HomeMy WebLinkAbout03309 - Technical Information Report� , �� Core Design,lnc. CO�� 14711 N E.29th Place Suite 101 ; y \ i DESIGN Bellevve,Washington98007 �� 425.885.7877 Fax425.885.7963 � www.coredesigninc.com O � m � � TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT � Fox WEDGEWOOD LANE DIVISION 5 RENTO�, WASHIVGTON � G� C ' � �c,C.� � �;��� / �. ��= � �� J, `� � ' �: � Prepared by: Scott R Borgeson, P.E. �{' � ;, � � P r o j e c t 1��l a n a g e r: E d g a r T. J o n e s, P.E. �' 1 ` �_`'';'�a5% c�: �e :� Core Project No.. 05171 �� ����`�•���`���� `�� � ��i�' '�'� Date: �Iarch, 2006 r� 'j- � Revised April, 2006 �,x��u��R�s—_-��.-_ -_-_' �:_`�_v;�; ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING �3309 ��'�DGE�%O�D LAti� - I�ItiISION 5 '� TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Proj ect O�•ervie��� II. Offsite Analysis A. Upstream Tributary Area B. Downstream Analysis C. Bypass Area III. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design A. Hydrologic Analysis B. Detention Routing Calculations C. Water Quality Volume Calculations IV. APPENDIX Downstream Analysis Exhibit Rainfall Regions and Regional Scale Factors SCS Soils Map SCS/KCRTS Soils Type Table SCS Soils Descriptions Existing Conditions Exhibit Developed Conditions Exhibit Pond Volume Calculations Spl-eadsheet l�,�re i?���;i.�G�. lr�c. ��`�.i���� ,�t����!�t1'a i. , ,E �ii°��'�I€'` _ P����, � I. PROJECT OVERVIE`V The Preliminary Plat of Wedge���ood Lane — Division 5 is located in the city of Renton, East of Hoquiam ���enue (142°d Ave. SE) and north of N.E. lOth Street. Please see the L icijtit�%1YIap on the neYt page. This project site currently has one single-family residence and a couple of outbuildings. No critical areas have been found on or adjacent to this property. The existing ground is covered primarily with second-b owth farest with some �ass and impervious surfaces on the developed west end of the site. Across N.E. lOtn Street from this property is the proposed plat of`Vedgewood Lane Division 4. Further to the east along this same road is Division 3 of Wedgewood Lane. Please see the E_xistifig Conditions Exhibit located in the Appendi� for a visual depiction of the eYistina site. The same project owner that is developing the first four di�-isions of Wedgewood Lane is developing this project. There are rivo ponds located in Division 3 that were desi�ed to serve the stormwater detention and «rater quality needs of Divisions 1 through 4. Division 5 was acquired after the designs for the two ponds were completed, so they were not sized to accommodate Division 5. The larger of the two ponds, known as Pond A, has been designed to accept the stormwater from Division 4, including the construction of the full-width road improvements to N.E. 10`h Street between Hoquiam Avenue and the �vestern boundary of Division 3. These road improvements extend along the entire southem boundary of Division 5, so it would be most practical for the conveyance system in this road to also convey the stormwater from the Division 5 improvements. Therefore, this report addresses what revisions to Pond A will be required in order to provide tl3re required detention and water quality volumes for the improvements that will be constructed as a part of Division 5, v�-hich includes the sidewalk on the north side of the road, houses and related lot improvements. The original desi� for Pond A is covered in the Technical Ir formation Repor-t fof- �Vec�getivood Lane — Divisions 1, 2 anc� 3 and the Technical Information Report for Wedgewood La�ze—Division 4 venfies that Pond A has adequate capacity far the N.E. 10`h Street improvements that are to be constructed with that division. Please refer to those reports for additional information, as this report is intended to supplement them. Division 5 of Wedgewood Lane is required to satisfy the requirements of the 200� King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Pond � was designed to satisfy the 1998 KCSWDM, however it does provide storm attenuation to the same standards as the newer manual requires, since it was designed to meet the "Conservation Flow Control — , Level 2" standard. This project will also incorporate Flow Control BMP's as required by ' Section of the 2005 KCSWDVI. The developer of this project intends to utilize permeable pavement for the drive�vays on each of the lots in Division 5 in order to � comply with this requirement. j Pond A will also provide Division � with ���ater quality enhancemei�t with a��-et pool and will serve as a teinporary erosion and sedimentation control pond, just as it has for the other divisions. A special stormwater filterinQ system has been installed and is being monitored by Clear Water Compliance Services in order to ensure that the turbity of stonn��-�ater is reduced to acceptable standards prior to its release. Thi� svstem «�ill be remo��ed once constnzction is completed. t'nr� Iye�i�,n. 33�e�. ':1�F�`1t-��1>���t�D 1__�.:�'E — ;�9�"��ti�(?��� _ �'a�e ? ;�� I .� � 4 i � � � � J I L � ?L`�' � � � �E S�N"�1��a�R�.� ... ; '� ��SS� � "900 i " � �'� Nj0 � 1' � 1 /� �;iI j/. �\y �CI.0 ?I ~ I� 1 ~� Z 2=� > I. Q � � � Q 8 I Q �� ^�J la" ^�� I C � S W i � R E N T �� (�. ¢ > = Q� � -� � `�� �� NE 4TN STRE�T BM P�_ I EM PT. � 1852 ,� �� jR S I � �z1�3 ' �� L-J GREEN'�f00D I � �EMET�RY "7 1s� 10 1� I '4 I � � 4p�� '✓q((` Cc�AR Y � i G � � �!� MAFLEWOOD ' ! � �OLF �OURSE I V`ICINITY NiAP Vot to Scale �r?t-, [?c�•i�n. �nc. , ,`���;1�Sti��: .�3_) !.�.. �!_ - i,�- ,� dd;_ _ ���•<«q� , II. OFFSITE :��aLYSIS �. L PSTRE:�1I TRIBL"T�RY' �RE� The Wedgewood Lane - Division 5 project doesn't ha��e any significant upstream tributary area. It is bounded on the north by the existing Brookfield subdivision, which was completed in the last couple of years, so stormwater from the lots that border this project is conveyed to that project's stormwater facilities. Hoquiam Avenue, on the project's western edge, has a roadside ditch that prevents water from flowing onto the project site from that direction. The project site is naturally graded to slope down to the southeast, and is thus upstream of�i.E. l Oth Street on the south and properties to the east that are de�Jeloped with single-family homes. B. DOWNSTREAM AN.