HomeMy WebLinkAbout03313 - Technical Information Report - Small Project Narrative � � Corrt L'esigrt(ru. CORE 14711 N.E.29th Plac \ / DESIGN Bellevue,Washington 98007 �� m 425.885.7877Fax42c RQ; - � 4vur��� a�lz�i�.,;n� ' �, ' �'. � ��, 0 ( �� � � J �e,��„� � � . F°��� .� � �`,�. �� �� :� ��.�� � � �i �► �' t�UI�. PARK TERRACE SH(�l�i YL� l � i Al�i� RENTON, WASHINGTON prepared for VI:�IEYARDS CONSTRUCTION, LLC , � ��E � � t p„�'J/� RC `�J � �� `�4� � ,� ���_>y F� r`j���_ ' � "j� �G il 1 �Y`�:�' �+� ..'�����;�E. � : � , 1 .�,�o`���.,���,� r � Project Manager: Robert H. Stevens, P.E. � --- PyAs�ac�• e'` Date: h�iarch, 2006 �� '���`�' L� _._-m-► Revised: April, 2006 Core :�To.: 04026 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING �33�� 1. PROJECT O�'FRVIE«': The Park Terrace short plats are located at the intersection of�1E 7''' Place (SE 121'` Street) and Duvall Place I�'E (138th Ave. SE). See Exhibit 1 for the Vicinity Map. The history of the site is long. The Park Tenace Plat was originally subdivided in 1960. Sanitary sewer was not initially extended to the property and a number of the lots «-ithin the subdivision were not developed. In early 2006, sanitary sewer was extended to th� i site, allowing construction on the previously undeveloped properties. A boundary lin adjustment between the original lots 9, 10 and ll was recorded on February 1�� �'nn� (recording number 20060210900007, please see exhibit 2). This boundary lin� adjustrnent made way for two short plats, creatively called Park Terrace Short F'i�� Park 1e1,��1t�n C�?;�1-? �� 11 1 1`l C!1!l1l(i�i ���}�1�1;'C:' C�li��!'i il� 1rC 1�1�� ill,��, �, ,,�-,� �r��v : �� �1:,;, Frontage improvements and stoini drainage impro��ements ���ill be constructeei ;� ��������_ :!��. frontage of these projects as well as further to the west to provide a more presentable rurh appeal to these }�ro�erties. Please see exhibit � for a reduced si7e }�resentation of this t,lan. Short Ylat 1 will divide Parcel A into 2 lots (see eahibit 3). "The iinper��ious area for the lots will total 6,570 sf(Lot 1 =2,770 sf; Lot 2 = 3,800 sf(including a 20 foot «-ide emergency vehicle access on lot 2 to get within 150 feet of the most distant corner of the lot)). The impervious area for the frontage improvements associated with these tvvo lots is 982 sf. The total impervious area for Short Plat 1 is therefore 7,633 sf. As defined in the 2005 King County Surface VVater Design '_�Ianual. Section l.l.2.1, this area «�ould fall tinder tlle Small Pi-oject DrainaQe Revic��. Short Plat 2 ���ill divicic Parcel B into 2 lots (see e�xhibit =�). The inlpervious area for thc lots will total 5,170 sf(Lot ] = 2,�95 sf; Lot 2 = 2,575 sfl. The impervious area for the frontage improvenients associated �a�ith tllese t«-o lots is 4,689 sf. The total inlpen-ious area for Short Plat 1 is therefore 9.Q�9 sf. As defined in the 20�5 Kin� Countv S�u-fac� �t'ater Desi�n �lanual, Section l.l.Z.1, tl�is area ���ould fall un�ier the Small Project Drainage Review. , ,I� , ?. CONDITIO'�S AND REQUIRE'�1E\TS St;�9:�1�R�': Tl�e Administrative Short Plat Report and Decisions far both Short Plats dated Januai-y 24, 2006 outlines 5 coliditions which must be� met far each Sl1ort Plat. '� 1. The app�-oval of tlae pf-eli»zinary sl7ort plat shctll be contirtgertt i�po�i