HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3148 . . .. ' � . . , ._ , . ��� ; ,� , , � CITY. OF RENTON, WASHING.TON ORDINANCE NO.� � �3'14'8 - • - AN QRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATI.ON OF SANITARY. SEWERS. AND. TRUI�K LINES P,ND. APPURTENANCES THERETO IN THE VICINTTY OF N. E. 7TH STREET BETWEEN SR4II5 AND SUNSE�` BLVD. , NE, REN.TON, WASHING.TON, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO.. 2112PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT. IN SAID DISTRI.CT; PROV�DING THAT PAYMENT =FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MADE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. UPON PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT, PAYABLE - BY. THE MODE OF "PAYMENT OF' BQNDS" , OR "NQ'I'ES" IN LIEU THER�OF AS���DETERMINED BY. THE CITY� COUNCIL; PRGVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT .DISTRICT WARRANTS REDEEMABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IM�ROVEMENT DISTRI.CT BONDS OR NOTES. WHEREAS by Resolutian No. 2112 passed and approved on June 6 , 1977� the City Council of the City of Re.riton declared its intention to construct. and install certain sanitar.y sewer.s. �and trtazl�k: lines and appurtenances_ ther.eto within certain territory in the . vicinity of N.E. 7th. Street between SR4Q.5' and Sunset Blvd. N.E . , as hereinafter more particularl`y described, and fixed the 27th day of June, 1977 in th:e City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, Wash'ington, as th.e time and place for hearing all matter.s relating to said improvements and all obj.ections ther.et�o and for determining the method of payment for said improv.ements , and WHEREAS the Director of Public Works has caused an estimate to be made of the cost and expense of the proposed improvements and has certified said estimate to the. City Council, together with , ' . . . s . � , , � all papers, data, .and informa'�ion .i�n his possession relatiri� to' the proposed improvement, des:cription of. the bo�ndar-ies �of the ' . . ° - ' � , . . � District, a statement .of what portion of the cos-t and expense should s ' . , be borne by th.e proper:ti.es wi.thin the proposed: District, a statement in detail of. the Local Improvement assessmerit .outstanding or unpaid against the property in th.e proposed District, and a statement .of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 250 • of the actual valuation of the improvements �in the proposed District, according to the valuati.on last placed upon .it .for th.e purpose of� , general taxation; and � � . -1- . � , . � ' • • . , WHEREAS said esti.mate is accompanied by a diagram of. the proposed improvement showing thereon the .lots., tracts, parcels of 1and, and other. property which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvemerit, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense .thereof to. be borne by each lot, tract and parcel of ' , land or other property within said District;. and WH�EREAS due notice of the hearing upon said Resolution No. 2112 was given in the manner provided by law, and said hearing was duly he.ld by. the City Council at its regular mee:ting on June 27 , 1977 at .the hour of 8: 00 P.M. and the following protests having � been f iled and duly considered, to-w'it: Nam:e df Protestant � � �Add�ress NpNE and said total protests not exceeding Oo per.cen.t .of the to.tal �. I' cost bearing owners within said District; and � , . • ' ^ � . ", a. . � - r . • , � ` WHEREAS at sai.d heari�g � the City Council; has g.iven. due - � .. � ' . consideration to. the special benefits to be received from such � , , . . proposed improvement .by all of the properties to be includefl within the proposed . Local Tmprovement District; and WHEREAS the. City Council deems it in th.e best interest of the City and of .the .owners of th.e propex�ty w.i.th'in the pro.posed Local Improvement District that said improvement as hereinafter described be. carried out, and tha.t a Local Improvement District be created in connection therewith; NQW .'