�I.YSYS Please see the Downstre�am Analysis E.xhibit located in the Appendix. Drainage from the Wedgewood Lane — Division 5 property naturally sheet flows across the site to the south and to the east, except for the improvements in the riQht-of-way of Hoquiam Avenue N.E., which wili be discussed separately. Some of the stormwater that drains to the south appears to flow along the side of the future ali�nment for N.E. lOth Street where it reaches a roadside ditch approximately 80' from the project's eastern boundary. The roadside ditch drains to the lo��- point in N.E. lOth Street, where an existing 24" CMP culvert conveys Honey Dew Creek under the road. The remainder of the stormwater that drains to the south continues across the Wedge«%ood Lane - Division 4 project site to a Category III wetland and seasonal stream that traverses the Division 4 site. During the wetter months, the seasonal stream conveys stormwater through the Wedge«�ood Lane — Division III site to an offsite Category II wetland where it merges with a larger �vetland complex and forms Honey Dew Creek. This drainage continues offsite to the 24" CMP culvert under N.E. 10`h Street that was mentioned previously, Stormwater that drains to the east from the project site appears to flow along the rear yards of the adjacent single-family lots for approximately 600', primarily as sheet flow, ��rhere it joins Honey De«� Creek at the outlet of the 24" CMP culvert. At this point, all of the stormwater &om the Divisior � project site has converged, except for storm�ti-ater from the right-of-way of Hoquiam Avenue. From the outlet of the �4" CMP culvert, the drainaee continues north in a well-defined channel for more than '/� mile. In the vicinity of the '.%i mile do«-nstream point, Honey Creek has a bank- to-bank�vidth of approximately S-10'��ith an intermittent free stone channel approximately�' — 5' «-ide. The stream «�as dry ���ith no evidence of recent surface water flo���s, when walked in August, 200?. Substantial debris was observed within the stream. A neighbor on the east side of the creek said the creek contains consistent flo���s through the ��-inter until around May. Some moist soil «as noted in adjacent areas. From the ',%� mile do��rnstream point, Honey Creek drains northerly through a heavily wooded, brushy area for approximately another 'i�mile, where it turns westerly for approximately 800 feet and flo«�s under Hoquiam Avenue '�TE ��ia a 2�" concrete culver[. The creek continues flo«�ing throu�h a heavily forested, bnishy area for approximately 1,200 feet, a-here it enters a 48" concrete storn� drainage system in Duvall A�-•enue NE. At this intake, the creek was approxiinately 10' — 15' �vide with no evidence of recent surface flo���s. From Du��all :��,enue I�E, the creek co�ltinues flotivin� «��esterlv via ail underQrotind svstem !�ul�� ��� �1�,1�. �;I'�. ':��d._?�q ;.�e �r , �a, : '-c - a ����, j:l'�?� " ���,ivE _� �vitl�in a commercial development near the intersection oi Du�°all A��erltie �E and NE Sllnset Boulevard. The creek continues northwesterly through established channels and eventually enters May Creek approximately ? %2 miles from the site, which discharges to Lake �Vashington north of Kennydale. �;o evidence of erosion or flooding was found during this downstream I, analysis. See the attached Downstream Tributary Area map for a graphical depiction of this ' route. ' Stormwater runoff from the existinQ Hoquiam Avenue right-of-way improvements are captured ', in a roadside ditch that conveys the stormwater through a 12" culvert under N.E. 10`h Street. At !, the outlet of the culvert, stormwater continues in a roadside ditch for approximately 350' where it 'i combines with stormwater from a larger basin and turns to the east as a seasonal stream that ', tlows across the Wedgewood Lane — Division 1 project site for a little over 300', where it then �'� continues across the Wedgewood Lane— Division� project site. This seasonal stream continues � in a yenerally easterly direction to Honey Dew Creek, as discussed above. � � t� i�l ,� �1E�,.�I�R- �IIA:. ���1 :'.���,�'_�i4i���1?� ���_�p.'^i - � N1 �2.:jti���. . ��E1�� ; IIL FLO�' CO�TROL _�VD d��`�TER QL��LITY FACILITY .���L'�"SIS �ti'D DESIG�' A. HYDROLOGIC :�NAI:YSIS The draina�e analysis for the sizing of Pond A ��-as originally completed for `Ved�ewood Lane Divisions 1, 2 and 3 and was recently amended with an analysis to verify that the pond had adequate capacity for Division 4. The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) software was used again far this analysis in order to determine how much additional volume �vould be needed in Pond A in order to also provide conservation flow control (Level 2) for Division 5. The existing and developed land co��erage summaries for each division are shown belo��v. Details for how the areas were calculated for Divisions 1 through 4 can be found in the Technical Informatiosz Report for Wedgewood Lane — Divisions 1, 2 and 3 and the Technical Irafor�nation Repor•t for i3redgelvood Laize--Division �, both of��-1uch are on file at the City of Renton. The� e�istin� conditions of Division � «�ere modeled as 100°�o Till-Forest, in compliance� with the 2005 KCS�VDM. The existing and developed conditions for Divisions 1-4 are the same as was shown in the previously approved technical information reports that were prepared for those divisions. For the developed conditions of the lots on Division 5, the maximum impervious area that will be allowed on the lots was determined to be 3,000 SF. This impervious area figure is intended to account far the houses, driveways, patios and walkwa_ys that will be constructed on each of them. Included in this fiQure is 400 SF of driveway area. However, since permeable pavement will be used for the driveways, 200 SF of each drive��-ay �vas modeled as �r�ss in accordance with Table of the KCS`VDM. The Hoquiam Avenue frontage far Division 5 was treated as a bypass area, since it drains in a roadside ditch alonQ Hoquiam Avenue, while the remainder of the site drains to the southeast. A summary of the bypass area impervious and pervious areas follows the summaries for each division. «ithin the Hoquiam Avenue bypass area, there is 0.03 ac.res of existing impervious area and 0.0=� acres is proposed to be added. The proposed impervious includes pavement, curb and �utter (760 SF), side«�alk (700 SF) and a driveway ramp (143 SF). The pervious area being added measures 0.01 acres (448 SF). Since the proposed impen-ious area, 1603 SF, is less than �,000 SF, �vater quality enhancement will not be provided for this area. in compliance ��-ith the surface area esemption criteria in Section 1.