the appr�oti•al and recording of tlze Park Terrace Lot Line Adjust»aent (L UA05-0139, LLA� and I that the recording of the frnal short plat map shall not occur prior to the ' recording of the lot line adjustment. ' The lot line was recorded on February 10, 2006, recording number 20060210900007. '. A revised conceptual landscape plan shall be submittecl prior to final plat a��proval detailing out the proposed vegetation species arid the planting specifrcatio�is. A final landscape plan will be submitted along with the frontage improvement plan «-hich provides planting specifications. 3. T12e applieant sl�all pat° tlre ��ec�uir•e�l Tr•�riisportatiorr ��litigation Fee crt the rc�te of �?5.00 per net new ave�-age daily trip associated with the project. The Tra�ispo�-tation Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recor�ling of the short pint. The Transportation I��litigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. �1. 7'he upl�licu�lt slrcrll pu1� cr Fri�e ,llfti��ltion FEe b�rsc�rl��ar �r rut� of,��88.00��er �rel,� single fC11711I1' IOl 1VIrI1 CI"2CJ11�IVeir f01"rllP eIISllllb reside�rce. Tlie fee shnll be paid ��rior to tl�e recorclirr�of'tlre°short 1�l�rt. '�, The Fire Mitigation Fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the short plat. _S. The short plat shall be rec�uired to comply �vith tlre 2005 King Cou��ty Surfc�ce Water Design Manual. A clrainage»a�•rative complying tit�ith the reqttirei�iertts of ', the 2005 Ki�ag County•Sa�rface Watei•Design Manital shall be submitted prio�-to �' final plat approval. � This narrative is satisfaction of this condition. ��I 3. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS: Upstream Tributary Area The subject properties receive only minor sheet flow from lot 8. A ditch north of the property cuts off any flow from the north and a roadside ditch along Duvall Place NE cuts off any flow from the east. The Duvall Place roadside ditch does receive a base flow of draina�,e frrn1� �� (,-inch �ipe (presumahl��r���f and f��tin�� drainc) fi-�m l��t �. llo�snstream Anal�sis The onsite drainage can be analyzed as rivo separate basins. The Duvall Place roadside ditch, which in reality is an upstream basin, drains to the south and«�ill be described as the South Basin. The onsite drainage sheet flows to the west and is captured either by the roadside ditch along the north margin of NE 7th Place or a shallow swale along the west edge of the parcel C of the boundary line adjustment. This basin will be described as the West Basin. South Basin I The roadside ditch along the west edge of Duvall Place?vE and along the east edge of the short plats drains to the south until it comes to the intersection with NE 7ih Place. It is drained to the south under Iv'E 7`h Place to a roadside ditch on south side of the street. The roadside ditch continues to flow south to lot 16 (72� Duvall Place NE). At the south end of the frontage of this property, the roadside ditch and culvert have been filled, thus directing the flows to the front yard of 729 Duvall Place 1�TE. The previous owner of lot 17 was cited by the County for illegal fill in the late 1980's. It is not known if the fill ��-as removed, however Lot 16 remains lo���er than lot 17. The road ditch fronting Lot 17 was apparently filled during the constntction