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ORD 3964
- , Amends Ordinance ' �� � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON No. 3869 �• • - ' � . e .' . . ORDINANCE N0. 3964 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of City of Renton Ordinance No. 2072, as amended heretofore, there is hereby established and adopted a new list of equipment rental rates to be effective as of January l, 1986, and same shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise determined by the City Council. A copy of said equipment rental rate list is attached hereto, labeled Exhibit 'A' , and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION II: This ordinance and the rates established hereby shall supercede any and all other or prior i-ates and charges heretofore established, including Ordinance No. 3869. SECTION III: Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in ` conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall become effective on and after January 1, 1986, and upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publicatian. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIZ this 9th day of December, 19$5. � � Maxine E. Motor, City Cl.erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of December, 1985. . �O��U.rJ �t, �S'�. �, Barbara Y. �hinpoch�ayor Approved as to form: Q.�/1iMt�c,P �— Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney � De ember 13 1985 I� Date of publication. c , . „ � f . • . • ORDINANCE NO. 3964 CITY Of REM10N - EQUIPMENT RENTAL FL�H� NON?NLY RATE SCHEDULE FDR TNE YEAR 1986 MDNTH!Y YERRLY IN±ERDEPRRTMENTAL EBUIPkENT DEPT! LIFE RENTAL REPLACE TQTAL RENTAL REPLACE TOTA! AND QUTSIDE NUMREk DEgCPIPTION DIV PkIMARV USIN6 DEPARTMENT YEARS RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE SERVICE RATE ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ---------------------- ------------------------ ----------------- A-216 19B5 Chevrotet Citatiart 4-door sedan 30 Exe�utive ? !1U 190 300 1,324 1,28U 3,6t�0 .55!sile A-215 lR85 Chevrolet Citation 4-doar sedan 2U Motor Pao} ? 165 190 295 1,260 2,280 3�54�i .35/eile A-0?? 