HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3149 • • •,. � �'� �!� � " ' • AMENDS ORD.`y #1�'92, 2393, � r'�'• , „ . ' � `�'` 2541, 2543, 2772, & 2896 � . - • , AMENDED BY ORD. #3187,4253 4238 CITY OF RENTON, WASHIlVGTON . ORDINANCE N0. 3149 " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHING'TON • AMENDING CHAPTER 3 of `�ITLE VIII (HEALTH AND = SANITATION) OF ORDINANCE N0. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO AMENDMENT�!IN TF£�;C�-1R'BAG"E COLLECTION SERVICE , REVISED RATES , AND MATTERS RELATING THERETO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS �'OLLOWS : SECTION I : The following definitions under Section 8-302 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" are hereby amended to read as follows : � - Section 8-302 as amended: DEFINITIONS : GARBAGE: The term "garbage" as used in this Chapter sha11 mean and include all accumiations of waste matters discarded as of no further value to the owner, 'such as kitchen and table waste, 3��ttles , cans , wrappings and small discarde� containers , small dead animals weighing not over fifteen (15 ) pounds , and hollow ware , but shall exclude all manure , sewage , large dead animals , petroleum products , cleanings f�rom public and private ' catch basins , wash racks or sumps . � SWILL � SEWAGE GRIT: The word "swill" as used in this Chapter ' means. and includes all accumulation of animals , ' fruit , or vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise , that attends the preparatirn, use , dealing in or storing of ineat, fish , fowl , fruit and vegetables , except coffee• ' grounds . Sewage grit means g�it which is the by-product of sewage ' treatment. GARBAGE CAN: The term "garbage can" as used in this Chapter means a water-tight galvanized, shee� metal , or plastic container not exceeding four cubic feet (4 cu. ft. ) or thirty-two(32 ) gallons in ca pacity , weighing not over 15 pounds when empty, fitted with two (2) sturdy handles , one on each side , and a tight cover equipped with a handle , except in the case of sunken cans ; such can to be rodent and insect proof and to be kept in a sanitary condition at all times . The ' term shall also apply to containers of other material or similar size , and weight when approved by the Public Works Director. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any residence , boarding house , apartment house or trailer camp to furnish or to see that the tenants or occupants thereof ' are provided with, or supplied with garbage cans as defined in this Chapter. GARBAGE UNIT : The term "garbage unit" means secure and tight bundles , none of which shall exceed three �eet ( 3' ) in the longest dimension, and shall not exceed eighty (80 ) pounds in weight or such � "gar.bage unit" may be packed in small discarded boxes , barrels , or bags , or in securely tight cartons or other receptables reasonably easy to be handled and loaded by one person onto a collection vehicle. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: The term "Public Works Director" means the official of the City holding that ��-�� and office , or his designated representati�ve. -1- --- � � �� ` �.' ��; . , , . • , . SINGLE FAMILY tTNIT : The cuorcls "Single Family Unit" means a residence containing not more than orie (1) dwelling unit. MULTIPLE FAMILY UNIT: The words "Multiple Family Unit" means a residence containing two ( 2 ) or more dwelling units . Each dwell.ing unit within a multiple family unit will be charged as a "Single Family Unit" unless all of the cans are placed in one location for pickup. In �ucl� case �they will be charged on the commercial can rate. :."�::: . • Individual multiple fan�.ily units must alI be on single family unit rate or the commercial can rate. DFTA�HARLE CONTAINER: The term "detachable container" means a watertight , all metal container, not less than one cubic yard in capacity and equipped with a tight fi-tting metal cover. Containers � two (2) cubic yards and -under shall be equipped with at least three ( 3) wheels . (Ord. 2393 , 3-18-68) ' INDUSTIZIAL WASTES : The term "industrial wastes" as used in this Chapter means and includes waste generated as a by-product of manufacturing operations usually consisting of large quantities of paper, cardboard , metal, plastics , scrap lumber and dunnage and other materials incidental to and connected with the manufacturing process and not otherwise included in the definitions of "garbager' , '+refuse" , "swill" , and "sewage grit" hereinabove. (Ord. 2541; 1-19-70 ; Eff. 2-1. 