HomeMy WebLinkAbout03357 - Technical Information Report TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Smithers' Place South 5th Street and Wiliiams Avenue South Renton, Washington Prepared for: SD Renton, LLC April 15, 2002 I Revised: May 22, 2002 I, Revised: September 3, 2004 Revised: July 19, 2006 �, Revised: November 9, 2006 ' Our Job No. 7251 ��i�'� P� ����s ' t�, oF wAsy� T9 I G� � 9 2so �c, '� o��s�,NA N�\�� l( �� t�� v� Dff'IRES: 2/05/ U�' III r �GHa`� CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES i mQ' �, �Z 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH, KENT,WA 98032 . (425)251-6222 . (425)251-8782 Fa,x ' www.barghausen.com n V °sa`y���`� i ���M�� 3357 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Technical Information Report (TIR)Warksheet 1.2 Vicinity Map 1.3 Assessor's Map 1.4 Topographic Survey 1.5 Boundary Survey 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Preliminary Engineering Plans 2.2 Administrative Site Plan Review Staff Report, Advisory Notes to Applicant, dated January 29, 2001 2.3 Summary Core Requirements 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Preliminary Drainage Report by Barghausen Consulting Engineers,Inc.,dated December 15,2000 4.0 RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology 4.3 Detention Calculations 4.4 Water Quality Calculations 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 25-Year Conveyance Analysis 5.2 100-Year Conveyance and Back���ater Analysis 5.3 Pump"A" Sizing Calcu(ations 5.4 Pump"B" Sizing Calculations 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND S'I'i.JDIES 6.1 Geotechnical Engineering Design Review, Sherman Apartments, Renton, Washington, by Shannon & Wilson, Inc.,dated February 25, 2002 6.2 Geotechnical Engineering Study for the Proposed Williams Avenue Apartments by Ear[h Consultants Inc.,dated November 12, 1999 GtrYOFREN�ON RECEIVED 7z5�.��$�BHE/bq�a�h, NOV 15 2� BUILDINGDIVISION 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed project is 0.9 acres in size located at the northwest corner of the intersec[ion of VVilliams Avenue South and South Sth Street in Renton,Washington. The subject property has 115 feet of frontage along South Sth Street on its south side,approximately 250 feet of frontage along Williams Avenue South on the east side, and 350 feet of frontage along an alley along its west side. The subject property is bordered to the north by a single-family residence. The subject property is currently occupied by the Renton Family Practice Clinic,parcel parking lots, and I� existing single-family residences that serves as a medical laboratory,an attached garage, and a gsass field area. There are ten fir trees,one cedar tree, two pines trees,and two ornamental trees on the subject site. i �3oth VVilliams Avenue South and South Sth Street have existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the �, frontage of the property with catch basins and underground storm drainage system for stormwater ', collection. The existing parking lots have catch basins and underground storm drainage systems that connects into the City of Renton's underground storm drainage system on South Sth Street. 1fie property is essentially flat with less than five feet of elevation change along the north/south access of the site. The site will be developed by construction of 92 residential units. Residential construction will be four levels of wood frame structure over concrete parking garage. Additional improvements will include the reconstr�cting and widening of the existing alley located along the site's westem property line. Additional improvements include reconstruction of the sidewalk along Williams and South Sth Street to the limits of the site's property line. As part of this development, the existing structures, parking lots, utilities, and trees,e[c., on site will be demolished prior to construction. Runoff from the proposed buildings��ill consist mostly of rooftop drainage and sidewalk drainage which is considered clean stormwater and is not subject to�vater quality treatment. Additional impervious area is being added to the alley along the site's western property line. It is under the 5,000-square-foot threshold required to mandate water quality. As a consequence, no water quality for this additional impervious area will be required. Runoff collected within the parking garage area will be collected by a series of drains within the parking area, then routed to an oil/water separator, and then pumped to the existing sanitary sewer system within Williams Avenue South. In accordance with the advisory notes to applicant,Note No.2 under Plan Review Stormwater,all calculations have been performed in accordance with the I 990 edition of the King County,Washington Surface Water Design Manual. ;2�I.00S[BHL-bq�ath] I King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner SD Renton, LLC Project Name Address 2100 124th Avenue N.E.. Suite 100 Sherman Apartments Bellevue. WA 98005 Location Phone (425)602-3700 Township 23N � Project Engineer Rob Armstronq Range 5E � Company Barqhausen Consultinq Engineers, Inc. S.E. 1/4/S.W. 1/4 of Address/Phone 18215-72nd Avenue South Section 18/17 Kent, Washinqton 98032/(425)251-6222 I Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS I APPLICATION � 0 Subdivision HPA ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Management ' 0 Short Subdivision 0 COE 404 0 Rockery ❑ Grading D DOE Dam Safety 0 Structural Vaults ' � O Commercial 0 FEMA Floodplain ❑ Other ■ Other Multi-familv 0 COE Wetlands ��, Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community ' Renton ' Drainage Basin ' Black River Drainape Basin Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS O River O Floodplain ❑ Stream 0 Wetlands 0 Critical Stream Reach O Seeps/Springs ❑ Depressions/Swales O High Groundwater Table ' 0 Lake 0 Groundwater Recharge 0 Steep Slopes ❑ Other 7251.009.wpd [RJA/athJ Part 7 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities UR Varies Moderate to low Varies D Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS ' REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT � ❑ i ❑ ❑ 0 Additional Sheets Attached � Part 9 ESC REQUiREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION ! ■ Sedimentati�n Facilities ❑ Stabilize Exposed Surface , ■ Stabilized Construction Entrance ■ Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities I, ■ Perimeter Runoff Control ■ Clean and Remove all Silt and Debris ' ■ Clearing and Grading Restrictions ❑ Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities ■ Cover Practices 0 Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation ■ Construction Sequence areas � ■ Other O Other II Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM ❑ Grass Lined Channel ❑ Tank ❑ Infiltration Method of Analysis ', 0 Pipe System D Vault O Depression D Open Channel D Energy Dissipater ❑ Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigation ❑ Dry Pond ❑Wetland ■ Waiver of Eliminated Site ❑Wet Pond ❑ Stream ❑ Regional Detention Storage , Brief Description of System Operation Pursuant to SEPA, no detention and water qualitv is required for alley improvements. Runoff within parkinq qaraqe will be routed to sanitarv sewer system. Facility Related Site Limitations , Reference Facility Limitation 7251.009.wpd [RJA/athj Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTSfTRACTS 0 Cast in Place Vault O Drainage Easement '� O Retaining Wall ❑ Access Easement � 0 Rockery>4' High ❑ Native Growth Protection Easement ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Tract ❑ Other O Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided her � cu te. � ` l�_��_� Z Signed/Date �I ' � I 7251.009.wpd [RJA/ath] 3H nr���N � � ��i 4 �� . . . . �nin o , �f �r, � �� �, � ` 7�' �= a� »� n v "`r18 d0 'n � �.;��+� �. �Q �� � � c�/� . � �• & N � o- �, Hl�Ti�f a�c 3N.r,y `�2 $e � (� "''6 . `'r ,DC'��1' ���' " �,4•� �S Jyry 3��a,�rx�. � '� a,�G��2 �d .:� � yr�d0 Ct'%do. . � fg g : �� NOSNOaB . x � Y� � g I 0� ',� 351J 3NIY1� �� q 3x id � 3N �y R;~� . ,�� y,, ,, �c3 3SlJN3 „d,O - ' u' '�17d'3 �.- — -�-���i�^ � ,;;.r 3N a4 A3N31Np41.� �i : � --J,�__'—"--- �; �„ L.�- � .-,r �.aa�n<;r's,� ..k�. 3s n n nv s r, ]5 �_'_"� N Q ,� � . � , N10? ��g .. .� ' ` � ��..���� L� �yl� -s� � N" �'�SNr�S � t � o `��P � "9 Q 3s����N s ao\ �' ` � y ,D � ' 96 �� N 3Nor . ` N = �'�� � i� _,� �v � �� ' .� ^r aol�v� _ .... a �� , nv � s3Nor S �, UOD N AY �a'Spp �"` . 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Ayvr. Nevi�ion Job NumE�r Q•C'H'4VS, iazis nNo nvENue sourH o••'Q^•°= $Cp1i Foe Title: ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY 7251 mP �►� t�2 KEr,r, WA 98032 oro.� .SRFL. HONponlal FIFTH AND WILLIAMS HOUSING ASSOCIATES, LLC. LOTS 11-17 BLOCK 27 sn.« �' -�-�, �425)251-6222 cn.ckea AW4. �••zo' � (425)251-8782 FAX 2100 124th AVENUE NE TOWN OF RENTON �� �W' 6? civi�ENaNeeaiNc, �ANo auNNwc, "°'•`°•'� °•""'� SUITE 112 RENTON, WA 1 , 1 c��iH�EN�`NE�p SURVEYIN4 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date � e N�A BELLEVUE, WA g8005 �aP.�o 00,725� eu�ey�25�1o21.awy pak Ime:]7I 2006 •e07 vu Swien:� iwE;t xr<h --�-- - o o c� � I � LOT LINE ADJUSTi4/iENT LUA-oo-168-LLA �1� � A POR'RON OF THE SE 1/4 SECTtON 18'AND THE u+��o-u�� SW 114 SECTION 17, TOWNSHIp 23N, RANCE 5E, W.M � ClTY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASFi�IGTON EXISIING PARC�LS ADJUSTED PARCEL A pECLARA11pN L.EGAL DESCRIPTIONS LEGAL I�ESCPoP110N T};S LOT UNE ADJUSTMENi IS AMDE N9TH A(Y FREE W�L AND CONSENT MID IS TF� GRAPFqC DEPICIION OF MY WISFES TO MJUSf TFE PROPERiY IJNES AS SHOWN FEJiEON. I DECLFRE 7W�T(A4 THE FEE SIMPLE OWMER OF THE IANDS SHOWN HEREOIJ. PAF2CEL 1: TAX LOT 723150-2455-9 LATS 11 THRWGH 17 IN BLOCK 27 Of TOWN pF RENTON, ACCORDING TO PUT RECORDED IN YOLUAIE 1 OF PIAiS, PAGE 135, IN KING COUNTY, WASkINGTON; THE NORTH HALF OF LOT 17 IN BLOCK 27 OF TONM OF RfNTON, FuCCORDING TO PLAT $p RENTON LLC RECORDED IN VOLUNE 1 OF PLATS. PAGE 135, IN KIN6 CWNTY, WASHINGTON; IXCEPT iHE WEST 5 FEET OF SA10 LOT CONVEYED FOR ALLEY PU�tPOSES BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 91U203 ANO 910204. ExCEPT THE WEST 5 FEET OF SAJD LOT.CONVEYED FOR ALLEY PURPOSES BY DEEDS � RECORDED UNDER RECORDlNG N06. 910203 AND 910204. 6Y: PARC0. 2: TAX LOT 723150-2455--Ot ITS; 4 � Z LOT 16 AND THE SWTH F1ALF OF LAT 17 IN BLOCK 27 OF TOWN OF RENTON, NCCORDNrG TO �/1T RECORDED M VOLUME 1 Of PLATS. PAGE 135, W KING WUNTY, ACKNOWLEDCMENT wns►�wcroN: � IXCEPT THE WEST 5 FEET OF SAID LOTS CONVEYm FOR ALLEY PURPOSES BY DEEDS SfATE OF Wl�SHMIGTON � � " RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 950203 AND 910204. COUNiY Of KING x � PARCEL 3: TAX LOT 723130-2450 I CERTIFY TWR I KN()W OR HAVE SATISFACTORI'ENDQ7CE THAT'�NI� THE � . o PFRSON MHD APPFARED BEF9RE ME.MID SMD PERSON K;KNOWImGED THAT S E SIGNED > I'�•�b�,��1 � LOT 75 IN BLOCK 27 OF TOWN OF RENTON, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUYE T���S7RlAAIN�.ON OA1Fi STATED (S�iE ,WTHO TO IXECUfE THE INSfRUYEM t �p�y'••.r"�py1� 1 -OF PLATS, PACE 135, IN KWG COUHTY, WASIi1NGTON; AND ACKNOWLEDCED IT AS TFFE OF SD RENTON LLC � �:• o `�i�.... i � TO BE 7F� FREE AND YOLUNfARY ACT Of ARJY FOR 7NE USES ANO PURPOSES . �T�y - IXCEFf iHE WESf 5 FEET OF SWO LOT CONVEYED FOR ALLEY PURPOSES 8Y DEEDS �������- �� .�`�� ,; RECORDED l7NDER RECORqNG NOS. 91�203 ANO 910204. DATED 7HIS_c.�MY OF Q�� , 200a�, i p(,g�C �i � PARCEl 4: TA% LDT 7231 50-2 430-Ot V�II�y � � ��5''g'�b�^ r a ImTARY RUBUC IN D FOR THE ST�Of WASHINGtON "�`� • --'t ' o LOTS 11 THROUGH /4 IN BLOCK 27 OF TOWN OF RENTON, luCCORDMG TO PLAT ��AT ' - `r RECOROED IN VOlU4E 1 OF PUTS, PAGE 135, IN KING COUNTI', WASHWGTON; PPoHiED NAME - � o D(CEPf 1HE WE5T 5 FEET OF SND l0T CONVEYED FOR ALLEY Pk1RP-OSES BY DEEDS COYWSSION EXPIRES t,: .. ,�„ RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS 970203 ANO 810204. ���; : ' r , , 0 e o' 0 E � \ 0 3 APPROVALS a 0 ov,uu�o nra,w�aovE�n�s 3D pAY OF�9 �� 200?. 0 n ,`) � � W� -F� Gr� �s Ziw.ievKts� S CRY OF RENiON ADINNSTRATOR OF N/G�9lXDNG/PUBIJC WORKS t � KtNG COUMY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSAAENTS � � a otn�r+en uo�wraovEu nes�on� zoo� 0 � � 6 ! aNc caxrn�ssFssoR Kwc courm oR � ZVV)` = r,�ou►rr Nuu� 7Z3iS�-a�f30:�• ZVS�,ZyG� 04 + L iuoEx wu RECORDING CERTIFICATE: LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: �jAA4 � NA DfA1iN�' R�ae;,, rw.�e oi o soa �000 is— �'ot 4Sy�qJ+ Q�G ,VS1 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH �H SE 114 SEC 18 1 SW 1M SEC 17,T.23N.,R.SE.,W.Y. SHT 9 itw mop cortectly«presenb o auv�y mo0�cy me«unaa ny � .� ���n P �. � KENT, V�A 98032 �� 4 4 02 �Y� raa ro��a e:. � C4 d/YJ Lc�� pp2 d 3 ;.�o �.a�+��«monc v�ux r�wanm�a a ms swry k.rarany p : R•� srue SD RENTON LLC P .�.;.....�51 d s,..,,.,e.�r �_...,.....�. �u ai u,.�.p,�� uc.�,wi.2000. � Z {425�251-6222 1" = 40' u � '°"�"°"""`°'"'"w�""""' o � ��- ,s,' � (425)251-8782 FAX gy:RWG 2100 124TH AVENUE NE SUITE 100 9 �,� � ° ' ? BELLEVUE, WA Y8005 �F /51CR SJ � ,_' JOB NO.: 7251 O!}�OL A',�� � � y' CML E1JGN4EERMG LAND PINJNWG, � e.�JX t,1s..1� t.�. R.NILYM CUSSEY.PJS. a� E,�s 05`7�8-�3 ,T�NC ENG\H��P SURVEYiNG, FalviRONA1ENT,4� SERVICES aaa�cr�o. CiTY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WA 3 �anw« sw.:�+a xK«a� �— �omuna�Na u2�e ` n � Oo iS o LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ��A-oo-,gB-LLA A POR110N OF THE SE 1/4 SECTION 18 AND THE �N�-so-os» SW 1/4 SECTION T7, TOWNSH� 23N, RAIVGE 5E, W.M. ""°�`�"`°" CRY OF RENTON, KfNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON S71fNEY COMROL 1AONUYENT ���,a N0. 205 ptt OF REN70N SUKVEY CONfROL 1lOqUHfI�IT �I r N0. 1140 ' N � S. 4TH STREET ;°� - _�62T•37-E �00 49' OLLG - 0 20 40 80 � ��� � ,��� � i SCALE: 1��0� � j-' -- __ ��CSB '24'2' "1� •.1 � � PARCEL i � I , '�_ _ N � ' �i I W i � � I EASEMENTS AND RESTPoCTIONS Z -- -- — — — — tt�� .. pftt FlRST AhERtGW rq.50319s-5K W PARCEL 2 � X ia n�s aaoPemr s we�r ro n��s uo cammoHs aF� > i S � .�Y���r:��, �� Z . : PMIlERSMP NGREELEJif W7ED OCfOBFR Q 19E0. �` l,,,� „`-�.� W 0 13.iH5 PROPFRIY 5 SUBJECf TO TFiE 7ERM5 AND CONDR1016 OF A PEAVS9VE a �� � � VSE ACRfDIQ1f AS ImCAPDED UNOER RECaRWNC N0.92052'12702.REOOfi05 OF � -- -- -,; �� — __ o K91G OOUMIY.WJWWGfOM.(NOTED HERE) � � ` �. � �— Q� e M 14.THIS PROPERIY�S SUBIECT 10 TNE h7iM5 AND CONDfIiONS OF A RECARD OG 1 `.� SUtVEY ti5 P£COR6ED UNDEIi REC�JG N0. 199907f17900019.�co�s ov ~ ����.+ aARCEI 3 �- o ice�c c�wmn,w�+rrcroH. (unnm m tr�v�r�rana+oF nas sum�ri W � ,,r��• � �----� .,� p S N , O `� p Z J ��� 'JI1�'OLD�OT UNE '$ °� � �� I -- _- -- 4,t �e� _ 1(T�YPNBE'AL,1J01�ED a QI� � _ — —g � � J� I � SURVEY NOTES m _ �-� I , a i'_-_'_" � "'�$ 1 0 � � /� L � I � �Q j-"*� EnEfant r N _ � 1. HORQONfAL OAiUM IS NAD 1983/91. fflD POSff10N OF CIfY OF RENfON � � � House � + SURYEY CONTROL NONUImJT N0.205 N1D DIFECfpN TO CfIY OF RENTON SUHVEY � yY O) � i o � canraoi e�oeruaFxr aa tt+a.vExncx o�1uY�s w�w t9ae. �w arr av a �� �-____-_� i E RENTON$UR4EY CANfROI YOIILMIFNT N0.212J. ElEVM.',�N=45.11 FEET. __' __ __ Q_j._ _ _ _ � 2 PROPERIY ARFA = �0,276 t SOIViRE FEEi(0.925 t MYtES). � I � �� o a nss sura�r�rs vis�a.E Rnsirx�+Exrs conana+s � ocsn+c q+ocroe�n i. i�.�u sur�r cartr�a nroicrr'rEn ws-�auw'wws s2 �,jJ o � �J D D RECOyERm fOR iH15 F"rcOJECT IH OCTOBER OF 1989. .� � "� PARCEL 4 4.iH6 I$A FE1D 7Rl�fRSE$URVEY.A 501(IM FNE-SECOND ELEC(RONIC TOTAL � o suna+rus usm To u�ae ir+e arrcwue�o asr�r�noNsrws -- -- __ J n eErr�+n+e coHrnaurc No'nn+errtairon ns sr+owk aosu2e wvas ov n�e � - - - - - � iRAVERSE►�ET OR IXC�m i}iDSE SPECFIFD MI MVC 332-130-080. DI5fN10E � Q � r 4EwSUfiNG EOUFYEHT FiAS BEEN Gl1BRAlED AT AN tLG.S.flASQ1NE NRHIN ONE � � YFAR OF THE MTE OF iN6 SURVEY. I i� C��,1^ � r- L.G�IYLJ ' _"'-_'_"""-_ i ' � � �19.4't � . I _ � �� 1 � FOUNp Yqp1WEHf 0.S NpTm / - -- — i — � o � 8enton Fsmd9� . ,�r�,uo c,�-ece��e- o - � Pl1CtICt CI101C � TO BE SET AS CONSfRUCTpN IS i , an � at.. � CONPIETm. d i �v � �i � � ,,, � ' o ' � i� � - �� 19.8'f� � �_ __ __ ��_�_�������..�� i N88'$g'04tiV 115.04'^ � I . - - , ]Op.05' ��. woAu�ti«F - S. 5TH STREET. Fwo. �oa w �-i sr � -- __ u��wse D¢ v� vt� � WDEX OATA , ��� �< GNA(� °�"� �'H SE t!4 SEC 18 i SW if4 SEC 17,T.28N.,R.5E.,W.11. SHT ' �F W S 9s, Q. �1 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH � �.. ., �'c`rt^ Q� � KENT, WA 98032 a 4 02 �Y Fors ti �'` Q'� 'f. sr.u� SD RENTON LLC ' � (425)251-6222 1" = ao' 2�pp 124TN AVENUE NE � ' (425)251-8782 FAX ���: SUITE 100 9 RE� Q, ° � ? ,ae ra.: �G BELLEWE, WA o8006 - �F '! SrE q� ti,y r�� GVIL FNGNEERING. LAND PLANNiNG. 7251 E�� os��s-o3 `(T�N�ENG�N��P ���' ���� SErnncEs ��H0.- GTY OF RENTON KIN(i COUNTY WA 3 - a � o o i, - o r LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT �uA-oo-lsa-LLA A PORTION OF THE SE 1j4 SECTION 18 AND THE w�-�ao2�� SW 1/4 SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5E, W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING C�JNTY, WASHINGTON —� �� � �'I�I r�TI �' 'I�I �� - 0 ,�0 200 400 �--�--�-�.LLJ I__�__,--`—�___•__� I � I I SCALE t'=200' !----i� ' _— � � � �y s°�� I li v� - �� � � � � � �� �--- ►I . � � � � u _J - I � " 80UTH <TH 8TREET I x r a � / f��� � � I 0 o -L-` � � —I p � � �—�-- �I � � u I � � --'-a yZ� y� I � 0 � i y� —"� �—� > — 7 0�J � I � /� `� —y � ! �W � ! / /�/1 � F I {U ir< � �< '_ �I /A � N / i � _ — Q�< �� V/ � �� �I I Z I+ W J 3 � � � � -�-� �� u m� °' a lU_il.—�J �L___I � � soartH�rH sT�r � a � ° �-- _ � �� E � � F �O I '�' � �� b �� _ I O � a --i? y�__ I � _ � I � > � I I � � — o �t -- � � I N � � ��� I � �� , , � --�� a I � � f o � � � = �-� � � L� -+-- I _� � _l SOUTH OTH 8TREET �,�1 + � � I I g _� �; ( ,� I � �+ a �� � � � � � � _ . - -� �-- �1� � . , ---� - � � / �� � --� � i ��1 ! -_� � -� ! � % ��� ;� � r � NEI �HB4RHOOD DETAIL MAP ��d4 OL e1DIX DaU �'�y w�sc,ys Q.GH'4�/� 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH �� PWH SE V4 SEC 18 i SW t!1 SEC fl,T.2SN.,R�.,w.�. SHT ° t'•y d'c�'� @' � KENT, WA 98032 a 4 02 �F� .1�'� -� Q) �f. s�: SD RENTON LLC � (425)251-6222 �' = 200' 3 � � ` � � (425)251-8782 FAX ���+'� Sl1ITE�100 AVENUE NE �, � . 2 Rwc g�EWE, WA o8005 OF q �SttR��J�� Z �oB ra-: 7251 � �N� S s 9' qVll ENGINEFRING. LAND PLANNWG, �+� os��a�oa G<T�'�G ENGM��P ���' ����u S�Es ��T�•� CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WA 3 �l�: � R. 4 E R 5 E �searret rr_��� �,oi � n, � �C�'� - ,.. ro •. - -;ar� 9c � . ;loins sheet 5) � _„ao: —� _ — L_ , �i �-�-�-�s. 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MPEPV�O:S A?E4 FYtOP��SC'J�YPE�ri�l,� ap[�, r-E�V NES _2 5 08 �����f x� m ' I � �., ' b,236 :f Rti�'G� �2.a70 SF RW`70� �. _' ' UU1Um� i---- "-1 � � 10.077 $i PAVED PARKING LOl 14,716 SF CONCRETE �RLK �,,. p��M�.LLC GHAV 'i� � � � 1.D00 SF CONCRETE WkN 1.120;F PLAN'.Ep MEAi � S� 1� AVEMIE NE s� �� Iw m � /� .. , '��Z� '�; � Ex f 0'.R/W I 5'F�^N DEL4CATION � � 22'463 SF GRA55 2.010 SF PAVED ALIEY I (425�1-39� �V`- `_- Z ���Z I 5' I � 4J.276 ON S�TE TOTAI W,27E ON SRE TOTAL CONl/�GT: BILL SHE7tAUN � Ji � �����N.�I 5 TOP OF PT Y/H EL=17.i5 � � a � '¢O � � � 0 = 0.69 CFS 0.._�i 8�C�5 I, � Z g .��Z'.z' i DISTMiCE TO FACE CF WnLL VN8E5 TT 5 � J ..•^:�, y �Z ��r�� SEE PIAN YIEYf - � �• : S�DEWA:Y. 8'WIDE ON W0.LWI5 IM1'E. 5. � 10�YEAR iNLRFA�c IN FIXq�F = OB4 CfS J.69 CFS = 0.7„ CFS 1ffi75 721D AVEIp1E$WfH L� P Z. 1E55 1HAN Q 5 CF'S THRESNOLC, THER F R[ �q p[TENTION IS REO'J�kE.",. J � ��z �.; ' / � i JGEWA:K " wbE ON S. STH St. KEM.NA 9BOJ2 �N� �N� V y S K' Z .LIMTS OF E%. PAYFMENT �. JVRS 4F E?(. PAVEYENTI • �� � SIDENAIM: 563'N7DE NC�F1H vF NCft"H BINLpNG � TC BE CONSERI'A'IVE, THE RWSED.LRN�ER.4F[A$WERE COUNiE]A, ENG • I . (425)251-622T .�a i I 3 ' --- E%. CChCRE�E CURB�Nfi C�NCREfE � LL. o o �. I • SEE PW:`CEW j 425257-E762 FAX � EL �MffS GUTTEP TO AE4NN UNDIST�RSED � � I,V��F�O• v� I �� � �, "�NEW IMPE�NOVS AREA SU&IE ��. TO VEFh,�LAf 'RR��IC < 5000 SF THRESMOLD FCR wA7ER O�AU�Y� TREA'NENT Rt50 ICSS TWW THE E%�SwG �I �o��'Z� � . TOP 0��OUNLUTqN WhLL ��, __TR � ?ARKMIG LGT,IYEREFORE, NO wAT_R O�Jf1ih TRUTM:N'IS REOUIREJ CITY OF RENTON ^ ,i � a WI � R G0: OC � � ' EL 36.33 , . .i.. __--_- �ap U w � . .- , '. ' , ,, ,.�- � . ,r _ .__ _ �EPARTMENT OF Pl1BLIC WORKS n�o a _�- _,�-`�--"�"T' �� `�, -+�4� , ,�<r �", � a �. ��1 � - - �FOR APPNOVAL . --�-,-r-< -t.'-fr--t"z-y."__"' ��i-I'r�l '- � F- - ,a.�.,�.��voi � � � ; "i-'"---T""--"-' I _ C �.-r �C--.: .- . • �L ! `'_�CkTH rY :FV4EN ONSSTCM���� gr pole: /�p�/��� w,^ �+�/�p�� �p�p��/�� p� ��� ° �Wl.Jll\V J'VRJ J 1<Jf'1M ►JfV1t1`�N\.L f L/'11� O w y��,��� <a UPI.CONP/�.,,.7ED DEPTH CL�8 e � G-OC' ..���. ,.�. ASPH?:T CONGKTED DEPiH CRl15HEU '-�I. BY Dale: F'dN 3 M9foms ts m ��. ' kOCN B�SE �, oeaiar� a�.c �,� .7�Ze�oi- r�"° - -- ��----. 7 -SU6GP.l�GF COUFnC7EC in y5;M4r �' �� �p� py, y�� t'=2C___ rf�eoc� rnoE__ W . � � i � ,�ALLEY SECTION oRY�.Ey�ir SIDEWALK SECTION _ YI�'�I! Z ���' �� _' BJ: - ... _- U 1 _Date �� _ _ - �,SD1 x 5 m � SE 1/4 SECTION 18 AI�SW 1/4 SEC110N T7, T1NP. 23 N., FiC�.5 E, W.AA � �' .-,�a I 3 lu �' I F:Y�--�-:-_ _-.. �'.. �j .^,1 , i �`�L��-- �- � O '>' C,_'f.�� I , «_ , N o to 20 +o _ �r � aa:� ' , �; � , � '��'�'1 I � $;Cw_ "_A.ii��aa'� �. 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' ' , i � I I t��titing � I <"PERFORATED PVC �OUN�AT'ON DRNN PROUND INTER�6P � � i � _-i-._ - - -- , ,. OF THE PERIM�ER FOUNDPi1�N WPLI SEE 8U'�ID�NG I I � }�'�"` STRUCTURA: Pl�W SHEET S�1 FOR CRCSS SE.TICY1 DEfAIL. � � - � ' � ! I APPROX. iE=25.83 ! 1 I � I . .� - � I : TiW OF�T S1A8 EL=3'.25 ' � I I I ` ZapEi . _ - < < �4"PERFORATED FVC FCUNGJ�T1"vN JfWN aR0'JND E%TEP.IDR � - OF THE PEPoMETER FOVNCA7ICN WALL SEE BUiLDMG I i �Ci1,����,R.-�Slq - ' ` I�� : , STRUCTURAL PLAK SHEEf 511 �OR CRGSS SECTION DETNL , y `- . FPPRO%. �E=27.91 I I a a a a a " ., I I ' - _ � ����.�. t TOP Of FOUNGAT�pN WALL EL=�6��� , � � . -co a N;.. � iJ - 00 ^�I,`.n� w ` r. w�it P = �D,�'� < i '.;;�w�� �y6�' . �__�L� : ,�N��� � l_."_ . .- i�.�. E1op:j 78 �. � '���i��.i� ";E -� �. - ��;�;m i m _'-5-�s- 1,'� SPECIAL STRUCTURE NOTES p�� _ � . 1 _�-�+-- ' 3'r 9P EEVD � ' ' • GE�-CUNFC�IT� DR.VN S"RiP -- SD REHTON,LLC GHA� _ 2100 1�4TH AVENUE NE �� �� � � T (PIACE GEINEX74E SiDE Oj SDNM�, n�v_�-5c'' � tpp W,�� , 4G0� � A.CJI'NST GRGUNu^ W/GUP EX PJM?(100 LFN MiMNUM; g���yu�5 w t-W II g, GRAIN: SEE �5• � FREE ORPJNING , RW 2B I5 (425)641-3939 m r � G Z[.i SHEET SD4 SANO OR GFAVEI IE=25.r5 a'!N FWNOaTON DfLVN) �p�{�,�7;gLL SHERMM7 � ' IE=25J5�E'!h FRGM ACO) �ip�, <, � Z�.pN,� ��U¢O � �F 6 a� 63 6"•���(�'�') � FUW�TA�qN E%. CATCH BASIN � SEE DETNL SNEEIS 5'JS h SD4 �5 72W AVENUE S011iF 2L� Py. - 6R IE=2500(J'�M OUT) �o� . 2 - 3lY�4 �RpA�STORM DR��N s O.�O Z W ; p��MP . O 19��/�CO CNNA KENf.IW�9E0J2 T��'G ENG��E� - w 5� (azs)zsi-sz22 � a z Soa',�wa�aovcuEco eou�:'n.vz � � O � RIN=29}p (425)251-8782 FN( U�W O In � IE=285° i6"; ��'^� � RAMP DRAIN DETAIL ��iNc cut�r� e�=za.�s '� '�T"'- ''`-`' SD3 CITY OF RENTON N m'U.y�j'�.V - ��D�F����� �EPARTMEf�ff OF PUBLIC WORKS ^ I� d�...W � - "'�i�a a �+wnw�+c nw��o�ow���w^C ��al,vwi��o�� ___-_ -- _ ,.".90'BENC vVV-lI1\� flM1Y� VfVYlV1�7C Q .w. �IN: . -_-_-__�C- E=2775i � �' �N Z a o! m � W PREFH9PICh.TE"J �RAN �?4TE I��,.�.:�.. .� .. SUPPLIEG 3Y �RAIN STRIF By. pote: Fltl�d�Ifiome b AUWUFPCTURER. ocsKae� e'+E___ 0 �� = - • STORM FORCE MAIN DETAIL _'' �� coNNec-cR P;PE ExTEvoiN.. � �4 0�++, 6„E _ o.-� "z6�"__ "F"° -- - � �. TNRO''GF' �ACE tt TE�M'N4'INS+ pT Lil.� clECltEe RJA g�,LLE 7'�=20� FlEtneooc .�tf w o vER'I'cl r;di4t�E ST.IP. 10�'a7'nrd 'P D �+�1 � . .<n'ic�-, z . ' p.� . �' - Eyc�..,- _ ` 97 -_Dote amno�.Fc .-- -- , . . . . - - - - sEE,.7LJ2oF `J- C� � I _ 5 R�A��E ��S SE 1/4 SECTION 18 AND SW 1/4 SECTION T7,TWfP. 23 N, RGE. 5 E, W.M � ' � �. BEFORE ANY CONSRUCTION OP, DNELO�MENT A��Nfrl OC„'JRS,A�REC,vNSTRUCTION MEE7tNG MUci 9E �--. I�n g � NELD WRH iHE GN OF RENTON DEPPRTMENi OF FGELIC'NORkS,JES!GN ENG�NEER. � ; f �Y 1/7'%s'F]�AN90H YA7ER1,1L 42" MAX I= �g . ALL CONSTRUCTqN SIIhLt BE IN ACCORDANCE WRH TF'E '1988 STANDPRD SPECIFICATIONS FOFt RCMC, BFIO^E �/�F A7�� 24�� M.N � AND MUNIqPAL CONS1RUCilON'PREPMm B:'WSi)0?N:0 THE N�ERICAN PUBLIC WORNS ASSOCIRT�GNS � � (APWA).1S AMENDE�B/TNE CfiY OF REMON DEPAR74ENf O�PUELIC WORKS. t/Yx�'�u�soM uniEAw �y,cpC.Wre�v+D cJTi[n �:. .. � .� T 1I{�R AT JpHiS �-' r j�{� j�� :: _ . . �. ThE STORM DRRINAGE SfSTEM SFM1L 8E CONSTRUC�ED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED P1M15 wNl;,f PRE 5" � LJ U Lf U.L�:� �.. ON F'�.LE IN THE DEFARTMINi OF PUBUC N'ORKS. AkY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVfD PLANS NI:'_ REr.��U'FE A 2-7 2"' 'A� f! , WRITTEN AFPROVAL FROM THE C1TY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBJC MKJRKS,DESIGN ENGINEEP. C�F � �� � ��- � STORM WATER UTILITY. scUnE u�6 10 BE R,wIK � - !,� - Q. W m axm Nro cvitrn l-1/2'� �... r�J Q e. A COP"OF THESE AFVROVED PUNS MUST BE ON RiE.108 SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCnOM IS IN PROGREiS. � M , U Z _. OJiTUM SH4L:BE U.S.G.S UNLE�O7HE�SE MPROtiED BY Cltt OF REFlrON DEFARTMEM OF PUBUC k�l�•:�. I/2'xs'c�µ9oM�umaK ... D REFERENC�BENCHMARN ANC E:.EVATILYt A.4E N07E7 ON TME PUNS. 1/t'k AT ANiS � �� „ ' �� STD 90' BRACKET OR 360' �J � ALL SEDI�AEMPTION/EROSpN FACIlfT1E5 YVST BE IN OPERATION PRIOR TO CLFARING nN�BUILD�NG B B AD.AISTABLE BRACKET IF Q E CONSTRUCTION,AND THEY MUST BE SATISFACTORILY A4VN�AMIED UNTIL CONSTRUCTiON IS:.OMPLE7ED M1G REOUIRED. � THE POTEN7IAL FOR ON-SRE EROSION HIS PASSED. � � R .. '"�"-"^0TM°F�� � PlPE CAP Q 1 Qi RETENT!ON,�DEIENTON FACILITIES MG51 FE INSTAl1E7 AND IN OPERATION PRpR TO OR IN CCMJUkCTI^K l WfTM N.L CONSTRUCTION ACTryfry UNLESS OTHERMISE APPROVED 3Y iHE DEPARTWENT OF W9llL WORKS, �Q o STORM WAIER IJrILffY. Z 8. GRASS SEED b1AY BE AP?UED 31 hYDP.OSEEOMG. THE GRA55 SE�IIDRURE,OIHER TWW CI'.Y OF REM•�� �Q � .WPRG'EG STANDAND MKKES,SWSLL 9E SUBMf�IED BY A irNOSCAPE!RCH�IECT AND/�PPRUJED B�'TNE 2�� GALVANIZED Z�,'1 L DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORNS,STORM WATER UlllfiY. S�EL PIPE � B�-6� 7���� Q Y' � 9. ALL PIPE M1D MPUR7ENANCES SHAIL BE WD ON A PROPERLY PREPME FOUNDA?ION IN NCCORD1INCE WI1H W�' ` (f r S�CTICW 7-02.3(t)OF THE CURRENT STATE OF WASNMJGTON STANDARD SFECIFICATION FW RGAD ANC ERIDGE 10'MN.QEARAN(� - Z O GONSTRIh;T�N. 7H15 SF43LL I'ICLUGE NECESS�RY i£JEL'NG 0��NE TRENCH BOTiUM OR THE Tv^P OF 7HE 6 NO CURB. Q Z FGUNCAT�ON MATERIAL A$WELL/S PU�CEYENT U.0 COWAC�ON �F REvUIRED BEDDING Al47ERIAL TO UN��:FORM GRACE SO THA?1HE E!ITIRE LENGTF!Of lHE��FE'MLL BE SI;P?OPiED ON A UNIFORML"D:NSE Q UM'IElp1.G BASE. ALL?�PE BEDD'NG SHPLL EE APWA CIASS'C,'WI7H THE IXCEPT�ON Of°Vr cIP= nLL � TRENCH 9M;KfIL�SIWl BE CCAIPACTED TO MIt�lAR1Y 95 PERCE"f FOR PAVEuENT ANO S'RL4;TL�fW��_f�1L AND 90 PERCENT OT/iERWISE PER.iSTN D-155?-7Q. PEA CRAVEL BEDDING SFIALL BE 6 INCHES A1:D V'+'ER ehC �������a UNDER WC PIPE. i/a'�f-r.si�c ������ ONLY 10. G4Ll'ANIZED STEEI PIPE AN�4LUMINIZE�STEEL%PE FDR ALL DRNWwE FAC7LITIES SWLL HAYE 0.5FHA,i +/� �/4'/Fr,aaPE TRJTMEt�T�'t CR BETIFR'�NSIDE AND OUTSIDE. �� 4•���7p ��T I�PA1E11E)IT 15 PER PLAMS 7-1/2'CONCRETE = ?71. STRUC7URE5 SWtiI N07 BE PER4TfED 1KlHIN 10 FEET OF THE SPRING LINE 0=M:'r STOF�4 D?N!v�i,= RFE. OR 15�"EET�ROY THE TOP Of ANY C/W1NEL BANK. � " 12. ALL CAiCH BAS�N CRA'ES SWVl BE DEPRESSED 0.10 FEEf BELOW PAYEIENT LtIEL. � ' PA�pT���� � 3' a sriunum ctY cwc Pwecr�r sraw.wo m�. � - - p° �3. OPEN CU!RGhO CROSSiNGS.4Nf)E%LS11HG PUBIIC RN:FiT-OF-WAV WILL NOT BE PLLONED UNLE55 ��w� ���B� MI Ut5 Y SPEClF1C4LL1'PPPROVED BY Cftt OF RENfON�EP+f2TNENi OF FU&JC WORKS,DESIGN ENGINEER. �� 7-1�2� c 0 O SEC110N A-A SECTiON 9-B CRUSHED o �4. ROCN FOR EROSION PROTECTIOH Of HWDSIDE DRCHES,WHERE REWIRED,SH4LL BE OF SIX1NG OU4p?'r kGCh � ROCK Ey 3 PLACED TO A DE°TF1 OF , �oor,wo uusr u�r n+�FOlLOW1NG SPECIFlGT�ONS- 4 INCHS Tv^ 8 IVC�ES:'4C �,y� u PERCENi .'"v 70 PERCENT PASSI,4G; 2!NLHES TO 4 InCFiES ROCNj'0 PERCENT TC 4C fERCENT'ASSI4G; tiYi, -_ ���z�i Fw pow���o[ti[toP�T siuoNos � INCHES P.00Y•j10 ?ERCEN7 TO 20 FERC£NT P0.S9NG. �"�W a 15. ALL BUILDING DQWNSPGUTS PND FOOTINC DRIJNS SHPLL BE CONNEC�EC TO THE SOR4 D?Al'VAGE 5'�S1EM U a � UNLESS AFFROVEG BY THE DEGARTMEM OF PU9LIC W�RKS.DES�GN ENGINEER OP. STORMWFTER UT1LItt. aN � ACCURATELY GIMENSIONED CEfiTiFIEC 4S-BUI�7 GRAWIIY OF THIS J(UINAGE SYSlEM'NiLL 9E SUEMIT7ED - TO iliE Citt OF REMON UPON COMPLFT+ON. �� N0� � � 16. ISSUWJCE Cf 7HE BUIL�MG OR CONSTRUCMi!P'_TUIR EY THE CI'Y OF REN70N pOES NOT FiEL�EVE THE .o�i a n�w Y�� °�u ye ia�a�uw�r eie nn aru r w n�.o sAw�c nmam t en.wc wrm�uc vt : �JM`!ER OF TFiE COHrMURIG LEGAI OB��GnTqN.4JD/OR LNBILITY CONKECTE�W�H 5'ORA1 SURFACE ��A'E� o'�y„�"�`"�"�"�'�`O°°'�"�"6�'��°Og'"p��r �' � 71SP051'�ON. FURTHER.T�iE CffY CF RENTON DCES NOT PCCEPT Ml1' ;iBL:GATiON F�ft 1HE PROPEk �M�F s u E n,�.wsr*c aw wo arm x art wu c�m� � o FUNCTION!NG AND NNMENANCE OF TME SYSTEY aROV10Ep DURING CONSTRUCTION. _�/r.s c..m wmw a«u s nxin na�..cy m....s.r u a.��urc - a Vru�rm ww.sw i.um.,c....w.w g....nn. \ x miaErz�e rn a�a wa�msar n uc iavroo/n v awv�Wn tt�,M '�.7. TNE COMRACTOR SFi4LL BE RESPoNSIBLE fOR PROVID�AG ADEOUA'E SAFEGUMD.SAFEIY DEVICES, p�,�rt. PROTECTNE EOUIPMEN',FUGGERS,PfKi AN7 OTHER 4EE�cTi aCT10N5 TO PROTECT THE L1R, HEALTH,ANO ��x�M�^��������_���m� GROIJHD YOI7l1'fED S'fREEl' NAI� $ICNS ' SAFEtY OF THE PUBIIC,ANC'0 PROTECT PROGER'1'IN CONNECTiOq wRH?HE PERFORWNCE OF NCMK . �> COVEREC BY THE CONTRhCT. ANY WORN WI'.HIN'HE TPAVELED RiGH(-OF-WAY THAT MAY INfERRUPT �r�y y�yy i p p�m�p�} T�«��� ADOPIID - �= � NORMAL?RAFFlC ROW S�iALI RECUIR:qN APPROYED TR4FFIC COMiF20L PLAN BY THE TRRFFiC ENGiNEERING ��gp �� ���� ' jy � CMSNJN 0�THE DEPAfZiLEFf�OF PUBUC WORNS. ALL SECTIONS UF THE WSDOT STAND�RD SPEqF'�fi1TqNS ���p� �� ��S o �i = a� 1-C72J,TRAPFlC CONTRO�_.SlULL PPPIY. y�,' •�.�,�/ yr��p� a �.i o� ar�ns nas t. E0.SE SIMLL BE PWRED AGNNST CONPEiENr m - 18. SPECtAL JP.AIYAGE NEASURES�A'ILL BE REUU�RE��I'iFE'RGJ=CT UYAPON IS WRHIN THE AWt�Eo 2 ��0�� T ���«�a NA�M MN1FkL1L OR STRUCTURAI FlLL. � �� PRo`ECn^n�aREt ..ALTE9NA7E TRENCH DRAIN SPEpFlCAT10N M4Y � gy DWG. wUAE:F007 SP PAGE:F007 pq7E REVISION gy pp DWG. NAMEE G013 SP PAGE:G013 BE SUBMITFEO FOR RtVIEW AND APPROVAL ' -� ACO SLURED SiE=L GRA�E, �ACD FRAYECONC. SIAB� � :€ _ 'r . - 'c 3"OOUBLE CHECN VRVE ASSELBLY PQt � . . . , ' � � L - ..__ CffY OF RElITON STANDAHD PlAl1 B101 �__ .� ROPOSED GROUND OPROFIIE - ' , ' .PAPo(ING CARICE FF EL=28.75�.. _��.►--- ��IIN6 GROUND OPROFI.E . � .. . �� � ' . . , . . -._-_ -_ S:STH SIRE� _ 6 6� _. �� 80110M OF GARACE�AAB F1=2825 .--���_ . . �',._ MtA Mlh'+' '_���' i _� _ i �., , _ � ... . . L/� I ' iLL _ J i ' ACC iRENCH DRAIN \ I '� � PARl NO. 1005 I I � .. . . . - - Es Ui, . � E%.WPTER��I I"' � �� i%: � E 2B � - J•E�BOM . . 1 �,� � 'ELEPHO� / I . � / i ' y € u 1z� o�.00z F . , : : - �-�+� r I � .� 'i� - ' � - 32 . � � ��'� I� � ' --t� , ' 'I� - ;��,� a �e=n.�s(a•sus FoonHc awN) r osaw+ce r�r ce/2,traE , � sO;� ��{I i , �`� '; . . a 26 . . . w/STD.GRATE � . v I � o � � ��I I I i-- ��`I _�� - +--+a e:a- . 4'-3'REDUCE� It 177t]5.13 . - J7 � � d- �� - - I •� - � a O\ W ... IE=25.75(B•m� . �,,�,�� .. .� . �� � � ..�I�I�� � CHECK VALVES TRFNCH DiWN -� . 3�d`^'"� ,j � �330066t'' ....... . ..... `.�... ..: ...... NE111 CBt1 TYPE 1 �.B7T � i �\\\\ � �.,' FOR CiM7NEL �NvERTSTo�E�i�-1 �.. �� � Fw 4 A?M EL.2525- �E SHEE'SD_ _ � � , FORMED-IN-PLACE ��,��.�.,H DRAIN (FOR RAMP) -.