�.� of the KCSW"DNI. KCRTS software ���as used to generate a pre-developed time series file (05171EXC) for the entire area tributary to Pond A and the bypass area. T«�o time series files were generated for the developed conditions, one for the area tributary to Pond A (05171DV1) and one far the bypass area (05171DV�). The peak flows for each of these time series files is shown at the end of this section. � ��+r� 3��rsi;fi�. IiCc_ ,. 't� .1�4:��'� 'I � .�r� _ �,� ��`.;�(' ��':t��� i� BASIN A AREA BREAKDO`��N Division 1 � Basin�-Div. 1 Basin�-Div.1 Pre-Developed Developed Area Acres) �rea(Acres) Till —Forest 2�ia - Till —Pasture o.12 - Till—Grass - 1 �'' Impervious- 0.01 - Existin structures Imperr•ious- - 0.39 ri ht of wav Imper�ious- - 0.14 Access tracts Impervious-Lots - I.I3 (9@,2600sf, 8@2850sf, 1 ,3050s� Total 2.83 2.83 Division Z ¢ Basin�-Div.2 Basio A-Di��.2 Pre-Developed Developed Area(acres) Area(.=�cres) Till—Forest `��= - Till— Pasture 1•�� - Till—Grass - '�98 Imper��ious- 0.14 - Esistin structures Impervious- - 139 ri ht of wa Impervious- - 0.09 Access tracts Impervious-Lots - 2.61 (28@2600sf, , 10 ri�2850sf, 4 r�.3050s� ! Lots �o be Dispersed - 0.11 �' (50% Impervious & 50% Pervious) (3 ri;3050s� Impen-ious- - 0.'_1 Frontaae Total 7.39 7.39 ���n e �'c>i�,zi. :rAc•. °.-1����id�>��-`�i1��[� �� �._'�r��:— ('�'a�l��,a{���' ; '.'a<•e ' Division 3 Basin �-Di��.3 Basin�-Div.3 Pre-De��eloped De��eloped Area(�cres) :�rea(Acres) Till— Forest ���� - Till—Pasture - - Till—Grass - 1��g Impervious- 0.02 - Eristin structures Impervious- - 128 ri ht of wa - Impervious- - 0.06 Access tracts Impervious-Lots - 1.32 (11 @2600sf, 9@2850sf, 1 a�3050sf) Lots to be Dispersed - o�?' (50% Impervious & 50% Pervious) (5 a�2600sf, 2 cv 050s� Impe►-��ious- - 0.91 � Pond/access road Total 537 �.37 Division 4 Basin.�-Offsite Basin A-Offsite Pre-Developed Developed area(Acres) Area(Acres) Till—Forest 1.51 - Till—Pasture o.08 - Till —Grass - ���� Impervious- 0.11 - EYistin structures Impervious-Lots - o��? (5�2,800s� Lots to be Dispersed - 0.16 (50°/a Impervious & 50% Pervious) {5�2,800s� Impervious-Private - ��1� access Drivewav Impervious- - 0.�9 Fronta e Total 1.70 1.70 (�,���' g?,,,,;i}rn. ���s'. ','1 ��.°'9,;�`_`ti � rf�al;, '.:�." � -1?�':��`�id,'" ' i'.➢>>e1i Division 5 Basin A-Offsite Basin A-Offsite Pre-Developed Developed Area Acres Area Acres Till—Forest 2.15 - Till—Pasture - - Till—Grass - 1.21 Impervious- - - Existing structures & driveway (50°/a Eff. Im ervious Impervious-Lots - o.s4 13 rL2,800s Impervious- - 0.10 Fronta e (sidewalk) Total 2.15 2.15 BASIN A TOTAL DETAINED AREAS Basin A Basin A Pre-Developed Developed Area(Acres) :�-ea(Acres) Till - Forest 17.14 - Till- Pasture 2.02 - Till-Grass - 7.47 Impervious- 0.28 11.97 Streets,SW,Roofs,etc. Impervious- - - Fronta e Total 19.44 19.44 Division 5—Bypass Area Basin A-Offsite Basin A-Offsite Pre-Developed De��eloped Area Acres Area Acres Till— Forest o.09 - Till—Pasture - � - Till— Grass - 0.02 Imper��ous- - 0.07 Fronta e Total 0.09 0.09 4'n�•e I)i�ti�n. fnc. �1 h�:ftr.�:�1(�(1R� 6 4'a6 I11� 1*�[(!`�! ` �, ^ , �, Esistiny and Developed Time Series Files � Flc.. Freqnency �na�ysis ^ime Series File: 05'_71exc.tsf Froject Location:Lardsburg ---Annual Peak =1ow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Ana'_ysis------- :-o�v Rate Rank Time of ?eak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.57 2 2/09/C1 18:00 2 .05 1 1C0.00 0 . 990 � .303 7 1/05/02 16:00 1.57 2 25.00 0 .9E0 1. 02 4 2/28/C3 16:00 1.32 3 10.00 0 . 9C0 � .200 8 3/03/04 2 :00 1.02 4 5.00 0 .8C0 �� . 944 5 1/05/05 10:00 0 .944 5 3 .00 0 .667 � . 759 6 1/18/06 21:00 0.759 6 2.00 0 .500 1.32 3 11/24/06 5:00 0.303 7 1.30 0 .231 2 . 05 1 1/09/08 7 :00 0.200 S 1.10 0 .091 Computed ?ea;cs 1 .89 50.00 0 . 980 =-�ow ?=equency Anal,✓sis Time Series File:05171dvl.tsf Project Location:Landsburg --P.nnual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob ;^FS) (CFS) Period . �4 .23 6 2/09/O1 2 :00 7.64 1 100.00 0.990 � 2 . 56 8 12/03/O1 17:00 5.10 2 25. 00 0.960 4 . 34 4 9/10/03 15:00 4 .98 3 10. 00 0.9C0 4 . 98 3 8/26/04 1:00 4.34 4 5. 00 0. 8C0 4 .11 7 10/28/04 18 :00 4.26 5 3 . 00 0 .667 4 .26 5 10/22/05 17 :00 4 .23 6 2 .00 0 .500 5 .10 2 11/21/06 9:00 4.11 7 1.30 0 .231 7 .64 1 1/09/08 7 :00 2 .56 8 1.10 0. 091 `omputed ?eaks 6.80 50.00 0. 980 �lo�f� Frequency Analysis "I-me Ser;es Fiie:05171dv2 .tsr P}-oject Loca�ion:Landsburg --Annual Peak Flow Ra�es--- ---Flew Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank 3e�urn Prob C,S) (CFS) Period C . 021 7 2/09/01 2:OC 0.038 1 100.00 0. 990 C . 014 8 12/03/Ol 17:00 0.027 2 25.00 0. 960 J . 024 4 9/1C/03 15:00 0.026 3 10.00 0. 900 0 . 027 2 8/26/04 1:00 Q.024 4 S.00 0. 800 C . 022 6 1C/28/04 18: 00 C.023 5 3 .00 0.667 � . 023 5 1C/22/05 17:00 0 .022 6 2 .00 0 .500 � . 026 3 1C/26/06 3 :�0 0 .021 7 1.30 0 .23i �� . C38 1 i/09/C8 ? :00 0 .014 8 1.10 0 . 091 Ccmpu�ed �ea�:s � . �3� S� . �C � . 980 � K�nit 1?��:�i•��,r�. ':nc. '��� 1.:1 � � ,,� q?�;)�. 1 ._`�;�_ - ,+�'°� �i`;I(�^� ` �'�i���� lfi B. DETENTION ROtiTING CALCULATIONS � The detention routing calculations, a continuation of the h�°drologic anal��sis, �vere performed I using KCRTS to match the developed outflow of both the bypass area and the collected site to the pre-developed outflow by providing a site-specific amount of detention. The calculations for Pond A that were included with the Technical Inforniatioji Report for i�'e�lgelvood Lane - Divisions 1, 2 anc13 showed that the 223,400 cf and 10 feet of detention storage provided would satisfy King County requirements. The pond has now been modeled to include the Division � site and the Hoquiam Avenue bypass area. The KCRTS program documentation for this latest analysis is included below. The following printout shows that 272,301 cf of live storage will he required with a live storage depth of 11.5 feet. Plans for the modification of Pond A have been prepared and the pond's volume has been increased to provide 272,366 cf of live storage at a depth of 11.5 feet, so the modified pond will meet the requirements for Division 5, as well. As shown on the revised plans for Pond A, we have increased the storage depth of Pond A with the construction of an approximately 2' high concrete wall around the perimeter of the pond berm. This change, along with a 1.1' increase in the riser height and a 0.55' increase in the height of the second orifice, will allow the pond to provide the required stora�e depth and volume. Please see the revised plan sheets that show these revisions for more information. 