70 ) All other definitions unless ex ressl modified hereinabove , � P Y . � as set forth in existing Section 8-302 , shall remain in full force and effect. - . SECTION II : Existing Section 8-303 of �itle VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of ,General Ordinances of the City, of Renton" is hereby amended to read as fo3.lows : Section 8-303 as amended: COLLECTION 0�' GARBAGE : Garbage , refuse and swill collections from permanent abodes such as homes , dwellings , boarding houses , apartments , flats , schools , churches , public buildings , hotels , hospitals , charitable institutions , resident clubs , etc. , shall be collected by the City of Renton' s contractor, as . more specifically hereinafter provided. . Garbage -- refuse shall be collected by the City of Renton' s contractor from commerciaT business- firms and from places of business located in residential �ones at eacl� regula� collection as more specifically hereinafter provided. Al1 collections shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations which shall be promulgated from time to time by the Public Works Director of the City; a11. persons in the City shall be governed by and comply with this Chapter and ;all rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Swill and 'sewag.e grit shall also be collected from commercial o`r business firms as heretofare stated, but �he owner or operator, of any. .commercial �business *establishment may arrange for the disposition of such swill 'and sewage gri't .privately9 provided, however, that the person responsible for the hauling and disposition of such swill and sewag,e grit° shall first' have ,applied for and, received a permit from the Publi'c Works� Director in whoin is hereby vested the right to inspect such col.lection and disposition of swill and , sewage grit and to suspend or revoke any such permit for cause or causes found by him to be sufficient. � . • -2- " � � � . , Y . . ' , . , , :+w ",� . . , � • ` . . SECTION TII : Existing Subsections (B} and {E) o� Sectian 8-30�+ of Ti�le VIII (Health and Sani�ation) of 4rdinance No. 1628 entitled "Code o� General Ordinances of the Ci�ty af Renton" is hereby amended ta read I as �ollaws : Section 8-304tB} as amended: No garbage can. when filled shall weigh more �han eighty (80} paunds and sha3.I be so packed� tha� �he canten.ts thereaf will dump out readi.ly when i� is. inver-ted. All garbage cans , b�andles , disposal. receptac3e uni�s , as above specified, shall be placed in convenient accessible locations upon the ground level or ground floor, and as near a� practicable at the approximate. rear of the building or near the a11ey , street or road at which collection trucks are to be laaded; all wa.I}cs , paths , driveways to the place of loading shall have an overhead clearance of not less �han eight feet t8' ) but in no event shall cans or units as herein defined be placed a distance greater than sixty fee-� (60' ) from the street , alley or road on �he days of collection, � unless atherwi.se provided by Section 8-309 �Rate �ar ,Charges) here�.nbelow. COrd. 2543 ; 2-15-70) � ' " � Sec�ian 8--304CE) as amended: � Sizff�icierit 'gar�bage� cans must be prnvided �or the collection of all4garbage' as defined in this Chapter. All garbage cans and detachable containers shall be kep� tightly covered and in gaod condition for garbage s:torage and liandling ,', ands garbage cans and detachable containe�s which Zeak or have jagged� e�dges or holes shall not be used. The Public Warks Direc�o��; , or his duly authoriZed repre- ( sentative, at the request of the Cantractor in wri.ting, sha.11 determine � whefiher or not the condition of any garba.ge can is sa-�isfactory for use. SECTION IV . Existing Section 8-305 of Tit3e tJIII (Health I � and Sanitation) of Qrdinance Na. 1628 �entitled "Cade af General Ordinances � � of the Ci�y of Renton" is hereby amended to read a.s follows : I Section 8-305 as amended: SUPERVISION: The Publ.ic Works � Di.rectar of the City or his duly authorized representative , be and he is � hereby autharized and directed to supervise the callectian and dispasal I of all garbage , refuse and swill as herein definea. I I SECTION V : Existing Section 8-307{A) of Title VIII(Health and � �anitatian) af Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code af General. Ordinances ' of the Gity o� Rentan" is hereby amended to read as follows : , Section 8-307(A) as amended: Regular callections from bu�iness firms and commercial en�erprises will be made as often as required bu� shall not exceed ane pickup, per day, five (5) days per week, Monday �hrough Friday , between the hours of four o' clock (4 : 00) A.M. and ten o' clock t10 :00} A.M. -3- � �' � � , • �• y� • � � ,�I' T• • ' • • . ' ' ' . . .� , , . . SECTION VI : . Existing Sec-tion 8-309 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Orda�ances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as to various paragraphs as follows : ' Section 8-309 (A) l , 2 , 3 as amended: RATE FOR CHARGES : The following schedule be and the same is hereby adopted as a basis of classification and as a schedule of charges to be paid to and collected by the City for services rendered: (A) Collection of garbage , refuse and swill from residential dwellings shall be made once a week and the charges therefor shall be as follows : , , l. For "garbage cans" and/or "garbage units" as herein defined , placed not more than twenty five feet, (25 ' ) from the edge of street , curb or alley way abutting or adjoining unit serviced: Not more than 1 can per weelc: $2 . 95 per month Not more than 2 cans per week 3 . 55 per month Each additional can 1. 00 per: month 2 . For "garbage cans" and/or ".garbage units" as herein defined, placed more than twenty five feet (25 ' ) but less than sixty feet (60 ' ) fro�n �he edge of the street, curb or ailey way abutting or adjoining unit serviced: Not more than 1 can per week $�3 . 