1474 Pontia� 5tation Magon 30 Policy Develop�en► 1 b5 b5 78�J 0 78P .55/�ile A-220 l985 Qlds Cutlas� Ciera 4-doar sedan 40 Police Ad�inistration 5 115 tb5 34�1 2,200 1,9@P 4,OBQ .35/�ile A-174 l481 Ford Fair�ont 2-door sedan �! Police Investiqati�n 5 115 165 380 1,58(� 1,gB0 4,560 .35,•'�ile A-181 1q81 Ford Fairaont 2-door sedan �1 Polite lnvestigatian 5 2t� 165 38� 2,5@4 1,986 4,5bU .35/�ile A-2D4 t483 6odge Charger 4-door sedan �1 Poli�e InvestiQation 5 2S5 165 380 2,58D 1,48U 1,564 .35i�ile A-2l8 1485 Chevrolet Caeara 2-doar coupe 11 Police Investiqatian 5 215 165 380 2,58!1 1,9B0 4,56(� ,3gleile A-2}9 1485 Ford Mustang !X 3-door sedan �1 Police Investigation 5 2f5 t65 380 T,S9� 1,SBP �,56C� .z5�iile A-221 1982 Nissan 2k Coupe �1 Palice Investigation 5 215 215 2,58P 0 2,58f� .35ieile A-22B 1985 Chevolet Celebrity 9-door sedan A1 Police Inveetigation 5 215 !b5 380 2,�80 1,9@J 4,,`,66 .35r�ile l,545 99Q 2,195 iB,nSQ 11,8B0 2R,44r� A-180 1981 Ford fair�ont 4-door sedan 42 Cri�e Prevention )Shared 5 !0? !O1 1,284 4 1,284 .35.+�ile C-092 1980 Dodge 3/4-ton ani�al control �3 Police Ani�al Control 5 290 ?75 5b5 3,�80 3,3�0 b,780 .35/�ile A-1B0 1981 Fard Faireont 4-door sedan 4� 6as61ing Enforce�ent )Veh�cle 5 108 t0B 1,296 0 1,29b .35/aile A-205 1993 Volvo 4-door sedan �5 Polire TraffSc 3 520 4� 470 6,240 5,40U ll,b�f� .45!�ile A-225 1985 Chevralet I�pala 4-doar sedan 45 Police Traffi� 3 520 530 1,050 6,240 6,3b0 l2,b0U .�5/�ile E-Obl l489 Cush�an police haulster 45 Poli�e Traffic 5 !BO f30 310 2,160 1,560 3,7:0 .30lu le M-029 1983 KaMasaki �otorcycle ' 45 Police lraffic 3 230 225 �g5 2,78(1 2,7P0 5,�60 .�O.�eile M-030 1484 Kawasaki �otorcy�le 95 Poli�e Traffic 3 2'�0 239 460 2,76Q 2,760 5,52C .40/�ile M-031 1985 KaMasal�i �otorcycle 45 Police Traffi� 3 230 280 51U 2,7b0 3,3b0 d,120 .4Qhile 1,410 I,B45 3,755 22,92Q 21,1��J 4.`:,Ob? 148b �-daor sedan tneN equipsentl �6 Police Patrol 1 460 964 1l,520 0 i1,�2(� .z5/aile 19Bb 4-door sedan inew equipeertt? �6 Polite Patrol 1 46Q 460 11,5?i� 0 il,52i� .35/�ile 198b �-door sedan (nek equip�ent? �b Palice Patrol 1 9b0 964 11,524 0 11,52U .35 hile 1986 �-door sedan (neM eqnippenti 46 Poli�e Patrol 1 46f� 9�0 11,5.0 0 17,5?i� .'S?u le 14Ab �-door sedan (ne+� equipAentY 46 Police Pakrol � ?bQ 460 1l,52b 0 11',5:!� .?5�IIIIE R-19B 1982 Chevrolet Mali�u �-deor sedan 46 Police Patrol (k-9 Unit) 3 �9U 290 3,�AP 0 3,480 ,351�i1e A-2U� 1482 Chevro�et Mals6u 4-daor sedan �6 Palice Patrol ir.-9 Untt? .� 2?O 29U 3,480 0 3,48P .35!aile A-2 U 1484 Chevrolet 2�pala A-door sedart 46 Police Patrol 1 4b4 4E0 11,520 0 11,5:b .35.r'u le � A-?t2 l964 Chevralet l�pada A-door sedar. 46 Pcli�e Patrol 1 4bG 954 t},524 G 11,`2i> .