HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3189 , « 'I � •'� �` ' . . .�, . . + . ` , • . �_� � � . CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORD�NANCE NO ,. 3189 AN ORDTNANCE. OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHIN.GTON AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISTTION OF CERTAIN REAL PRQPERTY BY EZ"II.NENT DOMAIN, PROV2'AZNG �'OR THE �'AYM�NT THEREQF ; AUTHORTZII�tG� THE CITY ATTORNEY M IN HE TO PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDE NATION T � SUk'ERIOR COURT TN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KII�G�= ! ANL THE PROSECUT�ON THEREOF �'OR THE ACQITSITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RTGHTS FOR CONSTRUCTION A.ND IMPROVEMENT OF LTND AVENUE BETWFEN S. W. 16TH STREET AND SaWR 43RD STREET IN R�NTON� WASNINGTON, BE IT ORDATNED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINC�N AS FOLLOWS � SECTI"ON T; It is acknowledged that the acquisition of the following de.scribed real property is part of the City' s Plan and design �'or the improvem,ent of its city .streets , and is within the limits of LB�,jj,� No. 302 formed for street improvement purposes by Ordinance No� 3138, passed May 16 , 1977 . S�G'I'ION 'TI ; zt is hereby determ�.ned that the acquisition of the following described real praperty is necessary and for a public purpose and use -� the construction and improvement of Lind Avenue between S.,W.. 16th Street and S .W. 43rd St. , as specficially set forth zn said Ordinance No.. 3138 ; and that such real property is � located within the corporate �imits of the City of Renton, the same being desc�ibed as follows , to-wit � Th_e East 40 �'eet of the South 1/2 0� the Southwest 1�4 0� the Southwest 1/4 of Section 19 , Township 23 N„ Range 5 E„W.M.. , si.tuate in King County, State of Washington (.�'he ostensible owners of the aforedescribed rea;l property are Frank Edwards and Robert Edwaxds) . It is further acknowledged that the City is authorized by the laws a,nd sta�tutes of t:he State of [nlashington ta co.ndemn and damage lands I within its cor.porate limits necessary for the aboyestated purpose . SECTI:QN IZ.� ; The City Attorney is her.eby authorized and directed to commence condemnation proceed�ngs against the owners and all other paxties in interest in the aboVedescribed land as -_1- r,. c' � r�' �� �` r • ' � i . . `1 � � . provided by law; to prepaxe the necessary �et.ition in condemnation ,, and commence and prosecute such action in the Superior Court in i and for th_e County o� King against all of the owners and interested i parties in the hereinab.o.ve described property� and to acquire , the aforedescr 'ibed property for the City pf Renton; and such proceedi,ngs shall be to ascertain the just compensation for the tak�,ng of such property and/or the damaging7 if any, of such property caused by th_e City��s acquisition of such property, SECTION IV ; Compensation for the acquisition of said property rights sha:ll be: ma,de from assessments on properties within the limits a� L, I .D. No . 3Q2 , and/or from such_ .other �unds of the City of Renton as may be available th.erefor. SECTTON 'V : Noth.ing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiVer by the City o� Renton of its rights to decline to take and pay fox said property after the am�unt of compens.ation has been ascertaine.d, and wi.thin the. time a,llowed by law, SECTIO"N� VI ; This prdinance shall be effective upon its passage? approva,l and five days after its �publication, �A,�SED BY THE CITY .COUNCTL thi,s 19th day q� December, 1977 . . .. .Q. . ,///� Deloxes �, Mead � C�ity Clerk �SPPROvED BY THE MAYOR this Y9th day of December. , 1977x ����.�,:����:�,��� Charles�. Delaurentl , Mayor Approyed as to fQrm.� . . LAJ A �����(/`r/7vK� . . . . . . . . , L ence J, WA�ren, Acting City Attorney Date o� �ubl�.cation: December 23 , 1977