HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-10-092 SECOND MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT REGARDING CEDAR RIVER ACCESS FACILITY AND BROODSTOCK COLLECTION This Second Memorandum of Agreement regarding Ce ar River Access Facility and Broodstock Collection ("MOX) is made this Zkqdy of , 2010, by and between the City of Seattle ("Seattle"), acting by and through its Public Utilities Department ("SPU"), and the City of Renton ("Renton"), acting by and through its Community Services Department. Recitals 1. As part of the Landsburg Mitigation Agreement and 2006 Muckleshoot Tribe- Seattle Settlement Agreement (Agreements), SPU funds the operation of a sockeye salmon hatchery program to help conserve and protect Cedar River sockeye salmon. This program previously included the operation of a remote sockeye broodstock collection facility near Cavanaugh Pond at river mile 6.5 of the Cedar River. 2. In collaboration with the Parties to the Agreements and the interagency Cedar River Anadromous Fish Committee, SPU determined that it would be preferable to re-locate the collection facility to real property located on the Cedar River at river mile 1.7 above Lake Washington. This location better supports key program objectives. This site promotes the maintenance of the genetic integrity of the population by helping to ensure that collected broodstock are representative of the entire Cedar River population, including fish that spawn in the lower reaches of the river. In addition, the site enhances the ability of the program to meet established production goals by providing access to the substantial numbers of fish that spawn in the lower river. 3. Prior to re-locating the collection facility, SPU applied for permits from Renton to construct some improvements on property currently owned by the City of Renton (the "Renton Property"). 4. In a decision dated August 21, 2008, the City of Renton Hearing Examiner approved a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") granting Seattle permission to use the Renton Property. The Hearing Examiner's decision included a requirement that SPU and the City of Renton complete a Memorandum of Agreement regarding the management and use of the Renton Property prior to the 2009 broodstock collection season (Condition 1) and that SPU obtain an "access easement" from the City of Renton (Condition 9). In fulfillment of the Hearing Examiner's Conditions, the parties have combined the management and use agreement and the access rights requirements in this MOA. 1 5. The City of Renton also required Seattle to construct certain improvements to enhance recreational use of the river and to operate the collection facility in compliance with the Cedar River Access Facility Management Plan dated July 30, 2008, developed between Renton and SPU. 6. On September 3rd, 2009, SPU and Renton entered into a Memorandum of Agreement regarding Cedar River Access Facility and Broodstock Collection ("First MOA"), under which agreement SPU operated the broodstock facility for the 2009 collection season. SPU and Renton now wish to replace the First MOA with a new agreement that will be in effect for the duration of the Conditional Use Permit, including any extensions. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual obligations herein, Renton and Seattle agree as follows: A. Definitions 1. "Access Plan" means the Cedar River Access Facility Management Plan dated July 30, 2008 included as Exhibit C. 2. "Broodstock Collection Facility" means the improvements and appurtenances necessary for the collection and transport of sockeye salmon broodstock, including the placement of a weir and traps in the river on a seasonal basis, an access road, utility connections, temporary living quarters, and all additional appurtenances reasonably necessary for the collection and transport of sockeye salmon broodstock. 3. "Conditional Use Permit" or "CUP" means the permit that includes the written decision of the Renton Hearing Examiner dated August 21, 2008 (File No. LUA- 08-018,SA-H, CU-A, V-H, SM), which approves SPU's operation of a broodstock collection facility on the Renton Property and in the Cedar River at river mile 1.7, as extended or modified from time to time. 4. "Access and Use Area" means the area depicted in Exhibit A to this MOA. 5. "Recreational Improvements" means SPU constructed improvements to the pedestrian trail, viewing platform, interpretive signage panels, and sign kiosks that are shown in the Access Plan and at the locations depicted on Exhibit A. 6. "Renton Property" means the real property owned by the City of Renton, further described and depicted in Exhibit A. 7. "WSDOT Property" means the real property owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation, further described and depicted in Exhibit A. 2 8. "Safety Plan" means the Cedar.River Sockeye Hatchery Broodstock Collections Operations Safety Plan attached as Exhibit B to this MOA. 9. "Cedar River Section 205 Flood Hazard Reduction Project" or "Cedar River 205 Project" means the lower 1.25 miles of the Cedar River where dredging and the levees/floodwalls were constructed by the United States Corps of