�51nile A-213 19B4 Chevrolet I�pala 4-doar sedan 4b Poli�e Patrel ! qbi� 4b0 11,52D �i 11,5;:�� .t5J�i1e A-21� 1484 thevrolet I�pala �-door sedan 4� Polite Fatrol 1 Q54 9bU 1t,52n 0 11,52:� .35/�ile A-222 1485 Chevretet I�pala 4-door sedan 46 Polire Patrol 1 ?60 4bu 1},520 0 11,5?(� .35?�ile R-i23 1985 Chevralet I�Rala 4-daor sedan �b Pnlice Patrol 1 464 %Q 11,5.0 U 11,52R .35J�ile A-224 19B5 Chevrolet I�pala 4-dnor 5edan 46 Polire Patrol ! 4bp 464 it,5�0 �� 11,`2t� .35�eile A-226 19B5 Chevralet lapala 4-daor eedan 4E Police Patro! 1 9b6 96�� 11,520 (� it,g:(� ,3g/n�le A-227 1485 Che�:rolet l�epala 4-door sedan 4o Polite Patrol 1 960 46(� 11,520 0 11,`2: .3`!eile E-C�27 !S7? Chevralet carga van 4b Palice Fatrol ? 125 285 �li� 1,500 3,42i� 4,4�t� .'U/aile 14,145 18` 14,�3i� f69,740 3,424 i??;16�� R-il� 1980 Pontiat Sun6ird 2-daar sedan S!� Traffic Ma3ntenance ? l0U 100 1,20U D 1,2(�i� .4!�?Rile R-187 1981 Ford fainont 5ta#ion iiagon 50 Traffic Main!enan:e , !?5 135 1,b24 � I,ti:G ,"/oile • , . ;� � . , . . ORDINANCE N0. 3964 C1TY OF RENTdN - EQUIPMENT RENTqI fUND MDNTHLY RATE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 198G MDN?NLY YERRLY iNTEP�iEPARTMENTAL EQUIPlfENT DEPi! LIFE PENTAI AFPLAGE TDTAL RENTpL REPLACE TOiAI pND 011TSIDE Nl1MFER DE5CP.3PTION l�IV PP,lMARY 11SIM6 DEPRRTMENT YERRS RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE FA7E 5ER+JICE RA�E ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- A-!B9 198] ford fair�ent 2-daUr sedan 5� Traffic Maintenance 1 110 t1U 1,32� 0 1,32D .4`f�ile H-214 1R81 Ford Te�pa �-daor sedan 50 Traffic Naintenan�e ? 105 196 245 1,26U 2,280 3,54t� ,35�wile A-02� 1978 Dndge Sports�an Naqon 50 Traffir Maintenanre 1 135 :b0 345 1,6�0 7;120 �,?�0 3.00�heur C-096 198C� 6MC ran with heist 5(� Traffic Maintenan:e 6 ib5 165 1,48U 0 1,48!� ?.O(�/haur C-10B 1982 Ford aerial �anli4t 50 Traffi� Maintenance 10 294 240 53U 3,489 2,880 e,3b0 lA,4U!hour t,94Q b9Q 1�73U 12�48!� $�2BG 20�'h0 A-f82 1981 Plyeouth Harizan b4 Building Depart�ent ? !!0 IlU t,32� U 1,32�) .35/nile A-183 1481 Ply�outh Horizon 60 Building Depart�ent 7 110 110 1,3�0 0 l,3;0 .35/�ile A-!4U 2981 Ford Fairsont 2-danr sedan 6Q Building Depar#eent ? 40 90 1,480 Q 1,08U .�S/eile R-191 1981 ?ly�outh Norizon 60 Bui3ding Depart�ent ? 44 90 1,08? 0 1,6B0 .35?�ile 40Q 0 �00 1,8��G 0 4,R0L R-211 298� Chevrolet Citatian 4-door sedan Tfl Pu61ic Yark� pdninistratian ? 11fi 155 265 1,�20 1,860 3,18U .45/�ile A-1?4 l9B0 Pontiat 5unhird 2-door sedan 71 Engineerinq Plans and 5ervi�es 7 100 !00 1,2p0 0 1,2UC� .