of the house on lot 17 (723 Duvall Place NE) in 2000. The water in the front yard of lot 16 has, since 2000, been pumped away froin the low point in the front yard to the rear yard, across the rear yard of Lot ]7 to a stornl drain inlet in the frontaQe of Duvall Ave. NE. Though not submitted to Kin� Colmty as a contplaint, this issue h�s bee» a difticult issue for the o�v�ncr ��f lots 1 Ci and ne�t� o���ner of Lot 1,. As part of the short plat process, the City is requiring that the existing drainage problem I be addressed. It is proposed to divert the upstream flows from this area by intercepting the flow from the Duvall Place roadside ditch upstreain of NE 7`r Place and discharging to the West Basin. � West Basin The onsite stormwater sheet flows to the west and south. A shallow� swale along the west property line of lot 11 directs most of the sheet flow to the roadside ditch along the north edge of 1�'E 7th Place. This ditch flows to the west to Duvall Avenue 1VE where it enters the tightlined conveyance system of Du��all. The conveyance system directs the water to the south, ultimately joining up with the stormwater of the South Basin, well within '/4 '� mile downstream. I 4. FLOVV CONTROL BMP ANALYSIS: Small Project Drainage Reviews are required to address flow control BMPs by means of "dispersing, infiltrating , or otherwise reducing or preventing development-related increases in runoff at or near the sources of those increases" as described in Appendix C of the 2005 KCSWDM. Since the lots on these short plats will be less than 22,000 sf, these lots will need to adhere to Section 1.3.1, Small Lot BMP Requirements. With the aid of Figure C.1.3.A Flowchart for Determining Application of Flow Control BMPS, it is shown that the BMP options available to these lots are to "apply one or more of the following to impervious area>_10%of lot for lots sizes 11,000 sf:" 1. Limited Infiltration. 2. Basic Dispersion 3. Rain Garden 4. Permeable Pavement 5. Rainwater Harvesting 6. Vegetated Roof 7. Reduced Impenious Surface Credit 8. Native Growth Retention Credit The preferred alternative for flo«�control BMP is the Reduced Impervious Surface Credit. As described in Section C2.9, "for lots that are smaller than 22,000 square feet, i any recorded limit on total impervious surface less than a norm of 4,000 square feet or the maximum allowed by the lot's zoning, whichever is smaller, qualifies for a restricted footprint credit equal to the difference in square footage." The City of Renton R-8 zoning for these lots does not have a"total allowed impervious area" restriction but King County R-S zoning requires a maxin�um of 75% of the lot area be iinpervious. In order to stay within the small site drainage requirements, each short plat must construct no more than 10,000 sf, so the lots will be straddled ��vith an even more oilerous requirement to stay within this squar-e footage. The areas presented in the follo�ving table present the --� areas that the architect will propose with the building permits(as presented in Section 1, Project Overview) plus the allowed square footage to stay within 10,000 square feet ' The allowed and proposed impervious areas are presented in the following table: Lot Size Max. Allowed (75%) 10% Allowed Impervious � Impervious Coveragel Reduction