HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 6/8/2015 AGENDA ' RENTON GTY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2015 Monday, 7 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Community Services Department Awards 4. APPEAL a. Planning and Development Committee Report re: Reserve at Tiffany Park INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING COUNCIL MEETINGS State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council, feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi- judicial body and must obey the rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code, and by State law, the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties PI nnin & D velo ment Committee have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the a g e p , the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The first comment period is limited to one-half hour. The second comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. I _ 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 6/1/2015. Council concur. b. City Clerk reports bid opening on 5/27/2015 for CAG-15-081 — 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps project; and submits staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC. in the amount of$870,561.31. Council concur. c. Court case filed by Stephanie Marinoff, CRT-15-004, represented by Froehling Law Office, vs. the City of Renton, et al. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. 9. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 12. ADIOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS June 8, 2015 Monday, 6:00 p.m. Metro Transit Long Range Plan Committee to End Homelessness Briefing Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings , • � J � : CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Meeting: Contract Award for Bid Opening on 5/27/2015; REGULAR COUNCIL-081un 2015 CAG-15-O81; 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps Project Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: � A. Staff Recommendation City Clerk B. Bid Tab Staff Contact: Jason Seth, City Clerk, ext. 6502 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Ex enditure Re uired: 870 561.31 Transfer Amendment: N � $ . $ N/� Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ 1,003,008.68 City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: En ineers Estimate: 952 659.54 g $ , In accordance with Council procedure, bids submitted at the subject bid opening met the following three criteria: . There was more than one bid. . The low bid was within the project budget. . There were no irregularities with the lowest responsive bid. Staff recommends acceptance of the lowest responsive bid by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC., in the amount of$870,561.31 for the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC., in the amount of $870,561.31 for the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps project. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT p ����0� � M E M O R A N D U M � DATE: May 28, 2015 T0: lason Seth, City Clerk FROM: �d-- Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician, ext. 7400 SUBJECT: Bid Opening for 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps, CAG-15-081 The bid opening was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, and there were four bids received. lakeridge Paving, Company LLC. had the apparent low bid in the amount of $870,561.31 broke down among three (3)schedules as follows: Schedule A( City of Renton Overlay funding) $736,352.63 Schedule B (City of Renton Sewer Engineering) $102,430.68 Schedule C (City of Renton Transportation Engineering) $31.778.00 $870,561.31 The Engineers Estimate for this contract was as follows: Schedule A $715,230.23 Schedule B $144,889.31 Schedule C $92.540.00 $952,659.54 The Transportation Division recommends that the bid from Lakeridge Paving Company LLC. be accepted and the contract for the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps be awarded in the amount of$870,561.31. The total budget for this project is , $1,003,008.68, and it is funded by the Street Overlay Program,Transportation '� Engineering and Sewer Engineering. The Engineer's estimate for the construction of the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps, under this contract, is $952,659.54. We are requesting that an agenda bill I!, for"Council Concur" be prepared for the June 8, 2015 Council Meeting accordingly. If you have any additional questions or concerns please contact me at ext. 7400. Attachment: Bid Tabulation cc: Bob Hanson,Design Supervisor lames Wilhoit,Civil Engineer J:\STREET�PMS\2015\clerkl doc 2015.doc CT/d ReMon COM/xlw LaY�ridy�P�vbq Camp�ny,LLC Conbaclor� lakulM MAuslrin,Irc. Conlraqor C�nra IM ��rapor; MIM Waouru�,LLC BID�ATE�Miy 2i,2p11 Enp4wwt Eilmab Ilem Desmqon UM E�1 UM Bb UNI Bltl UM &d Unil BIG Uril BIO No QwM�y Pna Amam1 PrCY Mro�ml PrCa AmouM Pnra MnuM prk A�np�pµ ScMdule"A" 001 MaDif=atbn LumOSum 1.00 fI5.00000 SIS,W000 S'.�.�� fW.W0.00 f118.500.00 f1i6.500.00 SB0.000.00 S�.�O.W 5108.000.00 ftUB.000.00 003 Petyec�TampwaryTraN Conlrol LumPSum 100 565,00000 $65.00000 f80.p00.pp fgA.ppppp 5100.000.00 5100.00000 f1Y7.50000 5121.500 S15l.500.00 515�.50000 003 HMACL.12'PG61-22 Ton 1W00 fB800 S16.J6B00 fB500 {I1,8�0.00 fB0.00 511.88000 5�7.50 f11.015 SYYS� f17,20500 For 3'Owrlay OM MMnCL 1R'PG84�22 Tm 73000 fBB.00 SJO.BOO.OU f8500 f29.7W.00 {BOW SYB.OW00 50750 5�4.7P5. f9P50 f92.97500 For3'Oveney 005 HMACL 1/1'VG6427 Tm 7.97200 fBY00 SJ1�.22400 iB300 fJ/805800 SB000 =3U6,56000 584.50 S]D.80l00 {9700 f3]3,781.00 Fa�'Futl Slreal Pak� 008. RemovrpAeplieltConcrelePavemem SpuereYartl 1,00500 fB50 fB,54p50 S8a0 SB,W000 f<.OU f�,OZ(100 f5.70 f5.7YB.50 58.80 fB.61300 BY Cdtl PlsMng 00� RomovrqAsprouCancraecavemax SpuareYaN �6,i9Bo0 S85o StOa.�e35o 5700 f117,5BJ00 56.00 ft00.79�00 S5B0 SB7.�l/P� 58.15 5153.710.85 (By Co10 GI9Nng 1')Fw Full StraBI Palch antl Mn[Pslclrs OOB RoetlwayExravatlonlriclWlrqMaW CubkVarO 8000 f9800 E3,W�00 SSU00 54.00000 t5000 H2OW00 f75.00 SB,OOO.W y95,pp Sg,9pppp OOB On Map tB RamoNnp RaeG Bax B'In B' CuOK YaN BU 00 SIS 00 N,OSO 00 550.00 .H.500 00 f50.00 f�.5C0.00 S40 SJ.812 00 ,f95 00 S1,B50 00 InduUkg Haul 010 OnMapifBRBmowgSUDOnEe5ofl5pds Cu0¢VerE �000 f45W =1,80000 550.00 f4.000.00 55000 52,00000 $85 f3,OW.00 SB500 f3,10000 Up Io Y Deap IndWnp Haul Ot l. On Map pB InuaN 710 0'RUX(�'1u1 RecloYnl Ton 6p.pp up pp f 1,000 00 �0 00 52.000 00 f30 00 51.500 Oa f85 BO f4]q100 {50 Op 52.500 00 cor 5dt Spou Oit OnMappBlnsWlGaolealtlaWownFabk $QuaraYxE 78600 f6pp f1.5B800 S2W SB6500 SI00 SNNi40 57,00 51.862.00 j1.00 528600 Fp Soll Sppb Ot]. CrusnatlSuAacnpTOPCoun� Ton Y00.00 SIB00 55.80000 53000 f6.00000 iRa�O S�.o0000 550.00 510.00000 yppp Sd.ppp.pp �t< MryatAlanumem Eac� 900 5�300 fd,55500 SYB5.00 57.SBSW t3000U 32.70000 f1W.00 f2.Y5000 �15ppp �3.tsppp Cly ol RaMon ConllYclor L�IuHtlp�P�rMp Comp�ny,LLC CoMrYClor LY�sIE�IntlusirNa,Ina CpltrYcbr CanNx Inc ConlrYcbr Mllu