engineers (USACE) with the City of Renton as the local project sponsor. The Project Cooperation Agreement between the USACE and Renton was finalized on May 9, 1998 and details the City's maintenance responsibilities for maintaining the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Hazard Project. This includes the need for periodic maintenance dredging in order to maintain the flood protection benefits of the project, along with maintenance of the levees and floodwalls as required by the Project Cooperation Agreement. B: Term 1. Term. This MOA will be in effect upon signature by an authorized representative of each party and will remain in effect through August 21, 2013, unless terminated earlier under the terms herein or unless extended under Section B.2. As used in this MOA, "Term" means the initial term and any extensions. 2. Extensions. At the same time SPU submits its written request for an extension of the Conditional Use Permit, SPU will also request the extension of this Agreement. If the Conditional Use Permit is extended, this MOA will also be extended and will remain in effect for the same term as the Conditional Use Permit. C. Access and Use Area 1. Access and Use Area. Renton grants Seattle/SPU permission to access and use Renton Property described in Exhibit A for ingress, egress, and the installation and operation of the Broodstock Collection Facility. 2. Relocation of Access and Use Area/Broodstock Collection Facility. In the future, if the 1-405 expansion project requires the relocation of the existing pedestrian bridge, as per the adopted 9/25/2006 Tri-Park Master Plan, Seattle will not be responsible for any costs associated with relocating the pedestrian bridge. If the new location for the pedestrian bridge and the Broodstock Collection Facility are in conflict, Seattle shall remove the Broodstock Collection Facility at its own expense. If the Broodstock Collection Facility must be relocated as a result of the 1-405 expansion, the relocation of the Broodstock Collection Facility shall be to a location determined by SPU. If SPU wishes to relocate.to property owned by the City, the location must approved by the City and SPU will be responsible for all relocation costs. If the Broodstock Collection Facility is relocated to different City property, the parties will 3 amend the Access and Use Area and this MOA as needed, to provide for a new location for the Broodstock Collection Facility. Y D. Operation 1. Annual Installation of Weir. At any time on or after September 9th of each year during the Term, SPU may enter Renton's property to install a resistance board weir and traps in the river in the general location depicted on Exhibit A and as described in the Access Plan (Exhibit C). 2. SPU Responsibility. SPU will be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the weir and all related appurtenances. 3. Access and Safety. SPU will operate the Broodstock Collection Facility in compliance with both the Access Plan (Exhibit C) and the Safety Plan (Exhibit B). Additionally, at all times when the weir is installed in the river, at its own cost, SPU will do the following: a) SPU will provide personnel on-site in the area twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven days per week. b) SPU will place temporary signage along the Cedar River trail warning users that truck traffic may be crossing the trail ahead. SPU must submit proposed sign designs to Renton for its approval. Once approved, SPU shall not be required to resubmit unless operations or proposed plans changes. The City may also require additional signage and/or a new plan, if the sinage fails to adequately inform users of the operations. If Renton does not approve or reject the sign designs within ten (10) business days, Renton will be deemed to have approved the signs. C) SPU will place temporary warning signage in a place visible to watercraft up river of the weir, warning boaters that the weir is downstream. 4. Annual Removal of Weir. SPU will remove the weir and warning signage from the river no later than December 30th of each calendar year during the term. E. Maintenance 1. Maintenance of Renton Property and Broodstock Collection Facility. At its own cost and expense, SPU will maintain and keep the Renton Property and the Broodstock Collection Facility and related improvements in clean and good condition. 2. Maintenance of Recreational Improvements. During the Term and at its own cost, SPU will maintain the Recreational Improvements and landscaping in clean and good condition similar to other Renton park properties. SPU will also replace the interpretive panels as needed. 