����2IT 1 � �p��'E J DiSCFWtGE . . . � .._ :. W/SfD.GRATE c � "`J �v0-in 5?oiE - .�.. m, m . _ i� . - . . E;7�6982.� ♦ illi U U � FbuF N2 CN E�=2JJ5- IE=25.00 I _. . . . - W � I I' l� ofVFinora� T I � � Eu 7 73t} • ^ , ��I y S01 RENlON.LLC I .• . _ _. ^ � .. ' _ .._-____. .._._.___ __._-__-_ ___. _._._ ._ _i_ _ .__.____ -__'_._ - ._____72�__�_-_-_IE 30533'�HEW 12N __ �/ 210D 124TH AYENUE NE P�GHAlj�� ,i-. 5 . . � PoM�33.90 IE�30.90( �i _ SUIiE 112 � .Wi FiiuF JN _� _...s-- ; - � -TYaE 2-60'�KVN�OLE o .o; . w. .... o. . ^-- �. }� � v' �9ELLEVUE.BLL SHatww C,9i16 SMy ,'Flz� PER OEfNI SHEEf SD4 ro r�'; . � - vi! . . ,FI .. . . � '•_�� � _ : 'w`�„���' ? j �. ' ; . . . . � . . . . . . . � . . �'�.. � � o.�iZ� .>..;u= �F;E.=2t_t�- a = - n ; . . ; .. EH�ItlEEBt � -- r - I j�alp . .._.. . . .. . ..._.__._.. _-_._____ -_ _____ ..__... .._..�.__.. ___.-_ _______� -_.____..___.. _ _____ _ ____ ___. t8215 72ND AVEMIE SOUIH d� � � .� '� I� Z - 1f00 2+00 3+�00 D!CB, l7FE G " I I g¢ Z �.,,,•,� M� �_,.?>_ STORM DRAINAGE PROFILE (CB�k2 TO EX _CB) E�Mz99��,E w;, �:z TSA-62222 `r�NG ENG�H��Q 2 �� O � � - IE J0.7.7 tt8"El (425)257-9782 FA7( '. I����o v� . . . . i'=zo�� i' =• E=30.57 ttY v� o�,� � �e_zc._� r,_•s; CITY OF RENTON N ' m�� ruw►i xao�s s++�u sE r�co uooEy �o�osa 7-?.o-ob f� . W OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .� a c INP. 1150 RPAI.3-PFVSE�fi0 VOLT,E](PLOSION PROOF.AND F�COI.�B'D�FqR APPiq'VAL � I., n w te RAIL MOU1RED AND M0.UDE HL FRTkJGS. PWNG vILVES AND �t J.AR,y �,�.�w a MPURTENANC6. CONRtOL PANEL SHALL BE LOGIED IN UlUIY � � ��:� a�iW, ROOM. COHTRACTOft SFWl PROVIDE SEPARATE CONDUR fOR PdWER 0 "�°�, e�: _oata: GRADING AND STORM DRAWAGE � I o�!v�: NID CIXQfROLS. SEE WNUFMSURER SPEpFlGT10N5 FOR I�DDf110�NL REWIREIEHTS. �7v i CS/v�V VC�AILS Z I W i�'�: SDMH�k1 W/DUPLEX PUMP�To��r��+o n+spec�n urro�x n+e euwv+c r�xwr} �� Is j Br: oacr. Cttn a w+Woms �meot: m �,�! . � v.r ��v`-"r� ---- �� O : oEsr�o eHc i'�2ioz ri�.a � � C�. _T_.t'_'-__ -^. ' .' duxN BHE__ ..__-._ -___ _' � °,pHAI iN'�' �j'� _Date �I . � : ufa� R.I�__ xN.E 0.5 SHGWN FBDBoat v�oE W() L ', 'M1 N��� Z EJ°`RES = 5i0E p,,; __DOI! APPf10A£D -_ - - `-' --- ------ ���-5 m i-- ' ; SE 1/4 SECTtON 18 AND SW 1/4 SECTION T7, TWP. 23 N., RGE.5 E.,W.M. � I� � � _ � iae a/a'm z ocvti usE rocnh cona�re wr�x � W y � I: eox uv.zr Cir,za")wn�a/a'srm cowc auic � ,,ie ,a�� >,ir�w wo..ic �e rn . �rn�m�ouoe �+eroe s�u�ee ooua.c sr�e�a rw z-i/2' :•j auu.a 'i` ro a'ocv��unun vAu�T ca wooci ssu oa m x ws� �,•� ��,. (TwK'x) [au. '.� . rn.�n� O � $I � wa i e�C n�IX W a ,.�.� =r e � �,�� � � t7-ta' ; LL GIEARANCE � Z UNON(TYRCAL) � �� � I a ,o.,�,. �-�. �„�..�.s D'O ' 'I � � P.,���,W i Q y 6'CIEMANCE AF1ER 1ES71NG k APPfiWAL PLVG � TOP NEW �Y � 21K � � I uL nsT coacs x�n+a+tiss atucs. ISOMETRIC VIE'rV � � r icxixo.ws O J E � s � �-�/sw�a/��r iA' END VIEW �Q � To aTr we�ra ro aav��srsm/ � �w�n or sxwx�as F F_ E �°""�« QLt! ° — — — �•' Z� � w�r mm�.,E ` n a�r � b � r'�r = Z i/a-ir«,s au�,r wwyw I e z�� �,n� �-�v� ,,i,.-� �K� �'/� 1. _ � ( \ (rnJ � 5� � f�sro.n,w t-A �/�' y��• � b �OT DET� � BELOW GRDUND INSTALLATION FOR 3�4" TO 3' DOUBLE � i u,�r CHECK VALVE ASSEMB�IES I ���� � �' rb, � SIOE NEw � ��� s I �� "°"° "'r°�'i ,�'w�r."`°' � I OPTIONAL OESIf�J FOR GRATE OPENIHG ENOS J I � I' NOlES: n a ♦ i. SLOT FORMm AND RECESSED FOR 5/8'-11 NC X 2"SOCKET HEAD �y n (ALLEH HEAD}BOLT. II F � O� 3 ��o�wK Imm.> 2 GRATE SHALL BE a1C7&E IRON. I [� w�e c�i�.�r I lsx s*w euH�s�1 '.,, �Zr, � NOTE: � SPECIF1CA71ON5. TO SEC.9-0.5.15 OF hIE SiANDARD .'. F-i w � AFIER FlEID NSTMLATlON.DCVA MUSf ff 7ES7ED SA715FAC70F0LY BY A UEPM7YDIT Of 4. USE YANm GRAIE IN q1RB LINE � Hrxni cm�m e�a�ow ws�r hsnx. �r neranr wsr ec sva�anrn To S{DEWALK RAMP TY�E 2A �� [ (]lY OF IiE7JTON WATER U11LfTY ENG[/EFAINf:PPopt TO ACTIVA71(k!0�NEW lWE � PLAN $. USE FRAAIE 4iOMN IN STANDARD DET/1tL�T. '�. v - �� �� �»p�m�.�w��x�q.o�.w�.o.� 6. GRATE IS OLYMPIC FOUNDNY/SM50G OR EWAL. SURPACt 1l67Ht US71117 � m � � ��»�.e�ev�,.s��.,r.�+wT�~ �611su Ral� CA7C/1 BA�7 3'RAYB k G6A7S D6f1�S � D0IJBLE CHECK VALVE ASSBMBI,Y +eeM+w.. in.a.��mr+�b oe�.�.na '[rPL9 2a!2B (9�f I OP E) y �I � Y w�+e..n�.�..un s�.�s„x�J � � ADOPTED a on aw s�+�.••�•n.�r:�ne.a w wn sa�7 t�s ���'� '. ° ���, art a►�1'r011 ewq�.v.a�r s.m vai r-1�..o.s s.la. ;(Y�, �pp� mr v Qta a a. s�an w.�r-a w..w�w 1�o�.+aa rer ���,�/ mr v ms �.���' arum�s w+r - 1f��� 3G�1�PIMB S Ym9 4�M M M Mw��Mm 1]I[11[ •��(!`6Y ��A� �T ID!SI�D�/M Y LR DiR W�W M ^ nero�u v.axs.evm mn xv �e MTE REN90N BI DWG. NhME:�20-} SP PAGE:8020.7 .s � � �� N �. DWG. NAME:8701 SP PAGE:B701 rd� °M'�.nw�:�°ii sr P'w�°°�i � I /i a �� �d - s� d � mr a g s. _ ��� -GP O�F7 5:�19 � BRoam FlM9f EL=3%.7� --TOP�(fOJY�RT.ON W.4LL •'�roE syaoTM cuaHr mwrrt � � � .a . EL=36.83 I ' a 0 'f•P m0`/ElID welfficR ' . ` . ' . ' ` � ; _ �S'd �SEC710N O ��� ! _ i�� 6�CLEANOU�W/RWG AND COVER PER :� �=y f. G(Y OF REMON STANMRO VUW 8076 _ r-Ek1ST.NG CURB �'. : _.. d o'U� / . • p . . , '° I 5� G �T�p�Wy�p�.� n• s�-0,�ra ATTFC4'0 CEILI�G �-c'v90'BEND � � p r�m nauom m ao ncr I w�au �_ i , � . �� � :y 7-0' tor ar 6•��P � � �' ��r LENGiF AS ftEOUIREO -1 a / 1,. ,: G _ . �_ I T �. �. . carm��.pNT . . . '-6'c9P BEND�� � \ N�f1WN O/LY � mp�i Gl�!!�REIt 6�C.I.P. 9 2.007.(AIN / m L91DR MIOEIE NILIFIE (4Z tqiE 3) - ���� j� i- ow�nsw.ivrt iw eom rmcsn..n a�e sawx 4ATCH CRJWHS w�Ty/� E i _ a _ ' ���,� (gE s'p.rt.w r-�) oErECr�eIF MxnMc EXISTING PIPE.SEE SECTiON BO '"""��°E�`� ���r so� - , �a a�a'� a � - a � a I I ����I a '�T'�� Ek�SiNG CaTCh BASINJ _t.._m-r�lN'� ocr'u� c[E SH=ET SOt �'.o\! w FPc-SEE SHEE?5�1 ,�\���, �- YISTIkG 8' JR 7�STORV n �- ��- II �p\j,j I ` Y-0'ro'�' z-n"m'C F4i?k�.h;�;?.P,AGE F. EL 28-�J j �':r �'.w sav[naMM1c� vrnES(5¢caNm�cn -rn[u -nvf m . . � , ' � i�PJ�F�TI�'J�C�kAIN IE=2'.97 MEN�ECIFID AOEYNJ[M/�T BE M.NfFN? '� '��'S'. m N CWTRl1CT N A IIM1(gE OEf�U YMES-{'d 10 T YNtlES�fd W'B' ''... �.0 U'..m',. Fui RwV � �Q�: — _ __ 9ocwu,� �. - � so�avrra+.ltc i� ' "�"��n . . � . � sor�rE;z2 evENue r� �GH'4G�, _ � ,- � = � � mP tZ `'' ,n'a trn.> �T �/e'oa�wsn+ BELLE�M1IE.WA 9800.� � I� 3 ��c z[ M eiD� .on(T".) uuar+c q'PlC F00^NG�2NN Ic=25-83-�., �. . (425)641-3939 . Z w -- (�sm ri.w�-s) CONTACi:�LL SHERiMN �� - sEcnoN c� b�' �' Iz�,c :� ,/.-���, I --� � o ? - �._ _. �'�Z ROOF DOWNSPOIIr 18215 72ND AVENUE SWiN is y RAD0.1S .�A�Z Z Ur aae vn¢7 '� B C KINf,WA 9B032 �'< . P = s� �",ro,,,�`� ��. ._„�. r_q,,, ,_.,K CONNECl10N DETRAL �,zsns,-�z� l�MG EN GINF'� , ��:a Z i ,�� ��` o mrm s-,r ,-r r-:iH' n� (4zs)zst-a7az FAIc W.O' � o;�,;z � b,g, �_, ,_Y ,_, CITY OF RENTON c`�v m:W.U' � sorm J-si(t r-m� 7-mi/f 7-�-C�, �F��� �EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � .n�a�w� eor�r r-.�/! r-.�N' r-.i/t .0 S qRM�, . Irc(w la �o� r-�v� r-�ve- r-r sms�reuc w+� �4•� "<-� GRADN�G AND STORM DRAINAGE I C��V'C CONCREfS SIDEIfAlA /�p �s O a�5'N. !0 fFEi J-l 1/f Y-t 1!t Y-��/Y TIP&S 7A!EB BY Dolc �/"IILJ Z ��K i> SI�EI'1 OP 9 Sf�T 3 W 3 I I,W� W� fOfEEI S-2]/f f-5t/Y Y-.,K • FifU d riiROrtq Amenb m fn I I�I 6DOP7ED ,[� �pppT� 91': DaIl: mr w ertv +w rtcr 1->>R' r-s r-f v mrar � , x oEsr�n BrE � I '',��I ,, .;�,I. �� � �� Fc `•-•��'��' — oniE ,/o2�c2 �no _ _ 7 NIEAIE➢IAE R.W C/d1 BE N!EIRdAIFD ������I�, --+ -- ur�w� `cLly" ur°�w� f�.•pY��, Fa�� 9Y Date aunw erE _ — -- �+�—,�-- — QEO(m RJP SCILE � IELG BOpC PA(� � � � ���I`'� Z �ATE RENSION BI 7WG.NMIE'FDOS SG PAGE:F005 TE �NC.wME:FOt t-2 SP PAG[F011.2 ���. FkF,FE� 2;'S;'OE� Br: Date n�rnov�i __ ___ .__.. �E,��>y�_5 U __ _ m i � ' ' SE 1/4 SECTION 18 AND SW 1/4 SECTION T7, TWP. 23 N., RC�5 E, WM � ;� �— �� : jt F- �_ Y � � �. � s+�r ��h a,. r ::::�-t \ �„�.,,.F u,�,.�.o�������»,.... � \ µFA OF 0 t2 9�INFE W_'�ES FEA FOOT N1Y BE IbEO.Mtfff MFSN SIWl ^ % IpT BE P1A�U M q10CROJTS li Q - � 51M11 11hYE�fnill MCIMR ESS OF Z WINIY TO�� FR���E ` -' — FIUIE AND VAMED GMTE �t S uunv.iu r✓n arn�EF�+nE qqaar'w4i wio nrt o�nsoE Or �nvE isrEa�aroE a msrauen ai nF c.w wrn ia�rt rartiw Q q,r� w�cconnrMCE rrn�s�tiw.n�svErsic.�na�aaa�. Q S �1 � �/ `b- 3 RIE IM%�L_L UECM fROM T,E FINSIED G0.�DE TO 1NE pPE MVEPT 9U11 �y� BE S E � �� �11WATEM SECT1p1Y BE I4�ALlFD M�M ilNl(E OOWI OR GtST MO � O[11UGm P0� � O� ` SEE NOTE 7 ', S t1�VPECAST B��F Q{MlM WY 1MVE A Rp1.Tp�FL00R.VQ iME Y'/413 � S WY BE BLO�ED AT A MiE Of 1Si OR SIEFPHi �a Y {� s oac�nc s�wi ee�wsvrtav�r�mr a ne rnEcws�e�sEccnaa \ s � IEFEL PADS(te) `- — �san�r 0 3/4'%2 1/4�I(1/8' Z 0 � � -'.` al*v :....�-. Q b P1AlL ' I` y o[c a�n�+oov ron r Z4 u�as n.o a eiw.00rs Foa�r _. � �1B�w2{���8�161 REGTANGlNJ1RA0.1U5TYEMlECTION iiEALLOWANCES (+1/3Y.-O'iYP) 7 1/2' �� Q —� ���� �� rsE r.au.i a�m �-18''22'--I � 9 �� 1z 0g� A� 3/I� a � '�t •��, �--17 S�/4�27 3[4-'--� �� f ; ��TK°� �s i�C`��i ���/�r•-0� 'r'') C� til ,. I �• - 25'.lt- � 3' �sro ext.sosm 'r o ."ro . I SttDvw1 WC . �'�',,ije p,Eys7gti o rw u.tn c.au�rt � isro.ext.sm.+x*M � r�or��a+ � �i �� �sro��c�im��iul0 � �� o •cawuc.��rarenm[rE CATq1�ASM TYlE 7 �_ O z y NOTES: ceiwnoov sraw�v�v+roc - � � v aw.wu rav rm wn Pnv.oG two im�nc eais sA'-n wc sr�va[a lfANOw11p KAN b1 3 rn �a E..� ...c nw sim smaT�r,o c��cin)ea�s,r wMc .,..s.�.a tiwn EFL 900 • �' �z V 2 iltME WIEHAI IS GSi PON PFT 1�SS111 M!nA4�OR ETIEA. �i � IYW J.P�Ivhte _�11�! �W a S �nei+c ro a�a wo eamuer�wo�vo arnu ro E wsN rn�rwic PRECAST BASE SECTION _ •� ��POF REMON U� C �. iRNE b 0.�WC FwnRr/9W OR WU/�L •� STANDPRD P1M25 o �� usr a��mmnoa+ � ,� : m SI3�'10E 1lATHi 1TIIIIIT �= SPPAGE���L \ CATCF7 BA.4Ri F'6AId t GRIlE�T1II.4 � '� �I I�P OP 2) . .� c a '�� .�,� �r v e.s Ho7Es �. qo.�a.a...<y,,:<e.nr�n�yn�a�•a ia.. N ����� 2. 'Iw Eo�tom W tM petoSt co1c�Emin moy De alapea Ia ur m�w/w ro���me.a.@,:�y � DWG. WWE:8020-2 SP PACE:80202 um�Mvx rR.wc wD vwfn aurt 3. fra�u oW qole moy be irolaM�a.�1n evqe tlo.n o. _� � a rwNnE se xo co�0� casl'vrle oe}asY�nt xctiw. � �� '-� �� �. Nna[You�C1��P/!o�dl Ipilmea,ol Y 'rtr�isMn to ' y� 2.5' . F.orEe 1�5' 'iwn�S�W1.�.n - _ � �wnaN�1W�allort YCia W knMM wH aiA IM tiAe N ue G�o� AHv Me � - �M���a� pp e nfta�e0.NI tM qap tith�afnt malv in accordmce A I I� A �th SIQ Spec.9-01.J. - , L_ _ . , - � � ruT a�e mo 5. ivannan ep:a to mW q�ct«tnon 10-Ice1 eeep andl no.e mo ��x� I � a�SIIRETNACY d..,e�.,y sa me�.,e.�i��:n:��:�m.a. ' �I � � CATCH FFS'�N DIA�E�1510V� ���' ��3 Y . 2,�9- e� � c � 70"�.�J I- -I Nf Sf so'TT N'a UiG+ Mlll BASE YA)0111M1 �N� BAg MdFdIONG S7EEL V _ � _I�_ �� BASV< p� �j�� F'/1!&E1n1 OnF'C1101 CONCRE'.E rana(T».) DI�wEIEA � 97F N7ECitII YPNG7E anss�000 F � �' 0.15 0.23 n �._a.. ; aC f �� � � N' . ' 4 " 0.19 0.19 :s —� --- ' � bo• 5•• 8" 48' ' 0.25 0. 5 ��3.� �_3��.. � �— '�' 6' 8' 60" t " � (� I ��s' ts'� �i � e: S' 12" 72' 72� - � acna+�-� FIBER JUNT WATER ncNr i �0 � ss' 8 12 84 �2' _ - I` '.� PACKING PIUG � _ � ' L � :.`'�� - , ��� PIPEAllO'iiANCES a!��i7� a 4O11M 2!'Y i ',�;�I�'� Q B B t5'(1/BJ OEND � �' 'j C�� ''�°E MATEPoaL M7�i MA%MUY 4�SGE �' •� BA4M OI�D f1LE O 1 -"'. -.•�?- �'i�;r�. OIAI/CIER 7NCf�T �� ;1`5 O oµ�2 P�C +__ � �nO W �.�,. :. '��" �h�I � . .. �8' 2i 3C' 2� 2?" 30' ' . �\\ � SEPMAIE B�SE I�R;AAL 345E �" }]' }5' 30" ' 35' ' w-��.I_.__- �7. CAST ul RACE P.QEGnST M'F P..sR >. T6 -- !��? � 7�PE MATEniAL AS�EpfIED �' �o �e' .w' .iE" a?' 'U U,m � B�7HE U1C:INEER �� ]1' �2" 5�" 12' %' �B" '--- -'— � � b �sP�[lOE iFD��IG � 81' S4' 60' S�" J6' tB' ��: 5. iFD ~ g��pZ .;•�•T ' ._._.�_�. 96' 60' 72' co" J6' �8' CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 SDI REMON.LLC W : s,ao ,zm��veHue r� GHA(/�(� I ; OCCARIICJ�TED POl1E7HYENE STIHu 5�'AER GIPE($iE Spe:.9-Q5.:C1 $U� 772 � V" ! k I�I $�T10N 8-B $EP/JtA7E B�SF Q(SIE Spec.�OS 12(1J ADOPTED .J;= PREUSI 6(StQ soec 9-05.12(2)� �.�CY CT'OFRENrON BEIIEVUE.WA 98005 P `_ � I . ���p�µ5 (�25) 641-3939 m Z ��F�p�j I CONUCT:Btt1 SIIFRIUId e e Z.,N C� U ��j CAST IRON RING ANO COVER ,� UST DA7E:YlfYY001 � o,�, �..+ _ f.l��Z• ,. . ' � 'p l���� f . .oe.,2 it/1�7 182t5 72ND AVENUE Sami s � � y �I� I�.��d�'. Z -_—�N SANE M/JJNER AS (�25�251-69222Z G(l�NC ENG���Ep _ U�.�o�� N '- __� MA'N SEwER,1pN75. (425)251-8782 FA% ,._�___. . .. Imj a.� � ry �_ ... . � �'ZC���� ����� �EPARTM,'ENTOOF PUBLOIC WORKS ^ . � .n �.w ,� J.AR �,o,a �.�n M ,G a N W �e'N C�IDIaNC`a AND STORM DRAINA�`E � �s�w.air w�c.�+o w.w s�.�..a c.s�.uw,v.�.aou r,�.s.x 9Y Date: �,�I✓�' we 3[+s aF,w ai v�..i 3c.�.rtn nar ti4uAr. 6 INCH CLEAN��R � G� �W���I�� : w woWVE�ME�S.auA+A�-J'^OOC Z-Y SW�wE I z �� O .N�. I� COwRER RA55]000.PW umuM 1�C ISL wD CTEi. I > ��KT YOtL'��YS.IS5102 M0.:M Q4nWT IbIG✓O AUpP1F.D � i �,�j; I ��. coKx.s wcau�v[o m sr�rouo oc*wa au�w eus. cerr v ninex Bf Oah: fifU k wJflomf rtKnts O 6 � _1--_-. �., snraum rwe (T���yA lN�� BY _Date DMxI EHE ' _ K�'�� - � .I �. ! � l l`"� 0`�. OESK'v� -'_' __ DA'E �102/J2 _ FLF w _ 7 . i f O o-.'ro,v __ .Lw:J�c � dfClcEt F�F... xALE � FE:il Bou vp� W : �: i�/.W nW�f _ 117(V�� Z K..Y �eex rwl� -- - -`---"---- VNG. NAME�.B0.'E S���GE �J'E ' EXP�RES 2/Si79 - �CS'E R � .._ - _ ar o�c. „P.� _. 3p5� 5 U --- - — �� -- o0 02/28i2002 11:52 F�% 425 251._8782 BARGHAOSEN � BCE OLY�PIA �002 ut�-1 r-u t rwrt 1�,�l Nn SNERttAN NOHES FAX N0. 4258853939 P. 05/ GC f-14}�2t"I�1 ��15? CITY C�� F.'CM�P1 A25 43a 73�d P.92i1A � 1� C1ry ojBmut,a PIA/PWDrpe.r„��l A�A. '11�stM1 SUt�1 ksy��1N 5'tofrJ�jp"pIr�_ • 1��+_4��fr1N.L'.!�?11E1V�'9 Zu� a,T,�-A �Cr[Lt �. AF.PO+tfi�NU Ak'f'1SlU1V dF/aNtldkYz�l]00! r�ri.fn ) \. / �4d'vi�ory Nofea to Appl/C+rn� ' Y!w ldlabving no�c aru suppl�mwNal/nfovmadan provld�ed&r�iunctlon whh the envhcnn�nts� �Ioi�rminAtiun. ��so thvso�afes aro provlded as fnrwltte�Iat arly,ihsy�nr not subJectl�o tt,� , spprai ptocara far o�Ylronnienhl detar�Mnatlam. ,/ Plan Ft�visw-SannarY Sivw�r 1. This Prnlect I�cutaide of the Aquffer Probsdtan Zone�s. 2. 'i ftioro Is�n e�asstirEg�'saniia�y sewer 111a1n 1n WiGlarrts AYe�ua S_ ;3. Pa,�ing garngss st�a�l requh�e tloor dralna arrd shell be cnnned¢O lo t11e�anitary seh►er. Fluws shatl bc direc�ed throuph fl�o►dralr►s that are inspaUed h a000rdence whh the UPC ee an exterlo�oiVwater 6eparatnr. 1'tw separator shaA ba s�ied b mee!a m�Muxn 15-m�nute rn�er►tlo�Wne for peek tlows r.Micl�ted!n t��ereye ar+ea�but in no c�e wia be less lhan 2t)0 gallons of 6tor44e r$paa�►. The type c�l intercephx sl�q be at manutaaured by Pipe I�e.,t16i'�pr Vault k�e.,ar approved aqual. 4_ i)uF3 tv t����uoJcr.t bei►t8 in n�c�enter powntvwn Zone,the Sys�tam Dowlopmer�t Chargo iSDC)shall b���i�ne current rate o[�0.106 per square foot oi proper�(40,276 sf x 50.106=54,269.26). 1'ho SDC wbi De coti�cied as part 4f!he cOrtiStruciiar�pom�i� A redevelopmeM csedft m�y appy. PP�n Revlcw.-i�Nator � 1. 1'here is�n eadsting 4'wa�r u�M vwniams avenue s,and B"I+nes In bath 9 4�'and S 5''9treaEs. A _ 24't�tnstnisalon w�►t Is located M Bums�Avenue S. ?. 'lhe dc►nted lire�1ow hti WliNams Ave south is appro�omatey 1200�pm. 3. 'i he s1aUc pers�Ure b approximAbely 72 psi. ' �. "fh(s stw Is local�d 1�ths dowr►touvt1196 Pt�eesure Zone. 5. T'here aro tvan Rre hydra�ls t�the vidniry,four hYdtants wiq bs reqvired for ttro proJeN. �, A i�incn vmter rnsln!s so be instsUed in VY�Nams irnnting the proper�y by the Gpr ot Renton.7he de:velapor�shara for tt�e project weu�d be ti►e oost d the new stub far tire sprinWer serv�ca and � dontciuc servke Nne and any additionel hydrant6 noeded!or!he projact. ' 7. !)ue ta thc ptqect lotatiorl(n the Cenlrr powrttowR ZO�e,�e 8ystem Oevelopmant Chatge shall!,�at lhc cucrent r�te oT 30.154 per square foot of pr+operty. The tee A�s preV(ousty been parUaMy paid. 1�ovinfl a r�t squnro faotage ot 17,260 sf(1Y,250 sf x 50.164�;2,656.60�The 6DC wiN bs ooqccted as part�of tlx�aorsslrucllo�pem�lt. 8. A a4parate utt(R�porthSf"�ld bepar�t�pf�rl�WM�be i�equk8d'for tT�e hiofbtlAtfon c(Vie doubb deteuo[ ctwdc v�{YO 3sccmbiy for the 11re spri�nid�sysOem The app�ice�t ehaN aub�a oopy ot Ihp rrwctwniql plan showinq loc�tion�nd tnslaNalb+►.�f badcfiaw devke is to be instaued inside�he ��9• A. A ciomastic rra�at meter badcllow dvvlce ts raq�td when buil�ng hefght exceed9 30 teet, as has been M•��xnced for»w pr�ect, � 0. Tiia reryU4r�d inlp�8on System�nctst heve 8 sialc�pprOYo4 pACWIOW deVFoe in�Ded. � VFaq i2�pN�v.Stoltt�w�t�ar � 1. A storm drainape narralive and aencaptua!plan h�s t�subrnlaed and r�viewed. It has becY►glven . � pretfrnin,�ry�pprvval. "LW Ftne1 sfotrn drelJ��e r+epolt aAd dBsign shaq cprnplywi�h tt16 K{nqCou�ty St�rface Watof De5lgn dw�►�w.eoo 02/28/2002 11:5� FAX 425 251 8782 BARGHALTSEN � BCE OLYMPIA (�OOJ _ DEC-17-01 f10N 12�22 Pn SHERMAN HOMES FAX N0, 42688b3939 P, 06/l7 xi-19-2k3(ji l4i5? C1TY GF t�EF1TQN 42S 43R ?3e@ P.0�1Q . l.Yry of�.v�r,a�rnv�.�a.r,+,�,� Adnilw(etroti.ic 5�1CPlan Jtsriov$ad/'J�epe►t . D�' �.a�:'u�'��.......�� �,e.�s �. �UA��-1�.4�.,t,B.�i��.�.... k.��JRl�tNb DF.C1sroNar�Mu,ers�,x4e1 �s llof2s i�Manua1, 1990 EdiiJon, 3. No on-site detentbn fs roquired. 4. Weekly reports on the sbtus and oor►d►tmn cf the arosion onnlyd plan wi�any recommendetion5 oi rt�s or reylsbtti t01�in(eRancm achedubs or Inetellqtio�161►e1t De sbbm�ed py tl�e prvjec{Fnglneer pi Recartii to the PuNk Wotks Inapecoar. CartlTkatlon of!he inst�la{bn,lnaft�banance and pmper reinovet o1 th�e�os�Ott conlyd isci�UsB 15�aqulred pr�er io Tempol'ary Cetfiiic�t�e p!�ccupancy. 6. The Surface Waler syabarr�Dov8lop�nAnt Ct,arge,at the rate ot so.1E3 por sqwro foat ot now Imp�rvfous guA�.o,Is eippUc�ble�v litk profect(50.193 x Z2�963�54,20Z.23� The Syslem Gevelopment�harge wii)be COIlec6ed a!patt oi the Ca�.s�on permlt 6. Terr�orary erosion q�o►rbo!si�all ba 1neQ�ed end mafr,�h�to!►��tis{�dlan ot tt�e repneseMative of the Uevs►vpt�nent Servioes DMsbn 1or the durdtlen of 1ha preject �� hlan Ravlow—Streo!ImproYom.nt� 1. Any substandaa�d or dame�ed slreet Itnp�vcamenEs sit�N be replawd t�e City of Rentort stahdards. 7.. All�y d�,s�n siandatdS tec;o�re a mininwm ot 20 Teot oF tipht-�[-way,witl�20 foet of pavamenl wiU�ln thc doMml�nvn a�ea. An adQtclonal S foot dadicallon of alley►iqht�of-wsy or�ss easemetl�,the�ertgth n1 �'a ProP��Y. Is re4utired�u aorriPlY wlth Gty of Rsnron oode. ti �'len Reviryv--Oonorat �y 1. nu wtre��tltfti�ch�a be inet�lad undergroul�d pet thv City of Ronton U�de�ounding Ch�dlnt�nce, tf �',T` �� throe ar more poles are requ�red to be muved by the 4eveiapme�deslgn,ap e�clstitty ooverf►ead utA;tles �;�� shaU be plac�d undarpramd. �. ?.. lill roquired�tii�y,drah'ts9a,and street irttprvtiemer�wAI reqt�ire separate plan submitt711s pt'+�pared :�coaidMbe ca C�ty of Renton drnRp�g aiandards by a Moe�sed CIvN Erspineer. 3. All plQns 6h�!Co111orm to t11e Rrnlon�eflk►D 3t�ld�ab. ' �i. Ferm�t nppllr�tlon mu6t Jnclude ert(tsmlx�d cost estimats!be t�teaa Imp�rnnements. Ths Me Ibr raview a��d frrs,pecUoll ot qte6e Irr►praveme�r�c Is S p�rwnt of the fk�st�100.000 of fhe es6mated canspuctien cost�4 petcont af anythMg ovet S�oU,ODO�but loee than S20o,000,and 3 pe�oent ai anything ovar �/����,. Sz00.000_ Nelf ot th;s[se musi be paid upcu�appNcatbn/w oonstrvWon pertnita fPreliminary plat �� lmprovemtt+b),o�sd the reriraindC/When th6 ConsUUCt{otl perm�ta i���,od_ 7'hero may bo add)tlotla) r�� iC38S�Of WaLter SeNlo9 f1ilal�AXp6RSQ9. �••;�. �� �. A�;onstnicfian Dbri�rdt0attnD heul totsle and hour,�,car�lNeBon hvurs arld a(raitle oontrol p►ar�shsY �-' � rm�uorrittect For�pprova�Prior to er�r vermlt beina issued, t-m�1 r�ours snad be restric�ed to e�9a err,io 3:30 pm� unloss apMoYed In�dYarb.by t�e Dewlopmerrt 3ervlceS DMeloh. s. Gohahuclion iioc,�s�qb�lirnfted from 7�o am t�s:00 pm,Monday-ltvauph Frtday an4 s:oo.�m!n B:Oo Nrn 6�lurday fbr u�►Ity aon�tnktlon acL��ee6. Any ohat�Qae tn vrn�ic hours sMap r�quirs approval in lk�VAIICe by�1M7 fl6Y9�VhI1TG�1t�6N(C�8 D1Vl6Fq1, ;/r Corr�trucHoq 8ehrltea 1. �i dernotjtlo�p�ettnit la roquired. 2. '�ha Z997 UnNbn�t Be�?fdtna Code and f 669 NEC�tho 9oYerNt►�mdl�s. 3. k6B�10r lobbl89 31'A TeqUired. i N (�� ��,? d, ln6pe�tiana are toc�ufr�i ae per peole�nlcat cnpi,�eering r�port �i4.�,rov�oc 02;28/2002 11:53 FAX 425 251 8782 BARGHALiSEN � BCE OLYMPIA _ f�004 DEc-i 7-01 nON 12�23 Pt[ SHERt1AN FlOIlEs FAX N0. 4256853938 P• 07/17 txr�-t0-�4�(ii .�t:Se CiT�' aF �NTON 425 436 ?300 P.Odiid . �'uX�1'Rz,rW n�'tRQ'A�II�(jrtA��ru Adn...anarlre 9Uc�RN(rw S}q�'�aport ur•�,Y���,�Aat�uv.�,PlxjxtArrs xtr,aoar�t,s.�.�.Bca:tt,� �,. ,-.,.�...,.- . .�. RPPnAT�xn[�['t!lJNOf'lAJVVARY?!.I001 I�t fS ej?b -� . 5.`� tlrkalw�►tng must be in oor,dutt. . i/ ir•irw�r�vontfon '). 1'he�retinl�t�ry S1re flow requirad i�3.750 gpm. 2. r�ur nre hydrants are roqut�d. one hydrant Is requNed wNMn 1 SO leet ot the strvcture and thnee adclJtidnal hydrants ar�r�equirsd Within 3U0 feet of tho structtus. 3. A looptd walcr moin is reqaired. 4. Ah app�ved f+re alatm system oha�f bo M5ta11ed throyghout fhe sln�cture. 5. An�NrnveM 1it'e spr'a�iste�end stendpipe syst�m st�I be tr�etaNed Fhroughout th�strr,dun. Two slandpipe oadet6�hAll be ptovlded a��e west slde of the bu�k�nq. s. se{,r�te plane and perm�l are�equired tor the�nelalfetlon of the sprinlclet and fire alartn eYslems. �' �stks 1, atf tandscaping outs3de ot property!�fs to be malntained by F�e apqticant. pfn�tn0�tg 9. F2dWynlrn,�waNs in exoass at faut(4)tast�equa��ineered d�wings and e�par�to bu�fdk►g p�mlt. .-. 2. CAt►svuction eosements obtained from abut8ng propet�y owners may be t�eoa9so►Y Prbr to c�natn.�tUon en or n�prc�yetty�iries. These agr�arr�eMg must fnclude protecllon maae�,res fa(« pe►mlSslon to po�enfi�lty dan�a or remave)tmes bcat�ed on abutdng proporttoc wtW�►24 fe�l af fhe propefty�nr. 3.•rno appGcapt mu�!corltstt Stevv Mton Of WAate A�u�apemen�,In4 at 2DA-243-4D60,8x1.880,for �ipproval ot!he d�mpst�r IacaGon and confrpuraflon. ��'C_ENTErt DE3I�OVER Y�su�A't'ION� 1►�ad�to the gvneral obj�iyaa�d pc8des ot ltie UowMown Element d tho Comprzhensirr�Plen�the Propo�ed pro�6Cl pee r/dtlm!hs�lhban Ceitt9r D6s10n OVor1Ay D�as detltle�d�y�I'd. Mo,A821. The �rPasp of th�Urban Ceriter veslg�l0v�tiay Regulallons k tn estab�Jsh dealgn reqrtaw in acoordanoe with p�licio6 vcl�t�hdd+r1 tho l�nd Uae end Dowrtta�vrn EJemevdss d the Rer►to�ComprehensNe Ptsn_ 'the�'e aro Mro�ate�aies u(rcygutadorie.aj'minlnwm sten�ird�'whkh mwt be met untess rradlrbd�s pr�ridad in Rontcn Mu�dpal Code�t�9-Z$4D.end b�'guldeN�e�`wt�kh,altl�o��gi►hot marldatory,ere coh6idar�bY fhs�eve�opflfen!Sarvlces dltedar In r�ting e decfsiun on a pcnpo�af. I, bW1.DINCi 57T1N4 ANb DE910N A. Ped�yrr'ran Bu"�Idk,g Erdtids 1. Mlninwm e,lr+rd�d�: a. 8u�dk�g Oriurrta�tion � Attac�t�ed Du�ktings shaM be orlonted b the su�wt w)th desr cennecnona b the sidewatk. Mt�,�uw,dx BARGHAL'SEN -� BCE OLYMPIA �005__—_— p2/yg<2002 11:5J FAY 425 251 8782 �R� N�. 4258853939 �• Q8�t7 UtC-11-U 1 ttUN ]2;23 Pi1 SHERMA�V HOi�S � �x;'r--���-z�a�� 1�,sa c►rr o� �,rc�, aas 4� �3eo �.es.s� Guy OjRrnm�1'�d/!'w n.p.a.i,�.Rr �dl�tetrvvr;+r.sh.p►a�►R�►r,nv,oq�Rq„N . • �j�'(SI�kAAI�1N�4f'a11�7'Ml�1V7S � LC��16J S!-.�,tGFr�..I�LA 1tdl�Qutr.tNDDCcxSlUl+tUFl.tNu.11e?'�9 J�rot P�rreyzi rho Iwn, aeparat�s bvXdMgs heve fheir p�bmary t�rades f�oing Wutfarns Avenue 3oum. Pedeshian waucw�ys,wlth sta�►s,cnnnect tt�a ratoed e.,t,y plaza tav+s!b the pub)lo sldaw$Ik. b. �na",�1C8 Lvcatlort A primery 0ntrdr►ce oi each bullding ahaA be Iocated on the fapde facng tt►s atreet. Such nnt�atiasa shaA be prominen�,visible f�an ths strvet,cont►eded by e walkway tv the puDUc aiaeWaik�and indude human xale elemertic, lriere ar�two pr�me�y e»qgnces tn the�w�q,sapara(r bu�iFdlitBs. �sCh grour�level unR tAat l�sce.�r�V/I!ld�ms A�rluu�e S has r�s own pt�te eMry lfam tha ple2a leve� Huma»scale elaments at fhe plaze/eve�!lAolude/andswpa p�e�t�s. z. QuicieE��os: �. �ntrie�e Nom tha s7eet anould be dearty mBrtc.d wNh canopiea.�rhf�ral elamants� omament�t)18hd�,a lar�dscapin�. �n�rf�trom park�g lots shoul4 be aabotdhate to those r4tated ro the s�reat. The prfinery enfiry u prorr�k�snl�marltad 6y a gJass and mefal eenApy. Lendsoap/ng!s Cor►taMed wlthin plantlnQ bedr W Rl'Chr't�c�tura!pJa�tet's around ihv ps�m9ler d thQ bw7dl�g. Ext�rfor)lghfktq,tw secu�r putposes wou1Q bv roq�/tt�sf. PedesMan oortnectlons!o the txxJ�s�grour��t�idn9 9a�9e�re tv�hit��he bet�kt/ng. b. Enlries cltiould p�ovida transition space belween the pubkc stt9ei a�d�e privete restdence suc��ee a�wtc�,{antSecalpod area.te►i"dce ar 9irrl�at feat�xa � Tho pmnnry enfrances to t�e bcNid�and tfu indlvleu��enWos ffor 9�nu+rd rtoor un�ts, a�r� e�cesadd aervss a/ar�d�c�ped terreco,rat/ter thart dlrectly Mom the pubJic sireefa or side�ralk� c. �cutures such as 8ntt�ts.loaDlw�e�d dtsplay Wi�dows ehvtJle be orlented to the r9nht-of- rray,4thelwls�, etreonlnq or�rt leatures such as trelllsos,arlrra�c,mueals,tatl�qp(ng, or �omn�nauar�r�r�or.ah�+uid be fncorporamd+ntfl the s�oo�or�ted tar,ada. rhe prlmary buNding enfr/es ana lo6bies a►s ov�r�Bd to W1lllams Avenue South, Tire let�7est sp�ce to be dedk�t�d�s common a��s bcst�af ort the wast slee oflhs brr�d'rr10. betweea �he�yw►br�an�buYo�ing�arad rhe a�ey. !f ls elev'v�ted abow the g�de o/the aRey end lncludes pavers,ple�ttsrs,a Uen+s,and a�teel aRd wood seotlnq benchea. l�riva�enfi��x:es M�und Ooo�+nllts wnuA7 bo aepet�ted lYo�m Uro ca��n.o2�a bY sc�ons a1�p1 g��es, The trgttis hQd boen propos�d ifor the back f�des�,hJch fa�s tlre publio :�lleY►+'nY.�,s�screonln�l�eetv�. ]7►e plezs l�wel l�r lendsc�pod��oughot� P�tvers at diffdr�nq dimor►slans hav�e besn prvposed Ibr ttre pl�ai end c�orttmon�rea sur�erng mater�►s The amalJvs(psven woulA be use4 irr ti�p�vste Qufdoor�re�. ?7te��a no��t feetcut3s, sucl►ar m+nals,or lfour►tains.that have been prvposed f+w'flro pro,faci. d P.d�n patnweys Erom pubik sldewaNcs lo primarY ert�nr,�s�or fhom Dark�n9 bEs lo � prlmary 9nhances Should be aac.�ssib(m and ahould be clea�ty delEc�ea�ed. ThA pvdestitr,n walkw�yd to iha p�emery ku�dln8 enb�snoBs are by moerrs of elfhet s stafrway " or�Ien►ped w�sJk Pedest�nn aoc�.ss 14 fhe undergtound p8r�g garaip6 w�ou/d ba by masns �Ip1�MuY�v eon p2/26/2002 11:5� FAl( 425 251 8782 BARGHAL'SE*I � BCE OLYDIPIA �006 . ut�-i r-u 1 ��un l���4 NI1 SHttt�1AN tiUt1�S FRX N0, 4258853939 P. Q9/�7 C):l�-1E?-2C�I ldta� C17Y OF REhtTON 425 439 73G�0 P.�14 Cfly nf,K.��lan PJbYPN',pq�ar�nncnr .td�. a.mrfrr�sJs�R..t.w Sus/f Repo►t � 1�,.,�F'�flP'S�j:V'tP�11(�y —s�n� - � LLG��OV�f.J.��(6CF.LL1 ir�rvAr.uva a►ccvorv nP.r,�,+v,1xr r�m,� �•n d is of BIlt�er en elevntor or stain�ay insl0e the buiJdalg. Lighling wa.ld be b�corpar�ted into the �l?PfslfUGUon Qt 3��t erf�S. �. Munrpre buu4t�s��e�sme mics oha,b�n�orx►or�te�.m.n�s suct�as pla�as.vra�kw3y�. and{andsoaping abng p�desiri8it pattt►�aya to pravidw a c)e�arr view 1a derih�tions_ i''hc:iWD buJtcnr►q9 tRet cOMDRse th9 D9aI11 SA9RnaR�arfrn�rltd B/�S�9p6f�28Q al7d not rnnneatv�!�1�sing/e unif A cour(�rd would bs 6�v�een th9 two sbvdure�. Thsy erp surrounddd by a poveci plat�a, wifh architovtur$I p�MerA w,d te�dlcapinq, C/aer dioti��o.rs woukt bo m�re b.tween piivate ene sem�-private oraub�o speees These ereas woufd be cl��rred by th�r planfurs.landsceP�ti,end�ates- f. C3rnund ttoor units s?�ouid be dtrBdy acv�aa�le trom tha str�t, AAgroynd/�oor uNfa wouki 6e Qae�.s,�le fro�m elthe�tt,v pfaza lev�1 et the�xferpr o/the Luqd�i�g Qrlham fhe hc�tMray w�hJn U�e bu�d�b�g. The s�eps up Anm�e Stt�et wor,�d vrthanca the sense of privote space for the te uNCs. 8. Transhbn to Surtnund�hg DeV�lopmerlt 1, Mir►imum stand�r�ds: Car�A��iiSng and dvsfpn lreatrr�cnt is necemsaty to ac,�fewe a oo�r�patlble Uar�sltlon where new b�i{d�nga ci�sr from surTamding davetopment k�terms of bUAdN►g t�lgt�t,bu�c,ertid ecele. Ttt� iulbwtng clesign niements�hall be cot�ekiered to p►v►flote a tran�lon b surrounding uxs: -. a. Serlbacks at tRe std,a or rea�of a buSldinp may be k�aRaesed tn otder to reduce tNe bulk 0nd :.c,�1�►ot larg�:r btAfdir+gs F�d so tFrat suNlpht ceeof,e�ad�eaM yetds. 5eteecks d,at exoeed tha mkwrrwn reqr�ncd wnvM bs pnnv�deat Ap setDscica have Jend,c�lrrg. Thc rear seaba�k ef�o hes p�snteis��eafing b�vrche�, �,d a ireN;s, 6. �klfr►q proportioM, Irtcludirlg Step badCt�ori tlpper lev�ls. The 1l�ur-sfo bt�ltd+ny es fut�pored is af a lar�er a�I�than the wrlslJi�sl�}e fFvnity fror»ar surroun�4ir�g�mnst o/whkh alo dfe e+m1 iwo ata�y 6truoha+es. Th9 6yd�hes p/lc�t�d �r�, dWatlans.end baleprtdo;howov�er,Ihet�edttco!�a Dulk or the porsepWn olbaMg �art�o scete wrtiiin;rs conibxt .- -- c• Buihding artic�ation to d►vide a tar�er arctikqctural elemenl In�amaller pieoes. 7'ha b�dN�►b�p has extanslva vertk�!arohiledure!erticWadon4,�wnJhgs,�►d b�kv��e th��t on&vat fhe fi�;ade end cveaM vl8cral Jntorest YTAe k,lbnfon is lhst fl�ose elements. and c�elirxJ iWo, sopa�t�budd;n�r�tttet then a sirg�s be�7�ng, wovld►r►t�ke�e sOrudurs Hppear Smaller. c1. Rr�OniRe9.pKches�end ahaDes. Rool11n8s or8 D1tctred. Jr►ddo►JClon tv fhe cer�c�pl�s e►�er 1J,a p�imary anbvncc�rrindows havs r�t�or�c(hat d�tL�e AdRes a/glaas pf va►lous sizes e�d shapes. Bakon�e�n hs�gn7lwork. 'L Gt�l�#olin�s(none r�qtllredj sitpWur+v.c:U� --- , i BCE OLYMPIA C�007 _ - 02/28.'2002 11:54 FAX 425 251 8782 BARGHALSEN . DEC-17��� fi0r! 12�25 P1! SNER1iAN HOtiES FAX N0. 4268853939 P• 40��� G:T-•S LJ-2�f1 15�00 C I 1 Y QF C?EN7UN 425 43fd 730� P.C1Ii 14 , C'�YQfNrrfo�P/�'RIJryRrrtncrt -�d�G�tmaa+�ts�P�?frvta.SrqO'aqa.f ��iNSHF.�K�aXTdla�l�f �.� - - _ tU.C9d/L�s.s-.�,FC�;L[..1 � �rcraRT�wvoer.,srnxvr.uNcc�xr�:ovi -" ,,,�j�u ��. �,�ur�t�G,�►cGE��.AND�tRCUtAT1oN A_ l.cx�t�on ot Par�cing . �. Mtnlmum�S��1da�s; No parkirlq shall bd bc�6ed betweelt a bui(ding�nd the tl�ont proper�r tlne or the sbee,t side yard aT a taomer Iek No sUch p;H'king Is pt�po►sad far the p/o�eoi fi. GuideNnds Enatae requlr�ed) 6. Desipn of Surtace patkh�g(nd eppficable.sp epar�nant parfcing I�under�tvun� [;. S,�tura/C�arage Perking • ' �. M,R1mum Sta�d�(none rec;uued) I � 1. Guicf4ling�: ! �. P�tcing gtur�qa entriee ahOUid De de�gned and��ted to cDmpip►nen�but noi suDorffinaie!tw padostrfon entry. If possihle,locete th�parwn�eMry away frvm tlie stree�,b eilher the side or roa�or tha buliding. � �7►e von�o�,�rence ro tne ur,derq�mu�rd pe,�,►�,qeraye wvvrd be o�Nw ausy ar tno rs.�r of tha bulk�Ynp. P$dcstrtarts wo�d arrtcr ar,d axit the garqqe from wrU,ln the 6Wldmq. 7re V�hide r�tr�Should De rr�a►�cad ss'lnof!br pedesfiTarl Use.' b_ parking gsrrage�ntries should rwt domineb the strDet�ppe. ?'h��e weuld be�e�ngle parking grar�+pe trohkle eAtrance leurr`t at the slley. c. The desiyn of structured pa�Idng�ffr�iistl6d grade under a building shourd mi►�mixa the appa�+aht vvidth ot garapa eMrtt�4. Thi�und�.rQvtiw»�f ger8gs e/�dy/a vl�su�rAy n�li»ired by J�s locacar►ss a ramped errtry rhat ►�����►io u,��y ----.... . d. Pa►kirig wfihin the bu►lt�g e#tou�i.be_�or scrs�ned lhrough arry oombktation af wqil,s_._..�_. , dacrorative fltiile�,or tre�1s wioric with landccaping. ��qaraqs p�drg would be wd af view unde�yround. a_ Carrage fm�ci�.a ahould be iands�pe4 or bet111ed�o reduoe v1�ml fmpaSts. J�lost vf tA�gen�,�e lasade wo�1d be wrderpro+�na►. f. Parlcin9 9n�p�t►ou{d bs des'p notl b be�ttchllacturany compatlb�a wlti�tt�o resl4Entts! portlon of tne�udinp. V�a srcn�fomta�ma69r�ts,and detstis to enhar►os garrges- � Most of ljre gorn�9 l�q�do rirovlld be w�d�ary�rmd sNi�plrte�v.JoO p2/2g/2002 11:54 FAX 425 251 8782 BARGHACiSEN � BCE OLY�PIA �008 vt�-i +-ui nun ����� Nn SNEK�AN HOMES FAX 1�, 4258853939 P. 1�/17 OCT—�U�2(t(31 15;Ot� CIT'f OF fc�]JT(iN 47j 430 ?300 f'.66/14 (5ry o �e1Kva f%!t/YN�Dapardeeaw .t�. alratrvt Slk�JoA RsYln+�'11.p°'� . 11���_�rro�9i.'._.N'�.�d�...� - l U�l-461 st..ia.