Coverage2 Short Plat 1 Lot 1 7,637 sf 5,727 sf 5,154 sf 3,994 sf Lot 2 7,777 sf 5,832 sf 5,249 sf 5,024 sf Frontage 982 sf Impervious Total 10,000 sf Impervious Short Plat 2 Lot 1 5,349 sf 4,011 sf 3,610 sf 2,656 sf Lot 2 6,243 sf 4,682 sf 4,214 sf 2,655 sf Frontage 4,689 sf , Impervious Total 10,000 sf Impervious , 1. Ma�cimum Allowed(75%) Impervious Coverage refers to the coverage allowed I per King County Zoning Code. 2. Allowed Impervious Coverage refers to the restricted coverage for these specific lots to stay within the required 10,000 square feet total impervious coverage for the project. We propose to condition the approval of these short plats to the allowed impervious coverage as presented above. -. ph . i • rm aY ' . . . 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N � LUA-05-139-LLA �`'�VLL�HO� �+�' sd5 OPI14/[ll"t ::� U'�OZ�J m I.ND-3D-OS02 xsvmE,��o o ENGINEERING • PCi1NNING • SURVEYfNG CHKD.DY SCA�E '$Hf$7 ; r-so' 2 or• '.2 __.--------___,_- � : . - "=:.. :Y -- - - I � PARK TERRA� E SH � RT PLAT 1 NE 1/4, SVJ 1/4, SEC. 10, TVJP. 23 N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 72 � � CASlLEW00D RANCHETTES � VOL. 129. ?G5. 13-18 '1 ?RACT F I CITY�OF R=NT(,VJ —� '�'-- - --- -- _ " N88'2Q'01' 179.95 _ iZF.•17 " 1\ � lOi.f15 'i.iJ _" -- ."_ I �� \�'_ Fi.�JIIL'� ... � ' �0�.�:7 —__"_' _— _— _"._.__ _ � I�il'I PIP� � '1 W ri FCUND 1/2'RE2AF. 7��71 � N,� �--�Y/WC STnS1PED �o � � r 'H?NSEP! LS 27hG4" �YK • �n 7E373_ =F v 0.1' SW fH OF�P.6P. Z COHfaEH ��' Z 5 N88'20'0�"W �� 1z ¢ 94.47 'c,��, PARK TERRACE DIV. N0. 7 i �4i A f 'JOL 55, PGS. 76-19 !� A ;n / I � �� � — 2 I ?� n, I PARCEL C / �90. Yr�.�j` � -- S PARCEL B l�26�'�. b�i^'�. / / �G S 11�,. / �.' rFj ,.j�� �Ri:" CITY OF RENTON _ LOT LI'JE FDJUS7MEN7 c � / LUn-05–t39–LL4 �y�- – RECORDING N0. 2C0G0^<10900007 �J; � . y y�. �, 1 �s � I �0:�. ".�j ��('\•i•, I ._ �� ....�... ��// � I _' q\ N G� ,.,,s��� F) ��P �; \. Tti A P�,., ;, ���F O�� ,,�, s�� �},. .. ,,�^, `G /9ti..' \ �O �:,� /~ � — _� _ — _ _ _ \\ Jf ' � �� / ` \ ��1� I - ��,,��J.IE'�,- __ �.���oti I ,.�"���� 'Ee PL�.; �'-_`-�, _�,tl. I z� �l� :.cr'-I:�.'�.r� / \ 6 A I 2\\` V�J � S / ��J, � � �f y. S�\ `ia�, . FOUND 3"% /� ,,C � CGhCRE':E MCNUMD `YTHTACK IM LE. \� FLV:�, ❑YR:. 1.3� / (� [` AS!'HP. �J�:Q��;;.�� �OI;ND 3'..<3" CCNCRFTE---. % t,1nNJ�dENT WITH 3j8" � `�_ CO?FER PLUG, GYRI. \ - � ' ��� 1.4' IFF ASI'HAL f O NE �., � � � I � PCACF �-- 237.97 RFi-. t .':D >;EA. �—t,E � CCa.3l D/�O C .;" ���p r. Sc ^ �; � . : ..ae � / � �•~ �, ��� ��� T' � Y••'fX f.� b' .:O � O, �', s� ��oEsr� ,O�r tsb... �; h�LiA� ENGINEERING �IRES:4 2B OB JUB � --- --_—�_—� .P.,�,..�-� � PARK TERRAC � SH � RT PLAT � PJc i/4, SVd 1/4, SEC. 1G, T'vVP. 23 N., RGE. 5E., '�'+.".'. CITY OF RENTON, KING COJNTY, WASHINGTGN � I CASTLEWOOD RANCH'cTiES � --L VOI. 129, PGS. 13-78 iP,A�I ! I CI7Y pP kEN�'O'. — j — —. _-- __—.___ �._N8820.�i..... ..._ 2(:.�1,: _—_ ' I _�_ . _. _ _ . —�. . . _._ . _ _ _..d i ____ _ _ --_. r � PARCEL A � CITY OF P.EN fOiJ � I.OT LINE AGJUSTIAEI�IT � J lUt.-0�-739—I.li, 1� . �_ _ __ RECGFD','ii. NR ?n•,-)uu71090v�G7 12 _, , .-_ -_ . _ t� �. �' Y � — — PARCFL C ,�0 �"C. —' '�• � Ji- � � �.`L �??�� '� � \ 6' �L / � �o-y \� � �.� � 53,toi. S�- f`c.' . �� .,,` 'iJJjj' •iv z �?� /�J. e:�-is:_ ;r . �''`�� I , `•.. „�,�. � �'. �;G�. � J . Ci (y�� . ,p`I�._ " �.