p��ourco�,LLC BID DATE Wy 27.P01� Enyrean Eallnule �tan D�ac�pbwi Un� Esl Urpl BM Unl Bd UM Btl Unil &d Un� BW .. �_.. ,. .. Ouanllry Prka MwuM Pnca NMn� Pnca Amwn� Pnce Mwunl Pi1ca Amounl 015. AE�uelManMls Eecli 1]00 f�0000 f5,fi(100 f09500 s8,�3500 {.5pppp Sfi,50000 f45000 j5,B50 S��W f5,Y0000 019 RO�u�IWaNrVeNa9o. Eac� 31.00 S3B5.00 517.2�500 f2B500 fB,B7500 f30000 39,300 f�50.00 {7,750 5750.00 f10.85000 017 a•RyypPaypn¢n(Matker Earn 7<00 f11.00 S�FM00 fz000 S�B000 SM00 S/B0 f1fi00 f3B/ uppp {qgppp Type 1.Ytlbw 01B 4'RelxdPavemenlMarker Eacli 2U0 SJ2W fBC.00 52000 Si0,00 SY000 f�000 31800 57P00 f2D00 j1000 TYU�2a.Velbw 019. �'RelsatlPawmanlMaAer Exl� 1100 52500 5Y7500 SI500 fZ7500 f2500 SP500 516.00 f17600 Typa 4b,Blw u6 00 5215 00 020 T�emro Plaalk 91op Bar(7B'WiOe) Lhear Foot 89.00 512.00 S1.OB8 00 510 00 yBg0.00 E10 OD SB00 S9 00 f801.00 f 10 00 SB90 00 OP1 �'WhNaE0gBalRwUllne(FOG) LheerFool 1,3pppp 520U f2.fi0000 50T7 f1.001.00 Sp77 f1,001 S�� f2,80000 5100 51.3W.00 022 RenoPoTvicateCOomaeOn SqiuraFool 5000 f6500 sJ.25000 =57W f7.B7500 {8000 f3.000.00 Se100 f3,750.00 fBSUo 5J.250.00 EabYq CuE Rampa 023. CurERamp,CemeNConcrele Eac� S00 57.6b000 517.750.00 53,20000 518,00000 f3,250D0 579,25000 53,S7B.70 517A91.50 52.00000 510,00000 StaMYrE Plan F.�0.1&02 Saa Speciel Provwon B-7<< ON Cu0 Ramp,Ceman�Corcrele 6ch 8 00 f3,550 00 f31,950.0U 55.000 00 5�5,000 00 f9,B0U 00 f43,7(10 DO f5,322 90 ft�,908.10 S1,B00 00 531,700.00 SWtlefE PW F-/0 12�U3 SN Spaclel Provhqn B-1�� 025 CurORamO.CemenlCoricrete EaUi P00 57,55000 57.10000 Sa,80000 f9.B00.00 fa,70000 S9,OOU00 f5.iJB.10 510.7�6P0 f3.9W00 57.20000 StaMard Plsn F.4p 1&02 See Spoctal Provlslon B•11 t OI6 Sbwcut Cava�e�'-6' Llnear Foot 68 00 SS 00 5390 W 53 50 5238 00 f 10 00 f8B0 00 EP9 50 52.006 00 f5 W f340 00 027 SewcWA�PM1BII<'-8" LingarFod 8J00 f520 532780 f3.50 fY20.W 570.00 5830,00 $3175 53.�00.73 f5.00 5J15.00 02B RamoveComaleCwOandGURw LrwarFool 6000 50000 f2.{0000 f7�00 SP,01000 f`+�00 S],000.00 51850 fBY000 578000 f1U,B0000 OP9 Ramove Cmaele SWewalk SQuaie VarC 12 5J 570.00 S1.B77 10 f82 00 52.BJ8 BB S50 00 52.tY8.50 S23 50 5989 96 5250 00 510,87Y.50 Qry ot Ranlon Gonvacla' W�Adp�V�vhp Canpury.LLC Conlractor L�IusIG InEualrNs.Inc. Conwclor Gm�a Inc CoMractar MIMa R�wurcn,LLC BID�ATE.May 3l.201< Erpyyers ESIMeIe IWm �aµ�lp�qn UM E�1 UnN BW UNI Bla UnN 8ftl Urvl Bb UM Bitl � �urNYy Prlw Maunl Prin MrouM Gncp /unpyn� Pnco Nnounl Pifc9 AmpWN 070 Ramove Aspllall Squere VafG 7 31 f66 00 5�97 OB 555.00 5<OP OS $50 Op 5785 50 SfiB 10 5500 00 SAO 00 {657.80 031. ComaMCancTr9lflCGUN�nEGu1Wr LIrWrFmt 5700 S3BD0 j3,18600 535.10 f2.00070 SI000 32.28000 51300 52�510U f�0 f2.2B0.00 031 GamarN Con[rere SMewaNc Sqwre YaM 77 BD 355.D0 52.OB9�5 55818 SY.13751 S80 00 SY,I7810 f111 p0 {I.p16 E9 Sfi5 SZ.469 35 033 TapsdTypoF CuEkYerd �97 S]OOOU 51.�8100 5�6U.OU S1.Y�250 515000 574550 5�121 31.00001 S�` f1,79B5p 011 InsWISoO SquamYwd 18/0 j3000 579200 N000 5103800 fW00 f1.J70 S1B.9< f5000P 55000 f1,320 035 InnWBeautyBe�k CudcVarO 205 f70000 %15.DU 535000 551750 f250pp SS1I50 S2<3BO f.X10 f<5000 5822.50 09fi. EmalonarqSaMmeMConlrol LumpSum 10U f5,00000 55,00000 f2.B00.00 §2.800.00 515,00000 5/5,000 f50000 SWO 571.50000 f11,500 077. F an anG Clben UP Lump Sum 1 00 55.000 00 j5.000 00 f2E00.00 (3.80000 52.500 W f2.500 5500.00 f5pp pp sg.ppp pp =g.Opp ToW Schedula"A' 5775,230Z3 5738,352.83 =811,495.l0 =826,281.12 5958,245.60 Schaduk"B' oo�. Mod�auon Lumpsun ioo s2a.000uo szo,0oo.0o s�o.o00m i�o,o000o ss.00Doo ss,0000n i7.00o0o sT,00o00 f7s.000.oa Ets.o00.00 OOI PrqectTBmpwaryTrafFcCdyrpl Lum05un 100 fI5.OW00 5�5.00000 S1B.00000 S1E.00000 SS.Opppp f5.00000 SJ.00000 S].00000 S1B,50000 SiB,500.00 003 MMAC18sa12'PGfi4-23 Ton 11000 SB500 f9.35000 510000 311,00000 SB500 f8,J50.00 517U00 f1/,70000 f9250 E10,17500 Fw 7'OveAiy � D0� MMACIauUY'PGBC-22 Ton 3T800 ,fB700 3Y7.PN.00 yB100 SM.%8.00 fE5 f27.B80.00 SB500 S71.iB000 SB0.00 528.520.00 Fw<'FUN Sbaal PaIU Oo5 Removinp Afpnall CorRrele Pevmiern Sp�re Ysra 150 UO f�0� S1.U50 00 f7�.00 f5,100 Op f100 f1,�50,00 il�00 {7.000 00 =X100 f3.000.00 By Catl Planrq OOfi RamOr�ng RipI�Y11 ConcrYla Piwrneni SpuazB Yery 1.<�O Op SI 00 f10.OB0 00 S9 5� 512.2�0 00 sB 00 571.510.00 f8 00 571.520 00 S12]5 SiE.360.00 ' (By Coltl Plemp 0')For FuM Slreat Pa¢n aM Mlx Patcl�es 007 CnMeGSunc�u�pTopCoumr Ton 90pU f35�0 S7.bW00 f3800 57,88000 S]0�0 f2,00000 f5000 S�,OOOW 52000 E1,60U.00 Crty d Renlon Contracla Labr(dp�P�vbp Company,LLC Conlracln L�MSIM I�oualrNa,Inc. CoMrxtor Gmn Inc ConlreClor MINs Resourttl,LLC BID DATE May 21,Z01� Erqiroen ESOma1a Ibm Oetcnpia� UMl Ecl UMI &E lk�n BW UM BM IIM BM UM BiE No �WMIy Prka Amounl PKe Amaml Phce Amounl VnCo �nqynt Pnca AmouM OOB Atl�ualMaNlda EKh 100 Sd00.Op 51,fi0000 f195.00 fi,BB0.00 150000 54,00000 595000 51.8000� 5�0000 51,800 008 AC�u�IWalxVehre EeG11 J00 f3B500 57,18500 S2BSW f95S00 {J00.00 SBOD00 f25000 175000 f35000 E7.050 010 �'RabodPevementAMrkar Each 1B8.OU S]000 SB.8�0.00 yA]5 5�,78800 H]5 51,38800 f�50 f2,16000 5500 ft!ap Type 1,VNbw 011 1'RabaC Pavemenl Matker Eac� ]2 00 530.00 fB80 00 N 75 S15Y 00 SC 75 f152 00 5�.50 s�ao oa SS 00 f 180 00 Type sa.vaww O14 1'RauatlPavwnan�Merker Eac� 100 f30.00 53000 fYSW 57500 fZ500 52500 f150 5150 f2500 f2500 Type 7.Biue 017 I'W��IaEEBeolRoedvM(FOG) LnearFDal BB0.00 11500 f11/0000 f0.60 SS16.00 {057 SSC7.20 f150 51,�1000 SO.BS 582/.00 Ot4. EroaanaMSadunentConkol LumpSun 100 iB4O00pp IB,OD000 51AW00 f1.10000 f2,00000 f7.000.00 fW000 j50000 51.00000 f1.0000D 015 Fmish rtl Cban Up Lump 5im 1 00 SC.000 00 SI.000 00 E1.�00 00 f 1.�00 00 51.000 00 51.ODO U0 f500 00 5500 00 52.OD0 00 52.000 00 Total Schedule"B" 5132,319.00 f83,5{4.00 f70,192.20 f78,377.50 5104,054.00 C�ry ol Rwtlm CwNnclw. LM�riOy�P�vinp ComqnY.Llt Canlraclw� laYwlM Indwtris�.Inc. Conlractor. CmM�Inc Conlr�cbr Mlln Rnourc�s.LLC &0 DATE.A10y 27,201� Enp�Ken EaW�uM Ilem D�anlplbn Unp Eat lMN BW UNI Bitl 11�Y1 BIE U�YI Bp lJnry gp No. Ouanbly Prlm NnaMM P�ke AmpIM Prca MquV Pllce Mpun1 P11CB Anqyn� SeMdula"C' U01 MoOillzNbn LumOSum 100 570.00O.W SJ0,00000 33.60000 5�80000 55,000.00 35,OW00 52,77500 SP.175.00 57.00000 57,00000 007 Pro�xlTemporWyTnK[COMrd LumO� 1.00 f73.00000 575.00000 SB.20000 iD.2W00 {SW000 55.00000 S],OW00 SJ.OW S].000.00 f3.00000 003 MAUCIna1/2'PGW-22 Ton 5800 f9$pp H,780.00 f9I50 f5,1B000 f17000 f7.280.OD 320000 511.200 f1�5.Op 57,59000 Fw 7 Overtay OOa RemoMnqAp�aMCoKral•Pawm�m Sauarevare 36000 51050 SJ.�B000 57750 fB,]00.00 fypp 57.80000 f2500 SB,000 f250U 59,00000 Cy Cd0 PleNnq 7'Fw Ha115Vee1 005 Remo.aConcreleSdewalk SpuareYaN SOOo 37000 37.SOO.UO f5�00 fZ,85000 55000 f2.50000 SaJ 51,15000 i7]50 f1.87300 ODB GmeMLonnaleSMewalk SawraYaN 5000 f70D0 S3.5W.00 E5818 {7,80900 f8000 57.00000 f711. 