�HEREFORE -2� I , • . , �,, . . TH� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF REN.TON, WASHZNG.TON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : S�ECTT.ON I: The .following sanitary sewer lines and appurten.ances thereto shall be .constructed and installed in .the vicinity of I�.E. 7th Street between SR405 and Sunset B1vd. N.E . , Renton, King Count_y, Washington, as more particularly described hereinbelow, to-w.it: See Exhibit �r�rr atta.checT hereto. and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein and there .sha11 be included in the foregoing the acquisition and installation of all necessary pip�, manho.les, valves, fittings, coup- lings ,_ ;,conr�eEtions.� equipment and appurtenances, together with �Che acquisition of any easements, rights of way and land that may be required; and there shall be included the performance of such work as may be incidental and necessary to the foregoing construction and installation. . . . � � � � '�-- • � • '. f ° ' � The City Council may modify the details of the foregoing described impxovement where, in its. jv.dgmerit, � it app�ars' .advisable, provided such modifications do not substantially alter th.e}plan of said impx�ovement. All of th.e foregoing shall be i,n accordance with the plans and specificati.ons therefor to be prepared by the Director of Publ.ic Works. SECTI.ON II: T.Yiere is hereby established and created a Local Improvem.ent District to be called "Local Impr.ovement District No� 306 of the. City af Renton, Washington" , the. boundaries of such Local Im- provement District being described as �ollows : SEE EXHIBIT "A" -3-- I , . _ ' ♦ . ' r � • • • ' + T . ��. ^ / .. , t . . . , � . 1� � . �. , ' e ' r I�- ♦ � � ' � { , ' � � � . � � , ; E ' ' II Lots 1 through 8 inclusive, Harries Garden Home � Tracts , as rec.orded iri volume 3++ of Plats, records of King County, Washington As situated within the NE 1/4 of Section 8, Township I 23 N. , Range 5 E. ,G�I.M. , King County., Washington � SECTIO�N "I"II : The estima�ed cost and expense of said impro�e- ment is hereby declared to be apprdximately $ 38 , 588 . 49 . The entire cost and expense of said improvement, including .the cost and expense of all engineering, legal, inspection, advertising, publication of notices and other 'expenses . incidental thereto, shal3 be borne by and assessed against the property specially beriefited by such improvement included -in the Loca1 .Improvement District No. 306 established, em- bracing, as r�ear as ma� be, all property specially be.rief.ited by such improvement. SECTION �IV :, The nature of th.e 'improvement provided for , herein is such that the special benefits conferred upon the property are fairly reflected by the use of the "Zone Termini" ' of assessment, and it is hereby provided and ordered � •that the assessment shall be made agains-� the property of �he District in accordance with said methodsa All property included within the limits of the Local ImproveTrient District above created� shall be con- sidered to be. the. prope�ty specially be:riefited by such Local Improvement and shall be the property to. be assessed to pay the co.st and expense thereof as hereinabove specified. SECTION V : Local Improvement' District warrants shall be issued in payment of the cost and experise "of the improvem:erit hei�ein ordered. Such warrants shall be payable out of said "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 306" , to. bear interest from the date thereof at a rate to be �ixed hereafter, but`not. to ex.ceed . 9 o per ' t t° . � � ' � "L, fi annum ar�d to be redeemed in cash, and/or ,by L'ocal Zmprav�ement District, bonds herein authorized to be' issued, said interest-bearing warrants � � • i_ _L�._ ' ' � � I ' t � , �. . ' ' , � ' to be hereafter referred to as "revenue warrants"A Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be hereafter fixed but not exceeding 9 % per annum; shall be payable on or before 12 years from the date of issuance, the .life of the improvement ordered being not less than 12 years, and shall be issued in exchange for and in redemption of any and all revenue warrants. issued her:eunder and not redeemed in cash within a period not to. exceed sixty days after the first ; publication by the Direct.or of Finance of noti.ce. .that the assessment roll for Local Tmprovement District No. 306 is in her hands for , collection. The bonds shall