.�7f � ^ '`� _'� ,, ' i`.� \ '`` ��� � \ ��`\ � ��;�7 �* i ��' ` -i � � - _ � .- -- .."Li �i � �'r� � ��. s•� j� .- �J...,� . Y!� '� racw. - � \. �1 �s � ,� , � . � ' - •- . � � - ` .., <� �: ��' �.. _, � � � .�� t•�� / i� ,�. .. �r.. ' �SEAT�« �r' ��/ �' •~ r _���./�Y�-_ _ _ v�ESTq(.. Y/�oURiYIE �FMC LE - �OII -' �^ _ �OMt �I -."1"^" 1�{" .�.' � _ �I65AOUM�.- - I �'� ! � '�• ]{__ � 4(` ,� ~- �` � 1 1- - , � t� - � `i, J t�� .ii.- ..op4� O �� .i v�eaion �. , `�� ��eKro � ,,. �� I � 't � - ,a,� �; � p sr , ��,1----- �^�`,,,•' '' g � � �+-� � RIqNT �� � < • [ � � � - � � � �dRu�°'Prt�°' ' __— � i �cw.s.a, �K c� �i-�_ '� LANDSBURG �°�41 =r' I 3 �. �I v..�.� ;'j F��- `� I t-�� l °"rn'° / �, i.i.e� °- - � � ,r�r ��1 � '` Q '�J����_ � , � �ra r I � �- , f � .i.� - - .:• ��� � � ��\ �„-- � � �v _'._... _.._._..__---_ I� ��, � � � �� �_ �'. � PojA �� :� �` . � � �uoaaiwa I - s ~\. . j -- - . S�v�� Q�� : L- �,> ,r :; -- � _ �cxr� 1 ,� ��. �-�_ ,�9 • ��� - ' F � . P , ,-���� ���� � 'ti L� �� � �� �, - , I11 -// - � � .' /y�ur4ey'�;• �/ � 'a. J st�Cx �.�. I�� y--'-�I-.f--F-=�;\ ! ouvyMo !� � /� � ` --- ! . O , -r 1� "� ST 1. 1 EBiiui wl1v� Yt _ _ . I ,,,�,,, \ � �71 1y,-r � r�',f } ��..�`%� � , '' s, J .� I J F" �"° �. firg'c.ou�fry' 1 ��.�t PIEpCE COUNTY \ ` � 'i, � ST 1.0 � � -- -- _ ��"��..,� ST 1.0/ -- � -,, Rainfall Regions and �A o.s � � -�� ,� Regional Scale Factors �A o.9 --� `- - ` ���.-�.. �--__�, �LA 1.2 �. -- LA 1.0 �� `--. � ___i Incorporated Area ' � River/Lake I Maj�r Road i ' Fiow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:01019ex.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period i 1.16 2 2/09/O1 18:00 1.48 1 100.00 0.990 I 0.314 7 1/06/02 3:00 1.16 2 25.00 0.960 ' 0.858 9 2/28/03 3:00 0.889 3 10.00 0.900 � 0.031 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.858 4 5.00 0.800 0.509 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.750 5 3.00 0.667 0.889 3 1/18/06 21:00 0.509 6 2.00 0.500 0.750 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.314 7 1.30 0.231 1.48 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.031 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.37 50.00 0. 980 UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY CONDITIONS Approximately 14,890 square feet of existing pavement area along Vesta Avenue SE is tributary to the site. Approximately 5,452 square feet or 0.12 acre of frontage improvements along Rosario Avenue SE south of the proposed entrance and along SE 2°d Place will be bypassing the proposed detention/water quality facility. This bypass area will be compensated for with detention and treatment of some of the existing pavement azea that is tributary to the Vesta Avenue SE frontage improvements and proposed conveyance system. T'his will result in a smaller upstream area tributary to the proposed detention/water quality facility. See Existing and Developed Site Conditions e�ibits in ', Section IIIA of this Report. The net upstream area of existing pavement considered as �' tributary area to the proposed conveyance system is 14,890 square feet(exist pvmnt/sidewalk collected)—5,452 square feet (frontage improvements bypassing)_ 9,438 square feet or 0.22 acre. Based on record drawings for Willowbrook Lane, all lots except lots 7 and 8 are shown to be collected by the storm drainage system that was constructed as part of Willowbrook Lane. It was therefore, assumed that the south half of lots 7 and 8 drain onto the site. The total lot area assumed tributary is 18,130 square feet or 0.42 acre. This area was assumed to consist of landscaping andlor grass. - There is also, upstream area along the unimproved portion of Rosario Avenue SE north of the proposed entrance. Approximately, 5,460 square feet or 0.13 acres of 2°d growth trees will be tributary to the proposed entrance. T'here are three lots which are enclosed by the subject site and are located along Vesta Avenue SE. These lots are upstream of the subject site. These lots cover a total area of 38,513 square feet or 0.88 acre. Each lot is occupied by a single dwelling unit. Tables 3.2.2.D and 3.2.2.E in the 2005 KCSWDM were utilized to calculate the existing impervious surfaces for these three lots. The DU/GA= 3/0.88 = 3.4 DU/GA. Per Tables 3.2.2.D, the percentage of impervious area is 37.2%or 37.2%*0.88 acre=0.33 acre. The effective impervious fraction for a medium density single family is 0.66. The effective impervious area is therefore,0.66*0.33 acre= 0.22 acre. The remaining area is considered as pervious grass, 0.88 acre—0.22 acre= 0.66 acre. The input used for the KCRTS analysis is summarized in the table below: UPSTREAM CONDITIONS Total Area= 1.65 acre (01019u ) GROLJND COVER � AREA(acre) Till-Forest 0.13 Till-Grass (Landsca in ) 1.08 Impervious 0.44 3.2.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF FILES METHOD—GEATERATI:VG 77.�fE SERIES TABLE 3.2.2.E EFFEC7'IVE IMPERVIOUS FRAC"1'ION��� - Land Use Predevelopment Post-Development Commercial, Industrial, or Roads with Collection System 0.95 1.00 Multi-Family or High Density Singfe Family�2� (>4 DUlGA) 0.80 1.00�3� Medium Density Single Family�2�(4 DU/GA) 0.66 1.00�3� Low Density Single Family�z}(1 DUlGA) 0.50 1.00�3� Rural{2� (< 1 DU/GA) 0.40 1.00�3? Gravel/Dirt Roads and Parking Lots, Roads without 0.50 0.50 Collection System Notes: �'� The effecfive impervrous fraction is the fraction of actual total impervious area connected to the drainage system. These figures should be used in the absence of detailed surveys or physical inspection (e.g., via pipe, channel, or short sheet flowpath). �2� Figures for residential areas include roadways. �3� Section 5.2 outlines where the use of Flow Control BMPs may be used to reduce the effective impervious area of the project Example Deternuning the KCRTS land use data for an existing 20-acre residential area,with an average lot size of 9600 square feet(4.5 DU/GA),surrounding a 5-acre forested open space tract would entail the following calculations: From Table 32.2.D,the portion of basin assumed impervious at 4.5 DU/(iA Total lmpervious=0.46 x 20 acres=9.2 acres E�sting Pervious(grass)=20 acres -92 acres= 10.8 acres Existing Pervious(forest)=5 acres rrom Table 322.E,the effective impervious area Effective Impervious Fraction= 0.8 (at 4.5 DU%GA) Effective Impervious Area=0.8 x 92 acres=736 acres Non-Effective Impervious Area=9.2 acres-7.36 acres= 1.84 acres Add the non-effecrive impervious area to the area of the surrounding pervious land cover. Total Grass Area= 10.8 acres+ 1.84 acres= 12.64 acres Total Forest Area=5 acres Effective lmpervious Area=7.36 acres These are the acreages that would be input into the KCRTS model when creating tbe time series. 2005 Surface Water Design hianua] 1!24/2005 3-29 SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS METHODS KCRTS is the "Effective Impervious Area" (EIA},the total impervious area multiplied hy the effective impervious fraction. See Table 3.2.2.E,p. 3-29 for effective impervious fractions that apply�to standard impervious surfaces. Table lists effective impervious factions for altemative materials and approaches_ Non-effective impervious area(i.e.,total impervious area less EIA)is assumed to have the same hydrologic response as the immediately surrounding pervious area. For example,for existing residential areas with rooftops draining to splash pads on lawns or landscaping,the non-effective portion of the roof areas would be treated as pasture for predevelopment conditions(if DU/GA<4.0)and grass for post-development conditions. Note: Credits for in�ltration/dispersion of downspouts on individual lots in proposed single family residential subdivisions are applied separatelv on a site-speci�c basis (see , 1Vote 3, Table 3.22.E). i The effective impervious fraction can be selected from Table 3.2.2.E or deternvned from detailed site I�, surveys. With the exception of figures for compacted gravel and dirt roads and parking lots,the figures in , Table 32.2.E are average figures cited by the USGS (Dinicola, 1990). TABI.E 3.2,2.D PERCENT lA�1PERV10C.TS CUVERACE FOR EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREAS Dwelling Units/Gross %Impervious��� Dwelling Units/Gross % Impervious Acre Acre 1.0 DUlGA 15�2� 4.5 DU/GA 46 1.5 DU/GA 20 5.0 DU/GA 48 2.0 DU/GA 25 5.5 DU/GA 50 2.5 DU/GA 30 6.0 DU/GA 52 3.0 DU/GA 34 6.5 DU/GA 54 3.5 DU/GA 38 7.0 DUlGA 56 4.0 DU/GA 42 7.5 DU/GA 58 For PUDs, condominiums, apartments, commercial businesses, and industrial areas, percent impervious coverage must be computed. Notes: ��� Includes strsets and sidewalks. �2� These figures should be adjusted by the effective impervious fraction given in Table 3.2.2.E, if applicable. Values from Table 3.22.E may be interpolated as necessary. 1i24i2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 3-28 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:01019up.ts` Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- ----r--ow Freqsency �aaiysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.208 9 2/09/O1 2:00 0.445 1 100.00 0. 990 0.145 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.254 2 25.00 0.960 0.254 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.219 3 10.00 0.90C 0.130 8 8/26/09 2:00 0.208 9 5.00 0.800 0.162 6 10/28/04 16:00 0.203 5 3.00 0.667 0.219 3 1/18/06 16:00 0. 162 , 6 2.00 0.500 0.203 5 11/24/06 3:00 0. 145 7 1.30 0.231 0.445 1 1/09/08 6:00 0. 130 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.382 50.00 0.980 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS The developed site will consist of 73 single family residences with associated roadway and utilities. An internal road through the site will connect with Rosario Avenue SE at the west end of the site and SE 133rd Street at the north end of the site. Frontage improvements on Vesta Avenue SE along the frontage will also, be constructed as part of the project. Sidewalk and, as required, curb installation along Rosario Avenue SE south of the proposed entrance and along SE 2"d Place will be added along the frontage of the site. The m�imum impervious area per lot was calculated using the criteria in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual page 3-27 and K.C.C.21A.12.030. The proposed development is urban residential. The site is R-5 zoning. In K.C.C.21A.12.030, there is no listing for R-5 zoning. The maximum impervious area per lot therefore is assumed to range from R-4 zoning of 55%to R-6 zoning of 70%. The average lot size is 8,046 � square feet. The average maximum impervious area per lot would therefore range from R-4 zoning with 4,426 square feet of impervious area per lot to R-6 zoning with 5,634 square feet of impervious area per lot. Per the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual page 3-27,the maximum impervious area per lot would either be 4,000 square or the m�imum impervious area as stated in K.C.C.21A.12.030, whichever is less. The impervious area per lot will therefore, be equal to 4,000 square feet since it is less than the other impervious areas as stated in K.C.C.21A.12.030. Impervious Area Delineation Tributary to Proposed Detention/Treatment Facili ' Vesta Avenue SE (incl. im erv. area w/in ded. ROV� 5,421 sf Vesta Avenue SE (exist. pvmt not considered upstream 5,452 sf to com nsate for b ass area Rosario Avenue SE 1,095 sf Onsite road and sidewalk 121,793 sf Impervious area of lots (73*4,000 sfl 292,000 sf Total impervious area 425,761 sf (9.77 acres) The input used for the KCRTS analysis is summarized in the table below: DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Total Area= 18.36 acres (01019d GROLTND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Grass(Landsca ing) 8.59 Im ervious 9.77 21 A.12.030 A. Densities and dimensions - residential zones RESIDENTIAL z nWw� uww uimnw 0 N IIF.S9NE RESppf7lp� E 5 5TIWDARDS M-2.5 RA-5 RA-10 RM20 UR R-1 R1 I46 R-8 p-12 R-78 R-24 R48- (1� Bas�Oar�ky: D.2 02 0.1 0.06 02 1 ! 6 i 12 1! 24 4R DwMiq duhc duhe dWat dW�c AWac dWat tlWac tlWat dWac duhc dWac duht dWat �� 1�) (�l (�51 ����: o.a p,� s a t2 u v ss n . Dw�iM�p UnWAcr� �Yac dulac CWac WYac duhc duhc aufac dWse dWsc ��� !mi (�1 R�f ��� !b% �6% LSX �0lL 73X 70% BSX � (�=1 f�2) f��l (�a1 I�a1 hs1 (+s) I�Q Hn t+s1 lb) �umuntoe �ss n us a �ss n �ss n �s rt ss e ao n ao n 5o x ao e ue so a ao n �+ m m rn 1tli~"�'S�"� �oa �on xrt aort aoa xon +ore tort �on �ort �on �ors �oa �"bi� �� �i a� m m m m � m m ro► �� w► �� �MnMa�rn Ytl�lor S R 70h 70 R 10 R S ft S R S E 5 h 5 h S R 5 h 5 R 5 tt S�tk � I9) � (� m m (1�) ('101 ('I�) (�0) ��(�h Bap HMyM 40 tt �0 E �0 E �0 tt 75 h �.S h 35 h ]S}[ �S R i0 R i0 R 60 R 60 R µl �s e rs a ao rt eo n eo n t+� c+�► n� r•i r•� mxau� zsx zox ux ,zsx aox aax ssx �ox �sx esx asx esx �ox Inp�nbus (��) (�1) (t�) (t1) {t�) (�t� Surfaa: (19) (1!) (1!) [7f) . P«s«�fsl i � � I , � , -� � '� ,- 12-2 (King County 6-00) � � F1ow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:01019d.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Fiow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob ;CFS) (CFS) Period 3.14 6 2/09/O1 2:00 6.43 1 100.00 0.990 2.48 8 1/05/02 16:00 3.79 2 25.00 0.960 _ 3.79 2 2/27/03 7:00 3.77 �- 3 10.00 0.900 2.60 7 8/26/04 2:00 3.32 4 5.00 O.S00 3.15 5 10/28/04 16:00 3.15 5 3.00 0.667 3.32 4 1/18/06 16:OD 3.14 !c - 6 2.00 0.500 3.77 3 10/26/06 0:00 2.60 7 1.30 0.231 6.43 1 1/09/08 6:00 2.48 8 1.10 0.091 I CoR.puted Pea{s �. 55 50.00 0. 980 B. Detention Routing Calculations Per the King County Flow Control Applications Map, the site is located within the Conservation Flow Control Area, formally known as Level 2 Flow Control. A combination water quality/detention pond, located in the southwest corner of the subject site, shall be utilized to mitigate for increase storm drainage flows created from the developed site. The detained flows will then be discharged into the existing tight-lined storm drainage system located on Rosario Avenue SE and constructed as part of the Maplewood development to the west. The allowable release rates/durations were established by the sum of the upstream tributary runoff plus the existing onsite runoff. The allowable release rates/durations are delineated as 01019pre.tsf and are the sum of O 1019ex.tsf+01019up.tsf. T'he flows entering the pond are the sum of the upstream tributary area and the developed site tributary to the pond. The total developed flows discharging to the pond are delineated as 01019pos.tsf and are the sum of 01019d.tsf and 01019up.tsf. The Pond(01019pd.rd�was sized based on the 2005 KCSWDM and KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual. See attached KCRTS printouts and atta.ched Pond Volume Calculation spreadsheet on the following pages. The live storage portion of the Pond has a volume of 231,207 CF at the allowable maximum elevation of 420.0 which exceeds the required 210,803 CF at Elevation 419.95. � � f � � ���, I R � i��SKlRTid � . �� ".� .. . . ���- � r ....' ' ''^V�t ASG'P€� . �I II ! �:' J) n < � � 7� � .. . � . �# „ 3 {f g T: $ L> .. ... . �� 9 .. .. s.. .. . 3 ' �� �}� i i F ^�� . ' ,�"�'. � � E1�! ,� `� = raauow � � Kv�rs eo�Nr � �.. ; tr �; POIt�� �, - . . � - r°;�� �.r, r . _ �: . ' �� €� � 4. ��, } = Y. f ? i�(Iif � '` ... 3 i � { i : '. Kltt � : Y,^:,;... ,._. .�.: � =g:. s � � ; ,,. . ,. .� �. . ���,� -., .:. � . . .� . � �. `� '�. - Mff�aiiAt ;�. t���` � ' p� � � — - - . _._ �'`' j "#E ��,� a� t } � - EELlEYFit� � F f �`y � � 3 YAMi�znR9�� . `�' K��a, � ;' � aets � ;1 = "' . �rt�.ta -•�' : � � ti . . �', . ,IRN��M � �� 1��: � � , l , h� ��,� �. .- f��� � � '�. _ .s =•� � � � �� �' �� � �t,; �'�l � " ��' '�Z �"" �- ,� � .. r'. � � ..7C�„a �`� ± ` <` E #a . .. , �. � �efJs�k> :� � � � ;� ���� � �UA,< � `� . �� _ . � � _ ._. �� i � *�, �; �_� � I, �� �� _ . �� � . : �--+�► ,;�� � ,�I ,_.�_� , ; ¢ � � f � i ' � .��`` � 1 �{:f�ir%. rn� ' �. �� ��. � ���1 `�' � ..�� � ��..,�'' �� � ��� � � �'��i. � ' � . . ���, . E €�# -� _ —' _ . ��. �� I t; �� '�... � �� s: � j �i; , � �- ii! � �� ; ., �� � � i � i�� l , , , � , . �` . s ; �, � �- ;. . , . �_ ;� � ��'�� � `� . � � � � � _,'� � � , � � � �.g� n� �• ,�,;z `"� � �:y ��i'«U,'h�i �`:< ' �� �I �. � . L f P _ ; ._ ,,�' ' , � ��� � �___ < , � � �����>�_,� �. � � � � �'I .� � � ,.,�� , � u E � , � � .",, _.:._;:: _,.���� � " � ��: . € .� � _., ` ` . .�w �..,.._��.._ � ° , A r s�: s�� �- �-� � , . _� _ � ; uu� �� � � . �� � , �� . _ rt : � �r�Tc coulvTY ��= 4 �Y' FLOW CONTROL �; ���� � �° ` " ���. APPLICATIONS MAP ' — ' `' ���>, � ,�:-,} ' HIGHLANDS PARK � s� , ��_, � ��'� �`' CORE NO. 01019 �:. � ` ��, , ; �; n �.��__. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:01019pre.tsf Project Location:Sea- a'1�— ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- '' Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.32 2 2/09/O1 18:00 1.83 1 100.00 0.990 _ , 0.444 7 1/OS/02 16:00 1.32 2 25.00 0.960 1.09 3 2/28/03 3:00 1.09�_ 3 10.00 0.900 0. 131 8 8/26/09 2:00 1. 04 4 5.00 0.800 0. 635 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.943 5 3.00 0.667 1.04 4 1/18/06 20:00 0.635 �, 6 2.00 0.500 0. 943 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.449 7 1.30 0.231 1.83 1 1/09/08 9:00 Q.131 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 66 50.00 0.980 � ` Flow Frequez�y Analysis Time Series File:01019pos.-sf Project Location:Sea- a�— --- ----- r�� ,1 - � 1 Annua Pea F ow Rates--- Flow F_� 12n�� Ana1�•sis------ � F1ow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob I� (CFS) (CFS) Period j 3. 34 5 2/09/Ol 2:00 6.88 1 100.00 0. 990 �, 2. 63 8 1/05/02 16:00 4 .04 2 25.00 0.960 4 . 04 2 2/27/03 7:00 3. 96 �— 3 10.00 0.90� 2.72 7 8/26/04 2:00 3.54 4 5.00 0.800 3.31 6 10/28/09 16:00 3.34 5 3.00 0.66; 3.54 4 1/18/06 16:00 3.31t— 6 2.00 0.500 3. 96 3 10/26/06 0:00 2.72 7 1.30 0.231 6.88 1 1/09/08 6:00 2. 63 8 1.10 0.091 Cor�puted Peaks 5. 93 50.00 0. 9�0 Retentio�/Detention Facilitl�� ���i9 ��i ,�� Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 4. 00 H: 1V Pond Bottom Length: 175.00 ft Pond Bottom Width: 86.00 ft Pond Bottom Area: 15050. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 39026. sq. ft 0.896 acres Effective Storage Depth: 8.00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 412 .00 ft Storage Volume: 198139. cu. ft 4 .549 ac-f� Riser Head: 7.60 ft Riser Diameter: 18.00 inches Number of orifices : 3 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 2.22 0.368 2 5.20 3 .63 0.552 6 . 0 3 6.20 2 .31 0 . 172 6 . 0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflo�ti� Pating Cur�,�e: None Stage Elevation S�orace Discharge ?erco�ation Sur� area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (sq_ fti , 0.00 412.00 6188 . 0.142 0.000 0. 00 1505C . 0.02 412.02 6507. 0.149 0.020 0. 00 15092 . 0.05 412 .05 6986. 0. 160 0.029 0. 00 15155 . 0.07 412. 07 7306. 0.168 0.035 0. 00 15196 . 0.09 412. 09 7628. 0.175 0.041 0.00 15238 . 0.12 412. 12 8111. 0.186 0 .045 0.00 1530'_ . 0.14 412 . 14 8435. 0. 194 0 .050 0.00 15344 . 0.16 412. 16 8759. 0.201 0.054 0.00 15386 . 0.18 412.18 9084. 0.209 0.057 0.00 15428 . 0.33 412.33 11551. 0.265 0 .077 0.00 15746 . 0.48 412.48 14067. 0.323 0.093 0.00 1606? . 0.63 412.63 16632 . 0 .382 0.106 0.00 1639'�. 0.78 412.78 19248. 0.442 0.118 0.00 1671� . 0.93 412. 93 21913 . 0 .503 0.129 0.00 17047 . 1.08 413 .08 24630. 0. 565 0 . 139 0.00 1738Q . 1.23 413 .23 27398. 0. 629 0 .148 0.00 17715 . 1.38 413 .38 30217. 0. 694 0 .157 0.00 18053 . 1.53 413 .53 33089. 0.760 0.165 0.00 18394 . 1.68 413 .68 36013 . 0.827 0. 173 0.00 18738 . 1.82 413.82 38790. 0.890 0. 180 0 .00 19062 . 1.97 413 . 97 41817. 0.960 0. 188 0 .00 19412 . 2 . 12 414.12 44897 . 1.031 0 . 195 0 .00 19764 . 2 .27 414.27 48032 . 1. 103 0 .201 0.00 2012C . 2 .42 414.42 51222 . 1. 176 0 .208 0.00 20478 . 2 .57 414.57 54466. 1.250 0 .214 0.00 20839 . 2 .72 414. 72 57767. 1.326 0.220 0 .00 21203 . 2 . 87 414.87 61123 . 1.403 0.226 0 .00 2157C . 3 .02 415.02 64535 . 1.482 0 .232 0.00 21939 . 3 . 17 415.17 68005 . 1.561 0 .238 0.00 22312 . 3 . 31 415. 31 71295 . '_ . 63? 0 . 243 0 . �0 2266� . � . _ = �i� . �r -�-� . - . -1'� C . �-= J . . _�C--- l . . "4 . 23422 . I 3 .61 415 .6_ ;8514 . 1 802 0 2� 0 00 i 3 .76 415 .76 82211. 1 .887 0 .2�9 0. 00 23806 . � 3 .91 415.91 85967. 1.974 0 .264 0. 00 24193 . � 4 .06 416.06 89782. 2 .061 0.269 0. 00 24582 . 4 .21 416.21 93658. 2 .150 0.274 0.00 24975 . 4 .36 416.36 97593. 2 .240 0.279 0.00 25370 . 4 .51 416.51 101590. 2 .332 0 .284 0.00 25769 . ,. 4 .66 416.66 105647. 2 .425 0.288 0.00 26170 . 4 . 80 416. 80 109489. 2 .514 0 .293 0 .00 26547 . 4 .95 416.95 113666. 2 .609 0 .297 0 .00 26954 . 5.10 417.10 117905. 2 .707 0 .302 0 .00 27363 . 5.20 417.20 120766. 2 .772 0 .305 0.00 27638 . 5.24 417.24 121919. 2 .799 0 .309 0.00 27748 . 5.28 417.28 123075. 2 .825 0 .320 0.00 27859. 5.31 417.31 123946. 2 .845 0 .338 0.00 27942 _ 5.35 417.35 125110. 2 .872 0 .361 0. 00 28053 . 5.39 417.39 126280_ 2 .899 0.390 0. 00 28164 . 5.43 417.43 127453_ 2.926 0.423 0 . 00 28275 . 5.46 417.46 128336. 2.946 0.495 0. 00 28358 . 5.50 417.50 129518. 2.973 0.509 0. 00 28470 . 5 .54 417.54 130704 . 3 .001 0.522 0.00 28582 . 5 .69 417.69 135193 . 3 .104 0.568 0.00 29003 . 5 .84 417.84 139746. 3 .208 0.607 0.00 29427 . 5 .99 417.99 144364. 3 .314 0 .643 0.00 29853 . 6.14 418.14 149048. 3 .422 0.676 0.00 30283 . 6.20 418.20 150940. 3 .465 0.689 0.00 30456 . 6 .22 418.22 151573 . 3 .480 0.695 0.00 30513 . 5 .25 418.25 152524 . 3 .501 0 .704 0.00 30600 . 5 .27 418.27 153160 . 3 .516 0 .716 0 .00 30658 . 5 .30 418.30 154116. 3 .538 0 .730 0 .00 30745 . 5 .32 418.32 154755. 3 .553 0 .747 0 .00 30802 . 5 .34 418.34 155395. 3 .567 0 .765 0 .00 30860 . 6 .37 418.37 156358. 3 .589 0 .782 0 .00 30947 . 5 .39 418.39 157001. 3 .604 0 .791 0 .00 31006 . 5 .42 418.42 157967. 3 .626 0 .799 0.00 31093 . 6 .57 418.57 162841. 3 .738 0.847 0.00 31531 . 0' .71 418.71 167450. 3 . 844 0. 889 0.00 31942 . 6 . 86 418.86 172453. 3 . 959 0. 928 0.00 32385 . ? . O1 419.01 177524. 4.075 0. 964 0. 00 32832 . ? . 16 419.16 182664. 4 .193 0. 999 0. 00 33281. 7 . 31 419.31 187873 . 4 .313 1. 030 0. 00 33733 . 7 .46 419.46 193150. 4 .434 1. 060 0. 00 34188. ? . 60 419.60 198139. 4.549 1. 090 0. 00 34615 . ? . 70 419.70 201739. 4 .631 1.570 0. 00 34922 . 7 . 80 419.80 205371. 4 .715 2 .440 0 .00 35230 . ? . 90 419. 90 209034. 4 .799 3 .550 0.00 35539. 8 . 00 420 .00 212729. 4 . 884 4 .860 0.00 35850. 8 . 10 420.10 216455 . 4 . 969 6.350 0.00 36162 . 8 .20 420 .20 220213 . 5 .055 7.800 0.00 36475 . 8 . 30 420 .30 224003 . 5.142 8.340 0.00 36789. 8 .40 420 .40 227825 . 5 .230 8. 850 0.00 37105 . 8 . 50 420 .50 231680 . 5 .319 9 .330 0 .00 37422 . 8 . 60 420.60 235566. 5 .408 9 .780 0.00 37740 . 8 . 70 420 .70 239485 . 5 .495 10 .220 0.00 38060 . 8 . 80 420 .80 243436. 5 .589 10 .630 0 .00 38381 . 8 . 90 420 . 90 247420. 5 .680 11 . 020 0 .00 38703 . : . 00 421. 00 251437 . 5 .772 11 .410 0.00 39026 . 9 . 10 421. 10 255487 . 5 .865 11 .780 0.00 39351 . 9. 20 421.20 259569. 5 . 959 12 . 130 0 .00 39677 . 9 . 30 421 . 30 253685 . 6 . 053 �2 . 480 0 . 00 40004 . � .�� �L� . ��. -_ G�C , t=� . 1�� -_ . ��1 J . �._ �1��� . 9.50 421.50 272017 . 6.245 13 . 140 0 .00 40662 . ' Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft} (Ac-Ft) 1 6. 88 ******* 4. 18 7 . 95 419.95 210803 . 4 .839 2 3 .34 1.23 1.23 7 .63 419.63 199193 . 4 .573 3 3 .34 ******* 0. 92 6.82 418 .82 171117. 3 .928 4 4 .04 ******* 0. 87 6.65 418.65 165317. 3 .795 5 3 .54 ******* 0. 67 6.09 418 .09 147598. 3 .388 6 2 .08 ******* 0.38 5.38 417 .38 125896. 2 . 890 7 2 .63 ******* 0.29 4.55 416 .55 102609. 2 .356 8 2 .72 ******* 0.24 3 . 15 415 .15 67459. 1.549 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:01019pos.tsf Outflow Time Series File:01019out Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 6 . 88 CFS at 6 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 4 .18 CFS at 10 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 7 .95 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 419. 95 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 210803 . Cu-Ft . 4 . 839 AC-Ft =-�ow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:01019out.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flc�r� Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (,CFS) (CFS} (ft) Period 1 .23 2 2/09/O1 20:00 4 . 18 7 .95 1 100 .00 0. 990 0.285 7 12/29/Ol 10:00 1.23 7.63 2 25 .00 0_ 960 0. 870 4 3/06/03 22:00 0 .918 6.82 3 10 .00 0. 900 0 .241 8 8/26/04 7:00 0 .870 6.65 4 5 .00 0. 800 0 .380 6 1/08/05 2:00 0 .666 6.09 5 3 .00 0.667 0 . 666 5 1/19/06 0:00 0 .380 5.38 6 2 .00 0.500 0 . 918 3 11/24/06 8:00 0 .285 4.55 7 1.30 0.231 4 .18 1 1/09/08 10:00 0 .241 3 .26 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 3 . 19 7.87 50.00 0. 980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:01019out.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % °s o 0 . 017 35553 57.979 57 .979 42 . 021 0 .420E+00 � . 052 5076 8.278 66 .257 33 .743 0 .337E+00 0 . 086 4814 7.851 74 . 108 25 .892 0 .259E+00 � . 120 4322 7 . 048 81. 156 18 .844 0 .188E+00 0 . 155 3779 6 .163 87 .319 12 .681 0 .127E+00 �� , 189 2879 4.695 92 . 014 7 .986 0.799E-01 � .223 1723 2 .810 94 . 824 5 .176 0 .518E-01 � .258 1347 2 . 197 97 .021 2 .979 0 .298E-01 0.292 1035 1.688 98 .708 1.292 0 .129E-01 0. 326 425 0.693 99.401 0 . 598 0 .598E-02 0. 361 43 0.070 99.472 0 . 528 0 .528E-02 0. 395 24 0.039 99.511 0 .489 0.489E-02 0.429 18 0.029 99.540 0 .460 0 .460E-02 0 .464 7 0.011 99.552 0 .448 0 .448E-02 0 .498 11 0 . 018 99. 569 0 .431 0 .431E-02 0 .532 29 0. 047 99.617 0 .383 0 . 383E-02 0 .567 34 0.055 99.672 0.328 0.328E-02 0.601 24 0.039 99.711 0.289 0.289E-02 0.635 25 0.041 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 0.670 42 0.068 99.821 0. 179 0.179E-02 0.704 24 0.039 99. 860 0. 140 0.140E-02 0_738 7 0.011 99. 871 0. 129 0.129E-02 0.773 5 0.008 99.879 0.121 0.121E-02 0.807 7 0.011 99.891 0.109 0.109E-02 0.841 9 0.015 99.905 0.095 0.946E-03 0.876 12 0.020 99.925 0.075 0 .750E-03 0.910 8 0.013 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.944 12 0.020 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.979 7 0.011 99.969 0.031 0 .310E-03 1.01 4 0.007 99.976 0.024 0 .245E-03 1.05 6 0.010 99.985 0.015 0 .147E-03 1.08 4 0.007 99. 992 0.008 0 .815E-04 1.12 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0 .326E-04 1.15 0 0.000 99. 997 0 .003 0 .326E-04 ' 1.18 0 0.000 99.997 0.003 0 .326E-04 1.22 1 0.002 99.998 0 .002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis ' Base File: 01019pre.tsf � New File: 01019out.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS ----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New °sChange Probability Base New %Change 0.318 I 0 .80E-02 0.63E-02 -21.3 I 0.80E-02 0.318 0 .303 -4.7 0 .396 � 0.58E-02 0.49E-02 -15.5 I 0 .56E-02 0.396 0.333 -15.7 0.473 I 0.46E-02 0.45E-02 -1. 8 j 0.46E-02 0.473 0 .432 -8.7 0 .550 I 0 .33E-02 0.35E-02 3 .4 I 0.33E-02 0.550 0 .560 1.9 0 .627 I 0.26E-02 0.26E-02 0.6 I 0.26E-02 0.627 0 .628 0.1 0 .704 � 0 . 19E-02 0.14E-02 -25.2 I 0.19E-02 0.704 0.666 -5.5 0 .?82 � 0. 13E-02 0.12E-02 -6.4 I 0.13E-02 0.782 0.751 -3.9 0 .859 ( 0. 93E-03 0.83E-03 -10.5 I 0.93E-03 0.859 0.843 -1.8 0 . 936 � 0.62E-03 0.49E-03 -21. 1 � 0.62E-03 0.936 0 . 909 -2 .8 1. 01 � 0.38E-03 0.24E-03 -34. 8 I 0.38E-03 1. 01 0 .958 -5 .5 1. 09 � 0. 18E-03 0.33E-04 -81. 8 I 0 .18E-03 1. 09 1.04 -5 .0 1. 17 I 0. 13E-03 0.33E-04 -75. 0 I 0.13E-03 1. 17 1.06 -9.6 1.24 I 0. 82E-04 O.00E+00 -100. 