55,55000 f100.00 f5,00000 007 a'Rabetl PavBmaM MaAer Ex� 7B.W ft5 00 H20 00 (20.OD 5580.00 S�0 UO S�0 DO 57 50 5110 00 S�q.00 5560,00 TYPa��YNbw ODB 1'RYuaO Pirenwni Whar Each C pp fY0 00 f80 00 SPO 00 SBO 00 32(1 p0 SBO 00 f7 570.00 520 00 SBO 00 Trns m,reaow uoe Eraswn ana seamerW corxro �ump sum �.00 fa.eoo oa a9,soo 00 57oam floo.00 S�,000 0o S1.000 ao Ssao 0o Ssoo.00 it,oao 00 St,aOo 00 O10 FnN aM Cban UO �umP Sum 1 00 S9,ppp pp SB,000 00 5200.00 f700 00 5500 00 5500 00 5500 00 5500 00 52.000 00 f2.000 00 Total ScMdul�"C" 592,510.00 591,77D.00 f26,7Y0.00 t34,313.00 f.18,875.00 Su6totalSchedula"A" 5�15,z1oz9 5776.75267 Se11,�95ao Sexextlf Sosa,zes.eo TotslScMdula�8� 5132,31B00 =83,5��00 S701B2.70 576,377.50 5101,05{00 Total Schadula"C" ses.5�o ou 53�.na.m ua no w 511.375.00 s�e,e�s oa 9.5X Salas Tu on Sch"8"only f12.57U.3t fe,eae.ee fe.eea 2e s�2s5 ee fa,ees.ia Total Schedul�s"A',"8"and"C" 5952,659.54 {l70,581.31 5915,a7S.E6 t941,209.49 51,709,059.73 CITY OF RENTON 1 of 1 BID TABULATION SHEET Project: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps CAG-15-081 Date:OS/27/15 FORMS Bid Total from Bidder Bid Prop. I Bid I Non- I Ack of Rec. Schedule of Prices Form &Sig Bond Collusion of Addenda *Includes Sales Tax CEMEX PO Box 2037 1 Everett x x x x $944,209.49 WA 98213 Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC I PO Box 8500 I 2 Covington x x x x $870,561.31 WA 98042 Lakeside Industries-Kent Division 18808 SE 257th St. 3 Covington x x x x $915,075.86 WA 98042 Miles Resources, LLC 400 Valley Ave. NE 4 Puyallup x x x x $1,109,059.73 WA 98372 Engineer's Estimate $952,659.54 �, � . CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Meeting: COURT CASE: Marinoff vs. City of Renton, et al.; REGULAR COUNCIL-08 Jun 2015 CRT-15-004 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: A. Summons & Complaint City Clerk Staff Contact: Jason Seth, City Clerk, ext. 6502 Recommended Action: Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: 5/29/2015 - Summons filed by Stephanie Marinoff, represented by Froehling Law Office vs. the City of Renton, et al. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A k , « (' C17Y OF RENTON 1 �+�� �, �' MAY � 92015 � 2 R�c�iv�a CITY CLERK`S OFFICE 3 ��,;/t� G't R ��� � � I 4 � ��� I� � 5 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR CQURT 4F THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I � g IN AND FOR THE C4UNTY OF KING I 9 STEPHAIVIE MAR.IN4FF � 1 p Plaintiff, I�1(J. 11 vs. SUM;MONS 12 CITY OF KENT, CITY 4F AUBURN, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, CiTY OF RENTCIN, 13 CITY OF TUKWILA and FQRT t)F SEATTLE, �q Defendants. 15 TU THE DEFENDANTS � 16 A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-enritled court by the Plaintiff. 17 l� Plaintiffs claim is stated in the written complaint, a copy of which is served on you with this 1 q Summons. � 20 In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must respond to the complaint by stating Ij 21 yow defense in writing, and serve a copy upon the person signing this summons within 20 days I I �2 after the service of this swnmons, excluding the day of service, or a default judgment may be � 23 rendered against you without notice. A default judgment is one where Plaintiff is entitled to 24 25 SUMIMONS- 1 Froe6ling l.aw OfRce 122 East Stewari Ava. Rcyallup,Washington 48372 (253)770-0116 SCANNEC r �� � . . 1 what she asks for because you have not responded. If this summons is served outside the State 2 of Washington you have 60 days within which to respond. If you serve a Notice of 3 Appeazance on the undersigned person you aze entitled to notice before a default judgment may 4 be rendered. 5 You may demand that the Plaintiff file this lawsuit with the court. If you do so, the 6 � demand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this summons. Within g 14 days after you serve the demand, the Plaintiff must file this lawsuit with the court, or the 9 service on you of this summons and complaint will be void. 10 If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly 11 so that your written response,if any,may be served on time. 12 This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the 13 14 State of Washington. 15 DATED this 26th day of May, 2015. 16 17 1 g Antoni H. Froehling,WS''BA No. 8271 19 Attorney for Plaintiff 20 21 22 23 24 25 SUMMONS-2 Froehling Law Oflice l22 East Stcwart Ave. Puyallup,Washingtoo 98372 (253)770-0t l6 1 2 3 � 5 � IN THE SUPERIOR CQURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUN'T�OF KING 7 I� STEFHANIE MARIN4FF } NO. � g } Ptaintiff, S vs, ) COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES IQ � CITY OF KENT, CITY OF AUBURN, ) 11 CTTY OF FEDERAL WAY, CITY OF } ' RENTON, CITY OF TUKWILA and Pt3RT � 12 t�F SEATTLE, Defendants, } 13 ' 14�': PARTIES I 15 � 1. Plaintiff Stephanie Marinoff resides in King County, Washington. I 16;� 2. Llefendant City af Kent is a municipal corporation praviding services in part � �'7 �through the Kent Palice Department. f 1 g'� 3. Defendant City of Auburn is a municipal corporation praviding services in part �g�itthrough the Auburn Police Department. �p'` 4. Defendant City of Federal Way is a municigal corporation providing services in � 21 P��ough the F'ederal Way Police Departrnent, 3 22',� 5. Defendant City of Rentan is a municipal corporatian praviding servicese in part �3 �,ithrougti the Renton Poiice Department. i 24 I 6. Defendant Gity of Tukwila is a municipal corparation providing services in part z$',�through the Tukwila Police Department. 26 FROEHI.WG LAW OFF'ICE 122 EAST STEwART AvE CUMPLAiNT-1 �PHOx 253}770-01168372 St'.ARINFfi. � 1 7. Defendant Port of Seattle is a municipal corporation located in the State of 2 �Washin,gton. 3 8. A11 Defendants provide officers for membership on the Valley SWAT team» � JURISDICTION AND VENUE 5 9. The parties reside in King County, Washington. 6 I0. The incident that is the subject of this litigation occurred in King�oanty, � Washingtan. � 11.Jurisdiction and venue aze proper in King County Superior Caurt. 9 FACTS 10 I�• �M�Y 16, 20I 2, Officer D.Yagi of the Kent P�1ice Department received l i infonmation from an anonymous source that a wanted felon,Blake Bellecourt,was staying at ' �2 Plaintiff Marinoi�s home located at 4812 South 288�' Street,Aubum,Washingtan. , 13 I 3. On May 17, 2012, two detectives with the Kent Police Department began to watch 14 ��' Marinoff s home. �5 14. At approximately$:16 p.m.,one of the detectives observed a man matching Mr. ', 1 b Bellecourt's description exit a vehicle and walk towards the north side af Ms. Marinoff's � �7 ame. 1 g 1 S. 4ver the next two hours, the two detectives abserved multiple peopie came and go i g from the residence. 2� 16. During that time,Mr. Bellecourt left the residence, telling the residents inside the � 2� ome that he was gaing far a walk. , 22 17. While Mr. Bellecourt was away from the residence, at appraximately I O p.m., a 23 contingent af mazked palice afficers,K-9 units, and a KCSC?Guazdian 1 helicopter �� swrrounded Ms. Marinoff s home. �� 18. Using a patrol vehicle public address system, an officer with the Kent Police �6 epartment ordered everybady inside the hame ta come out with their hands up. � Fxa�xi.n�c Law O�c� ' !22 Ensr SrEw�T AvE CC?MPLAINT-2 PUYALLUP,WASFIiNGTON 98372 PHONE(2$3)77d-011b � 19.Using a patrol vel�icle public address system,an afficer with the Kent Police 2 Department ordered Mr. Bellecourt ta exit the home. Since Mr. Bellecourt was not in the 3 `home,he did not cornply with the officers' order. q 20. Ms. Marinoff, as well as the rest of the people inside the home,complied with the � o�cers' orders. 