2eter.ticn/Detention �acilitl✓ . Type of Facility: Detention Fond Side 51ope: 2 .75 3:,_v ?ond Bot�om Length: 171.60 ft Pond Bcttom W_dth: 71. 00 �t Pond Bottom Area: 12184 . sq. �t Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 34642 . sq. ft 0.795 acres Effective Storage Depth: 12 . 00 ft Stage 0 Elevaticn: 427.50 ft Storage Volume: 259697 . cu. f� 5.962 ac-=t �iser Head: 11.10 ft Riser Diameter: 24.00 irches Number of orifices : 2 Fuil Head Fi^e Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (f�) (ir_j (CFS) iir_; 1 0.00 2.19 C .431 2 6.75 _ . =° . . 6�9 _ . '� Top Notch �leir: Nore Outflow Rating Curve: Ncr_e Stage Elevation S�orace Discha�ge Fe�colatior_ Sur� .-__ea (�t) (ft) �cu. ft) (ac-ftj (cfs; (cfs} f,sq. ft` O. JO 427.5C i1513 . 0 .204 0 .000 O. CO 1218� . 0 .02 427.52 11781. 0.270 C. 020 0. 00 1221C . Q. 05 427.55 12185 . C .28G 0 .02& 0 . 00 1225C . C .07 427 .�? _2455. 0 .286 O .C34 0. 00 122�- . � C . 09 427.59 12?25. 0.292 0 .039 0 .00 123C� . � . �1 42? . 61 12996 . � . 298 C . 04s 0 . 00 1^33- - � -- -- -- -'2-� . � - - ,, � . �-� �� 1-=- . ,�rit E ,. ,I'., Iltt_. � � , �1. . �q; . '�_ . - �)' � �'�j�f i � � ;IS-�. � I O . -o 42?. 66 136i6. 0. 314 0 .052 O . CJ 1235n. 0 . �8 42?.68 13949. 0. 320 0.056 O. CO 12425. 0 .37 427. 87 1657C. 0. 380 0.079 O. CO 12681. 0.56 428. 06 19242. 0.4�2 0.097 O.CO 12940. 0 .75 428.25 21965. 0.�04 0.1_2 O.CO 13201. 0.94 428.44 24i39. 0.�68 0.126 O. CO 13465. 1.12 428.62 27416. 0.629 0.138 0.00 13716. 1.31 428.81 30293 . 0.695 0.149 0. 00 13983 . 1.50 429.00 33223 . 0.763 0.159 0. 00 14253 . 1.69 429.19 36206. 0.831 0.169 0.00 14525. 1.88 429.38 39243 . 0.901 0.178 0.00 14799. 2 .06 429.56 42170. 0 .968 0.187 0.00 15061. 2 .25 429.75 45313. 1.040 0.195 0.00 15339. 2 .44 429.94 48511. 1.114 0.203 0.00 15619 . ', 2 .63 430.13 51765. 1.188 0.211 0.00 15902 . 2 .82 430.32 55074. 1.264 0.218 0. 00 16187. 3 .00 430.50 58262. 1.338 0.225 0.00 16459 . 3 .19 430.69 6168i. 1.416 0.232 0. 00 16748. 3 .38 430.88 65157. 1.496 0.239 0. 00 17039. 3 .57 431.07 68692. 1.577 0.246 0. 00 17333 . 3 .76 431.26 72284. 1.659 0 .252 0. 00 17628. 3 .95 431.45 75934. 1.743 0 .258 0. 00 17926. 4 .13 431.63 79446. 1.824 0.264 0. 00 18210. 4 .32 431. 82 83211. 1.910 0.270 0.00 18512 . 4 .51 432 .01 87036. 1.998 0.276 0.00 18817. 4 .70 432.20 90921. 2 .087 0.282 0.00 19123 . 4 .89 432.39 94866. 2 .1?8 0.288 0.00 19432 . 5 .07 432.57 98659. 2 .265 0.293 0.00 19726. 5 .26 432.76 102723 . 2 .358 Q.298 0.00 20039. � .45 432.95 106849. 2 .453 0.304 0.00 20s�4 . � � .64 433.-4 11_030'. 2 .549 0.309 0.00 20671_ 5 .83 433.33 115286. 2.647 0.314 0.00 20991_ 6.01 433.51 119371. 2 .740 0 .319 0 .00 21295. 6.20 433.70 1237�4. 2 .841 0.324 0.00 21b19. 6.39 433 .89 128180. 2 .943 0.329 0 .00 21945. 6.58 434 .08 132681. 3 .046 0 .334 0.00 22273 _ 6.75 434 .25 136762 . 3 .140 0 .338 0.00 22568. 6.79 434.29 137730. 3 .162 0 .342 0.00 226�8. 6.82 434.32 138458. 3 .179 0.351 0.00 22691. 6.86 434.36 139431. 3 .201 0.367 0.00 22760. 6 .89 434.39 140162. 3.218 0.387 0.00 22813 . 6 .93 434.43 141140. 3 .240 0.412 0.00 22883 . 6 .96 434.46 141876. 3.257 0.443 0.00 22936. 7 .00 434.50 1?2859. 3.28� 0.476 0. 00 23006. 7.03 434 .53 143598. 3.297 0.509 C.00 23059. 7.07 a34 .57 144586. 3 .319 0 .520 C. 00 23129. 7 .26 ^_34 .76 149319. 3 .428 0 .571 0. 00 23465 . 7 .44 =34 . 94 153865. 3 .532 0 .613 0.00 23785 . 7 .63 435.13 158727. 3 .644 0.650 0.00 24125 . 7 .82 435.32 163656. 3 .757 0.684 0.00 244E8. 8 .01 435.51 168652. 3 .872 0.7_6 0. 00 248'_2 . 8.20 435.?0 173716. 3 .988 0.74� 0. 00 2�159_ 8.38 435. 88 178576. 4 .100 0.773 O. Od 25489. 8.57 436.07 183773 . 4 .219 0.799 O.00 25840. 8.76 436.26 189038. 4 .3�0 C .824 O.00 26193 . 8.95 436.45 1943?3. 4 .40'2 C .849 O.00 26549. 9.14 136.64 1997?8. 4 .586 C.872 O. 00 26906. 9.32 �36.82 2049E3 . a .705 C . 894 0. 00 27247. 9.51 �37.0- 2105C4. 4 . 833 C.916 0. 00 27609. 9.70 437.20 216117. 1 . 961 C . 937 C. 00 27973 . °.89 �3?. 39 221800. 5 . 092 C . 958 C . 00 28339. 1C .Q8 _. , .58 ��,5�.,. � . ��� ., . 9�8 C . Ou �8,0" . , �rrt� 13c��i°». !n,•. ��;.�".t���;��_'��''-�t���i)I; 1 '��l�: -- `;<�-t ]�,�(�'�. _ i'�t!�l� �.� 10.27 437.77 233383 . 5 .358 0.998 0. 00 25077 . ' 10.45 ?37_95 238971. 5 .�86 1.02C 0. 00 2943C . 10.0'4 438 .14 24494C . 5 .523 1.04C 0. 00 29g05 , 10. 83 a38 .33 250983 . 5 .762 1.05C 0. 00 30182 . 11. 02 438 .52 25?099. 5 .902 1.07C 0. 00 30561. 11. 10 438.60 25969?. 5 .962 1.OSC 0. 00 30721. ' 11.20 438.70 262962 . 6.037 1.710 0.00 30922 . 11.30 438. 80 266248 . 0'.112 2 .84C 0. 00 31124. 11.40 438. 90 269555 . 6.188 4.310 0. 00 31326. 11.50 439.00 272883 . 6.265 6.040 0. 00 31529. 11.60 439.10 276231. 6.341 8.010 0. 00 31732 . 11.70 439.20 279601. 6.419 10.190 0. 00 31936. 11.80 439.30 282991. 6.497 12 .550 0. 00 32140. 11. 90 439.40 286402 . 6.575 14.680 0. 00 32345. 12 .00 439.50 289835. 6.654 15.510 0. 00 32551. 12 .10 439.60 293288. 6.733 16.300 0. 00 32758. 12 .20 439.70 296763 . 6.813 17.040 0. 00 32964. 12 .30 439_80 300259. 6.893 17.760 0. 00 33172 . 12 .40 439.90 303776. 6.974 18.440 0. 00 33380. 12 .50 440.00 307315. 7.055 19.100 0. 00 33589. 12 .60 440.10 310875. 7.137 19.740 0. 00 33798 . 12 .70 440.20 314457. 7.219 20.360 0. 00 3a008. 12 .80 440.30 318061. 7.302 20.950 0. 00 35215. 12 .90 440.�0 321685. 7.385 21.530 0. 00 34430. 13 .00 440.50 325332 . 7.469 22 .100 0. 00 34642 . Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Stage Elev (Cu-F�) (Ac-F�) 1 7 .64 5 .74 11.48 438. 98 2723C1. 6.251 2 5 .10 1.07 11.01 438.51 2569C1. 5. 898 � � 3 4.23 1.06 10.88 438.38 2526Q8. 5. 799 4 2 .54 0.72 8.05 435.55 169719. 3 .896 5 2 _92 0.72 8.02 435.52 168939. 3. 878 6 4.26 0.48 7.01 434 .51 143036. 3 .284 7 4.98 0.29 5.04 432 .54 97973 . 2.249 8 2 .32 0.26 3 .97 431.47 76288. 1.751 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservcir FOC Outflow Outflow Inflow Iaflow Target Calc ? 