0 � 0 .82E-04 1.24 1.08 -13 .2 [saximum positive excursion = 0 .017 cfs . ( 3 .5%) occuring at 0.487 cfs on the Base Data:01019pre.tsf and at 0 .504 cfs on the New Data:01019out.tsf b�aximum negative excursion = 0 .066 cfs {-16.3%) occuring at 0.408 cfs on the Base Data:01019pre.tsf and at 0 .341 cfs on the New Data:01019out .tsf POND i VOLUME CALCULATIONS �'� CORE PROJECT NO. 01019 I PROJECT NAME: HIGHLANDS PARK ELEVATIO INCREMENT TOTAL LIVE - VOLUME VOLUME VOLUM SF CF CF CF 408.0 14406 0 ,� � 1 u� � -., , � €'x� s E �cttE,��.; 410.0 17845 � ' �": ��� 32,251 18,781 411.0 19717 51,032 ' 0 411.0 20178 51,032 20,984 412.0 21789 72,016 0 46,951 414.0 25162 118,967 46,951 53,906 416.0 28744 172,873 100,857 � 61,280 418.0 32536 234,153 162,137 69,070 420.0 36534 303,223 231,207 Pond Overflow Elevations The prim ry overflow for the pond is the riser pipe within the control structure. The water surface elevation above the riser for the 100 year developed flow is calculated assuming all orifices aze plugged. To pass the 100-year return period storm, 6.88 cfs, _ through an 18"overflow riser will require 0.65 feet of head per the following equation: Q = 3.782*D2H�� or 6.88 = 3.782*(1.5)2H1�2. The primary overflow elevation would therefore, be equal to the elevation of the top of the riser plus the amount of head required to pass the 100-year return period storm, Elev. 419.60 + 0.65 feet= Elev. 420.25. The secon overflow for the pond is the jailhouse weir located on the control structure catch basin. The elevation of the jailhouse weir will be placed at the m�imum 100-year water surface, 419.95. See KCRTS printouts. The m�imum overflow elevation for the jailhouse weir will be equal to elevation 420.40. To pass the 100-year return period storm at a head of 420.40—419.95 = 0.45 feet, a minimum 7.0-foot wide jailhouse weir will be required. The jailhouse weir is analyzed as a notch weir using the following equation: Q=C (L-0.2H}H3�2 where Q =flow(6.88 cfs) C = 3.27+ 0.40H/P H =head above weir(0.45 ft) , P = depth of storage at weir(Elev. 420.00—Elev. 412.00 = 8.00 feet) L = length of the riser(ft) An emergency overflow spillway will be installed within the pond. The spillway will be sized based on the equation listed on page 5-32 in the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual. The emergency overflow spillway will be located at the secondary overflow , elevation 420.40. To pass the 100-year return period storm at 0.3 feet of head, a r� � minimum 12-foot wide spillway is required. � �_ L= �Qioo/(3.21H3i2�� - (2.4H) L= (6.88/(3.21(0.3)3�2)) - (2.4(0.3))= 12.3 feet I i i '� � C. Water Quality Volume Calculallons Per the King County Water Qualiry Applications Map, the site is located within the Basic j ; Water Quality Treatment Area. A combination water quality/detention pond, located in the southwest corner of the subject site, shall be utilized to treat the runoff created from the developed site. The wetpond/dead storage portion of the pond will satisfy this � requirement. The required volume will be designed per KCSWDM Section The following variables were used in the calculation: Volume Factor(�=3 Rainfall = 0.039 feet or 0.47 inches Area=developed basin Where A; = area of impervious surface (s� Atg= area of till soil covered with grass (s� A�= area of till soil covered with forest(s fl Ao = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (s� V�_ [0.9A; + 0.25A�o+ O.IA�+ O.OlAa] * (R/12) Vb=f*Vr Vb = 3*[(0.9)(9.77+0.44)+(0.25)(8.59+1.08)+(0.1)(0.13)]0.039*(43560sf/ac)=59,219 CF The dead storage portion of the Pond has a volume of 72,016 CF which exceeds the required 59,219 CF. See Pond Volume Calculations spreadsheet in Section 4B of this report. � � \••�t �.� 'w`kCifiNt' � � � � I� � - t � : J � , , � i. . j � �. KilkR{Ah� f '.__{ �! �•L. 1 ... I. -- - i RFCNCHG � � - �,� � � j � ' �' ;: '�- - - --�_ _ _� y l.._.� � , � � -� _ , �Y� � � � � � � • y � - r�aRow ; � �� . ' , � r -� HUNTS VO!NT I � . ' . �.-IL.� ���� � � � POINi � ` . . �A�� �~• _ , `ti..._....�� `'� r�l;� ClYOf . � ..a�' .. �•�j . • , . iL �/// Hlll _T� �- . . _ � . �� MECiM�1 � .. ; ;`� . � .___ " .. ____ ._..._: . .. .. �'� � : � : r�-' � .�� . /1 ' efl[F.Yi�F; . � " � '{` �..�.� . 1 ^ , 5;�'AUAM�S+f � 4 t ' acav- 1-I. AliS � �hERCER ' , . .� � . �I / '�. .�` .. iSIANn L �. `' . f S � �� , �It � — ``�� 1��. � -�, ,� i'�._i r----��, ��" ,, , . � ,, �-�� � � -. , j --;� � _�_ s , . .-,i , , � � � � . �" t ���. i;VC�L'A�M�f � rifWC�tS:tT- P'~ f �:�. ' . l .7 � �+ � ' �`.' � �-.,i� • ic<AOI�A!i � � r �, ' � � _ •, f� . ,_� ! � ` . :- ' �,^ � L t i �'\,!�-. . � _ .t. ..� . .. �, �`} � ' . , � .i. � t , " � .., kEN10ii ' .. _ —. .. i:-i— ��1 ;j � �� ...-- t � �r�� � �'•�' . j�� "UY:�i:J. +� ..�\... - ��ti.V.��� \�� , � 1 � ��_ # i �S �� ���. � . � � �� �,,,: �.�- —�.,..,,,` � �rv r � � � t'— �� ' __ �� .---- ��. i �„ � '���� / __._ � . �; . , � T'. �"�___�`� ___ _ �"�'� � -�_ �.d_.,�` � �� ' � 1 s , `� % , r ., , aD � �\ �`�a . . , ; ; � ,. � �. , ._ �..._..'i 1.. _ `. •� f �,. .�-� �KGNi� �. •A J � ... _ .,�_.._. ..� y '�' r� .. ,�_..��_�__.lT._',,� � .' r'.._`_; .�' y � �.; � .r, � r '� r-'' �. .„,�,:� � �, : �. � ' � ' � � - ,�R.� � "° � � � •� � � ; j _ `� � ' �� �� � -- ro�.�Hcroea vkuFr + " �� �€��� 'j }F H� ��,��� �€ ✓ � i , ;< 1 � r t '��._._.,___._�-,_._v- . , . .� ��. �.. . � . �� 1:,. arr {�� _..� �( �E; ' M�� �. . - / •��,� �� • I �g '�� �`� -� ... ' KING COUNTY - � *� " � WATER QUALITY � �., .`:' � `� APPLICATIONS MAP �;" `, � a•�, � ., ��. � � :j HIGHLANDS PARK -'��' `� � `�. t "� CORE NO. 01019 �UhURet . �. � . . . .__. 1 Y J • �; � ..__._ ��..� ,/ � .. . 'i :� i� iIACK � �• . . p��AklOMO ) 6.4.1 ti�'ETPO�DS BAS7C AND L�RGE —_LIETHODS OF.A,'�'.ALySIS FIGURE 6.4.1.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES(FEE'1� ST 1.0/ � �.2 ST 1.i _ ST 1.0 LA 0.8 LA. 0.9 �„�„��„�o�„.. � � � » � yt � y �"�fi��-f M NIHG<ouNir � � " If.: ..:�1._� 1 _ � ��� ,��--� . K _ S— ,.r �` �. � i i� '�i . ,. . _�� \ j+` ,�' � ,_`,r' �._., � , 'S 'hTT.! r �� � _ �a �� �� �`'1 � y . � � . . na� `( � 'i d b �e '§- iT ��� � ,� Za v ,'d J F..� p ���'�.�, '.. ' ��c� � a� � � 'rl- L ♦ � � . . �_+ :� �+r � t«„� ' .f t'_- 'e�y � I _a.i.F -t �,:, . � f6iia�t .�B6EiEY�;[�'�y ge . � 7 y I �' t„ s 5 =1- -� a"� 1" ' ' �. �� -�1' ��, - � :_,,.� '. � ` i t SkA t-C �T., cF� P. -. ' �M �'"p' ..a � = � ,l' ^� ' ��, 1 ' �� �.��=�_r , .. � �� - r.rx2w ' �, `• �� ,; l�_(r� ' �: � I : J f l� -�e � f� '. l _ ` � ' .. J � i � �_� � �-m K r�.rm. .-` �ac�'T �': _ `.l _ ~ g � �ITC � 3` � � '� ° - p ,__ ,_ . - � , ''ti - N�; c,;. `�� - � -, _ _,,�. � . i �, , � ;;r :; c_� o' .- ./��- . ."� —;.._o. °- P 5 ,." L_s.' '� .�- � �i , \\ `�} _ f _ `� ' � � - •d ��•-=� s o` � . , ,.�-��.. 0.54.. � >, � .�.°� . , ; 'k �_ ` I (0.045') �- �;�� R���°�w,�.� 6 �IfICE COUMiY 0.47" (0.039') ' - -,, � =:�:� Incorporated Area �" "1� .� River/Lake �.47" — Major Road (0.039') p.52" (0.043') 0.65" NOTE:Areas east of the eastemmost isoplwial should use 0.65 0.56" (Q.Q�'� inches unless rainfall data is available for the location of interest (0.047'� 26 The mean annual siorm is a conceptual stortn found by di�riding the annual precipitation by the total number of storm events per year result, generates large amounts of runoff. For this application,till soil types include Buckley and bedrock soils,and alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at a shallow depth(less than 5 feet)by glaciat till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS)hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B,most C,and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/24�2005 6-71 5. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: The conveyance system was designed for both the 25-year, 24-hour storm and 100-year, 24-hour storm. Since the site exceeds 10 acres, acceptable runoff computation methods for the subject site's conveyance system are the Rational Method or KCRTS using 15- minute time steps per Table 3.2 in the 2005 KCSWDM. Backwater analyze were performed to ensure that during the 25-year design storm, the m�imum water surFace did not exceed the rim and during the 100-year design storm, any overflows�Tould not create or aggravate a severe flooding problem or severe erosion problem. A conveyance spreadsheet was generated using the rational method to calculate flows for each area collected by each catch basin. See attached Catch Basin Subbasin Map on the following pages. The flows generated from the rational method conveyance system spreadsheets were input into backwater analyze spreadsheets to confirm adequate sizing. KCRTS 15-minute flows, calculated for the entire area collected by the catch basins, were substituted into the backwater analyze along those segments of pipe where rational ', method flows exceeded the KCRTS flows. '� The precipitation rates for the 25-year, 24-hour storm and 100-year, 24-hour storm are �li 3.46 inches and 3.94 inches respectively. The tailwater elevations within the pond were !, derived from the KCRTS outfall information. The tailwater elevations for the 25-year ' and 100-year return periods aze El. 419.63 and El. 419.95 respectively. ' A weighted C value was used for each area collected by each catch basin. The average C value is based on the total area collected by the catch basins. The total area collected by I the catch basins includes all of the developed area along with the upstream area less the I storm pond tract. See table below. Also, KCRTS 15-minute flows were calculated based on the table below. See attached KCRTS Flow Frequency Analysis(01019c15.tsfl on the following pages. The KCRTS 15-minute time step flows for the entire area collected by the catch basins for the 25-year and 100-year return periods are 11.06 cfs and 16.32 cfs respectively. The average C value for the area collected by the catch basins is (0.13 ac*0.15 + 8.48 ac*0.25 + 10.21 ac*0.90)/18.82 ac =0.60. TRIBUTARY AREA TO CB'S Total Area= 18.36 ac + 1.65 ac— 01019c 15) 1.19 ac = 18.82 acres GROiJND COVER AREA acre) Till-Forest=0.13 ac 0.13 ' Till-Grass (Landscaping) = 8.59 8.48 ac+ 1.08 ac— 1.19 ac Im ervious = 9.77 ac+ 0.44 ac 10.21 During the 25-year,the headwater elevations do not exceed any rims. During the 100- year,headwater elevations exceed rims for CB 21 and CB 22. Drainage overtopping CB 22 will simply pond before jumping the crown of the road and flowing to CB 21. Overflow from CB 21 will simply flow downstream to the next downstream CB, CB 14. The conveyance system is therefore, adequately sized. SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATTON AND ANALYSIS AIETHODS FIGURE 25-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS ?S -- - r^—� srv noaisr; couNrv 2 ]� ' - _�' -'— -- - -3-' - '�' -_ _.' -_'_-_. s .�_�n ��„V✓ c� _ ��� .i �'; K�NG COtiNT" •f - - � ~ 2� .i- E't _ _ �r .� - __. . ��' 28 --� � _ ''� 30'� _ 3, 9 � � � ' "" , �`� O r , — , u? % 1 - �_ �io � r 1. � _ .� _ : t.. � 2 I^ ` `� _ � 1 V � `•� � I� '�l ��� � w'^ `�S Q �� .o�j �_:_ � � .�se � y . '•\ � r- , c � � �n`� � i-�-�-�-� � _ `�...,... �e` , .,� . '�� + �«,o� --._.- . � t ,`��� � _� � � �1� . .. . _ _ �`'� .. t r .�..d � 1 /7��0:1 L . ;y ,. - i`�1.: .n at � �' ' � � � •"s � 1 1 �` �. �•' �'j+ `w �i� j t � .�_7 _ i > �'.�:� � C `'�, ` t � 1} � ( - I ._� ' .. �� ��� � i -- r j� � � �, I__ - _ _ �--;_ -, �4,- �. '�, � ; - M:.�,,�. 5.0 ��, �� _\ `� 1�_�` - ,. . _. . /� �, - � � ' ._ _ � . :�`I .� "' / � _ � t ���-� •��\ � _- - ..� : � � _ :� ..�..�.� � � �' �. � ._ �. � ,�__. �� (/, l,� .r. ��� .y _ ' � �1 �� � - ��� � �� f c� � t �►� � `� , �,,\ . � � ' .. � .._.� J , ` --- ; . �J � ` • � .� _ _ �._ P � ,�' � - ' �. - . � �1 .�i�, .;� � j _ - L?� K: i � ) �, `-- c- £ • ,.._ � " � - q�t' _- � 4�1 �'r �� `, �� M ��__ � ' �, � - \ `, � i - \ '- ° %` .,-��� d • _ `f;,Y._- ` . � �� � � � 0 � � �. :�a � � ;` � �___-- - - .�;, � � � l� � � tv ��'.,�'� ._ - - _ - ����_-: �`_'" �_KINGGOUNTY. � �• PIEFCE COUNTY °S WESTERN � '�;�, KING COUNTY � p`' - `f� _ $s � ` ` ,.. `-a,., 5 0 �; 25-Year 24-Hour � � l � 4'�, Precipitation `�� � � �; 'f `�• �. � _., ��,,;� in Inches �"'°es �. � ��- ];24'2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 3-16 3.2.1 RATIONAL METHOD FIGURE 3.2.1.D 100-YEAR 24-HOUR 1SOPLUVIALS - 3 3���— - -- -�-- ---- -- --- -- -- ° _ �ou��TY � r,..c. �' _. �. w� " �-- 1'� N GJUNTY 2 \ ,, ..E � �_� �3 ; F ��` � , - J P�, �4 — � `� . ` `� - �'- 3 6 �� - - � � � ) '� �?� , � '� � 39 8 E<, ,� , �.` r;, ; - ` _ _ �^' Q0 `,.� ._` _ ` �n - - �, 7 -i�_ �_ � f �' _ 4 ��_ b � 2 `; .; ,. �.f�c �'I��'�! — ; .�- � .,� � �.�. 43 ��, - ; , � - __ � � � } _ .���,�� ,�„ ' 1 : f �. �` �� �, ,�l' :'�T1�Y � r� � � f � l� �,,i ,�� � - _ r� tf` �. �1 � � ��" � ' ` � _ i� �� - - ,°' .�.,.�_�`� � , � - ' - � i � }� ._ 1 � ' �""'.���. _ y,, \\ _ � �,C` ^ ..� �i � 'o" , �. �L �t`t� �'�" � � , �' 1 `'/ ° j� ___� _ ,� ' (J ��` _ {', ,�, '. � ���� t ' -- - - 'S , ,, ��i � �.� `,. �; � � � f _ - � �� 1' r� �•� t '� ���y ���� - � �� � j .�Jr' �` ' I er . . _ . - � -.— � `� . -- �� �' ,r.� - �.i � t ` � - C' .�„�.. ..,,, _ . . ;_ . � , r.. , ,i .� �j ' O � ;� _ _ � � �� .��_ -. 4 _ � ` " � � —--.r ' ' � — i � � � :� ' � � l '��" --= � ��o���T. PIE CE COUHTV �� WESTERN a `� � '`._ s.5 KING COUNTY �o ,� .p - s.o N b. ey �� - :,�-Y,. 5.5 w 100-Year 24-Hour °� �'� � � �.�. Precipitation °`��,h -, �,�,;...� � in Inches °�""'es ho � �''` h`•' i � 2005 Surface Water Design Manua] 1/24/2005 3-17 1 Flow Frequency Ar.a�ysis Time Series File:01019c15.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Anaiysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 4.86 6 8/27/O1 18:00 16.32 1 100.00 0. 990 3.59 8 1/05/02 15:00 11.06 2 25.00 0. 96C 11.06 2 12/08/02 17:15 6.87 3 10. 00 0.900 3. 91 7 8/23/04 14:30 6.82 4 5.00 0.800 6.82 4 11/17/04 5:00 6.00 5 3.00 0.667 6.00 5 10/27/05 10:45 4.86 6 2.00 0.500 6.87 3 10/25/06 22:45 3. 91 7 1.30 0.231 16.32 1 1/09/08 6:30 3.59 8 1. 10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 14 .57 50.00 0. 98� , � STORM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DESIGN ►.ocnT�oN: �NccoUNTv 2411RRAINFALI,: 3.46 INCIIN:S 013 NAME: IIIGIILANDS PARK JOB NUM1186;N: 01019 1'RF.PARED Ul': GRB DESIUN STORM: 25 YEAR INCItEMENTAI. RUIVOFF F.FFECTIVE 'f(ME OF RAINF.4LL TRIBUTARY PIPE PIPE PIPF. ACI'UAL TMVEL 1'IPF,CAPACITY tir1MMARY PII'ESECMENi ARRA COBI+FICIENT ARBA � SUMOF CONC, lIV7'N:NSITY FLI)W MANN7NG'S I)IAMRTF.R 5LOpE I.F.N(;TH VCLOCITY 71ME Q(FOI.LI V(FUl1.) Q(AC7)IQ(FULL) FROM TO (ACRF.S) � "C" (A'Q (A"C) �MINUTES) (lNl1IR) ICPS) "d' IiNCHFS) IPERCEN'f) (PEE'q (!'T/SF.C) iMINUTE51 (f,FS) (F'PISE(� IPERCEMI) 41 4U OlUO 0.60 0.060 0.060 630 ?.78 b_167 0.012 1? 2.460 102 293 0.58 6.054 7.71 2.8% 40 39 0.170 0.60 0.102 OJG2 5.88 2.63 0.426 0.012 12 2.100 137 4.02 0.57 5.593 7.12 7.6% l9 38 0.400 0.60 0.240 0.402 7.45 2.50 I.003 0.012 12 1.400 39 4.51 0.14 4.567 5.81 22.0% 38 36 Q610 0.60 0366 0.768 7.59 2.46 1.893 0.012 12 7.000 14 9.82 0.02 10.212 13.00 18.5°/ 37 36 O.S60 0.60 0.33G 0.336 G.30 2J8 0.935 0.012 12 1.000 30 4.03 0.12 3.860 4.91 242°/ 36 35 1.310 0.60 0.7R6 1.890 7.62 2.46 4.648 Q012 12 4.000 56 10.35 0.09 7.719 9.83 602°/ 15 33 0.210 0.60 0.126 2.016 7.71 2.44 4.920 0.012 12 5.300 2I9 11.54 032 8.886 1131 55.4% 34 33 0.710 O.GO 0.426 0.426 630 2.78 LI85 0.012 12 I.000 30 4.28 0.12 3.860 4.91 30.7% 33 31 0.810 0.60 0.486 2.928 8.02 238 6.962 0.012 ' 15 5.100 122 12.43 0.1G 15.804 12.88 44.1°/ 32 31 0.420 0.60 0152 0252 6.30 2.78 0.701 0.012 12 1.000 30 3.71 0.13 3.860 4.91 18.2°/ 31 29 0.460 0.60 0.276 3.456 8.l9 2.35 8.110 0.012 15 3.700 181 11.55 0.26 13.461 10.97 60.2% 3U 29 Ob60 0.60 0396 0.396 630 2.78 1.102 OAl2 12 L000 30 4.20 0.12 3.860 4.91 28.5°/ � .�:�� ; 0.630 O.GO 0.378 4.230 8.45 2.30 9J26 OAl2 IS 5.900 145 14.27 0.17 16.998 13.85 57.2°/ 28 27 0.810 0.G0 0.486 0.48G 6.30 2.78 1352 0.012 l2 1.000 30 4.42 0.11 3.860 4.91 35.0% 27 0270 0.60 0.162 O.G48 6.41 2.75 1.782 ' 0.012 12 5.700 182 R.86 0.34 9215 11.73 193°/ 26 0.610 0.60 0366 0.3G6 6.30 2.78 1.018 0.012 12 1.000 30 4.13 0.12 3.R60 4.91 26.4°/ 0.680 0.60 0.408 1.422 6.7G 2.66 3.781 0.012 12 5.700 150 11.03 0.23 9.215 11.73 41.0% 24 0.610 Q60 0.3GG 0366 630 2.78 1.018 0,012 12 1.000 30 4.13 0.12 3.860 4.91 26.4% 0.660 0.60 0.396 2.184 698 2.60 5.6R4 0.012 12 5.000 157 ll.70 0.22 8.631 10.99 65.9°/ J STORM"CONVEYANCE SYSTEM �ESIGN Locn��ioN: KiHc cooNTY 24HR RAINFALL: 3.46 INCHES OB NAME: IIIGIII,ANDS PARK JOB NUMRN;R: 0101� PREPARED IdY': GRB DEtiIGN STORM: 25 1'EAR INCREMEN7AG RUNOFF F.FFF.CTIVE T[MEOF RAINFALL TRIPUTARY PIPE P1PE PIPF. ACfUAL TRAVEL PIPE CAPACCI'Y SUMMARY PIPESECMENT AItL�k� CO�N'M7ClENT ARLA �SUMOF CONC. INTF.NtiITY FI,OW MANMNG'S� DIAM�;1'k.R SLOpY. �� LFNGTR VEWC11'Y � tIMY. Q(N(fl.lq V(FULL). tHAC'I�1Q(p'ULI.) FROM TO �ACRE5) "C" (A'C) (A"(� (MINUTES� (iN/HRI (CFbI "n" QNCIIES) (PERCENl) (FEE'f) (t'TISEC) pV1INU7B5� (CF5) (F7'ISEC� (PERCENT) 22 0.570 0.00 0.342 0.342 6.30 2.78 0.952 0.012 12 1.000 32 4.03 0.13 3.860 4.91 24.7°/ ��` ;� 0270 0.60 0.162 2.688 721 2.55 6.853 0.012 12 1.000 56 491 0.19 3.860 4.91 177.6% 20 0.400 0.60 0.240 0240 630 2J8 0.668 0.012 12 6.300 52 6.66 0.13 9.688 1233 6.9°/ 19 I8 0.340 0.G0 0104 0.204 6.30 2.78 0.568 0.012 12 0.500 55 2.69 034 2.729 3.47 20.8°/ 18 16 0.370 0.60 0.222 0.426 6.64 2.G9 1.I45 0.012 12 0.500 3S 3.27 0.19 2.729 3.47 42.0% 17 16 L220 0.60 0.732 0.732 G30 2.78 2.037 OAl2 12 12.700 55 12.70 0.07 13J55 17.51 14.8°/ 16 0.360 0.60 0.216 1.374 6.83 2.64 3.626 0 012 l5 0.500 212 4.40 0.80 4.948 4.03 733% �' T3 ` 0.000 0.G0 0.000 4302 7.40 2.51 10.784 0.012 18 1.000 272 734 0.62 11380 6.44 94.8°/ 14 13 0.930 0.60 0.558 0.558 G.30 2.78 1,552 OAl2 12 L000 31 4.62 0.11 3.860 4.91 40.2% 'r� µ :, I2. 0.830 0.60 0.498 5.358 S.OI 2.38 12.749 OAl2 24 L000 55 9.88 O.12 24.508 7.80 52.0°/ �,`:! 10 0.410 O.GO 0246 9.834 8.13 2.36 23.182 OAl2 24 6390 l21 18.04 O.11 61951 19.72 37.4% II 10 0.080 0.60 0.048 0.048 630 2.78 0.134 0.012 12 1.000 30 2.1] Q24 3.860 491 3.5°/ 10 �1,' � °'. 0.570 0.60 0342 10.224 8.24 234 23.888 0.012 24 13.G00 92 24.17 0.06 90.380 28.77 26.4°/ 9 8 1210 0.60 0.726 0.726 630 2.78 2.020 0 012 12 0.500 31 3.82 0.14 2J29 3.47 74.0% 8 7 0.050 460 0.030 0.7% G.44 2J4 2.075 0.012 12 0.500 67 3.82 0.29 2.729 3.47 76.0% 7 0.030 0.60 0.018 0.774 6.73 2.G7 2.063 0.012 15 0.500 63 3.79 0.28 4.948 4.03 41.7°/ 5 OA50 Ob0 0.030 11.028 830 232 25.638 OAl2 3G 1.000 82 9.20 O.15 72257 10.22 35.5°/ 5 SA 0.440 0.60 0.264 11292 8.45 230 25.951 0.012 36 8.880 41 20.26 0.03 215.320 30.46 12.1% ..BACKWATER CALCULATIONS � � �� OB NAME: 1{ICHI,ANDS PARK PREPARF.D BY: G.Drooks OB NUMBF.R: O1019 DESIGN STORM: 25 YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXIT OUTLET INLET APPROACH BEND JUNCTION PIPF. PIPE MANNINC'S OUTLET INI.F.T PIPE FLOW VELOCITY TAII.WATER FRICTION HCL NEAD HEAD CONTROI. CONTROL VF.LOCITY HEAD HEAD lIEADWATF:R FROM TO FLOW LEIVGTH DIA. n ELEVATION ELEVATION AREA VELOCITY NEAD ELEVATION LOSS ELEVA770N LOSS LOSS ELEVATION ELEVATION HEAD LOSS LOSS ELEVATION CB CB CFti FEET IN VAWE FEF.T FEE S FT MTISEC FEET FEET FRBT FEET FF.F.T FEET FEE7' FEET FEET FF.ET ET FF.E'1' RIM F,I. 5A 5 1196 41 36 0.012 410.00 413.G4 1.07 ISG 0.04 419.6J 001 419.64 002 0.04 41770 416.64 0.04 0.01 0.00 41/G7 421.72 5 6 110( 82 36 0.012 413.fi4 414A6 7.07 I.SG OD4 J19.67 002 419.69 U.02 0.04 419J4 417.4fi 0.19 0.05 0.01 41)GI 4259N 6 7 2.06 fi3 IS OOR JIG1I 41653 I13 1.68 0.04 412fi1 OAS 4196fi 0.02 0.04 419.73 417J8 0.11 0.00 0.00 419.62 422.N2 7 B 2A7 67 12 0.012 41fiJ8 417.12 0J9 2.64 0.11 417(2 0.19 419.%I 0.05 011 419.97 418_l2 0.10 0.14 0.00 420.01 42077 B 9 2.02 31 12 0.012 417.12 417.28 OJ9 2,97 0.10 420.01 OAB 420.10 0.05 0.I0 420.25 41K.2N 0.00 (1.00 0.00 420.25 42UJN G 10 IlA6 92 24 0.012 415.46 427.97 3.14 3S2 0.19 41/.GI 0.19 429.97 0.10 0.19 4J0.26 429.97 0.19 0.01 000 430.08 432N1 10 II 0.13 30 12 nniz 428.97 42927 OJ9 0.17 Q00 430.OR 0.00 43017 0.00 0.00 430.27 430.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 43017 432.81 10 12 II IIG 121 24 0.012 427.97 43590 3.14 3.52 0.19 43U.08 024 4377U 0.10 0.19 437.99 437J0 0.9R 015 0.12 43738 440.fi3 12 13 I10! 55 24 UA12 435,70 43G13 3.14 3.52 0.19 4373N 0.11 43R.25 0.10 0,19 436.54 43R35 0.58 000 OA2 437.H8 441.0 13 14 I SS 31 12 OAl2 4}715 437.56 UJ9 1.98 O.OG 43798 0.05 4J8.56 LL03 0.06 43Rb5 438.56 0.00 0.00 O.OU 436.65 441.13 13 IS IOJB 272 18 0.012 43675 439.47 177 G.10 0.58 437.Y8 2A2 440.97 029 0.58 441.84 441.95 LIS 0J6 0.20 441J3 455A% 15 Ifi 3.63 212 IS 0,012 139J2 440J8 1.23 295 0.14 441.73 0.56 442.3b 0.07 0.14 442.50 442.03 0.10 0]0 0.05 44254 45I.25 16 V 2.04 $S 12 Q012 J41.03 44N92 OJ9 2.59 U.IU 44254 OJS 449.02 095 U.10 449.IR 449.02 OW Q00 000 44Y.18 4515P Ib IN 1.15 3% 12 0.012 4J1.03 qq1,22 UJ9 1.46 0.03 442.54 0.03 442.SR 0.02 UA3 442.63 44212 0.01 U.02 0.00 442.G4 450.30 1% 19 0.57 SS 12 0.012 44112 441.50 079 OJ2 O.OI 442.G4 0.01 �142.G5 0.00 0.01 . 442.66 442.50 0.00 OAO 0.00 442.GG 445.I6 15 20 Ofi7 52 12 U.012 45�.50 45q.1N O]9 0.8$ 0.111 441.73 002 455.78 0,01 0.01 455.N0 455.16 O,IID 0.00 0.00 455.80 458.27 IS 21 G.85 56 12 0.012 45L50 452.06 OJ9 R73 1.18 44173 1.75 453.Ofi 0.59 1.18 434.ft4 455,76 U.81 0.00 OJS 455.10 45575 21 22 0.95 32 12 0.012 452.OG 452.38 OJ9 1.21 0.02 455J0 0.02 455.11 0.01 OA2 453,15 453.7R 0.00 0.00 UAO 455.1$ 455.%9 21 23 5.6n 157 12 0.012 452.06 459.71 OJ9 724 U.81 455.10 397 460.91 o.a� 0.8] 462.13 4G2.64 n36 U.02 0.16 4G2.46 463.Rn 23 24 1.02 30 12 0.012 459.91 46021 0J9 190 0.03 4l,2.4G 0.02 462R% 0.01 0.03 4G2.52 461.21 0.00 0.00 OAO 462.52 4fi3.8o 23 25 3J8 lSQ 12 0.012 459.91 468A6 079 4ril 0.36 4fi24G I.43 46946 0.18 096 470.00 470.�2 0.08 0.01 OJ3 470.U9 47233 25 26 IA2 30 12 0.012 4G8.4ti 468J6 (17e 1.30 0.03 470.09 0.02 470.11 0.01 0.03 470.15 4fi7J6 0.00 0.00 0.00 410.15 47293 25 27 L78 182 12 0.012 466.46 478.83 OJ9 227 O.US 470.09 03N 479.83 0.04 0.08 479.95 479.83 O.OS O.IO 0.00 480.00 482J2 Z7 28 135 3Q 12 0.012 47%.%3 479.13 OJ9 IJ2 0.05 4R0.00 0.04 480.13 0.02 0.05 4N0.20 480.13 400 0.00 090 480.20 482J2 12 29 7J3 145 15 0012 43GA5 445.01 1.23 7.93 0.98 437.38 2J8 44fi.26 0.49 0.9R 447J2 44R31 0.68 0.04 0.10 447JR 449.07 29 30 I.10 30 12 0.012 445.26 445.SG 0.79 1.40 OU3 441J8 0.02 447.80 OA2 0.03 44785 4445G 0.00 O.00 0.00 447.85 449.07 29 31 8.11 1R1 IS 0.012 44i01 451.71 1.23 (,./,l 068 4477N 2.41 452.9fi 034 0.68 4539N 45426 OSU 0.03 0.05 453.84 455.N2 71 32 OJO 30 12 0.012 45L9G 452.26 OJ9 0.%9 0,01 453.%4 0.01 45;.85 0,01 0.01 453.A7 453.26 11.00 0.00 OAO 453.87 455.R2 11 33 G/6 122 IS 0.012 q51J1 45793 123 5.67 O50 453.64 110 431.18 015 0.50 459.93 46092 0.61 0.02 U.U9 459.52 4fi2J4 33 34 1.19 30 I2 0.012 4SR lft 458.48 OJ9 1.51 0.04 45952 U.03 459.5$ 0.02 0.04 459.60 459.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 459.G0 4G2.14 33 35 4.92 219 12 0.012 45RJ% 4(9J9 099 616 O.GI 459.52 3.52 470J9 0,31 QGI 471JI 47200 0.54 0.13 0.00 471,39 473.48 35 36 4.65 SC, 12 0.012 46979 472.03 0.79 5.')2 0.54 471.5'1 0.80 473.03 027 0.54 473.85 474.07 0.09 040 0.18 474.57 47582 16 37 0.93 30 12 0.012 472.03 472.33 OJ9 1.1 J 0.02 474.57 0.02 474.58 O.UI OA2 474.62 493.33 0.00 O.1111 0.00 474.62 475.82 3G 38 1.89 I4 12 0.012 472A3 473.01 OJ9 2.41 0.09 474.57 , OA} 474.60 0.05 0.09 474J4 47491 0.03 0.00 0.00 47471 47GSG 3% 39 I.00 39 12 0.012 473.01 473SC OJ9 128 0.03 474.71 (1(13 474J4 0.01 0.03 474.77 474Sfi 0.00 0.01 Ol)0 474,78 477.07 39 40 OA3 137 12 0.012 473.56 47644 OJ9 OS4 000 474J8 OU2 477.44 0.00 UAO 477.45 47744 0.00 0.01 U.00 477,45 487.20 40 41 0.17 l02 12 0.012 176 aJ J7x 95 0]9 0.21 0 00 477 45 u u0 479.95 0.00 OAO 479.95 47995 OAO 0.00 UAn 479,95 482Ja STORM CONVEYANC� SYSTEM DES�GN �.�,��T,�N: �N���<��,NTY 24HR RAINFALL: 3.94 INCHES IOB NAMP;: HIGHLANDti PARR JOD NUMBF,R: 01019 PREPARED BY: GRB DESICN S'1'OKM: I00 l F:AR INCRF.MENTAL RUIVOP'F 6FFECfIV6 1'LMEOF RAINFALL TRIRUTARY PIPE PIPF. PIPE ACTUAL TtUVF.t. PIPECAPAC'I7'1'SUMi41ARY" 1'll'E SF.GMFNT �� AREA � CU�:b'M7CIF.NT � ARL�A SUMpF�� CONC. INTRNRIYY FLOW MANNING'S DIAMRTEH SLOPF. �I,RNG'fIT VEIAC.ITY TIMB. Q(FULL) .V(FUI.L) Q�AC'n/Q(NOI.I,) N'ROM TO (ACRF.S) "C" (A"C) (A"(� �MINUTES) ([l1fNR) ��CF'S7 "n" pNCHFS) �PBRCF.N'[') (PEE7) (FT/SECI (MINlfTF51 (CFS) (FTIFFCJ �PERCEN'i) 41 40 0.100 O.GO U.06U 0.0G0 6.30 323 0.194 0.01? 12 2AG0 102 3.?I 0.51 6.054 7.71 3.?06 40 39 0.170 0.60 0.102 0.162 6.81 3.07 0.497 0.012 12 2.100 137 4.20 0.54 5.593 7.12 8.9% 39 3R 0.400 0.60 0240 0.402 7.36 2.93 1.176 0.012 12 1.400 39 4.77 0.14 4.567 5.81 25.7% 38 36 0.610 O.GO 0366 0.7G8 7.49 2.89 2.221 0.012 12 7.000 14 10.08 0.02 10.212 13.00 21.7°/ 37 36 0.560 0.60 0.336 0336 6.30 3.23 1.084 0.012 12 I.000 30 4.20 0.12 3.860 49l 28.1°/ 36 35 1.310 0.60 0.786 1.890 7.52 2.89 5.454 OAl2 12 4.000 56 ]0.61 0.09 7.719 9.83 70.7°/ 35 33 0.210 0.60 Q126 2.016 7.60 2.86 5.775 OAl2 12 5.300 219 12.05 0.30 8.886 11.31 65.0°/ 34 33 0.710 O.GO 0.426 0.426 6.30 3.23 1374 0.012 l2 1.000 30 4.42 0.11 3.R60 49l 35.6% 33 31 0.810 0.60 0.48! 2.928 7.91 2.80 8.184 0.012 15 5.100 122 12.88 0.16 15.804 12.88 51.8% 32 31 0.420 0.60 0.252 0.252 G30 3.23 O.S13 0.012 ]2 1.000 30 3.81 0.13 3.860 491 21.1% 31 29 OA60 0.60 0276 3.456 8.06 2.76 9.540 0.012 15 3.700 I81 11.85 025 13.461 10.97 70.9°/ 3U ��„- 0.560 0.60 0396 0396 630 323 1.277 0.012 12 1.000 30 4.35 0.11 3.860 4.91 33.1% 0.630 0.60 0378 4.230 832 2.71 11451 0.012 IS 5.900 145 14.82 0.16 16.998 13.85 67.4% 2R 27 Q810 0.60 0.486 0.48G 630 3.23 1.567 OAl2 12 I.000 30 4.62 O.11 3.860 4.91 40.G°/ 27 0270 0 60 O.IG2 0.648 6.41 3.19 2.068 0.012 12 5.700 ]82 939 0.32 9.215 ll.73 22 4% 2G 0.610 0.60 0.36G 0.366 6.30 3.23 1.180 0.012 12 1.000 30 4.28 0.12 3.860 4.91 30.G°/ 0.6R0 0.60 0.40R 1.422 6.73 3.09 4399 0.012 12 5.700 I50 ll.50 0.22 9215 11.73 47J% 24 0.610 0.60 0366 0.366 630 323 1.180 Q012 12 1.000 30 428 0.12 3.860 4.91 30.6% 0.GG0 0.60 0.396 2.184 6.95 3.03 6.622 0.012 l2 5.000 157 12.09 0.22 8.631 10.99 76 7°� STORM:CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DESIGN I LOCA'1'ION: KING COUNTY 2411R RAINFALL: 3.94 INCHES Oit NM1E: HIGIII.ANDS PARK .106�UMDER: 01019 PREPARF.D BY: CRIi DESIGN ti'1'ORM: 100 YEAR INCItF.MEN7A1, RUNOFF F.FFN:CTNE TIMEOF IUINFAI,I, TRIBU'I:ARY PIPE PIPE PIPF. ACTUAL TMVEL PIPECA�'ACITYSL�MMARY �� PIp�SEGMFNT AItEA � COEPPICIL�N7' � AREA� �SUMOk' CON[:. IN7'k;NSITV FLOW MANNINL:'5 UTAMETSR 6LQPE C.F.NGTH V6LOC7TY TIML��� Q(FULL) �V�FULL)�� Q(AC7)/Q(FULL) FROM TO (ACRES) "C" (A'(� (A"C� (MINIITES) (INl1[R� ICPS) "n" (1NCIIES) (PERCENT) (FEE'n fFi/SYC� (MIN[RF.S) (GFS) iF'TIFEC) (PERCENI) 22 0.570 0.60 0.342 0.342 6.30 3.23 1.103 0.012 12 I.000 32 4.20 0.13 3.860 4.91 28.G% 0.270 0.60 O.IG2 2.688 7.17 2.97 7.994 0.012 12 1.000 56 4.91 0.19 3.860 4.91 207.1% 20 0.400 0.60 0.240 0240 630 323 0.774 0.012 12 6.300 52 6.97 0.12 9.688 1233 8.0% 19 18 0340 0.G0 0204 0.204 630 3.23 0.658 0.012 12 0.500 55 2.85 032 2.729 3.47 24.1% I8 16 0370 0.60 0222 OA26 6.62 3.13 1.331 0.012 12 0.500 38 3.44 0.18 2.729 3.47 48.8% 17 16 1.220 Q60 0.732 0.732 630 323 2.3G1 0.012 12 12.700 55 12.70 0.07 13J55 17.51 17.2°/ 16 0360 O.GO 0216 1374 6.81 3.07 4221 OAl2 15 U.500 212 4.52 0.78 4.948 4.03 85.3°/ �,�, ,' '' �"3"-`"" 0.000 0.60 0.000 4.302 7.36 2.93 12.585 0.012 18 1.000 272 6.44 0.70 11380 6.44 110.6% 14 13 0.930 0.60 0.558 0.558 6.30 3.23 1.800 0.012 12 1.000 31 4.82 OJ1 3.860 4.91 46.6% 13 - - 12 : 0.830 0.60 0.498 5358 8.06 2.% 14.797 0.012 24 L000 55 8.21 0.11 24.508 7.R0 60.4% t2,,,,,,,'; 10 0.410 0.60 0.24G 9.834 R.17 294 26.924 0.012 24 6390 121 18.83 0.I I 61.951 19J2 43.5% II 10 0.080 0.60 0.048 0.048 6.30 3.23 0.155 0.012 12 1.000 30 233 0.21 3.860 491 4.0% 10 6 0.570 0.60 0.342 ]0224 828 2.72 27J63 0.012 24 13.G00 92 25.03 OA6 90380 28.77 30J% 9 8 1.210 0.60 0.726 0.726 6.30 3.23 2.341 0.012 12 0.500 31 3.89 0.13 2.729 3.47 85.8°/ 8 7 0.050 0.60 0.030 0.756 6.43 3.18 2.406 0.012 12 0.500 67 3.93 0.28 2.729 3.47 88.2°/ 7 0.030 0.60 0.018 0.774 6.72 3.10 2.397 0.012 IS 0.500 63 3.99 0.26 4.948 4.03 48.4°/ 5 0.050 O.GO 0.030 1 1.028 834 2.70 29.808 0.012 36 1.000 82 9.61 0.14 72257 10.22 41.3% 5 SA 0.440 0.60 0264 11.292 8.48 2.67 30.198 0.012 36 R.RRO 41 21.17 0.03 215320 30.46 14.0% - - - � � � � � BACKWATERC7ALCUWTIONS � � � � � � � � OB NAME: HIGHLANDS PARK PREPARED BY: G.BroaW I OB NUMBER: 01019 DESICN STORM: I00 YEAR ENTRANCE ENTRANCE EXIT OUTLET INLET APPROACII BEND JIINCTION PIPE PIPE MANNING'S OUTLE'1' INLET PIPE FLOW VF:LO(:ITY TAILWATER FRICTION HGL HEAD HEAD CONTROL CONTROL VELOCITY HEAD HEAD HEADWATER FROM TO FLOW LENGTH DIA. n EI.F.VATION ELEVATIOIV ARF.A VELOCITY HF.AD ELEVATION LOSS ELEVATION LOSS I.OSS ELEVATION F,LEVATION HF.AD LOSS I.OSti ELEVATION CR CB CFS FF.ET IN VALUE FEE FEM:P S F FT/SF.0 FEE FEET FEE FEET FEET FEE FEET FEE FEE FEET FEET FEET RIM EL 5p 5 16.32 41 3G 0012 410.00 413.fi4 7.07 231 0.08 41993 OA2 41977 0.04 II.OK 420.10 414.64 O.Ori 0.02 000 420.03 32132 5 G 16.32 X2 36 11012 413.64 414A(r 7.07 2.31 0.08 420.03 0.04 420A7 OA4 0.08 420.20 417.46 0.42 0.11 O.OI 419.9D 42G.98 G 7 2.4U 63 IS 0.012 JIfi21 416.53 123 1.95 0.06 419.90 ao7 J19.97 0.03 0.06 420.06 4177x 0.15 Oo0 0.00 419.91 422.82 7 8 2.41 67 12 0.012 41eJR 417.12 OJ9 3.06 UJS 419,91 � 01(, 420.17 0.07 0.15 420.39 41%.12 0.14 0.19 0.00 420.45 420J7 8 9 2 34 31 12 0.012 41'7.12 417.28 0 71 2.98 OJ4 420,45 OJ I 420.56 0.07 0.14 420.77 4182% 0.00 ODO 0.00 420.77 420J6 6 10 16.32 92 2J 0912 415.46 427.97 3.14 5.19 0.42 419.90 OAO 429.97 011 0 42 430.60 43025 0.42 0.02 OAO 430.20 432.81 10 11 0.15 30 12 0.012 42R.97 42917 OJ9 0.20 0.00 430.20 OAO 430.27 000 0.00 430.27 430.27 0.00 0.00 D.00 43027 432.81 10 12 1G32 121 24 0.012 427.97 435]0 3.14 5.19 0.42 43010 OS3 4J7.70 0.21 OA2 43833 438.OS 135 0.55 017 437 ri0 440.G3 12 13 14.N0 SS 24 0.012 43570 436.29 3.14 4J1 0.34 437.80 020 438.25 017 034 438.77 436.25 0.7Y 0.00 0.04 438.02 qq1.13 '' I} 14 I%0 31 12 0.012 43725 437.SG OJ9 22) 0.08 438.U2 0.07 43R.3( 0.04 O.OA 436.68 438.SG OAO 0.00 0.00 438.G8 441.13 13 IS 12.59 272 18 0.012 476J5 439A7 1.77 7.12 OJ9 438.02 330 44132 0.39 OJ9 442.30 442.4Y 1.61 1.04 0.2R 4421U 455.4R I IS 16 4.22 2I2 IS 0.012 439J2 4407R 113 3.44 O.IN 44220 0.7( 442.97 0.09 0.18 44324 442,03 0.14 O.IJ 0.07 44330 45125 16 17 2.36 SS 12 0.012 441.03 448.02 0.79 3.U1 0.14 443.30 0.20 449.02 0.07 0.14 449.27 449.02 0.00 0.00 O,UO 44923 43L58 lfi 18 1.13 3% 12 0012 441.03 441.22 079 IJO 004 443.30 004 44335 OA2 0.04 443.42 44212 OA1 0.03 0.00 443.41 4503U IS 19 0.6fi 55 12 0012 441.22 441511 UJ9 0.84 001 443.43 (102 443.45 OOI 0.01 � 443A6 442.50 000 0.00 0.00 443.46 4451fi IS 20 0J7 52 12 0.012 451.50 454J8 OJ9 099 0.02 44210 0.02 455J% 0.01 0.02 455.80 455Jft 0.00 0.00 OAO 455.80 45N.D I IS 21 7.99 5(, 12 0f112 45L50 49206 (17�1 ]0.18 1.61 442.20 2.38 433.OG 0.81 1.61 q99.q8 45(,.85 1.11 OAU 011 455./5 455J5 21 22 I.10 32 12 0.012 492.06 452.38 UJ9 1,40 0.