� �., - __ 5�� � ' ��/�o° '''r;. o:. PG�C, ��?���\ ,b .� sp, .:.,'6: Q� /. \c.� F;,'<�- � :,� ,t �� � ,yF ;__, , • :�� ��Q' /. � :-zF. r.-�c c� o ='o Ty '��.% t.-c%i�•r' � "�• A( � �`,'• - i;.w�.� _ � �',!�,e:� q p ',...�...- cF \�ds ����' � `A u / <h � __ _ _ _ - _ 1)`. `\ / j✓ _ , , � �','; �� i �:�., �,�P, I FWIdD �"Y.3'�— -- �9 R> / CCIiCRET[ FI01•IUI.1E�:i —_ \" ;,� � N'ITH COPPER FWG, �1.�;I'�,;. �NM. 1.9' IN ASPHN_T / �\. 6 � . P'��\ � ov � 5 � �9e. �� � / ZSJ\ "t�' J FOUIQD 3" /i ��..` � CrpICI'FTE MCNUMI �`-� " Y.SiHTACY. IN LI '�� PLUG. DP:Pi. 1.3 ::)J \, ,' qSPH, �s.: °�'.F:, ffiL:liC• 3"i^'� CONCRfTF---� �� , , �M7Ubffl:T Yflf� 3/8' ;_' �� COPPF:, F�UG. DYlN. � _ 1.•F' I;I 4SI'HAI_T ��� O I � N� 7� pCA�E ----- ---_�:----- _ _�i 23:%97 P,�F. i nria rr[:�. � . I I O lo �E!i J. g�, � 4�.•ai *4a'.!S',p. ��V 'wA�: �o� x': a �� �DES, ?� tq. � � � .?,a�sP.Sg' �'YdL1A� ENGfNEERING EAPIItFS:4 2B OB JOB , C.1.3 APPLICATION OF FLO«'COI�TROL BD1PS FIGURE C.1.3.A FLOWCHART FOR DETERI�ZINING APPLICATIO:V OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS Is the project on a s/tdlat Ye Is it feasible and smaller than 22,000 square feet? applicable to implement full Yes No further BMPs Appty one or more of the following to impervious area dispersion for the required. Nate: s10%of site,'lot for slte/lot sizes<11,000 sf and�20°/a of roof area as per Any proposed slte'lot for slteilot sizes between 11,000 and 22,000 sf(For Section C.2.1? connection of roof projects located in critical aquifer recharge areas these downspouts to impervi�us area amounts double): No local drainage 1. LtmRed InftRration(Section C.2.3) system must be 2. Basic Dlspersion(Section C.2.4) Is it feasible via perforated 3. Rain Garden Section C.2.5 and applicable ( ) pipe connection 4. Permeable Pavement(Section C2.6) No to implement Yes per Section 5. Rainwater Harvesting{Section C.2.7) full iniiltration �2 1� No 6. Vegetated Roof(Section C.2.8) of the roof 7. Reduced Impervious Servfce Credit(Section C.2.9) runoff as per 8. Native Growth RetenUon Credit(Section C2.10) Section C.2.2? I Notea: � j No flow control BMPs are required for new pervlous suHsces. � � Water uali Im acta are ade uatel addressed wilh the above flow conVoi BMPs. i � Is it feasibie I, The project must be a s/teJlot � groater than or equal to 22,000 square fcet? and applicable to i _ impiement full Yes No further BMPs I disperaion on al' target/mpervlous � required. Note: I aurface as per Any proposed Section C.2.1? connection of roof I One or more of the followfng BMPs must be implemented dawnspouts to for target impervious surface not addressed with fuil No local drainage dispersion or with fuil infiltration of roof runoft: system must be 1. Full Inflltratlon Section C.2.2 Is it feasible and I ( ) via perforated 2 Limited Inflltration(Section C2.3) No applicable to implement P���nnectfon � 3. Basic Dispersion(Section C.2.4) fuli infiltratfon of ihe p�r Section � 4. Rain Garden(Section C.2.5) roof runoH as per C.2.11. 5. Permeable Pavement(Section C.2.6) Section C.22? 