5.74 0 .04 ******** ******* 5.76 2 1.07 0 .03 ******** 1. 86 1.07 3 1.06 0 .02 ******** ******* 1.06 4 0.72 0.01 ******** ******* 0.72 5 0.72 0 .02 ******** ******* 0.72 6 0.48 0 .02 ******** ******* 0.49 7 0.29 0.03 ******** ******* 0.29 8 0.26 O .OI ****x*** ******* 0 .26 _ �'I. '.�y�:.l°11, j?It. '�;� ...I :} .i� 1� i�i �.. _ °_ l���'. ;:�iaf�i , R>;1�,t� IJ Rout� T��m.e Series thrcaan Faci_it�i Inf_ow Time Series Fiie:u5171dv�.tsf Outf_ow Time Seri2s File:051?lpdo FOC Time Series Fi'� : 051llcso Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak I�flcw Disc_�arye: 7 .E-� C�S �t , : �0 cn JGn 9 ��� `>'ear � Pea:c Outflow Disc_�arge: 5.74 CFS at 9 : OC cn J�n 5 i� Year 8 Peak �eservoir Stage: �1.48 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 438.98 rt Pea:c Reservoir Storage: 2723o1. Cu-�t . 6.251 Ac-�t Add Time Series: 05171dv2.tsf Peak Summed Discharge: 5.76 C�S at 9 : OC cn Jan 9 in =ear 8 Point of Compliance File:05171dso.ts� Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:05171pdo.tsf Project Location:Landsburg --Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----=1ow Frequency Anaiysis- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Returr_ Prob (CFS) �CFS) (ft) Period 1. 05 3 2/09/O1 20:00 5.73 11.48 1 100.00 0 .950 0 .259 8 11/05/O1 3 :00 1.07 11.01 2 25 .00 0 .960 0 .718 5 3/O1/03 7:00 1.05 10 .86 3 10.00 0 .90C 0 .301 7 8/26/04 7:00 0.722 8 .05 4 5.00 0 .800 0 .722 4 1/0�/05 16:00 0.7=8 8 .03 5 3 .00 0 .66? 0.484 6 10/28/05 2 :00 C .484 7 .01 6 2 .00 0 .50u 1. 07 2 11/24/06 8:00 0 .301 5.35 7 1.30 0.231 5 .73 1 1/09%08 9:00 0 .259 3 .97 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 4 . 18 11 .35 50 . 00 0 . 980 Flow Freq•aency Analys_s Time Series File:05171dso.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- ---Flow Frequency F.nalysis----- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Feaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.06 3 2/09/O1 19:00 5.75 1 100.00 0 . 950 0.260 8 11/05/O1 2 :00 1. 08 2 25 . 00 0 .960 0.721 5 3/Ol/03 7 :00 1.06 3 10.00 0 .900 0.302 7 8/26/04 5 :00 0 .724 4 5.00 0.80C 0.724 4 1/05/05 15 :00 0 .721 5 3 .00 0 .66^ 0.486 6 10/28/05 2 :OC 0.486 6 2.00 0 .50C 1. 08 2 11/24/06 8:OC 0 .302 7 1.30 0 .23� 5 .75 1 1/09/OS 9:00 0 .25C 8 1. 10 0 . 091 Comvuted Peaks 4 . 19 50 . GC 0 980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:05_71pdo. �sf Ci:toff Ccu�t FrequencY CDF �xceedence_Proba�ili�;� CFS o s � �. 015 2fi894 47 . 120 47. 120 52 .880 0. 529E+0� 0. 045 4154 6 .77� 53 . 894 40'.106 0.461E+00 ��. 0?5 4771 7 .780 01.6;5 38 .325 0. 383E+00 0. 105 5121 8 .351 ?0.026 29. 9?4 G. 300E=C0 0. 13^_ 4'042 ? .570 %7.�96 22 .4�4 0.22�E-00 0. 164_ 3941 0 .427 fi4.023 15.9?7 G. 160E-CO ., . '_9? 3089 5 . 033 �Q.05= -'? , 93� 0 , �9E-�C , . __- �1�� _ . - __ . .��- ,-io_ � . -�E �- (��;Ri _ Ilr�iu�l. ��ala'. �����.�'� �F�"�� p'ii : '��_ - ��d`, ��;^i19,�* . i';�r�� I-, 0 .254 1�98 2 .0'06 95 . i37 4. 863 0.486E-01 0 .283 1C12 1.650 96.7&? 3 .213 0.321E-01 0.313 E34 1.360 98. =47 1. 853 0. 185E-01 0.343 E42 1.047 99. _94 0.806 0. 806E-02 0.373 36 0.059 99.253 0.747 0.747E-02 0.403 25 0.041 99.294 0.706 0.706E-02 0.433 14 0.023 99.317 0.683 0.683E-02 0.462 11 0.018 99.�35 0.605 0.66�E-02 0.492 14 0.023 99.357 0.643 0.&43E-02 0. 522 24 0.039 99.397 0.603 0 .603E-02 0. 552 42 0. 068 99.465 0.535 0 .535E-02 0.582 48 0. 078 99.543 0.457 0 .457E-02 0. 612 29 0. 047 99.59= 0.409 0 .409E-02 0. 641 3? 0. 055 99.646 0.354 0 .354E-02 0. 671 37 0.060 99.706 0.294 0.294E-02 0. 701 35 0.057 99.764 0.236 0.236E-02 0. 731 18 0.029 99.793 0.207 0.207E-02 0.761 7 0.011 99.80� O.I96 0. 196�-OZ 0 .790 12 0.020 99.82� 0.176 0. 176E-OZ 0 .820 6 0.010 99.834 0.166 0.166E-02 0 .850 8 0.013 99. 847 0.153 0.153E-02 0 .880 9 0.015 99.861 0.139 0.139E-02 0.910 11 0.018 99. 879 0.121 0.121E-02 0.940 10 0.016 99. 896 0. 104 0. 104E-02 0.969 13 0.021 99. 917 0 . 083 0. 832E-03 0.999 17 0.028 99. 945 0. 055 0.554E-03 1. 03 12 0.020 99.964 0 . 036 0.359E-03 1. 06 18 0.029 99.993 0 .007 0. 652E-0� Flow Dura�ion from T;me Series File:05=71dso.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probabili�, CFS % % s 0.015 28954 47.218 47.218 52 .782 0.528E+00 0.045 4271 6.965 54.183 45.817 0.458E+00 0.075 4642 7.570 61.753 38.247 0.382E+00 0.=05 5223 8.518 70.271 29.729 0.297E+C0 0. =35 �635 7.5�9 77 .829 22 .171 0.222E+00 O. i65 3810 6.213 84 .043 15.957 0.16CE+00 0. 195 3188 5.199 89.242 10.758 0.108E+00 0.225 2168 3 .536 92.777 7.223 0.722E-01 0.255 1445 2 .356 55.=34 4 .866 0.487E-01 0 .285 1058 1.725 96. 859 3 .141 0.314E-0� 0 .315 863 1.407 98.266 1.734 0.173E-01 0 .345 563 0.918 99. 185 0.815 0.815�-02 0 .375 42 0.068 99.253 0.747 0.747E-02 0 .405 26 0.0�2 99.296 0.705 0.705E-02 0 .435 13 0.021 99. 317 0.683 0.683E-02 0 .465 13 0.021 99.33& 0.662 0.602E-02 0 .495 I3 0.021 99.359 0 .641 0.641E-02 0 . 525 25 0.04i 99.400 0 .60C 0.600E-C� 0 . 555 41 O.C67 99_467 0 .533 0.533E-0� 0 . 585 50 O. C82 59.548 0 .452 0.152E-02 0. 615 29 �. C47 99.556 0.404 0.404E-02 0. 645 32 �. 052 59.648 0.352 0.352E-02 0. 6�5 36 0.059 59.706 0.294 0.294E-02 0.705 38 0.062 59.768 0.232 C .232�-02 0 .735 15 0.024 59.793 0 .2C7 C .207�-02 0 .7E� 9 0.015 99. 808 0 .192 C . 192E-0� 0 .795 9 0.015 99. 822 C .178 C . 178E-02 0 .825 7 0.011 99. 83= C .lE6 C .156E-02 0 . 855 10 0 .016 99. 8�0 C .150 0 . 150E-02 � . c8� 9 O . Q15 a9. 8c= � . 1�� C . i35�- �� d.�nrc I��,�,;��n.. I,ic, `,i��._;�}(:=',,;��?(?f� � �`..'�ir - 1�1''��i�?{',��; " 1'���c 1� U . �iS =1 0 . .,13 79. 38� C . "1" J . =1?E-�� � . 9�5 5 O . C15 99. 89� O .iO3 0. 103E-Q2 0 _ 975 �_6 O.C25 99.723 0.0?7 0.76o'E-C3 ,_. O1 15 O.C24 99.548 0.052 0.522E-C3 �:. 0? '�2 O.C20 99.967 0.033 0.326E-C3 _. 07 "-7 O .C28 99.995 0 .005 0.489E-C� Discrarge Volume Discrarge Volume from Ti�e Series ��5�7�pdo.tsf between 10/ 1/ 0 0:00 and 10/30/ 0 23 :59 337064. Cu-Ft or 7.738 Ac-Ft in 30.0 days Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 05171exc.�sf New File: 05171dso.�sf �utoff Ur_its: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutof= Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0 . 380 � 0. 97E-02 0.74E-02 -23_8 0.97E-02 0 .380 0.335 -11.9 0 .419 I 0. 82E-02 0.70E-02 -14_5 0.82E-02 0 .419 0.344 -17.8 0 .457 I 0_70E-02 0.67E-02 -5.1 0.70E-02 0.457 0.410 -10.3 C .495 I 0 .60E-02 0.64E-02 6.2 0.60E-02 0.495 0.525 5.9 C . 534 I 0 .52E-02 0.59E-02 14.2 0.52E-02 0.534 0.558 4 .6 C . 