�Ol�ile 8-025 1478 Dndge 5porks�an Magan 71 Engineering Pians & Serri�e� 1 335 260 545 �,02b 3,12U ?,14t� .�U/�ile B-426 1478 Dodge 5ports�an Nagen 71 Engineering Plans � Services 7 335 335 �,020 0 �;02�r .40+�i1e F-024 1986 Gadge 3!�-tan Maxivan )1 Engtneerinq Plans � 5ervices 1 130 !30 1,560 n 1,5bP .45!u le 8-030 1489 Dodge 1/2-ton van 71 Engineering Plans & Servi�e5 7 Ut7 110 1,32� 0 t,32�% .55/sile 1,Ot0 26U 1,210 f2,12(, 3,12G 1�,�96 1985 pickup (neN equip�eot? 72 Street Haintenan�e ? 2b� 14fi� 4�iU 3,12C 1,68(� �,BOH 3.00%hour l486 Nighway sander (ne� equipaent! 72 5treet Naintenance 15 !3U 13i� t+ 1,`6f� 1;`bb A-188 1991 Fard fair�ont 2-deor eedan 72 Street Maintenar�ce ? t50 150 I,B��i U 1,8!�i� 2.4(��hour C-484 147R Dodge �1+4-ton picku�+ 72 Stree! Maintenance 1 '35 175 510 I,020 :,lOG b,120 ?.O(+/hou• C-485 t479 padge 3i�-tan p�ckup 72 5treet Maintenance 1 335 3�5 4,02p U 4,42u 3.401hour C-U86 1479 Qodge bi�-ton pickup ?1 5treet llaintenance ? 335 335 �,620 0 �,024 3.(�0!hour C-08E 1980 �Jodge 3r4-tan pickup 72 Street Maintenance 7 33` 335 4,02� 0 �,0?u 3.Oulhour C-094 2980 Dodge 3!4-ton pi�kup 72 Street Maintenante 1 335 335 �,�2U 0 4,42t+ 3,D0%hottr C-09�i l980 Dodge J!�-ton pickup 72 Street Mairttenaoce ? 335 335 4,424 0 4,OZP 3.Ou!h�ur C-).2 19B� Chevrolet 5-1P !l2-ton p��kup 12 Street Maintena��e 7 365 !40 g55 1,380 2,2&�i �,50(. 3,i�G!heu� I D-�3? lQ71 Ford street flusher 72 Street Maintenance 10 180 t80 2,16f� P 2,INi� 1Q.OU/hou� 4-43? 1472 International !0-yard d��a�p 71 fftreet Maintenance 20 765 Tb5 9,180 t1 9,�86 14.Ot�lhour 0 6-038 19'4 Fard 6-}rerd duoo 1� Street Flaintenance ? 684 5A0 B,1�U (� A,1b(� 10.04/haur D-439 19?4 F�rd d-yard duep 72 5treet Maintenance 7 6BU 68I1 B,160 ;+ G,}et 1r,,G0'heur ' �-04G t98U Dadge 1-tan flatbed 12 Street Maintenance 7 2�5 245 2,94i� 0 :,94i� IQ.UQ/hour G-b41 1980 6M[ b-yard dt��p ?? Street Maintenartce 7 689 665 8,220 (� 8,22?� ]C�.PO�hrsi�r fi-045 1481 Dodge flathed Kith hoist ?2 5treet Maintenan�e 1 41U 410 4,920 U 4,92(� I�.Ot��hour D-�48 l485 Ford F-80U4 duep ?2 5treet Maintenan�e 1 4�5 64�� 1,135 5,34Q 6,280 13,520 IO.00�hvu� ' E-Gn2 l9�(� Chevrolet ail sFreader 12 Street Maintenance 15 47 41 56� U 5b4 15.00�ho�� E-042 f46B Alli=.-Chaloers art loader �? Street Maintenance }P '35 335 �,020 0 4,�.�:r� �S,t�(��A�ur E-�i4� 1968 LAT 12V grader 72 5treet Mrintenance t0 414 41i� �,92� 0 �,42i� 20.00'hcur E-OSI� I4?0 Ford paint stripe� 12 Street Maintenance i!