4 3. Retaining Wall. There is a retaining wall on the north side of the river as depicted on Exhibit A. SPU has penetrated the wall and installed fasteners into the ground on the north side of the river and the wall for securing a safety cable across the river to facilitate installing, operating, servicing and removing the traps and weir. SPU will maintain the fasteners and cables and will conduct annual inspections of the locations where the fasteners and cable penetrate the wall to ensure the wall in that location is not showing evidence of structural problems or damage caused by the cable. SPU will be responsible for any damage to the wall or adjacent landscape improvements caused by any fastener or cable installed by SPU. F. Costs and Utilities for h of installing and maintaining the Broodstock SPU will be responsible o t e cost g g Collection Facility and access improvements. SPU will be further responsible for any damages, injuries, liability or costs to the extent occurring as a result of SPU's installation, use, maintenance and/or operation of the Broodstock Collection Facility. SPU will ensure that utilities serving the Broodstock Collection Facility are separately metered to SPU and will pay all utility bills when due. G. Renton HPA AND MAINTENANCE DREDGING 1. The Conditional Use Permit includes the following condition: "Prior to operation of the broodstock facility an agreement between the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the City of Renton shall be achieved as to resolve the concerns of SPU's proposed broodstock facility on the City's [Renton's] ability to meet the requirements of the Hydraulic Permit Approval #G1503-1 (Cedar River Section 205 Flood Hazard Reduction project)." This condition has been satisfied based upon the attached letter (Exhibit D) dated September 4, 2008 from Bob Everitt, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to Gregg Zimmerman, City of Renton Public Works Department Administrator. If Seattle requests an extension of this MOA and the Conditional Use Permit, SPU agrees to work cooperatively with Renton as needed to resolve adverse impacts within SPU's control, if any, that the Broodstock Collection Facility has on Renton's ability to obtain a new Hydraulic Project Approval for future maintenance dredging projects. Renton reserves the right to oppose the future renewal of the. Conditional Use Permit before the Hearing Examiner if Renton reasonably concludes that the broodstock facility prevents or adversely impacts Renton's ability to obtain a Hydraulic Project Approval for maintenance dredging. 2. SPU shall cooperate with Renton in resolving any comments, permit requirements, mitigation, or other issues that arise during the Renton permitting of the future maintenance dredging that are the result of concerns about the dredging project's effect on the Broodstock Facility or the impacts to the maintenance dredging project caused by the Broodstock Facility. If the presence or operation of the Broodstock Facility directly results in additional costs, conditions or mitigation measures to be 5 added to the future dredging project ("Project Impacts"), SPU will be responsible for the Project Impacts to the extent caused by the Broodstock Facility's presence or operations. H. Reporting SPU shall provide copies of all annual monitoring reports that contain information regarding all monitoring activities performed by SPU at the Broodstock Facility and the sections of the Cedar River downstream and upstream of the facility. The reports shall include all reports that SPU develops or generates under its Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Program now, or hereafter, including: the number of sockeye salmon captured for broodstock; • the number of sockeye salmon captured 'and passed upstream above the weir; • the number of Chinook salmon observed, passed and timing (dates along with number of fish captured); and • average fecundity (average number of eggs per female) collected from the broodstock fish used in the production of sockeye salmon at the Cedar River Hatchery. The report shall also include a running total of all sockeye captured at the Broodstock Facility, since the start of broodstock collection (2008) at the Broodstock Facility site in Renton. I. Damage or Destruction 1. Damage. SPU will be responsible for repairing any damage, other than ordinary wear and tear, to the pedestrian trail or to the Renton Property (including Recreational Improvements) caused by SPU's operation of the Broodstock Collection Facility. 2. Destruction. If the Broodstock Collection Facility is partially or entirely destroyed by flood, fire or other casualty, Seattle, in the discretion of SPU's Director, may either restore and rebuild the Broodstock Collection Facility or terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to Renton. J. Termination, Restoration, Ownership of Improvements 1. Early Termination. If SPU determines that the Broodstock Collection Facility is no longer necessary for hatchery operations, or determines that the Facility should be re-located for any reason, Seattle reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without liability upon thirty (30) days written notice to Renton. 2. Restoration. Upon the expiration or termination of this MOA, or if the Broodstock Collection Facility is decommissioned, SPU will remove all weir supporting 6 structures, facilities,appurtenances, and the access road, and will restore the Renton Property to its prior vegetated condition. SPU shall bear the sole cost and expense of removal and restoration efforts. 