HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1498 RESOLUTION NO.�-�� WI�REAS the City of Renton has received certain revenues in excess of the estimated revecittes and surplus for the calendar year 1967, and WHEREAS a portion of such excess revenue is needed in the belowmentioned f und azd ssch appropriation and expanditur� being necessary and in the public interest ��nd f or the publ ic benef it, NQiJ TI�REFORE BE IT RE30LVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON� AS FOLLOFIS: SFCTION I: There is hereby appropriated from such excess revenuea the f ollowing amount into the f ollowing fund, to-wit: UNTO: Account 1400/402 Off ice Supplies, City Clerk's Dept. $1,200.00 SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and d irected to make the tranefer and appropriation as above speci.f ied. , PASSED BY THE CI'IY COUDYCIL this 6th day of November, 1967. y�l�` - �%��''� Helmie A'elson, City Cle'rk PASSL'.D BY T� MAYOR this 6th day of Nove e , 1967; U � .o���� � Dona1ld 6l. Cuafier, �Mayor r�roved as to form: . � t , Gerard I�. Shel2an, Cit� ,Attorne Y Y _ i �