� 2C0 160 l,q:f� n 3,Q2t'� i0.0i��hr��r E-Q55 147z John lieere art Ioader 72 5±ree! Matntenanre 1t� !b0 184 i,?2t� 0 1,41�� ls.?i��heur E-05� !??7 Mabil 4Keeper 7? Street !la�ntenance ` 1�530 1�53G 18,?b4� 0 18,?0�:� �S.00�heu E-05? 14?4 Fnrd 56QQ highK��� �oNer 72 Street Main!enance � 4!(' �15 62` �,42U �,5Bi� ',`P:� 25.�i"hour E-t'�b0 1483 Mohil sNeeper 12 5treet Maintenance `_� 1,53E� l,53�� ?g,3bP � lH,36i� TS,��r,�ho��r . , . ; ORDINANCE N0. 3964 C1TY OF REkT�M - EQ�IPMEMT RENTHL FUND MONTHLY RATE SCHEDULE fQR THE YEAR 1985 MDMtHLY YEARLY INTERDEPRRFMEkTAL E41�lPMEN% 6EFT� LIfE RENTAL REPLACE TDTRL REMTAL REPLACE tOTpl AND Ol�?SIDE NUMRER DESCRIPTION GIV fRIMAP,Y U5IN6 DEPARiMENT YEAP,6 RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE FATE SERb'ICE RATE ------------- E-Obt }481 Ess�ck 1-ton roller 72 5treet Maintenance tf� �0 4P A84 �> A80 7.UO�hour E-G65 1982 Ford 155 6a�khoe 7? 5treet Maintenance 8 21U 3U0 57U 3,2�(� 3,600 c,84U 15.00!hour E-086 19B2 Aquaterh eewer eductor ?2 Street Maintenance !D 200 200 �04 2,4�10 2,40(� �,BOt� 60.UOihour E-069 1485 kex Dauble �rue Roller 72 Street Maintenance �0 59 540 598 69E d,�BU ?,1?b 7.U0/hour S-008 }953 6ra�e ch�p spreader 72 Street Maintenance 15 b 6 72 6 ?2 .30�hour 5-049 1954 CH�E diaphrage puap 72 5treet Maintenance g [! 21 25i (� 2�� l.56/hour S-0�2 1963 Aeroil tar kettic trailer 72 Street Maintenance 20 tl 11 1�2 U S32 6.SO�hour 5-052 1466 Tennant line re�over 72 Street Maintenance 20 8 8 4ti Q 4t• 2G,OO/haur S-062 1469 Ho�elite 3• di�phraq� pu�p 72 Street Maintenance 5 2! 2! 252 0 252 l.54%hour 5-061 1964 Nobil �ander 1'. Street Maintenance 9 0 0 G i� &-084 14?4 HighMay tailgate sander 72 Street Maintenance f5 U 0 0 U 5-081 1974 MighMay tai2gate sander 72 Street Maintenance 1` ii 0 U G S-OB? 1974 McCullough 300f� with gener�tor 12 Street Maintenance 15 4 4 �B u 4A 1.UG'hour � S-t06 l974 Mauzau snowploN lift 12 Street Maintenance 15 U 0 U 0 5-115 1981 Layton H500 parer 12 Street Maintenante 15 b5 b5 780 0 78P }2.5Rlhour S-120 l98� 5treet kalker paint s!riper 72 Street Mainkenance 15 11 74 141 852 840 t,692 B.QO:hour 5-1:2 f9B5 Sullivan air co�pre.sar 14 5treet Maintenance T b3 2b0 34' 755 3,120 3�8?d 3.�i��hour - Q 7 � r S 123 t,BS Highway sander 2 Skreet Maintenan�e i.� U U 0 � 5-}24 1985 1ra�lstar Custo� Trailer 72 Street Maintenance 20 0 0 0 P 1?,495 2,914 15,205 147,54G 34,92!� 182,1b!