�t.dPF ct� A.PT�It't�tVDnadtlox oF�Ulrr.uaTZ9 icot �•`��_, rop tv�ss g. �erape parking elso�d i�a eecured w�elec�onfc erraies. 71?e sppN�ant has afaEed ihat a Ar+�p�vrrr'eutvmated garage door,w8h electronic seu,riry, woWd be a�otivated duifnp aver�ing hnw'a. h. 7he Street�Id�oF pari(jnp garayes should incorporaie one of ihe foNow;ng uses ih street , facing feyades: - i. Rela�or senrice cummercial uses in the Csrtter Oo�wntvwn(CD)Zona: Not�pplicr�blo for sfi�c��tures thet aro tbteHy u�und. N. F�I�N�Blt O(E9�1�ES tOf 1�5I(�9►llt.6UC�1 aS IECfO�WA rO�0ii1i,W'bU���fiQ�t1�96. Noi appffc�bl�rar s/nn�ur�lhat ere tof�lily tmderyv�nd. ' (li. Reside»tia�uNts►hat I�ave�ct�ess direclly to the�b�ee� ' IW�f epplicBDle fnt s�s tha!ere tobJly underpro�e Y. 5etvice and s�oraga iundlons shnuid be bcaied away from the sireet edge and generally not be v;s�1M4 frvm tl1e street ot 6fdew8ilc8. � 5erv%ae loer!ln9,mnchAlt+Cal aqulpme�,�nd dumpstars would bs vithsr locetdd»�ifhitf tha undor�round��r�e or screenod from wlvw. � U. Vr�ti�uF'ar Ar�ess 1. Mir�irtxxn 8ta+�clartis(�one rvqulree) 2 Ouldel'mes: a Pariring tnts�rtd gar-ages should be acceesed frwn alleyi wslde s7eets. 9 ha unJer,y�u►�d,Qar�ge wvuld be e�R rya»the aUey batween WlNfsrr�s Avenue South end Burn�n Avenuo SoWf, b. �?rNKw+�y�s�hduld be Iocaled�e be visible Irom tha dglrt�o�wapr�but not Impedepedeslrian ckculaedn on-sile cX b a��olr►ing proper�. Where pos�i�bte.minlmlze the nunber of ' clrlvaw�ys'�nd curb wta. .. .. 77ia drivbw»y rsmp that Warld prvvfde wrde�prot�d Perkb�9 Dera�e axesa en4 egioas would have J�mited yl�ib�Ibr vAhlct����l}90 t►'1!ho eaey. TM htsteqetlon df minors to Lryomva v;�,I�ility may 6e neCss�sery: Pedes�t b�fiic ln th8 aMY ahot�d be somawhet �mited. 7hore waW�O bs a ek�gle Qal�ge e►►by. �. ('edvcM�n Gtrwh�tion 1. Mir►irr�um Standerds(none re,quirad) r. nl�.i+�RnV,�1�5G 02/28/2002 11:55 FAX 425. 251 8T82 BARGHAL�SEV � BCE OLYMPIA �009 . UtC-11-U1 �N t��26 NM SNERMAN HOHES FAX N0, 4258853939 P. 12��� pt:7-iW-��t37 15:C�1 C2T7 U� REFfTON 425 43� 73fo@ P.09✓la Cl/yt fdt�+k�P��FN'IhpatMCJIJ A�lAl�thdPw SQtPlmr Re,Jtw�R�ypi � DFW Cyl�tAU1VM.[1tTJ�4 LL�A-As-16�S�I-ALE�l.l.l �t. IiM� �'C'L..'�'^ - {����s �.-�� �..�s� R�t t+v►trMT t�U.s�vNvt���rr.uriR Jaal Pe��20 o�is 2. GU{defifla5: a. Dovelapmante ahouki Irutude an iniegral�d pedasdian circutaHon syseam�hat connects buikftr�s,opc�n spaca,and�ark;ng areaa with qia�dJacent stteet sldewaik eynsem. rh�on-�lc8�ed�itrian cir�ulstion systam app8ars tn De wes-cooRifr,ofed witlr tAe ac�/ecanf publk�sbeet et►d s�iddwalk system. b. Pedsshisn paihways shat�M be delinested separate from vehfde dreuleUon by using a v�ri�otion i�paved lexhxe and oolor�and/or la�►dscaping. Pedo�welkways, nfiich ere rarfaed tb e h�jher e/sv�sAbn tleen sheefa and puDlic sWe�wnplc� wn�ld be dfs�rngu�.shed by use of decorsdve paveis. Itt. lAND9CApINQ 1 R�CREATION t COMMON 3PACE �!. Cacnmon&paoe 1, MiNmum Stan�rdg �. Attnohed housing developmonks of 10 cr more dwellinfl unitc sha�prov(de a mtn►mum a�ea of co�nrrton space or recre�tia�+aroa�uat to 50 squate t66t pe�U�ft. The common spaae area should be eggr�aled b pravide usable araa(s)�t resiaents. With 88 unns,tha p�ect wvuld requt,�s mrn►murn a�,9D0 aqvo�fett 6/ca.,mcx�space. -� 77w pmposod common spaca areae tofa!$,900 sl,or 686 sf�Un� tj• Tha focatia'+,I�yout,and p�oposed iype oF eomn�on epac�nr racraation�rea shall De eubJect I ��PLXOVcd by iha beveJbpment 5ervtoe�Diredor. Trie r�q�ired a�rxnon open spaoe moy be 6Fltlsti9d Wtp1 otle ot mwe of M�e folbWing e(emer�ts: f. Gau�tyardn, plazaa,vr muktpur�es■gree�spaces. . AN uf thc�a0mmun el+�+�uted M I!llftll�e I�qr�;rament of the O�e�ay Dlstricl!s pt�sshre!n nalu�and deslgr►ed as eXleriot'cc�w(ye�d/pfaz�a at{eas-- the largeet mp�oa tv be dlBdicated as carnmon etea ls Io�ete0 on flte wesf skie befwevn tfrs nparbt�erit huflding end fhe anAy. Jf Is elevated eDova d�e giade ol d�e a!!�y end f,►cl�des paV�ra,p(antorai,a b�Als,�nd stee/end wood seetirn�r bertcl►ss. Piivate ---e1Jfr,emc�as io ground.Aoor u�l��wotdd DE seAqratedlPwn the wrnnton al�a by sr�ened, . g+il@D WtI!!S ' Anafher co�rnou'►space 1�Jaated et the ma�errby snd behveen the A+�o�uNdmgs !t ��lariters and��uisoaping,Mchid�np 81�198,apvo�n A'�ee as e tocel pol�. 17. Uppfx leve�comRiot�c3ecks,patjo�,tBrTacea,or roof gardens, None propoasd,however,the upper story units hsvs pt�val'a,wt(r�oorbaloo�les. . if;- Padost�iatl coMdota dedk�ted b psssive re�atbn�n0 88perate from the publk strbet SYse6m- �, elbrir�inv.a�r, 02/25/2002 11:55 FA'� 425 251 8782 BARGAAt'SEN y BCE OLY�![PIA �010 ut�-� r-u� nun t[��a rr1 SH�xrwN tttN1F:.5 FAx N0, 4258B53939 P. 13/17 ' [1.T�i F!-1t,1[ii 15�C91 C i 7Y (f RE,NTQN 425 4;8 7.i00 F.10i 2 a �, [9r,•nlR.r+ww Pi&3'W Dr�a�t�aAt .ldn.�..�,.t�9U. I r(m�R�Mr�15t�Rqporf • �11�Sf�1SRjIGINA���'TA(E�Yr�C • lt/A.�d��a Cr�� kflY1A7AND L6CAVqN oF,lANW11?'!f 7m1 r�st e�si I � Pc+d��s�n uvrridors ers plar►ned tor portla�s of the buqding parfineter, but would be dlsco►tthtvvus In same ereas dua M prf�ale outdoa s,pacg as�ool�d wlth ground Roor units. N. Retteation tad�ftl�e Indwrrng.6ut not qmlEed to ferxr)sl9porc courta,��wGnmir�g poou. exe►ci�e areaa,g�me roorr►a.ar o�t►et sim��f�itks. None proposea. v. chilrir+g�'s p�y gpqta. None proposed, 2. Guideli�ws: The bcatlon and IayoW Of recreatl�on ard ax►Krion epe�oe shoWd be es inMow� a, Ccmrtbn�►Ge afeA9 e�oU1d b9�eiltf�y bcabad so they are near a m�jority of units, aaoabsJbl6 snd usable to�8s(de�.and vl��te from surroundinQ dw�1!!np UN1s. Pnopoaed cvmmon areas wo�tl�tre oen��y loca(ad and acoesa�tfla frwn the bulldlrtg mrtr�»cas, Ti,e wast cammon erpa wautd ba/lDA saces�t6►e t�rrough thv buaafk►g. __ 7he centei tommon area wacrkl bo�ar,owh�raeh+ded/n netvr�, elthough It wvuM be a�Ccdss�hJtr ta the pu6llq wh,�the west cornmor�erga w+�u�d ba bod�mcr�e p�ale m vse,buf highly tisiAlQ from atw�Urny unr�. b. Commat space ars�shoutd ba baated to t�lce adveM�qe of suriocx�dl�p teatwes s�►ch as building entrant�s,9igr�Ac.ant la►sdacai'�tr�8•►��RUe bPoA�AhY Qr atd�EbBchue,anA so�ar e�aur�. The weaf corMr►on aroa woutd ha►ro gvod eoler BXp�SVIB. �hlldrdn's plBY�paGs 5110UId bo centraDy bcetad.v(sibfo from the dWsAk�gs, emd away lrom . haza/daus a�oas�ko garbage dtur�ters.Brehraqe�s�atrests.+and par1c1n9 ereae. Nafe A►e/�osed on sko. A o1rsM�pn'b pley aree!9 locetbd on�haif bJook tMast at the Br�meft t�noar Pa�, a City of R'ev�tari pub�No pe►k. G. No roqui►@d i-and�cspin��driveways.parklrg,or other v�thfa�)ar use area'shoufd be oounted lawani tho c,or�xrlon spece reqt��ement or be laaled In dedlcated outdoor rerneaibn a OOtT�i11011 Ub6 At885. CCMfM►►oti d►19d5 d0 AO��l1C1�9 l�tllf��Mf�SC6�1/i�dlIV9M+8ys, 9iC. d. R�quirF,d y�rd sstba��Sc�eas stwuld n�t oouM taward cutdoor reo�eat�on gna a�rvnon spaoe ►mieas�uch ar�as arv dwoloped os oourty�rds.�as,or p�ssJve uaQ ars�c aontainirg faixi.sc�plr�y and fonc�ne su�tdent fn cr+aale a h,Yyy ueable sta2i acc�ssibie to a1118skfents oi t�d�rv�etop�►1an� � .-.. Covnnton a�as Qo I�i i�iClErde�becJca. aif�pkxrv.dr,� ' 02/26%2002 11:55 FAX 425 251___8782 _ BARGHAL?SEN � BCE OLY�lPIA C�O11 • utC-1 r-ul nuN lY:��r Ytt SHh:}{CIAN tiUPfES FAX N0, 4258853939 P. 14/17 ' Ca.:7--1L�M1NE�1 15�tt2 CITY {K �kTON a25 4�8 ?300 P.iz�l4 � C�i�J�e���'r��a���Rr , , � 771�EJM7S •4dn►hri/►adhr9inrf/,�Rksvfa�rBlr�'Xyorf , _� JFf.f'OkTriMDOIClSfQIVD�J�MLdR!'19,IQp1 .�J6i.S.l...),.Q r� Ar.1��u � 0. �C�1 F'8CT9At�o�1 8fa� u�k������5�3QI:Id tlot CattRt tOYIFt�l1�tf�C�T11TTo17 Commot�,en�a da noi�rc�de 6atcon�es orD��oPen speCe� �. �tt�r r�qutred ls�s�,9. �nd aensl�ve�rea bt�iers without oomrrron sc�aess li�ks such as poc�eafriarl ttalts.shot�ld nol be Induded tvweM the requke4 t�alion ar�d GQmrnort spaco roq��Irernenf. Not fnoludoci 6�cornmon��� a, tanclsrapi►xJ �. Minirtuxn 3tandands: The o+Nnor st�lt Ar+pvide reptd�f f'1lpinbeR�nce fn ensuro thei ptant rnnte►iafa are k+egi hnalthy a�cf that d�ad or dyinfl D�i rr�aterla(s ate te�. St1ch rn�intonas�ao/s roqt11/�+d by Gode{RMG/�-PBOI�. �, aukieru,os: a. L�r�caping ehvutd bo t�!to saRen e�►d I+ttagrdte the bulk ol tt�e bultrting. APPm�matoy 2,250 sf 4/tha to�!(4qp76 s�, o�r5 8y6 ofWa talal alle a�e,ls pe�v►ous orea. -- N!porviou�a�s ar�lendsc�psd W1df lre�4,shRib�a, vioas F�rour�lcnwer. ,Pa�nnlal 11o»•er��nr e_ Usa of Iow rnafrrleRa�pp(ar�paDe material IS eu�o�w8pad. N. aUi�.hlttitt�ARaF�c�RAL D�stvN A. 6uqcif�g Character�+nd Massfnp �. Mimmum Sbndards:� . Af!building layacses s�ll Inch��du�e�san or aroa�fa�on at infenrals oF no nwne f�an 40 teet Au fe�edos are m�ted af b�fervbls ofnn�„q�ty,�R 35feat The�b►aontranae has ���'Y���'dd�e��e�sL��!�wh�eh SeN�6 E�re ptppo�B oflayede 7_ �s�lde�nes: a. BuAdi�9laFades s{�+o�ld bo morJUi�ted a►u!/or arUculated wtth erc!►k�rel elements fo ��a*'��charac�er of f re�W���•break�P bn9 btenk waq�,acir�vluteN fntenoat.and nslghbot►wod. 7fre facades alfho b�tng ar�modul�ted e�d fw�herarErcW�d wlth belcony o�rerl�,ong� a (//�sr Anc!rn�►t�l canopy py?l t1�9 l/�eM 8�,p�s DekoMes rr�7h tna seaond, U,lnd, a�Id►bwth IsV�1��,��wodr,,D�fes Arenme 9'r�lw°'k r�,7;ngs on 9mrmd�1c�w anit errl�rces. b• ArUa,�,s+�on,rrNa�waU�n� arid thelt Intervab sr+aNd cte�te o�ense w srale,1�r�ortant tv r�-sld�ni�ai bWtdingg, ��inrrtrY.doc 02/28/2002 11:56 FAX 425 251 8182 BARGHAUSEN � BCE OLY�PIA �012 II . ���-l�l-U l t1UN 12:z� �'t1 SH�KIIRN NOMES ' FAX N0, A258853939 P. 15/17 �� U(:1••1�-�.''1�bt !S:@� C1TY Or� REFtT�7hi a25 a3o ?.�00 F.S2�i4 f�rn�R�s PJ,F/PW Arporrarnu .td�.. .o�w Sbs Plr+1[nan.SaSp]t.po�t l�!'AN S ��,��y cu..:�.���__75`".y 'e+R1����iruo�r��w� a�����L�A�OJN Si.A.L�J�i�� III !fl:Yt]Jt7.WDAt;pSl[lNOf'JAHLUftY20190J tr�t?�rllS� �cular�vn�nq modW�t�o�, es woeA ss plt+ched roofs, ete pr�posee ro incnese ihe s�nse ot �p�ro�rlatv nsdclrntie/scalb to th�bu�7d�iq. � A v�rex( nf madtlletiorta and artiarL��ns shouW ba emp II Y loyed 6�add visuat interest and to rnduoe the bulk and sc��of I�rgo projecta, 77�e nsmeiv�d twHr of the br�di�ahoutd be s/gn►�fcantty r�duoed by bie moduratlons, artic�s�tio�s, raol�rres,r�►�d exfaNar s+�taoe�ea0m8nEa tnat hevs AasR D�Posod. d. The fo�lowing methoda of bu��odeAatf�or►sha�d be us�d such U�st t�e co�nbhse�on at f�iatur�s r►�ats th8 fntont of fhi�prrnAsbn: � I. Be�Nc�fng anodu�iRions shouW be e mkdrnun at 2'M dqyM and 4'h►wWth_ 8ullding modulet/ons.at�d ba�G+7i�es, wnufd be gr�g8#arlh4n fhe mir�lmum. �. Altemative rt�thodg tn sl�ps a builc�r�g attch aa a�glad or�wved fs�ade nlemento,affsot pt�nas,wir�q wal1�,end 1�rradng.vWl!be cansldeted, providad that ti�e intont o{Ihla SeCtl4h�s rnet. 'f�,e pMxa lavcs/►ebuld be tar�'ea�d abore the ptrb�c sti�et/aNV�y/+sidewalkg►ade- e. Aui�d�Ariicula6an Yhe folbwing mait,o�a of alloldailoft ehot�ld bs uced�n combin�tbn b ptc{jact a residentlal " � chara�: �. Arlrculallvn o1 sach�tte�vet with feelures such as D�lo�ny,be�y wtndow.po►cE►,patVo, dea(c.or cla�iy detr�ed en�y. F�ach rttOdu/attorr orf the fsr,rede w�uld De fluthe/aRiculafed rrlNr�t�belcoMes w�7h grilhvork ral/inga�»d canopks oviar the me�eR6anee. �. Pruvisb�of pedeslrf�rt�ccaled ek+m•nb fvr each inlorval suot�as a figh�n9 fnQur�,hefGs. a oRh�r(andaoapo Faseturo. �he p�imary Fa�ade,atony Vt�arr+s Avanue S�tt,,wa�Gd have prfv�enLances that connect tAo qround le�l ur�s to the pt�►c sldewelk(ar,yvsa pAVe�s open cauri��rds), ..---- - Exter�r'1i�h�g rvn�Jld ba pi�Vk�B�Tl�effect WOU/d QO SpMe Whst s/mder Eo•�vw .. housos'and would p�aeese fhe sen5e of p6dealilen�le. !U. Pro�vlde atc#►Itedu�l fiat�Wre�sUdl as Mtdett�liats,o�eN101tgs�prohcflo�s�oar►fues �Ys.qtlopWe,or swnln9e. Sev�ra!ul�neae featuros h9ve been proposad (Y. Use'ot metcrla)vatla�s suct►3s Golor�.britk or meta)bandirg,vr beorturdl d�anges_ Exfe�or rr�terle+�t 8nd I�Mshss Woul�c4nslst of as��roW mi►i►iql�r,h�1 bP . sk/inp(mafyrfa!u»spccd4ed), vtnyl w��i�dows,palru�0 wbod windbw�rrn,sl�Faco wu1► �H.�n���n. BARGHAL1SEN � BCE OL�DIPI� �01� � p2/2g/2002 11:58 F�1?C 425 251 8762 I - DEC-t7-Ot t�ON 12:28 Pt1 SHERi'!AN NOt1ES FAX N0. 4258853939 P, 16/17 ! i;�.r-ln-e�ai ist�, CITY a� RENTON a25 a30 7300 �.s3�la � Cib�of�++on P/riPA'ncpaN,aaar Alqli�as�.+arir+r SYIr,PIar.�In+�Repar� ! - 1DRAN S�tS�il�1 �.t�7 MSMS LV�f-50�1 fl,SA-.�kCf.LLI �� �.:._-- ����. .RZPl�RT.N'pDiClSI[WOFJ.IMl-(Rr1A,1GDl y�i1��z1 I I saryllc(np�� coRArol�plar�Mtm, caat-In-p18�e raoe�crofe ws!/s,end mete�g�itk�wrk a� ' b�aloo►�os snd g��und ievei wtlt on!►y�ie� �I v. Use oi arhMorlc�hui�t'u�g omamenlatlon(such$a mosaics,nwrels,glltwork, scuJpiwes. �I reliaf,etc.), � Alfha�h no ertwak,Pe�'s�has been p�posed,Ne sfeel and wood benches,wood I. treUYs w�►h mat41 tNm, end rrratal9vdlMro►1c�t vari�ua tocst�►an�Nrould be dbcaAthre!n ��, . nsttn+e end meet th9 Mtenf of this Burda�ner. I • . I vi. usa os rsceseed bu'adir�g enb�es.ptaaas�or cantyerds�or sesttnp and p�ting areas_ �� � Sovs,vt a�these vhmords have�Daen proposed for the pro�sd � ES. 6uildir�R�r�vs - 1. Minimum Sta[�d�ude[none tnqufrad) � 2. Gt�ideilr►es; a. Bu�dk►g rootlinee shoi,Id b�varied bY empF�asi�kt9 dvrrneis�chbnneyc,stepDed t'oofs� g�a.prwnlnent oonttcs a faa�ia,a b�broksn or ariicula�to�dd viaual lnfefest to itte huildlnp�. 7hA bur7ding rvofllne, es proyvsed wnufd ba hlghlYP�tdt+ed and both cneatB vl9ttef�n(eresf _ , whl/a reducfng the aense cfbulk of t11�bu�dk� b. ROuno�►oquipmet►t 6ctsefiihy sha�id use mate�#ats tltiai are�+ibad�xaNy compatlble wltlt th�bt�ding. Mechanica!ecjc�pmerrt foc�te�on flre rootwouotd bs ousened by fho s/oped roaFilse!!. G. BLrNdic�A INHletials t. A�1ktlrnum stendarcfs(no�b req�) . 2_ Guld�p�es: a. Atl b�l�rta euderior fKtI�F►ee should add vlsu�It��t and deta�end be mod�of m�te�ial ---•--.___. whh:h is dutrbie.(ifgh qu�M�v.and.�,ndaintained. Metarieb tt►at have�n at�rac�ve. . t�xhue,pattcam,or quq�►of dsteip�g sre encouiaqe�d�or�A ta�ade9. th�proposed extenfor rr►atsrfel�ens�nishes(ses abo►re) would appeav�b meef t#r!s gtlldofJne�. b. �cte�r f,nisl�meterial�shou�d sdher�e to fheae�uid.lk�es: !. 3fdln�teXWre�nd ontcr ahatdQ reAect typic8l Northwest bu'ddinp pottoms using tn�tsrlats suoh as wood sldfr►g and sMngta,bridc,Rtotro.and terta cvt�a bfe. Lir�utad u�d wood has�en FroDosed '(,�,s(c�y�hsa been propc�ed, d�t!he n�ab�rial h�as not beon�pecAlcd No brick stw�e, or Mna cofb hes boen pmposad. .� StuCC0.�'vAbh!s not gel�aQy c.�n.side►ed s v�maculsr buNdueg rr�afe►�a!!rt the No�hw�st, na,�pt�+1+r,,iu; 3.0 OF'F-SITE ANALYSIS A preliminary drainage report has been con�leted by Barghausen Consulling Engineers, Inc., dated Der,ember 1�, 2000, a��d has been included���ithin[his section. The City of Renton recently completed son►e stomi drainage conveyance system iinprovetnents in South Sth Street and Williarr� Avenue South to improve the downs[ream drainage system. A copy of the as-built plans for those improvements are included within tbis section. 7251.008 (BHE/bq/ath] N - . � N n , . �L p . � � µ32 MkLAMS A�f ' (V o ^ . p /l34 BURNETi AVE$ ` - _---- _ N `j q CV � lan a ' � I I a'ea+a� � n � i � q I � � � I _ _' I I o ^: f F 0 - _ _ � � I ' I I � ' � V � , , � _ _ _ 1 N � _ _ . __ _ � � f-- - - - - _ . _ - ; . � � , . _ ..� _ . � � � � - W ca+�acr ro Ex so � c'°, - - t� �j Y c�n� � ° m�� � ¢ �� I � � U � � � � � 1 STORY � {{{...��� OF1lCE � Q t ' � . H I /a75 � ": � SD S - �j � �� � t u � 1 STORY �' 2 � y REA10 AND REPIACE " � n -� ' a � HWSE �j O 9 3 � Q � � V! . _ + � H38 � . c i " . 41 O N �I N � � ? y T - � _ - ° . p. ��� ( � o �vE�'" N+oo � lo� � , F R�urnt �m � I� g E � • � • - - o _ _ c`°" �c so I � �-� � m , . • I vwc Ewwsm+c so(e) �_s zz,� - - � : c�n � � a� - - - - ; L�• ucr � � � � � ��,Jw � - - - -.- - - - - - -- - - - { ucT � ��* S 5TH ST, o m '�i ! 3 . � �C g ' _ - _ T o- - - - - -- I � ' . � . C __ � � f - _ - - - - _ � . m - C C C F n V/ 3 0 � C �.� n � • e o T . t m 4 4'IC CAS C ,•' I _ � _ N i I a P � D w + ��, I � m � •o . •. i Ri � � �p �i �p w �! � op � � � � � -, - - _ -� _ S E ��Q ,�R � � , -� � �` . . o zo o€ ' ; � I n � C�.� E H ET 1 5 -}s ° t= E" 3� � --T� � �n I = �+ f�j ?. � - aw � ,sro�r 4� t rroh: Ro�o��wo r�ser 3°� - 3°� � O "'� I � � I •� � � �a'' °'° � � I �0° I Pve r�rtor� �D�T e I I I a a o � . , �c�a�cr�a'SDsu To .�H � ( �� sveanc�na+s � (11 � (� f Y z sra+r a E (p � NousE �E � caurn�c�s+�u rtEsrae soEawc e �� _c�`+ I o 1 I AND tANDSCAPE-ui nas AREA � ' �e �4 €o • � , � .r.. .. _ . . _ _. . _ _ .4. _ � � ' , a� ' � ' n -_ - � - - . . - . . - . . � � i _ . . _ . . _ � ' I / _ . � j � I � �{�A�5 . � n.�L� �► � : � " . o I / - ,��� � o � � I ; ; � SCALE � ���� � Horiz. 1" = 20' � ��i� _ � • • Vert. 1" = 5� � � 113+OQ , 114+00 - 115+00 116+00 117+00 ���� x�-ne�tr.,e� • � � sr�ns.�e.a�T.�r ............:............ ..............._.....__....._..... .............. .. .... ....... - cna ...............:.................................. ...................... �eal:tYPE:L tir. .-:' ':'6:.. . ':t911:19PE�.'L!'. . � fTtONR!YIfED TE • . . . - ' - . . . . - . � . - ' � STA 11613l:RT.I' : �A��) 'STA.IIMA9.RT.r ��' . � � z u � E' ' � • : : : ' � . - : : : : ' : � : � . : SO110 LOCISPJG tID � - � SOLID LOCKI116 lA �-u'n . , : . , . . . �i ' z rc � - . . . . . ' 1d ' � NOTES: - . �: tB�I.TYPE 2.LE' ' ' ' : . �CB tt.TYPE t.LM � : � : ' : RM�� - � �� 12'(S)�. O Y '� � . i : : _ . � :STA.IIS�O:.RT.P 6Tf�.t14:�Es.6 Rf 1' ' . 'RR1 s JS.d ' A 1 � � 4 0�a���.�.�►.�• : ���� : : : : - . : ��.,Ej -.-� t/� t� . 7. ALLTYPE 'SSHAILHAVES DLOpCB�GUOS. SOLro.LO[KR1GLlD. ....:..........:..�...._..:.........:...---.-_.-.- -�* --....._.. ... ---...........----�-�---� �------.......... .e.i..c .�n�. : .... _. ........ .. ..:v/. v( � � [ � � - : : : : .�.�,�,_..__ ... .: . �,,. y : 2. iYPE t C OFlLES ARE ALONG P�PE UNES. � �� : : . ' : � '� � �rt�TE"30.45' :it�fE iE• I. ' .�..i �T1 Y 3. nLL C8 S SfinLL BE SET 0 7 FEET BELOW RRf=3�.25 ' . . . �ee�t-s��-R�M•W.'� . . . - . - ' � � : ' a� 'AOJACENT OIRJD LEVEL • 12'M)E=2l.16 : • : : : �ls'(71�IE=�0.23 I��ls•� 90.lS 6'NATER ff.HJ : ' : . I!'(Y71 rt+DO.V) � . : '7(�IE�J�.31 �Y : o` 4. ADJUST t CB'S T0�LOCAlE AT LOW POINTS, I!'(S)IE=2E.m � _ , � " : � : _ �- : : : ' M FLOW L , AND TO CLEAR E iS7tt�G UnUnES. 3 5 14"�"�-"^` ; : : : . ��b't6)[E• '.��25 TED At'PSq - :12'P�E)iE=31.31 � � : cJ .. .c. �, 5. CONTRAC7 SHALL RESTORE A LANDSCAPING, �8•lET IE�2e.76... ...... .................. .� ---........en�o[ir c��R�a2-IQ'tE71�'3YSS .......... .._.._....._-- - - -.- - - - � � Ir IS)� -. cro ee �wor�o) ��iaa �- PLANTING, RFAGNG, AND STRU NRES DiSif210U?ED �M~~� ••� - � - - � ' ' ' - � < : - ' - --- - -'�- -- - � - - �- - - . . . _ _ ............. ..... _ ' o. ��r U+7 iE=J6JS3� ' � f- ... ' ' ' - BY CONST TION. . . . . � . . . _ : : : ' . e :IL9 lF IZ'tPEP SD�0.571L -� � a 6. N4iERE NO ON PIANS. AND/ PROFlLES. RELOCA7Iqi -� - - 6 SD AeMoa�n) - � - � :�'�'� . . . ��6��'����0.�� ' . � :1. (�'� : �. OF PRIVAT TUTIES SHALL BE Y OTHERS. , � - - � I I ��p. � - - t7�-lF t6'CPEP5��0.T576 IL �''.�0.55 . . . . : a . . : �T � 7. CONIRACT $HALL 1AAWTAIN All IMUM OF 6•. aE,�eN- 30 : O .� : � �� = - _ � � ° : - - : ._:�_ '� �30 .... ..._. . . ..... .. .... ....... - - -. .. o .. 12� WATER tN/SANITARY SEWE AND 12� R 18� STORM ORAIN. : : - � . .... . ..-. . � STA IP1.02,LT.q'...'..�......' ........�...... ... .� ... .. .�..... Q � : ................ � 8. KEEP AIIM OF 3�-6" VERTICL CLEARANCE BETWEEN GAS LINES ' ' - 6����w��� - . " � ' � ST0.IKv6Q L7.17' - : : � E'S[�et: L : J�LF�2'CPB SU�h7% : : � ♦� � - � AND STOR lPE. � . . ' 24'WAtER: : b� I : : : : CB!�.TYpE 1 . . . . : . � • aPNErtLJ ' � ' . STA SStO�.rtr r � . � : sr�.iawa,ar.n' . ��GRATE . , r f�E111 fY 1YATEA - . 0 9. PSE N1LL NOE FlBERGIASS R INFORCED PLASTIC FRP) � �� - � CplE{T TO E1C M1� � B��m��yM��� ' � �9�R�M'E1„31.�jg � � I 6A5� � _ � : : : V� . INSULATI ACERS BETWEEN t ' GAS UNE ANO 12� STORM LINE:....... .....:.........�. � ._.E7tlSTING-TYFE.2.6M:... � ��... ' . . (���-�� C81C�.T7PE I - � 35.... �:- ...... ..R�.�;ai.ee 35.........:. .......:. � �.._......: . .. . sTa:�.aq:ar:ir......... :. -- ..:�rJ.....: Qt 70.'CONiRAC SNALL PLACE COF BACKFl�L BET1MEEN 12' HP : . RM B:.=SS.2= . . �T IS)IE=J0.l7 ,,,,r�.,,,,�: 81-DIRECTIONOL YMED GRATE � � � GAS UNE � 72" STORM DRAtN AS DIREC7ED BY ENqNEER. ' �- - - -r - � ' - �� -- � ; IE=31.60! ' ' ' ' " � ' ' • - : . _ : : : I6'R'O�IE=27.97 � : IY QO IE_. . " •MVERT7 THM LIMTS � RM�� : : : : - : :p Q : (a.12'SD: : : - - . __ f!'-Nf}�E--�f.00- ' �30 E6 CWCAETE BA . p UT-1 N � , ' . : � 4•e�3 wdTER: to ee ney6veo) : : - � EE.SD ST��a�T�> � ..:......12'M)IE e 31.91..:MATER . N ..........................:....'._ . . . � ......3�.. ................ ... ..... 3p... . 4 . ...... ..... ........ ... . .. . ... ... ..:30-.... THE CONTRA R SHALI BE RESP SIBIE FOR VERIFYING ' - - � " ' � - � O .['GAS � W?. � TFIE LOCAT101 IM£NSION, AND DE OF ALL EXIS�iNG : : � ' � : : : ' : �y�n.� _ 6'SS : : � � :ff�LOCATED: ' : UTIUTIES WI 7HE PROJECT, NHE ER SHOYM ON THESE L9 if IE•So u�r s.0.53% : SD�1.076: ' IE:Lf 12'dP . . FIBER OPflt DUCT BANt: .!7 PSE) . 20 Lf t!'fPFP . PLANS OR N BY POTHOIMG h1E T�UTIES APA SURVEYING " � - ' " " � � ' •I.OA � � (��X� � ���'� � . . - THE \'ERi1CA ND HORIZ-0NTAI LO T10N PRIOR TO CONSTRUCnOM. � - ' - - � - " : : . : ' : hiE UTIUTiES OWN ON TNE PIAN ARE BASED UPON THE � . . . . . . �_....RO BE RELOCAi�BY PSE) ' �Z'NATFR.. ................... ....... ..... ....... .....,.��O.ro%................NEM IZ'MATER... ............................................................ .................... . . . . . ..__.._ ....---.............. UNVERtFlED P IC INFORMA110N�AN - �F�CONFUCTS CUR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT THE � � PROJECT EN ER TO RESOIVE THE PRoe�� Prtioa ro � AS RECORDED BY CONTRACTOR FlELD NOTES PadcEEou+c " Corisrnucnori. � AND SURVEY VERIFlCATION �:• FROM TNE FLUER COMPANY � z � , • , ,-,4-02 D- 272211 N N � . ' . N $ I` ! , � N N -� - _ - . ' . N p� $ p `" r � � ! i � � �� m i Ruc pc f(� � ( a � � i i � Roaove ex.�ce�rt�uce �, � , i � ! . i i � � � ! ce ps i N e i cei+oa � i �o � j � � ! m i (s¢�r�n) � � � ( = i . ! . i i i � ! i � � �. . �N � � . _ > �j . 1 . . j � 1 j " � � (SEE SHEET it) I � ,�j �,�. 1 ��t � '^ / � . �n , � CB�/4A '1�� '� I .� : � - . . I � � (SEE S2EF V��n1n' � I � . . W � � � � i N o � \ � " y � � i IX.CB ANd UCE a 3N; � . �Z . F- d6 J- 1 � � . i Q ' o+ . t v I S . y � F-j . . /��: _ F , J- . I a ao � a n - � � a I � < 1 N' w w�' j I U V � � � n L - ^�,^, n 1 9 � ` O i � . � � j �Y ^ � o � � � � � . �t3 !m � ; t � \ � H I . � < 'n o � � , � �.Z-Vf2 Z " ' # ; ' � � � �ry N r � 0 0� 'L K�f1O .�� ( OO . . C . - � � N ' y-. j � - � � W W V-� UW . ° < `csn,B ' � � i o� !c ; � i o�N �� i . = mW m- � ILLIA� � g �� A � f-- z � -�;a i = � g � o� ��, o " orE'oc°� � . ( . } O � , _ � ' _ i� u � � �� i J . Deek �p �n o o � p ( 7S � � ' N ) y . -. Cmc. Mdk _ . . - - - � . � t ci � W W j - ' � - �- --- uW- Q � a w � ~ �~ �NC__..'. TOBE � Concwck �� UN N � � ' N i � w �� � N w ; i w � � ' � G o � � � G � p : . � . . . - c� + � � r' �-- tY .GAS �_� [� MT.�it J).01 SbtZg'4p'N � . � 5 3 w e 3 $ � tt'Na.ws �S��' r � 3. � � . . �.� �2 IP WS � 559.86 �v 8' SS (1M0iuna Are � � c � . + � c � c 2.� � c 3 ' F„ e}' ucT ucr ucr � � � Y w.c�s � W � ns � V,� ��M� �* W a� �* vr�s = � �z q ° s�E d (tJ � -° � c�wax � r""a �u rr�e� N ' • � 3$ F/-� 1'.�}.� � � � ! C� W VI V?� V V � F W aa i � V �'A � . I . Q; -32.MM�37.2� f j ! C�0. C0.lER� o � ' N �i �� • C � �� ��� ` � _ - � �� ' j � �� ,�� 1 I � CBO O I '��. �o • N 1 W j � � �' I W .n° � CE �. I f) ' � '� S 5 E . �m � : a / . W j �' ; � � � - � �E a <at � - f � � !� I 1 �� n � �.. � � �W � 1 v 1 � - � . � � i t � I f �F �SEE SHEET 11� ` �'� � �I o o g �o !� i �� � N � � !� i I d �nrrc�e�+am�nir". � ' a c� 3 �� !� i - o � � � � i � P rto+ra�su+o�ao �3 ' � I � . , • i q � i ,(, ! i i � sPecmc�TwKs � � ' � Y � ��t ; o ' � � � � ; y�� ; ' � � � ; ; o � �� ' - �� i . i �: � i i � ! Z � � � i ' .; cenox � � � i ; � ' i � � i � � � i � � i r� � i i � � `�- � p e� � N �Y� - ' ' u �4�� � _ /.�,_�_,.r�1 . ...� ' AS RE�CORDED BY � (:ONfRACTOR FIELD NOTES , � Horiz. 1" = 20� • - - . ' AND SURVEY VERIFlCATON Vert. 1" = 5� � FROM THE FLUER CQMPANY t-14-02 64+00 - 63+OQ 62+00 61+00 60+00 59+00 � = a � .---..::.._- ......_............:._� -----...... ----- - -�--... ....... ... . --�--...... : ..,. .. ....... . _.......... ...... ..... --...._..._........._...._.. .. .... .... . ..... .......... _....._...�.._..._._..... _ - �- - � W a �9 � �: O. � : . : : :�C.B. 11.TlPE 2. 48':... ... . C.B. lt0, TYPE 2 48' . . . :C.B_..9. IYPE 2. a8' : . . . : SIUE�SEWE� DEPiN . . . . . Y .i� i 3 '� : � : : . : ' ST1� 63+73.58.:RT. t' : � STA H2+86. ftT. �' : : : �S7A. 61+32: RT. t' : � : _ : UNKNOWN TIPICAL) . . : ' C.B. ttPE 2. 48' : � d 1 . . . : SOLID LOCKiNG UD . - - . SOt1U LOCKIt� UD - . . . . :SOLID LOCKMG 110 � STA. �+29 Rf. t' Q � � � � � : �'� . . .. �-RN;l--383B-f-- RIM = 38.13- : ' �NM--=-3�9�-�-� RIM = 37.51 . � -�M =3�75-3� 46.34: : : " _ . . 1 C.B. . SOLI OCKZ G UD; : . � . . . � . �2, (S � 32.48 12� (S � 62 RT : 8• . 2 �• : IM D:35.0 3 . ' : : - - (N E = 32.43 . :72' S � = 37 44 . . . � 5 } -SOLtD LOCKMG LFD • R2' iE = J1.07 O 4p�0 .....................__ , .. : ( ...._..... _ _ ........... .. .......................- ��- ----.. _ .. ... . .. . , . y2''(x�E'=34.�0 . . � 12' (f 'IE --34.05' . � . . . ' A '9:34.91"" ..�-�=. . ..�g,.i��E�= J1.07.. . ..4:0.. ..Q� W , . , ' a _:__ . . . . . - . 12' (�t' tE = 3a.08 , . . . . 12�(E •�E = 31J8 t2' t!J IE = 31.0? � Q _ � ------ ---------- . ------.---------------- --- -- RinDE AT CENiER LIME 12' (E) iE = 32.2t ' - 12; ( :� = 35.45: , . . : � : Q : : . . _. . . - . , ----------------- ---------- --12..SbC)_���_32J4 . . . t (N� = 0.91- . S � : . . _ _ , . . - � � . . - - ---- --- - - 12' ��:IE = 30.9t: � � - - � - . - . - . - . '------ ----- - - . : : � � � . : . . . . _. .. o � - .. � .. . . 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RT. 20' � : _ - � 0_ �NEM� 12'WATER ^^� ^ f : 6!-DIRECTIO�L VANED GRATE � : i�� _ . . : : - _ , :72'�(w�lE =33569 : : A 6 + 6 20' � � RMED�GRaT_3E-G�5-� . - -RtAf-Er-3695�_ _ . : ��BRlPOO�N�X. 8 . : . SS . � � - {21M EL = 37.89 - � � . . . . . .. :81-D�REC7iONAl vfWED GRA7E.. . .- . iZ! (E) tE =333.22 ��NDOMED 8 - .;�2'.(F�.IE-.348g �- . � . . . . . ��...: -12 E IE -:3 1 . . _ : : : LF 72' �EP ; .. 2�..... . „ . '-}O.. -:.'........................CBA:tOh.'TYPE.-1:........._........."" '....... ..40..... �. ... ....'---RIM�EL-�.3&86'--- .;....... -----. :_.40...:........CBI'BA,rr�.t ........ ......--- ..............._..sQoo.»x-- -..... . � - � � - - 5T0.�62+86. ET. 20' . : : . . i2' (E) IE __34.26 � - - STA. 59+69 LT. 20'S�7SLF-2�'' - ' CB/ 8B, iYPE'1 - � :RIM EL = 57.29 ' " r BI-pIRECiWNAL'VANED GRATE_ ' � � ' � ' . BI-D1RECf10NAC Z � : '' : , ": , _ �--'-_ _--- - ��_ - _ - -12' (W) iE = 34.39 - � -� � S?A. 59+63 RT; 20' . . o • . ' . . : ' I: - - _---� --r_ -- : . : � : : : . . . BI-DIRECTION9L VANED GRAIE . . . - - . . . � . _ _ RIM E4:= 34.32 ,V,AN ATE n. � ' �; � ' mM�EL = 37.17 . . . : . : - : : --'-- ---- � 12' E) �E:= 32.a0 �=�3t:3r - : Rlt� E��34.- y�E�I -31 B ' � . _ ED GR � -... :__....:.:.. � :... ... .I:.. ... I. -- t2-.tE��-=�34.87....._. . ..._.._ _ ............ .:...... .._. . _ - ....................---....E.....'.5......' , 3� . a � o . : f i �35 :......._ . . : �.-.'��...:.......-�: -�35.._.. :._�.�_ :-- - . - , - - - �: Q : : : : ..0 - - - . �� : : . . ' RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAI � - I _ . .- �, . . . I � 0 � n . UGT- TO Bi: RELOCATED BY OiHERS . I: ` 6� W (TO BE ABANDONEDy U�,. � v . � . : : . I " 0 b o I � : . I lyl . . STORM WATER UiILITY OATE VGL-�70�3E RElOCA7ED�8Y ATHERS.'... . ..: . .. .............:.�TO.BE.REIOCA?�D BY OTHERS) . ... . ..'... ...:..-•----_-.--......:.........'....__...:v� . I .. �I.. .. O. n I .:.................. � � at �......:.........:.......JT O. - � tl:.'y� � • SFORN�WAIER MAINTENANCE 21!tF 72" CPEP SD 9 7-04 NEW 12' WATER � - UGT 6�W (TO BE ABANOONEO) (Tp BE RELOG?ED) ` 6� W (TO BE ABANpONED) J � V1 6�W (TO 6E ABANppNEp) .� � ' 19 LF tY CPE? SD�O 7.OS �NEW 12� WATER � - UCT �NEYe 12� WATER � LN t ' WA ' 2' � - 12' HP GAS/� - 21 LF 12" CPEP SD.9 1.07[ � � , . L�l Z� � t9 lF tY CPEP Sp A 7.Ox 21 IF 12' CPEP SD O 1.0X 21 LF tY CPEP Sp O iTDx � 2 TER 19 lF 72'CPEP SD O t_Ox 20 CF 12' CPEP SD 9 1.OX p B''SS � 8� 55 12' HP G4S Qi 2'BGA� 1 Y HP GA5� 2' Gf.S 1 Y IW GAS Qj e- SS D- 272212 CV _N � N o t� � � � N .n . � . � ' . N o ^ • , 4 i � , � , . V . � � �� i , • j i � ! j � ! i i i - > t � > >` > j " � � . � � � . . N . 3 ��'a � I � � . I I � I �O v�i�� � - I. �I - �n0 � I � � I = � � N j i i ' j i ` I ! i i • . aG � � � N ; � � ; � � � � o ; ; Z � �.�F . • � . '< i � � `" � � i � ce�s� � i � 4 O p� Vl i � � � � N i . � . I . � N i . 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'_ -- __ G _ - 1Y H .GAS g C ¢ 0 o L{,� d'CONC 55 � tY H.C, � � � �w (n -��-G 1 1/1'P.GAS -C �OOqG SS e ' ' __ ' __N017 G v/ Y� n C G "� 93121' � s �� 3� ucr � I n � -�/s•w.cns � s E-+ � � cT c � �z � . � .T--_� � � �W a' � • 0 p � �,j�i rno Q o' -- -- ' . o . � o �E � � S "-_ '___' - . � _e _ n . u � --- - - � \E n . V : I RI�37.Ja -- ----- ---- -- ----------- - �e• /s=zs.o � �- � i j . � � . ! `5 . . i � 5 � �' 0 6 _ _ i � � i � � � DecM � � � C Ded� � - --- • a v �q i � I � �� � . o` v� 1 � Dedc � � � � � j � 1 � �I p � � j � j � H . � � � - � ' I I . . � �n . S � i � V p _ CBIt9A � � M �� � i � � j a ' � i j 3 3 ;3 Q � o c . j . � m 1 ; j � » . . 3 � � � � �g � � i r � a � 3 ! � � � � �� I I I I � � � i � � � r � � Y i � ^ i o ��� . . " Y�g� . - - es-�uru oruwiNc �^ '•� '. . . Horiz. t" = 20' corrt�oCa�Flo�.D ++o�s . Vert. 1" = 5' �wo suavEr v��csnoN 59-I-00 FRa� n�i-14-02COWPANY a < a, • 58+00 . 57+00 56+00 55+00 54+00 53+50 ; 3 .. --...... 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Rt: . • � +8 �,,,�� t2' (S iE = 30.26' • . . . : - ' ' RIM � 32.17 - - • ' -��µ{t - 3s�9Eii � . �RIM = 33.1 SOLIO L INO UD• __t2'{E� �-= 30:58_-' . :.....:...:r:.- --• -• - . .....'12".S),iE.y..29. ..: ...... . ......:.... .:.....t4'.(5),IE•:-28.A- ' ' ' RiM EL � 31,69 .... ( pp, a ' O�� . . - .- : _ � :12� (N) IE = 29, � . . � � 72' (N IE = 28.@.4 ..... .. ........ ..... . . �"`��.....: . � W 35 t2' (M�) IE = 3t.26 i2�(qrt£="ST� � - �12•�e� � := z9.o . � - _ W *----- . ---;------- - - � :�z' vr IE = 29.St ' � 12' (E �e a za.�. . . . : 35 . an ----------- ---=-------------= � .. . . . . W T . . ____________^______ .. _ _ . � . . . . ; F . . . . . . . . . . � ���.� . . . . . . . . . . . .L� . ��T � � 12' ) IE 28.68 ' � ' _ ------- ------- < - : : : . . . . . . . _ . . . ----- -------------- - . . . - . ? � ..�. .. ...........:..........:....... . t60.iF.. t2".CPEP.SD. ' .....:......... :..: ..._....:... ... 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' ' �_D�CnON�L:VANED CRAh � - � - � VtwED GRatE � � �� gT/l 57+96. RT:20' • �� � V�IWED CRI�'iE - � STA�56+36. RT:20' � V���� � � - � � : : RttA Et-=33-B�s-3-: , - : B1-OIREC710NAL VANED GRA7E RIM (EL). � 32.626 RIA�E� -:'-�'-.'.�^-�- : : : -dRECilON4L YANED GRA?E ��� ---- ---- - " �"" � • ............ - .........�............... ..........'..._ �.» � � p : Z- - 'e•y � . . - RIM EC.. = 33J3 � . � : : �7-����30.�� ...:.... _ � ��.- - . ....: ...... - ....:.....2.��'IE 3.}.29.0�.. ...:.. .._... (ErrL�. IE 3i Y�.98 .....:........ . .. .S.�R'PEP ...W . .. -72'.E. . .JO. 2...,r.�., __ �- s.... ....... �....'.._. ..... ..Rllt � 3� t2' (E) �E - 31.58_: p ' . . . ----- ---_ - RIM�El.. = 3J.82 : � : : 3� � ...RIM�tEL,. = 32.6�i � : : I ' : . � so 0 o8sz � W � . _ I Z. � . . . . I . : I 12'�(w) IE = 30.52 . : : : - __--- --- . - 12": w IE � 29.36 _ . : . : � - � : N � . . . _ : ..............................:.