3. Ownership of Recreational Improvements. At the expiration or early termination of this MOA, Renton will have immediate ownership of and responsibility for all Recreational Improvements, and SPU will not be required to remove the Recreational Improvements. K. Insurance and Indemnification 1. Insurance. Renton acknowledges and accepts that as a public entity, Seattle is self-insured. Seattle will keep in place a program of self insurance at all times during this Agreement. 2. Seattle to Indemnify Renton. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, Seattle shall indemnify, defend and hold Renton and Renton's officers, agents, employees and contractors harmless from all claims, suits, losses, damages, fines, penalties, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees and other costs incurred in connection with claims, regardless of whether such claims involve litigation) resulting from any actual or alleged injury (including death)of any person or from any actual or alleged loss of or damage to, any property caused by Seattle's occupation, use or improvement of the Renton Property and adjacent areas, or that of any of its employees, agents or contractors, unless Seattle is immune from liability under RCW 4.24.210 or any successor provision or other applicable law. Seattle agrees that the foregoing indemnity, to the extent applicable, specifically covers actions brought by its own employees. This indemnity with respect to acts or omissions during the time when this Agreement is in effect shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. The foregoing indemnity is specifically and expressly intended to;constitute a waiver of Seattle's immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, to the extent necessary to provide Renton with a full and complete indemnity from claims made by Seattle and its employees, to the extent of their negligence. 3. Renton to Indemnify Seattle. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, Renton shall indemnify, defend and hold Seattle, its officers, agents, employees and contractors harmless from all claims, suits, losses, damages, fines, penalties, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees and other costs incurred in connection with claims, regardless of whether such claims involve litigation) resulting from any actual or alleged injury (including death) of any person or from any actual or alleged loss of or damage to property caused by Renton's occupation, use or improvement of the Renton Property and adjacent areas, or that of any of its employees, agents or contractors, unless Renton is immune from liability under RCW 4.24.210. Renton agrees that the foregoing indemnity specifically covers actions brought by its own employees. This 7 _ indemnity with respect to acts or omissions during the time when this Agreement is in effect shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. The foregoing indemnity is specifically and expressly intended to, constitute a waiver of Renton's immunity under Washington's Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, to the extent necessary to provide Seattle with a full and complete indemnity from claims made by Seattle and its employees, to the extent of their negligence. 4. Limitation of Indemnification. In compliance with.RCW 4.24.115 as in effect on the date of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement pursuant to which either party("Indemnitor") agrees to indemnify the other party ("Indemnitee") against liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property relative to the construction, alteration, repair, addition to, subtraction from, improvement to, or maintenance of, any building, road, or other structure, project, development, or improvement attached to real estate, (a) shall not apply to damages caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of the Indemnitee, its agents, contractors or employees, and (b) to the extent caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of (i) Seattle or Seattle's agents, contractors or employees, and (ii) Renton or Renton's agents, contractors or employees, shall apply only to the extent of the Indemnitor's negligence; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, the limitations on indemnity set forth in this Section shall automatically and without further act by either Seattle or Renton be deemed amended so as to remove any of the restrictions contained in this Section no longer required by then applicable law. L. Default In the event that either party fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the other party shall provide written notice of nonperformance and shall specify a time reasonable under the circumstances for a cure of the nonperformance. In the event that the nonperforming party does not perform its obligations within the specified time, such party shall be in default; provided, that if the default cannot reasonably be cured within the stated time period, said party shall not be in default if it commences the cure within the specified time period and thereafter diligently pursues such cure to completion. Parties shall endeavor to reach an amicable solution prior to pursing alternate legal remedies. Upon default, the non-defaulting party may pursue any remedies at law or in equity that may be permitted from time