55 per month Not more than 2 cans per week � 4. 60 per manth Each additional can . ' ' 1. 25 per month 3. For "garbage cans" and/or "garbage units" as herein defined , � that are placed more than sixty feet. (60 ' ) from the edge of street ; curb or alley w.ay abutting or adjoining unit s,erviced: � Not more than 1 can per week $4. 35 per month Not more than 2 .cans per week 5 . 50 per month � Each additional can 1.. 35 per month Section 8-309 CB) l, 2 , 3 as amended: CB) Collectiori o.f garbage , refuse and swill from business firms and commercial enterprises shall be made each weekda�.: and the charges to be as follows : ` �� �` ' ` l. For the first twenty1 (,20�) '"garbage cans"; and/or "garbage units" as herein defined - seventy-one cents ( . 71) per can ' pickup per month•. � , s�, , • . . , •� � 3 , ; . ' • � ` - 2 . Any "garbage cans" or "garbage units" as herein defined , in excess of twenty C20 ) cans per month , seventy-one cents C . 71) per can, pickup per month provided, however, that the minimum monthly charge for each such business or commercial account shall be the sum of five dollars ($5 . 00) per month. - � -4- . ' • i , ` ' , ' - , . . , ' . 3 . The rate for the handling of hydraulic handled containers approved by the City' s Contractor and the City for the use by commercial , industrial and multiple dwelling establishments shall be as follows : • 1 yard container $3 . 75 per pickup 1-1/4 yard container 4. 25 per pickup 1-1/2 yard container 4 . 85 per pickup 2 yard container 6 . 30 per pickup 20 yard container 40 . 00 per pickup plus dump fee 30 yard container 42 . 50 per pickup plus dump fee 40 yard container , 45 . 00 per pickup plus dump fee Compactors � 2. 00, per. cubic yard pius dump fee Sewage grit 12 . 50 per ton plus dump fee . • _ MINIMUM PICKUP = � � '� � y � 1 to 2 yard containers - once per week � 20 to 40 yard containers �, twice per;month , � - Compactors - twice per month : . ' , . • : , ' Section 8-309 (C) as amended: Classification and Appeal : All classifications as herein provided shall be on the basis of garbage and refuse volume and the classification of each recipient of garbage service shall be determined by the Public Works Director of the City. Any person who shall deem his classification improper may appeal to the Council at the regular meeting thereof next succeeding his classification, for reclassification, and it is shall be determined after hearing that the assigned classi- fication is improper then the Council shall determine the proper classification for said person. (Ord. 1582 ; 11-13-56 ) . Section 8-309 EXHIBIT "A" and :Supp3:emen�_,to_ EXHI:BIT "A" ,as amended: The below specified rates and conditions are based on annual quantities of "Industrial Wastes" of loose measure or equivalent in combination of loose and compacted waste. Dumping fees under Items A and C below are paid for by the manufacturer separately and are not included in said rates . A. Forty-yard load of loose , industrial waste , whether in Contractor' s or Customer' s containers , exclusive of "Dumping Fee" at disposal ,-..�_.:_facility: 25 ,000 to 45 ,000 c .y. 45 ,000 to 65 ,000 c.y. 65 ,000 c.y. � up $42 . 50 per load $42 . 50 per load $42 . 50 per load B. All loose industrial waste hauled in other than contractor' s or customer' s forty=yard "containers , including the "Dumping Fee" at disposal facility , but in the event the existing dumping fee is modified or revised , the hereinafter specified rate will be modified accordingly : -5- �. � ` ..;...,' �� , , � . , . _� . . . , . � 2S�, 000 to 45 , 000 c.y. 45 , 000 to 65, 000 c .y. 65, 000 c .y . & up $4050 per Cu. Yd. $4 . 50 per Cu. Yd. $4 . 50 Per Cu. Yd. C. Compacted industrial waste in customer-furnished containers , exclusive of "Dumping Fee" at disposal facility : 25 , 000 to 45 , 000 c .y . 45, 000 to 65, 000 c .y . 65, 000 c .y . & up $42050 per load $42 . 50 per load $42 . 50 per load D . Sand and slag hauled to Disposal F`acility, including "Dumping Fee" for sand tubs : $7 . 50 per cu. yd. Section 8-309 (C) SUPPLEMENT TO EXHIBIT "A" - as amended I (C) Rates for all industrial concerns not falling in above categories ' as herein set forth shall be as specified in Sub-paragrahp (B) 3 of Section 8-309. All categories will be reviewed quarterly . If the user is not falling into its specified category, an adjustment will be made at that time for the previous quarter. This adjustment may be in favor of the contractor or the user whichever is appropriate . SECTION VII: Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION VIII : This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and five days after its legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th day of July, 1977 . �.0.��.�.D/ /,/.• ��P.���� Delores A. Mead, �C�ty Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th day of July , 1977 . (�,�����,� , _.e;�� �� L � �c�:�� Charles//J. Delaurenti , Mayor t� Approved as to form: // ��PiG!'� Ua(raS��S�hellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 7-29-77 - 6 -