� � 1 .....:. ......:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........: ... . .... ' .:.UCi.I� � RECOMYENDED FOR APPROVAL . � � . ' ..... . .. _ .. . ... ......... ' . . . � g . ...�. . _. ... .. ................... . . . ....:... :. O I-IRx:t2`WA?ER.:..._.. . � O � 0 : 7 � . : � � I ' ( � : ' 21 LF.72' DIP 9 1.07G .�.. . . .� . . . " 'W Q � 30 :J J � O . . 3� IJ •I � ( � 2.rJ _ 2' �,y5 1 �Q 6�'IMATE�BN�ONE�)- STORM w�rea uriun : onTe W F- : - . : : :�T . . UCT J Q O :Q . . : ��q.:�� - 14 � }2" DIP O 1.07G STORY WAiER UNNTENANCE . � : - � - Z" GAS . . . . . � � :.........:..21.LF.tY.DP.SQ.4:t.D7[....�......... ........� � :.........:....-.....:...... Z� � : 12' N�TER . - - ' 8• - - : . . . . _ _ e� � .. I ........................................'--"-�- � J i 21 LF 12' DiP O.t.px.... . .. ...L. .6'"WATEK_... ....................................................................... • QQ iz• cr.s 8- n� _� (To eE ne�woor�) 19 L� 12� CPEP Sp O t.Ox �12- � 19 LF 12' CPEP 5p O 1.Ox ° o (TO BE l�flN�00HED) � � �� ,z- w��R D- 272 1 I N N n - - - N $ :r� . . � N N � ' • • N � $ o ^ • . � a^ � N • - \ � I , �n' � � � y �� . (n • N DC RIM=3tJ3 . ``\ �� `\ � � . . iE B'- 27.8 �gngB � EX.C.O.STA,52+1. �`\ . W � ' 1E 8" -T7.5 � Rlta El=J0.65f � IE E 27A IE(N)= 2g,25f S ' Q � � � Cgp78 � \ � � �-Widd � . • \ � , ,. p m: a ��a \ � O.n°C. � i.; � ... ;a � ce �n . � Z ui . • < � �=sa. otS u.� � i�e- �iex � � � C . . T�a \ 6'N 7.9 � . . . L = N 27.E z O � � 2 . _ . V ' n v l �1 7.8\ t� ry ti m2 °� �L � k W � y " . (ima � � �' - � i � �,��� - � q01 . . - a o � a � \ � •� £ ' � . � _ __ /+ ''� s io w w w w i� w w w • • . � • tY H.P. : , - C C C' C � � h � •\ . _ - '-_ ' ' -_-_ ' ' - _ C C 12'NP.CAS .y-\ ._' . -,. - _- _ . - -.- - � � n" 1-1I��R.GAS � G h '_'-.'�-__ MT. � � __ t.�,z �' _ � � � �- G1 Y� � s �O o E ucr � _ �--- �T - M ��� � 3$ . � � �~i� o�,i • . - -'� __ _ _ .-_ Beqln conc � �f F. !� �„��] an vbitv � -- - - ------- f � �� _ � ' "_' • ___" - � a E c � --i---- - - --- '- - ----- � �. m E ' . i a � ; o a � � AS-BUtLi DRAWINC � , � . $ I � U � COMR.4CTORfI0.0 N�OTES c a . cen c.�n�� eN�, ; � °�.�, FRo°�n,�u��co�"°a�"r . � �t oo ' � I � t 6 1-14-02 . n V ^ ' � I _� 1 CB NtY=29.63 HO�IE: \• . . � I . � .. IE 27J CONNECT NE'M 2 � . � .� � . ' . `. < � . i 1 � I MANH0.E T E7057MIG � STORM gruaA\ �� � . . �, � � � j fn _ j . \ RECOMMENDED FOR AVPitOVAL 'm � � - ..� � - . . ? . � o I 'Y a ��� ,�,� ! �� '\ STORM WATER UTILITY " -¢i o ' � I < OVER�;STORM�VFE � STORM WATER AIAINTENlWCE _ ' - J o � I . � � o ��� . ' . . . . . . _ � . � �� . . - _ . . . - - . ' �ig� - �- 1il �� �- � . Horiz. 1" = 20' . _ � Vert. 1" = 5� � - . . Y o � � _ . . : ........ . .-- .53+50:........ ...53+00 ...... 52+00 ... .. 51+00 5�+00 . ......... �a �� �a ��.�� , . - � : : ................................................. ..................._.;......_......................'....... ..........:........ : ......_......--�--.--.......-......_..:......._.:........ . ....... : . . • . � 'CB 18.1YPE 2. 48' � C8 (17. TYPE 2. 48" • . . ' • : : : �-/ STII �3+4b. RT. t' . STA 51+88.:RT. i' - - CB /16. TYPE 2. 48' . . . . . ' , � . . ' . � �ID i�OCF4s Lt D RIM:= 31.60 � : � - - : SOliO OC NG L� ROd = 30.54 : . . - : : ' : ' ' � . . �a � ��� � ~ � . 18;�5 iE ='27�.2a . . . . 96' S�I( EKR 27.�4 . - S LD ; - � - . : : . : °� :.........:.........:.... �(y� . ... . -: ..)2,: �E: Z� ...:...._....:.._ ...: . . i9-{1 8".(N .�E.=.27.21 . �ap'RiAF-�6��' - . - . . . . . . 35�+ . - ,2.. e � = zz� . - - : - j1 _ - --: _ .... . ............... ..................: �j ...-:.--...-- : ......_. ....... ...... � ........: .. . �W 72 - iE = 28.C4� . _ . . '�Y E t£ 27:Zf' 'RRA'�' '79- . . . -� : . ' . W . . . . . . �="�-YK�� 12':�'A� IE = 27.00 . � 1B; N��E � 27.29 : - - - - . : . ' _ ' 6 - o � . . : �(n : - : : : : ' ' : : : . : : : 18" Sw)iE �2729 � . ' : : : : : ' : . . . . . . . '------�-----=---=--=-----=------�GRADE AT CENTER UNE--- ' - - . . . . . 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' . . : : . 2', IE) 2e.os - . 3D � f .:..... _...... �.:. ........:........ :...30..:..._. ...:.... ._.... . ._..... ........ - ............_... ....... ........ ---.... ....... ....... � .._..._ � ....... ....... ....... � ....- � . ..:. .. � ,. � � � : a : � : : - � : . : o o : : : - : : : : ��. I I : : I . - : � : . - : � �' Z�........:.........:... J ....... :....L�G�WATfR�O�BE A&WOONED) J r�. . . . ......:.........:.......................-•---...........:......_............:.........---................. ..... �..... . . .. .. .. 6".WATER.""'................................ . . � . . ' . . _ 25..: 22 LF 1Y DIP Sp O 7.OX 12�WAiER 22 LF' 1Y DIP SD Q t. � • I�TO BE ABANDONED) � Y G0.S 19 1F-12' CPEP SO O 7.07G L t2' WATER O g- SS �2' NP GlSQ Y GAS t9 LF 12' CPEP SD O i.Of. 1z ��° �o D- 2 7 21 4 N o � n , -- - -- i r N �v � - _ N � � � � � � , '. . � ' N V ,� � . . . . - . F m' � �i ' � __ . . � . . . - . � . . _ . . _ . . _ . . , � � z � N o � � I 5' . - . . _ . � y � . . � i : Cm . � W Q • m ��F�°ce uao R[vU � °i� � ♦ex�s-x�c I ' � t.5 STORY C8 112A F y Mss SE7 QI6EIED SOUNtE t.5 NORM g Q � °r $ce/5� �a.�ii� I � q �Z s sni�s�i`%e uN+A�cat�rr. � 3 > R��ovE[x�+e+. � � ri c�c � n�v=.,a1 � s � m e � . � I , O p� � t/1 �' n� � 'C1 . F'� O � CI ' � p0 0 0 . I � � � C _ � RDIOnbE EX CB AtA RERACE�p•B �� � I. . � W - - - - PLVG EAS SU 9 ° O� � OZ � f -- J - - _ _ _ � O ,� � � • � n - - - - .� I UGT � � G. t--�-� U t f o K •WW � ~ - - - - - - - - - -- - c �u ° o �.pc m W - -� - - - _ _ o u�T ,�c. oc, � � O� > � . �n = _ saezz•.st - _ - 3� JfTI �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o , - - _ y �� � r-/ o v -� _ _ SBO'2sY3'E STptY MA7E ^ _ _ iFN71Ol VAVI *rNu -� i . . (n � W G G g � C��' T 1 + 2t Jo0.1 _ _ _ _ _Q_ - 2S W � - N � � e�a�s� o� '�c s�n � � s•�v c�s � � � w , - z - - - - - E �� ��.� • � ,- _ , � � op � - o SEE S T 6 � g g- n - - - - - - - � � wz Y� � 0 0 0�€ , � s� �,� I . r E-• �� ' a� ra,s 3 � I ce re � ( z �W � ' � , . i �W a'a . . , cegB f � - � O. �� � .v.B M o. � 1.5 STORY I � .� �� c E . � � il /SOt I » HQISE � o� . � � v 1 STORY /9�3 � s �E � � A 9I \E _ . . - . . - . . - . - - - - - I ' � � t9o9 � � t srortv I o _ .I. _ . � . � � _ � � I � H�9 � �0 0 . ... . . . . . - - . . . . - � . . a� . � � � � . . • � . � . - . AS-BUILT DRAwINC �� � . . . • . AS RECORDED HY • , � o . . ' CONTRACTOR FIELD NO7E5 AND SURVEY VER�F'K'ATION FROM THE FLUER COMPANY Horiz. = 20' � . • i-�+-o2 Vert. 1' = 5' ce/s �wE 2, aa- ow. � ca�e� z. 4e' DUI. - CB/7 TYPE 2, 48' ov� cB/e rr� 2. 4e' ou. w - � .N ��� � • STA 118+18. RT- 1� � , STA 119+38. RT. 1' STA. 119+67. RT. 1' . 5T0. 727+02. R?. 1' . � � RIM = 35.60 �211.H� 35�4-f RIM = 36.41 RIM = 36.��r RIM � 3fr.96 f R11A = 36.32 -RJA1 - 36A�f-- RIM = 38.76 � �� �" � .SOUD LOCKING UD - : SOUD OCKING Up SOl1D IOCKING UD SOUO LOCKINGtUD� � �°•� � 12' IE = 32.t5 ' ��--r-='_ t2'.-(N� IE = 32.77 •^ .�.�: f2" (Y� �-.��a 72" w) � � 32.82 t2' ((W3 �E = J3.9Q � , . � ��,� 12" (E) IE 32.71 ' � S2' �€}a� _�r'�' 12" E) �E = 32.82 �h-���'�"3SE6- tY (S} IE 3tJ3 �22"��d 12' E iE = 32.t 5 ' . _ -� • tY N IE ='32J5 ' F - <"� . 1Y (N) IE = 32.71 ' . . --t2�-�iL-1€ -�"-o'= tY N) IE = 32.82 � ' ..... . . .... ......... ....... ......" ' . ' � 12' �S� �E = 32.15 t Y F = A7 3l 12' (5) IE = 32.71 -1Z��.-���J� � »' c� �c - i�a� 12' S} �E = 32.82 ........................ . . .. . ... : : I 3 g � � .. � 118+00 • . 119+00 120+00 �-5� �, 121 00 : = = � � = � '� o � 3 . . . . . . UNKNOWN - • --- - � ' . . . 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WARR D . . . . .. , ...---�30:.... d. _.......:................... : � -...............: • - --._............ B7.PSE). 0--. .I._ ......... 29 LF.12'_�p_o.o..z�z.... _................_........ ........- ---...... ..............._--.......:.................. ._........30 � -: 3S L CF • m � . � . ''"� U'� _ . . . . . . - - SSMH _ "�10"WATER : : : :CB88B NPL � CB/8A TYPE 7 - . : ' : _ I � � + : _ : : : . : sra �2i+o2. rtt. »• : s�a �2�+oz. tt t�' : . : . : . � : ' DIRE VMl ?E : - � .^-� : : ' : � CB 7B TYPE � : : CB 7/i TYPE 7 - � , 8�-DtRE� - �E : ' : : i II . . . - . � �"'� . CB�56 TaIPE i � : GB�SA?YPE 7 � �STA 119+67. R?. 1Y � ' - Si0. 1�19+68. li. 17' :''�•�' _ m ae� G� FIM = 38;35 - ' - - . �� . . ..v.E.:.................................��--•---........:.......... :.........:.Z ..�.:..-STA:�tiqfi8.'RT:YY '...... :....... .ST0.'if8�fS8�:LT:17•...:.......-�:Bf=01RECTIONAC'VlCNE[7�GRnTE. .... . .�..:. ..BI-OIRECTiONAI�VANED�GRATE�:Rlq-=�38:t3...'r..:...... .. ....... t2'�(S} iE-= 35J5 - - � - � � I - : � (n � � -Bi-DIRECTIOW�L VANED GRATE � . Bi-D�REC7iONAL VMtED GR4TE . - _ . . : : ' : 12" (N) IE�= 35.�d % � _ _ ; : : : - - - : ��M �s.a�f su�x�� � T���-+`c-=�e- . • ..,- ,... ,� .��.., l � . . �¢' . . RIA1 =.35.66 . � . . . . . . � � PoM � 3�.95 � RA1 = 35.08� : RIM 35..$0 : . - 12" (9) iE = 33.77 • : : W ' 12" (N)lE = 32.65: t2' (N) IE _:33.28 � �12' (N) tE = 32.98 - � � ' ' ' • � �- -...3.�-'N . . _............ ..... .�. � .. ..... ..-..... ..35.:�..6-.cs�.� =.34.<0.�__ o_. -. .. :. .. ..... �5.........-.---4• �:� ..... : ....... ....... . ........:....__.:.........�......._:.3� � ! � _ �. � : �i " . ' - . . _ � . . . CANNECT EX. SDJ -I O O . � : BY 01HERS) � ' 0 : � U� . . : . : : - ; � _ � _ � � � O O • : � _ � TO $DMH 4"GPS UCT(1"0 BE REIOCATED 16 LF 1Z� DIP A 1pz OONED SEMER REC(1MMENDED F6R APPROVA�: NEW _ ,.....30::... ._. ..............�_r,+�s_... . uer............ .. -....3�. ....__. _ _ �ae:w i2 SEW ...�fl..... -....12'.S�R ..�.,.. . .... .4 is --o �.� : ....... ... ..._................. . ... . 30 _: J `� ' : � � � � (TO 8E RElOCA7ED - - � � ' � ' " i6 C� 12" DIP O 1-OS � ' ' ' ' STORM WA7ER VTILITY . . - � - O BY:OTHERS) � ' ' : � : NEl�1 1Y WATfR � � - ' - - . . . : 16 lF;12' DIP O t.px " : : t2' $E'�'Efi . ' - - - ' ' " ' DONED ER 16 L' � CPEP � , � � ; : 12'SEWER L . : . : NEW 12'W4TER - � ; ' ' : : S70Rld WATER MAIN7EWWCE . . �� . : : 72� SEWER � .- . . - NEW 12" WA1ER - : : ......... 76 LF 12` DIP A 1.Ox : . . ' . ' : ; ' - . . . . . - ...... .......... .:....... .:.........:. . .....". . � : '....... . .... ........... ... .. ..'.............. . ......... . : ........:........ .. .. ..' ............ � .-...•. ....18�L�l7'�DIP�-i.OX---... .. �� z � D- 27221 � � r � . . . .. - . t� - ^ o N . . . � � . . N N N m i - � � I I � o ; . - � i cep, � � � �n3 i � � � t �� l� " ! ! i i > i o; r c�Y � i . ' [ ! � i � ! i . `_ , I � o �s .� � . - . . ! . � � t ' � 1 � u .I �� � I � t- ' � � , ; o � O� I I � y � � cep,e j . �n i o'z � � j o- � � � � -. � . ' � � 1 i , i ' ¢ ! Ng � � � � $ ¢ o'J - N !� x . I � 1 i I Y � � � . � � z. . I � " � � 3 � J _ � , J � j i Z � � _ � I j NOiE: � p m ' ' � p o-'•� • _..- -_-._..__ ��� � . .� p j REMOVE EX. 4' WATER � � W.� � y� • _ � , g g i � � WIlHIN VACINITY OF j ` LL d � � Z W j �fls + i I NEW SD PIPE (T�qPICAL) I p I !L '+ O , � Z � i ( �� r " i � , FLl7 O w . • - �s` i � i 'F � � O � � � � � �� � B i � f _ i� i � � �(/) � � � � a �, - _ � : ; �� � : , .� W' - ' . I ' I � V . � H� � � , - - -- ---- '---- -- -- --- -- ' --- ' : �� � ! O c�i 30' . Q ------ - �- WE ' . - ----- -- E . i . . , ---' - ; d � a . � ---- ---�---- ��_ , � � �,�w� 3 -- -- - --------�- -- --- �-- - - - N , � � . -. � - -- -- • - W � M 4� H' w � - 6'CanclYop� � n � � � l'J n � w 4'p 3 'M . N r'' Canc � a; 1_ - '�' W 3 � 3 (EX 4'11 TO E ABANDONFtI) �""� . � O o . r/ w y p w � � W1Pr------- --�--- - o c o w w �o aa s¢w-ea w = �, � �"' - = s•oEacnva�o � � 3 3 � _ � ..� ^ � - N � ' � : n° ' (/� 4'. � �G � G � 3 ___ 0 0 � �+ � W � � -G C � � 6'DEACTv�TID - -- ------� -- W oN . � �� oE �j 4 � r. G � � n ° � � W J :� �' 3 Q (/) (/�T_ concwon� � . . '�r Z � - ---- -_ v ` �G s • : ---- - o c«,c.woa� Dw . W. . _' T ' _" ' " _ � � 1 �[s] a'a � u � ! . v�antc.. i o � ' --- -' ' '� ---"- - -r - ----- ' --' - - ' " -- 1 a Cm�c�Wo�k 6'Con� dk � '��' � ��i �`v � _ __ __ _ . I � � b � -_' _ � "_.r_" ' "_'_� ' c� . �E � - , � � Vor h _ c�i ;' � 1 '�� � � � a � P 1 � � � ? � 1 . � . i . 1 CB/14A V� ' Q ��a --- i o _ i CB/13A d Porch U 1 P 1 s �t. c� . j . < a 'd � r � _ � °rc � �(JI � o� . . � � _ , n j � � f i � � a <` a �n = a� ' " ' ' � -j CB/15A - � n� ; w»A I iA�od 1 � � � < 1 ! � � o ' � � � � a . < < m � � � � . - � ��� _ . .. - . r . �g � . - . � , . - . . . AS-BUILT DRAN7NG RECOMMENQED FOF2 APPROVAI 4 �_� �� AS RECORDED BY _ • CONiRACTOR FlELD NOTES STORM WATER UTIUTY DAlE SCALE ' AND SURVEY VERIFlCATtON ��.r � HORIZ. 1" = 20' 6B�/14, TYPE 2, 48" . • fROM 1HE FLUER COMPANY STORM WATER MAMTENANCE DATE �� ° ���� � CB�jiB. TYPE 2. 49' VERT. t' = 5 S7A. 59+57 RT. t' CB�'13. T'PE 2. 48' t-14-02 STA. 60+67, RT. i' SOLID LOCKING LID STA. 58+15 RT. 1' 57+�� SOL(D LOCKING UD RIM = 39.26 SOLID LOCKING LtD (SEE SHT. 15) . � • , R1A1 = 40.25 �'•• _ '^^^ 1 RIM = 37+78 C8�125 TYPE T 48� CBA6. TYPE 2R, 48" 61+50 61+00 , � �--�e:eet- 60+00� �r�9s 59+00 - 58+00 sr.. �6+61 Rt ,, sT . 2 T. � 56+00 . '..................:......................:. t?° 5 IE = 3d:38.............. _ ^ _...... ; ....._ tY.. S lE = 33.46 .......................... ........ SOLiD'LOCKING.•� ..... ........ SOL D.L� 0. o � ' � " � . ' : 12" M fE = 34_�J : 12" N 11E}�33.4 - RI�� . R2M'�W6 EK3 32:81 z � E : 1 Y E IE = 36.48 " . .. . . _ � M . . : : - - . 72� �E� IE = 32:81 {�+ W s o - . . , . 12; S iE = 32. T. o � � `0 1 Y E' IE = 35.59 12': E IE = 34.00 ' � � . _ - tY (W} IE =•35.28 51DE� . _ a 1 a a � - _ : : ' _ _ � � � � � W _...:.._.._.. .. . . .. ....,..... _ ......._. _ : .... .......... ................... _ � :-.. . 40 . ................ yyE : P7►.�. 1�; N !E 32. 7YPE (N 48' ~ . SE R D€ .32" w E = 3a:69 12�: w iE 33.s0 � {, ------------'-- -`------ ------------------ -�-NKNOWN �TYPICAL) GRADE AT CENT� C 1?,; E IE � 32.91 . (10 BE REMO�lED W ♦ . . 40 = r, . o� . : A ---.--.--------------------- : _ N � -� - v� �n .: .: �os : --------- ----- -----------------=------=---- ----- ---- � �NE ' � � - . . - 12; IE 32.96 [y� Q..:..._... . � .... . � , . .. . .. :. . . .. _ ... . :. ... .... ..:.... .:. . ... .. .. .... . .. . - ...... .. ------ -- -.- -------- _ � t . 35 W � 35 W � ss � o : o . � � � � o � N r - SS SS 110 LF, t2"' CPEP'$p g 0.4%�55 ' �SS t42 LF, 4L' CPEP SD A 0.47. : �SS 153 Lf,.12" CPEP SD �0.49. N m C8�15A.7YPE..�.. . . ..__ ... CB�t58. �E.1 -G6�14A� TYPE t .. .. CB�'14&.TYPE ]..: -C8�13A;.T`lPE.i.. . C8#13E,:?YPE]...' . ......:..... SS. .. ..g4 LF,'1�2� CPEP.. . ' �-Z . O STQ. 60+:67, LT. 17': S7A.,60+67; RT. 17 . STA 59+62 LT. 17' STA. 59+62, RT. 17' STA. 58+15 L7. 17' ST0. 58}15, RT. 16' SD �0.5x �NEW 12�W�TER J ' BI-DIRECTIONAL BI-DIRECTIONAL :Bi-OIRECTIONAL 61-DiRECTIONAI Bh01RECTtONAL ' BI-DIREG110NAL � 12" SEWERQ: VANED GRATE VANED GRATE :VANED GRA7E VANED GRATE VANED GRATE , VANED GRATE CB/12A, TYPE:t CB#12B, TYPE 1 ' ' RIM EL = 39.�7, RIM EL. = 3996. RIIA EL=:38.75 RtM EL= J8.73 RIM EL. = 37.23 "�" �• - '- '�- STA. 56+62 Lt. 17' STA. 58+62, R1. 17' _ �..� � ou. n � to cn i � � o.. �. _ ao �. ' - RIM EL:= 37.32 1 BI-DIRECTIONAL : i2Ftdri�,rT- . , . . � « , . � - � - , � Bt-DIRECTIONAL � GRnTE 12" E1 IE'_�37.57 ' 92" W IE = 37:56 - 12" W IE�� 33.03 12'" E 1E = 35.31" : . . VANEU'GRATE. �EEDt _'�+��- EE�- �'-1 4�,.,- S�t .� _ -- -- --- . '12' (E) �E = 36.45 E�.T�- 40 -�-�- �z� W .IE = 34.32 � }� rc �3+.1�-- ' �t1AF EE--�.rv^� RIM EL 35.64 �-�E}-�€-�"__ __ ___ -- : Q . � E • __ RII� EL. = 3$.25 "��"��i+- � •. Z ' ' a --- --- . 12" E IE - J3.05- - 2' SIDEEWALK314 f s � .. . . . _.:.........: . . _ . . . � _-- --- - _ .. � . i . _..._.... .. .. _ _. .. �� � N � o .. f.. 35 .:_- ..35...... r_ 35.. . o . 35 . A L .. � � : .. : 0 �( 4' WAlER : � . : � - � � ' : = I a : � : . : : : j- {p I � L 13E1F,4B Ex. SD- _ � - � - � (TO SE ABANDONED) � � 0 - - 4' WAT�R (T? BE ABANDONED) ; . O - - � � � o � : - . ' 4' GAS i6 LF, 12" dPEP g 1-Ox � 15 LF, 12':CPEP @ 1•�� 4" GAS� 4 4' WATER (TO BE ABANDONED) 0 � .. NEw to' wRTER......: . 6" GAS (DEAi1VATED) .. .. . . E%. 8" SEWE _ NEW 10� VfATER _ � _ 3� 18 LF. 12' CPEP � t.Oz� O � d' yYA1ER jT� BE ABANOONED) j� t6 LF. 12' DIP � 1.OX 18 LF, 12" CPEP � 1.0� ' 18 LF, 12" CPEP � i.OR 4" GAS ;TO BE RELOACTED BY PSE) 6� GAS (DEACTivA7ED) NEW 10' WATER NEW 10' WATER 8" SEWER. 6' GAS (DEACTIVATED 6' GAS (DEACTIVA7ED) B� ��R 8" SEWER - 4' GAS . 18 LF, 7Y CPEP � 1.OX 18 LF, 12' DIP O 1.OZ � �� � D - 22771 PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT Williams Avenue Apartments Williams Avenue South and South 5th Street Renton, Washington Prepared for: S-D I, LLC June 14, 2000 REVISED December 15, 2000 Our Job No. 7251 . 12 , � .^- � � . �rz;ti F was 1•S' . �- o ti� / ` ti P�� �O �' � � � 26016�� 94.c,9FGl3TFR�' �� �SS�ONAL ENC\� �GHq`S EX�IRES. 2-05• ,� Q' f�►� t� m � � CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES \ � � � 15215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH, KENT,WA 98032 . (425)251-6222 . (425)251-8782 F,4x i+` ��V�� 4j www.barghausen.com � <�yti��``r�,� PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed project is 0.9 acres in size located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Williams Avenue South and South Sth Street in Renton,Washington. The subject property has I 15 feet of frontage along South Sth Street on its south side,approximately 350 feet of frontage along Williatns Avenue South on its east side, and 350 feet of frontage along an alley along its west side. The subject proper[y is bordered to ihe north by a single-family residence. The subject property is currently occupied by the Renton Family Practice Clinic,paved parking lots,an existing single-family residence that serves as a medical laboratory,a detached garage,and grass ficld area. There are ten fir trees,one cedar tree,two pine trees, and two ornamental trees on the subject property. Both Williams Avenue South and South Jth Street have existing curb,gutter, and sidewalk along the frontage of the property,with catchbasins and underground stortn drainage system for stortnwater collection. The existing parking lots have catch basins and underground storm drainage system that connects into the City of Renton's underground storm drainage system on South 5 th Street. The Renton Family Practice Clinic building will remain with the development of the Dean-Sherman Apartments. The existing paved pazking lots, medical laboratory/house, and garage will be remo�red. The subject property is essentiall�flat,with less than 5 feet of elevation change along the north-south a�s of the site. The site will be developed by construction of 86 residential units over 113 parking stalls. Residential construc[ion will be four le��els of w•ood-frame structure over a concrete subterranean parking garage. An average cut/excavation of 8 feet is planned to build tl�e subterranean parking garage. A geotechnical engineering study '� prepared by Earth Consultants Inc. dated November 11, 1999,has confirmed that groundwater elevations are I several feet below the proposed grade of the subterranean parking garage. Dtainage in the subterranean parking garage will not be conveyed to the stormwater system because this is a I covered parking area. Drainage in the subterranean parking garage will be colIected by a series of floor drains, and discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Drainage runoff from the proposed buildings will eonsist mostly of rooftop clrainage and sidewalk cirainage, w•hich is considered clean stormwater that dces not require water quality treatment_ There will be 5 feet of additional impervious area subject to vehicular travel along the west margin of the project resulting from the required alley widening. This is a reduction in impervious area subject to vehicular travel compared to the elcisting conditions,because the e�sting paved parking lots will be removed witl�the development of this project. The enclosed calculations show that the project meets the exemptions from detention and water quality treatment according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Mannal. Storm drainage provisions for this project will consist of curb and gutter along the alley widening,with a series of catch basins and underground storm drainage pipes to collect drainage from the alley and building roof drains. The new storm cirainage system will connect to the existing storm drainage stub out for the property. Please refer to the enclosed prelinninary grading and storm cirainage plan for a graphic depiction of the proposed storm drainage facilities. 7251.004 I SiJ1�ilb�iARY OF CORE REQUIREMENTS 1998 KING COUNTY SURFACE DESIGN 11IANUAL Section 1 Z Core Requirements Section 1.2.1: Core Requirement No. 1 - Dischurge at the Natural Location Response: The proposed storm drainage system will connect to the existing 6-inch concrete storm drainage pipe that is the existing natural outlet for the subject property. Section 1.2.2: Core Requirement No. 2- Off-Site Analysis Response: The subject property does not receive off-site drainage from any upstream properties. A doavnstream analysis is contained within this Preliminary Drainage Report. Section 1.2.3: Core Requirement No. 3- Runoff Control Response: The enclosed calculations show that the project meets the exemption from on-site peak rate runoff control because the proposed project site post-developed peak runoff rate for the l 00-year/24-hour ciuration design storm event is calculated to be less tt�an 0.5 CFS more than [he peak runoff rate for the existing site condition. The enclosed calculations that show that the e�sting 100-year/24-hour runoff is 0.69 CFS and the proposed 100-year/24-hour runoff is 0.84 CFS,a difference of 0.15 CFS. Section 1.2.4: Core Re uiremem No. 4- Conve �ance S stem 9 ) Y Response: The proposed drainage system consists of a series of catch basins and tightlined drainage pipes that connect to an existing tightlined system. Pipe slopes and capacity calculations wil]be completed at the time of fmal engineering. � Section 1.2.5: Core Requirement No. S -ErosionlSedimentation Control Plan , Response: A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared at the time of final engineering. I Section 1.2.6: Core Requirement No. 6-Maintenance and Operation Response: A maintenance and operation manual for the private storm drainage system will be prepated at the time of fmal engineering. Section 1.2J: Core Requirement No. 7-Bonds and Liability Response: Bonds and liability insurance will be provided at the t'vne of building permit issuance and project approval. 7251.004 I i SU14i11-ZARY OF SPECIAL REQUIREI��IENTS j 1998 KING COLJNTY SURFACE DESIGN MANUAL Section 1.3 Special Requirements Section 1.3.1: Special Requirement No. 1 - Critical Drainage Areas Response: The project is not located in a critical cirainage area; therefare, this special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.2: Special Requirement No. 2 - Compliance tivith an Existing Master Drainage Plan Response: The site is not located within an eacisting Master Drainage Plan;therefore,this special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.3: Special Requirement No. 3- Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan Response: The site is not large enough to require a Master Drainage Plan;therefore,this special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.4: Special Requirement No. 4-Adopred Basin or Community Plan Areas Response: The site is not located in an adopted basin or community plan area;tl�erefore,this special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.5: Special Requirement No. 5-Special Water Qualiry Controls Response: The proposed project does no[ contain more than l acre of new impervious surface that will be I subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals;therefore,this special requirement dces not apply. Section 1.3.6: Special Requirement No. 6-Coalescing Plate OiUWater Separators Response: The proposed project will not construct more than 5 acres of impervious surface; therefore this special requirement does not apply. Seciion 1.3.7: Special Requiremeni No. 7-Closed Depressions Response: This project dces not discharge runoff to an e�cisting closed depression; therefore, this special requuement does not apply. Section 1.3.8: Special Requirement No. 8- Use of Lakes, �etlands, or Closed Depressions for Peak Runoff Control Response: This project dces not propose to use a lake,wetland,or closed depression for peak rate runoff control; therefore, this special requirement does not apply. 7251.004 i � Section 1.3.9_ Special Requirement No. 9-Delineation of 100-Year FToodplain j Response: The project does not contain or abut a stream,lake, wetland,or closed depression; therefore,tlus special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.10: Special Requirement No. 10-Flood Protection Facilities for Tjpe 1 and 2 Streams Response: The project does not contain or abut a Class 1 or Class 2 stream;therefore,this special requirement does not apply. Section 1.3.11: Special Requirement No. 11 - Geotechnical Analysis and Report Response: A geotechnical engineering study has been prepared by Earth Consultants Inc.dated November 11, 1999. Section 1.3.12: Special Reguirement No. -Soils Analysis and Report I Response: A geotechnical engineering study has been prepared by Earth Consultants Inc.dated November 11, 1999. �ui.00a EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 6,236 SF Rooftop 22,400 SF Rooftop 10,077 SF Paved Parking L,ot 14,716 SF Concrete WaIk 1,000 SF Concrete Walk 1,120 SF Planter Areas�'� 22,963 SF Grass 2,040 SF Paved Alley�2� 40,276 On-Site Total 40,276 On-Site Total Q1� = 0.69 CFS Qloo = 0.84 CFS 100-year increase in runoff = 0.84 CFS - 0.69 CFS = 0.15 CFS Less than 0.50 CFS threshold;therefore,no detention is required. �'� To be conservative,the raised planter azeas were counted as concrete walks. �Z� Impervious area subject to vehicular travel<5,000 SF threshold. Water quality treatment also less than the e�sting parking lot. Therefore,no water quality treatment is required. 72�1.003 'i 12/14/00 1 :19 :44 pm Shareware Release page 1 WILLIAMS AVENUE APARTMENTS BCE JOB#7251 PRELIMINARY DRAINRGE ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: A-100 NAME: 100YR/24HR PRE-DEVLOPED SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 92 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0.53 Acres 0 . 39 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10. 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . . 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 69 cfs VOL: 0 . 23 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: D-100 NAME: 100YR/24HR POST-DEVLOPED SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0 . 92 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : KC24HR PERV IMP �RECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 02 Acres 0 . 90 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN_ . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 10 . �0 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 84 cfs VOL: 0 . 28 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min � _�� `'1� �' ''� �� � , �!d'l�1I � ' �` " ...��_ �',,/ �,,,,� ► ,� .. ��� -: � � 1 � � _ 1�. �l�l . . �� . � .. . _ �I�� � - . ■� ���� . � � .��! � �'''��'��= � � :r:�ll� ,' I- �,� �!�' ��1� ��� 111�1 .111� ��� � � �. � 1 �,,, �., _ .,,, _ ,� '�I � � � ��! r,�. ►.. ... � .. r : �' .,. - �. .. .. �-.� � ..� .� ., r : �, r.. .. _ _ _ _ � o � � u .': -� � = .-. � "� '' ,� � � �� �� �■. �■.� � ��' . ��!�.! .�, � � ' "�� � � � � � � �i 1� � , . �/. 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'il.t�9c:�iilllaalf� - --- �Ii •�••r� • `��f — — - _ s ���.. :- � � , � ; -- � �` � �• � .�; . . � .. . -- . � � �� . . . . . . . . �, . - � � �: r � - , . : «.� :,• «: . .. . , . • �' � � ; � OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Black River Basin Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: Symbol Drainage Component Drainage Component Slope Distancc Lxisting Potential Observations oP I�ield Inspector Type,Name,and Size Description from Site Problems Problen�s Resource Reviewer,or Resident Discharge See Map "fype:sheet flow,swale,stream, Drainage basin,vegeta[ion,cover, % Ft Constrictions,under capacity,ponding, Tribut:uy azea,likelihocxl of probletn, channet,pipe,pond:size, depth,type of sensitive area,volumc overtopping,flooding,habitat or urganism overflow pathways,potential impacts diameter,surface area desUuction,scouring,bank sloughing, sedimentation,incision,other erosion A Site Discharge Location 0' A-B 6-inch Concrete Under Alley 0.12% 0-130' No erosion exists B-C 8-inch Concrete Under South Sth Street 130'-260' Partially filled with leaves C-D 8-inch Concrete Under Intersection of South 260'-350' No erosion exists Sth Street and Burnett Avenue Sou[h D-E 18-inch CMP Under Park in Middle of 350'-720' No erosion exists Burnett Avenue South E-F 18-inch CMP Under Park in Middle of 720'-850' No erosion exists Burnett Avenue South F-G 18-inch CMP Under Park/CJnder Burnett 2.11% 850'-980' Possibly buried/Possibly labeled Avenue South as sewer � G-H 24-inch CMP Under Park on East Side of 0.30�10 980'-1250' No erosion exis[s Burnett Avenue South H-I 24-inch CMP Under Pazk on East Side of 0.30% 1250'-1273' No erosion exists Burnett Avenue South I-J 24-inch CMP Crossing Burnett Avenue t.26% 1273'-1365' Four manholes at intersection. South Under South 7th Street Three labeled sewer;one labeled water. Assumed Type II storm manhole labeled as sewer. J-K 24-inch CMP Under South 7th Street 0.11% 1365'-1871' No erosion exists 7251.002[PCM/rb/kn] ri�Eµ,u[: yxEr�, PlOi OA11 CL01$CnLE: PMEw SP�CE: Sii. ��: ��� PP I�1 1 1 T siMTR u _ a� "°"`°"'Y'""„", � CITY OF I�ELIMWAFi'Y C�iRADWQ AND � ,� - � RENTON gTpHM pRqlNqqE p�qN � -- � � 1 Nd NIp111E1A 91E RAH M17 16 RJA a� � ��—) DATUM p�onninp/Buildinq/i�bllo Worb D�pt _.. . -- xm a�e 0.aa s N0. REVISION 9Y DATE APPR �n w, "'• ' RmOan Yultl-faNy ..'""""'�."""""'""'�""""""" +�f F"WA7Ea �.""""""".�"c""""""'M""'"""""•�"""""""'.w"""""' ""N' """'""'�.w' "'""'1 _ _ avrrm �oo.�r __ S. 4 T H 8 T R E E T I � � � � �a�?�S$�QOO•C�� " ' - - - � � � � � � � � � ���� � �� ��� � I ; � � �� �� s � __ � � �� ��II � r -- __ I i i � m S � � � , ; �iillf Z � � ' ��:.C�� � ii t � --- -- -- __ __ � �p I �II II+ � I I � � � � � ��������� � I I I I i � �i ' � � � � ��� �� ; � � , � � � �ti � �. - ---. 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JOB NO. �25� 4.0 RE"TENTIOV/DETEVTIOV AnALYSIS A1�D DN:SIC;V 4.1 Existing Site Hydrologv Drainage from the proposed buildings���ill consist mostly of roof�top drainage and���ill be collected by a series of downspout connections to the existing storm drainage system within Wi]liams Avenue South. Runoff from the alley located along the western property line will be collected by a series of catch basins and tightlines and routed to an existing catch basin located at the intersection of Sth Avenue South and the alley. Runoff within the parking garage area will be collected by a series of floor drains and routed to an oiUwater separator,then to a pump that will discharge into the existin� sanitary sewer system located within Williams Avenue South. The subject property is currently occupied by Renton Family Practice Clinic, paved parking lots, an existing single-family residence, detached garage, a grass field area, and some scattered trees. The impervious area on the site is approximately 17,313 square feet. Pervious areas comprise approximately 22,963 square feet of the subject site,which results in a runoff rate of 0.69 cfs at the 100-year pre-developed event. Within the proposed conditions, the impervious area will be approximately 40,276 square feet in size resulting in a 100-year post-developed runoff rate of 0.84 cfs. According to Section 1.2.3 (page 12.3-5) of the 1990 King County Surface Water Desi�m Manual,as well Note No. 3 under the Plan Review - Stormwater Section in the advisory notes,no detention will be required for this site because there is less than 0.50 cfs increase in the 100-year runoff rate. 