(13 455,95 0.03 455.98 0.02 0.03 456.02 453J8 0.00 0.00 0.00 456.U2 455.89 21 23 6,62 157 12 0,012 452UG 459.91 OJ9 %A3 LII 45595 4.58 460.91 0.55 1.11 462.37 463J8 0.49 0.02 0.22 46J.14 463.ft0 27 24 11N 30 12 0.012 459.91 46�21 079 L50 0114 463.14 003 4(3.17 0.02 0.04 463.22 46111 0.00 0.00 0.00 46312 4G3B0 yJ 25 440 I50 12 IID12 459.91 46R.4fi UJ9 5,60 049 443.14 193 411.4L 024 0.49 470.19 470.35 0.11 0.02 0.18 470.44 47233 25 26 L Ig 30 12 0.012 468A6 4(r%JL 0.79 130 OD4 470.44 0113 470.47 0.02 0.04 470.52 4G9.76 0.00 OAO 0.00 470 52 472.37 25 27 2.07 1ri2 12 0.012 4G%4G 478.83 OJ9 2.(,3 0.11 470.44 0.32 479.83 bA3 0.11 479.99 479.83 OOfi 0.14 0.00 4%0.07 462J2 27 2g 1,57 1� 12 0012 478.87 479U 079 2A0 0.06 4NUA7 0.05 480.13 0.03 0.06 4NU22 480.13 11.00 0.00 0.00 460.22 482J2 12 29 IL45 145 �5 OAl2 436A5 qq5q1 L23 9.33 135 437.80 3.85 446.2G 0.68 1.35 448.29 4491R 0.94 0.05 014 448.53 449A7 29 30 118 30 12 0.012 445 2fi 445.SG OJ9 L63 �04 448.5; (1(13 448.57 0.02 0.04 448.63 446.SG 0.00 0.00 0.00 448.63 441.07 29 31 9.54 I81 15 0.012 445.01 451.71 L23 7.77 0.94 448 53 3.33 452.96 0.47 0.94 45437 45493 0.69 0 04 0.08 454.33 455.82 31 32 O.NI 70 12 0.1112 431.9G 45216 0.7<) 1.03 0.02 454.35 OAl 45436 0.01 0.02 454.39 453.2G 0.00 000 0.00 45439 455.82 31 33 8.18 122 IS 0.012 451J1 457.93 1.23 6.67 069 454.35 1.65 439.16 0.)5 0.69 4(U.22 460.51 U.84 0.03 0.12 459.62 462.14 33 34 1.37 30 12 OD12 458.1ri 458,q8 OJ9 IJS 095 459.82 0.04 459.85 Q02 0.05 459.93 45JAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 459.93 4fi2.14 33 35 57% 219 12 Onl2 458.18 469J9 OJ9 793 084 459N2 4.M5 470J9 042 U.84 472.05 472.59 OJS 0.18 0.00 472.02 473.48 35 36 SAS 56 12 O.U12 4G999 472.03 OJ9 G.94 OJS 472.02 I.II 473.13 (137 0.75 474.25 474G0 0.12 0.55 025 4751R 475.82 36 37 1.08 30 12 0.012 472.03 47233 0.79 1.38 0,03 47518 0.02 47530 0.01 0.01 475.34 473.33 OAO 0.00 0.00 473.34 475.82 3fi 3N 2.22 14 12 0.012 472.03 473A1 0J9 2.83 0,12 1752A 0.05 473.32 OOfi 0.12 413.51 474.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 475.47 496.50 �, 3% 39 LIB 39 12 0.012 473.01 47356 079 1.50 0.03 475.47 0.04 475.51 0.02 0.07 475.56 474.56 OA1 0.01 0.00 47557 477,09 ' 39 40 0.50 137 12 0.012 473,56 476A4 0.79 0.63 0.01 475.51 0,02 477.44 0.00 0.01 477.45 477.44 0.00 0.01 0.00 477Al, 4A720 40 41 0.19 102 12 0.012 476.44 47%.95 0J9 0.25 O.DD 477.46 0,00 479.95 0.00 OAO 47995 47995 0.00 OAO 0.00 479.95 4A2.74 25-YEAR RETURN PERIOD FLOWS TRIBUTARY TO PROPOSED SE 2ND PLACE ', CONVEYANCE SYSTEM The drainage collected by the proposed conveyance system along the north side of SE 2nd Place includes the outflow from the proposed pond for the subject site along with 41ots and some adjacent roadway along Vesta Avenue SE and SE 2°d Place. See attached Area Tributary to Proposed SE 2°a Place Conveyance System Kroll Map e�ibit and Area Tributary to Proposed SE 2°d Place Conveyance System Aerial Map on the following pages. The conveyance system between Intake 3A and CB 3, though, collects only the 4 lots and some adjacent roadway along Vesta Avenue SE and SE 2"d Place. The impervious coverage for the 4 lots and some adjacent roadway along Vesta Avenue SE and SE 2nd Place was estimated using Table 3.2.2.D and Table 3.2.2.E in the 2005 KCSWDM. The area is 4.72 acres. The number of dwelling units per gross acre is 4/4.72 = 0.85 DU/GA. Per Table 3.2.2.D, the percentage of impervious area is 15% for 1 DU/GA. Per Table 3.2.2.E the effective impervious fraction is 0.40 The effective impervious area for the subject area is therefore, 15%*0.40*4.72 acres= 0.28 acre with a pervious area equal to 4.72 acres—0.28 acre=4.44 acres. To be conservative, the entire pervious area will be considered lawn/landscaping. The basin summary for the area tributary, excluding pond outflow, to the proposed conveyance system along the north side of SE 2"d Place is delineated below. See KCRTS 15-minute time step flows on the attached KCRTS Flow Frequency Analysis (O 10192nd.ts fl on the following pages. TRIBUTARY AREA TO SE Total Area=4.72 acres 2� PLACE (010192nd GROLTND COVER AREA(acre) Till-Grass (Landsca in ) 4.44 Im rvious 0.28 The 25-year return period flow for the 41ots and some adjacent roadway along Vesta Avenue SE and SE 2nd Place is 1.51 cfs. The pipe between Intake 3A and CB 3, therefore, needs to accommodate 1.51 cfs. A 12"pipe at 0.5%can carry Q(full) _ 1.49/n*A*R�3*51�2= (1.49/OAl2)(�/4*12)(0.5/2)2�3(0.005)��=2.74 cfs. A 12"pipe is, therefore, adequate to carry the 25-year return period flow to CB 3. The 25-year outflow from the proposed pond for the subject site is 1.23 cfs (See KCRTS printout 01019pd.doc in Section 4 of this Report). At CB 3, the flows from the 4 lots and some adjacent roadway along Vesta Avenue SE and SE 2"d Place and the flows from the subject site's pond combine. The tota125-year flow downstream of CB 3 is 1.51 + 1.23 = , 2.74 cfs. An 18"culvert at 0.5% can carry Q(full) = 1.49/n*A*R�3*S�� _ ' (1.49/OAl2)(�/4*1.52)(0.75/2)2�3(0.005)1�2=8.07 cfs. An 18"conveyance system downstream of CB 3 is adequate to carry the 25-year flows. SECTION 3.2 RUNOFF COMPUTATION AND ANALYSIS b4ETHODS KCRTS is the "Effective Impervious Area" (EIA),the total impervious area multiplied by the effective impervioas fraction. See Table 3.2.2.E,p. 3-29 for effective impervious fractions that apply to standai-d impervious surfaces. Table 123.0 lists effective impervious factions for alternative materials and approaches. Non-effective imperrious area(i.e.,total impervious area less EIA) is assumed to have the same hydrologic response as the immediately surrounding pervious area. For example, for existing residential areas with rooftops draining to splash pads on lawns or landscaping,the non-effective portion of the roof areas would be treated as pasture for predevelopment conditions(if DU/GA<4.0)and grass for post-development conditions. Note: Credits for infrltration/dispersion of downspouts on individual lots in proposed single familv residential subdivisions a�-e applied separatel��on a site-s,veciTc basis I.,c�E� Note 3, Table 32.2.E). The effective impervious fraction can be selected from Table 3.2_2.E or determined from detailed site surveys. With the exception of figures for compacted gravel and dirt roads and parkine lots. the figures in Table 3.22.E are average figures cited by the USGS (Dinicola; 1990). TABLE 3.2.2.D PERCENT Ir1PERYlOUS COVERACE FOR E?�1STING RESIDENTIAL AREAS Dwelling UnitslGross %Impervious�'� Dwelling UnitslGross % Impervious Acre Acre 1.0 DU/GA 15�2� 4.5 DU/GA 46 1.5 DU1GA 20 5.0 DU/GA 48 2.0 DU/GA 25 5.5 DU/GA 50 2.5 DU/GA 30 6.0 DU/GA 52 3.0 DU/GA 34 6.5 DU/GA 54 3.5 DU/GA 38 7.0 DU/GA 56 4.0 DUlGA 42 7.5 DU/GA 58 For PUDs,condominiums, apartments, commercial businesses, and industrial areas, percent impervious coverage must be computed. Notes: ��� Inctudes streets and sidewalks. �2� These figures should be adjusted by the effective impervious fraction given in Table 3.2.2.E, if applicable. Values from Table 32.2.E may be interpolated as necessary. 1/24/2005 ?flp� Surface�l°ater Desien Manual 3-28 3.2.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF FILES METHOD—GENERATING 77ME SERIES ��: TABLE 3.2.2.E EFFECTIVE IMPERVIOUS FRAC7'101� Land Use Predevelopment Post-Development Commercial, Industrial,or Roads with Collection System 0.95 1.00 Multi-Family or High Density Single Family�2�(>4 DU/GA) 0.80 1.00�3� Medium Density Single Family�2�(4 DU/GA) 0.66 1.00�3� Low Density Single Family�2�(1 DU/GA) 0.50 1.00�3� Rura1�2�(< 1 DU/GA) 0.40 1.00�3� Gravel/Dirt Roads and Parking Lots, Roads without 0.50 0.50 Collection System Notes: {�� The effecfive impervious fracfion is the fraction of actual total impervious area connected to the drainage system. These figures should be used in the absence of detailed surveys or physical inspection (e.g., via pipe, channel, or short sheet flowpath). �z� Figures for residential areas include roadways. �3� Section 5.2 outlines where the use of Flow Control BMPs may be used to reduce the effective impervious area of the project Example ' Determining the KCRTS land use data for an existing 20-acre residential area,�i-ith an average lot size of 9600 square feet (4.5 DU/GA), surrounding a 5-acre forested open space tract would entail the following calculations: From Table 32.2.D,the portion of basin assumed impervious at 4.5 DU/GA Total lmpervious=0.46 x 20 acres=9.2 acres Existing Pervious(grass)=20 acres -9.2 acres= 10.8 acres Existing Pervious(forest)=5 acres From Table 3.22.E,the effective impervious area Effective Impervious Fraction= 0.8 (at 4.5 DU/GA) Effe�tive Impervious Area=0.8 x 9.2 acres=736 acres Non-Effective lmpervious Area=92 acres-7.36 acres= 1.84 acres Add the non-effective impervious area to the area of the surrounding pervious land cover. Total Grass Area= 10.8 acres+ 1.84 acres= 12.64 acres Total Forest Area=5 acres Effective Impervious Area=7.36 acres These are the acreages that would be input into the KCRTS model when creating the time series. 2005 Surface�Vater Design Afanual 1�'24/2005 3-29 �" N�t f J = ;. •,� - s ..-r�.i.r 1�:.+.Vr �rr.��. ....,..�. .... ... • . M �ei,7z � �• swR 0 �' 86.6� ^ m ': PA RC E L �4 ,��1.EA� �s � �:•=I . . r r .Q rr� n� Ri ` ►: 8 0� * n.i e°.�, �? � •.� IST ST, � �4 Es�i � r � � _ � f c�W ?; � � � ;*; � O � t A �v' � N — � . 0 ,�2 Q o � 0 7 PL ,4y 6 5 4 3 2 ! � ••: 73 � � �5. 138.41 ?7,19" � 194.48 1i6.65 113. 114.99 Z : ' 120 � �� 1093 1 t ���' � ��'�s. ,��� � S.P. fi78063 — R � 60 .,. � � •.• � rrJ s�' � 71 � � � � � �2) �:' . . , � . —� ,(�'g�.� � R 35 — :;. . :;. G�y �� 70 0 40,59 110 150 .�. ... , � �t .., .�. �'� 690� ❑ i52 ;.; � :. . .,. s ,,o�°' ��• r N .22AC. 82 :•: Q • 0 4.�6 Ac. 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SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES: I, Included in this section are the postmaster approval, geotechnical report dated October � 10, 2005, letter from the geotechnical engineer regarding stabilization of the 2:1 slopes within the pond dated August 11, 2006, and Rockery Design letter dated June 15, 2006 by Terra Associates, Inc. � � ' I i St 4,NW Z/4,StG:14, /W/'. "1.1 N.,KCit.9 t., VY•1YG �DI VAN CkMPtN � ' � , �Ih�1, Q � I I l' �'{ STOMEq SER�ICE REPRESCN�q-�yE _ I � HIG/ILANDS SrnTioN i _ - - SF. 133RD ST. � a u�{�' ��� i I'' ! ! — — — --- — � I ___- �::.. , t �3 Un� Ceu N/TED ST/�TES � �, __--- ' ;, ; . : � .,.„ , , ;:;� ; . , . , Z rt1ST/�L SERV/CE -- __ __—_— I ;+ : ; • , 4 � NE 4 :� ST ' ; . . � ; 1cck� , c,� S re��, � , . � � Gc��b51 ���e�� ne�u� � �N WA 9b0.55-9998 � '� � 425�227-6304 � ��. �� ���� F/�: 425-22,'-q307 ' ' V/�Or o En,... jodi.L��ancamponc�us s , � ' � � . � � �. 9a� N�•�� � atti gqiti.�� �� � GaR b�_ _ ; ' .. . e . 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C� � � e n , , ;1 SCALE: 1" _ ��� � � 3 � � ? < , � � �,:�. - _ ,t •. , ������� ���������������� TERRA ASSaCIATES Inc. �;�`°,����';,a�: ,,�' � r ��,���. F� -._. _. , � � Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology ,,....__� _. and Environmental Earth Sciences August 1], 2006 Project No. T-5668-I i Ms. Gina Brooks CORE Design ]47l 1 NE 29°i Place, Suite 101 Befle�rue, Wasltington 95007 Subjecf: Higlilands Park Detention Pond Renton,WA Reference: Preliminary Geoteclutical Repart,Higlilands Park,Renton, Waslungton,Project No.T-5668-I, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated October 10,2005`- Dear Ms.Brooks: As we understand, due Eo site coustraints, some of tbe interior slopes of the developu�ents storm water pond u�ill be graded at an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). With the slopes graded to tivs inclinatiou, because of inundation and the effects of rise and fall of the stored water levels, tbere would be an increased rislt for sballow slope movements to occur. To mitigate the potenEial for shallow slumping, we recommend lining lbe slopes wit� a rock revetment. The revetment should have a minimum thicl�ess of]2-inches and be constructed using 2 to 4— inch size crushed quarry rock (spalIs). To preven! soi! fu�es from washi.ng through the revetment, a geotextile separation/filtraEion fabric such as Mirafi 140N should be installed on the graded slope face prior !o placing the rock. The revetu�ent should extend one foot above the maximum stored ivater level. VVe trust the information,presented is sufficient to meet your currenl needs. Should you have any questions or require adds'Yi�n� ��t�orm� ,please let me know, >r� �•�s� :s 1 �" "`f+�-,(.:+��f,'P', `fiJ��. �"" 1 Sincer.e3 F , � �,, ,�,� �.. � 4��•� .`,� �- � _'� = �2 �'-!f--4 �a �'h d�ore,J�Sc .E. r`.r . f�� Princip�.� Ct��'�`' ��L rt3i'�Rr,S� ��3 �.E' VT!" cc: �'=��0 1 e"s,Burnstead Construction Company ._..�._ . . m-•-----•- --•-�•t ��-�.T�r��_�+i�O� .� 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirlcland, Washington 98034 Phnno ld7Sl A�i_7777 • F�,r ld��l R�t_[l��d PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Highlands Park 13400 Block of 156th Avenue SE Renton, Washington Project No. T-5668-1 _:��� ; o ` ����� �o���������9 ���o � -:�'` =;�_ :�;_��- , > �. _ ^. ;,'�'��>_> . _ ��..�.; _ _ . . ; � .. Prepared foro Burnstead Construction Company Beilevue, Washington Octob�r 10, 2005 1 : - �����, ����������� � [���� � � Consultants in Geotechnical Engineerin�, Geolo�;v � and Environmental Earth Science� October 10, 2045 Project No.T-5668-1 Mr. Ron Hughes i Burnstead Construc�ion Company 1215 — 120th Avenue NE, Suite 201 i Betlevue,Washington 98005-2135 � � Subj ect: Preliminary Geotechnical Report Highlands Park 13400 Block of 156th Avenue SE Renton,Washington Dear Mr.Hughes: As requested, we have conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject project. The attached report presents our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction. Our field exploration indicates the site is predominantly underlain by glacial till consisting of dense to very dense silty sand to sandy silt with varying amounts of gravel. We observed what appears to be an isolated area of recessional outwash sand and gravel extending to depths of 5 to 20 feet near the southwestern corner of the site. � Existing fill soils containing organics and construction debris were found to a depth of 10.5 feet in the northeastern portion of the site. We observed groundwater seepage in 10 of the 37 test pits. The observed seepage is generally light and perched on top of the dense to very dense glacial till. I In our opinion, the soil and groundwater conditions are suitable for the planned development. Undisturbed inorganic native soil subgrade or compacted structural fill placed above competent native soil will provide suitable bearing for standard spread footing foundations; floor slabs, and pavements. , l, „ 1252� Willov��s Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 980 ',4 �� �h�aae (4?�? �2�-777� � Fax 1�25i 8?1-433� Mr. Ron Hughes October 10,2005 Detailed recommendations addressing these issues, as well as other geotechnical design considerations, are presented in the attached report. VVe trust the information presented is sufficient for your cunent needs. If you have any questions or require additional information,please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES,INC. �� J�' �""�/� Bernard � ��� Proj ec � � D -1 i�- vS eo che��.E. Principa � cc: . en Core Design,Inc. �.��� a.�" ProjectNo. T-5668-1 Page No. ii TABLE OF COnTTENTS Pa�e No. 1.0 Proj ect Description......................................................................................................... I 2.0 Scope of Work................................................................................................................ 1 3.0 Site CQnditions................................................................................................................2 3.1 Surface...............................................................................................................2 3.2 5oils ...................................................................................................................2 3.3 Groundwater......................................................................................................3 4.0 Geolog-ic Hazards............................................................................................................3 4.1 Steep Slopes.......................................................................................................3 4.2 Landslide Hazard...............................................................................................3 4.3 Erosion Hazard..........................:.......................................................................4 4.4 Seismic Hazard..................................................................................................4 5.0 Discussion and Preliminary Recommendations..............................................................4 5.1 General...............................................................................................................4 5.2 Site Preparation and Grading.............................................................................5 5.3 Excavations........................................................................................................6 5.4 Foundations........................................................................................................6 5.5 Basement and Site Retaining Walls...................................................................7 5.6 Slab-on-Grade Floors.........................................................................................7 5.7 Stormwater Pond................................................................................................8 5.8 Drainage.............................................................................................................8 59 Utilities ..............................................................................................................9 5.10 Pavements..........................................:...............................................................9 ' 6.0 Additional Services.......................................................................................................10 7.0 Limitations....................................................................................................................10 Figares VicinityMap........................................................................................................................Figure 1 ExplorationLocation P1an...................................................................................................Figure 2 TypicalWall Drainage Detail..............................................................................................Figure 3 Appendi� Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing................................................................... Appendix A I Preliminary Geotechnicaf Report Highlands Park 13400 Block of 156th Avenue SE Renton, Washington 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is a residential development. We were provided with a Preliminary Plat site plan by Core I Design, dated July 200� that indicates the site will be developed with 73 residential building lots. Site access will be from 152nd Avenue along the west property line and from SE 133rd Street along the north properry line. The plan indicates site stormwater will be collected and routed to a stormwater facility in the southwestern corner � of the site. Site grading, building, and stormwater management plans are currently not available. With the rolling topography, we expect site grading wiIl consist of minor to moderate cuts and fills necessary to establish desired building pad and roadway elevations. We expect the residential structures will be one- to two-story, wood- framed buildings with main floor levels either framed over crawl spaces or constructed as slab-on-grade. Faundation loads should be light, in the range of 1 to 2 ldps per foot for bearing w�alls and 10 to 25 ldps for isolated columns. The recommendations contained in the following sections of this report are based on our understanding of these design features. If actual features vary or changes are made, we should review them in order to modify our recommendations, as required. We should review final design drawings and specifications to verify that our recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK Site exploration work completed for this study included excavating test pits on three separate occasions. Test pits were excavated on February 7, 2005, July 27, 2005, and on October 5, 2005. Using the information obtained from the subsurface exploration, we performed analyses to develop geotechnicai recommendations for project design and construction. Specifically, this report addresses the following: • Soil and groundwater condirions s Geologic hazards • Site preparation and grading • Excavations • Foundations �_ October 10, 2005 Project No. T-5668-1 • Retaining walls • Slab-on-grade floors • Stormwater pond . • Drainage • Utilities • Pavements It should be noted that the recommendations outlined in this report regarding drainage are associated with soil _, strength, design earth pressures, erosion, and stability. Design and performance issues with respect to moisture as it relates to the structure environment(i.e.,humidity, mildew, mold) are beyond Terra Associates' purview. A building envelope specialist or contractor should be consulted to address these issues, as needed. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Surface The site is an undeveloped, approximately 20-acre assemblage of 3 parcels located between 1�2nd Avenue SE (also lrnown as Rosario Avenue SE) and 156th Avenue SE,just north of SE 136th Street{also lrnown as SE 2nd Place)in Renton, Washington. The approximate location of the site is shown on Figure 1. The eastem end of the north paxcel is currently occupied by a single-family residence with several outbuildings. , 'The site is generally forested with mahue coniferous and deciduous trees. Site topography is relatively flat to rolling with a gentle grade down to the southwest. Topographic information provided to us indicates surface � grades generally range between about 8 and 13 percent; however, localized slope areas may be slightly steeper. � Overall relief across the site is approximately 84 feet. ',, 3.2 Soils The soils we observed in the test pits generally consist of 3 to 18 inches �f topsoil and forest duff overlying moist, silty sand with gravel consistent with glacial till. We observed dry to moist, outwash gravels and sands overlying the glacial till in five of the test pits and moist fill soils overlying the glacial till in nine of the test pits. The ti11 was genera.11y medium dense and weathered in the upper portions. The dense, unweathered glacial ti�l was observed at depths ranging from 1.0 to 10.5 feet belov��existing surface grades. In Test Pits TP-1, TP-2, TP- 12, TP-101, and TP-103 we observed medium dense gravel with sand and sand with gravel consistent with recessional outwash to depths ranging from 5.5 to 20.0 feet below existing surface grades. These test pits are located in and around the stormwater detention tract in the southwestern comer of the site. Test Pits TP-1, TP-2, TP-12, and TP-101 were terminated in the outwash gravels and sands. VJe observed the glacial till underlying the. out���ash in Test Pit TP-103 a: a depth of 5.5 feet. Page Vo. ? October 10,2005 Project No. T-5668-1 We observed moist fill to depths ranging from 1.5 to 10.5 feet below existing surface grades in Test Pit S-3, S-4, S- 7, S- 9, 5-10, S-13, 5-14, TE-1, and TP-105. The fill was generally loose to medium dense and consisted of silty sand with gravel, organics, and occasional trash debris. These test pits are located around the existing residence located in the northeastern portion of the site. The Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington,by D.R. Mullinea�.ix(1965), shows soils _ in the vicinity of the site mapped as ground moraine deposits consisting of ablation till over lodgment ti11. These soils are described as a mixture of silt and sand with varying amounts of gravel. The soils observed in our test pits aze generally consistent with this description; however, the granular soils observed in the southwestern portion of the site appear to be recessional outwash deposits,which stratigraphically overly glacial till. 3.3 Groundwater We observed groundwater seepage in 10 of the 37 test pits. The observed seepage was light and generally perched on top of the dense to very dense glacial till. However, we observed moderate to heavy groundwater seepage between depths of approximately one to six feet below the existing ground surface in Test Pit TP-5. The groundwater conditions observed are typical for a glacial till site. In general, surface water that infiltrates through the upper weathered soil zone becomes perched on the underlying, dense cemented till. The cemented till has a relatively low permeability that impedes the downward migration of the infiltrated surface water. As a result, groundwater seepage will develop and tend to flow laterally along the till contact. Locally, such seepage ' is referred to as interflow. Perched groundwater levels and flow rates will fluctuate seasonally and typicallx reach their highest levels during and shortly following the wet winter months{October through May). 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 4.Z Steep Slopes Section 4-3-OSOB4b (Steep Slopes) of the Renton Municipal Code {RMC) describes steep slopes as either sensitive slopes or protected slopes. These designations require slope grades of either 25 percent and greater or 40 percent and greater, respectively. Based on our observations and site topography provided to us, slope gradients at the site are less than 25 percent. Therefore, steep slope areas as defined by the RMC do not exist on- site. 4.2 Landslide Hazard As discussed earlier, site grades typically slope at gradients of less than 15 percent. Therefore, according to RMC Section 4-3-050B4c (Landslide Hazards), a Low Landslide Hazard (areas with slopes less than 15 percent) exists on-site. Page No. 3 October 10, 200� Project No. T-5668-1 4.3 Erosion Hazard The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has mapped the site soils as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to I S percent slopes (AgC). These soils are described as having a moderate erosion potential. As defined in RMC Section 4-3-OSOB4d(Erosion Hazards),the site has a low erosion hazard. Regardless of the site classification, the site soils will be susceptible to erosion when exposed during construction. In our opinion, properly applied and maintained Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion prevention and sediment containment will adequately mitigate the potential for on-site erosion and sediment transport. All BMPs should conform to City of Renton requirements. 