6 21. Upan leamizxg khe reason that the o�Ficers were surrounding her residence,Ms. � Marinoff informed the officers that Mr. Betiecourt was na longer in her residence. II g 22.Because the officers did not believe her, Ms. Marinoff invited the ofFicers to search 9 the inside of her horne. �p� 23. The officers refused Ms. Marinoff s invitatian. Instead,the of�icers ordered Ms. 11 `M�noff and the other persons present to ga to a gas statian approximately one block away. �� 24. Ms. Marinaff, as wel2 as the other persons inside the home,camplied. I 13 25.At approximaiely 11:00 g.m., Officer JD Johnson of the Kent Police DegartmertE, 14 authored a search warrant for Ms. Marinoff's home,which was approved by a prasecuting � 15 attorney and sign.ed by a judge. 1{ 26. Once the officers had abtained a search warrant, Ehey deplayed numerous naise 17 �flash distraction devices in both the rear and frant yard to ensure Mr. Bellecourt's attentian. 1 g � 27. Next,the officers deployed a 37 milimeter baton round through a basement window ! 1 g o attract NIr. Bellecaurt's attention and encourage compiiance. �� 28. Since Mr. Betlecaurt was not in the hame,he did nat exit the home. 2� � 29. The officers established a cornmand post in the north parking lot af the LDS church 22 �mmediately to the north of Ms. Marinoi�s home. They cut a padlock on a metal gate ta gain �,3 access to the north lot. 24 30. In the course af cantaining and clearing Ms. Marinoff's yard,the afficers cut down �� �Ms. Marinoff's chain length fence so that tt�ey could access the horne with an armared truck. 26 FROEHLING LAW OFFICE !2Z EAST STEWART AvE Ct?MPLAtNT-3 PUYALLl1P,WASHING7'ON 98372 Pxoxe czss���a-a i a 6 � • . 1 31. The officers shot out a street light in the LDS lot to provide concealment to 2 �nembers of the Valley SWAT team. 32. The officers knocked down the fence ' 3 m fr�nt�f Ms. Mann�ffls h�mc so that thcy 4 could access it with a second armored truck and provide visibility for police units. 5 33. Negotiators continuously tried to hail Mr. Bellecourt using a public address system, 6 ut because he was not in the home, he did not comply with the officers' demands. � 34. The officers used explosive devices to breach the basement door and shot OC and g CS gas into the home in several volleys.These volleys broke most of the windows in Ms. 9 Marinoff s home. 10 35. The officers then deployed robots into the home, which did not locate Mr. � , 11 Bellecourt because Mr. Bellecourt was not in the home. 12 36. Next,police K-9 units entered the home. They breached the ceiling to gain access 13 to the attic of the home. 14� 37. Because Mr. Bellecourt was not in the home, the officers did not arrest him. 15 DEFENDANTS' TRESPASS AND INTENTIONAL TRESPASS 16 38. The Defendants are liable for trespass and intentional trespass in that they 17 comrnitted willful and wanton destruction to Ms. Marinoffls home during the course of 1 g searching it. Ms Marinoff had the right to exclusive possession of her home,the actions of the 19 Defendants were intentional, it was forseeable that by damaging the home, Ms Marinoffs' 20 possessory interest would be disturbed and there was actual and substantial damage. I 21 39. The Defendants are liable for trespass and intentional trespass in that they used an 22 �amount of force wholly unnecessary to accomplish the task at hand. The officers could have 23 'simply accepted Ms. Marinoff's invitation to enter the home through the open door to search 24 �for Mr. Bellecourt. The Defendants' actions were unreasonable and not necessary and were 25 :the sole cause for the damage to Ms. MarinofP s property. In executing the warrant in the ; 26 inanner they did, the Defendants were negligent and caused far more damage than was ; FROEHLING LAW OFFiCE 122 F.�sr SrEw.�tT Ave � COMPLAINT-4 PUYALLUP,WASHINGTON 98372 PHONE(253)770-0116 � ,� . . . � - � necessary ar appropriate under the circumstances. There was no requirement that the 2 warrant be executed in the manner in which it was. Further it was negligent for the � 3 Defendants to rely on the observation af officers to determine that Bellecourt was present q and justify a search warrant, y�t not candact such observatian with sufficient grecaution so 5 as to observe Bellecourt exit the residence in the sarne manner in which he entered it. 6 DAMAGES � 40. As a direct and proximate resuit of the Defendants' intentianal trespass, Ptaintiff g Mazinoff suffered damages in an amaunt to be praven at trial including,but not timited to, 9 roperty damage to Plaintiff Marinof�s home, ernotional distress, and lass of enjoyment of �p life. 11 WHEREFt3RE, Plainriff prays for relief as failows: I 12 1. For judgment to be entered against the Defendanis in an amaunt ta be proven at the t3 ltirne of trial inctuding,but not limited to, an amaunt sufficient ta campensate Plaintiff for 14 damages described herein, 15 2. For costs and disbursements incurred as autharized by statute or court rule, 1� 3. Far reasonable attorney's fees as allowed by law,and l 7 4. For such other and further relief as the caurt deems just and equitable under the 1 g circumstances. I I �g DATED this 2bth day af May,2�15. I i 2a II 21 ANT�NI H. FROE�ILINC,WSBA 8271 I 22 Attomey far Plaintiff 23 24 I I 25 26� ( � I FROEHLiNG LAW UFFiCE i 122 Er,sT S't'EwART AVE PUYALLUP,WASHINGTON 98372 I CoMPLAINT-s peoxE t253)77a-ot i G —.�.� STATE OF WASHINCTON } 1 ss. County of �i e►22 ) 2 �-,-- t���.� �F ✓'�A�'^�=�` , being first duly sworn an oath, depases and 3 says: I iim bne of the plaintiffs in the above matter, that I have read the foregoing document,knaw the cantents t hereo f an d beIieve the same to be true. 4 C="',�� � ` . 5 r 1 6 , G 7 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN ta before me this��day of May, 2p15. I 8 � _�r�-, c�' ' g AR PUB� for the State t�f Washington residing at ' 1 p My Commissian Expires:=~3--!