572 � 0.42E-02 0.48E-02 14.8 0.42E-02 0.572 0.609 6.5 0 . 610 � 0.36E-02 0.42E-02 17.0 0.36E-02 O.E10 0.641 5.1 0 . 648 I 0.30E-02 0.35E-02 15.2 , 0.30E-02 O.E48 0.670 3 .3 0 . 687 � 0 .25E-02 0.28E-02 11.1 I 0.25E-02 O.E87 0.700 2 .0 * 0 . 725 I 0.21E-02 0.21E-02 -0.8 � 0.21E-02 0.725 0.724 -0.1 0 . 763 � 0.17E-02 0.19E-02 11.3 � 0.17E-02 0.763 0.807 5.7 0 . 802 � 0. 15E-02 0.17�-02 12 .6 � 0.15E-02 0.802 0.850 6.0 0 . 840 i 0. 14E-02 0.16�-02 12 .8 I 0.14E-02 0.840 0.883 5.1 0 . 878 � 0. 12E-02 0.14�-02 16.2 I 0.12E-02 0.878 0.914 4.1 0 _ 916 I O. 10E-02 0.12�-02 1=.3 I O.10E-02 0.916 0.945 3 .1 0 . 955 � 0. 93E-03 0.98�-03 5.3 � 0.93E-03 0.955 0.961 0.7 � . 993 ! 0. 83E-03 0.59L-03 -29.4 � 0. 83E-03 0.993 0 .972 -2 .1 1. 03 i 0. 73E-03 0.33E-03 -55.6 � 0.73E-03 1.03 0.983 -= .6 i. 07 � 0. 62E-03 0.16E-04 -97.4 I 0.62E-03 1.07 0.992 -7.3 i. 11 I 0. 54E-03 O.00E+00 -100. 0 � 0.54E-03 1.11 1.00 -9.4 1. 15 j 0.42E-03 O.00E+00 -100. 0 ( 0.42E-03 1.15 1.02 -10. 5 1. 18 I 0.39E-03 O.00E+CO -100. 0 � 0.39E-03 1.18 1.03 -13 . 1 1.22 I 0 .33E-03 O .00E+00 -100.0 � 0.33E-03 1.22 1.04 -15 .3 1.26 ' 0 .24E-03 O.COE+00 -100.0 I 0.24E-03 1.26 1.05 -17 . 1 1.30 � 0.20E-03 O.COE+00 -100.0 I 0.20E-03 1.30 1_05 -19.2 1.34 � 0.15E-03 O .COE+00 -100.0 I 0.15E-03 1.34 1.06 -2=.1 1.38 I 0. 13E-03 O .00E+00 -100. 0 � 0.13E-03 1.38 1_06 -23 .2 1 .41 I 0.11E-03 O .00E+00 -100.0 ; 0 .11E-03 1.4� 1.06 -25 .3 1.45 I 0.82E-OG O.00E+00 -100. 0 ', 0 .82E-04 �.45 1. 06 -27 .2 1 .49 � 0.49E-04 O.00E+00 -100. 0 0 .49E-04 �.49 1. 07 -28.4 1 .53 I 0 .49E-04 O.00E+00 -i00. 0 ' 0 .49E-04 -.53 1. 07 -30.2 -'.a.ti-�um posi�ive excursion = 0 .036 cfs ( 7•3%) ��curing at 0 .500 cfs on the Base Da�a:05171exc.ts� and at 0.536 cfs or_ the New �ata: 05=71dso.tsf �'a,�:imum r_egative excursion = 0 .=90 cfs 1-31 .3=�1 ��curing at 1. 56 cfs on the Base Data: C5171exc.tsf anc at 1 . G? c`s cn _ne ^de�.�� Data:C�l?luso.tst �( n���� 1�c���P'�. ��3��. ���',�9�'��E; �.1�,�f?��6� i ;i�: - ��'�'i�ltip�}��, . +':,otie 1t� C. W:�TER QL`�LITY VOLtiNTE CALCULATIOl�S The �vater quality calculations for Pond � that «-ere included with the Technical b�formation Report for bi'ed�ewood Lane — Divisiofzs 1, ? and 3 showed that 62,304 cf of detention storage �vas required and the pond �vas designed to provide 71,395 cf�;-ith a depth of 8 feet plus 1 foot for sediment storage. The water quality volume was determined as shown below to no�� include the Division 5 site. Pond A will now be required to provide 67,726 cf of water quality volume, `�-hich can comfortably be accommodated with the volume that the pond is already designed to provide. ti; =t'�(0.9A� -� 0.25Ato= O.lOA�+ O.lOAo:)"(R'1�) ti�'here. V� =wetpool volume {c� f= volume factor A; = area of imperviaus surface (st) AtQ = area of till soil covered«-ith �-ass (s� Atr= area of till soil covered with forest (s� A� =area of outwash soil covered with�ass or forest R = rainfall from mean annual storm {inches) (Refer to the attached precipitation graph} � Thus, V�� — 3[(0.9(5?1,413)= 0.25(325,393))(0.041)] �%b = 67,726 cf � 'I�f �'.'C9�it c). IE,G�, "'.'� �!_iE� . { d'G) ., �,�•: . �1i'. .-•_� . . ��s� � IV. APPENDIX ('ir�c� ticc����it, 9ei!. �s �. �>�(��1�'���;'.f'��s 1, ������} _ 1'��i'��I`a�. � . i 148THAVESE ax�� a, '' i l N �l � . . �' , i . . 1c�y,U i i' . t !�!I - � � i,� t . . � � � i t _ ' ; � - ; _ _ �r : ,, �OA I�SD �. � .. . - . �.. P� _'_'. ""..... ._-.-.... _ . ,oQ9 1 I' �fiRQPrDSED DETENT/ON/ EX/ST/NG 24"�CUL VERT �.�A�QUAUTYPOND B -_� ._�___-_ ti�o , - --- � PROPOSED 36"�'CUL VERT �•. ��.. --� �: _.__--�_ ,._"_-�.-,-___.'. 14'S.� _. _ • . �. • • � ___ _ . . � - ' ..�.... .. . �. . � � • �� . . . � p - - . �r� _ � ' ���`_�,_�"___'_ ._ . . , , �. ���♦ .. ._.. .. . �� . -- .- _._--� � . . :; "_-_'-�- ' .-." . . ' �•�• '_—_ . . . ..- _� _ . .—_�- ��:. , _ .'H���l� _ °n+r , • _ EX/ST/NG �,sp- : - ,� �--', �. , � - - -- - „� SEASON.4L __ .- = -" f . ; - _ _ .� _�- -% � �- - ' -- � F . � � �,,.___ . ,.:..,. _ , � �.� �,�, ` . . .-:. c PROPQSED DETENflON/ CREEX ,� - � _- - - °�', W/iTERQU�IUTYPONDA . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . � ... ,.- . . . > _ _" ' , __ 1 ,__� � / • f. • , - -� 1,/4 M/LEF'O/lVT . .. ,,. - _• .•. •., , _ / � . . . . _ ♦ ♦ ♦ � J, • : _ •. � � • • ♦. _ ♦ � � ♦ • ' -- •� � � .� _ � .' - .__'. _._ ♦..1._- .. a �i .- _._ -�. ' -� ... '._ . � _. ' � . • �+- - .-.. .. .' _ . . , .� . -.., ___ .' ��- _.. . o � . . � .�1. .. ._.. ; .. _-. . . . !��� �.r- � ---� / _.. - _� " . . � � � .. . . � . . . _-.=',1 ;. -� =-�- �REE� ;. -- __ h _ � � �. w�z.QNn �--� , � . __ . __s . r � _. � s _ _' . - i 1 ..r. . O 9 -_ :-. .--_ `.._. -- � .�- _ � . � �-�_"- __ . _ - _-. .- _._ .. . '[i . - / _ _. ��{�E� _-— --.._._ ,._.. ,.,... � r E D N � v �. �� ._. _. i 2 ; D/ / 3 ,�A . , a ' JER/CHO PL NE y�� � - ��� . � ! '' . � . _"____' � _ .. " �� .. / � ' ' ' "�} . ... - . . _. �-�.. . � . _ . ..:i.-._-. 1� . r "._ ' , � � _ / Ff` . . .._. . . . . � . '� / ';: ,�` -� " ! �' '� "=` Q�- wE � o0o NE PROPOSED 24n�CUL I/ERT WEDGEWOOD LANE �, _ - -- � �aN D/V/S/ON 5 � �' , � �,Y; - ,� } __ .=� , W OOD •; /LW.4COP�NE WE D DOWNSTRG�i/i'I ��� ;� �-- i�r ioN 4 . °`' vi�r o ANAL YS/S EXH/B/T � PROPQSED PLAT OF V ASPEN WOODS ,p,.o WEDGEWOOD z BYHARBOUR HOMES y � LANE � � Z� D/V/S/ON 5 � W C�K� ? � SCALE: 1' = 200' � � , EX.12"�;•;.•;•';::;:; � HOQ� � . . . . . WETLANp;•. .�._. .�. , �� . CULVERT''' -_ �...� _ CV��r „»����P�.�,�a, - � . .'•�UG— . : I4 8S 857�25.�63 ��. HOQU/AMAVENE ���SIGN a ENGINEERIMG • VLANNING • SURVEYING SECITON 3.2 RUNOFF COMPLTA'IION AND ANALYSIS 1vIfiTHODS FIGiJRE 3.2.2.A RAINFALL REGIONS AND REGIONAL SCALE FACTORS ST 1.0/ . ST 1.0 LA p,g LA 0.9 LA 1.0 LA i.2 ST1.1 - G � .�a.a.,=��a��T. _ 'VQ j XlML�COLMiT p_ �- °.�„" a , •,,,�r . } �, t,T` '�.. "":�"�"'� .. _ 'I v. ' 4., � +; _ . ' rr �!� ��. iL � ' � �+ :a �� . � '$ TRFj " �` �-� j . �t. �e ra�e � . ' ';_i- �.� � ��� 5 =.���% �y # � '� �.�� w a ��� _ `�`� _ . ' � ��''� y � � 1;: < +''+ � �=� � ' - � " +� /'' �� r �. ,' l t .4= ` � � "', '.{i_ � �� l�'C - j � '—i�...��` � ~ � .. � . � Fri[ ' ��BELLFaslF � ' J . �.� �'� .if 4 ,.c_ ' ` � � f. ./-,�1 LM[r r �� �f .� - _ i' �i`'. �� ` �. / �,LEwC[R, M � - � � ; `�. � �_ . li i��- .� � -"� �� : � i 1�~ � � �� t i , _•4 . . _ i.�—'�� °� � i ` f[ - � ` !� . .�,.�'� � - 1�� � � .r..^ '� ��.� P=-.�� . ' .z+ � ��..