HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1331AN ORDINANCE OF THE VEHICLES ON CERTAIN PARKING METER ZONES THEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. - 1331 CITY OF RENTON LIMITING PARKING OF MOTOR PORTIONS OF WALLA WALLA AVENUE; ESTABLISHING THEREIN; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: SECTION I: Between the hours of 8 A. M. and 6 P. M., no motor vehicle shall be parked for more than one hour at any point on Walla Walla Avenue between -Burnett Street and Main Street, in the City of Renton. SECTION 2: The above described portion of Walla Walla Avenue between Burnett Street and Main Street, along the southerly side only of Walla Walla Avenue, is hereby designated and establish- ed as a parking meter zone, and the Mayor is hereby au.thori�ed to provide for the installation of parking meters and/or parking sign&4 thereon, including curb or street marking lines, and for the regulat- ion and operation thereof pursuant to Ordinance No. 1143. This Section shall not be construed to authorize any parking.of motor vehicles along the north side of said Walla Walla Avenue. SECTION 3: Violation of any provision hereof, or of any rule or regulation established hereunder, by any person, firm, or corporat- ion, shall be punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine nbt exceed- ing $50.00, or imprisonment not to exceed 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 4• Th provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed additional to ndn derogation of Section 33, Chapter 7, of Ordinance No. 1048, and any amendments thereof, except in so far as this Or- dinance may conflict therewith, and to the extent of any such conflict this Ordinance shall supersede same. Any provisions or parts of Ordinance No. 1282 in conflict with this Ordinance are superseded hereby. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of November 1948. Cl City Clerk Approved by the Mayor this 23rd day of November 1948. ore �eIR—EM-A(SN App ved as to form•. �� A Arthur L. Haug Ph ttorney