4.4 Seismic Hazard The site is underlain by dense to very dense glacial till. Therefore, according to RMC Section 4-3-OSOB4e (Seismic Hazards), the seismic hazard at the site is low. Seismic Site Class Based on the soil conditions encountered and the local geology, per Chapter 16 of the 2003 International ' Building Code(IBC), Site Class "C" should be used in the project's structural design. 5.0 DISCUSSION Al\`D PRELIMIl\TARY RECONIlVI�NDATIONS 5.1 GeneraI Based on our study, in our opinion, there are no geotechnical constraints that would preclude development, as planned. The structures can be supported on convenrional spread footings bearing on competent native soils or on stnzctural fill placed above these native soils. Localized fill soils obseroed in the vicinity of the existing residence in the northeastern portion of the site will not be suitable for support of new construction. Removal and replacement of all or a portion of this fill with structural fi]l should be planned for support of new construction. , The predominant glacial till soils and existing fill observed at the site contain a sufficient percentage of fines (silt- and ciay-sized particles) that will make them difficult to compact as struchu-al fill when too wet. Accordingly, the ability to use the soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content and the prevailing weather condi�ions at the time of canstruction. Reuse of existing fill will also be dependent on the amount of organics and deleterious debris it contains. Detailed recommendations regarding these issues and other geotechnical design considerations are provided in the following sections of this report. These recommendations should be incorporated into the final design drawings and construcrion specifications. Page No. 4 October 10, 200� Project No. T-�668-1 5.2 Site Preparation and Gradin6 To prepare the site for construction, all �-egetation, organic surface soils, and other deleterious matenals should be stripped and removed from the site. Surface stripping depths of about 3 to 18 inches should be expected to remove the organic topsoil and forest duff. The organic topsoil currently stockpiled in the eastern portion of the site will not be suitable for use as structural fill, and should also be stripped and removed in preparation for mass grading. The existing uncontrolled fill observed around the existing residence in the northeastern portion of the site, should also be excavated and replaced with structurat fill. Based on our observations, it appears that the majority of the existing fill contains enough organics and construction debris that will make it unsuitable for reuse as structural fill. Existing fill that contains a minimal amount of organics and construction debris could be reused as structural fi11 provided its moisture content allows for proper compaction when placed. � Once clearing and stripping operations are complete, cut and fill operations can be initiated to establish desired roadway and lot grades. Prior to placing fill, all exposed surfaces should be proofrolled to determine if any isolated soft and yielding areas are present. Proofrolting should also be performed in cut areas that will provide direct support for new construction. If excessively yielding areas are observed and they cannot be stabilized in place by compacrion, the affected soils should be excavated and removed to firm bearing and grade restored with new structural fill. If the depth of excavation to remove unstable soils is excessive, use of a geotexrile reinforcing/separation fabric, such as Mirafi SOOX or equivalent, can be considered in conjunction with structural fill. Our experience has shown that, in general, a minimum of 18 inches of a clean (no soil fines), granular structural fill over the geotextile fabric should establish a stable bearing surface. The vast majority of soils observed on-site contain a significant amount of fines, and will be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet. Accordingly,the ability to use native soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions when site grading activities take place. Native soils that are too wet to properly compact could be dried by aeration during dry weather conditions or mixed with an additive such as cement, cement kiln dust (CKD), or lime to stabilize the soil and facilitate compaction. If an additive is used, additional BMPs for its use will need to be incorporated into the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control plan(T'ESC) for the project. Compaction of the fine-grained native soils may be accomplished using a self-propelled,vibrating sheep's-foot roller. Outwash sand and gravel observed at Test Pits TP-1, TP-2, TP-12, TP-101, and TP-103 in the southwestern portion of the site should be suitable for use as structural fill during most weather conditions. If grading activities are planned during the wet winter months, or if they are initiated during the summer and extend into fall and winter, the owner should prepare to import wet weather structural fill. For this purpose, we recommend importing a granular soii that meets the follow�ing grading requirements. � U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passin 6 inches 100 No.4 75 maximum No. 200 5 maximum* *Based on the 3/4-inch fraction Page No. 5 �.):ti��,��' jii �fll_I� ��I'OI�Ci�O. 1-�E16��-1 Prior to use. Z��erra _4sso:;ia'tes. L_c., should e�a.:line ar.d test al] material� importcd to the sire ior use as struciural fill. Structural fili shoulc be placed in uniform loose layers not exceedin� 12 inches and compacted to a minimum of 9� percent of the soil's m�imum dry density, as determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTIv� Test Designation D-698 (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within two percent of its optimum, as determined by this ASTM standard. In nonstructural areas or for �� bacl�iil in utility trenches below a depth of 4 feet, the degree of compaction can be reduced to 90 percent. ' 5.3 Excavations All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces, such as utility trenches and retaining walls, must be ' completed in accordance with local, state, or federal requirements. Based on the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries current occupational safety and health regulations, the existing fill, upper weathered ti11 horizon, and the medium dense to dense granular soils observed in the southwestem portion of the site would be classified as Type C soils. The unweathered, dense to very dense glacial till soils would be classified as Type A soils. Accordingly, for temporary excavations of more than 4 feet and less than 20 feet in depth, the side slopes in Type C soils should be laid back at a minimum slope inclination of 1.5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). Excavations in Type A soils should be laid back at a minimum slope inclination of 0.75:1. If there is insufficient room to slope the excavations in this ma.nner, the contractor will need to use temporary shoring to support the excavations. We expect that site excavations will encounter light seepage of perched groundwater, particularly in the winter and early spring months. However, we do not expect that the light seepage flows will adversely impact the stability of temporary excavation sidewalls that are properly sloped, as described earlier. We expect the rate and ��olumes of the seepage will be low, and that conventional sump pumping procedures and a system of collection trenches, if necessary, should be capable of maintaining relatively dry excavations for construction purposes. This information is provided solety for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants, and should not be construed to imply that Terra Associates, Inc., assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibilitt of the project contractor. 5.4 Foundations Residential structures may be supported on conventional spread footing foundations bearing on competent inorganic native soils or on structural fills placed above competent native soils. Perimeter foundations exposed to the weather should bear at a minimum depth of 1.5 feet below final exterior grades for frost protection. Interior foundations can be constxucted at any convenient depth below the floor slab. `Ve recommend designing foundations for a net allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 pounds per square foot(ps fl. For short-term loads, such as wind and seismic, a one-third increase in this allowable capacity can be used. With the anticipated residential loads and this bearing stress applied, building settlements should be less than one-half inch total and one-fourth inch differential. Page No. 6 October 10, 2005 ' Project No. T-5668-1 � For designing foundatians to resist lateral loads, a base friction coefficient of 0.35 can be used. Passive earth pressures acting on the sides of the footings can also be considered. We recommend calculating this lateral � resistance using an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pounds per cubic foot(pc fl. We recommend not including the ' upper 12 inches of soil in this computation because it can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading I activity. This value assumes the foundation will be constructed neat against competent soil or backfilled with structural fill, as described in Section 5.2 of this report. The values recommended include a safety factor of 1.5. 5.5 Basement and Site Retaining Walls The magnitude of earth pressure development on below-grade walls, such as basement or retaining walIs, will partly depend on the quality of the wall bacl�'ill. We recommend placing and compacting wall bac�ll as I structural fi1L ! To guard against hydrostatic pressure development, drainage must be installed behind the wall. A typical wall drainage detail is shown on Figure 3. � With wall bac�ll placed and compacted, as recommended and drainage properly installed, unrestrained walls can be designed for an act�ve earth pressure equivalent to a fluid weighing 35 pcf. For restrained walls, an additional uniform lateral pressure of 100 psf should be included. These values assume a horizontal bacl�`ill condition and that no other surcharge loading, such as traffic, sloping embanlanents, or adjacent buildings, will act on the wall. If such conditions exist, then the imposed loading must be included in the wall design. Fnction at the base of the wall foundation and passive earth pressure will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in Section 5.4 of this report. 5.6 Slab-on-Grade Floors �! Slab-on-grade floors may be supported on subgrades, as recommended in Section 5.2 of this report. Immediately below the floor slabs, we recommend placing a four-inch thick capillary break layer of clean, free-draining, coarse sand or fine gravel that has less than three percent by weight of material passing the No. 200 sieve. This material will reduce the potential for upward capillary movement of water thraugh the underlying soil and subsequent wetting of the floor slabs. The capillary break layer will not prevent moisture intrusion through the slab caused by water vapor transmission. Where moisture by vapor transmission is undesirable, such as covered floor areas, a common practice is to place a durable plastic membrane on the capillary break layer and then cover the membrane with a layer of clean sand or fine gravel to protect it from damage during construction, and aid in uniform curing of the concrete slab. It should be noted that if the sand or gravel layer overlying the membrane is saturated prior to pouring the slab, it will be ineffective in assisring in uniform curing of the slab, and can actually serve as a water supply for moisture transmission through the slab and affecting floor coverings. Therefore, in our opinion, covering the membrane with a layer of sand or gravel should be avoided if floor slab construction occurs during the wet winter months and the Iayer cannot be effecrively drained. Page No. 7 October 10, 2005 Project No. T-5668-1 Other methods are available for preventing or reducing water vapor transmission through the slab. We recommend consulting with a building envelope specialist or contractor for additional assistance regarding this issue. 5.7 Stormwater Pond Soils observed in the location of the stormwater pond varied from relatively impervious glacial till in the ponds northeastern area transitioning to outwash sand and gravel to the southwest. The permeability of the outwash deposits will allow stormwater directed to the pond to infiltrate. However, the on- and off-site lateral extent of the deposit appears limited and; therefore, the capacity of the formation to accept infiltrated water will be limited by its volume. Further exploration and study would be necessary to define the limits of the formation and this volume. However, based on experience, it is likely that the volume will not be sufficient to rely on infiltration discharge of multiple storm events. Therefore, in our opinion, design of the stormwater system should be based on detention and controlled release. While the ability to infiltrate stormwater will be limited by the storage volume of the outwash formation, this available storage will be sufficient to impact water quality dead storage in the pond. If the pond system is designed with dead storage for water quality purposes, the water quality pond cell should be located on the upper northeastern portion of the pond site. If located in the western outwash portion, or if outwash soils are exposed in the �uater quality p�nd cell, the pond should be lined to prevent loss of dead storage. Lining can consist of a soil liner constructed using the on-site glacial till soils. The glacial till soil liner should have a minimum thiclrness of 2 feet and be constructed with till soils that have a minimum fines content of 20 percent. Cobbles or rock size of three inches and greater should be removed from the soil liner. The soil liner should be placed in 12- inch Ioose soil lifts and compacted as structural fill. Soil moisture should be within minus one to plus three percent of optimum soil moisture when compacted. Fill material placed for construction of perimeter containment berms should meet the requirements for pond liner as discussed. Berm fill should be placed and compacted structurally. Preparation of the fill subgrade should include removal of topsoil and forest duff, exposing competent native inorganic glacial soil. Interior pond slopes belov�� the design maximum water surface should be graded to a minimum slope inclination II of 3:1. Exterior slopes can be graded to 2:1. All slope faces should be compacted and track-walked followed by I cover planting, such as hydro-seeding to reduce the erosion potential. I 5.8 Drainage Surface Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building areas. R'e recommend providing a gradient of at Ieast three percent for a minimum distance of ten feet from the building perimeter, except in paved locations. In paved locations, a minimum gradient of two percent should be provided, unless provisions are included for collection and disposa: of surface water adjacent to the structure. Page No. 8 ' October 10,2005 Project No. T-56b8-1 Su6surface We recommend installing continuous drains along the outside lower edge of the perimeter building foundations. The foundation drains should be tightlined to an approved point of controlled discharge independent of the roof drain system. Subsurface drains must be laid with a gradient sufficient to promote positive flow to the point of discharge. All drains should be provided with cleanouts at easily accessible locations. These cleanouts should be serviced at least once every year. 59 Utilities � Utility pipes should be bedded and bacl�illed in accordance with American Public Works Association {APWA} specifications. As a minimum, trench bacl�'ill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in ' Section 5.2 of this report. As noted, successful use of on-site soils as �11 will require close moisture control. When moisture cannot be controlled to facilitate proper compaction, minimum trench backfill should consist of - an imported granular soil that meets the gradation requirements presented in Section 5.2 of this report. 5.10 Pavements Roadway pavement w7thin the project site should be constructed on subgrades, as described in Section 5.2 of this report. Regardless of the relative compaction achieved, the subgrade must be firm and relatively unyielding before paving. Proofrolling the subgrade with hea�y construction equipment should be completed to verify this condition. I The thiclrness of the various components of the pavement depends on the subgrade soils and the traffic conditions '', to wiuch the pavement will be subjected. We expect traffic to mainly consist of light passenger vehicles, with � only occasional heavy service vehicles. Based on this information, and assuming a properly prepared and stable subgrade,we recommend the following pavement sections: • Two inches of asphalt concrete (AC}over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB) • Two inches of AC over three inches of asphalt-treated base (ATB) All paving materials should conform to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) specifications for Class B asphalt concrete and CRB surfacing. Long-term pavement performance will depend on surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section will be subject to premature failure as a result of surface water infiltrating into the subgrade soils and reducing their supporting capability. To improve performance, we recommend surface drainage gradients of at least two percent. Some longitudinal and transverse cracking of the pavement surface should be expected over time. Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks when they occur. Page'_�;o. 9 October 10, 2005 ' Project No. T-5668-1 6.0 ADDITTONAL SERVICES I', Terra Associates, Inc., should review the final project designs and specifications in order to verify that earthwork I and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design. We '� should also provide geotechnical services during construction to observe compliance with our design concepts, specifications, and recommendations. This will allo�� for expedient design changes if subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. 7.0 LIlVIITATIONS V�Te prepared this report in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report is the property of Terra Associates, Inc., and is intended for specific application to the Highlands Park project in Renton, Washington. This report is for the exclusive use of Burnstead Construction Company and its authorized representatives. The analyses and preliminary recommendations presented in this report are based on data obtained from the on- site test pits. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc., should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report prior to proceeding vs�ith construction. 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IT IS INTENDED FOR � ,� ;,�.,; T EXPLORATI ON LOCATI ON PLAN REFERENCE ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR • S�'� APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATION, �UL(27, 200� y�,;, , . � ! erra HIGHLANDS PARK DESIGN OR CONSTRUC710N PURP05ES. ' '' " � T�-� APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATION, JULY 27, 2005 �•• • • ASS�CI�t�S I�C. RENTON, WASHINGTON REFERENCE: �TP-101 �PROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT, OCT. 5, 2005 ' ' Consultants IGe�o�teca n�ica� ngineering SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY CORE DESIGN,INC. Envlronmental Earth Sciences P.roj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure 2 12" MINIMUM 314" MINUS WASHED GRAVEL SLOPE TO DRA11V � �� _ 12 - . . - �/ � ............... `;. - :;;:/ - :.. , :i: . .;::/ - =:��/ 0 ` / :.::::::::.:..:�:;::.-::::::. ,::::.A:.TED ::;>`:.;:;:�;`:';:;:;::.:::` 'ii:::<:`;;:``` . ;;::.::::,:::;::.COMP C -:::.:::::::::.:-::. f -:::::..:::........ _..........-- / ............................ ~ ' ':.'::::;;?::::STRUCTURAL FILL:;::;_;:�::;<;::�::::.;;::::;::;:::::�/ � _ /' _ ;:�:� :::. :::/ , i - ,:_`_,_:.j SEE NOTE ` o ;: - - ;:::':�% OPE " o EXCAVATED SL __ , � o ` SEE REPORT TEXT j. � o i ::::;=; i PRfATE �� - ;:::::: ,/.• FOR APPRO 6 (MW.) �' o '� ;=:;:�/ INCLINATIONS . ) o �:; ; :;::::; . o;�:o;::::_:;�:::�_:;::::::.�;;:o:::�:..j � o o • o o / �2" OVER PiPE .� .�. .. �. �. �. '. _.� ° ° / \,` �\ .\, ;.:` �.\:.:; • o � : 3" BELOW PIPE 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PiPE NOT TO SCALE ` NOTE: I MIRADRAIN G100N PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE PANELS OR SIMlLAR PRODUCT CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE 12-INCH WIDE GRAVEL DRA[N BEHIND WALL. DRAINAGE PANELS SHOULD EXTEND A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES INTO 12-INCH THICK DRAINAGE GRAVEL LAYER OVER PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE. - � �� Terra TYPICAL WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL :i.:w.• ��'`:��''�'' � HIGHLANDS PARK ~~�.•• ••• ASSOCIa�eS, IIIC. RENTON, WASHINGTON � • • Consultants in Geotechnicai Engineering Geology and Pro No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Fi ure 3 Environmental Earth Sciences �� 9 APPEl\-DIX A FIELD E�PLORATION A1_VD LABOR�TORY TEST�G Highlands Park Renton,VVashington Site exploration work was completed on three separate occasions. Initially, on February 7, 200�, we excavated 12 test pits to a maximum depth of 20 feet below existing surface grades. On Ju1y 27, 2005, we excavated 14 additional test pits to a maximum depth of 9 feet below existing surface grades and 5 test holes to a maximum depth of 12.5 feet below existing surface grades. On October 5, 2005, six more test pits were excavated on property that was added onto the development site. The test pits were excavated using either a rubber-tired bacl:hoe, or a track-mounted hoe. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on Figure 2. Test pits locations are approximate and were deternuned by pacing and belt chain measurements from existing site features. The test pit logs are presented on Figures A-2 through A-20. Test pit elevations shown on the Iogs are approlcimate and were determined by interpolation of th:, contour lines shown on the boundary and topographic survey prepared by CORE Design. A geological engineer or geotechnical engineer from our office conducted the field exploration, maintained a log of each test pit, classified the soils encountered, collected representative soil samples, and observed pertinent site features. All soil samples were ��isually classified in accordance w�th the Unif ed Soil Classification System (LTSCS) described on Figure A-1. Representative soil samples obtained from the test pits were placed in seaied containers and taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing. The moisture content of each sample was measured and is reparted on the test pit logs. Crrain size analyses were performed on 11 of the samples, the results of which are shown on Fib res A-21 through A-26. Project No. T-5668-1 i MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER NPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Clean ' Well-graded gravets, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no GRAVELS Gravels � C'W fines. J � (less than � GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or O � N More than 5°/a fines) no fines. � �'� 50% of Coarse Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fraction is G M � a� � larger than No. w th finles fines. Z �•� 4 sieve (�jC Clayey gravets, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. 0 � o N Clean SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. � SANDS Sands 0 w �Z {less than Poorly-graded sands or graveUy sands, little or no � -� c More than 5% fines) SP fines. � `� f0 50% of coarse O �'" fraction is SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. U � smaller than Sands No. 4 sieve Wlth fif1eS SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. � � M L Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts with slight J �L—°o SILTS AND CLAYS plasticiry. O �c�v CL Inorganic Gays of low to medium plasticity, (lean clay). � E o � Liquid limit is less than 50% Wo Z'N OL Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. Z � � � � > � � `,N MH Inorganic silts, elastic. � � a� SILTS AND CLAYS W �� C(--( Inorganic clays of high plas6city, fat clays. Z o u�i Liquid limit is greater than 50% u.. � QH Organic clays of high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS , cn Standard Penetration T 2^ OUTSIDE DiAMETER SPLIT w Densi Resistance in Blows/Foat L SPOON SAMPLER J 0 Very loose 0-4 � 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER � Loose 4-10 OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER w Medium dense 10-30 0 Dense 30-50 1 WATER LEVEL (DATE) V Very dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, tsf Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Consistency Resistance in Blows/Foot DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot w � Very soft 0-2 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent w Soft 2-4 = Medium stiff 4-8 PI PLASTIC INDEX o Ve�ry stiff �6-�32 N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot Hard >32 ' Terra UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM , "�' ASSOCIat@S I�iC. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenhal Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-1 Test Pit IVo. TP-1 Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 422 Date: 2/7105 Depth Moisture (ft.} Soil Description Cootent � (/o) {8 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF with fine roots} 14.9 Reddish-tan SILT with sand and small roots,fine grained, medium dense, moist. {ML) With fine roots. � Gray, fine-to coarse-grained SAND to SAIVD with silt, medium dense, 7 6 moist. (SP/SW-SM) �� s.2 Gray,fine-to medium-grained sandy GRAVEL, medium dense, moist. (GP} 6.9 �r� 3.1 7.4 Gray,weakly cemented,fine-grained SAND with silt,dense,moist. (SP-SM) 19.4 � 20 Test pit terminated at 20 feet. Light groundwater seepage encountered at 18.5 feet. Test Pit No. TP-2 Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 422 Date: 217/05 Depth Moisture (ft•) Soil Description Cootent � {/o) {B inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF with fine roots) , Reddish-tan,fine-grained siity SAND to sandy SILT,medium dense,moist. �7.2 (SM/ML) With fine roots. 5 Gray,fine-to medium-grained sandy GRAVEL,medium dense to dense, g 7 moist. (GP) 7.1 = 10 9 5 s.2 Test pit terminated at 16 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 8.5 feet. 2� ' Terra TEST PIT LOGS • -'� Assoc�ates, II']C. HIGHLANDS PARK �- • • " � � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences P�oj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005� Figure A-2 Tes� Pit No. TP-3 Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 428 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture � {ft.) Soil Description Coptent � (/o) (3 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF) - Reddish-tan,fine-grained silty SAND with gravel,loose to medium dense,moist. 10.9 (SM) With fine roots. _ 5 s.3 Gray,fine grained,weakly cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy SILT with gravel,dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Glacial Till) 10 11.3 7.1 15 10.6 20 Test pit terminated at 19 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. TVSi ■ 1� N�e �■ -Qr Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 439 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture (ft•) Soil Description Cootent � (/o) � 3 inches T L and UF ) Reddish-tan,fine-grained silry SAND to sandy SILT,medium dense,moist. 18.5 {SM/ML} Gray,fine-grained silty SAND to sandy SILT, mottled, medium dense, � moist. {SM/ML) (Weathered Glacial Till) g,g �J Gray,fine grained, moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy S1LT with gravel,dense to very dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Glacial Till) 7 Q 10 9.2 Test pit terminated at 12 feet. I �5 No groundwater seepage encountered. ,I 20 ' �'erra TEST PIT LOGS '� ASSOCIc'�t�S I11C. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005; Figure A-3 � �'est Pit No. TP-5 Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 437 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Coptent � (/o) (TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF mixed with reddish-tan sandy SILT) 1 With fine roots. 22•4 Mottled gray,fine-grained siity SAND with gravel and cobbles, medium dense,wet. (SM} 5 8.6 7.6 Gray,fine grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy SILT with gravel,dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Glacial Ti1l} 10 �I 8.4 Test pit terminated at'f 2 feet. Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage between 1 and 6 feet. 15 Test Pit Noa ■ ���0 Logged by: JV Approximate Efev. 448 Date: 2/7105 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Cootent (/a) � (TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF} 28.0 Tan,fine-grained silty SAND, medium dense,wet. (SM) 1 Gray,fine-grained silty SAND with gravel to sandy SILT with gravel, 5 medium dense, moist. {SMlML} (Weathered Glacial Till) 11.6 Gray,fine grained, moderately cemented silty SAND wifh gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) 10 ��.5 Test pit terminated at 10 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet. 15 � Te rra TEST PIT LOGS HIGHLANDS PARK ,, . . • ' ASSOCIa��S, IIICo RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta�Earth saences P�oj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 200� Figur'e A-4 Test Pit N�. TP-7 � Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 462 Date: 2/7/Q5 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soif Description Coatent O (/o) (4 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF) 14� Tan,fine-grained silty SAND with gravel to sanciy SILT with gravel, loose to medium dense, moist. SM/ML 1 Gray,fine grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel, dense, �j moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) 8'3 13.8 10 12.4 Z Test pit terminated at 12 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 and 11.0 feet. 15 Test Pit No. TP-8 Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 459 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture (ft•) Soil Description Cootent O (/o) (TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF} 32.5 Tan,fine-grained sandy SILT,medium dense,wet. (ML) With fine roots. _ Gray,fine-grained silty SAND with gravel, medium dense, moist. 12.1 5 {SM) (Weathered Glacial Till) Gray,fine grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy 9•2 S1LT with gravel,dense to very dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Glacial Till) 10 ��8 Test pit terminated at'10 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 feet. 15 Te rra TEST PIT LOGS '� ASSOC1at�S, I�1C. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta�Earth Sciences P�oj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figu�e A-5 Tes# Pit No. TP-� Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 470 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture �ft�) Soil Description Cootent (/o) � (TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF) 19.4 Mottled grayto tan,fine-grained silty SAND to sandy SILT,medium dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Weathered Glacial Til() 12.1 � 5 Gray,fine grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy SILT with gravel,dense to very dense, moist. (SMIML) (Gfacial Till) ��•2 10 �.7 Test pit terminated at 12 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 4 feet. 15 .. �@S� ■ 1� �Oe ■ �- ■ Q Logged by: JV Approximate Elev. 482 Date: 217105 , � � Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Caatent (/o) � (4 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF) �g.� , ' ' Mottled gray to tan,fine-grained silty SAND to sandy SILT,medium dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Weathered Glacial Till) 13.7 , , 5 ' Gray,fine grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel to sandy �1.9 SILT with gravel,dense to very dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Glacial Till) 10 11.5 Test pit terminated at 12 feet. � No groundwater seepage encountered. � 15 ` '�'�rr21 TEST PIT LOGS "� Associates I�'iC. HIGHLANDS PARK , RENTON, WASHINGTON _ ConsultanFs in Geotechnical Engineering � Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-6 � I I Test Pit No. �P-11 � Logged by: JV I Approximate Elev. 436 Date: 2/7/05 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Cootent � {8 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUFF) (/�) Reddish-tan,fine-grained sandy SILT with gravel, medium dense,moist. 19.5 ML) With fine roots. � Gray,fine-grained silty SAND with gravel to sandy SILT with gravel, medium dense, moist. (SM/ML) (Weathered Glacial Till) 9.6 FJ Gray,fne grained,moderately cemented silty SAND with gravel,dense 8� � to very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) 10 6.4 Test pit terminated at 13 feet. 15 Vght perched groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 feet. Test Pit No. 1"P-12 Logged by: JV ' Approximate Elev. 427 Date: 2/71�5 Depth Moisture tft•) Soil Description Co�ntent � (/o) �6 inches TOPSOIL and FOREST DUF an,fne-grained sandy SILT,medium dense,moist. (ML) With fine roots. 1 Gray,fine grained,weakly cemented silty SAND with gravel,dense, 11.3 moist. (SM) 5 3.4 Gray,fine-to coarse-grained GRAVEL with sand, medium dense, moist. (GP) 10 Test pit terminated at 10 feet. Light perched groundwater seepage encountered at 1.5 feet. 15 Terra TEST PIT LOGS HIGHLANDS PARK ;. . . • ' ASSOCI��eS, Iff1C. RENTON, WASHINGTON Cansultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta�Earth sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 � Date OCT 2005 Figu�e A-7 Test Pit No. S-1 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture � �ft'� Soil Description C��oj nt 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel,loose, moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense,moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) � 5 Test pit terminated at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-2 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture {ft.) Soil Description Coatent 0 (/o) Brown silty SAND with gravel,loose, moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense,moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) � Test pit terminated at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 '� Terra TEST P1T LOGS '� ASSOC11t�S I11C. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta(Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 �� Date OCT 2005 Figure A-8 Test Pit No. S-3 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C��o�nt 0 FILL: brown silty sand with gravel and organics, loose,moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) 5 Test pit terminated at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-4 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft•� Soil Description Cootent � (/o) FILL: brown silty sand with gravel and organics and wood debris, loose, moist. {SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM} (Glacial Till) 5 Test pit terminated at 4.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra TEST PIT L4GS '� �lSSOC1��@S, I9'1C. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta�Earm saences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figur'e A-9 . Test Pit No. S-5 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C���t�nt � Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) � Test pit terminaEed at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-6 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft•� Soil Description Cootent � (/o) Brown silty SAND witFi gravel, bose, moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND wiEh gravel,very dense,moist. (SM) (Glacial Tfl) 5 Test pit terminated at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra TEST PIT LOGS �I ,, . . ;=' ' " ASSOCIateS, IIIC. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T 5668-1 Date OCT 2005 IFigure A-10 Test Pit No. S-7 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C��o�nt 0 FILL: brown silty sand with gravel and organics, loose, moist. (SM) 5 Gray silty SAND with gravel, very dense,moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 6 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-8 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27105 Depth Moisture Content (ft.} Soil Description �o�o� 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose,moist. {SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 4 feet. I 5 No groundwater seepage encountered. I 10 � Terra TEST PIT LOGS � '� Associates Ii1C. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultanfs in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 � Date OCT 2005 ,Figure A-11 Test Pit No. S-9 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture (ft,� Content Soil Description �%) 0 FILL: brown silty SAND with gravel and organics,loose, moist. (SM) 5 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose, moist. (SM) Gray silry SAND with gravel, very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 7 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-10 Logged by: EH Date: 7J27/05 Depth Moisture �ft�) Soil Description Cootent � (/o) FILL:brown silty sandy gravel with rubbish,engine parts, and hydraulic hoses, loose, moist to wet. (SM) � Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 9 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra TEST PIT LOGS ' ASSOCIat@S I6'1C. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and �nvironmenta� Earth sciences Proj. No. T-5fi68-1 , Date OCT 2005 .Figu�e A-12 Test Pit Noe S-11 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C{��nt 0 Brown sitty SAND with gravel,loose,moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) 5 Test pit terminated at 5 feet. No grounciwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-12 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture (ft.} Soil Description Cootent � (/o} Brown sifty SAND with gravel, loose, moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) � Test pit terminated at 4 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 � Terra TEST PIT LOGS •' Associates, It1C. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 20Q5 Figure A-13 Test P it N o. S-13 Logged by: EH Date: 7l27105 Depth Moisture ��'� Soil Descrip#ion C (%j nt 0 FILL:brown siity sand with gravel and organics, loose, moist. (SM) 5 Gray silty�SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM) (Glacial Tiil) - Test pit terminated at 8 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. S-14 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/Q5 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Cootent � (/a) FILL: brown silty sand with gravel and organics, loose, moist. (SM) 5 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose,moist. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense, moist. (SM} (Glacial Till) 3est pit terminated at 8 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 �� Terra TEST PIT LOGS i, '�� ASSOC[�t�S, It1C. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON ConsultanFs in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-14 Test Pit No. TE-1 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture (ft.} Soil Description Cootent O (/a) F{LL:gray silty SAND with gravel,loose,moist. � 10 Gray silty SAND with gravel, very dense. (SM) (Glacial Till} 1 Test pit terminated at 12.5 feet. Groundwater seepage encountered at 11.5 feet. 15 Test P it N o. TE-2 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27/05 Depth Moisture (ft•) Soil Description Cootent � (/o) Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense. (SM) (Gtacial Till} � Test pit terminated at 5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 15 Terra TEST PIT LOGS '� Associates It1C. HIGHLANDS PARK , RENTON, WASHINGTON Consuliants in Geotechnical Engineering Geoi�gy and Environmenhal Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-15 Test Pit No. TE-3 Logged by: EH Date: 7127I05 Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C(�oj nt 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense. (SM) (Glacial Till) 5 Test pit terminated at 5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 TeSt Plt NO. TE-4 Logged by: EH Date: 7J27/05 Depth Moisture �ft�� Soil Description C���tj nt 0 Brown silty SAND with gravel, loose. (SM) Gray silty SAND with gravel,very dense. (SM) (Glacial Till) 5 Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terr� TEST PIT LOGS ' '�' ASSOCIat�S, I�'1Ce REN ON�, WASH NGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmenta�Earth sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-16 Test Pit No. TE-5 Logged by: EH Date: 7/27105 Depth Moisture {ft.) Soil Description ���}nt 0 FILL: brown silty SAND with gravel, loose. 5 Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet. IVo groundwater seepage encountered. 10 ' Terra TEST PIT LOGS '� Associates It1C. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHlNGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-17 Test Pit No. TP-101 Logged by: BPK Approximate Elev. 414 Date: 10/5/05 Depth Moisture �ft.� Content Soil Description (%) 0 (6 inches TOPSOIL) Reddish-brown to tan silty SAND with gravel, cobbles to 6 inches, medium 6.5 dense,dry. (SM) 3.3 � Gray GRAVEL with sand,trace silt, cobbles to 6 inches, medium dense, dry. (GP) (Outwash) Moist below 6 feet. � Dense below 6.5 feet. Brown SAND with gravel,trace silt, cobbles to 4 inches, dense, moist. 6.0 (SP) (Outwash) Wet below 9 feet. 4'7 �Q Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. Test Pit No. TP-102 Logged by: BPK � Approximate Elev. 430 K Date: 10/5/05 � Depth Moisture � �ft•) Soil Description Cootent ; ��°� � � � {6 inches TOPSOIL) Reddish-brown to tan silty SAND with gravel,cobbles to 12 inches, medium dense, dry. (SM) Slightly cemented below 2 feet. 5.6 Gray, mottled yellow silty SAND with gravel, moderately cemented, 6.3 cobbles to 4 inches, medium dense,moist. (SM) (Weathered Glacial Till} 5 ray si ty w� grave,mo era e y cemen e ,co es to �nc es, 6.1 dense,moist. (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 6 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra TEST PIT LOGS ' '�' ASSOCIat@S, It1C. HIGHLANDS PARK RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. hlo. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figure A-18 Test Pit No. TP-103 Logged by: BPK Approximate Elev. 418 � Date: 10/5/05 Depth Moisture (ft.} Soil Description C��o�nt � (8 inches TOPSOIL) Reddish-brown to tan silty SAND,slightly gravelly, medium dense, dry. (SM) Sfightly cemented below 2 feet. 5.7 Cobbles to 4 inches below 2.5 feet. Gray GRAVEL with sand,trace silt, slightly cemented, medium dense, dry. �.g (GP) (Outwash) 5 Becomes brown and sandy below 5 feet. ray si ty AN wit grave,moderate y cemente ,cobbles to 4 inches, ' dense,moist. SM Glacial Till 9.8 Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 -� Test Pit No. TP-'i 04 Logged by: BPK Approximate Elev. 444 Date: 10/5/05 Depth Moisture �ft•) Soil Description Coatent 0 (/o) � (10 inches TOPSOIL) Reddish-brown to tan silty SAND with gravel,cobbles to 4 inches,medium dense, moist. (SM) 7•2 8.7 5 Light gray mottled orange silty SAND with gravei,moderately cemented, cobbles to 4 inches,medium dense, moist. (SM) (Weathered Glacial Till) ray si ty wd grave,m erate y cemente , ense,moist. g,g (SM) (Glacial TiA) Test pit terminated at 7 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Terra TEST PIT LOGS '� I�SSOCIa�@S IiIC. HIGHLANDS PARK � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences P�oj. No. T-5668-1 Date OCT 2005 Figu�e A-19 Test Pit No. TP-105 Logged by: BPK Approximate Elev. 459 + Date: 10/5/05 e Depth Moisture �ft'� Soil Description C��0�nt � FILL: dark brown sandy silt with gravel and organics,disturbed texture, loose, moist. Tan orange silty SAND,slighUy gravelly, medium dense, moist. (SM} Gray, mottled orange silty SAND with gravel, moderately cemented, �•7 cobbles to 6 inches, medium dense, moist. (SM) (Weathered Glacial Till) ray si ty with grave,m erate y cement , ense,moist. �2.7 � (SM) (Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Test Pit No. TP-'i06 Logged by: BPK Approximate Elev. 453 Date: 10/5/05 Depth Moisture Content tft•� Soil Description {o�a� � 0 (8 inches TOPSOIL) Reddish-brown to tan silty SAND with gravel,medium dense,moist (SM) 7.6 -- Gray, mottled orange silty SAND with gravel,moderately cemented, cobbfes to 6 inches, medium dense, moist. (SM) (Weathered Glacial Till) 7•8 Gray silty SAND with gravel,moderately cemented,dense,moist. �� 3 5 (SM) {Glacial Till) Test pit terminated at 5.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 10 Te rra TEST PIT LOGS ' Associates IIIC. HIGHLANDS PARK � � RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and � Environmental Earth Sciences Proj. No. T-5668-1 i, Date OCT 2005 Figu�e A-20 �-� • •• - � ��-� � 11 _ - - =, % ������������..----�►r��r������■�������■������ C �.�....�.■...����-��� .■.���......��� j .� ��C'=C�C'.:�=_������:?:�C.�•_�:=::C�� , • �. .�CC�:�::�'.�C�C���:����Om�C�::::'.'.:�C , ������...�..������,�C.�.■.���......�_� ., �..��......�..���������.■.���......��� , ' �.�_.C��......��.��.,....��.■.�=��11.C.C�� . , ����.......C�� ��■���C.CC ■ . �� . ������..�..����.�.�..�.��.�..��...�.........��� . : , � � c===��ocE:==�_�_::=�°�ge�c=::EE:°=== ' . �.....C�.,.�..C��C�����..�...��.C�.....��� • .� ���� ���������� �������■����� ■■������ .� C�C.�CC:�'=�C������C��CC���:::C'.:��C C�=C�:•►�C:CC����� ...�...���■ ��� ' ��...�..■.���.�������..0..��....��.��■QCQOC..�� ' ��� ����������� ���� �� ��t■����� ' : , =��CC, �����C.� . �C...... � .. 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Due to its �veigltt, the rock mass can be taken into consideration wlien evaluating �vhetl�er rockery consavction is appro�riate for a �iven soil - condition. However, because the rockery is generally non-uniform and non-rigid, it c�nnot be designed usi�t� analysis norn�a]ly applied to retaining walls such as cantilevered concrete or gravity block �va[ls. Tl�erefore, rockeries should only be used where the soils are inherently stable with the rock facing se�ving to protect the soil face from sloughing or raveling over time. Based on existing soil conditions, near-vertical site excavations to tl�e proposed heights should exposc competent till geology that is inherently stable and in our opinion, �vould be suitable for facing �vith rockery construction. Similarly, properly placed and compacted s�ictural fill tliat cansists oF inor�anic �nular soils derived from the site excavations should be suitable for facing �vith rockery construction for a mazimum height of four feet. For Ileights greater tl�an four feet the struchiral fill should be reinforced. Sm�ctural fill placed in areas for rockery construction should consist of inor�anic native granular soils or similar material. Tl�e ability to use native soils for this purpose will be dependrnt on t11e soils moisture content wlien excavated and the prevailing weather conditions. Earthwork contractors should be prepared to dry soils by aeration to facilitate proper compaction. If grading occurs during wet weather it may be necessary to import a�vet weather materia{ for use as structural fill. For this purpose, we recommend using a material that meets tile following gradation: U.S.Sieve Size Percent PAssin� b inches 100 No.4 75 maximum I�o. 200 5 maximum* *Based on the 3/4-inch fraction. Pr:or to use, Terra Associates, ine. should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Structural fill should be placed in unifarm loose lifis not exceeding 12 inches for material compacted by hea�y compaction equipment and no more than 6 inches in loose lifts for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. , 1'he fill shonld be compacted to a minimum of 95 �ercent the soi]'s maxim�►m dry density, as determined by the I American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Test Desi�nation D-G98 {Standard Proctor). The moislure '' content of the soil at the time of compaction should be �vithin hvo percent of its optimum, as determined by this � ASTM standard. A recommended detail for rockery construction at the site .is attached as Figure !. The design has considered placement of a residential foundation parallel the rockery alignment setback a distance of Cive feet from the back oF the *ockery. Desi�n calculations are also attached for building official revie+v. ' A representative of Terra Associates, Inc. should observe grading and rockery construction to verify soil conditions exposed�re consistcnt with those an:icipated and are suitab[c for rockery construetion, as designed. Project No.T-S6Gb-1 Pa�;e No. 2 Mr. Ron 1-Iu�hes ' June 1 S,2006 We trust tlie information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you har•e any questions or require additional information,please call. Sincerely yours, TERR.4 ASSOCIATES,INC. — _.GrY,L�-- `�l� � �L�r2��c� � --, . Jess�ca Vf.Cf�ar I.�� �, .,�s - Staff En ' e Q. � Md ���s��� leod re per . President �� Cncl: Fi s Desi � cc: ��„��. .�RF D gn i Project No. T-�6G8-1 Pa�c No. 3 r � �+ � � 6'N�N. � v_''..-_ i./..�./�:i, i=:i.-, i. �.Vi. '_-..-. RENFOFCE4IEM(SEE � SCHEDULE 6ELOW) '�'�'��� +-�' � :'F!�''''.-i -i��"it COUP[fEM 1;Nd`+NABED B MA%. � �6� '�L� � I 8'NA%. ��lt�A.(/ NAOVE SOILS .. � LAYER 4 6 iS:.L(�. ��') 6 �'� f' - �-.__�f �� _� �� � . ' �, �N - 2 CONPALTEU SIAUCTUHnI CILL _ . �i 1!j 1 urEa a `���5, 1'�_._.__�' � CRUSHFD HOCIf FlITEN ROCKERYNOTES: �`�'�,; /// NA7ERWl, B EN E 2 I,RCCNERY CON$TpUCT10N$H,�L�BE LOMPtETEO � , aN0�Ir1CN Si E YniH � -� �E55 n+u�2X��NES(tta.) IN PS�pRpANCE W�TH 1HE ASSOCIAIION 0� �"S e n•p. uYER Z ROCNERt(�NC)CONTRACi0R5 GUIOEUNES. ��x�'��'2� J � ...i,ia ..r,.n.i,T_��� ��"��" �'yl -`�' �, �,�, 2' 2.ROLN USEO MUST NEET ME NEOUIREMENiS 1.S'AIMI. .� � �-� FOq ROCN WAlf1Y SPECiREO IN SECTi0N5 9-tJ.7(I) �-' .. . H/� �� �'.2 . . .. . uyEq I OF ME NSCOT STpNpMpS SPELIFlL�TIONS(Y04{). . .. .�...; ' 3'MIN.CppVE� �. . I� �. f��l 7 �BEOOWG(n9.J I•0' d.ALL GP ROCNS MUSi BE SECUHE�N�NOl ABLE �� K AY 141N. � �S• _ TO BE DISLD�CEO 6'�Il�NO. � J� li, NIN. � I 2, . KEYWAY SHWLO BE SlOPEO I' FlRM UNOiSTURBEO SOIL OF STRUCTUNAL KEYWAY--� DOVM ipwApDS THE FACE �� FiLL TO B[VERIFIEO By GEOTECHNICN.ENGINEEA(� BdNG PROTELTED � /'NINIkUAI DIMIEIQi '� NEYWAY SMCUID 9E SLOPEO OfWN PIPE SUFRWNDEO BY �. �OWIf TpYARDS iME FACE W45NE0]I���N Cfi4YEL(fYPJ . NOT i0 SGIE , BONG PqOiECTEO NOi f0 SCRLE OENERAL REINFORCEb FILL NOTES: REINFORCED FII.L ROCKERY REINFORCINO 9CHEDULE I, REFEH 70 CML ORAtriNGS FOR qOCNERr PLCNMENf, LOCAT;ONS/�ND 0.EVAfI0N5, NEf WAU,HEICMT UYEN N0. �N�pCENENT �NGM 1':fEi M�GMr ', (USE.WRM Ofl EWNAIENf (A60VE BASE ELEVAPONj 2. REFER TO REINFORCING SCHEOULE fON GEOTEMiILE LENCTHS M!0 ELFVApONS. � I <{Iral NO RE1Ni0NCFLEM REOUINED d CEOTEI(i1LE REINFORGENENf SMAIL BE INSTnLlEO BEHINO W�11 WrtH MACHVlE URECTION ����o� i MiR�Fl HS�00 1.0 1.0 (SIRONGESf AMIS)PERPENDICUTAN TO WIL,. 2 NlqAil HS�CO �.0 ].0 1 MINM HS WO S.0 I.Q �. CEOTE�IE SHALL BE INST.YlEO ON HORi20NTAL SUR�RCE OF L04PACTE�STRUCTURqL E foa� P Mi11M HS IOp �,0 ].0 FlLL AT EIEVATI0N5$HOWN pN Sp1EpULE. 7 �NMF1 HS 100 5.0 !.0 I MIRIFI HS�00 70 I.0 S GEOTENI�LE SW�LL 8E PUII,Ep P,GHi BEHINO WALL.ST0.KE END OF GEOGRIO AS B laol 2 NiRAFi HS 100 7.0 �.0 NEOUIREp TO WINfqN TENSION 9EFORE CWERING WIM STRUCTUFAL FlLL. .7 NiR�cl HS WO LO 0.0 � NINAFI HS�UO 7.0 7.0 6. PROTELi GEOiExPIE FRpM CONSTRUC�ON ONIALE PEA�M�N'UfACTURERS CONSTAl1LT10N EWIPMENT S�W1 NOT TRAVFI OIflECTLY ON GEOTEIITiIE.ANY GEOTE%IILE iHAT IS OANAGED SHALL BE HERACEO WITH NEW GEOTE%TRE A!CONTRACi0R5 EIWQJSE. 7. GEOTEMTfLE SNALL BE AS SMOWN ON$CHEWI:.�Ll CEOTE%nlE SI+ALL BE CLEANLY IOEM:FlED AND IA�LEO IN THE FlEI-0.ANY UNMpANm ROLLS,OR POR710N5 THEREOF,OF GEOTE%TKf 1NAi VJIHOT BE�OENTIFlfb SHPLL NOT BE USm IN WFLL CONSiNUCnON. B� AlL STRJC�URAL FlLL TO BE PlACEO Na0 COMPACTEO PEA LEffFA PFEPMEp BV TERM ASSOCtJ�iES, � :�. Terra ROCKERY DETAILS PR6JECT N0.f-S927 DAiED JUNE 1.2006. SiNUCiURAI FlLL IN RE-INFORCFA ZONE SNAII BE GRANULAfl MAIFRWL WITN A MAMIMUM AGG0.ECATE SRE 0�7 INCHES AND A MANIMUN OF]0 PFACEM WIGHLANDS PARK PASSING THE H0, 2C0 SiEVE(FINES corrtenr)easeo on� nie yti•c�ve�oancnav • ASSOCI'eItAS) II1G. RENTON,WASHINGTON ConeuAsnte In 6eol�ehnleal EnpineaMp G�atopy mtl p�,No.T-5888-1 Date JUNE Z008 FI ure 1 Env�ronmontel Earth 9Uencee � B 4_ .. � �� ' , DCSIGN CALCULATIONS � �,__�� � L.� � �_"_ � I II , � � �i � �_ I � , I �~f � I /'._1 1 � I - MSEW--Mecl�anicnlly Stnbilized Earth Wa4s HighEands Park na�+w w��n�:a+�i�iz i.il�:tis�oob c:,usEks+��o.uomsa�-�.N�lehur3�fat(�aieflRmN�accd Redca7r.na+irn e� ...�Is�w�swrta.�s_'l:.w.��sr{�_`J`�1R..w..e�tl�w.�_�l!�n�.�.l���_2^Tf!l:Gl:1'!11M)•.�.JN�'•��nl�na�.w—�j��a.wl•�:l A4^eVwn_w..leW�_+1I�.w�V!�r���ww,..�.1lUl�J1�.�w.s•_�+ft�...:.e`rr+1C"�l�!.w.+�V AASHTO DESIGN METHOD - Highlands Park !_ PRQIEGT tDEMifICAT10N Title: Hi�ttlands Park Project Number: T-5b�8-t Client: Burnsicad Construction Compr�ny Desi�icr: lcssica M.Ctinrlt�n Station Number: , Descriplion: Reuif'orced Rockery Mnxunum Heigf�t 8 feet Companys information: Name: Terr�Associales, Inc. Street: 12525 Willows Rostd,Suite 101 Kirkland,WA 98034 "I'eleplionc 1!: 425-621-7777 Fnx#; 425-821-4334 ' E-Mail: Jcher[ton@tecra-associ�tes.com Ori�inal rle path and name: G:\USERSVCIiarllon�SOfl��5G68-1.Hi�lil�nds Pnrk(Rockeri...., Original dale and lime of cceafing this fite: Mon Jun 12 I 1:07:56 2006 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTIJRE using GEOTEXTILE as reinforcins matcrial. � , IHiel�lunds Por1: '.....,_..�.,_.�.�....,._�.,...._:,,...._.�......_�....,.._.....,..,uW...��.�.._....,.�..��.«„r..,.,..,._,�,...,...�..�,.......�.,_.,.,�.,.....,..., Page! of 4 Copyrigtu t� 1996-2D04 ADAMA Fa�ginoering,Inc. License nwnber M•US-053d I MSEW--Mcchanically Stabilized Earth Wal(s Highlands Park hecea UsK/Ca:Afonlun)2 IJ^1:IS]QP6 G:�t15tR51l�S�wi:0001586!•1.Hi43faeds 1'xt[�atAcmirsTRoolorced Rortay.A'W7sit.Ae7 . �.1+.�I.I.M.�e+.i11R.�f�+�l�..�rw.1�^rl�'S�L+^Il��gl�lT+.II.i2rl!X'f�r}w�1+^1A1..:._.►!.wlflAet'l.[l4T3-1V�'!_!.Y111ys�)..relh_TL�_T1RA91t ll..Mn�_/�•.�1���lTwl�rl�_!����^CT,Pw1���.��ellT�t�1�`Y+.YI��_ S01�DATA REMFQRCED SOIL EJni��vei�i�t, Y 125.0 lb/ft' Desigr►<<aluc of internal angle of friction, � 34.0° RETA[NED SOIL Unit wei�i�t, v 125.0 Ib/ft' Design vuIue o1'intemnl angle of friction, � 34.0° FQUNDATION SOIL(Considered as an equivale�tt unifom�soii) Equivalent unit tvei�lil,v r„„�.• 125.Q Ib/ft' E�uivalent intemal anele of friction, �r�,,,�. 34.Q° Equivalent cohesion, c�,,;,. 0.0 Ib/ft' Water table does not affect bearuig capacity IA"('E�iA�EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Kn{internnl slabililv)=0.2827 {if batter is less lhan la°,Ka'is c�lcuIuled from eq. I 5. Othenvise,eq. 38 is utilized) liiclu►ution of intemal Slip plane, w=G2.{Hl° (see Fi�.28 in DEMO 821. Ka(externul stebility)=0.2827 (it batter is less d�a�i f 0°,Ka is calculatcd from cq. I6. Odienvise,eq. l7 is utilized) � BEARING CAPACITY Bcaring capacity coef#`icicnts(c�lculatcd by AdSEW): Nc=42.I6 N•�—41_06 SEISMICffY � �Ia�:umm��round acccleration ccefficicnt, «.„ = 0.lOQ Kae(a„>Q)=0.3028 Kae(a�=0) =o.2234 0 Kac=0.0794 (see eq.37 in DEyIO 82) Seismie soil-geote?ctile friction coefficicnt, F� is 80.0%of its specified static value. ��. a ; ; � � 9 �__'' ;-. � I � ��_ Highlands Park Pagc 2 of 4 , Copyrigl�t l: I998-Z{?O4 ADA�1A Engincoring,Inc. Licc�sc numb:r M-US-0534 viSEW—Nlechanicolly Stabilized Eurtl�Walls Higl�lunds Park n�.n,wr� ,a.e�r_u•��:is 3oaa a:u��suo.«vasaoo�su,e•�.�r.c�x�c�a�nrut�wR..i R�or.�wa�..nm x-va�cc_-•,�v-as.��o.�.,+a,,..•�..�...T,aes�=-���rc.�.,e,.o�unn�.,�,ar.�...n��.�.z:�+u.a.�,.u..�.�,+xw_•-� ,u�__.,..v....r.v.y...._��..,.