� ..., � . . � i - :. \ ... .� ���,.noy.�ae. . �T71'E�� �j M' � �l'.�^i'_ �a.a� �.���, " 1 ��' ..1 . _ �� \ / _ � i, - - �:�-3 �A .i C:�. . '"'S I � { roior.l ..a . ;i . r ' : � t ,�� . r- _� �' � .�• Q. ._i'� '�; � r *;, .=1_. `� r. a� � Q 1� --�. � � , � y� .� m.� � r . . -! i \ D Tl - � �� SITE - ; '�-- a„� � t�N�s t! � Y-�- �� -�o � - � w..' � �� � � �_ ._n � ^' "".l'"�I f � �.� - _ -+!'---"--r,�.--=� ^ �_. �� i �,. �_'1 � f _ ; W°-e° _ � � f ' � Q �-`�'`-�.�: '�-� ;� �' p - � � � `' � wl \� . ; ;, �- � � �� : _ � , � ��- �--�—,� ; : •:�.w.r' D ,.x� �' 'e ' - ' _ "�. ST1.1 ��%� -� g, �°.�. �> ���` � r�..;-'_,�,H��;�,�Tr �. - � � r . /IERG!COYMT♦ \ � �`i � ST i.0 � j . , �i�_ ST 1.0/ � t- Rainfall Regions and � a.8 r� � � ,^ Regionat Scate Factors �a o.s ;�-�--� � � ,�.0 LA 1.2 �- -� lncorporated Area ...c� RivedLake Major Road � 9/1/98 1998 Surface VJater Design�vtanual 3-22 � ( i �� �� .•+ '' ' . ' �, �\� � AkF `� `.e j�Z---� I.. �' � '•� .� �:\ � l_ f Si1 iI �I, I ' - ,�, . i,I H'p � 3eD � �� II`I I � ' �'1 1' , (�J • ••� - 1• � � `� ar I t � � ` , ' •II A � I _ �Py �� mB � � � �I�i1 � , r- _- ---- i. gG .-,� O '�I. \ .. . I � �' - 1 . •�I. .��, r 9 . • I ' 1% � � � �) ' •. - � � �O � • � �a �'\ ,sm .�l �I� ���%J-' ; z ��=, ' �-�1.: C., _ I�e. i � � ` . 1 �i M � � � �pn ' ti i EvC' t •s .��• Ev6< � . � ^1 i • i' . � . a -i r ,�_� \ . ��� � � � •� �� ���'�• � •'�C g ' •'��� �• lc� �` `:` - .� �� :I• . '- ;,•,_-, �.�'.� �i . , �• . 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I: � ♦ • � . u u: .il . , . • . •�� y gC i,7`'_:i �g�,} : - - - i �� �• � •-,•i aik,. . .0 i fi .E ng• B'=, �'4 � _ �--- � � ` r.-----ti � . . , - 3 424 ' ; . � , _ I �� � .� , � Athleti , � r 9f f _ � -- i i � ' . • . 6 • y� R �eld I � ; J� .o � i' -r-1 ; • i� ... �• . . . i^ bsta gM Q• _ � ' = � �G�eenwcod Ce � . , � ��.^. O �• � EvD I r �-� ; •��� I � :80CC .. � � ! F Ur AkF� � ; _ �� ! ,� . � I F s � � ° � � EET -'- BeC �G- �• r-- � � . � �----- � • � , � . � - - � 7 j { ti-----�•\� i � , � ..., � ��� ; •� � �,BeD � r�� '. 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' __ Ev6 ! ------ - "� ' -�- � �� � ,�•-+'-- � __ � •�� -- -}t --- --- �ir�. an- , ---+-- .��T=-=■ , � ; �Phb I ^.-Nla . N � . ..:: L`� '13--- - ' � •�;:` • • i � •i � � • a 5P � ` �C BM{37 � Akf '�jV,Li'�i PY (�� J • � i ( � ,� I � �� f Co • � i � ' ,u EvB ourse I � � --�sta AmC .-�� � .`� / or� � m . Ur � o� �o . fi �-__ _ f .`6� , .l - � _ --�-�C �� AkF 1 ir � Pp IFf � � �. , InC '_' -- - I _ r� -- -- � '� , • ' ( � � I � - " ' '�� -�-� �_�-�-`'^`�- , � �' Rh � � Ma . G ,�I �• . :1 Qc` � 1ti -� � ���,a AkF � Sew ge pRTHE , � � •` I �j ..\ ` -•----•I,, .y9'��6 ,� "_ / \ '`y `;`. \_/ .� `_ � b � s �< `� AgD �`!!\�.. ` . � � Pc Oisp al �� � ii , � i �a � ' ` �,_ __ � � • 'n /C iy i�= •_. o ' I ' `, � - ' 'D Substa r AlnCi r, /` ` '\ ��/ � N• �r ,o � (�•4 � Ma a � • --- `� ' � qgC - -- _- I •�/la .,_AkF_,___ t( ` �lp • •� �o �r � f'Ng �� '' �l F '.py J �� ,. . . �`, . ` _ _, �o -+ .•tl � � - � :t :129 ��,. �� �� d �.Ag� �O Aaa��/'N 21 `A�` , �`�' � �` •��� ii:� :�i .�+ �~ ht Pc � — �e �• M 16 .•� : •• 455 a\ ��i ��„ -q == _� �� �f�,y �. PY h W ,{� . � � � .b � �4 �( ��: � � �'q r� H f ' '�,� i, i Pu . _ ;� f � �,� �� '�C ao ABC � � ` ,AkF� ' ���� ,;pc��_ � ,i�1 i! U� �r < �:���i� ,•�p'� ` �`�a � �� e�) • ��ii N : `ti� � Ur • . • '� �� ii � C u AkF Park�1 g I�v. i i� .. p�y � : ifr=�• • � a �l� � 11 - PY Lon acre ' i• u �ro��. .I � I "i� '�'�• g ��',�C�� ' i Pu . � � � o�� \ 515` � U ApVE- \������ �''a ,� � � ,�� �J R�����i � �•_-•�� eCI �� � i r ` \F\��. �1-0 ' EvC A� ' , �'7 SJ' 1�LTL� ���� Lf�l�l� � m� � Wo eD i� ��� � � � � M�� •�r,�gd„t� •�Ag� r .``� t �� ,`��� M � 8 `0. � '�� Akf- ' " '� � `" �"��' � �J ° ' -- — — -------- S�II,S l�l�� . ;�--���' ; --- ----1--� ' - - - �' e =L--- -----�?. ----- --- --- -- �-�r - 2 - _, --_--- -=-_- -- - -- -_-- , I/ — �0 — �,a z6 '-1� C�. �, ^�.- - ---- - -------- -- -1- -- � �' ��P'���I�EI� 20�5 �!� U � Ur �C)R s rvoir � � i ' . . ` I q .,\ AgC i'--�� ,' I - -�----��- - -i- --- -_ __ BM�__e__,��_�__ ��� ��� 1\�a ��E/��' s 1. ���. \ � ° a�^�J�` � '�1.+ � I ASC � -- - j- PY I So T� y� D •I• � � � �-^ I � �� G Agr_� ���E: 1��=2000� .'� Pu � m •�I �' ` �-��I� �^�_ �� AgC AgD - � i� I AkF � � � 1 Sk 1� 'r f-' � I ,.,_ � � � ! :i � .N l, � �. �� ���� 1 �i',= � ._ �—%I � �; :�. ?�i , �' ;:'�i B:�o �_ i `. �� `�,�. /���i � . � � 3?.2 KCRTS/RUNOFF riLES VIETHOD—GE,VERATING TIME SERIES TaBI.E:3'� "�QUIVALE:�CE BETWEE.�1 SCS SOII:TYPES�ND KCRTS SOLL TYpES SCS Soil Type SCS KCRTS Soil Notes Hydrologic Group Soil Group "� Alderwood (AgB,AgC,Ag0) C Till � �.-: Arents, Alderwood Materia! (AmB, AmCj C Tili Arents, Evere#t Material (An) B Outwash 1 Beausite (BeC, BeD, BeF� C Till 2 Beliingham (Bh) D Till 3 Briscot (Br) D Till 3 8uckley (Bu) D Till 4 Earimont (Ea) D Till 3 Edgewicic (Ed) C Till 3 Everett (EvB, EvC, EvD, EwC) A/B Outwash 1 Indiano{a (InC, tnA, InD) A Outwash 1 'rCitsap (KpB,KpC, KpD) C Till Klaus (KsC} C Outwash 1 Neilton (NeC) A Outwash 1 Newberg (Ng) B TiII 3 Nooksack (Nk) C Ti{I 3 Norma {No) D Till 3 Orcas (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Tiii 3 Ovall (OvC, OvD,OvF} C Till 2 Pilchuck (Pc) C Till 3 � Puget (Pu) D Till 3 Puya{!up (Py) B Till 3 Ragnar(RaC, RaD, RaC, RaE} B � Outwash 1 Rerrtan (Re) D Tifl 3 Salal (5a) C Til] 3 Sammamish (Sh} D Till 3 Seattle (Sk) D Wetland Shalcar(Sm) D Tiil 3 Si (Sn) C Til1 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 Sultan (Su) C TiII 3 Tukwila (Tu) D Till 3 Woodinville (Wo) D Tifi 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soifs are saturated or underlain at shallow ciepth (<5 feet) by glacial tifl,they shouJd be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedroc�c soils, but calibration of HSPF by King County DNR shows bedrock soils to have similar hydrofogic response to till soils. 3. These are allwial soils, some of which are underlain by glaciaf tiIl or have a seasonally high water table. In ihe absence of deiailed study,these soils should be treated as till soils. . 4. Sucicfey soifs are formed on the low-permeability Osceoia mudffow. tiydrologic resporsse is assumed to be similar to that of tili soils. I998�urface�.