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology The runoff within the proposed development, with the exception of the improvements within the alley will be roof and sidewalk drainage which is considered clean runoff and not subject to water quality requirements. Approximately 2,129 square feet of asphalt is being added within the alley. In accordance with the 1990 King County Surface �Vater Design Manual, because it is less than 5,000 square feet, it does not meet the threshold of requiring water quality treatment. Also, there is an existing 10,077 square feet of paved parking lot on site that will be removed, so the total impervious area subject to vehicular travel will actually be reduced by the development of this project. Drainage within the underground parking garage will be collected by a series of floor drains and routed to an oiUwater separator. This oil/water separator has a capacity in excess of 200 gallons as required by Advisory Note No. 3 under the Plan Review- Sanitary Sewer Section. This runoff will then be routed to a sump pump located within the underground parking garage and then discharged to an existing sanitary sewer stub located within Williams t�venue South. .Additional detention and���ater quality calculations can be found in this section. �2�I i>OS�E311E hy��thJ i 4.3 Detention Calculations 1) Existing ground cover (Total site area = 40,276 s� a) Impervious: Rooftop: 6,236 sf Parking Lot: 10,077 sf Concrete Walk: I,000 sf � = 4Q276 sf b) Pervious: Grass: 22,400 sf � = 22,963 sf 2) Proposed ground cover (Total site area = 40,276 s� a) Impervious: Rooftop: 22,400 sf Concrete Walk: 14,716 sf (1) Planter areas: 1,120 sf Paved areas: 2,040 sf (1)Planter areas counted as impervious to be conservative. � = 40,276 sf 3) Flow rate summaries Pre-developed Post-developed Qioo 0.69 cfs 0.84 cfs Increase in runoff = 0.84 cfs-0.69 cfs = 015 cfs pursuant to 1990 KCSWDM Section SCT 1.2.3 (page 1.2.3 -5) Increase in runoff is less than 0.5 cfs,so detention is not required. 7251.008 [BHF/bq/ath] 4.4 �Vater Quality Calculations 1) Roof areas and concrete walk�vays are non-pollution generating surfaces and are subsequently not subject to water quality requirements. 2) Additional pollution generating surfaces being added to alley area = 2,129 sf Threshold that triggers water quality treatment = 5,000 sf(pursuant to 1990 KCSWDM, Section 1.2.3 -5) Threshold that triggers water quality treatment = 5,000 sf ✓ ��' a t e r y u a 1 i t y treatment not required 3) Per SEDA Advisory No. 3,oiUwater separator is requued to have a minimum capacity of 200 gallons. No calculations were done to estimate the water quality design flow because the contributing basin is a parking garage. Consequently,we have proposed an utility vault Model 660-SA baffle oiUwater separator which has twice the required capacity(415 gallons). � 7251.008[BHE'bq.�ath] I . - � _ 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The conveyance system for this project will consist of catch basins and a tightline system. The conveyance system was sized for a 100-year event pursuant to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. We used the rational method of analysis while using the Gfactor equal to 0.9. 72�1.008 [BHF/bq/athJ 72 s HARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINCERS-PIPE FLOW CALCULATOR using the Rational Method 8 Manning Formula KING COUNTY DESIGN FOR 700 VEAR STORM JOB NAME: SHERMAN APARTMENTS NOTF:ENTER DEFAULTS AND STORM DATA BEFORE BEGINNINC� JOB#: 7251 OEFAULTS C= 0.9 n= 0.014 FILE NO.:7251-100.XLS d= 12 Tc= 7 A=Contnbuling Area(Ac) Qd=Deslgn Flow(cfs) COEFFIGENTS FOR THE RATIONAL METHOO"Ir"-EGlUAl1UN C=RunoH Coefficlent 0f=Full Capacily Flow(cfs) STORM Ar Br Tc=Time of Concenlration(min) Vd=Velocity at Design Flow(fps) 2YR 1.58 0.58 1=Intenalry at Tc(IrJhr) Vf=Velociry at Full Flow(fps) 10YR 2.44 0.64 PRECIP= 3.9 d=Diameler of Pipe(in) 5=Sbpe of pipe(%) 25YR 2.66 0.65 Ar- 2.61 L=Length of Pipe(ft) n=Manning Roughness Coefficient SOYR 2.75 0.85 Br- 0.63 D=Water Depth at Od(in) Tt=Travel Time et Vd(min) t00YR 2.61 0.63 FROM TO A 5 L d Tc n C SUM A A'C SUM A'C I Qd Qf Qdl4f DIA D Vf Vd Tt �� ---'-- --'--- ------ ------ ------ ----------- '----- -�.�-- --��` '':-'- -------------- ------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ C82 CE11 011 1.00 iB� 12 7.0 0.014 0.9 0.71 0.10 0.10 2.99 0.30 3.�1 0.089 0.199 2.39 4.21 2.54 7.70 CB1 FXCB 017 0.87 J7 12 82 0.014 0.9 023 0.11 0.21 270 0.56 3.08 0.181 0.285 3.42 3.93 297 0.17 Page 1 _ .xu vim o.*[� c r.�ptn srr,ce siw .��o: ���. F �S S—TTT , __ �.�,., .�� �.,:��,,.., C I TY O F � -- — — ---- - � - � �„ RENTON PIPE SIZING MAP "`� �.... . '. _.___. .. I n�w�� I UAIUM n.wm., ..... . . ..__... . °1O� .+�nu� I Plann'ing/RiiilAin�/Publ'ic Works Uept. �N0. NEVISION BY �ATF AI'f'R Y""��"" She�man Aportmenls - �' L-=`�ti_. "`�-��� � �S I � `���._-�� I .,. � -�'�lf . . I I II 11 - y I I � � .��,ry.: . I I ., � . � I I 5862 J)2 .�9 - __ _ _ _ . _ I _--_ .._., l I �. m L I.. .:� �.`. .. I � : t , �r� . .i5w�` 1� ". � � � ' I �v x,y. � �+ t . � � ._. ....._ - I _h 7 i, 1 - . � , . ' �. . , . , , �, � '� _, , .i . • .,.� _ I , ' - , .:,..:��. . .i . �� � . � � � - + a u. I - ..r � �: � I !M ` _ - � __ I .., Q �� + + f + � S -_ —_._—__ . . � ., _. '_ ` . ___.____'—..._ � � ; �� � -- ; -- v - -•- + �i �� � :� _ � t �.._..�,,.,.. 4 - a � ,• �w r..,;-_=,,, - - i P � � AI ' � - -- j �,] > „ � ; . i I n� ' , m ' � ' �r��8a� ._... . �f~ ... .. ... .... . � .'.:,. .;.' ..�i ,_e N `�'��-,�,�$ �,._ _ N88'26'0�'W ��300.05' 4� � � � � _. g.o '__ _____ . _ - - � o i .____._________ -"~- ___. � � _ ..____'._______-____ ._�-___ ____._ -_ q > � m m°;�a m�n �. -= '-- --_ —_---___-- � � � S.5TN STREET ^ ' P � � m >F n � � . . . . � � � � � �n�� ��� �n ii �. � � � c� I a', o q �j � � � �j ; _ � � 3 � �Z �� � .: ..... :....._....,. i:. I 3 � �O ^�wo�> eq --- - - � � � � �Z : �� Iri �� R� __ --_ -_ ___ _ _ ___ -- � ,,�-,e a f m = m , '��`�pr �� $ c D i�� Y(� �- � � � � � ��.-0 � N �. y �r > �, _�� �Illf 99�MC.o �� �� +�f R M 0,��11i�'� i I . 7nC� Fiie�P�\07000a\7251\enhibit\]Z51-%1.dwy Dak/11mn�7/19/700fi 7'13 FM Scale:0.0I271/ CREBALDI %re1�. ,Z7Z51-t.drg.i71tii-s2.Jna B.C.E.JOB NO. �� , I _ -- _ _ __ 5.3 Pump"A" Sizing Calculations II� Pump "A" is designed to collec[ drainage from the slot drain �vithin the same area and groundwater collected by the 4-inch perforated PVC drain system underneath the parking garage slab and discharge it to an existing catch basin within Williams Avenue South. The reason that a pump is required is that the �i finished floor elevation of the garage is 28.75 and the invert elevation of the existing catch basin is 34.26. ', Regional discharge rates have been determined by combining the 100-year developed event within the ramp ' area (using KCRTS with 15-minute time s[eps) and the suggested discharge ra[e for the groundwater � within the underground parking garage area, as supplied by the geotechnical engineer. ', 1 j Determine Flow Rate a) Assume 100-year post developed flow for ramp area=0.028 CFS b) Per Shannon & Wilson's project review dated April 18, 2002 (Section 6.3 in TIR) minimum flow assumed for underslab drains is 100 GPM. We wil] use a safety factor of 1.5 so flow = 150 GPM=0.33 CFS. c) Design Q=OA28 CFS+0.33 CFS =0358 CFS 2) Determine Total Dynamic Head a) TDH=HL,EL + HL��po + 2HLe,�,w HI.E� + EL,h - ELoL,� EL,,�; = 3492 HI.E� = 34.92 -25.00=9.92 feet= 10.00' HL�,;�n = 3.02 LD- 1.167 V �85 +2HLe,�w Ch HL�,p� = 3.02(48')(0.25-167) 7.21FI'/S �ss 140 L = 48' D = 0.25 HLf,;�,po = 3.02'+2HLe„�w V = Q = 0.358 A 0.0496 HLe,�w. = KVZ , K=0.8 V = 7.21 FT/S 2g Ch = 140 HLe,�w, = 0.8 7.21 FI'/S 2 2 x 32.2 FI'/SZ HLe,�w = 0.64' HL�;�,K„ = 3.02'+ (2 x 0.64') = 4.31' TDH = 10'+�3.31' = 1431' 72�I.008[BHFJbq/ath] �I 3) Pump Requirements a) Q = 0.358 CFS (161 GPM) b) TDH = 14.31' �1 �'I�i��h:�r<�c 7'_�1.003[BHL'/bylath] _ — � 7251RAMP.PKS Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:7251ramp.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency ,4nalysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - rtank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.015 4 8/27/O1 18:00 0.028 1 100.00 0.990 0.010 8 9/17/02 16:15 0.025 2 25.00 0.960 � 0.025 2 12/08/02 17:15 0.015 3 10.00 0.900 ' 0.010 7 8/23/04 14:30 0.015 4 5.00 0.800 0.015 5 10/28/04 16:00 0.015 5 3.00 0.667 0.015 3 10/22/05 10:00 0.014 6 2.00 0. 500 0.014 6 10/25/06 22:45 0.010 7 1.30 0.231 0.028 1 1/Q9/08 6:30 0.010 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.027 50.00 0.980 Page 1 IntellEquip Selector- Performance Datasheet Page 1 of 2 � � �� � � �- � Features� Return to Products �New Selection �Accept � ` �� "" The Smart Pump Con i� � � ,,'aY�, .€. ��=� �-:. . i'':r` .,... . Conditions of Service Product Lines Pump Size List Search Results Performance Datasheet Performance lnstructions: To navigate to other pages click on any active button(top of page) Customer . Pump size : 407023 QDSC '� Customer reference . Stages ; 1 ' Item number . Based on curve number :RC9825-1 Service . Pump reference number :3 Quantity of pumps : 1 Date last saved . Operating Conditions Liquid Flow,rated 16� USgpm Liquid type Water �� Head,rated 14•3 n Additional liquid description Suction pressure,max 0.00 Psi.9 Solids diameter,max 0.00 in NPSH available,rated Ample �} Temperature,max 68 °F Site &Utility Data Specific gravity,rated 1.000 Frequency 60 � HZ Viscosity,rated 1.000 �p Performance . Speed � Set @ �13 �pm Material Impeller diameter,rated :6.45 in Material requested Cast iron � Impeller diameter,maximum :7.00 in Material selected :Cast iron Impeller diameter,minimum :5.00 in Pressure Data Efficiency :70.0% Maximum working pressure :8.57 psi.g NPSHr :3.4 ft Working pressure limit : 175.0 psi.g Nss :6.165(US units) Suction pressure limit :30.00 psi.g MCSF :27 USgpm Hydrostatic test pressure :N!A Head,maximum,rated diameter : 19.8 ft Driver 8�Power Data Head rise to shutoff :38.1 % Driver sizing specification Rated power � Flow,BEP : 199 USgpm Margin over specification 0.0 o�a Flow ratio(rated/BEP) :80.9% Service factor : 1.00 Diameter ratio(rated/max} :g2.1 % Power,hydraulic :0.58 hp Head ratio(rated dia/max dia) :82.3% Power,rated :0.83 hp Viscous coefficients(CQ I CH!CE� : 1.00/1.00/1.00 Power,maximum,rated diameter : 1.08 hp Selection status :Acceptable Motor rating :1.00 hp/0.75 kW 30 , � , t � � I 27 ' ' � { — � ��I . . hAi�c:F � . ± . . . . . . { . _ : � I 24 ?.OU in hAari muri� � + f �I � , � +i � , � �� 21 � __ I '-- �_ � I � � ( � Efficiency� I � �$ 6.�35 in RetEd _ _ ' �-- I 'I � ; � I I v �r� ' �t I W ` = 12 S.UU in Minirnum � i ��{ 1 I � � , 9 � 1 � I s ' : , i — . '� 3 � _ _ �- I 0 : _ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Capacity- USgpm http://pacopumps.selector.intellequip.com/IEQ_H}�dSeUHydSel_JSPr'Appiperformancedata�... 5/15/2002 IntellEquip Selector - Performance Datasheet Page 2 of 2 s � _ � # � _ _ NPSHr t. = A - - - .��._. � � - r � 7 � � i _ : ' _ __ . a _ _ . _ : z O _ 0 20 40 60 80 1G0 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 Cepacity- USgpm 1.6 i � _ _ _:_��.. .�. a 12 � _ F'ow�r _ `: . L . . . . � . . .. ,. . ...�. . . _..�. '- '. . , � �,. . . . . .. ) ... ��. . .,. . _4.. �0.8 . . . . . . . . ! .. . ... . � .s :... O . . . . . �. . . �. .. � . . ._. a..._.. . . a0.� . .. . . ��. � . .. . . . . . '". . .. � . � �.� 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1A0 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 3217 Capacity• USgpm lJ�s.•r.rd h.Y IntCllFquipTM 02002 All rights reserved. llttp://pacopumps.selector.intellequip.conv`IEQ_HydSeL�I-IydSel_JSP/App/perfonnancedata;... 5�`15!2002 5.4 Pump"B"Sizing Calculations I Pump "B" has been designed to collect drainage from the area drains within the underground parking '' garage and discharge it ro an existing 6-inch side sewer within Williams Avenue South via a 3-inch force main. A pump system is required because the finished floor elevation is 28.75 and the invert elevation of ' the existing side sewer is 32.08. A required discharge rate of 100 gpm has been assumed. 1) Determine F7ow Rate a) Assume 100 GPM(0.228 CFS) 2) Determine TDH a) TDH = HL,� + HL�;�,;�n +2HLe„�u, HL.EL = 32.08-25.00=7.08 feet= 8.00 feet HLfr;�,,;�n = 3.02LD-16; V �.as Ch HL��;�,� = 3.02(28') 3" -,167 4.65FT/S 'gs L = 28 feet 12" 140 D = 3inches V = 0228 = 4.65FI'/S HL;��;<,,, = 0.783' 1[ 1_5 � 12 HLe,�,w = K V ' - 0.8 4.652 Ch = 140 2g 2x32.2 HL�,�w = 0.26 feet TDH = 8.0'+0.783 feet+2 x .26 feet=9.30 feet 3) Pump Requirements a) Q = 0.228 CFS (100 GPM) b) TDH = 9.30' ��� cj 3-inch Discharee ' ?2�1.00g�BHFJbqlathJ �i IntellEquip Selector- Performance Datasheet Page l of 2 ��` � �' �3 _�� ��_ � � � ����`` Features( Return to Froducs I New Seleci���_ ;r.cceot , ,�i � �, `' � :S �r � �* j �" ������ The Smart Pump Con M i a, � , . <__�3 �`� ���- Conditions of Service Product Lines Pump Size List Search Results Performance Datasheet Perform�nce Instructions: To navigate to other pages click on any active button(top of page) __ Customer . Pump size : 407023 QDSC Customer reference . Stages � 1 Item number . Based on curve number :RC9825-1 Service . Pump reference number :3 Quantity of pumps : 1 Date last saved . Operating Conditions Liquid Flow,rated 103 USgpm Liquid type Water � I Head, rated 9.3 ft Additional liquid description � Suction pressure,max 0.00 Psi_9 Solids diameter,max 0.00 �� I� NPSH available,rated Ample ft Temperature,max 68 °F � Site&Utility Data Specific gravity,rated 1.000 Frequency 60 - HZ Viscosity,rated 1.000 cP Performance - • Speed r Set @ >13 rpm Material ' II �Impeller diameter,rated :5.34 in Material requested Cast iron � �Impeller diameter,maximum :7.00 in Material selected :Cast iron ;Impeller diameter,minimum :5.00 in Pressure Data I / 's Efficiency :57.0% Maximum working pressure :5.63 psi.g ;NPSHr :3.1 ft Working pressure limit : 175.0 psi.g � �Nss :6,165(US units) Suction pressure limit :30.00 psi.g r �MCSF :21.5 USgpm Hydrostatic test pressure :N/A Head,maximum,rated diameter : 13.0 ft Driver�Power Data Head rise to shutoff :39.5% Driver sizing specification Rated power � Flow, BEP : 179 USgpm Margin over specification 0.0 0�0 Flow ratio(rated/BEP) :57.6% Service factor : 1.00 Diameter ratio(rated!max) :76.3% Power,hydraulic :0.24 hp Head ratio(rated dia/max dia) :48.6% Power,rated :0.42 hp Viscous coe�cients(CQ I CH I CE� ; 1.00/1.00/1.00 Power,maximum,rated diameter :0.51 hp Selection status :Acceptable Motor rating :0.50 hp/0.37 kW 30 _ , _: ;.... . . ._._� � 27 narcF , 2� ?.Ou in Maxi rnurn . i + � i _: � 1 � � 21 ` ""_�_` — ; j �'��- � . � , a : Efficiency � � � 18 � -� -�----�— � � . a �� 5.34 in Rated�� , ��^ m � x _�_ , 92 � - , + . i 5.17Q in h�lir�iri�urn � { ' � 9 � _ __ � � � j � � j �, � � � 6 - �,. . . �. .. . . . . � ,. � ..- ... . . f .. , ' �:�. .� . . �.. . j � � , ..: . . .... a 3 - --*— � � � : ( � �0 20 40 60 80 100 920 1A0 160 180 200 220 2II0 260 280 300 320 Capacity- USgpm http:/ipacopumps.selector.intellequip.com/IE�HydSel/HydSe1_JSP/App./performancedata:... 5/15/2002 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 6.1 Geotechnical Engineering Design Review, Sherman Apartments, Renton, Washington, by Shannon &Wilson, Inc., dated February 25, 2002 6.2 Geotechnical Engineering Study for the Proposed Williams Avenue Apartments by Earth Consultants Inc., dated November 12, 1999 6.3 Review of Project Plans,Sherman Apartments,Renton,Washington,by Shannon&Wilson,Inc., dated April 18, 2002 � 7?51.008[BHE/bqlath] � l . � i � �� SHANNON �WILSON, INC. t T 'V i- ':� - �� ,_��.TECH?JICpi_ Ah'D Ei�VIROi,�.SE?:TAL CQ�:SULTAtQTS �_,,�h' �-n.i:Cuig EOS'ON February 25, 2002 Mr. Eric Wagner _ SD Renton LLC 2100— 124`'' Avenue NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 RE: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN REVIEW, SHERMAN APARTI��TENTS,RENTON, WASHINGTON Dear Eric, In accordance with our proposal dated January 16, 2002, Shannon & Wilson has completed a review of the geotechnical elements of the Sherman Apartments project and has met with you and your project team to discuss the conditions and our recommendations. This letter summarizes that review and presents our recommendations. SCOPE OF OUR SERVICES � Shannon &Wilson reviewed the geotechnical engineering report prepared by Earth Consultants and dated November 11, 1999 (Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Williams Avenue Apartments, Williams Avenue South, Renton,Washington,E-8890). We also reviewed existing plan sheets for the development, and met with the project team to review the project design and performance requirements. 'The Earth Consultants report included the results and an analysis of three borings and eight test pits. Those explorations were spaced generally around the northern half of the site. Only one boring was completed in the southern half. `'Ve completed no additiona] explorations. The conditions disclosed by the subsurface explorations were reasonably consistent, but there remains some potential that more variable conditions may exist in the unexplored areas on the south end_ � Except as noted by the discussions in ihe letter, we concur with the conditions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in the Eanh Consultants report. =0C P;O?-�, �=iTH STREE7 • �i�ITE 1Q0 21-1-09630-001 '`� " -- .i S��:TTLt, ':'.'i��lilGTON 98103 2C' �2•8�2:' F,4X206•63�•6?�7 i GCi�i•o0�•833•6388 Mr. Enc Wagner - ���4�;r'�C.. _ .. ``�:e.E�°s�.a. SD Renton LLC February 25, 2002 Page 2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERiNG RECOMMENDATIONS, FOUNDATION DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION The geotechnical repoR gave pile capacities for 12-inch and 14-inch augercast piles_ The ensuing design showed 18-inch augercast piles supporting each column. We analyzed the c�nditions reported in the three soil borings, and re-estimated the capaeities of the 12-inch augercast piles with the following results: for piles installed to a depth of 40 feet below the pile cap the allowable capacity is 45 tons; for piles installed to a depth of 50 feet below the pile cap the allowable capacity is 60 tons; and for piles installed to a depth of 60 feet below the pile cap the allowable capacity is 65 tons. This assumes that the competent soils begin within about �� 15 feet of the bottom of the pile cap, and very dense soils begin within about 40 feet of the bottom of the pile cap (as disclosed by the three borings}. These recommended capacities include a factor of safety of about 2 1/2_ Confirmation of the deeper conditions and assumptions will be made during augercast pile installation. A Shannon &Wilson geologist or engineer needs to be at the site during pile installation to observe the conditions, and verify that the piles are capable of supporting the design loads. We concur with the Earth Consultants conclusion that the capacities may be increased by one-third for short-term seismic loading, and that ihe piles should be spaced no closer than three diameters from each other to achieve the maximum allowable capacity. We also concur that we expect post-construction settlements of less than 1/2 inch. Note also that during construction it may be necessary to alter the installation sequence for adjacent piles, to a11ow the grout column in a newly installed pile to achieve the initial set. GARAGE SLAB DESIGN After considerable review and discussion of the requirements, costs for the required site preparation, and performance expectations of a slab-on-grade,the project team concluded that a structurally supported slab best met the support and performance requirements for the project. We expect the soi] conditions exposed at the base of the excavation to be soft and wet. Summertime excavation should result in better conditions, but some overexcavation of soft soils 21-I-09630-00]-L?,'�'VPlLKD 21-1-09630-001 - v:.r.io.}�'��.. � 5=t:i -'Fli. '�!'y Mr. Eric Wagner _. _ . , __ � . _ . . . _ �.�,,, >, �:. SD Renton LLC February 25, 2002 Page 3 may be needed to allow construction of a firm working surface to support workers and equipment. For slab support, we require only a subgrade capable of properly supporting the curing concrete. To provide an appropriate capillary break and drainage ]ayer for the subgrade drains the slab should be underlain by 6 inches of clean, well-graded, sand or sand and gravel with a maximum ' � fines content of 3 percent or less. It will probably be necessary to install a separation fabric or � geotextile between the exposed subgrade and the drainage layer to prevent contamination of the drainage layer by the underlying silty soils. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE REQUIR�:NIENTS i Subs]ab and foundation drains are also required. We recommend that a network of drains be installed beneath the slab, with cross drains on about 50-foot centers. We also recommend that an extemal foundation drain be installed behind the wall. These drains should be perforated and ' placed on a bed of and surrounded by 6 inches of drainage material. All drains shouId be sloped to a sump and suitable discharge point. A cycling pump will probably be required to periodically discharge the collected groundwater. To provide drainage behind the basement ���all, ���e recommend either the insiallation of composite drainage material, such as miradrain, or placement of well-graded, free-draining sand or sand and gravel within 18 inches of the wall. Depending on the groundwater conditions disclosed during excavation, the composite drain could be affixed directly to the wall in 1- or 2-foot wide strips spaced about 8 feet apart. More extensive placement of the composite drain could be needed in areas of significant seepage. The composite drains typically come with a filter fabric on the "waffle" side that faces the soil backfill behind the wall. The composite drains should be connected to the perimeter foundation drain with a hard connection. If drainage fill is used instead, the fill should be continuous with and envelop the perimeter foundation drain. Note that this represents a slight shift from the discussions we last had on February 6. We helieve that an exterior foundation drain is required, supplemented by either the miradrain strips �i-i-�K>�:�i-a�i-��n��i;�i_►:U 2 1-1-09630-00 1 \ Mr. Eric Wagner �_: � � .: -'•_�°°�`����€',:�, 9�,�•.'l::. SD Renton LLC February 25, 2002 Page 4 or the lraina�e fill. Thc extcn�r f�unlat��n lrain can sl�r� t�thc same sumr�r 1�scharge r��nt as the interior drains,or it can be connected to the interior drains. EXCAVATION SUPPORT We expect that the excavation can be completed with careful open cuts. For planning, we recommend assuming that cuts as steep as 1 Horizontal to 1 Vertical (1H:1V) will be possible. There may be some areas that are wet, or susceptible to caving, that may require flatter slopes or slope protection. Exposed slopes may need to be covered with plastic to prevent softening by ' exposure to rainfall. We recommend that a precondition survey of the adjacent property and structures be completed, par[icularly noting the conditions on the north side of the site where a home and garage exist. Along the north side, the Contractor should be prepared to provide more extensive slope protection if excavation conditions warrant. For example,the exposed slope could be covered � with a layer of shotcrete as a stronger deterrent to caving and rainfall degeneration. Note that we believe that shoring will not be necessary to complete the excavation,based on our understanding of the proximity of the property line to the edge of the development. If shoring is required, we can provide additional recommendations for design. If, during construction, it appears that some areas of the excavation require shoring, we will work with the Contractor to design and install an efficient system. OTHER REC011�1MENDATIONS AND LINIITATIONS �Vhen the project plans and specifications are completed, Shannon & Wilson should be given an opportunity to review and comment on the geotechnical elements of the design. We should also be on site during excavation, pile installation, drainage material installation, and any other constniction sequences related to the geotechnical design elements of the project. Except for the modifications noted herein,the discussion and recommendations contained in the referenced Earth Consultants report are appropriate and supported by Shannon & �TJilson. We z i-i-�r��„aa��-L�nv►�iLx►� 2 I-1-09630-001 '`_;`-�1lTt�r,t F� e,� e �, p� Mr. Eric Wagner _ _ �,�.� .��4:cs�i����.�i�:�.•, SD Renton LLC February 25, 2002 Page 5 ' assume that their presentation of field and laboratory data is conect. We do not warrant that � information and have relied on it for the completion of our studies. Any variations in the conditions may not become evident until construction. Our discussion is for the exclusive use of the SD Renton LLC and its design and construction consultants for specific application to this project and site. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. Please call me at (206)695-6681 if you have any questions. Sincerely, O G. �� Q'J� 04 "''�,�zy�F SHANNON & WILSON, INC. p �� c� 9 ; ��' o _` h�, �j Z __ !/1/_�L_ - ' � .o ' �� ,. 'G!�►�,�. `� o �s� ww id G. inter, P.E. '��s�`��isTER�9�,�� Vice President SI�NAL F'� DGW/dgw EXPIRES 7�/��F�L_ � Enclosure: Important Information About Your Geotechnical Report ���i-o���„��-���-�znvP;i,kn ?1-1-09630-001 - SHANNON & WILSON, (NC. Aitachment to and part of Report 21-]-09630-001 - Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants Date: February 25,20()2 - To: Mr.Eric Wagner SD Renron LLC IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAVENViRONMENTAL REPORT , PECI URPOSES AND FOR SPECIFIC CLIENTS. I CONSULTING SERVICES ARE PERFORMED FOR S FIC P Consultants prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate I for a consVuction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise,your consultant prepared your repor[expressly i for you and expressly for the purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first ', conferring with the consultant_ No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the consultant. THE COIVSULTANT'S REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS. A geotechnicaUenvironmental report is based on a subsurface exploration plan designed to consider a unique set of project-specific factors. Depending on the project,these may include: the general nature of the structure and property involved;its size and configuration; its historical use and practice;the location of the structure on the site and its orientation;other improvements such as access roads,parking lots,and underground utilities;and the additional risk created by scope-of-service limitations imposed by the client. To help avoid costly �roblems,ask the consultant to evaluate how any factors that change subsequent to the date of the report may affect the recommendations� UnIess your consultant indicates otherwise,your report should not be used:(1)when the nature of the proposed project is changed(for example, if an o�ce building will be erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one,or chemicals are discovered on or near the site);(2)when the size,elevation,or configuration of the proposed project is altered; (3)when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; (4)when there is a change of ownership;or(5) for application to an adjacent site. Consultants cannot accept responsibility for problems that may occur if they are not consulted afier factors which were considered in the development of the report have changed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be affected as a result of natural processes or human activity. Because a geotechnicaUenvironmental report is based on conditions that existed at the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on a report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the consultant to advise if additional tests are desirable before conswction starts; for example,groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site arxl natural events s�ch as floods,earthquakes,or groundwater fluctuations may also af�'ect subsurface conditions and,thus,the continuing adequacy of a geotechnicaUenvironmental report. 