to time by the laws of the State of Washington. M. Dispute Resolution If a dispute arises between Renton and Seattle regarding this MOA, both Renton and Seattle agree to follow the procedures in this section prior to filing or initiating a lawsuit. The parties shall make their best efforts to resolve disputes as expeditiously as possible through negotiations at the lowest possible decision-making level, and in the event such negotiations are unsuccessful, the matter shall be referred to the Director of SPU and the City's Community Services Administrator or designee. If those officials are 8 ' unable to resolve the dispute within a reasonable period after the matter has been formally referred to them for resolution, the parties will select a mediator and participate in mediation with the agreed upon mediator for a reasonable amount of time and in good faith. N. Applicable Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for King County. O. Notices Any notices or reports required or permitted hereunder shall be effective when hand-delivered during normal business hours or two (2) business days after mailed, postage prepaid, to a party at the addresses set forth below, or to such other address as a party may designate in writing from time to time. If to Seattle: Attn: Cyndy Holtz Major Watersheds Business Area Manager Drinking Water Division, Seattle Public Utilities PO Box 34018 7005 1h Avenue Seattle, WA 98124-4018 If to Renton: City of Renton Community Services Department Attn: Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 P. Entire Agreement This MOA, including all exhibits, are all of the covenants, promises, agreements, and conditions between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No verbal agreements or conversations between any officer, agent, associate, or employee of Seattle and any officer, agency, employee, or associate of Renton shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in this MOA. The parties may amend this MOA by written agreement signed by an authorized representative of both parties. Q. Exhibits 9 The following exhibits are incorporated and made a part of this MOA: Exhibit A Access and Use Area, including legal description of Renton Property and map and delineation of WSDOT property Exhibit B Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Broodstock Collections Operations Safety Plan Exhibit C Cedar River Access Facility Management Plan dated July 30, 2008 Exhibit D Letter dated September 4, 2008 from Bob Everitt, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to Gregg Zimmerman, City of Renton Public Works Department Administrator IN ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this /aj day of 2010, by having their representatives affix their signatures below. CITY OF SEATTLE CITY OF RENTON n By: By: T SignatA Signature PIA, k cC-f r, Print Name Print Name Its: Its: 10 w �o O v Z w U) LLI Q D o iL IL W !` \\� cn N CL O NN\ O Q \\ 1, \ 6 � co \\ \ Ca \ f N EXHIBIT B Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Broodstock Collection Operations Safety Plan Seattle Public Utilities will take the following measures to protect public and worker safety in operating its Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility at the Renton Community Center. Trail Users The recreational trail located on the south side of the access facilities will be impacted by broodstock collection facility operations, both during annual weir installation and removal activities, and during fish removal activities during annual fall operations. To minimize the impact of these operations on trail users, SPU will: 1. Minimize the amount of time the trail is blocked with vehicles and equipment 2. Place traffic barriers, traffic cones, and sandwich-board type signs at either end of the access driveway, to warn trail users of operational activities 3. Provide an operations staff person at the intersection of the trail and access driveway whenever an SPU or WDFW vehicle is entering or exiting the driveway onto Narco Road. 4. During the installation and removal of the staff trailer, place warning tape around trailer site. Park Area Users The Access Area will be located on the south bank of the Cedar River, across from Cedar River Park, which is accessible to the public and park employees. To minimize the impact of its operations and the presence of its facilities within the Cedar River and adjacent areas SPU will: 1. Provide resident staff on site 24 hours per day during sockeye broodstock collection operations 2. Train operations staff and make them available to monitor park user activities in the vicinity of SPU's facilities and interact with park users as appropriate to caution users of risks and answer questions. " 3. Maintain the access driveway in a condition free of potholes and other hazards to pedestrians; repair erosion and undercutting of driveway as needed 4. Post"no access" signs on weir and shoreline to discourage park users from walking onto weir 5. Provide overhead lighting to illuminate area of weir and access road 1 6. Provide security light in access area per construction documents 7. Respond to vandalism and maintenance needs as reported by SPU and City of Renton staff 8. Shut off and secure water and electrical utilities at the end of each broodstock collection season 9. Adhere to Five-Year Landscape Monitoring Plan,.which is part of the Permit 10. Maintain interpretive kiosk on site per the Easement Agreement 11. Provide informational brochures to public at kiosk and upon request by the public and City of Renton employees Recreation River Users (Boaters, Tubers) The broodstock collection weir will span the width of the Cedar River during operations. SPU will take the following measures to minimize the risk of its weir operations.on recreation river users such as boaters and tubers. 