be redeemed by. the collection of special assessments to. be levied and assessed upon the property within said District, .payable in 10 equal installments., wa:th a,nterest at a rate. to be fixed herea�ter: but not exceeding 9 �a per annum, and , a penalty o£ l� o which shall also be collec.fied. The exact form, amount, date, interest rate and deriomination of said warrants and bonds shall be. hereafter �ixed .by.. Ordinance of. the City, C�uncil. . . ; , r , � SECTION VI : All the �work necessary �to be done in ,connection with .the making of said improvements. sha17� b.e,. done by, and made by � ' • m contract upon competitive bids and the City shall have and reserves the right .to reject any and all bids�. The call for bids for work authorized pursuant to this Ordinance shall include a statement that payment for said work will be made in cash warrants drawri upon th.e "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 306"�. � SECTTON� VII : There is her.eby. created and established in the �'inance Director� s Office of the City of Renton, for Local Improve- ment Distr.ict No. 306, a special fund to be known and designated. � as "Local Improvement Fund, Dxstrict No. 306" , into which fund shall be deposited the. proceeds from the sale of revenue warrants drawn against said fund which may be issued and sold' by. the City and col-- lections pertaining to assessment, and against which fund shall be issued cash warrants for the con�tractor or contractors in' payment for the work ta be done by them in connecti.on with said improvement , . _5^ _ } : " ' ( • �� - J a . . , and against which fund cash warrants shall be issued in payment of I all other items of expense in connection wi.th said improvement� SECTTON VIII: The Publ.ic Works Director is hereby authorized ', and directed to call for bids, in the manner provided by, law, for the constru.ction and installation of .the improvements authorized herein. SECTION �IX�: The City reserves the right to issue, in lieu of bonds and warrants. in payment of th.e cost and ex.pense of the aforesaid Local Improvement District, installment note or notes. payable out of the Local Improvement District Fund, pursuant to RC[nT 35.45.150 , whenever such note or notes are sold exc�lusively to another fund of the City as an inves.tment thereof, and as further provided by law. Such installment note or notes may be issued any time after a thirty- , day period allowed by law for the payment of assessments of said District without penalty or interest,. and such note or notes may be of any denomination or deriominations, the aggregate. of which shall represent the balance of the cost and expense of the: Loca1 Improvement Distra.ct which is to be borne by the property owners. therein, and as further provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this lsthday of Ju1y, 1977 • - � , . � , � fMax'ine •E»,�M.otor,�rLT;eputy�, City, Clerk ' a. � ---�...F ��--�,�..��,;,-�' APPROVED BY THE MAYOR• th.is lsth day of July, 1977 . � , �____`_-.-� I 1 ��,' . . - � � �� . �-- ,�` ' "�'l� ...`r�Z�`"'.-�2e��t��. . Char.les/�d, De`Ia�zreriti, Mayor � (/' Approved as to. �orm: � . . �/4�� ���ccR; . . � . ' . � . � . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 22 , 1.977 • . . , t - . EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION L. I .D. No. 306 Lots 1 through 8 inclusive, Harries Garden Home Tracts , as recorded in volume 34 of plats , ,page 38, ,record� of King County, Washington. AS situated witIz' n the N� 1 4 o ect�,pn 8 To n hi 23 . Ran e �, / � S . w s � � , � 5 E . , W.M. . ; , • - .� . . EXHIBIT "B" L. I .D. 306 PIPE SIZE ON FROM TO 8" Utility easement along S . line lot 1 Harries S . line lot 9 E. side of E. l�.ne Garden Home Tracts Harries Garden Puget Power R/W Home Tracts 6" Utility easement E. line �uget Power W. line of E. between lots 7 & 8 R/W ' 145 ' of lot 8 Iiarries Garden Home Harries Garden Tracts H�me Tracts 6" Utility easement E . line Puget W. line of E. between lots 6 & 7 Power R/W 250 ' of lot 7 Harries Garden Home Harries Garden ' Tracts Home Tracts 6" Utility easement E . line Puget W. line of E. between lots 4 & 5 Power R/W 115 ' of lot 4 , Harries Garden Home Harries Garden Tracts Home Tracts �