'The consultant should be kept apprised of any such events,and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. MOST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS. Site exploration and testing identifies actual surface and subsurface conditions only at those points where samples are taken. The data were extrapolated by your consultant,who then applied judgment to render an opinion about overall subsurface conditions. "The actual interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actuai conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations,you and your consultant can work together to help red��ce their impacts. Retainine your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particularly beneficial in this respect. � Page I of� 1/2�02 4 REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRELIMINARY. i ne conclusions contained in your consultant's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative of actual conditions throughout a site. Actual subsurface conditions can be discemed only during earthwork; therefore,you should retain your consultant to observe actual conditions and to provide conctusions. Only the I consultant who prepared the report is fully familiar with the background information needed to determine whether or not the report's �I recommendations based on those conclusions are valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The ', consultant who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liabiliry for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another ', party is retained to observe construction. THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a geotechnicaUenvironmental report. To help avoid these problems,the consultant should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant geotechnical,geological,hydrogeological,and env'uonmental findings,and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to these issues_ BORING LOGS AND/OR MONITORiNG WELL DATA SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FR�M THE REPORT. ' Final boring togs developed by the consultant are based upon interpretation of field logs(assembled by site personnel),field test results, and laboratory and/or office evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily inctuded in geotechnicaVenvironmentai reports. These final logs should not,under any circumstances,be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings,because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. To reduce the likelihood of boring log or monitoring well misinterpretation,coniractors should be given ready access to the complete ' geotechnical engineering/environmental report prepared or authorized for their use. If access is provided only to the report prepared for you,you should advise contractors of the report's limitations,assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the �ort was prepared,and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which ii was prepared. While _ :ontractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party,the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or a]ternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically appropriate for construction cost estimating purposes. Some cIients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information aha�ays insalates them from attendant liability_ Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly construction problems and the adversazial attitudes that aggravate them to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. Because geotechnicaUenvironmental engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against consuttants. To help prevent tliis problem, consultants have developed a number of clauses for use in their contracts,reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed to transfer the consultant's liabilities to other parties;rather,they are definitive clauses that identify where the consultant's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report,and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your consultant will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. The preceding paragraphs are based on information provided by the ASFE/Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in the Geosciences,Silver Spring,Maryland Paee Z of 2 1/2002 ���. � � � ��' � GEQTE�NNICAL EiV�iNEERIfVG STUDI( PROPOSED WILLIA9°JIS AVENU� APARTME�ITS 4iltLLi�lNt� AV�I�J� SOLITN F+�l�9TJi�, �'J:�,��i9lV�',,��3i�J �-��94 !, November 17, i 999 PREPARE� FOR DEAN-DEiLY COMPANY � G - � (,�- ,C,�1N�^ _ Mitchell G. McGinnis Staff Geologisi ��t. C��j�, �-����w����� � ,,•. �.� �' � h � 2�s�r � '�@kSI�t�I�'' ���I� 4� � '��i.�i��c��� Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Manager of Geotechnical Services Earth Co�sultants, Inc. 18�� - 'l3�t� Place lVo�theast, Suite 2�1 . Seilevue, W�shir�gton 98005 (425} 843-3780 Tol! Free 1-888-739-6670 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHN[CAL ENGINEERING REPORT More construction problems are caused by site subsur- technical engineers who then render an opinion about face conditions than any other factor As troublesome as overall subsurface conditions, their likely reaction to subsurface problems can be, their frequency and extent proposed construction ac[ivity,and appropriate founda- have been lessened considerab(y in recent years,due in tion design. Even under optimal circumstances actual large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ conditions may differ from those inferred to exist, The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in because no geotechnical engineer, no matter how the Geosciences. qualified,and no subsurface exploration program, no The following suggestions and observations are offered matter how comprehensive,can reveal what is hidden by to help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays, earth, rock and time. The actual interface between ma[e- cost-overruns and other costly headaches that can rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may occur during a construction project. differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevent the unanticipated, but stens can be taken to help minirnize their A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING �mpact. For this reason. most experienced owners retain their REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET 9eotechnical consu(tants through the construction stage, to iden- tify variances. conduct additional tests which may be OF PROJECT-SPEC[FIC FACTORS needed,and to recommend solutions to problems A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- encountered on site. face exploration plan designed to incorporate a unique SUBSURFf10E CONDITIONS - set of project-specific factors. These typically inc�ude: ' the general nature of the structure involved,its size and CAN CHANGE configuration; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation: physical concomitants such as Subsurface conditions may be modified by constan[ly- access roads, parking lots. and underground utilities, changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- and the level of additional risk which the dient assumed neering report is based on conditions which existed at by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory the time of subsurface e�ploration, construction decisions _ program. To help avoid costly problems.consult the shnuld not be based on a geotechnical engineering report whose geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors adequacy rnay have,heen a�ected by time. Speak with the geo- which change subsequent to the date of the report may technical consultant to learn if additional tests are aifect its recommendations. advisable before construction starts. Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and otherwis2. your geotechnical engineering report should not natural events such as floods. earthquakes or ground- be used: water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions •When the nature of the proposed structure is and.thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical ; changed, for example, if an office building will be �eport. The geotechnicaf engineer should be kept erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refriger- apprised of any such events, and should be consulted to ated warehouse will be buil[instead of an unre- determine if additional tests are necessary. frigerated one: •when the size or configuration of the proposed GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE structure is altered: PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES •when the location or orientation of the proposed AND PERSONS scructure is modified; •when there is a change of ownership, or Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet •for application to an adjacent srte. the specific neecJs of specific individuals. A report pre- Geotechnical enyineers cannot accept responsibility for probie►ns parec�for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- which may deve(op i�they are not consulied a/ter factors consid- quate for a construction contractor.or even some other ered in their report's development have chan_qed. consulting civil engineer Unless indicated otherwise. this report was prepared expressly for the dient involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" by any other persons for any purpose.or by the dient ARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES for a different purpose, may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the dient should appl y this report(or its Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions intended purpose without�irst con/erring with the geotechnical only at those points where samples are taken,when engineer. No person shou[d apply Ihis report(or any purpose they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- other than that originally contemplated without�irst con(erring sequent laboratory testing are extrapolated by geo- with the geotechnical engineer �. �a r�e A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING der the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming re- ZEPORT 1S SUBJECT TO sponsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information , �IISINTERPRETATION always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing '� I the best availabie information to conuactors helps pre- ::l� Costly prob{ems can occur when other design profes- vent costly consvuction problems and the adversarial , sionals develop their plans based on misinterpretations attitudes which aggravate them to disproportionate � of a geotechnical engineering report.To help avoid scale. these problems, the geotechnical engineer should be �AD RESPONSIBILITY ` retained to work with other appropriate design profes- ' I sionals to explain relevant geotechnical findings and to CLAUSES CLOSELY '� review[he adequacy of their plans and specifications ;` relative to geotechnical issues. Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion, it is far less exact than other r'� design disciplines.This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted daims being lodged against geotechnical BORING LOGS SHOULD NOT BE consultants. To help prevent this problem,geotechnica] engineers have developed model clauses for use in writ- SEPARATED FROM THE ten transmittals.These are not exculpatory clauses ENGINEERING REPORT designed to foist geotechnical engineers liabilities onto �� someone else. Rather, they are definitive dauses which � ' Final boring logs are developed by geotechnical engi- identify where geotechnical engineers'responsibilities T� ' neers based upon their interpretation of field logs begin and end.Their use helps all parties involved rec- _� (assembled by site personnel?and laboratory evaluation ognize their individua! responsibilities and take appro- of fieid samples.Only final boring logs customarily are priate action. Some of these definitive dauses are likely included in geotechnical engineering reports.These logs to appear in your geotechnical engineering report, and should r�ot under any circumstances be redrawn for inclusion in you are encouraged to read them dosely. Your geo- I architectural or other design drawings, because drafters technical engineer will be pleased to give full and frank may commit errors or omissions in [he transfer process. answers to your questions. Although photographic reproduction eliminates this � �-oblem, it does nothing to minimize the possibility of OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO M >ntractors misinterpreting the logs during bid prepara- _ _�n.When this occurs,delays,disputes and unantici- REDUCE RISK �� pated costs are the all-too-frequent result. ' `� Your consulting geotechnical engineer will be pleased to �� To minimize the likelihood of boring log misinterpreta- discuss other techniques which can be employed to mit- tion, give contractors ready access to the complete geotechnica( i�ate risk. ln addition, ASFE has developed a variety of r engineering report prepared or authorized for their use. materials which may be beneficial.Contact ASFE for a � Those who do not provide such access may proceed un- complimentary copy of its publications directory '' � �; .;� . � k Published by THE ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING FIRMS � PRACTICING IN THE GEOSCIENCES . 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G 106/Silver Sprin�, Maryland 20910/1301) 565-2733 0788j 3M � �I � r , Earth Consultants Inc. 1� I � \��j . I'���l f Geqechnical Gngineers.Gc�cNoqiSts&En�ironrnen�al Scientists '�` � November 11, 1999 E-8890 Dean-Deily Company 16720 Northeast 116th Street Redmond, Washington 98052 Attention: Mr. Ed Dean Dear Mr. Dean: We are pleased to submit our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Williams Avenue Apartments, Williams Avenue South, Renton, Washington." This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study was outlined in our August 3, 1999 proposal. Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the site can be developed generally as planned. The proposed building and underground parking excavation can be accomplished using a combination of conventional open cuts with temporary slapes and shoring consisting of cantilever soldier piles. . he site is underlain by loose, compressible soils. In our opinion, support for the proposed building should be provided using an augercast pile foundation system. The slab-on-grade floors may be supported on a minimum of twelve (12) inches of structural fill. We appreciate this opportunity to be service to you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Respectfully submitted, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. � � `/ � Kyle R. Campbell, P.E. Manager of Geotechnical Services ' MGM/KRClbkm 1805-136th Flace�l E.,SuiiF 201,Bellevue.Washingion 98005 Bellevue(425)643-3780 FAX(425)746-0860 Toll Free(888)139-6670 TABLE OF C�NTENTS E-8890 ' PAGE NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 eneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SITECONDITiONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 urface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Subsurface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i L�boratory Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DiSC����Oi� AND REC��'I�VI��DAT�C)i�S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ��oring Recorr3rr��r��ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 � Cantilevered Soidier Piles and Lagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LaggingDe�ign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lateral Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 � Shoring 1Mati Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Shoring Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Temporary Excavation� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 C�nstruction Dewatering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Augercast Piles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Pile Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pile Installation Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Subsurface Obstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 � Slab-on-Grade Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 � Seismic Desian Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5ite PreQaration and General Earthwo�k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Site Draina4e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Utility Su�port and Backfill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 i LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Additional Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 � — I APP�H�ICES , Appendix A Fi�l� �xploration Appendix B Laboratory Test Results TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued I E-8890 LLUSTRATIONS I Plate 1 Vicinity Map ' Plate 2 Boring and Test Pit Location Plan Plate 3 Cantilever Soldier Pile Shorin.g Plate 4 Shoring Wall Drainage Plate 5 Utility Trench Backfiil Plate A1 Legend Plates A� through A9 T�st Pit Logs Plates A1� through A'i6 �oring Logs Plates B1 and BZ Grain Size Analyses Plates B3 and B4 Atterberg Limits Test Data GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY . PROPOSED WILLIAMS AVENUE APARTMENTS WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON E-8890 INTRODUCTION General This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering study com�f�ted by Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI► for the proposed Williams Avenue Apartments,Williams Avenue South, Renton, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1 . The purpose of ihis study was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site and based on the conditions encountered to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. At the time our study was performed, the site, existing and proposed building locations, and our exploratory locations were approximately as shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. Project Description We understand it is planned to develop the site with a multi-level apartment building. Based on preliminary design information provided by the client, the proposed building will consist of four levels of living space above one level of below grade parking. The upper four floors will be constructed of relatively lightly-loaded wood frame construction and the parking level will consist of concrete frame construction with a slab-on-grade floor and post-tensioned slab above the garage level. Based on our experience with similar projects, we anticipate wall loads will be on the order of three to six kips per lineal foot, column loads on the order of two hundred fifty (250) to ihree hundred fifty (350) kips, and slab-on-grade floor loads will be about one hundred fifty (150) pounds per square foot. — The parking garage will be accessed from an alley along the western property line that extends in a norih-south direction from South 5th Street to South 4th Street. In order to achieve construction subgrade elevations, cuts of eight to twelve (12} feet below existing grade will be required. The excavation will extend to within two feet of a single- family residence and detached garage north of the site, to within ten (10) feet of a clinic to i the south to the property line to the east side, and will extend �ive feet into an alley west of the site. Earth Consuhants, Inc. �EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 2 If any of the above design cr�#eria are incorrect or change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, ECf should be retained to perform a general review of the final design. �9TE CO�IDiT101VS Surface The subject site consists of a 40,250 square foot, rectangular shaped site located northwest of the intersection of South 5th Street and Williams Avenue South in Renton (see Plate 1, Vicinity Map). The planned building area is bordered to the north by a single-family residence, to the south by the Renton Famity Practice Clinic, to the west by an alley and to the east by Williams Avenue. The proposed building area contains an asphalt paved parking area, a garage and a medical laboratory building that will be removed in order to make way for the proposed development. �he subject property is essentially flat with less than five feet of elevation change along the iorth-south axis of the site. The original topography has been previously graded in order to provide level parking areas for existing buildings and for buildings that formerly occupied the site. Portions of the site are currently developed and are covered with existing buildings and pavements. The site vegetation consists primarily ot grass, several large trees and brush. Subsurface Subsurface conditions were explored by excavating nine test pits and drilling three borings at the approximate tocations shown on Plate 2. Please r�fer to the Test Pit Logs, Pfates A2 through A9 and Boring Logs, Pfates A10 through A16, for a detailed description of the conditions encountered at each location explored. A description of the field exploration methods is included in Appendix A. The following is a generalized description of the subsur- face conditions encountered. Earth Consuhants. Inc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company - E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 3 In all our borings, we encountered a surficial layer of fill. The fill ranged from a minimum of six to eight inches thick in Test Pit TP-6 to a maximum of four and one-half feet thick in Test Pit TP-2. The fill consists of loose silty sand and silty gravel (Unified Soil Cl�s�ification SM and GM, respectively) and was similar to underlying native soils. The centrai port�on of the site contained abundant concrete, wood and metal debris. Underlying the fiil, we encountered interbedded sequences of silt (ML), elastic silt iMH) with organics, silty sand (SM), poorly graded gravel with silt and sand (GP-GM) and poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM}. The soils in the southern portion of the site as encountered in Boring B-1 were very loose to loose to twenty-five and one half (25.5) feet below grade. The soils became very dense in Boring B-1 at thirty (30) feet below grade. The soils encountered in the northern portion of the site were typicafly very loose to medium dense to thirty-five (35) feet below grade. The soils became very dense at forty-three (43) feet below grade in Boring B-3. ;roundwater Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage was encountered in Test Pit TP-4 and at all of our boring locations. The seepage level ranged from twelve (12} feet below grade as observed in Test Pit TP-4 to thirteen and one-half �13.5) feet as encountered in Borings B-1 and B-2. With seepage at this depth, we do not anticipate groundwater seepage will result in significant construction issues; however, the contractor should be aware that groundwater is not static. There will likely be fluctuations in the level depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the water level is higher and seepage rate is greater in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). � Earth Consuhants, Inc. I I EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company E-8890 iNovember 1 1, 1999 Page 4 Laborat�ry Testinq Laboratory tests were conducted on representative soii samples to verify or modify the field soil classification and to evaluate the general physical properties and engineering ch2ra�#�ristics of the soil encountered. Visua! field classifications were supplemented by grain siz� analys2s and Atterberg Lirnits tests on representative soil samples. Moistur� content tests v�rere performed on all samples. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samp{es are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual boring and test pit logs or on a separate data sheet contained in Appendix B. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their ; use in guiding our engineering judgment. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of fifteen days following completion of this report inless we are otherwise directed in writing. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATiONS General In orderto achieve construction subgrade elevations, a cut extending eight to twelve (12} feet i below existing grade will be required. In our opinion, the excavation can be accomplished using a combination of conventional open cuts and temporary shoring. Where there is sufficient room on-site, or if permission can be obtained to extend cuts into public right-of- ways or adjacent properties, a conventional open cut can be used. The cut side slopes should not exceed 1 H:1 V (Horizontal:Vertical). In areas whe�e cuts of this inclination cannot be accomplished, we have included recommendations for temporary shoring consisting of cantilever soldier piles with timber lagging. Due to the presence of loose, compressible soils underlying the site, in our opinion, building support should be provided using an augercast pile foundation system extending through the fill and compressible soils and bearing in the underlying dense to very dense native soils. We have p�ovided axiat and lateral capacities for twelve (12) and fourteen (14) inch diameter augercast piles. We can provide additional capacities for other pile sizes if necessa�y. Slab- il on-grade floors may be supported on a minimum of twelve Ii 2} inches of structural fill. � Earth Co�sultants, Inc. I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Dean-Deily Company - E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 5 Our test pits and borings indicate the fill underlying the site contains concrete rubble, milled lumber, and other miscellaneous debris. The pile contractor should be prepared to pre- excavate or pre-drill as needed in order to get through debris in the fill. A procedure should also be established between the geotechnical engineer, structural engineers and pile installation contractor to allow for adjusting the pile locations if the debris cannot be removed in a timely manner so as to minimize delays in the pile installation process. During our field exploration we encountered groundwater at twelve (12} to thirteen and one-half (13.5� feet below grade. Based on anticipated cuts of eight (8) to twelve (12) feet, we do not anticipate seepage will be encountered in the building area excavation. However, groundwater levels and seepage rates will vary depending on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. lf seepage is encountered it should be collected inside the excavation by sloping the excavation in order to provide positive drainage to one or more sump locations, where the collected water can then be removed from the site. Depending on the amount of seepage actually encountered, it may be necessary to provide additional dewatering measures. We can provide recommendations for additional dewatering measures during construction as the actual �roundwater conditions are revealed. fhis report has been prepared for specific application to this project only and in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area for the exclusive use of Dean-Deily Company and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report, in its entirety, should be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Shoring Recommendations In order to achieve construction subgrade elevations, a�ut extending to a depth of eight to twelve (12) feet below grade is planned. Due to the depth of the cut and the proximity of the ' cut to property lines and adjacent structures, it appears shoring may be necessary to support '� a portion of the building excavation. Temporary shoring should consist of cantilevered soldier piles with wood lagging. Where there is sufficient room, a conventional open cut with temporary slopes may be used. Recommendations for temporary excavation slopes are provided below. � Eerth Consuttants, fnc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 6 Cantilevered Soldier Piles and Lagging � Cantilevered soldier pile walls are typically most economical for wall heights of twelve (12) feet or less. Walls with a horizontal backfill condition can be designed to resist an equivalent ffuid pressure of thirty-fiv� (3�} pounds p�r cubic fo�t (p�f). �'ni� �.�lu� is �as�d on a horizontal backfill condition and assumes ihat surcharges due to backfill slopes, construction , equipment, structurat loads or other surcharge loads will not act on the wall. If such surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressure. We anticipate there will be surcharges from the existing buildings on the north and south sides of the planned excavation. We should provide surcharge loads from the adjacent structure during the shoring design process. Hydrostatic pressure should be alleviated by seepage between the lagging. A typical pressure distribution for cantilever wall design is included as Plate 3. Lagging Design � =or temporary shoring applications, the earth pressure between the soldier piles can be ; reduced by one-half to account for soil arching in the fagging design. Voids between the lagging and retained soil greater than one inch in width should be backfilled with sand or pea gravel. The void spaces should be backfilled progressively as the excavation deepens. The backfill material should not allow the potential for hydrostatic pressure to build up behind the walls. An impermeable backfill material such as lean-mix concrete or control density fill should not be used. Lateraf Resistance Lateral restraint at the bottom of the shoring walls will be provided by passive soil pressure against the embedded length of the soldier piles beneath the bottom of the excavation. A passive pressure equivalent to a fluid with a unit weight o# three hundred fifty 1350) pcf may be used for design. The passive resistance may be applied to twice the soldier pile diameter. The passive pressure should be neglected in the upper two feet of the excavation to allow for disturbance of the excavation surface. Mobilization of the full passive pressure assumes the ground surface inside the excavation will be horizontal for a distance of at least four times the depth of the soldier pile penetration. ECl should be contacted to provide revised design val�es if this is not the case. Earth Consuhants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Dean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1 , 1999 Page 7 Shoring Wall Drainage The joinis between the lagging will allow water to seep through the shoring and reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressure to build up behind the shoring. However, the permanent basement walls or concrete facings applied directly to the shoring wall will block this drainag�. In order to maintain drainage a continuous sheet drain incorporating a filter fabric such as Miradrain 6000, or approved equivalent should be applied to the shoring wall prior to constructing the finished wall. The Miradrain should extend the full height and width of the shored face. The Miradrain should be connected to a tightline drain installed along the base of ihe wall to collect and remove any seepage. A typical detail showing the sheet drain and tightline installation is included as Plate 4. Shoring Monitoring Whenever excavations are made adjacent to existing streets, utilities and structures, there is the potential for movement. A monitoring program should be established so that movements are detected early, to allow for remedial actions to be taken, if necessary. The monitoring program should include optical surveying of adjacent streets and buildings to detect any horizontal or vertical movement. Movement of the wall should be monitored by placing survey points on ihe top and bottom of each soldier piie. The survey for these points may be performed by the general contractor or surveyor, with the reduced survey data transmitted to ECI for review. The survey points should be monitored on a daily basis during excavation and weekly until the shoring loads are transferred to the permanent structure. All readings should be promptly provided to our office for review. A string-line should also be established along the top of the soldier piles to measure deflections at the top of the piles. The string-line should be measured on a daily basis during the excavation and then twice-a-week until the shoring loads are transferred to the permanent structure. Earth Co�suhants, �nc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Jean-Deily Company E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 8 Temporary Excavations If sufficient room is available on-site or if permission can be obtained to extend excavation slopes into public right-of-ways or adjacent properties, it should be possible to accomplish portions of the excavation using conventionat open cuts with temporary slopes. The inclination of temporary slopes is dependent on several variables, including the height of the cut, the soil type and density, the presence of groundwater seepage, construction timing, weather, and surcharge loads from adjacent structures, roads and equipment. In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state (WISHA) and Federal (OSHA) safety regulations. Based on the information obtained from our field exploration and laboratory testing, the native silty sand with gravel would be classified as Type B based on Washington Administrative Code (WAC} 296, Part N. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in height in Type 6 soils should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than 1 H:1 V. 3ecause of the many variables involved,the inclination of temporary excavation slopes should �e evaluated during construction, as the actuat soil conditions become more apparent. The preceding information has been provided solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should this information be interpreted to mean that ECf is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. Construction Dewaterin4 In our borings and test pits, we encountered moderate to heavy groundwater seepage at , twelve (12) to thirteen and one-half (13.5) feet below ezisting grade. Based on anticipated � cuts of eight (8) to twelve (12) feet, there will be a potential for seepage to be encountered in the excavation, especially if construction occurs during the wet season and when , groundwater conditions are relatively high. If seepage is encountered in the building excavation, it should be contro(led by sloping the base of the excavation and using pumps to collect and remove the seepage. Trenches may be necessary to direct seepage to the pump locations. If the seepage cannot be adequately controlled with these measures, then alternative dewatering measures may be necessary. We can provide additional dewatering recommendations during construction, as the actual groundwater conditions are realized. Earth Consuhants, Inc_ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company . E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 9 The groundwater conditions may destabilize the excavation subgrade. In order to maintain a stable base for construction equipment and the pile installation equipment, it may be � necessary to place a mat of quarry spal(s or recycled concrete across the excavation. A ; contingency in the construction budget should be provided for stabilizing the excavation base. Augercast Piles Due to the presence of loose, moderately compressible soils underlying the site, building support should be provided using an augercast pile foundation extending through the loose and compressible soils and bearing in the underlying dense to very dense native soils. We are providing allowable axial, uplift, and lateral pile capacities for twelve i12} and fourteen (141 inch diameter augercast piles. We can provide load capacities for other pile diameters, if needed. Augercast piles should extend at least five feet into ihe dense to very dense native soils which were encountered at forty-five (45) feet below existing grade in Boring B-3. For twelve (12) �nd fourteen (14} inch augercast piles extending at least five feet into the bearing layer, the �ollowing axial and uplift capacities can be used. Pile Capacities Pile Diameter Axiai Uplift 12 inch 30 tons 15 tons 14 inch 50 tons 20 tons These capacities may be increased by one-third for shart�erm seismic loading conditions. No reduction in pile capacity is required if the piles are installed on a center-to-center spacing of three pile diameters. ; i i I Earth Consuhants, Inc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY )ean-Deily Company - E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 10 Lateral pile capacity is generally governed by deflections at-the top of the pile which is dependent on pile stiffness with respect to the surrounding soil conditions in the upper portion of the pile, the pile length, and degree of fixity at the top of the pile. In our opinion, a lateral pile capacity of ten kips may be used for design. Given a ten kip lateral load, maximum pile deflections are estimated to be 0.5 inch. Additional lateral resistance can also be provided using the passive pressure acting on grade beams. Provided grade be�ms are backfil{ed with structural fill, an allowable passive resistance of three hundred fifty (350� pounds p�r cubic foot (pcf} may be used. If sufficient lateral resistance cannot be achieved, batter piles may be used. If batter piles are necessary, ECI should be contacted to provide addition recommendations for maximum batter and lateral capacity. We estimate total settlement of single augercast piles will be on the order of one half inch. We estimate differential settlements should be less than one quarter inch. ' Pile Installation I 'he piles should be installed by a contractor experienced in the successful installation of ugercast piles. The piles should be installed with a continuous-flight hollow stem auger equipment specifically designed for installation of auger placed grout-injected piles. The grout injection point should be at the bottom of the auger bit below the cutting teeth. The contractor should supply sufficient auger length and drilling capacity to extend the piles an additional ten feet, if unanticipated conditions are encountered. Each pile should be drilled and completely filled with grout in an uninterrupted operation. The grout should be placed under a pressure of two hundred (200} psi in order to ensure adequate bonding with the bearing soils. The grout pump should have a visible grout pressure gauge to verify adequate pressure is being obtained. The pump should also have a counter so the volume of grout pumped for each pile can be calculated. �he auger hoisting equipment should be capable of withdrawing the auger smoothly, at a constant rate without jumps or stops. A positive grout head of at least ten feet should be maintained to p�event caving and voids. This can be accomplished by directing the contractor to slow up the aug�r withdrawal rate such that a column of grout extends at least ten feet above the auger tip. Earth Coneuhants, Inc. EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1 , 1999 Page 1 1 Pile Instaliation Monito�ing As it is not possible to observe the completed pile below the ground, judgment and experience must be used as the basis for determining the acceptability of a pile. Therefore, all piles should be installed under the full-time observation of a representative of ECI. This will allow us to evaluate ful(y the contractor's operation, to colfect and interpret the instalfation data, and to verify bearing stratum elevations. Furthermore, we will also understand the implications of variations from normal procedures with respect to the design criteria. The contractor's equipment and procedures should be reviewed by ECI before the start of construction. Subsurface Obstructions As previously discussed, localized areas within the site contain concrete, mi{led fumber, metal and other miscellaneous debris. The pile installation contractor should be aware of the potential for encountering obstructions and should be prepared to pre-excavate or pre-drill to et through obstructions. In our opinion, it would also be prudent to have an established procedure developed with the �� pile contractor, structural engineer and geotechnical engineer to resolve issues related to � relocating piles during construction without delaying the installation. � � Retaining Walls j Retaining walls constructed against temporary shoring should be designed for the same earth pressures as the shoring walls. Free-standing retaining walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures imposed by the soils retained by these structures. Walls that are designed to yield can be designed to resist the late��l earth pressures imposed by an � equivalent fluid with a unit weight of thirty-five t35) pcf. 1f walls are to be restrained at the ' top from free movement, the equivalent fluid weight should be increased to fifty (50) pcf. These values are based on horizontal backfill and that surcharges due to backfill slopes, hydrostatic pressures, traffic, structural loads or other surcharge loads will not act on the wall. � If such surcharges are to apply, they should be added to the above design lateral pressure. ! � � Earth Consuhants, Inc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY � �ean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 12 In order to reduce the potential for hydrostatic forces buiading up behind the walfs, free- standing retaining walls should be backfilled with a suitable free-draining material extending at least eighteen (18) inches behind the wall. The remainder of the backfill should consist of structural fill. The free-draining backfill should conform to the WSDOT specificati�n for gravel backfill for wails {WSDOT 9-03.12(2). A rigid, Schedule 40, perforated �'VC dr�in �i�e s�ould be piaced at the base of the wall and should be surrounded by a minimum of o�e cubic foot per lineai foot with three-eighths inch pea gravel. Retaining walls cast against the temporary shoring should utilize a continuous sheet drain as previously discussed in the preceding Shoring Drainage section. Slab-fln-Grade Floors Slab-on-grade floors should be supported on at least twelve (12� inches of structural fill. Disturbed subgrade soil must either be compacted in place or overexcavated and replaced with structural fill. A woven geotextile fabric such as Mirafi 600X may be necessary to stabilize he excavation subgrade prior to placement of the twelve (12) inches of structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors should be designed by the structural engineer based on the anticipated loading and the subgrade support characteristics. A modulus of vertical subgrade reaction of two hundred fifty (250) pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be used for design. The slab should be provided with a minimum of six inches of free-draining sand or gravel. In areas where slab moisture is undesirable, a vapor barrier such as -a 6-mil plastic membrane may be placed beneath the slab. Two inches of damp sand may be placed over the membrane for protection during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. , Seismic Design Considerations — ' The Puget Lowland is classified as a Seismic Zone 3 in the 1997 Uniform Buildin� Code , � (UBC?. Earthquakes occur in the Puget Lowland with regularity, however, the majority of I I these events are of such low magnitude they are not felt without instruments. Large ' earthquakes do occur, as indicated by the 1949, 7.2 magnitude earthquake in the Olympia ' area and the 1965, 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Midway area. ' Earth Consuhants, Inc. 3EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company _ E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 13 There are three potentiai geologic hazards associated w+th a s$rong motion seismic event at this site: ground r�pture, liquefaction, and ground motion response. Ground Rupture: The strongest earthquakes in the Pu�et Lowland are widespread, subcrustal �vents, r�nging in depth from thirty f30) to fifity-€iye {�5) mife�. Surf��� ����itin� from thes� deep events has not been documented to date. Therefore, it is our �.pir�i�r�, that the risk of ground rupture at this site during a strong motion saismic event is negligi�ie. Liquefaction: Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soils lose afl shear strength for short periods of time during an earthquake. Groundshaking of sufficient duration results in the loss of grain to grain contact and rapid increase in_pore water pressure, causing the soil to behave as a fluid. To have a potential for liquefaction, a soil must be cohesioniess witt� a grain size distribution of a specified range (generally sand and silt); it must be loose; it must be below the groundwater table; and it must be subject to sufficient magnitude and duration of groundshaking. The effects of liquefaction may be large total and/or differential settlement for structures founded in the liquefying soils. -he Ioose sand underlying the site would be susceptible to liquefaction; however, the use of a pife supported foundation as recommended in this study should mitigate the effects of seismica►ly induced settlement on ihe structure. Ground Motion Response: The 1997 UBC seismic design section provic�es a series of soil types that are used as a basis for seismic design of structures. Based on the encountered soil conditions, it is our opinion that soil type SE, Soft Soil Profile, from Table 16-J should be used for design. Site Preparation and General Earthwork In order to achieve construction subgrade elevations, a cut extending to a depih of approximately eight to twelve (12) feet below existing grade will be required. The spoils from the excavation wilf be exported. After completion of the excavation, the excavation base should be observed by a representative from ECI. Soil in loose or soft areas, if recompacted and still yielding, should k�e overexcavated and replaced with structura! fill to a depth that wili provide a stable base beneath the general structural fill. The optional use of a ge�textile fabric placed directly on the overexcavated surface may help to bridge unstable areas. Earth Co�ultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY �ean-Deily Company , E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 14 Structural fill is defined as compacted fill placed under buildi�gs, slabs or other load-bearing , areas. Structural fill under floor slabs and footings should be placed in horizontai lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent ' of its laboratory maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation I D-1557 iModified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed at or hear their optimum � moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks should also be plac�d in horizontal lifts a�d cornpacted to 90 percent of maximum density except for the t�p twelve (12) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. During dry weather, most soils which are compactible and non-organic can be used as structural fill. Based on the results of our laboratory tests, the on-site soils at the time of our exploration appear to be near the optimum moisture content and should be suitable for use in their present condition as structural fiil, provided the grading operations are conducted during dry weather. However, the native soils contain more than five percent fines and will degrade if exposed to excessive moisture, and compaction and grading will be difficult if the soil moisture increases significantly above its optimum condition. f the on-site soil is exposed to moisture and cannot be adequately compacted then it may be necessary to import a soil which can be compacted. During dry weather, non-organic compactible soil with a maximum grain size of six inches can be used. Fitl for use during wet weather should consist of a fairly well graded granular material having a maximum grain size of six inches and no more than 5 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. A contingency in the earthwork budget should be included for this possibility. Site Drainaqe Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage was encormtered at four of our subsurface exploration locations. Heavy groundwater seepage was encountered at twelve �12) to thirteen and one-half (13.5} feet below existing grade. If seepage is encountered in the excavation, the bottom of the excavation should be sloped to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge, such as a nearby storm drain. Depending on the magnitude of seepage, it may be necessary to provide additional dewatering measures. Earth Consukants, Inc. �EOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY )ean-Deily Company E-8890 November 1 1, 1999 Page 15 The appropriate tocations of subsurface drains, if needed, should be established during grading operations by ECI's representative at which time the seepage areas, if pres�nt, may be more clearly defined. i Water must not be allowed to stand in areas where foundations or slabs are to be constructed. Loose surfaces should be sealed at night by compacting the surface to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades �nust alfow for drainage away from the building foundations. The ground should be sloped at a gradient of three percent for a distance of at least ten feet away from the building, except in paved areas, which can be sloped at a gradient of two percent. ' Perimeter drainage should be provided using the shoring wall drainage and retaining wafl drains as previousty discussed. Utility Support and Backfill `iased on the soil conditions encountered, the soils expected to be exposed by utility �xcavations should provide adequate support for utilities. However, the loose condition of some of the soils and the potential for a relatively high groundwater table may result in de- stabilizing of the trench bottom as the trench is excavated. Where loose soifs or heavy groundwater seepage is encountered, remedial measures such as overexcavating soft soil or tamping quarry spalls into the trench bottom may be required. Caving of trench walls should be anticipated where the trenches encounter groundwater. Dewatering may also be required. Utility trench backfill is a primary concern in reducing the potential for settlement along utility alignments, particularly in pavement areas. It is important that each section of utility line be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to ensure support is provided around the pipe haunches. Fill s�ould be carefulLy placed and hand tamped to about twelve inches above the crown of the pipe before heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the trench backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve inches. A typical trench backfill section and compaction requirements for load supporting and non-load supporting areas is presented on I Plate 5. � Earth Consukants, Inc. GEOTECHNlCAL ENGINEERING STUDY Jean-Deily Company _ E-8890 November 11, 1999 Page 16 LIMITATIONS , � Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our ex��rience and �n�ineering judgment. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent vyith that level of care and ski�l ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings and test pits. Soil and groundwater conditions between borings and test pits may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. ', ' additional Services I��� As the geotechnical engineer of record, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. ,� � ECI should also be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to ,, ' observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow '�� design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the � start of construction. We do noi accept responsibility for the performance of the foundation 'i or earthwork unless we are retained to review the construction drawings and specifications, �I , and to provide construction observation and testing services. �, i I Earth Consuhants, Inc. :� f rwrc � i x� x � J � +y/i '� .;i aj«°�� h't �, i � ��'+ � r � zs � �; .�i a_•ea'� �'c`' . 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't� �� � �� `��3TE �f � � ,rt - � i v ', q-a fi �"� �} ' . —'�-�- 5- -� t � 1 � ; h% , " 5t �i���;� 1�° Y �g i � .,��"�}- -'Q � _ S 1bTtf i? �.''' .�,r " �[� �.`� � X � '��'�T �t a g "' : ,r `�� `� p � S� `-"to�ts� F� � y�..r �'F� f�" t� � s�, c. �:'�- sF r-�' y Z F -�, � . ,, _ ��c c : ..i�, nt � `� \4�. : . �" G '9 i " ����srf� . � � P �� ��' � ...'�'�' ,g'. r S,� � � � �� � t�� �� ��i��'� T � �".�� { Y��'.` � �' H Sr . -��S s � ST� *,5 1 � : s e: `� f��, � _ � \ � � I9TI{ � ST t-� ��' �� - � � ��' t�sr � � ,f��s� t ['T^�,N � wu:�r , $2 r� �r�rtrrt��r S � �„�. "�i�'- �Ma `�� � s 3si, •.�`h � � �. ti-r. � v }--�r !� . �. t ' -Sr; t � �. ��'} �(f!�c-� i��, v� +t�`...s�,i.� � • �Jv p ^�3� �Y . �Y Q1 � 21YT �T . c7Li � S'GT� ���;k' :i�_�,! f�'� � � 1 . ��t� {� � � ^ � c�t��.US` '�' `"� 't�. -� -� 'H� ��� :tiL� stE'EArt75.� � C � C71� _ ����" =`-F'- "" - ��15F Si ,_� '' �,�&1Ta "I�_i: � � � � � � �] .. tJ' . � o ST' S; 23R6 � _ 3s� �f - s`- �n �— - - 3i i _ -- - < a _ ' �e6� � ,_ � Reference: I;aCtrl COC1SUItal�ltS, �I�IC. GecHechnical Engineers.Gedogis+s E Envionmernal Scien��srs King County/Map 656 By Thomas Brothers Maps Dated 1999 VlClnity Map Williams Avenue Apartments Renton, Washington ' i � NOTE: This piate may contain areas of color. ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent Drwn. GLS Date Sept. '99 Proj. No. 8890 misiMerpretation of the information resulting j from black 8� white reproductions of this plate. ��ked MGM Date 9/21/99 Plate 1 ,' �;�r;� Residexe 6 � � '.. I Geraye� � � 1 � I ���9 I � ' � I � Residence � - 'I . ; �---� �--------� ''�' ' - -' ,�_8-- - — - -- -- B-31-- - TP-1.� j �� � , . _� � ; 6-2� '• � —� `- - - -- - --- -� i ` � � � Approbmate Scale � , -■- , � TP-6 '2� ! Uj 0 25 50 100ft. _ �. ��TP-7 �� � � W �.— I � -- �4- -- - - - - - - --- - --- -� Z . � — . � ��o�vod � > ; �- -i TP-5I ;°o�o• •o: � Q � Exisbn9 —�—'�Q o•��' ; U� ' ��''$�a� ITP-4 Exis�n��4� _�� � ( F(�FN(7 -- ' ,---- __ C_o�crste_Q�k� _� Q - �- - - -_3 . ; r______ � � 8-1-�-Approximate Location of + ��� ' 4 � ECI Boring, Proj. No. ; �i � Exisffng -i i E-8890, Se t & OCt. � m � � Med,ica/Lab 3 p • ;'e � �------ ' � 1999 ,o � - - - - - - - - - - - - --. _� ; � ; TP-1 -i-Approximate Location of ; f� ; ECI Test Pit, Proj. No. � '" i E-8890, Aug. 1999 I ! � -- - --- - - -- - — - — -� ; ! Subject Site � -.- � ; . �----- , � ` i2 � ; � Existin Buildin - � ' ------------ �-----� 9 9 � i i � '; ( � � i � Proposed Building � - i— - � - - - �s�� -- - -� --� : ► 4 Medeca/C/in,c � : ln Lot Number � � 41 � ! � i � � i � � i � i � I � �------------- j � � � 4 � ��.. .� e .�_ __ .�. _..� �. � .�_ _ � .... I � Earth Consultants, 1nc. Geolechnical Engineers.Geolog�sts E Environmental Scientisls '�. S. 5th STREET Boring and Test Pit Location Plan Williams Avenue Apartments NOTE:This plate may contain areas of color. RelltOtl, Washington � j ECI cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black& white reproductions of this plate. Drwn. GLS Date Oct. '99 Proj. No. 8890 Checked MGM Date 10l22/99 Plate 2 i - � .. �_: . __ _ . __.. Ground Surface - (s+,rharQ�C aWs ro,¢acw�t sbuchr�s!o b�wakeobd on a cas� by cas+ba� �B�t-- � J�CtJi/��l'�I ,��1lTE=3J DCf P�ive Earth PfeSsui'8 = H(ft) -_- f - _ 3�(�j�2) p3f ' -- _ Base of Excavation �— Ns�edpassiw h upp�r 21bet �lftl Mot��: • �mbedrnet#depth(D)m�st�so be suffiaent to - ��e nec�sary vertical capacity. Mlinimum depth t�1_6(�i}. • Passive Pressu�assumed to ad over two p7e � di�rneters and�s fador-of-safety of 1.5. • See te�Q of siudy for a detailed disaission of shoring- Earth Consultants, Inc. Geaechnical Enginetrs.Geobgisls i Environmenlal Scienlis�s � CANTILEVER SOLDlER PILE SHORlNG � WiHiams Avenue Apartments � Renton, Washington '� Drwn. GLS Date Nov. '99 Proj.No. 8890 Chedcsd MGM Date 11/1Q/99 Plate 3 WCOD LAGGING • v � " o ' ' � � . CONCRETE FACING � � ? � � CONTINUOUS MIRADRP:IN 6Q00 — � � . ° OR EQUIVALENT Ilt . • . - ��� � : - ..-.' . —I►I , �_� . � 11L � •. � - NATIVE SOIL 11( . � '. SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOOR EXCAVATION —" � ' �- ' - =�11 ' • � =)II� i; . ^ . . Iu=III : , � ��i- � _ �. . . �. . . -. � ; �_ . � - � . - . ►►► 1 . : � . --.- . . - °� - - � - n �.: . �- � - � - - . ��- , �, v '� � � o 0 = 11f � - . -,- . - _ . �-� � - ." . - - , � ' � , o. . ��� \ PVC TIGHTUNE 'o ��� � � ' = 111 , , - ' - - .-.�:- � '. �� ; �. � , --� , : _�.�. � ��I . .� . - _• ' . -- e --. . ' o y $TRUCTURAL _ / � � � � �• .. � _.� . . • ;- � - . e . � FILL . - , o - - _o. ° - ; �, .o . : : DRAlrf GRATE : ' � . FOUNDATION . , � • , . - � _ � . . o � \ '' • � - � .. � - --+ '•�- , • � ' ° J U � � 6 - " � lit—l�l=(�1=1�1= . - _ D • . . ' - ���- NOTE: DRAIN THROUGH WALL SHOULD BE INSTALLED AT MIDDLE OF LAGGING. SHORING WALL DRAINAGE EaI��`1 COI"LSUItaI"1tS II�1C. Williams Avenue Apartment ` GcDicCfInIGII Fr�rS.G[�ob{QFs 6 EnvtrtxrMn�al$cxnthcs Renton, Washington Proj. No, gggp Dn�vn. GLS Date Nov. '99 Checked MGM Date 11/10/99 Plate 4 Non-Load Supporting Floor S1ab o� Areas Roadway Areas - �� ����.4.�a •i��r��'(- 1 o ° � � � � " o Varies a�ao°o 95 0 � o. o p o 0 85 �� - - 95 ; 1 Foot Minimum �.- Backfill - - _ 80 - 9� Varies o _ . ,'' �iP� o :0 0 _ � O�.o�b'�� . ��•'Q0.'o-0 '.��'O po.Oo ,�a. il. O. �o.'C/.O �Op�Qo � o.b..'�o�o• �'0. .. .0-'�.� Varies Beddin .^'>�a. ..� � '-ct.�'' "` g o O'�'o ;o�'oe o•°•vo�.. _ .0.:'.00��o:.QOd,o a o �Oe.-p.-�.- pep;O�o':. ao•� b o.•.�Q�.o•' o O O-.00O:�a '�8.•.s0•O, o-•QQO•-pooQ'o p'0 p. �. p_a O•e O. .00o•.- �'a-.�•'o .bo:.;oa.o Qo .00:•,00Q•a�.�.oa .,-�.avo LEGEND: �;��-��'`�, Asphalt or Concrete Pavement or Concrete Floor Slab � =-�.a o.o ,•e � o , �,o . 8ase Material or Base Rock � Backfili; Compacted On-Site Soil or Imported Select Fill Materiai as Described in the Site Preparation of the General Earthwork Section of the Attached R�ort Text. 95 Minimum Percentage cf Maximum Laboratory Dry Density as Determined by ASTM Test Method D 1557-78 (Modified Proctor), Unless Oiherwise Specified in the Attached Report Text. Bedding Material; Material Type Depends on Type of Pipe and �°�o.oa;p Laying Conditions. Bedding Should Conform to the Manufacturers Recommendations for ttie Type of Pipe Selecied. �� TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH F1LL Earth Consultants Inc. wlliams Avenue Apartrnents ' �', i 1 cr.wct,nK�t„Rrxrn.c',.c�sis a rn.�,n.,mrnni x,rn�.as Renton, Washington Proj. No. 8890 Drwn. GLS Date Nov. '99 Checked MGM Date 11/15/99 Plate 5 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION E-8818 Our initial field exploration was performed on August 30, 1999. At this time, subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating eight test pits to a maximum exploration depth of thirteen (13) feet below existing grade. The test pits were excavated by Northwest Excavating, subcontracted to ECI, using a rubber-tire backhoe. On September 15, 1999 we dritled two borings to a maximum depth of thirty-seven (37) feet below existing grad2. We encountered refusal in Boring B-2 on a large log encountered at thirty-seven (37) #e�t ��low grade. These borings were drilled by Boretec using a B-24 trailer- I mounted drill rig. A t�ird boring was drilled to a depth of fifty-six and one half (56.5) below existing grade on October 20, 1999 to further evaluate subsurface conditions. This boring was drilled by .�►ssociated Drilling using a truck-mounted drill rig. Approximate boring and test pit locations were estimated by pacing from the site features depicted on a site plan provided by the client. The elevations were estimated based on the 1994 United States G2ological Survey Renton Quadrangle Map. The locations and elevations of the borings and test pits should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Boring and Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 2. fhe field exploration was continuously monitored by a geologist from our firm who classified �he soils encountered, maintained a �og of each boring and test pit, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. The samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System which is presented on Plate A1 , Legend. Representative soil samples were placed in closed containers and returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Logs of the test pits are presented on Plates A2 through A9, logs of the borings are presented ' on Plates A10 through A16. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and tests of field samples. The stratification lines I on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the � transitions may be more gradual. The borings were drilled using holiow stem augers. In each boring, Standard Penetration � Tests (SPT) were performed at selected intervals in general accordance with ASTM Test � Designation D-1586. The split spoon samples were driven with a one hundred forty 1140) pound hammer freely falling thirty 130) inches. The number of blows required to drive the last twelve (12) inches of penetration are called the "N-value". This value helps to characterize the site soils and is used in our engineering analyses. These results are recorded on the boring � logs at ihe appropriate sample depths. i I � Earth Consukanta, Inc. MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SYMBOL a � (�jW Well-Graded Gravels,Gravel-Sand Gravel o 0 0 Md Clean Gravels Q � 4 gw Mixtures, Little Or No Fines Gravelly Uittle or no fines) ` r Coarse Sofis � . , GP Poorly-Graded Glavels,Gravel- Grained � � � gp Sand Mixtures.Little Or No Fines Soils More Than GM Silty Gravels,Gravel-Sand- 50% Coarse Gravels Witb gm Silt Mixtures Fraction Fines(appreciable Retained On amount of fines) CiC Clayey Gravels, G�avel-Sand- No.4 Sieve 9C Clay Mixtures Sand �a oo 'a SW Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly Artd Clean Sand � o o '� o o SW Sands, Lfftle Or No Fines Sandy (Iittle or no fines) � � , v � More Than '� . SP Poory-Graded Sands, Gravelry 50°� Material Soils e�'��o a SEJ Sands. Little Or No Fines Larger Than No.200 Sieve More Than � � { ' SM Silty Sands Sand- Silt Mixtures Size F action�arse Sands With € � �. j SfTI ' Fines�appreciable . Passing No.4 amount of fines) �� SC Cla Sieve j'� / SC YeY Sands, Sand-Clay Mixtures <i l� I!I I M� Inorganic Silts&Very Fine Sands,Rock Flo�r,Silty- I �p� Clayey Fine Sands:Clayey Silts wl Slight Plasticity Fine Silts i CL Inorganic Clays Of Low To Medium Plasticity, Liquid Limit Soilsed C yS Less Than 50 � C� Gravelly Clays, Sandy Ctays, Silty Clays. Lean � I � I � I QL Organic S�Its And Organic � I � I � I O� Silty Clays Oi low Plasticity � ' MH Inorganic Silts,Micaceous Or Diatomaceous Fine More Than mh Sand Or Silty Soils 5096 Material Silts Smaller Than And Liquid Limit CH Inorganic Clays Of High No.200 Sieve Clays Greater Than 50 Ch Piasticiry. Fat Clays Size / // ��//j OH Organic Clays Of Medium To High , Ofl Plasticity, Organic Silts `�+� `��� `�r� pT Peat, Humus, Swamp Soils ! Hiqhly Organic Soils +. . . .��. .t+ i pt With High Organic Contents 7opsoil 'y�'y�'� Humus And Duff Layer Fill Hic�ly Variable Const�tuents � The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature I of fhe materiai presented in the attached logs. DUAL SYMBOLS ara used tio indical�bo►derlirw aoil cJasaiflcation. C TORVANE READING,tsf I 2'O.D.SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER qu PENETROMETER AEADING,tsf W MOISTURE,%dry weight � 24'I.D.RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER P SAMPLER PUSHED � ' SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED i WATER OBSERVATION WELL pcf DRY DENSITY,Ibs.per cubic ft. LL LIQUID UMR,% Q DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER PI PLASTIC INDIX DURING DCCAVATION Z SUBSEQUEPfT GROl1ND'WATER LEVEL W/DATE � � Earth Consultants tnc. LEGEND I�,II� I (�.xwaxlrwWl����r Y1.CtillUdM1�ISi1'JIVIfUMItitl,J5lll�MlfV Proj. No.8890 Date Sept. '99 Plate A 1 Test Pit Log �ro�a r�n,e: sr,�c o� Williams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged by: Qate: Test Pd No-- 8890 MGM 8/30/99 TP-1 F�acavation Cotitador. - Gta�nd Surface�evatiort: NW E�avating 30' Notes_ _ — t Q � surtace cona�no�,s: Depth of Topsoil 4":grass Ndes I % A� °n' '� � � $ ( ) � u� � v> > �n SM Brrnm sitty SAND, loose, moist(Fill) t s.s 2 GP Gra��ouri�graded GRAVEL, loose, moist(Fil) 3 4 ML lVio�ttlec!4rown SILT with sand, loose, moist I 32.2 5 -iron vxide staining s � a 9 GP-GM Brovan pooriy graded GRAVEL with silt,loose, moist 5_4 • 10 • -iron o�6de staining �� -7%f�es • � 12 Test pii teRninateci at 12.0 feet below e�g grade. No groundwater . encountered during e�avation. NOTE:Ele�rations estimated from 1994 U.S_G.S. Renton Gluadrangle Topographic Map � � � 0 � U W a S Test Pit log m �1"trl COI�ISU���1tS �I�1C. Williams Avenue Apartments Gc�ar.ctinlcd F7igRxvs.GnHngKn S F}M�am�nral5cfrntfa� Renton,Washington � w Proj.No_ $$90 Dwn. GLS Datx Sept'99 Chedced MGM Date 9/16/99 PFate A2 Subsurface cor�tio�s depided represent our observations at the�ne and location of this e�loratary hole,rtwafred by enc�neering tests,analysis and J���. They are not rrecessarity representafive of other times and bcations.We qnnot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information preseMed on this Iog. Test Pit Log Project rtame_ sheet or Williams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged by: Date_ Test Pit No-- 889Q MGM 8/30/99 TP-2 E�acavation Contador - Ground Surtace Elevation_ NW F�avating 30' Notes: � o L m � $ surtace c.onations: Depth of Topsoil4":9rass General W L � - �- �� ��� � T 0 � 10 � T � (;� [n Vl !