� A-1?i t9B� Pontiac Buntrird 2-door sedar 13 Utility Engirteering 7 105 1Q5 1,2h0 0 1,2hG .4Q/nile A-186 l981 ford Fat nont 5tatian Magon ?3 Utility Engineering ? 135 135 f,h2Q V 1,aZU .45;eile 2A� 4 24G 2,8AU G .,BEi� 198b �-tan trucY lneN equipoent} 7� Ma±er Mainter,ance ? 335 2�5 54U 4,020 2,�bG 6,49!� 10.4Ufhour A-172 1980 Fontiac Sunbird 2-dovr sedan ?� Mater Maintenan�e 7 !05 105 1,2b0 0 1,26P .40/Aile C-095 2484 Godge 1-ton 41at6ed 7A Mater Mainteaance ? 735 335 �,020 @ 4,�2ii 3.UQlhour ' C-100 l981 Dadqe 1-ton flatbed N Nater Maintenance 7 225 125 2,?00 0 2,74P ?.��J'hour L-!n! 1481 Dodge 1,'2-tar pickup 74 Nater Maintenante 7 2bG 2b9 3,12(� Q 3,12fi S.QU/hour ' C-10b f98? Dodge 3M-ton p;cku� �� Nater Miintenance ? 355 355 �i�CO U �,2b0 ?.i�0;hcur C-ll�� 1982 �aQge 3!�-tor pickup ?4 kater Maintenarce i 355 355 4,26C� U �,26(� 3.5u/nour C-1l3 19B3 Chevr¢let f-ton flatbed ?4 Mater Maintenan�e ? 335 3z5 4,UZG 0 �,�?J 3.:���Aour C-12� 14F` Chevrolet 5-IU If2-ton oickup 7� Mater Mair.tenance ? 365 190 �55 4,380 �,i8(� b,65r� 3.UG!hour D-U�5 197i ford F?5G 4-ton du�� '4 Mater Ma�n±enance ? `25 515 6,18U 0 5,t9A 8.�R1hp�lr D-04? 1984 GMC 5-yard du�p 74 Mater Naintenaece ? 150 7b6 4,12C� (� 4,:2+) 2Q.ut�'haur D-U43 2R81 Ford F1U(� flat6ed '� kates Maintenan�? ? 465 �{�5 4,8dG i� 4,?6! 1l�.Gi�,hnur E-(�53 1992 ford '55 hackhve 1� Mater llaintenaoce B ,'.70 2?4 1�2qC� i� 3,�qi� �n,pn,�t�our E-Ua4 19B2 Ford 555 backhoe ?A Nater Maintenance 8 210 Z74 3,244 9 3,24Q 15.GGihour E-Ob8 1981 kyster �-to� forklift �� Ilater Ma�n!enar�e , 8�? 240 .21� 9hQ .'.,8R4 3,846 1(�.(i0�hour �-P59 146B MarlaNe 1-3/2" pua�p ?4 Nate� Maintenan�e 5 22 22 264 U 2e4 1.5D'�aur• 5-Oei t9b4 Ny:a genera!er ?� Mater lla�ntenancE 15 4 4 �$ 0 �E 1R.OP!hour 5-�i72 1911 No�elite 3" diaphraga pu�p 14 Aater Ma�ntenance 5 24 20 140 U 24i� l.5b'h.ur 5-G�'r4 1473 Ha�elite 3' diaphraq� pu�p ?4 Nater Mainkenance ` 24 20 2�P E� 24C� 1.5Q�raur 5-U96 !??4 Ho�elite bM-5U saa 7� Nater Na�ntenance 3 9 Q }OB 0 70R :.56�nm�r 5-P99 l979 Ha�elite Y d�aphrage pu�p 7A Mater Maintenance 5 15 1` t80 0 18� 1.SUlhour S-Sf8 1983 TraileriEng�ne ge^?rat�r ?4 MateF Maintenan�e !` 15 15 1BD U 18�� 9.U9'hour S-1�1 !9A` 5ullivan air coRpressor '4 Nater Maintenance ? 