6. Ralnwater Harvesting{Section C.2.7) Yes 7. Vegetated Roof(Section C2.8) Is there any remaining target B. Reduced Impervfous Service Credit (Section C.2.9) Yes impervious surlace not addressed No 9. Native Growth Retentlon Credit Section C.2.10 with full dispersion or with full i infiltration oi roof runoff? i o e: -- III Flow control BMPs are required for all new pervious surface when it exceeds 35,000 sf. Flow control BMPs must be applied in tfie I following order of preference: � , ?. The feasibility and applicability of full dispersion as detailed in Section C.2.1 must be evaluated for all new pervious surfaces. ', 2. For those pervious surtaces not addressed in Requiremeni 1 above, one or more of the following BMPs must be implemented: I Basic Disperolon(Section C.2.4) ' Raln Garden Section C.2.5 Note: I The following extra water quality provisions muet be implemented if tfie project results in 5,000 sf or more of additional pollutlon ,generating Impervious surtace from which runoff is not fully dispersed in accordance with Section C.2.1: 1. Reduce existing or proposed pollution generating impervious surface so that the 5,000 sf threshold is not triggered. i 2. Provide water quality facilities designed by a licensed civil engineer in accordance with Section 1.2.8 of the SWDM. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix C i/24/2005 � G17 ,� r � � -- - -- ---- -- / / / 2018 SF % SLDG. GOVERA6 I PL N 3005 __ _ . - - - . � i / PLAN 2840 j I�i86 SF 1 SLD6. � GO 6E / / 18�"1 SF BLDG. GOV�RR6E PLATI 252� � / PLAIV 26-12 /' ' / 1948 5� BLD6. � GOVE / ( PLAN 2"133 4 ' -! 1926 �-v� SLD6. GOVE E �., �_ � \ �\ \ � . i � � , N � ; � . � � _ �_ _- _._ _ - SCALE: 1" = 40' o �n ao nn �— - . � fRL4V7ACE l,1/PROl4"A/EN75- FL44 L075 1 ANO 2 � ---- _._ IMPERNOUS ARCA=1231 5Y. � . -STA 9+9U.6 END � �. fH(X/TACf lMf'ROY£A/ENIS \ � , F'OAOWAY 1NO,�NING; FL44 L07 i � i i CUNB ANO.SIpFIYAlk: �ikON7AGE/MPROl1''MfNTS /MPERNO(LS AR.FA�l4l6 SF � STA 5+60 iiE'�N NfJENINC,-� � FG45'L07�13 .��. 5'LCNG ASNPNAC7 h'A�/�' CI1,4B ANO 5/DEWALA: � � /MPFNNCN/S AREA=7665 SF . .''•, � CL45'S7XUC7 N£W LY/RO ANO 20'1NOE � �' � � ID 1RANSIDON SIDEWi1CK S/D£WAIX I�J MATCl/F.X RUAP\� / � EMERG£NC�\ ��\•, ELfYADON TO EX GRAOf VRC49/F.. \ACCESS ROAO R£LOCAIE fXISANC S'IAEFF� � r _ `' \ /�� . EfF� PRONOf ROAOWAY SGN GEN/ND 9D£W.ILK \ — -.. . _- �. 20 LF 6' ♦ . . '� � ��'`'. `�\� TAPFR AS rH01M! ,'- ._ �.... srn i+�r ) �% 1 I � _._ .. 3�„-, "' -_ ..lA I I Iti 7d :. ISO LF 6 /� X i. �,cl. STi1 5+56, 15?5�RT— — � i �__ tERDCAL CUHB ANO CU � �r / SAWCVT EX ROAD A/lN,12" CB 7 IYPE l) �� 107/P 71"PlZ' \ �- ��//'°'" TO FORM NE�T EOGE: MATCN - � l.''420 6 �0 05 '�� ' ��. PER CIIY OF RfNT(AN S7U, � � Rl,4I J2�.00� � ) ��; �� Ea:PAYEMEN7 SEC7/ON fOR �� CAN F001. 7YA. ,L� /E}20 95 Ly� RECOCAIE'MAILBOX `��'� � j -/,'�a` .� � . NfW RDAD.(7YP.J �' � ACK Cl�WALK 20 LF b'"- / ��, �{G�"!.l `STA}+52, 16'L I ���7z• "" �' S` ¢Or 20'NfDf ORl{LW,1 Y W I�C O 0031� ' Q�� J�'. PfR C/IY(X�RENTON S77J. Q OO.OIOJ,���/ \���', � P�� P ��:;-f006(AUERNAlf�2I V STA�+50 /57,5'/TT SLOPG NEW ROAOWAY Z� � '� � vi ce z(rrae q ro FAc£c�currs(�ml OJ 3�� � A Q H!M 4?.9.401 FRONTAGF.IMPROl2M£N7S . �r � l£416.�0 FONL075JAN04. .�`,���� O IMPCRNIX/S AR£A-4689 SF. �---.-�--�- -.------ST4.3t09�;;r f?lst=T.J=- / �i.i.J/�n(�j7JRIR Alr: .iF.! Q�1,25.75�RAD-J � . . CBJ(JYPt�IJ � R/M 43d 603 � lF 4.iUG0 � � i ,, ^:.� � . �-._i i n,.c;� _-- ,.y.------ � - � --� --- � --�---'---�- - - — NE 7TH PLACE (S.E.121st ST.J I I I I � - iL'J'f.F.C,:Si Alf I!i �. l HE^_.ri0. 94ps��;�s5. � �