�._y— INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ot a SIMPLE STEiUC7URE) Design height,Hd 9.50 [R] ; Embedded depih is E= 1.50 fl,and heiLrist abovc top of finisl�ed bottom grade is H=8.04 ft p Baqer,ti, 9.5 fde�l Becksfopc, B 4A fdeg] - Backslope rise 4.4 [ft] Broken back equivulent angle,l=0.00° (scc Fig.25 in DEMO 82) UNIFORM SURCHARGE Uniformly distributed dcnd load is 0.0[Ib/ft 1] OTHER EXTERNAL L�AD(S? [S i] Strip Lopd,Ov-d= 1000.0 and pv-1=500.0�lb1fl 2�. footing�viddi,b=2.0[fc].DistAnce of cenier oC footing from wall face, d=5.0[ft]@ deptl�of 1.5 [ft] below soil surfece. ANaLYZED REINFORCFJNENT LAYOIJT: 1 S1] I E i SCAIf: , 0 2 4 6[ft] I �—� ,_.,.�..,_,._.,,,._..._�......,....,..�..�.,_y�.,_,.b.._......_,....,_.r.._�,....�......._.�r..,_......._,._,._.,.r.,_�.�:..��..�.,...•,....,�:,�.,�,. Hi�hlands Park Pogc3 of 4 I Conynght L� I998-2004 ADA,titA Gngittazing,Inc. Liccnsc numb�T M-U5-0534 MSEW–Mechanically Stahilized Eartli Walls Higi�lands Park i7aetn��dF1mc Mae Juo 1?}�i._']'15' 6:�USGR5�1CTacYsnLS000�f66!•l.lliph�ta Txk(IlockninpAc�td Rockery.hiny�iaOEN .�li......+..u..w,_�#++.Y.�r].r:iA"�1�ItlRS±.t�1.`�ar"al�'..'iC:..�NT`.�tern.:.�'l3�1_.n_....A��w�'�.�.ts..w{��..'+P.��F�_.�Hw�.}�..:rrn�`+wtr�±RL....fix'11..n1l�1`.e...1n+!Fj�ltws��,p....sy#w�T.•,�!'� � ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTOBS (StaUc conditions) Bearin�capocity,Fs= 10.77,Meyerfiof stress= 1503 lb/ft=. •nu 'n ce: ' ct s ' – c/i = 4 S- ve i =3 2 GEOTEXTILE CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Geo�extile Pullout Dircet Ecccntricity Product , ; M Elcvation Len�d�Type fD�dlout fconnecdon �Qcotextile strength resistnnce sliding c/L namc [ft] [ft] t, resistance] brealc] streug�E�] Fs Fs Fs I I.00 7.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 7.990 I 1.134 1.448 0.0346 ---Mirati.. 2 3.00 7.00 1 N!A N/A N/A 1U.448 11.371 2.458 -0.0595 ---hiirnfi., S 5.00 ?.00 1 N!A N/A N/A 15.092 1 t.877 G.249 -0.1162 --Mirafi.. 4 7.00 7.00 1 N/A N/A N/A 22.176 13.122 14.575 -o.1374 --Mirafi .. a ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditlons) � Bearin�capaeiry,Ps=8.03,Mcyerhof stress= 174 t Ib/ftz. ounda ' te ac •l�ire t, 'd' – cen 'c' e =Q 5 9 - v• – 3 �� � GE01'EXTILE � CONNECTION � � Fs-overall Fs-overalt Fs-overall Geotextile Pullout Direct Eccentrieity ' Yroduct I� Elcvation Len�U�Type �pvllout �connection ��cotextile sveogth resislance sEiding e/L I nnnte [fi] [ft] # resistance] break] strenglh] Fs Fs Fs I 1.00 7.00 I N/A N/A N/A 7.019 7.825 1.107 0.0852 —Mirafi .. 2 3.00 ?.00 1 N/A N!A NIA 9.OQQ 7.836 1.816 -Q.0334 —Mirafi .. � 3 SAO 7.00 ] N/A N/A N/A I2.537 7.843 4.063 -0.1054 —Miiafi.. i � ; 4 7.Q0 7.00 1 A1/A N1A N/A I7.638 8.350 9.477 -U.1348 ---Mirafi .. L. � ��l ��� 1 �_ i , i �_.�� ! � •�..��b.���il����i��r��Jr1����iW���.l��h...�.i�Ya���.:�re��a..lar:��—.uMn+.�.i�+�r��.u�w�.�.��v�.���r-i�1����....{�w�.�l��r��.�.t�r���..l�r[�.�4r1�.�����-�.�._I Higlilands Pad: P�gc 4 0l'� Copyright O I998-200d ADAMA L•nginccring,lnc. Liccnsc numbcr M-US-0534 > - -� ._ _ �,_=� r•.___, j�---, .--....., � _ Cut Rockery-Height=8 feet, Static Condition Safety Fdctors 19.63 i - 2.14 2.28 15.70 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.33 11.77 2.38 2.39 2.39 7.85 2.39 � 3.92 0 - — 0 3.92 7.85 11.77 15.70 19.63 23.55 27.48 31.40 r `�� PCSTA by Purdue Un modified by Peter J. Bo55cf�� university of wiscons,� r�-,••�acisan --Slope stability Analysis-- Simplified �anbu, Simplified aishop or 5oencer�s Method of Slices PROBLEM DESCRIPTION �ut Rockery - Height =8 feet, Static Con dition BOUNDARY COORDINATES 4 Top Boundaries 4 Total Boundaries Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right 5oi1 Type No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) aeloa� Bnd 1 0.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 2 2 20.00 5.00 21.00 11.00 Z 3 21.00 11.00 Z1.40 13.00 1 4 21.40 13.00 3��.40 13.00 1 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS I 2 Type(s} af Soil � Soii Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure aiez. Type Unit wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant surface No. (pcf) (pcfl {psf) (deg) Param. (psf) �o. 1 123.0 124.Q 50.0 30.0 0.00 0.0 0 I 2 130.0 132.0 100.0 34.0 0.00 0.0 1 II 1 PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE(S) HAVE BEEN SPE�IFIED Qage 1 I� � �.._� Profile.out unit weight of water = 62.40 , Piezometric Surface No. 1 specified by 2 Coordinate Points Point X-Water Y--water No. tft) (ft) 1 2I.00 11.00 2 31.40 11.00 ' A Critical Failure surface Searching Method, using A Random Technique For Generating Circular Surfaces, Has eeen Specified. 100 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated. 10 surfaces znitiate From Each of 10 Points Equally spaced ,41ong The Ground surface 9etween x = 13.Q0 ft. and x = I8.00 ft. Each surface Terminates setween x = 23.00 ft. �I 4 and X = 3I.00 ft. unless Further �imitations were zmposed, The b�inimum Elevation � ,4t which A surface Extends zs Y = 0.00 ft. ' S.00 ft. �ine segrnents flefine Each Trial �ailure surface. Following qre flisplayed The Ten r�ost critical of The Trial Failure surfaces exarnined. They Are ordered - Most Critical First. � � Safety Factors are Calculated By T�te Modified Bishop Method * * i Fai7ure surface Specified ey 5 Coordinate Points Point X-surf Y-surf �!o. (ft) (ft) 1 14,67 S.OQ 2 19.65 4.55 , �� 3 24.29 6.41 i 4 27.58 10.18 I � 5 28.28 13.00 I Circle Center ,4t X = 18.1 ; Y = 15.1 and Radius, 10.7 � � � �age 2 � � *, , �� i Profile.out �`* 2.143 �*� Failure surface Specified By S Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 15.22 5.00 Z 20.15 4.18 3 24.79 6.05 4 27.76 10.07 5 28.01 13.00 Circle Center At X = 19.1 ; Y = 13.3 and Radius, 9.2 �'�* 2.283 �"'� �ailure 5urface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 14.11 5.00 2 19.04 4.18 3 23.72 5.96 4 26.86 9.84 5 27.35 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.1 ; Y = 13.7 and Radius, 9.6 ,'��' 2.294 °*�'� Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point x-Surf Y-Surf � No. (ft) (ft) 1 15.22 5.00 Z 20.15 4.18 3 24.80 6.02 4 27.83 10.00 5 28.16 13.00 Circle Center At x = 19.2 ; Y = 13. 5 and Radius, 9.3 '°�"� 2.298 °^� i Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points i Page 3 ' i � I 1 Profile.out Point x-surf Y-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 16.33 5.00 2 21.31 4.51 3 25.80 6.70 4 28.49 10.92 5 28.52 13.00 Circle Center At x = 19.7 ; Y = 13.6 and Radius, 9.2 t''�` 2.311 TMh�' Fai�ure surface 5pecified ey .5 Coordinate Points Point x-Surf Y-Surf rvo. (ft) (ft) 1 14.67 5.00 2 19.65 4.54 3 24.44 5.97 4 26.35 9.08 5 30.59 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.3 ; Y = 17.7 and Radius, 13 .2 r � �riri 2.330 :,�t�: Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point x-Surf v-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 15.Z2 5.00 2 20.20 4.56 3 24.98 6.04 4 28.8g 9.22 5 30.86 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.8 ; Y = 17.4 and Radius, 12.9 i::th Z.38Z '�r:4� Failure surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point x-Surf Y-Surf No. {ft) (ft) 1 15.78 5.00 � 20.75 4.47 Page 4 i � � Profile.out 3 25.4Z 6.25 4 28.79 9.95 5 29.64 13.00 Circle Center At x = 19.4 ; v = 15 .2 and Radius, 10.8 '`�.� 2.390 ''jx:t Failure 5urface Specifzed By 5 Coordinate Points aoint x-surf v-Surf r�o. (ft) {ft) 1 is.�s s.,00 2 20.71 4.17 3 25.30 6.15 4 28.06 10.32 5 28.09 13.00 Circle Center At x = 19.7 ; Y = 12 .9 and Radius, 8.8 A'�t 2.392 �trt � Failure Surface Spe�ified By 6 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf v-surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 13.56 5 .00 2 18.53 4.54 3 23.38 5.75 4 27.56 8.51 5 30.58 12.49 6 30.75 13.Q0 Circle Center At x = 17.A ; v = 19.4 and Radzus, 14 .9 "*� 2.394 �}�'* Y A X I 5 F T 0.00 3 .93 7.85 11.78 15.70 19.63 xa.oa +---------+--�------+---------+---------+---------+ � - � - I Page 5 � i �_! � Profile.out 3.93 + A 7.B5 + X T1.78 + - 0 - I - 2 I 15.70 + 8 - 5 - . . .0. - . .3 5 19.63 + . . .1 - . .27�` - 8 * - . .5. * 23.55 + . . . .3 - . . . . .61 - . .Z - . . .85 . . - . . . . . . .3 � F 27.48 + . . . . .0. 1 3 - . . . .6 49 1 - .7.8. 5 5 - . . . . . . . . .8 _ . . : . . . . . .06 7 31.40 + W •• j � I Page 6 � , 1 �. ��` _ �." �— � � �I Cut Rockery- Height=8 feet, Seismic Condition Safety Factors 19.63 1.56 1.59 15.70 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.62 11.77 � 1.67 1.67 � 1.67 ,° 7.85 f� 1.68 ./ ' 3.92 � 0--T– -— - — -- 0 3.92' 7.85 11.77 15.70 19.63 23.55 27.48 31.40 Profile.out �� PCSTABL6 �= by Purdue University modified by Peter a. Bosscher �i University of Wisconsin-Madison , --Slope stability Analysis-- Simplified �anbu, Simplified Bishop or Spencer's Method of Sl�ces PRQBLEM DESCRIPTION Cut Rockery - Height =8 feet, Seismic Co ndition SOUNDARY COORDINATES 4 Top Boundaries 4 Total soundaries soundary x-�eft v-Left X-Right Y-Rig�t Soil Type No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) sel ovr Bnd 1 0.00 5.00 Z0.04 5.04 2 2 20.00 5.00 21.00 11.00 2 3 21.00 11.00 21.40 13.44 1 4 21.40 13.00 31.40 13.40 1 ISOTROPIC SOIL PARAMETERS 2 Type(s) of soil Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pre55ure Piez. Type unit wt. unit wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant surface No. {pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Param. (psf) No. 1 123.0 124.0 50.0 30.0 0.00 0.0 0 2 130.0 13Z.0 100.0 34.0 0.00 0.0 1 1 PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE(5) HAVE BEEN SPECIFIED Page 1 i i 1 a Qrofile.out unit Weight of water = 62.40 Qiezometric surfa�e No. 1 specified by 2 toordinate Points Point X-Water Y-Water No. (ft) (ft) 1 zi.00 ii.oa z 3i.ao ii.oa A Horizontal Earthquake �oading Coeffi�ient Of0.200 #ias geen Assigned A vertical Earthquake �oading Coefficient Of0.000 Has geen ,4ssigned Cavitation Pressure = 0.0 psf a Critical Failure surface searching Method, usiny A Random Technique For Generating Circular Surfaces, Has Been Specified. 100 Trial surfaces Have Been Generated. ' 10 surfaces Initiate From Each of 10 Points Equally Spaced ,41ong The Ground surface aet►veen x = 13.00 ft. and x = 18.00 ft. Each 5urface Terminates Between x = 23.00 ft. and x = 31.00 ft. Unless Further Limitations Were Imposed� The Minimum Elevation � At which ,4 5urface Extends Is v = 0.00 ft. ' 5.00 ft. �ine segments �efine Each Trial Failure surface. II I Following Are Displayed The Ten Most Critical of The Trial �ailure Surfaces Examined. They ,4re ordered - Most Critical First. * '' Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified aishop r�ethod * �` �ailure Surface specified ay 5 Coardinate Points Point X-Surf Y-5urf No. (ft) (ft) Page 2 i I � � � I , Profile.out II' 1 14.67 5.00 I�! 2 19.65 4.55 I 3 24.29 6.41 4 27.58 10.18 , 5 28.28 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.1 ; Y = 15.1 and Radius, 10.7 ��y 1.559 *** Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Su,rf No. {ft) {ft) i ia.6� s.ao 2 19.65 4.54 3 24.44 5.97 4 2B.35 9.08 5 30.59 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.3 ; Y = 17.7 a�d Radius, 13.2 *Ah 1.588 *�` � Failure Surface specified By fi Coordinate Points Point x-surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 13.56 5.00 2 18.53 4.54 3 23.38 5.75 ' 4 27.56 8.51 5 30.58 12.49 6 30.75 13.00 Cirtle Center At x = 17.4 ; Y = 19.4 and Radius, 14.9 � ; -'* 1.606 i:�* ; Failure Surface Specified By 5 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf Y-Surf �o. (ft) (ft) 1 15.22 5.00 � 2 2Q.20 4.56 3 24.98 6.04 � _ 4 28.84 9.22 Page 3 i I� , ��� �-�, i i Profile.out 5 30.86 13.00 Circle Center At X = 18.8 ; Y = 17.4 and rtadius, 12.9 �'*� 1.611 ''�° Failure Surface Specified ay 6 Coordinate Points Point X-Surf v-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 13.00 5.00 2 17.97 4.44 3 22.84 5.57 4 27.06 8.26 5 30.1G 1�.20 6 30.41 13.00 Circle Center At X = 17.1 ; Y = 19.2 and Radius, 14.8 w�� 1.620 *** . Failure Surface Specified ay 6 Coordinate �oints Poi nt X-Su rf Y-Su rf No. (ft) (ft) 1 14.11 S.OQ 2 19.08 4.42 ' 3 23.92 5.64 ' 4 26.01 8.53 5 30.80 12.68 6 30.B7 13.00 Circle Center At x = 1B.2 ; Y = 18.1 and Radius, 13.7 � �`�'� 1.624 {��� � I I � Failure Surface Specified By 6 Coordinate Points Point x-Surf v-Surf vo. (ft) (ft) 1 14.67 5.00 2 19.61 4.22 3 24.45 5.45 4 �B.42 8.49 5 30.87 12.85 6 30.89 13.Q0 � ; � , circle Center at x = 19.0 ; Y = 1b.5 and Radius, 12.4 Page �4 � arof; le.��r °°' 1.669 Failure surface Specified By 5 coarc;:nate Po�nts Point x-Surf Y-Surf No. (ft) (ft) 1 15.78 S.00 2 20.75 4.47 3 Z5.42 6.2: � 4 28.79 9.95 5 29.64 13.00 raiiure s�rrace 5pen ;ied ay Point X-Surf Y-5 No. (ft) {t � 1 13.56 5 z 18.a9 a.l 3 23.38 5.1f� 4 27.59 7.8� 5 30.54 11.9: 6 30.82 13.0� Ci rcl e Center At X = 18.2 ; � - �� .o d;�� :.a� ���, l� , ��� 1.675 �-� i Failure Surface Specified sy 6 caordinate Paints Po'infi X-Surf Y-Surf ,vo. (ft) (ft) 1 14.11 5.00 2 19.04 4.18 3 23.90 5.36 4 27.92 8.34 5 30.45 12.65 5 30.50 13.00 Circle Center At x = 18.6 ; v = 16.7 and Radius, 12.5 =** 1.676 **� ' Page :5 ( I I i � I Profile.out Y A X I S F T 0.00 3.93 7.65 11.78 15.70 19.63 x 0.00 +---------+--¢------+---------+---------+--_-__---+ 3.93 + A 7.85 + X 11.78 + - 5 - 3 - 1 - 4 I 15.70 + 8 - . . . 5 - . . .93. - . .6 S 19.63 + . .71 - . .4* - 8 .. � _ . . . . . 5 23.55 + . .9.3 - . . . .621 i - . .4 - . . .8. . . - . . . . . 5. . . . F 27.48 + . . .9.3. 1 - . .062 1 - .4.6. . - . . . . . . . .8 - . . . . . . . 5 5 - . . .9.32 T 31.40 + w * Page 6 I I I 7. U I'HEit Y�.ill�li I�: A permit from Water Di� , _� . _. � .. �_ . 8.ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Design of the Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan was completed in conformance with Volume II within the Washington State Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, August 2001 Edition. Compliance with the 12 elements are summarized below. Element 1: Clearin L� imits: Clearing limits have been delineated on sheets C2.01 and C2.02 of the civil plans. The clearing limits extend only to those azeas that will be disturbed during construction of the subject project. Element 2: Establish Construction Access: A construction entrance will be installed. See sheets C2.01 and C2.31 of the civil plans for location and detail. Element 3: Control Flow Rates: The construction sequence as listed on sheet C2.01 of the civil plans requires construction of the proposed detention facility for use as a sedimentation facility prior to clearing and grading of the site. Element 4: Install Sediment Controls: A combination of silt fence, interceptor swales along with a sedimentation facility will�be used for all disturbed areas to control sediment laden runoff from leaving the site. See sheets C2.01 and C2.02 of the civil plans for �, sediment controls utilized. The detention/water quality pond will be used for sediment ', retention. Sediment retention will be designed per BMP C241. ; � Surface Area: ' Qlo(01019pos.ts� = 1.09 cfs (See Section 4B for Flow Frequency Analysis) SA =2080 sf/cfs * Qlo SA =2080 sf/cfs * 1.09 cfs=2,267 SF SA Provided at Elev. 413.5 =24,319 SF>2,267 SF � OK Riser Diameter: The same riser diameter will be used as was designed for the primary overflow within the control structure for the pond. Riser will be 18". Emergency Overflow Spiliway: The emergency overflow spillways as designed in Section 4B of this report will be installed as part of the erosion/sedimentation pond. L_1� Dewatering Orifice: �_A5�2h�o.s/(0.6*3600Tg°.s� D =24(Ao/3.14)o.s Ao=24,319(2*1.5)0�5/(0.6*3600*24*32.2°�5)= 0.143 sf D=24(0.143/3.14)0�5 = 5-1/8" Element 5: Stabilize Soils: The Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans specify specific times at which cover measures will be installed. Element 6: Protect Slopes: The Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans specify specific times at which cover measures will be installed. Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets: The Construction Sequence listed on sheet C2.01 of the civil plans specifies installation of CB filters upon catch basin installation. Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets: Interceptor swales will be used to convey sediment-laden runoffto the sedimentation facility. See sheets C2.01, C2.02, and C2.31 of the civil plans for location and details of the swales. Element 9: Control Pollutants: The Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans specify pollutant controls. ' Element 10: Control De-Waterin�: The Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans specify de-watering controls. Element 11: Maintain BMP's: Maintainence of BMP's are specified in the Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans. Element 12: Manage the Project: Management of the project in relation to seasonal work limitations, inspection frequency, etc are specified in the Erosion Control Notes listed on sheet C2.31 of the civil plans. 9. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT: A bond quantities worksheet and facility summary will be completed as required by the City when engineering plans have been approved. A Declaration of Covenant is not applicable since all drainage facilities will be public. 10. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL: A maintenance and operations manual is not required since all drainage facilities will be public. • ^ Csr�Oetlyn,Ise. / \ CO� 14711 N.E.29/h Mace,Suite 101 Bellewe,Washington 98007 �DESIGN 4T5.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING - PLANNING • SURVEYING www.coredesigninc.com . . DATE: 01/09/06 CORE PROJECT NO: 01019 •�f� REFERENCE: Highlands Park �",� Stormwater �.� TO: City of Renton - 6�' Floor FROM: David Cayton ATTN: Juliana Fries SENDING VIA: ADDRESS: 1055 South Grady Way ❑ MAIL ❑ PICK-UP ❑ HAND DELIVER Renton, WA 98055 � COURIER ❑1-HR �2-HR ❑4-HR ❑ OVERNIGHT QUANTITY DATED DESCRIPTION 1 set 01/09/06 Storm Drainage Complaint TRANSMITTED: � FOR YOUR USE ❑ PER YOUR REQUEST , ❑ INFORMATION ONLY � ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ PROCESSING ❑ REPLY ❑ RETURN � NONE COMMENTS: �5 �,,� � . kv�� �� �r\ ��� � ��t �j�\ � ,�\"'`� "'�C�`qEMON ._�� �qN���ED e����N 9 ?�� ��v��,oN CC: BY �' avid E. Cayton, P.E. Map Output Page 1 of 1 �� King COuntY �� �� •. "� iMAP - Stormwater �- F �- �9qq�042� . � .�,.. r � __. � - Zc�o3-�aS9S� � , : . - :��J3 ��f� �, � L�:�. ::,� .,.,..� .,.t,., ?c»3-o3s'4 �-`--�.�:�'-as;.�:-::.�.� - li_ . . . .ri!•� :.Kc? � 2�3- °� ' ���. � :�:. .��' :4�.' 1 _oBos, ����s� ��:•- N;Y_� � ..� :ir�_{ q�r � :��:. ,��x,) �J�AI ��4`'� �1•1�'� ({.V .��;. ��940 ; 1ti5'$-o520- r�.•� :K;s_� '�. � _�tFk �t, I�O��O� �"• , ;a��f �r ��X O ., � !i6t_�' ; . i" ��! .'.' ).S9i1 � ..�':i � ..c_.. _��� ,T <v,lSst :�.4�� ��.li... � t�67f1' } �. Q Q , ' - } ra��c� (59g_o(g8 ' n //����//�4 li , �r�. ��i: � ; �� Z'�V�ir y, �.��f �� Ai � .{.�l.�� -k . !l?�1 :��%:. J5' ` _ ? J. � � ►- � - 2� i-o3�2� :,�,�, _ `�''i ° � - `� .���� :►s�u ;r .. 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King County�GiS^entei�Mews�Setvices���mmQttts��rrh By visiting this and other King County web pages,you expressly agree to be bound by terms and cond'itions oi the site. �he d�tad� http://www5.metrokc.gov/servledcom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&ClientV... 1/4/06 Map Output Page 1 of 1 ,� KinJ GountY '' • - �E�C� � � iMAP -Stormwater ; � . . _ � � -c �� .�►:E :k' �i z.� � ` � �t , „ . � � 'ii` � � : '4..�"-'�� ri n �r : ���oSt3 ��` _ ��.�,��2 .. ,,; , -� < �' � �i � ;� r,i? Si ` � ����`. <, a►, � `. � s.. ^ .� .. .. s_..� y' 'F. . . � � � - � ��� . - � w> � ,:;C $ ; `' � ffiy".�, St 2hlQ tir SI'� r€, � � t ��`�,�40 ,'�4�h ti� `f tNti� � y - * �t{��1,_„�,..i ZDOI—��J, � r; > ���- f ; r:tv., .:. . � r !i 6 • . - , �Q- _ � `. i� r� �� r� I_ ^_ � _ _. ] ,i�t ,� __. __.. . _ ,.'r *-��� �� . L +� i= ' � � �St: ': iHrtiF'c ` � Z yy + ��. . - d,�i � th� ' � ' � �. . . . . �� � �i � :iSt li4ft� µ; � S� ts'FTf! �F � � �' y ��� � �; . 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King County �GIS Centei�News�Serwr.es�Gommertts�Search By visiNng this and other King County web pages,you expressty agree to be bound by tertns and conditions of tlie site. Ths�etaN� http://www5.metrokc.gov/servledcom.esri.esrimap.Esrunap?ServiceName=overview&ClientV... 1/4/06 � �a�:, ;. 2006 2: 13?M KIh� cC. w��G No. 6930 P. 1/34 , �.., ■ . � � . �in.g�County'Water and�,and Resauxces (`N�R}Divisian � � . . 201 S Jackson St, Suite 500 Seaxtle, Wt� 981043855 � D�: �" U6 � � Number of pages�includin.g cover shee��� To: � ' From: Cindv'Torkelson Fax: ,S - . .7i�'(� � 'OVL�Z Stormwater 5ervices Section � Phone: �/�,� S" ��� ? � Phone:206-296-1400 .,-�---� �-- . . . Fax Number: 206-296-0192 IlV�PORTAN� L�'VEL 1 A.NA C,YSYS NUT�.� 'R�e�do not send copies of certain ' compl�i�t types that axe not rele�ant such as BCW, FT, FIR, FIH and VVQA,, and we do not send CL and LS �yges. 5ee key belovc►'. Type S�, 52 and S3 will not be fax�d due to size , � �, ��-(�3/3 v� �. �,�;�� a�'�r.e�i J��,, �- �,a�3 ` o�3S�9 � The following is a list of complaint ty�:�s rc-:.eiv�by the Wa�and Land Resourcas Stormwater . __ Ser��ices Section. Complaint numbers�'t,e�n�un�prior to 1990-�!:X7�ha.ve been archived and are no longer in our possession. They can sti;1 be r�trieved,if necessary,but�will take addi�ional time and may not be benefxcial to your zes�arch due to t�ieir age, develapment which has accurred,etc. If you are interested in reviewi.ng the actual eomplsints,#hey can be pulled(time permitting)for yovr review. Copies can be obtained for$ .15 per pa{rr-;;ind.$2,00 per�a�e�for plans. � gevs; . . . � , . . Tvne.of Im�estiQation • •.T�ne of P_roblem C Ac6on Iteqnest DCA ' DevdoptneaVCouetruction BCW Basiness�ror acan wacer nnM � Drainage-Misxtlmmewts CCF Itespoose W Iuquuy • L�BS Urainage—FxosiodSedim�on *CI. CYeim L�IB brainage—I.mmdsliddFa�tdMovanent fiH Eafaramcnt on Einld , ' bTA Dr�naoc Tcc�alcal,�sistance ER T�fonYment Review . . � INQ Dtai�agc—C3enersl Inquity , FCC,FCE�FCS Fvw�ity Complaints :vtMA Maartcnsaca-Aesthdics FI SARK Fee Tnquiry . IvIIuIR Maini�atece-flood'mg AIR S WM Fce Rtview ''Ml�4G Ma'tutCa3aCt-GtnGtal F1H SWM Fee on Hoid . �r31�IM 2viaintenaace-Mowiag '�LS Lawsua MNM Mauuteaaace—IZeeds Maintonanc� RR Facility Enginadab Rc�icw �MNFY Mainteaeua-No�dous Wceds NDA Neigh6or600d Dramage Asaist�moc SWF , SRT1�4 Fx Qaestious wQc wer�Quelity complaiaf �wQa w��,at;cy-e���t pr�a�5 � V�'QE Q►aeer C�vality Fnfbmaneut '�� • . v�4n •� wffior�y-t�n,np� WQR vVa�x Qaaliq�bogmeaing Iteview . . 'yVQI •• � 'Vliatn QuatitY—IUieit Comection WQA Water Queli�y Atldit - RSM �� SWI�i Pce-Rsmeasuremalt EVQO WEtet Quality—Other GAT S�VM Fee�(�ant S 1,S2,SN3 Lagit►ocring Studies NLVI� SWM I'�eo-New biseount =Sabjcct fi Pubfic Disclosure requucmeats 1_Reeipt of wr`ten roquest for documeav 2.Rcview and app�+oYal by Ptosauting Attomey'e o�ce � 2006 2: 14PM 1KING C0. �N�RD, 1��(� ��j TN0. 6930 �P. 2/��� ' J��• J• Ll�t+�ltt'7►\.7J1 JU• ♦1iS�G� i�J.:iPORl r�l� � Pa�e 1: INwESTIG!►i1oN RF.�UEST I�pe � PROB�: � � RECEIVED BY; M� Date: jI� QK'd by:��FILE NO.�I Receivetl from: � � 4 � (DaY) �� (Eve) �__� NAME: t. -� �. � Pxor� Z?r.f� � 22-T(,� � tn �h ADDRES s:_ � D�1 �`i—1�'�` r�,. � City�"�'1'� State ZiP_�'�5`� _, Location of problem,if different; � �j�� ' Reported Proble�n: c,�,L FiRST' ❑ (Vfould Like To Be Preseat) �p�p� 9u-c-�,c�-fr -�rm�d�u� �. �K�, Ic�OSe.. � �s �o-E- ' � v ' Q�'Y�Y'� 15 cGt�wf- 5—(a D-� dUl�t�E�,4� � � dre+w�.C,v�� -�-her �ret UX.t�tc-r `���� is rl�t Gu't0� ��i�h.Y.x9r� G�'� �"t,�,r'l U u'1 �� G�,l��lla'7 -: � U� r,�j������vu�- --�od d . � � v� �. �I�-i��,-? . � --- �PIat name: �l6r.r �/�� 1�0 �1- ,, Lot No: �� B1ockNo: Other agencies invo�ved: No field investigation reqwired (;eiciats) • . �.. TO BE CO1ViPI:ETEb 7�Y COMPI.�aINT PRUGI2Al1�STAF$.�`•-�,`.;� ;;�::�: ';=z�''-•�;s;'�s;: �...,, 'e•� 9�Yn :j'J j:i. ..�..i..�.-�-j� � :._1._'� �_ � - (�s� ►43 '��, %a S T R Parcel No. (Q��D�--,Q� KroIl�11 tt� Th.Bros: Ne �3 _ ' 01 35�� Basin�( Council Disrrict �2 Charge No. _ . �....._._ . ....._ _�..._..__....�.�.� � ,__.. ._.._.._.�.�..__.....�._...._ �.r RESPONSE: Citizen notified on� /- S- 9�' by: phone - letter X in person � �'r'e �90�c,s ati �,..�G�.� �� . C�i�,� w.� �/� f S D f� � ��'� D�sPost'r�oN: Turned to � on / ` !_.� by: �R: No fiuther aetion recommeuded because: � Lead ageancy has been notified:�A�s � t�U%_ �e�Z'f�'L. o�� _ _ Problem has b�eeo corrected. No pr�biem ha�s been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: , ' Seg PtL�t� • ' Frivate problem-NDAP will not conside��b;�:ause: VJatcr originates onsite an�'or on neig�ibori.ng parcel. _ Location is outside WLRD Servi Other(Specify): DA,TE CLOSED: � rl�f 1 � gy; � - (��.�0�� � ��AiV. ;. 2006 2: 14PM KI1�G C0. +kl�� . " N0. 6930 P, 3;'34 '� . gency � - , r�� . -. Mat ance Divisian: � Tho�as Bres Map: 657A3 iip t W130b3 Facility t: I�9051� � Trpet Poad BRIAA NILLS ! 4 ` 6treet Address: 14405 — 1�+9TH PL SE � Directions: FRQM SE 226TH ST, TAKE 144TH AVE SE. GD SOUTH. TURN LEFT �ONTC SE 142ND ST. TURN LEFT O�JT� i49TH PL SE. . THE POND IS ON. THE LEFT AT HOlJSE i 4005. � � • . � �� � Che�ked on 1/15f96 by ➢006 DOBKINS� Radic t: 555 Charge tn Projert s: 061475 Fisheries: li � Spe�ial Equip�ent: �u� � � . � � . SYM Mates/Cpuent5: �, Aepair ialet pipe t� CSlCB1 and 6actEill tiitb � to 6 iach spa115 to anchar pipe. If yo0 hire any QoeStions con�erning the an�horing of the pipe please cantact Doug pohkins it 296 1915 or on Ce11 bb0-63�2. , . . � - + Roads Giv. Notes: . � � i'�'}� . � � Task Unit s � . Date Act�al flateri�l 1l�terial , � Code Type l)nits York aeqoested Co�pleted Ilnits Init Placed Extav�ted � Y02 Ea.Fac. 1 �Re�ove sediient in coetrol 5tructure C5CB/2, (reft0l � � Y15 E�ch 2 �Resove sedirent fro� the fallovin� c�trh hasintr) and dispa5e in ac�ordan�e �ith applicabYe Regul�tions: CBs2 # CBt3 tref�161 '-° Y24 Ea.Fac. 1 �PerFor� the falloring �aintenanc�trerair rork; repair � � inlet pipe to CS/C61. 5ee not�s in th� tou�n� 5ECtiCn.. � Irefb6b} � � . Work Authorized: D�te: Work Completed : Date: Ptogra� Version: Fehruarp�22, 1943 � �����Ah, 7. 2G06 2: 14PM.II�'GtK:NG C0. WLRD�1t�� LA,R�2FSOURCFSDIVIs:h0. 6930 P. 4!34. � �.,� . DRAINAGE �.'�"ESTIGATION I2EPORT �v Pa e 1: INVES'%IGATION REQLTEST `� T g � � PRosLErs; � . � RECEl�'ED BY: Date: OK'd b : �� FrL.E O. Received from: � ��. � � ��'� � , ' (D�} (Oc.JJ) (Eve) ( _? 1'JAME: FHONE � AbDREss: � � City �7 _ State Zip �����c�-�� Location of problem, if differen� ' � � Reported Problem: CALi.FIRST � (Would�u:Ta Be Present) � , � � C� O� �� . - � � �2� � . /J ���� �� . � , Q f � . 4!'�����%'%"/ t��/G�G/ ��i�`�r�� . . � �.7"� c.���C�G1iiJ � , ���' [.fjl1 • ���� , ���� _ , ���yC.� � , i ��� ����, .�� . - .,�e���� �•� �f� �C�CJ Q�O � . z��C�� ��,C e�s�/ �� L����� . , , , ' -� .,� ��� �����, � � � . � Plat name: J ��:GY,C�►' �� Lot No: �v Block No: C)ther agencies involved: � No field investigation rcquixed - - . (iniciats) . . TO BE COh�LETF31 BY�COMPLAINT PROGRAM STAFF. ,' - ,.' :� ' '-• , - � • � . �� � � � . - �. 1/a S ' T R ParceI No.�, T Q Q Kroll �����h.Bros; New ' , � Oid �[p�,� � Basin ._��� Couz:cil.2?isfrict_�_ Charge No. �R.�SPon�sE: Citizen notified on s � � �by: � phone letter -�ui person . �iCP�Yrw�p.� T ffY° J`'/�vBl.�� -t„u ri� �5.4�,/oy ptGor7' �¢-iv� 1�wJ �Sl'�"'9� f1Je.�,� �V o �� � �r} ��'c�� Go�G i� 1 �tea��,o � , (�,A-�-'�,r'[.-• - ; . ; AzsPosrTro��: Turned to on /^ ! by pR: No further action recommended bec�use: U�� _,._.� Lead agency has been notif ed: _` � __^ Prohleir► l�as been corrected. No problem�has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE F[LE f� __�Private problem-NDAP will not consider hecause: . . `���ater originates onsite andlc,r�n ne;,ghboring parcel. ' Location is outside WLRD Se;vi e a. Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: S/ T�Z/ 0 B�: . _ �,��d���� � —JAN, 5. 2006 2: 15PM K?�IG CQ. WLF.D ^ . N0. 6930 P. 5/34 _ .. . � . . ... . ^ _,—�--._._. �. _ . . .. Complaint 98-0332 Pigott . � � Investi�ated by Pat Simmons OS/IS/98 I met with Ms.Pigott to discass t�e projec:ti�at tb.ey are plannmg to dry oat the backyatd of theff ho�e. They constructed a sim7ar project l�st.year to dry out the upper part of the yard and dtam t�te w►ater to the � s�eet. � � . . � The main concem was attachit�,an existin;Fip�that may dtsia a buIlchead)on the adJ��P�P�Y� routing the water to the street draiange.Th�.a(so are gom.g to put m another intucepCor trench ia fl�e yard �.. to coatain the gr6nad watet that is Coming frou;the slcpe behind their hnuse. . I explained that they could.connect to tha pipe with ti��PmperiY awne�a parmission and collect th�o wat� and put'the�i+ater m the gutter line of fne street as lon�:a�the kept the curb intad.I also told me tio�call if they have any other questiaat � . \ . 