4� 26C� 3�A 52B 3,12P 3,e48 4.i���lhour i ORDINANCE NO. 3964 CITY OF RENTON - E9UlFMEMT P,ENTAL fUND MDNTHLY RpTE SCHEDBLE FOR THE YEAR 1486 NONTNLY YEARLY ;NTERDEPRRIMENTAL EBUIPlIENT OEPFt L[FE REN?AL REP�ACE TOTAL RENTAL REPLALE T4TAL ANU ��TSIDE Ml1MRER DESCPIPTJON UI�1 PRIMARY U51M6 DEPARTMENT YEpRS RATE RATE P,AiE RATE RRTE RAiE SEF+;ICE RRTE ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ---------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- 5,114 845 6,014 61,428 l�),?40 ?2,i68 C-475 1917 6MC TV irtspection van 75 SeMer Mairttenance 5 18� !Bn 2,1b0 U 2,16!� �O.U�%hour C-091 t9B0 Dodge 3;A-ton pitkup 75 SeKKer Maintenance 7 370 37n �,A4� t� �,4AP 3,6�/hour C-105 1982 Dodge 3!�-ton pickup 75 SeMer Maintenance 7 330 33U 3,950 U 3,96i� 3.UOlhaur G-l17 IRB� Chevrolet 1/2-ton p�ckup 15 Sener Maintenar,te T 2b4 155 �15 3,1?0 l,B64 4,?fl9 3.UD/hnur L-123 1485 Chevrolet S-!0 ti2-ton pickup 15 SeMer Maintenan�e 7 365 2Q0 5G5 4,38P 2,4�4 b,?80 3.06thou.► E-051 1410 lnternationa! jet SeMer �achine 75 Se�+er Maintenance 15 �b4 1,95+1 2,310 4,324 23,400 21,72U i5.U0!hour 5-OBb l9?4 Hoselite 3" traeh pu�Q 75 5ener Naintenance 5 22 22 26A 0 2�4 1.50/hour 5-Q41 1976 Hy-PoKer seNer rodding �arhine ?5 SeMer Ma�ntenan�e 15 22 22 26� 0 264 25.44�haur S-107 1980 Hoaelite 2' diaphrag� pu�p 15 5eNer #faintenance 5 15 15 180 0 1BG 1.501hour 1,414 2,305 4,229 Z3,086 2',86!� 50,?4@ p-385 1981 Ply�outh Hore:on 78 ilater Records k Collections 1 120 t2U 1,440 0 1,�40 .30�Aile C-099 1481 Datsun 720 U 2-ten pickup 76 Mater Retords & Collections � 130 13Q 1,5bQ 0 1,560 7.OQ!hour C-114 1984 Chevrolet 112-ton pickup 18 Nater Record5 8 Collectiane 7 iSU 150 28u i,56Q t,80G 3,36G 5.00!hour � 3B0 15!� 530 �,564 1,BOG b,36P A-18� i981 Plyeouth Hori:an 7] Airpart 7 105 1E�5 1,26Q 0 1,26i� .35/aile C-098 148i Chevrulet 3M-!on pickup ?7 Rirport 7 S60 36E> 4,32� 0 4,32P 3.00!hour E-Gb2 l981 Jahn Deere tractar soMer 1? Airport IQ 99 98 i,l1b p 1,176 6.OU/hour Sb3 0 563 b,?5� 0 5,756 , C-104 19Bz Chevrolet 2-ton ptckup 7@ Equipeent Rental - Barage 7 tb5 165 t,48Q 0 1,48U 3.40/haur R-166 f419 Pontiac Le�ans 9-doar seda� 80 Park Ad�inistration J 105 1n5 1,260 P l,2b{� .`5fu!e A-702 1962 Fard FairAont 4-daor sedan 8�� Park AE�in�stratian ? 95 49 I,IAG U 1,14r� .55!sile A-028 1479 6MC Van B!� Park Adainistration 7 i00 100 1,2c10 0 1,2�J(� .�O;ei!e n � -, ��, 300 0 3�. �, U z !�. .�,bU _,b Subco'pa�t Pick.up inew equipaentt B! Park Facilities t1b 116 0 l,392 1,392 5�a11 Tractor SneM equipwent) 81 Park facil�ties 55 55 4 e6? 