/� ML Brown sandy SILT,loose, moist(Fil� � 2 22.3 3 SP Brown pooriy graded SAND,foose, moist(Possible F�I) 4 5 ML Mottled brown SILT with sand, loose,moist s � -loose to medium dense GP-GM Brown poo►iy graded GRAVEL with silt, medium dense, moist 37 � 8 9 � -iron o�6de staining ' �o s_a � -8°/a fines • �� Test pit terminated at 11.0 feet below e�usting grade. No groundwater encountered during e�acavation. i � c � a � U W Q $ Test Pit Log 0 F�rrrl COI�I.SUItaI1tS II�1C. Williams Avenue Apartments Cw�7��ctNMa1 F2�'_�P-�.Cw�[�kr�Lv��FirviRxu,�[r�d,ck„167� Renton,Washington i � F Proj_No. 8890 Dwn_ GLS Date Septi'99 Chedced MGM Date 9/16/99 Plate A3 Subsurface conditions depicfed represent our observations at the time and locatio�of tfiis e�loratory hde,moafied by engineering tests,analysis and judgrnent They are not necessarily representative of other times and locatiorts.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by o2hers of inforrnation presented on this log- Test Pit Log �r��: sr,�t ar Williams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged by: Date: Test Pd No.: 8890 MGM 8/30/99 TP-3 Exravvation Corrtador. C�ound Surfaoe Elevation: NW E�xavating 30' ��: � — = m � o s�rrace cor,din«,s: Depth of Topsoil and Duff 8"_12" Generai NOteS �% � T � � N � T . (� tn cn N ML Dark lxown SILT w�h sand,loose,moist(Fdl) � 2 N1L. Brown SILT with sand, loose, moist 7L.1 3 4 SP-SM Brown poo�iy graded SAND with silt,loose, moist 0 , ° s 6 ML Mottled brown SILT,loose, moist 7 GP-GM Brown pooriy graded GRAVEL with sift,loose to medium dense,moist . s � • I • 9 � • 10 • • 11 • 48.8 � 12 13 MH Mottled brown and ra elastic SILT,soft,wet,coniains o anics Test p�terminated at 13.0 feet below e�asting grade.No groundwater encountered duru�g e�avation. � � m 0 � � W a g , , � Test Pit Log m �Irtrl COr1SUlrai�lrS II�1C. Williams A�enue Apartmerrts ccoaty x,�cd F.,Rn,et�s,c�.M[�tr�s F,mR.,n,e.val�ckn� Renton,Washington r W Proj. No. 8890 Dwn. GLS Date Sept.'99 Chedced MGM Date 9/16/99 Ptate A4 Subsurtace conditions depided represent our observations at the time and location of this e�loratay hole,modfied by engneering tests,analysis and judgment_ They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept respo�sibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presertted on this log. Test Pit Log �o�a r�a�: sneec or Wtliiams Av+enue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged by: Oate: Test Pit No-- 8890 MGM 8l30/'99 TP-4 F�ccavation Contadw: - Gramd Surface Ele�ration_ NW F�avating 30' Notes: surt�cona�nons: Depth of Topsoil6"- 8":grass General � L � � � W Q$ o_ r; a U � Notes (%) c�7 �i � � � � �n ML Dark brown SILT w�h sand, loose, moist(F�UTopsol) , � ML Brown SILT, loose,moist 2 3 26.0 - 4 SP-SM Brown pooriy graded SAND with silt, loose, moist � 5 -iron o�dde stainin ML Mottled brown SILT w�h sand, loose, moisi 6 -iron o�ode stainin GP-GM Brown poorty graded GRAVEL with siit, loose to medium dense, moist 2.s � 7 -very dark iron o�dde staining from T to ma�amum dep#h e�lored ' a • � ♦ ', s . • • �o 3.9 � �� -becomes wet at 11' . �2 -hea see e at 12' Test pit terminated at 12_0 feet below e�assting grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 12_0 feet during e�acavation. � � � 0 � U W a' $ Tes# Pit Log ° �rtrl �OI�LSUIt�1tS �I"1G Vlydliams Avenue Apartments Ga�rc�i�nical Fnglrwtis.Gc�logtsri 6 Fmlrtxu�icrxd ticYrntN� Renton,Washington � w Proj.t�b. $890 Dwn. GLS D�arte Sept_'99 Chedced AAGM Date 9M 6/99 Ptate A5 Subsurtace conditions depicted represent our observations at the 6me and location of this e�Ioratory hole,modfied by engineering tesis,analysis and 1�. They are noi necessarity representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept resporrsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. _ __ Test Pit Log Projea r�rt�e_ sr,eet or wliiams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged b�r. Qate: Test Pit No.: 8890 MGM 8l30/99 TP-5 Excava6on co�actor. Ground surface Devation: NW E�a�rating 30' Notes: I „ L m � $ surrace CorxStions: Depth of Topsoil 4" �� w � E mu. E � E Note.s ��'� c9 rn � � � �n � SM Brown sitty SAND with gravel, loose, moist(Fill) i � ML Brown SlLT with sand, loose,moist II 20.0 2 I I I I 3 �� 4 -becomes mottled I s I s I � ' -dark iron o�ode staining 8 -contains interbeds of poo�ly graded gravei and pooriy graded sand sz s LL�O PL=42 76.3 �� MH Gra elastic SILT,soft,wet,contains o anics P�-�$ Test p�terminated at 10.5 feet below e�asting grade due to e�acessive caving.No groundwater encountered during e�avation. W � m 0 v U w � a � Test Pit Log � Farth Consultants Inc. Williams Avenue Apartrnents , � GcoacYnlcal Frv�lrwe�s,Gcolcigls�a FTW mnnxrrd tic7t.rntN� Renton,Wash�gton � F Proj.No. 8890 Dvm. GLS Date Sept.'99 Checked MGM Darte 9/16/99 P�ate A6 Subsurtace cond�tions depided represer�f ax observations at the time and Iocation of this e�loratory ho�e,mo�fied by engineerir�g tests,analysis and judgment_ They are not necessarity representative of other times and bcations.We cannot accept resportsibility for the use or interpretat�on by others of mfortnation presented on this log. Test Pit Log Prqect rlame: sr,eet or Williams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged b�r. Date: Test Pit No-- 8890 MGM 8/30199 TP-6 Excavation Contador Ground Surface Elevation: NW E�acavating 30' Naaes: ' � — L „ � — surtace c«xfrt;ons_ Depth of Topsoil/FII 6"-8" li Genera� � S W Q � Q . n U NOtf:S % �i T � LL N � T � � � N � N � � SM Brown silty SAND,loose, moist I t -contains mottled siit interbeds I tsz 2 -33°k fines , -mottled 3 4 � -mottled 5 6 . 1 . 7 GP Reddish brown poorfy graded GRAVEL, loose, moist � -dark iron o�d�de stainin a GP-GM Brown poorly graded GRAVEL with sitt, loose to medium dense, moist 3� � 9 � 10 • -becomes wet �o.s �� MH Blue gray elastic StLT, soft,wet ' 12 -contains o anics Test pit terminated at 12.5 feet below e�asting grade. No groundwaier encountered during ezcavation. m � h � I � � V w 7 a � Test Pit Log �I�rl COI1,SUltc'lI�1tS jI�1C. Witliams Avenue Apartments Gcar.cYxiKal Fn3hx�cx5.G�gK�6 FYrvfrtxv��ttxal klrnr6n Rerrton,Washington �°L v.No. 8890 Dwn. GLS Date Sept_'99 Checked MGM Date 9/16l99 Ptate A7 � face condidons depided represent our observations at the time and location of this e�loratory hole,modfied by engineering tests,analysis and t. They are not necessanly representative of other times and locations.We cannd accept respo�uibility for lfie use or inierpretation by others of �xn m presented on this log. � __ _ _ Test Pit Log Projed Name: Sheet of Wiliiams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No. Logged by. Date: Test Pd No-- 8890 MGM 8l30/99 TP-7 Excavat;on contaaor: _ Grw,nd surtace Eteva6on: NW F,acavating 30' Notes: ���I W = $ L Q � $ surrace c«�diGons: Depth of Topsoil 4"-6" �2$ % A T m IL � fQ T � ) � u� � cn � u� SM Darfc brown s�lty SAND,loose,moist (Fd� � SM Brown s7ty SAND, loose, moist 2 -interbeds of silt and poorly graded sand 3 9.2 4 5 ��o s ML Mottled SILT with sand, loose,moist � , s GP-GM Brown poorly graded GRAVEL with s�t, loose to medium dense, moist • 9 � e�t ' �a -11%fines � -da�ic iron o�dde staining increase in gravel �� -becomes wet at 10.5' . • 62A . 12 13 ML Blue ra elatsic SILT,soft,wet,contains o anics Test pit term�ated at 13.0 feet below e�asting grade_ No groundwater encountered during e�a:avation_ � � c m � 0 c� U W a $ Test Pit Log � �I�rl COI1SUltai`1tS jI1C. Williams Avenue Apartments ,^ 1 c�-c1 vllcd Rig..eeYs.G-�Mr�t»R Fn,,,mro„rr,..N�cirnrlv, Renton,Washington W Proj.No. $890 Dwn_ GLS Date Sept_'99 Chedced MGM Date 9/16/99 P�ate A8 SubsuKace oondtions depided represent our observations at the time and bcatan of this e.�loratory hole,modified by er►gineering tests,arialysis and judgment. They are nof necessarily represerrtafive of other times and bcations_We cannot acoept responsihility(or the use or i�terpretation by others of information preserrted on this log. Test Pit Log Proje�.t rlame: sneec or Wiiliams Avenue Apartments 1 1 Job No_ logged b� Date_ Test Pit No.: 8890 MGM 8/3U/99 TP-8 6acavation Corrtador. Ground Surface Elevation: NW E�avating 30.0 . TJaae.s: � � L m � � s�,rtace corxsmons: Depth of Topsoil 4"-6":grass N�ote�s (% `� i, p " A � �. c7 � v1 � SM Dark brown sdty SAND, loose, moist(F�ill) 1 2 SMi B�own silty SAND, loose, moist 3 -poo�iy graded sand interbeds 4 5 6 � ML Mottled S1LT with sand, loose, moist 2a.s 8 -iron o�dde stained sand interbeds s �� N�i Blue gray elastic SILT withh sand,soR,wet 51.7 �� -contains organics 12 Test pit teRninated at 12.0 feet below e�dsting grade. No groundwater encountered during e�acavation. W � m 0 � � W � a � Test Pit Log � �trl COi�LSU�tatltS II1C. Williams Avenue Apartments Gcort�ciinfcal Fngrxc�s,Gcob�Sn 3 FYwl�oru�Xrral�clertiv� Renton,Washington WProj.No. 8890 Dwn_ GLS Date Sept.'99 Checked AAGM Date 9/16/99 Plate A9 Subsurface condtions depicted represerrt our observations at the time and location of Uus e�{oratory hole,modfied by enyneering tests,analysis and judgment. They are nat neoessarily representative of othei times and locafior►s.We pnnot accept resQonsibil�y fa the use or interpretation by others of infortnation preserrted on this log. Boring Log Projed Name: Sheet of Williams Avenue Apartments 1 2 Job No. Logged by: StaR Date: Completion Date: Boring No.: 8890 MGM 9/15/99 9/15/99 �1 Drilfing Corttador. Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Boretec HSA SPT C�ound surface Elevation: Ho1e Competion: 30' ❑ M1Aondoring Well ❑ Piezometer � Abandoned,s�led with bento�ite �- � � L Q � D surface conditions: Parking Lot Genera! W Ndes % 61aws ,� � m LL � � T . ( ) Ft. c9 u� � m � �n ML �2"-3"Asphalt,2" Base) lack sandy SILT, loose, moist(Fll} 1 »-9 2 -contains gravel 3 -sample recovered from cuttings 4 SM Mottled brown sandy SILT,v�ery loose, moist i s.s 5 -iron o�6cie staining 4 6 -52%fines � 224 8 3 9 -becomes wet, blue gray 48.4 �o 3 �� ML Blue gray SILT,very loose,wet 12 -organic stringers ��-$ 13 -daric brown to black wood debris in sifty sand matrv�wet 2 14 MH Blue gray elastic SILT with organics,soft,water bearing 38.3 �5 ' � 16 LL=39 PL=29 ML Blue gray SILT, very loose,water bearing P1=10 17 -6"- 12"peat interbedded at 16.5' � ��8 -trace sand a �2 �$ -becomes medium dense � � � �9 I U W a o Boring Log , � �I�Crl COI�1.SUltaI�ltS jI�1C. Williams Avenue Apartments Cx.ou�cY�nkal Fn2lr�xs.CR'�io37�+�6 FY�vlmruirrxal�ckrub�� Renton,Washington � m Proj.No_ $$94 pwn. GLS aate Sept'99 Checked MGM Date 9l29/99 Ptate A10 Subsurface cortdtions depided represent our observations at the time and location of this e�loratory hole,moddfied by engineering tests,anatysis and judgment. They are not necessarity representative of other times and tocations_We qnnot accept resportsibility for the use w interpretation by others of information preserrted on this►og. Boring Log project Name: Sheet of Wtlliams Avenue Apartments 2 2 Job No. Logged by_ S�t Date: Completion Date: Boring No_: 8890 MGM 9/15/99 9/15/99 &1 priHing Contadw: �ritling Method_ Sampling Method: Boretec HSA SPT , Ground Surface Elevation_ Hole Compietion: ' 30' ❑Monitoring Well ❑ Pie�ometer � Abandoned,sealed with bentonite � General W No. L � t Q �n � 'I a a .j U IJotas (96) � � � p `� N j � I 72.6 ML Blue ra SILT withh sand,ve loose,water bearin s �`—'� �`—'� 21 PT Brown fibrous PEAT,soft,water bearing f, ,��, , � ML Brown SILT with organics, loose,wa#er bearing � 2a 14.7 � 20 � SM Gray siity fine SAND with grav�el, medium dense,water bearing 27 28 � i�-� -,', � SP Grades to gray poorly graded SAND with gravel,very dense,water s� o bearing ° "Q o 31 -1°�fines ° o � -heaving sand flushed from augers prior to sampling,sand is � Boring terminated at 32.0 feet below e�dsting grade_ Groundwater I table encountered at 13_5 feet during drilling. Boring backfilled with I cuttings. � a ' o I o , W �I g � Boring Log � m �irtrl COI1SUItaT1tS Ir1C. Williams Avenue Apartments I'� ccoRtiymka��n�rwvs.c.��tv�a.Fnvtmfm,�wa��ctrrne,� (�@fltOfl,�/BSfllfl�Oft li m Proj_No. $$9Q Dwn. GLS Date Sept.'99 Chedced MGM Date 9/29l99 Plate Al l � Subsurface condtions depided represent our observatioru at the time and locatio�of this e�Ioratory hole.modfied by engineering tests,analysis and � �udgment. They are not necessarity representative ot other 6rnes and locations.We cannot accept responsibi6ty for the use or interpretatian by others of � mfortnation preserrted on this log- Boring Log Projed Name: Sheet of Williams Avenue Apartments 1 2 Job No. Logged by: Shart Qate: Completion Date: Boring No.: 8890 AAGM 9/15/99 9/15/99 �-2 DriUing CoMador: DriNing Mettwd_ Sampling Method Boretec HSA SPT Ground surface Elevation: Ho1e Completion: 30' ❑Mondoring Well ❑ Piezorneter � Abandoned,seafed witli berrtonite surface co�xDtions: Grass General yy No� L n = a N � Q n ..: U Blows ,� E ar � E � � Notes (`�3 Ft. � u'�i � v� � �n SM Brown slty SAND, loose, moist(FII) � 2 -trace gravel 3 4 SM Brown sitty SAND, loose, moist 5 -iron o�ade stainng 129 5 6 7 18�4 -becomes very loose, iron o�dde staining 2 8 -mottled s �2.s �o � �� MH Gray elastic StLT w�h organics,very soft,wet j 12 i ���3 ''' ''�' PT Brown fib�ous PEAT,soft,wet 4 �, .��, , 13 14 ML Blue gray SILT,very toose,water bearing � �-Q �s -Fi"interbeds of eiastic sitt with organics I s 16 , LL=38 PL=26 Pi-i 2 SM Blue gray silty SAND, very loose,water bearing tl ; � 1e -organic sUingers a � o �9 � U IW a' o Boring Log � �rCrl COI1SUItatltS IIZC. Williams Avenue Apartments Qx�r.cY mlcal Fn3IIxTas.G.��Icr3tv�3 FmA�cnn�rn.tl kYr.n� Renton,Washington m Proj.No. 8890 Dvm. GLS Date Se¢t.'99 Chedced MGM Date 9l29/99 Ptate A72 Subsurtace conditions depided represer�t our observations at tfie Gme and bcation of this e�loratory hole,modified by eragineering tests,acialysis and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and bcatio�s.We canr�aocept responsibility for the use w inter�xetation by others of � infwmation presented on this log. Boring Log Projed rmrne: sf,eet or Vlfdliams Avenue Apartments 2 2 Jab No. Logged 6y Start Qate: Completion Date: Boring No.. 8890 MGM 9/15/99 9/15/99 &2 Drilling Contactor: DriUing Method: Sampling Method: Boretec HSA SPT Groursa surface�evation_ Ho�e compe6on: 30' ❑Monitoring Well ❑ Piemrt�der � A6andoned,s�led vvith bentonite General W No. L n L n `� n° �Q.S % B�5 �i T � � l0 � T ( ) Ft. � u� � m � u> �.6 SM Blue gray sitty SAND, loose to medium dense,water bearing �o 2� � -trace organic stringers � 24 2�.3 � -6"elastic silt interbeds � 26 27 SP-SM Gray poo�ly graded SAND with slt and gravel,(oose to medium o dense,water bearing a " 2s v o ° . � � �o�� �.� � -becomes medium dense 2s o 3t -5%fines ° -flushed heaving sand from augers prior to sampling at 30'to 35' a 32 i I o ` � a � e ' � 0 e � 98.7 � � SM Grades to blue gray sitty SAND, medium dense to dense,water bearing � 5a 3e -slightly decomposed wood 3� -high blow count due to wood,soils are medium dense to dense, i � Boring terminated at 3 .0 feet below e�astin��rade_Groundwater seepage encountered at 13.5 feet during dnlling. Boring backfilled � with cuttings. 0 � U W � a o ��9 �09 � F�I�rl COII,SUIt�1tS jI�1C. Williams Avenue Apartrnents Gc.otr.c:lrNcdl Fir;hx<�5,C.[�kigly�&FnNmnn ww<U�ckr�tN� Renion,Washington m Proj.No. 8890 Dwn. GLS Date Sept_'99 Cteecked MGM Date 9/29/99 Plate A13 Subsurtace c�tions depided represent our ob�ervations at!he time and bcation of Uas e�loratory hole,modified by engneering tests,analysis and judgment. They are not necessanly representative of other times and locations.We cannd accept responsibiFdy for the use or iMerpretation by others d information preser�ted on tt�s log- Boring Log Projed Name: Sheet of Wiiliams Avenue Apartments 1 3 Job No. Logged by: Start Date: Completion Date: Bwing No.: 8890 AAGM 10/20/99 10/20/99 &3 Drilling Contactor Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Associated HSA SPT C�ound Surface Elevation: Hole Completion: 30� ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Piezorneter � Abandoned,sealed with berrtonite General W No. L � t a � � surface conditi«�s: Grass Notes (yb) �� 5 `� i. p u' a � T . � � � � SM Brown sitty SAND, loose,moist(Fill) i 2 -trace gravel 3 ML Grades to mottled brown SILT, loose, moist a 27.5 s 6 6 • � SP-SM Reddish brown poorly graded SAND with grav�el, loose to medium o dense, moist o " . 8 0 s 0 4�8 �.a �Q �1ark iron o�dde staining is ° �� o �2 o " 13 MH Gray elastic SILT,soft to medium stiff,saturated 14 i -contains silt interbeds 37_5 �5 -� -trace organics a �s n � � n �s a � � 19 U W a $ Boring Log m Ec'�Ct�l COC1SUlt�lr5 �I1C. Williams Avenue Apartments c',.�,�-�y�nk:d Fngx,.Y,�.c�-c�rdt;ns Fnvimrn��nu.��-nm.� Renion,Washington m Proj. No. 8890 Dvm. GLS Date OCt.'99 Chedced MGM Date 10/25/99 Ptate A14 Subsurface conddions depided represent our observations at the time and location of this e�loratory hole,rtwdified by engineering tests,analysis and judgrnent They are not necessarity representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Boring Log Projed Name: Sheet of Williams Avenue Apartments 3 3 ,1ob No. Logged byr Start Date: Completion Date: Boring No.: 8890 hAGM 10l20/99 10/20l99 &3 Drilfng CoMador. _ Drilling Method: Sampfu�g Method: Associated HSA SPT cround surf�e Elevati«,: Fio�e c«npet;on: 30' ❑AAonitoring Well ❑ Piezometer � Abandoned,sealed with berrtonite General yy No L a t Q N n Notes 96 � `� a m " R � �• . ( ) Ft. C� �n � u> > � a.s GM Brown silty GRAVEL, medium dense,waterbearing � 41 42 -comprised of rounded clasts -interbeds of sitry sand 43 � -becomes dense to very dense(based on obsenrations during drilling) 7�2 � -becomes gray � � -contains thin interbeds of slightty less dense soils 47 48 49 17.9 � 69 51 52 � 54 � SP-SM Gray pooriy graded SAND with grav�el and sitt,very dense, 13.5 • 'rt � o waterbearing ss Boring terminated at 56.5 feet below e�cstin�grade. Groundwater seepage encountered at 13_0 feet during dnlling_ Boring backfilled � with cuttings. N O H � � U W � o Boring Log � EarCYl COI�I.SUIraI�1tS II�1C. wlliams Avenue Apartments � ! G:orc[YrticalFnqh�r.a-t�.fx.-[�Mr�Iv�SFnNmnnKrvalX'ltnrbtA Renton,Washington m P►oj.No. 8890 Dvm. GLS Date Od. '99 Checked MGM Date 10/25/99 Ptate A16 Subsurface conditions depided represent our observations at the time and location of tfiis e�loratory hole,modified by en�neering tests,analysis and judgmeM. They are not necessarily representative of odl�times and bcations.We caru�ot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of infortnation presented on this log. APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS E-8890 Earth Consukants, I�c. • � . � • � � . • •• • � • -. • . . • � . . � . �� �������LJIrL���IfiLi��iyif�!���1��������������������� � •. ./_- ���������r��������rl������������\������� .. ����r���/��������������������������r��� � ��������������������j������������������ �� ����r���������������ii�����������■■/���� � ��������������������!l���r��������■����� �����■����������������r����������■■���� �����■�������������������������■�■����r • ���������������������ii���1�1� ����■■�����r■� � • � .� �������tHl�����■��������r�r����■■■�■���� ���������\���������������/����r�■�r���r� � ���������1��������r���d����������������� � �����■�/\\������������i�����������r������ � � �������LI\\����������������������■■����� ��������������r�������■i����������■�■���� • ��������1������■�����■�I��/������■■■����� ����■����������■����������■w����������■������ .� ����r�������������������r'���������������� .� ��������������r�■�������ai�■� ����������� ����■�■���r►���r�����������������ii�■�����■����� �����■������►��������������■�����■■■����� • . ���������M�����■�������������������■������ . • � ����■������u������������������������������� , • �������������������������������■ ���������� . .. ����������►��������������v�����`� ����■i��■r■�� �����■��■������■���������t��■��������■���� ,� ���r�i��i������i�����i�i��iii���iiiii���� ., ' �����������������.������������������■■■�■���� .. ������■����■����r►�.i�+c��rrr����������������■�■����■ �����������■�w�■�z:����ar���r■����������■�■����� ������������v�����-����■�����������■■■����� • � ������■�������:;i�►, �a»��s������������■������� • �������������������o�r�r����■�������■�������■ ' ���■���■■■���■�������•'���s c��������� ■������� ■��������r����������������w������■�����_�������� �����������r■���■������������������������� ��������������■�����������������■■����� ' ���������������■������►w�������u�������������� :� ��������■i■��������������'c ��������■�������� ����������������������■�����������■■������ ������■���������■■����■��■�5�,��..����■�■■■■��r�� ��������■■��������������o� ��������■■■���� . 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C I � � �� I "`�..'�J ', CL-ML I I � O 20 40 60 80 I�O LIQUID LIMIT Naturol Key ���� �h Soil C{assificQtion USCS LL. P.L. PI. Water ' Test Pit (f�) Contertt • TP-5 10 Gray elastic S�LT NH 60 42 18 76.3 II Atterberg Limits Tesfi Data Earth Consult�ts InC. willia�s Avenue Apa:tments Rentor,, Washington ced�7vrcal Ensti«rs.Goo+og�scs s Fi,ab..,xnral scterul� Proj. No.8890 Date Sept. '99 Plate B3 I �OO ___ Ol,/ '�. � � � � � y"' � U � 4O �-A-Line Q i � ! � I 20 "�J CL-ML � 0 20 40 60 80 IDO LIQUID LIMIT BorinQ/ Depth USCS L.L. p�. P� Wu�l , Key � � �'� Sal Ctassificntion Content S B-I 16 Blue gray SILT ML 39 29 10 38.3 ', � B-2 IS Biue gray SIL� �`4L 38 26 12 36 II Atterberg Limits Tesfi Dota ' �rth C�I�LI�t�� �C. �aillia:�s Aver_uP Apart*�er.ts I I Ranton, Washir.gton / �� 1,; coorectYrcd Fn��ee*s-GeobgLSE a Enwo.rr+vral stlerr�ts Proj. No. 8890 Date Sept. '99 Plate 34 DISTRIBUTION �� E-8890 4 Copies Dean-Deily Company 16720 Northeast 116th Street � Redmond, Washington 98052 Attention: ��r. �� ���:� Earth Consuhants, (nc. �� z-SI �.3 :ca'iLE � ��Cr.�ar�o II� S TEHANNON F�,�o�,l ELSONS ILNCs ::-,�}J�.„oE � _.IF,r-,d'��� �.�..,cn -_,.17�,lL�� 1 April 18, 2002 �?�� L� . II Mr. Eric Wagner I SD Renton LLC 2100— 124`h Avenue NE, Suite 100 ' Bellevue, WA 98045 RE: REVIEW OF PROJECT PLANS, SHERNiAN APARTMENTS, RENTON,WASHINGTON Dear Eric: � We have reviewed the plan set generally dated March 28, 2002, and prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers and have the following comments. On sheet SD2 the underslab drains are shown as 6-inch perforated polyvinyl chloride (PVC), , although the elbow and tee connections are shown as 4-inch size. The Storm Force Main Detail !, also shows a 4-inch PVC underslab pipe. The note referring to the new pump also indicates a '� 6-inch inf7ow. We recommend the pipes all be 4-inch size, and that the main drawing and note be changed accordingly. Although not specifically designated on the drawings, we have recommended that the pump serving the underslab drains have a minimum capacity of 100 gallons per minute (gpm). We also recommend that the pump be designed to cycle on and off in response to groundwater inflows. You may want to consider a dual pump system to protect against pump malfunction and potential water pressure damage to the floor slab. The Temporary Cut Sections on sheets T1 and T2 call out a vertical cut slope or temporary shoring wall, as reyuired. For a level surface behind the wall, the horizontal soil pressures on the wall can be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pc�. The resisting passive pressures act over two soldier pile diameters (or the full face of a sheet pile wall) and can be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pcf, including a safety factor of 1.5. For a wall with a 1:1 slope above, estimate the pressures by assuming that the slope acts 400 PJORTH 34TH STREET•SUITE 100 PO. B�X 300303 21-1-09630-001 SEATTLE, VVASHINGTON 98103 2GB-632•8�20 FAX 206•695•6777 TDD: 1•80G�833�6388 i Mr. Eric Wagner S�-+�Af�NC�N�1NlLSON,INC. � SD Renton LLC April 18, 2002 Page 2 as a surcharge on the wall with a lateral pressure component equal to 35 times half the height of the slope. We will need to observe the conditions in the field to assess the slope protection requirements. Please call me at (206)695-6681 if ou have an uestions. Y Y9 Sincerely, SHANNON & WILSON, INC. I � I _ - �;- �( � .:..-�=�� � David�'G. Winter, P.E. � Vice�President j � DGW/dgw '' c: Robert Armstrong, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. I 21-1-09630-001-L3/WP/LKD 21-1-09630-001 7.0 BASIN AND COMI�7UNITY PLANNING .��RF,AS 7?51.008 [B�IFJby] 8.0 OTHER PERIVIITS 8.1 City, of Renton Postmaster Approval 8.2 Fire N'Iarshal Approval 7�>1.00R[BHE�bq'ath) 9.0 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The erosion control plans for the Sherman Apartments were prepared in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The first phase of construction is to demolish this site and prepare a flat pad ready for construction and excavation. Second phase of construction will include the excavation of the building site in order to construct the parking garage. In this phase of construction, runoff collected v��ithin the open excavation area will be routed to a temporary sediment pond. Once this water has been treated within the pond, it will be discharged by a temporary sump pump to an existing catch basin located at the intersection of Williams Avenue and Sth A��enue South. The measures implemented within the open excavation area include temporary V-ditches, silt baffles, and temporary construction entrance. Since the portion of construction that may cause silty runoff is taking place within the open excavation area,no additional TESC measures will be implemented at street level except for existing catch basin silt protection. Calculations for the temporary sump pump and the temporary sediment pond can be found within this section. �II 7251.008[BHE�bqlath] �� TF,1�tPOiL��RY SEDII�IENT PONll SI"LING CALCULA'CIONS (Per Section D.4.5.2, 1998 KCS«'DM) 1) Pond Geometry: a) Qio = 0273 CFS (KCRTS was used to be conservati��e) b) SA�� = 2080 � Q,� = J67.84 SN c) SA�Q = 568.00 SF SAPFo�. = 690.00 SF 690 SF > 560 SF ✓ Design rldequate d) DEPTH,,�,, = 3.5 FT DEPTH�,k�,�. = 3.5 FT 3.5 F`I' = 3.5 FT ✓ Desi��Adequate 2) Orifice Sizing Calculations: ' a) r� = AS(2h)'n Ao = Solving For �, 0.6x3600Tg'n AS = 690 SF h = 2.5 FI' Aa = 690(2ac2.5)"� T = 24 HRS 0.6x3600�4x32.2'�' g = 32.2 F'T/SZ Ao = 0.005 F"I'` . I, b) Orifice Diameter Ao = n rZ 0.005 = n r` r = 0.04 F'I' 0 = 2r = 008FT = 0.981N i { � 7251.008 [BHE/bq/ath] -—_ i 7251POST.PKS Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:7251postdeveloped.tsf , Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.224 7 2/09/O1 2:00 0.437 1 100.00 0.990 0.197 8 1/05/OZ 16:00 0.335 2 25.00 0.960 0.273 3 12/08/OZ 18:00 0.273 3 10.00 0.900 0.230 6 8/26/04 2:00 0.273 4 5.00 0.800 0.273 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.239 5 3.00 0.667 0.239 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.230 6 2.00 0.500 0.335 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.224 7 1.30 0.231 0.437 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.197 8 1.10 0.091 ' Computed Peaks 0.403 50.00 0.980 , Page 1 ' I ' � KCRTS Command ' ------------- I CREATE a new Time Series I ------------------------ Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : Sea-Tac Computing Series : 7251POSTDEVELOPED.tsf Regional Scale Factor : 1.00 ', Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STEI60R.rnf . ' Impervious 0.92 acres -------------- Total Area : 0.92 acres Peak Discharge: 0.437 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time Series File:7251POSTDEVELOPED_tsf . Time Series Computed KCRTS Command eXit KCRTS Program --------—-------- TEMPORf1RY PiJMP SIZING CALCULATIONS 1) Calculate TDH: (Size for 100-year event) TDH = H� + H¢ HEL= 32.90 - 23.40 = 9.5 FT H¢ = i Vz j = .025 d 2g 1 = 21 FI' d = �.25 FT v = Q - .437 CES = 9.64 F'T/S A n� g = 32.2 FT/SZ Hfr = 0.0251c21' x 9.64z 0.25' 2x32.2 Hfr = 3.0 FT TDH = 9.5 F'T + 3:0 FI' = 12.5 FI' 2) Requiremen[s: Pump 196 GPM 0 12_5 FT of TDH 3) Hydromatic Model S200M3/4-4 Pumps 250 GPM at 12.5 FI'of TDH ✓ Design Adequate 7251.008 [BHE/bq/athJ • � � • �- � e•.. � -� � � N� ---�- �_�s ' . . . - � _�Isl�� I IN ' ' � •- • • i . �� ■�■�■ ��■■�■■������■� ■�n��■■� � �� ����������� ��N■■■■���N�������� � � ■�■�������■���■���� ■��� ���■�■�■ ':� �J' \�����uN�n■�■H■\�■�■�■■�■���� � �■ 11 ����■n�■�����■ ■■��q�� ■�n ■ ■��ii� ��ii �iii�iiniiii���iii=�iiin�■ � � �■i� ■��■� ��■��■��■��u■�=�■■�� � - � ��i��■��■�i������i■■■�■��■��■�■�■���■�i=i ' ' ■ � ■� �in������■�■a�■�■�■■■■�� ��m , �� i�'�i■�iC�i���n�■��■�■���■■����■n�1■■�■� - � i�i�����■���■�■��a��■■■■■�■��u■�■�n■■ �, a r�i ■��■�=u���■■��■�■�n�■■�■�■��■■■� � 1�1���\���,\L���n��B���u��\����n�N � � �� `�I�YI������ ��■�■����■■���■■ ■ , . , ,. ��� �.. .�..��:...............a�E� '� � \,�. i1����■�■����A�N�����������N � � N■■�1 ■�'\\� '� �����V■■�■� ■■■�����a� ■ �HI�\;����:����\n��������� ����������■ ' � i�==��i�•�ii��i��i���i ��`'��n■�i■■���■���o�i■ ► , ■�■►�����Nq■■■N����■� - ■' pl�■VI■��►i7 �■ ■■►���■ ■■�����■■����■ � �, =��a��ii������i�nu�.�i�iiii�iiiin■= :� ����i�:��:�i:��'-a�-'�i.-•=■������:�:.'=�'u'�■ , ■ �■ ��a�a -�N:�■� .■ �� ���■ ■�■�■� ■� ���� �►`�n����■►���►y�r� ��■■��� ��■ ■�N�1�ii ■� ��.�n�►�■_- ��� u ��� _� �n�� ■■��_..�,-�-■ ►v �► ■ _�■� _��■�►����u���i����i�����►u��_��■ �■�n■a���� ��■n� ►������■����.�_ �� i■��■u�■�► ►.��■�u■����►��■___e,....���� ����■ ----��e�. �o..��s . - ��������w '��y��r�:: �.���i►�a--�r►�� � ,����■ ��������■n��■��\�I�■��\'������� C�■■■� �\��■�� ' �����������1�\►�%� \ ���■� I ; � Il��� i� ■������ �■■ �!\���� !�■� ■■�� ��� i ■���■■�■■=n■�nia ��■ ���■n ................�.��.a'�-- ��--,...��C::: ■■a■n■o■�■���u iaa�� � i ■ ��� �■�■■��■■�■�■■ _ �a� : � �■ ■�■ : � �■�i�i� ��� �■�■���■■����■■i■��� ■■�����■■��� ���i��■ � i �=�i=�iiii■��i�iii=���ui■� ���■ �■��n■ �u��i��■■��� �� � �� � �� � �� � � �� � � � � � � � ,� � ,� �� ,- . . -. . ... -. . . -.. . . . � ..- . - . .-. - .. .-. . ..- . .. . .. -. . �• . :i . . • . . - •-- _ � � � � � � � � 10.0 BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SUMMARIES,AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ' Quantity worksheet for the civil portion of this project has been included within this section. No retention/detention facility is being proposed for this project. As a consequence, no summary sheet or ', Declaration of Covenant has been included. � 7251.008 [BHF,/bq]