1 � . � i�l . YJ'� V`l�j I ,,� 106. Pl. SE. � � � . ``�\ j . . �--�_� NCW Plj',8 _ � Dry Aroa � New S�stem 22904 �o� � - `— cancrete , A. $ulkhead `-- " 'c P" , Wet Area � 3 Plasit ipe ,- , _ ;:: � . g- i���AN, 5, 2006 2: 15°M�G �?tiG_CCi W!�D,�R� LAxn REsov�.tc�.s D�s�vr693,0 P. 6!34 � DRA,.INAGE INVESTIGATION REPO1tT � �` - _,,,,/ ge ?: INVESTIGnTION REQUEST T}rpe ���" l PROBLEM: �C�l�C!' ' � , • . O �.ECEI�'�D BY:____(,�,�'�1�) � �_�te: Q 'd b FII,Fs NO. � Received from: ,/�l2Q�,�o�? U�l�.�,•t�i2�"�u�� � � . (Day) �� (Eve) ��� `' N�rzE: 1l'I,��?71�/,�. PHor� � . . . ` ADDRESS: City StaLe Zip Location of problem, if c3ifferent: � //�}��`' �� �1�1���� / iv' Reported Probfe�n: CALL FIRST ❑ (Wouid Like To Ba Present) � j � �� l'l'�',1.����.�, c�.� ,� � . 4���' � �� — ��,��,0 ���J �CiZ� /�, .��� -P� G�� � � I , , G�� , , � �y'-� ��'` ..,�.�ze� - , ' �r��� - ,0 9�� � 9 , � �9����� �y�.�- �yr��°,�s� �, F7� '/98/$37 ' 9� r9� vao7 ��/1 :���� '� f Plat name: �� Lot No: Block No: �ther�agencies involved: � No field investigation required - (t�p;tials) � . . .. . �TO BE COIMPLEZ�BY COhiPLAINT YROGRAM SfAF�,':. .. •s:` •.�' .. , - ; ��/ .=�� - L�� _.Lz_ �L' � �1 J- ) �7 1�4 S � T R Parcel No. 1�/��Q,��I��7� Kroll ����!/ Th.Bros: New �� 'i/�.� s Old �Jt-��� � Basin �� Council District� Charge No. . RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: phone letter in person � DLSPOSITION: Turned to on / ., I _ b� : OR.No ftiu�ther action recommcnded because: Lead agency has been notifi : _ �_ Problem has been corrqcted. No prob?em has been i�entified. Prior investigation addresses problem: • . S�Fn�# _w Private problem-I�DAP will not conside-r because: Water ongiaates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. ' . Location is outside VJLRD S ' e a, Other(Specify): � �AI'E CLOSED: o / 3/ � By: � � /i 98�1..,/� �n ._-- ` ��A'V. �, i006 2: 15PM KI?1G CO3 WlF3. N0. 6930 P. 7/34 � ..�. . . .-- . . , .. � . _._ -- _ .._.__.__ �, ., .�_._— Complaint 98-0520 Anonymous . � '� Investigated by Robert Ivtanns an 8-b-98 �- . I checked D90515 and found no problems. l�is facility ha,s no ditch_ Tn the pond�aci7ity D90669 there is a�ock lined ditch that I found to have no problems. This pond had woric done on it last year. It's clean and functionxng. No problem was identifi.ed, Ido phota's were taken. i � . � 0.JA,�. 5. 2006 2: 15 PM K i NG C0. W�K:D N0. 6930 P, 6;3�-� �,. • KING COUNTY W�,TER AND LAND RESOURCES A�SION DRAINAG� I.►�TIGA'T�ON REPO�tT b -� Pagc I: Ii3VESIIc�'iloN RE�tTFs'r T�►pe �C 2 PROBLIIvi: L J��c'� /�N� _ . . _.._ R$cEIVED BY� ' L- (.� c—�►'�G c Date: ���'��y OK'd by: FYY.E No_ Received from: . {DaY) ��, (Eve} �� 1V�: � !.t-Q ti1 ��/�s�-G'�'Z PAo� Z Z�- /�Y-� A.DD�ss: ��/Dz � ��rf� .�� Sc' City /Po��Us� State G/�l Zip���. Location of p�oblem,if different: ' � Re,parted Probtem: CAY.L k�pEtST ❑ (Would L�ce T�Be Present) . �/✓I��i C�rcic-Y - �'f`c.,� - O��% ; 2�Z�7��!'� ' ��cZ c.� _ ��j� ���/,� d J��--c^'T /� cJ CC� , w/!fc+►'z d c/cy2 �'�/ �C-wA y /�a �t-U �n/� yil�2 c� � c=r �c�£.�r.JC, . . �5- ? Plat name:�t GV►� ���� �� 'Z � Lot No: �� Block No: Other agencies involved� � No field investiga�ion required � �- - � -- I_ r�:ti�� SI�1���-y � _ _—__"��j .Y��� Y� L�� __fv £ ��a��.,1', ���R�� . .�F�sel�Gc_---�.��_ '____— _ "_'—___ ._-- ' —_ '_—."' .. _.___.._. `�V��� 1� 2? � 1/4 S T R ParceI No.���1 'C�5(� Kroll �'!I 1!� Th.Bros: New 3 , . Old �5 �(Q . Basin„�_ � Council District �� Charge No. _ K�spnxs�: Citizen notified on Z7 9'9 by: _,p one Ie�tc� in persoa 1rv�� l� 9.�� . " DTSPosITION: 3�rned to on I : I by OR No furthes action recommended because_ ._.(� I.ead agency has been noti�'ied: �O/�-o 5 //L'�f-��--r �P�-�i.�� OP-S - ' Problem h�been cotrected_ � No pro'�lem has bee.�identiSed. Prior investir�ation addresses problem: � � Sss�#t _ Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite andlor on nei�boring parcel. Location is outside WI.RD Servi Other(Specify): � vA� cz.osEn: 3 i /7� �� s y �� 1������ '��' JAt�. 7. 2C06 2, 16�M KING C0. `�N��:) �NO, 693�} F. 9; 3L ,�,� �'�'"�'.=_-; � . �� . . .,1.. ♦ �� N .� ��.. . � , � � � . - •Emerge{i�y.� . ' . . _ ' , . ` -._s� _ . • . , , • ,.,. �anance Qivisian: 4 Tho�as Bras Map: b.�,�7�3 !IA t Wi3qq�`• ��, , Pond Briar Hills tk . ' . Street Address: �i4�05 149th P1 SE � � Directions: FROM SE 1�8TH ST, TRKE i4�t7M AVE SE. . GO . SOUTH. TllRN. �E 142ND ST. TURN L�FT ONTO i4�TH �Pf_ SE . THE ROND IS t1N THE LEFT �140d5. - � • � � ���, � . � . � r CI►etked on Zl,.Zt199 bY-Pat 5iaans V�/. � � kadin t: 551 Gharge ta Project t: Od1415 fi5heries,�., Saetial Eqnipoent: • � � ' . � VLA� Not�s/Cnr�ents; � . ' ' ' � . . 7he blockage ras resoved durfng�aa. e�erqencp call out ]�127199 and the pond r�r�eded. The fatility ras checked oe 03/04/99 and all parts rere rorking coitectly► � � i�� )�j�` _ , � , , / f E . . . r � � D � S E �✓� . �ds Div. Yates: _ ' � ��� j� 5 � ,- . . ���- � . � � . . . . . W � . . . � �� � � � �� . . � � - ,, .. • � ' , `�.Yl Ta�it � � � 4a#e A�tuai Naterial Naterial .,� Cade�ype Units t�ork kequested � Coepleted Onite Init Pl��ed ExraYattd _ . � r.�� . . . . . ', , • :;� �06 Lin.Ft. 1 iReaove deDris fro� tra5h ratklsl at pipe eadlsl: POND . . � � _ : 4;� dllTLET. {ref390) , . ' - :��:� �� , � r .' t�`-:��."� . � , .,;. . , - _ . . _ . \;,;`,'�,;�� Wark Authoriz�t�: . � � Iyat�: -3' L�/ • . . . ',� '�4•: � � , ' • � .�: �(;��� . . ' `y ` • � ♦' � • ��"4. . �1� lJor� Gompleted : � Date: . . . � • ,;...;k:�' PrograA Vereion: Fepruary 2Y, 1993 � . . • . � � � � • ,+>� .. . . ,� � .: , ,�,-� .�,� �� . ; .. , � ` ` ::S`�i;� ' , � i.",-�k.ti.\ ' . ' � .�.0�'.`��. . ' . . ' l �l �. � • 'j: . . ' ' � ' t�: .�� . ' � _ 'S�1,.!,t . .. ' . . . ' v' d . . .. _ �.M1.� . � • - . ��s� . ' � , ' ' .t�'i , • ` '�/�""g� . � , ��• • " . � _4•;'_:'. �� ' . ' . A ' . _ ^�. •w a."'�L- ..':'fy^:, . . . . _ � ' , � �' ^'�+��` �.�}� . •��'!' •' ' . . _ ` t ..t.i(',�•�'?�. :.r:.M ^S�'.-•. . . - , . . • ' ! • ' , , ^ �`��,r �V.t;,,�µ' ' � '• • ♦ �?' ' ���c!'' 'M �', �y. .y: �,�,�,�����'C•. • - . . . ' . , �.:*' �--�-.�a�r. y. Z006� 2: 16FM KiuG CC. ��!�i� N0. 6930 P. 10/34 .-�.�:._,� � ��� �ING C OUNTY PII.�No. D905'18 � Department of Natural Regources NAML ALLAN KIESLER �� Water and Land Resvurce C�ivtsiott nDDRESS 14102 14aTH PL SE PHONE 426J226•1446 � pAGE 6�6J3 � QRAINAGE tNVESTtGATION R�PQRT gROLLPAGE S��W DATE l�27�gg FIELD tNVESTIGATEON MAII�T.DIHISIaN DMP � u�rrr,�s- DST.AILS OF INVESTIGATION: • � � I � SITE VISIT ON 2/27l99_ RECEIVED Gl1L�FROIA L. OETTLE 7HA7 A RfD POtiD LOCqTBD lN THE PLAT OF eR1AR HILL� D�V.4 WAS CUFiRENTtY 1N OVERFL•SW. r�tE7 YJITH 1'A. KIE3LER AND FAli1LY oN SITE. � • INVFSTIGATION FOUNO 7HAT UPON S1TE Y�SfT THE PONb Y�AS OCCURIMa A BREACH OF !NE SPfLLWAY ON70 t48TN PL SE. T1iE SPILLWAY IS D►RECfED TO OVERF40W O�ITO THE RJtY WITH FLOW BEING GOVEYED ViA CURBSIDE OAAIN A6E To THE SOtlTH. THREE TYPE 1 CA7Glt eASiNS :.00aTEA AT 7FIE INTEASECTION OF SE.1997H PL COHTAINEO � WATER OVEqF�OW THE TOP oF THE BASlTd,as tYpTER IN THE PONQ WAS AT A HIGNEq ELE1%ATION THEN THE RIM OF THE BASIN GR4DE. FLOW FROi1 YME TYPE 1 6A3[F!B ARE COHVEY SOUTH ON 129 PL 3E.�ANO WEST AlOHG SE ��J TH PL. A 8S'RUN oF a0'CMP 19 THE OtJTLET f�iP� FROAI THe POND TQ THE COt(1'qOL YANHoLE. THE YANHOLE REFlEC7ED WA7ER ENTEp1N� THE 80'P1DE AT APPAOX. 70% CAPAC�T1'(-THAN 4-67. THE OVERELOW T�E�EGTIN WA3 NOT IN OVFRFLOW. TNIS INDICATED THn7 A BLOCKAGE OCCliqEO AT THE PIPE iNLBTTO TRE CS/G97. TREE DE9RIS FAOK ovEqNANGlNG EV��GREEN&.WEAF RE31oVED FpOM THE Plpe tNLET iMCREAslNG THE ANOUNT OF WArEq AELEase TO THE CS/C87. EVETlTUALLY,%'�Ty 5o�1E MANUEL LABOR THE BLOCKI�GE wss REYOVED AND TME POND WAS,� CAPABL� OF DECRHASING AND TNE OvERFLOW CEASED. � 7HE KIESLEFt LOT IS LOCATED ON TH6 S.W. S1DE OF tNE POND WITH 4 PFiIVATE GATE PROVIDtNG ACCE53 TO THE TRACT. THE 8�RlA ELEYATION ON THE WE's'T StDE OF THE POND o(D N07 POSE A�tqEAT 70 THE IUESLER LOT. WATER WAS DESIGNED TO OVEHFt OW ONFQ T!+E A/W OF 149TEi PL SE. MA, qESLEA AND FAMIIY WAS VERY PLEASED WITH SHE EDUCAT10NAl EXPERIENCE ANU OFPOFiTUMPI TO DI6CUSS TltE FUNCTIOtt OF TFiE POND. � i SKETCH: � I I • � I ( i � � i • I � ; . .� �, � ���� i � � � �� �� �� , . , i � � � . ; I � � � � , � � �.JAN. 5. 2u06 2: 16?M—KI�G CC. W�F.J �-_---- N�. 6930 P. 1 ?!?4! — , N- � KII�TG COUNTY W,�T.�R AND LAND RE.SOURCES DIVISION L � l �--�.. v� DRA�NAG]F I�IVESTi�ATION REgOIZT � . � �� / � age 1: IN�STiGATtON REQUEST Type � PRos�t: �U ENED BY: Date: OK'd b : � FiLE No, Receivai from: ,�/ �f ! , (Da ) 7 (Eye) '7 N,�: ������� a oZ � ADDREss: — G�ty Staxe Zp����'=-f Location of problem, �differern: ` Reported Prvblem: C�.L FIlt.sr ❑ (Woi:id Like To B�Pcesen� . 6' ' � � rin� G� �'`� . '� ����� R �° . �� . �� ��o��� 1 s �"�;�� .���',� �� . �����;� �� � z����� � � �� ��� - _ . �'� � - ���� ��`� �� . ��� � • �' d � ..� ��� . P13t r_ame: Lot No: , Block No: Other agencies uivolved: No field investigation required ��:u:;ais) �-- .�_: �— -- —�..�-- -__ �-, ,_�-�,,., _ � � ;0�, _O, &T� Ci _ -,� -, ---�..�-��..t= — ��-- i __1��__. � .�.� � f �a S . T R Parcel No. ��'12(�3D 4 {') Ktoll � Th.Bro�: New �D��P.� 3 01d �,v I�S. Basin�C� Council District_�`� Ch�rge No. RESPONSE: Citizen notified on by: _� phonc _ le�ter in person M� s./�LtS Qvi.rN o.✓ f io�' �'�zTf99. 7+�'���d��' �S .n� .s. Gew� 5�+� . �d..,.7 �wi.�- .s�A� �'.e...� s�o��:•. G•�1'"�.. �,r�-.+ rYis��' s.rr Cm�..p f�t.�y�'ul�r T'3►�' �r'k?�' �kraL. �e.�s,ri ,ac.,,.w s .��.�.,y �-r�'" /�'�' . DjSPOSZTION: Tlirned to on I „ I � b}� OR: No £urther action recommended because: ____ T.,ead agency has been notified: � ;,�_ Probiem has beea corrected. No problem has been ideatifier3. Prior investigativn addresses problcm: � sr,�s�# .,� Private problem-NDAP wi]I not consider because= Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is oufiside WLRp 5�vi Ar , i� Qther(Spccify): naT� ci,os�n: 1 i �� �� �y:: � GQ��.�.��- . � ����� . ;�.�..._':AN. '5. 2006.- 2 17PM .KIyG CC. W�R� . , . , : • ,: . .; � -, ;:NO, 6930� } F. i2/34.�:::.;. . ,�.' . . r ,1.. . �j .� i��::,r,..2. �'ia,:��r��s1JC .��, r.i� ':(w1 �. `.y;l �Y-.� �TC�ii''•, . :`.t�� i r� � i.°,. � y'� .,�• i` . 'i. „ ,�' �`.. . . � ' � �� f �.�.� , .� �;. ,rr�p . . ♦f ., , �� ��'•. v �.+ �t '��� .� ; � . . '4 ��. �e' P �r .f�. . � ' �L l '� • " . , , . � . '.�•� )� ,�', �, .�,t, k,:i �.��y ES�,��'-. ;F.Sl• •:���_ --- - — --_�', :�h� ' A — , 4 Complaint 99-Ob25 Qmm� . Investigated by Chris Treiche108/30/99 � . � Met with Mrs_Quinn on site Auo.27, 1499. Her lot is Lot 44 of Briar H'ills Div 4. 'Ibe propeaty is . relativcly fIat but the house does sit ia*he higaer.elcvariou. Th�is a CMU block wall on the west . property Iine. The water drsins away from the house m all direc�ions. They have a street to tha east and . south,a smgle-family residence to th�west,and Maplcwood Pat3t to the z�orth. Sfie stated thax shc was worried about an area in ths NorthR est�orner of the prope�ty where the water seems to slnwly�ltrate. Sht s�tated that she and her husband thougltt that the sprinkler systeaa for the yard maqbe lealdag,they are in the process of replacing svme of the spcinkIer heads. When they w�e di.ggmg the sprinkler heads up, she sta�rcd tliat there was water in the gr�un� She also stated that they smeIIed a waste type of odor. The area seemed to be the low point from thz park,house and neighbors. She sfated t�at this was occnrring prior to the CMU wall being msta3led. Maplewood Park � ' Wet area � Blockade at . � � end o{road �-- CMU Wall —� . � �I 2-4'Ya11 � W �- -� �A . . � � < �� � • � . Lot 44 Briar Hzlls�2 ��g ---► . . SE 138�PI. � � ��Ati, �. 2006 2: ?7PM KItiG CO3 WLkC , N0. 6930 , P. 13;'34 . ' � . , KIl�TG C�O�iNT'ir�VA�AND LAl�'b RESOURCES.DI�LSION � . . `'�-�«�- . - D�RA�,�GE I1�VESTI�AT�ON REPORT. . . . �;, �� . � � INVEST1Q.a1'iON.RBQUp3'T. ' Type�U�� � . PfiO�r.Eri�i" , � _ , . - � . � -r. . _ . - ; REc�v�1�Y: � � Date: OK'd�b : Fa.E No.� - Re�ived-$om: . , � ) �,'�, ' ,Ev� � ' ' � aY �-� '.( ) �� N�; j • � Pxor� �J�l�Q , . , . . ADDRESS: � ,City . . S�te � .Zip�� - LOCATtON OF PROBLEM,ff DIFFERfiNT: / �+ �� ' `� , ,�� ' , � I L '��QL� �<<._, ������/�� • , . - . • . , . Access Permission �rrznted Cltll F�►'sJf ��onld L$ce?o Be Present) �• � � � ❑ . G��S' 1�.��` ��� � �:�G� ���� c�v������9L . _ Gi'� ���i'� ���. �� -���`��� . . , . �� . � . ��2'� . • �y� �O �,� �'���r�� -��;7�?� ���� G��% . . ���� . . � ' ��� ,�..�� ��'� � � � a � . , . . � , `� � . . - � ��� u�� �s�.� ' �� � . . . ��,������y . �. �y � . . ' � � . �����/ � . . � . ! �4�����.'-lJ� �� � �lock No: Plat nazne; �y��. . Lot�o� �I�� l7�er agenci.es in�rolved: . . Nv field investigation required� ' --� . c5'�� � �?t�- _s.�._ . 7� � ' '; � — . /a S T it � Parcel I'�1o. l� ���i��I�roll��� T�,Bros: New ��� C7 Basii���� C.ouncil�Distzict� � • Char�e No. � RES.PpN�E: Citizen notified oh �" J ' �v by. ' phone letter �in person � � �, � ���2f1 � L�7('�/ -- �/'7r� j�y t^j��'�-=�'��� . . DispOSiTrorv: T�.rned to • on / / � by OR: Ne fi�er action recommeaded because: � . ; _�C' Lead agency has been,notified: ��� �"/�1T� 11't"C L%' ��� f�/S/�. ,�, Prol�lem bas been corxected. �I�o,pr6blem tias been identified. Prior jnvesbgation addr�Ses probiem: � ; . , � , � - SEE FILE# . . _ �PriVate probaem-NDA�will not cdnsider becau.se: . � ' . � � ' • ,VVater originates onsite and/or�A�ei�iboring parcel. , • � Location is Qutside V4'LkI�S�ic.e . . Other(Specify): � � DATE CLQS�D; � 1 ���� By: `� v . , /r�r��, e /. i / /'.� � t"/ �. � �A��, �. 2�;06 2 : 18PM KI1G C0. WLf,.D . N0. b930 P, 14!34 iiING Cuvt��: r�qaE�.Z.A.ND LAND RESOURCF,S DYViSIU�v 11/-�'� ` DRAYNAGE INVEST�IGATION REPORT � INVESTIGATIQN REQUEST T�C -� PROBLEM: ' � RECEIVED BY: �a� Date: / OK'd b • ��` "" Fir��10. Received from: ��` ' CDaY) L�GW! (Eve) i�..—� NAA4E: 7�L,.�'��X-� � PHONE �^�e2� ADDRCSS: ���/ V 6 / / �� J„X �� Clfiy StdtE Zlp������� IACATION OF PROBLEM,1F DIF'PER8IVT: `p�p��.� ' . � u��� o Access Permission Granted � Call FiTSt (?Vould I.t�ke To Be Present) ❑ ' � ���z� �9�,0 �:��� � .��o�o.��ux� �k� • �r��`u�/ ' � �. G�.��G�l�%a�� v � c5'�/���c.�� � � u� �4� - ��Y.� � �� i r � �.� �" ��Qo � ��:�_'�� ��� " " ;� �� .- ��.����'�' . ���' � , .�2���2��' ��� �?���'� G?���/�'J�..�� GO G��C��� .�����P11 �. ��oy l���Iv" o r �OpO�!�y � � Plat name: �j���� � Lot No: Block No: Other agencies involved: No f eld iriv�tigation required I ".�� ^YN ��'w L: � V.'��, r,�h¢ f ��J^Y"�' r.c.�r'*a � .4 G .� 4" ��^""�"r�_-�. ""C ��' �I,ry:.�,.�x ,� r ��;�•}�� o�.��.� ��--i -^ — _- �� �L-� `�`� f� � -�� � �br���� y = .4,i�. U. '. �,�Y .�]w�:"�('..>..K�u .lM.w. ��'��w�.� �r ;a� Y:i'.___��.�._����`�����i. t}��2�3'���i ��,u�, �_ � r- _- - - _ -- - �� /a S T R Parcel No Kroll� Th.Bros: Nerxr ��1��c� Basin �-C� Council��istrict� Charge No. - _BESnoNSE: Citizen not�ed on __�by: phone leite'r in persan � . D�sPosiTron�: Turned to�-f'`= on �l Q� by OR Na futther aetion recommended because: Lea.d agency has been notified: Problem has been conected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation�ddresses problem: SE��'�(,1�# �� Priti�ate pibplem-I��DAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/ar on neighboring parcel. � Location is outside WLRL�Se ice Area_ Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: I����By_ � „� _ ����'w` . JA1�. �. 2l�ub 2: 18P�1 KTtiG CO3 �l���� N0, 6930 F, ?5;34 d TO:S�e Clarke,Act�g ��� Co� Fxom:Larry Gettle Senior Engineer � Senior Engneer Water and Land Resources Division Departmont oi NaWral R�eo�eee ERBZR . wetes and tand pesource Dlvlslon DrAfuage Services Section Drainage Services �`r� Mai1 Stop KSC NR 0600 [��yyr��, �['�y�a, � ;��,s������.�'� � .�w^� �t���p�p�,��y;�'�6�-� ,;�y,h-� y7'���.�4�fyC,.r' JC. �� t�' {4�.. -r,.-. ' _ � ���.Y.'�- �� 1_�'Y'.�i'� �tc.�r °' �� �.'*..�'�. ti�4.s .r _ _ i.�__ �� :"� -._,.,r_��. ' DA3,'E 11/13/00 � � * Sue: ; This is the cornplaint you called me about on T�ursday Nov. 9�'. The issue is a deveiopnient within the City of ` Renton discharging (pumping) sed"unent lader���ater of�site. I understand you will be working with Rento�and the develop,erJcontractor to eliminate pumping and having the dowr�tream system cl�aned, including our facility at Bri�r Hilis � ,,. � � �' i � � . � . I � I 4 , � SIGNELI �Ati. 5. 2GOb 2: 18PM KItiG C0. W_ �� � � �;NO, 6930 P. 16i34 � . r— I�Il�TG eOUNTY WATER�`D I:AND R�SOURC�DYVIS�ON v � �C`� �fo� v�. DRAINAGE�IN�STIGATION REPURT • � 1NVESTtGaTION REQUEST Type ��=-�� PROBLEM: �i�1✓�'lc3nl� � i � 1 � � RECEIVFA BY: � �E�'��' Date:�i���DI � OK'd bY: �i"�"F�NO. � Received from� /, ��� � �,�� � �, �Le= �i'�- � � i�i�l'� �� ; • (DaY) i�� � G � NAME: �,�1/�` ��,t�LG�d�i?• PHOrrs Z7/—��/�3 �O 8' � ' �G �G! ADDRESS: ��?� G�ty State Zip 1360� �s � ,�t! . �0 9 I � LOCATION OF PROBLEM, [F DIFFEItENT: /���{3 �S�fl� �/U v� S� \ Access,Permrssion Grar�ted � Call Fiust'(Waul3 L�ce To Bc Present) ❑ ���—�J.e� �Q�9 /��- ���d✓�`-- ��v��y- �B1�,e� -��-o �L , � i pr'r�,t�D F/� r'�''�� l �'�'i cJ/��� �a`� ��S C I,Lrj�2�l�li � f� I ��1�Pv�'!o-x��' l`NT'd sL O'/j�S'/�G= !i /9'G�,�. ; � --- I /��f - /��T'r3�'C �Q/r/L--S�/��'./��"/G� �a .e O��,/f�7�� lji/��T� I 1�2��r ��,�,��� l�- /��-,�- �� �/s� �Y . . ���-�-�d�,�. Plat nan�e: Lot I`To: Block No: —Orher agencies involved: No field investigation required �1����!.Y,il'?• . . , 't��S{' .1( . S-. �:r`.: e'.�b't� ��",'t ! � � . 1/4 S T R Parcel No,����� �`� Kroll�_ Th.Bros: New I3asin ��- Conncil F.?is�tzict� Clnarge,No. R�SPONSE: Citizen notified on _by: _� phone Ietter in person �� -�� �01 - 2-(rn� �a��l.ec� 0�1's N bta�T-. -fa ar.i:�i�srza^ �-�tZ 'r�� -SN�s ISSI�E w��� E� o�+�rP�R D"��1 pV �tp D��� �oR cofl� �Pvr r.�'t�L.� � I�TSPOSITION: Turned to on / / by OR: No further action recommended because: � Lead agency has been notified: __�_ �1�c� �i►/,��'_C.e_.�'f'��1T Problem has been corrected. Na prabl�m has b�en identified. Prior investigation addresses probletn: S�E Fn,E# � Fcivate pjoblem -NDAP wi11 not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or or�neig;�boring parcel_ ` Location is outside�VL Se ice Area. Other(Specify}: n�TE cLosEn: r i 2G, a/ ay, _���. dJ o-.� ,.� n.,.�- ��ati. ;. 2006 2: 19 pM K�ti�G CC. w�RD ,,` . . . N0. b93r ;�Y P, �7;'34 . . : . � ' � , , . ., , , . � ,�. ; ; -_ - �=-:�. � KI NG COUNT . �n� � . . . , . �xorrE: az�-zyi�z3 KROLL PAGE:Sl l TH.BROTH: 6 , I DRAINAGE I�iVESTIGAT�ON R�PORT �T,DTVIgiON.�L DATE:O1-12. '� I FIELD INVESTI ON GATT I�- 9 INIT7ALS:MA.G , � -- Visited site on O 1-12-01.�ivestock was present at that tur�e.There is no visible vegetation�the fenced area where t�e � �,<kept• . Also noted equipment tra.du tbrou�out the area and fencing materials stscked iasid,e feinced area.Runoff from the op�r�-� r:;_�;�r�g � the open roadsids ditches causing visible turbidity in�he�m�iate area and down stream. Thete was pbst enforcem�ra. ,;,.� � coAducted m t3�e summer monti�of 2000,at that time»o violation was deteanined. I spoke with La�ie Clmton oII O 1 W� - � �, t�s i, site and showed her photographs of the current situati�n.She said.with ao v a�etation this would be a confinemefft area'n ^ e. I Laurie sttggested this go to waber quality f�rst;afttr a n,afed��iolation we coutd enforca�a LiveStock Mans.gemetlt Ord"'r � ` tvpuid I, requiro the properiy o,wner to set up a fazm plan and follow the Tequirs,�ne�ts outlined by the Livestock Management Or � . . �� ��'. • � . . ����5}�rt. . � � )������, . +�5^�r,t'^. ,•r.• . <� . I l � hJ� �'r.. 13405 � �'�: , :.' . �. :,,�..: � ? TTTS y�t . .;�� t � f�Y F^,�. l f � , - <';k" ,•: ' !'�� ~ T !�°r'� .?• . _. � � 13404 �. . ' � : � � t '�+ �l Y-v� �t f� ' ••• • • '~1 � �� r • �• ►� � � � � . � . �� ,t � . : ; � , � - . �~`� � � 13414 . ' . � f� � � � ` Residence � � . f y � 13511 � � 13422 7 , . .- 13527 4 � r.,.."`--, `y_,. -� � � �r. . � ,.---� , -�. - ��'---�.� SE 136Lh St . JAti. 5. 2CC6 2: 19FM —KI�JG C0. IN�K) N0. 69?0 P. 1E/34� � KING�OUNTY WATER AND L�D ESO�tCES DIVISION U �� 4 DR.AINAG � INV'ESTIGAT�O�T REPORT x�Gn�orr�vEsr TypE �C TZ PROBLEM: R ATS I N � d�-n ` RECEIvED BY' ��� F.�L1Cr Date• �/V�d 1 OK'd by�� FILENo �°n' �L'-• ReceiVed from: • ; (Day) (�'Z�) (Eve) �,� NAME: K�1� ��RYL��- � PHONE ^ 3 67 ADDRESS; ���� � �� ��/ "'�" �L City "v State Zip LOCATION OF PCtOBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: t�� Q 5 '�"y ,}� �� ��� r i _Access Permission Gra3�ited � Call First (Would L�7ce To Se Present) a t ry S�0� �� �� ��ti�lb� , � �� r►,e,� I�io��c� ��,� b��.., r�,��� �-� ��e�,�. ..1 � ' }� ' d� �� � � ��7�"''�Gf.G�' G� 1�1.�-� `�l� � t� , f+� `�-In� �� � � �d o�D �. � �-�- l-�v�� --���- -��, � �� �s h � .s � 1 ,r � ��Cti C��'e � �'�1 T.� � �.� `�1uv�e. � �. r �,`����rn � !'� � ,, J / , �, / ! Ir ��'' UZ2 T�+� � 4.S' ,�`��� � S)� �.. a V � Ut c� ��,v� 17 �-�-� ��� �,►�e"�," w`� � sc'�'�'�,'-� � I.b✓� 1Z�G6 /L�rQ 3 t9�-.S� r�.�v� � Plat nFune: �rl,a`� `� ��� �-S �`�� ��9 ��l �� Lat No: Block No: ' Other agencies invoh�ed: No field in��estigation required y�� `�,�� ,.a:�i.. v�'�4.ta� :"��+W?�„a���F'.CC1�F����`-1 j"�+��' y_q�;7' �?��.�T�1 tiig.�t�.'k. ,aa �i��r:`*�".�}�*rr,��'��r`'t�.Y�� s,.�,.e e���;w� �Jw � �� �j -- -'=--�=-- � �-�---�" S lf I/4 S T R Parcel No. / � 7?ia�"�.�Kroll ��� � TIi.Bros: New�s� � Basin LL�" Council D'strict Chazge No. M / ' REs�o�vSE: Citizen notified on ( �-q � � • ����b : V phone letter in person _���.a��� ��o�.� � :�,� � �g jo r ,�:�� � �rb N��a �+�-r -� f�ivi�-'� �►t�.- ,�i.���► � ��►� t�� � �� a�' f�"s� ��+ ��rr+� t��r��r t+�S-r��-i- _ �"� �.co � �aC�°y < < �t `T/�'�- '�'P�- yl� 'L� b�t 1 N '��i ',c'`�'►'�� "'� ��t7 �3� ,.�N-i� W� CLG�S+'r�-� f�fi S �'�Pt�'+i�� . Dtspos�Tyoy: Turned to on / / by, OR: No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: __ Proble�n has been corrected. I�To problem has been�identified. Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE�'ILE# Private problerri -NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite ar�d/or on naighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Se 'c Area. Other(Specify): AAT� CLOSED: �/ 7 ,Ol $y- ����� ' .iA�. ;. 2006 2: 20F'M KING CO3 WLY� . . , . N0. 6930 P. 19/34� _ -.��__�____,. Complaint No. O 1-0041 Name:Kea Taylor � I Inspected By: Vitgil Pacampara • Date:January 25,2001 I DETAIIS OF INVES7TGATION ` I I went to the site of rhe probl�m an 1/25/0� AT 3:00 PM.The weather was fair and s�n,y.I spoke with Mr.K.en Taylor regarding his concem n�i neighborhood feeding the ducks reg�.arly,7.$e bread and food � they are leaving for the ducks has attracte�ras.He has mquired if tlnere is an inteipretive sign available to deter the problem. I walked arouad the facility of Briar Hzlls�#4(D90515) which is the site of the complaint.I saw almost 60 number of ducks wading at the pond.I did not see sny significant duck/bird food aro�md the area and I did not see rats around the facility duzin�tbe imspection..I asloed with Mr.Saylor about seeing any rats in , the area and his response was"That He did not see any rats.His neighbor(Gaerzke)told him that there � was rats in the area,Tt,at the Gaetzke has put some rat poison an their property and that tlie Gaetzke own dog died of food poisoning.Mr.Ta�•lor added that The C3�etzke and passer bye always faed the ducks. — That they feed them with corm and grains. � I went to the Gaetzke home(no body h�me)and I left a yellow card at the door to inquire more I informa.tioa about the rats.I went alsq ta house #14005 no body home.I also went at house No.# 13912. Y was able to spoke to the homeowner and she tald me that she did not see any rats in the area and added that she notice the Gaetzke who fee3 the ducks. � I went to the pai.nt shop befare going to the site a�d s�soke with Gedarge Dudley regarding a s�iga about "NO FEEDING OF AUCKS ". He to�d me t1�.at they have sign for that reason and usually fliey install-it in a Co�ty parks.He added that this raay br the firsE time it will be installed to R/D Pond. SEE FACII,TTY SKE'TC�I � r �lA�+. 5. 20Q6 2: 20PM K1NG C0. W�FD ,. N0. 6930 P�/�� �vc CuuN��Y wA�•E�t�I:aND REsointcEs D�si�r► �- � DRAINAGE INVES'�IGATION REPORT . 'nGAr[�N REQU�sr Type �( PROBLEM: �.��I � , RECE[vED BY: Uate; � OK'd b : ��`'"� Fa,E No Received from: ��,�- � �aY) �� �Eve) ��� . ... NAME: � l �D PIiQNE ��} �!f_„T ApDRESS:,���,� �'/ / b /./� _��� City StateG�Zip 9�� � LOCATION OF PROBLEM=IF DffFER�NT: /�;/,(�f`)�f" �1������� ' < � G�. _ r- - - 1 Access Permissiotc Granted � Call F��l (Wanld T.ike To Be Prasent) � - � " �p - a..� � c���i�o ���-���� � ✓���c2'�-c�:���. �C�- .,��� � Q� ��,��' - j> � ��� G�l z�. �1.��°� ���2����� � �� J �� �� �/��'uD G� ��'�` ���D.�������� - �����"`��l s��� �� r�s � 5 D� ��J���� �s�.� �� > � . �G��� �9 � Plat name: �� -�� Lot No: Block No: Other�gencies �nvolved- � Nc f eId ?n����ti�ation required �`n�f x�..y� ,y.n.�.y+>�. .y..�4^L vy;��,, `t�''k 'w-_�_�+�wr--- _4t y}+� !fiT' �3 ����� '�b �r3�' ���r�'j'�4`.M1��kk: ,y}�,� h S.:' ,`S���1 �'� .r.� U' � 1 T� )�.[.l � r: % u� i,.,� �,,���y t",�{�.,A �.l.�iPe'���.V',.. xi'"...;;r���1.��SL}���6��u� rFr?�� - _ _ �_��M� _ � L.1�=��k`��5���*+^1�"'�'�t�+l`��.rtl:c�7".G"'A..11 - .�Oes� _ .._ ___. ._ . ..___. i� �-.�le� �� —��.�_ - �� — %a s T R Pazcel No./�f ��� Kzoll �f Th.�3ros: Ncw � � Basin��� Councx District J� Charge No. ' RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 5 Z a 1 by: � phone letter m person V�� s�li.-C U S � '�-a � Ge *��+� !/� (o /sf 6 1 i L�� �f�� S� 5ts-y J�h� G.3 a✓'l L � � $C.�v`e-�-t/� ✓ � 1)ISPOSITION: Turned to on / i by OR: No further acrion recommended becaase: _.p Ixad agency has been notifted: ��.R�S r V V���.3't - ��'�c.�t— d �� Problem has been corrected. No prob�em has been identified. � Prior investigation addresses problem: s��c�r�,E� 2 a o � _ o 0 9' � _^ Private probiem -NDAP will not consider beLause; Water originntes onsite and/or on neighboring parcei. � Other(Specify): DATE CLOSEb: �/0� $y; ----�G'f!`, � �"l � S"' ? � / --. �nN. �. 200b– 2• 2QPM.-,,�Ki�ic_ca w���� _-="`"�=_ `._-_ --_ _.�_._ _w�..;�Na 693o�P. 21/34 . — , Lacal�' Drainage Serr•ices ' R��identi�i: R�D Work Authori��tion � {�enance Dirisiun: 4- 'fho�as $ros 19ap: 65�A� 8A i '�573t? Fa�ilitY t: J5Cti�7E'iG , P�nd Briai Hfl_s =1 5tr-�et A�dre�s: y 4995 �E 142n� St . �rirec�ions: F�tOM` SE 1?�TH ST; T�k;E 1�-4TH AVE SE. GO SQUTH, TURN i..EC-'?' Dt�dTO �E 1,4�I�D _�T., ROND .ON FlIGH�?' gEt-��iNL� H�U�E �s 1�¢2C2_ 1�•rSrTH f'L Sk, AS WELL .�S AT i HF It�iTER5EGTIaN OF 1�r7�-i FL S� & E,E 1�ZND 3T. � Cbetked ot �'22;'J1 b�� Virail Racae�a,a �� �adio �: 5I4 Cba.a� tG Qreject t: 4E1475 F:sheries: (d , 5pe�iei E�uipaer.t: . i �al�U No:es;"aaaer�ts: Notes: R�av� the pile of yard YastA and tcnrre�a r�thbi�s du��ed at tfie s..�tAae�t c�rner af the facility aa� dispese aE #.oat I �ite. !esti�t�c tot�i v�lu�e is E.D cubi� vard�i Roa�s Drv. aa��s: ' ;a�it � Y�LF: At�cal Na��rial Ka�eri�! � CadelTvoe �.�its I��,rk Re uest� � � � = it o - - _. Q Co�lete� .t�it. 3n. .le�ed Exca�a#ea �'� �----r----,--�—�---- -- ----�-:_.._ i ��?^2 �.a.Fa�, : f�iE63�,e sedi�e�; in ��ntrol s�*uctar� !"SiCB?;, lrtFsO) � ���� �--�•;----- ' r a I� �t�.k l�a�fac. J iV��ter is pipi;,g th��ough 1alE� ir: tb� �:�;beri. ?his hele � � �aea�e ���t 6e repairE�. l;..u' aert�a�st af C310E.fi ! � • � �fref4n01 , � � . i } � -�. "—� � f M15 lEath �1 �P,eocve ae+�iient Fr�� the Eo::�ring :atc�: h�sin{s! �nd i � dispose in e�cQrdance �aith appiecsh�e kFaulations; �8-20 ± � � � . � �� (ret21C�1 - - � I�r �a,Fac. �i +Ferfor� the roli4ring eai�tenancelr�,�3r �ork: �e�uove � , I � �itras� and debiis from pGnd �rea. Re:PFiI �V37e 3BZz5 Gtl �5� � � � � ` � laad ��sF pand 51o4es, irefb8ii � � � I i � � — -- — — �.1..._� �-- ��.--T— � , ' �� �'•��'��s..�.�..�� �_ _ � � �:��=�1 k. Hu�khc�r i•� tl• � � � /Il I n ,;,-�� �#/�� �i a�L: � wyo:;���. C:�m�ic t eci —_____�/� -- s�1 Fr:.grae i+ersi��; Febr�ary 2e, 1993 � , / �.�`s'�' - � � --V� �-f f rf f�1� t..i.� � .�`� {Nv _ . _ � � . �,�, y�y �C G�—`'�.�- c.-� G►v�' ����. �� _�ati. �. 2006 2: 21�I��CK i hvG CC. �:��.ERAND LAND RESOURCES DIVISxtN,�: 6930 P. 22/34 Y • � D��vAG� Iiv�s IT GA�.TiON REPORT " n � II�NESTTGATION REQUEST T`y'Pe �`; PROBLBM; V � iy RECEIVED BY: • Date: � OK'd : 1�LE NO. 20�1 - Received from: - e (D�Y) (Eve) �� NAn�: ,�I�D �or� `- ADDRESS; 1`7 g cZ.