6b0 5uh:a�patt Pi�kup lnew equipnent) A1 Park Fac�litiee ill tll 0 t,4P4 I,�P4 5ubco�pa�t Pi�kap (neM equipaent} 81 Park Fa�zlitses t11 if? 0 l,4��4 1,404 , Far� Tractor lneN equipaent) E1 Park Facilities i6U 2hu G 3,126 3,12�i C-674 147b Dodge 3!4-ton flatbed 81 ParY, Fa�ilitie� 1 295 295 3,5�0 U ?,544 3.UO�hour C-It8 1984 Chevralet ]-ton f?at6ed 81 Fark Facilitiee 1 36^ 1?5 535 4,320 2,1Q(% b,42�� 3.00/hour I1-u44 19B1 Ford F70r flat6ed 81 Pa*k Fati)ities 14 365 365 �,38U 0 �,3BA tO.OG/h�ur � • D-i�46 19g2 Podge 1-ton flatbed R1 Park facilitie=_ ? 295 295 3,540 � 3,.,9�� 1Q.QO�hadr ?-P4? t984 6Mf 1-112 ton flatbed with hotst 81 Park Fa�il�ties ? 2B5 .bS 5`0 3,�20 3,1@0 b,b��n t0,U0!hour I,bQ4 I,f05 2,7Q� t9,200 13,260 32,AbP Subco�pa.:t ?ickuP tneN equipaentl 82 6eneral 5ervi:es 118 118 0 1,�1b 1,416 5ub�o�pa�t Pickup inew equip�ent) 82 6eneral 5ervices 137 1!7 0 I,A04 1,4�14 B-031 1984 �hevrolet 1-ton Stepvan B2 6eneral 5ervices 7 14n ��ir 380 1,68G 2,BA0 4,`b0 .44%sile C-115 19BA Chevrolet 1/2-tan pi�kup 82 6eneral 5ervices 7 !40 13t? 27i� 1,b8� 1,5bJ 3,24n ;,O��rhe�+r 28U 6C5 B@5 3,36�i ,',150 1f�,6��� L � , ORDINANCE NO. 3964 CITY Of RENTOk - EBUIPMENT RENTpL fJNU MOIiTNIY RATE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAP 1985 MONiHI't YEAR�Y INTERDEPARTMEMTk� EBUIPMENT �EPT; LIFE RENTAL FEPLACE TDTAL RENTAL REPLACE TOTAL AND OUT9IpE MUMFEA DESCRIPT2DN DIV PRIMAkY U9JM6 OEPARTMENT YEAR5 RATE RATE RATE RATE PATE RAtt SER4?CE RATE ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ----------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- C-116 l4B4 CAevrolet 3N-ton pi�kup 83 Park Lands�apinq 7 295 155 450 3,54Q 1,8b0 g,40n 3,U01hour 5-048 !91& ko�elite chain saw 83 Park Lands�aping 10 8 8 9b (F 4t• 2.50;hour 303 155 �5B 3,63b 1,969 `,A95 C-Q54 1969 Dodge 31�-tan pickup 8� Housinq b: Cos�urity Develop�ent 7 104 IOU l,200 0 1,20G 3.00/�our Q-036 1972 6odqe D5R0 2-ton flatbed 84 Housing k CoeRunity Develop�ent 7 135 135 f,b2Q 0 l,620 5.00/hour 235 0 �35 2,R20 U 2,82G 6reens King MoMer ineM eqeip�entl 85 6atf �ourse 185 1B5 4 �,22n p,p:G Fungi�ide 9pray Tank SneN equip�ent) B5 6olf Caurse 30 30 f� 3b0 36(> Power TraF Rake ine� equipnent! B5 6olf Caurse t04 kQ5 0 1,260 1,26D 1ltility Vehicle (ner equ�p�ent� 85 6olf Cour�e 115 !15 i� 1,380 1,39� PTO Bloeer IneN equip�enti B5 Golf Course 5t1 50 0 bri0 6f�G Utility Vehicle Inew equip�ent! B5 6otf Course 1}5 125 0 1,'RE� 1,39P Tri� king NaKer lnerr equzpaent� B5 6olf Lour�e 14{1 19u 0 2,280 2,28f� 0 190 744 (� 9,480 9,480 6P:ANa iRTAL 4�,48� 13,964 58,44� Sz3,B4R 16',520 1G},32b 1