�'--11� ll � 12 13 ' 14 15 � l6 � 17 18 19 20 � 2� 22 23 24 25 26 � FROEHLING LAW QFFICE 122 E�+sr S�wnttr AvE COMPLAINT-� �A�-�-�+WASHINGTON 98372 PxONE(253}974-OI16 . . IN SUPI�RIOR COURT OF STATE OF WAS GTON IN AND FOR Tt� COLJN'i'Y OF I�1G STEPHANIE MARINOFF No 15-2-12702-1 KNT Piaintiff(s), ORDER SEITING CfVIL CASE SCHIDULE vs. ASSIGNID JUDC�E: Darvas, Ar�drea, Dept. 23 CITY OF KENT, CITY OF AUBURN, CITY OF FEDERAL F1LID DATE: 5/26/20I S WAY, CITY OF RENTON, CITY TRIAL DATE: S/23/2016 OF TUKWILA, PORT OF SCOMIS CODE: *ORSCS S EATTLE Respondent(s) A civil case has been filed in the King County Superior Court and will be managed by the Case Schedule on Page 3 as ordered by the Kmg County SuperiorCourt Presiding Judge. � L NOT[C ES NOTICE TO PLAIlVTIFF: The Plaintiff may servea copy ofthis Order Setting Case Schedule (Schedu/t) on the Defendant(s)along with the Summons and Complaint/Petition. Otherwise,the Plaintiff shall serve the Schedt�le on the Defendant(s)within ]0 days after the later of (1) the filing of the Summons and ComplaindPetition or(2) service of the Defendant's first response to the ComplaindPetition,whether that response is a Notice oJAppearance,a response, or a Civil Rule i2 (CR 12) motion. The Scbedule may be served by regular mail, with proof of mailing to be filed promptly in the form required by Civil Rule 5(CR 5). "I understand that I am required to give a copy of these documents to all p�rties in t6is case." � PRINT NAME SIC�V NAME . L N07'ICFS (continuec� NOTICE TO ALL PARTIES: All attomeys and pacties should make themselves familiar with the King County I.ocal Rules (KCLCR] —especially those referred to in this Sckedule. In order to comply with the Schedu[e, it will be necessary for attomeys and part�es to pursue their cases vigorously from the day the case is filed. For example, discovery�st be undertaken promptly in orderto comply with thedeadlines for joining additional parties,clauns, and defenses,fordisclosing possiblewitnesses [See KCLCR 26],and for meeting the discovery cutoffdate[See KCLCR 37(�J. CROSSCLAII�6, COLAV'fFRCLAIIVB AND THIIiD PAR1Y COA�LAINTS: A filing fee of$240 must be paid when any answer that includes additional clairr�s is filed in an eaostmg case KCLCR 4.2(a)(2) A Confim�ation of Joinder,Clai�r�s andDefenses ora Statement ofArbitrability must be filed by the deadl�ne in the schedule. The court will review the confinr�ation of joinder document to detertnine if a hear�ng�s requu�ed if a Show Cause order is issued,all parties cited in the order must appearbefore their Chief Civil )udge PFNDING DUE DATES CANCII�ED BY r�IlVG PAPFRS THAT RFSOLVE THE CASE Whena final decree,judgment,ororder ofdismissal of all parties and clai�r�s is filed with the Superior Court Clerks Office, and a courtesy copy delivered to the assigned judge,all pending due dates in this Schedule are automatically canceled,including the scheduled Trial Date.It is the responsibility ofthe parties to 1) 6te such dispositive documents within 45 days ofthe resolution ofthe case,and 2)stnke any pend�ng motions by notifying the ba�7iff to the assigned judge. Parties may also authonae the Superior Court to strike all pending due dates and the Trial Date by filing a Not�ce oj Settlement pursuant to KCLCR 41, and forwarding a courtesy copy to the assigned judge.If a final decree,�udgment or orderof dismissal of�ll narties and claims, is not filed by 45 days after a NoticeojSettlement,the case may bedism�ssed with notice. It you miss your sc6eduled Trial Date, the Superior Court Clerk �s authorized by KCLCR 41(bx2xA) to present an Or•der of Dismissal,without notice,for failure to appear at the scheduled Trial Date. NOTICFS OF APPFARANCE OR WrI'HDRAWAL AND ADDRESS CHANGFS: .411 pa�7ies to�his actron mi�st keep the court injo��nred oJtheir•addresses. When a Notice of Appearance/Wrthdrawal or Not�ce ofChange of Address is filed with the Superior Court Clerl�s Office, parties must provide the ass�gned�udge with a courtesy copy ARB[TRATION FILWG AND TRIAL DE NOVO POST ARBTI'RATION FFE: A Statement of Arbitrabdity must be filed by the deadlme on the schedule if the case is subject to mandatory arbitration and serv�ce of the original complaint and all answers to claims, counterclaitns and cross-clamis have been filed if mandatory arbitration is required after thedeadline,parttes must obtain an orderfrom theass�gned�udge transferring the case to arbitration. Any party 61ing a Statement must pey a S220 ar6itrallon fee If a paRy seeks a trial de novo when an arbitration award is appealed,a fee of$250 and the request for trial de novo must be filed with the Cterk's Office Cash�ers NOTICE OF NON-COA�LiANCE FF�S: All parties will be assessed a fee authorized by King County Code 4A 630 020 whenever the Supenor Court Clerk must send nottce ofnon-compliance of schedule requirements an /orL,ocal Crvd Rule 41 IGng Connty Local Rales sre svailaHe for viewing at www:kinEcountv.go��/courts/clerk. II. CASE SCIimULE �l � CAS EVENTS � DATE � Case Filed and Schedule Issued. � 5/26/2015 J ILast Day for Filing Statement ofArbitrability without a Showing of Good Cause for tate Filing [See � 11/3/2015 KCLMAR2.1(a) and Notices on page 21. $Z20 Arbitration fee must be paid � � I DFADLINE to fde Confumation ofJoinder if not subjectto Arbitration [See KCLCR 4.2(a) and � I 1/3/2015 Notices on page 2� � � DFADLINE for Hearing Motions to Change Case Assignment Area[KCLCR 82(e)] � 11/17/2015 � DFADLINE for D�sclosure ofPoss�ble Primary Witnesses[SeeKCLCR 26(b)� � 12/21/2015 ( DFADLINE for D�sclosure ofPossible Additional Witnesses�KCLCR 26(b)� � ?JU2016 � DFADLINE for Jury Demand (See KCI,CR 38(bx2)] � 2J16/2016 � DFADLIPIE for Change in Trial Date�See KCI:CR 40(ex2}1 I 2J16/2016 � DFADLINE for Dtscovery Cutoff(See KCKCR 37(�)� � 4/4/2016 � � DFADLINE for Fn�aging in Altemative Dispute Resolution(See KCLCRI6(b)j � 4/25/2016 � � DFADLINE for F�han�e Witness&F�ibit L'uts& Documentary E�d��bits (See KCC.CR 4(j)� � 5/3/20I6 �J � DFADLINE tofile JointConfvmation ofTrial Readiness�See KCLCR Ib(axl)] ' S/3/2016 � DFADLINE for Hearin� Dispositrve Pretnal Motions(See KCLCR 56;CR56� � 5/9/2016 � � Joint Statement of Evidence �See KCL.CR 4(k)� � 5/16/2016 DFADLINE for filing Trial Briefs, Proposed Findmgs of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Jury � 5/]6/2016 Instructions(Do not file proposed Fmdings of Fact and Conclusion of Law with the Clerk) � � Trial Date [See KCLCR 40� � 5/23/2016 The�mdicates a documrnt that must be 61ed wrth the Supmor Court Cler1.s Office by the date shown ID. ORDFR Pursuant to King County Local Rule 4[KCLCR 4J iT IS ORDERED that the parties shall comply with the schedule listed above. Penalties, including but not furuted to sanctions set forth in Local Rule 4(g)and Rule 37 ofthe Superior Court Civil Rules, may be imposed for non-compliance It is FURTHQt ORDFRm that the party filing this action must serve this OrderSe�tingCirilCaseSchedrrleandattachment on all otherparties. ��� DATm: 5/26/2Q 15 PxEsronvc .ru� , .. , N. ORDIIt ON CIVIL PROCEmINGS FOR ASSIC�iMENT TO JUDGE RFAD TI-IIS ORD�R B�ORE CONTACTING YOUR ASSIGNID JUDGE This case is assigned to the Superior Court Judge whose name appears in the caption of this case schedule. The assigned Superior Court Judge will preside over and manage th�s case for all pretrial matters. COMPLIX LII'[GATION: If you ant�cipate an unusually complex or lengthy tria[, please notify the assigned court as soon as possible. APPLICABLE RULES: F�ept as specificatly cradif"ied below all the provisions ofKing County Local Civil Rules 4 through 26 shall apply to the process�ng ofcwd cases before Supenor Court Judges. The local civil rules can be found at htto//�xnvw kinacounri eov courts sunenorcouR c�vil asox CASE SCHmULE AND R�7QUlREMENTS: Deadlu�es are set by the case schedule,issued pursuant to Local Civil Rule 4. THE PARTIFS ARE RFSPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND COIVIPLYING WITH ALL DFADLIlVES Il1IPOSID BY Ti� COURT'S LOCAL CIVIL RUI.FS. A. Jant ConGrmation regarding Trisl Readiness Reporh No later than twenty one(21) days before the trial date,parties shall complete and file (with a copy to the assigned judge)a joint confu7nation report setting forih whether a jury demand has been filed, the e�ected duratron of the tnal whether a settlement conference has been held,and speciat problems and needs(e.g. interpreters,equipment etc) The form is available at http 1/tir�uw.kin�countv eov courts supenorcourt as�x. If parties wish to requesta CR 16 conference,they must contact the assigned court. Plaintiffs petrtioner's counsel is respons ible for contact�ng the other parties regarding said report. B.Settlement/Medation/ADR a. Forty frve (45) days before the trial date,counsel for plaintiff/petrtioner shall submit a written settlement demand. Ten(]0) days afterreceiving plaintiff's/petitioner's wntten demand,counselfor defendant respondentshall respond(with a counter offer, if appropriate). b.Twenty eight(28) days before the trial date,a Settlement/Mediation/ADR conference shall have been he1d. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH TI-QS SETTL,EIVIENT CONFERENCE REQUIREMENT MAY RFSULT IN SANC?IONS. C.Trial: Trial is scheduled for 9:00 a.m on the date on the case schedule or as soon thereafter as convened by the couR. The Friday before trial, the parties should access the King County Superior Court website htto!/w�ti�v kv�ecountv eov/courtsls uoenorcourt as�x to confirm tnal judge assignment. Information can also be obtained by calling (206) 2Q5-5984. MOTIONS PROCIDURES A. Noting of Motions DisposiNve Motions: All sumnrary judgment or other dispositive motions will be heard with oral argument before the assigned judge. The moving party must arrange with the hearing judge a dateand time for thehearing,consistentwith the court rules. L.ocal Civil Rule 7 and Local Civil Rule 56 govem procedures for summary judgment or other motions that dispose ofthe case in whole or in part. The local civil rules can be found at htto �v�vwkinscountv �ov/courtslsuoenorcourt c�vrl asnx Non-aspositive Motions: These motions,which include discovery motions,will be ruled on by theassigned�udge without oral argurrent,unless otherwise ordered. All such motions must be noted for a date by which the nil�ng is requested;this date must I�lcewise conform to the applicable notice requirements. Rather than noting a t�me ofday the Note for Motion should state"Wichout Oral Argument." Local Civil Rule 7 govems these motions,which u�clude discovery motions. The local civil rules can be found at httD/',��itir lunFcauntv aov/couris/sunenarcourt'crvil asnx � ' � L Motions in Family Law Cases not inwlving chilc�en: D�scovery motions to compel, motions in lim�ne motions relating to trial dates and motions to vacate judgments/dismissals shall be brought before the assigned judge All other m�tions should be noted and heard on the Family Iaw Motions calendar. Local Civil Rule 7 and King County Fatruly Law Local Rules govem these procedures. The bcal rules can be found at http. �v�i,�-kmecountv aovicourts/suvenorcourt crv�l asox. Emergency MoHons: Under the court's local civil rules,emergency motions will be allowed only upon entry of an Order Shortening Time However, emergency discovery disputes may be addressed by telephone call and w�thout written motion, if the�udge approves. B. Originai Documenh/Working Copies/ �ling of Documents: All original docum�nts m�est be filed with t6e Clerk's Ot�ce. Please see information on the Clerk's Office websRe at k�necountv.eov/courts clerk regarding the new requirement outlined 'm LC�t 30 that attorneys must e-file documents in King County Superior Court The e�eptions to the e-filing requirement are also available on theClerk's Office website The working copies of all documents u�support or opposition must be marked on the upper nght comer of the first page with the date of consideration or hearing and the name of the assigned judge. The assigned judge s workuig copies must be delivered to his/her courtroom or the)udges'mailroom Working copies ofmotions to be heard on the Family Law Motions Calendar should be filed with the Family [aw Mot�ons Coordinator. On lune 1,2009 you wdl be able to submit working copies through the Clerk's office E-Filing applicahon at ww�v kin�countv eov/courts/clerk Service of docnments: �filed documents may be electronicalty served on parties who opt in to E-Serv�ce vv�thin the E� Filing application The fikr must still serve any others who are entrtled to service but who have not opted m E-Service generates a record of service document that can be e-filed. Please see information on the Clerk's office webs de at ku�scountti�.eov/courts clerk reguding�Service. Original Proposed Order: Each ofthe parties must include an onginal proposed order granting requested rel�ef anth the working copy matenals submitted on any motion. Do not file the original ofthe Qroposed orderwith the Clerk of the Court. Should any party desire a copy ofthe orderas signed and filed by the judge,a pre-addressed,stamped envelope shall accompany the proposed order. Presentation of Orders: All orders,agreed or otherwise,must be presented to the assigned judge If that�udge �s absent,contact the ass�gned couR for further instructions. If another judge enters an order on the case,counsel is respons�ble for prov�d�ng the assigned judge with a copy. Proposed orders finalizing settlement and/or cGsmissal by agreement of all parties shall be preseated to the acsigned judge or in the � Parte Depertmen� Formal proof tn Family I�w cases must be scheduled before the assigned judge by contacting the ba�7i� or fom�al proof may be entered in the Fx Parte Department. If final order and/or formal proof are entered ip the E�c Parte Department, counsel is responside for provi 'og the assigned judge with a copy. C. Form ' Memoranda/bnefs for matters heard by the assigned judgemay not e�eed twenty four(24) pages fordispositive motions and twelve(12) pages for non-dispositive motions,unless the assigned judge permits over-length memoranda briefs �n advance of 61ing. Over-length memoranda/bnefs and motions supported by such memoranda/briefr may be stricken. IT IS SO ORDERED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDER MAY RESULT IN DISMISSAL OR OTHER SANCTIONS. PLAINTIFF/PEITITONER SHALL FORWARD A COPY OF TIYIS ORDER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE TO ANY PARTY WHO HAS NOT RECEIVED THIS ORDER ��"'� PRESIDIlVG JUDGE Agenda Item No.: � RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: �/o /�� PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit ! � 1 5 Name: Name: / Address: Address: / City: Zip Code: City: Zi Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: / 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address: / City: Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: E il: Topic: �� / Topic: 3 �7 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: I�I 4 8 ' Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: / Zip Code: City: Zip Code: ✓ Email: �� Email: Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET - CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: , Address: Address: / City: Zip Code: City: Zip C e: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: / 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Addres City: Zip Code: Cit . Zip Code: Email: / mail: Topic: � / Topic: \ 11 �'� 15 Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: Zip Code: / City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: / Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: / Address: City: / Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: / Email: Topic: Topic: �� EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT __—_ � �' °f�O� � M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 8, 2015 TO: Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council FROM: Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report In addition to our day-to-day activities, the following are some items worthy of note for this week: • The Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives will be conducting a demonstration of illegal explosive devices typically found and used during the Fourth of July holiday on Friday, June 12th, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Renton Fire Training Center, Station #14, 1900 Lind Avenue SW. Businesses and residents located within a quarter mile of the training center should anticipate several instances of a loud report, possible ground vibration, and small amount of smoke during the demonstration. Safety precautions are being taken to ensure operations pose no threat to businesses, residents or property. This demonstration for the media is conducted each year prior to the Fourth of July when the use of illegal fireworks and explosive devices increase during this time period. Providing the media examples of the destructiveness caused by these devices hopefully will prevent an actua) emergency that involves an injury. To report concerns related to firing noise, call the Renton Fire Marshal's Office at 425-430- 7000 or the State Fire Marshal's Office at 360-596-3913. • Street maintenance projects will be at the following locations: ✓ Tuesday,lune 9; approximately 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: The eastbound inside main traffic lane and westbound left-turn lane of NE 4th Street at Duvall Avenue NE will be closed to repair a broken conduit. Questions may be directed to Eric Cutshall at 425- 430-7423 or 425-766-7347. ✓ Tuesday,June 9 through Friday,June 12; approximately 9 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.: Weather permitting, lane closures will take place along Benson Road between the I-405 overpass to the north and SR 515 to the south so that crews can complete a paving project. Questions may be directed to Patrick Zellner at (425) 430-7400 or (425) 766-6181. Administrative Report Page 2 June 8, 2015 ✓ June 22 through June 26; approximately 7 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.: Maintenance crews will conduct preventative cleaning of the "Lake" sewer line. Residents along the shoreline of lake Washington between the south end of the lake up to the 4000 block of lake Washington Blvd. will receive door hangers the week of June 8 alerting them of this preventative maintenance measure. Questions may be directed to Lead Maintenance Services Worker Rocky Sittner at (425) 766-6184. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL June 8, 2015 Datv � Reserve at Tiffany Park Preliminary Plat (LUA-13-001572) Appeal (April 6, 2015) � The Planning and Development Committee, after reading the submissions and hearing oral arguments, finds there was no substantial error in fact or law and recommends that the full council affirm the decision of the Hearing Examiner. � �— f�andy Corm�al�Chair n, � Ar�err�lo Pavone, Vice Chair ��XiGGt Q.. Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Larry Warren STAFF RECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 6/8/2015 MOTIONS REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION: None. Other Requests: None. MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCIL COMMITTEE: None. *The consent agenda items were adopted as presented. � 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 8, 2015 Council Chambers Monday, 7:00 p.m. M I N U T E 5 Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF ED PRINCE,Council President; DON PERSSON; MARCIE PALMER; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN; GREG TAYLOR;ARMONDO PAVONE; RUTH PEREZ. CITY STAFF IN A7TENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; JASON SETH, City Clerk;TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Community Services Administrator; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator; CHIP VINCENT,Community and Economic Development Administrator; LESLIE BETLACH, Parks Planning& Natural Resources Director; KELLY BEYMER, Parks&Golf Course Director;lENNIFER HENNING, Planning Director; COMMANDER DAVE LEIBMAN, Police Department. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Community Services Department Administrator Terry Higashiyama announced Community Services Awards that the following awards were recently received within the Community Services Department: • Debbie Little, Professional of the Year, Washington State Association of Senior Centers; • �onnie Rerecich, Distinguished Service Award, Washington Recreation and Parks Association; • May Creek Trail was recognized by the Washington Recreation and Parks Association (WRPA)for Trail and Outdoor Access; and • Meadow Crest Playground was recognized by WRPA for Cultural Competency-Inclusive Play Ms. Higashiyama also shared information regarding several grants received in support of the Renton Farmers Market,the Summer Lunch Program, and the Life Jacket Loaner Program.She also noted that King County Councilmember, Dave Upthegrove,was instrumental in securing a surplus van from King County that will be used to support Renton's senior,teen, and special recreation � programs for a number of years. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Corman presented a report Plannin�& Development regarding the Reserve at Tiffany Park Preliminary Plat(LUA-13-001572).The Committee Committee, after reading the submissions and hearing oral arguments,finds CED: Reserve at Tiffany Park there was no substantial error in fact or law and recommends that the full Council affirm the decision of the Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were: � The Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Bureau of Alcoho�, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives will be conducting . � June 8, 2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 93 demonstrations of illegal explosive devices typically found and used during the Fourth of July holiday on Friday,June 12, between 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the Renton Fire Training Center, Station#14, 1900 Lind Ave. SW. Businesses and residents located within a quarter mile of the training center should anticipate several instances of a loud report, possible ground vibration and small amounts of smoke during the demonstration. Safety precautions are being taken to ensure operations pose no threat to businesses, residents or property. This demonstration for the media is conducted each year prior to Fourth of July, when the use of illegal fireworks and explosive devices increase during this time period. Providing the media examples of the destructiveness caused by these devices will hopefully prevent an actual emergency that involves an injury. To report concerns related to firing noise, call the Renton Fire Marshal's Office at 425-430-7000 or the State Fire Marshal's Office at 360-596-3913. � Street Maintenance crews will be performing work at various locations: June 9;approximately 8:30 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.:The eastbound inside main traffic lane and westbound left-turn lane of NE 4th St. at Duvall Ave. NE will be closed to repair a broken conduit. June 9 through June 12;approximately 9 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.:Weather permitting, lane closures will take place along Benson Road between the I-405 overpass to the north and SR 515 to the south so that crews can complete a paving project. June 22 through June 26;approximately 7 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.: Maintenance crews will conduct preventative cleaning of the "Lake" sewer line. Residents along the shoreline of Lake Washington between the south end of the lake up to the 4000 block of Lake Washington Blvd. will receive door hangars the week of lune 8 alerting them to this preventative maintenance measure. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 6/1/2015. Council concur. 6/1/2015 CAG: 15-081, 2015 Street City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/27/2015 for CAG-15-081—2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps project; and submitted staff Ramps project recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC in the amount of$870,561.31. Council concur. CRT: 15-004; Marinoff vs. City Court case filed by Stephanie Marinoff, represented by Froehling Law Office,vs. of Renton, et al. the City of Renton, et al. Refer to Citv Attornev and Insurance Services. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. • + lune 8, 2015 Renton Citv Council Minutes Pa�e 94 , NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADIOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:18 p.m. t- Jas A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk lason A. Seth, Recorder June 8, 2015 r, � Denis Law Cltv Of Mayor D J Ut`tY O� � � i � � '��'NT�� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC June 9, 2015 Michael Tollkuehn Miles Resources, LLC 400 Valley Ave. NE j Puyallup, WA 98372 ' RE: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps; CAG-15-081 To Whom It May Concern: At its regular meeting on June 8, 2015 the Renton City Council accepted the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC for the above-referenced project in the amount of $870,561.31. If you would like your bid bond document returned, please email your request to mgregor@rentonwa.gov: Thank you for your interest and your bid. Sincerel , Megan Gregor Deputy City Clerk cc: Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov Denis Law Clty Of ti�Y o ti Mayor � � p A .S> � * � + �Q�'N��� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC June 9, 2015 Craig Nickel Lakeside Industries- Kent Division 18808 SE 257th St. Covington, WA 98042 RE: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps; CAG-15-081 To Whom It May Concern: At its regular meeting on June 8, 2015 the Renton City Council accepted the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC for the above-referenced project in the amount of $870,561.31. If you would like your bid bond document returned, please email your request to mgregor@rentonwa.gov. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Sin�,erely, Megan Gregor Deputy City Clerk cc: Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057•(425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov � � Denis Law Clty Of ,� o Mayor � 1 Y � (�a `A � ����� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC June 9, 2015 John Ross CEMEX PO Box 2037 Everett, WA 98213 RE: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps; CAG-15-081 To Whom It May Concern: At its regular meeting on June 8, 2015 the Renton City Council accepted the lowest responsive bid submitted by Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC for the above-referenced project in the amount of $870,561.31. If you would like your bid bond document returned, please email your request to mgregor@rentonwa.gov. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Sincerely, Megan Gregor Deputy City Clerk cc: Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician 1 o55 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov Denis Law Clty Of �Y U Mayor D 1 `r � v e .t> � 4 � + "��'N'rO� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC June 9, 2015 John Grisham Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC PO Box 8500 - Covington, WA 98042 RE: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay wi b Ra ps; CAG-15-081 To Whom it May Concern: At its regular meeting of June 8, 014 th enton City Council accepted your bid for the above- referenced project in the amoun of$8 61.31. Please contact Jayson Grant, Pavem nt Management Technician at 425-430-2238, for submission of required documents to mplete the contract. These may include proof of City and State business licenses, performa e bond, and insurance certificates. Sincerely egan Gregor Deputy City Clerk cc: Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov �; � Denis Law Clty Of �Y I Mayor D ti O � p 2> • � ♦ � ` ��'N��� City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC June 9, 2015 John Grisham Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC PO Box 8500 Covington, WA 98042 RE: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps; CAG-15-081 To Whom it May Concern: At its regular meeting of June 8, 2015 the Renton City Council accepted your bid for the above- referenced ro'ect in the amount of 870 561.31. P 1 $ , Please contact Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician at 425-430-2238, for submission of required documents to complete the contract. These may include proof of City and State business licenses, performance bond, and insurance certificates. Sincer ly, Megan Gregor Deputy City Clerk cc: Jayson Grant,Pavement Management Technician 1055 South Grady Way •Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov