HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3185. ► • , , . 4R � Jn ` • .. . � .s I • a.- • � . r l . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 318 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF R,IIVTON, WASHINGTON, ' ADOPTING AN ANNIJAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1978 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIiINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1978 heretofore prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified and approved by vote j of the City Council of the City of Renton on December 5, 1977, after due notice and I hearing thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the year 1978, and same by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, and a complete and accurate copy of said Budget being attached hereto, labeled E�ibit "A". Ordinance No. 3161 adopted under date of October 1'], 19'7'7 fixed the estimated amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1978. SECTION II: The following total sums for expenditures are hereby allowed and established in each of the following funds in said 1978 Budget, to wit: (a) o0o Cux�,�rT Fvrm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,616,143 101 P�x,x ��[nvn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926,697 102 AR,TERIAL STR,EET F[JND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,656,842 103 STREET FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,073,g72 106 LIBR.AR,Y F[JND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345�312 107 CONTINGENCY F[JND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,539 108 CUMiTLATIVE RESER,UE FUND #1894 (Municipal Buildings� 8,350 109 ct1M[1�TIVE �SgtvE �t1�n #16g8 �Fire Equipment� . 268,086 110 CUMULATIVE RESERUE FUND #1689 (Park Property� . 3,167 112 CUMULATIVE RESIItUE FUND #2104 �Park Equipment� . 60,895 113 CUMLTLATIVE RESERUE F'UND #2283 (Beautification� . 1,375 114 CUMULATIVE RESERUE F[JND #2373 �Underground Wiring� —0— 118 CUMITI,ATIVE RESER,UE F[IND #2755 (Special Purpose Paths� 4,827 122 COMPREE��TSIVE IIKPLOYMII�TT TRAINING FITND (CETA� . 136,243 124 CUMULATIVE RESERUE FUND #2518 �Municipal Arts� . 33 � 126 GREIN RIVER WILDLIFE F[JND . . . . . . . . . . . 1,532 198 ANTIRECESSION F[TND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247,911 199 FEDIIi.E1L SHARID REVIIV[TE FUND . . . . . . . . . . 641,724 202 196'7 LIMITED G.O. BOND INTEREST & REDIIKPTION F[JND 144,188 205 1974 ADVANCE R�TDING LIMITED G.O. BOND F[JND . 72,g69 207 1978 LIMITED G.O. BOND INTEREST & RIDIIKPTION FUND 50,000 � 301 STREET FORWAR,D THR.UST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . 531,000 302 URBAN AR.TERIAL FIJND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —0— II —1— t • � 'Y� • .. , � � �- ~ � i�� � ��. � 305. LAKE WASFIINGTON BEACH FORWARD THR.UST FUND . . . . $ 275,182 308 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION F[JND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,834 311 MAIN FIR.E STATION CONSTRUCTION F[TND . . . . . . . 838,g46 312 CEDAR RIVER, TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FUND . . . . . . . 1,913,854 , 401 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,212,296 402 AIRPORT FLIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229,751 415 19'75 WATER & SEWIIt CONSTRUCTION �'CTND . . . . . . 750,000 417 TALBOT PUMP STATION CONSTRUCTION FUND . . . . . . 370,000 ! 501 EQUIPMII�TT RENTAL FiTND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507,085 601 FIRENLE�T'S PENSION FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163,445 608 UNIINPLOYMII�TT COMPENSATION FUND . . . . . . . . . 5,000 TOTAL ORDINARY �II�iDITURES (A� . . . . �20,189,098 �B� Receipts from sources other than taxation . . . . . . �15,150,706 Add surpluses carried over from previous year . . . . 2,149,974 i TOTAL TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION . . . . . 2,888,418 TOTAL BUDGET FOR EXI'II�iDITURES �A� AND RECEIPTS �B� . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,189,098 SECTION III: A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the office of the State Auditor in Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. SECTION N: This Ordinance shall be effective on and after its passage, approval and five days after its publication. ' PASSED BY THE CITY COTJNCIL this 5 th day of December 19'7?. .e�.e� � �.� � ' • elores A. Mead" Cit ;�.le.'r]� �. " e �' , _ . _Returned by_ Mayor unapproved - VALID WITHOUT MAYOR' S � ' APPROVAL SIGNATURE per RCW 35A. 12 . 130 - V _ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Charles J. Delaurenti, Mayor , Appro ed as to form: - C����,�� Lawrence J. Warx�h, Acting City Attorney , 16 1977 ! Date of Publication: December . � -2- ° � . . December y,- 1977 � , . - AN�,'NDMII�iTS TO TFIE 1978 PRELIMAR,Y BUDGET ' . ° . EXPENDITiJFtE REVENtJE , CHANGES , CHANGES MOVE TO ADOPT THE MAYOR'S 1978 PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH TAE FOLLOWING AMIIVDMII�TTS: 1. P�. 49-50 - LEGISLATIVE SER,UICES (COUNCIL) Cut �704 from Prepaid Medical a/c 13.03. Cu.t $236 from Prepaid Dental a�c 13.09 - Cut Total of $94'0< ` -940 �,e�resents benefits for Coun.cil �embers who have coverage eisewhere. 2. P�. 49-50 - LEGISLATIVE SERUICES {COiJNCIL) Increase Legislative Secretary from 20 hours�week �o 24�hours�week with benefits. 24 hours�week - 1248 hours , per year @ $5.73 - $7,152 + benefits �924 - $8,076. �� � �Medical arid dental not included; employee already �as +1,725 �coverage.� Amount needed over budgeted amount - $1,72�. 3. ��. 102 - �'IAT�C�/�I,T$ S�ftVICE� Cut �11,086 from Seattle-King County Public Health Services a�c 51.04, leaving balance of $28,914. -11,086 4. P�. 249-250 - PER,SONNEL ADMINISTRATION . Increase Personnel Director' s salary 1�1�78 �6�� from �1,710 to �1,813�mo�.th; and �5%� 7�1�78 to �1,904�month. Increase over budgeted amount a�c 11.00 Salaries -- $1,782 a�c 13.01 Retiremt. - 101 $1,883 +1,883 - 5• P�. 277-278 - PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING DNISION Add $2,000 to a/c 12.00 for Overtime/Part Time Help� Federal Housing Programs, to be shown in Budget specifically for this purpose. +2,000 6. TRAVEL/CONFERENCES � Add to City Departments for Travel�Conferences as follows: +2,185 ' P�. 56 - JiJDICIAL DEPAR,TMII�TT (a�c 33.Ol� . . . . � 50 � P�. 84 - FINANCE/BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING �a�c 33.01� 100 P�. 111 - DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMII�TT (a�c 33.01� . . 50 ' P�. 120 - PLANNING ADMINISTRATION �(:a%c333;01� . . . 100 P�. 120 - PLANNING COMMISSION (a/c 33•15� . . . . . 100 P�. 163 - POLICE ADMINISTRATION �a�c 33.04� . . , . 100 P�. 183 - POLICE TR,AINING (For all divisions� . . . 1�110 P�. 209 - FIRE ADMINISTRATION (a�c 33.13� . . . . . 100 , P�. 234 - FIRE TRAINING (a/c 33.13� . . . . . . '75 P�. 245 - LAND USE HEAR,INGS DEPAR,TMIIVT, �a�c•33.01� . 100 P�. 251 - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (a/c 33.01� . . 100 P�. 265 - PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION �a�c 33.01�• . 100 P�. 351 - PARKS ADMINISTRATION (a/c 33•�l� . . . . . 50 - P�. 375 - LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION �a�c 33.01� . . . . � Total Travel�Conferences . . . . $2,185 -1- � _ � . � � , . ' • ' December 5; 1977 _ AMENDMII�TTS TO THE 1978 PRELIMARY BUDGET - Continued , � " ' � . . i EXPIIdDITURE R�VII�T[SE � , CHANGES CHANGES 7. P�. 7 - CUR�i,ENT FUND REVENUE Increase a/c 343.75, Garbage�Solid Waste to include D�amp Fee increase of �5,900. +5�9�� 8. P�. 7 - CURR.ENT FiJATD REVIIViTE Add new account 343.76, Storm Drainage Fees; add estimated revenue to be received of $2,500. +2,500 9• P�• 4 - CiTRR.ENT FLIND REVENLTE Increase a/c 322.10.11, Building Permits by $9,000 +9,000 10. P�. 97 - FINANCE/AMBUI,ANCE SERUICE Cut $4,000 from a/c 42.49, Ambulance Service, leaving a balance of $2,000. -4,000 11. P�. 241 - CUMiTi,ATIVE RESERUE #1698 (Fire E�quipment� Fund 109 Cut replacement of Aid Car - $30,000. -30,000 P�. 17 - CUNIULATIVE RESERUE #1698 REVENiTE Decrease Utility Tax Revenue by $30,000. P�• 3 - CURR,ENT FUND REVENLTE Increase Utility Tax Revenue by �30,000. 12. SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER LIMITED GEIVIIi,AL OBLIGATION BOND FUND (Fund to be established by Ordinance) Transfer Property Taxes from Current Fund to said G.O. Bond �nd to redeem principal and interest in 1978; �50,000. +50,000 Proceeds from sale of bonds to be placed in a Senior Citizens' Center Construct�on F�ind ��900,000�; said Fund to be established by Ordinance at time of bond sale. 13� SALAR.Y ADJUSTMIIVTS A. Grant 5� salary increase to Management and Union �xemp� employees, e��ective January T, T97g. " B. Transfer dollar amounts �5� equivalent� from - �ontingEncy Fund �o Tax �upported Fund-s for -salary adjustments for �all other employees. Place funds in ' a reserve in salary accounts for all employees other � tha.n Management and Union Exempt. Special revenue f�a.n�is will prov3�.� �a�i�xy adju�stments from �a'i�i� their own budgets. P�. 386 - CONTINGENCY FITND - Transfer from Contingency - F�nd for salary adjustments. -236,822 TAX SUPPORTED F[JNDS - Transfer unto departments�divisions for salary adjustments: +236,822 000 - Cu�x,�T r�n . . . . . . $176,343 101 - PARK FUND . . . . . . . 23,870 103 - STREET FUND . . . . . . 22,622� 106 - LIBR.ARY F[TND . . . . . . 10,729 122 - CETA F[JND . . . . . . . 3,258 $236,822 I, 14. UNII�II'LOYMII�TT COMPENSATION FUND ,�608 Transfer $5,000 from Contingency Fund (pg. 386) �to -5,000 Unemployment Compensation �ind #608. Fund was established +5,000 per Ordinance No. 16 November 1 3 7, 977. � -2- ---- - - * �# I � < <- . December 5,• 197? , ' �k; � ` , ` , AMENDMQ�iT5 TO THE 1978 PRELIMARY BUDGET — Continued • i �ENDITIJRE � � CH�qNGE5 CHA,NC�E5 , , . �� �� ��� � � �� TOTAL AMENDMII�TTS 1 — 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +11,767 +1?,400 TOTAL 1978 MAYOR'S BUDGET AS PRESENTED . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,1'71,698 20,171,698 AMOUNT TO THE GOOD PLACED IN THE CONTINGENCY FtJND . . . . . . . +5,633 �, TOTAL1,1978I'BUDGET�'AS ADOPT.EDADECIIKBERES;iElT97,'7, t: : . .. . . . ., ., .$20,189,098 �20,189,098 , AM�i�T TO T�", GO(�D -- �j.6� —3— - __ _ __ . .