HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3131 r -- — — — — � , ,.. ,<. �`� � � �. 4 , � AMENDS ORD. �3,073� � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON � ORDINANCE NQ. 3131 AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHTNGTON AMENDING SECTION 1-503 OF TSTLE I {ADMINISTRAT�VE} - OF ORDINANCE N0. 1628 ENTITLED "CQDE OF GENSRAL QRDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TQ ' SPECIAL MEETINGS QF THE CTTY COUNCIL THE GITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO OR3�AIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTIQN I : � Exi�ting Section 1-503 0� Titl� I (Administra�ive) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of Genera�l Ordinances of the City I af Renton" is hereby amended to read as �ollows : Section 1-503 as amended: TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS: The City Council shall hald its regular meetings on the �irs� four C4) Mondays of each month, cammencing at the hour of eight o' clo-�k (8 : 00) P.M. in the Ci�y Cauncil Chambers o�' the City Ha.11 � or at such other glace or places that the City Cauncil may determine from time to �ime. Meetings of �he Ci�y Cauncil sha11 adjourn by eleven o' clo�k {11 :00) P.M. unless otherwise determined by a majority of the Council members elected, ar in case o� emergencies , continuation of public hearings , budgetary matters and similar urgencies that require prompt timely action by �he legislative body. Special ar "Committee of the Whole" meetings of -the Ci�y Council shall be held an the second Thursday of each mon�h at -the haur af eight o' clock ( 8 :00) P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City Hal1 unless otherwise indicated by �he Ci-ty Council, EXCEPT that sueh meetings shall not be held during the mon�hs of January, Jizly and November. Additional 'special meetings may be called by the Maycir or any ' four (4) members of the City Council member5 by written notice delivered �o each member of the Cauncil a�t least �twenty four (24) hours befare the time specified -�or the proposed meeting, and as otherwise provided by Chap�er 250 , Laws of 1971 , First Ex. Sess . COpen Public Meetings Ac-� of 1971} and further subjec� to the provisions o� RCW 35A. 12 . 110 . , SECTION II : Any and a11 ordinances or parts of ardinances � . , . in canf lict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III : This ord�inarice shall be«� effective upon its passage , appraval and five days ,af�Ger -�.ts �.egal �publieation. ` , II , . ' � � • 1 PASS�D�::� BY THE CITY COUNCIL �his 2nd day af May, 1977 • _-.,�a���t� .�/'. Delores A. Meat� C C1erk � Y APPROVED BY THE`MAYOR tl�is �nd day of May , 1977 . ' ,. . ..�� Charles � �T,! De�.urenti, Mayar Ap oved as t �� � �,� ,���� . I Ge'�ard M. Shellan, City Attorney ' Da�te of Publica�ion: �av 6 . 3.977 � _1_