� r�� ����'l� �G City State �i� Zip LOCATtON OF PROSLEM,IF DIFFERENI': �i,/�/�� /(�� PG ..� � c —�� Access Permission Granted ❑ Call.�rst�{�ou1d L�ce To Be Preseat) ❑ - � � �`�/ f r , , [ Plat name: ��b��� R� ���(,��K Lot No: Biock No: Other agencies involved: No field in.vestigation required , n��T, Y�� ;� "'�?.�+"�t�'.Err�' � —._— • � /a S T R ParcelNo,��Q�D���C� Kroll��_ Th_Bros: New RDP Basin /�� CounciI District_ " ��- Charge No. � RESPONSE: Citizen notified on 1� a'� �j � .�..by: �pl�one letter in person ���� G'4�{'C�g1� L� �p � ��� �-�D WIt.L '�'�� �2l.iJt�.K� Dts�os�TtoN: Turned to�on �/ by OR No fwrther action recommended because: Lead agency has been notified: `_ Problem has been conrected. No problem has been identified. Prior investigation addresses prablem: ' • SEE FILI4# Private problem -NDAP wili not consider b:cause: Water originates onsite and/or on neighbor[t1g parcel_ Other(Specify): DATE CLOSED: I4/ ZZ�oZ- gy; � ,s��G�,� (oO�C.���� � �a�. 5. 2CG6 2:2?FM, K�NG Cn. W!�C ,:J ,- :, . N0. 6930 P. 23/34 � �"" �' �-�---- �--•-•--- � - � .r.._'� ..�.�� -- -------=:��.�:.�:�.�.�,_...�_._._.,,__... . ' - -'.�' �—. —� sr�Tcx o�Zoo�-osos � ��� �� Ir..._.-------_..�._.__..._.. _._.._.._..__._.._.. N � � ' DNTS , � � � I i �8� ��e��$S �� SE 13 'a St � � ����� ��� tf I I ' Newly construcbad I t � D�amage�ac�.i�9 � � ► � � 136� f C�tiy ofRenton Juris�tion o � — -- ._ ..�..�..__....�. .� .. .,..,.�.. ,. .�� � Y�C Ptaxrtp I)ischaige Paaat ��� ";�.R.,�..P�� ���� � Ini�i (withIIashrac�cl __�� __..�.__,.�.._______.�.----------_..—•---------- t 148'�`PI�5E. CB, 38�PL. Taploz ' Sce�cility � °��� ' . �cetch for � �� i CB-� , D90515,water ' �� ' � . ierel was Ligb, D90698 _h 142� ��;��'' OutFa11 _;:;:;_ _ • � K #1421 To the iai►iae and Lower Cedar River � � : � � • _�ay, 5. 2006 2: 21FM KitiG C0. `�'L�D, , N0. 6930 P. 24!34 . .__ . . ___. .__ ---�-�---- . --... .� -- - --.-_._..�._...___. ._--�---.---- ._ .. . .. ... .. � TO:Brian Sleigh�Acting � Fyrom:I.arry Gettle Senior�ngineer Engineer III Water agd Land Resources Dfvisian �R � Drainage 5en�lces Scetiot� . Swrmwater Services Ma�l Stop KSC NR 0600 , �� �+u� X,�$��,����'..Y�{�5������zY f . y �- _ +Y T Yl�r.c '�I �� t S' i��. L. ���� �-�e a,y.w��-�. 'a.� ,-n�g• _y '�?��h cF�f����_��_. . .--s' q�,`_�� � DATE 12/z4/01 I � � T1us complaint concerns roadway and private p�operiy f�ooding, _. Complainant resides in the plat of Briaz Hills Di�4, Across{west) 149�Place SE is flow control faciiity D90515. According to the coznplainant this pond overflowed aud water ponded in the street and possibly flowed i.nto complainant's crawl space. , � O�zr investigation and research revealed a sitgnificant history of drainage problems associated with the flow control 'i ' facilities in these developmer�ts. We have coniplFted a redesign/retro-fit(Ko�v�.cich)of facility D90698 which is ', loc�ated downstream of the cr 1plai,nant. The znvestigation also reveale� - �w development norEh of the ' complainant. This develop� ;nt is withia the(,�ty of�enton, It appears tiom site investi�ation that a significant amount of flo�v is being duocted southerly toward the facility D9051 S. The flow fx-om the north,including the new �evelopment area is controlled by the orifice i�.D9G5?s�. SIGTrED � • .�ati. 5. 2�06 2: 22PM KiNG C0. W��D _ N0, 6930 P. 25/34 ! t � , . — • �- ... , _ � �atenance Dirisioni 4 TAaeas Bros llap: 657A3 i#� � Wib833 f�tility ss D90515 ' � - • e� Paed 8riar Hills��4 £tre+�t Addre�so 140�5 149th P1 �E z Uir�c�ions: 1=ROM SE 1�81'H �7; 7�l�E 1�41'H ��E SE. 00 SO(.iTH. TURN L.EFT ONTO �E 142NI} ST. TURN LEFT ��NTO 14�?Tb�{ PL SE. THE POND IS DN THE LEFT AT HOUB� st .L4��5. ' Chected �n 3lG610� �y Vicg11 Pa�d��aT3 E�i.o t: 51�r Chazge to Proje�t t: D94515 Fish�riegt N + ypecl�l �quip+�ent: � ��n �t�5rc���z�t�: !. Re�ove #hz 5raken �onrrete slab frae inside oF [B-2 �nd �€3poszd af �raa sitt. �. Tri• the #ree or�t[che�(li�hs bt ihe t[ac� f�r easy accef araund tfie por+�. 3. Ra�a+f the trash rack at tF�e ovtlet (GB-� ta pa►dl. 4. For �a�iao s�hedal�. Raads Div. Nat�s: • ��nit = � � Da�e Art�l Materi�l MaEerial C e T�e Onits �ark Request� Corpl.eted t)nit5 Iqit Flated Excavated 4�62 Ea,F�c. 1 zAee�ve �edie�nt in contral structare �SJ�-1. 4refifll M06 tia.F4. 35 tRe�aYe trrshldaDrf. fra� Gonae�nc� pi,petsf betve$n: RQND - GSI��I 4reE3lO) Y�� Ea.faC. 1 ��ha trash tads or+ the'�rtd�e�pipet5l :�2 - PO�a are � � ��� aad �ast 6e �eplaced or�paired. fipe di�fettr i5 � 3Qinehes. 4t�„_l�• �-�''�" tt� � the inl�tfuutlet pf�e w 5t have Er�6 ratk{53 �� �e na�es. (ref4021 �e..--�� u.�.P.� t��S$�3 �/l'1 G�� L• �-�`7� fL�C.� . worY. Author a�ed: ' Date;�� . �- - �� - � �/ Work Completed : Date� � Proyr u Versioa:�Fe�rauy 2Z, 1993 . � ' . . - •� . . �Ati, 5, 2COb 2.22FM KING CO3 w��D N0. 6930 P. 2b/34 . � , � . . .. .z� . �nt�n�n�e Diwi�iaht 4 T�o�zi Bras M�p: b�T�3 �il � Wi6833 fa�ility sc D9Q515 - e; Pnnd .Briar Ni113 t4 ' Stre�� Addre��o 140U5 149th �1 SE I?irection�� FROfN SE i2ATH 5T, TAKE 144i'H AVE SE. G� �Ol]TH. TURN LEFT ONTO SE 142ND S7. TURN LEFT ONTO �49TH PL SE, THE POND �S DN THE LEFT A7 HOUSE # ,� 140U�. ;; —v Cnacked nn 3l06/82 hy Virgil P:caapar� '` Rzdio ��,514 I�arge ta Prajezt t: DS0515 Fisheriess � 5peci�l fquip�enta � 4r1A0 Na�E51C6��ente; . 1. ReNave the bro��a cnncrete sla6 fro� insid$ ut GB-� 8ftE d1�i�QSL+t� 4E ��Oi 31fg. �. Trli th8 t�Qe btaRChg�/li�hS at ih� tr�tt #ar ezsy atces araund tf�e pond. 3. Reiove the trash rack �# the vatlet tC�-2 ta p�ondl. 4; Fcr io�iag stAedule. Roadd tiiv. Kote3: nit t - � . Datp Act�al .Naterial Nateiial T�ry� Unitc Yark.R�qu��t� Ca�leted tl�i#s Init Riazed EKca�ated �i62 Ea.f�c. 1 lA4�DYB EE�I;lilt in cantrol struciure [S/CB-1. trefi0f 4 Lis.Ft. 35 �RA�ove trish/debrfs fr� ��+reYan�� pipe�sl betr�ep� �fliD � - 1�tRB1 lrQfg101 � � i123 Fa.Fu. i �'f!►p Ertth ruks oa th ipetsl L`62 - P� are I , �uQ irtd iust @e IiCBA 01' aired. Pipe dia�t�t is � $Qinches. h411 fis �Alat/autlet pipe iuet ��ve t�a��. ra�t(s} ���t�#� at� �►ter. ireE402) ��.-�� wt.P.,y� N�S�3 � �/►� ���� � L � f��C.� - � � �.. Wor�. Authori�ed• Dater � ,.�,�.,. � �„�.. ,� . . Wark Comple-��d �z � D�t�s Pra�tu Yer�ion� Fe6ruur 22, 1493 - . , �., � ti � � �{/1� � ' � , ��`I. ��pP�, ;, 2C06 2: 22PM KING C0. 'NIRr, . . N0. 6930 P. 27/34 � -�.►�i�C.,��.�r ,.��`�R�'��N'D RF.SOURCES I31V,�S�di�I 1 f �—"' . D�AINAGE Il�"ESTIGATION.�.EPdRT �1 n�rvEsncancN 12�QussT � Type ���-- � PttQaLEhr: /V��11JT• .D REC�NED BY: �A�� �'� � `Date: � � �Z OK'd b ��F�L�No. '� Received &om: � - / � ' �aY) �1 (Eve) �-.�� NA�: ��-. w� � P�o� Z3 s - y� � 9 ADDRESS; ����� I�7 Yiy �� �� City ���� State v"�Zip /u�S� IACATiQU OP PROBLEM,IF DIFFF.REN'T: l'7 5�1 � . j���� �'T ---�-� ! � Access Fermission Grastted Q C�cl1,F�`st(Wozild Lik�To Be Preseat) ❑ �'� �aN � , � !� !.,► i�C,k lr� �S�' .J N� ���r� � �M F�r��� � c�o�►-�►c�3 V� fL�3 - �� � ��� J'QB9`J'r (w{'�S� �/1� ���� . (!{{�c�� porsQ 3'a�¢- ,,fcg�5 R��v�.,I� L — - g � . , J Y �0�5 T�t 2 �-4- `^"o�J�- C�� G�) S��.T-e 4� !�l l� � � � � ���,1� � Plat name: �yu�� �,,�� �� ,�� jj �� Lot No: Block No: Other a encies involved: No field inves ' ation re uired � - .,, �t'�o�c.mi�ir�a;��an��. ���+%�c,�r?�,�',�i�a�wi:s�;�c�i�� � � , � �� � �_ �/a S �' R Parcel No.�r����Q Kroll `�� Th.Bros: New - RDP Basin�"G� Council D;stnct Charge No. . R�sron�s.e: Citizer�notified on a 7 O�- ��'-�S y: �_ p$one __letter� in person �.t��n1�'�� pN�1�t's �P�'Y�s►��t+�(�i f„�t,i��11� .dNn l�R/�p `T�M `t1�- ►�vy►7� �(- m.� � � � �t- t !�-t.�p� ��s�� �' `i�� t�� �-�,� �� BtSPOSTTTON: Turned to on / i _'b�� OR; No further action recomtri�ended because: Lead agency has been notified:_ __ _ � Problem,has been corrected. No problem b�been identifed. Prior investigarion addresses problem� S�L�F11.E# __� Private probletn -NDAP wi13 not consider bec.ause: WaCer originates onsite and�fot on nei�hboring parcel. ---"�� Other(Specify): DATE CLOS�D: �a / Z / �' By_ ��`�" � � ^ ��c.�� CrJ��-�G`t��-� rv ,;��r;���H�v, ��. 1U;.�6� 1 22NP��,�,�KING CO3 44i RD-- - ..--�- NQ. b930AP,� 28/34� ' - FILB NO_: 2002-Q6Z9 • � Ki l�iG 'COUN'1"Y N�:�`'�.� � AI�DRESS: I�202149 PI�SE,Renton, 98059 � , PHOI�IE; (425)Z35-91�9 DR.AINAGE IN'VESTIGATION REPORT 7A'I'�4F INVESTIGATION: 9-13-02 FIELD INVESTIGA�'ION ���GATED BY:Vir�il Pacampara I weot to th�residence of Mr. Whrte to investigate ciie complaint about debris in the pond and concam abotrt Wesc Nile vuus. � �he facility is Briar Hills#1 (D90669).I waiked amund t�e retentian(dete�tion pond and noticed the fo[towmg; a} Ther,e was no water at the pond during the investigatian.T6e bottam is dry End moist b) I did not nociced any mosquito during the invest�garion. c) There are some water plants at the pond. d} Needs to mow and/or hand brush the overgrown vegetation aad alders in and az�und the pond and trac� . e) Cut and/or removed the overgrown cat tails at ttie pond. fl Needs to remove the bicycle from the bottom of the pond and somc debris. � g} The north and northeast side slopes of tho pond is eroding/slonghmg and needs to restore the side slope of Lhe pond.�Need aLso to re- seed the disturbed area snd baze areas. ' h) There are signage installed alona the north sido of t3ie tr'act,the"No Duimping''snd"Scoop Law". � ' -, I went to the residence of Mr.White,no body was hcsme during the`��testigation and the main gate was locked.I attempted to call him in the following days snd left a message at his answeri��machme,. . ; �Ah'. 5. 2C�6 2: 23�M K'hYG C0. WL�) h0. 6930 P. 29/34 �� _ t�t��c� c 4a-�x p� �� r -r- I � � � � i i ' � , • ,��0 ��� • � . �1, ' � � ��-[Z�` ;J • -- �__-.�,. � �' � i � =- `- � �� "�'`-3° � `_ . - . ,. � � �� _ . ;. �' �� :�.t�.: � � . � �. � . . � �- � � . _ � � . , _ � . � . , � . � . . . r� � d. � -- - � �,��{ . -� ., ' ~ �, . � . �.-�S� . � � . ✓ � - _ , �.N vy � �, � � � � $ �� ° W � � � Jr ' . 1 � � p � (7 � �. � � • � � -� � _. � � �� � i � ��ti. 5. ZCC6 2: 23PM KING C0. WL�� N0. 6930 P. 30/34 '� "- �� ,.,� KuvG Covrrr�W�.�i�Arr.o�.a�m REsorntc�s Divrsrox � � {��..,_„ ' �ZI�j DRAINAG� INV�STIGATIUN REPORT " n�rvEsnGariorr R.EQuEsr Typ� �G�- PROBLEM: �G �d�'b ptJ S i'�� � �� � �� CSIVED BY: � �1N r•o cx�- D�, 2�� �3 OK'd by� �II.�No. �d�3 - �� Received from: �G,7 d-T� � �G v IL- �EN �aY) LZS� (Eve) � �. NAhiE: /9 � PHONE Z J �-"��C � � aDDr�ss: f�-�2a 139y�. �(. s.�.� cin� s�te z� P � LOCATION OF PROBLEM,IF DTF�ERENT: )>//�/',� /�1��,� �� ���- 6 7 vv Access Permission Granted ❑ CaU FirSi�{�Quid LikP To Be Rraseatt) ❑ . l� ,"�-�� ��s�� (�lzi.C3 � 4 d �- ' �y � L�/ V � , . � ✓ r � .������/� . , ,�o C'i � ��', Plat nam.e: ��Ll./�� t�Y 1 1�Z S �`T �.,�9� ��� r,ot No: Block No: Other encies involved: No field investi ation uired � � '��." '�b�a,�.'�'v�..����:�i►�c���j�,d�i��,�;� '::��;��,' '".;.:w�� �. . , . . � _'_'_ y.�,. Mw� �.w�.M�w'..1 /a S � T R Parcel No. �j��c�� T�oll l 6� Th.Bros: New � RDP Basin L�-- Cotmcil District�_ C�ty Charg�No. RE�Po1usE: Citizen notified on _ by: phoae letter in�person DbSPpSITION: Turned to on / / . by pR: No fiuthcr action recommended because: , �Lead agency has been not�$ed.:_� oh��j}y,,'�'j; �(��'/f�'� o FS Problem has been coirected_ No problein has been identified. Prior investigation addresses problem- S��Fu.�# _____ Prn�ate problem-NDAP will not consider because: : Water ong,j�,�es onsite ancl/or on neighboring parcet. r��r�J /� . _ Other(Specify); DATE CLOSED: / �� By: t,�Z�7��S �a,N, ;. ZOOb 2: 23°M Ki�G CG. �'�k� , N0. 6930 P. 31/34 � Citizen A�tion Request ,Q„9�, Requcst No:� � - �^ begartm�nt of Re usst Date� `����_, 2003 Transpartaiion Q � ❑a.►�. � T'sme .rn, � � Request taken via l one ❑Radio C E-msil/Letter� � �y,� � ew Fax �y �`f-r � Caller Name �i Day Phone � � * �- �� --� Last ' Firs[ �th2�( � GallerAddress��� �_���% � 1� `�.-� ��'.i��- Problem Location " Request Details Street Name nd Croae Slreet or�andmerk , �� �e uest'`orw ded to: ��� ,�a,m, IPU �DIV Dispatched to � Time Ref'd�:�_�p.m. Above this I(ne fo fflce Use Below ihis llne for Fleid Use lnitial Investigation by �� �/Q s-rgso� _ Req.Type� investigation Date 1 � �� , 2003 Findings/Action Taken G4 f�.-f ,�?� � � C �S��°� t�r��.! .fJar 7,k/Iv �f����� �G�7'�C1�� � a �9 G �s.;irf. I�ar�� r„t t.. ' G p�✓s�►�+•c � J "� �[� � ..s e� � �„� GsJ�. c•� O '� � c � a ac✓ r'D +v Task Completed.!�lo b� Ref�r'd to_�; RPU _�� Wark Scheduled j ��c� 15� Task Code Other PU Lr agency ' * Month/rask Responding Pit -� o `� � _, Date Ref'd � , 200_ Second Invest_ by Date Recv'd , 200 Action Taken�;�,..��. L''�.�.�4J..� � �� . ��t�Lr;,�,��_ . �--`----� �—�----��—���--�� -�—r—��a: C�NTACT LOG ��6 Task Completed � �equest Type '� Date Closed � ' � � , 200 3 t�4otle Oate Time mment��d 5v W'Aom .� G�(J 'r /� �' e�L . '� s r l�r+� _1`f ow t r.� �a� ' /� ��' !C t C a7/�r / (E)Emai� p)�n person (N)Ha�e[Iett.�J lu�unable to eor�acr (t�1/ofce rual! 7�rpe ot Hequest Choices ,=,. Abandoned/Com'I Vehic(e G. GuardrailJFence 4arnaga M. lllegal Use of R/W S. Street MainUSweep B. Utility►nspection H. Spil1 Cleanup(Gene;al) N. Shoutder Nlainlenance T. TrashlLitter on R/w C ContracJOverlay issues 1. I�quiriss AE;M�int.Hctivities 0. Misc.Requssts U. Snow/Ice ❑. Drainage J. Spray Appiication P. Pothde V. Water on Road/Flooding c. [�abris ar Haaard on Roadway K. Washout RepairlSlid6i�emoval Q. Sidewalk/Curb.Mdini, W.L.id N'iissing(C/B,Util.) F. �!ooding Proper,y L. Vegetation Contfol(Maw,i3rush,etc., �i. Reaair Sueet/Paving X. Ditching C:217(Rev.72/02) whlte CoPY(Closu�e) Csnary Cupp(F.1� Pink['aev r.S��n,t�,���.,+ e.��---�••.._..... _ Y. B�iAne fcei iec „r.�n�. �. Zo��6_ 1 24P� .� , KiP,G CQ. �'�� „ . , , . . . , N0. 6930 P, 32/34 . 'T T 1• . . . 1. ? �� �Dep�rtment of}1atu��l Rssource• TRA(T FARCELit wat�r and Land Reseuros DMsbn • 4 �� hiA�T1TFdYANCE DIV.4 • S'IR SW 34235 LOCAL DRAII�iAGE SERVICES UNR' �'�' � COI1N(xL D15T.12 TYI'E POND �OLL BliW SP�CIAI,USE PERMIT � ��OFCPTF.D fAi 1997 BY Sl'EVE�ULSY TNVF•RTOR'Y DATE 1 21AS �� � NO MOW O ' MOW � � ' � SPECIAL MOW _ � � 149'� PL S� � SE 139�PL � CBls� 30"CMP CB#2 LF30�� � ' I.E 3Ci.0 A ON EX.84 OF 30' 90TI'QM OF PON7�EL.Fu 360.5 wCCESS • GATE . !.H 361.0 CSJ I 30” 35 LF 30"CMP CB#3 — EMERG�NCX CI�AINLINK FENCF 4' ��Hry, y, ZUUb 1: 'l4�'M KING CO3 WL�� N0. 6930 P. 33/34, � =� KIl�TG COUNTY W.�iTE�t AND�:,AlYD RESOURCES DIVISYON �r� �.y � DRAINAG�INV�STIGATION RE�ORT IN�ESIZGATION 1Z�QUEST ,� Type �� PROBLEM:_ �/L�s-t n�A�C_� � I�ECEIVED BY: � ���—Tr��_ Date• l� � f�03 ox'd bv� FII,E No. 2��3 -�/�Y S Received from: ��� � , (Day) ZS (Eve) .�� ' N�: �'��3 T�ftYLO ;�_ PHorr� _Z3�-�.3b 7 ADDRESS: / ¢'��� S� I� �ff ��- �i�r ���dr✓ Ste.tE�✓� ZlP�0�� LOCATfON OF PR08Z.EM,ff DIFFERENT: . .4 . Access Perntission Granted ❑ Cal�F�rsi (Wou1d L�1ce To Be��esent) ❑ � lf/a�l �r7/�--Z d�i�vx/�-j c..J�r�`,.✓ ��-/ v; ��•'�-��• �pj°�'"`'� � �-\-��7s�r ��. �.�-r'o �o.v��iP os c� Z� ��� -D�„��-��- - � �s , j�� � s ' %�QaJQe�►�c c y /�i�,y, ��"�� I ,�f��< <�� B'�v ��s'�' . �"� j� /-�9��- �.v� �i/���--- � p �r v� � �c�✓ ,�l/�� /'��c�r- . / f'd�9, /I�o �'L�✓� c.�7�.s r---- � : � � zf��� ��--7jc2.���sx� r . . , i I . I Plat name: j�(�}�l�" �,,��� � Lot No:, Block No: v i �yZ�V Other encies involved� No �eld inv�sti ation re uired ' •' ;.l.�'rf'���il'���":`.:�I}:8���"�A4^.N����'.�i�°'�'�.'*,'�"��t '� ,,.a���a.k.�+�a`�s�h�q��,�,�,�, ,;i: / *CC�7^ t �� 1/a S T R Parcel No.l��� d �roll�� Th.Bros; New �tDP Basin,� Council District,�� City_ Charge No. _RLSPONSEr Crtxzen notified on 1 t t h�y: vw phOne u_letter, in pets0n �yS�OcTrts�.ou� �¢o �a ��� � • � 5� �.,u,,� S � r- t� � ,s�, c F r �- p ���:�'- `� AISPOSITION: Turued to on / / by OR: No fiuther action recommended bacause: Lead agenc_y has been notified: _ -- �� � ____ Problem has been corrected. No groblem has been identified, Prior inves�igafiom addre�ses prublem: SEE FILE# ,�Private problem-NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite analo on eig�b�rin�pax�cel. Other(Specify : DATE CLOS�D: �� f� l0� By: � �0��`� ���W��� ` � �,� ���r`� - �,;Y..:�:}s•.�AV'. , :. 2C06>� 2 24FM..�.�.;y�KING C0. 4V�k����;��:..,�;�;v,�,�,.��:�:,�;,�, ' .•4t...� , N0, 6930,� P. 34/34 �> , ,��c.� r,�i( r ��:�'$;t���('('1 ,` t�•%;�:� �;{M•, r,�v `.w::t.^k' 'i � 5. ...—,. '•.��{�r>n.;.s p3..�xk;f�i.1�3��,�a,r�,:f� ' � • . �. ,a�- .� �. -n:. ,����ryeS �rt:.�.;.�.Y..J?�,��..:y• r'^� �k. rv:�.::::v: .jrl;t�r:'Yai��.t�'�G:����'�„i.,�kk4E�;��j;9µ.;'+'_t;;.'.� �fw � ' �'' " ., • Yc.•, , ' ..aY _ � , �� �',�'��~���..t�t, �'i"f�.��.. .�r`' ''..i �� '•.��. NA3��:Ken Taylor �,� r �' KI .. .. �1 G �OIJNT�Y ADDRESS: 14920 SE 139`�Pl,Renton,98059 . . � PHO?�tE:4Z5-235-4367 DRAINAGE INVESTTGATIQN REPORT � TFL BROS PG:656J3 l��LD Il�T'�ESTZGATION KROLL PAGB:811 MAINT.DN:4 � , INITlALS:1VXAG On site December 5,20U3.At the time of my�isit i�was precipitating hea�ily and the pond and control structure were working at well. The ialet to t6e controi str�tct�nre bad some nnoderate debris oa the h ash rack.�is debris did not di�rapt flow to the control stractnre.The inlet to the poad w9s runt�fng at normai capacily tor the condi"ons at '� � the�ime of inspectgoa, The Emergency spillwa�far this pon�d spills over the control sfiractnre oato I49�'PL SE.On N'ovember 19,2003 t4e area eap�eaced signif c�af preczpfta4an.I eauld find no defects at t6e time of my ivspection � � to indicate a blockage in the control stractnte or estch baBins do�vn stresm from this facility. ,,� . . . � �� � � � a , . . . � � : � � ' . � : �vrs SE 139tF,�� 1 . i Fenca _ --- � �.-. � . --- -----�1tUb�/ . ! _. __� _—__� • - ' ��+��t�i ; �I r,._ _----- �s, � � I, — � ��1�11`;/, ,,���1�� ca-2 � � ; �g���r�c���1►�di�/� i ' %/'�n���• `r �S� . ••n �'� � ��� 111`\��i/p� �� �� � i �( l/��'�� _ � ;� • i • i _ -- - I, � � i " �.:: ! �' I � ; y E`3 � _ I � � I ! _ Y h_. .. { � . . ._�:1'.- . . � � - , ; "�'�t s ti:�i:r'•=�r��� � . , ��'i� .. ,"�� '� ;..; : r i �5�,: � � � ;:Fe�,�;;' � I 3.�'.i - �;�"'� _ 1 � � ' •'u'- " ' I �'k,f I �i I i 4, n , `, •�� 'F � cB-3 �+T j �=�� - j , � � � � � � � 5'T"s0"" I ANP ;' . - I I ; • � � ��Ill1�i� � ,a.,,�y,�� . j y �� `1����._`\\�1i�6��� t � ��Iip�.�� ��r` � I (""�' -- - ���n,��G.��,tC�� � . � ------------------------- ��^s'�� `����� 1 POND ' VOLUME CALCULATIONS CORE PROJECT NO. 01019 PROJECT NAME: HIGHLANDS PARK ELEVATIO INCREMENTA TOTAL LNE i VOLUME VOLUME VOLUM SF C F CF CF 408.0 14�06 0 ;?.?>1 �110.0 178-�� ��.�'�1 18.781 411.0 19717 �1.0�� U 411.0 ?0178 �1.0�� �0.984 41�'.0 21789 7�.016 0 , a_ .: ,,, 46,951 , _ . ... . � . n_�. . 414.0 25162 118,967 46,951 53,906 416.0 28744 172,873 100,857 61,280 418.0 32536 234,153 162,137 69,070 420.0 36534 : 303,223 231,207 Retention/Detention Facility �`�� � �� ,�� Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 4.00 H:1V Pond Bottom Length: 175.00 ft Pond Bottom Width: 86.00 ft Pond Bottom Area: 15050. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 39026. sq. ft � 0. 896 acres Effective Storage Depth: 8. 00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 412 .00 ft Storage Volume: 198139. cu. ft 4 .549 ac-ft P.iser Head: 7.60 ft Riser Diameter: 18. 00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Head Pipe or,_fice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 2.22 0.368 2 5.20 3.63 0.552 6.0 3 6.20 2.31 0. 172 6.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Fercolation Surf Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft} (cfs) (cfs) (sq. ft) 0.00 412.00 6188. 0.142 0.000 0. 00 15050. 0.02 412 .02 6507 . 0.149 0.020 0. 00 15092 . 0.05 412.05 6986. 0.160 0. 029 0. 00 15155 . � 0.07 412.07 7306. 0.168 0. 035 0. 00 15196. i 0.09 412 . 09 7628. 0.175 0.041 0.00 15238. , 0.12 412 . 12 8111. 0.186 0.045 0.00 15301. i 0.14 412 . 14 8435. 0. 194 0.050 0.00 15344 . 0.16 412 .16 8759. 0.201 0.054 0. 00 15386. 0.18 412 .18 9084. 0.209 0. 057 0.00 15428. 0 .33 412 .33 11551. 0.265 0. 077 0. 00 15746. 0 .48 412 .48 14067. 0.323 0. 093 0. 00 16067. 0 .63 412 .63 16632 . 0.382 0.106 0 . 00 16391. 0 .78 412 .78 19248. 0.442 0.118 0.00 16718. 0. 93 412 . 93 21913 . 0.503 0.129 0 .00 17047. 1. 08 413 . 08 24630. 0.565 0.139 0.00 17380. 1.23 413 .23 27398. 0.629 0.148 0.00 17715. � 1 . 38 413 .38 30217. 0.694 0.157 0.00 18053 . , 1. 53 413 .53 33089. 0.760 0.165 0.00 18394 . 1. 68 413 .68 36013 . 0.827 0 .173 0.00 18738 . 1. 82 413 .82 38790. 0.890 0 . 180 0 .00 19062 . 1. 97 413 . 97 41817. 0.960 0 .188 0 . 00 19412 . � _ 12 414 .12 44897. 1.031 0 .195 0 .00 19764 . � .27 41� 480 2. 1.103 0 .201 0.00 20120 . � .42 414.42 51222 . 1.176 0 .208 0.00 20478 . - .57 414.57 54466. 1.250 0.214 0.00 20839. = . 72 414 .72 57767. 1.326 0.220 0. 00 21203 . � . 87 414 . 87 61123 . 1.403 0.226 0 . 00 21570 . 3 . 02 415 .02 64535 . 1.482 0.232 0 . 00 21939. 3 . 17 415 . 17 68005 . 1. 561 0.238 0 . 00 22312 . � . 31 415 . 31 �,�95 . � . 53? 0 . 243 O . 00 2''S52 . � �"_ . �� " . -" - = 3.61 415 .61 78514 . 1. 802 0 .2�4 0.00 23422 . 3.76 415.76 82211. 1.887 0 .259 0.00 238C6 . 3. 91 415.91 85967. 1. 974 0 .264 0.00 24193 . 4. 06 416.06 89782 . 2 .061 0 .269 0.00 24582 . 4.21 416.21 93658 2 .150 0.274 D.00 24975 . 4.36 416.36 97593 . 2 .240 0.279 0 .00 25370 . 4.51 416.51 101590. 2.332 0.284 0 .00 25769. 4. 66 416.66 105647. 2.425 0 .288 0 .00 26170 . 4. 80 416.80 109489. 2.514 0.293 0 .00 26547 . 4.95 416.95 113666. 2 .609 0.297 0 .00 26954 . 5.10 417.10 117905. 2. 707 0.302 0 .00 27363 . 5.20 417_20 120766. 2. 772 0 .305 0_00 27638 . 5.24 417.24 121919. 2.799 0 .309 0.00 27748 . 5.28 417.28 123075. 2.825 0 .320 0.00 27859. 5.31 417.31 123946. 2 .845 0 .338 0.00 27942 . 5.35 417.35 125110. 2 .872 0 .361 0. 00 28053 . 5.39 417.39 126280. 2 .899 0 .390 0. 00 28164 . 5.43 417.43 127453 . 2 .926 0 .423 0. 00 28275 . 5.46 417.46 128336. 2 .946 0 .495 0. 00 28358 . 5.50 417.50 129518. 2 .973 0.509 0. 00 28470 . 5.54 417.54 130704 . 3 .001 0.522 0. 00 28582 . 5.69 417.69 135193 . 3 .104 0.568 0.00 29003 . 5.84 417.84 139746. 3 .208 0.607 0.00 29427 . 5. 99 417. 99 144364. 3 .314 0.643 0.00 29853 . 6.14 41�8.14 149�48� 3 .422 0.676 0.00 30283 . 6.20 418.20 150940. 3 .465 0. 689 0.00 30456 . 6.22 418 .22 151573 . 3 .480 0. 695 0.00 30513 . 6.25 418 .25 152524 . 3 .501 0. 704 0.00 30600 . 6.27 418 .27 153160. 3 .516 0. 716 0.00 30658 . 6.30 418 .30 154116. 3.538 0. 730 0.00 30745 . 6.32 418 .32 154755. 3.553 0.747 0.00 30802 . 6.34 418 .34 155395. 3.567 0.765 0.00 3086C . 6.37 418.37 156358. 3.589 0.782 0.00 3094? . 6.39 418.39 157001. 3.604 0.791 0.00 3100E . 6.42 418.42 157967. 3.626 0.799 0.00 31093 . 6.57 418.57 162841. 3.738 0.847 0.00 31531 . 6.71 418.71 167450. 3 . 844 0.889 0.00 31942 . 6. 86 418.86 172453. 3. 959 0.928 0.00 32385 . 7.01 419.01 177524. 4. 075 0.964 0.00 32832 . 7. 16 419.16 182664. 4. 193 0.999 0.00 33281. 7.31 419.31 187873. 4.313 1.030 0.00 33733 . 7.46 419.46 193150. 4.434 1.060 0 .00 34188 . 7.60 419.60 198139. 4. 549 1.090 0.00 34615 . 7.70 419.70 201739. 4. 631 1.570 0.00 34922 . 7.80 419.80 205371. 4. 715 2 .440 0 .00 3523C . 7. 90 419.90 209034. 4.799 3 .550 0.00 35539. 8.00 42� 212729. 4. 884 4 .860 0 .00 35850 . 8. 10 420.10 216455. 4. 969 6.350 0.00 36162 . 8.20 420.20 220213. 5. 055 7 . 800 0 .00 36475 . 8.30 420.30 224003. 5. 142 8 .340 0 .00 36789 . 8.40 420.40 227825 . 5.230 8 .850 0.00 37105 . 8.50 420.50 231680. 5. 319 9 .330 0.00 37422 . 8.60 420.60 235566 . 5.408 9 .780 0.00 37740 . 8.70 420.70 239485 . 5.498 10 .220 0.00 38060 . 8. 80 420.80 243436 . 5. 589 10 .630 0.00 38381 . 8. 90 420.90 247420. 5. 680 11 .020 0.00 38703 . 9. 00 421.00 251437. 5. 772 11 .41C 0.00 39026 . 9. 10 421.10 255487. 5. 865 11 .780 0.00 39351 . 9.20 421.20 259569. 5. 959 12 . 130 0.00 3967� . 9. 30 431 .30 263685 . 5 . 053 12 . 48C O . CO 400C� . -r =�. . a;: "-_ =� . � . : �- -� . _ �_ ?�"�___ - � 9.50 421.50 272017. 6.245 13 .140 0.00 40662 . Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 6.88 ******* 4.18 7 .95 419.95 210803 . 4 .839 2 3 .34 1.23 1.23 7 .63 419.63 199193 . 4 .573 3 3 .34 ******* 0. 92 6.82 418 .82 171117. 3 .928 4 4 .04 ******* 0.87 6.65 418 .65 165317. 3 .795 5 3 .54 ******* 0.67 6.09 418.09 147598 . 3 .388 6 2 .08 ******* 0.38 5 .38 417.38 125896. 2 .890 � 7 2 .63 ******* 0.29 4 .55 416.55 102609. 2 .356 8 2 .72 ******* 0.24 3 .15 415.15 67459. 1.549 Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:01019pos.tsf Outflow Time Series File:01�19out Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 6.88 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 4.18 CFS at 10 :00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 7 .95 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 419.95 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 210803 . Cu-Ft . 4 .839 Ac-Ft Flow Frequer_cy�� Analysis Time Series File:01019out.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 1.23 2 2/09/O1 20:00 4.18 7.95 1 100.00 0.990 0 .285 7 12/29/O1 10:00 1.23 7.63 2 25.00 0. 960 0 . 870 4 3/06/03 22:00 0.918 6.82 3 10. 00 0. 900 0 .241 S 8/26/04 7:00 0.870 6.65 4 5 . 00 0. 800 0 .380 6 1/OS/05 2 :00 0.666 6.09 5 3 . 00 0 .667 0 .666 5 1/19/06 0:00 0.380 5.38 6 2 .00 0.500 0 . 918 3 11/24/06 8:00 0.285 4.55 7 1.30 0.231 4 . 18 1 1/09/OS 10:00 0.241 3 .26 8 1.10 0.091 Co�puted Peaks 3.19 7.87 50.00 0.980 � Flow Duration from Time Series File:01019out.tsf C�:toff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability =� CFS % % °s 0 . 017 35553 57.979 57.979 42 .021 0.420E+00 '� � . 052 5076 8 .278 66.257 33 .743 0.337E+00 � . 086 4814 7 .851 74.108 25. 892 0.259E+00 ', �� . 120 4322 7 .048 81.156 18. 844 0.188E+00 , � . 155 3779 6.163 87.319 12 . 681 0.127E+00 � . 189 2879 4 .695 92 .014 7. 986 0.799E-01 � 'J . 223 1723 2 .810 94 .824 5. 176 0.518E-01 , �� . 258 1347 2 .197 9?.021 2 .979 0.298E-01 �� . 292 1035 1.688 98.708 1.292 0. 129E-01 � . 326 425 0.693 99.401 0 .598 0.598E-02 � . 361 43 0.070 99.472 0 .528 0.528E-02 0 . 395 24 0.039 99.511 0.489 0.489E-02 � .429 18 0.029 99.5�C 0 .460 0 .460E-02 : .454 ? 0. 011 99.55� C .448 0 .448E-02 �9= -�l O . C15 ?�'. � _ " C .-�31 C .-� slE . � 0 .532 29 �. 04? 99. 617 C .383 0 .383�-02 0 .567 34 0. 055 99.672 0.328 0 .328E-0� 0 .601 24 0. 039 99.711 0.289 0 .289E-0� 0 .635 25 0.041 99.752 0.248 0 .248E-0� 0.670 42 0.068 99.821 0.179 0 .179E-02 0.704 24 0.039 99.860 0.140 0 .140E-02 0.738 7 0.011 99.871 0.129 0 .129E-02 0.773 5 0.008 99.879 0.121 0.121E-02 0 .807 7 0.011 99.891 0.109 0.109E-02 0 .841 9 0.015 99.905 0.095 0.946E-03 0 .876 12 0.020 99. 925 0.075 0.750E-03 0 _910 8 0.013 99_ 938 0.062 0.620E-03 0 .944 12 0.020 99. 958 0.042 0.424E-03 0 .979 7 0.011 99. 969 0.031 0.310E-03 1.01 4 0.007 99. 976 0.024 0.245E-03 1.05 6 0.010 99. 985 0.015 0. 147E-03 1.08 4 0.007 99. 992 0 .008 0. 815E-04 1.12 3 0.005 99. 997 0 .003 0.326E-04 1.15 0 0.000 99. 997 0 .003 0.326E-04 1.18 0 0.000 99. 997 0 .003 0.326E-04 1.22 1 0.002 99. 998 0 .002 0. 163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 01019pre.ts` New File: 01019out.ts� Cutoff Units : Discharge in CFS ----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check cf To�'�erGnce-- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.318 I 0. 80E-02 0.63E-02 -21.3 I, O.SOE-02 0.318 0 .303 -4 .7 0.396 I 0.58E-02 0.49E-02 -15 .5 I 0.58E-02 0.396 0 .333 -15.7 0.473 I 0.46E-02 0.45E-02 -1. 8 ', 0.46E-02 0.473 0 .432 -8.7 0.550 I 0.33E-02 0.35E-02 3 .4 ' 0.33E-02 0.550 0 .560 1.9 0.627 I 0.26E-02 0.26E-02 0 .6 ; 0.26E-02 0.627 0 .628 0.1 0. 704 I 0. 19E-02 0.14E-02 -25 .2 I 0.19E-02 0.704 0 .666 -5.5 0 .782 I 0. 13E-02 0.12E-02 -6.4 � 0.13E-02 0.782 0 .751 -3 .9 0. 859 I 0.93E-03 0.83E-03 -10 .5 j 0.93E-03 0.859 0 .843 -1.8 0. 936 � 0. 62E-03 0.49E-03 -21. 1 � 0.62E-03 0.936 0 .909 -2 .8 1.01 � 0. 38E-03 0.24E-03 -34 .8 I 0.38E-03 1.01 0 .958 -5.5 1 .09 � 0. 18E-03 0.33E-04 -81.8 I 0.18E-03 1.09 1.04 -5.0 1.17 I 0. 13E-03 0.33E-04 -75.0 I 0.13E-03 1.17 1.06 -9.6 1 .24 � 0. 82E-04 O.00E+00 -100.0 ! 0.82E-04 1.24 1.08 -13 .2 Maximum positive excursion = 0.017 cfs ( 3 .5s) occuring at 0.487 cfs on the Base Data:01019pre.ts` and at 0. 504 cfs on the New Data:01019out.ts{ Maximum negative excursion = 0 .066 cfs (-16.3'�; occuring at 0 .408 cfs on the Base Data:01019p-e.tsf and �� C . 341 cfs or_ t:�e Pde�.: �ata : C,�l;out . ts- � I /vORTHYYE`ST'SOIL CE'/VIE'NT CESF Monthly Site Re-Cap Project Developer Month i Pump Date Total Gallons Average Effluent Turbidity pH � 11/13/2006 198,600 2.92 7.26 i 11/14/2006 130,400 2.93 7.24 �� 11/15/2006 183,200 3.79 7.19 �� 11121/2006 156,700 5.07 7.03 'i 11/22/2006 201,000 3.89 7.27 � _ , '� - , I - � �, - � � - � � _ Totai Gallons 869,900