�ater Design Manual 9/1/98 3-25 ?ermeabiiity is moderatelv rapid in tne surf ace Arents, Alderwood >4aterial layer and subsoil and very slow in tne substrat:un. Roots penetrate easily to the con=olidated substra- tum where they tend to mat on the surface. Some ?serits, Aldenaood material consists of Alden,;oc roots enter the substratut� through cracks. Water soils that have been so disturbed through urban- moves on top o� the substrat� in winter. Available ization that they no longer can oe classified ��ith uater capacity is low. Runoff is slow to medi�, the Alderwood series, These soils, howe�.er, i�ave and the hazard of erosion is moderate. nany similar features. T'he upper part of the soil This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, to a depth of 20 to 40 inches, is brown to dark- and row crops, and £or urban development. Capability brown gravelly sandy loam. Belo�a this is a grayis unit IVe-2; woodland group 3d1. brown, consolidated and impervious substratum. �:- Alderwood g�'avelly sandy loam, 0 to 6 percent � Slopes generally range from 0 to I5 percent. �� These soils are used for urban development. : . slopes (AgB) .--This soil is nearly level and undulating. It is similar to .alden�rood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes, but in places its surface Iayer is 2 to "s inches thicker. Areas aTents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 rcent slop are irregular in shape and range from 10 acres to �'�B� •--In many areas tzis soil is level, as a slightly more than 600 acres in size. result of shaping during construction �or urban Some areas are as �uch as 15 percent inclu�ed facilities. Areas are rectangular in shape and K�orma, Bellingham, Tukivila, and Shalcar soils, all range from 5 acres to about 406 acres in size. of which are poorly drained; and some areas in the Representative profile of Arents, Alderwood material, 0 to 6 percent slopes, in an urban area, vicinity of Enumclaw are as much as 10 percent 1,300 feet west and 350 feet south of the northeas� Buckley soils. corner of sec. 23, T. 2� N. , R. 5 E. : Rtmoff is s2ow, and the erosion hazard is slight. 0 to 26 inches, dark-brown (lOYR 4/3) g:avelly This Alderwood soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, and row crops, and for urban develop�ent. sandy loam, pale brown (lOYR 6/3} dry; Capability unit IVe-2; hoodland group 3d2. massive; slightly hard, very friable, non- sticky, nonplastic; many roots; medium acid; ' Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent abrupt, sm�oth boundary. 23 to 29 inches slopes (AgD) .--Depth to the substratum in this soil thick. va�ies within short distances, but is commonly 26 to 60 inches, grayish-brown (2.5Y 5/2) weakly aoout 4U inches. Areas are elongated and range consolidated to strongly consolidated glacia] �rom i to about 250 acres in size. till, light brownish gray (�5Y 6/2) dry; 5oils included with this soil in mapping make common, mediwn, prominent mott2es of yellowi� up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. brown (lOYR 5/6) moist; massive; no roots; i Some areas are up to 25 percent Everett soils tnat medium acid. �San}� feet thick, nave =lopes of 15 to 30 percent, and some areas are up to 2 percent Bellingham, Norma, and Seattle soils, The upper, very friable part o£ the soil extends �.chich are in depressions. Some areas, especially to a depth of 20 to 40 inches and ranges from dark on Squak Mountain, in Newcastle Hills, and north of grayish brown to dark yellowish brown, Tiger Mountain, are 25 percent Beausite and Ovall � Some areas are up to 30 percent included soils soils. Beausite soils are underlain by sandstone, that are sitci.lar to this soil material, but either and Ovall soils by andesite. shallower or deeper over the compact substratum; Runoff is medium, and the erosion hazard is and some areas are 5 to 10 percent very gravelly se�rere. The slippage potential is moderate. Everett soi2s and sandy Indianola soils. This Alderwood soil is used mostly for timber. This Arents, Alden��ood soil is moderately weil Some areas on the lower parts of slopes are used drained. Permeability in the upper, di�turbed soil for pasture. Capability unit VIe-2; woodland group material �s moderately rapid to moderately slow, 3d1. denending on its compaction during construction. The substratum is very slowly permeable. Roots ' Alde naood and Kitsap soils, �ery steen (A]cF) .-- penetrate to and tend to nat on the surface of the :his mapping unit is about 50 percent Aldenaood consolidated substratum. Some roots enter the gravelly sandy loam and 25 percent Kitsap silt substratimm tnrough cracks. h'ater rnoves on top of loam. Slopes are Z5 to 70 percent. Distribution �e substratwn in winter. Availab2e water capacity of the soils �aries greatly within short distances. is low. Rim off is slow, and the erosion hazard is about 15 percent of some mapped areas is an sligat. included, nnnamed, very deep," moderately coarse T'his soil is used for urban development. Ca- textured soil; and about 10 percent of some areas pability unit IVe-2; woodland gro;zp 3d2. is a very deep, coarse-textured Indianola soil. Drainage'and permeability var,v. Runoff is rapid to very rapid, and the erosion hazard is severe to l�'ents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent very severe. The slippage potential is severe. slopes (r1mC) .--This soil has convex slopes. :.reas These soils are used for timber. Capability are rectangular in siiape and range from 10 acres to unit VIIe-1; woodland group 2d1. about 450 acres in size. 1� \ _ � � ^-�--� ;�� A���..—. -- --------_-- , , ; �: �_�.___...._._ _-- -..._. ��� ....__.-- --__. _.i I '. ° �- .. :. . .. .�. � . �.____. ._...__._..._._._,___._.....�__ . � � ____ __ _�---- ;- -�__.. . � � . . < < . . � ( ? ( . ._... . ... .. - ; i e ...... ....._-.. . .. I ..... .. � � 1 � �� ... ... . . . . . ....I. .... .. .. . . .. ..... . . . . . ; . .I.. ... ....... ... . � . .� '� .I f . .. . F I, x � .y � �. � - ., ' �'. I; I ; � , � — w- � �s � _ , ��2 I r t � '"� � � # � * i';�..,...,.., � A o J. o ,_ x J � I'Q I ' . �-�- - ,. �,)f...* ,* ,�, -�f r �, p �gj '�'6 • .: �. i � ' r ; � . . _. __ � � * �' m T e E a ,o �,�;: � .�� , � � '; . a ~ � fi. �.` . � ...�: . � � , �`' � i '" j � �- ' , � ;'� ,. �� `� = I, � f � — — — — � � �' s iE a - � � 9 3. v,-o � t ' �is�9:c: �..c= _ - _ , � : . ,;. � � ' , _____ �_.�,——.— -�.---- :,._�---�.,.,._:,.,— - . 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