HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3178 - - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ -, a ` .. 4 • . � _ . �r � �,� A AMENDING OY'.L7•. #�2877 µ . (Repealing Sec . 4-1914) CITY OF RENTON, G)ASHINGTON � ORDINANCE NOt� 3178 AlV pRDTNANCE OF THE CITY OP RENTON, WASHINGTON, RE�'EALING SECTTON 4-191�, 3 OF TITLE �V (BU�LDING , REGULATIQNS) 0�' ORDINANCE N0 , 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERA,L O�D�NANCES 0�' THE CITY 0�' RENTONi' REL�T�NG TO REMOVAI., OF NON-CONPORMTNG SSGNS THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, UTASHINGTON, DO � QRDA.TN AS FQI�LOWS , � � SECTT�ON Z; Secta.ori 4-191�+, 3 of Ti�3e �V {Building � �I Regulations} of Ordinance No. 162$ entitled "Code of General. ' Qrdinances of the City of Ren:ton'r is hereby repealed. SECTION zI: An and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances Y i.n conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTI{}N III : ' This Ordinance shall be e�fec-tive upon its passage and f ive days a�ter its; publication, �'ASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21Stday of November, 1977 . ����J�`L,�i''.1i1. . t� . , Delores A� Mead# C�ty Cl rk ��'�ROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st aay of Navember? I977 . 7 / . ..�--�'�i; . . ,,-"�. c'�__.�_�s___ . �„ :.'�"-�-�-�.`�/ ,-�''�e��,c.�i:�,i�'!� . . . . CharleS;J, Delaurenti? Mayor, ,, ��. � � ! . . . M Agproved as to. �'orm; . . , . . t. , � ,; `��j'� ' � . . ' �;i , /l-, �--�-��:�. � - I.,awrence J:—W�rren., Actin.g City Attorney Da-�e o� �'ublication: �aver�ber 27 , 1977 I � y � , — �....—_—_.