1. Provide resident staff on site 24 hours per day during broodstock collection operations 2. Train operations staff and make them available to monitor park user activities in the vicinity of SPU's facilities and interact with park users as appropriate to caution users of risks and answer questions; and to direct river users to the safest locations for exiting and re-entering the river, and to assist river users to and from shore 3. Cover the substrate rail during low-flow periods that correspond with increased river recreation 4. The SPU boat used to support operations will be secured on site during operational times that it will be needed; the boat will be located off-site when not needed 5. Locate warning signs upriver in highly visible locations to warn river users of weir location downstream; sign location to be agreed upon with City of Renton i ' 2 Rah BTApF Off, O � 4 r VN c= u Y 91 1ppP T�� STATE OF WASHINGTON i DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE '. 16018 Mill Creek Boulevard•Mill Creek, Washington 98012•(425)775-1311 FAX(425).338-1066 September 4,2008 Gregg Zimmerman,Public Works Administrator Public Works Department 1055 Grady Way South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: This letter is a follow-up to our telephone conversation on August 22,2008. During that call we discussed the draft letter you sent me via e-mail regarding ways to deal with the proposed broodstock collection facility's impact on the City of Renton's(City)Hydraulic Project Approval(HPA). Thank you for the time you spent talking with me. I was pleased that we reached agreement on an approach to deal with some longstanding issues. I promised to provide this letter,which captures our agreement and will be used by the City to satisfy its remaining permit requirements related to the construction and operation of the Seattle Public Utilities' Cedar River broodstock collection facility. I appreciate the City's flexibility in exploring options for resolving this matter. Ultimately, you and I agreed that the various proposals for accounting for fish,including fish numbers, broodstock credits,etc. was getting overly complicated and may not result in providing the certainty we were both seeking. We agreed that language in the HPA would be modified to require that the mitigation channel be maintained to perform at design specifications as described in the approved plans,"Cedar River Mitigation,"dated March 3,2000. Our specific agreement includes the following: o The City's spawning channel will be maintained to meet the design and performance standards originally established for its construction. City and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)staff will develop language that captures this intent and that new language will be used in subsequent HPAs for maintenance dredging. e The City and WDFW agree to develop an annual monitoring program intended to determine if the spawning channel is performing as designed. This monitoring could include presence of fish,flow,or other parameters that are mutually agreed to,but the emphasis will be on developing a program that can be easily accomplished with minimal cost. Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Public Works Department September 4,2008 Page 2. • The City and WDFW agree to meet annually to cooperatively perform the monitoring and the City agrees to implement the recommendations for maintenance of the spawning channel(if any)that result from that effort. ® The City and WDFW agree to develop the details for the items listed above by January 31,2009,the results of which will be memorialized in an MOU or other mutually agreed to instrument. ® The language developed and included in the MOU(or like instrument)will be used by WDFW for future maintenance dredging HPAs issued to the City. ® The City agrees to accept this letter as a commitment by WDFW and that it satisfies the City's permit conditions related to this matter. Thank you for your willingness to work through these issues with us. I am confident that we have a good,workable agreement that will help ensure that a strong,viable fish population continues to exist in the Cedar River. We look forward to working with the City to finalize the details of this agreement. I look forward to discussing this further and can be reached at 425- 775-1311,ext.118. i P erely, v ritt Regional Director Enclosure cc: Ron Straka,City of Renton(via e-mail) Bruce Bachen, City of Seattle(via e-mail) Isabel Tinoco, Muckleshoot Tribe(via e-mail) David Brock,WDFW(via e-mail)